Зупини Тома. Stop Tom. Stop Tom. Том нічого не зробив, щоб допомогти. Tom did nothing to help. Tom didn't do anything to help. Мері сказала, де вона? Did Mary say where she was? Did Mary say where she was? Том переконав Мері, що Джон невинний. Tom convinced Mary that John was innocent. Tom convinced Mary that John was innocent. Я певен, що Том зробить все, про що його попросить Мері. I'm sure Tom will do anything Mary asks him to do. I'm sure Tom will do whatever Mary asks him to do. Вона може знати відповідь. She might possibly know the answer. She may know the answer. Будь ласка, скажіть мені, як пишеться ваше ім'я. Please tell me how to spell your name. Please tell me how to write your name. Том дав Мері діамантовий браслет. Tom gave Mary a diamond bracelet. Tom gave Mary a diamond bracelet. Нова школа вам більше подобається? Do you like the new school better? Do you like the new school better? Ви й насправді хочете цей будинок? Do you really want that house? Do you really want this house? Потрібно перекласти текст білоруською мовою. The text needs to be translated into Belarusian. You have to translate the text into Belarusian. Це не побачення. It's not a date. It's not a date. На п'ятому поверсі нема гарячої води, а на першому поверсі є. There's no hot water on the fourth floor, but there is on the ground floor. There's no hot water on the fifth floor, and there's on the first floor. Ми з моєю найкращою подругою можемо обговорювати будь-що. I can talk about anything with my best friend. My best friend and I can discuss anything. Ти б хотів, щоб я включив кондиціонер? Would you like me to turn on the air conditioner? Would you like me to turn on the air conditioning? Том більше не ходить до церкви. Tom doesn't go to church anymore. Tom doesn't go to church anymore. Це твій олівець? Is this pencil yours? Is this your pencil? Не думаю, що існує хто-небудь, хто б ненавидів Тома. I don't think that there's anyone who hates Tom. I don't think there's anybody who hates Tom. Том не святкував. Tom wasn't celebrating. Tom didn't celebrate. Думаю, Том скористався моєю порадою. I guess Tom took my advice. I think Tom took my advice. З Томом усе буде гаразд. Tom will be alright. Tom is going to be OK. Мона розраховувати на те, що ви будете тут завтра вчасно? Can I rely on you to be here on time tomorrow? Mona count on you being here on time tomorrow? Одну чашку кави, будь ласка. One cup of coffee, please. One cup of coffee, please. Назви свій номер телефону. What's your phone number? Name your phone number. Мені вона була потрібна. I needed it. I needed it. Ми очікуємо, що сьогодні дощитиме. We expect that it will rain today. We expect it to rain today. Чому ти сюди прийшов? Why did you come here? Why did you come here? Це моя наречена. That's my fiancée. That's my fiancée. Батьки Тома глухі. Both Tom's parents are deaf. Tom's parents are deaf. Гіпотеза Тома правдоподібна. Tom's hypothesis is plausible. Tom's hypothesis is likely. Я думав, Том не виграє. I thought that Tom wouldn't win. I thought Tom wouldn't win. Нагадай мені, щоб я завтра подав твір. Please remind me to turn in the paper tomorrow. Remind me to do the essay tomorrow. Бог дав, бог і взяв. Easy come, easy go. God gave, and God took. Том випив. Tom drank. Tom drank. Мені ніколи не спадало на думку, що він міг казати неправду. It never occurred to me that he might tell a lie. It never occurred to me that he could tell a lie. Ось тут я вперше зустрів Тома. This is where I first met Tom. This is where I first met Tom. Ти знайшов свої листи? Did you find your letters? Did you find your letters? У мене нещодавно була краснуха. He had three-day measles the other day. I had a pretty girl recently. Я можу поговорити з лікарем? Can I speak to the doctor? Can I talk to the doctor? Моє серцебиття прискорилося. My heart quickened. My heartbeat accelerated. Стоянка була заповнена. Parking was full. The parking lot was full. Його виставили з вечірки. He was kicked out of the party. He was kicked out of the party. Жінки люблять розмовляти. Women like to talk. Women like to talk. Можна мені зараз піти? Can I go now? Can I leave now? Я поїхав до Америки на навчання. I went to America to study. I went to America to study. Том не хоче, щоб я це робив. Tom doesn't want me to do that. Tom doesn't want me to do that. Мері сама полагодила машину. Mary fixed the car herself. Mary fixed the car herself. Ти й насправді думаєш, що Том хоче їсти? Do you really think Tom is hungry? Do you really think Tom is hungry? Я сидів. I'm an ex-con. I was sitting. Діти заблукали у джунглях. The children got lost in the jungle. The children got lost in the jungle. Позич мені свій словник, будь ласка. Lend me your dictionary, please. Lend me your dictionary, please. На початку Бог створив Небо та землю. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Том вас не лякає? Aren't you scared of Tom? Doesn't Tom scare you? Хлопці, ви що, дурнуваті? Are you guys stupid or something? Are you guys stupid? Я поставив їй складне питання. I asked her a difficult question. I asked her a difficult question. Я хотіла червоні черевички. I wanted red shoes. I wanted red shoes. Том запропонував Мері руку. Tom offered Mary his arm. Tom offered Mary a hand. Ми повинні доглянути її дітей сьогодні ввечері. We must look after her children this evening. We have to take care of her children tonight. Том попереду. Tom is in front. Tom is ahead. Сподіваюся, ви не образилися. I hope you're not offended. I hope you're not offended. Я сильно обпіклася. I burned myself badly. I burned myself badly. Чим займаєтеся? What are you doing? What are you doing? Я не відчувала болю. I didn't feel any pain. I didn't feel any pain. Перший млинець завжди глевкий. The first pancake is always a blob. The first pancake is always smooth. Том сказав, що він радий вас бачити. Tom said he was glad to see you. Tom said he was happy to see you. Я повинна це побачити. I've got to see it. I have to see this. Ти серйозно? Are you serious? Are you serious? Мені цікаво, чи цього року буде більше снігу, ніж минулого. I wonder whether or not there'll be more snow this year than last year. I wonder whether or not there will be more snow this year than last. За ним не сумуватимуть. He won't be missed. They won't miss him. Я не знав, що у Тома є дівчина. I didn't know that Tom had a girlfriend. I didn't know Tom had a girlfriend. Том - не однобічно обдарована людина. Tom isn't a one-trick pony. Tom isn't a one-way man. Він вирішив на ній одружитися. He decided to marry her. He decided to marry her. Ого! Це акула? Wow! Is that a shark? Is that a shark? У мене є досить серйозні новини. I've got some rather serious news. I have some serious news. Тобі було слід представитись. You should've introduced yourself. You should have introduced yourself. Повідомиш мені коли Том сюди прийде? Could you let me know when Tom gets here? Will you let me know when Tom gets here? Я можу розраховувати на Тома? Can I count on Tom? Can I count on Tom? Мій батько дійсно грає в гольф, але не дуже добре. My father does play golf, but not well. My father does play golf, but not very well. Я вже винесла сміття. I've already taken out the garbage. I've already taken out the garbage. Я зробила Тому трохи печива. I made Tom some cookies. I made some cookies for Tom. Тут узимку буває багато снігу? Does it snow much here in winter? Do you have a lot of snow here in winter? Я прийшов сюди зустрітися з вами. I came here to meet you. I came here to meet you. Том не пам'ятає, куди поклав свій ключ. Tom doesn't remember where he put his key. Tom doesn't remember where he put his key. Я занадто налякана, щоб міркувати. I'm too scared to think. I'm too scared to think. Дій, а не говори. Action, not words. Do it, don't tell me. Я спробував вдарити Тома. I tried to hit Tom. I tried to hit Tom. Це мати Тома. That's Tom's mother. That's Tom's mother. Мій брат достатньо дорослий для того, щоб подорожувати самому. My brother is big enough to travel alone. My brother is old enough to travel alone. Мері несе кавун. Mary is carrying a watermelon. Mary is carrying a watermelon. "Спасибі." - "Нема за що." "Thanks." "You're welcome." "Thank you." "You're welcome." Том дивився у бік Мері. Tom looked toward Mary. Tom looked away from Mary. Може бути, ми можемо пожити у Тома в Австралії. Maybe we can stay in Australia with Tom. Maybe we can stay with Tom in Australia. Мені здається, що це трохи нечесно. I think that that's a little unfair. I think it's a little unfair. Вона колись допомагала йому з уроками. She used to help him with his homework. She used to help him with his homework. Ти плануєш поступати до інституту? Do you plan to go to college? Do you plan to go to college? Я просто зараз не можу пригадати його імені. I can't think of his name just now. I can't remember his name right now. А, то он воно як доять корову... Ah, so that's how you milk a cow? Oh, so it's like milking a cow... Їй хотілося потанцювати. She felt like dancing. She wanted to dance. У мене поцупили гроші. My money was stolen. I had my money stolen. Том готує каву. Tom is preparing coffee. Tom is making coffee. Чому ти дозволив Тому це зробити? Why did you allow Tom to do that? Why did you let Tom do that? Том хоче помститися. Tom wants revenge. Tom wants revenge. У мене не болить горло. I don't have a sore throat. My throat doesn't hurt. Це було добре. It was good. That was good. Ми схопила вора. We captured the thief. We grabbed the thief. Ходімо прогуляємося вздовж річки. Let's take a walk along the river. Let's go for a walk along the river. Тому байдуже, але Мері - ні. Tom doesn't care, but Mary does. Tom doesn't care, but Mary doesn't. Том - мій партнер по карпулінгу. I carpool with Tom. Tom is my carpooling partner. Їжа була чудовою в Італії. The food was great in Italy. The food was excellent in Italy. Два квитка для дорослих і три дитячих квитка до Лондона, будь ласка! Two adult tickets and three children's tickets to London, please. Two tickets for adults and three children's tickets to London, please! Не турбуйтеся про мене. Don't worry about me. Don't worry about me. Я купила тобі подарунок. I bought you a gift. I bought you a present. Ти сказав правду? Did you tell the truth? Did you tell the truth? Том туди не пішов, і я теж. Tom didn't go there, and neither did I. Tom didn't go there, and neither did I. Він показав мені свій альбом. He showed me his album. He showed his album to me. Думаєш, Том зі мною говоритиме? Do you think Tom will talk to me? Do you think Tom will talk to me? Він попросив мене про допомогу. He asked for my help. He asked me for help. Обіцяю цим зайнятися. I promise to do that. I promise to do that. Том уміє продавати будинки. Tom knows how to sell houses. Tom knows how to sell houses. У мене є сестра і брат. I have a sister and a brother. I have a sister and a brother. Ти не можеш примусити мене співати. You can't make me sing. You can't make me sing. Руки догори! Hands up! Hands up! Він випив три склянки води. He drank three glasses of water. He drank three glasses of water. Спробуй його ще раз. Try it once more. Try it again. Том та Мері завтра одружуються. Tom and Mary are getting married tomorrow. Tom and Mary are getting married tomorrow. Я отримав домашню освіту. I was home-schooled. I was educated at home. Це я переконала Тома допомогти. I'm the one who persuaded Tom to help. I was the one who convinced Tom to help. Я розбив вікно. I broke the window. I broke the window. Не вішай слухавку, будь ласка. Don't hang up, please. Please don't hang up. Ти нічого не розумієш. You don't understand anything. You don't understand anything. Тебе ніхто не питав. No one asked you. No one asked you. Я забув свій імейл. I forgot my email address. I forgot my email. Я навіть не хочу про це говорити. I don't want to get into it. I don't even want to talk about it. Я з Англії. I come from England. I'm from England. Нам слід було зробити це раніше. We should have done that sooner. We should've done that sooner. Мені дуже лячно. I'm so scared. I'm very scared. Хлопець стрибає. The boy is jumping. The boy jumps. Я розумію англійську, але не говорю. I can understand English, but I can't speak it. I understand English, but I don't speak it. Я відхилив їхню пропозицію. I rejected their offer. I rejected their offer. Де Том навчився це робити? Where did Tom learn how to do that? Where did Tom learn to do that? Дякуємо тобі за роботу. Thank you for your work. Thank you for your work. Собака налякав кота. The dog scared the cat. The dog scared the cat. На цих вихідних я не займався нічим особливим. I didn't do anything special last weekend. I didn't do anything special this weekend. Скажіть їй, що я приймаю ванну. Tell her that I am taking a bath. Tell her I'm taking a bath. Дональда Трампа обрано президентом Сполучених Штатів. Donald Trump has been elected president of the United States. Donald Trump is elected president of the United States. Не біжи так швидко. Don't run so fast. Don't run so fast. Що ти пишеш? What're you writing? What are you writing? Антарктика - не дуже приємне місце для життя. Antarctica is an unpleasant place to live. Antarctica is not a pleasant place to live. Ви ніколи не брешете. You never tell lies. You never lie. На днях вони прийшла до мене в гості. She came to see me the other day. They came to see me the other day. Я дійсно не хочу йти. I really don't want to go. I really don't want to go. Я знаю Тома з часів, коли я був ще дитиною. I've known Tom since I was little. I've known Tom since I was a kid. Відімнкіть її. Unlock it. Cancel it. Ви не слухаєте. You're not listening. You don't listen. Зараз час дiяти. Now is the time for action. It's time for the kids. Я зроблю тобі кави. I'll fix you some coffee. I'll make you some coffee. Ми нічого не будемо змінювати. We're not going to change anything. We're not going to change anything. Вони не п'яні, але вони вони пили. They're not drunk, but they've been drinking. They're not drunk, but they were drinking. Мій начальник - мудак. My boss is a jerk. My boss is a jerk. У нього великі проблеми. He has big problems. He's in big trouble. Мені потрібна риба. I need fish. I need a fish. Ти певен, що це спрацює? Are you sure this will work? Are you sure this is going to work? Це дуже добре кіно. It really is a good movie. It's a very good movie. Я би цього не купував. I wouldn't have bought that. I wouldn't buy that. Він часто ходить з нею у кіно. He often goes to the cinema with her. He often goes to the movies with her. Він сказав, що захворів, і це була брехня. He said that he was sick, and this was a lie. He said he was sick, and that was a lie. Я тоді дивився телевізор. I was watching TV then. I watched TV then. Я не кину це зараз робити. I'm not about to give up now. I won't quit doing that now. Малоймовірно, що це трапиться за мого життя. That's not likely to happen in my lifetime. That's not likely to happen in my life. Нема було кого спитати. There was nobody to ask. There was no one to ask. Для людини, у якої є тільки молоток в ящику з інструментами, будь-яка проблема схожа на цвях. To the man who only has a hammer in the toolkit, every problem looks like a nail. For a man who only has a hammer in a box with tools, any problem is like a nail. Я сильний. I'm strong. I'm strong. Він мій молодший брат. He's my younger brother. He is my younger brother. Твого імені в списку точно немає. Your name is definitely not on the list. Your name is definitely not on the list. Том утримався від того, щоб це зробити. Tom refrained from doing that. Tom refrained from doing that. Ви відвезли Тома до аеропорту? Did you take Tom to the airport? Did you take Tom to the airport? Ми добре ладнаємо. We get on OK. We get along well. Ми з ним добрі друзі. He and I are good friends. He and I are good friends. У мене таке відчуття, що ти будеш дуже добрим адвокатом. I have a feeling you'll be a very good lawyer. I have a feeling you'll be a very good lawyer. Які у мене варіанти? What are my options? What options do I have? А зараз можеш іти додому. You may go home now. Now you can go home. Він віддав своє життя за свою країну. He gave his life for his country. He gave his life for his country. На твоє запитання немає відповіді. There is no anwser for your question. There is no answer to your question. Історія насправді повторюється? Does history really repeat itself? Is the story really repeating itself? Том не впевнений, як це почалося. Tom isn't sure on how it started. Tom isn't sure how it started. Яка в тебе улюблена книжка про Гаррі Поттера? Which Harry Potter book is your favourite? What's your favorite Harry Potter book? Де ти поклав пляшки? Where did you put the bottles? Where did you put the bottles? Том сказав, що має план. Tom said he had a plan. Tom said he had a plan. Будівля блакитна. The building is blue. The building is blue. У тебе було більш ніж достатньо часу, щоб зробити це. You've had more than enough time to do that. You had more than enough time to do that. Хто був проти? Who disagreed? Who was against it? Ти її сутенер? Are you her pimp? Are you her pimp? Він поклав слухавку. He put the phone down. He hung up. Я зняв взуття і поставив його під ліжко. I took my shoes off and put them under the bed. I took off my shoes and put him under the bed. Я не п'ю багато пива. I don't drink much beer. I don't drink a lot of beer. Том з тобою говорив французькою, так? Tom spoke to you in French, didn't he? Tom spoke French to you, didn't he? Не гнівися. Don't get angry. Don't be angry. Будь ласка, залишайтеся тут. Please stay here. Please stay here. Ти хоча б звернув увагу, що Том пішов? Did you even notice that Tom had left? Did you at least notice Tom left? Можеш покласти це там. You can put it there. You can put it there. Мені цікаво, чи це молоко ще не зіпсувалося. I wonder if this milk is still good. I wonder whether or not this milk is still good. Скажи Томові, щоб впустив собаку. Tell Tom to let the dog in. Tell Tom to let the dog in. Ми шукаємо добровольців. We are looking for volunteers. We're looking for volunteers. Завтра понеділок. It's Monday tomorrow. Tomorrow is Monday. Що він тобі сказав? What did he say to you? What did he tell you? Ми зробимо це завтра. We'll do it tomorrow. We'll do that tomorrow. Що там трапилося? What happened over there? What happened there? Хтось спав на цьому дивані. Somebody has been sleeping on this sofa. Someone slept on this couch. Робота для мене все. Work is everything to me. Work is all for me. Ти не така висока як я, еге ж? You aren't as tall as I am, are you? You're not as tall as I am, are you? Мені це потрібно. I need this. I need this. Більшість людей люблять дивитися телебачення. Most people like watching TV. Most people enjoy watching TV. Він на мить завагався. He hesitated for a while. He hesitated for a moment. Я маю бігти. I must run. I have to run. Мері виграла. Mary has won. Mary won. Ти колись чув про них? Have you ever heard of them? Have you ever heard of them? Він прийде сьогодні ввечері? Will he come this evening? Will he come tonight? У мене десять ручок. I have ten pens. I have ten pens. Вона не медсестра, а лікар. She is not a nurse, but a doctor. She's not a nurse, she's a doctor. Чому Том не робить цього? Why isn't Tom doing that? Why isn't Tom doing that? Я вирішила піти. I've decided to go. I've decided to go. Машина Тома на ремонті. Tom's car is in the garage. Tom's car is being repaired. Що ви про це думаєте? What do you think of this? What do you think? Ти пам'ятаєш той день? Do you remember that day? Do you remember that day? Він полагодив мій годинник. I had him fix my watch. He fixed my watch. От халепа. Damn. Oh, shit. Як звати вашого батька? What is your father's name? What's your father's name? Мені потрібно зарядити мобільний телефон. I need to charge my cell phone. I need to charge my mobile phone. Мені не подобаються ті, хто так говорять. I don't like those who say so. I don't like those who say that. Мері марнує гроші. Mary wastes her money. Mary is wasting her money. Моя мати готує вечерю. My mother is preparing dinner. My mother is preparing dinner. Я не зрозумів. I did not understand. I didn't understand. Мені не видно дорожніх знаків в цьому тумані. I can't see the road signs in this fog. I don't see any traffic signs in this fog. Тома вбили льодорубом. Tom was killed with an icepick. Tom was killed with an icejack. Я попросила Тома навчити мене французької. I asked Tom to teach me French. I asked Tom to teach me French. Бульйон гарячий. The broth is hot. The bill is hot. Я не змогла відмовити. I couldn't say no. I couldn't say no. Ти й насправді думаєш, що зробити це буде важко? Do you really think it's difficult to do that? Do you really think it'll be difficult to do that? Ми зможемо. We will succeed. We can do it. Не бреши сам собі. Don't lie to yourself. Don't lie to yourself. У нас багато часу. We've got lots of time. We have plenty of time. Так спекотно, що можна було б смажити яйця на капотах машин. It's so hot that you could cook an egg on the hood of a car. It's so hot that you could fry an egg on the hoods of a car. Роби так, як я кажу. Do as I say. Do as I say. Я побіг до матері. I ran to my mother. I ran to my mother. Угорщина - держава, що розташована у Центральній Європі. Hungary is a state situated in Central Europe. Hungary is a state in Central Europe. Це арабське ім'я. It's an Arabic name. It's an Arabic name. Ніхто не може тобі допомогти, Томе. No one can help you, Tom. No one can help you, Tom. Я очікую, що Том переможе. I expect that Tom will win. I expect Tom to win. Це саме те, що зробив Том. That's precisely what Tom did. That's exactly what Tom did. Мені буде потрібна ваша допомога. I will need your help. I'll need your help. Це відомо всім. Everybody knows that. Everybody knows that. Том дуже швидко зробив це. Tom did that very fast. Tom did that very quickly. Ми запропонували йому гарну роботу. We offered him a nice job. We offered him a nice job. Том повернув Мері її книжку. Tom returned Mary's book to her. Tom gave Mary back her book. У неї багато недоліків. She has many faults. She has many faults. Вона спокійна. She is quiet. She's calm. Том, можливо, все ще ним користується. Tom might still be using it. Tom may still be using it. Обожнюю цю пісню. I love this song. I love that song. Я була у ванній кімнаті. I was in the bathroom. I was in the bathroom. Я все ще не пробачила Тома. I still haven't forgiven Tom. I still haven't forgiven Tom. Він стояв широко розставивши ноги. He stood with his legs wide apart. He stood wide on his feet. Том буде тут просто зараз. Tom will be here right away. Tom is going to be here right now. Том знав, що у двері стукала Мері. Tom knew it was Mary knocking on his door. Tom knew Mary was knocking at the door. Я готовий тобі допомогти. I am ready to help you. I'm ready to help you. Том сказав, що він сподівається, що Мері не хоче цим займатися. Tom said that he hoped that Mary didn't want to do that. Tom said he hopes Mary doesn't want to do that. Можна я зроблю телевізор тихіше? May I turn down the TV? May I turn down the TV? Том зробив список мiсць, якi вiн бажає вiдвiдати. Tom made a list of places he wants to visit. Tom made a list of places he wants to see. Все це було написано. It's all been written. It was all written. Ти ж сказав Тому зробити це? You told Tom to do that, didn't you? You told Tom to do that, didn't you? Я був у Канаді. I have been to Canada. I have been to Canada. Том відповів на моє запитання. Tom answered my question. Tom answered my question. Чому я не буду писати китайською? Why will I not write in Chinese? Why won't I write in Chinese? Я зіщулився. I cringed. I cowered. Ми його впізнали. We recognized him. We recognized him. Саме цього жінки й хочуть. That's what women want. That's what women want. Ти певна, що Том у безпеці? Are you sure Tom is safe? Are you sure Tom is safe? Цей велосипед не Тома. This isn't Tom's bicycle. This bicycle isn't Tom's. Том замкнув свої двері. Tom locked his door. Tom locked his door. Том не одружений з Мері. Tom isn't married to Mary. Tom isn't married to Mary. Швидше, вище, сильніше. Faster, higher, stronger! Faster, higher, stronger. Я можу розмовляти французькою мовою. I can speak French. I can speak French. Нам треба про це поговорити. We need to talk about it. We need to talk about this. Ти знав, що дідусь Тома помер від інфаркту? Did you know that Tom's grandfather died of a heart attack? Did you know Tom's grandfather died of a heart attack? Цей смартфон має камеру. This smartphone has a camera. This smart phone has a camera. Дякую за пораду. Thank you for your advice. Thank you for the advice. У Тома є молодший брат, якого звуть Джон. Tom has a younger brother named John. Tom has a younger brother named John. Том не любить сир. Tom does not like cheese. Tom doesn't like cheese. Це від Тома. This is from Tom. It's from Tom. Том спить лише біля п'яти годин на добу. Tom only sleeps about five hours a night. Tom sleeps only about five hours a day. Негайно зателефонуй до лікаря. Call a doctor immediately. Call the doctor immediately. Відпусти мене, будь ласка. Please let me go. Please let me go. Вона пішла до банку. She went to the bank. She went to the bank. Але він дозволяє заходити до церкви. But it allows you to enter the church. But he's allowed to go to church. Я завжди втомлений. I'm always tired. I'm always tired. Троє проголосували проти цієї ідеї. Three voted against the idea. Three voted against this idea. Де Том планує це зробити? Where does Tom plan to do that? Where does Tom plan to do that? Том сказав Мері правду. Tom told Mary the truth. Tom told Mary the truth. Том помер від раку шлунку. Tom died of stomach cancer. Tom died of stomach cancer. У вас високий тиск? Is your blood pressure high? Is your blood pressure high? Дайте мені чашку чаю, будь ласка. Please give me a cup of tea. Please give me a cup of tea. Ідіть побудьте з Томом. Go be with Tom. Go be with Tom. Мері заручилася зі своїм хлопцем. Mary and her boyfriend got engaged. Mary got engaged to her boyfriend. Ці належать Тому. These are Tom's. These are Tom's. Я не люблю футбол. I don't like football. I don't like football. Том відкрив вікно. Tom opened a window. Tom opened the window. Багато молодих чоловіків схильні робиті ті ж самі помилки. Many young men tend to commit the same errors. Many young men tend to make the same mistakes. Том, скоріш за все, досягне успіху. Tom is very likely to succeed. Tom is likely to succeed. Ми зробили забагато помилок. We made too many mistakes. We made too many mistakes. Ви мене уникаєте. You're avoiding me. You're avoiding me. У будь-якому разі, що це означає? What does that mean, anyway? Anyway, what does that mean? Світло само погасло. The light went out by itself. The light went out itself. Я ще не обідала. I haven't eaten lunch yet. I haven't eaten lunch yet. У неї анорексія. She's anorexic. She has anorexia. У нього проблеми із запам'ятовуванням імен. He has trouble remembering names. He has trouble remembering names. Можна позичити твою тенісну ракетку сьогодні? Can I borrow your tennis racket today? May I borrow your tennis racket today? Вони гладкі. They're fat. They're fat. Коли ви з нею познайомилися? When did you come to know her? When did you meet her? Самі це поремонтує. Sami is going to fix this. Sami is going to fix this. Це, взагалі-то, добра ідея. It's actually a good idea. That's actually a good idea. Я там заради тебе. I'm there for you. I'm there for you. Мені цікаво, чи Том сказав Мері, що вона мусить це зробити. I wonder whether Tom has told Mary to do that or not. I wonder whether or not Tom has told Mary she has to do that. Я ніколи не казав "так." I never said yes. I never said yes. Це погана новина. That's bad news. That's bad news. У Тома багато друзів? Does Tom have a lot of friends? Does Tom have many friends? Ти розлючений. You're mad. You're angry. У нас був гість, коли ти приймала душ. We had a visitor when you were taking a shower. We had a guest when you were taking a shower. Сьогодні вже вівторок? It's already Tuesday? Is it Tuesday already? Ти пам'ятаєш це? Do you remember this? Do you remember that? Як ресторан? How was that restaurant? How's the restaurant? Навіщо нам потрібні лопатки? What do we need shoulder blades for? Why do we need shovels? Воно зручне. It's comfortable. It's comfortable. Я буду змушений зробити це сам. I'll have to do that by myself. I'll have to do that by myself. Ми не боїмося жодних ускладнень. We're not afraid of any difficulties. We don't fear any complications. Моцарт - один з моїх улюблених композиторів. Mozart is one of my favorite composers. Mozart is one of my favorite composers. Здається, ви хочете мене від цього відмовити. You seem to want me to talk you out of doing that. I think you want me to refuse. Я ходжу до перукарні раз на місяць. I go to the barber's once a month. I go to the barbershop once a month. Том почув, як Мері кричить. Tom heard Mary yelling. Tom heard Mary scream. Як справи у твоєї жінки, Томе? How's your wife, Tom? How's your wife, Tom? Годі називати мене Томом. Stop calling me Tom. Stop calling me Tom. Сценарій написав Том. Tom wrote the script. The script was written by Tom. Том сказав мені, що ти померла. Tom told me you'd died. Tom told me you died. Том не хотів іти до лікаря. Tom didn't want to go to the doctor. Tom didn't want to go to the doctor. Будьте напоготові. Be prepared. Stay alert. Я чула, що Мері дуже мила. I heard Mary is really cute. I hear Mary is very cute. Мері любила свою роботу. Mary loved her job. Mary loved her job. Тому слід було сказати Мері, що він її кохає. Tom should have told Mary he loved her. Tom should've told Mary that he loved her. Якісь ідеї, як це виправити? Any ideas on how to fix this? Any ideas on how to fix this? А тепер виходьте. Now get out. Now get out. Щасливої дороги. Have a good trip! Have a good trip. Відклади шматочок пирога для мене. Мені треба йти. Put a piece of cake aside for me. I have to go. Put away a piece of cake for me. I have to go. Тримаю парі, що це було планом Тома. I'm betting that was Tom's plan. I bet that was Tom's plan. Не підглядайте. Don't peek. Don't look. Я цілком певен, що Том знає, що ми тут. I'm pretty sure that Tom knows we're here. I'm pretty sure Tom knows we're here. Ми шукали її. We looked for her. We were looking for her. Том сказав, що йому потбрібно допомоги Мері зробити це. Tom said he needed to help Mary do that. Tom said he needed Mary's help to do that. Він ніколи не говорить неправду. He never tells a lie. He never lies. Три в кубі дорівнює двадцять сім. 3 cubed is 27. Three cubed is twenty-seven. Він запрошував її на концерт. He invited her to go to the concert. He invited her to the concert. Том спробував продати свій старий диван. Tom tried to sell his old couch. Tom tried to sell his old couch. Чий це годинник? Whose clock is it? Whose watch is this? Я свій власний дід. I'm my own grandfather. I'm my own grandfather. Банкомат зламався. The ATM is out of order. The cash machine is out of order. Ви самі вирішуєте. You decide. You decide. Я вже рік без роботи. I've been out of work for a year. I've been out of work for a year. Мені потрібно почати збирати валізи. I must start packing. I need to start packing. Вам потрібно серйозно розглянути можливість зробити це. You should seriously consider doing that. You need to seriously consider doing that. У нашому класі є дівчина з Америки. A girl from America is in our class. Our class has an American girl. Я повністю згодна з Томом. I agree entirely with Tom. I totally agree with Tom. Хіба ти не готова йти далі? Aren't you ready to proceed? Aren't you ready to go on? Ніколи не припиняй мріяти! Never stop dreaming! Never stop dreaming! Том відчув, як щось повзе по його руці. Tom felt something crawling on his arm. Tom felt something crawling over his arm. Тепер можете йти, пане. You can go now, sir. You can go now, sir. Ви повинні дати відповідь на ці запитання. You must answer these questions. You must answer these questions. Я втратив усе, що мав. I lost everything I had. I lost everything I had. Сьогодні Том поцілував Мері. Tom kissed Mary today. Tom kissed Mary today. Том сказав, що, на його думку, мені, можливо, треба зробити це самостійно. Tom said that he thought I might need to do that by myself. Tom said that he thought I might need to do that by myself. Ми з вами дуже схожі. You and I are a lot alike. You and I are very similar. Том починає втрачати надію. Tom is starting to lose hope. Tom is beginning to lose hope. Можливо, я ніколи більше цього не зроблю. I may never do that again. I might never do that again. Я був дуже радий побачитися з ним. I was so happy to see him. I was very happy to see him. Я знаю, що тебе це не турбує. I know you don't care. I know you don't care about that. Що сказав лікар? What did the doctor say? What did the doctor say? Том не знав, куди Мері хотіла, щоб він пішов. Tom didn't know where Mary wanted him to go. Tom didn't know where Mary wanted him to go. Мені двадцять чотири роки. I'm 24 years old. I am twenty - four years old. Можете це повторити? Could you repeat that? Can you repeat that? Мені є що сказати. I have something to say. I have something to say. Хотіла би я бути молодшою. I wish I were younger. I wish I were younger. Я чула, як ви закричали. I heard you scream. I heard you scream. Вони презирають інші нації. Я презираю всі нації. They despise other nationalities. I despise all nationalities. They despise other nations. I despise all nations. Пекло чекає на тебе. Hell is waiting for you. Hell awaits you. Том потворний. Tom is a freak. Tom is ugly. Том сказав, що, на його думку, Мері - вчитель. Tom said he thought that Mary was a teacher. Tom said that he thought Mary was a teacher. Мері відрила свій ноутбук. Mary opened her laptop. Mary opened her laptop. Я не знав, що Том говорив про мене. I didn't know that Tom talked about me. I didn't know Tom was talking about me. Я люблю народні пісні. I like folk songs. I love folk songs. Ви сильно змінилися. You've changed much. You've changed a lot. Я поїхав до лікарні побачитися з дружиною. I went to the hospital to see my wife. I went to the hospital to see my wife. Вона нам допомогла. She helped us. She helped us. Як би відреагував ти? How would you react? How would you have reacted? Я хотів зробити це знову. I wanted to do that again. I wanted to do that again. Ви грубі. You're rude. You're rude. У нього є басейн з підігрівом. He has a heated swimming pool. He has a heated pool. Він удома сьогодні. He is at home today. He is home today. Мені подобаються ці. I like these. I like these. Самі знову переїжджає. Sami is moving again. Sami is moving again. Вона була занурена у читання коміксів. She was absorbed in reading comic books. She was immersed in reading comic books. Я побачив на стелі муху. I saw a fly on the ceiling. I saw a fly on the ceiling. Чим більше їсиш попкорна, тим більше його хочеться. The more popcorn you eat, the more you want. The more you eat the popcorn, the more you want it. Том сказав мені, що він не певен, що має робити. Tom told me that he's uncertain what he should do. Tom told me he's not sure what he should do. Том все ще хоче йти додому? Does Tom still want to go home? Does Tom still want to go home? Я вивчаю казахську. I'm learning Kazakh. I'm learning Swahili. Мені шкода за вчорашній день. I'm sorry about yesterday. I'm sorry about yesterday. Я нічого не почула. I've heard nothing. I didn't hear anything. Ліфт не працює. The elevator is out of order. The elevator isn't working. У Шотландії буває дуже тепло у вересні. Scotland can be very warm in September. In Scotland, it is very warm in September. Це лише мрія. It's just a dream. It's just a dream. Я поговорила з ними. I spoke to them. I talked to them. Я ще ніколи не бачив такого великого собаку. I've never seen so big a dog. I've never seen such a big dog before. Так, вино червоне. Yes, the wine is red. Yes, the wine is red. Він залишив пачку цигарок на столі. He left a pack of cigarettes on the table. He left a pack of cigarettes on the table. Він ніколи не носить краватку. He never wears a tie. He never wears a tie. Він ставиться до мене як до дорослої. He treats me as an adult. He treats me as an adult. Том хороший? Is Tom good? Is Tom good? Ти завтра тут будеш? Are you going to be here tomorrow? Are you going to be here tomorrow? Том нічого не їв від учора. Tom hasn't eaten anything since yesterday. Tom hasn't eaten anything since yesterday. Я не знав, що вона заміжня. I didn't know she was married. I didn't know she was married. Ти арабка? Are you an Arab? Are you Arab? Я непідкупна. I can't be bribed. I'm incorruptible. Дублін знаходиться в Ірландії. Dublin is in Ireland. Dublin is in Ireland. Я впевнений, що можу їх переконати. I'm sure I can persuade them. I'm sure I can convince them. Ці книжки важкі. These books are heavy. These books are heavy. Я доволі вперта. I'm pretty stubborn. I'm pretty stubborn. Ти, мабуть, сердитий. You must be angry. You must be angry. Мені цікаво, чи Том винний. I wonder whether Tom is guilty or not. I wonder whether or not Tom is guilty. Непогано, але я дещо втомився. Not bad, but I'm a bit tired. Not bad, but I'm a bit tired. Я не піду з вами. I won't be coming with you. I won't go with you. Том тобі довіряє. Tom trusts you. Tom trusts you. Ким є для вас Том? What is Tom to you? What is Tom to you? Це його справжня мати. She is his real mother. That's his real mother. Як ти його зробив? How did you make it? How did you make it? Закрийте, будь ласка, очі. Close your eyes, please. Close your eyes, please. Раджу тобі послухатися лікаря. I advise you to listen to your doctor. I advise you to listen to the doctor. Будь ласка, подумай про це ще раз. Please reconsider. Please think about it again. Не залишайте телевізор увімкненим. Don't leave the TV on. Don't leave the TV on. Цей постійний гамір мене дратує. This continuous noise annoys me. This constant noise annoys me. Мене не було поранено. I wasn't injured. I wasn't injured. Вони не хотіли, щоб я була там. They didn't want me there. They didn't want me there. Картопля кипить. The potatoes are boiling. Potato is boiling. Ти поводишся як ідіот. You're acting like an idiot. You're acting like an idiot. Том у дуже доброму гуморі. Tom is in a very good mood. Tom is in a very good mood. Він багато знає про метеликів. He knows a lot about butterflies. He knows a lot about butterflies. Спекотно. It's hot. It's hot. Ви цілитеся занизько, щоб влучити. You're aiming too low to hit the target. You're aiming too low to hit. Ворог прийшов на нашу землю. The enemy has come to our country. The enemy has come to our earth. Мій батько застарий для того, щоб працювати. My father is too old to work. My father is too old to work. Я приніс трохи вина. I brought some wine. I brought some wine. Йди спати. Go to bed. Go to sleep. Анкети розповсюдили випадковим чином. The questionnaires were distributed at random. The couple were distributed by accident. Я не довіряю своєму уряду. I do not trust my government. I don't trust my government. Ви дуже добре це робите. You do that very well. You're very good at doing that. Що це за звук? What is that sound? What's that sound? На кого ви схожі? What do you look like? What do you look like? Я ніколи не палив. I've never smoked. I never smoked. Лейла поїхала до Єгипту. Layla went to Egypt. Layla went to Egypt. Дуже шкода, що ти не хоче приймати мої рішення. It's too bad you don't want to accept my decisions. Too bad you don't want to make my decisions. Дай мені книгу. Give me the book. Give me the book. Я знав про цей факт. I was aware of that fact. I knew that fact. Тепер я ваш бос. I'm your boss now. I'm your boss now. У нас двоє дітей. We have two kids. We have two children. Тобі подобається футбол? Do you like football? Do you like football? Можливо, мені слід поговорити з Томом. Maybe I should talk with Tom. Maybe I should talk to Tom. Розбудіть Тома. Wake Tom up. Wake Tom up. Перейдіть дорогу. Cross the road. Cross the road. Суп загарячий. The soup is too hot. The soup is hot. Японія є знана з мальовничих краєвидів. Japan is famous for its scenic beauty. Japan is famous for its beautiful scenery. Я, мабуть, був досить-таки втомленим. I must've been pretty tired. I must've been pretty tired. Я не поплила, бо було занадто холодно. I didn't swim because it was too cold. I didn't swim because it was too cold. Шкода, що ти не розповіла мені, як це робиться. I wish you'd told me how to do that. I wish you had told me how to do that. Цікаво, чи я зможу це зробити ще раз. I wonder if I can do that again. I wonder if I can do that again. Він працює в лабораторії. He works in the laboratory. He works in the lab. Продовжуйте бігти. Keep running. Keep running. Цей велосипед - не Тома. This bicycle isn't Tom's. That bicycle isn't Tom's. Я такий голодний, що міг би з'їсти коня. I'm so hungry I could eat a horse. I'm so hungry I could eat a horse. Потяг зупинився. The train stopped. The train stopped. Їм довелося звільнити з фабрики 300 людей. They had to fire 300 men at the factory. They had to fire 300 people from the factory. Я кохаю Тома. I love Tom. I love Tom. Том сказав мені, що, на його думку, Мері сумно. Tom told me he thought Mary was sad. Tom told me that he thought Mary was sad. Він навів мені приклад. He gave me an example. He gave me an example. Мені потрібне таксі. I need a cab. I need a taxi. Мені потрібно, щоб хтось мені з цим допоміг. I need someone to help me with this. I need someone to help me with that. Що це було, на вашу думку? What do you think it was? What do you think it was? Вона на три роки молодша, ніж він. She's two years younger than him. She's three years younger than him. Як німецькою кажеться "до побачення"? How do you say "good bye" in German? How do you say goodbye in German? Його порада абсолютно не допомогла. His advice didn't help at all. His advice did not help at all. Я лібертаріанець. I'm a libertarian. I'm a libertarian. Вставайте! Get up! Get up! Це нелегально. It's illegal! It's illegal. Мені потрібно, щоб ти мені допоміг з цим. I need you to help me with this. I need you to help me with this. Ти мусиш повернутися до дев'ятої. You must come back before nine o'clock. You have to get back to nine. Це все бабусині казки. That's an old wives' tale. Those are old wives' tales. Де твої черевики? Where are your boots? Where are your shoes? Ти когось бачив у супермаркеті? Did you see anyone at the mall? Did you see anyone at the supermarket? Попроси Тома зробити це для тебе. Ask Tom to do that for you. Ask Tom to do that for you. Том сказав Мері, що виграв. Tom told Mary he won. Tom told Mary he won. У мене ще не було можливості подивитися цей фільм. I haven't had a chance to see the movie yet. I haven't had the opportunity to see that movie yet. Том тут не мешкає. Tom doesn't live here. Tom doesn't live here. Я впіймав його. I caught it. I caught him. Ми плачемо, коли нам дуже сумно. We cry when we are very sad. We cry when we're very sad. Граматика - емпірична, а не теоретична наука. Grammar is an empirical science, not a theoretical one. Grammar is an empirical science, not theoretical science. Не втягуй мене в це. Don't drag me into this. Don't drag me into this. Ми люди. We are human. We're human beings. Мало хто знає про цей факт. Only a handful of people know the fact. Few are aware of this fact. Подивись на Тома. Look at Tom. Look at Tom. Я певен, що Том ніколи такого не робив. I'm certain that Tom has never done that. I'm sure Tom has never done that. Чому ви мені збрехали? Why did you lie to me? Why did you lie to me? Спочатку думай, потім говори. Think first, then talk. First think, then speak. Мій годинник поспішає на п'ять хвилин на день. My watch gains five minutes a day. My watch is five minutes a day. Можливо, мені слід це взяти. Maybe I should take this. Maybe I should take that. Хтось говорив із Томом? Has anybody spoken to Tom? Did anyone talk to Tom? Саме це я й хочу зробити. This is what I want to do. That's what I want to do. Звідки ти знав, кому це дати? How did you know who to give that to? How did you know who to give this to? В мене є чорний та білий собака. I have a black dog and a white dog. I have a black dog and a white dog. Том легенько постукав. Tom knocked lightly. Tom knocked gently. Том може довіряти Мері. Tom can trust Mary. Tom can trust Mary. Я замовив піцу. I ordered a pizza. I ordered pizza. Том з Мері вже повернулися з Австралії. Tom and Mary are now back from Australia. Tom and Mary have already returned from Australia. Я зайнята домашнім завданням. I'm busy with my homework. I'm busy with my homework. Можете знайти мені роботу? Can you find me a job? Can you find me a job? Вони дали її мені. They gave it to me. They gave it to me. Яка твоя улюблена пісня з цього альбому? What's your favorite song on this album? What's your favorite song from this album? Ти схожий на поліцейського. You look like a cop. You look like a cop. Твоя школа далеко від твого будинку? Is your school far away from your house? Is your school far from your house? Я можу зробити що-небудь для тебе? Is there anything that I can do for you? Can I do anything for you? Це твоя книжка. This book belongs to you. This book is yours. Яку мені слід взяти гітару? Which guitar should I get? Which guitar should I take? Весною дні стають довшими. In spring, the days get longer. In spring the days get longer. Скільки ти маєш пар шкарпеток? How many pairs of socks do you have? How many pairs of socks do you have? Мені шкода, що я в тобі сумнівався. I'm so sorry I doubted you. I'm sorry I doubted you. Я маю великі сумніви. I highly doubt that. I have great doubts. Я поїхав туди автобусом та потягом. I went there by bus and train. I went there by bus and train. Том, Мері, Джон та Еліс люблять танці. Tom, Mary, John and Alice all enjoy dancing. Tom, Mary, John and Alice like dancing. Що ти порадиш? What's your advice? What's your advice? Ти перепрацював. You are overworked. You've been working. Він відремонтує мій годинник. I will have him repair this watch. He will fix my watch. Чому б Том наполягав, щоб Мері це зробила? Why would Tom insist that Mary do that? Why would Tom insist that Mary do that? Він хороший атлет. He is a good athlete. He's a good athlete. Вгадай, що зі мною сталося. Guess what happened to me. Guess what happened to me. Хто це надіслав? Who sent this? Who sent this? Співчуваю тобі, друже. I feel your pain, buddy. I'm sorry, man. Том чудовий письменник. Tom is an excellent author. Tom is a great writer. Я не хочу, щоб мій син забув свою рідну мову. I don't want my son to forget his mother tongue. I don't want my son to forget his native language. Ви аптекар, так? You're a pharmacist, aren't you? You're a pharmacist, aren't you? Я ніколи не зможу зробити цього сама. I'm never going to be able to do that by myself. I'll never be able to do that by myself. Що ти сьогодні робила? What did you do today? What were you doing today? Це не мій день. It isn't my day. It's not my day. Алло? Ти ще там? Hello? Are you still here? Are you still there? Води багато. There is plenty of water. There's a lot of water. Він грав у теніс. He played tennis. He played tennis. Дощ йшов три дні поспіль. It rained for three days in a row. It rained for three consecutive days. Це складний вибір. It's a difficult choice. It's a tough choice. Це правда. This is the truth. It's true. Ми покаталися на велосипедах навколо озера. We rode our bicycles around the lake. We rode bicycles around the lake. Мої батьки сьогодні працюють. Both of my parents are working today. My parents are working today. Він вільно говорить китайською. He is fluent in Chinese. He speaks Chinese fluently. Першого разу завжди найважче. The first time is always the hardest. The first time is always the hardest. На твоєму місці я б сказала ні. I'd say no if I were you. If I were you, I'd say no. Він лиже дупу шефа. He arse-licks his boss. He licks the boss's ass. Ми вам не брехатимемо. We won't lie to you. We won't lie to you. Говори тихіше. Speak more quietly. Keep your voice down. Том наче не був дуже сердитим. Tom didn't seem to be very mad. Tom didn't seem to be very angry. Том мовчазний. Tom is silent. Tom is silent. Він не має до цього жодного відношення. He has nothing to do with it. He has nothing to do with it. Ви можете мені сказати, що діється? Can you tell me what is happening? Can you tell me what's going on? Думаю, ми були ввічливі. I think we've been polite. I think we were polite. Том сказав, що це буде складно. Tom said it'll be difficult. Tom said it would be difficult. Лейла була дипломованою медсестрою, яка працювала у знаменитому онкологічному центрі. Layla was a registered nurse working for a renowned cancer center. Layla was a registered nurse who worked at the famous cancer center. Том хоче відправитися на полювання. Tom wants to go hunting. Tom wants to go hunting. Ви не проти, якщо я вип'ю ще одну чашку кави? Would you mind my drinking another cup of coffee? Do you mind if I have another cup of coffee? Ти любиш італійську їжу? Do you like Italian food? Do you like Italian food? Цей фрукт несмачний. This fruit doesn't taste good. This fruit tastes bad. Хіба ти не віриш у чудеса? Don't you believe in miracles? Don't you believe in miracles? Я уявив це. I imagined that. I saw it. Я нічого про нього не знаю. I don't know anything about him. I don't know anything about him. Мені цікаво, чи Том вже сказав Мері це зробити. I wonder whether or not Tom has already told Mary to do that. I wonder whether or not Tom has already told Mary to do that. У мене для вас гроші. I have money for you. I have money for you. Це не проблема. That's no problem. It's not a problem. Обіцяй мені, що ти це зробиш. Promise me that you'll do that. Promise me you'll do that. Цей виглядає краще. This one is prettier. This one looks better. Перепрошуємо за те, що ми зробили. We're sorry for what we did. We apologize for what we did. Том та Мері не могли допомогти мені зробити це. Tom and Mary weren't able to help me do that. Tom and Mary couldn't help me do that. Ви пам'ятаєте свою обіцянку? Do you remember your promise? Do you remember your promise? Авраам Лінкольн - відома людина. Abraham Lincoln is a famous person. Abraham Lincoln is a famous man. Том лише учора ввечері зробив Мері пропозицію. Tom proposed to Mary just last night. Tom just proposed to Mary last night. Подивімося, скільки це коштує. Let's see how much it costs. Let's see how much it costs. В мене була відмінна вчителька! I had an excellent teacher! I had a great teacher! Не відчиняйте ці вікна. Don't open those windows. Don't open those windows. Ти говориш на івриті? Do you speak Hebrew? Do you speak Hebrew? Ефект ноцебо - протилежність ефекту плацебо. The nocebo effect is the opposite of the placebo effect. The nocebo effect is the opposite of placebo. У мене дві машини. I have two cars. I have two cars. Пам'ятайте, що ви під присягою. Remember you are under oath. Remember, you are under oath. Китайці надзвичайно працьовиті. The Chinese people are exceptionally hardworking. The Chinese are extremely hardworking. Ти мене слухаєш? Are you listening to me? Are you listening to me? Я зараз дуже слабка. I'm really weak now. I'm very weak now. Мене дуже цікавить еволюція динозаврів. I'm very interested in the evolution of the dinosaurs. I'm very interested in the evolution of dinosaurs. Я думав, це було щось інше. I thought that it was something else. I thought it was something else. Гадаю, ви маєте рацію. I think you're right. I think you're right. Тед довго її чекав. Ted waited for her for a long time. Ted waited for her for a long time. Том знав, що Мері бреше. Tom knew Mary was lying. Tom knew Mary was lying. Я низький. I'm short. I'm short. Том на мене не чекатиме. Tom isn't going to wait for me. Tom isn't going to wait for me. Твої батьки зараз вдома? Are your parents in now? Are your parents at home now? Том нам, здається, не допоможе. It looks as if Tom won't help us. Tom doesn't seem to help us. Я ніколи не бачив такого великого кита. I've never seen such a large whale. I've never seen such a big whale. Який прекрасний сад! What a beautiful garden! What a beautiful garden! Ти єдиний, хто може це зробити. You're the only one who can do this. You're the only one who can do that. Як ви думаєте, як це сталося? How do you think it happened? How do you think this happened? Що ви маєте робити? What do you have to do? What do you have to do? У неї гарний почерк. She has beautiful handwriting. She has beautiful handwriting. Спорт - не моя сильна сторона. I'm not good at sports. Sports aren't my strong side. Том протягнув це Мері. Tom handed it to Mary. Tom pulled this through to Mary. Їжте локшину. Eat noodles. Eat noodles. У Тома є величезний півень. Tom has a huge cock. Tom has a huge cock. Том - фізик. Tom is a physicist. Tom is a physicist. Мені не подобається носити чужий одяг. I do not like wearing anybody else's clothes. I don't like wearing foreign clothes. Як вимовляється ваше ім'я? How is your first name pronounced? How is your name pronounced? Я знаю, що Том був зайнятий. I know Tom was busy. I know Tom was busy. Я не свята. I'm no saint. I'm not a saint. Мері каже, що їй дуже хотілося би перемогти. Mary says she'd love to win. Mary says she'd really like to win. Я не певен, що я з ним згодна. I'm not sure I agree with him. I'm not sure I agree with him. Прийшла весна. Spring has come. Spring has come. Сподіваюся, ви не про мене говорите. I hope you're not talking about me. I hope you're not talking about me. Вона звинуватила мене в тому, що я зробив помилку. She accused me of making a mistake. She accused me of making a mistake. Він любить грати в футбол. He likes playing football. He likes to play football. Том дуже талановитий. Tom has many talents. Tom is very talented. Ти сумуватимеш за Томом. You'll miss Tom. You're going to miss Tom. Будеш? Want one? Want one? Чому ти не допомогаєш? How come you don't help? Why aren't you helping? Я б сказав, найгірше вже позаду. I would say the worst is over. I'd say the worst is over. Що Тому потрібно купити? What does Tom need to buy? What does Tom need to buy? Не можна бути трохи вагітною. You can't be a little pregnant. You can't be a little pregnant. Том робить те, що каже, що зробить. Tom does what he says he'll do. Tom is doing what he says he'll do. Характером Біл схожий на свого батька. Bill resembles his father in character. Bill's character is similar to that of his father. Ти б був дурнем, якби це зробив. You'd be a fool to do that. You'd be a fool to do that. Джордж Вокер Буш був найгіршим президентом в історії Сполучених Штатів. George W. Bush was the worst president in American history. George Walker Bush was the worst president in the history of the United States. Я поїхала до банку. I went to the bank. I went to the bank. Ви колись дивилися сумо? Have you ever watched sumo wrestling? Have you ever watched sumo? Том подрімав. Tom dozed. Tom took a nap. Я звернув увагу. I noticed. I paid attention. Розмноження мене не цікавить. Procreation does not interest me. Multiplication doesn't interest me. Перепрошую, ти не бачила Тома? Excuse me, have you seen Tom? Excuse me, have you seen Tom? У Тома є адвокат. Tom has a lawyer. Tom has a lawyer. Том вірний. Tom is loyal. Tom is faithful. Вона ходить до школи пішки. She walks to school. She goes to school on foot. Я хочу стати вчителькою французької. I want to become a French teacher. I want to become a French teacher. Він не розмовляє англійською, а французькою і поготів. He cannot speak English, much less French. He does not speak English, but French does. Я знав, куди йде Том. I knew where Tom was going. I knew where Tom was going. Я не пам'ятаю, коли його зустрів уперше. I don't remember when I met him before. I don't remember when I first met him. Я особлива. I'm special. I'm special. Том - свиня! Tom is a pig! Tom is a pig! Поговори зі мною. Talk to me. Talk to me. Мері - сильна жінка. Mary is a tough woman. Mary is a strong woman. Хіба ти все ще не одружений? Aren't you still married? Aren't you still married? Кролик сховався за деревом. The rabbit hid behind the tree. The rabbit hid behind the tree. О котрій годині розпочнеться фільм? What time will the movie start? What time will the movie start? Я чув у тебе нова дівчина. I hear you've got a new girlfriend. I heard you have a new girlfriend. Книжка оранжева. The book is orange. The book is orange. Пані Джексон не з'явилася. Miss Jackson did not appear. Mrs. Jackson didn't show up. Вона хоче бути тенісісткою. She wants to be a tennis player. She wants to be a tennis player. Хлопці залишаться хлопцями. Boys will be boys. The boys will stay the boys. Ми вчимося в одному класі. We're in the same class. We are in the same class. Я всього цього не очікувала. I didn't expect all this. I didn't expect all that. Я запитаю Тома з Мері, чи вони хочуть цим зайнятися. I'll ask Tom and Mary if they want to do that. I'll ask Tom and Mary if they want to do that. Дружину Тому звати Мері, а його сина - Джон. Tom's wife's name is Mary and his son's name is John. Tom's wife's name is Mary, and his son is John. Том переконав Мері допомогти Джону. Tom persuaded Mary to help John. Tom convinced Mary to help John. Том добрий учитель. Tom is a good teacher. Tom is a good teacher. Я почекала годину. I waited an hour. I waited an hour. Я не хотіла показувати її Тому. I didn't want to show it to Tom. I didn't want to show it to Tom. У пляшці лишилася салатна олія? Is there any salad oil in the bottle? Is there any salad oil left in the bottle? Я вже достатньо зробив. I've already done enough. I've done enough already. Ймовірно, дощитиме. It'll probably rain. It'll probably rain. Ви знаєте, що в цій коробці? Do you know what's in this box? Do you know what's in this box? Ви маєте вибір. You have a choice. You have a choice. Що виробляє компанія? What does the company produce? What does the company produce? Том не говорив з Мері. Tom didn't speak to Mary. Tom didn't talk to Mary. Запитай спеціаліста. Ask an expert. Ask an expert. Вони тут. They are here. They're here. Скажи їй лишити мене в спокої. Tell her to leave me alone. Tell her to leave me alone. Як ти долучився до цієї справи? How did you get into that business? How did you get involved? Це не так просто зробити, як я думала. It wasn't as easy to do that as I thought it'd be. It's not as easy to do that as I thought it would be. Це окуляри Джеймса. These are James's glasses. These are James' glasses. Том колись працював у Мері. Tom used to work for Mary. Tom used to work for Mary. Я, мабуть, вже мільйон разів чув, як ти це кажеш. I must've heard you say that a million times. I've probably heard you say that a million times. Велика літера використовується на початку речення. A capital letter is used at the beginning of a sentence. A large letter is used at the beginning of a sentence. Я запитую себе, чи я вчинив правильно. I wonder whether or not that was really the right thing to do. I wonder if I did the right thing. Том сказав, що йому сподобалося. Tom said that he enjoyed it. Tom said he liked it. Із великим задоволенням! With great pleasure! With great pleasure! Щось не так? Something wrong? Is something wrong? Том зізнався, що вбив Мері. Tom confessed that he had killed Mary. Tom admitted that he had killed Mary. Мері нечасто користується телефоном. Mary rarely uses her phone. Mary seldom uses her phone. Вона пишається своїм сином. She takes pride in her son. She is proud of her son. Тома попереджали багато разів. Tom has been warned many times. Tom has been warned many times. Я сильніший від вас. I'm stronger than you. I'm stronger than you. Вони втомилися. They're tired. They're tired. Вони всі сіли. They all sat. They all sat down. Том знає, що я не стала би цього робити. Tom knows that I wouldn't do that. Tom knows I wouldn't do that. Я був занадто щасливим, щоб спати. I was too happy to sleep. I was too happy to sleep. Це терміново. This is urgent. It's urgent. Том сказав, де він це зробив? Did Tom say where he did that? Did Tom say where he did it? У мене з'явилася підозра. I got suspicious. I was suspicious. Том, можливо, вже пішов. Tom may have left already. Tom may have left already. Том думав, що Мері поцілує його. Tom thought that Mary was going to kiss him. Tom thought Mary would kiss him. Скільки годин буде потрібно Тому, щоб це зробити? How many hours will it take Tom to do that? How many hours will it take Tom to do that? Ти б це для мене зробила? Would you do that for me? Would you do that for me? Вона поїхала до Італії, щоб вивчити італійську. She went to Italy to learn Italian. She went to Italy to learn Italian. Чому ти це робиш? Why are you doing this? Why are you doing this? Вам нудно? Are you bored? Are you bored? Тому не подобається моя сім'я. Tom doesn't like my family. Tom doesn't like my family. Вона порадила йому кинути пити. She advised him to give up drinking. She advised him to stop drinking. Вона покала ключ до своєї сумочки. She put the key in her bag. She put the key in her purse. Не плутай Австрію і Австралію. Don't confuse Austria with Australia. Don't confuse Austria and Australia. У мене був вибір? Did I have a choice? Did I have a choice? Скажи їм, що ми тут. Tell them we're here. Tell them we're here. Я гарний. I'm beautiful. I'm handsome. Я обожнюю суп. I love soup. I love soup. Я її, а вона моя. I am hers and she is mine. I'm hers and she's mine. Ти вмієш грати на гітарі? Can you play the guitar? Can you play the guitar? Не думаю, що ми маємо це купити. I don't think we should buy this. I don't think we should buy that. Гадаю, Том та Мері не знають одне одного. I think Tom and Mary don't know each other. I think Tom and Mary don't know each other. Я ніколи не забуду Вашу доброту. I shall never forget your kindness. I will never forget your kindness. Зараз же роби своє домашнє завдання. Do your homework right away. Do your homework now. Ми йдемо. We are coming. We're leaving. Ми двоюрідні брати. We are cousins. We're cousins. Річард Докінз - відомий атеїст. Richard Dawkins is a famous atheist. Richard Dawkins is a famous atheist. Вони справді талановиті. They're really gifted. They're really talented. Ми не маємо цього в Європі. We don't have this in Europe. We don't have that in Europe. Я маю кілька друзів із Канади. I have several Canadian friends. I have a few Canadian friends. Я витерла підвіконня паперовим рушником. I wiped the window sill with a paper towel. I wiped it with a paper towel. Мені шкода. I apologize. I'm sorry. Яка сьогодні температура? What's the temperature today? What's the temperature today? Я ненавиджу дітей. I hate children. I hate children. Том розсердився на мене. Tom got angry with me. Tom got angry with me. Я приготував вечерю. I made dinner. I made dinner. Хто вам дав мій номер? Who gave you my number? Who gave you my number? У тебе немає температури. You do not have a fever. You don't have a fever. Це належить вам. This belongs to you. This belongs to you. Як звати вашого батька? What's your father's name? What's your father's name? Ви викликали швидку? Did you call an ambulance? Did you call an ambulance? Дайте мені три шматочки сьомги. Give me three pieces of salmon. Give me three pieces of smog. Це неможливо. Impossible. That's impossible. Я трохи хворий. I'm a little sick. I'm a little sick. Японія імпортує більшу частину енергоресурсів для своїх потреб. Japan imports most of the energy resources it needs. Japan imports most energy for its needs. Я не пам'ятаю, щоб мені заплатили за роботу. I don't remember getting paid for the work. I don't remember being paid for my job. Я хочу, щоб він був живий. I want him alive. I want him alive. Том не виглядав особливо розлюченим. Tom didn't seem to be very mad. Tom didn't seem particularly angry. Кожного дня Том відвозить дітей до школи. Tom drives his kids to school every day. Tom drives his children to school every day. Навіщо ти сюди повернулася? Why did you come back here? Why did you come back here? Ви повернетеся завтра? Will you come back tomorrow? Are you coming back tomorrow? Том навчив мене грати в шахи. Tom taught me how to play chess. Tom taught me to play chess. Том не згадав Мері. Tom didn't remember Mary. Tom didn't mention Mary. Мені можна піти з Томом? Am I allowed to go with Tom? Can I go with Tom? Чому ми також не можемо цього зробити? Why can't we do that, too? Why can't we do that, too? Я пішла від дружини. I left my wife. I left my wife. Прогулянка перед сніданком підбадьорує. A walk before breakfast is refreshing. A walk before breakfast is encouraging. Мій батько вже два місяці лежить у лікарні. My father has been in the hospital for two months. My father has been in the hospital for two months. Ви розповіли Тому, чому хочете поїхати до Бостона? Did you tell Tom why you want to go to Boston? Did you tell Tom why you want to go to Boston? Він зробив протилежне. He did the opposite. He did the opposite. Ти вегетаріанка? Are you vegetarian? Are you vegetarian? Наш найкращий друг - лікар. Our best friend is a doctor. Our best friend is a doctor. Тут нікого немає. No one is here. There's no one here. Вони відмовилися повірити, коли я їм це розповів. They refused to believe what I told them. They refused to believe when I told them that. Я рибалив на Темзі. I fished in the Thames River. I was fishing in the Thames. Цей факт не був відомий дотепер. This fact was not known until now. This fact has not been known until now. Більше всього я люблю літо. I like summer the best. Most of all, I love summer. Я сидів окремо від них. I sat apart from them. I sat apart from them. У вас болить шлунок? Do you have stomach pain? Do you have a stomachache? Том буде з нами в безпеці. Tom is going to be safe with us. Tom will be safe with us. Я три місяці був у комі. I was in a coma for three months. I was in a coma for three months. Хто ти такий, щоб казати мені, що робити? Who are you to tell me what to do? Who are you to tell me what to do? Я себе знаю. I know myself. I know myself. У Тома є новини про Мері. Tom has news about Mary. Tom has news about Mary. Тому ніхто не вірив. Nobody believed Tom. Nobody believed Tom. Нічого нового. Nothing new. Nothing new. Том мені завжди подобався. I always liked Tom. I've always liked Tom. Помасажуйте мені плечі. Rub my shoulders. Snack my shoulders. Я твій тато. I'm your father. I'm your dad. Ви хочете спати? Are you sleepy? Are you sleepy? Том спробував поцілувати Мері. Tom tried to kiss Mary. Tom tried to kiss Mary. Наша команда виграє. Our team is winning. Our team will win. Том дуже напився. Tom got very drunk. Tom got very drunk. Томе, ви на пенсії? Are you retired, Tom? Are you retired, Tom? Том нікого не впустив би до себе додому. Tom wouldn't let anyone in his home. Tom wouldn't let anyone in his house. Том втратив право опіки над своїми дітьми. Tom lost custody of his children. Tom has lost custody of his children. Де ви навчилися читати? When did you learn to read? Where did you learn to read? Як ми перемогли? How did we win? How did we win? Бабусі подобається дивитися телевізор. Grandma likes watching TV. Grandma likes watching TV. Я просто ігнорую її. I just ignore her. I'm just ignoring her. Я провів кілька годин, сидячи на лавці в парку і годуючи птахів. I spent a couple of hours sitting on a bench in the park feeding birds. I spent several hours sitting on a bench in the park feeding the birds. Том постійно нервує. Tom is always nervous. Tom is always nervous. Том сказав нам, щоб ми цим зайнялися. Tom has told us to do that. Tom told us to do that. Я вважаю, що це станеться. I believe that'll happen. I think that'll happen. Який жахливий сон! What a horrible dream! What a terrible dream! Мені подобається блакитний колір. I like the color blue. I like blue. Легко знайшов - легко втратив. That which is easily acquired is easily lost. Easily found, easily lost. Ви набагато швидші, ніж я. You're way faster than me. You're much faster than I am. Том зробить це, лише якщо Мері про це його попросить. Tom will do that only if Mary tells him to. Tom will only do that if Mary asks him to do that. Я не можу заснути. I can't fall asleep. I can't sleep. Літо щойно почалося. Summer has just begun. Summer has just begun. Навіщо вони це роблять? Why do they do this? Why are they doing this? Кухня на третьому поверсі. The kitchen is on the second floor. The kitchen is on the third floor. Автобус на автостанції. The bus is at the bus station. The bus is at the bus station. Щось сталося, поки мене не було? Did anything happen while I was gone? Did something happen while I was gone? Я працюю на городі. I'm working in the garden. I work in the garden. Ти маєш бути гнучким. You have to be flexible. You must be flexible. Я хотів би поговорити з вами наодинці. I'd like to speak with you alone. I'd like to speak with you alone. Хіба ти не хочеш їсти? Don't you want to eat? Aren't you hungry? Я взяв лікарняний. I called in sick. I took the hospital. Він одягнув обручку на палець Мері. He put the ring on Mary's finger. He put a ring on Mary's finger. Дід загинув у Другій світовій війні. My grandfather died in the Second World War. My grandfather died in World War II. У нас є до тебе кілька питань. We have some questions to ask you. We have some questions for you. Том хворий на смертельну хворобу. Tom is terminal. Tom is terminally ill. Мене укусила змія. A snake bit me. I was bitten by a snake. Я подумав, що хтось помер. I thought somebody died. I thought someone died. Я найсильніша. I'm the strongest. I'm the strongest. Скажи, що це не так. Say it ain't so. Tell me it's not true. Мері зняла шкарпетки. Mary removed her socks. Mary took off her socks. Я підозрюю, що він бреше. I suspect that he is lying. I suspect that he's lying. Я поїздив Австралією сам. I traveled around Australia on my own. I traveled around Australia by myself. Я зачиню двері. I'll close the door. I'll close the door. Що було вкрадено? What was stolen? What was stolen? Не напивайся. Don't get drunk. Don't get drunk. Том майже повністю вдягнений. Tom is almost fully dressed. Tom is almost fully dressed. Я брехав. I was lying. I lied. У мене нічого не болить. I'm not in any pain. I don't have any pain. Я не був певен, що має на увазі Том. I wasn't sure what Tom meant. I wasn't sure what Tom meant. Я просто і не знаю, що сказати. I just don't know what to say. I just don't know what to say. Це ані крук, ані ворона, ані сорока. Це грак. It's not a raven, a crow, nor a magpie. It's a rook. It's not a raven, it's not a raven, it's not a magpie. Я приготовала спагеті. I made spaghetti. I made spaghetti. У тебе є олівці? Do you have pencils? Do you have any pencils? Він англієць. He's an Englishman. He is English. Я можу їсти комах. I can eat insects. I can eat insects. Я є в списку. I'm on the list. I'm on the list. З вами легко спілкуватися. You're easy to talk to. You're easy to talk to. Я зустрiв самого президента. I met the president himself. I met the president himself. Мої друзі вважають, що пастафаріанство - це жарт. My friends think Pastafarianism is a joke. My friends think pathafarianism is a joke. Ви в небезпеці, Томе. You're in danger, Tom. You're in danger, Tom. Як миші кота не чують, то по хаті газдують. When the cat's away the mice will play. When the cat is away, the mice play around the house. Ми хочемо, щоб ви повернулися. We want you back. We want you back. Сьогодні вранці я прокинувся рано. I woke up early this morning. I got up early this morning. Мені здається, Том у біді. I think Tom is in trouble. I think Tom is in trouble. Том тебе про щось запитував? Did Tom ask you any questions? Did Tom ask you anything? Шкода, що ти до нас не приєдналася. I wish you had joined us. I wish you'd joined us. Том сказав мені, що ця книга цікава. Tom told me that book is interesting. Tom told me this book was interesting. Музей зараз закритий. The museum is closed now. The museum is now closed. Ти провів Різдво з Томом? Did you spend Christmas with Tom? Did you spend Christmas with Tom? Ви вчитеся кожного дня? Do you study every day? Do you study every day? Том ніколи не був пунктуальним. Tom has never been punctual. Tom has never been punctual. Вона спускалася по сходах. She was coming down the stairs. She was walking down the stairs. Том рішучий. Tom is decisive. Tom is determined. Що таке Татоеба? What is Tatoeba? What Is Tatoeba? Пиши кульковою ручкою. Write with a ballpoint pen. Write with a ball handle. Я виріс в селі. I grew up in the country. I grew up in the country. Іноземцям важко вивчати японську. It is difficult for a foreigner to study Japanese. It is difficult for foreigners to learn Japanese. Я уяви не має, спрацює це чи ні. I have no idea if it'll work or not. I have no idea if this is going to work. Я би це не так сказав. I wouldn't have said it that way. I wouldn't say that. Що ти робитимеш? What'll you be doing? What are you going to do? Я помилився. I was wrong. I made a mistake. Я роблі лише те, що мені сказали зробити. I'm only doing what I've been told to do. All I knew was what I was told to do. Їй бракує почуття прекрасного. She is lacking in sense of beauty. She lacks a sense of beauty. Він змінив моє життя. He changed my life. He changed my life. Хіба мені також не слід бути там? Shouldn't I be there, too? Shouldn't I be there, too? Машина Тома застрягла у багнюці. Tom's car got stuck in the mud. Tom's car is stuck in the mud. Це одрук. Перепрошую. It's a typo. Sorry. It's a print. I'm sorry. Том сказав мені, що він не може цього зробити. Tom told me he couldn't do that. Tom told me he couldn't do that. Мері любить романтичні комедії. Mary likes romantic comedies. Mary likes romantic comedy. Ми знайшли сліди на піску. We found the footprints in the sand. We found footprints on the sand. Я не буду це їсти. I'm not eating this. I won't eat it. Ти вчора говорив з Томом? Did you talk to Tom yesterday? Did you talk to Tom yesterday? Який браузер ви використовуєте? What browser are you using? Which browser are you using? Привіт, Томе. Hi, Tom. Hi, Tom. Звідки ти знаєш, що тобі не потрібний особистий охоронець? How do you know that you don't need a bodyguard? How do you know you don't need a bodyguard? Моя жінка з Польщі. My wife is Polish. My wife is from Poland. Це від них? Is that from them? Is that from them? Хапай це. Grab that. Grab this. Прийміть, будь ласка, цей скромний подарунок. Please accept this little gift. Please accept this humble gift. Мені дуже потрібно з вами поговорити. I really need to talk to you. I really need to talk to you. Небо вкрите хмарами. The sky is covered with clouds. The sky is covered with clouds. Це була моя провина. It was my fault. It was my fault. Я, напевно, говорю французькою краще, ніж Том. I probably speak French better than Tom. I must speak French better than Tom. Цей експеримент варто спробувати зробити. This experiment is worth trying. This experiment is worth trying to do. Він уміє грати на гітарі. He is able to play the guitar. He can play the guitar. Хіба ви не готові починати? Aren't you ready to start? Aren't you ready to begin? У цьому ящику нічого немає. There's nothing in this drawer. There's nothing in this box. Я побачив там дивну жінку. I saw a strange woman there. I saw a strange woman there. Існує секретний прохід. There's a secret passage. There's a secret passage. Дивись не припустися такої ж помилки. See to it that you don't make the same mistake. Don't make the same mistake. Потяг ще не прибув. The train hasn't arrived yet. The train hasn't arrived yet. Ти закохаєшся у Бразилію. You're going to fall in love with Brazil. You're going to fall in love with Brazil. Як звати твою ляльку? What's your doll's name? What's your doll's name? Вона допомогла приготувати обід. She helped cook lunch. She helped prepare lunch. Том звиклий до спеки. Tom is used to the heat. Tom is used to the heat. Ти починаєш мене дратувати. You are beginning to annoy me. You're starting to annoy me. Я думаю, що під столом є вода. I think that there is water under the table. I think there's water under the table. Чого ти п'єш більше, кави чи чаю? Which do you drink more, coffee or tea? What do you drink more, coffee or tea? Це будинок батька. This is my father's house. It's my father's house. Я фін. I'm Finnish. I'm Finnish. Том зробив бутерброди. Tom made some sandwiches. Tom made sandwiches. Водій автобуса відчинив двері. The bus driver opened the door. The bus driver opened the door. Їй це сподобалося. She liked that. She liked it. Як там концерт? How was the concert? How was the concert? Я єдина, кому ви можете довіряти. I'm the only one you can trust. I'm the only one you can trust. Коли у тебе був час займатися чим? When did you have time to do that? When did you have time to do what? Вона зробила радіо тихіше. She turned down the radio. She turned down the radio. Він зробив п'ять помилок у п'ятьох рядках. He made five mistakes in as many lines. He made five mistakes in five lines. Покинути корабель! Abandon ship! Leave ship! Я розумію, ти жартував. I see, you were joking. I understand, you were joking. Ти вже доробив домашнє завдання? Have you already finished your homework? Have you finished your homework yet? Якщо ти не дивишся телевізор, я його вимкну. If you're not watching the TV, I'll turn it off. If you don't watch TV, I'll turn it off. Я теж не хотіла йти. I didn't want to go either. I didn't want to go either. Ви його знаєте? Do you know him? Do you know him? "Мадам Батерфляй" поставили в Нагасакі. 'Madame Butterfly' is set in Nagasaki. "Madam Batterfire" was placed in Nagasaki. Нема за що. You are welcome. You're welcome. Чому б тобі не зайти й не зачекати? Why don't you come inside and wait? Why don't you come in and wait? Про Вашого сина добре подбають. Your son will be well taken care of. Your son will be well taken care of. Ви не писали йому листа? Didn't you write a letter to him? Didn't you write him a letter? Мій дядько купив мені цю книгу. My uncle bought me this book. My uncle bought me this book. Том поводиться як злюка. Tom is being mean. Tom is being mean. Ти щось попоїв? Have you had anything to eat? Did you eat something? Скільки машин у Тома та Мері? How many cars do Tom and Mary have? How many cars do Tom and Mary have? Сьогодні дуже тепло. Today is very warm. It's very warm today. Твої гості чекають. Your guests are waiting. Your guests are waiting. Том алкаш. Tom is a lush. Tom is a drinker. Ви не зрозумієте. You won't understand. You won't understand. Хочеш бутерброд? Do you want a sandwich? Do you want a sandwich? Я хотів би побачити вашу маму. I would like to see your mother. I'd like to see your mother. Як ти плануєш відсвяткувати? How do you plan to celebrate? How do you plan to celebrate? Ви живете неподалік? Do you live around here? Do you live near here? Том і гадки не мав, що Мері була в Бостоні. Tom had no idea Mary was in Boston. Tom had no idea that Mary was in Boston. Він дав мені трохи хліба і молока. He gave me some bread, also some milk. He gave me some bread and milk. У мене є піаніно. I have a piano. I have a piano. Том піде першим. Tom will go first. Tom is going to go first. Усі були зайняті. Everyone was busy. Everyone was busy. Її старша донька заміжня. Her older daughter is married. Her oldest daughter is married. Вони отримали за це гроші. They get money for it. They got money for it. Я не маю кулькових ручок. I don't have any pens. I don't have any ball handle. Як тобі моє плаття? How do you like my gown? How do you like my dress? Мене дивує, що ти виграв приз. I'm surprised that you won the prize. I'm surprised you won the prize. Мені здається, все ще існує імовірність того, що це станеться. I think there's still a chance that that'll happen. I think that there's still a chance that'll happen. Зараз сезон полуниці. Strawberries are in season now. It's strawberries season. Ваші документи? May I see your identification? Your papers? Нью-Йорк варто відвідати. New York is worth visiting. New York is worth a visit. Я не буваю в центрі міста. I don't go downtown. I'm not going downtown. Вона важить 54 кілограми. She weighs 120 pounds. She weighs 54 kilograms. О, не переймайся цим. Oh, don't worry about it. Oh, don't worry about it. Ти віриш у привидів? Do you believe in ghosts? Do you believe in ghosts? Ми цього не робитимемо. We're not going to do that. We're not going to do that. "Досить!" "Я хочу ще!" "Enough!" "I want more!" "That's enough!" "I want more!" Я подарував сестрі на день народження перламутрове намисто. I gave my sister a pearl necklace on her birthday. I gave my sister a pearl necklace for her birthday. Я сказав це жартома. I said that as a joke. I said it as a joke. Англійська складніша від японської? Is English more difficult than Japanese? Is English more difficult than Japanese? У мене ще немає подарунка для Тома. I don't have a present for Tom yet. I don't have a present for Tom yet. На сніданок в мене завжди кава й тост. I always have coffee and toast for breakfast. I always have coffee and toast for breakfast. Чому ми уповільнюємося? Why are we slowing down? Why Do We Slow Down? М'ясо жорстке. The meat is tough. The meat is tough. Сподіватимуся на краще. I will hope for the best. I'll hope for the best. Підозрюю, Том на нас не чекатиме. I suspect that Tom won't wait for us. I suspect Tom won't wait for us. Том був моїм героєм. Tom was my hero. Tom was my hero. Хто ці повстанці? Who are these rebels? Who are these rebels? Я люблю ходити пішки. I like to walk. I like walking. Ми їмо ротом. We eat with our mouths. We eat with our mouth. Вітер віє. The wind blows. The wind blows. Чому ти просто не пішла? Why didn't you just leave? Why didn't you just leave? Я знав, що це займе багато часу. I knew it was going to take a lot of time. I knew it would take a long time. Копи тут. The cops are here. The cops are here. Здається, піде дощ. It looks like it's going to rain. It looks like it's going to rain. Що ти пам'ятаєш про Тома? What do you remember about Tom? What do you remember about Tom? Вони поїхали до лікарні. They went to the hospital. They went to the hospital. Я ніколи більше не хочу почуватися так, як зараз. I never want to feel like this again. I never want to feel like this again. У підсумку я виграла. I ended up winning. I ended up winning. У Тома немає жодних шансів, чи не так? Tom has no chance, right? Tom doesn't have any chance, does he? Ані Том, ані Мері не вміють водити. Neither Tom nor Mary can drive. Neither Tom nor Mary can drive. Том і Мері вижили. Tom and Mary survived. Tom and Mary survived. Насправді, Том цього не зробив. Tom didn't actually do that. Tom didn't really do that. Літак на аеродромі. The plane is at the airport. The plane's on the airfield. Я не думала. I wasn't thinking. I wasn't thinking. Я була дуже обережна. I was very careful. I was very careful. Що б ти хотів сьогодні з'їсти? What would you like to eat today? What would you like to eat today? Їй можна довіряти? Can she be trusted? Can she be trusted? Том не знає, коли Мері повернеться. Tom doesn't know when Mary will come back. Tom doesn't know when Mary will be back. Том сказав, що не хоче пити. Tom said he isn't thirsty. Tom said he wasn't thirsty. Том його з'їв. Tom ate it. Tom ate it. Том молодий та талановитий. Tom is young and talented. Tom is young and talented. Я рада, що ви наш тренер. I'm glad you're our coach. I'm glad you're our coach. Ви мусите робити все, що Том вам каже робити. You must do everything Tom tells you to do. You have to do everything Tom tells you to do. Принеси книжку мені, а не Тому. Bring the book to me, not to Tom. Bring me a book, not Tom. Ніхто вас не образить. No one will hurt you. No one's going to hurt you. Я сьогодні не голосуватиму. I won't be voting today. I won't vote today. Німеччина межує з Нідерландами. Germany adjoins the Netherlands. Germany borders the Netherlands. Мені байдуже, чим ви займаєтеся. I don't care what you do. I don't care what you do. Том не заперечує проти того, щоб ми пішли. Tom has no objection to our leaving. Tom doesn't mind us leaving. Це не неможливо. It's not impossible. It's not impossible. Японець ніколи б не зробив такого. A Japanese would never do such a thing. A Japanese would never do that. Том чекає на зупинці автобуса. Tom is waiting at the bus stop. Tom is waiting for the bus to come. Том був алкоголіком. Tom was a drunk. Tom was an alcoholic. Мій дід уп'ятеро старший за мене. My grandfather is five times as old as I am. My grandfather is five times as old as I am. Я думав, Том розсердиться. I thought Tom would be angry. I thought Tom would be angry. Де Том ховається ? Where's Tom hiding? Where's Tom hiding? Том заварив чайник з кавою. Tom made a pot of coffee. Tom made a teapot with coffee. Я теж Том. My name's Tom, too. I'm Tom, too. Не піддавайтесь на провокації. Don't let yourself be provoked. Do not give in to provocation. Том все ще може мати шанс. Tom might still have a chance. Tom may still have a chance. Ми й справді хочему йти до будинку Тома пішки? Do we really want to walk to Tom's house? Do we really want to walk to Tom's house? Том купив кілька книжок та дав їх Мері. Tom bought a couple of books and gave them to Mary. Tom bought some books and gave them to Mary. Ти Том? Are you Tom? Are you Tom? Гадаю, Том відвідає Бостон. I think Tom will visit Boston. I think Tom will visit Boston. Населення світу збільшується з року в рік. The world's population is growing from year to year. The world's population has increased from year to year. Я витратив лише три долари. I only spent three dollars. I only spent three dollars. Я знаю, що ти не такий. I know you're not like that. I know you're not like that. Вона одружилася, коли їй було двадцять п'ять років. She got married when she was twenty-five. She got married at the age of 25. Ти б цього не зробив. You wouldn't do that. You wouldn't do that. Жінка їсть хліб. The woman is eating bread. The woman is eating bread. Вони нещасні. They're not happy. They're miserable. Він одружився зі стюардесою. He married a stewardess. He married a stewardess. Ти сказав Тому, що ти це зробив? Did you tell Tom that you did it? Did you tell Tom you did that? Я цього не хотіла! I didn't want it. I didn't want that! Не думаю, що Том захоче поїхати з тобою до Бостона. I don't think Tom will want to go to Boston with you. I don't think Tom will want to go to Boston with you. Ми обожнюємо каву. We love coffee. We love coffee. Що ще можна сказати? What more can be said? What else can we say? "Це твої книжки?" - "Ні, не мої." "Are those your books?" "No, they aren't." "Are these your books?" "No, they're not mine." Том із Мері кажуть, що їм сказали залишитися. Tom and Mary say they've been told to stay. Tom and Mary say they were told to stay. Можете мені передати сіль? Can you pass me the salt? Can you pass me the salt? Вони не мали іншого виходу, окрім вибачитися. They had no other resource but to apologize. They had no choice but to apologize. Не думаю, що ти будеш розчарований. I don't think that you'll be disappointed. I don't think you'll be disappointed. Вона завжди усміхається. She is always smiling. She always smiles. Не можу обійтися без цього словника. I cannot do without this dictionary. I can't do without this dictionary. Скільки ти витрачаєш, коли їж не вдома? How much do you spend when you go out to eat? How much do you spend when you eat out? Я знаю, про що ви думаєте. I know what you are thinking. I know what you're thinking. Скільки ще Тому сидіти? How much longer will Tom be in prison? How much longer will Tom stay? У Тома дуже мало близьких друзів. Tom has very few close friends. Tom has very few close friends. Десять років тому його теорія не була б загальноприйнятою. Ten years ago his theory would not have been generally accepted. Ten years ago, his theory would not have been accepted. Можеш почати завтра? Can you start tomorrow? Can you start tomorrow? Це не я написав цього листа. I'm not the one who wrote this letter. I'm not the one who wrote this letter. У них дві кішки. They have two cats. They have two cats. Це була моя найгірша помилка. I couldn't have been more wrong. It was my worst mistake. Випустіть мене! Let me out! Let me out! Вам треба сісти на цей автобус, щоб дістатись музею. You have to get on that bus to go to the museum. You have to get on this bus to get to the museum. Ти красивіший за мене. You're prettier than me. You're more beautiful than me. Вони збудували міст. They constructed a bridge. They built a bridge. Він наш. It's ours. He's ours. Я не можу чекати до наступного тижня. I can't wait till next week. I can't wait until next week. Хто це? Who is that? Who's that? Ти повинен бути тут до п'ятої години. You must be here till five. You must be here by five o'clock. Я купив цю книгу за десять доларів. I bought the book for ten dollars. I bought this book for ten dollars. Том бідний. Tom is poor. Tom is poor. У Тома до тебе почуття. Tom has a thing for you. Tom has feelings for you. Заспокойся! Calm down! Calm down! Том живе сам у великому будинку. Tom lives alone in a big house. Tom lives alone in a big house. Видаліть, будь ласка, це речення. Please delete this sentence. Please remove this sentence. Том ненавидить диференціальні рівняння. Tom hates calculus. Tom hates differential equations. Він завжди замовляє одне й те саме. He always orders the same thing. He always orders the same thing. Її голос приємно слухати. Her voice is pleasant to listen to. Her voice is pleasant to listen to. Почувши новину, вона заридала. She burst into tears to hear the news. When she heard the news, she screamed. Ви двоє часто сперечаєтеся? Do you two often argue? Do you two often argue? Книжка он там. The book is over there. The book is over there. Ти це явно не серйозно. You can't be serious. You're obviously not serious. Томе, прокидайтеся. Wake up, Tom! Tom, wake up. Його ім'я Том. His name's Tom. His name is Tom. Я так від вас відрізняюся? Am I so different from you? Am I so different from you? Мені здається, ти мене неправильно зрозумів. I think you misunderstood me. I think you misunderstood me. Вона підзакохалася у Джастіна Трудо. She has a crush on Justin Trudeau. She fell in love with Justin Trudeau. Не знаючи, що робити, я попрохав його поради. Not knowing what to do, I asked for his advice. Not knowing what to do, I asked for his advice. Нащо ти їси це сміття? Why are you eating this garbage? Why are you eating this trash? Німеччина - федеративна держава. Germany is a federal state. Germany is a federal state. Робити це немає необхідності. It's unnecessary to do that. It's not necessary to do that. Що саме ти намагаєшся сказати? What is it you're trying to say? What exactly are you trying to say? Вже майже час починати. It's about time to start. It's almost time to start. Ми на мілі? Are we broke? Are we broke? Мені нічого не обіцяли. I haven't been promised anything. I didn't get any promises. Я покликав маму. I called my mother. I called my mother. Він сильніший від мене. He is stronger than me. He's stronger than me. Сталося щось дивне? Has anything strange happened? Did something strange happen? Він живе за містом. He lives outside the city. He lives outside the city. Том уже у потязі. Tom is already on the train. Tom is already on the train. Я дійсно сподіваюся, що не маю рації. I really hope I'm wrong. I really hope I'm wrong. Який твій улюблений літній вид спорту? What's your favorite summer sport? What's your favorite summer sport? Ти казала їм про це? Did you tell them about this? Did you tell them about it? Ви любите білий шоколад? Do you like white chocolate? Do you like white chocolate? Яке дикарство! How barbaric! What savagery! Том спробував залізти на високе дерево. Tom tried to climb the tall tree. Tom tried to climb a tall tree. Спрацювало? Did that work? Did it work? Зателефонуйте Тому негайно. Call up Tom right away. Call Tom immediately. Добраніч, і гарних тобі снів. Good night and sleep well. Good night and good dreams. Дай-но я спробую. Let me try it. Let me try. Ти плануєш це робити? Do you plan to do that? Are you planning to do that? Я не хочу вас бачити на своїй вечірці. I don't want you at my party. I don't want to see you at my party. Ви б краще припинили це робити. You'd better stop doing that. You'd better stop doing that. Не телефонуйте мені, коли я в офісі. Don't phone me when I'm at the office. Don't call me when I'm in the office. Том дуже винахідливий. Tom is very inventive. Tom is very resourceful. Мені подобається твій план. I like your plan. I like your plan. Він тут живе? Does he live here? Does he live here? Ви почуваєте себе хворою? Are you feeling sick? Do you feel sick? Тому винесуть вирок у понеділок. Tom will be sentenced on Monday. Tom will be sentenced on Monday. Він завжди хотів вивчати японську. He always wanted to study Japanese. He always wanted to learn Japanese. Том знав, що переможе. Tom knew that he would win. Tom knew he'd win. Том тебе не залишить. Tom won't leave you. Tom won't leave you. Том каже, що він дуже зайнятий. Tom says he's very busy. Tom says he's very busy. Я якось спробував це зробити таким чином. I tried to do it that way once. I tried doing it this way once. Він щоранку вигулює свого собаку. He walks his dog every morning. He walks his dog every morning. Я інколи роблю це після уроків. Sometimes I do that after school. I sometimes do that after school. Що маєш? What've you got? What do you got? Мешканці села вийшли на пошуки дитини, що зникла. The villagers went in search of the missing child. The villagers went out looking for the missing child. Запитайте Мері, де вона. Ask Mary where she is. Ask Mary where she is. Гаразд. That's fine. Okay. Він підняв руку. He raised his hand. He raised his hand. Риби - холоднокровні тварини. Fish are cold-blooded animals. Fish are cold-blooded animals. А що, якщо проблема - це вони? What if the problem is them? What if the problem is them? Хіба ви сьогодні ввечері не йдете з дому? Aren't you going out tonight? Aren't you leaving home tonight? Хто відправив це повідомлення? Who sent this message? Who sent this message? Що там у тебе в тій коробці? What do you have in that box? What do you have in that box? Я хотів би карту міста. I'd like a city map. I'd like a map of the city. Знайди відмінності. Find the differences. Find the differences. Том не міг знайти вимикач. Tom couldn't find the light switch. Tom couldn't find the switch. Ви сказали Тому, що я жартував? Did you tell Tom I was joking? Did you tell Tom I was joking? У мене було три варіанти. I had three options. I had three options. Ми потрапили до пастки. We're trapped. We fell into a trap. Виправ помилки, якщо вони є. Correct errors, if any. Correct the errors if there are any. Чи п'ють чай у вашій країні? Do people drink tea in your country? Do you drink tea in your country? Я можу позичити твою машину? Could I borrow your car? Can I borrow your car? Йди повільно. Walk slowly. Go slow. Я ображений. I'm offended. I'm offended. Я зробила би це, якби ви мене не зупинили. I would have gone through with it if you hadn't stopped me. I would've done it if you hadn't stopped me. Можеш замовкнути? Can you shut up? Will you shut up? Я чув, що Том поїхав до Австралії. I heard that Tom went to Australia. I heard that Tom went to Australia. Тварини біжуть. The animals are running. Animals run. Том не зобов'язаний вибачатися перед Мері. Tom doesn't have to apologize to Mary. Tom doesn't have to apologize to Mary. Ви побачите різницю. You will see the difference. You'll see the difference. Я його не цілувала. Він поцілував мене. I didn't kiss him. He kissed me. I didn't kiss him. He kissed me. Чому Том не хоче, щоб я це зробив? Why doesn't Tom want me to do that? Why doesn't Tom want me to do that? Тому пікнік не сподобався. Tom didn't like the picnic. Tom didn't like the picnic. Я про тебе чув стільки всьго поганого. I've heard so many bad things about you. I've heard so much bad about you. Землетруси та потопи - стихійні лиха. Earthquakes and floods are natural disasters. Earthquakes and floods are natural disasters. Том сумнівається в тому, що Мері сьогодні прийде. Tom doubts if Mary will come today. Tom doubts that Mary will come today. Треба ділитися. Sharing is caring. We have to share. Том зараз у гіршому становищі, ніж раніше. Tom is worse off now than before. Tom is worse now than he was. Тебе неправильно зрозуміли. You're misunderstood. You've been misunderstood. Звідки ти знаєш, що вони канадці? How do you know they're Canadians? How do you know they're Canadians? Це все було лише брехнею. That was all just a lie. It was all just a lie. Не питайте мене чому. Don't ask me why. Don't ask me why. Перепрошую, що не зателефонувала вчора ввечері. I'm sorry I didn't call last night. I'm sorry I didn't call last night. Здається, Том знову п'яний. It looks like Tom is drunk again. Tom seems to be drunk again. Мері сказала, що вона в порядку. Mary said she's well. Mary said she's OK. З'ясувалось, що мені не вдається придумувати цікаві речення про ядерну зброю. I found out I can't make up interesting sentences about nuclear weapons. It turned out that I was unable to come up with interesting sentences about nuclear weapons. Я зараз на чергувані. I am on duty now. I'm on duty now. Я знаю, що Том жадібний. I know Tom is greedy. I know Tom is greedy. Гей, я лише жартую. Hey, I'm only kidding. Hey, I'm just kidding. Я думав, ви допоможете. I thought you were going to help. I thought you were going to help. Вони їхали за тобою. They followed you. They were following you. Дай мені закурити цигарку. Let me have a cigarette. Let me smoke a cigarette. У кожного є улюблений напій. Everybody has their favorite drink. Everyone has a favorite drink. Вибирай плаття, яке ти хочеш. Choose any dress you like. Choose the dress you want. Я хотів би, щоб ви мене їй представили. I would like you to introduce me to her. I'd like you to introduce me to her. Як довго, на твою думку, ми будемо змушені чекати? How long do you think we'll have to wait? How long do you think we'll have to wait? Том зробив усе, що міг. Tom did all he could do. Tom did everything he could. Ти мав рацію. You were right. You were right. Припини на мене кричати. Stop yelling at me. Stop yelling at me. Том червоніє. Tom is blushing. Tom is getting red. Я тебе кохав. I loved you. I loved you. Мені байдуже. It makes no difference to me. I don't care. Ми не можемо говорити просто зараз. We can't talk right now. We can't talk right now. Я вам коли-небудь розповідав про Тома? Did I ever tell you about Tom? Did I ever tell you about Tom? Я не дослухалася до власної поради. I didn't follow my own advice. I didn't follow my own advice. Том геть не сором'язливий. Tom isn't shy at all. Tom isn't shy at all. Тома, здається, турбує його вага. Tom seems to be worried about his weight. Tom seems to worry about his weight. Будь здоровий! Gesundheit! Bless you! У неї нещасний вигляд. She looks unhappy. She looks unhappy. Фадль про це пошкодує. Fadil is going to regret this. Fadil will regret it. Заспівайте щось, будь ласка. Sing something, please. Please sing something. Хто тут найшвидший? Who is the fastest one here? Who's the fastest one here? Том сьогодні важко працює. Tom is working hard today. Tom works hard today. Він часто згадував її ім'я. Her name was often on his lips. He often mentioned her name. Я знаю, що не так. I know what's wrong. I know what's wrong. Це дуже смачно. It tastes very great. It's very delicious. У тебе є будильник? Do you have an alarm clock? Do you have an alarm clock? Ви не втрачали часу. You lost no time. You didn't waste any time. Я вищий від нього. I'm taller than him. I'm taller than he is. Том каже, що не може цього зробити. Tom says he can't do that. Tom says he can't do that. Що зробили би ви на моєму місці? What would you do if you were in my place? What would you have done in my place? Задорого! It's too expensive. Too expensive! Я не маю найменшої уяви. I don't have the slightest clue. I don't have the slightest idea. Цей переклад правильний? Is this translation correct? Is this translation correct? Ви любите сир? Do you like cheese? Do you like cheese? Ви ж канадійка? You're Canadian, right? You're Canadian, aren't you? Я чудово провів цей вечір. I had a good time this evening. I had a wonderful evening. Я вступив на службу до флоту. I joined the navy. I joined the Navy. Я вирішив сказати йому, що я її кохаю. I decided to tell him that I love her. I decided to tell him that I love her. Можна вас поцілувати? May I kiss you? Can I kiss you? Ми обоє - і я, і моя дружина - хочемо це зробити. My wife and I both want to do that. Both my wife and I want to do that. Том говорить французькою так само добрей, як і ти. Tom speaks French as well as you. Tom speaks French as well as you. Я дуже тобі вдячний за те, що ти зробив учора. I appreciate what you did yesterday. I appreciate what you did yesterday. У нас немає проблем. We don't have a problem. We don't have a problem. Ти сказав Тому про пожежу? Did you tell Tom about the fire? Did you tell Tom about the fire? Чому я повинен це зробити? Why should I have to do that? Why should I do that? Я вже не знаю, чому вірити. I don't know what to believe anymore. I don't know what to believe anymore. Це словник, яким я користуюся щодня. This is the dictionary I use every day. This is the dictionary that I use every day. Наскільки довго ти був зайнятий? How long have you been busy? How long were you busy? Будь-ласка, покладіть книгу на полицю. Please put the book on the shelf. Please put the book on the shelf. Майк любить грати в баскетбол. Mike likes to play basketball. Mike likes to play basketball. Том може скористатися моїм комп'ютером, якщо хоче. Tom can use my computer if he wants. Tom can use my computer if he wants to. Що саме вам треба? What is it you need? What exactly do you want? Не знаю, чи слід викликати поліцію. I wonder whether or not I should call the police. I don't know if I should call the police. Можна мені вибрати стіл біля вікна? Can I pick the desk by the window? May I choose a table by the window? Я заплатив п'ять доларів за цю книгу. I paid five dollars for this book. I paid five dollars for this book. Я розслаблена. I'm relaxed. I'm relaxed. Я навіть написала йому листа. I even wrote a letter to him. I even wrote a letter to him. Мені дуже подобається жартувати. I really like telling jokes. I really like joking. Я вчора вперше зустрів його. I met him yesterday for the first time. I first met him yesterday. Мені цікаво, чи Том сказав Мері, що вона має це зробити. I wonder whether Tom has told Mary she has to do that or not. I wonder whether or not Tom has told Mary she has to do that. Формула дуже зручна, тому що про неї не треба думати. A formula is very convenient, because you need not think about it. The formula is very comfortable because you don't have to think about it. Том чхнув. Tom sneezed. Tom sneezed. Я би ніколи не зробила такої помилки. I would never make that kind of mistake. I would never make that mistake. Не розмовляй із незнайомцями. Don't talk to strangers. Don't talk to strangers. Я пила з крану. I drank from the tap. I drank from the tap. Хіба ти не любиш купатися? Don't you like swimming? Don't you like swimming? Він вивчає математику. He studies mathematics. He studies mathematics. Я такий дурний. I'm so stupid. I'm so stupid. Я дуже поважаю свого учителя. I respect my teacher very much. I have great respect for my teacher. Том продовжив читати. Tom went on reading. Tom kept reading. Я хотів би взяти напрокат компактну машину. I'd like to rent a compact car. I'd like to rent a compact car. Хто піде? Who'll go? Who's going? Давай влаштуємо вечірку на День народження Тома. Let's get up a party for Tom's birthday. Let's have Tom's birthday party. Я завжди допомагав Тому. I've always helped Tom. I've always helped Tom. Я сховався під столом. I hid under the table. I hid under the table. Том був розлучений. Tom was divorced. Tom was divorced. Ти видаєшся доволі щасливим. You seem happy enough. You seem quite happy. Я хочу, щоб Том пішов. I want Tom to leave. I want Tom to leave. Всі сказали, що я не маю рації. Everyone said that I was wrong. Everybody said I was wrong. Не говоріть так із Томом. Don't talk to Tom that way. Don't talk to Tom like that. Ніхто не знає чому. No one can tell the reason. No one knows why. Я наступна. I'm next. I'm next. Дональд Трамп - відомий бізнесмен. Donald Trump is a famous business person. Donald Trump is a prominent businessman. Том майже не їсть огірки. Tom almost never eats cucumbers. Tom barely eats cucumbers. Він не мав чого сказати вчителю. He didn't have anything to say to the teacher. He had nothing to say to his teacher. Я бачила, як Мері вбила Тома. I saw Mary kill Tom. I saw Mary kill Tom. Як можна знайти їжу в космосі? How do you find food in outer space? How can we find food in space? Знайди це. Find it. Find it. Я в цьому впевнена. I'm sure of it. I'm sure of that. Минулого тижня я купив нову машину. I bought a new car last week. I bought a new car last week. Том дуже відверта людина. Tom is a very outspoken person. Tom is a very frank person. Том був трохи п'яний. Tom was a little drunk. Tom was a little drunk. Я готовий до найгіршого. I am prepared for the worst. I'm ready for the worst. Краще не довіряти Тому. It's better not to trust Tom. You'd better not trust Tom. Скільки вам потрібно ножів? How many knives do you need? How many knives do you need? Скільки серій "Ван Піс" ти бачив? How many episodes of One Piece have you watched? How many serial Van Pis have you seen? Вона подарувала йому светер. She gave him a sweater. She gave him a sweater. Ми були дуже задоволені. We were very happy. We were very happy. Емоційний шантаж - це аморальний спосіб для примусу інших людей робити те, що ти від них хочеш. Emotional blackmail is an immoral way of getting people to do what you want them to. Emotional blackmail is an immoral way of forcing other people to do what you want them to do. Це схоже на дію вірусу. That looks like the work of a virus. It's like a virus. Я не хочу до в'язниці. I don't want to go to jail. I don't want to go to jail. Іноді я розмовляю з моїм сусідом через паркан. I sometimes talk to my neighbor across the fence. Sometimes I talk to my neighbor over the fence. Мої діти в школі. My children are at school. My children are at school. Я знаю, що Том тобі сказав. I know what Tom told you. I know what Tom told you. Воно гаряче? Is it hot? Is it hot? Наша кінцева мета - мир в усьому світі. Our ultimate goal is to establish world peace. Our ultimate goal is peace all over the world. Том сказав мені, що, на його думку, Мері сексуальна. Tom told me that he thought that Mary was hot. Tom told me that he thought Mary was hot. Я все ще користуюся ручкою, яку ти мені дала три роки тому. I'm still using the pen you gave me three years ago. I'm still using the pen you gave me three years ago. Можня я сяду поруч з вами? Can I sit next to you? May I sit next to you? Яка ваша професія? What is your occupation? What's your profession? Про що саме ти її запитала? What exactly did you ask her? What exactly did you ask her? Том розповів усім, що боїться лоскоту. Tom told everybody he was ticklish. Tom told everybody he was ticklish. Відрийте пакет, будь ласка. Please open the package. Open the package, please. Ти не повинен на нього кричати. You must not shout at him. You don't have to yell at him. Хутко! Come quick! Hurry! Хто йому скаже? Who's going to tell him? Who's going to tell him? Та ну його до біса. Ah, screw it. Fuck him. Більша частина роботи вже зроблена. Most of the work is already done. Most of the work is already done. Мері - художниця. Mary is an artist. Mary is an artist. Сьогодні зранку я пішов у парк. I went to a park this morning. I went to the park this morning. Я сподобалася вчителю. The teacher liked me. I liked the teacher. Я не можу вам нічого обіцяти. I can't make you any promises. I can't promise you anything. Том, здавалося, не розумів, що я мав на увазі. Tom didn't seem to understand what I meant. Tom didn't seem to understand what I meant. З ким ти говориш? Who are you talking with? Who are you talking to? Я втомився грати. I'm tired of playing. I'm tired of playing. Ходімо до мечеті. Let's go to the mosque. Let's go to the mosque. Ви сказали Тому покосити траву на газоні? Did you tell Tom to mow the lawn? Did you tell Tom to mow the lawn? Ви його брат, чи не так? You are his brother, right? You're his brother, aren't you? За нами хтось їде. Somebody is following us. Someone's following us. Я не знала, що Тома не буде. I didn't know Tom would be absent. I didn't know Tom would be absent. Зі мною все добре. I'm fine. I'm fine. Ганьба! Shame on you. Shame! Ви здуріли? Have you lost your reason? Are you crazy? Лідер партії - відомий вчений. The leader of the party is a famous scientist. The party leader is a famous scientist. Ми всі з тобою згодні. We all agree with you. We all agree with you. Я маю акваріум. I have a fish tank. I have an aquarium. Це важлива подія. This is an important event. It's an important event. Мені платять, щоб я це робив. I get paid to do this. I'm paid to do that. Все складно. Everything is complicated. It's complicated. Не йди додому одна. Don't walk home by yourself. Don't go home alone. Я показав Тому Бостон. I showed Tom around Boston. I showed Tom Boston. Важко сказати, що робитиме Том. It's hard to tell what Tom is going to do. It's hard to say what Tom will do. Це не занадто. It's not too much. It's not too much. Я єдина, хто мала цим займатися. I'm the only person who had to do that. I'm the only one who had to do that. Я говорю шведською. I speak Swedish. I speak Swedish. Він жив у центрі Лондона. He lived in central London. He lived in the center of London. Я хотіла зробити більше. I wanted to do more. I wanted to do more. Підеш з Томом? Are you going to go with Tom? Will you go with Tom? Який у вас улюблений телесеріал? What's your favorite TV series? What's your favorite TV series? У мене відпустка. I'm on vacation. I'm on vacation. Том любить плавати. Tom likes to swim. Tom likes swimming. Діти люблять фруктові соки. Children like fruit juice. Children love fruit juices. Ти мені не друг. You are not my friend. You're not my friend. Том сказав, що йому не потрібен шофер. Tom said he doesn't need a chauffeur. Tom said he didn't need a driver. Припини ставити ідіотські запитання. Quit asking stupid questions. Stop asking stupid questions. У мене небагато друзів поза школою. I don't have many friends outside of school. I don't have many friends outside the school. Пробачте. Forgive me. Excuse me. Заради цього насправді варто ризикувати? Is it really worth the risk? Is it really worth the risk? Почекай мене тут. Wait here for me. Wait for me here. Випийте ще. Have another drink. Have another drink. Том знає, що зробила Мері? Is Tom aware of what Mary did? Does Tom know what Mary did? Ходімо покатаємося на лижах! Let's hit the slopes! Let's ski! Що це означає? What's the meaning of that? What does that mean? Я представив Марі своїм батькам. I introduced Mary to my parents. I introduced Marie to my parents. Ти вже тричі співав цю пісню цього вечора. You've already sung that song three times tonight. You've already sung that song three times this evening. Я іноді перетинаюся з Томом. I run into Tom occasionally. I sometimes cross with Tom. Мені може бути потрібна твоя допомога. I might need your help. I might need your help. Я розрізав яблуко. I sliced the apple. I cut the apple. Алігатор з'їв собаку. The alligator ate the dog. The alligator ate the dog. Я запитую себе, чи я мушу сказати Тому правду. I wonder whether or not I should tell Tom the truth. I wonder whether or not I should tell Tom the truth. У вас вийде. You can make it. You can do it. Я не можу їсти м'яса. I can't eat meat. I can't eat meat. Ти змахлював. You cheated. You cheated. Я рада це почути. I'm glad to hear that. I'm glad to hear it. Не розмовляй із водієм. Don't talk to the driver. Don't talk to the driver. Ти зазвичай їздиш подорожувати за кордон? Do you often travel abroad? Do you usually travel abroad? Привіт всім! Hello everyone! Hi, everybody! На мою думку, ти помиляєшся. In my opinion, you're wrong. In my opinion, you're wrong. Я вирішила вас звільнити. I've decided to fire you. I've decided to fire you. Сьогодні чудовий день, скажи? It's a beautiful day, isn't it? It's a great day, isn't it? Вона їде до Таїланду. She's going to Thailand. She's going to Thailand. Я йому нерівня. I am no match for him. He doesn't care about me. У мене є трохи зайвої ваги. I'm a bit overweight. I have a little overweight. Вона вийшла з магазину. She left the shop. She got out of the store. Том не говорить французькою, і Мері теж. Tom doesn't speak French and Mary doesn't either. Tom can't speak French, and neither can Mary. Том сказав, що Мері недобра. Tom said that Mary was mean. Tom said that Mary wasn't good. Маю поспішати! I have to hurry! I have to hurry! Покладіть овочі в друшляк. Put the vegetables in the strainer. Put the vegetables in the bud. У вас є носовичок? Do you have a handkerchief? Do you have a handkerchief? Ти можеш на це покластися. You can bank on that. You can rely on that. Я попросив Тома сфотографувати мене. I got Tom to take my picture. I asked Tom to take a picture of me. Батарейка сіла. The battery died. The battery's dead. Це моя улюблена марка. That is my favorite brand. That's my favorite brand. Том не мій помічник. Tom isn't my assistant. Tom isn't my assistant. Я виросла разом із нею. I grew up with her. I grew up with her. Ідіть за мною. Please follow me. Follow me. Я певна у його успіху. I'm sure of his success. I'm sure of his success. Де ви їли? Where did you eat? Where did you eat? Він сказав мені не плавати там. He told me not to swim there. He told me not to swim there. Ти порахував рушники? Have you counted the towels? Did you count the towels? Вони належать Тому. Those are Tom's. They're Tom's. Герцогу належить багато землі. The duke holds a lot of land. The Duke owns a lot of land. Том досить-таки сором'язливий, так? Tom is quite shy, isn't he? Tom is quite shy, isn't he? Зараз зносять найстаріший в місті кінотеатр. The oldest movie theater in town is being pulled down now. The oldest movie theater in town is now being held. Це офіс, в якому він працює. This is the office in which he works. This is the office where he works. Вам насправді не варто перейматися цим. You really shouldn't bother to do that. You really shouldn't worry about it. Я на вiрному шляху? Am I on the right track? Am I on my way? Том пошкодує. Tom will be sorry. Tom is going to be sorry. Шкода, що я не можу цього пояснити краще. I wish I could explain it better. I wish I could explain this better. Я вас ледве чую. I can barely hear you. I can barely hear you. Ви поганий батько. You're a bad father. You're a bad father. Я живу на шостому поверсі. I live on the fifth floor. I live on the sixth floor. Ти не хочеш, щоб я це зробив. You don't want me to do that. You don't want me to do that. Я вдвічі старший від тебе. I'm twice as old as you are. I'm twice as old as you are. Том майже ніколи не говорить. Tom hardly talks at all. Tom hardly ever speaks. Ти грав у теніс? Did you play tennis? Did you play tennis? Я з'їв три хот-доги на обід. I ate three hotdogs for lunch. I ate three hot dogs for lunch. Будь ласка, залиш мої речі в спокої. Please leave my things alone. Please leave my stuff alone. Мій улюблений колір - блакитний. My favourite colour is blue. My favorite color is blue. Мері встала зі стільця. Mary got up from her chair. Mary got up from her chair. Том уяви не має, де Мері хоче цим зайнятися. Tom doesn't have any idea where Mary wants to do that. Tom has no idea where Mary wants to do that. Зустріч скінчилася о 2:30. The meeting ended at 2:30. The meeting ended at 2:30. У тебе є нік? Do you have a nickname? Do you have a nickname? Атлю десять. Atl is ten years old. Atl is ten. Він вищий від свого молодшого брата. He is taller than his little brother. He is taller than his younger brother. Такса - це німецька порода собак, що мають довгий тулуб та короткі ноги. A dachshund is a dog from Germany with a very long body and short legs. The taxi is a German breed of dogs with long torsos and short legs. Пообіцяй, що не будеш злитися. Promise you won't get mad. Promise me you won't be mad. Ти це взагалі читав? Did you read it at all? Did you read this at all? Вона покала ключ до сумочки. She put the key in her bag. She put the key in her purse. Вони зняли куртки. They took their jackets off. They took off their jackets. Ви взагалі говорили? Did you speak at all? Did you even talk? Вони поїхали до Європи. They have gone to Europe. They went to Europe. Поліція підозрює, що Том - серійний вбивця. The police suspect Tom is a serial killer. The police suspect Tom is a serial killer. Ти й насправді така легковірна? Are you really that gullible? Are you really that gullible? Важко вчити іноземну мову. Studying a foreign language is difficult. It's difficult to learn a foreign language. Самі був надзвичайною дитиною. Sami was an extraordinary child. Sami was an extraordinary child. Вона набагато щасливіша від нього. She's much happier than him. She is much happier than he is. Поверніться сюди. Come back here. Come back here. Будь ласка, скажи нам, що робити. Please tell us what to do. Please tell us what to do. Це ваші проблеми. That's your problem. These are your problems. Том телефонував з Австралії. Tom called from Australia. Tom called from Australia. Том написав сонату. Tom wrote a sonata. Tom wrote a sonata. Том пишався собою. Tom was proud of himself. Tom was proud of himself. Як мені слід відповісти на це питання? How should I answer this question? How should I answer that question? Як у тебе справи? Я дуже давно тебе не бачив! How are you doing? I haven't seen you for an age! How are you? I haven't seen you in a long time! Вона пила каву. She drank coffee. She drank coffee. Чому ведмеді впадають у зимову сплячку? Why do bears hibernate? Why do bears hibernate? Думаєш, я занадто матеріалістична? Do you think I'm too materialistic? Do you think I'm too materialistic? Це все. This is it. That's it. Ми прогулялися уздовж Темзи. We walked on the banks of the Thames. We walked along the Thames. Мрії іноді дійсно збуваються. Dreams sometimes do come true. Dreams sometimes come true. Людська істота - найвищий ссавець. Human beings are the higher mammals. The human being is the tallest mammal. Клянуся, це був не я. I swear it wasn't me. I swear it wasn't me. Мені сьогодні взагалі не хочеться їсти. I don't feel like eating anything today. I don't feel like eating at all today. Я для цього занадто старий. I am too old for it. I'm too old for that. Том любить дивитися футбол. Tom likes to watch soccer. Tom likes watching football. Я думала, ти в Бостоні. I thought you were in Boston. I thought you were in Boston. Не виставляй плівки на сонце. Don't expose the tapes to the sun. Don't put film on the sun. Ну добре, ви мене переконали. Well, you've convinced me. All right, you convinced me. Думаєш, я не знаю, що сталося? Do you think I don't know what happened? Do you think I don't know what happened? Ненавиджу, коли мене фотографують. I hate being photographed. I hate being photographed. Том помер молодим. Tom died at an early age. Tom died young. Вона повинна сама туди піти. It is necessary that she should go herself. She has to go there herself. Гадаю, Том може повернутися завтра. I think that Tom could be back tomorrow. I think Tom might come back tomorrow. Мені здається, ви мене неправильно зрозуміли. I think you've misunderstood me. I think you misunderstood me. Швейцарія зробила свою іміграційну політику суворішою. Switzerland hardened its immigration policy. Switzerland made its immigration policy more strict. Ніколи не бійтеся робити помилки. Never be afraid to make mistakes. Never be afraid to make mistakes. Ми виграли у трьох команд. We beat three teams. We won three teams. Були присутні сорок чоловік. There were forty people present. Forty people were present. Я це дуже чітко пам'ятаю. I can remember it very vividly. I remember it very clearly. Моя квартира на четвертому поверсі. My apartment is on the third floor. My apartment is on the third floor. Статистика на нашу користь. The statistics are in our favor. Statistics are in our favor. Я не розумію, що мені робити. I don't understand what I'm supposed to do. I don't understand what I should do. Нелегко навчати маленьких дітей. It isn't easy to teach little kids. Teaching small children is not easy. Я допомогла Тому перелізти через стіну. I helped Tom climb over the wall. I helped Tom climb over the wall. Ніхто з нас не знав відповіді. None of us knew the answer. None of us knew the answer. Том ніколи не бував у Бостоні. Tom hasn't ever been to Boston. Tom has never been to Boston. Їй подобаються дівчата. She likes girls. She likes girls. У неї, здається, багато друзів. She appears to have many friends. She seems to have a lot of friends. Тома немає. Tom is gone. Tom isn't here. У нас не дуже багато часу. We don't have much time. We don't have much time. Я більше не можу чекати. I can't wait anymore. I can't wait any longer. Вони обійшли навколо. They walked around. They've gone around. Я маю лише одну умову. I only have one condition. I only have one condition. Я люблю цукерки. I like candy. I like sweets. Том старанно вчиться. Tom studies hard. Tom studies hard. Нам потрібно з нею поговорити. We have to talk to her. We need to talk to her. Я знайшов добру роботу. I've found a good job. I found a good job. Коли Том розповів цей жарт, ніхто не засміявся. When Tom told that joke, nobody laughed. When Tom told that joke, nobody laughed. Ти говориш так гучно, що я можу тебе чути навіть на першому поверсі. You speak so loudly I can even hear you on the first floor. You talk so loud I can hear you on the first floor. Йому майже п'ятдесят. He's pushing fifty. He is almost 50 years old. Що привело вас сюди так рано? What has brought you here so early? What brings you here so early? Я бачу твій будинок. I see your house. I see your house. Я знімав кімнату разом із Томом. I roomed with Tom. I rented a room with Tom. Не хочеш потанцювати? Would you like to dance? Would you like to dance? Чому Том такий сонний? Why is Tom so sleepy? Why is Tom so sleepy? У пляшці залишилось трішки молока. There's a tiny amount of milk left in the bottle. There's a little milk left in the bottle. Мені цікаво, чи Тому весело, чи ні. I wonder whether Tom is having fun or not. I wonder whether Tom is having fun or not. Хіба ви не хочете пообідати? Don't you want to eat lunch? Don't you want to eat lunch? Я пообідала три години тому. I had lunch three hours ago. I ate lunch three hours ago. Я дуже методичний. I'm very methodical. I'm very methodical. З якою метою він сюди прийшов? For what purpose did he come here? Why did he come here? Я обожнюю рибу. I love fish. I love fish. Ти колись фарбувала волосся? Have you ever dyed your hair? Have you ever dyed your hair? Хто такий Том? Це твій новий хлопець? Who's Tom? Is he your new boyfriend? Who's Tom? Is that your new boyfriend? Контракт Тома закінчується двадцятого жовтня. Tom's contract expires October twentieth. Tom's contract ends on October 20th. Вона надзвичайно неприємна. She is extremely unpleasant. She's extremely unpleasant. Мороз був такий, що птахи падали на льоту. The frost was such that the birds fell on the fly. The frost was such that the birds fell on the wing. Я знаю, де вона. I know where she is. I know where she is. Після того про нього не чули. He has not been heard of since. They didn't hear about him after that. Ти занадто самовпевнена. You're overconfident. You're overconfident. Мені цікаво, чи у Тома є дівчина. I wonder whether or not Tom has a girlfriend. I wonder whether or not Tom has a girlfriend. Є лише одна правда! There is only one truth! There is only one truth! Чому ти втрутився? Why did you get involved? Why did you intervene? Це правда, що йому більше семидесяти років. It is true that he is over seventy. It is true that he is over 70 years old. Негайно напиши Тому. Write to Tom right away. Write to Tom immediately. Вони брати? Are they brothers? Are they brothers? Чому я раніше цього не помічав? Why didn't I notice this before? Why didn't I notice this before? Він високий на свій вік хлопець. He is a tall boy for his years. He is tall for his age as a boy. Ми не запізнилися. We aren't late. We're not late. Ви, звичайно, засмучені, бо втратили одного зі своїх друзів. You must be sad since you lost one of your friends. You're obviously upset because you lost one of your friends. Том назвав Мері брехухою. Tom called Mary a liar. Tom called Mary a liar. Ми маємо перемогти наших ворогів. We must vanquish our foes. We must defeat our enemies. Ви насправді хочете виграти? Do you really want to win? Do you really want to win? Він вчився протягом десяти років. He studied for ten years. He studied for ten years. Це схоже на бар. It looks like a bar. It looks like a bar. Том повинен був дозволити мені співати. Tom should've let me sing. Tom should've let me sing. Іди побудь з Томом. Go be with Tom. Go be with Tom. Хіба ти не прийдеш мене навістити? Aren't you going to come visit me? Aren't you coming to visit me? Я такий радий за тебе. I'm so happy for you. I'm so happy for you. Чому вона прийшла додому раніше? Why did she come home early? Why did she come home early? Я ненавиджу Тома. I detest Tom. I hate Tom. Я сюди щойно переїхала. I just moved here. I just moved here. Ти будеш здивований, коли отримаєш цього листа. You may be surprised to receive this letter. You'll be surprised when you get this letter. Воно доволі дороге. It's pretty expensive. It's quite expensive. Том завів машину і поїхав. Tom started his car and drove away. Tom started his car and left. Я не згодний з вами. I cannot agree with you. I disagree with you. Це DVD. This is a DVD. This is a DVD. Чому Том повинен це зробити? Why does Tom have to do that? Why does Tom have to do that? Він нетямущий. He is slow of understanding. He's crazy. Ти навіть підгузник не можеш поміняти. You can't even change a diaper. You can't even change a diaper. Що ти хочеш щодо цього зробити? What do you want to do about it? What do you want to do about it? Мені здається, ви говорите неправду. I think you're lying. I think you're lying. Том міцно обійняв Мері. Tom hugged Mary close. Tom gave Mary a hug. Спробуйте не плакати. Try not to cry. Try not to cry. У Павла три сини. Вони дуже схожі. Paul has three sons. They look very much alike. Paul has three sons, and they are very similar. Це чудово, що ми усi зiбрались тут сьогоднi. It's wonderful that we're all gathered here today. It's great that we all got here today. Мені більше подобаються французькі фільми. I prefer French movies. I prefer French movies. Я не очікував, що Том допоможе нам. I didn't expect Tom to help us. I didn't expect Tom to help us. Куди всі пішли? Where did everybody go? Where did everybody go? Я вже дочитала цю книжку. I have already finished reading this book. I've already finished reading this book. Сподіваюсь, Том вціліє. I hope Tom survives. I hope Tom survives. Я не хочу вас більше бачити. I never want to see you again. I don't want to see you again. Це грабіж. This is a rip-off. It's a robbery. Я чула, як Том закричав. I heard Tom scream. I heard Tom scream. Дме сильний вітер і я не можу йти швидко. A strong wind is blowing and I can't walk fast. There's a strong wind and I can't walk fast. Том не грав у гольф. Tom didn't play golf. Tom didn't play golf. Я думаю, вам досить, Томе. I think you've had enough, Tom. I think you've had enough, Tom. Будь ласка, скажіть Тому, що телефонувала Мері. Please tell Tom Mary called. Please tell Tom that Mary called. Це тофу. This is tofu. It's tofu. Математика - гарний урок. The mathematics class is good. Math is a good lesson. Я ніколи не мала багато грошей. I've never had much money. I never had much money. Він віртуоз. He is a virtuoso. He is a virtuoso. Вимкни її. Turn it off. Turn it off. Том сказав, що він сподівається, що Мері сподобається подарунок, який він планує їй подарувати. Tom said that he hoped Mary would like the gift he was planning on giving her. Tom said he hoped Mary would like the gift he was planning on giving her. Що сказав капітан? What did the captain say? What did the captain say? Чия це була ідея? Whose idea was it? Whose idea was that? Я хочу працювати в лікарні. I want to work at a hospital. I want to work in a hospital. Я бачив, як Мері вбила Тома. I saw Mary kill Tom. I saw Mary kill Tom. Том довго чекав на Мері. Tom waited for Mary for a long time. Tom waited for Mary for a long time. А ось теперь ти поранив мої почуття. Now you've hurt my feelings. Now you hurt my feelings. Ти знаєш, що це буде весело. You know it'll be fun. You know it'll be fun. Як пройшов ваш день народження? How was your birthday? How was your birthday? Запізно - це коли? How late is too late? When is it too late? Ти виглядаєш потворнішою, ніж зазвичай. You look uglier than usual. You look uglyer than usual. Ці ваші, Томе? Are these yours, Tom? Are these yours, Tom? Ми приймемо твою пропозицію до уваги. We will take your suggestion into consideration. We'll take your offer into consideration. Том з нашого бостонського офісу. Tom is from our Boston office. Tom is from our Boston office. У мене велика родина. I have a large family. I have a big family. Не звертайте на них уваги. Don't pay attention to them. Ignore them. Том покаже Мері, як це зробити. Tom will show Mary how to do that. Tom will show Mary how to do that. Війна не закінчилася. The war has not ended. The war wasn't over. Я не можу знайти Тома. Він вже пішов? I can't find Tom. Has he gone already? I can't find Tom. Has he left yet? Мені цікаво, чи Том втрачає слух. I wonder whether or not Tom is going deaf. I wonder whether or not Tom is losing his hearing. Що Том з ним робитиме? What'll Tom do with it? What'll Tom do to him? Я намагаюся поспати. I'm trying to sleep. I'm trying to sleep. Де той хлопець? Where is that guy? Where's that guy? Він, мабудь, дурний, раз вірить у такі речі. He must be stupid to believe such a thing. He's probably stupid enough to believe that kind of thing. Семі тренувався шість-сім годин щодня. Sami spent about six to seven hours per day exercising. Sami exercised for six to seven hours every day. Мої батьки померли, коли я була мала. My parents died when I was a kid. My parents died when I was little. Я почну завтра. I begin tomorrow. I'll start tomorrow. Ти це бачив? Have you seen it? Did you see that? Тобі обирати, Томе. It's your choice, Tom. You're going to choose, Tom. Це дерево. This is a tree. It's a tree. Ти мені не зателефонувала. You didn't call me. You didn't call me. Він плаває як риба. He swims like a fish. He swims like a fish. Саме я це зробив. I was the one who did that. I'm the one who did that. Олівець лежить на письмовому столі. The pencil is on the desk. The pencil is on the desk. Справедливості, а не милосердя - ось чого бракує в світі. It is justice, not charity, that is wanting in the world. Justice, not mercy, is what is lacking in the world. Мова створює свідомість. Language creates conscience. Language creates consciousness. Ти певен, що це зробив Том? Are you sure it was Tom who did that? Are you sure Tom did that? Ви не встигнете на свій літак. You're going to miss your flight. You'll miss your flight. Хіба ви не робите все, що у ваших силах? Aren't you trying your best? Aren't you doing your best? Я посадив у саду троянди. I planted roses in the garden. I planted roses in the garden. Том в'яже. Tom knits. Tom is going to knit. Над чим ви зараз працюєте? What are you working on now? What are you working on now? Ви не мій друг. You are not my friend. You're not my friend. Я склав парасольку. I closed my umbrella. I made an umbrella. Я завжди тримаю слово. I always keep my word. I always keep my word. Том чекає на телефонний дзвінок. Tom is waiting for a telephone call. Tom is waiting for a phone call. Це було доволі приємно. It was quite pleasant. It was pretty nice. Якби ти попросив мене це зробити, я би це зробила. If you'd asked me to do that, I would have. If you'd asked me to do that, I would've. Я хочу лише його. I only want him. I only want him. Я допоміг Тому прополоти в городі. I helped Tom weed the garden. I helped Tom slip through the garden. Я подумав, що піду на риболовлю. I thought I'd go fishing. I thought I'd go fishing. Ви говорите турецькою? Do you speak Turkish? Do you speak Turkish? Ти найаморальніша дотепна особа, яку я знаю. You are the wickedest witty person I know. You're the most timid person I know. Немає жодного сенсу називати такі будівлі "потворними." There is no point in calling such buildings 'ugly'. There's no point in calling these buildings creative. Він стає дуже дратівливим, коли не отримує, чого хоче. He gets really testy when he doesn't get his way. He gets very irritable when he doesn't get what he wants. Я більше не можу тобі довіряти. I can no longer trust you. I can't trust you anymore. Я хочу повернутися. I want to go back. I want to go back. Том сказав, що він не певен, що Мері потрібно це зробити. Tom said he's not sure Mary needs to do that. Tom said he wasn't sure Mary needed to do that. Я не працюю. I do not work. I'm not working. Я тут часто буваю. I'm often here. I've been here a lot. Добраніч, Тіммі. Sweet dreams, Timmy. Good night, Timmy. Том аполітичний. Tom is apolitical. Tom is apologic. Я вагітна? Am I pregnant? Am I pregnant? Ваше бажання було виконано? Did your wish come true? Is your wish fulfilled? Том має рушницю. Tom has a gun. Tom has a gun. Самі народився в Єгипті. Sami was born in Egypt. Sami was born in Egypt. Том врешті-решт кинув курити. Tom ended up stopping smoking. Tom finally gave up smoking. Ти мій гість. You're my guest. You're my guest. Ти бі ніколи не попросив мене це зробити, чи не так? You'd never ask me to do that, would you? You would never ask me to do that, would you? Я не це замовляв. This is not what I ordered. That's not what I ordered. Ми не можемо прийняти цього. We can't accept this. We can't accept that. Слухайтеся своїх батьків. Obey your parents. Obey your parents. Я повинен був вивчати англійську мову. I had to study English. I had to learn English. Ти не слухаєш! You're not listening! You're not listening! Гадаю, Том навряд чи це робитиме. I think it's unlikely Tom will do that. I think Tom isn't likely to do that. Вартість життя зросла. The cost of living has risen. Life's cost went up. Вам всі подобаються. You like everyone. You all like it. Ви не ідіотка. You're not an idiot. You're not stupid. Том чесний. Tom is honest. Tom is honest. Хіба це не здається трохи дивним? Doesn't it look a little strange? Doesn't that seem a little weird? Я про це не турбуюся. I am not worried about it. I'm not worried about that. Я можу тебе попросити про послугу? May I ask you to do me a favor? May I ask you a favor? Подивись на цей будинок. Look at that house. Look at this house. Я з Туреччини. I'm from Turkey. I'm from Turkey. Я багато чого дізналася. I've learned a lot. I've learned a lot. Хіба ви не вмієте говорити французькою? Aren't you able to speak French? Don't you know how to speak French? Я замовив жаб та локшину. I ordered frogs and noodles. I ordered frogs and noodles. Традиційні танцівниці хула не носять спідниць із трави. Traditional hula dancers did not wear grass skirts. Traditional dancing does not wear grass skirts. Де мої штани? Where are my trousers? Where are my pants? Вам сподобався пікнік? Did you enjoy the picnic? Did you enjoy the picnic? Ви молилися. You were praying. You prayed. Томе, ви не спите? Tom, are you awake? Are you awake, Tom? Вони співали один за іншим. They sang one after another. They sang one after another. Ти запитав Тома, чому він запізнився? Did you ask Tom why he was late? Did you ask Tom why he was late? Я поїв сам. I ate by myself. I ate alone. Сподіваюся, ви не плануєте цього сьогодні робити. I hope you're not planning to do that today. I hope you're not planning on doing that today. Як ви сьогодні? How are you doing today? How are you today? До мене звернувся незнайомець. A stranger spoke to me. A stranger approached me. Прошу, не питай. Please don't ask. Please don't ask. Я попереджав тебе, щоб ти їм не довіряв. I warned you not to trust them. I warned you not to trust them. Ми би мали менше проблем, якби зробили це так, як сказав нам Том. We would have fewer problems if we did this the way Tom told us to. We'd have fewer problems if we did that the way Tom told us to. Ніхто з них не міг відповісти на моє запитання. None of them could answer my question. None of them could answer my question. Я сіла на потяг. I boarded the train. I took the train. Беріть усе. Take everything. Take everything. Я думав, ти виріс у Австралії. I thought that you grew up in Australia. I thought you grew up in Australia. Ми вже раніше зустрічалися? Have we met? Have we met before? Прикладом такого типу мови може бути есперанто. An example of that kind of language is Esperanto. An example of this language may be Esperanto. Я хочу нового собаку. I want a new dog. I want a new dog. Я викладач. I'm a professor. I'm a teacher. Том артистичний. Tom is artistic. Tom is artistic. Том сліпий, а Мері - ні. Tom is blind, but Mary isn't. Tom is blind, but Mary isn't. Він дуже компетентний. He is very competent. He is very competent. Ми тебе знаємо? Do we know you? Do we know you? Щось може тебе ощасливити? Can anything make you happy? Can anything make you happy? Взимку йде багато снігу? Does it snow a lot in the winter? Does it snow a lot in the winter? Раніше я жив у горній місцевості. I used to live in a mountainous area. I used to live in a mountainous area. Том попросив мене розбудити його о пів на сьому. Tom asked me to wake him up at six-thirty. Tom asked me to wake him at half past six. Це твій собака? Is this your dog? Is this your dog? Ви були щасливі? Were you happy? Were you happy? Я не мала друзів, окрім Тома. I had no friends except for Tom. I had no friends but Tom. Це було для них занадто. This was too much for them. It was too much for them. Ти ж не знав, що мав це зробити сьогодні, правда? You didn't know you were supposed to do that today, did you? You didn't know you had to do that today, did you? Том сказав, що сподівається, що зможе перемогти. Tom said that he hoped he'd be able to win. Tom said that he hoped he'd be able to win. Ти все зрозумів? Have you understood everything? Do you understand everything? Я маю достатньо грошей. I have enough money. I have enough money. Том може бути звільнений. Tom is excused. Tom might be fired. Хто переможе в Огайо? Who will win Ohio? Who's going to win Ohio? Я хочу побачити це на власні очі. I want to see it for myself. I want to see it with my own eyes. Мері каже, що їй не вистачає Бостона. Mary says she misses Boston. Mary says she miss Boston. Я знаю когось, хто живе в твоєму районі. I know someone who lives in your neighborhood. I know someone who lives in your neighborhood. Мені подобаються уроки французької. I like French class. I like French lessons. Ви не смішна. You're not funny. You're not funny. Мені було цікаво, чи, на думку Тома, Мері хоче це зробити. I wondered whether or not Tom thought Mary wanted to do that. I wondered whether or not Tom thought Mary wanted to do that. Ви француженки? Are you French? Are you French? Кіно починається за п'ять хвилин. The movie starts in five minutes. The movie starts in five minutes. Мені цікаво, чи Том займатиметься цим сьогодні, чи ні. I wonder whether or not Tom is going to do that today. I wonder whether or not Tom will do that today. Ви б не могли залишити нас наодинці, будь ласка ? Would you leave us alone, please? Could you leave us alone, please? Я не кажу тобі, щоб ти йшов сам. I'm not telling you to go alone. I'm not telling you to go alone. Я, як і завжди, розраховатиму на тебе. I'll count on you like always. I'll count on you as usual. Він жив там сам-один. He lived there all by himself. He lived there alone. Відомий піаніст усміхнувся. The famous pianist smiled. A famous pianist smiled. Те, що він зробив, не було неправильним. What he did wasn't wrong. What he did was not wrong. Я виріс біля моря. I grew up near the ocean. I grew up near the sea. Ми маємо бути терплячими. We have to be patient. We must be patient. Я думав, вона мене кохає. I thought she loved me. I thought she loved me. Том знав, що Мері засмучена через Джона. Tom knew that Mary was upset with John. Tom knew Mary was upset about John. В довгостроковій перспективі, твої зусилля будуть винагороджені. Your effort will be rewarded in the long run. In the long run, your efforts will be rewarded. Я тут надовго. I'm in it for the long haul. I'll be here for a long time. Продовжуй працювати. Keep working. Keep working. Том сказав Мері, що він хоче, щоб Джон навчив Еліс це робити. Tom told Mary he wanted John to teach Alice how to do that. Tom told Mary that he wanted John to teach Alice how to do that. Я поговорив з ними. I spoke with them. I talked to them. Ми обідаємо. We're having lunch. We're having lunch. Лиши цю роботу фахівцям! Leave that job to the experts! Leave this job to the experts! Тома більше з нами немає. Tom is no longer with us. Tom isn't with us anymore. Що, на вашу думку, сталося насправді? What do you think really happened? What do you think really happened? Відремонтуй годинник. Fix the clock. Fix the watch. Ти загубив сережку. You lost an earring. You lost your earrings. Ми не могли би йти швидше? Я спізнююся. Could we go faster? I'm late. Could we go faster? I'm late. Ти бачив, як Том на мене дивився? Did you see the way Tom looked at me? Did you see the way Tom looked at me? Перепрошую. Я запізнилася. I'm sorry. I came late. I'm sorry. I'm late. Вони насмерть закатували мого батька. They tortured my father to death. They tortured my father to death. Він дуже цікавиться біологією. He is very much interested in biology. He's very interested in biology. Де ти сіла на цей автобус? Where did you get on this bus? Where did you get on that bus? Я була неслухняна. I was naughty. I was disobedient. Мій годинник працює добре. My watch is running all right. My watch works well. Зараз я розмовляю зі своїм другом по телефону. I've got my friend on the line right now. Now I'm talking to a friend on the phone. Пробач їх, бо вони не знають, що роблять. Forgive them, for they know not what they do. Forgive them because they don't know what they're doing. Емілі навідається до батьків. Emily is going to visit her parents. Emily's visiting her parents. Восени листя жовтіє. In autumn the leaves turn yellow. In autumn the leaves turn yellow. Продовжуйте танцювати. Keep dancing. Keep dancing. Том подав у відставку. Tom has submitted his resignation. Tom resigned. Цю пiсню легко вивчити. This song is easy to learn. It's easy to learn this thing. Том сказав, що йому треба здрімнути. Tom says he needs a nap. Tom said he needed to take a nap. Ви бачили обличчя Тома? Did you see the look on Tom's face? Have you seen Tom's face? Тобі більше до вподоби лікар чоловік чи жінка? Do you prefer a male or female doctor? Do you prefer a man or a woman? Я без вас не піду. I'm not going without you. I won't go without you. Підемо в гості до Джексонів. Let's go visit the Jacksons. Let's go visit the Jacksons. У чужий монастир зі своїм статутом не ходять. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. A monastery does not go to a foreign home with its charter. Нас було двоє, та з єдиним серцем. We were two, but only had one heart. There were two of us, and one heart. Том підморгнув Мері. Tom winked at Mary. Tom winked at Mary. Ти й дійсно багато балакаєш, еге ж? You sure do talk a lot, don't you? You really talk a lot, don't you? Він повернеться о четвертій годині. He'll return at four. He will be back at four o'clock. Бажаєш порибалити зі мною? What do you say to going fishing with me? Would you like to go fishing with me? Том хоче, щоб я здався. Tom wants me to give up. Tom wants me to give up. Я іноді трохи розсіяний. I'm sometimes a bit absent-minded. I'm sometimes a little distracted. Том нарешті помер. Tom has finally died. Tom finally died. Я бачила, як змія їсть мишу. I saw a snake eating a mouse. I saw a snake eating a mouse. Мені здається, Тома та Мері одружені. I think Tom and Mary are married. I think Tom and Mary are married. Тому він сподобається. Tom is going to like it. Tom is going to like it. Том сказав мені, що це неможливо. Tom told me that it's impossible. Tom told me it was impossible. Дах мого будинку - червоний. The roof of my house is red. The roof of my house is red. Самі працював тут протягом шести місяців. Sami worked here for six months. Sami worked here for six months. Я прийшла у школу вчасно. I arrived at school on time. I arrived at school on time. Я вийшов із таксі. I got out of the taxi. I got out of the cab. Не купуйте більше подарунків. Don't buy me any more presents. Don't buy any more presents. Твій номер готовий. Your room is ready. Your room is ready. Ніщо не працює. Nothing is working. Nothing works. Вони не змінили думки. They haven't changed their mind. They haven't changed their mind. Том не мав наміру здаватися. Tom wasn't planning to give up. Tom didn't intend to give up. На стіні висить географічна карта. There is a map on the wall. There's a map on the wall. Годинник не працює. The clock isn't working. The clock doesn't work. Я зробив ідіотську помилку. I made a stupid mistake. I made a stupid mistake. Не думаю, що будуть які-небудь проблеми. I don't think there will be any problems. I don't think there'll be any problems. Я нічого не знаю про Австралію. I know nothing about Australia. I don't know anything about Australia. Мені треба подумати, яку саме роботу ти хочеш робити. You must consider what kind of work you want to do. I need to think about what kind of job you want to do. Я не знав, що Том це робитиме. I didn't know that Tom was going to do that. I didn't know Tom was going to do that. Я думаю, що Том співає музику "кантрі" краще, ніж будь-хто інший з моїх знайомих. I think Tom can sing country music better than anyone else I know. I think Tom sings "cantra" music better than anyone I know. Ви використовуєте текстовий процесор? Do you use a word processor? Do you use a word processor? Хіба ти не прийдеш з нами пообідати? Won't you come to dine with us? Aren't you coming to lunch with us? Я забув вимкнути світло. I forgot to turn off the light. I forgot to turn off the lights. Том та Мері планують піти разом в кіно у п'ятницю ввечері. Tom and Mary are planning on going to a movie together on Friday evening. Tom and Mary plan to go to the movies together Friday night. Я дуже голодна. I'm very hungry. I'm very hungry. Дивно, що така людина - поліцейський. It is a wonder that such a man is a policeman. It's strange that such a man is a policeman. У чому була твоя місія? What was your mission? What was your mission? Том - чудова дитина. Tom is a great kid. Tom is a wonderful kid. Коли я прибув, йшов дощ. When I arrived, it was raining. It rained when I arrived. Бажаємо щастя. We wish you luck. We wish happiness. Я хочу тут жити. I want to live here. I want to live here. Я не розумію Тома. I don't understand Tom. I don't understand Tom. Це прислів'я, якого я не розумію. This is a proverb that I don't understand. This is a saying that I don't understand. Я повинен їх зупинити. I've got to stop them. I have to stop them. Том ніколи не дізнається. Tom will never know. Tom will never find out. Том мені не розповідав, що він виріс в Австралії. Tom didn't tell me he grew up in Australia. Tom didn't tell me he grew up in Australia. У тебе є почуття гумору. You have a sense of humor. You have a sense of humor. Це я навчив Тома цієї пісні. I'm the one who taught Tom that song. I'm the one who taught Tom that song. Сподіваюсь що погода буде суха. I hope that the weather will be dry. I hope the weather is dry. Том, здається, йде. Tom seems to be leaving. Tom seems to be leaving. Якщо ти ще раз сюди прийдеш, я викличу поліцію. If you ever come here again, I'll call the police. If you come here again, I'll call the police. "Ви не бачили мій мобільний телефон?" - "Він лежить на столі." "Have you seen my cell phone?" "It's on the table." "Have you not seen my cell phone?" "It's on the table." У нас не буде нагоди зробити це. We won't have a chance to do that. We won't have a chance to do that. Блискавка вдарила у вежу. Lightning struck the tower. Lightning hit the tower. Якби це було правдою, що ти зробив би? If it were true, what would you do? If that were true, what would you do? Я допомогла. I helped. I helped. Це майже неможливо. It is next to impossible. It's almost impossible. Моє волосся задовге. My hair is too long. My hair is too long. Тому не вдалося прийти вчасно. Tom failed to come on time. Tom failed to arrive on time. Вітаємо! Congratulations! Congratulations! Під столом був чорний кіт. Under the table was a black cat. There was a black cat under the table. Ніхто не любить війну. Nobody loves war. No one likes war. Що ти на це скажеш? What do you say to that? What do you say to that? У цій річці плавати небезпечно. This river is dangerous to swim in. It's dangerous to swim in this river. Яке у вас дівоче прізвище? What is your maiden name? What's your maiden name? Він має двох котів, одного білого і одного чорного. He's got two cats, one white and one black. He has two cats, one white and one black cat. Навіщо ти купила квіти? Why did you buy flowers? Why did you buy flowers? Я нікому не можу довіряти. I can't trust anyone. I can't trust anyone. Він помер у віці 54-х років. He died when he was 54 years old. He died at the age of 54. Я вчора грала у футбол. I played football yesterday. I played soccer yesterday. Я, можна сказати, здивований. I'm kind of surprised. I'm kind of surprised. Я певна, що Тому дуже не сподобалося би, якби ви це зробили. I'm sure Tom would hate it if you did that. I'm sure Tom wouldn't like it very much if you did that. Кішка пише книжку. The cat is writing a book. The cat is writing a book. Мері ігнорувала Тома. Mary ignored Tom. Mary ignored Tom. Я готуюся готувати пиріг. I'm getting ready to bake a cake. I'm getting ready to make a cake. Він витає у хмарах. He is daydreaming. He is howling in the clouds. Ти вмієш користуватися цією машиною? Do you know how to use this machine? Can you use this car? Коли нам слід це зробити? When should we do that? When should we do that? Я мешкаю тут з 1990-го року. I have lived here since 1990. I've been living here since 1990. Не примушуй мене чекати. Don't keep me waiting. Don't make me wait. Заради всього святого, що тут коїться? What on earth is going on here? For Christ's sake, what's going on here? Том тоне! Tom is drowning! Tom is drowning! Хороші студенти вчаться старанно. Good students study hard. Good students study hard. Демократія - це диктатура більшості. Democracy is the dictatorship of the majority. Democracy is the majority dictatorship. Том не говорить французькою так добре, як я думав. Tom doesn't speak French as well as I thought he did. Tom doesn't speak French as well as I thought he did. Хтось убив сусідського собаку. Someone killed the neighbor's dog. Someone killed a neighbor's dog. Тому набридла його робота. Tom was sick of his job. Tom got bored with his work. Тобі сподобався фільм? Did you like the movie? Did you enjoy the movie? Хочете знати, хто пожертвував гроші? Do you want to know who donated the money? Do you want to know who donated the money? Хай живе геронтократія! Long live the geriocracy! Long live the gerontocracy! Замовкни! Shut up! Shut up! Тому подобається подорожувати. Tom likes to travel. Tom likes to travel. У мене все ще є та книжка, що ти мені позичив. I still have that book you lent me. I still have the book you lent me. Том зараз у школі. Tom is at school now. Tom is at school now. Хіба ви не студенти? Aren't you students? Aren't you students? Відверто кажучи, я з вами не згодна. Frankly speaking, I don't agree with you. Frankly speaking, I disagree with you. Мені потрібні конверти. I need envelopes. I need envelopes. Колись вона була більшою. It used to be bigger. It used to be bigger. Чому я маю це зробити? Why do I have to do that? Why do I have to do that? Вечеря готова. Dinner is ready. Dinner's ready. Я не дуже добре граю в шахи. I'm not very good at chess. I'm not very good at chess. Ти мене розумієш? Do you understand me? Do you understand me? Я знаю дружину Тома. I know Tom's wife. I know Tom's wife. Том сказав своїм дітям, що Санта-Клауса не існує. Tom told his children that Santa Claus wasn't real. Tom told his children there wasn't any Santa Claus. Трапляються дивні речі. Weird things are happening. Strange things happen. Хіба ти вже не на дієті? Aren't you still on a diet? Aren't you already on a diet? Том дурний та пихатий. Tom is stupid and arrogant. Tom is stupid and arrogant. Я не знаю, мені сміятися чи плакати. I don't know whether I should laugh or cry. I don't know if I should laugh or cry. Він лінивий. He's lazy. He is lazy. Вбийте зомбі. Kill the zombies. Kill the zombies. Тату, можеш мені почитати перед сном? Daddy, can you read me a story before I go to sleep? Dad, can you read to me before I go to bed? Допоможи мені. Help me out. Help me. Розслабся. Take it easy. Relax. Це твоя друкарська машинка? Is this typewriter yours? Is this your typewriter? Том був тут секунду тому. Tom was here a second ago. Tom was here a second ago. Яке на вас гарне плаття! What a beautiful dress you have on! What a beautiful dress you're wearing! Він може зможе тобі допомогти. He might be able to help you. He can help you. Том має бажання спробувати. Tom is willing to give it a try. Tom is willing to try. Вони сказали, що їх це влаштовує. They said it's OK. They said it worked for them. Як виглядає викрадач? What does the kidnapper look like? What does a kidnapper look like? Том же не планує насправді цього робити? Tom isn't really planning to do that, is he? Tom isn't really planning to do that, is he? Том скащав, що Мері лінива. Tom said that Mary was lazy. Tom complained that Mary was lazy. Ти дуже старомодний. You're very old-fashioned. You're very old-fashioned. Мені подобаються яскраві кольори. I like bright colors. I like bright colors. Я не хочу відписувати на цей лист. I do not want to reply to his letter. I don't want to post this letter. Смерть подібна сну. Death is similar to sleep. Death is like sleep. Я сильна. I'm strong. I'm strong. Око за око. An eye for an eye. An eye for an eye. Мені дуже потрібна твоя допомога. I am badly in need of your help. I really need your help. Вже пора йти спати. It's time to go to bed. It's time to go to bed. Склянка повна молока. The glass is full of milk. The glass is full of milk. Незабаром ми будемо знати правду. We'll soon know the truth. Soon we will know the truth. Том не захотів чекати. Tom didn't want to wait. Tom didn't want to wait. Я готую. I'm doing the cooking. I'm cooking. Тобі це сподобається. You'll like this. You'll like it. Ти повинен повернутися додому до 9-ї години. You are to return home before nine. You have to go home by nine o'clock. У мене рожевий автомобіль. I have a pink-coloured car. I have a pink car. Том теж планує вивчати французьку. Tom also plans to study French. Tom is planning to study French, too. Я не люблю поганих дітей. I don't like bad children. I don't like bad kids. Потребуємо вашої допомоги. We need your help. We need your help. Я не просив тебе про допомогу. I haven't asked you for help. I didn't ask you for help. Бачите човен Тома? Can you see Tom's boat? Can you see Tom's boat? Це мій словник. That's my dictionary. This is my dictionary. Я сказав Тому не вірити Мері. I told Tom not to believe Mary. I told Tom not to believe Mary. Я прийняв жахливе рішення. I made a horrible decision. I made a terrible decision. Ти сьогодні працюєш? Are you working today? Do you work today? Мій бюстгалтер замалий. My bra is too small. My bra is too small. О котрій годині ти лягаєш спати? What time do you go to bed? What time do you go to bed? Креаціонізм - брехня. Creationism is a lie. Creationism is a lie. Наоко написала цей лист минулої ночі. This letter was written by Naoko last night. Naoko wrote this letter last night. Том сказав, що не зможе цього зробити. Tom said that he can't do that. Tom said he wouldn't be able to do that. У Тома немає часу, щоб це зробити. Tom doesn't have time to do that. Tom doesn't have time to do that. Я був у спортзалі. I was in the gym. I was at the gym. Скільки пляшок пива ти випив? How many beers have you had? How many beers did you drink? Том має поганий зір. Tom has poor eyesight. Tom has poor eyesight. Джон розумніший, ніж Білл. John is cleverer than Bill. John is smarter than Bill. Може бути, ми зможемо допомогти Тому. We might be able to help Tom. Maybe we can help Tom. Том каже, що він багатий. Tom says he is rich. Tom says he's rich. Том не знає правди. Tom doesn't know the truth. Tom doesn't know the truth. У неї є кіт. Цей кіт білий. She has a cat. This cat is white. She has a cat. This cat is white. У Тома в школі все гаразд. Tom is doing fine in school. Tom is doing fine at school. Приходь якомога швидше. Come as soon as you can. Come as soon as possible. Я б на твоєму місці поцілував Тома. If I were you, I'd kiss Tom. I'd kiss Tom if I were you. Скільки? How much? How much? Я маю припинити пити. I have to stop drinking. I have to stop drinking. Я дуже ним пишаюся. I am very proud of him. I'm very proud of him. Це було доволі просто зробити. Doing that was fairly easy. It was pretty easy to do that. Твій тато був в Парижі, чи не так? Your father has been in Paris, hasn't he? Your dad was in Paris, wasn't he? В автобусі було так багато людей, що я стояв усю дорогу до станції. The bus was so crowded that I was kept standing all the way to the station. There were so many people on the bus that I stood all the way to the station. Том завжди кохатиме Мері. Tom will always love Mary. Tom will always love Mary. Вона знає, що вона тобі подобається? Does she know that you like her? Does she know you like her? Це не те, що я сказав. That isn't what I said. That's not what I said. Очевидно, Том не повинен був іти. Evidently, Tom didn't need to go. Obviously, Tom shouldn't have gone. Я втомився харчуватися у шкільному кафетерії. I am tired of eating at the school cafeteria. I'm tired of eating in the school cafeteria. Боб отримує задоволення від спостереження за комахами. Bob derives pleasure from observing insects. Bob enjoys watching insects. Том не дитина. Tom isn't a child. Tom isn't a child. Я знаю, що ви не такі. I know that you're not like that. I know you're not like that. Давайте поїдемо на ліфті. Let's take the elevator. Let's take the elevator. Чоловік старий. The man is old. The man is old. Сонце світить протягом дня. The sun shines during the day. The sun shines during the day. Для кого ти це зробив? Who did you do that for? Who did you do that for? Ти бачила мій телефон? Have you seen my phone? Have you seen my phone? Будь ласка, скажіть нам, що робити. Please tell us what to do. Please tell us what to do. Цукор солодкий. Sugar is sweet. Sugar is sweet. Я покохав тебе. I fell in love with you. I loved you. Він вчора приїхав до Токіо. He arrived in Tokyo yesterday. He came to Tokyo yesterday. Ви працюєте в Мілані. You work in Milan. You work in Milan. У тебе досконала англійська. Your English is flawless. Your English is perfect. Том ніколи не носить рожевого. Tom never wears pink. Tom never wears pink. Його дружина - француженка. His wife is a Frenchwoman. His wife is French. Нічого не трапиться. Nothing is going to happen. Nothing's going to happen. Том дуже старий. Tom's so old. Tom is very old. Він отримав те, що хотів. He got what he wanted. He got what he wanted. Я заснув під час перегляду телевізора. Watching TV, I fell asleep. I fell asleep while watching TV. Том представив Мері своїй родині. Tom introduced Mary to his family. Tom introduced Mary to his family. Ви вже купили різдвяні подарунки? Have you bought your Christmas gifts yet? Have you bought your Christmas presents yet? Усі посміхнулися, окрім Тома. Everybody but Tom smiled. Everybody smiled except Tom. Том дивився, як Мері пливе. Tom watched Mary swim. Tom watched Mary swim. Ти знав, що Том не вміє говорити французькою? Did you know that Tom couldn't speak French? Did you know Tom couldn't speak French? Я листувався із другом по переписці із США протягом року. I have been corresponding with a pen pal in the USA for a year. I corresponded with a U.S. census friend for a year. Ти знаєш, що я тебе люблю. You know I love you. You know I love you. Мені стало дуже сумно, коли я почув цю новину. I felt very sad when I heard the news. I felt very sad when I heard the news. Том їздив по Європі. Tom traveled around Europe. Tom went around Europe. Я не можу задовільнити це прохання. I can't grant that request. I can't grant this request. Ви повинні будете піти. You'll have to go. You'll have to leave. Це помилка, яку багато хто робить. That's a mistake that a lot of people make. It's a mistake that many people make. Я поважаю Тома. I respect Tom. I respect Tom. Мені цікаво, чи це насправді був збіг обставин. I wonder if it really was a coincidence. I wonder whether or not this was really a coincidence. Я врятувала тобі життя. I saved your life. I saved your life. Це занадто. It's too much. It's too much. Я відчуваю лютий біль. I'm in pain here. I feel bitter pain. Хіба ти не думаєш, що Том це зможе зробити? Don't you think Tom will be able to do that? Don't you think Tom will be able to do that? Ти працювала вчора? Did you work yesterday? Did you work yesterday? Якби я тільки міг тобі допомогти. If only I could help you. If only I could help you. Він став свідком вбивства. He witnessed the murder. He witnessed the murder. Мені не потрібна дружина. I don't want a wife. I don't need a wife. Том - продавець риби. Tom is a fishmonger. Tom is a fish salesman. Хутко йдіть додому. Go home quickly. Go home quickly. Чому ти плакав? Why did you cry? Why did you cry? Джим наполягає на своїй думці. Jim persists in his opinion. Jim insists on his point. Воно кошерне, але смердюче. It's kosher but it's smelly. It's kosher but it's smelly. Давай на борт. Come aboard. Get on board. Ніхто не міг пояснити, як це було зроблено. Nobody could explain how the thing was made. No one could explain how it was done. Я думаю, вони вас знають. I think they know you. I think they know you. Що ти хочеш побачити? What do you want to see? What do you want to see? Можна мені ще філіжанку кави? Can I get another cup of coffee? Can I have another cup of coffee? Ти ж не очікуєш, що я співатиму? You aren't expecting me to sing, are you? You don't expect me to sing, do you? Ти можеш на неї покластися. You can rely on her. You can rely on her. Том щось говорить. Tom is saying something. Tom is saying something. Я не говорила з Томом. I haven't spoken to Tom. I didn't talk to Tom. Що легше: кататися на лижах чи на ковзанах? Which is easier, skiing or skating? Is it easier to ski or skate? Що ми з цим робитимемо? What are we going to do with that? What are we going to do with it? Ця погода у мене вже в печінці сидить. I'm fed up with this weather. This weather is already in my liver. Мені цікаво, чи Том вже сказав Мері, що їй потрібно це зробити. I wonder whether or not Tom has already told Mary she needs to do that. I wonder whether or not Tom has already told Mary she needs to do that. Можна її про щось запитати? Can I ask her something? Can I ask her something? Кого ти запросила на вечерю? Who did you invite do dinner? Who did you invite to dinner? Я не буду більше намагатися. I'm going to stop trying. I won't try anymore. Яке ім'я відповідає імені "Юрій" в англійській мові? What do you call "yuri" in English? What name corresponds to the name "Yuriah " in English? Дай мені апельсин. Give me an orange. Give me an orange. Я хотіла би знати, що ти робиш. I'd like to know what you're doing. I'd like to know what you're doing. Будь ласка, дайте нам знати. Please let us know. Please let us know. Мені подобається норвезька мова! I like Norwegian! I like Norwegian! Я вибіг надвір. I ran outside. I ran outside. Це складно. It's complex. It's difficult. Це, на твою думку, фіолетове? Does this look purple to you? Do you think this is purple? Вам боляче жувати? Does it hurt when you chew? Does it hurt to chew? Том повинен зробити щось. Tom has to do something. Tom has to do something. Чому ви сьогодні такі втомлені? Why are you so tired today? Why are you so tired today? Ви не канадієць. You're not Canadian. You're not Canadian. Я хотів би купити нову машину. I'd like to buy a new car. I'd like to buy a new car. Попрошу рахунок, будь ласка. Give me the bill, please. I'd like an account, please. Мене звуть Анна. My name is Anna. My name is Anna. Том побачив, як Мері посміхнулася. Tom saw Mary smiling. Tom saw Mary smile. Том дурний. Tom is dumb. Tom is stupid. Не можу дочекатися, поки не побачу Тома знову. I can't wait to see Tom again. I can't wait to see Tom again. Я переконав його, що він був неправий. I persuaded him that he was wrong. I convinced him that he was wrong. Том не мав жодного відношення до цього. Tom had nothing to do with this. Tom had nothing to do with that. Я була серйозною. I was serious. I was serious. Я питав про цю книгу у багатьох магазинах. I inquired about the book in many stores. I asked about the book in many stores. Потисніть мені руку. Shake my hand. Shake my hand. Том та Мері обоє фарбують волосся. Tom and Mary both dye their hair. Both Tom and Mary dye their hair. Хто твій батько? Who is your father? Who's your father? Том думав, що Мері зробила це навмисно. Tom thought Mary did that on purpose. Tom thought Mary did that on purpose. Ми з Томом плануємо одружитися двадцятого жовтня. Tom and I are planning on getting married on October 20th. Tom and I are planning to get married on October 20th. Ви маєте багато ручок? Do you have a lot of pens? Do you have a lot of pens? Мені шкода, що я не можу сьогодні вам допомогти. I'm sorry that I can't help you today. I'm sorry I can't help you today. Перепрошую, але Том має рацію. Sorry, but Tom's right. I'm sorry, but Tom is right. Ти все ще певна? Are you still sure? Are you still sure? Передай цукор, будь ласка. Pass the sugar, please. Pass the sugar, please. Дозвольте мені усе владнати, добре? Let me handle everything, will you? Let me handle this, okay? Ти знаєш якісь карточні фокуси? Do you know any card tricks? Do you know any card tricks? Я тебе не бачив весь день. I haven't seen you all day. I haven't seen you all day. Том одружений на Мері. Tom is married to Mary. Tom is married to Mary. Емілі хоче провідати свого батька. Emily wants to go and see her father. Emily wants to visit her father. Було дуже холодно. It was very cold. It was very cold. Я скасую. I'll cancel. I'll cancel. Навіть ми - люди. Even we are people. Even we are human beings. Вона спустилася з даху. She climbed down from the roof. She came down from the roof. Том, мабуть, забув сказати Мері зробити це. Tom probably forgot to tell Mary to do that. Tom must've forgotten to tell Mary to do that. Том не був гладкий. Tom wasn't fat. Tom wasn't fat. Підозрюю, що Том вже відправився до Австралії. I suspect Tom has already left for Australia. I suspect Tom has already gone to Australia. Том - солодкоїжка. Tom has a sweet tooth. Tom is a sweetener. Ви бачите птаха на телефонному дроті? Do you see the bird on the telephone wire? Do you see a bird on the telephone wire? Батьки Тома були дуже вражені Мері. Tom's parents were very impressed with Mary. Tom's parents were very impressed with Mary. Повірити не можу, що ми з Томом тут насправді живемо. I can't believe Tom and I are really living here. I can't believe Tom and I really live here. Я самотня людина. I am a lonely man. I'm a lonely man. Не будь такою егоїсткою. Don't be so selfish. Don't be so selfish. Сьогодні вранці температура в мене була нижче тридцяти семи градусів. My temperature was below thirty-seven degrees this morning. I had a fever of below thirty - seven degrees Fahrenheit [- thirty - seven ° C.] this morning. Він вже сказав так. He has already said yes. He has already said so. Гадаєте, Том зміг виграти? Do you think Tom was able to win? Do you think Tom was able to win? Чим ти займаєшся в Бостоні? What do you do in Boston? What are you doing in Boston? Ми знаємо, що працює. We know what works. We know it works. Том завжди йде спати до полуночі. Tom almost always goes to bed before midnight. Tom always goes to bed until midnight. Думаю, Том нам збрехав. I think Tom has lied to us. I think Tom lied to us. Він американець. He is an American. He is American. Ти віриш у НЛО? Do you believe in UFOs? Do you believe in UFO? Ви купили машину якого кольору? What color car did you buy? What color car did you buy? Том передав Мері повідомлення. Tom handed Mary the message. Tom handed Mary a message. Тому більше не потрібно хвилюватися. Tom no longer has to worry. Tom doesn't need to worry anymore. Це щось новеньке. This is something new. It's something new. Ти двомовний? Are you bilingual? Are you bilingual? Ви огидна свиня. You're a disgusting pig. You're a disgusting pig. Я втомився від цього. I'm tired of this. I'm tired of it. Це багато? Is that a lot? Is that a lot? Це пиво недостатньо холодне. This beer is not cold enough. This beer isn't cold enough. Батьків Тома вже немає на світі. Tom's parents aren't living anymore. Tom's parents aren't in the world anymore. Том теж спить. Tom is sleeping, too. Tom is asleep, too. Це двомовний регіон. This is a bilingual region. It's a bilingual region. Ти ж правда любиш червоне вино? You like red wine, don't you? You like red wine, don't you? Тобі слід сказати Тому, що ти не плануєш плавати. You should tell Tom that you aren't planning on swimming. You should tell Tom that you aren't planning on swimming. У мене немає турецької клавіатури. I don't have a Turkish keyboard. I don't have a Turkish keyboard. Тому подобаються його вчителі. Tom likes his teachers. Tom likes his teachers. Том би нам сказав. Tom would have told us. Tom would've told us. Спробуй виглядати щасливою. Try to look happy. Try to look happy. Я чула, що Том тепер учитель. I hear that Tom is now a teacher. I heard Tom is a teacher now. Том уже батько. Tom is already a father. Tom is already a father. Том їздить на роботу на автобусі. Tom goes to work by bus. Tom goes to work by bus. Мене взяли на роботу. I was hired. I was hired. Я вища, ніж ти. I'm taller than you. I'm taller than you. На старт, увага... руш! Ready, set, go! Here we go, here we go, here we go! У мене є багато чого, що я хочу продати. I have a lot of things I want to sell. I have a lot of things I want to sell. Хіба ми не можемо зробити краще? Can't we do better than that? Can't we do better? Нам треба уникнути подальших затримок. We need to avoid any further delays. We need to avoid further delay. Само по собі, це не є незвичним. That in itself isn't unusual. In itself, this is not unusual. Ти знаєш, як це можна зробити краще? Do you know a better way to do this? Do you know how to do that better? Він пояснив мені правило. He explained the rule to me. He explained the rule to me. Ні, не робіть цього. No, don't do that. No, don't do that. Продовжуй писати. Keep writing. Keep writing. Я не думав, що Том буде такий зайнятий. I didn't think Tom would be so busy. I didn't think Tom would be so busy. Я сказала Мері, що ненавиджу її. I told Mary I hated her. I told Mary I hated her. Я обожнюю грати словами. I love playing on words. I love playing with words. Увесь комп'ютер - це одна гігантська зараза. The whole computer is a giant infection. The whole computer is one giant plague. Коли я був малим, ми поважали старших. When I was a child, we respected our elders. When I was young, we respected the older men. Чому ти зупинився? Why did you stop? Why did you stop? Якщо ти не хотіла приходити, треба було щось сказати. If you didn't want to come, you should've said something. If you didn't want to come, you should have said something. Він звичний до таких ситуацій. He is used to such situations. He's used to situations like this. Я боюсь, що піде дощ. I'm afraid it will rain. I'm afraid it'll rain. Мене примусили піти. I was forced to go. I was forced to leave. Як ти плануєш це зробити? How do you plan to do that? How do you plan on doing that? Том боїться показати свої почуття. Tom is afraid of showing his feelings. Tom is afraid to show his feelings. Ця вода ніколи не замерзає. This water never freezes. This water never freezes. Поїзд має прибути опiвднi. The train is due at noon. The train has to arrive at noon. Мені дуже подобається Китай. I really like China. I really like China. Я прокинулася о п'ятій годині. I woke up at five o'clock. I woke up at five o'clock. Я відмовляюся. I refuse. I refuse. Новини її дуже засмутили. The news made her very sad. The news made her very sad. Мені краще. I'm better. I feel better. Нам пощастило. We're lucky. We were lucky. Я все зробив правильно. I did everything right. I did everything right. Молоко та алкоголь проблем не вирішують. Milk and alcohol don't solve problems. Milk and alcohol do not solve problems. Я хочу пити. I feel thirsty. I'm thirsty. Зачини йобані двері! Close the fucking door! Close the fucking door! Кіт старий. The cat is old. The cat is old. Я позичила парасольку Тому, а не Мері. I lent my umbrella to Tom, not Mary. I borrowed Tom's umbrella, not Mary's. Це не Том. It isn't Tom. It's not Tom. Слухайте. Listen. Listen. Чому ви завжди настроєні настільки скептично? Why are you always so skeptical? Why are you always so skeptical? Дуже вам усім дякуємо. Thank you all very much. Thank you all very much. Це головне. That is essential. That's what matters. Ані Тому, ані Мері не варто хвилюватися. Neither Tom nor Mary needs to be concerned. Both Tom and Mary don't need to worry. Я не пішла до зоопарку. I didn't go to the zoo. I didn't go to the zoo. Том поцілував руку Мері. Tom kissed Mary's hand. Tom kissed Mary's hand. Собака Тома скрізь за ним ходить. Tom's dog follows him everywhere. Tom's dog follows him everywhere. Мені здається, Том і Мері блефували. I think Tom and Mary were bluffing. I think Tom and Mary were bluffing. Настав час вечері. It's time for dinner. It's dinner time. Їжа мені здалася занадто жирною. I found the food too greasy. I thought the food was too fat. Подорож у часі можлива. Time travel is possible. Time travel is possible. Будь ласка, поясни мені футбольні правила. Please explain the rules of football to me. Please explain the rules of soccer to me. Вона тобі зраджувала? Did she cheat on you? Was she cheating on you? Це прекрасний вибір. That's an excellent choice. That's a great choice. Вони перестали плакати. They stopped crying. They stopped crying. Він - моє перше кохання. He's my first love. He's my first love. У Японії новий учбовий рік починається у квітні. In Japan, the new school year begins in April. In Japan a new school year begins in April. Мері зайшла. Mary came in. Mary came in. Я колись багато плавав. I used to swim a lot. I used to swim a lot. Я приготував каву. I made coffee. I made coffee. Я люблю писати пісні французькою. I like to write songs in French. I like to write songs in French. У Тома є все, що йому потрібно. Does Tom have everything he needs? Tom has everything he needs. Том ніколи не бреше Мері. Tom never lies to Mary. Tom never lies to Mary. Чим ви сьогодні будете займатися? What are you doing today? What are you going to do today? Ваш торт смачний. Your cake is delicious. Your cake is delicious. Я не знаю їхніх імен. I don't know their names. I don't know their names. Я заслуговую на підвищення. I deserve a raise. I deserve a promotion. Припиніть! Break it up! Stop it! Том каже, що не зробив нічого незаконного. Tom says that he did nothing illegal. Tom says he didn't do anything illegal. Дозвольте спробувати Тому. Let Tom try. Let me try Tom. Том та Мері такі. Tom and Mary are like that. Tom and Mary are like that. Мої батьки померли. My parents are both dead. My parents are dead. Привіт, як ти? Hi, how're you doing? Hi, how are you? Ти маєш бути дуже спокійною. You have to be very calm. You need to be very calm. Я не дурень. I'm not an idiot. I'm not stupid. Я вже поговорив із Томом. I've already spoken to Tom. I've already talked to Tom. Том не боїться робити нічого. Tom isn't afraid to do anything. Tom isn't afraid to do anything. Я зроблю тебе щасливою. I'll make you happy. I'll make you happy. Дарованому коневі в зуби не заглядають. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. A horse is not seen in its teeth. Слабкі - їжа для сильних. The weak are food for the strong. The weak are food for the strong. Підозрюю, що Том та Мері поїхали до Австралії разом. I suspect that Tom and Mary went to Australia together. I suspect that Tom and Mary went to Australia together. Том щойно втратив роботу. Tom has just lost his job. Tom has just lost his job. Яка спека! How hot it is! What heat! Сьогодні день народження Тома. It's Tom's birthday today. It's Tom's birthday today. Справедливість коштує дорого. Justice is expensive. Justice is expensive. Я не знаю, що ще можна зробити. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know what else we can do. Ти розповів Тому про нас? Did you tell Tom about us? Did you tell Tom about us? Я хочу поїхати до міста. I want to go to the city. I want to go to town. Я насолоджувався видом. I was enjoying the view. I enjoyed the view. Що би ти зробив на моєму місці? What would you do if you were in my place? What would you do in my place? Ці книжки їхні. Those books are theirs. These books are theirs. Двері з лівої сторони будуть відкриті. The door on the left side will be open. The door on the left side will be open. Коли ти її закінчила? When did you finish it? When did you finish it? Том замкнув собаку в гаражі. Tom locked his dog in the garage. Tom locked his dog in the garage. Мій батько дуже добре плавав у молодості. My father could swim well when he was young. My father was very good at swimming when he was young. Куди це ти зібрався? Just where do you think you're going? Where are you going? Якщо ти не заперечуєш, я піду з Томом. If you don't mind, I'll go with Tom. If you don't mind, I'll go with Tom. Я думаю, Том ненавидить Мері. I think Tom hates Mary. I think Tom hates Mary. Просто запитай її. Just ask her. Just ask her. Я знаю, що Том вміє плавати краще, ніж я. I know that Tom can swim better than I can. I know Tom can swim better than I can. Ми не можемо існувати без води. Without water, we cannot exist. We cannot exist without water. Час руйнує все. Time destroys everything. Time destroys everything. Сподіваюся, Том не зробив того, про що ти його попросила. I hope Tom didn't do what you told him to do. I hope Tom didn't do what you asked him to do. Я лікар, Джиме. Не адвокат. I'm a doctor, Jim. Not a lawyer. I'm a doctor, Jim, not a lawyer. Хіба ти не бачиш, що Тому потрібна твоя допомога? Can't you see that Tom needs your help? Can't you see that Tom needs your help? Обожнюю часник. I love garlic. I love garlic. Том повернувся із Бостону на тиждень раніше, ніж ми очікували. Tom came back from Boston a week earlier than we expected. Tom returned from Boston a week earlier than we expected. Я вас пригощу. I'll treat you. I'll treat you. Вона працює годинами. She works for hours. She works for hours. Сподіваюся, я тебе не образив. I hope that I have not offended you. I hope I didn't offend you. Дякуємо, що вислухав. Thank you for listening. Thank you for listening. Том їздить на роботу на мотоциклі. Tom commutes to work by motorcycle. Tom goes to work by motorcycle. Я більше не п'ю. I don't drink anymore. I don't drink anymore. Цього року я цього ще не робив. I haven't done that this year. I haven't done that this year. Том відкрив вікно і був здивований, побачивши Мері. Tom opened the door and was surprised to see Mary. Tom opened the window and was surprised to see Mary. Лейла була чарівною жінкою. Layla was a charming woman. Layla was a charming woman. Моя сестра народжує в червні. My sister is having a baby in June. My sister is giving birth in June. Том на цих вихідних буде працювати. Tom will be working this weekend. Tom is going to work this weekend. Я просто намагаюся не думати про це. I just try not to think about it. I'm just trying not to think about it. Що ти отримала на Різдво? What did you get for Christmas? What did you get for Christmas? Давайте усі просто заспокоїмся. Let's all just calm down. Let's all just calm down. Ви громадянин Японії? Are you a Japanese citizen? Are you a Japanese citizen? Я буду в Бостоні наступного тижня. I'm going to be in Boston next week. I'll be in Boston next week. Том не знає, що ти зробив. Tom doesn't know what you've done. Tom doesn't know what you did. Том дозволив поліції обшукати свій будинок. Tom allowed the police to search his home. Tom let the police search his house. Ана любить віршувати. Ann likes to write poems. Ana likes to write poems. Менi дуже подобається французька ïжа. I like French food very much. I like French food very much. Я не можу сказати напевно. I can't say for sure. I can't say for sure. Мені слід робити те, що робить Том. I should do what Tom is doing. I should do what Tom does. Ти здоровий? Are you healthy? Are you healthy? Ми безробітні. We're unemployed. We're unemployed. Я хочу, щоб ти прокоментвував. I want you to comment. I want you to comment. Том не працює на мене. Tom isn't working for me. Tom doesn't work for me. За допомогою есперанто можна спілкуватися на рівних з людьми з інших країн. With Esperanto you can communicate equally with people from other countries. Esperanto is used to communicate with people from other countries. Чи ти віриш в бога? Do you believe in a god? Do you believe in God? Це мої діти. These are my children. These are my children. Хіба тобі більше нема чим зайнятися? Don't you have better things to do? Don't you have anything else to do? Я не думаю, що вони погані люди. I don't think they're bad people. I don't think they're bad people. Я хочу одного дня поїхати до Америки. I want to go to America some day. I want to go to America one day. Хіба ти все ще не живеш у Бостоні? Aren't you still living in Boston? Aren't you still living in Boston? Чи цей район газифікований? Is gas available in this neighborhood? Is this area vaporized? Тварина їсть. The animal is eating. The animal eats. Я спробував відмовити свого друга від одруження. I tried to talk a friend of mine out of getting married. I tried to talk my friend out of getting married. Можеш їсти все, що захочеш. You can eat anything you want. You may eat anything you want. Я продаю одяг в Інтернеті. I sell clothing online. I sell clothes online. Том це робить набагато краще, ніж Мері. Tom is much better at doing that than Mary. Tom does that much better than Mary does. Він мешкає наді мною. He lives above me. He lives on me. Том марнує свої гроші. Tom is wasting his money. Tom is wasting his money. Якщо не хочете їхати, ви не зобов'язані. If you don't want to go, you don't have to. If you don't want to go, you don't have to. Ймовірно, я буду наступний, хто це зробить. I'm likely to be the next one to do that. I'll probably be the next one to do that. Як ви почуваєтеся сьогодні? How are you feeling today? How are you feeling today? Том не очікував такого. Tom hadn't expected that. Tom didn't expect that to happen. Потім автобус виїхав з міста та поїхав по сільській дорозі. Then the bus left the town and drove along a country road. Then the bus left town and drove along the country road. Том тоді був у Бостоні. Tom was in Boston at the time. Tom was in Boston then. Усі собаки - тварини. Але це не значить, що усі тварини - собаки. All dogs are animals. However, that doesn't mean that all animals are dogs. All dogs are animals, but that doesn't mean all animals are dogs. Том може мати рацію. Tom could have a point. Tom might be right. Це моя сестра. Її звати Юля. This is my sister. She is called Julia. This is my sister, her name is Julia. Відчиняйте. Open up. Open up. Вас цікавить музика? Are you interested in music? Are you interested in music? Перепрошую за всі одруківки. Sorry for all the typos. I'm sorry for all the printing. Вона засміялася, щоб приховати свій страх. She laughed to cover her fear. She laughed to hide her fear. Ти загубила квиток? Have you lost your ticket? Have you lost your ticket? Викладач звернув увагу на помилку студента. The teacher took notice of the student's mistake. The teacher called attention to the student's error. Я хочу попередити Тома. I want to warn Tom. I want to warn Tom. Його сидіння в літаку було в проході. His seat in the plane was on the aisle. His plane seat was in the aisle. Білки їдять лісні горіхи. Squirrels eat hazelnuts. The squirrels eat woodnuts. Тому подобаються італійська страви. Tom likes Italian food. Tom likes Italian food. Це не моя машина. This is not my car. This isn't my car. А що, якщо я бідний? What if I am poor? What if I'm poor? У жовтні мені буде 30. I'll be thirty this October. I'll be 30 this October. Знов осінь. It's autumn again. It's fall again. Він застебнув свою куртку. He zipped up his jacket. He buttoned his jacket. Телефон Тома випдаково зателефонував Мері. Tom butt-dialled Mary. Tom's phone rang for Mary. Він приїхав на автобусі. He came by bus. He came by bus. Якого кольору в нього волосся? What colour is his hair? What colour is his hair? У неї була чиста совість. She had a clear conscience. She had a clean conscience. Тобі потрібно припинити пити. You need to stop drinking. You need to stop drinking. Том не знає, скільки важить Мері. Tom doesn't know how much Mary weighs. Tom doesn't know how much Mary weighs. Я почуваюся добре цього ранку. I'm feeling good this morning. I feel well this morning. Спробуй побачити це з їхньої точки зору. Try to see it from their point of view. Try to see it from their point of view. Вітер віє зі сходу. Easterly wind blows. The wind is blowing from the east. В Україні є тисячі пастафаріанців. There are thousands of Pastafarians in Ukraine. There are thousands of Pastafarians in Ukraine. Я впевнений, що ви залишитесь задоволені. I'm sure that you'll be satisfied. I'm sure you'll be satisfied. Шукай і знайдеш! Seek and you shall find! Search and find! Хто його взяв? Who took it? Who took it? Ані Том, ані Мері не можуть цього зробити. Neither Tom nor Mary can do that. Neither Tom nor Mary can do that. Кіт спить. The cat is sleeping. The cat is sleeping. Ці апельсини смачні. These oranges taste delicious. These oranges are delicious. Я ніколи не була дуже практична. I never was very practical. I've never been very practical. У всякому разі, я старша від тебе. At least I'm older than you. Anyway, I'm older than you. Можна нам ложку? Could we have a spoon? Can we have a spoon? Кожен рух танцюриста був досконалим. Each movement of the dancer was perfect. Every move of the dancer was perfect. Ми консервативні. We are a conservative people. We're conservative. Том запитав Мері, де живе Джон. Tom asked Mary where John lived. Tom asked Mary where John lived. Я не такий наївний. I'm not that naive. I'm not that naive. Вислухайте мене. Hear me out. Listen to me. Я народився у травні. I was born in May. I was born in May. Хтось, мабуть, не вимкнув воду. Someone must have left the water running. Someone probably didn't turn off the water. Я позапитую. I'll ask around. I'll ask you something. Я його не виношу. I can't stand him. I can't stand him. Він спить, як немовля. He sleeps like a baby. He sleeps like a baby. Том сказав, що почувається добре. Tom said he's feeling fine. Tom said he felt fine. Том майже забув конференцію. Tom almost forgot the conference. Tom almost forgot the conference. Ви не такі як вони. You're not like them. You're not like them. Якщо тобі нудно, якось це виправ. If you're bored, do something about it. If you're bored, somehow it's fixed. Том, мабуть, на вас злий. Tom must be mad at you. Tom is probably angry with you. Ще раз дякую. Thanks again. Thanks again. Вона була дуже здивована, коли почула цю новину. She was very surprised when she heard the news. She was surprised to hear the news. Я би приїхала з тобою до Бостона, якби могла. I would have come to Boston with you if I could've. I'd have come to Boston with you if I could've. Вона підняла одну з скляних ваз. She picked up one of the glass vases. She picked up one of the glass vases. Думаю, я просто піду до Тома додому. I guess I'll just go over to Tom's. I think I'll just go to Tom's house. У мене є вулики. I have hives. I have hives. Том вже набрав 30 очок. Tom has already scored 30 points. Tom has already scored 30 points. Це мої книжки. They're my books. These are my books. Я краще помру, ніж вийду за Тома. I'd rather die than marry Tom. I'd rather die than marry Tom. Тома треба було заарештувати. Tom should have been arrested. Tom should've been arrested. Не всі з нас народилися із музичним талантом. Not all of us are born with musical talent. Not all of us were born with a musical talent. Том ледачий? Is Tom lazy? Is Tom lazy? Чоловік, якого ти бачив учора в моєму кабінеті, - з Бельгії. The man you saw in my office yesterday is from Belgium. The man you saw in my office yesterday is from Belgium. Ну що ж, думаю, ми мусимо йти. Well, I guess we should go. Well, I think we should go. Я теж не знаю. I don't know either. I don't know either. Мені подобається, як ти вимовляєш моє ім'я. I love the way you say my name. I like the way you say my name. Ви думаєте, я ідіот? You think I'm an idiot? Do you think I'm stupid? Ти сьогодні не виглядаєш дуже зайнятим. You didn't seem very busy today. You don't seem very busy today. Мені подобається грати в теніс. I like playing tennis. I like playing tennis. Маєте свисток? Do you have a whistle? Do you have a whistle? Я теж безробітний. I am also unemployed. I'm unemployed, too. Я на неї вже годину чекаю. I've been waiting for her for an hour. I've been waiting for her for an hour. Ти сказав достатньо. You've said enough. You said enough. Мені бракує Бостона. I miss Boston. I miss Boston. Фома тебе не хоче. Tom doesn't want you. Tom doesn't want you. Тато зрадив мамі. My dad cheated on my mom. Dad betrayed his mother. Молодому інженеру бракувало досвіду. The young engineer lacked experience. A young engineer lacked experience. Том і насправді це вам сказав? Did Tom really say that to you? Did Tom really tell you that? Том приховував від Мері секрет. Tom was hiding a secret from Mary. Tom kept a secret from Mary. Тому подобається музика. Tom likes music. Tom likes music. Я люблю відвідувати нові місця і бачити щось нове. I like to go to new places and see new things. I like visiting new places and seeing something new. Мені подобається джаз. I like jazz music. I like jazz. Ти неправильно мене зрозуміла! You misunderstand me! You misunderstood me! Я не маю уяви, хто така ця жінка. I have no idea who that woman is. I have no idea who this woman is. Вона мене уникає. She avoids me. She's avoiding me. Тобі 17 років? Are you 17? Are you 17? Не пийте цю воду. Don't drink the water. Don't drink that water. Чому ви більше не перекладаєте мої речення? Why don't you translate my sentences anymore? Why don't you translate my sentences anymore? Думаєш, залишатися тут безпечно? Do you think it's safe to stay here? Do you think it's safe to stay here? Ворота відкриті. The gate is open. The gate is open. Ти почуваєшся втомленою? Are you feeling tired? Do you feel tired? Том теж пішов? Has Tom gone, too? Did Tom go, too? Ми з Томом приїхали окремо. Tom and I arrived separately. Tom and I came separately. Зброя, наркотики є? Any drugs or weapons? Weapons, drugs? Епідемію було локалізовано. The epidemic has been contained. The epidemic was localized. Ти сказав Тому про те, що бачив Мері у Бостоні? Did you tell Tom about seeing Mary in Boston? Did you tell Tom about what you saw Mary in Boston? Бджола вилетіла через вікно. A bee flew out of the window. The bee flew out the window. Зустріч була дуже довгою. The meeting was very long. The meeting was very long. Скоро осінь. It will be fall soon. It'll be fall soon. Можливо, ти можеш мені це пояснити? Perhaps you could explain it to me? Maybe you could explain it to me? Непогано! Well done! Not bad! Том бачив кров на підлозі. Tom saw blood on the floor. Tom saw blood on the floor. Їжа, одяг та притулок є основними життєвими потребами. Food, clothing and shelter are the basis of life. Food, clothing, and shelter are the basic necessities of life. Мені тебе майже шкода. I almost feel sorry for you. I almost feel sorry for you. Ми виживемо. We'll survive. We'll survive. У неї безтерміновий контракт. She has an indefinite contract. She has an irrevocable contract. Думаєте, це пастка? Do you think it's a trap? Do you think it's a trap? Том зробить це, я певен. Tom will do that, I'm sure. Tom will do that, I'm sure. Тоді ми маємо проблему... Then there is a problem... Then we have a problem... Вам слід сказати Тому, що Мері може це зробити. You should tell Tom that Mary can do that. You should tell Tom that Mary can do that. Тому це не сподобається. Tom isn't going to like that. Tom isn't going to like that. Я з нею погодився. I agreed with her. I agreed with her. Хіба ти не бажаєш стільки заплатити? Aren't you willing to pay that much? Aren't you willing to pay that much? Я планую повернутися на роботу на протязі кількох днів. I plan to be back to work within a few days. I plan to return to work for a few days. Ми не маємо іншого вибору. We don't have another choice. We have no other choice. На вихідні їду на Ідзу. I'm going to Izu over the weekend. I'm going to Izu for the weekend. Я вмію читати французькою. I can read French. I can read French. Я сьогодні трохи втомився. I'm a little tired today. I'm a little tired today. Я не бачу нічого поганого в зоопарках. I don't see anything wrong with zoos. I don't see anything wrong with zoos. Що горить? What's on fire? What's burning? Хто не лягає спати довше вночі, ти чи Том? Who stays up later at night, you or Tom? Who doesn't go to bed much longer at night, you or Tom? Унітаз погано спускається. The toilet doesn't flush properly. The toilet doesn't go well. Ти знаєш, хто винайшов мікроскоп? Do you know who invented the microscope? Do you know who invented the microscope? Всім було зрозуміло, що він втомився. It was obvious to everybody that he was tired. It was clear to everyone that he was tired. Коли це сталося? When did this occur? When did this happen? Том не хотів стояти в черзі. Tom didn't want to queue. Tom didn't want to stand in line. Ти завжди запізнюєшся. You are always late. You're always late. Том думає, що Мері це зробить. Tom thinks that Mary will do that. Tom thinks Mary will do that. Том зачинив магазин і пішов додому. Tom closed the store and went home. Tom closed the shop and went home. Думаю, Том міг би це зробити. I think Tom could do that. I think Tom could do that. Я занадто молода, щоб виходити заміж. I'm too young to get married. I'm too young to get married. Ми маємо двох дочок і одного сина. We have two daughters and one son. We have two daughters and one son. Я не знав, чому всі дивляться на мене. I didn't know why everybody was looking at me. I didn't know why everyone was looking at me. Том сказав, що, на йому думку, це робити необов'язково. Tom said he doesn't think it's necessary to do that. Tom said he doesn't think that it's necessary to do that. Неможливо! No way! Impossible! Скільки ви хочете витратити? How much do you want to spend? How much do you want to spend? Я впустила яблуко. I dropped my apple. I dropped the apple. Том навчився грати на гітарі у Бостоні. Tom learned how to play the guitar in Boston. Tom learned how to play the guitar in Boston. Шкода, що я не можу купити мотоцикл. I wish I could buy a motorcycle. I wish I could buy a motorcycle. Не думаю, що ти в це віриш. I don't think you believe that. I don't think you believe that. Том готовий перейти до наступної фази. Tom is ready to move on. Tom is ready to move on to the next phase. Як на мене, то наразі помовчу. As for me, I have nothing to say at present. I think I'll be quiet for the moment. Дощ перейшов у сніг. The rain changed into snow. The rain turned to snow. Дивно, що люди скоюють злочини, коли є стільки законних способів шахраювати. It's strange that men should take up crime when there are so many legal ways to be dishonest. It is surprising that people commit crimes when there are so many legitimate ways to cheat. Не знаю як, але Том це зробив. I don't know how, but Tom did it. I don't know how, but Tom did. Мені потрібні результати. I want results. I need results. Давай зустрінемося о 6:30. Let's meet at 6:30. Let's meet at 6:30. Дякую за компанію. Thanks for the company. Thanks for the company. Йому, мабуть, за п'ятдесят. He must be over fifty. He must be in his 50 ' s. План Тома вдався. Tom's plan has been successful. Tom's plan succeeded. Я гуляв зі своїм братом. I was taking a walk with my brother. I walked with my brother. Я не про це питав. That wasn't the question. That's not what I asked. Не здавайся. Don't give in. Don't give up. Ти це повністю прочитала? Did you read it entirely? Did you read it completely? Хочеш почути мою теорію? Do you want to hear my theory? Do you want to hear my theory? Сподіваюся, ми це швидко виправимо. I hope we can get that fixed soon. I hope we fix this quickly. Візьми мене. Я твоя. Take me. I'm yours. Take me. I'm yours. Я не знаю, як пишеться це слово. I don't know how to spell the word. I don't know how to write that word. Я буду там за хвилину. I'll be in there in a minute. I'll be there in a minute. Краще, ніж нічого. Better than nothing. Better than nothing. Напиши тут своє ім'я. Write down your name here. Write your name here. Я допомогла Тому знайти квартиру. I helped Tom find a flat. I helped Tom find an apartment. Я купив новий велосипед. I bought a new bicycle. I bought a new bicycle. Не розраховуй на мене. Deal me out. Don't count on me. Ми повертаємося до готелю. We're going back to our hotel. We're going back to the hotel. Це твій єдиний шанс. It's your only chance. It's your only chance. Скільки часу ти плануєш тут бути? How long do you plan to stay here? How long do you plan to stay here? Не думаю, що я змінюся. I don't think I'll change. I don't think I'll change. Тобі треба було сказати йому правду. You should have told him the truth. You should've told him the truth. Дай мені той фотоапарат. Give me that camera. Give me that camera. Том одружиться наступного місяця. Tom is getting married next month. Tom will get married next month. Я хотів би побачити вашу матір. I would like to see your mother. I'd like to see your mother. Том із самого початку мав рацію. Tom was correct all along. Tom was right from the beginning. Обирати вам, Томе. It's your choice, Tom. Choose you, Tom. Він правий? Is he right? Is he right? Ти суровий, але справедливий. You're tough but fair. You're tough, but fair. У тебе не дуже добрі манери. Your manners aren't very good. Your manners aren't very good. Том спробував зупинити Мері. Tom tried to stop Mary. Tom tried to stop Mary. Чий це офіс? Whose office is this? Whose office is this? Він приїхав вчасно. He arrived in time. He arrived on time. Я нікого не звинувачую. I'm not blaming anyone. I don't blame anyone. Вода у твердому стані називається лід. Water in a solid state is called ice. The solid water is called ice. Очевидно, він хотів відволікти її. Apparently he wanted to distract her. Apparently, he wanted to distract her. У мене більше грошей, ніж у тебе. I have more money than you. I have more money than you. Дякую вам за роботу. Thank you for your work. Thank you for your work. Я тебе не турбуватиму. I won't bother you. I won't bother you. Годинник іде вперед. The clock is fast. The clock goes forward. Є багато інших прикладів. There are many other examples. There are many other examples. Ніхто не помітить. Nobody will notice. No one will notice. Ваш годинник відстає на десять хвилин. Your watch is ten minutes slow. Your watch is ten minutes slow. Приходь ще. Come again. Come again. Коли відчиняється клуб? What time does the club open? When does the club open? Том не хоче, щоб ти їхала, так? Tom doesn't want you to go, does he? Tom doesn't want you to go, does he? Ви хочете сказати, що моє життя у небезпеці? Are you saying my life is in danger? Are you saying my life is in danger? Ви знаєте, що я не зобов'язана цього робити, правда? You know that I don't need to do that, don't you? You know I don't have to do that, don't you? Привітання з Франції! Greetings from France! Welcome from France! Бажаю вам гарного літнього відпочинку! Have fun this summer! I wish you a nice summer vacation! Можеш подати мені молоко? Can you pass me the milk? Can you pass me the milk? Дивно, що я дожила до тридцяти. I'm surprised I made it to thirty. It's strange that I lived to be thirty. Ви би хотіли з'їздити за кордон? Would you like to go abroad? Would you like to go abroad? Вона мила посуд. She was washing the dishes. She was washing dishes. Я не дивилася. I wasn't watching. I didn't look. Я добре готую. I'm good at cooking. I'm good at cooking. Не думаю, що Том знає, що ти тут. I don't think Tom knows you're here. I don't think Tom knows you're here. Зроби це зараз. Do it now. Do it now. Я пролив каву на килим. I spilled my coffee on the carpet. I poured coffee on the carpet. У вас дуже гарне ім'я. You have a very pretty name. You have a very nice name. Я певна, що ти їм потрібний. I'm sure they need you. I'm sure they need you. Чому ти хочеш її побачити? Why do you want to see her? Why do you want to see her? Я не швейцарець. I'm not Swiss. I'm not Swiss. Він дуже досвідчений. He's very experienced. He is very experienced. Його родина працює в полі. His family works in the fields. His family works in the fields. Мері каже, що почекає. Mary says she'll wait. Mary says she'll wait. Я питаю себе, чи я повинна я це робити насправді. I wonder whether or not I really need to do that. I wonder whether or not I should really do that. Вона не може знайти свою шапку. She can't find her hat. She can't find her hat. Мі мсі говоримо французькою. All of us can speak French. We can speak French masci. Том сказав, що любить піцу. Tom said he likes pizza. Tom said he liked pizza. Рим має багато стародавніх будівель. Rome has a lot of ancient buildings. Rome has many ancient buildings. Можливо, вам не варто це робити просто зараз. You might not want to do that right now. Maybe you shouldn't do that right now. Рис смачний. The rice is delicious. The rice is delicious. Зубна фея - це зубна злодійка. The tooth fairy is a tooth thief. A tooth fairy is a tooth thief. Я не така наївна, як ти думаєш. I'm not as gullible as you think I am. I'm not as naive as you think I am. Том любить вино. Tom likes wine. Tom likes wine. Ти зараз втомлений? Are you tired now? Are you tired now? Том хотів, щоб я це для нього зробив. Tom wanted me to do that for him. Tom wanted me to do that for him. Ти спиш? Are you asleep? Are you asleep? Том вічно п'яний. Tom is always drunk. Tom is always drunk. Ти розумієш? Capisce? Do you understand? Ти робиш це навмисно! You're doing it on purpose! You're doing it on purpose! Я попросив Тома кинути мені ключі. I asked Tom to throw the keys to me. I asked Tom to throw me the keys. Том хотів, щоб я це для нього зробила. Tom wanted me to do that for him. Tom wanted me to do that for him. Я вже не кохаю його. I do not love him any longer. I no longer love him. Я лише тягнув якомога сильніше. I just pulled as hard as I could. I was just pulling as hard as I could. Цей фільм був дуже зворушливий. That movie was really moving. This film was very moving. Я його не шукала. I wasn't looking for him. I wasn't looking for him. Я дуже добре провів час у будинку Тома. I had a really wonderful time at Tom's house. I had a really good time at Tom's house. Том заперечував це. Tom denied this. Tom denied that. Ходімо пішки. Let's walk. Let's walk. "А" - перша літера алфавіту. "A" is the first letter of the alphabet. A is the first letter of the alphabet. Я буду з тобою вічно. I'll be with you forever. I'll be with you forever. Не забувай про Тома. Don't forget about Tom. Don't forget Tom. Перепрошую, що збрехав тобі вчора. I'm sorry that I lied to you yesterday. I'm sorry I lied to you yesterday. Вона завжди замовляє одне й те саме. She always orders the same thing. She always orders the same thing. У мене насправді немає таких грошей. I don't actually have that much money. I don't really have that kind of money. Я мав право це сказати. I had the right to say that. I had the right to say that. Покажи мені, що ти зробила. Show me what you've done. Show me what you've done. Він дивний хлопець. He's a strange guy. He's a strange guy. Земля схожа на м'яч із великим магнітом всередині. The Earth is like a ball with a large magnet inside. The earth looks like a ball with a big magnet inside it. Мені подобається цей фільм. I like this film. I like this movie. Том сказав Мері, що він чудово провів час у Австралії. Tom told Mary he'd had a lot of fun in Australia. Tom told Mary he had a great time in Australia. Том - респектабельний громадянин. Tom is an upstanding citizen. Tom is a respectable citizen. Це череп. That's a skull. It's a skull. Пан Танака - наш учитель англійської. Mr Tanaka is our teacher of English. Mr Tanaka is our English teacher. Я так сильно змінився? Have I changed that much? Have I changed so much? Ніхто не знає причини. No one knows the reason. No one knows the reason. Я відійшов, щоб він міг пройти. I stepped aside so that he could pass. I walked away so he could pass. Самі зустрічався з Лейлою. Sami dated Layla. Sami met with Layla. Том закашлявся. Tom coughed. Tom started coughing. Том знав, що Мері має це зробити. Tom knew Mary had to do that. Tom knew Mary had to do that. Том сказав, що сподівається, що Мері це зробить. Tom said he hoped that Mary wouldn't do that. Tom said he hoped Mary would do that. Я пішов по обіді. I left after lunch. I went in the afternoon. Том сказав, що передзвонить Мері. Tom said he'd call Mary back. Tom said he'd call Mary back. Я обожнюю цю пісню. I love this song. I love that song. Я знаю, що ти цього не робитимеш. I know you won't do it. I know that you won't do that. Це не баг, це фіча. That's not a bug. It's a feature. It's not mud, it's fun. Ви могли би щось і сказати. You could have said something. You could have said something. Том швидко вчиться. Tom learns fast. Tom is a fast learner. Ви єдина, хто мене розуміє. You're the only one who understands me. You're the only one who understands me. Ось мій багаж. Here's my luggage. Here's my luggage. Ти вже їдеш? Are you leaving already? Are you leaving already? Марія ще не дивилася новини. Maria hasn't watched the news yet. Mary hasn't watched the news yet. Тобі слід сказати Тому, що Мері не робитиме цього. You should tell Tom that Mary won't do that. You should tell Tom that Mary won't do that. Брат Тома - сантехнік. Tom's brother is a plumber. Tom's brother is a plumber. Мені здається, Том неефективний. I think Tom is inefficient. I think Tom is ineffective. Том ладнає з кожним. Tom got along with everybody. Tom gets along with everyone. Ми пішли до школи разом. We went to school together. We went to school together. Тримайтеся подалі від моєї дівчини. Stay away from my girlfriend. Stay away from my girlfriend. Я старий. I'm old. I'm old. Малоймовірно, що Том захоче допомогти Мері. Tom isn't likely to want to help Mary. Tom isn't likely to want to help Mary. Я заспіваю, поки він відпочиває. I will sing while he is resting. I'll sing while he's resting. Тома замінятиме Мері. Tom will be filling in for Mary. Tom will replace Mary. Комари в Мінесоті великі, як лелеки. Mosquitoes in Minnesota are as big as storks. The insects in Minnesota are as big as storks. Хіба ви завтра не повернетеся? Aren't you coming back tomorrow? Aren't you coming back tomorrow? Австрійці та швейцарці їдять багато цукерок. Austrian and Swiss people eat a lot of sweets. Austrian and Swiss eat a lot of candy. Тому подобаються помідори? Does Tom like tomatoes? Does Tom like tomatoes? Будь ласка, не намагайся це знову зробити. Please don't try to do that again. Please don't try to do that again. Я хочу подивитися документальний фільм. I want to watch a documentary. I want to watch a documentary. Ви мій син. You're my son. You are my son. "Дякую." "Будь ласка." "Thank you." "You're welcome." "Thank you." "Please." Він прийшов, щоб попросити нас допомогти йому. He came to ask us to help him. He came to ask us to help him. Собаки мокрі. The dogs are wet. The dogs are wet. Гадаю, Том побуває в Бостоні. I think that Tom will visit Boston. I think Tom will visit Boston. Самі був веганом. Sami was vegan. Sami was a vegan. Зачекай хвилину будь ласка! Wait a minute, please! Please wait a minute! Я бачу Дана. I see Dan. I see Dana. Ніхто не любить поганих новин. Nobody likes bad news. No one likes bad news. В мене були проблеми з поліцією минулої ночі. I was in trouble with the police last night. I had trouble with the police last night. Університет вирішив відмовитись від цього типу іспитів. The university decided to do away with this kind of examination. The university decided to give up this type of test. Ти й дісно там щаслива? Are you really happy here? Are you really happy there? Годі вже! Cut it out! That's enough! Чи можна мені позичити цей диск? May I borrow this CD? Can I borrow this CD? Чому ти дозволила Тому зробити це? Why did you let Tom do that? Why did you allow Tom to do that? Вона покала ключ до своєї сумки. She put the key in her bag. She put the key in her bag. Вона на восьмому місяці вагітності. She is eight months pregnant. She's eight months pregnant. Ми маємо дати Тому шанс зробити це. We should give Tom a chance to do that. We have to give Tom a chance to do that. Я вийшов на обід. I went out for lunch. I went out for lunch. Том трохи спізнюється. Tom is running a little late. Tom is a little late. Я хочу отримати знижку. I want a discount. I want a discount. Ти згоден з тим, що щойно сказав Том? Do you agree with what Tom just said? Do you agree with what Tom just said? Том зустрічається з жінкою на ім'я Мері. Tom is dating a woman named Mary. Tom is dating a woman named Mary. Тому подобається шоколад. Tom likes chocolate. Tom likes chocolate. Чи не буде ваша ласка допомогти мені із перекладом цього? Would you please help me translate this? Would you please help me with my translation? Мені не подобається морозиво. I do not like ice cream. I don't like ice cream. Я б хотiв бути Пікассо. I would like to be Picasso. I'd like to be Picasso. Трохи поспи. Take a nap. Get some sleep. Нам треба це зробити. We need to do that. We need to do that. Я вам дам п'ять доларів. I'll give you five dollars. I'll give you five dollars. Том продовжував вести машину. Tom continued driving. Tom kept driving. Як ви можете так багато їсти? How can you eat so much? How can you eat so much? Ми з Томом стали добрими друзями. Tom and I became good friends. Tom and I became good friends. Мені, будь ласка, пляшечку сиропу від кашлю. I'd like a bottle of cough syrup. I'd like a bottle of cough syrup. Я чула про неї. I've heard of her. I've heard of her. Ця троянда цвіте білим цвітом. This rose has a white bloom. This rose blossoms with white blossoms. Ми спитаємо Тома. We'll ask Tom. We'll ask Tom. Мені сказали, що я маю це зробити. I've been told I have to do that. I was told that I should do that. Ти ще не доріс, щоб це робити. You're not old enough to do that. You haven't yet grown to do that. Де тут є телефон? Where is there a telephone? Where is the phone? Роби те, що Том тобі каже. Do what Tom tells you. Do what Tom tells you. Я подивилася кіно. I watched the movie. I watched a movie. Я можу вас виручити. I can help you out. I can help you out. На минулих вихідних Том пробіг свій перший марафон. Tom ran his first marathon last weekend. Tom ran his first marathon last weekend. У неї немає почуття прекрасного. She is lacking in sense of beauty. She has no sense of beauty. Я вам байдужа. You don't care about me. You don't care about me. Можна я перевірю свою пошту з твого планшету? Can I check my email on your tab? May I check my e-mail from your tablet? Насправді мій кіт сором'язливий. The fact is that my cat is shy. My cat is really shy. Зошит не твій, а його. The notebook is not yours. It's his. The notebook isn't yours, it's hiss. Я звик тяжко працювати. I am accustomed to working hard. I'm used to working hard. Том не сміявся. Tom didn't laugh. Tom didn't laugh. Тома сьогодні тут немає. Tom isn't here tonight. Tom isn't here today. Гадаю, я маю все, що мені потрібно. I think I have everything I need. I think I have everything I need. Я думаю, я не дуже добре володію французькою. I think my French isn't very good. I think I'm not very good at French. Ви прекрасні. You're beautiful. You're beautiful. Я більше вам не допомагатиму. I'm not going to help you anymore. I won't help you anymore. Ми комусь можемо довіряти? Can we trust anyone? Can we trust anyone? Хіба ти це не записуєш? Aren't you recording this? Aren't you recording this? Я вже спати. I'm going to bed now. I'm already asleep. Том, імовірно, знає, що мені подобається Мері. Tom probably knows I like Mary. Tom probably knows I like Mary. Том дуже любить китайські страви. Tom really likes Chinese food. Tom really likes Chinese food. Ти ж не поспішаєш? You aren't in a hurry, are you? You're not in a hurry, are you? Я переїхав до Бостона. I've moved to Boston. I moved to Boston. Нам потрібна мета. We need a goal. We need a goal. Ми готові, я думаю. We're ready, I think. We're ready, I think. Том, чим хочеш вечеряти? Tom, what would you like to have for dinner? Tom, what do you want to eat? Облиш! Leave it! Come on! "Україно, вперед!," - ревіли вболівальники. "Go Ukraine!," screamed the fans. "There, there, there, there, there, there, there, there! " Кожному кораблю потрібний капітан. Every ship needs a captain. Every ship needs a captain. Ніхто нічого не підозрював. No one suspected a thing. No one suspected anything. Том дуже відомий і в Австралії. Tom is also very famous in Australia. Tom is also very famous in Australia. Проявімо креативність. Let's be creative. Let's be creative. Не забувай про знахідний відмінок! Don't forget the accusative! Don't forget the decoupling! Це мій кіт. This is my cat. This is my cat. Учора Том весь день учився. Yesterday, Tom studied all day. Tom studied all day yesterday. Потім Джон дав ці свідчення. Then John gave this testimony. Then John gave this witness. Ви хочете, щоб я це викинула? Do you want me to throw that away? Do you want me to throw this away? Я думаю, що я досить непогано співаю. I think I sing quite well. I think I sing pretty well. Він тут раніше зупинявся? Has he stayed here before? Has he stopped here before? Я хотіла би поговорити з вашим керівництвом. I'd like to speak to your manager. I'd like to speak with your supervisor. Яка це тварина? What animal is it? What animal is it? Ти тут жив? Did you live here? Did you live here? Чи продають в цій крамниці зошити? Do they sell notebooks at that store? Do they sell notebooks at this store? Я нормальний. I'm normal. I'm normal. Мене запросили на вечерю. I was invited to dinner. I was invited to dinner. Том досяг свого. Tom reached his goal. Tom achieved his goal. Том був доволі знервований. Tom was pretty nervous. Tom was pretty nervous. Ти ніколи не був схожим на Тома. You were never like Tom. You've never been like Tom. Моя донька любить гратися з ляльками. My daughter likes to play with dolls. My daughter likes to play with dolls. Том хоче бути таким, як я. Tom wants to be like me. Tom wants to be like me. Ми поїли разом. We ate together. We ate together. Меніск - це не кістка. Це хрящ; гнучка, еластична тканина. The meniscus is not a bone. It is a cartilage, a flexible, elastic tissue. The gum is not bone. It's cartilage; flexible, elastic tissue. Вона завжди носить чорне. She is always dressed in black. She always wears black. Ти кумедна. You're funny. You're funny. Мері сказала, що переможе. Mary said she'd win. Mary said she'll win. Ніколи не грайся на дорозі. Never play on the road. Never play on the road. Ви колись їли сир із яблучним пирогом? Have you ever had cheese with apple pie? Have you ever eaten cheese with apple pie? Я знаю, що ти хочеш знати відповіді. I know you want answers. I know you want answers. Хоча він багатий, він не щасливий. Though he is wealthy he is not happy. Although he is rich, he is not happy. Вона радісно посміхнулася до свого маля. She beamed at her baby. She joyfully smiled at her baby. Ти вже не дитина. You are not a child any more. You're not a child anymore. Масло, хліб та зелений сир; той, хто не може цього сказати - не справжній фриз. Butter, bread and green cheese; whoever can't say that is not an upright Frisian. Oil, bread, and green cheese; whoever can't say that is not real frieze. Том хотів вас побачити. Tom wanted to see you. Tom wanted to see you. Вам потрібно заспокоїтися. You need to calm down. You need to calm down. Мені щастить. I'm lucky. I'm lucky. У Тома все буде добре? Is Tom going to be OK? Is Tom going to be OK? Скажи мені чому. Tell me why. Tell me why. Яка столиця Сполучених Штатів - Вашингтон чи Нью-Йорк? Which is the capital of the United States, Washington or New York? What's the capital of the United States, Washington or New York? Ми можемо поговорити, будь ласка? Can I have a word, please? Can we talk, please? Гаразд, я зрозумів ідею. OK, I get the idea. All right, I got the idea. Мене більше не запрошують на вечірки. I don't get invited to parties anymore. I'm not invited to parties anymore. Мері могла передумати. Mary could change her mind. Mary could've changed her mind. Мені здається, Том божевільний. I think Tom is crazy. I think Tom is crazy. Запишіть це, будь ласка. Please write it down. Write it down, please. Король зловживав владою. The king abused his power. The king abused his power. Я вже готова. I am already prepared. I'm ready. Я просто ігнорую Тома. I just ignore Tom. I'm just ignoring Tom. Де моя кімната? Where's my room? Where's my room? Він сказав: "Залиш мене у спокої!" He said: "Leave me alone!" He said, "Let me alone!" Ти хочеш відвідати Бостон? Do you want to visit Boston? Do you want to visit Boston? Це мій годинник. This watch is mine. This watch is mine. Може, завтра о дев'ятій? How about tomorrow night at nine? Maybe tomorrow at nine? У чому ти будеш? What will you wear? What are you going to do? Ти зробив це! You've done it! You did it! Я не відчуваю болю, і це добре. I have no pain, which is good. I don't feel pain, and that's good. Зараз Том дорослий. Tom is an adult now. Tom is an adult now. Я не згоден із поглядами Тома. I disagree with Tom views. I don't agree with Tom's views. Том надіслав Мері повідомлення. Tom sent a message to Mary. Tom sent Mary a message. Якщо ти перебуваєш у Парижі, ти можеш відвідати Лувр. If you are in Paris, you can visit the Louvre. If you're in Paris, you can visit the Louvre. Ти сюди прийшов сам? Did you come here alone? Did you come here alone? Гаразд, ходімо. Okay, let's go. All right, let's go. Я продовжив роботу. I continued working. I continued working. Перепрошую, я тебе не почула. I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. Перепрошую, що сумнівалася в тобі. I'm sorry I doubted you. I'm sorry I doubted you. Вона її справжня мати. She is her real mother. She's her real mother. Вона грає в американський футбол. She plays football. She plays football. Ми потребуємо плану. We need a plan. We need a plan. Я все ще не скінчив цього робити. I haven't finished doing that yet. I haven't finished doing that yet. Я трохи заморився. I'm a little bit tired. I got a little tired. Я знаю, чому ви щасливі. I know why you're happy. I know why you're happy. Ми з тобою маємо щось спільне. You and I have something in common. You and I have something in common. Я загубив свій ключ десь тут. I lost my key somewhere around here. I lost my key somewhere here. Ми з Томом випили разом пива. Tom and I drank beer together. Tom and I drank beer together. Том був роздратований. Tom was irritated. Tom was frustrated. Пройде деякий час, поки він це зрозуміє, так? It will take some time before he understands it, right? It'll be a while before he realizes it, right? Ви знаєте, як зв'язатися з ними? Do you know how to contact them? Do you know how to contact them? Я повинна зараз побалакати з Томом. I have to talk to Tom now. I have to talk to Tom now. Засвітили світло. The light went on. The light was lit. 14 березня - День пі. March 14 is Pi Day. March 14 is Pi Day. Я був тут. I was here. I was here. О котрій годині розпочинається гра? What time will the game start? What time does the game start? Ти не можеш примусити мене це зробити. You can't force me to do that. You can't make me do that. Ти поцілувала її, чи не так? You kissed her, didn't you? You kissed her, didn't you? Я дам її Тому. I'll give it to Tom. I'll give it to Tom. Чому ти такий веселий? Why are you so cheerful? Why are you so funny? Я питаю себе, чи я зможу це зробити. I wonder if I can do that. I wonder whether or not I can do that. У тебе погана пам'ять! You've got a poor memory! You have a bad memory! Чому Том не любить Бостон? Why doesn't Tom like Boston? Why doesn't Tom like Boston? Він втратив усе, що мав. He lost everything he owned. He lost everything he had. Том хоче приєднатися до команди. Tom wants to join the team. Tom wants to join the team. Нічого не забувайте. Don't forget anything. Don't forget anything. Вони поїхали до Бостону. They went to Boston. They went to Boston. Я прийшов додому пішки. I walked home. I walked home. Ми більше не хочемо цього робити. We don't want to do that anymore. We don't want to do that anymore. Том зарезервував місце. Tom reserved a seat. Tom reserved a seat. Можливо, я буду вдома цього вечора, але я ще не певна. I might be at home this evening, but I'm not sure yet. I may be home tonight, but I'm not sure yet. Це нічого б не змінило. That wouldn't change a thing. It wouldn't change anything. Ми були успішні. We were successful. We were successful. Я повинен поспішати. I must hurry. I must hurry. Том був приємним чоловіком. Tom was a nice man. Tom was a nice man. Я люблю контактні види спорту. I like contact sports. I love contact sports. Том був десь деінде. Tom was somewhere else. Tom was somewhere else. Я люблю картоплю фрі. I love French fries. I like chips. Гадаю, я зробив щось не так. I think I did something wrong. I think I did something wrong. Я думаю, Тому треба залишитися з нами тут. I think Tom should stay here with us. I think Tom should stay here with us. Я вас не почув. I did not hear you. I didn't hear you. Яка чудова родина! What an awesome family! What a wonderful family! Скільки років найстаршому? How old is the oldest one? How old is the oldest? Том поставив дзвінок Мері на утримання. Tom put Mary on hold. Tom called Mary to support him. Том знову це зробив, чи не так? Tom did that again, didn't he? Tom did that again, didn't he? Сьогодні вдень я вільна. I'm free this afternoon. I'm free this afternoon. Ось картина, яку написав Том. This is the picture Tom painted. This is the picture that Tom wrote. Яку газету ти читаєш? Which newspaper do you read? What newspaper are you reading? Том має брата, якого звуть Джон. Tom has a brother named John. Tom has a brother named John. Том неправильно вимовляє моє ім'я. Tom pronounces my name wrong. Tom is mispronouncing my name. Це прокляття. It's a curse. It's a curse. Можливо, тобі не варто це робити. You might not want to do that. Maybe you shouldn't do that. Я бачила її на сходах. I saw her on the stairs. I saw her on the stairs. Том вважає, що це був розігриш. Tom thinks it was a prank. Tom thinks it was a mess. Ви любите японську кухню? Do you like Japanese food? Do you like Japanese food? Коли я тебе бачу, я завжди думаю про свою маму. I never see you without thinking of my mother. When I see you, I always think about my mother. Том дав Мері ще трохи грошей. Tom gave Mary some more money. Tom gave Mary some more money. Том п'є каву. Tom is getting some coffee. Tom drinks coffee. Розріж його навпіл. Cut it in half. Cut it in half. Погода не могла би бути кращою. The weather couldn't have been better. The weather couldn't have been better. Я хочу, щоб ти став кращим. I want you to be better. I want you to be better. Я супроводжував його під час поїздки. I accompanied him on the trip. I accompanied him on the trip. У Мері темні мішки під очима. Mary has dark bags under her eyes. Mary has dark bags under her eyes. Муаммар Каддафі має манію величі. Muammar Gaddafi is a megalomaniac. Mummar Caddafi has a mania of grandeur. Так не чесно. That isn't fair. That's not fair. Я вирішила вибачити Тома. I've decided to forgive Tom. I've decided to forgive Tom. Том сказав те ж саме про тебе. Tom said the same thing about you. Tom said the same thing about you. Я не наївна людина. I am not a gullible person. I'm not a naive person. Я розповів Тому свою історію. I told Tom my story. I told Tom my story. Це складні запитання. These are difficult questions. These are complicated questions. Том швидко розмовляє. Tom speaks fast. Tom talks fast. Брата Тома звати Джон. Tom's brother's name is John. Tom's brother's name is John. Том ніколи у вас не сумнівався. Tom never doubted you. Tom never doubted you. Здається, всі зайняті. Everybody seems to be busy. Everybody seems to be busy. Том каже, що більше не турбуватиме Мері. Tom says he won't bother Mary anymore. Tom says he won't bother Mary anymore. Де ти це знайшов? Where did you find this? Where did you find it? Чи є місця подешевше? Do you have any cheaper seats? Are there cheaper places? Том забув парасольку у себе в машині. Tom forgot his umbrella in his car. Tom forgot his umbrella in his car. Вибач, як тебе звати? I am afraid you have the advantage of me. Sorry, what's your name? Я, мабуть, зомліла. I must've fainted. I must've fainted. Я знаю, наскільки це складно. I know how hard this is. I know how hard it is. Ви з Томом сперечалися? Did you have a fight with Tom? Did you and Tom argue? Я не знаю, чому Том хотів, щоб я це зробила. I don't know why Tom wanted me to do that. I don't know why Tom wanted me to do that. Ми всі про це знали. We all knew about it. We all knew about it. Том вважав, що Мері - найгарніша дівчина, яку він коли-небудь зустрічав. Tom thought Mary was the prettiest girl he'd ever seen. Tom thought Mary was the most beautiful girl he'd ever met. Чому ви дозволяєте Тому робити це? Why do you allow Tom to do that? Why do you allow Tom to do that? Я не думаю, що Том хоче з нами співати. I don't think Tom wants to sing with us. I don't think Tom wants to sing with us. Ти не повіриш, хто приходив сьогодні. You won't believe who came by today. You won't believe who came today. Ти дуже схожа на мати. You look a lot like mom. You're a lot like your mother. Ти не їси м'ясо? You don't eat meat? Don't you eat meat? Тому би це сподобалося. Tom would've liked that. Tom would've liked that. Я небагато знаю про історію I don't know much about history. I don't know much about history. Сумно, але це правда. It's sad, but true. Sad, but true. Я чекаю, поки не відчнинять магазин. I'm waiting for the store to open. I'm waiting for the store to open. Цей фільм насправді страшний. This movie is really scary. This movie is really scary. Побачимось пізніше! See you later! See you later! Це займе трохи часу. This is going to take a moment. It'll take a while. Я не хочу купувати яхту. I don't want to buy a yacht. I don't want to buy a yacht. Не думаю, що Том чув Мері. I don't think that Tom heard Mary. I don't think Tom heard Mary. Звичайно я піду. Of course I will go. Of course I'll go. Тобі треба бути обережнішою. You should take better care of yourself. You need to be more careful. Постав склянку на стіл! Put the glass on the table! Put the glass on the table! Я дійсно сподіваюся, що ти добре себе почуваєш. I do hope you're feeling well. I really hope you're feeling well. Думаю, я добре попрацював. I thought that I did a good job. I think I did a good job. Я не можу відмовитися від своєї мрії. I can't give up my dream. I can't give up my dream. Я поспішаю. I am in a hurry. I'm in a hurry. Я зробила це вперше. This is the first time I've done this. This is the first time that I've done this. Ти старий. You're old. You're old. Хочеш, щоб я це викинула? Do you want me to throw that away? You want me to throw this away? Том не хоче, щоб ти це робила. Tom doesn't want you to do that. Tom doesn't want you to do that. Він написав цей роман коли йому було двадцять років. He wrote this novel at twenty. He wrote this novel when he was twenty years old. Я повинна це побачити. I have to see it! I have to see this. Том каже, що він роздумує над тим, щоб продати свій будинок. Tom says he's considering selling his house. Tom says he's thinking about selling his house. Маєш карту? Do you have a map? Do you have a map? Том хотів поцілувати Мері. Tom wanted to kiss Mary. Tom wanted to kiss Mary. Це не працює. This doesn't work. It doesn't work. Покладіть пістолет. Put the gun down. Put the gun down. Я не пив. I was not drinking. I didn't drink. Гадаєш, ти більший від Тома? Do you think you're bigger than Tom? Do you think you're bigger than Tom? Ти думав про те, що може відчувати у зв'язку з цим Том? Have you thought about how Tom might feel about that? Did you think about how Tom might feel about that? Я знову її бачила. I saw her again. I saw her again. Я взагалі не знаю, куди він пішов. I have no idea where he has gone. I don't know where he went at all. Нас не запросили на вечірку. We were not invited to the party. We weren't invited to the party. Я зустрів її годину тому. I met her an hour ago. I met her an hour ago. Який диск ви хочете послухати? Which CD do you want to listen to? Which disc do you want to listen to? Як щодо того, щоб поїсти? What would you like to eat? What about eating? Відпочинь, Томе. Take a break, Tom. Rest, Tom. Ми замовили китайську їжу. We ordered Chinese food. We ordered Chinese food. На твоєму місці я би відразу пішов додому. If I were you, I'd go home right away. If I were you, I'd go home right away. Я анітрохи не розчарована. I'm not disappointed whatsoever. I'm not disappointed at all. Ви дивилися цей фільм? Did you ever see that movie? Have you seen that movie? Том сказав, що проводить Мері додому. Tom said he'd walk Mary home. Tom said that he'd walk Mary home. Школа знаходиться у трьох милях від мого будинку. The school is three miles from my house. The school is three miles from my house. На твоє запитання складно дати відповідь. Your question is hard to answer. It's hard to answer your question. Не треба витрачати більше грошей, ніж заробляєш. You shouldn't spend more than you earn. You shouldn't spend more money than you earn. Том хотів бути пунктуальним. Tom wanted to be punctual. Tom wanted to be punctual. Пляж - ідеальне місце для дитячих ігор. The beach is an ideal place for children to play. Beach is an ideal place for children's games. Коли ти дізнався? When did you find out? When did you find out? Том заповнив форму. Tom filled in the form. Tom filled out the form. Наш вчитель іноді швидко говорить. Our teacher sometimes speaks quickly. Our teacher sometimes speaks quickly. Ми щойно приїхали на вокзал. We just arrived at the station. We just arrived at the station. Я віддав їй її словник. I gave her her dictionary back. I gave her her dictionary. В інтернеті ніхто не знає, що ти кішка. On the internet, nobody knows you're a cat. No one on the Internet knows you're a cat. А ви не щасливі? Aren't you happy? Aren't you happy? Том та Мері знають правду. Tom and Mary know the truth. Tom and Mary know the truth. Це було доволі непогане кіно. That was a pretty good movie. It was a pretty good movie. Я залишила твою парасольку в автобусі. I left your umbrella on the bus. I left your umbrella on the bus. Том вигалядав зайнятим. Tom seemed busy. Tom seemed busy. Том сказав, що він це зробить? Did Tom say he was going to do that? Did Tom say he'd do that? Я міг би це сказати Тому, але не сказав. I could've told Tom that, but I didn't. I could've told Tom that, but I didn't. На містському майдані багато голубів. There are many pigeons in the City Square. There are many pigeons in the city square. Том тоді не мав роботи. Tom had no work at that time. Tom didn't have a job then. Я знаю, що не подобаюся вам. I know you don't like me. I know you don't like me. Том не знає, з ким хоче танцювати Мері. Tom doesn't know who Mary wants to go to the dance with. Tom doesn't know who Mary wants to dance with. Вони нас усіх уб'ють! They are going to kill us all. They're gonna kill us all! Але це виглядало зручно. But it looked comfortable. But it seemed comfortable. Том в курсі, що таке рак. Tom knows what cancer is like. Tom is aware of cancer. Мого чоловіка вбили. My husband was killed. My husband was murdered. Хіба ви не любите плавати? Don't you like swimming? Don't you like swimming? Том переслав імейл, який він отримав від Мері та Джона. Tom forwarded the email he received from Mary to John. Tom forwarded the email he got from Mary and John. Том каже, що він нічого не знає про Мері. Tom says he doesn't know anything about Mary. Tom says he doesn't know anything about Mary. Том не планує прийти додому на вечерю. Tom isn't planning to come home for dinner. Tom isn't planning on coming home for dinner. Я сказав Тому говорити французькою. I told Tom to speak French. I told Tom to speak French. Том потребує переливання крові. Tom needs a transfusion. Tom needs a blood transfusion. Я ще не можу водити машину. I can't drive yet. I can't drive yet. Хіба ви не раді, що ми це зробили? Aren't you glad we did that? Aren't you glad we did that? Мері любить свою роботу. Mary loves her work. Mary loves her job. Ніколи більше не проси мене це знову зробити. Don't ever ask me to do that again. Never ask me to do that again. Ти достатньо знаєш. You know enough. You know enough. Можемо побалакати вранці. We can talk in the morning. We can talk in the morning. Вона молодша від нього. She's younger than him. She's younger than him. Том любить моркву. Tom likes carrots. Tom likes carrots. Хіба це не парасолька Тома? Isn't this Tom's umbrella? Isn't that Tom's umbrella? Том втрачає Мері. Tom is losing Mary. Tom is losing Mary. Гру було скасовано із-за сильного дощу. The game was canceled because of the heavy rain. The game was canceled because of heavy rain. Самі дав ключі Лейлі. Sami gave Layla the keys. Sami gave the keys to Layla. Я вийшов з літака. I got off the plane. I got off the plane. Коли ви повернулися з Лондона? When did you return from London? When did you get back from London? Де мій лук? Where is my bow? Where's my bow? Отже, на що ви дивитеся? So, what're you looking at? So, what are you looking at? Том тут лише перший рік. This is Tom's first year here. Tom is only here for the first year. Куди ти поклав викрутку? Where did you put the screwdriver? Where did you put the screwdriver? Хотіти - це могти. To want means to be able. To want is to be able to. Дивіться вперед, будь ласка. Look forward, please. Please look forward. Вона розумна та гарна. She's smart and beautiful. She's smart and beautiful. Том знає, що йому не слід цього знову робити. Tom knows that he shouldn't do that again. Tom knows he shouldn't do that again. Він кинув книжку у вогонь. He threw the book in the fire. He threw the book in the fire. Моя зміна закінчується о п'ятій. My shift ends at five. My shift ends at five. Я багато чого дізнався про Тома. I've learned a lot about Tom. I've learned a lot about Tom. Твої водійські права прострочені. Your driver's license has expired. Your driver's license is over. Можливо, я можу урезонити Тома. Maybe I can reason with Tom. Maybe I can reason with Tom. Це почерк Тома. It's Tom's handwriting. This is Tom's handwriting. Всьому є край. There is a limit to everything. There's an edge to everything. Можливо, ви маєте рацію. You may be right. Maybe you're right. Том не заробляє багато грошей. Tom doesn't make much money. Tom doesn't make a lot of money. Я не змогла сказати ні. I couldn't say no. I couldn't say no. Том сказав, що Мері, ймовірно, цього не робитиме. Tom said Mary would likely not do that. Tom said Mary would likely not do that. Що ти робиш щодо цього? What're you doing about this? What are you doing about it? Я переїхала сюди з Бостона. I moved here from Boston. I moved here from Boston. Яка чашка ваша? Which cup is yours? Which cup is yours? Здається, немає потреби поспішати. There seems no need to hurry. There seems to be no need to hurry. Я шульга. I'm a southpaw. I'm left-handed. Переживеш. You'll survive. You'll survive. Напишіть мені, якщо вам потрібна допомога. Write to me if you need help. Write to me if you need help. Том прочитав набагато більше книжок, ніж я. Tom has read a lot more books than I have. Tom has read many more books than I have. Він насправді хворий. He is truly sick. He is really sick. Том тебе захистить. Tom will protect you. Tom will protect you. Том відкрив рибну консерву. Tom opened a can of tuna fish. Tom opened a fish cane. Вони досягли своєї мети. They reached their goal. They reached their goal. Я не їжджу до школи автобусом. I don't go to school by bus. I don't go to school by bus. Ми тонемо. We're sinking. We're drowning. Том трохи вищий за Мері. Tom is a bit taller than Mary. Tom is a little taller than Mary. Я хочу, щоб ти це знав. I want you to know that. I want you to know that. Спробуйте розслабитися. Try to relax. Try to relax. Ви мусите вести машину із безпечною швидкістю. You should drive at a safe speed. You must drive at a safe speed. Я колекціонер марок. I'm a stamp collector. I'm a stamp collector. Він завжди пунктуальний. He's always punctual. He is always punctual. Ми маємо їхати. We have to go. We have to go. Ти любиш дивитися порнографічні фільми? Do you like watching porn movies? Do you like watching pornographic movies? Геть. Get out. Get out. Том боявся, що над ним сміятимуться. Tom was afraid of being laughed at. Tom was afraid of being laughed at. Я двічі бував у Бостоні. I've visited Boston twice. I've visited Boston twice. Це не єдина проблема. That's not the only problem. It's not the only problem. Я був у касці. I wore a hard hat. I was wearing a helmet. Ти не могла би позичити мені тридцять баксів? Could you lend me thirty bucks? Could you lend me thirty bucks? Ваше волосся задовге. Your hair is too long. Your hair is too long. Мені цікаво, чи Том надійний. I wonder whether Tom is reliable. I wonder whether or not Tom is reliable. Я знаю, що Том - ветеран. I know Tom is a veteran. I know Tom is a veteran. Хто грає краще на піаніно, ви чи Том? Who plays the piano better, you or Tom? Who plays the piano better, you or Tom? Я зазвичай встаю о восьмій. I usually get up at eight o'clock. I usually get up at eight. Що сталося? What happened? What happened? Кухарю потрібна сіль. Salt is necessary for a cook. The kitchen needs salt. Том добре малює. Tom is good at painting. Tom is good at drawing. О котрій годині ваш автобус? What time is your bus? What time is your bus? Це твої оранжеві брюки? Are these your orange pants? Are those your orange pants? Це не твоя справа. None of your business. It's none of your business. Він стояв позаду мене. He stood behind me. He stood behind me. Том каже, що не буде плавати. Tom says he won't swim. Tom says he won't swim. Якби Том умів говорити французької, я б взяла його на роботу просто зараз. If Tom could speak French, I'd hire him right away. If Tom could speak French, I'd hire him right now. Я сказав Тому, що спробую знайти більшу вазу. I told Tom I'd try to find a bigger vase. I told Tom I'd try to find a bigger vase. У нього багата уява. He has a rich imagination. He has a rich imagination. Особисто я вважаю, що ви маєте рацію. I personally believe that you're right. Personally, I think you're right. Це було у двохтисячному році. It was in the year two thousand. That was in the year two thousand. Том уже вдома, так? Tom is already home, isn't he? Tom is already home, isn't he? У тебе немає ручки? Don't you have a pen? Don't you have a pen? Я багато про вас чула. I've heard a lot about you. I've heard a lot about you. Я вийшла заміж, коли мені було тридцять. I got married when I was thirty. I got married when I was thirty. Можливо, ми це зробимо. We might do that. Maybe we'll do that. Ці ліки не мають шкідливих побічних ефектів. This medicine doesn't have any harmful side effects. This medicine has no harmful side effects. Том відвіз Мері до Бостона. Tom drove Mary to Boston. Tom drove Mary to Boston. Капітал компанії складає 500 млн. The company has a capital of 500,000 pounds. The company's equity is 500 million. П'ята авеню - елегантна вулиця. Fifth Avenue is an elegant street. Fifth Avenue is an elegant street. Ця тварина дуже розумна. This animal is very clever. This animal is very intelligent. Зробіть це хутко. Do it quickly. Make it quick. Хто ти такий, щоб судити? Who are you to judge? Who are you to judge? Спробуймо зрозуміти одне одного. Let's try to understand one another. Let's try to understand each other. Я би поїв на самоті. I'd rather eat alone. I'd like to eat alone. Я дуже збудився. I got very excited. I got very excited. Я знаю, що тобі цей фільм не сподобається. I know you won't like this movie. I know you won't like this movie. Тому байдуже, що думають люди. Tom doesn't care what people think. Tom doesn't care what people think. Том не вміє поводитися. Tom has no manners. Tom doesn't know how to behave. Тому зараз три роки. Tom is three years old now. Tom is now three years old. Він мені писав час від часу. He wrote to me from time to time. He wrote to me from time to time. Скільки це коштує? How much is that? How much does it cost? В мене зараз немає часу. I don't have time right now. I don't have time now. Ти вдарив Тома? Did you hit Tom? Did you hit Tom? Здається щось не так. It seems to me that something is wrong. There seems to be something wrong. Том прийняв католіцизм. Tom became a Catholic. Tom accepted Catholicism. Чому ви хочете навчатися за кордоном? Why do you want to study abroad? Why do you want to study abroad? Ось перелік того, що нам потрібно. This is a list of what we need. Here's a list of what we need. Том народився у заможній родині. Tom was born into a rich family. Tom was born into a wealthy family. Розсунь завіси. Open the drapes. Spread the curtains. Я кладу вершки до своєї кави. I put cream in my coffee. I put cream in my coffee. Дай мені мікрофон. Give me the microphone. Give me the microphone. Що ви хочете зробити? What do you guys want to do? What do you want to do? Я дивився новини. I watched the news. I watched the news. Ми загубилися в лісі. We lost our way in the woods. We got lost in the woods. Ти погрожувала Тому? Did you threaten Tom? Did you threaten Tom? Я не можу так жити. I can't live that kind of life. I can't live like this. Я прибула остання. I was the last to arrive. I'm the last one to arrive. Ти чарівний. You're irresistible. You're charming. Ви лякаєте Тома. You're scaring Tom. You're scaring Tom. Ти, мабуть, розлючений на Тома. You must be mad at Tom. You must be mad at Tom. Мені цікаво, чи Том сердитий. I wonder whether or not Tom is angry. I wonder whether or not Tom is angry. Том здатний це зробити. Tom is capable of doing it. Tom is capable of doing that. Вставай з ліжка! Get out of bed! Get out of bed! Він представив мене своїм батька́м. He introduced me to his parents. He introduced me to his parents. У мене є добра новина. I've got good news. I have good news. Архітектор здобувся всесвітньої відомості. The architect achieved worldwide fame. The architect is well - known worldwide. Мені б хотілося подивитися телевізор. I'd like to watch TV. I'd like to watch TV. У нас багато часу. We've got plenty of time. We have plenty of time. Я би ніколи не примушував тебе робити щось подібне. I'd never make you do something like that. I would never make you do something like that. Ці збори проводяться виключно англійською мовою. These meetings are carried on entirely in English. These congregations are conducted exclusively in English. Яблука ростуть на деревах. Apples grow on trees. Apples grow on trees. Працюй далі! Continue working. Keep working! Тобі складно сказати ні. It's hard to say no to you. It's hard for you to say no. Я попросив Тома не носити одяг сестри. I asked Tom not to wear his sister's clothes. I asked Tom not to wear his sister's clothes. Том каже, що не хоче пити. Tom says he isn't thirsty. Tom says he isn't thirsty. Том щось про мене говорив? Did Tom say anything about me? Did Tom say anything about me? Не намагайся зробити це самостійно. Don't attempt to do this by yourself. Don't try to do that by yourself. Чому він не може прийти? Why can't he come? Why can't he come? Хіба вам не було б краще зробити це з Томом? Wouldn't you rather do that with Tom? Wouldn't you rather do that with Tom? Не помирай, будь ласка! Please don't die! Don't die, please! Ось книжка, яку ти хотіла прочитати. Here's the book you wanted to read. Here's the book you wanted to read. Ви не повинні брехати. You must not tell a lie. You don't have to lie. Іспанською говорять не лише в Іспанії. Spanish is spoken not only in Spain. Spanish is not only spoken in Spain. Ми пішли збирати полуницю. We went to gather strawberries. We went to collect strawberries. Тоні там? Is Tony there? Is Tony there? Мій брат не має грошей. My brother has no money. My brother has no money. Не бійтесь робити помилки, коли говорите англійською. Don't be afraid of making mistakes when speaking English. Do not be afraid to make mistakes when speaking English. Це зрозуміло. It's clear. That's understandable. Я бачу хлопця. I see a boy. I see a guy. Хіба ви все ще не працюєте на нас? Aren't you still working for us? Aren't you still working for us? Він це сказав? Did he say that? Did he say that? Хто дав тобі дозвіл дати це Тому? Who gave you permission to give that to Tom? Who gave you permission to give this to Tom? Це соняшник. This is a sunflower. It's a sunflower. Бог існує, але він забув пароль. God exists, but he forgot the password. God exists, but he has forgotten his password. Я без проблем знайшла будинок Тома. I didn't have any trouble finding Tom's house. I had no trouble finding Tom's house. Я хочу це зробити для тебе. I want to do it for you. I want to do that for you. Як часто ви цим займаєтеся? How often do you do that? How often do you do that? Дякую! Cheers! Thank you! Цей екзамен важливий. This test is important. This exam is important. Том продає каву. Tom sells coffee. Tom sells coffee. Чому ніхто не відповідає? Why does nobody answer? Why isn't anyone answering? Том та Мері мають паспорти? Do Tom and Mary have passports? Do Tom and Mary have passports? Том навряд чи захоче це зробити. Tom isn't very likely to want to do that. Tom isn't likely to want to do that. Коли ви останнього разу говорили французькою? When was the last time you spoke French? When was the last time you spoke French? У тебе депресивний вигляд. You look depressed. You look depressed. Том майже ніколи не говорить. Tom hardly ever talks. Tom hardly ever speaks. Мені дванадцять років. I'm twelve. I'm twelve years old. Дайте мені годинник. Give me the watch. Give me the watch. За кілька хвилин задзвонив телефон. A few minutes later the telephone rang. A few minutes later, the telephone rang. Піди збуди Мері. Go and wake up Mary. Go and wake Mary up. Він не так вже погано й виглядає. It doesn't look so bad. He doesn't look so bad. Я думав, що сьогодні дощитиме. I thought it would rain today. I thought it would rain today. Тобі подобається цей колір? Do you like this color? Do you like this color? Ми вивчаємо французьку. We're studying French. We're studying French. Ти знаєш слова? Do you know the lyrics? Do you know the words? Я думав, що ти сказав, що знаєш Тома. I thought that you said that you knew Tom. I thought you said you knew Tom. Ви не хочете чашку молока? Would you like a cup of milk? Would you like a cup of milk? Том сказав, що йому байдуже, чи він переможе, чи ні. Tom said that he doesn't care if he wins or not. Tom said he doesn't care whether he wins or not. Том вам щось сказав? Did Tom say something to you? Did Tom say anything to you? Сподіваюся, ти не образився. I hope you're not offended. I hope you're not offended. Він був холодний? Was it cold? Was it cold? Вчора був землетрус. Yesterday there was an earthquake. There was an earthquake yesterday. У вас дуже сучасний будинок. Your house is very modern. You have a very modern house. Не помиляється той, хто нічого не робить. He who makes no mistake, does nothing. He who does nothing is right. Це твій мобільний, так? This is your cellphone, isn't it? This is your mobile phone, isn't it? Ким ви працюєте? What's your occupation? What do you do? Ніхто на вас не дивиться. No one's looking at you. No one's looking at you. Я зробила це заради Тома. I did it for Tom. I did that for Tom. Дякуємо, що ви до нас приєдналися. Thank you for joining us. Thank you for joining us. Він бездомний. He is homeless. He's homeless. Будівля стара, але міцна. The building is old but solid. The building is old but strong. Ти був таким сильним. You were so strong. You were so strong. Як ти зварив цей суп? How did you make this soup? How did you make this soup? Том знову нас ошукав. Tom tricked us again. Tom deceived us again. Том завжди має при собі губну гармоніку. Tom carries a harmonica with him at all times. Tom always has a harmonica with him. Як життя? What's up? How are you? Том хірург. Tom is a surgeon. Tom is a surgeon. З'їж весь шпинат. Eat all your spinach! Eat all the spinach. Він пішов. He left. He's gone. Чому б тобі не зателефонувати до служби клієнтської підтримки? Why don't you call customer service? Why don't you call customer support? Том відповів на всі ваші запитання? Did Tom answer all your questions? Did Tom answer all your questions? Там був ще хтось. There was someone else there. There was someone else there. Том сказав, що купить Мері квіти. Tom said that he'd buy Mary flowers. Tom said he'd buy Mary flowers. Ми можемо попросити тебе зробити це? Can we get you to do that? Can we ask you to do that? В'язні спробували влаштувати побіг. The prisoners tried to escape. The prisoners tried to get a run. Том зробив це в останню хвилину. Tom did that at the last minute. Tom did that at the last minute. Хто ваш батько? Who's your father? Who's your father? Мені цікаво, чи Том поїде до Бостона. I wonder if Tom will go to Boston. I wonder whether or not Tom will go to Boston. Скажіть Тому, що ви хочете поїхати до Австралії. Tell Tom you want to go to Australia. Tell Tom that you want to go to Australia. Зараз пів на третю. It's 2:30 now. It's 2:30. Том сказав Мері, що вб'є її. Tom told Mary that he'd kill her. Tom told Mary that he'd kill her. Алфавіт есперанто складається з 28 літер: a, b, c, ĉ, d, e, f, g, ĝ, h, ĥ, i, j, ĵ, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, ŝ, t, u, ŭ, v, z. The Esperanto alphabet consists of 28 letters: a, b, c, ĉ, d, e, f, g, ĝ, h, ĥ, i, j, ĵ, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, ŝ, t, u, ŭ, v, z. The Esperanto alphabet consists of 28 letters: a, b, c, יהוה, d, e, f, g, h, יהוה, i, j, יהוה, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, יהוה, t, u, יהוה, v, z. Я сидів і курив люльку. I sat smoking a pipe. I sat there smoking a pipe. Люди мають свободу волі? Do people have free will? Do people have free will? Адам зустрів Єву, свою дружину. Adam met Eve, his wife. Adam met Eve, his wife. Кошеня хоче спати. The kitten wants to sleep. The cat is sleepy. Ми розляглися на газоні. We spread ourselves out on the lawn. We lay down on the lawn. Його машини немає, отже, мабуть, він вже поїхав. His car isn't here, so he must have gone. His car is gone, so he must have left already. Твоє бажання для мене закон. Your wish is my command. Your wish is my law. Ти добре вчинила. You have done well. You did well. Том - мізофоб. Tom is a germaphobe. Tom is a brainophobe. Том купив Мері обручку. Tom bought Mary a ring. Tom bought Mary a ring. Можна мені прийняти душ? Can I take a shower? May I take a shower? Дев'ята підійде? Would 9 o'clock be all right? Would 9 go well? Я була напружена. I was tense. I was tense. Том розчавив коробку. Tom crushed the box. Tom crushed the box. Зараз я вдома. I'm currently at home. I'm home now. Кількість населення в Японії менше ніж в Америці. The population of Japan is less than America. Japan's population is less than that of America. Всім доброго ранку! Good morning, everybody. Good morning, everyone! Ми можемо тобі допомогти. We can help you. We can help you. Я можу надати вам корисну інформацію. I can give you some useful information. I can give you useful information. Тобі час іти. You must get going. It's time for you to go. Я хотів би, щоб ти пішла зі мною. I would like you to come with me. I'd like you to come with me. Я артист. I'm an artist. I'm an artist. Він купив нову машину. He bought a new car. He bought a new car. Цього разу моя черга платити. This time it's my turn to pay. This time it's my turn to pay. Ти можеш хоча б раз прийти вчасно? Я чекала на тебе цілу годину. Can't you ever be punctual? I have been waiting here for one hour. Can you ever come on time? I've been waiting for you for an hour. Том усе ще десь там. Tom is still out there. Tom is still out there somewhere. Це кумедно. It's funny. That's funny. Коли ви прийдете додому? When are you coming home? When will you come home? Я народився в жовтні. I was born in October. I was born in October. Том повернувся? Is Tom back? Did Tom come back? Жінка Тома вчора народила дівчинку. Tom's wife had a baby girl yesterday. Tom's wife gave birth to a girl yesterday. В лісі знову стало тихо. It became quiet again in the forest. It was quiet again in the woods. Ви поспішаєте? Are you in a rush? Are you in a hurry? Том сказав, що не може цього зробити. Tom said that he couldn't do it. Tom said he can't do that. Я прийняв його сторону у суперечці. I took his side in the argument. I took his side in an argument. Це секрет. It's secret. It's a secret. Том вирішив поїхати. Tom has decided to go. Tom decided to go. Не лякайся. Don't freak out. Don't be afraid. Ми задоволені машиною. We're happy with our car. We're happy with the car. Шість плюс чотири дорівнює десять. Six and four are ten. Six plus four is ten. Я відпочив. I'm rested. I'm resting. Ти й насправді думаєш, що зробити це буде важко? Do you really think it's hard to do that? Do you really think it'll be difficult to do that? Я не можу чекати ще тиждень. I can't wait another week. I can't wait another week. У нас є три години. We have three hours. We have three hours. Ми до всього звикаємо. One gets used to anything. We get used to everything. Я взагалі не вмію грати в гольф. I don't know how to play golf at all. I can't play golf at all. Тобі це не сподобається. You're not going to like this. You're not going to like this. Старий втратив бажання жити. The old man lost his will to live. The old man lost his will to live. Шкода, що я не така молода, як ви. I wish I were as young as you. I wish I were as young as you. Я теж туди ходив. I also went there. I went there, too. Тому це потрібно. Tom wants this. Tom needs this. Давайте імпровізувати. Let's improvise. Let's improvise. Рахунок був нічийний. The score was even. The bill was empty. Не слухай її. Don't listen to her. Don't listen to her. Цікаво, чи запізниться Том. I wonder whether Tom will be late. I wonder if Tom will be late. Я не можу жити без телевізора. I can't live without a TV. I can't live without TV. Це останній. That's the last one. This is the last one. Це вулкан. This is a volcano. It's a volcano. Я зробила це спеціально. I did it on purpose. I did it on purpose. Удачі. Best of luck. Good luck. Мене оштрафували. I got fined. I got a ticket. Його мовчання мене здивувало. His silence surprised me. His silence surprised me. Я не зовсім певен. I'm not quite sure. I'm not quite sure. Що саме ти хочеш, Томе? What is it you want, Tom? What is it that you want, Tom? Він усе ще її кохає. He still loves her. He still loves her. Я ненавиджу хмарочоси. I hate skyscrapers. I hate skyscrapers. Зателефонуй мені вдень. Call me this afternoon. Call me this afternoon. Вона вийшла з будинку десять хвилин тому. She left home ten minutes ago. She left the house ten minutes ago. У Тома доволі непоганий фотоапарат. Tom has a pretty good camera. Tom's camera is pretty good. І я. So do I. Me too. Я не дуже добре граю в бейсбол. I'm not very good at playing baseball. I'm not very good at baseball. Ти вже почала вивчати французьку? Have you already started learning French? Have you already begun studying French? Він добре знає біологію. He is clever at biology. He knows biology well. Ваша дочка мені прозповість. Your daughter will tell me. Your daughter will tell me. Ми так і не навчилися робити це правильно. We never did learn how to do that correctly. We never learned to do that right. Том зміг зробити те, що мав зробити. Tom could do what he needed to do. Tom was able to do what he had to do. Я зробила тобі торт на день народження. I made you a birthday cake. I made you a birthday cake. Христофор Колумб якось знайшов Святий Грааль, але викинув його, бо йому не сподобався колір. Christopher Columbus once found the Holy Grail but threw it out because he didn't like the color. Christopher Columbus once found the Holy Grail, but he threw it away because he didn't like the color. Можна сісти? Can I sit down? May I sit down? Ви знаєте, що ваші коти роблять цілий день, поки вас немає вдома? Do you know what your cats do all day alone at home? Do you know what your cats do all day while you're not at home? Я подумав, що цю книжку важко читати. I thought that book was difficult to read. I thought that book was difficult to read. Я розмовляю французькою та англійською. I speak French and English. I speak French and English. Хокеїсти почали битися. The hockey players started fighting. The Hokeists started to fight. Як ми можемо уникнути цієї проблеми? How can we avoid that problem? How can we avoid this problem? Почекай на мене. Wait for me. Wait for me. О котрій схід сонця? What time is sunrise? What time is the sunrise? Я зараз без роботи. I'm out of work now. I'm out of work now. Усі мертві. Everybody's dead. They're all dead. Том сказав, що має зробити це сам. Tom said he has to do that by himself. Tom said he has to do that by himself. Ми завжди голодні. We're always hungry. We're always hungry. У мене не такий годинник, як у тебе. My watch is different than yours. My watch isn't yours. Том ще не відмовився від надії. Tom hasn't given up hope. Tom hasn't given up hope yet. Спасибі за запрошення. Thanks for the invite. Thank you for the invitation. Я радий, що воно вам сподобалося. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Кінець близький. The end is near. The end is near. Том помер в Римі. Tom died in Rome. Tom died in Rome. У цьому реченні немає крапки. This sentence has no period. There's no point in this sentence. Ваша відповідь правильна. Your answer is correct. Your answer is correct. Том прочитує три-чотири книжки на місяць. Tom reads three or four books a month. Tom reads three or four books a month. Я дуже втомився. I'm incredibly tired. I'm really tired. Я не боюся смерті. I do not fear death. I'm not afraid of death. Ви хочете мати дітей? Do you want kids? Do you want to have children? Я якраз збираюся це змінити. I am just about to change that. I'm just going to change that. Собака Тому вкусив його, граючись. Tom's dog bit him playfully. Tom's dog bit him playing. Я твій король. I am your king. I am your king. У Тома приваблива дівчина. Tom has a cute girlfriend. Tom has an attractive girlfriend. Тому хотілося сісти й заплакати. Tom wanted to sit down and cry. Tom wanted to sit down and cry. Хіба ви все ще не базуєтеся у Бостоні? Aren't you still based in Boston? Aren't you still based in Boston? А що, якщо я бідна? What if I am poor? What if I'm poor? Дозволь мені представити тебе мамі. Let me introduce you to my mother. Let me introduce you to my mother. Я не до кінця з тобою згодна. I don't quite agree with you. I don't quite agree with you. Том здав іспит з водіння з першої спроби. Tom passed his driving test on his first attempt. Tom passed his driving test on his first attempt. Том залишив парасольку в машині. Tom left his umbrella in the car. Tom left his umbrella in his car. З Томом все гаразд? Is Tom alright? Is Tom OK? Ось той один, хто поцупив телефон Тома. That's the guy who stole Tom's phone. That's the one who stole Tom's phone. У них все буде гаразд. They'll be all right. They'll be OK. Моя дівчина - актриса. My girlfriend is an actress. My girlfriend is an actress. Ви можете залишити книгу собі. You may keep the book. You can keep the book for yourself. Дощ ллє з неділі. It has been raining since Sunday. It has been raining since Sunday. Влітку сонце сходить близько четвертої ранку в Англії. In England, in the summer, the sun rises at about 4 a.m. The sun rises about four in the summer in England. В нас ще багато часу. We still have a lot of time. We still have plenty of time. Що ти з цим робитимеш? What are you going to do with that? What are you going to do with it? Я був стриманий. I was discreet. I was reserved. Починай зараз. Start now. Start now. Чоловіки, яких Том пограбував, нікому не розповіли про те, що їх пограбували. The men Tom robbed didn't tell anybody they'd been robbed. The men Tom robbed didn't tell anyone they'd been robbed. Я повернула ручку. I turned the handle. I returned the pen. Він підняв руку, щоб задати запитання. He raised his hand to ask a question. He raised his hand to ask a question. Я їду з тобою до Бостона. I'm going with you to Boston. I'm going to Boston with you. Що ти думаєш про Тома? What do you think of Tom? What do you think of Tom? Я поговорю з Томом. I'll talk with Tom. I'll talk to Tom. Сьогоднi тепло. It's warm today. It's warm today. Цілком імовірно, що я там буду сьогодні ввечері. I'm likely to be there tonight. I'll probably be there tonight. Я заплатила двісті доларів податків. I paid $200 in taxes. I paid two hundred dollars in taxes. Їж багато овочів. Eat a lot of vegetables. Eat a lot of vegetables. Мері немає вдома, так? Mary isn't at home, is she? Mary isn't home, is she? Подруга Мері попросила її вийти надвір пограти. Mary's friends asked her to come out and play. Mary's friend asked her to go outside and play. Ти запізнився. You are late. You're late. Я не це замовляла. This is not what I ordered. That's not what I ordered. Навіщо ти вчиш англійську? For what reason are you learning English? Why are you learning English? Книга маленька. The book is small. The book is small. Доля посміхається сміливим. Fortune favours the bold. Fate favors the brave. Ти встиг на потяг? Did you catch the train? Did you catch the train? Він пережив багатьох своїх друзів. He outlasted many of his friends. He survived many of his friends. Він повторив своє запитання. He repeated his question. He repeated his question. Перепрошую, що я тебе потурбувала. I'm sorry I bothered you. I'm sorry I bothered you. Це було б нечесно. It wouldn't be fair. That would be unfair. О котрій годині ви зазвичай ідете спати? What time do you usually turn in? What time do you usually go to bed? Вечеря, як правило, закінчується кавою. Coffee finishes most dinners. Dinner usually ends with coffee. Ви не Том. You aren't Tom. You're not Tom. Не розмовляйте так із мамою! Don't talk to your mother like that! Don't talk to your mother like that! Яка найвища гора на світі? What's the world's highest mountain? What is the highest mountain in the world? Мері на обідній перерві. Mary is on her lunch break. Mary is on her lunch break. Маєш карту Бостона? Do you have a map of Boston? Do you have a map of Boston? Ми не будемо цього робити. We're not doing it. We're not going to do that. Том провінціал. Tom is a hick. Tom is irradiated. Том знає, що час спливає. Tom knows time's running out. Tom knows time is running out. Мері народилася у понеділок. Mary was born on a Monday. Mary was born on Monday. Ймовірно, я запізнюся. I'm likely to be late. I'll probably be late. Том дуже негарний. Tom is very ugly. Tom is very ugly. Я певен, що Том скоро повернеться. I'm sure that Tom will return soon. I'm sure Tom will be back soon. Це не смішно! This is not funny! That's not funny! Де саме живуть Том із Мері? Where exactly do Tom and Mary live? Where exactly do Tom and Mary live? Ми зробили це минулого тижня. We did that last week. We did that last week. Він забагато балакає. He talks too much. He talks too much. Я хотів би мати можливість поїхати до Японії. I wish I could go to Japan. I wish I could go to Japan. Батьки Мері були дуже вражені Томом. Mary's parents were very impressed with Tom. Mary's parents were very impressed with Tom. Мені треба одягнутися в школу. I've got to get dressed for school. I have to get dressed for school. У Тома немає ані кота, ані собаки. Tom has neither cat nor dog. Tom doesn't have either a cat or a dog. У Семі були проблеми на роботі. Sami was having problems at work. Sami had problems at work. Він мій колишній учень. He's a former student of mine. He's a former student of mine. Якщо піде дощ, зателефонуйте мені. If it rains, call me. If it rains, call me. Скільки йому було років? How old was he? How old was he? Завтра дощитиме? Will it rain tomorrow? Will it rain tomorrow? Якою мовою розмовляють в Австралії? What language is spoken in Australia? What language is spoken in Australia? Для чого все це докучання? What is all this bother about? Why all this harassment? Вона поцілувала його. She kissed him. She kissed him. Том і Мері разом попили пива. Tom and Mary drank beer together. Tom and Mary drank beer together. Том зрозумів, що йому потрібно це зробити. Tom realized he needed to do that. Tom realized he needed to do that. Цього року я цього ще не робила. I haven't done that this year. I haven't done that this year. Я вже там був. I've been there already. I was already there. Я бачу будинок. I see a house. I see a house. Це було три роки тому. It was three years ago. That was three years ago. Том буде дуже пригнічений. Tom is going to be very depressed. Tom will be very depressed. Він боїться собак. He's scared of dogs. He is afraid of dogs. Дай мені шолом. Give me the helmet. Give me the helmet. Мені на це наплювати! I don't care a fig about it! I don't give a shit about it! Нам усім вас бракувало. We all have missed you. We all missed you. Я не люблю зелений чай. I don't care for green tea. I don't like green tea. Я ненавиджу ці слова. I hate those words. I hate those words. Том плакатиме. Tom will cry. Tom will cry. Що намагалися довести Том із Мері? What are Tom and Mary trying to prove? What did Tom and Mary try to prove? Думаєш, я кумедна? Do you think I'm funny? Do you think I'm funny? Стан здоров'я Тома наспраді добрий. Tom is in really good health. Tom's health is likely to be good. Вона поїхала на прослуховування минулого тижня. She went in for the audition last week. She went to the audition last week. Подякуй їй за допомогу. Thank her for the help. Thank her for her help. Вони нададуть нам більше часу. That'll give us more time. They'll give us more time. Ти не це сказав учора ввечері. That's not what you said last night. That's not what you said last night. Я не про неї говорила. I wasn't talking about her. I wasn't talking about her. Том готує вечерю. Tom is preparing supper. Tom is cooking dinner. Самі знає, до чого схильна Лейла. Sami knows Layla's tendencies. Sami knows what Layla is up to. Том говорить, що я дивна. Tom says I'm strange. Tom says I'm weird. Не недооцінюй своїх опонентів. Don't underestimate your opponents. Don't underestimate your opponents. Чому ви такі зайняті? How come you're so busy? Why are you so busy? Що б ви хотіли на сніданок? What would you like for breakfast? What would you like for breakfast? Том каже, що він не вміє добре співати. Tom says that he can't sing well. Tom says he can't sing well. Я лише раз бачила Тома. I've only seen Tom once. I only saw Tom once. Пам'ятаєш, що ти платив за мій обід? Do you remember buying me lunch? Do you remember what you paid for my lunch? Усі були задоволені. Everyone was satisfied. Everyone was happy. Мені лячно. I'm scared. I'm scared. Не задавайте мені стільки запитань. Користуйтеся головою. Don't ask me so many questions. Use your head. Don't ask me so many questions. Use your head. Ці двері не відкриються. This door won't open. This door won't open. Вони хочуть вивчити англійську. They want to learn English. They want to learn English. Проектор не працює. The projector doesn't work. Projector's not working. Том живе у кімнаті над нами. Tom lives in the room above us. Tom lives in the room above us. Візьми це з собою. Take this with you. Take this with you. Італійці не п'ють каву. Italians do not drink coffee. Italians don't drink coffee. Вони дозволили одне одному жити в мирі. They permitted each other to live in peace. They allowed one another to live in peace. Ми скоро йдемо? Are we leaving soon? Are we leaving soon? Дайте мені знати, якщо мені потрібно зробити будь-які зміни. Let me know if I need to make any changes. Let me know if I need to make any changes. Ти набагато молодший від Тома. You're way younger than Tom. You're a lot younger than Tom. Я приніс вас червоні троянди. I brought you red roses. I brought you red roses. Мій батько розповідав мені казки на ніч. My father used to read me bedtime stories. My father used to tell me bedtime stories. Мері сказала, що зробить це. Mary said she'd do it. Mary said she'd do that. Я хочу помсти. I want revenge. I want revenge. Тобі який більше подобається? Which one do you prefer? Which one do you like better? Ви не зобов'язані їхати. You don't need to go. You don't have to go. Ти сильно змінився. You've changed much. You've changed a lot. У Тома є три інші собаки. Tom has three other dogs. Tom has three other dogs. Ти ходиш до церкви? Do you go to church? Do you go to church? Коли ми маємо це зробити? When do we have to do that? When do we have to do that? Я народилася в Угорщині. I am Hungary-born. I was born in Hungary. Пан Сміт зараз президент цієї компанії. Mr Smith is now president of this company. Mr. Smith is now president of this company. Я була ввічлива. I was courteous. I was polite. Я з ранку нічого не їла. I haven't eaten anything since this morning. I haven't eaten anything since morning. Ми хочемо мати велику родину. We want to have a large family. We want a large family. Вони примусили мене чекати більше ніж півгодини. They kept me waiting for over half an hour. They made me wait for more than half an hour. Я працюю над новим планом. I'm working on a new plan. I'm working on a new plan. Я напишу про це книжку. I will write a book about that. I'll write a book about it. Ваша донька студентка? Is your daughter a student? Is your daughter a student? Перевернися! Roll over! Turn over! Це ідіотське запитання. That's a stupid question. It's a stupid question. Він рідко буває в інтернеті. He's rarely on the Internet. It rarely happens on the Internet. Це лікар, з яким я розмовляв минулого вечора. This is the doctor whom I spoke of last night. This is the doctor I talked to last night. Він стоїть перед дверима. He is in front of the door. He's standing in front of the door. Мені здається, він гарний. I think that he is handsome. I think he's handsome. Ласкаво просимо до Австралії! Welcome to Australia. Welcome to Australia! Я брехала. I was lying. I was lying. В ті дні моя родина твердо стояла на ногах. My family was well off in those days. My family was standing on their feet in those days. Я був дуже щасливий. I was real happy. I was very happy. Таємничі персонажі мені завжди більше подобалися. I always liked mysterious characters more. I've always liked secret characters better. Хто насправді є власником будинку? Who actually owns this house? Who really is the owner of the house? Автомобіль не зупинився. The car didn't stop. The car didn't stop. Скажи Тому, будь ласка, що я спізнюся. Please tell Tom I'll be late. Please tell Tom that I'll be late. Якби не дощ, я змогла би це зробити сьогодні. If it weren't raining, I'd be able to do that today. If it weren't raining, I could do that today. Я багато навчаюся. I study hard. I study a lot. Вони вийшли з машини. They got out of the car. They got out of the car. Мені дійсно треба йти. I really have to go. I really have to go. Ти говориш словенською? Do you speak Slovenian? Do you speak Slovenian? Чому? Чому він мав померти? Why? Why did he have to die? Why? Why did he have to die? Вона мрійниця. She is a dreamer. She's a dreamer. Майже у всіх японців темне волосся. Nearly all Japanese have dark hair. Almost all Japanese have dark hair. Не турбуйся. Все добре. Don't worry. It's OK. Don't worry. It's okay. Моя автівка німецької марки. My car is German. My car is a German mark. Я думаю, говорити правду - це важливо. I think it's important to tell the truth. I think telling the truth is important. Вона мусить прийти. She has to come. She must come. Історія - вчителька життя. History is the teacher of life. History is the teacher of life. Мері - наївна молода акторка. Mary is a naïve young actress. Mary is a naive young actress. Студент уже повністю вирішив задачу. The student has already solved all the problems. The student has already solved the problem completely. Я вибіг та спіймав таксі. I ran out and caught a taxi. I ran out and caught a taxi. Ми багато про що дізнаємося, подорожуючи за кордон. We learn a lot in our trips abroad. We'll learn a lot about traveling abroad. У свій вільний час вона робить ляльки. She spends her free time making dolls. In her spare time, she makes dolls. Хто твій викладач англійської? Who is your English teacher? Who is your English teacher? Хтось викрав машину Тома. Someone stole Tom's car. Someone stole Tom's car. Я зробив вигляд, що не розумію французької. I pretended I didn't understand French. I pretended I didn't understand French. Сподіваюся, ви чудово провели час у Австралії. I hope that you had a great time in Australia. I hope you had a great time in Australia. Ти знав, що Том звільнився з роботи? Did you know that Tom quit his job? Did you know Tom quit his job? Що саме тобі потрібно, щоб я зробила? What specifically do you need me to do? What exactly do you need me to do? Ця кімната пуста. This room is empty. This room is empty. Всім моїм друзям подобається грати у комп'ютерні ігри. All my friends like playing videogames. All my friends like playing computer games. Том сказав мені, що він налаштований песимістично. Tom told me he's pessimistic. Tom told me he was pessimistic. Я не знала, що міст закритий. I didn't know that the bridge was closed. I didn't know the bridge was closed. Вечеря вже повинна бути готова. Dinner is probably ready by now. Dinner should be ready by now. Я забув свій ключ. I forgot my key. I forgot my key. Я не працюю. I'm not working. I'm not working. Ми щойно повернулися. We just got back. We just got back. Том зможе це зробити? Will Tom be able to do that? Will Tom be able to do that? Він невисокий, але сильний. He is short but strong. He is short but strong. Болонія розташована ближче до Флоренції, ніж Мілан. Bologne is closer to Florence than Milan. Bologna is closer to Florence than Milan. Том повернувся до поштового відділення. Tom went back to the post office. Tom returned to the post office. Хто твій викладач? Who is your professor? Who's your teacher? Я почуваюся таким дурним. I feel so stupid. I feel so stupid. Я мало не переміг. I almost won. I almost won. Спочатку жінки та діти! Women and children first! First women and children! Я провів тут усе своє життя. I have spent my whole life here. I've spent my whole life here. Том танцював з Мері. Tom danced with Mary. Tom danced with Mary. Ми маємо запросити Тома до нас на вечерю. We should invite Tom over for dinner. We should invite Tom to dinner with us. Том зараз або в Бостоні, або в Чикаго. Tom is now either in Boston or Chicago. Tom is now either in Boston or Chicago. Ти отримала мої квіти? Did you get my flowers? Did you get my flowers? Лайно трапляється. Shit happens. Shit happens. Що у тебе у валізі? What do you have in your suitcase? What do you have in your suitcase? Тихіше. Том ще спить. Be quiet. Tom is still sleeping. Be quiet. Tom is still asleep. Чому ми сваримося? Why are we fighting? Why are we fighting? Було б так круто, якби я розмовляв десятьма мовами! It would be so cool if I could speak ten languages! It would be so cool if I could speak ten languages! Це саме та книга, яку я шукав. This is the very book I have been looking for. This is the book I was looking for. Ти маєш багато книг. You have many books. You have a lot of books. Якби не твоя допомога, я не зміг би цього зробити. But for your help, I could not have done it. If it wasn't for your help, I couldn't do that. Дякую за квитки! Thank you for the tickets. Thanks for the tickets! Як мені зробити заяву про крадіжку? How do I report a theft? How can I make a statement about stealing? Коли я зайшла до кімнати, вона грала на піаніно. When I entered the room, she was playing the piano. When I walked into the room, she played the piano. Ти помилився. You made a mistake. You made a mistake. Я це вже робив раніше. I've done that before. I've done that before. Розбуди дітей. Wake the kids. Wake up the kids. Їх зовсім не хвилює зовнішній вигляд. They don't care about appearances at all. They don't care about their appearance at all. Знаменита акварель висіла у музеї. The famous watercolor painting hung in a museum. The famous akwarel was hanging in a museum. Я дуже давно його не бачив. I haven't seen him for years. I haven't seen him in a long time. Біда не приходить одна. It never rains, it pours. Misery doesn't come alone. Том знає всі круті місця у місті. Tom knows all the cool spots in town. Tom knows all the cool places in town. Ви дали мені так багато. You have given me so many. You gave me so much. Я мала право це зробити. I had the right to do that. I had the right to do that. У склянці немає молока. There's no milk in the glass. There isn't any milk in the glass. Я вчуся в університеті. I'm a university student. I'm studying at university. Я відчуваю себе слабким. I feel weak. I feel weak. Я дам тобі стільки часу, скільки тобі потрібно. I'll give you as much time as you need. I'll give you as much time as you need. Це його нав'язлива ідея. It's an obsession of his. That's his obsession. Том знає, що ви прийдете? Does Tom know that you're coming? Does Tom know you're coming? Ви хочете полетіти у космос? Do you want to go to space? Do you want to go to space? Вона зарезервувала номер. She reserved a room. She booked a number. Я хочу знати про нову роботу Тома. I want to know about Tom's new job. I want to know Tom's new job. Я щойно зрозумів, як це зробити. I just figured out how to do it. I just figured out how to do that. Мій комп'ютер завис. My computer has frozen. My computer stuck. Ти знав, що Том колись був одружений з Мері? Did you know that Tom used to be married to Mary? Did you know Tom used to be married to Mary? Безумовно! Of course! Absolutely! Том сказав, що більше ніхто не намагався цього зробити. Tom said that no one else tried doing that. Tom said no one else tried doing that. Коли ви це закінчили? When did you finish it? When did you finish it? У мене сильний жар. I have a high fever. I have a bad fever. Том фальсифікував звітність. Tom was cooking the books. Tom falsified the report. Я не знаю, на що я розраховував. I don't know what I expected. I don't know what I was counting on. У лютому йому буде сімнадцять. He'll be seventeen in February. He'll be seventeen in February. Можеш познайомити мене з кимось, хто говорить французькою? Can you introduce me to someone who speaks French? Can you introduce me to someone who speaks French? Я витрачу надто багато часу на пояснення, чому це не спрацює. It would take me too much time to explain to you why it's not going to work. I'm going to spend too much time explaining why that doesn't work. Слава Україні! Glory to Ukraine! Thank you, Ukraine! Я не хотіла примушувати Тома чекати. I didn't want to make Tom wait. I didn't want to make Tom wait. Мері втратила свою обручку. Mary lost her wedding ring. Mary lost her ring. Поспи трохи. Get some sleep. Get some sleep. Я одружуся. I'm going to get married. I'm getting married. Тому слід повернутися до Бостона. Tom should come back to Boston. Tom should go back to Boston. Ми хочемо допомогти. We want to help. We want to help. Том більше не зустрічається з Мері. Tom doesn't go out with Mary anymore. Tom isn't dating Mary anymore. Мене звуть Том. My name is Tom. My name is Tom. Я ненавиджу холод. I cannot stand the cold. I hate the cold. Самі одружився з Лейлою у в'язниці. Sami married Layla in prison. Sami married Layla in prison. Тримайтеся від нас подалі. Keep away from us. Stay away from us. Забудь її. Forget her. Forget her. Нехай Том спробує. Let Tom try. Let Tom try. Ти їм насправді подобаєшся. They do like you. They really like you. Собака Тома слідував за ним до школи. Tom's dog followed him to school. Tom's dog followed him to school. Мені шкода, що поїхала до Австралії. I wish that I hadn't gone to Australia. I wish I hadn't gone to Australia. Що ми робитимемо щодо цього? What are we going to do about this? What are we going to do about it? Читайте! Read! Read it! Тобі слід його кинути. You should dump him. You should leave him. З-під стола з'явилася кішка. A cat appeared from under the desk. A cat appeared from under the table. Я трохи наляканий. I'm a bit scared. I'm a little scared. В році дванадцять місяців. A year has twelve months. In a year, twelve months. Я питаю себе, чи моє життя варте того, щоб жити. I wonder if my life is worth living. I wonder whether or not my life is worth living. Вона колись допомагала йому з домашніми завданнями. She used to help him with his homework. She used to help him with his homework. Тому не слід цього робити? Is Tom not supposed to be doing that? Should Tom not do that? У вас є веб-сайт? Do you have a website? Do you have a website? Том не дотримався своєї обіцянки. Tom didn't keep his promise. Tom didn't keep his promise. Він одружився на актрисі. He married an actress. He married an actress. Припини намагатися. Stop trying. Stop trying. Вас не запрошено. You aren't invited. You're not invited. Він призначив мені прочитати три книжки. He assigned me three books to read. He assigned me to read three books. Том сів не в той автобус. Tom took the wrong bus. Tom got on the wrong bus. Підручники з есперанто дешеві. The Esperanto handbooks are cheap. Esperanto tutorials are cheap. Я була у Бостоні майже все літо. I was in Boston for almost the entire summer. I've been in Boston almost all summer. Будь впевнена, ти можеш це зробити. Have confidence. You can do it. Be sure you can do that. Папір легко займається. Paper burns easily. Paper's easy to practice. Не забудь прийти сюди завтра о сьомій. Don't forget to come here at seven tomorrow. Don't forget to come here tomorrow at seven. У мене проколоте вухо. I have a pierced ear. My ear is pierced. Я була голодна. I was hungry. I was hungry. Том напав на Мері. Tom attacked Mary. Tom attacked Mary. Я трохи хвилююся. I'm a bit worried. I'm a little worried. Не поступай до інституту. Don't go to college. Don't go to college. Так, вона дійсно це сказала. Yes, she actually said that. Yeah, she really said that. Вiн високий, товстий та завжди зайнятий. He is big and fat and always busy. He's tall, fat and always busy. Том боїться. Tom is scared. Tom is afraid. У вас немає права робити це. You had no right to do that. You have no right to do that. В мене немає дітей. I have no children. I don't have any kids. Я ніколи не забуду твоєї доброти. I will never forget your kindness. I will never forget your kindness. Очевидно, що Тому та Мері не подобається цим займатися. Obviously, Tom and Mary don't like doing that. It's obvious that Tom and Mary don't like doing that. Том допоміг Мері заповнити анкету. Tom helped Mary fill out the form. Tom helped Mary fill out the questionnaire. Вона забрала його зі станції. She picked him up at the station. She picked him up from the station. Хто найкращий в світі голкіпер? Who is the world's best goalkeeper? Who's the best walker in the world? Мені було цікаво, чи хоче Том це зробити сьогодні. I wonder whether Tom wants to do that today or not. I wondered whether or not Tom wanted to do that today. Том не думав, що Мері зробить йому боляче. Tom didn't think Mary would hurt him. Tom didn't think Mary would hurt him. Том у безпеці, правда? Tom is safe, isn't he? Tom is safe, isn't he? Я нижчий від вас. I am shorter than you. I'm shorter than you. Мері була єдиною дівчиною в кімнаті. Mary was the only girl in the room. Mary was the only girl in the room. Не забувай мені писати. Don't forget to write to me. Don't forget to write to me. Якщо у вас немає цієї програми, ви можете завантажити її зараз. If you do not have this program, you can download it now. If you do not have this program, you can download it now. Том спробує переконати Мері не робити цього. Tom will try to persuade Mary not to do that. Tom will try to convince Mary not to do that. Том зраджує. Tom's cheating. Tom is cheating. Хіба в тебе немає грошей? Don't you have any money? Don't you have any money? Комусь потрібно це зробити. Someone has to do that. Someone needs to do that. У Тома явно натхнення. Tom is on fire. Tom is obviously inspired. Ніхто не захворів. No one got sick. No one got sick. Мені здається, ти та жінка, на яку я чекав усе своє життя. I think you're the woman I've been waiting for all my life. I think you're the woman I've been waiting for all my life. Я її попереджувала, але вона не слухала. I warned her, but she didn't listen. I warned her, but she didn't listen. Він мав це так зробити. He should have done it that way. He had to do it that way. Том застогнав. Tom groaned. Tom groaned. Ви зайнята? Are you busy? Are you busy? Йому, напевно, якнайменше тридцять п'ять. He must be at least 35 years old. He must be at least thirty-five. Вона, може бути, тебе неправильно зрозуміла. She may have misunderstood you. She may have misunderstood you. Том виграв конкурс минулого року. Tom won the contest last year. Tom won the competition last year. У Тома екзистенційна криза. Tom is having an existential crisis. Tom has an existential crisis. Ти погодився? Did you say yes? Did you agree? Я нарешті знайшов щось, чим варто зайнятися. I've finally found something worth doing. I finally found something worth doing. Це факт, який ти не можеш заперечувати. It's a fact you can't deny. It's a fact you can't deny. Дайте мені шанс, будь ласка. Give me a chance, please. Give me a chance, please. Том знає чому? Does Tom know why? Does Tom know why? Том сказав Мері, як вони зустрілися з Джоном. Tom told Mary how he and John met. Tom told Mary how he and John met. Мати непокоїться про моє майбутнє. Mother is anxious about my future. My mother worries about my future. Том розуміє, що з Мері краще не сперечатися. Tom knows better than to disagree with Mary. Tom understands that it's best not to argue with Mary. Випий аспірін. Take some aspirin. Drink some aspirin. Том та Мері хотіли поїхати до Бостона з Джоном. Tom and Mary both wanted to go to Boston with John. Tom and Mary wanted to go to Boston with John. Вона купила йому квиток. She bought him a ticket. She bought him a ticket. Хтось доторкнувся до мене. Somebody touched me. Someone touched me. Для цього друзі й потрібні. That's what friends are for. That's what friends are for. Що це за хеловінська вечірка без цукерок? What's the point of a Hallowe'en party without any candy? What is this Halloween party without candy? Це найспекотніше місто в країні. It's the hottest city in the country. It's the hottest city in the country. Він готує печиво. He's making biscuits. He is making cookies. Вона співає чи грає на піаніно? Is she singing a song or playing the piano? Does she sing or play the piano? Ви вірите у справжнє кохання? Do you believe in true love? Do you believe in true love? Хто був за кермом? Who was driving? Who was driving? Це лимонне дерево. This is a lemon tree. This is a lemon tree. У вас є думка щодо цього питання? Do you have an opinion on this issue? Do you have any idea what this is about? Китайські ієрогліфи дуже красиві. Chinese characters are very beautiful. Chinese characters are very beautiful. У Тома є сюрприз для Мері. Tom has a surprise for Mary. Tom has a surprise for Mary. Обережно, злий собака! Beware of dog. Watch out for the evil dog! Не всі з нас проти її ідеї. Not all of us are against her idea. Not all of us are against her idea. Том скаржиться начальнику. Tom is complaining to the manager. Tom is complaining to his boss. Том та Білл прийшли до цього висновку незалежно одне від одного. Tom and Bill arrived at the conclusion independently of each other. Tom and Bill came to that conclusion independently of each other. Том не дуже відомий у Бостоні. Tom isn't well-known in Boston. Tom isn't very famous in Boston. Лікар Тому порадив йому робити зарядку. Tom's doctor advised him to exercise. Tom's doctor advised him to exercise. Том сказав, що Мері стурбована. Tom said that Mary was worried. Tom said Mary was worried. Йому дуже подобається музика. He likes music a lot. He likes music a lot. Я ненавиджу понеділки. I can't stand Mondays. I hate Mondays. Твоя страва готова. Your meal is ready. Your food's ready. Я тобі повірила. I believed you. I believed you. Щастя не в тому, щоб володіти багатьма речами. Happiness does not consist only in having many things. Happiness is not to possess many things. Сподіваюся, Том скаже ні. I hope Tom says no. I hope Tom says no. Я брехала Тому. I've been lying to Tom. I was lying to Tom. Вони тебе вб'ють. They're going to kill you. They'll kill you. Я хочу, аби Том це підписав. I want Tom to sign this. I want Tom to sign that. Ми любимо Тома. We love Tom. We love Tom. Ти дуже добре говориш французькою. Я б хотів говорити так само добре, як ти. You speak French very well. I wish I could speak it as well as you. You speak French very well. I'd like to speak as well as you do. Що у коробці? What's in the box? What's in the box? Моя мама - дуже добра кухарка. My mother is a very good cook. My mother is a very good cook. Том каже, що він незадоволений. Tom says he's not happy. Tom says he's unhappy. Том щойно пішов. Tom just left. Tom has just left. Для мене є листи? Have any letters arrived for me? Do you have any letters for me? У неї це дуже добре виходить. She's very good at it. She's very good at that. Я думав, що це цілком зрозуміло. I thought it was perfectly clear. I thought it was pretty clear. Мене дивує твоя поведінка. I'm surprised at your behavior. I'm surprised by your behavior. Тому не слід було цим займатися. Tom shouldn't have done that. Tom shouldn't have done that. Політики говорять будь-що, що допоможе їм бути обраними. Politicians say whatever will get them elected. The politicians say anything to help them be elected. Що мені робити? What am I to do? What am I supposed to do? Том дивився телевізор разом із Мері. Tom watched TV with Mary. Tom watched TV with Mary. Ліан живе у Лестері. Leanne lives in Leicester. Leanne lives in Lester's. Його тато називає його Томом. His dad calls him Tom. His dad calls him Tom. Вона любить плітки. She loves gossip. She likes gossip. Дійшло? Got it? Got it? Мої мрії здійснилися. My dreams have come true. My dreams came true. Ти занадто серйозно сприймаєш Тома. You're taking Tom too seriously. You take Tom too seriously. Почекай до завтрашнього ранку. Wait until tomorrow morning. Wait until tomorrow morning. Ви знайомі з Джексонами? Have you met the Jacksons? Do you know the Jacksons? Пробачте мене. Forgive me. Excuse me. Я зробила все, що могла. I have done all that I can. I did everything I could. Дайте-но я скажу тобі щось ще. Let me tell you something else. Let me tell you something else. Яка у тебе улюблена тварина? What's your favorite animal? What's your favorite animal? Один, три, п'ять, сім та дев'ять - непарні числа. One, three, five, seven and nine are odd numbers. One, three, five, seven, and nine are odd numbers. Том зараз гниє у в'язниці. Tom is now rotting in jail. Tom is rotting in prison now. Тому потрібно піти до банку. Tom has to go to the bank. Tom needs to go to the bank. Я подивився фільм. I watched the movie. I watched the movie. Кому слід це робити? Who should be doing this? Who should do that? Ви канадієць, чи не так? You're Canadian, aren't you? You're Canadian, aren't you? Я вимкнув радіо. I turned off the radio. I turned off the radio. Де ваш батько? Where is your father? Where's your father? Я все ще не голодна. I'm still not hungry. I'm still not hungry yet. Ми про все потурбувалися. We've taken care of everything. We took care of everything. Я не можу дочекатися, щоб розповісти всім своїм домашнім. I can't wait to tell everybody at home. I can't wait to tell all my family. Я не думав, що Том дозволить мені це зробити. I didn't think Tom would allow me to do that. I didn't think Tom would let me do that. Я не розумію, чому це сталося. I don't understand why it happened. I don't understand why that happened. Викличте мені таксі. Call me a taxi. Call me a taxi. Ти добре виглядаєш на цьому фото. You look very good in that photo. You look good in this picture. Я хочу, щоб Том був у моїй команді. I want Tom on my team. I want Tom on my team. Я не багатий і не хочу таким бути. I am not rich, nor do I wish to be. I'm not rich, and I don't want to be. Том не хоче бути головним. Tom doesn't want to be the boss. Tom doesn't want to be the boss. Де можна взяти телефонну картку? Where can I get a telephone card? Where can I get my phone card? У мене є вантажівка. I have a truck. I have a truck. Просто вислухай мене. Just listen to me. Just listen to me. Ми переможемо? Are we going to win? Are we going to win? Я щаслива людина. I'm a lucky man. I'm a happy man. У цього хлопця чорне волосся. That boy has black hair. This guy has black hair. Я була перелякана. I was frightened. I was scared. Як твій тато? How is your dad? How's your dad? На минулих вихідних Том поїхав до Бостона на машині. Tom drove to Boston last weekend. Tom drove to Boston last weekend. Ти не можеш зберегти гру зараз. You cannot save the game right now. You can't save the game now. Мері засміялася та поцілувала Тома у щоку. Mary laughed and kissed Tom on the cheek. Mary laughed and kissed Tom on the cheek. Я навчив дружину водити. I taught my wife how to drive. I taught my wife how to drive. Я, насправді, взагалі не люблю котів. I actually don't like cats at all. I don't really like cats at all. Коли ти купив цей годинник? When did you buy that watch? When did you buy this watch? Томе, я хочу з тобою поговорити. Tom, I want to talk to you. Tom, I want to talk to you. Мою канарейку вбив кіт. My canary was killed by a cat. My canary was killed by a cat. Залишайся тут з Томом. You stay here with Tom. Stay here with Tom. Том відомий? Is Tom famous? Is Tom famous? Завтра буде ще один день. Tomorrow is another day. Tomorrow's another day. Коли ти останнього разу користувалася вентилятором? When was the last time you used a fan? When was the last time you used a fan? Я не читаю книжок. I don't read books. I don't read books. Оце так! Wow! Wow! Я думаю, Том це зробить. I think that Tom is going to do that. I think Tom will do that. Ти багато балакаєш, еге ж? You talk quite a lot, don't you? You talk a lot, don't you? Він поїхав на велосипеді. He went by bicycle. He rode his bike. Я не знав, що Том так добре готує. I didn't know that Tom was so good at cooking. I didn't know Tom was so good at cooking. Він попросив зробити йому мінет. He requested a blow job. He asked me to give him a blow job. Завтра великий день. Tomorrow is a big day. Tomorrow is a big day. Я вже прочитав книжку, яку ти мені позичила. I've already read the book you lent me. I've already read the book you lent me. Вам подобається шоколадний пудинг? Do you like chocolate pudding? Do you like chocolate pudding? Огірок гіркий? То викинь його! The cucumber is bitter? Then throw it away! The cucumber is bitter? Then throw it away! Ми вже зустрічалися? Have we met before? Have we met before? Том сказав, що зробить це завтра. Tom said that he'll do that tomorrow. Tom said he'd do that tomorrow. Ти засмутив Тома. You've upset Tom. You disappointed Tom. Молодець! Good job! Good boy! Джон та Бет однолітки. John and Beth are the same age. John and Beth are peers. Чому ви не йдете за нею? Why aren't you going after her? Why aren't you following her? Чия це ідея? Who's idea was that? Whose idea is this? Він Том? Is he Tom? Is he Tom? Боюся, ви помиляєтеся. I'm afraid you're wrong. I'm afraid you're wrong. У 2013 році я жив у Бостоні. I was living in Boston in 2013. I lived in Boston in 2013. Кажани переносять захворювання. Bats carry diseases. Bats carry diseases. Я позичу ручку. I will borrow a pen. I'll borrow a pen. У Тома дуже охайний почерк. Tom has very neat handwriting. Tom has a very neat handwriting. Ви любите рибу? Do you like eating fish? Do you like fish? Я був дуже задоволений. I was really pleased. I was very happy. Ви мій гість. You're my guest. You're my guest. Том запитав мене, що я хочу їсти. Tom asked me what I wanted to eat. Tom asked me what I was hungry. Здавалося, що кожен міг запропонувати щось особливе. It seemed like everybody had something special to offer. It seemed that everyone could offer something special. Я сподіваюся, вона знає, що робить. I hope she knows what she is doing. I hope she knows what she's doing. Мене ненавидять I'm detested. I'm Hated Я програв. I lost. I lost. Це було б пречудово. That would be very good. That would be awesome. Це дуже мило з вашого боку. That's very sweet of you. That's very kind of you. Можна мені спробувати? Can I try? Can I try? Говори повільно! Speak slowly! Speak slowly! Зараз сьома година. It's seven o'clock. It's seven o'clock. Том не має брата. Tom doesn't have a brother. Tom doesn't have a brother. В супермаркеті у нас великий вибір фруктів. We have a wide choice of fruits at the supermarket. We have a lot of choice of fruit in the supermarket. Давайте розслабимося. Let's relax. Let's relax. Як так сталося, що ти так добре знаєш французьку? How come you know French so well? How come you know French so well? Що ти думаєш про цей сверт? What do you think of this sweater? What do you think of this coil? Мене виселили. I've been evicted. I was expelled. До якого ти прийшов висновку? What conclusions have you come to? What did you conclude? Сьогодні виплачують заробітню плату. It is a payday today. Today, wages are paid. Мені потрібно вам щось сказати. I have something to tell you. I need to tell you something. Я написав про це свою дисертацію. I wrote my thesis about this. I wrote my thesis about this. О котрій ви вчора лягли спати? What time did you go to bed yesterday? What time did you go to bed yesterday? В неї зелені очі. She has green eyes. She has green eyes. Це не було легко. This hasn't been easy. It wasn't easy. Як ти з ним познайомився? How did you get to know him? How did you get to know him? Чому вас не було в школі? Why were you not in school? Why weren't you at school? Вечірка у неділю. The party's Sunday. The party is on Sunday. Я ледве можу ходити. I can hardly walk. I can barely walk. Тому подобається брюнетки. Tom likes brunettes. Tom likes brunettes. Том назвав Мері зрадницею. Tom called Mary a traitor. Tom called Mary a traitor. Я дуже рада знову з тобою побачитися. I'm very glad to see you again. I'm very happy to see you again. Том зміниться. Tom'll change. Tom will change. Том сказав, що, на його думку, Мері хотіла б це зробити. Tom said that he thought that Mary would like to do that. Tom said he thought Mary would like to do that. Усі були вбиті. Everyone was killed. Everyone was killed. Том - адвокат. Tom is a lawyer. Tom is a lawyer. У Європі зайняття у школі розпочинаються у вересні. School starts in September in Europe. In Europe school begins in September. Що ви приховуєте? What are you hiding? What are you hiding? Я була збентежена. I was puzzled. I was confused. У Всесвіті мільйоні зірок. There are millions of stars in the universe. There are millions of stars in the universe. Будь ласка, дай мені чашку кави. Please give me a cup of coffee. Please give me a cup of coffee. Скільки годинників залишилося? How many clocks are left? How many watches are left? Ви хочете пообідати зараз? Do you want to eat lunch now? Do you want to eat lunch now? Я голодна, тому що я не пообідала. I'm hungry because I haven't had lunch. I'm hungry because I didn't eat lunch. Я знаю, що Том худорлявий. I know Tom is skinny. I know Tom is skinny. Я вдягнув брюки. I put on my trousers. I put on my pants. Том - найкращий студент у групі. Tom is the best student in class. Tom is the best student in the group. Для тебе я ніколи не занадто зайнятий. I'm never too busy for you. I'm never too busy for you. Що саме хоче зробити Том? What exactly does Tom want to do? What exactly does Tom want to do? Том не вміє грати на піаніно. Tom doesn't know how to play the piano. Tom can't play the piano. Звичайно ж, ти знаєш, що робити? Surely you know what to do? Of course, you know what to do? Я справляюся. I'm managing. I'm good. Як там у Бостоні? How are things in Boston? How's it going in Boston? Я не їм так багато, як Том. I don't eat as much as Tom does. I don't eat as much as Tom does. Тому не страшно. Tom is unafraid. Tom isn't afraid. Думаю, тобі слід спробувати зробити це ще раз. I think you should try doing that again. I think you should try doing that again. Том учора ввечері допоміг Мері. Tom helped Mary last night. Tom helped Mary last night. Що ти бачиш на фотографії? What do you see in the picture? What do you see in the picture? Це так романтично. This is so romantic. That's so romantic. Я вже знаю, хто ти такий. I already knew who you are. I already know who you are. Не думаю, що нам слід говорити Тому, що ми їдемо до Бостона. I don't think that we should tell Tom we're going to Boston. I don't think we should tell Tom we're going to Boston. Якщо хочете. If you want. If you want. Я працював на фермі. I worked on a farm. I worked for a farm. Що, на твою думку, ми можемо зробити, щоб допомогти? What do you think we can do to help? What do you think we can do to help? Так ти це зробиш? So you'll do it? So you're gonna do it? Він закохався у гарну дівчину. He fell in love with a pretty girl. He fell in love with a beautiful girl. Я мало не втратив свідомість. I almost fainted. I almost fainted. Не залишайте свої речі. Don't leave your stuff behind. Don't leave your stuff. У Тома немає на це часу. Tom doesn't have any time to do that. Tom doesn't have time for that. Ані Том, ані Мері ще цього не зробили. Both Tom and Mary haven't done that yet. Neither Tom nor Mary has done that yet. Мій брат вдвічі важчий за мене. My brother is twice as heavy as me. My brother is twice as heavy as I am. Мері одягнула капці. Mary put her slippers on. Mary put on her slippers. Не знаю, що замовити. I don't know what to order. I don't know what to order. Він шукав бійки. He was looking for a fight. He was looking for fights. Мері добре провела час. Mary had some fun. Mary had fun. На День матері я подарував мамі гвоздики. I gave my mother carnations on Mother's Day. On Mother's Day, I gave my mother a carnation. Що з вами вчора сталося? What happened to you yesterday? What happened to you yesterday? Я сказав їй не казати тобі. I told her not to tell you. I told her not to tell you. Том добре плаває. Tom can swim well. Tom swims well. Ми повинні робити це частіше. We should do this more often. We should do that more often. Я занотовую. I'm taking notes. I'm taking notes. У Тома менше друзів, ніж у Мері. Tom has fewer friends than Mary. Tom has fewer friends than Mary. Що святкували Том із Мері? What were Tom and Mary celebrating? What did Tom and Mary celebrate? Місячне затемнення - це рідке явище. An eclipse of the moon is a rare phenomenon. A lunar eclipse is a rare phenomenon. Дуже хотів би поїхати в Італію. I do want to go to Italy. I'd love to go to Italy. Чому ви не прийшли раніше? Why didn't you come earlier? Why didn't you come earlier? Чому Том там був один? Why was Tom there alone? Why was Tom alone there? Я вже сказав Тому, що мені потрібно купити. I've already told Tom what I need to buy. I've already told Tom that I need to buy. Ти дійсно погрожував убити Тома? Did you really threaten to kill Tom? Did you really threaten to kill Tom? Наближалося Різдво. Christmas approached. Christmas was coming. Том, мабуть, переміг. Tom must've won. Tom must've won. Ми зачекаємо в машині. We're going to wait in the car. We'll wait in the car. Це складна задача. It's a complicated problem. It's a difficult problem. Він вчиться у себе за столом. He is studying at his desk. He is studying at his desk. Ти завжди тут жив? Have you always lived here? Have you always lived here? В мене болить нога. My foot is aching. My leg hurts. Я не сумний. I'm not sad. I'm not sad. Ти єдина, хто знає, як дістатися до будинку Тома. You're the only one who knows how to get to Tom's house. You're the only one who knows how to get to Tom's house. Він грає у футбол. He plays football. He plays soccer. Я хотіла помсти. I wanted revenge. I wanted revenge. Я знаю, що ти про нього високої думки. I know you think highly of him. I know you think highly of him. Щиро кажучи, вона моя кузина. To tell the truth, she is my cousin. To tell you the truth, she's my cousin. Я хочу вдарити Тома по голові. I would like to punch Tom in the head. I want to hit Tom on the head. Можна мені скористатися твоїм словником? Can I use your dictionary? May I use your dictionary? У цьому місті є кілька гарних парків. There are some beautiful parks in this city. There are some beautiful parks in this town. Він зупинився біля стільця Тома. He stopped by Tom's chair. He stopped by Tom's chair. Ми повинні спочатку доробити наше домашнє завдання. We must finish our homework first. We must finish our homework first. Чия ти подруга? Whose friend are you? Whose friend are you? Том зробив усе можливе. Tom has done everything possible. Tom did his best. Ти не встаєш настільки рано, як твоя сестра, правда? You don't get up as early as your sister, do you? You don't get up as early as your sister, do you? Я страшний? Am I scary? Am I scary? Але тобі не слід згинати коліна забагато. But you don't want to bend the knees too much. But you shouldn't bend too much. Я повинна зробити це власноруч. I have to do it by myself. I have to do it by myself. Я давно його не бачив. I haven't seen him for a long time. I haven't seen him in a long time. Ви любите кокосовий сік? Do you like coconut water? Do you like coconut juice? Я ходжу на прийом до терапевта. I'm seeing a therapist. I go to see a therapist. Звідки почнемо? Where do we start? Where do we start? Том не повинен був говорити Мері про те, що зробив Джон. Tom shouldn't have told Mary what John did. Tom shouldn't have told Mary about what John did. Ми дуже щасливі. We are so happy. We're very happy. Не думаю, що Том нам збрехав. I don't think that Tom lied to us. I don't think Tom lied to us. Як щодо того, щоб чогось випити? How about a drink? How about something to drink? Томе, ти вже пообідав? Tom, have you already eaten lunch? Tom, have you had lunch yet? Я з Азії. I am from Asia. I'm from Asia. З ким ти хочеш поговорити? Who do you want to speak to? Who do you want to talk to? Не лізь не в свою справу. You should mind your own business. Stay out of this. Можеш бути у цьому певна. You can be sure of that. You can be sure of that. Борітеся - поборете! Fight and over-struggle! Fight, you'll fight! У мене голова розколюється від шуму. My head is splitting from the noise. My head is bursting with noise. Я пригощу тебе випивкою. I'll buy you a drink. I'll buy you a drink. Том не хотів йти з Мері. Tom didn't want to go with Mary. Tom didn't want to go with Mary. Я слухаю музику кантрі. I am listening to country music. I'm listening to Country music. Я цілком певна, що Том говорить французькою. I'm pretty sure that Tom speaks French. I'm pretty sure Tom can speak French. Том не хоче бути там. Tom doesn't want to be there. Tom doesn't want to be there. Я забув пароль. I forgot my password! I forgot my password. Я теж не можу поїхати до Бостона. I can't go to Boston, either. I can't go to Boston either. Том і Мері заручилися. Tom and Mary got engaged. Tom and Mary got engaged. У цій книжці бракує двох сторінок. This book is missing two pages. This book is missing two pages. Том давав тобі якісь ще поради? Did Tom give any other advice? Did Tom give you any other advice? Я хотів би бути мільйонером. I wish I were a millionaire. I wish I were a millionaire. Зателефонуйте йому, будь ласка. Please call him. Please call him. Мері не може мати дітей. Mary cannot have children. Mary can't have children. У Тома був червоний ніс. Tom's nose was red. Tom had a red nose. Яка погана новина? What is the bad news? What's the bad news? Том дав мені сумку повну грошей. Tom gave me a bag full of money. Tom gave me a bag full of money. У мене немає її адреси. I don't know her address. I don't have her address. Він повернувся додому з Європи в 1941 році, коли розпочалася війна. He returned home from Europe in 1941, when the war broke out. He returned home from Europe in 1941 when the war broke out. Дай мені спершу поїсти. Let me eat first. Let me eat first. Том запитав Мері, де вона була. Tom asked Mary where she had been. Tom asked Mary where she was. Воно мені потрібне сьогодні. I need it today. I need it today. Мій не такий добрий, як Тома. Mine isn't as good as Tom's. Mine isn't as good as Tom. Його план небезпечний. His plan is dangerous! His plan is dangerous. Навіть я допоогла би тобі. Even I would have helped you. Even I'd tell you. Я вечеряю о чверті по сьомій. I have my supper at a quarter past seven. I have dinner at 7:30 p.m. Але ж я не вмію готувати кебаб! But I don't know how to cook kebabs! But I can't cook a kebab! Том сказав Мері збрехати. Tom told Mary to lie. Tom told Mary to lie. Ви теж німкеня? Are you also German? Are you also German? Думаю, він запізниться на зустріч. I imagine he will be late for the meeting. I think he'll be late for the meeting. Сподіваюся, цього не трапиться. I hope that doesn't happen. I hope that doesn't happen. Ти прекрасна. You're very beautiful. You're beautiful. Я почав зустрічатися з Томом. I started dating Tom. I started dating Tom. Вона дала мені шкіряну сумку She gave me a bag made of leather. She gave me a leather bag. Том мешкає та працює в Бостоні. Tom lives and works in Boston. Tom lives and works in Boston. Можете поставити її там. You can put it there. You can put it there. Джону подобається ця медсестра. John likes the nurse. John likes this nurse. Том вас знайде. Tom will find you. Tom will find you. Том насправді це буде робити? Will Tom really do that? Is Tom really going to do that? Ти маєш на увазі, що Том не хотів цього робити? Are you saying Tom didn't want to do that? Do you mean Tom didn't want to do that? Ти пам'ятаєш, яким повільним був колись інтернет? Can you remember how slow the Internet used to be? Do you remember how slow the Internet used to be? Добре питання. That's a good question. Good question. Я захисник мовного різноманіття. I am an advocate of linguistic diversity. I am a defender of linguistic diversity. Ми з Томом зараз обговорюємо цю задачу. Tom and I are discussing that problem now. Tom and I are now discussing this problem. Подивімося, скільки він коштує. Let's see how much it costs. Let's see how much it costs. Він дав мені десять тисяч єн. He gave me 10,000 yen. He gave me 10,000 yen. Возик у дитячій кімнаті. The buggy is in the baby's room. Wozker's in the nursery. Хто ця дівчина? Who is this girl? Who is this girl? Це Том поцілував Мері, а не Джон. Tom was the one who kissed Mary, not John. Tom was the one who kissed Mary, not John. Том переїхав до Сан-Дієго. Tom moved to San Diego. Tom moved to San Diego. Я займуся цим завтра. I will deal with it tomorrow. I'll do it tomorrow. Кого ти відвідав? Who did you visit? Who did you visit? У мене немає англійської клавіатури. I don't have an English keyboard. I don't have an English keyboard. Том приєднався до нас. Tom joined us. Tom joined us. Це, мабуть, коштувало менше долара. That probably cost less than a dollar. It probably cost less than a dollar. Квиток туди й незад до Бірмінгема, будь ласка. A return ticket to Birmingham, please. Ticks to the other side of Birmingham, please. Мене цікавить англійська. I am interested in English. I'm interested in English. Він його поцупив. He stole it. He stole it. Де ти була? Where have you been? Where have you been? Ти щось знайшла? Did you find something? Did you find anything? Ти не помреш. You're not going to die. You won't die. Я зробив це заради Тома. I did that for Tom. I did that for Tom. Веселого Різдва! Happy Christmas! Merry Christmas! Вода добра. The water is good. Water is good. Я виснажений. I'm knackered. I'm exhausted. Зараз ви готові? Are you ready now? Are you ready now? Він поцупив моє взуття. He stole my shoes. He stole my shoes. Я був новий. I was new. I was new. Він обідає у кафетерії. He eats lunch at a cafeteria. He is having lunch at the cafeteria. Сподіваюся, це правда. I hope it's true. I hope it's true. Зелена зелень зеленить зелену зелень. Green green green green green. Green greens will green green green. Я підозрюю, що Тому не потрібно буде цього робити. I suspect Tom won't need to do that. I suspect Tom won't need to do that. Скільки коштує квиток до Бостона? How much is a ticket to Boston? How much does a ticket to Boston cost? Лелеки справді стоять на одній нозі? Do storks really stand on one leg? Do storks really stand on one leg? Хто тебе цьому навчив? Who taught you that? Who taught you that? Том знав, що Мері має хлопця. Tom knew Mary had a boyfriend. Tom knew Mary had a boyfriend. Вище ніс! Cheer up! Keep your nose up! У Тома були якісь коментарі щодо цього? Did Tom have any comment on that? Did Tom have any comments on that? Ми ще колись побачимо Тома? Will we ever see Tom again? Will we ever see Tom again? Бельгія не така велика, як Франція. Belgium is not as large as France. Belgium is not as big as France. Тобі слід сказати Тому, що ти не плануєш плавати. You should tell Tom you aren't planning on swimming. You should tell Tom that you aren't planning on swimming. Ми хочемо, щоб Том сказав "так." We want Tom to say yes. We want Tom to say yes. Я себе трохи недобре почуваю. I'm a little under the weather. I feel a little ill. Будь ласка, ніколи не залишайте мене. Please don't ever leave me. Please never leave me. Хіба ти не знаєш як? Don't you know how? Don't you know how? Я якраз думав про нову роботу. I was just thinking of a new job. I was just thinking about a new job. Ця коробка була заважка. The box was too heavy. This box was too heavy. Я помилявся. I was mistaken. I was wrong. Том нетерплячий. Tom is impatient. Tom is impatient. Чому ти вирішив, що ти мені подобаєшся? What makes you think I like you? What makes you think I like you? Литва входить до Європейського союзу. Lithuania is joining the European Union. Lithuania is part of the European Union. Про що ти думаєш? What're you thinking about? What are you thinking? Ви знаєте когось, хто розмовляє французькою? Do you know anyone who speaks French? Do you know anybody who speaks French? Тобі не потрібно вставати. You need not stand up. You don't need to get up. Подивіться на зірки, давайте не марнувати час. Look at the stars, let's not waste time. Look at the stars, let's not waste time. Вона не погодилася. She did not agree. She disagreed. Священна Римська імперія перестала існувати 1806 року. The Holy Roman Empire ceased to exist in 1806. The Holy Roman Empire ceased to exist in 1806. Кого ти запросила на вечерю? Who did you invite to dinner? Who did you invite to dinner? Том розповів нам свою історію. Tom told us his story. Tom told us his story. Скільки у вас із собою грошей? How much money do you have on you? How much money do you have with you? Вона англійка, але мешкає в Індії. She's English, but lives in India. She is English, but lives in India. Я не думаю, що Том міг би переконати Мері це зробити. I don't think Tom could get Mary to do that. I don't think Tom could convince Mary to do that. Кажи що хочеш, але він не прийме твого запрошення. Say what you will, he won't accept your invitation. Say whatever you want, but he won't accept your invitation. Техас межує із Мексикою. Texas borders on Mexico. Texas borders Mexico. Чи Том вивчатиме французьку наступного року? Will Tom study French next year? Will Tom study French next year? Він завжди тримав слово. He always kept his promises. He always kept his word. Том почистив картоплю і зварив її. Tom peeled the potatoes and then boiled them. Tom peeled the potatoes and made it. Стає краще. It gets better. It's getting better. Вітаю з перемогою! Congratulations on the victory! Congratulations on your victory! Дивно. That's odd. Strange. Я би міг це зробити, я думаю. I can see myself doing that. I could do that, I think. Я небагато їм. I don't eat much. I don't eat much. Не турбуйтеся про це! Don't worry about it! Don't worry about it! У вас відмінний план. Your plan is excellent. Your plan is excellent. Том буде капітаном. Tom will be captain. Tom is going to be the captain. Том, здається, ніколи не засмучується. Tom never seems to get upset. Tom never seems to be upset. Ти ведеш журнал? Do you keep a journal? Are you keeping a magazine? Том сказав, що, на його думку, він переможе. Tom said that he thought that he was going to win. Tom said he thought that he'd win. Хто їсть бджіл? Who eats bees? Who eats bees? Том дав Мері ляпаса. Tom slapped Mary. Tom slapped Mary. Це гарна квітка. This is a beautiful flower. It's a beautiful flower. Цікаво, чи Том знає, як це зробити. I wonder whether or not Tom knows how to do that. I wonder if Tom knows how to do that. Вона постійно плутає сіль і цукор. She is always confusing salt with sugar. It mixes salt and sugar all the time. Навіщо ти це робиш? Why are you doing this? Why are you doing this? Чому ти хочеш повернутися до Бостона? Why do you want to go back to Boston? Why do you want to go back to Boston? Я там була вчора. I was there yesterday. I was there yesterday. Запах троянд наповнив кімнату. The smell of roses filled the room. The scent of the roses filled the room. Том цьому не повірить. Tom won't believe this. Tom won't believe it. Ти не могла би позичити мені тридцять доларів? Could you lend me $30? Could you lend me thirty dollars? Я рада, що у тебе все гаразд. I'm glad you're all right. I'm glad you're OK. Мені потрібні мої рецепти. I need my prescriptions. I need my prescriptions. Я тобі довіряю. I trust you. I trust you. Легко дісталося, легко й піде. That which is easily acquired is easily lost. It's easy, it's easy to go. Я не хочу тебе більше бачити. I don't want to ever see you again. I don't want to see you anymore. Я трохи тут побуду. I'll stay here for a bit. I'll stay here for a while. Хіба ви не шукаєте роботу? Aren't you looking for a job? Aren't you looking for a job? Я не думав, що ти зрозумієш. I didn't think you'd understand. I didn't think you'd understand. Я зазвичай прокидаюся на світанку. I usually wake up at dawn. I usually wake up at dawn. Том зустрічається з Мері вже майже три роки. Tom has been going out with Mary for about three years. Tom has been dating Mary for almost three years. Він прогулявся перед сніданком. He took a walk before breakfast. He took a walk before breakfast. Я мертвий. I'm dead. I'm dead. Я знав, що Том на нас почекає. I knew Tom would wait for us. I knew Tom would wait for us. Том написав книжку про свою родину. Tom wrote a book about his family. Tom wrote a book about his family. Що ти будеш робити завтра у цей час? What will you be doing at this time tomorrow? What are you going to do tomorrow at this time? Я п'ю каву. I am drinking coffee. I drink coffee. Можеш сказати, який з них копія? Can you tell which is the copy? Can you tell which is the copy? Моїй бабусі сімдесят п'ять. My grandma is 75 years old. My grandmother is seventy-five. Мені потрібно тобі розповісти про завтрашню зустріч. I need to tell Tom about tomorrow's meeting. I need to tell you about tomorrow's meeting. Я не можу знайти ключі. I can't find my keys. I can't find the keys. Ти маєш татуювання? Do you have a tattoo? Do you have a tattoo? Вона розумна. She has brains. She's smart. Ось жінка, від якої я отримала повідомлення. That's the woman I got a message from. This is the woman I got the message from. Я відправився на місце злочину. I went to the scene of the crime. I went to the crime scene. Том був у капелюсі? Was Tom wearing a hat? Was Tom wearing a hat? Чи існує любов? Does love exist? Is There Love? Мені слід повертатися додому. I should go home. I should go home. Хіба ви не хочеш теж піти? Don't you want to go, too? Don't you want to go, too? Том подивився на підлогу. Tom looked at the floor. Tom looked at the floor. Давайте святкувати нашу перемогу! Let's celebrate our victory. Let's celebrate our victory! Я думала, що ти маєш рацію. I thought you were right. I thought you were right. Мері пофарбувала волосся у чорний колір. Mary dyed her hair black. Mary painted her hair black. Ти вже вирішив, куди поїдеш наступного літа? Have you decided where you're going next summer? Have you decided where you'll go next summer? Том багато палить. Tom smokes a lot. Tom smokes a lot. Можеш її знайти? Can you find it? Can you find her? Ти працював минулого року? Were you working last year? Did you work last year? Мері сказала, що хоче перемогти. Mary said she wanted to win. Mary said she wanted to win. Вікно ось тут. The window is here. The window is right over here. Я не переконана, що Том говорить правду. I'm not convinced that Tom is telling the truth. I'm not sure Tom is telling the truth. Том знову зустрічається зі своїм колишнім. Tom is back with his ex. Tom is seeing his ex again. Диви! Look! Look! Він зробив фотографію сім'ї. He took a photograph of the family. He took a picture of the family. Відтоді, коли померла Мері, Том живе один. Tom has been living alone since Mary died. Tom has been living alone since Mary died. Вона навчилася плавати. She learned to swim. She learned how to swim. Я хотів би бути таким же багатим, як Том. I wish I were as rich as Tom is. I wish I were as rich as Tom. Правило розповсюджується лише на іноземців. The rule only applies to foreigners. The rule is distributed only to foreigners. Гайда! Let's hit the road. Come on! Я нетямлюся від американського футболу. I'm crazy about American football. I'm crazy about football. Хелловін - не релігійне свято. Halloween is not a religious holiday. Halloween is not a religious festival. Це кардинально змінює ситуацію. This is a game-changer. That really changes the situation. Думаю, час на нашому боці. I think time's on our side. I think it's time for us. Ви набагато швидші від мене. You're way faster than me. You're much faster than I am. Мені здається, Том хоче це зробити. I think Tom wants to do that. I think Tom wants to do that. Мері каже, що любить займатися французькою. Mary says she likes studying French. Mary says she likes to study French. Я народилася в Австралії. I was born in Australia. I was born in Australia. Хутко йди сюди! Come quickly! Come quickly! Коли ти вирішив це зробити? When did you decide to do that? When did you decide to do that? Ми цього не робитимемо. We're not doing it. We're not going to do that. Я не розумна людина. I'm not a smart person. I'm not a smart man. Куди саме в Австралії ти їдеш? Which part of Australia are you going to? Where exactly are you going in Australia? Пристебни ремінь безпеки, будь ласка. Fasten your seat belt, please. Fasten your seat belt, please. Я не можу знайти віник. I can't find the broom. I can't find a broom. Це буде складно зробити. It is going to be difficult to do. It'll be difficult to do that. Він ішов по вулиці. He walked along the street. He was walking down the street. Я бачив, як Том упав з велосипеда. I saw Tom fall off his bicycle. I saw Tom fall off his bicycle. Том сказав мені, що Мері не виграла. Tom told me Mary didn't win. Tom told me Mary didn't win. Тома наразі немає вдома. Tom isn't at home now. Tom isn't home now. Я знаю, що Том ненабагато вищий від мене. I know that Tom isn't much taller than I am. I know Tom isn't much taller than me. Тут та зараз. Here and now. Here and now. До речі, у тебе є час сьогодні ввечері? By the way, are you free tonight? By the way, do you have time tonight? Я завзятий курець. I'm a chain smoker. I'm a heavy smoker. Мати Тома - таке базікало. Tom's mother is such a gossip. Tom's mother is such a talker. Том це тобі дійсно сказав? Did Tom actually tell you that? Did Tom really tell you that? Хочеш до музею? Do you want to go to the museum? You want to go to the museum? Том небалакучий. Tom isn't talkative. Tom doesn't talk much. Виходь пограй з нами. Come outside and play with us. Come and play with us. Ти попередила Тома, щоб він не відкривав той ящик? Did you warn Tom not to open that box? Did you warn Tom not to open that box? Будь ласка, зробіть це швидко. Please do it quickly. Please do it quickly. Вони обидва померли. They're both dead. They both died. Я знаю, як зрізати. I know a shortcut. I know how to cut it. Не чіпайте цього, будь ласка. Please don't touch this. Please don't touch this. Том важко працює. Tom works hard. Tom works hard. Дух виявив себе. Spirit manifested itself. The spirit revealed itself. Том не мусить туди йти. Tom doesn't have to go there. Tom doesn't have to go there. Можна я скористаюся цим велосипедом? Can I use this bike? May I use this bicycle? Твоя дитина спить? Is your baby sleeping? Is your baby asleep? Я просто була відвертою. I was just being honest. I was just being honest. У мене все болить. I'm sore all over. I'm in pain. Вона вчить нас французької. She teaches us French. She is teaching us French. Ви хоча б звернули увагу, що Том пішов? Did you even notice that Tom had left? Did you at least notice that Tom left? Том піде замість вас. Tom will go in your place. Tom will go in your place. Я не знаю, що з ним сталося. I don't know what has happened to him. I don't know what happened to him. Я піду одягнуся. I'm going to go get dressed. I'll go get dressed. Вона стояла поруч із ним. She stood close to him. She stood by him. Мені подобається кава без цукру. I like my coffee without sugar. I like coffee without sugar. Ти доробив домашнє завдання? Have you finished your homework? Have you finished your homework? Пан Легрос може розказати абетку у зворотньому порядку. Mr. Legros can say the alphabet backwards. Mr. Leuros can tell the alphabet backwards. Ти не можеш бути у двох місцях одночасно. You can't be at two places at once. You can't be in two places at the same time. Том і насправді зробив це без будь-якої допомоги? Did Tom really do that without anyone's help? Did Tom really do that without any help? Можете передати мені сіль, будь ласка? Can you pass me the salt, please? Can you pass me the salt, please? Ти агресивна. You are aggressive. You're aggressive. Що у тебе є почитати? What do you have to read? What do you have to read? Ти сам себе обмежуєш. You're limiting yourself. You're limiting yourself. Тобі ніколи не перемогти. You can never win. You'll never win. Це зробив не Том. Це була Мері. Tom wasn't the one who did that. It was Mary. It wasn't Tom who did that. It was Mary. Одного дня ваші зусилля дадуть плоди. Your efforts will one day bear fruit. One day your efforts will bear fruit. Ці черевики на мене замалі. These shoes are too small for me. These shoes are too small for me. Я хотів би з тобою потанцювати. I'd like to dance with you. I'd like to dance with you. Ми з Томом колись були друзями. We used to be friends with Tom. Tom and I used to be friends. Для мене вона незамінна. To me, she's irreplaceable. She's indispensable to me. Ти мені ворог? Are you my enemy? Are you my enemy? Том дивовижний. Tom is amazing. Tom is amazing. На столі стоїть вентилятор. There's a fan on the table. There's a fan on the desk. Ви вчора говорили з Томом? Did you talk to Tom yesterday? Did you talk to Tom yesterday? Я не думаю, що проблема - це Том. I don't think it's Tom who's the problem. I don't think Tom is the problem. Я думав, що ти любиш це. I thought you loved it. I thought you loved it. Нам слід зачекати на поліцію. We should wait until the police arrive. We should wait for the police. Минув тиждень від часу, коли вони познайомилися. It has been a week since they met. It's been a week since they met. Висадіть мене біля станції, будь ласка. Please drop me off at the station. Please drop me off at the station. Вона поцілувала його в щоку. She kissed him on the cheek. She kissed him on the cheek. Він повернув ключ. He turned the key. He returned the key. Ця свічка не біла. That candle isn't white. This candle isn't white. Спробуй не ворушитися так сильно. Try not to move so much. Try not to move so much. Трапилось щось неймовірне! Вгадайте що! Something unbelievable has happened! Guess what! Something unbelievable has happened! Guess what! Мені треба піти переодягнутися. I should go change. I need to go change my clothes. Том купив Мері пиво. Tom bought Mary a beer. Tom bought Mary a beer. Я розумію більше, ніж здатна висловити. I understand more than I can say. I understand more than I can express. Він сказав, що поїде до Сполучених Штатів. He said he would go to America. He said he would go to the United States. Ти зараз зайнятий, так? You are busy now, aren't you? You're busy now, aren't you? Том здатний це зробити. Tom is able to do that. Tom is capable of doing that. Зачекай у приймальні. Wait in the waiting room. Wait in the waiting room. Том був переляканий, і я також. Tom was scared and I was scared, too. Tom was scared, and so was I. Мій собака любить котів. My dog likes cats. My dog likes cats. Гадаю, ми можемо самі про себе потурбуватися. I believe that we can take care of ourselves. I think we can take care of ourselves. Я тебе здивую. I'll surprise you. I'll surprise you. Більшість птахів мають дві лапи і два крила. Most birds have two legs and two wings. Most birds have two legs and two wings. Том втомився, але не хотів спати. Tom was tired, but not sleepy. Tom was tired, but he wasn't sleepy. Здається, що ніхто не знає правди. It seems that no one knows the truth. Nobody seems to know the truth. Кожний повинен це знати. Everybody must know. Everyone should know that. Я запитав її, що трапилося, але вона не захотіла розповідати. I asked her what happened, but she wouldn't tell me. I asked her what had happened, but she didn't want to tell me. Це лише мрія. It's only a dream. It's just a dream. Том закінчив. Tom is through. Tom is done. Мені вони всі подобаються. I like all of them. I like them all. Наші голоси мають значення. Our votes count. Our voices matter. Це дуже дорога яхта. This yacht is very expensive. It's a very expensive boat. Не вставай. Stay down. Don't get up. Марія лише посміхнулася на цю образу. Ти маєш прдурюватися! Maria just smiled at this insult, and you should, too. Mary just smiled at this image. Ти добра людина. You're a good person. You're a good person. Я зазвичай ходжу на базар у п'ятницю. I usually go to market on Friday. I usually go to market on Friday. Наша робота ніколи не закінчується. Our work never ends. Our work never ends. Радий це почути. I am glad to hear it. Glad to hear it. Прочитай оповідання вголос. Read the story aloud. Read the story aloud. Сподіваюся, Том чудово проводить час. I hope Tom is having a lot of fun. I hope Tom is having a great time. Метеоролог каже, що наближається шторм. The weatherman says a storm is coming. A Meteorologist says there's a storm coming. Том не виграє. Tom won't win. Tom won't win. Я думав, що Тому не сподобається це робити. I thought Tom wouldn't enjoy doing that. I thought Tom wouldn't like doing that. Том не думає, що він може це зробити. Tom doesn't think he can do that. Tom doesn't think he can do that. На цьому острові жити неможливо. You can't live on that island. It's impossible to live on that island. Я зараз щасливіший, ніж колись. I'm happier now than I used to be. I'm happier now than I used to be. Відпустка вже скінчилася. The vacation is over now. The holiday is over. Ми досягли нашої мети. We reached our goal. We reached our goal. Я хотів би випити чашечку кави. I'd like to drink a cup of coffee. I'd like to have a cup of coffee. Що у ящику? What is in the box? What's in the box? Мені цікаво, чи Том міг би переконати Мері нам завтра допомогти. I wonder whether or not Tom could talk Mary into helping us tomorrow. I wonder whether or not Tom could convince Mary to help us tomorrow. Я бачила, як вона стрибнула до басейну. I saw her jump into the pool. I saw her jump into the pool. Я запитав його, де він мешкає. I asked him where he lived. I asked him where he lived. Ви намагаєтеся мене вбити? Are you trying to kill me? Are you trying to kill me? Я зарезервував столик на чотирьох. I have booked a table for four. I reserved a table for four. Вона мені найкраща подруга. She's my best friend. She's my best friend. Тому немає куди бігти. Tom has nowhere to run to. Tom has nowhere to run. Мені потрібно багато книг. I need a lot of books. I need a lot of books. Що це за галас? What's this noise? What's that noise? Мері не хотіла, щоб я її цілував. Mary didn't want me to kiss her. Mary didn't want me to kiss her. Том збожеволів. Tom has gone mad. Tom lost his mind. Чому Том зупинився? Why did Tom stop? Why did Tom stop? Це одна з найпотворніших будівель, яку я коли-небудь бачив. That's one of the ugliest buildings I have ever seen. This is one of the ugliest buildings I've ever seen. Мені шкода, що я не зможу зустріти вас сьогодні ввечері. I'm sorry that I can't meet you tonight. I'm sorry I can't meet you tonight. Гадаєш, Том мені пробачить? Do you think Tom will forgive me? Do you think Tom will forgive me? Давай підемо раніше. Let's leave early. Let's go early. Відступися вбік, будь ласка. Step aside, please. Stand aside, please. У вас є машина? Do you own a car? Do you have a car? Це правило розповсюджується лише на іноземців. This rule is applied to foreigners only. This rule applies only to foreigners. Том надав ще кілька подробиць. Tom provided few other details. Tom gave more details. Хто заплатить? Who will pay? Who's going to pay? Самі дуже добре провів час. Sami had a really good time. Sami had a really good time. Я ні на кого не чекаю. I don't wait for anybody. I'm not waiting for anybody. Не розчаровуй його. Don't disappoint him. Don't disappoint him. Я певен, що це пройде. I'm sure it'll pass. I'm sure that'll pass. Зробити це було набагато важче, ніж я очікувала. Doing that was a lot more difficult than I expected it to be. Doing that was much harder than I expected it to be. Ти не подобаєшся Тому з Мері. Tom and Mary don't like you. Tom and Mary don't like you. Я думаю, Том вчинив би так само. I think Tom would've done the same thing. I think Tom would have done the same. Де всі? Where is everyone? Where is everybody? Том може бути упередженим. Tom may be prejudiced. Tom might be prejudiced. Він хоробрий хлопак. He is a brave lad. He's a brave boy. Йому заплатити 10 000 доларів. He was paid 10,000 dollars. He was paid $10,000. Я музикант. I'm a musician. I'm a musician. Мама готує вечерю. Mother is preparing dinner. My mother is preparing dinner. Чи Том не заперечував би, якби ми цього не робили? Would Tom mind if we didn't do that? Would Tom care if we didn't do that? Ти весь час дивишся телевiзор. You are always watching TV. You're watching TV all the time. Це вас турбує? Is that bothering you? Does that bother you? Коли він з'явився, ми розмовляли про нього. We were talking about him when he appeared. When he appeared, we talked about him. Чи тут є хтось, хто говорить англійською? Is there someone who speaks English? Is there anyone here who speaks English? Тобі краще знати. You should know better. You know better. Ви думаєте, Том це зробить? Do you think that Tom is going to do that? Do you think Tom will do that? Під ліжком щось є. There's something under the bed. There's something under the bed. Том часто носить чорну шапку. Tom often wears a black hat. Tom often wears a black hat. Я так робив у дитинстві. I used to do that as a kid. That's what I did when I was a kid. Вони аплодували. They applauded. They applauded. Том хотів подзвонити Мері. Tom wanted to call Mary. Tom wanted to call Mary. Я буду змушена розповісти Тому. I'll have to tell Tom. I'll have to tell Tom. Коли ти в останній раз приймав душ? When was the last time you took a shower? When was the last time you showered? Мені доведеться поговорити з Томом перш, ніж я зможу прийняти рішення. I'll have to speak with Tom before I can make a decision. I'll have to talk to Tom before I can make a decision. Ви хочете сказати, що Том божевільний? Are you saying that Tom's crazy? Are you saying Tom is crazy? Ви бачили Тома того вечора? Did you see Tom that night? Did you see Tom that evening? Не здавайся. Don't quit. Don't give up. Том запропонував Мері донат. Tom offered Mary a donut. Tom offered Mary a donut. Я дуже строгий. I'm very strict. I'm very strict. Зберігай спокій. Keep calm. Stay calm. У мене є трохи грошей. I have a little money. I have some money. Я граю у теніс. I play tennis. I play tennis. Вчора вона покінчила з собою. She killed herself yesterday. She killed herself yesterday. Він купив їй випити. He bought her a drink. He bought her a drink. Том був гарною людиною. Tom was a nice person. Tom was a good person. Том тікає. Tom is escaping. Tom is running away. Він обвинувачує її у своїй невдачі. He blamed his failure on her. He accuses her of his failure. У Тома обличчя, яке хочеться набити. Tom has a punchable face. Tom has a face that wants to be beaten. Я знаю, чому ти не хочеш говорити. Я теж не хочу з тобою говорити. I know why you don't want to talk. I don't want to talk with you, either. I know why you don't want to talk, I don't want to talk to you either. Це можливо. It is possible. It's possible. Том вирішив поїхати. Tom decided to go. Tom decided to go. Том добре працює. Tom does good work. Tom works well. Мені цікаво, чи Том дальтонік, чи ні. I wonder whether or not Tom is colorblind. I wonder whether or not Tom is colorblind. Учора це історія. Завтра це таємниця. Сьогодні подарунок, тому його називають справжнім. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the "present." Yesterday it's a story, tomorrow it's a mystery, today it's a present, so it's called a real present. Том забрав у Мері молоток. Tom took the hammer away from Mary. Tom took a hammer from Mary. Я намагаюся прокинутися. I'm trying to wake up. I'm trying to wake up. Настав час тобі одружитися. It is about time you married. It's time you got married. Я не усвідомлював, що у мене з носа тече кров. I didn't realize my nose was bleeding. I didn't realize my nose was bleeding. Це можливо. It's possible. It's possible. Це не має значення, зробите ти це чи ні. It doesn't matter if you do that or not. It doesn't matter whether you do it or not. Том купив картоплю. Tom bought some potatoes. Tom bought potatoes. Я відразу ж пішов. I left right away. I left immediately. Том повернувся до супермаркету. Tom went back to the supermarket. Tom returned to the supermarket. Червоний, на відміну від зеленого, є ознакою небезпеки. Red, as opposed to green, is a sign of danger. Unlike green, red is a sign of danger. Я свиснув. I whistled. I whistled. Це Том сказав тобі це зробити? Did Tom tell you to do that? Did Tom tell you to do that? Том стояв поруч із Мері. Tom stood beside Mary. Tom stood next to Mary. Мені потрібний ваш підпис. I need your signature. I need your signature. Всі тут, окрім Тома. Everyone is here but Tom. Everybody is here except Tom. Я дуже хотіла їсти. I was very hungry. I was very hungry. Я знаю, чому мені не слід цього робити. I know why I shouldn't do that. I know why I shouldn't do that. Я вчуся в медичному коледжі. I go to medical school. I go to medical school. Ми ховаємося. We're hiding. We're hiding. Я не знаю, як тобі це сказати. I don't know how to tell you this. I don't know how to tell you that. Цей твір задовгий. This essay is too long. This piece is too long. Я нічого не зробив. I didn't do anything. I didn't do anything. Ми погодилися побути з Томом. We decided to stay with Tom. We agreed to be with Tom. Його там немає. It's not there. He's not there. Томе, негайно вибачся перед своєю сестрою. Вона через тебе тужить. Tom, apologize to your sister. You made her cry. Tom, apologize to your sister immediately. Чому я нічого не чую? Why can't I hear? Why can't I hear anything? Євген отримає Шнобелівську премію за свій внесок у літературу. Eugene will get the Ig Noble prize for his contribution to literature. Eugene will win the Schnobelov Prize for his contribution to literature. Ми в Італії. We're in Italy. We're in Italy. Пан Джексон не приймає подарунків від студентів. Mr. Jackson doesn't accept gifts from students. Mr. Jackson doesn't take gifts from students. Я адміністративний асистент Тома. I'm Tom's administrative assistant. I'm Tom's administrative assistant. Магазин зачинено. The store's closed. The store is closed. Я не прийшла з Томом. I didn't come with Tom. I didn't come with Tom. Як тобі щастить! How lucky you are! How lucky you are! Я б його купив. I'd buy it. I'd buy it. Том зачекає. Tom will wait. Tom will wait. Хвіртка була відкрита. The gate was open. The gate was open. Жінці Тома не подобається, коли він палить у вітальні. Tom's wife doesn't like it when he smokes in the living room. Tom's wife doesn't like it when he smokes in the living room. Я намагатимусь дістати все, що нам потрібно. I'll try to get everything we need. I'll try to get everything we need. Том хоче піти стопами батька. Tom wants to follow in his dad's footsteps. Tom wants to follow in his father's footsteps. Як сумно! How sad! How sad! Єдине, що ти можеш робити - це чекати. All you can do is wait. The only thing you can do is wait. Скажіть їй бути обережнішою. Tell her to be careful. Tell her to be more careful. Заходь. Step inside. Come in. Для Тома тут без варіантів. Tom hasn't got a prayer. There's no way for Tom to be here. Том прокинувся у лікарняній палаті. Tom awoke in a hospital room. Tom woke up in the hospital room. На твою думку, що Том зробив учора? What do you think Tom did yesterday? What do you think Tom did yesterday? Ти ніколи не дізнаєшся, де він. You will never know where he is. You'll never know where he is. Дитина міцно спала. The baby was fast asleep. The baby was fast asleep. Не допомагайте Тому. Don't help Tom. Don't help Tom. Я давно його не бачив. I have not seen him for a long time. I haven't seen him in a long time. Я думаю, що я знаю он ту дівчину. I think I know that girl over there. I think I know that girl over there. Просто скажіть мені, що це. Just tell me what it is. Just tell me what it is. Передайте сіль. Pass the salt. Pass the salt. Я попросив у Тома склянку води. I asked Tom for a glass of water. I asked Tom for a glass of water. Що подуюмають сусіди? What will the neighbours think? What will the neighbours think? Том сказав, що Мері хворіє. Tom said that Mary is sick. Tom said Mary was sick. Ми обрали Джона капітаном. We chose John to be captain. We chose John to be captain. Кролі мають довгі вуха. A rabbit has long ears. Rabbits have long ears. У нас немає часу. We have no time. We don't have time. Дивись! На кухні кіт. Look! There's a cat in the kitchen. Look! There's a cat in the kitchen. Він впертий як віслюк. He is stubborn as a mule. He is as stubborn as a donkey. Я встала раніше ніж зазвичай, щоб встигнути на перший потяг. I got up earlier than usual in order to catch the first train. I got up earlier than usual in order to catch the first train. Том помер? Is Tom dead? Did Tom die? Як я можу з вами зв'язатися? How can I get in touch with you? How can I contact you? Не забувай ставити крапки над "і." Remember to cross your t's. Don't forget to put dots above the "i." Якщо поїдеш до США, вивчиш розмовну англійську. If you travel to the US, you'll learn spoken English. If you go to the United States, you'll learn spoken English. Вже 7. It's already 7 o'clock. It's already seven o'clock. Білки швидко вчаться. Squirrels are quick learners. The squirrels learn quickly. Ця планета у серйозній небезпеці. This planet is in serious danger. This planet is in grave danger. Я в бібліотеці. I'm in the library. I'm at the library. Том сказав, що у мене дуже блідий вигляд. Tom said I looked very pale. Tom said I looked very pale. Прислів'я повні мудрості. Proverbs are full of wisdom. Proverbs is full of wisdom. Я точно знаю, куди йду. I know exactly where I am going. I know exactly where I'm going. Вона піклувалася про мого пса протягом місяця. She looked after my dog for a month. She took care of my dog for a month. Учора ввечері Том пішов спати раніше опівночі. Last night, Tom went to bed before midnight. Tom went to bed last night before midnight. Том не очікував, що Мері це зробить. Tom didn't expect Mary to do that. Tom didn't expect Mary to do that. Полагодьте мою іграшку, будь ласка. Please fix my toy. Please fix my toy. Джек народився десятого серпня. Jack was born on August the tenth. Jack was born on August 10. Ти сказала Тому, що я вже тут? Did you tell Tom that I'm here? Did you tell Tom I was already here? Чому Том це робить? Why is Tom doing that? Why is Tom doing that? Том та Мері просто зараз незайняті. Tom and Mary aren't busy right now. Tom and Mary aren't busy right now. Пішов на хуй, їбанько. Fuck you, asshole. Fuck you, motherfucker. Том швидкий. Tom is fast. Tom is fast. Це плагіат. This is plagiarism. This is plagiarism. Вона надзвичайно чутлива до холоду. She is exceedingly sensitive to the cold. She is extremely sensitive to cold. Вона намагалася записати кожне слово вчителя. She tried to take down every word the teacher said. She tried to write down every word of the teacher. Я не знаю, як це вам сказати. I don't know how to tell you this. I don't know how to tell you that. Ми чекатимемо в машині. We're going to wait in the car. We'll wait in the car. Коти в безпеці. The cats are safe. Cats are safe. Ми маємо важко працювати. We must work hard. We have to work hard. Можна мені лишитися? Can I stay? Can I stay? У нас достатньо грошей, щоб це купити? Do we have enough money to buy that? Do we have enough money to buy that? Це ніколи не закінчиться. It'll never be over. It'll never end. Для життя завжди потрібна їжа. Food is always necessary for life. Food is always needed for life. Пригорни мене. Hug me. Hug me. Шуткую. I am joking. I'm kidding. Якби мені потрібна була твоя допомога, я б тебе про неї попросив. If I wanted your help, I would've asked you for it. If I needed your help, I'd ask you to do it. Чоловік - мисливець, жінка - його гра. Man is the hunter, woman is his game. The man is a hunter, the woman is his game. У мене проблеми з грошима. I have money problems. I have money problems. Потім я пішов звідти, але зрозумів, що забув сумку. After that, I left, but then I realized that I forgot my backpack at their house. Then I left, but I realized I had forgotten my bag. Том буде щасливий. Tom is going to be happy. Tom will be happy. Том, мабуть, не знає, що те, що він зробив, - незаконно. Tom probably doesn't know what he did wasn't legal. Tom probably doesn't know what he did was illegal. Том сказав, що, на його думку, Мері буде цікаво цим зайнятися. Tom said that he thought Mary would be interested in doing that. Tom said he thought Mary would be interested in doing that. На небі ані хмаринки. There's no cloud up in the sky. There isn't a cloud in the sky. Ти вже почав вивчати французьку? Have you already started learning French? Have you already begun studying French? Він не розуміє. He doesn't understand. He doesn't understand. Мама врешті-решт прийшла додому. My mother finally came home. My mother finally came home. Ймовірно, що я це зроблю. I'm likely to do that. I'm likely to do that. Хто говорив? Who spoke? Who talked? Чому всі вважають мене ідіотом? Why does everyone think I am stupid? Why does everybody think I'm stupid? Вона марнує час. She is wasting time. She's wasting time. Давайте спробуємо. Let's give it a try. Let's give it a try. Я співав багато в дитинстві. I sang a lot when I was a kid. I sang a lot when I was a kid. Я сьогодні нікому не можу допомогти. I can't help anybody today. I can't help anyone today. Йди та розважайся. Go have fun. Go and have fun. Починай співати. Start singing. Start singing. Це автомобіль Тома. That's Tom's car. This is Tom's car. Ти виглядаєш зайнятою. You seem busy. You look busy. Він досяг своєї мети. He achieved his goal. He reached his goal. Пан Джонсон працює не за наймом та займається ремонтом меблів. Mr Johnson is self-employed and is in the business of repairing furniture. Mr Johnson doesn't do his best to repair furniture. Не бігайте тут. Don't run here. Don't run here. Струнко! Stand to attention! Attention! Я заплатила Тому. I paid Tom. I paid Tom. Собака Тома прослідував за ним на кухню. Tom's dog followed him into the kitchen. Tom's dog followed him to the kitchen. Чим ти займаєшся в Австралії? What are you doing in Australia? What do you do in Australia? Апельсини означають щасливе кохання, тоді як лимони означають нерозділену любов. Oranges signify a happy love while lemons symbolize an unrequited one. Oranges mean happy love, whereas lemons mean undiluted love. Не сперечайтеся зі мною. Don't argue with me. Don't argue with me. Чим ви вирішили зайнятися? What did you decide to do? What did you decide to do? Том сказав, що не йде на берег. Tom said he isn't going ashore. Tom said he wasn't going ashore. Ви тут вчитель чи учень? Are you a teacher here or a student? Are you a teacher or a student here? Том дав Мері свою картку. Tom gave Mary his card. Tom gave Mary his card. Том поцарапав мою нову гітару. Tom scratched my new guitar. Tom scratched my new guitar. Задайте своє питання. Ask your question. Ask your question. Можливо, це не ваша провина. Perhaps it isn't your fault. It may not be your fault. Самі це виправить. Sami is going to fix this. Sami is going to fix it. Я щойно повернувся з Бостона. I've just come back from Boston. I've just come back from Boston. Том їде з Бостона сьогодні вранці. Tom is leaving Boston this morning. Tom is leaving Boston this morning. Вставай! Get out of bed! Get up! Том вас пробачив. Tom forgave you. Tom forgave you. Я знав, що ми можемо на неї разраховувати. I knew we could count on her. I knew we could count on her. Ти не мусиш йти, хіба що сам цього хочеш. You don't have to go unless you want to. You don't have to go unless you want to. Я рада це чути. I'm delighted to hear that. I'm glad to hear it. Цілься. Вогонь! Aim. Fire! Aim. Fire! Том сказав, що Мері роздратована. Tom said that Mary was irritated. Tom said Mary was annoyed. Том - твоє ім'я чи прізвище? Is Tom your first or last name? Is Tom your name or your last name? Кажуть, у папороті бувають квіти. They say that ferns can have flowers. It is said that there are flowers in the ferns. Я вже багато часу вчу французьку, але я не говорю нею вільно. I've been studying French for a long time, but I'm not fluent. I've been studying French for a long time, but I don't speak French fluently. Том дуже любить теніс. Tom likes tennis a lot. Tom likes tennis a lot. Це ще не кінець. It isn't over yet. It's not over yet. Я знав Тома. I knew Tom. I knew Tom. Цей стіл зроблений із доброго дуба. This table is made of good oak. This table is made of good oak. Можна спитати, як вас звуть? Might I ask your name? May I ask your name? Мені потрібна перша допомога. I need first aid. I need first help. Ви знаєте, де я буду. You know where I'll be. You know where I'll be. Я хочу бути більш незалежним. I want to be more independent. I want to be more independent. Я маю змінитися. I have to change. I have to change. Ми маємо бути чемними. We've got to be polite. We have to be polite. Притримай язика! Hold your tongue! Hold your tongue! Я люблю, коли суп теплий, а не гарячий. I like my soup to be warm, not hot. I like warm soup, not hot. Я бажаю тобі успіху. I wish you success. I wish you luck. Спектакль у понеділок. The show's Monday. The show's Monday. Де мені знайти Тома? Where can I find Tom? Where can I find Tom? Жити - це сумніватися. To live is to have doubts. To live is to doubt. Я витратила лише три долари. I only spent three dollars. I only spent three dollars. Я загубила свій ключ десь тут. I lost my key somewhere around here. I lost my key somewhere here. Відправ Тома додому. Send Tom home. Send Tom home. Хіба dи тут не учитель? Aren't you a teacher here? Aren't you a teacher here? Цей капелюх занадто малий для тебе. It is too small a hat for you. This hat is too small for you. О котрій годині ти повернувся додому? What time did you get home at? What time did you get home? Ми все ще не знаємо правди. We still don't know the truth. We still don't know the truth. Не забудь випити свої ліки. Don't forget to take your medication. Don't forget to take your medication. Коли гроші перестають бути чогось варті, вся система перестає працювати. When money ceases to have value, the entire system stops working. When money stops being worth something, the whole system stops working. Том перейшов дорогу. Tom walked across the street. Tom crossed the road. У мене є нова червона машина. I have a new red car. I have a new red car. У мене три кузени. I have three cousins. I have three cousins. Ваше ім'я не Том, так? Tom isn't your name, is it? Your name isn't Tom, is it? Том швидший, ніж Мері. Tom is faster than Mary. Tom is faster than Mary. Ти знаєш, що я цього не можу зробити. You know I can't do that. You know I can't do that. Фадль любив свою родину та друзів. Fadil loved his family and friends. Fadil loved his family and friends. Що він робив у вашій кімнаті? What was he doing in your room? What was he doing in your room? Де ключі Тома? Where are Tom's keys? Where are Tom's keys? Том каже, що він не певен. Tom says he's unsure. Tom says he's not sure. Це божевільна ідея. This is a crazy idea. That's a crazy idea. Хіба ви не хочете знати мою думку? Don't you want my opinion? Don't you want my opinion? Де саме Том планує побудувати свій будинок? Where exactly does Tom plan to build his house? Where exactly is Tom planning to build his house? Тому потрібний ось цей. Tom wants this one. Tom needs this one. Я ходив до будинку Тома ввечері перед його смертю. I went to Tom's house the night before he died. I went to Tom's house the night before he died. Їй потрібен рушник. She needs a towel. She needs a towel. Том та Мері мали рацію? Were Tom and Mary right? Were Tom and Mary right? Я вже давно тут мешкаю. I've been living here for a long time. I've lived here for a long time. Можеш її роздрукувати? Can you print it out? Can you print it out? Коли я зможу вас знову побачити? When can I see you again? When can I see you again? Чому ніхто не відповідає? Why doesn't anybody answer? Why isn't anyone answering? Ти не того запитуєш. You're asking the wrong person. You're asking the wrong person. Хвилиночку... Just a moment ... Just a minute... Мері хоче, щоб ти запросив її на побачення. Mary wants you to ask her out. Mary wants you to ask her out. Мій дядько дав мені своє авто. My uncle gave his car to me. My uncle gave me his car. Як ти отримав цю інформацію? How did you acquire that information? How did you get this information? Не чекайте на мене. Don't wait for me. Don't wait for me. Будь у доброму гуморі. Stay positive. Be in a good mood. Не вбивай мене. Don't kill me. Don't kill me. Він занадто втомився, аби йти далі. He was too tired to go any farther. He is too tired to go on. Семі отримав те, що він хотів. Sami has got what he wanted. Sami got what he wanted. Ти чув, що Том йде? Did you hear Tom is leaving? Did you hear Tom is leaving? Хіба ви не на пенсії? Aren't you retired? Aren't you retired? Том розповів Мері про те, що він зробив. Tom told Mary about what he did. Tom told Mary about what he did. Наближається Різдво. Christmas is coming soon. Christmas is coming. Скільки ти вже в місті? How long have you been in town? How long have you been in town? Це може звучати божевільно, але думаю, я хочу повернутися та зробити це знову. This may sound crazy, but I think I want to go back and do it again. It might sound crazy, but I think I want to go back and do it again. Що ви хочете, щоб Том зробив? What do you want Tom to do? What do you want Tom to do? Том особливий. Tom is particular. Tom is special. Я рада, що ви попросили мене прийти. I'm glad you asked me to come. I'm glad you asked me to come. Дякую вам за все. Thank you for everything. Thank you for everything. Ти багато чого пропустила. You missed a lot. You missed a lot. Ніхто з нас не буде на вашій вечірці сьогодні ввечері. None of us will be at your party tonight. None of us will be at your party tonight. Ну то й що? Це для мене не має жодного значення. So what? It doesn't matter to me. It doesn't matter to me. Перепрошую за мою незграбність. Pardon my clumsiness. I'm sorry about my clumsiness. Том ніколи не був знайомий з Мері. Tom has never met Mary. Tom has never met Mary. Я інколи пишу мамі. I sometimes write to my mother. I sometimes write to my mother. Я дізналася правду. I found out the truth. I learned the truth. Ви не могли би говорити трохи гучніше, будь ласка? Could you speak a little louder please? Could you speak a little louder, please? Том може не приходити, якщо він не хоче. Tom doesn't need to come if he doesn't want to. Tom may not come if he doesn't want to. Я хочу помститись! I want revenge. I want revenge! Він може розмовляти і російською. He can also speak Russian. He can speak Russian as well. Я завтра про це потурбуюся. I'll take care of it tomorrow. I'll take care of it tomorrow. Я хочу, щоб ти мені сказав правду. I want you to tell me the truth. I want you to tell me the truth. Я не знаю, чи він прийде, чи ні. I don't know whether he comes or not. I don't know if he'll come or not. Дивіться мою попередню статтю. Refer to my previous article. See my previous article. Том виглядає винуватим. Tom looks guilty. Tom seems to be guilty. Хіба ти не очікуєш, що я тобі допоможу? Aren't you expecting me to help you? Aren't you expecting me to help you? Том удвічі старший від мене. Tom is twice as old as me. Tom is twice as old as I am. Коли я була молода, я дійсно палила. I did smoke when I was young. When I was young, I really smoked. Дівчина, що співає разом із Томом, - це Мері. The girl singing with Tom is Mary. The girl who sings with Tom is Mary. Том не може згадати. Tom can't remember. Tom can't remember. Можна ще раз вас поцілувати? May I kiss you again? Can I kiss you again? Ви би хотіли, щоб ми вам допомогли? Would you like us to help you? Would you like us to help you? Інколи в мене буває депресія. I get depressed at times. Sometimes I get depressed. Я зробила, що могла. I've done all I can. I did what I could. Це лише подряпина, гаразд? It's just a scratch, OK? It's just a scratch, okay? Я дуже старомодний. I'm very old-fashioned. I'm very old-fashioned. Дорога довга. The road is long. The road is long. Я приїхала остання. I was the last to arrive. I came last. Тебе цікавить музика? Are you interested in music? Are you interested in music? Ти мною маніпулював. You've been manipulating me. You were manipulating me. Він вивчає історію в університеті. He is studying history at the university. He's studying history at university. Мені подобається зелений колір. I like the green colour. I like green. Том хотів з'їсти стейк. Tom wanted to eat steak. Tom wanted to eat steak. Том не знає, звідки почати. Tom doesn't know where to begin. Tom doesn't know where to start. Мері це гарантує. Mary guarantees it. Mary guarantees that. Запитай Тома, чи він уміє плавати. Ask Tom if he can swim. Ask Tom if he can swim. Заходьте. Come on in. Come in. Мері забилася. Mary injured herself. Mary hurt herself. Я вже їй розповів. I have already told her. I've already told her. Я знала твого батька. I knew your father. I knew your father. Том сказав, що у нього немає поганих звичок. Tom said that he didn't have any bad habits. Tom said he didn't have any bad habits. Це якесь чаклунство. It's like some kind of magic. It's some kind of witchcraft. Я хочу стати вчителем французької мови. I want to become a French teacher. I want to become a French teacher. За кого мені голосувати? Who should I vote for? Who should I vote for? Чому б вам не попросити Тома це зробити? Why don't you ask Tom to do that? Why don't you ask Tom to do that? Ти вчора спізнився. You were late yesterday. You were late yesterday. Не думаю, що Том має собаку. I do not think Tom has a dog. I don't think Tom has a dog. Мені не подобається, як ти зі мною розмовляєш. I don't like the way you talk to me. I don't like the way you talk to me. Я нічого не бачив. I didn't see anything. I didn't see anything. Я навчився жити без неї. I learned to live without her. I learned to live without her. Взимку я сплю під двома ковдрами. I sleep with two quilts in the winter. In winter, I sleep under two blankets. Можете полічити до десяти китайською? Can you count to ten in Chinese? Can you count to ten in Chinese? Коли відчиняється ресторан? When does the restaurant open? When does the restaurant open? Ти бачив, як Том на тебе дивився? Did you see the way Tom looked at you? Did you see the way Tom looked at you? Тобі до вподоби сніг? Do you like snow? Do you like snow? Навіть я їм допомогла би. Even I would have helped them. Even I would've helped them. Том сказав, що планує зробити це у понеділок. Tom said that he plans on doing that on Monday. Tom said he plans to do that on Monday. Потяг набрав швидкості. The train gathered speed. The train got fast. Бажаю тобі успіхів в роботі. I wish you success in your work. Good luck with your job. Тобі подобаються фантастичні фільми? Do you like SF movies? Do you like fantastic movies? Том просто планує залишитися вдома. Tom plans to just stay at home. Tom is just planning on staying at home. Ми їли разом. We ate together. We ate together. Джон занадто гладкий, щоб бiгти швидко. John is too fat to run fast. John is too fat to run fast. Коти їдять хліб. Cats eat bread. Cats eat bread. Моє серце було розбите. I was brokenhearted. My heart was broken. Що ти пам'ятаєш? What do you remember? What do you remember? Що в цьому ящику? What's in this box? What's in this box? Мені не подобаються такі жарти. I don't like jokes like that. I don't like jokes like that. Том вимкнув телевізор. Tom shut the TV off. Tom turned off the TV. В мене багато знімків. I have a lot of photos. I have lots of pictures. Я спостерігаю за тобою. I'm watching you. I'm watching you. Легко! It's a piece of cake. Easy! Я прийшов за тобою. I came for you. I came for you. Коли ти його купила? When did you buy it? When did you buy it? Це було дуже просто! That was very easy! It was so easy! Дайте мені другий шанс. Give me a second chance. Give me a second chance. Я не хочу, щоб ти програв. I don't want you to lose. I don't want you to lose. Том купив мотоцикл. Tom bought a motorcycle. Tom bought a motorcycle. Одного дня ми зрозуміємо. One day, we will understand. One day we'll understand. Нам більше не потрібно часу. We don't need any more time. We don't need any more time. Я швидко працюю. I work fast. I work fast. Він завжди йде на роботу о восьмій годині. He always leaves for work at 8:00 a.m. He always goes to work at eight o'clock. Це не настільки важливо. It doesn't matter so much. It's not that important. Мені сорок років. I'm forty years old. I am forty years old. Том сказав, що більше ніхто не намагався цього зробити. Tom said nobody else tried doing that. Tom said no one else tried doing that. Це не дуже важливо. It's not very important. It's not very important. Я не певен, чи піду. I'm not sure if I'll go. I'm not sure if I'll go. Том спостерігає. Tom is observing. Tom is watching. За місяць я буду в Англії. A week from today, I'll be in England. I'll be in England within a month. Ось так трапився нещасний випадок. This is how the accident happened. That's how an accident happened. Ви мої друзі. You're my friends. You are my friends. Хіба вона не лікар? Isn't she a doctor? Isn't she a doctor? Я чув, що Том живе в Австралії. I heard that Tom is living in Australia. I heard Tom lives in Australia. Том сидить між Мері та Джоном. Tom is sitting between Mary and John. Tom is sitting between Mary and John. Пані наділа перлове намисто. The lady wore a necklace of pearls. The lady put on the pearl necklace. Всі студенти люблять канікули. All the students like holidays. All students like vacations. Я вас кохаю і завжди кохатиму. I love you and I always will. I love you and I will always love you. Я втомився слухати його довгу доповідь. I am tired of listening to his long speech. I was tired of listening to his long report. Мій батько поїхав до Китаю. My father has gone to China. My father went to China. Де знаходиться вокзал? Where's the train station? Where is the station? Я думав, Том зрозуміє. I thought Tom would understand. I thought Tom would understand. У нього сліди губної помади на щоках. He has traces of lipstick on his cheeks. He's got traces of lipstick on his cheeks. Дім горить! The house is burning. The house is on fire! Ви можете собі уявити, яким було б наше життя без електрики? Can you imagine what our life would be like without electricity? Can you imagine what our life would be like without electricity? Усі цим займаються. Everyone's doing that. Everybody does that. Том був єдиним свідком. Tom was the only witness. Tom was the only witness. У Тома немає велосипеда. Tom doesn't have a bicycle. Tom doesn't have a bicycle. Скажіть Тому, що ми не готові. Tell Tom we're not ready. Tell Tom we aren't ready. Том досвідчений. Tom is experienced. Tom is experienced. Том має талант. Tom is talented. Tom has talent. Ти не мій брат. You're not my brother. You're not my brother. Ти знаєш якісь дешеві магазини? Do you know of any cheap shops? Do you know any cheap shops? Том повинен був це знати. Tom should've known this. Tom should've known that. Ким ви працюєте? What is your occupation? What do you do? Я знаю, що Том популярний. I know that Tom is popular. I know Tom is popular. Я тепер викладач. I'm a teacher now. I'm a teacher now. Вони не мої справжні батьки. They aren't my real parents. They're not my real parents. Дівчата близнята так схожі, що я не можу їх відрізнити. The twin girls are so much alike that I can't tell one from the other. The twins are so similar that I can't tell them apart. Мені подобається, як ви смієтеся. I like the way you laugh. I like the way you laugh. Хто тебе навчив плавати? Who taught you to swim? Who taught you how to swim? Я ціную вашу точку зору. I appreciate your point of view. I appreciate your point of view. Фред часто запізднюється на уроки. Fred often comes late for class. Fred is often late for class. Навіть Том не знайомий з Мері. Even Tom doesn't know Mary. Even Tom didn't know Mary. Ти був у армії? Were you in the army? Were you in the army? Хтой твій улюблений художник? Who's your favorite artist? Who's your favorite artist? Ніхто не знає, що відбулось. Nobody knows what happened. No one knows what happened. Я хочу поговорити саме з Томом. It's Tom I want to talk to. Tom is the one I want to talk to. Мені не подобаються мої сусіди. I don't like my neighbors. I don't like my neighbors. Хтось, мабуть, не вимкнув воду. Somebody must've left the water running. Someone probably didn't turn off the water. Ми не маємо цукру. We don't have sugar. We don't have sugar. Карам - новий учитель. Karam is a new teacher. Caram is a new teacher. Хіба ви не з'їсте це печиво? Aren't you going to eat that cookie? Aren't you going to eat these cookies? Я ще не сплю. I'm not asleep yet. I'm still awake. В дерево вдарила блискавка. The tree was struck by lightning. The tree was struck by lightning. Моя донька міцно спить. My daughter is fast asleep. My daughter is fast asleep. Я для тебе зроблю що завгодно. I will do anything for you. I'll do anything for you. Як піаніст він набагато ліпший від мене. As a pianist, he is far above me. He's a much better pianist than me. Том відмовився йти. Tom has refused to go. Tom refused to go. Його взуття коричневе. His shoes are brown. His shoes are brown. Дай-но подивлюся. Let me see. Let me see. Ми це зробили. We made it. We did it. Куди подівся Том? Where's Tom gone? Where did Tom go? Обидва живі. Both are alive. Both are alive. Ми на шляху додому. We're on our way home. We're on our way home. Cкільки я винен? How much do I owe? How much do I owe? Де мені треба повернути? Where do I need to turn? Where should I turn? Один пункт для Тома! One point for Tom! One point for Tom! Нікому не буде завдано шкоди. No one's going to be hurt. No one will be harmed. Мері - твоя дівчина? Is Mary your girlfriend? Is Mary your girlfriend? Не бреши мені. Don't you lie to me. Don't lie to me. Я маю докази. I have proof. I have proof. Де мій багаж? Where is my luggage? Where's my luggage? Домопожи нам перемістити піаніно. Help us move the piano. Help us move the piano. Як Том нас знайшов? How did Tom find us? How did Tom find us? Поки що не відкривайте подарунок. Do not open the present yet. Don't open the present yet. Вона мені довіряє. She trusts me. She trusts me. Я гарантую, що тобі сподобається цей фільм. I'll guarantee that you'll enjoy this film. I guarantee you that you'll like this movie. Я заплатила йому минулого тижня. I paid him the money last week. I paid him last week. Я не розмовляю вашою мовою. I don't speak your language. I don't speak your language. Я стрибнула за борт. I jumped overboard. I jumped overboard. Вони співають. They sing. They sing. Вам мне слід було робити цього без дозволу. You shouldn't have done that without permission. You should've done that without permission. Ось так я познайомився з вашою мамою. This is how I met your mother. That's how I met your mom. Мені потрібен мій меч. I need my sword. I need my sword. Я би зробила це для вас. I would have done that for you. I would've done that for you. Том щось написав на шматку паперу. Tom wrote something on a piece of paper. Tom wrote something on a piece of paper. Батька нема вдома. Dad isn't home. My father's not home. Том знав, що я переможу. Tom knew I was going to win. Tom knew I'd win. Він мені сказав, що поїде до Венеції. He told me he would go to Venice. He told me he'd go to Venice. Ти взагалі хоч щось зробив? Have you done anything at all? Have you ever done anything? Він завжди такий зайнятий. He's always so busy. He is always so busy. Том не такий багатий, як Мері. Tom isn't as rich as Mary. Tom isn't as rich as Mary is. Я вважаю Тома другом. I consider Tom to be a friend. I consider Tom a friend. Лінкольну цей план сподобався. Lincoln liked this plan. Lincoln liked the plan. Мені все одно. I couldn't care less. I don't care. Том має багато майна. Tom has lots of property. Tom has a lot of property. Ми завжди будемо друзями. We'll be friends forever. We'll always be friends. Він продовжив експеримент. He continued the experiment. He continued the experiment. Том сказав, що він вважає, що Мері більше тридцяти років. Tom said he thought that Mary was over thirty. Tom said he thought Mary was over thirty. Я хотіла би бути в Парижі. I'd like to be in Paris. I'd like to be in Paris. Чи відстороненість від світу справді запобігає стражданням? Does detachment from the world really prevent suffering? Does distance from the world really prevent suffering? Це твій гелікоптер? Is it your helicopter? Is that your helicopter? Я скажу Мері, що ти її шукаєш. I'll tell Mary you're looking for her. I'll tell Mary you're looking for her. Том вручив Мері чашку. Tom handed Mary a cup. Tom handed Mary a cup. Ви думаєте, це Том розбив вікно? Do you think Tom is the one who broke the window? Do you think Tom was the one who broke the window? Том уміє грати на гітарі. Tom is able to play the guitar. Tom can play the guitar. Земляні хробаки бояться лоскотки? Are earthworms ticklish? Earthworms scared of ticks? Том знав, що він муситиме це зробити. Tom knew that he'd have to do that. Tom knew he was going to have to do that. Перероби! Do it again! Do it! Ми всі знервовані. We're all nervous. We're all nervous. Я не вірю тому, що сказав мені Том. I didn't believe what Tom told me. I don't believe what Tom told me. Що тобі ще сказав Том? What else did Tom tell you? What else did Tom tell you? Чому ніхто не їсть того, що я приготувала? Why won't anybody eat what I made? Why doesn't anyone eat what I made? Я забув, як звати дружину Тома. I've forgotten Tom's wife's name. I forgot Tom's wife's name. Де моя мама? Where's my mommy? Where's my mother? Ми пішли на вулицю. We went out. We went outside. Я колись була щупла. I used to be thin. I used to be sick. Він не палить. He does not smoke. He doesn't smoke. Він флорист. He's a florist. He's a florist. У них є мрія. They have a dream. They have a dream. Дякуємо вам за допомогу. Thank you for your help. Thank you for your help. Том знав, що Мері помирає. Tom knew Mary was dying. Tom knew Mary was dying. Вона має заплатити за книгу. She has to pay for the book. She has to pay for the book. Том зміг зробити те, що повинен був зробити. Tom was able to do what he needed to do. Tom was able to do what he had to do. Я пообіцяла ніколи більше не запізнюватися. I promised never to be late again. I promised never to be late again. У мене є магічна сила. I have magic powers. I have magical powers. Чому ти вирішила, що ти мені подобаєшся? What makes you think that I like you? What made you think I liked you? Я знайшов коментарі Тома цікавими. I found Tom's comments interesting. I found Tom's comments interesting. Том задоволений. Tom is satisfied. Tom is happy. Закип'ятіть трохи води. Boil some water. Squash some water. Я б не хотів бути суддею. I wouldn't like being a judge. I wouldn't want to be a judge. Тому подобається почуття гумору Мері. Tom loves Mary's sense of humor. Tom likes Mary's sense of humor. Ти впустив свою валізу. You dropped your suitcase. You dropped your suitcase. Не будь такий сердитий. Don't get so angry. Don't be so angry. Живемо один раз. You can only die once. We live once. Це всі мають знати? Does everyone need to know this? Does everyone need to know that? Том поцілував ручку Мері. Tom kissed Mary's hand. Tom kissed Mary's pen. Та маленька зірка - найяскравіша. That small star is brightest. But the little star is the brightest. Я вже закінчила. I've already finished doing that. I've already finished. У європейських мовах є багато слів з латинської та грецької мов. European languages have many words from Latin and Greek. European languages have many words in Latin and Greek. Звучить цікаво. That sounds interesting. That sounds interesting. Вона сильно змінилася зі шкільних часів. She has changed a lot since high school. She's changed a lot since high school. Том йде зі школи додому. Tom is on his way home from school. Tom is going home from school. Я не маю номеру Тома. I don't have Tom's phone number. I don't have Tom's number. Я маю для тебе гроші. I have money for you. I have money for you. Том примусив нас це зробити. Tom made us do that. Tom made us do that. Вона дала йому випити. She gave him something to drink. She gave him a drink. Том це зробив не для нас. Tom didn't do that for us. Tom didn't do that for us. Цього важко навчитися. It's hard to learn. It's hard to learn. Мері загубила телефон. Mary lost her phone. Mary lost her phone. Я не збираюся це їсти. I'm not going to eat that. I'm not going to eat it. Важко повірити в те, що Ви сказали. It is difficult to believe what you say. It's hard to believe what you said. Тома арештували як підозрюваного у кримінальних діях. Tom was arrested as a suspect in a criminal case. Tom was arrested as a suspect in criminal activity. Ми цінуємо те, що ви прийшли. We appreciate you coming. We appreciate you coming. Я більше не можу терпіти. I can't hold on any longer. I can't stand it anymore. Ходімо поплаваємо в річці. Let's go and swim in the river. Let's go swimming in the river. Хіба ти нікому не довіряєш? Don't you trust anyone? Don't you trust anybody? Зв'яжися зі мною завтра. Contact me tomorrow. Contact me tomorrow. Я хочу випити чогось холодного. I want something cold to drink. I want to drink something cold. Чудова ідея! That's a great idea! Great idea! Піди по допомогу. Go get help. Go get help. Я не певна, що робить Том. I'm not sure what Tom is doing. I'm not sure what Tom is doing. Я щойно подумав про щось ще, що я мушу купити. I just thought of something else I have to buy. I just thought about something else that I have to buy. "Ти дуже незграбний!" - "Відвали. Я вже це знаю." "You're really clumsy!" "Get out of my face. I already know that." "You're very clumsy!" "Go away. I already know that." Вона напише листа після уроків. She will write a letter after school. She will write a letter after school. Я ніколи не стверджувала, що вмію говорити французькою. I never claimed that I could speak French. I never claimed I could speak French. У них була своя власна культура. They had a culture of their own. They had their own culture. Він любить гуляти. He likes taking walks. He likes to walk. Я захворів, тож не зміг прийти до школи. I got sick, and so couldn't come to school. I got sick, so I couldn't go to school. В Алжирі є католіки? Are there Catholics in Algeria? Are there Catholic women in Algeria? Том не каже мені правди. Tom isn't telling me the truth. Tom isn't telling me the truth. Вчора я був щасливий. I was happy yesterday. I was happy yesterday. Я була егоїсткою. I was selfish. I was selfish. Ти можеш її відрізнити від сестри? Can you distinguish her from her sister? Can you tell her apart from her sister? У нас з Томом все буде добре. Tom and I are going to be fine. Tom and I'll be fine. Мені наснився дивний сон цієї ночі. Last night I had a strange dream. I had a strange dream last night. Своїм успіхом він в основному завдячував удачі. His success was largely due to good luck. His success was largely due to his luck. Ти - студент? Are you a college student? Are you a student? Том сказав мені, що, на його думку, на Мері можна покластися. Tom told me that he thought Mary was reliable. Tom told me he thought Mary was reliable. Том сподівається стати знаменитим художником. Tom hopes to become a famous painter. Tom hopes to become a famous artist. Я шукаю квартиру. I'm apartment hunting. I'm looking for an apartment. В операційній системі Windows ти повинен дати розширення файлам, інакше вона їх не прочитає. With Windows, you have to have extensions or it won't read your files. In the Windows operating system, you must give extensions to files, otherwise it will not read them. Він пішов до крамниці. He went to the shop. He went to the store. Ти дивакуватий. You're a strange man. You're weird. Сьогодні погода дуже хороша. The weather was very good today. Today the weather is very good. Звучить резонно. This sounds reasonable. That sounds reasonable. Та компанія була дуже успішною дотепер. That company has been very successful up to now. That company was very successful until now. Скільки тобі років? Мені двадцять шість. How old are you? I'm twenty-six years old. How old are you? I'm twenty-six. Обережно. Він ще гарячий. Be careful. It's still warm. Careful. It's still hot. Я колись думав так само, як і ти. I used to think the same way you do. I used to think the same way you do. Ти можеш дати мені свій номер мобільного? Could you tell me your mobile number please? Can you give me your cell number? Том - мізофоб. Tom is a germophobe. Tom is a brainophobe. Ти один, так? You're alone, aren't you? You're alone, aren't you? Мені також 17 років. I am seventeen years old, too. I am 17 years old, too. Вона пише книжку. She's writing a book. She is writing a book. Я знаю твою мову. I know your language. I know your language. Том телефонував. Tom phoned. Tom called. Хіба ти її там не бачив? Didn't you see her there? Didn't you see her there? Дихайте! Breathe! Breathe! Будинок було побудовано з цегли. The house was built of bricks. The building was built of bricks. Це хороша газета, чи не так? It's a good newspaper, isn't it? It's a good newspaper, isn't it? Червоний капелюшок личить до її вбрання. The red hat goes well with her dress. The red hat fits her dress. Я тут не дуже задоволений. I'm not very happy here. I'm not very happy here. Можна я його візьму? Can I take it? Can I take it? Це її книжки. Those are their books. These books are hers. Я дам її вам. I'll give it to you. I'll give it to you. Я знизала плечима. I shrugged. I shrugged. Я мав на увазі не це. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean that. Боюся, ви не маєте рації. I'm afraid you're wrong. I'm afraid you're wrong. На стінці висить карта. There is a map on the wall. There's a map on the wall. Де масло? Where's the butter? Where's the butter? Твоя думка не має значення. Your opinion is irrelevant. Your opinion doesn't matter. Я вирішив продовжити це робити. I've decided to continue doing that. I've decided to continue doing that. Ви на неї зовсім не схожа. You're not anything like her. You don't look anything like her. Злива була дуже сильна. The storm was bad. The rain was very strong. Том працює у місцевій лікарні. Tom works at a local hospital. Tom works at a local hospital. Вона заздрить моєму успіху. She is envious of my success. She is jealous of my success. Ми не дуже часто це робимо. We don't do this very often. We don't do that very often. Я все ще не дуже добре пишу китайською. I still don't write Chinese well. I still don't write very well in Chinese. Осінь - моя улюблена пора року. Autumn is my favourite season. The fall is my favorite season. Я вже знала, чим все скінчиться. I already knew the outcome. I already knew how this would end. Я впізнав її. I recognized her. I recognized her. Вони вегетаріанці. They are vegetarians. They're vegetarians. Том виглядає засмученим. Tom looks sad. Tom looks upset. Хіба ти не знала, що Том у дитинстві жив у Австралії? Didn't you know that Tom lived in Australia when he was a child? Didn't you know Tom lived in Australia when he was a kid? Тома немає. Tom isn't in. Tom isn't here. Я почала це робити тиждень тому. I started doing that a week ago. I started doing that a week ago. Ви ходите по магазинах кожного дня? Do you go shopping every day? Do you go shopping every day? Що трапилося потім? What happened next? What happened then? Ми з Томом в одній команді. Tom and I are both on the same team. Tom and I are on the same team. Тому не потрібно було йти разом з Мері. Tom didn't need to go with Mary. Tom didn't need to go with Mary. Дякуємо за підтримку. Thanks for supporting me. Thank you for your support. Я люблю кондитерські вироби. I like confectionery. I like candy. Ти більш не можеш жити на цій стороні. You can't live on this side anymore. You can't live on this side anymore. Я чую, як кіт дряпається у вікно. I can hear a cat scratching at the window. I hear a cat swaying out the window. Врятуй мене, боягузе! Save me, you coward! Save me, you coward! Замовкни! Не перед ним! Shut up! Not in front of him! Shut up! Not in front of him! Припини хмуритись! Stop frowning! Stop snooping! Ну ж бо, спробуй зараз. Go ahead, try it now. Come on, try it now. Ти часто їш не вдома? Do you often eat out? Do you eat out often? Ти живеш з батьками? Do you live with your parents? Do you live with your parents? Вони зустрiлись у лiцеï. They met in high school. They met in the hospital. Мені треба було сміятися, коли Том жартував. I should've laughed at Tom's jokes. I should've laughed when Tom was joking. Англійська Буша - досконала. Bush's English is perfect. English Bush is perfect. Подивись знову. Look again. Look again. Перепрошую, що примусив вас так довго чекати. I am sorry to have kept you waiting so long. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long. Том та Мері працюватимуть разом. Tom and Mary will work together. Tom and Mary are going to work together. Можливо, одного дня ти це зрозумієш. Maybe someday you'll understand that. Perhaps one day you'll understand. Я отримав твої смс. I got your texts. I got your texts. Том блефує. Tom's bluffing. Tom is bluffing. Де найближчий туалет? Where is the nearest restroom? Where's the nearest toilet? Щось, мабуть, трапилося з Томом. Something must've happened to Tom. Something must've happened to Tom. Вона у ванній кімнаті. She is in the bathroom. She's in the bathroom. Я живу в центрі міста. I live downtown. I live in the middle of town. Том ще не понизили по службі. Tom hasn't been demoted yet. Tom hasn't been demoted yet. Том прийшов останнім. Tom came last. Tom was the last one to arrive. Тобі слід бути письменником. You should be a writer. You should be a writer. Я буду дотримуватися свого плану. I'm sticking with my plan. I'll stick to my plan. Ти вже чув новину? Have you heard the news yet? Have you heard the news yet? Том любить готувати для Мері. Tom likes cooking for Mary. Tom likes cooking for Mary. Будь ласка, сідайте сюди й зачекайте. Please sit here and wait. Please sit here and wait. Мені цікаво, чи Том міг би мені допомогти. I wonder whether or not Tom could help me. I wonder whether or not Tom could help me. Будинок побудовано російським архитектором. The building was built by a Russian architect. The building is built by a Russian architect. Том насправді одружений із Мері? Is Tom really married to Mary? Is Tom really married to Mary? Мері потрібно виспатися. Mary needs her sleep. Mary needs to sleep. Чому Тому слід відвідати Бостон? Why should Tom visit Boston? Why should Tom visit Boston? Батько не повинен уникати відповідальності перед власними дітьми. A father shouldn't shirk his responsibilities to his children. A father should not avoid responsibility to his children. Я закохався у дівчину, з якою познайомився в Бостоні минулого року. I fell in love with a girl I met in Boston last year. I fell in love with the girl I met in Boston last year. Більшість вважає, що Ейнштейн отримав Нобелівську премію у тисяча дев'ятсот двадцять першому році за свою работу з теорії відносності. Але у дійсності він її отримав за свою плодотворну роботу з фотоефекту. It is widely believed that Einstein was awarded the Nobel prize in 1921 for his work on relativity. It was actually awarded for his seminal paper on the photoelectric effect. Most people think that Einstein won the Nobel Prize for a thousand nine hundred twenty-first year for his work on relativity, but he actually got it for his productive work on photo-fect. Я народився в Бостоні. I was born in Boston. I was born in Boston. Заходь-но сюди. Come on in here. Come here. Можна з вами поговорити? May I speak to you? May I speak with you? Я зовсім не хочу їсти. I'm not hungry at all. I'm not hungry at all. Я допоміг врятувати Тома. I helped rescue Tom. I helped save Tom. Це дуже погано. This is really bad. That's too bad. Том нічого не має. Tom doesn't have anything. Tom has nothing. Він дружелюбна людина. He is a friendly person. He's a friendly person. Вона тобі не належить. It doesn't belong to you. It doesn't belong to you. Том щасливий. Tom is happy. Tom is happy. Це буде дуже важко зробити. It'll be very difficult to do that. It'll be very hard to do that. Я ніколи не забуду вашу доброту. I'll never forget your kindness. I will never forget your kindness. Джені померла від раку. Jenny died of cancer. Janie died of cancer. Це не означає, що я незадоволена. That doesn't mean I'm not happy. That doesn't mean I'm unhappy. Де мої речі? Where are my things? Where are my things? Місто Торонто знаходиться в Канаді. The city of Toronto is in Canada. Toronto is in Canada. Ці дами розмовляють французською? Do these ladies speak French? Do these ladies speak French? Я обожнюю коней. I love horses. I love horses. Ми весь день грали у покер. We played poker the entire day. We played poker all day. Коли ми їмо? Я зголоднів! When are we eating? I'm hungry! When are we eating? I'm hungry! Це моя парасолька. That's my umbrella. This is my umbrella. У цьому випадку ви не маєте рації. You're wrong in this case. In this case, you're wrong. Мені цікаво, чи хотів Том, щоб ми тут були. I wonder if Tom wanted us to be here. I wonder whether Tom wanted us to be here or not. Посоли. Put some salt on it. Sobbing. Том розповів мені все про свою сім'ю. Tom told me all about his family. Tom told me all about his family. Ти здурів? Have you become insane? Are you crazy? Верблюди - кораблі пустелі. A camel is to the desert what a ship is to the sea. Camels are the ships of the desert. Скільки разів маю тобі повторювати, щоб ти не їв цукерки перед вечерею? How many times do I have to tell you not to eat candy just before dinner? How many times do I have to tell you not to eat candy before supper? Автобус скоро поїде. The bus was about to start. The bus will be gone soon. Мені потрібно побачити Тома в будь-який час сьогодні. I need to see Tom sometime today. I need to see Tom at any time today. Я думала, що буду багатою. I thought I was going to be rich. I thought I'd be rich. Ніхто не може зсунути велику коробку. No one can move the big box. No one can move a large box. Хто бігає швидше: Юмi чи Кейко? Who runs faster, Yumi or Keiko? Who runs faster, Yumi or Keiko? Продайте свої речі. Sell your stuff. Sell your stuff. Він завжди шукає похвали. He is always looking for praise. He is always looking for praise. О. Лукашенко сказав, що "парламент - це школа, і люди, що пройшли цю школу, не повинні бути загублені." A. Lukashenko said that Parliament is a school, and the people who graduate from this school shouldn't be lost. Lukashenko said, "The apartment is a school, and people who have gone through this school shouldn't be lost." Ми обидві працюємо в Австралії. We both work in Australia. We both work in Australia. Як ця риба називається англіською? What is this fish called in English? What is this fish called in English? Дівча випустило птаха. The girl let the bird loose. The girl released the bird. Том щойно зателефонував. Tom just called. Tom just called. Ви запізнилися. You're late. You're late. Коли останній час ви спали у зручному ліжку? How long has it been since you've slept in a comfortable bed? When was the last time you slept in a comfortable bed? Ми вибачаємося. We apologize. We apologize. У вас є глибока таріль для супу? Do you have a deep bowl for soup? Do you have a deep tub for soup? Вода тепла. The water's warm. The water is warm. Я це серйозно. I'm being serious! I mean it. Я угорка. I'm Hungarian. I'm Hungarian. Я бачу на столі книгу. I see a book on the desk. I see a book on the table. Оце так жалюгіддя. Now, that's ridiculous. That's a shame. Я не митиму посуд. I won't wash the dishes. I won't do the dishes. Ви ще в ліжку? Are you still in bed? Are you still in bed? Не перевищуй швидкість. Don't go above the speed limit. Don't exceed the speed limit. Схоже на яйце. It looks like an egg. It looks like an egg. Розпочнемо, як тільки ти будеш готовий. We'll start whenever you are ready. Let's start as soon as you're ready. Ти вмієш грати на флейті? Can you play the flute? Can you play the flute? Де найближчий вокзал? Where's the nearest train station? Where's the nearest station? У тебе є якісь теорії? Do you have any theories? Do you have any theories? Я впевнений, що ти дуже зайнята. I'm sure you're very busy. I'm sure you're very busy. Бджола дзизчить. A bee buzzes. The bee is buzzing. Вона купила сину фотоапарат. She bought her son a camera. She bought her son a camera. Ти про це пошкодуєш! You will regret this! You'll regret this! Як сказати "дякую" японською? How do you say "thank you" in Japanese? How do you say "thank you" in Japanese? Я купив книжку вчора. I bought the book yesterday. I bought a book yesterday. Тому не подобається школа. Tom doesn't like school. Tom doesn't like school. Сьогодні я почуваюся чудово. I feel great today. I feel great today. Я єдина, хто мала це зробити. I'm the only person who had to do that. I'm the only one who had to do that. Руки геть від Тома. Take your hands off Tom. Get your hands off Tom. Я вирішив не їхати до Європи. I decided not to go to Europe. I decided not to go to Europe. Мене звати Генрі. My name's Henry. My name is Henry. Сьогодні мені немає чого робити. I've got nothing to do today. I have nothing to do today. Навіщо нам потрібні музеї? Why do we need museums? Why do we need museums? Том мене згадував? Did Tom mention me? Did Tom mention me? Ти не могла би позичити мені тридцять доларів? Could you lend me thirty dollars? Could you lend me thirty dollars? Він побачив вираз здивування на моєму обличчі. He saw the surprise on my face. He saw the expression of surprise on my face. На кону моє життя. My life's at stake. My life is at stake. Давайте говорити французькою. Let's speak French. Let's speak French. У вчителя втричі більше книг, ніж у мене. The teacher has three times as many books as I do. The teacher has three times as many books as I do. Нам ніхто не може допомогти. No one can help us. Nobody can help us. Я ціную анекдоти мого дідуся. I love my grandfather's anecdotes. I appreciate my grandfather's jokes. Вам потрібна нова корона. You have to have a new crown. You need a new crown. Мені негайно потрібна допомога. I need help immediately. I need help now. Самі мешкає недалеко від аеропорту. Sami lives near the airport. Sami lives near the airport. Це їм ніяк не допомогло. That didn't help them any. That didn't help them at all. Це вище поверхом. It's upstairs. It's upstairs. Том каже, що хоче поставити мені багато запитань. Tom says he wants to ask me a lot of questions. Tom says he wants to ask me a lot of questions. Ти неефективний. You're inefficient. You're ineffective. Я займатимуся. I'm going to study. I'm going to study. Ця країна називається Росія. This country is called Russia. This country is called Russia. На вихідних у крамницях спокійно. Shops are quiet on weekdays. Shops are quiet on weekends. Це я це спланувала. I'm the one who planned this. I'm the one who planned this. Сумую без тебе. I miss you. I miss you. Я розповім вам усе, що знаю. I'll tell you everything I know. I'll tell you everything I know. Ти б дійсно зробив це для мене? Would you really do that for me? Would you really do that for me? Я був у Австрії, але кенгуру я там не бачив. I went to Austria, but I didn't see any kangaroos. I was in Austria, but I didn't see any kangaroos. Я дозволила вам перемогти. I let you win. I let you win. Вам є що сказати? Do you have anything to say? Do you have anything to say? Мені треба трохи простору. I need some space. I need some space. Хіба ти не здивована побачити мене тут? Aren't you surprised to see me here? Aren't you surprised to see me here? Ти підеш зі мною на концерт? Will you come with me to the concert? Will you go to the concert with me? Ллє як з ринви. It's raining cats and dogs. It's like a ring. Хтось прочитав цю книжку? Has anyone read that book? Has anyone read this book? Я його знаю. I know him. I know him. Час іти спати. It is time to go to bed. It's time to go to bed. Ви зробили це? Have you done it? Did you do it? Ти міг би мене попередити. You could have warned me. You could've warned me. Ми підемо всі разом. We'll all go together. We'll all go together. Ти щось забула? Did you forget something? Did you forget something? Я пишу книжку. I'm writing a book. I'm writing a book. Ти одружений? Are you married? Are you married? Ми можемо вам довіряти? Can we trust you? Can we trust you? Мері одружилася з Лейлою. Mary married Layla. Mary married Layla. Я не намагався їх убити. I didn't try to kill them. I didn't try to kill them. Вода замерзла. The water turned to ice. The water is frozen. Я чув, що Том та Мері чудово грають в теніс. I hear Tom and Mary are excellent tennis players. I heard that Tom and Mary are great at tennis. Я його поверну. I'll give it back. I'll give it back. Я п'ю каву. I'm drinking the coffee. I drink coffee. Том на пенсії. Tom's retired. Tom is retired. Можеш вчитися тут. You can study here. You can study here. У мого кота рак. My cat has cancer. My cat has cancer. Яку ви вивчаєте мову? What language are you studying? What language do you learn? Принеси вино. Bring wine. Bring me the wine. Ви знаете столицю Бельгії? Do you know the capital of Belgium? Do you know the capital of Belgium? Я не дуже добре розмовляю французькою. I don't speak French very well. I don't speak French very well. Всі посміхаються однією і тією ж мовою. Everyone smiles in the same language. Everyone smiles in the same language. Це без сенсу. This doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense. Том стверджує, що вміє плавати. Tom claims he can swim. Tom claims he can swim. Він пішов. He walked away. He's gone. Вам потрібен лікар. You need a doctor. You need a doctor. Сподіваюсь, ти скоро одужаєш. I hope that you get well soon. I hope you get well soon. Те, що сказав Том, усіх здивувало. What Tom said stunned everyone. What Tom said surprised everybody. Вона дуже швидко говорить. She speaks very fast. She speaks very fast. Том здав кров. Tom gave blood. Tom donated blood. У нього немає температури. He doesn't have a fever. He doesn't have a fever. Том виглядав зайнятим? Did Tom look like he was busy? Did Tom seem busy? Мені цікаво, чи вчора ввечері Том це зробив. I wonder whether or not Tom did that last night. I wonder whether or not Tom did that last night. Тепер ніхто не сміється. Nobody's laughing now. Nobody's laughing now. Я хочу, щоб це трапилося. I want it to happen. I want that to happen. Ти добре ладнаєш з новими однокласниками? Do you get along well with your new classmates? Do you get along well with your new classmates? Зачекай хвилинку... Я думаю, ти повинен піти з ними. Wait a minute... I think you should go with them. Wait a minute... I think you should go with them. Ми ж правда не спізнилися? We aren't late, are we? We're not late, are we? Фадль знав, як знаходити вразливих жінок. Fadil knew how to spot vulnerable women. Fadil knew how to find vulnerable women. Не переймайся щодо цього. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. Я живу в цьому районі. I live in this neighborhood. I live in this neighborhood. Сьогодні не холодно. It's not cold today. It isn't cold today. Ми довіряли Тому. We trusted Tom. We trusted Tom. В такому випадку нам краще поспішити. We'd better hurry then. Then we'd better hurry. Я маю два питання. I have two questions. I have two questions. Це книжка, яку я читав учора вечером. This is the book which I read last night. This is the book I read last night. Том не хоче їхати з нами. Tom doesn't want to go with us. Tom doesn't want to go with us. Навіщо ти запросив Тома на вечірку? Why did you invite Tom to the party? Why did you invite Tom to the party? Він не міг придумати, де це сховати. He couldn't think where to hide it. He couldn't figure out where to hide it. Ти знаєш який-небудь дешевий готель тут поблизу? Do you know a cheap hotel nearby? Do you know a cheap hotel nearby? Подивись на місяць. Look at the moon. Look at the moon. Вам не спало на думку зачинити вікна? Didn't it occur to you to shut the windows? Did it occur to you to close the windows? Жінка Тома зустріла його біль дверей. Tom's wife met him at the door. Tom's wife met him at the door. Зіграй роль Гамлета. Play the part of Hamlet. Play Hamlet. Том був приємно здивований. Tom was pleasantly surprised. Tom was pleasantly surprised. Я танцювала. I danced. I danced. Вони були вражені його мужністю. They were amazed at his courage. They were impressed by his courage. Ти їдеш додому на автобусі? Are you going home by bus? Are you going home by bus? Я бачив Тома в аеропорту. I saw Tom at the airport. I saw Tom at the airport. Але чи дивилися вони матч? But did they watch the match? But did they watch the match? Він мене запитав, чи я знаю номер її телефону. He asked me if I know her phone number. He asked me if I knew her phone number. Хто твій улюблений гравець у нашій баскетбольній команді? Who's your favorite player on our basketball team? Who's your favorite player on our basketball team? Я писав йому раз на місяць протягом майже двадцяти років. I have written to him once a month for almost twenty years. I wrote to him once a month for almost 20 years. Я хотіла би піти з тобою. I would like to go with you. I'd like to go with you. Що сталось? What happened? What happened? Ти мусиш мене послухати. You've got to listen to me. You have to listen to me. Том розповів Мері про те, що він зробив. Tom told Mary about what he had done. Tom told Mary about what he did. Том склав помилкову думку про Мері. Tom has misjudged Mary. Tom made a mistake about Mary. Цей торт солодкий. This cake is sweet. This cake is sweet. Кажуть, він дуже багатий. They say that he's very rich. They say he's very rich. Я віддала вам наказ. I gave you an order. I gave you an order. Я втратив вагу. I've lost weight. I lost weight. Це твій словник? Is this your dictionary? Is this your dictionary? Том та Мері живуть поруч. Tom and Mary live nearby. Tom and Mary live nearby. Я доторкнулася до листя. I touched the leaves. I touched the leaves. Маєте телефон? Do you have a phone? Do you have a phone? Тут може бути ваша реклама. Your ad could be here. It could be your advertisement. Молодець. That a boy! Good boy. Ти бачив сьогоднішний схід сонця? Він був дійсно гарний. Did you see the sunrise earlier? It was really beautiful. Did you see today's sunrise? It was really beautiful. Том сказав, що він краще помре, ніж зробить це. Tom said he'd rather die than do that. Tom said he'd rather die than do that. Йому дуже подобається фантастика. He's very fond of science fiction. He likes fantastic a lot. Відповідай. Respond. Answer me. Хто хоче гарячого шоколаду? Who wants a hot chocolate? Who wants hot chocolate? Ти сьогодні співаєш? Are you singing today? Do you sing today? Я заснула під час перегляду телевізора. Watching TV, I fell asleep. I fell asleep while watching TV. Я думав, вам Том сподобається. I thought you'd like Tom. I thought you'd like Tom. Давайте не будемо говорити про Тома. Let's not talk about Tom. Let's not talk about Tom. Ти бачив інвалідне крісло дідуся? Did you see grandpa's wheelchair? Did you see grandpa's wheelchair? Мені не здається, що Том переляканий. I don't think Tom is scared. I don't think Tom is scared. Я не хворий. I'm not sick. I'm not sick. Хіба ти взагалі не можеш нам допомогти? Aren't you able to help us at all? Aren't you able to help us at all? Ти кожного дня ходиш по магазинах? Do you go shopping every day? Do you go shopping every day? Том у квартирі Мері. Tom is at Mary's apartment. Tom is at Mary's apartment. Він нарешті покотився під укіс. He has finally jumped the shark. He finally rolled into his ears. Ми напишемо листа. We'll write a letter. We'll write a letter. Ти певен, що у Тома немає дівчини? Are you sure Tom doesn't have a girlfriend? Are you sure Tom doesn't have a girlfriend? Бетті поливає квіти. Betty is watering the flowers. Betty is watering the flowers. У Мері великі очі. Mary has big eyes. Mary has big eyes. Я поїла не вдома. I ate out. I ate out. Що ти з ним робитимеш, - це твоя справа. What you do with it is up to you. What you do to him is your business. Чому ти ще цього не зробила? Why haven't you done that yet? Why haven't you done that yet? Його прохання було відхилено. His application was rejected. His request was denied. Ти думаєш, я упереджений? Do you think I'm biased? Do you think I'm biased? Я був агресивний. I was aggressive. I was aggressive. Ти худорлява. You're thin. You're skinny. Вона не має власної думки щодо релігії. She has no opinion about religion. She doesn't have her own opinion on religion. Кухня на другому поверсі. The kitchen is on the first floor. The kitchen is on the second floor. Давайте обговоримо це все як слід. Let's hash it all out. Let's discuss this properly. Ваше плаття вже вийшло з моди. Your dress is already out of fashion. Your dress has already gone out of fashion. Вона добра людина. She's a good person. She's a good person. Том відкрив шкаф. Tom opened the closet. Tom opened the closet. Мені потрібно допомогти Тому. I've got to help Tom. I need to help Tom. Ну ж бо, не перебільшуй. Now don't exaggerate. Come on, don't exaggerate. Допомогти тобі? Shall I help you? Can I help you? Вона доволі дорога. It's pretty expensive. It's quite expensive. Том перестав дихати. Tom stopped breathing. Tom stopped breathing. У Тома три коти. Tom has three cats. Tom has three cats. Я спалив грінку. I've burnt the toast. I burned the toast. Рішення ще не прийнято. The decision has not yet been made. The decision has not yet been made. Хлопчик може рахувати до десяти. The boy can count to ten. A boy can count up to ten. Скажи Тому, що ми не готові. Tell Tom that we aren't ready. Tell Tom we aren't ready. Том зробив те, чого хотіла Мері. Tom did what Mary wanted. Tom did what Mary wanted him to do. Не піддавайся на провокації. Don't be provoked. Do not give in to provocation. Ти не зайдеш? Aren't you coming in? Aren't you coming in? Він не знає нікого з нас. He doesn't know any one of us. He knows none of us. Моя сестра приготує сніданок. My sister will prepare breakfast. My sister will make breakfast. Я став учителем, коли мені було тридцять. I became a teacher when I was thirty. I became a teacher when I was thirty. Хіба ти не готовий починати? Aren't you ready to begin? Aren't you ready to start? Це дуже класно. That's very cool. That's really cool. Я їм морозиво. I'm eating an ice cream. I am eating ice cream. Я поспішала. I was in a hurry. I was in a hurry. Я хворію з минулого понеділка. I've been sick since last Monday. I've been sick since last Monday. Том дуже злий. Tom is very angry. Tom is very angry. Хіба ти не бажаєш допомогти? Aren't you willing to help? Aren't you willing to help? Це мій тато. This is my father. That's my dad. Він сердито гуркотів у зачинені двері. He angrily rattled the locked door. He rattled angrily at the closed door. Немовля відкрило рот. The baby opened his mouth. The baby opened its mouth. Мені треба почати з нуля. I need to start again from zero. I have to start from scratch. Ти хочеш зупинити Тома? Do you want to stop Tom? Do you want to stop Tom? Ти гарна жінка. You're a beautiful woman. You're a beautiful woman. Хто любить війну? Who loves war? Who likes war? Я би дуже хотів, щоб Том поводився добре. I really wish Tom would behave himself. I wish Tom would behave himself. Я забула свій ключ. I forgot my key. I forgot my key. Гадаю, ви голодний. I suppose you're hungry. I think you're hungry. Том увічливий. Tom is courteous. Tom is polite. Хочете піти з нами до спортзалу? Do you want to go to the gym with us? Do you want to go to the gym with us? Можеш розмішити Тома? Can you make Tom laugh? Can you make Tom laugh? Ця дитина струнка. This child is slim. This child is thin. Два тижні не було ні краплі дощу. There hasn't been a drop of rain in two weeks. There was no rain for two weeks. На першій сторінці другого розділу є багато нових слів. On the first page of the second chapter there are many new words. There are many new words on page 2 of this chapter. Я смерджу. I stink. I stink. Обожнюю цю сукню. I love that dress. I love that dress. Я збираю пшеницю. I am harvesting wheat. I'm collecting wheat. Холоднішає. It's getting cold. It's getting colder. Я не бачила П'єра вже кілька років. It's been years since I've seen Pierre. I haven't seen Pierre in years. Щось не так із гальмами. Something is wrong with the brakes. Something's wrong with the brakes. Як можна завести мотор? How can I start the engine? How do you get the engine started? Старша дівчинка допомогла накрити на стіл. The older girl helped set the table. The older girl helped set the table. На мій подив, двері були відчинені. To my surprise, the door was open. To my surprise, the door was open. Я маю час. I have time. I have time. Я і так вже сказав забагато. I've said too much already. I've said too much already. Я запросив усіх своїх друзів. I've invited all my friends. I invited all my friends. Він продовжив говорити. He kept talking. He kept talking. Том сказав, що він сподівається, що Мері не хоче цим займатися. Tom said that he hoped Mary didn't want to do that. Tom said he hopes Mary doesn't want to do that. Я трохи розумію японську. I understand Japanese a little. I understand Japanese a little. Не думаю, що Том когось знає в Бостоні. I don't think Tom knows anyone in Boston. I don't think Tom knows anybody in Boston. Що тобі робити, - це твоя справа. What you do is up to you. What you do is your business. Я написав цю книгу. I wrote that book. I wrote this book. Тримайте гроші у безпечному місці. Keep the money in a safe place. Keep the money in a safe place. Том пастафаріанець. Tom is a Pastafarian. Tom is a pathafarian. Ти вважаєш себе нормальним? Do you think you're normal? Do you think you're normal? Усі знають, хто ти така. Everybody knows who you are. Everybody knows who you are. Звідки ми знаємо, що це не так? How do we know that that isn't true? How do we know that's not true? Я не хочу продавати машину. I don't want to sell my car. I don't want to sell my car. Доктор Міллер хоче, щоб ви трохи зачекали. Dr. Miller wants you to wait for a while. Dr. Miller wants you to wait a while. Тебе хтось бачив. Somebody saw you. Somebody saw you. Незабаром Різдво. Christmas is approaching. Christmas is soon. Я позіхаю, бо втомився. I am yawning because I feel sleepy. I yawn because I'm tired. Знаєш, ми робимо велику помилку. We're making a big mistake, you know. You know, we're making a big mistake. В нього є машина. He has a car. He has a car. У тебе досконала англійська. Your English is perfect. Your English is perfect. Том не хоче плавати. Tom doesn't want to swim. Tom doesn't want to swim. Ти маєш ліцензію на полювання? Do you have a hunting license? Do you have a hunting license? Тепер я її візьму. I'll take it now. I'll take it now. Том задоволений. Tom is contented. Tom is happy. Мені подобається картопляний салат. I like potato salad. I like potato salad. Клоун упав навмисне. The clown fell down on purpose. Clown fell on purpose. Він винайшов колесо. He invented the wheel. He invented the wheel. Церква побудована в готичному стилі. The church is built in Gothic style. The church is built in Gothic style. Це безглуздя. That makes no sense. That's nonsense. Вони розмовляють на кухні. They are talking in the kitchen. They're talking in the kitchen. У нас відмінна команда. We make an excellent team. We have a great team. Том має дуже хороший голос. Tom's voice is very good. Tom has a very good voice. Том винний? Is Tom guilty? Is Tom guilty? Том сказав тобі, що він прийде? Did Tom tell you we were coming? Did Tom tell you he was coming? Що ви думаєте про цей план? What do you say to this plan? What do you think of this plan? Можете полагодити мою лампу? Can you fix my lamp? Can you fix my lamp? Я не зрозумів його жарту. I didn't get his joke. I didn't understand his joke. Це не змія. Це всього лише шматок мотузки. It isn't a snake. It's only a piece of rope. It's not a snake. It's just a piece of rope. Це моя книжка. It's my book. This is my book. Я певен, що можу тобі допомогти. I'm sure I can help you. I'm sure I can help you. У мене є добрий адвокат. I have a good lawyer. I have a good lawyer. Тому було цікаво, куди поділася Мері. Tom wondered where Mary had gone. Tom wondered where Mary had gone. Я копнув м'яча. I kicked the ball. I kicked the ball. Твоя подруга втомилася. Your friend is tired. Your friend is tired. Було приємно з нею говорити. It was nice to converse with her. It was nice talking to her. Він був досить п'яним, що справило несприятливе враження на поліцейського. He was rather drunk, which made a bad impression on the policeman. He was quite drunk, making an unfavorable impression on the policeman. Це було чудово. This was great. That was great. Це відмінний чай. This tea is very good. That's a great tea. Ми можемо поговорити з тобою секунду наодинці? Could I talk to you alone for a second? Can I talk to you alone for a second? Я вирішив вивчати французьку. I've decided to study French. I've decided to study French. Коли ти йдеш спати? When is your bedtime? When are you going to bed? Воно було відкрите у 2013. It was discovered in 2013. It opened in 2013. Том перехитрив усіх. Tom outsmarted everyone. Tom outsmarted everybody. Том сліпий на одне око. Tom is blind in one eye. Tom is blind in one eye. Я холоста. I am not married. I'm single. Де мій батько? Where's my father? Where's my father? Том помер двадцятого жовтня. Tom died on October 20th. Tom died October 20th. Том сказав, що ти подобаєшся Мері. Tom said that Mary likes you. Tom said that Mary liked you. У мене імунітет на вітряну віспу. I am immune to smallpox. I'm immune to chicken pox. Ти ніколи не дякуєш. You never say thank you. You never thank me. Він глянув мені у вічі. He looked me in the eye. He looked me in the eye. Чий це олівець? Whose pencil is this? Whose pencil is this? Ви не граєте в теніс? Don't you play tennis? Don't you play tennis? Будь ласка, напишіть своє ім'я олівцем. Please write your name with a pencil. Please write down your name with a pencil. Взалалі-то, я досить-таки зайнятий. I'm fairly busy, actually. I'm quite busy, actually. Соціальна мережа "Твітер" - гарний приклад безглуздя. Twitter is a good example of absurdity. The Twitter social network is a great example of folly. Тома помітили. Tom has been spotted. Tom was noticed. Чому ви не прийшли вчора? Why didn't you come yesterday? Why didn't you come yesterday? Я маю намір пробути там тиждень. I intend to stay there for a week. I intend to stay there for a week. Відчепіться від мене! Please leave me alone. Get off me! Я часто подорожую. I travel often. I often travel. Хто хоче какао? Who wants a hot chocolate? Who wants some chocolate? Том боїться. Tom is frightened. Tom is afraid. Майк кинув пити? Has Mike quit drinking? Did Mike stop drinking? Вдома було багато їжі. There was a lot of food in the house. There was plenty of food at home. Ми з Томом більше не друзі. We're not friends with Tom anymore. Tom and I aren't friends anymore. Де знаходиться найближча церква? Where is the nearest church? Where is the nearest church? Будь чоловіком. Be a man. Be a man. Обидва собаки сплять. Both dogs are asleep. Both dogs are asleep. Я знаю, наскільки це важко. I know how hard this is. I know how hard it is. Я втомилася читати. I'm tired of reading. I'm tired of reading. Будь ласка, зроби мені чашку кави. Please make me a cup of coffee. Please make me a cup of coffee. Том нічого не коментував. Tom made no comment. Tom didn't comment. Коли ти маєш іти спати? What time will you have to go to bed? When do you have to go to bed? Я не хочу, щоб ви програли. I don't want you to lose. I don't want you to lose. Це схоже на жувальну гумку. It seems like bubble gum. It looks like chewing gum. Ти подзвонив у поліцію? Have you called the police? Did you call the police? Ти мені потрібна тут. I need you here. I need you here. Мені вже нудно. I'm already bored. I'm already bored. Том сказав, що почекає. Tom said he'll wait. Tom said that he'd wait. Коли ви граєте в теніс? When do you play tennis? When do you play tennis? Вони полетіли до Парижу через Нью-Йорк. They flew to Paris by way of New York. They went to Paris through New York. Це було непрофесійно. That was unprofessional. It wasn't professional. Я рада, що ти попросив мене прийти. I'm glad you asked me to come. I'm glad you asked me to come. Блискавка застрягла. The zipper is stuck. Lightning's stuck. Вантажівка врізалася в автомобіль. The lorry hit a car. The truck hit the car. Ми відпочивали там тиждень. We vacationed there for a week. We rested there for a week. Дайте мені свій ніж. Give me your knife. Give me your knife. Він виріс великим науковцем. He grew up to be a great scientist. He grew up to be a great scientist. Подивись, як цей собака стрибає! Look at the dog jump. Look at the way that dog jumps! У нас багато снігу взимку. We have a lot of snow in the winter. We have a lot of snow in the winter. У іспанців є два прізвища. Spaniards have two surnames. Spaniards have two names. Ти худа. You're skinny. You're thin. Ти не голодний? Are you not hungry? Aren't you hungry? Неймовірно! It's incredible! Unbelievable! Ви маєте право на правду. You have the right to the truth. You have the right to the truth. Як твої вихідні? How was your weekend? How was your weekend? Ви плакали? Were you crying? Did you cry? Я зрадив своєму чоловіку. I cheated on my husband. I betrayed my husband. В мене сьогодні гарний апетит. Today I have a good appetite. I have a good appetite today. Тут не так холодно, як я очікувала. It isn't as cold here as I expected it to be. It's not as cold here as I expected it to be. Що ви написали? What've you written? What did you write? Як ти думаєш, скільки у Том грошей в банку? How much money do you think Tom has in the bank? How much money do you think Tom has in the bank? Будь ласка, сядьте на цей стілець і зачекайте. Please sit on this chair and wait. Please sit on this chair and wait. Я насправді не знаю, що трапиться. I really don't know what's going to happen. I really don't know what's going to happen. Том сказав мені, що, на його думку, Мері буде налякана. Tom told me that he thought Mary would be scared. Tom told me that he thought Mary would be scared. Том сказав, що я виглядаю вишукано. Tom said I looked sophisticated. Tom said I looked elegant. Том сказав, що ніхто нічого ще не зробив. Tom said no one had done anything yet. Tom said nobody had done anything yet. Вона поклала дитину на ліжко. She laid her baby on the bed. She put the baby on the bed. Том не повинен довіряти Мері. Tom shouldn't trust Mary. Tom shouldn't trust Mary. Мистецтво довге, життя коротке. Art is long, life is short. Art is long, life is short. Він із Канади, а вона з Нової Зеландії. He's from Canada and she's from New Zealand. He's from Canada and she's from New Zealand. Вимова у французькій мові складна? Is French pronunciation difficult? Is French pronunciation difficult? Він припинив говорити. He stopped talking. He stopped talking. Том це очікував. Tom was expecting that. Tom expected that. Він успадкував майно свого батька. He succeeded to his father's property. He inherited his father's property. Я сів не в той автобус. I'm on the wrong bus. I got on the wrong bus. Я не єдина, хто не може цього зробити. I'm not the only one who can't do that. I'm not the only one who can't do that. Чого хочуть жінки? What do women want? What do women want? Сьогодні ввечері я буду вільний. I'll be free tonight. I'll be free tonight. Том у відпустці. Tom went on vacation. Tom is on vacation. Ви живі? Are you alive? Are you alive? Том та Мері - цікава пара. Tom and Mary are an interesting pair. Tom and Mary are an interesting couple. Я завжди намагаюся бути справедливим. I always try to be fair. I always try to be fair. Цей столик зайнятий. This table is taken. This table is busy. Оскільки ця книга про тварин, мене дратувало те, що тварини поводилися як люди. Since the book is about animals, I was irritated that the animals behaved like people. Since this book is about animals, I was annoyed by the way animals behaved like humans. Цього ранку король пішов на полювання. The king went hunting this morning. This morning the king went hunting. Я думала, ви вдягнете новий костюм. I thought you were going to wear your new suit. I thought you were going to wear your new suit. Я ще нічого Тому не казала. I haven't told Tom anything yet. I haven't told Tom anything yet. Давай дорогою поговоримо. Let's talk as we go along. Let's talk on the way. Ти зупинишся. You will stop. You'll stop. Я хочу ванільне морозиво. I want a vanilla ice cream. I want a vanilla ice cream. Це маленький будинок, проте він нам підійде. This is a small house, but it will do for us. It's a small house, but it'll suit us. Подивися у своїй верхній шухляді. Look in your top drawer. Look in your top drawer. Я викладаю історію. I teach history. I teach history. Нічне небо таке гарне! The night sky is so beautiful. The night sky is so beautiful! Чому ти навчаєшся? Why do you study? Why are you studying? Я ніколи не куштував мексиканської їжі. I've never tried Mexican food. I've never tasted Mexican food. Том був перший, хто викликався допомогти. Tom was the first one to volunteer to help. Tom was the first person to volunteered to help. Я зроблю це для тебе. I'll do that for you. I'll do that for you. Я думав, ти в Бостоні. I thought you were in Boston. I thought you were in Boston. Ти гарний хлопець. You are a good boy. You're a good guy. Чому б нам не зробити це завтра? Why don't we do that tomorrow? Why don't we do that tomorrow? Це не має жодного сенсу. It makes zero sense. It doesn't make any sense. Моя сестра нижча за тебе. My sister is shorter than you. My sister is shorter than you. Перестань бути жорстокою. Stop being cruel. Stop being cruel. Вже так пізно? Is it already so late? Is it this late? Ти пам'ятаєш те літо, коли Том поголив голову? Can you remember the summer Tom shaved his head? Do you remember that summer when Tom shaved his head? Том сказав Мері, що він цього не робитиме. Tom told Mary that he wasn't going to do that. Tom told Mary he wouldn't do that. Том не міг себе стримувати, коли він побачив, як Мері цілує Джона. Tom couldn't control himself when he saw Mary kissing John. Tom couldn't restrain himself when he saw Mary kissing John. Том що-небудь сказав? Did Tom say anything? Did Tom say anything? Ти будеш готова? Will you be ready? Are you going to be ready? Він твій викладач? Is he your teacher? Is he your teacher? Копни мене. Kick me. Kick me. Фадль забагато пив. Fadil drank too much. Fadil drank too much. Ця парасолька, чия вона? This umbrella, whose is it? This umbrella is whose one is it? Несподівано він запропонував мені вийти за нього. All of a sudden, he proposed to me. Suddenly, he asked me to marry him. Том вимкнув свій комп'ютер. Tom switched off his computer. Tom turned off his computer. В результаті популярності чупакабри, про неї написали у кількох видах засобів масової інформації. The popularity of the chupacabras has resulted in it being featured in several types of media. As a result of its popularity, it has been recorded in several forms of the media. Він запитав мене, чи я можу зробити йому послугу. He asked me if I could do him a favor. He asked me if I could do him a favor. Їдь обережніше, інакше в тебе будуть проблеми. Be careful driving or you'll have problems. Drive carefully, or you'll get in trouble. Том дуже добрий співак, так? Tom is a very good singer, isn't he? Tom is a very good singer, isn't he? Пан Джексон викладає нам музику. Mr. Jackson teaches us music. Mr. Jackson teaches us music. Я дуже хочу мотоцикл. I really want a motorcycle. I really want a motorcycle. На жаль, це так. It is unfortunately true. Unfortunately, it is. Ви знаєте, де Том? Do you know where Tom is? Do you know where Tom is? Де знаходиться бюро туристичної інформації? Where is the tourist information office? Where is the travel information office?