Apo nyengo yikafika yakuti wasanke ŵantu awo ŵangacita mlimo wakuzirwa mu Israyeli, Moses wakaphalirika kuti " wasore mukati mwa ŵantu wose ŵanarumi ŵakwenerera, ŵamahara, ŵakumopa Ciuta, ŵantu [ŵakugomezgeka, NW], [awo] ŵakutinka vimbundi. ' When it became necessary to appoint individuals who were to carry heavy responsibility in Israel, Moses was advised to "select out of all the people capable men, fearing God, trustworthy men, hating unjust profit. " When the time came for those who were carrying out an important assignment in Israel, Moses was told to " choose in among all the right men, wise and God - fearing men who hated corruption. ' Apo Paulosi wakaŵa ku Kesareya, wakapempha kuti wakawonane na themba la Romu. In Ephesus, the city recorder referred to the Roman legal system after he had calmed an angry mob. When Paul was in Caesarea, he asked him to join the Roman king. Paulosi wakakhumbanga kuti Filemone wamugowokere Onesimo. Paul expected Philemon to forgive Onesimus. Paul wanted Philemon to forgive. Kweni ciheni comene cikaŵa cakuti nkhapangiska kuti mwana wane Víctor wasuzgike na vinthu ivyo ine nkhasuzgika navyo apo nkhaŵa mwana. Worse yet, I was making my son Víctor suffer the same things that I did when I was young. But especially bad was the fact that I had caused my son V pleasure to suffer from the things that I had suffered when I was a child. Mulimose umo vingaŵira, tikukhozgeka kumanya kuti ŵateŵeti ŵa Yehova ŵakugomezgeka ŵa mu nyengo yakale nawo ŵakafumbanga fumbo ili, ndipo Chiuta wakakwiya nawo yayi. Whatever the cause, how encouraging it is to know that Jehovah's faithful servants in the past felt free to express the same question that may loom in our minds, and they were not condemned for asking it! In any case, we are comforted to learn that faithful servants of Jehovah in the past asked this question, and God did not anger them. Mbunenesko kuti pamanyuma pa kugaŵikana kwa matcharitchi, Baibolo likayamba kusangika na ŵantu ŵanandi, mu viyowoyero vyawo. It is true that following the Reformation, the Bible became available to many of the common people in their own language. True, after church division, the Bible became available to many people, in their own language. Mwanadi, Yesu wali kupika "zina ilo nda pacanya pa mazina ghose. " Indeed, Jesus has been given "the name that is above every other name. " Indeed, Jesus has been given "the name that is above all other names. " Imwe mu lusungu lwinu mwalongozga ŵantu aŵa mwaŵawombola, mwaŵadangirira mu nkongono zinu kuya ku malo ghinu ghatuŵa.... You in your loving - kindness have led the people whom you have recovered; you in your strength will certainly conduct them to your holy abiding place.... In your loving - kindness you have taken the lead among them, and you have trusted in your power to your holy place.... Ntheura zuŵa lililose nkhalombanga Chiuta kuti watipe chakurya cha zuŵa ilo mwakuti tilutilire kuŵa ŵamoyo. So my daily prayer was simply that God would " give us today our bread for this day ' in order for us to survive. So I prayed to God for daily sustenance so that we could keep on living. Usange muli na ŵapapi awo ŵakumutemwani ndipo ŵakufwilirapo kumulangani mwacitemwa, ni mwaŵi winu. If you have parents who love you enough to take the time and make the effort to discipline you in a loving way, be grateful. If you have parents who love you and strive to discipline you lovingly, it is your privilege. Cifukwa wuli tingaŵa na cigomezgo cose kuti Yehova walutilirenge yayi kulekelera uheni? How can we be sure that God will not endlessly tolerate wickedness? Why can we be confident that Jehovah will not continue to tolerate wickedness? Penepapo Paulosi wakazgora kuti: "Ici nkhuzomera kwa imwe, cakuti ine nkhumuteŵetera Ciuta wa ŵasekuru kwakuyana na nthowa iyo ŵakuti ndi phira [gulu la cigaruka]. " In answer Paul forthrightly declared: "I do admit this to you, that, according to the way that they call a " sect, ' in this manner I am rendering sacred service to the God of my forefathers. " Then Paul answered: "This I will confess to you, that I may serve the God of my forefathers according to the way they are spoken of. " Makhoti agha ndigho ghakeruzganga milandu yichokoyichoko, ndipo ŵakazembe Ŵachiroma ŵakanjilirangapo yayi pa milandu iyi. Encourage participation, discussing what you read. Such tablets were handled in small cases, and Roman officials were not involved in such cases. Ŵakhuŵilizgani kuti ŵayowoyengepo pa ivyo mukuŵazga. Would you have felt uneasy as this woman approached you? Encourage participation in what you read. Kasi mukatenge mukwiyenge usange mwanakazi uyu wizenge kwa imwe? In emphasizing her worth, the Scriptural account says that she was "better to [Naomi] than seven sons. " - Ruth 1: 16, 17; 2: 11, 12; 4: 15. Would you have been hurt if she had come to you? Pakuyowoya za uweme wake, nkani ya mu Malemba yikuti Ruth " wakaruska ŵana ŵanarumi [ŵa Naomi] ŵankonde na ŵaŵiri. ' - Ruth 1: 16, 17; 2: 11, 12; 4: 15. [ Map] Regarding her goodness, the Scriptural account says that Ruth "was more than seven sons of Naomi. " - Ruth 1: 16, 17; 2: 11, 12; 4: 15. [ Mapu] The conscience of others moves them to reject everything obtained from blood (animal or human), even a tiny fraction of just one primary component. [ Map] Ŵanyake njuŵi zawo zikuŵakanizga kupokera kanthu kalikose kakufuma ku ndopa (za nyama panji za munthu), kwali kaŵe kacoko wuli. Therefore, parents do well to ask themselves: " What sort of associate am I? Some of their conscience may hold them back from receiving anything from blood (or animal or human), no matter how small it may be. Mwantheura, ŵapapi ŵangacita makora kujifumba kuti: " Kasi nkhulongora kuti ndine munthu wa mtundu wuli ku mwana wane? We are not born with an inclination toward self - discipline. Hence, parents do well to ask themselves: " What kind of person do I show to my child? Kujikora tikubabika nako yayi. All of that, however, created a problem. Self - discipline is not just a matter of self - control. Kweni vyose ivi vikaŵaso na masuzgo ghake. • Why and how does the Devil try to break the integrity of true Christians? But all of this had its own problems. • Ni mwauli ndiposo ncifukwa wuli Satana wakukhumba kuzimwa cipulikano ca Ŵakristu ŵaunenesko? To a large extent, results depend on the heart condition of the hearer. • How and why does Satan try to stop the faith of true Christians? Kuti waka ivyo ŵanthu ŵakucita pamasinda pa kupulika makani ghawemi vikuthemba pa mtundu wa mtima wawo. We see this quality in the building of the ark in Noah's day; the erecting, dismantling, and moving of the tabernacle as God's people journeyed in the wilderness; and even in the playing of music and blending of voices in harmonious praise to Jehovah at his temple. It is simply a matter of what people do after hearing the good news. Pamanyuma, Ŵaisrayeli ŵakakolerananga pakujintha chihema, kuchizgura para ŵakusama, na kuchinyamura. Pa tempile, Ŵaisrayeli ŵakakolerananga pakwimba sumu kuti ŵalumbe Yehova. What meaning does this have for us? Later, the Israelites joined in the construction of the tabernacle, putting it behind them, and placed it on the temple, where the Israelites joined in singing praises to Jehovah. Kasi nkhwakuzirwa wuli kwa ise? On the other hand, the coming referred to a number of times at Matthew 24: 45 to 25: 30 has to do with his judging professed disciples from 1918 onward. How important is it to us? Kweni kwiza uko kwazunulika kanandi waka pa Mateyu 24: 45 mupaka 25: 30 kukucitika pa kweruzga awo ŵakuti mbasambiri kwamba mu 1918 kuya munthazi. Such physically or emotionally upsetting conditions test the quality of our faith. But the arrival mentioned at Matthew 24: 45 to 25: 30 is associated with judging those who claim to be disciples from 1918 to the future. Cipulikano cithu cikuyezgeka para vinthu vyakukaka mutu ivi vikuticitikira. THE apostle Paul counseled the Christians in first - century Ephesus: "Keep strict watch that how you walk is not as unwise but as wise persons, buying out the opportune time for yourselves, because the days are wicked. " Our faith is put to the test when handling such issues is put to the test. MPOSTOLE Paulos wakapereka urongozgi kwa Ŵakristu ŵa ku Efeso ŵa mu virimika vya mu handiredi lakwamba kuti: " Ŵacenjere comene umo ŵakwendera, nga mbambura mahara cara, kweni nga mba mahara; ŵakujiwombolera nyengo, pakuti mazuŵa ghano ngaheni. ' Moreover, let us "be swift about hearing " and" slow about speaking. " THE apostle Paul counseled first - century Christians: "Keep strict watch that how to walk is not as unwise but as wise persons, buying out the opportune time for yourselves, because the days are wicked. " Kweniso, tiyeni " tipulikenge luŵiro ' na " kuzikira pakuyowoya. ' Kang), 8 / 15 Furthermore, let us "be quick to listen " and" be quick to speak. " Kang), 8 / 15 Such work may include the construction and maintenance of facilities for worship, volunteering to assist at assemblies and conventions, or caring for assignments at a branch office or a remote translation office. 8 / 1 Tili na ntchito yakuzenga na kunozga malo ghakusoperapo, kovwirapo pa maungano gha dera na gha chigaŵa, na kuteŵetera mu maofesi gha munthavi panji mu maofesi ghakung'anamulirako mabuku. 6, 7. (a) How did Elijah expose the root cause of Israel's apostasy? We work on building and maintaining places of worship, supporting assemblies and conventions, and serving at branch offices or branch offices. 6, 7. (a) Kasi Eliya wakavumbura wuli ico cikacitiska kuti Ŵaisrayeli ŵagaruke? Ah, here we are. 6, 7. (a) How did Elijah reveal what led to Israel's rebellion? Kweni ise tikukhumba apa. Years later, the apostle Paul described the manner in which he and his associates prayed. But we want that. Pakati pajumpha vyaka vinandi, Paulosi wakayowoyapo umo iyo na ŵanyake ŵakapempheleranga. But Jesus rejected the idea of forsaking God and true worship. - Matthew 4: 8 - 10. Centuries later, Paul mentioned how he and others prayed. Kweni Yesu wakakana kuleka kusopa Ciuta waunenesko. - Mateyu 4: 8 - 10. 1, 2. (a) What does Lot's experience in Sodom teach us? But Jesus refused to turn away from the true God. - Matthew 4: 8 - 10. 1, 2. (a) Kasi tikusambiraci pa ivyo vikacitikira Loti mu Sodomu? Paragraph 7: From 1910 to 1914, the Bible Students distributed nearly 4,000,000 books and over 200,000,000 tracts and pamphlets. 1, 2. (a) What do we learn from the experience of Lot in Sodom? Ndime 7: [4] Kwambira mu 1910 mpaka mu 1914, Ŵasambiri ŵa Baibolo ŵakagaŵira mabuku pafupifupi 4,000,000 ndiposo tumapepara na tumabuku twakujumpha 200,000,000. What are some of these situations? Paragraph 7: Beginning in 1914, the Bible Students distributed some 4,000,000 books and copies of the Bible to over 200,000,000 copies. Kasi ni masuzgo wuli ghanyake agho ŵakusangana nagho? Christian parents display loyalty to Jehovah by training their children according to his Word. What are some challenges? Para ŵapapi ŵakusambizga ŵana ŵawo unenesko wa mu Baibolo, ŵakulongora kuti mbakugomezgeka kwa Yehova. The disciple James wrote that an indecisive person is "unsteady in all his ways. " By teaching their children Bible truths, parents show that they are loyal to Jehovah. Msambiri Yakobe wakalemba kuti munthu uyo wakudonda wakuŵa "wambura kukhazikika mu nthowa zake zose. " Children's subjection to their parents contributes to peace and harmony in the family. The disciple James wrote that those who are weak are "without distraction in all his ways. " Para ŵana ŵakupulikira ŵapapi ŵawo, kukupereka cimwemwe na mtende mu mbumba. Moses had an exceptionally close relationship with God; yet, he too had to ask "according to [God's] will. " When children obey their parents, there is joy and peace in the family. Mozesi wakaŵa paubwezi uwemi comene na Ciuta, ndipouli nayo wakeneranga kulomba "mwakuyana na khumbo " la Ciuta. It has columns of cross - references, footnotes, a miniconcordance in the form of "Bible Words Indexed " and" Footnote Words Indexed, " and an Appendix with an extensive coverage of 43 subjects, including maps and charts. Moses had a close relationship with God, yet he had to pray "according to God's will. " Liri na maliferensi, mafutunoti, likurongora lizgu la mu Baibolo apo likusangika ("Bible Words Indexed "), likurongora mazgu agho ghali na futunoti (" Footnote Words Indexed "), na nkani zakusazgikira (Appendix) izo zili na mitu 43, kusazgapo mapu na matchati. The city has over 75,000 inhabitants but only one congregation. Based on the cross, the Bible's word is used in the form of a document entitled "Sublications Index " shows the words containing the word" letters, " and other study articles (E.) as well as the study material on the map and the map. Msumba uwu uli na ŵanthu ŵakujumpha 75,000, kweni kuli mpingo umoza pera. This has resulted in the development of a worldwide spiritual paradise that has over eight million inhabitants. There are over 755,000 members of that city, but there are only one congregation. Ichi chawovwira kuti ŵabali na ŵadumbu ŵakujumpha 8 miliyoni pa charu chose ŵaŵe mu paradiso wauzimu. The apostle Peter admonished Christian wives: "Be in subjection to your own husbands, in order that, if any are not obedient to the word, they may be won without a word through the conduct of their wives. " This has helped to make more than eight million brothers and sisters worldwide into a spiritual paradise. Mpositole Petrosi wakaphalira ŵawoli Ŵacikhristu kuti: "Muŵe ŵakujilambika ku ŵafumu ŵinu, mwakuti usange ŵanyake mbambura kupulikira mazgu, ŵawojeke kwambura mazgu kwizira mu makhaliro gha ŵawoli ŵawo. " How is God's patience seen in his dealings with the nation of Israel? The apostle Peter told Christian wives: "Be in subjection to your husbands, so that if any are not obedient to the word, they may be won without a word through the conduct of their wives. " Kasi tikumanya wuli kuti Ciuta ngwaucivindwe pakuwona umo wakacitira na mtundu wa Israyeli? His response was, "Young man, one should not think too deeply on these matters; some have lost their minds as a result of delving too deeply. " How do we know that God is patient in dealing with the nation of Israel? Wakazgora kuti: "Wamwana, nkhani iyi njakuti munthu wayighanaghanirenge comene yayi, ŵanji ŵazerezeka cifukwa ca kughanaghanira comene nkhani iyi. " That is his choice. He answered: "Jesus, this matter, isn't the person overly concerned about himself, others were hurt over this matter. " Ili ni khumbo lake. This lack of fear does not stem from inherent courage. That is his will. Cikanga ici ŵali kubabika naco yayi. Yet, this does not mean that your marriage is doomed to failure. This kind of boldness is not necessarily unique. Mungalipulikiska Baibolo, 12 / 1 Such a conclusion would be in harmony with Paul's words: "Jehovah knows those who belong to him. " - 2 Tim. Bible Changes Lives, 12 / 1 Ndipouli, cikung'anamura kuti nthengwa yinu nayo yimarenge yayi. Do I attend Christian meetings regularly? Of course, it does not mean that your marriage will end. Vili nthena cifukwa cakuti vikukolerana na mazgu gha Paulosi ghakuti: "Yehova wakuŵamanya awo mbake. " - 2 Tim. At the same time, let us work hard to cultivate faith, love, and godly fear. This is because it is in harmony with Paul's words: "Jehovah knows those who belong to him. " - 2 Tim. Kasi nkhuwungana mwakukhazikika? 5: 27. Do you regularly attend meetings? Kweniso tilimbikire kukuzga cipulikano, citemwa, na kopa Ciuta. Of course, that does not mean that every difficulty we face in life springs directly from Satan or his demons. It also promotes faith, love, and godly fear. 5: 27. Such an environment and lifestyle might easily have bred an obsession with personal appearance among those young women, along with vanity and competitiveness. 5: 27. Ndipouli, ici kuti cikung'anamura kuti vyakumara - mahara vyose ivyo vikutiwira vikufuma kwa Satana panji viŵanda vyake yayi. COVER: Two brothers sharing the Bible's message with a fisherman in Negombo on the west coast of Sri Lanka This does not mean, however, that all problems come from Satan or his demons. Kukhala malo ghanthena kungapangiska munthu kuti wambe kuŵika comene mtima pa kujitoweska, na kwamba kujikuzga na kuphalizgana. Around the world, nearly two billion people celebrate Christmas each December 25, while at least 200 million others celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ on January 7. Such a environment can cause a person to become overly self - centered, becoming presumptuous and competitive. PA CHIKOPI: Ŵabali ŵaŵiri ŵakupharazgira mulovi mumphepete mwa nyanja, mu msumba wa Negombo ku manjiliro gha dazi kwa Sri Lanka In contrast, the children of parents who are sympathetic but maintain firm limits were found to perform better at school, to have better social skills, and to be generally happy. COVER: Two brothers witness to a boat on the coastal coastal coastal coastal coastal coastal coast of Sri Lanka ▪ Pa caru cose capasi ŵanthu pafupifupi 2 biliyoni ŵakukondwelera Khisimasi pa Disembala 25, apo ŵanji ŵakukwana 200 miliyoni ŵakukondwelera kubabika kwa Yesu Khristu pa Janyuwale 7. This is not surprising, for we serve "the happy God, " and his holy spirit produces joy in our hearts. ▪ Nearly 2 billion people worldwide celebrate Christmas on December 25, when some 200 million people celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ on January 7. Kweni ŵana awo ŵapapi ŵawo ŵakuŵalanga ŵakucita makora ku sukulu, ŵakuŵa paubwezi uwemi na ŵanyawo, ndiposo kanandi ŵakuŵa ŵacimwemwe. Similarly, Paul wrote: "The Law has a shadow of the good things to come, but not the very substance of the things. " - Hebrews 10: 1. On the other hand, children who discipline their parents do well in school, enjoy good relations with others, and often find happiness. Ici nchakuzizwiska yayi cifukwa tikuteŵetera "Ciuta wacimwemwe, " ndipo mzimu wake utuŵa ukutipa cimwemwe mu mitima yithu. " A person can be happy without a marriage mate, but it's difficult to be happy without a friend, " observes Birgit. This is not surprising because we serve "the happy God, " and his holy spirit brings us joy in our hearts. Mwakuyana waka, Paulosi wakalembaso kuti: "Dango ndi muzgezge waka wa vinthu viwemi ivyo vikwiza, kuti nchikozgo ceneco ca ivyo viliko cara. " - Ŵahebere 10: 1, Phangano Liphya. Yes, you need to be a serious student of God's Word, reading the Bible regularly and meditating on it so that you develop a real understanding of and love for Jehovah's ways, principles, and laws. Similarly, Paul wrote: "The Law is a shadow of the good things to come, not the very image of which things are found. " - Hebrews 10: 1, New Testament. Brigit wakati "munthu wangaŵa wacimwemwe kwambura kutora panji kutengwa, kweni nchakusuzga kuti waŵe wacimwemwe kwambura mubwezi. " Each change of assignment had shown us various aspects of the pleasantness that comes at Jehovah's hand. " Happiness is possible without marriage, but it is a challenge to be happy without a friend. " Imwe ŵapapi mukwenera kufwilirapo kusambira Mazgu gha Ciuta, kuŵazga Baibolo nyengo zose na kughanaghanirapo mwakuti mupulikiske na kutemwa nthowa za Yehova, fundo, na malango ghake. 5: 10. You parents should do your utmost to study God's Word, read the Bible regularly, and meditate on it in order to understand and love Jehovah's ways, principles, and laws. Nyengo yiliyose iyo tikasinthanga uteŵeti tikaŵanga na mwaŵi wa kuwona vinthu vyakupambanapambana vyakukondweska ivyo vikufuma mu woko la Yehova. Why is it always best to obey Jehovah's commands? Every time we were able to expand our ministry, we had many exciting experiences that came from Jehovah's hand. 5: 10. Choosing Good Religion, 8 / 1 5: 10. Cifukwa wuli nyengo zose nchiwemi kulondezga malango gha Yehova? If you are planning to visit a land where malaria is endemic... Why is it always wise to obey Jehovah's laws? 3 / 15 Kasi Mukateŵeterapo? 12 3 / 1 Usange mukughanaghana vya kuluta ku charu icho maleriya ghakukata yayi... What are some ways that we benefit from not knowing the day or the hour of the end? If you think of going to a land where malaria is no longer... 12 [ Credit Line] 12 Kasi tikusanga vyandulo wuli cifukwa cakuti tikumanya yayi zuŵa na ora ilo umaliro wizirenge? The apostle Paul was an imitator of Christ. How do we benefit from not knowing the day and the hour when the end will come? [ Kulongosora Cithuzithuzi] Rather, he vented his frustration by shouting out to those gathered there: "Hear, now, you rebels! [ Credit Line] Mpositole Paulosi wakayezganga Khristu. Months passed, and the child was born. The apostle Paul imitated Christ. M'malo mwake, wakakwiya chomene na kuŵakalipira ŵanthu awo ŵakawungana, ndipo wakati: "Sono pulikani, imwe ŵakugaluka! There are many things that Jehovah chose not to include in his written Word. Instead, he became angry with the crowd, saying: "See, now, you apostates! Myezi yikajumphapo, ndipo mwana wakababika. They Appreciate Parental Guidance A few months passed, and a child was born. Pali vinthu vinandi ivyo Yehova wakasankha kuti vileke kulembeka mu Mazgu ghake. Satan implied that mankind would be better off without God's rulership. There are many things Jehovah had to choose not to be written in his Word. Ŵakuwongera Urongozgi wa Ŵapapi Ŵawo All the kings defeated on the west of the Jordan amount to 31. Grateful for Their Parents ' Guidance Fundo ya Satana yikaŵa yakuti ŵanthu ŵangakhala makora chomene kwambura kuwusika na Chiuta. 8, 9. (a) How does loyalty strengthen a marriage? Satan's offer was that humans could be better off without God's rule. Mathemba ghose agho ghakathereskeka kuzambwe kwa Yorodani ghakaŵa 31. It is interesting that in most Bible verses where the word "valueless " appears, it is applied to false gods. All the kings that conquered the Jordan were 31. 8, 9. (a) Kasi kugomezgana kukukhozga wuli nthengwa? Jehovah's Witnesses accept the entire Bible. 8, 9. (a) How does trust strengthen a marriage? Nchakukondweska kuti mu Cihebere, lizgu lakuti "vyawakawaka " kanandi likung'anamura ŵaciuta ŵatesi, panji kuti ŵangoza. PAGE 3 • SONGS: 14, 109 It is noteworthy that in Hebrew, the word "pure " often refers to false gods, false gods, or false gods. Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova ŵakugomezga Baibolo lose. 12 Jehovah's Witnesses believe the entire Bible. PEJI 3 • SUMU: 14, 109 In praying to his heavenly Father - the "Lord of heaven and earth " - Jesus set a clear example for all to follow. PAGE 3 • SONGS: 14, 109 12 If allowed to fester, this resentment may undermine your resolve to stay faithful to Jehovah. 12 Yesu wakati Adada ŵake ni "Fumu ya kuchanya na charu chapasi. " Nase tikwenera kupemphera kwa Chiuta nga umo wakachitira Yesu. That opportunity will also be open to people who died without repenting of their sins but who are resurrected on a cleansed earth. - John 5: 28, 29; Acts 24: 15. Jesus called his Father "the Lord of heaven and the earth, " and we should pray to God as he did. Para maghanoghano agha mungaghalekelera, paumaliro ghangananga ubwezi winu na Yehova. Woman grieving: Igor Dutina / AFP / Getty Images; protesters: Said Khatib / AFP / Getty Images; armored cars: Joseph Barrak / AFP / Getty Images If you allow such thinking to influence your relationship with Jehovah, you could eventually damage your relationship with him. Kweniso, ŵanthu awo ŵali kufwa kwambura kupika mwaŵi wa kupera zakwananga zawo ŵeneawo ŵazakawuskika mu caru ciwemi, ŵazamusanga candulo na sembe iyi. - Yoh. 5: 28, 29; Mil. 24: 15. We perceive that this fits into Jehovah's marvelous "administration " of things for the fulfilling of his purpose. Furthermore, those who died without being given an opportunity to repent of their sins who have been resurrected in a better land will benefit from that sacrifice. - John 5: 28, 29; Acts 24: 15. Mwanakazi wakulira: Igor Dutina / AFP / Getty Images; ŵanthu ŵakucita viwoneskero: Said Khatib / AFP / Getty Images; galimoto za nkhondo: Joseph Barrak / AFP / Getty Images They discussed solutions to world conflicts. COVER: Ilds / AFP / Getty Images; people do this: SPPPPP / Getty / Getty Images; Joseph Barr / Publications Getty / Getty Images; Joseph Barr / Publications Getty / Getty / Getty Images Tikuwona kuti ici cikukolerana nadi na "unozgero " wapadera uwo Yehova waŵika kuti wafiske khumbo lake. And I eagerly look forward to Paolo's being resurrected, in line with Jesus ' words at John 5: 28, 29. We see that this is closely related to "the administration " that Jehovah has commissioned us to accomplish his will. Ŵakadumbiskana umo ŵangamazgira mphindano izo zikucitika pa caru. Because of pride, the rebels made independent arrangements to worship Jehovah. They discussed how to handle conflicts that have been common in the world. Nkhulindilira mwakunweka apo Paolo wazamuwuskikira mwakuyana na mazgu gha Yesu agho ghali pa Yohane 5: 28, 29. Jehovah provides much - needed consolation by means of Jesus Christ, the Scriptures, and the Christian congregation. I look forward to being resurrected according to Jesus ' words recorded at John 5: 28, 29. Cifukwa ca kujikuzga, iwo ŵakapanga ndondomeko yawo na yawo yakusopera Yehova. As Jesus explained, the end will come suddenly, unexpectedly; so we need to keep ever watchful. - Read Matthew 24: 43. As a result of their haughtiness, they made their arrangements and worship of Jehovah. Yehova wakutipembuzga chomene para ivi vyachitika. Wali kutipa mwana wake Yesu, Baibolo, kweniso ŵabali na ŵadumbu mu mpingo kuti ŵatipembuzge. Highlights From Lamentations, 6 / 1 Highlights From Ezekiel, 7 / 1, 8 / 1 Jehovah comforts us when this happens, giving us his Son, Jesus, the Bible, and the brothers and sisters in the congregation comfort us. Nga umo Yesu wakayowoyera, umaliro wizenge mwamabuci; ntheura tikukhumbikwira kulutilira kuŵa maso. - Ŵazgani Mateyu 24: 43. Staying close to the local congregation in her new home. As Jesus foretold, the end will come suddenly; so we need to keep on the watch. - Read Matthew 24: 43. Fundo Zikuru za m'Buku la Citengero ca Yeremiya, 6 / 1 How successful were you in fixing in mind those places where real people lived, people involved in the fulfillment of divine prophecy? Highlights From Lamentations, 6 / 15 Kucezga na ŵanthu ŵa mu mpingo uwo wali. We also safeguard our heart by the way we feed ourselves. A close association with those in his congregation. Kasi mukakwaniska kughanaghanira malo agha na uko ŵanthu ŵakakhalanga, kweniso kughanaghanira ŵanthu awo ucimi wa Ciuta ukafiskika pa iwo? This personal invitation is from God. Did you reach out to them and to think about people who were fulfilled in God's prophecy? Tikuvikiliraso mtima withu na umo tikuryera. These principles were a comfort to the psalmist, as they can be for God's servants who are struggling to deal with the difficulties of modern life. We also guard our heart and our eating. Nchemo iyi njakufuma kwa Ciuta. Do their children feel deprived? That invitation is from God. Fundo izi zikamupembuzga mulembi wa salmo, ndipo zingaŵapembuzga ŵateŵeti ŵa Ciuta awo ŵakusuzgika lero. For people [were] executed without trial or record; for people [were] exiled and sent to concentration camps, deprived of civil rights for having the " wrong ' occupation or the " improper social origins. '... Those words comforted the psalmist and comforted God's servants today. Kasi ŵana ŵawo ŵakuwona kuti ŵakunoreka cinthu cinyake? Of course, I was thrilled, but my delight was tempered by the fact that Evelyn was not included in the invitation. Do their children feel that they are missing out on something? Ŵanthu ŵakakomekanga kwambura kumanya ico ŵabuda, " ŵanyake ŵakacimbizgika ndiposo kutumizgika ku misasa yakuyuzgirako ŵanthu, kupokeka wanangwa wawo cifukwa ca nchito iyo ŵakagwiranga panji fuko lawo. '... Has "the birdcatcher " insidiously affected your thinking with such unwholesome entertainment? People were killed without knowing what they had done, " some were deported and sent to concentration camps, because of their work or of their race. ' Iyi yikaŵa nkhani yakukondweska, kweni nkhakondwa comene yayi cifukwa Evelyn wakacemeka yayi. In the first century, were all spirit - anointed Christians involved in preparing spiritual food? That was good news, but I was not happy that Evelyn was not invited. Kasi mwambura kumanya, "muthyezi " wangaŵa kuti wananga maghanoghano ghinu na vyakusanguluska vyaunyankhasi? PAGE 8 • SONGS: 109, 100 Could you be exposed to "the birdcatcher "? Kasi mu nyengo ya ŵapositole, Ŵakhristu wose ŵakuphakazgika na mzimu ŵakanozganga cakurya cauzimu? To see how pressing on to maturity can sharpen our decision - making ability, let us consider two areas of life. Are all anointed Christians involved in preparing spiritual food in the first century? PEJI 8 • SUMU: 109, 100 Peter invited these men into the house and entertained them there. PAGE 8 • SONGS: 109, 100 Kuti timanye umo tingacitira vinthu mwavinjeru cifukwa ca kulutilira ku ulara, tiyeni tiwone vinthu viŵiri mu umoyo withu. Little wonder that in the view of the Creator, "the badness of man was abundant in the earth and every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only bad all the time. " To understand how we can make wise decisions by continuing to maturity, let us consider two areas of life. Petros wakaŵapokelera makora na kuŵanjizga mu nyumba ŵanarumi ŵara. We Found the Truth Peter welcomed them and invited them into the house. Lekani nchakuzizika yayi kuti Mlengi wakawona kuti "maghanoghano gha mitima yawo ghakaŵa ghaheni pera lutaluta. " PAGE 30 No wonder the Creator saw that "the thoughts of their heart were only bad all the time "! Tikasanga Unenesko So be a good listener. We Found the Truth PEJI 30 Hardly! PAGE 30 Ntheura mukwenera kutegherezga para ŵanyinu ŵakulongosora. " Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them..., teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. " - Matthew 28: 19, 20. So listen as others explain them. Viŵi yayi. Read Luke 8: 5 - 8, 11 - 15. Not necessarily. " Ntheura lutaninge mukasambizge mitundu yose, mukaŵabapatize..., muŵasambizge kukoreska vyose ivyo ndamulangulirani. " - Mateyu 28: 19, 20. By that time, I was serving as a circuit overseer, a traveling minister of Jehovah's Witnesses. " Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them..., teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. " - Matthew 28: 19, 20. Ŵerengani Luka 8: 5 - 8, 11 - 15. JESUS CHRIST gave his followers no small commission. Read Luke 8: 5 - 8, 11 - 15. Pa nyengo iyi, nkhateŵeteranga nga mulaŵiliri wakwendakwenda wa Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova. We may wonder if James and John would have reacted the same way if the inhospitable village had been in their home region of Galilee. During that time, I served as a traveling overseer of Jehovah's Witnesses. YESU KHRISTU wakapeleka ntchito yikuru chomene ku ŵasambiri ŵake. 7: 9. JESUS CHRIST entrusted his disciples with great work. Ntchakukayikiska kuti Yakobe na Yohane ŵakatenge ŵachitenge nthena usange muzi uwu uŵenge kukwawo ku Galileya. For them, in particular, Bible reading is "profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness. " - 2 Timothy 3: 16, Revised Standard Version. It is unlikely that James and John would do so if the city would be in Galilee. 7: 9. How pleased he must be to see people worship their ancestors, or nature, or animals - anyone or anything other than Jehovah, "who requires exclusive devotion "! 7: 9. Kwa iwo comene - comene, kuŵazga Baibolo kuli "kwacandulo pakusambizga, pakucenya, pakunyololera, ndiposo pakusambizga urunji. " - 2 Timote 3: 16, Revised Standard Version. King David of ancient Israel had committed adultery with Bath - sheba, and she became pregnant. For them, reading the Bible is "a beneficial teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness. " - 2 Timothy 3: 16, The Standard Version. Iyi ni nthowa yikuru chomene iyo wakugwiliskira ntchito. Satana wakukondwa chomene para ŵanthu ŵakusopa ŵapapi, vinyama, ŵanthu na vinthu vinyake. Kweni Yehova wakukhumba kuti ŵanthu ŵasopenge iyo pera. What a precious privilege that is! That is the most important method Satan uses - worshiping parents, animals, and other things - Jehovah wants people to worship him only. Themba Davide likacita uleŵi na Batisheba, ndipo likamupa nthumbo. Conducting morning worship for the Canada Bethel family King David committed adultery with Bath - sheba, and he was pregnant. Mazgu agha ghakutisambizga kuti Yehova ni Dada wa ŵabali na ŵadumbu ŵithu pa charu chose chapasi. Explain why we at times may not clearly see Jehovah's hand in our life. Those words teach us that Jehovah is the Father of our worldwide brotherhood. Apo nkhalongozganga kusopa kwa mulenji kwa mbumba ya Beteli ya ku Canada Why do parents have trouble rearing their children today? While I was taking the lead in the morning for the Bethel family in Canada Chifukwa wuli nyengo zinyake tingatondeka kuwona woko la Yehova? If someone asked you what heaven is like, how would you answer? Why may we at times fail to see Jehovah's hand? Ncifukwa wuli ŵapapi ŵali na suzgo pakulera ŵana ŵawo lero? Avoid Harmful Association! Why do parents have difficulty rearing their children today? Usange munthu munyake wangamufumbani kuti mulongosore umo kuchanya kuliri, kasi mungamuzgora wuli? I will give advice with my eye upon you. " If someone asks you to explain how heaven is, how would you react? Gegani Mendezgano Ghaheni He later stated to Isaiah: "I - I am Jehovah, and besides me there is no savior. " - Isa. Avoid Bad associations Wakutisimikizgira kuti: "Tindikurunjikizge na kukusambizga nthowa iyo ukwenera kwendamo; tindikulongozge na jiso lane. " Is there anything to which you give more importance than your relationship with Jehovah? He assures us: "I shall make you have insight and instruct you in the way you should go. I will give advice with my eye upon you. " Pamanyuma wakayowoya kwa Yesaya kuti: "Ine, Ndine Yehova, ndipo pamo na Ine palije Muponoski. " - Yes. Of what benefit is it to prepare for peer pressure? Then he said to Isaiah: "I am Jehovah, and there is no Savior with me. " - Isa. Kasi chilipo icho ntchakuzirwa chomene kwa imwe kuluska ubwezi winu na Yehova? For the past 14 years, I have served in the full - time ministry, helping others to learn what the Bible teaches, and recently, my wife has joined me in the full - time ministry. Is there anything more precious to you than to have a good relationship with Jehovah? Cifukwa wuli kuwonerathu ivyo vingacitika nkhwakuzirwa? His academic achievements as a high - school student qualified him to attend any of the best universities in his country. Why is it important to consider what can happen? Sono pajumpha vyaka 14, kufumira apo nkhambira upayiniya (kumalira nyengo yinandi pakupharazga) na kovwira ŵanthu kuti ŵamanye ivyo Baibolo likusambizga. Muwoli wane nayo wali kwamba upayiniya. For most of us, the real life is endless life on earth in God's new world, which he promises to those who faithfully adhere to his commandments. Over 14 years have passed since I began pioneering (I spend more time in the ministry and helping others to learn what the Bible teaches, and my wife became a pioneer. Cifukwa cakuti wakaŵa na mahara, wakaŵa wakwenelera kusambira ku yunivesite yiliyose yapacanya mu caru cake. Why not? Because of his wisdom, he was well - qualified to learn at any university in his country. Ku ŵanandi ŵa ise, umoyo weneco mbumoyo wamuyirayira mu caru ciphya pano pasi, ico Ciuta walayizga awo ŵakusungilira malango ghake mwakugomezgeka. Silence can promote peace of mind. For many of us, everlasting life in God's new world is a promise that God promises those who faithfully observe his commandments. Cifukwa wuli? If you are an adolescent, you are at a time of life in which your "power of reason " is developing as never before. Why? Ghakutovwiraso kuti tiŵe na mtende wa mu maghanoghano. I felt " destroyed. ' " It also helps us to have peace of mind. Usange ndimwe muwukirano, muli pa nyengo iyo "nkhongono yinu ya kughanaghana " yikukura. Are you afraid that if you start to cry, you will contribute to their sadness? If you are a young person, you are at a time when "your power of reason " has grown. Nkhatenge waka " kwane kwamara. ' " THE BIBLE SAYS: "Let your way of life be free of the love of money, while you are content with the present things. " - Hebrews 13: 5. " I couldn't have been " left alone. ' " Kasi mukopa kuti para mungamba kulira, mbwenu citima cawo cikwerenge comene? " I personally regret that blood is overused in the medical field, " the doctor admitted. Do you fear that if you start to cry, their grief will be more intense? BAIBOLO LIKUTI: "Umoyo winu uŵenge wambura kutemwa ndalama, uku mukukhorwa na vinthu ivyo vilipo. " - Ŵahebere 13: 5. Especially is this so in the case of those who want to qualify as overseers in the congregation. THE BIBLE SAYS: "Let your way of life be free of the love of money, while you are content with the present things. " - Hebrews 13: 5. Nyuzipepala iyi yikalemba mazgu gha dokotala munyake uyo wakayowoya kuti: "Namanya nadi sono kuti ndopa mu cipatala tikuzigwiriskira ncito mwakwenelera yayi. Why do we need to safeguard our heart? The newspaper wrote of a doctor who said: "I have come to know that blood in the hospital is no longer the proper use of blood. Awo ŵakukhumba kuti ŵaŵe ŵakwenelera kucita mulimo wa kulaŵilira mu mpingo ndiwo ŵakwenera kuyezgayezga comene pa nkhani iyi. The emphasis on freedom from defilement of any kind was, in fact, the key difference between the sacrifices offered to Jehovah and those offered to false gods by the people in the nations around Israel. Those desiring to qualify for oversight in the congregation should take the lead in this regard. Chifukwa wuli tikwenera kuvikilira mtima withu? That pleasant experience motivated Laura to consider moving to a foreign - language congregation in Canada. Why should we safeguard our heart? Kupereka sembe zambura kufipirwa ndiyo yikaŵa mpambano yikuru pakati pa sembe zakuperekeka kwa Yehova na zakuperekeka ku ŵaciuta ŵautesi na ŵantu ŵamitundu awo ŵakazingirizga Ŵaisrayeli. Instead, "Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord. " The offering of unclean sacrifices was a serious difference between the sacrifices offered to Jehovah and the sacrifices offered to false gods and the people of Israel. Ichi chikachiska Laura kuti wasamire mu mpingo wa chiyowoyero chinyake mu Canada. " The head of the Christ is God, " says the Bible. This encouraged him to move to a foreign - language congregation in Canada. M'malo mwake, Sara "wakapulikiranga Abrahamu, wakamucemanga " fumu. ' " By the time Habakkuk began prophesying, Judah had come under the powerful influence of Egypt. Instead, Sarah "kept listening to Abraham, calling him " king. ' " Baibolo likuti: "Mutu wa Khristu ni Ciuta. " Our "godly devotion " should prompt us to be content with" food and clothing, " or "sustenance and shelter. " - 1 Tim. 6: 6 - 8; ftn. The Bible says: "The head of the Christ is God. " Apo Habakuku wakamba kucima, Yuda wakaŵa pasi pa Eguputo. The Devil persecutes Witnesses of Jehovah today in an effort to break their integrity and prove his challenge true. When Habakkuk began prophesying, Judah fell down to Egypt. Usange " tikusopa Chiuta mwakujipeleka ' tikhorwenge "pakuŵa na vyakurya, vyakuvwara na nyumba. " - 1 Tim. 6: 6 - 8. They do not interfere with those who choose to serve in the armed forces. If we " worship God with godly devotion, ' we will be content with " food, clothing, and shelter. ' - 1 Tim. 6: 6 - 8. Mazuŵa ghano, Dyabulosi wakusuzga Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova kuti ŵaleke kugomezgeka mwakuti wakhozgere ivyo wakayowoya. It says: "In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed. And this kingdom will not be passed on to any other people. Today, the Devil is trying to break the integrity of Jehovah's Witnesses in support of his word. Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova ŵakuŵasuska yayi ŵanthu awo ŵasankha kunjira usilikari. Will the account about Asa move us to examine our own course of action? Jehovah's Witnesses did not oppose those who choose to engage in military service. Pakuti: " Mu mazuŵa gha mathemba agha Chiuta wa kuchanya wimikenge uthemba, uwo kuti wamuparanyika chara muyirayira, panji mazaza ghake ghasidike ku ŵanthu ŵanyake chara. The soldiers at Jesus ' execution did not divide his garment into pieces. For: "In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will his authority be passed on to any other people. Kasi nkhani ya Asa yitovwirenge wuli? What can you learn from that Levite? How will Asa's story help us? Kanandi cakuvwara cantheura ici cikasonekanga na salu ziŵiri, kweni cakuvwara ca Yesu cikaŵavya musono. Such training was apparently needed, for one new colporteur had nervously introduced the books by saying, "You don't want these, do you? " The garment usually consisted of two garments, but Jesus ' garment was not new. Kasi tingasambiraci kwa Mulevi uyu? " Are we on the threshold of Armageddon, or is it a long way off? " What can we learn from this Levite's example? Masambiro agha ghakaŵa ghakukhumbikwa nadi cifukwa kopotala munyake muphya cifukwa ca wofi pakugaŵira mabuku wakayowoya kuti, "Mukughakhumba yayi mabuku agha, ŵati? " Lois may know that similar situations have caused much upset in the congregation or in her family, and what she does may significantly impact her children. Such training was appropriate indeed because a new one was afraid of providing literature, saying, "You don't want these books, will you? " " Kasi nkondo ya Haramagedoni yaneng'enera, panji yicali kutali? " He told the illustration of a Samaritan who came across a man who had been beaten and robbed. " Is the war of Armageddon near, or is it still distant? " Ivi vikanovwira kuti niŵe na chikanga. The present times of trouble will soon end. This helped me to be courageous. Panji Loyisi wakumanya kuti vinthu vyakuyana waka vikakwiyiskapo ŵabali mu mpingo panji mbumba yake, ndipo ivyo wangacita vingakhwaska ŵana ŵake. A few years after Watson and Crick discovered the structure of DNA, two physicists proposed searching for coded radio signals from space. Lois may have realized that similar things were among the members of the congregation or of her family and that what she can do could affect her children. Wakayowoya ntharika ya Musamariya uyo wakasanga kuti munthu munyake vigeŵenga vyamutimba na kumwibira. Regarding her family study, she recalls: "When Father asked the questions, I just read off the answers, without even looking at his face. " He gave an illustration of a Samaritan who found a man who had been beaten and beaten. 3 Ŵanthu ŵa Yehova ŵazamuwukilika God "has established the earth on its foundations; it will not be moved from its place forever and ever. " 3 Jehovah's people will be attacked Sonosono apa, masuzgo ghose ghamalenge. Jesus knew well that taking a negative, critical view of others would only serve to discourage them. Soon all suffering will come to an end. Vyaka vichoko waka Watson na Crick ŵakati ŵabowozga umo DNA yiliri, ŵasayansi ŵaŵiri ŵakasachizga kuti ŵapime na kumanya mauthenga agho ghakujumpha mu mphepo. How did Jesus and many of his disciples become refugees? A few years after the study of DNA became available, two scientists suggested that they review the information over the wind. Iye wakukumbuka makora umo wakacitiranga pa sambiro la mbumba, wakuti: "Para adada ŵakafumbanga mafumbo, ine nkaŵazganga waka zgoro pa ndime, kwambura kulaŵiska pa cisko cawo. " " If any one of you is lacking in wisdom, " wrote James, "let him keep on asking God, for he gives generously to all and without reproaching; and it will be given him. " " When my father asked questions, " he recalls, "I used to read the paragraph without looking at their face. " Kweni Chiuta wakulayizga kuti wazamuparanya yayi charu cheneko icho tikukhalamo. With respect to forgiveness, how can we imitate God? But God promises that he will not destroy the physical world in which we live. Yesu wakamanya makora kuti ŵanyithu ŵangagongowa usange tikuŵakayikira. Even when challenges arise, each spouse thinks in terms of "we " rather than" me. " Jesus was well - aware that we might be discouraged if we doubted his motives. Chifukwa wuli Yesu na ŵasambiri ŵake ŵakachimbira kwawo? " You, too, were with Jesus, " she says. Why did Jesus and his disciples flee from their homeland? Yakobe wakalemba kuti: "Usange yumoza wa imwe wakupeleŵera mu vinjeru, walombenge Ciuta, pakuti iyo wakupeleka mwawanangwa ku wose, nakuti wakutombozga cara; ndipo vipikenge kwa iyo. " Thinking about the use of blood at the first Passover should bring what to our mind? James wrote: "If any one of you is lacking in wisdom, let him keep on asking God, for he gives generously to all and without reproaching; and it will be given him. " Pa nkhani ya kugowokera, kasi tingamuyezga wuli Ciuta? When visiting the bereaved, we need not feel embarrassed to weep with those who weep. How can we imitate God's forgiveness? Para ŵasangana na masuzgo ŵakovwirana m'malo mwakulekera munthu yumoza. What lies ahead for faithful anointed ones and for those who make up the great crowd? When problems arise, they help one another rather than just one person. Msungwana uyu wakati: "Naweso ukaŵa pamoza na Yesu. " According to God's Word, the overriding barrier to any of man's efforts to bring about a truly fair world is Satan the Devil. " I was also with Jesus, " she said. Cifukwa wuli ndopa za Yesu ni zakuzirwa comene kuluska ndopa za mwanamberere wa Paska? If the silver piece in question was the Roman denarius, the sum would have equaled the combined daily wage of 50,000 average workers - a substantial amount! Why is Jesus ' blood more precious than the blood of the Passover lamb? Para taluta ku ŵanthu awo mbali wawo watayika, tikwenera yayi kucita soni kulira na awo ŵakulira. One of the foremost ways that Jehovah has helped me is by means of the support of fellow Christians. When we visit bereaved ones, we should not be ashamed to cry with those who are grieving. Kasi muntazi mwa ŵakuphakazgika ŵakugomezgeka na mwa ŵa mzinda ukuru muli vici? (Read Hebrews 6: 4 - 9; compare Deuteronomy 30: 19.) What future awaits faithful anointed ones and those of the great crowd? Kuyana na umo Mazgu gha Ciuta ghakuyowoyera, Satana Dyabulosi ndiyo wakutondeska ivyo ŵanthu ŵakuyezga kucita kuti caru ciŵe ciwemi. A reference work for Bible translators says that the words "they would rebel against him " might be" rendered idiomatically as " they made their hearts hard against God ' or " they said "No " to God. ' " According to God's Word, Satan the Devil is behind human efforts to make the world a better place. Para ndalama izi zikaŵa za Ŵaroma, ndikuti zikaŵa zinandi chomene. Munthu uyo wakupokera ndalama zinandi chomene yayi, wangagwira mazuŵa 50, 000 kuti wasange ndalama izi. Do we have other responsibilities toward those who are not fellow believers? If the money was overly Roman, it would amount to more than 50 days a year to earn more money. Nthowa yimoza iyo Yehova wanovwilira, Mbakhristu ŵanyane. (b) In what sense has Jehovah felt regret, and how does knowing that help us? One way that Jehovah has cared for me is by having fellow believers. (Ŵazgani Ŵahebere 6: 4 - 9; yaniskani na Duteronome 30: 19.) Why is this important? (Read Hebrews 6: 4 - 9; compare Deuteronomy 30: 19.) Buku linyake lakovwira ŵakung'anamura Baibolo likuti mazgu ghakuti "ŵakamugalukira " ghakung'anamura" kuti " ŵakanonopeska mitima yawo kwa Ciuta ' panji " ŵakamukana Ciuta. ' " However, Gordon began studying the Bible and was soon convinced that he had found the truth. One Bible reference work says that "they turned away " from their heart to God or" rejected God. " Kasi tiriso na milimo yinyake iyo tikwenera kucitira ŵantu awo mbasopi ŵanyithu yayi? Why is it appropriate to compare Christ to a head and his congregation to a body? Do we have additional responsibilities toward those outside the Christian congregation? (b) Kasi Yehova wakucita citima pa fundo wuli, ndipo tikovwirika wuli cifukwa ca kumanya fundo iyi? Nick, mentioned earlier, says: "The training I received from two older overseers in particular was very helpful. (b) On what basis does Jehovah feel regret, and how does knowing this help us? Cifukwa wuli ici nchakuzirwa? They demand the entire person. " - Dr. Why is that important? Ndipouli, Gordon wakamba kusambira Baibolo, ndipo pakatora nyengo yayi, wakakhorwa kuti ivyo wakasambiranga ukaŵa unenesko. Today's culture undermines self - control. However, he began to study the Bible, and soon thereafter, he was convinced that what he was learning was the truth. Cifukwa wuli nchakwenelera kuyaniska Khristu na mutu ndiposo mpingo wake na thupi? 25: 5 - 13, 32, 33; 2 Sam. Why is it appropriate to compare Christ with his head and congregation? Nick, uyo wazunurika pakwamba wakuti: "Ŵalaŵiliri ŵaŵiri ŵakanovwira comene na ivyo ŵakanisambizga. The apostle Paul warned Christians of this danger when he wrote: "I am afraid that somehow, as the serpent seduced Eve by its cunning, your minds might be corrupted away from the sincerity and the chastity that are due the Christ. " - 2 Corinthians 11: 3, 14. " Two elders helped me with what I was learning, " says congregation overseer, quoted earlier. Kweni ghakucicizga ŵantu kuti ŵajiperekenge na umoyo wawo wose kwa iwo. " - Dr. Then Jehovah allowed Moses to see the afterglow of this divine manifestation of glory. Rather, they force people to devote themselves to them all their lives. " - Dr. Ntchakukhumbikwa kusambizga luŵiro ŵana kujikora. 10: 17. It is important to teach children self - control. 25: 5 - 13, 32, 33; 2 Sam. [ Picture on page 5] 25: 5 - 13, 32, 33; 2 Sam. Mpostole Paulos wakacenjezga Ŵakristu za ngozi iyi apo wakalemba kuti: "Nkopa mzire pakunji nga ndi umo njoka mu ucenjezi wake yikamupusikira Heva, nteura ndimo maghanoghano ghinu ghanganangikira kurekana na unenesko uwo uli mwa Kristu. " - 2 Ŵakorinte 11: 3, 14. These articles will help us to strengthen our relationship with Jehovah as our Provider, Protector, and best Friend. The apostle Paul warned Christians against this danger when he wrote: "I fear you never as the serpent influenced Eve, so your minds might be corrupted away from the truth that is in Christ. " - 2 Corinthians 11: 3, 14. Yehova wakazomerezga Mozesi kuti wawone waka mzgetu wa ucindami wake. 16, 17. Jehovah allowed Moses to see the glory of His glory. 10: 17. Satan would like nothing better than to have us spend all our time and energy as slaves to his commercial world. 10: 17. [ Cithuzithuzi pa peji 5] Accordingly, approval was given to make the meaning of "Sheol " and the corresponding Greek term" Hades " clear by translating them accurately as "the Grave. " [ Picture on page 5] Nkhani izi zitovwirenge kuti tikhozge ubwezi withu na Yehova pakuŵa Mupi, Muvikiliri, ndiposo Mubwezi withu wapamtima. It is impossible for the dead, who are "conscious of nothing at all, " to experience agony anywhere. These articles will help us to strengthen our relationship with Jehovah as our Provider, Protector, and Friend. 16, 17. Many people today show no regard for the needs of others 16, 17. Vinthu vinyake ivyo tingasankha vingatipangiska kuti tiŵe na ngongoli vyaka vinandi. While Jehovah's organization provides the material needed to reach the people, the individual Kingdom publisher must take the initiative to convey the Bible's message to "people of all sorts " in the language they can best understand. Some decisions we make can lead to debt for many years. Ntheura, Wupu Wakulongozga ukazomerezga kuti mu malo umo muli mazgu ghakuti "Sheole " na" Hadesi " mulembeke "Dindi, " ilo ni ng'anamuro la mazgu agha. Nevertheless, Jehovah kindly helped Job by posing a series of questions that directed attention away from Job. Hence, the Governing Body approved the use of the term " Sheol " and" Hades, " that is, the meaning of those words. Ncambura macitiko kuti ŵakufwa awo "ŵakumanya kantu cara, " ŵapulike vyakuŵinya kumalo ghalighose. 14, 15. It is impossible for the dead who "are conscious of nothing at all, " suffering no pain in any place. Ŵantu ŵanandi lero ŵakupwererera cara vyakusoŵa vya ŵanji 22 For Young People - Avoid Harmful Association! Many today do not care for the needs of others Nangauli gulu la Yehova likupeleka mabuku kuti ghatovwire pakupharazga, kweni mupharazgi waliyose wa Ufumu wakwenera kucitapo kanthu mwakuti wapharazgenge uthenga wa mu Baibolo ku "ŵanthu wose, " mu ciyowoyero ico ŵangapulika makora. Psalm 112 contains fine advice for all who want to maintain a clean conscience before God. While Jehovah's organization provides literature to help us preach, each Kingdom publisher needs to act in order to share the Bible's message to "all sorts of people, " in a language that they can understand better. Ndipouli, Yehova wakamulengera lusungu na kumovwira Yobu. Jehovah expects his servants to be generous, especially toward the needy. However, Jehovah showed compassion and support for Job. 14, 15. (Read 1 Peter 1: 22.) 14, 15. 22 Cigaŵa ca Ŵanyamata na Ŵasungwana - Gegani Mendezgano Ghaheni Just like Jesus ' early followers, we meet together to learn and to be encouraged. 22 For Young People - Avoid Bad Things Mu Salmo 112 muli ulongozgi uwemi comene ku wose awo ŵakukhumba kulutilira kuŵa na njuŵi yituŵa pamaso pa Ciuta. Paul said: "We mustered up boldness by means of our God to tell you the good news of God in the face of much opposition. " Psalm 112 contains fine advice for all who want to maintain a clean conscience before God. Yehova wakukhumba kuti ŵateŵeti ŵake ŵapengeko ŵanyawo, comene awo ŵakusuzgika. It comforts people with the good news that God's heavenly Kingdom will soon end all wickedness and transform the earth into a paradise. Jehovah wants his servants to be generous toward others, especially those who suffer. (Ŵazgani 1 Petrosi 1: 22.) Examining portions of Paul's letter to the Ephesians will help us to understand the purpose of this administration and to work in harmony with it. (Read 1 Peter 1: 22.) Nga umo ŵalondezgi ŵa Yesu ŵakachitiranga, nase tikuwungana pamoza kuti Yehova watisambizge na kutikhozga. One woman asked for 20 copies. Like Jesus ' followers, we gather together for Jehovah's instruction and encouragement. Paulosi wakati: "Tikacita cikanga mwa Ciuta withu kuyowoya kwa imwe makani ghawemi gha Ciuta na kulimbalimba kukuru. " Love of money can drive a wedge between a husband and a wife. Paul said: "We mustered up boldness by means of our God to speak to you the good news of God with a great deal of struggling. " Yikupembuzga ŵanthu na makani ghawemi ghakuti Ufumu wa Chiuta, uwo ni boma la kuchanya, sonosono apa uwuskengepo mauheni ghose na kuzgora charu kuŵa paradiso. In 1942, the Karítsa Congregation had nine young men and women between the ages of 15 and 25. It comforts people with the good news that God's heavenly Kingdom will soon end all wickedness and transform the earth into a paradise. Tipulikiskenge cilato ca unozgero uwu kweniso umo tingacitira vinthu mwakukolerana na unozgero uwu, para tasanda vigaŵa vinyake vya kalata iyo Paulosi wakalembera Ŵaefeso. That Julian planned to rebuild the temple is beyond doubt. We can gain insight into this administration and how we can cooperate with it by considering some aspects of Paul's letter to the Ephesians. Mwanakazi munyake wakapempha magazini 20. • How may we vary our " fishing method, ' and why should we do so? One woman asked 20 magazines. Mfumu na muwoli ŵangapambana cifukwa ca kutemwa ndarama. You would conclude that the manufacturer made it "perfect " and that someone or something else caused the damage. Love of money may arise between husbands and wives. Mu 1942, mu Mpingo wa Karítsa mukaŵa ŵabali na ŵadumbu ŵachinyamata 9 awo ŵakaŵa na vyaka vyapakati pa 15 na 25. In 537 B.C.E., the Babylonian exile ended and a remnant returned to Jerusalem. In 1942, there were about nine young brothers and sisters in the congregation who were in their early teens and 25 ' s. Fundo yakuti Julian wakakhumbanga kuzengaso tempile njaunenesko nadi. Think of the disastrous effects on Adam and Eve when they gave in to the Devil's urgings! Julian's desire to rebuild the temple was correct. • Kasi tingasintha wuli " nthowa zakuŵejera, ' ndipo cifukwa wuli ndimo tikwenera kucitira? While his apostles were eating, Jesus got up from the meal and washed their feet - an act that was usually performed by a servant. • How can we change "the ways of little ones, " and why should we do so? Mungamanya kuti uyo wakapanga wakayipanga "makora " kweni kuti waka cinthu cinyake panji munthu munyake ndiyo wayinanga. Stay active in Jehovah's service. " - James 2: 17, 26. You may know that the one who made "a covering " but simply had something in common with someone else. Mu 537 B.C.E., Ŵaisrayeli ŵanji awo ŵakaŵa ku wuzga ku Babulone ŵakawelera ku Yerusalemu. Your daughter you must not give to his son, and his daughter you must not take for your son. " - Deuteronomy 7: 3. In 537 B.C.E., a remnant of Israel returned to Jerusalem. Wonani ico cikacitika Adamu na Heva ŵati ŵapulikira Dyabulosi! That was before Jesus gave the command that we find at Matthew 28: 19, 20. Consider what happened when Adam and Eve obeyed the Devil! Apo ŵapositole ŵake ŵakalyanga, Yesu wakawuka na kugeziska malundi ghawo. Mulimo uwo wakacita apa, kanandi wakacitanga ni muteŵeti. When the baby finally arrives, the timing of birth can seem quite arbitrary. When his apostles were arrested, Jesus rose up and washed their feet - often served as a minister. Iŵani ŵamwampu mu uteŵeti wa Yehova. " - Yakobe 2: 17, 26. 100 - 170 C.E. Be zealous in Jehovah's service. " - James 2: 17, 26. Mungamupanga mwana mwanarumi wa iŵo mwana mwanakazi wako, panji kutorera mwana wako mwanarumi mwana mwanakazi wa iwo. " - Duteronome 7: 3. Does Jehovah drag us against our will, forcing us to serve him? You must not give to the son of your daughter, nor take your son your son for them. " - Deuteronomy 7: 3. Kweni pamanyuma, Yesu wakapeleka dango ilo lili pa Mateyu 28: 19, 20. The book Schöpfung (Creation) lent its name to the new drama In 1914 the headquarters of Jehovah's people in Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A., released the "Photo - Drama of Creation. " Later, however, Jesus gave the command recorded at Matthew 28: 19, 20. Myezi iyo ŵana ŵangababikira yingapambana. Is there evidence that this prophecy is undergoing fulfillment today? The months that children may be born may vary. Nebukadi All Faithful Christians Go to Heaven? 6 / 1 ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Kasi Yehova wakuticicizga kuti timuteŵetere? " It's easy to forgive when we're both at fault, but it's more difficult when the offense seems one - sided. Does Jehovah force us to serve him? Mu 1914 ofesi yikuru ya ŵanthu ŵa Yehova ku Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A., yikafumiska "Sinema Yakulongosora Cilengiwa " (" Photo - Drama of Creation "). As a full - time minister, I have had the joy of teaching the Bible to a number of others. In 1914 the world headquarters of Jehovah's people in Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A., released "Photo - Drama of Creation. " Kasi pali ukaboni wakuti ucimi uwu ukufiskika mazuŵa ghano? In contrast with animals, we can come to know our Creator and serve him faithfully. Is there evidence that this prophecy is being fulfilled today? Vyakusankha Vinu Vicindike Ciuta, 4 / 15 Under inspiration, Solomon wrote: "My son, if your heart has become wise, my heart will rejoice, even mine. 12 / 1 Kimberly wakati: "Chikuŵa chipusu kugowoka para mose mwabudiska, kweni chikuŵa chakusuzga chomene para wabuda njumoza. We smile and greet them. " It's easy to forgive when you make mistakes, but it is a challenge to be forgiving toward one another. Pakuti ndine muteŵeti wanyengozose, nkhukondwa kusambizga ŵanthu ŵanandi Baibolo. How does one single sister cope with occasional loneliness? As a full - time minister, I am happy to conduct many Bible studies. Ise tikupambana na vinyama. Tingamumanya makora Mlengi withu na kumuteŵetera mwakugomezgeka. What does it mean to be compassionate? Unlike animals, we come to know our Creator and serve him faithfully. Mwakuciskika na mzimu, Solomoni wakalemba kuti: "Mwana wane, usange mtima wako ngwavinjeru, mtima wane nawoso tiusekelere. The number 70 represents 7 multiplied by 10, numbers that in the Bible represent heavenly and earthly perfection. Solomon was inspired to write: "My son, if your heart is wise, my heart will also be joyful. Tikumwemwetera na kuŵatawuzga. Before long, I received many responsibilities in the congregation. We smile and greet them. Kasi mudumbu munyake wambura kutengwa wakutonda wuli suzgo la phukwa? As one Bible scholar observed, "the habitable part of the earth is admirably fitted for the use and service of man. " How did one single sister cope with loneliness? Kasi kuŵa walusunga chikung'anamurachi? Did Jesus intend that this prayer be repeated word for word every time we pray, as is done by many in Christendom? What does it mean to keep it? Nambara iyi, 70, yikwimira 7 kwandaniska na 10, ndipo manambara ghaŵiri agha mu Baibolo ghakwimira vinthu vyakufikapo vya kucanya na pasi. Samantha: I see what you're getting at. The number of 70 is made up of 10, and the number of these numbers in the Bible refers to perfect, heavenly, and earthly. Pakatora nyengo yitali yayi, nkhapika milimo yinandi mu mpingo. Those who have faith and genuine appreciation for Bible truth are eager to make a personal dedication and get baptized. Shortly thereafter, I received many privileges in the congregation. Nga umo munthu munyake wakusanda vya Baibolo wakayowoyera, "charu ntchakwenelera nadi kuti ŵanthu ŵakhalengemo. " Because he has humbled himself before me, I will not bring the calamity during his lifetime. I will bring the calamity upon his house in the days of his son. " As one Bible scholar put it, "the earth is a living home. " Kasi Yesu wakang'anamuranga kuti nyengo zose para tikulomba tiwerezgenge waka ivyo wakayowoya? She writes: "At Bethel we were warmly welcomed, and this touched me. Did Jesus mean that we should always pray about what he said? Nyamoyo: Sono namba kuwamo. A month before our 40th wedding anniversary, Eunice lost her battle with cancer. Samantha: I'm beginning to feel that way. Awo ŵali na chipulikano ndipo ŵakuzirwiska nadi unenesko wa mu Baibolo ŵakusintha na kujipeleka kwa Yehova kweniso kubatizika. The Greek word for "peaceable " literally means" peacemakers. " Those who exercise faith and treasure Bible truth have made changes in their lives and have dedicated themselves to Jehovah and got baptized. Cifukwa wajiyuyura pamaso pane, ntha tindikhizgenge uheni mu mazuŵa ghake; kweni mu mazuŵa gha mwana wake ndimo tindikhizgire uheni pa nyumba yake. " " A lot of the brothers were waking up to the fact that they needed to pioneer, " remembers Joyce Ellis (née Barber). For he that humbles himself before me will not bring calamity in his days; but in the days of his son I shall bring harm to his house. " Mudumbu uyu wakalemba kuti: "Ku Beteli ŵakatipokelera makora comene, ndipo nkhacontheka mtima. No, he humbly acceded to the king's wishes. " Bethel welcomed me so much, " she wrote, "and it touched me deeply. Chachitima ntchakuti kukati kwakhala mwezi umoza kuti tikwaniske vyaka 40 mu nthengwa, muwoli wane Eunice wakafwa na kansa. " The works of the flesh " are evident everywhere. - Gal. Sadly, about 40 years later, my wife Eunice died of cancer. Mu Cigiriki, lizgu lakuti " kutuniska ' likung'anamura kupanga mtende na munyako. (b) What question arises, and where can we find the answer? In the Christian Greek Scriptures, the word translated "fellow feeling " refers to making peace with another person. Mudumbu munyake zina lake Joyce Ellis wakati: "Ŵabali ŵanandi ŵakawuka ndipo ŵakakhumbisiska chomene kuchita upayiniya. People in those early days lived far longer than we do today. " Many brothers were there, and they wanted to pioneer, " says a sister named react. Yayi, wakazomerezga kuti khumbo la themba licitike. • Why do we need God - given courage? No, he allowed the king's will to take place. " Milimo ya thupi " yili palipose. - Gal. I wish I got more of this kind of treatment at home! " " The works of the flesh " are everywhere. - Gal. (b) Ni mafumbo wuli agho ghakuŵapo, ndipo mazgoro tingaghasanga nkhu? Virtually anyone, even those of modest means, can meet such reasonable standards by ensuring that their clothing is neat, clean, and presentable. (b) What questions may arise, and where can we find the answers? Kale ŵanthu ŵakakhalanga vyaka vinandi kuluska mazuŵa ghano. [ 10] μm In Bible times, people lived much longer than they do today. • Cifukwa wuli tikukhumbikwira kuti Ciuta watipe cikanga? Tragic accidents - perhaps with dire consequences - may occur because we are in the wrong place at the wrong time. • Why do we need God - given courage? Muwoli wane waŵenge nthena, mphanyi nkhukondwa comene. " I too left - with sadness. If my wife had done so, I would be happy. " Waliyose, nanga ni awo mbakavu, ŵangakwaniska makora dango ili mwakuvwara maraya ghakutowa, na ghakupereka ncindi. However, our sacrifice of praise is acceptable to Jehovah only if it is accompanied by the proper heart motivation and godly conduct. Each of us, even those who are poor, can have the best sense of that law by wearing clean clothing and honor. [ 10] μm The Bristows pioneered with Harvey and Anne Conrow, whose mobile home had tar - paper walls. [ 10] Nyengo zinyake ngozi panji vinthu vyachitima vikuchitika chifukwa chakuti tili pa malo ghaheni kweniso pa nyengo yiheni. It invited Elijah to express himself again, and he did so, pouring out his concerns a second time. At times, a tragedy or a sad situation may develop because we are in a wrong environment and at the wrong time. Ntheura nane nkhawukamo wacitima. Whatever its nature, Paul did what he could to remove this affliction, praying to Jehovah for relief. As a result, I experienced the pain of losing my life. Kweni Yehova wakupokelera sembe zithu za malumbo pekha usange mtima uwemi ndiposo nkharo iyo wakutemwa ndivyo vikutituma. 13, 14. But Jehovah accepts our sacrifice of praise only if the right heart and attitude move us. Mbumba iyi yikacitanga upayiniya lumoza na Harvey na Anne Conrow, awo nyumba yawo yakwenda nayo, yikaŵa na ciliŵa cakupangika na cipepara. We may think of him as loving and usually measured in his speech and actions. The couple pioneered with their mother, Anne, who had a walled wall with her. Tumazgu utu tukamuphaliraso Eliya kuti wayowoyeso masuzgo ghake, ndipo Eliya wakayowoya vyakusingo vyake kaciŵiri. How wise it is to apply the Bible's counsel to control our temper and avoid being quick to take offense! These words also prompt Elijah to mention his problems, and Elijah expressed his second feelings. Kwali likaŵa suzgo wuli, kweni Paulosi wakacita ivyo wangafiska kuti waliwuskepo, wakalomba Yehova kuti wamucizge. Many of the things we saw and experienced in the United States were new and strange to us. Whatever the case, Paul did what he could to do to recover, begging Jehovah to heal him. 13, 14. What reason do we have for following Jesus? 13, 14. Panji mukuwona kuti wakaŵa wachitemwa chifukwa cha ivyo wakayowoyanga na kuchita. He states: "Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath; for it is written: " Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says Jehovah. ' " Perhaps you feel loved by what he said and did. Likuyowoyerathu Vyamunthazi? 1 / 1 Worldwide, the number of people accepting the good news is growing. Jehovah's Blessing Has Been Up to You, 1 / 15 Ntheura ntchakuzirwa chomene kulondezga ulongozgi wa mu Baibolo wakuti tileke kukwiya na kukhuŵara luŵiro. We pay our debts and our taxes promptly and honestly. How important it is, therefore, that we heed the Bible's counsel not to become bitter and easily offended! Vinthu vinandi ku United States vikaŵa vyachilendo kwa ise. Yet, Christians on earth do perform public service, and they find great joy in doing so. Many things in the United States were very different from us. Kasi tili na cifukwa wuli ca kulondezgera Yesu? Additionally, he highlighted that not all who respond to the Kingdom message are necessarily suitable subjects of that Kingdom. - Matt. What reasons do we have for following Jesus ' example? Wakati: "Mungajitayiranga nduzga, mwa ŵakutemweka, kweni musezgere malo ukali wa Ciuta: cifukwa kuli kulembeka, Nduzga ni zane; Ine ndizamkunana [nizamuwezgera], ndimo yikunenera Fumu. " At Wallkill, a new residence due to be completed in 2014 will provide over 300 additional rooms. He said: "Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath; for it is written: " Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says Jehovah. ' " Mazuŵa ghano, ŵanthu ŵanandi ŵakuzomera kusambira Baibolo. Doing so will help us to reinforce our conviction that creation is the work of God's hand. Today, many people accept a Bible study. Tikuwezga ngongoli na kupeleka misonkho mwaluŵiro ndiposo mwakugomezgeka. Similarly, our Bible - based publications have helped us gain an accurate knowledge of the truth. We pay off debt and pay it promptly and honestly. Ndipouli, Ŵakristu pa caru cino capasi nawoso ŵakucita uteŵeti wacovwiro ndiposo ŵakusanga cimwemwe mu uteŵeti uwu. Precise timing can be observed in the world of biology. However, Christians on earth also render public service and find joy in this ministry. Wakalongoraso kuti ni wose yayi awo ŵakuzomera uthenga wa Ufumu ŵeneawo mbakwenelera Ufumu uwu. - Mat. Of course, marriage mates may need to give each other a little time to cool down. He also showed that not all who accept the Kingdom message deserve that Kingdom. - Matt. Ku Wallkill, nyumba yiphya yakugonamo iyo yimarenge kuzengeka mu 2014 yizamuŵa na vipinda 300. (Read Mark 1: 40 - 42.) At Wallkill, a new house built in 2014 will have 300 rooms. Para tikulomba tilutilirenge kugomezga kuti cilengiwa ni mulimo wa woko la Ciuta. Do you try to look at things as Jehovah does? We can continue to believe that creation is the work of God's hand. Ntheura pera, mabuku ghithu ghakulongosora Baibolo ghatovwira kuti timanye makora unenesko. When did Abram cross the Euphrates River, and what was the significance of this act? Similarly, our Bible - based publications have helped us to understand the truth better. Vyamoyo navyoso vikulongora kuti vikusunga nyengo. Often, they even ask me to take the lead in discussions with them. Even living things also indicate that they are observing the timing of time. Mbunenesko kuti ŵakutorana ŵangakhumbikwira kupana nyengo kuti waliyose mtima utune. That is God's purpose, and it is what the Bible really teaches! Of course, a married couple may need time to be patient. (Ŵazgani Marko 1: 40 - 42.) What reason do we have for happiness under such circumstances? (Read Mark 1: 40 - 42.) Kasi mukuyezga kuwona vinthu umo Yehova wakuviwonera? Yet, of this we may be sure: If we remain faithful, we will be blessed. Do you strive to see things from Jehovah's viewpoint? Mpauli apo Abram wakambuka Mronga wa Eufrates, ndipo cintu cakuzirwa ico cikamba kugwira ncito panyengo iyo cikaŵa civici? Allen), 10 / 1 When did Abram cross the Euphrates, and what important thing began to work at that time? Kanandi ŵakunipempha kuti nidumbiskane nawo ndine. Indeed, hope is placed alongside faith and love as a vital, enduring quality that characterizes the life of servants of God. - 1 Corinthians 13: 13. They often ask me to talk to them. Ici ndico cakulata ca Ciuta ndipo ndiyo fundo iyo Baibolo likusambizga nadi! However, there is no need to panic. That is what God's will is and what the Bible really teaches! Kasi tili na vifukwa wuli vyakuŵira ŵakukondwa mu nyengo ya suzgo iyi? Jehovah Beautifies His People With Light, 7 / 1 What reasons do we have to be joyful during this difficult time? Kweni tili ŵakusimikizga za fundo yimoza: Para talutilira kugomezgeka, titumbikikenge. Then the desire, when it has become fertile, gives birth to sin. " But we can be sure of one fact: If we remain faithful, we will be blessed. 6), 9 / 15 With this prayer, devout Jews declare their exclusive devotion to God. 6 / 1 Inya, cigomezgo cikuzunulika pamoza na cipulikano na citemwa, ndipo nchakuzirwa comene, cikuzizipizga nakuti ŵateŵeti ŵa Ciuta ŵakumanyikwa kuti ŵali na cigomezgo. - 1 Ŵakorinte 13: 13. It is spiritual qualities that count, not social class. Yes, hope is likened to faith and love, and it is vital that God's servants be long - suffering and well - known for their hope. - 1 Corinthians 13: 13. Kweni palije chifukwa chakufipira mtima. Many have lost loved ones and nearly all their possessions. But there is no need to be concerned. Ŵanandi mwa iwo ŵali kufwa kwambura kucitapo cinthu cakumanyikwa cakuti ŵanthu ŵaŵakumbukirengepo. 3: 15. Many of them have died without doing something to remember. Kufuma apo, para khumbiro lima, likubaba kwananga. " The apostle Paul showed why the resurrection is central to our faith: "If, indeed, there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not been raised up. " Then the desire, when it has become fertile, gives birth to sin. " Mazgu gha pa Dotoronome 6: 4 wakayowoya ni Mozesi. A regular pioneer shares the Bible's message in the Quichua (Imbabura) language with a vendor at a crafts market in the city of Otavalo in northern Ecuador. The words of Deuteronomy 6: 4 apply to Moses. Mikhaliro yauzimu ndiyo njakuzirwa, usambazi cara. To the Jews who criticized what he did, Jesus explained that "the Son cannot do a single thing of his own initiative, but only what he beholds the Father doing. " Spiritual qualities are important, not material riches. Ŵanandi ŵali kutaya ŵabali ŵawo, ŵabwezi ŵawo, ndiposo chuma chawo chose. But now, to talk about how I am doing - that's difficult. Many have lost their relatives, friends, and resources. 3: 15. Also, crowds hailed Jesus and the coming Kingdom, and we joyfully speak about him and his blessed rule. 3: 15. Mpositole Paulosi wakayowoya chifukwa icho chisambizgo ichi ntchakuzirwa chomene. Wakati: "Usange kulije chiwuka cha ŵakufwa, ipo Khristu nayo wandawuskike. " No mercy for them! The apostle Paul stated why this teaching is so important: "If there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ also has not been raised up. " Mupayiniya wanyengozose wakupharazgira munthu wamalonda pa msika mu chiyowoyero cha Chiquichua (Imbabura) mu tawuni ya Otavalo kumpoto kwa Ecuador. Do Not Follow "False Teachers " A regular pioneer shares the good news with a traveling merchant at the market in the local language (Ibbb) in the city of Ots in northern Ecuador. Yesu wakaphalira Ŵayuda awo ŵakasuskanga ivyo wakacita kuti, "Mwana wa munthu wangacita kanthu nanga nkhamoza cara mwa iyo yekha, kweni ico wakuwona Ŵawiske ŵakucita. " For it to go into operation, Jesus ' blood had to be poured out and its value had to be presented to Jehovah in heaven. Jesus told the Jews who opposed him, saying: "The Son of man will not do anything at all except in him what the Father sees. " Kweni sono nkhuwona kuti nchakusuzga comene. (Read 1 Peter 5: 6 - 10.) Now, though, I find it difficult to do so. Mzinda nawo ukalumba Yesu na Ufumu wake, mazuŵa ghano napo tikucita ntheura pera. 3 / 15 Kept "Safe With Seven Others " (Noah), 8 / 1 Likewise today, the crowd commended Jesus and his Kingdom. Waŵalengerenge lusungu yayi! I tell you, Although he will not rise up and give him anything because of being his friend, certainly because of his bold persistence he will get up and give him what things he needs. " He will not show mercy! Kulondezga "Ŵasambizgi Ŵatesi " Cara " ABOVE all other things, the twentieth century was shaped by war, " says author Bill Emmott. Do Not Follow "false teachers " Kuti liyambe kugwira ntchito, ndopa za Yesu zikeneranga kuthiskika dankha ndiposo mtengo wake ukeneranga kupelekeka kwa Yehova kuchanya. After wrestling with the issue for years, he concluded that "perhaps there was no God after all. " To begin working, Jesus ' blood had to be shed and its value was to be offered to Jehovah in heaven. (Ŵazgani 1 Petrosi 5: 6 - 10.) See the book "Bearing Thorough Witness " About God's Kingdom, chapter 16, paragraphs 5 - 6. (Read 1 Peter 5: 6 - 10.) Nkhumunenerani, Nanga waleke kuwuka kuya kamupa, cifukwa ndi bwezi lake, cifukwa ca cikosa cake ndico wati wawukire na kumupa vyose ivyo wakukhumba. " The Family Worship evening should be more than an academic exercise. I tell you, Even if he does not rise up to give him, because he is his friend, for he will rise up against you and give him all that he wants. " " KULUSKA kumanyuma kose, vilimika vya mu 1900 vikazura na nkhondo, " ndimo wakayowoyera Bill Emmott. It is true that a delegation from the East paid homage to young Jesus. " FOR all the years, the 20th century was filled with war, " says Bill wakasambizga. Wakati watondeka kusanga mazgoro ghakukhorweska kwa vyaka vinandi, wakaghanaghana kuti "panyake Chiuta kulije. " Therefore, instead of trying to stem the flow of tears, allow time for the surviving spouse to express his or her grief. - Genesis 37: 34, 35; Job 10: 1. After he had failed to find satisfying answers for many years, he reasoned that "there is no other God. " Wonani buku la "Kuchitira Ukaboni Mwakukwana vya Ufumu wa Chiuta " chipaturo 16, ndime 5 - 6. What was the basis of the enduring friendship between Ruth and Naomi? See chapter 16, paragraphs 5 - 6. Nyengo Yakusopera ya Mbumba kuti njakusambilira waka fundo yayi. Make full use of such tools. Family Worship is not just a matter of personal study. Mbunenesko kuti ŵanthu ŵakufumira ku mafumiro gha dazi ŵakiza kuzakapeleka nchindi kwa Yesu apo wakaŵa mucoko. Since I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, my husband has had to do all the secular work. True, people from the east came to Jesus ' glory as a child. Ntheura, m'malo mwa kukanizga munthu kulira mfumu panji muwoli wake uyo watayika, mupani nyengo yakuti walongolere citima cake. - Genesis 37: 34, 35; Job 10: 1. " At times the guards stopped us from speaking with other prisoners, " she recalled. Therefore, rather than restraining the bereaved person from weeping, give him time to express his grief. - Genesis 37: 34, 35; Job 10: 1. Cifukwa wuli ubwezi wa Rute na Naomi ukaŵa wakukhora? Come well - equipped. Why was Ruth's relationship with Naomi so strong? Gwiliskirani nchito vinthu ivi. We should never draw away from Jehovah. Use these things. Para Munyinu wa mu Nthengwa Wakukhumbikwira Pwelelero Lapadera Looking back on that time, Amy notes: "Financially, I was well - off. When a Mate Needs a special Gift Iyo wakati: "Nyengo zinyake ŵakatikanizganga kuyowoyeskana na ŵakayidi ŵanyithu. What a blessing to have loyal ones in our midst! - Hebrews 13: 16. He admits: "At times, we were unable to communicate with other prisoners. Muyeghenge mabuku. (b) Unlike the unfaithful ones of Judah, what should we be determined to do? Make books available. Tingamusidanga cara Yehova. Anna's example teaches us that we should worship Jehovah with constancy, "persevere in prayer, " and not forsake" the gathering of ourselves together " at Christian meetings. - Rom. We must never abandon Jehovah. Pakughanaghanira nyengo iyo wakaŵa pa nchito yapacanya iyi, Amy wakuti: "Cuma nkhaŵa naco cinandi. David brought the sacred ark of the covenant to Jerusalem. Looking back on her chosen career, Amy says: "It was enough to have enough success. Ni thumbiko likuru kuŵa na ŵacekuru ŵakugomezgeka nga ni aŵa. - Ŵahebere 13: 16. We all need a word of encouragement from time to time. What a blessing it is to have such faithful older ones! - Hebrews 13: 16. (b) Mwakupambana na ŵantu ŵambura kugomezgeka mu caru ca Yuda, kasi ise tikwenera kusimikizga kucitaci? Besides plotting to kill Jesus, they set out to destroy the living evidence of his being a miracle worker. (b) Unlike unfaithful ones in Judah, what should we be determined to do? Ivyo Hana wakacita vikutisambizga kuti tikwenera kusopa Yehova nyengo zose, " kufwilirapo mu kulomba, ' ndiposo "kuleka kongana cara. " - Rom. Why So Precious? Hannah's example teaches us that we should regularly worship Jehovah, "persevere in prayer, " and" not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together. " - Rom. Davide wakiza na likasa lakupatulika la phangano ku Yerusalemu. Baptism " in the name of the Son ' signifies that they confess Jesus Christ as their Ransomer, Leader, and King. David brought the sacred ark of the covenant to Jerusalem. Tose tikukhumba kukhozgeka panji kukhwimiskika nyengo na nyengo. Caiaphas had been a ringleader in the plot that led to the execution of Jesus Christ. All of us need encouragement or encouragement from time to time. Kusazgirapo pakukhumba kukoma Yesu, iwo ŵakakanirathu ukaboni wakuwoneka na maso wakuti iye wakaŵa wakucita vyamintondwe. Before long, I met Elsie Noble. Moreover, in order to kill Jesus, they refused to accept evidence that he was performing miracles. Cifukwa Wuli Mbakuzirwa Comene? We will consider such questions as: How should we view compromise? Why So Important? Kubapatizika " mu zina la Mwana kukung'anamura kuti ŵakuzomerezga kuti Yesu Kristu ni Muwomboli, Murongozgi, ndiposo ni Themba lawo. Because Jesus understood what was about to happen. The hour approached when he would die as a ransom sacrifice and prove the Devil a liar. Being baptized "in the name of the Son means that they accept Jesus Christ as a Deliverer, Leader, and King. Apo ŵanthu ŵakapangananga kuti ŵakome Yesu Khristu, Kayafa ndiyo wakaŵa mulongozgi wawo. Explain how the portable phonograph was used. When the people decided to kill Jesus Christ, Caiaphas was their leader. Nakalinga, nkhasangana na Elsie Noble. Then there is the anguish of victims of natural disasters or of emotional, mental, and physical illnesses. Before long, I met fellow worshippers of Jehovah. Kweniso tizgorenge mafumbo agha: Chifukwa wuli tikwenera chara kuthera pakulondezga malango na fundo za Yehova? Thereafter, Brother Franz took the lead in our work. We will also consider these questions: Why should we not compromise our adherence to Jehovah's laws and principles? Yesu wakamanya kuti nyengo yakwana kuti wafwe na kupeleka umoyo wake sembe na kulongora kuti Satana ni mutesi. It will be observed and appreciated. Jesus knew that the time had come for him to die and give up his sacrifice and to prove Satan a liar. Kasi ŵapharazgi ŵakachitanga wuli pakupharazga na giramafoni? No. How did publishers use the phonograph? Ndiposo pali ŵantu awo ŵakusuzgika na masoka panji na matenda gha mu thupi panji maghanoghano. For example, a person may be overconfident, trusting in his own resources. Also, there are those who suffer from natural disasters or physical disease. Pamanyuma, Mubali Franz ndiyo wakatora malo gha Mubali Knorr. For example, Acts 17: 6 relates that in Thessalonica, northern Greece, opposers cried out: "These men that have overturned the inhabited earth are present here also. " Brother Franz then took the place of Brother Knorr. Kuzamumanyikwa na kuwongeka. 6: 8. They will be identified and commended. Yayi. " Jesus, in turn, answered them and said: " What I teach is not mine, but belongs to him that sent me. ' " No. Mwaciyelezgero, munthu wangaŵa na suzgo la kujigomezga comene. While our efforts to keep integrity today are not recorded in the Bible, Jehovah has a "book of remembrance " for those seeking to do his will. For example, a person may have a problem of self - worth. Mwaciyerezgero, pa Milimo 17: 6 pakuyowoya kuti ku Tesalonika, ca kumpoto kwa Girisi, awo ŵakatinkanga mazgu gha Ciuta ŵakacemerezga kuti: " Ŵantu aŵa ŵakutimbanizga caru ŵiza na kuno wuwo. ' The work of his hands you have blessed, and his livestock itself has spread abroad in the earth. For example, at Acts 17: 6, he said that in Thessalonica, some who hated God's word cried out: "These men have come down even to this city. " 6: 8. Or you may belong to a third group, who would answer: "I don't know, and I don't care! Miracles don't happen in my life! " 6: 8. Vesi ili likuti: "Yesu wakaŵazgora wakati: " Ivyo nkhusambizga ni vyane cara, kweni vya uyo wakanituma. ' " JOSEPH walked along the dark corridor, dripping with sweat from his toil in the stifling heat. That verse says: "Jesus answered: " What I teach is not mine, but belongs to him that sent me. ' " Mazuŵa ghano kuyezgayezga kwithu kuti tikhalirire ŵakugomezgeka kukulembeka cara mu Baibolo, kweni Yehova wali na "buku la cikumbusko " kwa awo ŵakuyezgayezga kucita khumbo lake. But in other cases, men who were brought up by a rigid, austere father may tend to treat their children the same way. Today, our determination to remain faithful is not recorded in the Bible, but Jehovah has "a book of remembrance " for those who strive to do his will. Mwatumbika milimo ya mawoko ghake ndipo vyakuŵeta vyake vyandana mu caru. To illustrate, a person may be called Sir, Boss, Dad, or Grandpa, depending on the circumstances. You bless the work of his hands, and his possessions are abundant in the earth. Panji imwe mungaŵa mu gulu lacitatu la awo ŵangazgora kuti: "Nkhumanya yayi nakuti nilije navyo nchito, minthondwe yindanicitikirepo! " But if Jehovah sometimes uses the nonpriestly members of ancient Israel to picture these other sheep, should those with an earthly hope also partake of the Memorial emblems? Perhaps you could be part of the third group of those who would answer: "I do not know and do not have a job, miracles have never occurred! " YOSEFE wakaŵa mu jele umo mukaŵa mdima. That future can be yours if you take a long - range view. Epaphras was in prison where there was darkness. Ndipouli, ŵanji awiskewo ŵakaŵa ŵakusuzga, mwakuti nawo ŵangacita mwakuyana waka pakulera ŵana ŵawo. All those bound by "the law of the Christ " must preach. However, some of their father's family members were so cruel that they could do the same in raising their children. Mwaciyelezgero, munthu wangamanyikwa na mazina nga ni Bwana, Msambizgi, Dada, panji Sekuru. 2: 21 - 23. For example, a person may be called by name, Teacher, Father, or High Priest. Pakuti Yehova wakagwiliskiranga nchito ŵanthu ŵa mafuko ghanyake awo ŵakaŵa ŵasofi yayi, ŵeneawo ŵakwimira ŵa mberere zinyake, kasi ndikuti awo ŵakulindilira kuzakakhala pa caru capasi nawo ŵakwenera kurya vimanyikwiro pa Cikumbusko? Imagine watching people discard eyeglasses, canes, crutches, wheelchairs, hearing aids, and the like. Since Jehovah used non - Israelite priests, who represent the other sheep, should those with an earthly hope also partake of the Memorial emblems? Para mukughanaghanira vyakunthazi, mungazakakhala na umoyo wa muyirayira. Its promises are passed on to Abraham's true "seed " - Christ Jesus, who is the primary one, and those who" belong to Christ. " Focusing on the future can lead to everlasting life. Awo ŵakupulikira "dango la Khristu, " ŵakwenera kupharazga. The program concludes with a song, and a congregation member is assigned to offer a final prayer. Those who obey "the law of the Christ " must preach. 2: 21 - 23. Instead, they use their lives and assets in support of God's Kingdom, serving its interests. - Rom. 2: 21 - 23. Kasi wose awo ŵalutilirenge kugomezgeka ŵazamutumbikika wuli? Sonosono apa Yesu wazamuchita minthondwe yinyake. " God is for us a refuge and strength, a help that is readily to be found during distresses. " - PS. What blessings await all who remain faithful, and Jesus will soon perform miracles! Malayizgo agho ghakaŵa mu phangano ili ghakulutilira kugwira nchito pa "mphapu " yakwamba ya Abrahamu, uyo ni Yesu Khristu, na wose awo " mba Khristu. ' The same thing happened again. The promises in that covenant continue to fulfill the role of Abraham's "seed, " Jesus Christ, and all those" who belong to the Christ. " Ungano uwu ukumara na sumu ndiposo lurombo. Ivyo Ŵalendo Ŵayowoya They can also hope that the wayward child will one day come "home " to Jehovah. The meeting concludes with music and prayer. M'malo mwake, ŵakugwiliskira nchito umoyo wawo na katundu wawo kukhozgera Ufumu wa Ciuta, na kucita ivyo ukukhumba. - Rom. They were subjected to beatings and other harrowing experiences. Rather, they use their life and material possessions to promote God's Kingdom and to do what they need. - Rom. " Ciuta ndi ciphokwero cithu na nkhongono zithu, movwiri wamagomezgeka mu nyengo za suzgo. " - SAL. He is free from bias or favoritism. " God is for us a refuge and strength, a help that is found in times of distress. " - PS. Ivi vikacitikaso kaciŵiri. Even so, Paul added: "Go on doing it in fuller measure. " That was also the second time. Kweniso ŵangaŵa na chigomezgo kuti zuŵa linyake, mwana wawo wazamuwelera kwa Yehova. " Become Obedient From the Heart ' They may also hope that one day their son will return to Jehovah. Ŵakatimbika comene na kuŵacitira vinyake vyankaza. Later, along with many of my countrymen, I migrated to Melbourne, Australia. They threw us into an extremely violent way of life. Walije sanko. How will these last days conclude? He is impartial. Nanga viŵe ntena, Paulos wakasazgirapo kuti: " Murutilire kucita comene. ' " Nevertheless, " notes Eduardo's daughter Anna, "when we refuse to sacrifice spiritual things for material advantage, some of our relatives may eventually realize how important our Christian life really is. Still, Paul added: "Continue to do more. " " Pulikirani Kufumira Pasi pa Mtima ' Jehovah's love of work is undoubtedly one reason he is called "the happy God. " " Listen From the Heart ' Pamanyuma, ine na ŵanyane ŵanandi ŵa kukaya, tikaluta ku Melbourne, Australia. (b) How were such hypocrites "having their reward in full "? In time, several of my friends and I were on their way to my hometown, Australia. Kasi mazuŵa gha ku umaliro agha ghazamumara wuli? Many of Jehovah's servants have experienced discouragement. How will the last days end? Anna, uyo ni mwana wa Eduardo, wakati: "Para tadangizga vinthu vyauzimu m'malo mwa vyakuthupi, ŵabali ŵithu ŵamanyenge kuti vinthu vyauzimu ndivyo ni vyakuzirwa comene kwa ise. After all, we worship "the happy God, " and he wants us to be joyful in our worship. Anna, a son of Eduardo, says: "When we put spiritual interests ahead of material things, our brothers will sense that spiritual matters are of utmost importance to us. Mwambura kukayika, cifukwa cakuti Yehova wakutemwa kugwira ncito lekani wakucemeka "Ciuta wacimwemwe. " The congregation is organized for the purpose of searching out sheeplike individuals in the territory and building them up spiritually. No doubt because Jehovah loves it, he is called "the happy God. " (b) Kasi ŵapusikizgi aŵa " ŵakapokerathu wuli njombe yawo yose '? The apostle Paul once found himself in such a situation. (b) How did these hypocrites " fully receive their reward '? Ŵateŵeti ŵanandi ŵa Yehova ŵakukhuŵara. Hence, we need to guard against being swayed by past wrong views or other factors. Many of Jehovah's servants are disappointed. Nakuti tikusopa "Ciuta wakukondwa, " uyo wakukhumba kuti tikondwenge para tikumusopa. The belt of truth (See paragraphs 3 - 5) In fact, we worship "the happy God, " who wants us to enjoy our worship. Cilato ca mpingo nchakuti upenje ŵanthu ŵa mu cigaŵa cawo awo ŵali nga ni mberere na kuŵawovwira kuti ŵaŵe paubwezi na Ciuta. Besides recording direct statements from God, they told of his dealings with his people, including accounts of their faith and love as well as those that revealed their failings and unfaithfulness. The purpose of the congregation is to look for sheeplike ones and help them draw close to God. Mpositole Paulosi nayo ivi vikamucitikirapo. And the various aspects of our evangelizing work afford us many opportunities to let our light shine. The apostle Paul experienced this. Pa cifukwa ici, ticenjere kuti tileke kunyengeka na vigomezgo ivyo tikaŵa navyo pakwamba. Percy and Madge took a real interest in me. Therefore, let us be careful not to be deceived by our former beliefs. Lamba wa unenesko (Wonani ndime 3 - 5) He was imprisoned, whipped, beaten with rods, and stoned. The source of truth (See paragraphs 3 - 5) Ŵakalemba ivyo Chiuta wakaŵaphalira mwakudunjika, umo Chiuta wakachitiranga na ŵanthu ŵake, ivyo iwo ŵakachita kulongora kuti ŵakaŵa na chipulikano ndiposo kuti ŵakutemwa Chiuta. Ŵalembi aŵa ŵakalembaso ivyo iwo ŵakabudiska. Paragraph 6: This is an adjustment in understanding. God's dealings with his people reflected their faith and love for God, who also wrote their errors. Ndipo nthowa zinandi za upharazgi withu zikutipa mwaŵi wakuti tiŵaliske ungweru. But then I asked myself, " How can I imitate Jesus in dealing with this person? ' And many of our methods offer us opportunities to let light shine. Percy na Madge ŵakanitemwanga comene. Instead, on two occasions Jesus heard his Father speak from heaven and say: "This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved. " " I was so impressed by their love for me. Wakaŵikika mu jele, kuthyapulika, kutimbika na zindodo, na kudinyika na malibwe. What need is being filled by our website, jw.org, and what experiences have you had in directing people to it? He was imprisoned, beaten, beaten, and put to death by stones. Ndime 6: [3] Apa tasintha kapulikiskiro kithu. • How did Jesus set an example in opposing Satan? Paragraph 6: This is an adjustment to our understanding. Kweni nkhajifumba kuti, " Kasi ningamuyezga wuli Yesu pa nkhani iyi? ' Despite obstacles, he kept his eye on the goal of becoming a regular pioneer and eventually reached it. But I wondered, " How can I imitate Jesus in this regard? ' Ntheura Chiuta wakamuwonganga Mwana wake, Yesu, ndipo wakamusimikizgira kuti wakuchita makora. Yesu wakwenera kuti wakakhozgeka chomene kupulika mazgu ghakufuma kuchanya. If we want our heart to be strong, we must never let our hope become vague but always keep it clearly in mind and close at heart. So God commended his Son, Jesus, and assured him that he had done well, and Jesus must have been strengthened to hear the words from heaven. Kasi webusayiti yithu ya jw.org yikovwira wuli pa mulimo wa kupharazga? 32 Subject Index for The Watchtower 2016 What effect does our website, jw.org have on our preaching work? • Kasi Yesu wakalongora wuli ciyelezgero pakwimikana na Satana? However, for us to be spiritually mature does not mean to be perfect. • How did Jesus set an example in opposing Satan? Nangauli pakaŵa masuzgo ghanyake, kweni wakaŵikapo mtima kuti m'paka wafiske khumbo lake la kuchita upayiniya wanyengozose ndipo pamanyuma wakafiska nadi ivyo wakakhumbanga. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS / TEENAGERS / BIBLE STUDY ACTIVITIES) Despite other challenges, he was determined to fulfill his desire to serve as a regular pioneer and then succeed in doing what he wanted. Usange tikukhumba kuti tiŵe ŵakukhwima mtima, cipulikano cithu cileke kuŵa cawaka, kweni nyengo zose ciŵenge canadi mu maghanoghano na mitima yithu. Dwell on what you are reading. If we want to be courageous, our faith will not become empty, but it will always be true in our mind and heart. 32 Chilongolero cha Nkhani za mu Gongwe la Mulinda 2016 One of those reminders was the story of Joseph and Potiphar's wife. 32 Subject Index for The Watchtower 2016 Kweni kuŵa wakukhwima mwauzimu chikung'anamura kuŵa wakufikapo yayi. If you do, you will reap real benefits. But being mature does not mean perfection. (Wonani pa cigaŵa cakuti VISAMBIZGO VYA MU BAIBOLO / ŴAWUKIRANO / IVYO NKHUSAMBIRA MU BAIBOLO) Present - day nations do not want to comply with the requirements of Jehovah and the Messiah. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS / CHILDREN / BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) Dunjikiskani maghanoghano ghinu pa ivyo mukuŵazga. Can anyone drive after consuming several alcoholic drinks and at the same time claim to respect life as a gift from Jehovah God? Make your mind focused on what you read. Cikumbusko cinyake ico cikamovwira ni nkhani ya Yosefe na muwoli wa Potifara. Job led a blameless life because he worshipped God. Another event that helped Joseph and Potiphar's wife. Kulimbikira kucita uteŵeti nkhwakovwira comene. Note what else we have received from our Creator. Working hard in the ministry is of great help. Vyaru mazuŵa ghano vikukhumba yayi kukolerana na ivyo Yehova na Mesiya ŵakukhumba. It was so distressing to Hannah that "she would weep and not eat. " The nations today do not want to cooperate with what Jehovah and the Messiah want. Kasi munthu uyo wakwendeska galimoto uku waloŵera tingati wakucindika umoyo uwo nchawanangwa cakufuma kwa Yehova Ciuta? Jehovah gives Joshua the strategy. Could a car driver show that he respects the kind of life that is a gift from Jehovah God? Yobu wakaŵa muwemi wakufikapo cifukwa cakuti wakasopanga Ciuta. Imitate Their Faith Job was a perfect man because he worshipped God. Wonaniso cinyake ico Mlengi withu wali kutipa. 1 God Is a Mystery - Is It True? Consider, too, what our Creator has given us. Hana wakakwenyeleranga comene mwakuti " wakaliranga masozi na kuleka kurya. ' We can also point out a question for a return visit. - 8 / 15, pages 13 - 14. Hannah was so distressed that she " cried out joyfully and stopped eating. ' Yehova wakaphalira Yoswa nthowa iyo ŵangawupokera. The apostle Paul traveled thousands of miles and faced great hardships in the ministry. Jehovah told Joshua how to obtain it. Londezgani Chipulikano Chawo We could be victims, or we ourselves might hold some prejudices. Imitate Their Faith 1 Ciuta Tingamupulikiska Yayi - Kasi Mbunenesko? What shows that Paul was well - aware of his painful past? 1 God Does Not Know It - Is It True? Kweniso tingamulongora fumbo ilo tizamuzgora pa ulendo wakuwelerako. - 8 / 15, peji 13 - 14. Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. We will also discuss a question that will lead to a return visit. - 8 / 15, pages 13 - 14. Mpositole Paulosi nayo wakendanga mitunda yitali ndipo wakakumananga na masuzgo ghanandi mu uteŵeti. The elderly Christian sister who made that statement has read the entire Bible over 40 times, and she is not stopping. The apostle Paul also traveled hundreds of miles and experienced many hardships in his ministry. Nyengo zinyake ŵangatichitira ise panji ise ndise tingaŵa ŵasankho. And always remember that the God "who furnishes us all things richly for our enjoyment " promises you that you can have rich blessings both now and in the future if you choose goals that honor him. - 1 Timothy 6: 17. At times, we may find ourselves in a situation similar to that of others. Kasi ni vinthu wuli ivyo vikulongora kuti Paulosi wakamanyanga viheni ivyo wakacita kumasinda? Servants of God face What factors show that Paul was aware of the bad things he had done in the past? Nanga mungaŵa mu caru cakuzara na masuzgo ici, mungasanga cimwemwe mwakuŵa na cimanyisko cakufikapo ca Baibolo cakuyowoya za Ciuta, Ufumu wake, ndiposo cilato cake ciwemi comene kurazga ku ŵanthu. Do You Really Appreciate Your Blessings? Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. Mudumbu mucekuru uyo wakayowoya mazgu agha wali kuŵazga Baibolo lose nyengo zakujumpha 40, ndipo wakuleka yayi. Jesus Christ himself encouraged us to do whatever we can to help others. An elderly sister quoted those words over 40 times and does not quit. Ndipo nyengo zose kumbukani kuti usange musankhenge vilato vyauzimu, Ciuta "mweneuyo wakutipa vyose vyakuzara na kuzara vyakutikondweska, " wakulayizga kuti wamutumbikaninge sono kweniso munthazi. - 1 Timote 6: 17. Some of that "bread " was kept in a golden jar inside the ark of the covenant and thus was hidden in the tabernacle's Most Holy, where a miraculous light symbolized Jehovah's presence. And always remember that if you set spiritual goals, "he gives us all things in abundance, " he promises to bless you now and in the future. - 1 Timothy 6: 17. Ŵateŵeti ŵa Ciuta Allen pauses and holds back the tears as memories overwhelm him. God's Servants Kasi Mukuwonga Nadi Vitumbiko Ivyo Muli Navyo? He was left in a bag under a bench, badly scratched and bruised and with his umbilical cord still attached. Do You Really Appreciate Your Blessings? Yesu Khristu nayo wakaticiska kuti tiyezgeyezge kovwira ŵanji. What real - life examples illustrate that happiness does not result from disregarding Jehovah's standards? Jesus Christ also encouraged us to do our utmost to help others. Cinyake mwa "cingwa " ici cikasungika mu ciŵiya ca golide, mukati mwa likasa la pangano mwakuti cikabisika mu Malo Ghatuŵa comene, umo mukaŵa ungweru wakuzizwiska, wakuyimira kuti Yehova ndimo wali. Yes, we can, provided that we "keep holding the pattern of healthful words " by practicing what we learn" with the faith and love that are in connection with Christ Jesus. " - 2 Tim. Among "the bread " was placed in a gold vessel, within the ark of the covenant, in order to be concealed in the Most Holy, as you were, that Jehovah is like that. " Allen wakaleka dankha kuyowoya ndipo wakakhumbanga kulira cifukwa ca kukumbuka umo wakaŵira. (b) How should we view prayer? " Allen did not first speak and wanted to weep over his feelings. Ŵakamuŵika mu jumbo na kumuleka kusi kwa benchi. In contrast, when you resist peer pressure, Jehovah takes note of it, and he will never forget you or your faithfulness. He threw them into his bag and left the lowest places. Yowoyani viyelezgero ivyo vikulongora kuti munthu wakuŵa wambura kukondwa para wakusulako malango gha Yehova. Remember the history of Israel. Give examples showing that a person is unhappy when he ignores Jehovah's laws. Tingalutilira, cikuru " tikukoleska cilongolero ca mazgu ' mwa kucita ivyo tikusambira "pamoza na cipulikano na citemwa ivyo vili mwa Khristu Yesu. " - 2 Tim. Why is more than human strength needed to carry out the Christian ministry? We can keep "a tight grip on the pattern of words " by living in harmony with what we learn" according to the faith and love that is in Christ Jesus. " - 2 Tim. (b) Kasi pempero tikwenera kuliwona wuli? Association at meetings is another vital provision to help us. (b) How should we view prayer? Kweni para mukukana kucicizgika na ŵanyinu, Yehova wakuwona ndipo wazamumuluwani yayi. 26 The Eucharist - The Facts Behind the Ritual On the other hand, if you resist peer pressure, Jehovah sees and he will not forget you. Kumbukani nkhani ya Ŵaisrayeli. I was rarely at home, and the family bond with my wife and my daughter deteriorated. Recall the account of Israel. Yesu wakati: "Ŵakukondwa ni awo ŵakupulika mazgu gha Chiuta na kughasungilira! " In response, Jesus gave the illustration of the neighborly Samaritan. Jesus said: "Happy are those hearing the word of God and keeping it! " Ncifukwa wuli nkongono zakuruska za ŵantu zikukhumbikwa pakucita uteŵeti wa Cikristu? [ Footnote] Why is it important for humans to carry out the Christian ministry? Cinyake ico cingatovwira nkhucezga na ŵabali na ŵadumbu pa maungano. We let them know what we are doing in the neighborhood but keep the conversations brief. Another aid is to associate with our brothers and sisters at Christian meetings. 25 Ivyo Ŵaŵazgi Ŵithu Ŵakufumba 26 Umo Mungaŵira Mama Wacimwemwe The more I investigated, the more I realized that I had found the truth. 25 Our Readers Ask 26 How to Be a Happy Mother Nkhasangikanga viŵi yayi pa nyumba, ndipo nkhawonananga viŵi yayi na muwoli wane na mwana wane. In many places, the teaching of evolution has been promoted with religious fervor. I had very little time at home, and I didn't feel close to my wife and daughter. Pakuzgora, Yesu wakayowoya ntharika ya Musamariya muwemi. Neither be called " leaders, ' for your Leader is one, the Christ. In reply, Jesus gave an illustration of the neighborly Samaritan. [ Mazgu ghamusi] Christians need to allow God's spirit to lead them both in public and in private. [ Footnote] Tikuŵaphalira mulimo uwo tikucita, kweni tikudumbiskana nawo mwakudumura. Now that you have given your life to Jehovah, you can say with greater confidence than ever before: "Jehovah is on my side; I will not be afraid. We warn them about our work, but we briefly discuss it with them. Nkhafwilirapo kusanda mabuku gha Ŵakaboni ndipo nkhamanya kuti nasanga nadi unenesko. Still, he never gave up. I worked hard to study the publications of the Witnesses and realized that I had found the truth. Mu vyaru vinandi, cisambizgo cakuti vyamoyo vili kucita kusintha kufuma ku vinyake, ŵanthu ŵakucikhozgera comene mwakuti vikuŵa nga ni para naco nchisopa. Someone asked whether it was right for the church to meddle in politics, as it had done for centuries. In many countries the theory of evolution is so strong that it is just like a religion. Ndiposo mungacemekanga ŵarongozgi: cifukwa yumoza ndi Cirongozgi winu, mweneuyo ndi Kristu. Since the ransom sacrifice had not yet been offered, how was this forgiveness possible? Also, do not be called leaders, for one is your leader, the Christ. Ŵakhristu ŵakwenera kulongozgeka na mzimu wa Ciuta para ŵali pawumba kweniso para ŵali kwaŵekha. There is sordid, abhorrent pornography involving homosexuality (sex between those of the same gender), group sex, bestiality, child pornography, gang rape, the brutalizing of women, bondage, or sadistic torture. Christians must be guided by God's spirit in public and in private. Pakuti muli kujipeleka kwa Yehova, mungayowoya na mtima wose kuti: "Yehova wali kwa ine, niwopenge chara. In other words, being sincere and of honest heart, Paul repented. - Galatians 1: 13 - 16. Since you have dedicated yourself to Jehovah, you can confidently say: "Jehovah is with me, and I am not afraid. Ndipouli, wakathera yayi. All people living then will be righteous - and honest. - 2 Peter 3: 13. Yet, he did not give up. Munyake wakafumba usange nchakwenelera kuti chalichi linjilirengepo pa ndyali, nga umo lacitira kwa vyaka vinandi. Yet, the Israelites disobeyed God and were ensnared. One asked whether the church should be involved in politics, just as it had been for decades. Pakuti sembe yakuwombora yikaŵa kuti yindapelekeke, kasi zakwananga zake zikagowokereka wuli? Mauricio: That's right. In view of the ransom, how did his sin be forgiven? Pali vithuzithuzi vyakuseluska nadi ivyo vikulongora ŵanalume panji ŵanakazi pera ŵakugonana, gulu la ŵanthu likugonana, munthu wakugona cinyama, vithuzithuzi vyamuziro vyakulongora ŵana ŵakugonana, ŵanthu ŵanandi ŵakukolelera munthu yumoza, kucitira nkhaza ŵanakazi, panji kuyuzga na vinyake vyantheura. When I was in my early teens, two Bible passages struck me. Of course, there are forms of sexual immorality, homosexuality, sexually transmitted sex, pornography, sexually transmitted sexual immorality, sexually transmitted sexual violence, violence, violence, and other forms of violence. Mu kayowoyero kanyake, Paulos wakang'anamuka cifukwa cakuti wakaŵa munenesko mtima. - Ŵagalatiya 1: 13 - 16. QUESTIONS FROM READERS In other words, Paul repented because he was truthful. - Galatians 1: 13 - 16. Ŵanthu wose awo ŵazamukhala mu caru ici ŵazamuŵa ŵarunji ndiposo ŵakugomezgeka. - 2 Petrosi 3: 13. What disturbing developments did Nehemiah discover when he returned to Jerusalem? All inhabitants of this system of things will be brought to perfection and integrity. - 2 Peter 3: 13. Ndipouli, Ŵaisrayeli ŵakaleka kupulikira Ciuta, ndipo ŵakakoleka mu cipingo. In the introduction to the Gospels, Lefèvre explained that he had translated them into French so that "the simple members " of the church" can be as certain of evangelical truth as those who have it in Latin. " However, the Israelites disobeyed God and entered into a trap. A Citete: Mbunenesko. " All the days until the conclusion of the system of things, " Jesus ' faithful followers, including us, would be in urgent need of that same God - given strength. - Matt. Mauricio: That's right. Apo nkhaŵa muwukirano, nkhani ziŵiri za mu Baibolo zikanikondweska comene. Consider your own experience. When I was young, two Bible accounts really impressed me. Kasi ni vinthu wuli viheni ivyo Nehemiya wakawona wakati wawelera ku Yerusalemu? Should we not strive to "continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely "? - Col. What tragic events did Nehemiah see when he returned to Jerusalem? Mu mazgu ghakwambilira gha mu Tumabaibolo utu, Lefèvre wakayowoya chifukwa icho wakang'anamulira mu Chifulenchi. Iyo wakati " nkhukhumba kuti ŵanthu wose ŵaŵe na mwaŵi wakumanya makora unenesko wa mu Baibolo uwo uli mu Chilatini pera. ' Their Bible - based hope is that Jesus Christ will resurrect them from the dead, allowing them to appear in spiritual perfection before the presence of God with great joy. In the opening words of this edition, Lefèvre explained why he translated it into French: "I want all people to have an opportunity to have an accurate knowledge of Bible truth in Latin. " Wose awo ŵakulondezga Yesu ŵakukhumbikwira nkhongono zakufuma kwa Ciuta "mazuŵa ghose mpaka umaliro wa mgonezi. " - Mat. As an example, under the Mosaic Law, the Israelites experienced severe consequences when they veered from their worship of Jehovah. All who follow Jesus need strength from God "all the days until the conclusion of the system of things. " - Matt. Kasi imwe ŵanyake ŵali kumuchemanipo kuti mulute ku nyumba kwawo? Later, we went upstairs to our Bethel room. Have you ever invited them to go to their home? Ipo kasi nchakwenelera yayi kuti tilutilire "kuzizipizgirana yumoza na munyake na kugowokerana na mtima wose "? - Kol. By conduct reflecting "the quiet and mild spirit, which is of great value in the eyes of God, " a wife may do more to win her husband over to true worship than she would by being too forward in speaking about Christian beliefs. - 1 Pet. Should we not, then, continue to "continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely "? - Col. Cigomezgo cawo cakufuma mu Baibolo nchakuti Yesu Khristu wazamuŵawuska ku ŵakufwa, ndipo ŵamuwonekera pa maso pa Ciuta na cimwemwe cikuru. " Taste and See That Jehovah Is Good " Their hope is that Jesus Christ will resurrect them from the dead, and they will appear before God with great joy. Mwaciyelezgero, mwakuyana na Dango la Mozesi, Ŵaisrayeli ŵakasuzgikanga comene para ŵaleka kusopa Yehova. 18: 3 - 7. For example, under the Mosaic Law, the Israelites suffered greatly when they stopped worshipping Jehovah. Kufuma apo, tikaluta mu cipinda ico tikafikiramo pa Beteli. Parents also do well to avoid thoughtless comments that ridicule, such as, "Is that all? Then we went into the room we had arrived at Bethel. Usange muwoli wakulongora "mzimu wakufwasa na wakuzika, uwo ngwakuzirwa chomene pamaso pa Chiuta, " wangawovwira makora chomene mfumu wake kuti wasambire unenesko. Ntheura nkharo yiwemi ya muwoli njakuzirwa chomene kuluska kumuphalira waka mfumu wake mwakudunjika ivyo wakugomezga. - 1 Pet. 1, 2. (a) What evidence is there that people are struggling to gain freedom? If a wife manifests "quiet and mild spirit, which is of great value in God's eyes, " she can do much good for her husband to learn the truth, so a good wife's fine conduct is far more important than simply talking to her husband about her beliefs. - 1 Pet. " Cetani, ' Mwe! Muwone Kuti Yehova ndi Muwemi " There is nothing more precious that we could give to Jehovah than to live in a way that brings joy to his heart " Happy Is Jehovah! " 18: 3 - 7. Such a prospect was once raised in order to try to weaken the determination of an imprisoned missionary. 18: 3 - 7. Ŵapapi ŵangacita makora kuleka kuyowoya mazgu ghakudelera ŵana, nga ni "Ndico cingakusuzga ici? A single person who wants to marry refrains from forming romantic ties with unbelievers and looks for a mate only among loyal worshippers of Jehovah. Parents do well to avoid using abusive language, such as "a thing that can be hard to say. " 1, 2. (a) Kasi pali ukaboni wuli wakuti ŵanthu ŵakuyezgayezga kuti ŵasange wanangwa? 15, 16. 1, 2. (a) What evidence is there that people strive to gain freedom? Mishonale munyake uyo wakaponyeka mu gadi nayo wakayezgekapo na layizgo lanthena. The peaceful family unit is where adults and children have the best opportunity to feel emotionally secure. A missionary who was thrown into prison also faced a similar promise. Kweni usange wose ŵali paubwezi na Yehova, mu nthengwa yawo mukuŵa mtende na chimwemwe. No other place on earth could offer security. - Gen. But if both have a good relationship with Jehovah, their marriage will result in peace and happiness. 15, 16. Meetings Strengthen Our Faith 15, 16. Mbumba yeneiyo ŵarara na ŵana mbakuvikilirika mu maghanoghano yikukhala mwamtende. In 1513 B.C.E., the sons of Israel, liberated from slavery in Egypt, entered into a covenant relationship with God. The family with which elders and children find security in mind is peaceful. Padera pa cingalaŵa, pakaŵavya malo ghanyake ghakubisamako. - Gen. If we are pure in heart, what we say and do will have the mark of purity, and there will be nothing hypocritical about our service to Jehovah. In addition to the ark, there was no hiding place. - Gen. Maungano Ghakukhozga Cipulikano Cithu When it comes to serving Jehovah, we should be like Gideon's 300 men - alert and vigilant. Meetings Strengthen Our Faith Mu 1513 B.C.E., ŵana ŵa Israyeli ŵakati ŵawombokwa ku wuzga ku Eguputo, ŵakanjira mu phangano na Ciuta. Jesus here referred to the conversation that God had with Moses at the burning bush about 1514 B.C.E. In 1513 B.C.E., when the sons of Israel were delivered from Egyptian bondage, they entered into a covenant relationship with God. Usange ndise ŵakutowa mu mtima, tiyowoyenge na kucita ivyo ni viwemi ndipo ticitenge mwaupusikizgi yayi pakuteŵetera Yehova. Yet, that is not how Jesus viewed it. If we are pure in heart, we can say and do what is right and not practice hypocritical in Jehovah's service. Para tikuteŵetera Yehova tikwenera kuŵa maso kweniso kulimbikira umo ŵakacitira ŵanalume 300 ŵa Gidiyoni. Cameron: Exactly! When we serve Jehovah, we need to be watchful and endeavor to imitate Gideon's 300 men. Apa Yesu wakayowoyanga za phangano ilo Ciuta wakapangana na Mozesi pa civwati ico cikagoleranga moto mu 1514 B.C.E. But Jehovah also required that Job do something. Jesus here referred to the covenant that God made with Moses on the burning fire in 1513 B.C.E. Kweni ndimo Yesu wakawonera yayi. Do You Recall? But Jesus did not see things that way. A Manda: Mwazgora makora. A second reason to accept God's judgments is that unlike humans, God can read hearts. Cameron: That's right. Kweni Yehova wakakhumbangaso kuti Yobu wacite cinthu cinyake. The lives of countless millions have been marred by violence - criminal violence in a community or the violence of war. But Jehovah also wanted Job to do something. Kasi Mukukumbuka? Why did it take Jesus four days to arrive at the tomb of Lazarus? Do You Recall? Cifukwa caciŵiri ico tikuzomelera weruzgi wa Ciuta nchakuti wakupambana na ŵanthu, iyo wakusanda mitima. In what way can a husband honor his wife? A second reason why we accept divine judgment is that unlike humans, who read hearts. Ŵantu ŵanandi mbakusweka mtima cifukwa ca nkaza izo zili mu caru. But how do you come to know the mind of someone who lived on earth 2,000 years ago? Many people are discouraged because of the injustice in the world. Cifukwa wuli Yesu wakatora mazuŵa ghanayi kuti wize ku dindi la Lazaro? We want our children to be well - educated so that they can make their way in life. Why did Jesus take four days to come to Lazarus ' tomb? Kasi mfumu wangacindika wuli muwoli wake? In one convent school that I attended, I kept asking the nuns why there was so much badness and violence. How can a husband honor his wife? Kweni kasi mungamanya wuli maghanoghano gha munthu uyo wakaŵako vilimika 2,000 ivyo vyajumpha? " We just aren't compatible! ' you tell yourself. How, though, can you discern the thinking of a man who lived 2,000 years ago? Tikukhumba kuti ŵana ŵithu ŵasambire mwakuti kunthazi ŵazakajovwire ŵekha. Faced with such a manifestation of strength and support, lions rarely attack even young elephants. We want our children to learn so that they can be self - sacrificing. Apo nkhasambiranga pa sukulu ya Katolika, kanandi nkhafumbanga ŵasisitele cifukwa ico vinthu viheni ndiposo nkhaza vikucitikira mu caru. Of course, our brothers and sisters face some unusual challenges when preaching in an area that has such a high publisher - to - population ratio. As I was studying at the Catholic school, I often wondered why evil and violence happen in the world. Nyengo zinyake mungayowoya kuti " Nkhuwona kuti tikuyana yayi! Enteric Nervous System: No. At times, you may say, " I don't feel that way! Cifukwa ca nkhongono na kovwirana kwa mtundu uwu, ni viŵi yayi kuti nkharamu zikore ŵana ŵa zovu. They may dream of breaking the bond - " Oh, to be free again! With the strength and support of this nation, it is not unusual for a lion to pick up male children. Ŵabali na ŵadumbu ŵithu mu matawuni agha ŵakukumana na masuzgo para ŵakupharazga ku malo agha chifukwa ŵapharazgi mbanandi pakuyaniska na chiŵelengero cha ŵanthu. When it comes to forgiveness, even good friends sometimes struggle. Our brothers and sisters in those towns face challenges as they preach there because there are a large number of publishers dealing with the population. Kanyama Ako Kali na Weya Wakuzizika: Na. They can fill the time spent waiting by cultivating a close relationship with God and doing works that demonstrate their faith. No. Ŵangamba kughanaghana kuti ŵamazge waka nthengwa, ŵangayowoya kuti: " Panji ningafwatuka. [ Footnote] They may feel that they simply can end their marriage, saying: "I'm not sure. Nyengo zinyake ŵanthu awo ŵali paubwezi wakandapo nane nikandepo vikuŵasuzga kugowokerana. A multitude of factors can make it difficult for us to exercise "freeness of speech " and speak the word of God with" boldness. " At times, those who have never been close to me may find it difficult to forgive. Iwo ŵangagwiriskira ncito nyengo yakulindirira kukuliska ubwezi wawo na Ciuta ndiposo mwakucita milimo yeneiyo yikurongora cipulikano cawo. Why Rejected, 12 / 1 They can use the waiting time to cultivate a good relationship with God and to perform works that reflect their faith. [ Mazgu ghamusi] 9, 10. (a) Why do we need dependable direction? [ Footnote] Pangaŵa vinandi ivyo vingacitiska kuti ciŵe cakusuzga kuti tiŵe na "wanangwa wa kuyowoya " kweniso kuyowoya mazgu gha Ciuta na" cikanga. " Thus, when we dignify another person, we are, in effect, acknowledging the Source of human dignity, Jehovah. There may be many things that could make it difficult for us to have "a freeness of speech " and speak God's word with" boldness. " 9, 10. (a) Ncifukwa wuli tikukhumba urongozgi wakugomezgeka? It is important, however, to avoid going to extremes. 9, 10. (a) Why do we need reliable counsel? Ntheura, para tikucindika ŵanji ndikuti tikukolerana na Yehova uyo wakambiska kucindika ŵanthu. How did Jesus demonstrate humility? Thus, honoring others is in harmony with Jehovah's arrangement for honoring mankind. Ndipouli, nchakuzirwa kuleka kucita vinthu mwakutalulira. What facts about the ant fascinate you? However, it is important not to be overly concerned. Kasi Yesu wakalongora wuli kuti ngwakujiyuyura? With her husband, Avi How did Jesus show humility? Nchivici cikumukondweskani cakukhwaskana na nyerere? I thought of the Shinto priest who years earlier had urged me to do the same. What impresses you about the ant? Pamoza na mfumu wake, Avi Why can we say that endurance is motivated by love? With her husband, A. Nkhakumbukiraso wasembe wa Cishinto uyo kumanyuma nayo wakaniciskapo nthena. 86: 5. I also remembered a Shinto priest who had previously encouraged me so. Kasi chitemwa chikovwira wuli Ŵakhristu? The man had not been "born again " from water and spirit, which was a prerequisite for entering the Kingdom of the heavens. How does love promote Christian love? 86: 5. Some faithful servants of Jehovah in Bible times felt that they were not good enough to handle tasks that Jehovah assigned to them. 86: 5. Munthu yura wakaŵa wambura " kubabikaso ' ku maji na mzimu. Ici ndico nchakukhumbikwa kuti munthu wakanjire mu Ufumu wakucanya. Our love is shown when we exercise faith in him and imitate his life of self - sacrifice. The man was not "born again " from water and spirit, which is essential for a person to enter into the heavenly Kingdom. Ŵateŵeti ŵanyake ŵa mu nyengo yakale ŵakaghanaghananga kuti ŵangacita yayi mulimo uwo Yehova wakaŵapa. God's Word also exposes subtle forms of idolatry. Some servants of old felt that they could not carry out their commission from Jehovah. Citemwa cithu cikuwoneka apo tikurongora cipulikano mwa iye na kurondezga umoyo wake wakujipereka. Jehovah selected Aaron to serve as Israel's high priest, and his sons were to serve as priests in behalf of the nation. Our love is expressed when we exercise faith in him and imitate his self - sacrificing course. Mazgu gha Ciuta ghakuvumburaso mitundu yinyake ya kusopa vikozgo. Paul explained the balanced viewpoint this way: "Let the one eating not look down on the one not eating, and let the one not eating not judge the one eating, for God has welcomed that one. " God's Word also reveals another form of idolatry. Yehova wakasora Aroni kuti waŵe musofi mukuru wa Israyeli. Ŵana ŵake ŵakasoleka kuti ŵaŵenge ŵasofi ŵa mtundu wa Israyeli. All this testifies that we are living in "critical times. " - 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 5. Jehovah appointed Aaron as Israel's high priest, and his sons were chosen to serve as priests to the nation of Israel. Paulosi wakulongosora makora kuti: "Uyo wakurya wangayuyuranga [cara] uyo wakuleka kurya; ndipo uyo wakuleka kurya wangamweruzganga [cara] uyo wakurya: cifukwa Ciuta wali kumupokelera. " Learn From God's Word Paul clearly explains: "He who feedss himself will not despise [the one who does not eat; and he that does not eat will not be judged. For God has welcomed him. " Vyose ivi vikulongora kuti tikukhala mu "nyengo zinonono. " - 2 Timote 3: 1 - 5. His baptism is his ordination ceremony because that is when he is recognized as a fully dedicated servant, a di·aʹko·nos, of God. All of this shows that we are living in "critical times hard to deal with. " - 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 5. Sambirani Kufuma mu Mazgu gha Ciuta One of Jehovah's Witnesses living in Germany was employed as a technical communications clerk. Learn From God's Word Ubapatizo wake ndico ncimanyikwiro ca kwimikika kwake cifukwa mpanyengo iyi apo wakumanyikwa kuti ni di·aʹko·nos, mteŵeti wakujipatulira wa Ciuta. Because of my aggressive personality, I was soon a respected member of the gang. His baptism is a symbol of his appointment because it is fitting that he is known as di·aʹa, a dedicated servant of God. Yumoza wa Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova ku Germany wakagwiranga ncito ya makompyuta. She said: "I have put you under oath, O daughters of Jerusalem, that you try not to awaken or arouse love in me until it feels inclined. " One of Jehovah's Witnesses in Germany worked on computers. Apa nkhasanga "mwaŵi " wakuti nambe kwiba na mu mabanki wuwo. To emphasize their role, pilots were often portrayed larger than other sailors I had found a "Happy " opportunity to steal and do so. Wakati: "Nkhumuwuzgani; ' mwe ŵanaŵanakazi ŵa Yerusalemu, [" kuti muleke kuwuska citemwa mwa ine mpaka cikhumbe cekha, ' NW]. " Arthur spent that evening sitting on the bed, going through imaginary gearshift movements. He said: "I am commanding you. " Kuti ŵazirwiske mulimo wa ŵakwendeska ngalaŵa, ŵakaŵajamburanga ŵakuruko kuluska ŵanyawo How will you use them? To have the father's job on the ship, they used him as far more than others Namise Arthur wakakhala pa bedi na kuyezgelera kusintha magiya. By keeping separate from Satan's criminal rule and refusing to be intimidated by his agents. During the evening, Arthur sat on bed and tried to change the course. Kasi mucitenge navyo wuli? In the Christian Greek Scriptures, the word translated "disciple " basically means one who directs his mind to something, or one who learns. What will you do? Tikwenera kujipatura ku muwuso wa Satana ndiposo kuleka kopa awo Satana wakuŵagwiliskira nchito. Yet, he will guide you in life if you pray and are determined to be led by his spirit. - Gal. We must separate ourselves from Satan's rule and not fear those used by Satan. Mu Malemba gha Cikristu gha Cigiriki, lizgu ilo likung'anamurika kuti "musambiri " comene - comene likung'anamura muntu uyo maghanoghano ghake ghose ghali pa cintu cinyake, panji muntu uyo wakusambira. He hides the truth from "wise and intellectual ones " - worldly - wise and learned ones who in their pride and self - reliance feel no need for his help. In the Christian Greek Scriptures, the word translated "the disciple " primarily refers to a person whose entire mind is focused on something, or individual. Ndipouli, watilongozgenge usange tikulomba ndipo tili ŵakukhumbisiska kulongozgeka na mzimu wake. - Gal. JEHOVAH GOD endowed his creatures with the gift of communication. Yet, he will guide us if we pray and are willing to be guided by his spirit. - Gal. Wakubisa unenesko ku "ŵavinjeru na ŵamahara, kung'anamura ŵanthu awo ŵakujikuzga cifukwa cakuti mu caru ici ŵakujiwona kuti mbamahara na ŵakusambira ndipo ŵakukana wovwiri wa Ciuta. Even though other travelers had passed by the wounded man, the Samaritan "was moved with pity " and provided extensive help. He hides the truth from "the wise and intellectual ones, " that is, those who are proud of them because they consider themselves wise and educated and reject God's help. YEHOVA CHIUTA wali kulenga ŵanthu munthowa yakuti ŵayowoyenge. " I love Jehovah, and I couldn't be happier doing anything but serving him, " says a baptized teenager named Rose. JEHOVAH GOD created humans in a way that allows them to speak. Nangauli ŵanji ŵakamuzerezga waka munthu wakupwetekeka yura, kweni Musamariya uyu "wakamulengera lusungu, " ndipo wakamovwira comene. What, though, if the nature of the work conflicts with Bible principles? Though some ignored him, the Samaritan "became kind " and helped him greatly. Rose ni muwukirano wakubatizika, iyo wakati: "Nkhutemwa Yehova, ndipo palije chinyake icho chinganipa chimwemwe chikuru kuluska kuteŵetera Yehova. The battle that ensued is described twice in the Bible - in the historical narrative of Judges chapter 4 and in the song of Deborah and Barak in chapter 5. Rose, a baptized Witness, says: "I love Jehovah, and nothing can give me more joy than serving him. Kweni wuli usange nchito iyo, yikususkana na fundo za mu Baibolo? ; Bennett, J. But what if the work itself contradicts Bible principles? Yikusangika mu Ŵeruzgi chaputara 4 kweniso mu sumu ya Debora na Baraki mu Ŵeruzgi chaputara 5. [ 1] (paragraph 4) Pentecost possibly corresponded to the time when the Law was given at Sinai. It is found in Judges chapters 4 and in the songs of Deborah and Barak in Judges chapter 5. ; Bennett, J. And we avoid passing on gossip or relating dubious experiences that cannot be verified. ; Bentt, J. [ 1] (ndime 4) Chaka chilichose, Chiphikiro cha Pentekoste chikwenera kuti chikachitikanga pa zuŵa ilo Chiuta wakapelekera Dango ku Ŵaisrayeli pa Phiri la Sinayi kwizira mwa Mozesi. Paul urged his brothers in Thessalonica to "stand firm " and stick to what they had learned. [ 1] (paragraph 4) Each year, the Festival of Pentecost must have occurred on the day of God's Law to the Israelites at Mount Sinai. Ndiposo tikutceŵa nkani za kusesa panji kupharazga nkani zambura ukaboni. If they obeyed God's instructions, they could share in God's purpose as the first parents of a global human family that would enjoy peaceful, perfect life on earth forever. We also avoid harmful gossip or false stories. Paulosi wakaciska ŵabali wake mu Tesalonika kuti " ŵachinthe ' na kukoleska ivyo ŵakasambira. 16, 17. (a) How can we show that we are slow to anger and reasonable? Paul urged his brothers in Thessalonica to "stand firm " and hold fast to what they learned. Ŵapulikirenge mphanyi khumbo la Ciuta lakuti ŵanthu ŵakhalenge mwamtende kweniso na umoyo wamuyirayira pa caru lili kufiskika. Jesus ' example teaches husbands that Christian headship is not a position of harsh domination. If they obeyed God's will for mankind to live in peace and everlasting life on earth, they would have been fulfilled. 16, 17. (a) Kasi tingachita wuli para munthu watikhuŵazga? • How does our conduct prove that we love Jehovah? 16, 17. (a) What can we do if someone offends us? Umo Yesu wakacitiranga na ŵasambiri ŵake wakalongora kuti kuŵa mutu kukung'anamura kuŵa wankhaza yayi. Why was David's reverential fear of God fitting? Jesus ' manner of dealing with his disciples showed that he did not mean being harsh. • Ni mwauli umo nkaro yithu yikurongolera kuti tikumutemwa Yehova? A clue is found at Acts 18: 24 - 26, where we read that she supported her husband in helping Apollos, a gifted speaker, to be brought up - to - date with revealed truth. • How does our conduct reflect our love for Jehovah? Ncifukwa wuli ncindi izo Davide wakapereka kwa Ciuta zikaŵa zakwenelera? Satan will resort to any means to distract us from true worship. Why was David's reverence for God appropriate? Nkani yake yikusangika pa lemba la Milimo 18: 24 - 26, peneapo tikuŵazga kuti iye na mfumu wake ŵakawovwira Apolo, muntu wakusalala lulimi, kuti wasambizgenge mwakuyana na unenesko wakuvumburika. About the King Jesus Christ, Isaiah prophesied: "A king will reign for righteousness. " His account is found at Acts 18: 24 - 26, where we read that he and his husband helped Apollos, a man of the tongue, to teach him according to the truth. Satana wayezgeyezgenge kucita cilicose kuti watitimbanizge pa kusopa kwaunenesko. Jesus ' sayings and superlative example promote a giving spirit. Satan will try to get us involved in anything that could distract us from true worship. Yesaya wakacima vya Themba Yesu Khristu, kuti: "Themba tiliwusenge mu urunji. " You will be struck by passages that previously did not say as much to you. Isaiah prophesied about the King Jesus Christ: "The king will reign for righteousness itself. " Ivyo Yesu wakayowoya ndiposo kucita vikukhozgera mzimu wa kupa. In the heat of a disagreement with your spouse, refrain from saying things that you will later regret, such as "I'm leaving you! " Jesus ' words and deeds encourage the spirit of generosity. Muzizwenge kuwona kuti nkani iyo mukuŵazga, pakwamba yikamukhwaskaninge comene yayi. This is a key truth recorded in the Bible. - Genesis 17: 1; Ecclesiastes 12: 1. You might be surprised to see that the subject you read wasn't always a personal matter. Para mwapambana maghanoghano na muwoli panji mfumu winu, lekani kuyowoya mazgu agho pamanyuma mungadandawura nagho, nga ni mazgu ghakuti, "Nilije nawe ntchito! " " I have come down from heaven to do, not my will, but the will of him that sent me, " Jesus told his disciples. When disagreements arise between your spouse and your spouse, do not say something that you later regret, such as the words "I am not working with you! " Uwu mbunenesko uwo uli kulembeka mu Baibolo. - Genesis 17: 1; Mupharazgi 12: 1. At times, it may be difficult for an unmarried sister to find her place in the congregation. That is the truth recorded in the Bible. - Genesis 17: 1; Ecclesiastes 12: 1. Yesu wakalongora makora comene kuti wakaŵa wakujilambika kwa Awiske ŵakucanya. Calling it "a practical discourse, " one commentator observed that its aim is" not to fill our heads with ideas, but to guide and regulate our practice. " Jesus perfectly showed his submission to his heavenly Father. Nyengo zinyake cingaŵa cakusuzga ku ŵadumbu ŵambura kutengwa kukondwa na ivyo ŵakucita mu mpingo. Other signs include social withdrawal, trouble concentrating or remembering, suicidal thoughts or actions, and medically unexplained symptoms. At times, it may be difficult for single sisters to enjoy what they do in the congregation. Munthu munyake wakayowoya kuti chakulata cha ivyo vili kuyowoyeka mu upharazgi uwu "ntchakuti tiŵe waka na fundo mu mutu yayi, kweni kuti vitilongozge na kutovwira pa ivyo tikuchita. " Do you have similar appreciation for God's loving way of ruling? One scholar says that the purpose of the preaching work is not merely to have information in the head but to guide us and help us in what we do. " Vimanyikwiro vinyake ni kujipatura, kuleka kuŵikapo mahara pa ntchito panji kuluwaluwa vinthu, kukhumba kujikoma, na vinyake. The Web site jw.org provides accurate information about the beliefs and activities of Jehovah's Witnesses. Some signs include isolating themselves, not focusing on secular work or material things, seeking suicide, and so on. Kasi namwe mukuwonga cifukwa ca muwuso wacitemwa wa Ciuta? We can be sure that under his Kingdom rule, every Christian friendship temporarily broken by death will be restored. Do you appreciate God's loving rulership? Mungajura pa Webusayiti ya jw.org / tum. Mungaŵerenga ivyo Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova ŵakugomezga na kuchita. Then, to our surprise, in December 1955 we received a letter from Brother Knorr that stated: "Be perfectly frank in expressing yourself, and be honest with me now. You can turn to the website, jw.org, and read what Jehovah's Witnesses believe and do. Tingaŵa ŵakusimikizga kuti mu Ufumu wake, ubwezi uliwose uwo tili nawo mu mpingo waunenesko uwo pasono ukumara cifukwa ca nyifwa uzamuwelerapo. How Spirit Operates Today, 4 / 1 We can be sure that under his Kingdom, any relationship we enjoy in the Christian congregation that is now broken through death will be restored. Nyengo yikati yajumphapo, mu Disembala 1955, tikapokera kalata kufuma kwa Mubali Knorr iyo yikati: "Longosorani mwakufwatuka, ndipo niphalirani maghanoghano ghinu. Take turns in this style of conversation until you both agree that you understand each other's thoughts and feelings on the matter. In December 1955, we received a letter from Brother Knorr: "Your brain will set free, and I will tell you your thoughts. Munyinu nayo wayowoyengepo maghanoghano ghake mpaka mose muwone umo waliyose wakughanaghanira ndiposo umo wakujipulikira pa nkhani iyo. When encouraging Christians to be submissive even to harsh, unjust authorities of this world, Peter explained: "In fact, to this course you were called, because even Christ suffered for you, leaving you a model for you to follow his steps closely. " Your mate may share his or her feelings until both of you see how he feels about each of you and how he feels about the matter. Pakukhuŵilizga Ŵakhristu kuŵa ŵakupulikira ku ŵamazaza ŵa caru ici nanga ŵangaŵa ŵankhaza, Petrosi wakati: "Cifukwa mukacemekera ceneici: pakuti Khristu nayo wakakomwera imwe, na kumusidirani bambiro, mwakuti mulondezge malwayo ghake. " (a) Why does Jehovah deserve to be magnified? In encouraging Christians to be obedient to the superior authorities of this world, Peter said: "That is why you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you a model for you to follow his steps closely. " (a) Ncifukwa wuli Yehova ngwakwenelera kucindikika? There is no substitute for obedience. (a) Why is Jehovah worthy of honor? Palije ico cikunjira m'malo mwa kupulikira. It contains all the above features and many more, including extensive footnotes, which are also indexed. There is nothing that leads to obedience. Ilo likuŵa na vyose ivyo vyayowoyeka pacanya apa ndiposo kusazgiraposo vinandi, likuŵa na mafutunoti ghanandi comene gheneagho ghali na vilongorero vyawo. Jehovah looks for the good in us even when we give him reasons to be angry with us. It contains all that is mentioned above and far more, it has a lot to do with it. Yehova wakuwona viwemi mwa ise, na para tamukwiyiska wuwo. And do we not believe that such changes will be part of the improvement in the human family? Jehovah looks for the good in us, even when we hurt our feelings. Tikugomezga kuti para vyazakaŵa nthena ndikuti vinthu vizamuŵa kuti vikusinthira ku uwemi pa umoyo wa ŵanthu. The husband recalls: "Our study of kindness helped us to see the need to give each other the benefit of the doubt rather than impute wrong motives, to look for the good in each other. We can be sure that if they become such, things will turn out to improve people's lives. Mfumu wakati: "Kusambira za lusungu kwatovwira kuti tigomezganenge m'malo mwa kukayikirana, ndiposo kuti tiwonenge uwemi uwo waliyose wali nawo. Some members refused to attend services if the minister they opposed was presiding. " Learning about kindness has helped us to build trust rather than doubt one another and to see the good that everyone has, " says the husband. Ŵakatinkhana comene mwakuti ŵakayowoyeskananga yayi para ŵali mu chalichi. The Resurrection Hope They hated each other so much that they could not communicate in church. Cilindizga ca Ciwuka Three festivals were held yearly in Jerusalem - Passover, Pentecost, and the Festival of Booths. The Resurrection Hope Chaka chilichose ku Yerusalemu kukaŵanga viphikiro vitatu. Viphikiro ivi ni Paska, Pentekoste na Chiphikiro cha Visakasa. Upon his release, Pedro also started to study the Bible, and what he learned about Jehovah God moved him to make great changes in his attitude and his approach to life. Each year in Jerusalem was three annual festivals, such as the Passover, Pentecost, and incense. Pedro wakati wafuma mu jere, nayo wakamba kusambira Baibolo, ndipo ivyo wakasambira vyakukhwaskana na Yehova Ciuta vikamupangiska kuti wasinthe nkharo yake ndiposo umo wakawoneranga umoyo. Unity Identifies True Worship When he was released from prison, he too began to study the Bible, and what he learned about Jehovah God moved him to change his attitude toward life. Mpostole Yohane wakupereka urongozgi uwu kwa Ŵakristu awo ŵakukhala mu caru ciheni ici: "Mungatemwanga caru, panji nesi vintu ivyo viri mu caru.... The apostle John admonishes Christians living in this hostile world: "Do not be loving either the world or the things in the world.... The apostle John gives this counsel to Christians living in this wicked world: "Do not be loving either the world nor the things in the world.... Kweni Elisha wakatondeska ciŵembu cira. However, Elisha foils the plan. But Elisha was unable to stop that plot. Ukavu Kusanga Umaliro Wake Poverty - Finding the Permanent Solution Poverty Is Its End 15: 2, 3; 24: 3 - 5. 15: 2, 3; 24: 3 - 5. 15: 2, 3; 24: 3 - 5. Mpositole Yohane wakayowoya za mpata uwo ukujulika para vinthu vili nthena. The apostle John reminded us of the opportunity that this presents. The apostle John spoke of an opportunity that is opened up when things occur. Pakate paŵavyenge mbumba iyo yikate yiŵenge yikavu kwa miwiro na miwiro. No family would sink into generations of poverty. There was no family that would be poor for generations and generations. Mwa kupulikira ivyo mulongosi wake Mordekayi wakamuphalira, Hadasa wakajibisa kuti ni Muyuda ndipo wakacemekanga na zina lake la Ciperisi lakuti Esitere. At her cousin Mordecai's direction, she conceals her Jewish identity and uses her Persian name, Esther. By listening to her brother Mordecai's direction, she hid herself to be a Jew and became known as Esther's name. Lakwamba, cifukwa wuli mukwenera kulumba Yehova? First, why should you praise Jehovah? First, why should you praise Jehovah? 9, 10. (a) Kasi Yesu wakuŵa wuli movwiri withu para tananga? 9, 10. (a) How does Jesus serve as our "helper " when we sin? 9, 10. (a) How does Jesus prove to be our helper when we err? Nangauli mu caru ici " citemwa ca ŵanandi ' cikuzizima, kweni Yehova wakusambizga ŵanthu ŵake "kutemwana. " Although in this world "the love of the greater number " is cooling off, Jehovah is teaching his modern - day people" to love one another. " Although "the love of the greater number " in this world is cold, Jehovah teaches his people" to love one another. " Tikwenera yayi kusazgirako kwenjerwa kwawo. We should avoid adding to such suspicion. We should not add to their anxiety. Mu nyengo ya Yesaya, Muisrayeli waliyose wakaŵa " kaboni ' wa Yehova, ndipo mtundu wose ukaŵa " muteŵeti ' wa Ciuta. Individual Israelites of Isaiah's day were "witnesses " of Jehovah, and the nation as a whole was God's" servant. " In Isaiah's day, each Israelite was "a witness " of Jehovah, and the nation was" a servant of God. " Kasi citemwa na lusungu vikapangiska wuli Yesu kuti wawovwire ŵanthu? How did love and compassion move Jesus to help people? How did love and mercy affect Jesus ' efforts to help people? Kasi mukupwelelera banja? Do you provide for a family? Are you caring for your family? Ya nambara 9 mpaka 12, yikaŵanga ya ndalama izo zakhalako pakugura sembe za majuvyo, viyuni, sembe za Ŵanaziri, kweniso sembe izo ŵavyoni awo ŵatozgeka ŵakapelekanga. Chests 9 through 12 held funds left over from guilt offerings, from the sacrificing of birds, from the offerings of Nazirites, and from the offerings of lepers. The number 9th - 12, consisted of the money left over the guilt offerings, the birds, the burnt offerings, and the sacrifices offered by the lepers. Cimwemwe cikusazgikirako ndipo vyakuŵinya vikucepako para naphalirako muwoli wane. " " Any happiness in life is multiplied and any pain is halved when I share it with her. " It is happier and less painful when I share it with my wife. " Mazuŵa ghano napo, ŵapapi ŵanandi Ŵachikhristu ŵakovwira ŵana ŵawo kuti ŵambe uteŵeti wanyengozose. Ŵakuŵawovwira kuti ŵawonenge kuteŵetera Chiuta kuti nkhwakuzirwa chomene. Today, many Christian parents have encouraged their children to take up the full - time ministry and to center their lives on their service to God. Many Christian parents today likewise help their children to take up the full - time ministry, helping them to see the importance of serving God. Baibolo likuti ŵana aŵa " nchiharo cakufuma kwa Yehova. ' The Bible calls such little ones "an inheritance from Jehovah. " The Bible says that these children are "a inheritance from Jehovah. " Apo wakalemba karata ku Ŵakristu - ŵanyake, mpostole Paulos wakarongosora kuti Dango ni "mulinda - ŵana wakurongozgera kwa Kristu. " Writing to fellow Christians, the apostle Paul described it as a "tutor leading to Christ. " When writing to fellow Christians, the apostle Paul described the Law as "a tutor leading to Christ. " 16: 28 - 35. 16: 28 - 35. 16: 28 - 35. (b) Kasi ivyo Yesu wakalayizga pa Mariko 10: 29, 30 vikufiskika wuli? (b) How is Jesus ' promise recorded at Mark 10: 29, 30 being fulfilled? (b) How has Jesus ' promise recorded at Mark 10: 29, 30 been fulfilled? Ndipo ŵanji ŵazamupokera njombe ya umoyo kucanya apo ŵanji ŵazamuyuzgika mu moto wamuyirayira. 2: 21. And others will receive the prize of life in heaven when others suffer in hellfire. 2: 21. What Happens When You Die? 2: 21. Ntchivichi Chikuchitika Para Munthu Wafwa? But would we really have been able to identify with the perspective of perfect spirit creatures, whose knowledge, experience, and strength are far superior to our own? - Hebrews 2: 6, 7. What Happens at Death? Kweni, kasi maghanoghano ghithu ghakatenge ghayanenge na gha vilengiwa ivi vyauzimu na vyaurunji, ivyo vili na vinjeru na nkongono kuruska ise? - Ŵahebere 2: 6, 7. I felt sad, I was angry with myself, and I felt worthless. But could our minds be compared with those of these spirit creatures and righteous ones, which have greater wisdom and strength than we do? - Hebrews 2: 6, 7. Nkhajicitira citima, kujikwiyira kweniso nkhajiwonanga kuŵa wambura nchito. Is such an approach sound? I felt hurt, angry, and worthless. Kasi ncakwenelera nadi kupulikira ivyo mtima wako ukuyowoya? She and her young son were on the brink of starvation, down to their last meal, when God empowered Elijah to perform a miracle so that her supply of flour and oil was miraculously sustained. Is it really reasonable to obey what your heart says? Njara yikaŵa kuti yakhala pacoko kunjira mu nyumba ya cokoro ici na mwana wake, ndipo Ciuta wakapa nkhongono Eliya kuti wacite munthondwe kuti ufu na mafuta vileke kumara. This has been followed by the gathering of "a great crowd... out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues " - those who have the hope of living forever on earth. - Revelation 7: 9. There was about to go into the house of the widow and her son, and God gave Elijah the strength to perform a miracle so that the flour and oil would not end. Pamanyuma pake pakaŵa kuwunganya "mzinda ukuru... kufuma ku mtundu wose, na ku mafuko na ku ŵantu na ku malulimi " - awo ŵali na cilindizga ca umoyo wamuyirayira pacaru capasi. - Civumbuzi 7: 9. It requires being able to make decisions based on an understanding of Bible principles. Then there would gather "a great crowd... out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues " - with the prospect of everlasting life on earth. - Revelation 7: 9. Munthu wakukhwima wakwenera kumanya kusankha vinthu mwakukolerana na fundo za mu Baibolo. They were also risking their lives to follow David. A mature person needs to know how to make decisions in harmony with Bible principles. Kweniso ŵakalolera kufwa mwakuti ŵalondezge Davide. They are enemies of mankind and have contributed to much of the suffering on earth. Moreover, they were willing to die in order to follow David. Iwo mbalwani ŵa ŵanthu nakuti ndiwo ŵakupangiska kuti taŵanthu tisuzgikenge. One reference book states: "Never in human history had there been so long a span of general tranquility, and never again was peace to be maintained so steadily among so many people. " They are enemies of mankind and are responsible for human suffering. Buku linyake likuti pa nyengo iyi ŵanthu ŵakaŵa pa mtende nyengo yitali kuluska kumasinda kose. By any measure, for the year 1914, the "Photo - Drama " was truly a remarkable presentation. One reference work says that at that time, peace was more peaceful than ever before. Mu 1914, "Sinema Yakulongosora Cilengiwa " yikaŵa cinthu capadera comene. In what ways should we exercise our faith? In 1914, the "Photo - Drama " was a remarkable feature of the "Photo - Drama. Kasi tingalongora wuli kuti tili na chipulikano chakukhora? One of them is Matthew 6: 34: "Never be anxious about the next day, for the next day will have its own anxieties. How can we show that we have strong faith? Lemba la Mateyu 6: 34 likuti: "Kwenjerwa napachoko chara vya zuŵa lakulondezgapo, chifukwa zuŵa lakulondezgapo liŵenge na vyenjezgo vyake. We can benefit by considering some of the qualities that come from displaying "the wisdom from above. " Matthew 6: 34 states: "Never be anxious about the next day, for the next day will have its own anxieties. Tingasanga candulo usange tingasanda mikhaliro yinyake iyo tingaŵa nayo cifukwa ca kulongora "kuzika kwa vinjeru. " More than simply bringing words back to their minds, the holy spirit taught the disciples and guided them to a fuller understanding of God's purpose. We can benefit from examining some of the qualities that we can cultivate by displaying "a mild temper that belongs to wisdom. " Kuruska kuŵakumbuska waka mazgu, mzimu utuŵa ukasambizga na kurongozga ŵasambiri kuti ŵamanye makora khumbo la Ciuta. What does this mean? More than that, holy spirit taught and guided the disciples to come to an accurate knowledge of God's will. Kasi ici cikung'anamuraci? One definition of this fear is "an awe and a profound reverence for the Creator and a wholesome dread of displeasing him. " What does that mean? Ng'anamuro linyake la wofi uwu ni "kutentema na kupereka ncindi zikuru kwa Mlengi ndiposo kopa kumukwiyiska. " How does a husband treat his imperfect physical body, and what does this indicate about how he should treat his wife? Another source of such fear is "the fear and reverence of the Creator and the fear of displeasing him. " Kasi mfumu wakucita wuli na thupi lake lakwananga, ndipo wakwenera kucita wuli na muwoli wake? Why Fed Israelites Quail? 9 / 1 How does a husband treat his sinful flesh, and how should he treat his wife? Magazini iyi njakuguliska yayi. This publication is not for sale. This publication is not for sale. Pakati pajumpha vyaka vinkhondi na cimoza, Petrosi wakaŵa mu Yopa, ndipo wakaphalirika kuti walute kumpoto kwa Kesareya ku nyumba ya Koroneliyo, mulara wa ŵasilikari. About six years later when Peter was staying in Joppa, he was invited to travel northward to Caesarea to visit the house of Cornelius, an army officer. Six years later, Peter was in Caesarea, and he was told to go north to the home of Cornelius, the army officer of the army. 9 Unenesko Ungasintha Umoyo Winu 9 The Truth Can Change Your Life 9 The Truth Can Change Your Life Wupu Wakulongozga A Representative Governing Body The Governing Body Tikakhalanga mu nyumba yamathabwa yakudikanya, mu kachipinda kachoko ako kakaŵa muchanya. Why was Satan's scheme to thwart God's purpose unsuccessful? We lived in a wooden house, a small hole in a tiny roof. Ncifukwa wuli ucenjezi wa Satana ukagota wakuti walekeske khumbo la Ciuta? You are right to obey God! Why did Satan's scheme to thwart God's purpose? Cakuzirwa nkhupulikira Ciuta. • How is Christian baptism performed, and what is required of baptismal candidates? The most important thing is obedience to God. • Kasi ubapatizo Wacikristu ukucitika wuli, ndipo kasi uyo wabapatizikenge wakwenera kucitaci? After his resurrection, Jesus appeared to two of his disciples and spoke to them about Bible prophecies. • How is Christian baptism performed, and what should a baptized Christian do? Yesu wakati wawuka, wakawonekera ŵasambiri ŵake ŵaŵiri na kuyowoya nawo za maucimi gha mu Baibolo. Think about how many hours are spent keeping in contact through social networks, reading and answering electronic messages, avidly pursuing hobbies, or constantly keeping abreast of sports events. After his resurrection, Jesus appeared two of his disciples and spoke to them about Bible prophecies. Ghanaghanirani unandi wa maora agho munthu wakumalira pa Intaneti, kuŵazga na kuzgora mauthenga gha pa kompyuta panji pa foni, kucita vinthu ivyo wakutemwa, panji pa maseŵero. Like Moses, we do not view any years in Jehovah's service as wasted time. Think of the amount of hours you spend on the Internet, read and comment on e - mail, do things that you like, or engage in sports. Nga ni Mozesi, tikuwona kuti vyaka ivyo tateŵetera Yehova vyatayika pawaka yayi. Further, obeying God's commands strengthens our faith. Like Moses, we realize that years in Jehovah's service have not been in vain. Mwakusazgirapo, kupulikira malango gha Ciuta kukukhozga cipulikano cithu. " My son, if you will receive my sayings and treasure up my own commandments with yourself, so as to pay attention to wisdom with your ear, that you may incline your heart to discernment; if, moreover, you call out for understanding itself and you give forth your voice for discernment itself,... in that case you will understand the fear of Jehovah, and you will find the very knowledge of God. " Moreover, obeying God's commandments strengthens our faith. Likuti: " Mwana wane, usange ukupokerera mazgu ghane na kusungiska comene marango ghane, mwakuti utegherezge khutu lako ku vinjeru, na kurazga mtima wako ku umanyi; enya, usange ukulirira mahara na kutumpuska mazgu ghako kuti uŵenge na umanyi,... nteura uti umanyiske kumopa Yehova na kusanga mahara ghakumanyira Ciuta. ' On account of such teachings, the majority of people around the world have come to believe that death opens the door to life in another world. It says: "My Son, if you will receive my sayings and treasure up my own commandments with yourself, so as to pay attention to wisdom with your ear, that you may incline your heart to discernment; if you call out for understanding itself and you give forth your voice for discernment itself, you will find the fear of Jehovah. " Ntheura ŵanthu ŵanandi ŵakugomezga kuti nyifwa ni nthowa yakulutira ku charu chinyake. In what ways does love for God motivate us to preach? As a result, many people believe that death is a way to go abroad. Kasi citemwa cikutituma wuli kupharazga? Of course not! How does love motivate us to preach? Yayi. What real - life examples illustrate how the Kingdom message gives support and strength to those in need? No. Ni viyelezgero wuli ivyo vikulongora umo uthenga wa Ufumu ukovwilira na kukhozga awo ŵali mu masuzgo? It included a gracious, somewhat flattering dedication to King Henry. What examples show how the Kingdom message helps and strengthen those in need? Mu Baibolo ili mukaŵa mazgu ghakuwonga Themba Henry cifukwa ca kujipeleka kwake. What does it mean to "peer " into God's law? It contained expressions of gratitude to King Henry for his devotion. Kasi " kulaŵisiska ' mu dango la Ciuta cikung'anamuraci? Whatever the cause of our distress, understanding the importance of loyalty to God will help us to maintain our spiritual balance. What does it mean to "look intently " in God's law? Kwali tikusuzgika na vici, kweni kumanya kuti nchakuzirwa kuŵa wakugomezgeka kwa Ciuta kutovwirenge kuti tilutilire kutemwa vinthu vyauzimu. All of them follow the same format. Regardless of what we suffer, knowing the importance of being loyal to God will help us to maintain our love for spiritual things. Ghose ghali kulembeka mwakuyana. Members of the Christian congregation in Philippi dearly loved Paul and sent him material provisions during his stay in Thessalonica. They are all recorded. Ŵakristu mu mpingo wa ku Filipi ŵakamutemwa comene Paulos kwakuti ŵakamutumira vintu apo wakaŵa mu Tesalonika. As the meeting progressed, Jesus informed them that now he was due to leave them to return to his Father. Christians in the congregation in Philippi loved Paul so much that he sent him things to Thessalonica. Apo kudumbiskana kukaŵa mukati, Yesu wakaŵaphalira kuti walipafupi kuruta kwa Ŵadada ŵake. THE ADMINISTRATION AND ITS WORK During the conversation, Jesus told them that he was about to approach his Father. UNOZGERO NA MULIMO WAKE The bad situation was made worse by unfaithful angels who formed unnatural unions with women and produced offspring called Nephilim, "the mighty ones, " or" the men of fame, " of those days. UN WORK AND WORK Vinthu vikahenipa comene apo ŵangelo ŵambura kugomezgeka ŵakatora ŵanakazi na kubaba ŵana ŵakucemeka Ŵanefili, "ŵanthu ŵankhongono, " panji" ŵanthu ŵa lumbiri, " mu nyengo iyo. Some problems faced in the congregation persist despite the elders ' diligent efforts and prayers for God's help. How tragic it must have been when disobedient angels married women and bear children called Nephilim, "a mighty man, " or" a people of fame, " at that time! Nangauli ŵalara ŵangalomba kuti Ciuta waŵawovwire, masuzgo ghanyake mu mpingo ghalutilirenge nipera. What, though, if we are confronted by a natural disaster, persecution, or severe economic hardship? Although elders may ask for God's help, some problems in the congregation will continue to continue. Wuli para takumana na masoka, kusuzgika cifukwa ca unenesko, panji suzgo ya ndarama? They entered the house and searched it. What if we are confronted with disasters, suffering for the sake of the truth, or financial trouble? Umo Mungachitira Para Mukukhala Mwawofi, Na. Jewish Ritual Bathing, 10 / 15 How to Trust in Jehovah, No. Ŵakanjira mu nyumba na kwamba kupenja mabuku. 3, 4. (a) What command did God give Adam and Eve? They went into the house and searched for books. 3, 4. (a) Kasi Chiuta wakapeleka dango wuli kwa Adamu na Eva? I think that among other things a knowledge of Bible prophecies and their fulfillment can help an atheist to start thinking. " - Isaiah 42: 5, 9. 3, 4. (a) What command did God give Adam and Eve? Nkhughanaghana kuti kumanya makora maucimi gha mu Baibolo ndiposo umo ghakufiskikira kungawovwira awo ŵakugomezga kuti Ciuta kulije kuti ŵambe kughanaghana. " - Yesaya 42: 5, 9. He rejected the influences of the world around him. I am convinced that accurate knowledge of Bible prophecies and how they can help those who believe that God does not exist. " - Isaiah 42: 5, 9. Wakakana kukopeka na charu. They also deceive humans by posing as the spirits of the dead. He refused to be drawn by the world. Vikupusikaso ŵanthu mwakujizgora nga ni mizimu ya ŵanthu ŵakufwa. Here are a few suggestions. It also deceive people by making them appear as spirits of the dead. Pano pali masacizgo ghacoko waka. The people began to murmur against God, questioning whether he was able and willing to care for them. Here are just a few suggestions. Ŵanthu ŵakamba kumunyunyutira Ciuta, ndiposo ŵakamba kukayikira usange wakuŵapwelelera nadi. • What does the Bible teach about sexual relations? People began to complain about God, and they began to question whether he really cared about them. • Kasi Baibolo likusambizga vici pakuyowoya za kugonana? DO YOU feel at home in the present world? • What does the Bible teach about sex? KASI mukujipulika kuti muli ŵakuvikilirika mu caru ici? That would be in direct contradiction to the very nature of God. DO YOU feel safe in this world? Kweni ivi vikususkana na ivyo Baibolo likuyowoya pa nkhani ya umo Chiuta waliri. [ Picture on page 26] But that is contrary to what the Bible says about God's nature. [ Cithuzithuzi pa peji 26] Ancient Jews valued the fruit of fig trees. [ Picture on page 26] Ŵayuda ŵakazirwiskanga vikuyu. I found this move both exciting and daunting. The Jews valued figs. Nkhakondwa cifukwa cakuti nkhawukapo kweni nkhaŵa na wofi. Her willingness to sacrifice our time together so that we could be more useful to Jehovah and his organization touched me deeply. I was impressed that I had come away, but I was afraid. Nkhacontheka mtima comene na muwoli wane cifukwa cakuti wakazomerezga na mtima wose kuti tipatukane kwa nyengo yose iyi kuti ticite mulimo uwo Yehova na gulu lake ŵakatituma. © 2013 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. I was deeply moved by my wife's heartfelt desire to separate us from the full - time ministry that Jehovah and his organization were assigned to do. © 2013 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. How did he use those captives, so to speak? © 2013 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Kasi ŵamikoli aŵa wali kuŵapa milimo wuli? Of the 9 children and 11 grandchildren still living, 16 serve Jehovah or attend the meetings with their parents. What responsibility did those prisoners provide? Pa ŵana ŵithu 9 na ŵazukuru ŵithu 11 awo ŵachali ŵamoyo, 16 ŵakuteŵetera Yehova panji ŵakuluta ku maungano na ŵapapi ŵawo. How did Satan attempt to counter the good news, and how had this been foretold? On nine and 11 of our children who are still alive, 16 are serving Jehovah or attend Christian meetings with their parents. Kasi Satana wakacita wuli kuti wawezgere nyuma ncito ya kupharazga makani ghaweme, ndipo ici cikayowoyekerathu mwauli? Think back on your worship of Jehovah during the past year. How did Satan try to stop the preaching of the good news, and how was this foretold? Ghanaghanirani ivyo mukacita caka camara pakuteŵetera Yehova. [ Pictures on page 30] Consider what you have done last year in Jehovah's service. [ Cithuzithuzi pa peji 20] A New Career [ Picture on page 20] Mulimo Uphya But he encouraged them with the words: "He that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved. " - Matthew 10: 22. A New Work Kweniso tiwonenge vyandulo ivyo ise tingasanga. In David's eyes, this pagan Goliath was doing far worse than embarrassing the army of Israel; he was insulting the God of Israel, Jehovah! We will also consider the benefits that come to us. Kweni wakaŵakhozga na mazgu ghakuti: "Uyo wazizipizga mpaka ku umaliro ndiyo wazamuponoskeka. " - Mateyu 10: 22. Note, for example, what the apostle John wrote to fellow believers who had experienced the new birth. But he encouraged them with the words: "He that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved. " - Matthew 10: 22. Davide wakawona kuti Goliyati wakakhozganga waka soni ŵasilikari ŵa Israyeli yayi. Kweni wakanyozanga Yehova, Chiuta wa Israyeli. How did Jehovah reward Joseph? David saw that Goliath was not ashamed of Israel's army; rather, he blamed Jehovah, Israel's God. Gulu linyake ndicoko ndipo lili na cilindizga ca kukakhala kucanya, linyake ndikuru ndipo lili na cilindizga ca kuzakakhala pa caru capasi. Rest assured that the Most High takes an interest in all his faithful servants and that you are precious in his eyes. He cares about your needs and your yearnings. One group has the hope of living in heaven, and one of them has an earthly hope. Kasi Yehova wakamutumbika wuli Yosefe? What can we do to overcome feelings of inadequacy? How did Jehovah reward Joseph? Manyani kuti Yehova wakumupwelelerani ndipo muli ŵakuzirwa chomene kwa iyo. First, look at the supposed link between money and happiness. Be assured that Jehovah cares for you and that you are precious to him. Kasi tingacita wuli kuti tileke kujiwona kuti tingafiska yayi kusambizga munthu Baibolo? In time, he moved to the more fertile region of Beer - sheba, where Jehovah blessed him and told him: "Do not be afraid, because I am with you, and I will bless you and multiply your seed on account of Abraham my servant. " - Gen. How can we avoid feeling unable to conduct a Bible study? Cakwamba tiyeni tiwone usange ni nadi kuti ndarama na kukondwa vikwendezgana. " With the heart one exercises faith for righteousness, but with the mouth one makes public declaration for salvation. " Let us first consider whether money and happiness are upbuilding. Pa nyengo iyi wakasamira ku Beer - sheba ico cikaŵa cigaŵa ca vundira comene, ndipo Yehova wakamutumbika ndipo wakamuphalira kuti: "Ungopanga, cifukwa ndili nawe, ndipo ndikutumbikenge, na kwandanya mphapu yako cifukwa ca muteŵeti wane Abrahamu. " - Gen. As demonstrated by Jesus, what kind of prayers does Jehovah appreciate? At that time, he moved to Beer - sheba, and Jehovah blessed him and told him: "Do not be afraid, for I am with you, and I will raise your seed for Abraham. " - Gen. " Na mtima munthu wakupulikana kufika ku urunji, ndipo na mlomo wakuzomera kufika ku mphonokwa. " If we learn to "love them exceedingly, " we will be eager to attend meetings and we will be attentive while there. " With the heart one exercises faith for righteousness, but with the mouth one makes public declaration for salvation. " Kuyana na umo Yesu wakacitiranga, ni malurombo wuli agho Yehova wakuwonga? (b) How can we tell if we are becoming too proud of our country? According to Jesus, what prayers are acceptable to Jehovah? Para " tikuvitemwa comene ' vikumbusko ivi, tizamutemwa kufika pa maungano na kutegherezga comene. Others can reach out for goals of serving in other congregations near their home. If we "love these reminders, " we will love to attend Christian meetings and listen attentively. (b) Kasi tingamanya wuli kuti tamba kunotha mwambura kwenelera? What dangers exist when refugees (a) are fleeing? (b) How can we determine whether pride is improper? Ŵanji ŵangakateŵetera ku mipingo yinyake ya kufupi na kwawo. He can use human agents to persecute or discourage us. Some may be able to move to a foreign - language congregations near their home. Kasi ŵakuchimbira kwawo ŵakusangana na masuzgo wuli (a) panyengo ya kuchimbira? Does Jesus ' counsel apply only to someone who has deliberately chosen a lifetime of singleness in order to concentrate fully on theocratic assignments? What challenges do refugees face (a) when fleeing? Wangatuma ŵanthu kuti ŵatisuzge panji kutigongoweska. Jehovah allowed this injustice to continue for some years. He may use people to hurt us or discourage us. Kasi ulongozgi wa Yesu ukuyowoya za ŵekha awo ŵasankha kuleka kutora panji kutengwa umoyo wose mwakuti ŵaŵike mtima pa uteŵeti wa Ciuta? After all, dedication and baptism are the most important steps in a Christian's life. - See the box "Have You Dedicated Yourself to Jehovah? " Does Jesus ' counsel apply only to those who choose to remain single so as to focus their lives on God's service? Yehova wakazomerezga kuti viheni ivi vicitike kwa kanyengo. Not every creature in heaven had the same attitude as the only - begotten Son of God. Jehovah allowed this to happen for a time. Nakuti chinthu chakuzirwa chomene icho waliyose wakwenera kuchita, nkhujipeleka na kubatizika. - Wonani bokosi lakuti, "Kasi Muli Kujipeleka kwa Yehova? " Yes, seeking first God's righteousness results in a harmonious relationship with Jehovah that, in turn, leads to our very salvation. - Rom. Moreover, the most important thing anyone can do is dedication and baptism. - See the box "Are You dedicated to Jehovah? " Mungelo uyo wakazgoka Satana Dyabulosi wakakhumba yayi kusambira kwa Yehova. Let the account come to life. The angel who became Satan the Devil did not want to learn from Jehovah. Kupenja dankha urunji wa Ciuta kukutovwira kuti tiŵe nayo paubwezi, weneuwo ukutipa mwaŵi wakuti tizakaponoskeke. - Rom. Although Jehovah is referred to as "the first and the last " at Revelation 22: 13, in that there is none before or after him, the context in the first chapter of Revelation shows that the title" the First and the Last " there applies to Jesus Christ. Seeking first God's righteousness helps us to have a close relationship with him, which opens the way for salvation. - Rom. Ivyo vikacitika mu nkhani iyo uviwone nga kuti vikucitika sono. The preceding five articles in this series have shown that the Bible is a book incomparable in its reliable prophecy, historical and scientific accuracy, internal harmony, and practical guidance. Let the account come to life. Nangauli lemba la Uvumbuzi 22: 13 likuyowoya kuti Yehova " ngwakwamba na waumaliro, ' kung'anamura kuti palije wakuyana nayo, kweni cipaturo cakwamba ca buku lenelili cikulongora kuti Yesu Khristu mazina ghake ghanyake ni "Wakwamba na Waumaliro. " Within hours, Jesus is to die as though he were a despicable criminal. Although Revelation 22: 13 says that Jehovah is "the beginning and the end, " that is, none other than him, but the first chapter of the book of the book of Revelation shows that Jesus Christ is" the beginning and the end. " Nkhani zinkhondi izo zajumpha zalongora kuti Baibolo lili na maucimi agho ghakufiskika, likuneneska pa nkhani ya mdauko, sayansi, ndakukolerana, ndiposo lili na ulongozgi wakovwira. Yet, he enables us not only to comprehend him but also to develop a close friendship with him. The five articles in the preceding article show that the Bible contains prophecies that are fulfilled, accurate, scientific, and practical. Kwakhala maora ghacoko waka kuti Yesu wafwe nga ni para wakaŵa cimbarangondo. Note Jesus ' empathy on another occasion. Just a few hours before his death, Jesus died as though he were thrown down. Ciuta wakutovwira kuti timumanye waka yayi, kweni tiŵeso nayo paubwezi. Why did they move to Myanmar? God helps us not only to get to know him but also to have a close relationship with him. Awonani citima ca Yesu pa cakucitika cinyake. Instead, may we remain loyal and wait patiently for Jehovah to resolve matters. Consider Jesus ' grief on another occasion. Chifukwa wuli ŵakasamira ku Myanmar? We must remember that the Devil will take advantage of any tribulation we may face in order to try to distance us from Jehovah. Why did they move to Myanmar? M'malo mwake, tikwenera kulutilira kuŵa ŵakugomezgeka na kulindilira Yehova kuti wamazge suzgo lithu. According to this notion, blame for all suffering and wickedness in today's world must lie with God. Instead, we need to maintain our integrity and wait on Jehovah to solve our problems. Tikwenera kukumbuka kuti Dyabulosi wangasangirapo mwaŵi pa suzgo yose iyo yingatiwira kuti watipatuske kwa Yehova. In September 1919, the Bible Students held an eight - day convention at Cedar Point, Ohio, U.S.A. We do well to remember that the Devil can use any problem to distance us from Jehovah. Ŵanthu awo ŵakugomezga cisambizgo ici ŵakuti Ciuta ndiyo wakwambiska uheni na masuzgo ghose agho ghaliko lero. Compare that with the case of those who were deprived of burial because of their wrongdoing. Those who believe in evolution say that God is responsible for all the suffering and suffering that we see today. Mu Seputembala 1919, Ŵasambiri ŵa Baibolo ŵakaŵa na ungano wa mazuŵa 8 ku Cedar Point, Ohio, U.S.A. Why should we be concerned about what we see, and what can we learn from the psalmist's earnest request? In September 1919, the Bible Students held a 8 - day convention in Cedar Point, Ohio, U.S.A. Yerezgerani ici na ico cikacitikira awo ŵakaleka kusungika cifukwa ca uheni wawo. This was a miraculous provision, as was the regular supply of manna. This comparison relates to what happened to those who did not survive because of their wrongdoing. Cifukwa wuli tikwenera kuŵa maso na ivyo tikulaŵiska, ndipo kasi tingasambirakoci ku ivyo wamasalmo wakapempha? [ 1] (paragraph 9) Some names have been changed. Why should we be careful about what we look at, and what can we learn from the psalmist's request? Ŵaisrayeli ŵakavwaranga malaya agho ŵakaŵa nagho mu thupi na skapato izo ŵakavwara pakwamba ulendo, ndipo ŵakwenera kuti ndivyo ŵakalekeranga ŵana para ŵakura na para ŵalara ŵafwa. [ Box on page 13] The Israelites wore their clothes in the flesh and shoes that were put on their first journey, likely leaving young children and adults when they died. [ 1] (ndime 9) Mazina ghanyake tasintha. Your family, your work, your religious faith? [ 1] (paragraph 9) Some names have been changed. [ Cithuzithuzi pa peji 13] Preparation is your most important key to survival [ Picture on page 13] Ni banja linu, ntchito iyo mukugwira, panji chipulikano chinu? This type of meditation is the soil in which appreciation grows. What is your family, your work, or your faith? Kunozgekera nkhwakuzirwa chomene kuti munthu wapone Noah built an ark that preserved him and his family alive through the global Deluge. Being prepared is vital for salvation Kucita nthena kukovwira kuti ŵana ŵasambire kuwonga. Strengths: What talents and skills do I have? Doing so helps children learn to be grateful. Nowa wakapanga chingalaŵa icho iyo na mbumba yake ŵakaponeramo mu nyengo ya chigumula. Both mother and son are doing well today. Noah built an ark that he and his family were preserved during the Flood. Mafumbo ghakulondezgapo agha ghangamovwirani kuti muchite makora pa nkhani iyi. " True worshippers will worship the Father with spirit and truth. " - John 4: 23. The following questions can help you to succeed in this regard. Sono Poli na mwana wake ŵakuchita makora. * Little wonder that Jesus ' followers eagerly look forward to the blessings of God's Kingdom. - 2 Peter 3: 13. Today, she and her daughter are doing well. " Awo ŵakusopa mwaunenesko ŵazamusopa Adada mu mzimu na mu unenesko. " - Yohane 4: 23. On the contrary, they knew that God had long disapproved of worship using "the form of any symbol " and that Christians were to" flee from idolatry. " " True worshippers will worship the Father with spirit and truth. " - John 4: 23. * Lekani ŵasambiri ŵa Yesu ŵakulindilira na kunweka kuzakapokera vitumbiko mu Ufumu wa Chiuta. - 2 Petrosi 3: 13. What good things did Dorcas do for others? * Hence, Jesus ' disciples eagerly look forward to receiving blessings under God's Kingdom. - 2 Peter 3: 13. Pakuti awo ŵakasopanga ŵangoza ndiwo ŵakagwiliskiranga ntchito mphinjika, kasi ŵasambiri ŵa Yesu nawo ŵakeneranga kutolera kachitiro aka pakusopa Chiuta waunenesko? Scriptural Questions Answered: Would Jesus ' disciples also use the cross as a symbol of worshiping the true God? Kasi ni vinthu wuli viwemi ivyo Dorika wakacitiranga ŵanji? As our Friend, Jehovah expects us to trust in him and pour out our heart to him in prayer, expressing to him our fears, desires, and anxieties. What good things did Dorcas do for others? Mafumbo gha m'Malemba Ghazgoleka: Apostate leaders were a trap and a net for the Israelites, enticing them to practice idolatry. Scriptural Questions Answered: Pakuti Yehova ni mubwezi withu, wakukhumba kuti timugomezgenge ndipo para tikulomba timuphalirenge vyakusingo kwithu, ivyo tikufipa navyo mtima, ivyo tikukhumba, ndiposo ivyo tikwenjerwa navyo. 19, 20. (a) For what reason should wives be in subjection to their husbands? As our Friend, Jehovah wants us to trust him and to express our feelings to him, concerns, and concerns. Ŵalongozgi ŵakugaruka ŵakaŵa cipingo na mukwawu ku Ŵaisrayeli cifukwa ndiwo ŵakaŵapusika kuti ŵasopenge vikozgo. Explaining how the Jews incorrectly understood this text, he wrote: "As Moses came out of the desert, so would the Messiah come out of Rome. " The apostate leaders were lured into Israel's trap because they deceived themselves into idolatry. 19, 20. (a) Cifukwa wuli ŵawoli ŵakwenera kujilambika ku ŵafumu ŵawo? Is there no hope for them? 19, 20. (a) Why should wives submit to their husbands? Wakalongosora kuti Ŵayuda ŵakapulikiskanga yayi lemba ili, ŵakatenge " nga umo Mozesi wakafumira mu mapopa, Mesiya nayo wazamufumira mu Romu. ' 4: 13. He explained that the Jews did not understand this scripture, saying that "as Moses came out of the wilderness, also the Messiah will come out of Rome. " Kasi ŵakulindilira vici? The Joys of Walking in Integrity What do they look forward to? 4: 13. We are deeply grateful for the theocratic arrangements in place among us. 4: 13. Uwemi wa Kwenda mu Kunyoroka For example, five days before surrendering his life, Jesus and some of his disciples were guests in the home of Simon of Bethany. The Benefits of Walking in Action Tikuwongera comene cifukwa ca manozgero gha teokrase agho ghaŵikika pakati pithu. Other translations render that phrase "they are not subject to death any longer " and" death has no more power over them. " How grateful we are for the theocratic arrangements that are set before us! Mwaciyelezgero, kukati kwakhala mazuŵa ghankhondi kuti wafwe, Yesu na ŵasambiri ŵake ŵanyake ŵakaŵa ku nyumba ya Simoni wa ku Betaniya. Is it Bible study and fellowship at Christian meetings, or is it weekends away from Christian responsibilities? For example, about five days before his death, Jesus and his disciples were at Simon's house in Bethany. Kasi nkhukondwa kusambira Baibolo na kuluta ku maungano, panji nkhutemwa kupumura pa Cisulo na Sabata, kwambura kucita uteŵeti? It shows us too that in the face of unbearable loss, we are wise to seek comfort and solace in others - especially those who seek refuge in Jehovah, the God whom Naomi worshipped. - Proverbs 17: 17. Do I enjoy studying the Bible and attending Christian meetings, or do I enjoy taking some rest on weekends, without having a full share in the ministry? Yikutisambizgaso kuti para takumana na suzgo lakuti tingazizipizga yayi, tikwenera kupenja cikhwimisko ku ŵanthu awo ŵakupenja ciphokwero mwa Yehova, Ciuta uyo Naomi wakasopanga. - Zintharika 17: 17. The first two show that working on spiritual goals strengthens a person's relationship with Jehovah; the third highlights the benefit of aiming for theocratic targets early in life. It also teaches us that when we are faced with a problem that we cannot bear, we should look for encouragement to those who seek refuge in Jehovah, the God of Naomi. - Proverbs 17: 17. Vifukwa viŵiri vyakwambilira vikulongora kuti ubwezi winu na Yehova ukhorenge para muli na vilato vyauzimu. Chifukwa chachitatu chikulongora uwemi wa kuŵa na vilato vyauzimu pa uwukirano. [ Blurb on page 3] The first two reasons show that your relationship with Jehovah is strengthened when you set spiritual goals, and it shows the value of pursuing spiritual goals in youth. [ Mazgu Ghakukhozgera pa peji 3] Dad and Mom were so disillusioned that they did not speak with that priest again. [ Blurb on page 3] Adada na amama ŵakakhuŵara chomene na ivyo wasembe uyu wakaŵaphalira ndipo ŵakaleka kuyowoya nayo. We cycled a lot, pushing our heavily loaded bicycles against strong winds coming from the North Sea. My father and Mother were shocked by what the priest told them and stopped talking to her. Tikendanga pa njinga mtunda utali, kulimbana na mphepo yakufuma ku North Sea. Pray incessantly. We were on a long bicycle, fighting the winds from North Sea. Lombani kwambura kuleka. Unlike the haughty Pharisees, humble Christian elders serve others Pray incessantly. Mwakupambana na Ŵafarisi ŵakujikuzga, Ŵakhristu awo mbalara ŵakuteŵetera ŵanji " As long as we have time favorable for it, " said the apostle Paul, "let us work what is good toward all, but especially toward those related to us in the faith. " Unlike the proud Pharisees, Christian elders serve others Mpositole Paulosi wakati: "Nga ndi umo tiliri na mwaŵi, tiŵacitirenge wose uwemi, comenecomene awo mba mbumba ya cipulikano. " They are described as an amalgam of iron and clay. The apostle Paul said: "As long as we have time favorable for it, let us work what is good toward all, but especially toward those related to us in the faith. " Vikulongosoreka kuti ni vyakupangika na cisulo na dongo. At the same time, when we preach from house to house and in public areas, we warn as many people as possible that God's Kingdom will come and bring an end to this ungodly world. - Ezek. They are described as being made of iron and clay. Kweniso para tikupharazga nyumba na nyumba na ku malo agho kukusangika ŵanthu ŵanandi, tikuchenjezga ŵanthu ŵanandi kuti Ufumu wa Chiuta wizenge na kuwuskapo charu cha Satana ichi. - Ezek. (Read Ruth 1: 1 - 6.) And by preaching from house to house and in public places, we warn many people that God's Kingdom will come and remove Satan's world. - Ezek. (Ŵazgani Ruth 1: 1 - 6.) (Read 2 Corinthians 5: 14, 15.) (Read Ruth 1: 1 - 6.) (Ŵazgani 2 Ŵakorinte 5: 14, 15.) (b) How should we feel about the light of truth today? (Read 2 Corinthians 5: 14, 15.) (b) Kasi tikwenera kuuwona wuli unenesko mazuŵa ghano? Did Ruth's religious background prepare her for such a tragedy? (b) How should we view the truth today? Kasi cisopa ico Rute wakasopanga pambere wandatengwe cikamovwira kulimbana na suzgo ili? Yayi. Humans and animals "have but one spirit. " Did Ruth's religion before getting married help her to cope with this problem? Ŵantu na vinyama, vyose vili na "mvuci umoza. " Yet, preaching and making disciples are not the only ways that we work with Jehovah. Humans and animals all have "one breath. " Kweni padera pa mulimo wa kupharazga na kuzgora ŵanthu kuŵa ŵasambiri, paliso nthowa zinyake izo tikugwilira ntchito na Yehova. To be included among the peaceable, we must actively promote peace. But besides the preaching and disciple - making work, there are other methods that are used by Jehovah. Kuti tiŵe ŵamoza ŵa ŵanthu " ŵamtende ' tikwenera kukhozgera mtende. 10, 11. (a) What negative qualities show that people lack love for one another? To be among "the peaceable, " we must promote peace. 10, 11. (a) Kasi ŵanthu ŵali na mikhaliro wuli iyo yikulongora kuti ŵakutemwa yayi ŵanyawo? A haughty attitude surfaced in that he "did not respond appreciatively to the good done to him. " 10, 11. (a) What human qualities reflect a lack of love for others? Iyo wakajikuzga chifukwa "wakawonga chara pa viwemi ivyo vikamuchitikira. " He even asked a local clergyman to visit his wife and son in order to expose the Witnesses. He was proud because he "did not appreciate the good that he had done. " Wakapempha muliska kuti wakumane na muwoli wake na mwana mwakuti wavumbure utesi wa Ŵakaboni. Rather than looking to God for help, "to Egypt they have called; to Assyria they have gone. " - Hosea 7: 11. He asked the shepherd to meet his wife and son in order to expose the Witnesses ' lies. M'malo mwa kupempha wovwiri kwa Ciuta, " ŵakacema ku Eguputo, na kuya ku Asiriya. ' - Hoseya 7: 11. Mobs constantly jeered us. Rather than seeking God's help, he " brought him to Egypt and to the Assyrians. ' - Hosea 7: 11. Kanandi gulu la ŵanthu likatihoyanga. Jehovah's people meet for worship in tens of thousands of Kingdom Halls and other facilities worldwide. We often met up with opposition. Ŵanthu ŵa Yehova ŵakuwungana mu Nyumba za Ufumu na mu malo ghanyake kuti ŵasope Yehova. STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: Jehovah's people meet in Kingdom Halls and elsewhere to worship Jehovah. NKHANI YAKUSAMBIRA MU SABATA YA: All the more reason for us to join in the proclamation. STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: Ichi ntchifukwa chinyake icho tikambira kupharazga makani ghawemi. " These toxic pollutants poison marine animals and plants, as well as humans who eat contaminated sea life, " explains the Encyclopedia of Marine Science. This is another reason why we began to preach the good news. Buku linyake likuti: "Ivi vikunanga vyamoyo ivyo vikukhala mu maji kweniso ŵanthu awo ŵakurya vyamoyo ivi. " - Encyclopedia of Marine Science. Brothers traveling on behalf of the governing body shared "the decrees that had been decided on by the apostles and the elders who were in Jerusalem. " One reference work says: "This affects the living conditions that live in water and those who eat them. " Ŵabali ŵakwendakwenda awo ŵakatumikanga na wupu wakulongozga ŵakaphaliranga mipingo "malango agho ŵapositole na ŵalara awo ŵakaŵa mu Yerusalemu ŵakadumura. " Certain trees that were alive some 2,700 years ago when Isaiah wrote those words are evidently still alive today. The traveling overseers who were sent by the governing body were to guide the congregations "of the laws of the apostles and older men in Jerusalem. " Makuni ghanyake agho ghakaŵako vilimika 2,700 ivyo vyajumpha, apo Yesaya wakalembanga mazgu agha ghacali mpaka lero. Our dedication to Jehovah includes a solemn promise to turn away from what is worthless. Some of the trees that were available some 2,400 years ago, when Isaiah wrote those words still remain today. Pakuti tili kujipatulira kwa Yehova, cikung'anamuraso kuti tili kulayizga kuleka kulaŵiska vinthu vyawakawaka. A first step is to prepare our own heart. Being dedicated to Jehovah means that we also keep clear of what is worthless. Cinthu cakwamba ico tikwenera kucita nkhunozga mtima withu. Chemotherapy treatments left John feeling extremely fatigued and nauseated. The first step we should take is to prepare our heart. Kweni munkhwala uwo wakamwanga ukamupanga mselu na kumugulura nkhongono. What encouragement did the apostle Paul give the early Christians? However, the medicine he had given was both heavy and emotionally weakened. Kasi mpositole Paulosi wakakhozga wuli Ŵakhristu ŵakwambilira? Jesus ' elevation of the double command of love to the level of a norm of interpretation and his rejection of the binding nature of the oral tradition... led him into conflict with Pharisaic casuistry. " - The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology. How did the apostle Paul encourage first - century Christians? Cifukwa cakuti Yesu wakaŵika dango la citemwa pa malo yakuti yose wangafikapo, nakuti wakakana kurondezga mitheto,... lekani pakaŵa mpambano pakati pa iye na Ŵafarisi. " - The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology. And what do you believe? " Out of love for each other in order to get there, Jesus refused to accept customs,... and thus there was a difference between him and the Pharisees. " - The New International Dictionary of New Testament Words. Kasi imwe mukugomezga vici pa nkhani iyi? " Six months later, however, that happiness came to a sudden end. What do you believe in this? " Kweni myezi 6 yikati yajumphapo, kukondwa kose kukamara. I knew that if I wanted to have the same privilege, I would have to make changes in my life. But six months later, the result was complete. Nkhamanyanga kuti nkheneranga kusintha vinthu vinyake mwakuti niŵe wakwenelera kucitako mulimo uwu. But he felt that something was missing in his life. I knew that I needed to make adjustments in order to qualify for that assignment. Kweni wakawona kuti wakusoŵa kanthu kanyake mu umoyo wake. [ Picture on page 15] But he felt that he was missing in his life. [ Cithuzithuzi pa peji 15] As a result, we may conclude that we need to adjust our goals in order to use the remainder of our lives wisely. - Eccl. [ Picture on page 15] Ndipo paumaliro tingawona kuti tikukhumbikwira kusintha vilato vithu mwakuti umoyo withu uwo wakhalako tiwugwiliskire nchito mwavinjeru. - Muph. Such meditation can also help you to set reasonable goals for spiritual growth. In the end, we can see that we need to adjust our goals in order to use our life wisely. - Eccl. Kulanguruka kwantheura kungamovwiraniso kuti muŵe na vilato vyakwenelera mwakuti mukure mwauzimu. Prayer involves our devotion to and confidence in God. Such meditation can also help you to set reasonable goals so that you can grow spiritually. Lurombo lukusazgapo kusopa na kuthemba Ciuta. If so, why? Prayer involves godly devotion and trust in God. Usange ni nteura, cifukwa wuli? Therefore, our heavenly Father will take prompt action in order to rescue us. If so, why? ▪ Kasi nkhani iyi yinganovwira wuli pa umo nkhucitira na mwana wane? Regarding "the last days, " the Bible warned:" Wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse, misleading and being misled. " How can I use this information in my child's attitude? Ntheura, Adada ŵithu ŵa kucanya ŵazamucitapo kanthu mwaluŵiro kuti ŵatithaske. Let us take to heart the apostle Paul's admonition to "cleanse ourselves of every defilement of flesh and spirit " and" deaden [our] body members that are upon the earth as respects fornication, uncleanness, sexual appetite, hurtful desire, and covetousness. " - 2 Cor. So our heavenly Father will act quickly to deliver us. Cifukwa Baibolo likayowoyerathu kuti: "Mu mazuŵa gha ku umaliro, ŵanthu ŵaheni na ŵakupusika ŵati ŵalutilire pa kuhenipa, ŵakupusika na ŵakupusikika. " You can read the Bible for yourself online at www.jw.org. Because the Bible foretold: "In the last days, wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse, misleading and being misled. " Tiyeni tikumbukirenge ulongozgi wa Paulosi wakuti "tijitozge ku ukazuzi wose wa thupi na wa mzimu, " ndiposo wakuti " tikome viŵaro vithu ivyo vili pa caru; uzaghali, ukazuzi, kulakalaka, kukhumba kuheni, na kudokera. ' - 2 Kor. For our prayers to be favorably heard, we must not reject the counsel of God's Word. Let us keep in mind Paul's counsel to " cleanse ourselves of every defilement of flesh and spirit " and to" devour [our] members that are upon the earth as respects fornication, uncleanness, sexual appetite, hurtful desire, and covetousness. " - 2 Cor. Mungaŵazga Baibolo pa www.jw.org. Mere secular education or life experience does not prepare a man for this kind of work. You can read the Bible online at www.jw.org. Kuti malurombo ghapulikikwe makora, tireke kukana urongozgi wa Mazgu gha Ciuta. What practical counsel found in the Bible helped Lena, Simone, and others to make such a transformation? To be effective, we must not accept the counsel of God's Word. Mwanalume wakuŵa wakwenelera milimo iyi cifukwa ca masambiro gha ku caru yayi nesi maluso agho wali nagho. On matters like health care, each of us should be willing to make a personal decision and accept the responsibility that comes with it. A person does not qualify for such privileges because of his secular education or abilities. Kasi ni ulongozgi wuli mu Baibolo uwo ukamovwira Lena, Simone, na ŵanyake kuti ŵasinthe na kwamba kujiwona mwakwenelera? The following article examines time - tested counsel that has enabled millions to achieve success. What Bible counsel helped Lois, Simon, and others to adjust their attitude? Panji njuŵi yithu ndiyo yindasambizgike mwakukwana. Waliyose wakwenera kusankha yekha umo wapwelelerenge umoyo wake. He would have us believe that from God's standpoint we are unlovable and our sins are unforgivable. Or it may be that our conscience is not fully aware of it, each one must decide for himself what he will do to care for his life. Nkhani yakulondezgapo yikulongosora ulongozgi wakugomezgeka uwo wapangiska kuti ŵanthu ŵanandi comene ŵaŵe ŵakukondwa. But many in the congregation took turns helping him, counting it a privilege to do so. The following article considers the reliable advice that has led many to happiness. Iyo wangatipangiska kughanaghana kuti Chiuta wakutitemwa yayi kweniso wangatigowokera yayi. But it requires the terror of death to provoke the imagination to eat what, hitherto, is unedible. " He may try to deceive us into thinking that God does not love us and does not forgive us. Wakategherezganga chomene na kuzgorapo. The tabernacle, with its altar for sacrifices, was the center of Jehovah's worship in Israel. He listened attentively and comment. Ŵangacigaya na kurya kuti thupi lisange tunkhongono. Kweni ico cikupangiska munthu kurya bweka nchakuti wakopa kufwa. ' [ Footnote] They may get tired and eat to the point that the body is strong, but what makes it difficult for a person to eat is that he is afraid of death. " Ku Ŵaisrayeli, cihema na jochero la sembe ilo likaŵamo, ghakaŵa malo ghakuzirwa ghakusoperako Yehova. He had foretold that Jerusalem would be destroyed. In ancient Israel, the tabernacle and the altar of the sacrifice was a prominent place for Jehovah's worship. [ Mazgu ghamusi] Many young ones are preoccupied with their phones, cars, jobs, and so on. [ Footnote] Iye wakayowoyerathu za kuparanyika kwa Yerusalemu. 8: 1 - 6. He foretold the destruction of Jerusalem. Ŵawukirano ŵanandi ŵakutangwanika waka na mafoni, magalimoto, ntchito, na vinthu vinyake. Whom do the priests in Ezekiel's temple vision represent, and whom do the nonpriestly Israelites represent? Many youths have to contend with e - mails, transportation, employment, and other activities. 8: 1 - 6. To Give or Not to Give 8: 1 - 6. Kasi ŵasofi ndiposo Ŵaisrayeli ŵa mafuko ghanyake ŵa mu mboniwoni ya Ezekiyeli ŵakwimira anjani? • What application did Paul make of Psalm 19: 4? Who do the priests and the other tribes in Ezekiel's vision represent? Kupereka Panji Kureka Kupereka God - Given Courage Giving or Not to Give • Kasi Paulosi wakagwiliskira wuli nchito lemba la Salmo 19: 4? " But I will go on preaching, " the brother said. • How did Paul apply Psalm 19: 4? Ciuta Wakamupa Cikanga Holy Spirit and Living Creatures God - Given Courage Mbali yura wakati: "Kweni nilekenge yayi kupharazga. " Anna's mother likewise taught her practical lessons. " But I will never stop preaching, " he said. Mzimu Utuŵa Ukagwira Nchito Pakulenga Vyamoyo There was a reason why those who died before Jesus, such as David, John the Baptist, and other men of faith, did not go to heaven. Holy Spirit - At Work in Creation! Anyina nawo ŵakamusambizga makora. The context shows that the ram with the two horns represented "the kings of Media and Persia " and the goat," the king of Greece. " His mother had a good influence on him. Pakaŵa cifukwa ico Davide, Yohane Mbapatizi na ŵanalume ŵanyake ŵakugomezgeka awo ŵakafwa pambere Yesu wandafwe, ŵakakwelera kucanya cara. Wonderful Counselor. - Isaiah 9: 6. There was a reason why David, John the Baptizer, and other faithful men who died before Jesus died, did not ascend to heaven. Nkhani yose yikulongora kuti mberere yanalume iyo yikaŵa na sengwe ziŵiri yikimiranga "mafumu gha Mediya na Persia " ndipo pepe wakimiranga" themba la Greece. " [ Picture on page 18] The context shows that the goat with two horns represented "the prince of Medo - Persia " and represented" the king of Greece. " Wawupu Wakuzizwiska. - Yesaya 9: 6. Rather than robbing us of freedom, belonging to the God we love will surely make and keep us happy. He is a marvel of beauty. - Isaiah 9: 6. [ Cithuzithuzi pa peji 18] Walk in Way of Integrity, 12 / 1 [ Picture on page 18] Pakuti tili ŵa Ciuta uyo tikumutemwa, tili ŵazga yayi, kweni tikuŵa ŵakukondwa nyengo zose. You are one of these individuals if you have made a dedication to God and are carrying it out. As members of the God we love, we are not slaves, but we are happy all the time. Usange muli kujipatulira, ndipo mukukhala mwakuyana na kujipatulira kwinu, ndikuti namwe Yehova wamupani mwaŵi uwu. Baptism at Pentecost 33 C.E. symbolized dedication? 5 / 15 If you are dedicated to Jehovah and live up to your dedication, you too will be blessed by Jehovah. Ichi chikusazgapo kuleka kumalira nyengo yinandi pa vinthu ivyo charu chikupanga. Even though I chose not to marry and have a family so that I could serve more fully in the ministry "without distraction, " I have many spiritual children. This involves not spending too much time on the world's pursuits. Nangauli nkhasankha kuleka kutengwa na kuŵa na mbumba kuti niteŵetere "kwambura nthimbanizgo, " kweni nili na ŵana ŵanandi ŵauzimu. 18, 19. Although I decided to stay single and have a family to work "without distraction, " I have many spiritual children. 18, 19. Events You Are Soon to See Happen 18, 19. Vinthu Ivyo Muwonenge Sonosono You may feel that your situation is too difficult and the load too heavy for you to carry. Things You will soon see Nyengo zinyake mungajipulika kuti suzgo linu ndikuru chomene kweniso mungazizipizga yayi. PUBLISHERS At times, you may feel that your problems are too heavy and that you are not able to cope with them. ŴAPHARAZGI JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES dwell in a spiritual paradise. PUBLISHERS ŴAKABONI ŴA YEHOVA ŵakukhala mu paradiso wauzimu. In a sense, Abel thus became the first victim of religious persecution, the first martyr. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES live in a spiritual paradise. Ntheura, tingati Abelu ndiyo wakaŵa munthu wakwamba kukomeka cifukwa ca cisopa. Communication sometimes includes apologizing. Thus, Abel was the first human to die for religion. Nyengo zinyake pakudumbiskana pangakhumbikwira kuphepiska. Such ones run the risk of losing out on eternal blessings. At times, communication needs to be asked to apologize. Usange ŵanthu aŵa ŵakulapa yayi, vitumbiko vya kuzakakhala mu Paradiso pa charu chapasi kwamuyirayira vingazakaŵapamba. Jesus did not let matters go at that. If such ones do not repent, the blessings of everlasting life on earth will be no more. Yesu wakayowoya waka yayi mazgu agha, kweni wakaŵawovwira. And they would surely have faded from human memory instead of becoming inspiring examples of faith that have touched millions of hearts. Jesus did not merely say those words but did help them. Kweniso mphanyi ŵakukumbukika yayi na ŵanthu mamiliyoni ghanandi kuti ŵakaŵa na chipulikano chakukhora. Yet, he allowed God's sayings to touch his heart deeply. - Read Psalm 119: 11, 46. Moreover, they would not be remembered by millions of people who had strong faith. Ndipouli, wakazomerezga kuti Mazgu gha Chiuta ghamukhozge. - Ŵazgani Salimo 119: 11, 46. He said: "By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves. " - John 13: 35. Still, he allowed God's Word to strengthen him. - Read Psalm 119: 11, 46. Iyo wakati: "Na ceneici ndico ŵanthu ŵose ŵati ŵamanyirenge kuti muli ŵasambiri ŵane, para mukutemwana. " - Yohane 13: 35. But when she saw that the whole family was embracing Bible truth, she too wanted to study. He said: "By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves. " - John 13: 35. Kweni wati wawona kuti ŵa mu mbumba yithu wose ŵakusambira unenesko, nayo wakanwekera. Some large corporations have laid off employees who have been loyal workers for decades. But when he saw that all my family members were learning the truth, he was eager to share it with them. Makampani ghanyake ghakuru ghakulekeska ncito ŵantu awo ŵagwira ncito mwakugomezgeka kwa nyengo yitali. He endured trials that could be viewed as more severe than the ones he stumbled over earlier. Some organizations have removed the work of modern - day workers. Wakazizipizga viyezgo vikuru kuluska ivyo wakathera navyo pakwamba. But remember that Jehoshaphat acknowledged in a public prayer how weak he and his people felt. He endured greater trials than he had previously resisted. Kweni kumbukani ivyo Yehoshafati wakachita. He said: "The true God that answers by fire is the true God. " Remember, though, Jehoshaphat's example. Iyo wakati: "Ciuta uyo wakuzgora na moto, ndiye waŵenge Ciuta. " True Christians do not possess or use illegal drugs. He said: "The God who answers with fire will be God. " Ŵakristu ŵaunenesko ŵakusangika panji kugwiriskira ncito yayi minkhwara yakukanizgika. Why can we say that humans were made to be generous? True Christians are not involved in drug abuse. Chifukwa wuli tingati ŵanthu nawo ŵangaŵa ŵakupeleka? It should, in fact, motivate us to ask him "just how [we can] count our days in such a way that we may bring a heart of wisdom in. " Why can it be said that people too can be generous? Timupempe iye kuti watisambizge umo " tingapendera mazuŵa ghithu mwakuti tipokere mtima wa vinjeru. ' It is reserved in the heavens for you, who are being safeguarded by God's power through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last period of time. We can ask him to teach us how to " count our days in such a way that we may bring a heart of wisdom. ' Ciharo ici cili kusungikira imwe kucanya, mwaŵeneimwe mukusungika na nkhongono ya Ciuta kwizira mu cipulikano kuti muponoskeke. Ciponosko ici canozgekera kuzakavumbukwa mu umaliro wa nyengo. " The eyes of Jehovah are toward the righteous ones, " states the Bible, "and his ears are toward their cry for help. " This inheritance is reserved in the heavens for you, who are safeguarded by God's power through faith for salvation, prepared to be revealed in the time of the end. Baibolo likuti: "Maso gha Yehova ghakulaŵiska ŵarunji, makutu ghake ghakupulika nkhuto yawo. " Reminders From a Medical Doctor The Bible says: "The eyes of Jehovah are toward the righteous ones, and his ears are toward their cry for help. " Ivyo Ŵadokotara Ŵakutikumbuska Granted, some may not be easy to get along with, or they may be spiritually weak. What the Bank Says About Us Mbunenesko kuti ŵanyake ŵangaŵa ŵakusuzga kukolerana nawo, panji ŵangaŵa kuti ŵawelera nyuma ku cigaŵa cauzimu. Jesus used it when he spoke to a woman who had suffered from a flow of blood for 12 years. Of course, some may be trying to disrupt their unity, or they may even lose their spiritual balance. Nakuti ndigho ni mazgu agho Yesu wakagwiliskira ntchito apo wakayowoyanga na mwanakazi uyo wakasuzgika na nthenda yakusulura ndopa vyaka 12. In the preceding article, we were reminded that Jehovah has exercised his power, justice, and wisdom in loving ways to our benefit. In fact, it is the words that Jesus used when dealing with a woman who had been diagnosed with a flow of blood for 12 years. Nkani iyo yajumpa yikatikumbuska kuti Yehova watirongora nkongono, urunji, na mahara ghake mwacitemwa. It was a warm reminder of Jehovah's tender care for each little sheeplike one. The preceding article reminded us of Jehovah's power, justice, and loving wisdom. Ivi vikatikumbuskanga umo Yehova wakupwelelelera mwacitemwa mberere yake yiliyose. In all such ways, Christian elders show that they are "gifts in men, " provided by Jehovah through Jesus Christ to help us endure on the road to life. - Ephesians 4: 8. This reminds us of how Jehovah lovingly cares for each of his sheep. Mu nthowa zose izi, ŵalara Ŵacikhristu ŵakulongora kuti ni " vyawanangwa mu ŵanthu, ' ivyo Yehova wakutipa kwizira mwa Yesu Khristu kuti watovwire kuzizipizga pa nthowa yakuya ku umoyo. - Ŵaefeso 4: 8. It came just in time and made an indelible impression on the mind of those who saw it. In all these ways, Christian elders prove themselves to be "gifts in men, " Jehovah's provisions through Jesus Christ to help us endure the path to life. - Ephesians 4: 8. Likiza pa nyengo yake ndipo ŵanthu awo ŵakaliwonelera ŵakaliluwa yayi. District Convention in Sofia, August 14 - 16, 2009. It came right on time and was not forgotten by people who were watching it. Ungano uwu ukacitikira ku Sofia, pa Ogasiti 14 - 16, 2009. 1, 2. That meeting was held in Toronto, August 14 - 16, 2009. 1, 2. 19: 8 - Was it not wrong for Lot to offer his daughters to the Sodomites? 1, 2. 19: 8 - Kasi Loti wakabuda yayi pakupeleka ŵana ŵake ŵasungwana ku ŵanthu ŵa mu Sodomu? These questions will be considered in the following article. 19: 8 - Was Lot not mistaken in providing for his daughters to the inhabitants of Sodom? Mafumbo agha ghazgolekenge mu nkhani yakulondezgapo. He makes it a matter of prayer, and Jehovah sends an angel of high rank to Daniel. These questions will be answered in the following article. Wakafwilirapo kulomba, ndipo Yehova wakatuma mungelo mulara kwa Daniyeli. These are reasonable questions, since we do not want to put numbers ahead of acts of faith or let having a good report become a major concern regarding our Christian activity. He prayed earnestly, and Jehovah sent an angel to Daniel. Agha ni mafumbo ghakupulikikwa nadi, cifukwa cakuzirwa comene ni lipoti yayi, kweni milimo iyo Mkhristu wakucita. the way we view ourselves? These are serious questions, for the most important thing is, not a report, but a Christian's responsibilities. tijiwonenge mwakwenelera? Therefore, the Memorial bread and wine are emblematic in nature, representing Christ's flesh and blood. Cultivating a proper view of ourselves? Mwanteura, pa Cikumbusko, cingwa na vinyo ni vyakuyerezgera waka, vikwimira thupi la Kristu na ndopa zake. " A pupil is not above his teacher, but everyone that is perfectly instructed will be like his teacher. " - LUKE 6: 40. Hence, at the Memorial, the bread and the wine represent Christ's body and blood. " Msambiri wali pacanya pa msambizgi wake cara, kweni waliyose uyo wakusambizgika fikepo waŵenge nga ni msambizgi wake. " - LUKA 6: 40. What a blessing that will be! " The disciple is not over his teacher, but everyone that is perfectly instructed will be like his teacher. " - LUKE 6: 40. Vinthu vizamuŵa makora chomene! I am constantly reminded there of what is good and bad, what is moral and immoral, what is Christlike and what is not. What a wonderful future! Nkukumbuskika swiliri - ri za ico nciwemi na ciheni, ico cikukondweska Kristu na ico cikumukwiyiska. His loving manner was well - known, and the brothers gave him the descriptive name "Barnabas " - " Son of Comfort. " I am reminding them of what is good and what is bad, pleasing Christ and what displeases him. Baranaba wakachindikikanga na awo ŵakalongozganga, ndipo wakawovwira Paulosi. Thankfully, Jehovah is a generous Provider, arranging before his servants a bounteous table. Barnabas showed respect for those taking the lead, and he helped Paul. Tikuwonga kuti Yehova wali na mtima wa kupa, ndipo wanozgera ŵateŵeti ŵake vyakurya vinandi. They made a list of things they did not need, and within three months they moved from their three - bedroom apartment to a single - bedroom place, sold some things, and became debt free. Thanks to Jehovah, we have a generous heart, and he has prepared for the needs of his servants. Ŵakalemba ndondomeko ya katundu wawo uyo ŵakawona kuti wakukhumbikwira viŵi yayi, ndipo pambere pandajumphe myezi yitatu ŵakafuma mu nyumba yawo yikuru ya vipinda vitatu na kunjira mu ya cipinda cimoza, kweniso ŵakaguliska katundu munyake na kuwezga ngongoli zose. Why? It contained a list of their possessions that seemed to have little means, and three months before leaving the three - room house and entered the same room and sold some of their belongings and paid off all the debt. Cifukwa wuli? Unfortunately, no one seemed to take me seriously, perhaps thinking that as a result of my accident, I was not completely normal. Why? Mwasoka, pakaŵavya uyo wakanigomezganga. Panji ŵanthu ŵakaghanaghananga kuti mutu wane ukwenda makora yayi cifukwa ca ngozi iyo yikaniwira. In addition, the Bible reveals: That warning, none of me believed in him, perhaps thinking that my head did not get better because of the accident I was experiencing. Kweniso Baibolo likuvumbura Be aware that symptoms may appear between one and four weeks after infection. Additionally, the Bible reveals Manyani kuti munthu wangamba kupulika kuti wali na maleriya para pajumpha sabata yimoza panji zinayi kufuma apo nyimbo zikamulumira. Just imagine, out of the unknown number of planets that exist in the Milky Way and beyond, Jehovah created the earth to be not merely a habitable place but a comfortable, beautiful, and safe home for his human creation! You can be sure that a person may fall into malaria for a week or four from the next week. Kweniso wali kulenga charu chakutowa ichi kuti tikhalengemo mwakukondwa. For example, do you expect one of your children to invite you to move in with his family, or are you expecting something else? Furthermore, he created this beautiful earth with joy. Mwaciyelezgero, kasi mukukhumba kuti mwana winu munyake wamutorani kuti mukakhalenge nayo, panji mukukhumba vinyake? Some Christians who have committed a serious sin have even felt that they are beyond God's forgiveness. For example, do you want your child to sit with you, or do you want some other? Ŵakhristu ŵanyake awo ŵali kuchita zakwananga zikuru ŵakughanaghana kuti Chiuta wangaŵagowokera yayi. I know you're booked up this year. ' Some Christians who have committed serious sins feel that God cannot forgive them. Nkhumanya kuti caka cino uli nawo kale ŵanthu ŵakuti uŵasambizge. ' It has been said that Liçarrague was for Basque what Jerome was for Latin and Luther for German. I know that this year you already have people to teach you. " Ndipo ŵanthu ŵakuti Lizarraga wakawovwira pa ciyowoyero ca Cibasque, Jerome pa Cilatini ndipo Luther wakawovwira pa Cigerman. Second, the verse emphasizes doing things in proper order, as if to say, "First you do this; then you do that. " In Latin, Luther was helped by the French - speaking people, and Luther helped in the Latin language. Caciŵiri, vesi ili likudidimizga fundo ya kucita vinthu mu ndondomeko yiwemi. He went on to say: "Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. " Second, this verse emphasizes the principle of being well - organized. Kweniso wakati: "Waliyose uyo wakujikuzga wazamuyuyulika, ndipo waliyose uyo wakujiyuyura wazamukwezgeka. " 25: 29 - 34. He also said: "Everyone that exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. " 25: 29 - 34. I will love them of my own free will. " 25: 29 - 34. Nizamuŵatemwa mwakukhumba kwane. " David again manifests complete trust in God and displays confidence in the effectiveness of prayer. I will love them in my own way. " Davide wakalongoraso kuti wakathembanga comene Ciuta ndipo wakaŵa na cigomezgo cakuti wazgorenge malurombo ghake. ▪ Train Your Teenager to Serve Jehovah David also expressed his complete trust in God, confident that he would answer his prayers. ▪ Sambizgani Ŵawukirano Ŵinu Kuteŵetera Yehova It may be, however, that you were relieved of a privilege of service. ▪ Teach Your Children to Serve Jehovah Vingacitika kuti ŵakamulekeskani kucita mulimo uwo mukacitanga. First, pray to Jehovah for the needed self - discipline to study his Word. It may have been possible for you to lose your job. Chakwamba, lombani Yehova kuti wamovwirani kuti mujikorenge na kusanga nyengo yakusambilira Mazgu ghake. That, coupled with faith in what they learned from Peter, provided the basis for them to be baptized "in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit. " First, pray for Jehovah's help to cultivate self - control and find time to study his Word. Cimanyisko ici, pamoza na kupulikana mu ivyo Petros wakayowoya kukapangiska kuti ŵabapatizike " mu zina la Ŵawiske na la Mwana na la mzimu utuŵa. ' He clearly made the right choice, although his life was sometimes hard from a material standpoint. This knowledge, along with Peter, moved him to get baptized " in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit. ' Tikukayika yayi kuti wakasankha cinthu camahara, nangauli nyengo zinyake wakasuzgikiranga kusanga vinthu. When Federico faced a difficulty, his friend Antonio listened to him and encouraged him No doubt, he chose a wise decision, even though he at times had a difficult time. Apo Federico wakasangana na suzgo, mubwezi wake Antonio wakamovwira na kumukhozga Those words guarantee that what follows is certain to occur. When he faced a challenge, a friend named Antonio helped him and encouraged him Mazgu agha ghakulongora kuti mazgu agho wakayowoya panthazi pake ghacitikenge nadi. I have been able to use any talents or abilities that Jehovah has given me in ways that would never have been possible had I chosen a worldly career. " Those words clearly indicate that what he said will be fulfilled. Maluso agho Yehova wanipa, naghagwiliskira ntchito makora chomene. While you may long for emotional support and your child might seem willing to provide it, it is unfair and unhealthy to ask a child to help with grown - up problems. The skills that Jehovah has given me are very effective and effective. Nangauli mwana winu wanganweka kuti wamovwirani, kweni nchakwenelera yayi kuti iyo ndiyo wamovwiraninge pa masuzgo agho ngakujumpha msinkhu wake. All day long it is my concern. " Although your child may be persuaded to help you, it is not reasonable that he will help you through the challenges he is able to handle as much as his age. ndilo languruko lane muhanya wose. " How do all Christians today benefit from the holy spirit's role in revealing the deep things of God? All day long it is my concern. " Kasi Ŵakhristu wose ŵakwandula wuli na ivyo mzimu utuŵa ukucita pa kuvumbura vinthu vyakunyang'amira vya Ciuta? What good results there can be when children are trained to keep a simple eye! How do all Christians benefit from the holy spirit's role in revealing the deep things of God? Ŵana ŵakwandula comene para ŵakusambizgika kuŵa na jiso lakulata pa cimoza. STUDY ARTICLE 4 PAGES 24 - 28 Children benefit greatly from being trained to keep a simple eye. NKHANI 4 PEJI 24 - 28 " They Will Flee From Him ' STUDY ARTICLE 4 PAGES 24 - 28 " Mulendo Zimucimbirenge ' Why is having respect and showing honor so important? " The alien resident Will Flee From Him " Cifukwa wuli kucindikana nkhwakuzirwa comene? Although we encounter problems, our joy in doing Jehovah's will spurs us on. - Nehemiah 8: 10. Why is showing honor so important? Nangauli tikukumana na masuzgo, cimwemwe cithu cikuticiska kuti tirutirizge kucita khumbo la Yehova. - Nehemiya 8: 10. Since the Romans also used pebbles to gain entry to important events, the "white pebble " may denote the anointed one's being admitted to a place in heaven at the marriage of the Lamb. Despite the challenges we face, our joy motivates us to keep on doing Jehovah's will. - Nehemiah 8: 10. Pakuti Ŵaroma ŵakagwiriskirangaso ncito tumalibwe twa sangalawe, nga ni tikiti yakunjilira mu nyumba iyo muli vyakucitika vinyake, mwanteura "sangalawe lituŵa " lingayimira cizomerezgo cakuti Ŵakristu ŵakuphakazgika ŵarute kucanya, ceneico cikuŵako panyengo ya nthengwa ya Mwana - mberere. Let him witness the new personality in operation. Since the Romans also used wooden stones, such as entering into a house where there is a certain event, "a white horse " may suggest that anointed Christians go to heaven, which is then part of the Lamb's marriage. Mwanalume wawone kuti muwoli wake wavwara nadi wunthu uphya. But that was not this widow's reaction. A man can see that his wife put on the new personality. Kweni ivi ndivyo cokoro cikazgora yayi. One person wrote: "Current events are so grim that we often can't decide whether or not we dare watch the six o'clock news. " But that was not what the widow did. Muntu munyake wakalemba kuti: "Vyakucitika mazuŵa ghano nvyakuthiska lusoko, mwakuti kanandi cikuŵa cakusuzga kusanka kupulikizga panji kuleka kupulikizga nkani za 6 koloko. " When we have, or feel that we have, been wronged, we could become bitter. One writer wrote: "The situation today is so discouraged that it is often difficult to listen or not to listen to about six o'clock. " Tingakwiya para ŵanji ŵatibudira. Prayer to God, however, is not the same as a casual conversation we might have with a peer. We need to be angry when others offend us. Kweni para tikuyowoya na Chiuta vikupambana na para tikuyowoya na munthu munyithu. On the other hand, "the spiritual man " is someone who" examines all things " and who has "the mind of Christ. " But communication with God differs from the way we speak to someone else. Kweni "munthu uyo wakulongozgeka na mzimu... wakusanda vinthu vyose " kweniso wali na" maghanoghano gha Khristu. " Jehovah's friends have what opportunity? On the other hand, "a spiritual man... examines all things " and has" the mind of Christ. " Kasi ŵabwezi ŵa Yehova ŵali na mwaŵi wuli? Similarly, after Paul asked "Who will rescue me? " What privilege do Jehovah's friends have? Mwakuyana waka, Paulosi wakati wafumba kuti "Ni njani wanithaskenge? " PUBLISHERS Similarly, when Paul asked, "Who will rescue me? " ŴAPHARAZGI " All other things " that God thus brings into a peaceful relationship with him are "the things in the heavens " and" the things upon the earth. " PUBLISHERS " Vinthu vinyake vyose " ivyo Ciuta wakukhumba kuphemana navyo ni "vinthu vya kucanya " na" vinthu vya pa caru capasi. " Continue Dwelling With Them " All other things " that God requires of us are "the things in the heavens " and" the things on the earth. " Khalaninge Nawo 119: 99 Be Determined to Share 119: 99 Both suffering and death have resulted from the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. 119: 99 Ŵanyamata na ŵasungwana ŵanandi awo ŵali kuchitapo uzaghali ŵakudandawura chifukwa cha ivyo ŵakachita. Head knowledge alone, though, is not going to help us to acquire a heart that pleases Jehovah. Many young men and women who commit immorality complain about their actions. Kuzuzga mutu withu na mahara kungatovwira cara kuti tiŵe na mtima uwo ukukondweska Yehova. Preserved Through Darkness and Tribulation filling our head with knowledge and understanding will not help us to develop a heart that pleases Jehovah. Kuvikilirika mu Mdima Na mu Masuzgo Early in man's history, our original parents, Adam and Eve, followed Satan the Devil in rebellion against God. Protection in the Darkness and Suffering Ku uyambiliro wa mdauko wa ŵantu, ŵapapi ŵithu ŵakudanga, Adamu na Heva, ŵakarondezga Satana Diabolosi kugarukira Ciuta. How did a young man find the father figure he had yearned for his whole life? In the beginning of human history, our first parents, Adam and Eve, followed Satan the Devil's rebellion against God. Vikenda wuli kuti munthu uyo wakakhumbisiska kuwona awiske, wasange dada munyake? For happiness to continue, it is vital to choose wisely and be willing to make a lasting commitment, for God instituted marriage as a partnership that would thrive on harmony and cooperation. - Matthew 19: 6. How did a man who was willing to see his father find another father? Kuti cimwemwe cirutilire, ncakuzirwa kusanka mwavinjeru na kukhumbisiska kupanga cakusanka camuyirayira, cifukwa Ciuta wakambiska ntengwa kuti yiŵe yakukondweska para pali cimwemwe na cikolerano. - Mateyu 19: 6. Rather, we work hard, as to Jehovah. To maintain joy, it is vital that we make wise decisions and make a final decision, for God set the foundation for a happy and happy marriage. - Matthew 19: 6. Kweni tikulimbikira nga tikuteŵetera Yehova. It would, then, seem logical to conclude that some time after Israel entered the Promised Land and before the dedication of Solomon's temple, Aaron's rod and the golden jar of manna were removed from the ark of the covenant. Rather, we strive to be active in Jehovah's service. Ipo tingati Ŵaisrayeli ŵakafumiskamo ndodo ya Aroni na ciŵiya ca mana mu likasa la phangano pamanyuma pakuti ŵanjira mu Caru ca Layizgano panji pambere ŵandapatulire tempele ilo Solomoni wakazenga. In that country, the police often flag down the Witnesses on the road, not to give them a summons or a fine, but to ask for the latest issues of the Watchtower and Awake! Thus, the Israelites were breaking Aaron's rod with the manna in the ark of the covenant after they entered the Promised Land or before making Solomon's temple. Mishonale wakakondwa, ndipo wakacita ntheura, nakuti muwukirano yura wakulimbikira comene. Consider the example of Laurel, who was stricken with polio and lived in an iron lung for 37 years. The missionary was happy, and she did so, and the young man was very active. Aghanaghanirani za ciyerezgero ca mwanakazi munyake wakucemeka Laurel, mweneuyo wakaŵa ŵakulemara ndiposo wakaŵa na suzgo pa kuthuta kwa virimika 37. The articles warning against TV soap operas gave her the strength to refuse to be entertained by what Jehovah hates. - Amos 5: 14, 15. Consider the example of a woman named Lae, who was disabled and struggling for 37 years. Nkhani iyo yikacenjezga za mafilimu agha yikamupa nkhongono zakuti waleke kuwonelera vyakusanguluska ivyo Yehova wakutinkha. - Amosi 5: 14, 15. My friends and I liked to visit clubs and discos. The account he warned about such movies gave him the strength to avoid watching entertainment that Jehovah hates. - Amos 5: 14, 15. Kanandi tikatimbananga na ŵanthu mu misewu. Ukoli said to one of Bintu's friends: "Bring the woman who lost two children at the same time and is still preaching the Bible's message. In many cases, we were surrounded by people on the streets. Zuŵa linyake, mwanakazi munyake, uyo mfumu wake wakucemeka Ukoli, wakaphalira mubwezi wa Bintu kuti: "Mukize na mwanakazi yura ŵana ŵake ŵaŵiri ŵakafwa nyengo yimoza ndipo wacali kupharazga uthenga wa mu Baibolo. Brian: Did you notice that the emphasis is on giving what each one expects to receive? One day, a woman whose husband is called at her place, said to a friend of B.C.E.: "You and her two sons died at the same time and are still preaching the Bible's message. A Gondwe: Kasi mwawona apo pali fundo? Waliyose wakwenera kuchita chigaŵa chake. In what became a pattern, he begged me to forgive him. Brian: Can you see the point? Wakamba kaluso kakuti para wanitimba wakatenge nimugowokere. Even now we can be made mighty on the inside through the action of holy spirit as we participate in invigorating spiritual activities. He developed the habit of forgiving me if he hit me. Nanga ni sono, mzimu utuŵa ungatipa nkhongono apo tikufukafuka kucita milimo yauzimu. Such ones can be likened to a sick man who was unaware of his illness. Even now, holy spirit can empower us in our efforts to engage in spiritual activities. Ŵanthu aŵa ŵali nga ni munthu uyo wakumanya cara nthenda iyo wakulwara. Your Presence Shows You Care They are like someone who does not understand the condition of a chronic illness. Para Mwalutako Mukulongora Kuti Mukuŵaghanaghanira Of course, we are in a better situation now. When You Go to Action, Show That You care Mbunenesko kuti mazuŵa ghano tili na mwaŵi. Shortly after that, Paul had a part in dispensing spiritual food. True, we have every opportunity. Wati wimikika kuŵa mpositole, Paulosi wakawovwira pa mulimo wa kupeleka cakurya cauzimu. May it be our determination to cultivate a peaceful attitude like that expressed by the psalmist: "Look! When he was appointed as an apostle, Paul helped him to supply spiritual food. Mphanyi talutilira kusunga mtende pakati pithu na kuyowoya nga ngwa masalimo uyo wakati: " Wonani! " I am comforted by my belief that God will soon bring complete justice to the earth and will right all wrongs. May we continue to maintain peace among ourselves and say as did the psalmist: "Look! Kweni nkhupembuzgika kumanya kuti sonosono apa, Chiuta wawuskengepo masuzgo ghose pa charu chapasi. Many unmarried Christians use their current circumstances to accomplish much in behalf of the Kingdom. But I find comfort in knowing that soon God will remove all suffering from the earth. Ŵakhristu ŵanandi awo ŵandanjire mu nthengwa, ŵakucita vinandi mu mulimo wa Fumu. The teachings of the Bible can be used to help others bring their thinking in line with the truth. Many single Christians are doing much in the Lord's service. Visambizgo vya mu Baibolo vingawovwira ŵanthu kusintha kaghanaghaniro kawo na kwamba kukolerana na unenesko. Others, it seems, contended that all the laws were equally important and that it was wrong to give more weight to some than to others. Bible teachings can help people to change their thinking and conform to the truth. Ŵanji ŵakaghanaghananga kuti malango ghose ngakuzirwa mwakuyana waka, ndipo ŵakatenge nkhwananga kughanaghana kuti ghanji ngakuzirwa kuluska ghanyake. Our boys have grown up rubbing shoulders with people who love Jehovah, and they now see that serving God is an enjoyable way of life. " Some thought that all the rules were just necessary, and they were wrong to think that others were worth more than others. Ŵana ŵithu ŵali kuzgoŵera kucita vinthu na ŵanthu awo ŵakutemwa Yehova, ndipo sono ŵakuwona kuti kuteŵetera Ciuta nchinthu cakunozga comene. " The year is 617 B.C.E. Our children are learning to work with people who love Jehovah, and they now feel that serving him is the best way of life. " Mukaŵa mu cilimika ca 617 B.C.E. Daniel remained loyal to God not only when in public but also in private. - Read Daniel 6: 10. It was 617 B.C.E. Daniyeli wakagomezgekanga kwa Ciuta para wali pa wumba kweniso para wali kwayekha. - Ŵazgani Daniel 6: 10. There are, though, valueless things that are much more dangerous than relaxation. Daniel remained loyal to God when he was in public and in private. - Read Daniel 6: 10. Kweni pali vinthu vyawakawaka vinyake ivyo ni vyakofya comene kuluska vyakusanguluska. However, the prosecutor rejected the verdict and appealed to the Moscow City Court. But there are other worthless things that are even more serious than entertainment. Ndipouli, wakwimira boma pa milandu wakakolerana naco yayi ceruzgo ici, ndipo wakacita apilu ku khoti linyake mu Moscow. Centuries earlier, Jehovah had promised the land to the family of Abraham, and "God... cannot lie. " - Titus 1: 2; Genesis 12: 7. However, the prosecutor did not support the Court's decision, and he appealed to another court in Moscow. Nakuti Yehova wakalayizga Abrahamu kuti caru ici wacipelekenge ku mphapu yake. Ndipo Baibolo likuti: "Ciuta... wangateta cara. " - Tito 1: 2; Genesis 12: 7. Love for Jehovah will move you to act in what way? In fact, Jehovah promised Abraham that this land would be given to His offspring, and the Bible says: "God... cannot lie. " - Titus 1: 2; Genesis 12: 7. Kasi kutemwa Yehova kuzamumukhuŵirizgani kucitaci? Your children can learn to love God only if they have evidence that he exists and that he loves them. What will love for Jehovah move you to do? Ŵana ŵinu ŵangamba kutemwa Chiuta usange ŵakugomezga kuti waliko kweniso kuti wakuŵatemwa. How much we appreciated those good people who extended human kindness to us! - Acts 27: 3. Your children will come to love God if they believe that he exists and that he loves them. Tikaŵawonganga comene ŵanthu ŵawemi nga ni aŵa awo ŵakatilongoranga lusungu lwa wunthu. - Mil. 27: 3. Do not repay sarcastic comments with sarcastic comments. How grateful we were for such loving - kindness! - Acts 27: 3. Para ŵamukalipirani, lekani kuwezgera. However, most experts believe that allergic reactions are primarily triggered by the immune system. If you are angry, do not retaliate. Kweni ŵakaswiri ŵanandi ŵakughanaghana kuti chivikiliro cha mu thupi ndicho chikuchitiska kuti vyakurya vinyake vipwetekenge ŵanthu para ŵarya. We do not know whether they had any children or if she ever considered remarrying. However, many experts think that physical security is the key to eating certain foods. Tikumanya yayi usange wakaŵa na ŵana panji usange wakaghanaghananga vya kutengwaso. Consider also the example of King Uzziah. We do not know whether he had children or if he was thinking about divorce. Kweniso ghanaghanirani vya Themba Uziya. If I were to read the lyrics of certain songs to someone, would that person get the impression that I hate lawlessness, or would the words indicate that my heart is defiled? ' Consider, too, King Uzziah. Usange munthu munyake wangapulikizgako sumu izi, kasi wawonenge kuti nkhutinkha ucikanamalango, panji kuti mtima wane ngwakufipirwa? ' However, Ruth sticks with Naomi, saying: "Where you go I shall go, and where you spend the night I shall spend the night. Your people will be my people, and your God my God. " - Ruth 1: 16. If someone listening to such songs, will he see that my heart is unclean or that my heart is unclean? ' Kweni Rute wakademelera kwa Naomi wakati: " Kose uko mukuya nane ndiyenge kuko, uko mwamugona nane ndamugona papo; ŵanthu ŵinu nane mbanthu ŵane, ndipo Ciuta winu ndi Ciuta wane. ' - Ruth 1: 16. Noah was a man of godly devotion, a righteous man among a wicked generation. But Ruth stuck to Naomi: "Wherever you go, where you spend the night with me, your people will be my people, and your God my God. " - Ruth 1: 16. Nowa wakaŵa munthu wakusopa Ciuta, munthu murunji pakati pa muwiro wakubendera. Brother Fred Molohan and his wife along with his brother Charley of Parsons, Kansas, were outstanding examples. Noah was a God - fearing man, a righteous man among the unrighteous generation. Mbali Fred Molohan na muwoli wake pamoza na Mbali Charley, ŵa ku Parsons, Kansas ŵakamanyanga vinandi. What a warning that is for Christians who might think about marrying someone who does not love Jehovah! Brother Fred Paolo and his wife, one of the local brothers, had much to know. Ntheura ivyo vikachitikira Solomoni ni chenjezgo ku ŵateŵeti ŵa Yehova awo ŵakughanaghana vya kutorana na munthu uyo wakuleka kutemwa Yehova. By laying bare what is really in the heart, however, God's Word can powerfully move a humble individual to strip off the old personality and "put on the new personality which was created according to God's will in true righteousness and loyalty. " So Solomon's experience provides a warning to Jehovah's servants who think about marrying someone who does not love Jehovah. Kweni mwa kuvumbura ivyo viri mu mtima wake, Mazgu gha Ciuta ghangakhuŵirizga muntu wakujiyuyura kuti wavure wuntu wakale na " kuvwara wuntu wupya, weneuwo wuli kulengeka mwakuyana na khumbo la Ciuta mu urunji na mu utuŵa wa unenesko. ' Is pornography a harmless pastime, a deadly poison, or something in between? But by revealing what is in his heart, God's Word can move a humble person to strip off the old personality and to "put on the new personality, which was created according to God's will in true righteousness and loyalty. " Kasi ni vyakofya panji ni viwemi waka? This article shows how we have the most secure dwelling possible - Jehovah our God. Is it really dangerous, or is it just good? Nkhani iyi yikulongora umo tiliri na cakukhalamo ciwemi comene, ico ni Yehova Ciuta withu. David Splane, also of the Governing Body, explained in the next talk that true Christians have always respected God's Word. This article shows how we have the best dwelling place - Jehovah our God. Mubali David Splane, wa mu Wupu Wakulongozga, wakalongosora mu nkhani yakulondezgapo kuti Ŵakhristu nyengo zose ŵakuzirwiska Mazgu gha Ciuta. The prophet Ezekiel served among the stubborn Jewish exiles in Babylon. David Splane of the Governing Body explained in the following article that Christians always value God's Word. Ezekiyeli wakacita ucimi wake pakati pa Ŵayuda ŵakugaluka ku Babuloni. Sometimes personal efforts are not enough. Ezekiel fulfilled his prophecy between the apostate Jews in Babylon. Nyengo zinyake kupereka pa ise tekha kukuŵa kwakukwana yayi. Behe explains: "Many people, including many important and well - respected scientists, just don't want there to be anything beyond nature. " Of course, giving is not always enough for us. Behe wakalongosora kuti: "Ŵanthu ŵanandi, kusazgapo ŵasayansi ŵakumanyikwa, ŵakukhumba yayi kuzomera kuti kuli yunji uyo wali na nkhongono comene. " Who Rules World? Notice: "Many people, including scientists, don't want to accept anyone who is stronger. " Kasi Mukumuwona "Uyo Ngwambura Kuwoneka "? Have Faith Like That of Abraham! Do You See "the One Who Is Invisible "? Tiŵe na Cipulikano nga Nca Abrahamu! Questions for Review Imitate Abraham's Faith! Mafumbo Ghakuti Tighanaghanirepo Suddenly, the mother hen gives a tremulous, high - pitched warning call and spreads her wings. Questions for Meditation Mwamabuci, nyinawo wakulira kwele - kwele - kwele - kwele kucenjezga twana uku watambazura mapapindo ghake. That is so much better than receiving praise from humans! Suddenly, mothers weep over their wings. Vinthu ivi ni vyakuzirwa comene kuluska kulumbika na ŵanthu. (6) Leighton, G. These are far more important than people. (6) Leighton, G. The jailer feared that the prisoners had fled and was about to kill himself. (6) Leton, G. Mulinda wa jele wakawopa kuti ŵakayidi ŵachimbira ndipo wakaŵa pafupi kujikoma. When faced with a similar loss, Dorothy, who became a widow at the age of 47, resolved to find some answers. The prison officer feared that the prisoners had fled and was about to commit suicide. Ntheura, wakaŵa cokoro apo wakaŵa na vyaka 47, ndipo wakaŵikapo mtima kuti wasange mazgoro. How? So she was a widow when she was 47 years old and was determined to find answers. Kasi wakaghakanizga wuli? There are many accounts in God's Word of times when Jehovah displayed great patience. How did he resist them? Mu Baibolo muli nkhani zinandi izo zikulongosora nyengo iyo Yehova wakalongora kuti ngwakuzikira chomene. This is illustrated by the account of Cain and Abel, the first brothers in human history. The Bible contains numerous accounts of Jehovah's patience. Ici cikurongoreka mu nkani ya Kayini na Abelu, ŵana ŵakwamba kufuma apo ŵantu ŵakalengeka. Like a good parent, though, he will not grant requests that violate their best interests. This is shown in the case of Cain and Abel, the firstborn of mankind. Ndipouli, nga umo Dada muwemi wakucitira, Ciuta nayo wakupeleka yayi vinthu ivyo ŵanthu ŵakulomba para wawona kuti vilije candulo kwa iwo. " The living are conscious that they will die, " states God's Word, "but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all. " However, just as a good Father does, God does not provide what people pray when they feel that they have no benefit for them. Mazgu gha Ciuta ghakuti: "Ŵamoyo ŵakumanya kuti ŵafwenge, kweni ŵakufwa kuti ŵakumanya kanthu cara. " Jehovah was their only hope. God's Word says: "The living know that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all. " Ŵakeneranga kugomezga Yehova pera. Name has been changed. They had to rely solely on Jehovah. Zina lasinthika. Many mainstream churches of Christendom still baptize newborn babies. Name has been changed. Machalichi ghanandi Ghacikhristu agho ghali na ŵanthu ŵanandi, ghacali kubapatiza ŵabonda. He was 97 years of age. Many Christian churches with hundreds of thousands of people are still getting baptized. Wakaŵa na vilimika 97. That man, in turn, recommended that I be taken to a more experienced physician in the city. He was 97 years old. Dokotala uyu wakati mboni za maso ghane zaphulika, ndipo suzgo lane likaŵa likuru. Let us look into a number of real - life cases that will help us see not only that it is possible for people to make the change but also that there is something that can help them to do so. The doctor said that my eyes were broken, and my condition was serious. Tiyeni tisande vyakucitika vyanadi kuti tiwone ivyo vikulongora kuti nchamacitiko kweniso ico cingawovwira ŵanthu kucita nthena. The important lesson we can learn from Paul's discussion is that in the pursuit of Christian maturity, our objective is neither to acquire great knowledge and learning nor to cultivate refined personality traits. Let us examine modern - day experiences that show that it is possible and that it can help people to do so. Sambiro lakuzirwa ilo tikusambirapo pa ivyo Paulos wakayowoya ndakuti penepapo tikukhumba kuŵa Mkristu wakukhwima, khumbo lithu ndakuti timanye vintu vyose cara, nesi kuŵa na wuntu wambura kabanga yayi. The domestic courts did not adduce " relevant and sufficient ' reasons to show that the applicant community " was guilty, for instance, of breaking up families, inciting suicide, or refusing medical care. The important lesson we learn from Paul's words is that when we want to be mature, our desire is not to know all things, nor does it become a pure person. Makhoti gha mu caru ici ghakatondeka kupeleka vifukwa " vyakupulikikwa ' kuti ghalongore kuti ŵakudandawura " ŵakaŵa na mulandu, mwaciyelezgero, wa kumazga nthengwa, wa kukhuŵilizga kuti ŵanthu ŵajikomenge, panji wa kukanizga ŵanthu kupokera munkhwala. Megan: Thank you. The kings of this world could not give out "for a cause " to show their regret, for example, to end the marriage, encouraging people to kill themselves, or to refuse to accept medical treatment. Tiwonge: Tawonga, mwaŵerenga makora. " I do take the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you today, " he declared, "that I have put life and death before you, the blessing and the malediction; and you must choose life in order that you may keep alive, you and your offspring. " Megan: Thank you, you read it well. Iyo wakati: "Nkhucema mtambo na caru capasi kumukhalirani ukaboni muhanya uno, kuti ndaŵika pamaso pinu umoyo na nyifwa, thumbiko na nthembo; ntheura sorani umoyo mwakuti mose, imwe na ŵana ŵinu, mughume [muŵe ŵamoyo]. " U.S. He said: "I take the heavens and the earth as witnesses today, that I have put life and death before you, the blessing and the curse; and you must choose life in order that you and your offspring may keep alive. " U.S. Jesus Christ likened the gathering of individuals for everlasting life to a harvest. U.S. Yesu Kristu wakayerezgera kuwunganya ŵantu kuti ŵasange umoyo wamuyirayira na ncito ya vuna. Today, however, the question arises: Is there any Scriptural reason why the directors of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania must be members of the Governing Body? Jesus Christ likened the gathering of people to everlasting life and the harvest work. Ndipouli, lero, fumbo likufumbikaso kuti: Kasi pali cifukwa ca mu Malemba cakuti ŵarongozgi ŵa wupu wa Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania ŵakwenera kuŵa mamembara gha Wupu Wakurongozga? By reason of his Creatorship, Jehovah is worthy of our worship. Today, however, the question arises: Is there any Scriptural basis for the directors of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania as members of the Governing Body? Yehova ngwakwenelera kumusopa cifukwa ndiyo Mlengi wa vinthu vyose. Consider how Paul handled a problem that arose in the Syrian city of Antioch. Jehovah deserves our worship because he is the Creator of all things. Wonani umo Paulosi wakacitira na suzgo ilo likaŵa ku Antiyoke, msumba wa ku Siriya. Nowhere in the Bible do we find any suggestion that Jesus or his followers organized themselves into some kind of resistance movement or resorted to force in order to fight against their persecutors. Consider Paul's reaction to a situation in Antioch, a Syrian city. Mu Baibolo, palije apo tikusangapo kuti Yesu na ŵarondezgi ŵake ŵakapangana kuti ŵaukire panji ŵatimbane na awo ŵakaŵasuzganga. Of the new peak of 15,597,746 attending the Memorial, the majority are not yet actively serving Jehovah. There is no indication that Jesus and his followers planned to fight or fight against those who were being oppressed. Wumba wa ŵantu 15,597,746 awo ŵakiza pa Cikumbusko, ŵanandi mwa iwo ŵandambe kuteŵetera Yehova mwakulimbikira. She was conscientious, reporting for work early and not loitering at her job. Thousands of people who attended the Memorial have never been active in Jehovah's service. Wakagwiranga makora nchito, wakizanga mwakutendekera ndipo wakaŵa mukata yayi. You also have a wondrous masterpiece of construction - the upright human frame. He was doing well, waiting for a time, and he was not lazy. Tili kulengekaso mwakuzizwiska, mu nthowa yakuti tingimilira. For example, while visiting Jerusalem for the Passover of 31 C.E., Jesus cures a man who has been sick for 38 years. We are also made in a miraculous way to stand up. Mwaciyerezgero, apo wiza ku Yerusalemu cifukwa ca Paska wa 31 C.E., Yesu wakucizga mwanarumi uyo waŵa wakurwara kwa virimika 38. " He that cannot forgive others breaks the bridge over which he must pass himself. " For example, when he came to Jerusalem for the Passover of 31 C.E., Jesus cured a man who had been ill for 38 years. Munthu munyake wakati: "Uyo wakutondeka kugowokera ŵanji wakujibwangandulira buliji lakuti wendepo. " We had greatly enjoyed the traveling work, so at first I felt very apprehensive about the change. One scholar said: "The one who does not forgive others is causing him to think about himself. " Uteŵeti wakwendakwenda ukatinozgeranga chomene, ntheura pakwamba nkhakondwa viŵi yayi kuti tilekenge uteŵeti uwu. " But they had no control over our facial expressions. We enjoyed the ministry very much, so I didn't always have the joy of leaving it. Kweni tikaŵa na wanangwa wakumwemweterana. Accordingly, Paul urged Christians in Ephesus: "Keep strict watch that how you walk is not as unwise but as wise persons, buying out the opportune time for yourselves, because the days are wicked. But we had free will. Mwakuyana na nkani iyi, Paulos wakaphalira Ŵakristu ku Efeso kuti: " Cenjerani comene umo mukwendera, nga mbambura mahara cara, kweni nga mba mahara; ŵakujiwombolera nyengo, pakuti mazuŵa ghano ngaheni. Own Interests Come First In this regard, Paul told Christians in Ephesus: "Keep strict watch that how you walk is not as unwise but as wise persons, buying out the opportune time for yourselves, because the days are wicked. Kudangizga Ivyo Tikutemwa What, though, could happen if the all - powerful One performs wondrous works by using such forces in a controlled, directed way? Putting Our Love First Kweni kasi ncivici cingacitika usange wankongono zose Uyo wakucita milimo yakuzizwiska wangagwiriskira ncito vintu vyankongono vya nga ni ivi? 7 / 1 What, though, can happen if all the powerful one does wonderful works to make use of such powerful things? 7 / 15 In Greek - speaking congregations, the Septuagint was used. 7 / 1 Mu mipingo iyo yikayowoyanga Cigiriki ŵakaŵazganga Septuagint. On the contrary, such an attitude can only aggravate the situation. In the Greek - speaking congregations, Greek was read in the Septuagint. Nakuti kuwezgera uheni pa uheni kukupangiska kuti ukhaliro uhenipe comene. Do You Recall? Moreover, paying back evil for evil leads to serious consequences. Kasi Mukukumbuka? • When were the children of Zion lying prostrate, and when and how did they "arise "? Do You Recall? • Mphauli apo ŵana ŵa Ziyoni ŵakawa kavunama, ndipo mphauli apo " ŵakawuka, ' ndiposo mwauli? God is very real to them. • When was Zion's sons lying down, and when did they " rise up, ' and how? Chiuta ngwanadi kwa iwo. " Flee Out of the Midst of Babylon " God is real to them. " Cimbirani Mukati mwa Babulone " " Happy Are All Those Keeping in Expectation of " Jehovah " Run in Babylon " " Mbakutumbikika Ŵeneawo Wose Ŵakumulindilira " Yehova In the present - day Christian congregation, there are women like Dorcas who may make garments or do other loving things for those in need. " Happy Are All Who Hope in Jehovah " Lero, mu mpingo Wacikristu muli ŵanakazi ŵa nga ni Dorika awo ŵangapanga minjirira panji kucitira uweme ŵanyawo awo ŵali mu suzgo. He corrected that idea by giving them the illustration of the minas. Today, there are women like Dorcas, who may be able to produce white robes or to do good to others in need. Kuti waŵawovwire kusintha maghanoghano ghawo, wakayowoya ntharika ya mamina. It says: "I will rejoice greatly in your loyal love, for you have seen my affliction; you are aware of my deep distress. " To help them adjust their thinking, he gave an illustration about the leaven. Likuti: " Nisekelerenge cifukwa ca citemwa cinu, cifukwa mwaviwona visuzgo vyane na maunonono ghane. ' You see the words you are now reading and sort out the meaning. It says: "I will rejoice over your love, because you have seen my affliction and are hard to deal with. " Apa nthena, mukuwona malemba agho mukuŵazga na kumanya ivyo ghakung'anamura. Singing was likely a part of early Christian meetings. Here you look at scriptures that you read and understand. Ŵakristu ŵakwambilira ŵakweneraso kuti ŵakimbanga sumu para ŵawungana. (a) What does the account of the fishing experience of Peter and other apostles reveal about the proper motive for obeying Christ? In addition, first - century Christians could also sing songs during their meetings. (a) Kasi nkhani ya kukora somba ya Petrosi na ŵapositole ŵanyake yikuvumburaci kuyana na cilato ciwemi ca kupulikira Khristu? Jesus fully expected to return to heaven following his sojourn on earth. (a) What does the account about the fish of Peter and the other apostles reveal about the need to obey Christ? Yesu wakalindizganga kuti wazamuwelera kucanya para wamalizga uteŵeti wake pa caru capasi. Second, we can glorify God by teaching the truth about him. Jesus expected him to return to heaven after he finished his earthly ministry. Nthowa yaciŵiri iyo tingacindikira Ciuta ndiyo kusambizga umo iyo waliri nadi. Even though Jesus knew that he would experience a shameful death, falsely branded as a blasphemer, he prayed that Jehovah's will be done and not his. The second way we can glorify God is by teaching him how he really is. Nangauli Yesu wakamanyanga kuti wafwenge nyifwa yakukhozga soni ndiposo ŵamupusikizgirenge kuti wakutuka Chiuta, kweni wakalomba kuti khumbo la Yehova ndilo lichitike, lake yayi. For Young People Although Jesus knew that he was going to die a humiliating death and that he would hate God, he did not pray for Jehovah's will to take place. Cigaŵa Ca Ŵanyamata Na Ŵasungwana I have never been this excited over Bible reading. " For Young People Mazuŵa ghano nkhukondwa chomene para nkhuŵazga Baibolo kuluska kale. " They have maintained their joy despite the fact that conditions on earth are far different from what Jehovah intended in the beginning. Today, reading the Bible is more satisfying than ever. " Iwo mbakukondwa nyengo zose nangauli mikhaliro pano pacaru njakupambana na umo Yehova wakakhumbiranga pakwambilira. Isaiah They are happy all the time even though the conditions on earth are different from what Jehovah originally purposed. Yesaya If at all possible, should we not endeavor to participate in the ministry each week? Isaiah Usange tingafiska, kasi cingaŵa cakwenelera yayi kuti tipharagenge sabata yiliyose? How Would You Answer? If we are able to do so, would it not be necessary for us to visit them each week? Kasi Mungazgora Wuli? Yes, it is because of the age - old issue of universal sovereignty. How Would You Answer? Inya, ncifukwa cakuti nkani iyi yili kwambika kale comene yakuti ninjani ngwakwenerera kuwusa makora cilengiwa. 1, 2. (a) Why does Satan not have compassion for the anointed and the "other sheep "? Yes, because the account has long been written primarily for the rightful sovereignty of nature. 1, 2. (a) Cifukwa wuli Satana wakuŵatemwa yayi ŵakuphakazgika na ŵa "mberere zinyake "? How did the Devil react to the Kingdom's birth, and of what is this an evidence? 1, 2. (a) Why does Satan not love the anointed and the "other sheep "? Kasi Diabolosi wakatepo wuli pamanyuma pakuti Ufumu wakhazikiskika, ndipo ici ncimanyikwiro ca vici? Any who feel this way, however, can draw encouragement from the words found at Habakkuk 2: 3: "The vision is yet for the appointed time, and it keeps panting on to the end, and it will not tell a lie. How did the Devil react to the establishment of the Kingdom, and what does this indicate? Kweni waliyose uyo wakuwona nthena, wangakhozgeka na mazgu agho ghali pa Habakuk 2: 3 agho ghakuti: "Ciwonesko cicali kulindilira nyengo yake; cikupusumpha ku umaliro kuteta cara. In other cultures and localities, beards are not considered acceptable for Christian ministers. - w16.09, p. But anyone who sees this might be encouraged by the words recorded at Habakkuk 2: 3: "The vision is yet waiting for its appointed time; it does not delay to lie. Ku vigaŵa vinyake, ŵakuwona kuti ntchiwemi yayi kuti Ŵakhristu ŵasungenge mwembe. - w16.09, p. In harmony with this prayer, we want to do our utmost to sanctify, or treat as holy, Jehovah's name. In some parts of the world, it is not proper for Christians to wear a beard. - wp2, pp. Kuyana na ivyo Yesu wakayowoya mu lurombo ulu, tikwenera kutuŵiska zina la Yehova panji kuliwona kuti ndituŵa. Unquestionably, it is his heartfelt desire to undo death by means of the resurrection. According to Jesus ' prayer, we should sanctify Jehovah's name or view it as holy. Kweni nchakumanyikwirathu kuti Yehova wakukhumbisiska kuwuskapo nyifwa mwa kuwukiska ŵakufwa. Jesus was listening to the learned men and eagerly asking questions. Yet, it is clear that Jehovah is willing to remove death by bringing the dead back to life. Yesu wakategherezganga na kuŵafumba mafumbo ŵanthu ŵakumanya malango ŵara. When Moses was up on the mountain, he received instructions from Jehovah. Jesus listened and asked sincere questions. Mozesi wakaŵa pacanya pa phiri, Yehova wakamuphalira ulongozgi. " Workers at Home " Moses was on the top of the mountain, Jehovah gave him instructions. " Ŵakucita Milimo pa Nyumba ' Michelle: God could have quickly proved him wrong. They " perform works at the House ' A Nyausiska: Wayowoyenge nthena mphanyi cikaŵa cipusu kuti Ciuta walongore uyo ngwankhongono comene. (See pictures.) Michelle: That would have made it easier for God to show the most powerful Person in the universe. (Wonani vithuzithuzi.) In resisting temptation, when is prayer most beneficial? (See picture.) Para mukukhumba kutonda ciyezgo, mphawuli apo lurombo lungawovwira comene? Used Bible to Answer Every Question (I. When trying to resist temptation, when can prayer have a powerful effect on us? Ŵakanizgora Kufuma mu Baibolo (I. Who is "the wicked one "? They answered Me From the Bible (I. Kasi "muheni " uyu ni njani? In the case of the two longtime pioneers, a kind elder helped them to reflect on such questions as these: " Do the two of us have the right to make others sad because of our disagreement? Who is this "wicked one "? Ŵapayiniya ŵaŵiri awo ŵakaŵa kuti ŵateŵetera nyengo yitali, mulara munyake wakaŵawovwira kuti ŵaghanaghanire mafumbo agha: "Kasi ntchakwenelera kuti taŵaŵiri tikhuŵazge ŵanyithu chifukwa cha ivyo takhuŵazgana tekha? What do we learn about David from Psalm 70, and what confidence can we have? Two longtime pioneers helped an elder to reason on such questions as: " Shouldn't there be any cause for complaint against others because of our personal failings? Kasi tikusambiraci za Davide mu Salmo 70, ndipo tingaŵa na cigomezgo wuli? Why Allows Suffering? 2 / 1 What do we learn about David from Psalm 70, and what confidence can we have? Kanani Vinthu "Vyawakawaka, " 4 / 15 In fact, Peter witnessed practically all that Mark recorded. 4 / 1 Nakuti Mariko wakalemba ivyo Petrosi wakawona vikucitika. Another said that he bought some cattle and wanted to examine them. In fact, Mark recorded Peter's experience. Iyo wakati awo ŵali mu gulu la " kamskambo kachoko ' ŵazamuluta kuchanya, ndipo awo ŵali mu gulu la "mberere zinyake " ŵazamukhala pa charu chapasi kwamuyirayira. [ Pictures on page 24, 25] He said that members of the "little flock " would go to heaven, and those of the" other sheep " would live forever on earth. Munyake wakati wagura ng'ombe za joko ndipo wakakhumbanga kuti wakaziyezge. Where to Be When End Comes, 5 / 15 One said that he bought a wooden bull and wanted to imitate him. [ Vithuzithuzi pa peji 24, 25] I enjoyed what I was learning from the Witnesses, but my personality had little in common with theirs. [ Pictures on page 24, 25] Nkhasangwanga na ivyo nkhasambiranga ku Ŵakaboni, kweni nkharo yane yikapambananga comene na yawo. [ Footnote] I enjoyed what I was learning from the Witnesses, but my conduct differed greatly from theirs. [ Mazgu ghamusi] No more health problems. [ Footnote] Matenda kuzamuŵavya. Five years later, on March 7, 1957, Mom and Dad were driving to the Kingdom Hall when they had a flat tire. Disease will be no more. Pakati pajumpha vilimika vinkhondi, pa Malici 7, 1957, apo Adada na Amama ŵakalutanga ku Nyumba ya Ufumu tayala la galimoto yawo likaphwa. Jesus Christ taught his disciples in the Sermon on the Mount: "Just let your word Yes mean Yes, your No, No; for what is in excess of these is from the wicked one. " Five years later, on March 7, 1957, when Father and Mother were on their way to the Kingdom Hall. Pa Upharazgi wa pa Lupiri, Yesu wakasambizga ŵasambiri ŵake kuti: "Kweni kayowoyero kinu kaŵenge, Inya, inya; Cara, cara; ndipo ako kose kakuruska agha kakufuma ku muheni. " Third, an illustration should not be cluttered with unnecessary details. In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught his disciples: "But your word will prove to be, yes, no, no, but whatever that is from the wicked one. " Cacitatu, ntharika yikwenera kuŵa na vyakurongosora vinandi - nandi yayi. Yes, Jehovah "will answer us in the day that we call. " - Psalm 20: 9; 145: 18. Third, the illustration should not contain a number of details. Enya, Yehova " watizgorenge para tacema. ' - Salmo 20: 9; 145: 18. But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will certainly die. " Yes, Jehovah "will answer us when we call upon him. " - Psalm 20: 9; 145: 18. Kweni vya khuni la kumanyiska uwemi na uheni ungaryanga, cifukwa mu zuŵa leneilo uryerengepo, ufwenge nadi. " What helped Abraham and Sarah to cope with a hard life? But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you eat from it you will certainly die. " Kasi nchivici ico cikawovwira Abrahamu na Sara kuti ŵazizipizge masuzgo? You can appreciate why. What helped Abraham and Sarah to cope? Mungamanya cifukwa cake. 15: 58. You may know why. 15: 58. Because Egypt was the first major power to express enmity toward God's people. 15: 58. Cifukwa Eguputo ukaŵa uthemba wakwamba ukuru uwo ukatinkhanga ŵanthu ŵa Ciuta. Today, one of the Devil's snares is to lead Christians into thinking that if they go as far as possible in trying to show that Jehovah's Witnesses are just like other people, they will succeed in drawing some to Christian truth. Because Egypt was the first world power that hated God's people. Lero, ntowa yimoza iyo Satana wakugwiriskira ncito nkupangiska Ŵakristu kughanaghana kuti Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova ŵali nga ni waliyose, ndipo ŵangakopa ŵanji kwiza ku unenesko usange ŵakunjizgika mu vyakucitika vinyake vya caru. Churchgoers in one land are often unaffiliated with those of the same denomination in another land and are thus unable or disinclined to help fellow believers when a need arises. Today, one of Satan's methods in which Christians think that Jehovah's Witnesses are like everyone else, and they may try to attract others to the truth if they become involved in some of the world's activities. Kanandi Ŵakhristu ŵa mu caru cinyake, ŵakupwelerako yayi za Ŵakhristu ŵanyawo awo ŵali mu cisopa cenecico mu vyaru vinyake, ntheura ŵakutondeka kuŵawovwira para ŵali mu suzgo. The Devil's evil intentions are clearly reflected in the world, which is obsessed with immoral sex and violence. Christians in a foreign land are often not concerned about fellow believers in a foreign land, so they do not find it easy to help them when they are in need. Caru cikulongora maghanoghano ghaheni agho Dyabulosi wali nagho, cifukwa cikutemwa uzaghali na nkhaza. Each day, we are confronted with choices and decisions that test our loyalty. The world reflects the corrupt thinking of the Devil, who loves sexual immorality and violence. Zuŵa lililose tikukumana na masuzgo ndiposo vinthu vyakuti tisankhe, ivyo vikutiyezga usange tili ŵakugomezgeka. He showed me Bible verses that describe Jehovah as a God of love and justice. Every day, we face challenges and decisions that test our integrity. Wakanilongora mavesi gha mu Baibolo agho ghakulongosora kuti Yehova ni Ciuta wacitemwa ndiposo ni murunji. Jesus assured his followers of the availability of God's spirit by saying: "If you, although being [imperfect and thus comparatively] wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more so will the Father in heaven give holy spirit to those asking him! " He showed me Bible verses that describe Jehovah as a loving and righteous God. Yesu wakasimikizgira ŵalondezgi ŵake kuti ŵangapokera mzimu wa Ciuta, wakati: "Usange imwe, mwa ŵaheni, mukumanya kuŵapa ŵana ŵinu vyawanangwa viwemi, asi comene kwakuluska Ŵawiskemwe ŵa kucanya ŵati ŵaŵapenge mzimu utuŵa awo ŵakuŵalomba? " Providing for the needs of our family is a Christian requirement. Jesus assured his followers that they would receive God's spirit, saying: "If you, although being wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more so will the Father in heaven give holy spirit to those asking him! " Kupwererera mbumba yithu ni mulimo uwo Mkristu wakwenera kucita. Why was he willing to do this? Caring for our family is a responsibility for a Christian. Cifukwa wuli wakazomera kuti wapeleke mwana wake? What can help older ones to maintain a positive outlook? Why did she accept the offer of her son? Nchivici ico cingawovwira ŵacekuru kuti ŵaŵenge na maghanoghano ghawemi? The word "pursue " implies that effort is needed. What will help older ones to have a positive viewpoint? Lizgu lakuti "urondezgenge " likung'anamura kuti pakukhumbikwira kulimbikira. c. 88 ⇩ The word "to follow " literally means" to work hard. " ca m'ma 88 ⇩ Trusting in Jehovah means trusting those whom he trusts in the mid - 88 ' s Kugomezga Yehova kukung'anamura kugomezga awo iye wakugomezga We find the answer at Ezekiel 22: 6, 7, 31. - Read. Trusting in Jehovah means trusting those who trust in him Zgoro tikulisanga pa Ezekiel 22: 6, 7, 31. - Ŵazgani. The entire collection of 225 songs was available in over 100 languages. We find the answer at Ezekiel 22: 6, 7, 31. - Read. Buku ili likaŵa na sumu 225 ndipo likasangikanga mu viyowoyero vyakujumpha 100. As a result, when we face problems or decisions, we can usually find just what we need. It contained 22,500 songs, which were found in over 100 languages. Ntheura, para suzgo yatiwira panji tikughanaghanira cakucita, tingasanga ico tikukhumba. 8 - 11. So when problems arise or decisions arise, we can find what we need. 8 - 11. (b) for the general support of the work? 8 - 11. (b) kuti viwovwire pa milimo yakupambanapambana? Why did Jesus foretell these events, and what meaning do they have for us? (b) to benefit from various activities? Cifukwa wuli Yesu wakayowoyerathu vinthu ivi, ndipo vikung'anamuraci kwa ise? " Having to take a stand against my mother's immoral lifestyle was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do, " she said. Why did Jesus foretell these things, and what does it mean to us? Iyo wakati: "Cikaŵa cinthu cakusuzga comene kuzizipizga nkharo yambura kwenelera ya ŵamama. I felt as if I let Jehovah down before I even began serving him. " It was a challenge to cope with my mother's bad behavior, " she says. Nkhawonanga nga namukhuŵazga kale Yehova pambere nindambe kumuteŵetera. Paul urged his brothers not to "go on walking just as the nations also walk. " I felt that I had hurt Jehovah before I served him. Paulosi wakakhuŵilizga ŵabali kuti ŵaleke "kwendaso nga ni umo mitundu yikwendera. " As the study progressed, I began to see the need for making big changes in my personality. Paul encouraged the brothers not to "go on walking just as the nations do. " Apo nkhasambiranga Baibolo, nkhamanya kuti nkheneranga kusintha vinthu vinyake vikuru. The lamb's blood sprinkled on the doorposts and lintel was a means to preserve life. As I studied the Bible, I realized that I needed to make some big changes. Ndopa za mwanamberere izo ŵakamija pa milyango ya nyumba zawo, zikawovwira kuti umoyo uponoskeke. There was no arrangement for divorce or for having more than one mate at the same time. The blood of the lamb in the middle of their home made it possible for them to get saved. Ntheura nthengwa yikeneranga kumara yayi, ndipo mwanalume panji mwanakazi wakeneranga kuŵa na mitala yayi. To answer those questions, consider three types of documents that scholars often rely on: (1) The Babylonian chronicles, (2) business tablets, and (3) astronomical tablets. So marriage was not to be destroyed, and neither should a man nor a woman commit adultery. Kuti tizgore mafumbo agha, tiyeni tiwone vinthu vitatu ivyo ŵakusanda mdauko ŵakugomezga: (1) Viphapha vya mdauko wa ku Babuloni, (2) viphapha vyakulongosora kendero ka cuma, na (3) viphapha vya ŵasayansi ŵakusanda vinthu vya ku mtambo. The seed of blessing was to be through Isaac alone. To answer these questions, let us consider three areas of history: (1) Babylonian tablets, (2) economic tablets, and (3) scientific tablets. Mphapu iyo yikeneranga kutumbika yikaŵa yakufuma mwa Yisake mbwenu. Other Talks of Encouragement The offspring that would bless would be from Isaac. Nkhani Zinyake Zakukhozga " In a sense, " says the report on the study, "they " create ' the very situations they fear most. " Other Reasons to Strengthen Your Faith Lipoti ili likuyowoya kuti: "Para ŵacita nthena " wakwambiska ' suzgo ilo iwo ŵakopa comene. " Unintimidated, Jesus expelled the many demons that held the man in their control. The report says: "When they do this, " he causes a problem that they are afraid of. ' " Mwambura wofi, Yesu wakafumya viŵanda vinandi ivyo vikaŵa mwa mwanalume uyu. On some occasions I worked with organized crime. Without fear, Jesus expelled many demons from that man. Ndipo nyengo zinyake nkhendanga na vigeŵenga. Look! To obey is better than a sacrifice, to pay attention than the fat of rams. " At times, I was accompanied by violent crime. Wonani, kupulikira nkhuwemi kwakuluska sembe za kuwombora, kutegherezga kwakuluska mafuta gha ŵathondoti. " Since legal requirements and tax laws vary, it is important to consult qualified tax and legal advisers before choosing the best way to donate. Look! To obey is better than a sacrifice, paying attention than the fat of the field. " Pakuti caru cilicose cili na malango ghake ndiposo malango ghake gha misonkho, nchakuzirwa kuti mufumbenge dankha awo ŵakumanya malango gha misonkho na gha caru pambere mundasankhe nthowa yakupelekera vyawanangwa iyo yingaŵa yiwemi kwa imwe. How should Christian elders use their gifts? Since legal requirements and tax laws vary, it is important to consult qualified tax and legal advisers before choosing the best way to donate. Kasi ŵalara ŵakwenera kucita wuli na vyawanangwa vyawo? What is more, we rejoice, as do the angels in heaven, that worldwide so many accept the Kingdom message, repent, and get on the road to everlasting life. - Luke 15: 10. How should elders view their donations? Kweniso, tikukondwa nga ni ŵangelo cifukwa ŵanthu ŵanandi pa caru cose ŵakupokelera uthenga wa Ufumu, ŵakulapa, na kwamba kwenda mu nthowa yakuya ku umoyo wamuyirayira. - Luka 15: 10. Saul's next action against the Philistines provoked a strong reaction from them. Moreover, we are happy to be like angels because many around the world respond favorably to the Kingdom message, repent, and walk on the road to everlasting life. - Luke 15: 10. Ivyo Sauli wakacitira Ŵafilisiti, vikaŵa nga wasokomora masanganavu. A willingness to forgive those who offend us - whether they are members of the Christian congregation or not - is essential if we are to maintain peaceful relations with family members, friends, fellow humans, and Jehovah. Saul's reaction to the Philistines was like a blow. Nchakuzirwa kuŵa ŵakunozgeka kugowokera ŵanji awo ŵatibudira, kwali Mbakhristu ŵanyithu panji yayi, usange tikukhumba kulutilira kuŵa paubwezi na ŵamumbumba yithu, ŵabwezi ŵithu, ŵanthu ŵanyake ndiposo Yehova. He remembered groups on bicycles spending whole days in the ministry and in the summer evenings playing recorded talks. It is vital that we be willing to forgive others who have offended us, whether fellow Christians or not, if we want to maintain a good relationship with our family, friends, and Jehovah. Iyo wakati nyengo zinyake ŵakendanga mu magulu pa njinga ndipo ŵakatandaranga ku upharazgi. Immanuel. - Matthew 1: 23. He said that they sometimes traveled by bicycle and had a share in the preaching work. Emanueli. - Mateyu 1: 23. In their study of the Scriptures, they found that the seventh month was to include the Festival of Booths with its concluding solemn assembly from the 15th through the 22nd day of Tishri, so they began to make preparations. Jehovah's Witnesses are well - known. - Matthew 1: 23. Pakusanda Malemba, ŵakasanga kuti mwezi wa nambara 7, wa Tishri, ukaŵanga na Ciphikiro ca Misasa ico paumaliro pakaŵanga ungano wakupatulika. Ciphikiro ici cikambanga pa zuŵa la nambara 15 mpaka la nambara 22. Ntheura ŵakamba kunozgekera. He had some firm counsel to give to certain congregations in Asia Minor, but notice how he went about it. In harmony with the Scriptures, they found that the seventh month of Atonement, held the Festival of Booths, began on the 15th day until the 22th day of meeting. Yesu wakati wafwa na kuwuskika, wakatipa chiyelezgero chiwemi chomene pa nkhani ya kupeleka ulongozgi. * After Jesus ' death and resurrection, he set a perfect example of giving counsel. * Today, as in the first century, "all those who [are] rightly disposed for everlasting life " are responding to the message of truth. * Mazuŵa ghano, nga umo vikaŵira mu nyengo ya Ŵakhristu ŵakwambilira, " wose awo ŵali na maghanoghano ghakwenelera umoyo wamuyirayira ' ŵakupulikira uthenga wa Ufumu. The only way that people can fully grasp the good news about God and his purpose is by studying the Bible. Today, as in the first century, "all those who are rightly disposed for everlasting life " are responding to the Kingdom message. Nthowa yimoza pera iyo ŵanthu ŵangacita kuti ŵapulikiske makani ghawemi ghakukhwaskana na Ciuta na khumbo lake nkhusambira Baibolo. Crusaders reportedly hunted lions in Palestine toward the end of the 12th century C.E. One way that people can understand the good news about God and his purposes is by studying the Bible. Vikuwoneka kuti cha kuumaliro wa vyaka vya m'ma 1100, ŵanthu ŵakakomanga nkhalamu ku Palestina. This meal was one of cheerfulness. - Lev. It appears that toward the end of the 12th century, a lion was killed in Palestine. Ici cikaŵanga ciphikiro cakukondweska comene. - Lev. Eve did not acknowledge Jehovah as the most important Person in her life. What a thrilling occasion that was! - Lev. Eva wakalongora kuti Yehova wakaŵa wakuzirwa comene yayi pa umoyo wake. Therefore, along with studying Jesus ' example, we need Jehovah's holy spirit, so that we can imitate that example properly. Eve showed that Jehovah was not the most important Person in her life. Ntheura, padera pa kusambira umo Yesu wakacitiranga, tikwenera kulomba mzimu utuŵa wa Ciuta mwakuti ticitenge nga ndiyo. For in Daniel's prophecy, the Messianic Kingdom, symbolized by a stone, is on a collision course with human political governments, symbolized by an immense image. Therefore, more than learning from Jesus ' example, we should pray for God's holy spirit to imitate him. Cifukwa mu ucimi wa Daniyele, Ufumu wa Mesiya, uwo ukuyelezgereka na libwe, ucali kuphwanya maboma gha ŵanthu gha ndyali, agho ghakuyelezgereka na cikozgo. COVER SUBJECT | BREAKING THE LANGUAGE BARRIER Because in Daniel's prophecy, the Messianic Kingdom, represented by a stone, is still bringing political elements, represented by a image. NKHANI YA PA CHIKOPI | KOVWIRA ŴANTHU ŴA VIYOWOYERO VYOSE * Moreover, Jehovah's Witnesses are not paid to preach. COVER SUBJECT HELP FOR THE FAMILY * Kweniso Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova ŵakulipirika yayi pakucita mulimo uwu. Yet, the Bible indicates that his discipline is training us, helping us to pursue a right course. * Jehovah's Witnesses are no longer under ban in this work. Ndipouli, Baibolo likulongora kuti cilango cikovwira kuti munthu wasambirepo kanthu na kucita ico nchakwenelera. For thousands of years, mankind in general has tried to navigate its way through life without divine help. However, the Bible shows that discipline enables a person to learn what is right and to do what is right. Nga ni Paulosi, Ŵakhristu ŵanyake mazuŵa ghano ŵasankha kuleka kutora panji kutengwa kuti ŵachite vinandi pakuteŵetera Yehova. No, he kindly reasoned with them, stating: "Which one is greater, the one reclining at the table or the one ministering? Like Paul, some Christians today choose not to marry so as to do more in Jehovah's service. Kwa vilimika vinandi, ŵanthu ŵanandi ŵayezgayezga kwenda kwambura kulongozgeka na Ciuta. The man soon stopped studying. Over the centuries, many have tried to walk without divine guidance. Yayi, wakadumbirana nawo mwawezi, wakati: "Mukuru ndi nju, uyo wakukhala pa kurya, panji uyo wakuteŵeta? Jehovah said that he had determined to bring to ruin "all flesh. " No, he reasoned with them in a month, saying: "What is the one sitting on the table or the one ministering? Munyamata yura wakaleka kusambira Baibolo. Jehovah's Witnesses will gladly help you to do so. The young man stopped studying the Bible. Yehova wakati wakaghanaghana kuparanya "ŵanthu wose. " PAGE 26 Jehovah decided to destroy "all sorts of men. " Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova ŵangatemwa kumovwirani. He knew that his earthly ministry would come to an end and that others would carry on his work. Jehovah's Witnesses would be pleased to help you. PEJI 26 Good people will live in peace on earth forever. - Psalm 37: 9 - 11, 29. PAGE 26 Iyo wakamanyanga kuti uteŵeti wake pa charu chapasi umarenge ndipo ŵanyake ndiwo ŵazamulutizga. And in the same century, Peter declared: "God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him. " He knew that his earthly ministry would continue, and others would continue. Ŵanthu ŵawemi ŵazamukhala mwamtende pa charu chapasi kwamuyirayira. - Salimo 37: 9 - 11, 29. Showing great faith, Abraham is willing to sacrifice Isaac Good people will live forever on earth. - Psalm 37: 9 - 11, 29. Kweniso Petrosi nayo wakati: "Ciuta ndi Mulumbacisko cara: kweni mu mitundu yose uyo wakumopa na kucita urunji ngwa mapokereko na Iyo. " Do you see yourself following this pattern set by Jesus? Peter also said: "God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him. " Abrahamu wakalongora chipulikano apo wakanozgeka kupeleka sembe Yisake He relied heavily on Lefèvre's works when translating the Greek Scriptures. Abraham demonstrated faith when he was willing to sacrifice Isaac Kasi namwe mukujiwona kuti mukulondezga umo Yesu wakacitiranga? (a) How do "gifts in men " help to maintain our unity? Do you see yourself following Jesus ' example? Iyo wakathemba chomene Baibolo la Lefèvre apo wakang'anamuranga Malemba Ghachigiriki. Do You Recall? He relied heavily on Lefèvre's Bible when he translated the Christian Greek Scriptures. (a) Kasi "vyawanangwa " vikovwira wuli kuti tilutilire kuŵa ŵakukolerana? All those who imitate Satan's hatred of God and oppose God's people. (a) How does "gifts in men " promote unity? Kasi Mukukumbuka? Abel - meholah Do You Recall? Ni wose awo ŵakutinkha Ciuta nga umo Satana wakucitira ndipo ŵakususka ŵanthu ŵa Ciuta. Does Jehovah God care about small details? He is all who hate God as Satan does and oppose God's people. Abel - mehola Believing in a Creator meant rejecting my childhood religion Abel - Hee Kasi Yehova Chiuta wakuŵikapo mtima kuti wafiske kalikose ako wayowoya? We also increase our knowledge of God's Word by paying careful attention to talks, demonstrations, and Bible readings. Does Jehovah God strive to accomplish what he says? Usange ningamba kugomezga kuti kuli Mlengi mbwenu nkhukana ivyo nkhasambizgika pa wanichi What would be the effect on those who attended? If I begin to believe in a Creator, I would reject what I was taught at an early age Mazgu gha Chiuta tingaghapulikiska makora pa maungano usange tikutegherezga nkhani, viyelezgero, kweniso para tikuŵazga Baibolo. Peter later wrote: "For the Lord's sake subject yourselves to every human creation. " We can benefit from God's Word when we listen to talks, illustrations, and Bible reading. Kasi awo ŵakizanga pa viphikiro ivi ŵakasanganga candulo wuli? Then we could point out that there has never been death in heaven; people die only here on earth. How did those who attended those festivals benefit? Pamanyuma Petrosi wakalemba kuti: "Mulambire vyakwimikika vyose vya ŵanthu cifukwa ca Fumu. " Clearly, Jehovah wanted children to be able to find satisfying answers to their questions about true worship - answers that would motivate them to love Jehovah as their God and Savior. Peter later wrote: "You should be in subjection to all the things pertaining to the Lord. " Kufuma apo, tingamuphalira kuti kucanya nyifwa yindacitikepo; pano pasi ndipo ŵanthu ŵakufwa. There is no need to be in terror of the Devil. Then we can tell him that there is such a death in heaven; on earth, and people die. Nchakuwonekerathu kuti Yehova wakakhumbanga kuti ŵana ŵasange mazgoro ghakukhorweska ghakukhwaskana na kusopa kwaunenesko, agho ghangaŵakhuŵilizga kuti ŵamutemwenge nga ni Ciuta wawo na Mponoski wawo. Some who serve abroad support themselves financially by... Clearly, Jehovah wanted children to find satisfying answers about true worship, which would move them to love him as their God and Savior. Palije cifukwa cakopera Diabolosi. They will no longer exercise their evil control over human affairs. There is no reason to fear the Devil. Ŵanji awo ŵakuteŵetera mu caru cinyake ŵakusanga ŵekha ndalama zakujiwovwilira mwa... We feel secure, for he is always there to help us as the "Hearer of prayer. " Some who serve abroad earn money for themselves by... Ŵazamunjilirapo yayi pa vyakucita vya ŵanthu. Joseph came from a very large family - but not a happy and united one. They will never intervene in human affairs. Tikuvikilirika pakuti nyengo zose wakutovwira cifukwa " wakupulika malurombo. ' How will such prayers affect us? We are protected because he always helps us because "Hearer of prayer. " Yosefe wakafuma mu mbumba yikuru comene. They may be under stress, or they may view your mistakes as a failure on their part. Joseph came from a large family. Mubali yura wakati waghanaghanirapo, wakazomerezga ndipo wakati: "Mukuneneska mubali. " When was the last time we prayed together as a couple? After considering the brother's feelings, the brother admitted, "You're right. " Kasi malurombo agha ghatovwirenge wuli? Most have acted wisely and made Jehovah's heart rejoice. How will such prayers benefit us? Ŵangaŵa kuti ŵatimbanizgika maghanoghano na cinthu cinyake, panji ŵangawona kuti mukubudiska cifukwa cakuti mbakutondeka. It was evident that Gaius had already done this for his previous guests, since they had brought John a report of their host's love and faith. - 3 John 3, 6. They may be confused about something, perhaps because of their imperfections. JIFUMBANI KUTI... ▪ Mphawuli apo tikalombera pamoza? But the fear of God will remain throughout eternity as his faithful servants in heaven and on earth continue to show him due respect, obedience, and honor. When do we pray together? Ŵanandi ŵasankha mwavinjeru na kukondweska mtima wa Yehova. Did she not recognize her daughter - in - law? Many have chosen wisely and made Jehovah's heart rejoice. Pali ukaboni wakuti Gayo ndivyo wakachitiranga ŵalendo awo wakaŵapokeleranga, chifukwa ŵabali ŵakaphalira Yohane kuti Gayo wakaŵa na chipulikano, kweniso wakapokeleranga ŵalendo mwachitemwa. - 3 Yoh. 3, 6. Antonio received the help he needed, and at last he has put his bad habit behind him. There is evidence that Gaius treated visitors, for the brothers told John that Gaius had faith and received hospitality. - 3 John 3, 6. Kopa Ciuta kuzamukhalirira muyirayira penepapo ŵateŵeti ŵakugomezgeka kucanya na pasi ŵazamucindika na kupulikira Ciuta. (b) Why is it important to strive to make a success of marriage? Godly fear will last forever when faithful servants in heaven and on earth will honor and obey God. Kasi wakamumanya yayi mkamwana wake? Consider what happened to the Israelites dwelling on the western side of the Jordan River in the days of Joshua. Did he not know his daughter? Antonio wakapokera wovwiri ndipo pasono wali kuleka chizgoŵi chiheni ichi. Use indoor residual spraying in your home. Antonio received help and now overcame his bad habits. (b) Cifukwa wuli nchakuzirwa kulimbikira kuti mukhozge nthengwa? Top right, girl: © Bruno Morandi / age fotostock; left, woman: AP Photo / Gemunu Amarasinghe; bottom right, refugees: © Sven Torfinn / Panos Pictures (b) Why is working hard to strengthen a marriage? Ghanaghanirani ivyo vikachitikira Ŵaisrayeli awo ŵakakhalanga kumanjiliro gha dazi kwa Mlonga wa Yorodani mu mazuŵa gha Joshuwa. The mouth is long and arched. Consider what happened to the Israelites who lived east of the Jordan River in the days of Joshua. Fayirani munkhwala wa nyimbo mu nyumba yinu. Most would also readily agree that there is a difference between inadvertent untruth and outright slander, between causing an accidental injury and committing premeditated murder. Take advantage of your house - to - house equipment. Msungwana uyo wali pacanya kumalyero: © Bruno Morandi / age fotostock; mwanakazi uyo wali kumazere: AP Photo / Gemunu Amarasinghe; ŵanthu awo ŵali kucimbira kwawo, pasi kumalyero: © Sven Torfinn / Panos Pictures It is equally necessary for us. A young girl on the right side: © Bruno Moe / age 79; a woman left at left: AP Photo / Geo; © right: © Panos Pictures Yili na mutu ukuru, ndipo mulomo wake ngutali. Husbands should imitate Jesus in showing affection for those under their care. It has a big head, and its mouth is long lasting. Kweniso, ŵanandi ŵangazomera kuti pali mphambano pakati pa kuyowoya cinthu cinyake kwambura kumanya kuti nchautesi na kusesa, ndiposo pakati pa kukoma munthu mwangozi na kumukomera dala. October 1, 2008 In addition, many would agree that there is a difference between saying something without knowing that there is a lie and lying, and between murder and murder. Ico ncakuzirwaso na kwa ise wuwo. Consider another means by which Christ leads the congregation today. It is also important for us. Ŵafumu ŵakwenera kutemwa awo ŵakuŵalongozga nga umo Yesu wakacitiranga. These aspects of the new personality will help us to imitate God and be of comfort to others. - 2 Cor. Husbands should imitate Jesus ' example. Okutobala - Disembala, 2008 In addition, Nicholas and his wife, Deborah, help with sign - language translation in the Britain branch while Steven and his wife, Shannan, are part of the sign - language translation team in the United States branch. October 1, 2008 Tiyeni tiwone nthowa yinyake iyo Khristu wakulongozgera mpingo lero. JUAN Let us consider another way that Christ leads the congregation today. Mikhaliro iyi ntchigaŵa cha wunthu uphya ndipo yitovwirenge kuti tiyezge Chiuta na kupembuzga ŵanyithu. - 2 Kor. Paul's citizenship under Roman law affected how he was treated in Philippi. Such qualities are part of a new personality that will help us to imitate God and comfort others. - 2 Cor. Nicholas na muwoli wake Deborah, ŵakovwira pa ntchito ya kung'anamura mabuku mu chiyowoyero chamawoko pa ofesi ku Britain. Steven na muwoli wake Shannan, ŵakung'anamura mabuku mu chiyowoyero chamawoko pa ofesi ku United States. With Livija He and his wife, Deborah, help with translation work in sign language in Britain, and along with his wife, Steven, translated literature into sign language at the United States. JUAN Can You Explain? JUA Apo ŵanthu ŵakali ŵakawukira Ŵakhristu ku Efeso, mulara wa msumba wakaŵaphalira kuti ivyo ŵakachitanga vikasuskananga na dango. In his ways they have walked. " Integrity calls for constantly searching to do God's will and walking in his way. When a mob threatened Christians in Ephesus, the chief of the city told them that their conduct was violated by law. Nili na Livija The lady began to weep. With one of the most important things Kasi Mungalongosora? If we do our part, Jehovah promises that he will " finish our training, ' helping us to develop modesty and other godly qualities. - 1 Pet. Can You Explain? Kuti munthu waŵe mukongolekwa wakwenera kupenja nthowa izo wangacitira khumbo la Ciuta na kwenda mu nthowa zake. The Scriptures indicate that such anxiety can lead to discouragement and even depression. To be integrity keepers, one must look for ways to do God's will and walk in his ways. Mwanakazi masozi ghakamba kuthika. They had sermons published in hundreds of newspapers and presented a program of color slides and motion pictures called the "Photo - Drama of Creation. " The woman's tears began to be poured out. Para ise tachita chigaŵa chithu, Yehova wakutilayizga kuti, " wazamumalizga kutisambizga. ' Wazamutovwira kuti tiŵe ŵakujiyuyura na kuŵa nga ndiyo. - 1 Pet. Next, read page 6, and ask the householder, "Of the six questions mentioned at the bottom of this page, which one would you like to have answered? " When we do our part, Jehovah promises us: "He will finish our training, " will help us to be humble and to be like him. - 1 Pet. Malemba ghakulongora kuti para tikwenjerwa chikuŵa chipusu kugongowa panji kusuzgika maghanoghano. Their warm expressions have been preserved to give us confidence that we too can draw close to Jehovah. - Psalms 23, 34, 139; John 16: 27; Romans 15: 4. The Scriptures show that when we are under stress, we may feel discouraged or depressed. Nkhani zawo zikapharazgikanga mu manyuzipepara ghakujumpha 2,000 ndiposo ŵakawoneskanga "Photo - Drama of Creation " (Sinema Yakulongosora Cilengiwa). Today, you also have many opportunities to volunteer your time, resources, and skills to help your brothers and sisters. Their articles were printed in more than 2,000 newspapers and produced "Photo - Drama of Creation " (Photo - Drama). Ndipo ŵazgani pa peji 6, na kumufumba kuti, "Pa mafumbo ghankhondi na limoza agha, ni ndi ilo mungatemwa kusanga zgoro lake? What helped her to maintain her faith? And read on page 6, and ask: " Which of these six questions would you like to find out? Mazgu ghawo ghali kusungika kuti ghatipe cikanga cakuti nase tisendelere kwa Yehova. - Salmo 23, 34, 139; Yohane 16: 27; Ŵaroma 15: 4. Jesus, on the other hand, truly loved the name of Jehovah. Their words have been preserved for us so that we can draw close to Jehovah. - Psalm 23, 34, 139; John 16: 27; Romans 15: 4. Mazuŵa ghano napo tili na mipata yinandi yakupelekera nyengo yithu, katundu withu, ndiposo maluso ghithu kuti tovwire ŵabali na ŵadumbu. Appropriately, Solomon wrote: "Trembling at men is what lays a snare, but he that is trusting in Jehovah will be protected. " - Proverbs 29: 25. Today, we have many opportunities to give our time, possessions, and abilities to help our brothers and sisters. Kasi nchivici cikamovwira kulutilira kuŵa na cipulikano? Keep on walking with God with everlasting life in view What helped him to maintain faith? Yesu wakalitemwanga chomene zina la Yehova. For a time, you would do well to be completely open about your daily activities. Jesus loved Jehovah's name. Nchakwenelera nadi kuti Solomon wakalemba kuti: "Kopa ŵanthu kukuthya msampha, kweni uyo wakugomezga Yehova tiwasungikenge. " - Zintharika 29: 25. The strict neutrality of Jehovah's Witnesses has convinced thousands of observers around the globe that the Witnesses practice genuine love of God and of neighbor. It is fitting that Solomon wrote: "The fear of man is what lays a snare, but he that is trusting in Jehovah will be protected. " - Proverbs 29: 25. Kwakanyengo, mungacita makora kumuphalira mwakufwatuka munyinu wa mu nthengwa vyose ivyo mwacita zuŵa lililose. This rider represents warfare. For a while, you would do well to talk freely to your mate about all that you have done each day. Chifukwa chakuti Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova ŵakunjilirapo yayi pa vya charu, ŵanthu ŵanandi pa charu chose chapasi ŵakhorwa kuti Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova ŵakutemwa nadi Chiuta na ŵazengezgani ŵawo. How does God " take knowledge of the righteous ones '? Because Jehovah's Witnesses are no part of the world, many people around the world are convinced that Jehovah's Witnesses truly love God and their neighbor. Uyo wakwera hachi ili wakwimira nkhondo. This is evident from the account found in Numbers chapter 12. The rider represents warfare. Kasi Ciuta " wakumanya wuli nthowa ya ŵarunji '? They also wrote to the branch in Canada and to the branch in Ghana. How does God " know the way of the righteous ones '? Nkhani iyo yili pa Maŵazgo cipaturo 12 yikulongora kuti fundo iyi njaunenesko. Why does Jesus pray publicly before resurrecting Lazarus? The account recorded at Numbers chapter 12 illustrates this. Kweniso ŵakalembera makalata ku ofesi ya munthavi ya ku Ghana na Canada. In fact, through that covenant, Israel had a unique opportunity and privilege to become "a kingdom of priests, " provided they met the stipulation to obey Jehovah's laws. They also wrote letters to the branch office in Ghana and Canada. Ncifukwa wuli Yesu wakupempera pa mzinda wa ŵantu pambere wandamuwuske Lazaro? 2: 21 - 23. Why did Jesus pray before he resurrected Lazarus? Kweni kuti ivi vichitike, ŵakeneranga kupulikira malango gha Yehova. 15, 16. In order to do so, however, they had to obey Jehovah's laws. 2: 21 - 23. When parents listen to God, successful child - rearing does not become a matter of guesswork; nor does it depend on human experience or human thinking. 2: 21 - 23. 15, 16. So, she came near and said: " Lord, does it not matter to you that my sister has left me alone to attend to things? 15, 16. Para ŵapapi ŵakugomezga Chiuta pakulera ŵana ŵawo, ŵakughanaghanira waka yayi umo ŵangalelera makora ŵana ŵawo, kugomezga vinjeru vyawo panji maghanoghano gha ŵanthu. All his works and actions bear witness to his love. When parents trust in God when raising their children, they do not consider how to raise their children successfully, relying on their own wisdom, or thinking. Sono wakiza pafupi ndipo wakati: " Fumu, kasi vilije kanthu kwa imwe kuti munung'una wane wanilekera nekha kucita vinthu? According to Transparency International's (TI) 2011 Corruption Perceptions Index, * "the vast majority of the 183 countries and territories assessed score below five on a scale of 0 (highly corrupt) to 10 (very clean). " Now he approached me and said: " Lord, has he not done anything for you that my brother has left me alone? Ivyo wali kulenga na ivyo wakuchita vikulongora kuti wali na chitemwa. David was not uncertain about the way in which to walk. His creative works and his works reveal his love. Lipoti la mu 2011 la wupu wa kuwona vya vimbundi pa caru cose likati, " Pa vyaru 183 ivyo ukasanda, ukasanga kuti mu vyaru vinandi muli vimbundi vya zanimuwone. ' However, we started writing to each other, and it became clear that we had a lot in common - our goals, our love for Jehovah, and our strong desire to obey him. A 2011 report of corruption in the world report that " in 183 countries around the world, there have been more corruption in many countries. ' Davide wakayimanya makora nthowa iyo wakenera kwendamo. By learning to speak his language to some extent, I was able to tell him about my beliefs. David was well - aware of the way he should walk. Ndipouli, tikamba kulemberana makalata, ndipo vikamanyikwirathu kuti tikayananga pa vinthu vinandi. Tikayananga vilato, tose tikatemwanga Yehova, ndiposo tose tikaŵa na khumbo likuru lakuti tikondweskenge Yehova. Do you see the relevance, though? However, we began writing to each other, and we knew that there were many aspects of our goals, including our love for Jehovah, and all of us had a strong desire to please Jehovah. Nkhati nasambira kuyowoya ciyowoyero cake pacoko waka, nkhamba kumuphalira vigomezgo vyane. To what does Jehovah liken our kindly giving to others? When I learned to speak little language, I began to share my beliefs with him. Kasi imwe mukumanya kuzirwa kwake? He served God from his youth to his advanced years, and Jehovah used him in mighty ways. Do you know why? Kasi Yehova wakujipulika wuli para tikovwira ŵanyithu? JANUARY 28, 2013 - FEBRUARY 3, 2013 How does Jehovah feel about helping others? Iyo wakateŵetera Ciuta kufuma pa wanici wake mpaka ku ucekuru, ndipo Yehova wakacita milimo yankhongono yinandi kwizira mwa iyo. Harris), 9 / 15 He served God from his youth to old age, and Jehovah performed many powerful works through him. JANYUWALE 28, 2013 - FEBULUWALE 3, 2013 But many mothers are forced by circumstances not only to care for their family but also to work outside the home. JARCH 28, 2013 - THEIR FAITH 3, 2013 Kweni, padera pa kupwelelera mbumba zawo, ŵamama ŵanandi ŵakucicizgika kugwira nchito yakulembeka. Jehovah provided his people with opportunities to live up to the national dedication. In addition to caring for their families, however, many mothers are forced to do secular work. Mwaciyelezgero, Dango lake likatenge ŵapelekenge sembe panji vyawanangwa. In his written response, the prosecutor stated: "The judgment by the European Court in the case Bayatyan v. For example, his Law required voluntary offerings or gifts. Mungaruwanga Yayi Kufumba Do Not Forget to Ask Do Not Forget Yourself Wonani ivyo Baibolo likuyowoya, na umo Ŵakhristu ŵanyake ŵakugomezgeka ŵawovwilira ŵanji. Consider what the Bible says, and note how loyal Christians have offered practical assistance. Consider what the Bible says and how some faithful Christians have benefited others. Iye wakakumbukira kuti virimika vyakumanyuma apo wakaŵa mu Africa, wakaŵazga trakiti ilo Kaboni munyake wakamupa. He recalled that in Africa some years before, he had read a tract given to him by a Witness. She recalls that years ago in Africa, she read a tract that one Witness gave her. Yehova ndiyo wakadankha kuyowoya vya nyifwa. Jehovah was the first to speak of death. Jehovah was the first to talk about death. Usange ni nthena, kasi tinganjira mu cipumulo cake? If so, can we enter into it today? If so, can we enter into his rest? • para tikuyezgeka kucita viheni? • when tempted to do wrong? • when tempted to do bad things? Mwee, nako nkuyana kwa mazgu agha na mukhaliro wa ncimi na ŵasofi ŵa Visopo vya Cikristu lero! How well those words fit the situation of Christendom's prophets and priests today! How similar those words are to the attitude of the prophets and priests of Christendom today! (a) Kasi pempho lakuti "Ufumu winu wize " lifiskikenge wuli? (a) How will the request "let your kingdom come " be fulfilled? (a) How will the request "Let your kingdom come " be fulfilled? Mu nyengo ya nthambuzgo, ŵabali ŵithu ŵakapharazganga mwakubisilizga. During the persecution, our brothers carried on the preaching work underground. During persecution, our brothers were preaching in secret. " Londezgani Kuzizipizga ' " Pursue... Endurance " " Pursue Endurance " Tingalomba nyengo yiliyose ndiposo pa malo ghalighose 26 Spread the Good News of Undeserved Kindness We can pray every time and place 26 Pharazgani Makani Ghawemi gha Lusungu Lukuru lwa Chiuta Looking back over more than 50 years in special full - time service, I can only express my deep appreciation and joy for Jehovah's blessing upon our worldwide brotherhood. 26 Preach the Good News of God's Undeserved Kindness Para nkhulaŵiska kumanyuma, vyaka vyakujumpha 50 ivyo naŵa mu uteŵeti wanyengozose, nili na cimwemwe ndipo nkhuwonga comene Yehova cifukwa cakuti watumbika comene ubali withu wa pa caru cose. Isaac and Jacob were heirs of the very same promise. When I look back over 50 years of full - time service, I feel happy and deeply grateful to Jehovah for blessing our worldwide brotherhood. Yisake na Yakobe ŵakaŵa ŵahaliri ŵa layizgano leneliro pera. Likewise, hypocrisy in religion only proves that God allows people to choose their own path in life. Isaac and Jacob were the only descendants of that promise. Upusikizgi uwo uli mu visopa ukulongora kuti Chiuta wakuzomerezga ŵanthu kusankha ivyo ŵeneko ŵakhumba. Think, for example, of the peer pressure that Joshua and Caleb once faced. False religion shows that God allows humans to choose what they want. Mwaciyelezgero, pa nkhani ya kulondezga unandi wa ŵanthu, ghanaghanirani waka umo vikwenera kuti vikaŵira na Joshua kweniso Kalebi. The expression "have their perceptive powers trained " literally means" the sense organs having been trained (like gymnast). " For example, consider how Joshua and Caleb must have reacted when it comes to following the crowd. Mazgu ghakuti " kamanyiro kaŵo kali kuzgoŵera ' ghakung'anamura "kuzoŵezga viŵaro vya thupi (nga ni muntu uyo wakucita maseŵero). " Jesus did not miraculously start to speak a human language; he began to learn it as a babe. The expression "their perceptive powers have their perceptive powers trained ' means " training one another with the body's members. " Yesu wakamba kuyowoya ciyowoyero ca ŵanthu mwamunthondwe yayi, wakacita kusambira kufuma pa ubonda. There were visible and audible evidences of this. Jesus did not start speaking miraculously, teaching from infancy. Ivyo ŵakawona na kupulika pa zuŵa ili vikalongora kuti mzimu wiza. There are many reasons for us to be joyful and to rejoice together. What they saw and heard on that day revealed that the spirit was coming. Pali vifukwa vinandi comene vyakuŵira ŵakukondwa ndiposo kusekelera pamoza na Ŵakhristu ŵanyithu. Because they had inherited sin. There are many reasons to be happy and happy with fellow believers. Cifukwa ŵakahara kwananga. The Bible points out the reason for today's falling standards. Because they inherited sin. Baibolo likuyowoya cifukwa ico cikupangiska vipimo kumara lero. Churchgoers in 16th - century Europe faced the dilemma of what to believe as truth. The Bible explains why it causes so much conflicting principles today. Umo ŵakakulira ŵakasambizgika kuti ŵagomezgenge papa na visambizgo vya chalichi la Katolika. According to the Bible, God's promised new world of righteousness will end hopelessness and despair. - 2 Peter 3: 13. As they grew up, they were taught to believe in the Catholic Church. Mwakuyana na ivyo Baibolo likuyowoya, Ciuta wakulayizga caru cipya caurunji mweneumo vikhuŵazgo vizamumara. - 2 Petros 3: 13. Here at Daniel 12: 8, he says: "Now as for me, I heard, but I could not understand. " According to the Bible, God promises a righteous new world in which there will be no end. - 2 Peter 3: 13. Wonani kuti pa Daniel 12: 8, pakuti: " Nkhapulika, kweni kuti nkhapulikiska chara. ' [ Picture on page 12] Notice that Daniel 12: 8 says: "I heard, but I did not understand. " 26: 75. 26: 75. 26: 75. Mukhaliro uheni uwu ukaŵapo kwakanyengo mu mpingo uwu. That sad situation did exist for a time in this congregation in the first century. This wrong attitude existed for some time in that congregation. Ni mwaŵi ukuru kuŵa muteŵeti wakugomezgeka wa Yehova kuti watitume kucita ivyo wakukhumba. What a privilege it is to be a loyal servant for Jehovah to use as he pleases! What a privilege it is to be a loyal servant of Jehovah to send us to do his will! Chifukwa cha ndondomeko iyi, ŵabali na ŵadumbu ŵakusanga ŵabwezi ŵaphya ndipo ŵakuŵikapo mtima kuti ŵalutilirenge kusanuzga chitemwa chawo. As a result of this ongoing arrangement, many brothers and sisters made new friends and are determined to continue to widen out in their associations. As a result, new friendships become new friends and work hard to keep extending their love. Peter wa ku Liberia wakaŵa na kaluso kakuyegha magazini na mabuku ghanyake para wakuluta ku sukulu. In Liberia, Peter customarily took our literature to school. Peter of will have the custom of carrying magazines and other publications when he went to school. Kweni nyengo zinyake tingaleka kukolerana chifukwa cha sankho. Sometimes, however, our unity can be threatened by prejudice. On the other hand, there may be times when prejudice can disrupt our unity. Nkhakondwa chomene. My heart swelled with joy. I was impressed. Kasi lemba la Ŵaroma 14: 2 - 4 likawovwira wuli mbumba yinyake? How did one youth act in harmony with Romans 14: 2 - 4? How did Romans 14: 2 - 4 help one family? Ŵangelo ŵakawovwira Loti uyo wakaŵa murunji. Angels helped a righteous man named Lot. Angels helped righteous Lot. Usange Ciuta wazomerezga kuti tisuzgike, nyengo zose wakutipa nkhongono kuti tizizipizge suzgo. If God allows us to be persecuted, he will always give us the strength to endure persecution. If God permits persecution, he always gives us the strength to endure adversity. 10, 11. (a) Ncifukwa wuli Abram wakakhala mu Haran kwakanyengo? 10, 11. (a) Why did Abram likely remain in Haran for a time? 10, 11. (a) Why did Abram stay in Haran for a time? Yefita wakafiska cirapo cake kwa Yehova, nangauli wakamanya kuti kucita nthena kupangiskenge kuti wazakaŵavye muzukuru. Jephthah kept his promise to Jehovah, even though this meant that he would have no descendant to carry on his name. Jephthah kept his vow to Jehovah, even though he knew that he would lose his grandson. Pakuti munyane Ted palije kweniso chifukwa cha uchekuru, nili na ŵabwezi ŵachoko chomene. Now that my beloved Ted is no longer here and I am not as strong as I used to be, my association is more limited. Because of my age and old age, I have very little friends. Wangalutilira kupulika nanga ni para wakuwoneka kuti wakhala pachoko chomene kufwa. One report states: "Hearing is said to be the last of the five senses to be lost. He can continue to listen even if it seems that the passing of his life seems to be very short. Ŵaisrayeli ŵakamba kucita upusikizgi. Israel's heart had become hypocritical. The Israelites began to practice dishonest practices. Nga ni kale, lero napo ŵanthu ŵakutinkhika cifukwa ca unenesko. In our day, as in times past, the truth continues to divide people. Like old, people today are being hated by the truth. Tikati talomba mwakufwilirapo, ine na Elsie tikaghanaghana kuti tileke kuluta ku Paraguay mwakuti tipwelelere Amama. After much prayer, Elsie and I decided to stay and care for Mother. After much prayerful prayer, Elsie and I decided not to go to Paraguay to care for Mother. Davide wakati: " Usange murunji wanitimba, nitenge ni lusungu, ndipo para wanichenya, nitenge ni mafuta ku mutu. ' " Should the righteous one strike me, it would be an act of loyal love, " said the psalmist David, and "should he reprove me, it would be like oil on my head. " " If the righteous one struck me, " said David, "I would have mercy, and if he had warned me, I would not give oil to the head. " • Ni vinthu wuli ivyo imwe mwawona kuti vyasintha, ndipo nchivici camovwirani kuti mukolerane navyo? • What adjustments have you personally witnessed, and what has helped you to accept them? • What changes have you seen, and what has helped you to cooperate with them? Nteura sono, Ciuta withu, tikumuwongani na kucindika zina linu la ucindami. ' - 1 Midauko 29: 10 - 13. And now, O our God, we are thanking you and praising your beauteous name. " - 1 Chronicles 29: 10 - 13. Therefore, now our God, we praise you and glorify your glorious name. " - 1 Chronicles 29: 10 - 13. Sara wakwenera kuti wakakwenyeleranga chomene. What a blow for barren Sarah! How devastated Sarah must have been! Nkhati nafikaso mu Austria, nkhatumika ku dera linyake, uko nkhakumana na mudumbu wakutowa comene wambura kutengwa, zina lake Tove Merete. When I arrived back in Austria, I was assigned to a circuit where I met Tove Merete, an attractive single sister. When I arrived in Austria, I was assigned to another circuit assignment, where I met a single sister named Mary. Iye "wakazura milimo yiweme na vya lusungu ivyo wakacitanga, " comene - comene kwa vyokoro vyanakazi mu mpingo. " She abounded in good deeds and gifts of mercy, " especially in behalf of the widows in the congregation. He was "full of good deeds and loving - kindness " especially for widows in the congregation. Munthu wauzimu uyu wakaŵa Mwana wake "wakwamba kubabika wa cilengiwa cose, " mweneuyo wakazakakhala pa caru capasi na kucemeka Yesu. That spirit creature was God's only - begotten Son - "the firstborn of all creation " - who later lived on earth as the man Jesus. That spirit man was his Son, "the firstborn of all creation, " who lived on earth and called Jesus. (b) Kasi tingacita wuli kuti malurombo ghithu ghaŵenge vyakununkhira vya sungu liwemi kwa Yehova? (b) How can we make sure that our prayers are like sweet - smelling incense to Jehovah? (b) How can we make our prayers like sweet - smelling incense to Jehovah? Msumba uwu uli pa cidikha ca vundira ico cili kuzingilizgika na mapiri ghatali gha Pyrenees. It lies in the heart of a fertile valley surrounded by lofty peaks of the Pyrenees mountains. It is located on a valley plain surrounded by long - range mountains. Mubali Nathan Knorr, uyo pa nyengo iyo wakaŵa pulezidenti wa Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova, wakiza ku Puerto Rico. Nathan Knorr, who was then taking the lead among Jehovah's Witnesses, came to Puerto Rico. Nathan Knorr, then president of Jehovah's Witnesses, arrived in Puerto Rico. Pakati pajumpha vilimika pafupifupi khumi, ŵana ŵanyake ŵa Ana (mwana) ŵakamba kusambira Baibolo ndipo ŵakazgoka ŵateŵeti ŵa Yehova. About ten years later, some of Ana's children started to study the Bible and in time became servants of Jehovah. About ten years later, the other sons of Ana began studying the Bible and became servants of Jehovah. Pa lemba ili mpositole Paulosi wali kutisimikizgira kuti palije ico cingatipatura "ku citemwa ca Ciuta ico cili mwa Khristu Yesu Fumu yithu. " The apostle Paul there lovingly assures us that nothing can "separate us from God's love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. " There the apostle Paul assures us that nothing can separate us from "the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. " Kweniso, nyengo zinyake mabuku ghithu ghangalongosora suzgo ilo panji nase tili nalo, ndipo ghangalongosora nthowa ya kulimazgira. In addition, our Christian publications may shed light on a problem with which we may have been struggling and show us how we can overcome it. In addition, our publications may sometimes present a challenge or a problem that we may have, and they may explain the method of handling it. PEJI 14. PAGE 14. PAGE 14. Usange mukuŵa na nyengo ya kughanaghanira pa nkhani za Yesu, mukuŵa na cithuzithuzi ca wunthu wake. When you take time to reflect on what you read about Jesus, you build a picture in your mind of the kind of person he was. If you have time to meditate on Jesus ' example, you have a preview of his personality. Chipulikano chinu chiŵenge chakukhora para mwamanya chifukwa icho vikachitikira. Your conviction can be further strengthened when you understand why they took place. Your faith is strengthened when you see why that happened. Mwakuyana waka mazina nga ni Ciuta, Fumu, Wankhongono Zose, Dada, na Mlengi ghakutikumbuska milimo yakupambanapambana ya Ciuta. Likewise, titles such as Lord, Almighty, Father, and Creator call attention to different facets of God's activities. Similarly, such titles as God, Sovereign Lord, Father, and Creator remind us of various acts of God. Wonani "Mafumbo Ghakufumira ku Ŵaŵazgi " mu Gongwe la Mulinda la Cingelezi la Julayi 15, 1987, peji 31, panji wonani Gongwe la Mulinda la Meyi 15, 2002, peji 5, ndime 2. QR Code is a registered trademark of Denso Wave Incorporated. See "Questions From Readers " in The Watchtower of July 15, 1987, page 31. See "Questions From Readers " in The Watchtower of July 15, 1987, page 31, or see The Watchtower, May 15, 2002, page 5, paragraph 2. SUMU ZAKUTI ZIYIMBIKE: 52, 39 SONGS TO BE USED: 83, 76 SONGS TO BE USED: 52, 39 Kweni pakaŵa chigaŵa chimoza icho chikatimbanizganga mtende, chigaŵa cha Yudeya. But one remote area was a source of constant frustration for Rome - the restless province of Judea. But there was one area that threatened peace, the territory of Judea. (3) Citatata. (3) Perseverance. (3) Work. Mu 1960, nkhatengwa kwa mbali uyo wakaŵa pa Beteli, ndipo tikateŵetanga nga mbapayiniya ŵapadera mu Chaumont na Vichy. In 1960, I married a brother from Bethel, and we served as special pioneers in Chaumont and Vichy. In 1960, I married a brother who was a member of Bethel, and we served as special pioneers in the circuit work in the circuit work. Mu mazuŵa 112, Hagai wakayowoya mauthenga ghanayi ghakukhuŵilizga. Within 112 days, Haggai delivers four motivating messages. In 112 days, Haggai gives four messages of encouragement. Ndipo ndarama zinu zingazakawezgeka usange mungazakazikhumba kunthazi. However, upon request the funds will be returned. And money will be returned if it is to be returned in the future. Kweni tikuŵachindika ŵabali aŵa chifukwa mbakujiyuyura kweniso ŵakulimbikira ntchito. - Ŵerengani 2 Ŵakorinte 1: 24; Chivumbuzi 19: 10. Still, we do respect and honor such brothers for their hard work and humility. - Read 2 Corinthians 1: 24; Revelation 19: 10. Rather, they respect these brothers for their humility and hard work. - Read 2 Corinthians 1: 24; Revelation 19: 10. [ Cithuzithuzi pa peji 12] [ Picture on page 12] [ Picture on page 12] " TIWAZENGEKESO " (Isaiah 40: 1 - 59: 21) " WE WILL BE FROM OUR BEING " Para tikuchita nthena tikhozgenge chipulikano chithu. Consider some steps we can take based on the model Jesus set. Doing so will strengthen your faith. Satana wakamanya kuti Yehova ngwakwenelera kuwusa vyose ivyo wali kulenga, kusazgapo ŵanthu ŵakwamba. Satan knew that Jehovah is the rightful Sovereign of all that He has created, including the first human pair. Satan knew that Jehovah is the rightful Sovereign of all creation, including the first human pair. Cifukwa wuli pakakhumbikwiranga kung'anamura Baibolo, apo likaŵapo kale mu ciyowoyero ca ku Georgia kwa vilimika vinandi? Why was there a need for translating the Bible when a Georgian translation had already existed for some centuries? Why did it have to be translated the Bible, and when it was already available in Georgia for many years? Nangauli wakaŵa wambura kubapatizika, kweni apo wakakweranga sitima wakajiphara kuti njumoza wa Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova. Although not yet baptized, she had identified herself as one of Jehovah's Witnesses while on board the ship. Although he was not yet baptized, he boarded the ship as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Tiŵenge Ŵakukhora We Will Stand Firm Will We Be Steadfast Nkharo yinu yiwemi yingawovwira kuti ŵanyinu nawo ŵaŵe na nkharo yiwemi. And no doubt your good conduct will encourage your friends. Your good conduct can help others to develop good conduct. Vyamukati Yes, Jesus gave up a perfect human life that corresponded to what Adam had lost. Table of Contents Nadi, Yesu wakapeleka umoyo wake wambura kwananga uwo ukayananga waka na umoyo uwo Adamu wakataya. Elders and some others in the congregation advised her not to move away, but several sisters urged her to go abroad. Yes, Jesus willingly gave his perfect human life, which was in harmony with the life that Adam lost. Ŵalara na ŵanji mu mpingo ŵakamupa ulongozgi wakuti waleke kuluta ku caru cinyake, kweni ŵadumbu ŵanandi ŵakamuciskanga kuti walute. " Ponder over these things; be absorbed in them, so that your advancement may be plainly seen by all people. " - 1 TIM. The elders and others in the congregation gave him counsel not to move abroad, but many sisters urged him to go. " Ughanaghanirepo vinthu ivi, utangwanikenge navyo, mwakuti ŵanthu wose ŵawone umo ukukulira. " - 1 TIM. What is the identity of those kingdoms, or world powers? " Ponder over these things; be absorbed in them, that your advancement may be manifest to all persons. " - 1 TIM. Kasi mathemba panji kuti mauthemba gha pa caru cose agha tingaghamanya wuli? The reader who accepts this is helped gradually to overcome feelings of racial or national hatred. - Acts 10: 34, 35. How can we identify such kings or kingdoms of the entire world? Muŵazgi uyo wakupulikira urongozgi uwu wakovwirika pacoko na pacoko kumazga thinko lafuko panji mtundu. - Milimo 10: 34, 35. Since Elihu heard all the speeches, he must have taken a seat within hearing distance sometime before Job spoke and ended the seven - day silence of his three companions. - Job 3: 1, 2. A reader who heeds this counsel gradually helps to rid himself of racial prejudice or ethnic prejudice. - Acts 10: 34, 35. Pakuti wakapulika vyose ivyo ŵanthu ŵara ŵakayowoya, wakwenera kuti wakakhala nawo pafupi pambere Yobu wandambe kuyowoya, kweni pamanyuma pa mazuŵa ghankhondi na ghaŵiri agho ŵanthu ŵara ŵakakhala waka cete. - Job 3: 1, 2. When we learn what Jehovah requires of us in harmony with his purpose as stated in the Bible, our response to what we read reveals what is in our heart and what adjustments we need to make in order to act in accord with the "perfect will of God. " - Rom. Having heard all that those men had said, he must have been with them before Job began to speak, but only after the seven days of those people were still silent. - Job 3: 1, 2. Kusambira Baibolo. Para tikusambira Baibolo, tikumanya ivyo Yehova wakukhumba kuti ticitenge. Ivyo tikucita pa ivyo tasambira mu Baibolo, vikuvumbura umo tiliri nadi mu mtima. Vikuvumburaso ivyo tikukhumbikwira kusintha mwakuti ticite vinthu mwakukolerana na "khumbo lakufikapo la Ciuta. " - Rom. By means of his sacrifice, Jesus had opened the way for those exercising faith in him to come to know God in a most extraordinary way - they could become sons of God! As we study the Bible, we come to know what Jehovah wants us to do - what we learn from his Word, the Bible, reveals what we really are really in our heart - what we need to do in order to live in harmony with "the perfect will of God. " - Rom. Kwizira mu sembe yake, Yesu wakaŵa kuti wajura nthowa ya awo ŵali na cipulikano mwa iyo kuti ŵamumanye mwapadera Ciuta, panji kuti ŵaŵe ŵana ŵa Ciuta. Spirit anointing depends upon what and upon whom? By means of his sacrifice, Jesus had opened the way for those exercising faith in him to learn about God, or become God's children. Kasi kuphakazga kukuthemba pa vici, ndiposo pa njani? It invigorates us! To what does the anointing depend, and upon whom? Tikasangwa comene. The Christian mate resists the temptation to repay an unkind word or act with another unkindness. No good comes from " returning evil for evil. ' How happy we were! Dada panji mama uyo njumoza wa Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova wakuwezgera uheni pa uheni cara panji kucita vinthu mwambura lusungu, cifukwa palije ciwemi ico tingasanga usange " tingawezgera uheni pa uheni. ' Ahab's blissful countenance changed, twisted with rage and hatred, as he spat out the words: "So you have found me, O my enemy! " - 1 Kings 21: 20. A father or mother who is one of Jehovah's Witnesses refrains from harming us or doing unkind things, for there is nothing good that we can do if we were to " repay evil for evil. ' Ahabu cisko cikasintha nyengo yeneyiyo, pakazura mankhwinya ga! Ndipo wakati kwa Eliya: " Wanisanga iwe murwani wane. ' - 1 Mathemba 21: 20. A God - fearing woman named Lydia cared about others. Ahab's face was quickly changing, and in a loud voice, he said to Elijah: "You have found me, O my enemy. " - 1 Kings 21: 20. Ludiya, mwanakazi wakopa Ciuta nayo wakapwererera ŵanyake. To accomplish his mission, he needed supplies of pamphlets and treatises, as well as Bibles. Lydia, a God - fearing woman, also cared for others. Kuti wafiske ivyo wakakhumbanga, wakakhumbikwiranga mabuku, mathirakiti, na Mabaibolo. " Practice giving, and people will give to you, " he urged. To achieve his goal, he needed literature, tracts, and Bibles. Yesu wakachiska kuti: "Mupelekenge, ndipo ŵanthu ŵamupaninge. The child - a son - was born. Jesus urged: " Practice giving, and people will give to you. Mwana - musepuka - wakababika. A bond of friendship develops between David and Jonathan. A child - a boy - was born. Davide na Jonatani ŵakaŵa paubwezi wa dyaka apa nane nidyakepo. In some cases, Jehovah disciplined or replaced those leaders. David and Jonathan were once close friends with me. Uyo waleka kupulikira, Yehova wakamulanganga panji kusankha munyake. Not only is he a loving Father and the Creator and Owner of the universe but he also reveals his personality and abilities to those who love and serve him. Those who failed to obey Jehovah were either punished or chosen by another. Padera pa kuŵa dada wacitemwa, Mlengi, ndiposo Mweneko wa vilengiwa vyose, Yehova wakuvumburaso mikhaliro yake ndiposo maluso ghake kwa awo ŵakumutemwa na kumuteŵetera. Three months later the car broke down. Besides being a loving Father, the Creator, and the Source of all creation, Jehovah also reveals his personality and abilities to those who love him and serve him. Pakati pajumpha myezi yitatu, galimoto yira yikanangika. Really, there is no reason for us to worry about anything. " Three months later, the car broke out. Nadi, palije cifukwa ca kufipira mtima. " The original text of the Bible was written on perishable materials, such as leather and papyrus. Indeed, there is no reason to be concerned. " Pakwamba, Baibolo likalembekanga pa vipapa (vikumba) na malukwa. Use grocery coupons and other special offers. At first, the Bible was written on the surface of the skin. Rute wakaŵa na vilato viwemi apo wakakhumbanga Bowazi What does Jesus ' role as Mediator involve? Ruth had excellent goals when she wanted Boaz Mugurenge vinthu ivyo ŵakhizgako mtengo. Carbon monoxide is invisible and dangerous - as is Satan You can buy items that have cost. Kasi mulimo wa Yesu pakuŵa Mphemaniski ukusazgapo vici? What a magnificent privilege all of that represents! What does Jesus ' role as Mediator involve? Mphepo yakufuma ku Malasha yakugolera tingayiwona yayi kweni njakofya. (b) Why do we not have any reason to recoil at the thought of obeying Jehovah's commandments? The winds of a burning fire are not unusual. Vyose ivi vikuŵapa mwaŵi ukuru comene. Remember this: You are able either to hurt Jehovah's feelings or to make his heart rejoice. All of this is a great privilege. Pa fundo iyi, mpositole Yohane wakati: "Ili ni ng'anamuro la kutemwa Ciuta lakuti tisungilire malango ghake; ndipo malango ghake ngazito cara. " Adults may have to decide whether to move to another location or to take an additional job. In this regard, the apostle John said: "This is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome. " Kumbukani kuti para mwacita viheni mukukwenyerezga Yehova, kweni para mwacita viwemi mukukondweska mtima wake. Though now deceased, they could be thought of as seasoned runners who could encourage newer runners in the race. Remember, when you do what is bad in Jehovah's eyes, you make his heart rejoice. Ŵapapi nyengo zinyake ŵakusanka kusamira ku malo ghanyake panji kucita ncito yinyake padera pa iyo ŵali nayo kale. His willing sacrifices and those of his daughter led to blessings, as Jehovah used both of them to promote pure worship. Parents may at times choose to move to another place or to do some other work other than they already have. Nangauli ŵakaŵa kuti ŵafwa, kweni ŵakaŵa cakuwonerapo ciwemi ku Ŵakhristu Ŵacihebere awo ŵakaŵa kuti ŵamba waka kucimbira mu ciphalizgano ici. Paul and Silas were able to give a fine witness to the jailer and his family. Despite their death, they set a fine example for the Hebrew Christians who had just begun running the race. Yefita na mwana wake msungwana ŵakazomera kujikomora, ndipo Yehova wakaŵagwiliskira ntchito pa uteŵeti wake. No, Jehovah would not be so unkind. Jephthah and his daughter agreed to be self - sacrificing, and Jehovah used them in his service. Paulosi na Sila ŵakamupharazgira mulinda wa jele pamoza na banja lake. They remind us that if we "eagerly " pursue material things, our thinking is like that of" the nations, " people who are not true Christians. Paul and Silas witnessed to the jailer and his family. Yayi, Yehova wangaŵa wambura lusungu cara. (Read Daniel 2: 41 - 43.) No, Jehovah cannot be harsh. Ghakutikumbuska kuti usange " tikupenja comene ' vinthu vya thupi, tikughanaghana nga " mbamitundu, ' ŵanthu awo Mbakhristu ŵaunenesko yayi. In fact, a sermon published in Boston in 1767 recommended: "Be diligent in reading holy scripture. It reminds us that if we are "seeking first " the things of the flesh, we feel as if we are" the nations, " not true Christians. (Ŵazgani Daniel 2: 41 - 43.) These were fundamental commandments contained in the Law given to Moses. (Read Daniel 2: 41 - 43.) Mwakusazgirapo, uthenga uwo ukapharazgika mu Boston mu 1767 ukalangura kuti: "Fwiliranipo pa kuŵazga malemba ghatuŵa. " At one time, my children were eager to hear whatever I had to say. Moreover, the message being preached in Bot City in 1767 commanded: "Do your utmost to read the holy writings. Agha ghakaŵa malango ghakuru mu Dango ilo Ciuta wakapeleka ku Ŵaisrayeli kwizira mwa Mozesi. JESUS FED THOUSANDS WITH A FEW LOAVES AND FISHES. - MATTHEW 14: 13 - 21; MARK 8: 1 - 9; JOHN 6: 1 - 14. These were the Law covenant that God gave to the Israelites through Moses. " Kale, ŵana ŵane ŵakategherezganga comene ivyo nkhayowoyanga. Interwoven from Genesis to Revelation is the Bible's central theme - the vindication of Jehovah's sovereignty and the fulfillment of his purpose for the earth by means of his Kingdom under Christ, the promised "offspring. " - Read Genesis 3: 15; Matthew 6: 10; Revelation 11: 15. " In the past, my children listened attentively to my words. NA VINGWA KWENISO SOMBA ZICOKO WAKA, YESU WAKARYESKA ŴANTHU ŴANANDI. - MATEYU 14: 13 - 21; MARIKO 8: 1 - 9; YOHANE 6: 1 - 14. Scriptural Questions Answered: " THEY OF THE THAT IS NOT FROM THE PAST, " said Jesus, "U.S. 13 - MATTHEW 14: 13 - 21; MARK 8: 1 - 9; JOHN 6: 1 - 14. Baibolo lose, kwambira Genizesi m'paka Chivumbuzi, lili na fundo yikuru yimoza. Fundo yake njakuti Ufumu wa Chiuta wakuwusika na Khristu uyo ni "mphapu " yakulayizgika, uzamuthuwuska muwuso wa Yehova na kufiska khumbo lake pa charu chapasi. - Ŵerengani Genizesi 3: 15; Mateyu 6: 10; Chivumbuzi 11: 15. The crowd spread their outer garments as well as tree branches on the road. The entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, contains one key point - that God's Kingdom under Christ's "seed, " will vindicate Jehovah's sovereignty and fulfill his purpose for the earth. - Read Genesis 3: 15; Matthew 6: 10; Revelation 11: 15. Mafumbo gha m'Malemba Ghazgoleka: 1, 2. (a) What was "the booth of David, " and how was it to be rebuilt? Scriptural Questions Answered: Mzinda ukatandika malaya ghawo ghakuwaro kweniso minthavi ya makuni mu nthowa. You must also refrain from corrupt practices, such as fornication, adultery, and drug abuse. The crowds clean their outer garments and branches in the way. 1, 2. (a) Kasi "msasa wa Davide " ukaŵa vici, ndipo ukazengekaso wuli? Later, she wrote them a letter of appreciation, in which she said: " You were very nice and kind white people. 1, 2. (a) What was "the sons of David, " and how was it rebuilt? Mukweneraso kutceŵa maluso ghaheni, gha nga ndi uzaghali, ureŵi, na kugwiriskira ncito munkwara wakutimbanizga wongo. Not at all! Bear in mind that Jehovah has your best interests at heart, and he is "the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him. " You must also avoid immoral practices, such as fornication, adultery, and drug abuse. Pamanyuma pake wakaŵalembera kalata yakuŵawonga, wakati: " Ndimwe ŵazungu ŵawemi na ŵalusungu. A few weeks later, he asked an elder in the congregation for a Bible study. Then he wrote to them an appreciative letter: "You are good white and kind. Manyani kuti Yehova wakumukhumbirani viwemi, ndipo "wakuŵapa njombe awo ŵakumupenja na mtima wose. " God's inspired Word says: "Do not be misled: God is not one to be mocked. For whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap. " - Galatians 6: 7. Be assured that Jehovah has your best interests at heart, and "he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him. " Pakati pajumpha masabata ghacoko waka, wakapempha yumoza wa ŵalara ku mpingo kuti wamusambizgenge Baibolo. After 6,000 years of human history, the issue has been settled. A few weeks later, he asked one of the elders to study the Bible with him. Mazgu Ghake ghakulembeka na nkhongono ya mzimu ghakuti: "Mungapusikikanga: Ciuta kuti ngwakusekeka cara; cifukwa ceneico munthu wakumija, ndico wati wavunenge. " - Ŵagalatiya 6: 7. Our actions certainly speak volumes about what we are on the inside. His inspired Word states: "Do not be misled: God is not one to be mocked. For whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap. " - Galatians 6: 7. Pa nyengo iyi nkhagwiranga mu chipatala chapanyumba yamasisiteri. 6 - 8. (a) How did one young man change his view of God's service, and with what result? During that time, I was in a house - to - house hospital. Vilimika 6,000 ivyo vyajumphapo kufuma apo ŵanthu ŵakalengekera, vyalongora kuti tingajiwusa tekha yayi. For example, God would never cause an airplane disaster, killing hundreds of innocent people, because he wanted to punish someone on board! Some 6,000 years after man's creation, we have seen that we cannot rule ourselves. Kuyowoya unenesko, milimo yithu yikuyowoya vinandi za umo mtima withu wuliri. The essence of Paul's counsel is that "nothing is ever to be given " from compulsion, ' from a feeling that one is forced to give, " explains one Bible commentary. Of course, our actions tell us much about the condition of our heart. 6 - 8. (a) Kasi Aaron wakasintha wuli maghanoghano ghake, ndipo watumbikika wuli? He later became active, however, and has been in the full - time service for over 30 years. 6 - 8. (a) How did Aaron adjust his attitude, and with what result? Baibolo likuyowoya mwakupulikikwa makora kuti, Yehova Chiuta " ngwambura ubendezi. ' As the letter was being read, the lady started to cry. The Bible clearly states that Jehovah God is "without unrighteousness. " Buku linyake likuti fundo yikuru ya mu ulongozgi wa Paulosi uwu njakuti: "Paŵavye munthu wakupeleka vinthu " mwakukwenyelera ' panji kujiwona nga wakucicizgika. " When matters of national importance arose, a representative of the people - sometimes a king or a prophet - took the matter to God in prayer. According to one reference work, Paul's counsel applies: "Let no one provide " by being weighed down with anxiety or feelings of inadequacy. " Kweni pakati pajumpha nyengo, wakaŵaso wamwamphu, ndipo wacita uteŵeti wa nyengo zose kwa vilimika vyakujumpha 30. It is the Kingdom that millions have been taught to pray for in these familiar words: "Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. In time, however, he became zealous, and he has spent more than 30 years in the full - time ministry. Apo kalata iyi yikaŵazgikanga, mwanakazi uyu wakamba kulira. 100 - 170 C.E. (17) (#) = Length of king's reign (in years) according to classical historians When the letter was read, the woman began to cry. Usange pali nkhani yakukhwaska mtundu wose, mwimiliri wa ŵanthu, nyengo zinyake fumu panji nchimi, wakalombanga kwa Ciuta. They reveal much about "the things that God has prepared for those who love him. " If there were a variety of topics, a human representative, or a prophet, he sometimes prayed to God. Ni Ufumu uwo ŵantu ŵanandi ŵasambizgika kuwuromba mu mazgu ghakumanyikwa comene agha: " Ŵadada ŵithu ŵa kucanya, litumbikike zina linu. In each case, look for ways that you can imitate your heavenly Father. - Read Ephesians 5: 1. It is the Kingdom that millions have been taught to pray in these well - known words: "Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. Utali wa nyengo (mu vilimika) iyo themba likawusira mwakuyana na ŵakusanda mdauko ŵakumanyikwa Steven, Valvanera, and Jo - Anne, quoted in the opening article, began studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. During the Thousand Year Reign (in the 19th century) the king ruled according to secular historians Vikuvumbura vinandi vyakukhwaskana na "vinthu ivyo Ciuta wanozgera awo ŵakumutemwa. " David prophesied: "The man at peace with me, in whom I trusted, who was eating my bread, has magnified his heel against me. " It reveals much about "the things that God has prepared for those who love him. " Apo tikudumbiskana mafumbo agha, wonani umo mungayezgera Adada ŵinu ŵakuchanya. - Ŵerengani Ŵaefeso 5: 1. They impressed on me that I was my family's main link to their gaining salvation. As we consider these questions, see how you can imitate your heavenly Father. - Read Ephesians 5: 1. Steven, Valvanera, na Jo - Anne awo ŵazunulika mu nkhani yakwamba, ŵakamba kusambira Baibolo na Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova. In a historian such flaws would be damning, but then Berossus ' purpose was not historical. " Science, Steven, and Anne, mentioned in the opening article of this series, began studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. Davide wakati: "Mwanase wane mweneco uyo nkhamutamira, uyo wakaryangako cingwa cane, iyeso wandiwuskira citende cake. " © 2016 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania " My son whom I trusted, " said David, "who was eating bread for me, he will also bruise me in the heel. " Ŵakaniphalira kuti para nilutilirenge kugomezgeka kwa Yehova, ningawovwiraso ŵabali ŵane kuti nawo ŵazakapone. Why can we have deep love for God? They told me that if I remained loyal to Jehovah, I would also help my brothers to survive. Nchakwenelera yayi kuti wakusanda mdauko wabudiskenge vinthu vyanthena, kweni cilato ca Berossus cikaŵa ca kusanda mdauko yayi. " If you are thinking of serving in a foreign land, write to the branch offices of Jehovah's Witnesses in the countries you have in mind. It would not be necessary for an expert on such matters, but it was not the intention of an examination of history. " © 2016 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania it was very good. " © 2016 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Cifukwa wuli nchamacitiko kumutemwa comene Ciuta? In fighting for God's people, Esther and Mordecai fulfilled another Bible prophecy. Why is it possible to love God so much? Usange mukughanaghana kukateŵetera mu caru cinyake, lembani makalata ku maofesi gha munthavi gha Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova gha mu vyaru ivyo mukukhumba kulutako. After some serious reflection, I concluded that there must be a Creator. " If you think of serving in a foreign country, write to the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses that you would like to visit. Lekani paumaliro wa mazuŵa ghankhondi na limoza ghakulengera vinthu, Ciuta "wakawona vyose ivyo wakavilenga, ndipo wonani, vikaŵa viwemi comene. " Elements needed for processes and cycles that are vital for life - such as photosynthesis - were thus in place. Thus, at the end of six days of creation, God "saw everything he had made and, look! it was very good. " Apo Esitere na Mordekayi ŵakalweranga ŵanthu ŵa Ciuta, ŵakafiska ucimi unyake wa mu Baibolo. We never knew that God's name is Jehovah, and we knew nothing about the Kingdom and the Paradise earth. " When Esther and Mordecai were fighting for God's people, they fulfilled another Bible prophecy. Nkhati naghanaghanirapo mwakukwana, nkhamanya kuti kukwenera kuŵa Chiuta. " Like Hezekiah, they show that a person's past does not have to determine his future. After I thought more about it, I realized that it was to be God. " Chiuta wakanozgaso vyose ivyo vikukhumbikwa kuti vyakumera na vyamoyo vilutilire kuŵapo. Jehovah's Witnesses would be pleased to assist you. God also made all that is needed for plants and living things to continue. Tikamanyanga yayi kuti zina la Ciuta ni Yehova, kweniso palije ico tikamanyanga cakukhwaskana na Ufumu wa Ciuta na caru ca Paradiso. " At that, he receives an assignment as a prophet. We did not know that God's name is Jehovah, nor did we know anything about God's Kingdom and the Paradise earth. " Nga ni Hezekiya, nawo ŵandatolere nkharo ziheni za ŵapapi ŵawo. He refused to welcome the visiting brothers with respect. Like Hezekiah, they have not adopted the bad habits of their parents. Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova ŵazamuŵa ŵakukondwa kumovwirani. We learn to put others first. Jehovah's Witnesses will be pleased to help you. Penepapo wakapika nchito yakucima. Artwork fuels our imagination and helps us to see ourselves enjoying the reality of these promised blessings. At that time, he was given a commission to prophesy. Nangauli tingaŵapokelera makora ŵabali aŵa, kweni nyengo zinyake vyakuchita vithu vingalongora kuti tikuŵachindika yayi. When we adapt our preaching methods, whom are we imitating? Although we may be hospitable to these brothers, our actions sometimes show that we do not respect them. Tikusambira kuti tikwenera kudangizga dankha vyakukhumba vya ŵanyithu. " This means everlasting life, " Jesus said, "their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. " - John 17: 3. We learn to put the interests of others ahead of our own. Vithuzi ivi vikutovwira kuwona umo tizamukondwera na umoyo mu charu chiphya. Ingenious Solution (attending convention), 6 / 15 These pictures help us to see how we can enjoy life in God's new world. Kasi tikulondezga ŵanjani para tikusintha nthowa zakupharazgira? Do You Remember? Whom do we follow when we adapt our approach to the preaching work? Yesu wakati, "Uwu mbumoyo wa muyirayira, kuti ŵamumanyani imwe, Ciuta mweneco yeka, na Yesu Kristu, mweneuyo mukamutuma. " - Yohane 17: 3. Let us see. Jesus said: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. " - John 17: 3. Kasi Mukukumbuka? They worshiped the only true God. Do You Recall? Tiyeni tiwone. Paul wrote: "Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men, nor thieves, nor greedy persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit God's kingdom. " Let us see. Iwo ŵakasopanga Ciuta waunenesko yekha. However, the Jews had their own ideas, and not even the miracle - working Son of God could persuade them otherwise. They worshipped the only true God. Paulosi wakalemba kuti: "Kwali mbazaghali, nesi ŵakusopa vikozgo, nesi ŵaleŵi, nesi ŵanalume ŵakusungikira kukazuzgika na ŵanalume ŵanyawo, nesi ŵanalume awo ŵakukazuzgana ŵanalume pera, nesi ŵankhungu, nesi ŵanthu ŵambunu, nesi ŵaloŵevu, nesi ŵakutuka, nesi ŵakuphanga ŵazamuhara cara ufumu wa Ciuta. " Much of the evil that is done in this world is the work not of individuals but of organizations. Paul wrote: "Do not fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men being set apart from men, nor men who lie with men, nor thieves, nor thieves, nor drunkards, nor adulterers will inherit God's kingdom. " Ndipouli, Ŵayuda ŵakalondezganga maghanoghano ghawo, nakuti ŵakakana kusintha nangauli Mwana wa Ciuta wakacitanga minthondwe. Then Jehovah said to Noah: "The end of all flesh has come before me. " However, the Jews imitated their thinking and refused to change, even though God's Son performed miracles. Viheni vinandi ivyo vikuchitika mu charu, ŵakupangiska ni ŵanthu paŵekha yayi, kweni mawupu. True, such witnessing is not always easy. Most of the world's problems are not just man - made but organizations. Pamasinda Yehova wakati kwa Nowa: "Natema kumalizga ŵanthu wose. " I am glad those efforts bore fruit and have resulted in many deep and lasting friendships that help me to endure in my assignment. " Then Jehovah said to Noah: "I will finish all flesh. " Mbunenesko kuti ni nyengo zose yayi apo cikuŵa cipusu kucitira ukaboni. A wise husband will not make arbitrary decisions. Of course, it is not always easy to bear witness. Nkhukondwa chifukwa ivi vikanovwira kuti niŵe na ŵabwezi ŵawemi awo ŵakanovwira kuti nilutilire kuzizipizga pa uteŵeti wane. " Instead of providing elaborate descriptions of the characters ' appearance, Jesus often focused on what they did or how they responded to the events he narrated. That made me want to have good friends who helped me to continue in my ministry. " Mfumu wamahara wakucita waka vinthu kwambura kufumba muwoli wake yayi. In recent times, global developments have resulted in vast movements of people. A wise husband does not simply do things for his wife. M'malo mwa kurongosora vinandi umo ŵantu ŵa mu nkani ŵakawonekeranga, Yesu kanandi wakazunuranga waka ivyo ŵakacita panji umo ŵakacitira pa cakucitika ico. Like Moses and Jesus, God's present - day Witnesses on earth are eager to contemplate Jehovah's glory. Rather than describing how people in the account would appear, Jesus often referred to what they did or did on that occasion. Mazuŵa ghano, vinthu vyasintha pa caru ca pasi, ndipo vyapangiska kuti ŵanthu ŵendendekenge comene. • Why is the world a cruel and harsh place? Today, world conditions have changed, and they have made it more ever more available. Nga ni Mozesi na Yesu, Ŵakaboni ŵa mazuŵa ghano ŵakutemwa kughanaghanira ucindami wa Yehova. The longer we walk with Jehovah, the deeper our modesty should become. Like Moses and Jesus, modern - day Witnesses tend to reflect Jehovah's glory. • Cifukwa wuli caru nchikali kweniso cankhaza lero? What strengthened and comforted her during their separation? She tells us. • Why is the world so angry and cruel today? Para tikulutilira kwenda na Yehova, tijiyuyurenge chomene. Additionally, reading from The Watchtower or our website can invigorate someone who is downcast. The more we walk with Jehovah, the more we will be proud of him. Kasi ntchivichi icho chikamukhozganga apo waliyose wakaŵa kwayekha? By taking advantage of these divine provisions, you make a start in putting on "the complete suit of armor from God, " the only sure protection against" the machinations of the Devil. " What strengthened him in his private life? Kweniso munthu uyo wakusuzgika maghanoghano wangakhozgeka para wangaŵerenga magazini gha Gongwe la Mulinda panji mabuku ghanyake pa webusayiti yithu. The prophetess Deborah spurred him on to take the initiative in freeing the Israelites from oppression by Canaanite King Jabin. Also, a person who is depressed may find it encouraging to read the Watchtower or other publications on our website. Para mukugwiliskira nchito makora mahomwa agha, ndikuti mwambapo kuvwara "mahomwa ghose gha Ciuta, " agho ghangamovwirani nadi kwimikana na" mauryarya gha Satana. " In time, however, he did the unimaginable - he rebelled against God and killed his own brother! As you use this spiritual armor effectively, you become more determined to put on "the complete suit of armor from God, " which will help you to stand firm against" the machinations of the Devil. " Ncimi yanakazi Debora yikamukhozga kuti wacitepo kantu kuthaska Ŵaisrayeli ku wuzga wa Themba la Ŵakenani, Jabini. Advance parties may have built up the road, perhaps filling in gullies and smoothing out rough spots. Deborah's prophet encouraged her to take action to protect Israel from the bondage of Canaanite King Jabin. Kweni nyengo yikati yajumphapo, wakamugalukira Chiuta na kukoma munung'una wake. He watches workers tend vineyards and groves of olive, pomegranate, and fig trees. In time, however, he rebelled against God and killed his brother. Ivi vikwenera kuti vikawovwira ŵabali ŵawo awo ŵakizanga mumanyuma kuti ŵende makora pakuluta ku caru cawo. He was also very spiritually inclined. This no doubt helped their brothers who came back to their homeland to make good progress. Wakulaŵiska umo ŵanthu ŵakupwelelelera minda ya mpheska na makuni ya maolive, marlemon, kweniso makuni gha vikuyu. Yet, all of us may be able to assist elderly brothers and sisters, or entire families, who are facing problems. He looks at how people care for the fields of the olive trees and olive trees, as well as the figs of figs. Kweniso wakamutemwanga chomene Yehova. Never before have so many features of the sign been so clearly evident. He also had a deep love for Jehovah. Kweni tose tikwenera kovwira ŵabali na ŵadumbu ŵachekuru, panji mbumba izo zasangana na masuzgo. We do well to ask ourselves: " Do meetings and field service take second place to entertainment? But all of us need to help elderly brothers and sisters, including family problems. Sono vigaŵa vinandi vya cimanyikwiro ici vikuwoneka makora comene kuluska kale. The essence of Paul's counsel is that we should observe the gifts that others have and acknowledge them. Now most features of the sign are clearly seen. Ntchiwemi kujifumba kuti: " Kasi nkhuŵika vyakusanguluska pakwamba kuluska maungano na uteŵeti? Soon after composing Psalm 34, David heard of the calamity that had befallen the inhabitants of Nob, when Saul massacred them and most of the priests. We do well to ask ourselves: " Do I set aside time for the meetings and the ministry? Ulongozgi uwu ukuticiska kuti tiwonenge maluso agho ŵanji ŵali nagho. For example, we can share the good news with others, strengthen our marriage and our family, and deepen our spirituality by personal study and meeting attendance. Such counsel encourages us to view the abilities of others. Wakati wamara waka kulemba Salmo 34, Davide wakapulika ivyo vikawira ŵanthu ŵa mu Nob, apo Sauli wakaŵakoma. Pakati pa ŵanthu awo wakakoma pakaŵa ŵasofi ŵanandi. Note, for example, an incident described by the apostle John. Shortly after writing Psalm 34, David heard what had been done for the people of Tarsus, when Saul killed many priests. Mwaciyelezgero, tingapharazgira ŵanyithu makani ghawemi, kukhozga nthengwa ndiposo mbumba yithu mwauzimu, kukhozga ubwezi withu na Yehova mwa kucita sambiro la taŵene ndiposo kuluta ku maungano. See The Watchtower of March 15, 2012, pages 30 - 31. For example, we can share the good news with others, strengthen our marriage and our family spiritually, strengthen our relationship with Jehovah by personal study and meeting attendance. Mwaciyelezgero, wonani nkhani iyo mpositole Yohane wakalemba. Doing research, talking with mature Christians, and pouring out our heart in prayer can help us to endure For example, consider the apostle John's account. Wonani Gongwe la Mulinda la Malici 15, 2012, peji 30 - 31. Paul asked: "Why, then, the Law? " See The Watchtower, March 15, 2012, pages 30 - 31. Kupenja fundo mu mabuku, kuphalirako Ŵakhristu ŵakukhwima, na kulomba na mtima wose vingatovwira kuti tizizipizge Jehovah may use his holy spirit on a grand scale, as in the creation of the universe. Seeking counsel in publications, sharing knowledge with mature Christians, and fervent prayer can help us to endure Paulosi wakafumba kuti: "Ipo malango ngaci? " [ Picture on page 20] Paul asked: "What, then, are the commandments? " Yehova wangagwiliskira nchito mzimu wake utuŵa pakucita vinthu vinandi, nga ni umo vikaŵira apo wakalenganga vinthu. I soon found work in Austria. Jehovah can use his holy spirit to do many things, even as in creation. [ Cithuzithuzi pa peji 20] Thousands of others listened to and watched the program via audio / video tie - in to the three Bethel complexes in the United States and to Canada Bethel. [ Picture on page 20] Mwaluŵiro nkhasanga ntchito ku Australia. Will you go through the "large door " while there is still time? Soon I found work in Australia. Ŵanyakeso ŵanandi ŵakawungana mu malo ghatatu gha Beteli ya ku United States, kweniso ya ku Canada ndipo ŵakawonelera na kutegherezga ungano uwu pa TV. How would you feel when you stepped outside the court at day's end? Safe? Many gathered in three parts of the United States and Canada and listened to the program on television. Kasi munjirenge pa "muryango ukuru " uwu apo nyengo yicalipo? Your reading of the Word of God may move you to take action that will increase your happiness and strengthen your friendship with God as well as spur you on to help others to search for God. Will you enter that "great door " when there is still time? Kasi mungajipulika wuli para mwafuma mu khoti ili? Kasi mungajipulika kuti muli ŵakuvikilirika? Our faith is based on hope. - Heb. How would you feel if you came out of that court and felt safe? Muŵenge ŵakukondwa kweniso ubwezi winu na Chiuta ukhorenge. Kweniso muŵenge na khumbo lakovwira ŵanyinu kuti nawo ŵambe kupenja Chiuta. Whether you are newly baptized or have been serving God for decades, you need to examine yourself periodically and ask questions like these: " In imitation of Jesus Christ, am I continuing to be true to my most important Yes? Your happiness and your relationship with God will grow stronger, and your desire to help others come to seek God's favor. Cipulikano cithu cikuthemba pa cilindizga. - Heb. How might today's problems affect us? Our faith depends on hope. - Heb. Kwali mwabapatizika sonosono panji mwateŵetera Ciuta kwa vyaka vinandi, nyengo na nyengo mukwenera kujisanda na kujifumba mafumbo nga ni agha, ghakuti: " Apo nkhuyezga Yesu Khristu, kasi nkhulutilira kucita vinthu mwakuyana na Enya wane wakuzirwa comene? 26: 7, 12; 35: 18; 40: 9. Whether you are newly baptized or you have been serving God for many years, you need to examine yourself and ask yourself such questions as these: "As I imitate Jesus Christ, am I continuing to live up to my most important Yes? Kasi masuzgo gha mazuŵa ghano ghangatikhwaska wuli? That is just what happened. How can present - day problems affect us? 26: 7, 12; 35: 18; 40: 9. While science offers knowledge of the natural world, the Bible provides principles and guidance that lead to peaceful human relations and a happy, satisfying way of life. 26: 7, 12; 35: 18; 40: 9. Ndipo ndivyo vikacitika nadi. the one for whom you have affection is sick, " the messenger relates. And that is exactly what happened. Ŵasayansi ŵakulongosora ivyo vili mu chilengiwa. Kweni ŵakutondeka kupeleka fundo izo zingawovwira ŵanthu kuŵa pamtende kweniso kuŵa na umoyo uwemi. Why are you encouraged to know how God's spirit operated upon... Scientists explain what is in nature, but they fail to provide information that can contribute to peace and good health. " Fumu, wonani, uyo mukumutemwa wakurwara, " thenga ilo likumuphalira. What common view is sometimes expressed? " Lord, look! the one whom you love is sick, " an angel who tells you. Cifukwa wuli mukukhozgeka kumanya umo mzimu wa Ciuta ukamovwilira... COVER SUBJECT | HAS SCIENCE REPLACED THE BIBLE? Why are you strengthened to know how God's spirit helped me... Kasi ŵanandi ŵakuviwona wuli vinthu ivyo ŵali navyo? Love moved God to send his Son to earth to die in our behalf. How do many view the things they possess? NKHANI YA PACHIKOPI | KASI TIKWENERA KUGOMEZGA CHOMENE SAYANSI M'MALO MWA BAIBOLO? How did Jesus ' approach affect the apostles? COVER SUBJECT WHERE CAN YOU FROM THE BIBLE? Lekani Chiuta wakatuma Mwana wake kuti watifwire. " Speak truth each one of you with his neighbor. " That is why God sent his Son to die for us. Kasi ŵapositole ŵakajipulika wuli cifukwa ca umo Yesu wakacitira nawo? How would Pharaoh react? How did the apostles feel about Jesus ' dealings with them? Yowoyani maghanoghano ghinu mwakufwatuka ndiposo mwanchindi. (Read Hebrews 11: 17 - 19.) Speak your thoughts openly and respectfully. Kasi Faro wakate wacitenge wuli? On that foundation, Christians must "supply to [their] faith " other important qualities" in order to keep [themselves] in God's love. " - Read 2 Peter 1: 5 - 7; Jude 20, 21. What would Pharaoh do? (Ŵazgani Ŵahebere 11: 17 - 19.) This is evident from the way he dealt with the ancient nation of Israel and the first - century Christians. (Read Hebrews 11: 17 - 19.) Kweniso Ŵakhristu ŵakwenera " kusazgirako ku chipulikano chawo ' mikhaliro yiwemi kuti " ŵajisungilire mu chitemwa cha Chiuta. ' - Ŵazgani 2 Petrosi 1: 5 - 7; Yuda 20, 21. There are traces of shamanism, Islam, and Christianity among the population, while many are nonreligious. Christians also need to "widen out " in order to" remain in God's love. " - Read 2 Peter 1: 5 - 7; Jude 20, 21. Ivi vikawoneka umo wakacitiranga na Ŵaisrayeli ndiposo Ŵakhristu ŵakwambilira. * This was evident in the way he dealt with the Israelites and early Christians. Ŵanthu ŵanyake ŵachoko waka ŵali mu chisopa icho vyakuchita vyawo vikuyanako na ŵanthu ŵavyanusi. EZRA COMES TO JERUSALEM A few people are part of a religion that is similar to the common people. * Other spices, however, had to be imported. * EZRA WAKIZA KU YERUSALEMU (b) Who are the "domestics "? SEEEIS Kweni vyakununkhira vinyake vikafumanga ku vyaru vinyake. 19: 16, 17; Luke 18: 18, 19. However, some spices came from other lands. (b) Mbanjani awo " mba mu nyumba '? Thus, if we do not want to fall into the grievous sins that Jesus described, we must root out and keep out of our heart any tendencies toward such things. (b) Who are "the domestics "? 19: 16, 17; Luka 18: 18, 19. So as long as you maintain a complete heart toward Jehovah, he will never give up on you. - 1 Chron. 19: 16, 17; Luke 18: 18, 19. Pa cifukwa ici, usange tikukhumba yayi kunjira mu kwananga uko Yesu wakayowoya, ipo tikwenera kuzguramo mu mtima withu maghanoghano ghaheni para ghamba. How should Jehovah's creation affect us? Therefore, if we do not want to enter into the sin that Jesus had said, we must remove wrong thoughts from our heart. Ntheura para mulutilirenge kugomezgeka kwa Yehova, wamulekaninge yayi. - 1 Mid. He saw the earth and its atmosphere as composed of four elements - earth, water, air, and fire. So if you remain loyal to Jehovah, he will not abandon you. - 1 Chron. Kasi ivyo Yehova wali kulenga vikwenera kutipangiska kucitaci? With these factors in mind, some Jewish Christians may have felt that they could eat pork - or enjoy some other food that had been prohibited under the Law. What should Jehovah's creative works move us to do? Wakawona kuti caru capasi na mlengalenga vili kupangika na vinthu vinayi nga ni dongo, maji, mphepo, na moto. Hosea's Prophecy Helps Us to Walk With God He saw that the earth and the universe were made up of four living things, such as soil, water, wind, and fire. Pakughanaghanira fundo izi, Ŵakhristu ŵanyake Ŵaciyuda ŵakawona kuti ŵangarya nkhumba, panji vyakurya vinyake ivyo Dango likakanizganga. Living by Bible principles promotes joy In view of this, some Jewish Christians felt that they could not eat it or eat certain foods that the Law forbade. Ucimi wa Hoseya Ukutovwira Kwenda na Ciuta Jacob worked the first 14 years for the hand of Laban's two daughters, and for the remaining 6 years, he was paid in livestock. Hosea's prophecy helps us to walk with God Munthu wakuŵa wacimwemwe para wakulongozgeka na fundo za mu Baibolo. (See bound volume) [ Pictures on page 14, 15] Applying Bible principles contributes to happiness. (Mu magazini yakusindikizga ndimo vikuwoneka makora) Hence, any who perceive that their first love for Jehovah and the truth has waned would do well to ponder these questions: " What pressures am I facing in life, and how am I reacting to them? (For fully formatted text, see publication) Ntheura, waliyose uyo wakuwona kuti citemwa cakudanga kwa Yehova ndiposo pa unenesko cazizima, wangacita makora kujifumba mafumbo agha: " Ni masuzgo wuli agho nkhusangana nagho pa umoyo ndipo nkhucita nagho wuli? What really matters is how we act when tempted. Hence, any who feel that Jehovah's love and zeal for the truth have grown stronger may do well to ask themselves such questions as these: " What problems do I face in life, and how do I react? Chakuzirwa ni umo tikuchitira para tayezgeka. Such instructions gave Jesus " the tongue of the taught ones ' so that he would " know how to answer the tired one with a word. ' Most important, it is how we react when faced with temptation. Visambizgo vya nga ndi ivi vikamupa Yesu " lulimi lwa ŵakusambira ' kuti " wamanye kuyowoya mazgu na kuwovwira awo mbakuvuka. ' Or recall Pharaoh's daughter who saved baby Moses ' life. Such teachings gave Jesus "the tongue of the taught ones " so that he could" know the word and the support of the tired ones. " Wakati ŵamupe waka munyake kuti ndiyo walere. Why not try to do that when the situation allows? She just arranged for him to do the same. Namwe mwalekeraci kuyezga kuti mucitenge nthena? 17 - 19. (a) What qualities of God are we here urged to imitate? Why not try to do so? 17 - 19. (a) Kasi tikuciskika kuti titolere nkharo wuli ya Ciuta? To illustrate, consider again the example of food. 17 - 19. (a) We are encouraged to imitate God's qualities? Weleraniso pa nkhani ya cakurya. For many, spiritual vision is obstructed because they are unteachable and rigid in their views. Review the matter of food. Ŵanandi ŵakutondeka kupulikiska vinthu vyauzimu cifukwa cakuti ŵakukhumba yayi kusambira, ndipo ŵakungangamira pa ivyo ŵakughanaghana. We can keep on displaying this quality by supporting the Christian congregation and doing what we can to look after its interests and welfare. Many fail to understand spiritual things because they do not want to learn, and they try to influence their thinking. Tingarutilira kurongora mukhaliro uwu mwa kovwira mpingo Wacikristu na kucita ivyo tingakwaniska kuwupwererera. Psalm 150: 6 states: "Every breathing thing - let it praise Jah. We can maintain this quality by supporting the Christian congregation and doing all we can to maintain it. Salmo 150: 6 likuti: "Cinthu cilicose ico cikuthuta mvuci cilumbe Yehova! Note from Haggai 2: 14 how Jehovah viewed the Jews who neglected his house of worship in favor of paneling their own houses, literally or figuratively. " " That is how this people is, and that is how this nation is before me, ' is the utterance of Jehovah, " and that is how all the work of their hands is, and whatever they present there. It is unclean. ' " Psalm 150: 6 says: "Every breathing thing - let it praise Jah. Pa Hagai 2: 14, pali mazgu agha: "Ntheura pera na ŵanthu aŵa, ntheura na mtundu uwu pamaso pane, wakuti Yehova; ndiposo ntheura na mulimo wose wa mawoko ghawo; na ivyo ŵakuvipeleka... ni vyakufipirwa. " The determination of Daniel and his companions to remain loyal to Jehovah speaks volumes about the value of the parental training they must have received. At Haggai 2: 14, we find these words: "In like manner all these people, so with this nation is in front of me, saying: " Jehovah, ' and with all the work of their hands he has given them,... they are unclean. " Cikanga ico Daniyeli na ŵanyake ŵakalongora kuti ŵalutilire kuŵa ŵakugomezgeka kwa Yehova, cikulongora kuti ŵakasambizgika makora na ŵapapi ŵawo. Moses displayed so much lack of confidence in his ability to speak that even when assured of divine backing, he begged God to send someone else to speak to Pharaoh. The courage shown by Daniel and others demonstrated that they were well - instructed by their parents. Mozesi wakajikayikira comene pa kayowoyero kake mwakuti nanga ni apo Ciuta wakamupanikizgira kuti ŵaŵenge nayo, iye wakapempha Ciuta kuti watume munthu munyake wakayowoye na Faro. Wrong to bet small amounts? Moses was so skeptical about his words that even when God assured him that they would be with him, he asked God to send someone to speak to Pharaoh. (Ŵazgani 1 Ŵatesalonika 5: 2, 3.) (Read 1 Thessalonians 5: 2, 3.) (Read 1 Thessalonians 5: 2, 3.) Kasi tikwenera kucitaci kuti watitumbike? What sort of effort is needed? What must we do to receive his blessing? Nyengo zinyake mungamba kufumba kuti, kasi vyose ivi vikutikhwaska wuli? You might be wondering just what all of this has to do with you. At times, you may begin to ask, How does all of this affect us? Cifukwa wuli ŵasambiri ŵa Yesu ŵakeneranga kuwuwona mwakupepuka yayi unenesko uwo ukavumbulika kwa iwo? Why were Jesus ' disciples not to take for granted the Kingdom truths revealed to them? Why should Jesus ' disciples not take for granted the truths revealed to them? " Mbakukondwa awo mbakuzika, pakuti ŵazamuhara charu chapasi. " - Mat. " Happy are the mild - tempered, since they will inherit the earth. " - Matt. " Happy are the mild - tempered ones, since they will inherit the earth. " - Matt. Cili na masitepu ghakuzingilira agho ŵantu ŵakakhilirangapo kuya pasi pakuteka maji. It has steps, which enabled people to descend to the bottom in order to draw up water. The earth's top consisted of water covered by the top of the earth. Cigaŵa cakwamba ca uthenga wa Ezekiel cikuyowoya comene za kupasuka kwa Yerusalemu. The first part of Ezekiel's message centers on the fall and destruction of Jerusalem. The first part of Ezekiel's message focuses primarily on the desolation of Jerusalem. Lombani Yehova kuti wamovwirani. Make it a matter of prayer. Pray for Jehovah's help. Cifukwa kuŵa na kaghanaghaniro ka nga nka Esau kungacitiska muntu kuleka kucindika vintu vyauzimu. Because having the mentality of Esau can lead a person to fail to appreciate sacred things. Because such an attitude could cause a person to lose appreciation for spiritual things. Kweniso tikamuyegha pa galimoto pakuluta ku cipatala. " We also gave her a ride to the doctor's office. " We also took her to the hospital. " Para Gogi wamba kuwukira ŵanthu ŵa Chiuta, ŵakuphakazgika awo ŵachali pa charu chapasi ŵazamutolekera kuchanya. O Judah and Jerusalem, do not be afraid or be terrified. " In heaven, however, there is a different reaction. When Gog starts his attack on God's people, the remaining ones of God's anointed ones will be resurrected to heaven. Muwuso wa Yehova Ukutonda Jehovah's Rule Triumphant Jehovah's Way of Ruling Strengthens Us Ncacitima kuti ŵapapi ŵanyake ŵakulekerera ŵana ŵawo mwa kuŵacitira cilicose, mutepanyake cifukwa ca lusungu lwambura kwenelera. Sadly, some parents do virtually everything for their offspring, perhaps out of mistaken kindness. Sadly, some parents limit their children by treating them in any way, perhaps because of a lack of kindness. (b) Cifukwa wuli kumanya makora ivyo tikukhumba kusambizga ndiposo luso navyo ni vyakukhumbikwa pakusambizga? (b) In teaching, why are knowledge and skill also important? (b) Why is our knowledge of what we want to teach and ability important to teach important lessons? Ndico cifukwa cake Yesu wakuticiska kuti " tiŵeyerere Mweneco wa vuna kuti wakancizire ŵancito ŵaye ku vuna yake, ' inya, ici ncakukhumbikwa nadi sono nga ni umo kukaŵira mu nyengo zakale. - Mateyu 9: 36, 38. So Jesus ' exhortation to "beg the Master of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest " is as valid now as it was centuries ago. - Matthew 9: 36, 38. Thus, Jesus urges us to "become imitators of the Master of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest, " indeed, just as it was in ancient times. - Matthew 9: 36, 38. * Kweni usange pali suzgo nadi, lekani kuzerezga na kughanaghana kuti limarenge lekha. * On the other hand, do not ignore such signs or dismiss your teenager's isolation as a mere phase. * On the other hand, if there is a real problem, do not ignore and think that it will end. Ŵakaronga ŵa mu caru ŵakupokera kwa njani msonko panji mthulo? From whom do the kings of the earth receive duties or head tax? To whom do the kings of the earth receive their taxes? Ku famu iyi ndiko tikagwiranga nchito, ndipo pakaŵa ŵalinda ŵanandi awo ŵakatilaŵiliranga. More than 230 young Witnesses had been sentenced to the Leavenworth trustee farm, a facility of the Leavenworth federal prison. There we worked on the farm, and there were many guards who were watching us. Nadi, mukondwenge kuŵa pamwekha na kuŵerenga ndiposo kughanaghanirapo Mazgu gha Yehova. - 1 Tim. Indeed, you will find yourself cherishing your quiet times when you are absorbed in Jehovah's precious thoughts. - 1 Tim. Yes, you will rejoice as you draw closer to yourself and meditate on Jehovah's Word. - 1 Tim. Nangauli Marilyn wakatumizganga ndalama na vyawanangwa kuti wacepeskeko suzgo lake, kweni wakawona kuti vikapangiskanga waka kuti mwana wake waleke kumutemwa. Ndipo kwambura kumanya wakasambizganga mwana wake kutemwa vinthu vyakuthupi m'malo mwa kutemwa vinthu vyauzimu na ŵapapi ŵake. Although Marilyn tried to compensate for her absence by sending money and gifts, she saw that she was alienating her son and unintentionally training him to put material things ahead of spiritual interests and family relationships. Although Marilyn sent money to solve her problem, she felt that she had lost her child's love, and she had no idea that she had taught her child to love material things rather than to love spiritual things with her parents. Para mungamukanira kwenda mungapangiska kuti wacimbire pa nyumba. They pick his friends for him and eavesdrop on his phone calls. If you refuse to walk, you might try to get him out of the house. Kufuma pa nyengo iyi, tindapatukaneposo. Since then, we have been inseparable. Since then, we have not separated ourselves again. M'malo mwake, cawanangwa cilicose panji uteŵeti uliwose uwo tingaŵa nawo nchifukwa ca lusungu lukuru lwa Ciuta. Rather, any gift or service privilege that we might have is because of God's undeserved kindness. Rather, whatever gift or service we may have is due to God's undeserved kindness. Kufuma apa, "wakaluta, wakarya, ndipo cisko cake ntha cikaŵaso ca citima. " - 1 Sam. She then "proceeded to go on her way and to eat, and her face became self - concerned no more. " - 1 Sam. Then "he went off and ate, and his face was no longer sad. " - 1 Sam. Kweniso ŵakusambira kuti Abrahamu, Yobu, na Daniyeli ŵakagomezganga kuti ŵakufwa ŵazamuŵaso ŵamoyo. And they learn that Abraham, Job, and Daniel were confident that in the future the dead would live again. They also learn that Abraham, Job, and Daniel believed that the dead would live again. Tikukana kucita ntheura cifukwa tikumanya kuti tikwenera kupambana na awo ŵali kujalika kumaso pa vinthu vyauzimu. We willingly take such a stand, knowing that we must be different from those who are in spiritual darkness. We refuse to do so because we know that we must be different from those who are blinded spiritually. Lekani, mu vilimika vicoko waka, mpostole Paulosi wakazakayowoya kuti makani ghawemi ghakapharazgika "mu cakwatika cose kusi ku mtambo. " - Ŵakolose 1: 23. Hence, within just a few decades, the apostle Paul could say that the good news was being declared "in all creation that is under heaven. " - Colossians 1: 23. Thus, in just a few years, the apostle Paul pointed out that the good news had been preached "in all creation that is under heaven. " - Colossians 1: 23. Ntheura mu 1943, gulu likambiska Sukulu ya Uteŵeti wa Chiuta mu mpingo. The Theocratic Ministry School, which was first organized in congregations in 1943. So in 1943, the program took up the Theocratic Ministry School in the congregation. Kweni cakuzirwa comene kuluska libwe ili ni malibwe ghakuzirwa comene ghauzimu agho ghali mu Upharazgi wa pa Lupiri wa Yesu. Can You Explain? More important than that stone is the precious spiritual gems found in the Sermon on the Mount. Kasi Mungarongosora? With their little girl, they continued in the assignment they loved, preaching to Italians living in the United States. Can You Explain? Ŵakalutilira kucita upayiniya pamoza na mwana wawo ndipo ŵakapharazgiranga ŵanthu ŵa ku Italy awo ŵakakhalanga mu United States. Raised by the daughter of Pharaoh, Moses could have set his goals on attaining prominence or economic security. They continued pioneering along with their son and preached to Italian people living in the United States. Iyo wakalereka na mwana mwanakazi wa Farawo. Mozesi wakhumbenge mphanyi wakasankha umoyo wapachanya, panji kusanga chuma. It can imply having a positive and hopeful view of the future. If Moses had been raised by Pharaoh's daughter, he could have chosen the highest standard of life, or riches. Kweniso lingang'anamura kuŵa na chigomezgo chiwemi chamunthazi. We have seen evidence of this happening today. It can also mean a wonderful hope for the future. Ndivyo vikucitika nadi mazuŵa ghano. Why? That is true today. Cifukwa wuli? You may have to put aside activities that are not really necessary. Why? Tceŵani kucita vintu ivyo nvyakuzirwa pacoko. Peter, a recipient of Jesus ' love, similarly urged Christians to cultivate "unhypocritical brotherly affection " and to display" obedience to the truth. " Make sure that the more important things are needed. Petrosi, uyo Yesu wakamutemwanga comene, nayo wakaciska Ŵakhristu kuti " ŵatemwenge ŵabali mwambura upusikizgi ' ndiposo kuti ŵaŵe " ŵakupulikira unenesko. ' Gratitude moved him to send a generous contribution to be used in what he called the Witnesses ' extraordinary work. Peter, whom Jesus loved, also urged Christians to "love the brothers without hypocrisy " and to" be obedient to the truth. " Ntheura munthu uyu wakapeleka chawanangwa kuti chiwovwire Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova pa ntchito yawo. Who would want to confiscate that? So the giver offered a gift to help Jehovah's Witnesses in their work. Palije uyo wakatenge wapokenge njinga. For examples of such qualities in Paul's ministry, consider Acts 13: 9, 16 - 42; 17: 2 - 4; 18: 1 - 4; 19: 11 - 20; 20: 34; Romans 10: 11 - 15; 2 Corinthians 6: 11 - 13. Nobody could drive his bicycle. Kuti mumanye umo Paulosi wakacitiranga mu uteŵeti wake, wonani Milimo 13: 9, 16 - 42; 17: 2 - 4; 18: 1 - 4; 19: 11 - 20; 20: 34; Ŵaroma 10: 11 - 15; 2 Ŵakorinte 6: 11 - 13. Instead, we need to take control of the situation by making time for study. For a discussion of Paul's ministry, see Acts 13: 9, 16 - 42; 17: 2 - 4; 18: 1 - 4; 19: 11 - 20; Romans 20: 34; Romans 10: 11 - 15; 2 Corinthians 6: 11 - 13. Ise ndise tikwenera kufwilirapo kuti tisange nyengo yakuŵazgira. Of course, he did not have the banknote. We have to work hard to find time for reading. Kweni ŵakazisanga yayi. How do Jesus ' words recorded at Matthew 6: 33 help us in deciding how much time to spend on recreation? But they did not find it. Kasi mazgu gha Yesu gha pa Mateyu 6: 33, ghakutovwira wuli kumanya nyengo iyo tikwenera kumalira pa vyakusanguluska? " THAT LAND IS TO BECOME LIKE THE GARDEN OF EDEN ' How do Jesus ' words recorded at Matthew 6: 33 help us to determine when time should be spent in recreation? " CARU CIZAMUZGOKA NGA NI MUNDA WA EDENI ' However, in some reported cases, Jehovah gave selected men a vision of heaven. " THE WORLD IS NOT A FROM THE WORLD " Ndipouli, mu nkhani zinyake tikuwona kuti Yehova wakawoneska ŵanthu ŵacoko waka mboniwoni ya umo kucanya kuliri. Many Christian fishermen have obtained a fine catch after years of work in seemingly barren waters. However, in some cases, we find that Jehovah gave a limited vision of a limited number of humans in heaven. Ŵakhristu ŵanandi vyaŵendera makora ŵati ŵatokatoka vilimika vinandi mu vigaŵa ivyo ŵanthu mbanonono. By considering the patience of Jehovah, we are helped both to appreciate and to cultivate that quality. Many Christians have traveled well after they had spent many years in unresponsive territories. Vahan Bayatyan panthazi pa jele la Nubarashen ku Armenia Realistically, your relationship will have its strains and challenges. Vahan is born before a prison in Armenia Para taghanaghanira ucivindwe wa Yehova, tikwamba kudokera mukhaliro uwu na kukhumba kuŵa nawo. Ironically, it is religion - specifically the religious organizations and leaders who have promoted ideas contrary to God's thoughts. When we reflect on Jehovah's patience, we yearn for this quality and want to have it. Unenesko ngwakuti, pangaŵa masuzgo ghanyake apo mukucita vinthu na mwana winu munyamata. Jesus had personally called Saul of Tarsus to be His "chosen vessel " to bear His name to the nations; hence, this new impetus to the witnessing work came from Christ, the Leader of the congregation. The truth is, there may be other challenges in your dealings with your son. Ndipo nyengo yicoko waka gulu la Ŵaishimayeli na Ŵamidiyani likajumphanga. " Angry and Highly Offended " Soon, though, a group of the Midianites and the Midianites went through. Nchakuzizika kuti cisopo ndico cacita ivi, comene magulu gha visopo na ŵaliska awo ŵakusambizga vyakupambana na maghanoghano gha Ciuta. Explaining how we can reach out for a close relationship with God, the prologue to the book Draw Close to Jehovah states: "In any friendship we forge, the bond is based on knowing the person, admiring and valuing his distinctive traits. It is no wonder that religion has done this, particularly religious and religious leaders who teach contrary to God's thinking. Yesu ndiyo wakacema Saulosi wa ku Taraso kuti waŵe " ciŵiya cakusoleka, ' kunyamulira zina lake ku ŵamitundu. Ntheura, Khristu, Mulongozgi wa mpingo ndiyo wakawovwira kuti mulimo uwu ulute panthazi. We love to teach others about Jehovah Jesus was the one who invited Saul of Tarsus to be "a chosen vessel " to bear his name to the nations, so Christ, the Leader of the congregation, helped him to go ahead. " Wakakwiya, Wakaŵa na Ukali Ukuru " (a) How were God's sheep being treated in the days of Ezekiel and Jeremiah? " He became angry, having great anger " Pakulongosora ivyo tingacita kuti tiŵe paubwezi wakukhora na Ciuta, mazgu ghakwamba mu buku la Sendelerani kwa Yehova ghakuti: "Ubwezi uwo tikukorana na munyithu ukuzikika pa kumumanya makora munthu uyo, kudokera na kuzirwiska mikhaliro yake yapadera. (b) What will we consider in this article? Explaining how we can develop a close relationship with God, the first words in the book Draw Close to Jehovah: "A friendship with someone we love is based on accurate knowledge and appreciation for his wonderful qualities. Tikutemwa kuphalirako ŵanyithu vya Yehova Embryo development is somewhat similar but vastly more complex. We love to talk to others about Jehovah (a) Kasi ŵaliska ŵakacitanga nazo wuli mberere za Ciuta mu nyengo ya Ezekiyeli na Yeremiya? Their name derives from their leader, Jacob Amman, who lived in Switzerland. (a) How did shepherds treat God's sheep in Ezekiel's day and Jeremiah? (b) Kasi tidumbiskanenge vici mu nkhani iyi? Those who speak out against such practices are viewed as intolerant, judgmental, and out of touch with enlightened thinking. (b) What will we consider in this article? Ivi vikuyanako na ivyo vikuchitika para mwana wakupangika munthumbo, kweni ntchakusuzga kuvipulikiska. Letting one's beard grow was the norm among many ancient nations, including the Hebrews. That is similar to what happens when a baby is born, but it is difficult to understand. Zina lawo lili kufuma kwa mulongozgi wawo, Jacob Amman, uyo wakakhalanga ku Switzerland. " Wherever you looked, " says Dustin, "the views were breathtaking! " Their name is from their leader, Jacob Amman, who lived in Switzerland. Awo ŵakususka maluso agha ŵakuwoneka nga mbanthu ŵambura kupulika vya ŵanyawo, ŵakweruzga ŵanyawo, ndiposo ŵambura kwendera lumoza na kaghanaghaniro ka mazuŵa ghano. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the evidence is convincing, and they share their faith with others by preaching in 236 lands. Those who oppose such practices may appear to be apathetic, judgmental, and apathetic. Lekani wakalemba mazgu ghakuti Yosefe wakameta dankha. Kweni fundo iyi ŵanyake ŵangawona nga njambura kuzirwa. Appointed to shepherd "the flock of God, " overseers give direction and take the lead in the congregations. Hence, he wrote that Joseph was not the first one to cut down; others may view it as of little value. Dustin wakati: "Kulikose uko mungalaŵiska pa malo agha, nkhwakutowa. " [ Pictures on page 23] " Where you look at this location, it's clean, " says Dustin. Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova ŵakukhorwa na ukaboni uwu, ntheura ŵakuphalirako ŵanyawo cipulikano cawo ndipo ŵakupharazga mu vyaru 236. For Young People, 1 / 1, 3 / 1, 5 / 1, 7 / 1, 9 / 1, 11 / 1 Jehovah's Witnesses are content with this witness, so they share their faith with others and are preaching in 236 lands. Pakuti ŵali kwimikika kuti ŵaliske "mskambo wa Ciuta, " ŵalaŵiliri ŵakupeleka ulongozgi na kudangilira mu mipingo. Our figurative heart - the person we are on the inside - needs special protection because it is inclined toward what is wrong. Because they have been appointed to shepherd "the flock of God, " overseers give direction and direction in the congregations. [ Vithuzithuzi pa peji 31] What Hope for Ancestors? [ Pictures on page 31] Ivyo Wakazenga Nebukadinezara, 11 / 1 You labor to put nutritious food on the table. " Jehovah Is My God, " 10 / 15 Mtima withu wakuyelezgera, uwo ni wunthu withu wa mkati, ukwenera kuvikilirika comene cifukwa ukutemwa vinthu viheni. Unless we are vigilant and prayerful, we could succumb to an unclean or wrong practice that would constitute a grieving of the spirit. Our figurative heart - our inner person - must be protected because they love what is bad. Ivyo Tingacita Kuti Tilutilire Kuŵa Ŵakujipata, 3 / 15 That relationship is the only one that can lead to everlasting life, based on the saving power of Jesus ' shed blood. How to Maintain a Spirit of Self - Sacrifice, 3 / 15 Mukufukafuka kuti musange cakurya ciwemi ca mbumba yinu. Do not be satisfied with merely saying amen after your father or a fellow Christian in the congregation has represented you in prayer. You work hard to find good food for your family. Para tingaŵa maso na kulomba, mbwenu ticitenge yayi vinthu ivyo vingacitiska citima mzimu. Millions of books, magazines, tracts, and convention and Memorial invitations have been distributed free of charge. If we keep on the watch and pray, we will avoid grieving the spirit. Ubwezi uwu ndiwo wekha uzamupangiska kuti munthu wazakasange umoyo wamuyirayira, kwizira mu ndopa izo Yesu wakathiska. He felt compassion for the crowds he met, for "they were skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd. " That relationship only makes it possible for a person to gain everlasting life through Jesus ' shed blood. Lekani kukhorwa waka na ameni uyo mukuyowoya para ŵadada ŵinu panji Mkhristu munyinu mu mpingo waromba. Notice that Jehovah did not leave it up to the human judges in Israel to enforce this law. Do not be satisfied with what you say when your father or a fellow Christian in the congregation prays. Tikugaŵira ŵanthu kwaulere mabuku, magazini, mathirakiti, tumapepara twakuchemera ŵanthu ku maungano na Chikumbusko. For example, if you feel that you have something important to say, you may need to exercise patience in order to avoid interrupting others. We offer Bible literature, magazines, tracts, and tracts to invite people to meetings and the Memorial. Wakalengera lusungu ŵanthu awo wakakumana nawo chifukwa "ŵakaŵa ŵakufyopoka na kujowoleka nga ni mberere zambura muliska. " A personal Bible study in an appropriate Christian publication may be just what is needed. He felt pity for the people he met because "they were skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd. " Wonani kuti mu Israyeli, Yehova wakalekera ŵanthu yayi kuti ŵeruzgenge nkhani iyi. Some local dishes made us feel even hotter. Note that in Israel, Jehovah did not stop people from handling the matter. Mwachiyelezgero, panyengo iyo muli na fundo yakuzirwa yakuti muyowoye, mukwenera kuzikira kuti muleke kudumulizga ŵanyinu. The original - language verb used here denotes continuous action. For example, when you have an important point to say, you need to be patient so that you do not stumble others. Wangakhumbikwira sambiro la Baibolo mu buku lakwenelera la Cikristu. " Indulging in complaints ' when suffering for our sins is not wise. He may need a Bible study in a well - chosen Christian book. Vyakurya vinyake vya ku caru ici navyo vikacitiskanga kuti tipulikenge kocha comene. Granted, angels could have portrayed Jehovah from their lofty viewpoint and could have expressed their own devotion to him. Some of the land's other foods also made it easy for us to hear too fast. Mazgu Ghacigiriki agho pafuma mazgu agha, ghakulongora kuti mulimo wa kucemera ŵanthu ku maji gha umoyo ukucitika mwakulutilira. The most direct way to receive God's holy spirit is to ask for it. The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures indicates that the invitation to extend life's water is being extended. Nchamahara yayi "kusinginika " para tikusuzgika cifukwa ca kwananga kwithu. Many are young people who have been raised in the truth and who have chosen the best way of life. Being persecuted for our sins is not the course of wisdom. Mbunenesko kuti ŵangelo ŵakatenge ŵarongosorenge Yehova kuyana na umo ŵakumanyira, nakuti mphanyi ŵakarongosora umo ŵakusopera. MALAWI Of course, the angels could have explained how Jehovah would view them, and they would have explained their worship to him. Kuti tipokere mzimu utuŵa, tikwenera kulomba kwa Ciuta. Keep Your Eye "Simple " To receive holy spirit, we must pray to God. Ŵanandi mbana ŵachoko awo ŵapapi ŵawo Mbakaboni. Ŵana aŵa ŵali kusankha makora chomene. First, they should determine whether they really have enough time and resources to instill love for Jehovah in their children while at the same time teaching them a foreign tongue. Many children who are raised by parents have made a wise choice. MALAŴI The apostle Peter told fellow Christians in his day: "If you are being reproached for the name of Christ, you are happy, because the spirit of glory, even the spirit of God, is resting upon you. " Jehovah's Witnesses Ŵani na Jiso " Lakulata pa Cimoza ' Five of their kings form an alliance and attack Gibeon. Have a "simple " eye Chakwamba, para ŵakuwona kuti ŵalije nyengo na vinthu vyakukhumbikwa kuti ŵasambizge ŵana ŵawo kutemwa Yehova kweniso kuŵasambizga chiyowoyero chachilendo pa nyengo yimoza. Yes First, when they see that they do not have time and material things to teach their children to love Jehovah and to teach them a new language at the same time. Mpostole Petros wakaphalira Ŵakristu ŵanyake mu nyengo yake kuti: " Usange mukutombozgekera zina la Kristu muli ŵa mwaŵi; pakuti mzimu wa ucindami na mzimu wa Ciuta ukukhala pa imwe. ' The religious, political, and commercial elements of this world - including their information channels - are under the influence of "the god of this system of things, " Satan the Devil. The apostle Peter told fellow Christians in his day: "If you are being reproached for the name of Christ, you are happy, because the spirit of glory and of God is resting upon you. " Ntheura mathemba ghankhondi ghakakolerana kuti gharwe nkhondo na Gibiyoni. (b) How did Samuel carry out his task? So five kings joined to wage war against Gibeon. Enya The Protestant translation known as the King James Version, or Authorized Version, says about the creation of Adam: "The LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. " Yes Satana uyo ni " chiuta ' wa nyengo iyi ndiyo wakulongozga charu ichi. Wakugwiliskira ntchito visopa, maboma, ŵamalonda, na makampani ghakuthandazga makani kuti wapuluske ŵanthu. If he had not repurchased himself by the seventh year, he was to be set free and provided with seed and livestock in order for him to start farming again. It is Satan, "the god of this system of things, " using the world's religions, governments, and organizations to mislead mankind. (b) Kasi Samuyeli wakachita vichi kuti wawovwire makora Sauli kunozgekera mulimo wake? " Happy is the man that keeps on enduring trial, " writes James, "because on becoming approved he will receive the crown of life. " (b) What did Samuel do to prepare Saul for his assignment? Pakuyowoya za kulengeka kwa Adamu, Baibolo likuti: " Fumu Ciuta wakawumba munthu kufuma ku dongo la caru, wakathutiramo mu mphuno zake mvuci wa umoyo; ndipo munthu wakazgoka wamoyo. ' For example, at Leviticus 18: 6 - 20, we find a list of prohibited relations involving a "close fleshly relative. " Regarding Adam's creation, the Bible says: "Jehovah God proceeded to form the man out of dust from the ground of the ground, to blow into his breath the breath of life, and the man came to live. " Para pajumpha vilimika vinkhondi na viŵiri wandajiwombore, wakeneranga kusutuka ku wuzga na kupika mbuto ndiposo viŵeto mwakuti wakambeso ulimi. What does it mean to meditate? After seven years of deliverance, he had to be released from slavery to produce seed and livestock so that he could recover from it again. Yakobe wakalemba kuti: "Ngwa mwaŵi munthu mweneuyo wakuzizipizga ciyezgo: pakuti para walumbika, wati wapokere mphumphu ya umoyo. " Only Jehovah Has the Right to Rule James wrote: "Happy is the man that keeps on enduring temptation, for when he is glorified he will receive the crown of life. " Mwaciyerezgero, pa Leviticus 18: 6 - 20, pali ndondomeko ya kugonana kwakukanizgika kwakukhwaskana na [ŵantu awo mpa ubali]. [ Picture on page 13] For example, at Leviticus 18: 6 - 20, there is a legal basis for sexual relations against [the relationship]. Kasi kuranguruka kukung'anamuraci? Learning to serve God in unity with other imperfect people is vital because there is only one body of true worshippers. What does it mean to meditate? Yehova Pera Ndiyo Ngwakwenelera Kuwusa " It was fun working with her, " Kenyatte recalls. Jehovah Is the Right Ruler [ Cithuzithuzi pa peji 11] " I had negative feelings about pioneering, " admits a young sister named Kenyatte. [ Picture on page 11] Nangauli ndise ŵambura kufikapo, kweni nchakuzirwa kusambira kuteŵetera na ŵanyithu mwakukolerana cifukwa pali gulu limoza pera la cisopa caunenesko. What does following Jesus ' example in doing God's will involve? Despite our imperfection, it is vital that we learn to work together in unity because there is only one true religion. Kenyatte wakukumbuka kuti: "Cikaŵa cakukondweska kuteŵetera lumoza na mudumbu uyu. Even as Paul did not know of all his fruitage in "the district of Asia, " you may have no way of knowing all the good results of your bearing thorough witness. Kenya recalls: "It was exciting to work with this sister. Kenyatte mudumbu muwukirano wakuzomerezga kuti: "Upayiniya nkhawukhumbanga yayi. Everyone alive serves some god or other. " I couldn't believe it, " says Kenya, a young sister who admits. Nchivici cikukhumbikwira pakucita khumbo la Ciuta mwakuyana na umo Yesu wakacitira? Learn From God's Word What does Jesus ' example involve in doing God's will? Paulosi wakamanyanga yayi vyose ivyo vikacitika cifukwa ca kupharazga "mu Asiya, " namwe mungamanya vyose yayi ivyo vikuŵapo cifukwa cakuti mukupanikizgira ivangeli. Jesus posed the intriguing question: "When the Son of man arrives, will he really find this faith on the earth? " Paul did not know all the details that resulted from preaching "in Asia Minor, " you too cannot know all the things that result from bearing witness to the good news. Usange mundabatizike, kasi ndikuti mukuteŵetera njani? Later, the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche famously proclaimed that God is dead, but he was afraid of the moral vacuum and the possible harm that might result from atheistic thinking. If you get baptized, whom are you serving? Sambirani Kufuma mu Mazgu gha Ciuta (Read Exodus 3: 15; John 17: 6; Hebrews 2: 12.) Learn From God's Word Yesu wakafumba fumbo liwemi, wakati: "Para Mwana wa Munthu wakwiza, kasi wati wasangepo cipulikano ici pa caru? " It is possible that Jesus ' words about marrying and the resurrection apply to the heavenly resurrection. Jesus asked a simple question: "When the Son of man arrives, will he really find this faith on the earth? " Pamanyuma, Friedrich Nietzsche, wa ku German, uyo wakaŵa wakusanda vilengiwa na umo ŵanthu ŵakukhalira, wakayowoya mwacikanga kuti Ciuta wali kufwa, kweni wakacitanga wofi kuti para ŵanthu ŵangagomezga kuti Ciuta kulije, mbwenu pa caru paŵenge kawemi yayi. What example regarding work do the elders set for the congregation? Later, Erichs, German scholar and his life span, boldly declared that God was dead, but he was afraid that if humans believed that there is no God, there would be nothing better for the earth. (Ŵazgani Exodus 3: 15; Yohane 17: 6; Ŵahebere 2: 12.) The magazine you are reading was written and published with the aid of computers. (Read Exodus 3: 15; John 17: 6; Hebrews 2: 12.) Vingacitika kuti mazgu gha Yesu ghakukhwaskana na kutora panji kutengwa kweniso ciwuka, ghakuyowoya vya awo ŵakuwuskikira kucanya. History proves that Jeremiah's statement, uttered under inspiration, about the inability of humans to govern themselves is correct. It is possible that Jesus ' words about getting married and the resurrection apply to those resurrected to life in heaven. Chifukwa wuli ŵalara ntchiyelezgero chiwemi? When she heard the news, she went into a state of shock. Why is it a fine example for elders? Magazini iyo mukuŵazga yikalembeka na kusindikizgika na makompyuta. Carmel published by computers. Mdauko ukukhozgera kuti ivyo Yeremiya wakayowoya mwakuciskika na mzimu wa Ciuta ni vyaunenesko. Iyo wakati ŵanthu ŵangajiwusa makora yayi. One of the teachers at my school, who sympathized with my situation, had asked them to visit me. History confirms that Jeremiah's inspired words are true and that humans cannot rule successfully. Antje wakati wakapulika za ngozi iyi, wakazenthuka. Scholar Charles Freeman answers that those who believed that Jesus is God "found it difficult to refute the many sayings of Jesus that suggested he was subordinate to God the Father. " When she heard about the accident, she was trapped. Karmel Often, children who grow up in such an environment display similar traits when they become adults. Carmel Amadamu ndiwo ŵakaŵapempha kuti ŵazakachezge nane. Amadamu aŵa ndiwo ŵakanichitiranga chitima. [ Picture on page 10] These were the very ones who asked me to stay with me, and I felt sorry for them. Charles Freeman wakati, awo ŵakagomezganga kuti Yesu ni Ciuta " ŵakatondeka kususka mazgu gha Yesu agho ghakulongora kuti iyo wali pasi pa Ciuta. ' In addition, Enoch surely cherished Jehovah's promise to produce a Seed that would crush Satan's head and undo the ill effects of Satan's deception. Charlesman noted that those who believed in Jesus as God " failed to oppose Jesus ' voice that he was on God's side. ' Kanandi ŵana awo ŵakulira mu malo ghanthena ŵakuŵa na nkharo yakuyana waka para ŵakura. How does Satan try to influence individuals? Children who are raised in such an environment often develop a similar attitude when they grow up. [ Cithuzithuzi pa peji 10] Because "he [Hezekiah] kept sticking to Jehovah. He did not turn aside from following him, but he continued keeping his commandments. " - 2 Ki. [ Picture on page 10] Kweniso Enoki wakwenera kuti wakagomezga nadi layizgo la Yehova lakuti wazamuwuska Mphapu iyo yizamubwanya mutu wa Satana na kufumyapo viheni vyose ivyo vikucitika cifukwa ca utesi wa Satana. 8 On the other hand, Enoch may have relied on Jehovah's promise that he would raise up a Seed who would bruise Satan in the head and undo all the damage done by Satan's lie. Kasi Satana wakupusika wuli waliyose payekha? ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ How does Satan deceive us as individuals? Cifukwa cakuti Hezekiya "wakademelera kwa Yehova; ntha wakaleka kumulondezga Iye, kweni wakasunga malango ghake. " - 2 Mathe. It moves us to avoid loving the world and its ungodly ways. Because Hezekiah "kept sticking to Jehovah. He did not turn aside from following him, but kept his commandments. " - 2 Ki. 8 That principle influenced me to leave my old friendships behind and make new friends among Jehovah's Witnesses. 8 ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ How important is parental example in training children? . . . . . Awo ŵakutemwa Ciuta ŵakutinkha ivyo ni viheni. What an example Elkanah set in strengthening others with words! Those who love God hate what is bad. Fundo iyi yikanovwira kuti niŵaleke ŵabwezi ŵane ŵakale na kusanga ŵabwezi ŵanyake pakati pa Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova. Obedience saves lives! This helped me to cut off my old friends and find new friends among Jehovah's Witnesses. Chifukwa wuli ŵapapi ŵakwenera kulimbikira kusambizga ŵana ŵawo? No one else is in that position. Why should parents strive to teach their children? Elikana wali kutipa ciyelezgero ciwemi nadi ca umo tingacitira pakukhozga ŵanyithu na mazgu! Otherwise, old personality traits are bound to resurface. What a fine example of how we can encourage others with words! Kupulikira kukuthaska umoyo! However, "solid food " is needed to promote spiritual growth toward Christian maturity. Obedience Can save us! Palijeso munyake uyo wangacita ntena. Haran - Ancient Hive of Activity, 5 / 15 " High Places, " 8 / 1 Nobody else can do so. Para tingaleka kucita nthena, mbwenu wunthu ukoloŵere wambenge kuwonekaso. The psalmist opens with the words: "O Jehovah, you yourself have proved to be a real dwelling for us during generation after generation. Otherwise, the old personality will begin to appear again. Ndipouli, " chakurya chakukhoma ' ntchakukhumbikwa kuti Mkhristu waŵe wakukhwima mwauzimu. World events may motivate people to think seriously about their future. However, "solid food " is essential for a Christian to maturity. Sambizgani Ŵana Ŵinu Kuti Ŵacitenge Vinthu Mwamahara, 10 / 1 Evildoers and all who are unrighteous will finally receive their "wages " and no more. 10 / 15 Wamasalmo wakwamba na mazgu ghakuti: " A Yehova, ndimwe mwaŵa cakukhalamo cithu mu migonezi na migonezi. What organizational adjustments were made in the 1970 ' s, and how have they proved beneficial? The psalmist begins with the words: "O Jehovah, you yourself have proved to be a real dwelling for us during generation after generation. Vinthu ivyo vikucitika mu caru vingacitiska ŵanthu kughanaghanira za umoyo wawo wa munthazi. The field of entertainment incites many to "sharpen their tongue just like a sword " and to" aim their cruel words like arrows. " The things in the world can cause people to think about their future. Ŵaheni na wose awo ŵakureka kucita urunji paumaliro ŵazamupokera "njombe " zawo zaumaliro. " Do you know how old I am? " The wicked and all who fail to do what is right will eventually receive their "a reward. " Kasi ni vichi ivyo vikasintha mu gulu la Yehova mu ma 1970, ndipo vyawovwira wuli? When your child asks you a question about sex, how can your reaction either open the door for future discussions or close it? What adjustments were made in Jehovah's organization in the 1970 ' s, and with what result? Ŵanthu ŵanandi mu charu cha Satana ichi, ŵakuyowoya " mazgu ghankhaza ' agho ghali nga "mivi " panji" lupanga. " Our heavenly Shepherds, Jehovah God and Jesus Christ, expect us to be obedient and submissive to the undershepherds whom they have placed in positions of responsibility within the congregation. Many in Satan's world use "a harsh voice " that is like" a sword. " Yakuyowoyeka na Thomas Mclain " By this, " he said, "all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves. " As told by Thomas your father Para mwana winu wamufumbani fumbo lakukhwaskana na kugonana, kasi kacitiro kinu kangapangiska wuli kuti wazakamufumbaniso kunthazi panji yayi? Genuine repentance and acknowledgment of Jehovah as the true God are essential for salvation. If your child asks you a question about sex, how could your situation lead him back in the future or not? Yehova Ciuta na Yesu Khristu, Ŵaliska ŵithu ŵakucanya, ŵakukhumba kuti tipulikirenge na kujilambika ku ŵanalume awo ŵimikika mu mpingo. And blessed be your sensibleness, and blessed be you who have restrained me this day from entering into bloodguilt. " Jehovah God and Jesus Christ, our heavenly Shepherds, want us to be obedient and submissive to the men appointed in the congregation. Iye wakati: "Na ceneici ndico ŵantu ŵose ŵati ŵamanyirenge kuti muli ŵasambiri ŵane, para mukutemwana. " " Shepherd the Flock of God in Your Care " He said: "By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves. " Kuti munthu wazakapone wakwenera kulapa nadi ndiposo kuzomerezga kuti Yehova ndiyo ni Ciuta waunenesko. Learn to view elderly Christians as Jehovah does. To be saved, a person must repent and acknowledge Jehovah as the true God. Yitumbikike fundo yako, nawe utumbikike, wandikanizga muhanya uno kureka kwiza kuthiska ndopa na kuwezgera nduzga ndamwene na woko lane! ' This kind of competitive life makes one think a lot of oneself, and we became dedicated to our profession. And blessed be your counsel, and blessed be you who have restrained me this day from entering into bloodguilt and turning my hand back! ' " Liskani Mskambo wa Ciuta Uwo Mukupwelelera " When you are offended, do not attribute bad motives to your spouse. " Shepherd the Flock of God in Your Care " Mu nkhani iyi, sambirani kuwona Ŵakhristu ŵacekuru umo Yehova wakuŵawonera. Sometimes hostility hangs like a dense fog between a husband and his wife, and the condition may persist for a long time. In this article, learn to view older Christians as Jehovah sees them. Waliyose wakakhumbanga kuluska ŵanyake. Ntheura maghanoghano ghithu ghose ghakaŵa pa kuvina. If so, whose side does he take in today's conflicts? Each of us wanted more than others, so all of us focused on dancing. Para munyinu wamukhuŵazgani, lekani kumughanaghanira viheni. 1, 2. If your mate offends you, do not be overly critical. Nyengo zinyake ukali ungalutilira pakati pa mfumu na muwoli nga ni umo ghakuŵira matutu. 3, 4. At times, anger can continue between a husband and a wife, as it were. Usange wakuzomerezga, kasi wakuŵa ku chigaŵa cha njani para ŵanthu ŵakutimbana? Why should we not fear being unable to do what Jehovah expects of us? If he does, who is on the side of human violence? 1, 2. of January 8, 2001. 1, 2. 3, 4. Says Nadine: "Many people we meet in the preaching work love to study the Bible. 3, 4. Cifukwa wuli tikwenera kopa yayi kuti tingatondeka kufiska ivyo Yehova wakukhumba? You know that someone is there, but who is it? Why should we not fear that we cannot meet Jehovah's requirements? ya Janyuwale 8, 2001. As a result, we will be in a better position to make personal decisions that our loving God will bless. of January 8, 2001. Nadine wakati: "Ŵanthu ŵanandi awo tikaŵapharazgiranga ŵakatemwanga chomene kusambira Baibolo. Does knowing Jehovah God really change the way people deal with those from other ethnic groups? " Many of the people to whom we preached were very interested in studying the Bible. Mungamanya kuti kukwiza munthu, nangauli mundamuwone. The early Christians honored Jehovah, so he, in turn, blessed their efforts in the preaching work. You know that you are approaching someone, even though you do not see him. Ntheura tisankhenge vyakuchita mwamahara ndipo Yehova watitumbikenge. A noteworthy way for us to keep on minding the spirit is to set spiritual goals and work to attain them. Thus, we will make wise decisions and will receive Jehovah's blessing. Kasi kumanya Yehova Ciuta kukovwira nadi kuti ŵanthu ŵasinthe umo ŵakucitira na ŵanyawo awo mba mitundu yinyake? • How can pride and egotism create trials? Does knowing Jehovah God really help people to change their attitude toward people of other nations? Ŵakhristu ŵakwambilira ŵakacindikanga Yehova, ntheura Yehova nayo wakatumbika mulimo wawo wa kupharazga. Where Armageddon Fought? The early Christians honored Jehovah, so Jehovah blessed their preaching work. Ntowa yakuzirwa iyo yingatovwira kuti tirutirizge kughanaghanira vya mzimu ndiyo kujiŵikira vilato vyauzimu na kuyezgayezga kuvifikira. Formerly violent people have become peaceable. An important way to keep on minding the spirit is to set spiritual goals and put forth effort to reach them. • Kasi ni mwauli umo kujitemwa kungambiskira viyezgo? Indeed, without an illustration he would not speak to them. " • How did pride pose a challenge? Ŵanthu awo kale ŵakaŵa ŵankhaza, sono mbamtende. Why is Jehovah the greatest Potter? People who once were violent now enjoy peace. Nadi, kwambura ntharika kuti wakayowoyanga nawo cara. " Surely they need our persistent petitions in their behalf! Indeed, without an illustration he did not speak to them. " Chifukwa wuli Yehova ni Muwuvi mukuru? It also moves us to " laud Jehovah, bless him, and make known the glory of his kingship. ' Why is Jehovah the Great Potter? Ntheura tikwenera kulutilira kuŵalombera ŵabali awo ŵali mu Wupu Wakulongozga. They spoke "twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves. " Therefore, let us continue to pray for those who are members of the Governing Body. Kukuticiska kuti " tiwonge Yehova, timutumbike, na kuthuwuska ucindami wa ufumu wake. ' We both feel that I have become a better husband. It moves us to " laud Jehovah, bless him, and glorify the glory of his kingdom. ' Ŵakayowoyanga "vyakubendera, mwakuti ŵaguze ŵasambiri kuti ŵarondezge iwo. " Thus congregation appointments were made in a theocratic way. They spoke "in order that they might turn the disciples to follow them. " Muwoli wane wawona kuti sono nili mfumu muwemi, ndipo nane ndimo nkhuwonera. Remember that Satan selfishly deceived the first woman, Eve, to serve his own interests. My wife has found that I am now a good husband, and I feel that way too. Mwanteura, kusanka ŵateŵeti mu mpingo kukacitikanga mu ndondomeko yiweme. • What provisions does Jehovah make for the spiritual protection of his people? Therefore, choosing servants in the congregation was in a proper order. Kumbukani kuti Satana wakapusika mwanakazi wakwamba, Heva, kuti wafiske makhumbiro ghake. What is the "coccus scarlet material " often referred to in the book of Exodus? Remember, Satan deceived the first woman, Eve, in order to fulfill her desire. • Ni vintu wuli ivyo Yehova wakupereka kuti ŵantu ŵake ŵavikilirike mwauzimu? Describe the interchange that will take place between survivors of the great tribulation and resurrected righteous ones. • What provisions does Jehovah make to protect his people spiritually? Kasi mtundu "uswesi cee " uwo ukuyowoyeka mwakuwerezgawerezga mu buku la Exodus ukafumanga ku vici? You may come to the conclusion that you too can have a share in this exciting and satisfying form of sacred service. What were the " scarlet - colored scarlet " mentioned repeatedly in the book of Exodus? Longosorani umo awo ŵazamupona pa Haramagedoni ŵazamusambizgira ŵarunji awo ŵazamuwuskika ndiposo ivyo nawo ŵazamusambira ku ŵanthu aŵa. Nathanael, also called Bartholomew, was later privileged to become one of Jesus ' 12 apostles. - Mark 3: 16 - 19. Explain how Armageddon survivors will teach the righteous ones and what they too will learn from these resurrected ones. Paumaliro mungawona kuti nchamacitiko kuti namwe muciteko uteŵeti wakukondweska, kweniso wakukhorweska uwu. 6 Why Does the Hearer of Prayer Allow Suffering? You can finally see that it is possible for you to share in the joy and satisfaction that comes from sharing in this exciting ministry. Natanayeli, mweneuyo wakacemekangaso Bartolomeyu, pamanyuma pake wakazakaŵa na mwaŵi wapadera wa kuŵa yumoza wa ŵapositole 12 ŵa Yesu. - Marko 3: 16 - 19. These burly men welcomed the Bible's message and gladly obtained literature. Nathanael, also known as Jehovah's Witnesses, later enjoyed the privilege of becoming one of Jesus ' 12 apostles. - Mark 3: 16 - 19. 6 Cifukwa Wuli Ciuta Wazomerezga Masuzgo? " Oh, nowhere, ' Gehazi answers. 6 Why Does God Allow Suffering? Ŵanalume aŵa ŵakategherezganga uthenga wa mu Baibolo na kupokelera mabuku. Even if we are not affluent, we can benefit from this divinely inspired counsel. The men listened to the Bible's message and accepted literature. Gehazi wakazgora kuti: " Nindawukepo! ' No! Gehazi replied: "I don't leave you! " Nangauli tingaŵa kuti ndise ŵasambazi yayi, ulongozgi wakufuma kwa Yehova uwu ungatovwira. Why did King Saul incur Jehovah's displeasure? Even if we are not rich, Jehovah's counsel can help us. Yayi. However, time spent as a family in the field ministry does not have to be drudgery. No. Ndipouli, ŵangawonanga uteŵeti wa m'munda nga ni mulimo wakuvuska cara. Shortly after Abraham was baptized as a Witness of Jehovah, a man by the name of Robert fled from Africa to the European city where Abraham was living. However, they may not view field service as a hard work. Nyengo yicoko yikati yajumpapo pamanyuma pakuti Abraham wabapatizika nga ni Kaboni wa Yehova, muntu munyake zina lake Robert wakacimbira kufuma ku Africa kuruta ku msumba wa mu Europe uwo mukaŵa Abraham. With what result? Shortly after Abraham was baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, a man named Robert fled from Africa to the city where Abraham lived. Ndipo nchivici cikacitika? Only a unified brotherhood can have God's blessing. - Psalm 133: 1, 3. The result? Mbanthu ŵakukolerana pera awo Ciuta wangaŵatumbika. - Salmo 133: 1, 3. In considering the Passover and the Lord's Evening Meal, what question arises? Only those who have God's blessing can enjoy his blessing. - Psalm 133: 1, 3. Kasi ni fumbo wuli lakukhwaskana na Paska na Mugonero wa Fumu ilo lingaŵapo? He will tell you that doing so has made him and his family happier and has drawn them closer to Jehovah. - Read Mark 10: 29, 30. What question about the Passover and the Lord's Evening Meal might arise? Para mungamufumba wamuphaliraninge kuti cifukwa ca kucita nthena vyamovwira kuti iyo na mbumba yake ŵaŵe ŵakukondwa ndiposo ŵasendelere comene kwa Yehova. - Ŵazgani Mariko 10: 29, 30. We do not expect miraculous affirmation such as Gideon received, but we can draw abundant guidance and reassurance from God's Word and through his spirit - directed congregation. If you ask him to tell you that because of this, he and his family's happiness and draw ever closer to Jehovah. - Read Mark 10: 29, 30. Nangauli tikukhazga kuti Ciuta watilongore minthondwe yayi nga umo wakacitira na Gidiyoni, kweni tikumanya kuti wakutilongozga kwizira mu Baibolo, kweniso mu mpingo uwo ukulongozgeka na mzimu wake. Paul put it this way: "Keep from becoming causes for stumbling to Jews as well as Greeks and to the congregation of God, even as I am pleasing all people in all things, not seeking my own advantage but that of the many, in order that they might get saved. " - 1 Cor. Although we do not expect miraculous miracles from God, we do know that he does guide us through the Bible and the congregation under his spirit. Paulosi wakayowoya kuti: "Muleke kuŵa cakukhuŵazga ku Ŵayuda kweniso Ŵagiriki na ku mpingo wa Ciuta, umo nane nkhukondweskera ŵanthu wose mu vinthu vyose, kwambura kupenja candulo ca namwene kweni ca ŵanandi, mwakuti ŵaponoskeke. " - 1 Kor. (a) Joshua 23: 6 calls for courage to do what? Paul said: "Do not let yourself be stumbling blocks against both Jews and Greeks and among the congregation of God, just as I do to please all men in all things, not for my own advantage, but for the sake of many, that they may be saved. " - 1 Cor. (a) Kasi lemba la Joshua 23: 6 likuyowoya kuti tiŵe ŵakukhwima mtima pakucita vici? Before they ate, they prayed. (a) What does Joshua 23: 6 tell us to be courageous? Pambere ŵandambe kurya ŵakalomba. Who would replace him? Before eating, he prayed. Kasi ninjani wakeneranga kunjira mu malo ghake? Read Isaiah 53: 6. Who would enter his place? Ŵazgani Yesaya 53: 6. While we have not been given all the details and the exact time when this will occur, we do know that at just the right time, Christ will do away with God's enemies, and Jehovah's sovereignty will be vindicated. Read Isaiah 53: 6. Nangauli wandatiphalire vyose ndiposo nyengo yeneco apo wazamuwuskirapo mgonezi uheni, tikumanya kuti pa nyengo yakwenelera, Khristu wazamuparanya ŵalwani ŵa Ciuta, ndipo muwuso wa Yehova uzamumanyikwa kuti ndiwo ngwakwenelera. The owner asked 900 dollars for it - exactly the sum we had received as wedding gifts. Although not all the details and the time when he will bring an end to wickedness, Christ will destroy God's enemies at the right time, and Jehovah's sovereignty will be vindicated. Mweneko wakatiphalira kuti usange tikukakhumba timupe ndalama zakukwana madola 900. In 609 B.C.E., the 18 - month siege of Jerusalem begins. The householder told us that if we wanted to give enough money, we would be able to give it to him. Mu cilimika ca 609 B.C.E., kuzingirizgika kwa Yerusalemu uko kukatora myezi 18 kukamba. And should we not also ask: How does God feel about prayer to saints? In the year 60 B.C.E., Jerusalem was under the fall of 18 months. Kweniso tingajifumba kuti, Kasi Ciuta wakujipulika wuli para tikulomba ku ŵakufwa? He laughs at their impudence and holds them in derision. We might also ask ourselves, How does God feel when we pray to the dead? Wakuŵaseka cifukwa ca kujikuzga kwawo ndipo wakuŵelura. What is the gift? He laughs at their pride and rejoicess over them. Kasi nchawanangwa wuli? Feel the emotions of the characters. What is it? Jipulika nga umo ŵanthu ŵa mu nkhani iyo ukuŵazga ŵakajipulikiranga. A couple in the United States reflect on Jehovah when the family enjoy an aspect of nature or certain foods. Feel the emotions of the characters. Mbumba yinyake ya ku United States yikutemwa kudumbiskana na ŵana ŵawo para yikurya chakurya icho wose ŵakutemwa panji para yawona kanthu kanyake kakutowa ako Yehova wali kulenga. Why should we love him? One couple in the United States enjoy communication with their children when they eat food that they like to eat or see something beautiful that Jehovah has created. Cifukwa wuli tikwenera kumutemwa? 3: 5, 6. Why should we love him? 3: 5, 6. God's Word urges us: "Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you and be submissive, for they are keeping watch over your souls as those who will render an account; that they may do this with joy and not with sighing, for this would be damaging to you. " 3: 5, 6. Mazgu gha Ciuta ghakuticiska kuti: "Ŵapulikirani awo mbacilongozgi ŵinu, ndipo ŵalambirani: cifukwa ŵakulinda mizimu yinu, nga ndi awo ŵamkupataula; mwakuti ŵacite ici na cimwemwe, ndipo na citima cara: cifukwa ici nchambura kwandura kwa imwe. " A closer look at that phrase in its original language shows that it is not rendered in the imperative mood, or in the form of a command. God's Word urges us: "Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you and be submissive, for they are keeping watch over your souls as those who will render an account; that they may do this with joy and not with sighing, for this is damaging to you. " Para tingawoneseska umo mazgu agha ghakalembekera mu ciyowoyero cakwambilira, tiwonenge kuti ghakalembeka nga ni languro yayi. To find the answers, let us carefully consider what Jesus Christ himself said would happen. By carefully reviewing how those words were written in the original language, we will find that they were not written as a command. Kuti tisange mazgoro, tiyeni tiwone mwakupwererera ivyo Yesu Kristu iyo mweneko wakayowoya kuti vizamucitika. Still, it does " make Jehovah's heart rejoice ' to see that you are wholeheartedly giving of yourself in his service. To find the answers, let us take a closer look at what Jesus Christ himself said would happen. Ndipouli, wakukondwa kuwona kuti mukumuteŵetera na mtima wose. How can we show appreciation for the honor of being Jehovah's people? Yet, he is pleased to see you serve him wholeheartedly. Kasi tingalongora wuli kuti tikuwonga kuti ndise ŵanthu ŵa Yehova? It affords them opportunities to exercise their free will and to honor God by serving him in a unified, harmonious way. - Ps. How can we show our appreciation for Jehovah's people? Ndondomeko iyi yikovwira kuti ŵacitenge vinthu mwawanangwa ndiposo kucindika Ciuta mwakukolerana. - Sal. Eve repeated God's clear command that one specific tree was not to be touched, on pain of death. This arrangement contributes to our having freeness of speech and godly devotion. - Ps. Eva wakayowoya dango la Ciuta lakuti khuni limoza pera ndilo ndakukanizgika ndipo para ŵalikhwaska ŵafwenge. It was extremely difficult for me to handle being in the hospital at the same time that my ailing daughter was. " Eve spoke of God's command that only one tree be forbidden and that they would die. Chikaŵa chakusuzga chomene chifukwa nkhaŵa mu chipatala ndipo nyengo yeneyiyo nipwelelere mwana wane msungwana uyo wakaŵa mulwari. " Common Sense, 5 / 15 It was a challenge for me because I was in a hospital and right away I could take care of my sick daughter. " Ivi vikawovwira awo ŵakasambiranga Chihebere kuchimanya mwambura kusuzga. A similar approach is found in footnotes in the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures - With References. - wp17.4, pp. This made it easier for students to understand Hebrew. Mazuŵa ghano, mzimu utuŵa ukupangiska minthondwe yanthena iyi yayi. The holy spirit is not currently bringing about such miracles. Today, the holy spirit does not perform such miracles. Kasi Yesu wakayowoya vici vyakukhwaskana na vilapo? What did Jesus say about sworn oaths? What did Jesus say about making vows? 10: 1 - 10. 10: 1 - 10. 10: 1 - 10. Mwa kusambira Mazgu ghake na kuwona umo wakutitumbikira mu umoyo withu. - Zinth. By studying his Word and by experiencing his blessing in our lives. - Prov. By studying his Word and observing how he blesses our lives. - Prov. Kumbukani fundo izo zayowoyeka mu ndime yakwamba ya nkhani iyi. Recall the scene described at the beginning of this article. Remember the points discussed in the first paragraph of this article. Mlengi withu ncisimi cekha ca umoyo wamuyirayira na cimwemwe ceneco, ndipo wakupereka civikiliro cakuti citithaske ku mizimu yiheni. - Yakobe 4: 7. Our Creator is the only source of eternal life and true happiness and the best possible protection against wicked spirit forces. - James 4: 7. Our Creator is the only source of everlasting life and true happiness, and he provides protection from wicked spirits. - James 4: 7. Mariya, ŵamama ŵa Yesu nawo ŵalipo. Jesus ' mother, Mary, is also there. Jesus ' mother, Mary, is with us. Kweni para nayamba kughanaghana nthena, nkhuromba kwa Yehova nyengo yeneyiyo. But the minute I feel that way, I immediately take the matter to Jehovah in prayer. But whenever I think about it, I pray to Jehovah immediately. Kwambura urongozgi wakwenelera kufuma ku mutu wa mbumba, kasi ŵangaŵa ŵantu ŵakutemwa vyauzimu, ivyo vingaŵawovwira kuzakapona pa zuŵa la Yehova? Without the exercise of proper headship in the home, will they have the spirituality needed to survive Jehovah's day? Without appropriate instructions from family head, can they be spiritually - minded people who can survive Jehovah's day? Kasi tingacita wuli kuti tiyimanye makora mikhaliro ya Yehova? How can we deepen our appreciation for Jehovah's qualities? How can we deepen our appreciation for Jehovah's qualities? 1, 2. 1, 2. 1, 2. Inya nadi, na nkongono ya mzimu utuŵa wa Ciuta, "fuvu " ili lingacita vintu vikuru. Indeed, this "dust " - including imperfect people today - can accomplish a great deal with the backing of God's holy spirit! Indeed, with the power of God's holy spirit, it can accomplish great things. " Ubwezi wane na Ciuta ngwakuzirwa comene kwa ine, " wakusazgirapo Rodolphe. " My relationship with God is very important to me, " comments Rodolphe. " My relationship with God is of great value to me, " adds righteousness. ▪ "Cisopa cilije kanthu, cikuru mtima wako. " ▪ "It doesn't matter what you believe if you are sincere. " ▪ "There is nothing lacking, and your heart is not complete. " Ni ntowa wuli izo tingarongolera kuti tikuwona uweme mu ŵanyithu? In what ways can we look for the good in others? In what ways can we show that we look for the good in others? Wovwirani Ŵanji Kuti Ŵayende Mwakwenerera Yehova Help Others Walk Worthily of Jehovah Help Others Walk With Jehovah Abrahamu wakategherezganga masacizgo gha ŵanji awo ŵakaŵa pasi pake. He did not view it as beneath his dignity to serve others. Abraham listened to the suggestions of others under his control. Kasi mphawuli apo wakayezga Yesu? When did he tempt Jesus? When did he tempt Jesus? Ŵawukirano, kasi mukukhumba kuluta nkhu? Where should you be headed? Young people, where do you want to go? Ŵapapi ŵake, Roy na Ruth Howell, ŵakalereka na ŵapapi awo ŵakaŵa Ŵasambiri ŵa Baibolo, ndipo agogo ŵake aŵa ŵakaŵa ŵabwezi ŵa Mubali Charles Taze Russell. Her parents, Roy and Ruth Howell, were raised as Bible Students, and her grandparents were also Bible Students and friends of Brother Charles Taze Russell. His parents, Roald and Ruth Honor, were raised by the parents of the Bible Students, and his grandparents were close friends of Charles Taze Russell. Tikuwonga kuti tili na Baibolo la Malemba Ghakupatulika mu Mang'anamuliro gha Charu Chiphya, ilo lili mu chiyowoyero chasono. Are we not grateful, then, to have the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures? How grateful we are that we have the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, which is available in the modern - language language language language! (2) Ŵana ŵaleke kuvizunura bwekabweka. (2) They are not to be discussed in a bad way. (2) Children should not give in to them. Tingati wakaŵa munthu muwemi yayi, kweni mutesi. Really, not a good man, but a great fraud! We can prove to be, not a good person, but a liar. Ŵazgani na kuwona ivyo vikaŵachitikira ndalama zati zaŵamalira apo ŵakachitanga umishonale ku India. Read what happened after they ran out of money while serving as missionaries in India. Read what happened to you after they were serving as missionaries in India. Kasi tisambirenge za ŵantu ŵatatu mbani awo ŵali kulembeka mu Baibolo? We will examine the lives of what three individuals of Bible record? What can we learn about three people recorded in the Bible? Kweni nga umo tiwonerenge mu nkhani yakulondezgapo, "Satana [wakwenera yayi] kuticenjelera, cifukwa tili ŵalemwa cara na njomba zake. " - 2 Kor. But as we shall see in the following article, we need not be "overreached by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his designs. " - 2 Cor. But as we shall see in the next article, "Satan [not ought to be ignorant, for we are not ignorant of his designs. " - 2 Cor. Kasi mbanjani awo ŵakwenera kusanguluska ŵanyawo mu mpingo? In the congregation, who may be able to give comfort? Who should encourage others in the congregation? Ŵanthu ŵaluso awo Herode wakalemba ŵakasazgirako malo ghakuthambalara gha kumpoto kwa tempile. " A fellow Christian found me right away and gave me a hearty welcome, " she recalls. Herod's well - known men were transported to the north of the temple. Iyo wakuti: "Nkhati nafika waka, nkhasangana na Mkhristu munyane ndipo wakanipokelera makora nkhanira. And he did! " " When I arrived, " she says, "I met a fellow Christian who gave me a warm welcome. Enya, Yehova wakanovwira nadi. " And now, for the first time, Jehovah showed where Sarah fit into the picture. Yes, Jehovah did help me. " Yehova wakalongora kakwamba kuti Sara nayo wakukhwaskika na layizgo ili. At the Kingdom Hall, I had met many who were experiencing family opposition. Jehovah first expressed his feelings toward Sarah. Cimphepo cikuru cakucemeka Hurricane Sandy cikananga vinthu. Nyumba za ŵanthu ŵanandi zikaŵavya magesi, vyakovwira kuti ŵanthu ŵafunde, na vinyake vyakukhumbikwa. In one hard - hit section of the city, looters preyed on residents who were already suffering because of a lack of electricity, heat, and other necessities. The massive air, known as the Dots, had a good effect on many people's homes, no electricity, and other basic needs. Mbunenesko kuti wakhalapo ku maungano ghacoko waka, kweni wavuka cifukwa ca kovwira ŵacekuru. True, she has missed a few meetings, but she is exhausted after working all day long for elderly people. True, she attends a few meetings, but she is tired because she has been able to help the elderly. Mu nkhani iyi tiwonenge chifukwa icho munthu wakugomezgeka Mozesi wakatayira mwaŵi wa kunjira mu Charu cha Layizgano. In this article, we will analyze why the faithful man Moses lost out on the privilege of entering the Promised Land. In this article, we will consider why the faithful man Moses lost the privilege of entering the Promised Land. Pajumpha vyaka pafupifupi 2,000 kufuma apo ŵanthu ŵakambira kuluta kukasopa chiuta uyu. Many AIDS sufferers contracted the disease through promiscuous sexual activity, contaminated syringes used by drug addicts, or tainted blood transfusions. About 2,000 years have passed since the people began to worship this god. Ŵanandi awo ŵakurwara ntenda ya AIDS ŵakuyitora kwizira mu uzaghali, kujilasa na nyerete iyo yili na HIV pakugwiriskira ncito munkhwara wakuzweteska wongo, panji kupokera ndopa izo zili na HIV. This lifestyle has offended many local Catholics. Many who are diagnosed with AIDS have become involved in sexual immorality, as well as the use of drugs, or as blood transfusion. Ivi vili kukwiyiska Ŵakatolika ŵanandi mu msumba uwu. To be fair, these observations would also be true of other countries where so - called Christianity prevails. As a result, many Catholics in that city have been threatened. Kuyowoya unenesko, vintu ivi vikucitikaso mu vyaru vinyake uko kuli Cikristu. If we are suffering some form of injustice - even as the faithful man Job did - we need to remind ourselves that Jehovah is not the cause of the unfairness. To be sure, these events occur in some parts of Christendom. Usange tikusuzgika na vinthu vinyake vyambura urunji, nga umo munthu wakugomezgeka Yobu wakasuzgikira, tikwenera kukumbuka kuti Yehova ndiyo wakupangiska yayi vinthu vyambura urunji. 18: 1 - 29. If we experience some injustice, as did the faithful man Job, we need to remember that Jehovah is not the cause of injustice. 18: 1 - 29. While there, they may have met Paul or heard him witness. 18: 1 - 29. Pa nyengo iyi ŵakwenera kuti ŵakakumananga na Paulosi panji kupulika ivyo wakapharazganga. In his great concern even about our life, he determined to reserve blood for use in one highly important way, the only way that makes everlasting life possible. They may have met Paul or heard what he preached. Cifukwa ca kughanaghanira comene umoyo, kusazgapo umoyo withu, Ciuta wakasimikizga mtima kupatula ndopa kuti zigwiliskilikenge nchito pa nthowa yimoza pera yakuzirwa comene iyo yikupangiska umoyo wamuyirayira kuŵa wamacitiko. Very, very few see the fortune they hope for. In view of life, including our life, God was determined to keep blood in its proper use in the only way that makes it possible for them to gain everlasting life. Mbantu ŵacoko comene awo ŵakusanga ivyo ŵakakhumbanga. 1: 22; 1 John 4: 21. Few people have found what they wanted. 1: 22; 1 Yoh. 4: 21. He knew he had something precious to share - the truth about his heavenly Father, the very "sayings of God " and the" sayings of everlasting life. " 1: 22; 1 John 4: 21. Uthenga uwu ukaŵa unenesko wakuyowoya za Ŵawiske ŵakucanya. Unenesko uwu ni "mazgu gha Ciuta, " ndiposo" mazgu gha umoyo wamuyirayira. " (Read Revelation 7: 1 - 4, 9, 10, 14.) It was the truth about his heavenly Father - "the word of God " and" the word of everlasting life. " (Ŵazgani Uvumbuzi 7: 1 - 4, 9, 10, 14.) HAVE you ever been at a loss for words when talking to a friend who is seriously ill? (Read Revelation 7: 1 - 4, 9, 10, 14.) KASI muli kusoŵapo cakuyowoya pakucezga na mubwezi winu uyo ni mulwari comene? How might we reason with an individual who feels that way? HAVE you ever found it difficult to communicate with a close friend who is seriously ill? Kasi munthu wa nthena tingadumbiskana nayo wuli? Delegating includes assigning a task and following up on the progress How can we reason with him? Kugaŵira ŵanji milimo kukung'anamura kuŵapa mulimo na kuwoneseska kuti ukwenda makora Smell: The sense of smell can also be a rich source of information, but not just about the source of an aroma. For some, it means to give them a job and to make sure that they are well - organized Kupungizga (kunuska): Mphuno yikovwiraso chomene munthu kuti wamanye vinthu. The first of these two articles discusses how we can throw all our anxiety on God. It's also helpful to see things from a human standpoint. Mu nkhani iyi tisambirenge umo tingamuthulira Chiuta vyose ivyo tikwenjerwa navyo. Why should you continue to work to understand and apply what the Bible tells us about showing honor? In this article, we will consider how we can throw all our anxiety on God. Chifukwa wuli tikwenera kulutilira kusambira Baibolo na kulondezga ivyo likuyowoya pa nkhani ya kupeleka ntchindi? Similarly, Christians must obey Jesus Christ, whom the Bible describes as a "commander to the national groups. " Why should we continue to study the Bible and apply what it says about giving honor? Ŵakhristu nawo ŵakwenera kupulikira Yesu Khristu, uyo Baibolo likuti ni "mulanguli ku ŵanthu. " What light did Jehovah shed on how he would fulfill the prophecy recorded at Genesis 3: 15? Christians too need to obey Jesus Christ, whom the Bible calls "the ruler of men. " Kasi Yehova wakavumbura vici vyakukhwaskana na umo wazamufiskira ucimi uwo wuli pa Genesis 3: 15? Weary but happy, he declared that the meeting was "beautiful. " What did Jehovah reveal about the fulfillment of Genesis 3: 15? Mwanakazi munyake wakaphalira mupayiniya uyo wakiza pa nyumba yake kuti: "Ciuta wakwenera kuti wakutuma. " It is the Kingdom spoken of by the Hebrew prophet Daniel over 25 centuries ago when he wrote: "The God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. One woman told a pioneer who came to her home: "God must be using you. " Nangauli wakavuka kweni wakaŵa wakukondwa, ndipo wakayowoya kuti ungano uwu ukaŵa "wakukondweska comene. " What would you say is the Scriptural view of material things? Despite being tired, she said that the meeting was "very pleasant. " Ni Ufumu weneuwo ukayowoyeka na ncimi ya Cihebere Daniel vyaka 2,500 ivyo vyajumpa apo yikalemba kuti: "Ciuta wa kucanya wati wimike uthemba, uwo kuti wamkuparanyika cara muyirayira, panji mazaza ghake ghasidike ku fuko linyake cara. In our speech. It is the Kingdom promised by the Hebrew prophet Daniel some 2,500 years ago when he wrote: "The God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. Kasi Malemba ghakuti wuli pa nkhani ya vinthu vyakuthupi? They may wonder, " Are all who claim to be Christians really Christian? ' What do the Scriptures say about material things? Kayowoyero. ▪ Let Nothing Hinder You From Taking Hold of Glory Our speech. Nyengo zinyake ŵangajifumba kuti, " Kasi wose awo ŵakuti Mbakhristu, Mbakhristu nadi? ' How does Jehovah guard us as we fearlessly render sacred service to him? At times, they may wonder, " Are all who claim to be Christians really Christians? ' ▪ Mungazomerezganga Cilicose Cara Kuti Cimutondeskani Kuŵa na Ucindami Kravitz acknowledges, however, that "although Judaism believes in heaven, the Torah speaks very little about it. " ▪ Let Nothing prevent You from Displaying Glory Kasi Yehova wakutivikilira wuli apo tikucita uteŵeti wakupatulika mwambura wofi? But suppose your friend adds: "I will keep the keys. How does Jehovah protect us as we render sacred service with confidence? Kravitz wakayowoya kuti "nangauli Chiyuda chikugomezga vya kuchanya, kweni buku la Tora likuyowoyapo vinandi yayi pa nkhani iyi. " The book What Does the Bible Really Teach? " The Jews believe in heaven, " said the writer of the Encyclopædia Britannica, "but the Old Testament does not say a lot about it. " Ndipo wakumuphalirani kuti, "Galimoto iyi njinu. Jesus was warm and approachable. " It's a car, " he tells you. Buku lakuti Kasi Baibolo Likusambizgaci Comenecomene? Moses - A Man of Humility 5 What Does the Bible Really Teach? Yesu wakaŵa mukari cara, wakaŵa wacitemwa. 24: 45. Jesus was not harsh, loving. Mozesi Wakaŵa Munthu Wakujiyuyura 5 Under such conditions, "anyone righteous " must fully trust in God. - Psalm 11: 4 - 7. Moses - A Man of Humility 5 24: 45. Without hesitation, Esau gave up his birthright. 24: 45. Panthena apa, munthu " murunji ' wakwenera kugomezga comene Ciuta. - Salmo 11: 4 - 7. What an extraordinary privilege for Peter - all because the truth was precious to him and led him to heed direction from Jehovah and act in faith! In that way, a "righteous man " must have complete trust in God. - Psalm 11: 4 - 7. Esau wakaguliska ulara wake. Willful murderers were put to death by the victim's nearest male relative, known as "the avenger of blood. " Esau sold his birthright. Vyose ivi vikacitika cifukwa unenesko ukaŵa wakuzirwa comene kwa iye ndipo ukamupangiska kuti warondezge urongozgi wa Yehova na kucita vintu na cigomezgo. SONGS: 5, 46 All of this took place because the truth was so precious to him that he allowed him to follow Jehovah's direction and act with confidence. Munthu uyo wakawezgeranga wakamanyikwanga kuti "wakuwezgera nduzga. " Why should we today be increasingly concerned about encouraging one another? The man who sent him was known as "to avenge himself. " SUMU: 110, 2 16: 14, 16; 19: 19 - 21. SONGS: 110, 2 Chifukwa wuli mazuŵa ghano ntchakuzirwa chomene kuti tifipiranenge mtima? His lack of patience betrays that he has not learned how to wait. Why is it important for us to show concern for one another today? 16: 14, 16; 19: 19 - 21. * Moreover, copper - containing IUDs are said to alter the lining of the uterus. 16: 14, 16; 19: 19 - 21. Kuleka kuzizipizga kwake kukurongora kuti iye wandasambire kulindirira. The simplicity of Scriptural truth attracts and satisfies sincere people. The lack of his patience indicates that he is not waiting. * Ŵadokotala ŵa vyakulera ŵakutiso mu chibabiro mukusintha para muli IUD ya mkuŵa. 17: 7, 8) * According to experts, it is possible for you to change the skin by using copper IUDs. Kuyowoya unenesko wa mu Malemba mu nthowa yipusu kukupangiska ŵanthu awo ŵakutemwa unenesko kuti ŵanweke ndiposo kukhorwa. The account relates that Abraham commissioned his servant to travel to the country of Abraham's relatives to find a wife for his son Isaac. Applying Scriptural truth in a simple way brings sincere people to their interest and satisfaction. 17: 7, 8) Would you like to know your future? 17: 7, 8) Nkani iyi yikuyowoya kuti Abrahamu wakaphalira muteŵeti wake kuti warute ku caru ca ŵabali ŵa Abrahamu kuti wakapenje mwanakazi wa mwana wake Yisake. The killer fled to the grounds of a nearby psychiatric clinic. The account tells us that Abraham instructed his servant to go to Abraham's land to find a wife for his son Isaac. Kasi mungatemwa kumanyirathu ivyo vili munthazi mwinu? That inspection and cleansing work involved a period of time - from 1914 to the early part of 1919. Would you like to know what lies ahead? Pakati pajumpha kanyengo kacoko waka ŵapolisi ŵakiza. 16 Soon the police came. Mulimo wa kuskolera na kutozga ukatora nyengo. Ukamba mu 1914 mpaka kuuyambiro wa 1919. See the article "The Splendor of Gray - Headedness, " in The Watchtower of March 15, 1993. The inspection and cleansing work took place in 1914 until the early part of 1919. 16 Although it says we should apply ourselves to our work, it also advises us to "make sure of the more important things. " 16 Wonani nkhani yakuti "Ulemerero wa Imvi, " mu Gongwe la Mulinda la Ciceŵa la Malici 15, 1993. That evening, Ruth made her way to the threshing floor - a flat, hard - packed area where a number of farmers would take their grain for threshing and winnowing. See The Watchtower of March 15, 1993. Nangauli likuti tilimbikirenge ntchito, kweni likutiso " tisandenge vinthu ivyo ni vyakuzirwa chomene. ' 3 Should We Question God? Although it encourages us to work hard, it adds that we will "make sure of the more important things. " Rute pa Malo Ghakupwanthira Mise ghake zuŵa lenelili, Rute wakaluta ku malo ghakupwanthira. The positive outlook explained in this article is just a glimpse of the bright future that millions of Jehovah's Witnesses have learned about by studying the Bible. At the end of the evening, Ruth went to the nearby floor. 3 Kasi Kufumba umo Ciuta Wakucitira Vinthu Nkhwananga? How that restoration brought praise to Jehovah and to those bearing his name! 3 Can You Ask yourself how God Does Bad Things? Vinthu viwemi ivyo vyayowoyeka mu nkhani iyi ni vimoza mwa vinthu vichoko waka ivyo Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova ŵanandi ŵakulindizga. And how can we successfully fulfill our role as evangelizers? The good things discussed in this article are just one of the few things that many of Jehovah's Witnesses have hoped for. Mwee, nagho ni marumbo agho ghakaŵa pa Yehova na pa ŵantu awo ŵakacemekanga na zina lake! Because my chances for survival seemed very slim, well - meaning medical staff advised my parents not to become too attached to me. What a praise it was for Jehovah and for those who were called by his name! Kasi tingacita wuli kuti ticite makora mulimo withu pakuŵa ŵapharazgi? (a) Of what is loving discipline an evidence? How can we succeed in fulfilling our assignment as evangelizers? Cifukwa cakuti nkhawonekanga kuti niponenge yayi, ŵadokotala ŵakaphalira ŵapapi ŵane kuti ŵaleke kunighanaghanira comene. (See paragraph 17) Because I felt that I would not survive, the doctors told my parents not to be overly concerned about me. (a) Kasi cilango cacitemwa cikulongoraci? Now, let us see how the other three horsemen help to confirm that we are, in fact, living during the troubled "last days. " (a) What does loving discipline show? (Wonani ndime 17) " Yes, " she said, "I remember, but that was in the past. (See paragraph 17) Tiyeni tiwone umo ŵanalume ŵatatu awo ŵakwera pa mahachi ŵakutovwilira kumanya nadi kuti tikukhala mu "mazuŵa ghaumaliro. " He speaks of " hunger and thirst, cold and nakedness. ' Let us see how the ride of three horsemen helps us to see that we are living in "the last days. " " Enya, " wakazgora mwanteura, "Nkukumbuka, kweni vira ni vyakale. The Hebrew word rendered "kindness " (cheʹsedh) may also be rendered" loving - kindness " or "loyal love. " " Yes, " he replied, "I remember these things in the past. Wakayowoya vya " njara na nyota, kupima na mphepo ndiposo unkhuli. ' Also explain how they might approach people with the Kingdom message in your territory. He spoke of "the famine and the thirst, the wind and the wind. " Lizgu la Cihebere lakuti [cheʹsedh]; ilo likung'anamura "lusungu, " lingang'anamuraso" lusungu lukuru " panji "citemwa cambura upusikizgi. " The bottom line: Today, more than ever, you need to help your children train their "powers of discernment " so that they can" distinguish both right and wrong. " - Hebrews 5: 14. The Hebrew verb translated "loving - kindness " can also mean" undeserved kindness, " or "love free from hypocrisy. " Kweniso tingaŵawovwira umo ŵangapharazgira ŵanthu uthenga wa Ufumu mu chigaŵa chithu. He also shows keen interest in each individual. We can also help them to share the Kingdom message with others in our territory. Fundo yikuru: Kuluska kumasinda kose, sono ndipo ntchakukhumbikwa chomene kuti musambizgenge ŵana ŵinu "kuzgoŵezga nkhongono zawo zakamanyiro " mwakuti ŵamanyenge" kupambaniska pakati pa chiwemi na chiheni. " - Ŵahebere 5: 14. War then broke out in heaven, and the newly installed King, Jesus, referred to as Michael, cast Satan and his demons to the earth. The key: More than ever before, it is vital that you train your children to " train their perceptive powers trained to distinguish both right and wrong. ' - Hebrews 5: 14. Kweni wakutemwaso munthu waliyose payekha. How did Jehovah's ancient servants keep their faith strong? But he also loves individuals. Ntheura kukawuka nkhondo kuchanya, Themba liphya Yesu uyoso ni Mikayeli likaponya Satana na viŵanda vyake pa charu chapasi. It weakens our faith and causes us to stop " running with endurance the race ' for life. So war broke out in heaven, the newly enthroned King Michael hurled Satan and his demons down to the vicinity of the earth. Kasi ŵateŵeti ŵakale ŵa Yehova ŵakachita wuli kuti ŵakhozge chipulikano chawo? Grain sown in a field may vary in production according to circumstances. How did servants of Jehovah in Bible times strengthen their faith? Cikunanga cipulikano cithu kuti tileke " kucimbira mu uzizipizgo cipharizgano ' ca umoyo. For five months, our instructors showed us how to get joy from our study of the Bible. It destroys our faith so that we do not "flee from the race " for life. Njere izo zapandika mu munda zingapambana pakupasa malinga na umo vintu viliri. As a result of the clear information presented, Jehovah's Witnesses around the world saw the need to maintain strict neutrality in the affairs of the warring nations. The roots used in the field may vary greatly from one to another to a degree. Kwa myezi yinkhondi, ŵasambizgi ŵithu ŵakatilongora umo tingaŵazgira Baibolo mwakuti tisange nalo chandulo. Scientific research is limited - restricted to what humans can actually observe or study. For five months, our teachers showed us how to read the Bible so that we could benefit from it. Cifukwa ca fundo zakupulikikwa makora izo zikalongosoreka mu nkhani iyo, Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova pa caru cose ŵakawona kuti cikaŵa cakwenelera kuleka kunjilirapo pa nkhani za nkhondo. Not long ago, Sonia and her sister, Olive, shared the Bible's message of hope with Janet, a terminally ill patient whom they met in a hospital waiting room. Because of the clear reasoning presented in the article, Jehovah's Witnesses around the world saw the need to avoid being involved in warfare. Masambiro gha ŵasayansi ghakugota pa vinthu ivyo ŵangawona na kusambira. Before discussing that important subject, let us examine Jesus ' own example of being a good friend and see what we can learn from the way his disciples responded to him. Sciences have long ended with what they can see and learn. Ni kale viŵi yayi apo Sonia na mukuru wake Olive, ŵakayowoya uthenga wakupembuzga wa mu Baibolo kwa Janet, uyo wakaŵa mulwari kwa manyimanyi ndipo ŵakasangana nayo ku cipatala, mu cipinda ca kulindizgiramo dokotala. That is a comment made by Olivia, who is 17 and who got baptized as a preteen. Not long ago, the Bible's comforting message to Janet, who was sick at the hospital, was in a hospital room waiting for a doctor. Pakuti Yesu wakaŵa ciyelezgero ca mubwezi muwemi, tiyeni tisande dankha ivyo ŵasambiri ŵake ŵakayowoya ndiposo kucita cifukwa cakuti wakaŵa mubwezi wawo. As we show greater concern for the people we meet, and as we endeavor to improve our effectiveness in reaching the hearts of our listeners, our enthusiasm for the ministry increases. Since Jesus was a good friend, let us first examine what his disciples said and did because of his friendship with him. Olivia uyo wali na vyaka 17 ndipo wakabatizika wachali muchoko, wakayowoya kuti: "Nyengo zose nkhawopanga kuti para ningamba kuyowoya vya Baibolo, ŵanthu ŵaniwonenge kuti nili wakusuzga. " But during the assembly, I met Eric Connell. " I always feared that if I started to start talking about the Bible, I would see people feel that I was too difficult, " says 17 - year - old, "I was always afraid to talk about it. " Mwamphu withu ukusazgikira para tikufipira mtima comene ŵanthu awo tikuŵapharazgira, kweniso para tikuyezgayezga kupharazga mwakucontha mtima. Not too long ago, it was fondly thought that ours was " The Age of Enlightenment. ' Our zeal for the ministry grows as we show deep concern for the people we preach, as well as our earnest efforts to preach effectively. Kweni pa ungano nkhakumana na Eric Connell. True Worship Is Motivated by Love, Not Greed At the convention, however, I met Ericne. Vinthu vyakukopa vikazara ndipo vikasangikanga mu mabuku, mapulogiramu gha pa wayilesi, TV, na mafilimu. Was that mere wishful thinking on Job's part? They loved the things they owned and found them in books, TV programs, and movies. Kusopa Kweneco Kukucitika na Citemwa, Cifukwa ca Njombe Yayi Did they deserve mercy? There Is Love, Not Hope Kasi Yobu wakaghanaghaniranga waka vinthu vyakuti vingacitika yayi? " The fruit of righteousness has its seed sown under peaceful conditions for those who are making peace, " wrote James. Was Job merely thinking that it was impossible for him to do so? Kasi iwo ŵakaŵa ŵakwenelera kuŵacitira lusungu? Timgad - A Buried City Reveals Its Secrets 8 Were they worthy to treat them with kindness? Yakobe wakalemba kuti: "Awo ŵakumija mu mtende ŵakuvuna urunji. " We also need to keep in mind a second important fact: Jehovah may give us recognition in ways we may never expect. James wrote: "The fruit of righteousness belongs to those who sow it. " Tawuni ya Timgad Yikuvumbura Visisi vya Ŵaroma 8 What of the second assurance - Jehovah would protect his people? Timgad's city exposes the Romans 8 Tikwenera kukumbukaso fundo yachiŵiri yakuzirwa chomene: Yehova wangalongora kuti wakutimanya mwakutichitira vinthu ivyo talindizganga yayi. First, she flew 5 hours by plane, then she traveled for nearly three days by train, and finally she spent 30 hours on a bus to reach Chorzow. We also need to remember a second point: Jehovah knows us so that he does not expect us to do things that we cannot expect. Wuli pakuyowoya za layizgo laciŵiri lakuti Yehova wazamuvikilira ŵanthu ŵake? A car can be dangerous if not guided properly What about the second promise that Jehovah will protect his people? Pakwamba wakakwera ndege kwa maora ghankhondi, pamanyuma wakakwera sitima ya pa mtunda kwa mazuŵa pafupifupi ghatatu, ndipo kuti wafike ku Chorzow, wakakwera basi kwa maora 30. And they are charging faithful Jewish worshipers very high prices. At first, he traveled five hours by ship for about three days, then for about three days, and then for a 30 - hour bus. Galimoto yingaŵa yiheni usange yikwendeskeka makora cara [ Footnotes] A car can be dangerous if it is not handled properly Ndipo iwo ŵakupimira mtengo ukuru comene ŵasopi ŵakugomezgeka ŵa Ciyuda. 5: 10 - 12. And they are highly esteemed by faithful worshipers of Judaism. [ Mazgu ghamusi] He wrote: "Many will rove about, and the true knowledge will become abundant. " [ Footnote] 5: 10 - 12. All three assumed from the outset that Job himself was to blame for his calamities. 5: 10 - 12. Wakalemba kuti: "Ŵanandi ŵamkucimbira uku na uko, [ndipo] mahara ghamkwandana. " April 7 - 13, 2008 He wrote: "Many will flee from it, and the true knowledge will become abundant. " Kufuma pakwamba peneco wose ŵatatu ŵakatenge Yobu wakajicemera yekha masoka. They "embraced his word heartily " and" were baptized, and on that day about three thousand souls were added. " From the very beginning, the three were saying that Job had brought calamity upon himself. Epulero 7 - 13, 2008 Do You Appreciate Our Spiritual Heritage? April 7 - 13, 2008 " Ŵakazomera mazgu ghake " ndipo " ŵakabapatizika; ndipo pa zuŵa ilo kukasazgikako kwa iŵo ŵantu pafupifupi vikwi vitatu. ' Some rulers have tried to set up their own form of State religion, pressuring their subjects to comply. " They accepted his word " and " got baptized, and on the day that it was written to them about three thousand souls. ' Kasi Mukuzirwiska Ciharo Cithu Cauzimu? We too are living in what may be termed "a day of good news. " Do You Appreciate Our Spiritual Heritage? Ŵawusi ŵanyake ŵali kuŵika cisopa mu caru cawo, ndipo ŵakucicizga waliyose kuti ndico wasopenge. How valuable the book of Ezra is to us! Some rulers have set up religion in their own country, and they try to force anyone to worship him. Nase tikukhala mu nyengo iyo tingati ni "zuŵa la makani ghawemi. " Is the Bible Still Changing Your Life? May We too live in a time when we can be described as "the day of good news. " Buku la Ezra ndakuzirwa nadi kwa ise! 34: 6, 7. How precious the book of Ezra is to us! " Yehova Chiuta Withu Ni Yehova Yumoza, " Juni Why, he even gave his precious Son so that we could have the prospect of endless life! - Read Psalm 84: 11; Romans 8: 32. " Jehovah Our God Is One Jehovah, " June 34: 6, 7. They believe smoking, overdrinking, drug misuse, gambling, sexual promiscuity and homosexuality are spiritually damaging practices. " 34: 6, 7. Tikuyowoya nthena chifukwa wakapeleka Mwana wake wapadera yekha kuti wazakatifwire kuti tizakasange umoyo wamuyirayira. - Ŵerengani Salimo 84: 11; Ŵaroma 8: 32. Though such a way of life is highly sought - after in the world, is it what Christian parents want for their children? - John 15: 19; 1 John 2: 15 - 17. We do so because he gave his only - begotten Son so that we might gain everlasting life. - Read Psalm 84: 11; Romans 8: 32. Ŵakumanya kuti kukhweŵa, kuloŵera, kugwiliskira nchito uheni munkhwala, njuga, uleŵi, uzaghali kweniso kugonana kwa ŵanalume panji ŵanakazi pera kukunanga ubwezi wawo na Yehova. " Former ties to friends and relatives have to be adjusted. They realize that smoking, drunkenness, gambling, gambling, sexual immorality, and homosexuality affects their relationship with Jehovah. " Nangauli ŵanthu ŵanandi ŵakuwupenja umoyo uwu, kweni kasi ndivyo ŵapapi Ŵacikhristu ŵakukhumbira ŵana ŵawo? - Yohane 15: 19; 1 Yohane 2: 15 - 17. For instance, imagine how Abraham must have felt as he made a three - day journey to Moriah in obedience to God's command: "Take, please, your son, your only son whom you so love, Isaac, and make a trip to the land of Moriah and there offer him up as a burnt offering on one of the mountains that I shall designate to you. " - Gen. While most people seek this life, do Christian parents want their children? - John 15: 19; 1 John 2: 15 - 17. Waliyose mu nthengwa wakwenera kuŵika pakwamba munyake. Later, when instituting the Lord's Evening Meal, Jesus again spoke about his flesh and blood and directed his followers who would be taken into the new covenant to partake of the emblems of unleavened bread and wine. Everyone in marriage should put the other mate first. Mwaciyelezgero, ghanaghanirani waka umo Abrahamu wakajipulikira apo wakenda ulendo wa mazuŵa ghatatu, kuluta ku Moria cifukwa ca kupulikira mazgu gha Ciuta ghakuti: "Tora sono mwana wako, mwana wako yumoza pera [Yisake], mweneuyo ukumutemwa, ulute ku caru ca ku Moria, umupeleke kwenekura nga ndi sembe yakocha pa limoza la mapiri leneilo tindikuphalire. " - Gen. Instead, Jesus said: "It is written, " Man must live, not on bread alone, but on every utterance coming forth through Jehovah's mouth. ' " - Matt. For example, imagine Abraham's feelings as he walked for three days, journeying to Pennsylvania for obeying God's words: "Take your son, please, your only child [the only child] whom you should go to the mountainous region, and you must go there as a burnt offering. " - Gen. Panyuma pake, peneapo wakambiskanga Mugonero wa Fumu, Yesu wakayowoyaso za thupi na ndopa zake ndipo wakalangura ŵarondezgi ŵake ŵeneawo ŵakunjizgika mu pangano lipya kuti warye vimanyikwiro vya cingwa cambura ntukumusi na vinyo. Although he is skeptical of a moral law from an external source because of the decline of religion in the Western world, he cautions: "Those of us who do not believe in a religious moral law should still be troubled by its fading. " Later, when instituting the Lord's Evening Meal, Jesus spoke of the flesh and its blood and commanded his followers who were taking it into the new covenant to partake of the emblems of unleavened bread and wine. M'malo mwake, Yesu wakati: "Kuli kulembeka, Munthu kuti wakhalenge wamoyo na cingwa pera cara, kweni na mazgu ghose agho ghakufuma mu mlomo wa Ciuta. " - Mat. Are You Keeping Up With Increased Light? Rather, Jesus said: "It is written, " Man must live, not on bread alone, but on every utterance coming forth through Jehovah's mouth. ' " - Matt. Nangauli wakusopa cara, iye wakukayikira dango la kakhaliro kaweme cifukwa cakuti cisopo cikukhilira pasi mu vyaru vinandi. Kweni ndipouli, wakacenjezga kuti: "Ise tikuleka kugomezga dango la cisopo la kakhaliro kaweme ndise tikwenera kufipa mtima comene kuwona umo mikhaliro yiweme yikumalira. " How will Jehovah's sovereignty be fully vindicated? Even if he does not worship, he has challenged the high standard of conduct because of religion in many parts of the world, but he warned: "We do not believe the law of morality that is good for us to be overly concerned about how it works out. " Kasi Mukwendera Lumoza na Ungweru Uwo Ukuŵaliraŵalira? God's dealings with humans spell security for the blameless but ruin for the wicked. Are You Moving Ahead With the Light? Ŵakugomezgeka ŵazamuŵaso na ubwezi uweme na Yehova Even after more than 60 years in this foreign assignment, I still need to be ready to adjust to what Jehovah asks. Faithful ones will also enjoy a good relationship with Jehovah Upusikizgi uwu ungapweteka maghanoghano gha munthu uyo wakumucitira ivi. They "speak swelling things, while they are admiring personalities. " - Jude 4, 16. Such propaganda can harm the person's feelings. Nangauli nateŵetera vyaka vyakujumpha 60 mu charu ichi, kweni ndine wakunozgeka kuchita chilichose icho Yehova wanganituma. " Travel; enjoy the world. ' Although I have spent more than 60 years in this system of things, I am ready to do whatever Jehovah can. Ndipo "mulomo wawo ukuyowoya vyakutukumuka. " - Yuda 4, 16. True kindness is not blind to evil words and deeds that violate God's standards. And "their mouth speaks twisted things. " - Jude 4, 16. " Yendani mu caru na kusangwa. ' Why do mistakes happen? How can we deal with them? Can they be avoided? " Walk in the earth and rejoice. ' Lusungu lwanadi lukulekelera yayi mazgu ghaheni panji mikhaliro iyo yikupambana na khumbo la Ciuta. Haggai's fellow prophet, Zechariah, was moved to highlight the very means by which Jehovah motivated and blessed devoted ones back then. True mercy does not tolerate bad words or conduct that are contrary to God's will. Chifukwa wuli tikubudiska ndipo tingachita wuli para tabudiska? The Greek word for fornication, por·neiʹa, broadly refers to the misuse of the sexual organs of those who are not married to each other. Why do we make mistakes, and how can we do so? Munyake wa Hagai, Zekariya, wakayowoya nthowa iyo Yehova wakaciskira na kutumbika ŵanthu ŵakujipeleka nyengo iyo. By accepting these and conforming our lives to Jehovah's will, we show that we are seeking first "his righteousness. " - Matt. Among Haggai, Zechariah, spoke of Jehovah's ways to encourage and bless devoted people at that time. Lizgu lakuti uzaghali mu Cigiriki ni por neiʹa, ndipo likung'anamura kugonana kwa mtundu uliwose na munthu uyo undatorane nayo. Christians joined in wedlock have so many reasons to express gratitude to God! The word adultery in Greek is por·neiʹa, and it refers to sexual relations with individuals who are married to each other. Para tikucindika fundo izi na kukhala mwakukolerana na khumbo la Yehova ndikuti tikulongora kuti tikupenja dankha "urunji wake. " - Mat. Although the earth produces enough food for everyone, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that 840 million people worldwide have too little to eat. By respecting these principles and living in harmony with Jehovah's will, we show that we seek first "his righteousness. " - Matt. Ŵakhristu awo mbakutorana ŵali na vifukwa vinandi vyakuwongera Ciuta. How would Jehovah have felt if Abraham had become impatient about the fulfillment of God's promises to him? Christian couples have many reasons to thank God. Nangauli mu caru muli vyakurya vinandi ivyo vingakwana waliyose, kweni wupu wa UN Food and Agriculture Organization ukusacizga kuti ŵanthu 840,000,000 pa caru cose ŵakutondeka kusanga cakurya cakukwana. And even with advances in science and medicine, every year hunger still claims the lives of some five million children. - See chapter 9 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? While there are plenty of food available to everyone in the world, the UN's UN's UN's despite the fact that some 84 million people around the world are unable to find enough food. Kasi Yehova wakatenge wajipulikenge wuli Abrahamu walekenge kuzikira pa ivyo wakalayizgika? 13, 14. (a) What is conscience, and how does it come into play regarding blood? How might Jehovah have felt about Abraham's being willing to wait on his promise? Nangauli luso lwa sayansi lwaya panthazi, kweni cilimika cilicose ŵana pafupifupi mamiliyoni ghankhondi ŵakufwa cifukwa ca njara. - Wonani cipaturo 9 ca buku la Kasi Baibolo Likusambizgaci Comenecomene? Yet, the Chief Angel recognized that it was not his place to bring judgment. Despite scientific skills, nearly five million children die from hunger each year. - See chapter 9 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? 13, 14. (a) Kasi njuŵi ni vici, ndipo yikugwira wuli nchito pa nkhani ya ndopa? When one woman lost her two small children in an automobile accident, her minister said: "It was God's will. 13, 14. (a) What is a conscience, and how does it apply to blood? Kweni Yesu wakamanya kuti walije mazaza ghakuti wamweruzge. What Bible principles will help us to make decisions that honor God? But Jesus knew that he had no authority to execute judgment. Apo ŵana ŵaŵiri ŵa mwanakazi munyake ŵakafwa pa ngozi ya galimoto, mulongozgi wa cisopo cake wakati: "Likaŵa khumbo la Ciuta. Then, María Isabel asked to visit all the classrooms. When two of her daughters died in a car accident, a religious leader said: "The will of God came to an end. Kasi ni fundo wuli za mu Baibolo izo zingatovwira kuti tisankhe vinthu ivyo vikucindika Ciuta? So in common with being under a tutor, being under a " man in charge ' or under a " steward ' signified a lack of freedom while one was a minor. What Bible principles can help us to make decisions that honor God? Kufuma apo, María Isabel wakapempha kuti wendere makilasi ghose. " I Was Troubled by Many Questions. " - RAUDEL RODRÍGUEZ RODRÍGUEZ Then María Isabel asked for the complete number of classes. Ntheura, kuŵa pasi pa mulindaŵana, " wakumusungilira, ' panji pasi pa " wakumupwelelera ' kukimiranga kuti munthu uyo wali pasi pa mazaza gha ŵanthu aŵa, wakaŵavyanga wanangwa pa nyengo ya wanici. I was later assigned to Milan to help with preparations for the 1963 "Everlasting Good News " International Assembly. Thus, being under a tutor, "in his care, " or under" tender care, " was indicating that the person under the authority of those men had no right at the time of his youth. " Nkhajifumbanga mafumbo ghanandi. " - RAUDEL RODRÍGUEZ RODRÍGUEZ Nevertheless, as Paul further explained, after the legal requirements for adoption had been met, they received a new status. " I had many questions. " Nyengo yikati yajumphapo, nkhatumika ku Milan kuti nkhawovwire pakunozgekera Ungano wa Mitundu Yose wa mu 1963 wa mutu wakuti "Makani Ghawemi Ghamuyirayira. " 30: 21. In time, I was assigned to Milan to prepare for the 2006 international convention of Jehovah's Witnesses. Kweni nga ni umo Paulosi wakalongosolera, ŵati ŵazgoreka kuŵa ŵana ŵa Ciuta, ŵali na mwaŵi wa kukawusa mu Ufumu wa Ciuta. Evidently, God saw that the man's desires did not reflect a wicked or devious heart. However, as Paul explained, they were adopted as sons of God, having the privilege of ruling in God's Kingdom. 30: 21. That might take place gradually, even subtly. 30: 21. Nchakuwonekerathu kuti Ciuta wakamanya kuti munthu uyu wakaŵa na makhumbiro agha cifukwa ca kuŵa na mtima uheni cara. Throughout the time of the end, Satan has incited his earthly agents to oppose the anointed remnant and their other sheep companions. Clearly, God knew that such desires were not motivated by a bad heart. Cikumara pacokopacoko, mwakuti mweneko wakumanya na kumanya wuwo yayi. And what are we looking for in the Chief Agent? The problem is so gradually that the owner does not know it even. Mu nyengo yose yaumaliro iyi, Satana watuma ŵanthu awo ŵakucita khumbo lake pano pasi kuti ŵimikane na ŵakuphakazgika awo ŵacalipo na ŵanyawo ŵa mberere zinyake. • How do we acknowledge Jesus as Shiloh, and what spirit must we avoid? Throughout this time of the end, Satan has sent individuals who do his will on earth to join the remaining anointed ones of the other sheep. Kasi tikukhumba kuwona vici kwa Cata? [ Footnote] What do we want to see from the Chief Agent? • Kasi tikuzomerezga wuli kuti Yesu ni Shilo, ndipo ni mzimu wuli uwo tikwenera kuleka kuŵa nawo? Therefore, what God has yoked together let no man put apart. " • How do we acknowledge that Jesus is Shiloh, and what spirit should we avoid? [ Mazgu ghamusi] Let us also remember these words of the disciple James: "Each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire. [ Footnote] Pa cifukwa ici, ico Ciuta wagumanya pamoza munthu waleke kupatura. " Lost privileges are seldom restored all at once. Therefore, what God has yoked together let no man put apart. " Tiyeni tikumbukenge mazgu gha mpositole Yakobe, ghakuti: "Kweni waliyose wakuyezgeka para wayegheka na kukopeka na khumbiro lake. Why is Jesus in agony in the garden of Gethsemane? Let us keep in mind the words of the apostle James: "Each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire. Vikucitika kamoza na kamoza yayi kuti munthu wambeso kucita uteŵeti uwo wakacitanga pakudankha. Those who look ahead with insight and wisdom based on Bible principles know that they need not wait until they are very old or terminally ill before they consider taking this step. - Prov. It is not enough for a person to return to his former assignment. Ncifukwa wuli Yesu ngwakufipa mtima comene apo wali mu munda wa Getsemane? Is it possible to teach a child humility without damaging his or her self - worth? Why is Jesus so concerned when he is in the garden of Gethsemane? Ndipouli, sabata yiliyose nkhasangikangapo pa mwambo wamisa. If powerful officials try to restrict your freedom to worship God, it may seem that your life, welfare, and future are in human hands. Each week, however, I would sit in the kitchen. Ŵanthu awo ŵakughanaghanira vya munthazi mwakukolerana na vinjeru vya mu Baibolo ŵakulindilira kuti ŵacekure panji kulwara comene dankha ndipo ŵalembenge cikalata ici yayi. - Zinth. Hence, the place is also called "the low plain of Jehoshaphat. " Those who think about the future in harmony with Bible wisdom expect to become old or sick before they write it. - Prov. Kasi vingachitika kusambizga mwana kujiyuyura? How could two such brothers serve together in harmony? Is it possible to teach a child humility? Usange ŵalara ŵa boma ŵakumukanizgani kusopa Ciuta, vingawoneka nga ŵali na mazaza ghose pa umoyo winu. How can we benefit from reading material written for the public? If government officials oppose godly devotion, they may seem to have absolute control over your life. Mwantheura, malo agha ghakucemekaso "dambo la Yehoshafati. " This results in a severe famine, but Elisha foretells that the famine will end. Hence, it is also called "the valley of Jehoshaphat. " Nchivici cingawovwira kuti ŵateŵeterenge mwakukolerana? Considering that God's name was long known, what was the point of Moses ' question? What will help them to serve unitedly? Kasi mabuku agho ghakulembekera ŵanthu wose ghangatovwira wuli? Yet, there appears to be no text in the Hebrew Scriptures that matches Paul's quote. How can publications for all people benefit us? Ndipo pa cifukwa ici, mukaŵa njara yakofya mu Samariya, kweni Elisha wakacima kuti njara yimalenge. on page 29. As a result, there was famine in Samaria, but Elisha prophesied that famine would end. Pakuwona kuti zina la Ciuta likamanyikwanga kale, kasi fundo ya Mozesi yikaŵa yakuti wuli pakufumba fumbo ili? At times, you may need to consider the counsel of Proverbs 17: 14: "Before the quarrel has burst forth, take your leave. " In view of the fact that God's name was already known, what was Moses ' point in asking that question? Kweni mu Malemba gha Cihebere palije apo pali mazgu ghakuyana na gha Paulosi agha. How was Paul able to start a congregation in Thessalonica? However, Paul's words do not appear in the Hebrew Scriptures. pa peji 29. However, what if responsible brothers listened to your defense but still felt that you should not retain a certain privilege? on page 29. Nyengo zinyake mungacita makora kurondezga urongozgi wa pa Zintharika 17: 14 uwo ukuti: "Reka makani, yindayambe mpindano. " Today, Jehovah continues to be true to the meaning of his name by satisfying all our spiritual and material needs. At times, you may do well to heed the counsel found at Proverbs 17: 14: "Do not hold back from telling the good news, from starting with conflicts. " Kasi Paulos wakacita wuli kuti wayambiske mpingo mu Tesalonika? • Suffering may bring what benefits to earth's future rulers and inhabitants? How did Paul prepare the congregation in Thessalonica? Wuli usange mukaŵaphalira vya kusingo kwinu ŵabali awo ŵali na mulimo wa ulaŵiliri kweni ŵakawona kuti mukaŵa ŵakwenelera yayi kulutilira kucita mulimo uwo muli kuleka? 2: 7. What if you expressed your concern about those in positions of oversight but felt that you were not qualified to carry out your privilege of service? Mazuŵa ghano, Yehova wakulutilira kucita vinthu mwakuyana na zina lake pakuti wakutipa vyakukhumbikwa vyose, vyauzimu na vyakuthupi. • Who sinned against the spirit when Jesus was on earth? Today, Jehovah continues to live up to his name because he provides everything we need, spiritual, and material things. Para vinthu vyanisuzga nkhalombanga wovwiri kweni nkhamumanyanga yayi uyo nkhayowoyanga nayo. But this would not be easy. I prayed for help, but I didn't know who I was speaking to. • Kasi masuzgo ghangaŵa na vyandulo wuli kwa awo ŵali na cilindizga ca kucanya ndiposo awo ŵazamukhala pa caru capasi? He said to a paralytic, "Your sins are forgiven, " and the man was healed. - Matthew 9: 2 - 7. • What benefits can problems present to those with an earthly hope and to those with an earthly hope? 2: 7. (a) How did John emphasize the dominant theme of Jesus ' meeting with his disciples when he instituted the Memorial? 2: 7. • Apo Yesu wakaŵa pa caru capasi, kasi mbanjani awo ŵakanangira mzimu utuŵa? As told by Félix Alarcón • When Jesus was on earth, who sinned against the holy spirit? Kweni ici cikaŵa cipusu yayi. By means of holy spirit, Jehovah helped them to grasp vital spiritual truths while the wise and intellectual ones, who scorned them, remained blinded by Satan and by their own pride. But that wasn't easy. Yesu wakaphalira munthu wavinjenje kuti: "Zagowokereka zakwananga zako, " ndipo munthu yura wakacizgika. - Mateyu 9: 2 - 7. They belong to Jehovah and live to serve him, not to please themselves. Jesus told the man: "I have forgiven your sins, " and the man was healed. - Matthew 9: 2 - 7. (a) Pa nyengo iyo Yesu wakaŵa na ŵasambiri ŵake apo wakambiska Cikumbusko, kasi Yohane wakalongosora wuli za citemwa ca Yesu? But I knew that I loved Jehovah and wanted to serve him forever. (a) When Jesus was with his disciples when he instituted the Memorial, how did John describe Jesus ' love? Yakuyowoyeka na Félix Alarcón FROM OUR COVER As told by Viaddo Kweni yikaŵapo nyengo iyo wakasanda maukaboni, na kukhorwa kuti Yesu wakaŵa nadi Mesiya. With great satisfaction, the angels observe our acts of faithfulness and even rejoice over the repentance of a sinner. But there was a time when he examined the evidence and became convinced that Jesus was the Messiah. Yehova wakaŵapa mzimu utuŵa kuti ŵapulikiske unenesko wa mu Baibolo. Kweni awo ŵakatenge mbavinjeru na ŵamahara ŵakaŵa ŵakujikuzga ndipo Satana wakaŵabulumutizga kuti ŵaleke kumanya unenesko. We read: "When Paul laid his hands upon them, the holy spirit came upon them, and they began speaking with tongues and prophesying. " - Acts 19: 1 - 7; compare 2 Timothy 1: 6. Jehovah had given them the holy spirit to understand Bible truth, but those who were wise and discreet were proud and Satan deceived them into believing the truth. Iwo mba Yehova ndipo ŵaliko kuti ŵamuteŵetere, kuti ŵakujikondweska ŵekha yayi. And what a faith - strengthening reality it has been to God's people! They belong to Jehovah and are not created to serve him, not to be pleasing themselves. Kweni nkhamanyanga kuti nkhutemwa Yehova ndipo nkhukhumba kumuteŵetera kwamuyirayira. They began to say to one another: "It is not right what we are doing. But I knew that I loved Jehovah and wanted to serve him forever. NKHANI ZIKURUZIKURU Is the world like a grenade ready to blow up? FROM OUR COVER Ŵakuwona kugomezgeka kwithu ndipo ŵakukondwa para wakwananga wapera. REGULAR PIONEERS They view our integrity and rejoice when sinners repent. Tikuŵazga kuti: " Ndipo Paulosi wakati waŵika mawoko ghake pa iwo mzimu utuŵa ukiza pa iwo; ndipo ŵakayowoyanga na lulimi, na kucima. ' - Mil. 19: 1 - 7; yaniskani na 2 Timote 1: 6. This wholesome fear, in turn, gave him outstanding courage, as was demonstrated immediately after Jezebel murdered Jehovah's prophets. We read: "Now Paul put his hands upon them, and they began to speak with the tongue and to prophesy. " - Acts 19: 1 - 7; compare 2 Timothy 1: 6. Ici cakhozga comene cipulikano ca ŵanthu ŵa Ciuta! Yet, at 1 John 5: 7, they had inserted the spurious words referred to earlier in this article. What a faith - strengthening experience this has been for God's people! Ŵakamba kuyowoyeskana, ŵakati: "Tikucita makora cara. The attack will result in the death of millions of people when God defeats the invaders. - Revelation 19: 11 - 18. They began to communicate, saying: "We'ren't doing good. Kasi caru cili nga ni bomba ilo liri pafupi kuphuntha? The blessings more than compensate for the challenges! Is the earth like an arrow close to its end? ŴAPAYINIYA ŴANYENGOZOSE If you put things like recreation in first place, you will never seem to have enough room in your life for the big things - spiritual pursuits. REGULAR PIONEERS Wofi uwu ukamupa cikanga, ndipo wakalongora cikanga Yezebeli wakati wakoma waka nchimi za Yehova. (a) Why do true Christians resist the urge to retaliate? This fear gave her courage, and she showed courage shortly after Jezebel killed Jehovah's prophets. Kweni nga umo tawonera kukwambilira kwa nkhani iyi, pa 1 Yohane 5: 7 ŵakasazgirapo mazgu. (See the time line below.) But as noted at 1 John 5: 7. Para ici cazakacitika, ŵanthu mamiliyoni ghanandi ŵazamufwa cifukwa Ciuta wazamuparanya ŵakuwukira aŵa. - Uvumbuzi 19: 11 - 18. Might such a task have been easier back in Ur, a prosperous area with extensive pastures, fertile soil, and an ample water supply? After that, millions of people will be destroyed because God will destroy them. - Revelation 19: 11 - 18. Vitumbiko vikuŵa vinandi comene kuluska masuzgo agho ŵakukumana nagho. Concerning the divine name, Jehovah, Exodus 3: 15 says: "This is my name to time indefinite, and this is the memorial of me to generation after generation. " Blessings are far more than any problems they face. Para vinthu nga ni vyakusanguluska ndivyo vikuŵa pakwamba mu umoyo winu, muwonenge kuti mukuŵavya nyengo yakucitira vinthu vyauzimu ivyo vili nga ni malibwe. Instead of envying David, Jonathan " loved him as his own soul. ' - 1 Sam. If such activities as recreation and entertainment are the first place in your life, you may feel that you have little time to care for spiritual activities that are like stones. (a) Cifukwa wuli Ŵakhristu ŵakukana mzimu wa kuwezgera? These, though working with and associating closely with those who will serve in heaven, are foreigners, figuratively speaking. (a) Why do Christians refuse to retaliate? (Wonani nyengo iyo yili musi umu.) But by means of these questions, Jehovah gave Abraham time to come to grips with the decision and to understand His thinking. (See footnote.) Kasi catenge ciŵenge cipusu kuŵapwelelera usange ningakhala waka mwenemuno mu msumba usambazi wa Uri, umo muli malo ghawemi ghakulyeskako viŵeto, dongo lavundira na maji ghanandi? This was no mere emotional outburst. Would it be easier to care for them if I lived in Ur's prosperous city, where there was a safe place for animals, clay, and water? Pakuyowoya za zina la Ciuta, Yehova, pa Exodus 3: 15 pakuti: "Ili ndilo zina lane muyaya, ndipo ici ncikumbusko cane mu mazuŵa ghose. " He chose to translate it "The Eternal, " an expression that later became common in French Protestant Bibles. Regarding God's name, Jehovah, at Exodus 3: 15: "This is my name to time indefinite, and this is my name to time indefinite. " Jonatani " wakamutemwa Davide nga ni umoyo wake na wake ' m'malo mwa kumucitira bina. - 1 Sam. Humility helped me adjust to a job that pays less than a quarter of my former salary but is adequate for my family's needs. " Jonathan " loved David as his own soul and his soul ' rather than envy. - 1 Sam. Nangauli Ŵakhristu aŵa ŵakuteŵetera lumoza na awo ŵamuteŵetera kucanya, kweni iwo mwakuyelezgera mbalendo. The man who spoke those words was in great anguish, and no wonder! Although these Christians serve with those who have served in heaven, they are figuratively strangers. Kweni mafumbo agha ghakawovwira Abrahamu kuti wapulikiske ivyo Yehova wakadumura ndiposo maghanoghano ghake. Commend as Jehovah does. - Ephesians 4: 24. But these questions helped Abraham to understand Jehovah's decisions and feelings. Muntu uyu wakalaŵantanga waka yayi. A laborer would earn two lepta in just 15 minutes. This man was not merely a fanatic. Wakasankha kuling'anamura kuti "Wamuyirayira, " ndipo lizgu ili ndilo likamba kulembeka mu Mabaibolo ghanandi gha Cifurenci. How quickly things had happened! He chose to translate "He to time indefinite, " and this word began to be translated into many French translations. Kujiyuyura kukanovwira comene kuti nizgoŵere nchito ya malipiro ghacoko comene iyi. Malipiro agha ghakaŵa ghakukwana kugura vyakukhumbikwa mu mbumba. " Owen and Claudia, a Christian couple, recall about their two children: "They looked forward to study time because it was a special time - they felt protected and comfortable. Such humility helped me to adjust my secular work, which was enough to provide materially for the family. " Munthu uyo wakayowoya mazgu agha wakaŵa na citima comene, ndipo nchakuzizwiska yayi kuti wakaŵa na citima nthena! When the hot sun is beating down on us, we are grateful for the shade provided by a crag. The man who spoke those words was deeply grieved, and it is not surprising that he felt that way! Mulumbenge umo Yehova wakucitira. - Ŵaefeso 4: 24. By such means, the Devil constantly tempts us with materialistic attractions that can appeal to our eyes, ears, and minds. Praise Jehovah's way of doing things. - Ephesians 4: 24. Munthu uyo wagwira nchito kwa maminiti 15, wakapokeranga malepitoni ghaŵiri. The same is true of Jonah. A 15 - minute worker received two coins. Vinthu vikachitika mwaluŵiro chomene. If you come back, I will break your legs. " What a sudden turn of events! Owen na muwoli wake Claudia, pakuyowoya za ŵana ŵawo ŵaŵiri, ŵakati: "Ŵakanwekanga comene kuti tisambirenge nawo, cifukwa pa nyengo iyi ŵakawonanga kuti tikuŵatemwa na kuŵapwelelera. They cannot depend merely on the faith of their parents. " They were eager to study with them, for they considered us to love and care for us. Para zuŵa lademuka comene, tikukondwa na mfwiri wa cijarawe. When on earth, Jesus Christ imitated his Father perfectly in displaying mercy. When the sun falls, we rejoice at the shade of a shadow. Ŵakusaska malonda ŵa mu caru ici ŵakuyezgayezga comene kutipangiska kuti tiŵenge na khumbo la kugura vinthu vinandi ivyo mutepanji ni vyakukhumbikwira yayi pa umoyo withu. Chapter 15 of the book Questions Young People Ask - Answers That Work, Volume 2, can be used as a basis for family discussion. This commercial system strives to make it easier for us to buy more things that may not be needed or that we do not need. Ndimo vikaŵiraso na Yona. He labeled such behavior as that of "the sons of this system of things, " but he used the illustration to drive home a point. The same was true of Jonah. Para wizenge pano, nizamuphyora mbondolo izo. " At Hosea 14: 1, 2, we find this entreaty: "Do come back, O Israel, to Jehovah your God, for you have stumbled in your error. If he comes here, I will break down those elements. " Kupharazga uko kukusangika ŵanthu ŵanandi ni nthowa yinyake yiwemi ya kupharazgira makani ghawemi ku ŵanthu ŵanandi. Jesus commended and reproved the congregation in Ephesus. Another fine way to reach as many people as possible is to share the good news with as many people as possible. Iwo ŵangagomezganga cipulikano ca ŵapapi ŵawo cara. The earth was designed to be a happy home for people who respect one another and love their Creator. They cannot rely on the faith of their parents. Yesu wakalongora makora comene mukhaliro wa lusungu uwo awiske ŵali nawo. Herd, G. Jesus perfectly reflected the compassion shown by his father. Mungadumbiskana fundo za mu Buku laciŵiri la Mayankho a Zimene Achinyamata Amafunsa, cipaturo 15. What a joy it has been to work more closely with the brothers! For example, consider the book Questions Young People Ask - Answers That Work, Volume 15. * Apa, Yesu wakaphaliranga ŵasambiri ŵake kuti ŵachitenge vinthu vyambura urunji yayi kuti vinthu viŵayenderengeko makora mu charu ichi. The Servant himself reveals that Jehovah continually trained him, saying: "He awakens my ear to hear like the taught ones [" disciples, " ftn.]. " * Clearly, Jesus was not telling his disciples to pursue injustices that would lead to success in this system of things. Pa Hoseya 14: 1, 2 pali pempho ili: "Welera, iwe Israyeli, kwa Yehova Ciuta wako, cifukwa wakhuŵara na ubendezi wako. This has made our Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work more enjoyable and productive than ever before. " Hosea 14: 1, 2 contains this request: "Return back, O Israel, to Jehovah your God, for you have stumbled in your error. Yesu wakarumba na kucenya mpingo wa Efeso. It can also give you a sense of achievement. " Jesus commended and corrected the congregation in Ephesus. Caru capasi cikapangika kuti ŵanthu ŵakhalengemo mwakukondwa, ŵacindikanenge na kutemwa uyo wali kuŵalenga. This would, in turn, no doubt have prepared Jesus to cope with the difficulties that he himself later encountered in his ministry on earth. - John 5: 19. The earth was designed to be filled with joy, respect, and love for the One who created it. Herd, G. Jehovah told him: "I do establish my covenant with you; and you must go into the ark, you and your sons and your wife and your sons ' wives with you. " Herd, G. Tikukondwa comene kuteŵetera lumoza na ŵabali ŵithu! We certainly stand to benefit if we do. What a joy it is to work with our brothers! Muteŵeti iyomwene wakuvumbura kuti Yehova wakamusambizganga kwambura kuleka, wakati: "Mulenji na mulenji wakuwuka, wakuwuska khutu lane kupulika nga ngwakusambira. " THE Devil is the epitome of arrogance. The servant himself reveals that Jehovah taught him without letup, saying: "In the morning he awakens morning; he awakens my ear to hear like the taught ones. " Ndipo tikusanga vitumbiko vinandi kuluska kale. " • What can help us to endure illness and bereavement? And we enjoy far more blessings than ever. " Kungacitiskaso kuti ujipulike kuti wafiska ivyo wakhumbanga. " We load a minivan with sign - language publications on DVD and a DVD player. It can also make you feel that you have accomplished what you want. " Ivi vikawovwira Yesu kuti wanozgekere masuzgo agho wakakumana nagho apo wakacitanga uteŵeti wake wa pa caru capasi. - Yoh. 5: 19. Later, Jehovah directed Samuel to anoint David, the youngest son of Jesse, to be Israel's next king. This helped Jesus prepare for the challenges he faced during his earthly ministry. - John 5: 19. Yehova wakamuphalira kuti: "Na iwe nditindikhozgenge phangano lane; ndipo tiunjirenge mu cingalaŵa, iwe, na ŵana ŵako, na muwoli wako, na ŵakamwana ŵako pamoza nawe. " Some names in this article have been changed. Jehovah told him: "I will strengthen my covenant; and you will go into the ark, you and your sons and your wife and your wives with you. " Tisangenge nadi candulo para tikupulikira ulongozgi wake. Describe the situation in Israel when Jehu was anointed as king. It will certainly benefit us if we heed his counsel. DYABULOSI ngwakujikuzga kuluska munthu waliyose. David? THE proud person is far more proud than anyone else does. • Nchivici ico cingatovwira kuti tizizipizgenge ulwari ndiposo para awo tikuŵatemwa ŵapotera? These promises include the prophecy in Isaiah chapter 35, mentioned in the opening paragraph. • What will help us to cope with illness and death for those whom we love? Tikapakira mu galimoto vyakupharazgira vya ciyowoyero ca mawoko vya pa DVD pamoza na cakwimbira cake. [ Pictures on page 15] We walked by car witnessing on DVD with a sign - language program. Pamanyuma, Yehova wakatuma Samuel kuti wakaphakazge Davide, mwana waumaliro wa Jese kuti waŵe fumu yakulondezgapo ya Israyeli. 4: 5. Later, Jehovah sent Samuel to anoint David, the last son of Jesse as the next king of Israel. Mazina ghanyake mu nkhani iyi ngeneko yayi. " The plans of the diligent one surely make for advantage, " states Proverbs 21: 5. Some names in this article have been changed. Longosorani umo vinthu vikaŵira mu Israyeli apo Yehu wakaphakazgika kuŵa themba. After preaching for years in that same territory, Katherine began thinking about moving to an area where people would be more responsive to the Kingdom message. Describe the situation in Israel when Jehu was anointed as king. kwa Davide? Second, they willingly submit themselves to the direction provided by the Governing Body. - Heb. 13: 17; read Zechariah 8: 23. David? Vilayizgo ivi vikusazgapo ucimi wa mu Yesaya cipaturo 35, uwo wazunurika pa ndime yakwambilira. Kaunas These promises include Isaiah chapter 35, mentioned earlier. [ Vithuzithuzi pa peji 23] We moved to Cyprus, my husband's island home. [ Pictures on page 23] 4: 5. True, you may never have to appear before a high government official. 4: 5. Lemba la Zintharika 21: 5 likuti: "Maghanoghano gha ŵaphamphu ghakuya ku uzali nadi. " Abraham's faith was made evident by his peace - loving ways. Proverbs 21: 5 states: "The plans of the diligent one surely make for advantage. " Wakati wapharazga mu cigaŵa ici kwa vyaka vinandi, Katherine wakamba kughanaghana kuti wasamire uko ŵanthu ŵanandi ŵakutegherezga uthenga wa Ufumu. Among Jehovah's Witnesses, I have genuine friends in whom I can place complete trust. After preaching in that territory for many years, she began thinking that she would move to where many responded to the Kingdom message. Yaciŵiri njakuti ŵakujilambika ku ulongozgi wakufuma ku Wupu Wakulongozga. - Heb. 13: 17; ŵazgani Zekariya 8: 23. One day, Shushan was buzzing with gossip about turmoil in the household of the king. Second, they submit to the direction given by the Governing Body. - Heb. 13: 17; read Zechariah 8: 23. Kaunas (b) What are Jehovah's present - day people morally obligated to do? willingness to do the same Tikaluta ku Cyprus, kukwawo kwa mfumu wane. Give an example. We went to Cyprus, my husband. Panji vingacitika yayi kuti muyowoye kwa mulara wa boma. Jehovah, in turn, draws close to humans who use his name. Or it may not be possible for you to speak to a government official. Pakuti Abrahamu wakatemwanga mtende, wakamanyikwa kuti wakaŵa munthu wa cipulikano. 2: 9. Because Abraham loved peace, he was known as a man of faith. Pakati pa Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova nili na ŵabwezi ŵanadi awo nkhuŵagomezga comene. Brothers arrived in small numbers and assembled in the forest. Among Jehovah's Witnesses, I have genuine friends whom I truly trust. Ahasuweru wakanozga ciphikiro cikuru ndipo wakasangwanga pamoza na ŵakaronga ŵake. 21, 22. Ahasuerus arranged a large banquet with his princes. (b) Kasi ŵanthu ŵa Yehova mazuŵa ghano ŵakwenera kuchita vichi? Jesus knew that there is only one reliable source that can answer those questions - God's Word. (b) What should Jehovah's people today do? Yowoyani ciyelezgero. He has become the most fascinating figure in history. " Illustrate. Nakuti Yehova wakuŵa paubwezi na ŵanthu awo ŵakuzunura zina lake. " Wisdom a Protection ', 7 / 15 In fact, Jehovah draws close to those who call his name. 2: 9. Since Jesus has kindly accepted us, as imperfect as we are, it should be unthinkable for us to reject anyone else! 2: 9. Ŵabali ŵakizanga mu tumagulu tuchokotuchoko na kuwungana mu nkhorongo. " Do I set aside time for preparing for Christian meetings? Brothers gathered in small groups and gathered in the forest. 21, 22. As a whole, the world has come to be as described at Ephesians 4: 17 - 19: "They are in darkness mentally, and alienated from the life that belongs to God... 21, 22. Yesu wakamanya kuti mazgoro ghakukhorweska ghakusangika mu Mazgu gha Ciuta pera. " You Must Be Holy " Jesus knew that satisfying answers are found only in God's Word. Iyo ni munthu wapadera comene. " Jaracz), 9 / 15 He is a unique person. " Jilambikani ku Ŵaliska Ŵacitemwa, 4 / 1 (Read 3 John 9, 10.) " Keep on the Watch, " 10 / 15 Pakuti Yesu wali kutipokelera nangauli tili ŵambura kufikapo, chingaŵa chambura kwenelera kukana munthu munyake. Moses described Jehovah as "the Rock, " adding:" Perfect is his activity. " Since Jesus has accepted us even though we are imperfect, it would be inappropriate to reject anyone else. " Kasi nkhupatura nyengo kuti ninozgekerenge maungano Ghacikhristu? So, then, if we are reasonable, we will be able to take a balanced look at our circumstances. " Do I set aside time to prepare for Christian meetings? Caru cose cili nga ni umo pakuyowoyera pa Ŵaefeso 4: 17 - 19 kuti: " Mbakufipiskika mu kumanyiska kwawo; mbayeni ku umoyo wa Ciuta... Suppose we are being drawn to ungodly ways or are becoming lax in meeting attendance or in our ministry. Let us seek Jehovah's help in earnest prayer. The whole world is as described at Ephesians 4: 17 - 19: "They are in darkness mentally; they are alienated from the life of God... " Muŵenge Ŵatuŵa " Then, instead of giving constant attention to merely saving your marriage, you can focus together on other goals. " You Will Be Holy " (Ŵerengani 3 Yohane 9, 10.) What does the experience of the brother in Florida suggest about our efforts to bear thorough witness? (Read 3 John 9, 10.) Mozesi wakati Yehova ni "Jarawe, " ndipo wakasazgirapo kuti:" Mulimo wake ngwakufikapo. " Why? Moses described Jehovah as "a perfect worker, " and he added:" Her work is perfect. " Antheura, usange tikuwona vinthu mwakwenelera, ukhaliro withu tiwuwonengeso mu nthowa yakwenelera. He must have known that he could face severe consequences if he refused her. Thus, if we have a balanced view of matters, our circumstances will be affected in the right direction. Usange tayamba kucita vintu ivyo Ciuta wakutinka panji kukhala - khala ku maungano na mu uteŵeti wa m'munda, tiyeni tipempe Yehova kuti watovwire. One of those sisters has remained in the area, still helping the local relief committee and serving as a regular pioneer. If we are beginning to do things that God hates or stay close to the meetings and in the field ministry, let us pray for Jehovah's help. Ntheura, m'malo mwakughanaghanira waka umo mungathaskira nthengwa yinu, ghanaghanirani umo mungafiskira lumoza vilato vinyake. Jesus called upon him to put forth greater effort to apply godly principles in practical ways, to be an active disciple. So rather than dwelling on how you can save your marriage, think about how you can cooperate with other goals. Kasi ivyo mbali munyake ku Florida wakacita vikutisambizga vici? One evening I told a sister about my decision to ask for an annulment. What can we learn from the experience of a brother in Florida? Cifukwa wuli? Some time after he became a Christian, the brothers in Jerusalem "were all afraid of him, because they did not believe he was a disciple. " - Acts 9: 26. Why? Yofese wakwenera kuti wakamanyanga ivyo wakumanenge navyo para wamukanira muwoli wa Potifara. Kweni iyo wakawopa yayi. Why should we appreciatively meditate on Jehovah's acts of loving - kindness? He may have been aware of the consequences of rejecting Potiphar's wife, but he was not afraid. Yumoza wa ŵadumbu aŵa wacali kwenekuko, kovwira ŵabali ndipo wakucita upayiniya wanyengozose. 13, 14. One of these sisters still serves as a ministerial servant and serves as a regular pioneer. Yesu wakayipempa kuti yifwilirepo kugwiriskira ncito marango ya Ciuta mu umoyo wake kuti yiŵe musambiri wamwampu. Then it adds: "Also, those called and chosen and faithful with him will do so. " Jesus asked him to work hard to apply God's laws in his life so as to be a zealous disciple. Zuŵa linyake usiku nkhamuphalira mudumbu munyake ivyo nkhakhumbanga kucita. She and Naomi were heading to the same destination, the town of Bethlehem in Israel. One night, I told a sister what I wanted to do. Iyo wati waŵa Mkhristu, nyengo yinyake ŵabali mu Yerusalemu, "wose ŵakamopanga, chifukwa ŵakagomezga chara kuti ni msambiri. " - Mil. 9: 26. Others quickly brought up similar complaints. - John 12: 1 - 6; Mark 14: 3 - 5. After he became a Christian, the brothers in Jerusalem "were once afraid, for they did not believe in him as a disciple. " - Acts 9: 26. Cifukwa wuli tikwenera kughanaghanira pa milimo ya Yehova ya lusungu? Jehovah for his part has truly cared for us and has made sure that we have never lacked anything that is good. Why should we reflect on Jehovah's acts of loving - kindness? 13, 14. For instance, as described at Job 2: 3 - 6, with whom was God having a conversation? 13, 14. Kweniso mu cipaturo ici tikuŵazga kuti: "Ŵakucemeka na ŵakusoreka na ŵakugomezgeka, nawo ŵizamkutonda. " Our fondness for God's word will help us to remain faithful to Jehovah. We also read in this chapter: "They are called by the faithful and faithful ones, and they will certainly conquer them. " Wose ŵakalutanga ku Betelehemu ku Israyeli. Indeed, each of these messages contains this counsel: "Let the one who has an ear hear what the spirit says to the congregations. " - Revelation 2: 7, 11, 17, 29; 3: 6, 13, 22. All of them were on their way to Bethlehem in Israel. Ŵanyake awo ŵakaŵapo nawo ndimo ŵakayowoyera. - Yohane 12: 1 - 6; Marko 14: 3 - 5. Granted, God has allowed humans to exercise free will. Some of those present did so. - John 12: 1 - 6; Mark 14: 3 - 5. Yehova watipwelelera makora comene, ndipo wawoneseska kuti tileke kusoŵerwa kawemi kalikose. (b) What kind of advice is dispensed? Jehovah takes good care of us, and he makes sure that we do not need anything at all. Mwaciyelezgero, kasi pa Job 2: 3 - 6, Ciuta wakadumbiskananga na njani? That willful act of disobedience resulted in sin, death, and alienation from God for them and their future offspring. For example, what was Job 2: 3 - 6, God's communication with whom? Para tikutemwa mazgu gha Ciuta, tiŵenge ŵakugomezgeka kwa iyo. * In Israel, Nisan 14 was the joyous day of the Passover celebration. If we love God's word, we will be loyal to him. Enya, uthenga wuliwose mu buku ili wuli na urongozgi wakuti: " Mweneuyo wali na khutu, wapulike ceneico mzimu ukuyowoyera maekleziya [mipingo]. ' - Civumbuzi 2: 7, 11, 17, 29; 3: 6, 13, 22. October 5 - 11, 2009 Indeed, each message in it contains this advice: "Let the one who has an ear hear what the spirit says. " - Revelation 2: 7, 11, 29; 3: 6, 13, 22. Chiuta wachitengepo kanthu kuti vinthu viŵe makora. You may even feel like Job, who said: "I would prefer death to all my sufferings. " God will do much to bring about a better future. (b) Kasi mburongozgi wa mtundu wuli uwo ukuperekeka? And what can you learn from Mark's story? (b) What kind of guidance is given? Kuleka kupulikira kura kukababa kwananga na nyifwa, ndipo ŵakatalikirana na Ciuta, kusazgapo ŵana ŵawo kuntazi. As the Jews gradually adopted the Greek idea of inherent immortality, their original hope of life on earth faded. Their disobedience cost sin and death, and they were alienated from God, including their future offspring. * Mu Israyeli, Nisani 14 likaŵa zuŵa la ciphikiro ca Paska. Millions have already flocked to the figurative temple in order to worship God "with spirit and truth, " and every year hundreds of thousands of" desirable things of all the nations " continue to stream in. * In Israel, Nisan 14 was the Passover celebration. Okutobala 5 - 11, 2009 Establish priorities. October 5 - 11, 2009 Nyengo zinyake mungajipulika nga ni Yobu, uyo wakati: "Mphanyi ndasankha kujikhwintha na nyifwa, kwakuluska umoyo wane. " One couple in their 60 ' s discovered that thousands of Chinese students and their families were living in the congregation's assigned territory. At times, you may feel as did Job, who said: "I wish I could never do anything out of death, more than my life. " Kasi tingasambiraci ku nkhani ya Mariko? As we reflect on Zechariah's vision, we do not doubt that we are safe in the shadow of the two mountains. What can we learn from Mark's account? Mwapacokopacoko, Ŵayuda ŵakamba kutolera cigomezgo ca Ŵagiriki cakuti munthu wali na mzimu uwo ukufwa yayi. They go about life doing as they please, knowingly or unknowingly conducting themselves in accord with the dictates of their imperfect flesh and giving little consideration to the consequences - to themselves or to others. Gradually, the Jews adopted the Greek belief that man had an immortal soul. Ŵanthu mamiliyoni ghanandi ŵali kwiza kale ku tempele lauzimu kuti ŵasopenge Ciuta "mu mzimu na mu unenesko, " ndipo cilimika cilicose " vyuma [vinandi] vya mitundu ' vikwiza. Toward the end of the illustration, Jesus urged his followers to bear "much fruit. " Millions have already come to the spiritual temple to worship God "with spirit and truth, " and each year" the desirable things of the nations will come. " Manyani ivyo ni vyakuzirwa chomene. Lot too would join them as they obeyed Jehovah and "went out of the land of the Chaldeans. " - Acts 7: 4. Learn what is truly important. Mfumu munyake na muwoli wake awo ŵali na vilimika vya m'ma 60 ŵakasanga kuti mu cigaŵa ico ŵakapharazganga mukaŵa ŵana ŵa sukulu ŵanandi awo ŵakayowoyanga ciyowoyero ca Cichayinizi. Thus, when we fall short in some respect, we should ask Jehovah for forgiveness. One husband and wife in her mid - 60 ' s found that in the area where they preached, there were many Chinese students who spoke Chinese. Para tikughanaghanira mboniwoni ya Zekariya, tili na chigomezgo chose kuti tili ŵakuvikilirika na mufwiri wa mapiri ghaŵiri. By applying what we learn from the Bible, we can make decisions that please Jehovah. As we reflect on Zechariah's vision, we can be sure that we are protected by the shadow of the two mountains. Ŵakujikhalira umo ŵeneco ŵakukhumbira, kwali ŵakumanya panji yayi, ŵakujicitira na umo thupi lawo likuŵazomerezgera ndipo ŵakughanaghanako yayi umo vyakucita vyawo vikuŵakhwaskira panji umo vikukhwaskira ŵanji. Play between a father and son serves an even more important function. They choose their own way of life, whether they know it or not, put it into their own way and do not think of how their actions affect others or how they affect others. Kuumaliro wa ciyerezgero, Yesu wakaphalira ŵasambiri ŵake kuti ŵapase "vipasi vinandi. " (b) What effect do God's qualities mentioned here have on all who love him? Toward the end of the illustration, Jesus told his disciples to bear "many fruit. " Loti nayo wakeneranga kunyamukira nawo lumoza pa ulendo uwu kuti ŵapulikire Yehova na " kufumamo mu charu cha Ŵakalidi. ' - Milimo 7: 4. Noah did not feel that what he was asked to do was too difficult. Lot was to join him on that journey to obey Jehovah and " flee from the land of the Chaldeans. ' - Acts 7: 4. Ntheura para tabudiska vinthu vinyake tikwenera kupempha Yehova kuti watigowokere. What does true repentance involve? So when we make mistakes, we need to ask Jehovah to forgive us. Para tikulondezga ivyo tikusambira mu Baibolo, tisankhenge vinthu ivyo vikukondweska Yehova. Letter to Noah, 7 / 1 By applying what we learn from the Bible, we can make decisions that please Jehovah. Paliso cinthu cinyake cakuzirwa para dada wakuseŵera lumoza na mwana wake munyamata. Meanwhile, the Kingdom - preaching work flourished in Singapore. There is something more important when a father is playing with his son. (b) Kasi mikhaliro ya Ciuta iyo yazunurika pano yikuŵakhwaska wuli awo ŵakumutemwa? You Can Maintain a Steadfast Heart (b) How does God's qualities mentioned here affect those who love him? Yesu wakati Satana ni "wiske wa utesi. " A Lesson in God's Mercy Jesus called Satan "the father of the lie. " Nowa wakaghanaghanapo yayi kuti mulimo uwo Ciuta wakamupa ngunonono comene mwakuti wangatondeka kuwufiska. On July 6, 1949, we were herded into cattle cars. Noah never considered his God - given assignment too difficult to fulfill. • Kasi kulapa kwanadi kukuŵa wuli? It strengthened him to act decisively and wisely under difficult circumstances. • What is true repentance? Nyengo iyo, nchito ya kupharazga Ufumu wa Ciuta yikathandazgika mu Singapore. How is it useful for the problems I face right now? ' At that time, the preaching work of God's Kingdom was spreading in Singapore. Mungasungirira Mtima Wakukhora In some lands, a complicating factor is that unbelieving parents may demand an elaborate dowry, making it difficult for brothers of modest means to get married. You Can Remain a Positive Heart Ivyo Tikusambira ku Lusungu lwa Ciuta The question is, Will you submit to it? What We Learn From God's Loving - Kindness Pa 6 Julayi, 1949, ŵakatikwezga cigalimoto cakunyamulira ng'ombe. Frédéric, a congregation elder who was asked to study with the boy, relates: "I commended Rico because such opposition indicated that he had been courageous enough to express his faith. " On July 6 of that year, 1949, we set a van for the bull. Kweniso kukamukhozga kuti wacitenge vinthu mwamahara pa nyengo ya suzgo. But what amounted to cremation did not always carry such a meaning. It also encouraged him to act wisely during times of need. Kasi linganovwira wuli pa masuzgo agho nkhusangana nagho sono? ' He caused the problem. " How will it help me in my present situation? ' Ŵapapi ŵanyake ŵakutchaja maloworo ghanandi. What a heartwarming privilege! Some parents care for a number of places. Kweni fumbo ndakuti: Kasi muulondezgenge? When you point it downward, you see clearly what is immediately in front of you. But the question is: Will you follow it? Frédéric, mulara mu mpingo, uyo wakapempheka kuti wasambirenge nayo, wakati: "Rico nkhamuwonga ndipo nkhamuphalira kuti ŵanji ŵakamususkanga pakuti wakapharazganga mwacikanga. " (3) Avoid arguing with householders. " I thanked her and told her that she was witnessing with her because she was witnessing with her. " Kweni ni nyengo zose yayi apo vitanda ivyo vikawochekanga vikaŵa vya ŵanthu ŵambura kwenelera kusungika mwanchindi. Long before John wrote about such religious deceivers, Jesus Christ advised his followers: "Be on the watch for the false prophets who come to you in sheep's covering, but inside they are ravenous wolves. " However, the bodies that were burned were not always kept in proper place. Iyo ndiyo wakabuda. " The first is: "" Set your heart upon your ways. He was the one who made a mistake. " Nawo ni mwaŵi! They willfully pursue romantic relationships outside of marriage. What a privilege! Mwati mwalika, mukuwona makora chomene. The skillful use of questions stimulates thinking and helps the teacher to reach the student's heart. As you do, you feel better about it. (3) Ŵaleke kupindana na ŵanthu. How does being "of good courage " help us to show brotherly love? (3) Avoid arguing with people. Yesu Khristu wakachenjezga ŵasambiri ŵake vya ntchimi zitesi, wakati: " Chenjerani na zintchimi zitesi izo zikwiza kwa imwe uku zavwara nga ni mberere, kweni mukati ni mphumphi zanjara. ' How intense would this enmity be? Jesus Christ warned his disciples of false prophets: "Pay attention to the false prophets that come to you while wearing sheep's clothing, but inside they are wolves. " Uthenga wakwamba ukaŵa wakuti: "Langurukani umo mukakhalilira. Submitting to Jesus ' teachings as his disciples will give our life real meaning and satisfaction. The first message was: "Do not hold back from what you were able to do. Ŵakukorana ubwezi na ŵanthu ŵanyake kuwaro kwa nthengwa. In a similar manner, Jesus stated that being born again is absolutely necessary for seeing God's Kingdom. They develop a romantic relationship with others outside of marriage. Para msambizgi wakufumba mafumbo mwaluso wakovwira kuti musambiri waghanaghanenge ndiposo kuti wacontheke mtima. However, the internal evidence is the most important proof of canonicity. A teacher uses effective questions to help the student reason and reach his heart. Chifukwa wuli tikwenera kukhwima mtima? Why might some hold back from baptism, but what assurance do you have? Why do we need courage? Kasi chimphindikwa panji ulwani uwu, ngukuru wuli? Soon the cells began to differentiate, or specialize, to become nerve cells, muscle cells, skin cells, and so forth. How large is that attack? Para tikupulikira ivyo Yesu wakutisambizga pakuŵa ŵasambiri ŵake, tiŵenge ŵakukondwa zanadi. They may just need to be pointed in the right direction. By heeding Jesus ' teachings as his disciples, we can find true happiness. Mwakuyana waka, Yesu wakati kubabikaso nkhwakukhumbikwa kuti munthu " wawone Ufumu wa Ciuta. ' A French daily quoted Indian lawyer Chandra Rami Chopra, who noted: "All religious laws have something in common: They support discrimination against women. " Similarly, Jesus said that being born again is essential to "see the kingdom of God. " Ivi vikacitikapo yayi na mabuku ghautesi. Ndipouli, ivyo vili mu mabuku gha mu Baibolo agha, ndivyo mbukaboni wakukwana wakuti igho ngakuzomerezgeka. It was as the prophet Malachi had foretold: "He [Jehovah] must sit as a refiner and cleanser of silver and must cleanse the sons of Levi; and he must clarify them like gold and like silver, and they will certainly become to Jehovah people presenting a gift offering in righteousness. " This was not the case with the apocryphal books of the Bible, which provide enough proof that they were acceptable. Cifukwa wuli ŵanji ŵangazuwulika kubapatizika, kweni nchivici cingaŵawovwira? What if the Bible is not God's Word? Why may some hesitate to get baptized, but what can help them? Pakati pajumpha kanyengo, tumaselo utu tukamba kuzgoka viŵaro vyakupambanapambana nga ni misipa, milenga, cikumba na vinyake vyantheura. How did Jesus emphasize that we should not look back in a figurative sense? Some time later, the cells started to form different parts, such as cells, skin color, and so on. Mkhristu wanthena wangakhumbikwira wovwiri mwakuti wawone ico wangacita. As the saying goes, "Just one black swan undoes the theory that all swans are white. " Such a Christian may need help in order to see what he can do. Nyuzipepara yinyake ya Cifurenci yikakora mazgu gha loya munyake wa ku India, Chandra Rami Chopra, uyo wakati: "Malango gha visopa vyose ghakuyana pa cinthu cinyake. It is our sincere hope that with guidance from God's Word, you will be able to find true joy in all that you do. A French newspaper in India heard the words of a Russian - speaking judge of the Indian judge and Sucha, who said: "All religions are equal to another thing. Uku kukaŵa kufiskika kwa ucimi wa Malaki, uwo ukati: "[Themba Yehova] tilikhale pasi nga ndi mwengi na mutozgi wa siliva; tilitozge ŵana ŵa Levi na kuŵayenga nkhanira nga ndi golide na siliva, ŵasuke ŵapeleke sembe zakurunjika kwa Yehova. " We were able to attend the dedication of the world headquarters in Warwick, New York. This was the fulfillment of Malachi's prophecy: "The King Jehovah himself will sit down on the earth as the light of silver; and we must cleanse the sons of Levi and cleanse them as gold and as silver, until the offering of Jehovah is righteous. " Wuli usange Baibolo ni Mazgu gha Chiuta yayi? Imitate Their Faith - "He, Although He Died, Yet Speaks " 12 What if the Bible is not God's Word? Kasi Yesu wakadidimizga wuli fundo yakuti tileke kulaŵiska kumasinda mwauzimu? THE ROYAL PRIESTHOOD COMPLETES ITS WORK How did Jesus emphasize that we should not look back on spiritual things? Kweni wakwenera kuweleramo ivyo wasanda kuti wasimikizge. Two Witnesses who were engaged in the work of evangelizing met a man working in his shed. Rather, he should review what he wanted to be done. Tili na cigomezgo cose kuti na ulongozgi wa mu Mazgu gha Ciuta, musangenge cimwemwe ceneko pa vyose ivyo mukucita. Jesus ' disciples had faith in God, and as a result, they were able to endure the severe persecution they experienced. We can be confident that with the guidance of God's Word, you will find true happiness in all your activity. Tikachemeka kuti tikaŵepo pakupatulira ofesi yikuru ya Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova ku Warwick, New York. A roving eye can awaken or intensify wrong sexual desires. We were invited to attend the dedication of the world headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses at Warwick, New York. Londezgani Cipulikano Cawo - "Nangauli Iyo Wali Kufwa, Kweni Wacali Kuyowoya " 12 What Jesus did was neither a mere ritual nor just an act of kindness. Imitate Their Faith - "Although He Did Not Die, " 12 USOFI WA UFUMU UKUMALIZGA MULIMO WAKE They also pointed to the message of comfort found at Psalm 34: 18, Psalm 37: 29, Isaiah 25: 8, and Revelation 21: 3, 4. THE KINGDOM OF THE KINGDOM Ŵakaboni ŵaŵiri awo ŵakapharazganga ŵakakumana na mwanarume uyo wakagwiranga ncito pa shopu yake. Thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses were thrilled to have their reputation cleared, receiving official documents that they were, not "enemies of the nation, " but innocent victims. Two Witnesses in the house - to - house ministry met a man who worked in his shop. Ŵasambiri ŵa Yesu ŵakaŵa na cipulikano mwa Ciuta, ndipo cifukwa ca ici, ŵakazizipizga ntambuzgo yazanimuwone iyo ŵakakumana nayo. 28: 13. Jesus ' disciples had faith in God, and because of this, they endured severe persecution that they faced. Nyengo zinyake ivyo tikuwona vingawuska makhumbiro ghaheni. The Greatest Neighborly Deed In some cases, what we see can lead to wrong desires. Ivyo Yesu wakacita kakaŵa kaluso waka yayi nesi kulongora waka lusungu. 7: 9; John 10: 16. Jesus ' actions were not merely a custom or an act of mercy. Ŵakaŵarongoraso mazgu ghakusanguruska gha pa Salmo 34: 18, 37: 29, Yesaya 25: 8, na Civumbuzi 21: 3, 4. Was he possibly speaking to an abstract principle of evil in Job, or was he perhaps even talking to himself? They also expressed the comforting words of Psalm 34: 18, 37: 29, Isaiah 25: 8, and Revelation 21: 3, 4. 28: 13. What kind of model did Jesus leave for his disciples? 28: 13. Mulimo Wakuzirwa Nkanira Mucikaya In this way they share with such ones the encouraging message of hope found in the Bible. A Precious Role in the home 7: 9; Yoh. 10: 16. • What contributed to the courage of Joshua and Caleb? 7: 9; John 10: 16. Kasi wakayowoyanga na maghanoghano ghaheni agho ghakaŵa mu mtima wa Yobu, panji wakayowoyanga yekha? " The field is the world, " Jesus explained in answer to his disciples ' queries about the meaning of the parable of the wheat and the weeds. Was he referring to the negative thinking of Job's heart, or was he speaking directly? Kasi Yesu wakaŵalekera bambiro wuli ŵasambiri ŵake? If we are known for talking about fleshly, immoral subjects, we are revealing something about the condition of our heart. What example did Jesus set for his disciples? Ntheura ŵakukhozga ŵakumangwa na uthenga wakupa cilindizga uwo wuli mu Baibolo. The Bible tells us that Sarah "was barren; she had no child. " They thus encourage deaf people with the message of hope found in the Bible. • Kasi nchivici cikawovwira Joshua na Kalebi kuti ŵaŵe ŵacikanga? The Mosaic Law gave the priests specific instructions on how to "come near to, " or approach, Jehovah on behalf of his people. • What helped Joshua and Caleb to muster up boldness? " Munda ni caru, ' ndimo wakarongosolera Yesu pakuzgora ŵasambiri ŵake apo ŵakamufumba ng'anamuro la ntharika ya tirigu na duru. (Read Hebrews 13: 2.) " A kingdom is the earth, " explained Jesus when he asked his disciples what it means to the parable of the wheat and the weeds. Usange tili na lumbiri lwa kuyowoya vinthu vyathupi pera, nkhani za uzaghali, ndikuti tikuvumbura ivyo vili mu mtima withu. Because the inspired Word of God says so: "The world is passing away and so is its desire, but he that does the will of God remains forever. " - 1 John 2: 17. If we have a reputation for speaking only about material things, such as sexual immorality, we reveal what is in our heart. Baibolo likuti Sara "wakaŵa chumba, wakaŵavya mwana. " God did not treat his firstborn as a lowly subject. The Bible says that Sarah "was old and inexperienced. " Dango la Moses likaŵa na urongozgi wa umo ŵasofi " ŵangasendererera pafupi, ' panji kwiza kwa Yehova kuyimira ŵantu ŵake. Cautiously, I approached them, not knowing whether I would live or die. The Mosaic Law provided specific instructions for how the priests could "draw near, " or come to Jehovah as a symbol of his people. (Ŵazgani Ŵahebere 13: 2.) Why should Christians with decades of experience not underestimate their potential? (Read Hebrews 13: 2.) Ndimo mazgu ghakupelekeka na Ciuta ghakuyowoyera: " Caru cikuluta na makhumbiro ghake, kweni uyo wakucita khumbo la Ciuta, wakukhalilira muyirayira. ' - 1 Yohane 2: 17. 9 / 15 God's inspired Word says: "The world is passing away and so is its desire, but he that does the will of God remains forever. " - 1 John 2: 17. Ciuta wakamuyuyuranga yayi Mwana wake wakwamba. As the Scriptures show, modesty is always the right course. God did not despise his firstborn Son. Pamanyuma, nkhamba kwenda pachokopachoko kuluta kwa iwo. Says Essly: "Several of my Christian friends pursued these things, and I noticed that for them, spiritual goals were no longer high priorities. Later, I gradually got on my way to them. Cifukwa wuli Ŵakhristu awo ŵakumanya vinandi mbakukhumbikwa? That is why we get sick and die. Why do experienced Christians feel that way? 9 / 1 In the preceding chapter of Ephesians, "the congregation " is called" the body of the Christ. " 9 / 15 Malemba ghakulongora kuti ntchiwemi kujiyuyura nyengo zose. In what ways may Jehovah help us when we are beset by illness? The Scriptures show that humility is always wise. Essly wakati: "Ŵakhristu ŵanyane ŵanandi ŵakapenjanga vinthu ivi, ndipo nkhawona kuti ŵakaleka kuŵika vinthu vyauzimu pa malo ghakwamba. Jesus assured those who would follow him: "Happy are you when people reproach you and persecute you and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against you for my sake. " Many of my fellow Christians were searching for these things, and I realized that they had stopped putting spiritual interests first. Ndico cifukwa tikulwara na kufwa. 3, 4. That is why we suffer and die. Mu lemba la Ŵaefeso cipaturo 4, "ekleziya " panji mpingo ukucemeka" thupi la Khristu. " Others blame God, thinking that he should have prevented the death. In Ephesians chapter 4, "the body of the Christ " is called" the body of Christ. " Kasi ni nthowa wuli izo Yehova wangatovwilira para talwara comene? What are you determined to do? What are some ways in which Jehovah can help us when we are ill? Yesu wakakhwimiska awo ŵamulondezgenge kuti: " Ŵamwaŵi ndimwe para ŵamutombozganinge na kumuzikizgani, na kumuteterani uheni wose, cifukwa ca ine. Take, for example, Roswitha, who was an active Roman Catholic when her husband got baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in 1978. Jesus encouraged his followers: "Happy are you when people reproach you and persecute you and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against you for my sake. 3, 4. What about the idea that children should grow up before learning about God and religion? 3, 4. Ŵanji ŵakudandawulira Chiuta pakuleka kuvikilira mubali wawo kuti waleke kufwa. Those who respond favorably to the good news can survive Armageddon and live forever in perfection on a paradise earth. Some ridicule God by not protecting their brother from death. Kasi mwasimikizga kucitaci? " At my workplace in the bank, I now have much contact with lawyers. What are you determined to do? Mwaciyelezgero, Roswitha wakaŵa wa Katolika apo mfumu wake wakabapatizikanga kuŵa yumoza wa Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova mu 1978. They were about to surface when a great white shark rushed at the woman. For example, he was a Catholic when her husband was baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in 1978. Wuli pakuyowoya za fundo yakuti ŵana ŵakwenera kukura dankha pambere ŵandambe kusambizgika vya Ciuta ndiposo kusopa? Nevertheless, we can learn some vital lessons about prayer from the ways in which the Israelites of old approached God. What about the fact that children must grow up before they are taught about God and worship? Awo ŵakupulikira makani ghawemi ŵangazakapona pa Haramagedoni na kuzakakhala mu paradiso pa caru capasi ndipo ŵazamuŵa ŵakufikapo. He states: "So that through me the preaching might be fully accomplished and all the nations might hear it. " Those who obey the good news can survive Armageddon and live forever on a paradise earth and be brought to perfection. Iyo wakati: "Ku banki iyo nkhugwirako ntchito nkhukumana na maloya ghanandi. A student whose mate is opposed should be helped to see that he does not have to discontinue his Bible study. She says: "The bank is one of the most difficult challenges I have to face. Apo ŵakaŵa pafupi kutumphuka, cisomba cikuru cakucemeka shark cikalotokera mwanakazi. What a change that must have been for zealous Jewish disciples! - Acts 1: 8. As they were about to wake up, a large animal called a woman. Kweni usange tikuwona umo Ŵaisrayeli ŵakacitiranga pakwiza kwa Ciuta, tingasambira vinthu vyakuzirwa vyakukhwaskana na lurombo. Their unwise choice brought destruction upon them, and the gods of Destiny and Good Luck were powerless to prevent it. On the other hand, if we see the Israelites ' approach to God, we can learn valuable lessons about prayer. Paulosi wakati: "Kuti kwizira mwa ine upharazgi ufiskike mwakukwana, ntheura kuti mitundu yose yipulike upharazgi uwu. " As he researched the Gospels, he became convinced that they supported his improved understanding. Paul said: "It is through me that the preaching work has been fully preached, so that all nations may hear it. " Msambiri wa Baibolo uyo munyake wa mu nthengwa wakususka wakukhumbikwira kovwirika kuti walutilire kusambira. These were men "full of spirit and wisdom. " A Bible student who has been opposed to his or her mate needs help him to continue studying. Pakuti ŵasambiri ŵa Yesu ŵakaŵa Ŵayuda, chikwenera kuti chikaŵa chakusuzga chomene kwa iwo kupharazgira ŵanthu ŵa mitundu yinyake. - Mil. 1: 8. Lamenting the incomplete figures, the year - end summary nevertheless stated that over one million had seen the "Drama. " How difficult it must have been for Jesus ' disciples to preach to non - Jews! - Acts 1: 8. Ivyo ŵakasankha kwambura mahara vikaŵatolera ku pharaniko, ndipo ŵaciuta ŵa Soka na Mwaŵi ŵakaŵavya nkhongono za kulekeska pharaniko lira. The very first prophecy of the Bible pointed to a "seed " that would " bruise the serpent in the head. ' Their unwise decisions led them to destruction, and the gods themselves have no power to stop that destruction. Wakati wapenjerezga mu mabuku gha Mateyu, Maliko, Luka na Yohane, wakapulikiska kuti ŵaciuta mbatatu yayi. You may have little choice in the type of secular work you do or about where you work, but there may be other aspects of your life over which you can exercise some control. After research in the Gospels, Mal, Luke, and John, he did not fully understand that the gods were worshipped. Kweni ŵakaŵa ŵanalume "ŵakuzura mzimu na vinjeru. " When the mother of James and John approached Jesus on their behalf to ask that they be granted favored positions in the Kingdom, Jesus addressed the brothers directly, saying: "This sitting down at my right hand and at my left is not mine to give, but it belongs to those for whom it has been prepared by my Father. " Rather, they were men "full of spirit and wisdom. " Nangauli mafigara ghakaŵa ghambura kukwana, kweni lipoti la pa caka likati ŵanthu ŵakujumpha 1 miliyoni ŵakawonelera seŵero ili. How can Christian parents support that purpose? Although it was not enough, the annual report reported that more than one million people saw it. Ucimi wakwamba wa mu Baibolo ukuyowoya za "mphapu " iyo " yizamubwanya mutu wa cinjoka. ' Did Jehovah notice Rahab and value the good in her? The first Bible prophecy speaks of a "seed " who would " bruise the dragon in the head. ' Nyengo zinyake cingaŵa cakusuzga kusanka ncito iyo mukukhumba kugwira, kweni ndipouli, pali vyakucitika vinyake mu umoyo winu ivyo mungarongolera mtima wa kujikora. How precious that help was, especially at that time, when my son needed his father most! At times, it may be difficult to decide what you want to do, but there are other situations in your life that you can demonstrate self - control. Apo ŵanyina ŵa Yakobe na Yohane ŵakiza kwa Yesu na kupempha kuti ŵana ŵawo ŵazakapike malo ghapacanya mu Ufumu, Yesu wakaphalira Yakobe na Yohane kuti: "Kukhala ku woko lane lamalyero na lamazere uku nkhwa ine cara kupeleka, kweni malo agha nga awo Ŵadada ŵali kuŵanozgera. " How did he train others? When the mother of James and John came to Jesus and asked their children to receive a prominent place in the Kingdom, Jesus told James and John: "You have sat down at my right hand and on my left, but this place is not for me, but it is like my Father who prepared for me. " Kasi ŵapapi Ŵacikhristu ŵangakhozgera wuli cilato ici? 13: 1. How can Christian parents strengthen that goal? Kasi Yehova wakawonamo viwemi mwa Rahabi? That psalm describes an immense crowd, all praising Jehovah in unison. Did Jehovah see any good in Rahab? Wovwiri wawo ukaŵa wakuzirwa chomene, chifukwa mwana wane wakakhumbikwiranga chomene awiske pa nyengo yira. 19: 20 - What did Job mean by the expression "I escape with the skin of my teeth "? Their help was most important, for my son needed his father's attention at that time. Kasi Mike wakaŵasambizga wuli ŵanji? Some parents grieve such losses intensely. How did Mike teach others? 13: 1. Second, why would Jesus end his discussion with a reference to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who will be resurrected to life on earth? 13: 1. Salmo ili likulongosora wumba ukuru, uwo ukulumba Yehova mwakukolerana. It restores the divine name, Jehovah. This psalm describes the great crowd, praising Jehovah unitedly. 19: 20 - Kasi Yobu wakang'anamurangaci apo wakati "ndaphokwa na cavu [cikumba, NW] ca mino ghane ndipera "? Answering that question, wise and very wealthy King Solomon wrote 3,000 years ago: "A mere lover of silver will not be satisfied with silver, neither any lover of wealth with income. 19: 20 - What did Job mean when he said that he had to "get up and blown down the teeth of my teeth "? Ŵapapi ŵanji ŵakuŵa na citima cikuru comene cifukwa ca kunangika. 23 Work With Jehovah Each Day Some parents feel the pain of losing their sight. Laciŵiri ndakuti, cifukwa wuli pakumalizga cidumbirano ici Yesu wakazunura Abrahamu, Yisake, na Yakobe, awo ŵazamuwuskikira pa caru capasi? * Second, why did Jesus refer to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who will be resurrected to life on earth? Liri kuwezgerapo zina la Ciuta, lakuti Yehova. Anyone can act immodestly if he allows himself temporarily to be overcome by fleshly desires. It is God's name, Jehovah. Cifukwa cakuti Yehova ngwakugowokera, wakawezgeraso Manase ku Yerusalemu mu uthemba wake They know that their confidence is well - founded, a confidence all of us share. Because of Jehovah's forgiveness, he restored Manasseh back to Jerusalem in his kingship Pakuzgora fumbo ili, Solomoni, Themba lisambazi ndiposo lavinjeru likalemba nteura virimika 3,000 ivyo vyajumpa, Ilo likati: " Uyo wakutemwa ndarama kuti wakhutiskikenge na ndarama cara; nanga ndi uyo wakutemwa usambazi, na candulo: ici nacoso ncawaka. ' But infant baptism and forced baptisms of adults have no foundation in the Bible. In answer to that question, wise King Solomon wrote some 3,000 years ago: "A lover of money will not be satisfied with money; neither will he who loves wealth, and this benefit him. " 23 Gwirani Ntchito na Yehova Zuŵa Lililose 13: 20. 23 Work With Jehovah Each Day! * PAGE 3 * Waliyose wangamba kujikuzga para wamba kuŵa na makhumbiro gha thupi. In 2004, after Florida was hit by a string of four hurricanes in two months, the chairman of Florida's Emergency Operations Committee checked to ensure that their supplies were being used properly. Each of us can develop pride by developing fleshly desires. Tose tikugomezga chomene gulu la Yehova. STUDY ARTICLES 1, 2 PAGES 6 - 14 All of us have full confidence in Jehovah's organization. Kweni kubapatiza ŵana na kucicizga ŵalara kuti ŵabapatizike nkhwakufuma mu Baibolo yayi. In time, as a result of government cutbacks, we had to give up the farm. Of course, baptism and baptism are not based on the Bible. 13: 20. At one point, God inquired of Job: "Have you entered into the storehouses of the snow, or do you see even the storehouses of the hail, which I have kept back for the time of distress, for the day of fight and war? " 13: 20. PEJI 3 That challenge needed to be met. PAGE 3 Mu 2004 mphepo iyo ŵakuyicema hurricane yikati yatimba msumba wa Florida kanayi pa myezi yiŵiri, ceyamani wa mu Komiti ya Kulaŵilira uko Kwacitika Vyamabuci ku Florida wakendera kuti wawone usange wovwiri uwo ŵakapeleka ukagwiriskika nchito makora. But do not give up. In 2004 when the wind struck Florida two months later, the chairman of the Hospital Liaison Committee arrived to see if the help that was handled properly. NKHANI 1, 2 PEJI 6 - 14 What should we remember if we become discouraged because of our problems? STUDY ARTICLES 1, 2 PAGES 6 - 14 Tikaleka ulimi chifukwa boma likaleka kovwira ŵalimi. So the first thing to ask yourself when somebody treats you in a way that could seem unkind or disrespectful is: " Can I overlook this? Because the government did not work out in behalf of farmers, he was able to do so. Pa nyengo yinyake, Ciuta wakafumba kuti: "Kasi wanjiramo mu malo ghakusungiramo ciwuvi, panji kughawona malo ghakusungiramo matarara, agho ndaghasungira nyengo ya suzgo, ya zimpindano na zinkondo? " The apostle Paul described this same period as "the last days, " saying that those days would be" critical times hard to deal with. " On one occasion, God asked: "Have you entered into the snow, or were you looking up for a place of snow, which I have reserved for trouble, troublesome times? " Yehova wakeneranga kuchitapo kanthu. But Jesus said that all of this would be changed and that "true worshippers " would worship" with spirit and truth. " Jehovah had to take action. Kweni lekani kugongowa. It is our integrity. But do not give up. Kasi tikwenera kukumbuka vici usange takhuŵara na masuzgo ghithu? For instance, when Assyrian King Sennacherib invaded Judah and threatened to overthrow King Hezekiah, Jehovah intervened by dispatching an angel. What should we remember if we are discouraged? Ntheura usange munthu munyake wamuchitirani vinthu ivyo imwe mukuwona kuti vyamukhuŵazgani, chakwamba mujifumbenge kuti, " Kasi nisuleko waka nkhani iyi? No wonder they brought judgment upon themselves! - 1 Corinthians 11: 27 - 34. So if someone appreciates you, first ask yourself, " Do I overlook the matter? Mpositole Paulosi wakalongosoraso kuti nyengo iyi ni "mazuŵa ghaumaliro, " ndipo wakati mazuŵa agha ghazamuŵa" nyengo zinonono na zakusuzga. " These Scriptural accounts show that Jehovah blesses those who make and keep a solemn agreement to serve him. The apostle Paul also described this period as "the last days, " and these last days would be" critical times hard to deal with. " Kweni Yesu wakayowoya kuti vyose ivi visinthenge ndipo awo "ŵakusopa mwaunenesko " ŵasopenge Chiuta" mu mzimu na mu unenesko. " Also, as we considered in paragraph 12, Jesus ' " arriving ' mentioned at Matthew 25: 31 refers to that same future time of judgment. But Jesus said that all of this would change, and true worshippers would worship God "with spirit and truth. " Cakuzirwa nkhucita urunji. Timothy knew the Scriptures well. The important thing is to exercise justice. Mwaciyelezgero, apo Themba Senakeribu la Asiriya likawukira Yuda na kofya kuti lithereskenge Themba Hezekiya, Yehova wakanjilirapo na kutuma mungelo wake. 15, 16. (a) Why can you be sure that God will help you to train your children? For example, when King Sennacherib of Assyria attacked Judah and threatened to defeat King Hezekiah, Jehovah intervened and used his angel. Apo nkhondo Yachiŵiri ya pa Charu Chose yikamaranga, gulu linyake mu Greece likagalukira boma. War: God's Kingdom will eliminate such deep - seated causes of war as selfishness, corruption, patriotism, false religion, and Satan himself. When World War II broke out, a group in Greece rebelled against the State. Lekani ŵakajicemera ceruzgo pa iwo ŵeneko! - 1 Ŵakorinte 11: 27 - 34. Jehovah's dominant quality is love - not anger. No wonder they brought judgment upon themselves! - 1 Corinthians 11: 27 - 34. Nkhani za mu Malemba izi zikulongora kuti Yehova wakutumbika awo ŵakulayizga na kusunga phangano lakuti ŵamuteŵeterenge. However, some people have lost faith in God because of the intense suffering they have personally seen or experienced. These Scriptural accounts show that Jehovah blesses those who promise him and keep the promise to serve him. Kweniso, nga umo tawonera mu ndime 12, mazgu ghakuti Yesu "wakwiza " agho ghali pa Mateyu 25: 31 ghakuyowoya vya nyengo ya munthazi yeneyiyi ya ceruzgo. His father wanted to see him right away. - 1 Samuel 16: 12. Furthermore, as noted in paragraph 12, Jesus ' "coming " at Matthew 25: 31 applies to the same future time of judgment. Iyo wakaghamanyanga makora Malemba. * Second, it strengthens our confidence. He was well - acquainted with the Scriptures. 15, 16. (a) Kasi mukumanya wuli kuti Chiuta wamovwiraninge kusambizga ŵana ŵinu? How thankful we can be that God offers us insight into the figurative heart! 15, 16. (a) How do you know that God will help you to train your children? Nkhondo: Ufumu wa Chiuta uzamuwuskapo vyose ivyo vikwambiska nkhondo, nga nkhujighanaghanira tekha, katangali, kutemwa chomene charu chako, visopa vyautesi, na Satana. Ululayu (Shalmaneser V) "King of Assyria " War: God's Kingdom will eliminate all causes of war, including selfishness, oppression, love for your world, false religion, and Satan. Wunthu ukuru wa Yehova nchitemwa, ukali yayi. Paul fulfilled his personal responsibility to declare the good news, and he helped to train others for the ministry. - Acts 20: 20; 1 Corinthians 9: 16, 17. Jehovah's dominant quality is love, not anger. Ndipouli, ŵanthu ŵanyake ŵali kuleka kugomezga Ciuta cifukwa ca masuzgo ghakuru agho iwo panji ŵanji ŵakakumana nagho. Jesus Dignified Others Some people, however, have turned their backs on God because of their serious problems or experiences. Awiske ŵakatuma uthenga kuti walute luŵiro ku nyumba. - 1 Samuyeli 16: 12. Young ones, draw close to faithful older ones in your family and in the congregation and learn how good Jehovah has been to them. His father sent a message to the home. - 1 Samuel 16: 12. * Candulo caciŵiri nchakuti, yikukhozga cigomezgo cithu. When a fellow soldier spoke to Hortêncio about the Bible, it touched his heart. * The second benefit is that it strengthens our confidence. Tikuwonga comene kuti Ciuta wakutipa mahara ghakumanyira mtima wakuyelezgera. The book The Life and Epistles of Saint Paul reports that when Nero accepted a case for him to judge, he heard it in his own palace, where he was aided by a group of advisers who had a lot of experience and influence. How grateful we can be that God gives us the figurative heart! Ululayu (Shalmaneser V) " Themba la Asiriya " This example illustrates that we should never lose sight of the intent and spirit of Jehovah's principles. " The king of Assyria " Paulosi wakafiska mulimo wake wa kupharazga makani ghawemi kweniso kusambizga ŵanyake kucita uteŵeti. - Milimo 20: 20; 1 Ŵakorinte 9: 16, 17. The fact is that every marriage needs attention from time to time. Paul fulfilled his commission to preach the good news and to teach others to do the ministry. - Acts 20: 20; 1 Corinthians 9: 16, 17. Yesu Wakacindikanga Ŵanji Are you willing to try something new? Jesus Showed Respect for Others Kweniso kumbukani kuti Yosiya wakati wapulika ivyo vikaŵa mu Malemba, vikamukhwaska chomene ndipo wakachitapo kanthu. As a new fiber branches out from a neuron, it is guided by chemical signposts that say such things as "stop, "" go, " or "turn " until the fiber reaches its target. Remember, too, that when Josiah heard what was in the Scriptures, he was touched and moved to action. Apo msilikari munyake wakayowoya nayo za Baibolo, Hortêncio wakacontheka comene. Since the world that surrounds us is under the influence of the wicked one, Satan the Devil, we must work hard to have a hatred for what Jehovah hates and a deep love for what he loves. When one soldier spoke to him about the Bible, he was deeply moved. Buku linyake likayowoya kuti para Nero wazomera kweruzga mulandu unyake, wakeruzgiranga ku nyumba kwake ndipo gulu la ŵanthu awo ŵakamanyanga kweruzga makora milandu, ndilo likamovwiranga. - The Life and Epistles of Saint Paul. Because of being an unrepentant sinner, King Saul did lose God's spirit. According to The Encyclopædia Britannica, when Nero accepted a certain trial, he was judged at his home and was among those who knew how to handle matters successfully, which helped him find real meaning in his life and proper judgment. - The Life of Paul. Ici cikurongora kuti nyengo zose tikwenera kukumbuka umo marango gha Yehova gha kakhaliro ghaliri na ncito yake. 72: 17 - 19. This shows that we should always remember how Jehovah's standards apply to our life. Fundo njakuti nthengwa yiliyose yikukhumbikwira kuyipwelelera nyengo na nyengo. 8: 15, 16; 1 John 2: 20, 27 The fact is that every marriage needs constant care. Kasi mukuyezga kupharazga mu nthowa ziphya? But did God ever abandon Joseph? Do you strive to preach in new ways? Vili nga kakulongozgeka kuti "yima, "" nyamuka, " panji "zgokera uku " mpaka kachingwe aka kakafike apo kapukwa. Study - Rewarding and Enjoyable, 10 / 1 It is as if it were "to go, " or" go, " that is, to the point where the cup is coming. Pakuti caru ico tikukhalamo cikuwusika na muheni, uyo ni Satana Dyabulosi, tikwenera kufwilirapo comene kuti titinkhenge ivyo Yehova wakutinkha, na kutemwa comene ivyo wakutemwa. Rather, they promote a definition similar to that expressed in a Catechism of the Catholic Church, published in 1994. Since the world in which we live is ruled by the wicked one, Satan the Devil, we should do our utmost to hate what Jehovah hates and love what he loves. Cifukwa cakuti themba Sauli likaŵa lambura kulapa, Ciuta wakalipoka mzimu wake. That last aspect can pose a challenge for adolescents, for upon entering puberty even the most outgoing child can suddenly turn timid. Because Saul was unrepentant, God gave him his spirit. 72: 17 - 19. This magazine has been published continuously since 1879 and is nonpolitical. 72: 17 - 19. 8: 15, 16; 1 Yoh. 2: 20, 27 God said to them: "If you will strictly obey my voice and will indeed keep my covenant, then you will certainly become my special property out of all other peoples. " 8: 15, 16; 1 John 2: 20, 27 Kweni kasi Chiuta wakamutaya Yosefe? 5, 6. But did God abandon Joseph? Zimene Ufumu wa Mulungu Udzachita, 10 / 15 If we are not particularly fond of a person but we pray for him, how can we be unloving toward that person? What Will You Do? 10 / 1 M'malo mwake, ŵakusambizga vinthu vyakuyanako na ivyo vili mu kabuku ako kakalembeka mu 1994. The Jewish Soncino Chumash notes: "The blood must not be stored but rendered unfit for consumption by pouring it on the ground. " Rather, they teach something similar with what is written in a booklet published in 1994. Kweni pa nyengo ya kudumbiskana cikuŵa cipusu yayi kumanya maghanoghano gha ŵawukirano, cifukwa para munthu wafika pa uwukirano, nanga ni para pakwamba wakaŵa wakufwatuka kudumbiskana, wakuŵa na soni ndipo wakutemwa yayi kuyowoyayowoya. My motto for each day is: "For all things I have the strength through the one who gives me power. " At times, though, it may not be easy to discern the feelings of youths, for when you are young, even when you are at first able to communicate with them, you may find it difficult to talk with them, and you may find it difficult to talk. Magazini iyi yikupharazgika na Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova kwambira mu 1879 ndipo nja ndyali yayi. God created man with the ability to approach his Maker. This magazine has been published continuously since 1879 and is nonpolitical. Ciuta wakati kwa iwo: "Usange timupulikire mazgu ghane nadi na kusunga pangano lane, apo timuŵenge usambazi wane wa padera pacanya pa ŵantu wose. " Not Let Illness Rob You of Joy, 12 / 15 God said to them: "If you will strictly obey my voice and will indeed keep my covenant, then you will certainly become my special property out of all other peoples. " 5, 6. It includes all Bible teachings. 5, 6. Usange yunji tikumutemwa viŵi yayi, kweni tikumulombera, kasi pali cifukwa cakulekera kumutemwa? Even if an eclipse did occur on a certain date, does this mean that the historical information the writer of the tablet assigns to that date is accurate? If someone does not really love us, but do we pray for him, are we not motivated by love for him? Buku la Ŵayuda lakucemeka Soncino Chumash likuyowoya kuti: "Ndopa zikwenera cara kusungika kweni zikwenera kuthika pasi cifukwa zikwenera cara kuryeka. " With Brother Rutherford's baptism talk booming from the amplifiers, curious people surrounded the car, listening as the talk was interpreted into Portuguese. The Jewish Talmud states: "The blood should not be kept in secret but should not be poured out on because it should not be eaten. " Mazgu agho ghakufumapo yayi pa mulomo wane ngakuti: "Mu vinthu vyose, nkhusanga nkhongono mwa uyo wakunipa nkhongono. " Some single Christians serve as pioneers or Bethelites. " For all things I have the strength by virtue of him who imparts power to me. " Munthu wakalengeka kuti wayowoyenge na Mlengi wake. This psalm complements Psalm 111. Humans were created to communicate with his Creator. Ubapatizo wa Ŵabonda, 10 / 1 3: 17; Mark 1: 11; Luke 3: 22. 10 / 15 Kayowoyero aka kakusazgapo visambizgo vyose vya mu Baibolo. These articles will help us to make an honest self - examination in these areas. It includes all the Bible teachings. Nanga ni para caru cikaŵa nadi pakati pa mwezi na dazi pa deti ilo layowoyeka, kasi cikung'anamura kuti vinthu ivyo mulembi wa mdauko wakati vikacitika pa deti ili ni vyaunenesko? So it is vital that we identify those who are teaching all nations the truth by preaching the good news of the Kingdom. Even if the earth was really between the moon and the sun, does it mean that what happened on that date was true? Ŵanthu awo ŵakakopeka ŵakazgingirizga galimoto na kutegherezga nkhani ya ubatizo iyo yikang'anamurikanga mu Chiphwitikizi. The prophecy continues: "I have heard the reproach by Moab and the abusive words of the sons of Ammon, with which they have reproached my people and kept putting on great airs against their territory. " Those who tried to drive a car and listened to a talk published in Portuguese. Ŵanji mwa Ŵakhristu aŵa ŵakucita upayiniya, panji kuteŵetera pa Beteli. Refreshing Growth (Taiwan), 8 / 15 Some of these Christians serve as pioneers, or Bethelites. Salmo ili likukolerana comene na Salmo 111. ON A crisp morning in Brookings, South Dakota, U.S.A., a chill lingered in the air. This psalm is closely related to Psalm 111. 3: 17; Mrk. 1: 11; Luka 3: 22. See Awake! 3: 17; Mark 1: 11; Luke 3: 22. Nkhani izi zitovwirenge kuti tijisande kufumira pasi pa mtima. Rather, he was showing up their insincerity or their inconsistency. These articles will help us to examine ourselves from the heart. Pa cifukwa ici, ipo ncakuzirwa kuti timanye awo ŵakusambizga mitundu yose unenesko mwa kupharazga makani ghaweme gha Ufumu. How important is "faith in God, " and to what is it likened, and why? Therefore, it is vital that we determine who are teaching all nations the truth by preaching the good news of the Kingdom. Ucimi ukurutilira kuti: "Ndapulika visunjizgo vya Moabu na kutuka kwa ŵana ŵa Amoni, kwenekuko ŵasunjizga nako ŵantu ŵane na kujikuzga kwimikana na caru caŵo. " Furthermore, maintaining chastity means more than merely refraining from any act that constitutes fornication. The prophecy goes on to say: "I have heard the confidential talk of Moab and the speech of the sons of Ammon, and they will persecute my people with pride and pride against the land of their own country. " 8 / 1 14 8 / 15 ZUŴA linyake namulenji apo tikaŵa ku Brookings, South Dakota, U.S.A., kukazizima chomene. As a result, only he has the right to tell us how to walk. IT WAS a very cold morning when we were living in Rossssssss, South love, U.S.A., in the morning. Ŵazgani Galamukani! Sophia: That was a new thought to me. See Awake! Kweni, wakavumburanga unonono mtima na kubendezga kwawo Malemba. 1: 3 - 9. On the other hand, he exposed a difficult heart and twisted the Scriptures. Chifukwa wuli tikwenera kuŵa na chipulikano mwa Chiuta? Faith is part of the fruitage of God's holy spirit, or active force. Why do we need faith in God? Kweniso, kusungilira kakhaliro katuŵa kukusazgapo vinandi kuluska kucheŵa waka kacitiro kalikose ka uzaghali. Clearly, those new disciples understood that baptism is a requirement for Christians. Moreover, maintaining chastity involves more than avoiding any act of sexual immorality. 14 How should imitating his manner of walking affect us? 14 Ntheura ndiyo yekha wangatiphalira umo tingendera. Do you see the lesson in this for those dedicated to Jehovah today? He is the only one who can tell us how to walk. A Nyabanda: Ine kakaŵa kakwamba kupulika nkhani iyi. Thirty - three years passed, and Judea still chafed under the Roman yoke. Sophia: That was the first time I heard about it. 1: 3 - 9. We enjoy talking about the things we love. 1: 3 - 9. Cipulikano ncimoza ca vipambi vya mzimu, uwo ni nkongono ya Ciuta. It is an event that surpasses all known human and natural powers and is usually attributed to some sort of supernatural power. Faith is part of the fruitage of the spirit, God's active force. Ŵasambiri ŵaphya aŵa ŵakapulikiska kuti munthu wakwenera kubatizika kuti waŵe Mkhristu. • How can we personally prepare for survival? Those new disciples understood that baptism required baptism to be a Christian. Kasi tikwenera kukhwaskika wuli pakuyezga mendero ghake? And should those aspiring to be an overseer worry about the matter, as Fernando did? How should we be affected to follow his steps closely? Kasi mukuwona kuti awo ŵali kujipatulira kwa Yehova mazuŵa ghano ŵangatorapo sambiro apa? " Who Is Wise and Understanding Among You? " Can you see that those who have made a dedication to Jehovah today can learn a lesson from this? Pakajumpha vyaka 33, ndipo Yudeya wakaŵa kuti wachali pasi pa muwuso wankhaza wa Ŵaroma. From infancy she was taught to believe in reincarnation. It was 33 years later, and Judea was still under Roman rule. Tikutemwa kuyowoya za vinthu ivyo tikuvitemwa. Since the 1930 ' s, millions of "other sheep " have flocked to their side. We love to talk about things we love. Munthondwe nchakucitika cakuzizwiska ico cikucitika na nkhongono zakuluska za ŵanthu. PAGE 12 Such a miracle is a miracle that has the power to do with human power. • Kasi ise patekha tinganozgekera wuli kuzakapona? Their ears may have been open, but their hearts were tightly shut! • How can we personally prepare for survival? Kasi awo ŵakukhumba kuŵa ŵalaŵiliri ŵakwenera kufipa mtima kuti ŵimikikenge pawuli, nga umo Fernando wakachitira? They are not even in the trouble of mortal man, and they are not plagued the same as other men. " How should those desiring to serve as overseers feel about being appointed, as Fernando did? Kasi Muli Ŵakunozgeka Kuzgora awo Ŵakumufumbani Vigomezgo Vinu? 6 / 15 When we see God's counsel in our own Bible, it makes a deeper impression on us. Jehovah's Witnesses - Our Father, 2 / 15 Kufuma pa wanici, wakasambizgika kuti para munthu wafwa wakuŵaso wamoyo kunyake. * From childhood on, he was taught that the dead are dead again. Kwamba m'ma 1930, ŵa "mberere zinyake " ŵakukwana mamiliyoni, ŵathilimukira kwa iwo. Are most religions wrong? " Since the 1930 ' s, millions of "other sheep " have flocked to them. PEJI 12 As with a spoken language, to speak the "pure language " fluently, we need to listen carefully, imitate fluent speakers, memorize the names of Bible books and some Bible verses, repeat things we learn, read aloud, analyze the grammar, or pattern of truth, work at progressing, assign study times, and practice" speaking " the pure language. - 8 / 15, pages 21 - 25. PAGE 12 Kupulika ŵakapulikanga kweni vikanjiranga yayi mu mitima yawo. This feature helps you to identify the language symbols printed on our tracts and other publications in different languages. [ Picture] Are you using this booklet in the ministry? They listened but did not enter their hearts. Kuti ŵali mu visuzgo nga mbanyake cara; ntha ŵakukweŵeskeka nga mbanyake. " Magi Who Came to Visit, 12 / 1 They are not like them. They are not as fellow workers. " Para tikuwona ulongozgi wa Ciuta mu Baibolo lithu, ukudindika mu mitima yithu. It enables Jesus ' disciples to become the secondary part of Abraham's offspring. When we look at God's counsel in our own Bible, they receive it in our hearts. * Jesus Perfectly Reflects God's Dignity * Kasi visopa vyose ivi vikuteta? " Conversely, a priest also represents Jehovah before people, instructing them in divine law. Do all these religions lie? " Nga ni umo vikuŵira para munthu wakusambira ciyowoyero, kuti tisambire " kayowoyero katuŵa ' tikukhumbikwira kupulikizga mwakupwelelera, kuyezga awo ŵakuciyowoya makora, kusunga pamtima mazina gha mabuku gha mu Baibolo ndiposo mavesi ghanyake, kuwerezga kuzunura ivyo tikusambira, kuŵazga mwakukwezga, kusanda malango gha kayowoyero, kulutilira kumanya vinandi, kuŵa na nyengo yakusambilira ndiposo kuyezgayezga kuyowoya kayowoyero katuŵa. - 8 / 15, mapeji 21 - 25. Daniel too saw much to give us confidence. Just as learning the language, learning the "pure language, " we need to listen carefully to those who are speaking well, endeavoring to keep the names of Bible books and verses, to repeat them, to read aloud, to read them, and to keep on speaking the pure language, and to speak the pure language. - 21 / 15, pages 8 - 25. Ici cimovwiraninge kuti mumanye vimanyikwiro ivyo vikulembeka mu mathirakiti ghithu na mabuku ghanyake gha viyowoyero vyakupambanapambana. Without a telescope, David could see only a few thousand stars. This will help you to identify signs recorded in our tracts and other publications of different languages. Ŵawukirano, Kanani Kucicizgika na Ŵanyinu, 11 / 15 Construction of places of worship 11 / 1 Likovwira kuti ŵasambiri ŵa Yesu ŵaŵe chigaŵa chachiŵiri cha mphapu ya Abrahamu. Some mornings I place 30 or 40 magazines with interested ones. It helps Jesus ' disciples to become the secondary part of Abraham's seed. Yesu Wakalongora Makora Ucindami wa Ciuta God also gives discernment and insight to responsible brothers to prepare for further advancement and refinements in theocratic organization. Jesus perfectly Reflected God's Glory Musofi wakwimiraso Yehova pa maso pa ŵanthu, mwa kuŵasambizga dango la Yehova. The individual and the nation as a whole were equally responsible for obeying this divine precept. The priest also represents Jehovah before men by teaching them Jehovah's law. Ndipouli, ŵabali ŵithu ŵanandi mbakavu ndipo ŵanyake ŵakukumana na masoka ghachilengiwa. Is what the Bible says about Esau relevant to Christians today? Nevertheless, most of our brothers are poor, and others face natural disasters. Daniyeli nayo wakawona vinthu vinandi vyakuti vitipe cigomezgo. CIRCUIT WORK Daniel too had seen many things to give us hope. Kwambura telesikopu, Davide wakawonanga nyenyezi zicoko waka. Among her guests was a white elder. Without the scholars, David saw only a few stars. Kuzenga malo ghakusoperapo Prove Yourself Ready! Building a place of worship Nyengo zinyake, nkhugaŵira magazini 30 panji 40. " The tongue, " states James 3: 8, "not one of mankind can get it tamed. " At times, I place 30 magazines or 40 magazines. Ciuta wakuperekaso mahara na umanyi kwa ŵabali ŵakwenelera kuti ŵarutiske pantazi ndiposo kusinta kendeskero ka gulu la teokrase. The warning example of the faithless Israelites teaches us that in order to benefit from Jehovah's mercy, we must demonstrate heartfelt repentance. God also gives experienced brothers the wisdom and understanding needed to improve and improve theocratic procedures. Munthu waliyose payekha ndiposo mtundu wose ukeneranga kupulikira dango ili. * That law was to be observed as individuals and as individuals as individuals as a whole. Ndimo nase tikwenera kucitira. Joshua was among those who were delivered through the Red Sea, and then he watched as that sea swallowed up Pharaoh and his army. We should do the same. Kasi ivyo Baibolo likuyowoya vyakukhwaskana na Esau vikuŵakhwaska Ŵakhristu mazuŵa ghano? As another possibility, what about making a slight adjustment in your weekly schedule? Does the Bible's view of Esau affect Christians today? MULIMO WA KWENDERA DERA The record says: "Jehovah proceeded to answer Job out of the windstorm. " THE WAY OF HAPPINESS Pa ŵabali aŵa pakaŵa muzungu uyo wakaŵa mubali mulara. As you can imagine, all in our farm family had chores. Those brothers were in a white state who served as an elder. Muŵe Ŵakunozgeka! What can others do to help fellow believers who live in religiously divided households? Prove Yourself Ready! Lemba la Yakobe 3: 8, likuti: "Lulimi palije munthu wakumanya kuluzoŵezga. " For example, consider the account at Mark 5: 25 - 34. James 3: 8 states: "Let no one know how to use it. " Nkhani ya Ŵaisrayeli ŵakugaruka yikutisambizga kuti tikwenera kulapa mwakufumira pasi pa mtima kuti Yehova waticitire lusungu. However, only as part of God's flock can they enjoy the serenity and happiness that David spoke of in the 23rd Psalm. The account of apostate Israel teaches us that we should sincerely repent of Jehovah's mercy. * Have you carefully read the recent issues of The Watchtower? * Yoswa wakaŵa pa gulu la ŵanthu awo ŵakathaskika pa Nyanja Yiswesi, ndipo wakawona apo Faro na ŵasilikari ŵake ŵakabiranga. In fact, the words "happy " and" joy " and their derivatives occur hundreds of times in the Bible! Joshua was among the survivors of the Red Sea, and he saw when Pharaoh and his army surrounded him. Panyake mwalekeraci kucepeskako vinyake ivyo mukucita sabata na sabata? Who are in need of our expressions of loving - kindness, and what should each of us be determined to do? Why not simplify your schedule for a week? Baibolo likuti: "Penepapo Yehova wakazgora Yobu mu kavuluvulu. " She "should have deep respect for her husband. " The Bible says: "Jehovah proceeded to answer Job in a windstorm. " Tikavwirananga kupwelelera viŵeto na ntchito zinyake za pa nyumba. On that basis, Jesus was a scoundrel, a man who committed treason against the state, a man who deserved the punishment used for slave revolts. " We were able to care for the animals and other household chores. Kasi ŵanji ŵangacita vici kuti ŵawovwire Ŵakhristu ŵanyawo awo ŵali mu mbumba iyo ŵanthu mbakupambana cisopa? They lost the prospect of living forever in Paradise on earth. - Genesis 2: 17; 3: 1 - 6; 5: 5. What can some do to help fellow Christians living in religiously divided households? Wonani ivyo lemba la Mariko 5: 25 - 34 likuyowoya. Could Timothy risk toying with the harmful ideas that were infiltrating the congregation? Consider what Mark 5: 25 - 34 says. Ndipouli, ŵanthu aŵa ŵangaŵa ŵakukondwa ndiposo kuŵa na mtende uwo Davide wakayowoya mu cipaturo 23 ca buku la Masalmo, pekha para ŵali mu mskambo wa Ciuta. If we appreciatively contemplate the life, the ministry, and the teachings of Jesus Christ, we will reflect Jehovah's qualities more fully. However, they can be happy and enjoy the peace described in David chapter 23 of the book of Psalms, only if they are in God's flock. Kasi muli kuŵazga magazini gha Gongwe la Mulinda ghasonosono apa? The loving, personal concern that Jehovah thus shows draws us close to him. Have you carefully read the recent issues of The Watchtower? Nakuti mazgu ghakuti " kukondwa ' na " chimwemwe ' ghakusangika kanandi waka mu Baibolo. Jesus ' disciples would give a thorough witness as Jesus did but on a much larger scale. In fact, the expression "rejoice " and" joy " occurs frequently in the Bible. Mbanjani awo ŵakukhumbikwira kuŵacitira lusungu, ndipo waliyose wa ise wakwenera kucitaci? That promise revealed that the Messiah - the faithful "seed " of Genesis 3: 15 - would come through Abraham's offspring. Who are in need of mercy, and what should each of us do? Wakwenera " kucindika mfumu wake. ' Some people live in a culture that thrives on instant gratification, whether it involves food, sex, fun, or achievement. He needs to " honor her husband. ' Mwakuyana na fundo iyi, ŵanthu ŵakawonanga Yesu nga ni munthu wankharo yiheni, wakuwukira boma, kweniso munthu uyo wakwenera kupokera cilango cakuyana na ico ŵakapelekanga ku ŵazga ŵakugaluka. " (Read Colossians 3: 10 - 14.) In this regard, Jesus was viewed as a bad man, a powerful criminal, and a person who should receive similar punishment from apostates. " Ŵakataya mwaŵi wakuŵa na umoyo wamuyirayira mu paradiso pa charu chapasi. - Genizesi 2: 17; 3: 1 - 6; 5: 5. (Read 1 Timothy 2: 9, 10.) They lost the prospect of everlasting life on a paradise earth. - Genesis 2: 17; 3: 1 - 6; 5: 5. Kasi vingaŵa kuti Timote nayo wakaghanaghanirangapo fundo ziheni izo zikanjira mu mpingo? In 1943 a new school for missionaries was established in upstate New York. Could it have been Timothy's mind on some negative thoughts that developed within the congregation? Usange tikulanguruka na kuwonga cifukwa ca umoyo, kweniso uteŵeti na visambizgo vya Yesu Khristu, mbwenu timuyezgenge makora Yehova. How can we be sure that God wants to intervene and eradicate violence? Meditating on the meaning of life and the ministry and the teachings of Jesus Christ will help us to imitate Jehovah. Citemwa ico Yehova wakutilongora cikutovwira kusendelera kufupi na iyo. Some scholars believe that South Arabian merchants involved in the incense trade used camels to transport their goods northward through the desert, heading to such areas as Egypt and Syria and thereby introducing camels to these areas. Jehovah's love for us draws us closer to him. Ŵasambiri ŵa Yesu ŵakenera kupharazga mwakukwana nga ndiyo kweni kuluska iyo. Find Loyal Friends, 7 / 1 Jesus ' disciples would have to share more fully in the preaching work than he did. Layizgo ili likavumbura kuti Mesiya, uyo ni "mphapu " yakugomezgeka iyo yikuzunulika pa Genesis 3: 15, wazamubabikira mu ŵana ŵa Abrahamu. 15: 16; Rom. This promise revealed that the Messiah, the "seed " mentioned at Genesis 3: 15, was born in Abraham's descendants. Ŵantu ŵanji ŵakukulira mu mbumba izo mitheto yake njakuzikika pa vintu vyakusekereska, vintu vyanteura ivyo vingasazgapo vyakurya, nkani za kugonana, panji kucita vintu vinyake ivyo vingapangiska yunji kuŵa wakumanyikwa comene. Jesus identified what as "the greatest and first commandment "? Some have grown up in cultures whose culture is based on pleasure, such as food, sex, or other activities that lead to prominence. (Ŵerengani Ŵakolose 3: 10 - 14.) 12: 18, 19; Heb. (Read Colossians 3: 10 - 14.) (Ŵazgani 1 Timote 2: 9, 10.) Even Job's tribulation was momentary when compared with the many happy years he enjoyed before and after his trial. - Job 42: 16. (Read 1 Timothy 2: 9, 10.) Mu 1943, sukulu ya ŵamishonale yakucemeka Giliyadi yikambika ku New York. Bethel family members serve in a branch office or a translation office to assist in providing literature or direction in lands under the oversight of a branch. In 1943, Gilead School was established in New York City. Kasi tikumanya wuli kuti Chiuta wakukhumba kuwuskapo nkhaza? Though surrounded by godless princes, Ebed - melech was God - fearing and had great respect for Jeremiah. How do we know that God wants to eliminate violence? Ŵanji ŵakugomezga kuti ŵamalonda ŵa ku South Arabia ŵakanyamuranga katundu wawo pa ngamila pakuluta ku Eguputo na Siriya ndipo ŵakapangiska kuti ngamila zambe kusangika mu vigaŵa ivi. What Are the Alternatives? Some believe that the merchants in South Arabia carried their load over the camel to Egypt and Syria and made it possible for the camel to be found. Harani - Msumba wa Milimo Yinandi, 5 / 15 [ Footnotes] 5 / 1 15: 16; Rom. He knows his flock so well that he calls each sheep by name. 15: 16; Rom. Kasi Yesu wakati "languro likuru comene na lakwamba " ni ndi? JOY What did Jesus say was "the greatest and first commandment "? 12: 18, 19; Heb. What is the spirit of the world, and how does it operate? 12: 18, 19; Heb. Nanga ni suzgo la Yobu likaŵa la kanyengo pakuyelezgera na umoyo uwemi uwo wakaŵa nawo vilimika vinandi, pambere wandayezgeke ndiposo pamanyuma pake. - Job 42: 12. 4 What Should Children Learn? Even Job's trials were temporary in comparison with his long life before he was tested and later. - Job 42: 12. Mwana wake msungwana ni mupayiniya wanyengozose. CONSIDER: If the Creator designed our bodies to heal physical wounds, can we not have confidence in his promise to help us recover from emotional injuries too? Her daughter is a regular pioneer. Ŵakudangilira mu upharazgi na kovwira mipingo mu nthowa zinyake. Ŵateŵeti ŵa pa Beteli ŵakuteŵetera pa ofesi ya munthavi panji pa ofesi yakung'anamulirako mabuku. We are just spiritual brothers, " says Paolo from Valença. In the ministry and in other ways, Bethelites serve at the branch office or at the branch office. Nangauli Ebedimeleki wakakhalanga na ŵanthu ŵambura kopa Ciuta, kweni wakasopanga Ciuta ndipo wakamucindikanga comene Yeremiya. The highlight of the ceremony comes when the name of the child is announced. Although Ebed - melech lived with ungodly people, he worshipped God and highly respected Jeremiah. Kasi Pali Cinyake Ico Ŵangacita? Safeguard Conscience, 11 / 1 What else Can They Do? [ Mazgu ghamusi] Jesus taught that for us to be happy, we must be "conscious of [our] spiritual need. " [ Footnote] Wakuwumanya makora mskambo wake ndiposo zina la mberere yiliyose. Showing love and kindness to others builds lasting friendships. He knows his flock and the name of each sheep. CHIMWEMWE " I always do the things pleasing to [my Father], " he declared. today'S STORY Kasi mzimu wa caru ni vici ndipo ukugwira wuli nchito? As a written language, Syriac came into wide use in the second or third century C.E. What is the spirit of the world, and how does it operate? 4 Kasi Ŵana Ŵakwenera Kusambira Vici? Theocratic Schools, 9 / 15 4 What Should Children Learn? GHANAGHANIRANI FUNDO IYI: Usange Mlengi wali kulenga mathupi ghithu munthowa yakuti ghajichizgenge ghekha para tajicheka, kasi tingagomezga yayi kuti wangatovwiraso para tikusuzgika maghanoghano? Sophia: Yes, I learned that story in Sunday school. CONSIDER: If the Creator created our bodies in a way that causes them to suffer, can we not be confident that he can help us deal with our depression? Tose tili ŵabali. " • Which geographic detail considered in this article has been particularly enlightening to you? We are all brothers. " Vyose vikufika peneko para ŵakupharazga zina la mwana. Consider and Encourage One Another All are drawn to the child's name. Yesu wakati kuti tiŵe ŵakukondwa, tikwenera kumanya " kusoŵerwa kwithu kwauzimu. ' Another practical way is by assisting with cleaning or reconstruction. Jesus said that we must be " conscious of our spiritual need. ' Mungaŵa na ŵabwezi ŵawemi usange mukulongora chitemwa na lusungu. The mark 666 emphasizes that deficiency by repeating the number three times. Good friends can be found by showing love and kindness. Wakatiso: "Nyengo zose nkhucita vinthu vyakukondweska " Ŵadada. To improve and maintain our spirituality, we need to analyze ourselves honestly. He added: "I always do the things pleasing to my Father. " Chiyowoyero ichi chikayowoyekanga chomene m'ma 100 panji 200 C.E. Son: I just don't like going to meetings anymore. The language was widely spoken in the second or third century C.E. Malibwe gha pa Cakuvwara Capacifuŵa ca Musofi Mukuru, 8 / 1 Many people face difficulties that we have never known. High Priest, 8 / 15 A Nyabanda: Enya, nkhasambira ku Sande sukulu. Laurence - Moon - Bardet - Biedl syndrome was named after four doctors who identified this recessive genetic disorder, inherited when both parents carry the recessive gene. Sophia: Yes, I learned to school. • Kasi mwasambira vinthu wuli vyakukhwaskana na malo mu nkhani iyi ivyo vyamungweluskani? It restrained him from acting selfishly and helped him to confine his objectives to serving God and fellow humans inside and outside the congregation. • How have you learned about places in this regard? Tighanaghanirane na Kukhwimiskana Yumoza na Munyake Beer - sheba Consider and Encourage One Another Nthowa yinyake njakuti tingawovwirapo pa mulimo wa kutozga panji kunozga nyumba izo zanangika. We need to be aware that every time we sin, we are sinning against Jehovah. Another way is to share in cleaning and cleaning work. Cidindo ca 666 cikukhozgera kupeleŵera uku mwakulemba nambara iyi katatu. What a remarkable teacher Jesus was! The seal of 666 supports this process three times. Tikwenera kujipima kufumira pasi pa mtima kuti tilutilire kuŵa ŵakukhora mwauzimu. Jehovah pardoned his sin and exercised restraint in administering judgment upon him and Bath - sheba. We need to examine ourselves honestly in order to remain spiritually strong. Mwana: Nkhukhumbaso yayi kuluta ku maungano. Imitating Jesus ' example requires that his followers love one another just as he loved them. Son: I do not want to attend Christian meetings again. Ŵanyake ŵakusuzgika chifukwa cha uchekuru, ulwari, panji ŵakachita ngozi. Gilead School began training missionaries in 1943, recalled Anthony Morris, a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, who acted as chairman of the program. Others suffer because of old age, poor health, or accidents. Zina la nthenda ya Laurence - Moon - Bardet - Biedl lili kufuma ku mazina gha madokotala ghanayi agho ghakabowozga nthenda ya mu ndopa iyi, iyo yikwambukira ŵana kufuma ku ŵapapi para wose ŵaŵiri ŵali na majini agho ghakwambiska nthenda iyi. 16, 17. Its name is derived from the names of four medical doctors, which produced from both parents when they are diagnosed with the disease. Cifukwa ca citemwa ici, wakacitanga mwauryezi yayi, ndipo cikamovwira kuteŵetera Ciuta ndiposo ŵanji mu mpingo na kuwaro kwa mpingo. The final psalm of the collection is about David's request for Jehovah's help during the turbulent years following his sin with Bath - sheba. As a result of this love, he did not act selfishly, and he helped him to serve God and others outside the congregation. Beer - sheba By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves. " Beer - sheba Tikwenera kumanya kuti nyengo zose para tikunanga, tikunangira Yehova. Why can we say that we are in a spiritual paradise despite our being imperfect? We need to realize that if we sin, we sin against Jehovah. Yesu wakaŵa musambizgi wapadera nkanira! 3: 2. What a unique teacher Jesus was! Yehova wakamugowokera kwananga kwake na kucepeskako cilango ico wakapokera pamoza na Batisheba. Never Give Up Hope! 3 / 15 Jehovah forgave him for his sin and transferred his sentence with Bath - sheba. Ntheura Ŵakhristu ŵakwenera kutemwana nga umo Yesu wakatemweranga ŵalondezgi ŵake. Michelle: Could it be that he has good reason for not yet intervening to end our problems? Christians should therefore love one another just as Jesus loved his followers. Anthony Morris, yumoza wa mu Wupu Wakulongozga wa Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova, uyo wakaŵa ceyamani pa cakucitika ici wakati, Sukulu ya Giliyadi yikamba kusambizga ŵamishonale mu cilimika ca 1943. Tim: Sure. Anthony Morris, one of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, who was chairman of the program, says that Gilead School began teaching missionaries in 1943. 16, 17. Yes, for Jesus told his disciples: "Whoever humbles himself will be exalted. " 16, 17. Salmo laumaliro mu cigaŵa ici ni lurombo lwa Davide lwakuti Yehova wamovwire mu vilimika ivyo wakasuzgikanga wakati waleŵana na Batisheba. Tim: What do you mean? The last psalm is David's prayer that Jehovah help him during his difficult years when he committed adultery with Bath - sheba. Na ici, wose ŵamanyenge kuti ndimwe ŵasambiri ŵane, usange muli na citemwa pakati pinu. " " Fiery coals " is a reference to an ancient method of smelting ore by heating it from above and below to extract the metals. By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves. " Cifukwa wuli tikuti tili mu paradiso wauzimu nangauli tili ŵakutondeka? Be a good listener. Why can it be said that we are part of a spiritual paradise despite our limitations? 3: 2. Prison didn't rehabilitate me or him. 3: 2. Umaliro wa Caru, 1 / 1 What viewpoint did many betray, and how was their faith tested? Jehovah's Blessing Has Been Real to You, 1 / 15 A Nyausiska: Kasi vingaŵa kuti wali na vifukwa vyakupulikikwa ivyo wakulekera kunjilirapo kuti wamazge masuzgo ghithu? 3 Does the Bible approve of a man and a woman living together if they are not legally married? Michelle: Could it be that he has a valid reason to do so? Mateyu: Palije suzgo. Almost all I knew of Belgium was that it had served as a battlefield in several wars, but I soon learned that most Belgians really are peace loving. Tim: I'm not sure. Enya, cifukwa Yesu wakaphalira ŵasambiri ŵake kuti: "Yose uyo wakujiyuyura wazamukwezgeka. " Learn From God's Word Yes, for Jesus told his disciples: "Everyone that humbles himself will be exalted. " Kulemba kungawovwira kuti mulongore citima ico muli naco Why can it be said that Hannah prayed and acted in faith? Writing can help you to express your grief Mateyu: Mukung'anamuraci? To deceive, says one dictionary, means "to cause to accept as true or valid what is false or invalid. " Tim: What do you mean? Kale ŵanthu ŵakasongonoranga malibwe mwa kuŵika "makara gha moto " pacanya na kusi kuti ŵapange visulo. Most married couples want to treat each other in a loving and kind manner. In Bible times, the people used the stones to place "a fire " above the top and to make stones. Mumutegherezgenge comene. That is true even though what we do may be less than what others do. Listen carefully. Tose, iyo na ine jele likatisintha yayi. Remember Abraham, Isaac and Israel your servants, to whom you swore by yourself, in that you said to them, "I shall multiply your seed like the stars of the heavens, and all this land that I have designated I shall give to your seed, that they may indeed take possession of it to time indefinite. " ' Both he and I did not change. Kasi ŵanandi ŵakalongora kuti ŵakaŵa na maghanoghano wuli, ndipo cipulikano cawo cikayezgeka wuli? When we understand why Jehovah is patient, we are helped to wait patiently for the salvation he will bring, never concluding that he is slow in fulfilling his promises. What attitude did many show, and how was their faith tested? 3 Kasi Baibolo likuzomerezga kuti mwanalume na mwanakazi ŵagonanenge pambere ŵandatorane mwadango? They keep returning at evening time; they keep barking like a dog and go all around the city. 3 Does the Bible approve of sex before marriage? Cekha ico nkhamanyanga cakukhwaskana na caru ca Belgium nchakuti mu caru ici mukacitikira nkhondo zinandi, kweni mu nyengo yicoko waka, nkhamanya kuti ŵanthu ŵanandi mu Belgium ŵakutemwa mtende. Our deep - rooted love for God will motivate us to demonstrate the depth of our godly devotion, in line with Paul's counsel: "Do your utmost to present yourself approved to God, a workman with nothing to be ashamed of, handling the word of the truth aright. " The only thing I knew about Belgium was that in that country, there were many wars, but in a relatively short period of time, I realized that many people in Belgium love peace. Sambirani Kufuma mu Mazgu gha Ciuta In the meantime, the ingathering of the "great crowd, " who hope to live forever on earth, is going on apace. Learn From God's Word Vikhokho ivi vikovwira nkhonyo izi kuti zikhalenge makora mu malo ghakusuzga chomene. David believed that lie! The clown fish also contributes to the well - being of the environment in which they live. Cifukwa wuli tingati Hana wakalomba na kucita vinthu na cipulikano? explained that "God's kingdom comes, not to destroy this earth, but to destroy Satan's world. Why can we say that Hannah prayed and acted in faith? Dikishonare linyake likuti lizgu lakuti kupusika likung'anamura "kupangiska munthu kuti wagomezge cinthu cautesi kuti nchaunenesko panji cinthu cambura kuzirwa kuti nchakuzirwa. " Jesus became famous as a teacher of God's Word. One dictionary defines propaganda as "a sense of truthfulness or a lack of self - worth. " Ŵakutorana ŵanandi ŵakukhumba kucita vinthu mwacitemwa ndiposo mwalusungu ku munyawo wa mu nthengwa. He further stated: "However, let none of you suffer as a murderer or a thief or an evildoer or as a busybody in other people's matters. But if he suffers as a Christian, let him not feel shame, but let him keep on glorifying God in this name. " Many couples want to be kind and kind to their mates. Nanga tingaŵa kuti tikucita mulimo ucoko, kweni iye wakukondwa ndipera. " But just six days later when they said good - bye, they and their hosts were embracing one another and weeping. Even if we are doing little, he is still happy. Kumbukirani Abrahamu, Yisake, na Israyeli, ŵateŵeti ŵinu, kwa ŵeneaŵa mukajirapizga mwekha na kuti kwa iwo, Nditi nandaniske mphapu yako nga ndi nyenyezi za mtambo, na caru ici cose ndanena nditindicipe kwa mphapu yako, ndipo ciŵenge ciharo cawo muyaya. Hence, we should not idly waste time. Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, to this servants of yours, to you and to them I shall bring forth your seed like the stars of the heavens, and all the earth I shall give to your offspring, and to time indefinite they will become their inheritance. Para tapulikiska cifukwa ico Yehova waliri na ucivindwe, tikovwirika kuti tilindilire mwakuzika ciponosko cake, na kuleka kughanaghana kuti wakucedwa kufiska malayizgo ghake. 32. When we understand why Jehovah is patient, we are helped to wait patiently for his salvation, never thinking that he is slow to fulfill his promises. Mise na mise ŵakuwera, ŵakubwentha nga ndi ncheŵe, ŵakuyingayinga mu muzi. There are many reasons why a bereaved person may feel angry, such as when thoughtless and unfounded comments are made by a respected person. In the evening and the evening, they will go out, like dogs, standing in a village. Kutemweseska Ciuta kuticiskenge kurongora kuti tikumusopa iyo, nga ni umo Paulos wakayowoyera kuti: "Uŵe na mwampu kujirongora wakurumbika kwa Ciuta, wancito wambura kukhozgeka soni, wakurunjika makora mazgu gha unenesko. " Naturally, those statements raise additional intriguing questions. Love of God moves us to show that we worship him, even as Paul said: "Do your utmost to present yourself approved to God, a workman with nothing to be ashamed of, handling the word of the truth aright. " Pa nyengo yasono, nchito ya kuwunjika "mzinda ukuru, " uwo ukulindilira kuzakakhala kwamuyirayira pa caru, yikucitika mwaluŵiro comene. 5, 6. Meanwhile, the gathering of "a great crowd, " with the prospect of living forever on earth, is at stake. Davide wakagomezga utesi uwu. Robert was an elderly gentleman who regarded his local doctor with "the greatest respect, admiration and trust, " reports The Times of London. David believed this. Mu nkhani iyi ŵakalongosora kuti: "Ufumu wa Chiuta ukwiza kuti uzakaparanye charu yayi kweni ŵanthu ŵaheni. The prison officials may view you with suspicion, watching your every move to ensure that you commit no crime. In this article, they explained: "The kingdom of God is coming, not to bring an end to the earth, but to wicked people. Yesu wakamanyikwa pa caru cose kuŵa msambizgi wa Mazgu gha Ciuta. Moreover, Jesus ' throne will last "forever and ever. " Jesus was known worldwide as a teacher of God's Word. Ndipo wakayowoyaso kuti: "Kweni paŵavye yumoza wa imwe wakomwe nga nchikozi, panji munkhungu, panji wakucita uheni, panji nga ndi uyo wakwenda nato twa ŵene: kweni usange munthu wakukomwa nga ndi Mkhristu, waleke kufwa soni; kweni wamucindike Ciuta mu zina leneili. " Money Then he added: "But none of you suffer as a murderer or a thief or as a thief or as a busybody in other people's matters; but if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not die, but let him glorify God in this name. " Kweni apo ŵakalayirananga pamanyuma pa mazuŵa ghankhondi na limoza, ŵakavumbatirana na awo ŵakaŵapokelera pamoza na kulira. As mentioned earlier, some of these are caused by our own imperfections, others by the disarray in which the world finds itself, and still others by those who oppose our work. But after six days of call, they kissed each other and wept. Mwantheura, tileke kunanga nyengo. In the same way, Jehovah rejected Abinadab, Shammah, and four others of their brothers. So let us not waste time. Wakulongosora za ulendo wa Mariya kwa Elizabeti na umo wakachitira apo Yesu wakakhalilira ku tempile. - w17.08, peji 32. Yes, we want our children and other Bible students to progress to the point of baptism! The account of Mary's visit to Elizabeth and the way Jesus continued to be at the temple. - w8, page 32. Pali vifukwa vinandi ivyo munthu uyo wathikirwa wangakalipira. Nyengo zinyake wangakalipa chifukwa chakuti munthu wakuchindikika wayowoya mazgu ghambura kwenelera. Identifying the heart of the problem, Bardet specified that "there are doubts about the Testimonium - in contrast with the majority of ancient texts - simply because questions have been raised about the Testimonium. " There are many reasons why a person who is slow to anger may become angry, perhaps because of a lack of respect for abusive speech. Tikukayika yayi kuti, fundo izi zikuwuska mafumbo ghanyake. Many would feel that his comment accurately sums up the global situation as well. There are no doubt that these are questions. 5, 6. The prophet Zechariah foretold that in the time of the end, people of the nations would gratefully associate themselves with the remnant of spiritual Israel. 5, 6. Robert wakaŵa mwanarumi muweme comene, ndipo nga umo nyuzipepala ya The Times ya ku London yikuyowoyera, "wakamucindikanga comene dokotala wake, na kumuwona kuŵa waunenesko, na wakugomezgeka. " How did a little Israelite girl display courage? Robert was a good husband, and as the London Times reports, "he was very respectful of his doctor and viewed him as true, faithful. " Awo ŵakulaŵilira jere ŵangakukayikira, na kukuŵendelera mwakuti ŵawoneseske kuti nawe uleke kunanga. Jesus promised: "Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out. " Those in prison may question themselves, and they may try to make sure that you do not want to do so. Kweniso cizumbe ca Yesu "nchandanda. " Still, what effect could his gambling have on the ones he is gambling with? Moreover, Jesus ' throne "is to be poured out. " Ndalama? Obsession with health care could also lead us to try to impose on others our personal opinions regarding the value of some diet, therapy, or food supplement. Money? Nga umo tayowoyera pakwamba, masuzgo ghanyake ghakucitika cifukwa ca zakwananga zithu, ghanyake cifukwa cakuti caru cafika paheni sono, ghanyakeso ghakucitika na ŵanthu awo ŵakutinkha nchito yithu. Such hypocritical conduct does not reconcile anyone to God. As mentioned earlier, some problems are the result of our sins, some because of the world's wickedness now exist, including those who oppose our work. Yehova wakakanaso Abinadadi, Shama, na ŵanung'una ŵawo ŵanayi. There are, however, things that are far more important than our choice of food and style of clothing. The same was true of Jehovah's people. Kasi ŵakajipulika wuli? How Does Color Affect You? How did they feel? Nadi, tikukhumba kuti ŵana ŵithu na ŵasambiri ŵanyake ŵa Baibolo ŵalimbikire m'paka ŵabatizike. Are chores really important - not only for the upkeep of the home but also for a child's development? Yes, we want our children and other Bible students to grow up to get baptized. Pakumanya ico cikambiska suzgo, Bardet wakati "ŵanthu ŵanyake ŵakukayikira vyakukhwaskana na Testimonium, mwakupambana na vinthu vinandi vyakale ivyo ŵalembi ŵakalemba cifukwa cakuti ŵakagomezganga yayi ivyo vili kulembeka mu Testimonium. " How we can do this will be the subject of the following article. Recognizing the cause of mankind's suffering, he says that "some people doubt about the difference between the ancient writings because they did not believe what was written in the ark. " Ŵanandi ŵangaghanaghana kuti ivyo wakayowoya vikukhwaska caru cose. The remaining members of the "little flock " of anointed Christians have the hope of immortal life in heaven as kings and priests with Christ in his Kingdom. Many might think that what he said affects the entire world. Nchimi Zekariya yikacima kuti mu mazuŵa ghaumaliro, mitundu yizamukolerana na ŵakukhalira ŵa Israyeli wauzimu. The Source of Superstitions The prophet Zechariah foretold that during the last days, the nations would be united with the remnant of spiritual Israel. Kasi kasungwana ka ku Israyeli kakalongora wuli cikanga? [ Box / Picture on page 9] How did a young Israelite girl show courage? Yesu wakalayizga kuti: "Mungazizwanga na ici: pakuti ora likwiza mu leneilo wose awo ŵali mu malaro ŵati ŵapulike mazgu ghake, ndipo ŵati ŵafumengemo. " Uncorrected, he could become conceited and begin to alienate others. Jesus promised: "Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out. " Kweni kasi kacitiro ako kangakhwaska wuli awo wakuseŵera nawo? Nevertheless, Jehovah's Word gives us sound reasons for believing that such a decision is a loving one. How, though, does a situation affect those with whom he is playing? Kutangwanika comene na kupwelelera umoyo kungapangiska kuti ticicizgenge ŵanji kwendera maghanoghano ghithu pa nkhani ya cakurya na nthowa zakucizgira. Jehovah is the name of God as revealed in the Bible. Being busy in health can lead to focusing on the needs of others on food and medical treatment. Upusikizgi wanthena uwu ungawovwira yayi ŵanthu kuti ŵaphemane na Ciuta. Think carefully before giving ultimatums you have no intention of carrying out. Such pride would not help people to become reconciled to God. Mwaciyelezgero, para tikukura, tikusambizgika kuti vinthu vinyake ni viwemi ndiposo kuti vinyake ni viheni. He blessed the little household of Naomi and Ruth, and eventually Ruth married the Israelite Boaz. For example, as we grow up, we are taught that certain things are good and that others are wrong. Kasi Mitundu ya Vinthu Yili na Ng'anamuro kwa Imwe? They recognized that Jesus was teaching and directing the congregation through a governing body, composed of the apostles and older men in Jerusalem. Do the Nations Have Meaning for You? Kasi ntchito zikovwira waka kuti panyumba pawonekenge makora panji zikovwiraso kuti ŵana ŵakure makora? When will this event occur? Does working at home just make it easier for children to be well - organized? Mu nkhani yakulondezgapo tizamudumbiskana umo tingacitira. Develop a sense of who you are now and who you want to become by analyzing your strengths, your weaknesses, and your convictions. In the following article, we will consider how we can do so. Ŵa "kamskambo kacoko " panji kuti Ŵakhristu ŵakuphakazgika awo ŵacali pa caru capasi, ŵali na cigomezgo ca umoyo wambura kufwa kucanya, ndipo ŵazamuŵa mathemba na ŵasofi lumoza na Khristu mu Ufumu wake. They have all now come to the village of Cana in the district of Galilee to attend a wedding feast. The "little flock " of anointed Christians still on earth have the heavenly hope, and they will be kings and priests with Christ in his Kingdom. Uko Kukufuma Vigomezgo Ivi Here was a God who fought for his people instead of victimizing them, who elevated the morals of his worshippers instead of debasing them. A Source of Faith [ Bokosi / Cithuzithuzi pa peji 9] The requirement that Israel's priesthood be physically clean has real meaning for Jehovah's people today. [ Box / Picture on page 9] Para mundamulange, wangamba kujipatura na kujikuzga. Look! The sower went out to sow. And as he was sowing, some seed fell alongside the road, and the birds came and ate it up. If you do not discipline your child, he may begin to isolate yourself from pride. Kweni Baibolo likulongosora kuti usange munthu wasezgeka mbukaboni wakuti Chiuta wakumutemwa. Instead, they all went off to have a good time, except Manfred, who returned to the workplace. However, the Bible explains that disfellowshipping is an expression of God's love. Baibolo likuti zina la Ciuta ni Yehova. Bow Low Over Me " Jehovah is the name of God as revealed in the Bible. Mukwenera cara kuphalira mwana kuti para wandapulikire muzamumupa cilango ico mukumanyirathu kuti mungamupa nadi yayi. What king could live on earth, building trust and loyalty in his subjects, and then rule from heaven? You should not tell your child that if you don't respond to your discipline, you would probably not want to be able to do so. Iye wakatumbika mbumba yicoko iyi ya Naomi na Rute, ndipo nyengo yikati yajumpapo, Rute wakatengwa kwa Boazi. Our efforts to defend the good news may result in legal victories. She blessed Naomi and Ruth, and later Ruth married Boaz. Ŵakamanyanga kuti Yesu wakasambizganga ndiposo kulongozga mpingo kwizira mu wupu wakulongozga uwo ukaŵa mu Yerusalemu, uwo mukaŵa ŵapositole na ŵanalume ŵalara. As the embodiment of wisdom, he said: "I came to be beside [Jehovah] as a master worker, and I came to be the one he was specially fond of day by day, I being glad before him all the time, being glad at the productive land of his earth, and the things I was fond of were with the sons of men. " They knew that Jesus was teaching and directing the congregation through the governing body in Jerusalem, which included the apostles and older men. Kasi ivi vizamucitika pawuli? 6: 20; 1 Tim. 6: 18, 19; read James 2: 5. When will this happen? Jimanyani umo muliri pasono kweniso umo mukukhumbira kuti munthazi muzakaŵire. (Bottom) Lloyd and Melba Barry; Carey and Sydney Barber Get to know how you are now and how you would like to live in the future. Wose ŵiza ku cikaya ca Kana mu cigaŵa ca Galileya kukaŵapo pa ciphikiro ca ukwati. This stamps the Bible as unique. All of them arrived in the district of Galilee for a wedding feast. Ŵanthu ŵa ku Kenani ŵakawonanga ŵanakazi kuti ŵali kulengeka na cilato cakuti ŵagonanenge waka na ŵanalume. Such good reports would include the life stories of faithful brothers and sisters, which appear regularly in the Watchtower and Awake! The people of Canaan felt that women were designed to have sexual relations with men. Fundo yakuti ŵasofi ŵa Israyeli ŵakeneranga kuŵa ŵatuŵa njakuzirwa chomene ku ŵanthu ŵa Yehova mazuŵa ghano. What can we learn from this vivid account? The fact that Israel's priests were to be holy is of great importance to Jehovah's people today. Iyo wakati: "Pulikizgani: Wonani, mumiji wakafuma wakaya kamija: ndipo pa kumija kwake, mbuto yinyake yikawa mu nthowa mu mphepete, ndipo tukiza tuyuni tukayisora. At times, I felt invincible. " Look! " he said: " Look! The sower went out into the field and, while on his sowing, the other seed fell in the road, and the birds came to call them. M'malo mwake, wose ŵakaluta kukasanguluka, kweni Manfred wakawelera ku nchito. Frieda experienced 23 years of persecution under two dictatorships. Instead, all of them went into exile, but Manfred returned to work. Ukusindama pa Ine ' In fact, "faith is not a possession of all people. " Keep On Me " Kasi yilipo fumu iyo yingakhala pa caru capasi, kuciska ŵanthu ŵake kuti ŵayigomezge, na kuluta kucanya kukamba kuwusa? " They are always ready to comment at the Watchtower Study. " Is there any king who lives on earth, moving his people to believe, and go to heaven? Chifukwa chakuti tikulimbikira chomene kuvikilira makani ghawemi, tikuluska milandu yinandi. Joseph still had something that his brothers could never take from him: faith. Because we do our best to defend the good news, we are better off than many other legal cases. Nga ni muntu wakukhumbikwa wa vinjeru, iye wakayowoya kuti: "Nkaŵapo ine pafupi naye nga ndi fundi; ndipo zuŵa na zuŵa nkaŵa wakumukondweska, naneso nkakondwa pamaso pake rutaruta, kukondwera mu caru cake cakukhalamo ŵantu, na kukondweraso mu ŵana ŵa ŵantu. " If not, we have cause for concern. Like a wise man, he said: "I came to be beside him as a master worker; and day after day I was pleasing him, I loved him, and I loved him, and I loved him in his own land, and I was fond of the sons of men. " Kasi Ŵanthu Ŵakalizganga Nadi Fyoliro pa Nyifwa mu Nyengo ya Yesu? 2 / 1 Since the report of the spies who were sent to Jericho is favorable, Joshua acts quickly, without waiting for the waters of the Jordan to subside. " Keep on the Watch, " 10 / 15 6: 20; 1 Tim. 6: 18, 19; ŵazgani Yakobe 2: 5. From Our Archives 6: 20; 1 Tim. 6: 18, 19; read James 2: 5. (Musi) Lloyd na Melba Barry; Carey na Sydney Barber He explained that one of the brothers working in his office was going to attend the Kingdom Ministry School for a month, after which he would work in the Service Department. (For example, see the box "The Truth That Leads to God's Kingdom ") Fundo izi zikulongora kuti Baibolo ndapadera. Yet, that does not have to happen! Those statements prove that the Bible is unique. Izi zingaŵa nkani nga ni mbiri za ŵabali na ŵadumbu ŵakugomezgeka izo zikulembeka nyengo na nyengo mu Gongwe la Mulinda na Galamukani! Of course, sunshine and water are necessary; without such he cannot expect any harvest. These may include accounts such as the history of faithful brothers and sisters that have been published regularly in The Watchtower and Awake! Kasi tingasambirapo vici pa nkani yanadi iyi? Bank and economic collapses that have occurred in these last days are insignificant when compared with what will happen on a world scale in the near future. What can we learn from this account? Nkhanothanga cifukwa nkhaŵa na nkhongono. They made rapid progress and were soon appointed as ministerial servants. " I was proud because I was physically strong. Frieda wakatambuzgika kwa virimika 23 na maboma ghaŵiri ghankaza. Why is it important for marriage mates to be sensitive to each other's emotional and sexual needs? Frieda suffered for 23 years and two strong governments. Na iko nako, "cipulikano kuti ŵali naco wose cara. " In the beginning I found it easy, but then I got to parts that I found difficult, and I stopped reading it. " Moreover, "faith is not a possession of all people. " Nyengo zose ŵakuzgorapo pa Sambiro la Gongwe la Mulinda. " Why? They have always discussed the Watchtower Study. " Yosefe wakaŵa na cinthu cimoza ico ŵakuru wake ŵakamupoka yayi. Cinthu ici nchipulikano. How is Jehovah now using his spirit in support of his purpose? Joseph had one thing that his brothers did not lose - faith. Usange ni ntena yayi, ipo tijifipire mtima. For example, Ezekiel was assigned to preach to those whom Jehovah knew would be unreceptive. If so, we may be concerned about ourselves. Pakuti mphaci izo zikaluta ku Yeriko zikiza na uthenga uwemi, Yoswa wakacitapo kanthu mwaluŵiro, kwambura kulindizga kuti maji mu Yorodani ghakamuke dankha. Do you agree? Since the spies returned to Jericho with good news, Joshua acted quickly, not expecting water for the Israelites to fall into the Jordan. Kwendera Lumoza na Ŵateŵeti Ŵakwendakwenda No one has been able to count all the stars in the universe. Keeping On Walking With the Servants Mubali Knorr wakaniphalira kuti mubali uyo wakateŵeteranga mu ofesi yake waluta ku Sukulu ya Uteŵeti wa Ufumu. Ndipo para wawera ku sukulu iyi, wazamuteŵetera ku Dipatimenti ya Uteŵeti. Despite what may be happening to " the man outside ' as one ages, " the man inside ' can be renewed from day to day. Brother Knorr told me that the brother who worked at his office went to the Kingdom Ministry School, and after attending the school, he would work in the Service Department. Ntheura ici cingacitikanga yayi kwa ise. In the keeping of them there is a large reward. " - Psalm 19: 8, 11. That would not happen to us. Mbunenesko kuti zuŵa na maji ni vyakuzirwa comene ndipo kwambura vinthu ivi, mulimi wangavunapo kanthu yayi. If you face marital problems, do not hesitate to seek the spiritual assistance of mature Christians. Of course, the sun and water are of utmost importance, and the farmer cannot reap anything. Mazuŵa ghano, mabanki ghanjira pasi kweniso chuma chawa mu charu ichi. Jesus Christ "carried away captives, " that is, took men away from Satan's control to use them as gifts for the building up of the Christian congregation. We can "by love grow up in all things into... Today, there are economic and economic benefits in this world. Ŵakakura comene mwauzimu ndipo mwaluŵiro ŵakaŵa ŵateŵeti ŵakovwira. " That man was zealous for the traditions of Judaism, but he learned a better way. They made progress and quickly served as ministerial servants. " Chifukwa wuli mfumu na muwoli ŵakwenera kumanya maghanoghano na vyakukhumba vya munyawo pa nkhani ya kugonana? He began to read the Bible and Bible - based publications with John. Why do husbands and wives need to discern their or her or her mate's feelings about sex? Pakwamba cikaŵa cipusu waka, kweni nkhati namba kuŵazga vigaŵa vinyake ivyo nkhavipulikiskanga yayi, nkhaleka kuliŵazga. " HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? At first it was easy, but when I began reading portions that I could not understand, I stopped reading it. " Chifukwa wuli? This ruler would be cut down at the zenith of his power, and his kingdom would then be divided into four but not among his descendants. Why? Kasi Yehova wakugwiliskira wuli nchito mzimu wake kukhozgera khumbo lake? I'm the bus driver who talked to you about paying for the ticket. How does Jehovah use his spirit to promote his purpose? Mwaciyerezgero, Ezekiel wakatumika kukapharazgira ŵantu awo Yehova wakamanya kuti ŵangapulika yayi. Criminals exploit the vulnerable. For example, Ezekiel was sent to preach to the people whom Jehovah knew he could not hear. Kasi mukukolerana nawo? " Persons in health do not need a physician, " said Jesus, "but the ailing do. " - Matt. Do you agree with them? Palije uyo wali kuŵerengapo nyenyezi zose izo zili kuchanya. The world has its own powerful, impelling force that foments a course totally opposite of what holy spirit can produce in us. No one has ever read all the stars in heaven. Nangauli " wunthu wa kuwaro ' ukuvukupara, kweni " wunthu wa mukati ' ungazgokaso uphya zuŵa na zuŵa. In fact, as mentioned in the preceding study article, The Watchtower, which announces Jehovah's Kingdom, is now the most widely distributed journal on earth! While "the man of the outside " may be removed," the man in the midst of the inside " can be transformed into a new day. Ndipo mu [kulisunga] muli njombe yikuru. " - Salmo 19: 8, 11. Incompetence in performing even a simple task can have bad consequences. And there is a grand reward. " - Psalm 19: 8, 11. Penjani wovwiri wauzimu ku Ŵakhristu ŵakukhwima usange mukukumana na masuzgo ghakuru mu nthengwa. His true name opens the way to understanding what his purposes are and who he is. Seek spiritual help from mature Christians when you face marital challenges. Yesu Khristu wakakora "ŵamikoli, " ico cikung'anamura kuti wakatora ŵanthu na kuŵawuskako kwa Satana mwakuti waŵagwiliskire nchito kuŵa vyawanangwa kuti ŵakhozgenge mpingo wa Ŵakhristu. What a privilege it is to serve and praise Jehovah as one of his Witnesses! Jesus Christ took "a snare, " that means that he took people and put them away from Satan in order to use them as gifts to strengthen the Christian congregation. Pakuti ndise ŵateŵeti ŵa Yehova, tikwenera kutemwa " ŵalwani ŵithu, ' nanga nipara ŵatichitira vinthu vyambura kwenelera. Young Ones - How Can You Prepare for Baptism? As Jehovah's servants, we must love our " enemies, ' even if we are not careful. Munthu uyu wakatemwanga chomene kuchitako tumaluso twa chisopa cha Chiyuda, kweni pamanyuma wakasambira unenesko. " There is no time limit for grief, no date for feeling better, " says one bereaved mother. He was attracted to Jewish tradition, but later he learned the truth. Wakazomera kuti John wamusambizgenge Baibolo. The problem was more serious than a headache. She accepted John's offer of a Bible study. KASI MUNGAZGORA WULI? How did faithful Christians respond to Jesus ' admonition to flee Jerusalem, and why? HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? Mwaciyelezgero, mama uyo wababa kakwamba wangaŵika mtima comene ku bonda wake ndipo wangazizwa umo thupi lake na mtima wake vikuŵira nanga ni para mwana wake wangakhumba kanthu kacoko comene. Its design was well - suited for the preservation of human and animal life. For example, a mother who gave birth was so absorbed in her newborn baby that she might be surprised at how his body and heart are affected even when the child needs something very little. Muwusi uyu wakenera kukomeka pa nyengo iyo muwuso wake ukaŵa wankhongono comene, ndipo pamanyuma, ufumu wake ukenera kugaŵika vigaŵa vinayi ivyo vikenera kuwusika na ŵana ŵake yayi. Jesus explained: "No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him. " That Ruler was to be put to death at the height of his reign, and then his kingdom would form four parts that would not be ruled by his sons. Ndine dilayivala wa basi uyo wakayowoya nawe vya kulipira ndalama. Ministerial servants, for example, work along with the elders. I am a bus driver who spoke to you about paying money. Ŵakajilangi ŵakuryera ŵantu ŵambura civikiliro. These could foster a disobedient, rebellious spirit. Such greedy people may be fed by those who are vulnerable. Yesu wakati: "Ŵanthu awo ŵali makora ŵakukhumbikwira mcizgi cara, kweni ŵalwari ndiwo. " - Mat. The Bible says that when Jesus saw those weeping over the death of Lazarus, he "became troubled " and" gave way to tears. " " People who are healthy do not need a cure, " said Jesus, "but those who are ill do. " - Matt. Caru cili na mzimu wake uwo ukukhuŵilizga ŵanthu ŵanandi kucita vinthu vyakupambana comene na mzimu wa Ciuta. Two angels informed him of where he was not to be. The world has his spirit that moves many to do differently from God's spirit. Kweniso, nga umo nkhani yakusambira iyo yajumpha yikuyowoyera, Gongwe la Mulinda, leneilo likupharazga Ufumu wa Yehova, pasono ni magazini iyo yikugaŵirika ku ŵanthu ŵanandi comene kuluska yiliyose pa caru capasi. Soon, a crowd gathered. Furthermore, as discussed in the preceding article, The Watchtower, now known as the magazine Jehovah's Kingdom, is the most widely distributed magazine in the world. Tiyeni tiwone ivyo Baibolo likuyowoya. When Jesus Christ sent out the 12 apostles to preach, were they told to carry staffs and wear sandals? Let us consider what the Bible says. Kutondeka kucita vinthu vicoko waka kungacema suzgo. HAPPINESS does not come easily. They have failed to make a few mistakes. Zina lake leneco likujura ntowa yakumanyira khumbo lake na umo waliri. How can that affect the congregation? His true name opens the way to come to know his will and his condition. Ni mwaŵi ukuru comene kuteŵetera Yehova na kumulumba pakuŵa yumoza wa Ŵakaboni ŵake! Never Pray as the Hypocrites Do What a privilege it is to serve Jehovah and praise him as one of his Witnesses! 3 Chifukwa Wuli Wakasuzgika na Kufwa? If there is no smile in return, it could mean that there is a problem, and just listening to the other person may bring comfort. - Jas. 3 Why Did We Die and Die? Mama munyake wakuti: "Palije utali weneco wa nyengo iyo yikujumphapo kuti citima cimare. " Thus, one aspect of the support that the anointed receive from the other sheep is that qualified men of the great crowd serve as congregation elders. One mother says: "It is not the exact amount of time when grief is over. " Kuti ukaŵa mutu waka cara. How thankful we are that Jehovah is not like human rulers, whose pride makes them stubborn and insensitive! It was not just a head. Kasi Ŵakhristu ŵakugomezgeka ŵakacita wuli na cenjezgo la Yesu lakuti ŵawukemo mu msumba, ndipo cifukwa wuli? That did not prove to be an escape for them because Nebuchadnezzar came up against Egypt and conquered it. How did faithful Christians respond to Jesus ' warning to come out of the city, and why? Cingalaŵa cikanozgeka mu nthowa yakuti ciponoske ŵanthu na nyama wuwo. What confidence can we have, and why? The ark was prepared in order to save people and animals. Iyo wakati: "Palije munthu uyo wangiza kwa ine kwambura kuti Ŵadada, awo ŵakanituma, ŵamuguza. " In fact, fellow Christians have provided exceptional care, even when their help has not initially been noticed. He said: "No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him. " Mwaciyelezgero, ŵateŵeti ŵakovwira, ŵakovwirana na ŵalara. That is what a husband in Mexico named Adrián did. For example, ministerial servants help one another. Vinthu ivi vikupangiska munthu kuŵa na mzimu wambura kupulikira kweniso wakugaluka. Their internal clock triggers the urge to return to their summer breeding grounds. Such things make a person disobedient and rebellious. Baibolo likuti Yesu "wakakweŵeka " wakati wawona ŵanthu ŵakulira nyifwa ya Lazaro ndipo" wakathiska masozi. " How surprised Gerri and I were to receive an assignment to the circuit work - visiting black congregations in the southern state of Alabama! The Bible says that Jesus "became troubled " when he saw Lazarus ' death and" gave way to tears. " Ŵangelo ŵaŵiri ŵakamuphalira uko wakeneranga cara kubisamako. Jehovah's loving - kindness will not fail his servants in difficult times Two angels told him where he was not to hide. Mwaluŵiro, wumba ukuru ukawungana. THE Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses consists of dedicated men who are anointed servants of God. Soon, a large crowd gathered. Apo Yesu Khristu wakatumanga ŵapositole 12 kuti ŵakapharazge, kasi wakaŵaphalira kuti ŵayeghe ndodo na kuvwara vilyato? My whole being yearns, yes, I am faint with longing, for the courtyards of Jehovah... When Jesus Christ sent the 12 apostles out to preach, did he tell them to carry a staff and put on sandals? NCHIPUSU yayi kuti munthu waŵe wakukondwa. If you sow, or cultivate, spirituality as a couple, you will eventually reap a more peaceful and rewarding marriage. IT IS not easy for a person to be happy. Kasi ici cingakhwaska wuli mpingo? He is never arbitrary or heavy - handed. How can that affect the congregation? Mungalombanga nga Mbapusikizgi Cara " RISE, bless Jehovah your God from time indefinite to time indefinite. " You Can Not Pray Like False Ones Para iyo wakumwemwetera yayi, tingamanya kuti wali na suzgo linyake, ndipo wangakhozgeka chomene para tingamutegherezga. - Yak. Build for the future. " When he does not smile, we can be sure that he has a problem, and he will be strengthened when we listen to him. - Jas. Lekani wovwiri unyake uwo Ŵakhristu ŵakuphakazgika ŵakupokera kufuma ku ŵa mberere zinyake ngwakuti ŵanalume ŵakwenelera ŵakufuma mu mzinda ukuru ŵakuteŵetera nga mbalara mu mipingo. For example, Roman soldiers obliged Simon of Cyrene to carry Jesus ' torture stake to the site of his execution. Thus, another help that anointed Christians receive from the other sheep is that qualified men from the great crowd serve as elders in the congregations. Tikuwonga comene kuti Yehova ngwakuyana yayi na ŵawusi ŵa mu caru awo ŵakujikuzga ndipo ŵakughanaghanira ŵanji yayi. What can we learn about Jesus from Colossians 1: 19 and 2: 9? How grateful we are that Jehovah is not like the rulers of the world who are haughty and who are not concerned about others! Kucita nthena kukaŵawovwira yayi cifukwa Nebukadinezara wakakathereskaso caru ca Eguputo. Clearly, Jehovah's spirit is not hindered by difficult conditions when his servants put Kingdom interests first. - Matthew 6: 33. This did not help them because Nebuchadnezzar again conquered Egypt. Kasi nchigomezgo wuli ico tingaŵa naco, ndipo cifukwa wuli? Our generosity may well have similar objectives. What confidence can we have, and why? Nakuti Ŵakhristu ŵanyithu ŵakutovwira comene nangauli pakwamba tingamanya yayi. I discovered that Jehovah God hates fornication and that if I was to please him, I would have to give up practices that defiled my body. In fact, fellow believers have benefited greatly despite our initial lack of experience. Ndivyo wakacita mwanalume wa ku Mexico zina lake Adrián. For instance, God was very gracious with Elijah, considering his feelings. That is what the man in Mexico did. Kweniso pa nyengo yake, viyuni ivi vikuwelera uko vikafuma kuti vikalutilire kwandana. (8) Glover, A. At the same time, these birds return to where they were leaving to grow. Ine na Gerri tikazizikika comene cifukwa tikapika mulimo wa dera, kukendera mipingo ya ŵafipa ca kumwera kwa Alabama. I really look forward to discovering many more of such gems on Tuesday nights! " Gerri and I were amazed that we were assigned to the circuit work, traveling to a black - white congregations in the southern part of the south. Yehova wazamutondeka yayi kuŵacitira cisungusungu ŵateŵeti ŵake pa masuzgo Noah, Daniel, and Job experienced many of the same kinds of problems we face today. Jehovah will never fail to show compassion for his servants in the face of adversity Mwachiyelezgero, tikwenera kukumbuka fundo iyo Yesu wakayowoya yakuti: "Pakuti usange mukugowokera ŵanthu maubudi ghawo, Awiskemwe ŵakuchanya nawo ŵamugowokeraninge. Anna adds: "I do not allow my thoughts to linger on anything unpleasant or discouraging. For example, we should bear in mind Jesus ' admonition: "If you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. Ŵanalume aŵa mbateŵeti ŵa Ciuta ŵakuphakazgika na mzimu utuŵa. Moreover, all who render worship acceptable to God are described as being guided to "fountains of waters of life. " These men are anointed servants of God. Umoyo wane wose ukunweka, enya, nkhuzinduka chifukwa cha kudokera, maluŵaza gha Yehova. Marcelino wants the individuals studying the Bible with him to feel the same love he has experienced among God's people. My whole life yearns for it, yes, because of greed, Jehovah's flowers. Mukuvuna Ico Mukuseŵa Muzamuŵa na mtende ndiposo ŵakukondwa mu nthengwa yinu para mose mukukura mwauzimu. Can you do the same - simplify your life in order to advance the interests of God's Kingdom? - Matt. You reap what you sow and enjoy in your marriage when you grow spiritually. Iye kuti ngwankaza panji munonono mtima cara. Under Kingdom rule, there will be no food shortage. He is neither harsh nor rigid. " MILIRANI, mutumbike Yehova Ciuta winu muyirayira swii. " How were angels used to help Jesus, and what did he accomplish by remaining faithful to God? " Return, bless Jehovah your God forever. " Nozgekerani vya munthazi. " As we read at Ephesians 4: 24, the apostle Paul exhorts Christians: "Put on the new personality which was created according to God's will in true righteousness and loyalty. " Prepare for the future. " Izi zikaŵa nkhaza. Ŵanthu ŵakakwenyeleranga navyo ndipo Ŵayuda ŵakavitinkhanga comene. One way to imitate Jehovah is to adopt his viewpoint regarding matters. Those were cruel, and the Jews hated him. Kasi lemba la Ŵakolose 1: 19 na 2: 9 likutisambizgaci za Yesu? And who is not moved by the account of the apostle Peter denying Jesus? What does Colossians 1: 19 and 2: 9 teach us about Jesus? Ncakuwonekerathu kuti mzimu wa Yehova ukujandika yayi na mikhaliro yakusuzga ya mu caru usange ŵateŵeti ŵake ŵakudangizga Ufumu. - Mateyu 6: 33. SONGS: 38, 128 Clearly, Jehovah's spirit is not like that of the world in which his servants put the Kingdom first. - Matthew 6: 33. Nase tikwenera kuŵa na cilato cakuyana na ici para tikupeleka vyawanangwa. How can men in the congregation be helped to qualify? We should have the same goal when giving. Nkhasambira kuti Yehova Ciuta wakutinkha uzaghali ndipo para nkhukhumba kumukondweska, nkhwenera kuleka nkharo izo zikananganga thupi lane. In 1963, Arne and I were married, and two years later I gave birth to our son, Gary. I learned that Jehovah God hates sexual immorality and that if I want to please him, I must overcome my sinful tendencies. Mwaciyelezgero, Ciuta wakacita vinthu mwalusungu na Eliya, wakamughanaghanira pa ivyo wakenjerwanga navyo. What Bible prophecies foretold the international, multilingual spread of the good news? For example, God kindly dealt with Elijah, thinking about his concerns. (8) Glover, A. Nonetheless, God's Word does contain principles that bear on the question and that may offer a measure of comfort. Neh Gin, A. Nakuti pa zuŵa la Ciŵiri nkhulindilira kuti nimanye vinthu vinandi vyakuzirwa. " And why do we exist? In fact, on Tuesday day, I look for more important things. " Nowa, Daniyeli, na Yobu nawo ŵakakumananga na masuzgo nga ni agho tikukumana nagho mazuŵa ghano. If Jesus were God, to whom was he praying while here on earth? Noah, Daniel, and Job faced similar challenges today. Anna nayo wakati: "Nkhuyezgayezga kuti nileke kughanaghana viheni, nesi vyakugongoweska. What helped Irina to go on serving Jehovah faithfully? Anna too says: "I try not to dwell on negative thoughts or discouragement. Mwakusazgirapo, wose awo ŵakusopa Ciuta mwakuzomerezgeka ŵakulongosoreka kuti ŵakulongozgekera ku "mbwiwi za maji gha Umoyo. " Build on Your Foundation Furthermore, all who worship God acceptably are described as being led to "the fountains of waters of life. " Marcelino wakukhumba kuti ŵanthu awo wakuŵasambizga Baibolo nawo ŵajipulikenge kuti ŵakutemweka nga umo iyo wakujipulikira pakati pa ŵanthu ŵa Ciuta. The 21 nations present pledged to dismantle terrorist groups and agreed on ways to increase global security. Marce wants Bible students to feel loved, just as he does among God's people. Kasi namwe mungacita nthena, kuŵa na umoyo wambura kukhumba vinandi mwakuti muŵe na nyengo yinandi yakucitira vinthu vyauzimu? - Mat. 21, 22. Could you similarly pursue a simple lifestyle so that you can devote more time to spiritual pursuits? - Matt. " M'malo mwa kukwera galimoto pa kuluta ku maungano, tikwenda pasi ' Andrew took much pride in his job but left it. " Instead of driving a car to the meetings, we walk down " Cakurya cizamusoŵa yayi mu Ufumu wa Ciuta. * The centurion Julius marches his prisoners past the Roman Forum and up Viminal Hill. There will be no end to food in God's Kingdom. Kasi ŵangelo ŵakamovwira wuli Yesu, ndipo wakalongora vici pakulutilira kugomezgeka kwa Ciuta? Religion's divisive effect on mankind is no reflection on Jehovah God and his Word. How did angels assist Jesus, and what did he show by remaining faithful to God? Nga ndi umo tikuŵazgira pa Ŵaefeso 4: 24, mpostole Paulos wakuciska Ŵakristu kuti: " Ŵavware wuntu upya, weneuwo wuli kulengeka umo wariri Ciuta mu urunji na mu utuŵa wa unenesko. ' " The second year " is evidently counted from 607 B.C.E., when the Babylonian king destroyed Jerusalem and became a world ruler. As we read at Ephesians 4: 24, the apostle Paul urges Christians: "Let them put on the new personality which was created according to God's will in true righteousness and loyalty. " Nthowa yimoza iyo tingayezgera Yehova nkhuwona vinthu nga umo iyo wakuviwonera. Among the friends I made in Philadelphia was a young sister named Geraldine White - Gerri, as I came to call her. One way we can imitate Jehovah's view of matters. Kweniso, ni njani uyo wangaleka kukhwaskika na nkhani iyo yikulongosora umo mpositole Petrosi wakakanira Yesu? 43: 10; 1 Tim. Moreover, who would not be affected by the account that the apostle Peter did not stop? SUMU: 60, 135 YOU are convinced that your religion teaches the truth about God. SONGS: 60, 135 Kasi ŵabali mu mpingo ŵangawovwirika wuli kuti ŵaŵe ŵakwenelera? Nathan respected David and therefore approached him tactfully. How can brothers in the congregation be helped to qualify? Mu 1963, ine na Arne tikatorana, ndipo vilimika viŵiri vikati vyajumphapo nkhaŵa na mwana mwanalume, zina lake Gary. Satan told Eve that she could eat of the fruit of "the tree of the knowledge of good and bad " without having to die, saying that on the day of her eating from it, she would be like God. In 1963, Arne and I married two years later with a son, Gary. Ni maucimi wuli gha mu Baibolo agho ghakayowoyerathu kuti makani ghawemi ghazamupharazgika ku ŵanthu ŵa mitundu yose na viyowoyero vyose? Today's world, characterized by a lack of gratitude, has little time for the elderly. What Bible prophecies foretold that the good news would be preached to people of all nations and languages? Ndipouli, Mazgu gha Ciuta ghakuyowoya fundo zinyake zakukhwaskana na fumbo ili ndiposo cipembuzgo ku awo ŵana ŵawo ŵali kufwa mu nthowa iyi. What questions about personal study now require an answer? However, God's Word gives further insight into this question and comfort to those who have died in this way. Ndipo chifukwa wuli taŵanthu tiliko? What are some ways in which we can show love? And why are we here? Usange Yesu wakaŵa Ciuta, kasi wakalombanga kwa njani apo wakaŵa pano pasi? " Test the Inspired Expressions " If Jesus was God, to whom did he pray while on earth? Kasi ntchivichi icho chikawovwira Irina kuti walutilire kuteŵetera Yehova mwakugomezgeka? What is the key to success for a man who wants to build up his household spiritually? What helped one sister to maintain her zeal for Jehovah's service? Kuzgani Kutemwa Kwinu Kwakudanga Our family life has never been better! " - Viniana. Cultivate Your Love for Your First Vyaru 21 ivyo vikaŵapo pa ungano uwu vikalayizga kuti vimaranenge na magulu gha vigeŵenga ndipo vikadumbiskana umo pa caru pangaŵira civikiliro. Stay with friends, if possible, rather than in a camp. The 21 countries that were held there were determined to confront a criminal organization and discuss how the world could be protected. 21, 22. What way of life did Eve possibly picture in her mind? 21, 22. Andrew wakaleka nchito iyo wakagwiranga, nangauli wakayitemwanga comene. And the lasting result is everlasting life, be that in heaven or on earth. Andrew left his job, even though he loved it. * Yuliyo, uyo wakaŵa mulara wa ŵasilikari, ndiyo wakalongozganga ŵakayidi aŵa ndipo wakaŵajumphiska pa Luŵaza lwa Ŵaroma Lwakucitirapo Maungano ndiposo pa Phiri la Viminal. Death, where is your sting? ' * The army officer, the leader of the army, was taking the lead among the prisoners and took the lead in the Roman Governing Body and at the foot of St. Para visopa vikupangiska ŵanthu kugaŵikana, kuti cikung'anamura kuti ndimo Yehova Ciuta wakukhumbira yayi, nesi kuti ndimo Mazgu ghake ghakusambizgira. His mistake cost him his life and his good name with God. When religions divide people, that does not mean that Jehovah God wants them to do so or that his Word is teaching them. Ipo "cilimika caciŵiri " ico cikuyowoyeka apa cikwenera kuti cikamba mu 607 B.C.E., apo themba la Babulone likaparanya Yerusalemu na kwamba kuŵa muwuso wankhongono pa caru cose. As mentioned earlier, in that same year the monarchs decreed that all those holding to the Jewish religion be expelled from Spain. Thus, "the second year " mentioned may have begun in 607 B.C.E. when the Babylonian king destroyed Jerusalem and became king over the earth. Ŵanyake mwa ŵabwezi awo nkhamanyana nawo ku Philadelphia ni mudumbu Geraldine White Gerri. You Christian parents may conclude that he can contact the congregation elders to see if he meets the qualifications to get baptized. Among friends with whom I had been with in Philadelphia is a sister named delight. 43: 10; 1 Tim. In our present day, Jehovah's people have been exercising their faith in God's established Kingdom. 43: 10; 1 Tim. IMWE muli kukhorwa kuti cisopa cinu cikusambizga unenesko wakuyowoya za Ciuta. The next year, I started acting in movies, several times starring in the leading role. YOU are convinced that your religion teaches the truth about God. Natani wakamucindikanga Davide ndipo wakayowoya nayo mwaluso. I needed some time to regain my strength, but once I did, we again took up the full - time service. Nathan honored David and tactfully spoke to him. Satana wakaphalira Eva kuti wafwenge yayi para wangarya vipambi vya "khuni la kumanyiska uwemi na uheni. " Wakati pa zuŵa ilo waryerengepo vipambi ivi, waŵenge nga ni Ciuta. Their example of self - sacrificing service may greatly help your children to make wise decisions, set praiseworthy goals, and get the appropriate schooling to be able to support themselves in the full - time service. Satan told Eve that she would not die if she ate of "the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, " saying that on the day she ate from it, she would be like God. Mu caru ici, umo mwazura ŵanthu ŵambura kuwonga, ŵanthu ŵanandi ŵakuŵaghanaghanira yayi ŵacekuru. We must become "stabilized in the faith. " In this world where you are filled with people who are unthankful, many people are not interested in the elderly. Ni mafumbo wuli gha sambiro lithu agho ghakukhumbikira kuzgoreka? COVER SUBJECT | WILL YOU ACCEPT GOD'S GREATEST GIFT? What questions about personal study need to be answered? Ni nthowa wuli zinyake izo tingalongolera chitemwa? Among the wheat are anointed brothers who may serve as ministerial servants or elders in their local congregation. What are some ways in which we can show love? " Pimani Mazgu ' Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. " Make Know of the Word " Kasi nchivici cingawovwira mwanalume kuti wazenge makora ŵamumbumba yake mwauzimu? The inspired sayings collected in the book of Proverbs have a twofold purpose - "for one to know wisdom and discipline. " What can help a man to build up his family spiritually? Sono mu banja lithu vinthu vili makora. " As Jehovah's Witnesses, we take seriously Jesus ' warning. Our family has improved. " Usange vingachitika, mungakhala na ŵabwezi m'malo mwakukhala mu msasa. Often he serenaded me from below my window with romantic Greek songs. If possible, you can live with friends rather than in a camp. Kasi Eva wakaghanaghaniranga vichi? They had seen the courage Jesus displayed. What was Eve thinking about? Paumaliro tizamusanga umoyo wambura kufwa kuchanya panji umoyo wamuyirayira pa charu chapasi. 16, 17. Then we will receive immortality in heaven, or everlasting life on earth. Nyifwa " we, liwozga lako lilinkhu? But Solomon does not permit her to go. Where, then, is your enemy? Ubudi wake ukamutayiska umoyo wake na kunanga ubwezi wake na Ciuta. * - 2 Tim. His sin cost him his life and damage his relationship with God. Nga umo yayowoyera ndime yakwambilira, mu cilimika cenecici ŵawusi aŵa ŵakalangura kuti awo ŵacali mu cisopa Caciyuda ŵakwenera kufumamo mu Spain. Does this mean that the Creator, "the Most High over all the earth, " is too lofty to be concerned about humans or too distant and unsearchable to be known by them? - Psalm 83: 18. As mentioned in the preceding paragraph, in that year those remaining Jews must flee from Spain. Mungamuphalira kuti wakumane na ŵalara kuti ŵawone usange wangaŵa wakwenelera nadi kubatizika. Sticking with those who are guided by God - given wisdom will help us to "stand firm in the faith " during these very difficult times. You might suggest that you meet the elders to see if they really qualify to get baptized. Mazuŵa ghano, ŵateŵeti ŵa Yehova ŵali na chipulikano mu Ufumu wa Chiuta. There is no absolute truth anyway. " Today, Jehovah's servants exercise faith in God's Kingdom. Chaka chakulondezgapo, nkhamba kuchitako mafilimu, ndipo kanandi nkhaŵanga na chigaŵa chikuru mu filimu. 12: 1. The following year, I started playing movies, and I often had a large part in the movie team. Pakatora nyengo kuti niŵeso na nkhongono. Kweni nkhongono zikati zizamo, tikambaso uteŵeti wanyengozose. " Even though I still struggle with my health, my situation and that of my daughter have improved. It took time for me to regain my energy, but when my energy broke out, we resumed our full - time service. Ciyelezgero cawo ca kujipeleka cingawovwira ŵana ŵinu kucita vinthu mwamahara, kuŵa na vilato vya kuteŵetera Yehova na kusambira maluso agho ghangaŵawovwira kusanga ivyo ŵangasoŵerwa peneapo ŵakucita uteŵeti wa nyengo zose. The apostle Peter said that some in the first - century congregation had "eyes full of adultery " and " enticed unsteady souls. ' Their self - sacrificing example can help your children to make good decisions, set goals in Jehovah's service, and learn skills that will help them to reach their full - time ministry. Tikwenera "kukhazikika mu cipulikano. " However, it did continue throughout the succeeding centuries into modern times. We must "stand firm in the faith. " NKHANI YA PA CHIKOPI | KASI MUKUWONGA CHAWANANGWA CHIKURU CHA CHIUTA? Are we not grateful that we have caring elders who endeavor to do that? COVER SUBJECT WHERE CAN YOU FROM GOD? Mu tirigu muli ŵabali ŵakuphakazgika awo ŵangateŵetera nga mbateŵeti ŵakovwira, panji ŵalara mu mpingo wawo. Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania There are spirit - anointed brothers who serve as ministerial servants, or elders in their congregation. Malemba mu magazini iyi ghafuma mu Baibolo la Malemba Ghakupatulika mu Mang'anamuliro gha Charu Chiphya. Malemba agho ghafuma mu Baibolo linyake talongora uko ghafuma. It was foretold that the Messianic "son of man " would have associate rulers in the heavenly Kingdom. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Mazgu ghakulembeka mu nkhongono ya mzimu agho ghali mu buku la Zintharika ghali na vilato viŵiri, "kuti ŵanthu ŵamanye vinjeru na cisambizgo. " They too conceal what they truly are. The inspired words of the spirit recorded in the book of Proverbs contain two goals, "that people may know wisdom and discipline. " Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova ŵakuliwona mwakupepuka yayi chenjezgo la Yesu lakuti, "muŵenge maso. " 19, 20. Jehovah's Witnesses take no note of Jesus ' warning: "Keep on the watch. " Kanandi wakizanga pa windo la nyumba yakwithu na kunimbira tusumu twacitemwa twa mu Cigiriki. See The Watchtower, May 15, 2001, page 27. I often came to the window of my house and sang beautiful songs of love in Greek. Iwo ŵakawona chikanga icho Yesu wakalongora. The Bible is clear that a person obedient to God would not eat unbled meat. They saw Jesus ' courage. 16, 17. As the years went by, Jenny and I received various assignments throughout the Pacific. 16, 17. Kweni Solomoni wakakana kuti mwali walutenge. Ted and I loved meeting visitors at Bethel and at our Kingdom Hall. Yet, Solomon refused to let the bride go. * - 2 Tim. The preaching work. * - 2 Tim. Kasi ndikuti Mlengi, "Wapacanyapose mu vyaru vyose " wali kutali comene kwakuti wakupwererako yayi ŵantu, nakuti ŵantu ŵangamusanga yayi? - Salmo 83: 18. 5: 43 - 48. Does the Creator, "the Most High over all the earth, " have become so distant from humans that humans cannot find him? - Psalm 83: 18. Mu mazuŵa ghaumaliro agha, para tikuchezga na awo ŵakulondezga malango gha Chiuta, ŵatovwirenge kuti " titchinthe mu chipulikano. ' Just as Israel became God's share among the nations, he can mark you as his and lovingly care for you. - Ps. During these last days, association with those who adhere to God's standards will help us to " stand firm in the faith. ' Nakuti kulije fundo iyo njaunenesko fikepo. " That verse really helped me to think about the source of these temptations. After all, there is nothing true. " 12: 1. " I will make melody to my God as long as I am. " - PS. 12: 1. " Nangauli nichali mulwari, kweni ine na mwana wane tiliko makora kuluska pakwamba. But even today, such former "need greaters " still benefit from the years they served abroad. " Even though I am sick, my son and I are far better off than before. Mpositole Petrosi wakayowoya kuti ŵanji mu mpingo wakale ŵakaŵa na "maso ghakuzura na uleŵi " na" ŵakukopeka mizimu yakutepwa. " When asked what gave her such an optimistic outlook despite her trials, she replied: "It is having faith in Jehovah. The apostle Peter said that some in the first - century congregation had "kept on the watch with adultery " and" made the spirit of demons. " Ndipouli, ŵalutilira kusankhika mu vilimika vyose vyakumanyuma mpaka mu nyengo yithu. Her heart moved her to resign from her position and to end her lesbian relationship. However, they have been selected throughout the years until our day. Kasi tikuwonga yayi kuti tili na ŵalara ŵachitemwa awo ŵakuyezgayezga kuchita nthena? Ever since it was instituted by Jehovah God, marriage of a man and a woman has been a normal way of life. Do we not appreciate having loving elders who strive to do so? Association of Jehovah's Witnesses of Malawi Registered Trustees The blind, the deaf, the lame - all those affected by sickness and disease - will be restored to perfect health. Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Ŵanji ŵakucita milimo iyi uku ŵakususkika na munyawo wa mu nthengwa uyo njumoza wa Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova yayi. 20: 28. Others do this while opposed by a unbelieving mate who is not one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Ucimi ukayowoyerathu kuti "mwana wa munthu " wazamuwusira lumoza na ŵanthu ŵanyake mu Ufumu wakucanya. How, though, can we express our feelings of concern? The prophecy foretold that "the son of man " would share with others in the heavenly Kingdom. Nawo ŵakubisa nkharo yawo. How can our conscience help us to enjoy upbuilding recreation and benefit from it? They too hide their conduct. 19, 20. Is the UN a government that can bring true peace and security to the world? 19, 20. Wonani Gongwe la Mulinda la Ciceŵa la Meyi 15, 2001, peji 27. (b) How are you encouraged by Jehovah's treatment of Shebna? See The Watchtower, May 15, 2001, page 27. Baibolo likuyowoya mwakupulikwa makora kuti munthu uyo wakupulikira Ciuta wangarya yayi nyama yambura kucinja. What should we do, however, if we commit a serious sin? The Bible clearly states that a person who is obedient to God cannot eat an empty animal. Apo tikaŵa ku virwa vya ku Pacific, ine na Jenny tikachita mauteŵeti ghanandi. " DEAD MAN WALKING! " While we were on the Pacific island of Pacific, Jenny and I took up many privileges. Ted na ine tikatemwanga kupokelera ŵalendo para ŵiza pa Beteli na pa Nyumba ya Ufumu. [ Footnote] Ted and I enjoyed extending hospitality at Bethel and at the Kingdom Hall. Ni mulimo wa kupharazga. [ Picture on page 12] It is the preaching work. 5: 43 - 48. HELP FOR THE FAMILY | PARENTING 5: 43 - 48. Nga umo Ciuta wakaŵira phande la Israyeli, namwe wangaŵa phande linu ndipo wangamupwelelerani mwacitemwa. - Sal. Both commendation and correction were given to the congregation in Pergamum. Just as God was the share of Israel, he can be your share and lovingly care for you. - Ps. " Ndicali waka ndimwimbirenge malumbo Ciuta wane! " - SAL. A close look at these 456 passages raises questions as to whether some of them are prophetic of Jesus Christ. " I am yet to sing praises to my God! " - PS. Kweni nanga ni sono, ŵabali na ŵadumbu awo ŵakateŵeterapo uko ŵapharazgi mbacoko ŵacali kusanga vyandulo cifukwa ca kuteŵetera ku vyaru vinyake. When faced with decisions, large and small, do you ask, "Where is Jehovah? " But even now, the brothers and sisters who served where the need is still greater are benefiting from serving abroad. Wakati wafumbika cifukwa ico wakaŵira na cigomezgo ca nga ni ici mwambura kupwererako kantu za viyezgo vyake, iye wakazgora kuti: "Cifukwa nili na cipulikano mwa Yehova. Let us also discuss how close communication with Jehovah will safeguard our relationship with him regardless of our circumstances. When asked why she had such confidence despite her trials, she replied: "I have faith in Jehovah. Wakaleka ntchito yake ku bungwe ili kweniso wakamazga ubwezi na mwanakazi munyake. Further, make sure to commend the learner for the effort he makes to apply your suggestions. She gave up her job and broke up her relationship with another woman. Kwambira apo Yehova Ciuta wakambiska manozgero gha ntengwa, ntengwa yaŵa cakucitika cakawiro mu umoyo wa ŵantu. What must parents do if they want to be truly effective in molding their children? Since Jehovah God instituted the marital arrangement, the marriage arrangement has been lost in humans's lives. Ŵanthu ŵacibulumutira, ŵakumangwa, ŵakupendera, na wose awo ŵakusuzgika na ulwari, ŵazamucira. What are some dangers of entering into a relationship with a stranger on the Internet? The blind, the deaf, the disabled, and all afflicted will be restored to life. 20: 28. The Bible gives this strong direction: "If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he is deceiving his own mind. " 20: 28. Kweni kasi tingarongora wuli kufipira mtima ŵantu aŵa? LANA will never forget what happened one day in Germany in the summer of 2012. How, though, can we show concern for such ones? Kasi njuŵi yithu yingatovwira wuli para tikusankha vyakusanguluska? Or do you find yourself unable to give an answer to those who wonder if God is cruel? How can our conscience help us when we choose entertainment? Kasi UN ndilo ni boma ilo lingiza na mtende na cimango pa caru? " He took the blind man by the hand, brought him outside the village, and, having spit upon his eyes, he laid his hands upon him and began to ask him: " Do you see anything? ' What kind of government can bring peace and security to the earth? (b) Kasi mwasambirapo vichi na umo Yehova wakachitira na Shebina? Is that not exactly what the Devil wants people to believe? (b) What have you learned from the way Jehovah dealt with Shebna? Kweni kasi tikwenera kucita vici para tacita kwananga kukuru? For the "little flock " of anointed Christians, the Kingdom hope means immortal life in heaven as part of Christ's Kingdom government. But what should we do if we commit a serious sin? " WAKUFWA WAKWENDA! " Yet, he was aware that to stand between a sinner and the discipline he needs could have the effect of denying that one an expression of Jehovah God's love. " IT WAS NOT! " [ Mazgu ghamusi] In contrast, both Jehovah and Jesus have no such limitations. - Prov. [ Footnote] [ Cithuzithuzi pa peji 27] In the following article, we will consider several aspects of the new personality that we need to make a permanent part of our figurative clothing. [ Picture on page 27] VYAKOVWIRA MABANJA | KULERA ŴANA We first go to the marketplace. HELP FOR THE FAMILY YOUNG PEOPLE Mpingo wa Pergamo ukarumbika na kunyolorereka. You can experience the same feeling! - Rom. The congregation in Pergamum was commended and corrected. (The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah) Para tasanda maucimi 456 agha cikuŵa cakukayikiska usange ghanji ghakuyowoya nadi za Yesu Khristu. By 1963 there were about 160 Witnesses in Kyrgyzstan, many of them originally from Germany, Ukraine, and Russia. (The Life and Times of Jesus Christ) A careful examination of these 4,500 prophecies may give little thought to whether it really refers to Jesus Christ. Para pali cakusanka cakuti mupange, cikuru panji cicoko, kasi mukufumba kuti, "Walinku Yehova? " Eventually, we established two priorities: caring for Mother and if at all possible, continuing in the full - time ministry. If there is a decision to make, great or small, do you ask, "Where is Jehovah? " Nchakovwira comene kudumbiskana na Yehova nyengo zose. Tiyeni tiwone umo ici cingatovwilira kukhozga ubwezi withu na Yehova nanga ni para vinthu vyasuzga. So overlook any "wild talk " that might result from frustration or discouragement. - Job 6: 3. Let us consider how this can help us to strengthen our relationship with Jehovah even under difficult circumstances. Mukwenera kumuwonga mubali usange wakuchita ivyo mukumuphalira. When Saul got to see the camp of the Philistines, "his heart began to tremble very much. " You should thank him if he does what you tell him. Kasi ŵapapi ŵakwenera kuchita vichi kuti ŵawumbe makora ŵana ŵawo? Feeding on God's Word daily and taking in "food at the proper time " can energize us for the ministry. - Matt. What must parents do to enhance their children's balance? Kasi uheni wa kukorana ubwezi na munthu wacilendo pa Intaneti ni ngu? When he had said this, he expired. " What is the danger of developing a close relationship with a stranger on the Internet? Baibolo likupereka urongozgi wakovwira comene peneapo likuti: "Usange muntu wakujipima kuŵa kantu, pakuŵa kantu cara, wakujipusika waka. " Purpose of Study Articles The Bible provides helpful counsel when it says: "If anyone thinks he is something, he is not at all, deceiving himself with false reasoning. " MU 2012, mupayiniya munyake zina lake Lana, wakaluta ku Germany. " Make my eyes pass on from seeing what is worthless; preserve me alive in your own way. " - PS. IN 2012, a pioneer named Lana visited Germany. Panji kasi vikumusuzgani kuzgora ŵanthu awo ŵakuwona kuti Ciuta ngwankhaza? Unfortunately, many couples today spend little time together. Or do you find it difficult to answer people who feel that God is cruel? " Wakamukora waciburumutira na woko na kumurongozga ku cikaya kuwaro; ndipo wakati wafunyira mata mu maso ghake, na kuŵika mawoko ghake pa iyo, wakamufumba, " Kasi ukuwona kantu? ' That principle is especially true when you are working hard to rebuild trust. " With his hand he got up and led him outside the city; and when he fell upon his face and laid his hands upon him, he asked him, " Can you see anything? ' Nakuti ivi ndivyo Dyabulosi wakukhumba kuti ŵanthu ŵagomezgenge. SONGS: 59, 3 In fact, that is what the Devil wants people to believe. Ŵa "kamskambo kacoko, " awo Mbakhristu ŵakuphakazgika, ŵakulindilira umoyo wamuyirayira kucanya mu Ufumu wa Khristu. After the convention, we visited a brother in West Virginia. The "little flock " of anointed Christians look forward to everlasting life in heaven under Christ's Kingdom. Ndipouli, wakamanyaso kuti usange waleka kupereka urongozgi wakukhumbikwira ku muntu wakwananga, mbwenu Yehova Ciuta warongorenge cara citemwa cake pa muntu uyo. That night the four of us slept in the car. However, he also realized that if he did not provide direction for a sinner, Jehovah God would not show his love for that person. Kweni Yehova na Yesu ŵalije suzgo ili. - Zinth. 1, 2. But Jehovah and Jesus do not have such a problem. - Prov. Mu nkhani yakulondezgapo, tizamuwona wunthu uphya uwo tingavwara, na ivyo tingachita kuti tileke kuwuvura. How might our neutrality be tested in this regard? In the following article, we will consider the new personality that we put on and how we can avoid putting it off. Cakwamba tilute ku musika. [ Pictures on page 12, 13] First, we go to the marketplace. Namwe ndimo mungajipulikira. - Rom. But I'm used to my family. You too would feel the same way. - Rom. Mu 1963 ku Kyrgyzstan kukaŵa Ŵakaboni 160, ndipo ŵanandi mwa iwo ŵakaŵa ŵa ku Germany, Ukraine, na Russia. POPULATION In 1963 there were 100 Witnesses in Kyrgyzstan, and most of them were German, Ukraine, and Russia. Pamanyuma tikasankha kucita vinthu vyakuzirwa viŵiri: Cakwamba, umo tingapwelelera Amama, ndipo caciŵiri, kulutilira kuŵa mu uteŵeti wa nyengo zose. On the contrary, Jehovah values meekness in his worshippers. Then we made two important decisions: First, how we can care for Mother, and second, continue in the full - time ministry. Antheura, zerezgani mazgu ghose ghawakawaka agho ghangamukhuŵazgani na kumugongoweskani. - Job 6: 3. " Why move to preach in an English - language territory? Therefore, hold back from all valueless words that can hurt you and discourage you. - Job 6: 3. Apo Sauli wakawona Ŵafilisiti "mtima wake ukambwambwantha comene. " Children need discipline so that they can grow up to be productive and responsible adults. When Saul saw the Philistines, "his heart became haughty. " Kuŵazga Mazgu gha Ciuta zuŵa na zuŵa ndiposo kurya " cakurya pa nyengo yakwenelera ' vingatovwira kuti ticitenge makora uteŵeti withu. - Mat. Unlike the law codes of many countries, "the perfect law " is neither complex nor burdensome but consists of simple commandments and basic principles. Reading God's Word daily and eating "food at the proper time " can help us to succeed in our ministry. - Matt. Ndipo wakati wayowoya nteura, ndipera ngawakupereka mzimu wake. " The assembly held in 1234 in Tarragona, Spain, under James I issued a similar prohibition.... And when he said this, still he gives his spirit. " Cilato ca Nkhani Izi David also had the early books of the Holy Scriptures, which contain revelations by God about himself and his works. Purpose of Study Articles " Zgorani maso ghane kuti ghaleke kulaŵiska vyawaka; ndipo mundipe umoyo mu nthowa zinu. " - SAL. 6: 3 - 8. " Make my eyes pass on from seeing what is worthless; and give me life in your own way. " - PS. Cacitima nchakuti, mazuŵa ghano ŵakutorana ŵanandi ŵakucitira vinthu lumoza kwa nyengo yicoko comene. His heart was in the preaching work. Sadly, many couples today do things together for a short time. Fundo iyi njaunenesko, comene para mukuyezgayezga kuti mwambeso kugomezgana. Other Bible Questions Answered This is especially true when you strive to rebuild trust. SUMU: 104, 152 Žobrák), 11 / 1 SONGS: 104, 15 Ungano wati wamara tikaluta kwa mbali munyake ku West Virginia. Paul later wrote to Timothy: " All those who desire to live a godly life will be persecuted. ' - 2 Timothy 3: 12; John 15: 20. After the convention, we visited a brother in West Virginia. Ntheura tikapenja malo ghakugona kweni tikaghasanga yayi. The sprout withers because the soil is shallow. So we looked for accommodations but did not find them. 1, 2. I was recommended by my gymnastics teacher. 1, 2. Nyengo zinyake ichi chingaŵa chakusuzga kwa ise. 49: 10. This may not always be easy for us. [ Vithuzithuzi pa peji 10, 11] But this does not have to happen. [ Pictures on page 16, 17] Kweni ine nili kuzgoŵera mbumba yakwithu. Jonathan did all he could to " strengthen David's hand, ' even to the point of risking his own life to stand up for David in front of Saul. But I have grown up with my family. 887,027 We have similar joy upon the return of one of God's sheep who has been missing from the flock. 8 itself,08 Yayi. Yehova wakuzirwiska ŵanthu ŵakuzika awo ŵakumusopa. Doing good also includes preparing for and attending Christian meetings, contributing to the worldwide work, caring for our Kingdom Hall, and being concerned about the needs of disadvantaged Christians. No, Jehovah values meek ones who worship him. " Cifukwa wuli mwaghanaghana za kusamira uko ŵanthu ŵakuyowoya Cingelezi? Why Do People Pray? " Why have you decided to move to where English is spoken? Usange nthowa iyi yatondeka kumazga suzgo ilo, uyo wabudilika wakeneranga kutolerapo munthu munyake yumoza panji ŵaŵiri awo ŵakumanya nkhani iyo kuti ŵaŵawovwire. How does Jehovah reward his faithful worshippers? If this failed to solve the problem, the innocent mate would have to take the other person or two of those knowing the matter to help him. Kuti ŵana ŵakule makora ŵakukhumbikwira kuŵalanga. " Have I not commanded you? To be successful, children need discipline. Mwakupambana na malango gha vyaru vinandi, "dango lakufikapo " ndakusuzga yayi kulipulikiska ndiposo ndizito yayi, kweni lili waka na malango ndiposo fundo zipusu. What benefits come from applying Jehovah's standards on the use of alcohol? Unlike many of the laws of the world, "the perfect law " is not easy to grasp and apply, but it is not just a matter of rules and rules. Ungano uwo ukacitika mu 1234 mu Tarragona, Spain, wakulongozgeka na James I nawo ukakanizga ŵanthu kuŵazga Baibolo.... Thus, we cannot maintain righteous conduct in the absence of peace. During the 384 - year - old Festival of Pentecost, Spain, under the direction of James I, likewise prevented people from reading the Bible.... Davide wakaŵaso na mabuku ghakwambilira gha mu Baibolo agho ghakulongora kuti Ciuta waliko ndiposo kulongosora milimo yake. 20: 35 - 37. David also had the first Bible books that reveal God's existence and his works. 6: 3 - 8. Put people before things 6: 3 - 8. Chifukwa mtima wake wose ukaŵa pa ntchito ya kupharazga. If Elijah cherished any notions that the war against Baal worship was all but over, his hopes came crashing down at that moment. Because his heart was focused on the preaching work. Mafumbo Ghanyake Agho Baibolo Likuzgora Of course, our dedication is not to a work or to a human but to God himself. Other Bible Questions Answered Ŵalongozgi Ŵawemi, 11 / 1 Shortly thereafter, an English - speaking woman called at my door. 11 / 15 Nyengo yikati yalutapo, Paulosi wakalembera kalata Timote kuti: " Wose awo ŵakukhumba kuŵa na nkharo yakukondweska Ciuta ŵazikizgikenge. ' - 2 Timote 3: 12; Yohane 15: 20. On one occasion, God told the Israelites: "You will not need to fight this battle. " Later, Paul wrote to Timothy: "All those desiring to live with godly devotion are persecuted. " - 2 Timothy 3: 12; John 15: 20. Mbuto yikomira cifukwa ca kusoŵa dongo lakunjizgapo misisi. What are some of the good things we can meditate on? The seed dies because of lack of soil. Msambizgi wa maseŵera agha wakasankha ine. " His master... will appoint him over all his belongings. " - MATTHEW 24: 45 - 47. The teacher of this sport chose me. 49: 10. To that end, we use his written Word in an effort to help others to see the importance of drawing close to God. - Jas. 49: 10. Kweni ndivyo vikwenera kucitika yayi. They viewed those who did not know the Law as "accursed people " and treated them as such. But that should not be the case. Jonatani wakacita cilicose ico wangafiska kuti " wakhomeske woko la Davide, ' wakafika nanga mpha kuŵika umoyo wake pa ngozi kuti wavikilire Davide kwa Sauli. " FOR everything there is an appointed time, even a time for every affair under the heavens. " Jonathan did everything he could to " lay hold of David's hand, ' even risking his life to protect David from Saul. Nase ndimo tikukondwera para mberere yinyake ya Ciuta iyo yikaleka kuwungana na mpingo yawelera ku mskambo. In addition, the Bible allows for divorce on the grounds of fornication (sexual immorality). - Matthew 19: 9. We feel the same way when one of God's sheep, who stopped associating with the congregation, returned to the flock. Kucita uwemi kukusazgaposo kunozgekera maungano na kukasangikapo, kupeleka wovwiri wa ndarama ku nchito ya pa caru cose, kupwelelera Nyumba ya Ufumu, na kughanaghanira Ŵakhristu ŵanyithu awo mbakavu. Under Joshua's leadership, the people of Israel conquered city after city and occupied the land of Canaan. Our doing good also includes preparing for and attending meetings, providing financial support to the worldwide work, caring for the Kingdom Hall, and caring for fellow believers who are poor. Cifukwa Wuli Ŵanthu Ŵakulomba? Jehovah thus assures us that when he forgives repentant sinners, he does not remember their sins anymore. Why Do People Pray? Kasi Yehova wakuŵatumbika wuli awo ŵakumusopa mwakugomezgeka? YOU are under attack! How does Jehovah reward those who faithfully worship him? Asi sono ndakuwuzga? The Bible exhorts "younger men to be sound in mind. " Now isn't it that I have commanded you? Ni uwemi wuli ukuŵapo cifukwa ca kupulikira marango gha Yehova pa nkani ya kumwa vinyo? You yearn to welcome those who are resurrected from the dead with the prospect of living forever on earth. What benefits come from obeying Jehovah's laws on the matter of drinking wine? Ntheura, tingalutilira yayi kuŵa na cipambi ca urunji para mtende palije. The chief priests may have included the heads of the 24 divisions of the priesthood; prominent members of high - priestly families; and former high priests who had been deposed, such as Annas. - 1 Chronicles 24: 1 - 19; Matthew 2: 4; Mark 8: 31; Acts 4: 6. Thus, we cannot continue to bear fruit of righteousness without peace. 20: 35 - 37. " All of us could live forever in Paradise on earth. " 20: 35 - 37. Ŵakutemwa chomene ŵanthu m'malo mwa katundu Although he was a miracle worker, what was the most important part of Jesus ' ministry? Love for people rather than for possessions Para Eliya wakagomezganga kuti nkhondo ya kulimbana na kusopa Baala yamara, pa nyengo iyi wakawona kuti wakajipusikanga waka. Those who pay no heed to God's Word are like "the sea that is being tossed. " When Elijah believed that the battle against Baal worship had ended, he felt that he had turned his back on it. (Deuteronomy 5: 9) Enya, tili kujipatulira kuti titeŵetere Ciuta yekha. " On occasion, my husband and I have not applied Ephesians 4: 26, 27, " lamented a sister. Yes, we have made ourselves available to serve God exclusively. Pakajumpha nyengo yayi, mwanakazi munyake uyo wakuyowoya Cingelezi wakafika pa nyumba yithu. Instead of taking any of this wealthy man's many possessions, David and his men protected his property. Before long, a woman speaking English came to our door. Nyengo yinyake Chiuta wakaphalira Ŵaisrayeli kuti: " Mwamukhumbikwira kurwa nkhondo chara. ' As she continued, some students rolled their eyes. On one occasion, God told the Israelites: "You will not need to fight. " Kasi ni vinthu wuli viwemi ivyo tikwenera kughanaghanira? Consider the following experience. What good things should we consider? " Fumu yake... yizamkumwimika pa vyose ivyo yili navyo. " - MATEYU 24: 45 - 47. Indeed, the more that people disregard the moral and spiritual boundaries established by God, the more society as a whole suffers. " His Lord... will appoint him over all his belongings. " - MATTHEW 24: 45 - 47. Kuti ticite nthena, tikugwiliskira nchito Mazgu ghake kuti tovwire ŵanji kuti ŵamanye kuzirwa kwa kusendelera kwa Ciuta. - Yak. When we walk in love, we will also give proper discipline when needed. To that end, we use his Word to help others appreciate the importance of drawing close to God. - Jas. Iwo ŵakawonanga ŵanthu ŵambura kumanya Dango kuŵa "ŵakutembeka " ndipo ŵakaŵayuyuranga. And those accepting the good news all have the marvelous prospect of living eternally. - John 3: 16. They viewed those who did not know the Law as "good - for - nothing " and despised it. SOLOMONI wakati: "Kanthu kose kali na nyengo yake na yake, nyengo kwa cifukwa cose pasi pa mtambo. " If we do so, we are assured that " the undeserved kindness of the Lord Jesus Christ will be with the spirit we show. ' - Phil. " There is an appointed time for everything, " he says, "for all creation is under heaven. " Mwakusazgirapo, Baibolo likuzomerezga kupatana pa vifukwa vya ureŵi. - Mateyu 19: 9. Jesus, perceiving their wrong motives, began to teach them spiritual truths that could help adjust their thinking. Additionally, the Bible allows divorce on the grounds of adultery. - Matthew 19: 9. Mwakulongozgeka na Joshua, Ŵaisrayeli ŵakathereska misumba ya mu Kenani umoza na umoza ndipo ŵakapoka caru ici. (b) What are some situations at school when you might need to offer a brief, silent prayer to Jehovah? Under Joshua's direction, the Israelites conquered the cities of Canaan and conquered the land. Ntheura, Yehova wakutisimikizgira kuti para wagowokera ŵakwananga awo ŵapera, wakukumbukaso yayi zakwananga zawo. Jesus ' Miracles - A Preview of Global Healing Hence, Jehovah assures us that when he forgives repentant sinners, he does not forget their sins. MULWANI winu wakulimbana namwe. When would Jesus and the apostles have had the last Passover meal, and what happened later that day? IN ONE way or another, your fight is against you. Baibolo likuciska "ŵanyamata kuti ŵaŵenge ŵamahara. " Jerusalem was only about 35 miles (56 km) inland from Joppa. The Bible encourages them to "become wise. " Mukunweka kuzakapokelera awo ŵazamuwuskika na kuzakakhala ŵamoyo kwamuyirayira. (b) What is the nature of "the pestilence that walks in the gloom, " and why do we not fear it? You eagerly look forward to receiving those who will be resurrected and live forever. Mu gulu la ŵalara ŵa ŵasembe mukaŵa ŵalongozgi ŵa magulu 24 ghausembe; mukaŵaso ŵanthu ŵakumanyikwa kufuma mu nyumba za ŵasembe ŵakuru; na ŵasembe ŵakuru awo ŵakakhizgika pa udindo uwu, nga ni Anasi. - 1 Midauko 24: 1 - 19; Mateyu 2: 4; Mariko 8: 31; Milimo 4: 6. He made himself Satan (meaning "Resister ") by challenging the rightfulness of Jehovah's rulership and by launching an ambitious attempt to set up a rival sovereignty. Among the chief priests were 24 priests, who were also prominent from the homes of high priests; and the chief priests who had been thrown upon it, such as the bishop. - 1 Chronicles 24: 1 - 19; Matthew 2: 4; Mark 2: 31; Acts 4: 6. Nakuti tose tingazakakhala pa caru capasi mu Paradiso kwamuyirayira. " I showed no respect to my husband. In fact, all of us can live forever on earth. " Nangauli wakacitanga vya minthondwe, kasi cakuzirwa comene cikaŵa civici mu uteŵeti wa Yesu? They have all come true for you. Not one word of them has failed. " Despite his miracles, what was the most important thing in Jesus ' ministry? Awo ŵakusulako Mazgu gha Ciuta ŵali nga ndi " nyanja yakuvunduka. ' How vital, therefore, that we persevere in our efforts to "preach the word "! - Read 2 Timothy 4: 1, 2, 5. Those who ignore God's Word are like "a sea that is broken down. " Mudumbu munyake wakadandawura kuti: "Nyengo zinyake ine na mfumu wane tikulondezga yayi lemba la Ŵaefeso 4: 26, 27. " By adopting God's attitude and viewing everyone in your assignment as being potentially acceptable to God, you will certainly succeed as his missionaries, " said Brother Ciranko. " Sometimes my husband and I do not apply Ephesians 4: 26, 27. M'malo mwa kutorapo viŵeto ivi, Davide na ŵanalume ŵake ŵakavivikilira. Apologize for your mistakes. Instead of taking these animals, David and his men protected them. Peneapo wakayowoyanga, ŵana ŵa sukulu ŵanyake wakamuyuyura na kuwona kuti cisopa cake nchawakawaka. Thus, during the Watchtower Study, less time is used for reading paragraphs while more time is available for giving comments. In his speech, some students despised him and felt that his religion was worthless. Aghanaghanirani za cakukumana naco ici. Every member of a priest's family was to uphold the godly standard of dignity. Consider this experience. Nadi, para ŵanthu ŵakusulako malango gha Ciuta, ndipo ŵakusangana na masuzgo ghanandi comene. Said Avery, "I was like a turtle in its shell - my home was always with me. " Yes, when humans ignore God's laws, they are confronted with many problems. Para tikwenda mu chitemwa, nase tipelekenge chilango kwa mwana withu usange ntchakwenelera. The more we share our thoughts with our Creator, the more we will draw close to him. When we walk in love, we too can bring discipline to our child. Ndipo wose awo ŵakuzomera makani ghawemi ŵali na cilindizga ca umoyo wamuyirayira. - Yohane 3: 16. SONGS TO BE USED: 62, 66 And all who accept the good news have the prospect of everlasting life. - John 3: 16. Usange ticitenge nthena, timanye kuti " lusungu lukuru lwa Fumu Yesu Khristu luŵenge na mzimu uwo tikulongora. ' - Fil. The original - language word usually translated "reasonable " in the New World Translation literally means" yielding. " By doing so, we can be sure that "the undeserved kindness of the Lord Jesus Christ will develop in us a spirit we show. " - Phil. Yesu wakati wamanya ivyo vikaŵa mu mitima yawo, wakamba kuŵasambizga vinthu vyauzimu mwakuti ŵasinthe kaghanaghaniro kawo. To illustrate, think how difficult it would be for us to come to appreciate fully what the word "love " means by merely reading a dictionary definition. When Jesus learned what was in their hearts, he began teaching them spiritual things in order to adjust their thinking. (b) Kasi mpha mikhaliro wuli yinyake ya pa sukulu apo mungapereka lurombo lufupi ndiposo lwacisisi kwa Yehova? • What are some outstanding principles that Moses was taught and that also apply to us? (b) What are some of the qualities at school when you offer a brief and silent prayer to Jehovah? Mintondwe ya Yesu - Cithuzithuzi ca Kucizga Uko Kuzamucitika pa Caru Cose He is "righteous in all his ways and loyal in all his works. " Jesus ' miracles - The Power of the World Kasi Yesu na ŵapositole ŵake ŵakarya pawuli Paska laumaliro, ndipo nchivici ico cikacitika Paska likati lamara? And what blessings come from walking with God? When did Jesus and his apostles celebrate the last Passover, and what happened after the Passover? Kufuma ku Yerusalemu kuya ku Yopa pakaŵa mtunda wa makilomita 56. Wedding Gifts From Jerusalem to Cyprus, there were about 56 miles [60 km] away. (b) Kasi yili wuli "ntenda iyo yikuŵenda mu mdima, " ndipo ncifukwa wuli tikopa cara? Many hardworking individuals and groups have raised awareness of environmental issues. (b) How is "the pestilence that walks in the darkness, " and why are we not afraid? Apo wakakayikiranga muwuso wakwenelera wa Yehova kweniso mwa kuŵa na khumbiro la kuwusa, wakajizgora yekha kuŵa Satana (kung'anamura wakususka). She applied the advice and says: "I was amazed at how He helped me. When he challenged Jehovah's sovereignty and selfish desire to rule, he made himself Satan the Devil. Mfumu wane nkhamucindikanga yayi. What a relief it is to learn that if we exercise faith in the shed blood of Jesus, our sins will be forgiven and our conscience will be cleansed! My husband had no respect for me. Yehova wakacita ndendende ivyo wakalayizga kuti wacitenge. On Nisan 9, he comes to Jerusalem, riding upon the colt of an ass. Jehovah did exactly what he promised to do. Ipo nchakuzirwa comene kuti tifwilirepo " kupharazga mazgu. ' - Ŵazgani 2 Timote 4: 1, 2, 5. If you struggle to be moderate in your use of alcoholic beverages, are you willing to steer clear of situations that might tempt you to overdrink? How important it is, then, that we be diligent in " declaring the word '! - Read 2 Timothy 4: 1, 2, 5. Mbali Ciranko wakatiso: "Para mungacita nga ni Yehova na kuwona munthu waliyose kuti wangapokelereka na Ciuta, uteŵeti winu umwenderaninge makora. " In 1955, I wanted to attend the "Triumphant Kingdom " assemblies in New York City, U.S.A., and Nuremberg, Germany. " If you follow Jehovah's example and view each person as an invitation to receive God's approval, your ministry will be a blessing to you. " Muphepiskenge. Roald had a well - paying job that he really enjoyed, but he asked for a year - long leave of absence. apologize. Ntheura, pa nyengo ya Sambiro la Gongwe la Mulinda, nyengo yinandi yikumalira pa kudumbiskana kuluska kuŵazga ndime. How did Jehovah reward Job's endurance? Therefore, during the Watchtower Study, more time is spent than simply reading paragraphs. Munthu waliyose wa mu mbumba ya mupristi wakeneranga kulondezga dango la Ciuta lakukhwaskana na nchindi. Eve ate from the tree that Jehovah had told Adam they should not eat from. Every member of the priest's family had to obey God's command to honor him. Avery wakati: "Nkhaŵanga na nyumba yane kulikose. " Having our name inscribed in Jehovah's "book of remembrance " as his people comes with certain obligations. " I had my home anywhere. " Para Ciuta tikumuphalira vyakusingo ndipo ubwezi withu na iyo ukukonda. 5: 8; 2 Tim. When we express our feelings to God, our relationship with him deepens. SUMU ZAKUTI ZIYIMBIKE: 62, 66 He raised the dead. SONGS TO BE USED: 62, 66 Mwaciyelezgero, ghanaghanirani waka umo mphanyi cikaŵira cakusuzga kuti timanye makora ico lizgu lakuti "citemwa " likung'anamura, mwa kuŵazga waka mu dikishonare. God sets the standard of goodness. For example, imagine how difficult it would have been for us to understand the meaning of "love " by reading in a dictionary. Ndiposo, tawona kuti Yesu wakakondwera nawo wofi uwu, ukaŵa mphingo cara kwa iye. Imagine the feelings of the former owner, who had undervalued this treasure! Moreover, we have seen that Jesus was pleased with this fear; it was not a burden to him. • Kasi ni fundo wuli ziwemi izo Mozesi wakasambizgika zeneizo ni zakuzirwa na kwa ise wuwo? That is what Paul did. • What fine points did Moses receive both valuable and valuable to us? Iye "ngwakurunjika mu ntowa zake zose, ngwa ucizi mu milimo yake yose. " 30 ⇩ He "is righteous in all his ways, and is gracious in all his works. " Ndipo tingatumbikika wuli para tikwenda na Ciuta? You see some of that energy as lightning. And how can we benefit from walking with God? Vyawanangwa vya Ukwati In both cases, Mary listened, remembered, and thought carefully about what she had heard. - Read Luke 2: 16 - 19, 49, 51. Voluntary donations Ŵanthu ndiposo mawupu ghakulimbikira comene kovwira ŵanthu kuti ŵavikilire cilengiwa. My baptism, June 14, 1944 Humans and organizations play a vital role in helping people to protect their environment. Wakapulikira ivyo mfumu wake wakayowoya ndipo wakati: "Nkhazizwa chomene na umo Chiuta wakanovwilira. Do you see why it is that grasping the spiritual truth found in the Bible may be considered a matter of privilege? She listened to her husband's words and said: "I was amazed at how God helped me. Ntchakukondweska kuti para tili na chipulikano mu ndopa za Yesu, zakwananga zithu zikugowokereka ndipo tikuŵa na njuŵi yituŵa. The life span of Abraham was 175 years, that of his son Isaac was 180 years, and that of Jacob was 147 years. It is noteworthy that when we exercise faith in Jesus ' shed blood, our sins are forgiven and we have a clean conscience. Pa Nisani 9 wakakwera pa mbunda na kuluta ku Yerusalemu. Might one of his servants, perhaps an elder or other mature Christian, have helped you at some point when you were in need? On Nisan 9, he ascended to Jerusalem. Usange vikumusuzgani kuleka kumwa chomene moŵa, kasi mulekenge kusangika pa malo agho ghangamupangiskani kumwa chomene? Increased Light Means Further Improvements If you find it hard to quit drinking too much alcohol, would you not be in a position to drink too much alcohol? Mu 1955, nkhakhumbanga kuluta ku ungano uwo ukachitikira ku New York City, U.S.A., na ku Nuremberg, Germany. God, however, foresaw this development and announced it in advance in the Bible. In 1955, I wanted to attend a convention in New York City, U.S.A., U.S.A., and Canada. Apo khumbo la kuteŵetera uko kuli ŵapharazgi ŵacoko likakura, mbumba iyi yikacitapo kanthu kuti yifiske cilato cake. 4 / 15 Do You View Human Weakness as Jehovah Does? 6 / 15 As the desire to serve where the need for evangelizers is greater, the couple took steps to accomplish its purpose. Kasi Yehova wakamutumbika wuli Yobu cifukwa ca kuzizipizga? " I enjoy making return visits and helping out on Bible studies. How did Jehovah bless Job for his endurance? Eva wakarya vya mu khuni ilo Ciuta wakaphalira Adamu kuti ŵaleke kurya. Learn what loving - kindness is and how it can affect the tongue. Eve ate of the tree that God had commanded Adam not to eat. Pakukhumbikwira kuchita vinthu vinyake kuti munthu zina lake lilembeke mu "buku la chikumbusko " la Yehova. For more information about marriage and family life, go to jw.org, and look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > MARRIAGE & FAMILY. It requires that a person use his name in Jehovah's "book of remembrance. " 5: 8; 2 Tim. Paul never pressured others either to marry or to remain single. 5: 8; 2 Tim. Wakawuskanga ŵakufwa. Therefore, each of us needs to ask: " Am I still considering just elementary things? He raised the dead. Lizgu lakuti "Kanani " ŵakwenera kuti ŵakabudiska waka kuti ŵayowoye kuti" Ŵakalidi. " Guard Against Being Deceived The word "be kind " may have been a mere mistake to say" the Chaldeans. " Ciuta ndiyo wakambiska mukhaliro wa uweme. On the other hand, in an exceptional instance, Cornelius and his household were anointed by holy spirit even before they were baptized. - Acts 10: 44 - 48. God instituted the quality of goodness. Aghanaghanani umo mweneko wakwamba yura wakajipulikira, mweneuyo wakacichipiska cinthu cira! (b) What will we consider in this article? Imagine the feelings of the first man, who had done this! Ndivyo Paulosi wakacita. 12: 7; Heb. That is what Paul did. 30 ⇩ (b) How may God answer our prayers? (See opening image.) 30 ⇩ Ndipo mukuwona yinyake mwa nkongono iyo nga ni ŵaleza. What would be the course of integrity? And you see another force that is like snow. Pa nyengo zose izi, Mariya wakategherezganga, kusungilira, na kughanaghanirapo. - Ŵazgani Luka 2: 16 - 19, 49, 51. Notice how congregation elders and fellow believers helped these two sisters to cope with their thornlike infirmities. At all these times, Mary listened, kept listening, and meditated on them. - Read Luke 2: 16 - 19, 49, 51. Apo nkhabapatizikanga, Juni 14, 1944 ON Wednesday morning, August 24, 2005, the United States and Canada Bethel families, connected by video, heard an exciting announcement. When I was baptized, June 14, 1944 Kasi mwawona cifukwa ico Baibolo likuyowoyera kuti nchawanangwa kuti munthu wapulikiske unenesko? The Bible tells us that humans were not created to govern themselves. Can you see why the Bible describes as a gift to an understanding of truth? Abrahamu wakafwa na vilimika 175. Will his power ever be checked? Abraham died at 175 years of age. Kasi muteŵeti munyake wa Ciuta, mulara, panji Mkhristu munyake wakukhwima, wali kumovwiranipo apo mukakhumbikwiranga comene wovwiri? We got married in 1957. Has one of God's servants, an elder, or a mature Christian, helped you when you needed more help? Para Ungweru Ukusazgikira Vinthu Vinandi Vikunozgeka In future articles, we will see how that faith made Joseph ever more useful to his God, Jehovah, as well as to his troubled family. Reaching Many Things in the Time of the Light Kweni Chiuta wakayowoyerathu mu Baibolo kuti ivi vizamuchitika. " I have placed Jehovah in front of me constantly, " David wrote. But God had foretold it in the Bible that it would happen. Mungatonda Viyezgo, 4 / 1 An Open Invitation! 9 / 15 Barbara uyo wali na cakutupa mu wongo wakati: "Nkhutemwa maulendo ghakuwelerako na kwambiska masambiro gha Baibolo. Speak enthusiastically about the benefits you gain on these occasions. " I love making return visits and conduct Bible studies, " says Barbara, who has a brain tumor. Mu nkhani iyi tisambirenge ng'anamuro la lusungu, ndiposo umo lungakhwaskira lulimi lwithu. Even in the privacy of their home, marriage mates must continue to use their tongues in a way that shows that they have respect for each other. In this article, we will consider what mercy is and how it affects our tongue. Kuti mumanye vinandi pa nkhani ya nthengwa na mabanja lutani pa jw.org, ndipo wonani pa IVYO BAIBOLO LIKUSAMBIZGA > NTHENGWA NA BANJA. In the right hand of the One seated upon the throne is a scroll sealed with seven seals. For more information on marriage and families, go to jw.org, and look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > TEENAGERS. Paulosi wakacicizganga ŵanji yayi kuti ŵanjire mu nthengwa nesi kuti ŵaleke kutora panji kutengwa. Would their efforts bring back the glory of the former temple? Paul did not force others to marry or to remain single. Mwantheura, waliyose wa ise wakwenera kujifumba kuti: " Kasi nkhuŵika mtima pa visambizgo vyakwambilira pera? Promise of Paradise Changed Life! (I. Hence, each of us should ask himself: " Am I focused solely on the fundamental teachings? Jivikilirani Kuti Muleke Kupusikika Being the eldest of ten children, at the age of 13, I started working to help provide for the family. Safeguard Yourself Against spiritually Nyengo zinyake ŵanthu ŵakaphakazgikanga pambere ŵandabatizike, nga umo vikaŵira na Koroneliyo na ŵamunyumba yake. - Mil. 10: 44 - 48. So let us, like Paul, keep on asking for holy spirit. At times, the people were anointed before being baptized, as was true of Cornelius and his household. - Acts 10: 44 - 48. (b) Kasi mu nkhani iyi tisambirenge vichi? (5) Acceptable service to God is not a burdensome formality. (b) What will we consider in this article? 12: 7; Heb. Man Who Changed World, 4 / 1 12: 7; Heb. (b) Kasi Chiuta wakuzgora wuli malurombo ghithu? In that year Roman armies, holding high their standards emblazoned with the image of the eagle, swooped down upon Jerusalem to inflict a terrible slaughter. (b) How does God answer our prayers? Kasi ŵanthu ŵatatu ŵala ŵangacita wuli urunji? The offices of Jehovah's Witnesses in the region launched an information campaign that helped many in the community to reduce the risk of infection. How can three imperfect people exercise justice? Wonani umo ŵabali ŵarara na ŵasopi ŵanyawo mu mpingo ŵakawovwilira ŵadumbu ŵaŵiri aŵa kuzizipizga minga mu thupi. The last article in this series will consider why the choices we make do matter. Consider how the elders and fellow believers helped these two brothers and sisters to endure thorns in the flesh. PAKAŴA pa Citatu namulenji, Ogasiti 24, 2005, peneapo mbumba za Beteli ku Canada na ku United States zikawoneleranga pa vidiyo ivyo vikacitikanga ku Brooklyn, ndipo zikapulika cipharazgo cakukondweska comene. 23 Move Forward as a Spiritual Person! IT WAS morning morning morning, August 24, 2005, when members of the Canada Bethel family and the United States watched the video in Brooklyn, and they heard a thrilling announcement. Baibolo likutiphalira kuti ŵanthu ŵali kulengeka kuti ŵajiwusenge ŵekha yayi. I don't think I would have returned to the truth without the help of prayer. The Bible tells us that humans were not created to rule themselves. Kasi walipo uyo wangamukanizga? A Story That Matters 3 Could anyone try to stop us? Tikatorana mu 1957. After a few years, I returned to Madrid for work and I got married. We were married in 1957. Mu nkhani zakunthazi tizamuwona umo cipulikano cake cikamovwilira kuti waŵe wakuzirwa kwa Yehova na ku mbumba yakwake. Dalia lives with her mother, Galina, who cares for her needs. In the next article, we will consider how his faith helped him to be precious to Jehovah and to his family. Yehova wakukora munthu pa woko. In more recent times, a comparable expansion of preaching territory has been seen. Jehovah sustains a person on his hand. Waliyose Wakucemeka! We are made in the image of God in that we can reflect his personality and thus display a measure of his fine qualities. Let Jehovah's Name Come! Muphalirani vyandulo ivyo mukusanga ku maungano. We long for the day when we will see our grandparents, parents, and Eva on earth again in the resurrection in Paradise. - Acts 24: 15. Express your appreciation for the benefits you receive from attending Christian meetings. Nanga ŵangaŵa kwa ŵekha, ŵakutorana ŵakwenera kuyowoyeskana mu nthowa yakulongora kuti ŵakucindikana. His mother, Phoebe, and his sisters, Violet and Mary, also became Bible Students. Even when a couple are alone, they need to communicate in a way that shows respect for each other. Ku woko lamalyero la Uyo wakakhala pa cizumbe kukaŵa mpukutu wakujarika na vyakubatikira vinkhondi na viŵiri. Christians who contemplate marriage should be able to assume this responsibility. At the right hand of the One seated on the throne was a scroll with seven pronouncements. Ŵakajifumbanga kuti nanga tingayezga comene, kasi tempele ili liŵengeso na ucindami nga ndakale? Although they had been like family to me, I broke those ties. " They wondered whether no matter how much we can do, will the temple have the same glory as it was old? Palipose Nkhaŵanga na Futi Yane (A. Admittedly, mutual attraction helps to solidify a marriage. I Found Peace in All My Life (A. Pakuti ine ndine nkhaŵa mulara pa ŵana 10 ŵa mu nyumba yithu, apo nkhaŵa na vilimika 13 nkhaleka sukulu na kwamba kugwira nchito kuti novwirenge mbumba yakwithu. At times, I want to throw my hands up and stop fighting. As an elder for ten of our children, when I was 13 years old, I left school and started working hard to help my family. Nga ni Paulosi, nase tikwenera kulutilira kupempha mzimu utuŵa kuti utovwire. Empowered to Apply the Ransom Like Paul, we need to keep on asking for holy spirit to help us. (5) Kuteŵetera Ciuta ni mphingo yayi. 4: 18. (5) Serving God is not a burden. Ŵawukirano, Kasi Mucitengeci na Umoyo Winu? We mention others by name in our private prayers and make efforts to strengthen them because of this: We believe that our brothers and sisters want to "walk worthily of Jehovah to the end of fully pleasing him. " Young Ones - What Will You Do With Your Life? Mu cirimika ici, ŵasilikari Ŵaciroma ŵakiza, uku ŵanyamura mucanya ndembera iyo ŵakajamburapo nombo, ŵakazinga msumba wa Yerusalemu na kuwusakaza uheni comene. May the training you receive draw you closer to God and equip you to fulfill your responsibilities before him, especially the urgent commission to preach the good news. During that year, Roman soldiers arrived, carrying the flags, placed Jerusalem's capital city, and destroyed it. Maofesi gha Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova mu vyaru ivyo mukabuka muliri wa Ebola, ghakamba kumanyiska ŵanthu umo ŵangachitira kuti ŵaleke kutora matenda agha. I request you, not to take them out of the world, but to watch over them because of the wicked one. The branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses in lands where the plague broke out began to show people how to avoid such diseases. Nkhani yaumaliro ya cigaŵa ici yiyowoyenge cifukwa ico vinthu ivyo tikusankha ni vyakuzirwa. How may our speech and conduct benefit others spiritually? The final part of this section will tell us why our choices are important. 23 Lutilirani Kukura Mwauzimu At first, Saul tried to outfit David with his own armor. 23 Continue to Make Spiritual Progress Yerusalemu Wakabwangandulika Pawuli? COVER SUBJECT | WILL YOU ACCEPT GOD'S GREATEST GIFT? When Was Ancient Jerusalem Destroyed? Nkughanaghana kuti nirekenge kovwirika na lurombo, mphanyi nkaweleramo yayi mu unenesko. 1, 2. I thought that if I had no help from prayer, I would never have returned to the truth. Yehova wali kulayizga kuti watovwirenge para tili na chipulikano mwa iyo ndiposo para tikuŵika Ufumu wake pakwamba mu umoyo withu. But what moved the Romans to build a prosperous colony in such a place? Jehovah promises to help us if we exercise faith in him and put his Kingdom first in our lives. Nkhani Yakukhumbikwira Kuyiwona Makora 3 ○ concentrate Keys to Family Happiness 3 Pakati pajumpha vyaka vichoko waka, nkhalutaso ku Madrid kukagwira ntchito. Our faith in the ransom sacrifice of Christ permits us to come out from under the yoke of sin. A few years later, I visited Madrid again. Dalia wakukhala na anyina, a Galina ndipo ndiwo ŵakumupwelelera. Yes. Dalia lives with her mother, Gal. Mwasonosono apa, vigaŵa vyakupharazgako vyasanuzgika. It simply grows to maturity. - See The Watchtower, June 15, 1980, pages 17 - 19. In recent years, parts of the world have expanded. Tili kulengeka mu chikozgo cha Chiuta lekani tikuyezga wunthu wake na kulongora mikhaliro yake yiwemi. What if problems develop to the point that the spiritual health of a member of the congregation is threatened? We are made in God's image, thus imitating his personality and displaying his beautiful qualities. Ndipo tikulindilira nyengo apo tizamuwonanaso na ŵapapi, ŵasekuru, kweniso Eva para ŵazakawuskika mu caru ciphya ca paradiso. - Milimo 24: 15. Let us consider these points one at a time. And we look forward to seeing their parents, grandparents, and Eve come back to life in an earthly paradise. - Acts 24: 15. Ŵanakazi ŵa mu Israyeli ŵakacitangako bizinesi 3: 2 - What has "not been made manifest " to anointed Christians, and whom shall they see" just as he is "? Israelite women engaged in business Amama ŵake, a Phoebe, na ŵadumbu ŵake, Violet na Mary, ŵakazomera kuŵa Ŵasambiri ŵa Baibolo. While en route to Rome as a prisoner, Paul traveled along the Roman highway known as the Appian Way. She accepted the invitation to become a Bible student by her mother, Jehovah's Witnesses, and their sisters. Ŵakristu awo ŵakukhumba kutora ŵakwenera kumanya umo ŵangacitira milimo iyi. When Arthur returned a year later, we were assigned to the district work and covered Scotland, northern England, and Northern Ireland. Christians who want to marry need to know how to carry out these responsibilities. Nangauli ŵakaŵa nga tili ŵamumbumba yimoza, kweni nkhaleka kucezga nawo. " published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Although they were like one family, I stopped spending time with them. " Mbunenesko kuti kukolerana kukupangiska ntengwa kuŵa yakukhora. * True, cooperation contributes to a successful marriage. Nkhumanya kuti Yehova ngwalusungu ndipo wakugowokera. Since Zephaniah apparently prophesied during the early part of King Josiah's reign, which began in 659 B.C.E., those prophetic words found a fulfillment in the desolation of Judah and her capital city, Jerusalem, at Babylonian hands in 607 B.C.E. I know that Jehovah is merciful and forgiving. Wali Kupika Mazaza Ghakupeleka Vitumbiko She told Suzanne: "Honey, if you ever want to live in a nicer place, you'll just have to sacrifice something. " Empowered to Give Blessings 4: 18. JUNE 18 - 24, 2012 4: 18. Tikupemperera ŵanji mu malurombo ghithu ndiposo tikuyezgayezga kuŵakhozga cifukwa ca ici: Tikugomezga kuti ŵabali na ŵadumbu ŵithu ŵakukhumba " kwenda mwakwenerera Fumu ["Yehova, " NW] na kuyikondweska kose kose. ' From Abel onward, God has been writing in a book, as it were, the names of those who will be remembered with everlasting life in view. We pray in our prayers and endeavor to encourage others for this reason: We are confident that our brothers and sisters want to " walk worthily of Jehovah to the end of fully pleasing him. ' Mphanyi masambiro agho mukusambira ghamovwirani kuti musendelere kwa Ciuta na kufiska milimo yake, comenecomene mulimo wa kupharazga makani ghawemi uwo ukukhumbikwira kucitika mwaluŵiro. [ Bokosi pa peji 13 - 17] KUMANYA SUKULU ZA CIUTA Sukulu ya Uteŵeti wa Ciuta I don't beat people up anymore; rather, I help them heal spiritually. May the training you study help you draw close to God and fulfill his responsibilities, especially the need to preach the good news that is urgent. Kuti nkuromba cara kuti muŵafumyemo mu caru, kweni kuti muŵasungirire ku muheni. Once the Law covenant led the Jews to the Messiah, Jehovah revealed further aspects of the fulfillment of his purpose. I request you, not to take them out of the world, but to watch over them because of the wicked one. Kasi ivyo tikuyowoya na kuchita vingawovwira wuli ŵanthu ŵanyake? 119: 111. How can our speech and actions benefit others? Pakwamba, Sauli wakakhumbanga kumuvwalika Davide vyakuvwara vyake vya nkhondo. Childbearing, caring for her children, and managing a household can keep a woman "safe " from becoming an unoccupied " gossiper and meddler in other people's affairs. ' - 1 Tim. At first, Saul wanted to wear David's garments of war. NKHANI YA PA CHIKOPI | KASI MUKUWONGA CHAWANANGWA CHIKURU CHA CHIUTA? Why is Jehovah the only rightful Sovereign? COVER SUBJECT WHERE CAN YOU FROM GOD? 1, 2. 6: 2. 1, 2. Wakati wamara waka kulongosora ivi, wakazunura za "ekeleziya la Ciuta wamoyo. " Better still, you can come to enjoy the prospect of living under Kingdom rule in the promised new world in which "righteousness is to dwell. " - 2 Peter 3: 13. Shortly after describing this, he referred to "the congregation of the living God. " Kweni chifukwa wuli Ŵaroma ŵakazenga tawuni yapachanya mu chipalamba? (See opening image.) Why, though, did the Romans build a high - ranking city in the desert? ○ kuŵika maghanoghano pa ivyo ŵakusambira How might we give in to the danger of letting others choose for us? Keep your mind on what you learn Cipulikano cithu mu sembe yakuwombora ya Khristu cikutovwira kuti tifwatuke ku joko la kwananga. I reminded her that I was now living by the moral standards of the Bible. Our faith in Christ's ransom sacrifice frees us from the yoke of sin. Enya. HOW I HAVE BENEFITED: I have escaped from a world of sham happiness and treacherous associates. Yes. Iyo yikukura waka na kukhoma. - Wonani Gongwe la Mulinda la Cingelezi la Juni 15, 1980, mapeji 17 - 19. [ Picture on page 26] He has become full - grown and mature. - See The Watchtower, June 15, 1980, pages 17 - 19. Wuli usange masuzgo ghakura comene ndipo ghakuŵika umoyo wauzimu wa mubali panji mudumbu pa ngozi? How did you feel when you first entered the spiritual paradise? What if the problem becomes so severe that he gives the spiritual welfare of a brother or sister in danger? Tiyeni tiziwone fundo izi, yiliyose payekha. How can you avoid such an experience? Let us consider these points individually. 3: 2 - Nchivici "cindavumbukwe " ku Ŵakhristu ŵakuphakazgika ndipo ŵazamuwona njani" umo waliri "? A sense of bitterness may pose an obstacle to some. 3: 2 - What is "a revelation " to anointed Christians and will see" the way he is "? Apo wakalutanga ku Roma mu ukayidi, Paulosi wakenda mu msewu wakuya ku Apiyo. He has far more experience and stamina than you do, but he patiently walks near you. While on his way to Rome in the Rome, Paul traveled on the road to the Romans. Pakati pajumpha chaka chimoza, Arthur wakawerako. Ŵakatipa mulimo wa kwendera chigaŵa mu Scotland, kumpoto kwa England, na Northern Ireland. ANCIENT WISDOM FOR MODERN LIVING About a year later, Arthur returned home from the circuit work in Scotland, in northern England, and Northern Ireland. lakupharazgika na Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova. 46: 1. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. * My family was completely dysfunctional, so as a youth I spent much of my time on the streets. * Pakuti Zefaniya wakacima mu mazuŵa ghakwambilira gha ufumu wa Themba Yosiya weneuwo ukamba mu 659 B.C.E., mazgu ghaucimi agha ghakakwaniriskika apo Babulone wakaparanya caru ca Yuda na msumba wake ukuru, Yerusalemu mu 607 B.C.E. First, though, let us consider what life was like for Noah in the days before the Flood. Since Zephaniah prophesied in the first days of King Josiah's reign in 620 B.C.E., these prophetic words were fulfilled when Babylon and its capital, Jerusalem in 607 B.C.E. Wakaphalira Suzanne kuti: "Nganya, usange ukukhumba kukhala mu nyumba yiwemiko, ukwenera kuleka cinthu cinyake. " These include other spirit creatures, the universe, the productive earth, and all forms of physical life on our globe. " If you want to stay in a nice house, you need to leave something, " she said. JUNI 18 - 24, 2012 (a) What did Paul tell Timothy to meditate on? JUNE 18 - 24, 2012 Kufuma mu nyengo ya Abelu kuya muntazi, Ciuta waŵa nga ni para wakulemba mu buku mazina gha ŵantu awo ŵazamupika umoyo wamuyirayira. Let us consider some. From the time of Abel to the future, God has been as if he wrote in the names of those who have been given everlasting life. Lero nkhutimbaso ŵanthu yayi. So Jesus returns, not as a human, but as an invisible King. - Read Daniel 7: 13, 14. Today, I no longer beat people. Phangano la Dango likati laŵafiska Ŵayuda kwa Mesiya, Yehova wakavumburaso vigaŵa vinyake vya kufiskika kwa khumbo lake. When being tested, Abraham "as good as offered up Isaac,... his only - begotten son. " After the Law covenant brought the Jews to the Messiah, Jehovah revealed other aspects of the outworking of his purpose. 119: 111. How did Jesus respond to the failures of his disciples? 119: 111. Kubaba ŵana, kupwelelera ŵana ŵake, na kupwelelera mbumba " kungaponoska ' mwanakazi kuti waleke kutangwanika na " kuŵereŵeta tunthu twawaka, na kuŵa mwenda nato. ' - 1 Tim. But you can limit your exposure to them. Child - rearing, caring for her children, and caring for the family "will save ' a woman from being overly preoccupied with " things that are too busy to be able to handle. " - 1 Tim. Chifukwa wuli Yehova pera ndiyo ngwakwenelera kulamulira? After Hannah poured out her feelings to Jehovah, Eli the high priest approached her and said: "Go in peace, and may the God of Israel grant your petition that you have asked of him. " Why is Jehovah the rightful Sovereign? 6: 2. He was not just beginning to make spiritual advancement. 6: 2. Ciwemiso nchakuti, mungalindilira kuzakaŵapo para Ufumu uzamuwusa mu caru ciphya cakulayizgika umo " muzamukhala urunji. ' - 2 Petros 3: 13. It may be that circumstances beyond your control have made it difficult for you to maintain the level of activity that you once enjoyed. The good news is that you will receive a resurrection when the Kingdom rules in God's promised new world, where "righteousness is to dwell. " - 2 Peter 3: 13. (Wonani cithuzithuzi cakwamba.) They recognize and obey his voice. (See opening image.) Kasi pangaŵa uheni wuli para tingazomerezga kuti ŵanyithu ŵatisankhirenge vyakuchita? Among them were Florian and Anja, who said: "We view our new assignment as an exciting challenge. What would happen if we allowed others to make decisions for us? Nkhamukumbuska kuti nili kuleka nkharo zawakawaka ndipo sono nkhulondezga ivyo Baibolo likuyowoya. Throughout history, Satan has organized his seed into various political movements or kingdoms. I reminded her that I had changed my lifestyle and now applied the Bible's counsel. UMO NASANGIRA CANDULO: Napona ku caru ico kulije cimwemwe canadi kweniso ku ŵabwezi ŵautesi. 12: 40 - 42; Gal. HOW I HAVE BENEFITED: I have survived a world free of true happiness and false friends. [ Cithuzithuzi pa peji 15] We especially need to pray when " the very ropes of the wicked ones surround us. ' [ Picture on page 15] Kasi mukajipulika wuli apo mukanjira mu paradiso wauzimu? We can cultivate unshakable trust in God's superior wisdom! How did you feel when you entered into a spiritual paradise? Kasi mungacita wuli kuti ivi vileke kumucitikirani? ; Arroyo, C. How can you avoid that? Ukali ungajandizga ŵanji kuti ŵaleke kugomezga kuti kuli Ciuta. WHEN Jesus Christ, the Founder of Christianity, returned to heaven, he did not leave behind on this earth books written by him, monuments built by him, or riches amassed by him. anger can hinder others from believing in God. Iye wali kuzgoŵera kwenda mu mapiri ndipo ngwankhongono kuluska imwe, kweni wakwenda pacokopacoko pafupi na imwe. 1: 9, 10. He is patient in the mountains and is stronger than you, but he is walking near you. VINJERU VYAKALE IVYO VIKOVWIRA MAZUŴA GHANO Why? 9 / 15 THE BIBLE'S VIEWPOINT 46: 1. (b) Who received credit for this victory? 46: 1. Vinthu vikalongosokanga yayi pa nyumba yithu, ntheura pakuŵa muwukirano nkhatandaliranga waka kuchezga mu misewu. Some of the things involved are reading God's Word and meditating on it, praying to Jehovah, and thinking of ways that Jehovah has blessed you as an individual. I was not warned at home, so as a teenager, I was very busy walking on the streets. Kweni cakwamba tiyeni tiwone umo umoyo ukaŵira kwa Nowa pambere Ciwowota cindacitike. That same knowledge now protects me from falling victim to his influence. " First, though, let us consider what life was like to Noah before the Flood. Vinyake mwa vinthu ivi ni vilengiwa vyauzimu, mtambo, caru capasi na vyamoyo vyose ivyo vili pa caru cithu cino. An elder might ask a young brother who is good at using computers to print some information from jw.org that could be encouraging for the elderly ones who do not have computers. These include spirit creatures, the physical heavens, the earth, and all life on earth. (a) Kasi Paulosi wakamuphalira vichi Timote? What real danger exists, and with this in view, what encouragement do we frequently read in the Bible? (a) What encouragement did Paul give Timothy? Tiyeni tiwone zinyake. The new publisher will undoubtedly appreciate having someone with him who can listen and help out if the need arises. Consider some examples. Ntheura, Yesu pakwiza wazamuŵa na thupi la wunthu yayi, kweni lauzimu nga ni Themba lambura kuwoneka. - Ŵazgani Daniel 7: 13, 14. JEHOVAH loves his human creation. Thus, Jesus will come, not with a physical body, but with a spiritual body as an invisible King. - Read Daniel 7: 13, 14. Apo wakayezgeka, "wakaŵa nga wapeleka kale Yisake,... mwana wake yekha na yekha. " For in that case there will exist a future, and your own hope will not be cut off. " - Proverbs 23: 17, 18. When he was tempted, "he already gave Isaac,... his only - begotten son. " Kasi Yesu wakacitanga wuli na ŵasambiri ŵake para ŵatondeka kucita makora? Unlike them, however, let us be determined never to deviate from God's law. How did Jesus deal with his disciples when they did not succeed? Nangauli tingagega yayi kutegherezga panji kuwonelera vyamalonda, kweni tingachepeska nyengo iyo tikumalira pa vinthu ivi. The original - language expression translated "hospitality " means" kindness to strangers. " Even if we are not careful about listening or watching business, we can limit the amount of time we spend on them. Hana wati wathulira Yehova vyakusingo, Eli, musofi mukuru wakiza pafupi ndipo wakati kwa iyo: "Luta mu cimango; Ciuta wa Israyeli wakupe ico walomba kwa Iye. " No matter what our present economic situation or what trials we must face in this troubled world, we who love God are enjoying divine blessings and the best spiritual food. When Hannah poured out her heart to Jehovah, High Priest Eli approached him and said to him: "Go in peace; let the God of Israel grant your petition to him. " Wakaŵa kuti wakwamba waka yayi kukura mwauzimu. Yet, sincerity alone does not guarantee that God will accept our worship. He was not simply the first to make spiritual progress. Mungatondeka kuteŵetera nga umo mukacitiranga kale, cifukwa ca masuzgo. It is, in a way, the cord on which all other prophecies hang. You may fail to serve as much as you once did, because of difficulties. Zikumanya mazgu ghake ndipo zikupulikira. To enter into the Promised Land, the Israelites had to submit to Joshua's leadership. They know his voice and obey it. Ŵanyake mwa iwo ŵakaŵa Florian na Anja. STATUS: FACT. They included some of them as Jehovah's Witnesses. Kwambira kale, Satana wakunozga mphapu yake mu maboma ghakupambanapambana gha ndyali panji maufumu. " I love the Father, " Jesus said. Throughout history, Satan has produced his seed in various political or kingdoms. 12: 40 - 42; Gal. Does it matter when and where we pray? 12: 40 - 42; Gal. Tikwenera kulomba comene para " magoli gha ŵaheni ghatikurunga. ' Significantly, the poll mentioned at the outset of this article also showed that 4 out of 10 people felt that happiness results from doing good and helping others. We need to pray fervently when " the robes of the wicked ones will be put to the test. ' Tingakhozga cigomezgo cithu mu vinjeru vya Ciuta. In fact, "even anyone foolish, when keeping silent, will be regarded as wise; anyone closing up his own lips, as having understanding. " We can strengthen our confidence in God's wisdom. ; Arroyo, C. If we keep on serving Jehovah with joy, we will be like the psalmist David, who said: "I keep Jehovah before me constantly. ; Art, C. APO Yesu Kristu, Mwambiski wa Cikristu wakaweleranga kucanya, wakalekapo mabuku ghalighose cara pa caru capasi ghakulembeka na iye, panji nyumba zakuzengeka na iyo, nesi mausambazi ghake. Isaiah prophetically answers: "They are dead; they will not live. Impotent in death, they will not rise up. Therefore you have turned your attention that you might annihilate them and destroy all mention of them. " WHEN Jesus Christ, the Source of Christianity, returned to heaven, he did not leave any books on earth written by him or by house built by him or by his riches. 1: 9, 10. Ádám was among them. 1: 9, 10. Ŵapapi, Liskani Ŵana Ŵinu, 9 / 15 In what way did Jesus deliver "those sitting in darkness " during his earthly ministry, and how does he continue to do so? 9 / 1 (b) Ninjani wakapangiska Abram kuti watonde? Land: Plains toward the west, mountains toward the east (b) Who enabled Abram to defeat? Mukwenera kuŵerenga Mazgu gha Chiuta na kughanaghanirapo, kulomba kwa Yehova, kweniso kughanaghanira umo Yehova wamutumbikirani pamwekha. I particularly enjoyed the time with the other Scouts, including our singing around a campfire in the evening and playing games in the forest. You need to study God's Word and meditate on it, pray to Jehovah, and meditate on how Jehovah has blessed you personally. Ndipo ivyo nkhasambira ndivyo vikunivikilira kuti Satana waleke kunipuluska. " Do You Recall? And what I learned protects me from Satan's influence. " Mwaciyelezgero, mulara wangapempha mubali muwukirano uyo wali na kompyuta kuti wakapulinte nkhani yinyake yakukhozga ŵacekuru pa Webusayiti yithu ya jw.org, na kukapeleka ku ŵacekuru awo ŵalije kompyuta. If the process of renewal could be extended, researchers theorize, "the human body could regenerate itself for a very long time - even eternally. " For example, an elder may ask a young brother who has a computer to give encouragement on our Web site, jw.org, and offer to the elderly who do not have a computer. Ni ngozi wuli iyo yilipo, ndipo kanandi Baibolo likuciska kuti ticite vici? But how their heart welled up with joy, gratitude, and love for God when they embraced the Kingdom hope! What danger exists, and what does the Bible often encourage us to do? Mupharazgi muphya wazamuŵa na chikanga pakumanya kuti wali na munthu wakumovwira. There are so many that I will not be able to use them all in the remaining years of my life. " - Paul, age 79; baptized 1940. A new publisher will be courageous in knowing that he has help. YEHOVA wakuŵatemwa comene ŵantu. Let Jehovah's spirit transform your mind and heart to conform to his will. - Read Romans 12: 2; Ephesians 4: 23, 24. JEHOVAH loves humans. Pakuti nadi kuli nyengo kuntazi ndipo cigomezgo cako kuti cidumulike cara. ' - Zintharika 23: 17, 18. The kind ways of the elderly missionary left an indelible impression on the young man. For there is a future time, and your hope will not be cut short. " - Proverbs 23: 17, 18. Kweni ise tileke kucita nga ndiwo, tikwenera kuŵikapo mtima kuti tileke kupatuka mu dango la Ciuta. 2: 13; 4: 13. But like them, we must be determined not to drift away from God's law. Mazgu ghakuti "kupokelera ŵalendo, " ghakung'anamura kuchitira lusungu ŵanthu ŵachilendo. (Read Colossians 3: 5 - 10.) To "follow the course of hospitality " means to show kindness to strangers. Kwali tili na cuma panji tilije, kwali tili mu viyezgo wuli mu caru ici ca masuzgo, kweni ise tikutemwa Ciuta, tikutumbikika na cakurya ciwemi cauzimu. I understood that my wife and daughters were as important as I was. Whether we are materially rich or not, no matter what trials we face in this troubled world, we love God, are blessed with good spiritual food. Kweni kusopa na mtima wose pakwekha nkhwakukwana yayi kuti Ciuta wazomere kasopero kithu. In most cases, helping people to understand the truth requires scheduling regular conversations with them over a period of several months. But true worship is not enough for God to accept our worship. Uli nga ni cingwe ico pakupayikika maucimi ghanyake ghose. They had worked side by side for years in advancement of the good news. It is like a cord placed in front of all other prophecies. Ŵaisrayeli kuti ŵanjire mu Caru ca Layizgano, ŵakenera kujilambika ku urongozgi wa Joshua. Continue to Exercise Your Perceptive Powers To enter the Promised Land, the Israelites were to submit willingly to Joshua's direction. UNENESKO PANJI UTESI?: UNENESKO. Peter continued to maintain a clean appearance. STATUS: TRUE. Yesu wakati: "Nkhutemwa Ŵadada. " Is it any wonder that people are confused and lost when it comes to right and wrong? - Luke 6: 39. Jesus said: "I love the Father. " Kasi nyengo iyo tikulombera na malo agho tikulomberapo vili na kanthu? They contacted a sister who was serving where the need is greater in Ghana and asked her many questions. Do our prayers and places of prayer have something to do? Kweniso, wonani kuti pa awo tanguyowoya kuti ŵakafumbika pakwamba nkhani iyi, ŵanthu 4 pa 10 ŵakati munthu wakuŵa wakukondwa para wakucitira viwemi ŵanyake na kuŵawovwira. At that very moment, in the home of that Bible student, I felt a deep desire to help the people in her small town. Note, too, that at first, 4 percent of the people said that happiness comes from doing good and helping others. Nakuti "nanga cindere, usange wakujikhalira cete, ŵakuti ngwavinjeru, na uyo wakusunama milomo ŵakuti ndi munthu waumanyi. " Additional Ways in Which Jesus Was Like Moses In fact, "the wicked one, if he does not keep silent, consider himself wise, and the one saying is wise. " Usange tilutilirenge kuteŵetera Yehova mwakukondwa, tizamuyowoya nga ni Davide, uyo wakati: "Nkhuŵika Yehova pamaso pane nyengo zose. Some people view kindness as weakness. If we continue to serve Jehovah with joy, we will feel as did David, who said: "I have put Jehovah in front of me constantly. Mu mazgu ghake ghaucimi, Yesaya wakazgora kuti: " Ŵalikufwa ŵara, nta tiŵaghumengeso; mbamzguki, nta tiŵawukengeso; ici ndico cifukwa mukaŵendera na kuŵaparanya, na kumarizgira nkanira cikumbusko caŵo. ' Although the Israelites were initially viewed as guests in the land of Egypt, after Joseph's time the Egyptians "set over [the Israelites] chiefs of forced labor for the purpose of oppressing them in their burden - bearing. " In his prophetic words, Isaiah replied: "These are the dead, and they will not return to them; and they will not return to them. For this is what you have left and destroyed them, and they will certainly kill them. " Ádám nayo wakaŵa mu gulu ili. What will we examine in this article and in the one that follows? Ádám was also part of that group. Kasi Yesu wakawombora wuli "awo ŵakukhala mu mdima " apo wakateŵetanga pa caru capasi, ndipo wakulutilira wuli kucita ntheura? " We all have a place in Jehovah's house, " said the next speaker, Samuel Herd of the Governing Body. How did Jesus deliver "those dwelling in darkness " during his earthly ministry, and how does he continue to do so? Charu: Kumanjiliro gha dazi kuli vidika, kumafumiro gha dazi kuli mapiri Unlike unbelievers, Jesus ' disciples would not only see the sign but also understand its significance. Land: In the eastern part of the region, eastern mountains Nkhatemwanga comene kucezga na ŵawukirano ŵanyane, kwimbira nawo lumoza sumu pakotha moto usiku, na kuseŵera mu makuni. It is not possible for God to allow those trusting in him "to totter " or to experience a fall from which they cannot recover. I enjoyed spending time with other young people, playing music with them on the night, and playing a game with them. Kasi Mukukumbuka? [ Picture on page 16] Do You Recall? Ŵasayansi ŵakughanaghana kuti usange ivi vingalutilira, "munthu wangakhala nyengo yitali panji kwamuyirayira. " On the other hand, most Christians at that time kept busy "declaring the good news about the Christ " and showing love for God, for fellow Christians, and for unbelievers. Scientists believe that if they continue to do so, "it is possible for a person to live longer or forever. " Kweni apo ŵakasambira za cilindizga ca Ufumu, mtima wawo ukazura na cimwemwe, kuwonga na kutemwa Ciuta! The apostle Paul and 275 others who were shipwrecked with him were shown this type of kindness by the inhabitants of the island of Malta - people they had never even met. But when they learned about the Kingdom hope, their hearts filled with joy, appreciation, and love for God! Pali ntowa zinandi comene izo nikwaniskenge yayi kuzigwiriskira ncito mu virimika ivyo vyakhalako vya umoyo wane. " - Paul, wa virimika 79; wakabapatizika mu 1940. These "pangs of distress " correspond to what took place in Jerusalem and Judea from 33 C.E. to 66 C.E. There are many ways in which I could never use it during my teenage years. " - Paul, 79; baptized 1940. Zomerezgani mzimu wa Yehova kuti usinthe maghanoghano ghinu mwakuti mucitenge vinthu mwakukolerana na khumbo lake. - Ŵazgani Ŵaroma 12: 2; Ŵaefeso 4: 23, 24. As in other forms of sacred service, the association with fellow workers is a joy. Let Jehovah's spirit change your mind so that you will act in harmony with his will. - Read Romans 12: 2; Ephesians 4: 23, 24. Muwukirano uyu wakaluwa yayi lusungu ulo mishonale mucekuru uyu wakamulongora. Soil alongside a road that leads through a grainfield is hard packed by the flow of pedestrian traffic. The young man did not forget the kindness shown to him. 2: 13; 4: 13. Aquila and Priscilla accompanied him as far as Ephesus, where they remained. 2: 13; 4: 13. (Ŵazgani Ŵakolose 3: 5 - 10.) In my school, the people you were with in first grade were the same ones you finished school with; in fact, you knew the names of most people in town, and they knew yours. (Read Colossians 3: 5 - 10.) Nkhamanya kuti muwoli wane ndiposo ŵana ŵane mbakuzirwa chomene. As a Jew, Peter would have avoided entering a Gentile's home. I knew that my wife and children were highly valued. Kanandi kuti ŵanthu ŵapulikiske unenesko pakukhumbikwira kupatura nyengo yakukwana ya kuŵasambizgira Baibolo. As we do so, bear in mind that all sacrifices that the Israelites presented to Jehovah had to be the very best they had. - Ex. To help people understand the truth often takes more time to conduct Bible studies. Kwa vilimika vinandi ŵakateŵeteranga lumoza kuthandazga makani ghawemi. Getting our householders to reason on this simple illustration can help them acknowledge the truthfulness of what we say. Over the years, they worked together to spread the good news. Lutilirani Kuzgoŵezga Nkhongono Zinu Zakamanyiro Sadly, no matter how they look at life, many are unable to escape what Austrian neurologist Viktor E. Continue to Control Your Mind Peter wakalutilira kuwoneka makora. This building, which was a synagogue, was purchased and renovated into a Kingdom Hall Peter kept his senses. Kasi ncakuziziswa kuwona kuti ŵantu ŵahangayika pakuyowoya za kupatula ico nciwemi na ciheni? - Luka 6: 39. God's purpose regarding the earth is also made evident in the commission that he gave to the first human pair. Is it not surprising that humans are confused about what is right and what is wrong? - Luke 6: 39. Ŵakafumba mudumbu munyake uyo wakateŵeteranga ku Ghana. Ŵakamufumba mafumbo ghanandi kuti ŵamanye ivyo vikukhumbikwa pambere ŵandasame. Our conduct could show disrespect for God (See paragraphs 7, 8) They asked a sister who served in Ghana, asking many questions before moving. ▪ Mankind's Search for God * 5: 2. ▪ Mankind's Search for God * Pa nyengo yeneyiyi, ticali mu nyumba ya uyo tikasambiranga nayo Baibolo, khumbo lakuti novwire ŵanthu mu tawuni yicoko iyi likamba. Moreover, in this setting, those of us who grew up in loveless, dysfunctional families finally experience real love. At the same time, we were still in the home of a Bible student, a desire to help people in that small town. Vinthu Vinyake Ivyo Vikuyana Pakati pa Yesu na Mozesi If so, now is the time to approach your congregation elders. Other Things Like Jesus and Moses Ŵanthu ŵanyake ŵakuti kulongora lusungu nkhulopwa. It must be opened from within " Some people say that showing kindness is a sign of weakness. Nangauli pakwamba Ŵaisrayeli ŵakaŵawonanga nga mbalendo mu caru ca Eguputo, kweni pamanyuma pa nyifwa ya Yosefe Ŵaeguputo "ŵakaŵamikira [Ŵaisrayeli] ŵakuru ŵakuŵalaŵiska na kuŵasuzga na milimo yizito. " Naomi is determined to press on to her homeland, Israel. Although the Israelites at first viewed them as strangers in Egypt, after Joseph's death "they had set them up [the older men] and were looking after him with hard work. " Kasi tisambirenge vichi mu nkhani iyi na yakulondezgapo? September 21 - 27, 2009 What will we consider in this article and in the next? Mubali Samuel Herd wa mu Wupu Wakulongozga wakayowoya kuti: "Tose tili na malo mu nyumba ya Yehova. " Why did Paul make such a statement? " We all have a place in Jehovah's house, " said Samuel Herd of the Governing Body. Mwakupambana na ŵanthu ŵambura cipulikano, ŵasambiri ŵa Yesu ŵakeneranga kuzakawona waka cimanyikwiro yayi, kweni ŵakenerangaso kuzakapulikiska ng'anamuro lake. Religion actually degrades Jesus when it teaches that he was God in the flesh. Unlike unbelievers, Jesus ' disciples were not merely to see the sign but also to understand its meaning. Ciuta wangazomerezga yayi kuti awo ŵakumugomezga " ŵasunkhunike ' panji kutondeka kuwuka para ŵawa. If you are bitten or scratched, wash the wound thoroughly and seek a doctor's advice. God will not let those who trust in him "be made firm " or fail to wake up when they fall. [ Cithuzithuzi pa peji 16] After Israel reached the Promised Land, Joshua said: "You well know with all your hearts and with all your souls that not one word out of all the good words that Jehovah your God has spoken to you has failed. They have all come true for you. " [ Picture on page 16] Chitemwa chawo chikazizima. Kweni Ŵakhristu ŵanandi ŵakatangwanikanga na "kupharazga makani ghawemi ghakuyowoya vya Khristu. " The figure of a tutor, says one scholar, has "an ancient and rich background. " Their love was intense, but many Christians were busy preaching the good news about the Christ. Lusungu lwa wunthu ndilo ŵanthu ŵa ku Melita ŵakalongora mpositole Paulosi na ŵanyake ŵakukwana 275, apo ngalaŵa iyo ŵakakwera yikasweka. Jesus had prayed earnestly before, but on this occasion, faced with the most severe test of his earthly life, he prayed "more earnestly " - and his prayer was answered. The loving - kindness shown by the people of Malta was shown by the apostle Paul and 275 others when the ship was broken. " Masoka " agha ghakuyana na ivyo vikacitika mu Yerusalemu na mu Yudeya kwambira mu 33 C.E. mpaka mu 66 C.E. My husband and I unequivocally knew this was Jehovah saying, " I'm right here with you to help you through this. ' These "tribulation " are similar to those in Jerusalem and Judea since 33 C.E. until 66 C.E. Kweniso tikukondwa para tikuchitako. Nga umo vikuŵira na mauteŵeti ghose, tikukondwa para tikugwira ntchito iyi na Ŵakhristu ŵanyithu. SELF - CONTROL As with all our privileges, we enjoy doing this work with fellow believers. Dongo la mu mpepete mwa ntowa iyo yikuya ku munda likusindirika na marundi gha ŵantu. Just think - Jehovah's Son was in existence before the physical universe. The clay on the road leading off into the field is full of human feet. Akula na Priskila ŵakaluta nayo ku Efeso ndipo ŵakakhalira kwenekuku. You can take personally Jehovah's inspired request: "Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, so that I can make a reply to him who taunts me. " - Prov. Aquila and Priscilla traveled with him to Ephesus and remained there. Pa sukulu yithu, ŵanthu awo wambira nawo lumoza sukulu ndiwo ukamalizgangaso nawo. Kanandi munthu wakamanyanga mazina gha ŵanthu pafupifupi wose mu tawuni iyo tikakhalanga, ndipo nawo ŵakamanyanga zina lako. How does Jehovah communicate with you personally through his written Word? At our school, people with whom I was brought back to school were usually familiar with the names of almost all people in our home, and they knew your name. Kufuma apo wakavwaraso malaya ghake ghakuwaro. True Christians are not immune to the problems and pressures exerted by Satan's system of things. Then he wore his outer garments. Pakuŵa Muyuda, Petrosi wakwenera kuti wakakananga kunjira mu nyumba za ŵanthu Ŵamitundu. How may we "accept the helmet of salvation "? As a Jew, Peter may have been reluctant to enter the homes of Gentiles. Apo tikusanda fundo iyi, tingaluwanga yayi kuti sembe zose izo Ŵaisrayeli ŵakapelekanga kwa Yehova zikeneranga kuŵa ziwemi comene. - Ex. The lessons that we learn from them strengthen our faith and help us to get a firm hold on "the real life, " everlasting life in God's promised new world. As we examine this, we should never forget that all the sacrifices offered by the Israelites were to be acceptable to Jehovah. - Ex. Ciyelezgero cipusu ici cingawovwira uyo tikumupharazgira kuti wapulikiske ivyo tikumusambizga. JOSEPHUS 37 -? This simple illustration may help the householder to understand what he is learning. Dokotala munyake wa ku Austria zina lake Viktor E. Regularly attending and participating in congregation meetings will also help us increase in knowledge. A 23 - year - old doctor in Austria named C. Nyumba iyi, iyo yikaŵa sunagoge yiri kugurika na kunozgeka kuŵa Nyumba ya Ufumu. In each of these situations, Jehovah did not leave his loyal ones then, and he will not do so today. - Ps. The synagogue was built and prepared to be a Kingdom Hall. Tikuwona khumbo la Ciuta pa caru capasi mu ivyo wakaphalira ŵanthu ŵakwamba. These are just a few examples to show how reflecting on godly principles can help us make decisions that harmonize with what is expected of a spiritual person. We see God's purpose for the earth in what he told the first human couple. Nkharo yithu yingalongora kuti tikuchindika Chiuta panji yayi (Wonani ndime 7, 8) " The remaining ones of Jacob must become in the midst of many peoples like dew from Jehovah... that does not hope for man. " - MICAH 5: 7. Our conduct will show that we respect God or not (See paragraphs 7, 8) 5: 2. Symbolically, the other sheep today walk behind the anointed slave class and its Governing Body, following their leadership. 5: 2. Kweniso, nangauli ŵanji ŵa ise tikakulira mu mbumba zambura chitemwa, pasono tikukondwa na chitemwa chanadi. How does this apply to me? Moreover, even though some of us were raised in an unselfish family, we now enjoy genuine love. Usange ni nthena, kumanani na ŵalara ŵa mu mpingo winu. For more information, see chapter 8 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses If so, contact the elders in your congregation. Pa nyengo iyi mtima wa Naomi ukaŵa ku Israyeli, charu chakwawo. Interestingly, one recent study reported that teens are three times more likely than their parents to say that parents and children do not spend enough time together. At that time, Naomi's heart was in Israel, a land of theirs. Seputembala 21 - 27, 2009 7: 18, 19. September 21 - 27, 2009 Ncifukwa wuli Paulos wakayowoya nteura? Why are these discrepancies significant? Why did Paul say that? Para visopa vikusambizga kuti Yesu wakaŵa Ciuta kweni wakiza nga ni munthu ndikuti vikumuyuyura. Their hearts were burning with enthusiasm for the truth, and they were encouraged by the company of the 7,000 brothers and sisters present. When religions teach that Jesus was God but that he came as a man, they dishonor him. Usange mwalumika na nyama izi, mukwenera kusuka makora chilonda na kuluta ku chipatala. " All ages are present, as well as single parents, " he relates. If you suffer from those animals, you need to clean up the wound and go to the hospital. Ŵaisrayeli ŵati ŵafika mu Caru ca Layizgano, Joshua wakati: "Mukumanya mu mitima yinu yose na miyoyo yinu yose, kuti palije kutondeka kanthu pa viwemi vyose ivyo Yehova Ciuta winu wakayowoya namwe; vyose vyafiskika kwa imwe. " Has any harm come to him? When the Israelites entered the Promised Land, Joshua said: "You well know with all your hearts and with all your souls that not one word out of all the good words that Jehovah your God has spoken to you has failed. They have all come true for you. " Munthu munyake wakusambira comene wakati: "Mulindaŵana wakaŵanga wakuzirwa comene kale. " ; Aguilar, L. One scholar put it this way: "In the past, it was the most important thing in history. " Yesu wakaŵa kuti walombapo kale mwakufwilirapo, kweni pa nyengo iyi, apo wakakumana na ciyezgo cikuru comene mu umoyo wake wa pa caru capasi, wakalomba "mwakufwilirapo comene. " Ndipo lurombo lwake lukazgoreka. The new mother's time and attention may be focused on caring for her child. Jesus had prayed fervently before, but when confronted with a severe test in his earthly life, he prayed "with much effort, " and his prayer was answered. Vikaŵa nga Yehova wakuphalira kuti, " Ine nili nawe ndipo nikovwirenge pa nyengo iyi. ' PARENTS - PREPARE YOUR CHILDREN! It was as Jehovah told him: "I am with you, and I will help you at this time. " KUJIKORA What a joyous commission we have as proclaimers of the established heavenly Kingdom! THA Aghanaghanani waka - Mwana wa Yehova wakaŵako pambere vyose vindaŵeko. Does she really understand the seriousness of what she is doing? Just think - Jehovah's Son lived long before everything else came into existence. Nakuti para tikuyezgeka, Yehova wakutiŵeyelera kuti: "Mwana wane, uŵe wavinjeru na kukondweska mtima wane, mwakuti nimuzgore uyo wakuninena. " - Zinth. First, do not expect that just because you exchanged wedding vows, you and your spouse become instant experts at married life. In fact, when under trial, Jehovah urges us: "Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, that I may make a reply to him that is taunting me. " - Prov. Kasi Yehova wangayowoya namwe wuli? Who is the enemy, and who are the weeds? How can Jehovah communicate with you? Ŵakhristu ŵaunenesko, nawo ŵakusuzgika cifukwa ca caru ca Satana ici. The Bible is made up of 66 small books, which were written by some 40 writers over a period of about 1,600 years. True Christians are likewise persecuted because of Satan's world. Kasi tingapokera wuli "cikhupiko ca ciponosko "? Let us consider ways in which children, congregation overseers, and individual Christians can care for the needs of senior members of our worldwide brotherhood. How can we receive "the helmet of salvation "? Ivyo tikusambira mu nkhani izi vikukhozga cipulikano cithu na kutovwira kukoreska " umoyo weneco, ' umoyo wamuyirayira mu caru ciphya ico Ciuta walayizga. At the end of her presentation, Abigayl said: "All the others in our Kingdom Hall have many invitations, but I have only one. What we learn from these accounts strengthens our faith and helps us to "get a firm hold on the real life " - everlasting life in God's promised new world. Para tikwiza pa maungano nyengo zose na kuzgorapo, tilutilirenge kumanya vinandi. He was a wonderful husband for 55 years, one who loved Jehovah and helped many brothers. By regular attendance and participation at Christian meetings, we will continue to increase our knowledge. Mu vyakucitika vyose ivi, Yehova wakaŵasida yayi ŵakugomezgeka ŵake, ndipo waŵasidenge yayi mazuŵa ghano. - Sal. Since then, many in this family have become Jehovah's Witnesses. In all these situations, Jehovah did not abandon his loyal ones, and he will not abandon them today. - Ps. Vinthu vichoko waka ivyo tawona vikulongora umo tikovwilikira para tikughanaghanirapo fundo za Chiuta apo tikusankha vyakuchita. What might damage our relationship with Jehovah? The few factors we have considered highlight how we can benefit from reflecting on God's principles when making decisions. " Ŵakukhalako ŵa Yakobe ŵamkuŵa mukati mwa mitundu yinandi nga ni jumi lakufumira kwa Yehova,... ["leneilo likulindizga muntu cara, " NW]. ' - MIKA 5: 7. But it is godly devotion, not the acquisition of material things, that "holds promise of the life now and that which is to come. " " The remaining ones of Jacob will be in the midst of many peoples like dew from Jehovah,... and they will not keep waiting for anyone. " - ECCLESIASTES 5: 7. Nangauli ŵanthu ŵakaŵasuskanga comene, kweni Paulosi ndiposo awo wakaŵa nawo ŵakafwilirapo kovwira ŵanthu ŵakujiyuyura kuti ŵaŵe Ŵakhristu. How did God emphasize to Israel the importance of giving priority to spiritual pursuits? Despite intense opposition, Paul and those with whom he worked hard to help humble ones to become Christians. Lero, ŵa mberere zinyake ŵakulondezga muzga na Wupu wake Wakulongozga, ndipo ŵakupulikira udangiliri wawo. Thus the Law became their "tutor leading to Christ. " - Galatians 3: 24. Today, the other sheep follow the slave class and its Governing Body and submit to their leadership. Kasi ivi vikunikhwaska wuli? 24: 15. How does that affect me? Kuti mumanye vinandi wonani chipaturo 8 mu buku la Kasi Baibolo Likusambizgaci Comenecomene, lakupharazgika na Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova View life as sacred For more information, see chapter 8 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses Kusanda uko kukacitika sonosono apa kwalongora kuti kanandi ŵawukirano ŵa vilimika vyapakati pa 13 na 19 ŵakudandaura comene kuti ŵapapi ŵawo ŵakucezga nawo mwakukwana yayi, kuluska umo ŵapapi ŵawo ŵakudandaulira. A couple may face challenges when they have children. A recent study shows that young people in their teens often regret that their parents do not spend more time with them than their parents do. 7: 18, 19. In fact, throughout this difficult time, Jesus kept looking for the good in his imperfect apostles. 7: 18, 19. Cifukwa wuli kupambana kwa viphapha uku ni nkhani yikuru? Review Questions Why is the difference between the documents a major issue? Ŵakakhuka comene ndipo ŵakakhozgeka nadi pakuwungana na ŵabali na ŵadumbu ŵakukwana 7,000. He dealt patiently and kindly with the meek and lowly and suffered at the hands of Jehovah's enemies. Their efforts were strengthened and strengthened to associate with some 7,000 brothers and sisters. Iyo wakuti: "Ŵanthu ŵa misinkhu yose ŵakuŵapo, na ŵapapi awo ŵalije munyawo. Whether we are brothers or sisters, we need to do our best to care for any theocratic assignment we receive. " People of all ages have been raised by single parents, " she says. Kasi wali kupwetekekapo? Our keen desire to please Jehovah by displaying the spirit's fruit of goodness should move us to act in harmony with Jesus ' words: "Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you. Has he been injured? ; Aguilar, L. Since the person is no longer in the congregation, any change in heart and attitude may be observed first by those close to him, such as a marriage mate or family members. ; Such, L. Mama wakwamba kuŵika chomene maghanoghano ku mwana kweniso wakumalira nyengo yitali pa kumupwelelera. People who work together often develop close friendships. The mother is primarily concerned about the child and spends much of her time caring for it. ŴAPAPI - SAMBIZGANI ŴANA ŴINU! Ruth had before her the opportunity to show her loyal love not only to Naomi but also to the God she chose as her own, Jehovah. PARENTS - READ YOUR CHILDREN! Tili na nchito yakukondweska nkhanira ya kupharazga Ufumu uwo wuli kwimikika kucanya. On the basis of such faith and works in harmony with faith, Jehovah could deal with and bless Abraham and other faithful ones even though they were imperfect. - Psalm 36: 10; Romans 4: 20 - 22. We have a wonderful work of preaching the Kingdom that has been established in heaven. Kasi wakumanya kuti kujipeleka kwa Yehova ni nkhani yikuru chomene? 1: 21 - Does Jehovah really use "foolishness " to save those believing? Does he realize that making a dedication to Jehovah is a serious matter? Cakwamba, lekani kulindizga kuti para mwatorana waka na munyinu, mbwenu nyengo yeneyiyo mukuŵa nkhwantha ya kumanya umoyo wa mu nthengwa. Christians should bear what in mind about issues for personal decision? First, do not expect that if you are married, you are quick to find someone who is aware of your mate's health. Kasi mulwani uyu ni njani ndipo duru mbanjani? In the distress you must make broad space for me. Who is this enemy, and who are the weeds? Mu Baibolo muli mabuku 66 agho ghakalembeka na ŵanalume 40. Baibolo lose likatora vyaka 1,600 kuti lilembeke. Give an example of how true friends can bring comfort even when close relatives fail to do so. The Bible contains 66 books written by 40 men who were reading the entire Bible for over 1,600 years. Tiyeni tiwone nthowa izo ŵana, ŵalara ŵa mpingo, na Mkhristu waliyose ŵangapwelelelera ŵabali na ŵadumbu ŵithu ŵacekuru. Study Edition of The Watchtower, 1 / 15 Let us consider some ways in which young ones, congregation elders, and each member of the congregation can take care of our elderly brothers and sisters. Wakati wapeleka kapepara, Abigayl wakati: "Wose ku Nyumba yithu ya Ufumu wapokera tumapepara tunandi, kweni ine nili na kamoza pera. This too can separate people who belong to one another. After giving the card, she says: "All at our Kingdom Hall receive a lot of literature, but I have only one. Tikakhala mu nthengwa vyaka 55 ndipo wakaŵa mfumu muwemi chomene. Wakatemwanga Yehova ndipo wakawovwira ŵabali ŵanandi. People view sexual relations as a natural expression of affection to be indulged in whenever they wish, not as something that should be limited to marriage. We had been married for 55 years and had been a fine husband who loved Jehovah and helped many brothers. Kwambira waka apa, ŵanthu ŵanandi mu mbumba iyi ŵazgoka Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova. Would humankind be better off, as some think, without God or religion? Since then, many members of that family have become Jehovah's Witnesses. Kasi ntchivichi icho chingananga ubwezi withu na Yehova? Not at all! What can damage our relationship with Jehovah? Kweni ni kusopa - Ciuta uko kuli na "layizgano la umoyo uno, na la uwo ukwiza, " kuti nkuŵa na vintu vyakuthupi yayi. 11, 12. Rather, it is a godly devotion with "the promise of life now and the hope of which is to come, " not with material possessions. Kasi Ciuta wakaŵalongora wuli Ŵaisrayeli kuti nchakuzirwa kucita dankha vinthu vyauzimu? He said that humans could eat animal flesh, but he set this restriction: "Every moving animal that is alive may serve as food for you. As in the case of green vegetation, I do give it all to you. How did God show the Israelites the importance of putting spiritual interests first? Antheura, Dango likaŵa " mulinda ŵana wawo wakuŵatolera kwa Khristu. ' - Ŵagalatiya 3: 24. * (Read Daniel 7: 7, 8, 23, 24.) Thus the Law was "the tutor leading to Christ. " - Galatians 3: 24. 24: 15. More than ever, our mission as the end nears is to preach the good news of the Kingdom! 24: 15. Tiwonenge kuti umoyo ntchawanangwa Are they at a serious disadvantage in teaching love to their little ones? We will see that life is a gift Ŵakutorana ŵangaŵa na masuzgo para ŵali na ŵana. 15, 16. (a) How might we help a student who does not understand an illustration used in the Bible? A married couple may face challenges when they are raised. Yayi. Nakuti mu nyengo yose yakusuzga yira, Yesu wakalutilira kulaŵiska viwemi ivyo ŵapositole ŵake ŵambura kufikapo ŵakacitanga. Still, Pharaoh defied Jehovah, refusing to let the Israelites go. In fact, throughout that difficult time, Jesus kept looking for the good that his imperfect apostles were doing. Mafumbo Ghakuweleramo " GO ON WALKING IN LOVE " Review Questions Wakacita mwacitemwa ndiposo mwalusungu na ŵantu ŵakuzika na ŵakuyuyulika ndipo wakazikizgika na ŵarwani ŵa Yehova. He will bring about an "abundance of peace. " He dealt kindly and kindly with meek and lowly ones and was persecuted by Jehovah's enemies. Tose tikwenera kulutilira kuchita mwakugomezgeka uteŵeti uliwose uwo tingapika mu gulu la Yehova. Does that not impel you to face up to adversity fearlessly and to continue doing your best to serve him? - 1 Peter 5: 6, 7. All of us must remain faithful to any assignment we receive through Jehovah's organization. Khumbo lithu lakuti tikondweske Yehova mwa kurongora cipasi ca mzimu likwenera kutikhuŵirizga kucita mwakuyana na mazgu gha Yesu ghakuti: " Rombani, ndipo kuti kupikenge kwa imwe; penjani, ndipo muti musangenge; khung'uskani, ndipo kuti kujurikirenge imwe. But he was determined to get here - and he did! Our desire to please Jehovah by manifesting the fruitage of the spirit should move us to act in harmony with Jesus ' words: "Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you. Pakuti panyengo iyi muntu wakuŵa mu mpingo cara, kusinta kwa mtima na mikhaliro yake vingamba kuwoneka danka na awo ŵakukhala nayo pafupi, nga ni mufumu panji muwoli wake ndiposo ŵantu ŵa mu mbumba yake. Terror filled Haman. Since a person does not become a member of the congregation, changes and attitudes can begin first with those around him, such as his marriage mate and his family. Ŵanthu awo ŵakugwilira lumoza nchito, kanandi ŵakwamba kutemwana comene. How does declaring to others God's wonderful works benefit us? Those working together usually have a deep love for each other. Rute wakaŵa na mwaŵi wakulongora citemwa cambura upusikizgi kwa Naomi na kwa Yehova Ciuta. June 15, 2008 Ruth had the privilege of showing unselfish love for Naomi and for Jehovah God. Cifukwa ca cipulikano ici pamoza na milimo yake, Yehova wakatumbika Abrahamu na ŵantu ŵanyake ŵakugomezgeka nangauli ŵakaŵa ŵakwananga. - Salmo 36: 10; Ŵaroma 4: 20 - 22. Family Worship - Vital for Survival! Because of this faith, Jehovah blessed Abraham and other faithful ones despite their sinful state. - Psalm 36: 10; Romans 4: 20 - 22. 1: 21 - Kasi Yehova wakugwiliskira nadi nchito "ucindere " kuti waponoske awo ŵali na cipulikano? The work that God has for his people will change, but their dedication to him remains the same. 1: 21 - Does Jehovah really use "the foolish one " to save those having faith? Kasi Ŵakhristu ŵakwenera kukumbuka vici pa nkhani zakukhwaskana na vinthu ivyo munthu wakwenera kusankha yekha? Perhaps some were slaughtered there in the territory of Benjamin where Rachel was buried. What should Christians keep in mind when it comes to personal decisions? Para nkhazingiziwa mukandiŵika pa usani. October 22, 1974, pages 12 - 15. When I was under pressure, I put it on my body. Unenesko ngwakuti Ana wakapembuzgika kweniso wakaŵa wakukondwa chifukwa cha kusopa Yehova. Aklilu, who hails from Ethiopia, found himself lonely in Britain's capital, London. The truth is that Anna found comfort and joy in worshipping Jehovah. Mukhaliro uwu nawo ungatimbanizga umoza. So Nice's husband lost his job one day, only to get it back the following day. That attitude can disrupt the unity of the congregation. Ŵantu wakuwona kugonana kuŵa ukhaliro wakawiro wakurongolera citemwa weneuwo wungacitika nyengo yiliyose apo ŵakukhumbira, ŵakupwererako cara kuti ncintu ceneico cikwenera kucitika mu ntengwa pera. Various loyal servants of God have perished in explosions or in other ways that left no trace of their remains. People view sexual relations as an expression of love that can develop whenever they want it, not as something that should occur only in a marriage. Kasi ŵanthu ŵangakhala makora kwambura Ciuta panji cisopa, nga umo ŵanji ŵakughanaghanira? He could not get a job. Can people be better off without God and religion, as some think? Cara. When she came up from the water, I hurried to hug her and whispered into her ear: "You remember how we fought? " No. 11, 12. How can we do that? 11, 12. Iye wakazomerezga kurya nyama, kweni wakapeleka dango ili: "Vyakwenda vyose ivyo vikughuma [ivyo vili na umoyo] vitiviŵenge kurya kwinu; nga ndi ntheta ziŵisi ndamupani vyose. The clergy commonly teach this idea. He allowed an animal to eat, but he gave this command: "All the things that have come with [the life] will eat from you. * (Ŵazgani Daniel 7: 7, 8, 23, 24.) Appointed men can learn what lessons from Timothy? * (Read Daniel 7: 7, 8, 23, 24.) Apo charu ichi chikusendelera kuumaliro, mulimo withu ukuru ngwakupharazga makani ghawemi gha Ufumu. His listeners in the northern kingdom of Israel may have been surprised to hear Amos proclaim judgment against the kingdom of Judah. As this world nears its end, our primary work is to preach the good news of the Kingdom. Kasi ŵangatondeka kusambizga ŵana ŵawo citemwa? Jehovah heard Rachel's heartfelt supplications, and she was eventually blessed with children. Can they fail to teach their children love? 15, 16. (a) Kasi tingamovwira wuli musambiri uyo wandapulikiske ciyelezgero ico cili mu Baibolo? Loving our neighbor will protect us from doing what is bad. 15, 16. (a) How can we offer a Bible student an illustration? Ndipouli, Faro wakalutilira kunyoza Yehova na kukana kuti Ŵaisrayeli ŵalute. I also needed to legalize my marriage with Elvira. However, Pharaoh kept calling Jehovah and refused to let the Israelites go. " LUTILIRANI KWENDA MU CITEMWA " May we all be determined to continue to "do what is good, " so that we will be alive when the earth is filled with righteous, happy subjects of the Greater David. - Ps. " BEING LOVE IN LOVE " Wazamwiziska "mtende ukuru. " STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: He will bring "great peace. " Kasi fundo iyi yikumukhozgani yayi kuti mulimbane na masuzgo mwacikanga na kulutilira kucita ivyo mungafiska mu uteŵeti wake? - 1 Petros 5: 6, 7. However, this article did not appear in the German edition. Does that not encourage you to fight successfully and continue to do what you can in his service? - 1 Peter 5: 6, 7. Kweni wakakhumbisiska kuti wafike ku Nepal ndipo wakafika nadi. That gives us confidence that he will become whatever is necessary in order to fulfill his promises. But she was determined to come to Nepal and did. Hamani wakacita wofi comene. Paul entreated his friends: "You also can help us by your supplication for us. " Haman was afraid. Kasi tikupindura wuli para tikuphalirako ŵanyithu milimo yakuzizwiska ya Ciuta? But what comfort anointed ones can draw from Christ's next words! He says: "Do not be afraid of the things you are about to suffer. How do we benefit from sharing God's wonderful works with others? Junii 15, 2008 Who alone is the Leader of true Christians? June 15, 2008 Nyengo Yakusopera ya Mbumba Njakuzirwa Kuti Tizakapone Is Jesus Almighty God? Family Worship - Essential! Mulimo uwo Yehova wakukhumba kuti ŵanthu ŵake ŵacite ungasintha, kweni kujipeleka kwawo kungasintha yayi. What form of sacred service have many young people enjoyed? The work that Jehovah requires of his people can change, but their dedication cannot change. Ŵanyake ŵakwenera kuti ŵakakomekera mu chigaŵa ichi cha fuko la Benjamini uko Rakelo wakasungika. The reminder of Jehovah is trustworthy, making the inexperienced one wise. Some may have been killed in that region of the tribe of Benjamin, where Rachel was buried. ya Cingelezi ya Okutobala 22, 1974, mapeji 12 - 15. How did the father react to complaints from the older son who had never left his family? of October 22, 1974, pages 12 - 15. Aklilu, wa ku Ethiopia, wakakhalanga yekha mu msumba ukuru wa caru ca Britain, wa London. Consequently, many people have concluded that our planet was designed for a purpose. - Read Isaiah 45: 18. He lived alone in the capital of Britain, London. Ntheura, vikaŵa nga nipara mfumu wa Nice wakalekera dala nchito na cilato cakuti wakambeso yinyake. On the other hand, many tremble at such questions as these: Which nations have weapons of mass destruction? So it was as if my husband had not cut off my job in order to return again. Ŵateŵeti ŵanandi ŵakugomezgeka ŵa Ciuta ŵali kufwa na mabomba panji vinthu vinyake ndipo palije ico cili kukhalako. Is that same holy spirit available to help us? Many faithful servants of God have died or have been killed, and there is nothing at all. Ntchito zikasoŵanga. Highlights From Ezra, 1 / 15 There was no work. Apo wakati wazuwuka mu maji, nkacimbira na kumuvumbatira ndipo nkamuphwepwerezga kuti: "Kasi ukukumbuka umo tikatimbirananga? " Mountains West of Jordan When he came out of the water, I fled and cried out: "Do you remember how I was going to go? " Kasi tingacita wuli ici? (See opening image.) How can we do that? Ciuta wakuwusa mitima yithu. " How could they possibly preach the good news "in all the inhabited earth "? God rules our hearts. " Kasi ŵalara na ŵateŵeti ŵakovwira ŵangasambirako vichi kwa Timote? What a compelling reason to imitate the humility of Moses! What can elders and ministerial servants learn from Timothy? Awo ŵakategherezganga Amosi mu ufumu wa kumpoto wa Israyeli ŵakwenera kuti ŵakazizwa kupulika kuti wakupharazga ceruzgo pa ufumu wa Yuda. Remember that the craving to control others and the longing to be admired are the desires that enticed Satan, but he is angry, not happy. Those listening to Amos in the northern kingdom of Israel must have been surprised to learn that he proclaimed judgment against the kingdom of Judah. Yehova wakapulika malurombo ghakuŵeyelera gha Rakelo, ndipo wakamupa ŵana. Rather, he ascended to heaven to Jehovah's right hand, where he waited until he would be installed as King of Jehovah's heavenly Kingdom. Jehovah heard Rachel's prayers, and he gave her young children. Kutemwa ŵanyithu kutivikilirenge kuti tileke kucita uheni. On Atonement Day, the high priest slaughtered a young bull, and in the Most Holy, he spattered some of its blood seven times before the cover of the Ark, thus representatively offering the blood before Jehovah. Love of neighbor will protect us from doing bad things. Nkhenerangaso kulembeska nthengwa yane. Include a letter stating that the donation is conditional. I also had to pick up my marriage. Mphanyi tose tayezgayezga kulutilira " kucita uwemi, ' mwakuti tizakakhale pa caru capasi ico cizamuzura na ŵanthu ŵarunji ndiposo ŵakukondwa awo ŵazamuwusika na Davide Mulara. - Sal. BEFORE translation can begin, publications of Jehovah's Witnesses are carefully planned, researched, and written. May all of us continue to "work what is good, " so that we may live on a earth filled with righteous, happy subjects of the Greater David. - Ps. NKHANI YAKUSAMBIRA MU SABATA YA: Gideon's victory over the Midianites is another account that brings distances to the fore. STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: Ndipouli magazini ya Seputembala 1915, yikang'anamurika yayi mu Chijeremani. Perhaps Moses meditated on how Jehovah had protected Abraham, Joseph, and even Moses himself during the reigns of past Pharaohs. This issue of September 1915, however, was not translated into German. Fundo iyi yikutikhozga cifukwa tikumanya kuti Ciuta wangaŵa cilicose mwakuti wafiske vilayizgo vyake. Jesus Christ invited his listeners to follow him continually. This is encouraging because we know that God can become whatever is necessary to fulfill his promises. Paulosi wakapempha ŵanyake kuti: "Namwe mungatovwira para mukutilombera na kutiŵeyelelera. " Genuine Christians have always accepted the Bible, "not as the word of men, but, just as it truthfully is, as the word of God. " Paul asked his companions: "I'm going to help you when you pray and ask for it. " Kweni mazgu ghakurondezgapo gha Yesu ghakupereka cipembuzgo cikuru kwa Ŵakristu ŵakuphakazgika. I don't think my dad had to cook dinner for an entire year because it was always waiting by the front door. But Jesus ' next words provide great comfort for anointed Christians. Ni njani uyo ni Murongozgi yekha wa Ŵakristu ŵaunenesko? No wonder he is wrathful! Who is the only Leader of true Christians? Kasi Yesu Ni Ciuta Wankhongono Zose? How can God's Word help you to make a good decision in this matter? Is Jesus Almighty God? Kasi ŵachinyamata ŵanandi ŵakukondwa na vichi? Whatever schedule you follow, as an individual or as a family, meeting it requires giving priority to Bible reading. What joy do many young people enjoy? Pa cigaŵa cikuru, ici ncaunenesko pakuyowoya za kuŵazga Baibolo. • Regarding true worship, what are some excuses that are not acceptable to God? On a larger scale, this is true when it comes to Bible reading. Kasi wiskewo wakacita wuli na madandauro gha mwana wake murara uyo wakaleka kufumapo panyumba? Instill in your children a desire to please "the God of peace " How did their father respond to the voice of his older son, who left home? Ntheura, ŵanthu ŵanandi ŵakuti caru capasi cili kupangika na cilato. - Ŵazgani Yesaya 45: 18. Curious about his transformation, I invited him out to a café. Thus, many people say that the earth is created with a purpose. - Read Isaiah 45: 18. Ndipouli, ŵanandi ŵakopa para ŵajifumba kuti: Kasi ni vyaru wuli ivyo vili na vilwero vyakofya? Mark here uses a word that can literally mean "scourging, " a form of whipping often used as torture. However, many fear when they ask: What forces have massive weapons? Kasi mzimu uwu ucalipo kuti utovwire? How may we be able to expand our ministry? Is that spirit still available to help us? Fundo Zikuru za m'Buku la Ezra, 1 / 1 " Anyone loving violence, " he softly repeats to himself. Highlights From Ezra, 1 / 15 Mapiri gha Kuzambwe kwa Yorodani God's Word describes that development as the attack by "Gog of the land of Magog. " Mountains of Jordan (Wonani chithuzi chakwamba.) I realized that my gang associates were still influencing me. (See opening picture.) Kasi ŵakatenge ŵakwaniskenge wuli kupharazga makani ghawemi "mu vyaru vyose "? Note that Martha did not say: " I hope that my brother will rise. ' How could they succeed in preaching the good news "in all the inhabited earth "? Tili na cifukwa ciwemi comene cakuŵira ŵakujiyuyura nga ni Mozesi. How appropriate that we train ourselves to consider the feelings of others ahead of our own! We have every reason to imitate Moses ' humility. Kumbukani kuti Satana wakakhumbanga kulamulira ŵanyake kweniso kutchuka. Ivyo wakakhumbanga vili kuchitika, kweni ni mukali ndipo ngwakukondwa yayi. Furthermore, they were not to mix with or take wives from among Gentiles who had not submitted to the Law. Remember, Satan wanted to rule over others as well as to his own interests, but he is vicious and will not be happy. Kweni wakakwelera kucanya na kukhala ku woko lamalyero la Yehova, uko wakalindilira nyengo yakuti waŵe Fumu ya Ufumu wa Yehova kucanya. In Eden, what did Jehovah reveal about our enemy? Rather, he ascended to heaven and sat at Jehovah's right hand, waiting for time to become King of Jehovah's heavenly Kingdom. Para wanjira mu Malo Ghatuŵa Comene, wakamijanga ndopa zinyake za ng'ombe iyi kankhondi na kaŵiri panthazi pa cakuphepiskirapo, (cakubenekelera pa Likasa). Ici cikimiranga kupeleka ndopa kwa Yehova. First, let us get an overview of the purpose and function of these cities. When he entered the Most Holy, he sold some of the blood of the bull seven times before making atonement for it, which represented the blood of Jehovah. Pakupeleka ndalama izi mulembe kalata yakulongosora kuti zizakawezgeke. Instead, God's people fasted and were dressed in sackcloth as a sign of mourning. Include a letter stating that the donation is conditional. AWO ŵakulemba mabuku gha Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova, ŵakudankha kunozga makora nkhani, kufufuza, na kulemba, pambere zindang'anamulike. How grateful married couples can be if both have learned to exercise proper self - control in this most intimate relationship. IN THE first century C.E., publications of Jehovah's Witnesses set out to prepare talks, to do research, and to write them before translating them. Nkhani yakulongosora umo Gidiyoni wakatheleskera Ŵamidiyani nayo yikulongora uwemi wa kumanya mtunda. That assault was not part of Jehovah's purpose, and he miraculously delivered his faithful people by destroying the invaders. - 2 Ki. The account of Gideon's victory over the Midianites also highlights the wisdom of knowing the distance. Panji Mozesi wakaghanaghanirangapo pa umo Yehova wakavikililira Abrahamu, Yosefe, na iyo wuwo, mu nyengo za Ŵafaro ŵakumasinda. Carolyn adds: "We wanted our children to be surrounded by missionaries, Bethelites, and special pioneers and to receive the best possible spiritual experience. " Perhaps Moses meditated on the way Jehovah protected Abraham, Joseph, and him in the past. Yesu Khristu wakaphalira awo ŵakamupulikizganga kuti ŵalutilire kumulondezga. Since displaying the fruitage of God's holy spirit is so important to us as Christians, we do well to consider how we might show one of those qualities - kindness. Jesus Christ told his listeners to continue following him. Nyengo zose Ŵakhristu ŵaunenesko ŵakuwona Baibolo "nga ni mazgu gha ŵanthu cara, kweni umo ghaliri nadi kwaunenesko, mazgu gha Ciuta. " When I go back home, I always visit her and enjoy her upbuilding association. " True Christians always view the Bible, "not as the word of men, but, just as it truthfully is, as the word of God. " Kwa chaka chimoza kanandi adada ŵakaphikanga viŵi yayi chakurya chifukwa Ŵakhristu ŵanyithu ŵakatipanga. The Devil delights to see us tormented with as many thornlike problems as possible. For one year, my father often had little food for our fellow believers. Lekani Satana ni mukali. Many learn about Jehovah but hesitate to take refuge in him. No wonder Satan is angry! Kasi Mazgu gha Ciuta ghangamovwirani wuli pa nkhani iyi? This would include those who were once part of the congregation but who sinned, were unrepentant, and were disfellowshipped. How can God's Word help you in this regard? Kwali ndi ndondomeko wuli iyo mukurondezga, kwali muli mwekha panji na mbumba, kurondezga ndondomeko iyo cikukhumbikwira kuti, kuŵazga Baibolo kukukwenera kuŵikika pa malo ghakwamba. Does he have a desire to call back on interested ones he meets in the territory? No matter what schedule you are following, whether you are alone or within the family, follow a schedule that requires that you read the Bible first. • Pa nkhani ya kusopa kwaunenesko, kasi ni vifukwa wuli vyakugwenthera ivyo Ciuta wakuviwona kuti ni vyambura kupulikikwa? For good reason, a promise is made to the Rechabites. • When it comes to true worship, what reasons do God consider to be unreasonable? Sambizgani ŵana ŵinu kutemwa kukondweska "Ciuta wamtende " This too should be done out of love, not out of compulsion. Teach your children to love "the God of peace " Pakuzizwa na umo wakasinthira, nkhamucemera ku resitiranti kuti tikasangwepo. On one occasion, during a relentless pursuit of David, King Saul entered a cave, not knowing that David and his companions were hidden there. Based on the change, I invited her to a restaurant. Apa, Marko wakang'anamuranga za urwirwi uwo muntu wakuŵa nawo para watimbika na luswazu. Everything in the world - the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one's means of life - does not originate with the Father, but originates with the world. " In effect, Mark was referring to the pain that a person feels when he was beaten and beaten. Tingacita wuli kuti tipharazgenge comene? What invitation did Jesus extend to his disciples? How can we increase our share in the ministry? Wakati waŵazga wakawerezgapo mwapasipasi, wakati: "Uyo watemwa nkhaza. " " TO SACRIFICE seems as " natural ' to man as to pray; the one indicates what he feels about himself, the other what he feels about God, " writes Biblical historian Alfred Edersheim. After reading aloud, he said: "He who loves violence is the one who loves it. " Mazgu gha Ciuta ghakulongora kuti "Gogi, wa caru ca Magogi " ndiyo wazamulongozga pa kuwukira uku. 7: 23. God's Word indicates that "Gog of the land of Magog " will take the lead in this attack. Nkhamanya kuti nkhaguzikanga nipera na ŵanyane pa kagulu kithu. Why have some Christians fallen victim to Satan's machinations? I knew that I still met my friends in my group. Wonani kuti Marita wakayowoyapo yayi kuti: " Mudumbu wane wakwenera kuti wazamuwuka. ' Not Deceive Self With False Reasoning, 3 / 15 Note that Martha did not say: "My sister must have been resurrected. " Ntheura nchakuzirwa comene kuti tijisambizge kughanaghaniraso maghanoghano gha ŵanji m'malo mwa ghithu pera. That is useful for us to contemplate, for we live in an age when faith and hope are in desperately short supply. How important it is, then, that we train our thinking ability to others rather than our own! Mwakusazgirapo, ŵakeneranga cara kwendezgana nesi kutora ŵanakazi ŵambura kopa Ciuta awo ŵakamanyanga yayi Dango. Instead, they said of their own free will: "All that Jehovah has spoken we are willing to do. " Moreover, they were not to associate with unbelievers who did not know the Law. Kasi mu Edeni Yehova wakavumbura wuli vya mulwani withu? Let us, then, use the gift of speech to uplift others and praise God. How did Jehovah reveal about our enemy in Eden? Chakwamba, tiyeni tiwone chifukwa icho Chiuta wakaŵikirako mizi iyi, na umo vinthu vikaŵiranga ku mizi iyi. One way he does so is by example. First, let us consider why God provided these cities and how they were affected. M'malo mwake, ŵanthu ŵa Ciuta ŵakaziŵizga kurya ndipo ŵakavwara vigudulu kuŵa cimanyikwiro ca kulira. (b) How will even the dead be given a fresh start? Instead, God's people refrain from eating and wearing them as a sign of tears. Naco ncimwemwe ico ŵantu ŵakutorana ŵangaŵa naco usange wose ŵaŵiri ŵasambira kujikora mwakwenerera mu ubwezi wa citemwa uwu. Then, rather than being discouraged over this, supplicate God clearly, pointedly for help to progress. What joy marriage mates can experience if both learned to exercise self - control properly in that relationship! Ni Yehova yayi uyo wakaŵatuma kuti ŵacite nthena, ndipo mwamunthondwe wakathaska ŵanthu ŵake ŵakugomezgeka mwa kuparanya ŵalwani aŵa. - 2 Mathe. By offering Scriptural counsel and encouragement, loving Christian elders help us to build up our faith. Not Jehovah, who commanded them to do so, miraculously saved his loyal ones by destroying them. - 2 Ki. Carolyn wakati: "Tikakhumbanga kuti ŵana ŵithu ŵachezgenge na ŵamishonale, ŵabali ŵa pa Beteli, na ŵapayiniya ŵapadera, kuti ŵamanye uwemi wakuteŵetera Yehova. " In the original copies, the divine name is found in the Greek Scriptures as well. " We wanted our children to spend time with missionaries, Bethel family members, and special pioneers, to get to know Jehovah's goodness. " Pakuti nchakuzirwa comene kuti ise Ŵakhristu tiŵe na vipambi vya mzimu utuŵa wa Ciuta, tikwenera kughanaghanira umo tingalongolera cimoza mwa vipambi ivi - lusungu. And recall why Samson could perform such deeds - "Jehovah's spirit became operative upon him. " Since it is vital that we as Christians cultivate the fruitage of God's holy spirit, consider how we can display it. Nyengo zose para naluta kukaya, nkhukamuwona kweniso nkhukondwa kuchezga nayo. " Lucas came to recognize that "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. " Whenever I go home, I look around and enjoy spending time with them. " Diabolosi wakukondwa para wakuwona ise tikusuzgika na masuzgo gha nga ni minga pa thupi lithu. I'll never succeed at this job. The Devil is pleased when he sees us suffer like thorns in our flesh. Mazuŵa ghano ŵanthu ŵanandi ŵakusambira vya Yehova, ndipouli ŵakuziwulika kubisama mu mapapindo ghake. 13, 14. Today, many people are learning about Jehovah, but they do not hesitate to hide his wings. Pa ŵanthu aŵa, pali awo tikaŵa nawo mu mpingo kweni ŵakabuda na kuleka kupera ndipo ŵali kusezgeka. " I became convinced that I was useless, since that is what my mother told me time and time again, " explains Ana. Among them are those with whom we met in the congregation but who repented and were disfellowshipped. Kasi wali na khumbo la kuwelerako ku ŵakunweka awo wakuŵapharazgira? Besides writing about a tutor, the apostle Paul also used the illustrations of "men in charge " and" stewards. " Does he have the desire to visit interested ones? Ŵana ŵa Rekabi ŵakalayizgika viwemi cifukwa cakuti ŵakapulikira. Today, the divine name is widely known and accepted in many African languages, such as Zulu (uJehova), Yoruba (Jehofah), Xhosa (uYehova) and Swahili (Yehova). As a result, the children were promised good things because they obeyed. Mukwenera kucita nthena cifukwa ca citemwa, cifukwa ca kucicizgika yayi. (Read Romans 14: 1 - 4.) You need to do so out of love, not because of peer pressure. Nyengo yinyake, peneapo wakapenjanga Davide, Themba Sauli likanjira mu mphanji kwambura kumanya kuti Davide na ŵanalume ŵake ŵakabisama mwenemumo. The Scriptures refer to him as "the ruler of this world " and" the god of this system of things. " On one occasion, while seeking David, King Saul entered a cave without realizing that David and his men were seeking refuge in it. Vyose ivyo viri mu caru, makhumbiro gha thupi, na makhumbiro gha maso, na kuthumbwa kwa umoyo uno, kuti nvyakufuma ku Ŵawiske cara, kweni ku caru. " The matter was resolved. All the things in the world - the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one's means of life - are not from the Father, but from the world. " Kasi Yesu wakaciska ŵasambiri ŵake kuti ŵaciteko mulimo wuli? Then, we reviewed why Jesus ' judgment of the sheep and the goats did not begin in 1914 but will occur during the great tribulation. Jesus urged his disciples to share in what work? " KUPEREKA sembe kukuwoneka kuŵa kwa " kawiro ' ku ŵantu nga ndi umo kuromba kuliri; uyo wakupereka sembe wakurongora umo iye wakujipulikira iyemwene, ndipo kuromba kukurongora umo iye wakujipulikira pakuyowoya za Ciuta, " wakalemba mwanteura wakulemba mdauko wa Baibolo, Alfred Edersheim. Regarding that time, Isaiah prophesies: "In that day Jehovah, with his hard and great and strong sword, will turn his attention to Leviathan, the gliding serpent, even to Leviathan, the crooked serpent, and he will certainly kill the sea monster that is in the sea. " " BEING a sacrifice " is as visible to humans as it is to the people as it is to pray; the one offering a sacrifice shows himself to himself, and it shows how he feels about God, " wrote historian of Bible chronology, "and thus he wrote the history of the Bible. " 7: 23. The Hebrew Scriptures make reference to a similar technique at Genesis 6: 14. 7: 23. Ncifukwa wuli Ŵakristu ŵanyake ŵakoreka na mauryarya gha Satana? (Read Matthew 24: 32 - 34.) Why have some Christians been ensnared by Satan's propaganda? Petrosi na Wakunyuka Vikumba, 6 / 1 What did they talk about? 12 / 15 Ntheura kughanaghanira fundo iyi kungatovwira chifukwa nase tikukhala mu nyengo izo ŵanthu ŵanandi ŵalije chipulikano. God's purpose is to make the earth a paradise and to elevate mankind to perfection and peace, with "no one making them tremble. " So meditating on this principle can help us because we too live in a time when many do not have faith. M'malo mwake, ŵakayowoya ŵekha kuti: "Vyose ivyo Yehova wayowoya titicitenge. " Are you convinced that Jehovah's day is near? Instead, they said: "All that Jehovah has spoken we are willing to do. " Ipo tiyeni tigwiriskire ncito cawanangwa ca mazgu kuti tikhuŵirizge ŵanji na kurumba Ciuta. " The merciful " are moved by compassion and pity for others. Let us, then, use the gift of words to encourage others and praise God. Nthowa yimoza ni umo wakucitira. No, for the door leading to reconciliation with Jehovah is still wide open. One way is by the way he acts. (b) Kasi ŵakufwa ŵazamupika wuli umoyo uphya? Jesus did not stop with that. (b) How will the dead be given a new life? Mu malo mwakugongoweskeka cifukwa ca ivi, muphalirani Ciuta vyose vya ku mtima winu, rombani covwiro kuti murute pantazi. Being well watered, it was fine for grazing, but it had forests of oak trees in the northern sections. Instead of being discouraged, talk to God about your heart, asking for help to make progress. Mwakupereka urongozgi wa mu Malemba na cikhuŵirizgo, ŵarara ŵacitemwa ŵakutovwira kukhozga cipulikano cithu. PAGE 12 By giving Scriptural counsel and encouragement, loving elders help us to strengthen our faith. Mu Mabaibolo ghakwambilira zina la Ciuta likusangikaso mu Malemba Ghacigiriki. When elderly Christians move into a nursing home, they may find themselves in the territory of a congregation with which they are not familiar. The first translation of God's name appears in the Christian Greek Scriptures. Ndipo kumbukani cifukwa ico Samusoni wakacitira nthena, "mzimu wa Yehova ukamwizira mwankhongono. " However, what we know about Jesus and the context of his words can help us to grasp his point. And remember why Samson did so, "the spirit of Jehovah became mighty. " Pamasinda, Lucas wakamanya kuti "Khristu Yesu wakiza mu caru kuzakaponoska ŵakwananga. " It was a wedding gift to her from my father. " Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, " notes Luca. Ntchito iyi ningayifiska yayi. The Bible, however, encourages Christians to be mild - tempered. I cannot accomplish that work. 13, 14. Jehovah's name appears an average of ten times in each chapter of the book. 13, 14. Ana wakati: "Nkhamba kugomezga kuti nili wawakawaka, chifukwa ndivyo amama ŵakaniphaliranga kanandi waka. 1: 6; 20: 7 - 11. " I began to believe that I was worthless, " she says, "because my mother repeatedly told me. Padera pa kulemba za mulindaŵana, mpositole Paulosi wakayowoyaso viyelezgero vya "ŵakumusungilira " na " ŵakumupwelelera. ' Jesus ' tender heart moved him to speak tenderly to others, especially to the downtrodden. In addition to writing about a tutor, the apostle Paul also mentioned examples of "those who are keeping watch " and" caring for " him. Mazuŵa ghano, zina la Ciuta ndakumanyikwa comene ndipo likugwiriskirika ncito mu viyowoyero vinandi vya mu Africa, nga ni Cizulu (uJehova), Ciyoruba (Jehofah), Cixhosa (uYehova) ndiposo Ciswahili (Yehova). He said: "People will deliver you up to tribulation and will kill you, and you will be objects of hatred by all the nations on account of my name. Today, God's name is widely known and is used in many parts of Africa, such as Mayo, Jehovah, and Swahili. (Ŵazgani Ŵaroma 14: 1 - 4.) Just think, though, that someone infinitely older and wiser than we are is happy to give us loving guidance in making those decisions! (Read Romans 14: 1 - 4.) Kweniso Satana Dyabulosi ndiyo " wakuchitiska nyifwa. ' In our sinful state, we can never earn a righteous standing before God. Moreover, Satan the Devil is "the cause of death. " Suzgo ilo likaŵapo likamara makora. How has Jehovah shown insight into human nature? The problem was well worth it. Kufuma apo, tanguwona cifukwa ico tikuwonera kuti Yesu wakamba kweruzga mberere na mbuzi mu 1914 yayi, kweni wazamweruzga pa suzgo yikuru. Relief From Stress - A Practical Remedy Next, we learned why we do not believe that Jesus began judging the sheep and the goats in 1914, but he will execute judgment during the great tribulation. Kuyowoya za nyengo iyo, ucimi wa Yesaya ukuti: "Mu zuŵa ilo Yehova tiwalange Leviatani na lupanga lwake lwankongono, lukuru, na lwakuŵinya, Leviatani cinjoka cakuwuruka na cakunyongoroka - nyongoroka, ndipo tiwakome cinjoka ca mu nyanja. " However, for baptized Christians, the greatest privilege is our being allowed to have a close relationship with the only true God, Jehovah. Referring to that time, Isaiah's prophecy states: "In that day Jehovah himself will hold away with his strong sword and with its great sword and with the abundance of pain, and the dragon and the dragon itself will break up, and he will take away from the sea. " Baibolo pa Genesis 6: 14 nalo likuyowoyapo umo kale ŵakamatiranga ngalaŵa. Concerning some such overseers, the Bible says: "As they traveled on through the cities they would deliver to those there for observance the decrees that had been decided upon by the apostles and older men who were in Jerusalem. " - Acts 15: 6, 19 - 22; 16: 4. The Bible at Genesis 6: 14 also speaks of the success of the ship. (Ŵazgani Mateyu 24: 32 - 34.) Remember, no man has reason to boast in his knowledge. (Read Matthew 24: 32 - 34.) Kasi ni nkhani wuli izo ŵakayowoyanga? At the end of the 40 years in the wilderness, they, along with the Levites, were rewarded by being survivors of that generation and being allowed to enter the Promised Land. - Num. What were they talking about? Ciuta wakukhumba kuzgora caru capasi kuŵa paradiso na kuwezgera ŵanthu ku urunji na mtende, kwambura "yumoza wakuŵawofya. " He fed the hungry. God wants to make the earth a paradise and restore people to righteousness and peace, without "one making them tremble. " Ciwuravi cikuciska ŵanthu "Ŵacisungusungu " kulengera citima ŵanji. She was willing to give him something to drink, but all she had for food was "a handful of flour in the large jar and a little oil in the small jar. " Loving - kindness moves people to "become kind " to others. Yayi, mulyango ucali wakujulika ku ŵanthu awo ŵakukhumba kuphemana na Yehova. Find Joy in Your Marriage No, the door is still open to those who want to be reconciled to Jehovah. Kweni Yesu wakayowoya vyenevivi pera yayi. There can be no question that the Doer of such wonderful and beneficial works has infinite wisdom and enormous power. But Jesus did not merely say so. Cifukwa cakuti kukaŵa maji ghanandi, ghakaŵa malo ghawemi ghakuliskako viŵeto, kweni kukaŵa makuni gha oki cadera kumpoto. The brief description of the temptations does not state how long a period was involved or where Jesus was in the wilderness. Because of its abundant water, it was a safe place for animals, but there were trees of the north. PEJI 12 What does it mean to be "persuaded to believe "? PAGE 12 Para ŵacekuru awo Mbakhristu ŵasamira ku malo ghakusungirako ŵacekuru, ŵangaŵa kuti ŵakumanyana yayi na ŵabali ŵa ku cigaŵa ico. Instead of saying: "Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we are to die, " we have the reliable hope of everlasting life in a paradise on earth. - 1 Cor. When elderly Christians move to a nursing home, they may not be familiar with the local brothers. Chiuta wakupeleka njombe pa uteŵeti uliwose uwo tingachita kufumira pasi pa mtima chifukwa cha chipulikano kweniso chitemwa. 16 Do You Remember? Because of faith and love, God rewards every aspect of our service. Nangauli vili nthena, ivyo tikumanya pakuyowoya za Yesu na ivyo wakayowoya vingatovwira kuti tipulikiske ico wakang'anamuranga. The branch office sent us 800 magazines to use in the ministry. Nevertheless, what we know about Jesus and what he said can help us to understand what he meant. Adada ndiwo ŵakaŵapa desiki ili kuŵa cawanangwa ca pa zuŵa la nthengwa yawo. Then he raises his eyes to heaven and prays: "Father, the hour has come; glorify your son, that your son may glorify you, according as you have given him authority over all flesh, that, as regards the whole number whom you have given him, he may give them everlasting life.... My father gave it as a gift on the day of their marriage. Baibolo likuchiska Ŵakhristu kuti ŵaŵenge ŵakuzika. It may contain accurate history, but I don't think it has any practical value. The Bible urges Christians to be mild - tempered. Mu chipaturo chilichose, pa avereji zina la Yehova likusangikamo nyengo zakukwana 10. We might ask ourselves, " How much time do I spend reading secular magazines or newspapers, watching television programs, listening to music, or playing video games? In each chapter, Jehovah's name appears ten times in each chapter. 1: 6; 20: 7 - 11. Could you also pray with your children each day? 1: 6; 20: 7 - 11. Yesu wakayowoyanga mwalusungu na ŵanthu ŵakuyuyulika. H. Jesus was kind to the lowly. Iyo wakati: "Ŵamkumupelekani ku suzgo, ndipo ŵamkumukomani: ndipo mwamkutinkhika na mitundu yose cifukwa ca zina lane. Similarly, when we admire the marvelous order and design in the natural world and then notice the chaos and corruption that blight the human family, what conclusion should we draw? He said: "You will deliver yourselves from tribulation and will kill you, and you will be objects of hatred by all the nations on account of my name. Ntheura ghanaghanani kuti munthu munyake mulara na wavinjeru kuluska ise ngwakunweka kuti watilongozge mwacitemwa para tikughanaghanira vinthu ivi. 12, 13. So imagine that someone more wise and discreet than we want to guide us in a loving way when we think about them. Pakuŵa ŵakwananga, tingaŵa ŵarunji fikepo yayi pamaso pa Ciuta. 14, 15. As sinners, we cannot be perfect in God's eyes. Kasi Yehova walongora wuli kuti wakumanya makora umo munthu waliri? We thus avoid having a critical attitude toward those shouldering responsibility in the congregation. How has Jehovah shown that he understands human nature? Umo Tingafwatukira ku Umoyo Wakwenjerwa (a) What do some unwisely do? How We Can Draw Close to Anxiety Ndipouli, mwaŵi ukuru comene uwo Taŵakhristu ŵakubapatizika tili nawo, ngwakuti tili paubwezi na Yehova, Ciuta waunenesko. Put simply, DNA has a "grammar, " or set of rules, that strictly regulates how its instructions are composed and carried out. However, the greatest privilege that baptized Christians have is that we have a close relationship with Jehovah, the true God. Pakuyowoya za ŵanji ŵa ŵalaŵiliri aŵa, Baibolo likuti: "Apo ŵakendanga kusolota mu misumba, ŵakaŵaphaliranga awo ŵakaŵa kura kuti ŵasungilire malanguro agho ghakadumulika na ŵapositole kweniso ŵanalume ŵalara awo ŵakaŵa mu Yerusalemu. " - Mil. 15: 6, 19 - 22; 16: 4. As a nation, they had received the Law covenant through Moses about 1,500 years earlier. Regarding some of these overseers, the Bible says: "As they went through the cities, they were commanding those there to observe the regulations that were cut down by the apostles and older men in Jerusalem. " - Acts 15: 6, 19 - 19; 16: 4. Kumbukani kuti nangauli muntu wangamanya vinandi, kweni palije cifukwa cakuti wajitukumulire. Jehovah determined that his symbolic woman would bring forth a "seed, " or Son, who would eventually destroy the instigator, Satan, and undo all the harm he has caused. - Heb. Remember, though, that despite human experience, there is no need for self - worth. Paumaliro wa vilimika 40 ivyo ŵakaŵira mu mapopa, Joshua na Kalebi pamoza na Ŵalevi ŵakapona na kunjira mu Caru ca Layizgano, nangauli ŵa muwiro wawo ŵakamalira mu mapopa. - Maŵa. However, when I told him that I would not accept blood, he said that no surgeon would perform such a complicated procedure on me under those circumstances. By the end of their 40 - year trek in the wilderness, Joshua and Caleb survived the Promised Land, even though their descendants had spent 40 years in the wilderness. - Num. Wakaŵapa cakurya ŵanjara. [ Credit Line] He provided food for the hungry. Maji, likaŵa suzgo yayi, kweni cakurya ico cokoro ici cikaŵa naco, tukaŵa waka "tuufu lupi lumoza mu ciŵiya, na tumafuta tucoko waka mu supa. " Some helpful advice can be gleaned from the Bible writer Solomon. The water, not a problem, was, but the food that the widow had, was only "a small jar of flour and oil in a small jar. " Iŵani Ŵacimwemwe mu Nthengwa Yinu 1 Find Joy in Your Marriage Palije kukayikira kuti uyo Wakucita milimo yakuzizwiska ndiposo yacandulo iyi wali na vinjeru na nkongono zambura mayerezgereko. MATTHEW 24: 9; LUKE 21: 12 There is no doubt that he who is performing such wonderful works and who is able to cope with them has the wisdom and power to deal with them. Baibolo likuyowoya waka kuti Yesu wakatolekera ku Yerusalemu. This aspect of patience is highlighted at James 5: 7, 8. The Bible simply says that Jesus was taken to Jerusalem. Kasi mazgu ghakuti "kukhorwa na kugomezga " ghakung'anamurachi? With this in mind, think about the position of those whom the householder found late in the day and who therefore worked for only one hour. What is meant by the expression "with confidence "? M'malo mwa kuyowoya kuti: "Tiryenge timwenge, cifukwa namacero tifwenge, " tili na cilindizga ca kuzakakhala na umoyo wamuyirayira mu paradiso pa caru capasi. - 1 Kor. For example, a number of people in the Macedonian city of Beroea "received the word [of God] with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things [explained by Paul and his companions] were so. " Rather than saying: "Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die, " we have the prospect of living forever on a paradise earth. - 1 Cor. 16 Kasi Mukukumbuka? How does Jesus ' illustration of the sower and the different types of soil show what Kingdom fruitage is and what it is not? 16 Do You Recall? Ku ofesi ŵakatitumira magazini 800 kuti tikapharazgire ku malo agha. In such a situation, how can you reason with him instead of arguing? After sending 800 magazines to preach there, we wrote to the branch office. Kufuma apo, wakinuska maso ghake kucanya na kulomba kuti: "Ŵadada, ora liza; pelekani ucindami kwa mwana winu, mwakuti mwana winu wamupani ucindami, mwakuyana na umo mwamupira mazaza pa ŵanthu wose, mwakuti wose awo imwe mwamupa, iyo waŵape umoyo wamuyirayira.... Jehovah transferred the life of Jesus from heaven to the womb of Mary by means of holy spirit. Then he raised his eyes from heaven and prayed: "Father, the hour has come; give your son glory, that you may give him glory, just as you have authority over all men, that he may grant them everlasting life.... Nangauli likulongosora makora mbiri, kweni nkhukayika usange lingatovwira mazuŵa ghano. We must remain in union with God by observing Jesus ' commandments as he observed those of his Father. - John 15: 10. Although we have a clear history of history, it is not surprising that we can benefit from it today. Tingajifumba taŵene kuti, " Kasi mbunandi wuli wa nyengo iyo nkumalira pa kuŵazga magazini ghakucaru na nyuzipepala, kuwonera maprogramu gha pa wayilesi ya sinema, kupulikizga sumu, panji kuseŵera masoŵero gha pa vidiyo? If we find that there are hidden traces of prejudice in us, let us work to root them out and to "observe the oneness of the spirit in the uniting bond of peace. " We might ask ourselves, " How much time do I spend reading magazines and newspaper magazines, watching TV programs, listening to music, or playing video games? Kasi namwe mungalomba lumoza na ŵana ŵinu zuŵa lililose? He says: "Not being able to serve abroad, we made up our minds to be " missionaries ' in our own country. Could you pray with your children each day? H. March 24 - 30, 2008 H. Mwakuyana waka, para tikuwona kukolerana kwa cilengiwa ndipo pamasinda tikuwona kuti vinthu vinyake ni vyakunangika, kasi tingati ndimo vikalengekera? Be courageous and do not let your hands drop down, because there exists a reward for your activity. " - 2 Chron. In a similar way, when we see the relationship of creation and then note that some things are wrong, can we conclude that they were created? 12, 13. In his precious Word, Jehovah has given us what we need in order to have a successful and happy marriage as we keep on walking with his people on the road to everlasting life. - Matt. 12, 13. 14, 15. E. 14, 15. Mwanteura, tileke kuŵa na maghanoghano gha kudelera awo ŵali na milimo mu mpingo. [ Pictures on page 17] Therefore, let us never develop a critical attitude toward those who have privileges in the congregation. (a) Kasi ŵanyake ŵakucita vici kwambura mahara? It takes effort to verify news. (a) What have some done without understanding? Panji tiyowoye kuti DNA yili na malango (gilamara), agho ghakulongozga umo uthenga ukulembekera na kutumizgikira. " Death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. " - Revelation 21: 3, 4. In other words, DNA consists of laws that apply to the use of the information. Mtundu uwu ukapokera Dango kwizira mwa Moses pafupifupi vyaka 1,500 pambere Yohane wandaŵeko. This results in our identifying wonderful lessons and encouraging thoughts from Bible accounts that we may have felt we already knew quite well. The nation received the Law through Moses some 1,500 years before John's time. Yehova wakaŵikapo mtima kuti mu mwanakazi wake wakuyelezgera muzakafume "mphapu, " panji kuti Mwana msepuka, uyo wazamuparanya Satana na kuwuskapo viheni vyose. - Heb. The same is true of Oholiab. Jehovah was determined to bring to his figurative woman a "seed, " or son, who would destroy Satan and undo all wickedness. - Heb. Kweni nkhati namuphalira kuti ningazomera yayi kuti ŵaniŵike ndopa, wakayowoya kuti palije dokotala uyo wangapanga opareshoni yakusuzga nthena kwambura ndopa. They are eager to continue the discussion, but how? However, when I told her that I would not accept blood transfusions, she said that no medical doctor could perform such a difficult operation without blood. [ Kulongosora Cithuzithuzi] (b) How did one sister come to realize that she should rejoin her family? [ Credit Line] Ulongozgi wakovwira tingawusanga kwa Solomoni, yumoza mwa ŵanthu awo ŵakalemba Baibolo. (b) How did Abraham set a fine example in maintaining good relations with others? Wise counsel can be found by Solomon, one of the men who wrote the Bible. 5 Like Shane, Reneé, and their children, many other Witness families have offered themselves willingly to serve as "need greaters. " 5 MATEYU 24: 9; LUKA 21: 12 How did Jesus display true kindness? MATTHEW 24: 9; LUKE 21: 12 Fundo iyi yili kulongosoreka pa Yakobe 5: 7, 8. Many faithful servants of Jehovah have had to contend with health problems. This is highlighted at James 5: 7, 8. Pakughanaghanira fundo iyi, wonani umo vinthu vikaŵira kwa ŵaganyu awo mweneko wa munda wakaŵalemba namise, awo ŵakagwira nchito kwa ora limoza pera. Why is safety important to God's people? In view of this, consider the situation of the workers who worked for just one hour. Mwaciyerezgero, ŵantu ŵanandi ku Bereya, msumba wa ku Makedoniya, "ŵakapokera mazgu [gha Ciuta] na pampu lose, na kupenjerezga mu Malemba zuŵa na zuŵa, usange vyeneivi [ivyo Paulos na awo wakaŵa nawo ŵakarongosora] ndimo vikaŵira. " [ Picture on page 21] For example, many in Beroea, the city of Macedonia, "received [God's] word with zeal and zeal, carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things [the apostle Paul and those to whom Paul explained] were so. " Kasi ciyerezgero ca Yesu ca mumiji na dongo lakupambana - pambana cikurongora wuli ico ncipasi ca Ufumu na ico ndico yayi? King Uzziah of Judah certainly displayed pride. How does Jesus ' illustration of the sower and the different types of soil illustrate what the Kingdom seed is and what it is not? Kasi mungamovwira wuli m'malo mwa kupindana nayo? His loyal ones delight to use his name in their prayers and in the comments they make at their meetings. How can you help him instead of arguing with him? Yehova wakagwiliskira nchito mzimu utuŵa, kusamuska umoyo wa Yesu kucanya na kuwuŵika mu nthumbo ya Mariya. From personal experience, have you not seen that this unity is a distinguishing feature of true worship? - John 13: 35. Jehovah used the holy spirit, transferred Jesus ' life from heaven, and put it in Mary's womb. Tikwenera kukhalilira mwa Ciuta mwa kulondezga malango gha Yesu, umo iyo wakalondezgeranga malango gha Ŵawiske. - Yohane 15: 10. He had also sent his fellow worker Titus to them and had arranged for Titus to report back to him in Troas. We must remain in God by following Jesus ' commandments, just as he lived by his Father's laws. - John 15: 10. Usange tikuwona kuti mu mtima withu kamzimu ka sankho kacalimo, tiyeni tifwilirepo kuti tikamazge na "kusunga umoza wa mzimu mu cikondo ca cimango. " The Bible has taught me the exact opposite - to be willing to die for him, " says Gabriel. If we see that deep - seated prejudice is still in our heart, let us work hard to resolve them with "the oneness of the spirit in the uniting bond of peace. " Iyo wakati: "Cifukwa cakuti tikatondeka kukacita umishonale ku caru cinyake, tikaghanaghana za kucita " umishonale ' mu caru cithu. We embark at midnight, preparing ourselves for another rough trip. " Because of our failure to serve as missionaries in a foreign country, we decided to serve as " missionaries ' in our country. Malici 24 - 30, 2008 Jesus has already proved himself loyal to God to the point of death. March 24 - 30, 2008 Khwimani nkhongono, mawoko ghinu ghaleke kulepweteka, pakuti mulimo winu tiuŵenge na njombe yake. " - 2 Mid. Heed the Warning! 2 / 15 Hereafter, 10 / 1 Be courageous, and your hands will not harm you, for your work will have its reward. " - 2 Chron. Nkhani yakulondezgapo, yikulongosora fundo za mu Malemba izo zingawovwira Ŵakhristu ŵakutorana kumazga makora masuzgo gha mu mbumba zawo. - Mat. Regarding the way people will live and work then, the prophecy continues: "They will certainly build houses and have occupancy; and they will certainly plant vineyards and eat their fruitage. The following article considers Scriptural principles that can help married Christians to handle family problems successfully. - Matt. E. You may have read some such theories in journals and books, or you may have watched scholars explain them in television documentaries. E. [ Vithuzithuzi pa peji 25] 6, 7. (a) How widespread has modern - day warfare been? [ Pictures on page 25] Mwachiyelezgero, nkhani zinyake zingananga mbiri yiwemi ya munthu panji gulu. Like Jehovah, we dearly wish that people would respond to the message and "keep living. " For example, certain accounts can ruin a person's good reputation or organization. Kuzamuŵavya kutengera panji kulira, kutampha nesi vyakuŵinya. " - Chivumbuzi 21: 3, 4. As we "persevere in prayer " and become aware that Jehovah is responding to our petitions, our love for him grows and so does our confidence that he will help us to cope with further tests of faith. - Rom. And death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. " - Revelation 21: 3, 4. Para tikughanaghanirapo nthena, tipulikiskenge makora nkhani za mu Baibolo ndipo tikhozgekenge chomene. Ripeness, or maturity, is clearly discernible Such meditation will deepen our understanding of Bible accounts and strengthen us. Ndimoso vikaŵira na Oholiabu. " The word of Jehovah, " or "the word of God, " in these passages refers to the good news - the stirring message of divine truth, a living, powerful message that changed the lives of those who accepted it. - Hebrews 4: 12. That was the case with Oholiab. Ŵakaŵa ŵakukhumbisiska kuti tilutilire kudumbiskana, kweni kasi tikatenge tidumbiskanenge mu nthowa wuli? You will deepen your appreciation for the apostles and enhance your understanding of Jesus ' actions and illustrations. In what sense were they willing to continue talking, but how could we be discussed? (b) Kasi mudumbu munyake wakamanya wuli kuti wakakhumbikwiranga kuwelera ku mbumba yake? He wed Pharaoh's pagan daughter, he took many wives, and he allowed pagan women gradually to lead him into false worship. (b) How did one sister realize that she needed to return to her family? (b) Ni mwauli umo Abrahamu wakarongorera ciyerezgero ciwemi pa kusungilira ubwezi uwemi na ŵanji? When she was in her late teens, she changed schools. (b) How did Abraham set a fine example in maintaining a good relationship with others? Nga ni Shane, Rena na ŵana ŵawo, Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova ŵanandi ŵakujipeleka kukateŵetera uko kukukhumbikwira ŵapharazgi ŵa Ufumu ŵanandi. [ Box on page 22] Like future brothers and sisters, many of Jehovah's Witnesses have moved to serve where there is a greater need for Kingdom preachers. Kasi Yesu wakalongora wuli lusungu lwanadi? We can prepare our heart, focusing on how much we can help others. How did Jesus show genuine kindness? Kale, ŵateŵeti ŵanandi ŵakugomezgeka ŵa Yehova ŵakalimbananga na matenda. How does holy spirit operate in the lives of God's people, and what distinction is evident? Many faithful servants of Jehovah in Bible times opposed sickness. Chifukwa wuli ŵanthu ŵa Chiuta ŵakugega chilichose icho chingachitiska ngozi? JUDAEA Why do God's people avoid anything that could lead to disaster? [ Cithuzithuzi pa peji 21] The Scriptures say very little about Jesus ' physical appearance. [ Picture on page 21] Uziya, themba la Yuda, wakalongora kujikuzga. We should help our Bible students to develop a healthy fear of God and to give glory to Jehovah. Uzziah, king of Judah, displayed a haughty attitude. Ŵakugomezgeka ŵake ŵakukondwa kuzunura zina lake para ŵakuromba na para ŵakuzgora pa maungano. And we can review practical suggestions that can help us to strengthen our self - control. His loyal ones enjoy using his name when they pray and comment at Christian meetings. 13: 35. That last question is especially good to think about, for work is most satisfying when we see how it benefits other people. 13: 35. Kweniso wakatuma Tito wanchito munyake kwa iwo, ndipo wakaphalira Tito kuti wize ku Trowa kuti wamuphalire ivyo vikacitika. Do you appreciate what family you have? He also sent Titus to them, and he told Titus to come to Troas to tell him what had happened. Kweni Baibolo lanisambizga kaghanaghaniro kakupambana na ako - kuti niŵe wakunweka kumufwira iye, " ndimo wakuyowoyera ntena Gabriel. For a more detailed discussion of the Bible's resurrection hope, see chapter 7 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? But the Bible taught me different ideas - that I am willing to die for him, " says Gabriel. M'malo mwake tikanyamuka usiku pakati kunozgekera ulendo unyake wakusuzga. They confidently looked forward to receiving something that could not be plundered - the unfadable "crown of life " in God's heavenly Kingdom. Instead, we left the middle of the night to prepare for another difficult journey. Yesu walongora kale kuti ngwakugomezgeka kwa Ciuta. Wakagomezgeka mpaka nyifwa. 17, 18. (a) What action will Jehovah soon take against his enemies? Jesus has already proved himself faithful to God until his death. Malo Ongoyeserapo Anthu, 10 / 1 How might parents apply James 1: 19? 10 / 15 Kuyana na umo ŵantu ŵa mu boma ili ŵazamukhalira na kugwilira ncito, ucimi ukurutilira kuti: " Tiŵazenge nyumba na kukhalamo; tiŵapande mpeska na kurya vipasi. Even the best human leaders are unable to solve all problems. As the people of that government will live and work, the prophecy goes on to say: "They will certainly build houses and have occupancy; and they will certainly plant vineyards and eat their fruitage. Panji muli kuŵazgapo ivyo ŵanthu ŵakuyowoya mu magazini na mabuku, panji muli kuwonapo ŵanthu ŵakusanda Baibolo ŵakulongosora pa TV. When Paul quoted Jesus ' words "there is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving, " Paul was referring not only to sharing material things but also to giving encouragement, guidance, and assistance to those in need of these. Perhaps you have read what has been said in the magazines and books, or you have witnessed the Bible on television. 6, 7. (a) Kasi ni nkhondo wuli izo zachitika mu vyaka 100 ivyo vyajumpha? One particular event must have intrigued Jesus ' disciples. 6, 7. (a) What wars took place over 100 years ago? Nga ni Yehova, nase tikukhumba kuti ŵanthu ŵapulikire uthenga withu " kuti ŵaŵe ŵamoyo. ' And the things I learned were so comforting! " - Katlego, South Africa. Like Jehovah, we want people to listen to our message "to live. " Apo " tikukosera mu lurombo ' na kumanya kuti Yehova wakuzgora malurombo ghithu, tikumutemwa comene kweniso tikugomezga comene kuti para cipulikano cithu cazakayezgekaso, wazamutovwira kuti tizizipizge. - Rom. Explain, too, that a person with a balanced view of himself does not feel the need to broadcast his abilities to others. As we "persevere in prayer " and come to know that Jehovah answers our prayers, our love for him and our trust in him will help us to endure tests of faith. - Rom. Kukhoma, panji urara, ukuwoneka makora comene But thousands of years went by, and God's woman produced no seed capable of destroying Satan and his works. Physical growth, or maturity, is clearly seen " Mazgu gha Ciuta, " panji "mazgu gha Fumu, " mu nkani iyi ghakung'anamura makani ghaweme - enya, uthenga wakukondweska wa unenesko wa Ciuta, uthenga wamoyo, na wankongono uwo ukusinta mikhaliro ya awo ŵakuwupokelera. - Ŵahebere 4: 12. The Arch of Titus has two large reliefs depicting a well - known historical event. " The word of God, " or" word of the Lord, " in this article refers to the good news - the wonderful message of God's truth, the living, the powerful, and the powerful condition of those who receive it. - Hebrews 4: 12. Mumanyenge vinandi vyakukhwaskana na ŵapositole ndipo mupulikiskenge milimo ya Yesu kweniso viyelezgero ivyo wakapelekanga. TEST YOURSELF You will learn much about the apostles and will understand Jesus ' role and illustrations. Wakatoraso ŵanakazi ŵanji ŵanandi, ndipo mwapacokopacoko ŵanakazi ŵambura kopa Ciuta aŵa ŵakamupatuska ku cisopa caunenesko. Then we descended, and on the valley floor, we crossed a streambed, mostly dry, that was full of stones. She also took many foreign women away from true worship. Apo wakaŵa na vilimika vya pakati pa 13 na 19, wakamba kusambira pa sukulu yinyake. According to this passage and Jesus ' subsequent illustration, greed is based on the foolish belief that what matters in life is how much one has. At the age of 19, he began to study at another school. Chiyelezgero, mainjiniya ghakudankha kudinda pulani mwakuti pa nyengo yakupangira chinthu, chisulo chilichose chijoyinanenge na chinyake icho ntchakwenelera kweniso mu ndondomeko yake. Psalm 95: 3 - 5 says: "Jehovah is a great God and a great King over all other gods, he in whose hand are the inmost depths of the earth and to whom the peaks of the mountains belong; to whom the sea, which he himself made, belongs and whose own hands formed the dry land itself. " Consider, for example, a plan made in order to ensure that every weight is needed and that everything is needed in its proper order. [ Bokosi pa peji 24] What is this pure language? [ Box on page 24] Tinganozgekera mu mtima withu, kuwona umo tingawovwilira makora ŵanji. Not necessarily. We can prepare our heart, see how we can help others. Kasi mzimu utuŵa ukugwira wuli ncito pakati pa ŵateŵeti ŵa Ciuta, ndipo ni mpambano wuli iyo yilipo? SONGS: 117, 114 How does holy spirit operate among God's servants, and what contrast is there? YUDEYA Though numerical increase among first - century Christians is impressive, never should we forget the individuals whom the figures represent. think of it as a privilege to do the following Malemba ghakuyowoya vinandi yayi pa umo Yesu wakawonekeranga. To maintain your spiritual balance and physical health while caring for a sick relative, you need to be adaptable and to budget your time and energy. The Scriptures do not reveal much about Jesus ' appearance. Tikwenera kuŵasambizga awo tikusambira nawo Baibolo kuti ŵamopenge Ciuta mwakwenelera na kumupa ucindami. Is there any indication, however, that a resurrection could take place long after it was promised? We should train Bible students to fear God properly and give him glory. Ndipo paumaliro tiwonenge ivyo vingatovwira kuti tilutilire kujikora. When you read, what may help you to improve your understanding and your ability to remember what you read? Then we will consider what will help us to remain self - control. Fumbo laumaliro ili ndakuzirwa chomene kughanaghanirapo, chifukwa ntchito yikuŵa yakukondweska para yikovwira ŵanji. Set Apart by Jehovah's Reminders That last question is of interest to us because work brings joy to others. Kasi mukukondwa na mbumba iyo mulimo? Reading the Bible every day helps me quickly to recall Bible commands and principles that encourage me to resist these pressures. Are you enjoying the family? Kuti mumanye vinandi vyakukhwaskana na ciwuka, wonani cipaturo 7 mu buku la Kasi Baibolo Likusambizgaci Comenecomene? The pressure of having contact with people who are rude and who shout and curse at one another often causes much dismay. For more information on the resurrection, see chapter 7 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Na cisimikizgo cose, ŵakalaŵiskanga kuntazi kuti ŵapokere cintu cinyake ico muntu wangaŵapoka cara - "mpumpu ya umoyo " mu Ufumu wakucanya wa Ciuta. That is why we need to pray to God for his help and support. With conviction, they looked forward to receiving something that no one could receive - "the crown of life " in God's heavenly Kingdom. 17, 18. (a) Kasi sonosono apa Yehova wacitenge nawo wuli ŵalwani ŵake? Yes, angels are pleased to see Christian women and all other earthly servants of God comply with theocratic order and headship. 17, 18. (a) What will Jehovah soon do with his enemies? Kasi ŵapapi ŵangalondezga wuli lemba la Yakobe 1: 19? [ Picture on page 28] How can parents apply James 1: 19? Kweniso maboma agha ghakwimikana na Ufumu wa Chiuta uwo ukamba kuwusa mu 1914. (b) What questions will we consider in this article? They also stand firm against God's Kingdom that began ruling in 1914. Apo Paulosi wakakora mazgu gha Yesu ghakuti "uyo wakupeleka wakukondwa chomene kuluska uyo wakupokera, " wakang'anamuranga kuti tipanenge waka vinthu vyakuthupi pera yayi kweni wakang'anamurangaso kuti tikhozgenge ŵanyithu, kuŵapa ulongozgi na kovwira awo ŵakukhumbikwira vinthu ivi. Did the Flood really happen, or is it merely an allegorical tale to encourage people to do what is right? When Paul quotes Jesus ' words: "There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving, " he was not simply saying that we would be able to give of ourselves materially but that we should also encourage others, give advice, and help those who need these things. Cakucitika cimoza cikwenera kuti cikazizika ŵasambiri ŵa Yesu. Reference is here made to Jehovah's message, not to the entire content of the Bible - God's Word. One event no doubt surprised Jesus ' disciples. Ivyo nkhasambiranga mu Baibolo vikaŵa vyakupembuzga. " However, since her position was not permanent, it came up for review. What I learned from the Bible was comforting. " Muphalirani kuti munthu uyo wakuwona vinthu mwakwenelera, wakupharazga yayi viwemi ivyo wachita. What a reward for not having let our hands drop! Tell him that a person who sees things in the right direction does not share what he has done. Kweni vilimika vinandi vikajumphapo pambere mwanakazi wa Ciuta wandababe "mphapu " iyo yikeneranga kuparanya Satana na milimo yake. Yes, work with God's discipline, not against it. Yet, years passed before God's woman would produce a "seed " who would destroy Satan and his works. Chipilara cha Titus pali vithuzi viŵiri ivyo vikulongora chinthu chakuzirwa chomene icho chikachitika mu ufumu wa Ŵaroma. (Josh. The foundation of Titus contains two vivid pictures that highlight the most important feature of the Roman Empire. JISANDANI The 2013 edition of the New World Translation in its "Glossary of Bible Terms " gives this definition of a prophet:" One through whom divine purposes are made known. DO NOT try to prevent you from doing so Kufuma apo, tikakhira, ndipo tikati tafika mu dambo tikambuka kamlonga, ako maji mukaŵavya, malibwe pera chekena. 22: 9 - 12. Then we jumped down, and when we cross the river, we crossed the waters, where there was no water, only the stones were standing. Mwakuyana na ndime iyi ndiposo na umo Yesu wakayowoyera, kudokera kukuzikika pa cigomezgo cautesi cakuti umoyo ukuŵa wakuzirwa cifukwa ca vintu ivyo muntu wali navyo. A King Ruined by Bad Associations According to this paragraph and Jesus ' statement, greed is based on false belief that life is of great value because of what a person has. Salmo 95: 3 - 5 likuti: "Yehova ndi Ciuta mukuru, ndipo ndi Themba likuru lakuluska ŵaciuta wose. " When he was being insulted, " the Bible says, "he did not insult in return..., but he entrusted himself to the One who judges righteously. " Psalm 95: 3 - 5 states: "Jehovah is the great God, and he is the greatest King of all gods. Kasi kayowoyero katuŵa aka ni vici? Honestly, it's been very few. What is this pure language? Viŵi yayi. The Israelite who constructed a new home was required to build a parapet around the flat roof, which was often used to entertain guests. Not necessarily. SUMU: 117, 114 Event: SONGS: 80, 114 Nangauli nkhani ya umo ciŵelengero ca Ŵakhristu ŵakwambilira cikakweleranga njakukondweska, tileke kuluwa kuti ici nchiŵelengero ca ŵanthu ŵanadi. He is recorded as saying: "I am Jehovah, that is my name. " Despite the growth of the early Christians, let us not forget that this is the number of true people. Kuti mulutilire kuŵa na umoyo uwemi wauzimu ndiposo wakuthupi apo mukupwelelera mulwari, mukwenera kusintha vinthu vinyake na kugaŵa makora nyengo yinu. Then Joseph told them who he was. To maintain your spiritual health and physical health while caring for the sick, you need to adjust your schedule and adjust your schedule. Kasi pali ukaboni wuliwose wakulongora kuti patorenge nyengo kuti ŵakufwa ŵazakawuskike? With the extra training, we were both better equipped to serve the brothers. Is there evidence that there will be a time when the dead will be resurrected? Kasi tingachita wuli kuti tipulikiskenge na kukumbukira ivyo tikuŵazga? At that time, manifesting godly qualities will no longer be a struggle but will always be an exquisite delight. How can we deepen our understanding and remember what we read? Tapatulika na Vikumbusko vya Yehova In these difficult times, Jesus ' followers would preach the good news of God's Kingdom in all nations. - Read Matthew 24: 3, 7, 8; 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 5. Jehovah's Reminders and Reminders Kusambira Baibolo zuŵa lirilose kwanovwira kuti nikumbukenge luŵiro marango gha mu Baibolo agho ghakunikhozga kuleka kunjira mu mikhaliro iyi. Jehovah helps us to overcome certain attitudes that because of our imperfection could otherwise threaten our unity. - Rom. Reading the Bible daily has helped me to recall Bible principles that helped me to break free from these practices. Tikukwenyelera para tikusangana na ŵanthu ŵamtafu awo ŵakutemwa kukalipirana na kutukana. [ Blurb on page 22] We feel weighed down when we are surrounded by violent people who are quick to anger and abusive. Nakuti pa kusanda uko kukacitika vikulongora kuti pa ŵanakazi ŵaleŵi wose, ŵakujumpha pa hafu ŵakacita uleŵi na uyo ŵakugwira nayo nchito. They have defended God, even at the risk of their lives. " In fact, the study shows that among all adulterers, more than half of them committed adultery with a workmate. Lekani tikwenera kulomba Chiuta kuti watovwire. On the way to Kadesh, in the Wilderness of Paran, there are at least three cases of complaint. Therefore, we need to pray for God's help. Ndipo nadi, ŵangelo ŵakukondwa kuti ŵanakazi Ŵacikhristu na ŵateŵeti wose ŵa Ciuta ŵa pa caru capasi ŵakukolerana na umo gulu la Ciuta likulongozgekera. Consider: The fur of the sea otter is denser than that of any other mammal, with some one million hairs per square inch (155,000 per sq cm). Yes, the angels rejoice that all Christian women and God's earthly servants cooperate with the arrangement set by God's organization. [ Cithuzithuzi pa peji 20] These and other questions that concern many parents will be considered in the following article. [ Picture on page 20] (b) Kasi mu nkhani iyi tidumbiskanenge mafumbo wuli? Why should we not hold back from sharing the Kingdom message with "people of all sorts "? (b) What questions will we consider in this article? Kasi Ciwowota cikacitika nadi, panji nchidokoni waka ico cikuciska ŵanthu kuti ŵacitenge vinthu viwemi? At times, Hannah was so discouraged that she would weep and not eat. Did the Flood really happen, or was it merely a force that urged people to do good? Apa ŵakunena uthenga wa Yehova, ŵakung'anamura vyose ivyo vili mu Baibolo yayi. Revelation 12: 7 - 9 unmasks the culprit: "War broke out in heaven: Michael [Jesus Christ] and his angels battled with the dragon [Satan the Devil], and the dragon and its angels battled but it did not prevail, neither was a place found for them any longer in heaven. Here they convey Jehovah's message, not all that is found in the Bible. Kweni pakuti nchito yake yikaŵa ya kanyengo, nyengo yikakwana yakuti ŵawone umo wakucitira. In Eden, Jehovah foretold that there would be enmity between his symbolic "woman " and the" serpent " and between their respective " seeds. ' But since his work was temporary, the time had come for him to see how he was doing. Tikatumbikika chifukwa tikazomerezga yayi kuti mawoko ghithu ghalepwetuke. When he came to the earth, he knew what his Father, Jehovah, expected of him. We were rewarded because we did not allow our hands to drop down. Pulikirani chilango cha Chiuta ndipo lekani kususkana nacho. • How do those of the great crowd support their anointed brothers? Obey God's discipline, and do not conflict with it. (Josh. HOW YOU ARE INVOLVED: Although Satan's rule has failed to protect people from natural disasters, Jesus ' rule will do so. (Ja. Baibolo la Mang'anamuliro gha Charu Chiphya pa "Mang'anamuro gha Mazgu gha mu Baibolo, " likuti ntchimi ni" munthu uyo Chiuta wakuyowoyeramo khumbo lake. We die because we inherited sin and death from our original parents, not because of some predetermined, unfathomable " plan ' of God. The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures refers to God's purpose as "the meaning of the Scriptures. " 22: 9 - 12. Since I usually reported to our mother church in Laoag City, I secretly looked for the Witnesses ' meeting place, the Kingdom Hall, there. 22: 9 - 12. Themba Ilo Likanangika na Mabwezi Ghaheni Such counsel is given because living up to our dedication requires that we keep on walking in God's truth. The King Bededed From Wicked Friends Baibolo likuti, "Apo wakatukikanga, wakawezgera kutuka yayi... kweni wakajipeleka kwa uyo wakweruzga mwaurunji. " Every day, need - greaters who moved to Turkey meet people who have never heard about Jehovah. The Bible says: "When he was being reviled, he did not go reviling in return... but kept on committing himself to the one who judges righteously. " Nkhasanga kuti mbachoko chomene awo ŵakachita nthena. We will also consider how we can demonstrate these aspects in our ministry. I found that few of them did. Para Muisirayeli wazenga nyumba yiphya wakeneranga kuzenga kampanda mumphepete mwa mtenje, pakuti kanandi pacanya pa mtenje ŵakacezgerangapo na ŵalendo. How can single people fill that need? If an Israelite had to build a new house, he had to build a roof on a roof, which was usually a house with strangers. Mphepeska ng'ombe yanalume mtengo wa Those who accepted Christianity did so as the result of a reasoned, conscientious decision. worship of the bull is a price of high value Wakuti: "Ine ndine Yehova; ili ndilo zina lane. " 1 He says: "I am Jehovah. This is my name. " Pamasinda Yosefe wakajivumbura. Still, neither guilt nor duty moved Paul to preach. Joseph later identified himself. Masambiro agha ghakatovwira kuti tiŵe ŵakukwana kuteŵetera ŵabali. The opposite also holds true. This training helped us to qualify for the privilege of serving the brothers. Pa nyengo iyo, tizamusuzgika yayi kuchita ivyo vikukondweska Yehova. The apostle Paul wrote that "God loves a cheerful giver. " At that time, we will not be tempted to do what pleases Jehovah. Likatiso mu nyengo zamasuzgo izi, ŵalondezgi ŵa Yesu ŵazamupharazga makani ghawemi gha Ufumu wa Ciuta ku ŵanthu ŵa mitundu yose. - Ŵazgani Mateyu 24: 3, 7, 8; 2 Timote 3: 1 - 5. Since then, I have weighed only 65 pounds [30kg]. After all, Jesus ' followers would declare the good news of God's Kingdom to people of all nations. - Read Matthew 24: 3, 7, 8; 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 5. Yehova wakutovwira kuti titonde mikhaliro yinyake iyo tili nayo cifukwa ca kuwura kufikapo, iyo yingatimbanizga umoza withu. - Rom. 3, 4. Jehovah helps us to overcome certain weaknesses because of our imperfect nature, which can disrupt our unity. - Rom. [ Mazgu Ghakukhozgera pa peji 22] Joshua, 12 / 1 [ Blurb on page 22] Ŵakukhozgera Ciuta, nanga ŵangakumana na suzgo wuli mu umoyo wawo. " What did Jesus mean by "Gehenna "? They support God, no matter what their circumstances may be in life. " Apo ŵakwenda mu mapopa gha Parani pakuluta ku Kadeshi, ŵanthu ŵakudinginyika katatu. We viewed disfellowshipping as divine discipline and were convinced that Jehovah disciplines out of love and to the proper degree. As they walk through the wilderness to Kadesh, a three - story group of people followed us three times in the wilderness. Wonani fundo iyi: Kanyama aka kali na weya unandi chomene kuluska nyama yiliyose (maweya pafupifupi 155,000 pa sikweya sentimita yimoza). • In times of distress, how can we find delight in doing God's will? Consider this: The animal has more than one third of the hair than the equivalent of about 12,000 feet (U.S.). Mafumbo agha na ghanyake agho ghakufipiska mtima ŵapapi ndigho tizamudumbiskana mu nkhani iyo yili panthazi. Life will no longer be "emptiness and chasing the wind. " These and other questions that concern parents ' heart will be discussed in the next article. Cifukwa wuli tikwenera kupharazga uthenga wa Ufumu ku "ŵanthu ŵa mitundu yose "? • What can young ones do to cope with and benefit from parental rules and correction? Why should we preach the Kingdom message to "people of all sorts "? Nyengo zinyake, Hana wakaŵanga na citima comene mwakuti wakaliranga waka ndiposo wakaryanga yayi. What choice did Adam have to make, and with what consequences? At times, Hannah was so sad that she wept and did not eat. Lemba la Civumbuzi 12: 7 - 9 likumuvumbura kuti: " Kucanya kukaŵa nkhondo: Mikayeli [Yesu Khristu] na ŵangelo ŵake ŵakalwanga na cinjoka [Satana Dyabulosi]; ndipo cinjoka cikalwanga pamoza na ŵangelo ŵake; ndipo kuti ŵakaluska cara, panji nesi malo ghawo kuti ghakawonekaso kucanya cara. How do plants ascertain their starch reserves? Revelation 12: 7 - 9 tells us: "There was war in heaven: Michael [Jesus Christ] and his angels were hurled down with [Satan the Devil; and the dragon and its angels were hurled down with his angels, and they were not thrown down to heaven, nor were they formed anymore. Mu Edeni, Yehova wakayowoyerathu kuti paŵenge ulwani pakati pa "mwanakazi " wakuyelezgera na" njoka, " kweniso pakati pa "mphapu " zawo. All of this would be for the purpose of abundantly taking care of the needs of the returning remnant. In Eden, Jehovah foretold that there would be enmity between "a symbolic woman " and" a serpent " and between their "seed. Apo wakaŵa pa caru capasi, ŵakamanya vintu ivyo Adada ŵake, Yehova, wakakhumbanga kwa iye. " I do nothing of my own initiative, " he said. While on earth, he came to know what his Father, Jehovah, wanted him to do. • Kasi ŵa mzinda ukuru ŵakovwira wuli ŵabali ŵawo ŵakuphakazgika? So why not make it your aim to strengthen and encourage one or two fellow Christians every time you meet with them? • How do those of the great crowd support their anointed brothers? UMO IMWE MUKUKHWASKIKIRA: Nangauli Satana watondeka kuvikilira ŵanthu ku masoka ghacilengiwa, kweni Yesu wazamuŵavikilira. Why can we have faith that Jehovah will provide help at the right time? HOW YOU THINK: Although Satan has failed to protect humans from natural disasters, Jesus will protect them. Tikufwa chifukwa tili kuhara kwananga na nyifwa kufuma ku ŵapapi ŵithu ŵakwamba, ntchifukwa chakuti ndimo Chiuta wakanozgera yayi. Cyrus, their leader, promptly takes charge of the conquered land and later issues a decree releasing the Israelite captives. We die because we inherited sin and death from our first parents because God did not create them. Pakuti kanandi nkhalutanga ku chalichi likuru la mu msumba wa Laoag, mwacibisibisi nkhapenjerezga Nyumba ya Ufumu ya Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova. They did as Ecclesiastes 12: 1 encouraged them to do: "Remember, now, your Grand Creator in the days of your young manhood. " Since I often went to the capital city of Laa, I was arrested by looking for a Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. Urongozgi uwu ukuperekeka cifukwa kukhara na umoyo wakukolerana na kujipatulira kwithu kukhumbikwira kuti tendenge mu unenesko wa Ciuta. Youths, Walk Worthily of Jehovah, 10 / 15 This counsel is given because living in harmony with our dedication requires that we walk in God's truth. Zuŵa lililose ŵabali na ŵadumbu awo ŵali kusamira ku Turkey, ŵakukumana na ŵanthu awo ŵandapulikepo vya Yehova. Should I accept employment that has apparent material advantages but that would hinder my spiritual progress? ' Every day, brothers and sisters who have moved to Turkey meet people who have never heard about Jehovah. Kweniso tidumbiskanenge umo tingalongolera mikhaliro iyi para tikupharazga. Jesus, on the other hand, made it clear that giving that pleases God is not limited to making charitable gifts to the poor. We will also consider how we can display these qualities in our ministry. Kasi ŵanthu ŵambura kutora panji kutengwa ŵangacita wuli kuti ŵatemwekenge? Storage and Retrieval: Archival materials are stored in an orderly and secure way to prevent loss and to protect them against damage from light and moisture. What can single people do to be loved? Ŵanandi ŵakazomera Cikristu cifukwa cakuti ŵakakhorwa na fundo zake, ndiposo cifukwa ca ivyo njuŵi yawo yikaŵaphalira. What Do They Believe? Many accepted Christianity because they were content with its principles and because of their conscience. 1 Those in this small group would be taken to serve in heaven. 1 Paulosi wakapharazganga chifukwa cha kopa waka kuŵa na mulandu yayi panji chifukwa chakuti watumika waka. NASA photo Paul did not simply have to be blamed or simply because he was sent to preach. Kasi tiŵawure kupulikana nane kufikira zuŵaci, nanga vimanyikwiro vyose ivyo ndavicita mukati mwawo? " First, though, another question deserves careful thought: What are the benefits of belonging to Jehovah? And what day must they put faith in me, even the signs that I have performed in their midst? " Mpositole Paulosi wakalemba kuti "Chiuta wakutemwa uyo wakupeleka mwakukondwa. " Curing a leper was considered to be as difficult as raising a person from the dead. The apostle Paul wrote that "God loves a cheerful giver. " Kufuma pa nyengo iyo, nkhukwana makilogiramu 30 pera. (b) Explain what sacrifices you, as a youth, are making for the sake of the Kingdom. Since then, I am weighing only 30 pounds (1 kg). 3, 4. What had happened to that good king? 3, 4. Ŵakristu Ŵakukhumbikira Ŵanyawo, 12 / 1 For all his days, he is lent to Jehovah. " 12 / 15 Kasi Yesu wakang'anamurangaci apo wakayowoya za "Gehena "? Many, however, find that difficult to believe. What did Jesus mean when he spoke of "Gena "? Tikawonanga kuti chilango chakusezga ntchakufuma kwa Yehova, ndipo wakulanga munthu chifukwa cha chitemwa kweniso mwakwenelera. What may we need to do first when someone raises the question of why God permits suffering? We felt that discipline was from Jehovah, and it was punishment for love and respect. • Mu nyengo za masuzgo, kasi tingasanga wuli cimwemwe pakucita khumbo la Ciuta? By buying out time for Bible reading and study, we "go on perceiving what the will of Jehovah is, " which includes our having an active share in preaching" this good news of the kingdom. " - Ephesians 5: 15 - 17; Matthew 24: 14. • In times of distress, how can we find joy in doing God's will? Umoyo uzamuŵa " wawakawaka yayi na suzgo ya mtima. ' Learn From the Great Teacher can help many more parents to teach children so as to protect this precious heritage. Life will not be "good enough for the heart. " • Kasi ŵawukirano ŵangacitaci kuti ŵasange candulo na nchenyo ndiposo malango gha ŵapapi ŵawo? His companion Timothy had just been released, and they were planning to visit their Christian brothers in Judea. • What can youths do to benefit from parental discipline and rules? Adamu wakasankha vichi? Ndipo ni vichi ivyo vili kuchitika? While most major books of religion say very little, if anything, about God, the Bible acquaints us with Jehovah God and his activities. What choice did Adam make, and with what result? Kasi vyakumera vikumanya wuli unandi wa chakurya icho vyasunga? * How do plants know the number of food that is stored? Vyose ivi vikeneranga kucitika kuti ŵanthu awo ŵawera kuwuzga ŵapwelelereke. Fulfilling our dedication involves " buying out time. ' All of this had to be done to ensure that the returned exiles would be cared for. " Nkucita kantu ndeka cara, " iye wakayowoya nteura. But how long does that surge of happiness last? " I did nothing at all, " he said. Mwalekeraci kuti kaŵe kaluso kinu kulimbikiska na kukhwimiska Mkristu yumoza panji ŵaŵiri nyengo yiliyose para mwakumana nawo? Criticism of the Bible has taken many forms since then. Why not make it your custom to encourage and encourage one Christian or both fellow believers whenever you meet them? Cifukwa wuli tikugomezga kuti Yehova watovwirenge pa nyengo yakwenelera? The disciple James referred to some Christians whose prayers remained unanswered because they were "asking for a wrong purpose. " Why can we be confident that Jehovah will help us at the right time? Nyengo yeneyiyo, Sayirasi mulongozgi wa ŵalwani ŵala ndiyo wakamba kuwusa caru ico ŵakapoka ndipo pamanyuma pake wakalangura kuti ŵazga awo Mbaisrayeli ŵafwatulike. Sometimes we may fall into serious sin, as did David. Immediately, Cyrus of Israel's enemies became the ruler of the land and later ordered that the slaves of Israel be killed. Ŵakacita nga umo lemba la Mupharazgi 12: 1 likaŵaciskira, ilo likuti: "Kumbuka Mlengi wako mu mazuŵa gha uphya wako. " When Adam and Eve willfully disobeyed God by breaking the command that had been laid upon them, they in reality turned their back on the one who provided them with everything that they had. They did just as Ecclesiastes 12: 1 encouraged them: "Remember, now, your Grand Creator in the days of your young manhood. " Kasi nizomere kugwira nchito iyo nisangenge nayo phindu likuru, kweni yinganinangiska pa umoyo wane wauzimu? ' Instead, they had sold him to these traders. Could I accept a job that benefits me, but would it harm me spiritually? ' Ndipouli, Yesu wakarongora pakweru kuti Ciuta wakukondwa na kupereka vyawanangwa ku ŵakavu pera yayi. The Bible states: "Pray incessantly. In connection with everything give thanks. " However, Jesus made it clear that God does not please the poor only by giving gifts to the poor. Kusunga na Kugwiliskira Nchito: Vinthu ivi vikusungika makora mwakuti vileke kuzgeŵa panji kunangika na zuŵa panji mtika. 1: 2, 20. Keeping and applying: These things are well - preserved so that they will not be lost or destroyed by day or by day. Kasi Ncici Ico Iwo Ŵakugomezga? So Jehovah is unquestionably the best Father imaginable! What Do They Believe? Awo mba gulu licoko ili ŵazamutoreka kuti ŵakateŵetere kucanya. On March 7, 1955, our plane lifted off from Haneda International Airport in Tokyo for the three - hour flight to Yoido Airport in Seoul. Those who make up that small group will be invited to serve in heaven. Kweni fumbo linyake ilo tikwenera kulighanaghanira ndakuti: " Kasi kuŵa wa Yehova kuli na vyandulo wuli? ' For example, when a large crowd gathered to hear him speak, Jesus "felt pity for them, and he cured their sick ones. " But another question we should consider is: " What are the benefits of being Jehovah's friend? ' Kucizga munthu wa vyoni kukawonekanga kwakusuzga comene nga nkhuwuska munthu ku ŵakufwa. The Watchtower of September 15, 1950, defined a "type " and an" antitype " this way: "A type is an image or representation of something that will come to pass at some future time. A leper's healing was as difficult as resurrecting someone from the dead. (b) Longosorani ivyo imwe nga ni muwukirano mukucita kulongora kujipata cifukwa ca Ufumu. Likewise, idols are often described in the Scriptures as "dungy. " (b) Explain what you as a youth can demonstrate your dedication by making sacrifices for the Kingdom. Kasi ntchivichi chikachitikira fumu yiwemi iyi? (b) What conclusion have millions of people reached, and why? What happened to this good king? Mazuŵa ghake ghose wapelekeka kwa Yehova. " David stands as an example for parents today. All his days have been given to Jehovah. " Kweni ŵanandi vikuŵasuzga kugomezga. Yet his teachings have influenced millions. Many find it hard to believe. Kasi tingakhumbikwira kucita dankha vici para munthu watifumba cifukwa ico Ciuta wazomerezgera viheni? As a loving Father, he protected and cared for such loyal subjects as Noah, Abraham, and David. What should we do if someone asks why God allows evil? Mwakujiwombolera nyengo ya kuŵazga na kusambira Baibolo, " tikumanya ico ndi khumbo la Yehova, ' ilo likusazgapo kulimbikira kupharazga "makani ghawemi gheneagha gha ufumu. " - Ŵaefeso 5: 15 - 17; Mateyu 24: 14. The Jews ' misconduct reflected on Jehovah: "You, who take pride in law, do you by your transgressing of the Law dishonor God? By buying out the opportune time to read and study the Bible, "we know what Jehovah's will is, " which includes zealously declaring" this good news of the kingdom. " - Ephesians 5: 15 - 17; Matthew 24: 14. Buku la Sambirani kwa Msambizgi Waluso lingawovwira ŵapapi ŵanandi kuti ŵasambizge ŵana ŵawo mwakuti ŵavikilire cawanangwa cakuzirwa ici. If our physical health is affected by distress, what help can we receive? Learning From the Great Teacher can help many parents to train their children to defend this precious gift. Pa nyengo iyi Timote wakaŵa kuti wafuma waka mu jele, ndipo Paulosi na Timote ŵakakhumbanga kukawona Ŵakhristu ŵanyawo ku Yudeya. Even unbelievers comment on the love, consideration, and kindness that Christians have for one another. At that time, Timothy was released from prison, and Paul and Timothy wanted to visit fellow believers in Judea. Apo mabuku ghanyake ghakurughakuru gha cisopa ghakuyowoya viŵi yayi vya Ciuta, Baibolo likutovwira kuti timanye Yehova Ciuta na milimo yake. However, God had just made a significant change in his dealings. As other religious books give little attention to God, the Bible helps us to get to know Jehovah God and his works. * There was as yet no congregation in the area, so the two sisters conducted meetings in the private home of an interested family. * Kuti ticite mwakuyana na kujipatulira kwithu tikwenera " kujiwombolera nyengo. ' Yet, he enjoys a meaningful life. To live up to our dedication, we must " buy out the opportune time. ' Kweni kasi kukondwa uku kukuŵa kwa utali wuli? Another quality reflected in our spiritual advancement and Christian maturity is joy, part of the fruitage of God's holy spirit. But how long is such joy? Baibolo lasandika mu nthowa zakupambanapambana. But what does this vision reveal to us concerning the length of time involved? The Bible has survived in various ways. Musambiri Yakobe wakayowoya za Ŵakristu ŵanyake awo malurombo ghawo ghakareka kuzgoreka cifukwa " ŵakarombanga na cilato ciheni. ' (Read John 8: 12; 9: 5.) The disciple James spoke of fellow Christians whose prayers had not been answered because they " prayed in a bad way. ' Nyengo zinyake tingacita uheni ukuru, nga ni umo Davide wakacitira. * At times, we may fall into serious sin, as David did. Ŵati ŵaswa dango ilo Ciuta wakaŵapa, Adamu na Heva ŵakazgokerako msana kwa uyo wakaŵapa vyose ivyo ŵakakhumbanga. Yet, Hosea took her back, just as Jehovah was willing to show mercy to repentant Israelites. - Hosea 1: 1 - 3: 5. After violating God's command, Adam and Eve turned back to the one who gave them all that they needed. Yosefe awiske ŵakamutemwanga chomene. 23: 14. Joseph's father loved him. Baibolo likuti: "Rombani kwambura kureka; mu vyose muwongenge. " Jesus gave an added reason for joy at being maligned and persecuted like the prophets of old. " Pray incessantly, " says the Bible. " Give thanks to all things. " 1: 2, 20. © 2013 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. 1: 2, 20. Ntheura, Iyo ni Dada muwemi comene kuluska waliyose. Although he is not able to use his legs and one of his arms, Onesmus had the desire to do all he could in Jehovah's service. Thus, he is the best Father anyone could ever have. Pa Malici 7, 1955 tikanyamuka pa ndege kufuma ku Tokyo, kuluta ku Yoido, ku Seoul. Many films I starred in were immoral and violent. On March 7, 1955. Apo mzinda ukawungana kuti utegherezge kwa iyo, Yesu "wakaŵalengera chitima, ndipo wakachizga ŵalwari ŵawo. " Imagine a parent who has vast knowledge but who rarely speaks to his children. When a crowd gathered to listen to him, Jesus "felt pity for them and healed their sick souls. " Gongwe la Mulinda la Seputembala 15, 1950, likati nkhani zinandi za mu Baibolo zikwimira vinthu ivyo vizamuchitika kunthazi. Kale, mabuku ghithu ghakalongosoranga kuti ŵanthu ŵakugomezgeka nga Debora, Elihu, Yefita, Yobu, Rahabi, Rabeka na ŵanyake ŵanandi, ŵakimiranga ŵakuphakazgika panji "mzinda ukuru. " How did Jehovah feel as Jesus breathed his last and, for the first time since the dawn of all creation, His dear Son was not in existence? - Matthew 26: 14 - 16, 46, 47, 56, 59, 67; 27: 26, 38 - 44, 46; John 19: 1. For example, in the September 15, 1950, issue of The Watchtower stated that many Bible accounts represent events in the past, such as Deborah, Jephthah, Job, Rahab, and many others, a great crowd, or a great crowd. " Mwakuyana waka, Malemba kanandi ghakuyowoya vikozgo kuti ni " urongwe, NW. ' THE BIBLE CHANGES LIVES Similarly, the Scriptures often refer to idols as "a seal. " (b) Kasi ŵantu ŵanandi ŵafika pakumanya vici, ndipo ncifukwa wuli? " We need to assure our children that their feelings are important to us. (b) What do many people come to appreciate, and why? Davide nchiyelezgero ciwemi ku ŵapapi mazuŵa ghano. His message could divide people. David set a fine example for parents today. Ndipouli, visambizgo vyake vyawovwira ŵanthu ŵanandi chomene. " Daughter. " Nevertheless, his teachings have played a major role in the lives of millions. Pakuŵa Dada wacitemwa, wakavikilira na kupwelelera ŵanthu ŵake ŵakugomezgeka nga ni Nowa, Abrahamu, na Davide. Across the globe, the belief that the dead can help the living persists. As a loving Father, he protected and cared for his loyal ones, such as Noah, Abraham, and David. Nkaro yiheni ya Ŵayuda yikanangiska zina la Ciuta: "Iwe ukuthumbwa mu Marango, kasi wamwene na kujumpa Marango ukuyuyura Ciuta? Why should God's love motivate us to serve him? The bad conduct of the Jews ruined God's name: "You, do you, however, boast in the Law, do you, and do you dishonor God? Kasi tingawovwirika wuli para tikwenjerwa na umoyo withu wakuthupi? (b) What does it mean for a Christian to be mature? How can anxiety about our physical health help us? Nanga mbanthu ŵa kucaru ŵakudokera citemwa, na lusungu, ivyo Ŵakhristu ŵakucitirana. To read the Bible in your language online or on your mobile device, go to www.jw.org. Even people in general want to show love, kindness, and kindness toward one another. Kweni Ciuta wakaŵa kuti wasintha umo wakucitira vinthu na ŵanthu. What confusing teachings have led people to believe that God is responsible for suffering, and how can we help them? But God had changed his dealings with humans. Ŵadumbu ŵaŵiri aŵa ŵakacitiranga maungano mu nyumba ya mbumba yinyake yakunweka, cifukwa pa nyengo iyi ku malo agha kukaŵavya mpingo. One expert on the apocrypha, M. R. The two sisters showed interest in one family because there were no congregation there. Kweni ngwakukondwa. And the anointed "priests of Jehovah, " as well as the other sheep" foreigners, " are passing on this invitation to people worldwide in over 600 languages. Yet, she is happy. Cimwemwe, ceneico nchigaŵa ca cipambi ca mzimu, nchinthu cinyake ico cikulongora kuti Mkhristu wakukura ndiposo ngwakukhwima mwauzimu. Hence, time was needed to settle the issue and to demonstrate convincingly that the rebels were utterly wrong. Joy, a part of the spirit's fruitage, is another factor that identifies Christian's growth and maturity. Kweni kasi uchimi uwu ukulongora wuli kuti ŵanthu ŵa Chiuta ŵakaŵa ŵazga kwa nyengo yitali? Such faith moves the student to reject conduct that is displeasing to God and to come in line with Jehovah's righteous standards. How, though, does this prophecy show that God's people were slaves for a long time? (Ŵazgani Yohane 8: 12; 9: 5.) Clearly, we must be careful to avoid lies, for Jehovah hates "a false tongue. " (Read John 8: 12; 9: 5.) * And what power and influence he has! * Kweni Hoseya wakamutoraso, nga umo Yehova wakaŵira wakunozgeka kulengera lusungu Ŵaisrayeli para ŵalapa. - Hoseya 1: 1 - 3: 5. Why should we, like Jesus, use questions in the evangelizing work? But Hosea also took her, as Jehovah was willing to show mercy when repentant Israelites repented. - Hosea 1: 1 - 3: 5. 23: 14. That, then, opens up the prospect of enjoying an everlasting relationship with Jehovah. 23: 14. Yesu wakayowoyaso cifukwa cinyake cakuŵira ŵacimwemwe para tikunyozeka na kuzikizgika nga mbaprofeti ŵakale. (b) What arrangements did Jehovah make to cleanse the earth and to preserve the human family? Jesus also mentioned another reason for joy when persecuted and persecuted like the prophets of old. © 2013 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. The Bible clearly speaks of a future paradise on earth. © 2013 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Nangauli malundi ghake ghakugwira nchito yayi, ndipo woko lake limoza ndilo likugwira nchito, Onesmus wakakhumbanga kucita vinandi pakuteŵetera Yehova. Why did Adam and Eve, Cain, and Judas Iscariot go to Gehenna? Although his feet did not work, one hand was used, Onesmus wanted to do more in Jehovah's service. Ntheura ine nkhendeska nadi muthuthuthu pachanya pa galimoto. However, Jehovah gives parents the wisdom and the strength they need when they humbly entreat him in prayer and look to his Word and holy spirit for guidance. - Read James 1: 5. So let me take a motorcycle on my car. Ghanaghanani waka kuti mupapi uyo wakumanya vintu vinandi, wakuyowoya na ŵana ŵake kamoza - kamoza. We want them to come to know Jehovah, but we must be patient and perceptive. Imagine that a parent who knows much more about him speaks to his children only once. Kasi Yehova wakajipulika wuli apo Yesu wakamalizgikanga, nakuti pa nyengo yakwamba kufuma apo vintu vyose vikaŵirako, Mwana wake wakutemweka wakaŵaso wamoyo yayi? - Mateyu 26: 14 - 16, 46, 47, 56, 59, 67; 27: 26, 38 - 44, 46; Yohane 19: 1. ASTOUNDING MIRACLES BRING DELIVERANCE How did Jehovah feel when Jesus was released and at the beginning of everything, his beloved Son was no longer alive? - Matthew 26: 14 - 16, 47, 56, 67; 27: 26, 38 - 44, 46; John 19: 1. BAIBOLO LIKUSINTHA UMOYO WA ŴANTHU Undoubtedly, however, there was some type of divine intervention. THE BIBLE CHANGES LIVES Maranda wakati: "Tikwenera kuŵasimikizgira ŵana ŵithu kuti ivyo ŵakukhumba kutiphalira ni vyakuzirwa kwa ise. About a month after we left San Francisco, our ship finally anchored at St. " We should assure our children that what they want is important to us. Ŵanthu ŵangaleka kukolerana chifukwa cha uthenga wake. Again he implores them: "Keep on the watch. " The result of his message can be far - reaching. Bowazi nayo, uyo wakaŵa musambazi chomene wakachema Rute, mwanakazi Wachimowabu, kuti: "Wamwana. " In this article, we will consider how we can strip off the old personality, why doing so is urgent, and why change is possible no matter how deeply involved one may be in wrong practices. Boaz too was a wealthy widow named Ruth, a young woman of the land. Ŵanthu pa caru cose ŵacali kugomezga kuti ŵakufwa ŵangawovwira ŵamoyo. The entertainment industry takes pleasure in reducing the family head to a mere subject of ridicule and disrespect. People around the world continue to believe that the dead can help the living. Cifukwa wuli citemwa ca Ciuta cikwenera kuticiska kuti timuteŵetere? But stay true to what you believe to be the right course. Why should God's love move us to serve him? (b) Kasi munthu wakukhwima mwauzimu wakuŵa wuli? Or it could be that since the wicked are generally treated with animosity, the hostility they receive from others silences them. (b) What is spirituality? Mungaŵazga Baibolo lachiyowoyero chinu pa foni panji tabuleti pa www.jw.org. 8, 9. (a) What habit might be interpreted as bad manners? You can read your language or download it online at www.jw.org. Ni visambizgo wuli ivyo vyatimbanizga ŵanthu kuti ŵagomezgenge kuti Ciuta ndiyo wakucitiska masuzgo, ndipo tingaŵawovwira wuli? Satan operates his wicked system in such a way that it induces people to desire things. What teachings cause people to believe that God is responsible for suffering, and how can we help them? Nkhwantha yinyake yakusanda mabuku agha, M.R. Imagine him turning to squint into the western sky, where the sun was nearing the horizon of the Great Sea, as he tried to fathom how his world had fallen apart. One scholar, Dr. Ndipo ŵakuphakazgika awo " mbapristi ŵa Yehova, ' kweniso ŵa mberere zinyake awo " mbayeni, ' panji ŵalendo ŵakupeleka nchemo pa caru cose mu viyowoyero vyakujumpha 600. TEMWANI ŴANTHU ŴA MITUNDU YOSE Instead of reasoning that as "a chosen vessel " he should be serving elsewhere, Paul worked hard wherever he was. And anointed ones who are "the priests of Jehovah " and of the other sheep who are" foreigners, " or foreigners, extending an invitation throughout the world in more than 600 languages. Ntheura pakakhumbikwiranga nyengo kuti wamazge nkhani iyi na kulongora kuti ŵanthu ŵakugaluka aŵa pamoza na Satana ŵakananga nadi. 4: 31 So it took time to settle the issue and show that those rebels and Satan had sinned. Chipulikano ndicho chikuchiska msambiri kuti wakane nkharo iyo yikukwiyiska Chiuta na kwamba kulondezga malango gha Yehova. What we know for certain is this: Abel offered up the very best of what he had. Faith moves the student to reject conduct that displeases God and to conform to Jehovah's standards. Ticenjere kuti tileke kuteta, cifukwa Yehova wakutinka "lulimi lwa utesi. " Clearly, Eli's improperly yielding to their wicked actions - in the sense that he allowed them to continue - was not right. - 1 Sam. Let us guard against lying, for Jehovah hates "the tongue of the lie. " Baibolo likuti Satana ni " muwusi wa charu ichi ' na " chiuta wa mgonezi uno. ' Because we know that our loving God is always ready to help those who are faithful to him, we feel secure as part of " the flock of his pasture. ' The Bible calls Satan "the ruler of this world " and" the god of this system of things. " Cifukwa wuli pakupharazga nase tikwenera kufumba mafumbo nga umo wakacitiranga Yesu? Are you alert to the guidance given at our meetings on how we can use these tools and how to do so most effectively? Why should we ask questions as Jesus did? Para zakwananga zake zagowokereka, wakukondwa kuŵa paubwezi na Yehova. WHILE LIVING IN UR When his sins are forgiven, he is pleased to have a close relationship with Jehovah. (b) Kasi Yehova wakacita vici kuti watozge caru capasi ndiposo kuti wavikilire ŵanthu? Many ancient servants of Jehovah had to endure distressing situations. (b) What did Jehovah do to cleanse the earth and protect mankind? Baibolo likulongosora makoraghene kuti kunthazi kuzamuŵa caru capasi ca paradiso. Knowing that compassion is good for you should not be your main reason for wanting to cultivate it. The Bible clearly states that there will be a paradise earth. Cifukwa wuli Adamu na Heva, Kayini, na Yuda Iskariote ŵakaluta ku Gehena? Paul used a similar line of reasoning when writing his letter to the Hebrews. Why did Adam and Eve, Cain, and Judas Iscariot go to Gehenna? Kweni Yehova wakupeleka vinjeru na nkhongono ku ŵapapi para mwakujiyuyura ŵakumulomba, kusambira Mazgu ghake, na kupempha mzimu utuŵa kuti uŵalongozge. - Ŵerengani Yakobe 1: 5. How Would You Answer? But Jehovah gives wisdom and strength to parents when they humbly turn to him, study his Word, and ask for holy spirit to help them. - Read James 1: 5. Tikwenera kuzikira na kughanaghanira ivyo tikukhumba kuyowoya. During a tour of the British Museum, Brother Schroeder pointed out to us some Bible manuscripts. We need to be patient and considerate of what we need to say. MINTHONDWE YAWOMBORA ŴANTHU Faithful anointed ones have heeded that implied warning and have worked ever harder to remain vigilant, watchful. THE TWO - A THAT CAN HELP FOR THE PEOPLE Kweni vikulongora kuti Ciuta wakanjilirapo. The apostle Paul said that sexual immorality, theft, greediness, drunkenness, reviling, and extortion are common among those ensnared in that darkness. However, it is clear that God intervened. Pafupifupi mwezi umoza kufuma apo tikambira ulendo ku San Francisco, sitima yikafika pa cirwa ca St. Of course, at times you may have to adjust your schedule. About a month after our first visit to San Francisco, the ship arrived on the island of St. Wakaŵaciskaso, kuti: "Muŵenge maso. " Why can it be challenging to maintain a strong sense of Christian identity? He also urged them: "Keep on the watch. " Mu nkhani iyi, tiwonenge umo tingavulira wunthu wakale, chifukwa icho tikwenera kuvulira mwaluŵiro, kweniso chifukwa icho munthu wangasinthira nanga wangaŵa kuti wakuchita viheni chomene. Can you imagine, then, how much self - control it must take for God not to step in and immediately end our suffering? In this article, we will consider how we can strip off the old personality, why we should be overly discouraged, and why it can change even if we have done so much wrong. Cikupanga vyakusanguluska ivyo vikuyuyura mutu wa mbumba na kumutora nga nchichwapi cawakawaka. In prayer to his heavenly Father, Jehovah God, Jesus said: "Your word is truth. " It produces a form of recreation that dishonors family head and brings him as if he were worthless. Kweni lutilirani kucita ico mukumanya kuti nchakwenelera. In that sense, the King James Version acknowledged the rightful place of God's name in the so - called New Testament. But continue to do what you know is right. Panyake cingaŵa cifukwa cakuti kanandi ŵaheni ŵakutinkhika, ndipo ŵakukhala cete cifukwa cakuti ŵanji ŵakuŵanena. Paul singles out for mention five Christians who stood by his side: Tychicus, his personal envoy from the district of Asia and a "fellow slave in the Lord "; Onesimus, a" faithful and beloved brother " from Colossae; Aristarchus, a Macedonian from Thessalonica and at one time a "fellow captive " with Paul; Mark, the cousin of Paul's missionary companion Barnabas and the writer of the Gospel bearing his name; and Justus, one of the apostle's fellow workers" for the kingdom of God. " Perhaps it is because wicked ones are often hated, and they keep silent because others ridicule them. 8, 9. (a) Kasi nkhacitiro wuli ako ŵanthu ŵangawona nga ni nkharo yiheni? Jesus ' First Kingdom 8, 9. (a) What actions might people consider to be bad? Satana wakupangiska caru ici kuti cikopenge ŵanthu kuti ŵadokerenge vinthu. The angels have been "made subject to him. " Satan promotes this world's fear of man. Muŵe nga mukumuwona Yosefe wati lwii, kughanaghanira umo vinthu vyagadabukira pa umoyo wake. He made his sons pass through the fire, encouraged spiritistic practices, and caused the inhabitants of Judah and Jerusalem "to do worse than the nations that Jehovah had annihilated from before the sons of Israel. " Think of Joseph, thinking about what was going on in his life. M'malo mwa kughanaghana kuti iyo "nchiŵiya cakusoleka " ndipo wakeneranga kukateŵetera kunyake, Paulosi wakalimbikira kucita mulimo kulikose uko wakaŵa. Even so, innocent people are suffering. Instead of thinking that he was "a chosen vessel " and that he would serve elsewhere, Paul worked wherever he was. 4: 31 " MY FRIEND. " 4: 31 Ico tikumanya nchakuti: Abelu wakapeleka viwemi comene pa ivyo wakaŵa navyo. We were able to maintain our joy because we focused on the wonderful relationship we have with Jehovah. " What we do know is: Abel gave the best of what he had. Nchakuwonekerathu kuti kuzika uko Eli wakalongora apa mwa kuzomerezga ŵana ŵake kuti ŵalutilire kucita vinthu viheni kukaŵa kwambura kwenelera. - 1 Sam. Applying godly wisdom also contributes to a clean conscience. Clearly, Eli's mildness manifested by allowing his sons to continue doing what was wrong was wrong. - 1 Sam. Tikumanya kuti Ciuta withu wacitemwa ngwakunozgeka kovwira awo mbakugomezgeka kwa iyo. Ntheura tikuwona kuti tili ŵakuvikilirika pakuŵa " mberere za maluhari ghake. ' Praising God in the field ministry is a fine way to nourish our faith. We know that our loving God is willing to help those loyal to him, so we feel safe as "the sheep of his flock. " Pa maungano ghithu tikupokera ulongozgi wa umo tingagwiliskira ntchito makora vinthu ivi. After giving the illustration about the neighborly Samaritan, Jesus advised his listener: "Go your way and be doing the same yourself. " At our meetings, we receive instructions on how to use them effectively. APO ŴAKAŴA KU URI Speaking about the "conclusion of a system of things, " he stated:" At that time the righteous ones will shine as brightly as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. " WHEN THE END IS NOT IN THE PAST Kale ŵanthu ŵa Yehova ŵanandi ŵakazizipizga viyezgo. The Scriptures are full of vivid details describing life in God's promised new world. Many of Jehovah's people in ancient times endured trials. Tikulengera lusungu ŵanyithu chifukwa chakuti vinthu vitiyendere waka makora yayi. Some favorable court decisions have refined legal codes, thus protecting freedom of speech and of worship. We are not moved to extend mercy simply because our circumstances do not work out well. Paulosi wakayowoyaso fundo yakuyana waka apo wakalemberanga kalata Ŵahebere. Yes they should, and they are. Paul made a similar point when writing to the Hebrews. Kasi Mungazgora Wuli? Now consider a second example. How Would You Answer? Apo tikaluta ku malo ghakusungirako vinthu vyakale ya ku Britain (British Museum), Mubali Schroeder wakatilongora mipukutu yakale ya Baibolo. For example, some historians estimate that in World War II alone, the dead totaled from some 50 million to 60 million, the majority of whom were civilians - innocent men, women, and children. During our visit to the British Museum, we were able to show them Bible manuscripts. Ŵakhristu ŵakuphakazgika ŵapulikira chenjezgo ili, ndipo ŵakuŵa maso nyengo zose. How are husbands admonished to love their wives? Anointed Christians heed this warning, and they keep on the watch constantly. Mpostole Paulos wakayowoya kuti uzaghali, unkungu, kudokera, uroŵevu, kutuka, na kupoka vintu vyaŵene ni mikhaliro yakuzara comene pakati pa awo ŵali mu mdima. He will respond immediately and eliminate the perpetrators. The apostle Paul pointed out that immorality, greed, drunkenness, abusive speech, and immorality are common among those in darkness. Mbunenesko kuti nyengo zinyake mungakhumbikwira kusintha nyengo. Why is it appropriate to ask Jehovah to show us how "to count our days "? Of course, there may be times when you need to change. Cifukwa wuli cingaŵa cakusuzga kusungilira Ukhristu withu? Blessings Overtake Obedient Ones Why may it be difficult to maintain our Christian identity? Ntheura, mungawona kuti Ciuta wakuzizipizga pakuleka kunjilirapo kuti wamazge masuzgo ghithu sono. 6: 16. You can see, therefore, that God's long - suffering is not involved in solving our problems now. Apo wakalombanga ku Ŵawiske, Yesu wakati: "Mazgu ghinu mbunenesko. " No, he did not. In prayer to his Father, Jesus said: "Your word is truth. " Ntheura Baibolo la King James Version likalongora kuti zina la Chiuta likwenera nadi kuŵamo mu Phangano Liphya. No. The King James Version thus showed that God's name must be part of the New Testament. Paulosi wakuzunura Ŵakhristu ŵankhondi awo wakuti ŵakamovwira: Tuhiko, thenga lake lakufuma ku Asiya kweniso " muzga munyake mu Fumu '; Onesimo, "mbali wa magomezgeko na wakutemweka " wakufuma ku Kolose; Aristarko, wa ku Makedoniya mu msumba wa Tesalonika ndipo pa nyengo yinyake wakaŵa " wa vikondo munyake ' na Paulosi; Marko, muphwa wa Barnaba uyo wakendanga na Paulosi paulendo wa umishonale kweniso uyo wakazakalemba buku la Makani Ghawemi lakumanyikwa na zina lake; na Yusto, yumoza wa ŵalimi ŵanyake na Paulosi" ku Ufumu wa Ciuta. " Instead, "the very way of wicked ones will perish. " - Psalm 1: 4 - 6. Paul mentions five Christians who had been helped: C.E., his spokesman from Asia and "a slave in the Lord " and" a faithful and loved one " from Colossae; Iconium, in Macedonia, and on one occasion Paul's missionary tour, and on one occasion he was later Paul's missionary tour and Paul's missionary tour. Ufumu Wakwamba wa Yesu 15, 16. (a) What incorrect reasoning may hold some young ones back from getting baptized? The First Kingdom of Jesus Ŵangelo " ŵakujilambika kwa iyo. ' How Would You Answer? Angels are " subject to him. ' Wakendeska ŵana ŵake ku moto, kukhuŵilizga ŵanthu kucita mawura, ndiposo kupuluska ŵanthu ŵa mu Yuda na mu Yerusalemu kuti ŵacitenge "viheni kwakuluska ŵamitundu awo Yehova wakaparanya pamaso pa Ŵaisrayeli. " Still, we continued to give priority to Kingdom interests. - Matt. His sons led him to fire, encouraging the people to act badly, and misled the inhabitants of Judah and Jerusalem in order to "do worse than the nations that Jehovah had destroyed before the sons of Israel. " Nangauli vili nthena, kweni ŵanthu ŵambura mulandu nawo ŵakusuzgika. Because the choices are interrelated. What you decide about marriage and employment will affect how you serve God. Even so, innocent people suffer too. " MUBWEZI wane. " Similarly, in the face of tribulation, we need to do more than simply mention to Jehovah how we feel. " IN THE year I have been writing. " Nyengo zose tikaŵanga na cimwemwe cifukwa tikapwereranga ubwezi withu wakuzirwa uwo tili nawo na Yehova. " Yes, when the fires of war finally died down, true Christians were ready for increased activity. We always had the joy of caring for our precious relationship with Jehovah. " Kugwiriskira ncito vinjeru vya uciuta kukutipangiska kuŵa na njuŵi yiweme. 3 / 15 Meaning of "resisted as far as blood ," 2 / 15 Applying godly wisdom keeps us in good conscience. Kulumba Ciuta mu uteŵeti wa m'munda ndiyo nthowa yiwemi nkhanira yakukhozgera cipulikano cithu. Meditating on 2 Peter 2: 11 and on personal counsel from the elders made a big difference. " Praise to God in the field ministry is the best way to strengthen our faith. Pamanyuma pa kuyowoya ntharika ya Musamariya muwemi, Yesu wakaphalira Mumanyimalango uyu kuti: "Lutanga, nawe ukacitenge ntheura. " 9: 24. After giving an illustration of the neighborly Samaritan, Jesus told the man: "Go, you also must do the same. " Pakuyowoya za "umaliro wa mgonezi, " wakati:" Pa nyengo iyo, ŵarunji ŵazamuŵala ngwee nga ni dazi mu ufumu wa Ŵawiskewo. " How can we provide hospitality to visiting representatives of Jehovah's organization? Regarding "the conclusion of the system of things, " he said:" At that time the righteous ones will shine as brightly as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. " Malemba ghakulongora makora chomene umo umoyo uzamuŵira mu charu chiphya icho Chiuta walayizga. This daily routine has helped me to endure until now. " The Scriptures clearly explain what life will be like in God's promised new world. Milandu yinyake iyo tikuluska yikovwira kuti ŵamazaza ŵasinthe na kunozgaso malango ghanyake. In order to live up to this requirement, we need to be at peace with Jehovah and our neighbor. An even greater complaint helps the authorities to change their ways and repair other laws. Enya ŵakwenera kucitapo kantu, ndipo ndimo ŵakucitira. How Would You Answer? Yes, they need to act, and they must do so. Sono wonani ciyelezgero caciŵiri. For this reason: By showing honor to our brothers and sisters, we greatly contribute to the well - being and unity of the entire congregation. Now consider a second example. Pakati pajumpha nyengo yichoko waka, mwana withu wakwamba, Kimberly, wakababika. They were astonished because each of them heard the disciples speak in his native tongue "about the magnificent things of God. " Shortly thereafter, our first son - in - law - was born. Mwaciyelezgero, ŵanji awo ŵakumanya mdauko ŵakusacizga kuti mu nyengo ya Nkhondo Yaciŵiri ya Caru Cose, ŵanthu pakatikati pa 50 na 60 miliyoni ŵakakomeka. A procrastinator may come up with outlandish excuses for not taking action. For example, some historians suggest that during World War II, 50 and 60 million people were killed. Ni mwauli umo ŵafumu ŵakuciskikira kutemwa ŵawoli ŵawo? 4 / 15 How are husbands encouraged to love their wives? Mwaluŵiro, Yehova wazamuwuskapo ŵanthu wose awo ŵakuwukira ŵateŵeti ŵake. The principal tells him, "To enroll, you must be a native. " Soon, Jehovah will remove all opposers of his servants. Cifukwa wuli ncakuzirwa kuŵeyelera Yehova kuti watisambizge umo " tingapendera mazuŵa ghithu '? When he returned, she kindly asked: "Would you like something to eat? " Why is it important to supplicate Jehovah to teach us how to " count our days '? Awo Ŵakupulikira Ŵakutumbikika Comene For instance, while you may feel that the other party bears most of the blame, God may view things differently. Those Who Listen to Him Are Blessed 6: 16. 8 / 15 6: 16. Yayi. They have come to arrest Jesus. No. Cara. Jesus ' half brothers were also there. No. M'malo mwake "nthowa ya ŵaheni tiyisoŵenge. " - Salmo 1: 4 - 6. What more can we do to cultivate it? Rather, "the path of the wicked ones will be opened. " - Psalm 1: 4 - 6. 15, 16. (a) Ni maghanoghano wuli ghakubudika agho ghakutondeska ŵawukirano ŵanyake kuti ŵabapatizike? He will regularly dig deeply into its contents, realizing that "solid food belongs to mature people. " 15, 16. (a) What mistaken view has caused some youths to undergo baptism? Kasi Mungazgora Wuli? Paul prayed that Christians "be long - suffering with joy " How Would You Answer? Kweni tikalutilira kuŵika vinthu vya Ufumu pakwamba. - Mat. For the great majority of those who choose to do God's will, the prize worth working for is eternal life in a new world of God's making. But we kept Kingdom interests first. - Matt. Cifukwa cakuti ivyo musankhenge pa nkhani ya nthengwa na nchito vingakhwaska uteŵeti winu kwa Ciuta. Also, Jesus knew that the Pharisees strained their wine through a cloth sieve. Because your choices regarding marriage and employment can affect your service to God. Nase para tasangana na masuzgo tikwenera kuchita vinandi padera pa kumuphalira waka Yehova umo tikujipulikira. Certain aspects may not directly apply in your locality. When problems arise, we need to do more than simply tell Jehovah how we feel. Inya, nkhondo yikati yamara, Ŵakhristu ŵaunenesko ŵakaŵa ŵakunozgeka kusazgirako mulimo. Yet, many people sincerely believe that they have been cured by the power of relics, shrines, or religious healers. Yes, after the war, true Christians were ready to expand their work. Nkhaghanaghanirangapo fundo ya pa 2 Petrosi 2: 11 kweniso na ulongozgi uwo ŵalara ŵakanipanga. In a sense, Jehovah can put himself in the place of others, and he has given us that ability. - Ps. I thought about 2 Peter 2: 11 and the direction given to the elders. 9: 24. Instead, the most dependable indicator of marital success is how well husband and wife manage any conflicts that arise. 9: 24. Kasi ŵimiliri ŵa gulu la Yehova tingaŵapokelera wuli? His fears were well - founded, but Abraham did not let such concerns sidetrack him from obeying Jehovah. How can we be welcomed by Jehovah's organization? Ici canovwira kuzizipizga mupaka sono. " This mental housecleaning is especially helpful. " This has helped me to endure until now. " Kuti tikhale mwakuyana na fundo iyi, tikwenera kuŵa pa mtende na Yehova na ŵanyithu. Thus, your study can help you and many others to honor God. To live in harmony with that, we must pursue peace with Jehovah and with others. Kasi Mungazgora Wuli? What would people think of the king who threatened to punish his subjects "with scourges " yet soon yielded to this flagrant rebellion? How Would You Answer? Para tikucindika ŵabali na ŵadumbu ŵithu tikovwira kuti mpingo wendenge makora ndiposo kuti ulutilire kuŵa wakukolerana. Lessons for Us: Showing respect for our brothers and sisters contributes to the unity and unity of the congregation. Ŵakazizwa cifukwa wose ŵakapulika ŵasambiri ŵakuyowoya "vikuru vya Ciuta " mu viyowoyero vya kwawo. 1, 2. (a) Whose wedding will be a particular cause for joy in heaven? They were surprised to hear all the disciples speak "the magnificent things of God " in their mother tongue. Uyo wakuziwulika wangapenjerezga vifukwa vyautesi ivyo wakulekera kucita cinthu cinyake. 12 Jehovah Loves Those Who "Bear Fruit With Endurance " One who is slow to look for reasons why he does not do something. 9 / 15 Karen Karen, now in her mid - 20 ' s, grew up in Baggao, Cagayan. 9 / 1 Mulara wa sukulu iyi wakumuphalira kuti, "Kuti wambe kusambira pa sukulu yino ukwenera kuŵa mwenecaru. " Truth Bearing Fruit in Those You Teach? The principal tells him, "To get to this school, you must be a native. " Wakati wawerako, muwoli wake wakamufumba mwalusungu kuti: "Mungatemwa cakurya wuli? " • How can you help a student to become a teacher of God's Word? When she returned home, her wife kindly asked him, "What food do you want to eat? " Mwaciyelezgero, apo imwe mukuwona kuti munyinu ndiyo ngwakubuda, Ciuta wangaŵa kuti wakuwona nthena yayi. 19: 16, 19. For example, when you feel that your spouse is wrong, God does not think so. Upayiniya Ukukhozga Ubwezi Withu na Ciuta, 9 / 15 Bible scholar Frederic W. Serving Jehovah With All Your Heart, 9 / 15 Ŵiza kuti ŵazakamukake Yesu. Man was not created with a tendency to do bad things, to get sick, or to die. They were Jesus ' disciples. Ŵanung'una ŵa Yesu nawo ŵakaŵapo. Similarly, a Christian's figurative heart requires shielding from the power of sin. Jesus ' half brothers were also present. Ni vichi vinyake ivyo tingachita kuti tikhozge umoyo withu wauzimu? Just as timely rain on an orchard contributes to a good harvest, God's spirit can produce in receptive individuals qualities that the Bible describes as "the fruitage of the spirit. " What else can we do to strengthen our spirituality? Nyengo zose wakwenera kusambira Baibolo kuti wamanye vinandi, chifukwa "chakurya chakukhoma ntcha ŵanthu ŵakukhwima. " You delight in thinking of the ways in which the house could benefit you and your family. He needs to study the Bible regularly, for "the solid foundation is for mature people. " Paulos wakaromba kuti Ŵakristu wakwenera " kuzizipizga na cimwemwe ' She replied: "Yes, Lord. " - John 11: 24 - 27. Paul prayed that Christians should " endure with joy " Ŵanandi awo ŵasankha kucita khumbo la Ciuta ŵazamupokera umoyo wamuyirayira mu caru ciphya. Jesus answered: "Rise, go your way into Damascus, and there you will be told about everything it is appointed for you to do. " Many who choose to do God's will receive everlasting life in the new world. Yesu wakamanyaso kuti Ŵafarisi ŵakasujiranga vinyo pa salu. I experienced early in life the truth of David's words found at Psalm 27: 10: "In case my own father and my own mother did leave me, even Jehovah himself would take me up. " Jesus also knew that the Pharisees did not partake of wine on the linen. Fundo zinyake zikwenera kuti zikupambana na ivyo vikucitika kukwinu. With Stéphane's help, my understanding of the Bible continued to grow, and in 1992, I dedicated my life to Jehovah God and was baptized. Some facts may differ from what is taking place in your area. (Daily Telegraph) Ndipouli, ŵanthu ŵanandi ŵakugomezga kuti ŵacizgika mwamunthondwe. Likewise today, genuine Christians imitate Jesus ' example. Many people believe that they are miraculously healed. Nase tikwenera kutemwa ŵanyithu na kuwona masuzgo ghawo nga ghachitikira ise. Para tikuchita nthena tikuyezga Yehova. - Sal. Perhaps all that elderly ones need to maintain the measure of independence they prefer is the help of a home - care attendant. We too should love our neighbor and view their problems as Jehovah does. - Ps. M'malo mwake cimanyikwiro cikuru ca nthengwa yacimwemwe ni umo mfumu na muwoli ŵakumazgira mphindano izo zingaŵapo. Christ foretold that he would assign duties to a "faithful and discreet slave. " - Matt. Rather, the key sign of happiness is how a husband and wife can resolve differences that may arise. Kweniso Abrahamu wakawopanga kuti iyo ŵangamukoma. Ndipouli wakalutilira kupulikira Yehova. She eagerly accepted a Bible study. Abraham was also afraid of losing his life, but he remained obedient to Jehovah. Ici cikanovwira kutozga maghanoghano ghane. " Almost one year after his flight, King Francis I appointed Lefèvre tutor of his four - year - old son, Charles. That made it easier for me to clean up my mind. " Mwanteura, sambiro linu lingamovwirani imwe na ŵanyinu ŵanandi kuti mucindike Ciuta. What will we gain by fearing the true God? Hence, your study can help you and others to honor God. Kasi ŵanthu ŵaliwonenge wuli themba pakuti likayowoya kale kuti liŵalangenge na "vikoti " kweni apa likuŵaleka waka nangauli ŵagaluka? [ Picture on page 6] How would the people view the king when he foretold that he would punish them with "a curse " but then leave them, despite the rebellion? Ivyo Tikusambirapo: Yet, they continued to preach and to baptize. Lessons for Us: 1, 2. (a) Kasi ni nthengwa ya njani iyo yizamupangiska kuti kucanya kuŵe cimwemwe? Mordecai is in "sackcloth and ashes. " 1, 2. (a) Who will make the marriage a source of joy in heaven? 12 Yehova Wakutemwa Awo "Ŵakuzizipizga na Kupambika Vipambi " 11: 9. 12 Jehovah Loves Those "who Endure With Endurance " Karen, uyo pasono wali na vyaka vya m'ma 20, wakakulira mu tawuni ya Baggao, ku Cagayan. For instance, in the United States, a Gallup poll conducted in 2007 found that about 70 percent of those surveyed believe in hell. Karen, now in her early 20 ' s, grew up in the town of B.C.E. NKHANI ZAKUSAMBIRA PA MPINGO Nevertheless, while warmly encouraging his brothers to be patient with those who were struggling with matters of conscience, Paul strongly condemned those who tried to force fellow believers to submit to the Mosaic Law as a condition for obtaining salvation. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES • Ni nthowa wuli zakasambizgiro izo zikovwira comene? In advance, he read and reread the study material, looked up the scriptures in his Braille Bible, and then formulated in his mind the answers to the questions. • What methods of teaching work best? 19: 16, 19. Moreover, those who avidly pursue riches usually " stab themselves all over with many pains. ' - 1 Tim. 19: 16, 19. Nkhwantha ya kusanda vya Baibolo zina lake Frederic W. True Christians are recognizable because they practice love Bible scholar Fred W. Chiuta wakatilenga kuti tichitenge viheni yayi, kulwara panji kufwa. Crocodile's Jaw, 7 / 15 God did not create us with evil, sickness, or death. Ntheura pera, mtima wakuyelezgera wa Mkhristu ukwenera kuvikilirika ku nkhongono ya kwananga. What made the difference? Similarly, a Christian's figurative heart needs protection from the power of sin. Nga ni umo vula iyo yiza pa nyengo yake yikupangiskira vipambi kuti vipambike comene m'munda, mzimu wa Ciuta ungapangiska ŵantu kuti ŵaŵe na mikhaliro iyo Baibolo likuti ni "vipambi vya mzimu. " Jehovah and Christ comfort all these faithful servants. - Read 2 Thessalonians 2: 16, 17. Just as the rain at its right time produces fruit in the field, God's spirit can cause people to develop the qualities described in the Bible as "the fruitage of the spirit. " Kweni kasi mungazomerezga yayi kuti mungasanga candulo cikuru na pulani iyi pekha para mungayizenga, kukhalamo na kulutilira kuyipwelelera? The prophet there apparently refers to going out "of Jerusalem to the surrounding Hinnom Valley (Gehenna), where human sacrifice was once practiced and which eventually became the city's refuse heap. " But would you not agree that you can benefit fully from this arrangement only if you build it and continue to care for it? Marita wakazgora kuti: "Enya, Fumu. " - Yohane 11: 24 - 27. She hid them on the roof of her house, concealing them from potential captors sent out by Jericho's king. Martha replied: "Yes, Lord. " - John 11: 24 - 27. Yesu wakamuzgora kuti: "Wuka, ukanjire mu Damaseko; mwenemumo ndimo kwamkunenekera iwe vyose ivyo vili kwimikikira iwe kuti uvicite. " We need to allow God's Word to mold our understanding of Jehovah's mind. Jesus replied: "Get up, go into Damascus; and let them say to you everything that is appointed you to do. " Apo nkhaŵa mwanici, nkhawona umo mazgu gha pa Salmo 27: 10 ghakafiskikira pa ine. Davide wakati: "Ŵadada na ŵamama nanga ŵandiside, kweni Yehova tiwanditorenge. " Since Jehovah is our Creator, it is logical that he would know humans through and through. As a young man, I saw how the words of Psalm 27: 10 were fulfilled in me: "My father and my own mother did leave me, even Jehovah himself would take me up. " Pakuti Stéphane wakanovwiranga, nkhalutilira kumanya vinandi mu Baibolo, ndipo mu 1992 nkhajipatulira kwa Yehova na kubapatizika. On the other hand, what if undue anxiety over problems common to life in this system now threatens to choke out "the word of God, " just as thorns may prevent seedlings from reaching fruitful maturity? As a result of her help, she continued to learn more about the Bible, and in 1992 she dedicated her life to Jehovah and got baptized. Lero napo Ŵakhristu ŵaunenesko ŵakuyezga umo Yesu wakacitiranga. Understanding the Bible warms our heart True Christians today imitate Jesus ' example. Nyengo zinyake ico cikukhumbikwa kuti ŵacekuru ŵalutilire kukhala pa nyumba yawo nkhuŵasangira wanchito. She knew that Joseph would have to come inside in order to do his work. At times, it may be necessary for older ones to stay at home for a worker. Khristu wakayowoyerathu kuti wapelekenge milimo kwa "muzga wakugomezgeka na wakucenjera. " - Mat. In explaining this, Paul wrote to first - century anointed Christians: "All things are from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of the reconciliation, namely, that God was by means of Christ reconciling a world to himself, not counting their offenses against them, and he entrusted to us the message of the reconciliation. Christ foretold that he would appoint "the faithful and discreet slave. " - Matt. Amama ŵakazomera kusambira Baibolo. 17, 18. My mother agreed to study the Bible. Ŵanji ŵakusuzgika chomene maghanoghano chifukwa cha maubudi agho ŵakapanga kumasinda, ndipo ŵakuwona kuti Yehova wangaŵagowokera chara. Kasi ndimo namwe mukujiwonera? What experience typifies the joy and eagerness of those finding Bible truth? Others may feel overwhelmed by past mistakes, and do you feel that Jehovah cannot forgive them? Pakati pajumpha waka chaka chimoza kufuma apo Lefèvre wakachimbira, Themba Francis I wakasora Lefèvre kuti ndiyo wasambizgenge Baibolo mwana wake Charles, uyo panyengo iyo wakaŵa na vyaka vinayi. For teachers of God's Word, that happiness is the joy of knowing that we are imparting something of genuine and lasting value - the truth about Jehovah. About a year after Lefèvre's flight, King Francis I selected Lefèvre to teach his son Charles, who was four years old. Kasi tisangenge njombe wuli usange tikumopa Ciuta? Think about David. What will result if we fear God? [ Cithuzithuzi pa peji 6] Since materialism is a snare that has entrapped not a few families, consider what Jesus said about keeping our eye "simple. " [ Picture on page 6] [ Cithuzithuzi pa peji 7] How should we " keep our eyes open, ' as Jesus admonished? [ Picture on page 7] Kweni ŵakalutilira kupharazga na kubapatiza. Our choice was based, not on a superficial knowledge of a few scriptures, but on a thorough study of God's Word. Still, they continued preaching and baptism. Mordekayi "wakavwara cigudulu na vyoto. " As mentioned in the preceding article, many have, however, found convincing answers to questions about world conditions and the future. Mordecai "put on himself and ashes. " 11: 9. Or perhaps their consciences were hardened to the extent that they saw nothing wrong with worshipping Baal while claiming to be worshippers of Jehovah. 11: 9. Kusanda uko George Gallup wakacita ku United States mu 2007 kukalongora kuti pa ŵanthu 100 ŵaliwose awo ŵakafumbika, 70 ŵakalongora kuti ŵakugomezga kuti kuli helo. What will we discuss in the next article? A survey in the United States in 2007 revealed that about 70 percent of those who were asked to believe in hell revealed that hell is a place of torment. Nangauli ndimo vikaŵira, uku wakuŵaciska mwacitemwa ŵabali kuti ŵazizipizge na awo ŵakalekanga kupulikiska pa nkhani zakukhwaskana na njuŵi, Paulosi wakasuska mwankhongono awo ŵakacicizganga ŵanyawo kuti ŵapulikirenge Dango la Mozesi mwakuti ŵasange ciponosko. It takes faith and spiritual perception to see what is happening in the spirit realm. Even so, by lovingly encouraging the brothers to cope with those who did not understand the matter about conscience, Paul condemned those who tried to force others to obey the Mosaic Law to gain salvation. Lachiŵiri: Tikasambiranga vinthu vinandi yayi chifukwa wakaluwanga luŵiro. Kweni wakalimbikiranga chomene ndipo wakanozgekeranga mwakukwana. What joy this proof of Jehovah's blessing brings! Second: We didn't have much to learn, but he was very busy and well prepared. Nakuti awo ŵakuŵikapo mtima pa kupenja usambazi, " ŵakujilasa bwekabweka na vyakuŵinya vinandi. ' - 1 Tim. When Priscilla and Aquila observed Paul as a Kingdom proclaimer, they saw a good teacher in action. In fact, those who are determined to seek riches "have stabbed themselves all over with many pains. " - 1 Tim. Mongolia, 7 / 15 " The objective of this instruction is love out of a clean heart and out of a good conscience. " - 1 TIM. 5 / 1 Nchivici cikaŵapambaniska? Why did Paul have good reason to commend a number of women in the first - century Christian congregation? What was the difference? Yehova na Yesu Khristu ŵakusanguluska ŵanthu ŵakugomezgeka aŵa. - Ŵerengani 2 Ŵatesalonika 2: 16, 17. Every Wednesday morning, he tells his staff to hold his telephone calls and then gives his full attention to the study. Jehovah and Jesus Christ bring such loyal ones comfort. - Read 2 Thessalonians 2: 16, 17. Nchakuwonekerathu kuti pa vesi ili, mprofeti wakayowoyanga za kufuma "mu Yerusalemu na kuluta ku Cidika ca Hinomi (Gehena) ico cikaŵa pafupi, uko panyengo yinyake ŵanji ŵakawocherangako ŵanthu kuŵa sembe, ndiposo uko mukuluta kwa nyengo ŵanthu ŵakatayangako viswaswa vya mu msumba. " 13, 14. (a) What is one reason why those who do not believe in God and in sin are inexcusable? In this verse, the prophet was evidently referring to "out of Jerusalem and to go to the mountainous region, which was about to come to the city. " Joshua wakatuma ŵanalume ŵaŵiri kuti ŵakapacire Yeriko, ndipo ku malo agha, ŵakakumana na mwanakazi muzaghali, zina lake Rahabi. [ Credit Line] Joshua sent two men to march around Jericho, and there they met a prostitute named Rahab. Kuti timanye maghanoghano gha Yehova tikwenera kuzomera kuwumbika na mazgu ghake. Young or old, if we do not choose our friends and associates wisely, that is, by the good standards from the Bible, we can expect that we will "fare badly. " To understand Jehovah's thinking, we must be molded by his Word. Pakuti Yehova ni Mlengi withu, ncakumanyikwirathu kuti wakumanya makora ŵantu. He said: "Look! Since Jehovah is our Creator, it is clear that he knows mankind well. Kulwande linyake, wuli usange kwenjerwa na masuzgo agho tikukumana nagho sono mu caru ici, ghakujandizga "Mazgu gha Ciuta, " nga ni umo minga zikujandizgira mbuto kuti zikure makora? Abraham was a man who "put faith in Jehovah. " On the other hand, what if we become anxious over the problems we now face in this system of things, trying to stop "the word of God, " as the thorns puts off the growth of the seed? Tikuŵa ŵacimwemwe para talipulikiska Baibolo Humans were created with the need to love and be loved. Accurate understanding of the Bible leads to happiness Wakamanyanga kuti Yosefe wanjirenge mu nyumba kuchita mulimo wake. This was fulfilled, and the Jews ' descendants continue to exist as a distinct people to this day. He knew that Joseph would enter the house. Pakulongosora za uteŵeti uwu, Paulosi wakalembera Ŵakhristu ŵakuphakazgika kuti: "Kweni vinthu vyose vikufuma kwa Chiuta, uyo wakatiphemaniska ise kwa iyo kwizira mwa Khristu ndipo wakatipa uteŵeti wa kuphemaniska. Uteŵeti wake ngwakuti, tipharazge kuti Chiuta wakaphemaniskanga charu kwa iyo kwizira mwa Khristu, kwambura kukumbuka kwananga kwawo, ndipo wali kutipa uthenga wa kuphemaniska. Why not? Explaining this ministry, Paul wrote to anointed Christians: "All things are from God, who through Christ gave us the ministry of reconciliation. 17, 18. ▪ Ezekiel 6 - 20 17, 18. Longosorani umo ŵanthu awo ŵakusanga unenesko wa Baibolo ŵakuŵira ŵacimwemwe na ŵamwamphu. (Read 2 Thessalonians 3: 1 - 5.) Explain how Bible truth brings joy and zeal. Ŵasambizgi ŵa Mazgu gha Ciuta, ŵakuŵa na cimwemwe cifukwa ŵakumanya kuti ŵakupereka cintu ca mtengo wapatali nkanira - unenesko wa Yehova. " Respect brings contentment and security to a marriage, " says Linda. The teachers of God's Word find joy in knowing that they are giving something of great value - Jehovah's trueness. Ghanaghanirani za Davide. Others submit to an abortion and pay the price of a tormented conscience. Consider David. Pakuti mbumba zinandi zawira mu cipingo ca kutemweska vinthu vyakuthupi, wonani ivyo Yesu wakayowoya vyakukhwaskana na jiso ilo "likulata pa cimoza. " In fact, the Bible says that Manasseh and the people did "what was bad more than the nations whom Jehovah had annihilated from before the sons of Israel. " Since many families have fallen into the trap of materialism, consider what Jesus said about the eye that is "simple. " Kuyana na ulongozgi wa Yesu, ni mwauli umo tikwenera kuŵira maso? We live in "later periods of time. " According to Jesus ' counsel, how should we keep on the watch? Pa cifukwa ici, tikasambira fundo zinandi zakukhozga cipulikano zakukhwaskana na ciharo ico Yehova wapeleka kwa awo " ŵakumanya iyo, na Yesu Khristu, mweneuyo wakamutuma. ' - Yoh. He was the very epitome of true kindness. As a result, we learned much more faith about the heritage Jehovah has given to those "who know him and the one whom he sent forth, Jesus Christ. " Nga umo tawonera mu nkhani iyo yajumpha, ŵanthu ŵanandi ŵali kusanga mazgoro ghakukhorweska pa ivyo vichitikenge munthazi. Very likely, David noted how Egypt's false gods were humiliated as God delivered the Israelites from Egyptian bondage. As noted in the preceding article, many people have found satisfying answers about the future. Panji njuŵi zawo zikakulungara mwakuti ŵakawona ngati nkhwananga yayi kusopa Bala uku ŵakatenge ŵakusopa Yehova. 120: 3, 4. Perhaps their conscience was so distorted that they considered Baal worship to be a threat to Jehovah's worship. Kasi tidumbiskanenge vichi mu nkhani yakulondezgapo? OTHER BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED What will we consider in the next article? Pakukhumbikwa cipulikano na vinjeru vyauzimu kuti munthu wamanye ivyo vikucitika kucanya. Available whole or in part Faith and spiritual wisdom are needed in order to discern what is going on in heaven. Nchakukondweska kumanya kuti Yehova wakukondwa nase. [ Box on page 6] How comforting it is to know that Jehovah is pleased with us! Apo Priskila na Akula ŵakawonanga Paulos wakupharazga Ufumu, ŵakasanga kuti wakaŵa musambizgi muweme. " The marriage of the Lamb has arrived and his wife has prepared herself. When Priscilla and Aquila observed Paul preaching about the Kingdom, they found that he was a good teacher. " Chilato cha ulongozgi uwu ntchakuti tiŵe na chitemwa chakufuma mu mtima wakutowa na njuŵi yiwemi. " - 1 TIM. To illustrate, compare happiness with good health. " The purpose of this counsel is that we have love out of a clean heart and out of a good conscience. " - 1 TIM. Cifukwa wuli Paulos wakaŵa na cifukwa ciweme ca kuwongera ŵanakazi ŵanyake mu mpingo Ŵacikristu mu nyengo yakale? Indeed, while burnt offerings and sacrifices were required by the Law, what really matters to God is the loving heart condition of his servants. Why did Paul have good reason to appreciate the interest of certain Christian women in the first - century Christian congregation? Mulenji wuliwose pa Citatu, wakuphalira ŵanchito ŵake kuti ŵangamutumiranga matelefoni yayi ndipo wakuŵika maghanaghano ghose pa sambiro. From studying the Bible, however, I realized that my conduct affects Jehovah's feelings. Each morning, he tells his workers that they are not to send them out and that he sees everything in the study. 13, 14. (a) Cifukwa wuli awo ŵakuti Ciuta kulije ndiposo awo ŵakuti ŵalije zakwananga ŵalije pakugwenthera? Let us be on guard against Satan's ploys that could cause us to slow down or quit. 13, 14. (a) Why do those who say that there is no God and that there is no injustice? [ Kulongosora Cithuzithuzi] Whom will you choose as your sovereign, your ruler? [ Credit Line] Kwali ndise ŵana panji ŵalara, para tikutondeka kulondezga fundo za mu Baibolo pakusankha ŵabwezi ŵithu ndiposo awo tikucezga nawo, mbwenu " tipwetekekenge. ' This new relationship allows you to maintain a close bond with your children while giving primary attention to your spouse. Whether we are young or old, when we fail to apply Bible principles in choosing our friends and associates, we will be "a stumbling block. " Wakati: "Wonani! Why must we keep on moving ahead with Jehovah's organization? He said: "Look! Abrahamu "wakapulikana na Yehova. " Who is always prepared to help those who need strengthening? Abraham "put faith in Jehovah. " Taŵanthu tili kulengeka kuti titemwanenge na ŵanyithu. The Israelites were told that if they obeyed Jehovah, they would become his "special property out of all other peoples. " Humans were designed to show love to one another. Ucimi uwu ukafiskika ndipo ŵazukuru ŵa Ŵayuda ŵacaliko mpaka muhanya wuno. And the prayer of faith will make the indisposed one well, and Jehovah will raise him up. This prophecy was fulfilled, and the descendants of the Jews are still alive today. Cifukwa wuli? Highlights From Judges, 1 / 15 Why? ▪ Ezekiel 6 - 20 When Queen Jezebel ordered the slaughter of God's prophets, Obadiah hid 100 of them "by fifties in a cave. " ▪ Ezekiel 6 - 20 (Ŵazgani 2 Ŵatesalonika 3: 1 - 5.) Instead of looking to Jehovah for help in dealing with these hardships, however, they started to "call down evil " on their king and on their God. (Read 2 Thessalonians 3: 1 - 5.) Linda wakuti: "Ŵakutorana ŵakuŵa ŵakukhorwa ndiposo ŵakuvikilira nthengwa yawo para ŵakucindikana. In Philippi the authorities had beaten Paul and his companion Silas with rods, thrown them into prison, and confined them in stocks. Linda says: "A married couple find satisfaction and security in their marriage when they respect each other. Ŵanyake ŵakufumya nthumbo ndipo pamanyuma ŵakusuzgika maghanoghano. Skillful elders can do much to ease the pain of heart that is felt by the remorseful sinner. Some are pregnant and later depressed. Ndiposo, Baibolo likuyowoya kuti Manase na ŵantu ŵake ŵakacita " viheni pamaso pa Yehova, kwakuyana na maunyankasi gha ŵamitundu awo Yehova wakaŵacimbizga pamaso pa Ŵaisrayeli. ' Rodney and his wife, Jane, from Australia, both in their 50 ' s, and their son, Jordan, and daughter, Danica, have been serving as need - greaters in Myanmar since 2010. Furthermore, the Bible says that Manasseh and his people did "what was bad in Jehovah's eyes, according to the detestable things of the nations that Jehovah had delivered them from before the sons of Israel. " Sono tili mu "nyengo za kunthazi. " I still felt that loving me was too much to expect of Jehovah. We are now living in "the time of the end. " Wakacitanga lusungu lwanadi nyengo zose. VISITING ISOLATED GROUPS He always showed loving - kindness. Davide wakwenera kuti wakasambira umo Ciuta wakalengeskera ŵaciuta ŵatesi ŵa Egupto apo wakafumiskanga Ŵaisrayeli mu wuzga. The new covenant produces spiritual Israel and provides the basis for its members to become "joint heirs with Christ. " David may have learned about God's dealings with the false gods of Egypt when he delivered the Israelites from slavery. 120: 3, 4. In Western Europe, U.S. influence increased, and life - threatening poverty became rare. 120: 3, 4. MAFUMBO GHANYAKE AGHO BAIBOLO LIKUZGORA An examination of Ephesians 4: 25 - 32 will show us how we should conduct ourselves, and it can help us to avoid grieving God's spirit. OTHER BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED TRANSLATION GHANYAKE Yet it is something of a mystery to physicists. REGULAR FEATURES [ Bokosi pa peji 6] Focus on positive thoughts [ Box on page 6] Kweni pali ukaboni unandi comene uwo ukulongora kuti Yehova wakugomezga muzga. CHRISTIAN LIFE AND QUALITIES Yet, there is abundant evidence that Jehovah trusts the slave. Chimwemwe tingachiyelezgera na umoyo uwemi. What led me to this experience, and how did it affect my life? Joy can be likened to a good life. Nangauli mwakuyana na Dango ŵakenera kupeleka vyakupeleka vyakocha na sembe, kweni ico cikaŵa cakuzirwa comene kwa Ciuta ni mtima wacitemwa wa ŵateŵeti ŵake. However, Supot still loved Jehovah and wanted to worship him properly. Although the Law was required to offer burnt offerings and sacrifices, what was of great importance to God is his loving concern for his servants. Ndipouli, cifukwa ca kusambira Baibolo nkhawona kuti ivyo nkhucita vingamukondweska Yehova panji kumukwiyiska. Before we got married, we had frank discussions about our future. However, studying the Bible made me feel that my actions would please Jehovah or hurt him. Ticenjere na vipingo vya Satana ivyo vingatigoŵera pasi panji kutilekeska kuteŵetera Ciuta. The military suspected me of belonging to the rebel group called the New People's Army (NPA) and often beat me up badly. We must be on guard against Satan's snares that could cause us to fall down or stop us from serving God. Kasi musorenge njani kuŵa muwusi winu? She continues: "When Jehovah's Witnesses knocked on my door, however, my life took a 180 degree turn. " Whom do you choose as your ruler? Pa nyengo iyi mukwenera kulutilira kutemwa ŵana ŵinu kweniso kutemwa chomene mfumu panji muwoli winu. So it started to bleat plaintively. At that time, you need to continue to show love for your children and your love for your spouse. Cifukwa wuli tikwenera kulutilira kwendera lumoza na gulu la Yehova? In our own strength, we likely cannot cope with these tests of faith. Why should we continue to associate with Jehovah's organization? Kasi ni njani uyo ngwakunozgeka nyengo zose kovwira awo ŵakukhumba kukhozgeka? Though they might not have understood the reason for this, the Israelites were thus helped to avoid infection and disease. - Leviticus 11: 32 - 38. Who is always ready to help those who need encouragement? Ŵaisrayeli ŵakaphalirika kuti usange ŵapulikirenge Yehova, ŵaŵenge " usambazi wake wapadera pacanya pa ŵanthu wose. ' What is involved in becoming "fishers of men "? The Israelites were told that if they obeyed Jehovah, they would become his " special property out of all other peoples. ' Ndipo lurombo lwa cipulikano lumucizgenge mulwari, ntheura Yehova wamuwuskenge. In time, they became convinced that the good news was in fact solidly based on God's Word. And the prayer of faith will make the sick one well, and Jehovah will raise him up. Apo Fumukazi Yezebeli wakalangura kuti ŵaprofeti ŵa Ciuta ŵakomeke, Obadiya wakabisa ŵaprofeti 100 mu magulu gha "makhumi ghankhondi apa ghankhondi mu mphanji. " I arrived at Bethel on June 19, 1950, and started my new assignment. When Queen Jezebel ordered that God's prophets be executed, Obadiah hid a hundred prophets from "the five cave in the cave. " Ndipouli, m'malo mwa kulomba wovwiri kwa Yehova, ŵakamba "kutemba " fumu yawo na Ciuta wawo. How They Dealt With Persecution However, instead of praying to Jehovah for help, they began to " curse " their king and their God. Mu Filipi ŵalara ŵa boma ŵakatimba Paulosi na Sila na zindodo, ŵakaŵaponya mu gadi na kuŵakakilira mu magwedi. We thank Jehovah every day for his help, as we recognize that we cannot accomplish anything in our own strength. In Philippi, the authorities beat Paul and Silas, threw them into prison, and threw them into stocks. Ŵarara ŵaluso ŵangawovwira comene kuti ŵacepeske kupweteka mtima uko muntu wakwananga wakuŵa nako. [ Picture on page 5] The experienced elders can have a powerful influence on the heart of a sinner. Rodney na muwoli wake, Jane, ŵa ku Australia, awo ŵali na vyaka vya m'ma 50, na mwana wawo munyamata Jordan, ndiposo mwana wawo msungwana Danica, ŵakuteŵetera ku Myanmar kwamba mu 2010. And even under the faithful kings, the people often mixed true worship with false. He and his wife, Jane, from Australia, who are in their early 50 ' s and their son Jordan, and their daughter are serving in Myanmar since 2010. Nkhawonanga kuti Yehova wanganitemwa yayi. Why is violence so widespread? I felt that Jehovah could never love me. Tikwenera kuphalirako ŵabali na ŵadumbu ivyo tikukhumba kuzakachita mu charu chiphya. What can we learn from Jesus about our heavenly Father? We need to share with our brothers and sisters what we want to do in the new world. KWENDERA MAGULU GHAKUTALI This visionary preview is called the transfiguration. THE END OF HAPPINESS Likutisimikizgira kuti mwakuyana na dango, Ŵakhristu ŵakuphakazgika ŵazamuŵa "ŵahaliri ŵamoza na Khristu. " Tabernacle and Temple Fittings The tabernacle in the wilderness - and later the temple in Jerusalem - were the center of worship for the Israelites. It assures us that according to the law, anointed Christians will be "joint heirs with Christ. " Vyaru vinandi vya ku Western Europe vikayegheka na fundo za caru ca United States ndipo ukavu wakujumphizga ukacepa mu vyaru ivi. Take, for example, Mirjeta * from a region of the former Yugoslavia. Hundreds of countries in Western Europe were influenced by the U.S. standards of poverty and poverty in those countries. Kusanda Ŵaefeso 4: 25 - 32 kutovwirenge kuwona umo tingacitira mwakuti tigege kucitiska citima mzimu wa Ciuta. The prophet Joel had foretold this outpouring of holy spirit. Considering Ephesians 4: 25 - 32 will help us to see how we can avoid grieving God's spirit. Vyose ivi vikuchitika chifukwa cha nkhongono ya kuguza iyo yili pa charu chapasi. Plans Harmonize With God's Purpose? 7 / 1 All of this has to do with the power of gravity on earth. Tighanaghanirenge viwemi [ Picture Credit Lines on page 19] Focus on what is good NKHANI ZAKUPAMBANAPAMBANA How can appreciating that fact help a couple with a new baby to maintain proper priorities? 10 / 1 Kasi vikenda wuli kuti vinthu vifike apa, ndipo umoyo wane ukakhwaskika wuli? 0 How did things turn out for me, and how was my life affected? Ndipouli, Supot wakamutemwanga Yehova ndipo wakakhumbanga kuti wamusopenge mwakwenelera. [ Picture on page 12] However, he loved Jehovah and wanted to worship him properly. Vyamukati On nearly every continent, ordinary people accomplished an extraordinary work. Table of Contents Pambere tindatorane tikadumbiskana ivyo ticitenge munthazi. Think, too, of other haughty men who despised Jehovah's people: the Philistine giant Goliath, the Persian Prime Minister Haman, and King Herod Agrippa, who ruled the province of Judaea. Before we got married, we discussed what we would do in the future. Ŵasilikari ŵa boma ŵakanighanaghaniranga kuti ndine yumoza wa ŵasilikari ŵakugaluka ŵa New People's Army (NPA) ndipo kanandi ŵakanitimbanga comene. When we ask Jehovah to help us cope with trials, he will "make the way out. " I thought that I was one of the modern - day rebels of New York's Organization, and I was often accused of being one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Iyo wakalutizga kuti: "Kweni, Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova ŵakati ŵiza ku nyumba kwane, umoyo wane ukasintha comene. " Such ones are brothers "born for when there is distress. " She continued: "As Jehovah's Witnesses came to my door, my life changed dramatically. " Mwanteura kakamba kukoromoka. * Together, the parents had to protect their boys from the vile influences surrounding them. So he started to laugh. Viyezgo ivi tingalimbana navyo yayi patekha. April 26, 2010 - May 2, 2010 Such trials cannot resist us personally. Nangauli vingaŵa kuti ŵakapulikiska yayi cifukwa ico ŵakapikira dango ili, kweni likaŵawovwira kuti ŵaleke kutora matenda ghakwambukira. - Leviticus 11: 32 - 38. On Atonement Day, Israel's high priest became a living illustration of the Messiah Even if they did not understand the reason for this law, they helped to prevent such diseases. - Leviticus 11: 32 - 38. Kasi "ŵalovi ŵa ŵanthu " ŵakwenera kuchita vichi kuti ŵafiske mulimo wawo? In a letter to Christians living in the city of Thessalonica, Paul encouraged them to be selective in what they believed. What does "the men of men " need to do in order to fulfill their commission? Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova ŵakumupemphani kuti ndimo namwe muchitirenge. " Guard Against Every Sort of Covetousness " Jehovah's Witnesses invite you to do the same. Nkhafika ku Beteli pa Juni 19, 1950, ndipo nkhamba uteŵeti. * For an Israelite, even eating blood was a capital offense! I arrived at Bethel on June 19, 1950, and I became a member of the Bethel family. Umo Ŵakacitira Apo Suzgo Yikaŵasanga He has headed a worldwide preaching work that has resulted in the ingathering of "the remaining ones " of his spiritual brothers and then of millions of" other sheep, " the loyal companions of the "little flock. " - Rev. How They Dealt With Persecution Zuŵa lililose tikuwonga Yehova cifukwa ca wovwiri uwo wakutipa. Tikumanya kuti mu nkhongono zithu tingacita kalikose yayi. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: RUSSIA We appreciate Jehovah's help every day, knowing that we can do nothing in our own strength. [ Cithuzithuzi pa peji 5] Christians are urged: "Remember those who are taking the lead among you,... and as you contemplate how their conduct turns out imitate their faith. " [ Picture on page 5] Nanga ni awo ŵakawusikanga na mathemba yakugomezgeka, nyengo zinandi ŵakasazganga kusopa kwaunenesko na kwautesi. When Poland's independence was restored following World War I, overpopulation became a serious problem. Even those who ruled by faithful kings often used true worship and false. Chifukwa wuli nkhaza zili palipose? Let your child know that in time he or she may be able to enjoy that gift, without the heartache and worries that come from premarital sex. - 1 Timothy 1: 18, 19. Why is violence so prevalent? Kasi tingasambirako vici kwa Yesu vyakukhwaskana na Ŵadada ŵithu ŵakucanya? According to one dictionary, to trust others means to "believe that they are honest and sincere and that they will not deliberately do anything that will hurt you. " What can we learn from Jesus about our heavenly Father? Mboniwoni ya ucindami wake iyi yikucemeka kusanduka kwa Yesu. When I left school, I worked as an electrician. This glorious vision is called the transfiguration vision. Salu za pa Cihema na pa Tempele Apo Ŵaisrayeli ŵakaŵa mu mapopa ŵakasoperanga mu cihema, kweni pamasinda ŵakasoperanga mu tempele ilo likaŵa ku Yerusalemu. They came to associate this activity with a warm environment. " Look at the tabernacle and at the temple when the Israelites were in the wilderness, but they were later worshipping at the temple in Jerusalem. Mijeta * wakababikira mu charu icho kale chikachemekanga kuti Yugoslavia. One way for children to honor their parents was by having good manners at home. My mother * was born in a country that had already been known as Jehovah's Witnesses. Nchimi Joyeli yikayowoyerathu za kupungulika kwa mzimu utuŵa. Teach Love by Example The prophet Joel foretold the cleansing of holy spirit. [ Kulongosora Vithuzithuzi pa peji 19] It is thus Satan who is behind much of the misery and injustice of this world. [ Picture Credit Lines on page 19] Kasi fundo iyi yingawovwira wuli ŵakutorana awo nkhakwamba kuŵa na mwana kuti ŵalutilire kuŵika vinthu vyakukhumbikwa pakwamba? Blessed for Obeying God's "Steward " How can this help newly married couples to maintain their priorities? 0 Instead, it was to be burned. - Lev. 0 [ Cithuzithuzi pa peji 12] Eliminate time and energy stealers. [ Picture on page 12] Pafupifupi pa kontinenti lililose, ŵanthu ŵambura kusambira ŵakacita mulimo ukuru comene. Jesus assured his disciples that he would send them "the helper, the holy spirit. " Nearly every century C.E., deaf people were doing a great deal of work. Ndiposo ghanaghanani za ŵanalume awo ŵakagoskanga ŵanthu ŵa Yehova: Goliyati cinkhara ca Ŵafilisiti, Hamani Nduna Yikuru ya Ŵaperezi, na Fumu Herode Agripa, iyo yikawusanga cigaŵa ca Yudeya. Jehovah inspired his prophet Isaiah to describe Babylon's fall that far in advance. Think, too, of the men who opposed Jehovah's people: the Philistine giant Haman, Haman, and King Herod Agrippa, who ruled over Judea. Para tapempha Yehova kuti watovwire kuzizipizga viyezgo, iyo "wapelekenge nthowa " yakuzizipizgira. Why Paul Needed "a Strengthening Aid " When we ask Jehovah to help us cope with trials, he will "make the way out " of endurance. Ŵanthu aŵa ŵali nga mbabali " ŵakubabiwira kovwira mu suzgo. ' Why did David refer to having his prayer answered from Jehovah's holy mountain? They are like brothers who have " fallen asleep in distress. ' * Iyo na muwoli wake ŵakeneranga kovwirana kuti ŵavikilire ŵana ŵawo kuti ŵaleke kutolera nkharo ziheni. He declared: "If the world hates you, you know that it has hated me before it hated you. * He and his wife were to help them protect their children from adopting bad habits. Epulero 26, 2010 - Meyi 2, 2010 28: 20. April 26, 2010 - May 2, 2010 Pa Zuŵa la Mphepeska, musofi mukuru wakimiranga Mesiya Why is the coming judgment of the wicked comforting news? On Atonement Day, the high priest represented the Messiah Mu kalata iyo wakalembera Ŵakhristu ŵa ku Tesalonika, Paulosi wakaŵaciska kuti ŵasandenge makora ivyo ŵakugomezga. • 1 Corinthians 15: 23; 1 Thessalonians 4: 15 - 17 In his letter to the Thessalonian Christians, Paul urged them to examine their beliefs. " Cenjerani na Udokezi Wose " In what ways did the Israelites pursue unrealities? " Guard Against All Men " * Nkhamuphalira kuti kale para Muisrayeli warya ndopa ŵakamukomanga. Will that someone be you? * I told him that if an Israelite was already put to death, he would have to die. Wakulongozga mulimo wa pa caru cose wa kupharazga, weneuwo wacitiska kuti ŵabali ŵake "ŵakukhalapo " ŵawunganyike kusazgapo mamiliyoni ghanandi gha" mberere zinyake, " awo mbanyawo ŵakugomezgeka ŵa "kamskambo kacoko. " - Uvu. Created All Things " By directing the worldwide preaching work, which has led to the gathering of "the remaining ones " of his brothers, including millions of" other sheep, " who care for the "little flock. " - Rev. UKO WAKABABIKIRA: RUSSIA Putting her knowledge of the Spanish language to use, she schedules time each week to join local publishers in the field ministry. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: God's Word Ŵakristu ŵakuphalirika kuti: " Kumbukani awo mbarongozgi ŵinu,... ndipo para mukughanaghanira [kacitiro kawo], rondezgani cipulikano cawo. ' Punctuality indicates competence. Christians are admonished: " Remember those who are taking the lead among you,... and when you think of [their] ways, imitate their faith. " Nkhondo Yakwamba ya pa charu chose yikati yamara, mu charu cha Poland mukaŵa ŵanthu ŵanandi chomene. That peace should be a controlling influence in our hearts. After World War I ended, the Polish country consisted of thousands of people. Wazamudandawurapo yayi nga umo ŵakuchitira awo ŵakugonana pambere ŵandatorane. - 1 Timote 1: 18, 19. Then, like Job, we can say: "My ears have heard about you, but now I do see you with my eyes. " He will never feel the same way about sex before marriage. - 1 Timothy 1: 18, 19. Kukung'anamura kuthembana kuti munyako wakuneneska, wali na mtima waunenesko ndipo kuti wacitirenge dala yayi cilicose ico cingakukwenyerezga. He wants it to be a permanent, legally registered union between a man and a woman. It means believing that the other person has a right heart condition and that he will not deliberately do anything that would cause him pain. Nkhati naleka sukulu nkhagwiranga nchito ya kunozga vya magesi. The Bible foretold that during "the last days, " people would be" lovers of themselves. " After leaving school, I had to work with electricity. Nyengo ya kusambilira ŵakayiwonanga kuti njiwemi ndipo ŵakamba kuyitemwa. " God's reminders also motivate us to love our neighbor. The time had come to realize that they were reasonable and that they were interested in them. " Nthowa yimoza iyo ŵana ŵakalongoleranga kuti ŵakucindika ŵapapi ŵawo njakuti ŵakaŵa na nkharo yiwemi pa nyumba. In 1976, we returned to the United States in order to care for my ailing mother. One way that children showed respect for their parents was by having good manners at home. Sambizgani Citemwa mwa Kurongora Ciyerezgero Though we may not be able to change jobs, there may be other ways to remove ourselves from tempting circumstances. Teach Love by Example Ntheura Satana ndiyo wakucitiska masuzgo ghose agho ghali mu caru. Are we not moved to show our love for him in return? Thus, Satan is responsible for all the suffering in the world. Kutumbikika Cifukwa ca Kupulikira "Muzga " wa Ciuta By asking a series of questions, however, the Almighty makes Job aware of His awesome power and great wisdom. Blessed for Obeying God's "slave " M'malo mwake, ŵakeneranga kuwocha. - Lev. Imitate Jesus ' Example of Watchfulness, 2 / 15 Rather, they were to be burned. - Lev. Lekani kuchita vinthu ivyo vingamulyerani waka nyengo. Let us examine the Bible's first reference to the "fatherless boy, " * found at Exodus 22: 22 - 24. Avoid making time - consuming distractions. Yesu wakasimikizgira ŵasambiri ŵake kuti wazamuŵatumira "movwiri, mzimu utuŵa. " However, he clearly made a conscious effort to retain a strong sense of identity as a servant of God, and he remained faithful to what he knew was right. Jesus assured his disciples that he would send them "the helper, the holy spirit. " Mwa mzimu wake, Yehova wakaphalira nchimi yake Yesaya kuyowoyerathu umo Babulone wazamupasukira. There are also many "little ones " among Jehovah's people who have been taught Jehovah's standards by their parents but who need to convince themselves of the rightness of his will. By means of his spirit, Jehovah inspired his prophet Isaiah to foretell how Babylon would be poured out. Cifukwa Ico Paulosi Wakakhumbikwira " Kukhozgeka ' What does it mean to serve Jehovah with a complete heart? Why Paul Needed to Be "brokened up " Cifukwa wuli Davide wakati lurombo lwake lwazgoreka kufuma ku lupiri lwakupatulika lwa Yehova? The Bible says: "The eyes of Jehovah are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him. " Why did David say that his prayer was answered from Jehovah's holy mountain? Wakati: "Usange caru cikumutinkani imwe, mukumanya kuti cadanga catinka ine, cikaŵa cindamutinkani imwe. Not necessarily. He said: "If the world hates you, you know that it has hated me before it hated you. 28: 20. Does God hear their cries for help? 28: 20. Cifukwa wuli nchakukondweska kuti ŵaheni ŵeruzgikenge? Nowhere else can we hear the sayings of everlasting life. - John 6: 68. Why is it good for the wicked to be judged? • 1 Ŵakorinte 15: 23; 1 Ŵatesalonika 4: 15 - 17 I know it has helped me to improve as a husband and father. • 1 Corinthians 15: 23; 1 Thessalonians 4: 15 - 17 Kasi Ŵaisrayeli ŵakalondezga wuli vinthu vyawaka? Putting the daughters of Jerusalem under oath, she said: "Do not try to awaken or arouse love in me until it feels inclined. " Why? How did the Israelites pursue valueless things? Kasi yunji uyu wangaŵa imwe? Some of the Jews may have worked hard to level and clear the road back to their homeland so that God's people could reach their destination. Could such a person be among you? Created All Things " Best Gift of All, No. He Made All the Good News " Pakuti wakumanya ciyowoyero ca ku Spain, iyo wakupatura nyengo sabata yiliyose kuluta mu uteŵeti wa m'munda na ŵapharazgi ŵa mu mpingo wake. [ Picture on page 26] Since he is able to learn Spanish, he spends each week in the field ministry with other publishers in his congregation. Munthu uyo wakusunga nyengo wakuchita makora vinthu. Being tempted does not make you a bad person. A person who keeps on the watch has a balanced view of time. Mtende uwu ndiwo ukwenera kuwusa mu mitima yithu. (b) How do you feel about the tender care Jehovah provides to help us attain salvation? Such peace would be in our hearts. Ndipo nga ni Yobu, nase tiyowoyenge kuti: " Makutu ghane ghakapulikanga waka vya imwe, kweni sono namuwonani na maso ghane. ' However, many dishonest people cheat on their taxes. And like Job, we can say: "My ears have heard about you, but now I have seen you with my eyes. " Wakukhumba kuti mwanalume na mwanakazi ŵalembeskenge nthengwa yawo ndipo ŵangalekananga yayi. If God were to permit that, it would seem that his enemies are more powerful than he is - an impossibility! He wants a man and a woman to place their marriage in a way that will never end. Baibolo likayowoyerathu kuti mu "mazuŵa gha ku umaliro, " ŵantu ŵazamuŵa" ŵakujitemwa. " For them, restrictions are tiresome. The Bible foretold that during "the last days, " people would be" lovers of themselves. " Vikumbusko vya Ciuta vikuticiskaso kutemwa ŵanyithu. It was suffocating, " said the husband. God's reminders also move us to love our neighbor. Mu 1976, tikawelera ku United States, kuti tikapwelelere ŵamama ŵane awo ŵakalwaranga. Satan was not evil when he was created. In 1976, we returned to the United States to care for my ill mother. Nangauli cingaŵa camacitiko cara kuti tisinte ncito, kweni pangaŵaso ntowa zinyake zakuti tifumiremo mu viyezgo vyanteura ivyo. 14: 13. While it may not be possible for us to change our job, there are other ways to escape from such trials. Asi nase tikukhuŵilizgika kumulongora citemwa cakuyana waka? The Book of Revelation - What Does It Mean? Are we not moved to show similar love? Kweni wakafumba mafumbo ghakupambanapambana, agho ghakawovwira Yobu kumanya nkhongono zakuzizwiska na vinjeru ivyo Wankhongonozose wali navyo. After Pentecost 33 C.E., every individual, Jew or Gentile, had to make a personal dedication to God and be baptized "in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit. " Instead, he asked a series of questions that helped Job to appreciate the awesome power and wisdom of the Almighty. Ŵakapharazga Mazgu gha Ciuta Mwacikanga 2 / 15 By considering what Jesus says about disciples, we can learn how to enrich our lives. 10 / 1 Tiyeni tisande lemba la Exodus 22: 22 - 24, apo pakusangika mazgu ghakwamba mu Baibolo ghakukhwaskana na "mwana mulanda. " Not only did Paul admit that he needed help but he accepted that help graciously and commended those who gave it. Let us examine Exodus 22: 22 - 24, where we first read from the Bible about "the fatherless boy. " Ndipouli, njuŵi yake yikamovwira kujisunga pakumanya kuti wakaŵa muteŵeti wa Ciuta, nakuti wakacitanga ivyo wakamanya kuti vikaŵa viwemi. Like Micah, we courageously carry out our ministry However, his conscience helped him to keep his integrity when he realized that he was a servant of God and was doing what he knew was right. Paliso "ŵana " ŵanandi pakati pa ŵantu ŵa Yehova ŵeneawo ŵasambizgika vipimo vya Yehova na ŵapapi ŵawo, kweni iwo ŵakukhumbikwira kujisimikizgira iwoŵene za uweme wa khumbo lake. The Bible says: "For the wages sin pays is death, but the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord. " - Romans 6: 23. There are many "sons " among Jehovah's people who have been taught Jehovah's standards and parents, but they also need to reassure themselves of the goodness of his will. Kasi kuteŵetera Yehova na mtima wakufikapo chikung'anamurachi? [ Picture on page 5] What does it mean to serve Jehovah with a complete heart? Baibolo likuti: "Maso gha Yehova ghakulaŵiska uku na uko mu caru cose capasi, kujiwonya nkhongono kovwira awo mitima yawo njakufikapo pamaso pake. " My devotion to God soon withered. The Bible says: "The eyes of Jehovah are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him. " Yayi. DOES it shock you that you can expect to face "many tribulations " before you gain the prize of everlasting life? No. Kasi Chiuta wakupulika kulira kwawo? How can you make personal application of the warnings contained in the following scriptures? Does God hear their outcry? Kulije kunyake uko tingakapulikako mazgu gha umoyo wamuyirayira. - Yoh. 6: 68. Walk in it. " - ISA. There is no better way to hear the voice of everlasting life. - John 6: 68. Pasono ndine mfumu ndiposo dada muwemi. Biblical Examples of Singleness Now I am a husband and a good father. Wakalitemwa yayi Themba Solomoni ndipo wakaphalira ŵanakazi ŵa mu nyumba ya themba kuti: " Mungayezganga chara kusunkhunya panji kuwuska chitemwa mwa ine m'paka chikhumbe chekha. ' Those entering the Kingdom of the heavens must be "born again. " He had no love for King Solomon and told the women of the king's court: "Do not put up with it or raise it in me until I want it. " Ŵayuda ŵanyake ŵakwenera kuti ŵakafwilirapo kunozga nthowa mwakuti ŵanthu ŵa Ciuta ŵakafike makora ku caru cawo. Once again, the nation's zeal for spiritual things was flagging. Some Jews may have tried to make arrangements so that God's people could be better off to their homeland. Kasi Aramagedoni ni Vichi? Na. 13, 14. (a) In song, what did the Israelites proclaim about Jehovah's kingship? What Is Armageddon? No. [ Cithuzithuzi pa peji 26] " He [Christ] gave some as apostles, " wrote the apostle Paul. [ Picture on page 26] Para mwayezgeka ndikuti ndimwe munthu muheni yayi. He knew that Jehovah is a righteous God, with whom there is no injustice. If you are tempted, you are not a bad person. (b) Kasi tikujipulika wuli cifukwa cakuti Yehova wakutipwelelera kuti tizakaponoskeke? Lett; G. (b) How do we feel about deliverance from Jehovah? Ndipouli, ŵanthu ŵanandi ŵakugomezgeka yayi pa kupeleka misonkho. When Paul wrote: "In this way husbands ought to be loving their wives as their own bodies, " about which" way " was he speaking? However, most people are not faithful to paying taxes. Usange Ciuta wangazomerezga ici, vingalongora nga kuti ŵalwani ŵake mbankhongono comene kuluska iyo. " Keep on... seeking first the kingdom, " said Jesus. If God permits that, he can show that his enemies are stronger than he is. Kwa iwo, malango ngakuvuska. The apostle Paul acknowledged this when he said: "We have a wrestling, not against blood and flesh, but against the governments, against the authorities, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places. " - Ephesians 6: 12. To them, laws are burdensome. Nkhaŵavya pakuthutira. " 48: 17. I didn't have to go to bed. " Satana wakaŵa muheni yayi apo wakalengekanga. How easy it would be to feel as David did: "Reproach itself has broken my heart, and the wound is incurable. Satan was not a bad person when he was created. 14: 13. Not to be forgotten are the wonderful blessings that will result from the application of the benefits of Christ's ransom sacrifice. 14: 13. Kasi Zina Lakuti Chivumbuzi, Likung'anamurachi? What is one way to control anxiety? What Does the name Revelation mean? Pamanyuma pa Pentekoste wa 33 C.E., munthu waliyose, kwali ni Muyuda panji Wamitundu, wakeneranga kujipatulira yekha kwa Ciuta na kubapatizika "mu zina la Ŵawiske na la Mwana na la mzimu utuŵa. " 119 percent After Pentecost 33 C.E., each individual, whether a Jew or a Gentile, had to dedicate himself to God and be baptized "in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit. " Para tiwonenge ivyo Yesu wakayowoya za ŵasambiri, timanyenge umo tingakhalira na umoyo uwemi. Joseph made clear his position, explaining that to consent would be not only a betrayal of his master but also a "sin against God. " When we consider what Jesus said about the disciples, we will learn how to live a better life. Padera pa kupokera wovwiri, Paulosi na cimwemwe cose wakaŵawonga awo wakamovwira. The transformation involves what we are inside, so to bring it about, we need something that can penetrate the surface, reaching deep inside us. In addition to receiving help, Paul joyfully commended those who helped him. Baibolo likuti: "Malipiro gha kwananga ni nyifwa, kweni chawanangwa icho Chiuta wakupeleka mbumoyo wamuyirayira mwa Khristu Yesu Fumu yithu. " - Ŵaroma 6: 23. AVOID THE TRAP THAT CRUSHES - EXCESSIVE GUILT The Bible says: "The wages sin pays is death, but the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord. " - Romans 6: 23. [ Cithuzithuzi pa peji 5] At one time, we did not have that, and now we do. [ Picture on page 5] Nkhamba kuleka kujipeleka kwa Ciuta. All of us need to keep free from murmuring, for the spirit of complaint is spiritually unwholesome. I began to dedicate my life to God. KASI Ŵakhristu ŵakuzizwa kuti ŵakumanenge na "visuzgo vinandi " pambere ŵandapokere umoyo wamuyirayira? In what great way did Jesus prove his love for us? WOULD it surprise Christians that they will face "many tribulations " before gaining everlasting life? Kasi mungapulikira wuli macenjezgo agho ghali mu Malemba agha? 4: 6. How would you respond to these Scriptural warnings? Endaninge mwenemumo. " - YES. The Watch Tower Publications Index or the Research Guide for Jehovah's Witnesses, for example, will help you to locate what has been written on many topics and to find explanations of many Bible verses. Walk in it. " - ISA. Ŵanthu Ŵakale Awo Ŵakaŵa Ŵambura Kutora Panji Kutengwa That place, however, does not seem to have existed in any literal location on earth. A Long - Suffering Those Who Belong to Him Awo ŵakunjira mu Ufumu wakucanya ŵakwenera " kubabikaso. ' In 1922 they began to announce the coming end of Christendom, publicizing the four angelic trumpet blasts of Revelation 8: 7 - 12 and the three woes foretold at Revelation 9: 1 - 11: 15. Those who enter into the heavenly Kingdom must be "born again. " Pa nyengo iyi napo, mwamphu wawo pa vinthu vyauzimu ukacepanga. An outstanding aspect of Alhazen's work was his meticulous and systematic research into natural phenomena. At the same time, their zeal for spiritual things was weakened. 13, 14. (a) Kasi Ŵaisrayeli ŵakayowoya mazgu wuli ghakukhwaskana na uthemba wa Yehova mu sumu? Really Care? 13, 14. (a) What words did the Israelites express about Jehovah's kingship in song? Mpositole Paulosi wakalemba kuti: "[Khristu] wakapeleka ŵanyake kuŵa ŵapositole. Scriptural Questions Answered: The apostle Paul wrote: "[Christ] gave some as apostles. Wakamanyanga kuti Yehova ni Ciuta murunji uyo mulije kuwura urunji mwa iyo. This was true of several Bethelites when the branches in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden were merged to form the Scandinavia branch office. He knew that Jehovah is a righteous God who does not injustice in himself. Lett; G. (Read Psalm 54: 6.) Lett; G. Paulosi wakalemba kuti: "Ntheura pera ŵafumu ŵatemwenge ŵawoli ŵawo nga ni mathupi ghawo. " Kasi wakayowoyanga za vici apo wakati "ntheura pera "? His perfect sense of justice emanates from his own being, and on that basis, he provided written laws for humans. Paul wrote: "In like manner husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. " Yesu wakati, "penjani nanga Ufumu wake. " Like well - trained soldiers, they have "put on the complete suit of armor from God. " - Read Ephesians 6: 10 - 12. Jesus said: "Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom. " Paulosi wakamanya fundo iyi, lekani wakati: "Tikulimbana na ndopa na thupi cara, kweni na maboma, na ŵamazaza, na ŵawusi ŵa caru ca cisi ici, ndiposo mawumba gha mizimu yiheni mu malo ghakucanya. " - Ŵaefeso 6: 12. The couple may enter marriage with exaggerated expectations, perhaps based on what they have read in romance novels or seen in movies. Paul recognized this, for he wrote: "We have a wrestling, not against blood and flesh, but against the governments, against the authorities, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places. " - Ephesians 6: 12. 48: 17. And how is she doing with learning Chinese? 48: 17. Nchipusu kujipulika nga ni Davide apo wakati: "Visunjizgo vyapyora mtima wane, ndathika lusoko. Making matters worse, he did not fully understand why all those things happened to him. It is easy to feel as did David when he said: "The anxieties of my heart have overwhelmed me, and I have become downhearted. Tingaluwanga cara kuti tizamutumbikika comene para sembe ya Khristu yazakamba kugwira nchito. Indeed, Jehovah supports those who live a simple life because they want to seek the Kingdom first. - Matt. May we never forget that Christ's ransom sacrifice will bring blessings to us. Kasi tikwenera kuchita vichi usange tamba kwenjerwa? What can we learn about God from the Bible? What should we do if we are under stress? Pa ŵapayiniya 100 ŵaliwose pakasazgikira 119 Satan offered Jesus "all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. " In whole or in part, about 119 percent of the pioneers Yosefe wakayowoya mwakupulikwa makora za kimiro kake, wakalongosora kuti usange wangazomera mbwenu wanganangira sekuru wake pera cara, kweniso " nkwanangira Ciuta. ' Hezekiah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem invited the whole nation - even those of the northern kingdom - to attend. Joseph made his defense clear when he explained that he would not only want to sin against his master but also " sin against God. ' Pakuti tikwenera kuzgoka mukati mu mtima, ipo kuti tizgoke, pakukhumbikwira cinthu ico cingakhwaska mukati mu mtima withu. Paragraph 8: One of the events mentioned in these verses is the " gathering of the chosen ones. ' Since we need to be in the heart, we need to be transformed, something that can affect us deep inside our heart. GEGANI CIPINGO ICO CIKUTEKENYURA CENEICO NI CITIMA CAKUJUMPHIZGA 26: 4. THE THAT IS THAT THAT HELPS THAT ARE THAT WOULD THE PAST Kale kukaŵavya nyengo iyi, kweni sono tili nayo. But afterward, it seemed as if someone had lifted a huge weight off my shoulders. That was not then, but we are now with him. Ise tose tikwenera cara kudinginyika, cifukwa kudandaura kuli na urwani pa umoyo wauzimu. We can be happy if we pursue a similar course and firmly refuse to " walk in the counsel of the wicked ' or to be guided by their ungodly advice. All of us should not complain, for there is a danger in spiritual matters. Ni nthowa wuli yapadera iyo Yesu watilongolera citemwa cake? Our chasteness and Bible - trained conscience should reflexively move us to reject what is bad. What is one outstanding way in which Jesus expresses his love? 4: 6. The repentant David prayed: "Show me favor, O God, according to your loving - kindness. 4: 6. Mwachiyelezgero, Watch Tower Publications Index panji Buku Lakupenjera Nkhani la Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova, vingamovwirani kusanga fundo zinyake pa nkhani zinandi izo zili kulembeka ndiposo umo mavesi ghanandi gha mu Baibolo ghali kulongosolekera. Likely, Paul wrote his letter to the Colossians about 27 years after the death of Jesus Christ. For example, the Watch Tower Publications Index or the Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses may help you to find helpful information on many subjects and how many Bible verses are presented. Ndipouli, vikulongora kuti malo agha ghandaŵepo pa caru capasi. His wife, Sonja, agrees, and she adds: "Kindness is certainly a vital quality. However, there is no doubt that such places have never occurred on earth. Mu 1922, iwo ŵakamba kupharazga pakweru umaliro wa Visopo vya Cikristu, kuthuwuska mauthenga gha mbata zinayi za ŵangelo za pa Civumbuzi 8: 7 - 12 ndiposo na miliri yitatu iyo yikayowoyekerathu pa Civumbuzi 9: 1; 11: 15. " Christ suffered for you, leaving a model for you to follow his steps closely. " - 1 PET. In 1922 they began preaching publicly the end of Christendom, proclaiming the four horns of Revelation 8: 7 - 12 and three plagues foretold at Revelation 9: 1; 11: 15. Alhazen wakumanyikwaso kuti wakachitanga kafukufuku mwakupwelelera kuti wasange maukaboni ghakuti vinthu vinyake viliko nadi panji vingachitika. If used as a weapon, such a stone could be deadly. - Judges 9: 50 - 54. Alhazen is also known for research in order to find evidence that some things were real or even impossible. Mafumbo gha m'Malemba Ghazgoleka: In those years, freedom to preach was relatively new in certain parts of Quebec, and it was not uncommon to be stopped by the police. Scriptural Questions Answered: Ivi ndivyo vikachitikira ŵanandi awo ŵakateŵeteranga pa ofesi ya Denmark, Norway, na Sweden, maofesi agha ghakati ghasazgika pamoza kuŵa ofesi ya munthavi ya Scandinavia. If we want our discipline to reach hearts, what must we do? That was the experience of many who served at the branch office in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. (Ŵazgani Salmo 54: 6.) For instance, the Internet, television programs, movies, novels, and magazine articles often present violence and immorality in a favorable light. (Read Psalm 54: 6.) Kweni wakuchita vinthu mwaurunji chifukwa iyo ni murunji. Lekani wali kulembera ŵanthu malango agho ŵakwenera kulondezga. That air acts as an insulator, preventing the cold water from coming into direct contact with the animal's skin and sapping its body heat. On the other hand, he does what is right because he is righteous; hence, he is inspired to write down laws that are needed to live according to them. Nga mbasilikari awo ŵali kusambizgika makora kurwa nkhondo, iwo " ŵavwara vyankhondo vyose vyakufuma kwa Chiuta. ' - Ŵerengani Ŵaefeso 6: 10 - 12. But he also expects us to do our part by diligently trying to earn an honest living. - 2 Thessalonians 3: 10. Like those well - trained army, they "put on the complete suit of armor from God. " - Read Ephesians 6: 10 - 12. Ŵanthu aŵa ŵangatorana na maghanoghano ghakuti vyose vizamwenda makora, panji cifukwa ca ivyo ŵakaŵazga mu mabuku ghakulongosora vya citemwa panji kuwonelera mafilimu gha vidiyo. What was new in Noah's day was the degree of violence. They may get married with the thought that everything will be done properly, perhaps by what they read in publications of love or by watching video games. Kasi vikumwendera wuli pakusambira Chitchayinizi? From the unselfish deeds of Boaz, we learn that blessings overtake those who show love for others and act in harmony with God's requirements. How has she managed to learn Chinese? Kweniso, wakapulikiskanga yayi cifukwa ico vinthu ivi vikamucitikiranga. JEHOVAH'S worshippers have long lived in expectation of the fulfillment of inspired prophecies. Moreover, he did not understand why those events occurred. Nadi, Yehova wakovwira awo ŵali na umoyo wambura kukhumba vinandi cifukwa cakuti ŵakukhumba kupenja dankha Ufumu. - Mat. Why So Long? Yes, Jehovah helps those who lead a simple life because they want to seek first the Kingdom. - Matt. Kasi ni vinthu wuli vyakukhwaskana na Ciuta ivyo tikusambira mu Baibolo? Why does God simplify how he expresses his thoughts to humans? What do we learn about God from the Bible? Satana wakalongora Yesu "maufumu ghose gha caru na ucindami wawo. " 19: 12, 13, 17. Satan showed Jesus "all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. " Hezekiya na awo ŵakakhalanga mu Yerusalemu ŵakacema mtundu wose, nanga ni awo ŵakaŵa mu ufumu wa kumpoto, kuti ŵazakaŵepo. When Jesus took the loaf and said, "this means my body, " he was indicating that the unleavened bread was representative of, or was a symbol of, his own sinless fleshly body, which he gave" in behalf of the life of the world. " Hezekiah and his inhabitants in Jerusalem were called to all nations, including those in the northern kingdom, to be present. Ndime 8: [2] Cinthu cinyake ico cikuzunulika mu mavesi agha " nkhuwunganya pamoza ŵakusoleka. ' How are some caught alive by the Devil? Paragraph 8: Something mentioned in these verses is "to gather together the chosen ones together. " 26: 4. Fasting, 4 / 1 26: 4. Kweni nkhati nakumana nawo, vikaŵa nga munthu waniwuskapo katundu muzito pa viŵeya. But after each misstep, they get up, learn from the experience, and move on. But when I met them, it seemed as if someone had put a heavy load on my shoulders. Naseso tingaŵa ŵacimwemwe usange ticitenge umo iwo ŵakacitira na kukana " kwenda mu fundo ya ŵaheni ' panji kulondezga ulongozgi wawo uheni. Questions From Readers 6 We too can be happy if we follow their example and refuse to " walk in the counsel of the wicked ones " or to follow their bad advice. ' Njuŵi yithu yituŵa ndiposo yakusambizgika Baibolo yikwenera kutikanizga kucita vinthu viheni. (b) How can we make the elders ' work more pleasant for them? Our clean conscience and Bible - trained conscience must have prevented us from doing bad things. Davide wakaŵa na citima cifukwa ca ivyo wakacita, ndipo wakalomba kuti: "Ndilengerani lusungu, A Ciuta, kwakuyana na cifundu cinu cakukhwima; umo uliri ukuru wa ciwuravi cinu sisitani majuvyo ghane. Wesley's teachings spread like wildfire, and the Williams family firmly embraced them. David felt sorrow over what he had done, and he prayed: "I will show mercy to you, O God, according to your loving - kindness, according to the abundance of your mercies wipe out my transgressions. Pakwenera kuti pakajumpha vilimika 27 Yesu Khristu wati wafwa, ndipo Paulosi wakalembanga kalata yake ku Ŵakolose. A Gathering Storm It must have been 27 years after Jesus Christ's death, and Paul wrote his letter to the Colossians. Muwoli wake, Sonja, wakati: "Lusungu ni mukhaliro unyake wakuzirwa. [ Pictures on page 19] " Loving - kindness is another important quality, " says she. " Khristu wakasuzgika chifukwa cha imwe, kumulekerani bambiro kuti mulondezgenge mendero ghake mwakugomezgeka. ' - 1 PET. At Pentecost 33 C.E., that new operation began, but it will not continue forever. " Christ suffered for you, leaving you a model for you to follow his steps closely. " - 1 PET. Likaŵa lakuti para ŵatimbira munthu mbwenu wakafwanga. - Ŵeruzgi 9: 50 - 54. Judas, the follower of Jesus who betrayed him, allowed himself to become a person judging others. It was the death of a person. - Judges 9: 50 - 54. Pa nyengo iyi mu vigaŵa vinyake vya ku Quebec mukaŵa wanangwa viŵi yayi wa kupharazga, mwakuti kanandi ŵapolisi ŵakatikanizganga. Thinking that their brothers across the Jordan had committed an act of apostasy, the tribes on the west prepared to war with the "rebels. " At that time, there was little freedom in Quebec, so often the police refused to stop us. Kasi tingaŵasambizga wuli ŵanji na kuŵafika pamtima? Will we pay attention to the prophetic warnings? How can we teach others and reach their heart? Pa intaneti, pa TV, mu mafilimu, panji mu mabuku na magazini, vinthu vyankhaza na uzaghali ŵakuvilongora nga kuti ni viwemi waka. All of us will surely please Jehovah if we "keep on encouraging one another each day. " On the Internet, on television, in movies, and in books and magazines, violence and immorality have proved to be just what is right. Mphepo izi zikupangiska kuti maji ghakuzizima ghaleke kukhwaska thupi lake. Ntheura kakupima yayi. If so, do not hold back. Such waves do not cause cold water to touch its body, so they do not measure up to it. Nadi, tikwenera kuchitapo kanthu. - 2 Ŵatesalonika 3: 10. Bank Accounts: Bank accounts may be made payable on death to an entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses in accord with local bank requirements. Surely we need to act. - 2 Thessalonians 3: 10. Kweni mu nyengo ya Nowa nkhaza zikafika paheni comene. What does Isaiah's restoration prophecy reveal about how Jehovah views his servants? In Noah's day, however, violence became worse. Cifukwa ca mtima wambura kujitemwa wa Boaz, tikusambira kuti awo wakutemwa ŵanji na kucita vintu umo Ciuta wakukhumbira wakusanga vitumbiko. (b) What did Jesus do, and were his efforts successful at that time? Because of Boaz ' unselfish attitude, we learn that those who love others and live in harmony with God's righteous requirements enjoy blessings. KWAMBA kale, ŵateŵeti ŵa Yehova ŵalongora kuti ŵali na mtima wakulindilira kufiskika kwa mauchimi gha Yehova. And he kept drawing them with "the cords of love. " JEHOVAH'S servants have long shown a waiting attitude toward the fulfillment of Jehovah's prophecies. Cifukwa wuli Pajumpha nyengo Yitali? That might be easier said than done. Why not? Chifukwa wuli Chiuta wakuyowoya na ŵanthu munthowa yipusu? The psalmist did not hold back from praising Jehovah when he was with other servants of God. Why does God speak to humans in simple language? 19: 12, 13, 17. Here is what some have written to comfort bereaved friends: 19: 12, 13, 17. Apo Yesu wakatora cingwa na kuyowoya kuti, "ici cikung'anamura thupi lane, " wakang'anamuranga kuti cibama cambura cirungo cikayimiranga thupi lake lambura zakwananga, ilo wakapereka cifukwa ca " umoyo wa ŵantu mu caru. ' R. Nsomba), 4 / 15 When Jesus took a loaf and said, "This means my body, " he meant that the unleavened bread represented his sinless body, which he gave on account of" the life of the world. " Kasi ŵanji ŵakoreka wuli ŵamoyo na Dyabulosi? What can you do if the adjustment is harder than you expected? How have some been ensnared by the Devil? 4 / 15 What are some of his outstanding qualities? 4 / 1 Amama ŵacoko ŵakanitumizgira magazini ya Galamukani! Adds Racquel: "We learned much from living there and from serving alongside our brothers and sisters in that indigenous community. " My aunt sent me Awake! Kweni para ŵabudiska, ŵakuwukilira na kusambirapo pa ivyo ŵabudiska, ndipo ŵakuyezgaso. David continued firmly convinced that Jehovah helps and delivers those who seek him. But when they make mistakes, they will be judged and learn from their mistakes, and they try to do more. Mafumbo Ghakufumira ku Ŵaŵazgi 6 For example, four pioneers in Germany decided to work business territory that had been neglected. Questions From Readers 6 (b) Kasi tingachita wuli kuti ŵalara ŵachitenge ntchito yawo mwakukondwa? Among the reasons for this is the marvelous hope that they have. (b) How can we contribute to the joy of the elders? Ivyo Wesley wakasambizganga vikathandazgika chomene. A John Williams na banja lawo ŵakanjira tchalitchi ili. If anything, the world seems to be moving in the opposite direction. The teachings of John Williams had become so widespread that John Williams and his family adopted the church. Mphindano Yikulutilira The answer has to do with our figurative heart - what we really are inside. Keys to Family Happiness [ Cithuzithuzi pa peji 25] Roy, baptized in 1951: "When I dedicated myself to Jehovah, I promised to serve him always. [ Picture on page 25] Kutonda Kutomboroka Uko Taŵantu Tili Nako, 4 / 1 magazines from the previous months, I found an article explaining that Daniel was written in Aramaic. " How Much Longer for People, 4 / 15 Mulimo wa kuphakazga ukamba pa Pentekoste wa mu 33 C.E., ndipo ucitikenge kwamuyirayira yayi. Young ones, how do you feel about bearing Jehovah's name, and how can you prove yourselves courageous? That anointing began at Pentecost 33 C.E., and it will not be late forever. Yuda, musambiri wa Yesu uyo wakamupeleka wakajizgora mweruzgi pa ŵanyake. How would they receive it? Judas, a disciple of Jesus who set himself up judge over others. Pakughanaghana kuti ŵabali ŵawo awo ŵali kusirya kwa Yordani ŵagaruka, mitundu ya kumanjiliro gha zuŵa yikanozgeka kurwa nkhondo na "ŵakugaruka. " Meditating on the example of Hezekiah, we may see a need to remove something that is hindering our relationship with God or diverting our attention from true worship. When they think that their brothers on the eastern side of the Jordan were poised to wage war against "the rebellious ones. " Kasi tipulikirenge macenjezgo agho ghali mu maucimi agha? Everyone. Will we heed the warnings contained in these prophecies? Yehova wakukondwa para tose tikulutilira "kukhwimiskana zuŵa lililose. " David of old knew the feeling of being avoided. - Ps. Jehovah is pleased when all of us "keep encouraging one another every day. " Para mwanozgeka lekani kuchedwa kubatizika. In his letter to the Romans, Paul discussed problems that arose in the first - century congregation. If you are ready, do not hesitate to get baptized. Masheya: Mungapeleka masheya agho muli nagho ku kampani nga ntchawanangwa ku wupu uwo Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova ŵakugwiliskira ntchito. An animal caught in a snare loses control over its freedom of movement. Real Estate: Salable real estate donated to an entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses, either by making an outright gift or, in the case of residential property, by reserving a life estate to the donor, who can continue to live in the residence during his or her lifetime. Kasi ucimi wa Yesaya wakuyowoya za kuwezgera vinthu pakale ukulongora kuti Yehova wakuŵawona wuli ŵateŵeti ŵake? His life was more thrilling and satisfying than it would have been had he chosen to live a "normal " life. How does Isaiah's prophecy about vengeance show that Jehovah views his servants? (b) Kasi Yesu wakacita vici, ndipo kasi ŵakawovwirika nyengo yeneyiyo? " My daughter let out a scream, which sent a wave of panic through me. (b) What did Jesus do, and with what immediate help? Ndipo nyengo na nyengo wakaŵaguzanga na "vingwe vya lusungu. " The apostle Peter stands up and explains the basis for the miracle they are witnessing. And he always drew close to "the cords of loving - kindness. " Kweni nyengo zinyake cikuŵa cipusu yayi kupulikira. Jesus too was a preacher and a teacher. However, obedience may not always be easy. Wamasalmo uyu wakakhalanga cete yayi para wali pamoza na ŵateŵeti ŵanyake awo nawo ŵakalumbanga Yehova. Those of the other sheep gathered in the time of the end will make up the "great crowd " destined to survive" the great tribulation, " with the prospect of living forever on a paradise earth. The psalmist remained silent when he was with other servants who were praising Jehovah. Wonani ivyo ŵanyake ŵali kulemba ivyo vingapembuzga awo ŵali na chitima: He developed three practical thoughts from Isaiah 30: 18 - 21. Consider what some have written about comforting the bereaved: Themba likati lapulika kuti muzga uyu walongora mtima unonono kwa munyake, likati: "Muzga muheni, nkhakugowokera ngongoli yose yira ukati waniŵeyelera. How glad we are to have such unselfish Christian women among us today! When the king heard that this slave had shown a hard attitude toward another, he said: "A wicked slave, I canceled all that debt when he begged me. Nkhalamu Zikaleka Kusangika ku Palestina, 5 / 1 Notice Micah 3: 8, where the faithful prophet says: "On the other hand, I myself have become full of power, with the spirit of Jehovah, and of justice and mightiness. " 5 / 15 Kasi mungachita wuli usange vikumusuzgani kuzgoŵera mpingo uwo mwasamirako? The apostle Paul said: "I want you to know that the head of every man is the Christ; in turn the head of a woman is the man; in turn the head of the Christ is God. " What if you are struggling to adapt to a new congregation? Kasi yinyake mwa mikhaliro yake ni nji? What did Peter mean when he admonished Christians to "put away... all sorts of backbiting "? What are some of his qualities? Racquel wakasazgirapo kuti: "Tikasambira vinandi cifukwa ca kukhala ku malo agha na kuteŵetera lumoza na ŵabali na ŵadumbu. " This edition was published in Nuremberg in 1599 and is often referred to as the Nuremberg Polyglot. " We learned much from living there and working with the local brothers and sisters. " Davide wakasunkhunika yayi ndipo wakaŵa na cigomezgo cose kuti Yehova wakovwira na kuthaska awo ŵakumupenja. TRY THIS: If your adult stepchildren are persistently rude or disrespectful to you, share your feelings with your mate and listen carefully to his or her thoughts. Do not pressure your mate to correct the children. David did not give up, confident that Jehovah would help him and will save those looking for him. Mwachiyelezgero, ŵapayiniya ŵanayi ku Germany ŵakaghanaghana kuti ŵakapharazge ku malo gha malonda na maofesi agho ŵakapharazgangako viŵi yayi. * For example, four pioneers in Germany decided to preach in business and branch offices. Cifukwa ico ŵateŵeti aŵa ŵaliri ŵakukondwa ncakuti ŵakulindirira muntazi mwakukondweska. What kind of giving does God expect? The happiness that these servants experience is that they look forward to a wonderful future. M'malo mwa kukolerana, caru cikugaŵikana. Of him it was prophesied: "He was hard pressed, and he was letting himself be afflicted; yet he would not open his mouth. He was being brought just like a sheep to the slaughtering; and like a ewe that before her shearers has become mute, he also would not open his mouth. " - Isaiah 53: 7. Rather than unity, the earth is divided. Zgoro la fumbo ili likukhwaska umo mtima uliri panji kuti wunthu withu wa mukati. He did, however, give indirect instruction through supervision and discipline. The answer to that question involves both our figurative heart and our inner person. Roy, uyo wakabapatizika mu 1951 wakuti: "Apo nkhajipatuliranga kwa Yehova, nkhapangana kuti nimuteŵeterenge nyengo zose. " Christ is the power of God. " - 1 COR. " When I dedicated myself to Jehovah, I decided to serve him full - time, " says Roy, baptized in 1951. Nkhasanga nkhani iyo yikayowoyanga kuti buku la Daniyeli likalembeka nadi mu Chiaramu. " (See opening picture.) I found a passage that claimed that the book of Daniel was written in Aramaic. " Ŵawukirano, kasi mukujipulika wuli kuti mukumanyikwa na zina la Yehova? Kasi mungalongora wuli kuti muli na chikanga? I support my family by teaching music. Young ones, how do you feel about bearing Jehovah's name, and how can you show courage? Kasi wakayowoyanga za wovwiri wuli? One of the limitations on our freedom is that we must respect the right that others have to make their own decisions in life. What help was he referring to? Para tikughanaghanira ivyo Hezekiya wakachita, kasi pali vinyake ivyo tikwenera kusintha ivyo vikutimbanizga ubwezi withu na Chiuta panji vikukhumba kutilekeska kusopa kwaunenesko? ▪ When Abraham was 99 years old and Sarah was nearing 90, Jehovah promised that they would have a son. When we reflect on Hezekiah's example, are there areas in which we need to improve our relationship with God or the pursuit of true worship? Waliyose. Agencies in such places as Australia and Hawaii detected the massive earthquake in northern Sumatra and foresaw the potential danger of the aftereffect. Each one. Davide wakamanyanga makora umo vikuŵinyira para ŵanthu ŵakukugega. - Sal. Yet, there are things you can do to be a zealous Kingdom proclaimer. David well knew how painful it would be for humans to avoid it. - Ps. Mu kalata iyo wakalembera Ŵaroma, Paulosi wakayowoyapo masuzgo agho ghakaŵa mu mpingo wakwambilira. But when I returned home, Sarah was furious. In his letter to the Romans, Paul described the problems that existed in the first - century congregation. Nyama iyo yakoleka pa cipingo yikutondeka kwenda. The generals promised a quick and easy victory, but it was not to be. An animal that has fallen victim to a trap is not allowed to walk. Wakaŵa na umoyo wakukondweska kweniso wakukhorweska kuluska umo wakatenge waŵirenge wasankhenge umoyo wambura kujipata. WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS He had a happy and satisfying life than he could have chosen a life of sacrifice. NICOLE wakati: "Mwana wane msungwana wakakoromoka ndipo nkhaciluka. Visions of Those in the Invisible Heavens 4 " My daughter kept crying, and I cleaned up. Mpositole Petrosi wakimilira na kulongosora ico cikacitiska kuti paŵe munthondwe uwu. To my delight, I was chosen. The apostle Peter stood up and explained what led to that miracle. Yesu nayo wakaŵa mupharazgi na musambizgi. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. As to what the Bible teaches about the condition of the dead and the hope for those who have died, see chapters 6 and 7 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Jesus too was a preacher and a teacher. Mu nyengo iyi ya umaliro, mberere zinyake zikuwunjikika kupanga "mzinda ukuru " uwo uzamupona pa" cisuzgo cikuru, " na kuzakakhala na umoyo wamuyirayira mu paradiso pacaru capasi. I knew that I should stop drinking heavily, taking drugs, and associating with people who did not live by Bible standards. During this time of the end, the other sheep are being gathered into the "great crowd " who survive" the great tribulation, " with everlasting life on a paradise earth. Wakayowoya fundo zitatu zakovwira zakufuma pa Yesaya 30: 18 - 21. 13, 14. He gave three practical lessons from Isaiah 30: 18 - 21. Nchakukondweska comene kuti mazuŵa ghano napo tili na ŵanakazi Ŵacikhristu ŵa nga ni Dorika. No wonder the four Hebrews would not partake of the king's delicacies! What a joy it is to have Christian women like Dorcas! Wonani Mika 3: 8 apo mprofeti wakugomezgeka uyu wakuti: "Kweni ine, ndazuzgika na nkongono, na mzimu wa Yehova, ndiposo na weruzgi (urunji) na mazaza. " Sanderson), 7 / 15 Notice Micah 3: 8 when the faithful prophet says: "As for me, I myself have become filled with power, with Jehovah's spirit, and with justice. " Mpositole Paulosi wakati: "Nkhukhumba kuti mumanye kuti mutu wa munthu yose ndi Khristu; ndipo mutu wa mwanakazi ndi mfumu wake; ndipo mutu wa Khristu ndi Ciuta. " How did David rise from the obscurity of a shepherd boy to national fame? The apostle Paul said: "I want you to know that the head of every man is the Christ; in turn the head of a woman is the man; in turn the head of the Christ is God. " Kasi Petrosi wakang'anamurangaci apo wakaphalira Ŵakhristu kuti " ŵasezge... mayowoyero ghaheni ghose '? The negative reports from those ten spies quickly spread fear and panic among the people. What did Peter mean when he told Christians to "put away... all sorts of languages "? Baibolo ili likasindikizgika ku Nuremberg mu 1599, lekani likumanyikwa na zina lakuti Nuremberg Polyglot. I think the clincher for me was when I read Jesus ' words recorded at Matthew 6: 24: "No one can slave for two masters. " This edition is published in the 15th century, so it is known by the name N. YEZGANI KUCITA ICI: Usange ŵana ŵinu ŵamusangapo mbankhwesa comene ndipo ŵakumucindikani yayi, muphalirani munyinu wa mu nthengwa ndipo tegherezgani comene para wakuyowoya maghanoghano ghake. 2: 5. TRY THIS: If your children are so angry that they do not respect you, tell your mate, and listen carefully to his or her feelings. * Keeping in mind the reasons why God has permitted suffering and how its effects will soon be undone helps us to overcome any feeling of disappointment in God that we may have. * Kasi Ciuta wakukhumba kuti tiperekenge wuli? We grabbed the projector and obeyed. What kind of giving does God require of us? Pakuyowoya za iye kukayowoyekerathu kuti: "Wakanyekezgeka, wakakweŵeskeka, ndipouli nta wakajura mlomo wake; wakatoreka kwiza naye nga ndi kanamberere kakuyakakomeka, ndipo nga ndi mberere pamaso pa ŵakukhata yiri cete nteuraso na iye kuti wakajura mlomo cara. " - Yesaya 53: 7 Fear of God is a positive quality. Referring to him, he was prophesied: "He was broken, but he did not open his mouth, and he was being brought to him like a lamb cut down, and like a sheep standing before him he did not open his mouth. " - Isaiah 7: 53. Ndipouli, wakamusambizganga kwizira mu udangiliri na cilango. Clearly, Amaziah used distorted half - truths in an effort to obtain an official ban on the preaching work done by Amos. Nevertheless, he taught her by means of guidance and discipline. " Khristu ni nkhongono za Chiuta. ' - 1 KOR. Schroeder), 9 / 15 " Christ is the power of God. " - 1 COR. (Wonani chithuzithuzi chakwamba.) In a major way in our time, God has " rocked the nations ' by our Christian preaching, and "the desirable things of all the nations " have come in to worship God alongside the anointed remnant. (See opening image.) Nkhovwira mbumba yane mwakusambizga ŵanthu kwimba. Consumed with jealousy, they dragged Stephen before the Sanhedrin, the Jewish high court, where he faced his false accusers and gave a powerful witness. I took the initiative to help my family by teaching the public. Tikwenera kukumbuka kuti ŵanyithu nawo mbanangwa kusankha vyakuchita. Para tikuchita nthena tikulongora kuti wanangwa withu wuli na mphaka. People today have less and less love for God. We should bear in mind that others are free to make decisions, and we demonstrate that our freedom has limitations. ▪ Apo Abrahamu wakaŵa na vilimika 99, ndipo Sara wakaŵa pafupi kukwaniska vilimika 90, Yehova wakaŵalayizga kuti ŵaŵenge na mwana msepuka. When jumping, larger creatures rely on their nervous system to synchronize their legs. ▪ When Abraham was 99 years old, Sarah was about 90 years old, and Jehovah promised them a son. Mawupu gha mu vyaru vya Australia na Hawaii ghakamanya za cindindindi cakofya ici, na umo soka lizamuŵira ku mpoto kwa Sumatra. It is good to remember, though, that being whole - souled is not a matter of how much time we spend in the ministry. The U.S. international organizations saw this fear - inspiring earthquake and its natural disaster in the north. Kasi mungachita wuli kuti mulutilire kupharazga? They trusted in Jehovah. What can you do to maintain your zeal for the ministry? Kweni nati nawerako, Sarah wakakwiya comene. The Bible is replete with examples of individuals who have fallen into grievous sin on account of covetousness of one kind or another. But when I returned home, Sarah became angry. Kweni ndimo vikaŵira yayi. Nyengo yicoko waka vinthu vikagadabuka. His merits notwithstanding, Rehoboam failed to gain God's favor. That was not the case, but it was only temporary. IVYO BAIBOLO LIKUYOWOYA How does the example of King David show that it is realistic to trust in Jehovah in the face of serious illness? WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS Mboniwoni Izo Zikuvumbura Awo Ŵakukhala Kuchanya 4 Receive Full Benefit From Reading the Bible News That Leads to Those Who Go to Heaven 4 Pamanyuma nkhasoreka ndipo nkhakondwa comene. Adam made an evil choice Later, I was released, and I was happy. Kuti mumanye vinandi ivyo Baibolo likusambizga pa nkhani ya ŵakufwa, kweniso ivyo vizamucitikira awo ŵali kufwa, wonani vipaturo 6 na 7 mu buku lakuti, Kasi Baibolo Likusambizgaci Comenecomene? Other people told her, "Your generation can save the planet from ruin. " For more information about what the Bible teaches about the condition of the dead and the future, see chapters 6 and 7 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Nkhamanyanga kuti nkhwenera kuleka kumwa chomene moŵa, minkhwala yakuzweteska wongo, na kwenda na ŵanthu awo ŵakulondezga yayi fundo za mu Baibolo. With the help of those demons, now back in the spirit realm, Satan is "misleading the entire inhabited earth. " I knew that I needed to break free from alcohol abuse, drug abuse, and association with people who did not live by Bible principles. 13, 14. Wise King Solomon highlighted one key factor when he wrote: "The heart of the righteous one meditates so as to answer. " - Proverbs 15: 28. 13, 14. Lekani Ŵahebere ŵanayi ŵara ŵakakana kuryako vyakurya vya themba. But what she asked for proved to be very displeasing to Abraham. That is why the four Hebrews refused to eat the king's food. Umoyo Wamuyirayira, 7 / 1 6, 7. (a) What reasons do we have for being appreciative of divine truth? (b) What contrast is seen today between true religion and false? 10 / 15 Kasi Davide wakakwera wuli kufuma pa kuliska mberere kufika pa kumanyikwa mu caru cake cose? Because many people can be found there. How did David go from shepherding the sheep to prominence in his land? Mwaluŵiro ŵanthu ŵakamba kucita wofi na vinthu viheni ivyo mphaci khumi zikayowoya. Most language editions appeared several months after the English edition. Soon, people began to fear the bad things that the ten spies had foretold. Paumaliro nkhakhorwa apo nkhaŵazga mazgu gha Yesu pa Mateyu 6: 24, agho ghakuti: "Palije uyo wangateŵetera nga ni muzga wa ŵeneco ŵaŵiri. " You will not be disappointed, for Jehovah God himself says of his Son: "I, even I, have installed my king upon Zion, my holy mountain. " - Psalm 2: 6. I was shocked when I read Jesus ' words recorded at Matthew 6: 24: "No one can slave for two masters. " 2: 5. The account says: "The crowds, seeing what Paul had done, raised their voices, saying in the Lycaonian tongue: " The gods have become like humans and have come down to us! ' 2: 5. Para tikumanya chifukwa icho Chiuta wazomerezgera masuzgo kweniso kuti sonosono apa ghamalenge, vitovwirenge kuti tileke kughanaghana kuti Chiuta ndiyo wakupangiska viheni. Consider the example of Brother Georg Fjölnir Lindal's ministry in Iceland, as reported in the 2005 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, pages 210 - 211, and the experiences of faithful servants who persevered in Ireland for many years without immediate results, as found in the 1988 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, pages 82 - 99. Knowing why God allows suffering and what he will soon do will prevent us from thinking that God is responsible for wickedness. Nkhani iyi yatikumbuska kuzirwa kwa mulimo wakupharazga makani ghawemi mazuŵa ghano. Someone hurt my feelings. ' This article reminds us of the importance of preaching the good news today. Tikatora cakuwoneskera sinema na kunjira mu nyumba. the dragnet? We loaded a film and entered a house. Kopa Yehova nchinthu cakuzirwa comene. Abstaining from blood included what besides not eating blood directly? The fear of Jehovah is of utmost importance. Apa Amaziya wakateta kuti themba lilekeske nchito ya kupharazga iyo Amosi wakacitanga. With his perfect mind, he must have absorbed everything he heard and read in the Hebrew Scriptures. Amaziah lied that the king would stop the preaching work that Amos did. Yobu, Munthu Wakukunthirapo na Wakunyoroka, 9 / 1 King David of ancient Israel committed several serious sins, but he had strong faith in the true God and manifested genuine repentance each time. " Keep on the Watch, " 9 / 15 Mazuŵa ghano, Ciuta " wasunkhunya mitundu ' na nchito yithu ya kupharazga, ndipo "vyuma... vya mitundu yose " viza na kusopa Ciuta pamoza na Ŵakhristu ŵakuphakazgika awo ŵacali pa caru capasi. In 2018, scientists plan to evaluate again how close we are to the end of the world as we know it. Today, God will " annihilate the nations ' by means of our preaching work, and "the desirable things... of all the nations " will be joined by the worship of God with the remaining anointed remnant on earth. Cifukwa ca kuŵinya mtima, ŵakamutora Stefano na kuruta nayo ku Sanhedrini, khoti likuru la Ŵayuda, kwenekuko wakasangana na awo ŵakamuyowoyera utesi, kweni wakaŵapharazgira mwacikanga. To illustrate: Imagine that a judge with an outstanding record of making fair - minded decisions has handed down a sentence in a court case. As a result of his suffering, Stephen took him to the Sanhedrin, the Jewish high court, where he was surrounded by opposers but courageously preached to them. Mazuŵa ghano ŵanthu ŵakumutemwa yayi Chiuta. What is now happening in fulfillment of Micah 5: 7? Today, people do not love God. Kweni vinyama kuti vizunthe vikuthemba pa wongo. Paul reasons: "Wife, how do you know whether you will save your husband? However, the environment in the universe depends on the brain. Kweni nchiwemi kukumbuka kuti kuteŵetera Yehova na mtima wose vikuthemba pa unandi wa nyengo iyo tikumalira mu uteŵeti yayi. Read on in Judges chapters 7 and 8. But it is good to remember that serving Jehovah whole - souled depends on the amount of time we spend in the ministry. Iwo ŵakagomezga Yehova. 19 Seven Steps to Beneficial Bible Reading They trusted in Jehovah. Baibolo liri na viyelezgero vinandi vya awo ŵakacita kwananga kukuru cifukwa ca udokezi. When people propose alternative "solutions " to the challenge raised in Eden, how may we be able to help them? The Bible contains many examples of those who sinned seriously because of covetousness. Apa ndipo Rehobowamu wakachita vinthu mwavinjeru chomene kuluska apo wakaŵa muwukirano. How the lot of the wicked differs from that of the righteous! So Rehoboam made the most wisest decision ever before he was a young man. Kasi ciyerezgero ca Davide cikurongora wuli kuti ncamahara kugomezga Yehova usange tarwara comene? " Jehovah removed Job's tribulation and restored his prosperity. How does David's example show that it is wise to trust in Jehovah when we are ill? Sangani Candulo Cikuru Pakuŵazga Baibolo He told the delegates from some 85 countries that they enjoy unique international unity. Benefiting From Reading the Bible Adamu wakasankha uheni For example, have you ever wondered, " Why are we here? ' Adam chose to do what was bad Ŵanthu ŵanyake ŵakamuphalira kuti, "Muwiro winu ungawovwira comene kuti pulaneti lileke kunangika. " As true Christians, we strive to show love toward all. Some people told him, "You're far better able to save the planet. " Pamoza na viŵanda ivi, Satana "wakupuluska caru cose. " People should be able to discern that we are different when they hear what we say. Along with these demons, Satan "is misleading the entire inhabited earth. " Themba Solomoni likalongora fundo yakuzirwa apo likalemba kuti: "Mtima wa murunji wakughanaghana makora mazgolero. " - Zintharika 15: 28. " The inclination of the heart of man is bad from his youth up, " says Genesis 8: 21. King Solomon emphasized an important point when he wrote: "The heart of the righteous one is able to answer. " - Proverbs 15: 28. Kweni ico iyo wakapempha cikaŵa cakukwiyiska comene kwa Abrahamu. How do we know that Jesus listened to the expressions of those whom he taught? But what he asked was very displeasing to Abraham. 6, 7. (a) Yowoyani vifukwa ivyo tikwenera kuwongera unenesko uwo Ciuta wakutipa. (b) Kasi pali mphambano wuli pakati pa cisopo caunenesko na cautesi mazuŵa ghano? According to a report discussing challenges for our future, published in South Africa's Daily Mail & Guardian, "predictions of a new international order made only 10 years ago now seem hopelessly optimistic. " 6, 7. (a) What reasons do we have to appreciate the precious truths God gives us? (b) What contrast is there between true worship and false today? Cifukwa cakuti ndiko ŵanthu ŵanandi ŵakusangika. " When we give or receive Christmas gifts, and hang green wreaths in our homes and churches, how many of us know that we are probably observing pagan customs? " - The Externals of the Catholic Church Because there is an increasing number of people. Mu viyowoyero vinandi magazini agha ghakafumanga para pajumpha myezi yinandi kufumira apo magazini ya Chingelezi yafumira. What does it mean to be truly patient? In a number of languages, these magazines became available for months after the simplified edition of the English magazine. Muzamukondwa nadi, cifukwa Yehova Ciuta iyo mweneko wakuyowoya za Mwana wake kuti: "Ine ndakhalika Fumu yane pa Ziyoni, lupiri lwane lwakupatulika. " - Salmo 2: 6. The Bible answers: "Better is a handful of rest than a double handful of hard work and striving after the wind. " You will indeed be happy, for Jehovah God himself speaks of his Son: "I have installed my King upon Zion, my holy mountain. " - Psalm 2: 6. Nkhani iyi yikuti: " Mizinda, pakuwona ico wakacita Paulosi, yikacemerezga mu Cilukawoniya, yikati, Ŵaciuta ŵikhira kwa ise mu cikozgo ca ŵanthu. Touring Bethel, I felt refreshed as never before. The account says: "The crowd, seeing what Paul did, cried out in what he had done, said: " The gods are coming down to us from the image of men. ' Wonani nkhani ya Mbale Georg Fjölnir Lindal iyo yili mu 2005 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, mapeji 210 - 211, iyo yikuyowoya za ivyo vikacitika apo wakapharazganga ku Iceland. Wonaniso nkhani yakuyowoya za ŵateŵeti ŵanyake ŵakugomezgeka awo ŵakalutilira kupharazga ku Ireland kwa vilimika vinandi nangauli mbanthu ŵacoko comene awo ŵakizanga mu unenesko, mu 1988 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, mapeji 82 - 99. I am sure that Jehovah too remembers him and will bring him back in the resurrection. " See the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania in the 2005 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, published by Jehovah's Witnesses, pages 212, published by the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses. Munyake wali kunikhuŵazga. ' Why? One has hurt me. ' mkwawu? In contrast, Jesus was a man of deep compassion. the dragnet? Padera pa kuleka kurya ndopa mwakudunjika, kasi kuziŵizga ndopa kukasazgaposo vici? 8, 9. (a) How can you prepare your Bible student to stand up to the obstacles and tests that he will likely encounter? In addition to abstaining from blood directly, what else did the use of blood involve? Pakuti wakaŵa wakufikapo, wakwenera kuti wakapulikiskanga vyose ivyo wakategherezganga panji kuŵazga mu Malemba Ghacihebere. This woman, a Samaritan, acknowledged that Jesus was a prophet. As a perfect man, he likely understood everything he heard or read from the Hebrew Scriptures. Themba la Israyeli Davide likacita zakwananga zikuru zinandi comene, kweni likaŵa na cipulikano mwa Ciuta waunenesko ndipo nyengo yiliyose para lananga likalongoranga kuti lapera nadi. Furthermore, the Law helped to preserve the genealogical line leading to the Messiah and to identify him when he appeared. King David of ancient Israel committed many serious sins, but he exercised faith in the true God, each time he showed genuine repentance. Ŵasayansi ŵakuti mu 2018, ŵazamukhala pasi kuti ŵawoneso kanyengo ako kakhalako kuti charu chimare. He first emphasized the need for the preaching work and encouraged a prayerful attitude. Scientists believe that in 2018, they will sit down to see a time when the earth will be destroyed. Tiyelezgere kuti mweruzgi uyo wakumanyikwa kuti wakulumba cisko yayi wadumura mulandu. For example, a content person will not overreact to financial loss. To illustrate: Suppose a judge who is known to praise is not responsible for his judgment. Ncivici cikucitika sono apo Mika 5: 7 wakukwaniriskika? Yes, they should. What is happening now when Micah 5: 7 is being fulfilled? Paulosi wakati: "Iwe muwoli, wamanya wuli panji ungaponoska mfumu wako? Jehovah's Witnesses would be glad to help you gain that life - giving knowledge by a systematic study of God's Word, the Bible. Paul said: "You wives, how do you know whether you will save your husband? Lutilirani kuŵazga Ŵeruzgi vipaturo 7 na 8. For one thing, Jesus was mild - tempered, and he was patient with his disciples despite their faults. Continue to read Judges chapters 7 and 8. Para ŵanthu ŵakusacizga "nthowa " zakumazgira nkhani yakusuzga iyo yikambika mu Edeni, kasi tingaŵawovwira wuli? Being aware of these factors, though, helps us to understand why restraining the tongue from speaking what is injurious is particularly challenging for some. When people suggest "the way " to handle the challenge raised in Eden, how can we help them? Pa nyengo ya Nkhondo Yakwamba ya Caru Cose, ŵasilikari ŵakajara misewu. " You need to listen first, " he said. During World War I, soldiers crossed the streets. Zuŵa Lililose Pelekani Ucindami kwa Ciuta, 1 / 15 Yes, we need to bear in mind our reward of everlasting life, be it in heaven or on earth. 2 / 1 Vinthu vikupambana nadi pakati pa ŵaheni na ŵakunyoroka! What adjustments do newlyweds need to make? What a contrast there is between the wicked and the upright! " Yehova wakawuskapo masuzgo pa Yobu na kumuwezgerapo usambazi wake. RATIO: 1 Witness to 283 of the population " Jehovah removed the affliction from Job and restored his riches. Wakaphalira ŵalendo awo ŵakafuma mu vyaru 85 kuti ŵakusangwa na ubali wa pa caru cose. Profound Reasons for Being Happy He told the visitors from 85 countries to enjoy a worldwide brotherhood. Kasi muli kujifumbapo kuti, " Chifukwa wuli tiliko? ' Like Rahab, they had heard of Jehovah's deliverance of his people at the Exodus and at the defeat of Sihon and Og. Have you ever wondered, " Why are we here? ' Pakuŵa Ŵakhristu ŵaunenesko tikuyezgayezga kutemwa waliyose. Consider a few of the wonderful things that Jehovah has been doing with his willing, although imperfect, people. As true Christians, we endeavor to show love for everyone. Para ŵanthu ŵapulika ivyo tikuyowoya, ŵawonenge kuti tili ŵakupambana na ŵanthu wose. Over time, study will be both easier and more pleasurable! When people hear what we say, they will see that we are different from all people. Lemba la Genizesi 8: 21 likuti: "Maghanoghano gha mtima wa munthu ngaheni kwambira waka pa wanichi wake. " A first step is to ask the Author for help. Genesis 8: 21 states: "The inclination of the heart of man is bad from his youth up. " Tikumanya wuli kuti Yesu wakategherezganga para awo wakaŵasambizganga ŵakuyowoya? Joyful people return to their homeland How do we know that Jesus listened to those whom he taught? Pakuyowoya za masuzgo ghithu agho ghali muntazi, lipoti la mu nyuzipepala ya ku South Africa ya Daily Mail & Guardian likuyowoya kuti, "kusinta kwa ukhaliro wa ŵantu na ndyari uko kukayowoyeka virimika khumi ivyo vyajumpa sono kukuwoneka kuŵa kwambura macitiko. " I think about her every day. Regarding our future problems, a report in South Africa in South Africa says, "The change of social and political conditions has not been possible for the past ten years. " " Kasi tikumanya kuti para tikupokera panji kupeleka vyawanangwa na kuchita vinthu vinyake pa Khisimasi, ndikuti tikulondezga maluso gha ŵanthu awo ŵakusopa ŵachiuta ŵatesi? ' - The Externals of the Catholic Church For them to succeed in this lifesaving work, Jesus emphasizes three vital needs. " Do we know that when we receive gifts or sacrifices at Christmas, we follow pagan customs? ' - The Ex. Kasi kuŵa wakuzikira chikung'anamurachi? May we zealously share that truth with others! - Matt. What does it mean to be patient? Baibolo likuzgora kuti: "Woko limoza lakuzura na cimango ndiweme kwakuruska mawoko ghaŵiri ghakuzura na suzgo na kukweŵeka kwa mtima. " " You're different, " he said. The Bible answers: "A man full of peace is better than two handfuls of hard work and chasing after the wind. " Nanga ni apo Daniyeli wakaŵa kuti wachekura, wakaŵerenganga Malemba. 115: 10 - 12; 135: 19, 20. Even when Daniel was old, he read the Scriptures. Nkhakhozgeka comene nati nendera malo gha pa Beteli. Rather, they are reasons for rejoicing. I was so encouraged when I visited Bethel. Nkhugomezga kuti Yehova nayo wakumukumbuka mfumu wane ndipo wazamumuwuska. " Together with his 144,000 corulers in heaven, Jesus will come to the rescue of God's people here on earth. I believe that Jehovah will remember my husband and will resurrect him too. " Cifukwa wuli? The "Deliverance at Hand! " special conventions proved this. Why? Mwakupambana na kaghanaghaniro ka Mufarisi, Yesu wakaŵa muntu walusungu. PAGE 10 • SONGS: 99, 108 In contrast with the attitude of the Pharisee, Jesus was a kind man. 8, 9. (a) Kasi munganozgekereska wuli musambiri winu wa Baibolo kwimikana na viyezgo ivyo wangakumana navyo? Has something happened? ' " - Masami, Japan. 8, 9. (a) How can you prepare your Bible student to face trials? Mwanakazi uyu wakamanya kuti Yesu ni nchimi. He tells them that they are his " hope and joy and crown of exultation. ' - 1 Thess. She knew that Jesus was a prophet. Kweniso Dango likawovwira kuti mbumba iyo mukababikira Mesiya yimanyikwe makora ndipo vikawovwira kuti ŵanthu ŵamumanye wati wiza. I felt that Communists often failed to practice what they preached. Furthermore, the Law made it possible for the family of the Messiah to get to know him better. Wakadankha kuŵaphalira kukhumbikwa kwa mulimo wa kupharazga ndipo wakaŵaciska kuti ŵalombenge. There is no doubt in our minds that "Jehovah's day is coming. " He first spoke to them about the importance of the preaching work and urged them to pray. Munthu uyo wakukhorwa wakudandawura chomene yayi para waluza ndalama. What figurative storm will soon strike mankind? Of course, a person who is content does not regret the loss of money. Enya. Finally, consider the context of our theme scripture: "Wives be in subjection to [your] husbands. " Yes. Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova ŵazamukondwa kumovwirani kuti muŵe na cimanyisko ici cakupereka umoyo mwa kusambira namwe Mazgu gha Ciuta, Baibolo. These religions spread throughout the empire. Jehovah's Witnesses will be happy to help you acquire this knowledge of life by studying God's Word, the Bible. Ŵakeneranga kusambira kuzika, cifukwa Yesu wakaŵa wakuzika ku ŵasambiri ŵake, nangauli ŵakapuvyanga. He told me that it wasn't that serious, and I should just get over it. They had to learn patience, for Jesus was mild - tempered toward his disciples, despite their imperfections. Kweni kumanya fundo izi, kukutovwira kupulikiska cifukwa ico ŵanji ŵakutondekera kujikora pakuyowoya. Jesus made God's name known. But knowing these principles helps us to understand why some find it difficult to control their speech. Wakati: "Cakwamba mukwenera kupulikira. Even Jesus ' enemies could not deny this evidence, which included numerous miracles. " First, " he said, "you must obey. Nadi, tikwenera kukumbuka njombe yithu ya umoyo wamuyirayira, kwali nkhucanya panji pa caru capasi. Live in Harmony With the Model Prayer, 6 / 15 Surely we should keep in mind our reward for everlasting life, whether in heaven or on earth. Kasi awo ŵatorana waka ŵakwenera kusintha vici? Thus, from his Father's right hand in heaven, Jesus began to see his name take on greater meaning as thousands repented and put faith in him as Jehovah's means of salvation. - Acts 2: 5, 11, 37 - 41. What changes do those who marry need to make? KABONI YUMOZA WAKUPHARAZGIRA ŴANTHU 283 HOW I HAVE BENEFITED: I now have peace of mind and a clean conscience, knowing that I am no longer defiling my body with drugs or immorality. IN THE age of 28 B.C.E. Vifukwa Vyeneco Vyakuŵira Ŵacimwemwe Young people have the strength needed to accomplish much in Jehovah's service. True Reasons for Happiness Nga ni Rahabi, nawo ŵakapulika umo Yehova wakathaskira ŵantu ŵake paulendo wawo apo ŵakatonda Sihoni na Ogi. On the contrary, geneticist and Oxford professor Bryan Sykes states: "There's no genetic basis for any kind of rigid ethnic or racial classification.... Like Rahab, they heard of the deliverance that Jehovah gave his people when they marched off the road. Tiyeni tiwone vinthu vichoko waka ivyo Yehova wakutichitira nangauli ndise ŵakwananga. They no longer earn any wages. Let us consider a few of the things that Jehovah has done for us despite our imperfections. Para nyengo yajumphapo, mwambenge kutemwa kusambira ndipo vimunozgeraninge. We have already seen that the early Christians were persecuted because they refused to stop preaching in the name of Jesus. In time, your love for study will grow and will help you. Cakwamba, lombani Ciuta kuti wamovwirani. The answer to that question reveals much about the degree of heartfelt respect we have for others. - Read Philippians 2: 3, 4. First, pray for God's help. Aristotle wakalemba mabuku pa nkhani za maseŵero, vyamumlengalenga, vyaumoyo, kakhaliro, chiyowoyero, malango, fundo, vyachilengiwa, kendero ka vinthu, kukondwa, mapowemu, ndyali, kaghanaghaniro, na vinyake vinandi. What account will we now consider, and why? Aristotle wrote books on sports, health, health care, language, law, law, natural laws, natural resources, prosperity, politics, politics, and so on. Nkhumukumbuka zuŵa lililose. Yet, he said: "What things were gains to me, these I have considered loss on account of the Christ... and I consider them as a lot of refuse, that I may gain Christ. " I remember each day. Yesu wakadidimizga vinthu vitatu vyakukhumbikwa kuti ŵasambiri ŵake ŵacite makora mulimo wakuponoska umoyo uwu. What does true obedience involve? Jesus emphasized three areas in which his disciples would accomplish this lifesaving work. Mphanyi tapharazga mwamwamphu unenesko uwu ku ŵanji. - Mat. He did not make them feel incompetent or unworthy. May we zealously share that truth with others. - Matt. Iyo wakati: "Kweni imwe mukupambana na ŵamishonale ŵanyake. " The holy spirit thus empowered those early Christians to act as a collective "faithful and discreet slave " to supply individual anointed Christians with spiritual" food at the proper time. " - Matthew 24: 45. He said: "But you are different from other missionaries. " 115: 10 - 12; 135: 19, 20. Watch Your Associations in These Last Days 115: 10 - 12; 135: 19, 20. M'malo mwake, vikwenera kutipa cimwemwe. King Sobhuza II was delighted. Rather, it should bring us joy. Yesu pamoza na ŵa 144,000 ŵazamunjilirapo na kuthaska ŵanthu ŵa Chiuta pano pa charu chapasi. For example, Amy struggled when she was assigned to help build a Kingdom Hall and missionary home on a small Pacific island. Jesus and his 144,000 corulers will support and save God's people on earth. Ivi ndivyo vikaŵa pa ungano wa mitundu yose wakuti "Kuwombokwa Kuli Pafupi! " Beginning in chapter 12, Paul considers four related subjects that affect a Christian's life. This was part of a international convention that says "There is at Hand! " PEJI 10 • SUMU: 99, 108 God can find the wicked and execute judgment upon them wherever they hide. PAGE 10 • SONGS: 99, 108 Pali cinyake ico cacitika? ' " - Masami, Japan. Your prayers in support of Jehovah's Kingdom work are needed. There is something else that has been done? ' " - creation, Japan. Wakaŵaphalira kuti ŵakaŵa " cigomezgo cake, na cimwemwe cake, na mphumphu ya cithumbwa. ' - 1 Tes. What sacrifices are we making or are we willing to make in order to declare the good news of God's Kingdom with constancy? He told them that they were "his hope and his joy and the crown of praise. " - 1 Thess. Nkhawona kuti gulu ili likatondekanga kucita ivyo likayowoyanga. Yet, many people think that it is unrealistic to believe that God wants to be close to them; they feel that they are unworthy to approach him or that he is too remote to be approached. I felt that the group could not do what they had said. Tikukayika yayi na pacoko kuti " zuŵa la Yehova ' likwiza. Just one year later - in 1924 - CHUC went on the air. There is no doubt that "the day of Jehovah " is coming. Kasi nchimphupulu wuli ico citimbenge ŵanthu sonosono? • Why are prayer and holy spirit important in connection with our service to Jehovah? What calamity will soon come to mankind? Aghanaghanirani lemba ilo pafuma nkhani iyi: "Ŵawoli jilambikani ku ŵafumu ŵinu. " When he was on earth, Jesus remained watchful, on guard against all attempts of Satan to break His integrity. Consider the context: "Let wives be in subjection to their husbands. " Visopa ivi vikathandazgika mu muwuso wose wa Roma. That really impressed me. " Such religions spread throughout the Roman Empire. Wakaniphaliranga kuti nkhanthu kacoko, ndipo suzgo palije. He has the attendants fill the jars with water, and he turns the water into the finest of wine. He told me that I was too small, and there was no problem. Yesu wakamanyiska ŵanthu zina la Ciuta. Why? Jesus made God's name known. Nanga ŵangaŵa ŵalwani ŵa Yesu ŵakatondeka kususka ukaboni uwu, uwo ukasazgapo minthondwe yinandi iyo Yesu wakacita. Fitch, who wrote in his book The Evolution of Language: "We do not yet have fully convincing answers. " Even Jesus ' enemies did not deny this witness, which included many miracles that Jesus performed. Yesu, uyo wakaŵa kuti wawuskika, wakapika mazaza kucanya, ndipo Yehova wakamba kuponoska ŵanthu masauzandi ghanandi pa caru capasi kwizira mwa iyo. - Mil. 2: 5, 11, 37 - 41. 41: 10, 13. The resurrected Jesus was granted authority in heaven, and Jehovah began to save thousands of people on earth by means of him. - Acts 2: 5, 11, 37 - 41. UMO NASANGIRA CANDULO: Sono nili na mtende mu mtima, ndipo njuŵi yane yikunisuzga yayi, cifukwa nili kuleka kunanga thupi lane na vimunkhwala panji uzaghali. Mauricio: I appreciate your telling me that. HOW I HAVE BENEFITED: I now have peace of mind, and my conscience is not burdensome, for I have abandoned my body and committed immorality. Ŵawukirano ndiwo ŵali na mwaŵi ukuru wakuteŵetera Yehova, chifukwa ŵachali na nkhongono zinandi. The resurrection, not the false notion of many that the soul lives on after death, is the real hope for the dead. - Ezekiel 18: 4; John 11: 25. Young people are privileged to serve Jehovah, for they still have much to do. Yayi. Bryan Sykes uyo wakusanda mathupi gha ŵanthu kweniso ni msambizgi pa yunivesite ya Oxford, wakati: "Kulije fuko ilo lili na tunthu tunyake mu thupi uto mafuko ghanyake ghalije... A life of service brings great joy, satisfaction, and peace of mind. - Ecclesiastes 5: 12. No, a professor of human bodies and a university teacher at the University offord says: "There is no other ethnic group... Ŵakupokeraso njombe yayi. As shown at Mark 10: 13 - 16, what example did Jesus set? They no longer receive the reward. Tawona kuti Ŵakhristu ŵakale ŵakazikizgikanga cifukwa cakuti ŵakakana kuleka kupharazga mu zina la Yesu. In almost every part of the globe, people can hear and read the Kingdom message in their own language. We have seen that early Christians were persecuted because they refused to stop preaching in Jesus ' name. Zgoro la fumbo ili litovwirenge kuwona usange tikucindika nadi ŵanji kufumira pasi pa mtima. - Ŵazgani Ŵafilipi 2: 3, 4. A resilient person can not only endure a new circumstance but also look at a seeming obstacle and see an opportunity in it. The answer to that question will help us to see if we truly show genuine respect for others. - Read Philippians 2: 3, 4. Kasi tidumbiskanenge nkhani wuli, ndipo chifukwa wuli? (b) What will we consider in the following article? What will we consider, and why? Kweni iye wakati: " Vintu vyose ivyo nkatenge ndanduliremo, ndivyo ndapima kuti nvyambura candulo cifukwa ca Kristu... ndipo nkuvipima kuti vyose nvya ku cizara pera, mwakuti ndandule Kristu. ' Small Social Gatherings Rather, he said: "All the things that I had done for them I have considered to be loss on account of the Christ... I consider all things to be loss on account of the Christ... and I consider them as a lot of refuse, that I might gain Christ. " Kasi kupulikira kwanadi kukung'anamuraci? And how can we walk in Jehovah's name? What does true obedience mean? Wakakhumba yayi kuti iwo ŵajiwonenge nga mbawakawaka panji ŵambura kuzirwa. 13, 14. He did not want them to feel inferior or worthless. Mzimu utuŵa ukakhozga Ŵakristu ŵakwambilira kuŵa nga ni "muzga wa magomezgeko na wa vinjeru, " kupereka" vyakurya mu nyengo yakwenerera " ku Mkristu waliyose wakuphakazgika panyengo iyo. - Mateyu 24: 45. " Keep on asking, and it will be given you, " Jesus said. Holy spirit strengthened the early Christians to be like "the faithful and discreet slave, " providing" food at the proper time " for each anointed Christian at that time. - Matthew 24: 45. Chenjerani na Awo Mukuchezga Nawo " Healing " From What Source? Watch Your Eyes With Those Who Love You Themba Sobhuza II likakondwa. For more information about God's Kingdom and what it will do, see chapter 8 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? King Nebuchadnezzar II was arrested. Mwachiyelezgero, Ame chikamuŵira chipusu yayi apo wakaŵa pa chirwa chinyake ku Pacific uko ŵakazenganga Nyumba ya Ufumu na nyumba ya ŵamishonale. [ Credit Line] For example, when he was on the island of Pacific, he found it difficult to build a Kingdom Hall and a missionary home. Kwambira na cipaturo 12, Paulosi wakalongosora nkhani zinayi zakukolerana izo zikukhwaska umoyo wa Ŵakhristu. Unity in a Divided Valley Starting with chapter 12, Paul discussed four related issues involving Christian life. Ciuta wangaŵasanga ŵaheni kulikose uko ŵabisama na kuŵalanga. The second event takes place not long after the death of Joshua. God can find wicked wherever they hide and discipline. Malurombo ghinu ngakukhumbikwa, mukwenera kulombera mulimo wakukhwaskana na Ufumu wa Yehova. The apostle John says: "He is a propitiatory sacrifice for our sins, yet not for ours only but also for the whole world's. " Your prayers as needed, pray for the work of Jehovah's Kingdom. Kasi nase tikujinora vinthu vinyake mwakuti tipharazgenge makani ghawemi gha Ufumu wa Ciuta lutaluta? In the next article, we will examine modern - day developments that help us to proclaim the good news to the ends of the earth. Are we likewise willing to make sacrifices in order to preach the good news of God's Kingdom regularly? Iwo ŵakuwona kuti mbambura kwenelera panji kuti Ciuta wali kutali comene mwakuti ŵangasendelera kwa iyo yayi. The apostle John, whose feet were also washed by the Lord, wrote: "Little children, let us love, neither in word nor with the tongue, but in deed and truth. " They feel unworthy or unworthy of God so far that they cannot draw close to him. Caka cimoza cikati cajumphapo, mu 1924, wayilesi ya CHUC yikamba kupharazga uthenga. Yet, her heartfelt desire to experience the joy of helping those who search for Jehovah won out. About a year later, in 1924, the radio station began preaching the message. • Cifukwa wuli maŵeyelero ghithu na mzimu utuŵa ni vyakuzirwa pakuteŵetera Yehova? Why was she destroyed? • Why are our supplications and holy spirit important in Jehovah's service? Apo wakaŵa pa caru capasi, Yesu wakaŵanga maso nyengo zose cifukwa Satana wakayezgayezganga kuti Yesu wagalukire Ciuta. The four brothers had indicated their desire to serve together in the same country - if possible. While on earth, Jesus was ever alert because Satan tried to induce Jesus to disobey God. Wakanizizika comene mbali uyu. " " You [Jehovah] have proved to be a refuge for me, " said David, "a strong tower in the face of the enemy. I was amazed at this brother. " Iye wakuphalira ŵateŵeti kuti ŵazuzge viŵiya na maji, penepapo iye wakuzgora maji agho kuŵa vinyo liweme comene. How did Jehovah fully live up to his great name? He tells his servants to fill vessels with water, thus opening the waters of a fine wine. Cifukwa wuli? What moves single Christians to draw closer to Jehovah? Why? Fitch wakalemba. Iyo wakati: "Mpaka sono zgoro leneko lindasangike. " - The Evolution of Language. IN THIS ISSUE He wrote: "The answer has not yet been found. " - The Watchtower of Language. 41: 10, 13. Yes, it is fitting that Christians, right from the wedding day, honor the arrangement that God has in place for the present. 41: 10, 13. A Citete: Nawonga cifukwa ca kuniphalira maghanoghano ghinu. Although I was dissatisfied, I lured one of my younger brothers, José Luis, and a close friend, Miguel, into the same lifestyle. Mauricio: Thank you for telling me about your feelings. (Vesi 43, 44) Ŵanandi ŵakugomezga cisambizgo cautesi cakuti mzimu ukuluta kucanya para munthu wafwa. Kweni manyani kuti, ciwuka nchilindizga ciwemi comene ca awo ŵali kufwa. - Yohane 11: 25. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Many believe the false doctrine that the soul is going to exist in heaven, but you can be sure that the resurrection is the best hope for those who have died. - John 11: 25. Kasi tingachepeskako wuli vinthu vinyake pa umoyo withu kuti tiŵe na nyengo yakukwana yakuteŵetera Yehova? Similarly, God's Kingdom requires that its citizens learn what the Bible calls the "pure language. " How can we simplify our lifestyle so that we can devote more time to serving Jehovah? Umoyo wa kutokatoka ukupereka cimwemwe ndiposo mtende wa maghanoghano. - Mupharazgi 5: 12. 1: 7. A life of hard work brings happiness and peace of mind. - Ecclesiastes 5: 12. Mwakuyana na ivyo vili pa Mariko 10: 13 - 16, kasi Yesu wakutisambizgaci? Even the forces of nature obeyed his voice. According to Mark 10: 13 - 16, what does Jesus teach us? Pafupifupi kona yiliyose pa caru ŵanthu ŵangapulika na kuŵazga uthenga wa Ufumu mu ciyowoyero cawo. JEHOVAH'S great day is very near. Nearly every corner of the earth, people can hear and read the Kingdom message in their own language. Munthu uyo wakuchita nthena wakuzizipizga para vyasintha kweniso wakuyezga kuwonamo uwemi mu chinthu icho chikuwoneka nga ntchakusuzga. How much do you appreciate his sacrifice? Such a person is patient when changes and tries to look for the good in something that seems to be difficult. (b) Kasi tidumbiskanenge vici mu nkhani yakulondezgapo? Comparing modern - day Christendom with first - century Christianity, he said: "Churches today grow usually by biological growth (when the children within a local church family make a personal profession of faith) or by transfer growth (when a newcomer transfers his or her membership from another local church). (b) What will we consider in the next article? Nchezgo za Ŵanthu Ŵacoko 2 / 15 " Why I'm Returning Your Money, " 8 / 15 Comfort for a Few Ndipo kasi tingenda wuli mu zina la Yehova? The prophet Isaiah was inspired to write about the kind of life that God's people will enjoy on earth. And how can we walk in Jehovah's name? 13, 14. Perhaps your goal is to exercise regularly, to get more sleep, or to keep in closer touch with loved ones. 13, 14. Yesu wakati: "[Rutilirani kuromba, NW] ndipo kuti kupikenge kwa imwe. " " Sons of Zeus ," 3 / 1 Jesus said: "Keep on asking, and it will be given you. " Ŵakucizga na Nkhongono za Njani? May we continue to show our appreciation for their hard work through our willing cooperation, our obedience, and our submission. Comfort and Power of Whom? Kuti mumanye vinandi vyakukhwaskana na Ufumu wa Ciuta na ivyo uzamucita, wonani cipaturo 8 mu buku la Kasi Baibolo Likusambizgaci Comenecomene? Jesus said these words as the apostles were about to face tragic events. For more information about God's Kingdom and what it will accomplish, see chapter 8 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? [ Kulongosora Cithuzithuzi] What changes have I noted in my child since he or she became an adolescent? [ Credit Line] Kukolerana mu Cidikha Cakugaŵikana Describe Hezekiah's background. United in the Valley of Unity Nkhani yaciŵiri yikacitika nyengo yicoko waka Joshua wakati wafwa. After a few months, we received a letter inviting us to attend the 24th class of Gilead School, which would graduate in February 1955. The second article took place shortly after Joshua's death. Mpostole Yohane wakuyowoya kuti: "Mweneuyo ndi mpepeska ya zakwananga zitu: ndipo ya zitu pera cara, kweniso ya za caru cose. " Pioneering may open the door to other privileges of service. The apostle John says: "He that is a propitiatory sacrifice for sins, and not only is short - lived but also of the entire inhabited earth. " Mu nkhani yapanthazi, tizamusambira ivyo vikutiwovwira mazuŵa ghano kuti tipharazge makani ghawemi pa charu chose. Some dates are the approximate beginning year of the reign. In the next article, we will consider what has helped us today to preach the good news throughout the earth. Mpositole Yohane, uyo nayo Fumu yikamugeziska malundi, wakalemba kuti: "Mwatwana, titemwanenge, na mazgu pera cara nesi lulimi, kweni mu milimo na unenesko. " [ Pictures on page 5] The apostle John, who was also Lord's washing his feet, wrote: "You children, continue loving one another, not in word or with the tongue, but in deed and truth. " Nangauli wakakayikanga, kweni wakakhumba comene kovwira ŵanthu awo ŵakukhumba kumanya Yehova. Jehovah sets an outstanding example in reasonableness. Despite his doubts, he sought to help people who wanted to know Jehovah. Cifukwa wuli wakaparanyika? He found comfort in knowing that Jehovah would always be there to sustain His people through trials. Why? Ŵabali wose ŵanayi ŵakalongora kuti mbakukhumbisiska kuteŵetera lumoza mu caru cimoza usange nchamacitiko. Among the 2,500 names mentioned, about 70 can be identified as Jewish. All four brothers showed their willingness to work together in one country if possible. Davide wakati: "Imwe [Yehova] ndimwe ciphokwero cane, na cigongwe cakukhora ku mulwani. Abraham's example also teaches us to focus, not on how things were in the past, but on what we will enjoy in the future. David said: "You [Jehovah] are my refuge and a strong tower for the enemy. Kasi Yehova wakacita wuli vinthu mwakuyana na zina lake likuru? (b) How can we expose our mind to "the mind of Christ "? How did Jehovah act in harmony with his great name? Cifukwa wuli Ŵakhristu ŵambura kutora panji kutengwa ŵakusendelera comene kwa Yehova? These women use their powerful wings to swoop in and lift up the container containing "Wickedness. " Why do single Christians draw closer to Jehovah? MU GONGWE LINO 3: 5. IN THIS ISSUE Lekani Themba Solomoni likalemba kuti: "Pa charu chapasi palije munthu murunji uyo nyengo zose wakuchita uwemi pera kwambura kunangapo. " (b) What results from adopting Jehovah's view of others? Hence, King Solomon wrote: "There is no righteous man on earth who always does what is right. " Enya, nchiwemi kuti kwambira waka pa zuŵa la ukwati, Ŵakhristu ŵacindikenge ndondomeko iyo Ciuta waŵika mazuŵa ghano. Some of my vices were easy for me to give up. Yes, since the wedding day, Christians will respect God's arrangement today. Nangauli nkhasangwanga nawo yayi umoyo uwu, kweni nkhakopa munung'una wane José Luis na mubwezi wane Miguel kuti nawo ŵacitenge ivyo ine nkhacitanga. Paul provided the key in his profound statement about Jesus Christ: "Carefully concealed in him are all the treasures of wisdom and of knowledge. " Although I did not enjoy this life, I feared my younger brother José Luis and my friend Miguel to do what I was doing. Lakupharazgika na Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova. God's Adversary would undoubtedly be happy if he could make us feel useless because of our infirmities. Published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Mwakuyana waka, awo ŵakukhumba kuŵa ŵenekaya ŵa Ufumu wa Ciuta ŵakwenera kusambira ico Baibolo likucicema kuti " ciyowoyero cituŵa. ' Our brothers, even those who are in poor economic situations, are like the Macedonians who were in "deep poverty " and yet begged for the privilege to give and did so generously. - 2 Cor. Similarly, those desiring to be citizens of God's Kingdom must study what the Bible calls "the pure language. " 1: 7. Young or old, each one of us needs to cultivate a deep appreciation for the truth that Jehovah has revealed. 1: 7. Nanga ni vintu vyambura umoyo vikapulikiranga mazgu ghake. The altar represents Jehovah's will in accepting the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ for the redemption of mankind. Even the empty things of life were listening to his voice. ZUŴA likuru la Yehova laneng'enera comene. If you are an elder, are you getting to know the youths in your congregation? JEHOVAH'S great day is fast approaching. Kasi mukulongora kuti mukuwonga sembe yake? Each of us does well to ask himself: " Am I content to let others carry the bulk of the workload? Do you show your appreciation for his sacrifice? Pakuyelezgera visopo vya Cikhristu vyalero na Cikhristu cakale, iye wakati: "Machalichi gha mazuŵa ghano kanandi ghakukura cifukwa cakuti ŵana ŵakulondezga cipulikano ca ŵapapi ŵawo panji para munthu wasamuka kufuma ku malo ghanyake na kukanjira mu chalichi leneliro ku malo ghanyake. Thus, we will be in a position to express sentiments similar to Paul's: "I do not make my soul of any account as dear to me, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received of the Lord Jesus, to bear thorough witness to the good news of the undeserved kindness of God. " In contrast with Christendom's early Christianity, he said: "The faith of their parents or anyone else has grown as a result of the faith of their parents and from one place to another. Nchimi Yesaya yikaphalirika na Ciuta kulemba umo umoyo wa ŵanthu ŵa Ciuta uzamuŵira pa caru capasi. Just before he gives the admonition to show honor, he states: "In brotherly love have tender affection for one another. " The prophet Isaiah was inspired to write about the life of God's people on earth. Panyake mukukhumba kuti nyengo zose muchitenge maseŵero ghakukhozga thupi, mugonenge mwakukwana, panji muchezgenge na ŵabali ŵinu pafupipafupi. Especially at difficult moments in our lives, we come to appreciate that God is " our refuge and our stronghold. ' Perhaps you want to have regular exercise, sufficient sleep, or frequent conversations with your brothers. Mukucemeka Kwiza ku Nyumba ya Ufumu (maungano), 4 / 1 So Roald and Elsebeth together with Fabian, then aged 18, traveled to Nordkyn, a peninsula situated in the county of Finnmark, above the Arctic Circle. Kingdom Halls, 4 / 1 Mphanyi talutilira kuŵawonga cifukwa ca kutokatoka kwawo mwa kukolerana nawo na mtima wose, kuŵapulikira, na kujilambika. Do you long for just a taste of their so - called freedom? May we continue to commend them for their hard work by wholeheartedly cooperating with them, obeying, and submitting to them. Yesu wakayowoya mazgu agha apo ŵapositole ŵakaŵa pafupi kukomwa. So we humans have neither the ability nor the right to direct our own life course. Jesus spoke those words when the apostles were about to suffer. ▪ Ni vinthu wuli ivyo mwana wane wasintha umo wafikira pa uwukirano? What, though, of the many loyal Christians who are not overseers? What changes have my son made in his youth? Kasi Hezekiya wakakulira mu ukhaliro wuli? How could people in the first century tell that Jesus was the promised Messiah? In what environment did Hezekiah grow? Pakati pajumpha myezi yicoko waka, tikapokera kalata yakutimanyiska kuti tikasambire Sukulu ya Giliyadi mu kilasi la nambara 24. Kilasi ili likeneranga kumara mu Febuluwale 1955. " [God] is not far off from each one of us. " - Saul of Tarsus, addressing first - century philosophers in Athens. Within a few months, we received an invitation to attend the 24th class of Gilead School. Upayiniya ungamujulirani mwaŵi wakuti mucite mauteŵeti ghanyake. They were not simply alive during the lifetime of those in the first group, but they were anointed with holy spirit during the time that those of the first group were still on earth. Pioneering can open up opportunities for some privileges. Madeti ghanyake ghakulongora cilimika ico munthu wakwenera kuti wakambiranga kuwusa. She did the same for another coworker, who was fascinated by the variety of subjects discussed in The Watchtower and Awake! Some reference works point to the year when a person may have begun ruling. [ Vithuzithuzi pa peji 5] As representatives of the Watch Tower Society, Brothers Rutherford, Van Amburgh, and six others were arrested. [ Pictures on page 5] Yehova walikuŵika ciyerezgero ciwemi comene pa nkani ya kuzika. At that time, the glorified "sons of God " will be further " revealed ' when they act as priests with Christ, administering the benefits of Jesus ' ransom sacrifice to mankind. Jehovah set a fine example of mildness. Wakapembuzgika comene cifukwa ca kumanya kuti Yehova wakukhozga ŵanthu ŵake para ŵali mu suzgo. One day she heard, perhaps from a traveling merchant, that the famine in Israel was over. How comforting it must have been for him to know that Jehovah has strengthened his people when they were in trouble! Pa mazina 2,500 agho ghakalembeka pa vipapati ivi, pafupifupi 70 ghakaŵa gha Ciyuda. " From the time they were very young, I studied with them for 15 minutes every day, except on days when we had Christian meetings. The names written on these documents were close to 70 Jewish names. Nkhani ya Abrahamu yikutisambizgaso kuti tingaghanaghaniranga umo vinthu vikaŵira kumanyuma yayi, kweni vinthu ivyo tizamusangwa navyo munthazi. Consider another Scriptural account that illustrates the extent of Jehovah's willingness to forgive. Abraham's example also teaches us not only that we can meditate on past events but also that we will enjoy in the future. (b) Kasi tingachita vichi kuti tiŵike "maghanoghano gha Khristu " mu mtima withu? The good news is that we can have complete confidence that Jehovah will end wickedness. (b) What can we do to become "the mind of Christ " in our heart? Ŵanakazi aŵa ŵakagwiliskira ntchito mapapindo ghawo kunyamulira chakupimira icho mukaŵa " uheni. ' What, though, led up to this confrontation? These women used their wings to carry a container that had been "good - for - nothing container. " 3: 5. It is similar with Satan's negative influences; some are more obvious than others. 3: 5. Davide wakapangaso nthowa yakupusikira Fumu Akish. After Jehovah had given instructions on how to set up the tabernacle, "Moses did according to all that Jehovah had commanded him. David also made a way to deceive King Gath. (b) Kasi cikucitika nchivici para tikuwona ŵanji nga umo Yehova wakuŵawonera? " I budget every single centavo of my earnings, " he says. (b) What results when we see others as Jehovah sees them? Cikaniŵira cipusu kuleka nkharo zane zinyake. Enraged, he does all he can to make us break our integrity. I found it easier to make changes in my personality. Paulosi wakalongosora umo tingamanyira Yesu Khristu, wakati: "Mwa iyo muli kubisika usambazi wose wa vinjeru na wa kumanya. " It also includes imitating the whole life course of Jesus. Paul explains how we can know Jesus Christ: "In him there are all the treasures of wisdom and of knowledge. " Tikukayika yayi kuti Mulwani wa Ciuta wangakondwa comene usange tingamba kujiwona kuti tili ŵambura nchito cifukwa ca kuŵavya nkhongono. * The activities of the five kings who place their confidence in Jehovah are emphasized. No doubt, God's enemy would be pleased if we felt unworthy of his power. Ŵabali ŵithu, nanga ni awo mbakavu chomene, ŵakuchita nga mbabali ŵa ku Makedoniya awo ŵakaŵa "ŵakavu chomene. " Nangauli ŵakaŵa ŵakavu, kweni ŵakapempha kuti ŵaŵazomerezge kovwirapo ndipo ŵakapeleka na mtima wose. - 2 Kor. Why? Our brothers, even those who are poor, act like those in Macedonia, "the most poor one, " even though they were poor, they decided to accept and give generously. - 2 Cor. Kwali ndise ŵana panji ŵarara, waliyose wa ise wakukhumbikwira kuwongera comene unenesko uwo Yehova wapereka. Divine judgment was executed upon that Jewish system of things. Whether we are young or old, each of us needs to appreciate the precious truths Jehovah has given us. Jochero likuyimira khumbo ilo Yehova wali nalo, la kupokera sembe ya Yesu Khristu mwakuti ŵanthu ŵawomboleke. Then someone reads that paragraph out loud. The altar represents Jehovah's will, accepting the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ, in order to redeem mankind. Usange ndimwe mulara, kasi mukucitaci kuti muŵamanye makora ŵawukirano mu mpingo winu? © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania If you are an elder, what are you doing to get to know younger ones in your congregation? Waliyose wakwenera kujifumba kuti: " Kasi nkhukhumba kuti ŵanyane ŵachitenge vinandi kuluska ine? " God... has indeed adequately qualified us to be ministers. " - 2 CORINTHIANS 3: 5, 6. Each of us should ask himself: " Do I want others to do more than I am? Para tingacita nthena tizamujipulika nga ni Paulosi, uyo wakati: "Nkhupima umoyo wane wa kalimo cara nga ngwakuzirwa kwa ndamwene, kweni kufiska nthowa yane ndiko, na uteŵeti uwo nkhapokera kwa Fumu Yesu, wakupanikizgira ivangeli la ucizi wa Ciuta. " One springtime, they went to visit their friends on the West Coast of the United States. By doing so, we will feel as did Paul, who said: "I do not consider my soul as precious to myself, but to finish my course and the ministry I received from the Lord Jesus, to bear witness to the good news of God's undeserved kindness. " Pambere wandayowoye za kucindikana, wakati: "Mu kutemwa ŵabali, muŵe na mtima wacitemwa kwa yumoza na munyake. " 6, 7. (a) How does Bible study affect our love for Jehovah and his love for us? Before speaking about showing honor to one another, he said: "In brotherly love have tender affection for one another. " Tikumanya kuti Ciuta " nchiphokwero cithu na linga lithu, ' comenecomene mu nyengo ya suzgo. Ask yourself: " Have I become a compulsive forwarder of e - mails? We know that God is " our refuge and our stronghold, ' especially in times of distress. Ntheura Roald na Elsebeth pamoza na Fabian, uyo pa nyengo iyi wakaŵa na vyaka 18, ŵakaluta ku Nordkyn, malo agho ghali ku caru ca Finnmark, kumpoto kwa Arctic Circle. 3 The Internet - Making Wise Use of a Global Tool As a result, Roald and Fabian, now 18 years old at the time of their 18 - year - old assignment, took the initiative to witness to the Arctic woman in northern Russia. Kasi mukudokera kuti muyezgeko pacoko waka umo vikuŵira? For example, consider Isabel. Do you long to try a little as it is? Ntheura ise taŵanthu tilije nkhongono nesi wenelero wakuti tilongozge umoyo withu. It was because Peter and the other disciples were certain that Jesus was alive and was directing the work that God wanted done. As humans, therefore, we do not have the power or the right to guide our lives. Kweni wuli pakuyowoya za ŵateŵeti ŵanandi ŵakugomezgeka awo mbalaŵiliri yayi? No, it produces new seed, which may eventually grow into stalks. What, though, about many faithful servants who do not serve as overseers? Kasi ŵanthu ŵa mu nyengo ya Yesu ŵakamanya wuli kuti iyo ni Mesiya wakulayizgika? These show that the Passover that the Jews were to memorialize was not to foreshadow what Christ told his followers to do in memory of his death. How did Jesus ' contemporaries recognize that he was the promised Messiah? Saulosi, wa ku Taraso wakaphalira ŵanthu ŵavinjeru ŵa ku Ateni kuti: " Chiuta wali kutali chara na waliyose wa ise. ' And everything he does will succeed. " - Ps. Saul of Tarsus told the wise men of Athens: "God is not far off from each one of us. " Iwo ŵakaŵako na kuphakazgika na mzimu utuŵa apo gulu lakwamba lira likaŵa kuti licali pano pa caru capasi. Then we moved out of our 2,200 - square - foot (200 sq m) dream home that we had built just a couple of years earlier and moved into our 270 - square - foot (25 sq m) apartment. They lived and were anointed with holy spirit when the first group was still on earth. Kweniso ndimo wakacitira na munthu munyake uyo wakagwiranga nayo nchito, uyoso wakakondwa na nkhani zakupambanapambana izo zikuŵa mu Gongwe la Mulinda na Galamukani! Paul urged all Christians to "look out " for the interests of fellow believers. He also did the same with a workmate, who enjoyed various articles in The Watchtower and Awake! Ŵakakora na kujalira mu jele Mubali Rutherford, na Mubali Van Amburgh, kweniso ŵabali ŵanyake 6. Of course, if they have tasted some of life's luxuries over the years, they may need to simplify their life and be satisfied with less materially. They were arrested and thrown into prison by Brother Rutherford, by Brother Rutherford, and by Brother 41 other brothers. Mu nyengo iyi, "ŵana ŵa Ciuta " ŵazamulutilira" kuvumbulika " apo ŵazamucita mulimo wa usofi lumoza na Khristu, mwakuti ŵanthu ŵasange vyandulo vya sembe yakuwombora ya Yesu. Here, I have had up to four students at a time starting out in field service! " During that time, "the sons of God " will continue" to be revealed " as they fulfill Christ's priesthood, in order to benefit mankind from the benefits of Jesus ' ransom sacrifice. Naomi nayo wakwenera kuti wakanweka kuti wapulike za umo vinthu vikaŵira ku caru cakwake. Oppose the Devil, and He Will Flee Naomi no doubt wanted to hear about her homeland. Kufuma waka pa wanichi wawo, nkhasambiranga nawo kwa maminiti 15 zuŵa lililose, kupaturapo mazuŵa gha maungano. Tose chikatiŵiranga chipusu kudumbiskana kwa maminiti 15 zuŵa lililose. " • How does Jehovah lead us with understanding? From their early childhood, I studied with them for 15 minutes each day, putting the days of the meeting together, and after spending 15 minutes together. " Ghanaghanirani nkhani yinyake ya mu Malemba iyo yikulongora kuti Yehova ngwakunozgeka kugowokera. In fact, our attitude toward Christ's spiritual brothers is a major factor that will determine how we will be judged during the coming great tribulation. Consider another Scriptural account that shows that Jehovah is willing to forgive. Kweni cakukondweska nchakuti tikukayika yayi kuti Yehova wazamumazga uheni. See the article "Our Readers Ask, " on page 13. Happily, though, there is no doubt that Jehovah will bring an end to wickedness. Kweni kasi nchivici ico cikambiska kulimbana uku? Their past experiences in God's service undoubtedly brought them great joy. But what contributed to this conflict? Ghanyake ghakumanyikwa luŵiro apo ghanyake ghakumanyikwa luŵiro yayi. Later, while I was on holiday, someone gave me the book The Bible - God's Word or Man's? Some are easily known. Yehova wakaphalira Mozesi umo wakwenera kupangira chihema, ndipo iyo "wakachita vyose ivyo Yehova wakamuphalira. 1 Jaqueline from Germany Jehovah told Moses how to build the tabernacle, and "all the good things that Jehovah had commanded him. " Iyo wakuti: "Ndalama yiliyose iyo nkhusanga nkhuyipangira bajeti. Taking in this knowledge and acting in harmony with what the Bible says will enable us to be pleasing to God. " I try to make a budget for myself, " she says. Wakuyezgayezga chomene kuti watipatuske na kuleka kuteŵetera Yehova. Like the brochure Was Life Created?, this publication encourages young ones to develop their "thinking ability. " He tries to distract us and stop serving Jehovah. Cikusazgaposo kuyezga umoyo wose wa Yesu. Similarities Between Jesus and Moses It also includes imitating Jesus ' entire life course. * Kweni ivyo vikuyowoyeka comene ni ivyo ghakacita mafumu ghankhondi agho ghakagomezga Yehova. In dealing with the Israelites, Jehovah "became to them as those lifting off a yoke on their jaws, and gently [he] brought food to each one. " * But what is stated really is what the five kings who trusted in Jehovah. Cifukwa wuli? Just why could she believe that, and why can you? Why? Cilango ca Ciuta cikapelekeka pa Ŵayuda nyengo yira. In Ps 148 verse 2, we find Jehovah's celestial "army, " the angels, praising God. God's discipline was provided at that time for the Jews. Kufuma apo, yumoza wakuŵazga mwakukwezga ndime iyo tang'anamura. Jesus ' miracles were foregleams of what? Then one of them reads aloud in the original text. © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania His challenging words: "Repent, you people, for the kingdom of the heavens has drawn near, " ring out in the entire district. © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania " Ciuta... wakatenereska ise kuti tiŵe ŵateŵeti. ' - 2 ŴAKORINTE 3: 5, 6. What is a complete heart? " God... made us ministers. " - 2 CORINTHIANS 3: 5, 6. Nyengo yinyake ŵakaluta ku cigaŵa cinyake ca ku America kukacezga na ŵabwezi ŵawo. After all, to those who do not share the Christian's beliefs, what is being done may seem to be the right thing to do. On one occasion, they traveled to another in the United States with friends. 6, 7. (a) Para tikusambira Baibolo kasi ntchivichi chikuchitika pakati pa ise na Yehova? " When Dad was about to be released from the hospital, we asked his doctor to review Dad's blood tests with us. 6, 7. (a) As we study the Bible, what can happen between us and Jehovah? Ntchiwemi kujifumba kuti: " Ka nyengo zose nkhupokera mauthenga na kutumira ŵanyane kwambura kughasanda? I sang, danced, gave speeches, hosted TV shows, wore beautiful clothes, and appeared with important people, such as the governor of Hong Kong. We do well to ask ourselves: " Do I regularly receive e - mails and text messages without examining them? 3 Gwiliskirani Nchito Mwamahara Intaneti Attitude toward wealth: 3 Use the Internet Wisely Mwaciyelezgero, ghanaghanirani za Isabel. The inspired account of David's life shows that again and again Jehovah responded to David's prayers for help. Consider, for example, Isabel. Petrosi na ŵasambiri ŵanyake ŵakasimikizga kuti Yesu wakaŵa wamoyo ndipo wakalongozganga mulimo wa Chiuta. Internet search engines might be compared to a legion of mushroom pickers who tirelessly collect all types of mushrooms - edible as well as poisonous - throwing them into a single container and dishing them out for us to eat. Peter and other disciples were convinced that Jesus was alive and took the lead in God's work. Yayi. Ghakupambika mbuto ziphya, izo para zapandika, nazo zikukura na kuzgoka mapekesi. As a parent, you have the weighty responsibility - and privilege - to bring up your children "in the discipline and admonition of Jehovah. " No, they produce new seed, which when they grow up and become a wheat. Ntheura, Paska ilo Ŵayuda ŵakacitanga likaŵa muzgezge yayi wa ivyo Khristu wakaphalira ŵalondezgi ŵake kuti ŵacitenge pakukumbukira nyifwa yake. See the article "Sustained by My Faith - Living With ALS, " in Awake! Hence, the Jewish Passover was not a shadow of what Christ commanded his followers to do in observing his death. Ndipo chilichose icho wakuchita chendenge makora. " - Sal. You might not be able to see each other, but feelings are not blind. " Everything he does will succeed. " - Ps. Paulosi wakaciska Ŵakhristu wose kuti " ŵalaŵiskenge ' pa vyakukhumba vya Ŵakhristu ŵanyawo. Hence, the branch had told prospective pioneers that the field in Britain had no more room and urged them to serve in other European countries. Paul urged all Christians to " keep on looking ' for the interests of fellow believers. Awo ŵali kuzgoŵera umoyo wawofuwofu, ŵakwenera kuchepeskako vinthu vinyake pa umoyo wawo na kusambira kuŵa ŵakukhorwa na vinthu vichoko waka. 2, 3. (a) Why can it be said that your Bible - based hope is not baseless? Those who have adapted their lifestyle need to simplify their life and learn to be content with less. Kweni kuno ku Mexico, naŵa na mwaŵi wa kuŵa na ŵasambiri ŵakujumpha pa ŵanayi awo ŵakamba uteŵeti wa m'munda pa nyengo yimoza! " The lives of Paul, Silas, and Timothy were in danger, so they left for Beroea. - Acts 17: 1 - 10. But here I have the privilege of having more than four other disciples who began field service on one occasion! " Yimikanani na Dyabulosi, Ndipo Wamucimbiraninge " I felt overwhelmed, " she recalls. Oppose the Devil, and He Will Flee • Kasi Yehova wakutilongozga wuli mwamahara? Look at the possible benefits of your circumstances. • How does Jehovah lead us wisely? Nakuti pa suzgo yikuru tizamweruzgika kuyana na umo tikuwonera Ŵakhristu ŵakuphakazgika. That was enough for his beloved spiritual child Gaius to recognize him as the apostle John. In fact, during the great tribulation, we will be judged on the basis of our view of anointed Christians. Wonani nkhani ya mutu wakuti, "Ŵaŵazgi Ŵithu Ŵakufumba Kuti, " pa peji 13. Yet, love may prompt us to choose to do so. See the article "Our Readers Ask, " on page 13. Nchakuwonekerathu kuti vinthu ivyo ŵakacitanga kale pakuteŵetera Ciuta vikaŵapanga cimwemwe cikuru comene. How is God's spirit involved in extending the invitation in our day? Clearly, their past efforts to serve God brought great joy. Pamasinda apo nkhaŵa pa holide munthu munyake wakanipa buku la mutu wakuti Baibulo - Kodi Ndilo Mawu a Mulungu Kapena a Munthu? When couples lash out with "malicious bitterness, anger, wrath, screaming, and abusive speech, " they erode the spiritual defenses of their marriage. Later, when I was on vacation, a householder gave me a copy of the book The Bible - God's Word or Man's? 1 Jaqueline wa ku Germany Will you live what Jehovah invitingly calls "the real life "? 1 among Jehovah's Witnesses in Germany Kuti tikondweske Ciuta tikwenera kumumanya makora kweniso kucita vinthu mwakuyana na ivyo Baibolo likuyowoya. Judas never spent his ill - gotten sum, for he threw the money into the temple and went off and committed suicide. - Matt. To please God, we must get to know him better and act in harmony with Bible principles. Nga ni burosha lakuti Was Life Created? Paul says that "from infancy " Timothy was taught" the holy writings " by his mother and grandmother. As the brochure Was Life Created? Kuyana Pakati pa Yesu na Mozesi This does not mean that God is weak or is ruled by emotion. Jesus and Moses Umo Yehova wakacitiranga na Ŵaisrayeli, " wakaŵa kwa iwo nga ndi munthu uyo wakufumyamo goliwoli mu matama ghawo, ndipo wakabendama na kupa cakurya kwa iwo. ' Does archaeological evidence corroborate what the Bible says about the short siege of Jericho? Jehovah dealt with the Israelites, "like a man bringing a yoke upon them, and he went forth and gave it to them. " Chifukwa wuli Marita wakagomezganga kuti ŵanthu ŵazamuwuka? Satan is a deceiver through and through. Why did Martha believe that there would be a resurrection? Mu Sal. 148 vesi 2, mukuzunulika "mipingo " ya Yehova ya kucanya, ŵangelo, kuti ŵakulumba Ciuta. And we greatly appreciate the hard but satisfying work done by theocratically appointed overseers and ministerial servants. In Ps 148 verse 2, we find Jehovah's heavenly "word, " the angels, praising God. Kasi minthondwe ya Yesu ukaŵa muzgezge wa vici? It made the Jews aware of their transgressions and of the need for a sacrifice greater than their high priest could offer. What did Jesus ' miracles symbolize? Mazgu ghake ghakuwuska cimwemwe ghakuti: "Ng'anamukani mu mtima; cifukwa Ufumu wa kucanya waneng'enera, " ghakupulikikwa mu cigaŵa cose. Ezra then lists descendants of the tribes on the east side of the Jordan, followed by the genealogy of the sons of Levi. His words bring us joy: "Repent, you people, for the kingdom of the heavens has drawn near. " Kasi mtima wakufikapo ni vichi? Jehovah's people make every effort to help inactive ones return to Jehovah (See paragraphs 16, 17) What is a complete heart? Pakuti wose awo ŵakuleka kugomezga ivyo Mkhristu uyu wakugomezga ŵangawona kuti nchakwenelera kuŵapo pa ciphikiro ico. I also understood that if my husband studied the Bible, it could change his attitude toward me. " Because those who do not believe what this Christian believes can see the need to be present at that feast. Maribel wakayowoya kuti: "Apo adada ŵakaŵa pafupi kufuma mu chipatala, tikapempha dokotala kuti waŵapimeso ndopa na kutiphalira. If he is preparing for surgery, undergoing treatment, or waiting for test results, he may be tense and tend to be quite sensitive. " When my father was about to come out of the hospital, he asked the doctor to examine his blood and tell us it. Ulendo unyake nkhakhala pafupi na nduna yikuru ya ku Hong Kong. Under the Law that God gave to the nation of Israel, however, a transgressor could have his sins forgiven by sacrificing an animal to Jehovah. On one occasion, I sat next to the high priest of Hong Kong. Kawonero kithu ka usambazi: When and how did that occur? Our attitude toward riches: Mbiri ya Davide yikulongora kuti kanandi Yehova wakamuzgoranga para waromba wovwiri. But the truth of God's Word shone through. David's record shows that Jehovah often answered his prayers for help. Pa Intaneti, mawebusayiti tingaghayaniska na ŵanthu awo ŵakuyaŵa wowa uwemi na vikorakora. You see, Haman was "an Agagite. " On the Internet, the Internet can be likened to those who walk in the right direction and take hold of it. Mwaŵapapi muli na udindo ukuru kweniso mwaŵi wa kuŵalera ŵana ŵinu pa "kuŵalanga na kuŵasambizga maghanoghano gha Yehova. " A critical part of the ant's anatomy is its neck, which has to bear the full weight of loads grasped in its mouth. Parents have a weighty responsibility and the privilege of bringing up your children "in the discipline and mental - regulating of Jehovah. " Wonani nkhani ya mutu wakuti: "Chikhulupiriro Chathandiza Kupirira Matenda Oopsa, " mu Galamukani! They do not " set aside the commandment of God in order to retain traditions ' that are ultimately designed to honor the dead. See the article "Do Not Give Up in My Life, " in Awake! Mungatondeka kuwonana, kweni maghanoghano nga ciburumutira cara. " Are my expressions of commendation and affection heartfelt and sincere? - Ps. You cannot see it, but your thoughts are not as blind. " Lekani ofesi ya munthavi yikati ŵapayiniya ŵakwana mu charu cha Britain. Ntheura yikachiska awo ŵakakhumbanga kuchita upayiniya kuti ŵasamire ku vyaru vya ku Europe. In time, these were to become the patriarchal heads of the 12 tribes of Israel. As a result, the branch office invited pioneers in Britain to take up the pioneer service in order to move to Europe. 2, 3. (a) Cifukwa wuli tikuti cigomezgo cinu ca mu Baibolo nchanadi? (Read Matthew 12: 39, 40.) 2, 3. (a) Why can we say that the Bible's hope is real? Umoyo wa Paulosi, Sila na Timote ukaŵa pangozi, antheura iwo ŵakaluta ku Bereya. - Milimo 17: 1 - 10. What are some goals that a Bible student can set and attain? Paul's life, Silas, and Timothy were in danger, so they went to Beroea. - Acts 17: 1 - 10. Muwoli wake wakati: "Nkhazukuma comene. " (b) What questions will we consider in this study? His wife said: "I was amazed! " Yezgani kuwonamo viwemi pa ivyo vyamuchitikirani. While some people are displaced within their own country, many others are thrust into a totally unfamiliar environment in a new land. Try to look for the good in your present experience. Uyo wakalemba kalata Yachitatu ya Yohane, wakajichema kuti "ine mulara. " Constantly dwelling on situations we cannot change may only tear us down. The writer of John's letter referred to himself as "the chief elder. " Usange tikutemwa ŵabali ŵithu tiŵaghanaghanirenge. Is there sound reason for hoping that resurrected ones will be able to marry? If we love our brothers, we will be inclined to show consideration for them. Kasi mzimu wa Ciuta ukovwira wuli mazuŵa ghano pa mulimo wa kucemera ŵanthu ku maji gha umoyo? Why not child rearing? What role does God's spirit play in extending this invitation today? Ŵafumu na ŵawoli ŵakwenera kutcheŵa ukali, kukolomoka na kayowoyero kaheni. Kugazgana na kuyowoyerana mazgu ghakulasa, kungananga nthengwa. In other Bible translations, the word "afflict " is rendered" abuse, " "mistreat, " and" take advantage of. " Husbands and wives should avoid anger, screaming, and abusive speech. Kasi mukuwukhumba umoyo uwo Yehova wakuti "mbumoyo weneco "? Autumn of the same year saw other towns visited, with good attendances. Do you want the life that Jehovah says "the real life "? Yuda wakandula nazo yayi ndalama za malikho izi, wakaziponya waka mu tempele na kuluta kukajikoma. - Mat. Exodus 34: 5 - 7 states that God passed by before Moses ' face and declared: "Jehovah, Jehovah, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving - kindness and truth, preserving loving - kindness for thousands, pardoning error and transgression and sin, but by no means will he give exemption from punishment, bringing punishment for the error of fathers upon sons and upon grandsons, upon the third generation and upon the fourth generation. " Judah did not benefit from these goods; he was throwing them into the temple and going to kill them. - Matt. Paulos wakayowoya kuti "kwamba ku wanici " Timote wakasambizgika" malembo ghatuŵa " na ŵamama ŵake ndiposo ŵabuya ŵake. Still, as a people, "the chosen ones " and their loyal companions will physically survive the end of apostate Christendom by taking refuge in Jehovah and his mountainlike organization. Paul says that "from infancy " Timothy was taught" the holy writings " and his mother and grandmother. Ici cikung'anamura kuti Ciuta ngwambura nkongono panji wambura kukhazikika maghanoghano yayi. © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. This does not mean that God is strong or pure. Kasi ŵasayansi ŵasanga ukaboni wuli wakuti msumba wa Yeriko ukaparanyika nadi mu nyengo yichoko waka nga umo Baibolo likuyowoyera? 4 What evidence has scientists found that the city of Jericho was indeed destroyed in a short period of time, as described in the Bible? Satana ncito yake nkupuruska ŵantu nyengo zose. Is he not also of people of the nations? Satan's work is always deceptive. Ndipo tikuwongeraso kulimbikira ndiposo na mulimo wakukhorweska uwo wukucitika na ŵalaŵiliri na ŵateŵeti ŵakwimikika mwateokrase. Much remains to be done. And we also appreciate the hard work and the wonderful work performed by appointed overseers and ministerial servants. Dango likawovwiraso Ŵayuda kumanya kuti mbakwananga ndiposo kuti ŵakukhumbikwira sembe yikuru kuluska iyo musofi mukuru wakapelekanga. Because Jesus is able to read hearts, and he will use that ability to judge between the righteous and the wicked. The Law also helped the Jews to realize that they were sinners and that they needed greater sacrifice than the high priest. Pamanyuma pake Ezra wakalemba mafuko agho ghakakhalanga kuvuma kwa mronga wa Yorodani. Wakati wamara, wakalemba ŵana ŵa Levi. After pioneering for a while, I had the goal of serving where the need was greater. Later, Ezra wrote about the tribes that were built east of the Jordan River; after that, he wrote the sons of Levi. Nkhawonaso kuti para mfumu wane wangamba kusambira Baibolo, wangasintha pa umo wakucitira nane. " The "gifts in men " are what Jehovah through Jesus Christ has provided for you. I also saw that if my husband could start to study the Bible, he could change his attitude toward me. " Mulwari wangaŵa kuti wakufipa mtima comene para wakunozgekera kuti ŵakamucite opareshoni, kukapokera wovwiri unyake, panji para wakulindilira kuti ŵamuphalire usange wali na nthenda panji walije pamanyuma pa kumupima. Roman now studies the Bible regularly and is making fine progress. The patient may have been deeply concerned when he was prepared to perform a surgery, receive additional help, or wait to discuss whether he has a disease or not. Kweni Dango ilo Ciuta wakapeleka ku Ŵaisrayeli likatenge uyo wananga wapelekenge sembe ya nyama kwa Yehova mwakuti wagowokereke. 146: 3, 4. However, God's Law to Israel required that the sinner offer animal sacrifices to Jehovah in order to receive forgiveness. Kasi ivi vikamba pawuli ndipo vikachitika wuli? How does walking by faith help us to keep the end in sight? When and how did this happen? Kweni kwizira mu mazgu gha Ciuta unenesko ukaŵala nipera. What should we do if it is too difficult for us to overlook an offense committed against us? But the truth of God's word was still in vain. Hamani wakaŵa "Muagagi. " What pattern did God set? Haman was "a 20 - year - old man. " Ŵakasanga kuti singo ndicho ntchiŵaro chakuzirwa chomene ku nyerere, chifukwa ndiyo yikuthwika uzito wose wa chinthu icho nyerere yanyamura kumlomo. Why did Jesus compare his followers to salt and light? They discovered that the neck were the most important part of the ant's neck, for he had the weight of the ant's weight to the roof. Iwo ŵakukana " kupata malango gha Ciuta, mwakuti ŵasungilire maluso ' agho ghali kwambika kuti ghacindike ŵakufwa. How did Jason find comfort after the loss of his wife? They refuse "to violate God's commandments, so that they may observe customs that are set before the dead. " Kasi para nkhuwonga ŵanji, nkhuŵawonga kufumira pasi pa mtima? Kasi ŵabali na ŵadumbu nkhuŵatemwa nadi? - Sal. Why, in fact, do you believe the way you do? Do I show sincere commendation, genuine appreciation for the brothers and sisters who truly love me? - Ps. Pamanyuma, ŵana aŵa ndiwo ŵakapanga mafuko 12 gha Ŵaisrayeli. They did this by seeking to please God and obey him. Later, these sons became the 12 tribes of Israel. (Ŵazgani Mateyu 12: 39, 40.) Sadly, a rebellious spirit permeates the world today. (Read Matthew 12: 39, 40.) Kasi ni vyakulata wuli vinyake ivyo musambiri wa Baibolo wangapanga? Why should Jesus ' unique role interest us? What are some goals that a Bible student may have? (b) Kasi mu nkhani iyi tizgorenge mafumbo wuli? It is equally true today that congregation overseers are appointed "to shepherd the congregation of God. " (b) What questions will we consider in this article? Kweni ŵanandi ŵakuchimbizgika na kuluta ku vyaru vinyake, ndipo ŵakusuzgika chomene kuti ŵazgoŵere malo ghachilendo. They could have asked themselves such questions as: " Who appeared before Pharaoh at the risk of their lives? On the other hand, many try to let go of their homes and move to other countries, and they may be struggling to adjust to a new environment. Para nyengo zose tikughanaghana waka vya masuzgo agho tingaghamazga yayi mbwenu ghatigulurenge waka nkhongono. Does that help you as a young person to see the need to work unitedly with Jehovah's organization? The more we think about the problems we cannot solve, the more we will be able to cope with them. Kasi awo ŵazamuwuskikira pa caru capasi ŵazamutora na kutengwa? Jehovah Congregates His Joyful People, 9 / 15 Will those resurrected to life on earth be able to marry? Kusazgapo na kulera ŵana wuwo. Census edict by Roman governor of Egypt, 104 C.E. Furthermore, they can even raise children. Mu Mabaibolo ghanyake, mazgu ghakuti " kusuzga ' ghakulembeka kuti "kucitira nkhaza, "" kutombozga, " na "kulyera masuku pa mutu. " The Jewish Sanhedrin in session In some Bible translations, the expression "to be cruel " is rendered" to anger, " to steal, " and to " buy them out of the head. " Kweni ŵategherezgi ŵakakuŵangaso chomene mapi para ŵapulika mazgoro ghawemi ghakufuma mu Baibolo. Consider also the case of Judas Iscariot. But hearing the Bible's clear answers also touched the audience's hearts. Lemba la Exodus 34: 5 - 7 likuti Ciuta wakajumpha pamaso pa Mozesi na kupharazga kuti: "Yehova, Yehova, Ciuta wa lusungu na ucizi, wakukunthirapo, wakuzara na uwemi na unenesko, wakusungira ŵanthu vikwi lusungu, wakugowokera kwananga na majuvyo na uheni kweni ntha tiwamuleke waka uyo wasuskika na mlandu, wakulanga ŵana cifukwa ca kwananga kwa ŵawiskewo kuyakafika na ku ŵazukuru, fuko lacitatu na lacinayi. " At the time, they were shepherding Jacob's flock some 60 miles [100 km] north of their home in Hebron. Exodus 34: 5 - 7 says that God went up before Moses and declared: "Jehovah, Jehovah, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving - kindness and truth, preserving loving - kindness for thousands, pardoning error and transgression and transgression and transgression and transgression and sin, but he will not punish children for the third tribe and on the third tribe of fathers. " Ndipouli, "ŵakusoleka " pamoza na ŵabwezi ŵawo ŵazamupona apo Cikhristu cautesi cizamuparanyika, cifukwa ŵabisama mwa Yehova na gulu lake ilo lili nga ni lupiri. Concerning the situation in North America, one religion writer said: "Christianity... tends to be superficial, [and] its adherents are poorly educated in the faith. " However, "the chosen ones " and their companions will survive the destruction of Christendom because they have taken refuge in Jehovah and his organization as a mountain. © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. In 1932 the elective elders were replaced with a service committee elected by the congregation to assist an appointed service director. © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. 4 Why? 4 Asi ŵanthu ŵa mitundu nawo ni Ciuta wawo? They were even having immoral relations with women who visited the tabernacle! Are not also the people of the nations their God? Kweni nchito yicalipo. Do you see evidence that Jehovah is helping his people today? But there is still a job. Pakuti Yesu wakumanya vya mu mtima wa munthu, ntheura cizamuŵa cakusuzga yayi kumanya uyo ni murunji na muheni. For instance, we want to teach people that serving Jehovah, "the happy God, " is the best, most fulfilling way of life possible. Since Jesus is aware of human hearts, it will not be difficult to know who is righteous and wicked. Nati nachita upayiniya kwa nyengo yichoko waka, nkhakhumbanga kuluta uko kuli ŵapharazgi ŵa Ufumu ŵachoko. King David's example can teach us what? After serving as a pioneer for only a short time, I wanted to go to where there was a greater need for Kingdom publishers. Ŵalara ndiwo ni "vyawanangwa " ivyo Yehova wali kupeleka kwa imwe kwizirwa mwa Yesu Khristu. All of those are possibilities as we "bear thorough witness to the good news. " The elders are the "gifts in men " that Jehovah has given you in union with Jesus Christ. Sono Roman wakusambira Baibolo mwakukhazikika ndipo wakucita makora mwauzimu. Let us consider each of these qualities, one at a time. Now he studies the Bible regularly and makes fine spiritual progress. 146: 3, 4. Agrippa listed areas in which Jewish colonies had been established, including faraway places in Mesopotamia, North Africa, Asia Minor, Greece, and islands of the Mediterranean. 146: 3, 4. Kasi para tikwenda mu cipulikano tikovwirika wuli kulindilira umaliro? " His anger flares up easily, " or blazes quickly and irresistibly. How does walking by faith help us to wait for the end? Kasi tikwenera kucitaci usange ivyo yunji watibudira ni vyakuti tingasurako waka yayi? What responsibility do Christian children have toward their parents? What should we do if we do not ignore someone's mistakes? Kasi apa tingasambirapo vici? Last Adam. - 1 Corinthians 15: 45. What can we learn from this? Cifukwa wuli Yesu wakayaniska ŵalondezgi wake na mcere kweniso ungweru? The above instances show that children or descendants may feel the ill effects of their ancestors ' sin. Why did Jesus compare his followers to salt and light? Kasi Jason wakapembuzgika wuli muwoli wake wakati wafwa? King David was subject to a wide range of emotions - including anxiety and sorrow. How did Jason comfort his wife after his death? Nakwenenako, ncifukwa wuli mukugomezga nteura? " He gave five talents to one, two to another, and one to still another. " - MATT. After all, why do you believe that? Ŵakacita ici mwa kukondweska Ciuta na kumupulikira. To resist short - term thinking, you also need a clear vision of the future you want and a plan for how to achieve it. They did this by pleasing God and obeying him. Cacitima nchakuti mzimu wacigaruka wazara comene mazuŵa ghano. Anna, aged 82 and plagued by arthritis, speaks for many others when she says: "Being driven to all meetings is a blessing from Jehovah. Sadly, the spirit of apostates is so prevalent today. Cifukwa wuli tikwenera kumanya mulimo wapadera wa Yesu? Rub your hands together to make a lather, not forgetting to clean your nails, your thumbs, the backs of your hands, and between your fingers. Why should we recognize Jesus ' unique role? Mazuŵa ghano napo ŵalara ŵakwimikika " kuti ŵaliskenge ekeleziya la Ciuta. ' Rather than rely on ourselves, we must rely on Jehovah. Today, elders are appointed to " shepherd the congregation of God. ' Ŵakeneranga kujifumba mafumbo gha nga ni agha: " Mbanjani awo ŵakaruta kukawonekera pamaso pa Faro kuŵika umoyo wawo pangozi? What type of situation can help one come to know God, and why is it good to recall such experiences? They needed to ask themselves such questions as these: " Who went up before Pharaoh to risk their lives? Mphanyi namwe mwaŵawukirano mwakolerana na gulu la Yehova. I was born in Acul, an isolated town in the western highlands of Guatemala. May you too become part of Jehovah's organization. Ŵateŵeti Ŵakwendakwenda, 8 / 15 YEHOVA Mildness truly helps reinforce the bonds between parents and children. 8 / 1 Languro la kalembera lakufuma kwa kazembe wa Roma uyo wakaŵa ku Eguputo, mu 104 C.E. Others believe that the soul existed before the human body was created. A letter from the Roman governor of Egypt in 104 C.E. Khoti la Sanihedirini likweruzga mulandu Our choice of clothing should not make people conclude anything other than that we are worshippers of Jehovah. The Sanhedrin's court is responsible for the judgment of the Sanhedrin Ghanaghaniraniso nkhani ya Yuda Isikariyote. 150 C.E. Consider also the case of Judas. Pa nyengo iyi, ŵakuru ŵake ŵakaliskanga viŵeto vya awiskewo pa mtunda wa makilomita 100 ku mpoto kwa Hebron. We'll never forget our first congregation meeting in our new assignment. At that time, his brothers were caring for their father's flocks some 100 miles [60 km] north of Heb. Pakuyowoya za mukhaliro uwo wuli ku North America, mwanarumi munyake uyo wakulemba nkani zakukhwaskana na cisopo wakati: "Cikristu... cili pacanya - canya, ndipo awo ŵakucirondezga ŵakusambizgika mwakukwanira yayi. " How is memorization involved with learning a new language? Regarding the situation in North America, a writer said: "The Christian faith... is above all else, and those who follow it are not being trained by it. " Mu 1932, kusora ŵalara mwa kuvota kukamara, kweni mpingo ukasoranga komiti ya uteŵeti kuti yovwire mulaŵiliri wa uteŵeti. The world under Satan's influence is still searching for a way to settle national and international disputes. In 1932, appointing elders was removed, but the congregation arranged for the service committee to support the service overseer. Cifukwa wuli? He stated: "All the things written in the law of Moses and in the Prophets and Psalms about me must be fulfilled. " Why? Ŵakacitanga nanga mbuzaghali na ŵanakazi awo ŵakizanga ku cihema. Are we conscientious in following theocratic procedures? - 1 Corinthians 14: 40. They even had immoral relations with women who came to the tabernacle. Kasi mukuwona umo Yehova wakovwilira ŵanthu ŵake? Tactful viewpoint questions, however, can indicate what the student really thinks about what he is learning. Do you see how Jehovah helps his people? Mwaciyerezgero, tikukhumba kusambizga ŵantu kuti ŵamanye kuti kuteŵetera Yehova, "Ciuta wacimwemwe, " (NW) ni ntowa yiweme na yakukondweska. You want to live forever in Paradise, and you find joy in meditating on what the Bible says about future life on earth. For example, we want to teach people to know that serving Jehovah, "the happy God, " is the best and enjoyable way. Kasi ivyo Davide wakacita vikutisambizgaci? In these "last days, " however, Satan is concentrating his efforts on God's dedicated servants, waging war with anointed Christians," who observe the commandments of God and have the work of bearing witness to Jesus. " What does David's example teach us? Vyose ivi vingacitika apo " tikupanikizgira ivangeli. ' You do not begin to live up to your own teachings. " All of this is possible when we "bear witness to the good news. " Tiyeni tiwone kuzirwa kwa mikhaliro iyi. The changing of the watch was indicated by a trumpet blast. Let us consider the value of these qualities. Agripa wakazunura vyaru ivyo mukaŵa magulu gha Ŵayuda. Vinyake mwa vyaru ivi vikaŵa vyakutali chomene nga ni Mesopotamiya, North Africa, Asia Minor, Greece, na virwa vya ku Meditereniyani. Consider a brother named Malcolm, who remained faithful until his death in 2015. King Agrippa referred to some of the Jewish groups, including Mesopotamia, North Minor, Asia Minor, Greece, and the Mediterranean. " Ukali wake ukuphya luŵiro, " ndipo palije munthu uyo wangachintha na ukali uwu. Spreading information ahead of time can do much harm. " His anger is slow to anger, " and no human can stand firm against that wrath. Kasi ŵana ŵa Cikhristu wali na udindo wuli ku ŵapapi ŵawo? Is this not good reason for us to examine ourselves? What responsibility do Christian children have toward their parents? Adamu Waumaliro. - 1 Ŵakorinte 15: 45. Give an example of that wisdom. Adam ends. - 1 Corinthians 15: 45. Viyelezgero vya pacanya ivi vikulongora kuti fuko kweniso ŵana ŵangasuzgika cifukwa ca kwananga kwa ŵapapi ŵawo. Here is a brief outline of the events described in Revelation chapter 12: Those above examples show that the tribe and children may suffer the consequences of their parents ' sin. Davide wakakumana na vinthu ivyo vikachitiska kuti waŵe wakwenjerwa na chitima. He also arranged to be an auxiliary pioneer when he could. David experienced the sad consequences of his grief. " Kwa yumoza wakapeleka matalente ghankhondi, kwa munyake ghaŵiri, kwa munyakeso limoza. " - MAT. Countless automobiles are scrapped, not because of mechanical failure, but because the metal is so rusted that the vehicles are unsafe. " To one of them he gave five talents, to one another. " - MATT. Kuti muleke kughanaghanira waka vinthu vya kanyengo kacoko, ghanaghaniraniso ivyo mukukhumba kuzakacita munthazi na umo mungavifiskira. " Many things you yourself have done, O Jehovah my God, even your wonderful works and your thoughts toward us; there is none to be compared to you. " - PSALM 40: 5. To control your expectations for a while, think about what you want to do for the future and how you can achieve it. Anna, mdumbu wa virimika 82 uyo wakusuzgika mawoko na makongono wakuyowoya za ŵanandi awo ŵakucita ici, wakuti: "Kunendeska kuruta nane ku maungano ghose ni vitumbiko vyakufuma kwa Yehova. 9, 10. Anna, a 82 - year - old sister who suffers from her hands and knees about many who do this, says: "We went to all the meetings as a blessing from Jehovah. Tigeze mwakukwana mu mawoko ghose ndipo tingaluwanga yayi kusuka mu njoŵe, vigunwe, na mufyakanya. King David of ancient Israel observed: "A young man I used to be, I have also grown old, and yet I have not seen anyone righteous left entirely, nor his offspring looking for bread. We wash our hands fully and never forget washing, washing, and washing. Tikwenera kugomezga Yehova m'malo mwakujigomezga. Did You Know? We need to rely on Jehovah rather than on him. Ni vyakucitika wuli ivyo vingawovwira munthu kuti wamanye makora Ciuta, ndipo cifukwa wuli nchakuzirwa kukumbuka vyakucitika ivi? Furthermore, God will make our minds and bodies perfect, so that we will be able to absorb his teaching and do his will flawlessly. What situations can help a person to get to know God better, and why is it important to remember these events? Nkhababikira mu tawuni ya Acul, ku mapiri ghakumanjiliro gha dazi kwa Guatemala. How can we show others that it is practical and beneficial to heed Jehovah's reminders? I was born in a town in the nearby coast of Guatemala. Kuzika kukovwira nadi kukhozga ubwezi pakati pa ŵapapi na ŵana. He shared many scriptures and Bible teachings with us. Mildness indeed helps to strengthen the bond between parents and children. Ŵanyake ŵakugomezga kuti mzimu ukaŵako kale pambere thupi la muntu lindalengeke. Not surprisingly, many "were hoping that this man was the one who was going to deliver Israel " from their Roman oppressors. Some believe that the soul existed long before man's body was created. Nyengo zose tikwenera kuvwara vyakuvwara ivyo vikulongora kuti ndise ŵateŵeti ŵa Yehova. WHAT IS "THE LAKE OF FIRE "? We should regularly wear clothing that identifies us as Jehovah's servants. 150 C.E. At the same time, though, we are aware of our wonderful privilege to be counted as fellow workers with God. 150 C.E. Tizamuluwapo yayi apo tikaluta kakwamba ku maungano gha mpingo ku Madagascar. John baptized people as a public symbol of their repentance over sins against the Law. We will never forget our first visit to congregation meetings in Madagascar. Kasi kusunga vinthu pa mtima kukovwira wuli pa kusambira ciyowoyero ciphya? Moreover, man's badness had become abundant, and the earth was filled with violence. What role does meditation play in learning a new language? Charu icho Satana wakulamulira chichali kupenja nthowa zakumazgira viwawa ivyo vilipo chifukwa cha kupambana maghanoghano mu charu panji pakati pa vyaru. A Guarantee for World Peace The world under Satan's control is still seeking a solution because of misunderstandings or differences in the world. Iyo wakati: "Vinthu vyose ivyo vili kulembeka mu dango la Mozesi na mu Zinchimi na Masalimo kuyowoya vya ine, vikwenera kufiskika. " Would you be willing to take a look at what the Bible can offer you? He said: "All the things written in the law of Moses and in the Prophets and the Psalms concerning me must be fulfilled. " Kasi nase tikulondezga ndondomeko iyo Ciuta wali kuŵika pakucita vinthu? - 1 Ŵakorinte 14: 40. Isaiah explains the spiritual consequences of immoderate drinking: "The activity of Jehovah they do not look at, and the work of his hands they have not seen. " - Isaiah 5: 11, 12. Do we follow the pattern set by God? - 1 Corinthians 14: 40. Kweni kumufumba mwaluso kungavumbura umo wakuwonera ivyo wakusambira. Paul told Christians in Corinth: "We pray to God that you may do nothing wrong. " However, an effective approach may reveal how he feels about what he is learning. Mukunweka kuzakakhala mu Paradiso kwamuyirayira, ndipo mukukondwa para mukughanaghanirapo ivyo Baibolo likuyowoya vya umo umoyo uzamuŵira pa charu. Micah prophesies that a God - appointed Ruler - one "whose origin is from early times " - will come out of Bethlehem. You yearn to live forever in Paradise, and you rejoice when you meditate on what the Bible says about life on earth. Mu "mazuŵa gha ku umaliro " agha, Satana wakufwilirapo comene kulimbana na ŵateŵeti ŵa Ciuta ŵakuphakazgika, awo " ŵakusungirira marango gha Ciuta, na kukoreska cipanikizgo ca Yesu. ' He will not allow Satan's rebellion to derail His purpose for mankind. In these "last days, " Satan is working hard against God's anointed servants, who" observe the commandments of God and have the work of bearing witness to Jesus. " Cifukwa ivyo mukusambizga ndivyo mukucita cara. " In a religiously divided household, the husband is still the head. For what you teach is not what you are doing. " Ŵakalizganga mbata para ulinda uliwose wamara. Paul wrote: "What shall we say, then? They played a trumpet at the end of each watch. Wonani ivyo wakayowoya mubali Malcolm. Mubali uyu wakalutilira kugomezgeka m'paka apo wakafwira mu 2015. " When I was 12, I attended a convention in my school language. Consider what he said to a brother who remained faithful until his death in 2015. Mazuŵa ghano, nkhani zikuthandazgika mwaluŵiro chomene. From as early as the 15th century, Uzbekistan's cities were useful to merchants traveling on the Silk Road, a network of roads that once connected China to the Mediterranean. Today, news reports are easily visible. Asi ici nchifukwa cakukwana cakuti nase tijisandirenge? Yes, the Bible can continue to change our life. Is that not a good reason for us to do so? Wali na vinjeru vyakofya. What Will the Gathering Be Like? He has far more wisdom. Wonani ivyo cipaturo 12 ca Uvumbuzi cikulongosora: The disciples often shared experiences with one another. - Acts 4: 23; 15: 4. Consider what Revelation chapter 12 says: Kweniso para wasanga mpata wakachitangako upayiniya wakanyengo. You can also incite fellow worshipers "to love and fine works. " Also, when she found an auxiliary pioneer, she served as an auxiliary pioneer. Galimoto zinandi ŵanthu ŵakuzitaya cifukwa cakuti ni zakunangika yayi, kweni cifukwa cakuti mlosko uli kutaka comene visulo mwakuti zingaŵaso zakwenelera yayi. (b) How can prayerful reflection on the Red Sea account benefit us today? Many public transportation are not the result of corruption, but the rust is too heavy that the rust may not be appropriate. " A Yehova, Ciuta wane, milimo yinu njakuzizwiska iyo mwayandaniska; maghanoghano naghoso agho ghakutipwerera; palije yumoza wakukozgana na imwe! " - SALMO 40: 5. Do I imitate Jesus ' self - sacrificing attitude? " O Jehovah my God, your wonderful works and your thoughts toward us; there is none to be compared to you! " - PSALM 40: 5. 9, 10. How could we refrain from preaching when we know the truth about our heavenly Father and his purposes? 9, 10. Themba Davide likayowoya kuti: "Nkaŵa mwanici ndipo sono ndiri mucekuru, kweni ndirije kuwona murunji kuti wasidika, panji mpapu yake kuromba vyakurya. How can all in the congregation cultivate greatness in imitation of the pattern set by Jesus? King David said: "A young man I have grown old, and I have not seen anyone righteous left entirely, nor his offspring looking for bread. Kasi Mukumanya? So now when he was confronted with a crisis, how did Jehoshaphat "search for Jehovah "? Did You Know? Para tazakaŵa ŵarunji, chizamuŵa chipusu kumupulikira na kuchita ivyo iyo wakukhumba. What can we learn about oneness from the actions and attitude of the early Christians? When we are brought to perfection, it will be easier for us to obey him and to do his will. Kasi ni mwauli umo tingalongolera ŵanyithu kuti ncakuzirwa na ca candulo kupulikira vikumbusko vya Yehova? PAGE 23 • SONGS: 31, 92 How can we show others that it is important to obey Jehovah's reminders? Wakatiphalirako malemba ghanandi ndiposo visambizgo vya mu Baibolo. 20: 6. He shared many scriptures and Bible teachings with them. Ŵanthu ŵanandi " ŵakagomezganga kuti munthu uyu ndiyo wawomborenge Israyeli ' ku Ŵaroma. Explains Paul: "The reason why I was shown mercy was that by means of me as the foremost case Christ Jesus might demonstrate all his long - suffering for a sample of those who are going to rest their faith on him for everlasting life. " Many people " believed that this man would deliver Israel ' from Rome. KASI "NYANJA YA MOTO " NI VICI? (b) How did Jesus ' warning prove to be timely? WHAT IS "I "? Kweniso tikumanya kuti tili na mwaŵi wapadera wa kuŵa ŵalimi ŵamoza na Ciuta. So in 1967, I left my career and began to work on a large farm near my parents ' home. We also know that we have the unique privilege of being God's fellow workers. Yohane wakabapatizanga ŵantu kuŵa cimanyikwiro cakuti ŵantu ŵarapa zakwananga zawo izo ŵakanangira Dango. But if her husband should fall asleep in death, she is free to be married to whom she wants, only in the Lord. " - 1 Cor. John baptized people as a symbol of their repentance over sins against the Law. Uheni ukandana, ndipo caru cikazura na nkhaza. How did Jehovah react? Evil was rampant, and the earth was filled with violence. Layizgo la Mtende wa pa Caru Cose He was greatly distressed by the gross immorality of the people living in Sodom and Gomorrah, even "tormenting his righteous soul " over their behavior. A Global Peace Pali viwemi vinandi ivyo mungasanga chifukwa cha kuŵazga Baibolo. Outstanding glazed - brick depictions of lions decorated ancient Babylon's Processional Way. There are many good things you can gain from reading the Bible. Yesaya wakalongosora uheni uwo ukuŵapo para munthu wakumwa comene, wakati: "Ŵakupwelera mazgu gha Yehova cara, nesi kulanguruka na milimo ya mawoko ghake. " - Yesaya 5: 11, 12. * Isaiah describes the danger of excessive drinking, saying: "They do not think of the word of Jehovah, nor do they meditate on the works of his hands. " - Isaiah 5: 11, 12. Paulosi wakaphalira Ŵakhristu ŵa ku Korinte kuti: "Tikulomba Ciuta kuti mungabudanga kanthu cara. " Now, however, by word and example, Adolfo teaches others to be mild - tempered. Paul told the Corinthian Christians: "We request God for nothing. " Mika wakucima kuti Fumu yakuŵikika na Ciuta - iyo "mafumiro ghake nga kale - na - kale " - yifumirenge mu Betelehemu. As a teenager, she took a keen interest in politics. Micah prophesied that God's appointed King - "in the first century " - is already in Bethlehem. Wazomerezgenge yayi kuti Satana watondeske khumbo lake ilo wakalengera ŵanthu. They set aside personal pursuits and followed Jesus He will never allow Satan to stop his original purpose for mankind. Mu nthengwa izo ŵakutorana mbakupambana visopo, mwanalume ni mutu nipera. (b) What assurance did Jehovah give the Levites? In a religiously divided household, the husband is still the head. Paulos wakalemba kuti: "Nteura tite mbu? Clearly, the cause of poverty - the tendency of people and governments to protect their own interests - is man - made. Paul wrote: "What, then, are we to do? Apo nkhaŵa na vyaka 12, nkhaluta ku ungano wa chigaŵa wa chiyowoyero icho tikasambiranga ku sukulu. (a) What happened during another gathering in heaven? At age 12, I attended a local - language district convention. Kwambira waka m'ma 1400 C.E., misumba ya mu Uzbekistan yikawovwiranga chomene ŵamalonda awo ŵakendanga mu msewu uwo ukafumanga ku China m'paka ku nyanja ya Meditereniyani. As a result, 263,431 persons were baptized. Since the 15th century B.C.E., the towns of Uzbekistan played a major role in the commercial system of merchants traveling from China to the Mediterranean. Kwali tateŵetera Yehova kwautali wuli, Baibolo lingalutilira nadi kusintha umoyo withu. The same is true today. No matter how long we have been serving Jehovah, the Bible will continue to change our life. Kasi Yizamuŵa Nchezgo ya Mtundu Wuli? This united effort enables millions of people of various language groups to benefit from the good news. What Kind of Association Can You Find? Kanandi ŵasambiri ŵakaphalirananga ivyo vikaŵacitikiranga. - Milimo 4: 23; 15: 4. ; Leveton, J. The disciples often talked about their experiences. - Acts 4: 23; 15: 4. Mungakhuŵirizgaso ŵasopi ŵanyinu "ku kutemwa na ku milimo yiwemi. " How do we know that "the faithful and discreet slave " cannot be one person? You can also encourage fellow believers "to love and fine works. " (b) Kasi kughanaghanira pa nkani yakuyowoya za ulendo wa ku Nyanja Yiswesi kungatovwira wuli lero? Bringing Up Our Child to Love Jehovah (b) How can meditating on the examples of the Red Sea help us today? Kasi nkhuyezga mzimu wa kujipeleka wa Yesu? Because of age or infirmity, the amount of time that some are able to preach the good news is very limited. Do I strive to cultivate the spirit of Jesus ' self - sacrificing spirit? Tingaleka wuli kupharazga uku tikumanya unenesko wakuyowoya za Ŵadada ŵithu ŵakucanya na ivyo ŵakukhumba kucita? 6, 7. (a) Does being truthful mean that we must disclose even personal details to every inquirer? How can we stop preaching while we know the truth about our heavenly Father and his requirements? Kasi wose mu mpingo ŵangalondezga wuli ciyelezgero ca Yesu pa nkhani ya ukuru? We stand in awe when we see a beautiful landscape, an impressive waterfall, or a spectacular sunset. How can all in the congregation imitate Jesus ' example in regard to greatness? Kasi Yehoshafati " wakapenja wuli Yehova ' apo wakawona cakumara - mahara ici? How did Jesus show love for others? How did Jehoshaphat " search for Jehovah ' when he saw this problem? Kasi tikusambirako vichi ku Ŵakhristu ŵakwambilira? After watching the baptism of her son - one of 575 individuals baptized in the Netherlands last year - she wrote the following: "At this moment, my investment of the past 20 years has paid off. What can we learn from the early Christians? PEJI 23 • SUMU: 31, 92 Obedience - Important Childhood Lesson, 4 / 1 PAGE 23 • SONGS: 31, 92 20: 6. * Clearly, Jesus wanted emphasis to be placed, not on his birth, but on the value of his sacrificial death. - Matthew 20: 28. 20: 6. Iyo wakulongosora kuti: "Cifukwa ceneici nkhalengekera lusungu, cakuti mwa ine nda ciŵinda Yesu Khristu walongoleremo kuzizipizga kwake kose, nga ndi cilongolero ca awo mu nyengo yikwiza... ŵapulikanenge nayo kuya kafika ku umoyo wa muyirayira. " In the spiritual temple, this primarily refers to spiritual support - offering assistance and manifesting a cooperative spirit. He explains: "For this I have been shown mercy, that by means of me, Jesus Christ might demonstrate all his long - suffering, as a pattern of those who are coming... to rest their faith on him to everlasting life. " (b) Chifukwa wuli chenjezgo la Yesu likaŵa la pa nyengo yake? If we keep our integrity, the Great Rewarder will give us an eternity of perfect life and health. - Hebrews 11: 6. (b) Why was Jesus ' warning timely? Mu 1967, nkhaleka kuvina ndipo nkhamba kugwira ntchito pa famu yinyake kufupi na kukaya kwithu. Cultivate New Ways of Speaking In 1967, I stopped dancing and started working on a farm near our home. Kweni usange mfumu wake wagona tulo mu nyifwa, ni mwanangwa kutengwa kwa uyo wakukhumba, kweni mu Fumu pera. " - 1 Kor. Beginning at the tender age of eight, "he proceeded to do what was right in Jehovah's eyes... But if her husband is sleeping in death, he is free to marry whoever wants, but only in the Lord. " - 1 Cor. Kasi Yehova wakachita wuli? [ Pictures on page 10] How did Jehovah react? Wakasuzgikanga chomene mu mtima chifukwa cha uzaghali uwo ŵanthu ŵa mu Sodomu na Gomora ŵakachitanga. " Umoyo wake waurunji ukasuzgikanga ' chifukwa cha nkharo ya ŵanthu aŵa. Instead, Jehovah's people in those lands continue to thrive as they exalt God's name together. He was deeply hurt by the immoral conduct of the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah - his "perfect soul " because of the conduct of those men. Kale ku Babuloni pa viliŵa ŵakajamburangapo nkhalamu. It is a story that underscores Jehovah's keen interest in the Messianic line of descent. In ancient Babylon, a lion was struck by a lion. * Why is it in my best interests to obey? * Kweni pasono, Adolfo wakusambizga ŵanyake umo ŵangaŵira ŵakuzika mu kayowoyero kweniso mu vyakuchita. " The righteous one will prove to be for remembrance... Today, Adolfo teaches others how to be mild - tempered in speech and conduct. Wakati waŵa muwukirano wakamba kuchita vyandyali. Great is the pleasure of the Jeremiah class in spiritually building up this "great crowd. " When she became a teenager, she became involved in political activities. Ŵakaleka ivyo ŵakacitanga ndipo ŵakalondezga Yesu Of one thing we can be sure - God does not abandon his faithful ones. - Heb. They turned their backs on Jesus and followed him (b) Kasi Yehova wakaŵasimikizgira vici Ŵalevi? Jehovah's mercy draws us to him and moves us to want to imitate him. (b) What assurance did Jehovah give the Levites? Nchakuwonekerathu kuti mtima wakujighanaghanira uwo ŵanthu ndiposo maboma ghali nawo, ndiwo ukupangiska ukavu. The prophet Isaiah foretold that "in the final part of the days, " people of all nations would flock to Jehovah's elevated place of true worship. Clearly, man's selfish attitude toward human rule and governments is a cause of poverty. (a) Nchivici cikacitika apo ŵangelo ŵakawunganaso kucanya? Why, they even abandon Jesus and flee! - Matt. (a) What happened when the angels gathered again in heaven? Nga ncakufumapo cake, ŵantu 263,431 ŵakabapatizika. (See paragraph 19) As a result, some 263 individuals were baptized. Ndimo wakuchitiraso mazuŵa ghano. Both articles will consider three lines of evidence that Jehovah has indeed been behind those men, proving that he was - and still is - the true Leader of his people. - Isa. He does the same today. Kucita vinthu mwakukolerana pa nkhani iyi kukovwira kuti ŵanthu mamiliyoni ghanandi, ŵa viyowoyero vyakupambanapambana ŵasange canduro na makani ghawemi. Hence, some who are bereft of their mates look to the future with uncertainty and fear. Living in harmony with this arrangement enables millions of people of different languages to benefit from the good news. ; Leveton, J. (b) What is your determination? ; Levton, J. Kasi tikumanya wuli kuti "muzga wa magomezgeko na wa vinjeru " wangaŵa munthu yumoza yayi? The apostle Peter identifies these spirits as those who had "once been disobedient when the patience of God was waiting in Noah's days. " How do we know that "the faithful and discreet slave " cannot be one person? Kulera Mwana Withu Kuti Watemwe Yehova Experience has shown time and time again that humanitarian action alone cannot solve problems which are fundamentally political in nature. " - The State of the World's Refugees 2000. Raising Our Child to Love Jehovah Cifukwa ca ucekuru panji ulwari, ŵanji ŵakupharazga makani ghawemi nyengo yicoko. Each time you stop to reflect on the meaning of what you have read, jot down a phrase that reminds you of one of God's endearing attributes. As a result of advanced age or illness, some are preaching the good news for only a short time. 6, 7. Kasi kuŵa ŵaunenesko cikung'anamura kuti tivumburenge cilicose ca taŵene kwa waliyose uyo watifumba? 19, 20. (a) How can we avoid viewing Jehovah's continued long - suffering as a test? 6, 7. Does it mean that we will reveal everything to everyone who asks us? Tikuzukuma para tikuwona caru capasi umo cili kulengekera makora, para tikuwona vipopoma, panji kutowa kwa dazi para likunjira. When he arrived, he was dismayed to find the two armies locked in the stalemate described at the outset of this article. We marvel at the beauty of the earth, the beauty of the sun, and the beauty of the sun. Kasi Yesu wakalongora wuli kuti wakutemwa ŵanji? Though David's circumstances changed many times over the years, he remained convinced that Jehovah's care for his loyal servants never changes. How did Jesus show love for others? Panyuma pa kuwonelera kubapatizika kwa mwana wake musepuka - uyo wakaŵa yumoza mwa ŵantu 575 awo ŵakabapatizika ku Netherlands cirimika cajumpa - iye wakalemba mazgu agha: "Panyengo iyi, nalipirika pa ncito yane iyo nateŵeta kwa virimika 20. Does this mean that parents should make sure that a child has a long list of dos and don'ts? After watching the baptism of his son - who was one of the 575 baptized in the Netherlands last year - he wrote these words: "At this time, I have been working on my job that I have spent 20 years in the ministry. * Nchakuwonekerathu kuti Yesu wakakhumbanga kuti tizirwiskenge comene nyifwa yake m'malo mwa kuzirwiska kubabika kwake. - Mateyu 20: 28. Michael Faraday Born in 1791, this English physicist was the inventor of the electric motor and the dynamo. * Clearly, Jesus wanted us to value his death rather than appreciate his birth. - Matthew 20: 28. Mu tempele lauzimu, ici cikwimira kukhozgera vinthu vyauzimu, ivyo vikusazgapo kupeleka wovwiri ndiposo kulongora mzimu wakukolerana. When promising future blessings for his people, God said: "I shall pour out water upon the thirsty one, and trickling streams upon the dry place. I shall pour out my spirit upon your seed, and my blessing upon your descendants. " - Isaiah 44: 3. In the spiritual temple, that means supporting spiritual things, including providing emotional and spiritual assistance and manifesting a united spirit. Para tarutilira kugomezgeka, Yehova, uyo wakutemwa kupereka njombe, wazamutipa umoyo wamuyirayira na thupi liweme. - Ŵahebere 11: 6. What is it? If we remain faithful, Jehovah, who loves to reward us, will reward us with everlasting life and a perfect body. - Hebrews 11: 6. Sambirani Kuyowoya Makora When we maintain a mild temper even under provocation, dissenters are often moved to reassess their criticisms. Learn to Be Good Kwambira waka apo wakaŵa na vyaka 8, "wakacita vyakunyoloka pamaso pa Yehova... Both open with the exclamation "Praise Jah, you people! " From age 8, he "kept doing what was right in Jehovah's eyes... [ Vithuzithuzi pa peji 19] What led to Stephen's becoming a martyr? [ Pictures on page 19] M'malo mwake, ciŵelengero ca ŵanthu ŵa Yehova casazgikira mu vyaru ivi peneapo ŵakulumba zina lake mwakukolerana. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Rather, the number of Jehovah's people increased in these countries as they praise his name unitedly. Likulongosoraso comene umo Yehova wakanwekera na fuko ilo Mesiya wakababikiramo. In prayer, Jesus told Jehovah: "I have made your name known to them [Jesus ' disciples] and will make it known. " It also discusses how Jehovah longed for the promised Messiah. Cifukwa wuli nchacandulo kwa ine usange napulikira? Of course, to be good teachers, we need knowledge of our subject and we need skill to impart that knowledge. Why is it beneficial for me if I obey it? " [Murunji] tiŵamukumbukenge muyirayira... How, then, could the nation produce the promised Messiah? " The righteous one will remember time indefinite... Ŵakuphakazgika ŵakukondwa comene kukhozga cipulikano ca "mzinda ukuru " uwu. Jesus foretold: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. " How happy the anointed are to strengthen the faith of that "great crowd "! Fundo yakuzirwa iyo tikwenera kukumbuka njakuti Ciuta, wakuŵajoworapo yayi ŵakugomezgeka ŵake. - Heb. Indeed, we will be motivated to " search into the deep things of God ' and to keep Kingdom interests first in life. - 1 Corinthians 2: 10 - 13; Matthew 6: 33. An important point to remember is that God will never forsake his loyal ones. - Heb. Pakuti Yehova wakutilongora lusungu, tikuŵa nayo paubwezi ndipo tikukhumba kucita nga ndiyo. His hand slices through the air in a blur. Whoosh! Because Jehovah shows us mercy, we draw close to him and want to imitate him. Ntchimi Yesaya yikayowoyerathu kuti "mu mazuŵa ghaumaliro, " ŵanthu ŵanandi ŵazamuthilimukira ku chisopa chaunenesko icho chikuyelezgereka na phiri la Yehova. We can be sure that the preaching and teaching done by Jehovah's obedient servants in our time will continue with his backing. The prophet Isaiah foretold that "in the last days, " many would stream to true worship, represented by Jehovah's mountain. Nakuti ŵakamusida Yesu na kucimbira. - Mat. The box "How Does Ptolemy's Canon Compare With Ancient Tablets? " Moreover, they abandoned Jesus and fled. - Matt. (Wonani ndime 19) She loved Naomi dearly and would do all she could to care for her. (See paragraph 19) Nkhani izi zilongosorenge maukaboni ghatatu kuti Yehova ndiyo wakalongozganga ŵanthu, ndipo wachali kulongozga ŵanthu ŵake. - Yes. Why is patience so important in making disciples? These articles will show us three lines of evidence that Jehovah is leading his people and that he is still leading his people. - Isa. Ntheura, ŵanji awo munyawo wa mu nthengwa watayika, ŵangakayikira panji kucita wofi na vinthu vya munthazi. " Scene of World Is Changing, ' 2 / 1 Hence, some who have lost a mate in death may be puzzled or terrified about the future. (b) Kasi mwaŵikapo mtima kucita vici? Two of Jesus ' half brothers were too - James and Jude. (b) What are you determined to do? Mpositole Petrosi wakalongosora kuti mizimu iyi ni iyo "yikaŵa yambura kupulikira apo Ciuta wakalindilira mwakuzika mu mazuŵa gha Nowa. " To illustrate: Would you ask a dear friend to carry something that you know is too heavy for him to lift? The apostle Peter described these spirits as "a source of disobedience when God patiently waits for Noah's days. " Maukaboni ghakurongora kuti ŵantu ŵangamazga cara masuzgo gha ndyari. " - The State of the World's Refugees 2000. Keep on taking in spiritual food. They show that human efforts cannot solve political problems. " - The State of the World's World's State 2000. Nyengo yiliyose para mukughanaghanira ng'anamuro la ivyo mukuŵazga, lembani mazgu ghakudumura kuti mukumbukire umoza mwa mikhaliro yakukondweska ya Ciuta. As our parents had done with us, we worked hard to attend the meetings and have a regular share in the field service as a family. When you think about the meaning of what you read, write down brief words to remember one of God's endearing qualities. 19, 20. (a) Kasi tingaleka wuli kuwona kuzizipizga kwa Yehova nga nciyezgo? If you offend someone, do you avoid that person and hope that time and a short memory will cover over the problem? 19, 20. (a) How might we lose sight of Jehovah's long - suffering? Wakati wafika, wakazizwa kuwona kuti ŵasilikari ŵa magulu ghaŵiri ŵimilira waka, nga umo vyalongosolekera pakwamba. 8: 16. When she arrived, she was surprised to see two opposing armies stand up, as described at the outset. Nangauli ukhaliro wa Davide ukasinthanga nyengo na nyengo, kweni wakaŵa na cigomezgo nipera kuti Yehova wakutaya yayi ŵateŵeti ŵake ŵakugomezgeka. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Although David's circumstances changed from time to time, he was confident that Jehovah would not abandon his faithful servants. Kasi ichi chikung'anamura kuti ŵapapi ŵakwenera kupeleka malango ghanandinandi ku ŵana ŵawo? ▪ Is it up to us to decide to experience the new birth? Does this mean that parents should provide rules for their children? Michael Faraday Wakababika mu 1791. Wasayansi wa ku England uyu ndiyo wakambiska kupanga mashini gha magesi na mainjini. I feel very privileged to have had a small share in that spiritual growth. Michael As a result of his mother's life, he was born in 17th - century England, the England. Pakulayizga vitumbiko ivyo ŵanthu ŵake ŵazamusangwa navyo, Ciuta wakati: "Tindipungulire maji pa caru ico nchakomirwa, na milonga pa dongo liyumo; tindipungulire mzimu wane pa mphapu yinu na thumbiko lane pa ŵana ŵinu. " - Yesaya 44: 3. This will put them in line to receive everlasting life here on earth. - Matt. In vowing the blessings that his people will enjoy, God said: "We will pour out water upon the earth that is to be poured out, and rivers upon you, and I will pour out my spirit upon your offspring a blessing. " - Isaiah 44: 3. Ntchilwero wuli? How? What tool? Usange tarutilira na mtima wakuzika na para ŵanji ŵatibudira wuwo, kanandi iwo ŵakujinyumwa. What are these gifts, and how do we benefit from them? If we remain calm and forgiving even when others offend us, they often feel sorry for us. Ncivici cikapangiska Stefano kufwa? See! What caused Stephen to die? ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Jehovah God becomes our secure dwelling place. . . . . . Apo wakalombanga kwa Yehova wakati: "Naŵamanyiska [ŵasambiri] zina linu ndipo nilimanyiskenge. " Attendees, and indeed God's people worldwide, joyfully embraced that exhortation. In prayer to Jehovah, he said: "I have made your name known and will make it known. " Mbunenesko, kuti tiŵe ŵasambizgi ŵaluso tikwenera kumanya makora ivyo tikukhumba kusambizga na kuvisambizga mwaluso. They got married, then baptized, and they became zealous Witnesses for Jehovah. Of course, to be effective teachers, we need to get to know what we want to teach and teach with skill. Ipo vikate vyendenge wuli kuti mtundu wawo uzakafumiske mphapu yakulayizgika panji kuti Mesiya? It will replace all human governments. How, then, would the nation produce the promised Seed? Yesu wakayowoyerathu kuti: "Makani ghawemi gheneagha gha Ufumu ghamkupharazgika mu vyaru vyose ghaŵe cipanikizgo ku mitundu yose; penepapo ndipo umaliro uti wizenge. " Saying the right things without doing the right things would make one a hypocrite. Jesus foretold: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. " Nadi pano, tizamuciskika " kusanda vinthu vya ndimba vya Ciuta ' na kuŵika vinthu vya Ufumu pakwamba mu umoyo withu. - 1 Ŵakorinte 2: 10 - 13; Mateyu 6: 33. ; Ferreira, G. Yes, we will be moved to "make sure of the deep things of God " and put Kingdom interests first in our lives. - 1 Corinthians 2: 10 - 13; Matthew 6: 33. Wakahucanga mwaluŵiroluŵiro mawoko ghake. Marilyn came to see that even though she and her husband did not commit adultery, while living apart they could not follow the Bible's direction to fill each other's emotional and sexual needs. He cut his hands off. Tikugomezga kuti nchito ya kupharazga na kusambizga iyo ŵateŵeti ŵakupulikira ŵa Yehova ŵakucita lero yilutilirenge, ndipo iyo waŵenge nawo. (Read Proverbs 30: 27.) We are confident that the preaching and teaching work that Jehovah's obedient servants today will continue, and he will be with them. Bokosi lakuti "Kasi Ivyo Ptolemy Wakalemba Vikupambana Wuli na Ivyo Vili mu Viphapha Vyakale? " By him we have life and move and exist. " The box "How Did Ptolemy's writings differ From the Things Written? " Rute wakaŵatemwanga comene a nyinavyara, ndipo wakacita cilicose ico wangafiska kuti waŵapwelelere. As a young person, you may be witnessing about Jehovah at school and from house to house with your parents. Ruth loved her mother, her mother, and did all she could to care for her. Cifukwa wuli kuzizipizga nkhwakukhumbikwa comene pakovwira ŵanthu kuŵa ŵasambiri? This can be especially true when credit cards are used. Why is endurance an essential part of disciple - making? Kweniso ŵanung'una ŵaŵiri ŵa Yesu, Yakobe na Yuda. Because of the ongoing issue regarding God's sovereignty, Jehovah allows the Tempter to use this world to tempt us. Furthermore, Jesus ' two brothers, James and Jude, are also Jesus ' half brothers. Kasi mungalomba mubwezi winu kuti wanyamure katundu uyo mukumanya kuti wangakwaniska yayi kunyamura? 1, 2. (a) What dreadful things are happening every day? Would you ask a friend to pick up your load for someone you know you would not be able to carry it? Lutirizgani kurya cakurya cakumzimu. " I was a widow caring for my daughter, who was in the hospital with hydrocephalus (excessive fluid in the brain), when I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had to have surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. Continue to take in spiritual food. Nga umo ŵakachitiranga ŵapapi ŵithu, nase tikalimbikiranga chomene kuluta na ŵana ŵithu ku maungano, kweniso tikapharazganga nawo. To counteract a tendency to be unforgiving, work on having a thankful and appreciative disposition. Like our parents, we did our best to attend meetings and to share in the preaching work with our children. Usange imwe mwabudira munyinu, kasi mukumugega na kughanaghana kuti vimarenge para pajumpha nyengo? Does consuming large amounts of alcohol ever bring glory to God? If you have offended someone, do you avoid it and think that it will end over time? 8: 16. Thinking and meditating on such questions can help us to deepen the feelings we have for Jehovah in our hearts. 8: 16. Malemba mu magazini iyi ghafuma mu Baibolo la Malemba Ghakupatulika mu Mang'anamuliro gha Charu Chiphya. Malemba agho ghafuma mu Baibolo linyake talongora uko ghafuma. Lepers back then were quarantined until a physical examination confirmed that they were no longer contagious. - Leviticus 13: 1 - 8. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. ▪ Kasi munthu wangasankha yekha kubabika kuphya? It makes us want to learn ever more about him and to praise him forever out of unselfish love and devotion. ▪ Can a person choose the new birth? Nkhuwona kuti ni mwaŵi ukuru chomene kuti nane nkhawovwirapo pa ntchito iyi. The coming of the Kingdom of God! I count it a privilege to have a share in this work. Ntheura ŵazamukhala kwamuyirayira pa charu chapasi. - Mat. They opt for "no strong God. Thus, they will live forever on earth. - Matt. Mwawuli? What is it? How? Kasi vyawanangwa ivi ni vichi, ndipo vingatovwira wuli? These may be on a table near the speaker. What are these gifts, and how can they benefit us? Wonani! Boaz spoke, and no doubt his gentle, soothing tone comforted Ruth. Look! Yehova Ciuta wakuŵa malo ghithu ghakukhalamo gheneagho ngakuvikilirika. The crocodile's jaw is covered with thousands of sense organs. Jehovah God becomes our secure dwelling place. Ŵanthu awo ŵakaŵapo, kweniso ŵanthu ŵa Ciuta kulikose ŵakawupokelera na mawoko ghose mulimo uwu. Our appreciation for Bible truth will grow when we meditate on ways we benefit from applying it in our lives. Those present, including God's people everywhere, responded favorably to all of this work. Ŵakatorana mwakuyana na dango na kubatizika ndipo ŵakaŵa ŵateŵeti ŵamwamphu ŵa Yehova. * Notice, though, that none of Christ's anointed followers are said to be with Jesus in that heavenly war. They acted in harmony with the command and got baptized and served as zealous servants of Jehovah. Uzamutumbika ŵanthu na kumazga vimbundi. " You Know Neither the Day Nor the Hour, " 9 / 15 It will bless mankind and put an end to corruption. Munthu wangaŵa mupusikizgi para wakuyowoya vinthu viwemi, kweni wakuvicita cara. They found that an exchange of views in advance, handled in a spirit of love and kindness, made the decisions much easier when they had to be made. A person can be deceptive when he speaks the right things, but he does not do them. ; Ferreira, G. On our own, we can never eliminate imperfection, sin, and death; neither can we control other people, for all have free will. ; Beve, G. Marilyn wakawona kuti nangauli iyo na mfumu wake ŵakacita uleŵi yayi, kweni apo ŵakakhalanga kutali na kutali ŵakalondezganga yayi ulongozgi wa mu Baibolo pa nkhani ya kugonana mu nthengwa na wakuti ŵawovwiranenge maghanoghano. For everyone asking receives, and everyone seeking finds, and to everyone knocking it will be opened. " - Luke 11: 5 - 10. Marilyn saw that even though she and her husband committed adultery, they did not live far away from the Bible's advice about sex in marriage and the desire to help her emotionally. (Ŵazgani Zintharika 30: 27.) * I also showed him Acts 15: 19, 20. (Read Proverbs 30: 27.) Pakuti mwa iyo tili ŵamoyo, tikwenda ndipo tiliko. " However, only after learning the local language did we understand the culture. For by him we have life and move and exist. " Pakuŵa mwana, mungapharazga za Yehova ku ŵanyinu pa sukulu na kunyumba - na - nyumba pamoza na ŵapapi ŵinu. Which of the following do you think has the biggest effect on your happiness? As a child, you can speak about Jehovah at school and from house to house with your parents. Suzgo ili lingaŵa likuru comene para tili na kadi ilo tingagulira vinthu pa ngongoli. What, though, does becoming slaves of God and of Christ involve? What a challenge it would be if we had a card that we can buy on debt! Nkhani iyo Satana wakayambiska yakususka Ufumu wa Chiuta yindamare. " They are so hospitable, gentle, helpful, and humble, " she says. The issue that Satan raised against God's Kingdom is still valid. 1, 2. (a) Kasi ni vinthu wuli vyakofya ivyo vikucitika zuŵa lililose? When were God's people captive to Babylon the Great? 1, 2. (a) What tragic events are happening every day? Nkhaŵa chokoro ndipo nkhapweleleranga nekha mwana wane msungwana uyo wakaŵa mu chipatala chifukwa cha nthenda yinyake ya ku wongo (hydrocephalus). Nyengo yinyake nkhasangika na kansa ya mu mabere ndipo nkhakhumbikwiranga kupimika, kuchitika opareshoni, na kupokera munkhwala. May all of God's servants, young and old, see the seriousness of doing all they can to prove ourselves ready for Jehovah's day as did Noah and his family. I was a widow and had to care for my daughter who was in a hospital because of a brain tumor, where I was diagnosed with cancer, cancer, and cancer. Kweni usange ŵakugowokerana, ŵakukhozga nthengwa na ubwezi wawo. " Whether you share Job's feelings about life and death or not, it is inevitable that as the years move along, you too will " run away like the shadow, ' far away from your friends, your family, your home, and all that you have accomplished - off into death. On the other hand, if you forgive, strengthen your marriage and your relationship. " Kasi uloŵevu ungacindika Ciuta? If you don't have a Bible, ask Jehovah's Witnesses for one, or read it online at www.watchtower.org Can drunkenness glorify God? Para tikughanaghanirapo pa mafumbo agha, tingawovwirika kuti timutemwenge comene Yehova. What is it? Meditating on such questions can help us to deepen our love for Jehovah. Ŵavyoni ŵakaŵaŵikanga kwa ŵekha mpaka nthenda yimare. - Leviticus 13: 1 - 8. For all the nations will come and worship before you, because your righteous decrees have been made manifest. " - Rev. They would place themselves on their own until the scourge was over. - Leviticus 13: 1 - 8. Kukutipa khumbiro lakuti tisambirenge vinandi vya iyo, ndiposo kumulumba kwamuyirayira na kumuteŵetera mwambura uryezi. However, baptism itself does not save us. It gives us a desire to learn more about him and to praise him forever and to serve him unselfishly. Ŵanthu wose aŵa ŵakulomba kuti Ufumu wa Ciuta wize. PRISCILLA and Aquila, a first - century Christian married couple, observed Apollos giving a speech at a synagogue in the city of Ephesus. All such individuals pray for God's Kingdom to come. Ŵakukhumba Ciuta uyo "wakulekelera uheni. " Well, consider these questions: Can you trust the Bible's comforting promises for the future if you do not know whether those promises were in the original text? They want God, who "will tolerate wickedness. " Kasi kukang'anamurangaci? Few of us will have to face tribulation as severe as that of Job. What did that mean? Nyengo zinyake vikuŵikika pa thebulu ilo likuŵa pafupi na muyowoyi wa nkhani. Judas Iscariot was one of those. At times, it is appointed at a table near the speaker. Yaciŵiri, ivyo Bowazi wakazgora vikulongora kuti Rute wakabuda yayi pa ivyo wakacita ndipo vikaŵa vyakwenelera. 4, 5. (a) What encouragement did Jehovah give to his ancient people? Second, Boaz ' response showed that Ruth's actions were not wrong and appropriate. Miskati ya ng'wina yili na misipa yinandi chomene iyo yikovwira kuti yichenukenge luŵiro. When David was fleeing from jealous King Saul, he spent time encamped near Nabal's flocks. Over the years, the crocodile's hand has a large number of carbon dioxide that enables it to act quickly. Tilitemwenge chomene Baibolo para tikughanaghanira maphindu agho tikusanga para tikulondezga ivyo tikuŵerenga. Keeping a Balanced View We deepen our love for the Bible by meditating on the many blessings we receive when we apply what we read. * Kweni, palije nanga njumoza wa ŵalondezgi ŵakuphakazgika ŵa Khristu uyo wakuzunulika kuti wakaŵa lumoza na Yesu mu nkhondo iyi kucanya. Some Historical Perspective * Yet, not one of Christ's anointed followers, described as having been with Jesus in this war in heaven. Ni Njani Wakatuma "Nyenyezi "? 4 / 1 8, 9. (a) What shows that Christ observes not only the conduct of the entire congregation but also the lifestyle of its individual members? Who Made God's Heart Rejoice? 4 / 15 Ŵakawona kuti cikaŵa cipusu kusankha cakucita cifukwa cakuti ŵakadumbiskana mwakutendekera, mwacitemwa ndiposo mwalusungu. It is as though he held them up high for all to admire. They felt that it was easier to make decisions because they had a good conversation, a loving, and kind conversation. Kweniso tingaŵaphalira chakuchita yayi ŵanyithu chifukwa waliyose ni mwanangwa kusankha. ; Oh, M. At the same time, we would not want to tell others what to do because everyone is free to decide. Cifukwa yose uyo wakulomba wakupokera; ndipo uyo wakupenja wakusanga; ndipo uyo wakukhung'uska kuti kumujulikirenge. " - Luka 11: 5 - 10. " I have become all things to people of all sorts, that I might by all means save some. " - 1 CORINTHIANS 9: 22. For everyone asking receives, and everyone seeking finds, and to everyone knocking it will be opened. " - Luke 11: 5 - 10. * Kweniso nkhamulongora lemba la Milimo 15: 19, 20. Naomi said when Ruth arrived home. * I also showed Acts 15: 19, 20. Kweni tati tasambira ciyowoyero ca uku, ndipo tikamanya umo ŵanthu ŵakukhalira. Of course, not all of us may be able to auxiliary pioneer. Even so, we can use whatever time and energy we have to increase our sacrifice of praise to Jehovah. But when we learned the local language, we came to know what human society is living. Pa vinthu ivi, ntchivichi icho imwe mukuwona kuti ntchakukhumbikwa chomene kuti muŵe ŵakukondwa? His desire is that you attain to "the real life " - everlasting life on a paradise earth. In these areas, what makes it more important for you to be happy? Ipo kasi kuzgoka muzga wa Ciuta na wa Khristu ni vici? What especially sets humans apart from animals? What, then, does it mean to be a slave of God and of Christ? Wakati: "Mbakupokelera ŵalendo, mbakuzika, ŵakovwira, ndiposo mbakujicefya. Trusting in Jehovah and filled with confidence, David continues: "With my voice I shall call to Jehovah himself, and he will answer me from his holy mountain. " He said: "Happy are the hospitable, mild - tempered, helpful, and lowly ones. Kasi Tingachita Wuli Kuti Tilutilire Kukolerana? He had promised to turn Jacob's offspring into a mighty nation. How Can We Maintain Our Christian Unity? Mphanyi tose, ŵalara na ŵana, tawona kuzirwa kwa kucita vyose ivyo tingafiska kuti tiŵe ŵakunozgekera zuŵa la Yehova nga umo wakacitira Nowa na mbumba yake. How do they maintain such an attitude in this materialistic world? May all of us, young and old, appreciate the importance of being prepared for Jehovah's day as did Noah and his family. Kwali mukuzomerezga panji yayi fundo ya Yobu yakukhwaskana na umoyo na nyifwa, unenesko ngwakuti, peneapo vilimika vikwenda, namwe mukucimbira nga ni mufwiri, muzamuleka ŵanyinu, mbumba yinu na cikaya cinu ndipo vyose ivyo mukacitanga vizamumalira pa nyifwa. (b) What part of the parable will we consider? Whether you agree with Job's counsel about life and death, the truth is, When the years are around you, leave your friends and your family and all that you have to do with death. Usange mulije Baibolo pemphani Ŵakaboni Ŵa Yehova panji ŵazgani pa Intaneti, pa adiresi iyi: www.jw.org She read tarot cards for her schoolmates, and since her predictions came true, she became fascinated with the occult. If you don't have a Bible, ask Jehovah's Witnesses or read it online at www.watchtower.org Kasi ncawanangwa wuli? Paul knew firsthand how difficult it can be to struggle against the desires and weaknesses of the imperfect flesh. What is it? pakuti Imwe pera ndimwe ŵatuŵa: pakuti mitundu yose yiti yizenge na kulambira pa maso pinu; pakuti milimo yinu yakunyoroka yili kulongoreka. " - Civ. They are a great host of preachers of the good news of God's Kingdom. For you alone are holy, for all the nations will be gathered and bow down to your eyes, because your works of righteousness are being declared. " - Rev. Ndipouli, ubapatizo pawekha ukutiponoska yayi. One way is by being present for the singing of Kingdom songs. However, baptism does not save us. PRISKILA na Akula, Ŵakristu ŵakutorana ŵa mu nyengo yakale, ŵakapulikanga apo Apolo wakayowoyanga nkani pa sunagoge mu msumba wa Efeso. " To all perfection I see a limit, " reads the New International Version, "but your commands are boundless. " THE first - century Christian couple heard Apollos speaking at the synagogue in Ephesus. Tiyeni tiwone mafumbo agha: Kasi mungagomezga kuti munthazi vinthu vizamuŵa makora usange mukumanya yayi usange vinthu ivi vikaŵamo nadi mu Baibolo lakwambilira? A wise person, therefore, does not blindly believe that something is true simply because some authoritative teacher says it is. - Psalm 146: 3. Let us consider these questions: Would you believe that the future would be better if you did not know if those events were really in the original Bible? Mbacoko comene mwa ise awo suzgo lakofya nga nda Yobu lingaŵawira. No collections will be taken. Few among us who are distressed as Job did may be. Yumoza wa ŵapositole aŵa wakaŵa Yudasi Isikariyoti, uyo paumaliro wakendera mphiska Yesu. Complete forgiveness became available, first for the sins of Christ's anointed brothers, then for "the whole world's. " One of those apostles was Judas Iscariot, who eventually betrayed Jesus. 4, 5. (a) Kasi Yehova wakakhozga wuli ŵanthu ŵake mu nyengo yakale? The counsel that the apostle Paul gave a missionary is also helpful for newlyweds. 4, 5. (a) How did Jehovah encourage his people in Bible times? Apo Davide wakacimbiranga Themba Sauli, kwa kanyengo wakakhala pafupi na apo pakaŵa viŵeto vya Nabala. Another translation says: "O remember, and stoop down to me. " When David fled from King Saul, he temporarily sat close to Nabal's flocks. Kuleka Kutalulira Why is the law of the Christ a priceless possession? Do Not Give Up Umo Ŵanji Ŵakalongosolerapo za Vinthu Vyakucanya 3, 4. How Some Talked to the Things Above 8, 9. (a) Nchivici cikulongora kuti Khristu wakuwona ivyo waliyose wakucita mu mpingo? Relief Under the Greater Solomon 8, 9. (a) What shows that Christ sees what each member of the congregation does? Vili nga ni para waŵakwezga pacanya kuti wose ŵadokere. MY MOTHER, Emilia Pederson, was born in 1878. It is as if they were the one causing them to lose their dignity. ; Oh, M. We have the assurance that the destruction at Armageddon will not be random. ; Oh, M. " Ku ŵanthu wose nkhaŵira vyose, mwakuti ndiponoskepo ŵanji mu nthowa zose izi. " - 1 ŴAKORINTE 9: 22. Gamblers develop all kinds of superstitions, hoping to influence luck in their favor. " To all men I have all things, that I might by all means save some. " - 1 CORINTHIANS 9: 22. Rute wakati wafika ku nyumba, Naomi wakamufumba kuti: "Kasi ndiwe njani mwana wane? " Why should we cultivate hatred for what is bad? When Ruth arrived home, Naomi asked him: "Who are you, my daughter? " Nangauli taŵanyake tingakwaniska yayi kuchita upayiniya wakanyengo, ndipouli tose tingagwiliskira ntchito nyengo na nkhongono izo tili nazo pakuteŵetera Yehova mu nyengo ya Chikumbusko iyi. ▪ Have Unshakable Faith in the Kingdom Although we may not be able to serve as auxiliary pioneers, all of us can use our time and energy in Jehovah's service during this Memorial season. Khumbo lake ndakuti muzakasange " umoyo weneco ' - umoyo wamuyirayira mu caru ca paradiso. You will reap an emotional crop that will make your life much more rewarding. His purpose is to gain "the real life " - everlasting life on a paradise earth. Mboniwoni izi zikutovwiraso kumanya kuti malo agho Yehova wakukhala ngakutowa chomene ndipo kulije chakutimbanizga. If you do not know one of Jehovah's Witnesses personally, please write to one of the addresses listed on page 4 of this magazine. These visions also help us to realize that Jehovah's place is clean and that there is nothing wrong with it. Nchivici cikupangiska ŵanthu kuŵa ŵapadera kuluska nyama? The two meanings are complementary, and both are important. The footnote to John 17: 3 in the Reference Bible gives the alternative rendering "their knowing you. " What makes humans superior to animals? Cifukwa ca kuthemba na kugomezga Yehova, Davide wakayowoyaso kuti: "Nkhucemerezga kwa Yehova, ndipo wakundizgora mu lupiri lwake lwakupatulika. " Though there were periods in the 20th century when they carried out their preaching work under harsh opposition, there are now about 60 zealous congregations of the Witnesses in the city. Because of relying on Jehovah, David added: "I cry to Jehovah, and he will lead me into his holy mountain. " Yehova wakalayizga kuti mitundu yizamufuma mu mphapu ya Yakobe. 1, 2. Jehovah promised that the nations would come from Jacob's seed. Kasi ŵakucita wuli kuti ŵaŵenge na mtima uwu mu caru cakutemwa usambazi ici? Marriage Can Be Happy and Last, 9 / 1 How do they cultivate this mental attitude in this materialistic world? (b) Kasi tiwonenge cigaŵa wuli ca ntharika ya Yesu? Wycliffe (b) What aspect of Jesus ' illustration will we consider? Iyo wakatoranga makadi gha vyamasalamusi na kuchima ivyo vichitikirenge ŵanyake awo wakasambiranga nawo sukulu. 3: 3, 4. He used the cards and images of others who were studying with him. Paulos wakamanya makora kuti ncinonono comene kulimbana na makhumbiro ghaheni gha thupi lithu lakwananga. In January 1969, Gerri and I received an invitation to go to Guyana, South America, and we happily accepted it. Paul was well - aware that it was not easy for him to fight against the sinful inclinations of our imperfect flesh. Iwo ni gulu likuru la ŵapharazgi ŵa Makani ghawemi gha Ufumu wa Ciuta. In the amphitheaters, gladiators fought each other to the death or fought wild animals, either killing them or being killed by them. They are a large part of the good news of God's Kingdom. Nthowa yimoza ndiyo kuŵapo pakwimba sumu za Ufumu. WHEN someone has done well at an assigned task or has displayed a remarkable Christian quality, he deserves praise. One way is through singing Kingdom songs. Mwanteura, muntu wamahara wakugomezga waka cintu kwekha cifukwa cakuti ndimo wakuyowoyera musambizgi wake cara. - Salmo 146: 3. It was that "by means of an equalizing your surplus just now might offset their deficiency. " - 2 Cor. Therefore, a wise person does not believe everything simply because he does not speak to his teacher. - Psalm 146: 3. Kweniso kuzamuŵavya zithero. Since we have been granted the inestimable privilege of being God's ministers, let us keep ourselves clean so that we like mirrors can reflect Jehovah's glory. And there will be no more wanting to do so. Mabwana ku ntchito kwake ŵakakondwa nayo chomene ndipo ŵakati wambe kugwira mazuŵa ghose. I had always believed that the Book of Mormon and the Bible complemented each other. The manager at his job was so impressed that he allowed us to work all the days. Tili na mwaŵi wa kugowokereka zakwananga, cakwamba za ŵabali ŵa Khristu ŵakuphakazgika, caciŵiri za "caru cose. " While you need solitude for mourning, prolonged isolation is unwise. We have the opportunity to forgive sins, first of Christ's anointed brothers, the second part of "the entire inhabited earth. " Ulongozgi uwo mpositole Paulosi wakaphalira mishonale munyake ungaŵa wakovwira ku awo ŵatorana sono. But then, just when you have about finished unpacking, you see the pillar lifting - and you have to start packing again! The apostle Paul's counsel to a missionary can help those who are newly married. Mu Baibolo linyake ŵali kulemba kuti: "Kumbukani, mwee na kusindamira pa ine. " So when brothers overcome difficulties and the problems pass, the right thing to do is to move on and continue to help others make spiritual progress. Another translation reads: "Remember, please, and bow down before me. " Cifukwa wuli dango la Khristu ndakuzirwa comene? Among Jehovah's Witnesses, I have experienced Christian love Why is Christ's law so important? 3, 4. Such a doctrine is contrary to what the Bible teaches about Jehovah as a God of love and justice. 3, 4. Wovwiri Pasi pa Solomoni Mukuru We read: "Those who had been scattered went through the land declaring the good news of the word. " Help From the Greater Solomon AMAMA, a Emilia Pederson ŵakababika mu 1878. The ministry is exciting! A YOUNG woman, Only 1878, was born in 1878. Baibolo likutisimikizgira kuti nkhondo ya Haramagedoni yizamukoma waliyose yayi. Like - minded people working closely as a group can accomplish a task far more effectively than individuals working independently of one another. The Bible assures us that Armageddon will not kill anyone. Awo ŵakutcaya njuga ŵakwamba kugomezga mizimu kwa mitundu - mitundu, na cigomezgo cakuti kuŵapenge mwaŵi. Make a note of this date so that you will not forget it. Those gambling begin to spiritism from the nations, with hope that it will give them an opportunity. Cifukwa wuli tikwenera kunyanyara ico nchiheni? Is it part of your "firm conviction in all the will of God "? Why should we be proud of what is bad? ▪ Ŵani na Chipulikano Chakukhora mu Ufumu Mal 2 Verse 7 gives a clear indication: "The lips of a priest are the ones that should keep knowledge, and the law is what people should seek from his mouth; for he is the messenger of Jehovah of armies. " ▪ Build Strong Faith in the Kingdom Para mwachita nthena, muŵenge ŵakukondwa. We adopt the position stated at Proverbs 3: 5, 6: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. As a result, you will be happy. Usange mukumanya waliyose yayi uyo ni Kaboni wa Yehova, lembani kalata mwakugwiliskira nchito yimoza mwa maadiresi agho ghali pa peji 2. It also operates to reveal truths. If you do not know anyone who is one of Jehovah's Witnesses, write a letter by using one of the addresses listed on page 2. Ntheura, mazgu ghakuti " ŵakwenera kumumanya ' Ciuta ghakung'anamura kuti ŵakwenera kulutilira kumanya vinandi vyakukhwaskana na iyo. When David heard those words, he, with some 400 men, set out to annihilate Nabal and his household. - 1 Samuel 25: 4 - 13. Hence, the expression "to know " God means that they must continue to know more about him. Nangauli nyengo yinyake ŵakakumana na masuzgo pakupharazga, kweni pasono mu msumba uwu muli mipingo ya Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova pafupifupi 60. It is a heart that loves God and is resolved to be sensitive to his will and requirements. Although there are now some 60 congregations in that city, there are now some 60 congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses in that city. 1, 2. Still, words of apology are a strong force toward making peace. 1, 2. Smith), 5 / 15 Why, he had just outpaced the team of horses that was pulling King Ahab in his royal chariot! - 1 Kings 18: 46. 3 / 1 Wycliffe Moreover, he has made known that mankind should "wait patiently for him " to take action, which he will do at Armageddon. Wycliffe 3: 3, 4. Congregations appreciate the faithful example of the long - time servants in their midst. 3: 3, 4. Mu Janyuwale 1969, Gerri na ine tikakondwa apo tikatumika ku Guyana, South America. As discussed in the preceding article, are you shouldering your Scriptural responsibility as a husband, a wife, or a child, thus helping the entire family to "stay awake "? In January 1969, Gerri and I were delighted when we were appointed to serve as a missionary in Jehovah's service, South America. Mu malo ghakucitiramo maseŵero, ŵantu ŵakatimbananga mupaka kukomana, panji kutimbana na vikoko. Iwo ŵakakomekanga panji ŵakakomanga vikoko. Such a mature approach proves that you are being guided by God's Word. In the games, people fought until killing, or war against wild beasts, and they were killed or killed by wild beasts. KANANDI tikulumba munthu uyo wachita makora chinthu chinyake, panji wali na nkharo yiwemi chomene. How can we do so? IT IS not unusual to praise someone who has a good reputation or a good reputation. Cikaŵa ca kuyaniska, ivyo vikakhalapo ku Ŵakorinte kuti visazgike pa kupeleŵera kwa Ŵakhristu ŵanji. - 2 Kor. Look again at the above - quoted words. It was a contrast, which remained in the Corinthians so that they could fall short of the imperfections of fellow believers. - 2 Cor. Pakuti tapika mwaŵi wambura kuyelezgereka wa kuŵa ŵateŵeti ŵa Ciuta, ipo tiŵe ŵakutowa mwakuti tiŵaliske ucindami wa Yehova nga ni gilasi. But how? Since we have been given an unexpected privilege as God's servants, we can be clean in order to reflect Jehovah's glory as a mirror. Pakwamba nkhaghanaghananga kuti Buku la Mormon na Baibolo vikayananga waka. The problem could remain unresolved, and other people could be unjustly blamed. At first, I thought that the Book of Mormon and the Bible was like that. Nyengo zinyake mungakhumba kuti mukalilire kwa mwekha, kweni nchamahara yayi kukhala kwa mwekha nyengo yitali. Since you are left in the dark, you immediately notice what happened and replace the burned - out bulb with a new one. At times, you may want to be harsh for yourself, but it is not wise for you to stay for a long time. Apo mukumalizga waka kupangulura, mukuwona kuti mzati wamba kwenda, ndipo mukukhumbikwira kupakiraso. Still, his teachings are renowned. As you complete your destination, you notice that the pillar begins to walk, and you need to wash it again. Ntheura, para ŵabali ŵamazga masuzgo na kwamba kucita makora, cinthu cakwenelera ico tingacita nkhulutilira kuŵawovwira kuti ŵakure mwauzimu. In the 1930 ' s, when the Giant Mountains separated Czechoslovakia and Germany, determined Witnesses began to use the abandoned smugglers ' trails. Thus, when brothers solve problems and make progress, the right thing to do is to help them grow spiritually. Pakati pa Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova nasanga citemwa ceneco The transfiguration vision was a brilliant foregleam of Christ in Kingdom glory. Among Jehovah's Witnesses, I have found genuine love Ŵakuti Ciuta wakulanga ŵakwananga mwakuŵaponya ku moto, uko ŵakuphya kwamuyirayira. Kristina asked Jehovah for help to make spiritual advancement. They claim that God is punishing sinners by casting them into a fiery hell, which is eternal. Tikuŵazga kuti: "Awo ŵakambininika ŵakendendekanga na kupharazga ivangeli. " Parents are not being kind if they constantly warn their children about a deserved punishment but fail to carry it out. We read: "Those who were scattered went forth and declaring the good news. " Uteŵeti ukukondweska. Of course, we do not limit our respect to those who are part of the Christian congregation. The ministry is worthwhile. Ŵanthu awo mbakukolerana pa gulu, ndiwo ŵakucita makora nchito yikuru kuluska awo waliyose wakucita vyake ivyo wakhumba. Affection in Family Circle, 12 / 15 People who are united in a group are doing much better than anyone else does his will. Sungani deti ili kuti muleke kuzakaruwa. We strive to be reasonable while never compromising righteous principles. Do not forget that date. Kasi ico ncigaŵa ca " kukhozgeka kwinu mu khumbo lose la Ciuta '? Strong faith in Jehovah and in his promises. - Romans 10: 10, 13, 14. Is it your part of "a strengthening aid in all the will of God "? Mal. 2 Vesi 7 likuzgora makora kuti: " Mlomo wa musofi ukwenera kusunga mahara, ndipo ŵantu ŵakwenera kupenja dango ku mlomo wake, cifukwa iye ndi thenga la Yehova wa mipingo. ' 28: 19, 20; 2 Tim. Verse 7 answers: "The mouth of the priest must keep on guard, and the people must seek the commandment from his mouth, because he is Jehovah's messenger of armies. " Tikukolerana na mazgu agho ghali pa Zintharika 3: 5, 6, agho ghakuti: "Tamira mwa Yehova na mtima wako wose, ungeghamanga ku umanyi wako wekha. Jehovah had foretold: "I will allow Pharaoh's heart to become obstinate, and he will chase after them, and I will glorify myself by means of Pharaoh and all his army; and the Egyptians will certainly know that I am Jehovah. " We agree with the words of Proverbs 3: 5, 6: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. Ukugwiraso nchito ya kuvumbura unenesko. We may have many acquaintances - neighbors, colleagues, and people we meet now and again. It also works to reveal the truth. Davide wakati wapulika mazgu agha, wakanyamuka na ŵanalume 400 kuti wakakome Nabala na ŵamunyumba yake. - 1 Samuel 25: 4 - 13. • In what ways might Satan use frontal attacks? When David heard those words, he went with 400 men to capture Nabal and his household. - 1 Samuel 25: 4 - 13. Ni mtima uwo ukutemwa Chiuta ndipo ukukhumbisiska kumanya na kuchita khumbo lake. I AM 98 years of age. It is a heart that is motivated by love for God and a desire to know and to do his will. Ndipouli, mazgu gha kuphepiska ghali na nkongono yikuru pa kupanga mtende. [ Picture on page 3] However, an apology has great power to make peace. Cifukwa cakuti woko la Yehova likaŵa nayo, Eliya wakaŵa na nkhongono comene ndipo wakacimbiranga comene mwakuti wakajumpha galeta la Ahabu. - 1 Mathemba 18: 46. The Israel of God is made up of spirit - anointed Christians. Because Jehovah's hand was with him, Elijah was so strong that he fled to Ahab's chariot. - 1 Kings 18: 46. Nakuti Chiuta wali kuyowoya kuti ŵanthu " ŵamulindilire mwakuzika ' kuti wachitepo kanthu. Ndipo wazamuchitapo nadi kanthu pa Haramagedoni. God sees their imperfections more clearly than any human can. In fact, God has said that people "will wait patiently " for him to act, and he will do something about Armageddon. Lakusambira Pa Mpingo The basis for this new covenant was laid when Jesus died and later presented the value of his shed blood to his Father, in 33 C.E. Study Edition Mipingo yikuŵawonga comene ŵabali na ŵadumbu awo ŵateŵetera Ciuta kwa vyaka vinandi. Keep a photo of your spouse on your desk at work. congregations deeply appreciate those who have served God for decades. Nga umo tikasambilira mu nkhani iyo yajumpha, kasi imwe pakuŵa mfumu, muwoli, panji mwana, mukufiska mulimo winu wa mu Malemba kuti movwire mbumba yose kuti yilutilire " kuŵa maso ' mwauzimu? However, by giving his perfect human life as a ransom, Jesus opened the way for mankind to be released from slavery to sin and death through the resurrection. As we learned in the preceding article, are you as husband, wife, or child, fulfilling your Scriptural responsibility to help all to "keep on the watch "? Kucita nthena mbukaboni wakuti mukulongozgeka na Mazgu gha Ciuta. It may interfere with our spiritual pace and even cause us to stagger and tire out. This proves that you are guided by God's Word. Kasi tingacita wuli? They were neglecting the temple, so they did not have God's blessing. How can we do so? Wonaniso mazgu gha mu Baibolo agho ghalembeka pacanya apa. So it was to these already sleeping in Sheol that Abraham was gathered at death. Look again at the above words of the Bible. Kasi ŵangachindika wuli nthengwa yawo? They were supposed to unlock the meaning of God's Word and help others to walk on the road to eternal life. How can they honor their marriage? Para tingachita nthena vinthu vingaŵa makora yayi chifukwa suzgo liŵenge kuti lindamare ndipo ŵanyake ŵangasuzgika kwambura mulandu. Next came the hammer strike that imprinted the image onto the flan (4). Doing so would make the situation worse because the problem has not ended and some may suffer unjustly. Tiyelezgere kuti mukuŵazga buku mwakugwiliskira nchito ungweru wa babu lankhongono comene. Mbwenu babu lira laphya. Jehovah is now rocking the nations by means of the global witness being given, and the desirable things are coming in. To illustrate: Suppose you read a book with a heavy light, and then a new lamp. Kweni ndipouli, kasambizgiro kake kakaŵa kapadera comene. Fleeing for any reason is seldom easy. Yet, his teaching was unique. Ca m'ma 1930, apo Mapiri Ghakurughakuru agha ghakaŵa mphaka pakati pa Czechoslovakia na Germany, Ŵakaboni ŵacikanga ŵakamba kwenda mu tunthowa uto ŵanthu ŵakugwentheska katundu ŵakendangamo kale. However, you can rise above such thinking when it comes to your own beliefs. During the mid - 1930 ' s, when the mountains were bordering between God and Germany, the Witnesses were on the road leading up to their former belongings. Mboniwoni ya kusanduka kwa Yesu ukaŵa muzgezge uwemi comene wa ucindami wa Khristu para wayamba kuwusa. Such faithful seniors merit the gratitude and respect of other servants of Jehovah God. The transfiguration vision was a foregleam of Christ's glorious glory during his reign. Kristina wakalomba Yehova kuti wamovwire kukura mwauzimu. What moves elders to serve their brothers willingly? She prayed for Jehovah's help to grow spiritually. Lungaŵa lusungu yayi usange ŵapapi ŵakuyowoya waka pa mulomo kwambura kupeleka cilango. Some do this so as to fill basic family needs, and others, to gain financial independence or to pay for luxuries. It cannot be shown mercy if parents speak in their mouth without punishment. Ndipouli, tikucindika awo ŵali mu mpingo Wacikhristu pera yayi. * Shortly afterward, he threw Satan and his demons down to the earth. However, we do not show respect for those who are part of the Christian congregation. Tikuyezga - yezga kuŵa ŵakuzika nangauli tikuleka yayi kurondezga ntowa za urunji. What work does Jesus commence in Galilee? We strive to be mild - tempered even if we do not pursue righteous ways. Nchipulikano cakukhora mwa Yehova na vilayizgo vyake. - Ŵaroma 10: 10, 13, 14. But the fact that the resurrection is included as a primary doctrine, one of the "elementary things of the sacred pronouncements of God, " does not mean that it is a simplistic teaching. It is strong faith in Jehovah and his promises. - Romans 10: 10, 13, 14. 28: 19, 20; 2 Tim. We too can, in a discreet and dignified manner, offer material assistance to a single - parent family in need. 28: 19, 20; 2 Tim. Yehova wakayowoyerathu kuti: "Ine ndinonofye mtima wa Faro, kuti waŵakonkhe panyuma zawo ndipo tindicindikike pa Faro na pa nkhondo yake yose; kuti Ŵaeguputo ŵamanye kuti Ine ndine Yehova. " How did others benefit from Jesus ' spiritual background? Jehovah foretold: "I am not afraid of Pharaoh's heart, that he may bring them up after them and I shall praise him over Pharaoh and against all his army; that the Egyptians may know that I am Jehovah. " Tingamanyana na ŵanthu ŵanandi, ŵazengezgani ŵithu, awo tikugwira nawo nchito, na awo tikukumana nawo nyengo na nyengo. What does it mean to love God with our whole heart, mind, soul, and strength? We can come to know many people, neighbors, workmates, and those whom we meet from time to time. • Ni mwauli umo Satana wakucitira kuti tikumane na masuzgo mwakudunjika? Innocent, 72, in Nigeria, enjoys the company of friends. • How does Satan use temptations directly? NILI na vilimika 98. If we faithfully keep on seeking Jehovah, righteousness, and meekness, we can expect to enjoy rich blessings right now - yes, even in these faith - testing "last days. " I WAS about 98 years old. Nthowa yimoza iyo tikupelekera "vya Chiuta kwa Chiuta " ni para tikuleka kunjilirapo pa nkhani zandyali. Stores are flooded with electronic games and videos. One way in which we offer "God's things to God " is by not taking sides in political issues. [ Cithuzithuzi pa peji 3] 19, 20. (a) For the lover of Jehovah's law, what things are truly valuable? [ Picture on page 3] Ŵaisrayeli ŵa Ciuta Mbakhristu ŵakuphakazgika na mzimu. By the time of Noah, the earth had become "filled with violence. " God's people are spirit - anointed Christians. Ciuta ndiyo wakumanya makora kuwura urunji kwawo kuluska munthu waliyose. Hence, it is only natural for humans to search for happiness. God knows their own imperfection better than anyone else. Lufura lwa phangano liphya ili lukaŵikika apo Yesu wakafwa na kuluta na mtengo wa ndopa zake kwa Awiske mu cilimika ca 33 C.E. Not everyone believes in an inevitable doomsday. The foundation of that new covenant was laid when Jesus died and presented the value of his blood to his Father in 33 C.E. Usange mukugwira ntchito mu ofesi, muŵikenge chithuzi cha mfumu panji muwoli winu pa desiki. Although some 30 years had passed since Jesus Christ had given the sign "of the conclusion of the system of things, " Christians were not to let down their guard. If you are working in the office, take the picture of your spouse at work. Ndipouli, Yesu wakapeleka umoyo wake wakufikapo kuŵa sembe yakuwombora iyo yili kujura nthowa kuti ŵanthu ŵazakawuskike ku ŵakufwa na kufwatuka ku wuzga wa kwananga na nyifwa. Instead, let us act decisively in order to sanctify Jehovah God's name. However, Jesus gave his perfect human life as a ransom that opened the way for humans to be raised from the dead and set free from enslavement to sin and death. Cingatimbanizga umoyo withu wauzimu ndiposo cingatipangiska kupenthyapenthya panji kuvukirathu. Rather than caving in to the fear of man, you can choose to respond to God's exhortation: "Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, that I may make a reply to him that is taunting me. " It can endanger our spirituality and cause us to lose it or to tire out. Cifukwa cakuti ŵakazerezga mulimo wa kuzenga tempele, Ciuta wakaleka kuŵatumbika. 15: 33. Because they ignored the temple work, God did not bless them. Ntheura Abrahamu wakati wafwa wakatolekera ku ŵanthu ŵeneawo ŵakaŵa mu Sheole. Open your heart wide. So when Abraham died, he was taken to the people in Sheol. Ŵafarisi ŵakeneranga kulongosolera makora ŵanthu Mazgu gha Chiuta na kuŵawovwira kuti ŵazakasange umoyo wamuyirayira. If we are to apply the Golden Rule toward our enemies, how much more should we follow it when witnessing to people - many of whom may be "rightly disposed for everlasting life "! - Acts 13: 48. The Pharisees had to explain God's Word to the people and help them to gain everlasting life. Pamanyuma wakatimbanga nyondo pa visulo ivi ndipo vithuzithuzi vikadindikanga pa ndalama (4). (b) What has God accomplished by means of his spirit and the ransom? Then he drew his back on the metal metal, and the pictures were used for the money (4). Tingafipanga mtima comene yayi para nyengo zinyake awo ŵakutinyoza ŵakuwoneka ngati ŵakutonda pakukanizga kupharazgika kwa makani ghawemi. Because the Bible is our main textbook, an adjustment was made to the Watchtower Study. We should not be overly anxious if opposers at times seem to be unable to stop preaching the good news. Ntchipusu yayi kuchimbira mu charu chako. Now we are different people. " It is not easy to flee from your country. Kweni imwe mukwenera yayi kugomezga vinthu cifukwa ca kuyegheka waka. WHAT ELSE CAN WE LEARN FROM THE BIBLE? But you do not have to rely on things simply because you are on them. Ŵacekuru ŵakugomezgeka aŵa, mbakwenelera viwongo na nchindi zakufuma ku ŵateŵeti ŵanyawo ŵa Yehova Ciuta. Yet, Jesus showed that "God's things " - our life and worship - cannot be claimed by any human institution. Such faithful older ones are worthy of commendation and respect from fellow servants of Jehovah God. Kasi nchivici cikutuma ŵalara kuteŵetera ŵabali ŵawo mwakukhumbisiska? Why? What motivates elders to serve their brothers willingly? Ŵanji ŵakucita nthena mwakuti ŵasange vyakukhumbikwa vya mbumba zawo, ŵanji ŵakukhumba kuti ŵasankhenge ŵekha vyakucita vyakukhwaskana na ndarama panji ŵagulenge vinthu vyakuŵakondweska. Whatever we do to advance the interests of Jehovah's Kingdom makes us spiritually rich. Some do so in order to provide for their families, others want to make personal decisions about money or possessions. * Pakati pajumpha nyengo yicoko waka, wakaponya Satana na viŵanda vyake pa caru capasi. Therefore, we are wise to ask ourselves: " How does Satan deceive people? * Shortly thereafter, he hurled Satan and his demons to the vicinity of the earth. Kasi ni uteŵeti wuli uwo Yesu wakuyambiska mu Galileya? [ Footnote] What public ministry did Jesus carry out in Galilee? Nangauli chisambizgo cha chiwuka ntchimoza mwa "vinthu vyakwambilira vya mazgu ghakupatulika gha Chiuta, " kweni ntchipusu yayi. Experience shows that giving and happiness often go hand in hand. Although the resurrection doctrine is part of "the elementary things of the sacred pronouncements of God, " it is not easy. Nase tingaŵawovwira mwavinjeru ndiposo mwambura kuŵakhozga soni. Bible topics can be brought up for discussion, with all present, including children, being invited to share. We can also help them with practical wisdom and shame. Kasi ŵanji ŵakasanga wuli chandulo na ivyo Yesu wakasambira kwa Awiske? Or what of the excessive use of alcohol in private? How did some benefit from what Jesus learned from his Father? Kasi cikung'anamuraci kutemwa Ciuta na mtima withu wose, umoyo withu wose, vinjeru vithu vyose, na nkhongono zithu zose? Jesus told his disciples to love one another just as he loved them. What does it mean to love God with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength? Innocent, wa ku Nigeria, wa vyaka 72 wakutemwa kuchezga na ŵabwezi ŵake. As we have striven to draw close to Jehovah, he has drawn close to us. In Nigeria, 72 - year - old I like to associate with her friends. Usange tirutilirenge kupenja Yehova, urunji, na kuzika, mbwenu tiŵenge na vitumbiko vinandi sono ntena - enya, nanga ni mu nyengo iyi, ya "mazuŵa gha ku umaliro. " Do You Recall? If we continue to seek Jehovah, righteousness, and mildness, we will have many blessings now - even in this time of "the last days. " Mu masitoro muli maseŵero ghanandi gha pa kompyuta na pa vidiyo. His exercising of mercy is not a watering down of his justice; rather, divine mercy is an expression of God's justice as well as his love. You have a number of electronic games and video games. 19, 20. (a) Kasi ni vinthu wuli ivyo ni vyakuzirwa nadi kwa munthu uyo wakutemwa dango la Yehova? For some 20 years, Irene has worked hard in that language field. 19, 20. (a) What things are important to a person who loves Jehovah's law? Kuzakafika mu nyengo ya Nowa, caru capasi " cikazura na nkhaza. ' He later explained: "I used to think about the Kingdom as the real hope.... By Noah's day the earth was "filled with violence. " Ntheura nchakupulikikwa kuti ŵanthu ŵakupenja umoyo wakukondweska. In conclusion, what really makes life worthwhile? It is understandable, therefore, that people seek happiness. Vili nthena chifukwa ni wose yayi awo ŵakugomezga kuti charu chili pafupi kumara. A POSITIVE INFLUENCE? That is why not all believe that the earth is coming to an end. Nangauli pakajumpa virimika pafupifupi 30 kufuma apo Yesu wakayowoyera za cimanyikwiro ca "umariro wa mgonezi (caru), " Ŵakristu ŵakenera kuŵa maso nipera. Poor Materially, Rich Spiritually (A. Although nearly 30 years have passed since Jesus spoke of the sign of "the conclusion of the system of things, " Christians needed to keep on the watch. M'malo mwake, tiyeni ticite mwacikanga mwakuti tituŵiske zina la Yehova Ciuta. In our modern era of TV, videos, and computers, reading has suffered a serious, if not debilitating, setback. Instead, let us courageously do our utmost to sanctify Jehovah God's name. M'malo mwa kuzomerezga kuti cipulikano cinu cilopwe cifukwa ca kopa ŵanthu, pulikirani mazgu gha Ciuta agha: "Mwana wane, khala wavinjeru na kukondwereska mtima wane, mwakuti ndimuzgore uyu wandicenya. " Uwu ni mwaŵi wapadera comene. Consider Naomi, who lost both her husband and her two sons. Instead of letting fear of man weaken your faith, heed God's words: "Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, that I may make a reply to him that is taunting me. " 15: 33. How often did you raise your hand, offering to answer, to make an expression of your faith? 15: 33. Tikwenera kutemwa ŵanthu wose. I have come to love the spiritual routine of Bethel life, which includes attendance at morning worship and the family Watchtower Study as well as participation in the ministry with the congregation. We should show love for all people. Nakuti ŵanandi awo tikuŵapharazgira ŵakuŵa na "maghanoghano ghakwenelera umoyo wamuyirayira. " - Mil. 13: 48. 26: 19 - How can " the heavens become like iron and the earth like copper '? In fact, many to whom we preach are "rightly disposed for everlasting life. " - Acts 13: 48. (b) Kasi ni vici ivyo Ciuta wafiska kwizira mu mzimu wake na sembe yakuwombora? Participating in the preaching work does not come naturally to most of us. (b) What has God accomplished by means of his spirit and the ransom? Pakuti Baibolo ndilo tikugwiliskira nchito comene pa Sambiro la Gongwe la Mulinda, pali kusintha kunyake kwakukhwaskana na sambiro ili. STUDY ARTICLE 1 PAGES 8 - 12 Since the Bible is the best use of the Watchtower Study, there is a different change in our personal study. Sono tili nga umo tikaŵira kale yayi. " I began to view peace and resentment as north and south. Now we are not as old as we were. " NI VICHI VINYAKE IVYO TIKUSAMBIRA MU BAIBOLO? Idolatry is rampant. WHAT ELSE WE LEARN FROM THE BIBLE Kweni Yesu wakalongora kuti maboma gha ŵanthu ghalije mazaza pa "vinthu vya Ciuta, " ivyo ni umoyo withu, na kusopa. And the prophet leaves Bethel by another way. But Jesus indicated that human governments have no control over "the things of God, " our lives, and our worship. Cifukwa wuli? He was most impressed and was eager to learn more. - 1 Timothy 2: 3, 4. Why? Chilichose icho tikuchita kuti vinthu vyakukhwaskana na Ufumu wa Yehova vilute panthazi, chikutovwira kuŵa ŵasambazi mwauzimu. For example, if a person has had a drinking problem in the past, he may decide not to have alcoholic beverages on hand in his home. Everything we do to make sure that Jehovah's Kingdom is moving ahead makes us rich spiritually. Ichi chikulongora kuti Ŵakhristu ŵanandi ku Siriya ŵakaŵa nalo buku la Diatessaron. This great demonstration of love also served as a pattern for humans, giving them the opportunity to reflect God's self - sacrificing love in everyday life, even as Jesus did. - John 17: 25, 26. This suggests that a number of Christians in Syria had a copy of the Christian Greek Scriptures. Ntheura nchamahara kujifumba kuti: " Kasi Satana wakuŵapusika wuli ŵanthu? God's loyal ones take delight in discussing his mighty acts We are wise to ask ourselves: " How does Satan deceive people? [ Mazgu ghamusi] King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon has already taken many Jews into captivity. [ Footnote] Kafukufuku wakulongora kuti kupeleka na kukondwa vikwendera lumoza. What a wonderful gift this has proved to be! Studies show that giving and rejoicing are closely connected. Mungadumbiskana nkhani za mu Baibolo na wose awo ŵalipo, ndipo mungaciska ŵana kuti nawo ŵayowoyengepo. By 1897, nearly one million Dawns had been distributed, largely by the colporteurs. Discuss Bible topics with all those in attendance, and encourage children to talk to them. Wuli pakuyowoya za kumwa comene phere para tili kwatekha? (a) Why were additional guidelines needed after the Flood? What about the use of alcohol in private? Yesu wakaphalira ŵasambiri ŵake kuti ŵatemwanenge nga ni umo iyo wakaŵatemwera. What does the ransom make possible? Jesus told his disciples to love one another just as he loved them. Cifukwa cakuti ise tayezgayezga kusendelera kwa Yehova, nayo wasendelera kwa ise. Who were some champions of God's Word who lived during the Middle Ages? Because of our efforts to draw close to Jehovah, he draws close to us. Kasi Mukukumbuka? Jennings), 12 / 1 Do You Recall? Kurongora kwake lusungu kuti kukuyuyura urunji wake cara; mu malo mwake, lusungu lwake ncilongolero ca urunji ndiposo na citemwa ca Ciuta. Not necessarily. To show his loving - kindness not to look down on his own righteousness; rather, his loving - kindness is an expression of God's justice and love. Irene walimbikira chomene uteŵeti wake mu vyaka 20 ivyo wateŵetera. 1, 2. He has worked hard in his 20 - year - old ministry. Wakalongosora kuti: "Nyengo zose nkhawonanga kuti wanangwa weneko wizenge na Ufumu.... After the flesh decomposed, the dried bones were collected and put in a stone box called an ossuary, as was the custom in Jesus ' time. She explains: "I always felt that true freedom would come with the Kingdom.... Ipo nchivici pera ico cikucitiska umoyo kuŵa wakukhorweska? " Nobody made God, " the father replies. What, then, makes life truly worthwhile? KASI VINGASAMBIZGA MTENDE? Individuals were especially blessed, however, when they accepted the good news he shared with them. WHAT IS PEACE? Kasi Muli na "Mtima Wakumanya " Yehova? In fact, on many occasions Paul went to synagogues, where he could witness to people who knew of the God of Abraham and with whom Paul could reason on the basis of the Hebrew Scriptures. - Acts 9: 19, 20; 13: 5, 14 - 16; 14: 1; 17: 1, 2. Do You Have "a Heart to Know " Jehovah? Kwandana kwa ma TV, mavidiyo, na makompyuta mu nyengo yithu, kwacitiska kuŵazga kunjira pasi, ŵanandi ŵakutemwa yayi kuŵazga. How can we live up to our dedication to God "day after day "? For the increasing number of television, videos, and computers in our time, many find it difficult to read. Wonani nkhani ya Naomi, uyo mfumu wake na ŵana ŵake ŵaŵiri ŵakafwa. In July 1953, we greeted hundreds of missionaries who had come from foreign assignments to attend an international convention in New York City. Consider the case of Naomi, whose husband and two sons died. Kasi nkhalinga apo mukawuskanga woko kuti muzgorepo, kuyowoya fundo zakukhwaskana na cipulikano cinu? " It is very important for you to be regular and consistent in making time for reading and study, " observes one mother. How often did you raise your hand to answer, expressing your faith? Nkhutemwa chomene mapulogiramu ghauzimu gha pa Beteli nga ni kusopa kwa mulenji na Sambiro la Gongwe la Mulinda kweniso kupharazga na mpingo. Potiphar's wife tried to seduce Joseph. I love the spiritual programs at Bethel as part of the morning and Watchtower Study and the congregation meetings. 26: 19 - Kasi vingaŵa wuli kuti " mtambo uzgoke nga nchisulo na caru nga ni mkuŵa '? Find out what is happening in your youngster's life and what his or her views are. 26: 19 - How can " the heavens become like iron and the earth like copper "? Mwakawiro, taŵanandi tilije khumbo lakuti ticitenge nchito iyi. Do I see myself there? Most of us have no desire to do this work. NKHANI 1 PEJI 8 - 12 (Read Deuteronomy 32: 4 - 6.) STUDY ARTICLE 1 PAGES 8 - 12 Nkhamba kuwona kuti palije ubali pakati pa mtende na kusungira munthu chakusingo. A Tool to Help Youths Remember Their Creator I began to feel that there was no relationship with the opposite sex. Kusopa vikozgo kukaŵa palipose. In a relationship that is characterized by love and respect, there is no room for thoughtless, harsh words. The worship of God was everywhere. Ndipo kuti ndamkurya cingwa nesi kumwa maji mu malo ghano cara. " What conditions did first - century Christians face? And I don't eat bread or drink water in this place. " Ungano ukamunozgera comene ndipo wakaŵa wakunweka kuti wasambire vinandi. - 1 Timote 2: 3, 4. Professor F. The meeting was well prepared and eager to learn. - 1 Timothy 2: 3, 4. Mwaciyelezgero, usange munthu wakaŵa na suzgo la kumwa, wangasankha kuti waleke kuŵa na moŵa mu nyumba yake. Liene offered to study the Bible with me. For example, if a person suffers from alcohol abuse, he might decide not to have alcohol in his home. Ivyo Ciuta wakacita pakulongora citemwa mu nthowa iyi nchiyelezgero ku ŵanthu, kuŵapa mwaŵi wakuti nawo ŵalongorenge citemwa zuŵa na zuŵa nga ndiyo kweniso nga umo Yesu wakacitira. - Yoh. 17: 25, 26. The Lamb is Jesus Christ, "the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. " God's acts of love in this way set a fine example for mankind, giving them the opportunity to show love every day, as Jesus did. - John 17: 25, 26. Ŵakugomezgeka ŵa Ciuta ŵakukondwa kudumbiskana nchito zake zikuru Kelvin comments, "When I needed to correct my children about serious matters, I always tried to make it clear that my motive for correcting them was my love for them. " God's loyal ones enjoy discussing his great work Nebukadinezara, Themba la Babulone wakaŵa kuti wakora kale Ŵayuda ŵanandi kuŵa ŵazga. He maintained the greatest respect for Saul's position as God's anointed, refusing to strike back at Saul when an opportunity presented itself. - 1 Sam. Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, had already taken many Jews into slavery. Ici nchawanangwa capacanya comene. According to Buddhist tradition, Siddhārtha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism, was deeply disturbed by human suffering and death. What a precious gift that is! Mabuku gha Dawn pafupifupi 1,000,000 ghakaŵa kuti ghagaŵika kuzakafika mu 1897, ndipo ŵanandi pa awo ŵakacita mulimo uwu ŵakaŵa makopotala. Young Man's Courage (David), 1 / 1 Nearly one million copies of the books of Dawn had been divided by 18, and most of those who shared in the preaching work were colporteurs. (a) Pamanyuma pa Chigumula, chifukwa wuli ŵanthu ŵakakhumbikwiranga ulongozgi uphya? Natural Israel could have supplied the full number of those who would share with the Messiah in his heavenly Kingdom as a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. (a) After the Flood, why did people need new directions? Kasi sembe yakuwombora yikutovwira wuli? Similarly, each of us who follows in Jesus ' footsteps will experience trials in some way or other. How does the ransom help us? Kasi mbanjani awo ŵakakhozgera Mazgu gha Ciuta mu vilimika vya m'ma 1000 na 1400? David's expressions in the 8th Psalm also prophetically point to the perfect man Jesus Christ. - Heb. Who supported God's Word in the 11th century and the 15th century? Viŵi yayi. He crisscrossed the Promised Land on foot, walking hundreds of miles on preaching tours in an effort to reach as many people as possible. Not necessarily. 1, 2. Who Gives Us Freedom? 1, 2. Ndipo ŵazamuwona para Ciuta wakufiska ivyo walayizga. Draw Close to God And they will see the fulfillment of God's promises. Para thupi lavunda, ŵakatoranga viwangwa vyakomira na kuviŵika mu bokosi lakupangika na libwe nga umo ŵakacitiranga mu nyengo ya Yesu. ▪ The Bible offers the hope that we can live forever in Paradise on earth. When the body was burned, the bones could be dried up and placed in a metal box, just as they did in Jesus ' day. Ŵawukirano ŵinu para mukuŵaphalira chifukwa icho mwakakira fundo yinyake, ŵamupulikiraninge chifukwa chakuti muli waka na mazaza yayi, kweni chifukwa chakuti nawo ŵapulikiska uwemi wake. ▪ By what means does it take place? Your teenager will be obedient, not simply because you have more authority, but because he understands his goodness. Ŵawiske ŵakuzgora kuti: "Palije uyo wakalenga Ciuta. He brought Lazarus back to life. His Father answers: "No one created God. Ndipouli, ŵanthu ŵakatumbikikanga comene usange ŵazomera makani ghawemi agho wakaŵapharazgira. Our congregation in Adelaide included 12 older anointed Christians. However, the people were richly blessed when they accepted the good news he preached to them. Kweniso Paulosi wakadumbiskananga na ŵanthu aŵa fundo za mu Malemba gha Chihebere. - Mil. 9: 19, 20; 13: 5, 14 - 16; 14: 1; 17: 1, 2. 13 Life Story - Being Deaf Has Not Held Me Back From Teaching Others Paul also reasoned with such individuals from the Hebrew Scriptures. - Acts 9: 19, 20; 13: 5, 14 - 16; 14: 1; 17: 1, 2. Kasi tingachita wuli kuti "zuŵa na zuŵa " tichitenge ivyo talayizga Chiuta? But they have the best interests of people at heart. How can we "day after day " live up to our dedication to God? Mu Julayi, 1953, tikapokelera ŵamishonale ŵanandi comene awo ŵakateŵeteranga mu vyaru vinyake, ŵeneawo ŵakiza kuti ŵazakaŵepo pa ungano wa mitundu yose, uwo ukacitikira mu msumba wa New York. PAGE 12 In July 1953, we received a number of missionaries serving in other countries who had attended a international convention held in New York City. Mama munyake wakati: "Nchakuzirwa comene kusambira nawo mwakukhazikika, kweniso nyengo iyo mukusambilira na kuŵazga yileke kusintha. " Some of them [Jews] became believers, " as did "a great multitude of the Greeks. " - Acts 17: 1 - 4. One mother says: "It's so important to have regular personal study and Bible study habits that you do not need to change. Muwoli wa Potifara wakayezgayezga kunyengelera Yosefe kuti wagone nayo. Jesus certainly had a meaningful life. Potiphar's wife tried to seduce Joseph. Manyani ivyo vikucitika mu umoyo wa mwana winu, na ivyo wakughanaghana. BIBLE STUDIES Try to discern what is taking place in your child's life and thinking. Kasi nkuŵa na cithuzithuzi cakuti nga nili mu Paradiso? 9, 10. (a) Why did Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea keep their interest in Jesus secret? Do I see a picture of being in Paradise? (Ŵazgani Duteronome 32: 4 - 6.) Are you at a loss for words? (Read Deuteronomy 32: 4 - 6.) Buku Lakuti Lovwire Ŵawukirano Kukumbuka Mlengi Wawo PRECIPITATION A Book to Help Youths Remember Their Creator Mu ubwezi uwo muli citemwa na nchindi, mukuŵavya nkhani zawakawaka ndiposo mazgu ghaukali. Consider how Jesus, after he grew into adulthood, manifested love, humility, and insight. The friendship you have developed with love and respect is free of misunderstandings and harsh words. Kasi Ŵakhristu ŵakwambilira ŵakakumana na masuzgo wuli? I never saw him again. What challenges did first - century Christians face? Pulofesa munyake zina lake F. Still, some of God's worshippers have wavered when a situation called for them to take sides with Jehovah. Professor F. Liene wakanipempha kuti tisambirenge Baibolo. He is keenly interested in you. She invited me to study the Bible. Mwana wa mberere ni Yesu Khristu, "Mwana wa mberere wa Chiuta uyo wakuwuskako kwananga. " The Bible says: "Offer your very selves to him: a living sacrifice, dedicated and fit for his acceptance. " - Rom. The Lamb is Jesus Christ, "the Lamb of God that takes away sin. " Kelvin wakuti: "Nyengo zose para nkhukhumba kulanga ŵana ŵane cifukwa ca ivyo ŵananga, nkhawoneseskanga kuti ŵamanya kuti nkhuŵalanga cifukwa cakuti nkhuŵatemwa. " What was Jesus ' reply? " Whenever I want to discipline my children for their sins, I tried to convince them that I loved them because I love them. " Wakalutilira kucindika Sauli na kumuwona kuŵa wakuphakazgika wa Ciuta. Ndipo apo mwaŵi wakuti wamucitire ciheni ukasangika, Davide wakakana kucita ntheura. - 1 Sam. For example, giving up marijuana has saved me from wasting hundreds of dollars each month. He continued to honor Saul and view him as God's anointed, and when the opportunity to do what was bad, David refused to do so. - 1 Sam. Mdauko wa Ŵabuda ukuti Siddhārtha Gautama, uyo wakambiska Cibuda, wakakwenyelera comene pakuwona umo ŵanthu ŵakusuzgikira na kufwa. The Scriptural record states: "Noah proceeded to do according to all that God had commanded him. He did just so. " According to the history of Western History, the original cause of mankind's suffering and death caused him great pain. Ŵaisrayeli ŵakuthupi mpanyi ŵakapereka ciŵerengero cakukwana ca awo ŵakwenera kukateŵetera na Mesiya mu Ufumu wake wakucanya nga ndi ufumu wa ŵapristi na mtundu wakupatulika. What benefits can result from our visiting the elderly? The fleshly Israelites would produce enough numbers to serve with the Messiah in his heavenly Kingdom as a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. Mwakuyana waka, waliyose uyo wakulondezga Yesu wazamuyezgeka. " Guard your feet whenever you go to the house of the true God, " says Ecclesiastes 5: 1. Similarly, all who follow Jesus will be tested. Mazgu agho Davide wakayowoya mu Salmo 8 ghakaŵaso ucimi wakuyowoya za munthu murunji Yesu Khristu. - Heb. What is necessary for us to be known by Jehovah? David's words recorded in Psalm 8 also apply to a righteous man, Jesus Christ. - Heb. Wakenda pasi mu Caru ca Layizgano, wakenda mitunda yitali mwakuti wapharazgire ŵantu ŵanandi. But rather than obey, Eve listened to advice that seemed to come from a lowly animal. He traveled through the Promised Land, traveling thousands of miles to reach as many people as possible. Ni Njani Wakutipa Wanangwa? Now, each morning, a caregiver switches on my computer and activates my cell phone. Who Is Leading Us to Freedom? Sendelerani Kwa Ciuta Truly, Jehovah displays reasonableness by taking into account his servants ' limitations and their circumstances. - Ps. Draw Close to God ▪ Baibolo likutilayizga kuti tingazakakhala na umoyo wamuyirayira mu Paradiso pa caru capasi. May we be quick to resolve any problem that arises between us and a fellow believer, so that the manslayer Satan does not destroy our Christian unity. - Luke 17: 3, 4. ▪ The Bible promises that we can live forever in Paradise on earth. ▪ Kasi kubabika kuphya kukucitika wuli? Thus, when a spouse has an ongoing physical ailment, it is critical that both husband and wife work together to meet the challenge. ▪ How does the new birth begin? Wakawuska Lazaro ku ŵakufwa. What assignment are they given? He raised Lazarus from the dead. Mu mpingo withu ku Adelaide mukaŵa Ŵakhristu ŵakuphakazgika 12. The apostle John concluded his third letter with the words: "Give my greetings to the friends by name. " There were 12 spirit - anointed Christians in our congregation in God's service. 13 Nkhani Yakulongosora Umoyo wa Munthu - Nkhusambizga Ŵanthu Unenesko Nangauli Nili Wakumangwa Makutu HISTORY: MARTIAL ARTS EXPERT 13 Life Story - I Teach the Truth Despite My ears Kweni ŵakumanya kuti ŵali na vintu vyakukhumbikwa vyakuti ŵaphalire ŵantu. Clearly, giving in to such impulses would keep you from reaching your goal. Yet, they realize that they have something to say to others. PEJI 12 " I still do not speak Russian perfectly, " Irene admits. PAGE 12 " Ŵanji ŵa iwo [Ŵayuda] ŵakagomezga, " nga umo ukacitira "wumba ukuru wa Ŵagiriki. " - Mil. 17: 1 - 4. 10, 11. (a) In what ways is the title "Christ " used with reference to Jesus? " Some of them became believers, " as did the "great crowd of Greeks. " - Acts 17: 1 - 4. Umoyo wa Yesu ukaŵa nadi wacandulo comene. How can we demonstrate our appreciation for the love that our heavenly Father has shown to us? Jesus ' life was truly meaningful. MASAMBIRO GHA BAIBOLO For an in - depth discussion of God's name, please see the brochure The Divine Name That Will Endure Forever, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. BIBLE STUDIES 9, 10. (a) Cifukwa wuli Nikodemo na Yosefe wa ku Arimatiya ŵakalutanga kwa Yesu ku udesi? So they appreciate receiving specific warnings that help them to maintain high moral standards. 9, 10. (a) Why did Nicodemus and Joseph of Tarsus go to Jesus in secret? Kasi cikumusoŵani cakuti muyowoye? 11: 9. Does it blind you to say it? ↓ ↑ ↑ We can pursue love and mildness of temper BMIA Mungachita nga umo Yesu wakachitira pakusambizga ŵasambiri ŵake. Arthur greeting Nathan Knorr on his arrival for the 1965 convention You can imitate Jesus ' example by teaching his disciples. Kufuma pa nyengo iyi nindamuwoneposo. A Man Agreeable to Jehovah's Heart From then on, I had no further experience. Ndipouli, ŵateŵeti ŵanyake ŵa Chiuta ŵali kutondeka kuŵa ku chigaŵa cha Yehova. Will this information damage someone's reputation? However, some of God's servants have failed to take their stand on Jehovah's side. Wakunweka namwe comene. What developments are yet in store for the preaching work? He is keenly interested in you. Baibolo likuti: " Jipelekani mwaŵene kwa iyo, kuŵa sembe yamoyo, ŵakujipatulira na kuŵa ŵakuzomerezgeka na iyo. ' - Rom. How do the Scriptures help us to understand what is meant by being safeguarded by Jehovah? The Bible says: "Pay attention to him as a living sacrifice, a sacrifice living, a dedication, and a approved standing with him. " - Rom. Kasi Yesu wakazgora vici? " I bought that one, " he said, "because it only cost five cents. " What was Jesus ' reply? Nili kuleka kuwona vizgezge, kweniso thupi na wongo wane vili makora. Do you feel safe and secure in knowing that his eyes are upon you for your good? I no longer see the appearance of the taught, the body, and the brain. Mazgu gha Ciuta ghakuti: "Wakacita ntheura Nowa; kwakulingana na umo Ciuta wakamuwuzgira, ndimo wakacitira. " Are we studious and patient as our understanding of Bible truth is progressively clarified today? God's Word says: "Noah proceeded to do according to all that God had commanded him. He did just so. " Kasi kucezgera ŵacekuru kungaŵa na phindu wuli? Even the clothes we are wearing are not ours. How can visiting older ones be beneficial? Lemba la Mupharazgi 5: 1 likuti: "Enda makora para ukuya ku nyumba ya Ciuta. " When Jesus said, "I am the door " and," I am the true vine, " no one thought that he was a literal door or a literal vine. " Whenever you go to the house of God, " says Ecclesiastes 5: 1. Kasi nchivici ico cikukhumbikwa kuti ise timanyikwe na Yehova? Jesus said. What is needed for us to be known by Jehovah? Kweni Adamu na Eva wakaleka kupulikira ulongozgi wa Chiuta. Concerning King Hezekiah of Judah, the Bible says: "He kept sticking to Jehovah. He did not turn aside from following him, but he continued keeping his commandments that Jehovah had commanded Moses. " Adam and Eve, on the other hand, disobeyed God's direction. Mulenji uliwose, munthu uyo wakunipwelelera wakunijulira kompyuta na selufoni. " You, O Israel, are my servant, you, O Jacob, whom I have chosen, the offspring of Abraham my friend. " - ISA. Each morning, someone who cares for me makes me a computer and a cell call. Nadi, Yehova wakulongora kuti ngwakupulikiska cifukwa cakuti wakumanya ivyo ŵateŵeti ŵake ŵangatondeka kufiska ndiposo umo vinthu viliri kwa iwo. - Sal. For human society to function smoothly and productively, there must be cooperation, which in turn requires a measure of obedience. Yes, Jehovah shows reasonableness because he understands the limitations and circumstances of his servants. - Ps. Ipo tikwenera kumazga luŵiro suzgo ilo lingaŵapo pakati pa ise na Mkhristu munyithu, mwakuti cikozi Satana waleke kutimbanizga umoza withu. - Luka 17: 3, 4. " I consistently prayed to Jehovah for guidance in making the right decision. " - Kwabena, Ghana Let us, then, be quick to resolve problems that may arise between us and a fellow Christian, so that Satan will not disrupt our unity. - Luke 17: 3, 4. Ntheura, para yumoza mu nthengwa wakulwaralwara, nchakuzirwa comene kuti wose ŵalimbane na suzgo ilo mwakukolerana. (Look under PUBLICATIONS > VIDEOS, under the category "The Bible ") So when one mate suffers from a chronic illness, it is vital that all take a stand against the marital bond. Kasi ŵapika ntchito wuli? Notice that Paul does not say that it is difficult to please God without faith. What responsibility do they have? Mpositole Yohane nayo wakamalizga kalata yake yacitatu na mazgu ghakuti: "Unitawuzgireko ŵabwezi, waliyose wa iwo. " Jehovah's Witnesses hold to the same standard, accepting for baptism only those who have a basic knowledge of the Scriptures and who have made a dedication to God. The apostle John concludes his third letter with the words: "Make friends, each one of them. " IVYO WAKACITANGA: WAKAŴA NKHWANTHA PA MASEŴERO GHA MBEMBE You believe that the Bible promotes the best way of life. HISTORY: THE THAT WAS FROM THE PAST Nchakuwonekerathu kuti mwamufika yayi uko mukuluta. Our Creator created Adam and then made Eve to be his partner. No doubt you will not reach your destination. Iyo wakati: "Chiyowoyero cha Chirussia chichali kunisuzga. " " The members of the body that seem to be weaker are necessary. " - 1 COR. " The Spanish language continues to bother me, " she says. 10, 11. (a) Kasi zina lakuti "Khristu " likulembeka mu nthowa wuli pakuyowoya za Yesu? HELP THEM TO EMBRACE TRUE WORSHIP 10, 11. (a) In what sense is the title "Christ " written about Jesus? Kasi tingalongora wuli kuti tikumuwonga Ciuta cifukwa ca citemwa ico wakutilongora. I was born in Székesfehérvár, Hungary, a city with a rich history stretching back over 1,000 years. How can we show our appreciation for God's love for us? Kuti mumanye vinandi pakuyowoya za zina la Ciuta, wonani brosha lakuti Dzina la Mulungu Limene Lidzakhala Kosatha, lakupharazgika na Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova. CHRISTIAN LIFE AND QUALITIES For more information on God's name, see the brochure The Divine Name That Will Endure Forever, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Ntheura ŵakuzirwiska macenjezgo agho ŵakupokera kuti ghaŵawovwire kulutilira kuŵa na mikhaliro yapacanya. It is an all - embracing ethic of sound living. Therefore, they cherish warnings they receive to help them maintain high moral standards. 11: 9. Whether we are of the "little flock, " with the heavenly calling, or of the" other sheep, " with the earthly hope, each one of us should take to heart the admonition to walk by faith and not by sight. 11: 9. Tingalondezga kutemwa na kuzika Jesus, though also physically tired, was fully awake in fervent prayer to his Father. We Can Cultivate Love and Mildness Mubali Nathan Knorr wizira ungano wa chigaŵa mu 1965, ndipo Arthur wakumutawuzga All who make the necessary change experience the truthfulness of the psalmist David's words: "Taste and see that Jehovah is good, O you people; happy is the able - bodied man that takes refuge in him. Brother Nathan Knorr attended a convention in 1965, and Arthur greets him Munthu Wapamtima wa Yehova After all, the Messianic Kingdom of God in the hands of Jesus Christ is going to "crush and put an end to all [man - made] kingdoms. " Jehovah's Greatest Person Kasi nkhani iyi yinangenge mbiri ya munthu munyake? Despite Job's dire situation - including the verbal abuse from his "comforters " and his own confusion over the true cause of his calamity - Job still kept his integrity. Will this account damage one person's reputation? Ni vinthu wuli vyakukhwaskana na mulimo wa kupharazga ivyo vicitikenge munthazi? We may at times feel like the prophet Habakkuk, who cried out to Jehovah for justice, not understanding why Jehovah had allowed certain unfair things to happen. What events regarding the preaching work lie ahead? Kasi Malemba ghakutovwira wuli kupulikiska ng'anamuro la kusungika na Yehova? What are some ways in which we may teach by example? How do the Scriptures help us to understand what it means to be safeguarded by Jehovah? Wakati: "Nkhagura kabuku aka chifukwa kakaŵa kakutchipa chomene. " The Jewish leader Judas Maccabaeus recovered Jerusalem from the Seleucids and then had the defiled altar demolished and a new one built in its place. He says: "I bought the booklet because it was a big choice. " Kasi mukuwona kuti muli ŵakuvikilirika pakumanya kuti wakumulaŵiskani mwakuti wamovwirani? The foreordination of the 144,000 does not mean that certain individuals were predestined to serve God faithfully in this way. Do you feel secure in knowing that he is looking for you in order to help you? Kasi tikuŵazga mabuku agho mwalembeka fundo izo zasintha na kuzikira usange tikuzipulikiska yayi? (See the box "Why Some People Do Not Delegate. ") Do we read publications that have changed and show patience if we do not fully understand them? Malaya agho tavwara nagho, ngithu yayi. (Read 1 Thessalonians 5: 1 - 6.) Our clothing, not our own. Apo Yesu wakati "Ine ndine muryango, " ndiposo" Ine ndine mpeska, " palije uyo wakaghanaghana kuti wakang'anamuranga kuti iye ni muryango weneko panji mpeska zeneko. Jesus aptly warned: "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. " When Jesus said "I am the door " and" I am the vine, " no one thought that he was the literal door or the vine. Pakuti umo wapelekera ukaboni wakukwana pa vinthu vyakukhwaskana na ine mu Yerusalemu, ntheura ukweneraso kukacitira ukaboni mu Romu. " - Mil. Then I feel reassured, and I am moved to express my love for Jehovah. " For just as you gave a thorough witness about me in Jerusalem, so you also need to bear witness in Rome. " Pakuyowoya za Hezekiya, themba la Yuda, Baibolo likuti: "Wakademelera kwa Yehova; ntha wakaleka kumulondezga Iye, kweni wakasunga malango ghake agho Yehova wakalangulira " Mozesi. JEHOVAH Concerning King Hezekiah of Judah, the Bible says: "He stuck to Jehovah; he did not turn aside from following him, but kept his commandments that Jehovah commanded Moses. " " Iwe Israyeli, ndiwe muteŵeti wane, iwe Yakhobe, uyo namusankha, mphapu ya Abrahamu mubwezi wane. " - YES. Why did David experience no dread? " You are my servant Jacob, the one whom I have chosen, the offspring of Abraham my friend. " - ISA. Kuti vintu vyendenge makora mu cikaya, pakwenera kuŵa cikolerano. Do You Share in Making Christian Meetings Upbuilding? To achieve success in society, there must be unity. " Nkhalomba kwa Yehova kwambura kuleka kuti wanovwire kuti nichite vinthu mwamahara. " - Kwabena, wa ku Ghana Paul wrote: "When you people thus sin against your brothers and wound their conscience that is weak, you are sinning against Christ. " I prayed to Jehovah without help to make wise decisions. " - Fore, Ghana (Wonani pa MABUKU > MAVIDIYO, pa chigaŵa cha "Baibolo ") However, more is needed than just intellectual acceptance of God's existence and ways. (Look under PUBLICATIONS > VIDEOS, on the part of "the Bible ") Wonani kuti wakayowoyapo yayi kuti nchakusuzga kukondweska Ciuta kwambura cipulikano. Among the most tender of Jesus ' illustrations is the one recorded in John chapter 10, where he likens his close relationship with his followers to that of a shepherd with his sheep. Notice that he did not say that it is impossible to please God without faith. Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova nawo ndimo ŵakucitira ntena, ŵakuzomera ubapatizo wekha wa awo ŵamanya Malemba mwakufikapo na awo ŵajipatulira kwa Ciuta. Instructions: Do this exercise in quiet surroundings. Likewise, Jehovah's Witnesses accept the baptism of those who have accurate knowledge of the Scriptures and who have made a dedication to God. Mukugomezga kuti Baibolo likovwira kuti munthu waŵe na umoyo uwemi comene. Are you curious about any of the beliefs or religious practices of Jehovah's Witnesses? I believe that the Bible helps people to enjoy a better way of life. Mlengi withu wakalenga Adamu ndipo panyuma pake wakalenga Heva kuŵa muwoli wake. Later, additional brothers were added to that governing body. Our Creator created Adam and then Eve as his wife. " Viŵaro vya thupi ivyo vikuwoneka viteciteci ni vyakukhumbikwa. " - 1 KOR. Open communication within the family is essential if adapting to a new lifestyle is to succeed. " The members of the flesh that appear to be weak are necessary. " - 1 COR. ŴAWOVWIRANI KUTI ŴAMBE KUSOPA KWAUNENESKO May we therefore conduct effective Bible studies and do all we can to help others to become Jesus ' disciples. THE BIBLE'S VIEWPOINT Nkhababikira mu tawuni yinyake yakumanyikwa chomene mu Hungary. Mu tawuni iyi mukachitika vinthu vinandi mu vyaka 1,000 ivyo vyajumpha. Sure enough, this bread from heaven appeared in the early morning, "a fine, flaky substance " that looked somewhat like dew or frost. I was born in a prominent town in Hungary, a town in the past 1,000 years. Kukusazgapo nkaro yiweme. Those who wanted to become Christians in the first century came from various backgrounds and lifestyles, and some of them made significant lifestyle changes. It involves moral cleanness. Kwali tili ŵa "kamskambo kacoko, " ndipo tikulindilira kuzakaluta kucanya, panji ŵa" mberere zinyake, " ndipo tikulindilira kuzakahara caru capasi, tose tikwenera kupulikira cenjezgo lakuti tendenge mu cipulikano, mu kuwona cara. " Fear the true God and keep his commandments, " and you will receive Jehovah's rich blessing and " see good because of your hard work. ' - Eccl. Whether we are "a little flock, " and we look forward to heavenly life in heaven, or the" other sheep, " and we need to heed the warning to walk by faith, not by sight. Ndivyo ŵasambiri ŵake nawo ŵakeneranga kuchita. - Mrk. How distressing it is for a young child to face the reality of death! That was also true of his disciples. Kweni kuti tikondwe, tikwenera kulondezga ivyo Ciuta wakukhumba. Ku ŵanthu ŵanandi, ici cikung'anamura kuti ŵakwenera kusintha umoyo wawo. Wose awo ŵakusintha umoyo wawo ŵakusanga kuti mazgu gha Davide agha ngaunenesko: "Cetani " mwe! (a) How were Hannah, Elijah, and Paul rewarded? But to be happy, we need to live by God's requirements - and to many people - that is, all who make changes in their lives find the truthfulness of David's words: "O Jehovah! " Nakwenenako, Ufumu wa Ciuta wakuwusika na Yesu Khristu, "wamkuteketa mauthemba ghose [gha ŵanthu] agha na kughamara. " 11: 1. In fact, God's Kingdom under Jesus Christ "will crush and put an end to all these [human] kingdoms. " Yobu wakalutilira kuŵa wakunyoroka nangauli wakaŵa mu suzgo, kusazgapo mautesi agho "ŵasanguluski " ŵake ŵakamuyowoyera kweniso kuleka kumanya ico wakasuzgikiranga. As an educational reformer, he later founded a school in Nuremberg where students could learn Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and German within four years. Job maintained his integrity despite his suffering, including false accusations that were "the false comforters " and that he did not know why he was suffering. Nyengo zinyake tingajipulika nga ni Habakuku, uyo wakalilira Yehova kuti urunji ucitike, nakuti wakapulikiskanga yayi cifukwa ico Yehova wakazomerezgera vinthu vinyake vyambura urunji kuti vicitike. Did she wonder what she was doing there? At times, we may feel as did Habakkuk, who cried out to Jehovah for justice, and he did not understand why Jehovah allowed certain injustices to happen. Ŵanyake ŵakukondwa chomene na somba iyi chifukwa cha mtundu wake wakutowa uwo ukukozgana na vyakuvwara vinyake vyakutowa. Seeing that "Jehovah was with David, " says the Bible," Saul came to be an enemy of David always. " Others rejoice over this beautiful fish because of its beautiful, beautiful color that resembles beautiful clothing. Ni ntowa wuli zinyake izo tingasambizgira ŵantu kwizira mu ciyerezgero? Why is having Bible knowledge not enough to become a spiritually - minded person? What are some ways in which we can teach others by example? Mulongozgi wa Ciyuda Judas Maccabeeus wakathereska Seleucids na kupoka Yerusalemu ndipo pamanyuma wakalangura kuti jochero lakukazuzgika liwiskike na kuzengapo jochero liphya. Moreover, that was not the end of Joseph's trials. A Jewish leader of Judaism conquered Jerusalem and captured Jerusalem and later ordered that the unclean altar be burned and built on the new altar. Nangauli ŵanthu 144,000 ŵakimikikirathu, kweni cikung'anamura kuti ŵanthu ŵanyake ŵakalembekerathu kuti ŵazamuteŵetera Ciuta mwakugomezgeka mu nthowa iyi yayi. He said: "Think of this: A driver can make his car turn left or right but only if the car is moving. While the 144,000 are chosen, it does not mean that some individuals were commanded to serve God faithfully in this way. (Wonani bokosi la mutu wakuti, "Icho Ŵanyake Ŵakulekera Kupeleka Milimo ku Ŵanyawo. ") Elders who are self - sacrificing, humble, and loving provide the kind of example that younger men need. (See the box "What Others Do Not Give to Others. ") (Ŵazgani 1 Ŵatesalonika 5: 1 - 6.) " Do not marvel at this, " Jesus said to the crowds to whom he preached, "because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out. " (Read 1 Thessalonians 5: 1 - 6.) Yesu wakachenjezga kuti: "Mulomo ukuyowoya ivyo vili kuzura mu mtima. " Although we are imperfect, we can " follow Jehovah's way. ' Jesus warned: "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. " Para nachita nthena nkhujipulika makora ndipo nkhumutemwa chomene Yehova. " The apostle Paul wrote: "Become kind to one another, tenderly compassionate, freely forgiving one another just as God also by Christ freely forgave you. " When I do that, I feel more secure and closer to Jehovah. " 1 / 15 Much as electricity powers a light bulb, breathing energizes your voice when you speak or sing. 1 / 1 Cifukwa wuli Davide wakawopanga yayi? 3: 20 - 22 - How does baptism save us? Why was David not afraid? Kasi Mukovwirapo Kuti Maungano Ghaŵenge Ghakuzenga? How Job came to know Jehovah. Do You Share in Making Christian Meetings Enjoyable? Wakalemba kuti: "Pakunangira ŵabali, na kulasa njuŵi zawo para zikutepwa, mukumunangira Khristu. [ Footnote] " By sinning against the brothers, " he wrote, "and by throwing their conscience upon them, you sin against the Christ. Kweni pali vinandi ivyo vikukhumbikwa kuluska kuzomerezga waka kuti Ciuta waliko ndiposo kuti wali na malango. (a) How have present - day language barriers been overcome? But more is involved than simply accepting God's existence and standards. Ntharika yinyake ya Yesu ni iyo yiri kulembeka pa Yohane cipaturo 10, penepapo wakayaniska citemwa cake pa ŵarondezgi ŵake na citemwa ca muliska pa mberere zake. Today, I can truly say that I am happy, and although previously I never imagined it possible, I now feel that I can help others. One of Jesus ' illustrations is recorded in John chapter 10, where he compared his love for his followers with the love of a shepherd over his sheep. Ulongozgi: Khala pa malo ghambura congo apo ukuŵazga na kuzgora mafumbo agha. On the basis of Paul's inspired assurance recorded at 1 Corinthians 10: 13, however, we know that the situation giving rise to temptation is only temporary. Instructions: Do this exercise in quiet surroundings. Kasi vilipo vinthu vinyake ivyo Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova ŵakugomezga, kweni imwe mukuvipulikiska yayi? " I Am Willing to Go " (Rebekah), No. Are you curious about any of the beliefs or religious practices of Jehovah's Witnesses? Pamasinda, pakasoleka ŵabali ŵanyake awo ŵakaŵa ŵapositole yayi kuti ŵaŵe mu wupu wakulongozga. Two of them were sentenced on July 7, 2011, the same day as the ECHR ruling. Later, some brothers who were not the apostles were appointed to be members of the governing body. Kuti vimwenderani makora nga ni mbumba, nchakuzirwa kudumbiskana kuti waliyose wazgoŵere umoyo wambura kukhumba vinandi. On the other hand, many who claim to believe in God make decisions as though he did not exist. To be successful as a family, it is important to discuss that everyone can adapt to a simple lifestyle. Mphanyi tacita makora masambiro gha Baibolo na kucita vyose ivyo tingakwaniska kuti tovwire ŵanthu kuŵa ŵasambiri ŵa Yesu. A good teacher makes his students feel comfortable so that they are eager to involve themselves in what they are learning and are happy to express themselves. May we do our best to conduct Bible studies and do all we can to help others become disciples of Jesus. Nadi, kuzafika mulenji cakurya cakufuma kucanya ici cikawoneka. Mawonekero ghake ghakaŵa nga nkhabulunga ka ciwuvi, kawemi kapepefu. " Interpretations Belong to God " (Joseph), 2 / 1 Yes, in the morning of the meal from heaven, its appearance appeared like snowy snow, sweet grass. Kale, ŵanthu ŵa nkharo zakupambanapambana ŵakakhumbanga kunjira Chikhristu, ndipo ŵanyake ŵakasintha chomene nkharo zawo. He was "all things to everyone. " In Bible times, people of different cultures wanted to become Christians, and some changed their ways. Baibolo likuti: "Muwope Ciuta, na kusunga malango ghake. " Para mwacita nthena, Yehova wamutumbikaninge comene ndipo musangwenge na milimo yinu. - Muph. Soon, it would be time for the women to begin cooking the evening meal (14). " Worship God and keep his commandments, " says the Bible, "and Jehovah will bless you richly, and you will enjoy your deeds. " - Eccl. Cikuŵa cakusuzga kuti mwana mucoko wapulikiske kuti munthu uyo wamutemwanga wafwa. JUNE 24 - 30, 2013 It is not easy for a young child to understand that a loved one is dead. (a) Kasi Hana, Eliya, na Paulosi ŵakatumbikika wuli? Unlike an unforeseeable earthquake, however, there is a brief opportunity remaining to warn our neighbors about Jehovah's day of judgment. (a) How were Hannah, Elijah, and Paul blessed? 11: 1. (b) What did Apollos need to fill his spiritual deficiency? 11: 1. Pakuti wakakhumbanga kovwira ŵanthu pa masambiro, wakambiska sukulu ku Nuremberg kuti ŵanthu ŵasambirenge Chihebere, Chigiriki, Chilatini, na Chijemani kwa vyaka vinayi. I have a wonderful spiritual family now. " Because he wanted to help people in his studies, he started school to study Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and Italian for four years. Kasi wakajifumbapo kuti wakuchitachi para? Jezebel too would be brought to justice. - 1 Kings 21: 20 - 26. Did he ever ask himself what he was doing? Baibolo likuti wakati wawona kuti "Yehova wakaŵa naye Davide, " Sauli" wakazgoka mulwani wa Davide lutaluta. " Single brothers and sisters with no family responsibilities will be able to use this time well for personal Bible study. When the Bible says that "Jehovah was with David, " Saul" became a enemy of David constantly. " Chifukwa wuli kumanya waka vinandi vya mu Baibolo nkhwakukwana yayi kuti tiŵe munthu wakulongozgeka na mzimu? For example, Satan killed the livestock and the servants of the faithful man Job. Why is knowledge of the Bible not enough to become a spiritual person? Nakuti Yosefe wakasangana na viyezgo vinyakeso. At the end of the week, make a list of (1) traits that you appreciate in your spouse and (2) things that he or she did for the benefit of your family. - Bible principle: Philippians 4: 8. In fact, Joseph faced other trials. Iyo wakati: "Wonani chiyelezgero ichi: Uyo wakwendeska galimoto wangakoneska kuti yilute kumazere panji kumalyero pekha usange yikwenda. Why are Jesus, Paul, and Timothy fine role models for Jehovah's servants today? He says: "See this example: A driver can drive his car to the left or right if he goes. Ŵalara awo ŵali na mzimu wakujipata, kujiyuyura, na citemwa, ŵakuŵa bambiro liwemi ku ŵawukirano. He realized, too, that in order to benefit from his newly found knowledge about the Christ, he must do something to rectify his life course. - Romans 2: 4; Ephesians 4: 24. The elders who cultivate a self - sacrificing spirit, humility, and love set a fine example for youths. Yesu wakaphalira wumba kuti: "Mungazizwanga na ici: pakuti ora likwiza mu leneilo wose awo ŵali mu malaro ŵati ŵapulike mazgu ghake, ndipo ŵati ŵafumengemo. " Challenges to such loyalties have resulted in competition and rivalry and, in extreme cases, bloodshed and genocide. Jesus told the crowd: "Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out. " Nangauli ndise ŵakwananga, kweni tingamupulikira Chiuta. But "Jehovah's day will come as a thief. " Even though we are imperfect, we can obey God. Mpositole Paulosi wakalemba kuti: "Muŵe ŵakucitirana wezi, ŵa mtima wa cisungusungu, ŵakugowokerana, umo Ciuta nayo mwa Khristu wakamugowokelerani imwe. " Thus they would not " fail to obtain the undeserved kindness of God, ' which sadly could happen if they engaged in sexual immorality. The apostle Paul wrote: "Become kind to one another, tenderly compassionate, freely forgiving one another just as God also by Christ freely forgave you. " Nga umo vikuŵira na nkhongono ya magesi iyo yikovwira kuti babu libuke, mvuchi nawo ukovwira kuti muyowoye panji mwimbe makora. He uses his high authority to give, not to take. Just as the power of electricity enables them to do so, too is the ability to speak or act properly. 3: 20 - 22 - Kasi ubapatizo ukutiponoska wuli? Yes, empowered with the fullness of God's holy spirit, Jesus has perfect discernment. 3: 20 - 22 - How does baptism save us? Kasi Yobu wakamumanya wuli Yehova? But do not forget to pray for your brothers and sisters. How did Job come to know Jehovah? [ Mazgu ghamusi] Table of Contents [ Footnote] (a) Kasi muzga wakupeleka chakurya chauzimu ku ŵanthu ŵaviyowoyero vilinga? Unlike King David, Rehoboam failed to cultivate a close bond with Jehovah (a) How have the slave class proved to be a source of spiritual food to foreign - speaking people? Ningayowoya kuti sono nili wakukondwa, ndipo nkhuwona kuti ningawovwira ŵanji nangauli pakwamba nkhawonanga kuti vingachitika yayi. In view of ancient Tyre's prominence as a renowned supplier of this costly dye, the color purple became known as Tyrian purple. I can say that I am now happy, and I feel that I could help others even though I didn't at first. Ndipouli, cifukwa ca mazgu gha Paulosi agho ghali pa 1 Ŵakorinte 10: 13, tikumanya kuti suzgo ili ndakanyengo kacoko waka. That was true in the first century, and it is true today. However, Paul's words found at 1 Corinthians 10: 13, we know that this problem is temporary. Kasi Kale Ŵakapanganga Wuli Mipukutu? Na. If so, you are not alone. What Did the Bible Say? No. Pa 7 Julayi 2011, apo khoti la ECHR likadumulira nkhani iyi, pa zuŵa lenelili ŵawukirano ŵaŵiri ŵakajalirika mu jele. [ Cithuzithuzi pa peji 29] [ Cithuzithuzi pa peji 30] When will he be "hurled into the lake of fire "? On July 7, 2011, when the preceding article issued a decision, on that very day two young people were imprisoned. Nyengo yili pafupi kukwana apo tizamukhumbikwira chomene ŵabali ŵithu kuluska kumasinda kose. The preaching work included searching for deserving ones from house to house. The time is near when we will need more than ever. Ndipouli, ŵanandi awo ŵakugomezga kuti Ciuta waliko, ŵakucita vinthu nga nipara Iyo kulije. (b) What questions may arise when we consider our obligation to fear God? However, many who believe that God exists do things as if he were not. Msambizgi waluso wakovwira ŵasambiri ŵake kuti ŵaŵenge ŵakufwatuka, mwakuti ŵafwilirengepo pa ivyo ŵakusambira na kuyowoyapo maghanoghano ghawo mwakukondwa. First, Jehovah is our Creator, the Source of our life, and the Provider of all that we need to sustain life. A good teacher helps his disciples to be approachable, to focus on what they learn and to express their joy. Wakaŵa "vinthu vyose kwa waliyose. " And how do we benefit from it today? He was "all things to everyone. " Kufuma apo, wakambanga kuphika cakurya ca namise (14). The new nation was growing. Then he began preparing a meal for the evening meal. JUNI 24 - 30, 2013 Even in the face of mockery, we hold firm to our belief in the resurrection. - Mark 12: 18; Acts 4: 2, 3; 17: 32; 23: 6 - 8. JUNE 24 - 30, 2013 Ndipouli, mwakupambana na cindindindi ico cikiza mwamabuci, pali nyengo yifupi comene yakuti ticenjezgere ŵazengezgani ŵithu vya zuŵa la Yehova la ceruzgo. When we focus on doing God's will rather than our own, our life becomes meaningful and satisfying. Unlike an unexpected earthquake, however, we have only a short time to warn our neighbors about Jehovah's day of judgment. (b) Ncivici ico Apolo wakakhumbikwiranga kuti waŵe wakukwana mwauzimu? Upon seeing him, Jesus exclaimed: "See, truly an Israelite in whom there is no deceit. " (b) What did Apollos need to grow spiritually? Niliso mu mbumba yiwemi yauzimu. " If you perceive that someone needs help and it is within "the power of your hand " to assist, why wait for a holiday to act? I am also in a fine spiritual family. " Yezebeli nayo wakaŵa mu gulu la kuparanyika. - 1 Mathemba 21: 20 - 26. What lesson can we learn from the account of Saul's persecution of David? Jezebel was also part of a doomed organization. - 1 Kings 21: 20 - 26. Panyengo iyi, ŵabali na ŵadumbu awo ŵandatore panji kutengwa, ŵangacita sambiro la Baibolo la iwoŵene. If we exercise faith in the ransom sacrifice provided by God and obey Him, we too can have our sins forgiven and enjoy God's favor and blessing. At that time, brothers and sisters who are single may conduct a personal Bible study. Mwachiyelezgero, Satana ndiyo wakakoma viŵeto na ŵateŵeti ŵa munthu wakugomezgeka, Yobu. • In what ways is mercy manifested? For example, Satan was the one who killed the animals and faithful servants of God. Paumaliro wa sabata, lembani (1) viwemi vyose ivyo munyinu wachita makora na (2) ivyo mwawona kuti vyawovwira kuti nthengwa yende makora mu sabata iyo. - Fundo ya mu Baibolo: Ŵafilipi 4: 8. The prophet Isaiah was inspired to write about a stirring invitation that is being extended during "the final part of the days, " the time in which we now live. At the end of the week, write to (1) every good deed and (2) what you have seen to contribute to your marriage in that week. - Bible principle: Philippians 4: 8. Cifukwa wuli Yesu, Paulosi, na Timote ni viyelezgero viwemi ku ŵateŵeti ŵa Yehova mazuŵa ghano? When Arthur was 22, he sought his fortune at Kalgoorlie, a gold - mining boomtown some 370 miles (600 km) east of Perth. Why is Jesus, Paul, and Timothy a fine example for Jehovah's servants today? Iye wakamanyaso kuti usange wakukhumba kusanga candulo kufuma mu cimanyisko cipya cakuyowoya za Kristu, wakenera kucitapo kantu kuti wang'anamuke. - Ŵaroma 2: 4; Ŵaefeso 4: 24. At the same time, we must " persist, ' or endure, in applying God's Word, thus making the truth our way of life. He also knew that if he wanted to benefit from accurate knowledge about Christ, he had to do something to repent. - Romans 2: 4; Ephesians 4: 24. Ivi vyapangiska kuti paŵe kuphalizgana, kutimbana, na kukomana. Not at all. This has led to competition, wars, and bloodshed. Kweni "zuŵa la Fumu liti lizenge nga ndi munkhungu. " What can help us to resist the world's efforts to " squeeze us into its own mould '? - Romans 12: 2, The New Testament in Modern English, by J. B. But "Jehovah's day will come as a thief. " Lusungu ulu ŵakapokeranga yayi para ŵamba kuchita uzaghali. As you prepare for the Lord's Evening Meal, consider what the apostle Paul wrote to the Christian congregation in Corinth. Such loving - kindness did not receive them if they were to engage in sexual immorality. Iye wakugwiriskira ncito malo ghake ghapacanya agho kupereka, kuti kutora cara. Why does the expression "man of lawlessness " fit Christendom's clergy? He uses his lofty position to give, not to marry. Yesu pakuŵa wakuzura na mzimu utuŵa wa Ciuta, wakumanya vinthu fikepo. He later had to endure years of unjust imprisonment in Egypt. Jesus is full of God's holy spirit, fully aware of things. Kweni mungaruwanga cara kupemperera ŵabali na ŵadumbu ŵinu. Jehovah was the one responsible for spiritual growth. But do not forget to pray for your brothers and sisters. Vyamukati Our sister thus created a favorable situation for sharing the good news. Table of Contents Mwakupambana na Themba Davide, Rehobowamu wakatondeka kuŵa paubwezi wakukhora na Yehova Whatever your goal in God's service, you will need a way to earn a living. Unlike King David, Rehoboam failed to develop a close relationship with Jehovah Pakuti ku Ture ndiko kukafumanga dayi wakudura uyu, ntheura mtundu uchesamu ukumanyikwanga kuti ngwa ku Ture. Why and how did Herod mistreat the Christians, including Peter? Since it was the center of Tyre, wool is known as Tyre. Ndimo vikaŵira na Ŵakhristu ŵakwambilira, kweniso ndimo viliri mazuŵa ghano. Jehovah rewards us with "the very knowledge of God " because of qualities he finds in our heart. That was true of first - century Christians, and it is similar today. Usange ni nthena, ndimwe pera yayi. " Korokoro " If so, you are not alone. Mphawuli apo " yizamuponyeka mu nyanja ya moto '? These brothers do not have the full insight that God does, but they aim to make their decision harmonize with the direction given in God's Word under the guidance of holy spirit. When does it " enter into the lake of fire '? Iwo ŵakapenjanga ŵanthu ŵa mitima yiwemi ku nyumba na nyumba. * They searched for honesthearted people from house to house. (b) Ni mafumbo wuli yangafumbika yakukhwaskana na kopa Ciuta? They will actually have reasons to rejoice when God acts against the wicked. (b) What questions arise about godly fear? Cakwamba, Yehova ndiyo wakatilenga, wakatipa umoyo, nakuti ndiyo wakutipa vyose ivyo tikukhumba pa umoyo withu. Prayers to God to "preserve us from the dangers of the sea and from the violence of the enemy " went unanswered as the converted passenger liner his father was on was attacked and destroyed by German battleships during World War II. - All in the Mind - A Farewell to God. First, Jehovah created us, gave us life, and gave us everything we need. Kasi tikwandula wuli lero na lusungu? Spastic quadriplegia is the most severe type of CP; it can result in the stiffness of all four limbs and a floppy neck. How do we benefit from mercy today? Mtundu uphya ukalutilira kukura. And how does Jesus feel about the resurrection? The new nation continued to grow. Tikukoleska chisambizgo ichi, nanga ŵanthu ŵangatinena. - Mrk. 12: 18; Mil. 4: 2, 3; 17: 32; 23: 6 - 8. Was Jesus lower than God only while he was a man here on earth? We hold that teaching, even the common people. - Mark 12: 18; Acts 4: 2, 3; 17: 32; 23: 6 - 8. Para tikuŵika mahara pa khumbo la Ciuta kuluska lithu, umoyo withu ukuŵa wacandulo ndiposo wakukhorweska. Rather, he began by declaring adverse divine judgment against six nearby nations. When we focus on God's will rather than on our own, our lives are meaningful and satisfying. Yesu wakati wamuwona, wakati: "Wonani, Muisrayeli nadi, mwa uyo mulije upusikizgi. " I would look at older ones with health problems and wonder, " Why are they alive and my dad isn't? ' When Jesus saw him, he said: "See, an Israelite, in whom there is no hypocrisy. " Usange imwe mwawona kuti munthu wasuzgika ndipo mukuwona kuti mungamovwira, mwalekeraci kumovwira m'malo mwa kulindilira Khisimasi? Amaziah falsely accused Amos of treason. If you see that a person is struggling with a problem and seems to be able to help him, why not help him rather than wait for Christmas? Kasi tingasambirapo vici pa nkhani yakulongosora umo Sauli wakatambuzgira Davide? In conclusion, Jesus said: "I tell you that in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over 99 righteous ones who have no need of repentance. " - Luke 15: 4 - 7. What can we learn from the account of Saul's sin? Usange tili na cipulikano mu sembe ya ciwombolero iyo Ciuta wali kupereka ndiposo para tikumupulikira Iye, ise nase zakwananga zithu zingagowokereka ndipo tingasangwa na ucizi wa Ciuta na thumbiko lake. Despite their circumstances, Anja, Delina, and Gregory have been able to take control of their lives. If we exercise faith in God's provision of the ransom sacrifice and if we obey him, we too can have our sins forgiven and enjoy the favor of God's undeserved kindness and blessing. • Kasi lusungu lukulongoreka wuli? [ Picture on page 10] • How is loving - kindness expressed? Ntchimi Yesaya yikalemba ntchemo iyo yikupelekeka mu "mazuŵa ghaumaliro, " nyengo iyo tilimo sono. " God gave us not a spirit of cowardice, but that of power and of love and of soundness of mind. " - 2 TIMOTHY 1: 7. The prophet Isaiah recorded an invitation to "the last days, " the time in which we are now living. Arthur wakaluta ku Kalgoorlie kukagwira ntchito mu migodi, mtunda wa makilomita 600 kufuma ku Perth. Panyengo iyi wakaŵa na vyaka 22. 15: 28. Arthur traveled there to work in the mines, some 600 miles [60 km] away, and now he was 22 years old. Pa nyengo yeneyiyo pera, tikwenera " kucita na citatata, ' panji na cizizipizgo, pakulondezga Mazgu gha Ciuta. They cannot understand the harsh reality that we all face: Sooner or later, even if we escape the worst that besets mankind, death robs us of everything. - Ecclesiastes 3: 19, 20. At the same time, we need to " do our utmost, ' or with endurance, by following God's Word. Yayi. Jesus ended his consideration of the ninth happiness by saying: "Rejoice..., for in that way they persecuted the prophets prior to you. " No. Kasi nchivici cingatovwira kuti tileke " kulinganizgika na caru '? - Ŵaroma 12: 2. For example, do not try to force your child to read aloud what he or she has written on the pages entitled "My Journal " or in any of the other interactive portions of the book. What can help us to avoid being " fashioned after the world "? - Romans 12: 2. Para mukunozgekera Chikumbusko, ghanaghanirani ivyo mpositole Paulosi wakalembera Ŵakhristu ŵa ku Korinte. In support of their claim that Roman Catholicism is the one true church, Catholic leaders say that their bishops have "a life - giving contact with the original apostles by a current of succession which goes back to the beginning. " As you prepare for the Memorial, consider what the apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthian Christians. Cifukwa wuli nchakwenelera kuyowoya kuti ŵaliska ŵa Cikhristu cautesi ni " munthu wakwananga '? We can imitate Jehovah's forgiveness by choosing to be forgiving toward one another whenever there is a basis for doing so. Why is it fitting to conclude that Christendom's clergy are "a sinner "? Pamanyuma, wakaŵikika mu jele ku Eguputo na kukhalamo kwa vyaka vinandi chifukwa cha mulandu wautesi. For example, Queen Jezebel murdered many prophets of Jehovah. Later, he was imprisoned in Egypt and had been sentenced to a number of years of false accusations. Yehova ndiyo wakawovwiranga kuti ŵasazgikire. They receive forgiveness of their sins and are declared righteous as God's friends. It was Jehovah who made it possible for them to be fulfilled. Nteura mudumbu withu wakasanga mupata uweme wakupharazgira makani ghaweme. I remember praying: "God, I begged you to save my dad. So our sister found opportunities to share the good news with others. Nanga cilato cinu cingaŵa cakuti wuli pakuteŵetera Ciuta, kweni mukhumbikwirenge kusanga nthowa panji nchito yakuti yimovwiraninge kusanga ndalama. 24 Draw Close to God - A Judge Who Always Does What Is Right Even if your goal is to serve God, you will have to find a way or a job to support yourself financially. Cifukwa wuli Herode wakayuzganga Ŵakhristu, kusazgapo Petrosi? How can a person cope with the loss of a loved one? Why did Herod persecute Christians, including Peter? Yehova wakutipa njombe ya " mahara ghakumumanyira ' cifukwa ca mikhaliro yiweme iyo wakuwona mwa ise. Our Heavenly Father Disciplines Us Jehovah gives us "the very knowledge of knowledge " based on qualities that he sees in us. " Korokoro " Does this mean that everyone who has stopped studying or associating with Jehovah's people has been thrown away as unsuitable by the angels? " Cor. " Ŵabali aŵa ŵakumanya vinthu nga umo Ciuta wakuvimanyira yayi, kweni ŵakuwoneseska kuti ivyo ŵadumurenge viŵe vyakukolerana na ulongozgi wa mu Mazgu gha Ciuta mwakulongozgeka na mzimu utuŵa. May our singing reflect the feelings of the psalmist who wrote: "I shall laud Jehovah with all my heart in the intimate group of upright ones and the assembly. " They do not know things as God does, but they make sure that the decisions they make are in harmony with the direction found in God's Word. * Jesus said: "By endurance on your part you will acquire your souls. " * M'malo mwake iwo ŵazamusekelera para Ciuta wayamba kwimikana na ŵaheni. That is why, if I come, I will call to remembrance his works which he goes on doing, chattering about us with wicked words. " Instead, they will rejoice when God begins to oppose the wicked. Mapempero gha kupempa Ciuta kuti "wativikilire ku ngozi za mu nyanja na nkaza za murwani " ghakazgoreka cara peneapo sitima iyo ŵadada ŵake ŵakakwera yikaphwanyika na sitima za nkondo za ku Germany mukati mu Nkondo Yaciŵiri ya Caru Cose. - All in the Mind - A Farewell to God. The psalmist Asaph writes: "I am constantly with you; you have taken hold of my right hand. They prayed to God that "he will guard us from the dangers of the sea and the oppressive acts of an enemy " would not be answered when his father boarded off by the war of Germany during World War II. - All the World War II. Nyengo zinyake munthu wangatondeka kunyoloska na kukhwinyatiska mawoko na malundi, kweniso singo yingatondeka kukhora. Against his will, he was taken to Egypt. At times, though, a person may not let his hands and feet drop down, and he may not tire out. Kasi Yesu wakujipulika wuli para ŵanthu ŵakufwa? Like Samuel, experienced elders today show a kind disposition toward those whom they train. How does Jesus feel about the condition of the dead? Kasi Yesu wakajilambika kwa Ciuta pekha apo wakaŵa pa caru capasi? By using our lives to do the divine will, we experience abundant blessings now and have the prospect of eternal life in the new world. Was Jesus subjected to God only while on earth? Kweni wakapharazga dankha ceruzgo ca Ciuta pa mitundu yinkhondi na umoza yapafupi na Israyeli. 8, 9. But he first declared God's judgment against six nations near Israel. Para nawona ŵachekuru, nkhajifumbanga kuti, " Chifukwa wuli ŵachali ŵamoyo kweni adada ŵali kufwa? ' Or was it designed? When I saw the elderly, I wondered, " Why are we still alive but my father has died? ' Amaziya wakapusikira Amosi kuti wakaŵa wakuwukira boma. Not necessarily. Amaziah deceived Amos into rebelling against governments. Paumaliro Yesu wakati: "Nkhumuphalirani kuti ndimo kuzamuŵira chimwemwe chikuru kuchanya para wakwananga yumoza wang'anamuka mtima, kuluska ŵarunji 99 awo ŵakukhumbikwira kung'anamuka mtima yayi. " - Luka 15. As you learned Bible truth, what hope did you gain? Finally, Jesus said: "I tell you that there is more happiness in heaven when one sinner repents than 99 righteous ones need not repent. " - Luke 15. Anja, Delina, na Gregory ŵakuchita ivyo ŵangakwaniska pa umoyo wawo nangauli ŵali na masuzgo. They do not put up with false brothers who want to be viewed as apostles. Jehovah's Witnesses are doing what they can in spite of the challenges they face. [ Cithuzithuzi pa peji 25] 13 Keys to Family Happiness - Cultivate Spirituality as a Couple [ Picture on page 25] " Ciuta kuti wakatipa mzimu wa wofi cara; kweni wa nkhongono na wa kutemwa na wa kuziza. " - 2 TIMOTE 1: 7. One teenage Christian relates: "My sister and I walked out of a movie that contained a lot of swearing. " God gave us not a spirit of cowardice, but that of power and of love and of soundness of mind. " - 2 TIMOTHY 1: 7. 15: 28. What else caused God to favor Noah? 15: 28. Ŵakupulikiska yayi kuti tikufwa nipera nanga ni para tikusuzgika yayi. - Mupharazgi 3: 19, 20. on a subject that she knew John would find interesting, such as on science and nature, she pointed these out to him, saying, "I think you will enjoy reading this. " They are not convinced that we will die even if we do not suffer. - Ecclesiastes 3: 19, 20. Pakumalizga vifukwa vinkhondi na vinayi ivyo vingapangiska munthu kuŵa wacimwemwe, Yesu wakati: "Kondwani..., cifukwa ndimo ŵakazikizgira ŵaprofeti awo ŵakamutendekerani. " In the year 2001, they were active in 235 lands and territories, including some commonly viewed as Christian. Near the end of nine reasons for happiness, Jesus said: "Get up... because they persecuted the prophets prior to you. " Mwaciyelezgero, mungacicizganga mwana yayi kuti waŵazge mwakukwezga ivyo walemba pa peji la mutu wakuti, Mfundo Zanga, " panji cigaŵa cilicose ico mwana wakukhumbikwira kulembapo maghanoghano ghake. There is even the moon, and it is not bright; and the stars themselves have not proved clean in his eyes. For example, do not pressure your child to read aloud from the title, "Keep on the watch, " or whatever his child needs to discuss. Kuti ŵakhozgere fundo yakuti tcharitchi la Roma Katolika ndilo ndaunenesko, ŵarongozgi ŵa Katolika ŵakuyowoya kuti mabishopu ghawo ghali "kuhara upostole ku ŵapostole ŵakwambilira - para mpostole munyake wafumapo, munyakeso wakutora mpando wake. " Valley of Jezreel To support the fact that the Catholic Church is correct, the Catholic leaders claim that their bishops "put the apostles to the apostles in the first century - when the other apostle left, there is more to lay down his throne. " Tingayezga Yehova pa nkhani ya kugowokera para tikugowokerana yumoza na munyake usange pali cifukwa cakukwana cakugowokelera. Jehovah said to Elijah: "Have you seen how Ahab has humbled himself on my account? We can imitate Jehovah's forgiveness by forgiving one another if we have a valid reason for forgiving one another. Mwaciyelezgero, Fumukazi Yezebeli yikakoma nchimi zinandi za Yehova. Nothing is more valuable than an approved standing with the Creator. Queen Jezebel, for example, killed many of Jehovah's prophets. Zakwananga zawo zikugowokereka, ndipo ŵakupimika ŵarunji pakuŵa ŵabwezi ŵa Ciuta. Each one of the elders is to be such "a place " of protection and safety. Their sins are forgiven, and they are declared righteous as friends of God. Nkhukumbuka kuti nkhalomba kwa Chiuta kuti: "A Chiuta nkhamupemphani kuti muŵaponoske adada. Perhaps the book was at first kept with official Persian records before it was taken back to Jerusalem. I remember praying to God: "O God, I asked you to save my father. 27 Sendelerani kwa Ciuta 28 Kalata Yakufuma ku Ghana Early in his reign, Solomon took steps to replace the tabernacle, in use since Moses ' day, with a magnificent temple. 27 Draw Close to God - A Letter From Ghana Ntchivichi chingawovwira munthu kuti wazizipizge nyifwa ya mfumu panji muwoli wake? A heavy downpour that morning had caused the brook to flood. What will help a person to cope with the death of a mate? Ŵakuticenya Being imperfect, all of us occasionally say things that we later regret. They Discipline Kasi ici cikung'anamura kuti waliyose uyo waleka kusambira panji kuwungana na ŵanthu ŵa Yehova mbwenu watayika na ŵangelo mwakuyana na somba ziheni? All too often they victimize the vulnerable and the disadvantaged. Does this mean that anyone who has not studied or associated with Jehovah's people dies according to wicked fish? Kimbiro kithu mphanyi kalongora umo wakajipulikira wamasalmo uyo wakalemba kuti: "Tindimuwonge Yehova na mtima wane wose, mu wupu wa ŵakunyoroka, na mu ungano. " Jehovah is "the happy God, " who wants his servants to be happy. Our first concern may have shown how we felt about the psalmist who wrote: "I shall laud Jehovah with all my heart, in the company of the righteous one, and in the congregation I shall laud him. " Yesu wakati: "Mu uzizipizgo winu mwamkwandulira mizimu yinu. " He must understand what he reads and apply what he learns. Jesus said: "By your endurance you will gain your souls. " Ntheura, usange nkhwiza, nditi ndikumbuske milimo yake iyo wakuyicita, pakutiŵeleŵetera na mazgu ghaheni. " Do You Remember? Therefore, if I come, I will remind myself of his works that he has performed, for with wicked words I shall turn away from bad. " Wamasalmo Asafu wakalemba kuti: "Ndili namwe lutaluta; mukundikora ku woko lamalyero. " Unless Jehovah himself builds the house, " sang the psalmist, "it is to no avail that its builders have worked hard on it. " The psalmist Asaph wrote: "I am constantly with you; you have taken hold of my right hand. Pakati pajumpha nyengo uku wachali mu charu chaŵene, ŵakamupusikizgira kuti wakakhumbanga kukolelera mwanakazi wa Farawo. (page 189) provide practical suggestions on how to open up about sensitive topics. In time, he was falsely accused of attempted rape. Ŵakopa yayi kuti para ŵaŵasambizga, ŵaŵapokenge maudindo. That is why the conspirators came up with the idea of an edict restricting prayer. They do not fear that if they teach them, they may neglect positions of responsibility. Para tikucita khumbo la Ciuta, tikutumbikika comene sono ndiposo tikuŵa na cilindizga ca kuzakasanga umoyo wamuyirayira mu caru ciphya. The apostle Paul provides one reason why we can be convinced that God exists, even though we cannot see him. Doing God's will brings us rich blessings now and gives us the prospect of everlasting life in the new world. 8, 9. Yes, we resolutely reject a stranger. 8, 9. Panji vikuchitika chifukwa chakuti ndimo lili kulengekera? 5: 5 - What does it mean to "hand [the wicked] man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, in order that the spirit may be saved "? Or was it designed? Vingachitika kuti wakupulikiska waka vinthu mwaluŵiro. the Lamb [the resurrected Jesus Christ] standing on [the heavenly] Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who have his name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads.... It may be that he simply understands things immediately. Panyengo iyo mukasambiranga unenesko wa Baibolo, ncimanyisko wuli ico mukasanga? After his baptism and anointing as the Messiah, Jesus maintained his interest in listening to people. During your study of Bible truth, what knowledge did you find? Ŵakulekerera yayi ŵabali ŵatesi awo ŵakukhumba kuwoneka nga mbapostole. See the February 8, 1994; February 8, 1997; May 22, 2000; and January 22, 2001, issues of Awake! They do not hold back false brothers who seek to be like the apostles. 13 Ivyo Vingapangiska Mbumba Kuŵa Yacimwemwe - Ŵakutorana, Kurani Mwauzimu To him, "any sort of blood " is sacred. 13 Keys to Family Happiness - Marriage, Stay Spiritually Strong Mudumbu munyake muwukirano wakati: "Ine na munung'una wane, tikafumapo pa malo agho ŵakalongoleranga filimu iyo mukaŵa ŵanthu ŵakutuka. Jon: How long? One young sister put it this way: "My brother and I moved away to an area where they had shown themselves to be dishonest. Nchivici cinyake ico cikapangiska Ciuta kuti wamutemwe Nowa? He said: "It is just as when a man, about to travel abroad, summoned slaves of his and committed to them his belongings. What else caused Noah to love God? Kweniso nga ni Yesu uyo wakaŵa wakunozgeka kugowokera ŵasambiri ŵake. The distressed jailer asked: "What must I do to get saved? " Moreover, like Jesus, who was willing to forgive his disciples. Para Christine wasanga nkhani mu Gongwe la Mulinda panji Galamukani!, izo wakawonanga kuti zingakondweska John, nga ni zakukhwaskana na sayansi na cilengiwa, wakamulongoranga na kuyowoya kuti, "Nkhughanaghana kuti mungatemwa kuŵazga nkhani iyi. " In its footnote to Genesis 2: 17, The Jerusalem Bible explains "the knowledge of good and evil " as" the power of deciding... what is good and what is evil and of acting accordingly, a claim to complete moral independence by which man refuses to recognise his status as a created being. " When Christine found an article in The Watchtower or Awake!, what she saw would appeal to John, such as scientific and natural science, showed her by saying, "I think you would like to read it. " Masisiteri Ghazgoka Ŵakhristu Ŵaunenesko (F. and A. Who does Jehovah invite into his figurative tent? They Become True Christians (P. and A. Mu cirimika ca 2001, iwo ŵakapharazganga mu vigaŵa na vyaru 235, kusazgapo vyaru ivyo vikawonekanga kuti vili na Ŵakristu kale. Gus, from Scotland, was troubled by injustice. During the year 2001, they preached in territories with 235 lands, including lands that seemed to have already been associated with Christians. Kasi wangaŵa uli mutuŵa uyo walikubabika na mwanakazi? (b) Illustrate why Jehovah appreciates our dedication, even though everything belongs to him. How would she be a holy person born with a woman? Cidika ca Jezreel Perhaps there is in your congregation a brother whose speech and actions irritate you. Jezreel's Jezreel Enya, lekani Yehova wakati kwa Eliya: "Kasi wamuwona Ahabu umo wakujiyuyulira pamaso pane? He may try to disguise his bitterness or even his hatred, but negative thoughts lurking in his heart "will be exposed in the congregation. " Yes, Jehovah said to Elijah: "Have you seen Ahab just as he did in front of me? Palije cintu ico cingaruska kimiro kakuzomerezgeka na Mlengi. First, Kingsley lived with several others in a home for the elderly and the physically challenged. Nothing can be superior to the Creator. Murara waliyose mu mpingo wali nga ni "malo " agha ghakubisamamo. The Bible answers with a resounding no! All members of the congregation serve as "a place " of refuge. Panji buku ili pakwamba likasungika pamoza na vikalata vya ku Peresiya pambere ŵandalute nalo ku Yerusalemu. Opposition does not prevent us from trying to help all Perhaps the book was first published with a Persian document before going to Jerusalem. Kukwambilira kwa muwuso wake, Solomoni wakamba kuzenga tempele kuti linjire m'malo mwa cihema ico ŵakasoperangamo kufuma mu nyengo ya Mozesi. Why should your choices in life be governed by a desire to please God? Early in his reign, Solomon began building the temple to replace the tabernacle that had been worshipped since Moses ' day. Mulenji wa zuŵa ili, kukawa civula cikuru ico cikazuzga mlonga. One day, Blessing got a phone call from the madam. Early in the morning, a great downpour filled the river. Cifukwa cakuti tose tili ŵakwananga, nyengo na nyengo tikuyowoya mazgu agho pamanyuma tikuzakakumbuka kuti tayowoya uheni. You may have heard people say something like this about a teenager: " She has so much going for her ' or, " He is going places. ' Because all of us are imperfect, we often say something that we later remember to say is wrong. Vilije kanthu kuti mbanjani ndipo ŵakukhala nkhu. Have those words proved true? No matter who they are and where they live. Yehova ni "Ciuta wacimwemwe, " uyo wa kukhumba kuti ŵateŵeti ŵake ŵakondwenge. So great is her uncleanness that even standing the pot empty upon its coals and making it very hot fails to remove the rust. Jehovah is "the happy God, " who wants his servants to be happy. Wakwenera kupulikiska ivyo wakuŵazga na kuvilondezga. If you are a wife, are you loving and supportive of your husband? He needs to understand what he reads and apply it. Kasi Mukukumbuka? [ The mime] plumbed the depths of a perversion which had conquered the masses of the capital. Do You Recall? Wamasalmo wakimba kuti: "Kwambura kuti Yehova wakuzenga nyumba awo ŵakuyizenga ŵakutokatoka waka. " That night, Liene spent three hours answering my questions about the Bible. The psalmist sang: "Without fail Jehovah builds the house of those who work hard. " (peji 189) muli masacizgo ghakwambira kudumbiskana nkhani izo ni zakusuzga kuyowoya. When we described our route and the barricade we passed through, she asked, "Was no one at the barricade? " (For example, see pages 18 of this magazine, which contains suggestions for discussing topics that are difficult to discuss. Ndico cifukwa awo ŵakamwendera mphiska ŵakaghanaghana za kuŵika dango la kukanizga kulomba. They may have experienced situations like the ones you now experience. That is why former wrongdoers decided to place a command not to pray. Mpositole Paulosi wakayowoya cifukwa cimoza ico tikwenera kugomezgera kuti Ciuta waliko nangauli tingamuwona yayi. We pray that with Jehovah's blessing, it will continue to do so in its new format. The apostle Paul gave one reason why we can believe in God even if we cannot see him. Inya, mulendo timupulikirenge cara na pacoko. We heard him say, "Yes, Father, I know exactly where they live. " Yes, a stranger will not obey him at all. 5: 5 - Kasi " kupeleka [munthu muheni] kwa Satana ku kuparanyika kwa thupi lake, mwakuti mzimu wake uphokwe ' kukung'anamuraci? Having appreciatively heard the message, they have made a dedication to God, undergone water baptism, and joined the bride class in actively inviting others to " come and drink life's water free. ' 5: 5 - What does it mean to " present [the wicked man] to Satan the destruction of his flesh, in order that his soul may be saved "? Mwanamberere [Yesu Khristu] wimilira pa Lupiri lwa Ziyoni [kucanya], ndipo wakaŵa pamoza na vikwi handiredi limoza na makumi ghanayi pacanya ŵanayi (144,000) ŵakuŵa na zina lake na zina la Ŵawiske lakulembeka pa visko vyawo.... Meanwhile, my wife was studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. The Lamb [Jesus Christ] stood on the Mount of Zion], and he was with a hundred and 40 thousand times with his Father's name on their faces.... Pamasinda pa kubapatizika ndiposo kuphakazgika kuŵa Mesiya, Yesu wakalutilira kutegherezga para ŵanthu ŵakuyowoya. Clearly, we have sound reasons to believe that Jehovah always does what is right. After being baptized and anointed as the Messiah, Jesus continued to listen as people speak. Wonani Galamukani! ya Febuluwale 8, 1994; Febuluwale 8, 1997; Juni 8, 2000; na ya Febuluwale 8, 2001. Rutherford. See February 8, 1994; February 8, 1997; June 8, 2000; and February 8, 2001. Kwa iyo "ndopa... manyi ndi mtundu wuli " ni zakupatulika. 11, 12. (a) What can young ones do to prepare to give a witness? To him, "the blood... or the nation " is sacred. A Kaunda: So njitali wuli? We should look for ways to assist others to "go on walking in the truth. " Jon: So, what's that? Wakati: "Kuli nga ndi munthu wakuya ku caru cinyake, uyo wakacema ŵazga ŵake, ndipo wakaŵapa cuma cake. Never Forsake Your Fellow Believers He said: "It is like a man traveling abroad who called his slaves and gave them his possessions. Mulinda wa jele wakafumba kuti: "Kasi nichitechi kuti niponoskeke? " By all means, then, let us accept the loving and consoling expressions of fellow Christians, apply the kind counsel and faith - strengthening reminders heard at Christian meetings, and pour out our heart to Jehovah in prayer. The prison officer asked: "What can I do to be saved? " Futunoti ya lemba la Genesis 2: 17, mu The Jerusalem Bible yikuyowoya kuti mazgu ghakuti "kumanyiska uweme na uheni " ghakung'anamura" mazaza gha kusanka... ico nciweme na ico nciheni na kucita mwakuyana na mazaza agho, kudokera kujiyimira uko muntu wakukhumba na kuruwa kuti wali kucita kulengeka. " " I had seen our DVD Young People Ask - What Will I Do With My Life? According to Genesis 2: 17, in The Jerusalem Bible, the expression "to know good and bad " means" to choose what is good and what is bad... and to act in accord with human authority, which the desire for independence from man is created. " Ninjani uyo Yehova wakumucemera mu hema lake lakuyerezgera? 14, 15. (a) In Israel, who were among those doing what was good, but how were some of them being treated? Whom will Jehovah call in his figurative tent? Gus, wa ku Scotland, wakakwenyeleranga na vinthu vyambura urunji ivyo wakawonanga. (a) On what condition could Israel realize the promise of providing "a kingdom of priests "? He was distressed by the injustices he saw in Scotland. (b) Yowoyani chiyelezgero chakulongora chifukwa icho Yehova wakukondwera para tajipatulira kwa iyo nangauli chinthu chilichose ntchake kale. Would you please read that verse? (b) Give an example of why Jehovah is pleased when we dedicate ourselves to him despite any situation. Panji mu mpingo winu muli mubali munyake uyo vyakuyowoya na vyakuchita vyake vikumubowani. • Why should we be sure of what is acceptable to God when making decisions, and how can we do so? Perhaps there are a brother in your congregation who speaks and does what is happening to you. Iyo wangayezga kujibisa kuti ŵanthu ŵaleke kumumanya kuti wakwiya, kweni maghanoghano ghaheni agho ghali mu mtima mwake " ghakuvumbulika mu mpingo. ' Ever since my best friend moved away, I feel like there's no one to talk to! Everyone else is having a good time. He may try to hide the fear of man, but the negative thoughts of the heart are " revealed in the congregation. ' * Buku ili likaŵa la ŵanthu ŵambura kuwona (Braille). Wakazomera kuti tambeso kusambira Baibolo. Israelites and foreigners could pray toward this structure on which God's name was called. - 1 Ki. * He agreed to study the Bible again. Baibolo likukanirathu! I Learned That Jehovah Is Merciful (N. The Bible condemns it! Kususkika kukutilekeska yayi kuyezga kovwira wose 9: 12. Such opposition does not prevent us from trying to help all Cifukwa wuli vilato vinu vikwenera kuŵa vyakukondweska Ciuta? " The Rock, perfect is his activity. " - DEUTERONOMY 32: 4. Why should your goals be pleasing to God? Tumalundi twa Mussel: Na. 6 The apostle Paul wrote: "In the last days..., men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money,... lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God. " Jehovah's Witnesses - No. 6 Zuŵa linyake, Blessing wakapokera foni kufuma kwa ŵabwana ŵake. 5 / 1 Resurrection - Teaching That Affects You, 5 / 1 On one occasion, Blessing received an phone call from her employer. Baibolo likuti: "Ucindami wa ŵapungwe ndi nkhongono zawo. " ▪ Why is Jehovah God the best Father imaginable? The Bible says: "The beauty of young men is their power. " Ivyo Baibolo likuyowoya ndivyo vikucitika. What test did Daniel and his three Hebrew companions face in the Babylonian royal court? What the Bible says is what it says. Unyankhasi wake ukaŵa ukuru comene, mwakuti ungafumako yayi nanga ŵangaŵika pamoto kuti cipye comene. He is governed by self - serving ambition, so it is no wonder that he has created a global system that thrives on selfishness. His garment was so great that it would not drift away from a fiery hell to catch it. Usange ndimwe mwanakazi wakutengwa, kasi mukutemwa mfumu winu na kumovwira? A Time for Everything, 3 / 1 If you are a married woman, do you love your husband and support him? Kwa maora ghatatu, Liene wakazgora mafumbo ghane ghakukhwaskana na Baibolo. Behind you they will walk; in fetters they will come over, and to you they will bow down. For three hours, it answered my questions about the Bible. Tikati tayowoya kuti tikajumpha pa lodi buloku, wakatifumba kuti: "Kasi pa lodi buliku pakaŵavya munthu? " They refuse to be supporters of Satan's world. When we said that we had just passed by, he asked: "Is there anyone here? " Ivyo vikucitikira imwe vingaŵa kuti nawo vikaŵacitikirapo. Of course not! You may have experienced similar feelings. Lurombo lwithu ndwakuti na vitumbiko vya Yehova, lilutilire kupharazga Ufumu wa Ciuta nanga ni apo lasintha kalembekero. What refinements in understanding made a revision of the songbook advisable? Our prayer is bound by Jehovah's blessing, and we keep on proclaiming God's Kingdom even when adjustments are made. Tikapulika wakuyowoya kuti: "Enya Ŵaliska, nkhumanya makora uko ŵakukhala. " They are to keep their minds "fixed on the things above, not on the things on the earth. " - Col. We hear him say: "Yes, I know where they are. " Pamasinda pa kupulika nchemo, ŵajipatulira kwa Ciuta, ŵabapatizika na kukolerana na gulu la mwali pakucita mulimo wa kucemera ŵanji kuti " ŵize kuzakamwa maji gha umoyo kwawanangwa. ' A mother of five says: "Pioneering has helped all my children to develop a much closer relationship with Jehovah, has improved their personal study habits, has helped them learn how to manage their time wisely, and has helped them learn to put spiritual things first in their lives. After hearing the invitation, they dedicate themselves to God, get baptized, and joined the bride class in extending the invitation to "come free of water of life. " Panyengo iyi, muwoli wane wakasambiranga Baibolo na Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova. If we realize that sinful desires or attitudes are affecting us, or if a loving fellow believer draws this to our attention, it would be wise to be specific about the problem in our prayers and ask for God's assistance in overcoming these leanings. About that time, my wife studied the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. Apa tawona vifukwa vyakugomezgera kuti Yehova wakucita urunji pera. How does the Bible record establish the reality of the resurrection? Clearly, we have seen evidence of Jehovah's justice. Rutherford. Soon will come the Devil's last gasp! Rutherford. 11, 12. (a) Kasi ŵawukirano ŵangachita wuli kuti ŵanozgekere kupharazga? Louis, Missouri, was special. There, thousands of young people received the book Children. 11, 12. (a) How can young ones prepare themselves for the preaching work? Tikwenera kupenja ntowa izo tingawovwilira ŵanyithu mwakuti ŵarutilire "kwenda mu unenesko. " When her school organized a team, the prospect of playing dulled her alertness to potential dangers to her spirituality. We need to look for ways to help others so that they can "go on walking in the truth. " Kujowora Ŵakhristu Ŵanyinu Cara Youths, Make It Your Choice to Serve Jehovah Do Not Leave Fellow Believers Ntheura, tiyeni tizomere kupembuzgika na Ŵakhristu ŵanyithu, kulondezga ulongozgi uwemi uwo tikupulika pa maungano Ghacikhristu, ndiposo kupungulira Yehova vyose ivyo vili mu mutima withu. This desire, along with our determination to imitate God, moves us to persevere in reflecting his glory through our ministry. Therefore, let us accept comfort from fellow believers, apply the good counsel we hear at Christian meetings, and pour out all that is in our own hands. " Nkhawonelera DVD yakuti Young People Ask - What Will I Do With My Life? Which qualities would those friends say I bring to the friendship? ' - Bible principle: Philippians 2: 4. " I saw the DVD Questions Young People Ask - What Will I Do With My Life? 14, 15. (a) Mbanjani ŵanyake awo ŵakacitanga viwemi mu Israyeli, kweni kasi ŵanyawo ŵakacita nawo wuli? When Asa became king in 977 B.C.E., even the royal court was tainted by the worship of Canaanite fertility gods. 14, 15. (a) Who were doing good in Israel, but how did others react? (a) Kasi Ŵaisrayeli ŵakeneranga kucita vici kuti ŵafumiske usofi wa ufumu? Ezekiel willingly acted out a siege against Jerusalem (a) What did the Israelites need to do to produce a royal priesthood? Kasi mungaŵazga vesi ili? He and fellow craftsmen made silver shrines of the goddess Artemis, and their profitable business was threatened because Paul's preaching work caused many of the city's residents to forsake idol worship. Would you please read that verse? • Cifukwa wuli tikwenera kumanyisiska ico cikukondweska Ciuta para tikucita vintu, ndipo ni mwauli umo tingacitira ici? They will need time to learn God's ways and obey him. • Why should we be sure of what is pleasing to God when making decisions, and how can we do so? Kufuma waka apo mubwezi wane wa pa mtima wakawukirapo, nkhuwona kuti palije uyo ningacezga nayo. As individuals, Jehovah's Witnesses are guided by God's Word, the Bible, to bring their lives into harmony with God's will. Since my best friend has been attacked, I feel that no one can talk to me. Ŵaisrayeli na ŵalendo ŵakalombanga uku ŵalazga ku nyumba iyi, iyo yikacemekanga na zina la Ciuta. - 1 Mathe. From his prayer recorded at Psalm 22: 16 - 21, however, it is evident that David had not lost faith in God. The Israelites and alien residents prayed to that house, which was called by God's name. - 1 Ki. 9: 12. Peter and Ananias Lied - Lesson? 3 / 1 9: 12. " Jarawe, mulimo wake ngwakufikapo. " - DUTERONOME 32: 4. Making Study Time More Enjoyable and Productive " The Rock, perfect is his activity. " - DEUTE 32: 4. Mpositole Paulosi wakalemba kuti: "Mu mazuŵa ghaumaliro..., ŵanthu ŵazamuŵa ŵakujitemwa, ŵakutemwa ndalama,... ŵakutemwa vyakusanguluska m'malo mwa kutemwa Chiuta. " 8: 7; 13: 11. The apostle Paul wrote: "In the last days... men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money,... lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God. " ▪ Cifukwa wuli Yehova Ciuta ni Dada muwemi wakuluska wose? They soon ordered that his translation of the Greek Scriptures be burned publicly, and they denounced some other writings as "favoring the heresy of Luther. " ▪ Why is Jehovah God the best Father? Kasi Daniyele na Ŵahebere ŵanyake ŵatatu ŵakayezgeka na vici mu nyumba ya uthemba ya Ŵababulone? One day, Jehovah's Witnesses called on my father, and I asked them if God has a name. What tests did Daniel and his three Hebrew companions face in the court of the Babylonian Empire? Wakupwelelera vya iyo yekha, lekani wapangiska ŵanthu pa caru cose kuŵa na maghanoghano gha kupwelelera vyawo pera. As a result, they embarked on the greatest preaching campaign up to that time. He cares for his own interests, thus causing people worldwide to focus solely on their own interests. Itai, 5 / 15 David extols God's loving - kindness, or loyal love. 5 / 1 Yikati: "Yehova wakuti: " [Ŵanchito ŵambura kupokera malipiro ŵa ku Eguputo na ŵamalonda ŵa ku Etiyopiya, NW] na Ŵasabi, ŵanthu ŵakuru msinkhu, tiŵizenge kwa imwe, tiŵaŵe ŵinu, ŵamkumulondezgani, ŵamkwiza kukakika na maunyoro, na kumulambirani. How different is he from the Jews of Isaiah's day who swore in Jehovah's name but credited his great acts to unclean idols? - Isaiah 48: 1, 5. It says: "Jehovah says: " The unforeseen workers in Egypt and the merchants of Ethiopia and the firstborn, the older men, will come to you; and they will walk in them, and they will be taken along with you. Ŵakukana kukhozgera caru ca Satana. This signified that the yoke bar was not unpleasant to use, and the work was not slavish either. They refuse to support Satan's world. Yayi. How can we resist those pressures? No. Cifukwa wuli caŵa cakwenelera kusintha buku la sumu? • How soon should I restore family routines and other activities? Why was it appropriate for them to change the songbook of music? Iwo ŵakwenera kuŵika maghanoghano ghawo "pa vinthu vya kucanya, pa vinthu vya caru capasi cara. " - Kol. The expression "the deep things of God " includes the understanding of God's wisdom that is revealed to Christians by holy spirit but is obscured to others. They must keep their minds fixed on "the things in the heavens, not on the things on the earth. " - Col. Mama munyake uyo wali na ŵana ŵankhondi wakuti: "Upayiniya wawovwira ŵana ŵane wose kuti ŵaŵe pafupi na Yehova, waŵawovwira kuti ŵazgoŵere kusambira paŵekha na kugaŵa makora nyengo, ndiposo kuti ŵacitenge dankha vyauzimu mu umoyo wawo. Although Jonathan was willing to accept the consequences of breaking the oath, his life was spared. One mother, who has five children, says: "I have helped all my children to draw closer to Jehovah, helping them to adapt to their time and energy, and put spiritual values first in their life. Usange tamanya kuti makhumbiro panji maghanoghano ghaheni ghatifikira mu mtima, panji usange munyithu wakutemweka watiphalira za nkani iyi, cingaŵa ciweme kuti tiyowoye mwakudunjika mu lurombo za cakumara - mahara ici ndiposo tipempe covwiro ca Ciuta kuti timazge vizgoŵi viheni ivi. That fact has served to strengthen worshippers of God in their conviction that Jehovah's way of governing is indeed best. If we discern that we have come to the heart or that a loved one has told us about the matter, how much better it would be for us to speak directly to him in prayer about this problem and ask God's help to overcome unclean inclinations! Nimwauli umo Baibolo likulongolera kuti ciwuka nchanadi? " She is superior in controlling her temper. ' How does the Bible show that the resurrection is real? Sonosono apa Dyabulosi waŵavyenge nkhongono. In less than a year, the new emperor had returned or rebuilt virtually all their churches, given them back the jobs and honors taken from them... Soon the Devil will lose his power. Pa ungano uwu ŵawukirano ŵanandi ŵakapokera buku la mutu wakuti, Children (Ŵana). This scripture shows that the timing of our words can make a big difference. Many young ones received a copy of the book Children. Pa sukulu pawo ŵati ŵamba kuseŵera bola ya mawoko, wakatoleka mtima na kusulako ubwezi wake na Yehova. People around the world are demanding more freedom. When they begin playing with their hands, they were impressed with their heart and lost sight of his relationship with Jehovah. Ŵawukirano, Sankhani Kuteŵetera Yehova Jehovah will "wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. " Young Ones, Choose to Serve Jehovah Khumbo ili, pamoza na mtima wakuti tiyezge Ciuta, vikutituma kuti tilimbikire kuŵaliska ucindami wake mu uteŵeti withu. I resigned from my former religion and eventually qualified to become a baptized Witness. This desire, along with a desire to imitate God, moves us to endeavor to reflect his glory in our ministry. Kasi ni vinthu wuli ivyo ŵanyane aŵa ŵangatemwa mwa ine? ' - Fundo ya mu Baibolo: Ŵafilipi 2: 4. Each year, hundreds of thousands of additional "foreigners " associate with Jehovah's organization, and the way will remain open for many more to follow them. What will they like in me? ' - Bible principle: Philippians 2: 4. Apo Asa wakambira kuwusa mu 977 B.C.E., nyumba yacifumu nayo yikakazuzgika na ŵaciuta ŵakuwuska mphapu ŵa Ŵakenani. Anyone who sends an e - mail or a text to even one person has to realize that whether it was intended or not, the content could travel all over the world in a flash. When Asa began his reign in 97 B.C.E., the royal palace was filled with gods of the Canaanites. Ezekiyeli wakayelezgera umo Yerusalemu wazingilizgikirenge He was moved by love for people and keenly wanted to help them. Ezekiel illustrated how Jerusalem would be affected Iyo na ŵanyake awo ŵakengeranga lumoza siliva, ŵakazenga tumatempele twa siliva uto ŵanthu ŵakasoperangamo Artemisi, ciuta mwanakazi. Mulimo wawo uwu, uwo ŵakasangirangapo ndarama zinandi comene, ukaŵa pafupi kugota cifukwa cakuti uthenga uwo Paulosi wakapharazganga ukacitiska ŵanthu kuleka kusopa vikozgo. Jesus is the personal guarantee, or the "Amen, " that every promise Jehovah God makes will come true! He and his companions built up silver vessels that were used for silver, a pagan woman, which cost much money, was about to end up because Paul's message that made it difficult for the people to abandon idolatry. Ŵazamukhumbikwira nyengo yakuti ŵasambire vya Chiuta na kumupulikira. 27 Facing the Loss of Your Mate They will need time to learn about God and obey him. Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova ŵakurongozgeka na Mazgu gha Ciuta, Baibolo, mwakuti umoyo wawo uyane na khumbo la Ciuta. * Jehovah's Witnesses are guided by God's Word, the Bible, in order to conform their lives to God's will. Ndipouli, lurombo lwake pa Salmo 22: 16 - 21 lukulongora kuti wakataya yayi cipulikano cake mwa Ciuta. Be Vigilant in the Last Days However, his prayer recorded at Psalm 22: 16 - 21 shows that he did not compromise his faith in God. Mtima Wane Ukaŵa Pakuteŵetera Yehova (B. For example, do you strive to be honest in all things? My Heart Was Willing to Serve Jehovah (B. Umo Nyengo Yakusambilira Yingaŵira Yakukondweska na Yacandulo (2) When "the Assyrian " attacks, the elders must be absolutely convinced that Jehovah will deliver us. How Time Can Be Enjoyable and Enjoyable 8: 7; 13: 11. The corpse may be removed from the coffin and displayed on a specially decorated bed. 8: 7; 13: 11. Paumaliro, ŵakalamura kuti Mabaibolo ghose gha Malemba gha Chigiriki ghotcheke pakweru chifukwa ghakakhozgeranga chisambizgo cha Luther uyo ŵakatenge ngwakugaluka. What can you do to make these study periods enjoyable? Finally, the Greek Scriptures openly supported the teachings of Luther, who claimed to be Catholic. Zuŵa linyake, Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova ŵakiza panyumba na kudumbiskana na adada, ndipo nkhaŵafumba usange Ciuta wali na zina. Rather, let us encourage them to keep up their good work! One day, Jehovah's Witnesses called at my father's door and asked if God had a name. Ndipo ŵakamba kupharazga makani ghawemi pa charu chose chapasi. There, home life became difficult. And they began to preach the good news throughout the earth. Davide wakalumba Ciuta cifukwa ca cisungusungu cake. [ Pictures on page 3] David praised God for his loving - kindness. Kasi tingayowoya kuti muntu uyo wakupambana na Ŵayuda ŵa mu nyengo ya Yesaya, awo ŵakazunuranga waka zina la Yehova kweni milimo yake yikuru ŵakati yikacitikanga na vikozgo vyawo vyakufipirwa? - Yesaya 48: 1, 5. Instead, he did the following. Can we conclude that the man who differed from the Jews in Isaiah's day, who used Jehovah's name but whose great deeds were performed by their sacred idols? - Isaiah 48: 1, 5. Ici cikung'anamura kuti khuni la goriwori likaŵa lipepu na lakunyilirika, ndipo ncito nayo yikaŵinyanga yayi. Jesus provided a clue in his illustration of the wheat and the weeds. This does not mean that the yoke of the yoke was heavy and oppressive, and it is not oppressive. Kasi tingakana wuli kuŵa ŵazga ŵa charu? There are few Bible subjects that elicit so much interest and curiosity. How can we avoid becoming slaves of the world? • Mphawuli apo nkhwenera kwambaso kucita vinthu vya zuŵa na zuŵa vya pa nyumba? Be patient with yourself; some personality flaws and bad habits may not go away overnight. - Ephesians 4: 23, 24 • When should I regain my routine of living at home? Kusanda " vinthu vyandimba vya Ciuta ' kukusazgapo kupulikiska vinjeru vya Ciuta ivyo ni vyakubisika ku ŵanji, kweni mzimu utuŵa ukuvumbulira Ŵakhristu. Nicole's husband, Robert, also tries to consider all the circumstances. Paying attention to "the deep things of God " involves understanding God's wisdom that is hidden from others, but holy spirit has revealed to Christians. Nangauli Jonatani wakazomera kulangika cifukwa ca kuleka kusunga cirapo ici, kweni wakafwa yayi. Many modern - day examples illustrate the value of applying Peter's counsel. Although Jonathan accepted the reproof because of not keeping that vow, he did not die. Fundo iyi yawovwira awo ŵakusopa Ciuta kukhorwa kuti muwuso wa Yehova ndiwo nguwemi. His love is everlasting. This has helped God's worshippers to be convinced that Jehovah's way of ruling is the best way of ruling. " Mudumbu uyu wakuniruska pakujikora. ' He prayed fervently, begging Jehovah to open the way for him to continue serving as a pioneer. " She keeps me in control of my self - control. ' Mu cilimika cimoza pera, wakaŵawezgera panji kuŵazengeraso machalichi ghose agho ŵakapokeka, wakaŵawezgeraso pa nchito na kuŵapaso nchindi zawo. They are not the first to face such challenges. In just one year, he removed or rebuilt all the churches that had been destroyed, restored them to work, and restored them honor. Lemba ili likulongora kuti tingawovwira munthu na mazgu ghithu. The standard edition of the New World Translation is equipped with cross - references and a "Table of the Books of the Bible " that provides the name of the writer, the place written, and the time period covered. This scripture shows that we can help someone with our own words. Ŵanthu pa charu chose ŵakukhumba kuŵa na wanangwa ukuru. If so, you are to be commended. People around the globe want to have more freedom. Yehova " wazamufyura sozi lose ku maso ghawo; ndipo nyifwa kuti yizamuŵakoso cara; panji nesi citengero kuti cizamuŵakoso cara, nesi kulira, panji nesi kuŵinya. ' What counsel did Jesus give about money? Jehovah "will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. " Nkhacileka cisopa cane cakwambilira ndipo mukuluta kwa nyengo nkhaŵa wakwenelera kubapatizika. Rather, he has complete confidence in the truth as it is revealed by Jehovah God through his Son, Jesus Christ, and "the faithful and discreet slave. " I left my former religion and eventually got baptized. Cirimika cilicose, "ŵalendo " ŵanyake ŵanandi ŵakwiza kuzakawungana na gulu la Yehova, ndipo muryango uŵenge mwazi kuti ŵanandi ŵanjire. Are you young and still unmarried? Each year, "many foreigners " come to the gathering of Jehovah's organization, and the door will be open for many. Nanga ni para mungatumizgira nkhani munthu yumoza, kweni mu kanyengo kachoko waka charu chose chingamanya nkhani iyo. Ntheura lekani kuŵa na mtima wa, " Ka mwapulika? ' Something similar can occur when it comes to the Bible. Even if you send only one person a story, the whole world will soon know the matter, so do you have a heart - to - heart attitude, "Do you hear it? ' Wakatemwanga comene ŵanthu, ndipo wakakhumbanga comene kuŵawovwira. And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit everlasting life. " He loved people, and he wanted to help them. Yesu nchisimikizgo, panji kuti "Ameni, " cakuti layizgo lililose la Yehova Ciuta lifiskikenge. Will all the anointed receive their heavenly reward before the war of Armageddon? Jesus is assured, or "Amen, " that each of Jehovah God's promises will come true. 27 Ivyo Mungacita Para Munyinu wa mu Nthengwa Watayika Why, do you think, did they have such a violent disposition? 27 Keys to Family Happiness Pulikirani Ciuta na Kusanga Candulo na Malayizgo Agho Wali Kulapa Why not? Obey God and Benefit From His Promises * In heaven, he lives "forever and ever, " never seeing corruption. - Rom. * Muŵe Maso mu Mazuŵa Ghaumaliro What determines whether Jehovah will grant sinners forgiveness? Keep Awake during the Last Days Mwachiyelezgero, kasi mukuyezgayezga kuti muŵe ŵakugomezgeka mu vinthu vyose? Speaking to the congregation of ancient Israel as his "woman, " God promised:" Any weapon whatever that will be formed against you will have no success, and any tongue at all that will rise up against you in the judgment you will condemn. For example, do you strive to be honest in all things? (2) Para " Asiriya ' wawukira, ŵalara ŵakwenera kuzakagomezga comene kuti Yehova watithaskenge. In those words we see once more Ruth's hallmark quality - loyal love. (2) When faced with the attack of "the Assyrian, " the elders must be confident that Jehovah will deliver us. Ŵangafumya citanda mu bokosi na kuŵika pa bedi ilo lapangika mwapadera. He said: "I set the pattern for you, that, just as I did to you, you should do also. " They can expel the dead by the box and place it on a special bed. Kasi mungacitaci kuti nyengo iyi yiŵenge yakukondweska? Coast of Great Sea What can you do to make such a joyful time? M'malo mwake, tiŵawovwire kuti ŵalutilire kucita mulimo uwemi! First, Jerusalem's destruction and the desolation of Judah urge obedience to Jehovah and serve as a warning not to ignore the divine will. Rather, they can help them to keep on doing good! Umoyo ukaŵa wakusuzga chomene tikati tafika kura. Similarly, there is no need for us to experience the "decadent course of debauchery " in this world just to discover how excruciatingly distressing that can be. - 1 Pet. Life was difficult for us to get there. [ Vithuzithuzi pa peji 3] Because of these trying conditions, the majority of the Israelites practiced interfaith, trying to please both Jehovah and Baal. [ Pictures on page 3] M'malo mwake wakacita vinthu vyakulondezgapo ivi. They related fascinating experiences. Rather, he did the following. Mu ntharika yake ya tirigu na duru, Yesu wakayowoya umo tingamanyira. Prayer is essential in resisting temptation, but we must be cognizant of the need to pray at the right time. In his parable of the wheat and the weeds, Jesus related how we can get to know him. LUROMBO njimoza mwa nkhani za mu Baibolo izo ŵanthu ŵakunweka nazo comene. and Jesus (meaning "Jehovah Is Salvation ") - focus attention on his role as the leading advocate of God's sovereignty. One of the most widely interested people in the Bible is one of the most widely interested people in mankind's history. Zikirani; masuzgo na vizgoŵi vinyake viheni vikutora nyengo kuti vimare. - Ŵaefeso 4: 23, 24 I could not understand why she would be so angry for so long. Long - suffering and other bad habits take time to end. - Ephesians 4: 23, 24 Robert, mfumu wa Nicole, nayo wakuyezga kughanaghanira fundo zose. PAGE 13 Robert, a husband of Nicole, also tries to consider all the facts. Ŵakhristu ŵanandi mazuŵa ghano, ŵawona kuti kulondezga ulongozgi wa Petrosi nkhwakuzirwa. An Australian brother wrote: "Helping to build faith in your child's heart is probably the greatest challenge you will ever face. Many Christians today have found that applying Peter's counsel is vital. Nangauli vikamupweteka chomene Yehova, kweni wakapeleka Mwana wake kuŵa sembe. * By all means I shall have pity upon him. " Even though it hurt Jehovah deeply, he offered his Son as a sacrifice. Wakafwilirapo kulomba, kupempha Yehova kuti wamujulire nthowa kuti walutilire kuchita upayiniya. Of course, a flesh - and - blood human cannot literally take a walk with Jehovah, a spirit being. He prayed earnestly, asking Jehovah to help him keep on pioneering. Ŵamba ndiwo yayi kusangana na masuzgo agha. But how can you summon the courage to speak up about your faith? They are not immune to such problems. Baibolo la New World Translation ili liri na maliferensi ghanandi ndiposo liriso na "Table of the Books of the Bible " (Ndondomeko ya Mabuku gha mu Baibolo) yeneiyo yikurongora zina la mulembi, malo ghakulemberako, ndiposo utali wa nyengo yakulembera. And this kingdom will not be passed on to any other people. The New World Translation contains a number of letters and is also used in "the Book of the Bible " (The Bible books) that show the name of the writer, the secretary, and the length of time writing. Usange ni nthena mukwenera kuwongeka comene. What can contribute to the weakening of the marriage bond? If so, you deserve commendation. " Mu Mulomo wa Ŵabonda " (Russia, Australia), 10 / 15 (b) Why do the principles found in God's Word really work, even when problems arise in a marriage? 11 / 1 Kasi Yesu wakapeleka ulongozgi wuli pa nkhani ya ndalama? Spiritual insight is reserved only for those who sincerely "rove about " in, or diligently study, God's Word, submit to his standards, and strive to do his will. - Matthew 13: 11 - 15; 1 John 5: 20. What counsel did Jesus give regarding money? Kweni wakuŵa na cigomezgo cose cakuti Yehova Ciuta wavumbura unenesko kwizira mwa Mwana wake Yesu Kristu, na "muzga wa magomezgeko na wa vinjeru. " The Jewish high priest involved in Jesus ' trial and execution was Caiaphas. Rather, he is confident that Jehovah God has revealed the truth through his Son, Jesus Christ, and "the faithful and discreet slave. " Kasi ndimwe muwukirano wambura kutengwa panji kutora? Number of countries assigned to: 22 Number of students: 56 Are you a single person? Ndivyo vingacitika usange mukukhumba kuŵazga Baibolo. This part of the vision highlights that Jehovah will not tolerate wickedness of any kind among his people. That is possible if you want to read the Bible. Ndipo waliyose uyo wasida nyumba panji ŵakuru panji ŵanung'una panji ŵadumbu panji wiske panji nyina panji ŵana panji minda chifukwa cha zina lane, wazamupokera vinandi kwakuluska ndipo wazamuhara umoyo wamuyirayira. ' Paul also refers to Jehovah as "the God of all comfort. " And whoever has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive many and will inherit everlasting life. " Kasi ŵakuphakazgika wose ŵapokerenge njombe yawo pambere nkhondo ya Haramagedoni yindize? You develop that trust as you learn that Jehovah's name is inseparably linked to his qualities, such as loyal love, mercy, compassion, and justice. Will all anointed ones receive their reward before the war of Armageddon? Cifukwa wuli ukughanaghana kuti ŵakaŵa ŵankhaza comene? People generally give gifts to express affection and appreciation, as well as to cultivate friendship, favor, or acceptance. Why do you think they were cruel? Chifukwa wuli? Sennacherib sent a delegation to Jerusalem to demand that city's surrender. Why? Iyo wali kuchanya ndipo wakukhala "muyirayira swii, " kwambura kuvunda. - Rom. And right before instructing his followers to remember him, Jesus made it clear what they were to remember about him. He is in heaven, and he has everlasting life "to time indefinite, " without corruption. - Rom. Kasi Yehova wakugowokera ŵakwananga pekha para ŵacita vici? After all, we are his "sheep, " and he has placed his name upon us. - Ps. On what will Jehovah forgive sinners only if they have done so? Pakuyowoya ku mpingo wa Israyeli nga ni mwanakazi wake, Ciuta wakalayizga kuti: "Palije homwa ilo lafulikira iwe tilisakate, ndipo lulimi lose ilo tiluwukire iwe mu kweruzga tiulususkenge. (b) What are God's servants determined to keep on doing? Speaking to the congregation of Israel as her wife, God promised: "No weapon whatever that will be formed against you will have no success, and any tongue at all that will rise up against you in the judgment you will condemn. Pa mazgu agha tikuwonaposo mukhaliro ukuru comene wa Rute. Mukhaliro uwu nchitemwa cambura upusikizgi. What is trust? In those words, we also see Ruth's most endearing quality, which is love without hypocrisy. Iye wakayowoya kuti: "Ndamupani bambiro, lakuti namweso mucitenge nga ndi umo ine ndamucitirani. " So we need to be careful. He said: "I set the pattern for you, that, just as I did to you, you should do also. " Mumphepete mwa Nyanja Yikuru Paul acknowledged this: "When we were enemies we became reconciled to God through the death of his Son. " Out of the Great Sea Cakwamba, mazgu ghakuyowoya za kubwanganduka kwa Yerusalemu na caru ca Yuda ghakuticiska kuti tipulikirenge Yehova. Kweniso ghakuticenjezga kuti tileke kuzerezga khumbo la Ciuta. F. First, the words about the destruction of Jerusalem and the land of Judah encourage us to obey Jehovah, and he warns us not to ignore God's will. Ntheura pera, palije chifukwa chakuti tinjilire "mu mathakalimbwa gha makhaliro ghaheni " gha charu ichi kuti tiwone waka usange tingasuzgika nadi. - 1 Pet. Friends, relatives, classmates, or workmates may urge you to transgress God's laws. Likewise, there is no need for us to hold on to "the pit of the immorality " of this world to see if we are really suffering. - 1 Pet. Cifukwa ca masuzgo agha, Ŵaisrayeli ŵanandi ŵakasazganga visopo, ŵakayezganga kukondweska Yehova na Bala. (b) Why must Kingdom Halls be kept in good condition? As a result, many Israelites joined religion, trying to please Jehovah and Baal. Ŵakatiphalira vinthu vyakukondweska vyakukhwaskana na uteŵeti. She was living alone and had no family to help her. We told us wonderful things about the ministry. Nangauli lurombo ndwakuzirwa pakulimbana na ciyezgo, kweni tikukhumbikwira kulomba pa nyengo yakwenelera. Throughout the earth, Jehovah's Witnesses are truly giving glory to God Although prayer is vital in resisting temptation, we need to pray at the right time. ndiposo lakuti Yesu (ilo likung'anamura kuti "Yehova ni Mponoski ") ghakulongosora za mulimo wake pakuŵa wakwamba kukhozgera muwuso wa Ciuta. In the past, he had been a nominal member of one of Christendom's churches. Jesus ' "Jehovah is a Savior " explains his role as the first one to support God's sovereignty. Nkhapulikiskanga yayi cifukwa ico wangakwiyira kwa nyengo yitali. " Mere man sees what appears to the eyes, " the Bible says, "but Jehovah sees into the heart. " I couldn't understand why he would be angry for a long time. PEJI 13 Jehovah's Witnesses publish several books that are especially written to help parents and children. PAGE 13 Mubali munyake wa ku Australia wakati: "Ntchipusu yayi kovwira ŵana kuti ŵaŵe na chipulikano chakukhora, nakuti ni suzgo ilo mupapi waliyose wakukumana nalo. His comment? A brother in Australia says: "It is not easy to help children build faith, and it is a challenge to meet each parent's challenges. Mtima wa Yehova ukaŵa ku ŵana ŵake. He burned all his possessions connected with the occult. Jehovah's heart was upon his children. Munthu wa thupi na ndopa wangenda nadi na Yehova yayi, cifukwa iyo ni mzimu. [ Pictures on page 6] The human body and blood cannot walk with Jehovah, for he is a spirit. Kweni kasi mungaŵa wuli na cikanga cakuyowoyera cigomezgo cinu? Without a doubt, their actions brought praise to Jehovah, and Jehovah's blessing was upon those faithful brothers through that most difficult time. How, though, can you muster up the courage to express your faith? Ufumu uwu uzamupelekeka ku ŵanthu ŵanyake chara. Whether you are doing chores, finishing your assigned homework, or engaging in secular work, immerse yourself in what you are doing. The Kingdom is not to be given to some people. Kasi ni vinthu wuli ivyo vingayaghayiska nthengwa? JOSEPH - PART 2 What are some things that can undermine a marriage? (b) Nchifukwa wuli fundo izo zili mu Baibolo zikovwira nadi kumazga masuzgo gha mu nthengwa? Such a relationship is possible only "by means of Christ Jesus, " who offered his life as a ransom sacrifice. (b) Why does Bible principles help to solve marital problems? Ŵekha awo " ŵakucimbira, ' panji kuti kufwilirapo kusambira Mazgu gha Ciuta, kulondezga malango ghake, na kuyezgayezga kucita khumbo lake ndiwo wakupulikiska vinthu vyauzimu. - Mateyu 13: 11 - 15; 1 Yohane 5: 20. 4: 3 - 7. Only those who have " fled, ' or made earnest effort to study God's Word, apply his commandments, and strive to do his will are spiritual matters. - Matthew 13: 11 - 15; 1 John 5: 20. Musofi mukuru Waciyuda uyo wakeruzgako mulandu wa Yesu wakaŵa Kayafa. " I learned to pray for anyone who hurt me, " said the sister just mentioned. " It always helps. " Jesus was Caiaphas. Ŵatumizgika mu vyaru: 22 Ŵasambiri wose ŵalipo: 56 [ Blurb on page 32] Number of countries assigned to: 22 All disciples are: 56 Mboniwoni iyi yikulongora kuti Yehova wakulekelera yayi viheni ivyo vikuchitika pakati pa ŵanthu ŵake. Israel was his chosen nation and was privileged to be molded by him, as though on the Great Potter's wheel. This vision indicates that Jehovah does not tolerate wickedness among his people. Paulosi wakayowoyaso kuti Yehova ni "Ciuta wa cisangulusko cose. " Note that Jehovah uses his strength in behalf of those who serve him with a complete heart, a heart that is pure and sincere in motive. Paul also described Jehovah as "the God of all comfort. " Muzamwamba kumuthemba para mwamanya kuti zina la Yehova likukolerana na makhaliro ghake nga nkhugomezgeka, lusungu, chiwuravi, na urunji. " Counsel of the Wicked Ones " You will come to believe that Jehovah's name is in harmony with his qualities, such as honesty, mercy, and justice. Kanandi ŵantu ŵakupereka vyawanangwa kuti ŵalongore citemwa na kuwongera kwawo, ndiposo kuti ŵakuzge ubwezi wawo, cikolerano, panji cizomerezgano cawo. For it is written, " It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service. ' " People often give gifts to express their love and appreciation and to promote friendship, unity, or acceptance. Senakeribu wakatuma mathenga kuti ghakaphalire ŵanthu ŵa mu Yerusalemu kuti ŵathere ŵekha. Despite Satan's rabid opposition, the full complement of anointed ones among us will be glorified in heaven in Jehovah's due time - after a "length of days " on earth. Sennacherib sent messengers to tell the inhabitants of Jerusalem to stop themselves. Yesu wakaphalira ŵasambiri ŵake kuti ŵamukumbukirenge na chifukwa icho ŵakwenera kuchitira nthena. Even on the train to and from Balykchy, we were able to witness to passengers. Jesus told his disciples to remember and why they should do so. Nakuti ndise "mberere " zake, ndipo iyo waŵika zina lake pa ise. - Sal. Paul cited his own example and recommended basic Christian qualities that are necessary for endurance. In fact, we are his "little sheep, " and he has put his name upon us. - Ps. (b) Kasi ŵateŵeti ŵa Ciuta mbakusimikizga kucitaci? Avoid Stumbling Others (b) What are God's servants determined to do? Kasi kugomezgana kukung'anamuraci? This article will help you to see why you have reason to rejoice over your hope and to look forward to the realization of it. What does it mean to be loyal? Mwanteura tikwenera kuŵa ŵakucenjera. 3: 15. Therefore, we need to be cautious. Paulosi wakamanyanga fundo iyi, lekani wakati: " Apo tikaŵa ŵalwani, tikaphemana na Chiuta kwizira mu nyifwa ya Mwana wake. ' Fittingly, the apostle Paul made a connection between knowledge and love. Paul recognized this when he said: "When we were enemies, we became reconciled to God through the death of his Son. " Mubali F. In a speech to the House of Commons on May 8, he stated: "The nation is prepared for every sacrifice so long as it has leadership, so long as the Government show clearly what they are aiming at and so long as the nation is confident that those who are leading it are doing their best. " Brother F. Ŵabwezi ŵinu, ŵabali ŵinu, panji awo mukugwira nawo ncito ŵangamucicizgani kuti muswe marango gha Ciuta. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Your friends, relatives, or workmates can force you to break God's laws. (b) Chifukwa wuli Nyumba ya Ufumu yikwenera kulutilira kuŵa yakutowa? Rather, he treated all the workers as those having a right to a living. (b) Why should Kingdom Hall meetings remain clean? Iye wakakhalanga yekha, ndipo wakaŵavya ŵana kuti ŵamovwire. We face a subtle enemy that can undermine our self - sacrificing spirit. She was alone, and she had no children to help. Kale, mwanalume uyu wakalutanga ku chalichi lake mwadango waka. You have to make decisions every day, both major and minor. In Bible times, the man was just going to church. Baibolo likuti: "Munthu wakulaŵiska kawonekero kakuwaro kweni Yehova wakulaŵiska mu mtima. " I love being part of this large family of spiritual brothers and sisters, which exists not only in Australia but all over the world. - 1 Peter 5: 9. The Bible says: "Man sees what appears to the eyes, but Jehovah sees what the heart is. " Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova ŵakusindikizga mabuku ghanandi agho ghali kulembeka kuti ghawovwire ŵapapi na ŵana. For the life story of John E. Jehovah's Witnesses publish a number of books designed to help parents and children. Iyo wakanifumba kuti. Soon my joy in the ministry increased. " He asked me. Wakawocha vinthu vyake vyose vya masalamusi. Why should a teacher love his students? He burned all his images of spiritism. [ Vithuzithuzi pa peji 6] Throughout history, everyone born has known that he would eventually die, and many have wondered: " What comes next? [ Pictures on page 6] Tikukayika yayi kuti ivyo ŵakacitanga vikapereka marumbo kwa Yehova, nakuti Yehova wakaŵawovwiranga nadi ŵabali ŵakugomezgeka mu nyengo yose yira yakusuzga. Similarly, we may imagine a merchant picking up a small bundle of fine gauze and stretching it out for a customer to inspect. There is no doubt that their efforts brought praise to Jehovah, and Jehovah did help faithful brothers throughout that difficult time. Kwali mukugwira ntchito za panyumba, mukulemba homuweki panji mukugwira ntchito yakulembeka, mukwenera kuchita na mtima wose. " I do not know how to speak, " he protested, "for I am just a boy. " Whether your chores are at home or at your place of employment, you need to be whole - souled. YOSEFE - CIGAŴA 2 How did Asa, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, and Josiah show zeal for Jehovah's house? patience - APRIL 2 Tingaŵa nayo paubwezi "kwizira mwa Khristu Yesu, " uyo wakapeleka umoyo wake chifukwa cha ise. With your counsel you will lead me, and afterward you will take me even to glory. " We can have a close relationship with him "through Christ Jesus, " who gave his life for us. 4: 3 - 7. On returning home from that Mass, my grandmother threw a flowerpot at Father from an upper story of our house. 4: 3 - 7. Mudumbu uyo tamuzunura mu ndime 12 wakati: "Nkhasambira kulombera waliyose uyo wanikhuŵazga, ndipo kucita nthena nkhwakovwira nyengo zose. " The day after the earthquake, the three members of the committee overseeing the work of Jehovah's Witnesses in Nepal, in conjunction with traveling ministers, or circuit overseers, began visiting congregations to assess needs and support the local elders. The sister quoted above says: "I learned to pray for anyone who has offended me, and this is always helpful. " [ Mazgu Ghakukhozgera pa peji 32] The false religious idea that all good people go to heaven might lead some to think that they have the heavenly calling. [ Blurb on page 32] Mtundu wa Israyeli ukaŵa wakusoleka na Ciuta, ndipo ukaŵa na mwaŵi wa kuwumbika na iyo. Vikaŵa nga ni para ukaŵa mu mawoko gha Muwuvi Mukuru. What about single parents? The nation of Israel was God's chosen people, and it was as if it were in the hands of the Great Potter. Wonani kuti Yehova wakulongora nkhongono zake kovwira awo ŵakumuteŵetera na mtima wakufikapo, uwo ngutuŵa na wambura upusikizgi. The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. Notice that Jehovah shows his power to help those who serve him with a complete heart, which is clean and undefiled. " Fundo ya Ŵaheni " Would a teacher urge a group of literate students to learn to read? " The counsel of the wicked ones " Pakuti kuli kulembeka, " Yehova Ciuta wako ndiyo ukwenera kumusopa, ndipo ndiyo pera uyo ukwenera kumucitira uteŵeti wakupatulika. ' " Although many islanders were fleeing the country, volunteers came from Australia to help in the construction. For it is written, " It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service. ' " Nanga Satana wahaŵe, kweni mu nyengo yakwenelera ya Yehova, Ŵakristu wose ŵakuphakazgika awo ŵali pakati pithu ŵazamucindikika kucanya - pamanyuma pakuti ŵakhala "mazuŵa ghanandi " pano pasi. 26,060 Even in Jehovah's due time, all anointed Christians who are among us will have the heavenly calling - after "many days " left on earth. Kweniso tikaŵapharazgiranga aŵo takwera nawo sitima para tikuluta na kuwera ku Balykchy. CAN YOU FIND THE ANSWERS? Moreover, we preached to those with whom we were traveling to the train when we went out and left the local brothers there. Paulos wakayowoya ciyerezgero cake ndipo wakamanyanga mikhaliro yinyake ya Cikristu yeneiyo njakukhumbikwa pa kuzizipizga. For such brothers or sisters, negative feelings may be triggered by disappointments, illness, or some indication of the limitations of old age. Paul used his example and understood some of the Christian qualities needed to endure. Lekani Kukhuŵazga Ŵanyinu And King Gustav Adolph II of Sweden, who fought in the Thirty Years ' War, is thought to have worn the armor shown on page 7. Do Not Let Others Hate Nkhani iyi yimovwiraninge kumanya cifukwa ico mukwenera kuŵira ŵakukondwa na cigomezgo ico muli naco ndiposo kulindilira mwakunweka nyengo iyo cizamufiskikira. We can be sure that Satan was watching with great interest as this detail was unveiled. This article will help you to see why you need to maintain your confidence and look forward to the time when that will be fulfilled. 3: 15. © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania 3: 15. Mpostole Paulos wakaneneska nadi apo wakarongora kukolerana pakati pa kumanya na kutemwa Ciuta. Truly, as we contemplate the outworking of Jehovah's eternal purpose, we cannot help but be amazed at "the depth of God's riches and wisdom and knowledge. " - Rom. The apostle Paul was well - aware of the connection between knowing and loving God. Apo wakayowoyanga mu Mphara ya Ŵanthu Wose pa Meyi 8, wakati: "Caru cithu nchakunozgeka kucita cilicose usange cili na mulongozgi, cikuru Boma likulongora ivyo licitenge, nakuti ŵanthu ŵakugomezga kuti ŵalongozgi ŵawo ŵakutokatoka. " In most congregations, there are individuals at all stages of Christian development. In his talk in the Sanhedrin on May 8, he said: "Our country is prepared to do anything if it has a leader, the highest government, and the public community believe that their leaders are working hard. " ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ But consider: What if scholars were to collect a pile of dubious writings printed today, perhaps gleaning them from gossip magazines and the publications of radical religious cults, and then were to seal the papers in a vault? . . . . . Wakawona kuti waliyose wa ŵanthu aŵa wali na mulimo wa kupwelelera mbumba yake. In its footnote on Ephesians 4: 11, however, the Reference Bible suggests that the Greek word translated "evangelizers " can also be rendered" missionaries. " He saw that each of them has the responsibility to provide for his family. Nkhani iyi yitovwirenge kuti timumanye mulwani uyu. " THE BOOK OF ACTS WILL NEVER BE THE SAME FOR ME " This article will help us to identify this enemy. Zuŵa na zuŵa mukusanka ivyo mungacita, vikuru na vicoko wuwo. Sadly, in many places it is no longer common to show honor to others. Every day you make decisions, big and small. Vikunikondweska comene kuŵa pakati pa mbumba yikuru iyi ya ŵabali na ŵadumbu ŵauzimu, iyo yili ku Australia pera yayi, kweni pa caru cose. - 1 Petrosi 5: 9. How precious your eyes are to you! That is how Jehovah feels about his people. It gives me great joy to be part of this large spiritual family, not only in Australia but worldwide. - 1 Peter 5: 9. Kuti mumanye vinandi pa nkhani ya umoyo wa John E. In fact, those who will then live on earth will benefit in an everlasting way. For more information on John E. Nkhalomba kwa Yehova kuti wanovwire uku nkhulira. How can we " handle the word of the truth aright '? I prayed to Jehovah for help when I cried. Cifukwa wuli msambizgi wakwenera kutemwa ŵasambiri ŵake? A Tool for Communication Why should a teacher love his disciples? Kwamba papo kale, waliyose uyo wali kubabika wakumanya kuti zuŵa linyake wazamufwa, ndipo ŵanandi ŵakuzizwa, ŵakuti: " Kufuma apo, nchivici cikucitika? The three widows set off for Judah together. Throughout history, anyone who has been born has come to realize that one day he will die, and many wonder: " What happens then? Mwakuyana waka, tingaŵa nga tikuwona wamalonda wakutora salu yakuzingika ndipo wakuyitandawura kuti uyo wagurenge wayiwone. Why? Did they not trust her? In a similar way, we can be like the traveling merchant picks a garment and tries to catch it. Iyo wakati: " Nkhumanya yayi kuyowoya, pakuti ndine msepuka. ' 12 " I don't know how to speak, " he said, "because I am a boy. " Kasi Asa, Yehoshafati, Hezekiya, na Yosiya ŵakalongora wuli mwamphu pa nyumba ya Yehova? Does this mean that happiness is out of reach for Christ's followers who live in religiously divided households? How did Asa, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, and Josiah show zeal for Jehovah's house? Mundilongozge na vipango vinu, pamanyuma mwamundipokelera mu ucindami. ' Or was the plague simply caused by a bacterial infection, as medical researchers have since determined? With your counsel you will lead me, and afterward you will receive me in glory. " Pakuwera ku Misa yira, ŵabuya ŵakaponya cithini ico ŵakapandamo maluŵa kufuma pa nyumba yapacanya pa nyumba yithu kuti ciŵatimbe Ŵadada. In fulfillment of Bible prophecy, his Kingdom was established in the heavens in 1914 with Jesus Christ as its King. On my way to Mass, my grandmother threw a pair of flowers into our home to attack my Father. Pakati pajumpha zuŵa limoza kufuma apo ivi vikachitikira, Ŵakhristu ŵatatu ŵa mu komiti iyo yikulaŵilira ntchito ya Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova ku Nepal na Ŵakhristu ŵanyake awo ŵakwendera mipingo, ŵakamba kwendera mipingo kuti ŵamanye awo ŵakukhumbikwira wovwiri. Instead of comforting Hannah, however, Peninnah acted in an unloving way that vexed Hannah to the point of tears and loss of appetite. One day after that incident, three members of the committee that oversees the work of Jehovah's Witnesses in Nepal and other congregations who were visiting congregations began visiting congregations in order to visit those in need. Cisambizgo cautesi ico visopo vikusambizga kuti ŵantu wose ŵaweme ŵakuruta kucanya cingapangiska ŵanyake kughanaghana kuti nawo ŵayenge kucanya. He will provide healing for the many wounds inflicted upon us by life in this wicked system of things as he lovingly directs his Son to "break up the works of the Devil. " - 1 John 3: 8. Christendom's teaching that all good people go to heaven may cause some to think that they too will be raised up in heaven. Wuli pakuyowoya za ŵapapi awo ŵalije munyawo wa mu nthengwa? Why was it difficult for the people of Israel to be loyal to God while Saul was king? What about single parents? Hema la Chiuta lili na ŵanthu, ndipo wazamukhala nawo, ndipo iwo ŵazamuŵa ŵanthu ŵake. Hence, all four of those kings were zealous for fine works. The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. Kasi msambizgi wangaciska ŵana ŵa sukulu awo ŵakumanya kale kuŵazga kuti ŵasambire kuŵazga? For Christians, all these rules of conduct are part of the perfect law of God. - Psalm 19: 7. Can a teacher encourage students who already know how to study? Nangauli ŵantu ŵakacimbira mu caru ici, ŵabali ŵakujipereka ŵakiza kufuma ku Australia kuzakawovwira ncito yakuzenga. No, he did not want them to compromise their beliefs for the sake of peace. Even though the inhabitants fled from that country, volunteers came from Australia to assist with the construction work. 26,060 Advancing age may change a Christian's activities somewhat, but time does not diminish Jehovah's love for his loyal older servants. 26,060 KASI MUNGAGHASANGA MAZGORO? Jehovah in his undeserved kindness grants us the blessing of approaching his heavenly throne in prayer. WAS IT DESIGNED? Ŵabali panji ŵadumbu aŵa ŵangaŵa kuti ŵali na maghanoghano ghambura kwenelera cifukwa ca kukhuŵara, ulwari, panji ucekuru. In order to illustrate the reasonableness of this requirement, Jesus used an illustration about a slave who was a debtor. Such brothers or sisters may have negative feelings because of disappointment, ill health, or advanced age. Ŵanji ŵakughanaghana kuti Themba Gustav Adolph II la ku Sweden, ilo likarwako nkhondo izo zikacitika kwa vilimika 30, likavwaranga cakuvwara ca cisulo ico cili pa peji 7. When Jesus was about 30, God anointed him with holy spirit, appointing him to be the heir to David's throne and commissioning him to preach. Some think that King Ahasuerus II II of Sweden, who was fighting the war that had been fought for 30 years, was wearing a iron garment on page 7. Mwambura kukayika, Satana wakwenera kuti wakawoneseskanga comene apo ivi vikavumbukwanga. " Jehovah Is Guarding All Those Loving Him " Without question, Satan must have been doing very much as these were revealed. © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania It became clear that opposers had arranged ahead of time for some in the audience to ask what were considered awkward questions. © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Apo tikusanda vinandi vyakukhwaskana na umo Yehova wakufiskira khumbo lake la muyirayira, tikuwona makora " kunyang'amira kwa usambazi na vinjeru na kumanya kwa Ciuta. ' - Rom. Therefore, we need to be vigilant to identify and root out materialistic desires in our heart. As we examine more closely how Jehovah fulfills his purpose for eternity, we clearly see "the depth of God's riches and wisdom and knowledge. " - Rom. Mu mipingo yinandi muli Ŵakhristu awo ŵakukura mwauzimu mwakupambanapambana. I was in Poland, visiting the infamous concentration camp at Auschwitz. In many congregations, there are mature Christians who make spiritual progress in various ways. Kweni ghanaghanirani fundo iyi: Wuli usange nkhwantha izi zikasanga vimabuku vyambura kugomezgeka ivyo vikusindikizgika mazuŵa ghano, panji magazini na mabuku gha visopa vyacilendo, na kuvisunga mu malo ghakubisika? What should you keep in mind if you receive admonition from an elder? But think of this: What if the scholars were able to find reliable books that have been published today, or books and books of strange religions, and kept them in secret? Kweni lizgu lakuti "ŵapharazgi, " ilo liri pa Ŵaefeso 4: 11, lingang'anamulikaso kuti" ŵamishonale. " Mishonale ni munthu uyo watumika ku caru cinyake kuti wakapharazge makani ghawemi. We maintain a clean conscience, which gives us peace of mind and a calm heart. On the other hand, the expression "the Jews, " as recorded at Ephesians 4: 11, can also be rendered" missionaries, " a missionary sent to another country to preach the good news. " SONO BUKU LA MILIMO NILIWONENGE MWAKUPAMBANAKO " However, God, "whose name is Jealous, " clearly would not forever attach it to a people who had disowned him and whom he had disowned. " THAT IS A SEEIE " Nchacitima kuti mu vigaŵa vinandi ŵanthu ŵali kuleka kucindika ŵanyawo. (b) How have you found the need for similar patience? Sadly, in many parts of the world, people lack respect for others. Mwachiyelezgero, tikuvikilira chomene maso ghithu chifukwa ngakuzirwa. 1, 2. (a) What challenge do parents face, and how can they meet that challenge? For example, we are careful not to give up on our physical well - being. Nakuti awo ŵazamukhala pa charu chapasi, ŵazamusanga chandulo na phangano ili kwamuyirayira. As was the apostle John, we are moved to declare: "See what sort of love the Father has given us! " - 1 John 3: 1. In fact, those with an earthly hope will benefit from that covenant forever. Kasi tingacita wuli "mwakwenelera na mazgu gha unenesko "? Such kindness needs to be evident in the way members of the family speak to one another, children honoring and respecting their parents and parents treating their children appropriately. How can we " handle the word of the truth aright "? Buku Lakovwira Kudumbiskana We All Need Comfort 3 A Book for Communication Vyokoro vitatu ivi vikanyamukira lumoza pakuluta ku Yuda. The limited number of Christians chosen by Jehovah to be associated with Christ in the heavenly Kingdom government undergo "a new birth " as spirit - begotten sons of God. The three widows were taken together to return to Judah. Ndipouli, ŵapharazgi ŵakwenera kusambizgika umo ŵangapharazgira makora. • What inspired counsel helps young people in their planning for the future? Still, publishers need to be taught how to preach effectively. Kasi ŵakamukayikiranga? • Why should we clearly identify ourselves as Jehovah's Witnesses? Did he question them? 12 The Woman's Children Come Home! 12 Kasi fundo iyi yikung'anamura kuti Ŵakhristu awo ŵali mu mbumba izo ŵanthu mbakupambana cisopa ŵangaŵa ŵacimwemwe yayi? This action opened the way for Jehovah to forgive the sins of the Israelites. Does that mean that Christians living in religiously divided households cannot be happy? Kasi Chiuta wakapelekanga chilango pa ŵanthu ŵaheni? Panji kasi nthenda iyi yikabuka chifukwa cha mabakiteriya nga umo ŵavyaumoyo ŵakayowoyera? Jesus always used his keen mental faculties in what way? Was God's discipline against the wicked, or was it the result of their lack of self - discipline? Mwakukwaniska ucimi wa Baibolo, Ufumu wake ukakhazikiskika kucanya mu 1914 ndipo Yesu Kristu ndiyo Fumu ya Ufumu uwu. Let us never allow other pursuits and activities to interfere with the means that Jehovah uses to strengthen and encourage us. By fulfilling Bible prophecy, his Kingdom was established in heaven in 1914 and Jesus Christ is the King of that Kingdom. Ndipouli, mu malo mwakumupembuzga Hana, Penina wakamusuzganga comene Hana mwakuti Hana wakadandauranga comene ndipo pa cifukwa ici wakalira masozi na kuleka kurya. Really, if Jesus had not been raised up, there would be no Christianity. Nevertheless, instead of comforting Hannah, Hannah became so discouraged that she cried out with tears and stopped eating. Apo wazamutuma Mwana wake kuti "waparanye milimo ya Dyabulosi, " viheni vyose ivyo vyacitika cifukwa ca mgonezi uheni uwu vizamumara. - 1 Yoh. 3: 8. David and Kaitlyn [ages 13 and 15] might write about a Bible account from the point of view of an observer. When he sends his Son to "bring to nothing the works of the Devil, " all the bad consequences of this wicked system of things will be gone. - 1 John 3: 8. Chifukwa wuli chikaŵa chinonono kwa Ŵaisrayeli kuŵa ŵakugomezgeka kwa Yehova apo Sauli wakawusanga? Ryan, a 32 - year - old ministerial servant, relocated to a new congregation. Why was it difficult for the Israelites to remain loyal to Jehovah during Saul's reign? Ntheura mathemba ghanayi agha ghakaŵa ghamwamphu pa milimo yiwemi. Some Bible translations simply say: "Give. " So these four kings were zealous for fine works. Ŵakristu, ŵakuwona marango ghose agha gha kakhaliro kuti ghali mu dango lakufikapo la Ciuta. - Salmo 19: 7. Most of God's servants can buy out some time for vital activities from time spent on less important things. Christians consider all these principles to be in God's perfect law. - Psalm 19: 7. Paulos wakaphaliranga Ŵakristu kuti ŵaleke vigomezgo vyawo cara cifukwa ca kupanga mtende na ŵanyawo. As Greek concepts made inroads, many Jews became vulnerable to demonic control because they adopted the view that demons could be evil or good. Paul was not telling Christians to give up their beliefs by making peace with others. Ucekuru ungapangiska kuti milimo ya Mkhristu yisinthe, kweni unandi wa vilimika ivyo ŵangakhala ungacepeska yayi citemwa ca Yehova kwa ŵateŵeti ŵake ŵakugomezgeka awo mbacekuru. Assisting those who are weak brings blessings to all. Old age may move a Christian's activities to change, but the number of years in which they can never weaken Jehovah's love for his faithful servants. Chifukwa cha lusungu lwake lukuru, Yehova watipa mwaŵi wakuti tingafika ku mpando wake kwizira mu lurombo. Whether they realize it or not, malicious slanderers imitate Satan the Devil. Jehovah has given us the opportunity to approach him in prayer. Kuti walongore kuzirwa kwa kugowokera ŵanji, Yesu wakayowoya ntharika yakukhwaskana na muzga uyo wakaŵa na ngongoli. Even a Jewish rabbi called it "a naive attempt to explain the origin of nations. " To illustrate the importance of forgiving others, Jesus gave an illustration about a slave who had a debt. Apo Yesu wakaŵa na vilimika pafupifupi 30, Ciuta wakamuphakazga na mzimu utuŵa, kumwimika kuŵa muhaliri wa cizumbe ca Davide na kumutuma kuti wapharazge. Perhaps within a year of Jesus ' resurrection, an amazing transformation takes place in Saul of Tarsus. When Jesus was about 30 years old, God anointed him with holy spirit, appointed him as the throne of David and sent him to preach. " Yehova Wakusunga Wose Awo Ŵakumutemwa " After repeating what God had stated about a man leaving his father and his mother and sticking to his wife, Jesus said: "What God has yoked together, let no man put apart. " " Jehovah Safeguards All Those Who Love Him " Vikalongolerathu kuti ŵakususka ŵakanozga vyakuti ŵanji mwa ŵategherezgi aŵa ŵazakafumbe mafumbo agho ghakawoneka kuti ghakaŵa ghambura kwenelera. (b) Why do wise parents endeavor to instill a wholesome fear in their children? It took no doubt that opposers arranged for some of these listeners to ask questions that they thought was not wrong. Ntheura, tikwenera kuŵa ŵakucenjera kuti timanye na kuzguramo mu mitima yithu khumbo lililose la kutemwa vinthu vyakuthupi. Exiled as they would be in Babylon, this comfort and reassurance was just what these despondent ones would need! Therefore, we must be careful to recognize and remove any desire to love material things from our heart. Yikaŵa nyengo iyo nkhaluta ku msasa wakumanyikwa comene wakuyuzgirako ŵanthu wa Auschwitz ku Poland. We also exercise special care to prepare well for district conventions, circuit assemblies, special assembly days, as well as for the Memorial. It was a time when I arrived at the famous concentration camp in Poland. Kasi mukwenera kukumbuka vici para mulara wakumusokani? * "I often thought about escaping, " Blessing explains," but I was afraid of what they would do to my family. What should you remember when an elder commands you? Tikuŵa na njuŵi yakutowa, iyo yikutipa mtende mu mtima. The period ended when the last king, Nabonidus, was overthrown by Persian King Cyrus in 539 B.C.E. We have a clean conscience, which brings us inner peace. Ndipouli, Ciuta, "mweneuyo zina lake ndi Wasanji, " wangalibatika yayi zina ili ku ŵanthu awo ŵamukana ndiposo awo iyo waŵakana. How did Jesus express his love for his friends? However, God, "the One whose name is named, " will not hold this name to those who reject him and who have rejected him. (b) Mphauli apo mukuwona kuti mukwenera kuzikira? What temptations does the Devil use to lure God's people today? (b) When do you feel that you need patience? 1, 2. (a) Kasi ŵapapi ŵakusangana na masuzgo wuli, ndipo ŵangachita wuli kuti ŵamarane nagho? Never before in history has there been so much bad news, including such things as wars, terrorism, new diseases and resurging old ones, crime, poverty, and ruinous pollution. 1, 2. (a) What challenges do parents face, and how can they deal with them? Tikujipulika nga ni mpositole Yohane uyo wakati: "Wonani chitemwa icho Adada ŵalongora kwa ise. " - 1 Yoh. 3: 1. The ark of the covenant was a sacred chest that was built at Jehovah's direction and according to his design. We feel as did the apostle John, who said: "See the love the Father has compels us. " - 1 John 3: 1. Lusungu lukwenera kuwoneka para ŵakuyowoyeskana, usange ŵana ŵakucindika ŵapapi ŵawo, ndipo ŵapapi ŵakuŵacitira makora ŵana. 20 Never Forsake Your Fellow Believers Loving - kindness should be evident when children show respect for their parents, and parents bring honor to their children. Tose Tikukhumbikwira Chisangulusko 3 Clearly, blood has a special meaning in God's eyes. We All Need to Comfort 3 Ŵakhristu ŵacoko waka awo ŵakusoleka na Yehova kuti ŵakawuse lumoza na Khristu mu boma la kucanya, ŵakupika "kubabika kuphya " nga mbana ŵauzimu ŵa Ciuta. 9: 11 - 14. Only a limited number of anointed Christians chosen by Jehovah will rule with Christ in the heavenly government are being given "a new birth " as spiritual sons of God. • Ni ulongozgi wuli wa mu malemba uwo ukovwira ŵawukirano kunozgekera vya munthazi? Upon becoming a follower of Christ, he worked hard to deal with all people as Jesus did. • What Scriptural counsel helps youths prepare for the future? • Ncifukwa wuli tikwenera kujiphara tekha mwakupulikikwa makora kuti ndise Ŵakaboni ŵa Yehova? Since 1919, they have brought forth Kingdom fruitage in abundance, first other anointed Christians and, since 1935, an ever - increasing "great crowd " of companions. - Revelation 7: 9; Isaiah 60: 4, 8 - 11. • Why should we make sure that we are Jehovah's Witnesses? Ŵana ŵa Mwanakazi Ŵakwiza ku Nyumba! Theocratic construction work is also educational, as it teaches you to be safety conscious, to be a diligent worker, and to cooperate with those in oversight. " O if only you would actually pay attention to my commandments! " Ichi chikawovwiranga kuti Yehova wagowokere zakwananga za Ŵaisrayeli. Peter encouraged Jesus to "be kind " to himself and assured him that he would" not have this destiny at all. " That led to Jehovah's forgiveness of the sins of the Israelites. Ni mwauli umo Yesu nyengo zose wakagwiriskiranga ncito vinjeru vyake? Jesus set the perfect example in obeying Jehovah out of heartfelt love for Him. How did Jesus always use his wisdom? Usange tili kutora panji kutengwa tikwenera kuŵa na Nyengo Yakusopera ya Mbumba. Ntheura tileke kuzomerezga chilichose kutitondeska kugwiliskira ntchito vinthu ivyo Yehova wakutipa kuti tilutilire kuŵa ŵakukhora mwauzimu. That thrilling account gives us a preview of grander events in the future. If we are married, we should not allow anything to cause us to use Jehovah's provisions to remain spiritually strong. Nakuti Yesu waŵenge kuti wandawuke, mphanyi Cikhristu naco kulije. Today, many of Jehovah's people suffer unrelenting hardships as a result of wars, political or social upheavals, natural disasters, old age, sickness, dire poverty, and governmental bans. After all, if Jesus had been perfect, Christianity would not have been with him. Davide na Kaitlyn [ŵa vilimika 13 na 15] ŵakulemba nkhani ya mu Baibolo mu mazgu ghawo na ghawo. Is proselytism harmful? The Bible record is written in their own words. Ryan, muteŵeti wakovwira wa vyaka 32, wakasamira ku mpingo uphya. Elders may read scriptures, review an article, discuss meeting highlights, pray with the inactive one, and so forth. Ryan, a 32 - year - old ministerial servant, moved to a new congregation. Mu Mabaibolo ghanyake mazgu agha ghali kung'anamulika kuti: "Ipani. " Page Thirty - Two Some translations render this expression: "I give you. " Ŵateŵeti ŵanandi ŵa Ciuta ŵangajigulira nyengo iyo ŵakumalira pa vinthu vyakuzirwa pacoko na kucitira vinthu vyakuzirwa comene. Did the Jews have reason to be proud because they were descendants of Abraham? Many Jews had that deep - seated conviction. Many of God's servants may buy out the opportune time that they spend on less important pursuits and do more important things. Ŵayuda ŵanandi ŵakamba kugomezga fundo za Ŵagiriki zakuti viŵanda vingaŵa viwemi panji viheni. Military and civil authorities marveled at the efficiency and organization they saw. Many Jews began to believe Greek philosophy that could lead to good or bad. Kovwira ŵakulopwa kukupereka vitumbiko kwa waliyose. So can you believe what the Bible tells us about miracles? Helping those who are weak brings blessings to all. Kwali ŵakumanya panji yayi, kweni awo ŵakusesa ŵakulondezga Satana Dyabulosi. He was later pressured by the church to include them in his third edition. Whether they realize it or not, those who oppose Satan the Devil do. Msambizgi munyake Waciyuda nayo wakati, "ŵanthu ŵakujisuzga waka para ŵakuyezga kulongosora umo viyowoyero vikambira. " You might occasionally want to help congregations to preach in seldom worked territory. One Jewish scholar said, "People are just a lot of trouble when they try to explain the origin of language. " Mutepanji Saulosi wa ku Tarso wakasintha mwakuzizwiska mu cilimika cenecico Yesu wakawukira ku ŵakufwa. Sanballat may have intended to make public the false charges brought forth by sending them in an open letter. Perhaps Saul of Tarsus changed his life in that year from the dead. Yehova wakati mwanalume wazamusida awiske na anyina ndipo wazamubatikana na muwoli wake. Yesu wakawerezgapo fundo iyi ndipo pamanyuma wakati: "Icho Chiuta wagumanya pamoza munthu waleke kupatura. " For the love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things, and by reaching out for this love some have been led astray from the faith and have stabbed themselves all over with many pains. " Jehovah said that a man would leave his father and his mother and that he would be united with his wife and then said: "What God has yoked together let no man put apart. " (b) Ncifukwa wuli ŵapapi ŵavinjeru ŵakusambizga ŵana ŵawo kuti ŵaŵe na wofi wakwenelera? We take note of Jehovah's warnings and lovingly help our neighbors to do the same. (b) Why do wise parents train their children to fear him? Mazgu ghakupembuzga agha ndigho Ŵaisrayeli ŵakakhumbanga apo ŵakaŵa ŵazga ku Babulone. Thus, we can have confidence in Jesus ' leadership as well. Those comforting words were what the Israelites wanted when they were captive in Babylon. Nase tikunozgekera makora maungano gha cigaŵa, gha dera, ungano wapadera, kweniso Cikumbusko. It may not bring material wealth, but it will result in an inner peace and contentment that all the money in the world cannot buy. We too prepare well for conventions, assemblies, and conventions. * Iyo wakati: "Nkhaghanaghananga waka vyakugwentha, kweni nkhawopanga kuti ŵangakasuzga banja lakwithu. She once belonged to the church where the wedding is to take place and knows that during the ceremony all present will be asked to share in religious acts, such as prayer, singing, or religious gestures. * He says: "I thought of what was bad, but I feared that it would be a problem for my family. Nyengo ya Mathemba gha ku Babuloni yikamara apo themba laumaliro Nabonidus, likawuskikapo pa uthemba mu 539 B.C.E. na Sayirasi uyo wakaŵa Themba la Ŵaperesiya. Alex, one of Jairo's young friends, observes, "It always impresses me when I hear Jairo's comments on a Bible subject. " The Babylonian period ended when the last king Nabonidus was removed from the throne in 539 B.C.E. and Cyrus, king of Persia. Kasi Yesu wakalongora wuli kuti wakatemwanga ŵabwezi ŵake? As God's servants, we know this, and we do not want to allow anything to undermine our loyalty to God. How did Jesus show love for his friends? Ni viyezgo wuli ivyo Satana wakugwiriskira ncito kupuruskira ŵateŵeti ŵa Yehova lero? In these endeavors, how heartening it is to know that you have the loving support of your brothers and sisters in the Christian congregation! What temptations does Satan use to ensnare Jehovah's servants today? Awo Ciuta wakuŵawona kuŵa ŵarunji ŵangagwentha yayi vinthu ivi, ndipouli, ŵakucita navyo wofi yayi. " The army of the height " could well refer to the wicked spirit forces. Those whom God views as righteous cannot see these things; yet, they do not fear. Likasa la phangano likaŵa bokosi lakupatulika ilo likapangika mwakulongozgeka na Yehova ndiposo mwakuyana na umo mweneco wakakhumbiranga. Many streets have no names, and the houses have no numbers. The ark of the covenant was a sacred chest that was created under Jehovah's direction and according to his will. 20 Kujowora Ŵakhristu Ŵanyinu Cara When Andrew and John first learned about Jesus from John the Baptizer, they were convinced that they had found the Messiah. 20 Do Not Leave Fellow Believers Nga ni umo tawonera, ndopa zili na ng'anamuro lapadera mu maso gha Ciuta. Medal for Kingdom Hall (Finland), 10 / 1 Meetings, 3 / 15 As we have seen, blood has special significance in God's eyes. 9: 11 - 14. Through Haggai, Jehovah said: "Is it the time for you yourselves to dwell in your paneled houses, while this house [of worship] is waste?... 9: 11 - 14. Wati wazgoka mulondezgi wa Khristu, wakayezgayezga comene kucitira ŵanthu nga umo Yesu wakacitiranga. Rather, God impressed vivid images upon his mind. When he became a follower of Christ, he tried to treat others as Jesus did. Kufuma mu 1919, iwo ŵapambika vipasi vinandi vya Ufumu, cakwamba Ŵakristu ŵakuphakazgika, ndipo mu 1935, "mzinda ukuru " uwo ukukulira - kulira. - Civumbuzi 7: 9; Yesaya 60: 4, 8 - 11. The Bible says: "The creation itself will also be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God. " Since 1919, they have produced many Kingdom fruitage, first anointed Christians, and in 1935, "a great crowd " that keeps growing up. - Revelation 7: 9; Isaiah 60: 4, 8 - 11. Ntchito yakuzenga njiwemi chomene. Yikutisambizga kuŵa na njuŵi yiwemi, kulimbikira ntchito, kweniso kuti tikoleranenge na awo ŵakutilongozga. What is your determination with regard to your ministry? We learn to have a clean conscience, to work hard, and to cooperate with those taking the lead. Petrosi wakamucenya Yesu kuti " kuŵe kutali na iyo ' na kumupanikizgira kuti " ivyo [wakayowoyanga] vingamuwira cara. ' Later, he traveled with Barnabas, and later still, we find him serving with Peter in Babylon. Peter urged Jesus to "be far off from him " and assures him that" what [he] said cannot be done. " Yesu wali kutipa ciyelezgero ciwemi pa nkhani ya kupulikira Yehova cifukwa ca kumutemwa mwakufumira pasi pa mtima. Beware of "an Unruly Injurious Thing " Jesus set a fine example in obeying Jehovah out of heartfelt love for him. 29 Mukucemeka Kwiza ku Nyumba ya Ufumu He proposed a system in which the earth was at the center of a universe made of over 50 crystalline spheres, one nestled inside the other. 29 You Are Called to the Kingdom Hall Ivyo vikachitika apa vikutovwira kuŵa na chithuzithuzi cha vinthu vikuru ivyo vizamuchitika kunthazi. Jesus said that it is those "exercising faith " in him who will receive everlasting life. This experience provides us with a vivid picture of events that lie ahead of us. Lero, ŵanthu ŵanandi ŵa Yehova ŵakusuzgika cifukwa ca nkhondo, vivulupi vya ndyali, masoka gha cilengiwa, ucekuru, ulwari, ukavu, ndipo nchito yawo yikukanizgika na boma. Finally, "his soul got to be impatient to the point of dying. " Today, many of Jehovah's people suffer because of wars, political violence, natural disasters, old age, poor health, poverty, and governmental bans. Kasi kuphenduska ŵantu nkuheni? What kind of bread did Jesus use when instituting the Lord's Evening Meal? Is it wrong to deceive people? Ŵalara ŵangaŵazga nayo malemba, kuŵazga nayo nkhani yinyake, kumuphalirako fundo zikuru izo zanguŵa ku maungano, kulomba nayo, na vinyake vyantheura. Do we consider Bible principles before we make decisions? The elders may read scriptures, read a passage, share some of the main points that were held at meetings, pray with him, and so forth. Peji 32 All of us, however, have one thing in common. Page Thirty - Two Ŵayuda ŵanandi ŵakaghanaghananga kuti ŵakuluska mitundu yinyake chifukwa chakuti ŵakaŵa ŵana ŵa Abrahamu. But later, when Jotham was still young, Uzziah became proud and broke God's Law. Many Jews thought that they were better than other nations because they were Abraham's descendants. Ŵasilikari na ŵalara ŵa boma ŵakazizikika chomene chifukwa cha kukolerana kwa ŵabali na ŵadumbu. In any case, David was alluding to the victories Jehovah gave his people over their enemies. The unity of our brothers and sisters impressed the soldiers and officials. Ntheura, kasi mungagomezga ivyo Baibolo likutiphalira pa nkhani ya minthondwe? (Read 2 Corinthians 13: 5.) So can you believe what the Bible tells us about miracles? Kweni pamanyuma Tchalitchi la Katolika likamuchichizga kuti waŵikemo mazgu agha mu Baibolo lake. One momentous day, the ark gently came to rest on "the mountains of Ararat, " located in modern - day Turkey. That would have been in April 2369 B.C.E. But later, the Catholic Church forced her to put those words into his Bible. Nyengo zinyake mungajipeleka kukapharazga ku cigaŵa ico mipingo yikupharazgako viŵi yayi. [ Pictures on page 16, 17] At times, you may be able to share in the preaching work in an area where the congregations are limited. Khumbo la Sanbalat likwenera likaŵa lakuti ŵanthu ŵamanye milandu yautesi iyo wakalemba mu kalata lekani wakayituma yakujurika. It was likely his desire to identify the false stories he wrote in a letter that was designed to open the door. Cifukwa kutemwa ndarama ndukorozi lwa mitundu yose ya viheni: izo ŵanji pakuzipenjiska ŵali kupuluskikako ku cipulikano, ndipo ŵali kujilasa na vitima vinandi. " For the love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things, and by reaching out for this love some have been led astray from the faith and have stabbed themselves all over with many pains. " Tikupulikira nchenjezgo za Yehova ndipo tikovwira ŵanthu kuti nawo ndimo ŵacitirenge. We heed Jehovah's warning and help others to do the same. Ntheura, nase tingagomezga udangiliri wa Yesu. So we too can rely on Jesus ' leadership. Ubwezi uwu ungamupangiskani kuti musambazgike mwakuthupi yayi, kweni mungaŵa na mtende wa mu mtima ndiposo ŵakukhorwa comene. Such friendships do not make you rich physically, but you can have inner peace and satisfaction. Kumanyuma, nayo wakasopanga mu chalichi ilo kwamucitikira ukwati ndipo wakumanya kuti panyengo ya ukwati, wose awo ŵamuŵako ŵamukhumbikwira kucita vinthu vyakukhwaskana na kusopa, nga nkhulomba, kwimba sumu, panji vinthu vinyake. He was already a believer in a church where he knows that at a wedding, all present would be tempted to participate in religious activities, such as prayer, music, or other activities. Alex uyo njumoza wa ŵabwezi ŵake wakati: "Nyengo zose nkhukhozgeka chomene para napulika zgoro lake. " Alex, one of his friends, says, "I'm always touched when I hear his answer. " Pakuŵa ŵateŵeti ŵa Yehova, tikumanya vyose ivi, ndipo tikukhumba cara kuti cithu cilicose cititondeske kugomezgeka kwa Iyo. As servants of Jehovah, we know all of this, and we do not want anything to break our integrity to him. Cakukondweska nchakuti muli na ŵabali na ŵadumbu mu mpingo awo ŵangamovwirani kuti muŵe ŵacimwemwe. Happily, you have brothers and sisters in the congregation who can help you to find happiness. Mizimu yiheni ndiyo panji yikuzunulika kuti "wumba wa ŵakuru. " Wicked spirits are referred to as "the army of the brothers. " Misewu yinandi yilije mazina, ndipo nyumba zilije manambara. Most people have no names, and the house is not able to number them. Andireya na Yohane ŵakati ŵapulika kakwamba za Yesu kwa Yohane Mbapatizi, ŵakakhorwa kuti ŵasanga Mesiya. When Andrew and John first heard about Jesus from John the Baptizer, they were convinced that they had found the Messiah. Vipimo vya Ciuta vya Kakhaliro Vingamovwirani, 3 / 1 What Does God Ask of Us? 3 / 15 Kwizira mwa Hagai Yehova wakayowoya kuti: "Kasi ndi nyengo yakuti imwe mukukhara mu nyumba za matabwa ghakuŵajika, kweni nyumba iyi [yakusoperamo] yikukhara yakupasuka?... Through Haggai, Jehovah said: "Is it the time for you to dwell in your own houses, but this house [of worship] will be cut short?... Kweni Ciuta wakamulongora waka vithuzithuzi mu maghanoghano ghake. But God showed only pictures in his mind. " Ŵani Ŵankhongono na Ŵakukhwima Mtima Comene, ' 2 / 15 6 / 1 Baibolo likuti: "Chilengiwa chizamufwatuka ku wuzga wa kuvunda na kuŵa na wanangwa wauchindami wa ŵana ŵa Chiuta. " The Bible says: "The creation itself will be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God. " Kasi mwaŵikapo mtima kuchita vichi na uteŵeti? What are you determined to do with your ministry? Pamanyuma wakendanga na Baranaba ndipo nyengo yinyake wakateŵeteranga na Petrosi ku Babuloni. Later, he accompanied Barnabas, and on one occasion he worked with Peter in Babylon. Cenjerani na "Kanthu Kaheni Kakulankhasa " Beware of "a Evil That Is Bad " Pa cinthu ico wakapanga, caru capasi cikaŵa pakati ndipo kuwaro kwa caru kukaŵa vizingo vyakunyezimira vyakujumpha 50, ndipo cizingo cilicose cikaŵa mukati mwa cinyake. At the base of the earth, the earth was surrounded by over 50 tons of red - white purple and each one was in the midst of another. Yesu wakati awo " ŵakupulikana ' mwa iyo ndiwo ŵazamuŵa na umoyo wamuyirayira. Jesus said that those who " exercise faith " in him will have everlasting life. Paumaliro, Samusoni "umoyo wake ukasuzgika kukhumba kufwa. " Finally, Samson "began to die. " Ni cingwa ca mtundu wuli ico Yesu wakagwiriskira ncito apo wakambiska Mugonero? What kind of bread did Jesus use when instituting the Lord's Evening Meal? Kasi tikughanaghanira marango gha Baibolo pambere tindapange vyakusanka? Are we concerned about Bible principles before making decisions? Ndipouli, ise tose tili na cintu cimoza cakuyana waka. Yet, all of us have something similar. Kweni apo Yotamu wakaŵa wacali mucoko, Uziya wakamba kujikuzga ndipo wakaswa Dango la Ciuta. However, when Jotham was still young, Uzziah became proud and rebelled against God's Law. Kwali ndimo viliri, kwali yayi, kweni apa Davide wakayowoyanga umo Yehova wakawovwilira ŵanthu ŵake kuti ŵatonde ŵalwani ŵawo. Whether this is the case or not, David was referring to the way Jehovah helped his people to conquer their enemies. (Ŵazgani 2 Ŵakorinte 13: 5.) (Read 2 Corinthians 13: 5.) Zuŵa linyake cingalaŵa cikakhazikika pa "mapiri gha Ararati " agho ghali mu caru ico pasono cikucemeka Turkey. One day, the ark settled on "the older men " in a land now called Turkey.