U fasha khovhe ho vha hu si zwithu zwe Petro a vha a tshi sokou ḓitakadza ngazwo, o vha a tshi ḓitshidza ngazwo. To Peter, fishing was more than a mere hobby - it was his livelihood. The fishing course was not Peter's mere amount of fun, nor did he earn a living. Arali muthu a nambatela pfunzo dza mazwifhi dzi ngaho ya Vhuraruthihi, na ya uri muthu u na muya u sa fi, tshiṱhavhelo tshi rengululaho tshi nga si mu vhuyedze. If a person clings to false doctrines, such as the Trinity and the immortality of the soul, he cannot benefit from the ransom. If a person adheres to false teachings, such as the Trinity, that a person has an immortal soul, the ransom sacrifice cannot benefit him. Naa ni a ḓivha uri Yehova o khetha nnyi uri a vhe muselwa wa tshifhingani tshi ḓaho wa Murwa wawe? Do you know whom Jehovah has chosen to be the future bride for his Son? Do you know whom Jehovah has chosen as a future bride for his Son? (Vhalani Ekisodo 14: 1 - 4.) (Read Exodus 14: 1 - 4.) (Read Exodus 14: 1 - 4.) Ndi zwa ndeme u guda Maṅwalo nga u fhisea, u vha hone miṱanganoni tshifhinga tshoṱhe na u ita mushumo wa u huwelela nga ha Muvhuso nga u fhisea. Diligent study of the Scriptures, regular attendance at meetings for worship, and zealous activity in the Kingdom - preaching work were essential. It is vital that we diligently study the Scriptures, attend meetings regularly, and zealously carry out the Kingdom - preaching work. Ndi ngani ndugiselelo ya tshirengululi i vhuṱanzi vhuhulwane ha uri Yehova u a ri funa? Why is the provision of the ransom the greatest evidence of Jehovah's love for us? Why is the provision of the ransom a powerful proof of Jehovah's love for us? Ro vha ri kha miṅwaha yashu vhu - 50 nga tshenetsho tshifhinga, nahone nga murahu ha u shuma tshifhinga tshi ṱoḓaho u vha hafu ya miṅwaha ya vhutshilo hashu na vhahashu vha ngei Denmark, zwo vha zwi sa leluwi uri ri vhuyelele kha ḽa United States. We were then in our late 50 ' s, and after having served nearly half of our lives with our dear brothers and sisters in Denmark, it was not easy for us to return to the United States. We were in our 50 ' s at that time, and after serving for nearly half a half years in our lives with our brothers in Denmark, it was not easy for us to return to the United States. • Ndi ngani vhathu vha re shangoni ṋamusi vho sinyuwa nga u rali? • Why are people in the world today so angry? • Why are people in the world today so angry? Tsha u thoma, u thetshelesa hawe zwo vha zwi tshi ḓo ita uri a sendela tsini ha Mudzimu a tshilaho; tsha vhuvhili, zwo vha zwi tshi ḓo mu thusa uri a sa kavhiwe nga maṅwe malwadze. - Levitiko 5: 2; 11: 24. First, his obedience would draw him closer to the living God; second, it would help him to avoid diseases. - Leviticus 5: 2; 11: 24. First, his obedience would draw him closer to the living God; second, it would help him not to be affected by certain diseases. - Leviticus 5: 2; 11: 24. Khavho u fhisa zwioro zwo vha zwi tshipiḓa tsha vhurabeli havho. To them, the burning of incense was very much a part of their worship. To them, the burning of incense was part of their worship. Hezwi zwi ṱoḓa uri ni " bvule muthu mulala na maitele awe, nahone ni ambare muswa, o itwaho muswa uri a vhe na ṱhalukanyo, hu vhe u tevhedza tshifanyiso tsha o mu sikaho. ' - Vha - Kolosa 3: 9, 10. This requires that you "strip off the old personality with its practices, and clothe [yourself] with the new personality, which through accurate knowledge is being made new according to the image of the One who created it. " - Colossians 3: 9, 10. This requires that you "put away the old personality and his practices, and put on the new personality which is created according to the image of the One who created it. " - Colossians 3: 9, 10. Ngauri Yonathani o vha a tshi fulufhedzea kha Yehova nahone a tshi ḓiṱukufhadza, fhedzi Abinere o vha a sa iti nga u ralo. Because Jonathan was loyal to Jehovah and was humble but Abner was not. Because Jonathan was loyal to Jehovah and was humble, but Abner did not. Zwenezwi zwi nga kha ḓi vha zwo kula Davida nungo ngauri ho ngo kona u khunyeledza lutamo lwawe, fhedzi o tikedza wonoyo mushumo nga vhuḓalo. While David may have been disappointed that he could not fulfill his heart's desire, he fully supported the project. This must have weakened David because he could not accomplish his desire, but he fully supported the work. Vha ḓivhetshela tshifhinga tsha u ya u amba na vhathu zwidimelani, vhuimabisi, mimakete, dziphakani na fhethu ha vhomuthumunzhi. They set aside time to approach people at train and bus stations, in marketplaces and parks, and in other public areas. They set aside time to converse with people at trains, in the market, in public areas, and in public places. Naa onoyo a si muhulwane kha Yesu? Would that One not be greater than Jesus? Is that not greater than Jesus? Sa tsumbo, lingedzani u humbula nga ha luvhondo lu re na tshifanyiso tshavhuḓi tsho itwaho nga zwitombo zwinzhi. To illustrate, think of an exquisite wall mosaic that is made up of a thousand closely set small pebbles. For example, try to imagine a wall consisting of a beautiful image made up of many collections. A nga kona u vhona zwi re mbiluni dza vhathu nahone u a ḓivha hune a fanela u sumbedza hone vhuthu. He can read people's hearts, and he knows when compassion is not warranted. He can read hearts and know where to show kindness. Arali ro tholiwa nga mutendi nga riṋe, nṱhani ha u mu shumela nga madebe, ri fanela u mu shumela nga u ḓiimisela u fhirisa nḓila ye ra vha ri tshi nga shumela ngayo muthu ane a si vhe mutendi. If we are employed by a fellow believer, rather than take advantage of him in any way, we should serve him even more readily than we would someone outside the congregation. If we are employed by a fellow believer, instead of serving him whole - souled, we need to serve him more closely than we could serve a non - believer. (b) Thero i tevhelaho i ḓo ṱolisisa mini? (b) What will be considered in the next article? (b) What will the next article consider? Zwiṅwe hafhu, ni nga shumisa bugwana "See the Good Land " * u itela u vha gudisa nga ha mashango a Bivhilini na u vha sumbedza fhethu ho bulwaho kha ndimana dza muvhalo wa Bivhili wa vhege iṅwe na iṅwe. In addition, you can use the brochure "See the Good Land " * to teach Bible geography and to clarify what you are covering in your weekly Bible reading. Also, you can use the brochure "See the Good Land " to teach them about Bible lands and show them the place mentioned in the weekly Bible reading. Fhedzi arali mulwadze a tshi humbula uri philisi dzine a khou dzi nwa dzi ḓo mu lwadza, na vhulwadze hawe vhu a ṋaṋa. Patients ' health deteriorated simply because they were told that a drug would have negative effects. But if the patient thinks that the teachers he is drinking will beat him up, his illness will get worse. Zwe vha zwi ita zwo vha zwi tshi sumbedza lufuno. This was the loving thing to do. What they did was an expression of love. Naho zwo ralo, Sathane ho ngo laṱela thaula. However, Satan did not give up. Satan, however, did not give up. O ri: "Naho e ufhio ane a vhuya a ṱala mufumakadzi wawe nga zwiṅwe - vho hu si vhuṱonḓolo, nahone a vhinga muṅwe u ita vhuṱonḓolo. " - Mateo 19: 6, 9. Russia's District Conventions, 3 / 1 He said: "Whoever divorces his wife, not fornication, and marries another commits adultery. " - Matthew 19: 6, 9. U ya nga Ekisodo 31: 13, Sabatha ya vhege iṅwe na iṅwe yo vha i ya u humbudza Vhaisiraele uri vho vha vhe vhathu vhakhethwa. He plainly said: "Whoever divorces his wife, except on the grounds of sexual immorality, and marries another commits adultery. " - Matthew 19: 6, 9. According to Exodus 31: 13, the weekly Sabbath was to remind the Israelites that they were holy people. Yesu o sumbedza khombo ya u tevhela mikhuvha ya vhathu musi a tshi vhudza vharangaphanḓa vha vhurereli uri: "No laṱa mulayo wa Mudzimu, na hudza mikhuvha yaṋu. " According to Exodus 31: 13, the weekly Sabbath was to remind the Israelites that they were a sanctified people. Jesus proved the danger of following human customs when he told religious leaders: "You have rejected the law of God and your tradition. " U itela u pfesesa uri ndi ngani hu na tshengelo nnzhi nga u rali na uri ndi ngani vhuḓidini ha vhathu ha u fhelisa tshengelo vhu songo bvelela, ri fanela u ḓivha tshiitisi tsha vhukuma tsha yeneyi thaidzo. Jesus showed the danger of following man - made traditions when he said to the religious leaders of his day: "You have made the word of God invalid because of your tradition. " To understand why there is so much suffering and why human efforts to eliminate suffering fail, we need to know the real reason for this problem. Zwenezwo zwo ita uri i wane phindulo ifhio? To understand why there is so much suffering and why human efforts to eliminate it have been unsuccessful, we need to identify the real causes behind it all. What answer did he receive? " Ri fanela u fhaṱa shango ḽiswa - shango ḽavhuḓi vhukuma - ḽine khaḽo ha ḓo ṱhonifhiwa vhathu. " - PHURESIDENNDE WA UNITED STATES HARRY TRUMAN, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, U.S.A., nga ḽa 25 APRIL, 1945. With what result? " We must build a new world - a beautiful worldly country that will be respected by humans. " - HASA'S S will be shown respect for people. O vhumba tshieletshedzi tsha u ri eletshedza maḓembe awe, Ene Yehova wa tshilidzi na khathutshelo. " " We must build a new world - a far better world - one in which the eternal dignity of man is respected. " - U.S. PRESIDENT HARRY TRUMAN, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, U.S.A., APRIL 25, 1945. He made known his wonderful works, Jehovah, who is merciful and merciful. " Samusi zwino o no aluwa o ḓiwanela khonani dzine a amba nadzo nahone inwi a ni muṅwe wadzo. A memorial he has made for his wonderful works. Jehovah is gracious and merciful. " Now advanced in life, he has found friends to whom he speaks, and you are not one of them. O vhudza Nikodemo uri: "Muthu a sa ita u dovha u bebwa, muvhuso wa Mudzimu ha koni u u vhona. " Now as a teenager, she has formed a " social club ' with her friends, and you feel as if you were not granted membership. He told Nicodemus: "A man does not need to be born again, neither is he able to see the kingdom of God. " Ndi mini zwo thusaho Yesu u vha na vhulenda? He told Nicodemus: "Unless anyone is born from water and spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. " What helped Jesus to be mild - tempered? (Amosi 5: 10, 12) Ngauralo na vhahaṱuli vho vha vha tshi khou pfuka Mulayo wa Mudzimu. What helped Jesus to be kind? Hence, judges were breaking God's Law. Na vhana vhaṱuku vha nga sendela tsini na Mudzimu So the judges too were ignoring God's Law. Even young children can draw close to God Naho zwivhi zwaṋu zwó tswuka sa muridili, zwi ḓo tshena zwa nga mahaḓa; naho vhukhwivhilu zwi tshi fana na luvhundi, zwi ḓo nga muḓali. " Even young children can draw close to God Although your sins are as scarlet, they will be made white just like snow, and even though they are like wool, they will be like wool. " 3 " Though the sins of you people should prove to be as scarlet, they will be made white just like snow. ' " 3 Nga zwenezwo, ḽifhasi ḽi monaho ḽa thoma u vha na masiari na vhusiku zwi ṱanḓulukanaho. 3 As a result, the earth's sun and night went by. Ndi Iwe we wa ri vhumba, roṱhe ri zwiitiwa zwa zwanḓa zwau. " - Yesaya 64: 8. The rotating earth thus began to have alternating day and night. We are the clay, and all of us are the work of your hand. " - Isaiah 64: 8. 8: 10. We are the clay, and you are our Potter; we are all the work of your hand. " - Isaiah 64: 8. 8: 10. Ri nga ima hani ro khwaṱha? 8: 10. How can we stand firm? Ḽo vha ḽi tshi khou gotsha ḓula nga ḽeneḽo ḓuvha, fhedzi nga u ṱavhanya, vhenevho vhavhingani vha vhalala vho ṱanganedza vhenevho vhaeni. How can we stand firm? It was getting around that day, but soon the elderly couple welcomed the visitors. Maipfi awe a sumbedza uri o vha a tshi khou humbula nga ha fulufhedziso ḽe Yehova a ḽi ita tsimuni, musi a tshi amba hu tshee nga phanḓa uri hu na musadzi ane a ḓo bveledza "mbeu " ine nga ḽiṅwe ḓuvha ya ḓo fhelisa muvhi we a fhura Adamu na Eva. It was during the heat of the day, but this elderly couple immediately hurried to welcome these guests. Abraham said to Sarah: "Quick! His words show that he had in mind Jehovah's promise in the field, when he foretold that a woman would produce a "seed " who would one day free Adam and Eve. TSHIṰOHO TSHA MUGIVHELA Her words suggest that she may have had in mind the promise Jehovah made in the garden, foretelling that a certain woman would produce a "seed " that would one day destroy the wicked one who had led Adam and Eve astray. [ Picture on page 26] Nga tshenetsho tshifhinga, ho vha hu na "zwigwada zwivhili zwa vhaimbi vha dzithendo. " SATURDAY'S THEME At that time, there were "the sound of two songs of praise. " Vhunzhi hashu zwi a ri konḓela u tendelana na zwiimo. This time, there were "two large thanksgiving choirs. " Most of us struggle to yield. 18, 19. For many of us, it is not easy to be yielding. 18, 19. U ṱhogomela vhubvo ha mafhungo ha maṅwalo ndi zwa ndeme vhukuma musi ri tshi sedza zwe muapostola Paulo a ṅwalela Timotheo a tshi ri: "Lusa uri Mudzimu a vhone U tshi fulufhedzea, Ú mushumi ané a sa ḓo shona, ané a tshea fhungo ḽa ngoho á sa kombamisi. " 18, 19. Considering the context of the Scriptures is of utmost importance when we consider what the apostle Paul wrote to Timothy: "Do your utmost to present yourself approved to God, a workman with nothing to be ashamed of, handling the word of the truth aright. " (Ek. 20: 3 - 5) Naho zwo ralo, Mushe o rabelela Aroni kha Mudzimu, nahone thabelo yawe yo "kona zwinzhi. " Considering the context of a scripture is particularly important in view of what the apostle Paul wrote to Timothy: "Do your utmost to present yourself approved to God, a workman with nothing to be ashamed of, handling the word of the truth aright. " Yet, Moses prayed to God for Aaron, and his prayer was "many times. " " Mufarisi wanga ha hwali vhuḓifhinduleli hawe. " Yet, Moses supplicated God in Aaron's behalf, and his supplication had "much force. " " My mate does not care about his responsibilities. " Ni nga kona u i vhona na u i kwama, fhedzi arali no vha ni tshi nga gwadamela midzimu yo raloho, zwi tou pfala uri no vha ni tshi ḓo vha ni tshi khou tovhola zwithu zwi sa farisi tshithu. - Ps. " My mate does not live up to his (or her) obligations. " You can see it and affect it, but if you were to worship such gods, you would probably be pursuing unnecessary pursuits. - Ps. Naa ndi a rabela tshifhinga tshoṱhe? You might be able to see them and touch them, but if you were to worship one, you would, indeed, be pursuing an unreality - an empty illusion that would bring only disaster. - Ps. Do I pray regularly? Naho zwo ralo vhanzhi vha tenda uri hu tea u vha na vhuṱanzi ho engedzeaho ha Bivhili malugana na u vha hone ha Yesu. Am I a man or a woman of prayer? However, many believe that further evidence of the Bible regarding Jesus ' presence is needed. Wonoyo muṱangano wo vha u na tshiṱoho tshine tsha ri: "U Tsikeledzwa Na U Ima Vho Khwaṱha: Ṱhanzi dza Yehova Nga Fhasi Ha Vhuvhusi Ha Vhusoshala Ha Lushaka Na Vhukomunisi. " Still, many feel that there ought to be evidence in addition to the Bible of Jesus ' existence. The meeting was entitled "The Pressure and Stand Firm: Jehovah's Witnesses under the ends of the Nation's ends and Communism. " Zwi nga kha ḓi sa ri mangadza musi ri tshi vha na vhuleme ho raloho na vhathu vha siho tshivhidzoni tsha Vhukriste. The conference had the theme "Repression and Self - Assertion: Jehovah's Witnesses Under the National Socialist and Communist Dictatorships. " Dr. It may not surprise us when we experience such problems with those outside the Christian congregation. Zwenezwi zwi tou vha khagala kha Psalme ya vhuraru ye Davida a i ṅwala malugana na u shavha hawe Abesalomo. It might not surprise us when such problems develop with someone outside the Christian congregation. This is evident from the third psalm that David wrote about his fleeing from Absalom. U vuḓa ndi pfaneleo ine ya konḓa u i ṱahulela. This is evident in the 3rd Psalm, composed by David regarding his flight. Mildness is a quality that is difficult to cultivate. Sara o vha e mufumakadzi a fulufhedzeaho wa Abrahamu nahone e mufarisi wa vhukuma. Meekness is a difficult quality to cultivate. Sarah was Abraham's faithful wife, and she was a true complement. Ipfi ḽa Mudzimu ḽi a ri sevha musi ḽi tshi ri: "Swina ḽaṋu Diabolo u mona - mona vhunga ndau i vhombaho, iné ya ṱoḓa ané ya mu mila. " - 1 Pet. Sarah was a true wife to Abraham, a genuine complement. God's Word warns us: "Your adversary, the Devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone. " - 1 Pet. U sa pfesesana hu fanela u dzudzanywa nga u ṱavhanya. God's Word warns us: "Your adversary, the Devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone. " - 1 Pet. An misunderstanding should be quickly resolved. O mbo ḓi wetshela Makedonia, nahone vha takala vhukuma musi vha tshi ṱangana henefho. Misunderstandings should be cleared away as soon as possible. He traveled into Macedonia, and they were delighted to meet there. Nṱhani hazwo, ngudo ine ra i wana kha tshifanyiso tsha Yesu ndi ya uri mulanda a nga si ḓitakadze ene muṋe kana u livhisa ṱhogomelo u thoma kha madzangalelo awe. He sailed to Macedonia, and to his joy, there they met. Rather, the lesson we learn from Jesus ' illustration is that a slave cannot help himself or focus first on his own interests. Bivhili yo ṋea tsevho: "Zwi ḓivhe zwauri maḓuvhani a vhufhelo hu ḓo vha na zwifhinga zwi lemelaho. " Rather, the point of Jesus ' parable is that a slave cannot please himself or concentrate on his own comforts. The Bible warns: "In the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. " 18, 19. The Bible warns: "Know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. " 18, 19. Ndi khwaṱhisedzo ifhio ine Mudzimu a i ṋea vhashumeli vhawe? 18, 19. What assurance does God give his servants? Dovhani ni humbule nga ha mbuyelo dze ra dzi wana nga ṅwambo wa vhuḓidini hashu ha u "ṱamb [a] dzitshika dzoṱhe dza kha ṋama na kha muya. " What guarantee does God give to his servants? Think, too, of the benefits we have received because of our efforts to "flee from every defilement of flesh and spirit. " Tsumbo dza Bivhilini dzi fanela u khwaṱhisa u ḓiimisela hashu u sa litsha u lwa na u ḓilanga. Think, too, of the benefits that have come to us as a result of our efforts to "cleanse ourselves of every defilement of flesh and spirit. " Bible examples should strengthen our resolve not to stop fighting against self - control. A hu na ndugelo i fhiraho uri Yehova a tende musi ri tshi mu ramba zwiḽiwani nga lwa pfanyisedzo. Biblical examples should strengthen our determination never to give up in our struggle to gain greater self - control. There is no greater honor than that Jehovah allows us to invite him to a meal in a figurative sense. Naho zwo ralo, tsha ndeme vhukuma, Vhakriste vha rambiwa uri vha shele mulenzhe kha mushumo wa muya wa u fhaṱa. What greater privilege could there be than, in a symbolic way, to invite Jehovah to such a meal and for him to accept? Most important, however, Christians are invited to share in the spiritual building work. Ri livhuha vhukuma ngauri hu na vhathu vhane vha shuma nga u ḓifunela vha sa fheli mbilu kha mushumo wa u fhaṱa (Sedzani phara 11) However, for the most part, Christians are invited to engage in a spiritual building program. We are very grateful that there are people who patiently serve in the building work (See paragraph 11) Badelani Zwikolodo How thankful we are for the many construction volunteers who work on projects tirelessly! (See paragraph 11) Bad final Schools U ḓikukumusa hu nga kha ḓi ita uri ni dzhiele fhasi maḓipfele a mufarisi waṋu. Pay Back Debts Pride may cause you to ignore your mate's feelings. Yesu ho ngo kaidza onoyo munna nge a pfuka Mulayo, kana U mu dzhiela fhasi kana U mu pandela. Having undue pride might also prompt a person to belittle a mate's feelings. Jesus did not rebuke the man for violating the Law, nor did you ignore him or cast him out. 11: 7, 11. Jesus did not chastise the man for breaking the Law, nor did He ignore or avoid the man. 11: 7, 11. Vhuporofita Ha Rathi Ha Bivhili Vhune Na Vhona Vhu Tshi Khou Ḓadzea, 7 / 1 11: 7, 11. 6 / 15 Nga tshimedzi tsha 1957, ha vha na tshibuli tsha u pfulutshela ngei Stuttgart, Dzheremane Vhukovhela. In the spring of 1957, an opportunity opened up for us to move to Stuttgart, West Germany. In the spring of 1957, there was an opportunity to move to Sttts, West Germany. U fana na onoyo muhaṱuli, Yehova u ṱanganedza vhathu vhane vha rembuluwa nahone u bvisa tshigwevho tshavho tsha lufu. Like that judge, Jehovah turns toward repentant humans with favor and lifts the condemnation of death. Like that judge, Jehovah welcomes repentant ones and removes their punishment for death. Nga lwa nzulele roṱhe a ri vhavhuya. All of us are unrighteous by nature. We are naturally righteous. Nga murahu ha miṅwedzi i si gathi musi o no lovha, ho wanala tshirendo tshe tsha vha tsho ṅwalwa ngae. After her death just a few months later, a poem that she had written was found. A few months after his death, a poem was found by him. Nga murahu ha tshifhinga tsha u tovholwa nga Vhanazi, nṋe na Ferdinand ro shumela Yehova roṱhe miṅwaha i fhiraho 50 musi a sa athu u fa nga ḽa 20 December, 1995. After the period of Nazi persecution, Ferdinand and I served Jehovah together for more than 50 years before he finished his earthly course on December 20, 1995. After the time of Nazi persecution, Ferdinand and I served Jehovah together for over 50 years before he died on December 20, 1995. 17: 9) Lufuno muṱani lu katela mbilu dzashu na maḓipfele ashu. Family love involves our heart and our feelings. Love in the family involves our heart and feelings. (Muhuweleli 7: 12) Ndi ifhio ndeme ya lwonolu luṅwalo? What is the point? What is the significance of this scripture? Naho zwo ralo, Yesu o vha e na vhulivhisi ho engedzeaho muhumbuloni, nahone o bvela phanḓa na u ṱalutshedza tshifanyiso tshine tsha ita uri vha humbule nga ho dzikaho, tsha munna wa mupfumi wa tsilu. However, Jesus had something further in mind, and he went on to relate a thought - provoking parable, or illustration, about an unreasonable rich man. However, Jesus had more instruction on the mind, and he continued to explain an illustration that causes them to think deeply, a foolish man. Tsumbo ya khotsi ndi ya ndeme vhukuma. The father's example is of utmost importance. A father's example is of great importance. Hu sa londwi uri Tony o vha a tshi zwi ṱhogomela kana a sa zwi ṱhogomeli, vhuluvhi vhune ha langa muvhili, mahumbulele awe na maḓipfele awe - ho vha hu sa shumi musi o nwesa halwa. Whether Tony realized it or not, the very organ that monitored his physical, mental, and emotional condition - his brain - was malfunctioning when it was overloaded with alcohol. Whether Tony realized it or not, the brain that controls the body, his thinking, and his feelings - did not apply to the use of alcohol. Mirero 1: 20 i ri: "Vhuṱali vhu vhidzelela vhú nḓilani; vhu pfadza ipfi vhú khoroni. " Proverbs 1: 20 says: "True wisdom itself keeps crying aloud in the very street. Proverbs 1: 20 states: "The insight itself will call on the road itself. Hu sa athu fhela tshifhinga tshilapfu, Vho - Christianson vho ṅwalela mme anga vhurifhi vhu re na phindulo dza mbudziso dzavho dza Bivhili. Before long, Mrs. Christianson wrote Mother a letter with answers to her Bible questions. Before long, Christianson wrote a letter containing the answers to their Bible questions. 1, 2. (a) Zwi amba mini u vha ṱhanzi, nahone ndi zwifhio zwe vhaanḓadzi vha mafhungo vha kundelwa u zwi ita? 1, 2. (a) What does it mean to be a witness, and in what notable way has this world's news media failed? 1, 2. (a) What does it mean to be a witness, and what have they failed to do? U ḓo takalela u haseledza na inwi eneo mafhungo. He or she will be pleased to discuss such matters with you. He or she will be pleased to discuss such matters with you. (1) Muṱoḓisisi Esera o katela Noaxe na vharwa vhawe (Semu, Hamu, na Yafete) kha mutevhe wa lushaka lwa Isiraele. - 1 Koronika 1: 4 - 17. (1) The researcher Ezra included Noah and his sons (Shem, Ham, and Japheth) in the genealogy of the nation of Israel. - 1 Chronicles 1: 4 - 17. (1) The researcher Ezra included Noah and his sons (See the young man, Isaiah, and his sons) in the line of Israel. - 1 Chronicles 1: 4 - 17. Ṋamusi, mbingano yo sedzana na khaedu nnzhi u fhira naho hu lini. Today, marriage is facing greater challenges than ever before. Today, marriage has faced more challenges than ever before. Ṱhuṱhuwedzo ya Yesu kha Shango Ḽoṱhe Jesus ' Worldwide Influence Jesus ' influence on the Earth Inthanethe i ri ṋea zwishumiswa zwa ndeme u itela u dzudzanya lwendo, hune ra ḓo hu dalela musi ri lwendoni u katela na u badela. The Internet provides essential tools to work out a convenient and economical itinerary for a trip we may be planning and helps us make the necessary bookings. The Internet provides valuable tools to organize a journey, where we will visit on a trip, as well as pay for it. Nga zwenezwo, a vha dzhii sia kha mafhungo a zwa politiki mashangoni ane vha dzula khao, naho vhaṅwe vhadzulapo vha tshi vha dzhia sa vhathu vhasili. Thus, they maintain strict neutrality in political matters, even if some people view them as strangely out of place in today's society. Hence, they do not take sides in political issues in the lands where they live, even though some residents view them as strange people. Musi lwonolwu luṅwalo lu tshi ṱalutshedzwa nga ho livhaho, muvhali u vhona Yehova, Mulai Muhulwane, e phanḓa hawe, fhedzi u pfa ipfi Ḽawe ḽi tshi bva murahu. Taking the text literally, the reader sees Jehovah, the Grand Instructor, in front of him but hears His voice from behind. When this scripture is specific, the reader sees Jehovah, the Grand Instructor, standing before him, but hearing His voice from behind. Tshifhe ane a ṋekedza tshenetsho tshiṱhavhelo na vhaṅwe vhotshifhe vhane vha shuma thembeleni, vho vha vha tshi ṋewa iṅwe ya yeneyo ṋama. (Lev. The officiating priest received a portion of the meat, as did the other priests serving at the temple. The priest who offered such a sacrifice and other priests who served at the temple received another type of meat. Zwe Maria a amba nga hazwo. What Mary spoke about. What Mary said about. (Mirero 17: 17) Naho zwo ralo, samusi zwe Yobo a ṱangana nazwo zwi tshi sumbedza, vhaṅwe vhaeletshedzi vha nga vhaisa nṱhani ha u khuthadza. However, as Job's experience shows, some counselors can hurt rather than heal. As Job's experience shows, however, some counselors may hurt rather than comfort. Vhafunwa, arali mbilu yashu i sa ri laṱi, ri na fulufhelo ri tshi amba na Mudzimu; Na tshifhio tshiné ra humbela u a ri fha, ngauri milayo yawe yoṱhe ri a i pfa, ri ita zwiné a zwi takalela. " - 1 Yohane 3: 19 - 22. Beloved ones, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have freeness of speech toward God; and whatever we ask we receive from him, because we are observing his commandments and are doing the things that are pleasing in his eyes. " - 1 John 3: 19 - 22. If our heart does not abandon us, we hope to approach God, but whatever request we ask for him, for all of his commandments we are according to his will. " - 1 John 3: 19 - 22. Ri nga sumbedza hani u ḓiṱukufhadza nga maambele na maitele ashu? How can we show humility in our speech and in our actions? How can we show humility by our speech and actions? Madzina a re kha ino thero o shandulwa. Names in this article have been changed. Names in this article have been changed. U ita zwenezwi zwi ḓo ita uri Mudzimu a si ni vhenge, fhedzi a ni fune. Doing so, you will avoid God's hatred and enjoy his love. Doing this will prevent God from hating you, but he loves you. Musi no no khetha u shumela Mudzimu, ni nga elekanya nga ha uri ndi zwifhio zwine a ṱoḓa ni tshi zwi ita, nahone na dzhia phetho ya nḓila ine na ḓo mu shumela ngayo. Once you have chosen to serve God, you can contemplate what he wants you to do, and you can decide how you will serve him. After choosing to serve God, you can meditate on what he wants you to do, and you decide how you will serve him. Musi vho no fhedza u vhidzelela madzina, ro iswa kha tshiṅwe tshiṱokisi nahone henefho ro ṱanganedzwa nga vhahashu vha tshisadzini vha Vhakriste vhanzhi vha bvaho ngei Dzheremane na Netherlands. After the roll call, we were taken to another barracks, where we were welcomed by several hundred Christian sisters from Germany and the Netherlands. After they finished calling on the name, we were taken to another village, where we were welcomed by many Christian sisters from Germany and the Netherlands. A vho ngo ḓiimisela u ita phetho ya u shumela Yehova kana nga murahu ha u mu shumela lwa tshifhinganyana vha a litsha u mu shumela. They have been unwilling to make the decision to serve Jehovah or after serving him for a while have ceased doing so. They are not willing to decide whether to serve Jehovah or after temporarily serving him. Iṅwe Ṱhanzi yo mu thusa u fara pfunzo ya Bivhili na muthu a re na dzangalelo. One Witness has helped him conduct a Bible study with an interested person. One Witness helped her to conduct a Bible study with an interested person. Musi ni tshi ṋekedza nyambo ya khagala, mu ṋeeni bammbiri ḽa nyambo, u itela uri a vhone nḓila ine na ṱanḓavhudza ngayo yeneyo nyambo. When you give a public talk, give him the outline so that he can see how you developed the subject. When you give a public talk, ask him a talk note, so that he can see how you expand that talk. Ndo vha ndo akhamala musi ndi tshi ṱhogomela zwine maipfi a Yesu a amba zwone. I was stunned when I realized the meaning of Jesus ' words. I was shocked to learn what Jesus ' words meant. O ri: "Ndo vha ndi tshi dzulela u ḓipfa ndi songo vhofholowa. He said: "I always felt awkward. " I used to feel uncomfortable, " she says. Tshelede yashu. Our money. Our money. Yesu o vha a tshi funa Khotsi awe wa ṱaḓulu vhukuma nahone o tshila u tendelana na eneo maipfi. Jesus had great love for his heavenly Father and truly lived by those words. Jesus loved his heavenly Father and lived by those words. A vha iti tshanduko kha zwine vha zwi ṱoḓa u itela u humbulela vhaṅwe. They are inflexible, unbending. They do not make changes in what they need to be reasonable toward others. [ Ṱhaluso i re magumoni a siaṱari] [ Footnote] [ Footnote] Zwo sumbedza nḓila ine vhuvhusi ha Yehova ha vha vhuhulwane ngayo musi vhu tshi vhambedzwa na ha midzimu ya dzitshaka. It demonstrated Jehovah's supremacy over the gods of the nations. It showed how great Jehovah's rulership is when compared with that of the gods of the nations. Naa Elia o vha a tshi timatima u mu ṋea vhuṅwe ha vhuḓifhinduleli hawe na ndugelo kana u vhilaedziswa ngauri ḽiṅwe ḓuvha onoyo munna u ḓo mu dzhiela mushumo? Did Elijah also feel a bit hesitant about delegating some of his responsibilities, sharing his privileges, or someday being replaced? Would Elijah hesitate to give him some of his responsibilities and privileges or worry because one day the man would take him for work? Onoyo mureili wa bisi o ri tshenetsho tsho vha tshi tshigwada tshavhuḓi nga maanḓa u fhira naho tshi tshifhio! The driver said that this was the best group of passengers he had ever had! The bus driver said that it was more beautiful than any other group! Dzenedzi ndugiselelo dzi dovha dza shuma maguvhanganoni na mabuthanoni ane ha shumiswa luambo lwa zwanḓa. These arrangements also apply to assemblies and conventions that offer sign - language interpreting. These provisions also serve at assemblies and conventions that are used in sign language. Ndi dzhogo i homolosaho na i leluwaho lungafhani! A refreshing, kindly yoke indeed! What a refreshing and simple yoke! (1) Tsumbo. (1) Example. (1) Example. NO VHA ni tshi nga ḓitsireledza hani arali no vha ni tshi ḓivha uri vhulwadze vhu vhulayaho ho phaḓalala vhukuma hune na dzula hone? HOW would you protect yourself if you knew that a deadly epidemic was raging in your area? HOW would you protect yourself if you knew that a deadly disease prevailed in your area? Vho vha vha tshi fanela u vhingwa nga vharwa vha Manase u itela uri ifa ḽe vha ḽi wana ḽi dzule kha lushaka luthihi. - Num. They had to marry sons of Manasseh so that the inherited property would remain with the same tribe. - Num. They had to marry Manasseh's sons in order to keep the inheritance they had received from the same nation. - Num. Tshiitisi tshashu tshihulwane tsha u ya henefho ndi u gwadamela Yehova. Primarily, we attend to worship Jehovah. Our primary reason for going there is to worship Jehovah. A vha nṋe na vha muṱani wanga ri shumela Yehova. " - Yoshua 24: 15. But as for me and my household, we shall serve Jehovah. " - Joshua 24: 15. And I am with my household, and we shall serve Jehovah. " - Joshua 24: 15. Ho vha hu si na muthu we a vha a tshi khou semana nahone ho vha hu si na bonyongo. There was no cursing and no confusion. No one was aggressive, and there was no strife. Naa ni a sudzulusea u ṋea Mudzimu vhugala? Are you moved to give God glory? Are you moved to glorify God? A zwo ngo tou ralo. Not necessarily. Not necessarily. 2: 10. 2: 10. 2: 10. Mudzimu u nengiswa nga vhurereli ha mazwifhi. God is disgusted with false religion. God condemns me with false religion. Mukriste ane a pfi Atsuko * o ri, "Nga murahu ha miṅwaha minzhi ndo lovhedzwa, zwo vha zwi tshi nkonḓela u sendela tsini na Yehova na u mu rabela sa Khotsi. " A Christian named Atsuko * admits, "For years after my baptism, it was difficult for me to draw close to Jehovah and pray to him as a Father. " " After many years of baptism, I found it difficult to draw closer to Jehovah and to worship him as a Father, " says a Christian named himself. Hune ha vha na NW i tshi tevhela muredzo, i sumbedza uri ṱhalutshedzelo i bva kha New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Zwenezwo zwo itwa, ho shumiswa luambo lwa Luisimane lwo ḓoweleaho, nahone dzina " Yehova ' ḽi bvelela lu ṱoḓaho u vha 6 973 kha Maṅwalo a Luheberu, ḽa dovha ḽa bvelela lu ṱoḓaho u vha 237 kha Maṅwalo a Tshikriste a Lugerika. " It has been done, using the commonly accepted English form " Jehovah ' 6,973 times in the Hebrew Scriptures and 237 times in the Christian Greek Scriptures. " That has been done, and the name Jehovah "Jehovah " appears some 680 times in the Hebrew Scriptures, and it also appeared nearly 20 times in the Christian Greek Scriptures. " Nahone vha ḓo vha dzikhosi nae, vha fhedza miṅwaha ya ḽikhulu. " In a short while, I had saved up enough money to buy a buggy and two horses, and I used these in the preaching work, always remembering Brother Peters ' counsel. And they will become kings with him for a thousand years. " Misi yoṱhe ndo vha ndi tshi humbula nyeletshedzo ya Wahashu Peters, zwa ita uri nga tshifhinganyana ndi kone u vhulunga tshelede yo linganelaho u renga gariki na bere mbili, zwine nda ḓo zwi shumisa kha mushumo wa u huwelela. Of course, Abraham was unable to grasp fully what the covenant would mean for mankind. From time to time, I would remember Brother Those advice, which temporarily allowed me to save enough money to buy cars and two horses, which I would use in the preaching work. Ndi ngoho uri Abrahamu o vha a sa pfesesi nga vhuḓalo zwine wonoyo mulanga wa ḓo amba zwone kha vhathu. We must joyfully tell "future generations " about Jehovah's organization and about the spiritual paradise! - Read Psalm 48: 12 - 14. Of course, Abraham did not fully understand the meaning of that covenant for mankind. Ri fanela u vhudza "vhaḓuhulu " nga dakalo nga ha ndangulo ya Yehova na nga ha paradiso ya lwa muya! - Vhalani Psalme ya 48: 12 - 14. I have been privileged to experience personally that if we put Jehovah first, he will be our strength. We should joyfully tell "a descendant " about Jehovah's organization and a spiritual paradise! - Read Psalm 48: 12 - 14. Ndo vha na ndugelo ya u tshenzhela uri arali ri tshi vhea Yehova u thoma u ḓo vha maanḓa ashu. " In brotherly love have tender affection for one another, " wrote the apostle Paul. I had the privilege of experiencing that if we put Jehovah first, he would be our strength. Paulo o ṅwala uri: "U funana nga tshaṋu nga hu vhe vhushaka ha dzimbilu. Jeremiah continues: "Better have those slain with the sword proved to be than those slain by famine, because these pine away, pierced through for lack of the produce of the open field. " - Lamentations 4: 6, 9. Paul wrote: "In brotherly love have tender affection for one another. U bvela phanḓa nga u ri: "Khwine ndi zwa vhaḽa vhe vha fhela nga mafumo, na vhe vha fhela nga nḓala, vhe vha ṋoka vhó vhulahwa nga u shaya zwe zwa vhibva masimuni. " - Zwililo 4: 6, 9. Helga remembers that during her last year of school, most of her classmates were talking about their goals for the future. He continues: "The righteous are those who have weakened by the weapons, and those who were hungry have been killed for lack of maturity in the fields. " - Lamentations 4: 6, 9. Helga u humbula musi a tshi kha ḓi dzhena tshikolo, vhunzhi ha vhe a dzhena navho kilasini vho vha vha tshi amba nga ha zwipikwa zwavho zwa vhumatshelo. One of the best ways is to have frequent conversations with your children. When he was still attending school, most of his classmates talked about their future goals. Iṅwe nḓila ya khwine ndi u ambedzana na vhana vhaṋu tshifhinga tshoṱhe. What choice have Christians made? One of the best ways is to converse with your children regularly. Vhakriste vho ḓiitela khetho ifhio? How? What choice did Christians make? Nga nḓila - ḓe? * How? * Donald Gordon * Donald Gordon While in prison, Paul wrote a letter to the Philippians, perhaps using Timothy as a secretary. By Way of Review Musi e khothoni Paulo o ṅwalela Vhafilipi vhurifhi, khamusi a tshi khou shumisa Timotheo uri a vhe muṅwaleli wawe. Not that we can buy friendship with Jesus or Jehovah. While imprisoned, Paul likely wrote his letter to the Philippians, perhaps using Timothy as his secretary. Zwenezwi a zwi ambi uri ri nga renga u vha khonani dza Yesu kana dza Yehova. No doubt, we are familiar with Bible truths about God's purpose for the earth and mankind and about the central role of Jesus Christ in the outworking of God's purpose. This does not mean that we can buy from Jesus or from Jehovah's friends. A zwi timatimisi uri ri a ḓivha ngoho i re Bivhilini nga ha ndivho ya Mudzimu nga ḽifhasi na vhathu na nga mushumo une Yesu Kristo a ḓo u ita u itela uri yeneyo ndivho i ḓadzee. JEHOVAH, "the happy God, " and Jesus Christ," the happy and only Potentate, " know best of all what it takes to be happy. We no doubt know Bible truth about God's purpose for the earth and for mankind and for the work that Jesus Christ will accomplish in order to fulfill that purpose. YEHOVA "Mudzimu o takalaho, " na Yesu Kristo," o takalaho, ane a vha Muvhusi e eṱhe, " vha a ḓivha u fhira muthu naho e ufhio nga ha zwine zwa ṱoḓea u itela u takala. They are referred to as "the things in the heavens " because they have a heavenly hope and" are to rule as kings over the earth " and serve as priests to God. JEHOVAH, the "happy God, " and Jesus Christ," happy, " know more than anyone else about what is needed to be happy. Vha vhidzwa uri "zwa ṱaḓulu " nga nṱhani ha uri vha na fulufhelo ḽa u tshila ṱaḓulu u itela u" vhusa fhano shangoni " na u shuma sa vhotshifhe vha Mudzimu. For one thing, by conduct within the family as all exhibit the fruitage of the spirit. They are called "the things in the heavens " in that they have the heavenly hope to" rule over the earth " and serve as God's priests. Nga vhuḓifari ha muraḓo muṅwe na muṅwe wa muṱa vhune ha sumbedza zwiaṋwiwa zwa muya. His goal is to turn them away from God, to become lovers of themselves, self - assuming, and haughty. Through the conduct of each member of the family that manifests the fruitage of the spirit. Tshipikwa tshawe ndi tsha u vha khelusa kha Mudzimu, u ri vha fune hu tshi naka zwavho fhedzi, vha vhe vhazuwi, na u ḓikukumusa. Note God's view expressed at Haggai 1: 6: "You have sown much seed, but there is a bringing of little in. There is an eating, but it is not to satisfaction. There is a drinking, but not to the point of getting intoxicated. His goal is to turn them away from God, to love them only for themselves, to be self - assuming, and to be proud. Humbulani uri mavhonele a Mudzimu o sumbedzwa kha Hagai 1: 6: "No zwala zwinzhi, na kaṋa zwiṱuku; no ḽa, ni si fure; no nwa, ḓora ḽi si dzime; no ambara, ni si pfe vhududo; a wanaho mali, u wanela tshikwama tshi na buli. " • What have you learned from considering such faithful witnesses as Noah, Abraham, Sarah, and Moses? Recall that God's view is expressed at Haggai 1: 6: "You have sowd much and reap little; you have not eaten and drink, but you have no drinking, but you do not wear, but you do not get a lot of money, but do not get a living and a living. " • Ndi mini zwe na zwi guda kha ṱhanzi dzi fulufhedzeaho sa Noaxe, Abrahamu, Sara na Mushe? * • What have you learned from faithful witnesses like Noah, Abraham, Sarah, and Moses? * 11: 9; 12: 1 - 7. * 11: 9; 12: 1 - 7. ; Seyfert, S. 11: 9; 12: 1 - 7. ; Seyfert, S. Recognize and reject the lie. ; Wells, S. Ṱhogomelani na u landula mazwifhi. You are healthy and have a lot of energy, and you have nothing to worry about. Consider and reject lies. Ni na mutakalo wavhuḓi na nungo nnzhi, nahone a hu na tshi ni vhilaedzisaho. God's organization has also provided training through Gilead School. You have a measure of health and strength, and there is no trouble for you. Ndangulo ya Mudzimu yo gudisa vhathu Tshikoloni Tsha Gilead. Do you want to continue reaping what is good - a satisfying life now with the prospect of everlasting life in God's new world? God's organization trained people at Gilead School. Naa ni a ṱoḓa u bvela phanḓa ni tshi kaṋa zwivhuya - vhutshilo vhu takadzaho, vhu fushaho zwino, ni na tshilavhelelwa tsha u tshila tshoṱhe shangoni ḽiswa ḽa Mudzimu? [ Picture on page 11] Do you want to continue to reap what is good - a happy, satisfying life now, with the prospect of living forever in God's new world? [ Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 11] Her sons have risen up and proceeded to pronounce her happy; her owner rises up, and he praises her. " - Prov. [ Picture on page 11] na munna wawe u ima a mu khoḓa. " - Mir. 18: 19 - 21, 25 - Had Hezekiah made an alliance with Egypt? Her husband is standing up and praising her. " - Prov. 18: 19 - 21, 25 - Naa Hiskia o vhofha mulanga na Egipita? The outcome for this system under Satan's control, however, is total destruction. - 2 Peter 3: 10. 18: 19 - 21, 25 - Did Hezekiah make a covenant with Egypt? Naho zwo ralo, mvelelo dza ano maitele a vhuswaho nga Sathane ndi dzi huvhadzaho. - 2 Petro 3: 10. " I had a comfortable life but felt that I was just giving God my surplus, as it were. The outcome of Satan's wicked system, however, is destructive. - 2 Peter 3: 10. Ndo vha ndi tshi tshila vhutshilo ha u kapula mapfura nga lebula, fhedzi ndo vha ndi tshi vhona u nga ndi khou tou ṋea Mudzimu masalela. By the second century B.C.E., Jewish settlements were evident in Cappadocia. I lived a comfortable life, but I felt that I was giving God a remnant. Nga ḓana ḽa vhuvhili ḽa miṅwaha B.C.E., Vhayuda vho mbo ḓi thoma u dzula tshoṱhe kha ḽa Kapadokia. But, whether their marriage followed a period of courtship or was arranged, when they finally became husband and wife, adjustments were vital. In the second century B.C.E., the Jews began to live forever in Cappadocia. Fhedzi hu sa londwi uri vha sa athu vhingana vho thoma vha seisana kana mbingano yavho yo vha yo tou dzudzanywa vha songo seisana, musi mafheleloni vha tshi vha munna na musadzi, u ita tshanduko zwo vha zwi zwa ndeme. 7 Prophecy 4. But whether they were single or married, it was not considered important when they became husband and wife, eventually making changes. 7 Vhuporofita 4. The battle lasted the greater part of a day. 7 Prophecy 4. Nndwa yeneyo yo bvela phanḓa u swika ḽi tshi kovhela. Hypocrite! The war continued until late. Mudzia - muhoyo ndi'we! How can self - discipline help us to reach a spiritual goal? You are the hypocrites! U ḓikaidza zwi nga ri thusa hani u swikelela tshipikwa tshe ra ḓivhetshela tshone tshumeloni ya Mudzimu? He was preaching "the good news of God, " and many Galileans were moved by his statement:" The appointed time has been fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has drawn near. Be repentant, you people, and have faith in the good news. " - Mark 1: 14, 15. How can self - discipline help us to reach our goal in God's service? O vha a tshi khou huwelela " mafhungo maḓifha a Mudzimu, ' nahone vhathu vhanzhi vho ṱuṱuwedzwa nga zwe a zwi amba musi a tshi ri: "Tshifhinga tsho swika, muvhuso wa Mudzimu u tsini; shandukani, ni tende mafhungo - maḓifha. " - Marko 1: 14, 15. " The kingdom of God has drawn near. Be repentant, you people, and have faith in the good news. " - MARK 1: 15. He was preaching "the good news of God, " and many were moved by what he said:" Time has arrived, and the kingdom of God has drawn close to you; believe the good news. " - Mark 1: 14, 15. " Muvhuso wa Mudzimu u tsini; shandukani, ni tende mafhungo - maḓifha. " - Marko 1: 15. 64: 8; Matt. " The kingdom of God is near; believe the good news. " - Mark 1: 15. 64: 8; Mat. It was also a disgusting and brutal religion. 64: 8; Matt. Ho vha vhu vhurereli vhuvhi, ha tshiṱuhu. Moreover, God kindly corrected Elijah's mistaken idea that no other Israelites had remained faithful to Jehovah. It was wicked, cruel, and cruel. Zwiṅwe hafhu, Yehova Mudzimu o khakhulula mahumbulele a Elia a uri a hu na vhaṅwe Vhaisiraele vhe vha dzula vha tshi fulufhedzea khae. 5, 6. Moreover, Jehovah God corrected Elijah's thinking that there were no other Israelites who remained faithful to him. 5, 6. Jesus openly identified himself as the Messiah. 5, 6. Yesu a ḓiṱalusa khagala uri ndi ene Messia. Nevertheless, we are willing to endure the world's contempt because we no longer live for ourselves. Jesus himself identified himself as the Messiah. Naho zwo ralo, ro ḓiimisela u konḓelela u nyadziwa nga shango nga ṅwambo wa uri a ri tsha ḓi tshilela. Because, as Paul writes, Christians have "died with reference to sin. " Still, we are determined to put up with the world's reproach because we no longer live for ourselves. Ngauri Paulo o ṅwala uri Vhakriste vho "vhofhololwa kha tshivhi. " When a couple lack respect for each other, this usually becomes evident in their pattern of speech or tone of voice. Because Paul wrote that Christians have been "set free from sin. " (Gen. 18: 12) Musi vhavhingani vha sa ṱhonifhani, kanzhi zwenezwi zwi vhonala nga nḓila ine vha amba ngayo kana nga maipfi ane vha a shumisa. (Mir. What long - term goals can baptized youths set for themselves? When both mates do not respect each other, these are often seen by their speech or by the words they use. Vhaswa vho lovhedzwaho vha nga ḓivhetshela zwipikwa zwifhio zwa tshifhinga tshilapfu? Who Rules World? What long - term goals can baptized youths set? U Vhusa Lwa Miṅwaha Ya Ḓana - Zwi Ni Kwama Hani? One Bible scholar comments: "It is unthinkable that anyone - even Christ - could raise himself. " 100 Years of Rule - How Does It Affect You? Muṅwe mugudi wa Bivhili o ri: "A zwi konadzei uri muṅwe na muṅwe u katela na Kristo uri a ḓivuse ene muṋe. " In those days Quebec was largely controlled by the Roman Catholic Church. One Bible scholar said: "It is impossible for everyone, including Christ, to heal himself. " Nga tshenetsho tshifhinga Quebec yo vha i tshi langiwa nga Kereke ya Katolika ya Roma. How do you view these statements? By then, Quebec was dominated by the Roman Catholic Church. Ni nga ri mini malugana na zwo ambiwaho afho nṱha? He wants us to learn about him. What would you say about the foregoing? (Psalme ya 10: 14; 146: 9) U ṱoḓa ri tshi guda nga hae. Our brief consideration of chapter 12 of Paul's letter to the Christians in Rome has reminded us of many things. He wants us to learn about him. Khaseledzo yashu pfufhi ya ndima ya 12 ya vhurifhi ha Paulo vhu yaho kha Vhakriste vha ngei Roma yo ri humbudza zwithu zwinzhi. She was learning the fear of Jehovah, and she realized that Jehovah expects his servants to love him with their whole heart, mind, soul, and strength. Our brief discussion of Paul's letter to the Christians in Rome reminded us of many things. O vha a tshi khou guda u ofha Yehova, nahone o zwi ṱhogomela uri Yehova u lavhelela vhashumeli vhawe vha tshi mu funa nga mbilu yavho yoṱhe, ṱhalukanyo, muya na maanḓa avho oṱhe. The Bible reports that he "has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. " He was learning to fear Jehovah, and he recognized that Jehovah expects his servants to love him with their whole heart, soul, and strength. Bivhili i amba uri "o dzula thungo ya tshanḓa tsha u ḽa tsha khuluṋoni ya Mudzimu. " Now widowed, Nancy Porter, who graduated from Gilead School in 1947, still serves in the Bahamas. The Bible says that "he has sat down at the right hand of God's throne. " Nancy Porter ane a vha tshilikadzi, we a ṱhaphudza Tshikoloni tsha Gilead nga 1947, u kha ḓi shuma ngei Bahamas. We do well to keep this lesson in mind when it comes to reaching conclusions about Jehovah God. Nancy, a widow, who graduated from Gilead School in 1947, is still serving in Jehovah's hand. Ri fanela u dzula ri na yeneyo ngudo mihumbuloni yashu musi zwi tshi ḓa kha u ita phetho malugana na Yehova Mudzimu. Does this mean that from then on all faithful ones would go to heaven? We need to keep that lesson in mind when it comes to making decisions regarding Jehovah God. Naa zwenezwi zwi amba uri u bva nga tshenetsho tshifhinga muṅwe na muṅwe ane a fulufhedzea o vha a tshi ḓo ya ṱaḓulu? Now it was fitting to give faithful ones new opportunities to " do business. ' Does this mean that from then on anyone faithful would go to heaven? Zwino zwo vha zwo tea u ṋea vha fulufhedzeaho tshibuli tshiswa tsha u "bindula. " So you might ask yourself: " When householders express opinions that are contrary to Scriptural teachings or they ask difficult questions, am I able to give answers that are based on the Bible? Now it was appropriate to give faithful ones the opportunity to "make a living. " Nga zwenezwo, ni nga ḓivhudzisa uri: " Musi ṋemuḓi a tshi amba zwi sa tshimbidzani na pfunzo ya Bivhili kana a tshi vhudzisa mbudziso dzi konḓaho, naa ndi a kona u mu fhindula zwi tshi bva Bivhilini? " O let people give thanks to Jehovah for his loving - kindness and for his wonderful works to the sons of men, " sing the exiled Jews returning from Babylonian captivity. Therefore, you might ask yourself: " When a householder says something contrary to a Bible study or asks a difficult question, am I able to answer him from the Bible? Vhayuda vhe vha vhofhololwa vhuthubwani ha Babele musi vha tshi vhuya vho imbelela vha ri: "Vhenevho nga vha livhuhe Yehova vhuthu hawe na maḓembe e a a ita kha vhana vha vhathu. " We can do so by using persuasion based solidly on the Scriptures. The Jews who were freed from Babylonian captivity once cried out: "Let them laud Jehovah for his loving - kindness and for the wonderful works he has performed among the sons of men. " Ri nga ita nga u ralo nga u amba nga nḓila i kungaho yo thewaho nga ho khwaṱhaho Maṅwaloni. The question was a weighty one, as the decision would set a legal precedent for generations to come. We can do so by using persuasion that is solidly based on the Scriptures. (Numeri 27: 1 - 11) Yo vha i mbudziso ya ndeme vhukuma ngauri yo vha i tshi ḓo kwama na mirafho i tevhelaho tshifhingani tshi ḓaho. He wisely observed: "If this scheme or this work is from men, it will be overthrown; but if it is from God, you will not be able to overthrow them. " It was a serious question because it would affect future generations. O amba nga vhuṱali a ri: "Arali mafhungo avho na mishumo yavho zwi tshi bva kha vhathu, zwi ḓo lovha. Hone arali zwi tshi bva kha Mudzimu, a ni nga koni u zwi dzivhisa. " However, knowing that the coin must be somewhere in her house, within reach, she begins a thorough and earnest search. He tactfully said: "If their words and deeds originate with men, they will perish, but if they originate with God, you cannot stop them. " Naho zwo ralo, nge a vha a tshi ḓivha uri sheleni i huṅwe fhethu henefha nḓuni nahone a tshi zwi ḓivha uri u ḓo i wana, o mbo ḓi thoma u i ṱoḓa nga vhuronwane na nga mafulufulu. Thinking about these can help us to get Paul's point and likely to understand more clearly what we should do. However, because he knew that the coin was somewhere in the house and knew that he would find it, he immediately searched for it. U humbula nga ha zwenezwi zwi ḓo ri thusa uri ri pfesese zwine Paulo a khou zwi amba na nḓila ine ra nga zwi shumisa ngayo. " Your Father knows what you need. " - MATTHEW 6: 8. Remembering this will help us to understand what Paul was saying and how we can apply it. " Khotsi aṋu u a ḓivha zwine na ṱoḓa. " - MATEO 6: 8. Modesty really starts with acknowledging our place in God's arrangement. " Your Father knows what you need. " - MATTHEW 6: 8. Muthu ane a ḓiṱukufhadza u a pfesesa mushumo wawe ndanguloni ya Mudzimu. More than ever, one who is crushed in spirit needs wholesome association. A modest person understands his role in God's organization. Musi o sedzana na vhuimo ho raloho, muthu o tsikeledzeaho u ṱoḓa vhukonani vhu fhaṱaho vhukuma. Meanwhile, we will not abandon the organization that God is pleased to use, for we see the clear evidence of his blessing upon it. - Acts 6: 7; 1 Corinthians 3: 6. In such a situation, a depressed person needs upbuilding association. (Mirero 4: 18) Zwa zwino ri nga si ṱutshele ndangulo ine Mudzimu a takalela u i shumisa, ngauri ri a kona u vhona vhuṱanzi vhu re khagala uri u khou i takalela. - Mishumo 6: 7; 1 Vha - Korinta 3: 6. Consider the example of Richard and Ruth, parents of three young children. In the meantime, we will not leave the organization that God approves of, for we can see clearly evidence of his approval. - Acts 6: 7; 1 Corinthians 3: 6. Ṱhogomelani tsumbo ya Richard na Ruth, vha re na vhana vhararu. This trade was probably common as early as 2000 B.C.E. Consider the example of Richard and Ruth, who have three children. U rengiswa ha thundu yeneyo khamusi ho vha ho ḓowelea u bva mathomoni a 2000 B.C.E. Do Jesus ' Sayings Influence Your Prayers? The sale of these items may have been common from the beginning of 2000 B.C.E. Naa Mafhungo A Yesu A Ṱuṱuwedza Thabelo Dzaṋu? Before them was either everlasting life or death. Do Jesus ' Sayings Affect Your Prayers? Vho vha vha tshi fanela u khetha vhutshilo vhu sa fheli kana lufu. Before you answer that question, consider these examples: For several years, brothers and sisters kindly encouraged a sister named Taylene. They had to choose everlasting life or death. Musi ni sa athu u fhindula yeneyo mbudziso, ṱhogomelani tsumbo dzi tevhelaho: Lwa miṅwaha yo vhalaho, wahashu wa tshisadzini ane a pfi Taylene o ṱuṱuwedzwa nga vhahashu nga vhuthu. The school I attended was in Piquete, so I eventually bought an old bicycle, which made traveling to town easier. Before answering that question, consider the following examples: For a number of years, a sister named Each sister was encouraged by the brothers in a kind way. Ndo vha ndi tshi dzhena tshikolo Piquete, nga zwenezwo ndo mbo ḓi renga baisigira ya kale nahone yo ita uri zwi leluwe u ya tshikoloni. was translated into Huave, Maya, Mazatec, Totonac, Tzeltal, and Tzotzil. I attended school Ptetete, so I bought an old bicycle and made it easier for me to go to school. nga Luhuave, Lumaya, Lumazatec, Lutotonac, Lutzeltal, Lutzotzil. • When in private, how can we make Jehovah's heart rejoice? By displaying that name, exercises, use of these words, faiths, and example. • Ri nga ita uri mbilu ya Yehova i takale nga nḓila - ḓe musi hu si na vhathu vho ri sedzaho? Jesus was perfect, and his human body was without sin. • How can we make Jehovah's heart rejoice when we are not present? Yesu o vha o fhelela nahone muvhili wawe wo vha u si na tshivhi. " A certain one of his disciples said to him: " Lord, teach us how to pray. ' " - LUKE 11: 1. Jesus was perfect, and his body was sinless. " Muṅwe wa vhafunziwa vhawe a amba nae ' a ri: Murena, ri funze u rabela. " - LUKA 11: 1. We received The Watchtower through Maryse Anasiak, a courageous Christian woman whom I used to meet in a baker's shop owned by a Witness. " One of his disciples said to him, " Lord, teach us how to pray. ' " - LUKE 11: 1. Ro vha ri tshi wana Tshiingamo kha muṅwe mufumakadzi wa Mukriste, Maryse Anasiak we ra vha ri tshi ṱangana vhengeleni ḽa u rengisa vhurotho ḽe ḽa vha ḽi ḽa Ṱhanzi. Interestingly, in ancient Greece, if a man struck his parents, he would lose all his civil rights; in Roman law, to strike a father was as serious as murder. We received The Watchtower from a Christian woman, Mary Kell, whom we met in a shop to sell the bread that was a Witness. Sa tsumbo, tshifhingani tsha kale ngei Gerika, arali muthu a rwa vhabebi vhawe, o vha a tshi xelelwa nga ndugelo dzoṱhe dze a vha e nadzo kha tshitshavha; u ya nga mulayo wa Roma, u rwa khotsi zwo vha zwi tshi dzhiiwa hu mulandu muhulu u fana na u vhulaya. Was Jehovah God displeased that the Israelites were living comfortably, savoring tasty meals, drinking fine wine, and listening to beautiful music? For example, in ancient Greece, if a person beat his parents, he lost all the rights he had in the community; according to Roman law, he was considered to be a serious debt, such as murder. Naa Yehova Mudzimu o vha a sa funi uri Vhaisiraele vha tshile nga u ḓigeḓa, vha tshi ḓiphina nga zwiḽiwa zwi ḓifhaho, vha tshi nwa veine yavhuḓi, nahone vha tshi thetshelesa muzika u takadzaho? For example, we would ask, "Is there anyone here who wants to sell a cow? " Did Jehovah God not want the Israelites to live at ease, enjoy wholesome food, drink good wine, and listen to joyful music? Sa tsumbo, ro vha ri tshi vhudzisa uri, "Naa hu na muthu ane a ṱoḓa u rengisa kholomo? " In the past, people of the nations had to come to Israel to serve Jehovah. For example, we asked, "Do anyone want to sell a bull? " Tshifhingani tsho fhiraho, tshaka dzo vha dzi tshi fanela u ya Isiraele u shumela Yehova. By word and example, she impressed upon us the importance of Jesus ' counsel: " Seek first the kingdom and his righteousness. ' - Matthew 6: 33. In the past, the nations had to go to Israel to serve Jehovah. Nga zwe vha amba na nga tsumbo, vho ita uri ri pfesese zwavhuḓi vhuhulwane ha nyeletshedzo ya Yesu ine ya ri: "Tsha phanḓa ṱoḓani muvhuso wa Mudzimu na u luga hawe. " - Mateo 6: 33. Parents know that passion behaves similarly. By their words and example, they clearly understood Jesus ' powerful counsel: "Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness. " - Matthew 6: 33. Vhabebi vha a zwi ḓivha uri maḓipfele a a fana. Aquila and Priscilla accompanied him as far as Ephesus, where they remained. Parents know that feelings are not exactly the same. Prisila na Akhwila vho fhelekedza vha swika ngei Efesa, he vha sala hone. All rights reserved. Priscilla and Priscilla accompanied them to Ephesus, where they remained. All rights reserved. In the first century, angels rescued Peter, Paul, and others from prison. All rights reserved. (2 Dzikhosi 19: 35) Ḓanani ḽa u thoma ḽa miṅwaha, vharuṅwa vho tshidza Petro, Paulo na vhaṅwe dzhele. What Scriptural responsibility do family heads have? In the first century, angels saved Peter, Paul, and others from prison. Ṱhoho dza miṱa dzi na vhuḓifhinduleli vhufhio ho thewaho Maṅwaloni? " Consider the patience of our Lord as salvation, " wrote Peter to fellow Christians. What Scriptural responsibility do family heads have? Petro o ṅwalela Vhakriste ngae a ri: "U sa fhela mbilu ha Murena washu ni hu ḓivhe uri ndi tshone tshitshidzi tshaṋu. " They now permit patients to share in the choice of treatment. Peter wrote to fellow Christians: "Keep the patience of our Lord as salvation. " Zwa zwino vha tendela vhalwadze vha tshi ṱanganela kha u ita phetho malugana na nḓila ine vha funa u alafhiwa ngayo. [ Picture on page 8, 9] Now they let patients share in making decisions about how they like treatment. [ Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 8, 9] No wonder that place came to be called "Jehovah - jireh, " which means" Jehovah Will Provide. " - Gen. 22: 14; ftn. [ Picture on page 8, 9] 22: 10 - 13) Ndi ngazwo henefho fhethu ho vhidzwa u pfi "Yehova - dzhaire, " zwine nga Luheberu zwa amba uri," Yehova U Ḓo Ṋea. " - Gen. 22: 14, NW. Looking at Noah - one of those examples cited by Paul - we recall what Jesus said: "Just as it occurred in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of man. " That is why it was called "Jehovah, " which is in Hebrew," He will repay you. " - Gen. 22: 14. Musi ri tshi sedza Noaxe - muṅwe wa tsumbo dzo ambiwaho nga Paulo - ri humbula zwe Yesu a zwi amba musi a tshi ri: "Zwe zwa itwa misi ya Noaxe, ndi zwine zwa ḓo itwa na nga maḓuvha a Murwa - muthu. " Enemies of the Jews, however, opposed the project and used it as a pretext to accuse the Jews of rebelling against Persia. As we look at Noah - one of the examples mentioned by Paul - we bear in mind what Jesus said: "Just as the days of Noah were, so is the days of the Son of man. " (Esera 1: 1 - 4) Naho zwo ralo, maswina a Vhayuda o hanedzana na wonoyo mushumo nahone vho shumisa zwenezwo u itela u pomoka Vhayuda uri vha khou shandukela Peresia. Failure to control our tongue could result in what? However, Jewish enemies opposed the work and used it to accuse the Jews of their rebellion against Persia. U kundwa u langa lulimi lwashu zwi nga ita uri hu vhe na mvelelo dzifhio? Also, if it is possible, you could reschedule or sacrifice nonessential activities so that you can regularly support congregation field service arrangements. - Col. How can failure to control our tongue produce what results? Zwiṅwe hafhu, arali zwi tshi konadzea, ni nga litsha u ita mishumo i si ya ndeme kana na i ita nga zwiṅwe zwifhinga, u itela uri ni kone u tikedza ndugiselelo dza tshivhidzo dza tshumelo ya tsimu tshifhinga tshoṱhe. - Vha - Kol. It can affect even older ones who want to do what is right. Moreover, if possible, you may hold back from doing necessary tasks or at times to support congregation arrangements for field service. - Col. Zwi nga kwama na vhathu vhahulwane vhane vha ṱoḓa u ita zwithu zwo lugaho. But many mothers are forced by circumstances not only to care for their family but also to work outside the home. It can even affect older ones who want to do what is right. Fhedzi vhomme vhanzhi vha kombetshedzwa nga zwiimo uri vha si shume mishumo ya hayani fhedzi, fhedzi vha dovhe vha shume mushumo wa u ḓitshidza. God's Rest - Have You Entered Into It? 7 / 15 But many mothers are pressured not only to work at home but also to do secular work. Naa ri dzula ri tshi fhisetshela vhuḓinḓa nṱhani ha u ita uri mafhungo ashu a muthu nga eṱhe a ḓe u thoma vhutshiloni hashu? Have we maintained our zeal for the ministry rather than letting personal affairs take precedence in our life? Do we maintain our zeal for the ministry rather than put personal matters first in our lives? Nṱhani ha u mu sasaladza, zwi nga vha zwavhuḓi arali ra nga humbula nga ha zwine ra nga zwi ita u itela u mu thusa uri a vhibve. Instead of being overly critical, why not reflect on what we might do to help him grow to maturity? Rather than criticize him, why not think about what we can do to help him become mature? Samusi vhaṅwe vho zwi amba, Yosefa o vha e siho musi Yesu e tsengoni. Perhaps, as some suggest, Joseph was not present at Jesus ' trial. As some said, Joseph was not present when Jesus was on trial. Zwi tshi ya nga zwe na vha no zwi lavhelela, ni nga kha ḓipfa no vhofholowa, no kulea nungo, kana ni si na dzangalelo khazwo. Depending on what you expected, you might be relieved, disappointed, or indifferent. Depending on what you expected, you may feel at ease, discouraged, or take no interest in them. U ṱanganedza ndugelo dzenedzi na u dzi ita zwavhuḓi vhukuma zwi anzela u ita uri ni wane dziṅwe dzo engedzeaho. Accepting these and doing your best will often lead to further assignments. Accepting these privileges and making them very well often brings more. O xelelwa nga thundu dzawe dzoṱhe na vhana vhawe vhoṱhe nga ḓuvha ḽithihi, nahone o rwiwa nga mamota a ṱhoṱhonaho muvhili woṱhe. He had lost all his possessions and children in one day, and then he was struck with agonizing boils all over his body. He lost all his possessions and all his children one day, and he was beaten with a whole body. Ndi khaedu u funza mafhungo - ngoho a Maṅwalo nga nḓila i pfalaho na ine ya swikelela mbilu. It is challenging to teach Scriptural truth in a way that is clear and that appeals to the heart. It is a challenge to teach Scriptural truths in a clear and convincing way that makes the heart rejoice. Ḓivhudziseni uri, ndi khou ita mini zwino? Little), 5 / 15 Ask yourself, What am I doing right now? Muṅwe mme ane a pfi Pauline o kunda mutsiko wa thangana ya murole nga iṅwe nḓila. A mother named Pauline counteracted peer pressure in another way. A mother named Pauline overcame peer pressure in some way. Vho vha vho dzhenwa nga muya wa Mudzimu lwe vha hangwa tshoṱhe zwe vha vha vho ḓela zwone. They were so overwhelmed by God's spirit that they completely forgot the purpose of their mission. They had become so absorbed in God's spirit that they forgot all that they had come. (b) Ndi ngani ri tshi fanela u vha na dzangalelo kha vhuimo ha Paulo? (b) Why should we be interested in Paul's situation? (b) Why should we be interested in Paul's situation? Nga zwiṅwe zwifhinga, ro vha ri tshi kulea nungo. We felt helpless at times. At times, we were disappointed. O ri: "Ndo mbo ḓi sinyuwa nga u ṱavhanya. " " My fury escalates so fast, " she says. " I quickly got angry, " she says. 1, 2. 1, 2. 1, 2. Tshenetshi tshifanyiso tshi dzumbulula mini? What does this parable reveal? What does this illustration reveal? Ri fanela u ḓilinda kha u sumbedza mafunda a muhoyo. We should be on guard against a hypocritical display of hospitality. We must guard against showing hypocritical generosity. O vha o funzea vhukuma. He received an extensive education. He was well - educated. Mudzimu u ṱalusa uri Davida ndi " muḓinḓa wawe we a tevhedza ndaela dzawe, a tshi tevhela Ene nga mbilu yawe yoṱhe, a dzula a tshi ita zwe Ene a wana zwo luga. ' God described David as "my servant David, who kept my commandments and who walked after me with all his heart by doing only what was right in my eyes. " Of course, we know that David did some things that were wrong. God describes David as "a master worker who kept his commandments earnestly following him and kept doing what was right in his eyes. " Ṱhalutshedzelo ya Bivhili yo amba uri: "U zwala tsheṋe u itela u lifhedza... zwo vha zwi tshi dzhiiwa zwi mulandu nga fhasi ha mulayo wa Roma. " Sowing darnel in a field for purposes of revenge... was a crime under Roman legislation. The Bible translation states: "The sowing of the weeds in order to retaliate... was considered guilty under Roman law. Bivhili i ri: "Mudzimu ha ṱaluli; ha nga hangwi zwe na shuma na ḓi - netisa lufunoni ni tshi itela dzina ḽawe. " " God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name, " says the Bible. The Bible says: "God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name. " Zwo tsilufhalaho zwa shango ndi zwone zwe Mudzimu a zwi nanga, uri a shonise vhaṱali, na zwi shayaho nungo zwa shango ndi zwone zwe Mudzimu a zwi nanga uri a shonise vhadzia - nungo. It was Jehovah's purpose that the descendants of Adam and Eve fill the earth. The world's commercial system was God's choice, to comfort the wise, and the weak in the world, which God chose to bring reproach upon the weak. Ho vha hu ndivho ya Yehova uri vhaḓuhulu vha Adamu na Eva vha ḓadze shango. My biggest challenge was to quit smoking; my addiction was very strong. It was Jehovah's purpose for Adam and Eve to fill the earth. Khaedu yanga khulwane ho vha hu u litsha u daha ngauri dzema ḽanga ḽo vha ḽo no goḓombela. " Quit Touching the Unclean Thing " My greatest challenge was to quit smoking because my addiction had become too deep. " Ni Songo Kwama Dzitshikha " " I didn't feel capable. " Do Not Let It Affect You " Ndi ḓipfa ndi si na vhukoni. 33: 1 - 3. I feel that I do not have the ability. 33: 1 - 3. Consequently, sexual depravity was widespread in those days. 33: 1 - 3. Nga ṅwambo wa zwenezwo, vhuyaḓa ha u ṱangana nga dzimbeu ho vha ho anda misini yeneyo. Furthermore, the priests and Levites themselves needed faith in Jehovah and in his means of providing for them. As a result, sexual uncleanness was rampant in those days. Zwiṅwe hafhu, vhotshifhe na Vhalevi vho vha vha tshi fanela u vha na lutendo kha Yehova uri a vha ṱhogomele. What will bring about such a change? Moreover, priests and Levites needed faith in Jehovah to care for them. Ndi mini tshine tsha ḓo ḓisa dzenedzo tshanduko? What does following Jesus ' example in doing God's will involve? What will bring about such changes? Hu katelwa mini kha u tevhela tsumbo ya Yesu ya u ita zwine Mudzimu a zwi funa? According to DeConick's reconstruction of the text, Jesus calls Judas the "Thirteenth Demon, " not the" thirteenth spirit. " What is involved in following Jesus ' example of doing God's will? U ya nga zwe zwa ṅwalwa nga DeConick, Yesu o vhidza Yudasi "Dimoni ḽa Vhufumi na Vhuraru, " hu si" muya wa vhufumi na vhuraru. " The more religions I examined, the more discouraged I became. According to Jesus, he called Judas "the helper and Threeth, " not" the spirit of the tenth and the third. " Musi ndi tshi sengulusa vhuṅwe vhurereli ndo vha ndi tshi ṋaṋa u kulea nungo. (a) Upbuilding meetings are the result of what? The more I studied other religions, the more I became discouraged. (a) Ndi mini zwine zwa ita uri miṱangano i vhe i fhaṱaho? Concerning him, Jesus said: "He did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. (a) What makes meetings upbuilding? Malugana nae, Yesu o ri: "Ha ngo ima na mafhungo - ngoho; ngauri kha ene a huna mafhungo - ngoho. To honor one's wife means to treat her lovingly, with respect and dignity. Concerning him, Jesus said: "He did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. U hulisa musadzi wau zwi amba u mu funa na u mu ṱhonifha. I felt insecure and wished I were somewhere else. To honor your wife means to love and respect her. Ndo ḓipfa ndi songo vhofholowa nahone nda tou tama ndi huṅwe fhethu. In the following accounts, try to imagine the travels involved. I felt uncomfortable and dreamed of being somewhere else. Kha mafhungo a tevhelaho, lingedzani u humbula nga ha nyendo dzine dza katelwa. Then I think about what I have read. " - Jean, baptized 1939. In the following context, try to reflect on the trips involved. Nga murahu nda humbula nga zwe nda zwi vhala. " - Jean, o lovhedzwaho nga 1939. JUNE 25, 2012 - JULY 1, 2012 Then I remembered what I read. " - Jean, baptized in 1939. 25 JUNE, 2012 - 1 JULY, 2012 This is evident in the way he disciplined the Israelites, who repeatedly abandoned true worship. JUNE 25, 2012 - JULY 1, 2012 Zwenezwi zwo vhonala musi a tshi kaidza Vhaisiraele musi vha si tsha mu thetshelesa. I have never been in a situation where I have not felt his strength and his guidance. " This was evident when he rebuked the Israelites when they disobeyed him. Kha zwiimo zwoṱhe u a nṋea maanḓa na vhulivhisi hawe. " 116: 12, 14. In all cases he gives me strength and guidance. " 116: 12, 14. Distractions can hinder our spiritual progress. 116: 12, 14. U thithisea hu nga thivhela mvelaphanḓa yashu ya muya. Before stating the principle that one who is faithful in seemingly small things is also faithful in important matters, Jesus advised his listeners: "Make friends for yourselves by means of the unrighteous riches, so that, when such fail, they may receive you into the everlasting dwelling places. " Being distracted can hinder our spiritual advancement. Musi a sa athu amba maitele a uri muthu ane a fulufhedzea kha zwithu zwine zwa vhonala zwi zwiṱuku u a fulufhedzea kha mafhungo a ndeme, Yesu o eletshedza vhathetshelesi vhawe a ri: "Ḓi - ṱoḓeleni dzikhonani nga Mamona u songo lugaho, uri musi ni tshi ḓo u shaya, dzikhonani dzaṋu dzi ni ṱanganedze zwifhaṱoni zwi sá ṱahali na lini na lini. " At such times, a good question to ask ourselves is, " What would Jesus do? ' Before stating that a person faithful in seemingly small things is concerned with serious matters, Jesus counseled his listeners: "Keep searching out your friends for what is unrighteous, that when you are in need and when you are in a position to find it, your friends will accept you in an everlasting home and forever. " Nga tshenetsho tshifhinga, zwi nga vha zwavhuḓi uri ri ḓivhudzise uri, " Yesu o vha a tshi ḓo vha o ita mini? ' For example, study Jonah's humble prayer from the belly of a huge fish. At that time, we do well to ask ourselves, " What would Jesus have done? ' Sa tsumbo, gudani nga ha thabelo ya Yona ya u ḓiṱukufhadza ya musi e thumbuni ya khovhe khulu. Living at a Crossroads of Civilization For example, learn about Jonah's prayer of humility while he was in a large fish. U Dzula Mafhandeni a Fhethu ho Bvelaho Phanḓa Some governments are cruel. Keeping in the Continues of Continue Miṅwe mivhuso i na tshiṱuhu. He will not be truly happy unless he does that. Some governments are cruel. A nga si vhuye a wana dakalo ḽa ngoho arali a sa ita nga u ralo. [ Footnote] He will never find true happiness if he does not. [ Ṱhaluso dzi re magumoni a siaṱari] We do not dive in to rescue them. [ Footnotes] A ri dzheni maḓini u itela u vha tshidza. Read Matthew 6: 26. We do not come into water to save them. Vhalani Mateo 6: 26. You may have heard it said that everyone makes his own truth, or that truth is relative, or that truth is ever changing. Read Matthew 6: 26. Ni nga vha no no zwi pfa hu tshi khou ambiwa uri muthu muṅwe na muṅwe u tou ita phetho kha zwine zwa vha ngoho kana uri yeneyo ngoho a yo ngo fhelela, kana yeneyo ngoho i dzulela u shanduka. At times, you may be able to do your neighbor a favor. You may have heard that every person makes a personal decision based on what is true or that such truth is not perfect, nor does it always change. Nga tshiṅwe tshifhinga, ni nga kha ḓi thusa muhura waṋu. We need to imitate the first - century Jews in Beroea who heard Paul's preaching. At times, you might help your neighbor. Ri fanela u edzisa Vhayuda vha ngei Berea vha ḓana ḽa u thoma ḽa miṅwaha vhe vha pfa Paulo a tshi khou funza. A proud person likes to consider himself superior and usually gets selfish pleasure from boasting. We should imitate the first - century Jews in Beroea who heard Paul teaching. Muthu ane a ḓikukumusa u funesa u ḓidzhiela nṱha nahone kanzhi u takadzwa nga u zuwa. However, those days of youth are often marred by painful mistakes that may affect a person's future happiness. A proud person takes pride in himself and is often impressed by pride. Naho zwo ralo, maḓuvha eneo a vhuswa a anzela u tshinyadzwa nga vhukhakhi vhune ha nga kha ḓi kwama dakalo ḽa muthu ḽa tshifhingani tshi ḓaho. (b) What information can add significance to Samson's feat? However, those days are often damaged by mistakes that may affect the happiness of a person in the future. (b) Ndi mafhungo afhio ane a nga ita uri mishumo ya Simisoni i vhe ya ndeme vhukuma? Some of these turned to " beating ' their former brothers verbally and consorting with "confirmed drunkards, " religious groups of Christendom. - Isaiah 28: 1 - 3; 32: 6. (b) What information might make Samson's activities more important? Vhaṅwe vha vhenevha vha thoma u sasaladza vhahavho na u ḓiṱanganya na "vhadzia - u kambiwa, " zwigwada zwa vhurereli ha ḽa Vhudzhagane. - Yesaya 28: 1 - 3; 32: 6. For example, we may come close to death as a result of persecution or some health crisis. Some of these start to criticize their brothers and to associate with "those who are getting drunk, " groups of Christendom's religions. - Isaiah 28: 1 - 3; 32: 6. Sa tsumbo, ri nga ponya lufu nga lubuli lwa ṋeleṱe nga ṅwambo wa u tovholwa kana nga vhulwadze. Has something happened? ' " - Masami, Japan. For example, we may survive death with persecution or disease. Naa hu na zwe na ita? ' " - Masami, wa ngei Dzhapani. (Read.) Is there anything you have done? ' " - Dhmi, Japan. (Vhalani.) [ Picture on page 5] (Read.) [ Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 5] Walls of the Castra Praetoria as they appear today [ Picture on page 5] Mitsheṱo ya Castra Praetoria i kha ḓi vha yo tou rali na ṋamusi What you need to do Is the ransom a gift to you personally? It is still the same today Zwine na fanela u zwi ita Naa tshirengululi ndi tshifhiwa kha inwi? 19 - 21. (a) In what outstanding way do we show that "we are members belonging to one another "? Is what you must do to benefit from the ransom a gift for you? 19 - 21. (a) Ri sumbedza hani nga nḓila i swaeaho uri " muṅwe na muṅwe ndi muraḓo une wa shumisana '? Similarly, when he told his disciples to "keep on the watch, " he gave them a reason. 19 - 21. (a) How do we demonstrate that "we are members belonging to each other "? Nga hu fanaho, musi a tshi vhudza vhafunziwa vhawe uri vha "dzule [vh] ó fhaṱuwa, " o vha ṋea na tshiitisi. Additionally, Daniel was a diligent and rightly motivated student of God's Word, which helped him to keep God's glorious purpose in focus. Similarly, when he told his disciples to "keep on the watch, " he gave them reason. (Daniele 6: 10, 11) Zwiṅwe hafhu, Daniele o vha e mugudi wa Ipfi ḽa Mudzimu a fhiseaho, zwithu zwe zwa mu thusa u dzula a tshi humbula nga vhugala ha Mudzimu. None of us could ever have paid the ransom that was needed to free us from sin and death. Moreover, Daniel was a diligent student of God's Word, which helped him to keep God's glory. A hu na na muthihi washu we a vha a tshi nga kona u badela tshirengululi tshe tsha vha tshi tshi ṱoḓeaho uri a ri vhofholole kha tshivhi na lufu. Do you look forward to the time when there will be no man - made national boundaries, when the concept of "foreigner " will be a thing of the past? None of us could pay for the ransom that was needed to release us from sin and death. Naa no lavhelela tshifhinga tshine ngatsho ha sa ḓo vha na mikano ya mashango yo itwaho nga vhathu, hune ipfi "mutsinda " ḽa si tsha ḓo ḓivhiwa? Faith similarly gives us spiritual goals that enable us to resist assimilation into the world lying in the power of the wicked one, Satan the Devil. - 1 John 2: 15 - 17; 5: 19. Do you long for a time when there will be no limit to human society, where the word "new " will be no longer known? Nga hu fanaho lutendo lu ita uri ri vhe na zwipikwa zwine zwa ita uri ri kone u sa ḓidzhenisa kha shango ḽi re nga fhasi ha maanḓa a muvhi, Sathane Diabolo. - 1 Yohane 2: 15 - 17; 5: 19. What if most of your fellow patients refused to follow the doctor's direction, arguing that it would be too much trouble to take the medicine or adhere to the prescribed regimen? In a similar way, faith enables us to keep separate from the world that is under the power of the wicked one, Satan the Devil. - 1 John 2: 15 - 17; 5: 19. Hu pfi mini arali vhunzhi ha vhalwadze nga inwi vha hana u ita zwo ambiwaho nga dokotela, vha amba uri zwi ḓo konḓa nga maanḓa u nwa mushonga kana u tevhedza zwo ambiwaho? It's good to see you again. What if most of your patients refuse to do what the doctor says, claim that it will be very difficult to drink medicine or to follow what is said? Ndi takalela u dovha nda ni vhona. Abraham's father, Terah, lived for 205 years. I like to see you again. Thara, khotsi a Abrahamu o tshila miṅwaha ya 205. How often was this meal to be observed? Terah, Abraham's father, lived for 19 years. Tshenetshi Tshilalelo tsho vha tshi tshi fanela u pembelelwa lungana? Why, the six verses of the 150th Psalm exhort us 13 different times to praise Jehovah! How often was this observance to be observed? Ndimana dza rathi dza Psalme ya 150 dzi ri khadeledza u renda Yehova lwa 13. Jehovah always responds for our good, in harmony with his loving purposes recorded in the Bible. Six verses of Psalm 150 encourage us to praise Jehovah for 13 times. Tshifhinga tshoṱhe Yehova u aravha nga nḓila ine ya ri vhuyedza, ine ya tendelana na ndivho dzawe dza lufuno zwo ṅwalwaho Bivhilini. Living Up to Their Dedication Jehovah always responds in a way that benefits us, in harmony with his loving purposes recorded in the Bible. U Tshila u Tendelana na u Ḓiṋekedza Havho " I felt very good about it when the lunch period was over, " she says. Living Up to Self - Sacrifice U ri: "Ndo pfa ndo takala vhukuma musi tshifhinga tsha u awela tshi tshi fhela. By doing this, the new missionaries can be sustained in their foreign assignments. She says: "I felt very happy when the time came to rest came to an end. (Yesaya 55: 2, 3, 6, 7) Nga u ita zwenezwi, vharumiwa vhaswa vha nga kona u vha vha bvelelaho kha mishumo yavho. The students have compassion for people. By doing this, new missionaries can successfully become effective in their assignments. Vhagudiswa vha a pfela vhuṱungu vhathu. David continues: "There are many saying: " Who will show us good? ' The students feel sorry for people. Davida o bvela phanḓa a tshi ri: "Ndi vhanzhi vhané vha ri: Ndi nnyi ane a ḓo ri vhonisa zwivhuya? (b) "The truth of the good news " consists of what? David goes on to say: "Many will say: " Who will make them good? ' (b) "Ngoho ya mafhungo maḓifha, " i katela mini? Loving interest can make any occasion a delight. (b) What does "the truth of the good news " involve? U sumbedza vhaeni vhashu uri ri a vha funa, zwi ita uri tshiitea tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe tshi vhe tshi takadzaho. In what circumstance did the Israelites find themselves after the Exodus, and what question arose? Showing our visitors that we love them makes every occasion enjoyable. Ho itea mini kha Vhaisiraele nga murahu ha Mupfuluwo, nahone ho vha na mbudziso ifhio? Yes, we do not worship an ungrateful God. What happened to the Israelites after the Exodus, and what question arose? Ee, ri rabela Mudzimu ane a livhuha. Soon, in the summer of 1953, I was assigned to serve black circuits in the South as district overseer. Yes, we pray to an appreciative God. Nga tshilimo tsha 1953, ndo mbo ḓi avhelwa u shuma kha maisela a vharema ngei Tshipembe sa mulavhelesi wa tshiṱiriki. Jesus next saw James and John, who were mending their nets along with their father. During the summer of 1953, I was assigned to work on black bodies in South America as a district overseer. Nga murahu, Yesu o vhona Yakobo na Yohane vhe vha vha vhe na khotsi - avho, vha tshi khou pfuṋekanya mammbule avho. Our courage and faith are strengthened when we see that God is with those who put his interests and the welfare of fellow believers ahead of their own concerns. Later, Jesus saw James and John, who had their father, covered their nets. Lutendo lwashu na tshivhindi zwi a khwaṱhiswa musi ri tshi vhona uri Mudzimu u tikedza vhane vha ita zwine a zwi funa, na u tsireledza vhatendi ngavho. There are close to 300 sign - language congregations in Mexico. Our faith and courage are strengthened when we see that God supports those who do his will and protects fellow believers. Hu na zwivhidzo zwa luambo lwa zwanḓa zwi ṱoḓaho u vha 300 ngei Mexico. People's problems and worries move us to want to help them spiritually. There are some 300 sign - language congregations in Mexico. Thaidzo na mbilaelo dzine vhathu vha sedzana nadzo zwi ri sudzulusela uri ri ṱoḓe u vha thusa nga lwa muya. Divine intervention in Hezekiah's case served the specific purpose of preserving the lineage leading to the Messiah. The problems and concerns that people face move us to seek spiritual help. U dzhenelela ha Mudzimu kha mafhungo a Hesekiele ho shuma vhukuma u itela u vhulunga mutevhe u yaho kha Messia. ; De Caso, D. God's intervention in Ezekiel's account worked hard to preserve the line leading to the Messiah. ; De Caso, D. This draws on fine Scriptural advice found in the book The Secret of Family Happiness and other publications of Jehovah's Witnesses. ; Deo, D. Miṱa Ya Vhakriste - Tevhelani Tsumbo Ya Yesu! 20, 21 - How can we "keep [ourselves] in God's love "? Christian Families - Follow Jesus ' Example! Zwenezwi zwi livhisa ṱhogomelo kha nyeletshedzo yavhuḓi ya Maṅwalo i wanalaho kha bugu Tshiphiri tsha Dakalo ḽa Muṱa na kha dziṅwe khandiso dza Ṱhanzi dza Yehova. Later we were invited to move to Boston, Massachusetts, where a Chinese group had been developing for about three years. This focuses on the good Scriptural counsel found in The Secret of Family Happiness and other publications of Jehovah's Witnesses. 20, 21 - Ri nga "ḓivhulungel [a] ngomu lufunoni lwa Mudzimu " nga nḓila - ḓe? Years later, he admits: "At times I still have those feelings, but I don't let them overtake me. 20, 21 - How can we "go on walking in God's love "? Nga murahu ra rambiwa u pfulutshela Boston, Massachusetts, he tshigwada tsha Vhatshaina tsha vha tshi tshi khou aluwa miṅwaha i ṱoḓaho u vha miraru. Ezra mentions this only as a possibility. Then we were invited to move to the Tandsss, where the Chinese group was growing for about three years. Nga murahu ha miṅwaha, o ri: "Nga zwiṅwe zwifhinga ndi a ita ndi tshi vha na eneo maḓipfele, fhedzi a thi tendi a tshi nkunda. Dan Years later, she says: "I sometimes have those feelings, but I don't believe them. Esera o amba zwenezwi sa zwine zwa nga kha ḓi shumiswa. The apostle Paul said: "Each one will carry his own load of responsibility. " - Galatians 6: 5, footnote. Ezra refers to this as what might be used. Dani There are good reasons for viewing Jehovah God as the Supreme One. - Dan. Dan Muapostola Paulo o ri: "Muṅwe na muṅwe u ḓo hwala muhwalo wawe. " - Vhagalata 6: 5. The man in question had been a drunken brawler who constantly caused trouble. The apostle Paul said: "Each one will carry his load. " - Galatians 6: 5. Ri na zwiitisi zwi pfalaho zwa u dzhia Yehova sa Mudzimu Wa Ṱaḓulu - ṱaḓulu kana Ramaanḓaoṱhe. - Dan. (b) What progress was Timothy helped to make? We have every reason to view Jehovah as the Most High God or Almighty. - Dan. Munna onoyo we vha vha vha tshi khou amba nga hae o vha e tshidakwa tshine tsha vusa khakhathi tshifhinga tshoṱhe. On the other hand, we should be careful not to become too lenient with ourselves, using our perceived limitations as an excuse for slowing down more than is necessary in the Christian ministry. The man talking about was an alcoholic who regularly caused trouble. (b) Timotheo o thuswa uri a ite mvelaphanḓa ifhio? He also shows mildness, self - control, and patience. (b) What progress was Timothy helped to make? Kha ḽiṅwe sia, ri fanela u ṱhogomela uri ri sa lavhelele u ita zwiṱuku - ṱuku, na u shumisa vhushayanungo hashu sa tshiitisi tsha u vha na madebe vhuḓinḓani ha Vhukriste. Many Witnesses are having a very effective and rewarding share in such work. On the other hand, we must be careful not to expect too little, to use our weaknesses as an excuse to slow down in the Christian ministry. U dovha a sumbedza u vuḓa, u ḓifara na u sa fhela mbilu. Love for God and neighbor and the urgency of the Kingdom - preaching work move God's people "to come forward... with a gift in hand for Jehovah " by making voluntary donations. He also shows mildness, self - control, and patience. Ṱhanzi nnzhi dzi khou huwelela nga hu bvelelaho kha wonoyo mushumo. Esther, who is now a Witness, admits that she reacted in "pure anger " when her husband began studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. Many Witnesses are preaching effectively in that work. U funa Mudzimu na vhahashu na u ṱavhanyiswa ha mushumo wa u huwelela nga ha Muvhuso zwi sudzulusa vhathu vha Mudzimu u "ṋea Yehova nga tshanḓa [tshavho] " muṋeelo wa u ḓifunela. Because the brothers accepted all responsibility, for some time others could continue making the increasingly dangerous trips. Love for God and for our brothers and sisters and the urgency of the Kingdom - preaching work move God's people to "give to Jehovah by means of [their] willing hand. " Esther ane zwino a vha Ṱhanzi u a tenda uri o vha a tshi "sinyuwa " musi munna wawe a tshi thoma u guda Bivhili na Ṱhanzi dza Yehova. WHEN Jesse, a 17 - year - old high school student, was asked about the meaning of life, he replied, "Have as much fun as you can, as long as you're alive. " Esther, who is now a Witness, admits that she was "enraged down " when her husband began to study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. Nga nṱhani ha uri vhahashu vho tenda milandu yoṱhe, lwa tshifhinganyana vhaṅwe vho bvela phanḓa vha tshi fara dzenedzi nyendo dzi re na khombo. She had agreed with her husband to tell the lie. Because the brothers accepted all cases, some for a time continued to travel these dangerous trips. MUSI Jesse ane a vha mugudiswa tshikoloni tsha murole wa nṱha a re na miṅwaha ya 17 a tshi vhudziswa nga ha ndivho ya vhutshilo, o fhindula a ri: "Ndi u ḓiphina nga vhutshilo u ya nga hune zwa nga konadzea ngaho u swikela u tshi fa. " It is normal for a recently bereaved person to feel disoriented and lost, but adhering to your customary schedule and activities will help. WHEN Jesse, a 17 - year - old high school student, was asked about the purpose of life, he replied: "I enjoy life as long as it is possible to die. " O tendela munna wawe a tshi zwifha. Leonard Smith's life story appeared in The Watchtower of April 15, 2012. She allowed her husband to lie. Zwo ḓowelea uri muthu a kha ḓi bvaho u felwa a ḓipfe o ḓaḓa nahone a tshi nga o xela, fhedzi u farelela mbekanyo yaṋu na mishumo yaṋu ya kale na kale zwi ḓo ni thusa. Because Jehovah has given us the gift of free will, which means that we can choose to do what is good or what is bad. It is common to feel confused and lost, but sticking to your schedule and past assignments will help you. Nganeavhutshilo ya Leonard Smith i wanala kha Tshiingamo tsha ḽa 15 April 2012. When they die, their ill - gotten gains help them no more. The life story of will be found in The Watchtower of April 15, 2012. Ngauri Yehova o ri ṋea tshifhiwa tsha mbofholowo ya u ḓikhethela zwine zwa amba uri ri nga kona u khetha u ita zwo lugaho kana zwi songo lugaho. Even those who are held in high esteem as the "nobles " of this world, such as experts in specialized fields of knowledge or activity, do not automatically deserve our trust. Because Jehovah has given us the gift of free will, that is, we can choose to do what is right or what is bad. Musi vha tshi fa, lupfumo lwavho lwe vha lu wana nga nḓila i si yavhuḓi a lu tsha vha thusa tshithu. The apostles to whom Jesus was speaking were going to be part of spiritual Israel, not judges of its members. At their death, the riches they received were no longer useful to them. Na vhane vha vha na vhuimo ha nṱha vha ngaho "mahosi " a ḽino shango, u fana na vhomakone kha maṅwe masia a pfunzo kana mushumo, ri nga si sokou vha fulufhela nga u ṱavhanya. In view of what is in store for the present system of things, it is dangerous for us to become enamored by the glitter and glamour of the worldly, hedonistic way of life. Even those with positions of authority, such as "the kings " of this world, such as those in certain aspects of education or employment, cannot quickly trust them. Vhaapostola vhe Yesu a vha a tshi khou amba navho vho vha vha tshi ḓo vha tshipiḓa tsha Isiraele wa muya, hu si vhahaṱuli vha miraḓo ya Isiraele. Still, they struggled with the full range of human emotions, including grief, despair, and fear. The apostles to whom Jesus was addressing would be part of spiritual Israel, not the judges of the members of Israel. Samusi ri tshi ḓivha zwo lindelaho ano maitele a zwithu, zwi na khombo kha riṋe u kungwa nga zwithu zwa shango, u dzhia u ḓitakadza hu tshithu tsha ndeme vhutshiloni. He also chased away the grandson of High Priest Eliashib, who had married a daughter of Sanballat the Horonite. As we come to know what is awaiting in this system of things, it is dangerous for us to be attracted to the things of the world, viewing pleasures that are essential to life. (1 Samuele 1: 20; 2: 21; 1 Dzikhosi 19: 5 - 18; 2 Timotheo 4: 8) Naho zwo ralo, vho lwisana na maḓipfele o fhamba - fhambanaho, u katela u pfa vhuṱungu, u fulufhuwa, na nyofho. You will help your children to feel that Jehovah is part of your family, that he cares deeply about you individually. However, they have struggled with various emotions, including pain, despair, and fear. O ita na u pandela muḓuhulu wa Tshifhe Muhulu Eliasibi, we a vha o vhinga ṅwana wa Sanebalati wa Horoni. If we have been the object of unkind words or actions, let us not sin by retaliating. He even expelled from High Priest Eliashib, who was married to the adoptive baby of Jehovah. Ni ḓo thusa vhana vhaṋu uri vha vhone uri Yehova ndi muraḓo wa muṱa waṋu, na uri u a ni ṱhogomela vhukuma nga muthihi nga muthihi. The preceding article noted that Jesus considered it a privilege and a joy to be in subjection to his Head, Jehovah God, and that Christian men have Christ as their head. You will help your children to see that Jehovah is a member of your family and that he cares deeply for you personally. (Ps. 4: 4) Arali zwo no ḓi itea uri ri si farwe zwavhuḓi kana ha sa ambiwe na riṋe zwavhuḓi, ri songo ita tshivhi nga u ṱoḓa u ḓilifhedzela. What plans for the future should youths wisely consider? If we have been mistreated or not spoken with us, let us not sin by seeking revenge. Thero yo fhiraho yo sumbedza uri Yesu o zwi dzhia zwi ndugelo nahone o vha a tshi takalela u ḓiṱukufhadzela Ṱhoho yawe, Yehova Mudzimu, na uri vhanna vha Vhakriste vha na ṱhoho yavho ine ya vha Kristo. Jesus taught that the start of his kingly rule would coincide with a marked period of time that he called his "presence. " The preceding article showed that Jesus considered it a privilege and enjoyed submitting to his Head, Jehovah God, and that Christian men have their head, Christ. Ndi sia ḽifhio ḽine vhaswa vha fanela u ḽi ṱhogomela nga vhuṱali malugana na vhumatshelo havho? They believe that the deceased really are dead. What area do young ones wisely consider regarding their future? Yesu o funza uri Muvhuso wawe u thoma u vhusa tshifhingani tshine tsha vhidzwa uri ndi tsha u "vhuya " hawe. Antonio was in even greater danger from immorality: He was addicted to pornography. Jesus taught that his Kingdom began ruling in what is called his "presence. " Vha tenda uri vhathu vho faho vho fa zwa vhukuma. In an action film They believe that the dead have indeed died. Antonio o vha e khomboni ya u ḓifara luvhi: O vha e na nḓowelo ya u ṱalela zwifanyiso zwa vhathu vha songo ambaraho. What can help you decide what is acceptable or unacceptable entertainment? Antonio was in danger of immorality: He had the habit of viewing pornography. A tshi khou tamba muvi wa vhuvemu Christians know that God's Kingdom has already been set up in heaven, that it will put an end to all human rulerships, and that it will stand forever. - Daniel 2: 44. He is playing a violent movie Ndi mini tshine tsha ḓo ni thusa u ita phetho ya uri ndi vhuḓimvumvusi vhufhio ho teaho na vhu songo teaho? Matthew 28: 19, 20 What will help you to decide which type of recreation is appropriate and improper? Vhakriste vha a zwi ḓivha uri Muvhuso wa Mudzimu wo no tikwa ngei ṱaḓulu, na uri u ḓo fhelisa mivhuso yoṱhe ya vhathu, nahone wa ima lini na lini. - Daniele 2: 44. The message found in God's Word, the Bible, has the power to reveal what a person really is on the inside, and it can change the way he thinks and even how he feels about things. Christians know that God's Kingdom has already been established in heaven, that he will destroy all human governments, and last forever. - Daniel 2: 44. Mateo 28: 19, 20 This is because these names have become part of our language and they are easily recognized. Matthew 28: 19, 20 Mulaedza une wa wanala kha Ipfi ḽa Mudzimu, Bivhili, u na maanḓa a u dzumbulula zwine muthu a vha zwone nga ngomu zwa vhukuma, nahone u a kona u shandula nḓila ine a humbula ngayo na ine a ḓipfa ngayo nga ha zwithu. Now he started to attend their meetings again. The message found in God's Word, the Bible, has the power to reveal what a person really is, and he is able to change his thinking and feelings about things. Ndi nga ṅwambo wa uri eneo madzina o no ḓowelea vhukuma kha luambo lwashu na uri ri a humbula nga hu leluwaho. / NASA; John Milton: Leslie's Because those names are very common in our language and are easy to think. Zwino u vho ya miṱanganoni yavho. THE Roman province of Galatia, in what is now Turkey, was home to the boy Timothy. He now attends their meetings. / NASA; John Milton: Leslie's 8 Parents, Are You Helping Your Child Progress to Baptism? / NASA; John Milton: loving - bye's MUSI Timotheo a tshi kha ḓi vha mutukana o vha a tshi dzula vunḓuni ḽa Roma ngei Galatia, hune zwino ha vha Turkey. It was not a matter of his making calls in a mechanical or perfunctory way. WHEN Timothy was a boy, he lived in the Roman province of Galatia, now Turkey. 8 Vhabebi, Naa Ni Khou Thusa Ṅwana Wa Vhoiwe Uri A Lovhedzwe? Overawed by the emperor, the bishops, with two exceptions only, signed the creed, many of them much against their inclination. " 8 Parents, Are You Helping Your Child to Deliver You? O vha a sa dzi iteli u bva mulanduni. Paul adds: "Put on the complete suit of armor from God that you may be able to stand firm against the machinations of the Devil... Take up the complete suit of armor from God, that you may be able to resist in the wicked day and, after you have done all things thoroughly, to stand firm. " - Ephesians 6: 10, 11, 13. He did not do it all over a period of time. Nge vha tshuswa nga onoyo muvhusi, vhabishopo, nga nnḓa ha vhavhili fhedzi, vho saina yeneyi pfunzo ya lutendo, vhunzhi havho vha sa zwi funi. " MILTON G. With the eye of that ruler, the prosecutor, except two, signed this teaching of faith, most of whom did not like it. " Paulo o dovha a ri: "Ambarani mafumo oṱhe a Mudzimu, uri ni ḓo kona u kunda maano oṱhe a Diabolo, a tshi ni dodela.... dzhiani mafumo oṱhe a Mudzimu, uri ni ḓo kona u pika nga musi muvhi, ni ḓo kona u sala nó ima musi nó kunda zwoṱhe. " - Vha - Efesa 6: 10, 11, 13. We give to Jehovah what he deserves. Paul added: "Clothe yourselves with the complete suit of armor from God that you may be able to stand firm against the machinations of the Devil... Take up the complete suit of armor from God, that you may be able to stand firm during the wicked time of all things. " - Ephesians 6: 10, 11, 13. MILTON G. That has long been so, as the book of Psalms emphasizes. G. Ri ṋea Yehova zwo mu fanelaho. Instead, we need to think carefully about what we know from the Bible and then make our own decision. We give Jehovah what he deserves. Zwenezwo ndi kale zwo ralo, samusi bugu ya Psalme i tshi zwi ombedzela. Rather than find time, though, we may have to make time. - Eph. That has always been the case, as the book of Psalm emphasizes. Nṱhani hazwo, ri fanela u humbula nga vhuronwane nga ha zwine ra zwi ḓivha zwi re Bivhilini nahone ra ḓidzhiela phetho. One is the importance of whole - souled service to Jehovah right now. Instead, we need to think carefully about what we know from the Bible and then make decisions for ourselves. Naho zwo ralo, nṱhani ha u wana tshifhinga ni fanela u tou ḓivhetshela tshifhinga tsha u guda. - Vha - Ef. Jesus Christ told his followers: "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength. " Rather than finding time, however, you have to set aside time for study. - Eph. Ya u thoma ndi ya ndeme ya u shumela Yehova zwino nga muya washu woṱhe. He commanded us to keep meeting together, especially as we get closer to the end. First, it is vital that we serve Jehovah now with our whole soul. Yesu Kristo o vhudza vhatevheli vhawe uri: "U fune Murena Mudzimu wau nga mbilu yau yoṱhe, na nga muya wau woṱhe, na nga u ṱalukanya hau hoṱhe, na nga maanḓa au oṱhe. Ndi wone mulayo muhulu kha yoṱhe. " The Bible shows that the apostle Paul knew that prayer can affect the outcome of such crises. Jesus Christ told his followers: "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole strength. O ri ṋea ndaela ya uri ri fanela u kuvhangana, zwihuluhulu samusi ri tshi khou sendela tsini na vhufhelo. Though Satan's words were about Job, the implication was that all humans have selfish motives for serving God. He commanded us to gather together, especially as we draw close to the end. Bivhili yo sumbedza uri muapostola Paulo o vha a tshi ḓivha uri thabelo i nga kwama mvelelo dza zwenezwo zwiimo. " O Jehovah, " wrote the prophet Isaiah, "you are my God. The Bible shows that the apostle Paul knew that prayer can affect the outcome of such circumstances. (Yobo 1: 10, 11) Naho maipfi a Sathane o vha a tshi khou ambela kha Yobo, o vha a tshi khou amba uri vhathu vhoṱhe vha shumela Mudzimu vhe na zwiṱuṱuwedzi zwa tseḓa. • How can young ones help keep their families spiritually awake? Although Satan's words were referring to Job, he meant that all humans serve God with selfish motives. (Psalme ya 139: 14, NW) Muporofita Yesaya o ri: "Yehova, Mudzimu wanga ndi'we; ndi a U khoḓa, ndi renda dzina ḽau; ngauri wo ita [" mishumo i mangadzaho, " NW]. " If so, you can find help and encouragement in the Bible. The prophet Isaiah said: "I shall laud you, O Jehovah my God, and I will praise you; for you have performed wonderful works. " • Vhaswa vha nga thusa hani kha u ita uri miṱa ya havho i dzule yo fhaṱuwa nga lwa muya? When people have suffered for many years or have been disappointed by many hollow promises, they may be like the Israelites in Egypt who "out of discouragement " did not listen. • How can young ones help to keep their families awake spiritually? Arali zwo ralo, ni nga wana thuso na ṱhuṱhuwedzo Bivhilini. Today, many Kingdom publishers would like to learn another language, but they cannot depend on or expect miraculous gifts of God's spirit. If so, you can find help and encouragement in the Bible. Musi vhathu vho no tambula miṅwaha minzhi kana vho dinwa nga mafhulufhedziso a mazwifhi, vha nga kha ḓi fana na Vhaisiraele musi vhe ngei Egipita vhe vha si thetshelese nga ṅwambo u "dinalea. " We may come upon some devastating twists and turns in life, even some cruel injustices, but we can learn from the faith of Joseph. When people have suffered many years or have been plagued by false promises, they may be like the Israelites in Egypt who did not obey them because of "a false witness. " Ṋamusi, vhahuweleli vhanzhi vha Muvhuso vha a funa uri vha gude luṅwe luambo, fhedzi a vha na zwifhiwa zwa vhuṱolo zwa muya wa Mudzimu zwa u ita nga u ralo. What Does It Take to Be Happy? Today, many Kingdom publishers love to learn another language, but they do not have miraculous gifts of God's spirit. Vhutshiloni ri nga sedzana na vhuleme, na u sa vha hone ha khaṱulokwayo, fhedzi ri nga guda kha lutendo lwa Yosefa. What situation did Nathan present to David, and how did he react? Life's problems, and injustices may arise, but we can learn from Joseph's faith. Ndi Mini Zwine zwa Ṱoḓea u Itela u Takala? With the road ahead figuratively well - lit, we are able to take into consideration the long - term effects of our decisions. What Is Needed to Be Happy? Nathani o vhudza Davida mini, nahone o aravha hani? This fact was reflected in Jehovah's dealings with Achan and with Ananias and Sapphira. What did Nathan tell David, and how did he react? Arali ra tendela Ipfi ḽa Mudzimu ḽi tshi vhonetshela vhumatshelo hashu nga lwa pfanyisedzo, ri ḓo kona u vhona nḓila ine phetho dzashu dza nga kwama ngayo vhumatshelo hashu. Furthermore, [Hezekiah] took courage and built up all the broken - down wall and raised towers upon it, and on the outside another wall,... and made missiles in abundance and shields. " If we allow God's Word to shed light on our future, we will be able to see how our decisions can affect our future. 10: 26) Mbuno yeneyi yo sumbedzwa nga nḓila ye Yehova a shumisana ngayo na Akani, Anania na Safira. For instance, we got to know almost all the brothers and sisters in the Dutch district, and they have become very dear to us. This fact was reflected in Jehovah's dealings with Achan, Ananias, and Sapphira. [ Hiskia] A ita nga maanḓa a tshi vusa mitsheṱo ye ya piḓimuwa, a fhaṱa na madzhavhelo khayo '; a fhaṱa na muṅwe mutsheṱo wa vhuvhili wa nga nnḓa,... a ita mafumo manzhi na zwiṱangu zwinzhi. " Jeremiah did declare Jehovah's warnings and judgment message without letup, yet he had at heart his commission "to build and to plant. " [ Hezekiah] did hard to raise up the walls that had been laid down and built up, and he built up a second tower outside,... and he built a large suit of armor and war. " Sa tsumbo, ro ḓivha vhunzhi ha vhahashu vha tshinnani na vha tshisadzini tshiṱirikini tsha Ludutch, nahone ra vha funa nga maanḓa. We must carefully think about its possible connection to any unscriptural teaching, such as the belief that spirits of the dead influence the lives of the living. For example, we came to know many of our brothers and sisters in the village of the village, and we loved them very much. Yeremia o vha o ḓiimisela vhukuma musi a tshi ḓivhadza nga ha tsevho dza Yehova na musi a tshi huwelela mulaedza wa khaṱulo, fhedzi mbiluni yawe o vha a tshi zwi ḓivha uri u fanela u " fhaṱa na u ṱavha. ' (Yer. The faithful slave has exercised outstanding faith by zealously promoting and spreading the Kingdom good news. Jeremiah was very determined when he declared Jehovah's warnings and preached a judgment message, but in his heart he knew that he needed to " build and plant. ' Ri fanela u humbula nga vhuronwane arali i tshi tshimbidzana na pfunzo naho i ifhio i si ya maṅwalo, i fanaho na thendo ya uri mimuya ya vhafu i na ṱhuṱhuwedzo kha vhutshilo ha vha tshilaho. Her heart moved her to resign from her position and to end her lesbian relationship. We need to think carefully if it is associated with any unscriptural teaching, such as the belief that the spirits of the dead have a bearing on the lives of the living. Mulanda a fulufhedzeaho o sumbedza lutendo nga u tikedza na u phaḓaladza mafhungo maḓifha a Muvhuso nga u fhisea. According to Jewish tradition, long before Jesus came to earth, the religious leaders discouraged people from using God's name. The faithful slave showed faith by zealously supporting and spreading the good news of the Kingdom. O ṱuṱuwedzea uri a litshe vhuimo hawe kha ḽeneḽo dzangano na u litsha u funana na muthu wa mbeu i fanaho na yawe. The 7th chapter provides an invaluable exposé of how an immoral person operates. He was moved to abandon his position in that organization and stop loving someone of the opposite sex. U ya nga sialala ḽa Vhayuda, musi Yesu a sa athu ḓa kha ḽifhasi, vharangaphanḓa vha vhurereli vho funza vhathu uri vha si shumise dzina ḽa Mudzimu. One possibility is that this child was the "Immanuel " referred to by Isaiah. Jewish tradition, before Jesus came to earth, religious leaders taught people not to use God's name. Ndima ya vhusumbe i ri ṋea ṱhaluso ya vhukuma ya nḓila ine muthu ane a ḓifara luvhi a tshila ngayo. So Elisha says: " This is no time to accept money and clothes! ' Chapter 7 provides a realistic description of how immoral people live. Hu na khonadzeo ya uri onoyo ṅwana o vha e "Immanuele " we Yesaya a amba ngae. Their ages now range from 5 to 23. It is possible that the child was "a child " to whom Isaiah spoke. Nga zwenezwo, Elisa o ri: " A si tshone tshifhinga tsha u ṱanganedza tshelede na zwiambaro! ' He also suggested that a simple meal, perhaps one dish, would be enough. Hence, Elisha said: "It is not the time to accept money and clothing! ' Zwino miṅwaha yavho i thoma kha miṱanu u swika kha ya 23. * Satan alleged that if Job personally suffered, he would decide that Jehovah was not the most important Person in his life. Now their age begins five to 23. O dovha a amba uri na zwiḽiwa zwiṱuku zwi ḓo vha zwo eḓana. Some like to read the Bible in the morning and again before going to sleep. He also said that even a little meal would be sufficient. * (Yobo 2: 4) Sathane o amba uri arali Yobo o vha a tshi nga shengela, o vha a tshi ḓo dzhia phetho ya uri Yehova o vha e si Muthu wa ndeme vhukuma vhutshiloni hawe. Why did mankind's hope remain obscure for most people in the days of Milton and Newton? * Satan claimed that if Job could suffer, he would have concluded that Jehovah was not the most important Person in his life. Vhaṅwe vha takalela u vhala Bivhili nga matsheloni na musi vha sa athu u eḓela. When we have a decision to make, there are often several options we can choose from that would all please Jehovah. Some prefer to read the Bible in the morning and before going to bed. Ndi ngani fulufhelo ḽa vhathu ḽo dzula ḽo dzumbiwa kha vhathu vhanzhi misini ya Milton na Newton? 4, 5. Why was mankind's hope kept hidden from many people in the days of Milton and Satan? Musi ri tshi fanela u dzhia phetho, kanzhi hu na zwithu zwi si gathi zwine ra nga khetha khazwo zwine zwa nga takadza Yehova. At times, why do elders delay training brothers? When faced with decisions, there are often a few options that we can choose to please Jehovah. 4, 5. 28: 12, 13 - What was the significance of Jacob's dream involving "a ladder "? 4, 5. Ndi ngani vhahulwane vha tshi lenga u gudisa vhahashu nga zwiṅwe zwifhinga? Another factor that helps us to be humble is that Jehovah himself displays humility. Why do elders delay training brothers at times? 28: 12, 13 - Ndeme ya muloro wa Yakobo we wa vha u tshi katela "vhunamelo " yo vha i ifhio? They entered the house and searched it. 28: 12, 13 - What was the significance of Jacob's dream involving "the Grave "? Tshiṅwe tshithu tshine tsha nga ri thusa u ḓiṱukufhadza ndi u humbula uri Yehova na ene u a ḓiṱukufhadza. • What are represented by... Another factor that can help us to be humble is to remember that Jehovah too is humble. Vho dzhena nḓuni vha thoma u guduba. As a result of the clear information presented, Jehovah's Witnesses around the world saw the need to maintain strict neutrality in the affairs of the warring nations. They got into the house and started searching for it. • Ndi mini zwine zwa imelwa nga... The southeastern corner of the temple area had a flat roof that was the highest in the temple. • What is represented by... Nga ṅwambo wa mafhungo a pfalaho o ṅwaliwaho khayo, Ṱhanzi dza Yehova shangoni ḽoṱhe dzo vhona ṱhoḓea ya u sa dzhia sia kha mishumo ya dzitshaka dze dza vha dzi khou lwa. For more information, you may contact the Charitable Planning Office, either in writing or by telephone, at the address listed below, or you may contact the branch office that serves your country. Because of the clear information recorded in it, Jehovah's Witnesses around the world have seen the need to remain neutral in the activities of the nations who were fighting. Khona ya thembele i re tshipembe vhubvaḓuvha yo vha i na ṱhanga yo itaho bande ye ya vha i nṱha vhukuma kha thembele. Together, we are working hard to train our daughter in the way of Bible truth. The eastern temple had a roof that was above the temple. Arali ni tshi ṱoḓa mafhungo o engedzeaho, ni fanela u kwamana na Accounting Office nga luṱingo kana nga u tou ṅwala vhurifhi kha ḓiresi yo ṅwalwaho afho fhasi kana ni nga kwama ofisi ya davhi ine ya ṱhogomela shango ḽa vhoiwe. No. For more information, you may contact the Charitable Planning Office by telephone or by writing the address listed below or you may contact the branch office that serves your country. Ri khou shumisana u itela u alusela ṅwananyana washu ngohoni ya Bivhili. Why is there nothing wrong with asking honest questions with the right motive? We are working together to raise our daughter in Bible truth. Hai. " So, having sustenance and covering, we shall be content with these things. " No. Ndi ngani zwi songo khakhea u vhudzisa mbudziso dzo teaho nga tshiitisi tshavhuḓi? What can we do if someone seems not to respond to our affection? Why is it not wrong to ask sincere questions for good reason? Paulo o ṅwala uri: "Ngauri a ro ngo ḓa na tshithu fhano shangoni, na hone a ri koni u bva na tshithu. Because during the previous days a doctor and a policeman had had their cars hijacked and burned. Paul wrote: "We have brought nothing into the world, and neither can we carry anything out. Ri nga ita mini arali muṅwe muthu a tshi vhonala a sa aravhi kha u vha hashu na vhukonani? Would the conflict spread, as World War II had done? What can we do if someone does not respond to our associations? Ndi nga ṅwambo wa uri maḓuvhani o fhiraho dokotela na pholisa vho dzhielwa goloi dzavho henefho nahone dza fhiswa. The more I examined what they said, the more I came to think that I was justified in leaving Jehovah's organization. Because earlier the doctor and the police were taken away from their car and burned. Ndo ḓivhudzisa uri naa dzenedzo khakhathi dzi ḓo bvela phanḓa u fana na tshifhingani tsha Nndwa ya Vhuvhili ya Shango? Indeed, elders who try to readjust us in a mild and loving manner when we take "a false step, " perhaps unknowingly, reflect Jehovah's love for us. - Gal. Did I wonder if those conflicts would continue as long as World War II? Musi ndi tshi ṱolisisa nga vhuronwane zwe vha zwi amba ndo humbula uri ndi na zwiitisi zwi pfalaho zwa u litsha ndangulo ya Yehova. Sometimes after supper, as we put the last dish away in the kitchen, one of us would say, "It's almost time for the " meeting '! " When I carefully considered what they said, I thought that I had good reasons to leave Jehovah's organization. Ndi ngoho uri vhahulwane vhane vha lingedza u ri khakhulula nga nḓila yavhuḓi na nga lufuno na musi ri sa athu u zwi ṱhogomela uri ro ita "vhukhakhi, " vha vha vha tshi khou sumbedza uri Yehova u a ri funa. - Vhagal. Love moves others to love you in return. Of course, elders who try to correct us in a loving, loving manner even before we realize that we have made "a terrible thing, " expressing Jehovah's love for us. - Gal. Nga zwiṅwe zwifhinga nga murahu ha tshilalelo, musi ri tshi fhedza u ṱanzwa zwigeḓelo, muṅwe washu u ḓo ri, "ndi tshifhinga tsha " muṱangano '! " With no mate nearby to lean on when facing problems, both Marilyn and James became emotionally involved with others and nearly gave in to sexual immorality. Sometimes after the meal, when we finish washing the dishes, one of us will say, "It is the time for the " meeting ' "! " Lufuno lu sudzulusela vhaṅwe uri vha ni fune. Jesus was aware that "his disciples were murmuring about this. " Love moves others to love you. Samusi Marilyn na James vho vha vhe si na muthu ane vha nga mu vhudza nga ha thaidzo dze vha sedzana nadzo, vho amba na vhaṅwe nga ha maḓipfele avho nahone vha ṱoḓa u wela tshikwekweni tsha u ḓifara luvhi nga zwa vhudzekani. Today, we are not personally acquainted with Jesus as Peter was. Since Marilyn and James had no one to tell him about their problems, they talked to others about their feelings and wanted to fall into the trap of sexual immorality. Yesu o zwi ṱhogomela uri "vhafunziwa vhawe vha khou gungula nge a ralo. " " Deeds of godly devotion " also are vital if we are to keep Jehovah's day in mind. Jesus recognized that "his disciples were murmuring about this. " Ṋamusi, a ri ḓivhi Yesu nga nḓila ye Petro a vha a tshi mu ḓivha ngayo. 13: 5; Titus 3: 1, 2. Today, we do not know Jesus as Peter knew him. " U ofha Mudzimu " na zwone ndi zwa ndeme arali ri tshi ṱoḓa u dzula ro lindela ḓuvha ḽa Yehova. This 224 - page book is entitled What Does the Bible Really Teach? " The fear of God " is also essential if we are to prove ourselves ready for Jehovah's day. 13: 5; Tito 3: 1, 2. We can exhibit mildness if we consistently walk by spirit and exercise self - control. 13: 5; Titus 3: 1, 2. Yeneyi bugu i re na masiaṱari a 224 i na tshiṱoho tshine tsha ri Bivhili I Funza Mini Zwa Vhukuma? Jesus demonstrated whole - souled love for God by disowning himself. The book entitled What Does the Bible Really Teach? Ri nga sumbedza u vuḓa arali tshifhinga tshoṱhe ri tshi tshimbila nga lwa muya nahone ri tshi ḓifara. Let me explain why those words of Psalm 71: 17 have special meaning to me. We can display mildness if we regularly walk by spirit and display self - control. Yesu o sumbedza uri u a funa Mudzimu nga muya - tshivhili woṱhe nga u ḓiṋekedza. A young Christian has to beware that he or she does not imitate those individuals. Jesus showed that he loved God with a whole soul by making a dedication. Litshani ndi ṱalutshedze uri ndi ngani eneo maipfi a Psalme ya 71: 17 e a ndeme kha nṋe. Jehovah has brought about progressive adjustments in the earthly part of his organization. Let me explain why those words of Psalm 71: 17 are important to me. Muswa muṅwe na muṅwe wa Mukriste u fanela u ṱhogomela uri a sa edzise vhenevho vhathu. You remember to take the prescribed antibiotic that is helping you to fight an infection. Each young Christian should be careful not to imitate such ones. Yehova u bvela phanḓa a tshi ḓisa dzitshanduko kha tshipiḓa tsha ndangulo yawe ya kha ḽifhasi. How intriguing those words are! Jehovah continues to bring about changes in the earthly part of his organization. Ni humbula u nwa mushonga une wa khou ni thusa kha vhulwadze vhune na vha naho. We can at least say that it was a move in the right direction. You remember drinking a medicine that is helping you through your illness. Eneo maipfi a vusa dzangalelo lungafhani! IN 1513 B.C.E., Jehovah brought his servants on earth into a new relationship with him. How thrilling those words are! Ri nga amba uri zwe a zwi ita zwo vha zwi zwavhuḓi. • On what does true happiness depend? We can say that what he did was good. NGA 1513 B.C.E., Yehova o ita uri vhashumeli vhawe vha re kha ḽifhasi vha vhe na vhushaka vhuswa nae. If you train him to use questions effectively, you will help him to fulfill his role as an evangelizer. IN 1513 B.C.E., Jehovah brought his earthly servants into a new relationship with him. • Dakalo ḽashu ḽi ḓitika nga mini? If the left window was open, it meant that something had gone wrong, and they should stay away. • On what does our happiness depend? Arali na mu gudisa u shumisa mbudziso nga nḓila i bvelelaho, ni ḓo mu thusa uri a khunyeledze mushumo wawe sa muevangeli. When couples work hard to keep God in their marriage by engaging in spiritual activities together, they are bonded to God and to each other in a close and happy union. If you teach him to use questions effectively, you will help him to complete his role as an evangelizer. Arali fasiṱere ḽa tsha monde ḽo vulea, zwo vha zwi tshi amba uri hu na vhuleme, nahone a vho ngo fanela u dzhena. He repaired an altar to Jehovah that had been torn down, no doubt by enemies of pure worship. If the left window was opened, it meant that there were problems, and they should not enter. Musi vhavhingani vha tshi ita vhuḓidini ha u katela Mudzimu mbinganoni yavho nga u ita vhoṱhe zwithu zwa muya, zwi ita uri vha vhe na vhushaka ha tsini na vhune ha takadza Mudzimu na vhone vhane. * I devoured them, convinced that I had found the truth. When couples endeavor to include God in their marriage by doing spiritual things together, they draw closer to God and to each other. A lugisa aletare ya Yehova ye ya vha yo thuthiwa nga maswina a vhurabeli ho kunaho. Youths - Let Parents Help Guard Heart! He set up an altar for Jehovah that was attacked by enemies of pure worship. * Nda dzi vhala vhukuma, ndi tshi tenda uri ndo wana mafhungo - ngoho. They encouraged him to throw his burden on Jehovah and stressed that the most important thing was to please God. * I read them very well, believing that I had found the truth. Hanamiele o rengisela Yeremia tsimu nga nḓila - ḓe? (Yer. (b) How are we in a situation similar to Noah's? How did Has sell the field to Jeremiah? Vho mu ṱuṱuwedza uri a kumedzele muhwalo wawe Yehova, vha ombedzela uri tsha ndeme vhukuma ndi u takadza Mudzimu. Paul also urged his fellow Christians: "Become imitators of me, even as I am of Christ. " They encouraged him to give his burden to Jehovah, stressing that the most important thing is to please God. (b) Vhuimo hashu vhu fana hani na ha misini ya Noaxe? Having tender affection for the Thessalonian brothers, Paul and his companions were well - pleased to impart to them " not only the good news of God but also their own souls. ' (b) How are our situation similar to those of Noah's day? Paulo o dovha a ṱuṱuwedza Vhakriste ngae a ri: "Ivhani vha nnyedzisaho, vhunga na nṋe ndi tshi edzisa Kristo. " As a result of her former lifestyle, Mariví developed AIDS. Paul also urged fellow Christians: "Become imitators of me, even as I am of Christ. " Nga nṱhani ha u funa vhahawe vha Thesalonika, Paulo na khonani dzawe vho takadzwa nga u sa vha kumedza " mafhungo - maḓifha a Mudzimu fhedzi, fhedzi vho vha kumedza na mimuya yavho. ' It was as if their hearts and minds were veiled and hardened, focused only on using their newfound freedom from Egypt in a physical, or fleshly, way. - Heb. Out of love for the brothers in Thessalonica, Paul and his companions were impressed not only by providing them with "the good news of God but also through their souls. " Nga ṅwambo wa matshilele awe a u thoma, Mariví o mbo ḓi farwa nga dwadze ḽa AIDS. Especially during danger or persecution should we beseech Jehovah for help and guidance. Because of her former way of life, Mariví was stricken with AIDS. Mihumbulo yavho yo vha i tshi nga yo thivhiwa nga labi nahone mbilu dzavho dzo vha dzo rindila. Vho vha vho livhisa ṱhogomelo fhedzi kha mbofholowo ye vha vha vhe nayo musi vhe Egipita ya u fusha nyemulo dzavho. - Vhaheb. After some days, the students were given back their personal belongings from the classrooms. Their minds could be rolled around and were stubborn, focusing only on the freedom they had in Egypt to satisfy their desires. - Heb. Zwihuluhulu musi ri khomboni kana ri tshi tovholwa, ri fanela u humbela thuso kha Yehova na vhulivhisi hawe. It was not "the external braiding of the hair " or" the putting on of gold ornaments or the wearing of outer garments " that caused others to admire Ruth. Especially when we are in trouble or persecuted, we need to ask Jehovah for help and direction. Nga murahu ha maḓuvha a si gathi, vhagudiswa vho ṋewa zwithu zwavho zwe zwa vha zwi kilasini. (For fully formatted text, see publication) A few days later, students were given their classes. Ho vha hu si "u luka mavhudzi " kana" u ambara misuku na u fuka zwiambaro " zwe zwa ita uri vhaṅwe vha tame Ruthe. In fact, the Bible teaches that each individual has the responsibility to learn about God and imitate him. - Acts 17: 26, 27. It was not "the hair of the hair " or" the wearing of gold and clothing " that caused some to love Ruth. (U itela uri ni vhone nḓila ye mafhungo a dzudzanywa ngayo nga vhuḓalo, sedzani khandiso) LET US FALL "INTO THE HAND OF JEHOVAH " (For fully formatted text, see publication) Zwi re zwone ndi uri Bivhili i funza uri muthu muṅwe na muṅwe u na vhuḓifhinduleli ha u guda nga ha Mudzimu na u mu edzisa. - Mishumo 17: 26, 27. Giving thought to this matter in advance will help us to "become kind. " In fact, the Bible teaches that each individual has the responsibility to learn about God and to imitate him. - Acts 17: 26, 27. KHA RI WELE "ZWANḒANI ZWA YEHOVA " June 29, 2009 - July 5, 2009 WE ARE "the THAT ARE JEHOVAH " U elekanya nga ha zwenezwi hu tshee nga phanḓa zwi ḓo ri thusa uri ri sumbedze vhaṅwe "vhulenda. " When he spoke to his disciples about his going to heaven to prepare a place for them, they did not understand what he meant. Meditating on this in advance will help us to show "a mild temper. " 29 June, 2009 - 5 July, 2009 (Exodus 1: 1 - 4: 31) June 29, 2009 - July 5, 2009 Musi a tshi amba na vhafunziwa vhawe nga ha u ya hawe ngei ṱaḓulu u itela u vha lugiselela vhudzulo, a vho ngo pfesesa zwe a vha a tshi khou zwi amba. Are you helping to do this wonderful work? When he spoke to his disciples about his visit to heaven to prepare a place for them, they did not understand what he was saying. (Ekisodo 1: 1 - 4: 31) For evolutionary biologists, living things have only one purpose: survive and reproduce. (E 1: 1 - 4: 31) Naa ni khou shela mulenzhe kha u ita wonoyo mushumo wavhuḓi? Even among Christians living in the same area, what one may view as relaxing (perhaps curling up with a good book), another may view as boring; what one may view as refreshing (perhaps sightseeing on a bicycle), another may view as exhausting. Are you involved in doing that good work? Vhagudi vha vhubvelele vha amba uri zwithu zwine zwa khou tshila zwi na ndivho nthihi fhedzi: u bvela phanḓa zwi tshi khou tshila na u beba vhana. " Just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more; and you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be. The scholars of evolution say that only one purpose is available: to keep on living and bearing children. Na kha Vhakriste vhane vha dzula fhethu huthihi, zwine muṅwe a vhona zwi tshi nyanyula (khamusi u vhala bugu), muṅwe a nga kha ḓi vhona zwi sa nyanyuli; zwine muṅwe a vhona zwi tshi homolosa (khamusi u shuma ngadeni), muṅwe a nga kha ḓi vhona zwi tshi netisa. Sadly, though, these were not the guiding lights they needed. Even for Christians living in the same area, what someone sees is exciting (a book), one might feel that it is not easy; what someone sees is refreshing (a field), one may feel that it is a source of hard work. " Si fhele mbilu, muvhi ha lalami; U ḓo ṱuwa U tshi vhona muḓi wawe ú shubi. 16 - 18. (a) What may cause our hearts to become weighed down? " Just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more; and you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be. Naho zwo ralo, zwi ṱungufhadzaho ndi uri ho vha hu si tshedza tshi livhisaho tshe vha vha vha tshi khou tshi ṱoḓa. Jesus ' disciples preached far and wide too. Sadly, though, it was not a light leading to their wants. 16 - 18. (a) Ndi mini zwine zwa nga ita uri ri tsikeledzee? Sometimes marriage unites two people who are from different cultural backgrounds. 16 - 18. (a) What might cause us to feel downhearted? Zwenezwi zwi ri thusa uri ri lwisane na Diabolo musi a tshi vutshela lutendo lwashu. What enabled Asa to trust fully in God's guidance and protection? This helps us to resist the Devil's attacks on our faith. Na vhafunziwa vha Yesu vho huwelela kule na tsini. Those words were so intriguing that Nicodemus could not hold back from responding and listening to Jesus. Even Jesus ' disciples preached far and wide. Nga zwiṅwe zwifhinga mbingano i ṱanganya vhathu vhavhili vha mvelele na vhubvo zwo fhambanaho. When Saul died in battle, David mourned his death, referring to him and his son Jonathan as "beloved and cherished " individuals. Sometimes marriage combined two people with different cultures and backgrounds. Ndi mini zwe zwa ita uri Asa a fulufhele tshoṱhe vhulivhisi na tsireledzo zwa Mudzimu? That is the worst thing we could possibly do. What convinced Asa of God's guidance and protection? Eneo maipfi o vha a tshi khou takadza vhukuma lwe Nikodemo a kundwa u litsha u fhindula na u thetshelesa Yesu. What helped Jesus ' early followers to develop Christlike love? Those words were so appealing that Nicodemus failed to stop answering and listening to Jesus. (1 Sam. 24: 4 - 7; 26: 8 - 12) Musi Saulo a tshi fa nndwani, Davida o mu lilela, a vhidza ene na murwa wawe Yonathani " vhafunwa vhe vha mu takadza. ' (2 Sam. Unknown to Peter, a day earlier, Cornelius had also received a vision, in which an angel directed him to summon Peter. When Saul died in battle, David cried out to him, calling him and his son Jonathan "the beloved ones whom he had approved. " Arali ra ita nga u ralo, ri ḓo vha ri tshi khou ita vhukhakhi vhuhulwane vhukuma. Nevertheless, when the hour came, the hall was filled with church members and their service began. If we do so, we will make serious mistakes. Ndi mini tshe tsha thusa vhatevheli vha Yesu vha u thoma u vha na lufuno lu ngaho lwa Kristo? However, the foolish man built on the surface, on sand, while the discreet man dug down until he found a rock foundation on which to build. What helped Jesus ' early followers to develop Christlike love? Nga murahu ha ḓuvha ḽithihi, musi Petro a sa zwi ḓivhi, Koronelio o wana bono ḽe muruṅwa a mu livhisa uri a ye kha Petro. Indeed, our association with the congregation helps us to become wise. - Prov. 13: 20; read 1 Peter 4: 10. One day, when Peter did not know, Cornelius received a vision that an angel directed him to go to Peter. Fhedzi musi tshifhinga tshenetsho tshi tshi swika, holo yo vha yo ḓala miraḓo ya kereke, nahone tshumelo yavho yo vha yo no thoma. However, training others saves time in the long run. - Eph. But when that time arrived, the hall was full of members of the church, and their service had begun. Naho zwo ralo, munna wa tsilu o fhaṱa kha muṱavha, ngeno munna o ṱalifhaho o bwa u swikela a tshi wana fhethu hune ha vha na tombo. The heart represents what we really are on the inside. The foolish man, however, built on sand, while the wise man had been shot until he found a stone. Vhukuma, u ṱanganela hashu na tshivhidzo zwi ri thusa uri ri ṱalifhe. - Mir. 13: 20; vhalani 1 Petro 4: 10. Fear the Dead? Indeed, our association with the congregation helps us to be wise. - Prov. 13: 20; read 1 Peter 4: 10. Naho zwo ralo, u gudisa vhaṅwe zwi vhulunga tshifhinga tshifhingani tshi ḓaho. - Vhaef. " Do you, however, the one teaching someone else, not teach yourself? However, training others keeps time in the future. - Eph. Mbilu i fanyisela zwine ra vha zwone zwa vhukuma. David did not rely on his past experience. The heart represents what we really are. " Iwe - ha ané wa funza vhaṅwe khee Ú sa ḓi - funzi? U tshi laya wa ri: U songo tswa! Each Christian is being given the opportunity to demonstrate that he can be used by the King, Christ Jesus. " You, the one teaching others, do not teach yourself, " Do not steal. Davida ho ngo ḓitika nga zwe a vhuya a ṱangana nazwo. Paul punctuated that advice with this directive: "Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath; for it is written: " Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says Jehovah. ' " - Rom. David did not rely on his own experience. Mukriste muṅwe na muṅwe u ṋewa tshibuli tsha u sumbedza uri a nga shumiswa nga Khosi, Kristo Yesu. Jehovah inaugurated the Law covenant with the nation of Israel. Each Christian is given an opportunity to show that he can be used by the King, Christ Jesus. Paulo o ombedzela yeneyo nyeletshedzo nga heyi ndaela: "Ni songo ḓi - lifhedzela, vhafunwa; ṋeani mbiti ya Mudzimu nḓila, ngauri ho ṅwaliwa ha pfi: U lifhedza ndi hanga, ndi Nṋe ané nda ḓo tevhedza! Jehovah has hundreds of millions of spirit sons. Paul emphasized this admonition: "Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath; for it is written: " Vengeance is mine; I will repay. ' Yehova o vhofha mulanga wa Mulayo na lushaka lwa Isiraele. Each of us can do much good if we display a forgiving spirit when others offend us. Jehovah made the Law covenant with the nation of Israel. Yehova u na vharwa vha muya vha maḓana a dzimilioni. In the heat of anger, General Bell said to Brother Rutherford: "That bill did not pass because [U.S. President] Wilson prevented it; but we know how to get you, and we are going to do it! " Jehovah has hundreds of millions of spirit sons. Muṅwe na muṅwe washu a nga ita zwavhuḓi arali a hangwela vhaṅwe musi vha tshi mu khakhela. How can older Christians " do good with the true God and his house '? Each of us can do well to forgive others when they offend him. Mudzhenerala Bell o vha o ḽa nyala vhukuma nahone a ri kha Wahashu Rutherford: "Wonoyo mulayo a wo ngo kona u vha hone ngauri muphuresidennde Wilson wa Amerika o zwi thivhela; fhedzi ri a ḓivha uri ri ḓo ni wana hani, nahone ri ḓo zwi ita! " Jehovah never changes his purpose, so he will never change his basic requirements for his true worshippers. The prosecutor ate and said to Brother Rutherford: "The law was not possible because the president of the United States banned it; but we know how we will get it, and we will do it! " Vhakriste vha vhalala vha nga " itela hani zwavhuḓi Mudzimu wa ngoho na nnḓu yawe '? Astounding miracles, superb legislation, and the construction of the tabernacle are among its absorbing features. How can older Christians "work well toward the true God and his house '? Yehova ha vhuyi a shandula ndivho yawe, nga zwenezwo, ha nga vhuyi a shandula ṱhoḓea dza mutheo dza vhagwadameli vhawe vha ngoho. By prayer, you can gain "the peace of God, " which alleviates anxiety. - Philippians 4: 6, 7. Jehovah never changes his purpose, so he will never change the basic needs of his true worshippers. Zwiṅwe zwi re khayo zwi takadzaho ndi vhuṱolo vhu mangadzaho, u vhumbiwa ha milayo ya ndeme, na u fhaṱwa ha nnḓu ya mulanga. A second example is that Jehovah's Witnesses do not agree with teachings that contradict what Jesus himself said about his relationship with the Father. Another source of joy is the amazing miracle, the formation of important commandments, and the construction of the tabernacle. Musi ni tshi rabela, ni nga kona u vha na "mulalo wa Mudzimu " une wa nga ni thusa u sedzana na mbilaelo. - Vhafilipi 4: 6, 7. He did not feel challenged. - John 4: 7 - 15. When you pray, you can gain "the peace of God " that can help you deal with anxiety. - Philippians 4: 6, 7. Tsumbo ya vhuvhili ndi ya uri Ṱhanzi dza Yehova a vha tendelani na pfunzo dzine dza lwisana na zwe Yesu a zwi amba nga ha vhushaka hawe na Khotsi awe. After a day or so, these nascent embryos are carefully examined in an effort to distinguish between any that are defective and those that seem to be healthy and most likely to implant and develop. A second example is that Jehovah's Witnesses do not agree with teachings that contradict what Jesus said about his relationship with his Father. O vha a sa humbuli uri vhuimo hawe ho vha vhu tshi khou nyadziwa. - Yohane 4: 7 - 15. God told them: "Even though you make many prayers, I am not listening; with bloodshed your very hands have become filled. He did not think that his situation was being dishonored. - John 4: 7 - 15. Nga murahu ha ḓuvha ḽithihi kana mavhili, enea makumba o no thomaho u vhumbea u vha ṅwana, a a ṱolisiswa u itela u vhona arali hu na o tshinyalaho, na ane a vhonala e avhuḓi lune a nga kona u nambatela kha mbumbelo, u itela uri a alutshele ngomu hayo. That the feet and toes are made up of iron and clay pictures the weakened state of the Anglo - American World Power. After one day or two, these newly formed embryos become a baby, looked at them to see if they were corrupt, and appear to be so good that they could stick to the uterus, so that they could be removed from it. Mudzimu o vha vhudza a ri: "Naho ná anza dzithabelo, a thi tsha ni pfa; zwanḓa zwaṋu zwo ḓala malofha. Because we are imperfect, sometimes we may have disagreements with our brothers and sisters. God told them: "I do not listen to you, and your hands are full of blood. Zwauri ṋayo na zwikunwane ndi tsimbi yo vanganywaho na vumba zwi sumbedza u fhungudzwa ha maanḓa a Muvhuso wa Shango wa Vhaisimane na Vhaamerika. Lovingly, Jehovah made a provision for humans to overcome inherited sinfulness. The fact that the feet and the feet are the iron that is mixed with clay reflects the extending of the power of the Anglo - American World Power. Ngauri a ro ngo fhelela, nga zwiṅwe zwifhinga ri nga khukhulisana na vhahashu. His parents and his brothers and sisters were all imperfect. Because we are imperfect, we may at times feel like our brothers and sisters. Yehova o ita ndugiselelo ya lufuno u itela uri vhathu vha kone u kunda tshivhi tshe vha tshi mamela. I quoted 2 Timothy 2: 3 and said, "I am already a soldier of Christ. " Jehovah has lovingly made arrangements for humans to conquer inherited sin. Vhabebi vhawe, vharathu vhawe na khaladzi dzawe vhoṱhe vho vha vha songo fhelela. [ Box / Pictures on page 16] His parents, brothers, and sisters were all imperfect. Ndo redza luṅwalo lwa 2 Timotheo 2: 3 nahone nda ri, "Ndo no vha swole ḽa Kristo. " From Politics to Preaching God's Kingdom I quoted 2 Timothy 2: 3 and said, "I have become a soldier of Christ. " [ Bogisi / Zwifanyiso kha siaṱari 16] Some human governments require that those applying for citizenship speak the dominant language of the country. [ Box / Pictures on page 16] Ndo Ṱutshela Politiki Nahone Nda Thoma U Huwelela Nga Ha Muvhuso Wa Mudzimu The man kept asking for bread because he felt that having those loaves in his possession was absolutely necessary to carry out his duty as a host. I Remaind and Preach About God's Kingdom Miṅwe mivhuso ya vhathu i ṱoḓa uri vhane vha khou ita khumbelo ya u vha vhadzulapo vha shango ḽavho vha kone u amba luambo lwa tshiofisi lwa shango ḽeneḽo. When we remember that on one occasion it took just one angel only a single night to "strike down a hundred and eighty - five thousand " of God's enemies, we can be confident that the heavenly army will easily destroy every vestige of Satan's system on earth as the great tribulation culminates in Armageddon. Some human governments require that those making a request to be citizens of their country can speak the official language of the country. Onoyo munna o bvela phanḓa na u humbela zwinkwa nga uri o zwi ṱhogomela uri u vha hawe na zwenezwo zwinkwa zwo vha zwi zwa ndeme vhukuma u itela uri a kone u sumbedza muya wa u ṱanganedza vhaeni. If the Israelites had been obedient, what would have been the result? The man continued asking for bread because he realized that his presence of the loaves was so important that he could show hospitality. Musi ri tshi humbula uri kha tshiṅwe tshiitea muruṅwa muthihi o "vhulaha dzigomane dzi na ḓana na mahumi maṱanu - na - mararu na ṱhanu " dza maswina a Mudzimu, ri ḓo fulufhela uri mmbi ya ṱaḓulu i ḓo fhelisa vhuṱala hoṱhe ha maitele a Sathane nga hu leluwaho kha ḽifhasi musi maṱungu mahulu a tshi rangela Haramagedo. (2 Dzikh. 19: 35; Ndzumb. When a person has put in writing his personal instructions regarding his funeral arrangements, it is much easier to reason with non - Witness family members, since they are likely to respect the wishes of the deceased. When we think that on one occasion, one angel "sed up a hundred and eightty - year - old " of God's enemies, we will trust that the heavenly forces will easily destroy all of Satan's system when the great tribulation comes upon Armageddon. Arali Vhaisiraele vha vhe vho thetshelesa, ho vha hu tshi ḓo vha na mvelelo ifhio? Ask them what work is practical for pioneers. If the Israelites had listened, what would have been the result? Musi muthu a tshi ṅwala fhasi zwine a zwi ṱoḓa malugana na ndugiselelo dza mbulungo yawe, zwi a leluwa vhukuma u ambedzana na miraḓo ya muṱa i si Dziṱhanzi, samusi vha tshi anzela u ṱhonifha ipfi ḽa mufu. Perhaps you need help to simplify your life. When a person is writing down what he needs concerning his funeral arrangements, it is much easier to talk to non - Witness family members, since they often respect the voice of the deceased. Vha vhudziseni uri ndi ufhio mushumo une wa nga itwa nga vhavulanḓila. Yet, he was confident that his disciples would have the courage to maintain their loyalty to him despite family opposition. Ask them what work can be done by pioneers. Khamusi ni khou ṱoḓa thuso ya uri ni leludze vhutshilo haṋu. I'm glad I planned to share fully in the disciple - making work. " - Eccl. Perhaps you need help to simplify your lifestyle. Naho zwo ralo, o vha e na fulufhelo ḽa uri vhafunziwa vhawe vha ḓo vha na tshivhindi tsha u dzula vha tshi fulufhedzea khae, hu sa londwi u tovholwa nga muṱa. Bad judgment can leave deep emotional scars and create problems that may affect the rest of his life. - Eccl. Yet, he was confident that his disciples would have the courage to remain loyal to him despite family opposition. Ndi a takala uri ndi khou shela mulenzhe nga vhuḓalo kha mushumo wa u ita vhathu vhafunziwa. " - Muh. [ Picture on page 20] I am glad that I have a full share in the disciple - making work. " - Eccl. Phetho dzi si dzavhuḓi dzi nga ita uri a vhaisale vhukuma kha maḓipfele na u bveledza vhuleme vhune ha nga kwama vhutshilo hawe hoṱhe. - Muh. During the coming "great tribulation, " however, Jehovah will protect us as a worldwide brotherhood. Bad decisions can cause him much emotional pain and cause problems that could affect the rest of his life. - Eccl. [ Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 12] What can we learn from Adam's and Eve's responses to Jehovah? [ Picture on page 12] Naho zwo ralo, nga tshifhinga tsha "maṱungu mahulu " a ḓaho, Yehova u ḓo ri tsireledza sa vhushaka ha vhurathu na vhukomana ha shango ḽoṱhe. (See paragraph 6) However, during the future "great tribulation, " Jehovah will protect us as a worldwide brotherhood. Ri nga guda mini kha nḓila ye Adamu na Eva vha fhindula ngayo Yehova? We do well to thank God for all these things, for he truly is our Maker and Sustainer. What can we learn from the way Adam and Eve answered Jehovah? (Sedzani phara 6) AN UPDATE FROM JAPAN (See paragraph 6) Ri ita zwavhuḓi musi ri tshi livhuha Mudzimu kha zwenezwi zwithu zwoṱhe ngauri vhukuma ndi Musiki na Mutikedzi wa vhutshilo hashu. A number of translations render her question to this effect: "Lord, do you not care...? " We do well to thank God in all these things because he truly is the Creator and Creator of our life. MUVHIGO WA DZHAPANE The brochure, available in English and Spanish, was written to provide information on a variety of ways that gifts may be made now or later, such as through a bequest at death. THE THAT OLD ARE THAT TO THAT ARE THAT Kha dziṅwe ṱhalutshedzelo mbudziso yawe yo ṱalutshedzelwa nga nḓila i tevhelaho: "Murena, naa a u na ndavha nazwo...? " He did not feel obligated to answer the question in view of their corrupt practices and faithless example. In some translations of his question, it is this way: "Lord, does he not care about it...? " Yeneyi bugwana i na mafhungo a nḓila dzo fhamba - fhambanaho dzine muthu a nga ṋeela ngadzo. They fear that they will not get credit for what is done. This brochure contains information on various ways to donate. O vha a sa kombetshedzei u fhindula mbudziso yeneyo nga ṅwambo wa maitele avho a u sa fulufhedzea na u vha havho tsumbo ya u sa vha na lutendo. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. He was not obliged to answer that question because of their dishonest course and example of lack of faith. Vha ofha uri a huna muthu ane a ḓo vha khoḓa. Never forget that "the one whom Jehovah loves he reproves, even as a father does a son in whom he finds pleasure. " They fear that no one will commend them. Hune ha vha na NW i tshi tevhela muredzo, i sumbedza uri ṱhalutshedzelo i bva kha New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. What symbolic drama is found in the book of Hosea? Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Ni songo hangwa uri "Yehova u rwa uyo ane a mu funa; u nga khotsi ane a rwa ṅwana uyo ane a mu takalela. " Even if we had a different point of view on a matter, we could express ourselves freely and still have his confidence. Remember, "Jehovah is the one whom he loves, just as a father does a son in whom he delights. " Ndi ḽitambwa ḽifhio ḽa pfanyisedzo ḽine ḽa vha kha bugu ya Hosea? This article will explain why attending meetings (1) is good for us, (2) helps others, and (3) pleases Jehovah. - See endnote. What symbolic drama is found in Hosea's book? Naho ro vha ri na mavhonele a sa fani kha maṅwe mafhungo, ro vha ri tshi amba maḓipfele ashu ro vhofholowa nahone a bvela phanḓa a tshi ri fulufhela. How should women view this inspired statement? Although we had different opinions on certain matters, we freely expressed our feelings and continued to trust us. Heyi thero i ḓo bvisela khagala uri ndi ngani u vha hone miṱanganoni (1) zwi tshi ri vhuyedza, (2) zwi tshi vhuyedza vhaṅwe, na (3) u takadza Yehova. - Sedzani notsi dza u fhedzisela. How do we show that we choose Jehovah as our own Sovereign? This article will highlight why attending meetings (1) benefits us, (2) benefit others, and (3) make Jehovah's final notes. - See endnote. Vhasadzi vha fanela u dzhia hani enea mafhungo o hevhedzwaho? But if we have learned to cooperate, we will be happy to do Jehovah's will wherever we live. How should wives view these inspired accounts? Ri nga zwi sumbedza hani uri ri khetha Yehova sa ene Muvhusi washu? Whether we hope to live forever in heaven or on earth, let us stay determined to be prepared and keep on the watch. How can we show that we choose Jehovah as our Ruler? Fhedzi arali ro guda u shumisana, ri ḓo takalela u ita zwine Yehova a zwi funa huṅwe na huṅwe hune ra dzula hone. Jesus selected his closest companions, the apostles, after much prayerful thought. But if we have learned to cooperate, we will be happy to do Jehovah's will wherever we live. Hu sa londwi uri ri na fulufhelo ḽa u tshila tshoṱhe ṱaḓulu kana kha ḽifhasi, kha ri dzule ro ḓiimisela u lindela na u dzula ro fhaṱuwa. The disciple James wrote: "Is there anyone [spiritually] sick among you? Whether we hope to live forever in heaven or on earth, let us be ready to wait and keep on the watch. Yesu o khetha khonani dzawe dza tsini - tsini, vhaapostola, musi o no humbula nga mafhungo eneo nga vhuronwane na nga u rabela nga hao. Then choose accordingly. - Deuteronomy 30: 19. Jesus chose his close friends, the apostles, after carefully considering these matters and praying about them. Mufunziwa Yakobo o ṅwala uri: "Arali hú na a lwalaho [muyani] vhukati haṋu, nga a vhidze vhahulwane vha tshivhidzo. Furthermore, doctors are used to talking to people in wheelchairs, and sometimes they seem to listen with greater respect when they observe the effort I make to visit them. The disciple James wrote: "If anyone is sick among you, let him call the older men of the congregation. Nga murahu ha zwenezwo ni kone u ita phetho yo teaho. - Doiteronomio 30: 19. (Read Job 1: 7 - 12.) Then you are able to make the right decision. - Deuteronomy 30: 19. Zwiṅwe hafhu, madokotela o ḓowela u amba na vhathu vha re kha zwidulo zwa malinga zwa vhaholefhali, nahone nga zwiṅwe zwifhinga zwi vhonala uri vha thetshelesa nga maanḓa musi vha tshi vhona vhuḓidini vhune nda vhu ita ha u vha dalela. PAGE 12 In addition, doctors are accustomed to communicating with people on wheels, and sometimes they listen as they observe the efforts I make to visit them. (Vhalani Yobo 1: 7 - 12.) Martin, the factory overseer at the time, explained what had been accomplished by 1927. (Read Job 1: 7 - 12.) SIAṰARI 12 Some of them will come to be among those appointed as "princes in all the earth. " PAGE 12 Martin we a vha e mulavhelesi wa fekethiri nga tshifhinga tshenetsho, o ṱalutshedza zwe zwa vha zwo no khunyeledzwa nga 1927. " It Helps Me to Reach the Hearts of People " Martin, who served as an overseer at that time, explained what had already been accomplished in 1927. Vhaṅwe vhavho vha ḓo vha vhukati ha vhane vha ḓo vhewa sa "dzikhosi mashangoni oṱhe. " Was it worth it? Some of them will be among those who will be appointed "in all the earth. " " I Nthusa U Swikelela Mbilu Dza Vhathu " The apostle Paul helps us to understand what a spiritual person is by drawing a contrast between a "spiritual man " and" a physical man. " " It Helps Me to Reach People's Heart " Naa zwo mu vhuyedza? (See page 30, paragraph 4.) Has it benefited him? O sumbedza phambano ine ya vha hone vhukati ha "muthu wa muya " kana muthu ane a livhiswa nga muya wa Mudzimu na" muthu wa ṋama " kana muthu a sa livhiswi nga muya wa Mudzimu. Witness or Martyr? He reflected the contrast between "a spiritual person " or one who is guided by God's spirit and" a man of flesh " or one who is not led by God's spirit. (Sedzani siaṱari 30, phara 4.) So let us imitate Jesus ' example by living with "soundness of mind, " not taking unnecessary risks, yet facing persecution confidently. - Titus 2: 12. (See page 30, paragraph 4.) Ndi U Ṱanziela Kana Ndi U Fela Lutendo? It requires that we come to know Jehovah as a person and have full confidence in him. To Bear Thorough Witness or to Give Faith? Ngauralo, kha ri edzise tsumbo ya Yesu nga u tshila ro "thanya, " ri sa ḓidzhenisi khomboni zwi sa ṱoḓei, fhedzi ri sedzane na u tovholwa ri na fulufhelo. - Tito 2: 12. It is a time for extra patience and skill, as the roles of parents and children enter a new stage. Let us, therefore, imitate Jesus ' example by living "in a provoked manner, " not in unnecessary danger, but in the face of persecution with hope. - Titus 2: 12. Lu ṱoḓa uri ri ḓivhe Yehova sa muthu na u vha na fulufhelo nga ho fhelelaho khae. Even if Isaac were to die as a sacrifice, Abraham "reckoned that God was able to raise him up even from the dead. " It requires that we come to know Jehovah as a Person and have complete confidence in him. Nga tshenetshi tshifhinga hu ṱoḓea u konḓelela na vhuṱali vhuhulwane, samusi vhabebi na vhana vha tshi khou dzhena kha tshipiḓa tshiswa. 5: 6, 7. During this time, it takes great endurance and wisdom, as parents and children enter into a new section. Naho Isaka o vha a tshi nga fa sa tshiṱhavhelo, Abrahamu o "elekanya a ri: Mudzimu na lufuni a nga [mu] dzamulusa. " 7: 5, 16. Although Isaac could die as a sacrifice, Abraham "began to say: " God and death like a man in death. ' " 5: 6, 7. You will thus be in a better position to detect improper feelings of pride that might reside within you or that may develop in time. 5: 6, 7. 7: 5, 16. He exclaims, "I am getting the best out of life! " 7: 5, 16. Nga zwenezwo ni ḓo vha vhuimoni havhuḓi ha u bvukulula maḓipfele a si avhuḓi a u ḓihudza ane na nga kha ḓi vha ni nao kana ane a nga vha hone nga u ya ha tshifhinga. Like weeds growing wild in a flower garden, bad feelings toward others will likely get worse unless we strive to uproot them. Then you will be in a better position to expose negative feelings of pride that you may have or that may take place over time. U ri: "Ndi khou tshila vhutshilo hanga nga vhuḓalo! " Charitable Planning Office She says: "I am living more fully in my life! " U fana na tsheṋe i ne ya mela ngadeni ya maluvha, u sinyutshela vhahashu zwi nga ṋaṋa arali ra sa ita vhuḓidini ha u zwi tupula. However, his feelings were real. Like the weeds growing in the garden of flowers, bitterness can become even more intense if we do not put forth effort to uproot them. Accounting Office Consider Sharon, a maritime plain between the hills of Samaria and the Great Sea, or the Mediterranean. Charitable Planning Office (Yobo 6: 3) Naho zwo ralo, o ḓipfa nga yeneyo nḓila. The badness of man is abundant, as seen in his attitude toward God and fellowman. Yet, he felt that way. Ṱhogomelani Sarona, mukano wa lwanzhe vhukati ha zwikwara zwa Samaria na Lwanzhe Luhulwane, kana Mediterranean. The important thing is to keep cultivating godly qualities in the best way we can. Consider the border between Samaria and the Great Sea, or Mediterranean. Vhuvhi ha vhathu ho anda, samusi zwi tshi vhonala kha nḓila ine vha dzhia ngayo Mudzimu na vhathu ngavho. In a spiritual sense, what are some early warning signs signaling that we are being influenced by the spirit of the world? Man's badness is rampant, as seen in the way they view God and fellow humans. Tsha ndeme ndi u bvela phanḓa ri tshi ṱahulela pfaneleo dza Mudzimu nga nḓila yo teaho u ya nga hune ra kona ngaho. But how can we be Jehovah's Witnesses and at the same time be witnesses of Jesus? The key is to continue cultivating godly qualities in the best possible way. Siani ḽa zwithu zwa muya, ndi zwifhio zwiṅwe zwa zwiga zwine zwa nga ri sevha hu tshee nga phanḓa uri ri khou ṱuṱuwedzwa nga muya wa shango? Instead, Saul refused to be molded. In view of spiritual matters, what are some of the signs that may warn us that we are being influenced by the spirit of the world? Fhedzi ri nga vha hani Ṱhanzi dza Yehova nahone ra dovha ra vha ṱhanzi dza Yesu? " NOTHING is more difficult, and therefore more precious than to be able to decide, " Napoleon Bonaparte, 19th - century emperor of France, once said. But how can we become Jehovah's Witnesses and also be witnesses of Jesus? Nṱhani hazwo, Saulo o hana u vhumbiwa. Jesus himself is the principal one to inherit our earth, as Psalm 2: 8 indicates, and he will have 144,000 corulers in heaven. Instead, Saul refused to be molded. NAPOLEON BONAPARTE, we a vha e muvhusi wa Fura wa ḓana ḽa vhu - 19 ḽa miṅwaha o vhuya a ri: "A huna tshithu tshine tsha konḓa na u vha tsha ndeme vhukuma u fana na u ḓivha nḓila ine wa nga ita ngayo dziphetho. " Of course, you would not join those who are rebelling, but would you think that the rebels are right and hope that they are successful? " THE most difficult and important thing it is to know how to make decisions, " said the 19th - century governor of France. Yesu ndi ene muthu wa ndeme wa u ḽa ifa ḽa ḽifhasi ḽashu, samusi zwi tshi sumbedzwa kha Psalme ya 2: 8, nahone u ḓo vha e na vha 144 000 vhane vha ḓo vhusa nae ngei ṱaḓulu. What is this presence? Jesus is the most important human to inherit our inheritance, as shown at Psalm 2: 8, and will have 144,000 corulers with him in heaven. Zwi tou vha khagala uri a ni nga shumisani na eneo mashandukwa, fhedzi naa ni nga a tikedza nga u fulufhela uri a vhe na gundo? His wife had no idea that the literature supply existed. Clearly, you cannot use those rebels, but can you support them by trusting in him to be victorious? Honohu u vha hone ndi mini? Spiritual temple: Jehovah's arrangement that makes it possible for us to worship him in a way that he accepts What is this existence? Musadzi wawe o vha a sa zwi ḓivhi uri hu na bugu dzo dzumbiwaho. And the apostle Paul spoke of "the power of holy spirit. " - Romans 15: 13, 19. His wife did not know that there were hidden books. Thembele ya lwa muya: Ndugiselelo ya Yehova ine ya ita uri zwi konadzee u mu gwadamela nga nḓila ine a i ṱanganedza Thus, love of Jesus should motivate us to witness about the truth and observe the other things that Jesus commanded. The spiritual temple: Jehovah's arrangement that makes it possible for us to worship him acceptably Nahone muapostola Paulo o amba nga ha "maanḓa a Muya - mukhethwa. " - Vha - Roma 15: 13, 19. 71: 5, 17. And the apostle Paul spoke of "the power of the holy spirit. " - Romans 15: 13, 19. Ngauralo, u funa hashu Yesu zwi fanela u ri ṱuṱuwedza u ṱanziela nga ha mafhungo - ngoho na u tevhedza dziṅwe ndaela dza Yesu. Why? So our love for Jesus should motivate us to bear witness to the truth and to observe some of Jesus ' commands. 71: 5, 17. If you do not have experience with a tool you need, tell the brother in charge. 71: 5, 17. Ndi ngani? ON THE hills of Lebanon and Israel, one of the first trees to blossom is the almond tree. Why? Arali ni si na tshenzhelo ya tshishumiswa tshine na ṱoḓa u tshi shumisa, vhudzani wahashu wa tshinnani ane a khou ranga phanḓa kha mushumo wonoyo. Can anyone doubt that the One who "fuels " the sun can give us the strength we need to cope with any problem? If you do not have the experience of a tool you would like to use, tell a brother who is taking the lead in that work. NGEI thavhani dza Libanoni na Isiraele, mutebvu ndi muṅwe wa miri ine ya ṱavhanya u ṱuma lurere. Jesus ' death was the most important event in history - he died to restore human life to what it should be. IN THE mountain of Lebanon and Israel, a tree is one of the best trees to grow. Naa hu na muthu ane a nga timatima uri muthu we a ita uri hu vhe na ḓuvha a nga ri ṋea nungo u itela u konḓela thaidzo iṅwe na iṅwe? But Amos had also prophesied that any Israelites who returned to God would receive blessings. Can anyone doubt that a person who has caused a day can give us strength to cope with each problem? Lufu lwa Yesu ndi tshiitea tsha ndeme vhukuma kha ḓivhazwakale - o fa u itela u vusulusa vhutshilo ha vhathu uri vhu vhe nga nḓila ine ha fanela u vha ngayo. Comparably, in the family there are usually two who share in molding the children. Jesus ' death is the most important event in history - he died to restore human life to the way it should be. Fhedzi Amosi o vha o porofita uri Muisiraele naho e ufhio ane a vhuyelela kha Mudzimu u ḓo fhaṱutshedzwa. All too many people today put a low value on their own chastity. But Amos had prophesied that any Israelite who returned to God would be blessed. Nga hu fanaho, muṱani hu na vhathu vhavhili vhane vha ṱanganela kha u vhumba vhana. The Devil is on the prowl, and in his quest to devour, he shows no mercy to youths. Similarly, within the family there are two individuals who are involved in molding children. Vhathu vhanzhi ṋamusi vha dzhiela fhasi u kuna havho. Lessons for Us: Many today ignore their chastity. Diabolo u khou dodela, nahone kha ḽeneḽo fulo ḽawe ḽa u mila, ha na tshilidzi kha vhaswa. Thus it is a sign of love. The Devil is standing, and in such a campaign he does not show mercy to young people. Ngudo Kha Riṋe: In the following article, we will consider two more aspects of Jehovah's endearing personality. - Ps. Lessons for Us: Hezwo zwi ḓo sumbedza u vha na lufuno. We can and will continue to prove ourselves ready. That will prove to be loving. Kha thero i tevhelaho, ri ḓo ṱolisisa dziṅwe nḓila mbili dza vhuthu vhu kungaho ha Yehova. - Ps. What alone will help prepare us for any difficult circumstance in which we might find ourselves in this unstable world? In the next article, we will consider two ways of Jehovah's loving - kindness. - Ps. Ri nga kona u bvela phanḓa na u dzula ro lindela. Parents - What Future Do You Want for Your Children? We can continue to wait. Ndi mini tshine tsha nga ri thusa u ḓilugiselela vhuimo vhu konḓaho vhune ra nga kha ḓi ṱangana naho shangoni ḽino ḽi re na khakhathi? Keep looking, keep awake, for you do not know when the appointed time is. " What can help us to prepare for the difficult situations that we may face in this troubled world? Vhabebi - Ni Ṱoḓa uri Vhana vha Vhoiwe vha vhe na Vhumatshelo - ḓe? Let us see how. Parents - What Future Do You Want Your Children to Have? Dzulani no fhaṱuwa ngauri a ni ḓivhi uri tshifhinga tsho vhewaho tshi lini. " Today, we know that the Seed has appeared and that he has been bruised in the heel. Keep on the watch because you do not know when the appointed time is. " Kha ri vhone uri nga nḓila - ḓe. Explaining what motivates him, Harry, now 87 years of age, says, "I'd like to use my remaining years wisely and be as useful as possible in Jehovah's service. " Let us see how. Ṋamusi, ri a ḓivha uri Mbeu yo no bvelela na uri yo no luṅwa tshirethe. The word "generation " usually refers to people of various ages whose lives overlap during a particular time period or event. Today, we know that the Seed has already appeared and has been shot in the heel. Musi a tshi amba zwine zwa mu ṱuṱuwedza, Harry ane zwino a vha na miṅwaha ya 87 o ri, "Ndi khou ṱoḓa u shumisa miṅwaha ya vhutshilo ine nda kha ḓi vha nayo nga vhuṱali, nahone ndi ṱoḓa u shuma nga hune zwa nga konadzea ngaho tshumeloni ya Yehova. " Wisely, they seek out friends with strong faith, who will encourage and strengthen them. Speaking what encourages him, Harry, now 87 years old, says, "I want to use my life wisely, and I want to work as much as I can in Jehovah's service. " Kanzhi ipfi "murafho " ḽi ambela kha vhathu vha miṅwaha yo fhamba - fhambanaho vhane vha tshila nga tshenetsho tshifhinga kana kha zwiṅwe zwiitea. The translators also have to learn computer skills, scheduling, and translation techniques. The term "generation " often refers to people of all ages who live at that time or on other occasions. Vha ṱoḓa khonani nga vhuṱali dzine dza vha na lutendo lwo khwaṱhaho, dzine dza ḓo vha ṱuṱuwedza na u vha khwaṱhisa. By words and by deeds, David portrayed Jehovah, not as a demanding and fearsome God, ready to pounce on any infraction of His laws, but as a loving, caring, and forgiving Father of His earthly children. They wisely seek out friends who have strong faith, which will encourage and strengthen them. Vhaṱalutshedzeli vho vha vha tshi fanela u dovha hafhu vha guda vhutsila ha u shumisa khomphyutha, u dzudzanya mushumo, na vhutsila ha u ṱalutshedzela. The Importance of Love The translators also had to learn the art of using computers, organizing the work, and the art of translation. Nga u amba na nga nyito, Davida ho ngo ṱalusa Yehova sa Mudzimu ane a kombetshedza uri a ofhiwe, o lindelaho u wana vhukhakhi ha u pfukwa ha milayo Yawe, fhedzi o mu ṱalusa sa Mudzimu wa lufuno, a ṱhogomelaho, na Khotsi a hangwelaho vhana Vhawe vha re kha ḽifhasi. 11: 1 - 4. By speaking with actions, David did not describe Jehovah as a God who forced fear, awaiting the faults of His laws, but described him as a loving, caring God, and forgiving Father for His children on earth. Ndeme ya Lufuno For months, Jodi read material on that site, including the Bible and articles of interest. The Value of Love 11: 1 - 4. We may have looked into the Bible before that, but these things were hidden from us, as they are from most of mankind. 11: 1 - 4. Jodi o fhedza miṅwedzi a tshi khou vhala mafhungo a re kha Web Site yeneyo, u katela na Bivhili na thero dze dza vha dzi tshi mu takadza. " In fact, the volume of help we received overwhelmed us. Jodi spent months reading the material on the Web site, including the Bible and articles that impressed her. Khamusi ri nga vha ro ṱolisisa Bivhili musi ri sa athu guda zwenezwo zwithu, fhedzi zwo vha zwo dzumbama kha riṋe, samusi zwo dzumbama kha vhathu vhanzhi. An hour later, the leader, named Law, said to the missionary: "When we asked you to come and answer questions, our intention was to ridicule you, as we have done with people from other religions. We may have considered the Bible before we learned it, but it was hidden from us, as it was hidden from many people. Zwi re zwone ndi uri, thuso ine ra i wana i a kwama vhukuma. How can pioneering strengthen your relationship with Jehovah? In fact, the help we receive has a profound impact on us. Nga murahu ha awara, murangaphanḓa ane a vhidzwa Law, a amba na murumiwa a ri: "Musi ri tshi ni humbela uri ni ḓe ni fhindule mbudziso, tshipikwa tshashu tsho vha tshi tsha u holedza, samusi ro zwi ita kha vhathu vha vhuṅwe vhurereli. 13: 13. At an hour later, a leader named Law, said to a missionary: "When you asked you to answer a question, our goal was to ridicule, as we did among other religions. U vula nḓila zwi nga khwaṱhisa hani vhushaka haṋu na Yehova? However, events took an unexpected turn. How can pioneering strengthen your relationship with Jehovah? 13: 13. Instead of learning more, they rejected everything that Jesus taught. 13: 13. Naho zwo ralo, zwiimo zwo mbo ḓi shanduka. We would never want them to lose their joy or become frustrated because of something we do. However, circumstances changed. Nṱhani ha u guda zwo engedzeaho, vho landula zwoṱhe zwe zwa funzwa nga Yesu. Some reject marriage outright, while others try to redefine it to suit their own desires. Instead of learning more, they rejected all that Jesus taught. A ri ṱoḓi uri vha si takale kana u vha sinyusa nga zwine ra zwi ita. In fact, many people believe that religion contributes to or causes conflict. We do not want them to be unhappy or upset by what we do. Vhaṅwe a vha dzhieli nṱha mbingano ngeno vhaṅwe vha tshi lingedza u shandula zwine mbingano ya vha zwone u itela uri i tendelane na mavhonele avho. Read with an open mind. Some ignore marriage, while others try to change what the marriage is in order to conform to their view. Zwi re zwone ndi uri vhathu vhanzhi vha humbula uri vhurereli ndi hone hune ha shela mulenzhe kha khuḓano dzi re hone shangoni. Facing Up to the Loss In fact, many people think that religion is a factor that contributes to world conflicts. Vhalani ni na muhumbulo wo tshaho. Christians under trial are " a theatrical spectacle to angels. ' Read with a sound mind. U Sedzana na U Felwa Sarah could even imagine her children becoming a large nation. Coping With Grief Vhakriste vha re nga fhasi ha mulingo ndi " bono ḽa vharuṅwa. ' When Jehovah chose to lay a command upon Adam not to eat of "the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, " He provided adequate instruction so that Adam could decide what to do. Christians under trial are "a vision of angels. " Sara o vha a tshi vhona nga maṱo a muhumbulo vhana vhawe vha tshi vha lushaka luhulu. Well, see if you can answer the following questions: Sarah imagined her children as a great nation. Musi Yehova a tshi vhea mulayo wa uri Adamu a songo ḽa "muri wa u ṱalukanya vhuḓi na vhuvhi, " O mu ṋea ndaela yo fanelaho u itela uri Adamu a ḓiitele phetho. In what way was the Devil "a manslayer when he began "? When Jehovah commanded Adam not to eat from "the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, " He gave him a specific command for Adam to make his own decision. Vhonani arali ni tshi nga fhindula mbudziso dzi tevhelaho: As we strive to carry out Christ's command to make disciples, we experience not only days of joy but also days of sadness. Well, see if you can answer the following questions: Diabolo o vha "mu - ponda - vhathu tsha kale na kale " nga nḓila - ḓe? In one country, a married couple were encouraging others to take certain food supplements and follow a specific diet. How was the Devil "a manslayer when he began "? Musi ri tshi khou lwela u ḓadzisa ndaela ya Kristo ya u ita vhafunziwa, ri ḓo ṱangana na maḓuvha a takadzaho na a pfisaho vhuṱungu. " I read a lot about Jehovah's Witnesses on the Internet, " says Cecilie, quoted earlier. As we strive to fulfill Christ's command to make disciples, we will meet happy and painful days. Kha ḽiṅwe shango, vhavhingani vho vha vha tshi ṱuṱuwedza vhaṅwe uri vha nwe philisi dza mutakalo na miṅwe mifuda ya zwiḽiwa. He exhorts Christians: "Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good. " In another land, the couple encouraged others to drink health and other forms of food. Cecilie we a bulwa mathomoni, o ri: "Ndi vhala zwithu zwinzhi nga ha Ṱhanzi dza Yehova kha Inthanethe. Upon seeing that, Jehovah told Moses: "They have turned aside in a hurry from the way I have commanded them to go. " " I read a lot about Jehovah's Witnesses on the Internet, " says I, mentioned at the outset. U eletshedza Vhakriste uri: "U songo kundwa nga vhuvhi, aiwa, kunda vhuvhi nga zwivhuya. " If we do so, we will be able to sing with the psalmist: "Happy are those observing [Jehovah's] reminders; with all the heart they keep searching for him. My soul has kept your reminders, and I love them exceedingly. " - Psalm 119: 2, 167. He counsels Christians: "Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good. " Musi Yehova a tshi vhona zwenezwo o vhudza Mushe uri: "Vho ṱavhanya u laṱa nḓila ye nda vha laya. " (Ek. Some present - day red wines, however, are unacceptable because they are fortified with spirits or brandy or have had herbs and spices added to them. When Jehovah saw that, he told Moses: "They immediately rejected the way I had commanded them. " Musi ri tshi ita nga u ralo, ri ḓo kona u ṱanganela kha u imba na Mupsalme we a ri: "Vha mashudu ndi avho vhané vha thetshelesa nyeletshedzo [dza Yehova] vha tshi mu ṱoḓa nga mbilu yoṱhe, Muya wanga u tevhedza nyeletshedzo dzau, ndi dzi tama zwihulu - hulu. " - Psalme ya 119: 2, 167, vhambedzani NW. Our donations support missionaries, special pioneers, and those in the circuit work. As we do so, we will be able to share in singing with the psalmist who said: "Happy are those who listen to [Jehovah's] counsel with a complete heart, that my spirit may prove to be especially in your counsel. " - Psalm 119: 2, 14. Naho zwo ralo, dziṅwe veine tswuku dza musalauno a dzi tendelwi ngauri dzo vanganywa na zwikambi zwi fhisaho kana brandy kana zwilungwalungwa kana zwimelana. 5: 5 - 11: Foretells the end of wickedness. However, some modern - day red wine is unacceptable because they are mixed with alcoholic beverages or red or other vegetation. Miṋeelo yashu i tikedza vharumiwa, vhavulanḓila vho khetheaho na vhalavhelesi vha ḽiisela. A sincere apology can remove a possible future cause for conflict and pave the way for real forgiveness and a solution to the problem. Our donations support missionaries, special pioneers, and circuit overseers. 5: 5 - 11: Ḽo dzula ḽo amba nga ha u fheliswa ha vhuvhi. Jehovah had already told Abraham that the nation that came from him would open the way for blessings to people of all the earth. - Genesis 3: 15; 12: 2, 3, 6, 7. 5: 5 - 11: foretold the end of wickedness. U humbela pfarelo zwi tshi bva mbiluni zwi nga ita uri hu sa vhe na khakhathi nahone zwa ita uri hu vhe na u farelana lufhanga zwa vhukuma na u piringulula vhuleme. Hospital Visits - A Source of Satisfaction Being sincerely forgiving can lead to conflicts and lead to real misunderstandings and solving problems. Yehova o vha o no ḓi vhudza Abrahamu uri lushaka lwe lwa vha lu tshi ḓo bva khae lwo vha lu tshi ḓo ḓisela dziphaṱhutshedzo vhathu ḽifhasini ḽoṱhe. - Genesi 3: 15; 12: 2, 3, 6, 7. How can it be said that modern conventions of Jehovah's people have been important milestones? Jehovah had already told Abraham that the nation that would come from him would bring blessings to mankind earth wide. - Genesis 3: 15; 12: 2, 3, 6, 7. U Dalela Vhuongelo Zwo Nḓisela Dakalo Many of the faithful ones whom Paul mentioned had circumstances similar to ours. Visiting My Family Happiness Has Been Happy Ndi afhio mabuthano a ndeme a vhathu vha Yehova e a vha hone musalauno? In about 44 C.E. when Jehovah's angel miraculously freed the apostle Peter from the prison of Herod Agrippa I, Peter made his way "to the house of Mary the mother of John who was surnamed Mark, where quite a few were gathered together and praying. " - Acts 12: 1 - 12. What important conventions of Jehovah's people have taken place today? Vhathu vhanzhi vha fulufhedzeaho vhe Paulo a amba nga havho vho sedzana na zwiimo zwi fanaho na zwashu. If a child is to grow up to become a healthy adult, he needs nutritious food on a regular basis. Many faithful ones to whom Paul spoke faced situations similar to ours. Hu ṱoḓaho u vha nga 44 C.E. musi nga lwa vhuṱolo muruṅwa wa Yehova a tshi vhofholola muapostola Petro khothoni ya Herode Agripa I, Petro o ya "nḓuni ya Maria mme - a Yohane, ane a pfi Marko, he ha vha ho kuvhangana vhanzhi vha tshi khou rabela. " - Mish. 12: 1 - 12. Do You Remember? About 44 C.E. when Jehovah's angel miraculously freed the apostle Peter from the prison of Herod Agrippa, Peter went to "the house of Mary the mother - in - law of John Mark, where many assembled for prayer. " - Acts 12: 1 - 12. Arali ṅwana a tshi ḓo aluwa e na mutakalo wavhuḓi, u ḓo ṱoḓa zwiḽiwa zwi re na pfushi tshifhinga tshoṱhe. (a) What choice did Moses place before Israel? If a child grows up in good health, he will need regular food. Ni A Zwi Elelwa? SONGS: 53, 60 Do You Recall? (a) Ndi mafhungo afhio e Mushe a a vhudza Vhaisiraele uri vha nange khao? " Kindly Forgive and Comfort Him " (a) What matter did Moses tell the Israelites to choose from them? NYIMBO: 53, 60 Jerusalem was spared, and Sennacherib left the soil of Judah. SONGS: 53, 60 " Ni Mu Khathutshele Ni Mu Kwengweledze ' Jehovah is certainly able to deal with this situation, for "he is healing the brokenhearted ones, and is binding up their painful spots. " " Moved Out of Mercy " Yerusalema wa ponyoka, nahone Sanheribi o mbo ḓi ṱuwa kha ḽa Yuda. The next segment of the program was entitled "Hated Without Cause. " Jerusalem survived, and Sennacherib left Judah. (Ps. 51: 17) Yehova u a kona "u fhodza vha dzimbilu dzo vunḓekanaho, u phupha maṱungu avho. " (Ps. We gave up a business that I was very much interested in. Jehovah is able "to heal those that are broken at heart and to bind up their painful spots. " Tshiṅwe tshipiḓa tshi tevhelaho tsha mbekanyamushumo tsho vha tshi na tshiṱoho tshine tsha ri "U Vhengwa Hu Si Na Tshiitisi. " It did not take long before KGB officers began to raid our home, looking for Bible literature. The next part of the program was entitled "There Is No Cause. " Ro rengisa bindu ḽe nda vha ndi tshi ḽi funa vhukuma. Since we enjoy spiritual light, what should we do? We sold a business that I loved very much. A zwo ngo dzhia tshifhinga musi vhaofisiri vha KGB vha tshi thoma u ḓa mahayani ashu, vha tshi ṱoḓa khandiso dza Bivhili. She enrolled in a Chinese - language course, served with a Chinese group, and set the goal of moving to Taiwan, which goal she realized in September 2008. It was not long before the KGB officers began coming to our home, searching for Bible literature. Samusi ri tshi ḓiphina nga tshedza tsha muya, ri fanela u ita mini? He gave me a warm and hearty welcome. Since we enjoy spiritual light, what must we do? O guda luambo lwa Lutshaina, a shuma na tshigwada tshine tsha amba Lutshaina, nahone a ḓivhetshela tshipikwa tsha u pfulutshela Taiwan, tshipikwa tshe a thoma u vha natsho nga September 2008. Yet, he did not waver in his loyalty to Jehovah. He learned Chinese, worked with a Chinese - speaking group, and set the goal of moving to Taiwan, which he began to have in September 2008. O nṱanganedza nga zwanḓa zwi dudelaho. Our beautiful hall was finished down to the last detail in only eight days! He welcomed me with warm arms. Naho zwo ralo, ho ngo vhuya a dzinginyea kha u fulufhedzea hawe kha Yehova. " How I Do Love Your Law! " Yet, he never was shaken from his integrity to Jehovah. Holo yashu yavhuḓi yo fhela nga maḓuvha a malo fhedzi! Human self - interest and ambition have also made world peace elusive. Our beautiful Hall ended only eight days! " Milayo Yau Ndi I Tama Hani! " [ Pictures on page 3] " How I Do Love Your Law! " Vhuhovheleli ha vhathu na u ḓiṱoḓela zwavho fhedzi, ho dovha ha ita uri mulalo shangoni u si vhe hone. Yes, it is God's spirit that has sent us! People's greed and self - interest have also resulted in world peace. [ Zwifanyiso kha siaṱari 3] The second article explains how Christian women should view the statement: "The head of a woman is the man. " [ Pictures on page 3] 48: 16) Ee, ro rumiwa nga Mudzimu a tshi shumisa muya wawe! The Bible says: "The world is passing away and so is its desire, but the one who does the will of God remains forever. " Yes, we have been sent by God by means of his spirit! Thero ya vhuvhili i ṱalutshedza nḓila ine vhasadzi vha Vhakriste vha fanela u dzhia ngayo maipfi ane a ri: "Ṱhóho ya musadzi ndi munna. " SONGS: 45, 70 The second article explains how Christian wives should view the words: "The head of a woman is the man. " Bivhili i ri: "Shango ḽi a fhira na nyemulo dzaḽo, fhedzi ane a ita zwine Mudzimu a zwi funa u ḓo dzula e hone lini na lini. " Good communication within marriage is like a stream that flows gently and peacefully through a garden. The Bible says: "The world is passing away and so is its desire, but he that does the will of God remains forever. " NYIMBO: 45, 70 Unbeknownst to me, Jehovah's Witnesses had begun to study the Bible with him. SONGS: 45, 70 Vhudavhidzano havhuḓi mbinganoni vhu fana na mulambo une wa elela ngadeni nga vhulenda, hu si na tshi u thivhelaho. Any praise uttered by such individuals was meaningless. Good communication in marriage is like a river that flows in the garden with tenderness, not with preventing it. Ndo vha ndi sa zwi ḓivhi uri Ṱhanzi dza Yehova vho vha vho no thoma u guda nae Bivhili. Some call them unloving. I did not know that Jehovah's Witnesses had begun to study the Bible with him. (Yesaya 29: 13) Thendo dzoṱhe dze dza vha dzi tshi ṋewa nga vhenevho vhathu dzo vha dzi sa ambi tshithu. We took drives and walks in the mountains, using such occasions to learn about Jehovah's creation. " All the beliefs given by such ones did not mean anything. Vhaṅwe vha vha dzhia sa vhathu vha si na lufuno. Moreover, during such times of spiritual instruction, we are fortified in knowing that even if others are unaware of the distress we are facing or do not understand how we feel, Jehovah surely does. Some view them as having no natural affection. Ro vha ri tshi reila na u tshimbila ri tshi ya dzithavhani, ri tshi shumisa tshenetsho tshibuli u itela u guda nga tsiko ya Yehova. " Thus they promote unity and help us advance to Christian maturity. We drove and walked to the mountains, using this opportunity to learn about Jehovah's creation. " Zwiṅwe hafhu, musi ri tshi khou gudiswa nga ha Yehova miṱanganoni ya Vhukriste, ri a khwaṱhiswa nga u ḓivha uri naho vhaṅwe vha sa ḓivhi vhuleme vhu tsikeledzaho he ra sedzana naho kana vha sa pfesesi nḓila ine ra ḓipfa ngayo, ngoho ndi uri Yehova u a zwi ḓivha. To find out the name of that organization, please go to www.jw.org and contact the local office of Jehovah's Witnesses. Moreover, when we are taught about Jehovah at Christian meetings, we are strengthened to know that even if others do not know the distressing problems we face or do not understand how we feel, it is true that Jehovah knows. Nga zwenezwo, vha a ri thusa uri ri vhe na vhuthihi na uri ri kone u vha Vhakriste vho vhibvaho. With Jehovah's help, so can you. They thus help us to be united and to become mature Christians. U itela u wana dzina ḽa yeneyo ndangulo, ri humbela uri ni ye kha www.jw.org nahone ni kwame ofisi ya Ṱhanzi dza Yehova dza hune na dzula hone. " Jehovah is my portion, my allotted share, and my cup, " sang David. For the name of that organization, please attend www.jw.org and contact the local branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses. Ni tshi thuswa nga Yehova, na inwi ni nga sedzana nadzo nga hu bvelelaho. Hence, in this article and the one following, we will review the circumstances under which David wrote the psalm and then consider the encouraging contents of the psalm itself. With Jehovah's help, you too can successfully deal with them. Naho zwo ralo, naa a ri athu u vhona "madzanga a Yehova " nahone ra vhona uri Khotsi ashu wa ṱaḓulu u takalela vhukuma vhuḓidini hashu? No, I wish that all of Jehovah's people were prophets and that Jehovah would put his spirit on them! " However, have we not seen "the desirable things of Jehovah " and seen how much our heavenly Father appreciates our efforts? Nga zwenezwo, kha ino thero na i tevhelaho, ri ḓo vusulusa zwiimo zwe Davida a vha e nga fhasi hazwo musi a tshi ṅwala yeneyo psalme, nahone ri ḓo ṱhogomela mafhungo a ṱuṱuwedzaho a yeneyo psalme. Although we were allowed to live in our confiscated house, it was legally returned to us only some 40 years later, after the fall of Communism. Then, in this article and the next, we will review David's circumstances under inspiration when he composed that psalm, and we will take note of the encouraging words of that psalm. Nṋe ndi ri vhathu havha vha Yehova ngavhe vha tshi porofita vhoṱhe, ngavhe vhoṱhe Yehova a tshi vha ṋea muya wawe. " What can you do to be ready? I say to these people of Jehovah that if they had prophesied together, all of Jehovah would give them his spirit. " Naho ro vha ro tendelwa u dzula kha nnḓu dzashu dzo dzhiiwaho nga muvhuso, ro dovha ra ṋewa dzone nga lwa mulayo nga murahu ha miṅwaha ya 40, nga murahu ha u wa ha muvhuso wa Vhukomunisi. In part, the prophecy stated: "From the going forth of the word to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Leader, there will be seven weeks, also sixty - two weeks. " Although we were allowed to live in our government - viewed house, we were also legally granted over 40 years later, after the fall of the Communist regime. Ni nga lugiselela hani? The three apostles may not have heard what Jesus was saying in prayer, but they must have sensed the gravity of the occasion. How can you prepare for it? Zwiṅwe zwe zwa ambiwa kha vhuporofita honoho ndi zwa uri: "U ranga nga u bvelela ha fhungo ḽa uri hu vuswe muḓi wa Yerusalema na u u fhaṱa, u gúma nga Ene Muḓodzwa Mu - ranga - phanḓa ndi dzivhege ṱhanu - na - mbili; u tshi vuswa hu ḓo fhela dzivhege dzi ná mahumi maṱanu na - ḽithihi na vhege mbili. " (Dan. (b) What development in the outworking of Jehovah's purpose was revealed in the first century C.E.? Among other things, the prophecy says: "From the beginning of the word for a resurrection to Jerusalem and to build up it up like the One who takes the lead seven weeks and will be raised up forty weeks each week. " Vhenevho vhaapostola vhararu vha nga vha vha songo pfa thabelo ya Yesu, fhedzi vha fanela u vha vho pfesesa uri tshenetsho tsho vha tshi tshifhinga tsha ndeme. Like the 3rd Psalm, the 4th is an earnest prayer of David that gives evidence of his complete trust in Jehovah. Those three apostles may not have heard Jesus ' prayer, but they should have understood that it was an important time. (b) Ndi tshiitea tshifhio kha u ḓadzea ha ndivho ya Yehova tshe tsha dzumbululwa ḓanani ḽa u thoma ḽa miṅwaha C.E.? If some non - Witnesses desire to introduce unclean practices, it is vital to stand firm and courageously explain our Christian position in a kind and respectful manner. (b) What event in the outworking of Jehovah's purpose was revealed in the first century C.E.? Psalme ya vhuṋa i a fana na ya vhuraru, ngauri dzoṱhe dzi amba nga ha thabelo ya Davida i bvaho mbiluni ine ya ṋea vhuṱanzi ha uri o vha a tshi fulufhela tshoṱhe Yehova. " In the midst of a heated confrontation, " recalls Maria, "I said something particularly disrespectful to Martin. The fourth psalm is like the third, for all speak of David's heartfelt prayer that gives evidence of his complete trust in Jehovah. Arali vhaṅwe vhane vha si vhe Dziṱhanzi vha tshi tama uri hu itwe mikhuvha i songo kunaho, ndi zwa ndeme u ima ro khwaṱha na u ṱalutshedza vhuimo hashu ha Vhukriste nga tshivhindi, nga vhulenda na nga ṱhonifho. What will we not do if we pray for Jehovah's name to be sanctified? If some non - Witnesses wish to have immoral customs done, it is important to stand firm and explain our Christian situation courageously, kindly, and respectfully. Maria u ri: "Tshiṅwe tshifhinga musi yo ṱanganedzana, ndo sema Martin nga nḓila i sumbedzaho lunyadzo. Maybe first I could ask you why you salute it? Gail: I do it because I love my country. Mary says: "At one time when she accepted me, I taunted Martin in a disrespectful way. Arali ri tshi rabelela uri dzina ḽa Yehova ḽi khethwe, ri ḓo iledza mini? Observers must have been intrigued when he placed the crown on High Priest Joshua. If we pray for Jehovah's name to be sanctified, what will we avoid? Ndi ngani ni sa imbi musi hu tshi imbiwa luimbo lwa lushaka? 37: 21. Why not sing the national song? Vhathu vhe vha zwi vhona vha nga vha vho takala vhukuma musi Tshifhe Muhulu, Yoshua a tshi ambadzwa khare. In fact, in Korea, Shim Cheong has come to be regarded as the model of a devoted daughter. How happy those who saw them must have been when High Priest Joshua spoke a crown! 37: 21. Before leaving, the young man offered to study the Bible with me, using the Truth book. 37: 21. Zwi re zwone ndi uri ngei Korea, Shim Cheong o vha e tsumbo ya u ḓiṋekedzela kha vhananyana. The Devil's campaign of deception has produced in people everywhere a spirit of rebellion against Bible laws and principles. In fact, in Korea, Jong Kong was an example of dedication to daughters. Musi a sa athu ṱuwa, onoyo mutukana a humbela u guda na nṋe Bivhili a tshi shumisa bugu ine ya pfi Ngoho. Misuse of alcohol can lead to other serious sins. Before leaving, the boy offered to study the Bible with me by using the book The Truth. Vhuḓidini ha Diabolo vhu bvelaho phanḓa ha u fhura vhathu ho ita uri fhethu hoṱhe vhathu vha vhe na mavhonele a u shandukela milayo ya Bivhili na maitele. In what sense do the works of the flesh breed disunity? The Devil's continued efforts to deceive people have resulted in the universal attitude of rebellion against Bible principles and principles. U shumisa luvhi zwikambi zwi nga ita uri muthu a ite zwiṅwe zwivhi zwihulwane. It will be to take much spoil and plunder, to attack the devastated places that are now inhabited and a people regathered from the nations, who are accumulating wealth and property, those who are living in the center of the earth. ' " Using alcohol abuse can lead to serious sins. Ndi nga muhumbulo ufhio hune ha nga ambiwa uri mishumo ya ṋama i ita uri hu si vhe na vhuthihi? It becomes evident that human abuse has damaged what was "a pastoral paradise. " In what sense can it be said that the works of the flesh promote unity? U ḓo ralo U tshi ri U thube, U ṱangule, U ise tshanḓa kha vhe vha vhuyelela marubini, kha vhathu vhe vha kuvhanganywa thungo dzoṱhe kha vha - nnḓa, vha fuwa vha pfuma, vha dzula vhukati ha mashango. " This is the greatest and first commandment. You will do this in case you should go and take your hand to those who return to you, and those who are gathered out of all the nations will become rich, and they must live among the nations. " Zwi khagala uri u sa londa ha vhathu ho tshinya zwe zwa vha zwi "paradiso ya vhalisa. " Look for Things That You Can Do Clearly, man's lack of care corrupted what was "the shepherd of shepherds. " Ndi yone ndaela ya ndeme vhukuma. When the city finally fell, many others met the same death. This is the greatest and first commandment. Sedzani Zwithu Zwine Na Nga Kona U Zwi Ita Asclepius, a god of medicine, was one of the city's chief deities. Look for Things You Cannot Do Musi muḓi wa Yerusalema u tshi kundwa, ho vha na vhanzhi vhe vha ombelwa nga nḓila yeneyo. The apostle Paul wrote: "In no way are we giving any cause for stumbling, so that no fault may be found with our ministry. " When Jerusalem was conquered, many were killed that way. Asclepius, mudzimu wa mishonga, o vha e muṅwe wa midzimu mihulwane ya henengei. A Gift From Jehovah He was one of the greatest gods there. Muapostola Paulo o ṅwala uri: "A ri khou ni khukhulisa nga nḓila naho i ifhio, uri vhuḓinḓa hashu vhu si solisee. " What an incomparable joy it is to observe such growth! " " We are not offending you in any way, " wrote the apostle Paul, "that our ministry may not be stumbled. " Tshifhiwa Tshi Bvaho Kha Yehova Yet, their prayers show that they were not concerned about just themselves and getting relief from their problems. A Gift From Jehovah U vhona yeneyi nyaluwo zwi ḓisa dakalo ḽihulwane vhukuma! " We can learn to be discerning by studying God's Word and applying what we learn Seeing this growth brings so much joy! " Naho zwo ralo, thabelo dzavho dzi sumbedza uri vho vha vha sa sokou vhilaela nga ha vhone vhaṋe fhedzi na nga uri thaidzo dzavho dzi tandululwe. Then, let your fellow worshipers of Jehovah know that you appreciate their efforts. Their prayers, however, show that they were not only anxious about themselves but also because their problems were answered. Ri nga guda u ṱalukanya nga u guda Ipfi ḽa Mudzimu na u shumisa zwine ra zwi guda The demons ' second objective can be seen in what Satan, their leader, attempted with Jesus. We can learn to acquire discernment by studying God's Word and applying what we learn Nga zwenezwo, itani uri vharabeli nga inwi vha Yehova vha ḓivhe uri ni a dzhiela nṱha vhukuma vhuḓidini havho. Now available in many languages, this translation has some outstanding features. Therefore, let Jehovah's fellow worshipers know that you deeply appreciate their efforts. Tshipikwa tsha vhuvhili tsha madimoni tshi nga vhonala kha zwe Sathane murangaphanḓa wao, a lingedza u zwi ita kha Yesu. * Jesus was now called not only "the carpenter's son " but also" the carpenter. " The second goal of the demons can be seen in what Satan's leader, Satan, tried to do to Jesus. Zwino i hone nga nyambo nnzhi, nahone yeneyi ṱhalutshedzelo i na zwithu zwi swayeaho. What was an important reason for Israel's existence as a nation? It is now available in many languages, and this translation contains significant things. * Yesu o vha a sa sokou vhidzwa "ṅwana wa muvhaḓi, " fhedzi o vha a tshi dovha a vhidzwa" muvhaḓi. " In Vienna, the good news of the Kingdom is being preached in 25 languages * Jesus was not simply called "the carpenter's son, " but he was also called" carpenter. " Ndi tshiitisi tshifhio tsha ndeme tsha u vha hone ha Vhaisiraele sa lushaka? " However, we persevered in our assignment, and seven of our Bible students now attend the meetings. " What is a fundamental reason for Israel's existence as a nation? Ngei Vienna, mafhungo maḓifha a Muvhuso a khou huwelelwa nga nyambo dza 25 Some feel quite strongly that God has provided them with angelic protection and guidance. In Vienna, the good news of the Kingdom is being preached in 25 languages Naho zwo ralo, ro konḓelela mushumoni washu, nahone vhagudiswa vha sumbe vhane ra guda navho Bivhili vha khou ṱanganela miṱanganoni. " But do we have reason for having such a positive outlook? However, we persevered in our assignment, and seven Bible students are attending meetings. " (Psalme ya 91: 11) Vhaṅwe vha na khwaṱhisedzo ya uri Mudzimu o vha ṋea muruṅwa ane a ḓo vha tsireledza na u vha linda. [ Pictures on page 8] Others are convinced that God gave them an angel who would protect them and safeguard them. Fhedzi naa ri na tshiitisi tsha u vha na mavhonele avhuḓi nga u ralo? We imitate Jehovah's love when we try to understand how others feel by imagining ourselves in their situation. - Psalm 103: 13, 14. But do we have reason to have such a positive attitude? [ Zwifanyiso kha siaṱari 8] I leaned on my own understanding, which I now know was ridiculous because I knew nothing. " [ Pictures on page 8] (Yesaya 49: 15) Ri edzisa lufuno lwa Yehova musi ri tshi lingedza u pfesesa nḓila ine vhaṅwe vha ḓipfa ngayo nga u ḓivhona nga maṱo a muhumbulo ri kha vhuimo havho. - Psalme ya 103: 13, 14. Note from Haggai 2: 14 how Jehovah viewed the Jews who neglected his house of worship in favor of paneling their own houses, literally or figuratively. We imitate Jehovah's love when we try to understand how others feel by thinking about ourselves in their situation. - Psalm 103: 13, 14. Ndo vha ndi tshi fulufhela nṋe muṋe, nahone zwino ndi a zwi ḓivha uri zwo vha zwi vhutsilu ngauri ndo vha ndi sa ḓivhi tshithu. " David's most trusted counselor, Ahithophel, joined in the conspiracy. I trusted in myself, and now I knew that it was unwise because I didn't know anything. " Kha Hagai 2: 14 ṱhogomelani nḓila ine Yehova a dzhia ngayo Vhayuda vhe vha litshelela nnḓu yawe ya vhurabeli vha tshi itela u hulunga nnḓu dzavho nga ho livhaho kana nga lwa pfanyisedzo. David also prayed: "Instruct me, O Jehovah, about your way. I shall walk in your truth. At Haggai 2: 14, consider Jehovah's view of the Jews who had neglected his house of worship primarily for their houses or symbolic use. Davida o vha o fanela u shavha Yerusalema u itela u tsireledza vhutshilo hawe. The street called Straight was about a mile [1.5 km] long and ran through the center of Damascus. David had to flee Jerusalem to save his life. Davida o dovha a rabela a ri: "Yehova, mpfunze nḓila yau, ndi ḓo tshimbila kha mafhungo - ngoho au. Why were the disciples able to understand Jesus ' words? David also prayed: "Jehovah, teach me your way, and I will walk in your truth. Mukoto une wa vhidzwa u pfi Wo Lugaho wo vha u vhulapfu ha khilomithara dza 1,5 nahone u tshi pfuka nga vhukati ha Damaseko. Jehovah Values Meekness The official called righteous was a long distance of some 1,000 miles [100 km] and passed through the midst of Damascus. Ndi ngani vhafunziwa vho kona u ṱalukanya maipfi a Yesu? (Read John 8: 43 - 47.) Why were the disciples able to understand Jesus ' words? Yehova U Dzhiela Nṱha Vhathu Vho Vuḓaho Biologists are experimenting with the enzyme telomerase in an attempt to overcome an apparent limit to the number of times that cells regenerate themselves. Jehovah Appreciates Those Who Are Wise (Vhalani Yohane 8: 43 - 47.) (b) What key questions about spirituality will we consider? (Read John 8: 43 - 47.) Vhaḓivhi vha zwithu zwi tshilaho vha khou lingedza u engedza tshivhalo tshine tsiki dza ḓivusulusa ngatsho. Do you listen carefully to your children? Living experts are trying to increase the roots of the cells. (b) Ndi mbudziso dzifhio dza ndeme dzine ra ḓo dzi ṱolisisa? 8, 9. (a) What illustration did Paul use to teach Christians to stay united? (b) What important questions will we consider? Naa ni a thetshelesa vhana vhaṋu nga vhuronwane? Each year, we print and distribute hundreds of millions of Bibles and pieces of Bible literature. Do you listen carefully to your children? 8, 9. (a) Paulo o shumisa tsumbo ifhio u itela u gudisa Vhakriste uri vha dzule vhe na vhuthihi? Little did I know then that over the years, I would give more than 5,000 talks! 8, 9. (a) What example did Paul use to teach Christians to remain united? Ṅwaha muṅwe na muṅwe ri gandisa na u phaḓaladza Bivhili na khandiso dzo thewaho Bivhilini nnzhi - nnzhi. That way he imitates Jesus and Jehovah, who show these qualities toward all Christians - including shepherds. - 1 Thessalonians 5: 14; James 2: 13. Each year we publish and distribute the Bible and Bible - based publications. Ndo vha ndi sa zwi ḓivhi uri miṅwahani i ḓaho ndi ḓo ṋekedza nyambo dzi fhiraho 5 000! What has been proved by God's allowing rule independent of him to continue for a time? I did not know that in the years to come, I would give more than 5,000 languages. Nga yeneyo nḓila u edzisa Yesu na Yehova, vhane vha sumbedza dzenedzi pfaneleo kha Vhakriste vhoṱhe - u katela na vhalisa. - 1 Vha - Thesalonika 5: 14; Yakobo 2: 13. Moreover, he simply may not have the skill to manage his newly gained prize. In this way he imitates Jesus and Jehovah, who display these qualities toward all Christians - including shepherds. - 1 Thessalonians 5: 14; James 2: 13. U tendela ha Mudzimu uri vhathu vha bvele phanḓa vha tshi ḓivhusa lwa tshifhinganyana, zwo vha na mvelelo dzifhio? Later, the resurrected Jesus appeared to Saul. What was the result of God's permission of humans to continue ruling themselves for a time? Zwiṅwe hafhu, a nga kha ḓi vha e si na vhutsila ha u langa tshelede ine a kha ḓi tou bva u i wana. So when it is nighttime in some lands, God's servants on the other side of the globe are busy witnessing. Moreover, he may not have had the ability to control the money he recently received. Nga murahu, Yesu o vuswaho vhafuni o ḓivhonadza kha Saulo. PAGE 25 Later, the resurrected Jesus appeared to Saul. Ngauralo musi hu vhusiku kha maṅwe mashango, vhashumeli vha Mudzimu kha tshiṅwe tshipiḓa tsha shango vha vha vho farakanea nga u ṱanziela. One distinct danger is a distorted view of the good old days. So at night in other lands, God's servants in another part of the world are busy witnessing. SIAṰARI 25 Let us take a closer look at those who make up this international family. PAGE 25 Tshiṅwe tshithu tshine tsha nga ri xedza ndi u humbula uri maḓuvha a kale o vha e khwine. Meditate on it. One thing that can mislead us is to think that the former days were better than they were. Kha ri ḓivhe zwo engedzeaho nga ha vhenevha vhane vha vha miraḓo ya wonoyu muṱa wa tshaka dzoṱhe. " He that cannot forgive others breaks the bridge over which he must pass himself. " Let us know more about these members of this international family. 4: 18) Nga zwenezwo, vhalani Ipfi ḽa Mudzimu nga vhuronwane. " I will go down to rescue them. " So read God's Word carefully. " Ane a sa kone u hangwela vhaṅwe u pwasha buroho ine a fanela u i fhira ene muṋe. " Do you cherish the privilege you have of serving as God's fellow worker along with his spirit - guided Son? " He that does not have to forgive others is better than he himself. " Ndo ḓela zwone uri ndi vha tshidze. " STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: I have come to deliver them. " Naa ni a dzhiela nṱha ndugelo ya u vha mushumisani na Mudzimu khathihi na Murwa wawe ane a livhiswa nga muya? Complete Trust in Jehovah Inspires Confidence Do you appreciate the privilege of being a fellow worker with God and his spirit - directed Son? THERO DZI GUDWAHO NGA VHEGE YA: Doing so will help us to build the kind of faith that will preserve us alive into the new world. STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: U Fulufhela Tshoṱhe Yehova Zwi Ita Uri Ri Ḓipfe Ro Tsireledzea (b) What promise do we want to remember? Complete Trust in Jehovah Makes Us Rejoice U ita nga u ralo zwi ḓo ri thusa u vha na lutendo lwo khwaṱhaho lune lwa ḓo ri thusa u dzhena shangoni ḽiswa. Today, shocking reports have become all too familiar: A 15 - year - old student opens fire on his classmates, killing 2 and injuring 13. Doing so will help us to have strong faith that will help us to enter into the new world. (b) Ndi fulufhedziso ḽifhio ḽine ra fanela u ḽi humbula? True friends will make themselves available and provide ongoing support (b) What promise should we keep in mind? Ṋamusi, ho ḓowelea mivhigo i tshuwisaho: Mugudiswa wa miṅwaha ya 15 o thuntsha vhane a dzhena navho kilasini, a vhulaha vhavhili nahone a huvhadza vha 13. Whether the changes we need to make are big or small, putting on the new personality is part of embracing Christianity. Today, it is not unusual for a 15 - year - old student to shoot his classmates, kill two and harm them. Khonani dza vhukuma dzi ḓo dzula dzo lugela u bvela phanḓa dzi tshi tikedza And Jehovah will bless and support you. True friends will always be ready to continue supporting them Hu sa londwi uri tshanduko dzine ra ṱoḓa u dzi ita ndi khulwane kana ndi ṱhukhu, u ambara vhumuthu vhuswa ndi iṅwe nḓila ya u vha Mukriste. During this discussion, Jesus kindly helped the woman to understand how she could gain everlasting life. - John 4: 7 - 14. Whether the changes we need to make are large or small, putting on the new personality is another way to become a Christian. Nahone Yehova u ḓo ni fhaṱutshedza na u ni tikedza. How, then, can God's influence be felt everywhere? And Jehovah will bless you and support you. Musi a tshi khou ambedzana nae, Yesu o thusa onoyo musadzi nga vhuthu uri a pfesese nḓila ine a nga wana ngayo vhutshilo vhu sa fheli. - Yohane 4: 7 - 14. This little animal lives in rocky areas. As he reasoned with him, Jesus kindly helped the woman to understand how she could gain everlasting life. - John 4: 7 - 14. Nga zwenezwo, zwi ḓa hani uri Mudzimu a kone u vha na maanḓa a u langa zwithu fhethu hoṱhe? I knew I was heading in the wrong direction. How, then, does God have the power to control the universe? Tshipuka tshenetshi tshiṱuku tshi dzula matomboni. " When someone has a drink, " explains a publication by the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse, "the alcohol is absorbed through the digestive system into the bloodstream and reaches the brain quickly. This tiny plant remains in the air. Ndo vha ndi tshi zwi ḓivha uri ndi khou livhisa ṱhogomelo kha zwithu zwo khakheaho. A two - story wooden house served as the Japan branch office. I knew that I was focusing on what was wrong. Iṅwe khandiso ya dzangano ḽa U.S National Institute on Drug Abuse i ṱalutshedza u ri: "Arali muthu o nwa, halwa vhu a tzwonzwa nga tsukanyo ya zwi isa kha tsinga dza malofha nahone zwa swika vhuluvhini nga u ṱavhanya. Jesus showed that kind of love. One issue of the U.S. Institute on National Institute explains: "If a person is drinking, the use of alcohol does not come easily. Nnḓu ya zwiṱizi zwivhili ya mabulannga yo vha i yone ofisi ya davhi ya Dzhapani. In view of so many marriage breakups, however, it is not unreasonable to ask if lasting love is really possible. Two wooden houses were the only branch office in Japan. Yesu o sumbedza lufuno lu fanaho na lwonolwo. 18, 19. (a) What prospect does Daniel have for living again? Jesus displayed similar love. Naho zwo ralo, musi ri tshi vhona hu tshi pwashea mbingano nnzhi, zwi a pfala u vhudzisa arali lufuno lwa tshoṱhe lu tshi konadzea. However, I was able to take correspondence courses at home. However, when we see an end to many marriages, it is reasonable to ask whether enduring love is possible. 18, 19. (a) Ndi tshilavhelelwa tshifhio tshine Daniele a vha natsho tsha u dovha a tshila? The manager's response? 18, 19. (a) What prospect does Daniel have to live again? Naho zwo ralo, ndo guda dziṅwe thero ndi hayani. True, he knew that he must offer his life as a legal requirement to satisfy his Father's standard of justice. However, I studied some articles at home. Mulanguli wawe o ri mini? Their choice did not bring them what Satan said it would. What did her manager say? Vhukuma, o vha a tshi zwi ḓivha uri u fanela u ṋekedza vhutshilo hawe sa ṱhoḓea ya mulayo u itela u ḓadzisa tshilinganyo tsha Khotsi awe tsha khaṱulokwayo. We do well to heed the words of the apostle Peter, who urged fellow believers: "Honor men of all sorts, have love for the whole association of brothers. " - 1 Pet. Of course, he knew that he should give his life as a legal requirement to fulfill his Father's standard of justice. A vho ngo wana zwe Sathane a amba uri vha ḓo zwi wana. " Limping " - How? They did not receive what Satan said they would receive. Ri vha ri tshi khou ita zwavhuḓi musi ri tshi thetshelesa maipfi a muapostola Petro, we a ṱuṱuwedza vhatendi ngae a ri: "Hulisani vhathu vha mifuda yoṱhe, ni fune vhatendi nga inwi vhoṱhe. " - 1 Pet. The marvelous process of photosynthesis supports vegetation on land and phytoplankton in the seas. We do well to heed the apostle Peter's words, who urged fellow believers: "Clothe yourselves with all sorts of people, and love all your fellow believers. " - 1 Pet. " U Ṱudza " - Nga Nḓila - ḓe? Certainly, Jesus will want to head for Jerusalem in order to arrive before the Passover. ' " Going On " - How? Maitele a mangadzaho a photosynthesis a tikedza zwimela zwi re shangoni na zwimela zwiṱuku zwi re lwanzheni. Elihu of ancient times said: "Let age speak, and let a multitude of years declare wisdom. " The amazing process of God's Witnesses supports the vegetation of the land and the small vegetation of the sea. Vha fanela u vha vho zwi ḓivha uri Yesu o vha a tshi ṱoḓa u ya Yerusalema u itela uri a swike Paseka i sa athu thoma. 3 They must have known that Jesus wanted to go to Jerusalem for the first Passover. Elihu wa tshifhingani tsha kale o ri: "Hu ambe maḓuvha; vhunzhi ha miṅwaha nga vhu ḓivhadze vhuṱali. " How do we know that world conditions will become worse the closer we get to the end? Elihu of old said: "There are days speaking; and most of them will give wisdom. " 3 She was like a different person. 3 Ri zwi ḓivha hani uri vhuimo ha shango vhu ḓo ṋaṋa musi ri tsini na vhufhelo? " It is in him that all the fullness of the divine quality dwells bodily. " How do we know that world conditions will get worse as we get closer to the end? Vho vha vha tshi nga muṅwe muthu ndi sa mu ḓivhi. What made this couple successful in expanding their service? They were like someone I did not know. " Kha Kristo u khunyelela u vha Mudzimu hoṱhe ho fhaṱela khae ' lwa tshivhili. " • Relieve the family of the decision - making process " In Christ all things have built up for him. " Ndi mini zwo itaho uri vhenevha vhavhingani vha bvelele kha u engedza tshumelo yavho? I was born on December 26, 1919, to Greek - Catholic parents in the village of Sajószentpéter, Hungary, some 100 miles [160 km] east of Budapest. What contributed to this couple's success in expanding their service? • Dzi ita uri muṱa u kone u itela phetho muthu ane a khou lwala " When I was 11, I started smoking; later I used drugs. • They enable a family to make decisions for a sick person Ndo bebwa nga ḽa 26 December, 1919 nga vhabebi vhane vha dzhena kereke ya Katolika muvhunduni wa ngei Sajószentpéter kha ḽa Hungary hune ha vha khilomithara dza 160 vhubvaḓuvha ha Budapest. To answer, let us first consider the definition of an excuse. I was born on December 26, 1919 by the Catholic parents in the village in Sjjpp, Hungary, some 100 miles [100 km] east of take me. " Ndo thoma u daha fola musi ndi na miṅwaha ya 11; nahone nga murahu nda shumisa zwidzidzivhadzi. Posters reminded people of the promises of the last three governments. " I started smoking at the age of 11; then I took drugs. U itela u wana phindulo, kha ri thome ri ṱhogomele zwine u ḓiimelela zwa amba zwone. (b) What do these verses reveal about Jehovah and his Son? To find out, let us first consider what it means to defend ourselves. Ho vha hu na zwifanyiso zwihulwane zwine zwa humbudza vhathu nga ha zwe mivhuso miraru yo fhiraho ya vha fulufhedzisa zwone. Much to his surprise, he was able to complete the assignment successfully. There were large illustrations that remind people of what the preceding three kingdoms promised them. (b) Dzenedzo ndimana dzi dzumbulula mini nga ha Yehova na Murwa wawe? Elders would do well to imitate Christ's example when they need to give counsel. (b) What do those verses reveal about Jehovah and his Son? O mangala vhukuma nga uri o kona u ḓadzisa mushumo wawe nga hu bvelelaho. The finest way to show mercy to those outside the congregation is to share Bible truth with them To her surprise, she was able to succeed in fulfilling her assignment. Zwi ḓo vha zwavhuḓi uri vhahulwane vha edzise tsumbo ya Kristo musi vha tshi ṋea nyeletshedzo. What protection did a large shield offer a Roman soldier? Elders do well to imitate Christ's example when they give counsel. Nḓila yavhuḓi vhukuma ya u sumbedza khathutshelo kha vha re nnḓa ha tshivhidzo ndi nga u vha vhudza mafhungo - ngoho a Bivhili " Just as the days of Noah were, " warned Jesus, "so the presence of the Son of man will be. " A fine way to show mercy to those outside the congregation is by sharing Bible truths with them Tshiṱangu tshihulwane tsho vha tshi tshi tsireledza hani swole ḽa Roma? His despair was deepened further by the disheartening words of his wife and of three companions who acted as if they were his friends. - Job 2: 9; 3: 11; 16: 2. How did a large shield protect the Roman soldier? Yesu o sevha uri, "Hone, Murwa - muthu a tshi vhuya, zwi ḓo nga misi iḽa ya Noaxe. " I try to be kind to my husband and to yield to his wishes when they do not conflict with Bible principles. Jesus warned: "Just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be. " (Yobo 2: 7) O ṋaṋa u pfiswa vhuṱungu nga maipfi a vhaisaho e a vhudzwa nga mufumakadzi wawe na vhathu vhararu vhe vha vha vha tshi ḓiita ṱhama dzawe. - Yobo 2: 9; 3: 11; 16: 2. What does it mean to be "persuaded to believe "? He became even more hurt by the hurtful words of his wife and three people who claimed to be his friend. - Job 2: 9; 3: 11; 16: 2. Ndo lingedza u vha na vhuthu kha munna wanga na u tendelana na zwine a zwi funa musi zwi sa lwisani na maitele a Bivhili. Changes in Life I tried to be kind to my husband and to agree with his will when it did not conflict with Bible principles. Zwi amba mini u "ṱuṱuwedzelwa uri u zwi tende "? As did the Hebrew Christians, we can read of and cooperate with that purpose. What does it mean to "be convinced that you believe "? Tshanduko Dze Nda Tea U Dzi Ita Vhutshiloni If I refuse to participate, I will lose the job, which was so hard to find. A Change to Make in Life U fana na Vhakriste vha Vhaheberu, ri nga vhala nga ha yeneyo ndivho na u ita zwithu u tendelana nayo. Finally, it was legally established that our brothers were innocent of all accusations leveled against them! Like the Hebrew Christians, we can read that purpose and act in harmony with it. Arali nda hana u ṱanganela, ndi ḓo fhelelwa nga mushumo, we wa vha u tshi khou konḓa vhukuma u wana. We have to pay attention to our spirituality, to our relationship with Jehovah, and to Kingdom priorities. If I refused to participate, I would lose my job, which was very difficult to find. Mafheleloni, zwo waniwa nga lwa mulayo uri vhahashu vho vha vhe si na mulandu we vha pomokwa wone! I know indeed how to be low on provisions, I know indeed how to have an abundance. " - Philippians 4: 11, 12. Finally, it was legal that the brothers were not guilty of wrongdoing! Ri fanela u dzula ri tshi ṱhogomela vhushaka hashu na Yehova na u dzula ri na zwipikwa tshumeloni yawe. Second, shortly after mentioning food shortages, Jesus indicated that some of his followers would have to be alert not to overeat: "Pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with overeating. " We must always take care of our relationship with Jehovah and maintain our goals in his service. Hu ' vhuheḓana ndi a vhu kona, hu ' u ḓalelwa nga zwithu ndi a hu kona - vho. ' - Vha - Filipi 4: 11, 12. By obeying public officials in accord with Peter's counsel to "have honor for the king, " Christians show the respect and honor that accords with the positions of those officials. But I well know how to have an abundance and how to be filled with things. " - Philippians 4: 11, 12. Tsha vhuvhili, musi Yesu a tshi tou fhedza u amba uri hu ḓo vha na dzinḓala, o amba uri vhaṅwe vhatevheli vhawe vha fanela u fhaṱutshela uri vha si ḽese: "Ḓi - thanyeleni, uri dzimbilu dzaṋu dzi sa ḓo lemedzwa nga vhupangwa. " Others who formerly shared in the preaching work have stopped doing so. Second, when Jesus finished saying that there would be a snare, he said that some of his followers should be on guard against eating: "Pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking. " Vhakriste vha ṱhonifha na u hulisa mivhuso i vha vhusaho, u tendelana na maipfi a Petro ane a ri: "Hulisani khosi. " Witnesses of Jehovah also exercise faith in Jesus Christ and in his teachings. Christians respect and honor governmental authorities, in line with Peter's words: "O magnify the king. " Vhaṅwe vhe u thomani vha vha vha tshi huwelela vho no litsha. Nevertheless, the world of mankind in general is now alienated from God and has never, as a whole, been able to act in unity. Some who at first preached have stopped. Ṱhanzi dza Yehova dzi dovha dza vha na lutendo kha Yesu Kristo na pfunzo dzawe. 22 Our Readers Ask 23 Tel Arad Bears Silent Witness Jehovah's Witnesses also exercise faith in Jesus Christ and his teachings. 1: 27; 2: 18) Naho zwo ralo, zwino vhathu nga u tou angaredza a vha na vhushaka na Mudzimu nahone a vho ngo vhuya vha kona u vha na vhuthihi. Indeed, if we are not careful, the everyday concerns of life could entice our heart and cause us to slow down spiritually. People in general, however, are now alienated from God and have not been able to be united. 22 Vhurifhi Vhu Bvaho Nicaragua To avoid being trapped by "the birdcatcher, " therefore, we must remain in the figurative place of protection," dwelling in the secret place of the Most High, " procuring "lodging under the very shadow of the Almighty One. " - Psalm 91: 1. 22 A Letter From Nicaragua [ Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 29] Have I recently prayed for individuals in the congregation who are facing hardships? ' [ Picture on page 29] Vhukuma, arali ra sa ṱhogomela, mbilaelo dzashu dza ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe dzi nga ri linga nahone dza ita uri ri fe nga lwa muya. Among other things, Manasseh set up altars to Baal, worshipped "all the army of the heavens, " made his sons pass through fire, and promoted spiritistic practices. Of course, if we are not careful, our daily anxieties can test us and cause us to die spiritually. Nga zwenezwo, u itela uri ri sa fashwe nga "murei wa zwiṋoni " ri fanela u dzula ri fhethu ho tsireledzeaho nga lwa pfanyisedzo," vhudzumbamoni ha Wa - Ṱaḓulu - ṱaḓulu " hune ra kona u "lala murunzini wa Mu - kona - zwoṱhe. " - Psalme ya 91: 1. Ilse, * for instance, was once a Catholic nun in a convent in Germany. Hence, so that we do not become ensnared by "the birdcatcher " we need to remain in a place of safety, as it were," in the secret place of the Most High " where we are able to "a shadow of the Almighty One. " - Psalm 91: 1. Naa zwenezwino ndo no rabelela muṅwe na muṅwe tshivhidzoni ane a khou sedzana na vhuleme? ' Jehovah Knows the Truth Have I recently prayed for anyone in the congregation who faces problems? ' Zwiṅwe hafhu, Manase o fhaṱa zwiṋari zwa Baali, a gwadamela "gogo ḽoṱhe ḽa lutomboni, " nahone a dzhenisa vharwa vhawe muliloni, a ita zwa vhungome. A survey of the one hundred richest people in the United States showed that they were no happier than people in general. Moreover, Manasseh built Baal altars, worshipped "all the army of the heavens, " and brought his sons into the fire, practice spiritism. Sa tsumbo, Ilse, * o vha e mununu wa Mukatolika ngei Dzheremane tshikoloni tsha vhanunu. In a relatively brief time, his knowledge of basic Scriptural truths and his appreciation of them prompted him to get baptized. For example, very likely he was a Catholic nun in Germany at a convent. Yehova U A Ḓivha Mafhungo - ngoho 14: 1, 4. Jehovah Knows the Truth Tsenguluso yo itwaho kha vhathu vha maḓana vho pfumaho vha ngei United States yo sumbedza uri vho vha vha songo takala u fana na vhathu zwavho. [ Footnote] A survey conducted by hundreds of wealthy people in the United States showed that they were not as unhappy as ordinary people. Ngoho i re Bivhilini ye a i guda nga tshenetsho tshifhinga tshiṱuku yo mu ṱuṱuwedza uri a lovhedzwe. These articles explain when God's people came into Babylonian captivity and what efforts anointed Christians made in the late 1800 ' s to understand Jehovah's Word correctly. The Bible truths he learned at that time motivated him to get baptized. 14: 1, 4. For the Israelites, the day of Jehovah will mean that they will "go into exile beyond Damascus, " that is, to Assyria. 14: 1, 4. [ Ṱhaluso i re magumoni a siaṱari] What does that mean? [ Footnote] Dzino thero dzi ṱalutshedza nḓila ye vhathu vha Mudzimu vha bviswa ngayo vhuthubwani ha Babele na vhuḓidini he ha itwa nga Vhakriste vho ḓodzwaho mafheloni a miṅwaha ya vhu - 1800 u itela u pfesesa Bivhili nga nḓila yo teaho. Play between a father and son serves an even more important function. These articles explain how God's people were released from Babylonian captivity and the efforts of anointed Christians in the late 1800 ' s to understand the Bible accurately. (Amosi 4: 12) Kha Vhaisiraele, ḓuvha ḽa Yehova ḽo vha ḽi tshi ḓo amba uri vho vha vha tshi ḓo "is [wa] vhuthubwa, hangei kule phanḓa ha muḓi wa Damaseko, " zwine zwa amba u iswa Asuri. Would your family benefit from a study of the fruitage of the spirit? For the Israelites, Jehovah's day would mean that they would "come into exile before the city of Damascus, " that is, be taken to Assyria. Zwenezwi zwi amba mini? Real Estate: Salable real estate may be donated either by making an outright gift or, in the case of residential property, by reserving a life estate to the donor, who can continue to live therein during his or her lifetime. What does this mean? Ndi zwa ndeme uri khotsi a tambe na murwa wawe. I'm looking forward to the time when I can add to the music in a harmonious way instead of sounding out rapid notes once in a while like a trumpet. It is vital that a father play with his son. Naa ni vhona u nga muṱa waṋu u nga vhuyelwa nga u guda nga ha zwiaṋwiwa nga muya? While Jehovah's mercy does not violate his standard of justice, does it in some way affect his justice? Do you feel that your family can benefit from learning about the fruitage of the spirit? Ndo lindela tshifhinga tshine nda ḓo kona u amba zwavhuḓi, u fana na muzika une nda u pfa musi vhaṅwe vha tshi amba. In 1963 my son turned 21 and had to report for conscription. I wait for a time when I will be able to speak well, such as the music I hear when others speak. Naho khathutshelo ya Yehova i sa tshinyi zwilinganyo zwawe zwa khaṱulokwayo, naa i a shandula khaṱulokwayo yawe nga iṅwe nḓila? God inspired faithful men to write these books over a long period of time - about 1,100 years from 1513 B.C.E. to sometime after 443 B.C.E. Although Jehovah's mercy does not violate his standards of justice, does it change his justice in some way? Murwa washu o vha e na miṅwaha ya 21 nga 1963 nahone o vha o tea u ḓiṅwalisela vhuswole. According to Mark's parallel account, Jesus indicated that his disciples would be part of a spiritual brotherhood. Our son was 21 years old in 1963 and had to enroll in military service. Mudzimu o hevhedza vhanna vha fulufhedzeaho uri vha ṅwale dzenedzo bugu miṅwahani i ṱoḓaho u vha 1 100 u bva nga 1513 B.C.E. u swika nga vho 443 B.C.E. But as we have seen, the Bible clearly shows that God very much cares for those who demonstrate true faith in him. God inspired faithful men to write those books some 1,000 years from 1513 B.C.E. to 430 B.C.E. U ya nga mafhungo a fanaho na enea o ṅwalwaho nga Marko, Yesu o amba uri vhafunziwa vhawe vho vha vha tshi ḓo ṱanganela kha vhurathu na vhukomana ha lwa muya. Back in school, I approached the principal. According to the parallel account recorded by Mark, Jesus said that his disciples would participate in our spiritual brotherhood. Fhedzi samusi ro no zwi vhona, Bivhili i zwi sumbedza zwavhuḓi uri Mudzimu u a londa nga maanḓa vhathu vhane vha mu tenda. Because we see them become truly happy when they understand what the Bible teaches and begin to have a relationship with God. But as we have seen, the Bible clearly shows that God cares about people who put faith in him. Musi ndi tshi ya tshikoloni, ndo ya kha ṱhoho ya tshikolo. You surely want your sacrifices of praise to be acceptable to Jehovah. When I went to school, I went to the school principal. Ngauri ri vha vhona vho takala vhukuma musi vha tshi pfesesa zwine Bivhili ya funza na musi vha tshi thoma u vha na vhushaka na Mudzimu. " Men lived and died in quest of honor, reputation, fame, approval, and respect. " Because we see them very happy when they understand what the Bible teaches and when they begin to have a relationship with God. A zwi timatimisi uri ni ṱoḓa uri zwiṱhavhelo zwaṋu zwi ṱanganedzee kha Yehova. " He is the living God and the King to time indefinite. " - Jeremiah 10: 10. No doubt you want your sacrifices to be acceptable to Jehovah. Vhathu vho vha vha tshi tshilela u huliswa, u vha na bvumo, u ṱanganedzwa na u ṱhonifhiwa. " What did Jesus say about the needy widow who offered a small contribution? People lived for honor, for fame, and respect. " Ndi "Mudzimu a tshilaho, Khosi ya lini na lini. " - Yeremia 10: 10. What fine lesson can we learn from Jesus ' words to Peter? He is "the living God, the King of eternity. " - Jeremiah 10: 10. Ndi mini zwe Yesu a zwi amba nga ha tshilikadzi i shayaho ye ya posa muṋeelo muṱuku? Some may answer the question, "What is God's name? " What did Jesus say about a needy widow who threw a small contribution? Ndi ngudo ifhio yavhuḓi ine ra nga i guda kha maipfi e Yesu a a vhudza Petro? The clear night skies were so beautiful on the prairie. What positive lesson can we learn from Jesus ' words to Peter? Vhaṅwe vha nga kha ḓi fhindula mbudziso ine ya ri: "Dzina ḽa Mudzimu ndi nnyi? " Joseph was cautious. Some may answer the question: "Who is the name of God? " Lutombo lu vhonalaho zwavhuḓi vhusiku lwo vha lwo naka vhukuma mavhaleni. Am I going to make it? " A well - equipped night bed was very beautiful. Yosefa o vha e na vhulondi. Kraʹtos basically means "force, strength, might. " Joseph was careful. Naa ndi ḓo tshila? " He puts away false religious practices and undesirable traits of his former way of life and cultivates the Christlike personality. Will I live? " Kraʹtos zwi amba "maanḓa. " In this article, we will discuss four ways that Jehovah shows his love for us. Esʹtosʹtos the word "power. " U laṱa mikhuvha ya vhurereli ha mazwifhi na nḓowelo dzi si dzavhuḓi dza matshilele a kale nahone a ṱahulela vhumuthu ha Kristo. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Leaving false religious customs and immoral practices of old and cultivating Christ's personality. Kha ino thero, ri ḓo haseledza nḓila nṋa dzine dza sumbedza uri Yehova u a ri funa. Our tender feelings. In this article, we will discuss four ways in which Jehovah shows his love for us. Hune ha vha na NW i tshi tevhela muredzo, i sumbedza uri ṱhalutshedzelo i bva kha New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Then Paul logically asks: "How will they call on him in whom they have not put faith? Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Vhulenda hashu. Heed Jesus ' Warning About Immorality Our kindness. Nga murahu Paulo a vhudzisa mbudziso dzi pfalaho a ri: "Zwino vha nga vhidzelela hani wé vha si mu tende? What could prompt us to be "enraged against Jehovah "? Paul then asked a reasonable question: "How... will they call on him without faith? Thetshelesani Tsevho Ya Yesu Malugana Na U Ḓifara Luvhi It was the year when this world entered its last days, or the time of the end. Heed Jesus ' Warning About Self - Control Ndi mini zwine zwa nga ri ita uri ri " ṅalele Yehova '? Will he display humility? What might cause us to become "enraged against Jehovah "? Wo vha ṅwaha we ḽino shango ḽa thoma ngawo u vha maḓuvhani a vhufhelo. What preparations did David make for the construction of the temple? It was a year when this world began to be in the last days. Naa u ḓo ḓiṱukufhadza? " Food he has given to those fearing him. Will he be humble? Ndi ndugiselelo dzifhio dze Davida a dzi ita u itela u fhaṱwa ha thembele? This is what Rhonda experienced. What arrangements did David make to build the temple? " Vhané vha mu ofha u vha ṋea zwiḽiwa, mulanga wawe ha u hangwi lini na lini. " It is true that all Christians must be faithful and discreet; however, Jesus clearly had something more in mind when he spoke of "the faithful and discreet slave. " " Those who fear him will feed them with food, and his covenant will never fail. " Zwenezwi ndi zwe Rhonda a zwi tshenzhela. Living up to Jehovah's expectations is not too difficult for imperfect humans. This is exactly what Kell experienced. Ndi ngoho uri Vhakriste vhoṱhe vha fanela u fulufhedzea na u vha na vhuṱali; naho zwo ralo, Yesu o vha a tshi khou ambela kha tshiṅwe tshithu tsho tou livhaho musi a tshi amba nga ha "mukoma a fulufhedzeaho na wa vhuṱali. " So after graduating, I began pioneering in 1948. Of course, all Christians must be honest and discreet; yet, Jesus was referring to something specific about "the faithful and discreet slave. " U tshila u tendelana na zwine Yehova a zwi lavhelela kha riṋe a zwi vhuyi zwa konḓa na luthihi kha vhathu vha songo fhelelaho. 6, 7. Living in harmony with Jehovah's requirements for us is never easy for imperfect humans. Nga murahu ha u ṱhaphudza tshikolo, ndo thoma u vula nḓila nga 1948. When we love a person, we admire his qualities and seek to be like him. After graduation, I began pioneering in 1948. 6, 7. After recovering, he arrived in Tahiti in 1840, where the population led a virtual assault on his cargo, seeking to obtain copies of the Tahitian Bible. 6, 7. Musi ri tshi funa muthu, ri a takalela pfaneleo dzawe na u ṱoḓa u fana nae. Consider another blessing. When we love someone, we appreciate his qualities and want to be like him. A swika Tahiti nga 1840 nga murahu ha musi o no fhola, he vhathu vha kuvhanganela muhwalo wawe, vha tshi khou ṱoḓa u wana kopi dza Bivhili ya Lutahiti. Circumstances may frustrate even the noblest of plans. - Ecclesiastes 9: 11. He arrived in Tahiti after his recovery, where people gathered at his load, seeking to find copies of the Tahitian Bible. Dovhani ni ṱhogomele iṅwe phaṱhutshedzo. While respecting their right to privacy, he takes an interest in what he sees and hears in the congregation and lovingly makes himself available to "assist those who are weak. " - Acts 20: 35; 1 Thess. Consider another blessing. Zwiimo zwi nga kha ḓi khakhisa nzudzanyo dza - vho dzo lugiselelwaho zwavhuḓi. - Muhuweleli 9: 11. Upon my arrival, I learned that Tibor also was there. Circumstances may interfere with arrangements that are well - prepared. - Ecclesiastes 9: 11. Naho a sa dzheneleli kha mafhungo a vhathu, u na dzangalelo kha zwine a zwi vhona na zwine a zwi pfa tshivhidzoni nahone u "thusa vha si na nungo " nga lufuno. - Mish. 20: 35; 1 Vhathes. For instance, to calm a crying child, a sentimental parent may cater to the child's every whim. Although he does not get involved in human affairs, he is interested in what he sees and what he hears in the congregation and "is weak " by love. - Acts 20: 35; 1 Thess. Musi ndi tshi swika, nda wana uri na Tibor o vha e henefho. Thus, it is probable that his language was not changed when the rebels had their language confused. When I arrived, I learned that Tibor too was there. Sa tsumbo, u itela u fhumudza ṅwana ane a khou lila, vhaṅwe vhabebi vha ita tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe tshine ṅwana wavho a tshi ṱoḓa. In marriage, taking two people into consideration adds to the challenge. For example, to comfort a child who is grieving, some parents do whatever their child needs. Nga zwenezwo, khamusi luambo lwawe a lwo ngo a lwo ngo shandulwa musi nyambo dza mashandukwa dzi tshi fhiriṱanywa. How do we know that Jehovah is fully aware of the adversities that his people suffer? As a result, his language may not have been changed when the rebellious languages were quite limited. Mbinganoni, zwi vha khaedu u humbulela vhathu vhavhili. Who today, then, are glorifying Jehovah by making his name known and praising it throughout the earth? Marriage, though, is a challenge to show consideration for two people. Ri zwi ḓivha hani uri Yehova u a ḓivha tshoṱhe nga ha khombo dzine dza wela vhathu vhawe? He lost his livelihood, children, friends, and health, and his wife lost confidence in Jehovah. How do we know that Jehovah is fully aware of the calamity that befalls his people? Nga zwenezwo, ndi vhafhio vhane ṋamusi vha khou ṋea Yehova vhugala nga u ita uri dzina ḽawe ḽi ḓivhiwe na u rendwa ḽifhasini ḽoṱhe? It strengthens our faith when we study Bible accounts and what they represent Who today, then, are glorifying Jehovah by making his name known and praised throughout the earth? O xelelwa nga thakha yawe yoṱhe, vhana, dzikhonani, mutakalo, nahone mufumakadzi wawe o vha a si tsha fulufhela Yehova. Five days later the directors of the Society elected Brother Knorr to succeed him. He lost all his belongings, children, friends, health, and trust in Jehovah. U guda nga ha eneo mafhungo a Bivhili na zwine a fanyisela zwone zwi khwaṱhisa lutendo lwashu What does "Hallelujah " mean, and how is it used in the Christian Greek Scriptures? Learning about those Bible accounts and what it represents strengthens our faith Nga murahu ha maḓuvha maṱanu vhalanguli vha Sosaithi vha khetha Wahashu Knorr uri a vhe murangaphanḓa vhudzuloni hawe. So to the best of our imperfect ability, we avoid telling lies. Five days later, the director appointed Brother Knorr to be his leader. Ipfi "Haleluya " ḽi amba mini, nahone ḽo shumiswa hani kha Maṅwalo a Tshikriste a Lugerika? Do such efforts by world leaders constitute the complete fulfillment of 1 Thessalonians 5: 3, or was Paul referring to a specific event of such dramatic proportions as to claim world attention? What does the word "Praise Jah " mean, and how is it used in the Christian Greek Scriptures? Nga zwenezwo, ri iledza u amba mazwifhi nga hune ra nga kona ngaho. Because he would not bear arms, he was sentenced to a ten - month term in the Kingston Penitentiary in Ontario, Canada. So we avoid telling lies as much as we can. Naa honoho vhuḓidini ha vharangaphanḓa vha shango hu ḓadzisa nga ho fhelelaho 1 Vha - Thesalonika 5: 3, kana naa Paulo o vha a tshi khou ambela kha tshiitea tsho khetheaho tshine shango ḽoṱhe ḽa ḓo tshi ṱhogomela? For good reason, Jehovah has provided practical advice in his Word to assist us to maintain our integrity, even if we experience wrongs at the hands of fellow believers. - Ps. Do such efforts of world leaders fully fulfill 1 Thessalonians 5: 3, or was Paul referring to a special event that the whole world will consider? Nga nṱhani ha uri vho hana u fara zwihali, vho valelwa lwa miṅwedzi ya fumi dzhele ya Kingston ngei Ontario, Canada. Illness and emotional stress are major sources of anxiety for many. Because they refused to carry weapons, they were sentenced to ten months in a prison in the United States in Ontario, Canada. Yehova o ri ṋea nyeletshedzo i shumaho Ipfini ḽawe u itela u ri thusa uri ri dzule ri tshi fulufhedzea, naho mutendi nga riṋe a tshi ri fara nga nḓila i si yavhuḓi. - Ps. All in the congregation submit to the arrangement that Jesus made for "the faithful and discreet slave " to provide spiritual food at the proper time. Jehovah has provided practical counsel in his Word to help us maintain our integrity, even if a fellow believer treats us unfairly. - Ps. U lwala na u tsikeledzea maḓipfele ndi mbilaelo khulwane kha vhathu vhanzhi. In what ways can you benefit from Bible examples? sickness and depression are a major concern for many. Vhathu vhoṱhe tshivhidzoni vha fanela u ḓiṱukufhadzela ndugiselelo ye Yesu a i itela "mukoma a fulufhedzeaho na wa vhuṱali " ya u ṋea zwiḽiwa zwa muya nga tshifhinga tshazwo. Is there anywhere we can turn for reliable help and comfort? All in the congregation should humbly submit to the arrangements Jesus made for "the faithful and discreet slave " to provide timely spiritual food. Ni nga vhuyelwa hani nga tsumbo dza Bivhilini? The evil ways of "that woman Jezebel " must be avoided How can you benefit from Bible examples? Naa hu na hune ra nga wana hone thuso na khuthadzo? By doing this, they are included among those whom Jehovah calls "my people. " Is there a source of help and comfort for us? Nḓila mmbi dza " musadzi Isebele ' dzi fanela u iledzwa Are you wrestling for God's blessing? The bad ways of "that woman Jezebel " should be avoided Nga u ita nga u ralo, vha a katelwa vhukati ha vhane Yehova a vha vhidza "vhathu vhanga. " With my wife, Beatriz, in 1995 In so doing, they are among those whom Jehovah calls "my people. " Naa ni khou lwela u fhaṱutshedzwa nga Mudzimu? The Messiah's public ministry in Galilee was foretold. Are you striving to receive God's blessing? Ndi na musadzi wanga, Beatriz, nga 1995 We can never take our relationship with Jehovah for granted. With my wife, Hezzz, in 1995 Ho ambiwa hu tshee nga phanḓa nga ha vhuḓinḓa ha khagala ha Messia ngei Galilea. This will become even more evident as we take a closer look at Jesus ' admonition to his apostles. The public ministry of the Messiah in Galilee was foretold. A ro ngo vhuya ra fanela u dzhiela fhasi vhushaka hashu na Yehova. What moves the other sheep to give loyal support to the faithful and discreet slave? We should never take for granted our relationship with Jehovah. Zwenezwi zwi ḓo vhonala zwavhuḓi musi ri tshi ṱhogomela nyeletshedzo ye Yesu a i ṋea vhaapostola vhawe. 38: 9 - 20. This will be evident when we consider the counsel Jesus gave to his apostles. Ndi mini zwine zwa ṱuṱuwedza vha dziṅwe nngu uri vha tikedze nga u fulufhedzea mukoma a fulufhedzeaho na wa vhuṱali? Heartfelt prayer that includes praise, thanksgiving, and petition is an important part of true worship. What motivates the other sheep to loyally support the faithful and discreet slave? 38: 9 - 20. At 84 years of age, Anna was not too old to serve Jehovah, and neither are her namesakes today. 38: 9 - 20. Thabelo dzi bvaho mbiluni dzi katelaho u renda, u livhuha, na u humbela ndi tshipiḓa tsha ndeme tsha vhurabeli ha ngoho. It takes constant vigilance not to be influenced by that spirit, since we encounter it at work, at school, and in any other place where we have to rub shoulders with those who have no interest in pure worship. Honest prayers involving praise, thanksgiving, and supplication are an important part of true worship. Musi Ana e na miṅwaha ya 84, o vha a tshi kha ḓi kona u shumela Yehova, samusi zwo tou ralo na ṋamusi kha vhenevha vhakegulu vhavhili vha re na dzina ḽi fanaho na ḽawe. Yes, kindness touches the human heart and speaks to it, often more powerfully than words can. When Anna was 84 years old, she was still able to serve Jehovah, as is true of these two young women with her name. Zwi ṱoḓa uri ri dzule ro fhaṱuwa tshifhinga tshoṱhe uri ri sa ṱuṱuwedzwe nga wonoyo muya, samusi ri tshi ṱangana nawo mushumoni kana tshikoloni, na huṅwe na huṅwe hune ra shumisana na vhathu vhane vha sa vhe na dzangalelo kha vhurabeli ho kunaho. (Read Proverbs 13: 24.) It requires that we always guard against being influenced by that spirit, as we meet at work or at school, wherever we deal with people who are not interested in pure worship. I ngoho, vhuthu vhu kwama mbilu dza vhathu nahone vhu dzi kwama nga nḓila i pfalaho u fhira maipfi. This would be the only water baptism having God's approval. Indeed, kindness affects people's hearts and affects them more clearly than words. (Vhalani Mirero 13: 24.) While traveling from Bethany to Jerusalem four days before his death, he saw a fig tree that had abundant leaves but no fruit whatsoever. (Read Proverbs 13: 24.) Yeneyi ndi ndovhedzo ine Mudzimu a i ṱanganedza. 6, 7. This is a baptism that God approves. Musi a tshi khou bva Bethania a tshi khou ya Yerusalema nga phanḓa ha maḓuvha maṋa a lufu lwawe, o vhona muhuyu we wa vha u na maṱari avhuḓi fhedzi u songo aṋwa. Are we responding to such appeals? Upon returning from Bethany to Jerusalem just four days before his death, he saw the fig tree with beautiful leaves but did not bear fruit. 6, 7. We should never find ourselves saying, as it were, "" yes ' and yet " no. ' " 6, 7. Naa ri khou aravha yeneyo khumbelo? The Bible tells us what happened next: "Gideon then came to the Jordan and crossed it. Are we responding to that request? Ri songo vhuya ra ḓiwana ri tshi khou amba uri "ee " nahone nga murahu ra ri" hai. " They were poised to enter the Promised Land. May we never find ourselves saying that "the harvest " and then" no. " Bivhili i ri vhudza uri ho bvelela zwi tevhelaho: "Gideoni a swika mulamboni wa Yorodane, é na vhanna vhaḽa vha ná maḓana mararu. So when the opportunity arose to serve as commuters at Wallkill, they knew that it would mean saying good - bye to almost everyone and everything familiar to them. The Bible tells us that this happened: "The river came into the Jordan, and it continued to be with the three thousand men. Lwo vha lu tsini na u dzhena Shangoni ḽo Fulufhedziswaho. Paul's letters contain much encouragement on overcoming sinful tendencies. It was about to enter the Promised Land. Nga zwenezwo, musi vha tshi wana tshibuli tsha u shuma sa vhashumi vha tshifhinganyana ngei Wallkill, vho zwi ḓivha uri ndi u ṱutshela muṅwe na muṅwe na tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe tshe vha tshi ḓowela. However, especially after the death of the apostles, men arose who spoke "twisted things " in order to" draw away the disciples after themselves. " So when they had the opportunity to serve as part - time workers at Wallkill, they knew that it was to leave everyone that was familiar. Marifhi a Paulo a na mafhungo manzhi ane a nga ri ṱuṱuwedza u kunda u sendamela hashu kha vhuvhi. Over the previous months, these men listened to Jesus, saw him perform miracles, observed his zeal for righteousness, and witnessed the amazing response to his preaching. Paul's letters contain many accounts that can motivate us to overcome our sinful inclinations. Naho zwo ralo, ho vha na vhanna vhe vha "shanda ngoho " u itela" u kunga vhafunziwa uri vha vha tevhele " zwihuluhulu musi vhaapostola vho no fa. " EUREKA! " However, there were men who had "the truth " to" entice the disciples to follow " especially after the death of the apostles. Miṅwedzini yo fhiraho, vhenevha vhanna vho thetshelesa Yesu, vho vhona vhuṱolo hawe, u fhisetshela hawe u ita zwo lugaho na nḓila i mangadzaho ye vhathu vha aravha ngayo musi a tshi huwelela. How did Ahab respond to Jehovah's judgment message, and with what result? Over the months, these men listened to Jesus, saw his miracles, his zeal for doing what was right, and the amazing response of the people when he preached. " EUREKA! " Because as the Messiah, he was already gathering disciples who would obey the command he stated next: "God is a Spirit, and those worshipping him must worship with spirit and truth. " " Erich at Hand! " Ahaba o ita mini musi a tshi pfa mulaedza wa Yehova, nahone ho vha na mvelelo dzifhio? " A few days later, I read a scripture that changed my life. What did Ahab do when he heard Jehovah's message, and with what result? Ngauri sa Messia o vha o no kuvhanganya vhafunziwa vhe vha vha vha tshi ḓo thetshelesa ndaela ye a i amba, a ri: "Mudzimu ndi Muya, nahone vha mu rabelaho vha fanela uri vha mu rabele nga muya na nga ngoho. " Of course, all of us need special attention from time to time. Because as the Messiah had gathered disciples who would obey his command: "God is a Spirit, and they must worship him with spirit and truth. " " Nga murahu ha miṅwaha i si gathi, ndo vhala luṅwalo lwe lwa shandula vhutshilo hanga. Abel could clearly see the thorns and thistles that fulfilled those words. " A few years later, I read a scripture that changed my life. Vhukuma, roṱhe ri a ṱoḓa u ṱhogomelwa nga ho khetheaho tshifhinga tshoṱhe. Marc, mentioned in the introduction, heeded the Bible's advice not to use the world to the full. Of course, we all need special care. Zwi tou pfala uri Abele o vhona mipfa na tsheṋe zwe zwa mela, hu tshi ḓadzea eneo maipfi a vhuporofita. Moreover, in the years that followed, Jehovah stood by Moses and provided him with whatever he needed to succeed in fulfilling his God - given assignments. Abel evidently saw the thorns and the weeds growing, in fulfillment of those prophetic words. Marc, we ha ambiwa nga hae mathomoni, o thetshelesa nyeletshedzo ya Bivhili ya u sa shumisa shango nga vhuḓalo. 2: 3, 4. Marc, mentioned earlier, listened to the Bible's counsel not to use the world to the full. (Ek. 4: 14 - 17) Zwiṅwe hafhu, miṅwahani ye ya tevhela, Yehova o thusa Mushe nahone a mu ṋea naho zwi zwifhio zwe zwa vha zwi tshi ṱoḓea u itela uri a ḓadzise mushumo we a u ṋewa nga Mudzimu. (b) In the fulfillment, how did the wheat and the weeds grow together? Moreover, in the years that followed, Jehovah helped Moses and gave him whatever was needed in order to fulfill his God - given commission. 2: 3, 4. Eliphaz even accused Job of errors he had not committed. 2: 3, 4. (b) Kha u ḓadzea ha tshifanyiso tshenetshi, mavhele na mufhunga zwi mela zwoṱhe nga nḓila - ḓe? But her pain of loss may heal slowly, and she will need comfort and support for some time. (b) In the fulfillment of this illustration, how do the wheat and the weeds grow together? (Yobo 15: 15; 22: 2, 3) Elifasi o dovha a pomoka Yobo nga vhukhakhi he a si vhu ite. Why not to all the people? Eliphaz also accused Job of his failure. Fhedzi vhuṱungu vhune a vhu pfa nga nṱhani ha u felwa vhu nga kha ḓi dzhia tshifhinga u fhola, nahone u ḓo ṱoḓa u khuthadzwa na u tikedzwa lwa tshifhinganyana. In Philippi the authorities had beaten Paul and his companion Silas with rods, thrown them into prison, and confined them in stocks. But the pain he feels over the loss may take time to heal, and he will need temporary comfort and support. Ndi ngani a songo vhonwa nga vhathu vhoṱhe? " The flood came and swept them all away. " Why did he not see everyone? Ngei Filipi, vhakoma vho rwa Paulo na khonani yawe Silasi nga ṱhamu, vha vha posa khothoni, nahone milenzhe yavho vha i pata nga danda. The parents are devastated! In Philippi, the princes beat Paul and his companion Silas with a rod, threw them into prison, and their feet put them on a stake. " Maḓi mahulu o ḓa nahone a vha fhedza. ' Jehovah's actions and purpose are harmonious. " The deluge came and destroyed them. ' Vhabebi vha pfa vhuṱungu vhuhulwanesa. In fact, love for God is "made perfect in us " when we obey the command to love others, especially our brothers. - 1 John 4: 12, 20. The parents are devastated. 6: 4) Zwine Yehova a zwi ita zwi a tshimbidzana na ndivho yawe. You can be sure that Jehovah God will bless you for your whole - souled service and the love you show for him and for fellow humans. - Matthew 22: 36 - 40. Jehovah's actions are in harmony with his purpose. Arali ri tshi thetshelesa ndaela ya Yehova ya u funa vhaṅwe zwihuluhulu vhahashu, u funa hashu Yehova zwi ḓo itwa zwo "fhelelaho kha riṋe. " - 1 Yoh. 4: 12, 20. He could feel exploited, especially when others ride roughshod over him. If we obey Jehovah's command to love others primarily, our love for Jehovah will be done "to us. " - 1 John 4: 12, 20. Ni nga vha na vhungoho ha uri Yehova Mudzimu u ḓo ni fhaṱutshedza nga ṅwambo wa tshumelo ine na i ita nga muya woṱhe na nga lufuno lune na vha nalwo khae na kha vhathu nga inwi. - Mateo 22: 36 - 40. Let us consider some points that have helped many of our fellow workers to maintain or renew their zeal for the ministry in challenging territories. You can be sure that Jehovah God will bless you for your whole - souled service and through your love for him and for fellow humans. - Matthew 22: 36 - 40. A nga pfa a songo farwa zwavhuḓi, zwihuluhulu musi vhaṅwe vha tshi mu fara nga nḓila ya tshiṱuhu. Such expressions of confidence appeal to the good inclinations of the sheep and make it easier for them to "be obedient to those who are taking the lead. " He may feel mistreated, especially when others treat him harshly. 3: 17 - 21; 1 Tim. 4: 16) Kha ri ṱolisise dziṅwe mbuno dze dza thusa vhunzhi ha vhashumisani nga riṋe u itela u dzula vha tshi tikedza kana u fhisetshela vhuḓinḓa tsimuni ine ya konḓa. She began attending meetings with the Bronx Congregation and got baptized in 1940. Let us consider some points that have helped many of our fellow workers to maintain their support or zeal for the ministry that is difficult. Yeneyo mibulo ya u vha na fulufhelo i a ṱuṱuwedza nngu na u ita uri dzi wane zwi tshi leluwa u " pfa vhane vha khou ranga phanḓa. ' Eunice married Leo Van Daalen in 1940, and they became pioneers. Such expressions of confidence encourage the sheep and make it easier for them to "be obedient to those who are taking the lead. " Mme anga vho thoma u ya miṱanganoni Tshivhidzoni tsha ngei Bronx nahone vha lovhedzwa nga 1940. What did David conclude from his contemplation of creation? My mother began attending meetings in the Philippines Congregation and got baptized in 1940. Eunice o vhingwa nga Leo Van Daalen nga 1940, nahone vho mbo ḓi vha vhavulanḓila. Of course, if such instruction is to be effective, parents must set the proper example. - Luke 10: 38 - 42. Eunice married Leo Dictionary in 1940, and they became pioneers. Davida o phetha nga ḽifhio musi a tshi humbulisisa nga ha tsiko? How does David describe Jehovah at Psalm 23: 5, and why is this not at odds with the illustration of a shepherd? What conclusion did David draw when contemplating creation? Vhukuma, u itela u ri yeneyo ndayo i shume, vhabebi vha fanela u vhea tsumbo yavhuḓi. - Luka 10: 38 - 42. If we speak at the wrong time, people may not understand or accept what we say. Of course, to be effective, parents need to set a good example. - Luke 10: 38 - 42. Davida o ṱalusa hani Yehova kha Psalme ya 23: 5, nahone ndi ngani tshenetshi tshifanyiso tshi songo fhambana na tsha mulisa? A checklist with additional reminders for working on ladders can be found in the August 8, 1999, issue of Awake!, pages 22 - 24. How did David describe Jehovah at Psalm 23: 5, and why does this illustration differ from that of a shepherd? Arali ra sa amba nga tshifhinga tsho teaho, vhathu a vha nga pfesesi kana u ṱanganedza zwine ra zwi amba. 8, 9. If we do not speak at the right time, people will not understand or accept what we say. Mafhungo o engedzeaho nga ha tsivhudzo dza u shuma kha zwiṱepisi a nga wanala kha khandiso ya Awake! ya ḽa 8 August, 1999, siaṱari 22 - 24. Consider another example. Further information on whether to work in a factory can be found in the August 8, 1999, issue of Awake! - August 22, 1999, page 22 - 24. 8, 9. Alexander the Great 8, 9. Ṱhogomelani iṅwe tsumbo. Some who became proselytes of the Pharisees may formerly have been gross sinners. Consider another example. Alexander Muhulwane Therefore, let us strive to cultivate the habit of punctuality in all our activities, especially in those having to do with our worship of the true God. Alexander the Great Vhaṅwe vhe vha vha ṱhunḓu dza Vhafarisei vha nga vha vho vha vhe vhaitazwivhi vho kalulaho. See the box "What Is a Shrine? " Some who became proselytes of the Pharisees may have been extremely sinners. Nga zwenezwo - ha, kha ri lwele u ṱahulela dzema ḽa u fara tshifhinga kha mishumo yashu yoṱhe, zwihuluhulu kha mishumo ine ya kwama u gwadamela hashu Mudzimu wa ngoho. How, in turn, will they hear without someone to preach? " By all means, then, let us strive to cultivate the habit of being punctual in all our activities, especially in activities that involve our worship of the true God. Sedzani bogisi "Tshifho Ndi Mini? " He is with you as long as you cling to him. See the box "What Is It? " Awe vha nga a pfa hani vhá songó hanelelwa? " 9: 19 - 23. How, in turn, will they hear without someone to preach? " 12: 22) U kha ḓi vha na inwi arali ni tshi ḓitika ngae. Teenagers may want to argue at length that they should be allowed to take some course of action that the parent knows to be foolish. He is still with you as long as you rely on him. 9: 19 - 23. Elders can acknowledge the valuable contribution made by older Christians by drawing on their experience and talents. 9: 19 - 23. Vhaswa vha re miṅwahani ya vhufumi vha nga kha ḓi amba zwiitisi zwinzhi uri ndi ngani vha tshi fanela u tendelwa u ita zwiṅwe zwithu, zwine vhabebi vha zwi dzhia zwi vhutsilu. Those who do, however, often look in the wrong place. Young ones may have to say many reasons why they should be allowed to do something, what parents consider unwise. Vhahulwane vha nga dzhiela nṱha thikhedzo ya ndeme ine ya itwa nga Vhakriste vha vhalala nga u shumisa zwe vha ṱangana nazwo vhutshiloni na vhukoni havho. THE SOLUTION: God's Kingdom receives its power from the almighty God, Jehovah. Elders can appreciate the valuable support of elderly Christians by applying their experiences and abilities. Naho zwo ralo, vhane vha sa ite nga u ralo kanzhi vha ṱoḓa thuso fhethu hu si hone. It seems likely that prejudice had kindled their animosity. However, those who do not do so often need help in a place that is not available. THANDULULO: Muvhuso wa Mudzimu u wana maanḓa awo kha Yehova Mudzimu ramaanḓaoṱhe. Even the sinners do the same. THE Kingdom: God's Kingdom has its authority over the almighty God, Jehovah. Zwi vhonala u nga tshenetsho tshiṱalula tsho vha tshi khou vhangwa nga vengo ḽe vha vha vhe naḽo. As we will use the word here, it means to recognize the proper value of something. It seems that such prejudice was the result of their hatred. Na vha - ita - zwivhi vha ralo - vho. And he proceeds to set the city aflame. - Jeremiah 52: 12, 13. For even the sinners do the same. Samusi ḽeneḽi ipfi ḽi tshi ḓo shumiswa kha yeneyi thero, ḽi ambela kha u ṱhogomela ndeme yo teaho ya tshiṅwe tshithu. Only strong faith enabled them to do so with joy. Since this word will be used in this article, it refers to the appropriate consideration of something. Nahone a thoma u fhisa muḓi. - Yeremia 52: 12, 13. How do our meetings encourage us and help us to keep strong? And he began to burn the city. - Jeremiah 52: 12, 13. Ndi lutendo fhedzi lwe lwa vha thusa u ita nga u ralo vho takala. Revelation 20: 12 says: "The dead were judged out of those things written in the scrolls according to their deeds, " that is, their deeds following their resurrection. Only faith helped them to do so can they be happy. Miṱangano i ri ṱuṱuwedza na u ri khwaṱhisa nga nḓila - ḓe? If not alert, a Christian may not even notice the gradual change. - Matt. How do meetings encourage and strengthen us? Ndzumbululo 20: 12 i ri: "Vhafu vha sengiswa nga zwo ṅwalwaho dzibuguni, hú u tevhedza mishumo yavho, " ine ya vha, mishumo yavho nga murahu ha musi vho no vusiwa. How did Jesus train proclaimers of the good news? Revelation 20: 12 states: "The dead are judged by what is written according to their deeds, " their works, after they are resurrected. Arali Mukriste a songo fhaṱuwa, a nga si ṱhogomele yeneyi tshanduko ine ya itea nga zwiṱuku nga zwiṱuku, nahone Sathane u ḓo vha o kunda. - Mat. [ Picture on page 26] If a Christian is not alert, he will not gradually recognize this change, and Satan will have won. - Matt. Yesu o gudisa hani vhahuweleli vha mafhungo maḓifha? Good counsel and the disposition to act in harmony with it are keys to achieving such a life in this complex world. How did Jesus train publishers of the good news? [ Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 26] in this issue, pages 7 - 8, paragraphs 14 - 18. [ Picture on page 26] Nyeletshedzo i vhuyedzaho na lutamo lwa u tshila u tendelana nayo ndi tshithu tshihulwane tsha u swikelela vhutshilo ho raloho kha ḽino shango ḽo serekanaho. [ Footnotes] A rewarding counsel and a desire to live in harmony with it are the key to reaching such a life in this complex world. kha ino khandiso, masiaṱari 7 - 8, dziphara 14 - 18. " Work, not for the food that perishes, but for the food that remains for everlasting life, " he told them. - John 6: 25 - 27. in this issue, pages 7 - 8, paragraphs 14 - 18. [ Ṱhaluso dzi re magumoni a siaṱari] 3: 7. [ Footnotes] 6: 25 - 27. Today the world keeps getting worse. 6: 25 - 27. 3: 7. God then miraculously maintained her supply of flour and oil, so that she and her son stayed alive. 3: 7. Ṋamusi shango ḽi khou ṋaṋa u vha ḽivhi. 126th Graduating Class of the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead Today, the world is getting worse. Mudzimu o ita vhuṱolo nga u ṋea onoyo mufumakadzi vhukhopfu na mapfura uri ene na murwa wawe vha si sike nga nḓala. (1 Dzikh. From this account, what do we learn about Jehovah's thinking? God performed miracles by giving the woman flour and oil that she and her son would not become hungry. Kilasi Ya Vhu - 126 Ya Vhagudiswa Vho Ṱhaphudzaho Vha Tshikolo Tsha Bivhili Tsha Watchtower Tsha Gilead Consider the case of a brother who over many decades had helped scores of people spiritually. 126th Graduating Class of the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead Kha enea mafhungo, ri guda mini malugana na nḓila ine Yehova a humbula ngayo? [ Picture on page 27] What do we learn from this account about Jehovah's thinking? Ṱhogomelani mafhungo a wahashu wa tshinnani we lwa miṅwaha minzhi a thusa vhathu u ita mvelaphanḓa ya lwa muya. (Read Acts 6: 1 - 6.) Consider the case of a brother who has helped people to make spiritual progress. [ Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 27] He declares: "I am Jehovah, the One showing loyal love, justice, and righteousness in the earth, for in these things I take delight. " [ Picture on page 27] (Vhalani Mishumo 6: 1 - 6.) A person can use a mirror to make sure that he is presentable. (Read Acts 6: 1 - 6.) O ri: "Ndi Nṋe Yehova, [ane] a ita vhuthu, na u luga, na zwivhuya fhano shangoni; ngauri ndi takalela zwenezwo. " (Yer. We realize that Jehovah can become whatever he chooses - a loving Father, a righteous Judge, a victorious Warrior - in order to fulfill his purposes. He said: "I am Jehovah, who is good and righteous in the earth, because I take pleasure in that. " Muthu a nga shumisa tshivhoni u itela u vhona arali a tshi sedzea. This book of the law should not depart from your mouth, and you must in an undertone read in it day and night, in order that you may take care to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way successful and then you will act wisely. " A person can use a mirror to test his appearance. (Ekisodo 3: 14) Ri ṱhogomela uri Yehova u a kona u vha na naho tshi tshini tshine a funa - Khotsi wa lufuno, Muhaṱuli o lugaho, na Mulwi a kundaho - u itela u ḓadzisa ndivho dzawe. Jesus explained that the foolish man resembled those who did no more than listen to Jesus ' teachings. We realize that Jehovah is able to possess whatever he loves - a loving Father, a righteous Judge, and a victory - to accomplish his purposes. Bugu hei ya Mulayo i songo ṱuwa mulomoni wau; U i elekanye masiari na vhusiku; uri U tevhedze U ite zwoṱhe zwe zwa ṅwaliwa khayo '; ngauri ndi hone dzinḓila dzaṋu dzi tshi ḓo vulea; ndi hone U tshi ḓo ita zwi ḓivhaleaho. " (Yosh. Although we here refer to Christian sisters, the principles also apply to brothers. This book of the Law does not depart from your mouth, and you must read it in an undertone day and night, in order to observe all that is written in it; for you will make your way successful, and then you will act wisely. " Yesu o ṱalutshedza uri munna wa tsilu u imela vhe vha thetshelesa, fhedzi vha si ite zwe a amba. " You are worthy, Jehovah, even our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power. " - REVELATION 4: 11. Jesus explained that the foolish man represents those who listened but did not do what he said. Naho henefha ro ambela kha vhahashu vha tshisadzini vha Vhakriste, maitele enea a dovha a shuma na kha vhahashu vha tshinnani. 5: 19; Isa. Although here we refer to Christian sisters, this principle applies to our brothers and sisters too. " Murena Mudzimu washu, ndi'we wo fanelwaho nga vhugala na thendo na maanḓa. " - NDZUMBULULO 4: 11. Guard against even unwittingly forming romantic attachments outside of marriage. " You are worthy, Jehovah our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power. " - REVELATION 4: 11. 5: 19; Yes. What will come next? 5: 19; Isa. Ḓilindeni uri ni sa ḓiwane ni tshi vho funana na muthu we na sa vhingane nae. Stressing the importance of love in true worship, the apostle Paul wrote: "If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels but do not have love, I have become a sounding piece of brass or a clashing cymbal. Guard against developing a romantic relationship with someone outside of marriage. Hu ḓo itea mini nga murahu ha zwenezwo? I was born in Székesfehérvár, Hungary, a city with a rich history stretching back over 1,000 years. What will happen next? A tshi ombedzela ndeme ya lufuno kha vhurabeli ha ngoho, muapostola Paulo o ṅwala u ri: "Naho ndi tshi amba nga ndimi dza vhathu na dza vharuṅwa, lufuno ndí si na, ndi nga tsimbi i lilaho, ndi nga ngoma i bvumaho. The judgment of the individual members of the anointed continues throughout the time of the end. Pointing to the importance of love for true worship, the apostle Paul wrote: "When I speak with people of men and of angels, the love that I am free will become like a joyful iron, and I will put it to the test. Ndo bebelwa ngei Székesfehérvár kha ḽa Hungary, ḓorobo ine ya vha na ḓivhazwakale nnzhi ya miṅwaha i fhiraho 1 000. All of us need knowledge and counsel from God's Word. I was born in Besssser, Hungary, a city with more than 1,000 years of history. U haṱulwa ha muraḓo muṅwe na muṅwe wa vhaḓodzwa hu bvela phanḓa u swika vhufheloni. The source of pay and the location of the employment also enter into the picture. The judgment of each member of the anointed continues to the end. Roṱhe ri ṱoḓa nḓivho na nyeletshedzo i bvaho Bivhilini. This series will also consider some common objections to this evidence and will provide good reason to believe that something better lies just ahead. We all need knowledge and counsel from the Bible. Ri fanela u dovha ra ṱhogomela hune muholo wa bva hone na fhethu hune mushumo wa vha hone. If a captain is inattentive to wind and current, his ship might easily drift past a safe harbor and run aground on a rocky shore. We also need to be careful about where income is from and where the work is available. Kha mutevhe wa dzenedzi thero ri ḓo haseledza nga ha zwithu zwine vhathu vha anzela u zwi amba nahone ri ḓo dovha ra wana zwiitisi zwi pfalaho zwa u tenda uri hu na zwithu zwavhuḓi zwine zwa ḓo itea hu si kale. And may we display the zeal of all our brothers who since 1919 have spent themselves in Jehovah's service. In the list of these articles, we will discuss what people often say and will find sound reasons for believing that something better will soon happen. Arali mulavhelesi watsho a sa ṱhogomela muya na magabelo, tshikepe tshawe tshi nga kumbiwa nga hu leluwaho tsha fhira vhuimazwikepe ho tsireledzeaho nahone tsha ya vhugabeloni hu re na matombo. Jesus also helped people to reason, instead of simply giving them facts. If the overseer does not recognize the wind and the waves, his ship can easily drift away from the safest port of safety and go to the rock - mass. Nahone u nga ri ri nga sumbedza u fhisea hu fanaho na ha vhahashu vhoṱhe vhe u bva nga 1919 vha fhedza tshifhinga tshavho vhe tshumeloni ya Yehova. Jehovah is called "the God of peace " and is identified as the one who" gives peace. " And may we display zeal like that of all our brothers who have since 1919 spend their time in Jehovah's service. Yesu o dovha a thusa vhathu uri vha shumise maanḓa avho a u elekanya, nṱhani ha u sokou vha ṋea mbuno dzoṱhe. Although the steps of dedication and baptism are not to be taken lightly or hastily, the example of the Ethiopian official shows that there have been occasions when individuals were baptized shortly after hearing the truth of God's Word. Jesus also helped people to use their thinking ability instead of giving them all the facts. Yehova u vhidzwa "Mudzimu wa mulalo " nahone u ṱalulwa sa ane a" ṋea mulalo. " Although it took time, they adjusted their way of thinking. Jehovah is called "the God of peace " and is identified as" the one who gives peace. " Naho vhukando ha u ḓiṋekedza na ndovhedzo vhu songo fanela u dzhielwa fhasi kana u dzhiiwa nga u ṱavhanya, tsumbo ya nduna ya Muetiopia i sumbedza uri ho vha na zwifhinga zwe vhathu vha lovhedzwa nga u ṱavhanya nga murahu ha u pfa mafhungo - ngoho a Ipfi ḽa Mudzimu. Invite them for a meal, or spend an evening with them. Although the action of dedication and baptism should not be taken lightly or taken away quickly, the example of an Ethiopian official shows that there were times when people were baptized soon after hearing the truth of God's Word. Naho zwo dzhia tshifhinga, fhedzi vho shandula nḓila ye vha vha vha tshi humbula ngayo. They did not operate secretly, like a criminal mastermind who conceals his identity and works his evil, cloaked in shadow. Although it took time, they changed their way of thinking. Vha rambeni zwiḽiwani, kana ni fhedze maṅwe madekwana ni navho. 5, 6. (a) How many great powers do Daniel and John identify? invite them for a meal, or spend some evening with them. A vho ngo ita mushumo wavho tshiphirini u fana na mutshinyi ane a dzumba vhuvha hawe na mishumo yawe mivhi, nga u ita vhutshinyi hawe tshiphirini. " Most scholars will admit that a man known as Jesus of Nazareth did live in the first century, " states the book Evidence for the Historical Jesus. They did not do their secret work as a criminal who hid his own sins and practices in private. 5, 6. (a) Daniele na Yohane vho bula mivhuso mingana mihulwane? (Read Mark 10: 28 - 30.) 5, 6. (a) Daniel and John mention what great kingdoms? Bugu ine ya pfi Evidence for the Historical Jesus yo amba uri: "Vhagudi vhanzhi vha a tenda uri munna ane a ḓivhiwa sa Yesu wa Nazareta o tshila zwa vhukuma ḓanani ḽa u thoma ḽa miṅwaha. " • How should we understand 1 Corinthians 15: 29, which in some versions is translated "baptized for the dead "? " Many people believe that Jesus, a man known as Jesus of Nazareth, lived real lives in the first century, " says the book "that he was known as Jesus of Nazareth. " (Vhalani Marko 10: 28 - 30.) Jehovah's servants enjoy talking about a variety of subjects, but spiritual topics always flavor the conversations of spiritually inclined people. - 1 Corinthians 2: 13. (Read Mark 10: 28 - 30.) • Ri fanela u pfesesa hani 1 Vha - Korinta 15: 29, yo ṱalutshedzelwaho nga uri, "u lovhedzelwa vho faho " kha dziṅwe nzudzanyo? Consider some of the consequences. • How should we understand 1 Corinthians 15: 29, translated "to be baptized for those who have died " in other arrangements? Vhashumeli vha Yehova vha ḓiphina nga u amba nga zwithu zwo fhambanaho, fhedzi u amba nga zwithu zwa muya tshifhinga tshoṱhe zwi nga takadza vhathu vha funaho zwithu zwa muya. - 1 Vha - Korinta 2: 13. I wanted the freedom that their lifestyle seemed to offer. Jehovah's servants enjoy talking about various things, but talking about spiritual matters can always be pleasing to those who love spiritual things. - 1 Corinthians 2: 13. Kha ri ṱhogomele dziṅwe mvelelo dze dza vha hone. And the spirit of Jehovah began to be operative upon David from that day forward. " Let us consider some of the results. Ndo vha ndi tshi ṱoḓa mbofholowo ine vha vhonala vhe nayo. AN ELDERLY lady was particularly unfriendly when George and Manon, two Witnesses in the Netherlands, approached her with the good news of the Kingdom. I needed the freedom they seemed to have. Nga ḽeneḽo ḓuvha muya wa Yehova wo ḓa kha Davida wa dzula khae '. " We can consider Jesus ' example. On that day Jehovah's spirit came upon David and sat down to him. " MUṄWE mukegulu ho ngo sumbedza vhukonani musi George na Manon, Ṱhanzi mbili dza ngei Netherlands dzi tshi mu dalela u itela u mu vhudza mafhungo maḓifha a Muvhuso. Elijah would do the same. An elderly woman showed neither friendly affection when George and Mean, two Witnesses in the Netherlands, visited her to share the good news of the Kingdom with her. Kha ri ṱhogomele tsumbo ya Yesu. Also, when I thoughtlessly spoke ill of another, she would refuse to participate in the conversation. Let us consider Jesus ' example. Na Elia o vha a tshi ḓo ita zwi fanaho. " The head of every man is the Christ. " - 1 CORINTHIANS 11: 3. Elijah would do the same. Zwiṅwe hafhu, arali ndo vha ndi tshi nga amba luvhi nga muṅwe wahashu, o vha a sa ḓo ṱanganela kha yeneyo khaseledzo. [ Picture on page 19] Furthermore, if I were to abuse a brother, he would not participate in that discussion. " Ṱhóho ya munna ufhio na ufhio ndi Kristo. " - 1 VHA - KORINTA 11: 3. " They did much to mold me in the right way. " " The head of every man is the Christ. " - 1 CORINTHIANS 11: 3. [ Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 19] " This is what the love of God means, " states the apostle John, "that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome. " [ Picture on page 19] Vho shela mulenzhe kha u nṱuṱuwedza u tshimbila nḓilani yo teaho. " The love between the opposite sexes has other characteristics besides its potential for being constant and enduring. They were involved in encouraging me to walk in the right direction. " Muapostola Yohane u ri: "Ngauri u funa Mudzimu ndi u ita zwe a ri laya nahone milayo yawe a i konḓi. " Jesus patiently explained things because he had a keen interest in others. - Matthew 16: 5 - 12. " This is what the love of God means, " says the apostle John, "that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome. " Lufuno vhukati ha vhathu vha mbeu dzo fhambanaho lu na dziṅwe pfaneleo, nga nnḓa ha dzine dza ita uri lu vhe hone lwa tshoṱhe. Two years later, another surprise awaited me - I was appointed a district overseer. Love among members of the opposite sex has other qualities, except those that make it last forever. Yesu o ṱalutshedza zwithu a sa fheli mbilu nga ṅwambo wa uri o vha e na dzangalelo ḽihulwane kha vhaṅwe. - Mateo 16: 5 - 12. Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Jesus patiently explained things because he was deeply interested in others. - Matthew 16: 5 - 12. Nga murahu ha miṅwaha mivhili, ndo vhewa sa mulavhelesi wa tshiṱiriki - nahone zwo mmangadza vhukuma. The apostle John described Cain as one "who originated with the wicked one. " Two years later, I was appointed a district overseer - a surprise. Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of South Africa Is this the right person for me? Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Muapostola Yohane o ṱalusa Kaini sa "we a vha a tshi bva kha muvhi. " No! The apostle John described Cain as "the one coming out of the wicked one. " Naa onoyu muthu o ntea? To fulfill this charge, Timothy had to be "nourished with the words of the faith. " - Read 1 Timothy 4: 6. Has this One Helped Me? Na khathihi! Although your eye, for example, may be more prominent than your heart, are not both valuable to you? Of course not! U itela u ḓadzisa mushumo wonoyu, Timotheo o vha a tshi fanela u vha "o aluwaho nga mafhungo a lutendo. " - Vhalani 1 Timotheo 4: 6. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ To fulfill this commission, Timothy had to be "full - grown in the faith. " - Read 1 Timothy 4: 6. Sa tsumbo, naho ni tshi kona u vhona iṱo ḽaṋu ngeno ni sa koni u vhona mbilu yaṋu, naa yeneyo miraḓo a si ya ndeme vhuvhili hayo? " Jehovah your God will raise up for you from among your brothers a prophet like me, " Moses told the Israelites. For example, even though you can see your eye when you cannot see your heart, is that not the second member? ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Forsaken by many, Paul felt that his end was near. . . . . . Mushe o vhudza Vhaisiraele a ri: "Muporofita ane a nga nṋe Yehova Mudzimu wau u ḓo mu vusa vhukati haṋu na kha vha haṋu; onoyo ni mu pfe. " Satan cannot force people to act against their own will. Moses told the Israelites: "As for me, Jehovah your God will raise him up among you and your people. Nga ṅwambo wa uri vhathu vhanzhi vho vha vho mu laṱa, Paulo o humbula uri o vha e tsini na u fa. In 1991, after 44 years as a traveling overseer, I left the circuit work, having visited congregations throughout Italy. Because many had abandoned him, Paul thought that he was about to die. Sathane ha koni u kombetshedza vhathu uri vha ite zwine a zwi funa. Who is behind such opposition? Satan cannot force humans to do his will. Nga 1991, nga murahu ha u fhedza miṅwaha ya 44 sa mulavhelesi a dalelaho zwivhidzo, ndo litsha mushumo wa ḽiisela, nahone ndo vha ndo no dalela zwivhidzo zwoṱhe zwi re Italia. Instead, they support and are submissive to their husbands, cooperate with them, and thus encourage them. In 1991, after spending 44 years as a traveling overseer, I left the circuit work, and I had visited all the congregations in Italy. Ndi nnyi ane a ṱuṱuwedza honoho u tovholwa? Jesus ' words recorded at Matthew 22: 30 show that marriage and sex relations do not exist in heaven. Who motivates such persecution? Nṱhani hazwo, vha a thusa na u ḓiṱukufhadza kha vhanna vhavho, u shumisana navho, na u vha ṱuṱuwedza. At times, a similar willingness to slow down, or yield, is called for in our relationship with our fellow believers or others. Instead, they help and submit to their husbands, cooperate with them, and encourage them. Maipfi a Yesu o ṅwalwaho kha Mateo 22: 30 a sumbedza uri mbingano na zwa vhudzekani a zwi ho ṱaḓulu. What example did Jesus set for parents? Jesus ' words recorded at Matthew 22: 30 indicate that marriage and sexual relations are not heavenly. Nga zwiṅwe zwifhinga, u fhungudza nga u ḓifunela zwi a ṱoḓea u itela u vhulunga vhushaka hashu na vhatendi nga riṋe na vhaṅwe. Faithful witnesses of God in times past experienced them. At times, it is necessary to limit our relationships with fellow believers and others. Ndi tsumbo ifhio ye Yesu a i vhetshela vhabebi? Yet, in that hostile environment, how did Noah use his time? What example did Jesus set for parents? Ṱhanzi dzi fulufhedzeaho dza Mudzimu dza tshifhingani tsho fhiraho dzo ṱangana na honoho vhuleme. 11: 1. God's faithful Witnesses in the past faced this challenge. Naho zwo ralo, Noaxe o shumisa hani tshifhinga tshawe naho vhathu vha misini yawe vha songo thetshelesa tsevho dzawe? Instead, every day we try to be aware of the circumstances of others and readily respond to a need, even when doing so may be inconvenient for us. How, though, did Noah use his time even though his contemporaries did not heed his warnings? 11: 1. (a) How does Daniel describe the sixth world power? 11: 1. Nṱhani hazwo, ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe ri lingedza u ṱhogomela zwiimo zwa vhaṅwe nahone ra lugela u vha thusa musi hu na ṱhoḓea ya u ita nga u ralo, naho u vha thusa hashu zwi sa ḓo vhuyedza riṋe vhaṋe. Yet, the Bible explains that we are like grasshoppers in comparison with our Grand Creator. Instead, each day we try to care for the circumstances of others and are ready to help them when there is a need for doing so, even if our helping them will not benefit ourselves. (a) Daniele u ṱalusa hani muvhuso wa vhurathi? How did Asaph deal with these unsettling emotions? (a) How does Daniel describe the sixth kingdom? Naho zwo ralo, Bivhili i ṱalusa uri ri fana na nzie musi ri tshi vhambedzwa na Musiki washu Muhulwane. Yes, those divine laws had great value. However, the Bible explains that we are like locusts in comparison with our Grand Creator. Asafu o sedzana hani na eneo maḓipfele a tsikeledzaho? In an ancient Israelite wedding, the groom brought the bride to his own home or to his father's How did Asaph deal with those distressing feelings? Ndi ngoho uri yeneyo milayo ya Mudzimu yo vha i ya ndeme vhukuma. Therefore, allow yourself to be guided by God's Word, and apply its advice. Of course, those divine laws were of utmost importance. Kha mbingano dza ngei Isiraele ḽa kale, mukwasha o vha a tshi ḓisa muselwa wawe muḓini wawe kana wa khotsi awe Their whole way of life centered on faith in Jehovah and Jesus Christ. In the marriages of ancient Israel, the bridegroom brought his bride to his home or to his father Ngauralo, tendani u livhiswa nga Ipfi ḽa Mudzimu, nahone ni shumise nyeletshedzo yaḽo. There is no harm in young children learning to work hard, doing chores in the home that are reasonable for their age and abilities. So let your faith be guided by God's Word, and apply its counsel. Nḓila ye vha vha vha tshi tshila ngayo yo vha i tshi sumbedza uri vha na lutendo kha Yehova na kha Yesu Kristo. John may have wanted to know whether someone else would fulfill all the hopes of the Jews. Their way of life showed that they had faith in Jehovah and in Jesus Christ. (Muh. 12: 1) Zwi ḓo vha zwavhuḓi uri vhana vhaṱuku vha gudiswe u shuma nga maanḓa uri vha ite mishumo ya hayani u tendelana na miṅwaha yavho na vhukoni havho. Rather, Jehovah wanted them to praise him on the basis of "something new " that they would experience themselves, such as their safe journey to Jerusalem, perhaps by a more direct desert route. Young children do well to be trained to work hard to do household chores in harmony with their age and abilities. Khamusi Yohane o vha a tshi ṱoḓa u ḓivha arali hu na muṅwe we a vha a tshi ḓo ḓadzisa zwe Vhayuda vha vha vho zwi lavhelela. Give an example to show that women prophesied. Perhaps John wanted to know whether anyone could fulfill what the Jews expected. Nṱhani hazwo, Yehova o vha a tshi ṱoḓa uri vha mu rendele zwithu "zwiswá " zwe a vha a tshi ḓo vha itela zwone, zwine zwa nga u vha tsireledza musi vhe lwendoni lwa u humela Yerusalema, khamusi nga nḓila yo livhaho ya sogani. But now, to talk about how I am doing - that's difficult. Rather, Jehovah wanted those who would betray him for "the things " he would do for them, which could protect them during the return trip to Jerusalem, perhaps directly in the wilderness. Ṋeani tsumbo ine ya sumbedza uri vhasadzi vho vha vha tshi porofita. What will be the result of Gog's all - out assault on Jehovah's servants? Give an example to show that women prophesied. Fhedzi zwino, zwi a nkonḓela u amba nga ha nḓila ine nda ḓipfa ngayo. [ Pictures on page 9] But now, I find it difficult to talk about my feelings. Hu ḓo itea mini kha Gogo nga ṅwambo wa u vutshela vhashumeli vha Yehova vha fulufhedzeaho? In the Hebrew language, "Bethel " means" House of God. " What will happen to Gog because of his attack on faithful servants of Jehovah? [ Zwifanyiso kha siaṱari 9] Erica says: "I'm very close to my family, and I was worried that homesickness would negatively affect my ministry. " [ Pictures on page 9] Nga Luheberu, "Bethele " zwi amba " Nnḓu ya Mudzimu. ' What ongoing situation did Paul have to endure, and in what ways might such a situation affect us? In Hebrew, "the tent of God " means" the house of God. " Erica o ri: "Ndi na vhushaka ha tsini na muṱa wanga, nahone ndo vha ndi tshi vhilaela uri u ṱuvha hayani zwi ḓo kwama vhuḓinḓa hanga nga nḓila i si yavhuḓi. " Our ministry helps to prove that Satan is a liar. - Isaiah 43: 10 - 12; 2 Corinthians 4: 4. " I have a close relationship with my family, and I worry that being happy at home would have a negative effect on my ministry. " Ndi vhuimo vhufhio he Paulo a vha a tshi fanela u sedzana naho tshifhinga tshoṱhe, nahone zwenezwo zwi nga ri kwama hani? Why did the onetime persecutor Saul embrace the faith of his victims? What situation did Paul need to face continually, and how might that affect us? Vhuḓinḓa hashu vhu ri thusa u vhona uri Sathane ndi muzwifhi. - Yesaya 43: 10 - 12; 2 Vhakorinta 4: 4 WHO photo by L. Our ministry helps us to see that Satan is a liar. - Isaiah 43: 10 - 12; 2 Corinthians 4: 4 Ndi ngani Saulo we a vha a tshi tovhola o farelela kha lutendo lwa vhathu vhe a vha a tshi vha tovhola? Over the years, Roberto found employment for 23 baptized brothers and 8 Bible students! Why did Saul, who persecuted, stick to the faith of those who persecuted them? WHO photo by L. He never claimed equality with God. WHO photo by L. Musi miṅwaha i tshi khou ḓi ya, Roberto o wanela mushumo vhahashu vha tshinnani vho lovhedzwaho vha 23 na pfunzo dza Bivhili dza malo! In line with James 5: 10, how did the prophet Isaiah successfully exercise patience? Over the years, Roberto obtained an assignment for 23 baptized brothers and eight Bible studies! Ha ngo vhuya a ṱoḓa u lingana na Mudzimu. Our reaction is important. He never wanted to be equal to God. U tendelana na Yakobo 5: 10, muporofita Yesaya o sumbedza hani u sa fhela mbilu nga nḓila i bvelelaho? Do we then accept that forgiveness and believe in its power to cleanse us? In line with James 5: 10, how did the prophet Isaiah show outstanding patience? Nḓila ine ra aravha ngayo ndi ya ndeme. Paul therefore encouraged them to train their perceptive powers to be able to distinguish right from wrong and told them to "press on to maturity. " Our response is vital. Naa ri ṱanganedza honoho u hangwelwa nahone ra tenda uri maanḓa aho a nga ri ita uri ri kune? People could worship several different deities at the same time. Do we accept such forgiveness and believe that the powerful force can make us clean? Nga zwenezwo, Paulo o vha ṱuṱuwedza uri vha gudise maanḓa avho a u ṱalukanya u itela uri vha kone u khethekanya vhuḓi na vhuvhi na u vha vhudza uri vha "fhirele phanḓa kha a u vuledza. " He could have been rich and famous as a Jewish religious leader, but he gave up that career to focus on "the more important things. " Thus, Paul encouraged them to train their perceptive powers so that they could distinguish both right and wrong and tell them to "go on to maturity. " Vhathu vho vha vha tshi nga gwadamela midzimu yo fhamba - fhambanaho nga tshifhinga tshithihi. (a) About what did Jesus forewarn his followers? People could worship various gods at the same time. O vha a tshi nga vha o pfuma na u vha na bvumo sa murangaphanḓa wa vhurereli ha Vhayuda, fhedzi o ṱutshela buḓo ḽawe u itela u livhisa ṱhogomelo kha "zwithu zwa ndeme vhukuma. " The account switches from the plural "you " in verse 22 to the singular" you " in verse 23. He could have gained wealth and prominence as leader of the Jewish religion, but he abandoned his course to focus on "the more important things. " (a) Yesu o dzula o sevha vhatevheli vhawe nga ha mini? When you are prepared, such questions will not create doubts in your mind but will motivate you to study the Bible more. (a) What warning did Jesus give his followers? (Ndimana 22) Mafhungo a ambela u bva kha vhunzhi "ni " kha ndimana 21 u swika kha vhuthihi" na " kha ndimana 22. The Israelites of Isaiah's day glorified God with their lips, but most lacked sincerity. The account refers to many "in " verses 21 to" and "in verse 22. Musi no ḓilugisela, mbudziso dzo raloho dzi nga si ite uri ni timatime, fhedzi dzi ḓo ni ṱuṱuwedza u guda Bivhili nga ho engedzeaho. The action that is drawing them to Jehovah and his worship is the same action that is causing the nations to rock, namely the worldwide preaching of the established Kingdom of God. When you are prepared, such questions will not cause you to doubt, but they will motivate you to study the Bible more. Vhaisiraele vha misini ya Yesaya vho hulisa Mudzimu nga milomo yavho, fhedzi vho zwi ita zwi sa bvi mbiluni. But the total number of his miracles is not revealed. The Israelites of Isaiah's day honored God with their lips, but they did not do it out of the heart. Zwine zwa ita uri vha sendele tsini na Yehova na vhurabeli hawe ndi zwine zwa khou ita uri dzitshakha dzi dzinginyee, u huwelelwa ha shango ḽoṱhe ha Muvhuso wa Mudzimu wo tikwaho. TRY THIS: The next time you talk to your teen about sex, end the discussion on a positive note. That is why they draw close to Jehovah and his worship is what is causing the nations to totter, the worldwide preaching of God's established Kingdom. Fhedzi vhuṱolo hoṱhe he a vhu ita a ho ngo ambiwa uri ndi vhungana. As I tried to avoid the furrows in the dried mud, I succeeded in kicking up a minor dust storm. But not all the miracles he performed were said to be too many. Ni songo ofha u sumbedza uri vhudzekani ndi tshifhiwa tshavhuḓi vhukuma tshi bvaho ha Mudzimu tshine ṅwana waṋu a nga ḓiphina ngatsho tshifhingani tshi ḓaho musi o no vha mbinganoni. Despite our pain of heart, we must avoid normal contact with a disfellowshipped family member by telephone, text messages, letters, e - mails, or social media. Do not be afraid to show that sex is a wonderful gift from God that your child can enjoy in the future after marriage. Ndo ita ndi tshi dubisa buse nge nda iledza u dzhena migeroni i re na maḓi. Jehovah wants to hear from you. I made dust out of the ground because I avoided going into a watery pool. Hu sa londwi nḓila ine ra khou pfa ngayo vhuṱungu, ri fanela u iledza u davhidzana na muraḓo wa muṱa o bviswaho tshivhidzoni nga u amba nae nga luṱingo, u ṅwalelana milaedza, marifhi, dzi - email kana u davhidzana nae nga zwi shumiswa zwa thekinolodzhi. We as teachers, or " public instructors, ' feel the same way. Regardless of our pain, we should avoid communicating with a disfellowshipped family member by telephone speaking to him, writing letters, letters, or communicating with him through technology. Yehova u ṱoḓa u pfa ni tshi amba nae. • What may hinder parents ' communicating with adolescents? Jehovah wants to hear you speak to him. Riṋe sa vhadededzi, kana " vhagudisi vha khagala, ' ri ḓipfa nga nḓila i fanaho. God's Word realistically shows that it is natural to experience grief when a loved one dies. As teachers, or teachers, we feel similarly. • Ndi mini zwine zwa nga ita uri vhabebi zwi vha konḓele u davhidzana na vhana vha re miṅwahani ya vhufumi? Jesus set the example for parents in that he practiced what he preached. • What may make it difficult for parents to communicate with teenagers? Ipfi ḽa Mudzimu ḽi sumbedza uri zwo ḓowelea uri ri pfe vhuṱungu musi muthu ane ra mu funa a tshi fa. " We work from one diskette, " he said. God's Word shows that it is normal for us to experience grief when someone we love dies. Yesu o vhetshela vhabebi tsumbo yavhuḓi nga u tshila u tendelana na zwe a zwi funza. What could Jacob do? Jesus set a good example for parents by living in harmony with what he taught. O ri: "Ri shumisa tshisima tshithihi tsha mafhungo. " If others express concern about my drinking, do I become defensive or angry? He said: "We use one source of information. " Yakobo o vha a tshi ḓo ita hani? Yes, the priorities of the Jews had shifted. How would Jacob do so? Arali vhaṅwe vhathu vha sumbedza u vhilaedziswa nga ha nḓila ine nda nwa ngayo, naa ndi a ḓiimelela kana nda sinyuwa? That illustration refers to a "harvest " during which" the sons of the kingdom " are gathered and the weeds are separated to be burned up. If others show concern for my drinking, do I make excuses or feel angry? Ee, Vhayuda a vho ngo tsha vha na mavhonele avhuḓi kha zwithu zwa ndeme. If my conscience moves me to decline this fraction, what other therapy might be used? Yes, the Jews lost sight of the more important things. Tshifanyiso tshenetsho tshi amba nga ha " khaṋo ' hune "vhana vha muvhuso " vha ḓo kuvhanganywa, nahone mufhunga wa vhetshelwa thungo uri u fhiswe. Others may have tried to use what was holy for selfish gain. That parable speaks of "the harvest " where" the sons of the kingdom " will be gathered, and weeds will be set aside to burn. Arali luvalo lwanga lwa ntsudzulusela u hana tshenetshi tshipiḓa, ndi ifhio iṅwe ngalafho ine ya nga shumiswa? (b) What Scriptural examples illustrate interest in others? If my conscience moved me to reject this part, what is one treatment that can be applied? Vhaṅwe vha nga vha vho lingedza u shumisa zwithu zwikhethwa u itela madzangalelo a tseḓa. Thousands of years later, the Bible said of Noah: "Through [his] faith he condemned the world. " Some may have tried to use sacred things for selfish interests. (b) Ndi tsumbo dzifhio dza Maṅwalo dza vhathu vhe vha sumbedza u vha na dzangalelo kha vhaṅwe? King Ahaziah of Israel suffers a fall in his home and is sick. (b) What Scriptural examples of people who showed personal interest in others? Nga murahu ha miṅwaha ya zwigidi, Bivhili yo amba zwi tevhelaho nga ha Noaxe: " Nga lutendo lwawe o vhona shango mulandu. ' He regularly phoned me and stopped by to see how I was doing. Thousands of years later, the Bible says of Noah: "By faith he blamed the world. " Khosi Ahasia wa Isiraele o wela fhasi a mbo ḓi vhaisala. Yes, preserving the spirit of the congregation requires that each of us take proper action, cooperate with the body of elders, and protect the welfare of fellow believers. King Ahaziah of Israel fell down to the ground and suffered calamity. O vha a tshi nthwela luṱingo tshifhinga tshoṱhe, nahone a tshi ḓa u mmbona uri ndo ṱwa hani. Soon the scene of this world will change completely. He always called me, and he came to see me what I was doing. Vhukuma, u ṱahulela muya wavhuḓi tshivhidzoni zwi ṱoḓa uri muṅwe na muṅwe washu a dzhie vhukando ho teaho, a shumisane na tshigwada tsha vhahulwane nahone a tsireledze vhatendi ngae. ended the morning program. Yes, cultivating a positive spirit in the congregation requires that each of us take the necessary action, cooperate with the body of elders, and protect fellow believers. Hu si kale tshivhumbeo tsha ḽino shango tshi ḓo shanduka tshoṱhe. * Soon the scene of this world will change forever. yo vha yone ya u fhedza kha mbekanyamushumo ya nga matsheloni. In effect, he said that Jehovah had given him a bad wife. It was the last of the morning program. * " I came from a family that showed little love. * Nga maṅwe maipfi, o ri Yehova o mu ṋea musadzi a si wavhuḓi. We are privileged to be part of God's awesome universal organization. In other words, he said that Jehovah gave him a bad wife. Muṅwe muvhali wa wonoyu magazini o ṅwala a ri: "Ndi bva kha muṱa une vhathu vha hone vha sa sumbedzane lufuno. 2: 32 - What does it mean to " call on the name of Jehovah '? A reader of this magazine wrote: "I come from a family where people do not love one another. Ri na ndugelo ya u vha tshipiḓa tsha ndangulo ya Mudzimu ya shango ḽoṱhe. The use of the cross can be traced back to Mesopotamia, to two thousand years before Christ. We have the privilege of being part of God's worldwide organization. 2: 32 - Zwi amba mini u "[vhidzelela, NW] dzina ḽa Yehova "? Understandably, she has sometimes found it difficult to attend congregation meetings. 2: 32 - What does it mean to " call upon the name of Jehovah "? Zwifhambano zwo vha zwi tshi shumiswa Mesopotamia, miṅwahani ya zwigidi zwivhili Yesu a sa athu ḓa kha ḽifhasi. She knew that a showdown was imminent. In Mesopotamia, two thousand years before Jesus came to earth. Nga zwiṅwe zwifhinga zwi a mu konḓela u ya miṱanganoni ya tshivhidzo. I have conquered the world. " - John 16: 33. Sometimes it is difficult for him to attend congregation meetings. A zwi ḓivha uri hu ḓo vha na nndwa hu si kale. Many who have succumbed to pressure to engage in illicit sex agree that there is compelling reason not to do so. There is no doubt that there will soon be a war. Nṋe ndo kunda shango. " - Yohane 16: 33. In the first century C.E., God sent the Christian disciple Philip to intercept an Ethiopian official's chariot and discuss the meaning of a Bible prophecy that the official was reading. I have conquered the world. " - John 16: 33. Vhunzhi ha vhe vha kombetshedzea u ita zwa vhudzekani nga nnḓa ha mbingano nga ṅwambo wa mutsiko vha a tenda uri vho vha vha songo fanela u ita nga u ralo. Christians with the earthly hope also do well in these respects. Many who have been obliged to have sex outside of marriage admit that they should not. Ḓanani ḽa u thoma ḽa miṅwaha C.E., Mudzimu o ruma mufunziwa wa Mukriste ane a pfi Filipo uri a yo ṱangana na munna wa Muetiopia nahone a haseledze nae zwine vhuporofita ha Bivhili ha amba zwone, he a vha a tshi khou vhu vhala. That, too, was a lie. In the first century C.E., God sent a Christian disciple Philip to meet the Ethiopian and to discuss with him what Bible prophecy meant, where he was reading. Na Vhakriste vha re na fulufhelo ḽa u tshila kha ḽifhasi vha na vhukoni kha enea masia. Do I minimize such advice, feeling that it for some reason does not apply to me? Even Christians with an earthly hope have the potential in these areas. Na eneo o vha e mazwifhi. 18, 19. That too was a lie. Naa ndi a nyadza nyeletshedzo yeneyo, khamusi ndi tshi humbula uri nga ṅwambo wa zwiṅwe zwiitisi, nyeletshedzo yeneyo a i nkwami? That is not the case with the spiritual things we produce. Do I ignore that counsel, perhaps thinking that for some reason, it is not the bread? 18, 19. Yet, Jesus also realized that " life means more than food and the body than clothing. ' 18, 19. Zwenezwo a zwo ngo ralo nga ha zwithu zwa muya zwine ra zwi ita tshumeloni ya Mudzimu. In contrast, the scribes and Pharisees did not consider the needs of others. That is not so with spiritual matters that we do in God's service. Naho zwo ralo, Yesu o ṱhogomela uri " vhutshilo ndi ha ndeme u fhira zwiḽiwa nahone muvhili ndi wa ndeme u fhira zwiambaro. ' ; Powell, T. However, Jesus recognized that " life is more important than food and body than clothing. ' U fhambana na zwenezwo, vhamaṅwalo na Vhafarisei vho vha vha sa ṱhogomeli ṱhoḓea dza vhaṅwe. Jehovah promised him a son, but years passed during which he and Sarah had no children. On the contrary, the scribes and Pharisees did not recognize the needs of others. ; Powell T. Have "plenty to do in the work of the Lord. " ; T. Yehova o vha o mu fulufhedzisa u mu ṋea murwa, fhedzi miṅwaha ya ṱanḓulukana ene na Sara vhe si na vhana. " Be in subjection to your own husbands, " he wrote, "in order that, if any are not obedient to the word, they may be won without a word through the conduct of their wives, because of having been eyewitnesses of your chaste conduct together with deep respect. " Jehovah had promised to give him a son, but over the years he and Sarah had no children. " Ni simese u shuma mushumo wa Mudzimu. " Her condition quickly deteriorated, and she died three days later. " Have plenty to do in the work of the Lord. " O ṅwala uri: "Vhasadzi nga vha pfe vhanna vhavho, uri naho vhaṅwe fhungo vhá sa ḽi tendi vha wanale nga kutshilele kwa vhasadzi, vhá songo vhuya vhá ambiwa navho '; Vhó sokou vhona kutshilele kwaṋu kwa u ofha u vha na vhuyaḓa. " Satan tries to influence the thinking of people by providing false information and deceptive propaganda. He wrote: "You wives, be in subjection to your own husbands, in order that, if any are not obedient to the word, they may be won without a word through the conduct of their wives, because of having been eyewitnesses of your chaste conduct together with deep respect. " Vhulwadze honoho ho mbo ḓi ṋaṋa, a mbo ḓi lovha nga murahu ha maḓuvha mararu. She immediately called at the address, but no one was at home. The disease got worse, and he died three days later. Mixa 6: 8: "Hee iwe muthu, wo vhudzwa zwi re zwivhuya. What are the "healthful words " of which Paul spoke? Micah 6: 8: "You yourself, O man, heard what is good. Sathane u lingedza u ṱuṱuwedza mahumbulele a vhathu nga u vha ṋea mafhungo o khakheaho na nga pfunzo dza vhufhura. Do not say everything that you think or feel, even if you are mistreated. Satan tries to influence people's thinking by giving them misleading information and deceptive teachings. O mbo ḓi ya henefho, fhedzi a wana hu si na muthu. During his entire ministry, Jesus lovingly comforted mourning ones, bringing them encouragement and peace of mind. He went there, but he found no one. " Mafhungo a sa lwaliho " e Paulo a amba nga hao ndi afhio? This is because such celebrations focus too much attention on the individual and the only birthdays of Bible record are those of rulers who did not serve God. - Genesis 40: 20; Matthew 14: 6 - 10. What were "the pattern of healthful words " that Paul mentioned? Ni songo amba tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe tshine na tshi humbula kana maḓipfele, naho ni sa khou fariwa zwavhuḓi. But olive trees have been known to sprout again even after being cut down. Do not say anything you think or feel, even if you are not being treated properly. Tshifhingani tsha vhuḓinḓa hawe, Yesu o khuthadza vhathu vha lilaho, a vha ṱuṱuwedza nahone a vha ita uri vha vhe na mulalo wa ngelelo. When opposition comes upon individual Christians from family members, it is quite different. During his ministry, Jesus comforted mourning ones, encouraged them, and gave them inner peace. Hezwi ndi nga ṅwambo wa uri u pembelela ho raloho hu livhisa ṱhogomela nga maanḓa kha muthu nahone maḓuvha a mabebo o ṅwaliwaho Bivhilini ndi a vhavhusi fhedzi vhe vha si shumele Mudzimu. - Genesi 40: 20; Mateo 14: 6 - 10. Remember, though, even the perfect man Jesus was betrayed by someone he trusted and loved. This is because such celebrations focus much on a person, and only the days of birth in the Bible are those who have not served God. - Genesis 40: 20; Matthew 14: 6 - 10. Fhedzi hu ḓivhiwa uri muṱwari u a dovha wa simuwa musi wo remiwa. In addition, certain articles have offered Scriptural suggestions as well as practical advice on how to live with chronic health problems. But it is known that the olive tree grows again when it is cut down. Musi Vhakriste vha tshi pikiswa nga miraḓo ya muṱa wavho, zwi a konḓa vhukuma. At times, God changes his attitude toward people. When Christians experience opposition from family members, it is difficult. Naho zwo ralo, humbulani uri na Yesu muthu o fhelelaho o ambululwa nga muthu ane a mu fulufhela na u mu funa. Make the decision. Remember, though, that even the perfect man Jesus was betrayed by someone who trusted and loved him. Zwiṅwe hafhu, dziṅwe thero dzi na nyeletshedzo dza Maṅwalo nga ha nḓila ine ra nga tshila ngayo na vhuleme vhuhulwane ha mutakalo. Sa tsumbo, khandiso ya Awake! Even though I walk in the valley of deep shadow, I fear nothing bad, for you are with me; your rod and your staff are the things that comfort me. " - Psalm 23: 1, 2, 4. Also, some articles have Scriptural counsel on how to live with serious health problems, for example, Awake! Nga zwiṅwe zwifhinga, Mudzimu u a shandula mavhonele awe nga ha vhathu. In the preceding article, we learned that a missionary is one who is sent as an evangelizer - one who brings good news to others. At times, God changes his view of people. Itani phetho. Today, Ibarra has six Spanish - speaking congregations, one Quichua - speaking congregation, and one sign - language congregation. Make decisions. Naho ndi tshi tshimbila govhani ḽa dunzi ḽa lufu, a thi ofhi vhuvhi, ngauri U na nṋe; thonga yau na mbaḓa yau ndi zwone zwi mphumudzaho. " - Psalme ya 23: 1, 2, 4. First, he asked Peter if he knew that God has a personal name and asked him to read it directly from the Bible at Psalm 83: 18. Although I walk in the valley of deep shadow, I am not afraid of evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff are what you are. " - Psalm 23: 1, 2, 4. Theroni yo fhiraho, ro guda uri murumiwa ndi muthu ane a rumiwa sa muevangeli - muthu ane a vhudza vhaṅwe mafhungo maḓifha. 43: 6. In the preceding article, we learned that a missionary is someone who is sent as an evangelizer - someone who shares the good news with others. Ṋamusi, ḓoroboni ya Ibarra hu na zwivhidzo zwa rathi zwa luambo lwa Lupania, na tshithihi tsha Luquichua, na tshiṅwe tsha luambo lwa zwanḓa. (b) When we are choosing entertainment, how can we know what is pleasing to Jehovah? Today, there are six Spanish - speaking congregations in the city of Ie, one of the world's native languages, and one sign language. Tsha u thoma, o vhudzisa Peter arali a tshi ḓivha uri Mudzimu u na dzina nahone a humbela uri a ḽi vhale nga ho livhaho Bivhilini kha Psalme ya 83: 18. As a perfect man, Jesus did not face inherited death as we all do. First, he asked Peter if he knew that God had a name and asked him to read it directly in the Bible at Psalm 83: 18. 43: 6. Still, there is no doubt that the Passover was a major event in God's dealings with Israel, and it provides instructive lessons for each of us. 43: 6. (b) Musi ri tshi khetha vhuḓimvumvusi, ri nga ḓivha hani zwine zwa takadza Yehova? [ Footnote] (b) When choosing recreation, how can we know what pleases Jehovah? Samusi e muthu o fhelelaho, lufu lwa Yesu lwo vha lu si lwa u tou mamelwa u fana na lwashu. God's purpose was that humans would live on earth forever amid Paradise conditions. As a perfect man, Jesus ' death was not like ours. Zwiṅwe hafhu, a zwi timatimisi uri Paseka yo vha i tshiitea tsha ndeme tshee Mudzimu a vha a tshi shumisana ngatsho na Vhaisiraele, nahone tshi ṋea muṅwe na muṅwe washu ngudo dza ndeme. There were trees to fell, logs to haul, and beams to hew, shape, and join. Moreover, the Passover was without question an important event in which God dealt with the Israelites, giving each of us valuable lessons. [ Ṱhaluso i re magumoni a siaṱari] A number of the apocryphal books are attributed to Bible characters but falsely so. [ Footnote] Ndivho ya Mudzimu yo vha i ya uri vhathu vha fanela u tshila kha ḽifhasi nga hu sa fheli fhasi ha zwiimo zwa Paradiso. Be assured that you can find healthy forms of recreation and good entertainment. God purposed that humans should live forever on earth under Paradise conditions. Vho vha vha tshi tea u rema miri, u hwala madanda na u a vhaḓa uri a vhe mapala nahone nga murahu vha a ṱanganya. Perhaps you wonder: " Is it really possible for a mere human to have a close relationship with Almighty God? They had to cut down trees, carry them, and pulled them onto a map, and then covered them. Bugu nnzhi dza mazwifhi dzo ṅwala nga ha pfaneleo dza vhabvumbedzwa vha Bivhilini nga nḓila i si yone. Yes, " knowledge can become pleasant to our soul. ' - Prov. Many false books have written about the qualities of Bible characters in a similar way. Zwi a konadzea u ḓimvumvusa na u ḓitakadza nga zwithu zwi vhuyedzaho. • How can we allow God's word to remain in our heart? It is possible for recreation and recreation to be beneficial. Khamusi ni ḓivhudzisa uri: " Naa zwi a konadzea uri muthu a vhe na vhushaka ha tsini na Mudzimu Ramaanḓaoṱhe? Why is it appropriate to consider your willingness to forgive? Perhaps you wonder: " Is it really possible for a person to have a close relationship with Almighty God? Ndi ngoho uri " nḓivho i ḓo ri takadza. ' - Mir. Years before, from a window at his high school, Tony had observed José and Rose regularly going out in field service. Indeed, "the knowledge of knowledge will please us. " - Prov. • Ri nga tendela hani ipfi ḽa Mudzimu ḽi tshi dzula mbiluni dzashu? Following this divine counsel can result in a successful family life. • How can we let God's word remain in our heart? Ndi ngani zwo tea uri ni ṱolisise arali ni muthu o ḓiimiselaho u hangwela vhaṅwe? How did he use those captives, so to speak? Why is it appropriate to examine whether you are willing to forgive others? Musi Tony a tshi kha ḓi dzhena tshikolo, o vha a tshi vhona José na Rose vha tshi ya vhuḓinḓani tshifhinga tshoṱhe. We would also not lie or cheat, even if an employer demands that we do so. - Acts 15: 29; Revelation 21: 8. While Tony was still attending school, he could see José and Rose regularly share in the ministry. U tevhela yeneyi nyeletshedzo ya Mudzimu zwi ḓo ita uri vhutshilo ha muṱa vhu vhe vhu bvelelaho. However, that does not mean that we should refuse to change a decision once we have made it. Following this divine counsel will make family life more successful. Dzenedzo phuli dza lwa pfanyisedzo o dzi ṋea mushumo ufhio? Myanmar's Cyclone Victims Found Relief What assignment did those symbolic slaves give? Ri nga si zwifhe kana u fhura, naho mutholi a tshi ṱoḓa uri ri ite nga u ralo. - Mishumo 15: 29; Ndzumbululo 21: 8. How can you help them to build a strong faith? We cannot lie or deceive ourselves, even if the employer wants us to do so. - Acts 15: 29; Revelation 21: 8. Naho zwo ralo, zwenezwo a zwi ambi uri a ro fanela u shandula phetho ye ra vhuya ra i dzhia. Nearly 4,000 years ago, Esau and his twin brother, Jacob, were born to Isaac and Rebekah. However, that does not mean that we have to change a decision we have ever made. Vhathu Vhe Vha Kwamiwa Nga Ḓumbumazwikule Ngei Myanmar Vho Wana Thuso Cute, playful, and extremely inquisitive, he moves about freely, walking on our papers, snatching our pens, sticking his little paws into our shirt pockets in search of a treat. Those Who Could Not Give Up in Those Who Could Have Help Ni nga vha thusa hani uri vha ḓifhaṱele lutendo lwo khwaṱhaho? Political alliances and idols are " unrealities. ' How can you help them build strong faith? Miṅwaha i ṱoḓaho u vha 4 000 yo fhiraho, Isaka na Rebeka vho vha na vhana vha mafhaṱa, Esau na Yakobo. Have you ever doubted whether you will enter the new world? Nearly 4,000 years ago, Isaac and Rebekah had offspring, Esau and Jacob. Kwo naka, ku a tambesa, nahone ku funesa zwithu, ku ya huṅwe na huṅwe hune kwa ṱoḓa, ku tshimbila kha mabammbiri ashu, ku ri dzhavhulela zwa u ṅwala, ku dzhenisa - dzhenisa vhuḓanḓa hakwo kha zwikwama zwa hemmbe dzashu, ku tshi sedza zwithu zwine kwa nga zwi wana. In Proverbs chapter 3, we find this admonition: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. The beauty, the beauty, the beauty, and the likes, go wherever they want, walk on our paper, pulled us up, putting us onto the back, and putting a piece of paper into our bags, and looked for things that they could find. Pfano dza politiki na midzimu ya zwifanyiso ndi "mahandana. " (b) What are some things marriage mates can do to strengthen their bond as "one flesh "? These political and idols are "a valueless thing. " Naa no no vhuya na timatima nga ha u dzhena shangoni ḽiswa? Most important, after you meditate on what you have read, strive to apply it. Have you ever questioned whether you could enter the new world? Kha Mirero ndima ya 3, ri wana nyeletshedzo i tevhelaho: "Fulufhedza Mudzimu nga mbilu yau yoṱhe; U songo ḓi - tika nga u ri: Ndi a ṱalukanya. SONGS TO BE USED: 58, 216 In Proverbs chapter 3, we find this admonition: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. (b) Ndi zwifhio zwiṅwe zwithu zwine vhavhingani vha nga zwi ita u itela u khwaṱhisa mbofho yavho sa "ṋama nthihi "? Some years ago, a full - time minister named Nancy found herself in a predicament. (b) What are some things a couple can do to strengthen their bond as "one flesh "? Tsha ndeme vhukuma ndi uri musi no no fhedza u elekanya nga zwe na zwi vhala, lwelani u zwi shumisa. She woke up several hours later and found that she had been raped by her so - called friend. - Compare Genesis 34: 2. Most important, when you finish meditating on what you read, strive to apply it. NYIMBO DZI SHUMISWAHO: 28 [58], 56 [216] As indicated at Psalm 112: 1, these true Christians experience great happiness as they walk "in fear of Jehovah. " SONGS TO BE USED: 28, 56 Miṅwahani yo fhiraho, muṅwe muvulanḓila wa tshifhinga tsho ḓalaho ane a pfi Nancy o vha e kha vhuleme vhu konḓaho vhukuma. Why Our Lives Have Real Meaning (P. Some years ago, a regular pioneer named Nancy was in a very difficult situation. O vuwa nga murahu ha awara dzo vhalaho nahone a wana uri o tzhipiwa nga muthu onoyo we a vha a tshi mu dzhia sa khonani yawe. - Vhambedzani Genesi 34: 2. Paul counsels Christians not to avenge themselves but to "yield place to the wrath. " He got up some hours later and found that he was attacked by the other person who considered him his friend. - Compare Genesis 34: 2. Samusi zwo sumbedzwa kha Psalme ya 112: 1, Vhakriste vhenevha vha ngoho vha wana dakalo ḽihulwane musi vha tshi tshimbila nga u "ofha Yehova. " HOW WOULD YOU EXPLAIN? As shown at Psalm 112: 1, these true Christians find great joy as they walk in "the fear of Jehovah. " Khunyeledzani Mushumo Waṋu Sa Muevangeli, 5 / 15 Although these halls are not elaborate, they are attractive, practical, and comfortable. 5 / 1 Paulo o eletshedza Vhakriste uri vha si ḓilifhedzele, fhedzi vha " ṋee mbiti nḓila. ' In fact, an antidote for sadness is to engage in activities that bring happiness. Paul counseled Christians not to be misled but to "give them wrath. " NI NGA ṰALUTSHEDZA HANI? Those obstinate calf worshipers did not change. HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? Naho dzenedzo holo dzi songo serekana, ndi dzavhuḓi, nahone dzi a shumisea. (b) What questions arise? Though the hall is not complex, it is good, even useful. Zwi re zwone ndi uri, u itela u lwisana na u ṱungufhala hashu, ri fanela u ita mishumo ine ya ri ḓisela dakalo. It brings joy to all those who share in it and glory to Jehovah. In fact, to fight discouragement, we must do works that bring us joy. Vhenevho vhagwadameli vha ṋamana vha re na tshipimbi a vho ngo shanduka. " My kingdom is no part of this world, " Jesus said to the Roman ruler Pontius Pilate. Those stubborn calf worshippers did not change. (b) Hu takuwa mbudziso dzifhio? To understand the difference, let us consider first the meaning of the expression "kingdom of God. " (b) What questions arise? " Ndi zwone ivhani vha - edzisa - Mudzimu sa vhana vha funwaho. Because Revelation is a book of prophecy, not history. " Become imitators of God, as beloved children. Yesu o vhudza muvhusi wa Roma Pontio Pilato uri: "Muvhuso wanga a si wa shango ḽino. " Henceforth, then, Jesus ' followers would handle hatred and persecution the way Jesus did - fearlessly but peaceably. Jesus told the Roman governor Pontius Pilate: "My kingdom is no part of this world. " U itela u pfesesa phambano ine ya vha hone, kha ri thome ri ṱhogomele zwine mubulo une wa ri "muvhuso wa Mudzimu " wa amba zwone. Jacob grappled with an angel to get Jehovah's blessing. To understand the difference, let us first consider the meaning of the expression "the kingdom of God. " Nga ṅwambo wa uri Ndzumbululo ndi bugu ya vhuporofita, hu si ya ḓivhazwakale. One of the teachers of the course, Professor Diego Gracia, regularly organizes a prestigious master's course in ethics for Spanish doctors and has become a firm supporter of our right to informed consent in the matter of blood transfusions. Because Revelation is a book of prophecy, not historical. Ngauralo, u bva tsheetsho, vhatevheli vha Yesu vho vha vha tshi ḓo sedzana na vengo na u tovholwa nga nḓila ye Yesu a sedzana ngayo nazwo - vha sa ofhi, fhedzi nga mulalo. One of Eliashib's grandsons was married to the daughter of Sanballat, governor of Samaria, who was one of Tobiah's closest associates. From then on, Jesus ' followers would face hatred and persecution as Jesus did - not fear but in peace. Yakobo o ita tsimbe na muruṅwa u itela uri Yehova a mu fhaṱutshedze. Individual Israelites of Isaiah's day were "witnesses " of Jehovah, and the nation as a whole was God's" servant. " Jacob joined the angel in order to have Jehovah's blessing. Muṅwe wa vhagudisi vha yeneyo khoso, ndi Muphurofesa Diego Gracia, tshifhinga tshoṱhe o vha a tshi dzudzanya khoso dza milayo ya zwa ngalafho dza vhuimo ha nṱha dzine ha gudiswa madokotela a Spain nahone o vha a tshi tikedza vhukuma ndugelo dzashu dza mafhungo a u sa shelwa malofha. " But we met young people who were working hard for Jehovah and enjoying it! One of the instructors in the course was Professor have always organized medical procedures taught doctors in Spain and has been very supportive of our rights as blood transfusions. (Neh. 6: 17 - 19) Muṅwe wa vhaḓuhulu vha Eliasibi o vha o vhinga ṅwananyana wa Sanebalati, muvhusi wa Samaria, we a vha e muṅwe wa khonani dza tsini dza Tobiya. (Neh. In contrast, what Jesus spoke was not of his own originality; he stuck to God's word, or message. One of the descendants of Tobiah was married to the daughter of Jehovah, the governor of Samaria, who was one of the close friends of Tobiah. Vhaisiraele vha misini ya Yesaya vho vha vhe "dziṱhanzi " dza Yehova, nahone lushaka lwoṱhe lwo vha lu" vhalanda " vha Mudzimu. We can thus find joy in helping others to have the law of the Christ written in their hearts. The Israelites in Isaiah's day were "the very ones " of Jehovah, and the whole nation was God's" servants. " Fhedzi musi ri henefho ro ṱangana na vhaṅwe vhaswa vhe vha vha vha tshi khou shumela Yehova nga maanḓa avho oṱhe nahone vha tshi khou ḓiphina nga mushumo wavho! We honor our Father and show that we really mean it when we pray: "Let your name be sanctified. But there we met other young people who were serving Jehovah with their whole strength and enjoying their work! Zwo fhambanaho na zwenezwo, zwe Yesu a zwi amba zwo vha zwi sa bvi khae; o vha a tshi funza ipfi kana mulaedza wa Mudzimu tshifhinga tshoṱhe. Jesus warned: "Keep your eyes open and guard against every sort of covetousness, because even when a person has an abundance his life does not result from the things he possesses. " In contrast, Jesus ' words did not originate with him; he always taught God's word or message. Nga zwenezwo ri nga wana dakalo nga u thusa vhaṅwe u itela uri mulayo wa Kristo u ṅwalwe mbiluni dzavho. It is good for us to remember that in the first century, genuine Christians were hated by many - if not the majority - of their contemporaries. We can thus find happiness in helping others so that the law of the Christ is recorded in their hearts. Ri hulisa Khotsi ashu nahone ri rabela zwi tshi bva mbiluni musi ri tshi ri: "Dzina ḽau nga ḽi itwe ḽikhethwa. What would that involve? We honor our Father and pray fervently: "Let your name be sanctified. Yesu o sevha: "Fhaṱuwani, ni thanyele vhuvhuḓu hoṱhe, ngauri muthu ha tshili nga zwiné a vha nazwo ' zwa vha zwinzhi. " But he was still showing that "the peace of God " was with him. - Phil. Jesus warned: "Keep your eyes open and guard against every sort of covetousness, because even when a person has an abundance his life does not result from the things he possesses. " Ndi zwavhuḓi u humbula uri ḓanani ḽa u thoma ḽa miṅwaha, Vhakriste vha vhukuma vho vha vha tshi vhengiwa nga vhunzhi ha vhathu vhe vha vha vha tshi tshila navho. In what way was Paul an imitator of Christ? It is good to remember that in the first century, true Christians were hated by many of the people around them. Zwenezwo zwo vha zwi tshi ḓo katela mini? Assembled at the Place Called Armageddon What would that involve? Fhedzi o bvela phanḓa a tshi sumbedza uri u na "mulalo wa Mudzimu. " - Vhafil. Names have been changed. But he continued to prove that he has "the peace of God. " - Phil. Paulo o edzisa Kristo nga nḓila ifhio? When I told him, he urged me: "Yes, get right into the full - time ministry. In what way did Paul imitate Christ? U Kuvhanganywa Fhethu Hune Ha Pfi Haramagedo " None of the wicked will understand; but those having insight will understand. " Finding the Place of Armageddon Madzina o shandulwa. The apostle Paul used the metaphor of a runner in a race in his letter to Christians living in Corinth, a city renowned for athletic contests. Names have been changed. Musi ndi tshi mu vhudza, o nṱuṱuwedza a ri: "Ee, dzhenelani vhuḓinḓa ha tshifhinga tsho ḓalaho. For example, God intended to exterminate the Israelites when they made a golden calf, but he let Moses entreat Him to reconsider His decision. - Ex. When I told her, she urged me: "Yes, enter the full - time ministry. Bivhili i ri: "Vhavhi vhoṱhe a vha nga ṱalukanyi; vhaḽa [vha] ṱhalukanyo vha ḓo ṱalukanya. " These are pounded into a powder and are often mixed with such substances as spices, tree bark, and flowers to create certain fragrances for specific applications. The Bible says: "All those having insight will not understand, but those having insight will understand. " Kha vhurifhi hawe he a vhu ṅwalela Vhakriste vha muḓini wa ngei Korinta we wa vha u tshi ḓivhelwa mitambo, muapostola Paulo o shumisa tshifanyiso tsha mugidimi a re kha mbambe. With Evelyn today In his letter to Christians in Corinth, renowned for sports, the apostle Paul used an illustration of a runner in the race. Sa tsumbo, Mudzimu o vha a tshi ṱoḓa u fhelisa Vhaisiraele ngauri vho ita ṋamana ya musuku, fhedzi o pfa Mushe a tshi mu humbela uri a shandule phetho yawe. - Ek. (Leviticus 16: 1 - 27: 34) For example, God wanted to destroy Israel because they had made a golden calf, but he heard Moses ask him to change his decision. - Ex. Zwenezwi zwi a sinḓiwa zwa vha vhukhopfu nahone kanzhi zwi a ṱanganyiswa na zwithu zwi ngaho zwidohodohwane, makwati a muri, na maluvha u itela uri hu vhe na munukho une wa shumiselwa muṅwe mushumo. When I first saw him in his assignment, he was the only overseer in a tiny congregation. This is a flour, and it is often mixed with such items as thedodododododoo, the fruit of a tree, and the flowers for use. Ndi na Evelyn ṋamusi As we prayerfully meditate on God's Word, we will feel motivated to apply its counsel even more fully. With Evelyn today (Levitiko 16: 1 - 27: 34) How did this apply to God's dealings with the people of Israel and Judah? (Compare 16: 1 - 27: 34) Musi ndi tshi mu vhona lwa u thoma e tsimuni, ho vha hu ene mulavhelesi e eṱhe tshivhidzoni tshiṱuku. Would this response be better? When I first saw him in the ministry, he was the only overseer in a small congregation. Musi ri tshi elekanya na u rabela nga ha zwine ra zwi guda Ipfini ḽa Mudzimu, zwi ḓo ri ṱuṱuwedza uri ri shumise zwe ra zwi guda nga ho engedzeaho. 9: 20. When we meditate and pray about what we learn from God's Word, it will motivate us to apply what we learn further. Zwenezwi zwo vha zwi tshi tshimbidzana hani na nḓila ye Mudzimu a shumisana ngayo na vhathu vha Isiraele na Yuda? But later, as I did some research on the apostates ' arguments against Jehovah's Witnesses, I became aware of how crafty the false teachers were. How was this related to God's dealings with Israel and Judah? Naa phindulo yeneyo ndi yavhuḓi? They held my hand, so to speak, as I clumsily took my first steps when I began in the ministry. Is that the answer good? 9: 20. The answers to those questions may show how close your relationship with Jehovah is. 9: 20. Fhedzi nga murahu musi ndi tshi ita dziṅwe ṱhoḓisiso nga ha zwine vhagunei vha zwi hanedza nga ha Ṱhanzi dza Yehova, ndo zwi ṱhogomela uri ndo vha ndi tshi khou fhurwa nga pfunzo dza mazwifhi. ▪ Keep in Expectation! But then, when I did something about what apostates opposed about Jehovah's Witnesses, I realized that I was being deceived by false teachings. Vho nthusa musi ndi tshi thoma u huwelela. See chapter 30, "Am I Ready for Marriage? " They helped me when I started preaching. Phindulo dza dzenedzo mbudziso dzi nga sumbedza nḓila ine vhushaka haṋu na Yehova ha vha ha tsini ngayo. Rejoicing Over "Victory With the Lamb " (C. The answers to such questions may reveal how close your relationship with Jehovah is. ▪ Dzulani No Lindela! Similarly, the chief priests, scribes, and older men made fun of him and said: "Others he saved; himself he cannot save! ▪ Prove Yourself Ready! Sedzani ndima ya 30, ine ya ri "Am I Ready for Marriage? " Like Christ, we can help to lighten their load. See chapter 30, "Why Do I Read Marriage? " Nga hu fanaho, na vhaṅwe vhotshifhe vhahulu, vhamaṅwalo, na vhahulwane vha mu shonedza vha ri: "Vhaṅwe o vha a tshi vha tshidza, u ḓi - tshidza u a kundwa. ; Ferguson, D. Similarly, other chief priests, scribes, and elders were disappointed to him: "Some kept saving them, and he rescues them. U fana na Kristo, ri nga vha thusa nga u vha leludzela muhwalo wavho. Maintain good communication in your marriage Like Christ, we can help them with their load. ; Ferguson, D. Look Beyond Outward Appearances, June ; day, D. U ḓikukumusa zwi nga kwama hani mbingano? A similar shocking end will come to the symbolic harlot who has the name "Babylon the Great. " How can pride affect a marriage? U Sa Sedza Mbonalo Ya Nga Nnḓa, June Sometimes the seeds of truth take many years to germinate. Not Looking Up on Health Things, June Yeneyo ndozwo i ofhisaho i ḓo itea kha phombwe ya pfanyisedzo ine ya vhidzwa "Babele ḽihulu. " Psalm 37: 9 states: "Those hoping in Jehovah will possess the earth. " That fear - inspiring destruction will happen to a symbolic harlot called "Babylon the Great. " 11: 6) Nga zwiṅwe zwifhinga mbeu dza mafhungo - ngoho dzi dzhia tshifhinga tshilapfu u mela mbiluni yavho. 5, 6. (a) The apostles ' advocating the resurrection prompted what reaction? Sometimes the seeds of truth take time to grow in their heart. Psalme ya 37: 9 i ri: "Vha lindelaho Yehova ndi vhone vhaṋe vha haya. " For more information on what the Bible says about loyal and disloyal angels, see chapter 10 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Psalm 37: 9 states: "Those hoping in Jehovah are the ones that will possess the earth. " 5, 6. (a) U imelela ha muapostola mvuwo zwo ṱuṱuwedza mavhonele afhio? This was not because of the city's appearance. 5, 6. (a) What attitude did the apostle's defense of the resurrection influence? U itela u wana mafhungo o engedzeaho nga ha zwine Bivhili ya zwi amba nga ha vharuṅwa vha fulufhedzeaho na vha sa fulufhedzei, sedzani ndima ya 10 ya bugu Bivhili I Funza Mini Zwa Vhukuma? " The time left is reduced. " - 1 COR. For more information on what the Bible says about faithful and unfaithful angels, see chapter 10 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Hezwi ho vha hu si nga ṅwambo wa mbonalo ya muḓi. We certainly need faith in God, not doubting his willingness and ability to help us to be wise. This was not because of the appearance of the city. " Tshifhinga tshi iteaho tsho no kuvhanganela hupfufhi. " - 1 VHA - KOR. We should worship only Jehovah. - Read Revelation 4: 11. " The time left is reduced. " - 1 COR. Vhukuma, ri fanela u vha na lutendo kha Mudzimu, ri tshi fulufhela uri u ḓo ri thusa na u ri ṋea vhuṱali ha u dzhia phetho dzavhuḓi. Finally, after much prayer, I explained everything to my father. Yes, we must have faith in God, trusting that he will help us and give us the wisdom to make good decisions. Ri fanela u gwadamela Yehova e eṱhe. - Vhalani Nzumbululo 4: 11. One day at Mass, the priest warned his parishioners to "keep away from the false prophet Danner. " We must worship Jehovah alone. - Read Revelation 4: 11. Mafheleloni musi ndo no rabela, ndo ṱalutshedza khotsi anga zwoṱhe. It was the last time that the man Jesus would do that with his apostles. Finally, after I prayed, I explained everything to my father. Nga ḽiṅwe ḓuvha kerekeni ya Katolika, mufunzi o sevha vhane vha dzhena kereke yawe uri vha "songo sendela tsini ha Danner, muporofita wa mazwifhi. " The final symposium of the convention had the theme "The Quality of Our Faith Tested by Various Trials. " One day in the Catholic church, the priest warned his church not to "draw close to [his church], a false prophet. " Ho vha hu lwa u fhedza Yesu a tshi ita zwenezwo na vhaapostola vhawe. When people look at us, they just see our colour. " This was the last time that Jesus did with his apostles. Nyambo ya u fhedza ya mutevheṱhaḓu ya buthano yo vha i na tshiṱoho tshi no ri: "U Khwaṱha Ha Lutendo Lwashu Hu Lingwa Nga Nḓila Dzo Fhamba - fhambanaho. " My family life was completely transformed by Bible teachings that pointed out my responsibilities as a husband and father. The last part of the convention's program was entitled "Your Faith Strengthened in various Ways. " Musi vhathu vha tshi ri lavhelesa, vha livhisa ṱhogomelo kha lukanda lwashu fhedzi. " In contrast, those who sleep spiritually may be very busy - but not with spiritual matters. When people look at us, they focus only on our skin. " Pfunzo dza Bivhili dzo shandula muṱa wanga lwa tshoṱhe nga u ntsumbedza vhuḓifhinduleli hanga sa munna na khotsi. On the other hand, in some cases being overweight is the result of an ailment, or hereditary factors may contribute to obesity. Bible teachings have completely changed my family by showing me my responsibility as husband and father. Fhedzi vhathu vho eḓelaho nga lwa muya vha nga kha ḓi vha vho farakanea nga maanḓa, hu si nga zwithu zwa muya. A Christian couple considering the use of an IUD might discuss with a qualified medical professional the IUD products available locally as well as possible benefits and risks to the wife. But those who are spiritually asleep may be very busy, not spiritually. Nga zwiṅwe zwifhinga, u vha na muvhili muhulwane zwi itiswa nga vhulwadze, kana nga zwe muthu a tou zwi mamela. They had doubts, insecurities, and weaknesses but "were made powerful " by God's spirit to face challenges. At times, having a large body is caused by illness, or it is because of what a person has inherited. Onoyo dokotela a nga vha vhudza hune vha nga wana hone IUD tsini na hune vha dzula hone u katela na mbuyelo dzine vha nga dzi wana na khombo ine ya nga vha hone kha mufumakadzi. SONGS: 81, 135 The doctor may tell them where to find IUDs near their area as well as the benefits and danger that a woman may have. Vho vha vha tshi timatima, vha tshi ḓipfa vha sa fanelei nahone vhe na vhushayanungo, fhedzi muya wa Mudzimu wo vha " fha maanḓa ' a u sedzana na khaedu. Church and State promoted apostate Christianity and tried to drown out the voice of wheatlike Christians. They questioned, felt unworthy and weak, but God's spirit was "a strengthening aid " to deal with challenges. NYIMBO: 81, 135 If we were to discuss matters from that standpoint, though, we would not be weighing all the evidence impartially. SONGS: 81, 135 Kereke na Muvhuso zwo ṱuṱuwedza uri hu vhe na vhagunei nahone vho lingedza u kunga Vhakriste vhe vha vha vha tshi fanyiswa na goroi. I have a positive outlook on life. Church and State promoted apostates and tried to entice Christians who were likened to wheat. Naho zwo ralo, arali ra nga haseledza mafhungo enea ri na mavhonele o raloho, ri ḓo vha ri sa khou shumisa vhuṱanzi hoṱhe vhu re hone nga ho teaho. According to Psalm 15: 3, 5, what does God require of us if we are to enjoy his friendship? However, if we discuss this matter with a similar attitude, we would not be using all the facts accurately. Ndi na mavhonele avhuḓi vhutshiloni. Sometimes we, like Jehoshaphat, may not know what to do, even being afraid. I have a positive outlook on life. U ya nga Psalme ya 15: 3, 5, ndi mini zwine Mudzimu a zwi lavhelela kha riṋe arali ri tshi ṱoḓa u vha khonani dzawe? Day Three Theme: "Do All Things for God's Glory " According to Psalm 15: 3, 5, what does God expect of us if we are to be his friends? U fana na Yosafati, nga zwiṅwe zwifhinga ri nga kha ḓi sa ḓivha zwine ra fanela u zwi ita nahone ri nga ofha. This, in turn, opens up the prospect of being completely liberated from enslavement to sin and death. Like Jehoshaphat, we may at times not know what to do and may fear. Tshiṱoho Tsha Ḓuvha Ḽa Vhuraru: " Zwoṱhe Ni Zwi Ite Lune Mudzimu A Ḓo Ṋewa Vhugala ' Although we cannot see them, we can imagine them and have faith that they will happen. - 2 Corinthians 4: 18. Day Three: "Do All Things for God's Glory " Zwenezwi zwi ri ṋea tshibuli tsha u vhofhololwa lwa tshoṱhe vhupulini ha tshivhi na lufu. Jesus often told his disciples that he loved them. This gives us the opportunity to be completely free from bondage to sin and death. Naho ri sa koni u zwi vhona, fhedzi ri nga zwi vhona nga maṱo a muhumbulo nahone ra vha na lutendo lwa uri zwi ḓo itea. - 2 Vhakorinta 4: 18. Jehovah is gracious and kind to us, especially when we are downhearted and discouraged. Although we cannot see it, we can imagine it and have faith that it will happen. - 2 Corinthians 4: 18. Kanzhi Yesu o vha a tshi vhudza vhafunziwa vhawe uri u a vha funa. PAGE 17 • SONGS: 109, 18 Jesus often told his disciples that he loved them. (Ps. 73: 13, 16, 17) Yehova u ri sumbedza khathutshelo na vhuthu, zwihuluhulu musi ro ṱungufhala na u kulea nungo. (Ek. After the birth and weaning of Samuel, Hannah presented him to Jehovah for sacred service at the tabernacle. Jehovah shows us mercy and kindness, especially when we are sad and discouraged. SIAṰARI 17 • NYIMBO: 109, 18 Do you know why Jesus said: "Stop judging "? PAGE 17 • SONGS: 109, 18 Musi Samuele o no bebwa na u lumulwa, Hanna o mu kumedzela kha Yehova u itela uri a ite tshumelo khethwa nḓuni khethwa. Paul could only identify his quotations with such words as "just as it is written " or" just as Isaiah foretold. " After Samuel was born and killed, Hannah presented him to Jehovah for sacred service at the sanctuary. Naa ni a ḓivha uri ndi ngani Yesu o ri: "Ni songo haṱula "? To illustrate: When Joshua was commissioned to lead the Israelites against powerful enemy nations, Moses told the people: "Be courageous and strong. Do you know why Jesus said: "Stop judging "? Musi Paulo a tshi redza maipfi awe, o vha a tshi ri, "samusi ho ṅwalwa " kana" zwe Yesaya a dzula o amba. " Therefore, we need to be vigilant to identify and root out materialistic desires in our heart. When Paul quotes his words, he says, "These are written " or" just as Isaiah foretold. " Ri tshi tou fanyisa: Musi Yoshua a tshi ṋewa ndaela ya u ranga phanḓa Vhaisiraele vha tshi ya u lwa na maswina avho a re na maanḓa, Mushe o vhudza vhathu a ri: "Itani nga maanḓa nó fulufhela. Baptism for the dead, 10 / 1 To illustrate: When Joshua was commanded to lead the Israelites into battle against powerful enemies, Moses told the people: "Be courageous and strong. Nga zwenezwo, ri fanela u fhaṱuwa u itela u ṱalula na u bvisa tshoṱhe nyemulo dza u funesa zwithu zwi vhonalaho mbiluni dzashu. Thereafter no car came along, and I walked for about ten hours and covered over 25 miles [40 km]. Hence, we must be alert to identify and root out materialistic desires in our heart. Nga murahu a ho ngo tsha dovha ha ḓa goloi, nahone nda tshimbila awara dzi ṱoḓaho u vha fumi, khilomithara dzi fhiraho 40. I objected to this because I felt that such literature could be worded in a way that sounded correct yet might not be. Then he did not come into the car again, and I walked about ten hours, about 40 miles (100 km) away. A tho ngo tshi takalela ngauri ndo vhona u nga tsho ṅwalwa nga maipfi ane a pfala u nga ndi ngoho ngeno e si ngoho. Peter continued: "The heavens and the earth that are now are stored up for fire and are being reserved to the day of judgment and of destruction of the ungodly men. " - 2 Peter 3: 3 - 7. I did not like it because I felt that it was written in words that seemed to be true while it was not true. Petro o bvela phanḓa nga uri: "Maṱaḓulu a zwino na ḽifhasi zwo ro vhulungwa nga ipfi ḽawe, zwi tshee zwó londolwa, hu vhuye hu swike mulilo wa ḓuvha ḽa khaṱhulo ḽa u lovha ha vhathu vha sa ofhiho Mudzimu. " - 2 Petro 3: 3 - 7. We do not consider more material than he can grasp. Peter continues: "The heavens and the earth that are now are stored up for fire and are being reserved to the day of judgment and of destruction of the ungodly men. " - 2 Peter 3: 3 - 7. A ri ṱanganyi mafhungo manzhi ane a sa ḓo kona u a pfesesa. As the foremost upholder of Jehovah's sovereignty, God's Son became the chief object of Satan's hostility. We do not look at a lot of information that will not be able to understand. Samusi o vha e mutikedzi muhulwane wa vhuvhusahoṱhe ha Yehova, Murwa wa Mudzimu o vhengiwa vhukuma nga Sathane. Rachel, a sister in Brazil, says: "I loved to follow the world's fashions. As the foremost Head of Jehovah's sovereignty, God's Son was bitterly hated by Satan. Muṅwe wahashu wa tshifumakadzini ane a pfi Rachel wa ngei Brazil, o ri: "Ndo vha ndi tshi funesa u tevhela fesheni dza ḽino shango. Many leave behind a marriage mate and children. Rachel, a sister in Brazil, says: "I loved to follow the world's clothes. Vhanzhi vha sia vhafarisi na vhana vhavho. Having appreciatively heard the message, they have made a dedication to God, undergone water baptism, and joined the bride class in actively inviting others to " come and drink life's water free. ' Many leave their mate and children. Musi vho no pfa mulaedza na u u dzhia sa wa ndeme, vho ḓiṋekedza kha Mudzimu, vha lovhedzwa maḓini, nahone vha ṱanganela na tshigwada tsha muselwa kha u ramba vhaṅwe uri " vha ḓe vha nwe maḓi a vhutshilo nga fhedzi. ' My sister is still an active member of one of the congregations in Chemnitz. After hearing and viewing the message as precious, they dedicated themselves to God, got baptized in water, and joined the bride class in inviting others to "come and drink the water of life free of water. " Khaladzi anga u kha ḓi vha muraḓo a fhiseaho wa tshiṅwe tsha zwivhidzo zwa ngei Chemnitz. This woe is symbolized in Revelation by the ride of three more horsemen. My sister still serves as a zealous member of one of the congregations in notable. Honovhu vhuṱungu vhu sumbedzwa kha Ndzumbululo nga vhaṋameli vha mbiḓi vha fhiraho vhararu. Walking about is more conducive to alertness than sitting down all night. This tribulation is shown in Revelation by over three horsemen. U mona - mona zwi a thusa u dzula wo fhaṱuwa nṱha ni ha u dzula vhusiku hoṱhe. The third speaker said: "Jehovah's requirements are reasonable as well as reachable. " Worldwide, it helps to keep on the watch and to stay awake throughout the night. Tshiambi tsha vhuraru tsho ri: "Ṱhoḓea dza Mudzimu dzi a pfesesea nahone dzi a swikelelea. " What do we enjoy because of God's undeserved kindness? The third speaker said: "The history of God is understandable and accurate. " Ndi phaṱhutshedzo dzifhio dzine ra dzi wana nga nṱhani ha vhuthu vhuhulu ha Mudzimu? Learning a new language involves learning a new way of thinking, new thought patterns. What blessings come from God's undeserved kindness? U guda luṅwe luambo zwi katela u guda nḓila ntswa ya u humbula. Those living in that righteous human society will be brought to perfection, free from sin. Learning a new language involves learning a new way of thinking. Vhane vha ḓo tshila kha ḽeneḽo shango ḽa vhathu vho lugaho, vha ḓo itwa vho fhelelaho, nahone vha vhofhololwa kha tshivhi. Did They Live That Long? Those who will live in that righteous world will be brought to perfection, free from sin. Naa Vho Tshila Tshifhinga Tshilapfu Nga U Ralo? In this regard, this principle applied: "You must form no marriage alliance with them. Your daughter you must not give to his son, and his daughter you must not take for your son. " Did They Live a Long Time That Way? Malugana na zwenezwi, Yehova o laedza a ri: "Ni songo dzeana navho '; ṅwananyana wa hau a songo dzewa nga munna wa havho; na murwa wau U songo mu dzekisa ṅwananyana wa havho. " " Forgetting the things behind and stretching forward to the things ahead. " - PHIL. In this regard, Jehovah commanded: "You must not take the daughters of your daughter, and you must not give to her, and your son you must not take a daughters from her. " " Ndi hangwa zwithu zwi re murahu nda hovhelela zwi re phanḓa. " - VHA - FIL. In other words, these faithful eunuchs would have the sure hope of enjoying everlasting life under Jesus ' Messianic rule. " I forget the things behind and stretch forward to the things ahead. " - PHIL. Nga maṅwe maipfi, khombe dzenedzi dzi fulufhedzeaho dzo vha dzi tshi ḓo vha na fulufhelo ḽo khwaṱhaho ḽa u ḓiphina nga vhutshilo vhu sa fheli nga fhasi ha vhuvhusi ha Yesu ha Vhumessia. How the Malagasy translation was produced is a story of persistence and dedication. In other words, these faithful blood would have the sure hope of enjoying everlasting life under Jesus ' Messianic rule. U ḓiimisela na u ḓikumedza zwo ita uri hu vhe na ṱhalutshedzelo ya Lumalagasy. The apostle Peter explained that we can avoid becoming inactive in our service if we keep supplying to our faith knowledge, endurance, and godly devotion. - Read 2 Peter 1: 5 - 8. Being willing and self - sacrifice resulted in Malagasy translation. Muapostola Petro o ṱalutshedza uri ri nga iledza u fhola nga lwa muya arali ri tshi dzula ri tshi khwaṱhisa lutendo lwashu, u engedza nḓivho, u konḓelela na u ḓiṋekedzela kha Mudzimu. - Vhalani 2 Petro 1: 5 - 8. Unknown to me, this young man too had a keen interest in God's Word. The apostle Peter explained that we can avoid spiritual healing if we keep strengthening our faith, increasing knowledge, endurance, and devotion to God. - Read 2 Peter 1: 5 - 8. Onoyu muṱhannga na ene o vha e na dzangalelo kha Ipfi ḽa Mudzimu, fhedzi ndo vha ndi sa zwi ḓivhi. Immersing myself in spiritual activities - personal study, meeting attendance, the field ministry, and helping others in the congregation - has drawn me closer to Jehovah and has safeguarded my heart. " - Prov. This young man was also interested in God's Word, but I did not know it. U dzula ndo farakanea nga mishumo ya lwa muya - pfunzo ya muthu nga eṱhe, u ya miṱanganoni, u ya vhuḓinḓani, na u thusa vhaṅwe tshivhidzoni - zwi ntsendedza tsini na Yehova na u tsireledza mbilu yanga. " - Mir. 4, 5. (a) How does Jehovah demonstrate loyalty? Keeping busy spiritually - personal study, meeting attendance, and helping others in the ministry - draws me closer to Jehovah and safeguard my heart. " - Prov. 4, 5. (a) Yehova u sumbedza hani u fulufhedzea? Yet, the people of that city persisted in their wickedness. 4, 5. (a) How does Jehovah demonstrate loyalty? Fhedzi, vhathu vha ḽeneḽo shango vho bvela phanḓa na vhuvhi havho. • What lessons can we learn from Korah and Moses? Yet, the people of the land continued their evil course. • Ndi ngudo dzifhio dzine ra nga dzi guda kha Kora na Mushe? Still, we keep our main focus where it belongs - on bearing witness to the truth. • What lessons can we learn from Korah and Moses? Naho zwo ralo, ri dzula ro livhisa ṱhogomelo kha u ṱanziela mafhungo - ngoho zwine zwa vha zwone zwa ndeme vhukuma kha riṋe. You might reason on appropriate scriptures to help them to realize that God has provided help but many have not accepted it. - Isaiah 48: 17, 18. Still, we keep our focus on bearing witness to the truth that really matters to us. Ni nga vha thusa nga maṅwalo ane a ḓo vha thusa u vhona uri Mudzimu o ṋea thuso fhedzi vhathu vhanzhi a vho ngo i ṱanganedza. - Yesaya 48: 17, 18. However, he did not feel qualified for that type of ministry. You can help them with scriptures that will help them to see that God has provided help but that many people have not accepted it. - Isaiah 48: 17, 18. Naho zwo ralo, o ḓipfa a sa fanelei u ita vhuḓinḓa ho raloho. David said: "In case my own father and my own mother did leave me, even Jehovah himself would take me up. " Yet, he felt inadequate to carry out that ministry. Davida o ri: "Ngauri khotsi - anga na mme - anga vho nṱutshela, Yehova a nṱanganedza. " Names have been changed. David said: "In case my own father and my own mother did leave me, even Jehovah himself would take me up. " Madzina o shandulwa. If you find that road and choose to walk on it, you will have found the best way of life, for it is the way of love. - Ephesians 4: 1 - 4. Names have been changed. Arali na wana yeneyo nḓila nahone na khetha u tshimbila khayo, ni ḓo vha no wana vhutshilo havhuḓi nga ṅwambo wa uri ndi nḓila ya lufuno. - Vha - Efesa 4: 1 - 4. They can further strengthen their marriage by means of a Family Worship program that is both enjoyable and spiritually refreshing. If you find that road and choose to walk on it, you will have gained a better life because it is a loving way. - Ephesians 4: 1 - 4. (Ps. 1: 1 - 3) Vha nga bvela phanḓa vha tshi khwaṱhisa mbingano yavho nga mbekanyo ya Vhurabeli ha Muṱa vhune ha takadza na hu homolosaho nga lwa muya. Noah, Daniel, and Job experienced many of the same kinds of problems we face today. They can continue to strengthen their marriage by a Family Worship program that is pleasing and refreshing spiritually. Noaxe, Daniele na Yobo vho sedzana na thaidzo nnzhi dzine na riṋe ra sedzana nadzo ṋamusi. Was it just because the king was a musician? Noah, Daniel, and Job faced many of the problems we face today. Naa ho vha hu tshi sokou vha nga ṅwambo wa uri khosi yo vha i muimbi? Why is Jehovah worthy of receiving our worship? Was it simply because the king was a musician? Ndi ngani Yehova o tea u gwadamelwa? God's Word further reveals that those who will rule as kings form a "little flock " of 144,000 individuals" who have been bought from the earth. " - Luke 12: 32; Revelation 14: 1, 3. Why should Jehovah be worshipped? Ipfi ḽa Mudzimu ḽi dovha ḽa sumbedza uri vhane vha ḓo vhusa sa mahosi vha vhumba "sambi ḽiṱuku " ḽa vhathu vha 144 000" vho rengululwaho shangoni. " - Luka 12: 32; Ndzumbululo 14: 1, 3. Jehovah's Witnesses are convinced that Jesus began ruling as King of God's Kingdom in 1914 and that the last days began in that same year. God's Word also shows that those who will rule as kings make up the "little flock " of 144,000 humans" bought out of the earth. " - Luke 12: 32; Revelation 14: 1, 3. Ṱhanzi dza Yehova dzi na vhungoho ha uri Yesu o thoma u vhusa sa Khosi ya Muvhuso wa Mudzimu nga 1914 nahone maḓuvha a vhufhelo o thoma nga wonoyo ṅwaha. Jehovah also notices our acts of faith. - 5 / 1, pages 28 - 31. Jehovah's Witnesses are convinced that Jesus began ruling as King of God's Kingdom in 1914 and that the last days began that year. Yehova u dovha a ṱhogomela na mishumo yashu ya lutendo. - 5 / 1, masiaṱari 28 - 31. That can involve such things as emptying trash cans, mopping floors, and cleaning washrooms - all humble tasks! Jehovah also notices our acts of faith. - 5 / 1, pages 28 - 31. Zwenezwo zwi nga katela zwithu zwi ngaho sa u tevhula mathukhwi, u koropa, na u kunakisa mabunga - u katela na mishumo yoṱhe ine ya dzhiiwa i ya vhuimo ha fhasi. As Jesus ' disciples observe these events, they recall the words penned centuries earlier by the psalmist David: "The zeal for your house will eat me up. " - John 2: 16, 17; Ps. That could include such things as taking a lot of refuse, filling themselves, and cleaning it - including all the tasks that are considered lowly. 2: 16, 17; Ps. As the need for record - keeping increased, cuneiform writing was developed. 2: 16, 17; Ps. Musi ṱhoḓea ya uri maṅwalwa a vhulungwe i tshi engedzea, ho mbo ḓo thomiwa muṅwalo wa zwiga. What strengthening thoughts are contained in Jesus ' words, "I am with you all the days "? As the need for the preservation of the writings to grow, cuneiform will be formed. Ndi mbuno ifhio i khwaṱhisaho i wanalaho kha maipfi a Yesu ane a ri, "ndi na'nwi misi yoṱhe "? He exhorted fellow Christians to do "nothing out of contentiousness or out of egotism, but with lowliness of mind considering that the others are superior to you. " What reassuring point is found in Jesus ' words: "I am with you all the days "? O ṱuṱuwedza Vhakriste ngae uri vha songo "ita lwa u vhangisana na lwa u ḓi - kukumusa. Tshaṋu hu vhe u ḓi - ṱukufhadza, kha u hulisana muṅwe a fhire muṅwe. " they asked. I explained that I was a missionary preaching God's Kingdom. He urged fellow Christians not to "become kind to one another, tenderly compassionate, humble in showing honor to one another. " Nda vha ṱalutshedza uri ndi murumiwa wa u huwelela nga ha Muvhuso wa Mudzimu. The children learned that he is not some vague, abstract deity. I explained that it was a missionary to preach about God's Kingdom. Vhana vho guda uri Mudzimu a si muthu wa u tou humbulelwa. What was wrong with the way Johanan sought Jehovah's direction, and what do we learn from his error? Children have learned that God is not reasonable. Ho khakhea mini kha nḓila ye Yohanani a ṱoḓa ngayo vhulivhisi ha Yehova, nahone ri guda mini kha honohu vhukhakhi? How do we know that Christians need not experience a life of suffering to please God? What is wrong with the way Jehovah did not seek Jehovah's guidance, and what do we learn from this mistake? Ri zwi ḓivha hani uri Vhakriste a vho ngo fanela u shengela u itela uri vha takadze Mudzimu? Job's distress was so severe that he thought of life as hard, arduous compulsory labor. How do we know that Christians do not need to suffer to please God? Yobo o vha o tsikeledzea lwe a vhuya a dzhia vhutshilo sa mushumo u lemelaho, u netisaho wa u tou kombetshedzwa. 3 They Offered Themselves Willingly - In Mexico Job was so distressed that he viewed life as a hard, demanding work. 3 Vho Ḓikumedza Nga U Ḓifunela - Ngei Mexico They put the doing of Jehovah's will foremost in their lives and experience genuine " refreshment for their souls ' in accepting Jesus ' kindly yoke. - Matthew 11: 29, 30; Acts 20: 35. 3 They Offered Themselves Willingly - In Mexico U ita zwi funwaho nga Yehova zwi ḓa u thoma vhutshiloni havho nahone vha tshenzhela " u rula ha dzimbilu dzavho ' arali vha ṱanganedza dzhogo ya Yesu i sa gogoni. - Mateo 11: 29, 30; Mishumo 20: 35. Paul was certainly aware of what he himself was and what he wished to be. Doing Jehovah's will comes first in their lives and experiencing "the peace of their heart " if they accept Jesus ' kindly yoke. - Matthew 11: 29, 30; Acts 20: 35. Paulo o vha a tshi ṱhogomela zwa vhukuma uri o vha e muthu - ḓe na zwe a vha a tshi tama u vha zwone. Claire says: "It gives us deep satisfaction to spend every day serving Jehovah. Paul truly realized what kind of person he was and what he desired to be. Claire o ri: "Zwi a ri fusha vhukuma u fhedza ḓuvha ḽoṱhe ri tshi khou shumela Yehova. Solomon then says: "Wisdom is the prime thing. " It gives us much satisfaction to spend the rest of the day serving Jehovah. Nga murahu Salomo o ri: "Tshihulwane kha vhuṱali ndi u ri: Renga vhuṱali! We learned that Jehovah is our Creator and Life - Giver and that he has a purpose for mankind. Solomon later said: "Give me wisdom. Ro guda uri Yehova ndi Musiki washu na Muṋei wa Vhutshilo nahone u na ndivho nga ha vhathu. Finally, God's patience with that wicked world ran out. - Genesis 6: 3; 1 Peter 3: 20. We learned that Jehovah is our Creator and Life - Giver and that he has a purpose for mankind. Mafheleloni, u konḓelela ha Mudzimu ḽeneḽo shango ḽivhi ho swika magumoni. - Genesi 6: 3; 1 Petro 3: 20. [ Picture on page 19] Eventually, God's endurance of that wicked world came to an end. - Genesis 6: 3; 1 Peter 3: 20. [ Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 19] He says that even though each member serves a different function, all are necessary. [ Picture on page 19] O amba uri naho muraḓo muṅwe na muṅwe u tshi shuma mishumo yo fhamba - fhambanaho, yoṱhe ndi ya ndeme. (Read Proverbs 11: 2.) He said that even though each member works a variety of jobs, all of them are important. (Vhalani Mirero 11: 2, NW. We offer Bible literature in many languages (Read Proverbs 11: 2.) Ri ṋea vhathu khandiso dza Bivhili nga nyambo nnzhi Thus, concerning the things Jehovah provides "for those who love him, " the apostle Paul said:" It is to us God has revealed them through his spirit. " We offer Bible literature to people in many languages Nga zwenezwo, malugana na zwithu zwe Yehova a zwi lugisela "vha mu funaho, " muapostola Paulo o ri:" Mudzimu o ri dzumbululela nga Muya. " In 1989, I became a baptized Witness. Hence, regarding the things Jehovah has prepared for "those who love him, " the apostle Paul said:" God has revealed us by spirit. " Nga 1989, ndo mbo ḓi vha Ṱhanzi yo lovhedzwaho. What counsel did the apostle Paul give to Christians who have unbelieving mates? In 1989, I became a baptized Witness. Muapostola Paulo o ṋea Vhakriste vha re na vhafarisi vha si vhatendi nyeletshedzo ifhio? When parents do this, it becomes easier for their children to love the truth. What counsel did the apostle Paul give Christians with unbelieving mates? Musi vhabebi vha tshi ita zwenezwi, zwi lelutshela vhana vhavho u funa ngoho. she asked me. I responded that I knew that the Trinity doctrine is false but that I couldn't prove it from the Bible. When parents do this, it becomes easier for their children to love the truth. Ndo mu vhudza uri ndi a zwi ḓivha uri pfunzothendwa ya Vhuraruthihi ndi mazwifhi, naho ndo vha ndi sa ḓo kona u mu sumbedza zwone Bivhilini. Meekness is a strong quality that enables a person to endure injustice with patience and without vindictiveness. I told her that I knew that the doctrine of the Trinity was false, although I could not show her in the Bible. U vuḓa ndi pfaneleo ine ya ṋea muthu maanḓa a u konḓelela tshiṱalula a sa fheli mbilu na u sinyuwa. Jehovah's favor is gained, not by obedience to that Law, but by recognizing Jesus and exercising faith in him. - Galatians 2: 16; 3: 11. Mildness is a quality that gives a person the strength to endure patiently and angry prejudice. Yo ṅwalwa hu ṱoḓaho u vha ḓanani ḽa vhuraru ḽa miṅwaha B.C.E. Jehovah wants people to live, not die. Written about the third century B.C.E. Yehova ha ri tondi nga u thetshelesa wonoyo Mulayo, fhedzi u ri tonda nga u ṱhogomela Yesu na nga u vha na lutendo khae. - Vha - Galata 2: 16; 3: 11. And how serious is the matter of letting our Yes mean Yes? Jehovah does not bless us by obeying that Law but by caring for Jesus and exercising faith in him. - Galatians 2: 16; 3: 11. Yehova u ṱoḓa vhathu vha tshi tshila, hu si u fa. All of them survived. Jehovah wants humans to live, not to die. Nahone ndi zwa ndeme lungafhani uri Iina yashu i vhe Iina? If you participate in this work, you likely find that people often recognize you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses even before you begin to speak. And how important is our Yes? Vhoṱhe vho ponyoka. Everyone was patient, and the atmosphere was peaceful. All of them survived. Arali ni tshi ṱanganela kha mushumo wonoyu, ni ḓo wana uri vhathu vha anzela u ni dzhia sa muṅwe wa Ṱhanzi dza Yehova naho ni sa athu thoma u amba tshithu. He sometimes spent up to ten hours a day on the Internet. If you engage in this work, you will find that people often view you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses even before you speak something. Muṅwe na muṅwe o vha a sa fheli mbilu, nahone fhethu henefho ho vha hu na mulalo. She did her best to be a good wife. Everyone was patient, and there was peace. Nga zwiṅwe zwifhinga o vha a tshi fhedza awara dza fumi nga ḓuvha e kha Inthanethe. Then, they beat the stalks against a hard surface or used farm animals to pull a threshing sledge over the stalks to break them into pieces. Sometimes he spent ten hours a day on the Internet. O ita zwine a nga kona u itela u vha mufumakadzi wavhuḓi. * He then eagerly accepted help from someone who was already a qualified Bible teacher, Philip, an early disciple of Jesus. He did what he could to be a good wife. Nga murahu ha zwenezwo, vha fhula maṱanga a goroi luvhatani kana vha pana zwifuwo zwa kokodza tshilei tsha u fhula goroi. (b) How can we make the elders ' work more pleasant for them? After that, they threw grain on the grain floor or picked up the animals for life to draw grain from the wheat. * Nga zwenezwo, o tenda u thuswa nga mugudisi wa Bivhili we a vha a tshi pfi Filipo we a vha e mufunziwa wa Yesu. Toñi was not late for work. * So he agreed to receive help from a Bible teacher named Philip, who was a disciple of Jesus. (b) Ri nga ita hani uri vhahulwane vha shume vho takala? 22, 23. (b) How can we make elders happy? Toñi o vha a songo lenga. The use of a chorus was just for this special gathering; it is not to be taken as a pattern for the congregations, circuits, or districts to follow. Toñi was not late. 22, 23. The meek and righteous will then enjoy true peace because they will always find delight in "the law of Jehovah. " 22, 23. Ho shumiswa khwairi nga ṅwambo wa uri tshiitea tshenetshi tsho vha tsho khethea, fhedzi haya a si maitele ane a fanela u tevhelwa miṱanganoni ya zwivhidzo, ya maisela na ya zwiṱiriki. Some have visited the camps in Tanzania, with the approval of the Ministry of Home Affairs and UNHCR. This was used because this event was unique, but it is not a principle to follow at congregation meetings, circuit, and district conventions. Vho vuḓaho na vhavhuya vha ḓo ḓiphina nga mulalo wa ngoho nga ṅwambo wa uri vha ḓo takalela "mulayo wa Yehova " tshifhinga tshoṱhe. " I worried that she was headed for a physical breakdown or a spiritual fall. " The meek and the righteous will enjoy true peace because they will always delight in "the law of Jehovah. " Vhaṅwe vho dalela dzenedzi gammba ngei Tanzania, vhe na thendelo ya Ministry of Home Affairs na UNHCR. Die on a Cross? Some have visited these camps in time, with permission to do so with the 9ndary Way of Homes, and Jehovah's Witnesses. Ndo vha ndi tshi vhilaela uri o tsikeledzea maḓipfele kana u pwashea muyani. " Married people strengthen their relationship when they are sensitive to their mate's feelings. I worried that she was emotionally down or spiritually damaged. " Vhavhingani vha khwaṱhisa vhushaka havho musi vha tshi humbulela maḓipfele a vhafarisi vhavho. There were visible and audible evidences of this. Married couples strengthen their relationship when they are considerate of their mate's feelings. Ho vha na vhuṱanzi vhune vha kona u vhu vhona na u vhu pfa. Yet, there are other activities or aspects of life about which the Scriptures provide no specific command. There were evidence that they could see and hear. Fhedzi ri fanela u ita mini arali ri kha vhuimo vhune ha si vhe na mulayo wo livhaho Bivhilini wa zwine ra fanela u zwi ita? Let us, therefore, make full use of God's Word and Bible - based publications that can comfort us and benefit us in many ways. But what if we are in a situation where there is no specific law in the Bible? Ngauralo, kha ri bvele phanḓa ri tshi shumisa Ipfi ḽa Mudzimu na khandiso dzo thewaho Bivhilini dzine dza nga ri khuthadza na u ri vhuyedza nga nḓila nnzhi. 25: 34, 40, 41, 45, 46. So let us continue to use God's Word and Bible - based publications that can bring us comfort and benefit in many ways. 25: 34, 40, 41, 45, 46. There's really no excuse you can make that will appease those who have been ignored. 25: 34, 40, 41, 45, 46. A hu na tshiitisi tshavhuḓi tsha u sokou fhira muthu u songo mu lumelisa. (Top) Daniel and Marina Sydlik; Grant and Edith Suiter; Theodore and Melita Jaracz There is no good reason to do more than a person does not greet him. Nṱha) Daniel na Marina Sydlik; Grant na Edith Suiter; Theodore na Melita Jaracz Prior to our baptism, we dedicated our lives to Jehovah in heartfelt prayer. Above all, Daniel and Jehovah's Witnesses have come to the fore as well as to say: "I and you have come to know my God and my wife and me, and you have come to know Jehovah's word. " Nga phanḓa ha uri ri lovhedzwe, ro thoma ra ḓiṋekedzela kha Yehova nga thabelo i bvaho mbiluni. It comforts us to know that the dead are asleep in the grave and are not suffering. Before we got baptized, we dedicated ourselves to Jehovah in earnest prayer. Zwi a ri khuthadza u ḓivha uri vhafu vho eḓela mavhiḓani nahone a vha khou shengela. To do so, they would need to cultivate the fear of Jehovah, not of men. It is comforting to know that the dead are sleeping in the grave and are not suffering. U itela uri vha ite zwenezwo, vho vha vha tshi fanela u ṱahulela u ofha Yehova, hu si vhathu. When our friends receive privileges, are we happy for them? To do so, they needed to cultivate fear of Jehovah, not men. Musi khonani dzashu dzi tshi wana dzindugelo, naa ri a takala nadzo? If we have a limited amount of energy, we may find it appropriate to avoid exhausting activities earlier in the day so that we will have strength to attend a Christian meeting in the evening. When our friends receive a reward, do we rejoice with them? Arali ri si na maanḓa manzhi, ri nga kha ḓi wana zwo tea u iledza mishumo i netisaho nga matsheloni u itela uri ri vhe na nungo dza u ya miṱanganoni ya Vhukriste nga madekwana. 20, 21. If we do not have so much energy, we may need to avoid working hard in the morning so that we can have the strength to attend Christian meetings at night. 20, 21. Is it not true that we should thank him each day for the gift of life? 20, 21. Ndi ngoho uri ri fanela u livhuha tshifhiwa tsha vhutshilo ḓuvha na ḓuvha. As a result, people everywhere are accepting the truth and conforming to Jehovah's loving direction. Of course, we should be grateful for the free gift of life every day. Nga ṅwambo wa zwenezwo, huṅwe na huṅwe vhathu vha khou ṱanganedza mafhungo - ngoho na u tendelana na vhulivhisi ha Yehova ha lufuno. " In the book study group I attend, " says a congregation elder, "one sister suffers from diabetes and kidney failure, one has cancer, two have severe arthritis, and one has both lupus and fibromyalgia. As a result, people everywhere are accepting the truth and in harmony with Jehovah's loving guidance. Muṅwe muhulwane wa tshivhidzo o ri: "Kha tshigwada tsha pfunzo ya bugu tshine nda ṱanganela khatsho huna muṅwe wahashu wa tshisadzini a re na vhulwadze ha swigiri na ha tswio, muṅwe u na khentsara, vhahashu vha tshisadzini vhavhili vha na vhulwadze ha u zwimba zwinungo, muṅwe u na vhulwadze ha u pfa vhuṱungu kha zwinungo na u neta. How did he pay for the cardinals ' votes? An elder observed: "In the study team where I attend, a sister is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and kidneys, one of the two sisters is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, one of whom has suffered from pain and fatigue. Vhafunzi vhahulwane vhe vha mu vouthela o vha badela nga mini? In fact, growth and maturity are desirable characteristics of all living things. To what did the high priest's older men pay them? Zwi re zwone ndi uri u aluwa na u vhibva ndi pfaneleo dzavhuḓi kha zwithu zwoṱhe zwi tshilaho. I was baptized in 1962, and after having had my business for 21 years, I sold it and took on a local job to be closer to my family so that we could serve Jehovah together. In fact, growth and maturity are desirable qualities in all living things. Nda lovhedzwa nga 1962, nahone nga murahu ha u rengisa bindu ḽanga ḽe nda vha naḽo miṅwaha ya 21, nahone nda wana mushumo tsini na hayani u itela uri ri kone u shumela Yehova ri roṱhe. He walked by sight, not by faith. I was baptized in 1962, and after selling my 21 - year - old business, I found work at home so that we could serve Jehovah together. O tshimbila nga u vhona, ho ngo tshimbila nga lutendo. Rather than being discovered and documented by archaeologists, the document abruptly appeared on the antiquities market in the late 1970 ' s or early 1980 ' s. He walked by sight, not by faith. Nṱhani ha u tumbulwa na u ṅwalwa fhasi nga vhatumbuli vha zwo fukedzwaho mavuni, leneḽo ḽiṅwalwa lo sokou bvelela ḽi tshi rengiswa makete ine ya rengisa thundu dza kale mafheloni a vho - 1970 kana mathomoni a vho - 1980. As imitators of God and of Christ, we too should be industrious. Rather than being discovered and written on top of land mines, the text appears to be sold in an ancient market at the end of the 1970 ' s or early 1980 ' s. Samusi ri vhaedzisi vha Mudzimu na vha Kristo, na riṋe ri fanela u vha vhashumi vha biko. One inspired Bible writer said regarding a woman whose husband has died and who therefore is free to remarry: "She is happier if she remains as she is. " As imitators of God and of Christ, we too must work hard on our part. Muṅwe muṅwali wa Bivhili o hevhedzwaho o amba zwi tevhelaho nga ha musadzi we munna wawe a lovha nahone we zwino a vhofholowa uri a nga dovha a vhingwa: "Mashudu a fhiraho ayo ndi musi a tshi dzula ó raḽa. " It would be a mistake to conclude that men and women of faith are born that way, that faith comes naturally. One inspired Bible writer said of a woman whose husband died and is now free to marry: "There is more happiness in living. " Zwi ḓo vha zwo khakhea u humbula uri vhanna na vhafumakadzi vha re na lutendo vho bebwa vhe nalwo. Set practical goals, including goals to help others, but realize that you may not be able to reach the same goals that others can. It would be wrong to think that men and women of faith were born with them. (Mirero 24: 5) Ḓivhetsheleni zwipikwa, u katela na zwa u thusa vhaṅwe, fhedzi ni humbule uri ni nga si ḓo kona u swikelela zwipikwa zwine vhaṅwe vha zwi swikelela. * Is it reasonable to attribute such order to blind chance? Set goals, including helping others, but remember that you will not be able to reach goals that others may reach. * (Yesaya 40: 26) Naa zwi a pfala u amba uri yeneyo nzudzanyo yo bvelela nga khombo? 1: 2, 3. * Is it reasonable to say that the arrangement has been successful with danger? 1: 2, 3. Because of this, we were encouraged to learn the Chinese language. 1: 2, 3. Nga ṅwambo wa zwenezwi, ra ṱuṱuwedzelwa u guda Lutshaina. Overnight, more than 40,000 homes were inundated, including dozens of our brothers ' homes. Because of this, we were encouraged to learn Chinese. Nga u ṱavhanya, nnḓu dzi fhiraho 40 000 dzo nupela u katela nnḓu nnzhi dza vhahashu. What happened? Soon, over 40,000 houses were broken, including many homes of our brothers. Ho itea mini? In reality, for the first time since my father's death, I felt a deep sense of happiness. " - Acts 20: 35. What happened? Zwi re zwone ndi uri u bva tshee khotsi anga vha lovha, lwo vha lu lwa u thoma ndi tshi ḓipfa ndo takala vhukuma. " - Mishumo 20: 35. It contains a description of how the prophet Elijah was succeeded by the younger prophet Elisha. In fact, since my father died, it was the first time I felt very happy. " - Acts 20: 35. I na mafhungo a nḓila ye muporofita Elia a tevhelwa ngayo nga muporofita Elisa ane a kha ḓi vha muswa. God invited him to "go about in the land " and get familiar with its nature and regions. It contains accounts of how the prophet Elijah was followed by a young prophet Elisha. Mudzimu o mu humbela uri a "buḓabuḓe shango " nahone a ḓowelane na mupo na madzingu aḽo. BEFORE going back to heaven, Jesus told his disciples: "You will be witnesses of me... to the most distant part of the earth. " God asked him to "make sure of the earth " and to adapt to its environment. MUSI Yesu a sa athu u humela ṱaḓulu, o vhudza vhafunziwa vhawe a ri: "Ni ḓo vha ṱhanzi dzanga... u swika tshipiḓani tsha kule vhukuma tsha ḽifhasi. " 1: 23. WHEN Jesus returned to heaven, he told his disciples: "You will be witnesses of me... to the most distant part of the earth. " 1: 23. Adam and Eve were placed in the garden of Eden, or "paradise of pleasure, "" to cultivate it and to take care of it, " not for a mere 70 or 80 years, but for eternity. 1: 23. Adamu na Eva vho vha vho vhewa tsimuni ya Edeni, " uri vha i lime vha i linde ' nga hu sa fheli, hu si lwa miṅwaha ya 70 kana ya 80 fhedzi. (Gen. The Sovereign Lord Jehovah is humble and wants his worshippers to be that way too. - James 4: 6. Adam and Eve were placed in the garden of Eden, "to cultivate it, to time indefinite, not just 70 or 80 years. " Murena Muvhusahoṱhe Yehova u a ḓiṱukufhadza nahone u ṱoḓa vhagwadameli vhawe na vhone vha tshi vha nga yeneyo nḓila. - Yakobo 4: 6. Start While Your Son Is Young The Sovereign Lord Jehovah is humble and wants his worshippers to too. - James 4: 6. Thomani Musi Murwa Waṋu A Tshee Muṱuku Showing an understanding of human nature, the king of Israel observes: "There exists the one that is pretending to be rich and yet he has nothing at all; there is the one that is pretending to be of little means and yet he has many valuable things. " Start With Your Son of the Old One A tshi sumbedza nḓila ine muthu a vha ngayo, khosi ya Isiraele o ṱhogomela uri: "Hu na vha ḓidzhiaho vho pfuma ngeno vhe si na tshithu; na vha u ḓiitaho vhashayi hone vhe vho pfumaho zwihulu. " (Mirero 13: 7, vhambedzani NW.) He forgives completely. - Heb. Showing how rich a person is, the king of Israel observed: "There are those who are rich but who have no means of riches; and those who are poor are rich in abundance. " U hangwela nga ho fhelelaho. - Vhaheb. " Our two children had different needs when it came to discipline, " recalls Pam. He forgives completely. - Heb. Pam o amba uri: "Vhana vhashu vho vha vhe na ṱhoḓea dzo fhambanaho musi ri tshi vha laya. " Carina is a single regular pioneer sister from Spain who supported the campaign in Silistra. " Our children needed a variety of needs when we gave them discipline, " he says. Carina ndi wahashu wa tshisadzini a songo vhingwaho a re muvulanḓila wa tshifhinga tshoṱhe a bvaho Spain we a tikedza fulo ḽeneḽo ngei Silistra. After holding the family for two days, the officer in charge radioed his superior to ask what should be done with them. Carina is a single pioneer sister from Spain who upheld the campaign in Silistra. Musi maswole o valela wonoyo muṱa lwa maḓuvha mavhili, muofisiri o vhudzisa muhulwane wawe zwine wonoyo muṱa wa fanela u itwa zwone. Perhaps you have heard it said that time is a great healer. When soldiers threw the family together for two days, the officer asked him what the family should do. Khamusi no no pfa vhaṅwe vha tshi amba uri tshifhinga ndi dzilafho. What good work did the apostle Paul have in mind when he wrote those words to his fellow believers? Perhaps you heard others say that time is a cure. Paulo o vha a tshi khou amba nga mishumo ifhio mivhuya musi a tshi ṅwalela vhatendi ngae eneo maipfi? Yet, very few of them know just what it is that they are asking for. Paul was speaking of what fine works when writing those words to fellow believers? Fhedzi ndi vha si gathi vhukuma khavho vhane vha ḓivha zwine vha khou humbela zwone. If a debtor despises a word by failing to repay a loan, he would forfeit what he put up as a pledge. But few of them know what they are asking for. Arali mukolodi a nyadza zwe a fulufhedzisa nga u kundelwa u badela tshikolodo, u ḓo vha a tshi khou pfuka zwe a zwi fulufhedzisa. When there is a financial crisis or when jobs are hard to find, many do not have a problem with stealing, cheating, or doing other dishonest things. If a patient ignored his promise with failure to pay a debt, he would be breaking his promise. (2 Timothy 3: 2) Musi hu na thaidzo dza zwa masheleni kana musi zwi tshi konḓa u wana mushumo, vhanzhi vha vhona zwi songo khakhea u tswa, u fhura kana u sa fulufhedzea. Jehovah, however, is a perfect overseer, who delegates generously and trusts his servants. When a financial problem or when it is difficult to find employment, many feel that it is not wrong to steal, deceive, or dishonest. Naho zwo ralo, Yehova ndi mulavhelesi o fhelelaho, ane a ṋea vhashumeli vhawe vhuḓifhinduleli vhunzhi nahone u a vha fulufhela. The Universe Declares God's Glory Jehovah, though, is a perfect overseer, who entrusts his servants with many responsibilities and trusts them. Fhethu Hoṱhe hu Ḓivhadza Vhugala ha Mudzimu Only Jehovah can give us a sure hope, which he does by means of his inspired Word. Everywhere It Makes God's Glory Ndi Yehova fhedzi ane a nga ri ṋea fulufhelo ḽa vhukuma, ḽine a ri ṋea ḽone Ipfini ḽawe ḽo hevhedzwaho. (a) What has contributed to the increase in violence in the last days? Only Jehovah can give us real hope, which he gives us in his inspired Word. (a) Ndi mini zwe zwa shela mulenzhe kha u anda ha vhuvemu maḓuvhani a vhufhelo? [ Pictures on page 6] (a) What has contributed to the increase of violence during the last days? [ Zwifanyiso kha siaṱari 6] And how important are wisdom and discernment? [ Pictures on page 6] Vhuṱali na ṱhalukanyo ndi zwa ndeme lungafhani? Jehovah is not a God of disappointment. How important is wisdom and discernment? Yehova a si Mudzimu wa u kula nungo. 4: 13 - Were Peter and John illiterate or uneducated? Jehovah is not a God of discouragement. 4: 13 - Naa Petro na Yohane vho vha vha songo funzea? In all the decisions that we make, big or small, our primary concern is to honor God. - Read 1 Corinthians 10: 31. 4: 13 - Did Peter and John have little education? Kha phetho dzoṱhe dzine ra dzi ita hu sa londwi uri ndi ṱhukhu kana ndi khulwane, ri ṱoḓa u hulisa Mudzimu. - Vhalani 1 Vha - Korinta 10: 31. After the rich young ruler rejected Christ's invitation and went away, Peter said to Jesus: "Look! In all the decisions we make whether they are small or large, we want to honor God. - Read 1 Corinthians 10: 31. Nga murahu ha musi muṱhannga wa muvhusi o pfumaho o no landula u rambiwa nga Kristo nahone o no ṱuwa, Petro o amba na Yesu a ri: "Khezwi, riṋe ro ṱutshela zwoṱhe, ra U tevhela. Knorr declared that the principal work of all Christian overseers should be to help every Witness to be a regular house - to - house minister. After the wealthy young ruler rejected Christ's invitation and left, Peter said to Jesus: "Look! We have left all things and followed you. Knorr o amba uri mushumo wa ndeme wa vhalavhelesi vhoṱhe vha Vhakriste u fanela u vha wa u thusa Ṱhanzi iṅwe na iṅwe uri i vhe muḓinḓa ane a ṱanganela kha mushumo wa nnḓu nga nnḓu tshifhinga tshoṱhe. In just one night, a single angel struck down 185,000 Assyrians, providing deliverance for Jehovah's faithful servants. - Isa. Knorr said that the important work of all Christian overseers should be to help each Witness become a regular minister who shares in the house - to - house work. Nga vhusiku vhuthihi fhedzi, muruṅwa muthihi o vhulaha Vhaasuri vha 185 000, nahone a tshidza vhashumeli vha Yehova vha fulufhedzeaho. - Yes. Thankfully, the Bible sheds considerable light on the subject. In one night alone, one angel killed 185,000 Assyrians, and he saved faithful servants of Jehovah. - Isa. Arali ri tshi ṱoḓa u sa "kavhiwa, " ri fanela u ḓivha" vhane vha vha naho " nahone ri vha iledze. Avoid being like the proverbial bus driver who is more concerned with arriving on time at every bus stop than with picking up passengers. If we want to "not to lie down, " we need to know those who are" having " and avoid them. Iledzani u nga mureili wa bisi ane a vhilaedziswa vhukuma nga tshifhinga tsha u swika vhuimamabisi nṱhani ha u vhilaedziswa nga u ṋamedza vhathu. Numerous real - life examples illustrate how the Kingdom message does indeed support and strengthen those who are brokenhearted. Avoid being overly concerned by a bus driver who is deeply concerned during the time of the bus trip rather than with being concerned about being treated to people. Tsumbo nnzhi dza vhutshilo dzi sumbedza nḓila ine mulaedza wa Muvhuso wa tikedza ngayo na u khwaṱhisa vha mbilu dzo pwashakanywaho. 10: 3, 4. Many examples of life show how the Kingdom message supports and strengthens the brokenhearted. 10: 3, 4. How does Jesus ' illustration of the sparrows show that we have value in Jehovah's eyes? 10: 3, 4. Tshifanyiso tsha Yesu tsha ṱhongola mbili tshi sumbedza hani uri ri vha ndeme phanḓa ha Yehova? Speaking the truth makes for stable and satisfying relationships How does Jesus ' parable of the two sparrows show that we are precious in Jehovah's eyes? Musi muthu e na tshiambela, naho a tshi khou amba ngoho, a hu tsha livhiswa ṱhogomela kha ndeme ya zwine a khou zwi amba. Being rude does not increase the value of the truth or its impact. When a person is rude, even when he is right, he is no longer focused on the importance of what he says. Hu sa londwi nḓila ine dzina zwaḽo "Kristo " ḽa shumiswa ngayo kha Yesu, ḽi bvisela khagala mafhungo - ngoho a ndeme: Naho Murwa wa Mudzimu o ḓa kha ḽifhasi sa muthu na u ḓivhadza zwine Khotsi awe a zwi funa, o vha e sa sokou vha muthu zwawe kana muporofita zwawe; o vha o ḓela u vha Muḓodzwa wa Yehova. Regardless of how the title "Christ " is used with reference to Jesus, it highlights this important truth: Even though the Son of God came to the earth as a man and made his Father's will known, he was neither just an ordinary man nor merely a prophet; he came to be the Anointed One of Jehovah. Regardless of how the title "Christ " is used in Jesus, it points to the fundamental truth: Although God's Son came to earth as a human and made known his Father's will, he was not merely his own or a prophet; he came to be Jehovah's Anointed One. Yohane o tshila u vhuya u swika Yesu a tshi vhuya nga muhumbulo wa uri nga murahu Yohane o ṋewa bono ḽa vhuporofita ḽa u ḓa ha Yesu e maanḓani a Muvhuso. John remains until Jesus comes in that John is later given a prophetic vision of Jesus coming in Kingdom power. John lived until Jesus ' death in the sense that John later received a prophetic vision of Jesus ' coming into Kingdom power. Musi Mushe a tshee muswa o tshila vhutshilo ha mufuda - ḓe? What kind of life did Moses have as a youth? As a young man, what kind of life did Moses live? Nga zwenezwo, musi ndi tshee tshumeloni ya Bethele, ndo ṱangana na muṅwe wahashu wa tshisadzini ane zwino ra vha mbinganoni lwa miṅwaha ya 58. Thus, while serving at Bethel, I met another wise one, whom I have now walked with for 58 years. So while I was in Bethel service, I met a sister who is now married for 58 years. • Vhabebi vha Vhakriste vha sedzana na vhuleme vhufhio malugana na vhumatshelo ha vhana vhavho? • What challenges do Christian parents face regarding their children's future? • What challenge do Christian parents face regarding the future of their children? Kha ri ri vhathu vhe vha khetha u ḓivhusa vha tshila tshoṱhe. Suppose that humans who chose self - rule could live forever. Let us imagine that those who have chosen to rule themselves will live forever. Sedzani "Mbudziso Dzi Bvaho Ha Vhavhali " kha Tshiingamo tsha ḽa 15 June, 1978 (nga Luisimane), na tsha ḽa 1 October 1994. See "Questions From Readers " in The Watchtower of June 15, 1978, and October 1, 1994. See "Questions From Readers " in The Watchtower of June 15, 1978, and October 1, 1994. U itela u wana mafhungo o engedzeaho, sedzani ndima ya 6 na 7 kha bugu Bivhili I Funza Mini Zwa Vhukuma? yo gandiswaho nga Ṱhanzi dza Yehova For more information, see chapters 6 and 7 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses For more information, see chapters 6 and 7 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses (Doit. 21: 22, 23) U ya nga mulayo wa Vharoma, zwitumbu zwa mavemu o haṱulelwaho lufu zwo vha zwi tshi nga litshwa kha danda uri zwi sinele henefho kana zwa poswa mavhiḓani. As far as the Romans were concerned, though, the bodies of executed criminals either were left on the stake to rot or were thrown into a common grave. According to Roman law, bodies of criminals who were sentenced to death could be sentenced to a stake that would not be destroyed or thrown into the grave. Nga murahu, Yesu u ḓo vhofha Sathane na madimoni awe a vha posela " mugodini. ' - Ndzumb. Then Jesus will bind Satan and cast him and his demons into "the abyss. " - Rev. Then Jesus will bind Satan and his demons into "the abyss. " - Rev. Gudani Kha Tsumbo Yawe Yavhuḓi Na Mmbi Learn From His Example - Good and Bad Learn From His Fine Example and Evil Ndo thoma u pfa zwanḓa zwanga na milenzhe zwi tshi khou rema. I started feeling stabbing pains in my hands and ankles. I began to hear my hands and feet cut down. Bivhili i sumbedza uri Yesu Kristo ndi muthu wa u thoma we a vuselwa ṱaḓulu. - Yohane 3: 13. The Bible shows that Jesus Christ was the first one ever resurrected to heaven. - John 3: 13. The Bible shows that Jesus Christ is the first human to be resurrected to heaven. - John 3: 13. Petro o ri: "Izwi ndi zwe muporofita Yoele a amba a ri: Zwine zwa ḓo vha hone misi ya vhufhelo ngezwi: Mudzimu u ri ndi ḓo shulula Muya wanga kha ṋama yoṱhe; huno vharwa vhaṋu na vhananyana vhaṋu vha ḓo porofita...; misi iyo ndi ḓo shulula Muya wanga kha vhalanda vhanga vha vhanna na vhasadzi, huno vha ḓo porofita. " - Mish. 2: 16 - 18. Peter stated: "This is what was said through the prophet Joel, " And in the last days, ' God says, " I shall pour out some of my spirit upon every sort of flesh, and your sons and your daughters will prophesy...; and even upon my men slaves and upon my women slaves I will pour out some of my spirit in those days, and they will prophesy. ' " - Acts 2: 16 - 18. Peter said: "This is what the prophet Joel said: " In the last days, ' God says, " I shall pour out my spirit upon every sort of flesh, and your sons and your daughters will prophesy..., and I shall pour out my spirit upon my men and my wives, and they will prophesy. ' " - Acts 2: 16 - 18. U Bebwa Hafhu - Naa Zwi Ita Uri Ni Tshidzwe? Being Born Again - The Road to Salvation? The New Birth - Does It Lead You to Salvation? Naa ni a kona u zwi vhona uri ndi ngani u pfesesa mafhungo - ngoho a re Bivhilini zwi ndugelo? Do you see why it is that grasping the spiritual truth found in the Bible may be considered a matter of privilege? Do you see why understanding Bible truth is a privilege? [ Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 23] [ Picture on page 23] [ Picture on page 23] Itani Mvelaphanḓa ya Muya Nga U Tevhela Tsumbo ya Paulo, 5 / 15 Mean Hellfire?, 6 / 15 Miraculous Healings, 5 / 1 Peter's Denial, 1 / 1 Spiritual Values, 5 / 1 Yehova o shumisa tshiṱhavhelo u itela u hangwela zwivhi zwashu nahone zwo ita uri ri vhe na luvalo lwo kunaho na u sendela tsini nae. - Yoh. 14: 6; Yak. Jehovah uses the ransom to cover our sins, enabling us to have a clean conscience and draw close to him. - John 14: 6; Jas. By means of sacrifice, Jehovah forgives our sins and has brought us into a clean conscience and drew close to him. - John 14: 6; Jas. [ Bogisi kha siaṱari 12] [ Box on page 12] [ Box on page 12] Kha ri ite zwoṱhe zwine ra nga kona u itela u takadza vhathu vho ri rambaho. Let us do our utmost to make our hosts happy that they invited us. Let us do all we can to impress those invited to us. Zwiṅwe hafhu, vhaṅwe vhotshifhe vhahulwane vho ḓidina vhukuma u itela uri vha takalelwe nga vhavhusi vha Roma. In addition, some of the chief priests had gone to great lengths to curry favor with the Roman authorities. Moreover, some priests have worked hard to gain the approval of Roman authorities. Zwi a pfala uri vhathu vhane vha ḓo ya ṱaḓulu - vha tshivhalo tshiṱuku - ndi vhone fhedzi vhane vha ṱanganela kha u ḽa na u nwa veini Tshihumbudzoni. - Luka 12: 32; Vha - Efesa 1: 13, 14; Vha - Heberu 9: 22; 1 Petro 1: 3, 4. Understandably, those with this heavenly calling - a limited number - are the only ones who partake of the bread and the wine at the Memorial. - Luke 12: 32; Ephesians 1: 13, 14; Hebrews 9: 22; 1 Peter 1: 3, 4. Understandably, only those who will go to heaven - a small number - share in eating and drinking wine at the Memorial. - Luke 12: 32; Ephesians 1: 13, 14; Hebrews 9: 22; 1 Peter 1: 3, 4. U itela uri ri fane na mufunziwa a fulufhedzeaho Nathanaele, ri nga linda mihumbulo na mbilu dzashu nga nḓila - ḓe? How can we guard our mind and heart and be like the faithful disciple Nathanael? To be like the faithful disciple Nathanael, how can we guard our minds and hearts? (b) Ri fanela u ḓiimisela u ita mini? (b) We should be determined to do what? (b) What should be our determination? Nṱhani hazwo, o vha a tshi khou amba Vhakriste vhane vha vha na tshenzhelo uri vha fanela u sa fhelela mbilu vhane vha vha vhaswa ngohoni. Rather, he was saying that Christians with more experience should be patient with those who were not yet firmly rooted in the truth. Rather, he was speaking to experienced Christians about the need to be patient with those who are new in the truth. Ya u thoma, a ri " nga tevheli mutsinda na luthihi. ' First, we "will by no means follow " a stranger. First, we "do not follow the stranger as a stranger. " All rights reserved. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. Zwenezwo zwo nṱuṱuwedza uri ndi ḓiṋekedzele kha Yehova. That motivated me to make my dedication to Jehovah. That moved me to dedicate myself to Jehovah. Nga murahu ha u fhedza tshifhinga tshilapfu nnḓa hu tshi khou rothola musi hu tshi khou vhaliwa madzina a vhathu vha re hone, o mbo ḓi ya hune vhathu vhane vha khou lwala vha ṱhogomelwa hone. After a long and chilly roll call, he reported to sick bay. After spending some time outside the cold process of being read by the names of the people in attendance, he went to where sick people were cared for. Ngauralo, Sara o ṱhogomela uri murwa wawe u khomboni, nahone a humbela Abrahamu uri a pandele mulanda wawe wa musidzana na Isimaele. So Sarah, perceiving danger for her son, urged Abraham to drive out the slave girl and Ishmael. So Sarah realized that her son was in danger, and she asked Abraham to take away her slave girl and Ishmael. Iṅwe mbuno ye ya vha i kha bammbiri ḽa u landula lutendo yo vha i tshi ri: "Bammbiri ḽeneḽi ḽi a khwaṱhisedza uri ndi nga si tsha dovha nda ita mushumo wa International Bible Students Society. " One of the points in the declaration stated: "I assure by this never again to be active for the International Bible Students Society. " Another factor in rejecting faith stated: "This explanation guarantees that I will never do the work of the International Bible Society once again. " (Numeri 15: 38 - 40) Samusi ri vhashumeli vha Yehova vha musalauno, ro fhambana na shango ngauri ri tevhedza milayo na maitele a Mudzimu. As Jehovah's present - day servants, we stand out as different from the world because we observe divine laws and principles. As Jehovah's present - day servants, we stand out as different from the world because we observe God's laws and principles. Naho zwo ralo, Yehova u ḓo ni thusa uri ni ṱhogomele vhuḓifhinduleli haṋu vhunzhi arali na humbela thuso yawe ni na lutendo. Nevertheless, Jehovah will help you care for your many responsibilities if you call upon him in faith. However, Jehovah will help you to recognize your many responsibilities if you seek his help with faith. Zwivhidzo ṋamusi a zwi khou tshinywa lutendo nga vhanna vhane vha vha na mavhonele o raloho, naho zwo ralo ri nga guda zwinzhi nga ha luvalo kha nyeletshedzo ye Paulo a i ṋea Tito. Congregations today are not being undermined by men with that particular outlook; still we can learn much about the conscience from the counsel that Paul gave to Titus. Congregations today are not being corrupted by men with such an attitude, yet we can learn much about the conscience from Paul's counsel to Titus. Yoshua 9: 4 i sumbedza uri "Vhone vha ita nga tshimbevha. " " They, even of their own accord, " relates Joshua 9: 4, "acted with shrewdness. " Joshua 9: 4 shows that they acted "with hypocrisy. " Hu pfi mini nga riṋe? What about us? What about us? A zwi timatimisi uri Yehova u ḓo khuthadza vhashumeli vhawe. There is no doubt that Jehovah provides needed comfort for his servants. There is no doubt that Jehovah will comfort his servants. [ Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 11] [ Picture on page 11] [ Picture on page 11] Musi ndi tshe vhuswoleni, nga zwiṱuku nga zwiṱuku ro shandula wonoyo mutumbu uri u vhe tshikepe tshiṱuku. While I was serving in the military, we progressively converted the hull into a small sailing vessel. During my military service, we gradually changed the body into a small boat. Yesu o ramba vhaṅwe vhanna uri vha ite mini, nahone nḓila ye vha aravha ngayo i sumbedza mini? What invitation did Jesus extend to some men, and what was revealed by their reactions? What invitation did Jesus extend to certain men, and what does their reaction illustrate? Ni nga kha ḓi mu ṱalutshedza uri mbeu i fana na risipi, fhedzi yo serekana u fhira maipfi o ṅwalwaho kha bugu ya risipi. You could discuss that the recipe was "written " in the seed but in a language far more complex than the words in a recipe book. You might point out that the seed is like a bull, but it is more complex than the words recorded in the book of the Creator. U Aṋwa Mitshelo U Itela U Renda Yehova Bearing Fruit to Jehovah's Praise Bearing Fruit to Praise Jehovah Muapostola Paulo o vhea tsumbo yavhuḓi ya u hudza lufuno lwawe. The apostle Paul set a good example in widening out in his affections. The apostle Paul set a fine example of haughtiness in his love. Naho zwo ralo, ndi ngafhi hune na nga wana hone vhulivhisi ha muya vhu fushaho? Where, though, can you find satisfying spiritual guidance? Where, though, can you receive satisfying spiritual guidance? Ndi kha ḓi vha na notsi dzanga dzoṱhe. I still have all my notes. I still have all my notes. A huna muthu a songo fhelelaho ane a kona u ḓifara nga ho fhelelaho. No imperfect human can exercise perfect self - control. No imperfect human can completely conduct himself. Tsha ndeme u fhira zwoṱhe ndi uri ni ḓo takalelwa nga Yehova na vha na mulalo wa tshoṱhe shangoni ḽiswa ḽa Mudzimu. - 2 Pet. Most important, you will gain Jehovah's approval and find abundant and everlasting peace in God's new world. - 2 Pet. More important than all, you will have Jehovah's approval and lasting peace in God's new world. - 2 Pet. Nga murahu ha yeneyo khaṱulo, zwivhumbiwa zwoṱhe zwi re ṱaḓulu na kha ḽifhasi, zwi ḓo tenda uri yeneyo khaṱulo yo tea. After it is carried out, every thinking creature in the universe will heartily agree that justice was done. After that judgment, all intelligent creatures in heaven and on earth will be convinced that such a judgment is appropriate. LINGEDZANI HEZWI: Tshifhingani tshi ḓaho musi ni tshi amba na ṅwana waṋu nga zwa vhudzekani, phethani khaseledzo ya vhoiwe nga u amba zwavhuḓi nga zwa vhudzekani. It is imperative that we remain in the valley of protection, for that valley will take on even greater meaning for true worshippers during the fast - approaching great tribulation. TRY THIS: The next time you talk to your child about sex, conclude your discussion by speaking well about sex. Ndi zwa ndeme vhukuma uri ri dzule ri muedzini wa tsireledzo, ngauri wonoyo muedzi u ḓo thusa vhukuma vhagwadameli vha ngoho tshifhingani tsha vhuṱungu vhuhulu vhune ha ḓo swika hu si kale. [ 1] (paragraph 9) Some names have been changed. How vital it is that we remain in a valley of protection, for that valley will help true worshippers during the great tribulation that will soon come. [ 1] (phara 9) Maṅwe madzina o shandulwa. should have made it clear to the Christians in Corinth that Paul's decision to change his plans was not because he was unreliable. [ 1] (paragraph 9) Some names have been changed. i tea u vha yo ita uri Vhakriste vha ngei Korinta vha ṱhogomele uri Paulo ho ngo shandula zwe a vha o dzudzanya u zwi ita nga ṅwambo wa uri ha fulufhedzei. Which will you choose to uphold? It must have caused Christians in Corinth to realize that Paul did not change what he had planned to do because he was unfaithful. Ni ḓo tikedza nnyi? To solve disagreements, we need to do our best to "seek peace and pursue it. " Whom will you support? U itela u tandulula thaidzo, ri fanela u ita zwoṱhe zwine ra nga kona u itela u " ṱoḓa mulalo na u u tovhola. ' 7: 4, 9; 21: 1 - 4. To solve problems, we must do our utmost to "seek peace and pursue it. " 7: 4, 9; 21: 1 - 4. One scholar wrote: "This [verse] definitely does not mean that they also love God to some extent. 7: 4, 9; 21: 1 - 4. Muṅwe mugudi o ṅwala uri: "Yeneyi [ndimana] a i ambi uri vha funa Mudzimu na zwiṱuku - ṱuku. We have to learn what is "fine and acceptable in the sight of our Savior, God, " and then choose to act accordingly. One scholar wrote: "It does not mean that they love God even a little. Ri fanela u guda "zwo nakaho zwi takalelwaho nga Mutshidzi washu Mudzimu, " nahone nga zwenezwo ri khethe u tshila u tendelana na zwenezwo. They should always point to what the Bible says. A sound rule is found in the words of the apostle Paul: "Do not go beyond the things that are written. " We need to learn "the fine things that are acceptable to our God, " and thus we must choose to live in harmony with that. Maitele a ndeme a wanala kha maipfi a muapostola Paulo ane a ri: " Hu si vhe na ane a pfuka mukano wa zwo ṅwaliwaho. ' How can we benefit from considering his example? A key principle is found in the apostle Paul's words: "No man can break the pattern of what is written. " Ri nga vhuyelwa hani nga u ṱhogomela tsumbo yawe? Am I determined to continue telling others about God's Kingdom to the extent that I reasonably can? ' How can we benefit from considering his example? Naa ndo ḓiimisela u bvela phanḓa ndi tshi vhudza vhaṅwe nga ha Muvhuso wa Mudzimu nga hune nda nga kona ngaho? ' When Eliab, the oldest son, enters, Samuel is immediately struck by his appearance. Am I willing to continue sharing God's Kingdom with others as much as I can? ' Musi Eliaba, murwa wa tanzhe, a tshi dzhena, nga u ṱavhanya Samuele o mbo ḓi kungiwa nga mbonalo yawe. When it comes to organized charity, though, we need to be cautious as we evaluate the many appeals we receive. When Eliab, the firstborn son, entered, Samuel quickly became attracted to his appearance. Naho zwo ralo, musi zwi tshi ḓa kha madzangano a u thusa vha shayaho, ri fanela u sedza nga vhuṱali vhunzhi ha khumbelo dzine ra dzi wana. " I needed $66 to pay my rent, which was due the next day, " Nancy recalls. When it comes to relief organizations, however, we wisely consider the many requests we receive. Nancy o ri: "Ndo vha ndi tshi ṱoḓa R570 ya u badela rennde, yo vha i tshi ṱoḓea ḓuvha ḽi tevhelaho. Emelia: "Before knowing the truth,... I felt a great emptiness " " I wanted55 (U.S.) to rent, " says Nancy, "that was a need for the next day. Emelia uri: "Musi ndi sa athu ḓivha mafhungo - ngoho,... ndo vha ndi tshi ḓipfa ndi si wa ndeme " When we returned, passersby asked, " What happened? " Before coming to know the truth,... I felt worthless " Musi ri tshi humela, vhathu vhe vha vha vha tshi khou fhira henefho vho ri vhudzisa vha ri, " Ho itea mini? My father is getting baptized. Upon returning, the delegates asked, "What happened? Khotsi anga vha khou lovhedzwa. Jehovah has given his people priceless privileges. Father is getting baptized. Yehova o ṋea vhathu vhawe ndugelo dzi sa vhambedzwi na tshithu. You will rest. " Jehovah has granted his people an incomparable privilege. U ḓo awela. " What can we look forward to when we have a balanced view of our works and Jehovah's undeserved kindness? You will rest. " Ndi mini zwine ra nga dzula ro sedza phanḓa kha u zwi wana musi ri na mavhonele o linganyiselwaho nga mishumo yashu na tshilidzi tsha Yehova tshi songo ri fanelaho? He had faced Goliath, saying: "You are coming to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I am coming to you with the name of Jehovah of armies, the God of the battle lines of Israel, whom you have taunted. " What can we look forward to having a balanced view of our deeds and Jehovah's undeserved kindness? O lwa na Goliata, a tshi khou ri: "Iwe wo ḓa fhano wó fara banga na tshiṱangu na thonga. A vha nṋe ndo ḓa fhano dzinani ḽa Yehova wa Mavhuthu, Mudzimu wa dzigomane dza Isiraele we wa mu sema. " To flush animals out of hiding, a hunter may set a section of vegetation ablaze, catching the animals as they try to escape. With Goliath, he said: "You have come against me with a sword and a sword and a sword and a sword and a sword; and I have come down against you in the name of Jehovah of armies, the God of Israel whom you have cursed. " U itela u zwi bvisa he zwa dzumbama hone, muzwimi a nga fhisa ḓaka ḽe zwa dzumbama khaḽo u itela uri a zwi fashe musi zwi tshi khou shavha. So be determined to obey God's command to marry "only in the Lord. " To remove them from the hiding place, a archer may burn a forest in which he is hiding so that he can catch it while fleeing. (Psalme ya 112: 1, 3) Nga zwenezwo, ḓiimiseleni u thetshelesa ndaela ya Mudzimu ya u vhinga kana u vhingwa "Murenani fhedzi. " The first night, we were kept in a transit barracks. Therefore, be determined to obey God's command to marry "only in the Lord. " Vhusiku ha u thoma, ro vha ro vhewa tshiṱokisini tshe ra vha ri tshi kha ḓi ḓo pfuluswa khatsho. Noah and his family were therefore preserved through the Deluge. The first night, we were placed on a post that was still to be transferred. Nga zwenezwo, Noaxe na muṱa wahawe vha tshidzwa kha Maḓi Mahulu. It was against such a negative backdrop that Jesus made a statement that must have caused the disciples to marvel. Thus, Noah and his family were saved through the Flood. Musi o no amba nga ha zwenezwo zwiimo zwi kulaho nungo, Yesu o vhudza vhafunziwa vhawe mafhungo ane a nga vha o ita uri vha mangale vhukuma. That is what Joseph of old did, as reported at Genesis 39: 7 - 12. After speaking about these discouraging situations, Jesus told his disciples matters that might have caused them much of themselves. Zwenezwo ndi zwe zwa itwa nga Yosefa wa zwifhingani zwa Bivhili, samusi zwo vhigiwa kha Genesi 39: 7 - 12. How did Delilah betray Samson, and why was that so contemptible? That is what Joseph did in Bible times, as recorded at Genesis 39: 7 - 12. Delila o fheṱa hani Simisoni, nahone ndi ngani zwenezwo zwo vha zwi tshi nengisa vhukuma? As we strengthen the hands of others, we help them to battle discouraging circumstances and to maintain a positive and hopeful view of the future. How did Delilah betray Samson, and why was this so offensive? Musi ri tshi khwaṱhisa vhaṅwe, ri vha thusa uri vha kunde zwiimo zwi kulaho nungo na u vha ita uri vha dzule vhe na mavhonele avhuḓi na fulufhelo nga ha vhumatshelo. It will also encourage us to follow past examples of those who chose to worship Jehovah, the King of eternity. When we strengthen others, we help them to overcome discouraging circumstances and to maintain their positive outlook and hope for the future. I ḓo dovha ya ri ṱuṱuwedza u tevhela tsumbo dza vhathu vhe vha khetha u shumela Yehova, Khosi ya lini na lini. The important thing is to do all you can to serve Jehovah. It will also encourage us to follow the examples of those who chose to serve Jehovah, the King of eternity. Tshithu tsha ndeme ndi u ita zwoṱhe zwine na nga kona u itela u shumela Yehova. His remarks touched my heart. The key is to do all you can to serve Jehovah. Maipfi awe o nkwama vhukuma. Jon: How do you know that the prophecy has a second fulfillment in regard to God's Kingdom? His words touched me deeply. Jon: Ni zwi ḓivha hani uri u ḓadzea ha vhuvhili ha vhuporofita zwi tshimbidzana na Muvhuso wa Mudzimu? So instead of making your teenager feel that what he does is never good enough, commend and encourage him. Jon: How do you know that the second fulfillment of prophecy relates to God's Kingdom? Nṱhani ha u ita uri muswa waṋu a pfe u nga ha khou ita zwo eḓanaho, mu khoḓeni nahone ni mu ṱuṱuwedze. Keep the environment quiet and calm. Rather than causing your teenager to feel that he is not doing enough, commend him and encourage him. Itani uri fhethu ho dzulaho mulwadze hu si vhe na phosho nahone hu dzike. How to Teach Children About God - What Methods Work Best? Keep the patient quiet and calm. Nḓila Ya U Funza Vhana Nga Ha Mudzimu - Ndi Maitele Afhio Ane A Shuma? So Irene and I along with two sisters, Frances and Elizabeth Good from the United States, and a Canadian married couple moved to the district of San Borja. How to Teach Children About God - What Work That Work? Ngauralo nṋe na Irene khathihi na vhaṅwe vhahashu vha tshisadzini vhavhili Frances na Elizabeth Good vha bvaho kha ḽa United States, na vhaṅwe vhavhingani vha bvaho Canada ra pfulutshela tshiṱirikini tsha San Borja. What We Can Learn From the Faithful Angels So Irene and I along with two other sisters, Elizabeth, along with Elizabeth, a beautiful couple from the United States, and a married couple from Canada moved to the village of San share. Zwine Ra Nga Zwi Guda Kha Vharuṅwa Vha Fulufhedzeaho Instead, we need to understand what Jehovah expects from us and do what pleases him. What We Can Learn From Faithful Angels Nṱhani hazwo, ri fanela u pfesesa zwine Yehova a zwi lavhelela kha riṋe na u ita zwine zwa mu takadza. They Found the Messiah! Instead, we need to understand what Jehovah expects of us and to do what pleases him. Yesu Kristo Ndi Nnyi? Before Jesus comes against Satan's visible organization, the last of the 144,000 members of spiritual Israel will receive the final sealing. Who Is Jesus Christ? Musi Yesu a sa athu fhelisa Sathane na ndangulo yawe i vhonalaho, hu ḓo thoma ha swaiwa muraḓo wa u fhedza wa vha 144 000, vhane vha vha Isiraele wa lwa muya. How do you feel when you experience a personal affront of one kind or another? Before Jesus destroys Satan and his visible organization, the final part of the 144,000, who become spiritual Israel. Ni ḓipfa hani musi ni tshi tshenzhela zwithu zwi ngaho zwenezwi? Without question, you young Christians can bring glory and praise to our heavenly Father. How do you feel about such experiences? A zwi timatimisi uri vhoiwe vhaswa vha Vhakriste ni nga ḓisela Khotsi ashu wa ṱaḓulu vhugala na thendo. (Read Jude 20, 21.) No doubt you young Christians can bring glory and praise to our heavenly Father. (Vhalani Yuda 20, 21.) In so doing, Josiah brought blessings not only to himself but also to the entire nation. - Read 2 Chronicles 34: 31 - 33. (Read Jude 20, 21.) Nga u ita nga u ralo, Yosia o fhaṱutshedzwa khathihi na lushaka lwoṱhe. - Vhalani 2 Koronika 34: 31 - 33. We may be inclined to launch right into a detailed explanation, starting with what happened in the garden of Eden. In so doing, Josiah was blessed with all the nation. - Read 2 Chronicles 34: 31 - 33. Nga lwa nzulele ri nga kha ḓi thoma u mu ṱalutshedza zwidodombedzwa zwoṱhe, u thoma nga mafhungo e a itea ngadeni ya Edeni. No matter what privileges of service we may enjoy, we are still servants of God and of Christ. Naturally, we might begin to explain all the details, starting with the account that took place in the garden of Eden. Hu sa londwi ndugelo dza tshumelo dzine ra ḓiphina ngadzo, ri kha ḓi vha vhalanda vha Mudzimu na vha Kristo. On several occasions during Jesus ' ministry, God himself spoke from heaven, expressing his approval of Jesus. Despite the privileges of service we enjoy, we are still slaves of God and of Christ. Kha zwiitea zwo vhalaho tshifhingani tsha vhuḓinḓa ha Yesu, Mudzimu o amba e ṱaḓulu uri u a takalela Yesu. Jehovah God is "from time indefinite to time indefinite. " On several occasions during Jesus ' ministry, God spoke from heaven of his approval of Jesus. Yehova Mudzimu ndi wa "kale na kale na lini na lini. " Saved From God's Wrath Jehovah God is "the beginning of time indefinite. " U Tshidzwa Kha Mbiti Dza Mudzimu And what is love? Deliverance From God's Fear Lufuno ndi mini? Recall that when Jehovah had Solomon make a request, the king asked for wisdom to guide the people. What is love? Humbulani uri musi Yehova a tshi vhudza Salomo uri a ite khumbelo, Salomo o humbela vhuṱali ha u ranga phanḓa lushaka. " I conducted as many as 18 Bible studies, " he relates. Recall that when Jehovah told Solomon to make a request, Solomon asked for the wisdom of leading the nation. O ri: "Ndo vha ndi na pfunzo dza Bivhili dza 18. Some parents do not commend their children because their own parents never gave them any encouragement. She says: "I had 18 Bible studies. Vhaṅwe vhabebi a vha khoḓi vhana vhavho ngauri vhabebi vhavho a vho ngo vhuya vha vha ṱuṱuwedza. Did Jesus have to perform this miracle? Some parents do not criticize their children because their parents never encouraged them. Naa Yesu o vha a tshi fanela u ita honoho vhuṱolo? Although Jesus did not mention providing shelter for the birds of heaven, Jehovah has provided them with the instincts, skills, and materials needed to make nests for themselves. Should Jesus perform those miracles? Naho Yesu a songo amba uri Yehova o ṋea zwiṋoni haya, fhedzi Yehova o zwi ṋea vhukoni, vhutsila na zwishumiswa u itela uri zwi kone u ḓifhaṱela zwiṱaha. After conveying greetings from a number of lands, Anthony Morris presented the students with their diplomas. Although Jesus did not say that Jehovah assigned birds of birds, Jehovah gave them talents, skills, and resources to make them grow. Nga murahu ha u fhirisela ndumeliso dzine dza bva kha maṅwe mashango, Anthony Morris o ṋea vhagudiswa diploma dzavho. How thankful we are for the many willing volunteers who work tirelessly on such projects! After delivering greetings from other lands, Anthony Morris gave the students their transportation. Ri livhuha vhukuma ngauri vhenevha vhathu vha khou shuma nga u ḓifunela vha sa fheli mbilu kha wonoyu mushumo wa u fhaṱa. Useful accounts shedding light on important movements surface in his writings alone. We are grateful that these individuals are willingly serving in this building work. Mafhungo a ndeme a bulaho nga zwipikwa zwa ndeme o ṅwaliwa buguni dzawe fhedzi. Not long thereafter, when I was 17 years old, I received an invitation to start serving at Brooklyn Bethel on September 19, 1955. An important account of important goals is recorded only in his book. Dzina Yehova ḽi amba uri "U Ita Uri Zwi Vhe Hone, " zwine zwa amba uri Mudzimu u ita zwithu nga tshifhinga tshawe, nahone u ita zwe a zwi fulufhedzisa. After retreating to Mauritius to regain his health, Jones started the difficult task of learning the Malagasy language. Jehovah's name means "He Causes to Become, " that is, God acts in his own time, and he does what he promises. Nga murahu, musi ndi na miṅwaha ya 17, ndo rambiwa uri ndi vhe muraḓo wa muṱa wa Bethele ya Brooklyn nga ḽa 19 September 1955. In this great prophecy, Jesus also mentioned famines, pestilences, and earthquakes. Later, when I was 17, I was invited to become a member of the Brooklyn Bethel family on September 19, 1955. Nga murahu ha u humela ngei Mauritius u itela uri a fhole, Jones o thoma mushumo u konḓaho wa u guda luambo lwa Lumalagasy. Although he was not commissioned to build Jehovah's temple, David exhibited a generous spirit. After returning to serve as a result of his recovery, Jones began a difficult job in learning the Malagasy language. Kha honovhu vhuporofita vhuhulwane, Yesu o dovha a amba nga nḓala, malwadze, na midzinginyo. In some lands the "nets " are bringing in a very good catch! - Luke 5: 6; John 21: 6. In this great prophecy, Jesus also spoke of famine, sickness, and earthquakes. Naho o vha a songo fhiwa ndugelo ya u fhaṱela Yehova thembele, Davida o vha e na muya wa u ṋeela. IN Spain a referee interrupts a football match. Although he was not given the privilege of building the temple to Jehovah, David had a giving spirit. Kha maṅwe mashango "mambule " a khou fasha zwavhuḓi vhukuma! - Luka 5: 6; Yohane 21: 6. Why could Peter's audience understand his statements about a prophet greater than Moses? In some lands, what a fine catch it is! - Luke 5: 6; John 21: 6. NGEI Spain, malogwane u imisa mutambo wa bola ya milenzhe. Says Romans 15: 4: "All the things that were written aforetime were written for our instruction, that through our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope. " IN Spain, eight percent raised a foot game. Ndi ngani vhe vha vha vho thetshelesa Petro vho pfesesa zwe a zwi amba nga ha muporofita ane a fhira Mushe? 5, 6. (a) How did all of us begin life? Why did Peter's listeners understand what he said about a prophet greater than Moses? Vha - Roma 15: 4 i ri: "Zwo ṅwalwaho kale zwo ṅwalelwa u ri funza, uri nga u konḓelela na nga u fhembeledzwa nga maṅwalo ri wane fulufhelo. " We often talk about the spiritual paradise, but what is it? Romans 15: 4 states: "All the things that were written aforetime were written for our instruction, that through our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope. " 5, 6. (a) Vhutshilo hashu roṱhe ho thoma hani? Without murmuring, however, this humble prophet acquiesced to Jehovah's purpose and cooperated with it. 5, 6. (a) How did our lives begin? Ri anzela u amba nga ha paradiso ya lwa muya, fhedzi ndi mini? Do not say, "Let me know if you need anything. " We often speak about a spiritual paradise, but what is it? Naho zwo ralo, onoyo muporofita a ḓiṱukufhadzaho o tshimbidzana na ndivho ya Yehova a sa gunguli. This was an invitation to be Jehovah's spokesman to deliver God's message to His wayward people. However, that humble prophet had to do with Jehovah's purpose without complaining. Ni songo ri, "Arali hu na zwine nda nga zwi ita, vha mmbudze. " In The Land and the Book, W. Do not say, "If I have anything to do, let me know. " O vha a tshi khou rambiwa uri a vhe muḓinḓa wa Yehova ane a ḓo isa mulaedza wa Mudzimu kha vhathu vhawe vha sa thetshelesi. Moreover, one local language, Nama, lacked words for commonly used concepts, such as "perfect. " He was invited to become a messenger of Jehovah who would deliver God's message to his disobedient people. Kha bugu yawe ine ya pfi The Land and the Book, W. What can we do to stay faithful like those in Thessalonica? In his book The Land and the Book, W. Zwiṅwe hafhu, luṅwe luambo lwa henefho, lwa Lunama, lwo vha lu si na maipfi e a vha a tshi anzela u shumiswa kha khandiso dzashu, u fana na ipfi "u fhelela. " However, as I observed the joy that full - time servants had, my desire to serve Jehovah as a pioneer increased. Moreover, one local language, a beautifulma, did not contain words often used in our publications, such as "the whole word. " Ri nga ita mini uri ri dzule ri tshi fulufhedzea u fana na vhahashu vha ngei Thesalonika? By the early eighth century B.C.E., however, their situation had become so bad that God found them guilty of gross wrongdoing. What can we do to maintain our integrity as did our brothers in Thessalonica? Naho zwo ralo, musi ndi tshi ṱhogomela dakalo ḽine vhashumeli vha tshifhinga tshoṱhe vha vha naḽo, lutamo lwanga lwa u shumela Yehova sa muvulanḓila lwo mbo ḓi engedzea. That attitude caused such strife in Abraham's household that Sarah chased Hagar away. However, when I realized the joy of full - time servants, my desire to serve Jehovah as a pioneer grew. Naho zwo ralo, mathomoni a ḓana ḽa vhumalo ḽa miṅwaha B.C.E., vhuimo havho ho vha ho vhifha lwe Mudzimu a vha vhona mulandu wa vhukhakhi havho vhuhulwane. (Read 1 Corinthians 6: 9 - 11.) However, at the beginning of the eighth century B.C.E., their situation was so bad that God blamed them for their serious failings. Eneo mavhonele o bveledza khakhathi muṱani wa Abrahamu nahone Sara a pandela Hagara. We also need courage when opposers maneuver the media into spreading bad reports about God's servants or when they try to restrict true worship by scheming "trouble by decree. " That attitude caused divisions in Abraham's family, and Sarah expelled Hagar. (Vhalani 1 Vha - Korinta 6: 9 - 11.) The human tendency to lack self - confidence. (Read 1 Corinthians 6: 9 - 11.) Ri dovha ra ṱoḓa tshivhindi musi vhahanedzi vhashu vha tshi ṱuṱuwedza zwirathisi zwa mafhungo uri zwi phaḓaladze mafhungo a si avhuḓi nga ha vhashumeli vha Mudzimu kana musi vha tshi lingedza u thivhela vhurabeli ha ngoho nga u amba uri " vha tshinya mulayo. ' He no longer felt that they were worthwhile. We also need courage when opposers encourage the media to spread bad news about God's servants or when they try to stop true worship by saying that they " violate the law. " Nḓila ine vhathu vha anzela u sa ḓifulufhela ngayo. Their "prayer of faith, " wrote James," will make the indisposed one well, and Jehovah will raise him up. How people tend to lack confidence. O vha a si tsha zwi dzhia sa zwi re zwa ndeme. Humility Helps Us to Make Peace He no longer considered them to be important. Yakobo o ṅwala uri: "Thabelo ya lutendo i ḓo tshidza uyo mulwadze, Murena u ḓo mu takusa; huno arali ó ita zwivhi, u ḓo hangwelwa. " How appropriate that in the year 33 C.E., on that very day, Jehovah thwarted Satan's vicious efforts to silence forever his "faithful and true witness "! James wrote: "The prayer of faith will make the indisposed one well, and Jehovah will raise him up, and if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. " U Ḓiṱukufhadza Zwi Thusa Uri Ri Vhe Na Mulalo When doing so, they should always have confidence in the Bible. Humility Helps Us to Be Peace (Levitiko 23: 6 - 14) Zwo vha zwo tea lungafhani uri nga ṅwaha wa 33 C.E., nga ḽeneḽo ḓuvha, Yehova a thithise vhuḓidini vhuvhi ha Sathane ha u vhulaha "ṱhanzi [yawe] i fulufhedzeaho ya ngoho "! How did Peter react when it was his turn to have his feet washed? How fitting that in the year 33 C.E., Jehovah interrupted Satan's wicked efforts to kill "the faithful one "! Musi vha tshi ita nga u ralo, vha fanela u ḓitika nga Bivhili tshifhinga tshoṱhe. Why, the shadow keeps changing in size and direction! In doing so, they need to rely on the Bible regularly. Petro o ita mini musi hu tshi swika tshifhinga tshawe tsha uri a ṱanzwiwe milenzhe? One day, we came to a village where there was a political meeting going on. What did Peter do when his turn came to open his feet? Ee, murunzi u anzela u shandula vhuhulu na sia! We can lessen the anxiety we feel about making decisions. Yes, a shadow often changes a lot and leaving! Ḽiṅwe ḓuvha, ro ya kha muvhundu we ha vha ho farelwa hone muṱangano wa politiki. They stood at the front door and talked to the two visitors for what seemed like hours. One day, we traveled to a village where a political meeting was held. Ri nga kona u fhungudza mbilaelo dzine ra vha nadzo nga ha u ita phetho. Being effective starts in the heart. We may be able to reduce the anxiety we have about making decisions. Vho ima muṋangoni wa nga phanḓa nahone vha amba na vhaeni vhavhili lu ṱoḓaho u vha dziawara. How would Rahab and her household be delivered? They stopped at the front door and talked to two visitors about three times. U renda nga hu bvelelaho zwi thoma mbiluni. The Bible writer David put it this way: "A young man I used to be, I have also grown old, and yet I have not seen anyone righteous left entirely, nor his offspring looking for bread. " - Psalm 37: 25. glorifying effectively begins in the heart. Rahaba na vha muṱa wahawe vho vha vha tshi ḓo tshidzwa nga nḓila - ḓe? As the planet turns on its axis, millions will gather to observe the Memorial of Christ's death. How would Rahab and her family be saved? Davida Muṅwali wa Bivhili o amba uri: "Tshee nda bebwa nda vhuya nda kalaha, a thi athu u vhona muvhuya ó laṱiwa, a tho ngo vhona vhana vhawe vhó tshinyala. " - Psalme ya 37: 25. However, his apostles were terrified. The Bible writer David stated: "A young man I used to be, I have not seen anyone righteous left entirely, nor his children looking for bread. " - Psalm 37: 25. Musi ḽo no kovhela, vhathu vha dzimilioni vha ḓo kuvhangana Tshihumbudzoni tsha lufu lwa Kristo. " Accordingly Mahlah, Tirzah and Hoglah and Milcah and Noah, the daughters of Zelophehad, became the wives of the sons of their father's brothers. After sundown, millions will gather at the Memorial of Christ's death. Naho zwo ralo, vhaapostola vhawe vho vha vha tshi khou ofha. As the Bible promises, godly wisdom can give them spiritual defenses. Yet, his apostles were afraid. Mahala na Thiritsa na Milika na Noa, vhenevho vhana vha Tselopahada vha dzewa nga vha lushaka lwa havho. 7: 19. These married children are given by their tribe, and they are, in fact, their brothers and sisters. Samusi Bivhili yo fulufhedzisa, vhuṱali ha Mudzimu vhu nga vha ṋea tsireledzo ya muya. Love makes us want to do good things for other people. As the Bible promises, godly wisdom can provide spiritual protection. 7: 19. There are four key factors to consider. 7: 19. Lufuno lu ita uri ri ṱoḓe u itela vhaṅwe vhathu zwithu zwavhuḓi. In the book of Romans, Paul addressed this need. Love makes us want to do good to others. Hu na mbuno nṋa dzine ra ḓo dzi haseledza. Paul says that God "comforts us in all our tribulation. " There are four points that we will consider. Kha bugu ya Vharoma Paulo o ombedzela ṱhoḓea ya u ita zwenezwo. Do they have suitable territory? In the book of Romans, Paul emphasized the need to do so. Paulo o amba uri Mudzimu u ri "kwengweledza maṱhuphoni ashu oṱhe. " Hence, the term "horn " figuratively denotes power, or strength. Paul said that God is "to comfort us in all our tribulation. " Vha waneleni fhethu hune vha nga huwelela hone hune ha tendelana na zwiimo zwavho. " Three long years passed, but thanks to Jehovah, I was able to endure, " says Sara. Find out where to preach in harmony with their circumstances. Nga zwenezwo, ipfi "dziṋanga " ḽi imela maanḓa nga lwa pfanyisedzo. They will have the same hateful attitude as Gog of Magog, the nations that attack God's people at the end of the great tribulation. Thus, the word "this " literally means" power. " Sara o ri: "Ho fhela miṅwaha miraru zwi tshi khou konḓa, fhedzi ndi livhuha uri Yehova o nthusa uri ndi kone u konḓelela. " " Happy is the one whose revolt is pardoned, whose sin is covered. " - Psalm 32: 1; 119: 165. Sarah says: "For three years it was difficult, but I am grateful that Jehovah helped me to endure. " Vha ḓo vha na vengo ḽi fanaho na ḽa Gogo kha ḽa Magogo, lushaka lu vutshelaho vhathu vha Mudzimu mafheleloni a maṱungu mahulu. He knew he had something precious to share - the truth about his heavenly Father, the very "sayings of God " and the" sayings of everlasting life. " They will have the same hatred as Gog of Magog, the attacking nation of God's people at the end of the great tribulation. " O [takalaho, NW] ndi uyo we a hangwelwa zwivhi, we vhutshinyi hawe ha fukedzwa. " - Psalme ya 32: 1; 119: 165. [ Pictures on page 6] " He was being forgiven for sins, the one whose sin was covered. " - Psalm 32: 1; 119: 8. O vha a tshi ḓivha uri o vha e na zwithu zwa ndeme zwe a vha a tshi nga zwi vhudza vhaṅwe - mafhungo - ngoho nga ha Khotsi awe wa ṱaḓulu, a "zwe Mudzimu a amba, " na" maipfi a vhutshilo vhu sa fheli. " To stand firm against Satan, we are wise to imitate the prayerful attitude of Jesus, which reflected his deep desire to maintain a complete heart toward Jehovah. He knew that he had valuable things to tell others about his heavenly Father, "the sayings of God, " and" sayings of everlasting life. " [ Zwifanyiso kha siaṱari 6] For a discussion of Isaiah 1: 1 - 35: 10, see "Jehovah's Word Is Alive - Highlights From the Book of Isaiah - I " in the December 1, 2006, issue of The Watchtower. [ Pictures on page 6] U itela u lwisana na Sathane ro khwaṱha, zwi ḓo vha vhuṱali u edzisa tsumbo ya Yesu ya u rabela misi yoṱhe, ye ya vha i tshi sumbedza uri u ṱoḓa u shumela Yehova nga mbilu yoṱhe. Even the Messiah's disciples would scatter. To stand firm against Satan, we are wise to imitate Jesus ' example of regular prayer, which shows that he wants to serve Jehovah with a complete heart. U itela khaseledzo ya Yesaya 1: 1 - 35: 10, sedzani "Ipfi Ḽa Yehova Ḽi A Tshila - Manweledzo a Bvaho kha Bugu ya Yesaya - I " kha Tshiingamo tsha ḽa 1 March 2007. [ Map on page 24, 25] For a discussion of Isaiah 1: 1 - 35: 10, see "Jehovah's Word Is Alive - Highlights From the Book of Isaiah - It " in The Watchtower of March 1, 2007. Vhafunziwa vha Messia na vhone vho vha vha tshi ḓo mu ṱutshela. This growth takes place "on its own, " gradually and in stages. The Messiah's disciples would also abandon him. [ Mapa kha siaṱari 24, 25] Many in Bible times had courage, and they made wise decisions that helped them to stay neutral. [ Map on page 24, 25] U mela honohu hu itea nga zwiṱuku nga zwiṱuku nahone hu tevhekana nga zwiteidzhi. It promotes faith in Jesus Christ, who died so that we might gain everlasting life and who is now ruling as King of God's Kingdom. This growth occurs gradually and in stages. Vhathu vhanzhi vha misini ya Bivhili vho vha na tshivhindi nahone vho dzhia phetho dza vhuṱali dze dza vha thusa uri vha si dzhie sia. Does he want us to understand his Word? Many in Bible times gained courage and made wise decisions that helped them not to take sides. U ri ṱuṱuwedza uri ri tende Yesu Kristo, we a fa u itela uri ri wane vhutshilo vhu sa fheli, ane zwino a khou vhusa sa Khosi ya Muvhuso wa Mudzimu. Under that government, the one true religion will be a force for unity, not division. It promotes faith in Jesus Christ, who died so that we might gain everlasting life and who is now ruling as King of God's Kingdom. Naa u a ṱoḓa ri tshi pfesesa Ipfi ḽawe? Many terms were foreign to me, but I was so impressed by the warm welcome I received that I decided to go back the following Sunday. Does he want us to understand his Word? Nga fhasi ha wonoyo muvhuso, vhurereli vhuthihi ha ngoho vhu ḓo vha tshigwada tshi re na vhuthihi nṱhani ha tsho fhandekanaho. Some might say no, claiming that God is not interested in us. Under that government, true religion will be a united group rather than divided. (Hesekiele 38: 1, 2) Maipfi manzhi o vha e maswa kha nṋe, fhedzi ndo takadzwa nga nḓila ye vha nṱanganedza ngayo nahone nda humbula u vhuyelela Swondaha i tevhelaho. Can You Explain? Many words were new to me, but I was impressed by the way they welcomed me and remembered to return to the next Sunday. Vhaṅwe vha nga kha ḓi ri hai, vha tshi amba uri Mudzimu ha na dzangalelo kha riṋe. Describe the events that occurred at the destruction of Jerusalem. Some may say that God is not interested in us. Naa Ni Nga Ṱalutshedza? 6: 10 - 12. Can You Explain? Ṱalutshedzani zwe zwa itea musi hu tshi fheliswa Yerusalema. How can we imitate Jehovah's impartiality? Explain what happened when Jerusalem was destroyed. 6: 10 - 12. Still, many translations do not use God's name. 6: 10 - 12. Ri nga edzisa hani u sa ṱalula ha Yehova? Instead of viewing them as one major plight, we may be able to resolve them one at a time by applying Bible principles. How can we imitate Jehovah's impartiality? Yehova - Muṋei Na Mutsireledzi Washu, 2 / 15 What was going on? 6 / 1 Zwiṅwe hafhu, ṱhalutshedzelo nnzhi a dzi shumisi dzina ḽa Mudzimu. Said one such teacher: "Whatever things seem just and fine to each city, are just and fine for that city, so long as it thinks them so. " Furthermore, most translations do not use God's name. Nṱhani ha u vhu dzhia vhu vhuleme vhu si na vhukono, ri nga kha ḓi vhu piringulula nga vhuthihi nga vhuthihi nga u shumisa maitele a Bivhili. 10: 19. Instead of viewing them as a serious problem, we might unitedly resolve them by applying Bible principles. Ho vha hu tshi khou bvelela mini? By his second trip, in May 1903, public meetings in Belfast and Dublin were being advertised in local newspapers. What was happening? Muṅwe wa vhenevho vhadededzi o ri: "Zwithu zwiṅwe na zwiṅwe zwine zwa vhonala zwo luga nahone zwi tshi ṱanganedzea kha muvhundu muṅwe na muṅwe, zwi vha zwo lugela wonoyo muvhundu, tenda vhathu vha kha wonoyo muvhundu vha tshi zwi dzhia zwo luga nahone zwi tshi ṱanganedzea. " (Amos 1: 1 - 9: 15) One of the teachers said: "Every thing that seems right and accepted in each village is well prepared for the village, yes, the people in that village consider it right and acceptable. " 10: 19. By what means? 10: 19. Musi a tshi ya u dala lwa vhuvhili nga May 1903, magurannḓa a henefho o ita khunguwedzo ya miṱangano ye ya vha i tshi ḓo farelwa ngei Belfast na Dublin. Another aid to keeping God in a marriage is for a couple to study God's Word together. During his second visit, in May will be applied to local meetings, he made an advertising for the meetings that were to be held in Belfast and Dublin. (Amosi 1: 1 - 9: 15) How would I cope? (H 1: 1 - 9: 15) (1 Samuele 7: 2 - 4) O zwi itisa hani? Determined to Serve Jehovah (R. How did he do so? Zwiṅwe zwine zwa nga thusa kha u ita uri Mudzimu a dzule mbinganoni ndi musi vhavhingani vha tshi guda Ipfi ḽa Mudzimu vhoṱhe. When tempting Jesus, Satan offered him all the kingdoms of the world, saying: "I will give you all this authority and the glory of them, because it has been delivered to me, and to whomever I wish I give it. " - Luke 4: 5 - 7. Another factor that can help to keep God in marriage is when married couples study God's Word together. Ndo vha ndi tshi ḓo konḓelela hani? Moreover, we must humbly respond to what we learn. How could I endure? Musi a tshi linga Yesu, Sathane o mu fulufhedzisa u mu ṋea mivhuso yoṱhe ya shango, o ri: "Hovhu vhuhosi hoṱhe na vhurena ha mivhuso yoṱhe ndi ḓo fha iwe; ngauri ho kumedzwa nṋe; ndi hu ṋea ané nda funa. " - Luka 4: 5 - 7. Not only do they enjoy Jehovah's love but they also delight in the strong bond of love in the brotherhood. When tempting Jesus, Satan promised to give him all the kingdoms of the world, saying: "The kingdom and the dignity of all the kingdoms I shall give to you, for this is the one that has been given me. " - Luke 4: 5 - 7. Zwiṅwe hafhu, nga u ḓiṱukufhadza ri fanela u shumisa zwine ra zwi guda. These are much more than happy gatherings; they are occasions for us to demonstrate trust in Jehovah. Moreover, we should humbly apply what we learn. A vha ḓiphini nga u funwa nga Yehova fhedzi, fhedzi vha dovha vha takalela u vha na mbofho yo khwaṱhaho ya lufuno kha vhushaka havho ha vhurathu na vhukomana. Help Others Obey What the Bible Teaches, 1 / 15 Not only do they enjoy Jehovah's love but they also enjoy a strong bond of love in their brotherly brotherhood. Enea maguvhangano a a takadza; a dovha a ri ṋea tshibuli tsha u sumbedza uri ri fulufhela Yehova. Jehovah answered Solomon's prayer. - Read 2 Chronicles 1: 11, 12. These gatherings are of interest; they also give us an opportunity to demonstrate that we trust in Jehovah. U Bvelela, 1 / 1 Our goal is to "attain to the oneness in the faith and in the accurate knowledge of the Son of God, to a full - grown man, to the measure of stature that belongs to the fullness of the Christ. " 1 / 15 1: 7 - 10) Yehova o fhindula thabelo ya Salomo. - Vhalani 2 Koronika 1: 11, 12. What wise counsel did Solomon give? Jehovah answered Solomon's prayer. - Read 2 Chronicles 1: 11, 12. Tshipikwa tshashu ndi u ri "roṱhe ri vhuye ri ṱangane huthihi, ri vhe vhathihi u tendani na kha u ḓivha Murwa wa Mudzimu, ri swike kha u vha munna o fhedzaho, ri swike vhuhulwaneni ha muelo wo ḓalaho wa Kristo. " A further mention of Michael occurs at Revelation 12: 7, which describes "Michael and his angels " as fighting a vital war that results in the ousting of Satan the Devil and his wicked angels from heaven. Our goal is to "be united with one another in the faith and in the knowledge of God's Son, so that we may be able to attain to the measure of stature that belongs to the fullness of the Christ. " Ndi nyeletshedzo ifhio ya vhuṱali ye Salomo a i ṋea? The Kingdom that the God of heaven sets up is a heavenly government in the hands of Jesus Christ. What wise counsel did Solomon give? Hu dovha ha ambiwa nga ha Mikaele kha Ndzumbululo 12: 7, ine ya amba nga ha "Mikaele na vharuṅwa vhawe " vha tshi khou lwa nndwa ye ya ita uri Sathane Diabolo na vharuṅwa vhawe vhavhi vha bviswe ṱaḓulu. The attitude of the Witnesses affected by the cyclone was truly outstanding. It is also said of Michael at Revelation 12: 7, which speaks of "his angels and his angels " fighting war that caused Satan the Devil and his wicked angels to be removed from heaven. (Daniele 2: 44) Muvhuso une Mudzimu wa ṱaḓulu a ḓo u imisa ndi muvhuso wa ṱaḓulu une wa ḓo vhuswa nga Yesu Kristo. In this case, the court, not the victim, applied "life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth... " The heavenly Kingdom that God will lift up is a heavenly government under Jesus Christ. Mavhonele a Ṱhanzi dze dza kwamiwa nga ḓumbumazwikule o vha a tshi mangadza vhukuma. Provocative sexual imagery is one form that is often used. " Sex sells " is a well - known adage. The attitude of the Witnesses affected by the cyclone was remarkable. Kha tshenetshi tshiitea, ndi vhahaṱuli vhe vha vha vha tshi shumisa mulayo wa "iṱo ḽi lifha iṱo, iṋo ḽi lifha iṋo... " hu si o khakhelwaho. " How will I care for my family? ' he wondered. In this instance, it was a judges who used the law "to pay for eye, to pay a fine... but not to the point. " Zwifanyiso zwi karusaho lutamo lwa vhudzekani ndi iṅwe nḓila ine ya anzela u shumisiwa. We can also reflect on why we served. Pornography is another way that is often used. O ri: " Ndi ḓo ṱunḓela hani muṱa wanga? ▪ Jehovah Is the God of Love " How can I provide for my family? Ri nga dovha ra elekanya nga zwe zwa ita uri ri ṋewe vhuḓifhinduleli. Those who do not keep clear of false worship can be "tossed about as by waves and carried hither and thither by every wind of teaching by means of the trickery of men, by means of cunning in contriving error. " - Ephesians 4: 13, 14. We can also meditate on reasons why we have been entrusted with responsibility. ▪ Yehova Ndi Mudzimu Wa Lufuno As much as I tried to ignore my conscience, it regularly reminded me that the way I was living was wrong. ▪ Jehovah Is a God of Love Vhane vha sa iledze vhurabeli ha mazwifhi vha nga "poswa - poswa nga mimuya yoṱhe ya dzipfunzo nga vhufhura ha vhathu, [vha] kungiwa nga zwiito, [vha] yo xela - vho. " - Vha - Efesa 4: 13, 14. How can you strengthen and console those who have "a crushed spirit "? Those who do not reject false worship can be "filled with every wind of teaching by means of the deceptive power of men, and by their conduct [they] are led astray from them. " - Ephesians 4: 13, 14. Ndo lingedza vhukuma u sa thetshelesa luvalo lwanga, lwe lwa vha lu tshi nkhumbudza tshifhinga tshoṱhe uri zwe nda vha ndi tshi khou zwi ita zwo khakhea. King Hezekiah was another whose trust in Jehovah was vindicated. I tried hard not to listen to my conscience, which always reminded me that what I was doing was wrong. Ni nga khwaṱhisa na u khuthadza hani vha "ma - ḽa - mbilu "? (Mir. The Scriptural answer to that question is no. How can you strengthen and comfort those who "speak consolingly to the heart "? Khosi Hiskia ndi muṅwe wa vhe vha vhuyelwa nga u fulufhela Yehova. The answer to both questions is yes! King Hezekiah was one who benefited from trusting in Jehovah. U ya nga lwa Maṅwalo a zwo ngo ralo. If that was the case, King Saul was the one hounding David, seeking to take his life. In the Scriptures, that is not the case. Ri nga fhindula dzenedzi mbudziso nga uri ee, zwi a konadzea! The Kingdom message gives strength to the brokenhearted We can answer these questions by saying yes! Arali Davida o ṅwala yeneyi psalme e bakoni, zwi amba uri o vha a tshi khou shavha Khosi Saulo we a vha a tshi khou mu zwima uri a mu vhulahe. What Jehovah foretold about Israel and Judah was fulfilled. If David composed this psalm from a cave, it means that he was fleeing from King Saul, who wanted him to kill him. Zwe Yehova a dzula o zwi amba nga ha Vhaisiraele na Vhayuda zwo ḓadzea. Jehovah also foresaw the result of the enmity between his woman and Satan and between their opposing seeds. What Jehovah foretold about Israel and Judah was fulfilled. Yehova o dovha a vhona hu tshee nga phanḓa mvelelo dza vhuswina vhukati ha musadzi wawe na Sathane na vhukati ha mbeu dzavho dzi pikisanaho. It was centered on things that could be seen and felt and touched, such as the temple and the priesthood. Jehovah also saw the effects of enmity between his wife and Satan and their conflicting seed. Wo vha wo thewa kha zwithu zwine vhathu vha kona u zwi vhona, u zwi fara na u zwi kwama, zwi ngaho thembele na vhotshifhe. Some 28 years later, Paul was writing to all Hebrew Christians, not merely to a small clergy class, when he said: "Through him let us always offer to God a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of lips which make public declaration to his name. " It was based on what people could see, treat, and affect, such as the temple and the priests. Hu ṱoḓaho u vha nga murahu ha miṅwaha ya 28, Paulo o vha a tshi khou ṅwalela Vhaheberu vhoṱhe vha Vhakriste, hu si tshigwada tshiṱuku fhedzi tsha vhafunzi, musi a tshi ri: "Kha ri ṋekedze nga Ene tshidzimu tshashu tsha thendo ya maḓuvha, ndi amba zwiaṋwiwa zwa milomo i ambaho dzina ḽawe. " Paul zealously spread the Kingdom message throughout Asia Minor and into Europe, establishing and revisiting many congregations. About 28 years later, Paul was writing to all the Hebrew Hebrews, not just a small group of priests, saying: "Let us offer to God a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of lips which make public declaration to his name. " Paulo o phaḓaladza mulaedza wa Muvhuso nga u fhisea kha ḽoṱhe ḽa Asia Minor na ngei Yuropa, a thoma zwivhidzo zwinzhi a ita na u zwi dalela. A plank of wood snaps with a loud crack and falls to the ground. Paul zealously distributed the Kingdom message throughout Asia Minor and Europe, beginning many congregations to do and visit them. U mbo ḓi rwa bulannga nga vhukati ḽa bva zwipiḓa zwivhili. The camp doctors deliberately infected human guinea pigs with tuberculosis. He beats a piece of wood between two parts. Madokotela a gammbani o shata zwivhotshwa lufhiha a tshi khou ita ndingo dza ngalafho. The person delivering the recordings to the brother or sister in the nursing home can use the opportunity to have an encouraging chat with that one. In the camp's doctors cleaned the prisoners into a medical treatment. Muthu ane a ḓo ḓisela wahashu wa tshinnani kana wa tshisadzini nyambo dzo rekhodiwaho hayani ha vhalala a nga shumisa tshenetsho tshibuli u itela u mu ṱuṱuwedza. As a father shows mercy to his sons, Jehovah has shown mercy to those fearing him. A person who will bring a brother or a sister recorded talks at a nursing home may take advantage of the opportunity to encourage her. Vhunga khotsi a tshi khathutshela vhana, u ralo Yehova a tshi khathutshela vhané vha mu ofha. Jehovah expects what of those taking the lead among his people? Just as a father shows mercy to children, so Jehovah shows mercy to those fearing him. Yehova u lavhelela mini kha vhane vha khou ranga phanḓa vhathu vhawe? But we will "have no reward " from our heavenly Father if we do things" in order to be observed " and admired, like actors performing onstage in a theater. What does Jehovah expect of those taking the lead among his people? Fhedzi ri "ḓo kundwa mutendelo " u bvaho ha Khotsi ashu wa ṱaḓulu arali ri tshi ita zwithu u itela " u vhonwa ' na u takalelwa, u fana na vhatambi vha re tshiteidzhini tsha sietha. His intriguing rejoinders and his own example provide valuable lessons for truth - seekers of today. But we will "have no reward " from our heavenly Father if we do things to" see " and gain approval, just as those in the theater of the theater. Phindulo yawe na tsumbo yawe zwi na ngudo ya ndeme kha vhane vha vha na dzangalelo kha mafhungo - ngoho ṋamusi. 1, 2. His answer and example contain a vital lesson for those who are interested in the truth today. 1, 2. We serve with all due humility and modesty, doing our utmost to preserve our Christian unity. 1, 2. Ri shuma nga u ḓiṱukufhadza, nahone ri ita zwoṱhe zwine ra nga kona u itela u vhulunga vhuthihi hashu ha Vhukriste. A drunkard may see "strange things " in that he may hallucinate or fantasize. We humbly work, and we do all we can to preserve our Christian unity. Muthu o kambiwaho a nga "vhona zwithu na zwi siho ' " khamusi nga u tou ḽora masiari. ; Pavanello, V. A offended person can "see things that are empty ' perhaps just a day. ; Pavanello, V. During his severe test, Job felt that God had abandoned him. ; Wells, V. Tshifhingani tsha mulingo wawe u vhavhaho, Yobo o pfa unga Mudzimu o mu laṱa. Satan has dishonored God by calling him a liar. During his painful trial, Job felt that God had abandoned him. Sathane o nyadza Mudzimu nga u mu vhidza muzwifhi. What challenges did you encounter after you moved, and how did you cope with them? Satan challenged God by calling him a liar. Ndi khaedu dzifhio dze na sedzana nadzo musi no no pfulutshela kha ḽiṅwe shango nahone no dzi kunda hani? This former shepherd is secure, knowing that as long as he stays close to his heavenly Shepherd, as if dwelling in His house, he will always be the object of Jehovah's loving care. What challenges did you face after moving to a foreign land, and how have you overcome them? Davida we a vha e mulisa u thomani o tsireledzea, o vha a tshi zwi ḓivha uri arali a dzula a tsini na Mulisa wawe wa ṱaḓulu, u fana na musi a tshi khou dzula nḓuni Yawe, tshifhinga tshoṱhe u ḓo dzula a tshi ṱhogomelwa nga Yehova wa lufuno. Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness. " - Matthew 7: 22, 23. David, who was once a shepherd, knew that if he remained close to his heavenly Shepherd, he would always be cared for by Jehovah's loving care. Ndi hone ndi tshi ḓo vha vhudza nda vha fhedzela nda ri: Na ka - thihi a thi ni ḓivhi, nṱutsheleni inwi vhadzia - vhutshinyi. " - Mateo 7: 22, 23. Let God's Word Light Your Roadway Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness. " - Matthew 7: 22, 23. Tendelani Fhungo ḽa Mudzimu ḽi Tshi vha Tshedza Tsha Nḓila Yaṋu In addition, since Jesus was sinless, his death was a sacrifice of great value. Let God's Word Light Your Way Zwiṅwe hafhu, samusi Yesu o vha e si na tshivhi, lufu lwawe lwo vha lu tshiṱhavhelo tsha thengokhulu. Here fire came down from the heavens and went eating up the two former chiefs of fifty and their fifties, but now let my soul be precious in your eyes. " Moreover, since Jesus was sinless, his death was a priceless sacrifice. U songo nyadza vhutshilo hanga na ha avha vhanna vha na mahumi maṱanu; ri vhalanda vhau. Dziḽa dzinduna mbili na dzigomane dzadzo dzo fhedzwa nga mulilo. I have been able to use any talents or abilities that Jehovah has given me in ways that would never have been possible had I chosen a worldly career. " Do not ignore my life and the life of these five thousand men, and let us be your slaves. Ndi kona u shumisa vhutsila kana vhukoni he Yehova a nṋea hone u fhira nḓila ye nda vha ndi tshi nga vhu shumisa ngayo arali ndo vha ndo tevhela buḓo ḽa shango. " 119: 98, 99, 130. I am better able to use the skills or abilities that Jehovah has given me than I could have used if I had followed the world's course. " 119: 98, 99, 130. Do not forget hospitality. " Providing a meal for traveling overseers and their wives or for full - time servants in the congregation is an excellent way to display hospitality. 119: 98, 99, 130. Ni songo hangwa dzitshilikadzi, miṱa i re na mubebi muthihi, kana vhathu vhane vha nga vhuyelwa nga u vha na riṋe zwiḽiwani kana kha vhurabeli hashu ha muṱa. Seeking solace in a romance outside of marriage is not the answer to marital problems. Remember widows, single families, or individuals who can benefit from our meal or family worship. U ṱoḓa khuthadzo kha muthu ane a si vhe mufarisi wau a si tshone tshipiringululi tsha vhuleme ha mbingano. The Good Examples of Joshua and Caleb Seeking comfort from someone who is not your mate is not the solution to marital problems. Tsumbo Dzavhuḓi Dza Yoshua Na Kalebe (a) What type of slavery did first - century Christians accept? Good Examples of Joshua and Caleb (a) Ndi vhulanda ha mufuda - ḓe he Vhakriste vha ḓana ḽa u thoma vha vhu ṱanganedza? 3, 4. (a) What significant request did the writer of Psalm 71 make to Jehovah? (a) What kind of slaves did first - century Christians accept? 3, 4. (a) Ndi tshifhio tshithu tsha ndeme tshe muṅwali wa Psalme ya 71 a tshi humbela kha Yehova? (b) What lesson can we learn from Elijah's experience? 3, 4. (a) What important factor did the writer of Psalm 71 ask Jehovah? (b) Ndi ngudo ifhio ine ra i guda kha tshenzhelo ya Eliya? " However, one Sunday I heard something that changed my attitude. (b) What lesson do we learn from Elijah's experience? " Naho zwo ralo, nga iṅwe Swondaha ndo pfa zwiṅwe zwithu zwe zwa shandula mavhonele anga. The rewards can be incalculable. " One Sunday, though, I heard something that changed my outlook. Malamba a nga vha manzhi. The glorious temple that had been a center of worship for over three centuries would be burned to the ground. The reward may be great. Thembele ya vhugala ye ya vha i tshisima tsha vhurabeli maḓanani a fhiraho miṅwaha miraru yo vha i tshi ḓo fhiswa ḽore! We live in "critical times hard to deal with. " The glorious temple that had been a center of worship for over three centuries was to be burned! Ri tshila "zwifhinga zwi lemelaho zwi konḓaho u sedzana nazwo. " What details does Jehovah reveal about the ancient Greek Empire? We live in "critical times hard to deal with. " Ndi zwidodombedzwa zwifhio zwe Yehova a zwi dzumbulula malugana na Muvhuso wa Gerika wa kale? How Dedication to God Benefited Israel What details did Jehovah reveal regarding the ancient Greek Empire? U Ḓiṋekedza Kha Mudzimu Zwo Vhuyedza Hani Vhaisiraele? What part does attitude play when it comes to caring for elderly ones? How Important Is Dedication to God? Nḓila ine vhalala vha ḓifara ngayo i nga kwama hani nḓila ine vha ṱhogomelwa ngayo? Some immature youths manifest a spirit of cowardice and mentally try to escape stressful situations by resorting to excessive sleep or TV viewing, drug or alcohol abuse, constant partying, or sexual immorality. How can the conduct of older ones affect their care for them? Vhaṅwe vhaswa vha songo vhibvaho vha sumbedza muya wa u vha magoswi nahone vha lingedza u sa humbula nga ha zwiimo zwi tsikeledzaho nga u eḓela lwo kalulaho kana u ṱalela thelevishini lwo kalulaho, u shumisa luvhi zwidzidzivhadzi kana zwikambi, u ya phathini tshifhinga tshoṱhe, kana u ḓifara luvhi nga zwa vhudzekani. The answers to these questions will move us to draw closer to Jehovah and worship him with all our heart. Some mature youths manifest a spirit of cowardice and try not to dwell on extreme sleep or to watch excessive television, drug abuse, or alcohol abuse, to attend a social party, or to engage in sexual immorality. Phindulo dza dzenedzi mbudziso dzi ḓo ri ita uri ri sendele tsini na Yehova na u mu gwadamela zwi tshi bva mbiluni. To understand the meaning of the Scriptures accurately, what type of information should we consider, and how may we go about obtaining it? The answers to these questions will draw us closer to Jehovah and to our wholehearted worship. U itela u pfesesa nga ho teaho zwine Maṅwalo a amba zwone, ndi mafhungo afhio ane ra fanela u a ṱhogomela, nahone ri nga a wana nga nḓila - ḓe? They cannot see, hear, speak, or act. To understand accurately what the Scriptures say, what information must we consider, and how can we find them? Midzimu ya zwifanyiso a i koni u vhona, u pfa, u amba, kana u ita zwiṅwe zwithu. Our close relationship with our loving heavenly Father, our strong faith like that of Abraham, and our obedience to God's commands allow us to be declared righteous and to be viewed by Jehovah as his friends. The gods of idols cannot see, hear, say, or do anything else. Vhushaka hashu ha tsini na Khotsi ashu wa ṱaḓulu a re na lufuno, lutendo lwashu lwo khwaṱhaho lu fanaho na lwa Abrahamu, na u thetshelesa ndaela dza Mudzimu zwi ri tendela u itwa vho lugaho na u dzhiiwa nga Yehova sa ṱhama dzawe. Will use his power to intervene in behalf of his people? Our close relationship with our loving heavenly Father, our strong faith like that of Abraham, and our obedience to God's commands allows us to be declared righteous and recognized by Jehovah as his friend. U ḓo shumisa maanḓa awe u itela u lamulela vhathu vhawe? If all ten camels were that thirsty, Rebekah faced hours of hard work. He will use his power to provide escape for his people? Arali kamela dza fumi dzo vha dzi na ḓora vhukuma, Rebeka o vha a tshi ḓo sedzana na mushumo u lemelaho vhukuma. Jesus said: "Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you. If ten camels were very thirsty, Rebekah would face a heavy task. Yesu o ri: "Iḓani ha nṋe noṱhe no netaho ni lemelwaho, ndi ḓo ni homolosa. With a population of about 106,000, Tonga is composed of three island groups - the main ones being Tongatapu, Ha'apai, and Vava'u. Jesus said: "Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you. Shango ḽa Tonga ḽine ḽa vha na vhathu vha linganaho 106 000 ḽo vhumbwa nga zwigwada zwiraru zwa zwiṱangadzime - zwihulwane zwa zwenezwo zwiṱangadzime ndi zwi tevhelaho: Tongatapu, Ha'apai, na tsha Vava'u. How can we determine if we have a balanced view of recreation? Tonga's native population is made up of three large islands - the islands of the island are the following: The present, Ha'apai, and V come to be. Ri nga zwi ḓivha hani uri ri na mavhonele o linganyiselwaho nga ha u ḓimvumvusa? But that is far from what our Creator, Jehovah God, purposed for mankind. How can we determine whether we have a balanced view of recreation? Mudzimu o amba zwi tevhelaho u itela uri thusa uri ri pfesese zwithu zwoṱhe zwe a zwi fulufhedzisa. (See paragraphs 4 - 9) God said this so that we can understand everything he promised. (Sedzani dziphara 4 - 9) (a) In what ways do some people use their riches? (See paragraphs 4 - 9) Boasi o ri: "Ṅwanaʹnga! When the resurrected Jesus spoke to disciples gathered in Galilee, likely 500 of them, he commanded: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. " Boaz says: "Be a boy, or a son, to whom there is no need. (a) Vhaṅwe vhathu vha shumisa lupfumo lwavho nga nḓila - ḓe? To address wrong conduct or thinking, we took the time to find an appropriate scripture. (a) How do some use their wealth? Musi Yesu o vuswaho a tshi amba na vhafunziwa vha ṱoḓaho u vha 500, vhe vha vha vho kuvhangana ngei Galilea, o vha ṋea ndaela ya uri: "Iyani - ha ni ite vhathu vhoṱhe vhafunziwa nga u vha lovhedza dzinani ḽa Khotsi na ḽa Murwa na ḽa Muya - mukhethwa. Some like the Gospels because they show Jehovah's beautiful personality through Jesus. When the resurrected Jesus spoke to some 500 disciples, who had gathered together in Galilee, he instructed them: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit. U itela u amba nga ha vhuḓifari ho khakheaho kana mahumbulele, ro vha ri tshi ḓiṋea tshifhinga u itela u wana luṅwalo lwo teaho. We need to develop "complete lowliness of mind and mildness. " To talk about wrong conduct or thinking, we took time to find the right scripture. Vhaṅwe vha takalela Dzievangeli ngauri dzi sumbedza vhumuthu ha Yehova a tshi shumisa Yesu. FROM OUR COVER Others appreciate the Gospels because they reflect Jehovah's personality through Jesus. Ri fanela u bvela phanḓa ri tshi " tshimbila sa vhaṱoma, ri na vhulenda. ' An axhead is made to float. - 2 Kings 6: 5 - 7 We need to keep on " walking as a lowly one, tenderly compassionate. ' ZWI RE KHA GWATI How privileged we are to have such an appreciative person as Jesus as our Leader! FROM OUR COVER O ita uri tsimbi i papamale. - 2 Dzikhosi 6: 5 - 7 It is a powerful way to show our love and appreciation for Jehovah. He caused iron to grow. - 2 Kings 6: 5 - 7 Ri na ndugelo yavhuḓi lungafhani ya u vha na muthu ane a livhuha u fana na Yesu ane a vha Murangaphanḓa washu! How happy Jehovah must be to observe an ever - growing number of young brothers and sisters all around the world who "offer themselves willingly " to preach the good news of his Kingdom in remote areas! What a privilege we have to be like Jesus, our Leader! Ndi nḓila yavhuḓi vhukuma ine ra sumbedza uri ri funa Yehova na u mu dzhiela nṱha. What are some Bible principles that promote family happiness? What a fine way we demonstrate our love for Jehovah and our appreciation for him! Yehova u a takala vhukuma musi a tshi vhona vhaswa vhanzhi shangoni ḽoṱhe vha tshi "phalala vha tshi zwi funa " u itela u huwelela mafhungo maḓifha a Muvhuso fhethu hu re kule! (Ps. 110: 3; Mir. Hopefully, they will again imitate the fine examples that were also set for them. How pleased Jehovah is to see so many young people around the world "love one another " to preach the good news of the Kingdom in a remote area! Ndi afhio maitele a Bivhili ane a engedza dakalo muṱani? That means following the basic principles that Christ expressed: "" You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. ' What Bible principles contribute to family happiness? Roṱhe ro bebwa ri na nḓowelo ya tseḓa nahone yeneyo nḓowelo i nga kha ḓi ri ita uri ri sa livhuhe. Therefore, we need to be careful not to judge ourselves or others harshly in these matters. All of us are born with a selfish tendency, and such a tendency may cause us to lose our gratitude. Ndi fulufhela uri vha ḓo dovha vha edzisa tsumbo yavhuḓi ye vha vhetshelwa yone. How active were our brothers in the preaching work during World War I? I hope that they will again imitate the fine example set by them. Hezwi zwi amba u tevhela maitele a ndeme e Kristo a amba ane a ri: "Funa Murena Mudzimu wau nga mbilu yau yoṱhe na nga muya wau woṱhe na nga u ṱalukanya hau hoṱhe! Notice that the critical times are to exist "in the last days " of Satan's present wicked system of things. This means following the important principle that Christ said: "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. Nga zwenezwo, ri fanela u ṱhogomela uri ri songo ḓihaṱula kana u haṱula vhaṅwe kha enea mafhungo. Jairo's severe disability makes him totally reliant on others to carry out daily functions, such as eating, getting dressed, and getting to bed. So we must be careful not to judge others in this regard. Vhahashu vho fhisetshela lungafhani mushumo wa u huwelela tshifhingani tsha Nndwa ya Shango ya u Thoma? All day long I will bless you, and I will praise your name to time indefinite, even forever. " How zealous were the brothers in the preaching work during World War I? Ṱhogomelani uri zwifhinga zwi konḓaho zwi ḓo vha hone "maḓuvhani a vhufhelo " ha ano maitele mavhi a zwithu a Sathane. In spite of Saul's reputation, Ananias treated him with kindness Notice that critical times will take place during "the last days " of Satan's wicked system of things. U holefhala ha Jairo ho ita uri a ḓitike vhukuma nga vhaṅwe vhathu u itela u mu ṱhogomela ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe, kha mishumo i nga ho u mu kapudza, u mu ambadza na u mu eḓedza. Do you also feel that way about worshipping Jehovah? Jairo's disability enabled him to rely primarily on others to care for him day by day, to protect him, to clothe him, and to put him to sleep. Misi yoṱhe ndi renda Iwe, Ndi hulisa dzina ḽau lini na lini lu sa gumi. " Jehovah's Witnesses would be pleased to discuss these answers with you. I will bless you all day long, and I will bless your name forever. " Hu sa londwi bvumo ḽa Saulo, Anania o mu fara nga vhulenda By this time, I too was living in Hong Kong again. Despite Saul's reputation, Ananias treated him kindly Naa na inwi ni ḓipfa nga yeneyo nḓila musi zwi tshi ḓa kha u gwadamela Yehova? One way he does so is by example. Do you feel that way when it comes to worshipping Jehovah? Ṱhanzi dza Yehova vha ḓo takalela u haseledza dzenedzo phindulo na inwi. Are you determined to obey Jehovah's law on blood? Jehovah's Witnesses would be pleased to discuss these answers with you. Nga tshenetsho tshifhinga, na nṋe ndo vha ndi tshi dzula Hong Kong. For this and other reasons, Jehovah has decreed that the present wicked system of things will come to its end in an unprecedented "great tribulation. " - Matthew 24: 21, 22. At that time, I too lived in Hong Kong. Iṅwe nḓila ine a ita ngayo zwenezwi ndi nga uri vhetshela tsumbo. The Hebrew and Greek words for "holiness " convey the idea of purity or religious cleanness, of being set apart from defilement. One way he does this is by setting an example. Naa no ḓiimisela u thetshelesa mulayo wa Yehova malugana na malofha? Perhaps unwittingly, our lives and our thoughts have come to revolve around secondary matters. Are you willing to obey Jehovah's law regarding blood? Nga ṅwambo wa tshenetshi tshiitisi na zwiṅwe zwinzhi, Yehova o laedza uri u ḓo fhelisa ano maitele mavhi a zwithu " maṱunguni mahulu ' a sa athu vhuya a vha hone. - Mateo 24: 21, 22. In such an environment, we open our mind to God's positive and upbuilding thoughts. For this and many other reasons, Jehovah has decreed that he will bring an end to this wicked system of things "great tribulation. " - Matthew 24: 21, 22. 6: 3; Ndzumb. 4: 8) Maipfi a Tshiheberu na a Tshigerika ane a amba "vhukhethwa " a na muhumbulo wa u kuna nga lwa vhurereli, u sa tshikafhadzwa nga tshithu. However, the fact is that you might. The Hebrew and Greek words that make a difference in the sense of being clean in religious, free from contamination. Vhutshilo hashu na mihumbulo zwi nga farakanea nga zwithu zwi si zwa ndeme vhutshiloni arali ra sa ṱhogomela. We have many reasons for rejoicing together! Our lives and thoughts can become so absorbed in things that are not important in life that we are not careful. Musi ri miṱanganoni, ri a kona u thetshelesa mahumbulele a Mudzimu a fhaṱaho na a vhuyedzaho. This was especially noticeable when I was in the hospital and many came to visit me. " During our meetings, we are able to listen to God's upbuilding and rewarding thinking. Naho zwo ralo, mbuno ndi ya uri zwi nga kha ḓi ralo. At the official memorial observance, a television station showed her letter and quoted the first lines: "Why? The point, however, is that it can. Ri na zwiitisi zwinzhi zwa u takala roṱhe! Note the comments of one father who raised two children: "At the end of each week, I asked myself two questions: " What things were of concern to my children this week? We have many reasons to rejoice together! Zwenezwo ndo zwi vhona nga nḓila khulwane musi ndi vhuongeloni nahone vhanzhi vho nndalela. " Actually, Jehovah sustained the Israelites with what they needed in the wilderness, lovingly providing them with food and water. That was a big sight when I was in the hospital, and many visited me. " Kha tshihumbudzo tsha vhathu vhe vha vhulahwa, tshiṱitshi tsha thelevishini tsho sumbedza luṅwalo lwawe nahone tsha redza mitaladzi ya u thoma: "Ndi ngani? Exodus 22: 22 - 24 On the anniversary of the execution, the television station pointed out his letter and quoted the opening lines: "Why? Ṱhogomelani zwe khotsi we a alusa vhananyana vhavhili a zwi amba: "Mafheloni a vhege iṅwe na iṅwe ndo vha ndi tshi ḓivhudzisa uri: " Ndi mafhungo afhio e a vha a tshi khou vhilaedzisa vhana vhanga ino vhege? In Bible times, ore was put in a furnace with a layer of coals placed on top as well as underneath. Consider what the father who raised two daughters said: "The weekly training was asking myself: " What matters worried my children about this week? U fhambana na zwe Vhaisiraele vha zwi amba, Yehova o ṋea Vhaisiraele zwoṱhe zwe vha vha vha tshi zwi ṱoḓa musi vhe ngei sogani, nga lufuno a vha ṋea zwiḽiwa na maḓi. My Bible teacher was Jim Gardner, an anointed brother who had known Charles Taze Russell Unlike the Israelites, Jehovah lovingly provided food and water for the Israelites in the wilderness, providing them with food and water. Ekisodo 22: 21 - 23 Let us examine some of Jesus ' beautiful qualities. Exodus 22: 21 - 23 Zwifhingani zwa Bivhili, tsimbi yo vha i tshi dzheniswa tshivhasoni tshi fhisaho, ho vhewa maxale nga nṱha na nga fhasi hayo. Should we not imitate him as we zealously fulfill our commission to " make disciples of people of all the nations, teaching them to observe all the things Jesus has commanded '? In Bible times, iron was placed on fire, and it was placed on it. Mugudisi wanga wa Bivhili o vha e wahashu wa muḓodzwa ane a pfi Jim Gardner, we a vha a tshi ḓivha Charles Taze Russell Also available at www.jw.org My Bible teacher was the anointed brother Jimner, who knew Charles Taze Russell Kha ri ṱolisise dziṅwe pfaneleo dza Yesu dzavhuḓi. " STOP, LOOK, LISTEN. " Let us examine some of Jesus ' endearing qualities. Naa a ro ngo fanela u mu edzisa musi ri tshi khou ḓadzisa nga u fhisea mushumoni washu wa u " ita vhathu vhoṱhe vhafunziwa na u vha funza u ita zwoṱhe zwe Yesu a ri laya '? Christ's rule can benefit all, including you and your loved ones. Should we not imitate him as we zealously fulfill our commission to "make disciples of people of all the nations and teach them to observe all the things Jesus commanded us '? Ni nga i kopa kha www.jw.org / ve Can we not do the same? Also available at www.jw.org " IMA, LAVHELESA, THETSHELESA. " The Bible tells us: "When men started to grow in numbers... and daughters were born to them, then the sons of the true God began to notice the daughters of men, that they were good - looking; and they went taking wives for themselves, namely, all whom they chose. " " Look! Be kind to me. " Vhuvhusi ha Kristo vhu nga ri vhuyedza roṱhe, u katela na inwi na vhane na vha funa. The message of Daniel is alive and exerts power. - Hebrews 4: 12. Christ's rule can benefit all of us, including you and your loved ones. Naa na riṋe ri nga ita zwi fanaho? But what if he makes that promise even before he asks you any questions about your health? Can we do the same? Bivhili i ri vhudza uri: "Misi vhathu vha tshi vhó anda... hó bebiwa na vhananyana, vhana vha Mudzimu vha lavhelesa vhana vha vhathu, vha wana vhó naka, vha dzhia vhasadzi kha vhoṱhe vhenevho vhe vha vha vha tshi vha takadza. " (Read Matthew 24: 45 - 47.) The Bible tells us: "In the days that men were quite numerous... young and daughters were born, the sons of God began to notice the daughters of men, and they proceeded to take wives for themselves, namely, all whom they chose. " Mulaedza wa Daniele u a tshila nahone u na maanḓa. - Vha - Heberu 4: 12. Many children in countries where civil war has become a way of life are growing up without ever having known peace. Daniel's message is alive and exerts power. - Hebrews 4: 12. Fhedzi hu pfi mini arali a nga ita ḽeneḽo fulufhedziso a sa athu vhudzisa mbudziso nga ha mutakalo waṋu? No, for he knew that the man's request was merely an excuse to evade responsibility. But what if he makes that promise before asking questions about your health? (Vhalani Mateo 24: 45 - 47.) What a profound impact that would have had on eyewitnesses! (Read Matthew 24: 45 - 47.) Vhana vhanzhi vha re kha mashango ane ha dzulela u vha na nndwa vha aluwa vha sa ḓivhi mulalo. In line with that pattern, since September 1, 2014, circuit overseers have been appointing elders and ministerial servants. Many children in developing nations grow up without knowing peace. Na khathihi. O vha a tshi ḓivha uri onoyo munna o vha a tshi khou lingedza u iledza vhuḓifhinduleli ha u vha mufunziwa. We need to be honest with ourselves and identify the intentions of our heart. No, he knew that the man was trying to avoid the responsibility of becoming a disciple. Zwenezwo zwi nga vha zwo kwama vhukuma vhathu vhe vha zwi vhona! Soon after Nadab and Abihu took liberties in performing their priestly duties, Jehovah forbade priests to use wine or intoxicating liquor while serving at the tabernacle. What a touching effect that must have had on those who had seen it! U bva nga ḽa 1 September 2014, vhalavhelesi vha ḽiisela ndi vhone vhane vha khetha vhahulwane na vhashumeli. Because all loyal Christians in the first century of our Common Era demonstrated their faith in this way, a great shout of praise to Jehovah's name was heard. Since September 1, 2014, circuit overseers have been appointed elders and ministerial servants. Ri fanela u fulufhedzea kha riṋe vhaṋe u itela u pfesesa zwine mbilu dzashu dza elekanya zwone. When both show loving consideration, they are more likely to satisfy each other's emotional and physical needs. We must be loyal to ourselves to understand the intentions of our heart. Nga u ṱavhanya nga murahu ha musi Nadaba na Abihu vho ḓifara nga nḓila i songo teaho musi vha tshi khou ita mishumo ya vhutshifhe, Yehova o mbo ḓi thivhela vhotshifhe uri vha songo tsha shumisa veini kana zwikambi musi vha tshi khou shuma nḓuni khethwa. Yes, we are determined, for as long as Jehovah wills, to be "all things to people of all sorts. " Shortly after Balaam and Abihu acted unjustly while carrying out priestly duties, Jehovah prevented the priests from using wine or alcoholic beverages while serving at the sanctuary. Nga ṅwambo wa uri Vhakriste vhoṱhe vha fulufhedzeaho vha ḓana ḽa u thoma ḽa miṅwaha ḽa Ḽifhinga ḽashu ḽo Ḓoweleaho vho sumbedza lutendo lwavho nga yeneyi nḓila, vho rendisa dzina ḽa Yehova. They will attribute their salvation to Jesus Christ, "the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. " - John 1: 29. Because all faithful Christians in the first century showed their faith in this way, they glorified Jehovah's name. Musi vhuvhili havho vha tshi humbulelana nga lufuno, vha kona u fushana kha maḓipfele na ṱhoḓea dzavho dza ṋama. Why is that so? When both of them show loving consideration for one another, they are able to share their emotional and physical needs. Ee, ro ḓiimisela u vha "zwithu zwoṱhe kha vhathu vha mifuda yoṱhe " arali Yehova a kha ḓi zwi ṱoḓa. Working alongside her fueled my desire to move abroad. " Yes, we are determined to become "all things to people of all sorts " if Jehovah still needs it. Vha ḓo ḓivha uri u tshidzwa havho ho ḓitika nga Yesu Kristo, "Ngwana ya Mudzimu i hwalaho zwivhi zwa shango! " - Yohane 1: 29. It is Mary Magdalene. They will know that their deliverance depends on Jesus Christ, "the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world! " - John 1: 29. Ndi ngani zwo ralo? It is common for a person in that situation to give up. Why? U shuma nae zwo nṱuṱuwedza uri ndi pfulutshele kha ḽiṅwe shango. " Jehovah accepts the challenge and allows Satan to bring upon Job one calamity after another. Working with him motivated me to move abroad. " Ndi Maria Magdalena. This historic prototype helps us to understand what Paul saw in vision. Mary Magdalene. 12: 12) Kanzhi muthu a re kha vhuimo ho raloho u a laṱela thaula. In this case, however, he chose to touch the man. Often, a person in such situations gives up. Yehova o tenda yeneyo khaedu nahone a tendela Sathane a tshi ḓisela Yobo khombo dzi tshi tou tevhekana. Learning about your trials will enable them to strengthen and comfort you. - 1 Thessalonians 1: 6; 3: 1 - 3. Jehovah approved that challenge and allowed Satan to bring a series of calamities upon Job. Yeneyi tsumbo ya ḓivhazwakale i ri thusa u pfesesa zwe Paulo a zwi vhona bononi. In this article, we will therefore consider how we may more fully unleash the power of God's Word (1) in our personal life, (2) when we share in the ministry, and (3) when we teach from the platform. This historical example helps us to understand what Paul saw in vision. Naho zwo ralo, kha tshenetshi tshiitea, o khetha u kwama onoyo munna. If the problem gets solved, you will have "gained your brother. " Yet, on this occasion, he chose to touch the man. U ḓivha nga ha milingo yaṋu zwi ḓo vha thusa uri vha ni khwaṱhise na u ni khuthadza. - 1 Vha - Thesalonika 1: 6; 3: 1 - 3. Perhaps he had a big smile on his face and his eyes were full of excitement. Knowing your trials will help them to strengthen and comfort you. - 1 Thessalonians 1: 6; 3: 1 - 3. Kha ino thero, ri ḓo ṱolisisa nḓila ine Ipfi ḽa Mudzimu ḽa vha na maanḓa ngayo (1) vhutshiloni hashu, (2) musi ri tshi shela mulenzhe vhuḓinḓani na (3) musi ri tshi ṋekedza nyambo tshivhidzoni. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him; because everything in the world - the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one's means of life - does not originate with the Father, but originates with the world. In this article, we will consider how God's Word has authority (1) in our lives, (2) when we share in the ministry and (3) when we give talks in the congregation. Arali thaidzo ya tandululea, ni " ḓo vha no thusa wahaṋu. ' In this verse, "the twelve tribes of Israel " are those who will be judged by Jesus ' anointed disciples and who are in line to receive eternal life in Paradise on earth. If the problem arises, you "will have helped your brother. " Khamusi o vha a tshi khou mwethuwa nahone o takala vhukuma. What a faith - strengthening experience that must have been for Barak! Perhaps she was a smile and was very excited. Ané a funa shango, u funa Khotsi a zwiho ' khae '. Ngauri zwoṱhe zwa shangoni: ndi amba nyemulo dza ṋama na nyemulo dza maṱo na u tshila nga u ḓi - kukumusa, a zwi bvi ha Khotsi, ndi zwa shango. 12: 17. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him; because everything in the world - the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one's means of life - does not originate with the Father, but originates with the world. Kha yeneyi ndimana, "tshakha [dza] fumi na mbili dza Isiraele " ndi vhane vha ḓo haṱulwa nga vhafunziwa vha Yesu vho ḓodzwaho, nahone ndi vhane vha ḓo wana vhutshilo vhu sa fheli kha ḽifhasi ḽa Paradiso. Yet, Jehoshaphat's unnecessary dealings with Ahab almost cost him his life. In this verse, "the twelve tribes of Israel " are those who will be judged by Jesus ' anointed disciples, and they will receive everlasting life in Paradise on earth. Zwenezwo zwi nga vha zwo khwaṱhisa lutendo lwa Baraka lungafhani! He might enjoy the association of responsible men in the congregation yet be reluctant to share in the preaching work. How faith - strengthening that must have been for Barak! 12: 17. What, though, of higher education, received in a college or a university? 12: 17. Naho zwo ralo, u konana ha Yosafati na Ahaba zwo ṱoḓa u mu vhulahisa. They enjoyed singing, so we typed out and distributed the words of some Kingdom songs. However, Jehoshaphat's association with Ahab wanted to kill him. A nga kha ḓi takalela u konana na vhanna vha re na vhuḓifhinduleli tshivhidzoni fhedzi a tshi timatima u ṱanganela mushumoni wa u huwelela. But if they are truly repentant, they can expect merciful, loving treatment by elders eager to help them spiritually. He may be pleased to associate with responsible men in the congregation but hesitate to share in the preaching work. Naho zwo ralo, fhedzi hu pfi mini nga pfunzo ya nṱha ine ya wanala gudedzini kana yunivesithi? asked David. Then, indicating his confidence that Jehovah is not constantly scrutinizing our errors, he added: "Hold me clear of unnoticed things! " Yet, what about higher education at college or university? Vho vha vha tshi takalela u imba nahone ro vha ri tshi vha thaiphela nyimbo dza Muvhuso. In the original Greek, the Bible calls them neither kings nor wise men. They enjoyed singing, and we took them to Kingdom songs. Fhedzi arali vha rembuluwa zwa vhukuma, vha nga lavhelela u khathutshelwa na u farwa nga lufuno nga vhahulwane vho ḓiimiselaho u vha thusa muyani. On the seventh day of the fifth month of the 19th year of Nebuchadnezzar's reign, Nebuzaradan, the chief of the bodyguard, " comes to, ' or arrives at, Jerusalem. But if they truly repent, they can expect to be shown mercy and lovingly treated by elders who are willing to help them spiritually. Nga murahu, a tshi sumbedza fulufhelo ḽawe ḽa uri Yehova ha dzuli a tshi sedzulusa vhukhakhi hashu, o engedza a ri: "Nkhangwele na dziné ndi si dzi ḓivhe. " From their tarot cards, they concluded that dangerous people would come to their home but that they should neither listen to nor accept anything from them. Later, expressing his confidence that Jehovah does not constantly examine our mistakes, he adds: "I do not know the things I do not know. " Kha Lugerika lwa kale, Bivhili a i ambi uri vho vha vhe mahosi kana vhanna vha vhuṱali. may be fulfilled, it will lead to a sudden, painful, but ultimately blessed event - the destruction of wickedness and the beginning of a new world system. In ancient Greek, the Bible does not say that they were kings or wise men. Nga ḓuvha ḽa vhuṱanu - na - vhuvhili ḽa ṅwedzi wa vhuṱanu wa ṅwaha wa vhu - 19 wa vhuvhusi ha Nebukadanetsara, Nebusaradani ane a vha nduna ya dzimmbi dza musanda, o "ḓa " kana u swika Yerusalema. He wrote: "Do not become young children in powers of understanding... On the seventh day of the 19th month of Nebuchadnezzar's reign, Jehovah, proved to be "the chief of the royal army, " or arriving in Jerusalem. Magaraṱa avho a madambi o vha o vha sevha nga ha vhathu vha re khombo vhane vha ḓo ḓa muḓini wavho, nahone vho vha vha songo fanela u vha thetshelesa kana u ṱanganedza naho tshi tshini tshi bvaho khavho. 1, 2. Their magic cells had warned them about the dangerous people who would come to their home, and they should not listen to or accept anything from them. ha ḓo ḓadzea ngayo, hu fheleledza ho swika vhuṱungu nga u ṱavhanya, fhedzi nga murahu ha vha na dakalo - u fheliswa ha vhavhi na u thoma ha maitele maswa a zwithu. Just as sensitive fingers can perceive if something is sticky, soft, polished, hot, or hairy, so a tactful person can sense the feelings of other people and can discern how his words or actions affect them. It will not be fulfilled, but soon after the joy - the destruction of the wicked and the beginning of the new system of things - came to an end. O ṅwala uri: "Ni songo vha vhana kha maano... I would not look to see what she had written. He wrote: "Do not become children in... 1, 2. A Witness named Vicky relates: "For a few years, I was raised by my grandmother, while my parents kept my younger sister with them. 1, 2. Samusi minwe i tshi kona u pfa arali tshithu tshi tshi nambatela, tshi tshi suvhelela, tshi tshi fhisa, kana tshi na mavhudzi, muthu a re na vhuṱali u a kona u ṱhogomela maḓipfele a vhaṅwe nahone a humbula nga nḓila ine maipfi na zwiito zwawe zwa ḓo kwama ngayo vhaṅwe. God is "ready to forgive. " Just as a fingers can hear if something sticks to, wears, or hair, a wise person is able to recognize the feelings of others and thinks about how his words and actions will affect others. Ndo vha ndi sa ḓo vhala zwe a zwi ṅwala. Worldwide, branch offices of Jehovah's Witnesses use many of these services to save time, personnel, and funds. I could not read what he wrote. Iṅwe Ṱhanzi ine ya pfi Vicky yo amba uri: "Lwa miṅwaha i si gathi, ndo aluswa nga makhulu wanga, naho vhabebi vhanga vho vha vha tshi dzula na murathu wanga. Likewise today, meaningful activity can do much to enrich our lives. " For a few years, I was brought up by my grandmother, even though my parents lived with my sister, " says a Witness named Jehovah. Yehova u a vha ṱanganedza nga "vhulenda " o ḓiimisela u vha hangwela. Paul wrote: "Give orders to those who are rich in the present system of things not to be high - minded, and to rest their hope, not on uncertain riches, but on God, who furnishes us all things richly for our enjoyment. " Jehovah welcomes them "with mildness " and is willing to forgive them. Shangoni ḽoṱhe, ofisi dza davhi dza Ṱhanzi dza Yehova dzi shumisa tshumelo dzenedzi dzi re kha Inthanethe u itela u vhulunga tshifhinga na tshelede, na u sa shumisa vhathu vhanzhi u itela u ita tshumelo dzenedzo. Eutychus The young man Eutychus died when he fell from a high window; the apostle Paul raised him back to life. - Acts 20: 7 - 12. Worldwide, branch offices of Jehovah's Witnesses use these Internet services to save time and money, not to use many to perform such service. Nga hu fanaho na ṋamusi, mushumo u re na ndivho u nga khwinisa vhutshilo hashu. Your adversary, the Devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone. " Likewise today, meaningful work can improve our life. Paulo o ṅwala a ri: "Vho pfumaho lwa tshifhinga tsha zwino vha faye, vha sa ḓó ḓi - ita vhahulwane, na hone vha so ngo fulufhela lupfumo lu sí na halwo, vha fulufhele Mudzimu, ané a ri kumedza zwoṱhe lwa u tou pfumisa, uri ri ḓifhelwe ngazwo '. " These "living waters " are Jehovah's provisions for life. Paul wrote: "Give orders to those who are rich in the present system of things not to be high - minded, and to rest their hope, not on uncertain riches, but on God, who furnishes us all things richly for our enjoyment. " Oitixo Muapostola Paulo o vusa muṅwe muṱhannga we a vha a tshi pfi Oitixo, we a wa a tshi bva kha fasiṱere ḽi re kha nnḓu ya nṱha ya vhuraru. - Mishumo 20: 7 - 12. The key is to be good students of God's Word, to take to heart what we learn, and to let that knowledge mold us and guide us. THE apostle Paul resurrected a young man named Eutychus, who came out of a window from a third - floor window. - Acts 20: 7 - 12. Swina ḽaṋu Diabolo u mona - mona vhunga ndau i vhombaho, iné ya ṱoḓa ané ya mu mila. " Another way to develop patience is by considering how we should view the world and our personal circumstances. Your adversary, the Devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone. " Eneo "maḓi a vhutshilo " ndi ndugiselelo dza Yehova dza vhutshilo. Such theocratic education helps us obey Jehovah, our heavenly Master. Those "water of life " are Jehovah's provisions for life. Ndi zwa ndeme vhukuma uri ri gude Ipfi ḽa Mudzimu nga vhuronwane, u funa zwine ra zwi guda na u tendela zwenezwo zwithu zwi tshi shuma vhutshiloni hashu na u ri livhisa. Judah Remain Desolate? It is especially important that we carefully study God's Word, love what we learn, and allow such things to operate in our lives and guide us. Iṅwe nḓila ya u ṱahulela u sa fhela mbilu ndi u ṱhogomela nḓila ine ra dzhia ngayo shango na zwiimo zwa muthu nga eṱhe. " IF YOU are going to follow a religion simply because of family tradition, why not choose the Celtic religion that our ancestors practiced 2,000 years ago? " asks Rodolphe with a note of irony. One way to cultivate patience is to consider how we view the world and our personal circumstances. Yeneyo pfunzo ya lwa ṱaḓulu i ri thusa u thetshelesa Yehova, Muṋe washu wa ṱaḓulu. What should parents always remember, and what effect should that have on them? That divine education helps us to obey Jehovah, our heavenly Master. Naa Ni na Mavhonele a Yehova nga ha Zwithu Zwikhethwa? • How can Christian youths and adults demonstrate that they treasure their place in God's arrangement? Do You View Jehovah's View of Sacred Things? RODOLPHE o vhudzisa nga u tou hoya a ri: "Arali zwi khombe - khombe uri ni dzhene kereke ine vha muṱani vha dzhena yone, ndi ngani ni sa dzheni kereke ya Vhacelt ye vhomakhulukuku washu vha dzhena yone miṅwahani ya 2000 yo fhiraho? " For them to be thus rewarded, they would first have to die. " If it is necessary for you to enter into a church where they go, why don't you go to No church where our forefathers entered during the last 2,000 years? " Vhabebi vha fanela u dzula vha tshi humbula mini, nahone zwenezwo zwi fanela u vha na mvelelo dzifhio khavho? Fidelity in Marriage What do parents need to keep in mind, and with what effect should that have on them? • Vhaswa vha Vhakriste na vhaaluwa vha nga sumbedza hani uri vha a dzhiela nṱha tshipiḓa tshavho kha ndugiselelo ya Mudzimu? In the book of Revelation, they are represented as rendering Jehovah "sacred service " in the earthly courtyard of his spiritual temple. • How can young Christians and older ones show that they treasure their role in God's arrangement? U itela uri vha kone u wana eneo malamba vha fanela u thoma vha fa. But Nabal, whose name means "Senseless " or" Stupid, " lived up to his name. To receive that reward, they must first die. U Fulufhedzea Mbinganoni Also, it seems that the sale and repurchase of land applied only to property within the cities, since "the field of pasture ground of their cities " was not to be sold because it was" a possession to time indefinite for them. " - Leviticus 25: 32, 34. Loyalty in Marriage Buguni ya Ndzumbululo vha vhidzwa sa vhane vha itela Yehova " tshumelo khethwa ' kha ḽifhasi muṱani wa thembele yawe ya muya. (Read Colossians 3: 10.) In the book of Revelation, they are called "sacred service " to Jehovah on earth in his spiritual temple. Fhedzi Nabali we dzina ḽawe ḽa vha ḽi tshi amba Tsilu kana Dodo, o tshila u tendelana na dzina ḽawe. 6: 13. But Nabal, whose name meant Those or Dodododo, lived up to his name. Hafhu, zwi vhonala zwi tshi nga u rengisa na u rengulula shango zwo vha zwi tshi tendelwa fhedzi kha ndaka i re miḓini, samusi "dzipfulo dza miḓini yavho " dzo vha dzi sa rengiswi, ngauri " dzo vha dzi dzavho lini na lini. ' - Levitiko 25: 32, 34. • Am I a spiritual person? - "Steps Toward Happiness " (October 15, 1997, page 6) Moreover, it seems that the sale and deliverance of the land was allowed only from property in the cities, since "they were not for sale, for they [were] to time indefinite. " - Leviticus 25: 32, 34. (Vhalani Vha - Kolosa 3: 10.) ◆ assigning definite study times. (Read Colossians 3: 10.) 6: 13. In Mexico a pioneer named Raúl also uses this booklet with good results. 6: 13. • Naa ndi na vhushaka ho khwaṱhaho na Mudzimu? - "Vhukando Vhu Isaho Dakaloni " (15 October, 1997, siaṱari 6) During that time, Jehovah will continue to mold us and educate us in a way that is hard to imagine right now. • Do I have a strong relationship with God? - "The key to Happiness " in October 1997, page 6) ◆ vhetshela thungo tshifhinga tshi sa shandu - shanduki tsha u guda. Non - Jews were to be hated. ◆ setting aside time that does not change for study. Muvulanḓila ane a pfi Raúl wa ngei Mexico na ene o vha na mvelelo dzavhuḓi musi a tshi shumisa bugwana yeneyi. You too may develop a "heart's desire " to help build facilities to the glory of Jehovah's name. A pioneer in Mexico also had good results when she used this brochure. Nga tshenetsho tshifhinga, Yehova u ḓo bvela phanḓa a tshi ri vhumba na u ri funza nga nḓila khulwane vhukuma. (b) Of what are we confident? At that time, Jehovah will continue to mold and teach us in an even greater way. Vhane vha sa vhe Vhayuda vho vha vha tshi fanela u vhengiwa. What important milestone was reached in 1914? The non - Jews were to be hated. Na inwi ni nga zwi ṱahulela "mbiluni " yaṋu, u itela u thusa kha u fhaṱa uri ni hulise dzina ḽa Yehova. 7, 8. (a) What amazing thing did Samson do involving Gaza? You too can cultivate "the secret " to help build up Jehovah's name. (b) Ri na fulufhelo ḽifhio? In fact, he told his disciples: "Do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father to supply me at this moment more than twelve legions of angels? (b) What confidence do we have? Ndi tshiitea tshifhio tsha ndeme tshe tsha vha hone nga 1914? (a) How do we know that God and Christ love mankind? What important event took place in 1914? 7, 8. (a) Ndi tshithu tshifhio tshi mangadzaho tshe Simisoni a tshi ita malugana na Gatsa? For example, one of our brothers in the former Soviet Union was sentenced to 23 years in prison because of his faith. 7, 8. (a) What wonderful thing did Samson do regarding Gaza? Zwi re zwone ndi uri o vhudza vhafunziwa vhawe a ri: "Naa a U ḓivhi zwauri ndi nga kona u humbela Khotsi - anga uri a nthumele mmbi dzi na fumi na mbili dza vharuṅwa? • What progressive adjustments have strengthened Jehovah's arrangement for our protection? In fact, he told his disciples: "Do you not know that I am able to request my Father for ten army of angels? (a) Ri zwi ḓivha hani uri Mudzimu na Kristo vha funa vhathu? We used a recorded language course. (a) How do we know that God and Christ love mankind? Sa tsumbo, muṅwe wahashu wa tshinnani wa ngei he ha vha hu Soviet Union o haṱulelwa u dzula dzhele miṅwaha ya 23 nga nṱhani ha lutendo lwawe. He told the people that if they obeyed his voice, he would bless them and they would enjoy happy, satisfying lives. - Exodus 19: 5, 6. For example, a brother in the former Soviet Union was sentenced to 23 years of prison because of his faith. • Ndi tshanduko dzifhio dzi bvelaho phanḓa dze dza khwaṱhisa ndugiselelo ya Yehova ya u ri tsireledza? In later times, some Jews thought that it would have taken hours to slaughter all the lambs brought to the temple. • What progressive changes strengthened Jehovah's arrangement for protection? Ra lu guda nga rekhodo dzo rekhodwaho. Living with godly devotion was his greatest treasure - a source of happiness without equal. We studied it with a number of records. O vhudza vhathu uri arali vha thetshelesa ipfi ḽawe, u ḓo vha fhaṱutshedza nahone vho vha vha tshi ḓo ḓiphina nga vhutshilo vhu takadzaho. - Ekisodo 19: 5, 6. Jesus was not implying that we should neglect taking care of our physical needs and those of our family members. He told the people that if they listened to his voice, he would bless them and would enjoy a happy life. - Exodus 19: 5, 6. Nga murahu, vhaṅwe Vhayuda vho humbula uri zwo vha zwi tshi ḓo dzhia awara nnzhi u ṱhavha ngwana dzoṱhe dzo ḓiswaho thembeleni. But the Bible generally uses it for the Christian congregation. Later, some Jews thought that it would take many hours to slaughter all the lamb brought to the temple. U tshila u tendelana na u ḓiṋekedzela kha Mudzimu zwo vha zwi zwa ndeme khae - hu tshisima tsha dakalo tshi sa vhambedzwi na tshithu. What a sad outcome! Living up to a life of dedication to God was precious to him - a source of incomparable happiness. Yesu o vha a sa khou amba uri ri fanela u litshelela ṱhoḓea dzashu dza ṋama na dza miraḓo ya miṱa yashu. What should you consider before hitting the send button? Jesus was not saying that we should neglect our material needs and that of members of our family. Fhedzi kanzhi Bivhili i ḽi shumisela kha tshivhidzo tsha Vhukriste. Jon: What do you mean? But the Bible often applies it to the Christian congregation. Ndi mvelelo dzi ṱungufhadzaho lungafhani dzenedzo! What did one service overseer say about the tracts? What a tragic result! Ni fanela u humbula mini musi ni sa athu rumela milaedza? COVER: Two brothers sharing the Bible's message with a fisherman in Negombo on the west coast of Sri Lanka What do you need to remember before you send messages? Jon: Zwenezwo zwi amba mini? WE USUALLY try to imitate the people we admire. Jon: What does that mean? Ndi mini zwe muṅwe mulavhelesi wa tshumelo a zwi amba nga ha zwibammbiri? (Read Acts 28: 17, 23, 24.) What did one service overseer say about tracts? KHA GWATI: Vhahashu vha tshinnani vhavhili vha tshi khou huwelela mulaedza wa Bivhili kha murei wa khovhe ngei Negombo kha phendelashango i re vhukovhela ha Sri Lanka Visualize Bible accounts. COVER: Two brothers share the Bible's message with a fisherman in fare on the west coast of Sri Lanka KANZHI ri lingedza u edzisa vhathu vhane ra vha takalela. And if God prevented all forms of oppression for everyone, would he not be responsible for an even greater falsehood? MANY times we try to imitate those whom we enjoy. (Vhalani Mishumo 28: 17, 23, 24.) " Quit being fashioned after this system of things, " admonished the apostle Paul centuries ago. (Read Acts 28: 17, 23, 24.) Vhonani mafhungo a re Bivhilini nga iṱo ḽa muhumbulo. Luke, a slight young man in his early 20 ' s, stands in the doorway and calls us in for a little shade from the sun. Picture the Bible account. Arali Mudzimu a thivhela vhathu vhoṱhe uri vha si tsikeledzwe nga nḓila naho i ifhio, naa zwenezwo zwo vha zwi sa ḓo mu ita muzwifhi muhulwane? At first I worked as a house servant for a railway guard in Lagos, western Nigeria, and then for a civil servant in Kaduna, northern Nigeria. If God prevented all humans from being oppressed in any way, would that not bring him a great liar? Mishumo 19: 8 (NW): "Paulo a dzula a tshi ya tshikoloni a tshi funza ó takala, a fhedza miṅwedzi miraru a tshi ralo. WHEN we first came out of the wicked world and began associating with Jehovah's people, we were likely delighted to experience the warm love and care that exist among them. Acts 19: 8: "He always went to school teaching with joy, and he spent three months. Maḓanani a miṅwaha o fhiraho muapostola Paulo u ṱuṱuwedza a ri: "Ni songo ḓi - vhambedza na vha shango ḽino. " Actually, God's name, Jehovah, appears nearly 7,000 times in ancient Bible manuscripts. Over the centuries, the apostle Paul urges: "Do not compare yourselves with the world of this world. " Luke, ane a vha miṅwahani yawe ya vhu - 20, o vha o ima muṋangoni nahone a ri vhidza uri ri ḓe ri ime murunzini. And be open to the possibility that in some way you may have contributed to the rift. Luke, who is in his mid - 20 ' s, stood at the door and invited us to stand there. Ndo thoma u shuma u ṱhogomela nnḓu ya mulindi wa tshiporo ngei Lagos, vhukovhela ha Nigeria, nahone nda dovha nda shuma sa mushumeli wa muvhuso ngei Kaduna, devhula ha Nigeria. Sometimes they visited people in their homes on the pretext of buying livestock or grain. I began working in the house of a Russian guard in Las, western Nigeria, and also served as a government official in the city of SS, north of Nigeria. MUSI ri tshi kha ḓi tou bva u ḓifhambanya na shango ḽivhi nahone ra thoma u ḓiṱanganya na vhathu vha Yehova, zwi vhonala uri ro takalela nḓila ine vha funana na u ṱhogomelana ngayo. This is of interest because although many translations of the New Testament do not use God's personal name, Hutter's translation does and thus adds evidence in favor of restoring God's name in the Christian Greek Scriptures. WHEN we had just separated ourselves from the wicked world and became involved with Jehovah's people, we were likely interested in their love and concern for one another. Dzina ḽa Mudzimu, Yehova, ḽi bvelela lu ṱoḓaho u vha 7000 kha maṅwalwa a kale a Bivhili. God does not have to depend on any external source of energy. God's name, Jehovah, appears some 7,000 times in ancient Bible manuscripts. Nahone ni humbule uri khamusi na inwi ni nga vha no shela mulenzhe kha dzenedzo khuḓano. EXAMINE YOUR PRIORITIES And remember that you may have had a share in these conflicts. Tshiṅwe tshifhinga vho vha vha tshi dalela vhathu mahayani avho nga u ḓiita u nga vha khou ṱoḓa u renga zwifuwo kana mavhele. Young and old can be sources of encouragement Sometimes they visited people in their homes by pretending to buy livestock or grain. Zwenezwi zwi a takadza ngauri naho ṱhalutshedzelo nnzhi dza Thestamennde Ntswa dzi sa shumisi dzina ḽa Mudzimu, fhedzi ṱhalutshedzelo ya Hutter i a tendelana nahone i ṋea vhuṅwe vhuṱanzi ha uri ndi zwa ndeme u vhuyedzedza dzina ḽa Mudzimu kha Maṅwalo a Tshikriste a Lugerika. Those who respond favorably to the good news can survive Armageddon and live forever in perfection on a paradise earth. This is interesting because even though most translations of the New Testament do not use God's name, Hutter's translation is in harmony with and gives further proof that it is important to restore God's name to the Christian Greek Scriptures. Mudzimu ha ḓitiki nga tshisima naho tshi tshifhio tsha maanḓa. " Never has another man spoken like this. " - JOHN 7: 46. God does not depend on any powerful source. ṰOLISISANI ZWINE ZWA ḒA U THOMA VHUTSHILONI HAṊU Moreover, they clearly state that "he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him. " - Hebrews 6: 10; 11: 6. ANEEPER FOR THE THAT ARE NOT Vhahulwane na vhaṱuku vha nga ṱuṱuwedza vhaṅwe Jehovah has shown love in many ways, but there is one that stands out above all others. Young and old alike can encourage others Vhane vha aravha zwavhuḓi mafhungo maḓifha vha nga ponyoka Haramagedo nahone vha tshila tshoṱhe vho fhelela paradisoni kha ḽifhasi. How should we react? Those who respond to the good news can survive Armageddon and live forever in perfection on a paradise earth. " A huna muthu we a vhuya a amba sa uyo muthu. " - YOH. 7: 46. Paul was keenly interested in the spiritual welfare of his fellow believers in Corinth. 7: 46. Zwiṅwe hafhu, o amba zwavhuḓi uri "vha mu ṱoḓaho u ḓo vha ṋea malamba. " - Vha - Heberu 6: 10; 11: 6. For example, what he told Abraham to do was very different from what he told Jeremiah to do. Moreover, he clearly stated that "he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him. " - Hebrews 6: 10; 11: 6. Yehova o sumbedza lufuno nga nḓila nnzhi, fhedzi hu na nḓila nthihi ine ya fhira dzoṱhe. He even sent the young man alone to Thessalonica. Jehovah has shown love in many ways, but there is only one way beyond compare. Ri fanela u ita mini? (Read Acts 14: 8 - 10.) What should we do? Paulo o vha e na dzangalelo ḽihulwane kha mutakalo wa muya wa vhatendi ngae vha ngei Korinta. Because we have been sanctified, we do well to ask ourselves, " Does the way I live demonstrate that I have been set apart for Jehovah's service? ' - Matt. Paul was keenly interested in the spiritual welfare of fellow believers in Corinth. Sa tsumbo, zwe a vhudza Abrahamu uri a zwi ite zwo vha zwo fhambana vhukuma na zwe a vhudza Yeremia uri a zwi ite. However, Jehovah does not simply force us to display integrity. For example, what he told Abraham to do was very different from what he told Jeremiah to do. O dovha a ruma Timotheo e eṱhe ngei Thesalonika. From Ephesus to Rome via Troas is roughly 1,000 miles (1,600 km). He also sent Timothy alone to Thessalonica. (Vhalani Mishumo 14: 8 - 10.) Each might feel that the other's conduct is lacking something but might forget that aspects of his own conduct are equally inappropriate. (Read Acts 14: 8 - 10.) Nga nṱhani ha uri ro itwa vhakhethwa, ri ita zwavhuḓi musi ri tshi ḓivhudzisa uri, " Naa nḓila ine nda tshila ngayo i sumbedza uri ndo nangelwa u ita tshumelo ya Yehova? ' - Mat. He says: "Based on my studies, I came to realize that current scientific theories alone are not likely to enable mankind to understand the universe completely. Because we have been sanctified, we do well to ask ourselves, " Do my way of life show that I have been dedicated to Jehovah's service? ' - Matt. Naho zwo ralo, Yehova ha ri kombetshedzi uri ri fulufhedzee. What about us? However, Jehovah does not force us to be honest. U bva Efeso u ya Roma u tshi fhira nga Tiroasi ndi khilomithara dzi ṱoḓaho u vha 1 600. " Will they bring the stones to life out of the heaps of dusty rubbish? " From Ephesus to Rome as far as Troas is about 1,000 miles (U.S.). Muṅwe na muṅwe wavho a nga vhona uri vhuḓifari ha muṅwe a ho ngo tea, fhedzi a nga hangwa uri na ene vhuḓifari hawe a ho ngo tea. When we have a lot of problems, we may forget that Jehovah has helped us many times before. Each of them may feel that the conduct of each one is inappropriate, but he may forget that his conduct is not appropriate. O ri: "Nga nṱhani ha zwe nda zwi gudela, ndo ṱhogomela uri pfunzo dza zwenezwino dza lwa saintsi dzi nga si kone u thusa vhathu u pfesesa fhethu hoṱhe nga vhuḓalo. When we learn to hate what is bad and truly love what is good, the bait that Satan places in his traps repels us; it holds no allure. " Because of what I learned, " she says, "I realized that recent scientific teachings cannot help people to understand the universe more fully. Hu pfi mini nga riṋe? When I said that I would be glad to help, she said: " All right, but I am telling you now: I will never be one of Jehovah's Witnesses. ' What about us? " Vhe ' vha ḓo pala matombo ayo e a swa a re milorani? " He did not let his heart entertain wrong desires. " What sort of stones will there be for those who are putting up with them? " Musi ri na thaidzo nnzhi, ri nga hangwa uri Yehova o vhuya a ri thusa zwifhingani zwo fhiraho. When was the true knowledge to become abundant? When we have many problems, we may forget that Jehovah has ever helped us in times past. Musi ri tshi guda u vhenga vhuvhi nahone zwa vhukuma ri tshi funa zwivhuya, tshikwekwe tshine Sathane a ri vhetshela tshone tshi nga si ri fashe. This certainly includes our remaining loyal to Jehovah while facing difficult tests or severe trials. When we learn to hate what is bad and really love what is good, Satan's trap will not come upon us. Musi ndi tshi mu vhudza uri ndi nga takalela u mu thusa o ri: " Zwo luga, fhedzi ndi nga si vhuye nda vuwa ndo vha Ṱhanzi ya Yehova. ' Explain how Satan uses certain enticements today. When I told her that I would like to help her, she said: "All right, I will never become one of Jehovah's Witnesses. " Ho ngo tendela mbilu yawe i tshi emula zwenezwo. " I reside in the high and holy place, " Jehovah says, "but also with those crushed and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of those being crushed. " - Isaiah 57: 15. He did not let his heart coveted that desire. Nḓivho ya ngoho yo vha i tshi ḓo anda lini? And someone with a degenerative disease - even in its early stages - did not project such an image. When would true knowledge become abundant? Zwenezwi zwi katela u fulufhedzea kha Yehova naho ro sedzana na milingo i konḓaho kana i vhavhaho. magazine, entitled "How Would You Answer? " This includes being loyal to Jehovah even in the face of difficult or painful trials. Ṱalutshedzani uri Sathane u shumisa hani vhufhura ṋamusi. WHEN Jesus taught his disciples to pray, "Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth, " he was speaking as one who had lived in heaven with the Father. Explain how Satan uses deception today. Yehova u ri: "Ndi dzula ṱaḓulu fhethu hukhethwa, nda dovha nda dzula na vha vhaisalaho, vha mimuya yo pwanyeledzwaho; uri ndi hanyisa mimuya ya vho pwanyeledzwaho, ndi hanyise dzimbilu dza vha vhaisalaho. " - Yesaya 57: 15. ANSWER: Jehovah, the Father of Jesus, is the eternal God and the almighty Creator of all things. " I sit in heaven, " says Jehovah, "and I sit down with the one crushed and lowly in spirit, and I will heal the spirit of the lowly ones, and I will pour out the hearts of the lowly ones. " - Isaiah 57: 15. Nahone muthu a re na vhulwadze vhu huvhadzaho vhukuma - naho vhu kha ḓi tou thoma - ha na tshivhumbeo tsho raloho. Indeed, he prized it and immediately had Shaphan, the secretary, read it aloud. - 2 Chronicles 34: 14 - 18. And a person who has a serious illness - even if it still does not have a similar form. Kha dziṅwe dza khandiso, magazini wa tsimu wa Tshiingamo u na thero ine ya ri "Vhaswa Vhashu ." You will find examples that you can apply in your family and in the congregation as well as when coping with challenges. In some of the publications, the Watchtower magazine has an article entitled "Our Young People Ask - Young People Ask MUSI Yesu a tshi funza vhafunziwa vhawe u rabela u ri, "Zwiné wa funa nga zwi itwe fhano fhasi vhunga zwi tshi itwa ngei ṱaḓulu, " o vha a tshi khou amba zwine a zwi ḓivha nga ṅwambo wa uri o tshila ṱaḓulu na Khotsi awe. We read: "Well, when they heard of a resurrection of the dead, some began to mock, while others said: " We will hear you about this even another time. ' " - Acts 17: 29 - 32. WHEN Jesus taught his disciples to pray, "let your will take place, as in heaven, " he meant what he knew because he lived in heaven with his Father. PHINDULO: Ndi Yehova, Khotsi a Yesu, Mudzimu wa lini na lini nahone ndi Ramaanḓaoṱhe, Musiki wa zwithu zwoṱhe. 10: 9 - 11, 18, 19. ANSWER: Jehovah, Jesus ' Father, the God of eternity and the Almighty, the Creator of all things. I ngoho, o dzhiela nṱha yeneyo bugu nahone nga u ṱavhanya a ita uri muṅwali Safani a i vhalele nṱha. - 2 Koronika 34: 14 - 18. If the rebuilding of Jehovah's temple was not important, they would not have made the difficult journey of some 1,000 miles (1,600 km) through a harsh land. Indeed, he took note of the book and immediately made it read aloud. - 2 Chronicles 34: 14 - 18. Ni ḓo wana tsumbo dzine na nga dzi shumisa muṱani wahaṋu na tshivhidzoni, u katela na musi ni tshi sedzana na vhuleme. Human rule has led to wars that have killed millions. You will find examples that you can use your family and congregation, including difficulties. Ri a vhala: "Vha tshi pfa Paulo a tshi amba ḽa u vuwa ha vhafu, vhaṅwe vha mu sea; vhaṅwe vha ri: Ri ḓo dovha ra U pfa nga ḽiṅwe ḓuvha. " - Mishumo 17: 29 - 32. This information helps them to cope with pressures at school and the challenges of growing up. We read: "When they heard Paul say about the resurrection of the dead, some began to laugh with him, and others said: " We will hear you another day. ' " - Acts 17: 29 - 32. 10: 9 - 11, 18, 19. Did he choose certain ones, or were they shot at random? 10: 9 - 11, 18, 19. Arali u fhaṱululwa ha thembele ya Yehova zwo vha zwi si zwa ndeme, vho vha vha nga si fare lwendo lwa khilomithara dzi ṱoḓaho u vha 1 600 vha tshi ya fhethu hune ha vha na dzithavha na matombo. Naturally, we would like to help our relatives to accept the good news. If the rebuilding of Jehovah's temple was of no value, they would not travel some 1,000 miles [100 km] to a place of mountains and stone. Vhuvhusi ha vhathu ho ita uri hu vhe na dzinndwa dze dza ita uri hu fe vhathu vhanzhi. 7: 1. Human rule has resulted in wars that have led to many deaths. Enea mafhungo a vha thusa u sedzana na mitsiko tshikoloni na khaedu dzine vha ṱangana nadzo musi vha tshi khou aluwa. Of course, her children must eventually make their own decision regarding worship. - Deut. These accounts help them deal with pressures at school and the challenges they face as they grow up. Naa o tou nanga vhathu vhe a vha a tshi khou ṱoḓa u vha thuntsha kana o sokou thuntsha muṅwe na muṅwe? For refreshments or a meal: In Bible times, hospitality normally included inviting someone to one's home for a meal. Did he select only those whom he wanted to shoot them or simply shoot everyone? Nga lwa nzulele, ri ṱoḓa u thusa mashaka ashu uri a ṱanganedze mafhungo - maḓifha. (Yosh. A new system of sharing earth's bounties will be a way of life. Naturally, we want to help our relatives to accept the good news. 7: 1. After several Bible discussions, it was also clear that Jairo understood the significance of Christian baptism. 7: 1. Ndi ngoho uri mafheleloni vhana vhawe vha fanela u ḓidzhiela phetho nga ha vhurabeli. - Doit. Learn From Jesus ' Example Of course, his children should eventually decide for themselves where to worship. - Deut. Zwiḽiwani: Zwifhingani zwa Bivhili, u ṱanganedza vhaeni zwo vha zwi tshi katela u ramba muthu uri a ḓe u ḽa zwiḽiwa muḓini waṋu. (Gen. 18: 1 - 8; Vhahaṱ. In spite of the mountain of testimony provided by all those who have proved their integrity to Jehovah throughout the centuries, Satan has not stopped taunting Jehovah as he did in the days of the righteous man Job. Food: In Bible times, hospitality involved inviting someone to eat meals in your home. Vhathu vha ḓo shumisa zwithu vhoṱhe kha ḽifhasi. Samuel was right to see good in Saul; this was a remarkable man. People will use everything on earth. Nga murahu ha khaseledzo dza Bivhili dzi si gathi, zwo vha zwi khagala uri Jairo o pfesesa ndeme ya ndovhedzo ya Vhukriste. So do not do all the talking! After a few Bible discussions, Jairo evidently understood the importance of Christian baptism. Gudani Kha Tsumbo Ya Yesu Through their abstention from much of the community life - the pagan festivals, the public amusements which to Christians were shot through and through with pagan beliefs, practices, and immoralities - they were derided as haters of the human race. " Learn From Jesus ' Example Mathomoni a vhuvhusi hawe, Salomo o dzhia vhukando ha u fhaṱa thembele yavhuḓi u itela uri i dzhiele vhudzulo nnḓu ya mulanga ye ya shumiswa u bva misini ya Mushe. (1 Dzikh. However, to think that such a practice is harmless is to engage in a form of self - deception. Early in his reign, Solomon took steps to build a magnificent temple in order to replace the tabernacle that had been used since Moses ' day. Hu sa londwi vhuṱanzi vhunzhi ho sumbedzwaho nga vhathu vhoṱhe vhe vha fulufhedzea kha Yehova maḓanani oṱhe a miṅwaha, Sathane ho ngo litsha u nyadza Yehova samusi o zwi ita misini ya Yobo munna muvhuya. Some people, even relatives, may ridicule you or in some other way attempt to discourage you. Despite the many evidence shown by all who were loyal to Jehovah throughout the centuries, Satan did not ignore Jehovah as he did in the days of Job the righteous man. Saulo o vha e muthu wavhuḓi vhukuma, ndi ngazwo na Samuele o vhona zwivhuya khae. He wants us to treat them with respect and obey them except when they want us to do something that he commands us not to do Saul was so good, and so did Samuel see good in him. Nga u ralo, ni vha ṋee tshibuli tsha u amba! Adds Brook, "Jehovah wanted us to knock on another door. " So give them the opportunity to speak! Nga nṱhani ha uri vho vha vha sa dzheneleli kha zwithu zwinzhi zwa lushaka - zwi ngaho vhuṱambo ha vhuhedeni, u ḓimvumvusa he Vhakriste vhanzhi vha vhu dzhia sa ho ḓalaho nga thendo dza zwa vhuhedeni, mishumo na vhuḓifari zwi songo kunaho - vho dzhiiwa sa vhathu vhane vha vhenga vhathu. " We found a suitable meeting place and fixed it up. Because they did not get involved in many human affairs - such as pagan festivals, the entertainment that many Christians considered to be filled with pagan beliefs, practices, and immorality - were considered to be the people who hated people. " Naho zwo ralo, u humbula uri eneo maitele a nga si huvhadze ndi u ḓifhura iwe muṋe. While the police were preparing to clear the hall by force, the church president came to one of our elders and asked: "Do you have something special planned for this evening? " Remembering, though, that such a principle cannot harm you is to deceive yourself. Vhaṅwe vhathu, u katela na mashaka, vha nga ni goḓa kana vha lingedza u ni kula nungo nga iṅwe nḓila. Finally, he spoke of those with an earthly hope who would support Christ's brothers. Some individuals, including relatives, may ridicule you or try to discourage you in some way. U ṱoḓa ri tshi vha ṱhonifha na u vha thetshelesa nga nnḓa ha musi vha tshi ṱoḓa ri tshi ita zwiṅwe zwithu zwe a ri laya uri ri songo zwi ita In Beroea, his listeners "received the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily. " He wants us to respect them and obey them unless they want us to do something that he commanded us not to do (1 Koron. 17: 1 - 4, 11, 12; 22: 5 - 11) Brook o dovha a ri: "Yehova o vha a tshi ṱoḓa uri ri tovhole tshiṅwe tshipikwa. " This need not - and should not - be the case in the Christian congregation. " Jehovah wanted us to pursue another goal, " adds Brook. Ro wana fhethu hune ra nga farela hone miṱangano nahone ra hu lugisa. Previously, this journal has explained that in the first century, "this generation " mentioned at Matthew 24: 34 meant" the contemporaneous generation of unbelieving Jews. " We found room for meetings and prepared for them. Musi mapholisa a tshi kha ḓi lugiselela uri a vha kombetshedze uri vha bve, muphuresidennde wa kereke o ḓa kha muṅwe wa vhahulwane vhashu a mu vhudzisa a ri: "Naa hu na tshiitea tsho khetheaho tshe na dzudzanya u vha natsho madekwana ano? " [ Picture on page 25] While the police had arranged for them to be sent out, the president of the church came to one of our elders and asked: "Is there a special event that you had arranged for this evening? " Mafheleloni, o amba nga ha vhane vha vha na fulufhelo ḽa u tshila kha ḽifhasi vhane vha ḓo tikedza vharathu vha Kristo. How blessed were Deborah, Barak, and Jael for putting faith in Jehovah God! Finally, he spoke of those who had an earthly hope who would support Christ's brothers. Ngei Berea vhathetshelesi vhawe "vho ṱanganedza mafhungo a Murena vhó takala, vha vhala Maṅwalo misi yoṱhe. " When about to feed a crowd of thousands miraculously, Jesus told his disciples how he wanted them to organize the people and distribute the food. In Beroea his listeners "received the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily. " A zwo ngo fanela u vha nga u ralo tshivhidzoni tsha Vhukriste. Tyndale That should not be the case in the Christian congregation. Tshifhingani tsho fhiraho, hoyu magazini wo ṱalutshedza uri ḓanani ḽa u thoma ḽa miṅwaha, "wonoyu murafho " wo bulwaho kha Mateo 24: 34, (NW) u amba" murafho wa misini yeneyo wa Vhayuda vha sa tendiho. " To persevere in the preaching work, faithful Kingdom publishers can strive to have a mental attitude like that of the ancient prophets. In the past, this magazine explained that in the first century, "this generation " mentioned at Matthew 24: 34, meaning" a generation of Jews of that time of unbelievers. " [ Zwifanyiso kha siaṱari 25] Tibor was again sentenced to a long term in prison, and I had to care for our son without him. [ Pictures on page 25] (Vhahaṱuli 4: 24; 5: 31) Debora, Baraka na Yaele vho fhaṱutshedzwa lungafhani nga u vha na lutendo kha Yehova Mudzimu! Another way that we remember the Governing Body is by exerting ourselves in the preaching work. How Deborah, Barak, and Jael were blessed for having faith in Jehovah God! Musi a sa athu kanzwa gogo ḽa vhathu nga lwa vhuṱolo, Yesu o vhudza vhafunziwa vhawe nḓila ye a vha a tshi ṱoḓa u dzudzanya ngayo vhathu u itela u vha ṋea zwiḽiwa. Let the earth be joyful. Let the many islands rejoice. " - Psalm 97: 1. Before miraculously feeding a crowd, Jesus told his disciples how he wanted to organize the people to feed them. Tyndale COVER IMAGE: Tyndale U itela u konḓelela mushumoni wa u huwelela, vhahuweleli vha Muvhuso vha fulufhedzeaho vha nga lwela u vha na mavhonele a fanaho na a vhaporofita vha kale. Why, though, did Paul refer to fornication in connection with Esau's action? To endure in the preaching work, faithful Kingdom proclaimers may strive to adopt the attitude of the prophets of old. Tibor o mbo ḓi dovha a valelwa tshifhinga tshinzhi dzhele, nahone nda fanela uri ndi aluse murwa washu ndi ndoṱhe. And if they cause us to be proud, they damage our relationship with him. Tibor was again imprisoned, and I had to raise our son alone. Iṅwe nḓila ine ra humbula ngayo Tshigwada tshi Langaho ndi nga u ita zwoṱhe zwine ra nga kona kha mushumo wa u huwelela. Encouraging Reports and Heartwarming Interviews One way we remember the Governing Body is by doing all we can in the preaching work. Ḽifhasi nga ḽi fhululedze, hu takale zwiṱangadzime zwoṱhe - zwoṱhe. " - Psalme ya 97: 1.. The second speaker in this symposium addressed questions relating to neutrality. The earth will cry out joyfully, and all the islands of all things. " - Psalm 97: 1. TSHIFANYISO TSHI RE KHA GWATI: Harold's experiences as a soldier caused him to become bitter and to doubt God's existence. COVER IMAGE: Ndi ngani Paulo o ṱumanya na vhupombwe na zwe zwa itwa nga Esau? My wife and I have found that the Bible can help us find that balance. Why did Paul link adultery with Esau? Nahone arali zwenezwo zwithu zwa ita uri na riṋe ri ḓikukumuse, zwi tshinyadza vhushaka hashu nae. Whether a dead person is cremated or not, Jehovah is not limited in his ability to restore the person to life with a new body. And if those things cause us to become haughty, they damage our relationship with him. Mivhigo I Ṱuṱuwedzaho Na Khaseledzo Dzi Kwamaho Mbilu To grow strong, you had to learn to enjoy such wholesome foods. Reports That Encourage the Heart Tshiambi tsha vhuvhili tsha nyambo ya mutevheṱhaḓu tsho vhudzisa mbudziso malugana na u sa dzhia sia. Explain. The second speaker on the program asked questions about neutrality. Zwe Harold a ṱangana nazwo e ḽiswole zwo ita uri a vhe na vhuhali na u timatima uri Mudzimu u hone. To appreciate what a "perfect present " it is, let us see how, in surpassing ways, it satisfies the factors that help us to make gifts worthwhile, as discussed in the preceding article. Harold's experience as a soldier led to rage and doubts about God's existence. Nṋe na mufumakadzi wanga ro wana uri Bivhili i nga ri thusa u ita zwenezwo. For example, the Congregation Book Study overseer has the rewarding privilege of taking the lead in the preaching work and training others. My wife and I have found that the Bible can help us to do that. Hu sa londwi uri muthu o faho o tou fhiswa kana hai, Yehova a nga si kundwe u mu vusa e kha muvhili muswa. The manner in which Jesus helped his apostles when they were temporarily in a weak condition indicates what we may do today. Whether the dead one is burned or not, Jehovah will not fail to resurrect him from the new body. U itela u aluwa ni na mutakalo wavhuḓi, no vha ni tshi fanela u takalela zwenezwo zwiḽiwa zwi re na pfushi. Jerusalem is called "the perfection of prettiness. " To grow up in good health, you had to enjoy such wholesome food. Ṱalutshedzani. For God knows that in the very day you eat from it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and bad. ' " Explain. U itela u dzhiela nṱha nḓila ine tshifhiwa tsha vha tsha ndeme ngayo, kha ri vhone nḓila dzine dza ḓo ri thusa u ita uri tshifhiwa tshine ra tshi ṋea tshi vhe tsha ndeme samusi zwo haseledzwa kha thero yo fhiraho. The householder will keep such implements separate from clean utensils, such as those used for cooking. To appreciate how precious a gift is, let us see how it will help us to make the gift we give as considered in the preceding article. Sa tsumbo, mulavhelesi wa Ngudo ya Bugu ya Tshivhidzo u na ndugelo i vhuyedzaho ya u ranga phanḓa mushumoni wa u huwelela na u gudisa vhaṅwe. CIVIL war has raged in Liberia for over a decade. For example, the Congregation Book Study overseer has the most rewarding privilege of taking the lead in the preaching work and training others. Nḓila ye Yesu a thusa ngayo vhaapostola vhawe musi vho fhola lwa tshifhinganyana i sumbedza zwine ra nga zwi ita ṋamusi. They were spirit creatures, not humans. The way Jesus helped his apostles when they temporarily became inactive illustrates what we can do today. Yerusalema u vhidzwa "fhethu - tshidele vhukuma. " " Guard Against Every Sort of Covetousness " Jerusalem is called "the finest place. " Mudzimu a tshi ralo u ḓivha zwauri musi nó ḽa wone, maṱo aṋu a ḓo bonyolowa, na ḓo nga Mudzimu, na ḓo ḓivha vhuḓi na vhuvhi. " However, the majority of humans rejected Jehovah as their Father and King. For God knows that in the very day you eat from it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and bad. " Ṋemuḓi u ḓo vhea zwenezwo zwishumiswa kule na midzio yo kunaho, zwi ngaho zwine zwa shumiswa u bika. You might gain the immediate approval of some peers, but how would you feel later on when you are with your parents or fellow Christians at the Kingdom Hall? The householder will put such materials far away from pure vessels, such as the use of cooking. HO VHA na nndwa ya vhadzulapo i sa langei ngei Liberia miṅwaha i fhiraho ya fumi. Others, such as Willi, imitate Christ. IT WAS a civil war in Liberia for over ten years. Vho vha vhe zwivhumbiwa zwa muya, hu si vhathu. We must keep free from all forms of spiritism. - Deuteronomy 18: 10 - 12. They were spirit creatures, not humans. " Ni Thanyele Nyemulo Dzoṱhe " Why did Jehovah forgive David? " Beware of All Prayers " Naho zwo ralo, vhunzhi ha vhathu vho landula Yehova sa Khotsi na Khosi yavho. Gregory's successor, Innocent IV, excommunicated him again. However, most people rejected Jehovah as their Father and King. Khamusi thangana dzaṋu dza murole dzi nga kha ḓi takalela zwe na zwi ita, fhedzi ni ḓo ḓipfa hani nga murahu musi ni na vhabebi vhaṋu kana ni na vhaṅwe Vhakriste Holoni ya Muvhuso? The Bible says: "He continued subject to them. " Perhaps your peers would like what you did, but how would you feel later with your parents or with other Christians at the Kingdom Hall? Vhaṅwe, vha fanaho na Willi, vha edzisa Kristo. When she saw the baby Jesus, she began "speaking about the child to all who were waiting for Jerusalem's deliverance. " - Luke 2: 38. Others, like Paul, imitate Christ. Ri fanela u iledza mifuda yoṱhe ya vhungome. - Doiteronomio 18: 10 - 12. " Your adversary, the Devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone. We must avoid all forms of spiritism. - Deuteronomy 18: 10 - 12. Ndi ngani Yehova o hangwela Davida? John of Leiden became Mathys ' successor and was named King Jan of the Anabaptists in Münster. Why did Jehovah forgive David? Innocent wa Vhuṋa ane a vha mutevheli wa Gregory, o dovha a bvisa Muvhusi Frederick sa muraḓo wa kereke. She then tenderly kissed his feet and greased them with perfumed oil. A four - year - old follower of Gregory also removed Governor Frederick as a member of the church. Bivhili i ri: "A dzula a tshi vha pfa. " Jesus also had insight when he noticed the good qualities of his disciples. The Bible says: "He continued subject to them. " Musi a tshi vhona Yesu a tshee lushie, a thoma u "amba nga ha ṅwana kha vhoṱhe vho lindelaho u tshidzwa ha Yerusalema. " - Luka 2: 38. Does your secular work interfere with your meeting attendance? When he saw Jesus as a baby, he began to "speak about the child to all those waiting for the deliverance of Jerusalem. " - Luke 2: 38. Swina ḽaṋu Diabolo u mona - mona vhunga ndau i vhombaho, iné ya ṱoḓa ané ya mu mila. The particular circumstances of that widow show us that we have additional reasons for persevering in prayer. Your adversary, the Devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone. John wa Leiden a tevhela Mathys nahone a irwa dzina ḽa Khosi Jan wa Vhaanabaptist vha Münster. While it is up to each of us to choose what to do with our life, it would be a mistake to exclude the Creator from our deliberations. The name of King Jan of Anabaptists in Münster followed Le] and was adopted by the name of King Jan of the Anabaptists. Nga murahu a kuvhatedza milenzhe yawe nahone a i ḓodza mushonga. Jesus Christ - the "angel... with the key of the abyss " - will seize Satan and his demons, hurl them into the abyss, and keep them there for a thousand years. Then he kissed his feet and anointed them with oil. Yesu o dovha a pfesesa musi a tshi ṱhogomela pfaneleo dzavhuḓi kha vhafunziwa vhawe. * Some need to be hospitalized to cope with severe withdrawal symptoms or to receive medication to reduce the extreme craving for alcohol and to help maintain abstinence. Jesus also understood when he observed the good qualities of his disciples. Naa mushumo waṋu wa u ḓitshidza u khou ita uri ni si vhe hone muṱanganoni? Let us, therefore, do our utmost to help others to learn about our loving heavenly Father and Friend. Is your secular work causing you to miss a meeting? Honoho vhuimo ha tshilikadzi vhu ri sumbedza uri ri na tshiṅwe tshiitisi tsha u konḓelela thabeloni. 17 Do Not Let Your Love Grow Cold That widow's situation shows us that we have another reason to persevere in prayer. Naho muṅwe na muṅwe washu a tshi tea u ḓikhethela zwine a funa u zwi ita vhutshiloni, zwi ḓo vha zwo khakheaho arali ra ita phetho ri songo katela Musiki washu. Thus, further expansion was anticipated. While each of us must choose his will in life, it would be wrong for us to make decisions without involving our Creator. Yesu Kristo - " muruṅwa a re na khoṋo ya mugodi ' - u ḓo fara Sathane na madimoni awe a vha posa mugodini, a vha valela henefho miṅwaha ya tshigidi. (1976 Edition, Volume 12, page 998) The book How the Brain Learns, by David A. Jesus Christ - "the chief angel of the abyss " - would arrest Satan and his demons into the abyss and throw them into the abyss for a thousand years. * Vhaṅwe vhathu vha nga kha ḓi ṱoḓa u dzula sibadela u itela uri vha kone u sedzana na malwadze o vhangwaho nga u nwa halwa kana uri vha kone u wana ngalafho ine ya ḓo vha thusa u fhungudza lutamo luhulwane lwa u nwa halwa na u vha thusa uri vha litshe. With good reason, then, as Christian parents, do not "give up " or" tire out " in teaching your children to live peaceably - even if progress at first seems to be slow. * Some people may want to stay in the hospital so that they can cope with the diseases caused by alcohol abuse or in order to get treatment that will help them to reduce the strong desire to drink and help them to stop. Nga zwenezwo, kha ri ite zwoṱhe zwi re maanḓani ashu u itela u thusa vhaṅwe uri vha gude nga ha Khotsi ashu wa ṱaḓulu ane a vha Khonani yashu i re na lufuno. They were to help out while the missionaries were attending the 1950 Theocracy's Increase Assembly in New York, U.S.A. Therefore, let us do our utmost to help others learn about our loving heavenly Father. 17 Ni Songo Tendela Lufuno Lwaṋu Lu Tshi Fhungudzea We also cultivate our capacity for showing empathy and patience. 17 Do Not Let Your Love Shine Nga zwenezwo, ho vha ho lavhelelwa uri hu ḓo vha na nyengedzeo. (b) What questions will we consider? Thus, growth was expected. (Nzudzanyo ya 1976, Volumu 12, siaṱari 998) Bugu ine ya pfi How the Brain Learns, yo ṅwalwaho nga David A. Notice that this tranquil state of affairs will prevail "because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah. " (The book 1976, Volume 12, page 99) The Book How to C.E., by David A. Nga zwenezwo, nga tshiitisi tshi pfalaho, sa vhabebi vha Vhakriste, ni songo "dinalea " kana u " neta ' musi ni tshi khou funza vhana vha vhoiwe u tshila nga mulalo - naho hu uri mvelaphanḓa i sa khou vhonala nga u ṱavhanya. For example, the Awake! For good reason, then, as Christian parents, do not " tire out " or" tire out " in teaching your children to live in peace - even if progress is not immediately seen. Vhenevho vhathu vho vha vha tshi ḓo thusa musi vharumiwa vha tshi ya Guvhanganoni ḽa Nyengedzeo ya Lwa Ṱaḓulu nga 1950 ngei New York kha ḽa U.S.A. Identifying other benefits for those who have a spiritual outlook on life, MJA says: "Australian studies have found greater marital stability, less alcohol and illicit drug use, lower rates of and more negative attitudes toward suicide, less anxiety and depression, and greater altruism among the religious. " Such ones would help when missionaries attended the Theocratic Assembly in 1950 in New York, U.S.A. Ri dovha ra ṱahulela vhukoni hashu nga u pfela vhuṱungu na u sa fhela mbilu. It seems to represent God's "will, " or his willingness to accept Jesus ' perfect human sacrifice. - Hebrews 10: 1 - 10. We also cultivate our abilities by being compassionate and patient. (b) Ndi mbudziso dzifhio dzine ra ḓo dzi haseledza? Job believed that he should serve God in good times and in bad. - Job 1: 21; 2: 10. (b) What questions will we consider? Humbulani uri wonoyo mulalo une ha khou ambiwa nga hawo u ḓo vha hone "ngauri shango ḽoṱhe ḽi ḓo ḓala u ḓivha Yehova. " (Yes. The Samaritans were an ethnic group that many Jews despised, so the woman was surprised. Remember, the peace spoken about it will take place "because the whole earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah. " Sa tsumbo, magazini wa Awake! So Elijah begged: "O Jehovah my God, please, let this child's life come back into him. " - 1 Ki. For example, Awake! I tshi sumbedza dziṅwe mbuyelo kha vhane vha vha na mavhonele a muya vhutshiloni havho, Medical Journal of Australia i ri: "Ngudo dza ngei Australia dzo wana uri hu na u khwaṱha ha mbingano, u sa shumiswa luvhi ha zwikambi, u sa shumiswa ha zwidzidzivhadzi, u fhungudzea ha vhathu vhane vha ṱoḓa u ḓivhulaha, u fhungudzea ha mbilaelo na u tsikeledzea, na u sa vha na tseḓa vhukati ha vhathu vhane vha tenda kha vhurereli. " Karen: Along a similar line, note that after Jesus came up out of the water, someone spoke from heaven. Showing some of the benefits of those who have a spiritual outlook in their lives, the Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Republic of Australia states: "The challenges in Australia have found that there is a strong marriage, the lack of alcohol abuse, drug abuse of suicide, anxiety, and religious distress. " Zwi vhonala i tshi imela " lufuno ' lwa Mudzimu, kana u ḓifunela hawe u ṱanganedza tshiṱhavhelo tsha Yesu tsho fhelelaho. - Vha - Heberu 10: 1 - 10. To Timothy, his younger traveling companion. It seems that it represents God's "love, " or willingness to accept Jesus ' perfect sacrifice. - Hebrews 10: 1 - 10. Yobo o vha a tshi tenda uri u fanela u shumela Mudzimu zwifhingani zwavhuḓi na zwi konḓaho. - Yobo 1: 21; 2: 10. Notice how emphatic that promise is: "There is going to be a resurrection "! Job believed that he should serve God in good times and bad times. - Job 1: 21; 2: 10. Vhasamaria vho vha vhe murafho une Vhayuda vhanzhi vha u vhenga, nga zwenezwo onoyo musadzi o vha o mangala. Forgetfulness Breeds Ingratitude The Samaritans were a ethnic group that many Jews hated, so the woman was shocked. Vhuyedzedza vhutshilo ha uyu ṅwana khae. " - 1 Dzikh. 4: 3, 4. This young child's life is to him. " - 1 Ki. Ṱhogomelani uri musi Yesu a tshi bva maḓini, ho pfala ipfi ḽa muthu ḽi tshi bva ṱaḓulu. • How can showing insight help a parent to be long - suffering? Notice that when Jesus came out of water, a voice of man came down from heaven. O vha a tshi khou amba nga ha Timotheo, muswa we a vha a tshi tshimbila nae. 9: 7. He was referring to Timothy, a young traveling companion. Ṱhogomelani nḓila ine fulufhedziso ḽeneḽi ḽa ombedzela ngayo musi ḽi tshi ri: "Vhafu vha ḓo vuwa "! Before we left, a good thing happened. Note how this promise emphasizes: "There will be a resurrection of the dead "! U Hangwa Zwi Ita Uri Ri Si Livhuhe The Bible assures us that a close relationship with God is within reach. Remembering That We Do Not Give Up 4: 3, 4. Despite the persecution and all the difficulties, the number of congregations increased in the circuits where we served. 4: 3, 4. • U sumbedza u vha na luvhonela zwi nga thusa hani mubebi uri a si fhele mbilu? • Increased light has brought about what doctrinal refinements? • How can displaying insight help a parent to be long - suffering? 9: 7. And the offering of an animal would be nothing outstanding. 9: 7. Musi ri sa athu ṱuwa, ho mbo ḓi itea zwiṅwe zwithu zwavhuḓi nga maanḓa. Advance planning will ensure that the reduced funds available are spent on essential family needs. Before we left, something happened very good. Bivhili i ri khwaṱhisedza uri zwi a konadzea u vha na vhushaka ha tsini na Mudzimu. As we will see, Timothy was ready. The Bible assures us that having a close relationship with God is within our reach. Hu sa londwi u tovholwa na vhuleme hoṱhe, tshivhalo tsha zwivhidzo tsho engedzea kha ḽiisela ḽe ra vha ri tshi shuma khaḽo. So if you are worried about something, talk to someone who serves Jehovah and who knows you well. Despite all the persecution and difficulties, the number of congregations increased in the circuit where we served. • U engedzea ha tshedza zwo ḓisa tshanduko dzifhio kha pfunzothendwa? SYRIA • What changes in doctrine have light brought? Nahone u ita tshiṱhavhelo nga tshipuka zwo vha zwi sa ḓo vha tshithu tsho khetheaho tshee a vha a tshi nga vhuya a ita muano ngatsho. What can we learn from this? - And the making of animal sacrifice would not be the special thing he could ever make. Naho zwo ralo, u dzudzanya hu tshee nga phanḓa zwi ḓo khwaṱhisedza uri tshelede ṱhukhu ine ya vha hone i shumiselwa zwithu zwa ndeme muṱani. That is, he progressively fulfills whatever he promises and always accomplishes what he has set out to do. However, advance planning will ensure that the smaller income in the family is used for important things. Samusi ri tshi ḓo zwi vhona Timotheo o vha o ḓilugisela. 1: 13, 14. As we shall see, Timothy was ready. (Mirero 12: 25) Nga zwenezwo, arali hu na zwine zwa ni vhilaedzisa, ambani na muṅwe muthu ane a shumela Yehova na ane a ni ḓivha khwine. Would you be willing to take a look at what the Bible can offer you? So if there is something that concerns you, speak to someone who serves Jehovah and knows you better. SIRIA [ Picture on page 7] NO MOREA Ri nga guda mini kha zwenezwi? - " Do you engage in the ministry even if your parents do not? " What can we learn from this? - (Ekisodo 6: 3; Psalme ya 83: 18) Ngauralo u bvela phanḓa a tshi ḓadzisa mafulufhedziso awe oṱhe nahone tshifhinga tshoṱhe u a ḓadzisa ndivho dzawe. Just as a combination of symptoms can help a doctor reach the correct diagnosis of a patient's illness, the combination of events mentioned in those prophecies helped me to see that we are living in what the Bible calls "the last days. " So he continues to fulfill all his promises and always fulfills his purposes. 1: 13, 14. They may have recalled that he said: "The harvest, indeed, is great, but the workers are few. 1: 13, 14. Naa ni nga takalela u ḓivha zwe Bivhili ya ni farela zwone? Even when our relatives oppose our efforts to worship Jehovah, we continue to love them, but we must remember that our love for God and Christ comes first. Would you like to know what the Bible holds for you? [ Tshifanyiso tshi kha siaṱari 7] How could we reason with someone who claims that there is no Creator? [ Picture on page 7] " Naa ni a ya vhuḓinḓani naho vhabebi vhaṋu vha sa khou ya? " What an unforgettable day that was! " Do you go out in the ministry even if your parents are not going? " Samusi tsumbadwadze dzi tshi nga thusa dokotela uri a kone u lafha mulwadze wawe, zwiitea zwoṱhe zwe zwa ambiwa kha honoho vhuporofita zwo nthusa u vhona uri ri khou tshila zwifhingani zwine Bivhili ya zwi vhidza " maḓuvha a vhufhelo. ' In 1956 Just as signs may help a doctor to prepare the patient, all the events mentioned in that prophecy helped me to see that we are living in what the Bible calls "the last days. " Khamusi vho zwi humbula uri o ri: "Khaṋo ndi khulu, fhedzi vhashumi a si vhanzhi. May Satan never get a hold on us! Perhaps they reasoned: "The harvest is great, but the workers are few. Naho mashaka ashu a nga lwisana na riṋe nga nṱhani ha uri ri gwadamela Yehova, ri bvela phanḓa ri tshi vha funa, fhedzi ri fanela u humbula uri ri fanela u funa Mudzimu na Kristo u thoma u fhira vhaṅwe vhathu. 27: 4. Although our relatives may oppose us because we worship Jehovah, we must continue to love them, but we must remember that we must love God and Christ more than others. Ri nga thusa hani muthu ane a amba uri a huna Musiki? Others are intrigued. How can we help someone who claims that there is no Creator? Ri nga si vhuye ra vuwa ro ḽi hangwa ḓuvha ḽeneḽo. Consider these experiences. We will never forget that day. Nga 1956 Hosea's wife "proceeded to become pregnant another time and to give birth to a daughter. " In 1956 Ri songo vhuya ra tendela Sathane a tshi ri langa! You Can Be Close to God, 12 / 1 May we never allow Satan to dominate us! 27: 4. Her husband saw how the members of the congregation rallied to help and how happy and healthy the baby was turning out to be. 27: 4. Vhaṅwe zwi a vha takadza. What would you do in Jodie's situation? Some are happy to them. Ṱhogomelani tshenzhelo dzi tevhelaho. What about the use of the word "amen "? Consider the following experiences. Musadzi wa Hosea o mbo ḓi "vha muthu wa thovhela a beba ṅwana wa musidzana. " André, a salesman, was told by his employer to charge the same service fee twice to customers ' accounts. Hosea's wife "became pregnant and gave birth to the daughter of the virgin girl. " Munna wawe o vhona nḓila ye miraḓo ya tshivhidzo ya mu thusa ngayo, na nḓila ye ṅwana wawe a vha o takala ngayo na u vha na mutakalo wavhuḓi. " She quickly got down from the camel, " we read - perhaps not even waiting for the beast to kneel down - and she asked her guide: "Who is that man there walking in the field to meet us? " Her husband saw how the members of the congregation helped her, and his son was happy and healthy. No vha ni tshi ḓo ita mini arali ni vhe ni vhuimoni vhu fanaho na ha Jodie? This "puzzled " the people around them. What would you do if you were in a situation similar to that of Jodie? Hu pfi mini nga u shumisa ipfi "amen "? The sun is bright. What, though, about using the word "keep on the watch "? André ane a shuma u rengisa, o vhudzwa nga mutholi wawe uri a rengise nga mutengo u re kavhili. Abraham knew that if he obeyed, Jehovah would bless him and his dear son. André, who sells, was told by his employer to sell it on a double price. Bivhili i ri: "A tsa kha kamela yawe. " Khamusi ho ngo vhuya a lindela na kamela i tshi gwadama nahone a vhudzisa mukoma wawe a ri: "Naa ndi nnyi uyo munna ane a ri ṱanganedza a tshi bva fhaḽa masimuni? " He extended the invitation: "Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you. " The Bible says: "Who came out of his camels, although he did not wait for a camel to bow down to his camels and ask his slave: "Who really does he receive us out of the fields? ' " Zwenezwi zwo " mangadza ' vhathu vho vha tangaho. Such isolation often leads to depression. This " astounded " people around them. Ḓuvha ḽo ṱavha. 1 The sun rose. Abrahamu o vha a tshi zwi ḓivha uri arali a thetshelesa, Yehova u ḓo mu fhaṱutshedza na murwa wawe. This leads to knowledge. Abraham knew that if he obeyed, Jehovah would bless him and his son. O vha ramba a ri: "Iḓani ha nṋe noṱhe no netaho, no lemelwaho; nṋe ndi ḓo ni awedza. " But Jehovah still wanted you to be his friend. He invited them: "Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you. " U ḓifhambanya honoho hu ita uri muthu a tsikeledzee. The teachings of Jesus that we have considered are beautiful, simple, and powerful. Such drifting away leads to depression. 1 10, 11. (a) Who among us need commendation? 1 Zwenezwo zwi ita uri ni vhe na nḓivho. In fact, we have given out millions of these publications around the world. As a result, you gain knowledge. Naho zwo ralo, Yehova o vha a tshi ṱoḓa ni tshi vha khonani yawe. More than upbuilding speech is needed for a Christian to be a good example. Yet, Jehovah wanted you to be his friend. Pfunzo dza Yesu dze ra dzi ṱhogomela ndi dzavhuḓi, dzi a leluwa, nahone dzi na maanḓa vhukuma. " Jehovah's day will come as a thief,... and earth and the works in it will be discovered. " - 2 PET. Jesus ' teachings that we have considered are good, easy, and powerful. 10, 11. (a) Ndi vhafhio vhukati hashu vhane vha ṱoḓa u khoḓwa? Even when Pharaoh wanted to kill him, Moses was not afraid. 10, 11. (a) Who among us are in need of commendation? Zwi re zwone ndi uri ro no ṋea vhathu vhanzhi dzenedzi khandiso shangoni ḽoṱhe. In turn, a clean conscience enabled him to approach Jehovah in prayer and to enjoy " the peace of God that excels all thought and that guards our hearts and mental powers. ' In fact, we have given these publications to many people worldwide. Hu na zwinzhi zwine zwa ṱoḓea u fhira u sokou amba nga nḓila i fhaṱaho u itela uri Mukriste a vhe tsumbo yavhuḓi. All three countries have recently had large increases in the number of publishers. There is more to say than just how to set a good example for a Christian. " Ḓuvha ḽa Murena hone ḽi ḓo ḓa sa mbava,... ḽifhasi na mishumo i re khaḽo ' zwa fhiswa tshoṱhe. " - 2 PET. " I can see that having publications in their own language makes our brothers and sisters feel appreciated and dignified. " The day of Jehovah will come as a thief,... and the earth and the works in it will be completely burned. " - 2 PET. (Doiteronomio 6: 4, 5) Naho Farao o vha a tshi ṱoḓa u mu vhulaha, Mushe o vha a sa ofhi. If only the Israelites would repentantly search for Jehovah! Although Pharaoh wanted to kill him, Moses was not afraid. Zwenezwo zwo ita uri a vhe na luvalo lwo kunaho lwe lwa ita uri a sendele kha Yehova nga thabelo na u vha na " mulalo wa Mudzimu, u fhiraho u ṱalukanya hoṱhe, u vhulungaho mbilu dzashu na mihumbulo yashu. ' What has happened to some of our Christian brothers and sisters, and what should we ask ourselves? As a result, he had a clean conscience that led him to draw to Jehovah in prayer and to "the peace of God that excels all thought will guard our hearts and our mental powers. " Zwenezwino, enea mashango mararu o vha na nyengedzeo khulwane ya vhahuweleli. What about the future of those who "hope in Jehovah and keep his way "? In recent times, these three countries have experienced outstanding growth in the publishers. " Ndi a zwi vhona uri u vha na khandiso nga luambo lwavho zwi ita uri vhahashu vha tshinnani na vha tshisadzini vha ḓipfe vho dzhielwa nṱha na u huliswa. In 1513 B.C.E., the nation of Israel experienced a miraculous deliverance from Egyptian bondage and therefore had no reason to doubt those words. " I feel that having literature in their own language allows brothers and sisters to feel appreciated and honored. Vhuimo ho vha hu tshi ḓo vha ho vha khwine arali Vhaisiraele vha shanduke nahone vha ṱoḓe Yehova! Jesus ' illustration of "the sheep " and" the goats, " found at Matthew 25: 31 - 46, also deeply impressed me. How much better the situation would have been if the Israelites changed and searched for Jehovah! Ho bvelela mini kha vhaṅwe vhahashu vha tshinnani na vha tshisadzini vha Vhakriste, nahone ri fanela u ḓivhudzisa mini? But if you do not make mistakes, you are never corrected and you do not progress. What happened to some Christian brothers and sisters, and what should we ask ourselves? Vhathu vhane vha " lindela Yehova, vha fara nḓila yawe; ' vha na vhumatshelo vhufhio? We can depend on every word going forth from Jehovah's mouth; what God says will have "certain success " in the fulfillment of his purpose. - Isaiah 55: 8 - 11. Those who " wait on Jehovah will walk in his way; what future do they have? ' (Doiteronomio 5: 6) Nga 1513 B.C.E., lushaka lwa Vhaisiraele lwo tshidzwa nga lwa vhuṱolo ngei vhupulini ha Egipita nahone nga zwenezwo lwo vha lu si na tshiitisi tsha u timatima eneo maipfi. In time, his family became united in true worship, and his wife entered the full - time ministry. In 1513 B.C.E., the nation of Israel was miraculously delivered from Egyptian bondage and therefore had no reason to doubt those words. Ndo dovha nda kwamiwa vhukuma nga tshifanyiso tsha Yesu tsha "nngu " na" mbudzi " tshine tsha wanala kha Mateo 25: 31 - 46. Romans 8: 15, 16; 1 John 2: 20, 27 I was also deeply moved by Jesus ' illustration of "the sheep " and" the goats " found at Matthew 25: 31 - 46. Fhedzi arali ni sa iti ni tshi khakha, a ni nga ḓo vhuya na khakhululwa nahone a ni nga iti mvelaphanḓa. How do we show that we have strong faith? But if you do not make a mistake, you will never be corrected and you will not make progress. (Yobo 38: 31 - 33; Psalme ya 104: 5) Ri nga ḓitika nga fhungo ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe ḽine ḽa bva mulomoni wa Yehova; zwine Mudzimu a amba zwi ḓo " bvelela ' kha u ḓadzisa ndivho yawe. - Yesaya 55: 8 - 11. In his description of the last days, the apostle Paul foretold that people would be "blasphemers,... slanderers, without self - control, fierce. " We can rely on every word coming forth from Jehovah's mouth; what God says will " succeed ' in fulfilling his purpose. - Isaiah 55: 8 - 11. Nga u ya ha tshifhinga, muṱa wawe wa thoma u ṱanganela woṱhe vhurabelini ha ngoho, nahone musadzi wawe a dzhenela vhuḓinḓa ha tshifhinga tshoṱhe. She was suffering from a terminal disease and had lost all hope. In time, his family began to share together in true worship, and his wife entered the full - time ministry. Vharoma 8: 15, 16; 1 Yohane 2: 20, 27 * (See footnote.) - 1 John 3: 19, 20; Psalm 34: 18. Romans 8: 15, 16; 1 John 2: 20, 27 Ri sumbedza hani uri ri na lutendo lwo khwaṱhaho? Yet, the fact that such a tragedy could happen is good reason to discuss problems openly. How do we show that we have strong faith? Musi a tshi ṱalusa maḓuvha a vhufhelo, muapostola Paulo o dzula o amba uri vhathu vha ḓo vha " vhadzia maṱamba,... vhasumeleli, vha sa ḓilangi, vha u sokou penga naḽo. ' After their Babylonian exile, many Jews fell prey to unscriptural ideas. Describing the last days, the apostle Paul foretold that people would be " people speaking abusively of themselves,... without self - control, fierce. ' O vha o farwa nga vhulwadze vhu sa fholi nahone o vha a si tsheena fulufhelo. Resisting this ploy calls for courage in a different way because the fight is an internal one, against improper desires within our own " treacherous and desperate ' heart. - Jeremiah 17: 9; James 1: 14, 15. He was diagnosed with chronic illness and had lost hope. * (Sedzani ṱhaluso i re magumoni a siaṱari.) - 1 Yohane 3: 19, 20; Psalme ya 34: 18. " This is what Jehovah has said, the Creator of the heavens, He the true God, the Former of the earth and the Maker of it, He the One who firmly established it, who did not create it simply for nothing, who formed it even to be inhabited: " I am Jehovah, and there is no one else. ' " * (See footnote.) - 1 John 3: 19, 20; Psalm 34: 18. Fhedzi nga ṅwambo wa uri yeneyi khombo i nga itea ndi zwa ndeme u haseledza vhuleme khagala. Showing kindness to others ought to become a habit. But because this danger can happen, it is important to discuss problems openly. Musi Vhayuda vhe vhuthubwani ngei Babele, vhanzhi vho thoma u tevhedza maitele a siho Maṅwaloni. I could have used my skills in the world. While Jews were captives in Babylon, many began to follow unscriptural practices. U lwisana na honohu vhukwila zwi ṱoḓa u vha na tshivhindi ngauri nndwa i nga ngomu muvhilini, ya u lwa na nyemulo mmbi dzi re nga ngomu mbiluni yashu i re na " tshimbevha na u vha mmbi. ' - Yeremia 17: 9; Yakobo 1: 14, 15. If that occurs, ask Jehovah for help in maintaining self - control. Resisting this tactic calls for courage because the battle is within the body, and it is against wrong desires in our heart that are " treacherous and wicked. " - Jeremiah 17: 9; James 1: 14, 15. " Yehova Mu - sika - ḽiṱaḓulu, Ene Mudzimu vhukuma Muvhumbi wa ḽifhasi, a ḽi tika, ha ngo sika mahandana, o ḽi vhumba uri ḽi dzulwe nga vhathu, u ri: Ndi Nṋe Yehova, a huna muṅwe. " At the beginning of the 20th century, what good example did many brothers set despite having misunderstandings regarding the last days? " Jehovah the Maker of heaven, the God of the earth, firmly established it, and did not create it in vain, and he formed it even to be inhabited, saying: " I am Jehovah, and there is no one else. ' " U sumbedza vhuthu kha vhaṅwe zwi fanela u tou vha dzema. Jehovah is looking for opportunities to do this. Showing kindness to others should be a habit. Ndo vha ndi tshi nga vha ndo shumisa vhutsila hanga shangoni. Many servants of God showed faithfulness and loyalty during adolescence or earlier. I could have used my skills in the world. Paulo o ṅwala uri: "Sinyuwani, hone, ni tshi ralo ni songo tshinya. However, God chose David, a much younger man, to be king. Paul wrote: "Be wrathful, and yet do not sin. Arali zwenezwo zwa itea, humbelani thuso ya Yehova uri ni kone u ḓilanga. It controlled the international trade and military routes that intersected there. If that happens, ask Jehovah for help to exercise self - control. Mathomoni a ḓana ḽa vhu - 20 ḽa miṅwaha, ndi tsumbo ifhio yavhuḓi ye vhahashu vhanzhi vha ri vhetshela yone hu sa londwi u sa pfesesa malugana na maḓuvha a vhufhelo? True Religion Hidden for a Time At the beginning of the 20th century, what fine example did many brothers set despite not understanding in the last days? Yehova u khou ṱoḓa zwibuli zwa u ita zwenezwi. At that time, every human will gain perfect health. Jehovah is searching for opportunities to do this. Vhashumeli vhanzhi vha Mudzimu vho fulufhedzea musi vha tshee vhaswa. Designated Witnesses from around the world were invited to be delegates at these gatherings. Many servants of God proved faithful while they were still young. Naho zwo ralo, Mudzimu o nanga Davida, we a vha a tshee muswa, uri a vhe khosi. " We received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is from God. " - 1 CORINTHIANS 2: 12. However, God chose David, a young man, to be king. Henefho fhethu ho vha hu tshi langa zwa mabindu a mashango o fhambanaho, na nḓila dze maswole a vha a tshi ṱangana khadzo. Twenty years ago, homosexuality was frowned upon by 45 percent of French citizens. The area was in control of various countries, even roads that soldiers met. Vhurereli Ha Vhukuma Vhu A Ngala - ngala Lwa Tshifhinganyana Who among us would not want to be more loving, joyful, and peaceable? True Religion - For Young People Nga tshenetsho tshifhinga muthu muṅwe na muṅwe u ḓo vha na mutakalo wavhuḓi. How do you feel about balmy summer evenings? At that time, everyone will have good health. Ṱhanzi dzi bvaho shangoni ḽoṱhe dzo rambiwa uri dzi vhe vhaimeleli kha enea maguvhangano. It is appropriate for each of us to ask God for "an obedient heart, " as did King Solomon. The Witnesses from around the world were invited to serve as representatives at these gatherings. " A ro ngo ṋewa muya wa shango, ro ṋewa Muya u bvaho Mudzimuni. " - 1 Vha - korinta 2: 12. But "he did not stand fast in the truth, " said Jesus," because truth is not in him. " " We received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is from God. " - 1 THESS. 2: 12. Miṅwahani ya 20 yo fhelaho, vhadzulapo vha Fura vha phesenthe dza 45 vho vha vha tshi nengwa vhusawana. What a contrast to the world I knew! Over the past 20 years, 45 percent of French inhabitants used to expose homosexuality. Ndi nnyi kha riṋe ane a sa ṱoḓe u vha na lufuno, dakalo na mulalo zwo engedzeaho? (Look under ABOUT US > CONVENTIONS) Who of us does not want to show love, joy, and peace? Ni ḓipfa hani nga vhusiku havhuḓi ha tshilimo? For example, when we watched TV, I liked sports, but she liked dramas. How do you feel about the wonderful summer night? Zwo tea uri muṅwe na muṅwe washu a humbele Mudzimu "mbilu i pfaho, " samusi zwo itwa nga Khosi Salomo. 13: 4 - 6, The New English Bible. It is proper for each of us to ask God for "a heart that is obedient, " as did King Solomon. Fhedzi Yesu o ri "[Diabolo] ha ngo ima na mafhungo - ngoho; ngauri kha ene a huna mafhungo - ngoho. " Jesus perceived that power had gone out of him and therefore asked who touched him. But Jesus said that "the Devil did not stand fast in the truth, because there is no truth in him. " Ho vha ho fhambana vhukuma na shango ḽine nda ḽi ḓivha! Similarly, on a memorable day some time ago, one of Jehovah's servants may have called at your door to discuss the message of hope found in the Bible. What a contrast to the world I knew! (Sedzani kha tshiṱoho ABOUT US > CONVENTIONS) By the time Diane, his wife, finally came out of the house, he could not keep his mounting anger from erupting. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) Sa tsumbo, musi ri tshi sedza TV, nṋe ndo vha ndi tshi funa mitambo, ene a tshi funa matambwa. They also kindly offer specific suggestions on how a brother can improve in becoming an " example to the flock. ' - 1 Peter 5: 3, 5. For example, when we looked at TAS, I loved sports, and he loved a star. 13: 4 - 6. When we endure trials, our Christian personality becomes more complete (See paragraphs 15, 16) 13: 4 - 6. 15: 19, 25) Yesu o pfa uri maanḓa awe o bva nahone a vhudzisa uri ndi nnyi o mu kwamaho. If our physical health is affected by distress, what help can we receive? Jesus felt that his power had come from and asked who had touched him. Tshifhingani tsho fhiraho, Ṱhanzi ya Yehova i nga vha yo ḓa u haseledza na inwi mulaedza u bvaho Bivhilini. Concerning our relationship with God, what questions should we consider? In the past, Jehovah's Witnesses may have come to discuss the Bible's message with you. Musi musadzi wawe, Diane, a tshi bva nḓuni, David o vha a sa tsha kona u ḓifara nga ṅwambo wa mbiti. How is Zechariah 6: 15 being fulfilled in our day? When his wife, day after his house, David had lost control of his anger. Nga vhulenda vha dovha vha ṋea nyeletshedzo dzo livhaho dza nḓila ine wahashu a nga khwinisa ngayo kha u vha " tsumbo kha sambi. ' - 1 Petro 5: 3, 5. For Christian spouses, those resources include wise counsel from the Bible, support from fellow Christians, and a close, prayerful relationship with Jehovah. They also kindly offer specific suggestions on how a brother can improve in becoming "an example to the flock. " - 1 Peter 5: 3, 5. Musi ri tshi konḓelela milingo, ri vha ri tshi khou khwinisa vhumuthu hashu ha Vhukriste (Sedzani phara 15, 16) Whether you are a regular reader of this magazine or not, why not accept the offer of Jehovah's Witnesses to help you look into the Bible to examine its spiritual values. When we endure trials, we improve our Christian personality (See paragraph 15, 16) Arali mutsiko u tshi kwama mutakalo washu, ndi thuso ifhio ine ra nga i wana? We therefore respect Jehovah's right both to set standards and to give loving discipline when we violate them. If pressure affects our health, what help can we receive? Malugana na vhushaka hashu na Mudzimu, ndi mbudziso dzifhio dzine ra fanela u dzi vhudzisa? Balance this with the time you devote to preparing for congregation meetings. Regarding our relationship with God, what questions should we ask? Luṅwalo lwa Sakaria 6: 15 lu khou ḓadzea hani musalauno? Therefore, whether of the anointed or of the other sheep, we consider it a sacred privilege to share in the work of bearing witness. How is Zechariah 6: 15 being fulfilled in modern times? Kha vhavhingani vha Vhakriste, zwenezwo zwishumiswa zwi katela nyeletshedzo ya vhuṱali i bvaho Bivhilini, thikhedzo i bvaho kha Vhakriste nga riṋe, na u vha na vhushaka ha tsini - tsini na Yehova nga thabelo. It could be that Demas began to love material things more than his service to Jehovah. For Christian couples, such tools include wise counsel from the Bible, the support of fellow Christians, and a close relationship with Jehovah in prayer. Hu sa londwi uri ni muvhali wa misi yoṱhe wa wonoyu magazini kana hai, ndi ngani ni sa ṱanganedzi Ṱhanzi dza Yehova uri vha ni thuse u ṱolisisa zwithu zwa ndeme zwa muya zwi bvaho Bivhilini? It is the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work. Whether you are a regular reader of this magazine or not, why not welcome Jehovah's Witnesses to help you examine spiritual gems from the Bible? Nga zwenezwo, ri ṱhonifha milayo ya Yehova nahone u a ri kaidza musi ri tshi pfuka yeneyo milayo. Some schoolchildren who ask a question may lose interest if a lengthy answer is given. So we respect Jehovah's laws and discipline us when we break those laws. Ni fanela u dovha na dzudzanya tshifhinga tsha u lugiselela miṱangano ya tshivhidzo. As we draw ever closer to the end of this wicked world, more and more of Jehovah's people are being affected by disasters and tragedies. You also need to set aside time to prepare for congregation meetings. Nga zwenezwo, hu sa londwi uri ri vhaḓodzwa kana ri vha dziṅwe nngu, ri zwi dzhia zwi ndugelo khethwa u ṱanganela kha mushumo wa u huwelela. Why not discuss your plans with some of them? So whether we are anointed or we are of the other sheep, we count it a sacred privilege to share in the preaching work. Khamusi Dema o thoma u funesa zwithu zwi vhonalaho u fhira tshumelo yawe kha Yehova. [ Picture on page 12] Perhaps Demas began to love material things more than his service to Jehovah. Ndi mushumo wa u huwelela nga ha Muvhuso na wa u ita vhafunziwa. Appropriate moments for private prayer present themselves many times each day as we face problems, encounter temptations, and make decisions. It is the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work. Vhaṅwe vhana vha tshikolo vhane vha nga vhudzisa mbudziso vha nga kha ḓi sa vha na dzangalelo arali phindulo ya vha ndapfu. Do not hold back! Some school children who may ask questions may not be interested if the answer is long - term. (Mir. 19: 3) Samusi ri tshi khou swika vhufheloni ha ḽino shango ḽivhi, vhathu vhanzhi vha Yehova vha a kwamiwa nga khombo dzine dza bvelela na makhaulambilu. Truly amazing growth, comparable to that of the mustard grain in Jesus ' illustration! As we arrive at the end of this wicked world, many of Jehovah's people are affected by calamity and tragedies. Zwi nga vha zwavhuḓi uri ni haseledze navho nga ha zwiṅwe zwine na khou zwi dzudzanya. It was obvious to me that they try to live by the Bible's high moral standards. Why not discuss with them something you are planning? [ Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 12] " I take short breaks between tasks when necessary. [ Picture on page 12] Hu na zwifhinga zwinzhi zwo teaho zwa u rabela u woṱhe ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe musi ri tshi sedzana na vhuleme, milingo, na dziphetho. Hence, to control your tongue, you may need to pray as did David: "Create in me even a pure heart, O God, and put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one. " - Psalm 51: 10. There are many times when it is best to pray all day by day when we face problems, temptations, and decisions. Ni songo vhuya na litsha u ita nga u ralo! 5, 6. (a) In what way were Israelite parents to be witnesses of Jehovah? Never give up! Vhukuma, ndi nyengedzeo i mangadzaho lungafhani, musi i tshi vhambedzwa na thoro ya lunonya ya kha tshifanyiso tsha Yesu! If so, we need to take positive action to correct matters in order to please God. Truly, what an amazing growth it is, compared with the mustard grain in Jesus ' illustration! Zwo vha zwi tshi tou vha khagala kha nṋe uri vha lingedza u tshila nga zwilinganyo zwo kunaho zwa Bivhili. He could not bear the way the clergy kept people in ignorance, so he never missed an opportunity to share Bible truths. It was clear to me that they tried to live by Bible standards. Ndi a awelanyana arali zwi tshi konadzea musi ndi tshi ita mishumo. 12: 25. I take care of it only if it is possible for me to perform works. Nga zwenezwo, u itela u langa lulimi, hu nga ṱoḓea uri ni rabele u fana na zwe Davida a zwi ita: "Ntsikele mbilu yo ṱambaho, U mphe muya muswa wo khwaṱhaho. " - Psalme ya 51: 10. Wrote Peter: "[God] did not hold back from punishing an ancient world. " Hence, to control the tongue, you may need to pray as David did: "Make a pure heart, O God, and put within me a new spirit. " - Psalm 51: 10. 5, 6. (a) Vhabebi vha Vhaisiraele vho vha vha tshi fanela u vha ṱhanzi dza Yehova nga nḓila - ḓe? 100: 2. 5, 6. (a) How were Israelite parents to be witnesses of Jehovah? Arali zwi songo ralo, ri fanela u dzhia vhukando ho khwaṱhaho u itela u lugisa eneo mafhungo uri ri takadze Mudzimu. 3: 1 - 5. If not, we need to take strong action to settle matters in order to please God. Vho vha vha sa koni u konḓelela nḓila ye vhafunzi vha vha vha sa ṱhogomeli ngayo vhathu, nga u ralo a vho ngo vhuya vha litsha u vhudza vhaṅwe mafhungo - ngoho a Bivhili. If you are yet to be baptized, what blessings can you look forward to after baptism? They could not endure the care of the clergy, so they never stopped sharing Bible truths with others. 12: 25. Then, by the light of a flickering lamp, the parents might recite a story from Scripture and say a prayer with their children. 12: 25. Petro o ṅwala a ri: "[Mudzimu] na shango ḽa kale ho ngo ḽi londa. " In Search of Answers Peter wrote: "[God] did not care about the world of old. " 100: 2. You Can Win the Battle 100: 2. 3: 1 - 5. At other times, a single question from Jehovah was enough to motivate a person to take positive action. 3: 1 - 5. Arali ni tshi ḓo lovhedzwa, ndi phaṱutshedzo dzifhio dzine na nga dzi lavhelela nga murahu ha ndovhedzo? " The first time he punched me, " says Jane, "I was stunned, embarrassed, and humiliated. If you are baptized, what blessings can you expect after baptism? Nga zwenezwo, vha tshi khou vhonetshelwa nga tshedza tshi penyaho tsha ḓenzhe, vhabebi vha nga kha ḓi vha anetshela nganea ine ya bva Maṅwaloni na u rabela na u vhala navho. It is therefore a question, not of whether Jehovah can foresee the future, but of whether he chooses to do so. Hence, reflecting on the bright light of a lamp, parents may relate a Scriptural story and pray with them. U Ṱoḓa Phindulo How can we make sure that we are ready for what is coming in the near future? The Search for Answers Ni nga Kunda Nndwa ya u Shumisa Luvhi Lulimi The proud, the rich, and the hypocritical viewed these requirements as too difficult to fulfill. You Can Overcome the War of Useing the Tongue (Gen. 4: 6, 7) Nga zwiṅwe zwifhinga, mbudziso ine Yehova a i vhudzisa yo vha i tshi vha yo eḓana u itela u ṱuṱuwedza muthu uri a dzhie vhukando. In his search for the true meaning of ancient writings, he started studying closely the standard Bible of the Catholic Church, the Latin Vulgate. At times, Jehovah's question was enough to encourage a person to act. Jane o ri: "Musi a tshi nthwa nga feisi lwa u thoma ndo vha ndo mangala, ndo shona, nahone ndo ḓipfa ndo nyadzea. The original - language words used here indicate intense emotions. Jane relates: "When she hit me for the first time, I was surprised, and I felt humiliated. Ngauralo huna mbudziso, hu si ya uri Yehova a nga kona u vhona hu tshee nga phanḓa zwa vhumatshelo kana a nga si kone, fhedzi ya u khetha hawe u ita nga u ralo. As you engage in this work, you have the opportunity to "save both yourself and those who listen to you. " So there is no question, not that Jehovah can determine for the future or cannot, but for his choice to do so. Ri nga vha hani na vhungoho ha uri ro ḓilugiselela zwine zwa khou ḓa hu si kale? 8: 6. How can we be sure that we are ready for what is soon to come? Vhane vha ḓikukumusa, vho pfumaho, na vhadzia muhoyo vho wana uri dzenedzi ṱhoḓea dzi a vha konḓela vhukuma. For instance, how can we counteract feelings of discouragement? Those who are proud, wealthy, and hypocritical have found that these requirements are too difficult for them. Musi a tshi khou ita ṱhoḓisiso kha zwine maṅwalwa a kale a amba zwone, o thoma u guda nga vhuronwane Bivhili ya Lulatini yo ḓoweleaho ya Kereke ya Katolika ine ya pfi Vulgate. Being Serious in a World That Loves Pleasure While doing research in what ancient manuscripts mean, he began to study carefully the Latin Bible that is common in the Catholic Church, the Vulgate. Maipfi a luambo lwa u thoma e a shumiswa henefho a sumbedza maḓipfele o dzikaho. The Bible calls this "the spirit of the world. " The original - language words used there reflect deep emotions. Musi ni tshi ṱanganela kha wonoyu mushumo, ni na tshibuli tsha u " ḓi - tshidza, na u tshidza vha ni pfaho. ' COVER: Earth: U.S. When you engage in this work, you have the opportunity to " save yourself and save those who listen to you. ' " Mulilo wa lufuno u nga wa masimbe; ndi mulilo wa Yehova. " - NGOSHA 8: 6. Why is it vital that we continue to be vigilant? 8: 6. Sa tsumbo, ri nga sedzana hani na u kulea nungo? Humanly speaking, our fellow believers in those lands do not stand a chance. For example, how can we cope with discouragement? U Ḓiimisela Tshoṱhe Shangoni Ḽi Funesaho U Ḓiphina Even though Samuel did not have a part in writing it, the book bears his name because the two books of Samuel were initially one roll in the Hebrew canon. Determined Forever in a Foreign World Bivhili i u vhidza "muya wa shango. " Why may we rejoice that a witness to the nations is being given on such a vast scale? The Bible calls it "the spirit of the world. " COVER: Earth: U.S. Does God Care? COVER: Earth: U.S. Ndi ngani zwi zwa ndeme uri ri dzule ro fhaṱuwa? 4 - 6. Why is it vital that we keep on the watch? Zwi re zwone ndi uri vhatendi nga riṋe kha eneo mashango vha nga si kunde vhenevho vhapikisi vhe vhoṱhe. " Trust constitutes one of the basics for uncomplicated everyday interaction with others, " comments the book Jugend 2002. In fact, fellow believers in those countries cannot defeat all opposers. Naho Samuele a songo ṱanganela kha u i ṅwala, yeneyi bugu i vhidzwa nga dzina ḽawe nga ṅwambo wa uri mathomoni bugu mbili dza Samuele dzo vha dzi bugu nthihi nga Luheberu. The important thing is to get started. Although Samuel did not share in writing it, this book is bearing his name because the first two books of Samuel were one book in Hebrew. Ndi ngani ri tshi nga takalela uri vhuṱanzi vhu khou ṋewa dzitshaka nga nḓila khulwane? Around us, we observe abundant evidence of Jehovah's handiwork, such as the sun, moon, and stars. Why can we be glad that the witness is being given to nations in a large way? Naa Mudzimu u a Ri Londa? (b) What will be considered in the next article? Does God Care About Us? 4 - 6. (Read John 3: 16; 17: 3.) 4 - 6. Bugu ine ya pfi Jugend 2002 i ri: "U fulufhela vhaṅwe ndi tshiṅwe tsha zwithu zwa mutheo zwine zwa ita uri muthu a kone u tshilisana na vhathu. " Like Paul, how can we be rich toward God? " Trusting in others is one of the basic factors that enable a person to get along with, " says the book J faith in them. Wallwork), 6 / 1 For more information regarding God's Kingdom, see chapter 8 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? According to Family Happiness, 6 / 15 Ndi zwa ndeme uri ni thome u i vhala. Millions of sincere individuals from all ethnic, cultural, religious, and political backgrounds are doing just that. It is vital that you start reading it. (Psalme ya 36: 9) Hune ra dzula hone, ri vhona zwithu zwinzhi zwe Yehova a zwi sika, u fana na ḓuvha, ṅwedzi, na ṋaledzi. • a deliverer? In the area where we live, we see many of Jehovah's creative works, such as the sun, moon, and stars. Musi Yehova Mudzimu a tshi shumisa Ipfi ḽawe ḽine ḽa vha Bivhili, o ri gudisa uri ri vhe na mavhonele avhuḓi nga ha vhutshilo hashu, muvhili washu, na vhukoni hashu. Here your father and I in mental distress have been looking for you. " By means of his Word, the Bible, Jehovah God taught us to have a positive view of our life, our body, and our abilities. (b) Ndi mini zwine zwa ḓo haseledzwa kha thero i tevhelaho? Let us now consider two more of Jehovah's endearing qualities - his generosity and his reasonableness. (b) What will be discussed in the next article? (Vhalani Yohane 3: 16; 17: 3.) Though surrounded by enemies at Dothan, Elisha remained calm. (Read John 3: 16; 17: 3.) U fana na Paulo ri nga vha hani vho pfumaho phanḓa ha Mudzimu? Sardis How can we, like Paul, be rich in God's eyes? U itela u wana mafhungo o engedzeaho malugana na Muvhuso wa Mudzimu, sedzani ndima ya 8 ya bugu Bivhili I Funza Mini Zwa Vhukuma? Think about it, who is it that really does not deserve Jehovah's love? For more information about God's Kingdom, see chapter 8 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Vhathu vha dzimilioni vha fulufhedzeaho vha bvaho kha mirafho, mvelele, vhurereli, na kha maṅwe masia a politiki vha khou ita nga u ralo. 8,050,000 Millions of faithful ones from generation to generation, culture, religion, and other political areas are doing just that. • mutshidzi? " I wrote something to the congregation, " said John, "but Diotrephes, who likes to have the first place among them, does not receive anything from us with respect. • a salvation? Vhona, khotsi - au na nṋe ro vhaisala ri tshi U ṱoḓa. " The Thompsons stayed there for several years and later attended the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead and moved to a missionary assignment in East Africa, where they serve in the traveling work. See, your father and I have been hurt in search of you. " Zwino kha ri ṱhogomele dziṅwe pfaneleo mbili dzi kungaho dza Yehova - mafunda na u humbulela hawe. With much prayer and effort, I gradually brought my speech under control. Let us now consider two of Jehovah's endearing qualities - his generosity and reasonableness. Naho o vha o tangwa nga maswina ngei Dothani, Elisa o dzula o dzika. Study at times when you are alert and not easily distracted. Though surrounded by enemies at Kadesh, Elisha remained calm. Saradesi Immediately Jehovah opened the attendant's eyes, so that he saw; and, look! the mountainous region was full of horses and war chariots of fire all around Elisha. " Sardis Humbulani nga hazwo, ndi nnyi a songo fanelwaho nga u funwa nga Yehova zwa vhukuma? Then he heard God's messenger command that the tree be cut down. Think about it, who is not truly worthy of Jehovah's love? 8 050 000 Her daughters would stay at home to be taught the skills required to become capable wives. 8690,000 Yohane o ri: "Ndo ṅwalela tshivhidzo, huno Diotirefe, a tamaho u vha muhulwane kha vhone ha ri ṱanganedzi. William writes, "The pain of that loss is still with me, and I will have it as long as I live. " John said: "I wrote to the congregation, but Diotrephes, who wants to be great among them, does not receive us. Muṱa wa ha Thompson wo dzula henefho miṅwaha yo vhalaho nahone nga murahu vha ya Tshikoloni tsha Bivhili tsha Watchtower tsha Gilead nahone vha pfulutshela mushumoni wa vhurumiwa ngei Afurika Vhubvaḓuvha, hune vha shuma hone u dalela zwivhidzo. Then a physician correctly identified the problem, but the diagnosis was rather hard to accept. Thompson's family lived there for several years and then attended the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead and moved to missionary work in East Africa, where they served as congregations. Nga thabelo na vhuḓidini vhuhulwane, ndo kona u langa maambele anga nga zwiṱuku nga zwiṱuku. Unfaithful Judah could not escape the coming woe. With prayer and earnest effort, I was able to control my speech gradually. Lutendo Lwaṋu Lwo Khwaṱha Lungafhani? 1 / 15 Instead of following God's direction, Jonah ran away! 1 / 1 Gudani nga tshifhinga tshine na vha no fhaṱuwa nahone hu si na zwithu zwine zwa nga ni thithisa nga hu leluwaho. He proclaims in a loud voice: "Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of the judgment by him has arrived. " Learn at a time when you are alert and where there is nothing that can easily distract you. Yehova a bonyolola maṱo a uyo muḓinḓa; a tshi lavhelesa a vhona thavha yó ḓala vha dzimbiḓi na dzigoloi dzine dza nga mulilo, vhó ṱanga Elisa. " We can also share encouraging experiences that we read about in our literature. Jehovah opened the eyes of this messenger, and he saw the mountain full of horses and chariots like fire that were like Elisha. " Nga murahu ha zwenezwo, a pfa mulanda wa Mudzimu a tshi amba uri muri u remiwe. Jehovah's Word Is Alive - Highlights From the Letters of James and of Peter After that, he heard God's slave say that the tree was clean. Vhananyana vhawe vha sala hayani u itela u funzwa vhutsila vhune ha ita uri vha vhe vhasadzi vhukuma. 6: 6. Her daughters stayed home to be taught skills that make women very good. William o ṅwala u ri, "Ndi kha ḓi pfa vhuṱungu ha u lovhelwa nga ṅwana wanga nahone ndi ḓo vhu pfa u swikela ndi tshi fa. " Hence, Solomon warned: "Just like fishes that are being taken in an evil net, and like birds that are being taken in a trap, so the sons of men themselves are being ensnared at a calamitous time, when it falls upon them suddenly. " - Ecclesiastes 9: 11, 12. " I still feel the pain of losing my child in death, " writes William, "and I will experience it until I die. " Nga zwenezwo, musi ni tshi ya ha dokotela, u a kona u ni vhudza uri no farwa nga mini, fhedzi zwi a ni konḓela u ṱanganedza uri ni na vhulwadze ho raloho. This article will address these questions. Then, when you go to a doctor, he is able to tell you what you are suffering, but it is difficult for you to admit that you have such a disease. Vhayuda vha sa fulufhedzei vho vha vha nga si kone u ponyoka khombo ye ya vha i tshi ḓo vha ḓela? The speaker also explained why Jesus ' death was necessary to restore mankind to what the first man had lost. The unfaithful Jews could not escape the calamity that would come upon them? (Yona 1: 1, 2) Nṱhani ha u tevhela vhulivhisi ha Mudzimu, Yona o shavha! Why? Instead of following God's direction, Jonah fled! O huwelela nga ipfi ḽihulu a ri: "Ofhani Mudzimu ni rende ene, ngauri tshikhathi tsha tsengo yawe tsho swika. " Our Creator, Jehovah God, * wants us to enjoy and benefit from the use of his gifts. He preached with a loud voice: "O God and give him glory, because the hour of judgment has arrived. " Ri nga dovha ra vha anetshela tshenzhelo dzi ṱuṱuwedzaho vhukuma dze ra dzi vhala khandisoni dzashu. Read John 1: 14. We can also relate encouraging experiences we have read in our publications. Ipfi Ḽa Yehova Ḽi A Tshila - Manweledzo A Bvaho Kha Vhurifhi Ha Yaboko Na Ha Petro Rachel says: "When Will came home, I was crying. Jehovah's Word Is Alive - Highlights From Peter's letter 6: 6. He was not alone. 6: 6. Fhedzi, Salomo o sevha a ri: "U nga khovhe i tshi fashwa nga mutevha u sa ponyokisi; u nga tshiṋoni tshi tshi fashwa nga mulavhu. Ndi zwenezwo, na vhana vha vhathu vha haṋiwa ḽi ḓuvha ḽavho, vha tshenuwa ḽó vha wela. " - Muhuweleli 9: 11, 12. But how is this possible in view of the tragic consequences of Adam's disobedience? Yet, Solomon warned: "Let the fish be ensnared by a poisonous fish, like a bird be caught in a snare, so also the sons of men being scattered in their day. " - Ecclesiastes 9: 11, 12. Mbudziso dzenedzi dzi ḓo fhindulwa kha thero yeneyi. Maintain spiritual balance and accept help from others These questions will be answered in this article. Tshiambi tsho dovha tsha ṱalutshedza uri ndi ngani zwo vha zwo tea uri Yesu a fe u itela uri vhathu vha dovhe vha vhe vho fhelelaho sa mathomoni. In the same way, 2 Peter 3: 7 foretells the permanent destruction of wicked society and its corrupt governments as if by fire. The speaker also explained why it was proper for Jesus to die so that humans could be brought to perfection as before. Ndi ngani? Adult problems, sad to say, can rarely be solved with a bandage and a mother's hug. Why? Musiki washu Yehova Mudzimu, * u ṱoḓa ri tshi vhuyelwa nga u shumisa zwifhiwa zwawe. Nevertheless, we have the hope of seeing an end to mankind's enslavement to sin and corruption and of enjoying what the Bible calls "the glorious freedom of the children of God. " Our Creator, Jehovah God, * wants us to benefit from using his gifts. Vhalani Yohane 1: 14. History since then has proved this identification to be correct. Read John 1: 14. Rachel u ri: "Musi Will a tshi vhuya hayani o nngwana ndi tshi khou lila. 11: 1. Rachel says: "When Will he come home, he let me cry. Vhanzhi vho vha vha tshi ḓipfa nga nḓila i fanaho. Satan may have used a vision, but he actually wanted Jesus to bow down and worship him. Many felt the same way. 3: 13) Fhedzi zwenezwi zwi konadzea hani ngeno ro sedzana na mvelelo mmbi dza u sa thetshelesa ha Adamu? Does knowing that move you to want to cultivate the kind of qualities that will make you beautiful in God's eyes? But how is this possible when we are confronted with the bad effects of Adam's disobedience? Dzulani ni tshi linganyisela vhuḓifhinduleli haṋu sa Mukriste nahone ni ṱanganedze thuso ya vhaṅwe The anointed are prepared to fulfill their assignment until the end. Maintain your balance as a Christian and accept the help of others (Genesi 6: 11) Nga hu fanaho, 2 Petro 3: 7 i amba hu tshee nga phanḓa nga ha u fheliswa tshoṱhe ha vhathu vhavhi na mivhuso yavho i sa fulufhedzei, nahone u fheliswa havho zwi ḓo tou nga vho fhiswa nga mulilo. Challenges and difficulties will arise. Similarly, 2 Peter 3: 7 foretells the total destruction of wicked people and their corrupt governments, and their destruction will become like a fire. A zwi konadzei uri dzi tandululwe nga banditshi kana nga u kuvhatedzwa nga mme. That ministry is similar to the one mentioned at Acts 6: 4, where the apostles declare: "We shall devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word. " It is not possible for them to be shot by a mother or a mother. Naho zwo ralo, ri na fulufhelo ḽa uri tshivhi na vhuvhi zwi ḓo fheliswa zwi si tsha tambudza vhathu, nahone vhathu vha ḓo ḓiphina nga zwine Bivhili ya ri ndi u "ḓi - langa - vho, musi vhana vha Mudzimu vha tshi ya vhugalani. " Do many doctors agree that this test or treatment can cure people? However, we are confident that sin and wickedness will no longer harm mankind, and humans will enjoy what the Bible says is "the glorious freedom of the children of God. " Ḓivhazwakale i sumbedza uri honoho u vhonala ho vha ho tea. Instead, he remained positive and expressed a sincere desire to help. " History shows that it seemed necessary. 11: 1. The word "Nephilim " means" Fellers, " those who cause others to fall down. 11: 1. Sathane a nga vha o shumisa bono, fhedzi o vha a tshi ṱoḓa uri Yesu a mu gwadamele nahone a mu rabele. He learned that he did need correction, particularly for his reactions to the test he underwent. Satan may have used a vision, but he wanted Jesus to worship him and worship him. U ḓivha zwenezwi zwi ni ṱuṱuwedzela u ṱoḓa u ṱahulela pfaneleo dzine dza ḓo ni ita uri ni vhe o nakaho phanḓa ha Mudzimu. How is Jesus ' sense of urgency being imitated today? Knowing this moves you to want to cultivate qualities that will make you beautiful in God's eyes. Vhaḓodzwa vho ḓiimisela u khunyeledza mushumo wavho u swika vhufheloni. When "the people got to see that Moses was taking a long time about coming down from the mountain, " they persuaded Aaron to make an idol for them. The anointed are determined to accomplish their work to the end. Khaedu na thaidzo zwi ḓo dzula zwi hone. Jesus even gave his own life in behalf of mankind, though many hated him. Problems and problems will always arise. U shumela vhaṅwe honoho hu a fana na he ha bulwa kha Mishumo 6: 4, he vhaapostola vha amba uri: "Ri ḓo konḓelela kha dzithabelo na kha mushumo wa u funza. " • Revelation 12: 7; 17: 14 Serving others is the same as that stated at Acts 6: 4, which the apostles said: "We will endure in prayer and in the teaching work. " Naa madokotela manzhi a a tenda uri yeneyi ndingo kana dzilafho ḽi nga fhodza vhathu? He did something else first, though, something private. Do many doctors believe that this test or treatment can cure people? Nṱhani hazwo, o dzula e na mavhonele avhuḓi nahone o vha a tshi ṱoḓa u nthusa. " How can elders promote joy and peace in the congregation? Instead, he maintained a positive attitude and wanted to help me. " Ipfi "Vhanefilimi " ḽi amba" Vhawisi, " vhane vha wisela vhaṅwe fhasi. Therefore, parents do well to ask themselves: " What sort of associate am I? The word "keeps on the watch " means" lowly ones, " who cause others to fall down. O guda uri o vha o fanela u khakhululwa, zwihuluhulu kha nḓila ye a aravha ngayo kha milingo ye a sedzana nayo. Thorn was a pilgrim, affectionately known as Pappy because of his fatherly, Christlike disposition He learned that he needed correction, especially in how he reacted to his trials. Muya wa Yesu wa u ṱavhanyisa zwithu u edziswa nga nḓila - ḓe ṋamusi? • How does walking by spirit affect our present life and our future prospects? How is Jesus ' sense of urgency today? Musi "vhathu zwino vha tshi vhona Mushe a tshi lenga u vhuya thavhani, " vho ṱuṱuwedza Aroni uri a vha itele ṋamana ya musuku. Is he interested in science, politics, or sports? When "the people saw Moses delayd from the mountain, " they urged Aaron to make a golden calf. Naho vhathu vhanzhi vho vha vha tshi mu vhenga, Yesu o ṋekedza vhutshilo hawe a tshi itela vhathu. On a zone visit with Daniel and Marina Sydlik in 1977 Although most people hated him, Jesus gave his life for mankind. • Ndzumbululo 12: 7; 17: 14 In a similar way, grief - stricken mates sometimes "see " their beloved one in a crowd or catch themselves making a casual comment to someone who is not there anymore! • Revelation 12: 7; 17: 14 Naho zwo ralo, hu na zwiṅwe zwithu zwe a zwi ita tshiphirini u thoma. I wish you were cold or else hot.... Yet, there were other things he did in private. Vhahulwane vha nga tikedza hani mulalo na dakalo tshivhidzoni? How could they be sure of this? How can elders promote peace and happiness in the congregation? Ngauralo, vhabebi vha fanela u ḓivhudzisa uri: " Naa nṋe ndi khonani ya mufuda - ḓe? How do corrupt organizations affect us today? So parents do well to ask themselves: " What kind of friend am I? Thorn o vha e mu - pilgrim, ane a ḓivhiwa sa Pappy nga nṱhani ha pfaneleo dzawe dza u vha sa khotsi, na u edzisa Kristo Five sparrows sell for two coins of small value, do they not? He was a pilgrim, known as Pyis because of his qualities as a father, and imitating Christ • U tshimbila lwa muya zwi kwama hani vhutshilo hashu zwino na zwilavhelelwa zwashu zwa tshifhingani tshi ḓaho? (Read.) • How does walking by spirit affect our present life and our future prospects? Naa u takalela zwa saintsi, politiki kana mitambo? Finally, an announcement was made to the congregation. Does he favor science, political, or sports? Ndi kha mushumo wa u dalela madavhi ndi na Daniel na Marina Sydlik nga 1977 In just 30 years or so, vibrant Christian congregations were formed in Africa, Asia, and Europe. In 1977 I also serve as a zone overseer with Daniel and himself in the branch work Nga hu fanaho, na vhane vha khou lilela vhafarisi vhavho vho lovhaho, nga zwiṅwe zwifhinga vha humbula u nga vha khou vhona vhafarisi vhavho vhe vhukati ha gogo kana vha ḓiwana vha tshi vho amba vhe vhoṱhe vha tshi humbula uri vha khou amba na vhafarisi vhavho! Generally, though, tears reflect the outpouring of an anguished heart. Similarly, those who mourn their deceased mate sometimes think that they are seeing their mates among a crowd or find themselves talking to all who thought they were talking to their mate! Khwine khee Ú sa rotholi zwau khamusi wa fhisa zwau!... Then likely the child will come to want to serve Jehovah, despite attempts of the Devil to stop him. - Proverbs 22: 6; 27: 11; John 3: 16. I wish you wouldn't burn your bow down... Vho vha vha tshi zwi ḓivha hani zwenezwo? * How did they know that? Madzangano a vhufhura a ri kwama hani ṋamusi? " Prison Didn't Rehabilitate Me. " - KEITH WOODS How do corrupt organizations affect us today? Naa ṱhongola ṱhanu a dzi rengwi nga peni mbili naa? What you do when you are alone reveals the values you really treasure. - Luke 6: 45. Should not the five sparrows sell for two coins? (Vhalani.) 6 QUESTION: What is God's will for the earth and mankind? (Read.) Nga murahu ho vha hu tshi ḓivhadzwa tshivhidzo. In Galilee, thousands of people who wanted bread miraculously provided by Jesus began following him. Later it was announced to the congregation. Miṅwahani i ṱoḓaho u vha 30, zwivhidzo zwa Vhukriste zwo khwaṱhaho zwo vha zwo no vhumbwa ngei Afurika, Asia, na Yuropa. When we show humility, people may be drawn to Jehovah. Some 30 years ago, strong Christian congregations were already formed in Africa, Asia, and Europe. Naho zwo ralo, vhathu vhanzhi vha tsengisa miṱodzi nga nṱhani ha u pfa mbilu dzi tshi vhavha. • Care for our physical, spiritual, and emotional health, which includes arranging for wholesome recreation. - Mark 6: 31; 2 Cor. However, many people shed tears because they feel hurt. Ngauralo ṅwana a nga ṱoḓa u shumela Yehova, hu sa londwi ndingedzo dza Diabolo dza u mu thivhela. - Mirero 22: 6; 27: 11; Yohane 3: 16. How did this benefit Apollos? So a child may want to serve Jehovah, no matter what attempts the Devil to stop him. - Proverbs 22: 6; 27: 11; John 3: 16. * Dyed wool found in a cave near the Dead Sea, dated from before 135 C.E. * " Dzhele A Yo Ngo Mbuyedzedza Nḓilani. " - KEITH WOODS Accordingly, we develop the habit of consulting God's Word before making decisions. " Prison Has Not left Me in the Way. " - " (Amosi 5: 15) Zwine na zwi ita musi ni noṱhe zwi dzumbulula uri ndi zwifhio zwine na zwi dzhiela nṱha. - Luka 6: 45. So when scholars deciphered Akkadian cuneiform, they found that texts mentioned people also named in the Bible. What you do when you are alone reveals what you appreciate. - Luke 6: 45. 6 MBUDZISO: Mudzimu u ḓo ita mini kha ḽifhasi na kha vhathu? The unity of God's people glorifies Jehovah. 6 QUESTION: What will God do for the earth and for mankind? Ngei Galilea, vhathu vha zwigidi vhe vha vha vha tshi ṱoḓa vhuswa he Yesu a vhu ṋea nga lwa vhuṱolo, vho mbo ḓi thoma u mu tevhela. He heard of the Bible's message from his younger brother, who had been contacted by Jehovah's Witnesses. In Galilee, thousands of people who were looking for the miraculous bread Jesus gave him began to follow him. Musi ri tshi ḓiṱukufhadza, zwi nga ita uri vhathu vha ṱoḓe u ḓivha Yehova. 3: 14. When we are humble, it can make people want to get to know Jehovah. • U ṱhogomela mutakalo washu wa ṋamani, muyani, na wa maḓipfele, zwine zwa katela u dzudzanya vhuḓimvumvusi vhu vhuyedzaho. - Marko 6: 31; 2 Vha - Kor. 1: 11 - 2: 8; 4: 4, 5, 15, 16; 6: 16. • Caring for our physical, spiritual, and emotional health, which includes organizing wholesome entertainment. - Mark 6: 31; 2 Cor. Apolo o vhuyelwa hani? This is certainly true of those with whom Jesus made a special covenant to reign with him in heaven. How did Apollos benefit? Wulu yo dayiwaho ye ya wanala bakoni tsini na Lwanzhe Lwo Faho, ine ya vhonala u nga ndi ya ṅwaha wa 135 C.E IN THE 1910 ' s my parents immigrated to Canada from Tbilisi, Georgia, and settled in a small prairie farmhouse near Pelly, Saskatchewan, in western Canada. The prize found in a cave near the Dead Sea, which seems to be a year of 135 C.E. Ri fanela u vha na dzema ḽa u vhala Ipfi ḽa Mudzimu musi ri sa athu u dzhia phetho. How did the merchants get away with breaking God's Law, which commands: "You must love your fellow as yourself "? We need to develop the habit of reading God's Word before making decisions. Nga zwenezwo, musi vhagudi vha tshi vhala muṅwalo wa zwiga wa Luakkad, vho wana uri maṅwalwa eneo o vha a tshi amba nga ha vhathu vhe ha ambiwa nga havho na kha Bivhili. She trusted that Jehovah would either put an end to her barrenness or fill the lack in some other way. Thus, when scholars read cuneiform texts, they found that these writings spoke about people mentioned in the Bible and in the Bible. Vhuthihi ha vhathu vha Mudzimu vhu hulisa Yehova. Feb. The unity of God's people glorifies Jehovah. O pfa mulaedza wa Bivhili nga murathu wawe, we a ṱangana na Ṱhanzi dza Yehova. To the first human couple, Adam and Eve, God said: "Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it. " He heard the Bible's message from his brother, who had met Jehovah's Witnesses. 3: 14. Isaiah 49: 15 says: "Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should not have compassion [ra·chamʹ] on the son of her womb? 3: 14. 1: 11 - 2: 8; 3: 36, 37; 4: 9, 10; 6: 16. In fact, not knowing dignifies us, allowing us to use our free will in manifesting our loyalty to Jehovah. 1: 11 - 2: 8; 3: 36, 37; 4: 9, 10; 6: 16. Hezwi zwo tou ralo zwihuluhulu kha vhe Yesu a ita mulanga navho wa u vhusa nae ṱaḓulu. How far - reaching will be the effects of your bearing thorough witness? This is especially true of those with whom Jesus made the covenant to rule with him in heaven. NGA vho - 1910, vhabebi vhanga vho pfulutshela ngei Canada vha tshi bva Tbilisi kha ḽa Georgia nahone vho vha vha tshi dzula kha kuḓu kuṱuku kwa mabulasini kwe kwa vha ku tsini na mahayani a ngei Pelly Saskatchewan, vhukovhela ha Canada. How so? IN fact, my parents moved to Canada from Tandsin, and they lived in a small farm near a neighboring village in the village of Doy Saskatchewan, in the western part of Canada. Fhedzi zwo ḓa hani uri vhavhambadzi vha sa ṱarafiwe musi vha tshi pfuka Mulayo wa Mudzimu, une wa ri: "Wa - haṋu U mu fune vhunga U tshi ḓi - funa "? ; González, P. But how did the merchants not become corrupted when they crossed God's Law, which says: "You must love your fellow as yourself "? (1 Sam. 1: 12, 17, 18) O vha a tshi fulufhela uri Yehova u ḓo ita uri a vhe na vhana kana u mu khuthadza nga iṅwe nḓila. Conversely, Moses was spared and was used by God to lead an entire nation to safety. He trusted that Jehovah would raise up children or comfort in some way. No. Jesus was "full of undeserved kindness and truth " and" there was no deception in his mouth. " No. Musi a tshi amba na vhavhingani vha u thoma Adamu na Eva, Mudzimu o ri: "Bebani ni ande ni ḓadze shango, ni ḽi kunde. " Violent conditions around us make life stressful. Addressing the first human pair, Adam and Eve, God said: "Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it. " Kha Yesaya 49: 15, ri a vhala: "Naa musadzi lushie lwawe a nga vhuya a lu hangwa hani? a litsha u khathutshela [ra·chamʹ] mbebo ya muvhili wawe? You can find satisfying answers to life's important questions. At Isaiah 49: 15, we read: "Can a wife forget her baby? Ngoho ndi ya uri u sa ḓivha zwi a ri thusa, zwi ri ṋea tshibuli tsha u sumbedza u fulufhedzea kha Yehova nga u ḓifunela. There was hardly any ventilation. In fact, not knowing it does help us, giving us the opportunity to show our loyalty to Jehovah willingly. Mvelelo dza u ṱanziela haṋu nga vhuḓalo dzi nga vha khulwane nga nḓila - ḓe? You can see this by the many questions they ask. How can the results of your bearing thorough witness be greater? Nga nḓila - ḓe? • Jephthah? How? ; González, P. Please say you are my sister, so that it may go well with me because of you, and my life will be spared. " ; help, P. (Ps. 136: 15) Kha ḽinwe sia, Mushe o tsireledzwa nahone a shumiswa nga Mudzimu u ranga phanḓa lushaka lwoṱhe, a lu isa fhethu ho tsireledzeaho. " The fear of Jehovah means the hating of bad. " On the other hand, Moses was protected and used by God to lead the entire nation, bringing it to safety. Yesu o vha o " ḓala tshilidzi na mafhungo - ngoho ' nahone " mulomoni wawe a ho ngo vha na vhufhura. ' In Jesus ' case, learning a trade did not interfere with other types of education. Jesus was "full of graciousness and truth " and" his mouth was not deceptive. " Zwiimo zwa khakhathi zwine ra khou tshila khazwo zwi ita uri vhutshilo vhu konḓe. So be perceptive and monitor the situation. The violent conditions in which we live make life difficult. Ni nga wana phindulo dzi fushaho dza mbudziso dza ndeme dza vhutshilo. What does the Davidic covenant guarantee regarding the Messiah's rule? You can find satisfying answers to the important questions of life. Ho vha hu si na muya munzhi. 6 Outdated or Ahead of Its Time? There was not a lot of air. Zwenezwi zwi vhonala nga mbudziso nnzhi - nnzhi dzine vhana vha dzi vhudzisa. Upon returning home, Abigail bravely seeks to inform her husband of her gift to David. This is evident from the many questions children ask. • Yefeta? Do you keep separate from this world's political disputes and the nationalistic spirit that permeates many competitive sports? - Jas. • Jephthah? Ambá uri u khaladzi anga, ndi hone vha tshi ḓo ntonda vha tshi itela iwe, vha si mbulahe. " What Bible counsel can help a young person to decide what to do with his life? He says that he is my brother, and he will make me lie down for you, and they will not despise me. " " U ofha Yehova ndi u vhénga vhuvhi. " If a person literally stumbled and fell, he would not deliberately remain in that position without even trying to get up. " The fear of Jehovah is a hatred for what is bad. " Siani ḽa Yesu, u guda mushumo wa zwanḓa a zwo ngo thithisa miṅwe mifuda ya pfunzo. The holy spirit would thus act as a teacher and as a remembrancer. In Jesus ' case, learning the work of the hands did not interfere with certain kinds of teaching. Ngauralo, ṱhogomelani nḓila ine a ḓipfa ngayo nahone ni mu vhee iṱo. That is most unwise, since, as Jeremiah said, "it does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. " - Jer. Consider, then, how he feels, and look at him. Mulanga wo vhofhiwaho na Davida u khwaṱhisedza mini malugana na vhuvhusi ha Vhumessia? While respecting his decisions, she can still express her faith in the presence of her children as opportunities arise, thus giving them moral training and knowledge about Jehovah. What does the Davidic covenant confirm regarding the Messianic rulership? 6 Naa Yo Fhelelwa Nga Tshifhinga Kana I Kha Ḓi Shuma? 8: 8. 6 Is It Possible at a Time or Still? Musi Abigaili a tshi swika hayani, o vha o ḓiimisela nga tshivhindi u vhudza munna wawe nga tshifhiwa tshe a tshi ṋea Davida. By encouraging those who can pioneer, by instilling in their children the desire to pursue a career in full - time service, and by sharing diligently in preaching according to their circumstances. When Abigail arrived home, she was courageous to share with her husband the gift she had given David. Naa ni a dzhenelela khakhathini dza politiki dza ḽino shango na u vha na muya wa u fhisetshela lushaka wo ḓalaho mitamboni minzhi? - Yak. The reality centered on the death of Jesus Christ. Do you get involved in the political problems of this world and have a zealous attitude toward a nation that is common in many sports? - Jas. Ndi nyeletshedzo ifhio ine ya nga thusa muswa uri a dzhie phetho nga ha vhutshilo hawe? Those Baal worshippers had no respect for Jehovah or appreciation for his standards. What advice can help a young person to make decisions about his life? 3: 23 - 25) Arali muthu a khukhulwa zwa vhukuma nahone a wa, a nga si dzule henefho he a wela hone nga khole nahone a sa lingedze u vuwa. Christians with an earthly hope also need holy spirit if they are to maintain integrity to God and receive his gift of life on the basis of faith in Christ's ransom sacrifice. If a person is truly offended and falls, he will not remain in the place where he deliberately falls and does not try to wake up. Nga zwenezwo, muya mukhethwa wo vha u tshi ḓo vha mugudisi kana muhumbudzi washu. He showed self - sacrificing love by willingly laying down his life for us. Thus, holy spirit would be a teacher or a teacher to us. Zwenezwo zwi ḓo sumbedza u sa ṱalifha, samusi Yeremia o ri, "munna hune a ya ha ḓi - isi na̗ u̗ kanda a khwaṱhisa. " - Yer. 7, 8. (a) How did the ancient Israelites demonstrate the hardening effect of a lack of faith? That would not be wise, as Jeremiah said, "a man who is walking even to direct his step. " - Jer. Onoyo mufumakadzi a nga amba na vhana vhawe nga ha lutendo lwawe musi a tshi wana tshibuli, a tshi khou vha gudisa nḓila ya vhuḓifari na nga ha Yehova, ngeno a tshi bvela phanḓa a tshi ṱhonifha munna wawe. In the summer, valleys and meadows are a breathtaking carpet of colorful wildflowers. The woman might talk to her children about her faith when she has an opportunity, teaching them how to conduct herself and about Jehovah, while she continues to respect her husband. 8: 8. Why do people lie, and with what negative results? 8: 8. Nga u ṱuṱuwedza vhane vha kona u vula nḓila, nga u ita uri vhana vhavho vha vhe na lutamo lwa u dzhenela tshumelo ya tshifhinga tshoṱhe, na u ṱanganela nga vhuḓalo kha u huwelela u ya nga hune vha kona ngaho. How may Christians maintain their inner peace? By encouraging those who are able to pioneer, by instilling in their children the desire to enter full - time service, and by having a full share in preaching as much as possible. Vhungoho ha eneo mafhungo ho ḓisendeka nga lufu lwa Yesu Kristo. STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: The truthfulness of that statement depends on the death of Jesus Christ. Vho vha vha tshi gwadamela Baali nahone vha sa ṱhonifhi Yehova kana Milayo yawe. Ann would start the study if I was late, and I took over as soon as I arrived. They worshipped Baal and did not respect Jehovah or his laws. Vhakriste vha re na fulufhelo ḽa u tshila kha ḽifhasi vha dovha vha ṱoḓa muya mukhethwa arali vha tshi ṱoḓa u dzula vha tshi fulufhedzea kha Mudzimu na u wana tshifhiwa tsha vhutshilo nga ṅwambo wa u vha na lutendo kha tshiṱhavhelo tshi rengululaho tsha Kristo. One young sister wrote: "I read through Matthew in one sitting. Christians with an earthly hope also need holy spirit if they want to remain loyal to God and receive the gift of life through faith in Christ's ransom sacrifice. O sumbedza lufuno lwa u ḓikumedza nga u ṋekedza vhutshilo hawe nga u ḓifunela a tshi itela riṋe. " Run... He showed self - sacrificing love by willingly offering his life for us. 7, 8. (a) Vhaisiraele vha kale vho sumbedza hani uri u omisa havho mbilu zwo kwama lutendo lwavho? Jehovah is pleased with the request of the newly enthroned king and gives him "a wise and understanding heart " along with" riches and glory. " 7, 8. (a) How did ancient Israel show that their discouragement had affected their faith? Nga tshilimo magovha na midavhi zwi nga khaphethe yo khavhiswaho nga maluvha a ḓaka. The Bible describes just such a government - God's Kingdom, the government for which Jesus taught his followers to pray. - Matthew 6: 9, 10. In the summer of the summer and the rivers, they can be covered by forest's flowers. Ndi ngani vhathu vha tshi zwifha, nahone hu vha na mvelelo dzifhio dzi si dzavhuḓi? " Yes, darling, " I said, "Mommy will be home soon. " Why do people lie, and with what bitter result? Vhakriste vha nga dzula vhe na mulalo nga nḓila - ḓe? Though learning the language was a struggle for Tiffany, her life has been enriched. How can Christians maintain peace? THERO DZI GUDWAHO NGA VHEGE YA: In this regard, we do well to examine our study habits. STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: Ann o vha a tshi thoma pfunzo arali ndo lenga, nahone nda bvela phanḓa nga u ṱavhanya musi ndi tshi swika. This example involving Don is not unique. Ann started a study if I was late, and I continued right away. Muṅwe wahashu wa tshisadzini ane a kha ḓivha muswa o ṅwala uri: "Ndo vhala Matthew yoṱhe nga luthihi. Thanks to zealous Witnesses in the lands receiving refugees, thousands of refugees are hearing "the word of the Kingdom " for the first time. One young sister wrote: "I read Matthew once. Yehova o takadzwa nga khumbelo ya khosi ntswa yo vhewaho vhuhosini nahone a mu ṋea "mbilu ya vhuṱali na nḓivho " u katela na " lupfumo na u khoḓiwa. ' It contains an almost complete text of the Hebrew Scriptures and the Christian Greek Scriptures. Jehovah was pleased with the request of the newly enthroned king and gave him "a wise and understanding heart " along with" riches and praise. " Bivhili i ṱalusa muvhuso u si na vhutshinyi sa Muvhuso wa Mudzimu, muvhuso we Yesu a funza vhatevheli vhawe uri vha u rabelele. - Mateo 6: 9, 10. If a friend expresses concern about some course of action that you are taking, how do you react? The Bible describes corruption as God's Kingdom, the government that Jesus taught his followers to pray for. - Matthew 6: 9, 10. Ndo mu fhindula nda ri, "Ee ṅwananga, mmawe vha ḓo vhuya hu si kale. " Ruth stands out for her love for Jehovah, for her loyal love toward Naomi, and for her industriousness and humility. I replied, "Yes, my daughter, for a short time. " Naho u guda lwonolo luambo zwo vha zwi tshi konḓa, Tiffany o vha na ndivho vhutshiloni. Serving "the Happy God " Although learning that language was a challenge, Tsinree had a purpose in life. Kha ri ṱolisise nḓila ine ra guda ngayo. What did Jehovah foretell would happen in our time? Let us consider how we study it. Yeneyi tsumbo ya Don a si yone i yoṱhe. As Chad's experience shows, discerning shepherds start training prospective ministerial servants and elders long before these have progressed enough to qualify for such privileges. Don's example is not the only one. Ri livhuha vhukuma Ṱhanzi dzi fhiseaho dzine dza vha mashangoni ane a vha na vhatsinda, ngauri vhatsinda vhanzhi vha khou pfa "mulaedza wa Muvhuso " lwa u tou thoma. What will help us to bridle our tongue? We are very grateful for the zealous Witnesses in foreign lands, for many foreigners are hearing "the Kingdom Hall " for the first time. Ḽi ṱoḓa u vha na maṅwalwa oṱhe a Maṅwalo a Luheberu na a Tshikriste a Lugerika. Most of us know from experience that the unwilling flesh often tries to extinguish the fire of a willing spirit. It requires the entire text of the Hebrew Scriptures and the Christian Greek Scriptures. Arali khonani ya sumbedza u vhilaela nga ha vhuṅwe vhukando vhune na khou vhu dzhia, naa ni ḓo aravha hani? To pay for my vices, I sold scrap metal and resorted to theft. If a friend expresses anxiety about some of the steps you are taking, how will you react? Ruthe u swayea nga ṅwambo wa u funa hawe Yehova, u vha hawe na vhuthu kha Naomi, na u vha hawe mushumi wa biko na u ḓiṱukufhadza. Let us consider two areas of life where we need courage: in our family and in the congregation. Ruth is outstanding for her love for Jehovah, her loving - kindness toward Naomi, and her hard work and humility. U Shumela "Mudzimu O Takalaho " See the article "How Can You Choose a Good Bible Translation? " Serving "the Happy God " Ndi mini zwe Yehova a dzula o zwi amba uri zwi ḓo itea tshifhingani tshashu? The Devil does not value human life. What did Jehovah foretell would happen in our time? Samusi ro zwi vhona kha tshenzhelo ya Chad, vhalisa vho ṱalifhaho vha thoma u gudisa vhathu vhane vha ḓo vha vhashumeli na vhahulwane vha tshifhingani tshi ḓaho vha sa athu fanelea u ita honoho vhuḓifhinduleli. But does some part of us live on after we die? As we have seen, wise shepherds begin training people who will serve as ministerial servants and elders in the future before they reach out for such responsibilities. Ndi mini zwine zwa ḓo ri thusa u langa lulimi lwashu? Experienced disciple - makers have been giving increased attention to witnessing in a variety of places. What will help us to control our tongue? Vhunzhi hashu ri a zwi ḓivha nga ṅwambo wa zwe ra ṱangana nazwo uri vhushayanungo ha ṋama kanzhi vhu lingedza u fhelisa u fhisea hune ra vha naho. Your will be done on earth as well as in heaven! " - Matthew 6: 10. Many of us know because of our experiences that fleshly weaknesses often try to eliminate the zeal we have. U itela u renga zwenezwi zwithu, ndo vha ndi tshi rengisa tsimbi dza kale nahone nda thoma u tswa. 21: 18 - 22. To buy these items, I sold old metal and started stealing. Kha ri ṱolisise masia mavhili ane ra fanela u sumbedza tshivhindi: muṱani na tshivhidzoni. While ideas as to its meaning abound, most of them are not in line with what the Bible - the source of the expression - teaches about Armageddon. Let us consider two areas in which we need to show courage: in the family and in the congregation. Diabolo ha dzhieli nṱha vhutshilo ha vhathu. In turn, these would be adequately equipped to help still others. The Devil does not value human life. Fhedzi naa hu na tshipiḓa kha riṋe tshine tsha bvela phanḓa tshi tshi tshila musi ro fa? However, the teaching of reincarnation was so embedded in her mind that she protested when her son wrote her about the condition of the dead. But is there a part of us that continues to live when we die? Vhane vha ita vhathu vhafunziwa vha re na tshenzhelo vho livhisa ṱhogomelo vhukuma kha u ṱanziela fhethu ho fhambanaho. To learn more about why Jesus ' death was necessary and how we can demonstrate our appreciation for it, see chapter 5 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Experienced disciples focused on witnessing in different locations. Zwine wa zwi funa kha zwi itwe kha ḽifhasi u katela na ngei ṱaḓulu! " - Mateo 6: 10. This article will show us how to benefit from our yeartext. Let your will take place on earth as well as in heaven! " - Matthew 6: 10. 21: 23 - 27. That evil slave is part of a group described at 2 Peter 3: 3, 4. 21: 23 - 27. Naho hu na mihumbulo minzhi nga ha zwine Haramagedo ya amba zwone, minzhi a i tendelani na zwine Bivhili - ine ya vha na wonoyo mubulo - ya zwi funza nga ha Haramagedo. Yet, not everyone sees it that way. While there are many ideas about Armageddon, many do not agree with what the Bible says - the one with that expression - teaches about Armageddon. Nga zwenezwo, vhenevha vho ḓo fanelea vhukuma u thusa vhaṅwe. His spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground; in that day his thoughts do perish. " Hence, these will be especially qualified to help others. Naho zwo ralo, o vha a tshi tenda nga ho khwaṱhaho kha pfunzo ya u bebwa lunzhi - lunzhi lwe a sa tendelane tshoṱhe na murwa wawe musi a tshi mu ṅwalela nga ha vhuimo ha vhafu. " the elements "? However, he strongly believed in the teaching of birth so many times that he did not agree with his son when he wrote about the condition of the dead. U itela u guda zwo engedzeaho nga ha zwo itaho uri lufu lwa Yesu lu vhe lwo teaho na nḓila ine ra nga sumbedza ngayo u livhuha, sedzani ndima 5 ya bugu Bivhili I Funza Mini Zwa Vhukuma? Indeed, Jehovah - the Giver of "every good gift and every perfect present " - would extend nothing less to his loyal ones. - James 1: 17; Isaiah 25: 8. To learn more about why Jesus ' death was appropriate and how we can show appreciation, see chapter 5 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Heyi thero i ḓo ri sumbedza nḓila ine ra nga vhuyelwa ngayo kha ndimana yashu ya ṅwaha. Christian wives may have a keen desire that their husbands serve as ministerial servants and perhaps eventually as overseers, or elders. This article will show us how we can benefit from our yeartext for year. Mukoma onoyo muvhi ndi tshipiḓa tsha tshigwada tshe ha ambiwa nga hatsho kha 2 Petro 3: 3, 4. He said this in condemnation of the casual habit that many people have in their daily conversation of repeatedly swearing to this or to that, without ever intending to do what they say. That evil slave is part of a group mentioned at 2 Peter 3: 3, 4. Fhedzi a si vhoṱhe vhane vha zwi dzhia nga yeneyo nḓila. Learn From God's Word But not all who view it that way. [ Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 32] Yes, God really cares about you! [ Picture on page 32] " dzithikho "? 21: 5. " The elements "? Vhukuma, Yehova - Muṋei wa "zwifhiwa zwoṱhe zwavhuḓi " - u ḓo ṋea vhavhuya vhawe tshifhiwa tshavhuḓi. - Yakobo 1: 17; Yesaya 25: 8. To accomplish this, she arrived early for the meetings and lingered afterward to talk with the brothers and sisters. Yes, Jehovah - the Giver of "every good gift " - will give good gift to his loyal ones. - James 1: 17; Isaiah 25: 8. Vhasadzi vha Vhakriste vha nga kha ḓi vha na lutamo luhulwane lwa uri vhanna vhavho vha shume sa vhashumeli kana khamusi vha fheleledze vhe vhalavhelesi, kana vhahulwane. In November 1931, Ferdinand boarded a train for the Netherlands to assist with the preaching work there. Christian wives may have a strong desire to serve as ministerial servants or perhaps as overseers, or elders. O amba maipfi enea ngauri o vha a tshi khou sasaladza nḓowelo ye vhathu vhanzhi vha vha vhe nayo ya u ita muano kha khaseledzo dzavho dza ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe, ngeno vha songo ḓiimisela u ita zwe vha zwi amba. 15 Did You Know? He said these words because he was critical of the tendency that many people had to make vows in their daily discussions, while they were not willing to do what they said. Gudani Kha Ipfi Ḽa Mudzimu [ Pictures on page 29] Learn From God's Word Ee, Mudzimu u a ni ṱhogomela zwa vhukuma! The Greek philosopher Socrates is said to have held that at death the soul "departs into [an] invisible region... and spends the rest of its existence with the gods. " Yes, God really cares for you! 21: 5. Nobody is good except one, God. " 21: 5. U itela uri a vha ḓivhe vhoṱhe, o vha a tshi swika miṱangano i sa athu thoma nahone o vha a sa ṱavhanyi u ṱuwa nga murahu ha miṱangano, a tshi itela u amba na vhahawe vha tshinnani na vha tshisadzini. This cannot be, for the disciple James was inspired to write: "When under trial, let no one say: " I am being tried by God. ' For with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone. " To get to know them, he came to the meetings before and was slow to leave after the meeting, talking with his brothers and sisters. Nga November 1931, Ferdinand a ṱuwa nga tshidimela nahone a ya Netherlands u itela u thusa kha mushumo wa u huwelela. As a baptized Christian, your relationship with Jehovah is not a " family plan, ' such as some people have for cellular telephone service. In November 1931, Ferdinand left by train and went to the Netherlands to help with the preaching work. 15 Ni A Zwi Ḓivha? We read that Jesus "continued subject to them " - his parents. 15 Did You Know? [ Zwifanyiso kha siaṱari 29] Richard explains: "Lowell had some knowledge of German and did well with it, but the rest of us were floundering. [ Pictures on page 29] Hu ambiwa uri muḓivhi wa pfunzo dza maṱali wa Mugerika ane a pfi Socrates o vha a tshi tenda uri musi muthu a tshi fa, muyatshivhili "u ya fhethu hu sa vhonali... nahone wa fhedza vhutshilo hawo hoṱhe u henefho na vhadzimu. " (b) What questions should all of Jehovah's people ask themselves? It is said that Greek philosopher How believed that when a person dies, the soul "is going to an invisible place... and spends the rest of its life with the dead. " Ndi Mudzimu fhedzi ane a vha wavhuḓi. " Now on the road and with a little more practice, we were ready to go! Only God is good. " A zwo ngo ralo, samusi mufunziwa Yakobo o hevhedzelwa u ṅwala uri: "Hu so ngo vha na ané, a tshi lingwa, a ri: ndi lingwa zwi tshi bvaho ha Mudzimu, ngauri Mudzimu ha lingi nga vhuvhi, na hone ha lingi muthu. " Planting Doubts Fails to Succeed Not so, as the disciple James was inspired to write: "When under trial, let no one say: " I am being tried by God, for God cannot try anyone nor does he try anyone. ' " Ni nga si dzhie vhushaka haṋu na Yehova sa vhune ha fana na founu ya konṱiraka ine ya badelwa nga vhabebi vhaṋu. 10 Draw Close to God - A Lover of Justice You would not view your relationship with Jehovah as a loan paid by your parents. Musi ri tshi vhala hu pfi Yesu o " dzula a tshi pfa ' vhabebi vhawe. Desperately Claudete tried to contact him on his cell phone, but there was no reply. When we read that Jesus "kept listening " to his parents. Richard o ṱalutshedza uri: "Lowell o vha a tshi ḓivhanyana Ludzheremane, fhedzi riṋe vhaṅwe lwo vha lu tshi khou ri konḓela. Milan did not know whether to laugh or to cry at this suggestion. " Vanwell knew little German, " explains, "but some of us were struggling with it. (b) Ndi mbudziso dzifhio dzine vhathu vhoṱhe vha Yehova vha fanela u ḓivhudzisa dzone? At times, officials have acknowledged that they have no valid reason for being concerned about Jehovah's Witnesses. (b) What questions should all of Jehovah's people ask themselves? Nga u ita nḓowe - nḓowe dzi si gathi na u reila badani, ro vha ro no lugela nḓila! How? By practicing a few of them and driving the road, we were ready! Maano A U Ita Uri Vha Timatime Ha Ngo Bvelela What lesson did Saul fail to learn? An effort to Make a Success 10 Nḓila Ine Na Nga Vha Ngayo Khotsi Wavhuḓi Jesus knew that within hours he would die a slow and painful death. 10 How You Can Be a Good Father Claudete o vha o hanganea vhukuma lwe a lingedza na u mu kwama kha luṱingo thendeleki, fhedzi zwa sokou sea zwi tshi ṱanama. 3 / 1 He was so frustrated that he tried to touch him on the phone, but he could not do so. Milan o vha a sa ḓivhi uri a see kana u lila musi a tshi pfa zwenezwo. By having full faith in the ransom provision of Christ, we put ourselves in Jehovah's hands, so to speak. Milan did not know whether he was late or weeping when he heard that. Nga zwiṅwe zwifhinga, vhavhusi vho kona u zwi vhona uri a vha na tshiitisi tshi pfalaho tsha u vhilaedziswa nga Ṱhanzi dza Yehova. If you train your children according to the Bible's counsel, you are creating the most favorable circumstances to bring about a marvelous result - seeing your children grow up to be happy, fulfilled, and responsible adults. At times, governmental authorities have seen that they have no valid reason to be concerned about Jehovah's Witnesses. Nga nḓila - ḓe? With Nathan in 1955 How? Ndi ngudo ifhio ye Saulo a kundwa u i guda? For example, it is usually better to say "our " rather than" my " - "our friends, "" our children, " "our home, "" our experiences, " and so on. What lesson did Saul fail to learn? Yesu o vha a tshi zwi ḓivha uri hu si kale u ḓo fa lwa vhuṱungu. Instead of taking offense, Gloria laughed, and they began to chat about why she was in Mexico. Jesus knew that soon he would die in pain. 9 / 15 This was at the end of the three - and - a - half - year opportunity that was given to the natural Jews to become part of the new spiritual nation. 9 / 1 Nga u vha na lutendo lwo fhelelaho kha ndugiselelo ya tshirengululi tsha Kristo, ri ḓivhea zwanḓani zwa Yehova nga lwa pfanyisedzo. During the time that I was in Brooklyn, I received a letter from my wife every week. By exercising complete faith in the provision of Christ's ransom, we figuratively submit to Jehovah's hands. Arali na gudisa vhana vhaṋu u tendelana na nyeletshedzo ya Bivhili, ni vha ni tshi khou ita uri vha aluwe nga fhasi ha vhuimo havhuḓi vhune ha ḓo ḓisa mvelelo dzi takadzaho - vho takala, nahone vhe vhaaluwa vhane vha vha na vhuḓifhinduleli. * Together, the parents had to protect their boys from the vile influences surrounding them. If you train your children to comply with the Bible's counsel, you are raising up in a wholesome environment that will bring them happiness - and they are adults who have positions of responsibility. Ndi na Nathan nga 1955 STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: With Nathan in 1955 Sa tsumbo, kanzhi zwi vha khwine musi muthu a tshi amba uri "zwithu zwashu " nṱhani ha uri" zwithu zwanga " - "khonani dzashu, "" vhana vhashu, " "muḓi washu, "" zwe ra ṱangana nazwo, " na kha zwiṅwe - vho. Who only can take away your integrity? For example, it is often best for a person to say "our things " rather than" things " - our friends, " our "brothers, " our" city, "" ours, " and so forth. Nṱhani ha uri a sinyuwe, Gloria a mbo ḓi sea, nahone a mbo ḓi amba uri ndi ngani o vha e henefho Mexico. Today, Christendom is divided by both sectarian beliefs and nationalism. Instead of being upset, Gloria laughed, and she said why she was there. Zwenezwi zwo itea nga murahu ha miṅwaha miraru na hafu, ye ngayo Vhayuda vha ṋewa tshibuli tsha u vha tshipiḓa tsha Isiraele wa lwa muya. Jesus ' words clearly identify Satan as "the father of the lie, " the originator of lying and untruth. This occurred three and a half years after the Jews were given the opportunity to become part of spiritual Israel. Musi ndi ngei Brooklyn, ndo vha ndi tshi wana vhurifhi vhu bvaho ha mufumakadzi wanga vhege iṅwe na iṅwe. To help strengthen your faith, why not set some short - term goals? While in Brooklyn, I received a letter from my wife every week. * Ene na mufumakadzi wawe vho tsireledza vhatukana vhavho kha ṱhuṱhuwedzo mmbi dza vhathu vhe vha vha vha tshi dzula navho. Later, during his stay at Ziklag, David raided towns held by Israel's enemies to the south, thus securing Judah's boundaries. - 1 Samuel 27: 8; 1 Chronicles 12: 20 - 22. * He and his wife protected their boys from the bad influences of the people around them. THERO DZI GUDWAHO NGA VHEGE YA: What choice did Jehovah give his people, Israel, and how did the nation respond? STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: Ndi nnyi fhedzi ane a nga ita uri ni sa fulufhedzee? At last, I felt that I could fulfill my promise to God. Who can break your integrity? Ṋamusi ḽa Vhudzhagane ḽi na zwigwada zwivhili, tshiṅwe ndi tsha vhane vha tenda kha zwa vhurereli ngeno tshiṅwe tshi tsha vhane vha vha na vhutshavha. The apostles had followed this life - giving process, for Jesus went on to pray: "The sayings that you gave me I have given to them, and they have received them. " Today, Christendom has two groups, one of those who believe in religion while the other is nationalism. Zwe Yesu a zwi amba zwi bvisela khagala uri Sathane "ndi ene khotsi ya vhadzia - u - zwifha, " muthomi wa mazwifhi na zwithu zwi si zwone. Absalom has relations with ten of his father's concubines left behind to take care of the house. Jesus ' words make it clear that Satan is "the father of the lie, " the source of lies and things that are not true. U itela u khwaṱhisa lutendo lwaṋu, ndi ngani ni sa ḓivhetsheli zwipikwa zwa tshifhinganyana? Why is it wise for young people to prepare for the future? To strengthen your faith, why not set short - term goals? (1 Samuele 25: 16) Nga murahu, musi a tshi khou dzula Tiskilaga, Davida o vutshela miḓi ye ya vha i tshi vhuswa nga maswina a Vhaisiraele ye ya vha i thungo ha tshipembe, nga zwenezwo a tshi khou tsireledza mikano ya Yuda. - 1 Samuele 27: 8; 1 Koronika 12: 20 - 22. However, God's sovereignty has been grossly maligned in the heavens and on the earth. Later, while he was living in Tmh, David attacked the cities ruled by Israel's enemies on the south, thus protecting the boundaries of Judah. - 1 Samuel 27: 8; 1 Chronicles 12: 20 - 22. Yehova o ṋea Vhaisiraele ndugelo ifhio, nahone lwonolo lushaka lwo aravha hani? It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. What privilege did Jehovah give Israel, and how did that nation respond? Zwenezwo zwo ita uri ndi ḓipfe uri ndi nga ita zwe nda fulufhedzisa Mudzimu. Some may literally have overindulged in food or drink to the point of gluttony or drunkenness. That made me feel that I can keep my promise to God. Vhaapostola vho tevhela enea maitele a tshidzaho, samusi Yesu o bvela phanḓa a tshi rabela a ri: "Ndo vha vhudza zwe wa mmbudza, vho zwi ṱanganedza. " " The tree of the knowledge of good and bad " stood for God's right to determine ultimately what is good and what is bad. The apostles followed this lifesaving pattern, just as Jesus continued praying: "I told them what you told them, and they accepted it. " Abesalomo o lala na vhafarekano vha fumi vha khotsi awe vhe vha vha vho sala vha tshi khou ṱhogomela nnḓu. Those who have not as yet made a definite decision in favor of Jehovah should prayerfully consider the benefits that God's way of ruling will bring to mankind. Absalom lay down with ten sons of his father who remained caring for the house. Ndi ngani zwi vhuṱali uri vhaswa vha ḓilugiselele vhumatshelo havho? Revelation 21: 14, written decades after Paul's letters to Timothy, mentions 12 "foundation stones " inscribed with the names of the 12 apostles. Why is it wise for young people to prepare for their future? Naho zwo ralo, vhuvhusahoṱhe ha Mudzimu ho ambelwa mazwifhi nga nḓila khulwane ngei ṱaḓulu na kha ḽifhasi. We understand them to picture heavenly forces that were involved in the destruction of Jerusalem and that will be involved in bringing destruction at Armageddon. However, God's sovereignty has been referred to as a major lie in heaven and on earth. Ndi tshipiḓa tsha mushumo wa Bivhili wa shango ḽoṱhe u tikedzwaho nga miṋeelo ya u ḓifunela. (Read Deuteronomy 15: 7.) It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. Vhaṅwe vha fanela u vha vho vha vha tshi ḽesa kana u nwesa u swika kha vhuimo ha u vha zwidakwa. To preserve our precious relationship with our heavenly Father, we must continue to apply Jehovah's wise instruction in our life. Others must have drank or drank to the point of drunkenness. " Muri wa u ṱalukanya vhuḓi na vhuvhi " wo vha u tshi fanyisela uri Mudzimu u na ndugelo ya u khetha uri ndi zwifhio zwo lugaho na zwi songo lugaho. What law has proved to be of more value than laws written on stone? " The tree of the knowledge of good and bad " represented God's right to decide what is good and what is bad. Vhathu vhane a vha athu ita phetho yo khwaṱhaho uri vha tikedza Yehova vha fanela u rabela u itela u humbula nga ha mbuyelo dzine vhuvhusi ha Mudzimu ha ḓo dzi ḓisela vhathu. What are three challenges to making a second marriage work? Those who have not yet made a solemn decision to support Jehovah must pray for the benefits of God's rule toward mankind. Nzumbululo 21: 14, yo ṅwalwaho miṅwahani ya mahumi musi Paulo o no ṅwalela Timotheo, yo amba nga ha " mutheo wa matombo ' a 12 o ṅwalwaho madzina a vhaapostola vha 12. What did Paul not see, and hence of what sort was "paradise "? Revelation 21: 14, written decades after Paul wrote to Timothy, mentions "the foundation of stones " written on the names of the 12 apostles. Ri a pfesesa uri vha imela mavhuthu a re ṱaḓulu e a shela mulenzhe kha u fhelisa Yerusalema na ane a ḓo shela mulenzhe kha u fhelisa shango ḽivhi nga Haramagedo. The triumph of Jehovah's Witnesses over persecution in Europe was a triumph of God's spirit, a demonstration of the power for good resulting from the faith that holy spirit produces in humble Christians. We understand that they represent the heavenly armies that contributed to the destruction of Jerusalem and that will contribute to the destruction of the wicked world at Armageddon. (Vhalani Doiteronomio 15: 7.) 12 (Read Deuteronomy 15: 7.) U itela u vhulunga vhushaka hashu ha ndeme na Khotsi ashu wa ṱaḓulu, ri fanela u bvela phanḓa ri tshi shumisa nyeletshedzo ya Yehova ya vhuṱali vhutshiloni hashu. In order to do so, they make themselves approachable and available. To preserve our precious relationship with our heavenly Father, we must continue applying Jehovah's wise counsel in our life. Ndi ufhio mulayo une wa vha wa ndeme vhukuma u fhira milayo yo ṅwaliwaho kha matombo? In his diary, I found these words in the entry for that day: "Prayer: If it is true, help us stay in the full - time service, not relax spiritually, and help us to be good parents by our example. What law is more important than rules written on stone? Ndi zwithu zwifhio zwiraru zwine zwa ita uri mbingano ya vhuvhili i vhe i bvelelaho? For example, the apostle Paul sent a powerful message to Jews and Gentiles living in Rome. What three things contribute to a successful marriage? Ndi mini zwe Paulo a si zwi vhone, nahone "paradiso " yo vha i ya mufuda - ḓe? We do not know the exact length of "this generation, " but it includes these two groups whose lives overlap. What did Paul not see, and what was "the secret "? Ṱhanzi dza Yehova kha ḽa Yuropa vho kunda u tovholwa nga muya wa Mudzimu, zwi sumbedzaho maanḓa a zwivhuya zwa u vha na lutendo lune lwa bveledzwa nga muyamukhethwa kha Vhakriste vha ḓiṱukufhadzaho. A Self - Sacrificing Spirit Jehovah's Witnesses in Europe have overcome the persecution of God's spirit, displaying the power of faith produced by holy spirit to humble Christians. 12 They bear in mind that Jehovah will determine who merits his love and who deserves his hatred. 12 U itela u ita nga u ralo, vha ita uri vha kone u ambea navho na u swikelelea. May we prove to be like Jacob in showing appreciation for them. To do so, they enabled them to be approachable and qualified. Kha dayari yawe, ndo wana maipfi a tevhelaho: "Thabelo: Arali i ngoho, ri thuse uri ri dzule ri tshumeloni ya tshifhinga tsho ḓalaho, uri ri songo neta muyani, nahone ri thuse uri ri vhe vhabebi vhavhuḓi nga tsumbo yashu. 3 Yes, This Is the Study Edition! In his shop, I found these words: "If prayer is true, we help us to remain in full - time service, not tire out spiritually, and we help us to be better parents by our example. Sa tsumbo, muapostola Paulo o rumela mulaedza wa ndeme kha Vhayuda na Vhannḓa vha dzulaho ngei Roma. You may feel that caring for your sick child consumes all your energy. For example, the apostle Paul sent an important message to Jews and Gentiles living in Rome. A ri ḓivhi nga ho livhaho vhulapfu ha "lushaka ulu " kana murafho, fhedzi hu katelwa zwigwada zwenezwi zwivhili zwine zwa ḓo bvela phanḓa zwi tshi tshila nga tshifhinga tshithihi. " Remember, then, your Grand Creator in the days of your youth, " states Ecclesiastes 12: 1. We do not know exactly the length of "this generation, " but these two groups will continue to live at the same time. Muya Wa U Ḓiṋekedza His counsel was always loving, yet he did not water down the truth to appease his listeners. A Self - Sacrifice Spirit Vha dzhiela nṱha uri Yehova ndi ene ane a ḓo nanga muthu ane a mu funa na ane a mu vhenga. " At Isaiah 43: 12, " I said. They appreciate that Jehovah is the one who will choose someone who loves and who hates him. U nga ri ri nga fana na Yakobo musi zwi tshi ḓa kha u zwi dzhiela nṱha. My eyes fell upon an article about an individual who was a firm believer in what the church taught. May we be like Jacob when it comes to appreciation. 3 Ee, Hoyu Ndi Magazini U Gudwaho! For instance, we could make an effort to include single individuals when a small group of mature ones gather for a meal or wholesome Christian association. 3 Yes, This Is the Study Edition! Ni nga kha ḓi pfa u nga u ṱhogomela ṅwana waṋu ane a khou lwala zwi a ni netisa vhukuma. The Colosseum exhibition offered visitors the opportunity to admire fine representations of ancient athletes, mostly Roman copies of original Greek sculptures. You may feel that caring for your sick child is very tired. Muhuweleli 12: 1 i ri: "U songo hangwa Muvhumbi wau misi Ú tshee muswa. " Would they be like the traveling merchant whose heart was so stirred by the discovery of the priceless pearl that, as Jesus described it, "away he went and promptly " did what he must to buy that pearl? Ecclesiastes 12: 1 states: "Remember, now, your Grand Creator in the days of your young manhood. " Tshifhinga tshoṱhe, nyeletshedzo yawe yo vha i ya lufuno, naho zwo ralo, ho ngo vhudza vhathetshelesi vhawe mazwifhi a tshi itela u vha takadza. We have no doubt whatsoever that the reward for those who loyally endure is far greater than any temporary suffering. - Heb. Each time, his counsel was loving, yet he did not tell his listeners a lie in order to please them. Ndo ri: "Kha Yesaya 43: 12. " " I will meditate on all your activity. " - PSALM 77: 12. " At Isaiah 43: 12. " Ndo kungiwa nga iṅwe thero i ambaho nga ha muthu we a vha o kwambatela vhukuma kha zwe kereke yawe ya vha i tshi zwi funza. Is that what Paul meant? I was attracted by another subject about a person who was deeply impressed by what his church taught. Sa tsumbo, ri nga ita vhuḓidini ha u katela vhathu vha songo vhingaho kha tshigwada tshiṱuku tsha vhathu vho vhibvaho vhe vha kuvhangana u itela u ḽa kana vhukonani havhuḓi ha Vhukriste. They were filled with sorrow, confessed their sins to God, and turned back from their bad ways. For example, we can make the effort to include unmarried individuals in a small group of mature ones who have gathered together for a meal or for good Christian association. Ṱano ḽa holoni ya mitambo ḽo ita uri vhadali vha takalele misumbedzo yavhuḓi ya vhatambi vha kale, zwihuluhulu kopi dza zwifanyiso zwa kale zwa Tshigerika. Nehemiah prayed in faith for days after learning that Jews released from Babylonian captivity were "in a very bad plight and in reproach; and the wall of Jerusalem [was] broken down. " The games at the sports hall endeared visitors to the beautiful expressions of ancient characters, especially the early copies of the Greek word. Naa vho vha vha tshi ḓo fana na muvhambadzi we mbilu yawe ya kwamea nga u wana nungu ya mutengo muhulu, samusi Yesu o i ṱalusa, nahone "a ṱuwa a yo " u ita zwoṱhe zwine a nga kona u itela u renga iḽa nungu? What are these? Would they be like the merchant whose heart was touched by finding a pearl of high value, as Jesus described it, and "he went out " to do all he could to buy that pearl? A ri vhuyi ra timatima uri malamba a vhane vha konḓelela nga u fulufhedzea ndi mahulwane nga maanḓa u fhira u shengela naho hu hufhio ha tshifhinganyana. - Vha - Heb. Deborah knew that Barak and his men were waiting for some word, some signal, from her. We never doubt that the reward of those who faithfully endure is greater than any temporary suffering. - Heb. " Ndi ḓi - eletshedza mishumo yau yoṱhe. " - PSALME YA 77: 12. (b) What questions should we consider? " I have meditated on all your activity. " - PSALM 77: 12. Naa zwenezwo ndi zwe Paulo a vha a tshi khou amba zwone? How did they come to be? Was that what Paul meant? Vho pfa vhuṱungu vhuhulu, vha bula zwivhi zwavho phanḓa ha Mudzimu, nahone vha ṱutshela nḓila dzavho mmbi. What form of sacred service have many young people enjoyed? They were deeply distressed, confessed their sins before God, and abandoned their bad ways. Nehemia o rabela lwa maḓuvha manzhi e na lutendo musi a tshi pfa uri Vhayuda vhe vha vhofhololwa ngei vhuthubwani ha Babele vho vha vhe "kha tsiku na kha khombo khulu; mitsheṱo ya Yerusalema [yo vha] i tshee yó thuthwa. " (Neh. Many people argue that we cannot know anything about the spirit realm because no eyewitness has come from there to tell us about it. Nehemiah prayed for many days in faith when he learned that the Jews freed from Babylonian captivity were "in distress and in a great calamity, and the wall of Jerusalem [was] still broken. " Ndi mini zwenezwo? Under what circumstances did Ruth take her stand for true worship, resulting in what blessings for her? What is it? Debora o vha a tshi zwi ḓivha uri Baraka na mmbi yawe vho vha vho lindela vhulivhisi vhu bvaho khae. She did not eat "the bread of laziness, " and because of her hard work, she had something to share with her needy mother - in - law. Deborah knew that Barak and his men were waiting for direction from him. (b) Ndi mbudziso dzifhio dzine ra fanela u ḓivhudzisa dzone? Then I would look for a water fountain so that I could wash up. (b) What questions should we ask ourselves? Zwenezwi zwivhumbiwa zwi bva ngafhi? In faith, Abraham left his home, his friends, and his possessions to go to a distant land. Where do these creatures come from? Ndi ifhio iṅwe nḓila ya u shumela Yehova ye vhaswa vhanzhi vha i takalela? Your friend deserves to see how much you care. What is one way to serve Jehovah that many young people appreciated? Vhathu vhanzhi vha amba uri a ri koni u ḓivha nga ha zwithu zwine zwa vha ṱaḓulu ngauri a huna muthu we a vhuya a ya hone. How was Job able to endure his trials? Many people say that we cannot know about the things in heaven because no one has ever gone. Ruthe o sumbedza hani u vha na tshivhindi a tshi itela vhurabeli ho kunaho, nahone zwo ita uri a fhaṱutshedzwe nga nḓila - ḓe? 112: 5; Prov. How did Ruth show courage in behalf of pure worship, and how did it result in her blessing? O vha a sa ḽi "vhuswa ha vhubva, " nga ṅwambo wa u vha mushumi wa biko, o kona u wana zwiṅwe zwithu zwine a nga zwi ḽa na mazwale wawe a shayaho. Show Christlike Faith and Courage He was not "the bread of laziness, " for he was hard work, able to obtain something that he could eat with his poor - in - law. Nga zwenezwo, ndo vha ndi tshi ṱoḓa fhethu hu ne ha vha na maḓi uri ndi kone u ṱamba. As we recall, Jesus asked: "When the Son of man arrives, will he really find this faith on the earth? " So I needed a place of water to clean up. (Gen. 15: 6; Vha - Roma 4: 11) Nga lutendo, Abrahamu o ṱutshela haya hawe, khonani dzawe, na thundu dzawe a ya shangoni ḽa kule. (Gen. 12: 1 - 4; Vha - Heb. She was always eager to cooperate with the nurses, helping them to deliver yogurt, juice, and other items to hospitalized children in nearby wards. In faith, Abraham left his home, his friends, and his belongings to a distant land. Khonani yaṋu i tea u zwi vhona uri ni a i ṱhogomela vhukuma. Remember David and his sin of adultery with Bath - sheba. Your friend should see that you truly care about it. Ndi mini zwo thusaho Yobo uri a kone u konḓelela milingo? Not even the threat of death could dissuade them from obeying Jesus ' command to make disciples. What helped Job to endure trials? 112: 5; Mir. So a fundamental way in which parents can instill good manners in their children is by being well - mannered themselves. 112: 5; Prov. Sumbedzani Lutendo Na Tshivhindi Zwi Fanaho Na Zwa Kristo 15: 32. Exercise Faith and Christlike Courage Ri kha ḓi zwi humbula uri Yesu o vhudzisa a ri: "Hone, Murwa - muthu a tshi ḓa, naa ni ri u ḓo wana hú na lwonolu lutendo shangoni? " Jehovah had commanded Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit from "the tree of the knowledge of good and bad. " We remember that Jesus asked: "When the Son of man arrives, will he really find this faith on earth? " Misi yoṱhe o vha a tshi swela u shumisana na vhaongi, u vha thusa u phakela yogathi, dzhusi na zwiṅwe zwithu kha vhana vha re kha wadi dzi re nga tsini dza henefho vhuongeloni. Will they also share in such exultation? She has always been eager to work with the nurses, helping them to draw water for herself, and other things to the children nearby in the hospital. Humbulani nga Davida na tshivhi tshawe tsha vhuṱonḓolo na Batseba. Phillips) If you make the effort to meditate on the fine examples from God's Word, they can become a part of you, just like an implant. Think of David and his sin of adultery with Bath - sheba. A vho ngo litsha u thetshelesa ndaela ya Yesu ya u ita vhafunziwa naho vho vhudzwa uri vha ḓo vhulahwa. " I just viewed him as the God who created everything, " admits Christina, a woman from Ireland who attended church every week. They did not hold back from obeying Jesus ' command to make disciples even though they were told that they would be killed. Nga zwenezwo, nḓila ya ndeme ine vhabebi vha nga gudisa ngayo vhana mikhwa yavhuḓi ndi nga u vha na mikhwa yavhuḓi vhone vhaṋe. (Doit. A congregation planned to observe the Memorial of Christ's death in the large village of Bewahn, located about a five - hour walk from where they usually meet. Therefore, the primary way parents can teach children good manners is by being good manners. 15: 32. The result? 15: 32. Yehova o ṋea Adamu na Eva ndaela ya u sa ḽa mutshelo wa "muri wa u ṱalukanya vhuḓi na vhuvhi. " We need not guess. Jehovah commanded Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit of "the tree of the knowledge of good and bad. " Naa na vhone vha ḓo ṱanganela kha ḽeneḽo dakalo? She went to her assignment and started 21 Bible studies in three months. Will they share in that joy? Phillips) Arali na ita vhuḓidini ha u elekanya nga tsumbo dzavhuḓi dzi bvaho Ipfini ḽa Mudzimu, dzi ḓo dzula dzi muhumbuloni waṋu, dza tou nga dzo dzheniswa lwa tshoṱhe muvhilini waṋu. This year the anniversary of this event falls on Sunday, April 4, after sundown. If you put forth effort to meditate on fine examples from God's Word, they will remain in your mind, as if they were completely added to your body. Christina, mufumakadzi wa ngei Ireland ane a ya kerekeni vhege iṅwe na iṅwe o ri: "Ndo vha ndi tshi sokou mu dzhia sa Mudzimu o sikaho zwithu zwoṱhe. Note the word "various. " " I used to think of him as the God who created all things, " says my wife in Ireland, who attends church every week. Tshivhidzo tsho vha tsho dzudzanya u pembelela Tshihumbudzo tsha lufu lwa Kristo ngei muvhunduni muhulwane wa Bewahn, u re vhukule ha khilomithara ṱhanu nga milenzhe u bva hune vha ṱanganela hone nga misi. Violence has been called a "growing public health problem across the world. " The congregation had arranged to observe the Memorial of Christ's death in the large village of Bed, some five miles [100 km] on foot from their meeting regularly. Ho vha na mvelelo ifhio? In fact, she discerned that Satan, "the father of the lie, " uses crafty and deceptive tactics to foster in some the feeling that they are worthless and to make them believe that Jehovah could never find them lovable. - John 8: 44; Ephesians 6: 11. The result? Bivhili i a ri vhudza zwe a vha a tshi khou zwi ita. They chose to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and bad. The Bible tells us what he was doing. O ya mushumoni we a vha o ṋewa wone nahone nga murahu ha miṅwedzi miraru a vha o no vha na pfunzo dza Bivhili dza 21. Noah's contemporaries failed to appreciate that Noah had divine backing and was acting at God's direction. She went to work for her, and after three months she had a 20 Bible study. Uno ṅwaha vhuṱambo ha tshenetshi tshiitea vhu ḓo vha nga Swondaha ya ḽa 4 April nga madekwana. Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good. " This year the observance of this event will be Sunday, April 4, after sundown. Ṱhogomelani ipfi ḽine ḽa ri "mivhala minzhi. " One scholar noted: "The future of reality is seldom as bad as the future of our fears. " Notice the word "many times. " Vhuvemu ndi thaidzo ine ya khou anda shangoni ḽoṱhe. There may have been a grain of truth in his mentioning a "medical " appointment, but would you say that he was being honest? Violence is a worldwide problem. Zwi re zwone ndi uri o ṱhogomela uri Sathane, "khotsi ya vhadzia - u - zwifha, " u shumisa vhukwila na vhufhura u itela u ita uri vhathu vha ḓipfe vhe si vha ndeme na u ita uri vha tende uri vha nga si vhuye vha funwa nga Yehova. - Yohane 8: 44; Vha - Efesa 6: 11. But of his mighty thunder who can show an understanding? " - Job 26: 14. In fact, he noted that Satan, "the father of the lie, " uses cunning and deception to make people feel worthless and to convince them that they will never be loved by Jehovah. - John 8: 44; Ephesians 6: 11. Vho khetha u ḽa mutshelo wa muri wa u ḓivha vhuḓi na vhuvhi. " MANY " EMBRACE "THE TRUE KNOWLEDGE " They chose to eat the fruit of the tree of knowing good and bad. Vhathu vha misini ya Noaxe vho kundelwa u pfesesa uri Noaxe o vha a tshi khou tikedzwa nga Mudzimu na uri o vha a tshi khou thetshelesa vhulivhisi hawe. Cultivating the soil of your heart calls for effort Noah's contemporaries failed to understand that Noah had God's backing and that he was obeying his direction. Arali U tshi ralo, U ḓo vha wo okela masimbe kha ṱhóho yawe. U songo kundwa nga vhuvhi, aiwa, kunda vhuvhi nga zwivhuya. " Peace of Mind, 2 / 1 If you do, you will become weighed down with his head, and do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good. " Muṅwe mugudi wa Bivhili o ri: "Zwine vhumatshelo ha vhukuma ha vha zwone zwi vha zwo fhambana na vhumatshelo vhu si havhuḓi he ra vha ri tshi khou vhu ofha. " What does our faithfulness in "what is least " reveal? One Bible scholar observed: "The real future is the same as the bad future we were fearing. " A nga vha a tshi khou amba ngoho uri u ṱoḓa u ya ha dokotela, fhedzi naa ni nga amba uri u khou fulufhedzea? When God's people were freed from Egypt, they needed new directions. He may be convinced that he wants to go to a doctor, but would you say that he is honest? A vusá mubvumo wa vhuhali hawe, hu nga thetshelesa nnyi? " - Yobo 26: 14. In addition, your humility in the face of tests reinforces my conviction that Jehovah does not leave his people. And why should the sound of his anger listen to him? " - Job 26: 14. " VHANZHI " VHO ṰANGANEDZA "NḒIVHO " YA MAFHUNGO - NGOHO How had the Israelites come to be in such a state? " MANY PEOPLE " IN THE" THE TRUTH " Hu ṱoḓea vhuḓidini uri ni ṱahulele mbilu yaṋu In addition to regular and fervent prayer, we need to put on the complete suit of spiritual armor from God in order " to stand firm against the machinations, or crafty acts, of the Devil. ' - Eph. 6: 11 - 18, ftn. It takes effort to cultivate your heart U Vha Hone Ha Kristo - Zwi Amba Mini Kha Inwi? 2 / 15 14: 33. What Does It Mean to You? U fulufhedzea hashu "kha zwithu zwiṱuku " zwi sumbedza mini? Many families divide their family worship into several parts. What does our faithfulness in "the little things " show? Musi vhathu vha Mudzimu vha tshi vhofhololwa ngei Egipita, vho vha vha tshi ṱoḓa vhulivhisi vhuswa. What motivated Paul to carry out his ministry zealously? When God's people were delivered from Egypt, they needed new directions. Hafhu, u ḓiṱukufhadza ha vhoiwe nga fhasi ha milingo zwi ita uri ndi tende nga ho khwaṱhaho uri Yehova ha laṱedzi vhathu vhawe. 9, 10. (a) Toward the end of Hebrews chapter 10, we read what encouragement by Paul? Moreover, your humility under trials convinces me that Jehovah does not leave his people. Zwo ḓa hani uri Vhaisiraele vha ḓiwane vhe vhuimoni ho raloho? The Mediator of the new covenant. How did Israel come to be in such a condition? 6: 11 - 18. Loyal and Steadfast 6: 11 - 18. 14: 33. However, some resurrected ones will continue doing bad things. 14: 33. Miṱa minzhi i khethekanya vhurabeli ha muṱa ha vha zwipiḓa zwo fhamba - fhambanaho. A reward promised to a small group in one setting may ultimately be shared by others. Many families divide family worship into different parts. Ndi mini zwe zwa ṱuṱuwedza Paulo uri a shume nga u fhisea vhuḓinḓani hawe? Many marriages that seemed to be headed for failure have in time turned out to be very successful. What motivated Paul to exert himself zealously in his ministry? 9, 10. (a) Ndi afhio maipfi a ṱuṱuwedzaho ane ra a wana mafheleloni a ndima ya vhufumi ya bugu ya Vhaheberu? Laura, a sister in her late 20 ' s, has been serving abroad for over four years. 9, 10. (a) What encouraging words do we find at the end of the teenage book of Hebrews? Mupfumedzanyi wa mulanga muswa. Trained From Childhood to Esteem Work The Mediator of the new covenant. U Fulufhedzea na u Dzula wo Khwaṱha Believing the bad report of ten of the spies, the people want to stone Moses, Aaron, and the faithful spies Joshua and Caleb. Loyalty and Remaining Strong Naho zwo ralo, hu na vhaṅwe vho vuswaho vhane vha ḓo bvela phanḓa vha tshi ita zwithu zwivhi. True, Joshua's grandfather Elishama was chieftain of the tribe of Ephraim and apparently led 108,100 men of one of the three - tribe divisions of Israel. However, there are some resurrected ones who will continue to do bad things. Malamba o fulufhedziswaho tshigwada tshiṱuku a ḓo kovhelwa vhoṱhe nga u eḓana. But Abner did not. The small reward will be made to all according to the promise. Mbingano nnzhi dze dza vhonala u nga dzi ḓo fa, nga u ya ha tshifhinga dzo fheleledza dzo bvelela. For example, you may have been thinking about serving as a pioneer or moving to an area where the need is greater. Many marriages that have seemed to be cut off in death eventually came true. Laura, wahashu wa tshisadzini a re miṅwahani ya vhu - 20 o fhedza miṅwaha miṋa a tshi khou shuma mashangoni a kule. What motivated that insolent man to become the kind and loving apostle who was willing to risk his life so that others could learn the truth about God and Christ? Laura, a sister in her mid - 20 ' s, has been serving abroad for four years. U Gudiswa U Bva Hanani U Dzhiela Nṱha Mushumo 14, 15. Early Training From Education of Work Nge vha tenda muvhigo u si wavhuḓi wa ṱholi dza fumi, vhathu vho ṱoḓa u kanḓa Mushe, Aroni na ṱholi dzi fulufhedzeaho, Yoshua na Kalebe, nga matombo. Jesus asked Jehovah to protect his disciples. Having agreed to the negative report of the ten spies, the people wanted to stoned Moses, Aaron, and the faithful spies, Joshua and Caleb. Ndi ngoho uri Elisama makhulu wa Yoshua o vha e nduna ya lushaka lwa Efuraimi nahone zwi vhonala uri o ranga phanḓa vhanna vha 108 100 vha luṅwe lwa tshaka tharu dzo fhandekanaho dza Isiraele. (Num. When you reach a comfortable position, you can take it easy and enjoy life. It is true that Joshua's grandmother Elisha was the chief officer of the tribe of Ephraim and that he evidently led 100 men into one of Israel's three divided tribes. (1 Samuele 17: 57 - 18: 3) Fhedzi Abinere ho ngo ita nga u ralo. [ Credit Line] But Abner did not. Sa tsumbo, ni nga kha ḓi vha ni tshi khou humbula nga ha u vha muvulanḓila kana u pfulutshela hune ha vha na ṱhoḓea khulwane. 6: 10. For example, you may be thinking about pioneering or moving to where the need is greater. Ndi mini tsho ṱuṱuwedzaho onoyo munna we a vha e na tshiṱuhu uri a vhe na vhulenda nahone a vhe muapostola a re na lufuno, we a vha o ḓiimisela u vhea vhutshilo hawe khomboni u itela uri vhaṅwe vha gude mafhungo - ngoho nga ha Mudzimu na Kristo? On the other hand, of even greater consequence is another attack, to which the world community gives little or no attention. What motivated this cruel man to be kind and loving apostle, who was willing to risk his life to learn the truth about God and Christ? 14, 15. 15: 6, 13, 14. 14, 15. Yesu o humbela Yehova uri a tsireledze vhafunziwa vhawe. However, a Christian would want to be careful to avoid any practices that might violate Bible principles. Jesus asked Jehovah to protect his disciples. Musi ni tshi swikelela vhuimo ho tsireledzeaho kha zwa dzitshelede, ni nga kona u ḓigeḓa na u ḓiphina nga vhutshilo. It gave me great joy to hear her say that. When you reach a safe, financial situation, you can enjoy a comfortable life. [ Ṱhaluso ya Vhubvo ha Tshifanyiso] published in the Awake! [ Credit Line] 6: 10. Jehovah uses his Son as a Spokesman to convey information and instructions to other creatures. 6: 10. Kha ḽiṅwe sia, hu na huṅwe u vutshela hune ha ḓo vha huhulwane vhukuma, hune shango ḽa sa hu dzhiele nṱha kana u hu ṱhogomela. Luke 3: 15, quoted earlier, indicates that some Jews thought that John the Baptizer might be the Christ. On the other hand, there are some attacks that will be extremely severe, where the world does not appreciate or care. 15: 6, 13, 14. What burdens can advanced age impose on a person? 15: 6, 13, 14. Naho zwo ralo, Vhakriste vha fanela u ṱhogomela u iledza mishumo naho ifhio ine ya tshinya maitele a Bivhili. In what ways can an elder help a brother to strengthen his love for Jehovah? However, Christians must be careful to avoid any practices that violate Bible principles. Zwenezwo zwo ntakadza nga maanḓa. André was promoted to manager. That impressed me very much. yo gandiswaho kha Awake! First, he knows that we need to praise him. published in Awake! Yehova o shumisa Murwa wawe sa Muambeli u itela u fhirisela mafhungo na ndaela kha zwiṅwe zwivhumbiwa. From a human standpoint, Lazarus was dead, but to Jehovah and Jesus, Lazarus was sleeping. Jehovah used his Son as a spokesman to convey information and instructions to other creatures. Luka 3: 15 yo redzwaho mathomoni, i sumbedza uri vhaṅwe Vhayuda vho humbula uri Yohane Mulovhedzi a nga vha e Kristo. Thus, Christians heed what Jesus said about his followers: "They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world. " Luke 3: 15 quoted earlier shows that some Jews thought that John the Baptizer must be the Christ. Ndi vhuleme vhufhio vhune vhulala ha nga vhu ḓisa kha muthu? When we study the Bible and learn about the way Jehovah thinks, we will understand what he wants us to do in a specific situation. What problems might old age bring to a person? Muhulwane a nga thusa wahashu wa tshinnani uri a khwaṱhise vhushaka hawe na Yehova nga nḓila - ḓe? Furthermore, "healings " associated with religious relics, idols, and images cannot originate with God. How can an elder help a brother to strengthen his relationship with Jehovah? André o mbo ḓi ṋewa vhuimo ha u vha mulanguli. 3: 1 - 4. André was assigned as director. Tsha u thoma, u a zwi ḓivha uri ri a ṱoḓa u mu renda. Milagros, who looked after him, felt as if she was witnessing what will happen to me in the future. First, he knows that we want to praise him. U ya nga mavhonele a vhathu, Lazaro o vha o fa, fhedzi kha Yehova na Yesu o vha o tou eḓela. Why Be Merciful? From a human standpoint, Lazarus was dead, but both Jehovah and Jesus were asleep. 2: 44) Nga zwenezwo, Vhakriste vha thetshelesa zwe Yesu a zwi vhudza vhatevheli vhawe musi a tshi ri: "Vhone a si vha shango ḽino, vhunga na nṋe ndí si wa shango ḽino. " They may leave the truth to pursue a life of so - called pleasure. Hence, Christians heed what Jesus said to his followers: "They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world. " (Mirero 3: 5 - 7) Musi ri tshi guda Bivhili na u guda nḓila ine Yehova a humbula ngayo, ri ḓo pfesesa zwine a ṱoḓa ri tshi zwi ita kha vhuṅwe vhuimo. We cannot make God's name more sacred. When we study the Bible and learn how Jehovah thinks, we will understand what he wants us to do in other situations. Zwiṅwe hafhu, u "fhodzwa " hune ha tshimbidzana na zwithu zwa vhurereli zwa kale - kale, na zwifanyiso a zwi bvi ha Mudzimu. Can anyone honestly say that Satan has won on the issue of rulership? Moreover, "a restraint " that is associated with former religions does not originate with God. 3: 1 - 4. A fourth benefit to our not knowing the day or the hour is that it helps us to rely more fully on Jehovah and to be diligent in applying his Word in our life. 3: 1 - 4. Milagros, we a vha a tshi vha ṱhogomela, o pfa u nga o vha a tshi khou vhona zwine zwa ḓo bvelela kha nṋe tshifhingani tshi ḓaho. Jehoash, 4 / 1 River, who cared for them, felt that he was seeing what would happen to me in the future. Ndi Ngani Ri Tshi Fanela u vha vha Khathutshelaho? If they get to know the older ones, your youngsters will discover a delightful reservoir of experience and wisdom. Why Show Honor? Vha ṱutshela ngoho u itela u tshila vhutshilo ha u ḓitakadza. In effect, Jehovah was saying to poorer Israelites: " I realize that you cannot offer as much as others can, but I also know that what you are giving me is your best. ' They leave the truth in order to live a life of pleasure. Ri nga si kone u ita uri dzina ḽa Mudzimu ḽi itwe ḽikhethwa nga ho engedzeaho. Likely, she did not live long enough to become a follower of Jesus, to be anointed with holy spirit, or to enjoy preaching the good news of the Kingdom. We cannot fully sanctify God's name. Naa hu na muthu ane a nga amba nga u fulufhedzea uri Sathane o kunda kha yeneyi khani ya vhuvhusi? Being a true Christian is refreshing and brings us joy. Can anyone honestly claim that Satan has won this victory? Mbuyelo ya vhuṋa ya u sa ḓivha ḓuvha kana tshikhathi, ndi ya uri zwi ri thusa uri ri ḓitike nga Yehova nga vhuḓalo nahone zwa dovha zwa ita uri ri fhisetshele u shumisa Ipfi ḽawe vhutshiloni hashu. Honesthearted people are drawn to true worship but not because the nations are rocked, or shaken. The fourth benefit of not knowing the day or the hour is that it helps us to rely more fully on Jehovah and gives us zeal to apply his Word in our life. Iledzani Zwithithisi, 8 / 15 Rahab believed that Jehovah could save her and her family. 12 / 1 Arali vhana vhaṋu vha thoma u ḓivha vhaaluwa, vha ḓo ṱhogomela uri vhaaluwa vha na tshenzhelo nnzhi dzavhuḓi na vhuṱali. How can being hospitable help us overcome negative feelings about others? If your children begin to get to know older ones, they will sense that older ones have many fine and wise experiences. Nga maṅwe maipfi, Yehova o vha a tshi khou amba na Vhaisiraele vha vhashai u ri: " Ndi a zwi ṱhogomela uri a ni koni u ṋea zwizhi u nga vhaṅwe, fhedzi ndi a zwi ḓivha uri zwine na khou ṋea zwone ndi zwine na zwi kona. ' Another test of our modesty might come when decisions are made. In other words, Jehovah was speaking to the poor Israelites: " I realize that you cannot give it to others, but I know that what you are offering is what you can give. ' Zwi vhonala uri ho ngo tshila u swikela a tshi vha mutevheli wa Yesu na u ḓodzwa nga muya mukhethwa, kana u huwelela mafhungo maḓifha a Muvhuso. Walk by Faith, Not by Sight! Evidently, he did not live until he became a follower of Jesus and was anointed with holy spirit, or preaching the good news of the Kingdom. U vha Mukriste wa ngoho zwi a homolosa nahone zwi ri ḓisela dakalo. He was taken to the Gestapo station, where his identity was confirmed. Being a true Christian is refreshing and brings us joy. Vhathu vha mbilu dzavhuḓi vha khou ḓiswa vhurabelini ha ngoho, fhedzi hu si nga ṅwambo wa uri dzitshakha dzi khou dzinginyiswa. (b) " Seeking first the Kingdom ' creates what opportunities? Honesthearted people are being brought into true worship, but not because the nations are being shaken. Rahaba o vha a tshi tenda uri Yehova u ḓo mu tshidza na muṱa wawe. Why and how should we work to overcome differences? Rahab believed that Jehovah would deliver her and her family. U ṱangedza vhaeni zwi ḓo ri thusa hani u kunda u vha na mavhonele a si avhuḓi nga ha vhaṅwe? It teaches things we are interested in, so I love it much more than any book I could find in a library. " How will the visit help us to overcome negative feelings about others? Musi ri tshi fanela u dzhia phetho, zwi nga ita uri ri si ḓiṱukufhadze. Do you strive to imitate the faithful patriarchs as to your choice of associates and entertainment? When faced with decisions, we may not be humble. Tshimbilani nga Lutendo, Hu si nga u Vhona! She says: "I have come to realize that Jehovah sustains us through trialsome circumstances and that there are far more blessings in our lives than there are trials. " Walk by Faith, Not by sight! A mbo ḓi iswa tshiṱitshini tsha mapholisa a Gestapo, henefho ndi he ha khwaṱhisedzwa uri ndi ene muthu ane a khou ṱoḓea. Another may be that of serving with a nearby congregation in need of experienced preachers to help cover its large territory. He was taken to the Mosaic police station, where he was assured of the need. (b) " U ṱoḓa Muvhuso u thoma ' zwi ri vulela zwibuli zwifhio? Saved, Not by Works Alone, But by Undeserved Kindness (b) What opportunities does "seeking first the Kingdom " open up for us? Ndi ngani ri tshi fanela u ita vhuḓidini ha u dzudzanya dziphambano nahone ri nga zwi ita nga nḓila - ḓe? My mother was baptized in 1925 in the meeting hall at Bethel. Why should we endeavor to settle disputes, and how can we do so? Naa ni lwela u edzisa vhasimulalushaka vha fulufhedzeaho, musi ni tshi nanga dzikhonani na u ḓimvumvusa? The Slave Is Faithful and Discreet Do you strive to imitate faithful patriarchs, choosing friends and entertainment? O ri: "Ndi vho kona u zwi ṱhogomela uri Yehova u a ri tikedza musi ro sedzana na milingo i konḓaho nahone ri wana phaṱhutshedzo nnzhi u fhira milingo ine ra sedzana nayo. " Nothing else draws us so powerfully to Jehovah as his love. He says: "I am able to realize that Jehovah supports us when we face difficult trials and we reap more blessings than we face. " Tshiṅwe tshi nga vha u shuma na tshivhidzo tsha tsini tshine tsha ṱoḓa vhahuweleli vha re na tshenzhelo u itela u tshi thusa kha tsimu yatsho ine ya vha khulwane. While it may at times seem that way, recognize that your parents ' concern is an expression of their love for you. Some may be working with a nearby congregation that needs experienced publishers to help with its large territory. U Tshidzwa, hu si Nga Mishumo Fhedzi, Fhedzi nga Tshilidzi Tshi Songo ri Fanelaho Still, what words could convey the pain that Mary felt as she saw her son suffer a terrible death on a torture stake? Deliverance, Not by Acts, but by Undeserved Kindness Mme anga vho lovhedzwa nga 1925 muṱanganoni we wa farelwa holoni ya Bethele. But a few days later, an officer came to my door and told me, "Corwin Robison, I have a warrant for your arrest. " My mother was baptized in 1925 at a meeting held at the Bethel hall. Mukoma U A Fulufhedzea Na U Vha Wa Vhuṱali He said: "I shall certainly defend this city to save it for my own sake and for the sake of David my servant. " The Slave Is Faithful and Wise A huna tshithu tshine tsha nga kona u ri sendedza tsini - tsini na Yehova u fana na lufuno lwawe. But my bossy approach only seemed to make him more stubborn. " Nothing can draw us closer to Jehovah as he does. Naho nga zwiṅwe zwifhinga zwi tshi nga vhonala u nga zwo ralo, musi vhabebi vhaṋu vha tshi vhilaela zwi sumbedza uri vha a ni funa. I also ridiculed her throughout our neighborhood. Although it may at times seem that way, your parents ' concerns reveal their love for you. Zwiṅwe hafhu, ndi afhio maipfi ane a nga sumbedza vhuṱungu he Maria a vhu pfa musi a tshi vhona murwa wawe a tshi fa kha danda ḽa tshengedzo? My wife wanted to hear more, so she asked the woman for her name and address. Moreover, what words can reveal the pain Mary felt when she saw her son die on a torture stake? Fhedzi nga murahu ha maḓuvha a si gathi, pholisa ḽo ḓa nahone ḽa ri, "Corwin Robison, ndo ḓa u ni fara. " What Do Your Prayers Say About You? But a few days later, the police came and said, "Cororor, I came to arrest you. " O ri: "Muḓi uno ndi ḓo u pileledza nda u lamulela, ndi tshi itela dzina ḽanga, ndi tshi itela Davida muḓinḓa wanga. " And how important is prayer with regard to my salvation? ' He said: "This city I shall give in behalf of my name for David my servant. " Fhedzi u amba hanga nga swili zwo vhonala zwi tshi nga zwi khou tou mu ṋaṋisa u vha na tshikhuna. " The Christ is under the headship of his Father. But my stubborn expressions seemed to make him feel angry. " Ndo vha ndi tshi mu kolela phanḓa ha vhathu. But in 2005, she signed a contract to produce two epic films in China, making it necessary for her to return to Hong Kong. I made fun of him before people. Mufumakadzi wanga o vha a tshi ṱoḓa u pfa zwo engedzeaho, nga zwenezwo, a vhudzisa onoyo mufumakadzi dzina na hune a dzula hone. So in the parable of the talents, Jesus was also referring to the time when he will come to judge people and destroy Satan's world. My wife wanted to hear more, so she asked the woman the name and the place she lived. Thabelo Dzaṋu Dzi Sumbedza Mini Nga Ha Inwi? Your Family Worship evening can do much to make you and your loved ones fine Kingdom citizens What Do Your Prayers Say About You? Nahone thabelo yanga ndi ya ndeme lungafhani musi zwi tshi ḓa kha u tshidzwa hanga? ' Is that wise? And how important is my prayer to my salvation? ' Kristo u nga fhasi ha vhuṱoho ha Khotsi awe. We receive "food at the proper time " through the slave class. Christ is under his Father's headship. Nga 2005 o ita thendelano ya u bveledza mimuvi mivhili ngei Tshaina, nahone zwenezwo zwo ita uri a humele Hong Kong. [ 1] (paragraph 1) Name has been changed. In 2005 she made an agreement to produce two movies in China, and this led to her return to Hong Kong. Ngauralo, kha tshifanyiso tsha dzitalente, Yesu o vha a tshi khou ambela kha tshifhinga tshine a ḓo vhuya kana u ḓa u haṱula vhathu na u fhelisa shango ḽa Sathane. Really, talking to your children about sex is part of your God - given responsibility as a parent. Thus, in the parable of the talents, Jesus was referring to the time when he would come or come to judge people and destroy Satan's world. Vhurabeli ha Muṱa ha nga madekwana vhu nga ni thusa na muṱa waṋu uri ni vhe vhadzulapo vhavhuḓi vha Muvhuso wa Mudzimu Not only were they keenly believing what the apostle Paul taught them but they were also "carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so. " - Acts 17: 11. Family Worship evening can help you and your family to become better citizens of God's Kingdom Naa zwenezwo ndi vhuṱali? 20 Do You See the Need to Make Spiritual Progress? Is that wise? Ri wana "zwiḽiwa nga tshikhathi tshazwo " zwi tshi bva kha tshigwada tsha mukoma. We can learn important lessons from Robert's experience. We receive "food at the proper time " from the slave class. [ 1] (phara 1) Dzina ḽo shandulwa. And because you value the gift, you also use it. [ 1] (paragraph 1) Name has been changed. Vhukuma, samusi ni mubebi, u amba na vhana vhaṋu nga zwa vhudzekani ndi vhuṅwe ha vhuḓifhinduleli he na vhu ṋewa nga Mudzimu. Jesus had specifically instructed them to leave their material possessions behind and depart without delay. Indeed, as a parent, talking to your children about sex is one of God's responsibilities. A vho ngo sokou tenda zwe muapostola Paulo a vha a tshi khou vha funza zwone, fhedzi na vhone vho "vhala maṅwalo misi yoṱhe, vha tshi ṱoḓa huné a pfana na zwiné vha zwi pfa. " - Mishumo 17: 11. BEFORE THE FLOOD They did not just believe what the apostle Paul was teaching them, but they too "were examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so. " - Acts 17: 11. 20 Naa Ni Vhona Zwi Zwa Ndeme U Ita Mvelaphanḓa Ya Lwa Muya? [ Picture on page 26] 20 Do You See the Need to Make Spiritual Progress? Ri nga guda zwithu zwa ndeme kha zwe zwa itea kha Robert. The following year, a skilled tradesman from Scotland, James Cameron, managed to assemble the press with the aid of a handbook found among the machinery. We can learn valuable lessons from Robert's experience. Nahone ngauri ni vhona tshenetsho tshifhiwa tshi tsha ndeme, ni a tshi shumisa. Indeed, the gift of righteousness works in the opposite direction. And because you feel that such a gift is precious, you use it. Yesu o vha ṋea ndaela i pfalaho ya uri vha ṱuwe nga u ṱavhanya nahone vha sie zwithu zwavho zwi vhonalaho. While declaring that they knew God, they proved otherwise by their works. - Titus 1: 16. Jesus gave them clear instructions to leave behind quickly and not to give up on material possessions. MUSI HU SA ATHU ḒA MAḒI MAHULU God's Word answers: "Sow your seed in the morning and do not let your hand rest until the evening; for you do not know which will have success, whether this one or that one, or whether they will both do well. " NO MORE FROM THE EE [ Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 26] What kind of thinking must we avoid? [ Picture on page 26] Nga ṅwaha u tevhelaho, James Cameron ane a vha na vhutsila a bvaho ngei Scotland, o kona u ṱuma mutshini a tshi khou thuswa nga bugu i ṱalutshedzaho nḓila ya u shumisa mutshini wonowo, ye ya waniwa nga ngomu mutshinini. Hermilo, who is now married to Leticia, was in his early 20 ' s when he moved to serve where more Kingdom preachers were needed. The following year, James Cameron, a skilled press from Scotland, was able to help with the aid of a book explaining how to use the machine, which was found inside the press. I ngoho, tshifhiwa tsha u itwa vho lugaho tsho vha tshi na mvelelo dzi sa fani tshoṱhe na dza tshivhi tsha Adamu. Rather, Sarah worshipped the true God, Jehovah. Indeed, the gift of righteousness has a completely different effect on Adam's sin. Naho vho vha vha tshi amba uri vha a ḓivha Mudzimu, fhedzi mishumo yavho yo vha i sa sumbedzi nga u ralo. - Tito 1: 16. Because the Canaanites had been given 400 years to correct their wicked ways. Although they claimed that they knew God, their works did not indicate that. - Titus 1: 16. Ipfi ḽa Mudzimu ḽi a fhindula: "Zwala mbeu yau hú tshee matsheloni; na nga madekwana tshanḓa tshau tshi songo awela. Ngauri a U ḓivhi ine ya ḓo mela; kana hu ḓo mela ino, kana iḽa; khamusi dzoṱhe mbili dzi ḓo mela zwavhuḓi. " (Muh. Those wicked Canaanites were becoming terrified of the power of Israel's God, Jehovah! God's Word answers: "In the morning sow your seed and until the evening do not let your hand rest; for you do not know where this will have success, either here or there, or whether both of them will alike be good. " Ndi mavhonele afhio ane ra fanela u a iledza? Will we take these real - life experiences to heart? What attitude should we avoid? Hermilo, ane zwino o no vhingana na Leticia, o vha e miṅwahani yawe ya vhu - 20 musi a tshi pfulutshela u yo shuma hu re na ṱhoḓea khulwane ya vhahuweleli vha Muvhuso. Still, it is helpful to hear how others have decided matters resembling ours. She was now in her early 20 ' s when she moved to serve where the need for Kingdom proclaimers was greater. Nṱhani hazwo, Sara o gwadamela Yehova Mudzimu wa ngoho. Pum and Anny feel that their decision has led to many blessings. Rather, Sarah worshipped the true God, Jehovah. Ngauri Vha - Kanana vho vha vho ṋewa miṅwaha ya 400 uri vha lugise nḓila dzavho mmbi. Similarly, the spirit creature who became Satan once had the wisdom needed to fulfill any assignment God gave him. Because the Canaanites were given 400 years to correct their bad ways. Vhenevho Vhakanana vhavhi vho vha vha tshi khou thoma u ofha maanḓa a Yehova, Mudzimu wa Vhaisiraele! The Gospel accounts show that Jesus often turned to God in prayer. Those wicked Canaanites were beginning to fear the power of Jehovah, the God of Israel! Naa ri ḓo dzhiela nṱha tsumbo dzenedzi dze dza itea zwa vhukuma? Admittedly, in some territories it is a challenge to start conversations. Will we really appreciate these examples? Naho zwo ralo, zwi a thusa u pfa nḓila ye vhaṅwe vha ita ngayo phetho kha mafhungo a fanaho na ashu. As a result, he told me I could come back home. However, it is helpful to hear how others have made decisions in matters similar to ours. Pum na Anny vho vhona uri phetho yavho yo ḓisa phaṱutshedzo nnzhi. She asked if anyone in the home spoke English. Pum and Pum felt that their decision brought many blessings. Nga hu fanaho, tshivhumbiwa tsha muya tshe tsha ḓiita Sathane tsho vha tshi na vhuṱali vhune ha ṱoḓea u itela u ita mushumo muṅwe na muṅwe une tsha ṋewa wone nga Mudzimu. When faced with decisions, large and small, do you ask, "Where is Jehovah? " Similarly, Satan's spirit creature who pretended to have the wisdom needed to fulfill any God - given assignment. Mafhungo a Evangeli a sumbedza uri Yesu o vha a tshi anzela u rabela Mudzimu. It was a "sacred secret. " The Gospel accounts show that Jesus often prayed to God. Vhukuma, kha dziṅwe tsimu zwi a konḓa u thoma nyambedzano. We contact many by telephone and by letter. Of course, in some territories it is difficult to start conversations. Nga nṱhani ha zwenezwo, vha mbo ḓi mmbudza uri ndi vhuye hayani. What is the source of the temptation mentioned by Paul, and how does God make the way out for us? As a result, he ordered me to come home. O vhudzisa arali hu na muṅwe henefho hayani ane a kona u amba Luisimane. (Read Job 1: 7 - 10.) He asked if there was someone at home who could speak English. Musi ni tshi ṱoḓa u ita dziphetho, khulwane kana ṱhuku, naa ni a ḓivhudzisa uri, "Yehova u ngafhi? " In one illustration, he likened rocky soil to individuals who "receive [God's] word with joy " but fall away when faced with tests of faith. When making decisions, large or small, do you wonder, "Where is Jehovah? " Tsho vha tshi "tshiphiri. " Such lights were put up to lure ships onto rocky shores so that the wrecks could be plundered, according to the book Wrecks, Wreckers and Rescuers. It was "a sacred secret. " Ri amba na vhathu vhanzhi nga luṱingo na u vha ṅwalela marifhi. Do the same with your children. We talk to many people by telephone calls and letters. Ndi mini tshine tsha ita uri ri lingwe nga nḓila yeneyi samusi zwo ambiwa nga Paulo, nahone Mudzimu u ri vhetshela hani tshivhana tshine ra nga sera ngatsho? So why not prove to yourself that what you have been taught from the Bible is indeed the truth? What enables us to be tested in this way as Paul mentioned, and how does God provide us with the ability to endure? (Vhalani Yobo 1: 7 - 10.) As he learned the truth about basic Bible doctrines, he shared his newly acquired knowledge with his congregation. (Read Job 1: 7 - 10.) Kha tshiṅwe tshifanyiso, o fanyisa mavu a re na matombo na vhathu vhane "vha ṱanganedza ipfi [ḽa Mudzimu] vhó takala " fhedzi vha kundelwa u konḓelela musi vho sedzana na milingo ya lutendo. Real Estate: If a person has real estate that can be sold, he can donate it to a legal organization used by Jehovah's Witnesses. In another illustration, he likened stones to men who "take [God's] word with joy " but fail to endure tests of faith. U ya nga bugu ine ya pfi Wrecks, Wreckers and Rescuers, mavhone eneo a vha o itelwa u kungela zwikepe matomboni nnḓa ha maḓi u itela uri vha kone u tswa kha zwikepe zwo pwasheaho. Paul wrote: "Whatever it is that you do in word or in work, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus. " According to the book Wrerecks, Wreres and Tssssasasis, the lights were designed to travel through the water boat to steal on the main sea. (Yobo 1: 6) Itani zwi fanaho na nga vhana vhaṋu. Money may be placed in trust for the benefit of Watch Tower. However, upon request the funds will be returned. For more information, please contact the Office of the Secretary and Treasurer at the address noted above. CHARITABLE PLANNING Do the same with your children. Ndi ngani inwi muṋe ni sa ṱolisisi uri zwe na zwi gudiswa u bva Bivhilini ndi mafhungo ngoho? Genuine Christians have always accepted the Bible, "not as the word of men, but, just as it truthfully is, as the word of God. " Why not examine whether what you have been taught from the Bible is the truth? Musi a tshi guda mafhungo - ngoho nga ha pfunzothendwa dza mutheo dza Bivhili, o funza nga zwe a zwi guda kerekeni ya hawe. For the majority, though, it was the first and only time they would walk across the bed of a body of water without getting wet. When she learned the truth about basic Bible doctrines, she taught about what she learned at her church. Zwifhaṱo: Arali muthu e na tshifhaṱo tshine tsha nga rengiswa, a nga ṋeela ngatsho kha Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of South Africa. Then pray about it, and strive to see how you can improve. Wills and Trusts: Property or money may be bequeathed to an entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses by means of a legally executed will or by specifying the entity as the beneficiary of a trust agreement. Paulo o ṅwala a ri: "Huno zwoṱhe zwiné na ita u amba, na zwiné na ita u shuma, zwoṱhe zwi iteni nga dzina ḽa Murena Yesu. " The Bible does not tell us the outcome, but these sisters may have responded well to the apostle Paul's loving counsel. - Phil. Paul wrote: "All things... that you speak and do, do all things in the name of the Lord Jesus. " Nga nnḓa ha zwifhiwa zwo tou livhaho zwa tshelede na miṋeelo ya tshelede i yaho nga zwiimo, hu na maṅwe maitele a u ṋea u itela u vhuyedza mushumo wa Muvhuso shangoni ḽoṱhe. " He puts it upon his shoulders. " In addition to outright gifts of money and money donated by circumstances, there are other methods of giving to benefit Kingdom service worldwide. Tshifhinga tshoṱhe Vhakriste vha vhukuma vho ṱanganedza Bivhili "lu si lwa fhungo ḽa vhathu, lu re lwa fhungo ḽa Mudzimu, nangoho ḽi ḽa Mudzimu. " Starting with chapter 2, each chapter contains a box entitled "Questions for Meditation. " Each time, true Christians accepted the Bible, "not the word of men, but the word of God. " Naho zwo ralo, kha vhanzhi vha vhenevho, lwo vha lu lwa u thoma vha tshi pfuka vhukati ha maḓi vha sa ṋukali. On the contrary, those who persist in offending God by stubbornly ignoring or defying his righteous feelings will shortly become the objects of his displeasure. To many of them, however, it was the first time they passed through the water without falling. Nga zwenezwo, rabelani nga hazwo nahone ni ite zwoṱhe zwine na nga kona u itela u khwinisa. 4: 20 - 24; 1 Pet. So pray about it and do all you can to improve it. Bivhili a i ri vhudzi zwe zwa itea nga murahu, fhedzi vhenevho vhahashu vha nga vha vho ṱanganedza nyeletshedzo ya muapostola Paulo. - Vhafil. Yet it had been futile, or worthless, in securing for me lasting happiness and peace of mind. " The Bible does not tell us what happened next, but those brothers may have accepted the apostle Paul's counsel. - Phil. U "i takulela kha mahaḓa awe. " As we age, our desires change. He "does not turn his shoulders aside from his shoulders. " U thoma kha ndima ya 2, ndima iṅwe na iṅwe i na bogisi ḽi re na tshiṱoho tshine tsha ri "Mbudziso Dza U Elekanya. " Was Samuel aware of the problem? Beginning in chapter 2, each chapter contains a box entitled "Questions for Meditation. " (Mirero 3: 32; 11: 20) Nga ho fhambanaho, vhane vha bvela phanḓa vha tshi sinyusa Mudzimu nga u nyadza kana u pfuka nga swili maḓipfele awe o lugaho hu si kale vha ḓo ṱangana na mvelelo dza u mu sinyusa havho. With precision timing, trained operators coordinated the presentation of two miles of film, 26 phonograph records, and some 500 glass slides In contrast, those who continue to displease God by ignoring or violating his righteous feelings will soon experience the consequences of displeasing him. 4: 20 - 24; 1 Pet. This day of judgment will come as suddenly as the Flood of Noah's day, which swept away an entire wicked generation. 4: 20 - 24; 1 Pet. 2 B.C.E. Since we are striving to keep our integrity, we do not look for loopholes. 2 B.C.E. Fhedzi zwo vha zwi mahandana, kana zwi si na mushumo, kha u ita uri ndi wane dakalo ḽa vhukuma na mulalo wa ngelelo. " [ Picture on page 25] But it was futile, or useless, to make me find true happiness and peace of mind. " (Psalme ya 145: 16) Musi ri tshi aluwa, zwine ra zwi tama zwi a shanduka. You will never regret seeking true worship. As we grow older, our desires change. (1 Samuele 8: 4, 5) Naa Samuele o vha a tshi ḓivha nga ha vhuleme honoho? It is commendable if we share regularly in such wholesome and satisfying activities as attending congregation meetings and participating in field service. Did Samuel know about that problem? Vhahashu vho gudiswaho vho ita uri filimu ya khilomithara dza 3,2 i tshimbidzane na rekhodo dza 26, na dzi - slide dza ngilasi dzi ṱoḓaho u vha 500 Abraham also made supplication in behalf of others. The trained brothers had a film of 3,2 miles (U.S.) in line with 26 records, and about 500 slides. Ḽeneḽi ḓuvha ḽa khaṱulo ḽi ḓo ḓa u fana na Maḓi Mahulu a tshifhingani tsha Noaxe, e a fhelisa lushaka lwoṱhe luvhi. [ Picture Credit Line on page 5] This day of judgment will come exactly as the Flood of Noah's day, which destroyed the entire nation. Samusi ri tshi khou lwela u dzula ri tshi fulufhedzea, a ri ṱoḓi zwiitisi zwa u vhuyafhedza u ḓifara luvhi. Paul knew this from personal experience. As we strive to maintain our integrity, we do not need reasons to justify immorality. [ Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 25] But Sarah's home was more to her than a mere place in which to keep her belongings. [ Picture on page 25] Ni nga si vhuye na ḓisola nga u ṱoḓa vhurabeli ha ngoho. All of us need to "keep working out [our] own salvation with fear and trembling. " You will never regret seeking true worship. Ndi zwavhuḓi arali tshifhinga tshoṱhe ri tshi ṱanganela mishumoni i vhuyedzaho na i fushaho i fanaho na u ya miṱanganoni ya tshivhidzo na u ṱanganela vhuḓinḓani ha tsimu. The tracts also highlight the brochure Good News From God! It is always good for us to share in rewarding and satisfying activities, such as attending congregation meetings and sharing in the field ministry. (Genesi 18: 23 - 33) Abrahamu o dovha a rabelela na vhaṅwe. True, John included a time that appears to vary from that given by Mark. Abraham also prayed for others. [ Ṱhaluso ya Vhubvo ha Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 5] " Have intense love [a·gaʹpe] for one another, " admonished the apostle Peter. [ Picture Credit Line on page 5] Paulo o vha a tshi ḓivha zwenezwi u bva kha zwe a zwi tshenzhela. Dealing With a Difficult People Paul knew this from personal experience. Fhedzi hayani ha Sara ho vha hu sa sokou vha fhethu hune a vhea hone thundu dzawe. Moved by holy spirit, Simeon uttered prophetic words about the Messiah and foretold sorrow for Mary, who experienced grief when Jesus was impaled on a torture stake. But Sarah's home was more than just his place of property. Roṱhe ri fanela u " lusa nga nyofho na u tetemela, uri ri tshidzwe. ' Some Witnesses sharing in the preaching work in Moscow were punched and kicked by opposers. All of us need to " exert themselves in fear and trembling, that we may get saved. ' Zwibammbiri zwi dovha zwa ombedzela bugwana Mafhungo Maḓifha A Bvaho Ha Mudzimu! * (See footnote.) The tracts also highlight the Good News From God! Ndi ngoho uri Yohane o amba nga tshifhinga tshi sa fani na tshee tsha ambiwa nga Marko. My wife and I were associated with that congregation for 24 years, and we felt very comfortable there. " It is true that John spoke at a time different from Mark's. Muapostola Petro o ṱuṱuwedza a ri: "Ivhani vho dzulaho vhó vhamba lufuno [a·gaʹpe] lwa u funana. " National Archaeological Museum, Athens The apostle Peter urged: "Become loving - kindness to those dwelling in love [a·gaʹpe]. " U Shumisana na Vhathu Vha Konḓaho But each week, the members of that family make the difficult journey into town for the meetings. Keys to Family Happiness A tshi ṱuṱuwedzwa nga muya mukhethwa, Simeoni o amba maipfi a vhuporofita a malugana na Messia na vhuṱungu ho dzulaho ho ambiwa he ha vha vhu tshi ḓo pfiwa nga Maria musi Yesu a tshi ombelwa kha danga ḽa tshengedzo. 119: 16, 24, 47, 48, 77, 97. Under the influence of holy spirit, Simeon uttered prophetic words concerning the Messiah and the tribulation foretold by Mary when Jesus was impaled on a torture stake. Dziṅwe Ṱhanzi dze dza vha dzi mushumoni wa u huwelela dzo rwiwa nga mavili na u rahekanyiwa nga vhapikisi. Yes, wars and disasters threaten civilization. Other Witnesses in the preaching work were flogged by boxing and against opposers. * (Sedzani ṱhaluso i re magumoni a siaṱari.) Sadly, his arms and legs must often be tied to his wheelchair to prevent such accidents. * (See footnote.) Nṋe na musadzi wanga ro fhedza miṅwaha ya 24 ri tshi khou ṱanganela kha tshenetsho tshivhidzo, nahone ro vha ri tshi tshi funa vhukuma. " You have probably seen holy spirit working in your life. My wife and I spent 24 years associating in that congregation, and we loved each other very much. " National Archaeological Museum, Athens [ Picture on page 29] National Archaeology Museum, Athens Fhedzi vhege iṅwe na iṅwe, wonoyo muṱa u fara lwendo lulapfu lwa u ya ḓoroboni u itela u vha hone miṱanganoni. Indeed, much about how we develop remains unknown to man. But each week, the family makes a long trip to town to attend meetings. 119: 16, 24, 47, 48, 77, 97. For one thing, Jehovah required that the flour be of high quality. 119: 16, 24, 47, 48, 77, 97. Ndi ngoho uri dzinndwa na madziedzi zwi vhea vhutshilo ha vhathu khomboni. Over the next few weeks, Leah placed 23 copies of the Young People Ask book with her schoolmates and their friends. Of course, wars and disasters endanger people's lives. Zwi ṱungufhadzaho ndi uri zwanḓa na milenzhe yawe zwo vha zwi tshi anzela u vhofhwa na tshidulo tshawe tsha vhaholefhali u itela uri a si tsha ḓihuvhadza. I also recall the 1942 Cleveland, Ohio, convention where Brother Nathan H. Sadly, his hands and feet were often pushing his wheelchair so that he could not harm himself. Khamusi no vhona uri muya mukhethwa wo vha u tshi khou shuma vhutshiloni haṋu. However, when describing the image, Daniel does not mention the number of toes. You have likely seen that the holy spirit was at work in your life. [ Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 29] At times, an archaeological discovery directly or indirectly confirms the existence of a Bible character. [ Picture on page 29] I ngoho, hu na zwithu zwinzhi zwine vhathu vha sa zwi ḓivhe nga ha nḓila ine ra vhumbea ngayo. We can show we care about our brothers by meeting together to encourage one another. Of course, there are many things that people do not know about how we are molded. Zwine zwa vha zwone ndi uri Yehova o ṱoḓa uri vhukhopfu vhu vhe ha vhuimo ha nṱha. The next year, my sister, a faithful servant of Jehovah God, was murdered in a separate, unrelated incident. In fact, Jehovah wanted the flour to be prominent. Nga murahu ha vhege dzi si nngana, Leah o vha o no tshimbidza bugu dza 23 dza Young People Ask, kha vhane a dzhena navho kilasini na khonani dzavho. Paul told Titus to keep reminding Christians in Crete "not to be belligerent, to be reasonable, exhibiting all mildness toward all men. " After a few weeks, Leah had placed 23 books of Young People Ask, his classmates, and their friends. Ndi kha ḓi humbula buthano ḽa ngei Cleveland, Ohio, nga 1942 he Wahashu Nathan H. Released but Not for Long I remember Brother Nathan H. Naho zwo ralo, musi a tshi ṱalusa tshenetsho tshifanyiso, Daniele ho ngo bula tshivhalo tsha zwikunwane. True Christians not only refuse to take up arms in any conflict but also work hard to show love for one another. However, in describing that illustration, Daniel did not mention the number of feet. Nga zwiṅwe zwifhinga, vhatumbuli vha zwo fukulwaho mavuni vho wana zwithu zwine zwa khwaṱhisedza uri muṅwe mubvumbedzwa a re Bivhilini o vha e hone zwa vhukuma kana o vha e siho. The apostle's letter, written about 98 C.E., appears in the Christian Greek Scriptures as "The Third of John. " At times, archaeologists have found that someone in the Bible was real or not. Ri nga sumbedza uri ri funa vhahashu musi ri tshi kuvhangana u itela u ṱuṱuwedzana. " I hated life, " he said. We can show love for our brothers when we gather together to encourage one another. Nga ṅwaha u tevhelaho, khaladzi anga, we a vha e mushumeli wa Yehova Mudzimu a fulufhedzeaho, o mbo ḓi vhulahwa. Rather than risking that outcome, we might forgo the opportunity to conduct a study. The following year, my faithful brother, Jehovah God, was killed. Paulo o vhudza Tito uri a dzule a tshi humbudza Vhakriste vha ngei Kereta uri "vha songo levha, vha vuḓe, vha itele vhuhwavho vhathu vhoṱhe. " The same Bible verse says that Enoch continued to walk with Jehovah after he fathered his son Methuselah. Paul told Titus to remind Christians in Crete so that they should "become kind to one another. " U Vhofhololwa Lwa Tshifhinganyana Or we might wish to have a more "normal " life. Deliverance From Those Vhakriste vha ngoho a vha hani u lwa fhedzi kha dzi khakhathi dza shango fhedzi vha dovha vha shuma vhukuma u itela u sumbedzana lufuno. Consider Jehovah, for example. How do true Christians not fight only in the conflicts of the world but also work hard to show love for one another? Vhurifhi ha muapostola ho ṅwalwa miṅwahani i ṱoḓaho u vha 98 C.E., nahone vhu wanala kha Maṅwalo a Tshikriste a Lugerika sa "Vhurifhi Ha Vhuraru Ha Yohane. " Bible study may not be easy for many of us. The apostle's letter was written about 98 C.E., and it is found in the Christian Greek Scriptures as "the Three of John. " O ri: "Nda vhuya nda nyadza vhutshilo. " By relying on God, Jehoshaphat did much good. He said: "I once despised life. " U itela u iledza u tshenzhela zwithu zwo raloho, ri nga kha ḓi phetha u litsha u fara pfunzo. How could you use your potential more fully? To avoid such an experience, we may decide to stop conducting a study. Yeneyo ndimana i dovha ya amba uri Henoxe o bvela phanḓa a tshi tshimbila na Yehova musi o no vha na murwa ane a pfi Methusala. The strength of the besieging army did not impress those protected within the city's walls. That verse also says that Enoch continued to walk with Jehovah after he had a son named Methuselah. Kana ri nga kha ḓi tama u vha na zwithu zwine vhathu vha zwi dzhia zwo "ḓowelea " vhutshiloni. Or, " Who has first given to him, so that it must be repaid to him? ' Or we may wish to have certain things that people consider to be "a tree of life. " Ṱhogomelani tsumbo ya Yehova. We should consider the study of God's Word to be part of our worship. Consider Jehovah's example. Vhunzhi hashu zwi nga kha ḓi vha zwi sa ri lelutsheli u guda Bivhili. So rather than leaving a child's heart to chance, a wise parent will train up the child "according to the way for him, " in the confidence that" when he grows old he will not turn aside from it. " - Proverbs 22: 6. Most of us may not find it easy to study the Bible. Yosafati o ita zwithu zwinzhi zwavhuḓi musi a tshi ḓitika nga Mudzimu. Those gathered constitute "a mighty nation " of more than eight million happy people who" are rendering [God] sacred service day and night. " Jehoshaphat did many good things when he relied on God. Ni nga shumisa hani vhukoni haṋu nga vhuḓalo? Yet, this did not mean that their course would be free from trials and hardships. How can you make full use of your abilities? Maanḓa a mmbi yo govhelaho ho ngo shushedza vhathu vho tsireledzeaho nga ngomu ha mbodo dza ḓorobo. Jesus Perfectly Reflects God's Dignity The powerful forces of soldiers did not intimidate the safe people inside the walls of the city. Naa ndi nnyi ane a ḓivha mihumbulo ya Murena? Kana we a langana nae ' maano ndi nnyi? His dark brown eyes, once determined and unyielding, begin to soften. Who has come to know Jehovah's mind, or who has taken a stand against him? ' Ngauri ri fanela u dzhia u guda Ipfi ḽa Mudzimu sa tshipiḓa tsha vhurabeli hashu. This experience prompted him to begin learning sign language. Because we need to view study God's Word as part of our worship. Ngauralo, nṱhani ha u litsha ṅwana a tshi aluwa a si na vhulivhisi, mubebi o ṱalifhaho u ḓo mu " dededzela nḓilani yawe, ' e na vhuṱanzi ha u ri u "ḓo kalaha á songó i laṱa. " - Mirero 22: 6. " Show me your faith without the works, " wrote James, "and I will show you my faith by my works. " So instead of allowing a child to grow up without guidance, a wise parent will " guide him in his way, ' having the witness that he will not turn aside from it. ' - Proverbs 22: 6. Vhane vha khou kuvhanganywa vha vhumba "lushaka luhulu " lwa vhathu vho takalaho vha fhiraho milioni dza malo vhane vha khou ita" tshumelo khethwa [ya Mudzimu] masiari na vhusiku. " Whose prayers does Jehovah accept? Those gathered make up "a great nation " of over eight million people who are doing" sacred service [God's] service day and night. " Naho zwo ralo, hezwi zwo vha zwi sa ambi uri vho vha vha sa ḓo ṱangana na milingo na zwithu zwi konḓaho. He wrote: "That they may do this with joy and not with sighing, for this would be damaging to you. " However, this did not mean that they would not face severe trials and hardships. Yesu O Sumbedza Tshirunzi Tsha Mudzimu Zwavhuḓi What weights or burdens might hinder us from gaining the prize in the race for life? Jesus Displayed God's Genuine Dignity Samusi u thomani o vha a songo ḓiimisela u shanduka, o mbo ḓi shandula mavhonele awe. An additional nine million or so associate with them, and many of these are taking decisive steps to enter into a close personal relationship with God. Being unwilling to change, he changed his attitude. Yeneyi tshenzhelo yo mu susumedzela uri a thome u guda luambo lwa zwanḓa. How is the prophecy about the preaching work being fulfilled in these last days? This experience moved him to start learning sign language. Yakobo o ri: "Ntsumbedze lutendo lwau lu si na mishumo, nahone nṋe ndi ḓo u sumbedza lutendo lwanga nga mishumo yanga. " (Read 2 Kings 18: 31, 32.) James said: "Make sure of your faith without works, and I will show my faith by my works. " Yehova u ṱanganedza thabelo dza vhafhio? It is no different with the eyes of the heart. Whom does Jehovah accept prayers? O ṅwala: "Uri vha shume vhó takala, vhá sa fhihamelwi; izwo a zwi ni farisi tshithu. " You are also encouraged to develop godly qualities, particularly love, and to make it your personal goal to live under God's incoming Messianic Kingdom. He wrote: "To be joyful and to no avail, but to no avail. " Ndi mihwalo ifhio i lemelaho ine ya nga ri thivhela u wana dzanga ḽa mbambe ya vhutshilo? Jon: No, I don't recall. What heavy burdens can prevent us from finding the prize of the race for life? Nahone vhathu vha linganaho milioni dza ṱahe kana u fhira vha a ṱanganela navho, nahone vhunzhi ha vhenevho vha khou dzhia vhukando ha u vha na vhushaka ha tsini - tsini na Mudzimu. True, Solomon's case was special. And nine million people or more are joining them, and most of them are taking the initiative to have a close relationship with God. Vhuporofita ha mushumo wa u huwelela vhu khou ḓadzea hani kha ano maḓuvha a vhufhelo? The Watchtower, July 15, 2013, pages 21 - 22, paragraphs 8 - 10, explains who the faithful and discreet slave is. How is the prophecy of the preaching work being fulfilled in these last days? (Vhalani 2 Dzikhosi 18: 31, 32.) The transition can be overwhelming. (Read 2 Kings 18: 31, 32.) Hu itea zwi fanaho na kha maṱo ashu a mbilu kana a lwa pfanyisedzo. He was so interested that when we left his village, he accompanied us to ask further questions along the way. The same happens to our literal eyes or to our figurative eyes. Ni ṱuṱuwedzelwa uri ni bveledze pfaneleo dza vhumudzimu, zwihuluhulu lufuno, nahone u ḓivhea nga fhasi ha Muvhuso wa Vhumessia wa Mudzimu une wa khou ḓa ni zwi ite tshipikwa tshaṋu. Although their precious inheritance, the Promised Land, was very close, some 24,000 Israelites lost their lives. You are urged to produce godly qualities, especially love, and submit to the coming Messianic Kingdom of God to your goal. Jon: Hai, a thi tsha zwi humbula. Where can we find helpful information about our history, and how can we benefit from learning about it? Jon: No, I don't think of it. 3: 7 - 14) Vhukuma, mafhungo a Salomo o vha o khethea vhukuma. Serge notes: "We feel very useful in the congregation. " Indeed, Solomon's words were truly unique. Tshiingamo tsha ḽa 15 July, 2013, masiaṱari 21 - 22, dziphara 8 - 10, tshi ṱalutshedza uri mulanda a fulufhedzeaho na wa vhuṱali ndi nnyi. How might Jehovah help you if you lose your job? The July 15, 2013, issue of The Watchtower, pages 21 - 22, paragraphs 8 - 10, explains who is the faithful and discreet slave. Zwenezwo zwi nga konḓa vhukuma. In view of how serious baptism is, three questions deserve our attention. That can be very difficult. O vha e na dzangalelo lwe musi ri tshi ṱuwa kha wonoyo muḓi, o ri fhelekedza a tshi itela u ri vhudzisa mbudziso dzo engedzeaho. Many of God's faithful servants have echoed those words of the apostle Paul. He was so interested that when we left the city, he escorted us to ask further questions. Nga ṅwambo wa zwenezwo, Tshigwada Tshihulwane tsha Vhamashaka tsha ṱutshela ḽeneḽo shango nahone tsha bvela phanḓa na mishumo yatsho kule. What privilege is enjoyed by those who are dedicated to Jehovah? As a result, the Major Party left the country and continued its activities far away. Naho ifa ḽavho ḽa ndeme ḽine ḽa vha Shango ḽo Fulufhedziswaho ḽo vha ḽi tsini, vhaṅwe Vhaisiraele vha 24 000 vho mbo ḓi fa. Baptism shows others that you have made an important promise to Jehovah. Although their precious possession of the Promised Land was near, some 30,000 Israelites died. Ri nga wana ngafhi mafhungo ane a nga ri thusa a ḓivhazwakale yashu, nahone ri nga vhuyelwa hani nga u guda nga hao? Can you identify the people who are following in the footsteps of Christ and preaching the good news of the Kingdom around the world? Where can we find information that can help us in our history, and how can we benefit from learning about them? Serge o ri: "Ri ḓipfa ri tshi shumiswa vhukuma tshivhidzoni. " If he is married, the love and honor he shows his wife sets an example for other husbands to imitate. " We feel that we are well - used in the congregation, " says Serge. Yehova a nga ni thusa hani arali na xelelwa nga mushumo? As the Law of Moses was originally written and passed down in Hebrew, Jesus was likely referring to the Hebrew letter. How can Jehovah help you if you lose a job? Samusi zwino ri tshi vho ḓivha nḓila ine u lovhedzwa zwa vha zwa ndeme ngayo, ri fanela u ḓivha phindulo dza mbudziso tharu. There was no arrangement for divorce or for having more than one mate at the same time. Now that we know how important baptism is, we need to know the answers to three questions. Vhunzhi ha vhashumeli vha Mudzimu vha fulufhedzeaho vho no vhuya vha amba maipfi a fanaho na a muapostola Paulo. I wrote to a number of clergymen and asked them Bible questions. Many faithful servants of God have had a word similar to that of the apostle Paul. Ndi ndugelo ifhio ine vho ḓiṋekedzaho kha Yehova vha ḓiphina ngayo? Jesus helped his disciples to acquire both, and Jehovah, through his organization, helps us to do so today. What privilege do those dedicated to Jehovah enjoy? Ndovhedzo i sumbedza vhaṅwe uri no ita fulufhedziso ḽa ndeme kha Yehova. What must we never do with our gift of free will? Baptism shows others that you have made a solemn promise to Jehovah. Naa ni nga ṱalula vhathu vhane vha khou tevhela ṋayo dza Kristo na u huwelela mafhungo maḓifha a Muvhuso shangoni ḽoṱhe? When the festival was instituted, Moses instructed the people: "In case your son should inquire of you later on, saying, " What does this mean? ' Can you identify those who follow Christ's steps and preach the good news of the Kingdom worldwide? Arali o vhinga, lufuno na ṱhonifho zwine a zwi sumbedza musadzi wawe zwi vha tsumbo kha vhaṅwe vhanna uri vha i edzise. I applied for employment in a number of countries, and eventually, in May 1966, a letter arrived from the Ministry of Education in Uganda confirming that I had a position. If he is married, his love and respect for his wife are exemplary in some men to imitate. Samusi mathomoni Mulayo wa Mushe wo vha wo ṅwalwa nga Luheberu, khamusi Yesu o vha a tshi khou ambela kha ḽeḓere ḽa Luheberu. Just after the Flood of Noah's day, God gave Noah and his family permission to eat the flesh of animals. Since the Mosaic Law was originally written in Hebrew, Jesus was probably referring to a Hebrew letter. Ho vha hu si na nzudzanyo ya ṱhalano kana u vha na mufarisi a fhiraho muthihi nga tshifhinga tshithihi. Of course, being unyielding when something does not violate Scriptural principles may cause unnecessary friction. There was no marriage arrangement or any other mate at the same time. Ndo ṅwalela vhunzhi ha vhafunzi nahone nda vha vhudzisa mbudziso dza Bivhili. If the Corinthians refused to reinstate the repentant man, Satan would overreach them in that they would be as hard and unforgiving as the Devil wanted them to be. I wrote many of the clergy and asked them Bible questions. Yesu o thusa vhafunziwa vhawe uri vha vhe na nḓivho yeneyo na vhutsila, nahone a tshi shumisa ndangulo yawe, Yehova u ri thusa u ita nga u ralo ṋamusi. Successive generations of Witnesses in that area can testify to the truth of the apostle Paul's statement: "If God is for us, who will be against us? " - Romans 8: 31. Jesus helped his disciples to gain that knowledge and skill, and by means of his organization, Jehovah helps us to do so today. Ndi mini zwine ra si fanele u zwi ita nga mbofholowo yashu ya u ḓikhethela? Abraham had faith that if needed, Jehovah would resurrect his son so that all of God's promises would come true What should we not do with our free will? Musi vhuṱambo honovhu vhu tshi thomiwa, Mushe o vhudza vhathu a ri: "Murwa wau misi i ḓaho a tshi ḓo U vhudzisa a ri: Maitele haya ndi a u ' mini? Were not "wicked reasonings " behind those cases? When this festival was instituted, Moses told the people: "When your son is coming, he will ask you: " What is this system of things? ' Ndo ṱoḓa mushumo mashangoni manzhi, nahone nga May 1966, nda fheleledza ndo wana vhurifhi vhu bvaho Ofisini ya Pfunzo ngei Uganda vhu tshi khou amba uri ndo wana mushumo. Let us consider that account and see how it will help us to examine our attitude about forgiveness and deepen our understanding of how forgiveness relates to Jehovah's view of justice. I searched for a job in many countries, and in May 1966, I received a letter from the branch office in Uganda as saying that I had found a job. Nga murahu ha Maḓi Mahulu a misini ya Noaxe, Mudzimu o ṋea Noaxe na vha muṱa wawe thendelo ya u ḽa ṋama ya zwipuka. We did it willingly and happily. " After the Flood of Noah's day, God gave Noah and his family permission to eat the flesh of animals. Ndi ngoho uri u sa tendelana na zwiimo musi hu si na maitele a Maṅwalo ane a khou pfukwa zwi nga ita uri hu vhe na khuḓano i sa ṱoḓei. When he spoke of the Greek games, however, Paul appropriately referred to them merely to illustrate the importance for Christians to have such qualities as self - control and endurance. Of course, being yielding when there are no Scriptural principles that are being violated can lead to unnecessary conflict. 11: 36, 37) O vha a si tsha ḓo vhingwa, u vha na vhana, u engedza lushaka u katela na u wana ifa. Although Jehovah had not yet organized the Israelites as a nation, he recognized them as his people. He would no longer marry, have children, expand the nation, and have an inheritance. Arali Vhakorinta vha hane u vhuyedzedza tshivhidzoni munna o rembuluwaho, Sathane o vha a tshi ḓo vha kanganyedza uri vha sa pfele vhuṱungu na u sa hangwela samusi o vha a tshi khou ṱoḓa vha tshi vha nga yeneyo nḓila. Why does such increase take place? If the Corinthians refused to return to the repentant man's congregation, Satan would have prevented them from showing compassion and forgiveness just as he wanted them to do. U tevhekana ha mirafho ya Dziṱhanzi vhuponi honoho zwi nga ṋea vhuṱanzi malugana na vhungoho ha maipfi a muapostola Paulo: "Arali Mudzimu a tshi ima na riṋe, ané a nga ri pikisa ndi nnyi? " - Vha - Roma 8: 31. He gave some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelizers, some as shepherds and teachers, with a view to the readjustment of the holy ones, for ministerial work, for the building up of the body of the Christ. " - Ephesians 4: 8, 11, 12. A series of Witnesses in that area can give evidence of the truth of the apostle Paul's words: "If God is with us, who will be against us? " - Romans 8: 31. Abrahamu o vha e na lutendo lwa uri arali zwi tshi ṱoḓea Yehova o vha tshi ḓo vusa murwa wawe u itela uri mafulufhedziso oṱhe a Mudzimu a ḓadzee " The hand of Jehovah will become known to his servants. " - ISAIAH 66: 14. Abraham had faith that if needed, Jehovah would resurrect his son so that all of God's promises would come true 13: 1 - 30) Naa mbiluni dzavho ho vha hu si na "mihumbulo mivhi "? What Jesus Taught Came From God Was there no "wicked reasonings " in their hearts? Kha ri ṱolisise enea mafhungo na u vhona nḓila ine zwa nga ri thusa ngayo u ṱolisisa mavhonele ashu nga ha u hangwela na u pfesesa nḓila ine u hangwela zwa tshimbidzana ngayo na mavhonele a Yehova nga ha khaṱulo. Paul stated: "Demas has forsaken me because he loved the present system of things. " - 2 Tim. 4: 10; read Proverbs 4: 23. Let us examine the matter and see how it can help us to examine our attitude toward forgiveness and to understand how forgiveness relates to Jehovah's view of justice. Ro zwi ita nga u ḓifunela nahone ro takala. " The Bible explains in simple, easy - to - understand terms the condition of the dead. We willingly and gladly did it. " Naho zwo ralo, musi a tshi khou amba nga ha mitambo ya Gerika, Paulo o amba nga hayo zwo tea u itela u sumbedza ndeme kha Vhakriste ya u vha na pfaneleo dzi ngaho u ḓifara na u konḓelela. 6, 7. (a) How would you explain what Jesus said about the position of his followers with regard to the world? However, speaking about Greek games, Paul referred to it as necessary to show the importance of Christians in displaying such qualities as self - control and self - control. Naho Yehova o vha a sa dzhii Vhaisiraele sa lushaka, o vha a tshi vha dzhia sa vhathu vhawe. What is the best way to remember the birth and life of Jesus? Although Jehovah did not view the Israelites as a nation, he viewed them as his people. Ndi ngani hu tshi vha na yeneyo nyengedzeo? Tibor, Sr., with other brothers in Bor Why does such growth take place? Ho vha uri vhakhethwa vha lugiselwe u ḓo kona u shumela tshivhidzo, uri muvhili wa Kristo wonoyo u fhaṱiswe. " - Vha - Efesa 4: 8, 11, 12. Have you carefully read the recent issues of The Watchtower? It was that the holy ones would be able to serve the congregation, so that the body of the Christ might be made clean. " - Ephesians 4: 8, 11, 12. " Tshanḓa tsha Yehova tshi tshi ḓo ḓihwa kha vhalanda vhawe. " - YESAYA 66: 14. The seven times started hundreds of years before Jesus came to earth, and they continued until sometime after he returned to heaven. " The hand of Jehovah will become known to his servants. " - ISAIAH 66: 14. Zwe Yesu A Funza Zwi Bva Ha Mudzimu See, for example, Matthew 3: 17; Luke 2: 10 - 14; John 6: 5 - 14. What Jesus Taught From God Paulo o ri: "Dema o nṱutshela, nge a funa shango ḽino. " - 2 Tim. 4: 10; vhalani Mirero 4: 23. A case in point: If we think like Christ, we are compelled to resist the urge to retaliate. - 1 Peter 2: 21 - 23. Paul said: "He abandoned me, because he loved this world. " - 2 Tim. 4: 10; read Proverbs 4: 23. Bivhili i ṱalutshedza nga ha vhuimo ha vhafu nga nḓila ine ya pfesesea nga hu leluwaho. In a forthright judgment, Luther said that the revolt should be put down with force. The Bible explains the condition of the dead in a way that is easy to understand. 6, 7. (a) Ni nga ṱalutshedza hani zwe Yesu a zwi amba nga ha vhuimo ha vhatevheli vhawe musi zwi tshi ḓa kha shango? It also includes standing firm against those who are puzzled about our Christian way of life and who "go on speaking abusively of [us]. " - 1 Pet. 6, 7. (a) How would you explain what Jesus said about the position of his followers when it comes to the world? Ndi nḓila ifhio ya khwine ya u humbula nga ha u bebwa na vhutshilo ha Yesu? Listen to some busy professional people explain why taking time to care for their spiritual health is important to them. What is the best way to think about Jesus ' birth and life? Tibor, Muhulwane., na vhaṅwe vhahashu vha tshinnani ngei Bor * She says: "The reminder that has had the biggest effect on my life is the one about regular Bible reading. Tibor, the Supreme One, and some brothers and sisters in see Naa no vhala nga vhuronwane thero dza zwenezwino dza Tshiingamo? Goliath's great height may actually have been a disadvantage for him, since a shield - bearer of normal size could hardly have raised a shield high enough to protect the giant's head. Have you carefully read the recent issues of The Watchtower? Yeneyo miṅwaha ya sumbe yo thoma miṅwaha ya maḓana musi Yesu a sa athu ḓa kha ḽifhasi, nahone ya bvela phanḓa lwa tshifhinga musi o no humela ṱaḓulu. By striving to imitate the faith of Abraham and Sarah, we too can enjoy precious intimacy with God. That period of seven years began hundreds of years before Jesus came to earth, and he continued for a while after he returned to heaven. Sa tsumbo, sedzani Mateo 3: 17; Luka 2: 10 - 14; Yohane 6: 5 - 14. WILDFLOWERS like those seen here are a common sight along the roadways in southern Africa. For example, see Matthew 3: 17; Luke 2: 10 - 14; John 6: 5 - 14. Sa tsumbo, arali ri tshi humbula u fana na Kristo, ri ḓo kombetshedzea u lwisana na muya wa u lifhedza. - 1 Petro 2: 21 - 23. How could we use the Bible to a fuller extent in our teaching? For example, if we think like Christ, we will be forced to resist a spirit of revenge. - 1 Peter 2: 21 - 23. Nga phindulo i re khagala, Luther o amba uri honoho u vutshela hu fanela u fheliswa nga khani. Sound spiritual values and religious practice must be part of a coherent whole. In a clear answer, Luther said that such an attack should be removed by the issue. Zwi dovha zwa katela u ima ro khwaṱha musi ro sedzana na vhane vha mangadzwa nga matshilele ashu a Vhukriste na vhane " vha ri sema. ' - 1 Pet. • How are you being built up by the local congregation? It also includes standing firm when we are confronted with those who are amazed at our Christian conduct and who " speak abusively of us. ' - 1 Pet. Ṱhogomelani zwe vhaṅwe vhathu vhane vha dzula vho farakanea vha zwi amba musi vha tshi ṱalutshedza uri ndi ngani u dzhia tshifhinga u tshi khou ṱhogomela mutakalo wa muya zwi zwa ndeme khavho. The foremost law for Christians is the law of love. Consider what some busy people have said when they explain why taking time to take care of spiritual health is important to them. * O ri: "Khumbudzo ye ya nkwama vhukuma vhutshiloni hanga ndi ya u vhala Bivhili tshifhinga tshoṱhe. Moreover, Psalm 116: 15 assures us: "Precious in the eyes of Jehovah is the death of his loyal ones. " * He says: "The reminder that deeply touched my life is to read the Bible regularly. U lapfa ha Goliata ho vha hu tshi nga ita uri a kundwe nga hu leluwaho ngauri mufari wa zwihali o vha a nga si kone u tsireledza ṱhoho yawe. In Prague a man who was staying at one of the hotels used by delegates from Britain told conventioners one evening that he too had attended the sessions that day. Goliath's longness could easily lead to his defeat because the rider of the war could not protect his head. Nga u lwela u edzisa lutendo lwa Abrahamu na Sara, na riṋe ri nga ḓiphina nga vhushaka ha ndeme ha tsini - tsini na Mudzimu. 9, 10. (a) With what attitude should we serve God? By striving to imitate Abraham's faith and Sarah, we too can enjoy a close relationship with God. MALUVHA a ḓaka a fanaho na ane na khou a vhona kha ḽino siaṱari o ḓowelea u vhonala tsini na bada dza Afurika Tshipembe. At first, we may need to supplement our brothers ' food, clothing, or other basic needs. THE forestlike forest in which you see on this page is so familiar with the roads of South Africa. Ri nga shumisa hani Bivhili nga vhuḓalo musi ri tshi funza? By all means you should give them the possession of an inheritance in the midst of their father's brothers, and you must cause their father's inheritance to pass to them. " How can we make full use of the Bible in our teaching? Milayo ya zwithu zwa ndeme zwa vhurereli na maitele a zwa vhurereli i fanela u ḓitika nga maitele mathihi a vhurereli. [ Footnote] The laws of religion and religious practices should depend on the same religious system. • Tshivhidzo tshine na ṱanganela khatsho tshi khou ni fhaṱa nga nḓila - ḓe? What does the Bible tell us? • How are your local congregation building you up? Ndi ufhio mulayo wa ndeme u fhira yoṱhe? Ndi wa uri ri funane. They had the superior advice of God's Word, the Bible. What is the most important commandment that we love one another? Zwiṅwe hafhu, Psalme ya 116: 15 i ri ṋea khwaṱhisedzo ya uri: "Lufu lwa vhavhuya vhawe, maṱoni a Yehova ndi zwihulwane. " " Stand Firm and See the Salvation of Jehovah, " 12 / 15 Moreover, Psalm 116: 15 assures us: "The death of his loyal ones is great in Jehovah's eyes. " Muṅwe munna ngei Prague we a vha a tshi khou dzula hodelani nthihi na vhahashu vha Britain vhe vha vha vho ḓa buthanoni, nga maṅwe madekwana o vha vhudza uri na ene o vha e hone buthanoni. Jehovah's qualities of patience and long - suffering would scarcely have come so prominently to the fore had it not become necessary for him to deal with human imperfections, sins, and shortcomings. A man in Prague, who was living in a hotel with the British brothers who had attended a convention, told them that he too was present at a convention. 9, 10. (a) Ndi mavhonele afhio ane ra fanela u vha nao musi ri tshi shumela Mudzimu? This article will show how God's servants, single and married, can apply the Bible's counsel found in 1 Corinthians chapter 7 to their benefit in this important aspect of life. 9, 10. (a) What attitude should we have as we serve God? Mathomoni, ri nga ṋea vhahashu zwiḽiwa, zwiambaro kana dziṅwe ṱhoḓea. Now is therefore the time to do Jehovah's will with a keen sense of urgency. At first, we can feed our brothers, clothing, or other needs. Vha fhe shango ḽine ḽa ḓo vha ifa ḽavho kha vha lushaka lwa khotsi - avho; shango ḽe ḽa fanela khotsi - avho ḽi vhe ḽavho. " However, instead of ousting Hophni and Phinehas from office, Eli merely rebuked them mildly. Give them a land they will inherit from their father's inheritance, and the land that is worthy of their father. " [ Ṱhaluso i re magumoni a siaṱari] Jesus said that "out of the heart's abundance [the] mouth speaks. " [ Footnote] Bivhili i ri mini? So the day - to - day decisions we make in life should reflect our trust in Jehovah. What does the Bible say? 21: 27; Mish. 2: 29 - 36) Samusi Yakobo o amba nga ha wonoyo muṱangano u swayeaho, honovhu vhuporofita ha Amosi ho ḓadzea musi hu tshi kuvhanganywa maḽaifa a Muvhuso a bvaho kha Vhayuda na Vhannḓa. S. Since Jacob mentioned that remarkable meeting, this prophecy of Amos was fulfilled when a gathering of Kingdom heirs from Jews and Gentiles was gathered. Vho vha vhe na nyeletshedzo yavhuḓi vhukuma ya Ipfi ḽa Mudzimu, Bivhili. A lot of wealthy people are unhappy, while many poor people are very happy. They had good advice on God's Word, the Bible. Pfaneleo ya Yehova ya u sa fhela mbilu na ya u konḓelela yo vha i sa ḓo vhonala nga hu leluwaho arali ho vha hu songo vha na ṱhoḓea ya uri a sedzane na u sa fhelela ha vhathu, u vha havho na zwivhi na u vha na vhushayanungo. Jesus continued his Sermon on the Mount by saying: "Happy are the mild - tempered ones, since they will inherit the earth. " Jehovah's qualities of patience and endurance would not be easily seen if there were no need for him to cope with human imperfection, their sin, and their weaknesses. Heyi thero i ḓo sumbedza nḓila ine vhashumeli vha Mudzimu vha re mbinganoni na vha si ho mbinganoni vha shumisa ngayo nyeletshedzo ya Bivhili i re kha 1 Vha - Korinta ndima ya 7 u itela u ḓivhuyedza kha ḽeneḽi sia ḽa ndeme ḽa vhutshilo. Why is this counsel so needed in our day? This article will show how single and unmarried servants of God apply the Bible's counsel found in 1 Corinthians chapter 7 to benefit themselves from this important aspect of life. Ngauralo zwino ndi tshifhinga tsha u ita zwine Yehova a zwi funa ri na muya wa u ṱavhanyisa zwithu. But it is worth the effort - even the heavens will rejoice when they return. - Luke 15: 7. So now is the time to do Jehovah's will with a sense of urgency. Naho zwo ralo, nṱhani ha u bvisa Hofuni na Pinehasi vhudzuloni, Eli o tou vha kaidza zwavhuḓi. This has resulted in panic attacks, breathing problems, and stomach cramps. However, rather than removing Phinehas and Phinehas from their place, Eli strongly rebuked them. Yesu o amba uri "mulomo wa muthu u amba zwe mbilu ya ḓala zwone. " There are at least five. Jesus said that "the man's words are full of hearts. " Ngauralo phetho dzine ra dzi ita ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe vhutshiloni dzi fanela u sumbedza uri ri a fulufhela Yehova. However, there is something else that Jehovah will make "pretty " in the near future. So the decisions we make every day in life should reflect our trust in Jehovah. S. Disputes. S. Vhunzhi ha vhathu vho pfumaho a vho ngo takala, ngeno vhunzhi ha vhathu vha shayaho vho takala vhukuma. Before God created Eve, he had told Adam: "From every tree of the garden you may eat to satisfaction. But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die. " Many wealthy people are not happy, but many people are very poor. Yesu o bvela phanḓa kha Pfunzo yawe ya Thavhani a ri: "Vha a takala vha re na vhulenda, ngauri vhané shango ḽa ḓo vha ifa ḽavho ndi vhenevho. " 4: 4 - 8, 20 - 24. Jesus continued in his Sermon on the Mount: "Happy are the mild - tempered ones, since they will inherit the earth. " Ndi ngani yeneyi nyeletshedzo i tshi ṱoḓea vhukuma misini yashu? 4: 17, 18 - How could a man do the work of rebuilding with just one hand? Why is this counsel especially needed in our day? Fhedzi zwi a vhuyedza - na ḽiṱaḓulu ḽi ḓo takala musi vha tshi vhuya. - Luka 15: 7. you could simply reply: "Why should I believe in evolution? But they will benefit - and the heavens will be happy when they return. - Luke 15: 7. Zwenezwi zwo ita uri ndi tshuwe, ndi vhe na thaidzo ya u fema na zwiṱhavhi thumbuni nahone zwi ita uri ndi dzule ndo neta. " We can be sure that Joseph took young Jesus to the synagogue to hear the Scriptures read and discussed. This caused me to become terrified, to have problems with breathing and disease, and to keep me tired. " Hu na zwi ṱoḓaho u vha zwiṱanu. Human governments may provide health alerts regarding foods and medicines. There are about five. Naho zwo ralo, hu na zwiṅwe zwithu zwine Yehova a ḓo zwi ita uri zwi " nake ' tshifhingani tshi ḓaho. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am mild - tempered and lowly in heart, and you will find refreshment for your souls. However, there are other things that Jehovah will " make them rejoice ' in the future. Khuḓano. Hence, they can pray in faith, as did the psalmist who said: "As for me, in your loving - kindness I have trusted; let my heart be joyful in your salvation. " The solution. Musi Mudzimu a sa athu sika Eva, o vhudza Adamu uri: "Miri yoṱhe ya tsimu i ḽe zwau, Hone uḽa muri wa u ṱalukanya vhuḓi na vhuvhi U sóngo u ḽa; ngauri ḓuvha ḽine wa ḓo ḽa wonoyo, U ḓo vha wa u fa. " " Skillful direction " is especially important when we find ourselves in troubled waters, figuratively speaking. Before God created Eve, he told Adam: "From every tree of the garden you may eat to satisfaction, but as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will certainly die. " 4: 4 - 8, 20 - 24. It did not take us long to learn differently. 4: 4 - 8, 20 - 24. 4: 11, 12 - Zwi nga konadzea hani uri muthu a fhaṱe nga tshanḓa tshithihi? Peter said these words because he had just seen how God's own hand directed matters so that a family of Gentiles, formerly considered unclean and unacceptable, became acceptable to Him. 4: 11, 12 - How is it possible for a person to build one hand? ni nga fhindula nga uri: "Ndi ngani ndi tshi fanela u tenda kha pfunzo ya uri zwithu zwo sokou bvelela? Can you find additional ways that you can cooperate with one another in your family? You may answer: "Why should I believe in evolution? (Ekisodo 12: 24 - 27; Doiteronomio 6: 6 - 9; Mateo 1: 18 - 20) Ri nga vha na vhungoho ha uri Yosefa o vha a tshi ṱuwa na Yesu tshikoloni u itela uri a pfe Maṅwalo a tshi vhaliwa na u haseledzwa. The Pharisees were Jesus ' enemies. We can be sure that Joseph took Jesus to school so that the Scriptures could be read and discussed. Mivhuso ya vhathu i nga kha ḓi ṋea vhathu tsevho dza mutakalo malugana na zwiḽiwa na mishonga. So, what was the apostle referring to when he said: "Let everyone calling on the name of Jehovah renounce unrighteousness "? Human governments may provide medical warnings regarding food and medicine. Ḓi - hweseni dzhogo yanga, ni funzwe nga nṋe; ngauri ndo vuḓa, ndi mudzia - u - ḓi - ṱukufhadza mbiluni; ndi hone dzimbilu dzaṋu dzi tshi ḓo rula. " Everything was so different from what I was used to. " Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am mild - tempered and lowly in heart, and you will find refreshment for your souls. Nga zwenezwo, vho vha vha tshi nga rabela vhe na fulufhelo ḽo khwaṱhaho u fana na mupsalme we a ri: "A vha nṋe, tshe nṋe nda fhulufhedza ndi vhuthu hau; mbilu yanga i takalela u tshidzwa nga Iwe. " Instead, Isaac again had his men dig a well. Thus, they could pray with full confidence as did the psalmist: "As for me, in your loving - kindness I have trusted, and in your heart my salvation. " Ndi zwa ndeme u pfesesa "kufunzele " zwihuluhulu musi ri tshi ḓiwana ro sedzana na vhuleme. It is vital, then, that we be diligent students of God's Word. It is especially important to understand "the direction " when we find ourselves facing problems. Hu sa athu fhela tshifhinga tshilapfu, ro ṱhogomela uri zwo vha zwi songo ralo. Because of his serious sins, David and his family suffered very much. Before long, we realized that it was not. Petro o amba enea maipfi nga ṅwambo wa uri o vhona nḓila ye Yehova a livhisa ngayo mafhungo u itela uri muṱa wa Vhannḓa, vhe u thomani vha vha vha tshi dzhiiwa vhe vha songo kunaho na vha sa ṱanganedzwi, O vha ṱanganedza. No one is ever totally prepared for the death of a loved one. Peter expressed these words because he saw how Jehovah directed matters so that the Gentile family, who had previously been considered unclean and unacceptable, might have welcomed them. Naa ni nga wana dziṅwe nḓila dza u shumisana muṱani wo vhoiwe? In this article, we will consider the following points: how we can build our faith, how we can show that our faith is strong, and why we can be sure that God will answer us when we ask for more faith. Can you find other ways to work together in your family? Vhafarisei vho vha vhe maswina a Yesu. 8, 9. (a) What further reason for preaching do we have? The Pharisees were enemies of Jesus. Musi Yesu Kristo a tshi amba nga ha "vhufhelo ha ano maitele a zwithu " o ṱuṱuwedza vhafunziwa vhawe a ri:" Dzulani no fhaṱuwa ngauri a ni ḓivhi uri tshifhinga tsho vhewaho tshi lini. " That word comes from the Latin for "wedge - shaped " and refers to the triangular mark made by the stylus that was used to make impressions in wet clay. Regarding "the conclusion of the system of things, " Jesus Christ urged his disciples:" Keep on the watch, therefore, because you do not know when the appointed time is. " Nga zwenezwo, onoyo muapostola o vha a tshi khou ambela kha mini musi a tshi ri: "Vhoṱhe vhane vha vhidzelela dzina ḽa Yehova vha fanela u furalela zwi songo lugaho. " Peter and Ananias Lied - What Lesson Can We Learn? Thus, the apostle was referring to what when he said: "Let everyone calling on the name of Jehovah renounce unrighteousness. " O ri: "Zwithu zwo vha zwi sa fani na zwe nda vha ndo zwi ḓowela. " " You have redeemed me, O Jehovah the God of truth. " - PSALM 31: 5. He says: "The things were different from what I used to be used to. " Nṱhani hazwo, Isaka o vhudza vhalanda vhawe uri vha bwe tshiṅwe tshisima. (4) The apostle Paul speaks of the great faith that Noah displayed in constructing the ark for the survival of his household. - Hebrews 11: 7. Rather, Isaac told his subjects to have another well. Nga zwenezwo, ndi zwa ndeme uri ri fhisetshele u guda Ipfi ḽa Mudzimu. MAIN STUDY ARTICLES So it is vital that we diligently study God's Word. Nga nṱhani ha tshivhi tshawe tshihulwane, Davida na muṱa wawe vho pfa vhuṱungu vhukuma. Yes, This Is the Study Edition! Because of his serious sin, David and his family suffered greatly. A hu na na muthu na muthihi ane a dzula o ḓilugiselela u fa ha ane a mu funa. Since his rebellion, Satan has been Jehovah's greatest enemy and an enemy of all mankind. No one is prepared for the death of a loved one. Kha ino thero ri ḓo ṱolisisa mbuno dzi tevhelaho: nḓila ine ra nga fhaṱa ngayo lutendo lwashu, nḓila ine ra nga sumbedza ngayo uri lutendo lwashu lwo khwaṱha na uri ri nga vha hani na vhungoho ha uri Mudzimu u ḓo ri fhindula musi ri tshi humbela lutendo lwo engedzeaho. Later, when a Bible study group was formed in Harthau, where we lived, my family started attending regularly. In this article, we will consider these points: How we can build up our faith, how we can demonstrate that our faith is strong, and how we can be sure that God will answer us when we ask for more faith. 8, 9. (a) Ndi tshifhio tshiṅwe tshiitisi tsha u huwelela? Teaching resurrected ones the ways of peace will indeed be a great privilege. 8, 9. (a) What is one reason to preach? Ipfi ḽeneḽo ḽi ambela kha tshiga tsha khuḓa tharu tsho ṅwalwaho nga kutsimbi kwe kwa vha ku tshi shumiswa u itela u ṅwala kha vumba ḽiṋu. We should also be ready to adjust our thinking in line with any "reproof, " or correction, we may receive. The term refers to the symbol of the three - language sign used in writing to clay. Petro Na Anania Vho Zwifha - Ndi Ifhio Ngudo Ine Ra I Guda? Yes, it does. Peter and Ananias - What Lesson Do We Learn? " Wo ntshidza, Iwe Yehova Mudzimu wa mafhungo - ngoho. " - PSALME YA 31: 5. Set appropriate priorities, have realistic expectations, daily make room for some quiet time, enjoy God's creation, keep a sense of humor, and get regular exercise and enough sleep. - w16.12, pp. " You have saved me, O Jehovah the God of truth. " - PSALM 31: 5. (4) Muapostola Paulo o amba nga ha lutendo luhulwane lwe Noaxe a lu sumbedza musi a tshi fhaṱa gungwa u itela u tsireledza vha muṱa wawe. - Vha - Heberu 11: 7. Thereafter, Bath - sheba became David's wife and bore him a child who died. - 2 Samuel 11: 1 - 27. (4) The apostle Paul spoke of Noah's outstanding faith as he built an ark to protect his family. - Hebrews 11: 7. Ee, Hoyu Ndi Magazini U Gudwaho! Jehovah blesses the efforts of older men to train others. Yes, this is the Study Edition! U bva tshee a ita vhushandukwa, Sathane o vha swina ḽihulwane ḽa Yehova na ḽa vhathu vhoṱhe. Accommodations were always in brothers ' homes. Ever since he rebelled, Satan has become the chief enemy of Jehovah and of all mankind. Nga murahu, musi hu tshi vhumbwa tshigwada tsha pfunzo ya Bivhili ngei Harthau, he ra vha ri tshi dzula hone, muṱa wahashu wa thoma u ṱanganela tshifhinga tshoṱhe. 1, 2. (a) What privilege do we have? Later, when a group of Bible studies was formed in Dots, where we lived, our family began to attend regularly. U funza vhathu vho vuswaho uri vha vhe na mulalo zwi ḓo vha zwi ndugelo khulwane vhukuma. David knew how he had won those battles. Teaching resurrected ones to be peaceable will be a great privilege. Ri fanela u dzula ro ḓilugisela u shandula mahumbulele ashu malugana na "ndayo " kana u khakhululwa naho hu hufhio, hune ra nga ṋewa hone. • How do we view Christian meetings? We need to be ready to adjust our thinking about "the correction, " or correction, to whatever extent we may receive. Ee, ndi zwa ndeme. ▪ "Give Us More Faith " Yes, it is important. Itani uri zwithu zwa ndeme zwi ḓe u thoma, ivhani na zwilavhelelwa zwi pfalaho, ḓivhetsheleni tshifhinga tsha u vha ni noṱhe ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe, ḓiphineni nga tsiko ya Mudzimu, dzulani no takala, itani nyonyoloso tshifhinga tshoṱhe, eḓelani lwo eḓanaho. - w16.12, masiaṱ. Paul states: "They were stoned, they were tried, they were sawn asunder, they died by slaughter with the sword, they went about in sheepskins, in goatskins, while they were in want, in tribulation, under ill - treatment. " Keep first things first, have realistic expectations, set aside time each day to enjoy God's creation, and keep your joy, exercise it full - time, and sleep. - w16.: pp. Nga murahu ha zwenezwo, Batseba o vha musadzi wa Davida nahone a mu bebela murwa we a fa. - 2 Samuele 11: 1 - 27. She was willing to give him something to drink, but all she had for food was "a handful of flour in the large jar and a little oil in the small jar. " Later, Bath - sheba became David's wife and bore him a son who died. - 2 Samuel 11: 1 - 27. Yehova u fhaṱutshedza vhuḓidini vhune ha itwa nga vhahulwane ha u funza vhaṅwe. By studying his Word and by experiencing his blessing in our lives. - Prov. Jehovah blesses the efforts of elders to teach others. Ro vha ri tshi dzula mahayani a vhahashu. He had scathing denunciations and fearful judgments to proclaim, especially to the priests, false prophets, and rulers, as well as to those who took "the popular course " and developed" an enduring unfaithfulness. " We lived in the homes of our brothers. 1, 2. (a) Ndi ndugelo ifhio ine ra vha nayo? Others are tiring out because of the pressures and anxieties of everyday life. 1, 2. (a) What privilege do we have? Davida o vha a tshi ḓivha nḓila ye a kunda ngayo yeneyo nndwa. Bible Questions Answered 16 David knew how he had won the battle. • Ri dzhia hani miṱangano ya Vhukriste? But at Revelation 5: 5, Jesus is likened to a lion - "the Lion that is of the tribe of Judah. " • How do we view Christian meetings? ▪ "Ri Ṋee Lutendo Lwo Engedzeaho " He will help you to endure and be faithful to him. - Psalm 32: 8. ▪ "Give Us More Faith " Paulo o ri: "Vhaṅwe vha kanḓiwa nga matombo, vhaṅwe vha tumukanywa, vhaṅwe vha tshetshekanywa, vhaṅwe vha tumulwa dziṱhóho; vhaṅwe vha buḓa - buḓa vhó ambara marevho a dzinngu na dzimbudzi, vhe vhatshinyali, vhatambuli, zwisiwana. " " The Word " Paul said: "Some of those who are crushed by stones, others will be torn apart, and others will be taken away from the heads; and others will walk in the midst of sheep and the poor, the lowly one, the poor ones. " O vha a tshi ṱoḓa u mu ṋea maḓi a u nwa, fhedzi o vha a tshi tou vha na "vhukhopfunyana vhu ḓadzaho tshanḓa ho salaho khalini, na mapfuranyana a re kha tshitemba. " Look! The Devil will keep on throwing some of you into prison that you may be fully put to the test, and that you may have tribulation ten days. He wanted to give him drinking water, but he had "a little hand left in a large jar and a little oil in a little jar. " Nga u guda Ipfi ḽawe na nga u vhona nḓila ine a ri fhaṱutshedza ngayo vhutshiloni hashu. - Mir. The couple urged the nuns to let Consuelo know that they were there and wanted to greet her. By studying his Word and by observing how he blesses us in our lives. - Prov. (Yer. 1: 6) O vha o tea u ḓivhadza milaedza i vhavhaho, zwihuluhulu ya u haṱulwa ha vhotshifhe, vhaporofita vha mazwifhi, vhavhusi na vhathu vhe vha vha vha tshi "gidimela " nḓilani ine vha i funa na vhe vha hanela nḓilani dzo " pambuwaho. ' (Yer. The condition of a child's heart is too important to leave to chance. He was to declare a severe judgment messages, especially the judgment of the priests, false prophets, rulers, and people who were "in a way ' that they loved them and who " did not turn away from the road. ' Vhaṅwe vha khou kulea nungo nga nṱhani ha mitsiko na mbilaelo dza vhutshilo ha ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe. Life everywhere is dependent on Him. Others are discouraged because of the pressures and anxieties of daily life. 14 Mbudziso Dza Bivhili Dzo Fhindulwa 16 * - Ecclesiastes 9: 5, 10. 14 Bible Questions Answered 16 Fhedzi kha Ndzumbululo 5: 5, Yesu o fanyiswa na ndau - "Ndau ya lushaka lwa Yuda. " Jehovah saw what Samuel could not see. But at Revelation 5: 5, Jesus is likened to a lion - "the lion of the tribe of Judah. " U ḓo ni thusa u konḓelela na u fulufhedzea khae. - Psalme ya 32: 8. He explained: "Whoever receives this young child on the basis of my name receives me too, and whoever receives me receives him also that sent me forth. He will help you to endure and be loyal to him. - Psalm 32: 8. " Ipfi " Globalization has opened a new era of migration. " The Word " Asizwi: Ene Diabolo u ḓo posa vhaṅwe vhaṋu khothoni uri ni lingiwe. Ni ḓo shengela maḓuvha a fumi. (a) Whom should we work hard to imitate? Look! The Devil will throw some of you into prison that you may be fully put to the test, and you will have to suffer ten days. Vhenevho vhavhingani vha luvheledza vhanunu uri vha ḓivhadze Consuelo uri vho ḓa nahone vho vha vha tshi khou ṱoḓa u mu lumelisa. For example, in 1932, 23 - year - old Bennett Brickell set out from Rockhampton, Queensland, on a five - month preaching trip through the remote northern part of that state. The couple grabbed me from the nuns to announce that they had come and wanted to greet her. (Psalme ya 37: 31) Ṅwana ndi wa ndeme vhukuma lune ni songo mu tendela a tshi aluwa e si na vhulivhisi. Noah lived 950 years; Adam, 930 years; and Methuselah, Noah's grandfather, 969 years. A child is so important that you do not allow him to grow up without guidance. (Psalme ya 104: 4, 23, 24) Vhutshilo hoṱhe vhu ḓitika Ngae. For how long? All life depends on it. * - Muhuweleli 9: 5, 10. The destruction of Ugarit left a huge mound almost 60 feet [20 m] high and covering more than 60 acres [25 ha]. * - Ecclesiastes 9: 5, 10. Yehova o vhona zwe Samuele a vha a sa koni u zwi vhona. So the parable of the talents is part of that sign and is being fulfilled in our time. Jehovah saw what Samuel could not see. A ri: "A ṱanganedzaho uyu ṅwana a tshi itela dzina ḽanga, u ṱanganedza nṋe; huno a ṱanganedzaho nṋe u ṱanganedza o nthumaho. The father treated him mercifully. He said: "He that receives this young child for my name receives me also, and whoever receives me receives him also that sent me forth. U shumisana ha khamphani dza mashango o fhambanaho zwi ita uri vhathu vha pfuluwe. May we pray constantly, follow the leadings of the holy spirit, and always listen closely to Jehovah's voice. Working in various international companies moves people to leave. (a) Ri fanela u shuma nga maanḓa u itela u edzisa nnyi? Joyful Givers (a) To imitate whom do we need to work hard? Sa tsumbo, nga 1932, Bennett Brickell we a vha e na miṅwaha ya 23 o bva ngei Rockhampton, Queensland a ya u huwelela devhula ha ḽeneḽo shango lwa miṅwedzi miṱanu. 5: 16. For example, in 1932, I was known as a 23 - year - old man from Roccton to preaching north in the northern part of the five - month country. Noaxe o tshila miṅwaha ya 950; Adamu ya 930; na Methusala ane a vha makhulu wa Noaxe o tshila ya 969. When we divorced, I was relieved to escape his bad temper, but I also felt humiliated and worthless. " - EMMELINE, divorced for 17 years. Noah lived for 930 years; Adam's grandfather Methuselah, along with Noah's grandfather Methuselah, lived as well. O vha a tshi ḓo lindela tshifhinga tshingafhani? As you prepare for the Lord's Evening Meal, consider what the apostle Paul wrote to the Christian congregation in Corinth. How long would he wait? U lozwiwa ha Ugarit zwo ita uri hu sale ndunduma ya vhuhulu ha mithara dzi ṱoḓaho u vha 20 nahone zwo ṱanganya hekithara dza 25. 3: 1 - 5. Ugarit's destruction drew about 20 feet [100 m] high, and it covered about 25 feet [100 m]. Ngauralo, tshifanyiso tsha dzitalente ndi tshipiḓa tsha tshiga nahone tshi khou ḓadzea misini yashu. As "a master worker, " he actively worked with his Father during the creation of all things. - Colossians 1: 15 - 17. Thus, the parable of the talents is part of the sign and is being fulfilled in our day. Khotsi o mu fara nga tshilidzi. Let us briefly review what happened after Jesus was installed as King in 1914 and see how some proved themselves ready while others did not. The father was kind to her. (Yer. 10: 23) U nga ri ri nga dzula ri tshi rabela tshifhinga tshoṱhe, ri tevhele vhulivhisi ha muya mukhethwa, na u dzula ri tshi thetshelesa ipfi ḽa Yehova. What information did Jesus not include in the parable of the traveling merchant, and why not? May we always pray, follow the guidance of holy spirit, and keep listening to Jehovah's voice. Vha Ṋeaho vhó Takala From Abraham to David: 14 generations (911 years) 2018 B.C.E. Happy Are Those Who Give generously 5: 16. 6: 9, 10. 5: 16. Musi ri tshi ṱalana, ndo pfa ndo vhofholowa samusi o vha e muthu wa mbiti, fhedzi ndo dovha nda ḓipfa ndo nyadzea nahone ndi si wa ndeme. " - EMMELINE, a re na miṅwaha ya 17 o ṱala. You let go of the commandment of God and cling to the tradition of men. " - Mark 7: 6 - 8. When we got divorced, I felt free to feel angry, but I also felt humiliated and worthless. " - E way, 17 - year - old, divorced. Musi ni tshi lugiselela Tshilalelo tsha Murena, ṱhogomelani zwe muapostola Paulo a zwi ṅwalela tshivhidzo tsha Vhakriste ngei Korinta. What else was part of God's purpose? When preparing for the Lord's Evening Meal, note what the apostle Paul wrote to the Christian congregation in Corinth. 3: 1 - 5. Using an alternative illustration may call for advance preparation. 3: 1 - 5. (Mirero 8: 22) Samusi o vha e "muḓinḓa, " o shuma nga mafulufulu na Khotsi awe tshifhingani tsha u sikwa ha zwithu zwoṱhe. - Vha - Kolosa 1: 15 - 17. Just as a qualified doctor uses various diagnostic techniques to see what is wrong with a patient's physical heart, Jesus used God's Word to " draw up ' and expose the "thoughts and intentions of the heart, " even when they were still hidden from general observation. - Proverbs 20: 5; Hebrews 4: 12. As "a master worker, " he worked diligently with his Father during the creation of all things. - Colossians 1: 15 - 17. Kha ri ṱolisise uri ho itea mini nga murahu ha musi Yesu a tshi vhewa sa Khosi nga 1914 nahone ri dovhe ri ṱhogomele uri vhaṅwe vho zwi sumbedza hani uri vho fhaṱuwa ngeno vhaṅwe vho kundelwa u ita ngauralo. That Law code, called the Mosaic Law, or simply "the Law, " was" holy and righteous and good. " Let us examine what happened after Jesus was enthroned as King in 1914 and consider how others showed that they were watchful but others failed to do so. Ndi mafhungo afhio e Yesu a sa a ambe kha tshifanyiso tsha muvhambadzi, nahone ndi ngani? Grateful to Jehovah What statement did Jesus not mention in the illustration of the traveling merchant, and why? Abrahamu ABRAHAMU o bebwa nga 2018 B.C.E. And if we die, we cannot serve him at all. Abraham was born in 2018 B.C.E. 6: 9, 10. Thankfully, there is an antidote to being poisoned by materialistic thinking: a healthy dose of God's Word, the Bible, taken on a regular basis. 6: 9, 10. Ni pfuka mulayo wa Mudzimu na tevhela sialala ḽa vhathu. " - Marko 7: 6 - 8. Referring to God's many productions on earth, the psalmist exclaims: "How many your works are, O Jehovah! You break God's law and follow the tradition of men. " - Mark 7: 6 - 8. Yo vha i ifhio iṅwe ndivho ya Mudzimu? " Let fornication and uncleanness of every sort or greediness not even be mentioned among you. " - 5: 3. What was God's purpose? U shumisa tshiṅwe tshifanyiso tshi fanaho zwi ṱoḓa u lugiselela hu tshee nga phanḓa. Have Practice Sessions Using another illustration calls for advance preparation. U fana na dokotela a faneleaho ane a shumisa maitele o fhambanaho a u ṱolisisa u itela u vhona uri ndi mini tsho khakheaho nga mbilu ya mulwadze, Yesu o shumisa Ipfi ḽa Mudzimu u " ka ' na u bvukulula "zwiné mbilu ya fhima ya elekanya zwone, " na musi zwi sa athu u vhonalesa tshoṱhe. - Mirero 20: 5; Vha - Heberu 4: 12. True, Jesus felt love for a rich young ruler and invited him to be his follower. Like a well - chosen physician who uses different principles to examine what is wrong with the patient's heart, Jesus used God's Word to "come " and expose" reveal the intentions of the heart, " even before it is complete. - Proverbs 20: 5; Hebrews 4: 12. Wonoyo Mulayo, une wa vhidzwa Mulayo wa Mushe, kana "Mulayo " wo vha " u mukhethwa wo luga nahone u muvhuya. ' Job humbly accepted correction, and he repented. That Law, called the Mosaic Law, or "the Law, " was" holy and righteous. " Ndi Livhuha Yehova Those had attracted us to our brothers in Eastern Europe. Grateful for Jehovah Nahone musi ro fa, ri nga si kone u mu shumela. Since it involves a state of mind - that is, how we view ourselves and others - developing humility requires deliberate effort. And after we die, we cannot serve him. 5: 10) Zwi takadzaho ndi uri hu na dzilafho ḽa u iledza u funesa zwithu zwi vhonalaho: ḽeneḽo dzilafho ndi Ipfi ḽa Mudzimu, ḽine ḽa vha Bivhili nahone ḽi fanela u shumiswa ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe. At Genesis 10: 9, the Bible describes Nimrod as "a mighty hunter. " Happily, there is a cure to avoiding materialism: That treatment is God's Word, the Bible, and should be used every day. A tshi amba nga mishumo minzhi ya Yehova i re kha ḽifhasi, mupsalme o ri: "Zwe wa zwi ita zwó anda hani, Yehova! By choosing to sin against Jehovah, they lost for themselves and their offspring the kind of life that Jehovah intended for them. Speaking of Jehovah's many earthly works, the psalmist said: "How many your works are, O Jehovah! " Vhupombwe na vhuyaḓa ha mifuda yoṱhe kana vhupangwa zwi songo vhuya zwa bulwa vhukati haṋu. " - 5: 3. It was counted to them as righteousness " Let fornication and uncleanness of every sort or greediness not even be mentioned among you. " - 5: 3. Ivhani Na Zwifhinga Zwa U Ita Nḓowe - nḓowe Then, in August 1941, I was sent to Ravensbrück - a notorious concentration camp for women, some 50 miles (80 km) north of Berlin, Germany. Have Time to Do Good Vhukuma, Yesu o funa muṱhannga wa mupfumi nahone a mu ramba uri a vhe mutevheli wawe. It has been suggested that Peter may have been older than the other apostles - perhaps older than Jesus himself. Yes, Jesus loved the rich man and invited him to become his follower. Yobo o mbo ḓi ṱanganedza ndayo, nahone a rembuluwa. In ancient times, Jehovah called the temple his "house of prayer. " Job accepted discipline, and he repented. Eneo mabuthano o ita uri ri fune vhahashu vha Yuropa Vhubvaḓuvha. The number of songs in our new book has been reduced to 135. Those conventions made us love our brothers in Eastern Europe. Samusi i tshi katela tshiimo tsha muhumbulo - zwine zwa amba nḓila ine ra ḓidzhia ngayo u katela na vhaṅwe - u ṱahulela u ḓiṱukufhadza zwi ṱoḓa vhuḓidini vhuhulwane. How do you fit in? Since it involves a mental condition - that is, how we view ourselves as well as others - cultivating humility requires earnest effort. Kha Genesi 10: 9, Bivhili i amba uri Nimirodo o vha e "Mudzimba wa ndele. " 19: 17, 18. At Genesis 10: 9, the Bible says that Nimrod was "a mighty one. " Nga u khetha u ita tshivhi phanḓa ha Yehova, vhone na vhana vhavho vho xelelwa nga mufuda wa vhutshilo he Yehova a vha o vha dzudzanyela hone. (Gen. Moses wrote: "O Jehovah,... before the mountains were born or you brought forth the earth and the productive land, from everlasting to everlasting, you are God. " By choosing to sin against Jehovah, they and their offspring lost the kind of life that Jehovah had purposed for them. Vho dzhiiwa sa vho lugaho WHEN the Law covenant was inaugurated at Mount Sinai, it included the weekly Sabbath arrangement. They were declared righteous Nga zwenezwo, nga August 1941, ndo mbo ḓi rumelwa gammbani ya tshengedzo ya vhafumakadzi i ḓivhiwaho vhukuma ya Ravensbrück ine ya vha khilomithara dzi ṱoḓaho u vha 80 devhula ha Berlin ngei Dzheremane. What is the reward for showing such love? Then, in August 1941, I was sent to a concentration camp of a well - known wives, about 80 miles (100 km) north of opportunity in Germany. Vhaṅwe vhathu vha amba uri Petro o vha e muhulwane kha vhaapostola vhoṱhe - khamusi na kha Yesu nga dzawe. We made it clear that we were not discussing these subjects because we suspected him of anything; we only wanted to make sure that he was equipped to handle the bad influences around him. " Some people say that Peter was superior to all the apostles - perhaps even to Jesus himself. Zwifhingani zwa kale, Yehova o vha a tshi vhidza thembele uri ndi "Nnḓu [yawe] ya Thabelo. " (Yes. Number of married couples: 28 In ancient times, Jehovah called the temple "a house of prayer. " Nyimbo dzi re kha yeneyo bugu ntswa ya luimbo dzo no vha 135. Others may respond later when conditions in the world or in their life change. The songs in that new songbook are now 135. Zwi ni kwama hani zwenezwi? They have put faith in Christ's ransom sacrifice, symbolically " washing their robes and making them white in the blood of the Lamb. ' How does that affect you? 19: 17, 18. I never let a year go by without writing to each of them. 19: 17, 18. Mushe o ṅwala uri: "Murena [Yehova],... dzithavha dzi sa athu u bebwa, shango na ḽinnḓa zwi sa athu u dzwalwa, Iwe U ḓi vha Mudzimu tsha kale na kale na lini na lini. " She also did what she could. Moses wrote: "Jehovah... [Jehovah],... the mountains that have not yet been born, the earth and the sea, you are God to time indefinite, even forever. " MUSI hu tshi vhofhiwa mulanga wa Mulayo ngei Thavhani ya Sinai, ho katelwa na ndugiselelo ya Sabatha ya vhege iṅwe na iṅwe. Let us distance ourselves from the proud by acting humbly. WHEN the Law covenant was made at Mount Sinai, it included the weekly Sabbath arrangement. Hu vha na mbuyelo ifhio ya u sumbedza lwonolo lufuno? It is not easy to imagine. What is the result of showing such love? Ro mbo ḓi zwi bvisela khagala uri a ri khou amba nga mafhungo eneo nga ṅwambo wa uri ri khou mu humbulela zwithu zwi songo teaho; ro vha tshi khou ṱoḓa u vha na vhuṱanzi ha uri u na nḓivho yo teaho ya u lwisana na ṱhuṱhuwedzo mmbi yo mu tangaho. " Moreover, Jesus suffered for righteousness ' sake, and God allowed him to face trials on his own. We made it clear that we are not talking about the matter because we are considering something wrong; we wanted to be sure that he had the proper knowledge of the bad influences around him. " Mbalo ya vhavhingani: 28 Cite an example to show that efforts to provide spiritual help really are effective. Number of married couples: 28 Vhaṅwe vha nga a ṱanganedza nga murahu ha tshifhinga musi zwiimo zwa shango kana vhutshiloni havho zwi tshi shanduka. 28 "Be Courageous... and Go to Work " Some may welcome them at a time when world conditions or their lives change. Vha na lutendo kha tshiṱhavhelo tsha Kristo tshi rengululaho, nga lwa pfanyisedzo "vho ṱanzwa vho tshenisa nguvho dzavho nga malofha a Ngwana. " 2 DIG DEEPER. They exercise faith in Christ's ransom sacrifice, figuratively "have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. " Ṅwaha a u fheli ndi songo ṅwalela muṅwe na muṅwe wavho vhurifhi. Any helpful advice that is in harmony with God's Word can be viewed, not as originating with that person, but as coming from the great Source of truth. For the last year, I have not written a letter to each one of them. Na yone yo ita zwe ya kona. THE Bible teaches us to obey human governments, but it also tells us that we must always obey God. She too did what she could. Ri fanela u iledza u ḓihudza, ri ḓiṱukufhadze. A steward is a house manager or administrator who is placed over servants. We must avoid being haughty, humble. A zwo ngo leluwa u zwi vhona nga maṱo a muhumbulo. Note that the scripture refers to Jehovah God as having " installed his king, ' whom he refers to as "my son " in verse 7. It is not easy to imagine. Zwiṅwe hafhu, Yesu o shengela nga ṅwambo wa u luga, nahone Mudzimu o tenda uri a sedzane na milingo e eṱhe. For a discussion of the prophecy at Isaiah 49: 1 - 12, see Isaiah's Prophecy - Light for All Mankind II, pages 136 - 145. Moreover, Jesus suffered for righteousness, and God allowed him to face trials alone. Ṋeani tsumbo u itela u sumbedza uri vhuḓidini ha u thusa muthu o fholaho vhu a shuma zwa vhukuma. Saul was supposed to wait on God's prophet to offer a sacrifice, but the king disobeyed, offering the sacrifice himself. Give an example to show that the effort to help an inactive one really works. 28 " Ivhani Na Tshivhindi, Ni Ite ' How can such tribulation be kept to a minimum? 28 "Be Courageous and Be Courageous " 2 HUMBULANI NGA HO DZIKAHO. By gaining an accurate knowledge of Bible truth, we are set free from the God - dishonoring teachings and practices promoted by so many of the world's religions. 2 DIG DEEPER. Nyeletshedzo iṅwe na iṅwe i thusaho ine ya tendelana na Ipfi ḽa Mudzimu i nga dzhiiwa i tshi bva kha Tshisima tshihulwane tsha mafhungo - ngoho, hu si kha muthu ane a khou i ṋea. Today, what must we continue to do in order to remain on the path to true freedom? Each helpful counsel in harmony with God's Word can be viewed as coming from the ultimate Source of truth, not from the person who is giving it. BIVHILI i ri funza uri ri thetshelese mivhuso ya vhathu, fhedzi i dovha ya ri vhudza uri ri pfe Mudzimu u fhira vhathu. Torlief, whose son is now raising a family of his own, says that the key is following the advice found in Deuteronomy. THE Bible teaches us to obey human governments, but it also tells us to obey God as ruler rather than men. Mulanda ndi ene ane a vha na vhuḓifhinduleli ha nnḓu ye a vhewa khayo uri a lavhelese vhalanda. Love moved Jehovah to give hope to the sinful offspring of Adam and Eve, providing them with a means to approach Him and come into an approved relationship with Him. The slave is responsible for the house in which he is appointed to oversee the domestics. (Psalme ya 2: 6, 8) Ṱhogomelani uri luṅwalo lu ambela kha Yehova Mudzimu sa o " vheaho khosi yawe, ' ane a ambela khae sa " murwa wanga ' kha ndimana ya 7. Her marriage eventually ended in divorce, although she had put many years of effort into trying to save it. Note that the scripture refers to Jehovah God as "his king, " who refers to him as" my son " in verse 7. U itela khaseledzo ya vhuporofita vhu re kha Yesaya 49: 1 - 12, sedzani kha bugu Vhuporofita ha Yesaya - Tshedza tsha Vhathu Vhoṱhe II, masiaṱari 136 - 145. Under the Mosaic Law, lepers were unclean, and Jesus could certainly have healed the man without physical contact. For a prophetic discussion of Isaiah 49: 1 - 12, see the book of Isaiah's Prophecy - Light for All Mankind II, pages 136 - 145. Saulo o vha fanela u lindela muporofita wa Mudzimu uri a ṋekedze tshiṱhavhelo, fhedzi ho ngo thetshelesa nahone o ṋekedza tshiṱhavhelo nga ene muṋe. Using the family circumstances of the prophet Hosea, Jehovah illustrated his enduring love. Saul had to wait for God's prophet to offer a sacrifice, but he did not listen and offered up on himself. Vhavhingani vha nga sedzana hani na honoho vhuṱungu? In contrast to the above Biblical examples, consider the positive attitude that the apostle Paul had: "I am pursuing down toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God by means of Christ Jesus. " How can married couples cope with such grief? Musi ri tshi guda ngoho yo teaho i bvaho Bivhilini, zwi ita uri ri vhofhololwe kha pfunzo dzi nyadzisaho Mudzimu na zwithu zwinzhi zwine zwa itwa nga vhurereli vhunzhi ha shango. Yes, it is easy to come to the wrong conclusion when we do not know all the facts. When we learn the truth from the Bible, we are freed from the teachings of dishonoring God and the many things done by most of the world's religions. Ndi mini zwine ra fanela u bvela phanḓa ri tshi zwi ita musalauno, u itela uri ri dzule nḓilani ya mbofholowo ya vhukuma? At this, the frightened and trembling woman fell down before Jesus "and told him the whole truth. " - Mark 5: 33. What must we continue to do today, so that we remain on the way of true freedom? Torlief, a re na murwa ane zwino a khou alusa vhana vhawe, o amba uri tshithu tsha ndeme ndi u tevhela nyeletshedzo i wanalaho kha Doiteronomio. He took the time to help me reason on such scriptures as 1 Corinthians 7: 15. He, who has a son who is now raising his children, says that the key thing is to follow the counsel found in Deuteronomy. Lufuno lwo ita uri Yehova a ṋee vhana vha re na tshivhi vha Adamu na Eva fulufhelo, na u ita ndugiselelo ya uri vha kone u ya Khae na u vha na vhushaka havhuḓi Nae. How does the material published for young people help them, and how can it benefit others too? Love enabled Jehovah to give Adam and Eve's sinful offspring hope, making arrangements for them to go to Him and enjoy a good relationship with Him. O fheleledza o ṱalana na munna wawe naho o fhedza miṅwaha a tshi khou ita vhuḓidini ha u tsireledza mbingano yawe uri i si fhele. With a view to adapting to new circumstances in the territory, have the elders arranged to hold meetings for field service on days and at times that require changes in our routine? She eventually married her husband, even though she had been working hard to save her marriage. Nga fhasi ha Mulayo wa Mushe, vhathu vha re na mapele vho vha vha songo kuna, nahone Yesu o vha a tshi nga kona u fhodza muthu onoyo a songo vhuya a mu kwama. These deeper needs point to a quality that is unique to humankind - spirituality, or the need and capacity for spiritual things. Under the Mosaic Law, the lepers were unclean, and Jesus could not heal that person. [ Ṱhaluso i re magumoni a siaṱari] 2: 1 - How was " the beauty of Israel thrown down from heaven to earth '? [ Footnote] A tshi shumisa zwiimo zwa muṱa wa muporofita Hosea, Yehova o sumbedza u konḓelela ha lufuno. 18: 13; Mal. Using the family of the prophet Hosea, Jehovah demonstrated loving endurance. Zwo fhambanaho na tsumbo dza Bivhilini dzo bulwaho afho nṱha, ṱhogomelani mavhonele e muapostola Paulo a vhe e nao: "Ndi [tovhola] he nda livha hone, dzangani, he nda vhidzelwa hone ngei nṱha Mudzimuni nga Kristo Yesu. " Years later, in 1986, Arne's health again worsened. In contrast with the Bible examples just mentioned, consider the attitude that the apostle Paul had: "I am pursuing my goal, in which I was called, by God, through Christ Jesus. " Vhukuma, zwi a leluwa u swikelela phetho yo khakheaho musi ri sa ḓivhi zwidodombedzwa zwoṱhe zwa mafhungo. at home? Of course, it is easy to arrive at wrong conclusions when we do not know all the facts. Onoyo mufumakadzi o vha o tshuwa a tshi khou tetemela, a gwadama phanḓa ha Yesu "a mu vhudza ngoho yoṱhe. " - Marko 5: 33. If you have been studying the Bible for some time and recognize that we are living in "the last days, " should you not make a decision to serve God? - 2 Timothy 3: 1. The woman was frightened and bowed before Jesus "with all the truth. " - Mark 5: 33. O fhedza tshifhinga a tshi khou nthusa uri ndi humbule nga maṅwalo a fanaho na 1 Vha - Korinta 7: 15. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ He spent time helping me to reflect on such scriptures as 1 Corinthians 7: 15. Vhaswa vha thuswa hani nga khandiso dze vha itelwa dzone, nahone vhaṅwe vha nga vhuyelwa hani nga u dzi vhala? In some instances, he even mentions individuals, and in each case, he gives appropriate commendation or counsel. How are young ones helped by publications provided, and how can others benefit from reading them? Nga ṅwambo wa u ṱoḓa u ḓowelana na zwiimo zwi shandukaho tsimuni, naa vhahulwane vha nga vha vho dzudzanya u fara muṱangano wa tshumelo ya tsimu nga maḓuvha na zwifhinga zwine zwa ṱoḓa uri ri shandule mbekanyo yashu? Drawing a bow, he shot an arrow through Jehoram's heart, and the king fell dead in his chariot. Wanting to adjust to changing circumstances in the field, might the elders have planned to hold a meeting for field service during the days and times that require our schedule? Dzenedzi ṱhoḓea dza ndeme dzi livhisa kha iṅwe pfaneleo yo khetheaho ya vhathu - vhumuya, kana ṱhoḓea ya zwithu zwa muya. 6: 16. These basic requirements focus on another special quality - spiritual, or spiritual need. 2: 1 - " Vhugala ha Isiraele ho wiswa fhasi vhu ngei ṱaḓulu ' nga nḓila - ḓe? What else could you do? 2: 1 - How was "the glory of Israel sown in heaven "? 18: 13; Mal. The rooms had no running water and no flush toilet. 18: 13; Mal. Nga 1986 nga murahu ha miṅwaha minzhi, mutakalo wa Arne wo dovha wa ṋaṋa. Regarding Julien, a young man who was rather shy, Ludovic says: "Because Julien at times attempted to assert himself in a somewhat clumsy way, his behavior was not natural. In 1986 many years later, Arne's health became even stronger. hayani? Dorcas was another kind woman who "abounded in good deeds and gifts of mercy. " at home? Arali no no fhedza tshifhinga tshilapfu ni tshi khou guda Bivhili nahone na ṱhogomela uri ri khou tshila "maḓuvhani a vhufhelo, " naa a si zwa ndeme uri ni ite phetho ya u shumela Mudzimu? - 2 Timotheo 3: 1. At those joyful events, I got to see those with whom I had studied the Bible. If you have been studying the Bible for some time and realize that we are living in "the last days, " is it not important that you make a decision to serve God? - 2 Timothy 3: 1. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ The elders cannot make decisions for you, but they can help you make choices that will lead to happiness in the long run. - 2 Cor. . . . . . Kha zwiṅwe zwiitea, o ita na u bula vhathu nga madzina, nahone a vha khoḓa na u vha eletshedza hune zwa ṱoḓea. Especially for those who are timid by nature, it may seem that sharing in the preaching work is just too difficult. On occasion, he even mentioned people by name, commending them and counseling them where necessary. O kokodza vhura hawe a pfula Yoramu nga musevhe kha mbilu nahone yeneyo khosi ya fela goloini yayo. Would he let them come home? He drew his bow and shot Jehoram with an arrow on his heart, and the king died in his chariot. 6: 16. After school, several classmates assaulted me and knocked me to the ground. 6: 16. Ndi zwifhio zwiṅwe zwine na nga zwi ita? * View such material as advice that Jehovah is giving you. What else can you do? Kamara dzenedzo dzo vha dzi si na bommbi na bunga ḽa u gwedzha. Then he added: "If you continue showing favoritism, you are committing sin. " Those animals did not have a long way to clean up and support themselves. Musi a tshi amba nga ha Julien, muṱhannga we a vha e na ṱhoni, Ludovic o ri: "Nga zwiṅwe zwifhinga Julien o vha e muthu a si na vhulondi, o vha a tshi ita zwithu nga nḓila i songo ḓoweleaho. God did not think so. " At times, " says a young man who was shy, a shy man, "was not always very cautious, and he did things that were unusually common. Doroka o vha muṅwe mufumakadzi we "mishumo - mivhuya yawe yo vha i minzhi, na u kovhela vhatshinyali hú hunzhi. " Later, on the evening before his death, Jesus concluded " a covenant for a kingdom ' with his followers. Dorcas became another woman whose "good works were many and gifts of mercy many times. " Kha zwenezwo zwiitea zwi takadzaho, ndo kona u vhona vhathu vhe nda guda navho Bivhili. So why has God chosen to allow the issue to go on, giving Satan time to try to prove his point? During those exciting occasions, I was able to see people with whom I studied the Bible. Vhahulwane vha nga si ni dzhiele phetho, fhedzi vha nga ni thusa u dzhia phetho dzine dza nga ita uri ni fheleledze no vha na dakalo. - 2 Vhakor. 17, 18. (a) How do you feel about the young ones in your congregation? Elders cannot make decisions for you, but they can help you to make decisions that could lead to happiness. - 2 Cor. Mushumo wa u huwelela mafhungo maḓifha u nga vhonala u tshi konḓa nga maanḓa zwihuluhulu kha vhathu vha re na ṱhoni nga lwa nzulele. If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Jehovah's Witnesses, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. The work of preaching the good news may seem to be very difficult for people who are timid by nature. Naa o vha a tshi ḓo vha tendela vha tshi vhuya hayani? As you weigh this inspired counsel, you ask yourself, " If I deliberately expose my heart and mind to such programs, am I following Jesus ' example of strict obedience to God? ' Would he let them come home? Musi tshikolo tshi tshi bva, vhe nda vha ndi tshi dzhena navho kilasini vho ntsema nahone vha ntsukumedzela fhasi. Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. When my classmates left school, my classmates took me and threw me down. * Dzhiani mafhungo o raloho sa nyeletshedzo ine na khou i ṋewa nga Yehova. Manasseh eventually responded to discipline. * View such matters as counsel given by Jehovah. O dovha a ri: "Arali ni tshi bvela phanḓa ni tshi ṱalula, ni khou ita tshivhi. " Another way is to read a scripture and ask, "How does that sound to you? " He added: "If you continue to identify you, you are sinning. " Mudzimu o vha a sa humbuli nga u ralo. You can satisfy your spiritual need and acquire precious Bible knowledge by regularly reading God's Word. God did not think so. Nga murahu, nga madekwana a musi a sa athu u fa, Yesu o "vhofha mulanga wa Muvhuso " na vhatevheli vhawe. In the congregation, a variety of tasks must be performed. Later, on the evening before his death, Jesus "came the Kingdom covenant " with his followers. Nga zwenezwo, ndi ngani Mudzimu o ṋea Sathane tshifhinga tsha uri a sumbedze vhungoho ha zwine a khou zwi amba? How do the Hebrew Scriptures bear witness about Jesus? Why, then, did God give Satan time to prove the truth of what he was saying? 17, 18. (a) Ni ḓipfa hani nga vhaswa vha re tshivhidzoni tsha vhoiwe? All five children are baptized. " 17, 18. (a) How do you feel about youths in your congregation? Arali ni tshi nga takalela mafhungo o engedzeaho kana ni tshi nga ṱoḓa uri muṅwe muthu a ni dalele hayani haṋu nahone a vhe na pfunzo ya Bivhili ya mahala na inwi, nga khumbelo ṅwalelani, ni rumele dzina ḽaṋu na ḓiresi ya hayani kha Jehovah's Witnesses, Private Bag X2067, Krugersdorp, 1740, South Africa, kana kha ḓiresi yo teaho i re kha siaṱari 2. [ Picture on page 7] If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Jehovah's Witnesses, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. Musi ni tshi elekanya nga ha nyeletshedzo yeneyi yo hevhedzwaho, ni a ḓivhudzisa, " Arali nda tendela nga khole mbilu yanga na muhumbulo wanga zwi tshi vhona mbekanyamushumo dzo raloho, naa ndi ḓo vha ndi tshi khou tevhela tsumbo ya Yesu ya u thetshelesa Mudzimu nga ho fhelelaho? ' It gives us comfort, hope, and instruction that we can trust. As you meditate on this inspired counsel, ask yourself, " If I deliberately let my heart and mind see such programs, will I be following Jesus ' perfect example of obedience to God? ' Na kha ḽino shango ḽi re na khakhathi, ni nga wana dakalo nga nḓivho ya Bivhili yo teaho ya Mudzimu, Muvhuso wawe, na ndivho yawe yavhuḓi nga ha vhathu. To get along well as adults, young ones need to learn the proper way to greet visitors, to answer the telephone, and to eat a meal with others. Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. Manase o fheleledza o ṱanganedza ndayo. On what basis might we reach that conclusion? Manasseh eventually accepted discipline. Iṅwe nḓila ndi nga u vhala luṅwalo nahone nga murahu na vhudzisa uri, "Naa ni zwi pfesesa hani? " Excelling Value of Divine Education, 9 / 15 One way is by reading a scripture and then asking, "How do you understand it? " Ni nga fusha ṱhoḓea yaṋu ya lwa muya na u vha na nḓivho ya ndeme ya Bivhili nga u vhala Ipfi ḽa Mudzimu tshifhinga tshoṱhe. (And we can expand our vista to include learning about surrounding lands that figure in Bible accounts.) You can satisfy your spiritual need and gain precious Bible knowledge by regularly reading God's Word. Tshivhidzoni, hu tewa u itwa mishumo yo fhamba - fhambanaho. (a) What agencies will Gog use to carry out his attack? In the congregation, there should be various assignments. Maṅwalo a Tshiheberu a ṱanziela hani nga ha Yesu? In fact, when I won the title, she was the one who crowned me. How do the Hebrew Scriptures bear witness about Jesus? Vhana vhoṱhe vhaṱanu vho mbo ḓi lovhedzwa. " Walking in the Path of Increasing Light, 2 / 15 All five children were baptized. " [ Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 7] How did the holy spirit serve as a teacher to early Christians? [ Picture on page 7] I a ri khuthadza, u ri ṋea fulufhelo na vhulivhisi vhune ra nga vhu fulufhela. Because we compel ourselves to do God's will for the proper reason - out of love for Jehovah. It gives us comfort, hope, and guidance that we can trust. U itela uri vha kone u tshilisana na vhaṅwe musi vho no aluwa, vhaswa vha fanela u guda nḓila yo teaho ya u lumelisa vhaeni, u fhindula luṱingo, na u ḽa zwiḽiwa na vhaṅwe. What should we keep in mind when preaching to refugees? To get along with others as adults, young ones need to learn the proper way to greet guests, to answer the telephone, and to eat meals with others. Ndi ngani ri tshi ralo? " You cannot slave for God and for Riches. " - Matthew 6: 24. Why do we say that? ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Does that prevent Jehovah from knowing our distress? . . . . . . . . (Nahone ri nga kona u engedza mavhonele ashu u katela na u guda nga ha mashango ane a katelwa kha mafhungo a Bivhili.) For example, harsh treatment by one's spouse may make it tempting for one to retaliate. (We may be able to increase our attitude as well as to learn about the countries involved in Bible accounts.) (a) Gogo u ḓo shumisa zwigwada zwifhio u itela u vutshela? Through Moses, Jehovah concluded a unique national covenant with them by giving them the Law, and the nation of Israel agreed to the terms of that covenant. (a) What groups will Gog use to attack? Nga zwenezwo, ndi ene we a nthwela ṱari musi ndi tshi vhewa sa Miss Hong Kong. These articles examine in subject order all the verses of Romans chapter 12. So she made a leaf when I was appointed as Hong Kong. Muri wa Mulagani Auna, 2 / 1 He tried his best to help me emotionally. 6 / 15 Muyamukhethwa wo funza hani Vhakriste vha u thoma? Consider some of the marks of authenticity. How did the holy spirit teach early Christians? Ndi nga ṅwambo wa uri ri a ḓikombetshedza u ita zwine Mudzimu a zwi funa ri na tshiitisi tshavhuḓi - tsha u funa Yehova. Would they side with Absalom, remain neutral, or throw in their lot with David and his men? Because we force ourselves to do God's will with good motives - to love Jehovah. Ndi mini zwine ra fanela u zwi humbula musi ri tshi khou huwelela kha vhatsinda? 2: 18, 23. What should we remember when preaching to refugees? " A ni koni u ri Mudzimu na Mamona na vha shumela vhoṱhe. " - Mateo 6: 24. " WEIGHTY MESSAGES ' " You cannot slave for God and for Riches. " - Matthew 6: 24. Naa zwenezwo zwi a thivhela Yehova uri a sa ḓivhe nga ha vhuleme hashu? (b) What hope do such parents rightly entertain? Does that prevent Jehovah from knowing about our problems? Sa tsumbo, u fara mufarisi wau nga nḓila i si yavhuḓi zwi nga ita uri muṅwe mufarisi a lingee uri a lifhedze. Astrology Among Israelites, 3 / 1 A Time for Everything, 3 / 1 For example, treating one's mate unfairly can lead to another's temptation to retaliate. Nga Mushe, Yehova o vhofha mulanga wo khetheaho wa tshaka nga u vha ṋea Mulayo nahone lushaka lwa Isiraele lwa ṱanganedza wonoyo mulanga. We thus have ample reason to be convinced that he always does what is right and fair. - Job 37: 23. By Moses, Jehovah made a special covenant for the nations by giving them the Law, and the nation of Israel accepted that covenant. Thero dzenedzi dzi ṱolisisa ndimana dzoṱhe dzi re kha Vha - Roma ndima ya 12 nga u tou tevhekana. Disease These articles examine all the verses in Romans chapter 12 in one after another. O lingedza zwoṱhe zwine a nga kona u itela u nthusa nga lwa maḓipfele. Even if I just sneezed, a bone could crack. He tried everything he could to help me emotionally. Ṱhogomelani dziṅwe tsumbo dzine dza sumbedza uri ho vha hu ha vhukuma. Most important of all, Jesus ' life and death upheld and magnified the righteousness of Jehovah's sovereignty. Consider some examples showing that it was true. Naa vho vha vha tshi ḓo tikedza Abesalomo, u sa dzhia sia, kana vha ima na Davida na vhanna vhawe? Jehovah is a real Person who lives in a real place. Would they support Absalom, remain neutral, or stand up to David and his men? 2: 18, 23. Logically, therefore, we can find and fulfill our true purpose only by living in harmony with the Creator's purpose. 2: 18, 23. " MILAEDZA YA NDEME ' Jesus said: "" You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. ' " THE WORDS OF THE TRUTH " (b) Ndi fulufhelo ḽifhio ḽine vhenevho vhabebi vha vha naḽo? (Read John 3: 16.) (b) What confidence do those parents have? " Bugu ya Vhavhuya, " " Bugu ya Nndwa Dza Yehova, ' 3 / 15 " You had no hope and were without God in the world. 3 / 1 Ngauralo, ri fanela u vha na tshiitisi tsho khwaṱhaho tsha uri misi yoṱhe u ita zwo lugaho. - Yobo 37: 23. He did not let his sinful inclinations lead him as a slave. So we have every reason to do what is right. - Job 37: 23. Malwadze By prayerful reliance on Jehovah. Look! Marambo anga o vha a tshi vunḓea musi vha tshi nṱambisa. (b) Why was Nisan 15 in 33 C.E. called "a great " Sabbath? My bones broke down when they ran out. Zwi fhiraho zwoṱhe, vhutshilo na lufu zwa Yesu zwo tikedza na u hulisa vhuvhusahoṱhe ha Yehova ho lugaho. In 2008 we joined our daughter in the regular pioneer service. Above all, Jesus ' life and death supported and respected Jehovah's righteous sovereignty. Yehova u na fhethu hune a dzula hone. I am proud to belong to the same spiritual family as you. Jehovah has a place of dwelling. Nga zwenezwo, zwi a pfala uri ri nga wana na u ḓadzisa ndivho yashu ya vhukuma nga u tshila u tendelana na ndivho ya Musiki fhedzi. 10, 11. It is reasonable, then, that we can find and fulfill our true purpose by living in harmony with the Creator's purpose alone. Yesu o ri: "" U tea u funa Yehova Mudzimu wau nga mbilu yau yoṱhe na nga zwoṱhe zwine wa vha zwone na nga muhumbulo wau woṱhe. ' Or the therapy may consist of one small fraction extracted from a component. Jesus said: "" You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. ' (Vhalani Yohane 3: 16.) [ Picture on page 23] (Read John 3: 16.) " Ní vha sí na fulufhelo, ní vha sí na Mudzimu shangoni. Have we not seen that Jehovah's mercy and patience are far greater than we at first thought? " Have no hope for those without God in the world. Ho ngo tendela nḓowelo yawe ya u ita tshivhi i tshi mu ita phuli. The address of the branch office can be found on www.jw.org. He did not allow his sinful inclination to lead him into slavery. O kona u ita nga u ralo nga ṅwambo wa uri o vha a tshi ḓitika nga Yehova nahone a tshi rabela tshifhinga tshoṱhe. [ Footnote] He was able to do so because he relied on Jehovah and prayed regularly. (b) Ndi ngani ḓuvha ḽa 15 Nisan nga 33 C.E. ḽo vhidzwa Sabatha " khulwane? ' First, the trials we face are "common to men. " (b) Why is Nisan 15 C.E. called "a great Sabbath "? Nga 2008, ra ṱanganela na ṅwananyana washu tshumeloni ya vhuvulanḓila ha tshifhinga tshoṱhe. JESUS CHRIST warned any who might stumble his followers: "See to it that you men do not despise one of these little ones; for I tell you that their angels in heaven always behold the face of my Father who is in heaven. " In 2008, we joined our daughter in the full - time pioneer service. Ndi ḓipfa ndi wa nṱha vhukuma u vha wa muṱa muthihi wa muya na vhoiwe. The ransom is an expression of whose will, and why did he provide it? I feel superior to being one of your spiritual family. 10, 11. In his last desperate attempt, Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world. 10, 11. Kana khamusi ngalafho i nga ṱoda uri hu shumiswe tshipiḓa tshiṱuku vhukuma tshine tsha bva kha tshiṅwe tsha zwivhumbi zwihulwane. Indeed, "the word of God is alive and exerts power. " - Hebrews 4: 12. Or medical treatment may be used to a small part of one of the primary components. [ Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 23] The governing body's decision had not specifically covered that aspect of the question. [ Picture on page 23] Naa a ro ngo vhona uri tshilidzi na u sa fhela mbilu zwa Yehova ndi zwihulwane u fhira nga nḓila ye ra vha ri tshi humbula ngayo u thomani? Is it really possible that we imperfect humans can be precious in the eyes of the all - powerful Creator, Jehovah God? Did we not see that Jehovah's mercy and patience are superior to our previous way of thinking? Ni nga wana ḓiresi ya ofisi ya davhi ya shango ḽa haṋu nga u sedza kha www.jw.org. That encounter also sent her to the hospital. You can find the address of the branch office by looking at www.jw.org. Ndi ḽone ifa ḽa vhalanda vha Yehova; ndi zwone zwivhuya zwavho zwi bvaho ha Nṋe. Why were the Levites included as recipients? This is the inheritance of Jehovah's servants; it is their righteousness from me. [ Ṱhaluso i re magumoni a siaṱari] Keep working at it, and keep on walking in the truth. [ Footnote] Tsha u thoma, milingo ine ra sedzana nayo na " vhaṅwe vha sedzana nayo. ' However, the parable of the sheep and the goats describes Jesus primarily as Judge. First, the trials we face "some others. " A tshi ambela kha vharuṅwa vha fulufhedzeaho, muapostola Paulo o ṅwala a ri: "A si uri vhoṱhe ndi mimuya iné tshayo ha vha u shumela vhaṅwe naa? Getting There Referring to the faithful angels, the apostle Paul wrote: "Do not all spirit to serve others? Tshirengululi ndi musumbedzo wa zwine zwa funwa nga nnyi, nahone ndi ngani o tshi ṋekedza? While details may vary from country to country, generally IVF involves the following: The wife is given potent fertility drugs for weeks to stimulate her ovaries to produce numerous eggs. To whom is the ransom an expression of his will, and why did he offer it? Musi Sathane a tshi linga Yesu lwa u fhedzisa, o mu ṋea mivhuso yoṱhe ya shango. When that sincere request is finally answered, war will never again blight the surface of the earth. When Satan finally tempted Jesus, he gave him all the kingdoms of the world. I ngoho, "ipfi ḽa Mudzimu ndi tshithu tshi tshilaho, tshi shumaho. " - Vha - Heberu 4: 12. Cameron: Yes. Indeed, "the word of God is alive and exerts power. " - Hebrews 4: 12. Phetho ya tshigwada tshi langaho a i ngo kwama yeneyo mbudziso nga ho livhaho. Throughout it all, I tried to keep giving Felipe encouragement, although deep inside, my own hopes and plans were being dashed to pieces. The decision of the governing body does not directly affect that question. Naa zwa vhukuma zwi a konadzea uri vhathu vha songo fhelelaho vha vhe vha ndeme phanḓa ha Yehova Mudzimu ane a vha Musiki a re na maanḓa mahulu? A God Who Is "Ready to Forgive " Is it really possible for imperfect humans to be precious in the eyes of Jehovah God, the most powerful Creator? Zwenezwo zwo ita uri a dovhe a rumelwe vhuongeloni. At that convention, much emphasis was placed on the pioneer service, and youngsters were encouraged to make it their goal. As a result, he was sent back to the hospital. Ndi ngani Vhalevi vho vha vha tshi katelwa kha vhenevho vhathu? All credit went to Jehovah for their accomplishments. - Ex. Why were the Levites included in those people? Bvelani phanḓa ni tshi shumela khaho nahone ni songo neta u tshimbila ngohoni. Purpose of Study Articles Continue to work on it and not tire out in walking in the truth. Naho zwo ralo, tshifanyiso tsha nngu na mbudzi tshi ṱalusa Yesu sa Muhaṱuli. And there is more. However, the parable of the sheep and the goats describes Jesus as Judge. U Dzhena Andes A Zwi Leluwi In recounting the early days of his service as a missionary, a brother says: "We were young, inexperienced, and homesick. Pioneering in the Andes Has Not Been Rewarding Fhedzi nga ho ḓoweleaho, maitele a IVF a katela zwi tevhelaho: Mufumakadzi u fhedza vhege dzo vhalaho a tshi khou nwa mishonga i re na maanḓa ine ya ḓo thusa zwiraḓo zwawe zwine zwa ṱanganedza mbeu ya vhunna uri zwi bveledze makumba manzhi. " Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding, " said wise King Solomon of ancient Israel. But generally, Elsebeth's methods include: A wife spend a number of weeks drinking a powerful treatment that will help her organs to produce many embryos. Musi yeneyo khumbelo i bvaho mbiluni i tshi ḓo fheleledza yo fhindulwa, nndwa a i tsha ḓo dovha ya tshinya ḽifhasi. With no fear of contradiction, he said: "You well know how from the first day that I stepped into the district of Asia... When that sincere request will eventually be answered, the war will never ruin the earth. Cameron: Ee! Today, opposers at school, at work, or even at home may hurl taunts and accusations at us. Cameron: Yes! Ndo lingedza nga nḓila dzoṱhe u ṋea Felipe ṱhuṱhuwedzo, ndo vha ndi tshi zwi ḓivha uri zwe nda zwi fulufhela na u zwi dzudzanya zwo vha zwi sa ḓo ṱavhelwa nga ḓuvha. The spirit of the world advances the works of the flesh. I tried hard to give Felipe some encouragement, knowing that my hope and plans would not be resolved on the sun. Mudzimu O "Ḓiimisela U Hangwela " Go back and take your brothers back with you, and may Jehovah exercise toward you loving - kindness and trustworthiness! " - 2 Sam. God "gave Forgiveness " Kha ḽeneḽo buthano, ho ombedzelwa vhukuma tshumelo ya vhuvulanḓila, nahone vhaswa vho ṱuṱuwedzwa uri vha ḓivhetshele tshenetsho tshipikwa. The first example is here at 1 Chronicles chapter 29, verses 26 and 27. At that convention, there was much emphasis on the pioneer service, and young people were encouraged to set that goal. Vho rendisa Yehova nga zwe vha zwi khunyeledza. - Ek. Sadly, some who seemed to appreciate Jesus ' sacrifice and made a dedication to God no longer associate with the Christian congregation. They glorified Jehovah with their accomplishments. - Ex. Ndivho Ya Thero Dzi Gudwaho Why was Paul so direct when he wrote to the Hebrew Christians? Purpose of Study Articles A si zwenezwo fhedzi. As we do so, we will undoubtedly come to agree more and more with the psalmist who sang: "As for me, the drawing near to God is good for me. " - Ps. Not just that. Muṅwe wahashu u humbula zwe zwa itea musi ene na mufumakadzi wawe vha tshi vha vharumiwa, o ri: "Ro vha ri tshee vhaṱuku, ri si na tshenzhelo nahone ri tshi ṱuvha hayani. I remember lying on the street, being punched and kicked in the head. One brother recalls what happened when he and his wife became missionaries: "We were young and inexperienced and missed home. Khosi Salomo wa vhuṱali wa Isiraele ḽa kale o ri: "Fulufhedza Mudzimu nga mbilu yau yoṱhe; U songo ḓi - tika nga u ri: Ndi a ṱalukanya. One Christian woman wrote: "It is becoming overwhelming. Wise King Solomon of ancient Israel said: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. A sa ofhi u pikiswa, o amba uri: "Inwi ni a zwi ḓivha zwe nda ita ndí na inwi misi yoṱhe tshee nda swika Asia... Compare the account at 1 Samuel 1: 3, 7. Without fear of opposition, he said: "You know what I have done with you all the days until I arrived in Asia... Ṋamusi, vhathu vhane vha ri pikisa tshikoloni, mushumoni, kana hayani vha nga kha ḓi ri holedza kana vha ri pomoka mazwifhi. My family has supported us a lot, and that has united us more. " Today, those who oppose us at school, at work, or at home may ridicule us or accuse us. Muya wa shango u ṱuṱuwedza mishumo ya ṋama. Jehovah's Answer to a Heartfelt Prayer The spirit of the world promotes fleshly works. Humá na avha vhathu vha haṋu. Yehova nga a U ite nga vhuthu a si fhidze. " - 2 Sam. He was baptized in 1914 at 17 years of age. O Jehovah, do not show favor to your people. " - 2 Sam. Tsumbo ya u thoma i hafha kha Koronika ya U Thoma ndima ya 29, ndimana 26 na 27. The same is true today. The first example here is in First Chronicles chapter 29, verses 26 and 27. Zwi ṱungufhadzaho ndi uri vhaṅwe vhe vha vhonala u nga vha a livhuha tshiṱhavhelo tsha Yesu nahone vha ḓiṋekedza kha Mudzimu, a vha tsha ṱanganela na tshivhidzo tsha Vhukriste. Later, those volunteers were organized into Hospital Liaison Committees. Sadly, some who seemed to appreciate Jesus ' sacrifice and dedicated themselves to God no longer joined the Christian congregation. Ndi ngani Paulo o amba nga ho livhaho musi a tshi ṅwalela Vhakriste ngae vha Vhaheberu? An elder showed me how to prepare myself and be more relaxed. Why did Paul speak directly when writing to fellow Hebrew Christians? Musi ri tshi ita nga u ralo, ri ḓo tendelana ri sa timatimi na mupsalme we a imba a ri: "Nṋe ndi ḓifhelwa nga u vha tsini na Mudzimu. " - Ps. In this respect, Scriptural counsel supplies a key element of a balanced education. As we do so, we will agree with the psalmist who sang: "As for me, drawing near to God is good for me. " - Ps. Ndi humbula ndo wela fhasi tshiṱaraṱani ndi tshi khou buḓulwa na u raiwa ṱhoho. Inherited sin exerts a negative influence on the way we think about and speak to one another. I remember going down on the street while I was shot and seated on the head. Muṅwe mufumakadzi wa Mukriste o ṅwala a ri: "U ṋea zwifhiwa zwa mbingano zwi khou vha muhwalo vhukuma. Esther must now intervene. One Christian woman wrote: "To give wedding gifts is a real burden. Vhambedzani mafhungo a re kha 1 Samuele 1: 3, 7 (NW). In time, the Philistines come up against Israel. Compare 1 Samuel 1: 3, 7 with the account at 1 Samuel 1: 3, 7. Muṱa wahashu wo ntikedza vhukuma kha zwithu zwa muya, nahone zwenezwo zwa engedza vhuthihi hashu. " Those who truly appreciate these provisions make good use of them in the ministry. Our family has been very supportive spiritually, and that has contributed to our unity. " " U vha ḓivhise zwauri dzina ḽau ḽi pfi Yehova, Wa - Ṱaḓulu - ṱaḓulu. Among tax auditors and others with whom I do business, I now have the reputation of being an honest man. " " You know that your name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth. Vho lovhedzwa nga 1914 musi vhe na miṅwaha ya 17. 15: 7, 11; Lev. They were baptized in 1914 when they was 17 years old. Zwenezwo ndi ngoho na ṋamusi. How is the death of God's loyal ones "precious in the eyes of Jehovah "? That is also true today. Nga murahu ha zwenezwo, vhenevho vhashumi vha u ḓifunela vha vha miraḓo ya Komiti ya Vhulamukanyi ha Vhuongelo. When Artaxerxes asked him why his face was gloomy, "at once [Nehemiah] prayed to the God of the heavens. " Thereafter, such volunteers are members of Hospital Liaison Committees. Muhulwane o ntsumbedza uri ndi fanela u ḓilugiselela hani na u dzika. " Altogether, 15 or 16 kings of Judah and Israel appear, in foreign sources, in complete agreement with their names and times in [the Bible book of] Kings. An elder showed me how to prepare and calm. Nga zwenezwi, nyeletshedzo ya Maṅwalo ndi ya ndeme vhukuma kha pfunzo yo linganyiselwaho. For example, read electronic text messages after, not during, the meetings. In this regard, Scriptural counsel plays an important role in a balanced study. Tshivhi tshe ra tshi mamela tshi na ṱhuṱhuwedzo i tshinyaho kha nḓila ine ra humbula na u amba ngayo. No, that has not been the case. The inherited sin has a negative influence on how we think and speak. (Esitere 4: 1) Esitere zwino u fanela u dzhenelela. Hence, it is urgent to continue to do that as we anticipate this system's end. Esther now needs to intervene. Nga u ya ha tshifhinga, Vha - Filisita vha vutshela Vhaisiraele. No miraculous visions are being used to give direction; instead, Jehovah guides the anointed by holy spirit. In time, the Philistines attacked Israel. Vhane vha livhuha zwa vhukuma dzenedzi ndugiselelo vha dzi shumisa zwavhuḓi vhuḓinḓani. What topics are good for upbuilding conversations? Those who truly appreciate these provisions make good use of the ministry. Zwino vhaṱoli vha mithelo na vhaṅwe vhane nda ita navho zwa mabindu vha nḓivha sa muthu a fulufhedzeaho. " I had the joy of looking back over 45 years of missionary service in Sri Lanka. Now you pay taxes and other business partners know me as an honest person. " 15: 7, 11; Lev. It weakens our faith and causes us to stop " running with endurance the race ' for life. 15: 7, 11; Lev. Ndi ngani hu tshi ambiwa uri lufu lwa vhavhuya vha Mudzimu "maṱoni a Yehova ndi zwihulwane "? When Jesus said that one of the three slaves was wicked and lazy, he did not mean that one third of the anointed ones would be like that slave. Why is it said that the death of God's loyal ones "in the eyes of Jehovah is great "? 1: 4) Musi Arithasasitha a tshi mu vhudzisa uri ndi ngani o ṱungufhala, "[Nehemia a] ranga u rabela Mudzimu wa ṱaḓulu. " (Neh. " The Especially Acceptable Time " When Artaxerxes asked him why he was sad, "he began to pray to the God of heaven. " " Mahosi oṱhe a 15 kana a 16 a ngei Yuda na a ngei Isiraele, a wanala kha zwisima zwa mafhungo zwa kha maṅwe mashango, nahone zwi tendelana tshoṱhe nga ha madzina avho na nga ha tshifhinga tshe vha tshila ngatsho samusi zwo bulwa [kha bugu ya Bivhili ya] Dzikhosi. In a world marked by immorality, war, unreasonableness, disobedience, mercilessness, partiality, and hypocrisy, Jehovah has had ample opportunity to demonstrate to his creatures what real wisdom is. " The kings of all 15 or 16 kings of Judah and Israel are found in the sources of other lands, and they are completely in harmony with their names and times as stated [the Bible book of Kings]. Sa tsumbo, ni songo vhala milaedza kha ṱhingothendeleki nga tshifhinga tsha miṱangano, ni nga i vhala nga murahu. Treasure Our Spiritual Paradise For example, do not read messages on phone calls during meetings, so you can read them later. Na kathihi. [ Footnote] Not at all. Nga zwenezwo, zwo ṱavhanyiswa uri ri bvele phanḓa ri tshi ita nga u ralo samusi ro lavhelela u fheliswa ha maitele ano. Would all Christians be misled? Therefore, it is urgent that we continue to do so as we look forward to the end of this system. A hu na mabono a lwa vhuṱolo ane a khou shumiswa u itela u ṋea vhulivhisi, nṱhani hazwo, Yehova u livhisa vhaḓodzwa nga muya mukhethwa. What does the resurrection of Lazarus reveal about Jesus? No miraculous visions are used to provide guidance rather than to the anointed, Jehovah leads the anointed by means of holy spirit. Ndi zwithu zwifhio zwi fhaṱaho zwine na nga amba ngazwo? The Law also incited the Jews to love one another. What upbuilding things can you say? Ndi a takala musi ndi tshi elekanya nga miṅwaha ya 45 ye nda i fhedza tshumeloni ya vhurumiwa ngei Sri Lanka. This family certainly does not regret making those adjustments, and you can find the same to be true of your family. I am happy to meditate on the 45 years I spent in the missionary service in Sri Lanka. Zwi ita uri lutendo lwashu lu si khwaṱhe na u ita uri ri litshe " u konḓelela nndwani ' ya vhutshilo. Many people never experience that. " It keeps our faith strong and prevents us from " enduring in the battle ' of life. Musi Yesu a tshi amba uri muṅwe wa vhenevho vhalanda vhararu ndi muvhi nahone u a bvafha, o vha a sa khou amba uri muṅwe wa vhaḓodzwa u ḓo nga onoyo mulanda. What should all dedicated servants of Jehovah remember when it comes to their associations? When Jesus said that one of those three slaves was wicked and lazy, he was not saying that one of the anointed one would be like that servant. " Tshifhinga Tsho Fanelaho Tshavhuḓi " The slave could attend to his own needs only after he had served his master. " A acceptable Time " Kha shango ḽo ḓalaho u ḓifara luvhi, dzinndwa, u sa vha na ngelekanyo, u sa thetshelesa, u sa vha na khathutshelo, u vha na tshiṱalula, na u vha na muhoyo, Yehova o vha e na zwibuli zwinzhi zwa u sumbedza zwine vhuṱali ha vhukuma ha vha zwone kha zwivhumbiwa zwawe. Our displaying courtesy - responding mildly and respectfully - may soften the attitude of those who insult us. - Titus 2: 7, 8. In a world full of immorality, wars, disobedience, mercy, injustice, and hypocrisy, Jehovah had many opportunities to demonstrate the true wisdom of his creatures. Dzhielani Nṱha Paradiso Yashu Ya Muya • How did Jehovah demonstrate his love for Baruch? Appreciate Our Spiritual Paradise [ Ṱhaluso i re magumoni a siaṱari] This oath is the covenant that Jehovah made with Jesus Christ to serve as King and High Priest. - Luke 22: 29. [ Footnote] Naa Vhakriste vhoṱhe vho vha vha tshi ḓo xedzwa? " [You have] the framework of the knowledge and of the truth in the Law. " - ROM. Would all Christians be misled? U vuswa ha Lazaro zwi sumbedza mini nga ha Yesu? Many of us can attest that when we put our full confidence in Jehovah, he gives us the strength to endure any hardship. What does the resurrection of Lazarus indicate about Jesus? (Ekisodo 23: 4, 5; Levitiko 19: 14; Doiteronomio 15: 13 - 15; 22: 10, 22) Wonoyo Mulayo wo dovha wa ṱuṱuwedza Vhayuda uri vha funane. They worship the happy God. That Law also encouraged the Jews to love one another. Ndi ngoho uri muṱa wonoyu a u ḓisoli nga u ita tshanduko dzenedzo, nahone na inwi na muṱa waṋu ni nga si ḓisole nga u ita zwenezwo. Some translators render this expression "surpasses all our dreams " or" excels all human planning. " Of course, this family does not regret making such changes, and neither will you and your family regret doing so. Vhathu vhanzhi a vho ngo vhuya vha ṱangana na zwenezwi. " Caroline recalls the difficulty she faced a few years ago: "From the age of 13, most of the girls around me had boyfriends, and for several years I was under constant pressure to follow their example. Many people have never met this. " Vhashumeli vha Yehova vho ḓiṋekedzaho vha fanela u humbula mini musi zwi tshi ḓa kha khonani dzavho? For more than 100 years, these words have appeared on large signs at railroad crossings in North America. What should dedicated servants of Jehovah remember when it comes to their companions? Mulanda o vha a tshi nga ṱhogomela ṱhoḓea dzawe fhedzi nga murahu o no shumela muṋe wawe. Anything we hear that tears down the brotherhood rather than builds it up is a worthless thing. - 2 Cor. The slave could provide for his needs only after serving his master. U vha hashu na mikhwa - u vha fhindula nga vhulenda na nga ṱhonifho - zwi nga ita uri vhane vha ri sema vha ṱanganedze mulaedza washu. - Tito 2: 7, 8. Judge me, O Jehovah, according to my righteousness and according to my integrity in me.... Our displaying good manners - a kind and respectful response - may move those who reproach us to accept our message. - Titus 2: 7, 8. • Yehova o sumbedza hani lufuno lwawe kha Baruki? Ten years later, there were ten times as many! • How did Jehovah express his love for Baruch? Hoyu muano ndi mulanga we Yehova a u vhofha na Yesu Kristo uri a shume sa Khosi na u vha Tshifhe Muhulwane. - Luka 22: 29. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. This covenant is Jehovah's covenant with Jesus Christ to serve as King and High Priest. - Luke 22: 29. Gudani Kha " Mutheo Wa Mafhungo - ngoho ' This will pave the way for God's government to go about its work unhindered. Learn From "the Basis of Truth " (Psalme ya 34: 19; 1 Vha - Korinta 10: 13) Vhunzhi hashu ri nga khwaṱhisedzwa uri musi ri tshi vhea fulufhelo ḽashu ḽoṱhe kha Yehova, u ri ṋea maanḓa a u konḓelela maṱhupho. As the priest offered incense in the temple each morning and evening, Anna would be with the assembled crowd in the courtyard offering silent prayer for perhaps half an hour. Many of us can be assured that when we put our full trust in Jehovah, he gives us the strength to endure hardships. Vha gwadamela Mudzimu o takalaho. Take Children to Become Angels? They worship a happy God. Vhaṅwe vhaṱalutshedzeli vha amba uri wonoyo mubulo u amba uri, "u fhira miḽoro yashu yoṱhe " kana" u fhira zwe vhathu vhoṱhe vha zwi dzudzanya. " What advice did Paul give on intimate relations in marriage? Some translators say that this expression means "is better than all our dreams " or" than all men have planned. " Caroline u kha ḓi humbula vhuleme he a ṱangana naho miṅwahani i si gathi yo fhiraho: "U bva miṅwahani ya 13, vhunzhi ha vhasidzana vhe nda vha ndi tshi konana navho vho vha vhe na vhatukana, nahone miṅwahani minzhi ndo vha ndi tshi dzula ndi mutsikoni wa u tevhela tsumbo yavho. Jacques Johnson, a Catholic priest, wrote in a Canadian weekly about his efforts to dissuade a woman from studying with Jehovah's Witnesses. " From 13 years of age, most of the girls with whom I associated had sons, and for many years I was always ashamed to follow their example. Lwa miṅwaha i fhiraho 100, enea maipfi o vha e kha tswayo khulwane ya hune ha fhira tshidimela ngei Amerika Devhula. PAGE 27 Over 100 years ago, these words were on the larger sign of a train in North America. Naho tshi tshini tshine ra tshi pfa tshine tsha nyadza vhurathu na vhukomana hashu nṱhani ha u vhu fhaṱa a tshi vhuyedzi. - 2 Vha - Kor. In the future, faithful young people will be counted among those who will survive into God's promised new world. Whatever we hear that dishonors our brothers rather than build them up benefits them. - 2 Cor. U tike muvhuya; ané a ṱalukanya mbilu na mvalo ndi Iwe. What emotion do you sense in Jonah's voice as he proclaimed Jehovah's judgment? He is righteous, and he that is discerning the heart and the kidneys is yours. Nga murahu ha miṅwaha ya fumi, tshivhalo tsho engedzea kafumi! 2: 1 - 10. Ten years later, the number rose to ten! Ndi tshipiḓa tsha mushumo wa u gudisa Bivhili wa shango ḽoṱhe u tikedzwaho nga miṋeelo ya u ḓifunela. Paul testified that this was really "beyond their actual ability. " It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. Zwenezwi zwi ḓo ita uri muvhuso wa Mudzimu u kone u ita mushumo wawo u sa thithiswi. Why does Jehovah want us to view him as the Rewarder? This will prevent God's government from carrying out its work without distraction. Musi tshifhe a tshi ṋekedza zwioro thembeleni matsheloni na madekwana maṅwe na maṅwe, Ana o vha a tshi vha e na gogo ḽo kuvhanganaho muṱani a tshi khou rabelela mbiluni, khamusi lwa hafu ya awara. Thank you so much for being a source of encouragement to me. When the priest offered incense at the temple and every evening, Anna had a crowd gathered together in the family in prayer, perhaps for half hours. Ndi Ngani Ri Tshi Fanela U Tevhela "Kristo "? Paul acknowledged that certain fellow Christians proved to be "a strengthening aid " to him during his imprisonment in Rome. Why Follow "the Christ "? Ndi nyeletshedzo ifhio ye Paulo a i amba malugana na vhushaka ha tsini - tsini ha mbingano? Samuel had seen so much potential in Saul, so much good, and now his hopes were shattered. What counsel did Paul give regarding intimate relations in marriage? Jacques Johnson ane a vha mufunzi wa Katolika o ṅwala nga ha vhuḓidini hawe ha u dzivhisa muṅwe musadzi uri a sa gude na Ṱhanzi dza Yehova kha gurannḓa ya vhege iṅwe na iṅwe ya Canada. We can be confident that Jehovah's recorded utterances make "the inexperienced one wise. " Johnson, a Catholic priest, wrote about her efforts to prevent a woman from studying with Jehovah's Witnesses in the weekly newspaper of Canada. SIAṰARI 27 The 1983 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses reported that Brother Jaracz "greatly encouraged the brothers throughout the country by his zeal for theocratic orderliness and a fine lead in the field. " PAGE 27 Tshifhingani tshi ḓaho, vhaswa vha fulufhedzeaho vha ḓo vhalwa vhukati ha vhane vha ḓo ponyoka vha dzhena shangoni ḽiswa ḽa Mudzimu ḽo fulufhedziswaho. My older brothers had gone to Bethel earlier, and it was my desire to serve there too. In the future, faithful youths will be counted among those who survive into God's promised new world. Ni vhona u nga Yona o ḓipfa hani musi a tshi ḓivhadza khaṱhulo ya Yehova? • How is Stephen an example of a humble person to whom Jehovah revealed His glory? How do you think Jonah felt when he declared Jehovah's judgment? 2: 1 - 10. [ Picture on page 26] 2: 1 - 10. Paulo o amba uri vhukuma "vho pfukisa na huné vha kona, vhó tou zwi funa vhone vhaṋe. " Clearly, we have every reason to place our complete trust in Jehovah, the Judge who always does what is right. Paul said that they were really "lovers of themselves. " Huno vha sendelaho Mudzimu tshavho hu vhe u tenda zwauri u hone, na u tenda zwauri vha mu ṱoḓaho u ḓo vha ṋea malamba. " In each example, we will identify a Scriptural principle that can help us make a wise decision. For he that approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him. " Ndi livhuha vhukuma uri ni dzula ni tshi nṱuṱuwedza. Then David's virgin daughter Tamar is raped by her half brother Amnon. I am grateful that you keep encouraging me. Paulo o ṱhogomela uri vhaṅwe Vhakriste ngae vho sumbedza u vha "dzilafho " khae musi o valelwa khothoni ngei Roma. Why must we keep on moving ahead with Jehovah's organization? Paul recognized that some fellow Christians had proved to be "a strengthening aid " to him during his imprisonment in Rome. Samuele o vha o vhona zwivhuya kha Saulo, na zwe a vha a tshi nga vha zwone, nahone zwino o vha a si tshe na fulufhelo nga hae. I entered a religious school in Puebla that functioned like a seminary. Samuel had seen good in Saul, and he could now have lost his confidence in him. Ri nga vha na vhungoho ha uri maipfi a Yehova o ṅwalwaho a "ṱalifhisa o vuḓaho. " Satan's rival sovereignty has been totally unable to protect mankind from ongoing calamities, and no human government has been capable of fulfilling the basic needs of all its citizens. We can be sure that Jehovah's written words "are toward the meek ones. " Kha 1983 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses ho vhigwa uri Wahashu Jaracz "o vha a tshi ṱuṱuwedza vhukuma vhahashu vha shangoni ḽeneḽo ḽoṱhe nga ṅwambo wa uri o vha a tshi fhisetshela u tevhedza vhulivhisi ha lwa ṱaḓulu, nahone a tshi ranga phanḓa zwavhuḓi vhukuma tsimuni. " How much more of a temptation this would have been than if Jesus had only been tempted in a vision! In 1983 the 1983 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses reported that Brother Jaracz "was a source of great encouragement to the brothers worldwide because he was eager to follow theocratic direction, and he took the lead in the field. " Khaladzi dzanga khulwane dzo ya Bethele u thoma, nahone lwo vha lu lutamo lwanga u shuma henefho na nṋe. What a spectacular answer! My older sisters went to Bethel first, and it was my desire to work with me. • Stefano ndi tsumbo ya u ḓiṱukufhadza we Yehova a mu dzumbululela vhugala Hawe nga nḓila - ḓe? Then I ask myself, " Where shall I go away to - out there into the darkness of the world? ' • How was Stephen an example of humility that Jehovah revealed His glory? [ Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 26] 7: 1 - 4. [ Picture on page 26] Nga hu re khagala, ri na tshiitisi tsho khwaṱhaho tsha u fulufhela tshoṱhe Yehova, Muhaṱuli ane a ita zwo lugaho tshifhinga tshoṱhe. In modern times, "the spirit of the world " has become increasingly manifest. Clearly, we have every reason to trust in Jehovah, the Judge who always does what is right. Kha tsumbo iṅwe na iṅwe, ri ḓo ṱolisisa vhulivhisi vhu re Bivhilini vhune ha nga ri thusa u dzhia phetho ya vhuṱali. Is there no hope for them? In each case, we will consider Bible principles that can help us to make wise decisions. Nga murahu Thamara ṅwananyana wa Davida o vha a tshi ḓo tzhipiwa nga khaladzi awe Aminoni. What at first seemed to be innocent fun soon led to a tragic experience - she was raped by "the most honorable " young man in town. - Genesis 34: 1, 2, 19. David's daughter Tamar would then have been threatened by her brother - in - law, Tamar. Ndi ngani ri tshi fanela u bvela phanḓa ri tshi tshimbidzana na ndangulo ya Yehova? He ordered her to conceal his presence from any man who might come looking for him. Why should we continue to cooperate with Jehovah's organization? Ndo dzhena tshikolo tsha vhurereli ngei ḓoroboni ya Puebla tshe tsha vha tshi tshi shuma u fana na tshikolo tsha u gudisa vhufunzi. Christian parents wisely provide their children from infancy with a strong spiritual environment I attended a religious school in the city of Pue, which served as a minister. Vhuvhusi ha Sathane swina ḽihulu ho kundwa tshoṱhe u tsireledza vhathu kha khombo nnzhi dzine vha sedzana nadzo, nahone a hu na muvhuso wa vhathu une wa kona u fusha ṱhoḓea dza mutheo dza vhathu vhoṱhe. Well, if we are pursuing an upright course, we can be sure that our heavenly Father gives recognition to our godly life and views us as his approved servants. Satan's great enemy has been unable to protect people from the many calamities they face, and no human government is capable of satisfying the basic needs of all mankind. Zwenezwi zwo vha zwi tshi ḓo vha zwi si mulingo muhulwane arali Yesu o lingwa kha bono fhedzi! They are done by the authority of the government. This would not have been the greatest test if Jesus was tempted only in a vision! (1 Dzikhosi 18: 38) Ndi phindulo yavhuḓi lungafhani! In turn, wives are to submit to the headship of their husbands. What a heartwarming answer! Nga zwenezwo ndi a ḓivhudzisa, " ndi ḓo ṱuwa nda ya ngafhi - naa ndi ḓo ya shangoni ḽine ḽa vha swiswini? ' For Life and Peace, Walk in Accord With the Spirit, 11 / 15 So I ask myself, " Where shall I go to? ' 7: 1 - 4. Let us examine how we can imitate Jesus ' example and enable those who come in contact with us to "find refreshment. " - Matthew 11: 29; Galatians 5: 22, 23. 7: 1 - 4. Musalauno, muya wa shango wo ḓala vhukuma. Today, holy spirit is available to aid Christians, whatever their hope In modern times, the spirit of the world is very prevalent. Naa hu na fulufhelo nga havho? Arabah (south of Salt Sea) Is there any hope for them? U ḓiphina he mathomoni ha vhonala hu si na khombo ho ita uri hu vhe na makhaula mbilu - o tzhipiwa nga muṱhannga ane a vha "mukololo muhulwane " muḓini. - Genesi 34: 1, 2, 19. He scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. The pleasure at the outset caused the heart to grow - a young man who became "a mighty man " in" a city. " - Genesis 34: 1, 2, 19. Sisera o mu humbela uri a songo vhudza muthu uri u hone. Paul wrote to Christians in Rome: "The problem is that we do not know what we should pray for as we need to, but the spirit itself pleads for us with unuttered groanings. Sisera asked him not to tell anyone he was. Arali ra tshila nga nḓila yo lugaho, ri nga vha na vhungoho ha uri Khotsi ashu wa ṱaḓulu u a ṱhogomela nḓila ine ra tevhedza ngayo milayo yawe vhutshiloni hashu na u ri dzhia ri vhashumeli vhawe vhane a vha ṱanganedza. Paul's word picture recorded at 2 Timothy 2: 19 depicts a foundation with a message on it, as if imprinted with a seal. If we pursue a righteous course, we can be sure that our heavenly Father takes note of how we adhere to his laws in our life and views us as his servants who accept them. Zwi itwa nga vhathu vha re na maanḓa vhane vha shuma muvhusoni. [ Blurb on page 5] They are made up of powerful men who work in the government. Vhafumakadzi vha fanela u ṱhonifha vhuṱoho ha vhanna vhavho. (See opening picture.) Wives should respect the headship of their husbands. Kha ri ṱolisise nḓila ine ra nga edzisa ngayo tsumbo ya Yesu nahone ra ita uri vhathu vhane ra tshila navho vha "homolowe. " - Mateo 11: 29, vhambedzani NW; Vha - Galata 5: 22, 23. By learning from Jehovah, who is the very Source of love and who demonstrates love and affection to all who wholeheartedly turn to him. Let us consider how we can imitate Jesus ' example and bring the people around us "a waiting attitude. " - Matthew 11: 29; Galatians 5: 22, 23. Ṋamusi muya mukhethwa u thusa Vhakriste, hu sa londwi uri fulufhelo ḽavho ndi ḽifhio Is the person in emotional turmoil? Today, holy spirit helps Christians, no matter what their hope is Araba (tshipembe ha Lwanzhe lwa Muṋo) How did this young woman respond? They do not (Ape of the Black Sea) A tevhukanya mali na u thudza maṱafula avho. At the time, the activities of Jehovah's Witnesses in Portugal were banned. He does not pick up money and pour it out on their heads. Paulo o ṅwalela Vhakriste vha ngei Roma uri: "Nga zwiṅwe zwifhinga zwi a itea uri ri rabele, fhedzi ri si ḓivhe zwine ra fanela u zwi amba uri ri sumbedze maḓipfele ashu, ri wana thuso nga maanḓa a Mudzimu. " Is anything too extraordinary for Jehovah, " the Creator of the heavens and the earth? Paul wrote to Christians in Rome: "At times we pray, but we do not know what we should say to show our feelings, we receive help from God's power. Tshifanyiso tsha Paulo tsho ṅwalwaho kha 2 Timotheo 2: 19 tshi sumbedza mutheo une wa vha na mulaedza, zwa tou nga hu na luswayo lwo ṅwalwaho khawo. Of course it does! Paul's illustration recorded at 2 Timothy 2: 19 highlights the basis for a message, as though there is a sign written on it. [ Maipfi o ṱumbulwaho kha siaṱari 5] For instance, the French government was demanding $82 million (U.S.) in taxes from the association we use in France. [ Blurb on page 5] (Sedzani tshifanyiso tsha u thoma.) May we never do anything to cause us to lose that! (See opening picture.) Nga u guda kha Yehova, ane a vha Tshisima tsha lufuno na we a sumbedza lufuno kha vhoṱhe vhane vha ḓa khae nga mbilu yoṱhe. If you persist, you will grow to love them and become spiritually strong. By learning from Jehovah, the Source of love and love for all who sincerely come to him. Naa onoyo muthu u vhonala a tshi khou pfa vhuṱungu vhuhulwane? Brian: There was little evidence outside the Bible that he was a real person. Does that person seem to have great anguish? Onoyu musidzana o aravha hani? For example, he personally selected Paul and supervised his training. How did this girl react? Nga tshenetsho tshifhinga, mushumo wa Ṱhanzi dza Yehova wo vha wo thivhelwa ngei Portugal. These are just a few examples to substantiate the Bible's claim of authenticity when it says: "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight. " - 2 Timothy 3: 16. At that time, the work of Jehovah's Witnesses was banned in Portugal. " Naa hu nga vha na zwine Yehova a si zwi kone, " Musiki wa ḽiṱaḓulu na ḽifhasi? 9, 10. " Can there be what Jehovah cannot, " the Creator of heaven and earth? Ee! " If you cannot say where an artifact was found and where it has been for nearly 2,000 years, you cannot pretend to draw the lines of connection between the object and the people it might mention, " says Professor Bruce Chilton of Bard College, New York. Yes! Sa tsumbo, muvhuso wa Fura wo vha u tshi khou ṱoḓa ndangulo yashu ngei Fura i tshi badela muthelo wa rannda dza milioni dza 626. Right there in Leicester, I filled in my application to join the ranks of the pioneers. For example, the French government was looking for our organization in France to pay a total of 6,000 dollars (U.S.). Ri songo vhuya ra ita zwithu zwine zwa ḓo ita uri ri xelelwe nga zwenezwo! Family worship each week can help us. May we never do anything that would cost us that! Arali na futelela, ni ḓo zwi funa nahone na khwaṱha muyani. Jehovah says of those he favors: "Their sin I shall remember no more. " If you persevere, you will love them and become spiritually strong. Brian: Ho vha hu si na vhuṱanzi vhunzhi nga nnḓa ha vhu re hone Bivhilini ha uri o vha e muthu wa vhukuma. In the book of Job, we read of one instance that may be somewhat exceptional. Brian: There was little evidence except there is in the Bible that she was a real person. Sa tsumbo, o khetha Paulo nahone a livhisa uri a gudiswe. During Absalom's rebellion, David's trusted counselor Ahithophel turned traitor and joined Absalom in the revolt against the king. For example, he chose Paul and directed him to be trained. Dzenedzi ndi tsumbo dzi si gathi dzine dza tikedza vhungoho vhune ha vha Bivhilini musi i tshi ri: "Maṅwalo oṱhe o hevhedzwa nga Mudzimu nahone a a vhuyedza kha u gudisa, kha u kaidza, kha u khakhulula. " - 2 Timotheo 3: 16. Despite all the misery that they had caused by their faithlessness, Elijah still loved them. These are just a few examples that support the Bible's truthfulness: "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight. " - 2 Timothy 3: 16. 9, 10. Do You Remember? 9, 10. Muphurofesa Bruce Chilton wa Gudedzi ḽa Bard, ngei kha ḽa New York u ri: "Arali ni sa ḓivhi hune wonoyo mudzio wa marambo wa bva hone na he wa vha u hone miṅwahani ya 2000 yo fhelaho, ni nga si kone u ṱumanya vhushaka hawo na vhathu vhe vha ṅwaliwa khawo. " Not only has Jehovah shown compassion but he has also taught his people the need to display that quality. " If you don't know where the ossuary came from and where 2,000 years ago it was written, you cannot link it with those who were written, " says Professor Milton of Andrew, New York. Ndi tshee henengei Leicester, ndo mbo ḓi ḓadza fomo ya vhuvulanḓila. But rebellion against God's authority introduced suffering to mankind. While I was still there, I filled an application for pioneering. Vhurabeli ha muṱa ha vhege iṅwe na iṅwe vhu nga ri thusa. Providentially, during his early years, Moses was brought up by his faithful mother, Jochebed, and he became a loyal servant of Jehovah. Family worship can help us. Elekanyani nga ha mvelelo dza phetho dzaṋu. (Mir. A Far - Reaching Impact Meditate on the consequences of your decisions. Buguni ya Yobo, ri vhala nga ha tshiṅwe tshiitea tshine tsha nga ri ṋea phindulo. 17, 18. (a) Upon what does true success depend? In the book of Job, we read about another event that gives us an answer. Tshifhingani tsha vhushandukwa ha Abesalomo, Ahitofele mueletshedzi wa Davida we a vha a tshi mu fulufhela, o mu ṱanutshela nahone a shumisana na Abesalomo kha u vutshela khosi. Satan then said about Job: "But, for a change, stretch out your hand and strike his bone and flesh, and he will surely curse you to your very face. " During Absalom's rebellion, David's trusted counselor Ahithophel joined Absalom to attack the king. (1 Dzikhosi 18: 36, 37) Hu sa londwi maṱhupho e vha ḓi ḓisela one nga ṅwambo wa u shaya lutendo, Elia o vha a tshi kha ḓi vha funa. [ Picture on page 30] Despite the hardships they brought upon themselves because of their lack of faith, Elijah still loved them. Naa Ni A Zwi Humbula? IT IS late November 1932 in Mexico City. Do You Remember? Yehova o sumbedza vhathu vhawe vhuthu nahone o dovha a vha sumbedza nḓila ine zwa vha zwa ndeme ngayo u sumbedza yeneyo pfaneleo. How is Christ carrying out "the harvest of the earth "? Jehovah has shown loving - kindness to his people and has also shown them how important it is to display that quality. Fhedzi u vutshela vhuvhusi ha Mudzimu zwo ita uri vhathu vha shengele. What about you? But rebellion against God's rule has caused mankind to suffer. Musi a tshee muṱuku, Mushe o vha na mashudu a u aluswa nga Yoxebeta, mme awe vha fulufhedzeaho nahone a mbo ḓi vha mushumeli wa Yehova a fulufhedzeaho. (Ek. 2: 1 - 10; Vhaheb. Do you feel the same way? As a young man, Moses was happy to be brought up by Yos, his faithful mother, and she became a loyal servant of Jehovah. Vhuḓidini Vhu Vhuyedzaho Jesus, though, rejected that kind of thinking. The Right puts on the Watch 17, 18. (a) U bvelela zwa vhukuma vhutshiloni zwo ḓitika nga mini? If the Israelites had exercised faith and followed Joshua and Caleb's advice, would they have had far to go to reach the Promised Land? 17, 18. (a) On what does true success depend? Nga murahu ha zwenezwo Sathane o amba nga ha Yobo a ri: "Zwino edzou isa tshanḓa U fare marambo awe na ṋama yawe, U vhone a tshi ḓo U ṱala. " Does it worry you and make you feel that Jehovah was not fair, that he punished Azariah for no good reason? Satan then said of Job: "Get out of your hand and touch his bones and see whether he will not curse you to your very face. " [ Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 30] It is no wonder that singing is a prominent aspect of pure worship, whether we are alone when we sing or we are with the congregation of God's people. [ Picture on page 30] NDI mafheloni a November 1932 ngei Ḓoroboni ya Mexico. Taking our brothers and sisters seriously would rule out flirting with them or doing anything that would make a brother or a sister feel uncomfortable around us. IT WAS late in November 1932 in Mexico City. Kristo u khou livhisa hani "khaṋo ya shango ḽoṱhe "? To help us gain insight into what must be overcome to achieve such unity, let us consider a first - century example, the apostle Peter. How is Christ directing "the whole inhabited earth "? Hu pfi mini nga inwi? Angry denial is a common way for humans to react to unjust criticism. What about you? Naa na inwi ni ḓipfa nga yeneyo nḓila? Let us, then, examine two Gospel accounts. Do you feel that way? Naho zwo ralo, Yesu o hana eneo mahumbulele. 43: 14. Yet, Jesus rejected that thinking. Arali Vhaisiraele vha vhe na lutendo nahone vha thetshelese nyeletshedzo ya Yoshua na Kalebe, naa vho vha vha tshi ḓo vha vho swika Shangoni ḽo Fulufhedziswaho? That did it. If the Israelites had faith and heeded the counsel of Joshua and Caleb, would they have reached the Promised Land? Naa zwi a ni vhilaedzisa nahone zwa ni ita uri ni vhone u nga Yehova ha na khaṱulokwayo ngauri o haṱula Asaria hu si na tshiitisi tshi pfalaho? 2: 41 - 50. Does it bother you and convince you that Jehovah is not unjust because he judged Azariah without cause? A zwi timatimisi uri u imba ndi tshipiḓa tsha ndeme tsha vhurabeli ha ngoho, hu sa londwi uri ri khou imba ri roṱhe kana na tshivhidzo tsha vhathu vha Mudzimu. And there is no sign of a turnaround. There is no doubt that singing is an important part of true worship, whether we are singing alone or even a congregation of God's people. (Yobo 31: 1) U dzhia vhahashu vha tshinnani na vha tshisadzini vhe vha ndeme zwi ḓo ita uri ri si vhaise maḓipfele avho nga u tamba nga lufuno kana u ita zwithu zwine zwa ḓo ita uri wahashu wa tshisadzini kana wa tshinnani a ḓipfe a songo vhofholowa musi e na riṋe. Jealous? Taking seriously our brothers and sisters will prevent us from hurting their feelings by flirting or by doing things that will make a sister or a brother feel uncomfortable with us. U itela u vhona zwine ra fanela u zwi kunda uri hu vhe na vhuthihi ho raloho, kha ri haseledze nga ha tsumbo ya muapostola Petro wa ḓanani ḽa u thoma ḽa miṅwaha. " God's kingdom had drawn near ' because Jesus was on hand as King - Designate. To see what we need to overcome such unity, let us consider the example of the apostle Peter in the first century. U hanedza wo sinyuwa ndi nḓila yo ḓoweleaho ine vhathu vha aravha ngayo musi vha tshi sasaladzwa nga nḓila i songo teaho. My father's way of life caused my mother a lot of grief, and she became deeply depressed. Contrary to anger is a common reaction to negative criticism. Nga zwenezwo, kha ri ṱolisise mafhungo a re kha Evangeli mbili. He wrote: "Through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned. " - Romans 5: 12. Let us, then, examine the account in two Gospels. 43: 14. In cities where he preached, multitudes of both Jews and Greeks became believers. 43: 14. Ndo mbo ḓi dzhia phetho na zwenezwo. Those elders did not hold Timothy back from traveling with Paul, even though Timothy was an asset to their own congregations. I decided that. 2: 41 - 50. This is in line with Jehovah's prophetic utterance concerning his Son: "Look! As a witness to the national groups I have given him, as a leader and commander to the national groups. " 2: 41 - 50. Zwi vhonala u nga zwi ḓo bvela phanḓa zwo tou ralo. One such worshipper, King David, testified to Jehovah's loyalty. It seems that this would continue. Neufeld), 10 / 1 9: 26. " Do Not Be Afraid, " 10 / 15 " Muvhuso wa Mudzimu wo vha u tsini ' ngauri Yesu o vha e hone sa Khosi Yo Vhewaho. Saul and his entire army were terrified - but not David. " The kingdom of God was near " because Jesus was present as King - Designate. Matshilele a khotsi anga o vha a tshi ita uri mme anga vha dzule vho ṱungufhala nahone vho tsikeledzea vhukuma. Accordingly, accepting Bible truth comes at a price: It may put you at odds with friends, neighbors, workmates, and even your family. My father's way of life made Mother very sad and depressed. O ṅwala a ri: "Zwivhi zwó dzhena shangoni nga muthu muthihi, zwivhi zwa ḓisa lufu, lufu lwo vhuya lwa ṱanganya vhathu vhoṱhe nge vhoṱhe vha tshinya. " - Vha - Roma 5: 12. Instead, he repeatedly had his prophets declare how he viewed their disobedient conduct. He wrote: "Through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned. " - Romans 5: 12. Miḓini ye a vha a tshi huwelela khayo, vhathu vhanzhi vha Vhayuda na Vhagerika vho vha vhatendi. Are you young people allowed to join in this work? In the city where he preached, many Jews and Greeks became believers. Vhenevho vhahulwane a vho ngo hana uri Timotheo a tshimbile na Paulo, naho Timotheo o vha a tshi ṱoḓea zwivhidzoni zwa havho. Not at all. These elders did not object to Timothy's traveling with Paul, even though Timothy was needed in their congregations. Zwenezwi zwi tshimbidzana na vhuporofita ha Yehova ha malugana na Murwa wawe vhune ha ri: "Ni ḓivhe zwauri ndo mu ita ṱhanzi ya dzitshakha, na mu - ranga - phanḓa na mulai wa dzitshakha. " The message of judgment included in our preaching work is sending out a tremor among the nations. This is in harmony with Jehovah's prophecy regarding his Son: "Look! Nga zwiṅwe zwifhinga musi ho redzwa Bivhili, maipfi a nga kha ḓi sendamiswa u itela u ombedzela. The third codex contains about one third of the book of Revelation. Sometimes when a Bible text is cited, words can be moved to stress. Muṅwe wa vhagwadameli vhawe, Khosi Davida, o khwaṱhisedza uri Yehova u a fulufhedzea. How does Jehovah make the way out for those who rely on him in the face of trials? One of his worshippers, King David, confirmed Jehovah's loyalty. 9: 26. In this regard, Leviticus 20: 2 states: "Any man of the sons of Israel, and any alien resident who resides as an alien in Israel, who gives any of his offspring to Molech, should be put to death without fail. 9: 26. (1 Samuele 17: 4 - 10) Saulo na mmbi yawe yoṱhe vho vha vha tshi khou ofha - fhedzi Davida o vha a sa ofhi. Jehovah had told Solomon: "If you will walk in my statutes and perform my judicial decisions and actually keep all my commandments by walking in them, I also shall certainly carry out my word with you that I spoke to David your father; and I shall indeed reside in the middle of the sons of Israel, and I shall not leave my people Israel. " - 1 Ki. Saul and all his armies feared - but David was not afraid. Nga zwenezwo, u ṱanganedza mafhungo - ngoho a Bivhili zwi ṱoḓa u ḓikumedza: Ngauri zwi nga ita uri ni si tsha pfana na khonani dzaṋu, vhahura, vhane na shuma navho, na muṱa wahaṋu. When she went to an assembly, she worked hard to prepare my meals ahead of time and to get the housework done. Therefore, accepting Bible truth requires self - sacrifice: Because it can cause you to lose contact with your friends, neighbors, workmates, and your family. Nṱhani hazwo, o rumela vhaporofita vhawe lunzhi - lunzhi uri vha vha vhudze nḓila ine a dzhia ngayo u sa fulufhedzea havho. His answer was: "I am a witness for Jehovah and will remain such. " Instead, he repeatedly sent his prophets to tell them how he viewed their unfaithfulness. Naa ni muswa o tendelwaho u ṱanganela kha wonoyu mushumo? Why is that so? Are you a young person who is allowed to share in this work? Na khathihi. And Jehovah's thoughts make us wise and lead us to everlasting life. - Read 2 Timothy 3: 14 - 17. Not at all. (Daniele 2: 44) Mulaedza wa khaṱulo une wa katela mushumo washu wa u huwelela u khou dzinginyisa vhukati ha dzitshakha. How did they react to Jesus ' invitation? The judgment message involving our preaching work is touching among the nations. Ḽiṅwalwa ḽa vhuraru ḽi na tshipiḓa tsha bugu ya Ndzumbululo. Aging parents may need special care. The third text contains part of the book of Revelation. Yehova u vula hani nḓila kha vhane vha ḓitika ngae musi vho sedzana na milingo? " Jehovah is a lover of justice, and he will not leave his loyal ones. How does Jehovah pioneer on those who rely on him when they face trials? Kha zwenezwi, Levitiko 20: 2 i amba uri: "Nnyi na nnyi [wa Isiraele], na a re mutsinda kha ḽa Isiraele, ane a ḓo ṋekedzela Moloxo muṅwe wa vhana vhawe, nga a fe; vhathu vha ḽeneḽo shango nga vha mu kanḓe nga matombo. " Rosa could not pass up such an opportunity to give a witness. In this regard, Leviticus 20: 2 states: "Who [the sons of Israel] and the alien resident of Israel will pay one for one of his sons, and he will die, and the people of the land will be stoned to him. " Yehova o vhudza Salomo uri: "Arali wa tevhedza ndael [a] dzanga, wa ita nga maitele anga, wa fara nḓila dzanga U tshi tevhedza milayo yanga, ndi ḓo U khwaṱhisela zwe nda amba na Davida khotsi - au. Ndi ḓo dzula vhukati ha Vha - Isiraele; vhathu vhanga vha Isiraele a thi nga vha laṱedzi. " - 1 Dzikh. Why can this world's media be dangerous? Jehovah told Solomon: "If you observe my ways and walk in my ways, then you will keep my law, and I will keep you from listening to David your father, and I will reside among the sons of Israel; and I will not leave my people Israel. " - 1 Ki. Musi a tshi ya guvhanganoni, o vha a tshi ḓidina vhukuma u itela u ndugiselela zwiḽiwa hu tshee nga phanḓa na u sia o ita mishumo ya hayani. " I am very happy to know that The Watchtower is published in 139 [now 146] languages, " he continued. When she attended the assembly, she worked hard to provide food in advance and leave home chores. O fhindula a ri: "Ndi ṱhanzi ya Yehova nahone ndi ḓo dzula ndo ralo. " How should knowing that the end of this wicked system is rapidly approaching affect us? He answered: "I am Jehovah's witnesses, and I will always be like that. " Ndi ngani zwo ralo? Simply dealing with everyday troubles can strain marital ties. Why? (Psalme ya 40: 5; 92: 5; 139: 17) Nahone mahumbulele a Yehova a a ri ṱalifhisa na u ri livhisa vhutshiloni vhu sa fheli. - Vhalani 2 Timotheo 3: 14 - 17. But the headship arrangement remained in effect. And Jehovah's thinking makes us wise and guides us to everlasting life. - Read 2 Timothy 3: 14 - 17. Vho aravha hani musi Yesu a tshi vha vhidza? Our congregation even bought a bus so that we could travel to neighboring towns and villages each weekend. How did they react to Jesus ' call? Vhabebi vha vhalala vha nga kha ḓi fanela u ṋewa ṱhogomelo yo khetheaho. Indeed, they had good reason to "give [the elders] more than extraordinary consideration in love. " Elderly parents may need special care. " Yehova u funa mulayo; ha laṱedzi vhakhethwa vhawe. • How can we practice mercy within the Christian congregation? " Jehovah loves the law, and he will not leave his loyal ones. Rosa ho ngo litsha u shumisa tshibuli tshenetsho u itela u ṱanziela. Then expand your ministry, and make steady spiritual progress. Rosa did not hold back from using this opportunity to give a witness. Ndi ngani zwianḓadzi zwa mafhungo zwa ḽino shango zwi khombo? Another reward was on the way, though. Why is the media of this world dangerous? O bvela phanḓa a ri: "Ndi a takala vhukuma u ḓivha zwa uri Tshiingamo tshi khou gandiswa nga nyambo dzi linganaho 139 [zwino ndi 146]. She took time to meditate on such important things. He continued: "I am so happy to know that The Watchtower is printed in 139 languages. Ri fanela u kwamiwa hani nga u ḓivha uri vhufhelo ha ano maitele mavhi vhu khou ḓa nga u ṱavhanya? Even wild beasts will be tamed. " How should we be affected by the knowledge that the end of this wicked system is fast approaching? U sedzana na thaidzo dza ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe zwi nga tsikeledza mbingano. He also considers the prudence of leaving an inheritance for our offspring as well as disciplining them in love. Facing day - to - day problems can be distressing to a marriage. Fhedzi ndugiselelo ya uri munna a vhe ṱhoho a yo ngo shanduka. (Read Psalm 2: 7; Matthew 3: 17.) But the arrangement for a man to be the head has not changed. Tshivhidzo tshashu tsho renga bisi u itela uri mafheloni a vhege maṅwe na maṅwe ri ye u huwelela ḓoroboni na mivhunduni ya tsini. The simplified Watchtower has helped them to express themselves with such conviction. Our congregation bought a bus so that each week we could preach in town and neighboring villages. Vhukuma, vho vha vhe na tshiitisi tshi pfalaho tsha u " simesa u hulisa vhahulwane lufunoni. ' [ Picture on page 30] Indeed, they had good reason to "follow the lead in showing honor to the elders. " • Ri nga sumbedza hani khathutshelo nga ngomu tshivhidzoni tsha Vhukriste? What better way could there be for you to show your appreciation than keeping Jehovah in mind when you set goals? • How can we show mercy within the Christian congregation? Nga zwenezwo engedzani tshumelo yaṋu, nahone ni bvele phanḓa ni tshi ita mvelephanḓa ya muya. Proverbs 13: 18 states: "The one neglecting discipline comes to poverty and dishonor, but the one keeping a reproof is the one that is glorified. " Then increase your service, and continue to make spiritual progress. Fhedzi ro vha ri kha ḓi ḓo wana maṅwe malamba. He says: "I wasn't even 20 years old at the time, but my two sisters were already serving in Togo. But there was still another reward. O ḓiṋea tshifhinga tsha u elekanya nga ha zwenezwo zwithu zwa ndeme. (b) What can parents today learn from Daniel's parents? He took time to meditate on such important matters. Na zwivhanda a zwi tsha ḓo ofha vhathu. " Years before, when I asked my mother about Jehovah's Witnesses, she simply said, "Oh, they worship some old man named Jehovah. " Even wild beasts will have no fear of man. " U dovha a shumisa vhuṱali u itela u siela ifa vhana vhawe u katela na u vha laya nga lufuno. What happened to a remnant from Israel and Judah? He also uses wisdom to leave his children as well as to discipline them in love. (Vhalani Psalme ya 2: 7; Mateo 3: 17.) (Read Psalm 131: 1 - 3.) (Read Psalm 2: 7; Matthew 3: 17.) Tshiingamo tsha luambo lu sa konḓi tsho vha thusa uri vha kone u vha na khwaṱhisedzo musi vha tshi fhindula. Ward), 5 / 1 The simplified Watchtower helped them to be more confident when they answered. [ Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 30] Also, the congregation should give extra love and support to the family of the disfellowshipped one. [ Picture on page 30] Nḓila ya khwine - khwine ine na nga sumbedza ngayo uri ni a mu livhuha, ndi nga u dzula ni tshi humbula nga ha Yehova musi ni tshi ḓivhetshela zwipikwa. But this time, I experienced it firsthand. A better way to show your gratitude to him is by keeping Jehovah in mind when setting goals. Mirero 13: 18 i ri: "Tsiku na ṱhoni dzi wela khundavhalai; mu - tenda - tsolo u ḓo pfuma. " During that training, I met a Shinto priest who spent his spare time reading a book with a black cover. Proverbs 13: 18 states: "The foolish one and the shame that are falling into the ground, but the one believing in it will become rich. " U ri: "Ndo vha ndi sa athu fara na miṅwaha ya 20 nga tshenetsho tshifhinga, fhedzi khaladzi dzanga mbili dzo vha dzi tshi vho shuma ngei Togo. Think of the possible harm of not avoiding such things: serious health problems, disturbed relationships, even premature death. She says: "I had never been in Togo for 20 years. (b) Vhabebi vha nga guda mini ṋamusi kha vhabebi vha Daniele? If a fatal accident should befall him on the way on which you would go, then you would certainly bring down my gray hairs with grief to Sheol. " (b) What can parents today learn from Daniel's parents? Musi ndi tshi vhudzisa mme anga nga ha Ṱhanzi dza Yehova miṅwahani minzhi yo fhiraho, vho ri, "Vha gwadamela muṅwe mukalaha ane a pfi Yehova. " FOR years, a noted performer entertained audiences by interacting peacefully with his trained Bengal tigers. When I asked my mother about Jehovah's Witnesses years ago, she said, "They worship an elderly man named Jehovah. " Ho itea mini nga masalela a Isiraele na Yuda? Explain. What happened to the remnant of Israel and Judah? (Vhalani Psalme ya 131: 1 - 3.) Brother Lett then brought the joyous occasion to a fitting end by referring to 2 Chronicles 32: 7 and Deuteronomy 20: 1, 4. (Read Psalm dwelling: 1 - 3.) Zwiṅwe hafhu, tshivhidzo tshi fanela u sumbedza lufuno lwo engedzeaho na u tikedza muṱa wa muthu o bviswaho tshivhidzoni. (b) What provisions are available to help us spiritually? Moreover, the congregation should show increased love and support for a disfellowshipped person's family. Fhedzi zwino ndo zwi vhona nga maṱo. How could Rehoboam foresee that soon his own ability to resolve complex issues would be tested? Rehoboam must have found the atmosphere in Israel thick with tension. But now I can see it with my eyes. Musi ndi tshi khou gudiswa henefho, ndo ṱangana na muṅwe mufunzi wa Vhushinto we a vha a tshi fhedza tshifhinga tshawe tsha u awela a tshi khou vhala bugu i re na gwati ḽitswu. In this article, we will learn Bible principles that can help us to solve disagreements and keep peace with others. While I was being trained there, I met a Shinto priest who spent his rest hours reading a book containing a black cover. Humbulani nga ha tshinyalelo ine ya nga vha hone nga u sa iledza zwenezwo zwithu: vhuleme vhuhulwane ha mutakalo, u tshinya vhushaka, na u fa u tshee muṱuku. Also available at www.jw.org Think of the cost that can result from avoiding such things: serious health problems, damage relationships, and die early in life. Arali á welwa nga khombo nḓilani ine na i tshimbila, mmvi dzanga ngei vhudzula - vhafu ["Sheol, " NW] ni ḓo dzi isa nga vhuṱungu. " Leading scientists once felt strongly that the answer was no. If an accident strike you on the road you walk, my gray - headedness will deliver them with grief. " HO VHA ho no fhela miṅwaha minzhi, muṅwe muthu a re na bvumo a tshi mvumvusa vhathu nga u tamba na nngwe dzawe dza ngei Bengal dzo gudiswaho zwavhuḓi. Two of those tenacious preachers, the apostles Peter and John, had been in court before, as the chief justice, Joseph Caiaphas, sternly reminded them. THAT has been the case for many years, one well - known person is drawn to the people by playing well - trained camps with him. Ṱalutshedzani. At that time, wives were expected to remain in their assignment. Explain. Wahashu Lett o phetha tshiitea tshi takadzaho nga u amba nga 2 Koronika 32: 7 na Doiteronomio 20: 1, 4. Excavations have revealed the luxurious life - style of the wealthy in first - century Paphos - wide city streets, richly decorated private villas, music schools, gymnasiums, and an amphitheater. Brother Lett concluded an exciting occasion by referring to 2 Chronicles 32: 7 and Deuteronomy 20: 1, 4. (b) Ndi dzifhio ndugiselelo dzine dza vha hone dzine dza ri thusa u aluwa muyani? Theologians and scientists have debated this question for centuries. (b) What provisions are there that help us to grow spiritually? Nga u ṱavhanya, Rehabeamu o vha a tshi fanela u sumbedza uri o ṱalifha lungafhani lune a nga kona u tandulula thaidzo. Though the judges selected were to be wise and capable men, they were not left to make judgments by relying on their own abilities or ingenuity. Before long, Rehoboam had to prove how wise he was to handle problems. Kha ino thero, ri ḓo guda maitele a Bivhili ane a nga ri thusa u tandulula thaidzo na u dzula ri na mulalo na vhaṅwe. WHEN MAKING A CAREER CHOICE In this article, we will learn Bible principles that can help us solve problems and maintain peace with others. Ni nga i kopa kha www.jw.org / ve At their death, Ahithophel and his companions went to Sheol. Also available at www.jw.org Vharangaphanḓa vha zwa saintsi vho vhuya vha amba uri a ho ngo tou sikwa. When the calf idol of Beth - aven was taken into exile, residents of Samaria mourned the loss of their object of devotion. Scientists once claimed that he was not created. Muapostola Petro na Yohane, vhaṅwe vha vhahuweleli vho ḓiimiselaho, vho vha vho no ya khothe, samusi muhaṱuli muhulwane Yosefa Kayafa, o vha humbudza o halifha. Jehovah Is a Rewarder The apostles Peter and John, some willing preachers, had gone to court, as did Joseph's great judge Caiaphas, reminding them of his rage. Nga tshenetsho tshifhinga, vhafumakadzi vho vha vha tshi lavhelelwa uri vha bvele phanḓa na tshumelo yavho. In any case, his question suggested that deep down, there was a problem - a serious lack of appreciation for spiritual matters. At that time, women were expected to continue in their service. Zwo fukulwaho fhasi zwo sumbedza matshilele avhuḓi ḓanani ḽa u thoma ḽa miṅwaha ngei Phafo - zwiṱaraṱa zwa muḓi zwo ṱanḓavhuwaho, miṱa ya maṱeleṱele yo khavhiswaho, zwikolo zwa muzika, fhethu ha nyonyoloso, na fhethu ha u ḓimvumvusa. There they announced that we had had a mishap, and the brothers kindly gave us financial help. A survey depicted fine behavior in the first century - city streets, prominent families, music schools, and entertainment places. Vhagudi vha zwa vhurereli na vhaḓivhi vha saintsi vho ṱaṱisana nga mbudziso yeneyi lwa maḓana a miṅwaha. " Urijah kept prophesying against Jerusalem with the same words Jeremiah did, ' the Bible says. Religious scholars and scientists have been arguing about this question for centuries. Naho vhahaṱuli vhe vha khethwa vho vha vho fanela u vha vhe vhanna vha vhuṱali vha re na vhukoni, a vho ngo ḓitika nga vhukoni kana vhuṱali havho musi vha tshi haṱula. Yet, there are sound reasons for not giving up on a marital bond that is weakening. Although chosen judges were to be capable, they did not rely on their own abilities or wisdom when judging. MUSHUMO WE NDA U KHETHA Do You Recall? WORK TO BEING EST WORK (Psalme ya 55: 12 - 15) Musi vha tshi fa, Ahitofele na khonani dzawe vho ya Sheol. Just as his laws of creation never fail, Jehovah will never fail us. When they died, Ahithophel and his companions went to Sheol. Musi tshifanyiso tsha ṋamana ya Bethe - Avene tshi tshi iswa vhuthubwani, vhadzulapo vha Samaria vho lilela u xelelwa nga yeneyo ṋamana ye vha vha vha tshi i rabela. Holy spirit can help you to cultivate godly qualities. When the image of the calf was taken into exile, Samaria's inhabitants mourned the loss of the calf that they worshipped. Yehova Ndi Muṋei Wa Malamba The prophesying of Amos exposed the oppression that had become common in the kingdom of Israel. Jehovah Is the Rewarder (Yesaya 11: 3, 4; Mateo 22: 16) Naho zwo ralo, mbudziso ye a vha e nayo yo sumbedza uri o vha e na thaidzo - ya u sa livhuha zwithu zwa muya. By the time he was in his late teens or early 20 ' s, Timothy was a Christian disciple who could be considered for special privileges in the congregation. - Acts 16: 1 - 3. His question, however, showed that he had a problem - a lack of appreciation for spiritual things. Hu sa londwi uri ri na fulufhelo ḽa u tshila ṱaḓulu kana kha ḽifhasi, ri koloda vhukuma Mudzimu nge a ri sumbedza khathutshelo na tshilidzi tshihulwanesa. By 1943 the ban on Jehovah's Witnesses in Canada was lifted, and the preaching work gained momentum. Whether we have the hope of living in heaven or on earth, we owe God a great debt of mercy and undeserved kindness. Musi ri henefho, vho ḓivhadza uri ro wana khombo ya goloi nahone vhahashu vha ri thusa nga masheleni. In addition to loving God, there are many reasons why we cultivate love for his Son. There, they announced that we had found a car accident, and the brothers helped us financially. Bivhili i ri: " Uria o porofita malugana na Yerusalema a amba zwe zwa ambiwa nga Yeremia. ' Whatever kind of adversity you may be facing - opposition, apathy, or ill health - do all that your circumstances allow you to do in sharing the good news with others. - Prov. 3: 27; compare Mark 12: 41 - 44. " Uriah prophesied concerning Jerusalem, " says the Bible. Naho zwo ralo, hu na zwiitisi zwavhuḓi zwa u sa laṱela thaula musi ri mbinganoni i konḓaho. 4: 9 - 11. There are good reasons, however, not to give up in a difficult marriage. Naa Ni A Zwi Humbula? At such times, people often ask themselves, " Why did I not see this coming? ' Do You Remember? Samusi milayo ya tsiko yawe i sa shanduki, Yehova ha nga shanduli zwe a zwi fulufhedzisa. Still, "there is not a creation that is hidden from his sight. " - Hebrews 4: 13. Since the laws of his creation do not change, Jehovah will not change his promises. Muya mukhethwa u nga ni thusa uri ni ṱahulele pfaneleo dzine dza takadza Mudzimu. And God will wipe out every tear from their eyes. " Holy spirit can help you to cultivate godly qualities. Vhuporofita ha Amosi ho bvukulula tshiṱuhu tshe tsha vha tsho ḓala muvhusoni wa Isiraele. Such wisdom will move us to respond mildly when provoked and will draw us ever closer to the Source of infinite wisdom, Jehovah. Amos's prophecy exposed the cruelty that was rampant in the kingdom of Israel. Musi Timotheo e magumoni a miṅwaha ya vhufumi kana mathomoni a miṅwaha ya vhu - 20, o vha e mufunziwa wa Mukriste we a vha a tshi nga fanelea u vha na ndugelo dzo khetheaho tshivhidzoni. - Mish. Hence, like Noah, we walk with God. At the end of Timothy's teens or early 20 ' s, he was a Christian disciple who could qualify for special privileges in the congregation. - Acts 4: 4, ftn. Nga 1943 u thivhelwa ha Ṱhanzi dza Yehova ngei Canada ha fheliswa, nahone mushumo wa u huwelela wa bvela phanḓa nga u ṱavhanya. Their most important work is speaking to others about mankind's only hope, the Kingdom of God. In 1943 the ban of Jehovah's Witnesses in Canada was destroyed, and the preaching work continued right away. Nga nnḓa ha u funa hashu Mudzimu, ri na zwiitisi zwinzhi zwa uri ri ṱahulele u funa Murwa wawe. Later, groups of Czech and German Waldenses joined them there. In addition to our love for God, we have many reasons to cultivate love for his Son. Hu sa londwi vhuleme vhune na khou sedzana naho - u pikiswa, u sa vha na dzangalelo ha vhathu, kana mutakalo u si wavhuḓi - itani zwoṱhe zwine na nga kona nga u vhudza vhaṅwe mafhungo maḓifha. - Mir. 3: 27; vhambedzani Marko 12: 41 - 44. That garment now identified Elisha as God's prophet. Regardless of the problems you are facing - opposition, apathy, or poor health - do all you can to share the good news with others. - Prov. 3: 27; compare Mark 12: 41 - 44. 4: 9 - 11. The display of this trait among early Christians so astounded the pagans that they, according to Tertullian, called those followers of Jesus " people made up of kindness. ' 4: 9 - 11. Nga zwenezwo zwifhinga, vhathu vha anzela u ḓivhudzisa u ri, " ndi ngani ndi songo zwi ṱhogomela uri hu ḓo bvelela zwenezwi? ' Why is keeping on the watch so important today? At such times, people often wonder, " Why don't I realize that this will happen? ' Naho zwo ralo, "a hu na tshivhumbwa tsho dzumbamaho phanḓa hawe. " - Vhaheberu 4: 13. Nevertheless, he gave this assurance: "He that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved. " However, "there is no creation hidden from him. " - Hebrews 4: 13. Huno Mudzimu u ḓo phumula miṱodzi yoṱhe maṱoni avho. " He reports: "I stated that I could not serve in the military because of what I had learned from the Bible. And God will wipe out every tear from their eyes. " Honoho vhuṱali vhu ḓo ri thusa u vuḓa musi ri tshi levhelwa nahone zwi ḓo ri sendedza tsini na Yehova ane a vha Muthomi wa vhuṱali. What promise is found at Malachi 3: 10? Such wisdom will help us to be mild when we are provoked and draw us closer to Jehovah, the Originator of wisdom. Zwiṅwe hafhu, ri tshimbila na Mudzimu u fana na Noaxe. In what way? Moreover, we walk with God like Noah. Mushumo wavho wa ndeme vhukuma ndi u amba na vhaṅwe nga ha fulufhelo ḽithihi fhedzi ḽa vhathu, ḽine ḽa vha Muvhuso wa Mudzimu. Why has translation of the Bible into other languages been given priority? Their most important work is to talk to others about just one hope for mankind, God's Kingdom. Nga murahu, zwigwada zwa Vhawaldense vha Czech na Dzheremane zwa ya u dzula navho henefho. You really feel Jehovah's care more than ever. " Later, the Czech and German groups went to live with them. Yeneyo nguvho zwino i ṱalula Elisa sa muporofita wa Mudzimu. Moses needed training that would prepare him to endure the trials and hardships that lay ahead. The garment now identifies Elisha as God's prophet. U sumbedzwa ha yeneyo pfaneleo vhukati ha Vhakriste vha kale zwo mangadza vhahedeni nga nḓila ye u ya nga Tertullian vhenevho vhatevheli vha Yesu vha vha vha tshi vhidzwa uri ndi " vhathu vho vhumbwaho nga vhuthu. ' The director gave her permission to visit the rooms of different residents. The display of this quality among the early Christians was so amazed by the pagan nations that by Tertullian Jesus ' followers, he was called "a man made out of loving - kindness. " Ndi ngani zwi zwa ndeme uri ri dzule ro fhaṱuwa? Nathan - Loyal Advocate of Pure Worship, 2 / 15 Paper in Bible Times, 7 / 1 Why is it vital that we keep on the watch? Naho zwo ralo, o ṋea heyi khwaṱhisedzo: "Ane a ḓo konḓelela u swika vhufheloni ndi ene ane a ḓo tshidzwa. " Nevertheless, Jesus said: "Happy are you when people reproach you and persecute you and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against you for my sake. However, he gave this assurance: "He that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved. " U a vhiga: "Ndo vha vhudza uri ndi nga si vhe ḽiswole nga ṅwambo wa zwe nda zwi guda Bivhilini. But Christian families should not be run as a democracy, as if the parents ' right to enforce rules were somehow dependent on the children's approval. She reports: "I told them that I would not be a soldier because of what I learned from the Bible. Ndi fulufhedziso ḽifhio ḽine ḽa wanala kha Maleaxi 3: 10? Deep feelings of grief and sorrow when a loved one dies are not incompatible with strong faith in God. What promise is found at Malachi 3: 10? Nga nḓila - ḓe? His bride must also be fittingly attired for the occasion. How? Ndi ngani ṱhalutshedzelo ya Bivhili ya dziṅwe nyambo i ya ndeme? Trials have served to refine our faith and strengthen our determination to maintain integrity. Why is a Bible translation of other languages important? Ni vhona nḓila ine Yehova a ni funa ngayo u fhira naho hu lini. " In contrast, consider the example of Joseph. You see how much Jehovah loves you more than ever. " (Mir. 15: 33) Mushe o vha a tshi ṱoḓa u gudiswa zwine zwa ḓo mu lugiselela u konḓelela milingo na vhuleme vhune ha khou ḓa. It is the ability to connect various aspects of a subject and see the whole matter, not just the isolated parts. Moses needed training that would prepare him for the trials and difficulties to come. Onoyo mulanguli a mu ṋea thendelo ya u dalela kamara dza vhadzulapo vho fhambanaho. Many of us tend to exaggerate the negative when we experience disappointment. The manager offered her permission to visit different communities. Ivhani Na Mavhonele Avhuḓi Musi Ni Na Vhuleme Mbinganoni, 5 / 15 [ Footnote] 3 / 1 Naho zwo ralo, Yesu o amba u ri: "Mashudu, vho - inwi, arali vhathu vha tshi ni sema nge na vha vhangá, vha tshi ni vhénga, vha tshi ni pomoka vhuvhi hoṱhe hú u zwifha. Others have thought of it as moving in waves. However, Jesus said: "Happy are you when people reproach you and persecute you and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against you for my sake. Fhedzi miṱa ya Vhakriste a yo ngo fanela u livhiswa nga vhudemokirati, zwa tou nga ndugelo dza vhabebi dza u vhea milayo ya nḓila ine vhana vha fanela u ḓifara ngayo dzo ḓitika nga thendelo ya vhana. On another occasion, I was sent to the showers. But Christian families should not be guided by transportation, as if the parents ' right to set rules on how children should behave, depend on children's permission. Muthu a nga kha ḓi vha na lutendo lwo khwaṱhaho kha Mudzimu nahone a ḓi pfa vhuṱungu vhuhulwane musi a tshi felwa. All faithful Christians benefit from the holy spirit's role in revealing the deep things of God. A person may have strong faith in God and suffer a painful loss. Muselwa wawe u fanela u vha o ambarela mbingano. Yes, to a greater or lesser extent, we all have had the experience of bearing up under some type of suffering. His bride must have prepared for marriage. Milingo yo ri thusa u vha na lutendo lwo khwaṱhaho na u ḓiimisela u dzula ri tshi fulufhedzea. The Bible shows that a total of 144,000 anointed Christians, Paul included, receive that prize of heavenly life. Trials helped us to have strong faith and determination to maintain our integrity. Ṱhogomelani tsumbo ya Yosefa yo fhambanaho tshoṱhe na ya Vhaisiraele. What tone of voice do you use when talking to your child about sex? Consider Joseph's example completely different from that of Israel. Ndi vhukoni ha u ṱumanya masia o fhambanaho a mafhungo na u pfesesa zwidodombedzwa zwoṱhe, hu si mafhungo zwao a songo fhelelaho. You have never heard the local language spoken. It is the ability to link various aspects of the matter and understand all the details, not the imperfect account. Vhunzhi hashu ri anzela u ḓivhona mulandu musi ri tshi kulea nungo. Jehovah Desires Our Best Many of us tend to blame ourselves when we are discouraged. [ Ṱhaluso dzi re magumoni a siaṱari] He used his knowledge to full advantage in the work of proclaiming the good news, especially among the Jewish population. [ Footnotes] Vhaṅwe vho humbula nga hatsho sa tshine tsha khou sudzuluwa kha magabelo. Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. Some thought about it as passing through the waves. Kha tshiṅwe tshiitea, ndo vhudzwa uri ndi ye u ṱamba. To him, all seemed lost. On one occasion, I was told to go and wash it. Vhakriste vhoṱhe vha fulufhedzeaho vha a vhuyelwa nga nḓila ine muya mukhethwa wa dzumbulula ngayo uri vha ṱalukanye mativha a zwiphiri a Mudzimu. Also, find out what role Christian women play in God's purpose today. All faithful Christians benefit from the holy spirit's revealing understanding of the deep things of God. Ndi ngoho uri roṱhe ro no vhuya ra tshenzhela vhuṱungu vhuhulwane kana vhuṱuku. But Jehovah opens the eyes of honesthearted ones to help them realize that our public ministry is motivated by love for Jehovah and for neighbor. Of course, all of us have had great or small pain. Bivhili i sumbedza uri tshivhalo tsha Vhakriste vho ḓodzwaho vha 144 000, ho katelwa na Paulo, vho wana ḽeneḽo dzanga ḽa u tshila ṱaḓulu. What can we do if we cannot move to where the need for Kingdom proclaimers is greater? The Bible shows that the number of 144,000 anointed Christians, including Paul, received that heavenly prize. Musi ni tshi amba na vhana vhaṋu nga zwa vhudzekani ipfi ḽaṋu ḽi vha ḽi hani? Would it not be prudent to defend oneself? When you talk to your children about your voice, what does it mean? A ni athu vhuya na pfa luambo lwa henefho lu tshi ambiwa. It includes everlasting life. You have never heard the local language spoken. Yehova U Ṱoḓa Zwa Khwine - khwine Keep Asking for Holy Spirit Jehovah Wants Something better O shumisa zwavhuḓi nḓivho yawe mushumoni wa u ḓivhadza mafhungo maḓifha, zwihuluhulu kha vhadzulapo vha Vhayuda. Be "Full - Grown in Powers of Understanding " He made good use of his knowledge of the good news, especially for the Jewish residents. Na kha ḽino shango ḽi re na khakhathi, ni nga wana dakalo nga nḓivho ya Bivhili yo teaho ya Mudzimu, Muvhuso wawe, na ndivho yawe yavhuḓi nga ha vhathu. The turning point for Asaph was a visit to the temple sanctuary. Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. O vha e si na fulufhelo. So they cannot be doing the work that Jesus started. He had no hope. Dovhani ni vhale uri ndi ufhio mushumo wa vhafumakadzi vha Vhakriste vhane vha u ita kha ndivho ya Mudzimu ṋamusi. That is when my father made the threat that I related at the outset. See, too, what is the role of Christian women who carry out God's purpose today. Fhedzi Yehova u a vula maṱo a vhathu vha fulufhedzeaho u itela u vha thusa u vhona uri vhuḓinḓa hashu ha khagala vhu ṱuṱuwedzwa nga u funa hashu Yehova na vhahura. 6: 23. But Jehovah opens the eyes of faithful ones to help them see that our public ministry is motivated by our love for Jehovah and neighbor. Ndi mini zwine ra nga zwi ita arali ri sa koni u pfulutshela hune ha vha na ṱhoḓea khulwane ya vhahuweleli vha Muvhuso? (a) In many cultures, what sexual practices became a way of life? What can we do if we cannot move to where the need for Kingdom publishers is greater? Naa zwo vha zwi si nga si ḓo vha vhuṱali u ḓilwela? What admonition should we keep in mind? Would it not have been wise to defend themselves? Hezwi zwi katela vhutshilo vhu sa fheli. Even if your relationship was miserable, you may grieve because you do not have the joy that you had hoped for in marriage. This involves everlasting life. Dzulani Ni Tshi Humbela Muya Mukhethwa He uses that authority to accomplish Jehovah's purpose according to the timetable God has set. Keep On Asking the Holy Spirit " Kha Maano Ni Vhe Vhahulwane " So let us diligently study God's Word and zealously share the truth with others in the prayerful spirit of the psalmist who praised the Sovereign Lord Jehovah with the words: "I shall mention your righteousness, yours alone. " Do Not Be Wise " Asafu o ita tshanduko khulwane kha mavhonele awe musi a tshi dala thembeleni. ● Mr. Pirri works as a palm - wine tapper in Kpor, Nigeria. Asaph made major changes in his attitude when he visited the temple. Nga zwenezwo, a vha khou ita mushumo we Yesu a u thoma. By learning to rely on the power of God. Thus, they are not doing the work that Jesus began. Ndi ngazwo khotsi anga vho ntshutshedza nga zwe vha zwi amba mathomoni a ino thero. How can God's utterances direct us? That is why my father light me with what he said at the beginning of this article. 10: 16; Vha - Roma 6: 23. How important is it to seek Jehovah's righteousness? 10: 16; Rom. 6: 23. (a) Kha mvelele nnzhi, ndi hufhio u ḓifara luvhi nga zwa vhudzekani he ha vha ho ḓowelea? It took real faith on her part to remain obedient and stay in that house. (a) In many cultures, what sexual immorality was common? Ndi nyeletshedzo ifhio ine ra fanela u dzula ri tshi i humbula? More specific reference, such as "the seventh hour, " was made only when the timing was essential to the development of the account being related. - John 4: 52. What counsel should we keep in mind? Naho arali vhushaka ha vhoiwe ho vha vhu si havhuḓi, ni nga kha ḓi lila ngauri a ni tsheena dakalo ḽe na vha no ḽi fulufhela mbinganoni. She had come to welcome the new missionaries. Even if your relationship has been strained, you may cry because you have lost your trust in marriage. U shumisa eneo maanḓa u itela u ḓadzisa ndivho ya Yehova u tendelana na tshifhinga tshe Mudzimu a tshi dzudzanya. Bear in mind that faithful Christians are "under the mighty hand of God. " He uses that power to fulfill Jehovah's purpose in harmony with God's timetable. (Mir. 4: 18, 19) Ngauralo, ri fanela u fhisetshela u guda Ipfi ḽa Mudzimu, na u vhudza vhaṅwe mafhungo maḓifha u tendelana na thabelo ya mupsalema we a khoḓa Murena Muvhusahoṱhe Yehova nga maipfi ane a ri: "Ndi ḓo khoḓa nda ri: Mululamisi ndi Iwe U woṱhe. Who made Satan the ruler of the world? Therefore, we should be eager to study God's Word, sharing the good news with others in harmony with the prayer of the psalmist who praised the Sovereign Lord Jehovah with the words: "I will laud you alone. ● Vho - Pirri vha ngei Kpor, Nigeria vha shuma u kuvhanganya maṱari a mutshevho vha ita ngao veine. Sisters in full - time service could have a Dawn - Mobile free of charge. ● They were in Kara, Nigeria, and worked on gathering palm leaves with wine. Nga u guda u ḓitika nga maanḓa a Mudzimu. 4: 9 - 12. By learning to rely on God's power. Maipfi a Mudzimu a nga ri livhisa nga nḓila - ḓe? Business leaders, educators, and sometimes family members and friends point youths toward materialistic goals. How can God's utterances guide us? U ṱoḓa u luga ha Yehova ndi zwa ndeme lungafhani? For himself, he makes a humble request: "Do remember me, O my God, for good. " - Nehemiah 13: 31. How important is seeking Jehovah's righteousness? O vha a tshi fanela u vha na lutendo lwa vhukuma uri a thetshelese na u dzula henefho muḓini. I prayed to Jehovah and asked him to help me. He needed real faith to listen and stay in the house. 4: 52. • From Acts chapter 18, what have you learned about the disciple - making work? 4: 52. O vha o ḓa u ṱanganedza vharumiwa vhaswa. Jehovah's ways are vastly superior to those of humans. He had come to accept new missionaries. Humbulani uri Vhakriste vha fulufhedzeaho vha "tsini ha tshanḓa tsha maanḓa tsha Mudzimu. " Greedy commerce and corrupt rulership may result in harsh economic conditions. Remember, faithful Christians are "the mighty hand of God. " Ndi nnyi we a ita uri Sathane a vhe muvhusi wa shango? Four others in our group got baptized a few months later. Who made Satan the ruler of the world? Vhahashu vha tshisadzini vha re tshumeloni ya tshifhinga tsho ḓalaho vho vha vha tshi ṋewa Gariki ya Dzibugu mahala. How can we protect ourselves against such schemes of Satan and maintain a complete heart toward Jehovah? The sisters who are in the full - time ministry were given free books to do so. 4: 9 - 12. NEGEB 4: 9 - 12. Vharangaphanḓa vha mabindu, vhadededzi, nahone nga zwiṅwe zwifhinga miraḓo ya muṱa na dzikhonani vha nga ṱuṱuwedza vhaswa uri vha tovhole zwipikwa zwa zwithu zwi vhonalaho. " For all things I have the strength by virtue of him who imparts power to me, " wrote Paul. The commercial leaders, teachers, and family members and friends may at times encourage youths to pursue materialistic goals. O humbela nga u ḓiṱukufhadza a ri: "Mudzimu wanga! U songo hangwa zwe nda ita. " - Nehemia 13: 31. We can be confident that Jehovah will give Jesus the power to control the forces of nature during his Thousand Year Rule. He humbly asked: "Do not forget what I have done. " - Nehemiah 13: 31. Ndo rabela Yehova nahone nda humbela uri a nthuse. In some areas, attitudes toward sexual relations are so casual that youngsters who refuse to get involved in immorality are derided by their peers. I prayed to Jehovah and asked him to help me. • U bva kha Mishumo ndima ya 18, no guda mini nga ha mushumo wa u ita vhafunziwa? Why, though, are African, Asian, and Latin - American missionaries " saving souls ' in the professedly Christian lands of Europe and North America? • What have you learned about the disciple - making work? Nḓila dza Yehova ndi khulwane vhukuma u fhira dza vhathu. [ Picture on page 13] Jehovah's ways are vastly superior to those of humankind. Zwa vhubindudzi zwi re na vhupangwa na vhuvhusi ho tshinyalaho zwi nga ita uri hu vhe na zwiimo zwa ikonomi zwi konḓaho. Yes, we understand who is to blame for deteriorating world conditions. A greedy and corrupt commercial business can lead to difficult economic conditions. Vhaṅwe vhaṋa kha tshigwada tshashu vha lovhedzwa nga murahu ha miṅwedzi i si gathi. Even small children respectfully ask me to give them a tract about the Bible. Some four of us in our group got baptized a few months later. Ri nga ḓitsireledza hani kha maano a Sathane nahone ra shumela Yehova nga mbilu yoṱhe? September 22 - 28, 2008 How can we protect ourselves against Satan's schemes and serve Jehovah with a complete heart? NEGEB This God - given calmness will stabilize us and help us to keep our senses completely. THE Devil's WORDS Paulo o ṅwala uri: "Zwoṱhe ndi zwi kona nga a nkonisaho. " But how things changed! Paul wrote: "For all things I have the strength by virtue of him who imparts power to me. " Ri nga vha na vhungoho ha uri Yehova u ḓo ṋea Yesu maanḓa a u langa maanḓa a mupo tshifhingani tsha Miṅwaha Ya Tshigidi Ya U Vhusa hawe. It took a lot of time and effort, but we succeeded. We can be sure that Jehovah will empower Jesus to control the forces of nature during his Thousand Year Reign. Huṅwe fhethu, u ita zwa vhudzekani zwi dzhiiwa sa zwithu zwo ḓoweleaho lune vhaswa vhane vha hana u ṱanganela kha u ḓifara luvhi vha goḓiwa nga thanga dzavho. They may be struggling to cope with family troubles, discouragement, or ill health. In some places, sex is considered so common that young ones who refuse to engage in immoral conduct are ridiculed by their peers. Dzina Ḽine Ḽa Vha Bivhilini Ḽo Ṅwalwa Kha Mvuvhelo Ya Kale, Mar. Jesus ' yoke is kindly indeed! The Bible Name in the Old Testament, Mar. Naho zwo ralo, ndi ngani vharumiwa vha ngei Afurika, Asia na Latin - Amerika vha tshi khou huwelela kha vhathu vha mashangoni ane a ḓiamba uri ndi a Vhukriste a ngei Yuropa na Devhula Amerika? How do Jesus ' words recorded at John 5: 16, 17 indicate that the seventh day was continuing in the first century? Why, though, do missionaries in Africa, Asia, and Latin - Americans preach to people in lands who claim to be Christians in Europe and North America? [ Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 29] When I was 14, the minister gave me a prize because I went to church every Sunday for a year. [ Picture on page 29] Vhukuma, ri a pfesesa uri ndi nnyi ane a tea u vhonwa mulandu nga ha zwiimo zwo tshinyalaho zwa shango. He flung the Bible across the table, saying that he did not need to prove anything. Of course, we understand who is to blame for the corrupt world's corrupt conditions. Na vhana vhaṱuku vha a nkhumbela zwibammbiri zwa Bivhili. I asked the minister how that could be possible. Even young children ask me Bible tracts. 22 - 28 September, 2008 1, 2. September 22 - 28, 2008 Wonoyu mulalo wa Mudzimu u ḓo ita uri ri dzike nahone wa ri thusa uri ri dzivhuluwe tshoṱhe. The thought of such a change appealed to us. This peace of God will make us calm and help us to keep our senses completely. Fhedzi honoho vhuimo ho shanduka! Let us now discuss some highlights of Hos chapters 6 through 9. But that situation changed! Zwo ri dzhiela tshifhinga tshinzhi na vhuḓidini, fhedzi ro guma ro bvelela. God's spirit can do the same for us. It took us more time and effort, but we ended up. Vha nga vha vha tshi khou lwisana na thaidzo muṱani, u kulea nungo kana mutakalo u si wavhuḓi. Am I drawing closer to God by nurturing a personal relationship with him? ' They may be struggling with problems in the family, discouragement, or poor health. Dzhogo ya Yesu i a leluwa vhukuma! The Witnesses had constructed a baptismal pool just outside the convention site. How easy Jesus ' yoke is! Maipfi a Yesu a re kha Yohane 5: 16, 17 a sumbedza hani uri Sabatha ya Mudzimu yo vha i tshi kha ḓi bvela phanḓa na misini ya Yesu? published by Jehovah's Witnesses. How do Jesus ' words recorded at John 5: 16, 17 show that the Sabbath of God was still in Jesus ' day? Musi ndi na miṅwaha ya 14, mufunzi o nṋea pfufho ngauri ndo vha ndi tshi ya kerekeni Swondaha iṅwe na iṅwe ṅwaha woṱhe. And that's what Jehovah's Witnesses gather to remember each year on the anniversary of the death of Jesus. At age 14, the priest offered me a prize because I went to church every Sunday each year. O laṱela Bivhili kha ṱafula nahone a ri a hu na tshine a fanela u tshi tikedza. That is an average of over 5,000 individuals every week! He threw the Bible on the table and said that nothing was needed to support it. Nda vhudzisa mufunzi uri zwenezwo zwi nga konadzea hani. Zechariah is told to collect silver and gold from Heldai, Tobijah, and Jedaiah - three new arrivals returning from Babylon - and to make "a grand crown " out of the contributions. I asked the priest how that could be possible. 1, 2. Second, I sought as many opportunities as possible to associate with the Witnesses. 1, 2. Ro vha ro zwi lavhelela nga maṱo matswuku. Klaus Jensen, the department overseer, asked me if I would be willing to accompany the driver who was taking cartons of literature by truck to the docks for shipping worldwide. We looked forward to it. Zwino kha ri haseledze dziṅwe mbuno dza Ho ndima ya 6 u ya kha ya 9. Christian elders can do much good by encouraging newer ones. Let us now consider some of the points from chapters 6 through 9. Na riṋe muya wa Mudzimu u nga ri ṋea tshivhindi. For they are saying, " Jehovah is not seeing us. God's spirit can also give us courage. Naa ndi na vhushaka ho khwaṱhaho na Mudzimu? ' If the opinion we formed of that person turns out to be correct, we congratulate ourselves on our good judgment, and our belief that we can trust our first impressions is reinforced. Do I have a strong relationship with God? ' Ṱhanzi dzo fhaṱa damu ḽa u lovhedzela hone nnḓa ha fhethu he buthano ḽa vha ḽo farelwa hone. " [Aging], " says Professor of Medicine Tom Kirkwood, "remains one of the great mysteries of medical science. " The Witnesses built the baptism party outside the convention station. yo gandiswaho nga Ṱhanzi dza Yehova. Big Changes in My Life published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Nahone ndi ngazwo Ṱhanzi dza Yehova dzi tshi kuvhangana ṅwaha muṅwe na muṅwe u itela u humbula lufu lwa Yesu. The elder recalled: "Graham had a problem with pride. And that is why Jehovah's Witnesses gather each year to commemorate Jesus ' death. Yeneyo ndi mbalotshikati ya vhathu vha fhiraho 5000 vhane vha lovhedzwa vhege iṅwe na iṅwe! Second, the Scriptures urge us to display the desirable qualities produced by God's holy spirit. That is an average of more than 5,000 people who get baptized each week! Sakaria o vhudzwa uri a kuvhanganye maseṱha na musuku zwi bvaho kha Heledai, Tobiya na Yedaya - vhe vha vhuya vha tshi bva Babele - u itela uri a shumise zwenezwo zwithu u ita khare. (Sak. The occasion of Jesus ' visit was no exception. Zechariah was told to gather silver and gold from Hell, Tobiah, and Joa - who had been once from Babylon - to use those means to make a crown. Tsha vhuvhili, ndo ṱoḓa tshibuli naho tshi tshifhio tsha u ṱanganela na Dziṱhanzi. In fact, "love covers a multitude of sins. " Second, I wanted every opportunity to associate with the Witnesses. Klaus Jensen we a vha e mulavhelesi wa wonoyo muhasho, o mmbudzisa arali ndi tshi nga kona u tshimbila na mureili wa ṱiraka we a vha tshi khou isa khandiso kha maṅwe mashango. The Son joyfully served as his Father's "master worker. " He asked me if I could accompany a driver who was taking literature to other countries. Vhahulwane vha Vhakriste vha nga ita zwo engedzeaho vhukuma nga u ṱuṱuwedza vhaswa. In determining if a type of recreation will be beneficial and be pleasing in God's eyes, it is useful to ask: What does it include? Christian elders can do much by encouraging younger ones. Wo zwi vhona - ha zwine vhahulwane vha lushaka lwa Isiraele vhoṱhe vha khou zwi ita vhó dzumbama, vhe dzinḓuni dzavho dza zwitungulo; vha tshi ri Yehova ha ri vhoni, Yehova o ṱuwa fhano shangoni ḽino? " Brian: Exactly. You saw - what the older men of the nation of Israel were doing in hiding, while they had come into their temples; and when they said that Jehovah did not see them, Jehovah had gone out of this world? " Arali mavhonele ashu nga ha onoyo muthu a tshi vhonala e one, ri a ḓikhoḓa nge ra haṱula zwavhuḓi, nahone ri tenda nga ho khwaṱhaho uri mavhonele e ra vha ri nao nga ha onoyo muthu ndi o teaho. Why is a measure of self - love fitting for a Christian? If our attitude toward that person seems to be, we take ourselves to account for our good judgment, and we firmly believe that our attitude toward that person is the right thing to do. Tom Kirkwood, Muphurofesa wa zwa ngalafho o ri: "U vha mulala ndi ḽiṅwe dandetande ḽine vha zwa ngalafho na vhone vha sa vhuye vha ḽi pfesesa. " What a wise warning! " old age is one of the medical treatments that have never been understood, " says Tomk, a medical professor. Tshanduko Khulwane Vhutshiloni Hanga How can we prevent family difficulties from depriving us of the prize? A Great Change in My Life Onoyo muhulwane o ri: "Graham o vha e na thaidzo ya u ḓikukumusa. [ Footnotes] The elder said: "There was a problem with pride. (Mirero 6: 16 - 19) Tsha vhuvhili, Maṅwalo a ri ṱuṱuwedzela u sumbedza pfaneleo dzavhuḓi dzi bveledzwaho nga muyamukhethwa wa Mudzimu. Shrewdness here is connected with knowledge and is associated with a prudent person, who thinks things out before acting. Second, the Scriptures encourage us to display the fine qualities produced by God's holy spirit. Tshiitea tsha musi vho dalelwa nga Yesu tsho vha tshi tshiṅwe tsha zwiitea zwo ḓoweleaho. Similarly, many children will test whether they can escape without punishment after misbehaving. An event during Jesus ' visit was one of the most common events. Zwi re zwone ndi uri "lufuno lu fukedza vhunzhi ha zwivhi. " " Because I really wanted it, " he explained. In fact, "love covers a multitude of sins. " Murwa o vha a tshi khou shumela Khotsi awe o takala e "muḓinḓa wawe. " When the New World Translation became available in their local language, a Rwandan family with four teenagers said: "We really thank Jehovah and the faithful and discreet slave for giving us this Bible. The Son was serving his Father joyfully as his "master worker. " U itela u vhona uri ndi vhuḓimvumvusi - ḓe vhune ha ḓo ri vhuyedza na u ṱanganedzwa nga Mudzimu, zwi ḓo vha zwavhuḓi u ḓivhudzisa uri: Ndi ḓimvumvusa nga mini? If we appreciate our need for "the breastplate of righteousness, " we will not temporarily remove it by choosing to be entertained by what God hates; nor will we allow ourselves to fantasize about engaging in wrongdoing. To determine what type of recreation will benefit us and gain God's approval, it would be good to ask ourselves: What is my choice of entertainment? Brian: Khezwo. To first - century Christians, the apostle Paul wrote: "With reference to brotherly love, you do not need us to be writing you, for you yourselves are taught by God to love one another; and, in fact, you are doing it to all the brothers. " Brian: OK. Ndi ngani zwo tea uri Mukriste a ḓifune? What benefits will the royal priesthood bring to mankind? Why is it appropriate for a Christian to be self - sufficient? (Muhuweleli 5: 9) Ndi tsevho ya vhuṱali lungafhani! Your Conscience - How Does It Work? What a wise warning! Ri nga ita hani uri thaidzo dza muṱani dzi si ri thivhele u wana malamba? How can understanding Jehovah's view of wrongdoing safeguard his people? How can we prevent family problems from depriving us of the prize? [ Ṱhaluso dzi re magumoni a siaṱari] A key point, however, is that what constituted such a wedding back then differs from what is common now. [ Footnotes] Hafha u thanya zwi khou ṱumanywa na nḓivho nahone zwi tshimbidzana na muthu o ṱalifhaho, ane a ṱhogomela zwithu nga vhuronwane a sa athu dzhia vhukando. My life was going from bad to worse. Here wisdom is closely connected with knowledge and is related to a wise person, who takes careful care of things before taking action. Nga hu fanaho, vhana vhanzhi vha lingedza u vhona arali vha tshi nga kona u ponyoka vha songo ṱarafiwa nga murahu ha vhuḓifari havho vhu si havhuḓi. Be Loyal Similarly, many children try to see if they can escape punishment after their immoral conduct. O ri: "Ndi ngauri ndo vha ndi tshi i ṱoḓa vhukuma. " If so, do not hesitate to ask one of Jehovah's Witnesses. She says, "I really needed it. " Musi New World Translation i tshi wanala nga luambo lwavho, muṅwe muṱa wa Rwanda une wa vha na vhana vhaṋa vha re miṅwahani ya vhufumi, wo ri: "Ri livhuha vhukuma Yehova na mulanda a fulufhedzeaho na wa vhuṱali uri vho ri ṋea yeneyi Bivhili. Instead, we should all review our spiritual checklist from time to time to ensure that we are continuing to grow in our relationship with our loving Father, Friend, and God - Jehovah. - Read 2 Corinthians 13: 5, 6. When the New World Translation was available in their own language, a family of four teenage children said: "We are very grateful to Jehovah and the faithful and discreet slave for providing this Bible. (Gen. 8: 21) Arali ri tshi dzhiela nṱha ṱhoḓea ya u ambara " tshipilakhana tsha u luga, ' ri nga si tshi bvule lwa tshifhinganyana ri tshi itela u ḓitakadza nga zwithu zwine Mudzimu a zwi vhenga; kana ra tendela u takadzwa nga mahumbulele a zwi songo lugaho. Study Edition If we appreciate the need to wear "the breastplate of righteousness, " we will not temporarily cleanse ourselves of pleasures that God hates; nor allow ourselves to be impressed by negative thoughts. A tshi ṅwalela Vhakriste vha ḓana ḽa u thoma ḽa miṅwaha, muapostola Paulo o ṅwala a ri: "A vha a u funa vharathu, a ri vhuyi ra ṱolou ni ṅwalela, ngauri ni vha - funzwa - nga - Mudzimu inwi vhaṋe kha u funana. Hafhu na hone zwenezwo no zwi ita na vharathu vhoṱhe. " As a young person, he was victorious over the Philistine giant Goliath. Writing to first - century Christians, the apostle Paul wrote: "They do not love our brothers, neither do we writing to you, for you are taught by God in love with all your brothers. " Ndi phaṱhutshedzo dzifhio dzine vhotshifhe vha vhuhosi vha ḓo dzi ḓisela vhathu? Abraham dismissed Ishmael, passing the firstborn's right to Isaac. What blessings will the royal priesthood bring to mankind? Luvalo Lwaṋu lu Shuma nga Nḓila - ḓe? I often thought of becoming a nun. How Do Your Conscience Work? U pfesesa mavhonele a Yehova malugana na u ita zwivhi zwi nga tsireledza hani vhathu vhawe? As a legal Mediator, Jesus has made possible the birth of a new nation, "the Israel of God, " composed of Christians who will form a heavenly" royal priesthood. " - Gal. How can understanding Jehovah's view of wrongdoing protect his people? Naho zwo ralo, mbuno khulwane ndi ya uri zwe zwa vha zwi tshi katelwa kha yeneyo mbingano nga tshenetsho tshifhinga zwo vha zwo fhambana na zwo ḓoweleaho musalauno. He is now baptized. The main point, however, is that what was involved in that marriage at that time was different from what is common in modern times. Vhutshilo hanga ho vha vhu tshi khou ṋaṋa u vha vhuvhi. " To Obey Is Better Than a Sacrifice " My life was getting worse. Fulufhedzeani 2: 1, 2. Be Honest Arali zwo ralo, ni songo timatima u vhudzisa muṅwe wa Ṱhanzi dza Yehova. All our struggles to remain clean in a world full of wickedness will be worthwhile. If so, do not hesitate to ask one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Nṱhani ha zwenezwo, ri fanela u ṱolisisa mutevhe zwa zwithu zwa muya zwine ra tea u zwi ṱhogomela tshifhinga tshoṱhe, u itela u vha na vhungoho ha uri ri khou bvela phanḓa ri na vhushaka ho khwaṱhaho na Khotsi ashu a re na lufuno, Khonani, na Mudzimu - Yehova. - Vhalani 2 Vha - Korinta 13: 5, 6. They will enjoy everlasting life in an earthly paradise. - Luke 23: 39 - 43. Instead, we need to examine a regular spiritual checklist that we need to care for, to make sure that we are continuing to have a strong relationship with our loving Father, Friend, and God. - Read 2 Corinthians 13: 5, 6. Magazini U Gudwaho What about us? Study Edition Musi a tshee muṱuku, o kunda Goliata wa Mufilisita wa muswonḓa. And the sons of Israel began to cry out to Jehovah, because [Sisera] had nine hundred war chariots with iron scythes, and he himself oppressed the sons of Israel with harshness twenty years. " - Judges 4: 1 - 3; 5: 8. When he was young, he conquered the Philistine giant Goliath. Abrahamu o fhirisela vhutanzhe ha Isimaele kha Isaka. (Gen. Honest at All Times, 3 / 1 Abraham transferred Ishmael's birthright to Isaac. Kanzhi ndo vha ndi tshi humbula u vha mununu. He demonstrated his ability to control dangerous storms and to satisfy the needs of large crowds for food. I often thought of being a nun. Sa Mupfumedzanyi wa lwa mulayo, Yesu o ita uri hu bebwe lushaka luswa, lune lwa vha "Isiraele wa Mudzimu, " lune lwa vhumbwa nga Vhakriste vhane vha ḓo vhumba" vho - tshifhé vha vhuhosi " vha ngei ṱaḓuḽu. - Vha - Gal. God Recommends His Love to Us As a legal Mediator, Jesus gave birth to a new nation, "the Israel of God, " made up of Christians who would make up" the kingdom of the kingdom " in your tent. - Gal. Zwino o no lovhedzwa. Leaving our rented room that morning, we did not know where to begin looking for him, so we simply struck out in a random direction. Now she is baptized. " U Pfa Hu Fhira Tshiṱhavhelo " Clearly, if Jehovah wanted to, he could make it very easy for us to fight our weaknesses and to stop having wrong desires. " Obedience Is Better Than a Sacrifice " 2: 1, 2. Recalls Leticia: "I was amazed. 2: 1, 2. U ita vhuḓidini ha u dzula ro kuna kha ḽino shango ḽo ḓalaho vhuvhi zwi ḓo vha zwi si mahandana. A visible sign would be provided in view of the fact that Christ's presence in Kingdom power would be invisible to those on earth. Putting forth effort to remain clean in this wicked world will not be in vain. Vha ḓo ḓiphina nga vhutshilo vhu sa fheli kha ḽifhasi ḽa paradiso. - Luka 23: 39 - 43. The righteous will include faithful men and women such as Noah, Abraham, and Sarah. They will enjoy everlasting life on a paradise earth. - Luke 23: 39 - 43. Hu pfi mini nga riṋe? It is the result of one man's losing perfection for himself and his offspring by rebelling against God. What about us? Vha - Isiraele vha lilea Yehova; ngauri Yabini o vha e na dzigoloi dzi na maḓana maṱanu - na - maṋa, dza u lwa, dza tsimbi; a ṱhupha Vha - Isiraele nga maanḓa. " - Vhahaṱuli 4: 1 - 3; 5: 8. We can regularly go to our heavenly Father in prayer to praise him, to thank him for all his expressions of goodness toward us, and to take our burdens to him, confident that he cares for us. - Philippians 4: 6, 7; 1 Peter 5: 6, 7. The sons of Israel cried out to Jehovah, for Jabin had seven hundred war chariots and war chariots, and the sons of Israel wereting in great labor. " - Judges 4: 1 - 3; 5: 8. O sumbedza vhukoni hawe ha u langa maḓumbu a re na khombo na u fusha magogo mahulwane nga zwiḽiwa. So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him. " - Revelation 12: 7 - 9. He demonstrated his ability to control a storm that was dangerous and to satisfy a large crowd with food. Mudzimu O Ri Sumbedza Lufuno Lwawe That was how the director of a home for senior citizens in Navalcarnero, Madrid, Spain, recently described the visits of Jehovah's Witnesses to his center. God Shows His Love to Us Nga matsheloni a ḓuvha ḽeneḽo musi ri tshi bva nḓuni ye ra vha ro i hira, ro vha ri sa ḓivhi uri ri nga mu ṱoḓela thungo ifhio, ngauralo ro mbo ḓi sokou thoma u tshimbila. They personally needed to dedicate themselves to God. The morning when we left the house we rented, we did not know where to look for him, so we just went. (Yesaya 40: 29) Vhukuma, arali Yehova a tshi ṱoḓa, a nga ita uri zwi ri lelutshele u lwisana na vhushayanungo hashu na u ita uri ri si tsha vha na nyemulo dzi si dzavhuḓi. Over a year has gone by since Jesus gave the aforementioned proof of his Messiahship. Yes, if Jehovah wants it, he can make it easier for us to fight our weaknesses and cause us to lose wrong desires. Leticia o ri: "Ndo mangadzwa vhukuma nga zwe nda zwi vhona. (a) In the face of what grave situation did Hezekiah trust in Jehovah? " I couldn't believe what I saw, " she says. Hu ḓo ṋewa tshiga tshi vhonalaho samusi u vha hone ha Kristo a tshi vhusa sa Khosi hu sa ḓo vhoniwa nga vhane vha vha kha ḽifhasi. Do we make time for each other? A visible sign will be given, since Christ's presence will not be recognized by those on earth. Kha vho lugaho hu ḓo katelwa vhanna na vhafumakadzi vha fulufhedzeaho vha ngaho sa Noaxe, Abrahamu na Sara. How exciting it was to be back at Bethel while attending school and be with many of those I had come to love and respect! Among the righteous will include faithful men and women like Noah, Abraham, and Sarah. Fhedzi vha shengela nga ṅwambo wa uri muthu wa u thoma o shandukela Mudzimu nahone ene na vhana vhawe vha sa tsha fhelela. They know that he had a purpose in creating us. But they suffer because the first man rebelled against God, and he and his children are imperfect. Ri nga rabela Khotsi ashu wa ṱaḓulu tshifhinga tshoṱhe u itela u mu renda, u mu livhuha zwithu zwivhuya zwoṱhe zwe a ri itela zwone, na u mu vhudza mbilaelo dzashu, ri na fulufhelo ḽa uri u a ri ṱhogomela. - Vha - Filipi 4: 6, 7; 1 Petro 5: 6, 7. Anthony Morris of the Governing Body gave the final talk, "Remember, the Things Seen Are Temporary. " We can always pray to our heavenly Father to praise him, thank him for all the good he has done for us, and share our anxieties with him, confident that he cares for us. - Philippians 4: 6, 7; 1 Peter 5: 6, 7. Ngauralo, ḽigweṋa ḽihulu ḽa poswa fhasi, ḽiṋowa ḽa kale na kale, ḽine ḽa vhidzwa u pfi Diabolo na Sathane, ḽine ḽa khou xedza ḽifhasi ḽoṱhe; ḽo poswa kha ḽifhasi, na vharuṅwa vhaḽo vha poswa kha ḽifhasi naḽo. " - Nzumbululo 12: 7 - 9. How different they were from the "riders on tawny donkeys, " who were too proud to participate, and those" who [sat] on fine carpets, " loving a life of luxury! So the great dragon was hurled down, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down to the vicinity of the earth. " - Revelation 12: 7 - 9. Yeneyo yo vha i nḓila ye mulanguli wa fhethu hune ha ṱhogomelwa hone vhalala ha ngei Navalcarnero, Madrid, Spain, a ṱalusa ngayo Ṱhanzi dza Yehova dze dza vha dzi tshi dalela henefho fhethu. 8, 9. (a) Why should we go on growing in knowledge and faith? That was the way the director of an elderly area in the area of the local congregation was described in the Spanish, Spain, described Jehovah's Witnesses who visited the area. Vho vha vha tshi tea u ḓiṋekedza vhone vhaṋe kha Mudzimu nga muthihi nga muthihi. COVER: At a railway station in New Delhi, India, which handles over 300 trains daily, brothers witness to commuters and travelers from all parts of the country They had to dedicate themselves to God as individuals. Ho no fhela ṅwaha u bva tshee Yesu a ṋea vhuṱanzi ho bulwaho afho nṱha nga ha u vha hawe Messia. Is there someone in the congregation toward whom you could apply this counsel? The year has passed since Jesus gave the above testimony about his being the Messiah. (a) Hiskia o fulufhela Yehova musi o sedzana na vhuimo vhufhio vhu ofhisaho? [ Footnote] (a) What fearsome situation did Hezekiah trust in Jehovah? Naa ri a ḓiṋea tshifhinga tsha u ṱwa roṱhe? 8: 23; Matt. Do we take time to spend together? Zwo takadza lungafhani u vhuyelela Bethele musi ri tshikoloni na u vhona vhahashu vhe nda vha ndi tshi vha funa na u vha ṱhonifha! Let us also keep free from improper judging, respect those entrusted with oversight in the congregation, and leave matters in the hands of Jehovah, the Supreme Judge. - Rom. 12: 18, 19; Heb. What a joy it was to return to Bethel at school and to see the brothers whom I loved and respected! (Psalme ya 36: 9) Vha a ḓivha uri o vha e na ndivho musi a tshi ri sika. Otherwise, we might be doing others a great disservice or even serious wrong, all because of our pride in exercising what we consider to be our superior sense of judgment. They know that he had a purpose in creating us. Anthony Morris wa Tshigwada tshi Langaho o ṋekedza nyambo ya u fhedza ine ya ri "Humbulani Uri Zwi Vhonwaho Ndi Zwa Tshikhathinyana. " For more than a century, this magazine, The Watchtower, has explained these two aspects in the accomplishing of the divine purpose. Anthony Morris of the Governing Body gave the final talk "To Be Blessed for a moment. " Vho vha vho fhambana vhukuma na " vhagonyi vha mbongola tshena ' vhe vha vha vha tshi ḓikukumusa vhukuma na vhe vha vha vha tshi funesa vhutshilo ha maṱhakheni, vhe vha vha vho "dzula kha dzithovho. " The offering of incense among the Israelites was a fitting symbol of prayers that are heard by God. They were so different from "the white - tempered ones " who were proud and loved for a large life, who were" sitting upon white things. " 8, 9. (a) Ndi ngani ri tshi fanela u bvela phanḓa ri tshi vha na nḓivho na lutendo? STUDY ARTICLE 3 PAGES 16 - 20 8, 9. (a) Why should we continue to gain knowledge and faith? KHA GWATI: Tshiṱitshini tsha tshidimela ngei New Delhi, kha ḽa India, hune ha fhira zwidimela zwa 300 nga ḓuvha, vhahashu vha ṱanziela vhaendi vha bvaho mashangoni o fhamba - fhambanaho The religious leaders of the day had no love for the common people. COVER: A train train train minister in New kingdom, India, where more than 300 trains a day, brothers witness to tourists from different countries Naa hu na muṅwe muthu tshivhidzoni ane na nga shumisa yeneyi nyeletshedzo khae? At a meeting of the governing body of first - century Christians held in 49 C.E., the disciple James stated: "Symeon [Peter] has related thoroughly how God for the first time turned his attention to the nations to take out of them a people for his name. " Is there someone in the congregation whom you can apply this counsel? [ Ṱhaluso i re magumoni a siaṱari] Perhaps David reasoned that Gath would be the last place that Saul would look for him. [ Footnote] 8: 23; Mat. And I have made your name known to them and will make it known, in order that the love with which you loved me may be in them and I in union with them. " - John 17: 20, 21, 26. 8: 23; Matt. *) Na riṋe kha ri litshe u pomoka vhaṅwe nga nḓila i songo teaho, ri ṱhonifhe vha lavhelesaho tshivhidzoni, na u litsha mafhungo zwanḓani zwa Yehova, Muhaṱuli Muhulwane. - Vha - Roma 12: 18, 19; Vha - Heb. I had a quick and violent temper. * Let us also hold back from blaming others, having respect for those in the congregation, and leaving matters in Jehovah's hands, the Supreme Judge. - Romans 12: 18, 19; Heb. Arali zwa sa ralo, ri nga vha ri tshi khou pfisa vhaṅwe vhuṱungu na u vha khakhela vhukuma, nga nṱhani ha u vha haṱula nga zwilinganyo zwashu zwine ra zwi dzhia zwi zwa nṱha. 10, 11. Otherwise, we may be causing ourselves to be hurt and offending others deeply, for we judge them by our high standards. (Maleaxi 3: 6; Yohane 17: 3; Yakobo 1: 17) Lwa miṅwaha i ṱoḓaho u fhira ya ḓana, hoyu magazini wa Tshiingamo, wo ṱalutshedza nga ha u ḓadzea ha enea masia mavhili a ndivho ya Mudzimu. 12 "Weep With Those Who Weep " For nearly one hundred years, this issue of The Watchtower explained the fulfillment of these two aspects of God's purpose. U fhisa zwioro kha Vhaisiraele zwo vha zwi tshi sumbedza dzithabelo dze Mudzimu a vha a tshi dzi pfa. " Most colleges are seriously out of step with the real world in getting students ready to become workers in the postcollege world. The burning incense upon the Israelites was an expression of the prayers that God heard. THERO I GUDWAHO 3 MASIAṰARI 16 - 20 We can take the initiative to assist someone in need of help, and in doing so, we actually grow in understanding and love. STUDY ARTICLE 3 PAGES 16 - 20 Vharangaphanḓa vha vhurereli vha misini yeneyo vho vha vha sa funi vhathu zwavho. He also said: "Look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things. " The religious leaders of those days did not love ordinary people. Muṱanganoni wa tshigwada tshi langaho wa Vhakriste vha ḓanani ḽa u thoma ḽa miṅwaha we wa farwa nga 49 C.E., mufunziwa Yakobo o amba uri: "Simioni [Petro] o ri ṱalutshedza nga vhuḓalo nḓila ye Mudzimu a livhisa ngayo ṱhogomelo kha vha dzitshaka lwa u thoma nahone kha vhenevho a ḓinangela vhathu vhane vha ḓo vhidzwa nga dzina ḽawe. " What question can Christians with long experience ask themselves, and why? At the meeting of the first - century Christian governing body held in 49 C.E., the disciple James stated: "In a thorough description of how God directed attention to the nations, and to those who will be called by his name. " Khamusi Davida a nga vha o humbula uri Gathi ndi fhethu hune Saulo a sa ḓo mu ṱoḓela hone. Jason, a young elder, relates, "When I was first appointed, I felt quite overwhelmed by my new responsibilities. " David may have thought that Gath was a place where Saul would not seek him. Ndo vha ḓivhadza dzina ḽau, huno ndi ḓo ḓi vha ḓivhadza, uri lufuno lwe wa mpfuna ngalwo ' lu vhe kha vhone, nṋe ndi vhe kha vhone. " - Yoh. 17: 20, 21, 26. Bring up the fact that Job lived long before telescopes and spaceships. I have made your name known to them, and I will make it known to them that the love you loved me may be upon them; and I will be in union with them. " - John 17: 20, 21, 26. Ndo vha ndi tshi ṱavhanya u dinalea nahone ndi na mbiti. The Joy of Sanctifying Jehovah's Name I quickly got angry and angry. 10, 11. Help Bible Students to Become Teachers 10, 11. 12 "Ni Lile Na Vhane Vha Lila " How did some of David's contemporaries act, and how did David react to such behavior? 12 "Make Known Those Who Use the Mind " " Magudedzi manzhi ha funzi vhagudiswa zwithu zwine zwa ḓo vha thusa uri vha wane mushumo musi vho no ṱhaphudza pfunzo dzavho gudedzini. Here's your copy. " A good student does not teach students things that will help them find employment after they graduated from their college. Ri nga dzhia vhukando ha u thusa muthu ane a ṱoḓa thuso nahone nga u ita nga u ralo ri pfesesa khwine nahone ra vha na lufuno. [ Picture on page 13] We can take the initiative to help someone who needs help, and by doing so, we can better understand and grow in love. O dovha a ri: "Huno vhonani, ndi na'nwi misi yoṱhe u swika vhufheloni ha ḽifhasi. " Such faith moves the student to reject conduct that is displeasing to God and to come in line with Jehovah's righteous standards. He added: "Look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things. " Vhakriste vha re na tshenzhelo nnzhi vha nga ḓivhudzisa mbudziso ifhio, nahone ndi ngani? There are thousands of Bible translations, but some are more accurate than others. What question can more experienced Christians ask themselves, and why? Muṅwe muhulwane wa tshivhidzo ane a kha ḓi vha muswa, ane a pfi Jason o ri, "Musi ndi tshi vha muhulwane, ndo pfa ndi na vhuḓifhinduleli vhunzhi vhune nda fanela u sedzana naho. " We all have an inherited tendency to be proud. " When I was an elder, " says a young elder named Jason, "I felt that I had many responsibilities to face. " Ni nga kha ḓi amba uri tshifhingani tsha Yobo ho vha hu si na zwivhonakule na zwithu zwine zwa ya tshikhalani. On the other hand, a positive perspective will help us to focus on aspects of our lives from which we can derive delight and joy. You might say that in Job's time there was no need for space and space. Dakalo Ḽa U Khetha Dzina Ḽa Yehova Learning these things about God's purpose for the earth and for mankind can help us to understand why we are here. Happiness of Choosing Jehovah's Name Thusani Vhagudiswa vha Bivhili u vha Vhagudisi When Moses ' wife, Zipporah, rejoined him in the wilderness, Miriam might have feared that she would no longer be viewed as leading lady in the camp. - Exodus 18: 1 - 5. Help Bible Students to Become Students Vhathu vha misini ya Davida vho ḓifara nga nḓila - ḓe, nahone Davida o aravha hani kha vhuḓifari honoho? The reasons for serving in a foreign territory should be love for God and a desire to fulfill the commission of making disciples. How did David's contemporaries act, and how did David react to that conduct? Heyi ndi kopi yaṋu. If you still try to manage the job that you have delegated to someone, you will send him the message, "I don't really trust you. " This is your copy. [ Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 9] But how could I ride a motorbike? [ Picture on page 9] Lwonolwo lutendo lu ita uri mugudiswa a iledze vhuḓifari vhune ha sinyusa Yehova Mudzimu na u tshila u tendelana na milayo yawe. So nobody should think that being an anointed Christian gives him wisdom superior to that of those having the earthly hope. Such faith enables the student to reject practices that displease Jehovah God and live by his righteous standards. Hu na ṱhalutshedzelo nnzhi dza Bivhili, fhedzi dziṅwe dzo ṱalutshedzelwa nga nḓila yo teaho u fhira dziṅwe. In the original Greek, the word translated "readjust " can also refer to the realignment or setting of broken bones, a painful procedure. There are more translations of the Bible, but others are more correctly translated than others. Roṱhe ro mamela nḓowelo ya u ḓikukumusa. (Read Hebrews 5: 11 - 13.) All of us have inherited a tendency to be proud. Kha ḽiṅwe sia, u vha na mavhonele avhuḓi zwi ḓo ri thusa u livhisa ṱhogomelo kha masia a vhutshilo hashu ane a ri takadza vhukuma. A first step, of course, is for parents to train their children at home, preparing them for meetings. On the other hand, having the right attitude will help us to focus on aspects of our life that are truly pleasing to us. (Psalme ya 104: 5) U guda zwenezwi zwithu nga ha ndivho ya Mudzimu nga ha ḽifhasi na vhathu zwi nga ri thusa u pfesesa uri ndi ngani ri fhano kha ḽifhasi. Like their ancestors, first - century Jews no doubt prayed repeatedly to God for relief, this time from the oppressive yoke of the Roman Empire. Learning these things about God's purpose for the earth and for mankind can help us to understand why we are here on earth. Musi musadzi wa Mushe, Tsipora, a tshi dovha a ṱangana nae sogani, Miriamu a nga vha o ofha uri ha tsha ḓo dovha a dzhiiwa sa murangaphanḓa wa vhafumakadzi henefho mushashani. - Ekisodo 18: 1 - 5. We are not benefited by trying to refute the arguments of apostates or those who are critical of Jehovah's organization. When Moses ' wife, Michal, met him in the wilderness, Miriam may have feared that she would never be considered the leader of the women in the camp. - Exodus 18: 1 - 5. Zwiitisi zwa u shuma tsimuni i sili zwi fanela u vha u funa Mudzimu na u tama u ḓadzisa mushumo wa u ita vhafunziwa. I prepared them for the trial and cross - examination by pretending to be the prosecuting attorney. The reasons for serving in a foreign field should be to love God and desire to fulfill the disciple - making work. Arali ni tshi kha ḓi lingedza u ita mushumo we na u ṋea muṅwe muthu, zwi a fana na u mu vhudza uri, "a thi ni fulufheli zwa vhukuma. " 7, 8. (a) What act of loving - kindness did Jehovah perform toward Lot and his family? If you are still trying to do the work you give someone, it is like telling him, "I don't really trust you. " Fhedzi ndo vha ndi tshi ḓo reila hani yeneyo thuthuthu? This pointed to a greater destruction that awaits many professed Christians and those of other religions. - Matt. But how would I drive the motorcycle? Ngauralo hu songo vha na ane a humbula uri u vha muḓodzwa zwi mu ṋea vhuṱali vhuhulwane u fhira vha re na fulufhelo ḽa u tshila kha ḽifhasi. However, is such a life really more meaningful and more secure? So none of us should think that being anointed gives him greater wisdom than those with an earthly hope. Nga Lugerika lwa u thoma, ipfi ḽine ḽa ri " vhuyedzedza ' ḽi nga dovha ḽa amba u tsiḓulula marambo o vunḓeaho. However, Justice Jean Crepeau of Quebec Superior Court in Canada had a different opinion. In the original Greek, the word "to restore " can also mean the smelling of the bones. (Vhalani Vha - Heberu 5: 11 - 13.) Study Articles 1, 2 PAGES 3 - 11 (Read Hebrews 5: 11 - 13.) Vhukando ha u thoma, ndi uri vhabebi vha fanela u gudisa vhana vhavho hayani, vha tshi vha lugiselela miṱangano. • Why are many people today so pessimistic? First, parents need to train their children at home, preparing them for meetings. U fana na vhomakhulukuku vhavho, a zwi timatimisi uri Vhayuda vha ḓanani ḽa u thoma ḽa miṅwaha vho rabela lunzhi - lunzhi vha tshi ṱoḓa thuso kha Mudzimu, nga nṱhani ha uri vha ṱoḓa u vhofhololwa kha u tsikeledzwa nga Muvhuso wa Roma. How did Moses ' own people show disrespect for Jehovah? Like their ancestors, first - century Jews no doubt prayed repeatedly for God's help, seeking independence from the Roman Empire. A ri vhuyelwi nga tshithu musi ri tshi lingedza u pikisana na vhagunei kana vhathu vhane vha sasaladza ndangulo ya Yehova. Their assignment placed them at opposite ends of the only link between Biafra and the outside world. We have nothing to do with apostates or those who criticize Jehovah's organization. Ndo ḓiita u nga ndi muhaṱuli wa khothe nga u vha vhudzisesa u itela u vha lugiselela tsengo. Joshua asks the people to get provisions ready and not idly wait for God to provide them. I pretended to be a court judge by ordering them to prepare them for the trial. 7, 8. (a) Yehova o sumbedza hani Loto na muṱa wawe vhuthu vhu re na lufuno? The nearness of Jehovah's day should not be used as an excuse for not working to provide for our needs and to support ourselves in the ministry. 7, 8. (a) How did Jehovah show loving - kindness to Lot and his family? Zwenezwi zwi sumbedza u fheliswa huhulwane ho lindelaho vhathu vhanzhi vhane vha ḓiita Vhakriste na vha vhuṅwe vhurereli. - Mat. (See opening image.) This indicates the dramatic destruction that awaits many who claim to be Christians and other religions. - Matt. Naho zwo ralo, naa yeneyo ndi nḓila ya u tshila vhutshilo vhu re na ndivho na ho tsireledzeaho zwa vhukuma? The Angels - "Spirits for Public Service " However, is that a way of living a truly meaningful and secure life? Naho zwo ralo, Muhaṱuli ane a pfi Jean Crepeau wa Khothe Khulwane ya Quebec ngei Canada o vha e na mavhonele o fhambanaho. Notice, were, not are. - 1 Corinthians 6: 9 - 11. Nevertheless, Judge Jean story of the High Court of Quebec in Canada had a different view. Thero dzi Gudwaho 1, 2 MASIAṰARI 3 - 11 Paul well described our plight. Study Articles 1, 2 PAGES 3 - 11 • Ndi ngani vhathu vhanzhi ṋamusi vha tshi dzula vho tshuwa? 4: 4; Prov. • Why do many people today feel fearful? Vhathu vha Mushe vho nyadza hani Yehova? 5: 2, 3. How did Moses ' people dishonor Jehovah? Mushumo wavho wo ita uri vha kone u vha na vhuṱumani na Biafra na mashango a nnḓa. Yes, God's Kingdom is the means by which Jehovah God will do away with the woeful results of human rule and bring about the righteous new world of his promise. Their work enabled them to have a job that allowed them to have a both in the company and in the nations. Yoshua o vhudza vhathu uri vha lugise mbuvha dzavho nṱhani ha u puta zwanḓa vha lindela Mudzimu uri a vha ṋee zwiḽiwa. ▪ "[God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away. " - Revelation 21: 4. Joshua told the people to prepare their oil instead of running their hands and wait for God to provide food for them. U vha tsini - tsini ha ḓuvha ḽa Yehova a zwo ngo fanela u shumiswa sa tshiitisi tsha u sa ṱoḓa u shuma u itela uri ri kone u ṱhogomela ṱhoḓea dzashu na u ḓitikedza vhuḓinḓani hashu. To that end, let us always follow the Golden Rule in our ministry. Being close to Jehovah's day should not be used as an excuse not to work to care for our needs and support our ministry. (Sedzani tshifanyiso tsha u thoma.) For example, when Paul first arrived in Corinth, Aquila and Priscilla kindly invited him to stay in their home, which he apparently used for a time thereafter as a base for his activities. (See opening picture.) Vharuṅwa - "Mimuya Iné Tshayo Ha Vha U Shumela Vhaṅwe " [ Picture on page 23] Angels - "The spirits That Go On to Serve Others " Ṱhogomelani u ri ho shumiswa, no vha ni, nṱhani ha ni vha. - 1 Vha - Korinta 6: 9 - 11. Soon the earth will be filled with those who prefer Jehovah's sovereignty over any other. Notice that it was used, instead of you. - 1 Corinthians 6: 9 - 11. Paulo o ṱalutshedza vhuimo hashu zwavhuḓi. 11: 1 - 4. Paul clearly explained our situation. 4: 4; Mir. Thank you. " 4: 4; Prov. 5: 2, 3. guided by God's Word? 5: 2, 3. Vhukuma, Yehova Mudzimu u ḓo shumisa Muvhuso wawe u fhelisa mvelelo dzi si dzavhuḓi dza mivhuso ya vhathu nahone a ḓisa shango ḽiswa ḽo lugaho ḽe a ḽi fulufhedzisa. Gift Annuity: Money or securities donated to an entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses under an arrangement where the donor, or someone designated by the donor, receives a specified annuity payment every year for life. Yes, Jehovah God will use his Kingdom to undo the consequences of human governments and bring about a righteous new world that he has promised. ▪ "[Mudzimu] U ḓo fhuluṱa maṱodzi oṱhe maṱoni avho, lufu a lu tsha ḓo vha hone, na vhuṱungu na zwililo na tshengelo a zwi tsha ḓo vha hone, ngauri zwa kale zwo fhela. " - Nzumbululo 21: 4. It usually consisted of a horizontal beam, or bar, that pivoted on a peg at its center. ▪ "[God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away. " - Revelation 21: 4. Uri ri kone u ita zwenezwo, kha ri tevhele Mulayo Muhulwane vhuḓinḓani hashu tshifhinga tshoṱhe. Elisha was calm in the face of the Syrian siege because he trusted in Jehovah and saw God's protective power in action. To do so, let us always follow the Golden Rule in our ministry. Sa tsumbo, musi Paulo a tshi swika lwa u thoma ngei Korinta, Akwila na Prisila vho mu ramba uri a ḓe a dzule navho muḓini wavho, nahone o fhedza tshifhinga a tshi itela hone mishumo yawe. Why do you keep yourself hid in times of distress? " For example, when Paul first arrived in Corinth, Aquila and Priscilla invited him to live with them in their city, and he spent time in behalf of his duties. [ Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 23] " Faith, if it does not have works, is dead in itself. " - JAMES 2: 17. [ Picture on page 23] Hu si kale, ḽifhasi ḽi ḓo ḓala vhathu vhane vha tikedza vhuvhusahoṱhe ha Yehova u fhira zwiṅwe zwithu. Are you personally known as a zealous Kingdom proclaimer? - 2 Timothy 4: 2. Soon, the earth will be filled with people who uphold Jehovah's sovereignty more than any other. 11: 1 - 4. 1: 9. 11: 1 - 4. Ndi a livhuwa. " For example, Paul reprimands Christians for going to court "before unbelievers. " Thank you. " livhiswa hani nga Ipfi ḽa Mudzimu? The apostle Paul also reminds us that "we have a wrestling... against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places. " How is the guidance of God's Word? Akhaunthu Dza Banngani: Akhaunthu dza banngani, zwiḽipi zwa u dipositha, na tshelede ya phesheni zwi nga ṋewa Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of South Africa, ni tshi kha ḓi tshila kana no no lovha, zwi tshi ya nga ṱhoḓea dza bannga ya henefho. (b) What did those who made voluntary offerings gain for themselves? Bank Accounts: Bank accounts, certificates of deposit, or individual retirement accounts may be placed in trust for or made payable on death to Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, in accord with local bank requirements. Elisa o vha o dzika musi a tshi vhona o tangwa nga Vhasiria ngauri o vha a tshi fulufhela Yehova nahone a vhona maanḓa a Mudzimu a tshi mu tsireledza. Yes, Jehovah knows us better than we know ourselves! Elisha was calm when he saw surrounded by Syria because he trusted in Jehovah and saw God's strength protect him. U itela'ni Ú sa bveleli musi ró khakhelwa? " Does Ezekiel 18: 20, which says that "a son himself will bear nothing because of the error of the father, " contradict Exodus 20: 5, which says that Jehovah brings" punishment for the error of fathers upon sons "? Why do you not succeed in times of distress? " " Lutendo arali lu si ná mishumo, lwo dzula lwó fa nga lwoṱhe. " - YAKOBO 2: 17. For many years, they were regular pioneers in a part of the country where there was a need for publishers. " Faith without works is all things. " - JAMES 2: 17. Naa ni ḓivhelwa u vha muhuweleli wa Muvhuso a fhiseaho? - 2 Timotheo 4: 2. What about us? Are you known as a zealous Kingdom proclaimer? - 2 Timothy 4: 2. 1: 9. After a few more calls, she wanted to study for more than 15 minutes. 1: 9. Sa tsumbo, Paulo o sasaladza vhukuma Vhakriste nga u ya havho khothe phanḓa ha "vha sá tendiho! " JESUS knew that his disciples in their own strength were not capable of observing all that he had commanded. For example, how condemned Paul was for Christians to go to court before "the unbelievers "! Muapostola Paulo o dovha a ri humbudza uri "nndwa yashu... ndi ya u lwa na mimuya ya vhuvhi i re ṱaḓulu. " What fiendish persecution did the Witnesses in Sachsenhausen endure, and what gave them the strength to do so? The apostle Paul also reminded us that "our fight... is against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places. " (b) Vhe vha vha vha tshi ṋekedza zwidzimu zwa u ḓifunela vho vha vha tshi vhuyelwa nga mini? It can become a sort of blackmail. " (b) What benefits have those who offered voluntary sacrifices? (Psalme ya 103: 14) Ee, Yehova u a ri ḓivha u fhirisa nḓila ine ra ḓi ḓivha ngayo! Two thousand years ago, Jesus visited the temple in Jerusalem. Yes, Jehovah knows us more than we know ourselves! Naa Hesekiele 18: 20, ine ya ri "murwa ha nga hwali mulandu wa khotsi - awe, " i a hanedzana na Ekisodo 20: 5, ine ya amba uri Yehova u" vhila mulandu wa vho - khotsi kha vhana "? [ Blurb on page 22] Does Ezekiel 18: 20, which says that "the son is not due to the error of his father, " contradicts Exodus 20: 5, which says that Jehovah" holds accountable for the father's error of the sons "? Lwa miṅwaha minzhi, vho vha vhe vhavulanḓila vha tshifhinga tsho ḓalaho shangoni ḽe ḽa vha ḽi na ṱhoḓea ya vhahuweleli. In the list below, rows are numbered from front to back, and names are listed from left to right in each row. For many years, they served as regular pioneers in a country where there was a need for publishers. Hu pfi mini nga riṋe? Love for God is the key factor that motivates us to engage in the disciple - making work. What about us? Musi ndo no mu rwela luṱingo lwo vhalaho, o vha a tshi vho ṱoḓa u guda mimunithi i fhiraho 15. A small child is like a sapling that needs watering at regular intervals. After a number of phone calls, he wanted to learn more than 15 minutes. YESU o vha a tshi zwi ḓivha uri vhafunziwa vhawe vha nga si kone u ita zwoṱhe zwe a vha laedza zwone nga maanḓa avho. Many are the blessings of the Memorial season. JESUS knew that his disciples could not do all that he had commanded them in their own strength. Ndi u tovholwa hufhio ha tshiṱuhu he Ṱhanzi dza hu konḓelela ngei Sachsenhausen, nahone ndi mini tsho vha ṋeaho maanḓa a u ita ngauralo? They were not joyful then, but they had a clean conscience. What cruel persecution did the Witnesses endure in Sachsenhausen, and what gave them the strength to do so? Arali zwa sa ralo a nga kha ḓi sa vhinga onoyo muselwa. " Bezalel was appointed to take the lead in making the necessary furnishings for the tabernacle. Otherwise he might not marry that bride. " Miṅwaha ya zwigidi zwivhili yo fhelaho, Yesu o dalela thembele ya Yerusalema. Why is it important to root out materialistic desires? Two thousand years earlier, Jesus visited the temple in Jerusalem. [ Maipfi o ṱumbulwaho kha siaṱari 22] But how hard it was to live in exile, not knowing what would happen to my parents, both of whom had been sentenced to two years ' imprisonment! [ Blurb on page 22] Kha mutevhe u re fhasi, miduba yo vhaliwa u bva phanḓa u ya murahu, nahone madzina o tevhekanyiswa u bva kha tsha monde u ya kha tsha u ḽa mudubani muṅwe na muṅwe. Moreover, we must love God with our "whole mind, " or our full intellect. In the list below, rows are numbered from front to back, and names are listed from left to right in each row. U funa Mudzimu ndi tshone tshiitisi tsha ndeme tshine tsha ita uri ri ṱanganele kha mushumo wa u ita vhafunziwa. To see how pressing on to maturity can sharpen our decision - making ability, let us consider two areas of life. Love for God is the foremost reason why we share in the disciple - making work. Ipfi " kokomedza ' ḽi ambela kha u gudisa tshifhinga tshoṱhe u tshi dovholola. He also existed before there were any other intelligent beings, such as his only - begotten Son and the angels. The word "inculcate " refers to teaching regularly to repetition. Hu na phaṱutshedzo nnzhi nga tshifhinga tsha Tshihumbudzo. Since then, the construction program has been expanded to encompass 116 such lands, involving more than half of the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses in the world. There are many blessings during the Memorial season. Vho vha vha songo takala nga tshenetsho tshifhinga, fhedzi vho vha vhe na luvalo lwo kunaho. Such equipment will be "congealed, " put out of operation as if stiffened by cold. They were unhappy at that time, but they had a clean conscience. Betsaliele o vha o vhewa uri a range phanḓa musi hu tshi itwa thundu dza nnḓu ya mulanga. Thereafter she quit her job in Spain and moved to Bulgaria to support the new congregation in that city. Bezalel was appointed to take the lead in the construction of the tabernacle. Ndi ngani zwi zwa ndeme u bvisa tshoṱhe nyemulo dza u funesa zwithu zwi vhonalaho? The term "mental - regulating " refers to more than imparting facts. Why is it important to rid ourselves of materialistic desires? Fhedzi zwo vha zwi tshi konḓa vhukuma u tshila kha ḽiṅwe shango, ndi sa ḓivhi zwine zwa ḓo bvelela kha vhabebi vhanga, vhe vhuvhili havho vho vha vho haṱulelwa u dzula dzhele miṅwaha mivhili! Before long, we had a young son to care for. But what a challenge it was to live abroad, without knowing what would happen to my parents, both of whom had been sentenced to two years in prison! Zwiṅwe hafhu, ri fanela u funa Mudzimu " nga mihumbulo yashu yoṱhe, ' kana nga ṱhalukanyo yashu yoṱhe. What Blessings Result? Moreover, we must love God with our "whole mind, " or with our whole mind. U itela u pfesesa nḓila ine u vhibva zwa nga khwinisa ngayo vhukoni hashu ha u ita phetho, kha ri ṱolisise masia mavhili a vhutshilo. Each of these protrusions, in turn, has hundreds of filaments with saucer - shaped tips. To understand how maturity can improve our ability to make decisions, let us consider two areas of life. O vha hone hu sa athu u vha na zwivhumbiwa zwo ṱalifhaho, zwi fanaho na Murwa wawe mubebwa e eṱhe na vharuṅwa. So let us see how giving attention to each of the eight things cited by Paul can help us with our conversations. He existed before intelligent creatures, such as his only - begotten Son and angels. U bva zwenezwo, mbekanyamushumo ya u fhaṱa yo engedzea u itela uri i katele mashango a 116, u katela zwivhidzo zwi fhiraho hafu zwa Ṱhanzi dza Yehova. Today, we have ample reasons for putting trust in Jehovah's reminders, contained in his infallible Word, the Bible. Since then, the building program has increased so that it includes 116 countries, including over half congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses. Zwenezwo zwishumiswa zwi nga si ḓo vha na mushumo, zwi ḓo tou nga zwo omiswa nga phepho. It is not unusual for the elderly to be deeply grieved by their inability to accomplish all that they were able to when they were younger and healthier. Such tools will not have a job, as if they were trapped in cold. Nga murahu o mbo ḓi litsha mushumo wawe ngei Spain nahone a pfulutshela Bulgaria u itela u tikedza tshivhidzo tshiswa tshe tsha vha tshi ḓoroboni yeneyo. Two years later, Daniel has a vision that involves Medo - Persia, Greece, and an entity that becomes "a king fierce in countenance. " - Daniel 8: 23. He later left his assignment in Spain and moved to Bulgaria to support the new congregation in that city. Mubulo une wa ri u "kwengweledzela " u amba zwi fhiraho u sokou bula dzimbuno. (Read Ephesians 4: 26, 27, 31, 32.) The expression "to make sure " means more than just talk. Hu sa athu fhela tshifhinga tshilapfu, ro vha na ṅwana muṱuku wa mutukana we re vha ri tshi fanela u mu ṱhogomela. After he called me a spy, he continued: "Religion is ignorance. Before long, we had a small son to care for. Ndi Dzifhio Phaṱhutshedzo Dzine dza vha Hone? Nero, says Tacitus, tried to place the blame on a group whom the populace called Christians. What Blessings Are there? Zwithu zwenezwo zwi ngaho mavhudzi zwi na zwiṅwe zwithu zwi no nga harane zwa maḓana. When Jehovah turned his attention to Sodom and Gomorrah, he was willing to consider Abraham's petitions. Such things as hair have something to do with hundreds of hair. Ngauralo kha ri vhone nḓila ine u ṱhogomela zwenezwi zwithu zwa malo zwo bulwaho nga Paulo zwa nga ri thusa ngayo kha zwine ra zwi amba. He said: "I have not sat down in the intimate group of those playing jokes and begun exulting. So let us see how considering these eight things mentioned by Paul can help us in what we say. Ṋamusi, ri na zwiitisi zwinzhi zwa u fulufhela khumbudzo dza Yehova, dzine dza vha Ipfi ḽawe ḽi sa khakhi, Bivhili. Did the Jews have reason to be proud because they were descendants of Abraham? Today, we have every reason to trust in Jehovah's reminders, that is, his Word never fails, the Bible. Zwo ḓowelea uri vhalala vha pfe vhuṱungu vhukuma nga u kundwa u ita zwoṱhe zwe vha vha vha tshi kona u zwi ita musi vha tshi kha ḓi vha vhaswa na u vha na mutakalo wavhuḓi. 7: 8, 9. It is common for elderly ones to suffer deeply by failing to do all they could when they are young and healthy. (Daniele 7: 13, 14) Nga murahu ha miṅwaha mivhili, Daniele o vhona bono ḽiṋe ḽa katela muvhuso wa Meda na Peresia, wa Greece, na muthu we a mbo ḓi vha "khosi ya tshifhaṱuwo tsha swili. " - Daniele 8: 23. There we read that the Israelites were to allow afflicted ones and alien residents to share in the harvest. Two years later, Daniel saw a vision involving the Medo - Persian, Greece, and a man who became "the king of the face of the speechless. " - Daniel 8: 23. (Vhalani Vha - Efesa 4: 26, 27, 31, 32.) We know that God's Word forbids fornication. (Read Ephesians 4: 26, 27, 31, 32.) Musi o no mmbidza uri ndi ṱholi, o bvela phanḓa nga u ri: "U tevhela vhurereli ndi u shaya nḓivho. What does Jehovah recommend for you? After calling me a spies, he continued: "The practice of religion is a lack of knowledge. Nero o amba uri Tacitus o lingedza u vhona mulandu tshigwada tshe vhathu vhanzhi vha vha vha tshi tshi vhidza uri ndi Vhakriste. In that new world, Jehovah "will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. " Nero reports that he tried to blame a group that many people called Christian. Musi Yehova a tshi livhisa ṱhogomelo yawe kha Sodoma na Gomora, o ṱoḓa u thetshelesa khumbelo ya Abrahamu. He argued that a woman could not be married to two men at once. When Jehovah directed his attention to Sodom and Gomorrah, he wanted to listen to Abraham's request. Bivhili I Ri Mini Nga Zwa Vhudzekani? 20, 21. What Does the Bible Say About Deception? O ri: "A tho ngo dzula na vhadzia - miḓai; a tho ngo takala navho '. I literally had to stop and contemplate how incredible that prophetic Passover meal was! " He says: "I did not sit among the hypocrites; I did not rejoice with them. " Naa zwo vha zwo tea uri Vhayuda vha ḓihudze nga nṱhani ha uri vho vha vhe vhana vha Abrahamu? Antitype: The person, event, or object that the type represents. Was it necessary for the Jews to boast because they were children of Abraham? 7: 8, 9. We stayed in a boardinghouse while awaiting residence authorization. 7: 8, 9. Henefho ri vhala uri Vhaisiraele vho vha vho laiwa uri vha tendele vhatshinyali na vhatsinda vha tshi ṱanganela kha khaṋo. Because of inherited sin and imperfection, maintaining moral cleanness requires effort. There we read that the Israelites were commanded to let the poor and the alien resident share in the harvest. Ri a zwi ḓivha uri Ipfi ḽa Mudzimu a ḽi tendeli vhupombwe. Out of regard for those principles, spiritually mature Christians choose not to keep a firearm for protection against other humans. We know that God's Word does not tolerate adultery. Yehova u ṱoḓa ni tshi ita mini? • What is a key requirement for making good decisions? What does Jehovah want you to do? Kha ḽeneḽo shango ḽiswa, Yehova "u ḓo fhuluṱa maṱodzi oṱhe maṱoni avho, lufu a lu tsha ḓo vha hone, na vhuṱungu na zwililo na tshengelo a zwi tsha ḓo vha hone. " The preceding article discussed how being directed by God's spirit is instrumental in our "speaking the word of God with boldness. " In that new world, Jehovah "will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. " O amba uri musadzi a nga si vhingwe nga vhanna vhavhili nga tshifhinga tshithihi. " It Is the Best Thing That Could Happen to You " He said that the wife would not marry two men at the same time. 20, 21. From Fraternizing to Idolatry 20, 21. Ndo ḓiṋea tshifhinga tsha u humbula nga ha nḓila ine zwenezwo zwiḽiwa zwa Paseka ye ha porofitwa nga hayo zwa vha zwa ndeme ngayo! " Was it not love for his master? I took time to reflect on the significance of the Passover meal that was prophesied about it! " Ro vha ro boda musi ro lindela u ṋewa thendelo ya u dzula henefho. Faithful David and Habakkuk asked God sincere questions We were waiting for permission to stay there. Nga ṅwambo wa tshivhi tshe ra tshi mamela na u sa fhelela, u dzula ro kuna kha vhuḓifari zwi ṱoḓa vhuḓidini. However, our efforts to keep on visiting them, no matter how difficult it is to communicate with them, demonstrate that we continue to " take the lead in showing honor ' to our fellow believers. Because of inherited sin and imperfection, maintaining moral cleanness requires effort. Nga nṱhani ha zwenezwo zwilinganyo, Vhakriste vho vhibvaho vha khetha u sa vha na tshigidi u itela u ḓitsireledza kha vhaṅwe. They became preoccupied with their own daily needs and way of life. As a result, mature Christians choose not to have a gun to protect themselves from others. • Ndi ṱhoḓea ifhio khulwane ya u ita phetho dzavhuḓi? Both in the first century and in our own time, they have followed Jesus ' example and built up a wonderful record of faithful endurance, demonstrating that they are peaceful integrity keepers. • What is the key to making good decisions? Theroni yo fhiraho ro haseledza nḓila ine u livhiswa nga muya wa Mudzimu zwa ri thusa ngayo u itela u "amba fhungo ḽa Mudzimu nga [tshivhindi, NW]. " Of course, that in no way suggests that non - Israelites could not derive great benefit from studying the Hebrew Scriptures. In the preceding article, we discussed how being guided by God's spirit helps us to " speak the word of God with boldness. ' " Zwi nga vha Zwavhuḓi Vhukuma Arali Vha Ita Ngauralo " On account of those things the wrath of God is coming. " - Col. " It's all right to Do So " U Bva Kha U Konana na Vhathu Vha Dzitshaka u ya Kha u Gwadamela Midzimu Yavho I Sili • What worldly view is not shared by Jehovah's servants? From Peaceable With the Nations to Worship Their God Naa ho vha hu si u funa muṋe wawe? These articles will discuss how holy spirit helps us to fight temptation, cope with discouragement, withstand persecution, resist negative peer pressure, and endure adversity. Was it not the love of his master? Davida na Habakuku vhe vha vha vha tshi fulufhedzea vho vhudzisa Mudzimu mbudziso dzi bvaho mbiluni How is it that Jehovah " takes knowledge of the righteous ones '? David and Habakkuk, who were loyal, asked God sincere questions Naho zwo ralo, hu sa londwi uri zwi nga konḓa lungafhani u ambedzana navho, sumbedzani uri ri bvela phanḓa ri tshi " hulisa ' vhatendi nga riṋe. She says that her husband felt that his job was a danger to their relationship with Jehovah. No matter how difficult it may be to reason with them, however, show that we continue to "honor " fellow believers. Vho mbo ḓi farakanea nga ṱhoḓea dzavho dza ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe na nga nḓila ine vha tshila ngayo. Apparently he did not. They became so absorbed in their daily needs and their way of life. U tou fana na ḓanani ḽa u thoma ḽa miṅwaha u katela na ṋamusi vho tevhela tsumbo ya Yesu nahone vha ḓiitela rekhodo yavhuḓi ya u konḓelela nga u fulufhedzea, vha tshi sumbedza uri vha dzula vha tshi fulufhedzea nga mulalo. Apparently, they were not caring for their duties. As in the first century as well as today have followed Jesus ' example and set a fine record of faithful endurance, they prove their integrity in peace. I ngoho, hezwi a zwi ambi uri vhathu vhane vha si vhe Vhaisiraele vho vha vha sa ḓo vhuyelwa nga u guda Maṅwalo a Luheberu. Many people go to the shrines because they believe that their prayers are more likely to be heard if offered in a sacred place. Of course, this does not mean that non - Israelites would not benefit from studying the Hebrew Scriptures. Ndi zwone zwiné mbiti dza Mudzimu dza wela ngazwo ' vhana vha u sa tenda. " - Vha - Kol. In choosing the words recorded in this verse, Paul doubtless had in mind what we read at Proverbs 25: 21, 22: "If the one hating you is hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. Hence, God's wrath befalls the sons of faith. " - Col. • Ndi mavhonele afhio a shango ane vhashumeli vha Yehova vha si ṱanganele khao? Yes, Jehovah can act within us and affect our will, or desires. - Phil. • What worldly attitude do Jehovah's servants not join in? Thero dzenedzi dzi haseledza nga ha nḓila ine muya mukhethwa wa nga ri thusa ngayo u itela u lwisana na milingo, u sedzana na u kulea nungo, u kunda u tovholwa, u lwisana na mutsiko wa thangana ya murole u si wavhuḓi, na u konḓelela maṱungu. How heartening it is to know that our loving and all - powerful God, Jehovah, cares for us and that he will shortly bring relief to mankind! These articles discuss how holy spirit can help us to resist temptation, cope with discouragement, resist persecution, resist harmful peer pressure, and endure adversities. Yehova u " ḓivha nḓila ya vhavhuya ' nga nḓila - ḓe? He adds: "They do not always agree with our beliefs. How does Jehovah " know the way of the righteous ones '? O amba uri munna wawe o pfa u nga mushumo wawe u khou vhea vhushaka hawe na Yehova khomboni. One day, the woman had a different plan to get well, so she walked through a crowd of people and touched Jesus ' clothing. She says that her husband felt that his work was endangering his relationship with Jehovah. O vha sa zwi ḓivhi. When Paul said that Satan had the means to cause death, he also said that Christ died in order that he "might bring [Satan] to nothing... and that he might emancipate all those who for fear of death were subject to slavery all through their lives. " He did not know. Zwi vhonala u nga vho vha vha sa khou ita mishumo yavho. Our foremost example of a man who allowed God's spirit to motivate him is Jesus Christ. It seems that they were not doing their jobs. Vhathu vhanzhi vha ya zwifhoni ngauri vha tenda uri thabelo dzavho dzi ḓo pfiwa arali vha rabela vhe fhethu hukhethwa. In the 15th century, Italian navigator Christopher Columbus wondered if he was close to rediscovering the Edenic garden when he landed on the island of Hispaniola, now the Dominican Republic and Haiti. Many people go to shrines because they believe that their prayers will be heard if they pray in a holy place. Musi a tshi khetha maipfi a re kha ndimana yeneyi, a zwi timatimisi uri Paulo o vha a tshi khou humbula nga ha zwine ra zwi vhala kha Mirero 25: 21, 22 ine ya ri: "Swina ḽau li na nḓala, U ḽi fhe zwiḽiwa ḽi ḽe; ḽi na ḓora U ḽe ṋee maḓi ḽi nwe. In 2012, Perrine mustered up the courage, and she and Louis moved. In choosing the words of this verse, Paul no doubt had in mind what we read at Proverbs 25: 21, 22: "Your food and hunger, give it something to eat and drink. Vhukuma, Yehova a nga sudzulusela na u kwama zwine ra ṱoḓa u zwi ita, kana zwine ra zwi tama. - Vha - Fil. Instead, we focus on the goodness of God's organization. Yes, Jehovah can move and affect what we want to do, or desire. - Phil. Zwi khwaṱhisa lungafhani u ḓivha uri Mudzimu washu wa lufuno na wa maanḓa mahulu, Yehova, u a ri ṱhogomela, nahone hu si kale u ḓo vhofholola vhathu! What a blessing this has been for members of the "great crowd "! How reassuring it is to know that our loving and powerful God, Jehovah, cares for us, and will soon deliver mankind! O dovha a ri: "A vha sokou tenda zwine ra zwi tenda tshifhinga tshoṱhe. Another tool that was used after 1930 was the portable phonograph. He adds: "They do not always believe what we believe. Ḽiṅwe ḓuvha onoyo mufumakadzi, o dzudzanya u ita zwiṅwe zwithu uri a vhe khwine, ngauralo, a tshimbila vhukati ha gogo ḽa vhathu nahone a kwama tshiambaro tsha Yesu. As Christ imitated his Head, the true God, Christian men should strive to imitate their head - the Christ. One day, she arranged to do something better, so she walked among a crowd of people and touched Jesus ' garment. Musi Paulo a tshi amba uri u na maanḓa a lufu, o dovha a amba uri Kristo o fa u itela u ri "a kunde [Sathane]... Uri a vhofholole avho, vhe misi yoṱhe ya vhutshilo havho vha vha vhe phuli dzo vhofhiwaho nga u ofha lufu. " He relied heavily on Lefèvre's works when translating the Greek Scriptures. When Paul said that he had the means to cause death, he also said that Christ had died "to stand firm against [Satan] so that they might be set free from slavery to death all the days of their lives through fear of death. " Yesu Kristo ndi tsumbo yashu ya ndeme vhukuma ya muthu we a tendela muya wa Mudzimu u tshi mu ṱuṱuwedza. The Bible compares the clear sound of the trumpet to words that are easy to understand. Jesus Christ is the most important example of a person who has allowed God's spirit to influence him. Ḓanani ḽa vhu - 15 ḽa miṅwaha, mutshimbidzatshikepe wa ngei Italia ane a pfi Christopher Columbus o vha a tshi humbula u nga o wana tsimu ya Edeni musi a tshi swika tshiṱangadzimeni tsha ngei Hispaniola hune zwino ha vha Dominican Republic na Haiti. Hence, I never thought of Bible study as being boring, but I have always enjoyed examining God's Word. In the 15th century, a Italian named Christopherus thought that he had found the garden of Eden when he arrived on the island of The Dominican Republic and Haiti. Nga 2012, Perrine o vha na tshivhindi nahone zwa ita uri ene na mukalaha wawe Louis vha pfuluwe. In a promise of restoration, the prophet Micah expressed his conviction that Jehovah would forgive his repentant people: "Who is a God like you,... passing over transgression of the remnant of his inheritance?... In 2012 he mustered up courage, and he and his husband, Louis, moved. Nṱhani hazwo, ri livhisa ṱhogomelo kha vhuḓi ha ndangulo ya Mudzimu. She zealously used her freedom to participate in the ministry until 1969. Instead, we focus on the beauty of God's organization. Zwenezwi zwo vha phaṱhutshedzo lungafhani kha miraḓo ya "gogo ḽihulu "! In one of his illustrations, Jesus invites us to consider the case of a rich man whose storehouses were full. What a blessing this has been to the members of the "great crowd "! Tshiṅwe tshishumiswa tshe tsha shumiswa nga murahu ha 1930 ho vha hu giramafoni i hwaleaho. Jehovah is "the Most High, "" the Almighty One. " Another tool used after 1930 was a portable phonograph. Samusi Kristo o edzisa Mudzimu wa ngoho, ane a vha Ṱhoho yawe, vhanna vha Vhakriste vha fanela u lwela u edzisa Kristo, ane a vha ṱhoho yavho. What Scriptural proof shows that Jehovah always supports his people? Since Christ imitated the true God, his Head, Christian husbands should strive to imitate Christ, their head. O ḓitika vhukuma nga mishumo ya Lefèvre musi a tshi ṱalutshedzela Maṅwalo a Lugerika. And he did so regularly. He relied heavily on Lefèvre's works when he translated the Greek Scriptures. Bivhili i vhambedza mubvumo u pfalaho wa phalaphala na maipfi a pfeseseaho nga hu leluwaho. Peter replied: "Lord, whom shall we go away to? The Bible compares the sound of the trumpet sounds to words that are easy to understand. Nga zwenezwo, a tho ngo vhuya nda dzhia pfunzo ya Bivhili i tshi bora, fhedzi ndo takalela u dzula ndi tshi ṱolisisa Ipfi ḽa Mudzimu. Ananias, another early disciple of Jesus, also lied. So I never considered a Bible study interesting, but I was happy to keep checking God's Word. Kha fulufhedziso ḽa u vusuluswa, muporofita Mixa o amba maipfi ane a sumbedza uri u na fulufhelo uri Yehova u ḓo hangwela vhathu vhawe vho rembuluwaho, o ri: "Mudzimu ane anga iwe u ngafhi,... a litsha u lifhedza dziphambuwo dza masalela a vhathu vhawe,... zwivhi zwashu zwoṱhe u ḓo zwi kudza dzivhani ḽa lwanzhe. " Everyone that is on the side of the truth listens to my voice. " In the restoration promise, the prophet Micah expressed his confidence that Jehovah will forgive his repentant people, saying: "Where is my God to whom he will repay... O shumisa mbofholowo yawe nga u fhisea u itela u ṱanganela vhuḓinḓani u swika nga 1969. How he could make Bible verses live and apply them for us in a practical way! He zealously used his freedom to share in the ministry until 1969. Kha tshiṅwe tsha zwifanyiso zwawe, Yesu o ri ramba uri ri ṱhogomele zwe zwa itea kha muṅwe munna wa mupfumi we a vha e na maḓulu o ḓalaho. The fear of suffering, of losing control of bodily functions, or of dying alone may also weigh upon their minds. In one of his illustrations, Jesus invited us to consider what happened to a rich man who had a full - grown plant. Yehova ndi "Wa - Ṱaḓulu - ṱaḓulu, " ndi" Mu - kona - zwoṱhe. " June 2 - 8, 2008 Jehovah is "the Most High over all things, "" the Almighty. " Ndi vhuṱanzi vhufhio ha Maṅwalo vhune ha sumbedza uri Yehova tshifhinga tshoṱhe u a tikedza vhathu vhawe? No one could be more appreciative of their self - sacrifice than he is. What Scriptural evidence is there that Jehovah always supports his people? Nahone o ita zwenezwo tshifhinga tshoṱhe. Example: King Asa prayed when facing an overwhelming foe. - 2 Chronicles 14: 11. And he always did that. Petro o fhindula a ri: "Murena, ri ḓo ṱuwa ra ya ha nnyi? " Countless people came into the truth through the " Creation Drama, ' " recalled Erich Frost. - 3 John 1 - 3. Peter answered: "Lord, whom shall we go away to? Anania, muṅwe wa vhafunziwa wa Yesu, na ene o zwifha. If it seems that a child has a problem doing that, why not go back to basics? Ananias, one of Jesus ' disciples, also lied. A re wa mafhungo - ngoho u pfa ipfi ḽanga. " Rather, he leaped right into the fray to defend his father's helpless sheep. Everyone that is on the side of the truth listens to my voice. " O vha a tshi ita uri ndimana dza Bivhili dzi pfale nahone a tshi zwi ita nga nḓila i shumaho. Indeed, by the time God told Jacob to return to Canaan, the patriarch possessed "great flocks and maidservants and menservants and camels and asses. " He made Bible verses clear and effective. (Yobo 19: 16 - 18) U ofha u shengela, u ofha uri miṅwe miraḓo ya muvhili i nga kha ḓi sa shuma kana u ofha u fa vha sia mashaka, zwi nga kha ḓi vha dina vhukuma. What if the work would involve us in an unscriptural practice, such as answering phones at a gambling establishment? Fear of suffering, fear that other members of the body may not work or fear to abandon relatives may be a great burden. 2 - 8 June, 2008 She explains: "By nature I am shy, and I find it hard to witness informally. June 2 - 8, 2008 A hu na muthu ane a nga livhuha u ḓiṋekedza havho u fhira ene. We are the latest of this long line of faithful worshipers. No one can be more grateful for their dedication than he himself. Tsumbo: Khosi Asa o rabela musi o sedzana na swina ḽi ofhisaho. - 2 Koronika 14: 11. (b) What success have you had in listening to your children? Example: King Asa prayed when confronted with a terrible enemy. - 2 Chronicles 14: 11. Erich Frost o ri: "Vhathu vhanzhi vho ṱanganedza ngoho nge vha ṱalela " Creation Drama. ' " - 3 Yoh. 1 - 3. Notice that the basis for this judging is not what the person had or had not done before he died. Erich Frost said: "Many people accepted the truth because they saw the " Creation Drama. ' " - 3 John 3. (Mir. 3: 1, 2) Arali ni tshi vhona uri ṅwana waṋu u na thaidzo ya u ita nga u ralo, zwi ḓo vha zwavhuḓi uri ni thome nga u mu gudisa pfunzo dza mutheo. In Barranquilla, Colombia, a Witness spoke to Antonio, a strong supporter of a political movement. If you see that your child has a problem doing so, why not first teach him the basic teachings? Nṱhani hazwo, o lwa na zwenezwo zwivhanda u itela u tsireledza sambi ḽa khotsi awe. Evidently, the situation of the woman who anointed Jesus ' feet was similar. Instead, he fought the animals in order to protect the flock of his father. Vhukuma, musi Mudzimu a tshi vhudza Yakobo uri a humele Kanana, onoyo musimulalushaka o vha o no vha " na thakha nnzhi, na vhalanda vha vhasidzana na vhatuka, na dzikamela na dzimbongola. ' Of whom shall I be in dread? " We too will be successful if we similarly trust in Jehovah. Indeed, when God told Jacob to return to Canaan, that patriarch had " many good things, male and female slaves, and camels and camels. ' Hu pfi mini arali mushumo u tshi ḓo ri ita uri ri ṱanganele kha zwithu zwi sa tshimbidzani na maṅwalo, u fana na u fhindula dziṱhingo fhethu ha u gembula? " I Have Believed " What if the work will cause us to engage in unscriptural activities, such as answering the climate of gambling? O ṱalutshedza a ri: "Ndi na ṱhoni nga lwa nzulele, nahone ndi wana zwi tshi konḓa u ṱanziela lu songo dzudzanywaho. Even so, in deciding whether to burn incense, a Christian should consider certain factors. She explains: "I am timid by nature, and I find it difficult to witness informally. Ri tshigwada tsha zwenezwino tsha wonoyu mutevhe wa vhagwadameli vha fulufhedzeaho. How refreshing it is to be with fellow believers who are interested in our personal welfare and who help us stay on an integrity - keeping course! - Hebrews 10: 24, 25. We are a recent group of this series of faithful worshippers. (b) No vhuyelwa hani musi ni tshi thetshelesa vhana vhaṋu? However, we need not allow such regrets to paralyze us now in our service to God. (b) How have you benefited when you listened to your children? Ṱhogomelani uri mutheo wa yeneyi tsengo a si mishumo ye muthu a i ita kana ye a si i ite musi a sa athu fa. However, Jesus stressed something of greater importance - making peace with an offended brother before offering a gift to God. Notice that the basis for this trial is not what one has done or has not done before he dies. Ngei Barranquilla, Colombia, iṅwe Ṱhanzi yo amba na Antonio, mutikedzi o khwaṱhaho wa dzangano ḽa politiki. However, he urged them: "Do not become fearful of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; but rather be in fear of him that can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna. " - Matthew 10: 1, 16 - 22, 28. In Barr Mall, Colombiaa, a Witness spoke to Antonio, a strong political movement. Zwi tou vha khagala uri vhuimo ha onoyo musadzi o ḓodzaho milenzhe ya Yesu nga mushonga ho vha hu tshi fana na ha Davida. What about you personally? Clearly, the situation of the woman who anointed Jesus ' feet with a medicine was similar to that of David. (Psalme ya 27: 1) Na riṋe ri nga vha vha bvelelaho arali ra fulufhela Yehova nga hu fanaho. The study is held right at the shop counter. We too can be effective if we have similar trust in Jehovah. " Ndi A Tenda " This identifying trait of true Christians harmonizes with the apostle Paul's inspired exhortation: "Return evil for evil to no one.... " I Believe " (Mirero 27: 9) Naho zwo ralo, Mukriste u fanela u ṱhogomela zwiṅwe zwithu musi a tshi phetha u fhisa zwioro. With a smile he says: "By giving guitar lessons. " However, a Christian should be careful about something else when he decides to burn incense. (Psalme ya 119: 167) Zwi homolosa vhukuma u vha na vhatendi nga riṋe vhane vha vha na dzangalelo kha mutakalo washu na vhane vha ri thusa u dzula ri tshi fulufhedzea vhutshiloni hashu! - Vha - Heberu 10: 24, 25. Or we might be advocating strong opinions solely on the basis of our position, connections, or personal thinking. How refreshing it is to be with fellow believers who are interested in our health and who help us to remain faithful in our lives! - Hebrews 10: 24, 25. Naho zwo ralo, a ro ngo fanela u tendela zwithu zwine ra ḓisola ngazwo zwi tshi ita uri ri si kone u shumela Mudzimu zwino. It further states: "Children need to be told the facts. " However, we should not allow the regrets we regret to rob us of our service to God now. Naho zwo ralo, Yesu o ombedzela tshiṅwe tshithu tsha ndeme vhukuma - u pfumedzana na wahashu we ra mu khakhela ri sa athu ṋekedza dzithwala kha Mudzimu. Rarely, though, is the takeoff that smooth. However, Jesus emphasized something far more important - reconciliation with an offended brother before offering a gift to God. Ngauralo, o vha ṱuṱuwedza a ri: "Ni songo ofha avho vhane vha vhulaha muvhili, vhá sa koni u vhulaha muya wa muthu. Khwine ndi u ofha uyo a konaho u lovhisa muya wa muthu na muvhili Muliloni. " - Mateo 10: 1, 16 - 22, 28. " Make Sure of the More Important Things, " 4 / 15 So he urged them: "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but who cannot kill the soul of the man, and the man that is able to destroy the spirit of man and the body. " - Matthew 10: 1, 16 - 22, 28. Hupfi mini nga inwi? Because I had left the mines, I was eligible for military service. What about you? Yeneyo ngudo yo vha i tshi farelwa henefho vhengeleni kha khaunthara. Now she demonstrates commendable zeal by sharing diligently in field service, helping other people spiritually. - Ps. The lesson was held there at a store in the Middle East. Vhakriste vha vhukuma vha ḓivhiwa sa vhadzia - mulalo nahone vha tevhela ndaela ye Mudzimu a i ṋea a tshi shumisa muapostola Paulo ya uri: "Ni songo lifhedza vhuvhi nga vhuvhi.... Paul said: "We wish to conduct ourselves honestly in all things. " Genuine Christians are known as peacemakers and follow God's command through the apostle Paul: "Return evil for evil to no one.... A tshi ṅweṅwela o ri: "Nga u gudisa vhathu u tamba kaṱara. " Have you appreciated reading the recent issues of The Watchtower? " By teaching people to play a game, " she smiled. Kana ri nga thoma u vhudza vhaṅwe zwine vha fanela u zwi ita na zwine vha si fanele u zwi ita. Beth - aven (which means "House of Hurtfulness ") is a derogatory name given to Bethel (meaning" House of God "). Or we might start telling others what to do and what they should not do. I dovha ya amba uri: "Vhana vha fanela u vhudzwa ngoho. " If "all things are clean, " what is the role of the conscience? It also says: "The children must be taught the truth. " Fhedzi yeneyo nḓila a i leluwi. 28: 13; Jas. But such a course is not easy. U " Takadza Mbilu Dzashu, ' 9 / 1 Grown children may move far away from home. 9 / 15 Nga nṱhani ha uri ndo vha ndi si tsha shuma mainini, ndo vha ndi tshi nga iswa vhuswoleni. The second message contains the promise: "I [Jehovah] will fill this house with glory. " - Haggai 2: 7. Because I was no longer assigned to the military, I could no longer have been sent to the military. Zwino u sumbedza u fhisea hu takadzaho nga u ṱanganela nga u ḓiimisela tshumeloni ya tsimu, a tshi thusa vhaṅwe vhathu nga lwa muya. - Ps. * - Well, that is what can happen when you are jealous of someone. He now manifests joyful zeal by zealously sharing in field service, helping others spiritually. - Ps. Paulo o ri: "Ró ḓi funa u [fulufhedzea, NW] kha zwithu zwoṱhe. " Bear in mind the word I said to you, A slave is not greater than his master. Paul said: "He loved to be faithful in all things. " Naa no takalela u vhala thero dza zwenezwino dza Tshiingamo? Not long after the death of Jesus Christ, there was a Christian congregation in Damascus. Have you appreciated reading the recent issues of The Watchtower? Bethe - Avene (zwine zwa amba "Nnḓu ya Zwivhi ") ndi dzina ḽi nyadzisaho ḽe ḽa ṋewa Bethele (zwine zwa amba Nnḓu ya Mudzimu). Converse with people. " The house of lawlessness " (or, meaning" house of lawlessness ") is a name that has been given to Bethel (a house of God). Arali hu tshi pfi "zwoṱhe a zwi na tshika, " mushumo wa luvalo ndi ufhio? To fellow believers in Corinth, he wrote: "I received from the Lord that which I also handed on to you, that the Lord Jesus... took a loaf and, after giving thanks, he broke it and said: " This means my body which is in your behalf. If it is "all things to be clean, " what is the work of the conscience? 28: 13; Yak. I feel that because we shared enjoyable activities together, Vaughan was able to speak more freely with me. " 28: 13; Jas. Vhana vho no aluwaho vha nga kha ḓi pfulutshela kule na haya. " That school has helped me deal with challenges in the ministry and in my life, " says Lily. adult children may move far away from home. Mulaedza wa vhuvhili wo vha u wa fulufhedziso ḽine ḽa ri: " Nnḓu heino nṋe Yehova ndi ḓo i ḓadza vhugala. ' - Hagai 2: 7. You are not the same as the other churches! " The second message was the promise: "I will fill this house with glory. " - Haggai 2: 7. * - Vhukuma, zwenezwo zwi a itea arali ni na vivho. What decision will please Jehovah? ' * - Of course, that happens if you are jealous. Ni si hangwe fhungo ḽanga ḽe nda ni vhudza nda ri: Mulanda ha fhiri muṋe wawe. Why did Jesus use the illustration about the leaven? Do not forget my word that I said to you: A slave is not greater than his master. Nga murahunyana ha lufu lwa Yesu Kristo, ho vha hu na tshivhidzo tsha Vhukriste Damaseko. What God Has Done for You, 3 / 1 Shortly after Jesus Christ's death, there was a Christian congregation in Damascus. Ambani na vhathu. There is now no greater privilege we can have than to share in "bearing thorough witness " about God's Kingdom! - Acts 28: 23. [ Box on page 13] Talk to people. O ṅwalela vhatendi ngae vha ngei Korinta uri: "Zwe nda zwi ṱanganedza zwi tshi bva ha Murena ndi zwi pfukisela kha inwi, uri Murena Yesu... o dzhia tshinkwa a livhuha, a tshi ṅwata a ri: " Tshi imela muvhili wanga une wa ḓo ṋekedzwa u itela inwi. Héron - Hugé pour "Le Monde de la Bible " He wrote to fellow believers in Corinth: "What I have received from the Lord I am bringing to you, that the Lord Jesus... took a loaf and broke it and said: " This means my body which is to be given in your behalf. Ndi vhona uri nga nṱhani ha uri ro vha ri tshi ita zwithu zwi takadzaho roṱhe, Vaughan o kona u amba na nṋe o vhofholwa. " In modern times, Jesus ' building work involved liberating true worshippers from Babylon the Great and restoring the Christian congregation in 1919. I feel that because we had done the things pleasing together, Ve was able to talk to me. " " Tshenetshi tshikolo tsho nthusa u sedzana na vhuleme vhuḓinḓani na vhutshiloni hanga. Why did John urge Gaius to continue showing hospitality when he was already doing so? " This school helped me to cope with problems in my ministry and in my life. A vha fani na vhathu vha dziṅwe kereke! " On one occasion, a widower was feeling alone and very depressed. Unlike other churches! " Ndi phetho ifhio ine ya ḓo takadza Yehova? ' 11: 12. What decision will please Jehovah? ' Ndi ngani Yesu o shumisa tshenetshi tshifanyiso tsha mbiliso? Steve displayed wisdom and modesty by reevaluating his workload. Why did Jesus use this illustration of the leaven? Ḓikumedzela Ngei Taiwan, 10 / 15 He was a God of extraordinary patience and long - suffering. 10 / 1 28: 23. Christians Flee Judea Before 70 C.E.? 28: 23. Héron - Hugé pour "Le Monde de la Bible " Barr; S. " Dear de la de labb de la " Musalauno, mushumo wa Yesu wa u fhaṱa wo vha u tshi katela u vhofholola vhagwadameli vha ngoho kha ṱhuṱhuwedzo ya Babele Ḽihulu na u vusulusa tshivhidzo tsha Vhukriste nga 1919. In 2010 alone, Jehovah's Witnesses spent over 1.6 billion hours proclaiming this good news in 236 lands. In modern times, Jesus ' building work involved delivering true worshippers from the influence of Babylon the Great and restoring the Christian congregation in 1919. Ndi ngani Yohane o ṱuṱuwedza Gayo uri a bvele phanḓa a tshi sumbedza muya wa u ṱanganedza vhaeni naho o vha a tshi khou ita nga u ralo? How appropriate that Jesus as High Priest is the one to take the lead in applying to us the benefits of his ransom sacrifice! Why did John urge Gaius to continue showing hospitality even though he was doing so? Kha tshiṅwe tshiitea, muṅwe muṱolowadzi o vha a tshi ḓipfa e eṱhe nahone o tsikeledzea vhukuma. Convey the information simply, clearly, and accurately. On one occasion, one of the sisters felt alone and under extreme pressure. 11: 12. Individuals ' interest in the good news may be awakened in different ways. 11: 12. Steve o sumbedza u vha na vhuṱali na u ḓivhuyedza nga u ṱolisisa mushumo we a vha e nawo. 5: 14 - 16; Phil. Steve proved to be wise and beneficial by examining the work he had. O vha e Mudzimu wa u konḓelela na u sa fhela mbilu. (Ek. Could Gentiles also be accepted into it and be anointed with holy spirit? He was a God of endurance and patience. Naa Vhathu Vhoṱhe Vho Lugaho Vha Ya Ṱaḓulu? The experience of Moses ' contemporary Bezalel reveals much about the way God's spirit can operate. Do All Good People Go to Heaven? Barr; S. [ Box / Picture on page 23] Barr; S. Nga ṅwaha wa 2010 fhedzi, Ṱhanzi dza Yehova vho fhedza awara dza bilioni dza 1,6 vha tshi khou ḓivhadza enea mafhungo maḓifha, mashangoni a 236. It "focuses upon the deeper meaning of the miracle, " says scholar Robert Deffinbaugh. In the year 2010 alone, Jehovah's Witnesses spent 1,6 billion hours declaring this good news, in the lands of the globe Zwo tea lungafhani uri samusi Yesu e Tshifhe Muhulu, a vhe ene ane a ranga phanḓa kha u shumisa mbuyelo dza tshiṱhavhelo tshi rengululaho! That outpouring of holy spirit was foretold in the words: "I [Jehovah] will pour out my spirit on every sort of flesh, and your sons and your daughters will prophesy... How fitting that as High Priest, Jesus takes the lead in applying the benefits of the ransom sacrifice! Fhirisani mulaedza nga nḓila i leluwaho, i pfalaho, na yo teaho. Hence, by waiting two days and then traveling two days, he arrived at the tomb four days after Lazarus ' death. - Verse 17. THE message is simple, clear, and appropriate. Vhathu vha re na dzangalelo kha mafhungo - maḓifha vha nga vuswa nga nḓila dzo fhamba - fhambanaho. 4, 5. (a) Why is it important to teach with love? People who are interested in the good news can be resurrected in various ways. 5: 14 - 16; Vha - Fil. Some people may forward news to all their contacts without checking whether the story is true or without thinking about what might happen after they send it. 5: 14 - 16; Phil. Naa Vhannḓa vho vha vha tshi nga ṱanganedzwa kha wonoyu mulanga nahone vha ḓodzwa nga muya mukhethwa? If someone offends you, does resentment goad you into verbal warfare? Would Gentiles be welcomed into this covenant and anointed with holy spirit? Tshenzhelo ya Betsaliele we a tshila tshifhingani tsha Mushe i dzumbulula zwinzhi nga ha nḓila ine muya wa Mudzimu wa shuma ngayo. Historian Alan Bullock wrote that in Russia and Ukraine in 1933, "hordes of the starving wandered across the countryside... Bezalel's experience in Moses ' day reveals much about the operation of God's spirit. [ Bogisi / Zwifanyiso kha siaṱari 23] As the plant grows, the gardener may need to prune the plant in order to help it keep growing in the right direction. [ Box / Pictures on page 23] Mugudi ane a pfi Robert Deffinbaugh u ri: "Ḽi livhisa ṱhogomelo kha zwine ipfi vhuṱolo ḽa amba zwone zwa vhukuma. " [ Picture on page 20] " It focuses on the real meaning of a miracle, " says scholar Robert De Andhis. Honoho u shululwa ha muya mukhethwa ho dzula ho ambiwa Bivhilini: "[Nṋe Yehova] ndi ḓo shulula Muya wanga kha ṋama yoṱhe; vharwa vhaṋu na vhananyana vhaṋu vha ḓo porofita... Consider Jesus ' example. That outpouring of holy spirit was foretold in the Bible: "[Jehovah] will pour out my spirit upon every sort of flesh, and your sons and daughters will prophesy... (Dzindimana 6, 7) Nga zwenezwo, nga ṅwambo wa uri o fhedza maḓuvha mavhili nahone a tshimbila maḓuvha mavhili, o swika tshaloni ho no fhela maḓuvha maṋa Lazaro o no fa. - Ndimana 17. JOSEPH breathed in the thick, warm air, noticing the scent of lotus blossoms and other water plants. Hence, because he spent two days and walked for two days, he arrived at the tomb four days after Lazarus died. - Verse 17. 4, 5. (a) Ndi ngani zwi zwa ndeme u funza nga lufuno? From Our Archives 4, 5. (a) Why is it important to teach with love? Vhaṅwe vhathu vha fhirisa mafhungo kha vhathu vhoṱhe vhane vha kwamana navho vha sa athu u vha na vhungoho ha mafhungo kana u sa humbula nga ha zwine zwa ḓo itea musi vho no a rumela. They asked: "What is this act of unfaithfulness that you have perpetrated against the God of Israel in turning back today from following Jehovah? " Some people pass information to all who contact them before they are convinced of the facts or do not think about what will happen after they send it. Arali muṅwe muthu a ni khakhela, naa u sinyuwa hu a ni ita uri ni lwe nae nga maipfi? What tactics has Satan used in his efforts to weaken the faith of Christians? If someone offends you, does anger cause you to argue with him in your own words? Muḓivhazwakale ane a pfi Alan Bullock o ṅwala uri ngei Russia na ngei Ukraine nga 1933, "gogo ḽa vhathu vhe vha vha vha tshi khou sika nga nḓala ḽo vha ḽi tshi khou sokou mona - mona na shango... When Christ used graphic, figurative language to emphasize the importance of exercising faith in his soon - to - be - sacrificed flesh and blood, many of his disciples found his words shocking, and they left him. The historian Alan himself wrote that in Russia and Ukraine in 1933, "a crowd of hungry people were merely filling the earth... Musi tshimela tshi tshi hula, mulimi a nga fanela u khwathela tshimela u itela uri tshi hule tshi tshi ya nṱha. Earth Becomes "Filled With Violence " As a plant grows, a farmer may need to plant a plant to grow high. [ Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 20] Consider what Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, did when the combined forces of the Moabites and the Ammonites came up against him to wage war. [ Picture on page 20] Ṱhogomelani tsumbo ya Yesu. Why? Consider Jesus ' example. YOSEFA u fema muya u dudelaho, nahone a pfa munukho wa luvha ḽa lotus na zwiṅwe zwimela zwa maḓini. His feelings of loneliness were compounded by what seemed to him to be a general lack of friendliness toward people from other countries, something sensed in many large cities of modern Europe. He breaths a warm air, and he hears the sweet - smelling smell of wood and other water plants. Zwe Ra Zwi Vhulunga Voluntary donations of money may also be sent directly to Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, c / o Office of the Secretary and Treasurer, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, New York 11201 - 2483, or to the branch office that serves your country. From Our Archives Vho amba uri: "Ni shandukela Mudzimu wa Isiraele; no sutuwa na ḓi - fhaṱela aletare, no laṱa Yehova. " On Black Tuesday - October 29, 1929 - collapsing prices on the New York Stock Exchange created shock waves that plunged the global economic system into the Great Depression. They said: "You have turned away from the God of Israel, but you have built an altar to Jehovah. " Ndi maano afhio e Sathane a a shumisa u itela u fhelisa lutendo lwa Vhakriste? Make a weekly schedule for field service, and follow it. What methods has Satan used to undermine the faith of Christians? Kristo o shumisa tshifanyiso u itela u thusa vhafunziwa vhawe u pfesesa nḓila ine zwa vha zwa ndeme ngayo u vha na lutendo kha muvhili na malofha awe, zwe zwa vha zwi tshi ḓo itwa tshiṱhavhelo. " Jehovah is near to those that are broken at heart; and those who are crushed in spirit he saves. " - Ps. Christ used an illustration to help his disciples understand how important it is to exercise faith in his human body and blood, which would be sacrificed. Shango Ḽo Vha Ḽo "Ḓala Zwa Vhuvemu " Why are we not in the dark regarding Satan's deceptive tactics, and what should be our determination? The World Was "a Whose Way of Violence " Ṱhogomelani zwe Yosafati khosi ya Yuda a zwi ita musi mmbi dzo ṱanganaho dza Vhamoaba na Vhaamoni dzi tshi mu vutshela. Trust in Jehovah as the End Draws Near Consider what King Jehoshaphat of Judah did when the combined forces of Moab and the Ammonites attacked him. Ndi ngani? Why can we be sure that Jehovah understands a grieving person's need for comfort? Why? Vhumvumvu hawe ho itiswa nga ṅwambo wa uri o vha a sa koni u ita vhukonani na vhathu vha maṅwe mashango, zwithu zwo ḓoweleaho kha ḓorobo nnzhi dza Yuropa. Greg and Crystal chose to move from Canada to Namibia because they spoke English, the country's official language. His influence was largely limited because he could not associate with people of other countries, something common in most European cities. Miṋeelo ya u tou ḓifunela ya tshelede i nga kha ḓi rumelwa nga ho livhaho kha Accounting Office, Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, Private Bag X2067, Krugersdorp, 1740, South Africa, kana ofisini ya davhi i ṱhogomelaho shango ḽa vhoiwe. Rather, it is his coming in the flesh and his being anointed as the Christ. Voluntary donations of money may also be sent directly to the Charitable Planning Office, Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, New York 11201 - 2483, or to the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses that serves your country. Nga ḓuvha ḽine ḽa vhidzwa Black Tuesday - ḽa 29 October, 1929 - u wa ha mitengo Makete wa zwa Dzitshelede ngei New York ho ita uri ekonomi ya shango ḽoṱhe i we, ha vha na Mutsiko Muhulwane wa ekonomi. What should you do if you have secretly been engaging in conduct that you know to be wrong? On the day of the Golden Mountains, October 29, 1929 - in New York, the world's global economy, with economic pressures. Itani mbekanyo ya vhege iṅwe na iṅwe ya vhuḓinḓa, nahone ni i tevhele. Names have been changed. Make a weekly schedule for the ministry, and follow it. " Yehova u sendela ha vha dzimbilu dzo vunḓekanaho, u tshidza vha mimuya yo huvhalaho. " - Ps. Several Bible translations render John 3: 3 in this way. " Jehovah is near to those that are broken at heart; and those who are crushed in spirit he saves. " - Ps. Ndi ngani ri siho swiswini malugana na vhutsila ha Sathane ha vhufhura, nahone ri fanela u ḓiimisela u ita mini? Adam and Eve were willfully disobedient and were therefore sentenced to death. Why should we not be darknessed regarding Satan's deceptive tactics, and what should we be determined to do? Fulufhelani Yehova Samusi Vhufhelo Vhu Tsini In the wake of the tragic events of history, especially from the first world war until our day, many have reached the conclusion that God is simply unable to prevent suffering. Trust in Jehovah as the End Draws Near Ndi ngani ri tshi nga vha na khwaṱhisedzo ya uri Yehova u a pfesesa nḓila ine muthu o felwaho a ṱoḓa ngayo khuthadzo? " For, " as Moses declared, Jehovah "is your life and the length of your days. " - Deuteronomy 30: 19, 20. Why can we be confident that Jehovah understands how the bereaved one needs comfort? Greg na Crystal vhane vha bva Canada vho khetha u pfulutshela ngei Namibia nga ṅwambo wa uri vho vha vha tshi amba Luisimane, lune lwa vha luambo lwa tshiofisi lwa shango ḽeneḽo. He was reading the prophecy of Isaiah but did not grasp its meaning. When they spoke English, the official language of the country was the decision to move to Namibia. Nṱhani hazwo, ndi u ḓa hawe nga lwa ṋama na u ḓodzwa hawe sa Kristo. If you were there, would you have thought that Nathanael was negative or prejudiced or that he did not have faith? Rather, it is his flesh and his being anointed as Christ. Ni fanela u ita mini arali no ṱanganela kha vhuḓifari vhu songo kunaho tshiphirini, vhune na ḓivha uri ho khakhea? Seven months thereafter came the cataclysm later called World War I. What should you do if you have secretly engaged in immoral conduct, which you know is wrong? Madzina o shandulwa. Often, such informal settings help adolescents feel more inclined to open up. Names have been changed. Ṱhalutshedzelo dza Bivhili dzo vhalaho dzi ṱalutshedzela Yohane 3: 3 nga heyi nḓila. Discipline was strict: The nuns cut my hair and dressed me in a dowdy uniform. Several Bible translations render John 3: 3 this way. Adamu na Eva vho litsha u thetshelesa nga khole nahone vha haṱulelwa lufu. As Jesus pointed out, something similar was done by "people of the nations. " Adam and Eve deliberately disobeyed and sentenced themselves to death. Vhathu vhanzhi vho humbula uri Mudzimu ha koni u thivhela tshengelo nga ṅwambo wa u vhona zwiitea zwi ṱungufhadzaho zwa ḓivhazwakale, zwihuluhulu zwe zwa itea u bva kha nndwa ya shango ya u thoma u swika na ṋamusi. (Left) With Esther on our wedding day Many have thought that God is unable to prevent suffering because of experiencing tragic historical events, especially what has occurred from the first world war down to this day. Samusi Mushe o amba, " u tshila na u lalama haṋu ' zwi kha Yehova. - Doiteronomio 30: 19, 20. Jehovah's tender feeling for those in need is like that of a mother for her baby As Moses said, "the living and the length of your life " belongs to Jehovah. - Deuteronomy 30: 19, 20. O vha a tshi khou vhala vhuporofita ha Yesaya, fhedzi a sa pfesesi zwine ha amba zwone. We are taught by Jehovah. He was reading Isaiah's prophecy, but he did not understand what it meant. Arali no vha ni henefho, naa no vha ni tshi ḓo humbula uri Nathanaele o vha e na mavhonele a si avhuḓi kana luvhengelambiluni kana o vha e si na lutendo? Hence, Malachi told them: "" No delight do I have in you, ' Jehovah of armies has said, " and in the gift offering from your hand I take no pleasure. '... If you had been there, would you think that Nathanael had a negative attitude or a lack of faith? Nga murahu ha miṅwedzi ya sumbe ho mbo ḓi thoma Nndwa ya Shango ya U Thoma. * Regarding the Greek term there rendered "uncleanness, " Professor Marvin R. After seven months, World War I began. Kanzhi u ita yeneyi mishumo i songo dzudzanywaho zwi thusa vhana vha re miṅwahani ya vhufumi uri vha ambe nḓila ine vha ḓipfa ngayo. How can you make sure that your manner of dress will bring glory to God? Such informal activities often help teenagers to express themselves. Zwine Zwa Ita Uri Kuṅwalele Kwa Nomboro Dza Bugu Ya Dzipsalme Ku Fhambane Kha Ṱhalutshedzelo Nnzhi Dza Bivhili 4 / 1 It was when he was weak that he felt holy spirit operating on him. 4 / 1 Ho vha hu tshi tevhelwa mulayo: Vhanunu vho gera mavhudzi anga nahone vha nṋea yunifomo i si yavhuḓi. 9, 10. (a) How do our tracts prompt us to use the Bible? It was followed by law: The nuns cut my hair and gave me a bad coat. Samusi Yesu o zwi sumbedza, zwenezwo zwithu zwi fanaho zwo vha zwi tshi itwa nga "vha - lutho. " Despite that, I resumed my theocratic activities and was entrusted with spiritual oversight in our congregation. As Jesus indicated, those same things were done by "the tax collectors. " (Kha tsha monde) Ndi na Esther nga ḓuvha ḽashu ḽa mbingano Jehovah created the first man and woman, and through his appointed channel, he always communicated with them in a clear, straightforward, and truthful manner. (left) With Esther on our wedding day U pfela vhuṱungu ha Yehova kha vha si na zwavho hu fana na hune mme a vha naho kha lushie lwawe Satisfying Answers to Bible Questions Jehovah's compassion for those who have no means been like that of a mother in her infant Ri gudiswa nga Yehova. God also gave permission for humans to eat the meat of animals after the Flood of Noah's day, supplementing the diet of vegetation they were originally given. - Genesis 3: 21; 4: 4; 9: 3. We are taught by Jehovah. Nga zwenezwo, Maleaxi o amba navho a ri: "Nṋe a thi ni takaleli. In effect, they said to "the faithful and discreet slave ":" We will go with you people, for we have heard that God is with you people. " Malachi then said to them: "I do not like you. * Malugana na ipfi ḽa Lugerika ḽo ṱalutshedzelwaho nga uri "vhutshinyi, " Muphurofesa Marvin R. He had the opportunity to live a comfortable life amid the luxuries of Egypt, but he gave up that opportunity, "choosing to be ill - treated with the people of God rather than to have the temporary enjoyment of sin. " * Regarding the Greek word translated "Aglow, " Professor 145 R. Ri nga ita hani vhungoho ha uri nḓila ine ra ambara ngayo i ṋea Mudzimu vhugala? Stress and insecurity have increased in these last days of this wicked system of things. How can we make sure that our dress gives glory to God? O vha a tshi pfa uri muya mukhethwa u khou shuma khae musi e si na nungo. © 2016 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania He felt that the holy spirit was working on him when he was weak. 9, 10. (a) Zwibammbiri zwashu zwi ri ṱuṱuwedza hani u shumisa Bivhili? I never thought of that before! 9, 10. (a) How do our tracts encourage us to use the Bible? Hu sa londwi zwenezwo, nda vhuyelela kha mushumo wanga wa lwa ṱaḓulu nahone nda ṋewa mushumo wa u lavhelesa tshivhidzoni. Death was not part of Jehovah's original purpose. Despite that, I returned to my theocratic assignment and was assigned to oversee the congregation. Yehova o sika munna na musadzi vha u thoma, nahone o vha a tshi amba navho misi yoṱhe nga nḓila i pfalaho, yo livhaho, na nga mafhungo - ngoho a tshi shumisa nḓila yawe ye a i vhea. He isolates himself in his room and barely speaks to us! " - MIRIAM, MEXICO. Jehovah created the first man and woman, and he spoke to them regularly in a clear, clear, and truthful way. Phindulo Dzi Fushaho Dza Mbudziso Dza Bivhilini But as the last days were just getting under way, the critical question was, Who will be the few? Bible Questions Answered Mudzimu o dovha a ṋea vhathu thendelo ya u ḽa ṋama ya zwipuka nga murahu ha Maḓi Mahulu a misini ya Noaxe, a engedza kha zwiḽiwa zwa zwimela zwe a vha o vha ṋea zwone u thomani. - Genesi 3: 21; 4: 4; 9: 3. Consider this: The psalmist could see the stars with his physical eyes, but he had no idea of how many there really are. God also gave humans permission to eat animal flesh after the Flood of Noah's day, adding to the early food of the vegetation. - Genesis 3: 21; 4: 4; 9: 3. Zwi re zwone ndi u ri, vho vhudza "mukoma a fulufhedzeaho na wa vhuṱali " vha ri:" Litshani ri tshimbile na vho - inwi, ngauri ro zwi pfa zwauri Mudzimu u na inwi. " In most cases, these young ones attend congregation meetings and share in the ministry. In fact, they told "the faithful and discreet slave ":" Let us go with you people, for we have heard that God is with you people. " (Genesi 22: 15 - 18) O vha e na tshibuli tsha u tshila vhutshilo ha u kapula mapfura nga lebula ngei Egipita, fhedzi ha ngo dzhia yeneyo phetho, o "nanga u tambula na vhathu vha Mudzimu nṱhani ha u ḓiphina nga tshivhi lwa tshifhinganyana. " The riverbed may have been dry that morning, but something else glistened on that broad plain. He had the opportunity to live a comfortable life in Egypt, but he did not make that decision, "he continued to suffer with the people of God rather than to enjoy sin for a while. " U tsikeledzea na u ḓipfa u songo tsireledzea zwo tou ṋaṋa kha ano maḓuvha mavhi a vhufhelo ha maitele a zwithu. Jehovah spoke to this beloved servant and told him of His purpose to bring the world of that time to an end. The distress and feelings of security are ever worse in these wicked last days of this system of things. © 2016 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Such nonessential things only complicate our life and weigh us down. © 2016 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Ndo vha ndi sa athu u vhuya nda humbula nga hazwo! Advances in medicine have enabled others to treat or control chronic illnesses. I had never thought about it! Lufu lwo vha lu si tshipiḓa tsha ndivho ya Yehova ya mathomoni. At the same time, we strive to " remain in Jesus ' word ' and to " have love among ourselves. ' Death was not part of Jehovah's original purpose. U ṱoḓa u vha e eṱhe kamarani yawe nahone ha anzeli u amba na riṋe! " - MIRIAM, MEXICO. After starting to study the Bible, Rolf - Michael was deeply moved by the admonition: "Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. " He wants to be alone in his room, and he does not always talk to us! " - H. Fhedzi samusi maḓuvha a vhufhelo o vha a tshi khou sendela, mbudziso ya ndeme yo vha i ya uri, Ndi vhafhio vhenevho vha si gathi? In 1981 the Malawi Young Pioneers found us again. But as the last days drew near, the key question was, Who are those few? Ṱhogomelani zwi tevhelaho: Mupsalme o vha a tshi kona u vhona ṋaledzi, fhedzi o vha a sa ḓivhi uri hu na ṋaledzi nngana. He fell headlong into the trap. - Proverbs 6: 27 - 29. Consider this: The psalmist could see the stars, but he did not know how many stars there were. Kanzhi vhenevha vhaswa vha a ya miṱanganoni ya tshivhidzo na u shela mulenzhe vhuḓinḓani. SONGS: 46, 127 These youths usually attend congregation meetings and share in the ministry. Wonoyo mulambo u nga vha wo vha wo xa nga eneo matsheloni, fhedzi ho vha hu tshi khou ḓa zwithu zwi penyaho kha wonoyo muedzi. " MY EYES HAVE COME TO THEIR END IN TEARS ' The river may have covered that morning, but it was about to come in the valley. Yehova o amba na onoyo mushumeli ane a mu funa nahone a mu vhudza uri o livha u fhelisa shango ḽa tshenetshiḽa tshifhinga. [ Footnote] For further discussion of how loving - kindness differs from loyalty, love, and kindness, see the May 15, 2002, issue of The Watchtower, pages 12 - 13, 18 - 19. Jehovah spoke to this beloved servant and told him that he had intended to destroy the world of that time. Zwithu zwo raloho a si zwa ndeme, fhedzi zwi tou vha muhwalo vhutshilo hashu. However, being assigned to serve as special pioneers in 1972 proved beneficial for us. Such things are of no value, but they are a burden to our life. U shumisa dzilafho zwo ita uri vhaṅwe vha kone u lafha kana u langa malwadze a sa fholi. This group of psalms opens with David's heartfelt prayer following his sin with Bath - sheba. Using treatment has enabled some to heal or control chronic illness. Nga hu fanaho, ri lwela " dzula ri kha fhungo ḽa Yesu ' na u " vha na lufuno vhukati hashu. ' He knows that a successful marriage often demands some of the time and energy that the husband and wife formerly used in His service when they were single. Similarly, we strive to "keep on the word of Jesus " and to" show love among us. " Musi vho no guda Bivhili, Rolf - Michael a kwamiwa vhukuma nga ṱhuṱhuwedzo ine ya ri: "Sendelani tsini ha Mudzimu, na ene a sendele tsini haṋu. " Put on the new personality which was created according to God's will in true righteousness and loyalty. " After studying the Bible, Rolf - Michael was deeply moved by the admonition: "Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. " Nga 1981 Malawi Young Pioneers vho dovha vha ri wana. Take a Positive View of a Strained Marriage In 1981, Malawi Young Pioneers received us again. O wela tshikwekweni nga u sa londa. - Mirero 6: 27 - 29. If you find it hard to fight wrong desires, talk to someone in the congregation who has been serving Jehovah for a long time and who can give you good advice from God's Word. He fell into the trap of ignorance. - Proverbs 6: 27 - 29. NYIMBO: 2, 61 An unwary animal hits the trip wire, causing the log or stone to fall, crushing the victim. SONGS: 2, 61 " MAṰO ANGA O XA MAṰODZI " Of course, persecution itself is not pleasant, but our standing firm despite persecution, including slanderous reports in the media, is a cause for rejoicing. " THE WORDS OF THE TRUE OF THE TRUTH " Naho zwo ralo, u avhelwa hashu u shuma sa vhavulanḓila vho khetheaho nga 1972 zwo vha zwi vhuyedzaho vhukuma kha riṋe. The resurrected ones will be judged, not on the basis of sin inherited from Adam, but by what they themselves choose to do. However, our being assigned to serve as special pioneers in 1972 was of great benefit to us. Yeneyi bugu ya dzipsalme i thoma nga thabelo ya Davida i bvaho mbiluni nga murahu ha tshivhi tshawe na Batseba. Noah was not content just to lead a good life. This book of psalms begins with David's heartfelt prayer after his sin with Bath - sheba. U a zwi ḓivha uri u itela uri mbingano i bvelele kanzhi hu ṱoḓea tshifhinga na nungo zwe munna na mufumakadzi vha vha vha tshi zwi shumisa tshumeloni Yawe musi vha sa athu vha mbinganoni. September 14 - 20, 2009 He knows that success is often needed by the time and energy that a husband and wife used in His service before marriage. Hone ambarani muthu muswa, we a ri a tshi vhumbiwa ha vha u tevhedza Mudzimu, a vhumbwa ó luga, e mukhethwa, zwi tshi bva kha mafhungo - ngoho. " In making decisions, what measures should we take? But clothe yourselves with the new personality, which was created according to God's will in true righteousness and loyalty. " Ivhani Na Mavhonele Avhuḓi Musi Ni Na Vhuleme Mbinganoni Some have felt that they should learn ancient Hebrew and Greek so that they could read the Bible in the original languages. Maintain a Positive Attitude in Marriage Arali na wana zwi tshi ni konḓela u lwisana na nyemulo mmbi, ambani na muṅwe tshivhidzoni ane a vha na tshifhinga tshilapfu a tshi shumela Yehova na ane a nga ni ṋea nyeletshedzo yavhuḓi i bvaho Ipfini ḽa Mudzimu. And we do what is within our power to benefit from Christian meetings and other spiritual provisions. - Heb. If you find it hard to fight wrong desires, speak with someone who has been serving Jehovah and who can give you good advice from God's Word. Nga u sa ṱhogomela tshipuka tshi nga kanda thambo yo rewaho zwenezwo zwa ita uri tshi zhakwe nga danda kana tombo. There can be no doubt that these things will come to pass right on schedule. By not taking care of an animal may lead to a stake or stone. Vhukuma, u tovholwa a hu takadzi, fhedzi u ima hashu ro khwaṱha hu sa londwi u tovholwa, u katela na mivhigo ya mazwifhi, zwi fanela u ita uri ri takale. Adam's decision resulted in suffering and death. - Read Genesis 3: 1 - 6, 17 - 19. Of course, persecution does not please us, but our firm stand despite persecution, including false reports, should make us happy. Vho vuswaho vha ḓo haṱulwa, hu si nga tshivhi tshe vha tshi mamela kha Adamu, fhedzi nga zwine vha khetha u zwi ita. Six Steps to Making Good Decisions The resurrected ones will be judged, not by inherited sin from Adam, but by their choice of action. Noaxe o vha a sa sokou vha fhedzi muthu o lugaho. And he can continue the cycle of life through rebirth. Noah was more than simply a good man. 14 - 20 September, 2009 A telling report on the case appeared in the Associated Press. September 14 - 20, 2009 Musi ri tshi ita phetho, ri fanela u ṱolisisa mini? Likewise, God - fearing parents today recognize the value of inculcating in their children's hearts a longing for Bible truth right from the start. When making decisions, what should we consider? Vhaṅwe vha humbula u nga vha fanela u guda Luheberu na Lugerika lwa kale u itela uri vha kone u pfesesa khwine Bivhili. When we think about all that the ransom makes possible, does not our heart become filled with gratitude to Jehovah and his only - begotten Son? Some feel that they need to learn Hebrew and Greek from the past so that they can better understand the Bible. Nahone ri ita zwoṱhe zwine ra nga kona uri ri vhuyelwe nga miṱangano ya Vhukriste na dziṅwe ndugiselelo dza lwa muya. - Vhaheb. Taking a similar view of the death of a faithful Christian may lessen our grief because we know that he is in line for a resurrection. - Ecclesiastes 7: 1. And we do all we can to benefit from Christian meetings and other spiritual provisions. - Heb. Nga zwenezwo, a zwi timatimisi na luthihi uri zwenezwo zwi ḓo itea nga tshifhinga tsho vhewaho. What a splendid result of making wise use of the freedom to serve Jehovah! - Ps. So there is no doubt that this will happen at the appointed time. Phetho ya Adamu yo ita uri hu vhe na tshengelo na lufu. - Vhalani Genesi 3: 1 - 6, 17 - 19. Some may feel that there is no harm done. Adam's decision led to suffering and death. - Read Genesis 3: 1 - 6, 17 - 19. Nḓila Dza Rathi Dza U Ita Phetho Dzavhuḓi Then "he took the children into his arms and began blessing them. " - Mark 10: 14, 16. Six Ways to Make Good Decisions Nahone a nga bvela phanḓa na vhutshilo nga u bebwa lunzhi - lunzhi. Really, though, that is no more informative than it would be to answer the question, "Who won the election? " And he can keep on living by being born many times. Muvhigo wa eneo mafhungo wa bviswa kha gurannda ya Associated. What are some ways that present - day elders " keep watch over our souls '? Reports of the news were released from a newspaper in Peru. Nga hu fanaho, ṋamusi vhabebi vha ofhaho Mudzimu vha a dzhiela nṱha ndeme ya u kokomedza mbiluni dza vhana vhavho lutamo lwa mafhungo - ngoho a Bivhili u bva hanani. (Doit. [ Footnote] Similarly, God - fearing parents today appreciate the importance of instilling in their children the desire for Bible truth from infancy. Musi ri tshi humbula nga zwoṱhe zwe tshiṱhavhelo tsha ri itela zwone, naa mbilu dzashu a dzi livhuhi Yehova na Murwa wawe mubebwa e eṱhe? Make room in your schedule for some quiet time each day. When we think about all that the sacrifice has done for us, are our hearts not grateful to Jehovah and his only - begotten Son? U vha na mavhonele a fanaho nga ha lufu lwa Mukriste a fulufhedzeaho zwi nga fhungudza vhuṱungu hashu nga ṅwambo wa uri ri a zwi ḓivha uri u ḓo vuswa. - Muhuweleli 7: 1. The Governing Body Having the same attitude toward the death of a faithful Christian can reduce our pain because we know that he will be resurrected. - Ecclesiastes 7: 1. Dzenedzo ndi mvelelo dzavhuḓi vhukuma dza u shumisa mbofholowo yashu nga vhuṱali u itela u shumela Yehova! - Ps. " THE word of God is alive and exerts power. " What fine results from using our freedom wisely to serve Jehovah! - Ps. Vhaṅwe vha humbula uri a zwo ngo khakhea. Furthermore, it divides Psalms 116 and 147 each into two psalms. Some feel that it is not wrong. Nga zwenezwo "[o] vha kuvhatedza, a vha fhaṱutshedza ó vhea zwanḓa khavho. " - Marko 10: 14, 16. I met an attractive girl named Sussan, and we began living together. Then "he took the children into his arms and began blessing them, laying his hands upon them. " - Mark 10: 14, 16. Vhukuma, zwenezwo a si u fhindula nga ho livhaho zwi tou fana na u fhindula mbudziso ine ya ri, "Ndi nnyi we a kunda khethoni? " Some names in this article have been changed. Of course, that is not the same as answering the question, "Who has won the choice? " Ndi dzifhio dziṅwe nḓila dzine vhahulwane ṋamusi " vha linda mimuya yashu ' ngadzo? In some situations, you may be able to return the pressure. What are some ways in which elders today "keep watch over our souls "? Nga nnḓa ha musi zwo sumbedzwa nga iṅwe nḓila, miredzo ya Maṅwalo i bva kha Bivhili ya Luvenḓa kana kha Ṱhalutshedzelo ya Shango Ḽiswa ya Maṅwalo a Tshikriste a Lugerika. The first chapters of Genesis indicate that after God created the first human couple, he spoke with them regularly, allowing them to establish a spiritual relationship with him. In addition to being shown in another way, Scriptural quotations are from the English Bible or the New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures. [ Ṱhaluso i re magumoni a siaṱari] (b) How did Jesus demonstrate wisdom, and how can we imitate him? [ Footnote] Ḓivhetsheleni tshifhinga tsha u vha ni noṱhe ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe. Why do we say so? Set aside time to be alone every day. Tshigwada tshi Langaho The branch office in India is now arranging for pioneers to learn sign language to help in that field. The Governing Body MUAPOSTOLA Paulo o ri: "Ngauri ipfi ḽa Mudzimu ndi tshithu tshi tshilaho, tshi shumaho. " What else can we do to fulfill our role as evangelizers? " THE word of God is alive and exerts power, " said the apostle Paul. Zwiṅwe hafhu, i fhandakanya Psalme ya 116 na ya 147 dza vha zwipiḓa zwivhili. Because they shifted their focus from what Jehovah had done for them to the inconveniences of dwelling in the wilderness. Moreover, it separates Psalms 116 and 147 into two parts. Ndo mbo ḓi funana na musidzana wa ṱhase ane a pfi Sussan, ra mbo ḓi thoma u dzula roṱhe. Economic hardships are common worldwide, as are layoffs, high unemployment rates, and a rising cost of living. I developed a love for a beautiful girl named S will, who lives together. Maṅwe madzina a re kha ino thero o shandulwa. Paul warned: "In later periods of time some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to misleading inspired utterances and teachings of demons, by the hypocrisy of men who speak lies, marked in their conscience as with a branding iron. " Some names in this article have been changed. Kha zwiṅwe zwiimo, ni nga kha ḓi kona u vhuyedzedza mutsiko kha ane a khou ni itela wone. Proving our faith certainly involves more than living morally, attending Christian meetings, and sharing in the preaching work. In some cases, you may be able to restore stress to the one who is making it for you. Ndima dza u thoma dza bugu ya Genesi dzi sumbedza uri musi Mudzimu o no sika vhavhingani vha u thoma, o vha a tshi amba navho tshifhinga tshoṱhe, a tshi vha ṋea tshibuli tsha uri vha vhe na vhushaka ha tsini nae. To explain what he had in mind, Peter continued: "Let none of you suffer as a murderer or a thief or an evildoer or as a busybody in other people's matters. The first chapters of Genesis show that after God created the first human pair, he regularly spoke to them, giving them an opportunity to have a close relationship with him. (b) Yesu o sumbedza hani vhuṱali, nahone ri nga mu edzisa hani? When you face hardship, Jehovah wants you to feel secure because he has a strong attachment to you. (b) How did Jesus show wisdom, and how can we imitate him? Ndi ngani ri tshi amba nga u ralo? " Enoch was transferred so as not to see death. " Why do we say that? Zwa zwino davhi ḽa ofisi ḽa ngei India ḽi khou dzudzanya uri vhavulanḓila vha gude luambo lwa zwanḓa u itela u ya u thusa kha yeneyo tsimu. (Read Exodus 4: 14 - 16.) The India branch now arranges for pioneers to learn sign language to help in that territory. Ndi zwifhio zwine ra nga zwi ita u itela u khunyeledza mushumo washu sa vhaevangeli? In fact, he is "the firstborn of all creation. " What can we do to accomplish our work as evangelizers? Nga ṅwambo wa uri vho humbulesa nga ha vhuleme he vha sedzana naho sogani nṱhani ha u humbula nga ha zwe Yehova a vha itela zwone. So you young ones should understand that neither your parents nor the Christian elders in the congregation are going to force you to get baptized. Because they thought about the hardships they faced in the wilderness rather than of what Jehovah had done for them. Vhuleme ha ekonomi ho ḓala shangoni ḽoṱhe nga ṅwambo wa u fhelelwa ha vhathu nga mishumo, u sa vha hone ha mishumo, na mitengo i re nṱha. Are other churches equally acceptable to God? The economic crisis is prevalent worldwide because of man's loss of activity, employment, and high cost. Paulo o sevha a ri: "Zwifhingani zwa mafhelelo vhaṅwe vha ḓo shandukela lutendo, vha ḓi - ṋekedza kha mimuya ya vhufhura na kha dzipfunzo dza mimuya mivhi, kha vhané vha ḓi - kanganyedza nga u amba mazwifhi, vhané luvaloni lwavho vhone vhaṋe lwa nga lwo fhisiwa nga tsimbi. " Resistance to Kingdom rule will clearly reach its climax during the attack by Gog of Magog. Paul warned: "In later periods of time some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to misleading inspired utterances and teachings of demons, among those who are blinded by false stories, whose conscience is full of iron. " U sumbedza lutendo lwashu zwi katela zwi fhiraho u ḓifara zwavhuḓi, u ya miṱanganoni ya Vhukriste, na u ṱanganela mushumoni wa u huwelela. Absolute Authority? Showing our faith involves more than maintaining fine conduct, attending Christian meetings, and sharing in the preaching work. U itela u ṱalutshedza zwe a vha a tshi khou amba nga hazwo, Petro o bvela phanḓa a ri: "Hu songo vha na muṅwe waṋu, ané a ṱhuphea ngauri a vha phondi, na ngauri a vha mbava, na ngauri a vha mu - ita - zwivhi, na ngauri a vha mudzia - u - dzhena zwa vhaṅwe. Working to qualify for privileges in the congregation is a blessed opportunity from Jehovah; neither he nor his organization desires that those reaching out become frustrated and unhappy in his service. To explain what he was saying, Peter continued: "Let no one of you suffer as a murderer or a thief or as a thief or as a busybody in other people's matters. Musi no sedzana na vhuleme, Yehova u ṱoḓa ni tshi ḓipfa no tsireledzea ngauri u a ni funa. Indeed, no one needs to perish at Armageddon. When you face hardships, Jehovah wants you to feel secure because he loves you. " Henoxe o ṱuwiswa a si tsha vhona lufu. " Have we been affected by this spirit? " Enoch was transferred so as not to see death. " (Vhalani Ekisodo 4: 14 - 16.) The Full Suit of Armor (Read Exodus 4: 14 - 16.) Zwi re zwone ndi uri, ndi ene "tanzhe ḽa zwivhumbwa zwoṱhe. " Cultivate interest. In fact, he is "the firstborn of all creation. " Ngauralo vhoiwe vhaswa ni fanela u pfesesa uri vhabebi kana vhahulwane vha Vhakriste vha tshivhidzoni a vha nga ḓo ni kombetshedza uri ni lovhedzwe. Many have found that serving Jehovah fully during youth also helped them to have a more successful marriage. So you young ones need to understand that parents or Christian elders in the congregation will not force you to get baptized. Naa na dziṅwe kereke dzi a ṱanganedzwa nga Mudzimu? Indeed we do, for the Bible gives us strong reasons to believe that the promise will come true. Are other churches acceptable to God? (Psalme ya 2: 1 - 3) U hana vhuvhusi ha Muvhuso hu ḓo ṋaṋa vhukuma tshifhingani tsha u vutshela ha Gogo wa Magogo. In the second fulfillment of the prophecy, God's rulership would be interrupted for a period of time - but not because of any deficiency on God's part. Resisting Kingdom rule will be even more severe during the attack by Gog of Magog. Naa Vho Ṋewa Maanḓa Oṱhe? There Peter bore thorough witness concerning Jesus Christ. Were They Given All Power? U shuma u itela uri u fanelee u vha na ndugelo tshivhidzoni ndi phaṱhutshedzo i bvaho ha Yehova; ene na ndangulo yawe a vha ṱoḓi uri vhane vha ṱoḓa u fanelea vha sinyuwe kana vha shume vha songo takala tshumeloni yawe. [ Picture on page 29] Serving to qualify for privileges in the congregation is a blessing from Jehovah; he and his organization do not want those who want to be angry or unhappy in his service. Vhukuma, a huna ane a ṱoḓa u fheliswa nga Haramagedo. Regarding our time, the Bible foretold: "In the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. " Of course, no one wants to be destroyed at Armageddon. 5: 20) Naa ro no dzhenwa nga wonoyo muya? During his life, Paul made both terrible mistakes and wise choices. Did we fall into that spirit? Mafumo O Fhelelaho It is the custom to wash corpses ceremonially to prepare them for the spirit realm. A Complete armor Gudisani vho ḓiimiselaho u thetshelesa. One way we can promote the unity of God's people is by cultivating humility. Train those who are willing to listen. Vhanzhi vho wana uri u vha tshumeloni ya tshifhinga tsho ḓalaho musi vha tshee vhaswa zwo vha thusa uri vha vhe na mbingano i bvelelaho. " Your adversary, the Devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone. " Many have found that being in the full - time ministry while young has helped them to have a successful marriage. Vhukuma ri natsho, ngauri Bivhili i ri ṋea zwiitisi zwo khwaṱhaho u itela uri ri tende uri fulufhedziso ḽawe ḽi ḓo ḓadzea. When Jerusalem Destroyed? 10 / 1, 11 / 1 Indeed, because the Bible provides solid reasons for believing that his promise will come true. Kha u ḓadzea ha vhuvhili ha honoho vhuporofita, vhuvhusi ha Mudzimu ho vha vhu tshi ḓo khakhiswa lwa tshifhinganyana - fhedzi zwenezwo zwo vha zwi sa ḓo amba uri Mudzimu o kundelwa. It is Jehovah's will that people of all sorts should repent and be saved. - 1 Timothy 2: 3, 4. In the second fulfillment of that prophecy, God's rulership would be temporarily stumbled - but that would not mean that God had failed. Henefho Petro a ṱanziela nga vhuḓalo nga ha Yesu Kristo. 31 From Our Archives There Peter gave a thorough witness about Jesus Christ. [ Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 23] Brother Manera remembers what happened when one young boy gave his first talk: "He was so nervous that when he started his talk, he began to sob. [ Picture on page 23] Malugana na tshifhinga tshashu, Bivhili yo dzula yo amba uri: "Maḓuvhani a vhufhelo hu ḓo vha na zwifhinga zwi lemelaho. " Ryan adds: "Working with older brothers taught me much about how to care for the brothers. Regarding our time, the Bible foretold: "In the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. " Vhutshiloni hawe, Paulo o ita vhukhakhi vhuhulwane, fhedzi o ita na dziṅwe phetho dza vhuṱali. The foretold tribulation will begin when the nations think that they are close to solving some of their big problems. In his life, Paul made serious mistakes, but he made other wise decisions. Ndi mukhuvha u ita vhuṱambo ha u ṱanzwa zwitumbu u itela u zwi lugiselela fhethu ha muya. They merely highlight the importance of adhering closely to Bible principles in working out solutions. It is a custom to perform the washing of dead bodies to prepare for them in the spirit realm. Nḓila ya u thoma ine ra nga ita ngayo uri vhathu vha Mudzimu vha vhe na vhuthihi, ndi nga u ṱahulela u ḓiṱukufhadza. Satisfied, Jehovah commissioned the angel to carry it out. The first way we can promote unity among God's people is by cultivating humility. Swina ḽaṋu Diabolo u mona - mona vhunga ndau i vhombaho, iné ya ṱoḓa ané ya mu mila. " A man could divorce his wife for "something indecent. " Your adversary, the Devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone. " Ndi Vhuḓidini Vhu Vhuyedzaho Vhukuma! Even though it is difficult at first, in time a widowed person needs to get back into a daily routine. It Is Worth the Effort! Yehova u funa uri vhathu vha tshaka dzoṱhe vha rembuluwe nahone vha tshidzwe. - 1 Timotheo 2: 3, 4. You have prayed to Jehovah to help you make good decisions and to be strong. Jehovah loves people of all nations to repent and be saved. - 1 Timothy 2: 3, 4. 31 Zwe Ra Zwi Vhulunga The brothers here were strengthened. 31 From Our Archives Wahashu Manera u humbula zwe zwa itea musi muṅwe muswa a tshi khou ṋekedza nyambo yawe ya u thoma: "O vha o tshuwa vhukuma nahone a thoma u tswimila. To Adam and Eve, Jehovah said: "Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving upon the earth. " A young brother named Man recalls what happened when a young man delivered his first talk: "He was very nervous and started to kill me. Ryan o dovha a ri: "U shuma na vhahashu vha vhaaluwa zwo nngudisa zwithu zwinzhi nga ha nḓila ya u ṱhogomela vhahashu. Our hometown newspaper reported that the mayor, who was also the judge, said to those in the city court: "The literature this man is distributing... is as dangerous as poison. " " Working with older brothers has taught me much about how to care for our brothers, " says Ryan. Maṱungu o dzulaho o ambiwa a ḓo thoma musi tshaka dzi tshi humbula uri dzi tsini na u piringulula vhuṅwe vhuleme vhuhulwane. He knew when to keep quiet, but he also knew when to speak. The foretold tribulation will begin when the nations think that they are about to solve some serious problems. Zwi ombedzela ndeme ya u tevhela nga vhuronwane maitele a Bivhili a u piringulula vhuleme. Kind actions can win people over to a more favorable attitude toward Jehovah's people and the Bible message they preach. It emphasizes the importance of following Bible principles carefully and handling problems. Musi Yehova o no fushea, a ruma onoyo muruṅwa uri a ye u mu kanganyisa. 18, 19. After Jehovah was content, he sent the angel to stumble him. Munna o vha a tshi nga ṱala mufumakadzi wawe arali "a wana zwi sa ḓivhalei kha ene. " It is not only children with aged parents and appointed servants who should be concerned about the elderly. A husband could divorce his wife if "he found something against her. " Naho zwi tshi konḓa mathomoni, nga u ya ha tshifhinga muthu o felwaho u fanela u dovha a tshila nga nḓila ye a vha a tshi tshila ngayo ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe. His faith, in turn, brightened and strengthened his hope. Although it is difficult at first, in time the bereaved person needs to live again in the way he lived each day. No rabela Yehova uri a ni thuse uri ni dzhie phetho dzavhuḓi na u ni khwaṱhisa. Of course, we cannot completely avoid people with ungodly traits. You prayed to Jehovah to help you make good decisions and to strengthen you. Vhahashu vha henefha vho khwaṱhiswa vhukuma. Like the guide in our illustration, Jehovah kindly extends his helping hand and his friendship to those who seek to walk with him. The brothers here were greatly strengthened. Yehova o vhudza Adamu na Eva a ri: "Bebani ni ande ni ḓadze shango, ni ḽi kunde, ni vhuse dzikhovhe dza lwanzhe na zwiṋoni zwa ṱaḓulu na dzoṱhe dziphukha dzi tshatshamaho kha ḽifhasi. " In advance, discuss the best way to handle your friends ' questions and comments about a first marriage. Jehovah told Adam and Eve: "Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving upon the earth. " Gurannda ya henefho yo vhiga uri ṋeḓorobo we a vha e muhaṱuli o vhudza khothe uri: "Bugu dzine hoyu munna a khou dzi phaḓaladza... dzi na khombo u fana na mulimo. " In the meantime, my sister and her husband noticed that I did not make the sign of the cross at mealtimes, nor did I pray before religious icons. The local newspaper reported that the judge's judge had told the court: "The books this man is spreading... are as dangerous as poisonous. " O vha a tshi ḓivha tshifhinga tsha u fhumula, a dovha a ḓivha na tshifhinga tsha u amba. You thereby give your children the best possible opportunity to "choose life " and thereafter to" keep alive. " He knew the time to keep quiet, and he also knew the time to speak. Nyito dza vhulenda dzi nga ṱuṱuwedza vhathu uri vha takalele vhukuma vhathu vha Yehova na mulaedza wa Bivhili une vha u huwelela. To maintain our integrity to God, we must avoid all idolatry. - Read 1 John 5: 21. Kind actions can encourage people to enjoy Jehovah's people and the Bible's message that they preach. 18, 19. On the day of Pentecost 33 C.E., the apostle Peter applied that prophetic verse to Jesus, saying: "[David] foresaw and spoke about the resurrection of the Christ, that neither was he forsaken in the Grave nor did his flesh see corruption. " - Acts 2: 23 - 27, 31. 18, 19. A si vhana fhedzi vha re na vhabebi vha vhalala na vhashumeli vho vhewaho vhane vha fanela u vhilaelela nga ha vhalala. He inspired Paul to write: "I... appeal to you to walk worthily of the calling with which you were called, with all humility and mildness, with patience, putting up with one another in love, earnestly endeavoring to maintain the oneness of the spirit in the uniting bond of peace. " Children are not alone with elderly parents and appointed ministerial servants who should be concerned about the elderly. Nga ṅwambo wa zwenezwo, lutendo lwawe lwo khwaṱhisa fulufhelo ḽawe. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you. " As a result, his faith strengthened his confidence. Ndi ngoho uri ri nga si kone u iledza tshoṱhe vhathu vhane vha vha na vhuḓifari vhu si havhuḓi. I still remember the excellent elders with whom I served. Of course, we cannot completely avoid those who have immoral traits. (Yesaya 41: 13) U fana na mulivhisi we ra amba ngae kha tshifanyiso tshashu, Yehova u thusa na u vha khonani ya vhane vha ṱoḓa u tshimbila nae. Why not? Just as the psalmist mentioned in our parable, Jehovah helps and becomes a friend of those who want to walk with him. Hu tshee nga phanḓa, haseledzani nḓila ya khwine ya u fhindula mbudziso na zwine zwa ambiwa nga khonani dzaṋu nga ha mbingano ya u thoma. The ban was rescinded, and in five years the temple was completed. - Ezra 6: 14, 15; Hag. In advance, discuss the best way to answer questions and suggestions about your friend's first marriage. Nga tshenetsho tshifhinga, mukomana wanga na munna wawe vha ṱhogomela uri a thi iti tshiga tsha tshifhambano zwifhingani zwa zwiḽiwa, kana u rabela phanḓa ha zwifanyiso zwa vhurereli. By dwelling on negative thoughts and mulling over how badly they have been treated, some people let the behavior of others rob them of happiness. At that time, my older brother and her husband realize that I do not make a sign of the cross in times of food, or pray before images of religion. Nga yeneyo nḓila ni ṋea vhana vhaṋu tshibuli tshavhuḓi tsha u " nanga vhutshilo ' na uri nga murahu vha "tshile. " (Read Mark 2: 1 - 5.) In that way you give your children the best possible opportunity to " choose life ' and then "keep alive. " 4: 15, 19) U itela u dzula ri tshi fulufhedzea phanḓa ha Mudzimu, ri fanela u iledza tshoṱhe u gwadamela zwifanyiso. - Vhalani 1 Yohane 5: 21. In other words, we say no to our selfish, imperfect inclinations and yes to God's counsel and direction. To maintain our integrity to God, we must completely avoid idolatry. - Read 1 John 5: 21. Nga ḓuvha ḽa Pentekoste ya 33 C.E., muapostola Petro o shumisa yeneyo ndimana ya vhuporofita kha Yesu, o amba uri: "[Davida] o zwi vhona hu tshee nga phanḓa nahone a dzula o amba nga ha u vuswa ha Kristo, uri ha nga ḓo litshwa Vhudzulavhafu nahone ṋama yawe a i nga sini. " - Mish. 2: 23 - 27, 31. He knew each sheep by the name he had given it. On the day of Pentecost 33 C.E., the apostle Peter used that prophetic verse in Jesus, saying: "[David] saw in advance and foretold Christ's resurrection, that he would not be raised up and his flesh would not be found alive. " - Acts 2: 27, 31. O ṱuṱuwedza Paulo uri a ṅwale uri: "Nṋe... ndi ni humbela uri ni tshimbile nga nḓila yo teaho zwe na vhidzelwa zwone, nga u ḓiṱukufhadza nga ho fhelelaho, na u vuḓa, u sa fhela mbilu, na u konḓelelana nga lufuno, na u lwela nga mbilu yoṱhe uri ni dzule ni na vhuthihi he na vhu ṋewa nga muya mukhethwa une wa ita uri ni vhe na mulalo. " Paul said: "Let all malicious bitterness and anger and wrath and screaming and abusive speech be taken away from you along with all badness. He urged Paul to write: "I appeal... to you... to walk worthily of the calling, to be fully submissive, long - suffering, exercise long - suffering, putting up with one another in love, and earnestly endeavoring to maintain the oneness of the spirit in which you have the uniting bond of peace. " Arali vho ntovhola, na inwi vha ḓo ni tovhola - vho. " I participated, carrying a magazine bag and placards. If they have persecuted me, they will persecute you also. " Ndi kha ḓi humbula vhahulwane vhavhuḓi vhe nda shuma navho. Job reacted in a humble way, adjusting his viewpoint. - Read Job 42: 1 - 6. I still remember the good elders with whom I worked. Ndi ngani? He visited every house, or at least he preached to all of the people. Why? Mulayo wonoyo wa u thivhela wo mbo ḓi pfuvhiswa nahone hu sa athu fhela miṅwaha miṱanu, thembele yo vha yo no fhela u fhaṱiwa. - Esera 6: 14, 15; Hag. What was Jonah's response? The prohibition took place, and within five years, the temple was completed. - Ezra 6: 14, 15; Ki. Nga u dzulela u elekanya nga ha nḓila i si yavhuḓi ye vha farwa ngayo, vhaṅwe vhathu vha ita uri vhukhakhi ha vhaṅwe vhu ite uri vha si takale. We get a clear answer to such questions by examining the dramatic events that led to the " annihilation of Baal out of Israel. ' - 2 Kings 10: 28. By dwelling on how badly they have been treated, some people cause the mistakes of others to cause them to lose their joy. (Vhalani Marko 2: 1 - 5.) In times of disaster, what kinds of help may we give? (Read Mark 2: 1 - 5.) Nga maṅwe maipfi, ri landula u ḓiṱoḓela zwashu, mikhwa yashu yo khakheaho nahone ra ṱanganedza nyeletshedzo na vhulivhisi zwa Mudzimu. He decided to continue and was blessed with the joy of serving as a regular pioneer for two years, until complications from his injury took his life. In other words, we reject our own selfish, wrong habits, and accept God's counsel and guidance. U ḓivha nngu iṅwe na iṅwe nga dzina ḽe a i ira ḽone. 9: 30. He knows each sheep by the name he named himself. Paulo o ri: "U kalakata hoṱhe na mbiti na tsinyuwo na u zhamba na maṱamba nga zwi vhe kule haṋu na vhuvhi hoṱhe. In hindsight, they feel that they should have done more to prevent the incident from happening. Paul said: "Let all malicious bitterness and anger and wrath and screaming and abusive speech be taken away from you along with all badness. Ndo ṱanganela kha mushumo wonoyo ndo fara bege ya magazini na mabambiri a re na mulaedza. Samantha: That seems reasonable. I shared in that work with a magazine bag and a message. Yobo o aravha nga u ḓiṱukufhadza, a shandula mavhonele awe. - Vhalani Yobo 42: 1 - 6. With what goal in mind? Job humbly responded. - Read Job 42: 1 - 6. O dalela muḓi muṅwe na muṅwe, kana khamusi o huwelela kha vhathu vhoṱhe. * "But when I began to study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses, I came to see that I had a more important responsibility - to care for my family spiritually, not just physically. He visited every house, or perhaps he preached to all people. Yona o aravha hani? What results can we expect from handling God's Word aright? How did Jonah react? Ri wana phindulo i pfalaho ya dzenedzo mbudziso nga u ṱolisisa zwiitea zwi swayeaho zwe zwa ita uri vhurabeli ha " Baali vhu fheliswe kha ḽa Isiraele. ' - 2 Dzikhosi 10: 28. Satan claims that you would betray Jehovah in order to save your own skin. We find a clear answer to those questions by considering significant events that caused Baal worship to be " cut off from Israel. ' - 2 Kings 10: 28. Musi hu na khombo, ri nga ṋea thuso ifhio? What will all of us do at times, but why is it vital that we maintain strong friendships in the congregation? When disaster strikes, what help can we provide? O mbo ḓi phetha nga ḽa uri a bvele phanḓa nahone o fhaṱutshedzwa nga dakalo ḽa u shuma miṅwaha mivhili sa muvulanḓila wa tshifhinga tshoṱhe, u swikela a tshi fa nga ṅwambo wa u vhaisala hawe. Each one likely feels the pain of the festering wound, and both know that something should be done to heal it. He concluded that he continued and was blessed with the joy of serving as a regular pioneer until his death as a result of his suffering. 9: 30. Hunger and malnutrition will be no more. 9: 30. Vha tshi elekanya nga zwe zwa itea, vha humbula u nga vho vha vha tshi ḓo vha vho ita nga hune vha nga kona ngaho u itela u thivhela yeneyi khombo uri i sa bvelele. Parents, you well know that it is not because of any brilliance on your part that you have produced such a precious little bundle of life. Reflecting on what happened, they think that they would have done as much as they could to prevent this danger from happening. Shonisani: Zwine na khou amba zwi a pfala. He was a very happy person because he did his Father's will rather than his own. Samantha: Your speech makes sense. U na tshipikwa tshifhio? Later, Jehovah gave similar evidence of his backing when he started to bring "people of the nations " into the Christian congregation. - Read Acts 10: 44, 45. What is his goal? Fhedzi musi ndi tshi thoma u guda Bivhili na Ṱhanzi dza Yehova, nda ṱhogomela uri ndi na vhuḓifhinduleli ha ndeme vhukuma - ha u ṱhogomela muṱa wanga siani ḽa lwa muya na ḽa ṋama. What was to happen in that year? But when I began to study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses, I realized that I had the most important responsibility - that of caring for my family spiritually and physically. Ndi mvelelo dzifhio dzine ra nga dzi lavhelela nga u tshea Ipfi ḽa Mudzimu ri sa kombamisi? Yes, there is a message of hope! What results can we expect from handling God's Word aright? Sathane u amba uri ni ḓo shandukela Yehova ni tshi itela u tshidza vhutshilo haṋu. Gary had limited vision, so at the age of six, he was sent for specialized education at a boarding school on the south coast of England. Satan claims that you will turn against Jehovah in order to save your life. Ndi mini zwine roṱhe ra ḓo zwi ita nga zwiṅwe zwifhinga, fhedzi ndi ngani zwi zwa ndeme uri ri vhulunge vhukonani ho khwaṱhaho tshivhidzoni? Even if the answer to the inquiry seems obvious, you would do well to learn from the pattern of humility and modesty that Jesus left. What will we all do at times, but why is it vital that we maintain strong friendships within the congregation? Muṅwe na muṅwe wavho u a pfa vhuṱungu he ha bveledzwa nga yeneyo nyito, nahone vhoṱhe vha a ḓivha uri hu na tshithu tshine tsha fanela u itwa u itela u fhodza honovho vhuṱungu. 15: 6 - Why did the Kenites receive special consideration from Saul? Each of them feels the pain caused by such actions, and they all know that something must be done to heal the pain. A hu tsha ḓo vha na nḓala na u shayea ha pfushi. How did Jehovah prove to be faithful to his purpose and to his name? No more will there be food and food shortages. (Psalme ya 100: 3) Vhabebi, ni a zwi ḓivha zwavhuḓi uri ṅwana o raloho o nakaho ho ngo bveledzwa nga vhuṱali ha vhoiwe. To apologize is difficult for most people. Parents, you know well that such a beautiful child did not result from your own wisdom. O vha e muthu o takalaho vhukuma nga nṱhani ha uri o vha a tshi ita zwine Khotsi awe a zwi funa, nṱhani ha zwine zwa funwa ngae. What challenges might we face as we endeavor to conduct a Bible study? He was a happy person because he was doing his Father's will rather than his own. Nga murahu, Yehova a ṋea vhuṱanzi vhu fanaho ha thikhedzo yawe musi a tshi thoma u ḓisa "vhathu vha dziṅwe tshaka " kha tshivhidzo tsha Vhukriste. - Vhalani Mishumo 10: 44, 45. If an elder reminds you of safety rules and standards, therefore, accept his counsel. Later, Jehovah gave similar proof of his support when he began to bring "a people of other nations " to the Christian congregation. - Read Acts 10: 44, 45. Ho vha hu tshi fanela u bvelela mini nga wonoyo ṅwaha? Meditating appreciatively on such things strengthened his faith. What was to happen that year? Ee, hu na mulaedza u ṋeaho fulufhelo! " If we practice sin willfully after having received the accurate knowledge of the truth, " wrote the apostle Paul, "there is no longer any sacrifice for sins left. " Yes, there is a message of hope! Gary o vha a sa koni u vhona zwavhuḓi, musi e na miṅwaha ya rathi o iswa tshikoloni tsha vhaholefhali, he a vha a tshi dzula hone ngei tshipembe ha England. For more information, contact Jehovah's Witnesses locally or write to the publishers of this magazine. Gary could not see clearly, at the age of six from a wheelchair, where he lived in southern England. "? Naho arali phindulo i tshi tou vha khagala, zwi ḓo vha zwavhuḓi uri ni gude kha tsumbo ya Yesu ya u ḓiṱukufhadza. He had been commissioned primarily to declare a scathing judgment message against the northern kingdom of Israel. " If the answer is clear, why not learn from Jesus ' example of humility? 15: 6 - Ndi ngani Vha - Keni vho tondwa nga Saulo? God's spirit is needed to produce strong faith. 15: 6 - Why did the builders receive Saul's favor? Yehova o sumbedza hani u fulufhedzea kha ndivho yawe na kha dzina ḽawe? How can you know? How did Jehovah demonstrate loyalty to his purpose and to his name? Vhathu vhanzhi vha wana zwi tshi konḓa u humbela pfarelo. [ Picture on page 16] Many find it difficult to apologize. Ndi khaedu dzifhio dzine ra nga sedzana nadzo musi ri tshi khou lwela u fara pfunzo ya Bivhili? How it bolstered my confidence to have at my side a spiritual man of his character! What challenges can we face as we strive to conduct a Bible study? (Mir. 22: 3) Arali muhulwane a ni humbudza nga ha zwithu zwine na fanela u zwi ita u itela uri ni dzule no tsireledzea, ni fanela u ṱanganedza nyeletshedzo yawe. The accompanying inscription reads: "The tribute of Jehu (Ia - ú - a), son of Omri (Hu - um - ri); I received from him silver, gold, a golden saplu - bowl, a golden vase with pointed bottom, golden tumblers, golden buckets, tin, a staff for a king, (and) wooden puruhtu [the meaning of the latter word being unknown]. " If an elder reminds you of what you need to do to remain safe, you must accept his counsel. U elekanya nga ha zwenezwi zwithu zwo khwaṱhisa lutendo lwawe. Yet, Jehovah revealed the truth to him. Meditating on these things strengthened her faith. Muapostola Paulo o ṅwala a ri: "Arali ra ita zwivhi nga khole, ngeno ró no fhiwa u ḓivha mafhungo - ngoho, a ri tshee na tshidzimu tshiṅwe tsha u ri ṱanzwa zwivhi. " To induce Baal to bless their crops and livestock, his worshippers took part in sex orgies with temple prostitutes. The apostle Paul wrote: "If we practice sin willfully after having received the accurate knowledge of the truth, there is no sacrifice for sins. " U itela u wana mafhungo o engedzeaho, ambani na Ṱhanzi dza Yehova dza hune na dzula hone, kana ṅwalelani vhagandisi vha wonoyu magazini. Others feel that we live in a society in which self - indulgence outweighs responsibility and observe that people today are increasingly self - involved. For more information, speak to Jehovah's Witnesses in your area, or write to the publishers of this magazine. Zwihuluhulu o vha o rumiwa u yo ḓivhadza mulaedza wa khaṱulo i vhavhaho kha muvhuso wa devhula wa Isiraele. Whether they knew it or not, the astrologers had put little Jesus in great peril. Above all, he was sent to proclaim a devastating judgment message to the northern kingdom of Israel. Hu ṱoḓea muya wa Mudzimu uri ni vhe na lutendo lwo khwaṱhaho. This, in his view, is an emergency! God's spirit requires that you have strong faith. Zwenezwo ni nga zwi ḓivha hani? If we conclude that the thought is negative or untimely, let us make a conscientious effort to dismiss it. How can you know that? [ Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 20] Others are coping with old age, when health and strength are declining. [ Picture on page 20] U tshimbila na muthu o raloho zwo ita uri ndi vhe na tshivhindi! (a) Why does the third type of soil mentioned by Jesus especially deserve our attention? Walking with such an individual gave me courage! Zwo ṅwalwaho henefho ndi hezwi: "Nduvho ya Yehu (Ia - ú - a) murwa wa Omiri (Hu - um - ri); ndo ṋewa tsimbi - tseṱha, musuku, ndilo ya saplu, mudzio wo sekenaho fhasi, mabakete na zwinwelo zwa musuku, gokoko, lubaḓa lwa khosi (na) puruhtu ya bulannga [zwine ipfi puruhtu ḽa amba zwone a zwi ḓivhei]. " She has not given in to the illness. What is stated there is this: "I shall also go to Jehu (a - mass), the son of Jehovah (or, who is given to me); and the gold, the finest of your gold, and the cup of gold, the rod of the king (s), which is known as the best of the word. " Naho zwo ralo, Yehova o mu dzumbululela mafhungo - ngoho. These accounts help us to see that the dead are powerless. Yet, Jehovah revealed the truth to him. U itela uri Baali a fhaṱutshedze zwiliṅwa na zwifuwo zwavho, vhagwadameli vhawe vho vha vha tshi ṱangana nga dzimbeu na vhathu vhane vha rengisa mivhili thembeleni. Consider the example of King Saul's son Jonathan. For Baal to bless their crops and livestock, his worshippers had sexual relations with those selling two temple parts. Vhaṅwe vha vhona unga ri khou tshila vhukati ha vhathu vhane vha dzhia u ḓitakadza sa tshithu tsha ndeme u fhira u tshila nga nḓila ine ya sumbedza u vha na vhuḓifhinduleli nahone vha ṱhogomela uri vhathu ṋamusi vha vhilaelela zwihuluhulu vhone vhaṋe. Donations via electronic bank transfer, debit card, or credit card. Some feel that we are living among people who view pleasures as more important than being responsible and that people today are primarily concerned about themselves. Hu sa londwi uri vho vha vha tshi zwi ḓivha kana vha sa zwi ḓivhi, vhenevho vhaḓivhi vha dziṋaledzi vho dzhenisa Yesu khomboni khulwane. Children raised without consistent discipline are likely to be self - centered and unhappy. Whether they knew or not, those astrologers put Jesus in serious danger. U dzhia honovhu vhuimo vhu ha shishi vhukuma! The Christian apostle Paul wrote: "Those who are determined to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and many senseless and hurtful desires, which plunge men into destruction and ruin. He views this emergency as an emergency! (Mirero 15: 23) Arali ra phetha uri zwine ra ṱoḓa u zwi amba a si zwavhuḓi kana uri a si tshifhinga tsho teaho tsha u zwi amba, kha ri ite vhuḓidini vhuhulwane ha u sa amba tshithu. But he might in time come to realize that you are acting in his best interests. If we conclude that what we want to say is unfair or that it is not the right time to say it, let us work hard to say nothing. (Genesi 23: 2; Yohane 11: 33 - 36) Vhaṅwe vha khou lwisana na vhulala, hune mutakalo na maanḓa zwa vha zwi tshi khou fhela. These enemies had oppressed them for years, so the Israelites could not give up. Others are struggling with old age, where health and strength are on an end. (a) Ndi ngani ro fanela u ṱhogomela vhukuma mufuda wa vhuraru wa mavu wo bulwaho nga Yesu? Talk to a mature friend who knows you well. (a) Why should we be careful of the third type of soil mentioned by Jesus? Ho ngo fulufhuwa nga vhulwadze hawe. Upon putting "out to sea from Crete, " the ship was" violently seized " by "a tempestuous wind called Euroaquilo. " He did not give up on his illness. Mafhungo enea a ri thusa u vhona uri vhafu a vha na maanḓa. When the prophet Samuel told him that Jehovah was displeased, Saul tried to justify himself by focusing on the part of God's command that he had obeyed and by blaming others for his error. This account helps us to see that the dead are weak. Ṱhogomelani tsumbo ya Yonathani murwa wa Khosi Saulo. Our conduct: Peter recognized the importance of good conduct. Consider the example of King Saul's son Jonathan. Ni nga ṋeela ni tshi shumisa zwishumiswa zwa elekitironiki, garaṱa ya debithi kana ya tshikolodo. However, Supot still loved Jehovah and wanted to worship him properly. Donations of electronic bank transfer, a card, or a credit card. (Mirero 13: 24) Vhana vho aluswaho hu si na ndayo yo livhaho kanzhi vha vha na tseḓa na u vha vha songo takalaho musi vha tshi aluwa. (a) What hope do anointed Christians keep in mind? Children who are raised without direct discipline are often selfish and unhappy when they grow up. Paulo, muapostola wa Mukriste o ṅwala a ri: "Vha lilaho u pfuma vha wela milingoni na mireoni, vha dzhenwa nga dzinyemulo nzhi dza vhutsilu dzi tshinyaho, dziné dza bwandamedza vhathu kha u tshinyala na u lovha. I repeated this prayer every two hours - even while performing my service at the Shinto shrine. The Christian apostle Paul wrote: "Those who are determined to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and many senseless and hurtful desires, which plunge men into destruction and ruin. Fhedzi zwi nga kha ḓi itea uri nga u ya ha tshifhinga khonani yaṋu i vhone uri no vha ni tshi khou ṱoḓa u i thusa. Time - lapse photography enabled them to watch a chick peck its way out of its shell and a blossom gracefully unfold. But you may feel that in time you felt that you wanted to help your friend. Maswina o vha o no tsikeledza Vhaisiraele lwa miṅwaha minzhi, ndi ngazwo vho vha vha nga si laṱele thaula. How do we know that not all members of the slave class have the same assignment of work? The enemies had oppressed Israel for years, so they would not give up. Vhudzisani khonani yo vhibvaho ine ya ni ḓivha zwavhuḓi. Let us consider the questions one at a time. Ask a mature friend who knows you well. Musi " vha tshi ṱutshela Kereta, ' " vha kundwa u livhisa ' gungwa nga "ḓumbu ḽi bvaho Vhubvaḓuvha. " More than just casual Bible reading is involved. When "they left Crete, " they were" unable to guide " the ark by "the east. " 15: 3, 9, 12) Musi muporofita Samuele a tshi mu vhudza uri zwenezwo zwo sinyusa Yehova, Saulo o lingedza u ḓivhuyafhedza nga u livhisa ṱhogomelo kha tshipiḓa tsha ndaela ya Mudzimu ye a i thetshelesa nahone a vhona vhaṅwe mulandu wa vhukhakhi hawe. (1 Sam. At a diplomatic function, Herod clothed himself "with royal raiment. " When the prophet Samuel told him that this was displeasing to Jehovah, Saul tried to protect himself by focusing on God's command that he had obeyed and that he blamed others for his error. Vhuḓifari hashu: Petro o ṱhogomela ndeme ya vhuḓifari havhuḓi. Because of Jesus ' course of humility and faithfulness on earth, Jehovah God exalted his Son, giving him authority over creatures in heaven and on earth. - Phil. Our conduct: Peter recognized the value of fine conduct. Naho zwo ralo, Supot o vha a tshi kha ḓi funa Yehova nahone a tshi ṱoḓa u mu gwadamela nga nḓila yo teaho. Forests protect, sustain, and improve mankind's supplies of fresh water. However, Willie still loved Jehovah and wanted to worship him properly. (a) Ndi fulufhelo ḽifhio ḽine Vhakriste vho ḓodzwaho vha dzula vhe naḽo muhumbuloni? There we read about wild animals, such as wolves and lions, that live in peace with domestic animals, such as lambs and calves. (a) What hope do anointed Christians keep in mind? Ndo dovholola yeneyo thabelo tshifhinga tshoṱhe nga murahu ha awara mbili - na musi ndi tshi khou ita mishumo yanga thembeleni ya Vhushinto. An elder recently gave him heartfelt commendation. I repeated that prayer every two hours later - even during my work at the Shinto temple. Zwinepe zwo vhekanywaho nga tshifhinga zwi sumbedzwaho nga luvhilo, zwo ita uri vha kone u ṱalela tshikukwana tshi tshi bva nga ngomu ha gumba, na luvha ḽi tshi khou vulea. By conduct reflecting "the quiet and mild spirit, which is of great value in the eyes of God, " a wife may do more to win her husband over to true worship than she would by being too forward in speaking about Christian beliefs. - 1 Pet. As soon as the music shown at the end of the time, it enabled them to watch one another's hair from the inside, and the boat is being opened. Ri zwi ḓivha hani uri miraḓo ya tshigwada tsha mukoma a i na mishumo i fanaho? What is the meaning of Jesus ' promise: "You will be with me in Paradise "? How do we know that members of the slave class have no similar roles? Kha ri haseledze dzenedzi mbudziso nga nthihi nga nthihi. What does the Bible tell us about angels? Let us consider these questions one at a time. Zwi katela zwi fhiraho u sokou vhala Bivhili nga nḓila yo ḓoweleaho. Not far from his hometown lay the territory of Benjamin. It involves more than simply reading the Bible in a regular way. Kha tshiṅwe tshiitea, Herode o ḓiambadza zwiambaro zwa "vhuhosi. " Job sees Sheol as a welcome relief. On one occasion, Herod was wearing "the very garments of the Lord. " Nga nṱhani ha u ḓiṱukufhadza na u fulufhedzea ha Yesu musi e kha ḽifhasi, Yehova Mudzimu o hulisa Murwa wawe nahone a mu ṋea maanḓa a u vhusa zwoṱhe zwi re ṱaḓulu na kha ḽifhasi. - Vha - Fil. Never let a day go by without talking to your heavenly Father. Because of Jesus ' humility and integrity while on earth, Jehovah God exalted his Son and empowered him to rule in heaven and on earth. - Phil. Maḓaka a tsireledza, u tikedza, na u ita uri vhathu vha wane maḓi o kunaho. Evildoers and all who are unrighteous will finally receive their "wages " and no more. He provides protection, support, and fresh water for humans. Bivhilini ri vhala nga ha phukha dza ḓaka, dzi ngaho phele na ndau dzine dza dzula nga mulalo na zwifuwo zwi ngaho ṋamana. Walk in it, you people. " - ISA. We read in the Bible about wild animals, such as wolves and lion who live in peace with such animals as calf. Hu na muhulwane we a mu khoḓa zwi tshi bva mbiluni. How Would You Answer? There was an elder who sincerely praised him. Nṱhani ha u amba nga ha lutendo lwawe tshifhinga tshoṱhe, mufumakadzi a nga thusa munna wawe uri a ṱanganedze ngoho musi a tshi sumbedza "u vuḓa na... vhulenda, zwine zwa vha zwa ndeme vhukuma phanḓa ha Mudzimu. " - 1 Pet. It is especially important to be on guard when we are confronted by circumstances that could tempt us to compromise Jehovah's moral standards. Rather than always speaking about her faith, a wife can help her husband to accept the truth when he shows "to be mild - tempered and mild..., which is of great value in God's eyes. " - 1 Pet. Zwe Yesu a zwi fulufhedzisa zwi amba mini: "U ḓo vha na nṋe Paradisoni "? One of the sons was Jonathan, the good friend and loyal supporter of David. What does Jesus ' promise mean: "You will be with me in Paradise "? Bivhili i ri vhudza mini nga ha vharuṅwa? The qualifying term "in proportion " indicates that qualities and abilities may vary not only in nature but also in extent. What does the Bible tell us about angels? Tsini na muḓihaya wa hawe ho vha hu na muḓi wa Benyamini. " Only this would suffice since only this was the true reflection of his personal character, both physical and moral, and the pride of his hometown. " Near her hometown was Benjamin. (Ndimana ya 13) Yobo o vhona vhiḓa sa tshithu tshine tsha ḓo fhelisa tshengelo yawe. Indeed, Jehovah has shown us that godly devotion brings genuine and lasting happiness. - 1 Timothy 4: 8. Job saw the grave as something to end his suffering. Ni songo tendela hu tshi fhira ḓuvha ni songo amba na Khotsi aṋu wa ṱaḓulu. A few years later, Jean told me that she had asked Jehovah's Witnesses to call on me because she knew I was interested in the Bible and went to church. Do not let the sun pass by without talking to your heavenly Father. " Mudzimu wa Ngoho na a Tshilaho Tshoṱhe ', 10 / 15 A Bible proverb says: "Better is it to dwell in a wilderness land than with a contentious wife along with vexation. " 10 / 1 Vhaitazwivhi na vhoṱhe vha songo lugaho vha ḓo fheleledza vho wana "mulifho " wavho nahone vha si tsha vha hone. 13, 14. (a) How can we demonstrate reasonableness in caring for our physical health? Both sinners and all unrighteous ones will eventually find "a refuge " for them and will no longer exist. " Nḓila ngeino; farani yenei! " - YES. This series of articles discusses the Bible's fascinating story of survival. " This is the way. Walk in it. " - ISA. Ni Ḓo Aravha Hani? Do I hide from others the amount of wine or liquor I consume? ' How Would You Answer? Ndi zwa ndeme vhukuma uri ri dzule ro tsha maṱoni musi ri tshi sedzana na vhuimo vhune ha nga ri linga uri ri si thetshelese milayo ya Yehova ya vhuḓifari. Indeed, the meaning behind "discipline " primarily relates to education, such as that involved in raising a beloved child. It is especially important that we keep our eyes fixed when we face situations that test us to disobey Jehovah's moral standards. Muṅwe wa vharwa vhawe o vha e Yonathani, khonani yavhuḓi na i fulufhedzeaho ye ya tikedza Davida. We were so proud of our son's trust in his Creator and his determination to please Him. One of his sons was Jonathan, a good and loyal friend who supported David. Mubulo une wa ri " hu eḓane ' u sumbedza uri pfaneleo na vhukoni a zwi fhambani nga nḓila ine zwa vha ngayo fhedzi, fhedzi zwi dovha zwa fhamba - fhambana na nga vhuhulwane hazwo. AROUND the earth, there is an organization made up of people who love Jehovah and want to serve him. The expression "make sure " indicates that various qualities and abilities are not limited to the way they are, but they also differ greatly from these. Ho vha hu tshi ṱoḓea u kunda samusi zwi zwone fhedzi zwe zwa vha zwi tshi ḓo sumbedza vhumuthu hawe, ṋamani na kha vhuḓifari, na tshirunzi tsha hune a bva hone. " • What are the benefits of belonging to Jehovah? Only as it would reflect his personality, physical and moral standards, dignity, and dignity. " (Mirero 27: 11) I ngoho, Yehova o ri sumbedza uri u ḓiṋekedzela khae zwi ḓisa dakalo ḽa vhukuma na ḽi sa fheli. - 1 Timotheo 4: 8. If you consult the Watch Tower Publications Index, you will likely find an experience of a fellow Christian who has had a trial similar to your own. Indeed, Jehovah has shown us that being dedicated to him brings true and lasting happiness. - 1 Timothy 4: 8. Nga murahu ha miṅwaha i si gathi, Jean o mmbudza uri o humbela Ṱhanzi dza Yehova uri dzi ḓe ngauri o vha a tshi ḓivha uri ndo vha ndi na dzangalelo kha Bivhili na u ya kerekeni. How can you counteract the negative propaganda so prevalent in this world? A few years later, Jean told me that he had asked Jehovah's Witnesses to come because he knew that I was interested in the Bible and to go to church. Murero wa Bivhili uri: "U dzula na musadzi wa tshikhuna na luswetho, khwine ndi u dzula ḓakanani. " But has God done anything to remedy the situation? A Bible proverb states: "It is best to dwell in a forest. " 13, 14. (a) Ri nga sumbedza hani u humbulela musi ri tshi ṱhogomela mutakalo washu wa ṋama? It can be full of venom, but it can also be "a tree of life. " 13, 14. (a) How can we show reasonableness when caring for our physical health? Mutevhe wa dzenedzi thero u haseledza mafhungo a takadzaho a Bivhili a nḓila ye a ponyoka ngayo. Most would answer no. This series of articles discusses interesting Bible accounts of how he survived. Naa ndi a dzumbela vhaṅwe nḓila ine nda nwa ngayo halwa? ' Leviathan may represent "the strong ones of Pharaoh. " Do I hide my drinking from others? ' 1: 2 - 7; 4: 11 - 13) Zwi re zwone ndi uri tshipikwa tshihulwane tsha u " laya ' ndi u gudisa, u fana na mubebi a tshi gudisa ṅwana nga nḓila yavhuḓi. How we long for that day! In fact, the primary goal of " discipline ' is to teach, as a parent teaches a child in a positive manner. Ro ḓirwa khana nga nḓila ye murwa washu a vha a tshi fulufhela ngayo kha Musiki na u ḓiimisela hawe u Mu takadza. Two years later, an American carrier hired me and doubled my pay. We were proud to have our son's confidence in the Creator and his willingness to please Him. ḼIFHASINI ḽoṱhe, hu na tshigwada tsha vhathu tshine tsha funa Yehova na u ṱoḓa u mu shumela. Yes, how you cultivate the soil of your heart makes a difference in the quality and quantity of the fruitage of the holy spirit in you. IN ALL the world, there is a group of people who love Jehovah and want to serve him. • Ndi mbuyelo dzifhio dza u vha vha Yehova? Moreover, the wealthy may exclaim: "Happy is the people for whom it is just like that! " • What benefits come from belonging to Jehovah? Arali na sedza kha Watch Tower Publications Index, ni nga kha ḓi wana mafhungo e a itea kha Mukriste nga inwi we a vhuya a sedzana na mulingo u fanaho na une na khou sedzana nawo. These were prepared to take the good news to others, at first to the Jews. If you look at the Watch Tower Publications Index, you may find information that happened to a fellow Christian who faced a similar trial. Ni nga lwisana hani na mafhungo a xedzaho o ḓalaho kha heḽi shango? Because under normal circumstances, people find happiness and satisfaction in doing so. How can you deal with misleading information that is prevalent in this world? Fhedzi naa hu na zwe Mudzimu a zwi ita u itela u lugisa vhuimo? humility? But has God done anything to repair the situation? U nga ḓala mulimo, fhedzi u nga dovha wa vha "muri wa vhutshilo. " This harlot fittingly stands for all false religion, foremost of which are the churches of Christendom. It can be filled with poison, but it can also be "a tree of life. " Vhanzhi vha nga fhindula nga uri hai. HISTORY: PURSUED VIOLENCE, DRUGS, AND A PRESTIGIOUS CAREER Many would answer no. Zwi Itaho Uri Vhutshilo Hashu Vhu Vhe Na Ndivho Ya Vhukuma (P. Did Jehovah violate his justice by extending mercy to David? Why Our Life Have Real Meaning (A. (Hesekiele 29: 3) Ḽigweṋa ḽi nga imela "vhathu vha maanḓa vha Farao. " One such episode was along a stretch of the Alaska Highway between Tok Junction, Alaska, and Mile 1202, or the Scotty Creek area. The mighty one can represent "the mighty ones of Pharaoh. " Ri ḓipfa u fana na Debora na Baraka vhe vha imba uri: "O lovha maswina au oṱhe, hee Yehova! 913 ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ We feel as did Deborah and Barak, who sang: "He has been cut off from all your enemies, O Jehovah. Nga murahu ha miṅwaha mivhili, nda tholiwa nga vha khamphani ya mabufho a Amerika nahone muholo wanga wa andiswa kavhili u fhira wa kha khamphani ya u thoma. By means of intimidation, they may get others to join them. Two years later, I was employed by an American insurance company, and my salary was more than the first company. (Mir. 10: 4) I ngoho, nḓila ine na ṱahulela ngayo mbilu yaṋu u fana na musi ni tshi ṱahulela mavu zwi shela mulenzhe kha zwiaṋwiwa zwa muya mukhethwa zwine na ḓo zwi sumbedza na nḓila ine zwa ḓo vhonala ngayo kha inwi. Says Marilou: "If we ended the contract, we would lose all we had paid so far - a significant amount. Indeed, how you cultivate your heart as you cultivate the soil contributes to the fruitage of the holy spirit that you will display and how it will be evident to you. Zwiṅwe hafhu, vhapfumi vha nga kha ḓi huwelela vha ri: "Vha a takala vhane zwa vha tshimbilela ngauralo. " We might even lament, "I'm sorry that all I can do is pray for you. " Moreover, the rich may cry out: "Happy are those who walk in it. " Zwenezwo zwo lugiselelwa u itela uri mafhungo maḓifha a ye kha vhaṅwe, vho thoma nga u gudisa Vhayuda. • What spiritual progress should precede baptism? This was prepared for the good news to go to others, first by teaching the Jews. Ndi nga nṱhani ha uri u ita zwenezwo zwi ita uri vhathu vha takale na u fushea. (Ps. 10, 11. Because doing so makes people happy and satisfied. u ḓiṱukufhadza? If we do not let aloofness or coldness on our part chill our contact with others, we will have good results. humility? Nga ho teaho, phombwe yeneyi i imela vhurereli hoṱhe ha mazwifhi, zwihulu - hulu kereke dza ḽa Vhudzhagane. " In the final part of the days, " that is, during these "last days, " true worship is being exalted above all false religion and obedient ones are streaming to it. Fittingly, this harlot represents all false religion, especially Christendom's churches. ZWE A VHA A TSHI ZWI ITA: O VHA A TSHI ITA VHUVEMU, U SHUMISA ZWIDZIDZIVHADZI NA U TOVHOLA BUḒO ḼA NṰHA 14, 15. (a) What does "the hour " of judgment include? HISTORY: BY THAT BY THAT BYIFA, AND BYICICICICIFE Naa Yehova o fhungudza khaṱulokwayo yawe nga u sumbedza Davida khathutshelo? Among other matters, he spoke of Brother Pierce's heavenly hope and read Jesus ' words: "In the house of my Father are many dwelling places.... Did Jehovah ignore his justice by extending mercy to David? Tshiṅwe tsha zwenezwo zwipiḓa zwihulwane tsho vha tshi tsha Nḓila Khulwane ya Alaska i re vhukati ha Mafhande a Tok, Alaska na Mile 1202, kana thungo ya Scotty Creek. Although some islanders initially seemed to reject the message preached by the Witnesses from the continent, it became obvious to the visitors that the Rapa Nui are naturally kind and friendly. One of those major parts was that of the North Way in the middle of the Those in the Near East, the North, the North, and the Rs, or the far off. 913 ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ 7, 8. 93 . . . . . . Vha nga ita na u shushedza vhaṅwe uri vha vha tikedze kha u ita zwenezwo. Without good spiritual care and leadership, people suffer. They can even intimidate others into support for this. Marilou o ri: "Arali ra sainulula yeneyo thendelano, ro vha ri tshi ḓo xelelwa nga tshelede ye ra i badela - ndi tshelede nnzhi vhukuma. Has anyone ever asked me to stop forwarding e - mails? ' " If we were to open the agreement, we would lose the money we had paid - a large amount of money! Ri nga kha ḓi ri khavho, "A thi nga koni u ni thusa nga tshithu, fhedzi zwine nda nga kona u zwi ita ndi u ni rabelela. " Now in his 80 ' s, John admits that at times he feels despondent. We might say, "I am unable to help you with something, but what I can do is to pray for you. " • Ndi mvelaphanḓa dzifhio dza muya dzine muthu a fanela u dzi ita musi a sa athu lovhedzwa? PEOPLE normally want to live a joyful life. • What spiritual progress must one make before baptism? 10, 11. Today, however, not many share a belief in an earthly paradise inhabited by the meek. 10, 11. Arali ri sa tendeli u ḓikukumusa kana u sa vha na lufuno zwi tshi kwama nḓila ine ra tshilisana ngayo na vhaṅwe, ri ḓo vha na mvelelo dzavhuḓi. After praying all night, Jesus gathered his disciples and from among them chose 12 apostles. If we do not allow pride or lack love to affect our dealings with others, we will have good results. (Yona 3: 10) "Nga maḓuvha a u ḓo ḓa, " ane a vha tshifhingani tsha enea " maḓuvha a vhufhelo, ' vhurabeli ha ngoho vhu khou takuswa u fhira vhurereli hoṱhe ha mazwifhi nahone vhathu vha thetshelesaho vha khou ḓa khaho nga vhunzhi. No. " In the final part of the days, " that is, during these "last days, " true worship is being turned before all false religion, and obedient mankind is coming in abundance. 14, 15. (a) "Tshikhathi " tsha tsengo tshi katela mini? Jesus also revealed what his Father is like by example. 14, 15. (a) What does "the judgment " involve? Nṱhani ha u amba nga ha zwiṅwe zwithu, o amba nga ha fulufhelo ḽa Wahashu Pierce ḽa u tshila ṱaḓulu nahone a vhala maipfi a Yesu ane a ri: "Nḓuni ya Khotsi anga hu na vhudzulo vhunzhi.... Each month, congregations forward these amounts to the office of Jehovah's Witnesses that serves their respective countries. Rather than talk about something, he spoke of Brother Pierce's hope of heavenly life and read Jesus ' words: "In the house of my Father there are many dwelling places.... Naho vhaṅwe vhadzulapo vha tshiṱangadzimeni vho hana mulaedza wo huwelelwaho nga Dziṱhanzi dzi bvaho Amerika Tshipembe, vhadali vho ṱhogomela uri Vharapa Nui vha na vhulenda na vhukonani. Jehovah has also purposed that 144,000 anointed Christians be taken from the earth and raised to heavenly life as Christ's joint heirs associated with him in administering earth's affairs. - Rev. Although some island residents rejected the message preached by Witnesses from South America, the delegates realized that they were mild - tempered and friendly. 7, 8. That is so much wiser than merely following the majority of youths who, as if in a stupor, march along with this world toward destruction. - 2 Cor. 7, 8. Arali vhathu vha sa rangwa phanḓa zwavhuḓi na u ṱhogomelwa nga lwa muya vha a tambula. Giving back to him shows that we love him and appreciate all that he has done in our behalf. If people are not guided properly and spiritually, they suffer. Naa hu na muthu we a vhuya a nkhumbela uri ndi litshe u mu fhirisela dzi e - mail? ' Step 6 - Meditate Have anyone ever asked me to stop forwarding e - mail? ' Zwino John u miṅwahani yawe ya vhu - 80, nahone u amba uri nga zwiṅwe zwifhinga u ḓipfa o kulea nungo. That applied, not to the literal soil, but to people. John is now in his 80 ' s, and he says that at times he feels discouraged. VHATHU vha ṱoḓa u tshila vho takala. He took the boxes back to his farm and hid them in the hayloft to await the couriers who would take the literature to the German side. PEOPLE want to live happily. Naho zwo ralo, ṋamusi a si vhanzhi vhane vha tenda kha paradiso ya kha ḽifhasi ine ya ḓo dzulwa nga vhathu vho vuḓaho. A mature Christian is sensitive to the conscience of others (See paragraphs 11, 12) Today, however, not many who believe in an earthly paradise will be inhabited by meek people. Nga murahu ha u rabela vhusiku hoṱhe, Yesu o kuvhanganya vhafunziwa vhawe nahone vhukati havho a khetha vhaapostola vha 12. For example, according to Professor Gamble, when Augustine on one occasion heard the voice of a child in a neighboring house saying: "Take and read, take and read, " Augustine took that to be a divine command to open the Bible and read the first text that he saw. After praying all night, Jesus gathered his disciples together, and among them he chose the 12 apostles. Hai. Any tree offering refuge from the sun's rays is welcome, especially when it grows near one's home. No. Yesu o dovha a sumbedza zwine Khotsi awe a vha zwone nga u vhea tsumbo. So must we if we are to continue to render whole - souled devotion to Jehovah. - Hebrews 11: 6, 15, 16. Jesus also demonstrated his Father's personality by setting an example. Ṅwedzi muṅwe na muṅwe, zwivhidzo zwi rumela tshelede yeneyi ofisini ya Ṱhanzi dza Yehova ine ya ṱhogomela mashango ane zwa vha khao. They were far different from the dishonest, thrill - seeking people with whom I had been associating. Each month, congregations forward these contributions to the office of Jehovah's Witnesses that serves their country. Ndivho ya Yehova yo vha i ya u ita uri Vhakriste vho ḓodzwaho vha 144 000 vha dzhiiwe kha ḽifhasi nahone vha vuselwe kha vhutshilo ha ṱaḓulu sa maḽaifa a Kristo u itela u vhusa ḽifhasi nae. - Ndzumb. The same local brother and his wife again came to the rescue and bought property that was more suitable for a Kingdom Hall. Jehovah purposed that 144,000 anointed Christians be viewed on earth and resurrected to heavenly life as joint heirs of Christ in ruling with him on earth. - Rev. Zwenezwo ndi vhuṱali vhukuma u fhirisa u sokou tevhela vhunzhi ha vhaswa vhane vha nga vho kambiwa, na vhane vha khou tshimbila kha ḽino shango ḽine ḽa khou ḓo lovha. - 2 Vhakor. (b) Who was the prophesied leader? That is far more wisdom than simply following the many young ones who may be drunk and who are walking in this dying world. - 2 Cor. U mu ṋea zwenezwo zwithu zwi sumbedza uri ri a mu funa nahone ri livhuwa zwoṱhe zwe a ri itela zwone. " I felt as though I had fallen off a cliff. Giving him such things shows that we love him and appreciate all that he has done for us. NḒILA YA VHURATHI - Elekanyani During that time, in the absence of contact with headquarters, brothers handled matters relative to neutrality to the best of their ability. Step 5 - Meditate (Yesaya 35: 10) Zwenezwo a zwi ambeli kha mavu, fhedzi kha vhathu. Without a doubt, the most satisfying friendships we can enjoy are with those who love Jehovah. That does not refer to the soil, but to humankind. O dzhia mabogisi eneo a a isa bulasini yawe nahone a a dzumba fhethu hune ha vhewa mahatsi u itela uri vhahwali vha dzhie khandiso dzenedzo vha dzi ise thungo ya Dzheremane. In fact, though, he did not. He took the boxes to his farm and hid the grass station in order to take them to Germany. Mukriste o vhibvaho u ṱhonifha mvalo dza vhaṅwe (Sedzani dziphara 11, 12) How far should we be willing to go to maintain peace with our brothers? A mature Christian respects the consciences of others (See paragraphs 11, 12) Sa tsumbo, u ya nga zwe zwa ambiwa nga Muphurofesa Gamble, Augustine o vhuya a pfa ipfi ḽa ṅwana kha muṅwe muḓi ḽi tshi ri: "Dzhia u vhale, dzhia u vhale. " Augustine o humbula uri zwenezwo zwo vha zwi tshi amba uri Mudzimu u khou mu vhudza uri a vule Bivhili a vhale ndimana ine a ḓo vula khayo. Charles Freeman confirmed: "The precedent had now been set that the emperor might intervene not only to strengthen the Church but to influence doctrine. " - Read James 4: 4. For example, according to one professor's statement, Augustine once heard a child's voice from another city say: "Take to read, count, " Augustine thought that this meant that God was telling him to open the Bible to his opening verse. Muri muṅwe na muṅwe une wa tsireledza kha masana a ḓuvha u a takalelwa, zwihuluhulu musi u tshi mela tsini na muḓi. They are proud, selfish, and competitive, and they do not care if their decisions hurt others. Any tree that protects from the sun's rays is appreciated, especially when it grows near the city. Ngauralo na riṋe ri fanela u vha na lutendo kha mafulufhedziso awe arali ri tshi ṱoḓa u bvela phanḓa ri tshi ḓikumedza tshoṱhe kha Yehova. - Vha - Heberu 11: 6, 15, 16. We receive the help of God's holy spirit. So we too must have faith in his promises if we want to continue giving Jehovah exclusive devotion. - Hebrews 11: 6, 15, 16. Vho vha vho fhambana vhukuma na vhathu vha sa fulufhedzei vhe nda vha ndi tshi konana navho. Greek philosopher Plutarch (c. 46 - 120 C.E.) wrote of those in the world below: "[They] raised a cry of wailing as they underwent fearful torments and ignominious and excruciating chastisements. " They were very different from the unfaithful people I associated with. Onoyo wahashu na musadzi wawe vha dovha vha ri thusa nahone ra renga tshitentsi tshe tsha vha tsho tea vhukuma Holo ya Muvhuso. As we meditate on their examples, it is good for us to remember how long they had to wait, why they were willing to wait, and what blessings resulted from their patience. Our brother and his wife also help us and buy property that was truly appropriate for the Kingdom Hall. (b) Ndi ufhio murangaphanḓa he ha porofitiwa nga hae? True, these shepherds are fallible humans, as was Peter. (b) What leader was prophesied about him? " Ndo pfa vhuṱungu vhukuma. It also engenders within us a measure of self - respect. " I felt terrible. Tshifhingani tshenetsho, musi vhathu vha sa koni u kwamana na ofisi ya davhi, vhahashu vho vha vha tshi dzudzanya mafhungo a u sa dzhia sia nga hune vha nga kona ngaho. The following article will examine further questions that may arise in connection with water baptism. During that time, when people were unable to contact the branch office, the brothers handled matters of neutrality as much as possible. A zwi timatimisi uri vhukonani vhune ha vhuyedza vhukuma ndi vhune ra vha naho na vhane vha funa Yehova. What helped the prophet Daniel to cultivate humility, and what can help us do the same? There is no doubt that the most rewarding friendship we have with those who love Jehovah. Fhedzi zwo vha zwi songo ralo. She threw herself into meaningful volunteer work. But that was not the case. Ri fanela u sumbedza hani u vha na mulalo na vhahashu? The burden of false teachings, superstitions, and human philosophies, to mention just a few. How should we display peace with our brothers? Charles Freeman o khwaṱhisedza uri: "Muvhusi o mbo ḓi thoma u vha na maanḓa a u ṱuṱuwedza Kereke na pfunzothendwa dza hone. " - Vhalani Yakobo 4: 4. From such a fixed point, we can make calculations and assign to the Flood a date based on the Gregorian calendar now in common use. " The church began to have the power to promote the Church and the doctrine of the church, " says Charles Christ. - Read James 4: 4. Vha a ḓikukumusa, vha na tseḓa, u ṱaṱisana nahone a vha na ndavha na uri phetho dzavho dzi kwama hani vhaṅwe. In fact, thus there will be richly supplied to you the entrance into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. " - 2 Pet. They are proud, selfish, competitive, and uncertain about how their decisions affect others. Ri wana thuso kha muya mukhethwa wa Mudzimu. How does Jehovah give us advice? We receive help from God's holy spirit. Muḓivhi wa pfunzo dza maṱali wa Mugerika ane a pfi Plutarch (c. 46 - 120 C.E.) o ṅwala nga ha vhathu vho faho u ri: "Vho ongolela musi vha tshi tambudzwa nga nḓila i ofhisaho na i vhavhaho vhukuma. " (Read 1 Peter 2: 19, 20.) Greek philosopher Plinye (c. 46: 46 - 120 C.E.) wrote about dead people: "They took great care of their suffering in a fear - inspiring and painful manner. " Musi ri tshi elekanya nga ha tsumbo dzavho, ndi zwavhuḓi uri ri humbule nḓila ye vha lindela ngayo lwa tshifhinga tshilapfu, zwo itaho uri vha ḓiimisele u lindela na phaṱutshedzo dze vha dzi wana nga u sa fhela havho mbilu. Roman soldiers broke the legs of the two criminals to hasten their deaths. When we meditate on their examples, we do well to reflect on how they had been waiting for a long time, making it possible for them to wait for the blessings they received from their patience. Vhukuma, vhenevha vhalisa ndi vhathu vhane vha a khakha, samusi na Petro o vha a tshi ita nga u ralo. " Happy are the pure in heart, since they will see God. " Of course, these shepherds are individuals who make mistakes, as Peter did. U dovha wa ita uri ri ḓiṱhonifhe. How different their condition is from that of Jehovah's servants! It also makes us self - respect. Thero i tevhelaho i ḓo ṱolisisa dziṅwe mbudziso dzine dza nga vha hone malugana na ndovhedzo ya maḓini. " I didn't know how I was going to come up with the money. The following article will consider some questions about water baptism. Ndi mini zwo thusaho muporofita Daniele u ṱahulela u ḓiṱukufhadza, nahone ndi mini zwine zwa nga ri thusa u ita zwi fanaho? But, besides all these things, clothe yourselves with love, for it is a perfect bond of union. " - Colossians 3: 9 - 14. What helped the prophet Daniel to cultivate humility, and what can help us to do the same? O dzula o farakanea nga u ita mushumo wa u ḓifunela. It is time to listen quietly to the beautiful music of the Watchtower orchestra and, most important, prepare our mind and heart for the talks that will follow. He kept busy doing volunteer work. Ri tshi tou bula tsumbo dzi si gathi fhedzi, ndi pfunzo dza mazwifhi, u tenda zwi siho, na pfunzo dza vhathu dza maṱali. How grateful we are to be free from the morbid fear of the dead that is so common among those in spiritual darkness! Using just a few examples, only false teachings, beliefs, and philosophies are false teachings. Kha dzenedzo mbuno, ri nga kona u vhalela nahone ra kona u wana ḓuvha ḽo livhaho ḽe Maḓi Mahulu a vha hone ngaḽo kha khalenda dzo ḓoweleaho ṋamusi. 32: 1, 2. In these points, we can read and find the exact day when the Flood was held on popular calendar today. Ngauri ndi hone ni tshi ḓo pfumiswa nga u ṋewa vhudzheno muvhusoni wa lini na lini wa Muṋe washu, Mutshidzi washu Yesu Kristo. " - 2 Pet. He had to leave behind his previous employment, the comforts of home, and the freedom to travel - until the death of the high priest. For it will be given you in the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. " - 2 Pet. 32: 8) Yehova u ri ṋea hani nyeletshedzo? It became a province of Chile on September 9, 1888. How does Jehovah provide us with counsel? (Vhalani 1 Petro 2: 19, 20.) The Bible itself is a rich source of evidence about the Creator. (Read 1 Peter 2: 19, 20.) Maswole a Vharoma o vunḓa milenzhe ya mavemu mavhili u itela uri a fe nga u ṱavhanya. He said: "Happy are you when people reproach you and persecute you and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against you for my sake. The Roman soldiers broke the legs of two criminals so that they could die quickly. " Vha a takala vha mbilu dzo ṱambaho, ngauri vhane vha ḓo vhona Mudzimu ndi vhenevho. " In any event, his military chief, Joab, knew that David's decision to register the people was wrong, and he tried to dissuade David from doing it. " Happy are the pure in heart, since they will see God. " Vhuimo havho ho fhambana lungafhani na ha vhashumeli vha Yehova! If our marriage is threatened, let us pray intensely, scrutinize our motives honestly, consider the Scriptures carefully, and seek the spiritual assistance of the elders. How different their situation is from that of Jehovah's servants! Ndo vha ndi sa ḓivhi hune nda ḓo wana hone yeneyo tshelede. Indeed you can! I did not know where I would earn the money. Tshihulwane kha izwo zwoṱhe ambarani lufuno, ndi yone mbofho i putelaho zwo khunyelelaho. " - Vha - Kolosa 3: 9 - 14. What is a disciple? But, besides all these things, clothe yourselves with love, for it is a perfect bond of union. " - Colossians 3: 9 - 14. Vhathetshelesi vho vha vha tshi zwi ḓivha uri ndi tshifhinga tsha u dzula fhasi. We will simply be thankful to be living in the new world. - Nehemiah 8: 10. The audience knew that it was time to sit down. Ri a livhuha lungafhani uri ro vhofhololwa kha u ofha vhafu lu songo teaho zwine zwa vha zwithu zwo ḓoweleaho vhukuma kha vhane vha vha swiswini ḽa muya! His conscience may not have bothered him at the time. How grateful we are that we are set free from the fear of the unjust dead - what is normal for those who are in spiritual darkness! Nga thabelo ya tshiphirini, ri ḓiṋekedza kha Yehova ri tshi ana uri ri ḓo ita zwine a funa vhutshiloni hashu hoṱhe. " Let them bless your glorious name. " - NEH. Through private prayer, we make a vow to Jehovah that we will do his will for the rest of our life. 32: 1, 2. He said that God's spirit would teach and guide his disciples. - John 14: 16, 26; 16: 13. 32: 1, 2. O vha a tshi fanela u litsha mushumo wawe wa u ḓitshidza, haya hawe na mbofholowo ya u tshimbila - tshimbila - u swika tshifhe muhulu a tshi lovha. * (Num. Regarding the Lord's Evening Meal, Paul said: "As often as you eat this loaf and drink this cup, you keep proclaiming the death of the Lord, until he arrives. " He had to quit his secular work, his home, and his freedom to walk - until the high priest died. Henefho fhethu ho vha vunḓu ḽa Chile nga ḽa 9 September, 1888. Yes, you disowned that holy and righteous one. " - Acts 3: 13, 14. That region was the province of Chile on September 9, Those in the province of Chile Bivhili ndi tshisima tshi re na vhuṱanzi vhunzhi ha uri hu na Musiki. In fact, the Bible urges genuine Christians: "Do not forget kindness to strangers. " The Bible is a source of abundant evidence that there is a Creator. O ri: "Mashudu, vho - inwi, arali vhathu vha tshi ni sema nge na vha vhangá, vha tshi ni vhénga, vha tshi ni pomoka vhuvhi hoṱhe hú u zwifha. Baruch was a fine support for Jeremiah, but on one occasion he too lost spiritual focus. He said: "Happy are you when people reproach you and persecute you and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against you for my sake. Ngauralo, Yoaba, mulangammbi wawe, o vha a tshi zwi ḓivha uri phetho ya Davida ya u vhala vhathu yo vha yo khakhea, nahone o lingedza u thivhela Davida uri a si zwi ite. 18, 19. (a) On what aspect of the good news did Paul focus in Romans? So Joab, his military commander, knew that David's decision to read the people was wrong, and he tried to prevent David from doing so. Arali mbingano yashu i khomboni, ri fanela u rabela zwi tshi bva mbiluni, ri ṱolisise zwiṱuṱuwedzi zwashu nga u fulufhedzea, ri ṱolisise Maṅwalo nga vhuronwane nahone ri ṱoḓe thuso ya lwa muya ya vhahulwane. Why strive to lead a so - called normal life in a system that is soon to end? If our marriage is at stake, we need to pray earnestly, examine our motives honestly, examine the Scriptures carefully, and seek the spiritual help of the elders. 1: 27, 28; Ndzumb. Who should get the credit for such increase in the face of opposition from Satan and his corrupt world? 1: 27, 28; Rev. Mufunziwa ndi mini? If we allow our sense of urgency to fade, we may be unprepared to fend off attacks that come our way and may be caught unawares when Jehovah's day finally arrives. What is the disciple? Ri ḓo livhuha uri ri khou dzula shangoni ḽiswa. - Nehemia 8: 10. Until then, I will continue to fight. " We will be grateful that we are living in the new world. - Nehemiah 8: 10. Luvalo lwawe lu nga vha lu songo mu rwa nga tshenetsho tshifhinga. Raising children is hard work, but the rewards are priceless His conscience may not have beat him at that time. " Nga hu rendwe dzina ḽa vhurena hau. " - NEH. Truly, Jehovah is a Father without equal. " Let your name be blessed. " - REV. O amba uri muya wa Mudzimu wo vha u tshi ḓo funza na u livhisa vhafunziwa vhawe. - Yohane 14: 16, 26; 16: 13. One of my uncles, who was a prominent member of the government, constantly criticized me for my decision to associate with the Witnesses. He said that God's spirit would teach and guide his disciples. - John 14: 16, 26; 16: 13. Malugana na Tshilalelo tsha Murena, Paulo o ri: "Misi yoṱhe arali ni tshi ḽa itshi tshinnkwa, ni tshi nwa itshi tshinwelo, ni ṱanziela lufu lwa Murena; a tshi ḓa a wane ní tsha ḓi ralo. " We can be considered holy before God if we worship him in a clean spiritual state and have a close relationship with him. Regarding the Lord's Evening Meal, Paul said: "As often as you eat this loaf and drink this cup, you keep proclaiming the death of the Lord, until he arrives. " Hone inwi na laṱa ene muthu mukhethwa, o lugaho. " - Mish. 3: 13, 14. * Concerning this love, Professor William Barclay in his New Testament Words says: "Agapē has to do with the mind: it is not simply an emotion which rises unbidden in our hearts; it is a principle by which we deliberately live. But you also reject the holy man, who is upright. " - Acts 3: 13, 14. Zwi re zwone ndi uri, Bivhili i ṱuṱuwedza Vhakriste vha vhukuma uri vha "songo hangwa u ṱanganedza vhaeni. " Why was it wrong to assert that observance of the Mosaic Law was necessary for salvation? In fact, the Bible urges genuine Christians not to " Remember hospitality. ' Baruki o vha e muthusi wavhuḓi wa Yeremia, fhedzi na ene nga muṅwe musi a kundelwa u dzhia zwithu nga iṱo ḽa muya. If Joseph had witnessed Jesus ' agony on the torture stake, did that awful scene move him to examine his conscience and finally decide that he ought to take a stand for truth? Baruch was a good helper to Jeremiah, but he too when he failed to view things spiritual matters. 18, 19. (a) Kha bugu ya Vharoma, Paulo o bvisela khagala sia ḽifhio ḽa mafhungo maḓifha? Does one blade of grass have reason to be proud just because it is a little longer than other blades of grass? 18, 19. (a) In the book of Romans, what aspect of the good news did Paul highlight? Ndi ngani ri tshi lwela u tshila nga nḓila ine vhathu vhanzhi vha i dzhia sa yo ḓowelelaho, ngeno ri tshi zwi ḓivha uri ḽino shango ḽi ḓo fhela hu si kale? How grateful they are for his blessing! Why do we strive to live in a way that many people view as normal, while we know that this world will soon end? Ndi nnyi ane a fanela u rendwa kha yeneyo nyengedzeo ye ya vha hone hu sa londwi u tovholwa hu bvaho kha Sathane na shango ḽawe ḽo tshinyalaho? You have likely seen it in your own neighborhood. Who should be praised for such growth despite persecution from Satan and his corrupt world? Arali ra litsha u vha na muya wa u ṱavhanyisa zwithu, ri nga si lugele u ḓilwela musi ri tshi vutshelwa nahone ri nga waniwa ri songo ḓilugiselela musi ḓuvha ḽa Yehova ḽi tshi swika. On that occasion, the nation of Israel chose to obey. If we give up our sense of urgency, we will not prepare for ourselves when we are attacked and we are not prepared when Jehovah's day comes. Ndi ḓo bvela phanḓa ndi tshi lwa na milingo yeneyi u swika zwenezwo. " Like many other deaf brothers and sisters from my generation, I have learned to be patient. I will continue to resist these temptations until then. " U alusa vhana ndi mushumo u konḓaho vhukuma, fhedzi malamba a hone ndi a ndeme vhukuma His name was Jim Gardner. Raising children is hard work, but the rewards are priceless I ngoho, Yehova ndi Khotsi ane a vha fhira vhoṱhe. When married, she showed deep respect for her husband, King Ahasuerus, unlike the king's former wife, Vashti. Yes, Jehovah is the best Father imaginable. Malume anga, vhane vha vha muraḓo wa ndeme muvhusoni, vho vha vha tshi dzulela u sasaladza phetho yanga ya u ṱanganela na Dziṱhanzi. In fact, all Christians must be on guard against idolatry and the infiltration of sexual immorality into the congregation. - Jude 3, 4. My aunt, who is a prominent member of the government, often criticized my decision to associate with the Witnesses. Ri nga dzhiiwa ri vhakhethwa phanḓa ha Mudzimu arali ri tshi mu gwadamela nga maitele o kunaho a muya na u vha na vhushaka ha tsini - tsini nae. Let us consider three ways. We can be considered holy in God's eyes if we worship him in pure spiritual principles and have a close relationship with him. * Malugana na lufuno lwonolwu, Muphurofesa William Barclay kha bugu yawe ine ya pfi New Testament Words u ri: "Lufuno lwa Agapē lu tshimbidzana na muhumbulo: a zwi sokou vha maḓipfele ane a sokou vha hone mbiluni dzashu; ndi maitele ane ra ḓiimisela u tshila ngao. 6, 7. (a) What happened to Paul and the other travelers near Bithynia? * Regarding this love, Professor William Such as his book New Testament Words says: "The love of the Eer is not just a feeling that merely exists in our hearts; it is a principle that we are willing to live by. Ndi ngani zwo vha zwo khakhea u farelela kha ḽa uri zwi a ṱoḓea u tevhedza Mulayo wa Mushe u itela u tshidzwa? 30: 21. Why was it wrong to hold on to the fact that it was necessary to observe the Mosaic Law for salvation? Arali Yosefa o vhona vhuṱungu he Yesu a vhu pfa musi e kha danda ḽa tshengedzo, naa zwenezwo zwithu zwo mu sudzulusela uri a ḓiṱolisise na u dzhia phetho ya u imela ngoho? What can we do to display an upbuilding spirit in the congregation? Had Joseph seen Jesus ' pain on a torture stake moved him to examine himself and decide to defend the truth? (Yesaya 40: 6, 7, 22) Naa ṱari ḽithihi ḽa hatsi ḽi na tshiitisi tsha u ḓikukumusa nga ṅwambo wa uri ḽo lapfanyana u fhira maṅwe maṱari a hatsi? For a detailed discussion of the sign of the last days, see chapter 9, "Are We Living in the " Last Days '? " in the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Does the single leaf of grass have reason to be proud, for it is longer than any other leaves of grass? Vha livhuha vhukuma nge vha wana dzenedzi phaṱhutshedzo! 2: 14 - 17 - Did Esther have immoral sexual relations with the king? How grateful they are for receiving these blessings! Zwi vhonala uri no no zwi vhona kha vhahura vhaṋu. In a similar way, we might have something good to say to someone. You likely saw it among your neighbors. (Ekisodo 20: 1, 3) Nga tshenetsho tshifhinga, lushaka lwa Isiraele lwo nanga u thetshelesa. [ Pictures on page 5] At that time, the nation of Israel chose to obey. U fana na vhahashu vhanzhi vho dzingaho nḓevhe u bva kha murafho wanga, ndo guda u sa fhela mbilu. Do Not Forget Jehovah Like many deaf brothers from my generation, I have learned to be patient. O vha a tshi pfi Jim Gardner. By showing appreciation for any help offered, we contribute to a spirit of cooperation and mutual understanding. She was Jim Garner. (Esitere 2: 13, 15) Musi a tshi vhingwa, o ṱhonifha munna wawe nga ho dzikaho, Khosi Ahasiverosi, o vha a sa fani na Vasithi, musadzi wa khosi wa u thoma. What does it mean to be impartial? When she married, she had deep respect for her husband, King Ahasuerus, was different from the wife of the first king. (Numeri 22: 1 - 25: 15; 2 Petro 2: 15, 16; Yuda 11) Zwi re zwone ndi uri Vhakriste vhoṱhe vha fanela u ḓilinda kha u gwadamela midzimu i sili na u ḓifara luvhi ha u ṱangana nga dzimbeu tshivhidzoni. - Yuda 3, 4. This publication is not for sale. In fact, all Christians must guard against idolatry and sexual immorality within the congregation. - Jude 3, 4. Kha ri ṱolisise nḓila tharu. They desired an institution that could overcome religious distinctions, promote patriotism, and unite the world under its "savior. " Let us consider three ways. 6, 7. (a) Ho itea mini kha Paulo na khonani dzawe musi vhe tsini na Bithinia? Some Christians may occasionally go through periods of self - doubt and of a reassessment of their values and goals. 6, 7. (a) What happened to Paul and his companions when they were near Bithynia? 30: 21. During some periods, in the Promised Land, they were the only means of maintaining the vital water supply. 30: 21. Ndi mini zwine ra nga zwi ita u itela u fhaṱa vhaṅwe tshivhidzoni? More often, it is a cry for help from those who feel that no one is listening. " What can we do to build others in the congregation? U itela u wana mafhungo o engedzeaho nga ha zwiga zwa maḓuvhani a vhufhelo, sedzani tshiṱoho tshine tsha ri, "Naa Ri Khou Tshila " Maḓuvhani a Vhufhelo '? " kha ndima 9 ya bugu Bivhili I Funza Mini Zwa Vhukuma? Then, she used her lunchtime break to seek them out individually for a spiritual conversation. For more information on the sign of the last days, see the article "Are We Living in " the Last Days '? " in chapter 9 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? 2: 14 - 17 - Naa Esitere o ita zwa vhuaḓa ha u ṱangana nga dzimbeu na khosi? While still faithful, Solomon was a wise ruler, and under his kingship Israel enjoyed peace. 2: 14 - 17 - Did Esther commit sexual immorality with the king? Nga nḓila i fanaho, ri nga vha na zwithu zwavhuḓi zwine ra nga zwi vhudza muṅwe. Of course, the elders " hold firmly to the faithful word so that they may be able to exhort by teaching that is healthful. ' - Titus 1: 5 - 9. In a similar way, we can have good things to tell someone. [ Zwifanyiso kha siaṱari 5] When Saul got to see the camp of the Philistines, "his heart began to tremble very much. " [ Pictures on page 5] Ni Songo Hangwa Yehova But for now, the opportunity to help others to survive Armageddon is unique to our time. Do Not Forget Jehovah Nga u livhuha thuso naho i ifhio ine ra nga i wana, ri shela mulenzhe kha muya wa u shumisana na wa u pfesesana. What were those buildings like? By grateful for any help we can receive, we contribute to the spirit of cooperation and understanding. Zwi amba mini u sa vha na tshiṱalula? Even at that low point in universal history when God's truthfulness was being called into question, Jehovah did not see the need to confirm with an oath that his purpose would still come true. What does it mean to be impartial? Heyi khandiso a i rengiswi. She married a man named Salmon. This publication is not for sale. Vho vha vha tshi ṱoḓa uri hu vhe na dzangano ḽe ḽa vha ḽi tshi nga fhelisa phambano dza vhurereli, u ṱuṱuwedza u lwela shango, na u ita uri shango ḽi vhe na vhuthihi nga fhasi ha "mutshidzi " waḽo. The simplified edition was first made available in the English language in July 2011. They wanted to establish a religious organization that could break free from religious differences, encourage for the sake of the world, and unite the world under its " world. ' Vhaṅwe Vhakriste vha nga kha ḓi timatima nga zwiṅwe zwifhinga nahone vha dovha vha pfa vha tshi fanela u shandula maitele avho na zwipikwa zwavho. Many of those extremists followed the ideas of Judas the Galilean. Some Christians may have doubts at times and may feel that they have to change their methods and goals. Nga zwiṅwe zwifhinga, ngei Shangoni ḽo Fulufhedziswaho, zwo vha zwi zwone zwa ndeme kha u vhulunga maḓi. Later that day, Peter gave a masterful discourse to a group of Jews and proselytes. At times, in the Promised Land, it was essential to preserving water. Kanzhi hu vha na zwililo zwa u ṱoḓa thuso kha vhane vha pfa uri a huna na muthihi ane a vha thetshelesa. " Acts 17: 30 assures us: "God has overlooked the times of such ignorance. " There is often a cry for help to those who hear that no one else listens to them. " Nga murahu ha zwenezwo, o shumisa tshifhinga tshawe tsha u awela u itela u haseledza navho nga muthihi nga muthihi nga zwithu zwa lwa muya. For a discussion of how to help children deal with the death of a loved one, see the article "Help Your Child Cope With Grief, " on pages 18 to 20 of this magazine. After that, he used his rest time to discuss spiritual matters with them. 37: 24, 25) Musi a tshi kha ḓi fulufhedzea, Salomo o vha e muvhusi o ṱalifhaho, nahone nga fhasi ha vhuvhusi hawe, Isiraele ḽo ḓiphina nga mulalo. (1 Dzikh. Describe Jehovah's comforting attitude toward Abraham. While faithful, Solomon was a wise ruler, and under his rule, Israel enjoyed peace. I ngoho, vhahulwane vha " faresa fhungo ḽi fulufhedzeaho nga kufunzelwe kwaḽo, u itela u kwengweledza vhaṅwe kha pfunzo i sá lwaliho yo takalaho. ' - Tito 1: 5 - 9. Think of all the exciting work we will do in the future! Indeed, the elders " hold fast to the faithful word with which it is in order to comfort others with teaching that is healthful. ' - Titus 1: 5 - 9. Musi Saulo a tshi vhona mmbi dza Vhafilisita, "mbilu yawe y [o] tshenuwa zwihulu. " If, now, that right eye of yours is making you stumble, tear it out and throw it away from you. " When Saul saw the Philistine army, "his heart became troubled. " Fhedzi tshibuli tshine ra vha natsho zwino tsha u thusa vhathu uri vha ponyoke Haramagedo, tshi nga si tsha dovha tsha vha hone. Why did Jesus say that? But the present opportunity to help people survive Armageddon will no longer exist. Zwenezwo zwifhaṱo zwo vha zwi hani? If we trust in Jehovah with all our heart, we will enjoy life now and will be able to keep on walking forever in the righteous ways of the loving Provider of holy spirit. - Psalm 128: 1; Proverbs 3: 5, 6. How were such buildings? (Gen. 3: 1 - 6) Naho Sathane o vha a tshi khou pomoka Mudzimu mazwifhi, Yehova ho ngo vhona zwo tea uri a ite muano u itela u khwaṱhisedza uri ndivho dzawe dzi ḓo ḓadzea. Do not set it on an unstable base, such as a staging platform or on top of buckets and boxes. Although Satan was falsely accused of God, Jehovah did not feel justified in taking sworn oath to ensure that his purposes would come true. A vhingwa nga munna ane a pfi Salama. The "offspring " are the" other sheep " - the millions who respond to their message. - John 10: 16. She married a man named Those who had been married. Tshiingamo tsho leludzwaho tsho thoma u wanala nga Luisimane nga July 2011. 5: 11, 12. The simplified Watchtower was first available in July 2011. Vhunzhi ha vhenevho vhathu vho vha vha tshi tikedza Yudasi wa Mugalilea. If there were no large natural satellite to stabilize our planet's axial tilt, temperatures would soar and would likely make life on earth impossible. Many of these were supporting Judas of the Chaldeans. Nga vhuya nga ḽeneḽo ḓuvha, Petro o ṋea nyambo i takadzaho kha tshigwada tsha Vhayuda na dziṱhunḓu. It awakens mixed emotions of horror, grief, and anger. On that day, Peter gave a stirring talk to a group of Jews and proselytes. Mishumo 17: 30 i ri khwaṱhisedza uri: "Mudzimu o litsha u humbula zwithu zwe vhathu vha ita musi vha sa athu ḓivha. " Is that sad news? Acts 17: 30 assures us: "God did not hold back from remembering things that people had done before they came to know. " U itela khaseledzo ya uri ni nga thusa hani vhana u sedzana na lufu lwa ane vha mu funa, sedzani tshiṱoho tshine tsha ri "Thusani Ṅwana Waṋu U Konḓelela Vhuṱungu, " tshine tsha vha kha masiaṱari 18 u swika 20 a wonoyu magazini. Learning From Children, 2 / 1 For a discussion of how you can help children to cope with the death of their loved one, see the article "Your Child Endurance, " on pages 18 to 20 of this magazine. Ṱalusani nḓila ye Yehova a khuthadza ngayo Abrahamu. For years, our publications have said that Jesus ' words about the resurrection and getting married likely refer to the earthly resurrection and that those resurrected to life in the new world will evidently not marry. Describe how Jehovah comforted Abraham. Humbulani nga ha zwithu zwavhuḓi zwine ra ḓo zwi ita tshifhingani tshi ḓaho! How should we respond to Christ's ransom sacrifice? Think of the wonderful things we will do in the future! Ndi zwone, arali iṱo ḽau ḽa thungo ya tshanḓa tsha u ḽa ḽi tshi U khakhisa, ḽi nongole U ḽi laṱe kule. " Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 1, page 1223; Volume 2, page 387; "All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial, " pages 343 - 344; What Does the Bible Really Teach? Therefore, if your right eye is making you stumble, tear it out and throw it away from you. " Ndi ngani Yesu o amba nga u ralo? The "Gospel of Thomas, " the" Gospel of Philip, " and the "Gospel of Truth, " found in the" Nag Hammadi Library, " present various mystic Gnostic ideas as if coming from Jesus. Why did Jesus say that? Arali ri tshi fulufhela Yehova nga mbilu yashu yoṱhe, ri ḓo ḓiphina nga vhutshilo zwino nahone ri ḓo kona u bvela phanḓa ri tshi tshimbila nga hu sa fheli nḓilani dzo lugaho dza Muṋei wa muyamukhethwa wa lufuno. - Psalme ya 128: 1; Mirero 3: 5, 6. So said the apostle Paul, adding that Jehovah can " fill us with all joy and peace by our believing, that we may abound in hope with power of holy spirit. ' If we trust in Jehovah with all our heart, we will enjoy life now and will be able to continue walking forever on the upright ways of the loving - Giver. - Psalm 128: 1; Proverbs 3: 5, 6. Ni songo tshi vhea kha tshithu tshine tsha sudzuluwa, tshi ngaho tshikhafula kana nṱha ha mabakete na mabogisi. You too can meditate on these things. Do not put anything to move, such as a ponon or a box or a box. " Vhana " ndi vha "dziṅwe nngu " - vha dzimilioni vhane vha aravha mulaedza wavho. - Yohane 10: 16. Let "the Peace of God " Guard Your Heart The "other sheep " - millions who respond to their message. - John 10: 16. 5: 11, 12. Many of the elderly make a point of not being overly demanding. 5: 11, 12. Arali ho vha hu si na ṅwedzi wa mupo wa u tikedza vhutshilo kha u mona ha pulanete yashu, thempheratsha yo vha i tshi ḓo gonya nahone zwi vhonala uri zwo vha zwi tshi ḓo ita uri zwi konḓe u tshila kha ḽifhasi. Three of these were regarding where to raise the boy. If there was no natural moon to support life in theall of our planet, our planet would climb and it would likely have made it difficult for us to live on earth. Ḽi ita uri vha hanganee nga u tshuwa, u pfa vhuṱungu na u sinyuwa. " By faith they passed through the Red Sea as on dry land, " the Bible says, "but when the Egyptians attempted it, they were swallowed up. " It fills them with fear, bitterness, and anger. Naa eneo ndi mafhungo a si avhuḓi? How will Jehovah arrange matters for those who were married when they died? Is that bad news? Funzani Zwine Bivhili ya Funza Zwone zwa Vhukuma, 2 / 1 How can we continue to show our appreciation for the hope that is set before us? 2 / 15 Lwa miṅwaha minzhi, khandiso dzashu dzo amba uri maipfi a Yesu nga ha mvuwo na u vhinga kana u vhingwa, a nga vha a tshi ambela kha mvuwo ya kha ḽifhasi na uri vhane vha vuselwa shangoni ḽiswa zwi vhonala uri a vha nga vhingi kana u vhingwa. As God's ministers, therefore, we understand that our getting dressed is not just a matter of putting on something comfortable that we like. For many years, our publications said that Jesus ' words about the resurrection and marriage might refer to the earthly resurrection and that those who are resurrected in the new world seem to marry. Ri fanela u ḓipfa hani nga tshiṱhavhelo tsha Kristo tshi rengululaho? Certain things have changed in the way conventions are organized. How should we feel about Christ's ransom sacrifice? Insight on the Scriptures, Volumu 1, siaṱari 1223; Volumu 2, siaṱari 387; "All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial, " masiaṱari 343 - 344; Naa Bivhili I Funza Mini Zwa vhukuma? They travel with members of the Governing Body to special and international conventions. Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 1, page 12; Volume 2, page 389; "All Scripture Is Inspired of God and himself, " pages 343 - 34; What Does the Bible Really Teach? " Evangeli ya Thomas, " "Evangeli ya Filipi " na" Evangeli ya Mafhungo - ngoho, " dzine dza wanala ngei "Laiburari ya Nag Hammadi, " dzi sumbedza pfunzo dza maṱali dza tshigwada tsha Gnosticism sa dzine dza bva kha Yesu. Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania The "Gospel of Thomas, "" the Gospel of Philippi, " and "the Gospel of the truth, " found in "the Library of the Old Testament, " depicts the philosophy of the Mosaic body as those coming from Jesus. Zwenezwo zwo ambiwa nga muapostola Paulo, nahone a dovha a amba uri Yehova a nga ri " ḓadza dakalo ḽoṱhe na vhuawelo hoṱhe, arali ro tenda; uri ri simese u vha na fulufhelo nga maanḓa a muya mukhethwa. ' When it is completed, the "four angels " holding back the winds of destruction of" the great tribulation " will be authorized to release them. That is what the apostle Paul said, and he also said that Jehovah can " fill us with all joy and rest, if we have faith; that we may abound in confidence in the power of the holy spirit. ' Na inwi ni nga elekanya nga ha zwenezwi zwithu. And he was right. You too can meditate on these things. Tendelani "Mulalo Wa Mudzimu " U Tshi Linda Mbilu Yaṋu Jehovah God will surely bless such a fine and unselfish spirit - and his blessing indeed makes a person rich. - Prov. Let "the Peace of God " Safeguard Your Heart 3: 1, 4) Vhunzhi ha vhalala vha ita vhuḓidini ha uri vha si lavhelele u itelwa zwithu zwinzhi - zwinzhi. Blessed for their faith, the boys even had the privilege of fulfilling prophecy. - Psalm 8: 2. Many older ones work hard not to expect more of themselves. Vhuṅwe ha vhulivhisi vhuraru ho vha hu ha malugana na fhethu hune mutakana a ḓo aluswa hone. Make it a matter of prayer. One of the third guidelines was about the place where Ema would be raised. Bivhili i ri: "Nga lutendo vho pfuka Lwanzhe Lutswuku zwa tou nga vha khou kanda shango ḽo omaho, fhedzi musi Vhaegipita vha tshi lingedza u pfuka, vho mbo ḓi kumbiwa. " (Read Psalm 102: 17.) The Bible says: "By faith they passed through the Red Sea as though they had crossed the dry land, but when the Egyptians tried to cross it, they fell away. " Yehova u ḓo dzudzanya hani mafhungo kha havho vhe vha vha vho vhingana musi vha tshi fa? • What promises did Jesus give the Philadelphia congregation, and how do they apply today? How will Jehovah settle matters for those who were married at death? Ri nga bvela hani phanḓa ri tshi sumbedza u livhuha hashu fulufhelo ḽe ḽa vhewa phanḓa hashu? This means preparing several answers, since the more often you raise your hand, the greater the likelihood that the brother presiding will call on you. How can we continue to show our appreciation for the hope set before us? (1 Sam. 16: 7) Nga zwenezwo, samusi ri vhaḓinḓa vha Mudzimu, kha riṋe u ambara a si mafhungo a u sokou dzhia tshiambaro tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe tshine ra tshi funa ra tshi ambara. (Read Luke 14: 12 - 14.) Hence, as God's ministers, he is not just a matter of taking any garment that we want to wear. Hu na zwithu zwinzhi zwo shandukaho malugana na nḓila ine mabuthano a dzudzanywa ngayo. Consider: Our original parents, Adam and Eve, were placed in a paradise garden. There are many things that have changed with regard to the preparation of conventions. Vha tshimbila na miraḓo ya Tshigwada tshi Langaho musi vha tshi ya mabuthanoni o khetheaho na a tshaka dzoṱhe. Jehovah was confident that Jesus would successfully fulfill his assignment and oppose the Devil while on the earth. They accompany members of the Governing Body when they attend special conventions and international conventions. Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of South Africa Read Isaiah 40: 26. Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Musi ho no fhela, "vharuṅwa vhaṋa " vho faraho maḓumbu a u lozwa a " maṱungu mahulu ' vha ḓo tendelwa uri vha a litshe. To what extent should husbands love their wives? After the end, "the four angels " who carry the winds of destruction" the great tribulation " would be allowed to quit. Nahone o vha a tshi khou amba ngoho. Although slavery also existed in ancient Israel, the Mosaic Law ensured that Hebrew slaves received protection. And he was right. Yehova Mudzimu u ḓo fhaṱutshedza muya wavhuḓi wa u ṋea, u si wa tseḓa - nahone phaṱhutshedzo dzawe dzi a pfumisa. - Mir. 8: 26, 27 - Why did Moses say that Israel's sacrifices would be "detestable to the Egyptians "? Jehovah God will bless the wonderful spirit of giving, unselfishness - and his blessing are richly rewarded. - Prov. Vha tshi fhaṱutshedzwa nga u vha na lutendo, vhenevho vhatukana vho vha na ndugelo ya u ḓadzisa vhuporofita. - Psalme ya 8: 2. Rather, he left the way open for wrongdoers to repent and return to Jehovah's favor. With the blessing of faith, these boys were privileged to fulfill prophecy. - Psalm 8: 2. Rabelani nga hazwo. Learning From the Ways of Abraham and Isaac Pray about it. (Vhalani Psalme ya 102: 17.) There are well - thought - out reasons for asking "the whole association of brothers " to consider certain information. (Read Psalm 102: 17.) • Ndi mafulufhedziso afhio e Yesu a a ṋea tshivhidzo tsha Filadelefia, nahone a shuma hani ṋamusi? 2: 8. • What promises did Jesus give to the congregation in Philadelphia, and how does he apply today? Hezwi zwi amba uri ni fanela u lugisela phindulo dzo fhambanaho, samusi arali ni tshi imisa tshanḓa lunzhi - lunzhi, zwi vhonala uri wahashu o faraho yeneyo pfunzo u ḓo fheleledza o ni sumba. (5) Rosa, D. This means that you need to prepare various answers, since if you raise your hand repeatedly, the brother conducting such a teaching will likely draw you. (Vhalani Luka 14: 12 - 14.) Without a doubt, all of us would be delighted by such promises. (Read Luke 14: 12 - 14.) Ṱhogomelani hezwi: Vhabebi vhashu vha u thoma, Adamu na Eva, vho vha vho vhewa tsimuni ya Edeni. * Consider this: Our first parents, Adam and Eve, were placed in the garden of Eden. Yehova o vha e na vhungoho ha uri Yesu u ḓo ḓadzisa mushumo wawe nga hu bvelelaho na u lwa na Diabolo musi e kha ḽifhasi. (b) What will we consider in the next article? Jehovah was confident that Jesus would fulfill his commission effectively and oppose the Devil while he was on earth. Vhalani Yesaya 40: 26. Is Jesus God? Read Isaiah 40: 26. Vhanna vha fanela u funa vhasadzi vhavho u swika kha vhuimo vhufhio? Do you really want God to listen to your prayers? To what extent should husbands love their wives? Naho ho vha hu tshi dovha ha vha na vhalanda ngei Isiraele ḽa kale, Mulayo wa Mushe wo vha u tshi khwaṱhisedza uri vhalanda vha Vhaheberu vha wane tsireledzo. 3: 4 - How was Nineveh like a prostitute? While there were also slaves in ancient Israel, the Mosaic Law assured that Hebrew slaves could find protection. 8: 21, 22 - Ndi ngani Mushe o amba uri zwiṱhavhelo zwa Vhaisiraele ndi zwine "Vha - Egipita vha zwi ila "? It enables us to endure injury with patience and without irritation, resentment, vindictiveness. 8: 21, 22 - Why did Moses say that the sacrifices of the Israelites were "the Egyptians "? Nṱhani hazwo, nga zwe a zwi amba na u zwi ita, o sumbedza zwavhuḓi vho khakhaho uri vho vha vha tshi nga rembuluwa nahone vha dovha vha takalelwa nga Yehova. 5, 6. (a) How did David stress the importance of keeping integrity even when we are not seen by other humans? Rather, by his words and actions, he clearly indicated the erring ones that they could repent and gain Jehovah's approval. Zwine Ra Zwi Guda Kha Zwo Itwaho Nga Abrahamu Na Isaka The unrighteous will have paid for their sins by dying. What We Learn From Abraham and Isaac Hu na zwiitisi zwi pfalaho zwa uri " vhahashu ' vha shango ḽoṱhe vha humbelwe uri vha ṱolisise nḓila ine maṅwe mafhungo a ṱalutshedzwa ngayo. The 550 participants placed about 60,000 pieces of literature in just two weeks! There are good reasons for "the whole association of brothers " to consider how some information is explained. 2: 8. If you read a couple of pages each day of the month, you will be keeping up with this vital channel of Kingdom education. 2: 8. (5) Rosa, D. They are led to "a river of water of life, clear as crystal, flowing out from the throne of God. " (5) Rosa, D. A zwi timatimisi uri roṱhe ri ḓo takadzwa nga mafulufhedziso o raloho. Why should a loyal servant of Jehovah be happy even if he or she lives in restrictive circumstances? No doubt all of us will be thrilled by such promises. * Even though the Jews in the first century C.E. thought that they, as Abraham's literal offspring, or descendants, would be the favored people, they looked for one person to come as the Messiah, or Christ. - John 1: 25; 7: 41, 42; 8: 39 - 41. * (b) Ri ḓo ṱolisisa mini kha thero i tevhelaho? I knew that I had to do something to cheer myself up. (b) What will we consider in the next article? Naa ni a ṱoḓa zwa vhukuma Mudzimu a tshi thetshelesa thabelo dzaṋu? Of course, a man's hard work in caring for his family should not be limited to physical matters. Do you really want God to listen to your prayers? 3: 4 - Muḓi wa Ninive wo vha u tshi fana na phombwe nga nḓila - ḓe? (See opening picture.) 3: 4 - How was Nineveh like a prostitute? U vuḓa hu ri thusa u konḓelela u vhaiswa ri sa fheli mbilu nahone ri sa dinalei, ri sa sinyuwi, nahone ri sa lwi. Above all, through the preaching of the good news, Jehovah's name is being praised in all the earth. Mildness helps us to endure suffering patiently and without being stumbled, not offended, and without fighting. 5, 6. (a) Davida o ombedzela hani ndeme ya u dzula ri tshi fulufhedzea naho ri sa khou vhonwa nga vhaṅwe vhathu? The accuracy of those statements is seen in the historical record of Acts. 5, 6. (a) How did David emphasize the importance of keeping integrity even if we are not seen by others? Vha songo lugaho vha ḓo vha vho no lifha zwivhi zwavho nga u fa. Chapter 53 of Isaiah's prophecy describes beautifully how Jesus " interposed, ' or interceded, on behalf of sinful mankind, stating: "The chastisement meant for our peace was upon him, and because of his wounds there has been a healing for us. " - Isa. The unrighteous will have paid for their sins by dying. Vhahashu vha 550 vho tshimbidza khandiso dzi ṱoḓaho u vha 60 000 nga vhege mbili fhedzi! You can relate to Job, who said to God: "O that in Sheol you would conceal me, that you would keep me secret until your anger turns back, that you would set a time limit for me and remember me! " - Job 14: 13. About 60,000 brothers placed almost two weeks of literature! Arali na nga vhala masiaṱari a si gathi ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe, ṅwedzi u tshi fhela ni ḓo vha no vhala dzoṱhe dza ṅwedzi wonoyo. Yes, if he communicates well with all members of his family, listens to their concerns, takes the lead in family activities, and is conscientious about making good decisions involving such matters as family worship, meeting attendance, field service, recreation, and entertainment. If you read a few pages every day, the moon will have finished reading all of that month. Vha iswa kha "mulambo wa maḓi a vhutshilo u penyaho sa munyaka wo simuwaho kha khuluṋoni ya Mudzimu. " Thoroughly evil, they bitterly oppose Jehovah and have led most humans on a course contrary to Jehovah's loving direction. They are sent to "the river of water of life that is shining upon God's throne. " Ndi ngani mushumeli wa Yehova a fulufhedzeaho a tshi fanela u takala naho o sedzana na zwiimo zwi konḓaho? This salvation with two destinies, heavenly and earthly, is mentioned in a vision seen by the apostle John. Why should a faithful servant of Jehovah rejoice even in difficult situations? 1: 25; 7: 41, 42; 8: 39 - 41. Therefore, acceptance of Jesus ' teachings along with the rest of God's inspired Word, the Bible, has a powerful uniting influence on Christ's true disciples. - 1 Corinthians 4: 6; 2 Timothy 3: 16, 17. 1: 25; 7: 41, 42; 8: 39 - 41. Ndo vha ndi tshi zwi ḓivha uri hu na zwine nda fanela u zwi ita u itela uri ndi takale. The position of this stand allowed it to be used to address the populace. I knew that there was something I needed to do to make me happy. Vhukuma, u shuma nga maanḓa ha munna u itela u ṱhogomela muṱa wawe a zwo ngo fanela u fhelela fhedzi kha zwithu zwi vhonalaho. (a) Where is God's place of dwelling? Of course, a husband's hard work in caring for his family should not be limited to material things. (Sedzani tshifanyiso tsha u thoma.) Jesus knew that following his execution and resurrection, centuries would pass before he would be enthroned in heaven as the Messianic King to rule over mankind. (See opening picture.) Zwa ndeme vhukuma, nga ṅwambo wa u huwelelwa ha mafhungo maḓifha, dzina ḽa Yehova ḽi khou rendiwa ḽifhasini ḽoṱhe. Why is it important for us to "keep on the watch "? Above all, because of the preaching of the good news, Jehovah's name is being praised throughout the earth. Vhungoho ha eneo mafhungo hu vhonala kha mafhungo a ḓivhazwakale ya bugu ya Mishumo. 18, 19. (a) What should we do if we have allowed some distance to develop between God and us? The context is seen in a historical account of the book of Acts. Ndima ya 53 ya vhuporofita ha Yesaya i ṱalutshedza zwavhuḓi nḓila ye Yesu a "pfumelela " ngayo vhathu vha re tshivhi musi i tshi amba uri:" Ṱhamu ya u ri riṋe ri vhone mulalo i kha ene; ro fhodzwa nga ntho dzawe. " - Yes. Let us now consider how God has preserved the truth despite Satan's attempts to suppress it. Chapter 53 of Isaiah's prophecy clearly explains how Jesus "has been afflicted " by sinful humans when he states:" The rod of seeing us of peace is in him; we have been healed by his wounds. " - Isa. Ni nga ḓipfa u fana na nḓila ye Yobo a ḓipfa ngayo, we a amba na Mudzimu a ri: "Ngavhe wa tou mbulunga vhafuni, mbiti dzau dza ranga u dzika wó ndzumba, wa mbetshela ḓuvha ḽine wa ḓo nkhumbula ngaḽo '. " - Yobo 14: 13. Peter is scared. You may feel as Job did, who said to God: "If you would conceal me from the dead, you would put me in front of me a calm state, and you would give me a day when you would remember me. " - Job 14: 13. Ee, zwi nga konadzea arali a tshi vhea tsumbo yavhuḓi nga u davhidzana na miraḓo yoṱhe ya muṱa wawe, a tshi thetshelesa mbilaelo dzavho, a tshi ranga phanḓa muṱa wawe kha miṅwe mishumo, nahone a tshi ṱhogomela uri a ite phetho dzavhuḓi malugana na mafhungo a ngaho sa a vhurabeli ha muṱa, u vha hone miṱanganoni, tshumelo ya tsimu, u ḓitakadza na u ḓimvumvusa. Instead, aim for a balanced approach. Yes, it may be possible if he sets a good example by communicating with all members of his family, listening to their concerns, taking the lead in other activities, and recognizing that he makes good decisions regarding matters such as family worship, meeting attendance, recreation, and entertainment. Nga nṱhani ha vhuvhi havho, vho shandukela Yehova nahone vha xedza vhathu vhanzhi uri vha si tsha tevhela vhulivhisi ha Yehova. Elders who are self - sacrificing, humble, and loving provide the kind of example that younger men need. Because of their wickedness, they turned away from Jehovah and deceived many people into following Jehovah's direction. Honohu u tshidzwa hune ha vha na masia mavhili, ḽa ṱaḓulu na ḽa kha ḽifhasi, ho ambiwa bononi ḽe ḽa vhoniwa nga muapostola Yohane. The psalmist sang: "The law of Jehovah is perfect, bringing back the soul. This deliverance of two aspects, both in heaven and on earth, is mentioned in a vision seen by the apostle John. Nga zwenezwo, u ṱanganedza pfunzo dza Yesu u katela na Ipfi ḽa Mudzimu ḽo hevhedzwaho, Bivhili, zwi na ṱhuṱhuwedzo i re na maanḓa ine ya ita uri hu vhe na vhuthihi kha vhafunziwa vha Kristo vha ngoho. - 1 Vha - Korinta 4: 6; 2 Timotheo 3: 16, 17. Before 1919, discreet anointed Christians had diligently sought to discern God's will for them, despite their temporary weakened state. Thus, accepting Jesus ' teachings as well as God's inspired Word, the Bible, has a powerful influence that promotes unity among Christ's true disciples. - 1 Corinthians 4: 6; 2 Timothy 3: 16, 17. Nḓila ye pulatifomo ya vha yo ima ngayo yo vha i tshi ita uri zwi konadzee u amba na vhathu. Some believe that all that is necessary to gain God's favor is to live a good life. The platform's stand made it possible to speak to people. (a) Mudzimu u dzula ngafhi? 6: 6. (a) Where does God live? Yesu o vha a tshi zwi ḓivha uri nga murahu ha u vhulahwa na u vuswa hawe, ho vha hu tshi ḓo fhela miṅwaha minzhi a sathu vhewa kha khuluṋoni ya ṱaḓulu sa Khosi ya Vhumessia, u itela u ri a vhuse vhathu. It helps to equip us in many ways because it teaches us how to act in a world where most are not willing to accept that a superior Source of wisdom should govern their lives for their own good. Jesus knew that after his death and resurrection, centuries would end before his enthronement as Messianic King, in order to rule mankind. Ndi ngani zwi zwa ndeme uri ri " dzule ro fhaṱuwa '? Herbert Senior Why is it vital that we "keep on the watch "? 18, 19. (a) Ndi mini zwine ra fanela u zwi ita arali ri si tsheena vhushaka na Mudzimu? How Would You Answer? 18, 19. (a) What should we do if we have no relationship with God? Zwino kha ri haseledze nḓila ye Mudzimu a vhulunga ngayo ngoho hu sa londwi vhuḓidini ha Sathane ha u ṱoḓa u i kandeledza. That is using the spirit of a sound mind - imitating Jehovah's mind. Let us now consider how God has preserved the truth despite Satan's efforts to pressure it. Petro a tshuwa. Prayers of this kind are upbuilding and promote unity with our brothers. Peter was shocked. Nṱhani hazwo, lwelani u vha na mavhonele o linganyiselwaho. Jehovah can help us to develop that ability. Instead, strive to have a balanced view. Vhahulwane vhane vha ḓikumedza, u ḓiṱukufhadza na vha re na lufuno vha vhetshela vhaṱhannga tsumbo. We should take seriously what Jehovah tells us in his Word. Elders who are self - sacrificing, humble, and loving, set an example for young men. Mupsalme o imba a ri: "Milayo ya Yehova yo luga i rudza muya wanga. 109 - 112. The psalmist sang: "The law of Jehovah is perfect, comforting my soul. (Psalme ya 119: 130; Daniele 5: 14) Nga phanḓa ha 1919, Vhakriste vho ḓodzwaho vha re na vhuṱali vho ṱoḓa u ḓivha zwine Mudzimu a zwi funa, hu sa londwi u sa vha havho na maanḓa ha tshifhinganyana. 34: 7 - How was Job like a man "who drinks up derision like water "? Before 1919, wise anointed Christians sought to know God's will, despite their temporary strength. Vhaṅwe vha tenda uri tshithu tsha ndeme u itela u ṱanganedzwa nga Mudzimu ndi u tshila vhutshilo havhuḓi. Similarly, they refer to the so - called New Testament as the Greek Scriptures, for the Greek language was used by men who were inspired by God to write that part of the Bible. Some believe that the key to gaining God's approval is to live a comfortable life. 6: 6. If so, do not hesitate to ask one of Jehovah's Witnesses. 6: 6. I ri thusa u ri shomedzela nga nḓila nnzhi ngauri i ri funza nga ha nḓila ine ra fanela u tshila ngayo shangoni ḽine vhathu vhanzhi vha sa ṱoḓe u ṱanganedza Tshisima tshihulwane tsha vhuṱali tshi tshi livhisa vhutshilo havho u itela uri vha ḓivhuyedze. (Read Revelation 2: 18, 19.) It helps us to equip us in many ways because it teaches us how to live in a world where many people do not want to accept the highest Source of wisdom leads to their lives. Herbert Senior " At times, we do something special for our eldest son, " says Jenney, quoted earlier, "even if we just have lunch at his favorite restaurant. " loving - by - dor Ni Ḓo Fhindula Hani? " But, rather, even be reproving them. " - 5: 11. How Would You Answer? Zwenezwo ndi u vha na muhumbulo wo tshaho - u edzisa muhumbulo wa Yehova. The audience was invited to sing three new songs at the meeting; the chorus sang them first, and then the chorus and the audience sang them together. That is an open mind - to imitate Jehovah's mind. Thabelo dzenedzi dzi a fhaṱa nahone dzi ita uri hu vhe na vhuthihi vhukati ha vhahashu. CAN you relate to Ninfa? These prayers build and promote unity among our brothers. Yehova a nga ri thusa u vha na honoho vhukoni. Although we look forward to surviving the end of this system, we serve Jehovah because we love him, not merely to get life. Jehovah can help us to have that ability. Ri fanela u dzhiela nṱha zwine Yehova a ri vhudza zwone nga Ipfi ḽawe. [ Footnote] We should take to heart what Jehovah tells us through his Word. 109 - 112. The father in our illustration might say something like this: "Son, I can see that you are upset because of your failing grade. 109 - 112. 34: 7 - Yobo o vha a tshi nga o "khuba dzitsemano vhunga maḓi " nga nḓila - ḓe? Confirming that early Christians conducted themselves as "aliens and temporary residents " in the Roman world, historian Kenneth Scott Latourette wrote:" It is one of the commonplaces of history that in its first three centuries Christianity met persistent and often severe persecution... 34: 7 - In what way could Job become "like streams of water "? Nga hu fanaho, vha vhidza Thestamennde Ntswa uri ndi Maṅwalo a Lugerika samusi luambo lwa Lugerika lu lwone lwe lwa shumiswa nga vhanna vho hevhedzwaho nga Mudzimu u ṅwala tshenetsho tshipiḓa tsha Bivhili. I offered a silent prayer and went with the guard. Similarly, they call the New Testament the Greek Scriptures as the Greek word used by God - inspired men to write this part of the Bible. Arali zwo ralo, ni songo timatima u vhudzisa muṅwe wa Ṱhanzi dza Yehova. Jehovah's Witnesses happily and energetically share "this good news of the kingdom " with their neighbors, inviting them to become its subjects. If so, do not hesitate to ask one of Jehovah's Witnesses. (Vhalani Nzumbululo 2: 18, 19.) Hence, they were viewed as enemies of the German State and were bitterly persecuted. (Read Revelation 2: 18, 19.) Jenney, we a bulwa mathomoni o ri: "Nga zwiṅwe zwifhinga ri itela tanzhe ḽashu zwithu zwo khetheaho khae, naho hu tshi nga vha u ḽa nae zwiḽiwa resiturenteni ine a i funesa. " (b) What questions can young ones ask themselves? " Sometimes we do a special property for our firstborn, even if it is good for him to eat a meal that he likes, " says Jehovah's Word, quoted earlier. " [Fhedzi] tshaṋu nga hu vhe u zwi bvisela khagala. " - 5: 11. Why Israelite men could marry captives, 9 / 15 " But let your reasonableness be made clear. " - 5: 11. Vhathetshelesi vho humbelwa uri vha imbe nyimbo tharu ntswa kha muṱangano wonoyo, nahone dzo thoma dza imbiwa nga khwairi, nga murahu khwairi na vhathetshelesi vha dzi imba vhoṱhe. They will make up "the New Jerusalem, " the bride of Christ. The audience was asked to sing three new songs at that meeting, and the audience began to sing in song, then the audience and the audience sang together. NAA no no tshenzhela zwe Ninfa a ṱangana nazwo? We can certainly apply to them Paul's words written to the Thessalonians: "We are obligated to thank God always for you, brothers loved by Jehovah, because God selected you... by sanctifying you with spirit and by your faith in the truth. " - 2 Thess. HAVE you personally experienced experiences that you have experienced? Naho ro lavhelela nga maṱo matswuku u tshidzwa musi hu tshi fheliswa ano maitele a zwithu, ri shumela Yehova ngauri ri a mu funa, hu si nga nṱhani ha u ṱoḓa vhutshilo vhu sa fheli fhedzi. How can all in the congregation directly share in worshipping Jehovah? While we look forward to deliverance at the end of this system of things, we serve Jehovah because we love him, not only because we want to gain everlasting life. [ Ṱhaluso i re magumoni a siaṱari] Growing darkness and driving snow were making it more and more difficult for the crew to locate the beacons they needed to guide their ship to safety. [ Footnote] Khotsi we ra amba nga hae kha tsumbo yashu, a nga kha ḓi amba zwi tevhelaho: "Ṅwana'nga, ndi khou zwi vhona uri a no ngo takala nga ṅwambo wa uri no feila thero nthihi. Their efforts are producing excellent results, as the following experiences illustrate. Our father, who mentioned in our example, may say: "My son, I feel that you are not happy because you have left the same article. Musi muḓivhazwakale ane a pfi Kenneth Scott Latourette a tshi khwaṱhisedza uri Vhakriste vha tshifhingani tsha kale vho vha vha tshi tshila sa " vhaeni na vhafhiri ' shangoni ḽa Roma o ṅwala uri: "Enea mafhungo a a ḓivhea vhukuma kha ḓivhazwakale uri maḓanani mararu a miṅwaha a u thoma, Vhakriste vho vha vha tshi tovholwa vhukuma... How? Regarding the fact that in the first three centuries, the first - century Christians lived as "men and temporary residents " in Rome wrote:" This well - known statement is well - known in history that Christians in the first three centuries were persecuted... Nda rabelela mbiluni nahone nda ya kha onoyo mulindi. Let us see what we can learn from what happened to them. I prayed silently and went to the guard. Ṱhanzi dza Yehova dzi ṱanganela kha mushumo wa u huwelela "mafhungo maḓifha a muvhuso " nga dakalo na nga mafulufulu kha vhahura vhavho, vha tshi vha ramba uri vha vhe nga fhasi hawo. The snares of death are at his doorstep. Jehovah's Witnesses joyfully share in preaching the "good news of the kingdom " with joy and zeal for their neighbors, inviting them to be under it. Nga zwenezwo, Shango ḽa Dzheremane ḽo vha ḽi tshi vha dzhia sa maswina nahone vha tshi tovholwa. Your intimate conversations and sincere prayers will strengthen your marriage during periods of intense stress. Thus, Germany viewed them as enemies and persecuted. (b) Vhaswa vha nga ḓivhudzisa mbudziso dzifhio? As later verses in Psalm 145 show, David appreciated God's rulership and extolled His kingship. (b) What questions can young ones ask themselves? Vha ḓo vha "Yerusalema Muswa, " muselwa wa Kristo. The basic ingredient of bread is flour, or meal, obtained by the grinding of cereals. They will be "a new Jerusalem, " Christ's bride. Vhukuma, ri nga shumisa khavho maipfi e Paulo a a ṅwalela Vhathesalonika: "Vhahashu vha funwaho nga Yehova, tshifhinga tshoṱhe ri a kombetshedzea u livhuha Mudzimu nga nṱhani haṋu, ngauri Mudzimu o ni nanga... uri ni tshidzwe nga u ni ita vhakhethwa nga muya wawe na nga u tenda haṋu ngoho. " - 2 Vhathes. However, the one who waited idly received a different treatment. Yes, we can apply to them Paul's words to the Thessalonians: "Jehovah's beloved brothers, we are always under obligation to thank God for you, for God has chosen you... to be saved by means of his spirit and by your faith in the truth. " - 2 Thess. Vhoṱhe tshivhidzoni vha nga shela hani mulenzhe nga ho livhaho kha u gwadamela Yehova? One morning in 1943 while the prisoners lined up in the courtyard, I saw Albin! How can all in the congregation share in their worship of Jehovah? Swiswi na mahaḓa zwe zwa vha zwi tshi khou ṋaṋa zwo vha zwi tshi khou ita uri vhatshimbidzi vha tshikepe vha konḓelwe vhukuma u wana luvhone lu ṋeaho vhulivhisi lwe vha vha vha tshi khou lu ṱoḓa u itela uri vha kone u livhisa tshikepe fhethu ho tsireledzeaho. A New Career The heat and snow that were getting worse made it very difficult for the ship's sailors to find the direction they needed to guide the ship safely. Vhuḓidini havho vhu khou bveledza mvelelo dzavhuḓi, samusi tshenzhelo dzi tevhelaho dzi tshi sumbedza. Right: With my parents Their efforts are producing good results, as the following experiences show. Nga nḓila - ḓe? (b) With regard to making advancement, how can youths today imitate Timothy? How? Kha ri vhone zwine ra nga zwi guda kha zwe zwa itea khavho. We are urged to disown ourselves and gain Jehovah's approval and the blessings he holds out for us. Let us see what we can learn from what happened to them. Lufu lu dzula lu tsini hawe. I remember my mother telling us: "Let this be the most beautiful day of your life. Death remains near him. U davhidzana ha vhoiwe na u rabela zwi tshi bva mbiluni, zwi ḓo khwaṱhisa mbingano ya vhoiwe musi no sedzana na zwiimo zwi tsikeledzaho vhukuma. However, the Bible does not state what Paul's vow was. Your heartfelt communication and heartfelt prayer will strengthen your marriage during the most stressful circumstances. Samusi ndimana dza u fhedzisa kha Psalme ya 145 dzi tshi sumbedza, Davida o dzhiela nṱha vhuvhusi ha Mudzimu na u renda vhuhosi Hawe. Alfred Almendinger relates that when his mother attended the Drama, she "was so thrilled that she bought a Bible and searched for the word " purgatory. ' " As the last verses of Psalm 145 show, David appreciated God's kingship and praised His kingship. Tshithu tshihulwane tshine tsha ita vhuswa ndi vhukhopfu, vhune ha wanala nga u gaya mavhele. Later, Grace said about Edna: "She made me feel at ease at the doors, knew how to handle objections well, and taught me to listen to the householder so that I could zero in on what was appropriate to say. The main part of youth is flour, which is found by wearing grain. Naho zwo ralo, we a lindela hu si na zwine a khou ita o vhudzwa zwo fhambanaho na zwenezwo. (2) Do I have a personal desire to do so? However, the one who waited for nothing was told differently. Nga maṅwe matsheloni nga 1943 musi zwivhotshwa zwo kuvhangana mudavhini, ndo vhona Albin. God's gift enabled her to pay off her debts and after that to have enough money for her and her sons to live on. One morning in 1943 when prisoners gathered in the open room, I saw him. Mushumo Muswa Note that Jehovah rewards those "earnestly seeking him. " A New Work Kha tsha u ḽa: Ndi nṋe na vhabebi vhanga Why should we never doubt Jehovah? On right: I and my parents (b) Vhaswa vha nga edzisa hani Timotheo, malugana na u ita mvelaphanḓa? 22: 9 - 12, 21 - 33. (b) How can young ones imitate Timothy, making progress? Na riṋe ri ṱuṱuwedzwa uri ri ḓikumedze u itela uri ri takalelwe nga Yehova na u wana phaṱhutshedzo. He later married, and he and his wife, Joan, went to Gilead, into the missionary service in Lebanon, and then into the traveling work back in the United States. We too are urged to be self - sacrificing in order to gain Jehovah's approval and blessing. Ndi humbula musi mme anga vha tshi ri vhudza uri: "Kha ḽi vhe ḓuvha ḽavhuḓi vhukuma vhutshiloni ha vhoiwe. One of Isaiah's prophecies about God's Servant sheds light on the intimate relationship between Jehovah and his firstborn Son during the Son's prehuman existence. I remember Mother telling us: "It is a wonderful day in your life. (Num. 6: 1 - 21) Naho zwo ralo, Bivhili a i ambi uri muano wa Paulo wo vha u wa mini. How were anointed overseers who served on bodies of elders depicted at Revelation 1: 16, 20, and what can be said of appointed elders who are of the other sheep? However, the Bible does not say what Paul's oath was. Alfred Almendinger o ṱalutshedza uri musi mme awe vha tshi ya u ṱalela Ḽitambwa ḽeneḽi, vho "vha vho takala vhukuma lwe vha renga Bivhili vha ita ṱhoḓisiso ya u ḓivha ipfi " phagatori. ' " God used this holy spirit, or active force, to create the earth and all life upon it. He explains that when his mother went to watch the Drama, they "were so happy that the Bible bought a search for " the word. ' " Nga murahu, Grace o amba zwi tevhelaho nga ha Edna: "O vha a tshi nnyita uri ndi ḓipfe ndo vhofholowa musi ndi tshi amba na vhathu, o vha a tshi kona u fhindula zwavhuḓi vhane vha thivhela nyambedzano, nahone o mpfunza u thetshelesa ṋemuḓi u itela uri ndi kone u mu fhindula nga nḓila yo teaho. What is the occasion? " He made me feel comfortable talking to people, " says Grace, "and he taught me how to answer those who stop the conversation, and he taught me to listen to the householder so that I could respond accordingly. (2) Naa ndi na lutamo lwa u ita nga u ralo? It is thrilling to see Jairo, assisted by a fellow Witness, slowly teaching Grandpa the Bible! (2) Do I desire to do so? Tshenetsho tshifhiwa tsho ita uri yeneyo tshilikadzi i kone u badela zwikolodo zwayo nahone ya sala na tshelede yo linganaho ine ya nga kona u i shumisa na vharwa vhayo. (2 Dzikh. He is our Father, God, and Friend! - Ps. This gift enabled the widow to pay off debts and stay free of enough money to use with her sons. Ṱhogomelani uri Yehova u lambedza "vha mu ṱoḓaho. " What factors may affect the place that we occupy? Note that Jehovah rewards "those earnestly seeking him. " Ndi ngani ri songo fanela u timatima Yehova na luthihi? Three times Saul tried to kill David with a spear and for years hunted him incessantly, forcing him to become a fugitive. Why should we not doubt Jehovah at all? 22: 9 - 12, 21 - 33. To do so successfully, you need to control the temperature, the light, and the size of the flowerpot. 22: 9 - 12, 21 - 33. Nga murahu, a mbo ḓi vhinga nahone ene na mufumakadzi wawe Joan vha mbo ḓi ya Gilead u itela tshumelo ya vhurumiwa ngei Lebanon, nga zwenezwo vha humela kha mushumo wa u dalela ngei United States. The Bible indicates that God's angelic sons are invited into his presence at appointed times. Later, he married, and he and his wife, Joan, went to Gilead for missionary service in Lebanon, so they returned to the traveling work in the United States. Miṅwaha Ya 70 Ya U Farelela Nguvho Ya Muyuda YEAR BORN: 1960 70 Years of Holding On to the SS of a Jew Vhuṅwe ha vhuporofita ha Yesaya malugana na Muḓinḓa wa Mudzimu vhu bvisela khagala vhushaka ha tsini - tsini vhukati ha Yehova na Murwa wawe wa tanzhe tshifhingani tsha musi Murwa a sa athu vha muthu kha ḽifhasi. And strangely enough, the assembly was held in the same theater where we had just attended a rock concert. One of Isaiah's prophecies regarding God's Servant highlights a close relationship with Jehovah and his firstborn Son during the time before the Son became a human. Vhalavhelesi vho ḓodzwaho vhe vha vha vha tshi shuma kha zwigwada zwa vhahulwane vho sumbedzwa nga nḓila - ḓe kha Ndzumbululo 1: 16, 20, nahone ndi mini zwine zwa nga ambiwa nga ha vhahulwane vho vhewaho vha dziṅwe nngu? God assured him: "Then you will make your way successful and then you will act wisely. " How were anointed overseers involved in bodies of elders shown at Revelation 1: 16, 20, and what can be said about appointed elders of the other sheep? Mudzimu o shumisa muya mukhethwa, kana maanḓa a shumaho, u sika ḽifhasi na zwoṱhe zwine zwa dzula khaḽo. That passage comes right after verses in which Paul defended his apostleship. God used holy spirit, or active force, to create the earth and everything in it. Ho vha hu tshi khou itea mini? A wise woman respects God's arrangement of headship. What was happening? Zwi a takadza vhukuma u vhona Jairo, a tshi thuswa nga Ṱhanzi ngae u gudisa Makhulu washu Bivhili nga zwiṱuku nga zwiṱuku! Why? What a joy it is to see Jairo, who is helped by fellow Witnesses to train our Bible grandmother gradually! Ndi Khotsi ashu, Mudzimu washu na Khonani yashu! - Ps. Into Full - Time Service He is our Father, our God, and our Friend! - Ps. Ndi zwithu zwifhio zwine zwa nga kwama tshipiḓa tshine ra vha natsho tshivhidzoni? Now I am gathering a few pieces of wood, and I will go in and make something for me and my son. What factors can affect our place in the congregation? Saulo o lingedza luraru u vhulaha Davida nga pfumo nahone ha fhela miṅwaha a tshi khou mu zwima a sa imi, a tshi mu kombetshedza uri a vhe mushavhapfumo. Eager to make personal improvement, a good man craves discipline. Three times Saul tried to kill David with a sword, and for years, he ran away from him, forced him to become a fugitive. U itela u ḽi alusa nga hu bvelelaho, ni fanela u langa themperetsha, tshedza, na vhuhulwane ha mudzio wa u fara luvha. Humility is required of all true worshippers and brings great rewards. To raise it successfully, you need to control your tongue, light, and the size of a humble vessel. Bivhili i sumbedza uri vharwa vha Mudzimu vha vharuṅwa vha a rambiwa nga zwifhinga zwo livhaho uri vha vhe hune a vha hone. " My wife and I thought that Jehovah's Witnesses called to prey on our guilt feelings because we weren't at church. The Bible shows that God's angelic sons are invited at a specific time to be present. ṄWAHA WA MABEBO: 1960 Jesus was that "one person. " YEAR BORN: 1960 Nahone zwe zwa ri mangadza ndi uri ḽeneḽo guvhangano ḽo farwela holoni ye ra vha ri tshi kha ḓi tou bva u ṱalela khonsathi ya muzika wa rock. In what way might we be seduced by our physical senses? And what surprised us is that the assembly was held in a hall that we had just watched at a rock - music club. Mudzimu o mu khwaṱhisedza a ri: "Ndi hone dzinḓila dzaṋu dzi tshi ḓo vulea; ndi hone U tshi ḓo ita zwi ḓivhaleaho. " (Yosh. You will call, and I will answer you. You will long for the work of your hands. " God assured him: "You will make your way successful, and you will act wisely. " Eneo mafhungo a tevhela nga murahu ha ndimana dze Paulo a imelela vhuapostola hawe. OCTOBER 29, 2012 - NOVEMBER 4, 2012 The account follows after verses that Paul defended his apostle. Musadzi o ṱalifhaho u ṱhonifha ndugiselelo ya Mudzimu ya vhuṱoho. For instance, infatuated teenagers should take their time before deciding to cement a relationship in marriage. A wise woman respects God's arrangement of headship. Ndi ngani? • What are some challenges to manifesting kindness at school, at work, and to neighbors? Why? U Dzhenela Tshumelo Ya Tshifhinga Tshoṱhe Spiritual Qualities Made Manifest Maintaining Full - Time Service Zwino ndo vha ndi tshi khou dobedza zwikuni, ndi tshi ri ndi yo ' bikela nṋe na ṅwana wanga, ri ḽe, ri kone u fa. " * Have you similarly been affected by the use of God's Word at meetings, assemblies, and conventions? - Neh. Now I was collecting my son's kitchen, saying that I had prepared a meal for my son and I to eat it, and we were able to die. " (Mirero 12: 1, NW) A tshi lwela u khwinisa vhutshilo hawe, munna muvhuya u a ṱoḓa ndayo. But more research shows that God's people became captives many years before 1918. In striving to improve his life, the righteous man needs discipline. Vhagwadameli vhoṱhe vha ngoho vha fanela u ḓiṱukufhadza nahone zwenezwo zwi na mbuyelo khulwane. Be determined to " see life with the wife whom you love all the days of your life that God has given you under the sun. ' - Ecclesiastes 9: 9. All true worshippers must be humble and thus have great benefits. " Nṋe na mufumakadzi wanga ro vha ri tshi humbula u nga Ṱhanzi dza Yehova dzi ṱoḓa ri tshi ḓivhona mulandu nga u sa dzhena hashu kereke. Two months later, when he was about eight months old, the doctors ' prediction seemed to come true, for Joel's condition deteriorated. " My wife and I thought that Jehovah's Witnesses wanted us to blame ourselves for our church. Onoyo "muthu muthihi " ndi Yesu. But a flood was coming, and Noah was preaching righteousness. That "one man " is Jesus. Ndi lini hune ra nga kungwa nga mbilu dzashu na maṱo ashu? [ Pictures on page 3] When might we be attracted to our heart and eyes? Ndi misi U tshi ḓo mbidza nda aravha; ndi misi U tshi ḓo ṱuvha tshivhumbiwa tsha zwanḓa zwau. " What does the resurrection of Jesus mean to you? You will call, and I myself will answer you. For the work of your hands you will have a yearning. " 29 OCTOBER, 2012 - 4 NOVEMBER, 2012 (Read Job 2: 9, 10.) BelovedEMBER 29, 2012 - NEMBER 4, 2012 Sa tsumbo, vhaswa vhanzhi vha re na maḓipfele a lufuno o kalulaho vha fanela u ḓiṋea tshifhinga musi vha sa athu ita phetho ya u dzhenela mbingano nga u ṱavhanya. God kindly takes in such ones. For example, many young ones who have romantic feelings need to take some time before they decide to get married soon. • Ndi mini zwine zwa nga ita uri u sumbedza vhuthu tshikoloni, mushumoni, na kha vhahura zwi konḓe? * (See footnote.) • What can make showing kindness at school, at work, and in neighbors difficult? U Ita Uri Pfaneleo Dza Muya Dzi Vhonale This witnessing emphasizes the good news that very soon "the end will come " through the action of God's Kingdom. Making Spiritual Qualities Manifest * Naa no no vhuya na kwamiwa nga nḓila ye Ipfi ḽa Mudzimu ḽa shumiswa ngayo miṱanganoni, maguvhanganoni na mabuthanoni? - Neh. [ Footnote] * Have you ever been affected by the use of God's Word at meetings, assemblies, and conventions? - Neh. Fhedzi ṱhoḓisiso yo engedzeaho i sumbedza uri vhathu vha Mudzimu vho thubiwa miṅwaha minzhi hu sa athu u swika ṅwaha wa 1918. From the Law that God gave to Israel, we learn about the sort of slavery that Jehovah requires of us. But additional research shows that God's people were captives for many years before the year 1918. (Psalme ya 51: 10) Ḓiimiseleni u " takadzana na musadzi waṋu ane na mu funa, misi yoṱhe ya vhutshilo haṋu he Mudzimu a ni ṋea hone fhano ḓasi ha ḓuvha. ' - Muhuweleli 9: 9. But the nation failed to fulfill this role, and they eventually lost Jehovah's favor completely. Be determined to "be with your beloved wife all the days of your life that God has given you under the sun. " - Ecclesiastes 9: 9. Nga murahu ha miṅwedzi mivhili, musi a tshi ṱoḓa u vha na miṅwedzi ya malo, zwo vhonala u nga zwe zwa ambiwa nga madokotela zwo vha zwi zwone, nga ṅwambo wa uri mutakalo u si wavhuḓi wa Joel wo tou ṋaṋa u tshi ya. " There is no intrinsic, evolutionary meaning to being alive, " stated David P. Two months later, when he wanted to have eight months, it seemed that the doctors ' comments were true, since Joel's poor health had become worse. Maḓi mahulu o vha a tshi khou ḓa, nahone Noaxe o vha a tshi khou huwelela nga ha u luga. When it comes to valueless words, elders too learn an important lesson. The Flood was coming, and Noah was preaching about righteousness. [ Zwifanyiso kha siaṱari 3] Yet, we all do well to consider seriously how much is really needed in life. [ Pictures on page 3] Mvuwo ya Yesu i amba mini kha inwi? I learned about his ways, his likes and his dislikes, the degree of his power, and the depth of his wisdom. What does Jesus ' resurrection mean to you? (Vhalani Yobo 2: 9, 10.) Are You Allowing God's Spirit to Lead You? (Read Job 2: 9, 10.) Vhathu vho raloho Mudzimu u a vha ṱanganedza. This took place in 235 lands, in which Jehovah's Witnesses are conducting 6,085,387 home Bible studies weekly in order to help people from all walks of life and out of many nations, tribes, and tongues to take in the life - giving truth from God's Word. - Revelation 7: 9. Such ones are acceptable to God. * (Sedzani ṱhaluso i re magumoni a siaṱari.) For example, what if a part of the Bible does not seem practical for our situation? * (See footnote.) Dzenedzi Ṱhanzi dzi ombedzela mafhungo maḓifha a uri hu si kale "vhufhelo vhu... ḓo ḓa " musi Muvhuso wa Mudzimu u tshi dzhia vhukando. 16, 17. (a) How did freedom of choice become an issue in Corinth? These Witnesses emphasize the good news that soon "the end will come " when God's Kingdom takes action. [ Ṱhaluso i re magumoni a siaṱari] The potter must do his work before the clay dries. [ Footnote] Kha Mulayo we Mudzimu a u ṋea Vhaisiraele, ri guda nga ha mufuda wa vhupuli vhune Yehova a vhu ṱoḓa kha riṋe. Martha continued talking, so Jesus conversed with her. In God's Law to Israel, we learn about the kind of slavery that Jehovah requires of us. (Yesaya 43: 10 - 12, 21) Fhedzi lushaka lwo kundwa u ita wonoyu mushumo, nahone mafheleloni Yehova a lu laṱa. In the early part of the last days, the congregations of Bible Students, as Jehovah's Witnesses were then known, democratically elected their elders and deacons. But the nation failed to do this work, and Jehovah eventually rejected it. Muphurofesa ane a vha muḓivhi wa mihumbulo ya vhathu na vhutshilo ha zwipuka ane a pfi David P. A soldier can wield his weapons effectively in warfare only if he has practiced and has learned to use them well. Professor David P. Malugana na maipfi a mahandana, vhahulwane na vhone vha fanela u guda ngudo ya ndeme. He introduced the Law covenant at Sinai. Regarding valueless words, elders also need to learn an important lesson. Khamusi ri nga humbula uri, " zwenezwo zwi nga si vhuye zwa itea kha nṋe. ' When we share our color photos of snowcapped peaks to complement the black - and - white ones in his textbook, he beams. Perhaps we can think, " That will never happen to me. ' Ndo guda nga ha nḓila dzawe, zwine a zwi funa na zwine a zwi vhenga, maanḓa awe mahulwane, na vhuṱali hawe vhuhulwane. 5, 6. (a) By what means does Satan make us his target? I learned about his ways, his will, and his hatred, his powerful power, and his vast wisdom. Naa Ni Khou Tendela U Livhiswa Nga Muya Wa Mudzimu? The psalmist begs Jehovah to do something similar to the nations who threaten Israel's existence in his day. Are You Allowing God's Spirit to Guide You? Zwenezwo zwo itea kha mashango a 235, hune Ṱhanzi dza Yehova dza fara ngudo dza Bivhili dza 6 085 387 vhege iṅwe na iṅwe u itela u thusa vhathu vhoṱhe, vha tshaka, mbeu na ndimi dzoṱhe uri vha ṱanganedze mafhungo - ngoho ane a ṋea vhutshilo a bvaho Ipfini ḽa Mudzimu. - Ndzumbululo 7: 9. 8 / 15 " Who Has Come to Know the Mind of Jehovah? " That happened in 235 lands, where Jehovah's Witnesses conducted a Bible study each week to help all people, tribes, peoples, and tongues to accept life - giving truth from God's Word. - Revelation 7: 9. Sa tsumbo, hu pfi mini arali tshipiḓa tsha Bivhili tshi tshi vhonala tshi sa shumi kha vhuimo hashu? (a) How did friendship with God help one sister? For example, what if a portion of the Bible seems to be useless in our situation? 16, 17. (a) Mbofholowo ya u ḓikhethela yo vha hani thaidzo ngei Korinta? Indeed, we may ask: Is there any ruler who cares for all his subjects so much that he quickly comes to the aid of each one in times of trouble? 16, 17. (a) How was freedom of choice in Corinth a problem? Muvhumbi u fanela u vhumba vumba ḽi sa athu u oma. They praise Jehovah, the one "firmly establishing the mountains with his power. " - Psalm 65: 6. A potter needs to mold a clay before it is dry. Martha o bvela phanḓa a tshi khou amba, nga u ralo Yesu o kona u haseledza nae. The priest's comment actually proves that we are not stupid but that we are united as true Christians. Martha continued speaking, so Jesus was able to discuss with her. Mathomoni a tshifhinga tsha ano maḓuvha a vhufhelo, zwivhidzoni zwa Vhagudi vha Bivhili, samusi Ṱhanzi dza Yehova dzo vha dzi tshi ḓivhiwa ngauralo, vhathu vho vha vha tshi ḓikhethela vhahulwane na vhadikoni. A few years ago, one could not see such images without venturing into places featuring immoral entertainment. At the beginning of these last days, the congregations of the Bible Students, as Jehovah's Witnesses were then known, the people had a choice of older and old. Swole ḽi nga shumisa nga nḓila i bvelelaho zwihali zwaḽo nndwani arali fhedzi ḽo ḓiḓowedza na u guda u zwi shumisa zwavhuḓi. Does this mean that parents should make sure that a child has a long list of dos and don'ts? A soldier can effectively use its weapons in battle only if it is trained and learn to use them well. O ḓivhadza nga ha mulanga wa Mulayo ngei Sinai. A shepherd considers the limitations of his sheep, so he leads "according to the pace of the livestock. " He announced the Law covenant at Sinai. Musi ri tshi mu sumbedza zwinepe zwashu zwa mivhala - vhala zwine zwa sumbedza zwavhuḓi mahaḓa ane a vha kha zwinepe zwa bugu dzavho dza tshikolo, o mbo ḓi takala. By means of that Kingdom, Jehovah will vindicate his universal sovereignty and sanctify his name. When we showed him pictures of our color - reading material that portrays the snow in pictures of their school books, he rejoiced. 5, 6. (a) Sathane u linga mbilu dzashu e na tshipikwa tshifhio? " I believe that whether I get married or not, if I put Kingdom interests first, Jehovah will not hold back anything good from me, " adds Carmen. 5, 6. (a) With what goal does Satan tempt our heart? Mupsalme o humbela Yehova uri a ite zwithu zwi fanaho kha tshaka dze dza vha dzi tshi khou vhea khomboni u vha hone ha lushaka lwa Isiraele misini yawe. It is impossible for God to make things any other way. The psalmist asked Jehovah to do the same for the nations that were at risking the existence of the nation of Israel in his day. (a) U vha na vhukonani na Mudzimu zwo thusa muṅwe wahashu wa tshisadzini nga nḓila - ḓe? So when Fernando left in the car with his brother's girlfriend and our son, I was upset for several reasons. (a) How did friendship with God help one sister? I ngoho, ri nga vhudzisa: Naa hu na muvhusi ane a ṱhogomela nga maanḓa vhalanda vhawe vhoṱhe lune a thusa nga u ṱavhanya muṅwe na muṅwe wavho zwifhingani zwa khombo? In all features of our field ministry, our goal should be to share something from the Scriptures with as many people as possible. Of course, we might ask: Is there a ruler who cares so much about all his slaves that he immediately helps each one of them in dangerous times? (Psalme ya 98: 8) Dzi rendisa Yehova, " we a tika dzithavha nga maanḓa awe. ' - Psalme ya 65: 6. 119: 165. They bring praise to Jehovah, "the One who firmly established the mountains in his strength. " - Psalm 65: 6. Zwe mufunzi a zwi amba zwi sumbedza uri a ri matsilu, fhedzi ri na vhuthihi sa Vhakriste vha ngoho. So it is reasonable to conclude that Jesus ' arrival to appoint the faithful slave over all his belongings, mentioned at Matthew 24: 46, 47, also applies to his future coming, during the great tribulation. The priest's words indicate that we are foolish, but we are united as true Christians. Miṅwahani i si gathi yo fhiraho, muthu o vha a sa ḓo vhona zwenezwo zwifanyiso arali a songo ya fhethu hune vha sumbedza u ḓimvumvusa ha u ḓifara luvhi. A report says: "Half of all U.S. marriages today are expected to end in divorce. A few years ago, a person would not see pornography if he did not go to an area where they showed immoral entertainment. Naa zwenezwi zwi amba uri vhabebi vha fanela u ita vhungoho ha uri vha ṋea vhana vhavho mutevhe wa milayo? They must have served as regular pioneers for at least two years and have served for at least two continuous years as elders or ministerial servants. Does this mean that parents need to make sure that they give their children a list of rules? Mulisa u ṱhogomela vhushayanungo ha nngu dzawe, ngauralo u dzi livhisa " nga nḓila ine dza tshimbila ngayo. ' Published by Jehovah's Witnesses but now out of print. The shepherd takes note of the limitations of his sheep, so he leads them "in the way they walk. " Yehova u ḓo lwela vhuvhusahoṱhe hawe na u ita uri dzina ḽawe ḽi khethwe musi a tshi shumisa Muvhuso wonoyo. Angelic Help Jehovah will vindicate his sovereignty and sanctify his name by means of that Kingdom. Carmen o dovha a ri: "Ndi tenda uri naho nda vhingwa kana ndi si vhingwe, arali nda vhea madzangalelo a Muvhuso u thoma, Yehova a nga si ḓo nndzima tshithu naho tshi tshifhio tshavhuḓi. (Ps. " The plans of the diligent one surely make for advantage, " wrote Solomon, "but everyone that is hasty surely heads for want. " Carmen adds: "I believe that even if I am single, if I put Kingdom interests first, I will not be distracted by anything good. A zwi konadzei uri Mudzimu a vhumbe zwithu zwi songo fhelelaho. For example, when Lucia * learned of the need for ministers in Albania, she moved there from Italy in 1993 with no means of support, trusting fully in Jehovah. It is impossible for God to create imperfect things. Nga zwenezwo musi Fernando na murwa washu vha tshi fhelekedza khomba ya murathu wawe nga goloi, hu na zwithu zwinzhi zwo itaho uri ndi ḓipfe ndo vhaisala vhukuma. One benefit of attending meetings is illustrated by the experience of the psalmist Asaph. Then when Fernando and our son accompanied his brother's sister in a car, there were many things to make me feel hurt. Kha masia oṱhe a vhuḓinḓani hashu, tshipikwa tshashu tshi fanela u vha tsha u ṱanganela na vhathu vhanzhi u ya nga hune zwa nga konadzea ngaho zwine zwa vha Maṅwaloni. Jephthah's vow was of a different sort than wedding vows, but his keeping it serves as a fine example for Christian husbands and wives as to their vows. In all aspects of our ministry, our goal should be to associate as many people as possible with what is in the Scriptures. 119: 165. " Freeness of Speech, " 5 / 15 119: 14. Ngauralo, zwi a pfala u phetha nga ḽa uri u swika ha Yesu a tshi ḓa u khetha mulanda a fulufhedzeaho uri a lange thundu dzawe dzoṱhe, ho ṅwalwaho kha Mateo 24: 46, 47, hu dovha ha ambela kha u ḓa hawe tshifhingani tshi ḓaho, nga maṱungu mahulu. Thus, the apostle added: "You, therefore, beloved ones, having this advance knowledge, be on your guard that you may not be led away with them [false teachers] by the error of the law - defying people and fall from your own steadfastness. " - 2 Pet. It is reasonable, then, to conclude that Jesus ' coming to appoint the faithful slave over all his belongings, recorded at Matthew 24: 46, 47, also refers to his coming in the future, during the great tribulation. Muvhigo u ri: "Hafu ya mbingano dzoṱhe dza ṋamusi dza United States dzi khou lavhelelwa u guma nga muṱalano. And why did Emperor Constantine regard him very highly? " All marriages in the United States are expected to end up, " says the report. Vha fanela u vha vho no fhedza miṅwaha mivhili vhe vhavulanḓila, nahone vha vhe vho no vha vhashumeli kana vhahulwane lwa miṅwaha mivhili i tshi khou tou tevhekana. As I was walking to the bus terminal, I was attacked by thugs, who choked and robbed me. They must have been pioneers for two years, becoming ministerial servants or elders for two years. Yo gandiswaho nga Ṱhanzi dza Yehova fhedzi zwino a i tsha gandisiwa. If you had a close friend with an amazing skill - perhaps in sports, art, or music - would you talk about him to your family and other friends? Published by Jehovah's Witnesses but now out of print. U Thuswa nga Vharuṅwa What parallel exists between the role of Jesus and that of Christian husbands? Help From Angels Salomo o ṅwala uri: "Ngelekanyo dza mushumi a dzi shayi bindu; wa [ṱhavhanyedza, NW] u ya mahandanani. " (Mir. Perhaps you would like to pioneer. Solomon wrote: "The plans of the diligent one surely make for advantage. " Sa tsumbo, musi Lucia * wa ngei Italy a tshi pfa uri hu na ṱhoḓea ya vhahuweleli ngei Albania, o pfulutshela henefho nga 1993, e si na mushumo wa u ḓitshidza, fhedzi o fulufhela Yehova nga ho fhelelaho. As Jews under the Mosaic Law, Jesus and his apostles shared in the annual Passover. For example, when fhaṱaa * in Italy learned that there was a need for publishers there, she moved there in 1993, without secular work, but she fully trusted in Jehovah. Ri vhona iṅwe mbuyelo ya u ya miṱanganoni kha zwe zwa tshenzhelwa nga mupsalme Asafu. When Offended, 9 / 1 We see another benefit from attending meetings that the psalmist Asaph experienced. Muano wa Yafeta wo vha wo fhambana na muano wa mbingano, fhedzi u ita zwe a ana ndi tsumbo yavhuḓi kha vhanna na vhasadzi vha Vhakriste malugana na miano yavho. Gradually, I made progress. Jephthah's vow was different from the marriage vow, but doing what he sworn was exemplary in Christian men and women regarding their vows. (Yes. 61: 2) Nga zwenezwo, muapostola o dovha a ri: "Inwi - ha, vhafunwa, vhunga nó dzula ni tshi zwi ḓivha, ḓi - liseni uri ni sa ḓó bva afho he na khwaṱhela hone, na kumbululwa - vho [na vhafunzi vha u zwifha] nga u xela ha vha sí na mulayo. " - 2 Pet. I learned a lot from observing the humble and respectful way they dealt with the brothers and sisters in the congregation. Thus, the apostle added: "You, therefore, love one another; just as you keep on knowing it, be on your guard that you do not belong to you, and [the false teachers] should not be destroyed without law. " - 2 Pet. Nahone ndi ngani Muvhusi Constantine o mu dzhiela nṱha nga u rali? Jesus told his apostles: "My Father is glorified in this, that you keep bearing much fruit. " And why did Emperor Constantine value him so much? Musi ndi tshi khou ya tshiṱitshini tsha bisi, ndo mbo ḓi vutshelwa nga mavemu, vhe vha ntzhipa mukulo na u dzhia zwithu zwe nda vha ndi nazwo. 143: 8. While going to the bus station, I was attacked by criminals, who cut me up and took everything I had. Arali no vha ni na khonani ya tsini i re na vhukoni vhuhulwane - khamusi kha zwa mitambo, vhutsila, kana muzika - naa no vha tshi ḓo amba nga hae na muṱa wa haṋu na dziṅwe khonani dzaṋu? How he removes it from me! To the unfaithful one he apportions out our own fields. ' " If you had a very powerful friend - perhaps in sports, art, or music - would you talk about him and your family and other friends? Ndi u fana hufhio hu re hone vhukati ha vhuimo ha Yesu na ha vhanna vha Vhakriste? When the Peasants ' War broke out and the principalities were bathed in blood, Luther was asked for his judgment on the uprising. What similarity is there between Jesus ' position and that of Christian husbands? Khamusi ni ṱoḓa u vha muvulanḓila. One way to strengthen our sense of Christian identity is to examine and imitate the faith of loyal worshipers, who despite adversity took real pride in their relationship with God. Perhaps you want to pioneer. Samusi Yesu na vhaapostola vhawe vho vha vhe Vhayuda vha re nga fhasi ha Mulayo wa Mushe, vho vha vha tshi pembelela Paseka ya ṅwaha muṅwe na muṅwe. Yet others regard temptation as a persistent foe that they would dearly love to defeat. Since Jesus and his apostles were Jews under the Mosaic Law, they celebrated the annual Passover. Dzulani Ni Na Mavhonele A Kristo, 9 / 15 3: 11. 9 / 1 Ndo ita tshanduko nga zwiṱuku nga zwiṱuku. The Kingdom will bring an end to the entire wicked system of things in which we live. - Read Matthew 24: 14, 21, 22. I gradually made changes. Ndo guda zwithu zwinzhi nga u vhona nḓila ine vha shumisana ngayo na vhahashu vha tshinnani na vha tshisadzini tshivhidzoni nga u ḓiṱukufhadza na nga ṱhonifho. So a young man who seeks a wife should think carefully about the principle found at Proverbs 24: 27. I learned many things by humbly observing their dealings with the brothers and sisters in the congregation. Yesu o vhudza vhaapostola vhawe uri: "Khotsi anga u a ṋewa vhugala musi ni tshi dzula ni tshi aṋwa mitshelo minzhi. " Rather, their outlook should take into account that "he that does the will of God remains forever. " - 1 John 2: 16, 17. Jesus told his apostles: "My Father is glorified in bearing much fruit. " 143: 8. At times, it applies to the actual flesh of our physical body. 143: 8. Ee, vhenevha vhane vha tswa dzinnḓu na masimu vha ḓo xelelwa nga ifa ḽa miṱa yavho. They murmured against Moses. Yes, these who steal houses and fields will lose their family's inheritance. Musi hu tshi vha na Nndwa ya Vhathu vha Vhuimo ha Fhasi nahone hu tshi vhulahwa vhathu vhanzhi vha re fhasi ha magota, Luther o vhudziswa uri u dzhia hani yeneyo nndwa. How does Paul's counsel to the congregation in Rome help us in dealing with disputes? When a civil war broke out and many executed under the Sanhedrin, Luther was asked how he viewed the war. Iṅwe nḓila ya u ḓivha zwavhuḓi zwine ra vha zwone sa Vhakriste ndi u ṱolisisa na u edzisa lutendo lwa vhagwadameli vha fulufhedzeaho, vhe hu sa londwi maṱungu, vha takalela vhushaka havho na Mudzimu. Reaching out to those who are weak is thus a task for all Christians. One way to become acquainted with our Christian identity is to examine and imitate the faith of faithful worshippers, who despite adversity, enjoy their relationship with God. Naho zwo ralo, vhaṅwe vha dzhia mulingo sa swina ḽine ḽa dzula ḽi tshi khou vha linga ḽine vha nga takalela u ḽi kunda. 4 However, some view temptation as a constant enemy who would like to overcome it. 3: 11. " God, Why Did You Allow This? ' 3: 11. Muvhuso u ḓo fhelisa shango ḽivhi ḽine ra khou tshila khaḽo. - Vhalani Mateo 24: 14, 21, 22. In the Bible, we read about some who were not well and who wanted to know if they would get better. The Kingdom will destroy the wicked world in which we live. - Read Matthew 24: 14, 21, 22. Ngauralo, muṱhannga ane a ṱoḓa musadzi u fanela u humbula nga vhuronwane nga ha maitele a re kha Mirero 24: 27. Once, he appeared to more than 500 people. Therefore, a young man who wants a wife needs to think carefully about the principle found at Proverbs 24: 27. Nṱhani hazwo, zwe vha zwi dzudzanya tshimimani tshavho tsha mbingano zwi fanela u sumbedza uri vho ṱhogomela nyeletshedzo ine ya ri "ane a ita zwiné Khotsi a zwi funa u ḓi dzula e hone na lini na lini. " - 1 Yohane 2: 16, 17. In describing the trials that come with old age, Ecclesiastes 12: 5 says: "Man is walking to his long - lasting house and the wailers have marched around in the street. " Rather, their plans at a wedding feast should show that they have considered the counsel "who does the will of God remains forever. " - 1 John 2: 16, 17. Nga zwiṅwe zwifhinga ḽi ambela kha muvhili washu. Coming back to Jesus ' illustration, what did the rich man do when his land produced so well that he had nowhere to store his harvest? Sometimes it refers to our body. Vho gungulela Mushe. They were held during July and August 2006, in Prague, capital of the Czech Republic; in Bratislava, capital of Slovakia; in Chorzow and Poznan, Poland; * and in five German cities - Dortmund, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Leipzig, and Munich. They complained against Moses. Nyeletshedzo ye Paulo a i ṋea vhathu vha tshivhidzo tsha ngei Roma i ri thusa hani musi hu na khuḓano? Author and film historian Tim Dirks described the "Photo - Drama " as" the first major screenplay which incorporated synchronized sound (recorded speech), moving film, and magic lantern color slides. " How does Paul's counsel to the congregation in Rome help us when there are conflicts? U thusa vha shayaho nungo ndi mushumo wa Vhakriste vhoṱhe. What is a customary marriage, and what is advisable after such a marriage? Helping those who are weak is the work of all Christians. 4 Teaching children God's truth requires that parents spend time with them. 4 " Mudzimu, Ndi Ngani Wo Tendela Zwenezwi Zwithu Zwi Tshi Bvelela? ' But note what Daniel is shown shortly thereafter. " God, Why Do You Allow These Things to Be Successful? ' Bivhilini, ri vhala nga ha vhaṅwe vhe vha vha vha tshi khou lwala nahone vha tshi ṱoḓa u ḓivha arali vho vha vha tshi ḓo fhola. (See paragraphs 11 - 13) In the Bible, we read about others who were sick and wanted to know if they were to recover. O vhuya a vhonala kha vhathu vha fhiraho 500. Rather, he became attached to them. He once appeared to more than 500 people. I tshi ṱalusa milingo ine ya vha hone kha vhalala, Muhuweleli 12: 5 i ri: "Muthu ó no fara nḓila ya u ya nḓuni yawe ya lini na lini vhalili vha tshi vhó mona - mona nnḓa. " How does the Bible warn against a competitive spirit? Describing the trials of the elderly, Ecclesiastes 12: 5 states: "Man has walked abroad. " Musi ri tshi vhuyelela kha tshifanyiso tsha Yesu, ndi mini zwe munna wa mupfumi a zwi ita musi a tshi vhona tsimu yawe i na zwiliṅwa zwinzhi zwe a vha a sa ḓivhi hune a ḓo zwi vhea hone? How did the spirit that Satan promotes become so pervasive? When we return to Jesus ' illustration, what did the rich man do when he saw his garden produce plenty of crops he did not know where he would lay? Enea mabuthano o farwa nga July na nga August 2006, ngei Prague, musanda wa Czech Republic; ngei Bratislava, musanda wa Slovakia, ngei Chorzow na Poznan, Poland; * na ḓoroboni ṱhanu dza Dzheremane - Dortmund, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Leipzig, na Munich. She will not scold the sister about her choice of clothing, but she may be able to encourage the younger one to consider how her choice of clothing may affect others. Such conventions were held in July and August 2006, in Prague, the Czech capital of the Czech Republic; in the capital city of Slovakia, as well as in one of the five German capital, Poland; and five German cities - Kis, along with the city of Jehovah. Tim Dirks, ane a vha muṅwali na muḓivhazwakale wa dzifilimu o ṱalusa "Photo - Drama " sa" filimu khulwane ine khayo mubvumo (maipfi o rekhodiwaho) wa tshimbidzana na zwifanyiso zwi tshimbi - tshimbilaho, na dzi - slide dza ngilasi dzi re na mivhala. " We boarded the Marine Adder, a former troopship, sailing from San Francisco, California. " The Drama " describes the "Photo - Drama " as" a large film in the sound (and recorded pictures) accompanied by motion pictures, and slides containing color slides. " Mbingano ya sialala ndi mini, nahone nga murahu ha yeneyo mbingano hu fanela u itwa mini? True worship involves more than symbolizing our dedication by water immersion, attending congregation meetings, and sharing in the public ministry. What is a customary marriage, and what should that marriage be done after that? Samusi u dovholola tshifhinga tshoṱhe zwi tshi thusa vhathu vhahulwane u humbula zwithu zwa ndeme, u dovholola zwi nga thusa na vhana vhaṱuku! (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) Since repetition regularly helps adults to reason on important matters, repetition can help even young children! Fhedzi ṱhogomelani zwe Daniele a zwi sumbedzwa nga murahunyana. 51: 17) Almighty God understands the true attitude and motive behind sins. But consider what Daniel was shown shortly thereafter. (Sedzani dziphara 11 - 13) Parents rejoice when their child reaches a milestone. (See paragraphs 11 - 13) Nṱhani hazwo, o mbo ḓi vha tsini - tsini navho. I Learned That Jehovah Is Merciful and Forgiving 10 Instead, he became closer to them. Bivhili i sevha hani nga ha muya wa u ṱaṱisana? If your negative feelings seem to be much more than an occasional case of the blues, it might be wise to seek professional help. How does the Bible warn against a competitive spirit? Zwenezwi zwi ṱoḓa uri ri ṱahulele u funa Mudzimu nga hune zwa nga konadzea ngaho. Jesus showed his disciples that the standard of worldly greatness is not the standard of Christlike greatness. This requires that we cultivate love for God as much as possible. Zwo ḓa hani uri muya une wa ṱuṱuwedzwa nga Sathane u phaḓalale fhethu hoṱhe? He sees past our mistakes and perceives our real potential. How did Satan's spirit come to be spread everywhere? A nga si ambe nga nḓila i si yavhuḓi na onoyo wahashu nga ha kuambarele kwawe, fhedzi u ḓo thusa onoyo muswa uri a ṱhogomele nḓila ine Kuambarele kwawe kwa kwama ngayo vhaṅwe. He rewards every expression of sacred service that springs from a heart motivated by faith and love, no matter how insignificant it might seem to the giver of the sacrifice. - Mark 12: 41 - 44. He will not speak negatively to the brother about his dress, but he will help the youth to realize how much he affects others. Ro namela tshikepe tsha kale tsha maswole tshine tsha pfi Marine Adder, ra alavha u bva San Francisco, California. God's transfer of his Son's life from heaven to the womb of Mary caused conception, and God's holy spirit shielded Jesus from inheriting imperfection from Mary. - Luke 1: 31, 35. We sailed back to San Francisco, California. Vhurabeli ha ngoho vhu katela zwi fhiraho u sumbedza u ḓiṋekedza hashu nga u lovhedzwa, u ya miṱanganoni ya tshivhidzo, na u ṱanganela vhuḓinḓani ha khagala. Therefore, they fully support the preaching work being carried out by the congregations with which they associate. True worship involves more than being baptized, attending congregation meetings, and sharing in the public ministry. (Sedzani kha tshiṱoho, BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) Those conscious of their spiritual need see the necessity of cultivating a good relationship with God. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) 51: 17.) Mudzimu Ramaanḓaoṱhe u a pfesesa maḓipfele na zwiṱuṱuwedzi zwa vhukuma zwine zwa ita uri muthu a ite zwivhi. However, we cannot blame Satan for all our woes. 51: 17.) Almighty God understands the feelings and motives that cause a person to commit sins. Vhabebi vha a takala musi ṅwana wavho a tshi aluwa. They repented over their past sins. Parents are happy when their child grows up. (Yesaya 33: 24) Arali u ḓipfa haṋu no tsikeledzea hu tshi vhonala hu tshi khou bvela phanḓa, zwi nga vha vhuṱali u ṱoḓa thuso ya vhomakone. He thought to emancipate them from religious ignorance and superstition. If your feelings of distress seem to continue, it may be wise to seek the help of the experts. Yesu o sumbedza vhafunziwa vhawe uri tshiimo tsha shango kha u vha wa nṱha a tshi fani na tsha Vhakriste. Beer - sheba Jesus showed his disciples that the world's condition of greatness is different from that of Christians. Ha sedzi vhukhakhi hashu fhedzi, fhedzi u dovha a sedza na zwithu zwavhuḓi zwine ra nga zwi ita. How do we benefit from Jehovah's undeserved kindness, and how can we show our gratitude for it? He takes note not only of our mistakes but also of the good things we can do. U lambedza tshumelo iṅwe na iṅwe khethwa i bvaho mbiluni ine ra i ita nga nṱhani ha uri ri na lutendo nahone ri a mu funa naho tshumelo yashu i tshi nga vhonala u nga ndi ṱhukhu. - Marko 12: 41 - 44. Good it is that one should wait, even silently, for the salvation of Jehovah. " The reward of any heartfelt service we render because of our faith and our love for him even if our service may seem small. - Mark 12: 41 - 44. Sedzani kha tshiṱoho PUBLICATIONS > ONLINE LIBRARY. Nḓila ye Mudzimu a fhirisela ngayo vhutshilo ha Murwa wawe a tshi bva ṱaḓulu, zwo ita uri Maria a vhifhe muvhilini nahone muya mukhethwa wa Mudzimu wo tsireledza Yesu uri a si mamele tshivhi kha Maria a songo fhelelaho. - Luka 1: 31, 35. Let us consider the trouble it led to and the lesson we can learn from what happened. Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > FROM FROM FROM FROM the bottom of his Son's life from heaven, God's holy spirit spared Mary's pregnancy and protected Jesus from committing sin to imperfect Mary. - Luke 1: 31, 35. Nga zwenezwo, vha tikedza nga vhuḓalo mushumo wa u huwelela une wa itwa nga zwivhidzo zwine vha ṱanganela khazwo. Did you ever consider, though, that he often used contrasts in his teaching? They thus fully support the preaching work carried out by congregations in which they meet. Vhane vha dzhiela nṱha ṱhoḓea dzavho dza zwithu zwa muya vha ṱhogomela ndeme ya u ṱahulela vhushaka havhuḓi na Mudzimu. It is also unacceptable if it endangers one's life or health, if it causes economic hardship or discouragement, or if it causes others to stumble. Those who appreciate their spiritual need recognize the importance of cultivating a good relationship with God. Naho zwo ralo, ri nga si vhee Sathane mulandu kha maṱungu ashu oṱhe. When the time came for the Israelites to conquer mighty Canaanite nations and take possession of the Promised Land, Joshua saw how the God whom he and the other Israelites worshipped backed them in this work. - Josh. However, we cannot blame Satan for all our distresses. Vho rembuluwa zwivhini zwavho. She could return to them, and they would probably take care of her. They repented of their sins. O vha a tshi khou humbula nga u vha vhofholola kha u sa londa vhurereli na kha u tenda zwi siho. " All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial, " wrote the apostle Paul. The Greek word translated "inspired of God " literally means" breathed into by God. " He had in mind that he could free them from religious apathy and lack of faith. Beresab When asked what is the greatest commandment from God, Jesus said: "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength. " A horse (b) Ri vhuyelwa hani nga vhuthu vhuhulu ha Yehova, nahone ri nga sumbedza hani uri ri a livhuha? PURPOSE OF STUDY ARTICLES How do we benefit from Jehovah's undeserved kindness, and how can we show our appreciation? Zwo naka muthu a tshi konḓelela, a lindela u lamulelwa nga Yehova. " He can forgive sins on the basis of the ransom. It is good for a man to endure and wait for Jehovah's help. " Kha ri ṱhogomele uri vivho ḽo bveledza mini na uri ndi mini zwine ra nga zwi guda kha zwe zwa itea. What help did Jesus promise his disciples, and why would they need it? Let us consider what jealousy has produced and what we can learn from what happened. Nga zwenezwo, naa no vhuya na zwi ṱhogomela uri o vha a tshi anzela u vhambedza musi a tshi funza? IMITATE THEIR FAITH | DAVID Have you ever noticed, then, that he often compared himself to teaching? A zwo ngo tea arali hu tshi vhea vhutshilo ha muṅwe muthu khomboni kana mutakalo wawe, arali hu tshi ita uri hu vhe na vhuleme ha zwa dzitshelede kana u kula nungo, kana arali hu tshi khukhulisa vhaṅwe. Such long - lasting sorrow is not uncommon among bereaved parents. It is not appropriate if someone's life or health threatens financial hardship or discouragement, or if it offends others. 8: 3 - 5, 14 - 16; Yosh. 24: 5 - 7) Musi tshifhinga tsha uri Vhaisiraele vha kunde tshaka dza Vha - Kanana dzi re na maanḓa na u dzhia Shango ḽo Fulufhedziswaho, Yoshua o vhona nḓila ine Mudzimu ane ene na vhaṅwe Vhaisiraele vha mu gwadamela a tikedza ngayo wonoyu mushumo. - Yosh. If a person can speak, read, and write the official language of the country in which he lives, dealing with medical personnel, civil authorities, or bank employees becomes easier, even routine, rather than frightening. When the Israelites defeated the mighty Canaanite nations and took possession of the Promised Land, Joshua saw how God and other Israelites worshipped him in support of this work. - Josh. O vha a tshi nga humela khavho nahone khamusi vha mu ṱhogomela. So, what may we conclude from the foregoing? He could return to them and perhaps take care of him. Muapostola Paulo o ṅwala u ri: "Maṅwalo oṱhe, ma - hevhedzwa - nga - Mudzimu, na hone a a lamulela. " Compared to the lasting joy that comes from helping people to benefit from God's wisdom so that they can gain everlasting life, a secular career can provide only limited satisfaction. The apostle Paul wrote: "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial. " Musi o vhudziswa uri mulayo muhulwanesa wa Mudzimu ndi ufhio, Yesu o ri: "U fune Murena Mudzimu wau nga mbilu yau yoṱhe, na nga muya wau woṱhe, na nga u ṱalukanya hau hoṱhe, na nga maanḓa au oṱhe. Ndi wone mulayo muhulu kha yoṱhe. " With good preparation, you will "know how you ought to give an answer. " - Col. When asked what was the greatest commandment of God, Jesus said: "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength. " NDIVHO YA THERO DZI GUDWAHO This work was to continue from the time the slave first began its work until the end of this system of things. PURPOSE OF STUDY ARTICLES 22: 3) Ḓiiteleni phetho inwi muṋe. Thus, from his Father's right hand in heaven, Jesus began to see his name take on greater meaning as thousands repented and put faith in him as Jehovah's means of salvation. - Acts 2: 5, 11, 37 - 41. Make a personal decision for yourself. Yesu o fulufhedzisa vhafunziwa vhawe uri u ḓo vha ṋea thuso ifhio, nahone ndi ngani vho vha vha tshi ḓo i ṱoḓa? Asking honest questions about the Bible can lead to reassuring answers. What help did Jesus promise his disciples, and why would they need it? EDZISANI LUTENDO LWAVHO | DAVIDA " The crucial factor was the desire to please Jehovah, " he said. IMITATE THEIR FAITH BY DAVID Zwo ḓowelea uri vhabebi vho lovhelwaho nga ṅwana vha pfe honoho vhuṱungu tshifhinga tshilapfu. Blessings From a Life of Serving in " Jehovah's Strength ' It is not unusual for bereaved parents to experience such intense grief. (Muhuweleli 7: 12) Arali muthu a tshi kona u amba, u ṅwala, na u vhala luambo lwa tshiofisi lwa shango ḽine a dzula khaḽo, zwi ḓo mu lelutshela u shumisana na vhathu vha zwa ngalafho, vhuvhusi, kana vhashumi vha banngani, na uri a vhe muthu o ḓowelaho zwithu nṱhani ha u tshuwa. The domestic courts did not adduce " relevant and sufficient ' reasons to show that the applicant community " was guilty, for instance, of breaking up families, inciting suicide, or refusing medical care. If a person is able to speak, write, and read the official language of the country where he lives, it will be easier for him to deal with medical, authority, or bank officials, and even to become someone who is familiar with things rather than with. Ngauralo ri nga phetha nga uri mini malugana na muya mukhethwa? Who was behind the reproach that Jesus was subjected to? So what can we conclude about holy spirit? U tovhola buḓo ḽa nṱha zwi ḓisa dakalo ḽa tshifhinganyana, fhedzi u thusa vhaṅwe uri vha gude nga ha Mudzimu u itela uri vha wane vhutshilo vhu sa fheli zwi ḓisa dakalo ḽa tshoṱhe. Rahab put her faith in the God of the Israelites Pursuing a career leads to short - term happiness, but helping others to learn about God so that they can gain everlasting life brings lasting happiness. Arali no lugiselela zwavhuḓi ni ḓo "ḓivha kufhindulele kwo linganaho ufhio na ufhio. " - Vha - Kol. 1: 1, 2; Rev. If you have prepared well, you will " know how you ought to give an answer to everyone. ' - Col. Wonoyu mushumo wo vha u tshi tea u bvela phanḓa u bva tshifhingani tshee mukoma a thoma ngatsho u shuma u swika vhufheloni ha ano maitele a zwithu. Likely, however, Cain and Abel used altars in making their offerings. - 2 / 15, page 28. This work had to continue since the slave began to work until the end of this system of things. Nga zwenezwo, musi e tshanḓani tsha u ḽa tsha Khotsi awe ngei ṱaḓulu, Yesu o thoma u vhona nḓila ine dzina ḽawe ḽa vha ḽa ndeme ngayo kha vhathu vha zwigidi musi vha tshi rembuluwa na u vha na lutendo khae samusi e ene ane Yehova a mu shumisa u itela u tshidza. - Mish. 2: 5, 11, 37 - 41. [ Picture on page 18] Thus, when he was at the hand of his Father in heaven, Jesus began to see how precious his name was for thousands of people when they repented and put faith in him as Jehovah uses him to save him. - Acts 2: 5, 37 - 11, 37 - 41. U vhudzisa mbudziso dzo teaho nga ha Bivhili zwi nga livhisa kha phindulo dzi ṱuṱuwedzaho. He added: "You cannot slave for God and for Riches. " Asking appropriate questions about the Bible can lead to encouraging answers. O ri: "Tshithu tsha ndeme vhukuma ho vha hu u ṱoḓa u takadza Yehova. (a) When and why will imitation Christians " gnash their teeth '? " The most important thing was to please Jehovah, " she says. Phaṱhutshedzo Dzi Bvaho Kha Vhutshilo Ha U Shuma Nga " Maanḓa A Yehova ' Through our disciple - making work. Blessings From Life of "the Power of Jehovah " Khothe ya Yuropa yo amba uri Khothe ya Russia a yo ngo ṋea vhuṱanzi vhu pfalaho ha uri Dziṱhanzi dzi na mulandu wa u pwasha miṱa, u ṱuṱuwedza vhathu uri vha ḓivhulahe kana uri vha hane ngalafho. A young person who uses his or her talents and energy to serve Jehovah can achieve spiritual goals and gain true happiness. The European Court said that Russia's Court did not give clear evidence that the Witnesses are guilty of destroying families, encouraging people to be judgmental or medical. Ndi nnyi we a vha a tshi khou tikedza u nyadziwa he Yesu a ṱangana naho? How can you work out your own salvation? Who was behind the reproach Jesus faced? Rahaba o vha e na lutendo kha Mudzimu wa Vhaisiraele However, circumstances vary from one country to another, and the important thing is for Christians to "distinguish between the holy thing and the profane " so as to conduct themselves with holiness that pleases God. Rahab had faith in the God of Israel 1: 1, 2; Ndzumb. When we do give in to sin, we will ask Jehovah for his forgiveness. 1: 1, 2; Rev. Naho zwo ralo, zwi vhonala uri Kaini na Abele vho shumisa aletare musi vha tshi ṋekedza zwiṱhavhelo zwavho. (Genesi 4: 3, 4) - 2 / 15, siaṱari 28. Harald wrote: "In all, I have spent 14 years of my life in concentration camps and prisons because of my faith in God. However, Cain and Abel apparently used altars when they offered their sacrifices. - 2 / 15, page 28. [ Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 18] Solomon noted that proper words can be powerful like oxgoads in giving direction in life. [ Picture on page 18] O dovha a ri: "Ni nga si kone u shumela Mudzimu na Lupfumo. " (b) What danger can result from being distracted spiritually? He added: "You cannot slave for God and for Riches. " (a) Vhane vha ḓiita Vhakriste vha ḓo "shenganya maṋo " lini nahone ndi ngani? Since circumstances vary, it is appropriate for each family head or individual to evaluate how this weekly occasion can be used in the best way. (a) When will those who claim to be Christians "make their teeth " and why? U zwi ita nga mushumo washu wa u ita vhathu vhafunziwa. Your faithfully worshipping Jehovah can help you to do the same. He does so through our commission to make disciples. 20: 29) Muswa ane a shumisa vhukoni na nungo dzawe u itela u shumela Yehova, a nga wana zwipikwa zwa muya na dakalo ḽa vhukuma. Moreover, the truth in God's Word sets us free from the shackles of the traditions and superstitions associated with death. - See the box "Where Are the Dead? " A young person who uses his abilities and energy to serve Jehovah can find spiritual goals and true happiness. Ni nga ita hani vhuḓidini hoṱhe uri ni tshidzwe? Jehovah's entire organization, both the heavenly and the earthly parts, functions on the basis of loving submission to God's will. How can you put forth every effort to be saved? Naho zwo ralo, zwiimo zwa mashango a zwi fani, nahone tshithu tsha ndeme ndi uri Vhakriste vha "si ṱanganye zwa dzitshikha na zwi sí na tshikha " u itela uri vha vhe na vhukhethwa vhu takadzaho Mudzimu. " As to the cause of the Universe, in context of expansion, that is left for the reader to insert, but our picture is incomplete without Him [God]. " - Edward Milne, British cosmologist. However, conditions in the lands vary, and the key thing is that Christians " abstain from unclean and unclean conduct " in order to have God's holy acts of holiness. Musi ri tshi ita tshivhi, ri ḓo humbela Yehova uri a ri hangwele. 12: 12; 13: 21; 14: 24 - 31; 16: 4; Neh. When we sin, we will ask Jehovah to forgive us. Harald o ṅwala a ri: "Nga u tou angaredza, ndo fhedza miṅwaha ya 14 ya vhutshilo hanga ndi gammbani dza tshengedzo na ngei dzhele nga ṅwambo wa u vha na lutendo kha Mudzimu. Why has Jehovah had the above examples recorded for us in his Word? He wrote: "In general, I spent 14 years in concentration camps and prisons because of my faith in God. Salomo o ṱhogomela uri maambiwa a vhaṱali a nga vhulivhisi vhune ha livhisa muthu vhutshiloni. Never forget that "Jehovah knows how to rescue people of godly devotion out of trial. " Solomon recognized that the words of the wise ones can guide a person's life. (b) Hu nga itea mini arali muthu a thithisea nga lwa muya? 4: 6. (b) What can happen if a person is distracted spiritually? Samusi zwiimo zwi sa fani, zwi ḓo vha zwo tea uri ṱhoho ya muṱa kana uri muthu nga eṱhe a vhone uri ndi zwifhio zwine zwa nga haseledzwa vhege iṅwe na iṅwe. We know the answers to questions that worldly - wise men have grappled with for millenniums. Since circumstances vary, it would be appropriate for a family head or a personal view to what might be discussed each week. 73: 16, 17) Musi ni tshi gwadamela Yehova nga u fulufhedzea zwi nga ni thusa u ita zwi fanaho. I feel satisfied at the end of each day because I can see that my ministry really helps people. Your faithful worship of Jehovah can help you to do the same. Zwiṅwe hafhu, ngoho i re Ipfini ḽa Mudzimu i a ri vhofholola kha masialala na u tenda zwi siho zwi tshimbidzanaho na lufu. - Sedzani bogisi "Vhafu Vha Ngafhi? " Unlike many human monarchs, Jehovah is pleased to delegate responsibility to his subjects, treating them as trusted members of his family. Moreover, the truth in God's Word sets us free from traditions and beliefs that are not connected with death. - See the box "Where Are the Dead? " (Psalme ya 110: 3) Ndangulo yoṱhe ya Yehova, tshipiḓa tsha ṱaḓulu na tsha kha ḽifhasi, zwi shuma kha mutheo wa u ḓiṱukufhadzela u ita zwine Mudzimu a zwi funa nga lufuno. People will build beautiful homes and inhabit them and will plant crops and eat to satisfaction. All of Jehovah's organization, the heavenly and earthly part, plays a role in submitting to God's will. Edward Milne, muḓivhi wa mupo wa Britain o ri: "Malugana na u ṱanḓavhuwa ha fhethu hoṱhe, muvhali u fanela u ḓiitela phetho ene muṋe, fhedzi nḓila ine riṋe ra pfesesa ngayo a yo ngo fhelela malugana Nae. " Through Moses, God instructed Israelite judges: "When you hear a case between your brothers, you are to judge with righteousness. " " Concerning the urgency of the universe, the reader must make his own decisions, but the way we understand is not perfect with regard to him, " says the British expert. 12: 12; 13: 21; 14: 24 - 31; 16: 4; Neh. I learned that there are different ways of doing things. 12: 12; 13: 21; 14: 24 - 31; 16: 4; Neh. Ndi ngani Yehova o ita uri dzenedzi tsumbo dzi ṅwaliwe Ipfini ḽawe? Perhaps from his camp outside the city walls, Nebuzaradan surveys the situation and plans a course of action. Why did Jehovah provide these examples recorded in his Word? Ni songo vhuya na hangwa uri "Yehova u a ḓivha u ponyokisa milingoni vhathu vhane vha ḓikumedza khae. " When Fear of God Lapsed Never forget that "Jehovah knows how to deliver people of godly devotion out of trial. " 4: 6. Jesus raised the question: "Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? " 4: 6. Ri ḓivha phindulo dza mbudziso dze dza konḓela vhathu vho ṱalifhaho nga lwa shango miṅwahani minzhi ya zwigidi. As Jordan's experience illustrates, a gift may have little or no value in some people's eyes. We know the answers to questions that have been difficult for wise people in the world for thousands of years. Ndi ḓipfa ndo fushea ḓuvha na ḓuvha nga ṅwambo wa uri ndi a kona u vhona uri vhuḓinḓa hanga vhu thusa vhathu zwa vhukuma. The prophet Isaiah found fault with the national leaders of Israel in his day because they trusted in "the refuge of a lie. " I feel satisfied every day because I can see that my ministry really helps people. U fhambana na mahosi manzhi a vhathu, Yehova u takalela u ṋea vhathu vhawe vhuḓifhinduleli, a tshi vha fara sa miraḓo i fulufhedzeaho ya muṱa wawe. Your kind demeanor can also help you to start a conversation. Unlike many human kings, Jehovah is pleased to delegate responsibilities to his people, treating them as loyal members of his family. (Yesaya 11: 6 - 9) Vhathu vha ḓo fhaṱa mahaya avhuḓi na u dzula khao nahone vha ḓo ṱavha zwiliṅwa zwine vha ḓo ḽa vha fushea. His justice is not harsh but moves him to make endless life available to everyone who works righteousness. People will build beautiful homes and live in them and plant crops that will be satisfied. A tshi shumisa Mushe, Mudzimu o laya vhahaṱuli vha Vhaisiraele a ri: "Ni tshi sengisa vhathu ni songo ṱalula wa haṋu. " Most little children are humble and eager to learn. Through Moses, God commanded the Israelite judges: "You must judge the people, and you must not identify your fellow man. " Ndo guda uri hu na nḓila dzo fhamba - fhambanaho dza u ita zwithu. For example, Robert writes: "My wife and I were in our mid - 50 ' s when we realized what opportunities lay before us. I learned that there are several different ways of doing things. (2 Dzikhosi 25: 8) Musi e mushashani wawe we wa vha u nga nnḓa ha mbondo dza muḓi, khamusi Nebusaradani o vha a tshi khou ṱolisisa vhuimo na u ita ndugiselelo dza nḓila ye a vha a tshi ḓo vutshela ngayo. 1, 2. (a) Why are humans unable to see God's glory directly? While he was outside the city's walls, he may have been examining the situation and making arrangements for how he would attack. Musi u Ofha Mudzimu zwi Tshi Fhela Yet, he has given no ethnic group the basis for feeling superior. When Fear of God Is End Yesu o vhudzisa mbudziso ine ya ri: "Zwino, mukoma a fulufhedzeaho na wa vhuṱali ndi nnyi, we muṋe wawe a mu kumedza vhalanda vhawe uri a vha fhe zwiḽiwa nga tshikhathi tshazwo. " He is not only the Supreme One but also a loving Father who cares for his earthly children. Jesus asked the question: "Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? " Samusi ro zwi vhona kha tsumbo ya Jordan, kha vhaṅwe vhathu tshifhiwa tshi nga vhonala tshi tshiṱuku kana tshi si tsha ndeme. 4: 12, 13. As we have seen in Jordan's example, some individuals may seem less small or less important. Muporofita Yesaya o sasaladza vhavhusi vha lushaka lwa Isiraele vha misini yawe ngauri vho fulufhela kha "vhukhudo ha mazwifhi. " This article considers questions you may have raised and shows where you can read the answers in your Bible. The prophet Isaiah condemned the rulers of the nation of Israel in his day because they trusted in "the refuge of a lie. " U vha haṋu na vhuthu zwi nga dovha zwa ni thusa uri ni kone u thoma nyambedzano. Let us see as we examine the account recorded at 1 Kings 18: 41 - 46. Your kind manner may also help you to start conversations. Khaṱulokwayo yawe a si ya tshiṱuhu fhedzi i mu sudzulusela uri a ṋee muṅwe na muṅwe o lugaho vhutshilo vhu sa fheli. Later, I was invited to transfer to the Buxton Congregation, which had very few publishers and needed help. His justice is not harsh but moves him to give every righteous one everlasting life. Vhana vhanzhi vha a ḓiṱukufhadza nahone vho ḓiimisela u guda. When we face decisions, we need to dig for the "knowledge of God " as if for a buried treasure. Many children are humble and willing to learn. Sa tsumbo, Robert o ṅwala uri: "Nṋe na mufumakadzi wanga ro vha ri miṅwahani ya vhu - 50 musi ri tshi ṱhogomela zwibuli zwine ra vha nazwo. We do not know the names of all those elders, but it is evident that they appreciated the importance of prayer. For example, Robert wrote: "My wife and I were in our 50 ' s when we looked after the opportunities we had. 1, 2. (a) Ndi ngani vhathu vha sa koni u vhona vhugala ha Mudzimu nga ho livhaho? It is not only good preparation but a deep personal interest in others that helps us to start Bible discussions and reach people in the ministry. 1, 2. (a) Why are humans not able to see God's glory directly? Fhedzi ho ngo ṋea muṅwe murafho mutheo wa u ḓipfa u tshi fhira muṅwe. " Those Conscious of Their Spiritual Need " But he did not give one generation a basis for feeling superior to another. Ha sokou vha wa Ṱaḓulu - ṱaḓulu fhedzi, fhedzi u dovha a vha Khotsi wa lufuno ane a ṱhogomela vhana vhawe vha kha ḽifhasi. [ Pictures on page 24] He is not only the Most High, but he is also a loving Father who cares for his earthly children. 4: 12, 13. Many spiritual gems await discovery if you dig for them in God's Word. 4: 12, 13. Yeneyi thero i haseledza nga ha mbudziso dze na vhuya na dzi vhudzisa nahone i ḓo sumbedza hune na ḓo wana hone phindulo Bivhilini yaṋu. Wells in A History of the World, published in 1922. This article raises questions you may have asked and shows where you can read the answers in your Bible. Kha ri ṱhogomele phindulo musi ri tshi ṱolisisa mafhungo o ṅwaliwaho kha 1 Dzikhosi 18: 41 - 46. Many Christians today have imitated the example of the four fishermen rather than that of the rich young ruler. Let us consider the answer when we consider the account recorded at 1 Kings 18: 41 - 46. Nga murahu, ndo humbelwa uri ndi pfulutshele Tshivhidzoni tsha ngei Buxton tshe tsha vha tshi na vhahuweleli vha si gathi nahone tsho vha tshi tshi ṱoḓa thuso. Threats and ultimatums send out the message: " I do not view our marriage as permanent. Later, I was asked to move to the congregation in Dotton, where there were only a few publishers and needed help. Musi ro sedzana na u ita phetho, ri fanela u ṱoḓa " nḓivho ya Mudzimu ' u fana na musi ri tshi bwa lupfumo lu re mavuni. Not that God walked on earth, nor that Noah somehow went to heaven. When faced with making decisions, we should seek "the knowledge of God " just as we store up treasures on the ground. A ri ḓivhi madzina a vhenevho vhahulwane vhoṱhe, fhedzi zwi tou vha khagala uri vho vha vha tshi dzhiela nṱha thabelo. The work of the watchman class is not yet over. We do not know the names of all these elders, but they evidently appreciated prayer. Zwine zwa ri thusa u thoma khaseledzo dza Bivhili na u swikelela mbilu dza vhathu vhuḓinḓani, a si u lugiselela zwavhuḓi fhedzi, fhedzi ndi u vha na dzangalelo ḽo dzikaho kha vhaṅwe. This marked the beginning of a lifetime of service "in favorable season, in troublesome season. " What helps us to start Bible discussions and reach people's hearts in the ministry not only well but also to have a deep interest in others. " Vhane Vha Ṱhogomela Ṱhoḓea Dzavho Dza Muya " Moses wrote: "O Jehovah, you yourself have proved to be a real dwelling for us during generation after generation. " " Those Who Care for Spiritual Need " [ Zwifanyiso kha siaṱari 24] Scriptural Questions Answered: [ Pictures on page 24] Vhunzhi ha mafhungo a muya ri a wana nga u bwa Ipfini ḽa Mudzimu. ; Goodman, E. Many spiritual accounts come from diging into God's Word. Wells u ri: "Vharoma vho ḓiwana vho dzhena kha vhulangi vhuhulwane vha songo zwi lavhelela. " The sword used by Roman infantrymen at the time Paul wrote his letter was about 20 inches (50 cm) long and was designed for hand - to - hand combat. " Those who have found themselves in a large way, " says the psalmist, "but they have found themselves in the largest room without any expectations. " Vhakriste vhanzhi ṋamusi vho edzisa tsumbo ya vharei vhaṋa vha khovhe nṱhani ha ya muṱhannga wa muvhusi o pfumaho. Riana adds: "I was assigned to give a public talk every other week. Many Christians today have followed the example of four fishermen instead of a wealthy young ruler. U tshuwisa nga u amba uri ni ḓo ita zwiṅwe zwithu arali zwine na khou zwi ṱoḓa zwa sa itwa kanzhi zwi vhonala ni tshi khou amba u ri: " A thi dzhii mbingano yashu i ya tshoṱhe. But his armor hindered the edge of a sword or the point of an arrow from piercing his heart or other vital organs. To intimidate you into saying that you will do something if what you want is not done often seemed to say: "I don't view our lasting marriage. Zwo vha zwi sa ambi uri Mudzimu o tshimbila kha ḽifhasi kana uri Noaxe o gonya ṱaḓulu. Today, it is known that characteristics you inherited from your parents and forebears - such as your height, facial features, eye and hair color, and thousands of other traits - were determined by your genes. It did not mean that God had walked to earth or that Noah had ascended to heaven. Mushumo wa tshigwada tsha mulindi a u athu fhela. Today, in more than 235 lands, Jehovah's Witnesses are preaching the good news of God's Kingdom in more than 500 languages. The work of the watchman is not finished. Nga tshenetsho tshifhinga nda thoma tshumelo ya vhutshilo hoṱhe nga "tshifhinga tsho ḓaho na tshi songo ḓaho. " It is his will to replace all of them with his heavenly Kingdom and ultimately undo all the damage that human rulership has inflicted upon mankind through the centuries. At that time, I started the rest of my life "at an hour to come. " Mushe o ṅwala a ri: "Murena, wo ḓi vha dzhavhelo ḽashu kha mirafho na mirafho. " * (Ps. God requires that we avoid unclean habits. Moses wrote: "Jehovah has become our stronghold in generation after generation. " Mbudziso Dza Maṅwalo Dzo Fhindulwa: The sad reality, as the Bible points out, is that death has "ruled as king, " as a tyrannical ruler, over mankind. Scriptural Questions Answered: ; Goodman, E. Of course, the elders cannot solve all of your problems. ; Goodman, E. Tshifhingani tsha musi Paulo a tshi ṅwala vhurifhi hawe, banga ḽe ḽa vha ḽi tshi shumiswa nga maswole a Roma ḽo vha ḽo lapfa nga senthimithara dza 50 nahone swole ḽo vha ḽi tshi lwa ḽo fara ḽeneḽo banga. Not all are teachers, are they? During Paul's letter, a sword used by Roman soldiers was about 30 inches cm] long, and a soldier was armed with the sword. Riana o dovha a ri: "Ndo vha ndi tshi ṋekedza nyambo vhege iṅwe na iṅwe. We show concern for these works by studying the Bible and taking time to meditate on what we read in it. Says Riana: "I used to give talks every week. Fhedzi tshiṱangu tshaḽo tsho vha tshi tshi tsireledza mbilu na zwiṅwe zwipiḓa zwa muvhili uri zwi si rwiwe nga pfumo na misevhe. Not knowing that Mary was pregnant "by holy spirit, " Joseph must have thought that she had been unfaithful to him, and thus he intended to divorce her. - Matthew 1: 18 - 20. But the shield protected the heart and other parts of the body from the sword and arrows. Ṋamusi, zwi a ḓivhiwa uri zwithu zwe na zwi mamela kha vhabebi vhaṋu na vhomakhulukuku waṋu - zwine zwa nga vhulapfu haṋu, mbonalo dza tshifhaṱuwo tshaṋu, maṱo, muvhala wa mavhudzi, na dziṅwe pfaneleo nnzhi - nnzhi - zwi bva kha gene dzaṋu. November 23 - 29, 2009 Today, it is known that the things you inherited from your parents and grandparents - about your length, the appearance of your face, the color of the hair, and many other qualities - are from your globe. Ṋamusi, Ṱhanzi dza Yehova vha khou huwelela mafhungo maḓifha a Muvhuso wa Mudzimu mashangoni a fhiraho 235 nga nyambo dzi fhiraho 500. Our peace allows us to "work what is good toward all, but especially toward those related to us in the faith. " Today, Jehovah's Witnesses are preaching the good news of God's Kingdom in over 235 lands in over 500 languages. Ndi ndivho yawe uri Muvhuso wawe wa ṱaḓulu u dzhiele vhudzulo yeneyi mivhuso yoṱhe na u lugisa mutshinyalo we wa itwa nga mivhuso ya vhathu miṅwahani ya maḓana. Never allow worldly music, videos, TV shows, books, associates, educators, or so - called experts to control your life. - Col. It is his purpose that his heavenly Kingdom replace all these kingdoms and undo the damage caused by human governments over the centuries. Mudzimu u ṱoḓa ri tshi iledza nḓowelo dzi songo kunaho. When starting a conversation with a householder in your ministry today, you might say, "I am visiting you because I am interested in your opinion regarding [a certain topic]. " God wants us to resist immoral tendencies. Zwi ṱungufhadzaho ndi uri Bivhili i ṱalutshedza uri lufu lwo vhusa sa "khosi " ya tshiṱuhu kha vhathu. This naturally provokes his righteous displeasure. Sadly, the Bible explains that death ruled as "a cruel king " over mankind. Ndi ngoho uri vhahulwane vha nga si kone u tandulula thaidzo dzaṋu dzoṱhe. Though they were 10,000 strong, their faith and courage would face a great test this day. Of course, the elders cannot solve all your problems. Vhoṱhe ndi vhafunzi naa? As you would expect of a message that is truly from God for all mankind, this book is available in far more languages than any other book ever written. Are all priests priests? 145: 5) Ri sumbedza u dzhiela nṱha mishumo yeneyi nga u guda Bivhili na nga u ḓiṋea tshifhinga tsha u elekanya nga ha zwine ra zwi guda khayo. Use these years as an opportunity to add to your child's knowledge gradually. We show our appreciation for these activities by studying the Bible and by taking time to meditate on what we learn from it. A sa zwi ḓivhi uri Maria o vha muthu wa thovhela zwi tshi itiswa nga "muya mukhethwa, " Yosefa a nga vha o humbula uri Maria a nga vha a songo fulufhedzea khae, nahone o vha a tshi khou ṱoḓa u mu ṱala. - Mateo 1: 18 - 20. At Hebrews 13: 7, 17, quoted above, the apostle Paul gives four reasons why we should be obedient and submissive to Christian overseers. Not knowing that Mary was pregnant with "the holy spirit, " Joseph may have thought that Mary must have been unfaithful to her, and she wanted to divorce her. - Matthew 1: 18 - 20. 22 Vhaswa - Nḓila Ine Na Nga Lwisana Ngayo Na Milingo Paul said that "God's wrath is being revealed from heaven against all ungodliness. " 22 Young Ones - How You Can Resist Trials 23 - 29 November, 2009 Having his leprosy cured was surely all that the man had hoped for. November 23 - 29, 2009 Mulalo une ra vha nawo u ita uri ri "ite zwivhuya ri tshi itela vhoṱhe, zwihulu - hulu ri tshi itela vha re vha nnḓu nthihi na riṋe nga lutendo. " 2: 1 - 5. The peace we enjoy makes us "work what is good toward all, but especially toward those related to us in the faith. " Ni songo vhuya na tendela zwithu zwa shango zwi ngaho muzika, dzividio, mbekanyamushumo dza thelevishini, dzibugu, dzikhonani, vhadededzi, kana vhane vha vhidzwa vhaḓivhi vha tshi langa vhutshilo haṋu. - Vhakol. You might try some of the following. Never allow secular activities, such as music, videos, television programs, books, friends, teachers, or experts to control your life. - Col. Musi ni vhuḓinḓani ṋamusi ni nga kha ḓi thoma nyambedzano na ṋemuḓi nga u amba uri, "Ndo vha dalela ngauri ndi na dzangalelo kha nḓila ine vha humbula ngayo malugana na [haya mafhungo]. " For the same reason, the chief of a gold - mining company ordered me out of his office in no uncertain terms. During your ministry today, you might start a conversation with a householder by saying, "I visited them because I am interested in their thinking on the matter. " Zwenezwi zwi a mu sinyusa vhukuma. The goats, or the unfaithful ones, "will depart into everlasting cutting - off. " This makes her very angry. Naho vho vha vhe 10 000, lutendo lwavho na tshivhindi lwo vha lu tshi ḓo lingwa vhukuma nga ḽeneḽo ḓuvha. Instead of just worrying about such sobering questions, we want to use them to analyze ourselves and make sure that we are giving our best in Jehovah's service. Even though they were 10,000, their faith and courage would be put to the test that day. Samusi ni tshi ḓo lavhelela mulaedza une wa bva kha Mudzimu u yaho kha vhathu vhoṱhe, yeneyi bugu i wanala nga nyambo nnzhi u fhira bugu naho i ifhio ye ya vhuya ya ṅwaliwa. The father asked the boys to recall what happened to Achan, as recounted in Joshua chapter 7. As you look forward to God's message to all mankind, this book is available in more languages than any other book ever published. Vhana vhane vha vha kha murole wa fhasi tshikoloni: Shumisani yeneyi miṅwaha sa tshibuli tsha u engedza nḓivho kha ṅwana waṋu nga zwiṱuku nga zwiṱuku. Yes, a person's attitude is a gauge as to whether he is succumbing to the world's spirit. - Compare Romans 13: 11 - 14. Little children at school: Over the years, use this as an opportunity to deepen your child's knowledge gradually. Kha Vha - Heberu 13: 7, 17 yo redzwaho afho nṱha, muapostola Paulo o ṋea zwiitisi zwiṋa zwa uri ndi ngani ri tshi fanela u thetshelesa na u ḓiṱukufhadza kha vhalavhelesi vha Vhakriste. Our intimate relationship with Jehovah and his Son along with our close association with the Christian brotherhood is a unique blessing, too precious to be taken for granted. At Hebrews 13: 7, 17, quoted above, the apostle Paul gives four reasons why we should be obedient and submissive to Christian overseers. Paulo o ri "mbiti ya Mudzimu i bvaho ṱaḓulu i ḓi - sumbedza kha vhathu vhoṱhe vha sá ofhi Mudzimu. " You might think that this was a simple choice because it is always wise and beneficial to serve Jehovah. Paul said that "the wrath of God from heaven is manifest toward all ungodly people. " Onoyo munna o vha a tshi khou lavhelela uri a fhodzwe mapele awe. Jehovah left no room for doubt in this regard when he gave this command to the man: "From every tree of the garden you may eat to satisfaction. But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die. " The man was expecting him to recover his leprosy. 2: 1 - 5. Noah got it right the first time. 2: 1 - 5. Ni nga kha ḓi lingedza zwithu zwi tevhelaho. And who will "be great as far as the ends of the earth "? You might try the following. Nga tshiitisi tshi fanaho, muhulwane wa khamphani ya mugodi wa musuku o mbvisa ofisini yawe o sinyuwa. For example, from Mozambique comes this report about a Witness family. For the same reason, the chief of a gold company delivered me out of his office with anger. Mbudzi kana vha sa fulufhedzei, "vha ḓo fheliswa tshoṱhe. " How were Jesus ' disciples to act toward their enemies? The harlot or the unfaithful, "will be destroyed forever. " Nṱhani ha u vhilaela nga ha zwe ni si kone u zwi ita, vhilaelani nga ha zwine na khou zwi ita zwino, nahone ni ite vhungoho ha uri ni khou shumela Yehova nga maanḓa aṋu oṱhe. What are some Bible examples of Jehovah's seeing potential in his servants? Instead of worrying about your limitations, be concerned about what you are doing now, and make sure that you are serving Jehovah with all your strength. Khotsi o humbela vhatukana uri vha humbule zwe zwa bvelela kha Akani, samusi zwo ṱalutshedzwa kha Yoshua ndima ya 7. Accept each other as you are, and respect what is different about your mate. The father asked boys to remember what happened to Achan, as explained in Joshua chapter 7. Vhukuma, mavhonele a muthu a nga kona u sumbedza arali muthu a tshi khou ṱuṱuwedzwa nga muya wa shango. - Vhambedzani Vha - Roma 13: 11 - 14. 9, 10. Yes, a person's attitude can show whether a person is influenced by the spirit of the world. - Compare Romans 13: 11 - 14. Vhushaka hashu ha tsini - tsini na Yehova na Murwa wawe na vhukonani hashu ha tsini na vhahashu vha Vhakriste ndi phaṱhutshedzo yo khetheaho, tshithu tsha ndeme tshine ra si fanele u tshi dzhiela fhasi. Why? Our close relationship with Jehovah and his Son and close association with our Christian brothers is a unique blessing, something that we should not overlook. Ni nga humbula uri yeneyo yo vha i phetho i leluwaho ngauri zwi dzula zwi vhuṱali nahone zwi a vhuyedza u shumela Yehova. Does the Soul Survive Death? You may think that this was a simple decision because it is always wise and beneficial to serve Jehovah. Yehova o zwi ita zwa pfala musi a tshi ṋea munna ndaela ine ya ri: "Miri yoṱhe ya tsimu i ḽe zwau, Hone uḽa muri wa u ṱalukanya vhuḓi na vhuvhi U sóngo u ḽa; ngauri ḓuvha ḽine wa ḓo ḽa wonoyo, U ḓo vha wa u fa. " Like him, we do not desire any to be destroyed but desire that people repent and become reconciled to Jehovah. Jehovah made it clear when he commanded the man: "From every tree of the garden you may eat to satisfaction, but as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will certainly die. " Ḽeneḽo gungwa ḽo tshidza Noaxe na muṱa wawe. They sold their spacious home in the United States and moved into a small apartment in Cancún, a city on Mexico's east coast. That ark saved Noah and his family. Nahone ndi nnyi ane a ḓo vha "muhulwane u swika migumoni ya shango "? We might mention that congregation meetings are part of our worship and show that they benefit us personally. And who will be "great to the ends of the earth "? Sa tsumbo, ho ambiwa zwi tevhelaho nga ha muṱa wa Ṱhanzi wa ngei Mozambique. Those words surely express the sentiments of all loyal Witnesses of Jehovah. For example, this was said about a Witness family in Mozambique. Vhafunziwa vha Yesu vho vha vha tshi fanela u fara hani maswina avho? Barnabas took Mark along to preach in Cyprus, and Paul selected Silas and revisited the new disciples, as previously planned. How were Jesus ' disciples to treat their enemies? Huno musi ó ḓi - vhona a ṱuwa a mbo ḓi hangwa zwauri ó vha e munzani na zwenezwo. The Bible does state: "The end will come. " For if anyone is a hearer of the word, and not a hearer of the word, this one is like a man looking at his natural face. Ndi dzifhio dziṅwe tsumbo dza Bivhili dze Yehova a vhona vhukoni ha vhashumeli vhawe? How we can imitate Job's faith and obedience. What other Bible examples did Jehovah notice the abilities of his servants? Thandululo: Ṱanganedzani muṅwe nga nḓila ine a vha ngayo, nahone ṱhonifhani uri mufarisi waṋu ha fani na inwi. Abraham continued to strengthen his godly fear and obedience. The answer: Accept someone as he does, and respect that your mate is different from you. 9, 10. ; Donabauer, R. 9, 10. Ndi ngani? The guidance that we receive from him is so clear that it is as if " our own ears hear a word behind us saying: "This is the way. Why? Naa Muya (Soul) A U Fi? PAGE 3 Is the Spirit Possible? U fana nae, a ri ṱoḓi hu tshi lozwiwa muthu, fhedzi ri ṱoḓa vhathu vha tshi rembuluwa nahone vha ḓipfumedzanya na Yehova. Even when he was reigning as king over Israel, his circumstances changed drastically, especially after he committed adultery and, in an effort to cover up that sin, murder. Like him, we do not want to be destroyed, but we want people to repent and become reconciled to Jehovah. Vho rengisa nnḓu yavho khulwane ngei United States nahone vha pfulutshela kha fulethe ṱhukhu i re Cancún, ḓoroboni i re vhugabeloni ha vhubvaḓuvha ngei Mexico. Similarly, God likely ensured that the bodies of Moses and Jesus were beyond the reach of such abuses. - Deuteronomy 34: 5, 6; Luke 24: 3 - 6; Jude 9. They sold their large home in the United States and moved to a small apartment in musi the eastern coast of Mexico. Ri nga mu vhudza uri miṱangano ya tshivhidzo ndi tshipiḓa tsha vhurabeli hashu nahone ri mu sumbedze uri yeneyo miṱangano i a ri vhuyedza. James Frederick Scott We can tell him that congregation meetings are part of our worship and show him that these meetings benefit us. 145: 10 - 12) Eneo maipfi a sumbedza nḓila ine Ṱhanzi dza Yehova dzi fulufhedzeaho dza ḓipfa ngayo. Significantly, the New World Translation restores God's name to its rightful place in the Scriptures. Those words reveal how Jehovah's faithful Witnesses feel. Baranaba a ṱuwa na Marko vha ya u huwelela Kipiro nahone Paulo a nanga Silasi nahone a dalela vhafunziwa vhaswa nga he a vha o dzudzanya ngaho na Baranaba. God's Word, our primary tool for training, enables us to " discipline in righteousness. ' Barnabas went with Mark to preach in Cyprus, and Paul chose Silas and visited new disciples as he had planned with Barnabas. Bivhili i ri: " Vhufhelo vhu ḓo ḓa. ' We can learn important lessons about faith from Peter when he tried to walk on water at the Sea of Galilee. The Bible says: "The end will come. " Nḓila ine ra nga edzisa ngayo lutendo lwa Yobo na u thetshelesa hawe. " Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers, " he wrote. How we can imitate Job's faith and obedience. Abrahamu o bvela phanḓa a tshi ofha Mudzimu na u mu thetshelesa. On the other hand, loving - kindness always involves people, especially those serving God. Abraham continued to fear God and obey him. ; Donabauer, R. How does the history of the Christian congregation testify to Christ's royal authority? ; Don God's Word, R. Vhulivhisi vhune ra vhu wana khae vhu a pfala lune zwa tou nga " nḓevhe dzashu dzi khou pfa murahu hashu hu tshi pfi: "Nḓila ngeino; farani yenei! " ' They must also listen to his brothers. The guidance we receive from him is so reasonable that " our ears are heard behind us saying: " This is the way. Walk in it! ' " SIAṰARI 3 The expression "governing body " began appearing in our publications in the 1940 ' s, when it was understood to be closely connected with the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. PAGE 3 Na musi a tshi vhusa sa khosi ngei Isiraele, zwiimo zwawe zwo shanduka nga nḓila khulwane vhukuma, zwihuluhulu musi a tshi ita vhupombwe, na musi a tshi ita vhuḓidini ha u dzumba tshivhi tshenetsho nga u vhulaha. 18, 19. Even when he ruled as king in Israel, his circumstances changed greatly, especially when he committed adultery, and when he tried to hide the sin by murder. Nga hu fanaho, khamusi Mudzimu o ita vhungoho ha uri tshitumbu tsha Mushe na tsha Yesu zwi si shumiswe nga nḓila i songo teaho. - Doiteronomio 34: 5, 6; Luka 24: 3 - 6; Yuda 9. (Read.) Similarly, God likely made sure that Moses ' body and body were not used unjustly. - Deuteronomy 34: 5, 6; Luke 24: 3 - 6; Jude 9. James Frederick Scott How vital it is that " we do our utmost to handle the word of the truth aright '! - 2 Timothy 2: 15. James Fredericktt (Ps. 119: 97) Zwi takadzaho ndi uri yeneyi Bivhili yo vhuyedzedza dzina ḽa Mudzimu vhudzuloni haḽo. The 12 apostles are with Jesus during his second preaching tour of Galilee. Interestingly, this Bible restored God's name to its rightful places. Bivhili ine ya vha tshishumiswa tshashu tsha ndeme tsha u gudisa, i ri thusa uri ri kone u "laya nga nḓila yo lugaho. " Our love for Jehovah's name will help us to refrain from doing anything that might bring reproach upon that holy name. The Bible, our principal tool for training, helps us to " discipline in righteousness. ' Ri nga guda ngudo ya ndeme nga ha lutendo lwa Petro musi a tshi lingedza u tshimbila nṱha ha maḓi ngei Lwanzheni lwa Galilea. If you were asked to leap a wide stream in one bound, you might balk at the suggestion. We can learn valuable lessons about Peter's faith when he tried to walk on water in the Sea of Galilee. O ṅwala a ri: "Ni so ngo vha vho ḓi - kungelaho kha dzhogo i sili ya vha sa tendiho. This has always been true. He wrote: "Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. (Mirero 21: 17; 29: 3) Naho zwo ralo, vhuthu misi yoṱhe vhu katela vhathu, zwihuluhulu vhane vha shumela Mudzimu. Then, Jesus explained what would happen to those who avoid doing Jehovah's will when it is difficult to do. However, kindness always involves people, especially those who serve God. Ḓivhazwakale ya tshivhidzo tsha Vhukriste yo khwaṱhisedza hani maanḓa a vhuhosi a Kristo? What is your hope about the resurrection? How did the history of the Christian congregation confirm the power of Christ's kingship? Vha fanela u dovha vha thetshelesa na vharathu vhawe. In contrast, a genuinely humble attitude will go a long way toward solving many differences. They also need to listen to his brothers. Mubulo une wa ri "tshigwada tshi langaho " wo thoma u vhonala kha dzikhandiso nga vho - 1940 musi u tshi vho pfeseswa uri u tshimbidzana na Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. It is a tragedy when someone is disfellowshipped. The expression "the governing body " began to appear in the 1940 ' s when it was understood that he was in harmony with the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. 18, 19. However, having a complete heart also includes hating lawlessness. 18, 19. (Vhalani.) PAGE 11 (Read.) Ndi zwa ndeme lungafhani uri " ri tshea fhungo ḽa ngoho ri sa kombamisi '! - 2 Timotheo 2: 15. The Bible says that at the end of the 1,000 years, Satan will be released from the abyss, and "he will go out to mislead those nations in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together for the war. " How vital that we " handle the word of the truth aright "! - 2 Timothy 2: 15. Vhaapostola vha 12 vha na Yesu musi e lwendoni lwawe lwa vhuvhili ngei Galilea. David was cut to the heart. The 12 apostles were with Jesus on his second tour of Galilee. (1 Koronika 29: 10 - 13; Psalme ya 8: 1; 148: 13) U funa hashu dzina ḽa Yehova zwi ḓo ri thusa u iledza u ita naho tshi tshini tshine tsha nga solisa ḽeneḽo dzina ḽikhethwa. Today, the gift of tongues is no longer available to God's servants. Our love for Jehovah's name will help us to avoid doing anything that might bring reproach upon that holy name. Arali ni vhe no humbelwa uri ni fhufhele seli ha mulambwana wo aṱamaho nga ḽiga ḽithihi fhedzi, no vha ni tshi nga kha ḓi hana u ita zwenezwo. Thanks to that brochure, my teacher nominated me " student of the week. ' " If you were asked to jump off the other side of a single tower, you might have refused to do so. Yeneyi ndi ngoho. How would you react to such an offer? That is true. Nga zwenezwo, Yesu o ṱalutshedza zwine zwa ḓo itea kha vhane vha iledza u ita zwine Yehova a zwi funa musi zwi tshi konḓa u zwi ita. In effect, they asked, " Can the Christian congregation rightly reject those whom God has embraced? ' Thus, Jesus explained what will happen to those who refrain from doing Jehovah's will when it is difficult to do it. Ndi ḽifhio fulufhelo ḽine na vha naḽo nga ha mvuwo? In the parable of the faithful and discreet slave, Jesus mentioned an evil slave who persecuted the other slaves. What hope about the resurrection do you have? Zwo fhambanaho na zwenezwo, u ḓiṱukufhadza ha vhukuma hu ḓo shuma nga maanḓa u itela u tandulula dziphambano nnzhi. We sent personalized thank - you cards and have had some of them over for a meal since then, " says Marie - Paule, 74, in Canada. In contrast, true humility will work hard to resolve many conflicts. Zwi a ṱungufhadza musi muṅwe muthu a tshi bviswa tshivhidzoni. To learn why God allows suffering, see chapter 11 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses It is sad when someone is disfellowshipped. Naho zwo ralo, u ita zwenezwo nga mbilu dzashu dzoṱhe zwi katela u vhenga zwithu zwi tshinyaho mulayo. While on earth, Jesus worked hard to help his disciples to overcome their weaknesses. Doing so with our whole heart, however, involves hating lawlessness. SIAṰARI 11 He imagined how they would feel about what he might say or do. PAGE 11 Bivhili i ri mafheloni a miṅwaha ya 1 000, Sathane u ḓo vhofhololwa mugodini nahone "u ḓo bva a ya u xedza tshaka dzi re khuḓani nṋa dza ḽifhasi, Gogo na Magogo, u itela u vha kuvhanganyela nndwani. " In the case under discussion, the country does have a provision for divorce. The Bible says that at the end of 1,000 years, Satan will be released from the abyss and "from among the four nations that are upon the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them into war. " Davida o ḓisola vhukuma zwi tshi bva mbiluni. In worship, "holy " applies to that which is separated from common use, or held sacred. David felt genuine remorse. Ṋamusi, vhashumeli vha Mudzimu a vha tsha vha na tshifhiwa tsha u amba nga dzindimi. Why must we speak in a kind way? Today, God's servants no longer have the gift of speaking in tongues. Nga ṅwambo wa yeneyo bugwana, mudededzi wanga o nkhetha sa " mugudiswa wa vhege ' " 15 Why Should We Meet Together for Worship? As a result of that brochure, my teacher invited me to become "a week's student " Ni ḓo aravha hani musi ni tshi pfa eneo mafhungo? Making an album of memories with photographs, letters, and notes may also help you to heal. How will you react when you hear such information? Zwi re zwone ndi uri vho vhudzisa vha ri: " Naa tshivhidzo tsha Vhakriste tshi nga hana vhe vha ṱanganedzwa nga Mudzimu? ' This allows me to finish my housework and get myself ready to leave for the meetings at a set time. " In fact, they asked: " Would the Christian congregation refuse those who have God's approval? ' Kha tshifanyiso tsha mulanda a fulufhedzeaho na wa vhuṱali, Yesu o amba nga ha mulanda muvhi we a tovhola vhaṅwe vhalanda. Or have you ever gone to someone to clear up a problem only to hear that person say: "I have nothing to say to you "? In the illustration of the faithful and discreet slave, Jesus spoke of an evil slave who persecuted other slaves. Ro rumela garaṱa dza u livhuha dzo ṅwalwaho madzina nahone ra ramba vhaṅwe uri vha ḓe vha ḽe na riṋe. " Jesus was being accused of working on the Sabbath. His reply: "My Father has kept working " answered that charge. We sent notes to express our gratitude and invited others to eat with us. " U itela u ḓivha uri ndi ngani Mudzimu a tshi tendela tshengelo, sedzani ndima ya 11 ya bugu Bivhili I Funza Mini Zwa Vhukuma?, yo gandiswaho nga Ṱhanzi dza Yehova Both listening and commenting have a place at Christian meetings For a discussion of why God permits suffering, see chapter 11 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses Musi e kha ḽifhasi, Yesu o ita vhuḓidini vhuhulwane u thusa vhafunziwa vhawe u kunda vhushayanungo havho. STUDY ARTICLE 4 PAGES 23 - 27 While on earth, Jesus exerted himself to help his disciples overcome their weaknesses. O vhona nga maṱo a muhumbulo nḓila ine vha ḓo ḓipfa ngayo nga zwine a nga zwi amba kana u zwi ita. Jehovah is now observing each of us to see, among other things, our reaction to his generosity. He imagined how they would feel about what he could say or do. Malugana na mbudziso ya vhavhali vhashu ine ra khou i haseledza, shango ḽine vha dzula khaḽo ḽi a tendela ṱhalano. God is willing to accept the prayers of those who approach him, but they must do so in faith and with right works along with sincerity and a right heart attitude. Regarding the question of our readers we are discussing, the country in which they live allows divorce. Kha vhurabeli, ipfi "mukhethwa " ḽi shuma kha tshithu tsho fhambanaho na tsho ḓoweleaho, kana tshithu tshine tsha dzhiiwa tshi tshikhethwa. If we were to do so, we truly would grieve Jehovah's holy spirit. In worship, the word "holy " applies to something that is common or that is considered sacred. Ndi ngani ri tshi fanela u amba nga vhuthu? We need to remember, though, that if we question the fairness or rightness of Jehovah's decisions, we are, in effect, starting to put our standard of righteousness above Jehovah's standard. Why should we speak in a kind way? 15 Ndi Ngani Ri Tshi Fanela U Ya Miṱanganoni? " Wool came in a variety of natural colors, from clear white to dark brown with many shades between, " says the book Jesus and His World. 15 Why Go to Meetings? U vha na bugu ya tshihumbudzo i re na zwinepe, marifhi, na dzinotsi zwi nga ni thusa uri ni vhe khwine. That was the first resurrection of Bible record. Having a graduation book containing pictures, letters, and cards can help you to improve. Zwenezwi zwi nṋea tshifhinga tsha u fhedza mishumo yanga ya hayani na tsha u ḓilugiselela uri ri kone u bva nga tshifhinga tsho vhewaho musi ri tshi ya miṱanganoni. " Because they are politically neutral and refuse to bear arms against their fellow man, many are in prison. This gives me time to spend my home activities and to prepare ourselves for it from time to time when we attend meetings. " Kana naa no no vhuya na ya kha muthu ni tshi khou ya u lugisa vhuleme nahone onoyo muthu a ri: "A huna zwine nda nga ni vhudza zwone "? Also, most people do not want the bread, and some even hate you for bringing it to them. Or have you ever approached someone to resolve a problem and then said: "What can I say to you? " Zwi re zwone ndi uri o vha a tshi khou vhudza vhasasaladzi vhawe uri: "Nṋe na Khotsi anga ri khou ita mushumo muthihi. Others are raising children alone or have family members who are not serving Jehovah. In fact, he was telling his critics: "My Father and I are doing the same work. U thetshelesa na u fhindula muṱanganoni ya Vhukriste ndi zwa ndeme True Christians are willing to go the extra mile to make a contribution in this regard. Listening and commenting at Christian meetings are vital THERO I GUDWAHO 4 MASIAṰARI 23 - 27 24: 11. STUDY ARTICLE 4 PAGES 23 - 27 Zwa zwino Yehova u khou sedza nḓila ine roṱhe ra aravha ngayo kha mafunda awe. If they did not work for a day, they did not get paid. Jehovah is now watching how all of us respond to his generosity. Mudzimu u a funa u ṱanganedza thabelo dza vhane vha sendela khae, fhedzi vha fanela u ita zwenezwo nga lutendo na nga mishumo ine Mudzimu a i ṱanganedza zwi tshi tshimbidzana na u fulufhedzea na vhuimo havhuḓi ha mbilu. How can he do that? God loves to accept the prayers of those who draw close to him, but they must do so by faith and deeds that God approves of are related to faithfulness and good condition of the heart. Arali ra ita nga u ralo, ri ḓo vha ri tshi khou ṱungufhadza muya mukhethwa wa Yehova. (Read Matthew 24: 37 - 39.) If we do so, we would be grieving Jehovah's holy spirit. Naho zwo ralo, ri fanela u humbula uri musi ri tshi vhudzisa arali phetho dza Yehova dzi dzavhuḓi kana dzo luga, ri vha ri tshi khou thoma u vhea tshilinganyo tshashu tsha u luga nṱha ha tsha Yehova. So when the Bible says that God sees the heart, it means that he looks beyond outward appearances and focuses on what a person really is. Remember, though, that when we ask whether Jehovah's decisions are good or right, we are putting our own standard of righteousness above Jehovah's righteous standards. Bugu ine ya pfi Jesus and His World i ri: "Wulu i bva kha mivhala yo fhamba - fhambanaho ya mupo, u bva kha muvhala mutshena - tshena u ya kha muvhala wa buraweni une wa vha na mivhala minzhi nga vhukati. " The psalmist did not " wander from God's orders, ' but that can happen to a person dedicated to Jehovah. The book Jesus and H. Yeneyo yo vha i mvuwo ya u thoma ye ya ṅwalwa Bivhilini. Although they wrote down their own words in Hebrew and in their own style of writing, they were actually writing down God's thoughts. That was the first resurrection recorded in the Bible. Nga nṱhani ha uri a vha dzhii sia kha zwa politiki, nahone vha hana u hwala zwiṱhavhane u itela u lwisana na vhaṅwe vhadzulapo, vhanzhi vhavho vho valelwa dzhele. At Pentecost 33 C.E., the greater High Priest, the resurrected Jesus Christ, poured out holy spirit upon the small group of 120 disciples gathered in Jerusalem. Because they are neutral in politics, they refuse to carry weapons to fight other citizens, many of whom were imprisoned. Zwiṅwe hafhu, vhathu vhanzhi a vha takaleli honoho vhurotho nahone vhaṅwe vha ni vhengela uri ni a vha ḓisela honoho vhurotho. Jesus was having a discussion with some Sadducees, who did not believe in the resurrection. Moreover, most people do not enjoy the bread, and others make it for you to bring them bread. Vhaṅwe vha khou alusa vhana vhe vhoṱhe kana vha na miraḓo ya muṱa i sa shumeli Yehova. [ Box / Picture on page 14] Some are raising children alone or have family members who do not serve Jehovah. Vhakriste vha ngoho vho ḓiimisela u ita wonoyu mushumo nga hune vha nga kona ngaho. ▪ Jehovah - Our Provider and Protector True Christians are determined to do this work as much as possible. 24: 11. Who in the Christian congregation should reach out to those who are weak? 24: 11. Arali vha sa shuma ḓuvha ḽithihi, vho vha vha sa holi. This allows us to understand the promises of an earthly restoration that are found in the Scriptures. If they did not work one day, they did not get used to me. A nga zwi itisa hani zwenezwo? How have Jehovah's people used technology? How can he do so? (Vhalani Mateo 24: 37 - 39.) Therefore, advertise, advertise, advertise. " (Read Matthew 24: 37 - 39.) Nga zwenezwo - ha, musi Bivhili i tshi amba uri Mudzimu u vhona mbilu, zwi amba uri u a kona u vhona zwine muthu a vha zwone nga ngomu. Of course, there is now no way of telling how long a particular portion of the earth was flooded, for the earth's topography was undoubtedly changed by the Deluge. Thus, when the Bible says that God sees hearts, he can read what a person is on the inside. Mupsalme ho ngo " fhambana na ndaela dza Mudzimu, ' fhedzi zwenezwo zwi nga itea kha muthu o ḓiṋekedzaho kha Yehova. Their faithfulness in obeying that simple command would have demonstrated that the first human couple were for Jehovah's rulership. The psalmist is "not like God's commandments, " but that can happen to a person dedicated to Jehovah. Naho vho ṅwala nga maipfi avho nga Luheberu na nga kuṅwalele kwavho, vho vha vha tshi khou ṅwala mahumbulele a Mudzimu. Moses chose "to be ill - treated with the people of God rather than to have the temporary enjoyment of sin. " Although they wrote their words in Hebrew and in the same way, they were writing God's thinking. Nga Pentekoste ya 33 C.E., Tshifhe Muhulu, ane a vha Yesu Kristo o vuswaho vhafuni, o shululela muyamukhethwa kha tshigwada tshiṱuku tsha vhafunziwa vha 120 vhe vha vha vho kuvhangana ngei Yerusalema. Keep Awake, as Jeremiah Did At Pentecost 33 C.E., High Priest, Jesus Christ, resurrected from the dead, poured out holy spirit upon a small group of 120 disciples gathered in Jerusalem. Yesu o vha a tshi khou haseledza na vhaṅwe Vhafarisei, vhe vha vha vha sa tendi kha mvuwo. David refused to take revenge on Saul, even when opportunities to do so arose. Jesus was conversing with other Pharisees, who did not believe in the resurrection. [ Bogisi / Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 14] However, it was not Jehovah's time, so Moses had to live as a fugitive in a faraway land. [ Box / Picture on page 14] ▪ Yehova - Muṋei Na Mutsireledzi Washu Why should we be moved to uphold Jehovah's sovereignty? ▪ Jehovah - Our Provider and Protector Ndi vhafhio tshivhidzoni tsha Vhukriste vhane vha fanela u thusa vha shayaho nungo? What does it mean to be "righteous overmuch, " and to what can it lead us? Who in the Christian congregation should assist those who are weak? Hezwi zwi ri thusa uri ri kone u pfesesa mafulufhedziso a u vusuluswa ha ḽifhasi ane a wanala Maṅwaloni. As Jehovah's Witnesses, we do not pretend to be brothers and sisters. This helps us to understand the fulfillment of the earth's promises found in the Scriptures. Vhathu vha Yehova vho shumisa hani thekinolodzhi? As never before, we must remain spiritually keen and alert. How have Jehovah's people used technology? Nga zwenezwo ḓivhadzani, ḓivhadzani, ḓivhadzani. " Did the apostles obey this directive? Therefore advertise, advertise, advertise. " Vhukuma, ri nga si ḓivhe uri ḽifhasi ḽo vha ḽo ḓala nga maḓi u swika kha vhuimo vhufhio, samusi tshivhumbeo tsha ḽifhasi tsho vha tsho shandulwa nga Maḓi Mahulu. What is another meaning of "one, " and how did Jehovah prove to be" one "? Of course, we cannot know that the earth was filled with water to what extent, as earth's shape had been changed by the Flood. (Genesi 2: 16, 17) U fulufhedzea havho nga u thetshelesa yeneyo ndaela ye ya vha i tshi vhonala i sa dini zwo vha zwi tshi ḓo vha zwo sumbedza uri vhavhingani vha u thoma vho vha vha tshi tikedza vhuvhusi ha Yehova. We know that "the Son of man, " or" the King, " is Jesus. Their faithfulness by obeying that seemingly unleavened command would have indicated that the first human pair supported Jehovah's authority. Mushe o nanga "u ṱhuphea na vhathu vha Mudzimu, a nyadza u ḓi - phiṋa nga zwivhi vhutshiloni vhuno. " We need discernment to separate the wheat from the chaff, as it were, lest we poison our minds with misinformation. Moses chose "to suffer with the people of God and to ignore the temporary enjoyment of sin. " Dzulani No Fhaṱuwa, U Fana Na Yeremia One regular visitor was my brother Grigory, who served as a traveling overseer from 1970 to 1995. Keep Awake, as Jeremiah Did Davida ho ngo tenda u lifhedza Saulo, naho o vha na zwibuli zwa u ita nga u ralo. As we carry out our commission as God's ministers, we may well feel like a Christian woman in her 90 ' s who said this about her long life of service to God: "Through it all I thank Jehovah for putting up with me all these years, and I pray fervently that he will be my loving Father forever. " David refused to retaliate against Saul, even though he had opportunities to do so. 2: 11, 12) Naho zwo ralo, tshifhinga tsha Yehova tsho vha tshi sa athu swika, ngauralo Mushe o vha a tshi fanela u tshila sa tshavhi shangoni ḽa kule. Look back at the words of the psalmist. However, Jehovah's time had not yet come, so Moses had to live as a fugitive in a distant land. Ndi ngani ri tshi fanela u ṱuṱuwedzea u tikedza vhuvhusahoṱhe ha Yehova? 1: 19, 20. Why should we be motivated to uphold Jehovah's sovereignty? Zwi amba mini u "vha muvhuya wa ṋaṋisa, " nahone zwi nga ita uri ri fheleledze ro ita mini? They "are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb " by showing faith in Jesus ' ransom sacrifice. What does it mean to be "righteous and righteous, " and what can we do eventually? Sa Ṱhanzi dza Yehova, a ri sokou ḓiita u nga ri vharathu na vhakomana. or " I am incapable! ' As Jehovah's Witnesses, we do not pretend to be our brothers and sisters. 1: 14) U fhira naho hu lini, ri fanela u dzula ro dzivhuluwa na u fhaṱuwa nga lwa muya. After he finished examining Joel, the doctor said: "I'm so sorry. As never before, we need to keep our senses and spiritually alert. Naa vhaapostola vho thetshelesa yeneyi ndaela? Imitating Christ's example, they endeavor to be loving, considerate, humble, and kind in their dealings with the sheep entrusted to their care. Did the apostles obey this command? Maipfi ane a ri "e eṱhe " a dovha a amba mini, nahone Yehova o zwi sumbedza hani uri ndi ene" e eṱhe "? Jesus went on to say to this woman: "True worshipers will worship the Father with spirit and truth, for, indeed, the Father is looking for suchlike ones to worship him. " What do the words "one word " also mean, and how did Jehovah show that he is" alone "? Ri a zwi ḓivha uri "Murwa - muthu, " kana" Khosi, " ndi Yesu. Jehovah God is not divided or unpredictable. We know that "the Son of man, " or" King, " is Jesus. Samusi ri tshi shumisa vhuṱali musi ri tshi ṱalula goroi kha mungu, ri fanela u shumisa vhuṱali u itela uri ri si tshinyadze mihumbulo yashu nga mazwifhi. Thereafter, he provided them with miraculous food and delivered them into a fruitful land of their own. Since we are wise to identify the wheat on the earth, we must be tactful so that we do not deceive our mind with false reasoning. Muthu we a vha a tshi dala tshifhinga tshoṱhe ho vha hu murathu wanga Grigory we a vha a tshi shuma sa mulavhelesi a dalelaho u bva nga 1970 u swika nga 1995. It has been - a daily habit that I have never regretted! A regular visit was my sister, who served as a traveling overseer from 1970 to 1995. (Yesaya 43: 10 - 12) Musi ri tshi ḓadzisa mushumo washu ri vhaḓinḓa vha Mudzimu, zwi vhonala ri tshi ḓo ḓipfa u fana na musadzi wa Mukriste a re miṅwahani yawe ya vhu - 90 we a amba zwi tevhelaho nga ha tshumelo yawe kha Mudzimu ya tshifhinga tshilapfu: "Kha zwoṱhe ndi livhuha Yehova nge a nkonḓelela miṅwahani yeneyi yoṱhe, nahone ndi rabela zwi tshi bva mbiluni uri a vhe Khotsi anga wa lufuno nga hu sa fheli. " Moses seems to have accepted his brother's answer, for the passage concludes: "When Moses got to hear that, then it proved satisfactory in his eyes. " When we fulfill our commission as God's ministers, we will likely feel as did a Christian woman in her 90 ' s who said about his long - term service to God: "Let me be grateful to Jehovah for all these years, and I pray earnestly for my Father's love. " Dovhani ni ṱhogomele maipfi a mupsalme. World Unity or Global Fragmentation? Consider also the psalmist's words. 1: 19, 20. But in most cases, he will give us strength so that we "may endure fully with patience and joy. " 1: 19, 20. Ndi "vho bvaho maṱunguni mahulu, vho ṱanzwa zwiambaro zwavho vha zwi tshenisa nga malofha a Ngwana " nga u vha na lutendo kha tshiṱhavhelo tsha Yesu tshi rengululaho. Likewise, Jesus ' apostles and other early Christians often taught in Jewish synagogues. They are "come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their garments and made them white in the blood of the Lamb " by exercising faith in Jesus ' ransom sacrifice. kana " A thi na vhukoni! ' Then you have reason to rejoice. or " I do not have the ability! ' Musi dokotela o no fhedza u poṱiela Joel, o ri: "Ndo ni farela mafhungo a si avhuḓi. Resolve not to exceed them; exercise self - control. After correcting Joel, the doctor said: "I have put you in good news. Vha tshi edzisa tsumbo ya Kristo, vha lwela uri vha fune, vha humbulele, vha ḓiṱukufhadze, na u vha na vhulenda musi vha tshi shumisana na nngu dze vha kumedzwa uri vha dzi ṱhogomele. Many condemn her action, but the Bible does not, nor does Isaac on discovering that Jacob has received the blessing. In imitation of Christ's example, they strive to show love, consideration, humility, and kindness in dealing with the sheep entrusted to them. Yesu o bvela phanḓa na u amba na mufumakadzi onoyo uri: "Vharabeli vhukuma vha ḓo rabela Khotsi muyani na nga mafhungo - ngoho. Ngauri Khotsi u ṱoḓa vha mu rabelaho ngauralo. " 6: 9. Jesus continued to say to this woman: "A true worshipper will worship the Father with spirit and truth, for the Father wants those who worship him. " Yehova Mudzimu ho ngo fhandekana kana u shanduka - shanduka. How is it that all runners can win the race for everlasting life? Jehovah God is not divided or changed. (Doiteronomio 4: 34) Nga murahu ha zwenezwo, a vha ṋea zwiḽiwa nga vhuṱolo nahone a vha isa shangoni ḽo nonaho ḽe ḽa vha ḽi tshi ḓo vha ḽavho. [ Picture on page 24] Then he miraculously fed them and brought them to a fertile land that lay ahead of them. Zwo vha nḓowelo ya ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe ine nda si vhuye nda ḓisola ngayo! (b) Describe what Jehovah empowered his prophet Elijah to do for the widow. It was a daily habit that I never regretted! Zwi vhonala u nga Mushe o ṱanganedza phindulo ya mukomana wawe nga ṅwambo wa uri ndima yeneyo i phetha nga uri: "Mushe a tshi zwi pfa, a wana ó ita zwone. " (Lev. The breakdown of the family. - 2 Timothy 3: 2, 3. Moses apparently accepted his brother's answer because that verse concludes: "When Moses heard it, he did it. " Naa hu na Vhuthihi Shangoni kana Phambano? Self - discipline was studied in the 1940 ' s, but recent studies have shown that people have become much worse at exercising self - discipline. Are There Unity in the World or difference? Fhedzi kanzhi u ri ṋea nungo u itela uri ri " konḓelele nga vhuḓalo ri sa fheli mbilu nahone ro takala. ' Jesus could see that she felt very sorry about the bad things she had done and that she had repented. But he often gives us strength to " endure fully with patience and joy. ' Nga nḓila i fanaho, vhaapostola vha Yesu na vhaṅwe Vhakriste vha u thoma vho vha vha tshi anzela u funza zwikoloni zwa vhurereli zwa Vhayuda. 13: 15. In a similar way, Jesus ' apostles and other early Christians often taught religious schools. U ita nga u ralo zwi nga ita uri ni takale. • What can help us to start Bible discussions in the house - to - house ministry? Doing so can make you happy. Ḓiimiseleni u sa i pfuka; ḓilangeni. If you have been sharing in the preaching and teaching work for some time now, you too have no doubt had opportunities to taste and see that Jehovah is good. Be determined not to cross it; exercise self - control. Vhanzhi vha sasaladza zwe a zwi ita, Fhedzi Bivhili a i zwi sasaladzi, na Isaka musi o no wana uri o fhaṱutshedza Yakobo ho ngo zwi sasaladza. Speak what is "good for building up. " Many criticize what he did, but the Bible does not say, and Isaac after receiving that Jacob had blessed them. 6: 9. SONGS TO BE USED: 58, 59 6: 9. Vhagidimi vhoṱhe vha ḓo kunda hani kha mbambe ya vhutshilo vhu sa fheli? They realize that although they can make their own decisions, their parents can give them good advice. How will all the blind come off victorious in the race for everlasting life? [ Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 20] Speaking of the "great crowd " of other sheep, who will survive the great tribulation, the apostle John prophesied that" the Lamb, who is in the midst of the throne, will shepherd them, and will guide them to fountains of waters of life. " [ Picture on page 20] (b) Ṱalutshedzani nḓila ye muporofita Elia a ṋewa ngayo maanḓa nga Yehova a u thusa tshilikadzi. Our hope in the resurrection makes such an extreme expression of mourning for the dead inappropriate. (b) Explain how the prophet Elijah was empowered by Jehovah to help the widow. U pwashea ha miṱa. - 2 Timothy 3: 2, 3. which means, when translated: " My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? ' " Family breakup. - 2 Ki. 3: 2, 3. Nga vho - 1940 ho gudwa nga ha u ḓifara, fhedzi ngudo dza zwenezwino dzo sumbedza uri vhathu vha khou ṋaṋa u kundelwa u ḓifara. Is it because you have been treated unfairly, perhaps discourteously? In the 1940 ' s, conduct has been learned, but recent studies have shown that people are struggling to maintain self - control. Yesu o kona u vhona uri u khou ḓisola vhukuma nga ha zwithu zwivhi zwe a zwi ita nahone o rembuluwa. The Greek word translated "only - begotten " has been defined as" single of its kind, only, " "the only member of a kin or kind, " or" unique. " Jesus could see that he was deeply moved by the bad things he had done and repented. 13: 15. [ Picture on page 24, 25] 13: 15. • Ndi mini zwine zwa nga ri thusa u thoma khaseledzo dza Bivhili vhuḓinḓani ha nnḓu nga nnḓu? They became very good friends. • What can help us to start Bible discussions in the house - to - house ministry? Arali no no ḓi vha na tshifhinga ni tshi khou ṱanganela kha mushumo wa u huwelela na u funza, a zwi timatimisi uri na inwi no vha na zwibuli zwa u thetshela na u vhona vhuthu ha Yehova. Do you have similar appreciation for God's loving way of ruling? If you have already been sharing in the preaching and teaching work, you have no doubt had opportunities to taste and see Jehovah's goodness. Ambani "ḽi re ḽivhuya ḽa u fhaṱisa. " Should I Borrow Money? Speak "what is good for building up. " NYIMBO DZI SHUMISWAHO: 58 [91], 59 [60] For a while the two siblings wait. SONGS TO BE USED: 58, 59 Naho vha tshi nga kona u ḓidzhiela phetho, vha ṱhogomela uri vhabebi vhavho vha nga vha ṋea nyeletshedzo yavhuḓi. Because his friendship with Jehovah was always the most important thing to him. Although they can make their own decisions, they realize that their parents can give them good advice. Musi a tshi amba nga vha "gogo ḽihulu " ḽa vha dziṅwe nngu vhane vha ḓo ponyoka vhuṱungu vhuhulu, muapostola Yohane o porofita uri" Ngwana i re vhukati ha khuluṋoni i ḓo vha lisa ya vha funza nḓila ya u ya zwisimani zwa maḓi a vhutshilo. " Do you wish that you could serve God without regrets - at least from this day forward? Referring to the "great crowd " of other sheep who survive the great tribulation, the apostle John prophesied that" the Lamb between the throne will shepherd them to fountains of waters of life. " (1 Dzikhosi 18: 25 - 28) Fulufhelo ḽashu kha mvuwo ḽi ita uri u lilela vho faho nga nḓila yo kalulaho zwi vhe zwi songo fanelaho. Those who remain single because of their determination to obey the divine command to marry only in the Lord are certainly worthy of special respect and consideration. Our hope in the resurrection prevents us from grieving those who have fallen asleep in death. ndi u ri: Mudzimu wanga, Mudzimu wanga, wo nṱutshelela'ni? " Thus, in a very special sense, Christ's true followers became a "people who are called by [God's] name. " - Acts 15: 14, 17. What shall you say to me, " O my God, my God, why have you taken me away from me? ' " Naa ndi nga nṱhani ha uri a no ngo farwa zwavhuḓi, kana khamusi ndi ngauri ni vhona u nga a no ngo haṱulwa nga nḓila yo teaho? This is another indication that God's people would have a congregational structure for the upbuilding and guidance of each individual Christian. Is it because you have been mistreated, or might it be because you feel that you have been unjustly punished? Ipfi ḽa Lugerika ḽo ṱalutshedzelwaho nga uri "mu - bebwa - eṱhe " ḽi amba" onoyo muthihi fhedzi a si na ane a fana nae " kana "muraḓo muthihi a si na shaka, " kana o" khetheaho. " 9, 10. (a) Why do Adam's descendants die? The Greek word translated "only - begotten " means" single - begotten, " or "one member, " or "one member. " [ Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 24, 25] He was tried by a military court and sentenced to ten years in jail. [ Picture on page 24, 25] Vho vha khonani dza tsini vhukuma. 41: 1. They became very close friends. (Psalme ya 145: 11, 12) Naa na inwi ni a dzhiela nṱha nga hu fanaho nḓila ya lufuno ine Mudzimu a vhusa ngayo? That is so whether we are together at a meeting or in an informal setting. Do you similarly appreciate God's loving way of ruling? Vhenevho vhana vha lindela lwa tshifhinganyana. (b) How can creations that neither speak nor reason still praise Jehovah? Those children wait for only a short time. Ngauri tshifhinga tshoṱhe vhukonani hawe na Yehova ho vha hu tshithu tsha ndeme vhukuma khae. Sometimes a neighbor would tell me: "They have taken your mother away. " Because his friendship with Jehovah was always the most important thing to him. Naa ni tama uri ngavhe zwi tshi konadzea uri u bva zwino ni shumele Mudzimu hu si na tshine na ḓisola ngatsho? Globe: Mountain High Maps ® Copyright © 1997 Digital Wisdom, Inc. Do you wish that it is possible for you to serve God now without regrets? Vhane vha dzula vhe siho mbinganoni nga ṅwambo wa u ḓiimisela havho u thetshelesa ndaela ya Mudzimu ya u vhinga Murenani fhedzi, vho tewa vhukuma nga u ṱhonifhiwa na u ṱhogomelwa nga ho khetheaho. " It kills our fish, destroys our skin, spoils our streams, " he says. Those who remain single because of their willingness to obey God's command to marry only in the Lord deserve special respect and attention. Nga zwenezwo, nga nḓila yo khetheaho vhukuma, vhatevheli vha Kristo vha ngoho vho vha " vhathu vhane vha vhidzwa nga dzina ḽa Mudzimu. ' - Mish. 15: 14, 17. (b) What are youths encouraged to do? Thus, in a special way, Christ's true followers became "a people for God's name. " - Acts 15: 14, 17. Zwenezwi zwi dovha zwa sumbedza uri vhathu vha Mudzimu vho vha vha tshi ḓo vha na ndugiselelo ya tshivhidzo tshe tsha vha tshi tshi ḓo ṱuṱuwedza na u livhisa Mukriste muṅwe na muṅwe. Still, if righteousness is precious to us, this will strengthen us against wickedness. This also indicates that God's people would have congregation arrangement that would influence and guide each Christian. 9, 10. (a) Ndi ngani vhaḓuhulu vha Adamu vha tshi fa? According to some, when was the lamb slaughtered, but what question does that raise? 9, 10. (a) Why do Adam's descendants die? O iswa khothe ya maswole nahone a gwevhelwa u dzula dzhele miṅwaha ya fumi. 2: 11, 12. He was taken to the court of soldiers and sentenced to ten years in prison. 41: 1. What a privilege for us to understand things that interest even angels! 41: 1. (Mir. 23: 20, 21; vhambedzani Doiteronomio 21: 18 - 21.) Surely we could live there and adapt. Deuteronomy 21: 18 - 21.) Zwi tea u tou ralo hu sa londwi uri ri muṱanganoni kana huṅwe fhethu. He instructs Titus to "shun foolish questionings... and fights over the Law. " - Titus 3: 9. That should be true whether we are at a meeting or somewhere else. (b) Zwivhumbwa zwi sa ambi kana u humbula zwi nga renda Yehova nga nḓila - ḓe? As told by Marceau Leroy (b) How can creatures not speak or think about praise Jehovah? Nga zwiṅwe zwifhinga, muhura washu o vha a tshi mmbudza uri: "Vho ṱuwa na mme aṋu. " 9, 10. At times, a neighbor told me: "They took your mother with you. " Globe: Mountain High Maps ® Copyright © 1997 Digital Wisdom, Inc. This article raises questions you may have asked and shows where you can read the answers in your Bible. 2: Mountain High Maps © 1997 C.E., inc. Vho ri: "Ole yeneyi i vhulaha khovhe dzashu, i vhaisa lukanda lwashu, na u tshinyadza maḓi ashu. Happily, Grandpa got baptized at the regional convention in Madrid in August 2014. " He killed our fish, hurt our skin, and destroys our water, " they said. (b) Vhaswa vha ṱuṱuwedzelwa u ita mini? What about the Messianic prophecies, such as those found at Isaiah 9: 7 and 11: 1 - 5, 10? (b) What are young ones encouraged to do? Naho zwo ralo, arali u ita zwo lugaho zwi zwithu zwa ndeme kha riṋe, zwi ḓo ri khwaṱhisa uri ri sa ite vhuvhi. There are other Bible accounts that represented something greater in the future. However, if we do what is right is important to us, it will strengthen us not to do what is bad. U ya nga vhaṅwe vhathu, ngwana yo ṱhavhiwa lini, nahone zwenezwi zwi takusa mbudziso ifhio? 3 According to some people, when was the lamb slaughtered, and what question does this raise? 2: 11, 12. Jehovah Hears Our Cries for Help 2: 11, 12. Ndi ndugelo lungafhani kha riṋe u pfesesa zwithu zwine na vharuṅwa vha vha na dzangalelo khazwo! Have you appreciated reading the recent issues of The Watchtower? What a privilege it is for us to understand the interests of angels! Vhukuma ri nga dzula henefho nahone ra tendelana na zwiimo. Among them were Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Rahab, and Job. Of course, we can stay there and be flexible. O vhudza Tito uri "vhutsilu ha u hanedzana... na u lwela zwidayo, [a] zwi sande. " - Tito 3: 9. How kind of Jehovah to see good in us, as he saw good in those four kings! He told Titus that "the love of the law... and the love of discipline... should not be misled. " - Titus 3: 9. Muanetsheli ndi Marceau Leroy Some 15 chapters of the book of Genesis are devoted to the account about Abraham. As told by Marc come to Know 9, 10. Hence, we are not without help as we " keep working out our own salvation. ' 9, 10. Yeneyi thero i haseledza nga ha mbudziso dze na vhuya na dzi vhudzisa nahone i ḓo sumbedza hune na ḓo wana hone phindulo Bivhilini yaṋu. All who are authorized to give Scriptural discipline are wise when they imitate Christ's example. This article raises questions you may have asked and shows where you can read the answers in your Bible. Zwi takadzaho ndi uri Makhulu washu vho lovhedzwa kha buthano ḽa ngei Madrid nga August 2014. The Bible states that "the world is passing away. " Happily, our grandmother was baptized at a convention in Madrid in August 2014 Hu pfi mini nga vhuporofita ha Messia, vhu ngaho vhune ha wanala kha Yesaya 9: 6 na 11: 1 - 5, 10? 15, 16. What about Messianic prophecies, such as those found at Isaiah 9: 6 and 11: 1 - 5, 10? Hu na maṅwe mafhungo a Bivhili ane a fanyisela zwithu zwihulwane zwa tshifhingani tshi ḓaho. From the sun's rising in the east to its setting in the west, the rays of the sun illuminate the entire globe. There are other Bible accounts that represent something greater in the future. 3 Modern commercial advertisers well know the age - old power of eye appeal. 3 Yehova U Pfa Zwililo Zwashu Zwa U Ṱoḓa Thuso What is faith? Jehovah Hear Our Heart's Help Naa no takalela u vhala thero dza zwenezwino dza Tshiingamo? What was another way that Satan tried to tempt Jesus, and how did Jesus respond? Have you appreciated reading the recent issues of The Watchtower? Kha vhenevho ho vha hu na Henoxe, Noaxe, Abrahamu, Rahaba na Yobo. Rather than needlessly speculating on the answers to those questions, we will just have to wait and see. Among them were Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Rahab, and Job. Ndi zwavhuḓi lungafhani uri Yehova u vhona zwivhuya kha riṋe samusi o vhona zwivhuya kha eneo mahosi maṋa! When you admit your mistakes and say that you are sorry, how can this help your teenager? How good it is for Jehovah to see good in us as he saw the good in those four kings! Ndima dza 15 dza bugu ya Genesi dzi amba nga ha mafhungo a Abrahamu. Nevertheless, my family and friends supported me. Chapter 15 of Genesis mentions Abraham's account. Nga zwenezwo, ri a thusiwa musi ri tshi khou " lusa uri ri tshidzwe. ' I even had the privilege of baptizing a political prisoner who had progressed to the point of dedicating his life to Jehovah. Thus, we are helped as we " do our utmost to get saved. ' Zwi ḓo vha vhuṱali uri vhoṱhe vhane vha vha na vhuḓifhinduleli ha u kaidza vha tshi shumisa Maṅwalo vha edzise tsumbo ya Kristo. " Which Commandment Is First? ' It would be wise for all who have the responsibility to discipline them by means of the Scriptures to imitate Christ's example. Bivhili i amba uri "shango ḽi a lovha. " She adds: "To reach some Bible students, I walk for six hours, stay overnight at the student's house, and the next day I walk another six hours to go home. " The Bible says that "the world is passing away. " 15, 16. More and more Bible translations leave out God's personal name. 15, 16. U bva ḓuvha ḽi tshi bva vhubvaḓuvha u swika musi ḓuvha ḽi tshi kovhela vhukovhela, ḓuvha ḽi vhonetshela ḽifhasi ḽoṱhe. And they went calling Barnabas Zeus, but Paul Hermes, since he was the one taking the lead in speaking. " From the sun through the east to the west, the sun sheds light on the whole earth. Vhakunguwedzi vha zwa mbambadzo vha musalauno vha a zwi ḓivha zwavhuḓi uri vhathu vha ṱuṱuwedzwa nga zwine vha zwi vhona na u kwamiwa nga zwine vha zwi vhona. • How can we let our light shine? Modern - day commercial experts know well that people are influenced by what they see and are touched by what they see. Lutendo ndi mini? Such spots as Piazza della Signoria, Ponte Vecchio, Piazzale Michelangelo, and Palazzo Pitti made it a wonderful city! What is faith? Ndi ifhio iṅwe nḓila ye Sathane a lingedza ngayo u linga Yesu, nahone Yesu o fhindula nga nḓila - ḓe? " He that is walking with wise persons will become wise, but he that is having dealings with the stupid ones will fare badly. " What is one way that Satan tried to tempt Jesus, and how did Jesus respond? Nṱhani ha u sokou humbulela phindulo dza dzenedzo mbudziso, ri fanela u lindela ra vhona zwine zwa ḓo itea. This would explain why it is that on so many occasions - too often to be just coincidence - one of Jehovah's Witnesses meets a person at the precise time that he or she is going through a crisis and needs spiritual help. Instead of just thinking about the answers to those questions, we should wait for what will happen. Ni nga thusa hani muswa waṋu musi ni tshi tenda vhukhakhi haṋu na u humbela pfarelo? Although Noah, Daniel, and Job lived at different times and under very different circumstances, they endured the challenges they faced. How can you help your teenager when you admit your mistakes and ask for forgiveness? Naho zwo ralo, muṱa wahashu na khonani dzanga vho ntikedza. " Anxious believers can be enormously reassured by the almost exact similarity between even the earliest of the biblical papyri from Egypt and the text as it has survived during its descent through countless scriptoria and printing shops of Europe. " - The Book. However, my family and friends were there for me. Ndo vha na ndugelo ya u lovhedza tshivhotshwa tsha zwa politiki tshe tsha ita mvelaphanḓa u swika tshi tshi ṋekedza vhutshilo hatsho kha Yehova. Colombia I was privileged to baptize a political prisoner who made progress until it was dedicated to Jehovah. Naa Josephus O Zwi Ṅwala Zwa Vhukuma? How to Resist Temptation Did Josephus Really Writing? O dovha a ri: "U itela uri ndi swikelele vhane nda guda navho Bivhili, ndi tshimbila awara dza rathi, nda eḓela muḓini wa ane nda guda nae, nahone nga ḓuvha ḽi tevhelaho nda tshimbila dziṅwe awara dza rathi u humela hayani. " Consider how he did that with Eve. She adds: "To reach my Bible students, I walked six hours, slept at the home of my studies, and the next day I walked for six hours to return home. " Ṱhalutshedzelo nnzhi dza Bivhili dzi bvisa dzina ḽa Mudzimu. Are you taking full advantage of these provisions? Many Bible translations remove God's name. Baranaba vha ri ndi Yupitere, Paulo vha ri ndi Merkurio, ngauri ndi ene we a vha a tshi amba. " How does the prophet Isaiah describe the immediate blessings that come to those who accept the good news? Barnabas said that it was Paul's name, for he was the one who spoke it. " • Ri nga ita uri tshedza tshashu tshi vhonetshele nga nḓila - ḓe? Although I was allowed to go to work, four Gestapo men sat parked in front of the house to monitor my every move while a policeman patrolled the sidewalk. • How can we let our light shine? Fhethu hu ngaho sa Piazza della Signoria, Ponte Vecchio, Piazzale Michelangelo, Palazzo Pitti, ho vha hu tshi ita uri yeneyo ḓorobo i vhe yavhuḓi! If you are a parent, do you schedule time to teach your children about our loving heavenly Father? In such places, such as ralohoadelo Alzoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeec, the city was a beautiful one of the most beautiful! " Mu - endelana - na - vhaṱali u a ṱalifha - vho; mu - konana - na - tsilu u ḓo tambula - vho. " Often shamelessness indicates a bad trait. " He that is walking with wise persons will become wise, but he that is having dealings with the stupid ones will fare badly. " Ndi ngazwo kanzhi Ṱhanzi dza Yehova vha tshi ṱangana na muthu nga tshifhinga tsho teaho tshee a vho o sedzana na vhuleme nahone a tshi ṱoḓa thuso ya lwa muya, kanzhi zwenezwo zwi vha zwi songo sokou itea. As we discussed in the preceding article, centuries earlier God had given the Jews the hope of a resurrection and everlasting life on earth. That is why Jehovah's Witnesses often meet someone at the right time when he faced problems and needed spiritual help, often that would not happen automatically. Naho Noaxe, Daniele na Yobo vho tshila nga zwifhinga zwi sa fani nahone vhe nga fhasi ha zwiimo zwo fhamba - fhambanaho, vho konḓelela vhuleme he vha sedzana naho. Christian Funerals - Dignified, Modest, and Pleasing to God Although Noah, Daniel, and Job lived at different times and under various circumstances, they endured difficulties they faced. Colombia In every aspect of our lives, we endeavor to show that we love that Kingdom government and want to be loyal to it. Colombia Nḓila Ine Na Nga Lwisana Ngayo Na Milingo were my first words. Calmly she replied: "When the bombs fell, I did just what Daddy told me to do, " Fall flat on the ground, keep lying down, and pray. ' How You Can Resist Trials Ṱhogomelani zwe a zwi ita kha Eva. 15: 2 - 4; 16: 16; 21: 5. Consider what he did to Eve. Naa ni khou shumisa dzenedzi ndugiselelo nga vhuḓalo? 7 "Trust in Jehovah and Do What Is Good " Are you taking full advantage of these provisions? Muporofita Yesaya u ṱalusa hani phaṱutshedzo dza vhane vha ṱanganedza mafhungo maḓifha? Job was to pray for them. How does the prophet Isaiah describe the blessings of those who accept the good news? Naho ndo vha ndo tendelwa u ya tshikoloni, vhanna vhaṋa vha Vhagestapo vha paka goloi phanḓa ha nnḓu uri vha vhee iṱo kha nṋe musi mapholisa o linda nḓilani. How to Find Joy in the Gift of Singleness Although I was allowed to attend school, four Gestapo men packed the car in front of the house to keep me in front of me when the police were guarding the way. (Doit. 11: 18, 19) Arali ni mubebi, naa ni a ḓivhetshela tshifhinga tsha u gudisa vhana vhaṋu nga ha Khotsi ashu wa ṱaḓulu wa lufuno? (b) What is required to enjoy intimacy with Jehovah? If you are a parent, do you set aside time to teach your children about our loving heavenly Father? Kanzhi u sa vha na ṱhoni ndi pfaneleo i si yavhuḓi. a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes; and there were palm branches in their hands. " - Rev. Often, shame is a negative quality. Samusi ro zwi haseledza theroni yo fhiraho, maḓanani a miṅwaha a nga phanḓa, Mudzimu o ṋea Vhayuda fulufhelo ḽa mvuwo na ḽa u tshila nga hu sa fheli kha ḽifhasi. How thankful we can be that Jehovah has taken the initiative to draw us to him and to help us to form and maintain a close bond with him! As we discussed in the preceding article, centuries earlier God gave the Jews the hope of a resurrection and everlasting life on earth. Mbulungo Dza Vhakriste - Dzi A Ṱhonifhea, Dzo Linganyiselwa, Nahone Dzi A Takadza Mudzimu Two weeks later, I left the Metz prison on a journey that in stages took me to a forced - labor camp at Zweibrücken. Christian Families - Inspired, Guided, and Pleases God Kha sia ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe ḽa vhutshilo hashu, ri lwela u sumbedza uri ri funa Muvhuso wonoyo nahone ri ṱoḓa u fulufhedzea khawo. [ Pictures on page 15] On the other hand, we strive to show that we love that Kingdom and want to be loyal to it. A fhindula o dzika nahone a ri: "Musi hu tshi wa bomo, ndo sokou ita zwe khotsi anga vha mmbudza uri ndi ite zwone, musi vha tshi ri " ndi eḓela fhasi, ndi sokou eḓela nahone ndi rabele. ' The caravan had passed through much of Canaan and was traversing harsher terrain, the Negeb. He calmly answered: "When a thief falls, I just did what my father told me to do, saying, " lie down, and pray. ' 15: 2 - 4; 16: 16; 21: 5. In a very persuasive speech, the apostle Peter invited his audience to "get saved from this crooked generation " by repenting of their sins and getting baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. 15: 2 - 4; 16: 16; 21: 5. 7 "Fulufhedza Yehova, U Ite Zwivhuya " This small format - which cost half the price of a standard edition - made it easier for people with little means to obtain a copy of the Bible. 7 "Trust in Jehovah and Do Good " Yobo o vha a tshi fanela u vha rabelela. To some of the families of the sons of Manasseh the son of Joseph they became wives, that their inheritance might continue together with the tribe of the family of their father. " Job had to pray for them. Nḓila Ya U Wana Dakalo Kha Tshifhiwa Tsha U Sa Vha Mbinganoni She sought the help of her parents, who are Jehovah's Witnesses. How to Find Joy in the Gift of Singleness (b) Ndi mini zwine zwa ṱoḓea u itela u vha na vhushaka ha tsini na Yehova? 5: 9. (b) What is needed in order to have a close relationship with Jehovah? Vho vha vhó ambara khanzu tshena vhó fara maṱari a mitshevho zwanḓani zwavho. " - Ndzumb. Haggai and Zechariah's writings assure us of God's backing They were dressed in white robes, holding palm branches in their hands. " - Rev. Ri livhuha lungafhani nge Yehova a dzhia vhukando u itela u ri sendedza tsini nae na u ri thusa u vha na vhushaka ha tsini nae na u dzula ri na honoho vhushaka! Together with six other descriptions of those who are happy, these statements form the striking introduction to Jesus ' famous Sermon on the Mount, as recorded by Gospel writer Matthew. How grateful we are that Jehovah took action to draw us closer to him and help us to have a close relationship with him and to maintain our relationship with him! Nga murahu ha vhege mbili, ndo bviswa dzhele ya ngei Metz nahone nda iswa gammbani ya tshengedzo ngei Zweibrücke. This analogy illustrates the intensity of the evil desires in their heart. Two weeks later, I was released from prison in Jesus ' hometown, and I was sent to a concentration camp in Keee. [ Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 7] In time, Victoire left the palm - oil processing plant. [ Picture on page 7] Kharavani yo vha i tshi khou tshimbila Kanana kha bada i re na matombo i sa tshimbilei zwavhuḓi thungo ya Vhurwa. What angel would have been prompted to utter such words? The cross was traveling to Canaan on a dark road on the coast of the north. Kha nyambo yawe i ṱuṱuwedzaho, muapostola Petro o ṱuṱuwedza vhathetshelesi vhawe uri " vha bve kha lushaka lu sa ḓivhalei ' nga u rembuluwa kha zwivhi zwavho na u lovhedzwa dzinani ḽa Yesu Kristo. We need to understand elementary Bible teachings so that we can be in a better position to comprehend and apply God's law. In his stirring discourse, the apostle Peter exhorted his listeners to "come out of a wicked nation " by turning away from their sins and being baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Mutengo wa yeneyi Bivhili wo vha u sa eḓani na wa Bivhili yo ḓoweleaho nahone zwo lelutshela vhathu vha si na tshelede uri vha kone u wana yeneyo Bivhili. Yes, by demonstrating humility, displaying diligence, and upholding the high standards of God's Word, we will continue to enjoy a full and meaningful share in the great spiritual harvest now under way. This Bible price was different from common Bibles, and it was easier for those without money to obtain that Bible. Vhanna vhavho vho vha vhe vha lushaka lwa Manase, murwa wa Yosefa; shango ḽavho ḽa dzula ḽi ḽa lushaka lwa khotsi - avho. " (Num. Those officers were not mistaken. Their men were the half tribe of Manasseh, the son of Joseph, and their land was still the house of their father. " O ṱoḓa thuso kha vhabebi vhawe vha re Ṱhanzi dza Yehova. What searching questions could we ask ourselves? He sought help from his parents who were Jehovah's Witnesses. 3: 5, 6; Vha - Fil. What do we learn about David from Psalm 70, and what confidence can we have? 3: 5, 6; Phil. Zwe Hagai na Sakaria vha zwi ṅwala zwi ri khwaṱhisedza uri Yehova u ḓo ri thusa One day, nine - year - old Samuel came to her door with his mother. What Haggai and Zechariah wrote assures us that Jehovah will help us U katela na dziṅwe ṱhaluso dza rathi dza vhathu vho takalaho, heyi mibulo i vhumba mathomo avhuḓi a Pfunzo ya Thavhani ya bvumo ya Yesu, samusi yo ṅwaliwa nga muṅwali wa Evangeli a vhidzwaho Mateo. The influence of other youths can push you off course spiritually Along with six interesting explanations, these expressions form a beautiful beginning in Jesus ' famous Sermon on the Mount, as recorded by the Gospel writer Matthew. Honohu u vhambedza ho vha hu tshi sumbedza vhuhulwane ha nyemulo dzi re mbiluni dzavho. False teachers may seem to be generous, but they are like waterless clouds in that they are spiritually empty. This comparison was an expression of the depth of the desires in their heart. Nga murahu ha tshifhinga, Victoire o ṱutshela mushumo wa ngei ḽimagani ḽa u ita mapfura a mutshevho. Attending Congregation Meetings Some time later, Jehovah abandoned the work of a palm tree. 6: 5) Ndi ufhio muruṅwa we a vha a tshi nga ṱuṱuwedzea u ṅwala eneo maipfi? What can be said about using the Internet? What angel could have been moved to write those words? Ri fanela u pfesesa pfunzo dza mutheo dza Bivhili u itela uri ri kone u pfesesa na u tevhedza mulayo wa Mudzimu. Furthermore, Satan's earthly agents have persecuted servants of God to the point of death, even as they did Jesus. We need to understand basic Bible teachings so that we can understand and obey God's law. Vhukuma, nga u vha vhathu vhane vha ḓiṱukufhadza, vha fhiseaho, na vhane vha dzhiela nṱha zwilinganyo zwi re Ipfini ḽa Mudzimu, ri ḓo bvela phanḓa ri tshi ṱanganela nga vhuḓalo khaṋoni khulwane ya muya ine ya khou itea zwino. Many Christian hosts decide to serve alcoholic drinks only if they can personally oversee what their guests are served or consume. Yes, by being humble, zealous, and conscious of the standards set out in God's Word, we will continue to have a full share in the great spiritual harvest that is now taking place. Vhaḓinḓa vhenevho vho vha vha tshi khou amba ngoho. After listening to her, I told her how Jehovah had helped me to deal with a similar situation in life. Those ministers were right. Ndi mbudziso dzifhio dzi thusaho dzine ranga ḓivhudzisa dzone? Do you make good use of time to do Jehovah's will? What helpful questions arise? Ndi mini zwine ra zwi guda nga ha Davida kha Psalme ya 70, nahone ndi mini zwine ra nga zwi fulufhela? The neutral stand taken by Jehovah's Witnesses should not be misunderstood to mean that they support or condone acts of violence. What can we learn about David from Psalm 70, and what can we trust? Ḽiṅwe ḓuvha, Samuel wa miṅwaha ya ṱahe o ya muḓini wawe e na mme awe. Jesus never used insulting speech with his disciples. One day, nine - year - old Samuel went to his home with his mother. Ṱhuṱhuwedzo ya vhaṅwe vhaswa i nga ni wisa vhu muyani [ Picture on page 24] The influence of some youths can lead to spiritual harm Vhafunzi vha mazwifhi vha nga vhonala vhe na mafunda, fhedzi vha fana na makole a si na mvula nga ṅwambo wa uri a vha ḓivhi tshithu nga lwa muya. © 2016 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania False teachers may appear to be generous, but they are like cloudsless clouds because they do not know anything spiritually. U Ya Miṱanganoni Ya Tshivhidzo On what basis could the righteous "Judge of all the earth " acquit an unrighteous person? Attending Congregation Meetings Hu pfi mini nga u shumisa Inthanethe? Illustrate. What about using the Internet? Zwiṅwe hafhu, vhathu vhane vha ita zwine zwa funwa nga Sathane, vho tovhola vhashumeli vha Mudzimu na u vha vhulaha, u fana na zwe vha zwi ita kha Yesu. In this study, we will consider Nehemiah chapter 13. Moreover, those who do Satan's will persecuted God's servants and kill them, just as they did in Jesus. Vhaṅwe Vhakriste vhane vha ita tshimima vha dzudzanya uri hu vhe na halwa arali vha tshi ḓo kona u vhea iṱo uri vhaeni vhavho vha sa nwe u fhira mpimo. We learned that we were going to be exiled to Makrónisos, a barren island off the coast of Attica, Greece. Some Christians who observe the feast arrange for alcoholic beverages if they can set aside time for their guests not to drink too much. Musi ndo no mu thetshelesa, ndo mu vhudza nḓila ye Yehova a nthusa ngayo u sedzana na vhuimo vhu fanaho vhutshiloni hanga. • Why did Jehovah have a legal case against Israel? After I listened to him, I told him how Jehovah helped me to cope with a similar situation in my life. Naa ni a shumisa zwavhuḓi tshifhinga uri ni kone u ita zwine Yehova a funa zwi tshi itwa? Attending school is impossible in some situations. Do you make good use of time to do Jehovah's will? A ro ngo fanela u humbula uri u sa dzhia sia ha Ṱhanzi dza Yehova hu sumbedza u tikedza dzikhakhathi. Laodicea seems to have had a considerable number of Jews, some of whom apparently were quite wealthy. We should not think that the neutrality of Jehovah's Witnesses reflects supporting violence. Yesu ho ngo vhuya a sema vhafunziwa vhawe. They may turn down hospitality from the fellow believer who they feel mistreated one of their relatives, or they may never show hospitality to him or her. Jesus did not curse his disciples. [ Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 24] Referring to a well - known description in the book of Ezekiel, chapter 1, he relates the lesson he learned: "Jehovah drives his chariot, his organization, at the speed he chooses. [ Picture on page 24] © 2016 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Back in Bible times, Christians were told: "No temptation has taken you except what is common to men. " © 2016 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania " Muhaṱuli wa mashango oṱhe " u wana muthu a songo lugaho e si na mulandu kha mutheo ufhio? What can Christian elders learn from Jesus ' excellent example in speaking truth? On what basis does "the Judge of all the earth " find someone innocent? Ṱalutshedzani. What Does the Bible Say? Explain. Kha yeneyi thero, ri ḓo ṱolisisa Nehemia ndima 13. Since 1919, anointed ones have been gathered into the restored Christian congregation. In this article, we will consider Nehemiah chapter 13. Isebele o vha e mme a Yoramu khosi ye ya vha i tshi khou vhusa nga tshenetsho tshifhinga. Clearly, God's name should be in the Bible. Jezebel was the mother of Jehoram the king who ruled at that time. Ra pfa uri ri ḓo iswa Makrónisos, tshiṱangadzime tsho itaho soga tshi re nnḓa ha phendelashango ya Attica ngei Greece. Instead, he spoke in a way that refreshed them. We learned that we were to be taken to Makrónisos, an island made in the wilderness on the coast of the coastal coast of Greece. • Ndi ngani Yehova o sengisa Vhaisiraele? How startled they are when Jehovah's angel stands nearby and God's glory gleams around them! • Why did Jehovah hold the Israelites accountable? U dzhena tshikolo a zwi konadzei kha zwiṅwe zwiimo. True, some responsibilities are assigned to a few within the Christian congregation. Getting to school is not possible in some situations. Laodikea u vhonala u muḓi wo ḓalesaho Vhayuda, vhane zwa vhonala zwi tshi nga vhaṅwe vhavho vho vha vho pfuma vhukuma. He did not feel qualified, and in himself, he was not. Laodicea appears to be a large city of Jews, some of whom seemed to be very wealthy. Vha nga kha ḓi hana musi vha tshi rambiwa nga Mukriste ane vha dzhia u nga ndi ene we a khakhela shaka ḽavho, kana vha hana tshoṱhe u mu ramba muḓini wavho. Octavia, who lives in Britain, says: "Working with Jehovah draws me closer to others. " They may refuse to receive an invitation from a Christian who considers that he has offended their relative, or they may always refuse to invite him to their home. Musi a tshi amba nga ha bugu yo ḓoweleaho i re kha ndima ya u thoma ya Hesekiele, o amba zwe a zwi guda a ri: "Yehova u livhisa goloi yawe ya nndwa, ndangulo yawe nga luvhilo lune a lu khetha. As I learned more, I told Mom that I would stop participating in Buddhist ceremonies. Speaking of a common book in the first chapter of Ezekiel, he says what he learned: "Jehovah leads his war chariot, his organization so fast that he chooses it. Zwifhingani zwa Bivhili, Vhakriste vho vhudzwa uri: "Mulingo a ni athu u farwa nga u sa lingani nungo dza muthu. " What must we realize if we are going to win our fight for true freedom? In Bible times, Christians were told: "No temptation has taken you except what is common to men. " Vhahulwane vha Vhakriste vha nga guda mini kha tsumbo yavhuḓi vhukuma ya Yesu ya u amba ngoho? Still, shocking deeds are often perpetrated by seemingly ordinary people in the neighborhood. What can Christian elders learn from Jesus ' perfect example of truthfulness? Bivhili I Ri Mini? Consider how effective Satan was in using bait to trap a large number of his angelic brothers. What Does the Bible Say? U bva nga 1919, vhaḓodzwa vho kuvhanganywa kha tshivhidzo tsha Vhukriste tsho vusuluswaho. To an extent, that is true of all loyal Christians. Since 1919, the anointed have been gathered into the restored Christian congregation. Vhukuma, dzina ḽa Mudzimu ḽi fanela u vha Bivhilini. Jehovah God and Jesus Christ want us to be happy as we perform our sacred service. Yes, God's name must be found in the Bible. Nṱhani hazwo, o amba nga nḓila i vha homolosaho. (Read Ezekiel 37: 15 - 17.) Rather, he spoke in a refreshing way. Vha mangala vhukuma musi muruṅwa wa Yehova a tshi bvelela vhukati havho nahone vha tangwa nga lupenyo lwa Mudzimu! In an apple orchard in Grójec, a publisher shares the Bible's message with one of the workers How surprised they were when Jehovah's angel appeared among them and surrounded them with God's glory! Vhukuma, vhuṅwe vhuḓifhinduleli ho ṋewa vha si gathi fhedzi tshivhidzoni tsha Vhukriste. If that Israelite girl of Elisha's day had been habitually rude, disrespectful, or dishonest, do you think that her Syrian captors would have listened to her words about Jehovah's prophet? Of course, some responsibilities were given only a few in the Christian congregation. O vhona a sa fanelei, nahone arali o vha a tshi ḓo fulufhela vhukoni hawe o vha a sa ḓo fanelea. PAGE 7 • SONGS: 61, 25 He felt inadequate, and if he trusted in his abilities, he would not be qualified. Octavia wa ngei Britain, o ri: "U shumela Yehova zwi ntsendedza tsini na vhahashu. " Despite the words of Psalm 3: 6, 7, why would you say that David did not have a vindictive spirit? " Serving Jehovah draws me closer to our brothers, " says Els, from Britain. Musi ndo no guda zwo engedzeaho, ndo vhudza Mme anga uri a thi tsha ḓo shela mulenzhe kha vhuṱambo ha Tshibudda. Cataloging: The Writing Archives collection is made up of thousands of items, some more than a century old. After learning more, I told Mother that I would no longer have any part in the Christmas celebrations. Ndi mini zwine ra fanela u zwi ṱhogomela arali ri tshi ṱoḓa u kunda nndwani yashu ya mbofholowo ya vhukuma? We too have the privilege of announcing Jehovah's name and purpose. What must we recognize if we are to win the battle for true freedom? Kanzhi, zwithu zwi ofhisaho zwi itwa nga vhathu vhane vha vhonala vhe vhathu zwavho tshitshavhani. Jesus also taught that there would be others who would rule with him in the Kingdom. Often, fear - inspiring acts are performed by people who appear to be ordinary people in their community. Ṱhogomelani nḓila ye Sathane a shumisa ngayo tshikwekwe nga nḓila i bvelelaho u itela u fasha vharuṅwa vhanzhi. She gave up a comfortable lifestyle and even put her life in jeopardy. Consider how Satan used a snare effectively to trap many angels. Zwenezwo ndi ngoho kha Vhakriste vhoṱhe vha fulufhedzeaho. For example, the Bible says: "Gray - headedness is a crown of beauty when it is found in the way of righteousness. " That is true of all faithful Christians. Yehova Mudzimu na Yesu Kristo vha ṱoḓa ri tshi takala musi ri tshi ita tshumelo khethwa. They witnessed in a small rural town. Jehovah God and Jesus Christ want us to be happy in rendering sacred service. (Vhalani Hesekiele 37: 15 - 17.) True worship has helped us to make what changes? (Read Ezekiel 37: 15 - 17.) Muhuweleli a tshi khou huwelela nga ha mulaedza u re Bivhilini kha muṅwe wa vhashumi vha tsimu ya maapula ngei Grójec ▪ Sexually transmitted diseases The publisher is preaching the Bible's message to one of the employees in Gccccccccc Arali onoyo musidzana wa Muisiraele wa misini ya Elisa o vha a tshi dzulela u vha na vhuhali, u sa ṱhonifha, kana u sa fulufhedzea, naa ni humbula uri vhathubi vha Siria vho vha vha tshi ḓo vha vho thetshelesa zwe a vha a tshi khou vha vhudza zwone nga ha muporofita wa Yehova? What about the "other sheep, " having the prospect of everlasting life on earth? If this Israelite girl in Elisha's day had always been harsh, disrespectful, or unfaithful, do you think that the Syrians would have listened to what he was telling them about Jehovah's prophet? SIAṰARI 7 • NYIMBO: 61, 25 ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ PAGE 7 • SONGS: 61, 25 Hu sa londwi maipfi a re kha Psalme ya 3: 6, 7, ndi ngani ni tshi nga amba uri Davida o vha a sa ṱoḓi u ḓilifhedzela? Jesus foresaw this troubled time, and he assured his followers that they would receive the encouragement they needed to endure to the end. Despite the words of Psalm 3: 6, 7, why would you say that David did not want to retaliate? U Zwi Dzudzanya: Mbulungeloni ya Muhasho wa Vhuṅwaleli hu na zwithu zwa zwigidi - gidi, nahone zwiṅwe zwi na miṅwaha i fhiraho ḓana. How can that affect the congregation? Writing Archives: The Writing Department is over a hundred years old, and some are over a hundred years old. Na riṋe ri na ndugelo ya u ḓivhadza dzina ḽa Yehova na ndivho yawe. How, though, did the Jews come to worship in synagogues? We too have the privilege of making known Jehovah's name and purpose. Yesu o dovha a funza uri hu ḓo vha na vhaṅwe vhane vha ḓo vhusa nae kha wonoyu Muvhuso. Commenting on his background, Marcos said: "My parents were always arguing. Jesus also taught that there would be some who would rule with him in this Kingdom. O ṱutshela vhutshilo ha u ḓigeḓa nahone a ita na u vhea na vhutshilo hawe khomboni. After considering these events of long ago, perhaps you are wondering: " If I had lived at that time, how would I have responded as God's will was progressively revealed? He gave up a comfortable lifestyle and even risked his life. Sa tsumbo, Bivhili i ri: "Mmvi ndi tshiala tsha vhugala; tshi wanwa nga vha nḓila ya zwivhuya. " (Mir. One of the soldiers began searching the clothes hanging in the corridor, and soon thereafter he entered the kitchen, where we were, with the booklets in his hand. For example, the Bible says: "A crown of beauty is a crown of beauty when it is found in the way of righteousness. " Vho ṱanziela ḓoroboni ṱhukhu ya mahayani. How could a Christian become unevenly yoked? They witnessed in a small rural town. Vhurabeli ha ngoho ho ri thusa uri ri ite tshanduko dzifhio? Holy spirit: "The holy spirit is God's finger and a gift of God, or a comforter, or God's Power, which the Father gives to believers on the basis of Christ's merits. True worship has helped us to make what changes? ▪ Malwadze a fhiriselwaho nga zwa vhudzekani In these ways, Jehovah can help us to understand what pleases him, and we can learn to think the way he does. ▪ plagued by sex C.E. Hupfi mini nga "vha dziṅwe nngu, " vhane vha vha na tshilavhelelwa tsha u tshila kha ḽifhasi nga hu sa fheli? For example, he denied Christ three times in front of people who accused him of being a follower of the condemned Jesus of Nazareth. What about the "other sheep, " who have the prospect of living forever on earth? ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Jesus was an only child. . . . . . Yesu o vhona hu tshee nga phanḓa tshenetsho tshifhinga tshi konḓaho, nahone a khwaṱhisedza vhatevheli vhawe uri vha ḓo wana ṱhuṱhuwedzo ine vha i ṱoḓa u itela u konḓelela u swikela vhufheloni. Reasonable parents are also mindful that children are not miniature adults. Jesus foresaw that difficult time, and he assured his followers that they would receive the encouragement they needed to endure to the end. Zwenezwi zwi nga kwama hani tshivhidzo? How true these words have proved to be! How might this affect the congregation? Naho zwo ralo, zwo ḓa hani uri Vhayuda vha gwadamele kha zwenezwi zwikolo zwa vhurereli? What happened to Saul as a result of his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus? How, though, did the Jews worship these religious schools? Musi a tshi amba nga ha vhubvo hawe, Marcos o ri: "Vhabebi vhanga vho vha vha tshi dzulela u semana. " My Father has kept working until now, " said Jesus, "and I keep working. " - John 5: 17. Commenting on her background, Marcos said: "My parents used to say bad things to me. Nga murahu ha u ṱhogomela zwenezwi zwiitea zwa kale, khamusi ni nga ḓivhudzisa u ri: " Arali ndo vha ndi tshi khou tshila nga tshenetsho tshifhinga, ndo vha ndi tshi ḓo ḓipfa hani musi zwine Mudzimu a zwi funa zwi tshi khou dzumbululwa nga zwiṱuku nga zwiṱuku? When Jesus Christ ascended to heaven and presented the value of his sacrificed human life to Jehovah God, the Mosaic Law covenant was voided and the basis was laid for the foretold "new covenant. " - Jeremiah 31: 31 - 34. After considering these events, you might wonder: " If I were living at that time, how would I feel when God's will was progressively revealed? Ḽiṅwe swole ḽa thoma u guduba zwiambaro zwe zwa vha zwo ṋembeledzwa phasedzhini, nahone nga u ṱavhanya nga murahu ḽa dzhena khishini, he ra vha ri hone, ḽo fara bugwana. " Seeing the One Who Is Invisible " One soldier began looking at the clothes that were in the bush, and soon thereafter into the kitchen, where we were, held a brochure. Mukriste a nga ḓi kungela hani dzhogo i sili? For the time will fail me if I go on to relate about Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David as well as Samuel and the other prophets, who through faith defeated kingdoms in conflict, effected righteousness, obtained promises,... from a weak state were made powerful. " How might a Christian become unevenly yoked? Muyamukhethwa: "Muyamukhethwa ndi munwe wa Mudzimu na tshifhiwa tsha Mudzimu, kana mukhuthadzi, kana Maanḓa a Mudzimu, une Khotsi a u ṋea vhatendi nga Kristo. " I liked teaching people about Jehovah, " she says, "but I never imagined that I could serve abroad. The holy spirit: "The holy spirit is God's Anointed spirit and God's gift, or undeserved kindness, or power, that the Father gives to fellow believers by means of Christ. Nga yeneyi nḓila, Yehova a nga ri thusa uri ri pfesese zwine zwa mu takadza nahone ri ḓo guda u humbula u fana nae. Our service took us to Pennsylvania, West Virginia, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts, among other places. In this way, Jehovah can help us to understand what pleases him and we will learn to think as he does. Sa tsumbo, o landula Kristo luraru phanḓa ha vhathu vhe vha vha tshi khou mu pomoka uri ndi mutevheli wa Yesu wa Nazaretha o haṱulwaho. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ For example, he rejected Christ three times before those who accused him of being a follower of Jesus of Nazareth. Yesu o vha e si na vharathu na dzikhaladzi. Jehovah " took them away ' when the Assyrians carried the Israelites into captivity in 740 B.C.E. Jesus had no brothers and sisters. Vhabebi vha humbulelaho vha dovha vha pfesesa uri vhana a si vhathu vhahulwane. What a privilege it was to be the mother of the greatest man ever to live on earth! - Matt. reasonable parents also understand that children are not older. Eneo maipfi ndi a vhukuma lungafhani! " I Want to Help, but I Do Not Know How ' How those words are! Ho itea mini kha Saulo musi a tshi ṱangana na Yesu nḓilani i yaho Damaseko? Marcus: Precisely - and not just for a short time. What happened to Saul when he met Jesus on the road to Damascus? 5: 17 True, the race is long and arduous; there are many obstacles, distractions, and dangers along the way. 5: 17 Musi Yesu Kristo a tshi gonya ṱaḓulu nahone a ṋekedza ndeme ya tshiṱhavhelo tshawe tsha vhutshilo hawe kha Yehova Mudzimu, mulanga wa Mulayo wa Mushe wo mbo ḓi fheliswa nahone ha thomiwa "mulanga muswa " we wa dzula wo ambiwa. - Yeremia 31: 31 - 34. His spiritual recovery was largely due to the assistance given him by a Christian elder. When Jesus Christ ascended to heaven and presented the value of his sacrifice to Jehovah God, the Mosaic Law covenant was destroyed and the foretold "new covenant. " - Jeremiah 31: 31 - 34. " U Vhona Ane A si Vhonale ' Consider what occurred in 1973. " He Sees the One Who Is Not Wise " Ndi nga ṱáhelwa nga tshifhinga ndá ri ndi bula a vho - Gidioni, na Baraka, na Simisoni, na a Yefeta, na a Davida, na a Salomoni, na a vhaporofita, Vhe nga lutendo vha kunda mivhuso, vha bveledza u luga, vha ṱanganedza dzimbavhalelo,... vha fhiwa maanḓa vhá si na nungo. " I know, because I was one of them, and I attended that meeting 67 years ago. The time will fail me if I go on to speak about Gideon, Barak, Samson, Samson, Jephthah, and David and Solomon's prophets and prophets, who through faith produced righteousness and were given them to them,... without strength and strength. " O ri: "Ndi takalela u gudisa vhaṅwe nga ha Yehova, fhedzi ndo vha ndi sa vhuyi nda humbula uri ndi nga shuma kha ḽiṅwe shango. What Can We Learn From Paul's Example? She says: "I like teaching others about Jehovah, but I never thought I could serve abroad. Mushumo washu wo ri isa Pennsylvania, Virginia Vhukovhela, New Hampshire, na Massachusetts, na huṅwe fhethu. Qualifications for ministerial servants are outlined at 1 Timothy 3: 8 - 10, 12, 13. Our assignment has led us to Pennsylvania, Virginia, New York, and Ttsssss and to other places, and our work has brought us to Pennsylvania. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ To Príncipe Island . . . . . (Hosea 1: 6) Yehova ho ngo "vha hangwela " musi Vhaasuri vha tshi vha isa vhuthubwani nga 740 B.C.E. And what are the limits of his power? Jehovah "did not forgive them " when the Assyrians brought them into captivity in 740 B.C.E. Yo vha ndugelo khulwane lungafhani u vha mme a munna muhulwane u fhira vhoṱhe vhe vha vhuya vha tshila kha ḽifhasi! - Mat. As we learned in the preceding article, Jehovah God and his righteous servant Abraham made sworn oaths on important occasions. What a privilege it was to be the mother of the highest man ever to live on earth! - Matt. " Ndi a Ṱoḓa u Thusa Fhedzi a thi Ḓivhi Nḓila ine nda Thusa Ngayo ' Surely we do not want to sadden Jehovah's heart by accepting something that his Word condemns! " I Want to Help, but I don't Know how I Help You ' Marcus: No tou rwa nṱha ha ngoma - vhenevho vhathu vha nga si dzule kha ḽifhasi lwa tshifhinganyana. Jehovah " magnifies his saying even above all his name ' in that the fulfillment of all that he has promised in his name will far exceed whatever expectations we may have. Marcus: You have just hit a particular target - such people cannot live on earth for a time. Ndi ngoho uri mbambe yo lapfa nahone i a konḓa; nahone nḓilani hu na zwithivheli, zwithithisi na dziṅwe khombo. Joseph set a sterling example as an industrious, trustworthy, and moral young man. It is true that the race is long and difficult; on the road is obstacles, distractions, and other dangers. Zwo itaho uri a dovhe a fhisee ho vha hu nga ṅwambo wa thuso ye a ṋewa yone nga muhulwane wa Mukriste. " More than all else that is to be guarded, " says the Bible, "safeguard your heart. " His zeal was also prompted by the help given by a Christian elder. Ṱhogomelani zwe zwa itea nga 1973. • The gift of being declared righteous brought what prospect to you? Consider what happened in 1973. Ndi a zwi ḓivha ngauri ndo vha ndi kha wonoyo muṱangano miṅwahani ya 67 yo fhiraho. [ Footnote] I know that I was at that meeting 67 years ago. Ri Guda Mini Kha Tsumbo Ya Paulo? How did Jesus deal with them? What Do We Learn From Paul's Example? Ṱhoḓea dza vhashumeli dzo ṅwalwa kha 1 Timotheo 3: 8 - 10, 12, 13. And if we understand clearly what Jehovah loves and what he hates, it will be easy for us to know which books, movies, or games to choose. The needs of ministerial servants are recorded at 1 Timothy 3: 8 - 10, 12, 13. Kha Ri Ṱhogomele Tshiṱangadzime Tsha Príncipe Either we remain loyal to Jehovah or we place ourselves in Satan's camp. Let Us Watch the Island of Príncipe Ndi mini zwine a si kone u zwi ita? A Specific Assignment for All What could he not do? Samusi ro guda theroni yo fhiraho, Yehova Mudzimu na Abrahamu mushumeli wawe a fulufhedzeaho vho ita miano kha mafhungo a ndeme. " After 13 years of marriage, we have a very close relationship - one that we never want to lose. " As we learned in the preceding article, Jehovah God and his faithful servant Abraham made vows in important matters. Vhukuma, a ri ṱoḓi u sinyusa mbilu ya Yehova nga u ṱanganedza zwithu zwine Ipfi ḽawe ḽa zwi thivhela! In the long run, our relationships with others are surely more significant than any short - term achievements we may have in the world of sports or business. Surely we do not want to offend Jehovah's heart by accepting things that his Word prevents! Yehova " u ita zwihulu zwi fhiraho dzina ḽawe ḽoṱhe ' ngauri u ḓadzea ha zwoṱhe zwe a zwi fulufhedzisa nga dzina ḽawe zwi ḓo fhira kule zwithu naho zwi zwifhio zwe ra zwi lavhelela. Thousands of young Witnesses have joyfully taken up the full - time ministry Jehovah " does more than all his name ' because the fulfillment of all that he has promised through his name will far exceed any expectations. Yosefa o vhea tsumbo yavhuḓi ya u vha mushumi wa biko, a fulufhedzeaho na u vha muṱhannga a re na vhuḓifari havhuḓi. Reflecting on this illustration may motivate one who has drifted away to return to the fold. Joseph set a fine example of hard work, faithful, and upright young man. " Kha zwoṱhe zwine zwa pfi zwi lindwe, " Bivhili i ri: "U vhulungese mbilu yau. " (Mir. Let us consider ways in which children, congregation overseers, and individual Christians can care for the needs of senior members of our worldwide brotherhood. " In everything that is to be guarded, " the Bible says: " guard your heart. " • Tshifhiwa tsha u itwa vho lugaho tsho ni ḓisela zwilavhelelwa zwifhio? It is imperative that we "be sound in mind " and heed the Scriptural exhortation to" be vigilant with a view to prayers. " - 1 Pet. • What prospects does the gift of righteousness bring to you? [ Ṱhaluso i re magumoni a siaṱari] We can draw strength from Paul's words found at Romans 7: 21, 25 and 8: 11. [ Footnote] Yesu o ita mini musi a tshi ṱalulwa? To the contrary, continue to love your enemies and to do good and to lend without interest, not hoping for anything back; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, because he is kind toward the unthankful and wicked. How did Jesus deal with prejudice? Nahone musi ri tshi pfesesa zwavhuḓi zwine Yehova a zwi funa na u zwi vhenga, zwi ḓo ri lelutshela u ḓivha uri ndi bugu, mimuvi kana mitambo ifhio ine ra fanela u i khetha. That principle should influence the day - to - day behavior of all genuine Christians, including us today. And when we clearly understand Jehovah's will and hate it, it will be easier for us to know that it is a book, movies, or sports to choose. Ri nga khetha u dzula ri tshi fulufhedzea kha Yehova kana ra khetha u tikedza Sathane. In some lands we are accused of posing a threat to the State, just as Nehemiah was accused of rebelling against the king. We can choose to remain loyal to Jehovah or choose to support Satan. Roṱhe Ri Fanela U Hulisana But did Jesus mean to insult this Greek woman and other non - Jews? All of us Need to Honor One Another Nga murahu ha miṅwaha ya 13 ro vhingana, ri na vhushaka ha tsini - tsini - vhune ra sa ṱoḓe u xelelwa ngaho. " Michelle: In a sense, it did. After 13 years of marriage, we have a close bond - one that we do not want to lose. " Mafheleloni, vhushaka hashu na vhaṅwe vhu vha ha ndeme vhukuma u fhira naho zwi zwifhio zwine ra nga zwi khunyeledza lwa tshifhinganyana kha masia a mitambo kana kha bindu. And it is equally understandable that during the following days "they continued devoting themselves to the teaching of the apostles. " Eventually, our relationship with others is more important than anything we can accomplish for a time in sports or in business. Vhaswa vhanzhi vha Dziṱhanzi vho dzhenela vhuḓinḓa ha tshifhinga tshoṱhe vho takala 14, 15. Many Witness youths happily entered the full - time ministry U elekanya nga ha tshifanyiso tshenetshi zwi nga kha ḓi ṱuṱuwedza muthu o xelaho uri a vhuyelele sambini. When I got home, I felt happy and content because of being able to share Bible truth with others. Meditating on this illustration may move one who has strayed to return to the flock. Kha ri ṱhogomele nḓila dzine vhana vho no aluwaho, vhalavhelesi vha tshivhidzo, na Vhakriste nga muthihi vha nga ṱhogomela ngadzo ṱhoḓea dza miraḓo ya vhalala vha vhushaka hashu ha shango ḽoṱhe. Valiant Effort to Promote (Seraphim), 5 / 15 Let us consider how older children, congregation overseers, and individual Christians can care for the needs of older members of our worldwide brotherhood. Ndi zwa ndeme vhukuma uri ri vhe "na muhumbulo wo tshaho " na u thetshelesa khumbudzo ya Maṅwalo ine ya ri" ni fhaṱuwe malugana na dzithabelo. " - 1 Pet. 3, 4. (a) Who are five of Paul's friends, and what did they become to him? How vital that we be "a sound mind " and heed the Scriptural reminder that" vigilant with a view to prayers "! - 1 Pet. Ri nga khwaṱhiswa nga maipfi a Paulo a re kha Vha - Roma 7: 21, 25 na 8: 11. Twenty - three thousand lost Jehovah's favor shortly before Joshua was to lead God's people into the Promised Land. We can be strengthened by Paul's words found at Romans 7: 21, 25 and 8: 11. Tshaṋu nga hu vhe u funa maswina aṋu, u tonda na u adzima huné ni si fulufhele tshithu; ndi hone malambá aṋu a tshi ḓo vha manzhi, na ḓo vha vhana vha Wa - Ṱaḓulu - ṱaḓulu; ngauri ene na vha sa livhuhi na vhavhi u vha ita vhulenda. We began to take more of an interest in each other's needs. But, then, you must love your enemies, how much more so will your reward be, that you may prove yourselves sons of the Most High, for he is unthankful and wicked. Nṱhani ha u tendela muya wa shango u tshi langa mahumbulele avho, vho vha vho fanela u ita uri kuhumbulele kwavho ku fane na kwa Kristo. November 15 - 21, 2010 Rather than allowing the spirit of the world to control their thinking, they needed to have the mind of Christ. Kha maṅwe mashango ri a pomokwa nga u vha vhahanedzi vha Muvhuso, u fana na musi Nehemia a tshi pomokwa u shandukela khosi. (Read Revelation 3: 7 - 13.) In some lands we are falsely accused of being opposers of the Kingdom, just as Nehemiah was accused of rebelling against the king. (Levitiko 11: 27) Naa Yesu o vha a tshi khou sema onoyu mufumakadzi wa Mugerika na vhaṅwe vhane vha si vhe Vhayuda? Today, Riana is still sharing the Kingdom message with the many Tandroy - speaking people who want to learn about Jehovah. Was Jesus cursing this Greek woman and others who were not Jews? Michelle: Zwi vhonala zwo ralo. The sacrificial death of our Lord Jesus Christ was made at enormous cost both to him and to his Father, Jehovah. Michelle: That seems to be the case. Nahone zwi a pfesesea uri kha maḓuvha e a tevhela vho "dzula vhe vha pfunzo ya vhaapostola. " Having lived in France and Madagascar, he had been exposed to progressive ideas about religion. And it is understandable that in the days that followed, they "continued keeping in mind the teaching of the apostles. " 14, 15. His own feet got dirty as he preached the good news along the dusty roads of Israel. 14, 15. Musi ndi tshi vhuya hayani, ndo vha ndi tshi ḓipfa ndo takala na u fushea ngauri ndo kona u vhudza vhathu mafhungo - ngoho a Bivhili. Centuries later, Aaron and his descendants were still remembered as fearers of Jehovah. - Ps. When I returned home, I felt happy and satisfied because I was able to share Bible truths with people. 3, 4. (a) Ndi vhonnyi khonani ṱhanu dza Paulo, nahone vho vha mini khae? Tim: I already have the best leader. 3, 4. (a) Who are five of Paul's friends, and what did they prove to be to him? Musi Yoshua a sa athu livhisa vhathu vha Mudzimu Shangoni ḽo Fulufhedziswaho, vhathu vha 23 000 vho xelelwa nga ndugelo ya u vha vhathu vha Yehova. First, approach Jehovah in earnest prayer. Before Joshua led God's people into the Promised Land, 23,000,000 people lost the privilege of becoming Jehovah's people. Ro thoma u vha na dzangalelo ḽihulwane kha ṱhoḓea dza muṅwe. Second, a Christian might recognize particulars of the sign but because of his immediate surroundings not feel directly affected. We became very interested in the needs of another person. 15 - 21 November, 2010 [ Picture on page 31] November 15 - 21, 2010 (Vhalani Ndzumbululo 3: 7 - 13.) What the Bible says (Read Revelation 3: 7 - 13.) Na ṋamusi, Riana u kha ḓi bvela phanḓa a tshi huwelela mulaedza wa Muvhuso kha vhathu vhanzhi vha ambaho Lutandroy vhane vha ṱoḓa u guda nga ha Yehova. Brother Coville's life story appeared in The Watchtower of March 15, 1961. Today, Riana continues to preach the Kingdom message to many people who want to learn about Jehovah. Lufu lwa tshiṱhavhelo lwa Murena washu Yesu Kristo lwo vha lwa thengo khulu khae na kha Khotsi awe, Yehova. War then broke out in heaven, and the newly installed King, Jesus, referred to as Michael, cast Satan and his demons to the earth. The sacrificial death of our Lord Jesus Christ was of great value to him and to his Father, Jehovah. Samusi vho vhuya vha dzula ngei Fura na Madagascar, vho wana mihumbulo minzhi ya nga ha vhurereli. JULY 30, 2012 - AUGUST 5, 2012 Having lived in France and Madagascar, they have found many religious ideas. Na yawe milenzhe yo vha i tshi vha na buse musi a tshi khou huwelela mafhungo maḓifha badani dza mavu ngei Isiraele. It stretches more than two miles [3 km] from side to side. Even his feet had dust as he preached the good news of the soil in Israel. Nga murahu ha maḓana a miṅwaha, Aroni na vhaḓuhulu vhawe vho dzula vha tshi humbulwa sa vha ofhaho Yehova. - Ps. In what areas of life should we act in faithfulness? Centuries later, Aaron and his descendants were remembered without fear of Jehovah. - Ps. Thabelo: Ndo no ḓi vha na murangaphanḓa wa khwine - khwine. The king was devoted to improving the living standards of the poor and uneducated people. Prayer: I already have the best leader. Tsha u thoma, ambani na Yehova nga thabelo zwi tshi bva mbiluni. Consider Jesus ' example. First, approach Jehovah in earnest prayer. Tsha vhuvhili, Mukriste a nga kha ḓi vhona maṅwe masia a tshiga, fhedzi nga nṱhani ha fhethu hune a dzula hone a vhona u nga ene a zwi mu kwami. (b) What was the prophet's reply? Second, a Christian may see certain features of the sign but because of his environment he feels that he is not affected. [ Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 31] Despite promises of a seed, Sarah remained barren. [ Picture on page 31] Zwine Bivhili ya amba zwone How Can You Make Wise Decisions? What the Bible says Nganea vhutshilo ya wahashu Coville i kha Tshiingamo tsha ḽa 15 March, 1961. How can a good spiritual routine protect you from Satan's schemes? A brother's life course is in The Watchtower of March 15, 1961. Ho vha na nndwa ngei ṱaḓulu nahone Yesu Khosi ye ya vha i tshi kha ḓi tou bva u vhewa ine ya vhidzwa Mikaele, o posa Sathane na madimoni awe kha ḽifhasi. For more information see chapter 1 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses A war broke out in heaven, and the newly enthroned King, Michael, threw Satan and his demons down to the vicinity of the earth. 30 JULY, 2012 - 5 AUGUST, 2012 (Job 4: 1 - 31: 40) JULY 30, 2012 - AUGUST 5, 2012 Ḽo ṱanḓavhuwa khilomithara tharu. But pursue righteousness, godly devotion, faith, love, endurance, mildness of temper. " It is over three miles [30 km] away. Ndi kha masia afhio a vhutshilo ane ra fanela u fulufhedzea khao? Unlike unbelievers, Jesus ' disciples would not only see the sign but also understand its significance. In what areas of life should we be loyal? Nga nnḓa ha musi zwo sumbedzwa nga iṅwe nḓila, miredzo ya Maṅwalo i bva kha Bivhili ya Luvenḓa kana kha Ṱhalutshedzelo ya Shango Ḽiswa ya Maṅwalo a Tshikriste a Lugerika. All who follow Jesus ' example and who obey his teachings are, in effect, responding to an invitation similar to one that David extended: "Come, you sons, listen to me; the fear of Jehovah is what I shall teach you. " In addition to being shown in another way, Scriptural quotations are from the English Bible or the New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures. Khosi yo vha yo ḓiimisela u khwinisa zwiimo zwa vhutshilo zwa vhashai na zwa vhathu vha songo funzeaho. When you are giving advice and direction regarding important matters, do you take time to do thorough research in Bible - based publications? The king was willing to improve the life conditions of both the poor and the most educated people. Ṱhogomelani tsumbo ya Yesu. The goal could easily be met if publishers would devote 15 hours a month to the ministry and pioneers, 110 hours. Consider Jesus ' example. (b) Muporofita o aravha hani? They comforted me and cared for me like a son. (b) How did the prophet react? Hu sa londwi fulufhedziso ḽa mbeu, Sara o dzula e muumba. The student may observe a couple who are making drastic adjustments in their life in order to serve as caregivers to their elderly parents. Despite the promise of the offspring, Sarah remained barren. Ni Nga Ita Hani Phetho Dza Vhuṱali? Later, when he was joined by Silas and Timothy, Paul "began to be intensely occupied with the word, witnessing to the Jews to prove that Jesus is the Christ. " How Can You Make Wise Decisions? U vha na mbekanyo yavhuḓi ya lwa muya, zwi nga ni tsireledza hani kha maano a Sathane? It is exciting to see the opportunities for theocratic education expand, and I am so grateful to have met many who make themselves available for this training. How can a good spiritual routine protect you from Satan's schemes? U itela u wana mafhungo o engedzeaho, sedzani ndima 1 kha bugu Bivhili I Funza Mini Zwa Vhukuma? yo gandiswaho nga Ṱhanzi dza Yehova 11, 12. (a) How did Jesus stress the need to make the truth our way of life? For more information, see chapter 1 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses (Yobo 4: 1 - 31: 40) [ Pictures on page 8] (Compare 4: 1 - 31: 40) Tovhola u luga, u ofha Mudzimu, lutendo, lufuno, u konḓelela na vhuhwavho ho fhedzaho. " Do not suffer shock or be terrified, for Jehovah your God is with you wherever you go. " Pursue righteousness, godly devotion, faith, love, endurance, and mildness. " Nge vha vha vha sa fani na vhathu vha sa tendiho, vhafunziwa vha Yesu vho vha vha sa ḓo vhona tshiga fhedzi, fhedzi vho vha vha tshi ḓo dovha vha pfesesa zwine tshenetsho tshiga tsha amba zwone. What can help you to remember and better understand what you read? Unlike unbelievers, Jesus ' disciples would not only see the sign but also understand its meaning. Nga maṅwe maipfi vhoṱhe vhane vha tevhela tsumbo ya Yesu na vhane vha tevhela pfunzo dzawe, vha khou aravha kha u rambiwa hu fanaho na ha Davida: "Iḓani, Vhana - nga! Ni pfe nṋe; ndi ḓo ni funza u ofha Yehova. " I also sought the help of a trusted friend. In other words, all who follow Jesus ' example and those who follow his teachings are responding to David's invitation: "Come, you children, and listen to me, and I will teach you the fear of Jehovah. " Musi ni tshi ṋea nyeletshedzo na vhulivhisi nga ha mafhungo a ndeme, zwi nga vha zwavhuḓi uri ni ite ṱhoḓisiso khandisoni dzo thewaho Bivhilini. It also motivates parents to give their children loving discipline when necessary and prevents parents from acting out of mere sentimentality, which often results in an overly permissive attitude toward children. - Eph. When giving counsel and guidance on important matters, why not do research on Bible - based publications? Tshenetsho tshipikwa tsho vha tshi tshi nga swikelelwa nga hu leluwaho arali vhahuweleli vha fhedza awara dza 15 nga ṅwedzi vhuḓinḓani nahone vhavulanḓila vha fhedza awara dza 110. Jehovah's Word Is Alive That goal could easily have been met if publishers spent 15 hours a month in the ministry and pioneers spent 110 hours. Vho nkhuthadza nahone vha nṱhogomela sa murwa wavho. Phonograph. They comforted me and cared for me as their son. Mugudiswa a nga sedza vhavhingani vhane vha khou ita tshanduko khulwane vhutshiloni havho u itela uri vha ṱhogomele vhabebi vhavho vho aluwaho. As told by Felisa and Araceli Fernández The student may see a couple who are making major changes in their lives to care for their aging parents. Nga murahu musi ho no ḓa Silasi na Timotheo, Paulo "a thoma u farakanea vhukuma nga ipfi, a ṱanziela Vha - Yuda, a ri Yesu ndi ene Kristo. " At its base are "the souls of those slaughtered because of the word of God and because of the witness work that they used to have. " After Silas and Timothy came, Paul "came to be very busy with the word, and he bore witness to the Jews, that Jesus is the Christ. " Zwi a takadza u vhona zwikolo zwa lwa ṱaḓulu zwi tshi engedzea nahone ndi a livhuha uri ndo ṱangana na vhathu vhanzhi vhe vha ya kha zwenezwo zwikolo. How did Jehovah deliver, guide, and protect his people of ancient times? It is heartwarming to see theocratic schools grow, and I am grateful that I met many who attended the schools. 11, 12. (a) Yesu o ombedzela hani ndeme ya u ita uri mafhungo - ngoho a vhe nḓila yashu ya vhutshilo? Contemplating the answer will strengthen our faith and our determination to endure. 11, 12. (a) How did Jesus emphasize the importance of making the truth our way of life? [ Zwifanyiso kha siaṱari 8] " Keep on the Watch "! [ Pictures on page 8] U songo vhilaela wa ofha, ngauri hoṱhe hune wa ya, Nṋe Yehova Mudzimu wau ndi na iwe. " (Yosh. Jehovah thus "loved " him. Do not be afraid or be terrified, for Jehovah your God is with you wherever you go. " Ndi mini zwine zwa ḓo ni thusa u humbula na u pfesesa zwine na khou vhala? It may also lead to verbal abuse, drunkenness, violence, divorce, needless debt, addiction, imprisonment, emotional trauma, sexually transmitted disease, and unwanted pregnancy, to name a few. - Ps. What will help you to remember and understand what you are reading? Ndo dovha nda ṱoḓa thuso kha khonani yanga i fulufhedzeaho. Once they were outside the prison, the angel vanished. I also sought help from my loyal friend. Lu dovha lwa ṱuṱuwedza vhabebi u ṋea vhana vhavho ndayo ya lufuno musi zwi tshi ṱoḓea, na u thivhela vhabebi uri vha sa langiwe nga maḓipfele, lune kanzhi zwa bveledzwa nga u vha na mavhonele a u tendela tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe nga ho kalulaho kha vhana. - Vha - Ef. 9: 11, 12, 24. It also encourages parents to administer loving discipline when necessary, preventing parents from being guided by emotions, which often results from allowing too much of their children. - Eph. Ipfi Ḽa Yehova Ḽi A Tshila © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Jehovah's Word Is Alive Giramafoni. Why? G. Vhaanetsheli ndi Felisa na Araceli Fernández It's dangerous. " They are Felisa and Araceli About Me Nga fhasi hayo hu na "[mimuya - tshivhili yo NW] vhulahelwaho fhungo ḽa Mudzimu, na vhuṱanzi he vha vha vhe naho '. " They had been told: "All the peoples of the earth will have to see that Jehovah's name has been called upon you, and they will be afraid of you. " Under it are "the souls that have put to death the word of God and have the work of bearing witness against them. " Yehova o phulusa, u livhisa na u tsireledza vhathu vhawe vha kale nga nḓila - ḓe? Those who show contempt for God's law pray in vain. How did Jehovah deliver, guide, and protect his ancient people? U humbulisisa nga ha phindulo zwi ḓo khwaṱhisa lutendo lwashu nahone ri ḓo ḓiimisela u konḓelela. ; Muñoz, L. Meditating on the answers will strengthen our faith and will be determined to endure. " Dzulani No Fhaṱuwa "! In the seventh year, Jehoiada had Jehoash proclaimed king and had Athaliah put to death. " Keep on the Watch "! Zwenezwo zwa ita uri Yehova a mu " fune. ' At Galatians 4: 1, 2, we read: "As long as the heir is a babe he does not differ at all from a slave, lord of all things though he is, but he is under men in charge and under stewards until the day his father appointed beforehand. " As a result, Jehovah " loved him. ' Zwi nga dovha zwa ita uri hu vhe na dzitsemano, u nwesa, u vusa dzikhakhathi, ṱhalano, u mbwandamela zwikolodoni, u vha na dzema, u valelwa dzhele, u pfa vhuṱungu kha maḓipfele, malwadze a vhangwaho nga zwa vhudzekani, u vhifha muvhilini zwi songo tea na zwiṅwe - vho. - Ps. When confronted with pressure to do wrong, a teenager with a strong sense of identity will do more than think about the consequences. It can also lead to the process of getting drunk, drinking, violent violence, divorce, competition, dangers, imprisonment, emotional pain, sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy, and so forth. - Ps. Musi vho no vha nnḓa ha khotho, muruṅwa a mbo ḓi ngalangala. Faith is reinforced by hope. After going outside the club, an angel disappeared. 9: 11, 12, 24. So in coming to know the Person of Jehovah better, be determined to set aside time to read his Word daily. 9: 11, 12, 24. © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania " Supply... to your knowledge self - control. " - 2 PETER 1: 5 - 8. © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Ndi ngani? He was not like the ungodly men who slipped into the first - century congregation and were "admiring personalities for the sake of their own benefit. " Why? Zwi na khombo. " I enjoyed it so much that in 1996 I decided to become a regular pioneer - spending a set number of hours each month in the ministry. It is dangerous. " Vho vha vho vhudzwa uri: "Ndi hone tshakha dzoṱhe dza shango dzi tshi ḓo vhona zwauri dzina ḽa Yehova ḽi buliwa kha inwi, vha ni ofha. " (Doit. How does the case of Jesus prove that obedience to God is the course of wisdom? They were told: "All the nations of the earth will see that Jehovah's name is revealed to you, and they will fear you. " Vhane vha landula u tevhela milayo ya Mudzimu vha nga si lavhelele uri thabelo dzavho dzi fhindulwe. The second aspect of Jesus ' personality that we will consider is his humility. Those who refuse to obey God's laws cannot expect their prayers to be answered. ; Muñoz, L. When we speak without thinking, we often say things we later regret. ; Hezz, L. Nga ṅwaha wa vhusumbe, Yoyada o ita uri Yoasi a vhewe sa khosi, nahone Athalia a vhulahwa. (2 Dzikh. [ Picture on page 5] In the seventh year, Jehoiada was appointed king, and Jehoash was killed. Kha Vha - Galata 4: 1, 2 ri a vhala: "Musi mu - ḽa - ifa á tshee ṅwana, a huna tshiné a fhambana ngatsho ' na mulanda, nahó é muṋe wa zwoṱhe. Ú vhuya a vha tsini ha vhalavhelesi na vhakoma, ha vhuya ha swika tshifhinga tsho vhewaho nga khotsi. " ◆ Having love for God's Word At Galatians 4: 1, 2 we read: "When the man is a son, there is nothing different from the one who is a slave, neither as a master over all things as respects the overseers nor as stewards, until the time of a father arrives. " Musi a tshi sedzana na mutsiko wa u ita zwithu zwo khakheaho, muswa ane a ḓiḓivha u ḓo thoma nga u humbula nga masiandoitwa a zwenezwo zwithu. Making Decisions - An Unavoidable Challenge When confronted with pressure to do something wrong, a young person who has come to mind about the consequences of such things. U vha na fulufhelo zwi ita uri ri vhe na lutendo lwo khwaṱhaho. Some people who accept the truth are now able to understand it properly from the start. Trust strengthens our faith. U itela u ḓivha khwine Yehova sa Muthu wa vhukuma, ni fanela u vhetshela thungo tshifhinga tsha u guda Ipfi ḽawe ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe. • What course did Noah and his family follow, and how can we imitate their faith? To get to know Jehovah better as a real Person, you must set aside time to study his Word daily. " Kha u ṱalukanya haṋu hu vhe na u ḓilanga. " - 2 PETRO 1: 5 - 8, vhambedzani NW. (a) How serious is it to make a vow to God? " In your understanding there is self - control. " - 2 PETER 1: 5 - 8. O vha a sa fani na vhanna vha sa ofhi Mudzimu vhe vha ṋengeledza vha dzhena tshivhidzoni tsha ḓanani ḽa u thoma ḽa miṅwaha, na vhe vha vha vha tshi "kanuka muthu e henefho vha tshi ri á vhó ḓo vha tonda. " The word righteous means being right in God's eyes - meeting his standards. He was different from the ungodly men who had gone into the first - century congregation, and those who "were astounded at the man that was going to show them favor. " Ndo ḓiphina vhukuma lwe nga 1996 nda dzhia phetho ya u vha muvulanḓila wa tshifhinga tshoṱhe - nda fhedza awara dzo vhalaho ndi vhuḓinḓani ṅwedzi muṅwe na muṅwe. He and Mother also eagerly read the Bible - based publications that the women left. I enjoyed so much that in 1996 I decided to become a regular pioneer - I spent several hours in the ministry each month. Mafhungo a Yesu a sumbedza hani uri u thetshelesa Mudzimu zwi sumbedza vhuṱali? When Jesus mentioned worshipping with spirit, he was not speaking of a particularly spirited, animated, or enthusiastic form of worship. How does Jesus ' words show that obedience to God is wise? Pfaneleo ya vhuvhili ya vhumuthu ha Yesu ine ra ḓo i ṱolisisa ndi u ḓiṱukufhadza hawe. Are there any elderly, sick, or housebound ones in your congregation who would appreciate an encouraging visit or a helping hand? The second aspect of Jesus ' personality that we will consider is his humility. Arali ra amba zwithu ri songo thoma ra humbula, kanzhi ri fheleledza ro ḓisola nga murahu. Jehovah foretold a new arrangement for his people when he said: "This is the covenant that I shall conclude with the house of Israel after those days.... If we say something without thinking, we often regret it. [ Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 5] However, they can rely on support from heaven as well as from Jehovah's earthly organization. - Psalm 34: 7; Matthew 24: 45. [ Picture on page 5] ◆ U funa Ipfi ḽa Mudzimu That love and fear motivated me to change. " ◆ Loving God's Word U Ita Dziphetho Ndi Vhuleme Vhu Sa Iledzei 2, 3. (a) How did Jehovah proceed to create according to his purpose? Making Decisions - A Challenge Vhaṅwe vhathu vhe vha ṱanganedza mafhungo - ngoho zwino vha kona u i pfesesa hafhu nga vhuḓalo. Where did the eager travelers go? Some who have accepted the truth are now able to understand it more fully. • Noaxe na muṱa wawe vho tevhela buḓo ḽifhio, nahone ri nga edzisa hani lutendo lwavho? A faithful servant of God prayed: "Teach us how to count our days so that we may acquire a heart of wisdom. " • Noah and his family followed what course, and how can we imitate their faith? (a) Ndi zwa ndeme lungafhani u ita muano phanḓa ha Mudzimu? I saw them only during vacation. (a) How important is it to make vows to God? Ipfi ḽine ḽa ri u luga ḽi amba u ita zwo teaho phanḓa ha Mudzimu - u swikelela milayo yawe. 8: 9; Jer. The word for righteousness means doing what is right in God's eyes - meeting his commandments. Vhone na Mma vho dovha vha vhala nga mafulufulu khandiso dzo thewaho Bivhilini dze vhenevho vhafumakadzi vha dzi sia. For example, Saul asked Samuel: "Am I not a Benjaminite of the smallest of the tribes of Israel, and my family the most insignificant of all the families of the tribe of Benjamin? They and Mom also carefully read Bible - based publications that these women had left behind. Musi Yesu a tshi amba nga ha u rabela nga muya, o vha a sa khou amba nga ha miṅwe mimuya ya vhurabeli. A young brother named Alan admits, "I was often invited to go out with my schoolmates on the weekends, and I really wanted to go. " When Jesus spoke about spiritual prayer, he was not talking about other spirit spirits of worship. Naa tshivhidzoni tsha vhoiwe hu na vhalala, vhalwadze, kana vhane vha sa kone u bva miḓini yavho vhane vha nga takalela u dalelwa u itela u ṱuṱuwedzwa kana u thusiwa? They covered a wide expanse of ocean in visiting 14 islands. Are there elderly ones in your congregation, patients, or those who cannot come from their homes who would like to be visited for encouragement or help? Yehova o dzula o amba nga ha ndugiselelo ntswa ya vhathu vhawe musi a tshi ri: "Zwino mulanga une nda ḓo u vhofha na lushaka lwa Isiraele misi hó fhela maḓuvha ano... What Jehovah Expects of His People Jehovah foretold a new arrangement for his people: "Now I will conclude with the nation of Israel during these days... Naho zwo ralo, vha nga ḓitika nga thikhedzo i bvaho ṱaḓulu u katela na i bvaho kha ndangulo ya Yehova ya kha ḽifhasi. - Psalme ya 34: 7; Mateo 24: 45. Forgiving, though, does mean letting go of any resentment for such wrongs and maintaining your own peace. However, they can rely on heavenly support as well as on Jehovah's earthly organization. - Psalm 34: 7; Matthew 24: 45. U mu funa na u mu ofha zwo nṱuṱuwedza uri ndi shanduke. " In the first article, we learn how to recognize God's interest in us and his hand in our life. Love and fear of him motivated me to change. " 2, 3. (a) Yehova o thoma hani u sika u ya nga ndivho yawe? The meek and spiritually hungry were also drawn to him. 2, 3. (a) How did Jehovah begin creation according to his purpose? Vhenevho vhathu vho ya ngafhi? Jesus instructed us to teach others to "observe all the things " he commanded. Where did they go? Mushumeli wa Mudzimu a fulufhedzeaho o rabela a ri: "Ri funze kuvhalele kwa u vhala maḓuvha ashu, uri ri wane mbilu yo ṱalifhaho. " Hence, we should not hold back from sharing the good news with others on every suitable occasion. A faithful servant of God prayed: "Make us teach the vessel to read our days, so that we may find a wise heart. " Ndo vha ndi tshi vha vhona fhedzi musi tshikolo tsho vala. Although he performed many good deeds for people in need, preaching about God's Kingdom was his main focus in life. I could see them only when the school closed. 8: 9; Yer. Unlike self - proclaimed false messiahs, Jesus did not go about trumpeting his role as the true Messiah. 8: 9; Jer. Sa tsumbo, Saulo o vhudzisa Samuele a ri: "Huufha nṋe ndi Mu - Benyamini, ndi muthu wa lwone lushaka luṱuku kha tshakha dza Isiraele! Huno lushaka lwa hashu lwo dovha lwa vha lwone luṱuku kha tshakha dza Benyamini! Since Jesus did not use negative qualifiers when speaking to them about "this generation, " the apostles would no doubt have understood that they and their fellow disciples were to be part of the" generation " that would not pass away "until all these things [would] occur. " For example, Saul asked Samuel: "Look! Muṅwe wahashu wa tshinnani muswa ane a pfi Alan o ri, "Vhane nda dzhena navho tshikolo vho vha vha tshi dzulela u nthamba uri ndi bve navho nga mafhelo a vhege, nahone ndo vha ndi tshi ṱoḓa zwa vhukuma u bva navho. " Rome was the dominant power when John received the vision of the wild beast. A young brother named Alan says, "My schoolmates regularly invited me out on weekends, and I really wanted to come from them. " Vho ṱanganya tshipiḓa tshihulwane vhukuma tsha eneo maḓanzhe u katela na zwiṱangadzime zwa 14. Is it possible that he married Mary Magdalene and fathered children by her? They covered the main part of the oceans as well as 14 islands. Zwine Yehova A Zwi Lavhelela kha Vhathu Vhawe (a) What is one way to reason with someone who believes that all good people go to heaven? What Jehovah Requires for His People Naho zwo ralo, u hangwela zwi amba u sa fara muthu nga mbilu nga zwe a ni khakhela ngazwo, na uri ni dzule ni na mulalo. Can you adapt your approach to appeal to their interests? However, forgiveness means not harboring resentment over a person who has offended you and maintain peace. Kha thero ya u thoma, ri guda u vhona nḓila ine Mudzimu a vha na dzangalelo ngayo kha riṋe na u vhona tshanḓa tshawe. Draw Close to God In the first article, we learn to see how God is interested in us and to see his hand. Vhathu vhavhuya na vhane vha ṱoḓa u guda nga ha Mudzimu na vhone vho vha vha tshi ḓipfa vho vhofholowa u sendela tsini hawe. As Jehovah's Witnesses, we also got support from fellow believers. The good people and those who wanted to learn about God felt free to draw close to him. Yesu o ri laedza u funza vhaṅwe "u ita zwoṱhe " zwe a laedza. " A Witness to All the Nations " Jesus commanded us to teach others "to observe all the things " he commanded. Nga zwenezwo, a ro ngo fanela u litsha u vhudza vhaṅwe mafhungo maḓifha tshifhinga tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe tshine zwa konadzea. Haman was an Agagite, probably an Amalekite, and Jehovah had marked Amalek for extermination. So we should not hold back from sharing the good news at any possible time. Naho o itela vhathu vhanzhi vha shayaho zwithu zwavhuḓi, zwithu zwe zwa vha zwi zwa ndeme vhukuma vhutshiloni hawe ho vha hu u huwelela nga ha Muvhuso wa Mudzimu. But instead of finding more freedom, our original parents sold themselves and their future offspring into bondage to sin, with disastrous consequences. - Rom. 5: 12. Although he did so many poor people, the most important thing in his life was to preach about God's Kingdom. U fhambana na vhathu vhane vha ḓiamba uri ndi vhomessia vha mazwifhi, Yesu ho ngo ḓikukumusa nga vhuimo hawe ha u vha Messia wa vhukuma. Note that the master in the parable recognized that each of his slaves had different potential. Unlike people who claimed to be false, Jesus did not boast about his role as the true Messiah. Samusi Yesu a songo shumisa ḽiṱaluli nga nḓila i si yavhuḓi musi a tshi amba navho nga ha "wonoyu murafho, " a zwi timatimisi uri vhaapostola vha nga vha vho pfesesa uri vhone na vhaṅwe vhafunziwa ngavho vho vha vhe tshipiḓa tsha" murafho " une wa sa ḓo fa "zwenezwi zwithu zwoṱhe zwi sa athu itea. " One reason to undergo baptism is that Jesus commissioned his followers to "make disciples..., baptizing them. " Since Jesus did not use a negative treatment when he spoke to them about "this generation, " no doubt the apostles could have understood that they and their fellow disciples were part of the" generation " that would not die " before all things occurred. " Muvhuso wa Roma ndi wone we wa vha u tshi khou vhusa musi Yohane a tshi vhona bono ḽa ḽivhanda. • How can we guard against any tendency toward self - deception? The Roman Empire was the one ruling when John saw a vision of the wild beast. Naa a nga vha o vhinga Maria Magdalena nahone vha vha na vhana? Those who insist on going their own way, independent of God, make the same mistake that Adam and Eve made. Could she have married Mary Magdalene and have children? (a) Ndi ifhio nḓila ine ra nga thusa ngayo muthu ane a tenda uri vhathu vhoṱhe vho lugaho vha ya ṱaḓulu? Speaking freely about the deceased, including mentioning positive aspects of that one's personality and life, may well help in the grieving process. (a) What is one way to help a person who believes that all good people go to heaven? Naa ni nga thoma nyambedzano nga u amba nga ha zwithu zwine zwa nga vusa dzangalelo ḽavho? Whatever Jehovah asks of us is always reachable. - Deut. Could you start a conversation by talking about things that could arouse their interest? Sendelani Tsini Na Mudzimu The same applies to a Christian who continues to carry a firearm as part of his secular work. Draw Close to God Vho ita uri ri ḓifulufhele nahone vho ri thusa zwifhingani zwi konḓaho. " So Goliath's height, while unusual, is hardly impossible. They gave us confidence and helped us during difficult times. " " Vhuṱanzi kha Dzitshakha Dzoṱhe " (b) Why is the topic of self - control relevant today? " Evidence for All Nations " Hamani o vha e Muagagi, khamusi wa Muamaleke, nahone Yehova o vha o swaya Amaleke uri a fheliswe. José, 73, in Brazil, says: "People enjoy being around good listeners - those who show empathy and interest in others, who give a word of commendation at the right time, and who have a sense of humor. " Haman was a musician, perhaps a tax collector, and Jehovah marked the Amalekites to be destroyed. Fhedzi nṱhani ha uri vha wane mbofholowo yo engedzeaho vhabebi vhashu vha u thoma vho ita uri vhone na vhana vhavho vha vhe phuli dza tshivhi, nahone ha vha na mvelelo mmbi vhukuma. - Vha - Roma 5: 12. One couple owned a thriving manufacturing business. But instead of gaining more freedom from our first parents, they and their offspring became enslaved to sin, with disastrous consequences. - Romans 5: 12. Ṱhogomelani uri Muṋe a re kha tshifanyiso tshenetshi o ṱhogomela uri vhalanda vhawe vho vha vhe na vhukoni vhu sa fani. If you get well - acquainted with the lyrics and the music at home, you will no doubt be able to sing out more confidently at the Kingdom Hall. Note that the Master in this illustration noticed that his subjects had different abilities. Tshiṅwe tshiitisi tsha u lovhedzwa ndi tsha uri Yesu o laedza vhatevheli vhawe uri vha "ite vhathu..., vhafunziwa nga u vha lovhedza. " Styles differ from one location to another, and even in the same location, they change periodically. Another reason for baptism is that Jesus commanded his followers to "make disciples of people..., baptizing them. " • Ri nga ḓilinda hani kha nḓowelo naho i ifhio ya u ḓifhura? MOST people have probably never heard of São Tomé and Príncipe. • How can we guard against any tendency to deceive ourselves? Vhane vha futelela kha matshilele avho, vha sa tevheli vhulivhisi ha Mudzimu, vha ita vhukhakhi ho itwaho nga Adamu na Eva. They have taken to heart Jesus ' words: "If anyone wants to come after me, let him disown himself and pick up his torture stake day after day and follow me continually. " Those who persevere in their conduct, not following God's guidance, make mistakes made by Adam and Eve. U amba no vhofholowa nga ha mufu, u katela na u amba masia avhuḓi a vhuvha ha onoyo mufu na vhutshilo hawe, zwi nga thusa vhukuma musi ni tshi kha ḓi tou bva u felwa. A truly effective greeting, however short, should be sincere and reflect genuine love. That is so even if it seems to go unnoticed. Talking freely about the deceased, as well as sharing the wonderful aspects of the deceased and his life, can be of great help after you have died. Zwithu zwoṱhe zwine Yehova a ri humbela ri a kona u zwi ita. - Doit. Zion "must become a crown of beauty in the hand of Jehovah. " - Isaiah 62: 3. Everything Jehovah asks of us is able to do. - Deut. Zwenezwo zwi shuma na kha Vhakriste vhane vha fara tshigidi mushumoni wavho wa u ḓitshidza. Joseph's brothers mistreated him, but he did not harbor resentment. That also applies to Christians who take a gun in their secular work. Nga zwenezwo, Goliata o vha o lapfa nga nḓila i mangadzaho, fhedzi zwi a konadzea uri o vha o lapfa nga yeneyo nḓila. So we might well ask, Whom should we honor, and why is such honor merited? Thus, Goliath was a long distance, but it is possible for him to have such a long distance. (b) Ndi ngani ri tshi fanela u haseledza nga ha u ḓifara ṋamusi? However, you are also showing that you love the wrongdoer enough to do what is best for him or her. (b) Why should we discuss self - control today? José a re na miṅwaha ya 73, wa ngei Brazil, o ri: "Vhathu vha takalela u vha vhe na vhathu vhane vha thetshelesa zwavhuḓi - vhane vha pfela vhuṱungu na u vha na dzangalelo kha vhaṅwe, vhane vha ṱuṱuwedza vhaṅwe nga tshifhinga tsho teaho na vhane vha vha na miswaswo. " You can learn a lot from them. " José, 73 - year - old in Brazil, says: "People like to have people who listen well - compassionate and interested in others, who encourage others at the right time and at a good sense of humor. " Vhaṅwe vhavhingani vho vha vhe na bindu ḽihulu. They realize that Jehovah has yoked them together and that he wants them to "stick " to each other. One couple had a lot of business. Arali na ḓowelana zwavhuḓi na eneo maipfi na muzika musi ni hayani, a zwi timatimisi uri ni nga si vhe na ṱhoni musi ni tshi imba Holoni ya Muvhuso. God Recommends His Love to Us, 6 / 15 If you are familiar with those words and music when you are at home, no doubt you will not feel ashamed when you sing at the Kingdom Hall. Zwitaela zwo fhambana u ya nga fhethu, nahone na fhethu hu fanaho, zwi a shanduka tshifhinga tshoṱhe. Do Not Let Your Love Cool Off They differ from place to place, and even in a similar environment, they change from time to time. KHAMUSI vhathu vhanzhi a vha athu pfa nga ha tshiṱangadzime tsha São Tomé na tsha Príncipe. Justice will prevail. MANY people have not heard of the island of São Tomé and Príncipe. Vho dzhiela nṱha maipfi a Yesu ane a ri: "Arali muthu a tshi funa u ntevhela, nga a ḓi - hangwe a hwale [danda ḽawe ḽa tshengedzo, NW] misi yoṱhe a ntsale murahu. " * I accepted the book, thinking that it would be interesting to read it along with The Origin of Species, by Charles Darwin. They took seriously Jesus ' words: "If anyone wants to come after me, let him disown himself and pick up his torture stake day after day and follow me. " U lumelisa zwi tshi bva mbiluni zwi sumbedza uri ri funa vhaṅwe hu sa londwi uri ndumeliso yashu ndi pfufhi lungafhani, naho ane a khou lumeliswa a tshi nga vhonala u nga ha zwi dzhieli nṱha. I had dedicated myself to Jehovah, but I knew that I wasn't giving my all to him, and that bothered me. A sincere greeting shows that we love others regardless of how short our greetings are, even if the greeting may seem to be inferior. Tsioni u fanela u vha "dzánga ḽa u naka tshanḓani tsha Yehova. " - Yesaya 62: 3. Gilead Graduations, 2 / 1, 8 / 1 Zion must be "a crown of beauty in Jehovah's hand. " - Isaiah 62: 3. Vhakomana vha Yosefa a vho ngo mu fara zwavhuḓi, fhedzi ho ngo vha fara nga mbilu. " [God] is not far off from each one of us. " - Saul of Tarsus, addressing first - century philosophers in Athens. Joseph's brothers did not treat him well, but he did not harbor resentment toward them. Nga zwenezwo, ri nga ḓivhudzisa uri, ndi nnyi ane ra fanela u mu hulisa nahone ndi ngani zwenezwo zwi tshi ṱoḓea? And he promises that those who come to him with the right motive and attitude will be richly rewarded: "The result of humility and the fear of Jehovah is riches and glory and life. " - Proverbs 22: 4. So we might ask, Where should we honor him, and why is that needed? Zwiṅwe hafhu, ni ḓo vha ni tshi khou dovha na sumbedza muitazwivhi uri ni a mu funa na uri ni mu ṱoḓela zwa khwine. The apostle Paul was in the harbor city of Troas, but he could not stop thinking about Corinth. Moreover, you will also show the sinner that you love him and that you want the best for him. Ni nga guda zwinzhi khavho. " Consider the example of Claudete, who regularly visits others to share her Bible - based beliefs. You can learn much from them. " Vha ṱhogomela uri vho vhofhekanywa nga Yehova nahone u ṱoḓa vha tshi " nambatelana. ' So he offered to fight Goliath himself. - 1 Samuel 17: 32. They realize that they have been united by Jehovah and want them to "stand fast. " Ni Songo Tenda Lufuno Lwaṋu lu Tshi Fhungudzea What does the illustration of the mustard grain teach us about Kingdom increase? Do Not Believe in Your Love Hu ḓo vha na khaṱulokwayo. Jehovah Helps by Means of His Spirit There will be justice. * Ndo ṱanganedza yeneyo bugu ndi tshi humbula uri ndi ḓo i vhala khathihi na bugu ya Charles Darwin ine ya pfi The Origin of Species. * They shed light on his personality, his sufferings, and his exaltation as our King and Redeemer. * I accepted the book thinking that I would read it along with Charles benefit from the book The Origin of S indeed. Ndo vha ndo ḓiṋekedza kha Yehova, fhedzi ndi sa khou mu shumela nga mbilu yoṱhe, nahone zwenezwo zwo vha zwi tshi ita uri ndi si takale. If you are not sure what portions of the Bible would be most suitable in that regard, Jehovah's Witnesses will be happy to help you. I had dedicated myself to Jehovah, but I was not serving him whole - souled, and that made me very unhappy. " [Mudzimu ha] kule na muṅwe na muṅwe washu. " - Saulo wa ngei Tariso, a tshi khou amba na vhaḓivhi vha pfunzo dza maṱali vha ngei Athene ḓanani ḽa u thoma ḽa miṅwaha. Surely your reaction was one of keen interest and excitement. " [God] is not far off from each one of us. " - Saul of Tarsus, speaking to philosophers in Athens in the first century. (Yesaya 48: 18) Nahone u fulufhedzisa uri vhane vha ḓa khae vhe na zwiṱuṱuwedzi na mavhonele zwavhuḓi vha ḓo lambedzwa vhukuma: "U ḓi - vhuyedza na u ofha Yehova, malamba ndi lupfumo na vhugala na vhutshilo. " - Mirero 22: 4. And they know that this is the best way that they can give to you. And he promises that those who come to him with true motives and good judgment will be richly rewarded: "The result of humility and the fear of Jehovah is riches and glory and life. " - Proverbs 22: 4. Muapostola Paulo o vha e muḓini wa vhuimazwikepe wa Tiroasi, fhedzi o vha a tshi kha ḓi humbula nga ha vhathu vha Korinta. People are deeply concerned about these trends, but only Jehovah's Witnesses fully understand that they are part of the sign that points to the end of Satan's world. - Rev. The apostle Paul was in the port city of Troas, but he still had in mind those in Corinth. Ṱhogomelani tsumbo ya Claudete, ane tshifhinga tshoṱhe a dalela vhathu u itela u vha vhudza nga ha zwine a zwi tenda zwo thewaho Bivhilini. So on that last evening, he encouraged them to endure in the work they had started. Consider, for example, who regularly calls on people to share his Bible - based beliefs with them. Nga zwenezwo, a humbela uri u ḓo lwa na Goliata nga dzawe. - 1 Samuele 17: 32. The Secret of Happiness Then he asked that he would deal with Goliath in his own strength. - 1 Samuel 17: 32. Tshifanyiso tsha thoro ya lunonya tshi ri funza mini nga ha nyengedzeo ya Muvhuso? How so? What does the illustration of the mustard grain teach us about Kingdom growth? Yehova u Thusa nga Muyamukhethwa Wawe His faithful followers were to do likewise. Jehovah Helps His Holy Spirit * Vhu ri ṋea zwidodombedzwa nga ha vhumuthu hawe, u shengela hawe na u huliswa hawe sa Khosi na Murengululi washu. They require, more than any other class of livestock, endless attention and meticulous care. " * It gives us details about his personality, his suffering, and his glory as King and Provider. Arali ni sa ḓivhi uri zwenezwo zwipikwa ni nga zwi swikelela hani ni tshi shumisa Bivhili, Ṱhanzi dza Yehova dzi nga takalela u ni thusa. Now it was gone. If you do not know how those goals might reach you using the Bible, Jehovah's Witnesses would be happy to help you. A zwi timatimisi uri zwenezwo zwo ni takadza. 6: 51, 52 - What was "the meaning of the loaves " that the disciples failed to grasp? No doubt that impressed you. Nahone vha a zwi ḓivha uri heyi ndi yone nḓila ya khwine ine vha nga ni ṋea ngayo. Just as words spoken at the right time can be very pleasing to the hearer, a gift given at the right time or on the appropriate occasion can contribute greatly to the receiver's happiness. And they know that this is the best way to give you. Vhathu vha khou vhilaela vhukuma nga ha mvelaphanḓa, ndi Ṱhanzi dza Yehova fhedzi vhane vha pfesesa uri zwenezwi zwithu ndi tshipiḓa tsha tshiga tshine tsha sumbedza vhufhelo ha shango ḽa Sathane. - Ndzumb. On the contrary, he provides practical assistance that enables them not only to cope but also to thrive. People are deeply concerned about the progress, but only Jehovah's Witnesses understand that these things are part of the sign of the end of Satan's world. - Rev. Nga honoho vhusiku hawe ha u fhedza, o vha ṱuṱuwedza uri vha konḓelele kha mushumo we vha u thoma. He relates: "My father, uncle, and grandaunt all encouraged me to pursue higher education. That last night, he encouraged them to endure in the work they had started. Tshiphiri Tsha Dakalo When Gog begins the assault, Jehovah will tell his servants: "Go, my people, enter your inner rooms, and shut your doors behind you. Hide yourself for a brief moment until the wrath has passed by. " The Secret of Happiness Nga nḓila - ḓe? And it fosters apostate speech that violates what is holy. How? Na vhatevheli vhawe vha fulufhedzeaho vho vha vha tshi fanela u ita zwi fanaho. The journey was a long one, 500 miles (800 km) or so, and it lasted perhaps three weeks. His faithful followers needed to do the same. Dzi ṱoḓa ṱhogomelo khulwane vhukuma u fhira zwifuwo naho zwi zwifhio. " Let us consider what goals are worth attaining and what you must do to reach them. They need much more than any animal else. " Fhedzi zwino mbulungelo yo vha i si tsheeho. Why We Need Deliverance But now the ark was gone. 6: 51, 52, NW - Ndi mini zwe vhafunziwa vha kundelwa u zwi pfesesa malugana na "zwine zwinkwa zwa amba zwone "? His twin sons, Frank and Francis, were and still are two of my best friends. 6: 51, 52 - What did the disciples fail to understand regarding "the loaves of bread "? Samusi maipfi o ambiwaho nga tshifhinga tsho teaho a tshi nga takadza muthetshelesi, tshifhiwa tsho ṋewaho nga tshifhinga tsho teaho kana kha tshiitea tsho khetheaho tshi nga takadza vhukuma muthu ane a khou ṋewa tshone. What does the experience of the apostle Paul teach us? Since the words spoken at the right time can please the listener, the gift given at the right time or on a special occasion can be very appealing to the person being given. Zwo fhambanaho na zwenezwo, u vha ṋea thuso i shumaho ine ya ḓo ita uri vha kone u sedzana na wonoyo mushumo khathihi na uri vha bvelele. 3: 15. On the contrary, he provides them with practical help that enables them to cope with the task and to succeed. O ri: "Khotsimunene wanga na murathu wa makhulu wanga vho nṱuṱuwedza uri ndi tovhole pfunzo ya nṱha. [ Picture on page 27] She says: "My father and my grandmother encouraged me to pursue higher education. Musi Gogo a tshi thoma u ri vutshela, Yehova u ḓo vhudza vhashumeli vhawe uri: "Hee inwi vhathu vhanga; iyani dzipfamoni dzaṋu, ni dzhene ni vale mahothi aṋu, ni dzumbame tshifhinganyana, hu range u fhira maḓuvha a dziṱhamu. " (Yes. Many people reach retirement age and wonder if they will have enough money to live out the rest of their life comfortably. When Gog starts to attack us, Jehovah will tell his servants: "Go, my people, and go into your arms and shut your doors behind you for a moment, and let yourselves be concealed in them more than in the days of the plague. " Nahone u ita uri vhathu vha ambe mafhungo a vhagunei ane a lwisana na mafhungo makhethwa. If young children feel involved, their games will likely reflect it. And he causes people to speak the story of apostates who violates sacred matters. Lwendo lwo vha lu lulapfu, khamusi lu tshi dzhia khilomithara dza 800 nahone lu nga vha lwo dzhia vhege tharu. IN HIS prehuman existence, God's firstborn Son spent countless ages in close association with his Father. The journey was long, perhaps about 500 miles [800 km] away, and it may have taken three weeks. Kha ri haseledze nga ha zwipikwa zwavhuḓi zwine na nga ḓivhetshela zwone na zwine na fanela u zwi ita u itela u zwi swikelela. God's Law to Israel Just and Fair? Let us consider what good goals you can set and what you must do to achieve. Zwi Itaho Uri Ri Ṱoḓe U Rengululwa Enduring as Soldier of Christ (Y. Why We Need to Be Wise Mafhaṱa awe ane a pfi Frank na Francis vho vha vhe khonani dzanga nahone na zwino vha kha ḓi vha khonani dzanga dza tsini. 9, 10. Her uncle Frank and love were my friends, and now they are close friends. Mafhungo a muapostola Paulo a ri funza mini? If so, what practical steps can you take to help you keep alcohol in its place? What does the apostle Paul's account teach us? 3: 15. The king believed the false report and ordered that all rebuilding in Jerusalem cease. 3: 15. [ Tshifanyiso kha siaṱari 27] Clearly, learning to exercise self - control is vital to our spirituality. [ Picture on page 27] Vhathu vhanzhi a vha tsha kona u shuma mushumo wa u ḓitshidza nga nṱhani ha vhulala nahone vha vhilaedziswa nga uri vha nga si vhe na tshelede yo eḓanaho u itela u ḓiṱhogomela. What is the attack by "Gog of the land of Magog "? Many people no longer manage secular work because of advanced age and worry that they will not have enough money to support themselves. (Doiteronomio 31: 12) Arali vhana vhaṱuku vha katelwa, zwenezwo zwi ḓo vhonala kha zwine vha zwi tamba. " We have learned from the Witnesses... " and "They have taught us to improve. " If young children are included, that will be evident from what they play. A SA athu vha muthu kha ḽifhasi, Murwa wa tanzhe wa Mudzimu o fhedza miṅwaha minzhi e tsini - tsini na Khotsi awe. THE woman and her son were hungry, and so was God's prophet. WHEN he was not yet a man on earth, God's firstborn Son spent many years close to his Father. 9, 10. Christians appreciate the wisdom of observing the Bible command to take an interest in others, loving them as one loves oneself. 9, 10. Arali zwo ralo, ndi vhufhio vhukando vhu shumaho vhune na nga vhu dzhia u itela uri ni wane thuso ya u shumisa halwa nga nḓila yo teaho? Loving concern for others is a distinguishing mark of true Christians. - John 13: 34, 35; Col. If so, what practical steps can you take in order to receive the help of using alcohol properly? Khosi yo mbo ḓi fulufhela wonoyo muvhigo wa mazwifhi nahone ya ṋea ndaela ya uri vhoṱhe vhane vha khou fhaṱulula mbondo dza Yerusalema vha vhulahwe. God will draw close to those thus knowing him. - 9 / 1, pages 4 - 7. The king trusted that false report and ordered all those who were rebuilding Jerusalem's walls to be executed. Zwi khagala uri u guda u ḓilanga ndi zwa ndeme kha vhumuya hashu. How can we " consider our steps ' when evaluating a business proposal? Clearly, learning to exercise self - control is essential to our spirituality. Ndi ifhio mvutshelo ine ya ḓo itwa nga "Gogo kha ḽa Mágogo "? [ Footnote] What attack will be done by "Gog of the land of Magog "? " "Ro guda kha Dziṱhanzi... " nahone" Vho ri funza uri ri khwinise. " 1: 19. " We have learned from the Witnesses... " and" have taught us to improve. " MUFUMAKADZI wa tshilikadzi na ṅwana wawe na muporofita wa Mudzimu khevha, vhoṱhe vha na nḓala? For example, an Israelite who was building a house had to install a parapet, a low wall or railing built at the edge of the roof. THE widow and her son - in - law and God's prophet - are all hungry? Vhakriste vha pfesesa vhuṱali ha u tevhedza ndaela ya Bivhili ya u vha na dzangalelo kha vhaṅwe, u vha funa vhunga vha tshi ḓifuna. We heed Paul's counsel to "be in subjection and be obedient to governments and authorities as rulers, to be ready for every good work, to speak injuriously of no one, not to be belligerent, to be reasonable, exhibiting all mildness toward all men. " - Titus 3: 1, 2. Christians understand the wisdom of following the Bible's command to show personal interest in others, to love them as themselves. U funa vhaṅwe zwi ṱalula Vhakriste vha ngoho. - Yoh. 13: 34, 35; Vha - Kol. The apostle Paul wrote: "Everything that is sold in a meat market keep eating, making no inquiry on account of your conscience; for " to Jehovah belong the earth and that which fills it. ' " - 10 / 1, page 12. Love for others identifies true Christians. - John 13: 34, 35; Col. 2: 3; Ps. 25: 5) Nga zwenezwo, Mudzimu u ḓo sendela tsini ha vhane vha mu ḓivha. - 9 / 1, masiaṱari 4 - 7. Opposers Cannot Stop Our Preaching Work Then God will draw close to those who know him. - 9 / 1, pages 4 - 7. Ri nga " ṱhogomela hani ṋayo dzashu ' musi ri tshi ṱolisisa khumbelo ya mabindu? The teacher showed the video to the entire class. How can we " consider our steps ' when we consider a business request? [ Ṱhaluso i re magumoni a siaṱari] She was convinced that in the new world, "death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore, " as God's Word promises. [ Footnote] 1: 19. (b) Is there a particular scripture that you use with good results? 1: 19. Sa tsumbo, Muisiraele we a vha a tshi khou fhaṱa nnḓu o vha a tshi fanela u fhaṱa mupfunda, luvhondo lupfufhi kana luhura magumoni a ṱhanga. To sharpen your mental image of God's Kingdom, look "intently " toward your life in Paradise. For example, an Israelite who was building a house was required to build a wall, a wall, or a roof on the roof. Ri thetshelesa tsevho ya Paulo ya u "luvha Murena na vhavhusi, u thetshelesa, na u dzula vhó ḓi - lugisela u shuma mishumo mivhuya. Vha songo sema muthu, vha songo levha, vha vuḓe, vha itele vhuhwavho vhathu vhoṱhe. " - Tito 3: 1, 2. Why? We heed Paul's warning to "be kind to Jehovah and to the authorities, always ready for fine works, not to speak abusively of men, to be kind to one another. " - Titus 3: 1, 2. Muapostola Paulo o ṅwala uri: "Zwoṱhe zwiné zwa rengiswa hu rengiswaho dziṋama hone, ni ḽe ní sa vhuyi na vhudzisa ni tshi itiswa nga luvalo. Ngauri ḽifhasi na vhunzhi ha zwaho ndi zwa Murena. " - 10 / 1, siaṱari 12. Although he confirmed the death penalty and the effects of sin began immediately, he allowed Adam and Eve to produce children who could benefit from other provisions that He would make. The apostle Paul wrote: "All things, which are sold in the flesh, you do not eat and ask, for the earth and most of these are the Lord's. " - 10 / 1, page 12. Vhahanedzi vha nga si Thivhele Mushumo Washu wa u Huwelela How can we overcome the fear of using our voice to sing praises to Jehovah? Opposition Cannot Help Our Preaching Work Mudededzi a sumbedza kilasi yoṱhe yeneyo vidio. Upon his return to Jerusalem, though, Nehemiah found that the priesthood was not being supported, nor was the Sabbath law being observed. The teacher showed the whole class the video. O vha a tshi tenda tshoṱhe uri shangoni ḽiswa, "lufu a lu tsha ḓo vha hone, na vhuṱungu na zwililo na tshengelo a zwi tsha ḓo vha hone, " samusi Ipfi ḽa Mudzimu ḽi tshi fulufhedzisa. 1, 2. He believed that in the new world, "death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore, " just as God's Word promises. (b) Naa hu na luṅwalo lune na lu shumisa, lune lwa ita uri hu vhe na mvelelo dzavhuḓi? Even so, Paul's instructions give us insight into how Christian meetings should be conducted today. (b) Is there a scripture that you use, leading to good results? Yehova o ṋea Yesu mushumo wa ndeme wa u vusa vho faho. " We have always endeavored to show kindness, patience, and love to each other. " Jehovah assigned Jesus the vital role of raising the dead. U itela u vha na mavhonele o teaho nga ha Muvhuso wa Mudzimu, ivhani na " tshilavhelelwa ' tsha vhutshilo haṋu Paradisoni. Permission for that was withheld. To have the correct view of God's Kingdom, have "the prospect " of your life in Paradise. Ndi ngani? 75,627,384 Why? (Yes. 55: 11) Naho o amba uri khaṱulo yavho ndi lufu nahone mvelelo dza tshivhi dzo thoma nga tshenetsho tshifhinga, o tendela Adamu na Eva vha tshi vha na vhana vhe vha vha vha tshi ḓo vhuyelwa nga dziṅwe ndugiselelo dze a vha a tshi ḓo dzi ita. Jesus will then fulfill God's promise: "The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it. " - Ps. Although he said that their judgment was death, and the effects of sin began at that time, he allowed Adam and Eve to have children who would benefit from certain provisions he would make. Ri nga kunda hani nyofho dza u imbela Yehova thendo? Yes, hope in Jehovah. " - PSALM 27: 14. How can we overcome fear of singing praises to Jehovah? Musi a tshi swika Yerusalema, Nehemia o wana uri vhotshifhe vho vha vha si tsha tikedzwa, nahone Sabatha yo vha i sa tsha tevhelwa. I had never heard of many of the languages but was happy to know that tens of thousands of magazines were being sent to far - flung places. When he arrived in Jerusalem, Nehemiah found that the priests were no longer supported, and the Sabbath was not followed. 1, 2. She soon became pregnant and gave birth to a boy who was given the name Samuel. 1, 2. Naho zwo ralo, ndaela dza Paulo dzi ri thusa u pfesesa nḓila ine miṱangano ya Vhukriste ya fanela u farwa ngayo ṋamusi. At times, elders spend sleepless nights in prayerful concern for God's flock or in giving spiritual support to fellow believers. However, Paul's instructions help us to understand how Christian meetings should be conducted today. Vho kona hani u ita uri mbingano yavho i vhe yo khwaṱhaho? This is the best way to make a difference in the lives of sincere people! How could they make their marriage stronger? Ha ngo ṋewa thendelo ya u ita nga u ralo. ; Kozza, T. He was not granted permission to do so. 75 627 384 Yet, their lack of knowledge of these details did not stop them from getting the ark built. 753 * Nga tshifhinga tshenetsho, Yesu u ḓo ḓadzisa fulufhedziso ḽa Mudzimu ḽine ḽa ri: "Vha u ḓo vha vhaṋe vha shango ndi vhavhuya, ndi vhone vha u ḓo dzula khaḽo ' lini na lini. " - Ps. He then said: "On these two commandments the whole Law hangs, and the Prophets. " At that time, Jesus will fulfill God's promise: "The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it. " - Ps. Ee, fulufhelani Yehova. " - PSALME YA 27: 14, NW. On hearing Barnabas ' testimony, the Jerusalem congregation accepted Paul. Yes, hope in Jehovah. " - PSALM 27: 14. Ho vha hu na nyambo nnzhi dze nda vha ndi sa athu u vhuya nda pfa nga hadzo, fhedzi ndo takadzwa nga u ḓivha uri magazini nnzhi dzashu dzi rumelwa fhethu hu re kule. How I enjoy reading them over and over again! There were many languages I had never heard before, but I was impressed to know that many of our magazines were sent to a remote area. Nga u ṱavhanya o mbo ḓi vhifha muvhilini nahone a beba mutukana we a mu ira dzina ḽa Samuele. Yet, this situation helped us to draw closer to Jehovah and trust in him more fully. Soon she became pregnant and gave birth to a son named Samuel. Nga zwiṅwe zwifhinga, vhahulwane a vha eḓeli vhusiku nga nṱhani ha uri vha vha vha tshi khou vhilaelela na u rabelela sambi ḽa Mudzimu, kana vha tshi khou tikedza vhatendi ngavho nga lwa muya. The growth we have witnessed brings us great joy. At times, elders do not sleep at night because they are concerned about and pray for God's flock, or support fellow believers spiritually. Yeneyi ndi nḓila ya khwine lungafhani ine ra nga ita ngayo tshanduko vhutshiloni ha vhathu vha mbilu dzavhuḓi! It took all day, so we were given lunch. What a better way to make changes in the lives of honesthearted ones! ; Kozza, T. Consider one example. ; Alza, T. Naho zwo ralo, u sa ḓivha havho zwidodombedzwa zwenezwo a zwo ngo vha ita uri vha litshe u fhaṱa gungwa. Now organized into a new nation, they are on their way to the land of Canaan. However, their ignorance did not stop them from building the ark. Nga murahu o ri: "Milayo yoṱhe na vhaporofita zwo faredzwa kha milayo heyo mivhili. " Greater responsibilities now awaited that slave. He later said: "All the words and the Prophets were written in these two commandments. " Nga u ṱavhanya, Paulo na Baranaba vho thoma u shuma vhoṱhe sa vharumiwa. - Mish. What made all of this possible? Soon, Paul and Barnabas began serving together as missionaries. Ndi a ḓiphina vhukuma nga u a vhala lunzhi - lunzhi. Though housebound, she immediately began to share her newfound faith with anyone visiting her. I enjoy reading it many times. Naho zwo ralo, honoho vhuimo ho ri thusa uri ri sendele tsini na Yehova na u mu fulufhela nga vhuḓalo. Jesus said: "Do not become fearful of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; but rather be in fear of him that can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna. " However, this situation helped us to draw close to Jehovah and to trust in him more fully. Nyengedzeo ye ra i vhona i ri ḓisela dakalo ḽihulwane. When the Jews "went on hardening themselves and not believing, " Paul turned to others, relocating in the city but still preaching. The growth we have seen brings us great joy. Ro vha ri tshi ṋewa zwiḽiwa zwa nga masiari sa izwi ro vha ri tshi shuma ḓuvha ḽoṱhe. The Genesis account of creation says: "Jehovah God went on to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living person. " We were given food in the afternoon as we worked all day long. Ṱhogomelani tsumbo i tevhelaho. Hosea 6: 6 says: "In loving - kindness I [Jehovah] have taken delight, and not in sacrifice; and in the knowledge of God rather than in whole burnt offerings. " Consider an example. Zwino vho dzudzanywa vha vha lushaka luswa, nahone vha nḓilani ya u ya shangoni ḽa Kanana. " Many prayers to Jehovah and long conversations with mature brothers and sisters helped me to see that Jehovah blesses a willing spirit. " - Kayla from the United States They are now organized into a new nation, and they are on their way to the land of Canaan. Zwa zwino, mukoma o lindelwa nga mushumo muhulwane vhukuma. Note, for example, Isaiah 40: 11. In the meantime, the slave is awaiting great work. Ndi mini zwe zwa ita uri zwenezwi zwoṱhe zwi konadzee? Brother Morris reentered the full - time service in 1979 as a regular pioneer. What made all of this possible? Naho o vha a tshi dzula e hayani, o mbo ḓi thoma u amba nga ha lutendo lwawe luswa na vhane vha mu dalela. What five areas of God's loving care will we consider? Although he was always at home, he began to talk about his newfound faith with those who visited him. Yesu o ri: "Ni songo ofha avho vhane vha vhulaha muvhili, vhá sa koni u vhulaha muya wa muthu. Valisa, a 14 - year - old girl who has a regular Bible study with the Witnesses, was in a classroom near the scene of the bloodshed. Jesus said: "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but who cannot kill the soul of man. Musi Vhayuda "vhó rindila, vhá sa pfi, " Paulo o livhisa ṱhogomelo yawe kha vhaṅwe, o pfuluwa ḓoroboni yeneyo, fhedzi o bvela phanḓa a tshi khou ṱanziela. Let no one lure you from it! When the Jews were "lovers of themselves, " Paul turned his attention to others, leaving that city, but he kept bearing witness. Bugu ya Genesi i ri: "Mudzimu a mbo vhumba muthu, buse ḽa mavuni; dziningoni dzawe a vhudzulela mufemo u tshilaho, muthu a mbo vha muya u tshilaho. " " The sons of the true God " that we read about at Job 1: 6 were clearly spirit creatures assembled in God's presence. The book of Genesis says: "God proceeded to form a man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his breath the breath of life, and man came to be a living soul. " Hosea 6: 6 i ri: "Tshine Nṋe [Yehova] nda tshi takalela ndi lufuno, a si zwidzimu, u ḓivha Mudzimu ndi hu takalela u fhirisa zwiṱhavhelo. " Mutual Benefits Hosea 6: 6 says: "I have found delight in [Jehovah], not in burnt offerings, but in the knowledge of God as much as sacrifices. " " U rabela Yehova lunzhi - lunzhi na u fhedza tshifhinga tshilapfu ndi tshi khou haseledza na vhahashu vha tshinnani na vha tshisadzini vho vhibvaho zwo nthusa u ṱhogomela uri Yehova u fhaṱutshedza vha re na muya wa u ḓikumedza. " - Kayla wa United States The first part of this twofold process (baptism with water) is initiated by the individual; the second part (baptism with spirit) is initiated by God. " Praying to Jehovah many times and spending time talking with mature brothers and sisters helped me to realize that Jehovah blesses those who are a self - sacrificing spirit in the United States. " - ways. Sa tsumbo, ṱhogomelani Yesaya 40: 11. It says: "Jehovah God proceeded to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man came to be a living soul. " For example, consider Isaiah 40: 11. Wahashu Morris o dovha a dzhenela tshumelo ya tshifhinga tsho ḓalaho nga 1979 sa muvulanḓila wa tshifhinga tshoṱhe. (Read Romans 5: 8.) Brother Morris entered the full - time service again in 1979 as a regular pioneer. Ndi masia afhio maṱanu ane ra ḓo a ṱolisisa ane a sumbedza uri Mudzimu u a ri ṱhogomela nga lufuno? Instead, however, an angel was sent to strengthen him. What five aspects will we consider that show God's loving care for us? Valisa, ṅwananyana wa miṅwaha ya 14 ane a guda Bivhili tshifhinga tshoṱhe na Ṱhanzi, o vha a kilasini ye ya vha i tsini na ye ha vhulahwa vhenevho vhathu. Those faithful ones died before the promised "offspring, " Jesus Christ, opened the way to heavenly life. The 14 - year - old daughter, who regularly studied the Bible with a Witness, was in a class near the execution of the people. Ni songo tendela naho e nnyi a tshi ni bvisa nḓilani yeneyi! Should Christians accept these fractions in medical treatment? Do not let anyone remove you from this road! " Vharwa vha Mudzimu " vhane ra vhala nga havho kha Yobo 1: 6 vho vha vhe zwivhumbiwa zwa muya zwo kuvhanganaho phanḓa ha Mudzimu. 27: 30 - 38. " The sons of God " whom we read at Job 1: 6 were spirit creatures assembled before God. Roṱhe Ri A Vhuyelwa Most important, Job feared God. All of Us Benefit Tshipiḓa tsha u thoma tsha ḽeneḽi sia (u lovhedzwa maḓini) tshi itwa nga muthu nga dzawe; tshipiḓa tsha vhuvhili (u lovhedzwa nga muya) tshi itwa nga Mudzimu. In his book These Also Believe, Professor Charles S. The first part of this aspect ( water) is carried out by a man; the second part is baptized by God (or, by means of his spirit). I ri: "Mudzimu a mbo vhumba muthu, buse ḽa mavuni; dziningoni dzawe a vhudzulela mufemo u tshilaho, muthu a mbo vha [" muyatshivhili, " NW] u tshilaho. " In the end, the letter bears his signature and is viewed as coming from him. It says: "God proceeded to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his breath the breath of life, and man came to be a living soul. " (Vhalani Vha - Roma 5: 8.) Such reminders are needed when as a result of waiting over what seems to be an extended period, people are at risk of losing their sense of urgency. (Read Romans 5: 8.) Nṱhani hazwo, muruṅwa o rumiwa u itela u mu khwaṱhisa. They got married later that same year. Instead, an angel was sent to strengthen him. (Gen. 3: 15) Nahone vhenevha vhashumeli vha Mudzimu vho vha vhe na khwaṱhisedzo ya uri Yehova u ḓo vha vusa, fhedzi vho vha vha songo lavhelela u vuselwa ṱaḓulu samusi Yesu o vha a sa athu u ita uri zwenezwo zwi konadzee. We frequently hear "thank you, "" you're welcome, " or similar expressions on the lips of young and old as well as new and longtime Witnesses as they join in worship and happy fellowship. And these servants of God were convinced that Jehovah would resurrect them, but they did not expect to be resurrected to heaven just as Jesus had not yet made that possible. Naa Vhakriste vha fanela u ṱanganedza zwenezwi zwipiḓanyana musi vha tshi alafhiwa? 6: 3 - In what way had God's name not been made known to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? Should Christians accept these fractions when being treated? 27: 30 - 38. SONGS: 65, 26 27: 30 - 38. Zwa ndeme vhukuma, Yobo o vha a tshi ofha Mudzimu. He added that doing so prevents us "from being either inactive or unfruitful. " Above all, Job feared God. Kha bugu yawe ine ya pfi These Also Believe, Muphurofesa Charles S. 6, 7. In his book 21. Alzo, Professor Charles S. Mafheleloni, ramabindu ndi ene ane a saina vhurifhi honoho, nahone vhu dzhiiwa sa vhune ha khou bva khae. Living in harmony with God's righteous requirements leads to finding "exquisite delight in Jehovah. " Eventually, the businessman signed the letter, and it is viewed as coming from him. Khumbudzo dzenedzo dzi a ṱoḓea nga ṅwambo wa uri zwi vhonala u nga vhathu vho lindela lwa tshifhinga tshilapfu nahone vha nga kha ḓi litsha u vha na mavhonele a u ṱavhanyisa zwithu. Another "good - for - nothing, " or worthless, thing to avoid is entertainment that promotes materialism or the occult or that features violence, bloodshed, and death. Such reminders are needed because people seem to wait longer and may lose their sense of urgency. Vho vhingana nga murahu ha wonoyo ṅwaha. The psalmist David knew that Jehovah "is the source of life. " They got married that year. Kanzhi ri pfa maipfi a ngaho "ndi a livhuha, " na mibulo i fanaho na yeneyo i tshi khou ambiwa nga vhaṱuku na vhahulwane u katela na vhaswa ngohoni na Ṱhanzi dza tshifhinga tshilapfu musi vho kuvhangana u itela u rabela na u ḓiphina nga vhukonani. These customs are influenced by the belief that something inside us survives death. We often hear such expressions as "I thank you, " and such expressions as young and old alike, along with new ones and long - term Witnesses when they gather together to pray and enjoy association. 6: 3 - Dzina ḽa Mudzimu a ḽo ngo ḓivhadzwa Abrahamu, Isaka, na Yakobo nga nḓila - ḓe? Those who love and obey God are truly blessed by him. 6: 3 - How was God's name not announced to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? NYIMBO: 65, 26 It may turn out to be a unique chance to cultivate meekness! SONGS: 65, 26 O engedza nga uri u ita nga u ralo zwi ita uri ri " sa vhe vhabva, na u sa vha na zwiaṋwiwa. ' At first, the conversation was somewhat tense, but things improved as they discussed their problem in a calm way. He added that doing so makes us " neither lazy nor unfruitful. ' 6, 7. Do we daily ask God's forgiveness for our many errors? 6, 7. (Yesaya 55: 3) U tshila u tendelana na ṱhoḓea dza Yehova dzo lugaho zwi ita uri ri "ḓifhelw [e] nga zwa Yehova. " Not something physical but something very meaningful. Living according to Jehovah's righteous requirements enables us to "take exquisite delight in Jehovah. " Tshiṅwe tshithu tshi sa "ḓivhalei, " kana tshivhi tshine ra fanela u tshi iledza ndi vhuḓimvumvusi vhune ha ṱuṱuwedza u funa zwithu zwi vhonalaho kana vhungome kana u sumbedza vhuvemu, u shululwa ha malofha, na mabulayo. Ask yourself: " Am I a spiritual person, or is my participation in spiritual activities dependent on my parents? One thing that we should avoid is the entertainment that promotes materialism or spiritism or violence, bloodshed, and murder. Mupsalme Davida o vha a tshi zwi ḓivha uri Yehova ndi "tshisima tsha vhutshilo. " • Proverbs 24: 27 conveys what lesson about " building up a household '? The psalmist David knew that Jehovah is "the source of life. " Yeneyi mikhuvha i ṱuṱuwedzwa nga thendo ya uri tshiṅwe tshithu nga ngomu hashu tshi a ponyoka lufu. Those fearing Jehovah are trustworthy, even as he is. These customs are influenced by the belief that something inside us survives death. Vhane vha funa na u thetshelesa Mudzimu vha a fhaṱutshedzwa vhukuma ngae. JESUS claimed to be the Son of God, not Almighty God. Those who love and obey God are richly blessed by him. Zwi nga kha ḓi itea uri tshanduko yeneyo ndi tshibuli tsha uri ri ṱahulele u vuḓa! Family prayer, with repeated expressions of appreciation to God for His goodness, will teach children the importance of having God as their Friend. " That change may be an opportunity to cultivate mildness! Mathomoni, nyambedzano yo vha i sa khou tshimbila zwavhuḓi, fhedzi zwithu zwo vha khwine musi vha tshi bvela phanḓa na u haseledza nga ha khuḓano yavho vho dzika. (See opening image.) At first, the conversation was not going well, but things became better as they continued discussing their conflicts calmly. Naa ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiṅwe ri a humbela Mudzimu uri a ri hangwele milandu yashu? (Read Romans 1: 20.) Do we daily ask God to forgive us for our debts? Ho ngo ṋekedza tshithu tsha ṋama, fhedzi o ṋekedza tshiṅwe tshithu tsha ndeme vhukuma. In poetic language, he described this design as being "down in writing " in God's" book. " He did not offer anything of the flesh, but he offered something very important. Ḓivhudziseni uri: " Naa ndi muthu wa muya, kana ndi ṱanganela kha mishumo ya lwa muya nga ṅwambo wa vhabebi vhanga? This made us strong and enabled us to keep our integrity even under the most extreme circumstances. " Ask yourself: " Am I a spiritual person, or am I involved in spiritual activities because of my parents? • Mirero 24: 27 i ri funza ngudo ifhio nga ha " u fhaṱa nnḓu '? This explanation updates the information discussed on page 57, paragraph 24, of the Daniel's Prophecy book and depicted in the charts on pages 56 and 139. • Proverbs 24: 27 teaches us what lesson about " building a house '? Vhane vha ofha Yehova vha a fulufhedzea, samusi na ene a tshi fulufhedzea. She also taught them to share in caring for chores at home. Those who fear Jehovah are honest, just as he is faithful. YESU o amba uri u Murwa wa Mudzimu, hu si Mudzimu Ramaanḓaoṱhe. Fornication separates the one practicing it from Jehovah and the congregation, and adultery can cruelly separate children from parents and innocent partners from marriage mates. JESUS said that he is God's Son, not Almighty God. Thabelo ya muṱani, ine musi i tshi itwa ha bulwa maipfi a u livhuha vhuthu ha Mudzimu, i ḓo thusa vhana uri vha vhone uri ndi zwa ndeme uri Mudzimu a vhe khonani yavho. " Simply put, adult Christian children have an obligation to make sure that their parents ' material needs are met. A family prayer, consisting of expressions of appreciation for God's loving - kindness, will help children to see that it is important for God to be their friend. " (Sedzani tshifanyiso tsha u thoma.) As there are good and bad principles, it is evident that Christians should be guided by good principles, which are laid down in the Bible by Jehovah God himself. (See opening picture.) (Vhalani Vha - Roma 1: 20.) PAGE 3 • SONGS: 45, 32 (Read Romans 1: 20.) Nga nḓila ya vhurendi, o amba uri yeneyi nzudzanyo yo " ṅwalwa buguni ' ya Mudzimu. Never should we sacrifice peaceful relationships for the sake of financial gain, personal preferences, or pride. In poetic language, he said that this arrangement was " written in the book ' of God. Hezwi zwi a ri khwaṱhisa na uri thusa uri ri dzule ri tshi fulufhedzea na nga fhasi ha zwiimo zwi vhavhaho. " Why does the Bible use beasts as symbols of human rulership? This strengthens us and helps us to remain faithful even under painful circumstances. " Yeneyi ṱhalutshedzo i khou khakhulula mafhungo e a haseledzwa kha siaṱari 57, phara 24 kha bugu Vhuporofita ha Daniele na zwifanyiso zwi re kha masiaṱari 56 na 139. What dangers threaten our relationship with God? This explanation is correcting the information discussed on page 57, paragraph 24 in Daniel's prophecy and pictures on pages 56 and 139. Vho dovha vha vha funza u thusa kha mushumo wa hayani. It can complete a nest in one day and may weave more than 30 in one season! They also taught them to help with the work of the home. Vhupombwe vhu ita uri muthu a si vhe na vhuthihi na Yehova na tshivhidzo, nahone vhuṱonḓolo vhu nga ita uri vhana vha fhandekane na vhabebi vhavho, na uri mufarisi a si na mulandu a fhandekane na munna kana mufumakadzi wawe. From an early age, she knew that she should not be "ashamed of the good news " in school, and she really wanted to give a good witness to her fellow students. The uncleanness of fornication separates one from Jehovah and the congregation, and adultery can separate children from their parents, and the mate is divided by her husband or wife. Zwi tou vha khagala uri vhana vha Vhakriste vho no aluwaho ndi vhone vhane vha tea u ṱhogomela ṱhoḓea dza lwa ṋama dza vhabebi vhavho. How Would You Answer? Clearly, adult Christian children need to care for their parents ' physical needs. Samusi hu na maitele avhuḓi na a si avhuḓi, zwi tou vha khagala uri Vhakriste vha fanela u livhiswa nga maitele avhuḓi, o thewaho Bivhilini nga Yehova Mudzimu. These include the theory of evolution, moral and religious relativism, and doubt concerning the divine inspiration of the Holy Scriptures. Since there are good and bad principles, it is evident that Christians need to be guided by sound principles, Bible - based principles, Jehovah God. SIAṰARI 3 • NYIMBO: 45, 32 In reality, of course, you can never fully repay Jehovah for all he has done for you. PAGE 3 • SONGS: 45, 32 Ri songo vhuya ra vhea vhushaka hashu khomboni u itela u wana masheleni, u itela madzangalelo ashu, kana nga ṅwambo wa u ḓikukumusa. This list can also help us to remember the hard work that the elders do in our congregation. May we never risk our relationship to gain financial security, for our own interests, or for pride. Ndi ngani Bivhili i tshi shumisa mavhanda u imela vhuvhusi ha vhathu? But Elizabeth loyally upheld her husband's direction to her. She said: "No, indeed! Why does the Bible use the beasts to represent human rulership? Ndi khombo dzifhio dzine dza vhea vhushaka hashu na Mudzimu khomboni? When Zerah the Ethiopian came against Judah, why could Asa pray with confidence that Jehovah would deliver Judah? What dangers threaten our relationship with God? Tshi nga kona u fhedza tshiṱaha nga ḓuvha ḽithihi nahone tshi nga fhaṱa zwa 30 nga khalaṅwaha! There is no absolute truth anyway. " It can be completed one day and may build 30 times during the season! U bva musi a tshee muṱuku, o vha a tshi zwi ḓivha uri o vha a songo fanela u vha na " ṱhoni dza mafhungo - maḓifha ' musi e tshikoloni, nahone o vha a tshi ṱoḓa u huwelela kha vhane a dzhena navho kilasini. It is an indication that we are indeed living in "the last days " of which Paul spoke when he foretold:" Critical times hard to deal with will be here. From childhood on, he knew that he should not have been " ashamed of the good news " at school, and he wanted to preach to his classmates. Ni Ḓo Fhindula Hani? Of course not! How Would You Answer? Ndi pfunzo dzine dza katela pfunzo ya uri zwithu zwo sokou bvelela, na ya uri a hu na zwilinganyo zwa ngoho zwa vhuḓifari na zwa vhurereli, na u timatima uri Mudzimu o hevhedza Maṅwalo Makhethwa. One or two witnesses might be easy to dismiss, but who could refute the testimony of 500 eyewitnesses? It involves the theory of evolution and the lack of true moral and religious standards, doubting that God inspired the Holy Scriptures. 5: 16 - 18) Zwi re zwone ndi uri ni nga si vhuye na kona u lifhela Yehova nga vhuḓalo zwoṱhe zwe a ni itela zwone. We can have similar joy by upholding Jehovah's sovereignty, honoring his holy name, and keeping the reward of everlasting life before us. In fact, you can never repay Jehovah fully for all that he has done for you. Wonoyu mutevhe u nga dovha wa ri humbudza nḓila ine vhahulwane vha vha ngayo vhashumi vha biko tshivhidzoni. Do your children regularly see you enjoying personal Bible reading or study? This list may also remind us of how hard the elders work in the congregation. Fhedzi Elisabetha o tikedza vhulivhisi ha munna wawe nga u fulufhedzea. After they pass the final test at the end of the Thousand Year Reign, "the meek ones themselves will possess the earth, and they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace. " But Elizabeth loyally supported her husband's guidance. Musi Zera wa Muetiopia a tshi ḓa u lwa na ḽa Yuda, ndi ngani Asa o kona u rabela e na fhulufhelo ḽa uri Yehova u ḓo tshidza Yuda? [ Footnotes] When an Ethiopian official came up against Judah, why was Asa able to pray with confidence that Jehovah would deliver Judah? Nahone a hu na tshithu tshine tsha pfi ndi ngoho yo fhelelaho. " Anthony: The truth is, Jehovah's Witnesses most certainly believe in Jesus. And nothing is absolute. " Zwi sumbedza vhukuma uri ri khou tshila "maḓuvhani a vhufhelo " e Paulo a amba ngao musi a tshi ri:" Hu ḓo vha na zwifhinga zwi lemelaho. It is clear that we are living in "the last days " that Paul mentioned:" There will be critical times hard to deal with. Na khathihi! Of course not! Zwi nga leluwa u sa fulufhela ṱhanzi nthihi kana mbili, fhedzi ndi nnyi ane a nga hanedza vhuṱanzi ha vhathu vha 500 vhe vha tou zwi vhona? It would be easy to put our trust in just one or two witnesses, but who could deny the testimony of 500 people who had seen it? Ri nga vha na dakalo ḽi fanaho nga u tikedza vhuvhusahoṱhe ha Yehova, u hulisa dzina ḽawe ḽikhethwa, na u dzula ri tshi humbula nga ha malamba a vhutshilo vhu sa fheli vhune ra ḓo vhu wana. We can have similar joy by upholding Jehovah's sovereignty, honoring his holy name, and keeping in mind the reward of everlasting life. Naa vhana vhaṋu vha anzela u ni vhona tshifhinga tshoṱhe ni tshi khou sumbedza u ḓiphina nga pfunzo ya muthu nga eṱhe ya Bivhili kana u guda? Do your children often see you regularly express your enjoyment in personal Bible study or study? Musi vho no kunda mulingo wa u fhedza mafheloni a Miṅwaha ya Tshigidi ya Vhuvhusi, "shango ḽi ḓo vha ifa ḽa vho vuḓaho; ndi vhone vha u ḓo takalela muḓalo wa mulalo. " (Ps. 37: 11; Ndzumb. After overcoming the final test at the end of the Thousand Year Reign, "the meek ones themselves will possess the earth, and they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace. " [ Ṱhaluso dzi re magumoni a siaṱari] [ Footnotes] Anthony: Ngoho ndi ya uri Ṱhanzi dza Yehova dzi a tenda kha Yesu. Anthony: The truth is, Jehovah's Witnesses believe in Jesus.