Tom kibar. Tom's polite. Tom is kind. Çocuklar okul bahçesinde oynuyorlardı. The kids were playing in the schoolyard. The kids were playing in the schoolyard. Amerikan büyükelçiliğine nasıl giderim? How do I get to the American Embassy? How do I get to the American embassy? O bir kuzgun, karga veya bir saksağan değil. O bir ekinkargası. It's not a raven, a crow, nor a magpie. It's a rook. He's not a raven or a crow or a magpie. Dış tavsiye gerekli olabilir. Outside advice may be necessary. Foreign advice may be necessary. Ona o köpeği verdin mi? Did you give her that dog? Did you give him that dog? Önemli bir şeyi yarıda kesiyor muyum? Am I interrupting something important? Am I interrupting something important? İngilizce bir mektubun nasıl yazılacağını biliyorum. I know how to write a letter in English. I know how to write a letter in English. O hikayenin uzunluğu nedir? How long is that story? How long is that story? Bu odun yanmaz. This wood won't burn. This wood won't burn. Tom ön kapıdan girdi. Tom came in the front door. Tom walked in the front door. Dün çok rüzgarlıydı. It was very windy yesterday. It was very windy yesterday. Dinlemezsin, değil mi? You don't listen, do you? You won't listen, will you? Sokaklar arabalarla tıkanmış. The roads are jammed with cars. The streets are blocked by cars. Tom doğruyu söylemediği için cezalandırıldı. Tom was punished for not telling the truth. Tom was punished for not telling the truth. Tom biraz kızgın görünüyordu. Tom looks a little annoyed. Tom seemed a little angry. Tom'un eskiden Boston'da çalıştığını biliyor muydun? Did you know Tom used to work in Boston? Did you know Tom used to work in Boston? Kardan dolayı dışarı çıkamadım. I couldn't go out because of the snow. I couldn't get out because of the snow. Çocuk kediyi okşar. The child caresses the cat. The child caressses the cat. Bugün nasılsın, kardeşim? How are you today, my brother? How are you today, brother? Bunu daha önce gördüm. I've seen this before. I've seen this before. Görünce gülmekten kendimi alamadım. I couldn't help laughing at the sight. I couldn't stop laughing when I saw it. O, kızını baygın halde kaldırımda yatarken gördü. She saw her daughter lying on the sidewalk, unconscious. He saw his daughter lying unconscious on the sidewalk. Tom bir kartonpiyer maske yaptı. Tom made a papier-mâché mask. Tom made a cardboard mask. Sen fazla gülümsemiyorsun. You don't smile much. You don't smile much. Leyla son derece dengesizdi. Layla was extremely unstable. Layla was extremely unstable. Ölümün yüzü karşısında güçsüzdü. He was powerless in the face of death. He was powerless in the face of death. Sana söylemem gerekip gerekmediğini bilmiyorum. I don't know if I should tell you. I don't know if I should tell you. Fransızcayı iyi konuşabilen birçok çalışanımız var. We have many employees who can speak French well. We have many employees who can speak French well. Ceplerini kontrol et. Check your pockets. Check your pockets. Tom kaynakları boşa harcıyor. Tom is wasting resources. Tom is wasting resources. Belki de bunun yardım edeceğini düşündüm. I thought maybe this would help. I thought maybe this would help. Sadece ondan vazgeç, Tom. Just give it up, Tom. Just give it up, Tom. Tek başına halledebileceğinden emin misin? Are you sure you can manage on your own? Are you sure you can handle this on your own? Sen hoş bir çocuksun. You are a good boy. You're a nice boy. Bu bilet üç ay için geçerli. This ticket is valid for three months. This ticket is valid for three months. Bu tamamen gereksiz. This is completely unnecessary. This is completely unnecessary. Tom'un onu gerçekten yaptığına inanamıyorum. I just can't believe Tom really did that. I can't believe Tom actually did that. Hikayeyi senin için tekrarlamak zorunda mıyım? Do I have to repeat the story for you? Do I have to repeat the story for you? Bu kitap çok ilgi çekici görünüyor. This book seems very interesting. This book looks very interesting. O bir toplam zaman kaybıydı. That was a total waste of time. That was a total waste of time. Konserden hoşlanırdın. You would've liked the concert. You liked the concert. Tom ve Mary çok uzun bir süredir birbirlerini tanımaktadırlar. Tom and Mary have known each other for a very long time. Tom and Mary have known each other for a very long time. Kahvaltı için Tom'la buluşacağım. I'm meeting Tom for breakfast. I'm going to meet Tom for breakfast. Tom kazanacağını düşünmediğini söylüyor. Tom says he doesn't think he'll win. Tom says he doesn't think he'll win. Ben hâlâ Tom'dan sorumluyum. I'm still responsible for Tom. I'm still responsible for Tom. Tom Mary'nin şarkı söyleme tarzını seviyor. Tom likes the way Mary sings. Tom likes the way Mary sings. Bunun hakkında bir dakika konuşabilir miyiz? Can we talk about this for a minute? Can we talk about this for a minute? Benim güçlerimin ne olduğunu düşünüyorsun? What do you think are my strengths? What do you think my powers are? Cesaret bir şemsiye gibidir. Ona en çok ihtiyacınız olduğunda yoktur. Courage is like an umbrella: When you need it most you don't have it. Courage is like an umbrella, not when you need it most. Tom görüştüğü işi almadı. Tom didn't get the job he interviewed for. Tom didn't get the job he was seeing. Köpek, masanın altındaki kutudaydı. The dog was in the box under the table. The dog was in the box under the table. Charlie Chaplin bir oyuncudur. Charlie Chaplin is an actor. Charlie Chaplin is an actor. Tom her zaman bana yardımcı olmak istedi. Tom always wanted to help me. Tom always wanted to help me. Daha önce Noel ağacı diktin mi? Have you put up the Christmas tree already? Have you ever planted a Christmas tree before? Tom her zaman kavga ediyor gibi görünüyor. Tom always seems to be fighting. Tom seems to be fighting all the time. Bir düğün için mükemmel bir gündü. It was a perfect day for a wedding. It was the perfect day for a wedding. Tom muhtemelen aç değil. Tom probably isn't hungry. Tom isn't likely to be hungry. Lütfen kapının kilitli olduğundan emin olun. Please make sure that the door is locked. Please make sure the door is locked. Sami güzel arabalar kullanıyordu. Sami drove nice cars. Sami drove nice cars. Sorun biz burada olmadığımız zaman Tom'un yaptığı şeydir. The problem is what Tom does when we aren't here. The problem is what Tom does when we're not here. Onu bir saat bekledim. I waited for him for an hour. I waited for him for an hour. Tom sınavında D aldı. Tom got a D on his test. Tom got a D on his exam. Üç tip güneş tutulması vardır: toplam, kısmi ve halka şeklinde. There are three types of a solar eclipse: total, partial, and annular. There are three types of solar eclipses: total, partial and ring-shaped. Sen her zamankinden daha güzelsin. You're more beautiful than ever. You're more beautiful than ever. Polis, Tom'u aramayı bırakmayacaklarını söyledi. The police said they wouldn't stop searching for Tom. The police said they wouldn't stop looking for Tom. Üç kişi sağ kurtuldu. Three people survived. Three people survived. Seni bir ölçüde anlıyorum. I understand you to a certain degree. I understand you to some extent. Az önce terfi ettim. I just got promoted. I just got promoted. Ben Tom'a Mary'ye çok fazla güvenmemesi gerektiğini tavsiye ettim. I suggested to Tom that he shouldn't trust Mary so much. I advised Tom not to trust Mary too much. Tom genellikle yapmaya çalıştığını başarır. Tom usually accomplishes whatever he tries to do. Tom usually succeeds in what he tries to do. Şehirde kalmayı planlıyorum. I plan to stay in the city. I plan to stay in town. Tom'un burada olacağını biliyorsun. You knew Tom would be here. You know Tom will be here. O hırslı bir okuyucu. She is an avid reader. He's an ambitious reader. Tom'un arabasında bir kız vardı. There was a girl in Tom's car. There was a girl in Tom's car. Bu telefon çoklu dokunmatik ekrana sahip. This phone has a multitouch screen. This phone has multiple touch screens. Tom, Rusça da dahil, beş dil konuşur. Tom speaks five languages, including Russian. Tom speaks five languages, including Russian. Tasarruf tahvilleri istikrarlı bir yatırımdır. Savings bonds are a stable investment. Saving bonds are a stable investment. Tırabzandan aşağıya kaydım. I slid down the banister. I slipped down the banister. Tom kız arkadaşı ile Bali'de bir hafta geçirdi. Tom spent a week in Bali with his girlfriend. Tom spent a week in Bali with his girlfriend. Bu keki kim yaptı? Who made this cake? Who made this cake? 30 yaşında görünüyor muyum? Do I look thirty? Do I look 30? Tom ve Mary ayrılmaya karar verdiler. Tom and Mary have decided to split up. Tom and Mary have decided to leave. Senin dairen harika görünüyor! Your apartment looks wonderful! Your apartment looks great! Avans ödemesi gereklidir. Advance payment is required. An advance is required. Tom her zaman sakin bir çocuktu. Tom was always a quiet child. Tom was always a quiet kid. Yumurta sarısı sarıdır. Yolks are yellow. Egg yellow is yellow. Tom, Mary'nin bunu yapacağından şüphelendiğini söyledi. Tom said he suspected Mary would do that. Tom said he suspected Mary would do that. Neden bunu kimse söylemedi? Why didn't anyone say that? Why didn't anyone say that? Tom birlikte çalıştığım tasarımcılardan biri. Tom is one of the designers I work with. Tom is one of the designers I work with. Tom soluna baktı. Tom looked to his left. Tom looked to his left. Neden Tom'un Boston'u sevmediğini düşünüyorsun? Why do you think Tom doesn't like Boston? Why do you think Tom doesn't like Boston? Eğer ormana giderseniz, çocukları yiyen canavarlara dikkat edin! If you go into the forest, watch out for the ogres who eat children! If you go into the woods, watch out for monsters who eat children! Çok sessiz. It's too quiet. It's so quiet. Tom'la Boston'a gitmek istemeyeceğini biliyordum. I knew you wouldn't want to go to Boston with Tom. I knew you wouldn't want to go to Boston with Tom. Jim'in Müslümanlara karşı iliklerine kadar işlemiş bir nefreti var. Jim had a visceral hatred for Muslims. Jim has a deep hatred for Muslims. Sağlıklı yiyecek yemeye çalışıyorum. I try to eat healthy food. I'm trying to eat healthy food. Tom'un tüm yardımını takdir ettiğinden eminim. I'm sure Tom appreciates all your help. I'm sure Tom appreciates all your help. Tom'un onu zaten yapıp yapmadığını biliyor musun? Do you know if Tom has done that already? Do you know if Tom has already done that? Macarcamı ilerletmek istiyorum. I'd like to improve my Hungarian. I want to improve my Hungarian. Tom ailesini korumaya çalışıyor. Tom is trying to protect his family. Tom is trying to protect his family. Onların hepsi isterikti. They were all hysterical. They were all hysterical. Birazcık İspanyolca bilgi Meksika yolculuğunu keyifli yapmaya doğru uzun bir yol gidecektir. A little knowledge of Spanish will go a long way toward making your trip to Mexico enjoyable. A little Spanish knowledge will go a long way towards enjoying the trip to Mexico. Tom utanmış görünüyor. Tom seems embarrassed. Tom looks embarrassed. Bilişimsel dil bilim öğrenimi yapmaktadır. He studies computational linguistics. He studies computational language science. Tom hakkında nasıl hissettiğimi neden anlayamıyorsun? Why can't you understand how I felt about Tom? Why can't you understand how I feel about Tom? Neden sınıfta değilsin? Why aren't you in class? Why aren't you in class? O sörf yapmaya gitti. He went surfing. He went surfing. Ben dün gece kitabı okumayı bitirdim. I finished reading the book last night. I finished reading the book last night. Teraziye çık. Stand on the scales. Get on the scale. Dün bu haberi okudum ve benim için çok imkansız görünüyordu. I read this news yesterday and it seemed so impossible to me. I read this news yesterday, and it seemed impossible for me. Yarın buluşalım mı? Shall we meet tomorrow? Shall we meet tomorrow? Sen son derece beceriklisin. You're extremely ingenious. You're extremely resourceful. O aldatıcıydı. It was deceptive. He was a cheater. Tom Mary'nin sürekli bağırmasından rahatsız oldu. Tom is irritated by Mary's constant yelling. Tom was annoyed by Mary's constant yelling. Bazen sorularıma cevap veriliyor. Sometimes my questions are answered. Sometimes my questions are answered. Ben ne meydana geldiği hakkında üzgünüm. I'm sorry about what happened. I'm sorry about what happened. Neden onu incitmek istiyorsun? Why do you want to hurt her? Why do you want to hurt him? Sanırım haberi gördün. I take it you've seen the news. I think you saw the news. Sözleşmede belirtilmeyen bir nokta var. There is one point which is not noted on the contract. There's a point in the contract that's not specified. Gerçekten Tom'un bize yardım edeceğini düşünüyor musun? Do you really think Tom will help us? Do you really think Tom will help us? Tom hiç Avustralya'nın dışına çıkmadı. Tom has never been outside of Australia. Tom has never been out of Australia. Ben sadece hızlıca bir bakmak istiyorum. I just want to take a quick look. I just want to take a quick look. Bu gece kim orada olacak? Who'll be there tonight? Who's gonna be there tonight? Oraya bir şekilde geleceğim. I'll get there somehow. I'll get there somehow. Yaz sonu burada. The end of the summer is here. The end of the summer is here. Çok iyi top atamadığımı biliyorum. I know I can't throw a ball very well. I know I don't bowl very well. Onlar gerçekten büyük. They're really big. They're really big. Uygun fiyatlı bir hizmet sağlıyoruz. We're providing an affordable service. We provide affordable service. Gerçekten bir seçeneğimiz yok. We don't really have a choice. We really don't have a choice. Bunu yapmana yardım etmeliyim. I should help you do that. I have to help you do this. Ben çok fazla konuşmak eğilimindeyim. I tend to talk too much. I tend to talk too much. Sanırım ev ödevimle ilgili çalışmaya başlamak zorundayım. I think I have to begin working on my homework. I guess I'll have to start working on my homework. Tom'un ofisi Mary'ninkinin yanında. Tom's office is next to Mary's. Tom's office is next to Mary's. Tom üst rafa ulaşmak için yeterince uzun değildi. Tom wasn't tall enough to reach the top shelf. Tom wasn't long enough to reach the top shelf. Ben onların filmlerini üretmiyorum. I don't produce their films. I don't produce their films. Tom'un ne zaman eve gitmeyi planladığını merak ediyorum. I wonder when Tom plans to go home. I wonder when Tom plans to go home. Uzaktaki adayı görebiliyoruz. We can see the island in the distance. We can see the island in the distance. Sanırım evli değilsin. I take it you're not married. I guess you're not married. Soğuk algınlığımı atlatmam bir aydan daha fazla zamanımı aldı. It took me more than one month to get over my cold. It took me more than a month to get over my cold. Aramızda kalsın, onunla ilgili fikrin nedir? Between you and me, what is your opinion of her? Between you and me, what do you think of him? Sanıyorum hemen gitmek daha iyidir. I think it better to go at once. I think it's better to go now. Piknik için tarih belirleyelim. Let's fix the date for the picnic. Let's set a date for the picnic. O, bir suç ortağı olarak düşünüldü. He was considered an accomplice. He was considered an accomplice. Bize bir mesaj gönder. Send us a message. Send us a message. Yardımın için teşekkürler, Tom. Thanks for your help, Tom. Thanks for your help, Tom. Sana güvenebileceğimden emin değildim. I wasn't sure I could trust you. I wasn't sure I could trust you. Tom bilinçsiz görünüyor. Tom appears unconscious. Tom looks unconscious. O seni yanlış yönlendirdi. He misled you. He misled you. Tom hızlı konuşur. Tom speaks fast. Tom talks fast. Postanede çalışıyorum. I work at the post office. I work at the post office. Tom niye bize sürekli yalan söylüyor? Why does Tom keep lying to us? Why does Tom keep lying to us? Ben de bir şey görmüyorum. I don't see anything either. I don't see anything either. Mary, Tom'la gizlice anlaştı. Mary secretly agreed with Tom. Mary made a secret deal with Tom. Tom için bir hediye arıyorum. I'm looking for a present for Tom. I'm looking for a present for Tom. Bir kedi masaya oturdu. A cat sat on the table. A cat sat down at the table. Onun işini yapmamalısın. You shouldn't do his work. You shouldn't do his job. Hayat tekrar asla aynı olmayacak. Life will never be the same again. Life will never be the same again. O benim arkadaşlarımdan biridir. She is one of my friends. He's one of my friends. Sanırım o asla geri gelmeyecek. I think he will never come back. I guess he'll never come back. Bizim yapılacak birçok alışverişimiz var. We have many purchases to make. We have a lot of shopping to do. Sadece Tom'u gördüm. I just saw Tom. I just saw Tom. Tom ve Mary ile takılmak eğlenceli. It's fun hanging out with Tom and Mary. It's fun hanging out with Tom and Mary. Çiçeklerle ilgileneceğim. I will take care of the flowers. I'll take care of the flowers. İflasından sonra yeniden ayakları üzerinde duramadı. After his bankruptcy, he wasn't able to get back on his feet. After his bankruptcy, he couldn't get back on his feet. Tom, neden bunu kimsenin yapamayacağını anlamadığını söyledi. Tom said he didn't understand why anybody would do that. Tom said he didn't understand why no one could do that. O ne inanılmaz bir ifade! What an incredible statement that is. What an incredible expression! Seni yanlış yönlendirdiysem üzgünüm. I'm sorry if I misled you. I'm sorry if I misled you. Onlar beni özgürlüğümden mahrum ettiler. They deprived me of my liberty. They deprived me of my freedom. Tom iş kıyafetleri alıyor. Tom is out shopping for work clothes. Tom is buying work clothes. Tom kahve fincanını aldı ve bir yudum aldı. Tom picked up his coffee cup and took a sip. Tom picked up his coffee cup and took a sip. Bana söylediklerini yapacağım. I will do what you tell me. I'll do as you tell me. Metin çok uzun. The text is too long. The text is too long. Onlar genellikle sakin sularda yelken açarlar. They usually sail in calm waters. They usually sail in calm waters. Bir beklenti hissi ortalıkta dolaşıyor. A sense of expectation is hanging in the air. There's a feeling of expectation going around. Onlardan sonra gitmeliydim. I should've gone after them. I should have gone after them. Benim hatam değil. Beynim bunu bana yaptırdı. It's not my fault. My brain made me do it. It's not my fault, my brain made me do it. Neden onları göremiyorum? Why can't I see them? Why can't I see them? Tom sağlık sigortası olmadığını söylüyor. Tom says he doesn't have health insurance. Tom says he doesn't have health insurance. Hiç kimse çalışmıyor. No one's working. Nobody's working. Bu makinenin nasıl kapatılacağını bilir. He knows how to switch off this machine. He knows how to turn off this machine. Jane, son birkaç gündür sessiz ve karamsardı. Jane has been quiet and moody for the past few days. Jane's been quiet and moody the last few days. Tom'un mükemmel bir rekoru var. Tom has a perfect record. Tom has a perfect record. Bunları satmalı mıyım? Should I sell these? Should I sell these? Kendimi iyi hissetmediğim için pikniğe gitmiyorum. I am not going to the picnic, because I don't feel well. I'm not going on a picnic because I'm not feeling well. Birlikte oyuna gitmemizi ister misin? Would you like us to go to the game together? Do you want us to go to the game together? Kısaydı ve saçını kaybediyordu. He was short and was losing his hair. He was short and losing his hair. Onu okumayı bitirdikten sonra bu mektubu yak. Burn this letter after you finish reading it. Burn this letter after you've finished reading it. Sanırım ağlayacağım. I think I'm going to cry. I think I'm gonna cry. Belki bana yardım edebilirsin. Perhaps you could help me. Maybe you can help me. Koku iğrenç. The smell is atrocious. The smell is disgusting. Tom her ne zaman küfür etse, genellikle "Fransızcamı bağışlayın" diyor. Tom usually says "Pardon my French" whenever he swears. Whenever Tom swears, he usually says, "Forgive my French." Bunu zor yoldan yaptın. You did that the hard way. You did it the hard way. Tom asla hırslı değildi. Tom never was ambitious. Tom was never ambitious. Yağmur yağabilir. It might rain. It might rain. Tom işlemediği bir cinayet yüzünden asıldı. Tom was hanged for a murder he didn't commit. Tom was hanged for a murder he didn't commit. Bu sorunla ilgilen. Pay attention to this problem. Take care of this problem. Yapacak bir sürü işim var. I have loads of things to do. I've got a lot of work to do. Eğitim, yaşamın en temel yönlerinden biridir. Education is one of the most essential aspects of life. Education is one of the most fundamental aspects of life. Ben bunu yapmayacağım. I'm not going to do it. I'm not gonna do that. Onun hakkında o kadar emin olmayın. Don't be so sure about that. Don't be so sure about that. Tom ve ben yalnızdık. Tom and I were alone. Tom and I were alone. Tom garip bir biçimde davranıyor, değil mi? Tom is behaving oddly, isn't he? Tom is acting strangely, isn't he? Siz bu harika filmi izlemeyi kaçırmamalısınız. You mustn't miss seeing this wonderful film. You guys shouldn't miss watching this great movie. Bay Davis İngilizce öğretmek için Japonya'ya geldi mi? Did Mr. Davis come to Japan to teach English? Did Mr. Davis come to Japan to teach English? Bana hoşça kal bile demedi. He didn't even say goodbye to me. He didn't even say goodbye to me. O dün seni görmek için geldi. He came to see you yesterday. He came to see you yesterday. Bunu ona söyledim. I mentioned it to her. I told him that. İş için aklında birisi var mı? Do you have someone in mind for the job? Do you have anyone in mind for the job? Taninna'nın yüzünü unutamam. I cannot forget Taninna's face. I can't forget Taninna's face. Tom sütü unuttu. Tom forgot the milk. Tom forgot the milk. Bu gece bizimle kal. Stay with us tonight. Stay with us tonight. İyi bir eş yapacaksın. You will make a good wife. You'll make a good wife. Bu Hint restoranı sadece vejetaryen yemekleri servis etmektedir. This Indian restaurant only serves vegetarian food. This Indian restaurant only serves vegetarian food. Kapıyı çal. Knock on the door. Knock on the door. Onunla ilgili yapacak çok az şeyim var. I had little to do with it. I have very little to do with him. Tom aşırı kilolu değildi. Tom never was overweight. Tom wasn't overweight. Bir zamanlar genç ve hırslıydım. I was young and ambitious once. I was young and ambitious once. Tek kelime bile etmeden ortadan kayboldu. He vanished without saying a word. He disappeared without a word. Asla gülmedim. I never laughed. I never laughed. Oldukça güzel olduğu için diğer kızlar onu kıskanıyorlar. The other girls are jealous of Lily because she is extremely pretty. The other girls are jealous because she's pretty. Çoğu insan gösteriden sonra bir süre takıldı. Most people stuck around for a while after the show. Most people hung out for a while after the show. Tom'un emekli olduğunu biliyorum. I know Tom is retired. I know Tom is retired. Tom oldukça sinirli. Tom is quite angry. Tom is quite nervous. Her yıl birçok insan Kyoto'yu ziyaret eder. Kyoto is visited by many people every year. Many people visit Kyoto every year. Ben Tom'la birçok kez golf oynadım. I've played golf with Tom many times. I've played golf with Tom many times. Bir kız kardeşin var mı, Lucia? Do you have a sister, Lucia? Do you have a sister, Lucia? Tokyo banliyölerinde yaşayan ebeveynlerim ve küçük erkek kardeşim büyük bir depremde öldüler. My parents and little brother, who lived in the suburbs of Tokyo, died in the big earthquake. My parents and my younger brother, who lived in the suburbs of Tokyo, died in a great earthquake. Babam cüzdanını çıkarıp bana 10 dolar verdi. My father took out his wallet and gave me ten dollars. My dad took out his wallet and gave me $10. Lütfen bana 80 yenlik bir pul verin. Please give me one 80-yen stamp. Please give me an 80 yen stamp. Bunu yapacak birini bulmak zor olacak. It'll be hard to find someone to do that. It's gonna be hard to find someone to do that. Ne kadar memnun olduğumu sana söyleyemem. I can't tell you how pleased I am. I can't tell you how pleased I am. Tom'un çorapları ne renkti? What color were Tom's socks? What color were Tom's socks? Tom'un kahraman olduğunu düşünüyorum. I think Tom is heroic. I think Tom is a hero. Bütün ömrüm boyunca bunu bekledim. I've waited for this my whole life. I've been waiting my whole life for this. Takuya bana derhal gitmemi söyledi. Takuya told me to depart immediately. Takuya told me to leave immediately. Onu sevmemek imkansızdır. It's impossible not to love it. It's impossible not to love him. Bu gece açık mısın? Are you open tonight? Are you open tonight? İçki içtiği zaman Tom davranışını garanti edemez. Tom cannot guarantee his behaviour when he drinks. Tom can't guarantee his behavior when he drinks. Bir sandviç ister misin? Would you like a sandwich? Do you want a sandwich? Daha önce Sapporo'da bulundum. I've been to Sapporo before. I've been to Sapporo before. Uzun boylu adam bir kravat takıyor. The tall man wears a tie. The tall man is wearing a tie. Onlar Tom'u buldular. They found Tom. They found Tom. Nazik olmaya gerek yok. There's no need to be gentle. There's no need to be polite. Sami ev yaşamı hakkında konuştu. Sami talked about his home life. Sami talked about home life. Tom muhtemelen buraya yürüyecek. Tom will probably walk here. Tom is likely to walk here. Tom beklediğimizden iyi yaptı. Tom did better than we expected. Tom did better than we expected. Bayanlar ve baylar, lütfen bu geceki özel konuklar için ellerinizi birleştirin! Ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together for tonight's special guest! Ladies and gentlemen, please join hands for tonight's special guests! Tom'un size karşı neyi var? What does Tom have against you? What does Tom have against you? Tom pasaportunu kaybetti. Tom has lost his passport. Tom lost his passport. Sami aniden kızdı. Sami instantly became angry. Sami was suddenly angry. Kendini dizginlemeyi öğrenmelisin. You should learn to restrain yourself. You need to learn to restrain yourself. Sami çabuk davranmak zorunda. Sami has to act quickly. Sami has to act quickly. Onun için çalışırdım. I used to work for him. I used to work for him. Misafirperverliğiniz için size çok teşekkür ederim. Thank you very much for your hospitality. Thank you so much for your hospitality. Onlara ne söylemek istersin? What do you want to say to them? What do you want to tell them? Bence tekrar düşünmelisin. I think you should reconsider. I think you should reconsider. Tom'un yeterli parası olup olmadığını göreceğim. I'll see if Tom has enough money. I'll see if Tom has enough money. Sahip olabileceğiniz en büyük silah insanları anlamaktır. An understanding of people is the greatest weapon you can possess. The greatest weapon you can have is understanding people. Beni izleyerek nasıl buldun? How did you track me down? How did you find me by watching? Bir at evimi geçti. A horse passed my house. A horse passed my house. Sami suçunu gizledi. Sami concealed his crime. Sami hid his crime. Kalbim gitgide daha da hızlı çarpıyordu. My heart was beating faster and faster. My heart was beating faster and faster. Tom odama geldi. Tom came into my room. Tom came into my room. Tom hastaneye nasıl gitti? How did Tom get to the hospital? How did Tom get to the hospital? Bu kitap okumaya değer. This book is worth reading. This book is worth reading. Leyla'nın arkadaşları yoktu. Layla didn't have friends. Layla had no friends. Tom şaşırdı. Tom's surprised. Tom was surprised. Deney başarılı. The experiment succeeded. The experiment is successful. Tom kendini ciddiye almaz. Tom doesn't take himself seriously. Tom doesn't take himself seriously. Tom genellikle şapka takmaz. Tom doesn't often wear a hat. Tom doesn't usually wear a hat. Beni şaşırtmaktan hiç vazgeçmiyorsun. You never cease to surprise me. You never cease to amaze me. Sen ve Tom birlikte mi çalışıyorsunuz? Do you and Tom work together? Do you and Tom work together? Neden kimse bana inanmayacak? Why won't anyone believe me? Why won't anyone believe me? Biz on yıldır hapishane gardiyanlarıydık. We were prison wardens for ten years. We've been prison guards for ten years. Tom biraz yardım kullanabilir. Tom could use some help. Tom might be able to use some help. Bütün ödevlerimi yaptım ve kısa bir ara vermek istiyorum. I have done all of my homework and I'd like to take a short break. I've done all my homework and I'd like to take a short break. Akıllı alışveriş dikkatli bir planlama gerektirir. Smart shopping requires careful planning. Smart shopping requires careful planning. Tom tüm şikâyetlerinden bıktı. Tom is tired of all your complaining. Tom got tired of all his complaints. Bu, yolun sonu. This is the end of the line. This is the end of the line. Ben çok içerim. I drink a lot. I drink a lot. Tom eliyle saçını düzeltti. Tom ran his hand back through his hair. Tom fixed his hair with his hand. Onu yapmak benim işim değil. It's not my job to do that. It's not my job to do that. Boston'dan kuzenim olan Tom bugün burada. My cousin from Boston, Tom, is here today. Tom, my cousin from Boston, is here today. Para ödülü, ona bir gitar satın aldırdı. The prize money allowed him to buy a guitar. The prize money made him buy a guitar. Ben genellikle okumada daha iyiyim. I'm usually better at reading. I'm usually better at reading. O harika bir başarıydı. It was an awesome accomplishment. That was a great success. O beni güldürdü. That made me laugh. He made me laugh. Eğer önemli bir şey olmasaydı,Tom bunu bana vermezdi. Tom wouldn't have given this to me if it weren't something important. Tom wouldn't have given it to me if it wasn't important. Tom birgün Mary kadar iyi bateri çalabileceğini umuyor. Tom hopes that someday he'll be able to play the drums as well as Mary does. Tom hopes one day he'll be able to play the drums as well as Mary. Tom ehliyetsiz araba sürerken yakalandı. Tom was caught driving without a license. Tom was caught driving without a license. Kimse bizi anlamıyor. Nobody understands us. No one understands us. Resimde üç kişi var. There are three people in the picture. There are three people in the picture. Gemiyle seyahat etmeyi gerçekten seviyorum. I really like traveling by ship. I really like to travel by ship. Tom, bütün sabah meşgul olacağını düşündü, ama öyle değildi. Tom thought that he was going to be busy all morning, but he wasn't. Tom thought he'd be busy all morning, but he wasn't. Neden Tom'un kaçmasına yardım etmedin? Why didn't you help Tom escape? Why didn't you help Tom escape? Allah'ım, yalvarmamı duy. God, hear my plea. Lord, hear my prayer. Araba frenleri sıkıştığında neredeyse bir kaza yapıyorduk. We nearly had an accident when the car brakes jammed. We almost had an accident when the car brakes got stuck. Bir noktada, bu cümle Esperanto'ya tercüme edilecek. At some point, this sentence will be translated in Esperanto. At some point, this sentence will be translated into Esperanto. Tom bizim için yapmaya söz verdiği şeyi yaptı. Tom did what he promised to do for us. Tom did what he promised to do for us. Ona neyin yanlış olduğunu sordum. I asked him what was wrong. I asked him what was wrong. Uykuya ihtiyacın olduğunu düşündüm. I thought you needed the sleep. I thought you needed sleep. Onu yapma. Don't do it. Don't do that. İletişim anahtardır. Communication is the key. Communication is the key. Benim tam tersi sorunum var. I have the opposite problem. I have the opposite problem. Bir elbise satın almak ister misin? Do you want to buy a dress? Do you want to buy a dress? Sanırım bunu yapmama izin yok. I think I'm not allowed to do that. I guess I'm not allowed to do that. Tom'un duası kabul oldu. Tom's prayer was answered. Tom's prayer was answered. Afet filmlerini izlemeyi seviyorum. I like watching disaster movies. I love watching disaster movies. Leyla mükemmel bir dansçıydı. Layla was a hell of a dancer. Layla was an excellent dancer. Mitt Romney Massachusetts'in eski valisiydi. Mitt Romney is the former governor of Massachusetts. Mitt Romney was the former governor of Massachusetts. Geçen ay kaç tane randevuya gittin? How many dates did you go on last month? How many dates did you go on last month? Onu senin için yapmadım. I didn't do it for you. I didn't do that for you. Üç yıl önce kışın onunla tanıştım. I met her in the winter three years ago. I met him three years ago in winter. Korkarım ki o hastadır. I am afraid she is ill. I'm afraid he's ill. Mary'den hoşlanıyorsun, değil mi? You like Mary, don't you? You like Mary, don't you? Git ve babanın yanında otur. Go and sit by your father. Go and sit next to your father. Çok buyurgansın. You're so bossy. You're very bossy. Sen bir doğalsın. You're a natural. You're a natural. Tom, sporun vakit kaybı olduğunu düşünür. Tom thinks that sports are a waste of time. Tom thinks sports are a waste of time. Ben sadece bunu yapmak istedim. I just wanted to do it. I just wanted to do it. Sen çok safsın. You are so gullible. You're so naive. İnsanlar değişir. People change. People change. Okumadığım çok kitabım var. I have many books that I haven't read. I have a lot of books I haven't read. Hayaletler görüyorum. I'm seeing ghosts. I see ghosts. Benim en kötü korkularım gerçekleşti. My worst fears came true. My worst fears have come true. Seni her zaman önemsedim, Tom. I've always cared about you, Tom. I've always cared about you, Tom. Size güveneceğiz. We will trust you. We'll trust you. Ben onu asla düşünmezdim. I never would've thought of that. I never would've thought of that. Tren bir tünelden geçti. The train went through a tunnel. The train passed through a tunnel. Tom borsada çok para kazandı. Tom made a lot of money in the stock market. Tom made a lot of money in the stock market. Tom benim öğrencim. Tom is my student. Tom is my student. O ayakkabıları bir daha giymedim. I never wore those shoes again. I never wore those shoes again. Beni terk etmeyeceğini biliyordum. I knew you wouldn't abandon me. I knew you wouldn't leave me. Hiç kahve istemiyorum. I don't want any coffee. I don't want any coffee. Tom Mary'nin John'un dans ettiğini hiç görmediğini söyledi. Tom said Mary has never seen John dance. Tom said Mary has never seen John dance. Ben lisedeyken Fransızca okumak zorundaydım. I had to study French when I was in high school. I had to study French when I was in high school. Tom, Mary'nin neredeyse hiç ağlamadığını söyledi. Tom said that Mary hardly ever cries. Tom said Mary hardly ever cried. Tom bir fabrika yapma planından vazgeçti. Tom abandoned his plan to build a factory. Tom gave up his plan to build a factory. Şimdi mutlu değil misin? Aren't you happy now? Aren't you happy now? Tom bir özgürlükçü. Tom is a liberal. Tom is a libertarian. Gençken sadece etek giyerdim. When I was young, I used to only wear skirts. When I was young, I only wore skirts. Arapça öğreniyorum. I learn Arabic. I'm learning Arabic. Sanırım burada olmaktan hoşlanacaksın. I think you're going to like being here. I think you'll enjoy being here. Kalabalık trende boğulacağımı düşündüm. I thought I was going to suffocate on the crowded train. I thought I'd drown on the crowded train. Sanırım bu beni ilgilendirmiyor. I guess that doesn't concern me. I guess it's none of my business. Ben bu yaz hiçbir yere gitmedim. I have been nowhere this summer. I didn't go anywhere this summer. Şapkasını almak için uzandı. She reached out to take his hat. He reached for his hat. Tom işareti gösterdi. Tom pointed to the sign. Tom showed the sign. Tom neredeyse her şeyi yer. Tom eats just about anything. Tom eats almost everything. Tom'un resmini bugünkü gazetede gördüm. I saw Tom's picture in today's newspaper. I saw Tom's picture in today's paper. Kayıt masası nerede? Where is the registration desk? Where's the registration desk? Tom'u sınıfta horlarken duydum. I heard Tom snoring during the class. I heard Tom snoring in class. Anadili İngilizce olan biri olmak iki ucu keskin bir kılıçtır. Bir yandan dünyanın en kullanışlı dilini mükemmel şekilde konuşursun, ama sonra hiç kimse seninle başka bir dilde konuşmak istemez, bu yabancı dilleri öğrenme sürecini daha zor yapar. Being an anglophone is a double-edged sword. On the one hand you speak the world's most useful language perfectly, but then no one wants to talk with you in another language, which makes the process of learning foreign languages more difficult. Being a native speaker of English is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you speak the world's most practical language perfectly, but then no one wants to talk to you in another language, making it harder to learn foreign languages. Kimse onu teşvik etmedi. No one encouraged her. No one encouraged him. Şimdi onunla temas kurmaya çalışacağım. I'll try and contact him now. I'll try to contact him now. Eski taş ocağı şimdi popüler bir yüzme yeridir. The old quarry is now a popular swimming hole. The old quarry is now a popular swimming place. Sami acısını ifade etmek istiyordu. Sami wanted to express his pain. Sami wanted to express his pain. Tom bize, ona vurduğunu söyledi. Tom told us you hit him. Tom told us he hit him. O korkunç bir sahneydi. It was a terrible scene. That was a terrible scene. Yaramaz çocuklara tahammül edemiyorum. I cannot tolerate naughty children. I can't stand naughty boys. Tom kimin kazandığını bilmek istedi. Tom wanted to know who won. Tom wanted to know who won. Tom çok yemek yemedi. Tom didn't eat a lot. Tom didn't eat much. Siz çocuklar birbirinizi seviyorsunuz, değil mi? You guys love each other, right? You guys love each other, don't you? O daha sonra ne söyleyeceğini şaşırmıştı. She was at a loss what to say next. He was surprised at what he was going to say next. Bir paund çay satın aldık. We bought a pound of tea. We bought a pound of tea. Omuz masajı ister misiniz? Would you like a shoulder massage? Would you like a shoulder massage? Şantiyelerde, baretler her zaman takılmalıdır. On building sites, hard hats must be worn at all times. At construction sites, helmets should always be installed. Seni görmeye gelmek istiyorum. I would like to come to see you. I want to come see you. Ortak yaptım. I made partner. I made a partner. Jane çok güzel ve nazik. Jane is very pretty and kind. Jane is so beautiful and kind. Yeşil bitkiler fotosentez yaparlar. Green plants carry out photosynthesis. Green plants photosynthesis. Çocuklar ekmek yiyor. The boys eat bread. The children are eating bread. Tom her yerde uyuyabilir. Tom can sleep anywhere. Tom can sleep anywhere. Her zaman, erkekler hakkında boşboğazlık ediyorum. I blab about the boy all the time. I'm always blabbering about men. Tom kuşu kafesinden dışarı çıkmasına izin verdi. Tom let the bird out of its cage. Tom let the bird out of his cage. Tom, kuralları bilmediğini söyledi. Tom said that he didn't know the rules. Tom said he didn't know the rules. Yönetim kurulu üyeleri, 27 Mart 2013 tarihinde bir sonuç oturumu için bir araya gelecek. Members of the board will meet for a concluding session on March 27, 2013. Members of the board will meet for a final session on 27 March 2013. Bu gerçek bir atılım. This is a real breakthrough. This is a real breakthrough. Yurtdışında okumam hakkında ailemle konuştum. I talked with my parents about my studying abroad. I talked to my parents about studying abroad. Bence Tom'a kurabiye yapmak için ne kadar şekere ihtiyacımız olduğunu sormalıyız. I think we should ask Tom how much sugar we need to make cookies. I think we should ask Tom how much sugar we need to make cookies. Tom Mary'ye ne yapması gerektiğini söyledi. Tom told Mary what she needs to do. Tom told Mary what he needed to do. O, toplantıyı nedensiz terk etti. He left the meeting for no reason. He left the meeting for no reason. Tom elbiselerini asar, sonra onları rengine göre düzenler. Tom hangs his clothes, then arranges them by color. Tom hangs up his clothes, then edits them according to their color. O neden gülüyordu? Why was he laughing? Why was he laughing? Bana bir fırsat ver. Söyleyecek bir şeyin varsa, surat asmayı bırak ve onu söyle. Give me a break. If you have something to say, stop making faces and say it. If you have something to say, stop sulking and say it. Bu konuda benimle alay ettiler. They teased me about it. They made fun of me about it. İhtiyacım olan şeyi alamadım. I wasn't able to buy what I needed. I didn't get what I needed. Bunu değiştirmek için herhangi birinin yapabileceği bir şey yok. There's nothing anyone can do to change it. There's nothing anyone can do to change that. Kelimenin kökeni bilinmiyor. The word's origin is unknown. The origin of the word is unknown. Pazar hariç her gün çalışırım. I work every day save Sundays. I work every day except Sunday. Her şeyi bir taksiye koy. Put everything in a taxi. Put everything in a taxi. Rakiplerinizi küçümsemeyin. Don't underestimate your opponents. Don't underestimate your opponents. Barbie bebeğine benzemek Mary'nin en büyük dileğiydi. Kötü cin bu dileği çok harfiyen yorumladı. It was Mary's greatest wish to look just like her Barbie doll. The evil genie interpreted this wish too literally. Becoming like a Barbie doll was Mary's biggest wish. Dışarıda seninle bir dakika konuşabilir miyim? Can I talk to you outside for a minute? Can I talk to you outside for a minute? Ne sele neden oldu? What caused the floods? What caused the flood? Tek yaptığı kızların önünde hava atmak. He's just showing off in front of the girls. All he does is show off in front of girls. Bu eldivenle ona ait. These gloves belong to her. This glove belongs to him. Seninle gurur duyuyorum, Tom. I'm proud of you, Tom. I'm proud of you, Tom. Tom cumartesi günleri neredeyse hiç çalışmaz. Tom almost never works on Saturday. Tom hardly ever works on Saturdays. Bu duvarda bir çatlak var. There's a crack in this wall. There's a crack in this wall. Tom ve Mary birbirleriyle ilgili değil. Tom and Mary aren't related to each other. Tom and Mary aren't related to each other. Onun bir gün olacağını biliyorduk. We knew one day it would happen. We knew it would happen someday. Onun hasta olduğu söylenilmektedir. It is said that she is ill. He is said to be ill. Onun bize yardım etmesini istedim. I've asked her to help us. I asked him to help us. O, başkana akredite oldu. He was accredited to the chairman. He's been accrued to the president. O bizi ilgilendirmez. That doesn't concern us. That's none of our business. Bunu yapsaydım canım yanabilirdi. I could get hurt if I did that. It would've hurt if I'd done that. Bugünkü biletlere sahip misin? Do you have today's tickets? Do you have the tickets for today? O, çok iyi bir soru sordu. He asked a very good question. He asked a very good question. Ben Tom Jackson adında Kanadalı bir adamla tanıştım. I met a Canadian man named Tom Jackson. I met a Canadian man named Tom Jackson. Bu iş için gereğinden fazla kalifiye olduğumu söylediler. They said I'm overqualified for that job. They said I was too qualified for this job. Tom Mary'nin göründüğü kadar sarhoş görünmüyordu. Tom didn't seem to be as intoxicated as Mary seemed to be. Tom didn't seem to be as drunk as Mary seemed to be. Bu benim çalar saatim. This is my alarm clock. That's my alarm clock. İşler çok sorunsuzca gitti. Things went very smoothly. Things went very smoothly. Yatmaya gitmeden önce çalar saati ayarlamak zorundasın. You've got to set the alarm clock before you go to bed. You have to set the alarm clock before you go to bed. Burada sıkıldın mı? Are you bored here? Are you bored here? O bir araba sürebildi. She managed to drive a car. He was able to drive a car. Yaptığını niçin yapıyorsun? Why do you do what you do? Why are you doing what you're doing? Bizim yardımımız olmadan bunu nasıl yaptın? How did you do it without our help? How could you do this without our help? Akşam yemeği hazır. Dinner is ready. Dinner's ready. Biz üç yıldır İngilizce öğreniyoruz. We have been learning English for three years. We've been learning English for three years. Tom'a asla sormadım. I never asked Tom. I never asked Tom. Onu kaç kez yaptın? How many times did you do that? How many times have you done that? Kulağa iyi bir seçenekmiş gibi geliyor. That sounds like a good choice. Sounds like a good option. Onlar hapishanede tanıştılar. They met in prison. They met in prison. Tom saldırı için tutuklandı. Tom was arrested for assault. Tom was arrested for the attack. Beni görmeni istemedim. I didn't want you to see me. I didn't want you to see me. Bu gece daha iyi uyuyacaksın. You'll sleep better tonight. You'll sleep better tonight. Şifrenizi hatırlamıyorum. I don't remember your password. I don't remember your password. Yemek için tatlı bir şey istiyorum. I want something sweet to eat. I want something sweet for dinner. Sana bakan gözleri ve yolunu gözleyen gönülleri ateş gibi yak. Burn the eyes that look at you and the hearts that are waiting for you! Light up the eyes that look at you, and the hearts that wait for you, like the fire. Tom'un tutkuları gitar ve beyzboldur. Tom's passions are guitar and baseball. Tom's passions are guitar and baseball. Geri gelebileceğimizi biliyorduk. We knew we could come back. We knew we could come back. Tom pencereden içeri girdi. Tom crawled in through the window. Tom came in through the window. Hesap makinenizi ödünç alabilir miyim? May I borrow your calculator? Can I borrow your calculator? Dik dik bakmak hoş değildir. It's not polite to stare. It's not nice to stare. Sana bir cevap vâât edemem ama bana posta gönderebilirsin. I can't promise a reply, but you can send mail to me. I can't give you an answer, but you can mail it to me. Bu öyle yapılmaz. That's not how it's done. That's not how you do it. Sana biraz havaya ihtiyacım olduğunu söyledim. I told you I needed some air. I told you I needed some air. Torunların Boston'da burada mı? Are your grandchildren here in Boston? Are your grandchildren here in Boston? Kapı çarparak kapandı. The door slammed shut. The door slammed shut. Tom işinden ayrılmayı düşündüğünü söylüyor. Tom says he's considering quitting his job. Tom says he's thinking about quitting his job. Size bir içki daha getirebilir miyim? Can I get you another drink? Can I get you another drink? Tom Mary'den muhtemelen bir ya da iki yıl daha gençtir. Tom is probably just a year or two younger than Mary. Tom is probably a year or two younger than Mary. Şu kız çok güzel. That girl is very beautiful. That girl is beautiful. Üzgün olduğunu söylemek zorunda değilsin, anlıyorum. You don't have to say you're sorry; I understand. You don't have to say you're sorry, I get it. Birçok başka örnek var. There are many other examples. There are many other examples. Haydi beyzbol oynayalım! Let's play baseball! Let's play baseball! Acele et! Geç kalıyoruz. Hurry up! We're late. Hurry up, we're running late. Dans etmeyi sever misiniz? Do you like dancing? Do you like to dance? Sanırım ben bunu yapmadım I think I didn't do that. I guess I didn't do that. Keşke gitmek zorunda olmasam. I wish I didn't have to go. I wish I didn't have to go. Tom'un hiç çocukları yoktu. Tom never had children. Tom didn't have any children. Sami bunlara benzer daha fazla video seyretmek istiyordu. Sami wanted to watch more videos like these. Sami wanted to watch more videos like these. Lütfen bana bir örnek ver. Please give me an example. Please give me an example. Posta kutum dolu. My mailbox is full. My mailbox is full. Tom yerde kan gördü. Tom saw blood on the floor. Tom saw blood on the floor. O riski almaya hazırım. I'm willing to take that risk. I'm willing to take that risk. Tom'un bize yardım edebileceğini sanmıyorum. I don't think Tom will be able to help us. I don't think Tom can help us. Evden sabah 7.30'da ayrılırım. I leave home at 7:30 in the morning. I leave home at 7:30 in the morning. Tom'un neden askıya alındığını merak ediyorum. I wonder why Tom was suspended. I wonder why Tom was suspended. Siyahın ne anlama geldiği hakkında bir fikri olmayan birisi gerçekten de beyaz hakkında söz sahibi olabilir mi? Can someone who does not know the meaning of black really talk about what white is? Can someone who has no idea what black means really have a say in white? Tom Mary'nin saat kaçta gelmesi gerektiğini bildiğini düşündü. Tom thought Mary knew what time she was supposed to show up. Tom thought he knew what time Mary should come. Ne savaşa neden oldu? What caused the war? What caused the war? "Yemeğinizi ısıtayım mı?" "Ah, evet lütfen." "Shall I heat your meal?" "Oh, yes please." "Shall I warm your dinner?" "Oh, yes, please." Yumurta sevmediğimi bilirsin. You know that I don't like eggs. You know I don't like eggs. Fakir olmanın ne olduğunu bilmiyor. He doesn't know what it is to be poor. He doesn't know what it's like to be poor. Cidden benimle yarışmak istiyor musun? Do you seriously want to race me? Do you really want to compete with me? Benim şeylerime dokunma. Leave my stuff alone. Don't touch my things. Öfkelenmeyelim! Let's not get angry! Let's not get angry! Tom şapkasını masaya koydu. Tom put his hat on the table. Tom put his hat on the table. Tom hâlâ onu almıyor. Tom still doesn't get it. Tom still isn't buying it. Cep telefonu kapalıydı. His cell phone was turned off. His cell phone was off. Bir şey duyduğuma emindim. I was sure I heard something. I was sure I heard something. O bir sırdır. It is a secret. It's a secret. Temizlersin. You clean up. You'll clean it up. Ben senin desteğine güvenebilir miyim? Can I count on your support? Can I count on your support? Bu, görmek istediğin genç bayan. This is the young lady you asked to see. This is the young lady you wanted to see. Tom ve ben birbirimizle neredeyse hiç konuşmuyoruz. Tom and I hardly ever speak to each other. Tom and I hardly ever talk to each other. Tom sana ailesinden bahsetti mi? Did Tom tell you about his parents? Did Tom tell you about his family? O, sorudan kaçındı. He avoided the question. He avoided the question. Biri öğretmenlerine saygı ile davranmalı. One should treat his teachers with respect. Someone has to treat their teachers with respect. Bunu kontrol etmek istiyorum. I want to check it out. I want to check this out. Sanırım Tom oturmak isteyecektir. I think Tom will want to sit down. I think Tom will want to sit down. Bir fotoğrafa ihtiyacın var. You need a photograph. You need a picture. Tom üç karı eskitti. Tom outlived three wives. Tom wore out three wives. Sami, Leyla'nın çağrısını bekledi. Sami waited for Layla's call. Sami waited for Layla's call. Bu komik. This is funny. That's funny. Gişeden tüm para çalındı. All money from the counter was stolen. All the money from the tollbooth has been stolen. Tom da buradaydı. Tom was here, too. Tom was here, too. Bu benim en büyük hayalim. It's my biggest dream. This is my dream. Sağımı solumu kollamana ihtiyacım yok. I don't need you looking over my shoulder. I don't need you to watch my left and right. Tom benim meslektaşım ve arkadaşım. Tom is my colleague and my friend. Tom is my colleague and friend. Japonya'nın nüfusu İngiltere ve Fransa'nın bir araya getirdiği nüfustan daha büyüktür. Japan's population is larger than that of Britain and France put together. The population of Japan is larger than the population brought together by Britain and France. Moskal olmadığım için Tanrı'ya şükürler olsun. Thank you God that I'm not a Moskal. Thank God I'm not Moskal. Sana şimdi ihtiyacım var. I need you right now. I need you now. Tom'un söylediğini herkes duyamadı. Not everyone could hear what Tom said. Not everyone could hear what Tom was saying. Bütün aile stresli. The whole family is stressed. The whole family's stressed. Ben suçlu bulundum. I was found guilty. I've been found guilty. Tom'un John adında bir dayısı var. Tom has an uncle named John. Tom has an uncle named John. Temmuzda bu nehirde yüzmek tehlikelidir. This river is dangerous to swim in July. Swimming in this river in July is dangerous. Tom'un olanla bir ilgisi yoktu. Tom had nothing to do with what happened. Tom had nothing to do with what happened. Bunun olduğuna inanamıyorum. I can't believe this happened. I can't believe this is happening. Senin ruhun cehenneme düştü. Your spirit has fallen into hell. Your soul has fallen into hell. Bunun dışında kalmanı istiyorum. I want you to stay out of this. I want you to stay out of this. Onların halılarını sarmıyorum. I'm not rolling up their carpets. I don't cover their carpets. Bu kış muhtemelen soğuk olacak. It is likely to be cold this winter. It's probably going to be cold this winter. Yunanca öğrenmek zordur. Greek is difficult to learn. Greek is hard to learn. Tom güvenilir değil. Tom isn't reliable. Tom isn't trustworthy. Sen onlara söylemezsen, ben söylerim. If you won't tell them, I will. If you don't tell them, I will. Geçen gün Tom'un bize söylediği şey doğru değildi. What Tom told us the other day wasn't true. What Tom told us the other day wasn't true. Bunu yakında yapacağım. I'll do that soon. I'll do that soon. Leyla, sınırdaki kişilik bozukluğundan muzdaripti. Layla suffered from borderline personality disorder. Layla suffered from borderline personality disorder. Tom'un ahırı boyamamıza yardım etmeye nasıl ikna ettin? How did you convince Tom to help us paint the barn? How did you convince Tom to help us paint the barn? Onun tekliflerinin fazla olduğunu sanmıyorum. I don't think his proposals amount to much. I don't think his offers are too high. O hemen dikkat çekti. She caught his eye immediately. He drew attention right away. Tayland, Tayvan değildir. Thailand is not Taiwan. Thailand is not Taiwan. Tom'un gizli süper güçleri var. Tom has hidden superpowers. Tom has hidden superpowers. Tom bir maymuna benziyor. Tom looks like a monkey. Tom looks like a monkey. Aç değil misin? Aren't you hungry? Aren't you hungry? Tom'un bir Kanadalı olduğunu bilmiyor muydun? Didn't you know Tom was a Canadian? Didn't you know Tom was a Canadian? Ben senin ehliyetini görebilir miyim? Can I see your driver's license? Can I see your driver's license? Tom, Mary'nin bir daha bunu yapmayacağına inanıyor. Tom is convinced that Mary won't ever do that again. Tom believes Mary will never do that again. Acele etsen iyi olur. yoksa, hava kararmadan önce oraya varamayacaksın. You'd better hurry. If you don't, you won't get there before dark. You'd better hurry. Otherwise, you won't get there before dark. Ben senin arkadaşınla buluştum. I met your friend. I met your friend. Onu ben bir çocukken hep yaptım. I did that all the time when I was a kid. I always did that when I was a kid. O, sorunun dikkatlice ele alınması gerektiğini belirtti. He noted that the problem must be handled carefully. He said the problem must be dealt with carefully. Onları anlaşmaya teşvik etti. He urged them to come to an agreement. He encouraged them to settle. Sanırım bir yarım saat daha beklememiz gerektiğini düşünüyorum. I think we should wait another half an hour. I think we should wait another half hour. Ortalama olarak, haftada bir kez sinemaya giderim. On the average, I go to the movies once a week. On average, I go to the movies once a week. Oraya gitmek istemiyorum. O da gitmek istemiyor. I don't want to go there. He doesn't want to go either. I don't want to go there, and he doesn't want to go there. Tom bunu yapabilir mi? Can Tom do this? Can Tom do that? Onların işi ofisi paspas etmek. Their job is to mop the office. Their job is to mop up the office. Kırmızı elbiseli kız siyah giyinmiş adamı görmezden geldi ve bir arkadaşını cep telefonundan aradı. The girl in the red dress ignored the man dressed in black and called a friend on her cellphone. The girl in the red dress ignored the man dressed in black and called a friend on her cell phone. Gelip beni almanı istiyorum. I want you to come and get me. I want you to come and get me. Biz ne yapıyorduk? What were we doing? What were we doing? Seni yalnız görmek istiyorum. I wish to see you alone. I want to see you alone. Tom, Mary'nin rahatlamaya ihtiyacı olduğunu söyledi. Tom said Mary just needs to relax. Tom said Mary needed to relax. Tom onun buna değdiğini sanmıyor. Tom doesn't think it's worth it. Tom doesn't think it's worth it. Tom bunu senin için yapacağını söyledi. Tom said he'd do that for you. Tom said he'd do that for you. Sen evden ayrıldıktan sonra paltonuzu buldum. I found your coat after you left the house. I found your coat after you left home. Tom üç bin dolar teklif edildiğini söyledi. Tom said he's been offered three thousand dollars. Tom said he was offered $3,000. Başka müşteriler yoktu. There were no other customers. There were no other customers. Onları dinlemeni tavsiye ediyorum. I advise you to listen to them. I suggest you listen to them. Adamlar olay yerinden kaçtılar. The men fled the scene. The men fled the scene. Bütün kitaplara sahibim. I own all the books. I have all the books. Bu fotoğrafın mayıs ayında çekildiğine inanıyorum. I believe that this photo was taken in May. I believe this photo was taken in May. Ben bir haber koydum. I put up a notice. I put in a message. Görünüşe göre Taro'nun hiç kız arkadaşı yok. It seems that Taro doesn't have any girlfriends. Looks like Taro doesn't have any girlfriends. Tom uzun süre yüzmeye gitmedi. Tom hasn't gone swimming in a long time. Tom didn't go swimming for long. Çocuki arabayı gördü. The boy has seen the car. His kid saw the car. Denizin bu bölümü derin ve tehlikeli. This part of the sea is deep and dangerous. This part of the sea is deep and dangerous. Sokakta karışıklık hüküm sürüyor. Disorder prevails in the street. There's confusion on the street. Onlar çocuk, bilirsiniz. They're kids, you know. They're kids, you know. Bir bardak su, lütfen. A glass of water, please. A glass of water, please. Eve uçuşun ne zaman? What time is your flight home? When's your flight home? Onun sen olduğunu düşündüm. I thought that was you. I thought it was you. Tom'un üç saat beklemeye niyeti yoktu. Tom had no intention of waiting for three hours. Tom had no intention of waiting three hours. Lütfen Tom'un ne yapmayı planladığını öğren. Please find out what Tom plans on doing. Please find out what Tom plans to do. İngilizcenin yanı sıra Fransızca da konuşabilir. She can speak not only English but also French. He can speak French as well as English. Bu size hitaben yazılmış bir mektup. This letter is addressed to you. This is a letter addressed to you. Kendinizi harika hissetmiyor musunuz? Don't you guys feel great? Don't you feel great? Ona söylememek için söz verdim. I promised not to tell him. I promised not to tell her. Tom ve Mary ekim ayında evleniyor. Tom and I are getting married in October. Tom and Mary are getting married in October. Onun sağlık durumu beni endişelendiriyor. His health situation worries me. I'm worried about his health. Tom'un işi gitgide daha kötü bir duruma geldi. Tom's work has gone from bad to worse. Tom's job got worse and worse. Onun hazır olacağını düşündüm. I thought he would be ready. I thought he'd be ready. O doğal olmayan bir ölümle öldü. He died an unnatural death. He died an unnatural death. Aşk sadece bir buluştur. Love is only an invention. Love is just a date. Herhangi bir sporu pratik yapıyor musun? Do you practice any sport? Do you practice any sports? Tom benden daha yaşlıdır. Tom is older than I am. Tom is older than me. Şunlardan biraz istiyorum. I want some of those. I want some of these. Onu yapmak için henüz yeterince iyi değilsiniz. You're not well enough to do that yet. You're not good enough to do that yet. Tom şiirler yazardı. Tom used to write poems. Tom used to write poems. Biraz ister misin? Ben de biraz yiyeceğim. Would you like some? I'll eat some too. You want some? Yargılama tamamen adil değil. The judgment isn't entirely fair. Judgement isn't entirely fair. "J-rock veya J-pop dinlemekten hoşlanıyor musun?" "O ne anlama geliyor?" "J-rock Japonca rock ve J-pop ise Japonca poptur" "Do you like to listen to J-rock or J-pop?" "What does that mean?" "J-rock is Japanese rock, and J-pop is Japanese pop." "Do you like listening to J-rock or J-pop?" "What does that mean?" "J-rock is Japanese rock and J-pop is Japanese pop." Sana katlanamam. I can't stand you. I can't stand you. iyimisin? Are you doing well? Are you okay? Ben seninle dışarıda konuşabilir miyim? Can I talk to you outside? Can I talk to you outside? Tom Mary ile çok zaman harcıyordu. Tom used to spend a lot of time with Mary. Tom spent a lot of time with Mary. Tom ve Mary birlikte seyahat etmek istemiyorlar. Tom and Mary don't want to travel together. Tom and Mary don't want to travel together. Onlara dikkat edin. Be careful with them. Take care of them. Herhangi ciddi sorunlar var gibi görünmüyor. There don't seem to be any serious problems. There doesn't seem to be any serious problems. Sadece nehir boyunca yüzmek fikri beni titretti. The mere idea of swimming across the river made me tremble. Just the idea of swimming along the river made me tremble. Sanırım üçümüz yarın orada olacak. I think all three of us will be there tomorrow. I think the three of us will be there tomorrow. Kahve bol. There's plenty of coffee. There's plenty of coffee. Geç kalan tek iki kişi biz olamayız. We can't be the only two people who're late. We can't be the only two who are late. Ne gördüğümü Tom'a söyledim. I told Tom what I saw. I told Tom what I saw. Bugün birkaç saat ofise gitmek zorundayım. I've got to go to the office for a few hours today. I have to go to the office for a few hours today. Bence paçayı kurtaracaksın. I think you'll pull through. I think you'll get away with it. Hayata! To life! To life! Muhtemelen Tom'dan daha iyi yüzüyorum. I probably swim better than Tom does. I'm probably swimming better than Tom. Tom düzensiz, değil mi? Tom is untidy, isn't he? Tom is disorganized, isn't he? Onlar birbirine aşık. They're in love with each other. They're in love. Tom'un ne zaman yalan söylediğini nasıl söyleyebiliyorsun? How can you tell when Tom is lying? How can you tell when Tom is lying? Boston'a gitmiyorum. Burada kalacağım ve öğretmenlik yapacağım. I'm not going to Boston. I'm going to stay here and teach. I'm not going to Boston, I'm going to stay here and teach. Onlar sana bu işi vermeyecekler. They're not going to give you this job. They won't give you this job. İkizler o kadar benziyorlar ki birini diğerinden ayırt etmek neredeyse imkansız. The twins look so much alike it's next to impossible to distinguish one from the other. The twins are so similar, it's almost impossible to tell one from the other. Az sayıda insan onun kazanmasını umuyordu. Few people expected him to win. Few people hoped he would win. Tom bunu doğal olarak yapıyor. Tom does it naturally. Tom is doing that naturally. Tom ona ikinci el araba satın almamasını önerdi. Tom advised him not to buy the secondhand car. Tom advised him not to buy a used car. Tom açıkça meşgul. Tom is obviously busy. Tom is obviously busy. Postane kitapçıya yakındır. The post office is near the bookstore. The post office is close to the bookstore. Tom, işleri hatırlamada benden daha iyi değil. Tom is no better at remembering things than I am. Tom isn't better at remembering things than I am. Tom şu anda iyi bir ruh hali içinde değil. Tom's not in a good headspace at the moment. Tom isn't in a good mood right now. Üstesinden gelemez. He can't cope. He can't handle it. Onlar en iyisini istiyor. They want the best. They want the best. Genellikle, özel kuvvetlerin sivillerle çok teması yoktur. Generally, special forces don't have much contact with civilians. Usually, special forces don't have much contact with civilians. Tom genellikle Mary ile birlikte okula yürür. Tom usually walks to school with Mary. Tom usually walks to school with Mary. Tom'un arabası klimalı. Tom's car has air conditioning. Tom's car is air-conditioned. Yürüyelim mi? Shall we walk? Shall we walk? O, ülkesini yabancı işgalcilerden korudu. He protected his country from foreign invaders. He protected his country from foreign invaders. Zıplayabilirim. I can jump. I can jump. Bunun için ne kadar ödediğimi hatırlayamıyorum. I can't remember how much I paid for it. I can't remember how much I paid for this. Yarın resitalime geliyor musun? Are you coming to my recital tomorrow? Are you coming to my recital tomorrow? Tom'a söylemememizin nedeni bu. That's why we didn't tell Tom. That's why we didn't tell Tom. Dünya bir küre şeklindedir. The earth is shaped like a sphere. The Earth is shaped like a sphere. Lambaları açan kişi Tom'du. Tom was the one who turned on the lights. Tom was the one who turned on the lights. Tom yüz vermedi. Tom kept his distance. Tom didn't give a face. Rica ederim Tom. You're welcome, Tom. You're welcome, Tom. Yunanistan'da çok sayıda ada vardır. There are many islands in Greece. Greece has many islands. Eğer kolesterolü önlemek istiyorsanız yanında yağ olmadan yağsız et yiyin. If you want to avoid cholesterol, eat lean meat with no fat. If you want to avoid cholesterol, eat nonfat meat without oil. Sizin onu yapmanıza izin vermemin imkanı yok. There's no way I'm going to let you do that. There's no way I'm letting you do that. Bob benim arkadaşım. Bob is my friend. Bob's my friend. O, yetişkinler için bir gece okulunda okuyor. He studies in a night school for adults. She studies at a night school for adults. Onu hiç görmediğime eminim. I'm sure I've never seen her. I'm sure I've never seen him. Tom oldukça parlaktı. Tom was quite drunk. Tom was quite bright. Neden Tanrı beni bu kadar güzel yarattı? Why did God make me so beautiful? Why did God make me so beautiful? O ona deli oluyor. She's crazy about him. She's crazy about him. Dan süpermarkette bir telefon çaldığı için tutuklandı. Dan was arrested for stealing a phone at the supermarket. Dan was arrested for stealing a phone at the supermarket. Tom'un bu raporu yazmasına yardım ettim. I helped Tom write this report. I helped Tom write this report. John işini bıraktığını eşine nasıl açıklayacağını bilmiyordu. John did not know how to explain to his wife that he had quit his job. John didn't know how to explain his job to his wife. Fadıl evin içinde değildi. Fadil wasn't inside the house. Fadil wasn't in the house. Zeus'a inanıyor musun? Do you believe in Zeus? Do you believe Zeus? Tom bunu kimin yaptığını merak etti. Tom wondered who did that. Tom wondered who did that. Onu henüz görmedim. I haven't seen it yet. I haven't seen him yet. Oradaki o kızı görüyor musun? Do you see that girl over there? You see that girl over there? Tom onu buldu mu? Did Tom find him? Did Tom find it? Gerçekten çalışıyor olmalısın, biliyorsun. You really should be working, you know. You must really be working, you know. Çocuk annesinin elini tuttu. The child took her mother's hand. The boy held his mother's hand. Onları eve getir. Bring them home. Bring them home. Erken ayrılmayı planlıyorum. I plan to leave early. I plan to leave early. Tom neden bunu bana yapsın ki? Why would Tom do that to me? Why would Tom do that to me? Yarın tekrar konuşmamız gerekebilir. Maybe we should talk again tomorrow. We may have to talk again tomorrow. Bir erkek çocuğu gibi görünüyorsun. You look like a boy. You look like a boy. Ben bir diş fırçası ile dişlerimi fırçalarım. I brush my teeth with a toothbrush. I brush my teeth with a toothbrush. Şimdi güvende miyim? Am I safe now? Am I safe now? Eğer o köşede durursan, Tom muhtemelen senin burada olduğunu fark etmez bile. If you stand over in that corner, Tom won't likely even notice you're here. If you stand in that corner, Tom probably won't even notice you're here. Sorun üzerinde çalışıyorum. I'm working on the problem. I'm working on the problem. Onu ona sundum. I offered it to him. I offered it to him. O kendi arabasını tamir eder. He repairs his own car. He'll fix his own car. Beni hayal kırıklığına uğrattın. You let me down. I'm disappointed in you. Başka eğlenceli gerçekleriniz var mı? Have you got any other fun facts for us? Do you have any more fun facts? Onlardan yaklaşık olarak yirmi tane var. There are about twenty of them. There's about 20 of them. Onun hakkında şarkılar ve şiirler yazıldı. Songs and poems were written about him. Songs and poems were written about him. Ondan hoşlanmadığını biliyorum. I know you don't like him. I know you don't like him. İtalya'da yapılmış bu kot pantolon oldukça pahalı. Made in Italy, these jeans were very expensive. These jeans made in Italy are very expensive. Sen mükemmel bir iş yapıyorsun. You're doing an excellent job. You're doing an excellent job. Kim olduğumu biliyor musun? Do you know who I am? Do you know who I am? Bay Itoh adında bir adam sizinle görüşmek istiyor. A man named Mr. Itoh wants to meet you. There's a man named Mr. Itoh here to see you. Tom Mary'ye benzemiyor. Tom isn't like Mary. Tom doesn't look like Mary. Bir kırmızı araba ve bir beyaz olanı gördüm.Kırmızı olan beyaz olandan daha hoş görünüyordu. I saw a red car and a white one. The red one was nicer looking than the white one. I saw a red car and a white one. The red one looked better than the white one. Tom kavgayı durdurdu. Tom stopped the fight. Tom stopped the fight. Mary hâlâ eski sevgilisine aşık. Mary is still in love with her ex-boyfriend. Mary is still in love with her ex. Neden bize yardım etmelisin? Why should you help us? Why should you help us? Yanıldığın yer budur. This is where you are mistaken. That's where you're wrong. Onunla kahve dükkanında buluşmaya söz verdi. She promised to meet her at the coffee shop. He promised to meet her at the coffee shop. O ne hakkında çok öfkeli? What is he so angry about? What's he so angry about? Lütfen bana bilet numaranızı söyleyin. Please tell me your ticket number. Please tell me your ticket number. Neden gülüyorlar? Why are they smiling? Why are they laughing? Mavili yok mu? Do you have any in blue? No blue ones? Yapacak işin var. You have work to do. You've got work to do. Ona yeni bir elbise almaya gücüm yetmez. I can't afford to buy her a new dress. I can't afford to buy her a new dress. Bütün bunlar ne zaman oldu? When did all this happen? When did all this happen? Leyla şoktaydı. Layla was in shock. Layla was in shock. Seni ne motive eder? What motivates you? What motivates you? Bavulumu açmak zorunda kaldım. I had to open my suitcase. I had to unpack. Tom Mary'ye kelimenin ne anlama geldiğini sordu, fakat o da bilmiyordu. Tom asked Mary what the word meant, but she didn't know either. Tom asked Mary what the word meant, but she didn't know either. Tutum değişikliği nasıl sağlanabilir? How can a change of attitude be achieved? How can attitude change be achieved? Tom bu yaz araba sürmeyi öğrenecek. Tom will learn to drive this summer. Tom is going to learn how to drive this summer. Elbiseler aldığında onların nerede yapıldıklarını kendine sorar mısın? When you buy clothes, do you ask yourself where they were made? When you buy clothes, can you ask yourself where they're made? Bilgisayarını söktü. He took apart his computer. He ripped out his computer. Sanırım daha çok çalışabilirdim. I could've tried harder, I guess. I guess I could've worked harder. Tom Mary'yi izliyor. Tom is following Mary. Tom is watching Mary. O yetenekli bir bankacı. He is an able banker. He's a talented banker. Tom'un yaptığının haklı olduğunu sanmıyorum. I don't think that what Tom did was right. I don't think what Tom did was right. Bana nasıl hissettiğini söyle. Tell me how you're feeling. Tell me how you feel. Onun şemsiyesini yanlışlıkla aldım. I took his umbrella without meaning to. I took her umbrella by mistake. Tom verilerine erişecek gibi görünmüyor. Tom can't seem to access his data. Tom doesn't seem to be able to access his data. Bir yüzüğüm var. I have a ring. I have a ring. Ahşap kolaylıkla yanar. Wood burns easily. Wood burns easily. Tom, plaja gitmek istiyor. Tom wants to go to the beach. Tom wants to go to the beach. Yakında geri gelirsin, değil mi? You come back soon, OK? You'll be back soon, won't you? Kaç tane şarkı yazdın? How many songs have you written? How many songs have you written? Ben Kuzey Koreliyim. I am from North Korea. I'm from North Korea. Müzik, hayatımın önemli bir parçasıdır. Music is an important part of my life. Music is an important part of my life. Sami ve Leyla'nın çok kararsız bir ilişkisi vardı. Sami and Layla had a very rocky relationship. Sami and Layla had a very unstable relationship. Yatmadan önce televizyonu kapatmayı unuttum. I forgot to turn off the television before going to bed. I forgot to turn off the TV before I went to bed. Buralarda kalmayın. Don't stay around here. Don't stay around. Leyla, Sami'yi nerede arayacağını daima biliyordu. Layla always knew where to look for Sami. Layla always knew where to look for Sami. Tom iyi hissetmemesine rağmen bugün işe gitti. Tom went to work today even though he wasn't feeling well. Tom went to work today, although he wasn't feeling well. Fadıl cevabı bulduğunu düşünüyor. Fadil thinks he has found the answer. Fadil thinks he found the answer. Mario bir mikroskop aldı. Mario bought a microscope. Mario bought a microscope. O sana çok paraya mal olacak. That will cost you a lot of money. That's gonna cost you a lot of money. Mary ailesinden ödünç para istedi. Mary asked her family for a loan. Mary asked her family for money. Tom'un korkacak hiçbir şeyi yok. Tom has nothing to fear. Tom has nothing to be afraid of. O konuşma Tom'a seçimi kaybettirdi. That speech lost Tom the election. That speech made Tom lose the election. Tom Mary'nin yerden bir şeyler topladığını gördü? Tom saw Mary picking things up off the floor. Tom saw Mary picking up things off the floor? Tom çok etkilendiğini söyledi. Tom said that he was very impressed. Tom said he was very impressed. Tom ilginçti. Tom used to be interesting. Tom was interesting. Kendimi sevdiğim gibi seni seviyorum. I love you like I love myself. I love you as I love myself. Bana yardım etmeyi denemedin bile. You don't even try to help me. You didn't even try to help me. Tom koyunu besledi. Tom fed the sheep. Tom fed the sheep. Bu pencere açılmaz. This window won't open. This window won't open. Hiç Paris'e gittin mi? Have you ever gone to Paris? Have you ever been to Paris? Tom bu sefer daha hazırlıklı bu yüzden onu yapabilmeli. Tom is better prepared this time, so he should be able to do it. Tom is more prepared this time, so he should be able to do that. Meşgul olmadığından emin misin? Are you sure you're not busy? Are you sure you're not busy? Ben kısa sürede size tekrar yazacağım. I will write you back soon. I'll write you again soon. Tom tenis oynamıyor. Tom doesn't play tennis. Tom doesn't play tennis. Hat meşgul. The line is busy. The line's busy. Tom'un ders çalışma isteği yok. Tom has no wish to study. Tom has no desire to study. Onu seninle götür. Take him with you. Take her with you. Beni abartma. You overestimate me. Don't make a big deal out of me. Leyla büyük bir aile istedi. Layla wanted a big family. Layla wanted a big family. Sen bir pandasın. You are a panda. You're a panda. Çocuklarım New York'ta yaşıyor. My children live in New York. My kids live in New York. Karar vermek kolay olmayacak. It's not going to be easy to decide. It won't be easy to decide. Plato evrenin üçgenlerden yapıldığını düşündü. Plato thought that the universe was made up of triangles. Plato thought the universe was made of triangles. Huylu huyundan vazgeçmez. Don't teach an old dog new tricks. He won't give up his temper. Tom açlıktan ölüyordu. Tom was starving. Tom was starving. Sessizlik rıza verir. Silence gives consent. Silence consents. Biz onları öldüremeyiz. We can't kill them. We can't kill them. Tom çocukları okula götürdü. Tom took the children to school. Tom took the children to school. Ne demek istediğimi anlıyorsun, değil mi? You understand what I mean, don't you? You know what I mean, don't you? Tom Mary'nin kovulacağını bilmiyordu. Tom didn't know Mary was going to be fired. Tom didn't know Mary was going to be fired. Tom kolumu büktü. Tom twisted my arm. Tom twisted my arm. O bana şüpheli görünüyor That seems suspicious to me. He seems suspicious to me. Tom ayakkabısını bulamadı. Tom couldn't find his shoes. Tom couldn't find his shoe. Bir kütüphaneye sahip olmak başka bir şey, onu akıllıca kullanmak çok daha başka bir şey. It is one thing to own a library; It is quite another to use it wisely. Having a library is one thing, using it wisely is another. Onu hiç gördün mü? Have you ever seen it? Have you seen him? Anlaşmayı cebren imzaladı. He was made to sign the contract against his will. He signed the deal. Gökyüzünün görünüşüne bakılırsa yarın kar yağabilir. Judging from the look of the sky, we may have snow tomorrow. From the look of the sky, it might snow tomorrow. Tom odasında, değil mi? Tom is in his room, isn't he? Tom is in his room, isn't he? Sadece sana sarılmak istiyorum. I just want to hug you. I just want to hug you. 2016 maymun yılıdır. 2016 is the year of the monkey. 2016 is the year of a monkey. Tom daha çok çalışması gerektiğini biliyordu. Tom knew that he should study harder. Tom knew he needed to study harder. Bell Londra'da yaşardı, değil mi? Bell used to live in London, didn't he? Bell used to live in London, didn't he? Tom yakın oturdu. Tom sat nearby. Tom sat close. Biz şimdi beş yıldır çalışıyoruz. We've been working for five years now. We've been working for five years now. Tom kopya çekmeden testi geçebileceğini düşünmüyordu. Tom didn't think he could pass the test without cheating. Tom didn't think he could pass the test without cheating. Sen ve Tom ne yediniz? What did you and Tom eat? What did you and Tom eat? Bu nasıl yapılmış olabilir? How could it have been done? How could this have been done? Koşan küçük bir çocuk gördüm. I saw a little boy running. I saw a little boy running. Bana Tom'un bunu nasıl yapacağını bilmediğini mi söylüyorsun? Are you telling me that Tom doesn't know how to do that? Are you telling me Tom doesn't know how to do that? Sami o görüşlere bağlı kaldı. Sami became attached to those views. Sami stuck to those views. Bu gürültüye artık dayanamıyorum. I can't stand that noise anymore. I can't stand this noise anymore. Mayuko kendi giysilerini tasarladı. Mayuko designed her own clothes. Mayuko designed her own clothes. Bu onun içindi. It was for him. That's what this was for. Başka bir kaza oldu. There's been another accident. There's been another accident. Bu partide kaç kişi var? How many people are at this party? How many people are at this party? Araba ileri gidiyordu. The car was going forward. The car was moving forward. Bana eziyet etmeyi kes. Stop tormenting me. Stop torturing me. Araban şu anda kimde hiçbir fikrim yok. I have no idea who has your car right now. I have no idea who has your car right now. Bu orijinal. It's the real thing. This is original. Tom Mary'nin ağladığını gördüğünü söylüyor. Tom says he saw Mary crying. Tom says he saw Mary crying. Geçen ay sürücü ehliyetimi yeniledim. Last month I renewed my driving license. I renewed my driver's license last month. Belki bu gece tekrar birbirimizi göreceğiz. Perhaps we will see each other again tonight. Maybe we'll see each other again tonight. Lütfen sana söylediğimi Tom'a söyleme. Please don't tell Tom I told you. Please don't tell Tom I told you. Mary nedimedir. Mary is the maid of honor. Mary is a bridesmaid. Gramer olarak doğru ama anadilli biri asla öyle söylemez. It's grammatically correct, but a native would never say that. It's true as a grammar, but a native speaker never says that. Bugün onun morali yüksek. He is in high spirits today. He's in a good mood today. Bu taş benim kaldıramayacağım kadar çok ağır. This stone was too heavy for me to lift. This stone is too heavy for me to handle. Ödevini şimdi yap. Do your homework right now. Do your homework now. Etrafıma biraz daha bakınmayı düşünüyorum. I think I'll look around a little more. I'm thinking of looking around a little more. Bana düşeni yaptım. I did my part. I've done my part. Yarına kadar beklemek istemiyorum. I don't want to wait until tomorrow. I don't want to wait till tomorrow. Emily benim en sevdiğim kız. Emily is my favourite girl. Emily's my favorite girl. Neden bizi içeri almıyorsun? Why won't you let us in? Why don't you let us in? Yalnız mısınız? Are you lonely? Are you alone? Şu anda gitmezsen güvenliği arayacağım. If you don't leave right now, I'll call security. If you don't leave right now, I'm gonna call security. Karımla birlikte bir şey yapmak istiyorum. I want to do something with my life. I want to do something with my wife. Tom makul biçimde meraklı. Tom is understandably curious. Tom is reasonably curious. Neden şimdi ağlıyorsun? Why are you crying now? Why are you crying now? Tom'a dövüşmeyi öğretebilirim. I can teach Tom to fight. I can teach Tom how to fight. Bir şey başlıyor. Something's beginning. Something's starting. Sami, Leyla'ya hediyesini geri götürmesini söyledi. Sami told Layla to take her gift back. Sami told Layla to return her present. Ben hiç piyano çalamıyorum. Sakarlığım üstümde. I can't play the piano at all. I'm all thumbs. I can never play the piano, I'm clumsy. Zaten saat 2.30 ve Tom henüz burada değil. It's already 2:30 and Tom isn't here yet. It's already 2:30 and Tom isn't here yet. Bazı şeylerle ilgili görüşünüzü sormak istedim. I wanted to ask your opinion on some things. I wanted to ask your opinion on some things. Onunla bizzat konuşmalısın. You must talk to her in person. You should talk to him in person. Tom'un neden gitmek istemediğini anlayabiliyorum. I can see why Tom doesn't want to go. I can understand why Tom doesn't want to go. 2010 yılında, H1N1 aşısı sıkıntısı vardı. In 2010, there was a shortage of H1N1 vaccine. In 2010, there was a shortage of H1N1 vaccines. Ağaçlar cadde boyunca ekilir. The trees are planted along the street. Trees are planted along the street. Sana onun hakkında dün söylediğimi düşündüm. I thought that I told you about that yesterday. I thought I told you about him yesterday. Ona nasıl direnebilirsin? How could you resist him? How can you resist him? Gerçeği söylesen iyi olur. You'd better tell the truth. You better tell me the truth. Sadede gel. Get to the point. Get to the point. Tom Mary'den o Boston'a taşındığından beri haber almadı. Tom hasn't heard from Mary since she moved to Boston. Tom hasn't heard from Mary since she moved to Boston. Tom Mary'nin yapmasını istediği hiçbir şeyi yapmadı. Tom never did anything Mary asked him to do. Tom didn't do anything Mary asked him to do. Ağlamayı kes. Stop crying. Stop crying. Tom o kadar hızlı koştu ki ona yetişemedim. Tom ran so fast I couldn't catch him. Tom ran so fast I couldn't catch up with him. Bu iş için en iyi aday sensin. You're the best candidate for this job. You're the best candidate for this job. Onlara inanıyorum. I believe them. I believe them. O, okuldaki herkese söyledi. He told everybody at school. She told everyone at school. Tom biraz umutsuzdu. Tom was a bit desperate. Tom was a little desperate. Tom'un ailesi her yaz dağlarda tatil yapar. Tom's family vacations in the mountains every summer. Tom's family vacations in the mountains every summer. Okuyabilir misin? Can you read? Can you read it? Köprü yıkıldı. The bridge collapsed. The bridge is down. O onu bir kalemle mi yazmış? Did he write it with a pencil? Did he write it with a pen? Cumartesileri okula gitmeyiz. We don't go to school on Saturdays. We don't go to school on Saturdays. Onun ailesi tamamen çok iyidir. His family are all very well. His family is perfectly fine. Bu kamerayı nasıl kullanacağını biliyor musun? Do you know how to use this camera? Do you know how to use this camera? Konuya iyi tarafından bak. Look on the bright side of things. Look on the bright side. Nancy sınıfında en uzun boylu kız. Nancy is the tallest girl in her class. She's the tallest girl in Nancy class. Ben her gün okul kafeteryasında yemek yemem. I don't eat at the school cafeteria every day. I don't eat in the school cafeteria every day. Sana söyleyinceye kadar ipi bırakma. Do not let go of the rope till I tell you. Don't let go until I tell you. Tom hazırlanmış gibi görünüyor. It looks like Tom is prepared. Tom seems to be prepared. Fazladan bir on dolara ihtiyacımız olacak. We'll need an extra ten dollars. We're gonna need an extra ten bucks. Bu gerçekten zor bir mesele. It's a real difficult issue. It's a really difficult matter. Bekar olmaktan hoşlanıyorum. I like being single. I like being single. Tom iyi bir yalancı. Tom is a good liar. Tom is a good liar. Onu söylediğini duyduğuma mutlu oldum. I'm happy to hear you say that. I'm glad to hear you say that. Yaşam, Kuzey Amerika'da rahat değil. Life isn't comfortable in North America. Life is not comfortable in North America. Beni gerçekten umursamıyorsun. You don't really care about me. You really don't care about me. Tom bir bebeğe daha sahip olmak istiyor ama Mary istemiyor. Tom wants to have another baby, but Mary doesn't. Tom wants to have another baby, but Mary doesn't. O gerçekten aptalca bir fikir. That's a really stupid idea. That's a really stupid idea. Kimse sözcüğü o şekilde telaffuz etmiyor. No one pronounces the word that way. No one pronounces the word that way. Tom'un, Mary'nin onu yapmasına izin vereceğini mi düşünüyorsun? Do you think Tom will let Mary do that? Do you think Tom will let Mary do that? Toplantıya başlamak için hazırlanıyoruz. We're getting ready to start the meeting. We're getting ready to start the meeting. Az önce ona çıktığımızı söyledim. I just told her we're dating. I just told him we're dating. Derhal başla, ve zamanında derste olacaksın. Start at once, and you'll be in time for class. Start now, and you'll be in class on time. Bir yıl sonra, Paul doğdu. One year later, Paul was born. A year later, Paul was born. Nehri yüzerek geçebilir misin? Can you swim across the river? Can you swim across the river? Bu soruyu çözemiyorsan; öğretmenine sor. If you can't solve this problem, ask your teacher. If you can't solve this question, ask your teacher. O, çimlerini biçiyor. He's mowing his lawn. He mows his lawn. Ekonomik olarak ailemden bağımsızım. I am economically independent of my parents. I'm financially independent of my family. Sen Tom Jackson'ın kızısın, değil mi? You're Tom Jackson's daughter, aren't you? You're Tom Jackson's daughter, aren't you? Benzin deposu patlayacak. The gas tank is going to explode. The gas tank's going to explode. Harika görünüyor! It sounds great! It looks great! O sana ihtiyacın olan şeyi bulacak. He will provide you with what you need. He'll find what you need. İkinizin büyük bir dövüş yaptığını duydum. I heard you two had a big fight. I heard you two had a big fight. Tom Mary'nin ne kadar iyi Fransızca konuşabildiğine şaşırdı. Tom was surprised how well Mary could speak French. Tom was surprised how well Mary could speak French. Fadıl'ın Layla adında genç bir kızla uygunsuz ve yasadışı bir ilişkisi vardı. Fadil had an inappropriate and illegal relationship with a young girl named Layla. Fadil had an inappropriate and illegal relationship with a young girl named Layla. O çok iyi bir müzisyendir. He's a very fine musician. He's a very good musician. Tom Mary'nin tek başına alışverişe gitmesine izin vermiyor. Tom doesn't let Mary go shopping by herself. Tom doesn't let Mary go shopping by herself. Cookie'yi yürüyüşe çıkardın mı? Have you taken Cookie for a walk yet? Did you take Cookie for a walk? Tom bir duvarın üstünde oturuyordu ve okyanusa bakıyordu. Tom was sitting on a wall and looking out at the ocean. Tom was sitting on a wall and staring at the ocean. Tom yıllardır Mary'nin şoförü olarak çalışmaktadır. Tom has been working as Mary's chauffeur for years. Tom has been working as Mary's driver for years. Sen büyük bir hata yaptın. You made a big mistake. You made a big mistake. Bana yolu gösterdiğin için çok naziksin. You are very kind to show me the way. You're very kind to show me the way. Şarkı nasıl gidiyor? How does the song go? How's the song going? Orada olmalısınız. You should be there. You should be there. Tom bir akıllı adam. Tom is a smart man. Tom is a smart man. Onlarla konuşmadım. I haven't spoken to them. I didn't talk to them. Hiç böylesine memnun olmadım. I've never been so content. I've never been so pleased. Korkmuş gibi görünüyordun. You looked like you were afraid. You looked scared. Onun eve erken gitmesine izin vermedim. I didn't let him go home early. I didn't let her go home early. Tom bitkin görünüyordu. Tom seemed to be groggy. Tom looked exhausted. O kız o kadar güzel ki kendine en hakim erkekleri bile çekiyor. That girl is so beautiful that she attracts even the most self-possessed men. She's so beautiful, she attracts even the most controlling men. O kitabı aldın mı? Did you buy that book? Did you get that book? Leyla, İngiltere kırsalında büyüdü. Layla grew up in rural England. Layla grew up in rural England. Kendi kız kardeşimi tanıdığımı düşünmüyor musun? Don't you think I know my own sister? Don't you think I know my own sister? Bir sözlüğü nasıl kullanacağınızı biliyor musunuz? Do you know how to use a dictionary? Do you know how to use a dictionary? Aklınızda olan o mudur? Is that what you have in mind? Is that what you have in mind? Bir çıkar yol bulmam lâzım. I need to find a way out. I have to find a way out. 10 yıl önce nehrin üzerinde küçük bir köprü vardı. There used to be a small bridge over the river 10 years ago. Ten years ago, there was a small bridge over the river. Bu konuda düşünmemeye çalışın. Try not to think about it. Try not to think about it. Neden oraya gittiğimi kimsenin bilmesini istemiyorum. I didn't want anyone to know why I went there. I don't want anyone to know why I went there. Işıkları ne zaman kapattın? What time do you turn off the lights? When did you turn off the lights? Tom onu kendi tarzında yaptı. Tom did it in his own way. Tom did that in his own way. Tom'a söylediğim tam olarak bu. That's exactly what I said to Tom. That's exactly what I told Tom. Sen oğlumun keman çaldığını duydun mu? Have you heard my son play the violin? Did you hear my son play the violin? Tom hiç kimseden hoşlanmıyor. Tom doesn't like anyone. Tom doesn't like anyone. Biz Tom'a sürpriz yapmaya çalışıyoruz. We were trying to surprise Tom. We're trying to surprise Tom. Tom bizimle parka gelmek istemediğini söyledi. Tom said he didn't want to go to the park with us. Tom said he didn't want to come to the park with us. Tom'un ilk gitarı Çin'de yapıldı. Tom's first guitar was made in China. Tom's first guitar was made in China. Büyük bir kuş pencerenin pervazına indi. A large bird landed on the window sill. A big bird landed on the ledge of the window. Çok yersen sonunda kilo alırsın. If you eat a lot, you'll eventually get fat. If you eat too much, you'll eventually gain weight. Bu çok tuhaf. That's so bizarre. That's weird. Tom Mary'nin John'la tartıştığına kulak misafiri oldu. Tom overheard Mary arguing with John. Tom overheard Mary arguing with John. Sanırım iyi olacağım. I think I'm going to be okay. I think I'll be fine. Ben yeterince hızlı değilim. I'm not fast enough. I'm not fast enough. Ona ne söylemeliyim? What should I tell her? What should I tell him? O, hızlandırılmış bir eğitim programında okuyor. He studies at a cram school. He is studying in an accelerated training program. Ben sadece sana soruyorum. I'm just asking you. I'm just asking you. Sen bir yalancı ve bir hırsızsın Tom. Hayatımdan çık! You're a liar and a thief, Tom. Get out of my life! You're a liar and a thief, Tom. Tom nerede otobüse bineceğini bilmiyordu. Tom didn't know where to catch the bus. Tom didn't know where to take the bus. Onlar ondan neden hoşlanmıyorlar? Why did they dislike her? Why don't they like him? Köpekler konuşabilseydi ne derlerdi? If dogs could talk, what would they say? What would the dogs say if they could talk? Arabada Tom için yeterli yer olmayabilir. There might not be enough room in the car for Tom. There may not be enough room for Tom in the car. Hayal kurmayı kes!Çalışmazsan Almanya'ya gidemezsin. Stop dreaming! If you can't work, you can't go to Germany. Stop daydreaming! You can't go to Germany if you don't work. Burada onu yapmana izin vermeyecekler. They won't let you to do that here. They won't let you do that here. Denver Broncos, Super Bowl 50'yi kazandı. The Denver Broncos have won the 50th Super Bowl. The Denver Broncos won the Super Bowl 50. Tom'un Boston'da yaşadığını düşünüyordum. I thought Tom was living in Boston. I thought Tom lived in Boston. Haberi nasıl duydun? How did you hear the news? How did you hear the news? Tom Mary'yi gerçekten o kadar çok sevmiyor. Tom didn't really like Mary all that much. Tom doesn't really like Mary that much. Et kavruluyor. The meat is roasting. The meat is roasting. Tom bugün bunu yapmanıza yardım edemeyecek. Tom won't be able to help you do that today. Tom won't be able to help you do that today. Harbinde, birçok kişi akşam yemeği yemek için beni evlerine davet ediyor. In Harbin, many people invite me to their homes to have dinner. In war, many people invite me to their homes for dinner. Köpek sizin. The dog is yours. The dog is yours. Çok fazla taşımaya çalışmayın. Don't try to carry too much. Don't try to carry too much. Tom bu resimleri ne zaman çekmiş? When did Tom take these pictures? When did Tom take these pictures? Tom bencil bir kişi. Tom is a selfish person. Tom is a selfish person. Cüzdanımı kaybetmiştim, bu yüzden kaseti satın alamadım. I had lost my purse, so I couldn't buy the cassette. I lost my wallet, so I couldn't buy the tape. Sen benden çok daha uzunsun, değil mi? You're a lot taller than I am, aren't you? You're a lot taller than me, aren't you? Onun hakkında bir şey yapmayacak mısın? Aren't you going to do something about it? Aren't you going to do anything about it? Bu benim gerçek aksanım değil. This isn't my real accent. That's not my real accent. Tom'un dakik olup olmayacağını merak ediyorum. I wonder if Tom will be punctual. I wonder if Tom will be punctual. Hâlâ gençsin. You're still young. You're still young. Tom hapları tuvalete attı. Tom flushed the pills down the toilet. Tom flushed the pills down the toilet. Onların canını sıkan şey gerçekten ne? What's really bothering them? What's really bothering them? Notta ne yazıyordu? What did the note say? What did the note say? Onlara danış. Check with them. Check with them. Sahilde yürümekten hoşlanır mısınız? Do you enjoy walking on the beach? Do you like to walk on the beach? Bana bir yüzük satın al. Buy me a ring. Buy me a ring. Onu yapabilecek birini tanıyor musun? Do you know anyone who would be able to do that? Do you know anyone who can do that? Sen bir model misin? Are you a model? Are you a model? Ben yaşam için bir göçebeyim. I'm a nomad for life. I'm a nomad for life. Bu mağarada kaç tane yarasa var? How many bats are there in this cave? How many bats are in this cave? Her zaman seni gördüğüme mutluyum. I'm always happy to see you. I'm always happy to see you. Tom erkek kardeşine benziyor. Tom looks like his brother. Tom looks like his brother. İşler gayet iyi gidiyor. Things are going pretty well. Things are going really well. Ben bir bardak ikram edebilir miyim? May I offer you a glass? May I offer you a glass? İki kitabınız var mı? Do you have two books? Do you have two books? Bu benim burnumun dibinde oldu. This happened under my nose. This happened right under my nose. Bu şimdiye kadar yaptığın en aptalca şey. That's the stupidest thing you've ever done. This is the stupidest thing you've ever done. O, yakında evleniyor. He's getting married soon. She is getting married soon. Bu çok güzel. This is so beautiful. It's beautiful. Tom bana yardım etmeyecek. Tom isn't going to help me. Tom isn't going to help me. Sanırım Tom Mary'yi özlüyor. I think Tom misses Mary. I think Tom misses Mary. Sami hamile annesini öldürdü. Sami killed his pregnant mother. Sami killed his pregnant mother. Onlar gökyüzüne bakmak için bir teleskop kullanıyor. They are using a telescope to look at the sky. They use a telescope to look at the sky. Benim hakkımdaki gerçeği asla bilemezsiniz. You'll never know the truth about me. You never know the truth about me. Onu bana gösterir misin? Would you mind showing me that? Will you show it to me? İstediğin dosyayı almaya gittim. I went to get the file you asked for. I went to get the file you wanted. Biranın birazını alabilir miyim. Could I have some of your beer? Can I have some of your beer? Canın istemiyorsa hiçbir şey söylemek zorunda değilsin. You don't have to say anything if you don't feel like it. You don't have to say anything if you don't feel like it. O, sabah kalktı. He got up in the morning. He got up this morning. Dün gece Tom hakkında bir rüya gördüm. I had a dream about Tom last night. I had a dream about Tom last night. Araba başladı. The car started. The car's started. Dizüstü bilgisayarımda optik disk sürücüsü yok. My laptop doesn't have an optical disk drive. My laptop doesn't have an optical disk drive. Bu bir kedi değil. Bu bir köpek. This is not a cat. This is a dog. It's not a cat, it's a dog. Lütfen söylediğimi dikkatlice dinle. Please listen carefully to what I say. Please listen carefully to what I'm saying. O bir bıçakla karısını yaraladı. He wounded his wife with a knife. He injured his wife with a knife. Sence, Tom ne yapmak isteyecek? What do you think Tom is going to want to do? What do you think Tom will want to do? Ondan nefret ettiğimi biliyorsun. You know I hate that. You know I hate him. Bana ne zaman söyleyecektin? When were you going to tell me? When were you gonna tell me? Onu daha önce yaptı. She has done it before. He's done that before. Onu kıskanmıyorum. I'm not jealous of him. I'm not jealous of him. Herkesin kafası karışık. Everyone is confused. Everyone's confused. Benim çözümüm var. I have the solution. I have a solution. Polisle konuşmaktan neden korkuyorsun? Why are you afraid to talk to the police? Why are you afraid to talk to the police? Bak Tom, iyi olacak. Look, Tom, it's going to be OK. Look, Tom, he's gonna be fine. Tom şimdi gidebilir. Tom can leave now. Tom can go now. Burası iç karartıcı. It's depressing in here. It's depressing here. Tom Mary'ye sinirlendiğini söyledi. Tom told Mary that he was nervous. Tom told Mary that he was angry. Örnek bir öğrenci olmaya çalışacağım. I'll try to be a model pupil. I'll try to be a model student. Parayı nereden alıyorsun? Where are you getting the money from? Where do you get the money? Ben yarın evde kalacağım. I'll stay at home tomorrow. I'll stay home tomorrow. Hastanede damar yoluyla bir enjeksiyon aldım. I got an IV at the hospital. I got an IV injection at the hospital. Buna niçin ihtiyacın var? What do you need this for? What do you need this for? Bir etnik dans biliyor musunuz? Do you know an ethnic dance? Do you know an ethnic dance? Gitmek için hazırlandığını görüyorum. I see you're getting ready to go. I see you're getting ready to go. Her zaman aklımda çok şey olduğu için uykuya dalma sorunu yaşıyorum. I have trouble falling asleep because I always have a lot on my mind. I always have trouble falling asleep because I have so much on my mind. Dün gece eğlendin mi? Did you have fun last night? Did you have fun last night? Sadece birkaç saatimiz var. We've only got a few hours. We only have a few hours. Kardeşim gelecek sene üniversiteden mezun olmayı umuyor. My sister expects to graduate from college next year. My brother hopes to graduate from college next year. O, elimden yakaladı. He grabbed my hand. He grabbed my hand. Hiç parmak izi yoktu. There were no fingerprints. There were no fingerprints. Teyzemin nerede oturduğunu bilmiyorum. I don't know where my aunt lives. I don't know where my aunt lives. Görevinin başına dön. Get on with your duties. Get back to your post. "Baban nerede?" "Bir babam yok." "Where is your father?" "I don't have one." "Where's your father?" "I don't have a father." Biz çok ilgiliyiz. We are very interested. We're very interested. Zafer kolayca elde edilmez. Victory won't be achieved easily. Victory doesn't come easily. Mary güzel. Mary is beautiful. Mary is beautiful. Tam otomatik hikaye üretimi bilgisayar bilim adamları için çözülmemiş bir sorun kalmaya devam etmektedir. Fully automatic story generation remains an unsolved problem for computer scientists. Full automatic story production remains an unresolved problem for computer scientists. Tom neyin peşinde? What's Tom after? What's Tom up to? Tom Mary'nin regeden hoşlandığını bilir. Tom knows Mary likes reggae. Tom knows Mary likes reggae. Yakın olan çocuk. Boy that was close. The boy who's close. Ben matematik okuyorum. I study mathematics. I'm studying math. Zekama hakaret ediyorsun. You're insulting my intelligence. You insult my intelligence. Ben yakışıklı değilim. I'm not good-looking. I'm not handsome. Neden beni durdurmadın? Why didn't you make me stop? Why didn't you stop me? Diğerlerini görünüşleriyle yargılamamalısın. You shouldn't judge others on how they look. You shouldn't judge others by their appearance. Bu tertemiz. It's as clean as a whistle. It's clean. Tom bu belgede adını imzalamak zorunda. Tom has to sign his name on this document. Tom has to sign his name on this document. Tom'un şarkı söylemesine izin verdim. I let Tom sing. I let Tom sing. Sen harika bir casusluk yapardın. You would make an excellent spy. You'd be a great spy. Tom'un Mary'ye söylemeyeceğini biliyorum. I know Tom won't tell Mary. I know Tom won't tell Mary. Onlar bana senin gerçek bir uzman olduğunu söylediler! They told me you're a real expert! They told me you were a real expert! Tom çok zaman israf ettiğine pişman oldu. Tom regretted having wasted so much time. Tom regretted wasting so much time. Fransızca çalıştığını biliyordum. I knew you'd been studying French. I knew you studied French. Birlikte öğle yemeği yedik ve sonra bir saat boyunca sohbet ettik. We ate lunch together and then we chatted for an hour. We had lunch together, and then we talked for an hour. Ona daha yakından bakabilir miyim? Could I get a closer look at that one? Can I take a closer look at him? Yeni perde çubuklarına ihtiyacımız var. We need new curtain rods. We need new curtain rods. Ben o kitabı uzun zaman önce okudum. I read that book a long time ago. I read that book a long time ago. Ben iyi bir sözcük arıyorum. I'm looking for a good word. I'm looking for a good word. Onun adına toplantıya kim katılacak? Who will attend the meeting on her behalf? Who will attend the meeting on his behalf? Yeterince çok çalıştığını sanmıyorum. I don't think you tried hard enough. I don't think he's working hard enough. Başarı çabalarının sonucudur. The success resulted from your efforts. Success is the result of your efforts. Tom beni hiç dinlemez. Tom never listens to me. Tom never listens to me. Zorlukları severim. I like challenges. I like a challenge. Onun mutlu bir evliliği oldu. He was happily married. She had a happy marriage. Yüksek okuldayken üç yıl Boston'da yaşadım. I lived in Boston for three years while I was in graduate school. I lived in Boston for three years in high school. Bütün yaz kumsalda mıydın? Were you at the beach all summer? Have you been on the beach all summer? Tom bileklerini kesti. Tom slit his wrists. Tom slit his wrists. Onu yapabilir miyim? Can I do that? Can I do that? Onu veto etme yetkisine sahip değilim. I have no authority to veto it. I don't have the authority to veto him. Tom'un gömleği onun yatağının üstündeydi. Tom's shirt was on his bed. Tom's shirt was on his bed. Tom, Mary ve John'un çok iyi geçindiklerini gördüğüne memnun oldu. Tom was glad to see Mary and John getting along so well. Tom was pleased to see Mary and John getting along very well. Tom şapkasını takmıyor. Tom isn't wearing his hat. Tom isn't wearing his hat. Kuzenim evimize yakın bir dükkânda çalışıyor. My cousin works in a shop near our home. My cousin works in a shop near our house. Onun gibi bir şey. It's something like that. Something like that. Senin kesinlikle göz kamaştırıcı olduğunu düşünüyorum. I think you're absolutely gorgeous. I definitely think you're gorgeous. Bu oda 839'dur. This is Room 839. This room is 839. Tom anlayamadığım bir şey söyledi. Tom said something I couldn't understand. Tom said something I didn't understand. Tom, Bill'den daha yavaş konuşur. Tom speaks slower than Bill. Tom talks slower than Bill. Tom'u çok fazla düşünmemeye çalışıyorum. I try not to think about Tom too much. I try not to think too much of Tom. Tom ve ben akrabayız. Tom and I are related. Tom and I are related. Tom aynaları ayarladı. Tom adjusted the mirrors. Tom arranged the mirrors. Erken ayrılmak istiyorum. I'd love to leave early. I want to leave early. John bir veterinerdir. John is a veterinarian. John is a veterinarian. Sami hiçbir zaman yanlış bir şey yapmadı. Sami never did anything wrong. Sami has never done anything wrong. Tom'un gitmesine izin vermek zorunda kaldım. I had to let Tom go. I had to let Tom go. Tom bunu uzun süre önce yapmalıydı. Tom should've done that long ago. Tom should've done that a long time ago. Çok ilginç gözüküyor. It seems very interesting. That sounds very interesting. Ben düşmedim. I didn't fall down. I didn't fall. Tom ve Mary'nin her ikisi de eski filmleri severler. Tom and Mary both like old movies. Tom and Mary both like old movies. Hava bugün mükemmel. The weather is perfect today. The weather is perfect today. Tom'un kendini öldürdüğü doğru mu? Is it true that Tom killed himself? Is it true that Tom killed himself? Sadece ona benziyorsun. You look just like him. You just look like him. Tom ve Mary burada mutlu değildi. Tom and Mary weren't happy here. Tom and Mary weren't happy here. Daha dikkatli olman gerekiyor. You need to be more careful. You need to be more careful. Tom çok zengin olduğunu söyledi. Tom said that he was very rich. Tom said he was very rich. Onun adından önceki kelimenin altı çizilmelidir. The word before his name should be underlined. The word before his name must be highlighted. Keşke Tom'a karşı her zaman bu kadar kaba olmasan. I wish you weren't always so rude to Tom. I wish you weren't always so rude to Tom. Tom'un gülümsemesini seviyorum. I love Tom's smile. I like Tom's smile. Gerçekten korkmuş görünüyorsun. You look really scared. You look really scared. Henüz cevabı bilmiyoruz. We don't know the answer yet. We don't know the answer yet. Başyapıtlar yalnızca başarılı denemelerdir. Masterpieces are only successful attempts. The masterpieces are only successful attempts. Gitme zamanımız geldi. It's time for us to go. It's time for us to go. Tom ve Mary her ikisi de evdeydi. Tom and Mary were both at home. Tom and Mary were both at home. Benim için olanaksız. It's impossible for me. It's impossible for me. Tom'un onu yapmak için nedenleri var. Tom has his reasons for doing that. Tom has reason to do that. Ben Tom'a hayrandım. I used to admire Tom. I admired Tom. Tom çok daha uzun yaşamayacak. Tom won't live much longer. Tom won't live much longer. Tom ceketini nereye asacağını merak ediyordu. Tom wondered where to hang up his coat. Tom wondered where to hang his coat. Tom'un arkadaşlarıyla birlikte olduğuna dair bir ihtimal var ama olduğunu sanmıyorum. There's a possibility that Tom is with his friends, but I don't think he is. There's a possibility that Tom is with his friends, but I don't think he is. Tom gibi klostrofobik değilim. I'm not as claustrophobic as Tom. I'm not claustrophobic like Tom. Tom, Mary'nin ehliyetinin olduğunu düşünüyor. Tom thinks Mary has a driver's license. Tom thinks Mary has a driver's license. Sigara içilmeyen bölümde bir yer istedim. I asked for a seat in the non-smoking section. I wanted a place in the non-smoking section. Çocuk en büyük miktarda meyveye sahip. The boy has the greatest amount of fruit. The boy has the largest amount of fruit. Onu tekrar yapmamı isteme. Don't ask me to do that again. Don't ask me to do that again. Sanırım onlardan birini satın alacağım. I think I'm going to buy one of those. I think I'll buy one of those. Sadece istediğini al ve buradan git. Just take what you want and get out of here. Just take what you want and get out of here. Sen bir vejetaryen misin? Are you a vegetarian? Are you a vegetarian? Birisi bir cüzdan kaybetti. Someone lost a wallet. Someone lost a wallet. O, çok değerlidir. It is of great value. It's very valuable. Tom, Mary ile evlenmenin o güne kadar yaptığı en iyi şey olduğuna inanıyor. Tom believes that getting married to Mary was the best thing he's ever done. Tom believes that marrying Mary is the best thing he's ever done. Tom'un yaptığımızı söylediği şeyi yapmadık. We didn't do what Tom said we did. We didn't do what Tom said we did. Tom'un hâlâ sarhoş olduğunu düşünüyor musun? Do you think Tom is still drunk? Do you think Tom is still drunk? Listeye birkaç isim daha ekleyin. Add a few more names to the list. Add a few more names to the list. Ben diyet yapıyorum. I'm dieting. I'm on a diet. Evde bir televizyon var mı? Is there a television in the house? Is there a TV in the house? Nasıl zaman geçirebiliriz? How can we kill time? How can we pass the time? Hangisini seversin, yeşil çay mı yoksa siyah çay mı? Which do you like, green tea or black tea? Which do you like, green tea or black tea? Ortalama öğrencilersiniz. You're average students. You're average students. Bu, insanı hayrete düşürüyor. That boggles the mind. It's amazing. Onunla kalmak istiyorum. I want to stay with him. I want to stay with him. Ona ne olduğunu düşünüyorsun? What do you think happened to it? What do you think happened to him? İstiridye mi yemek istersin yoksa midye mi tercih edersin? Would you like to have oysters, or do you prefer mussels? Would you rather have oysters or clams? Yaratıcı olmamız gerekiyor. We need to be creative. We need to be creative. Tom Mary'ye bunu yapabilip yapamayacağını sordu. Tom asked Mary if she could do that. Tom asked Mary if she could do that. Neden bunca iğnedenlik domates biçiminde yapılıyor? Why are so many pincushions made to like a tomato? Why are all these needles made in tomato shape? Tom korktu ve gitmeye çalıştı. Tom was frightened and tried to leave. Tom got scared and tried to leave. Tom bana neden okula gitmediğini söylemedi. Tom wouldn't tell me why he had dropped out of school. Tom didn't tell me why he didn't go to school. Tom bazen aptalca şeyler yapar. Tom sometimes does foolish things. Tom sometimes does stupid things. Hiçbir karar verilmedi. No decision has been made. No decision has been made. Bizim planımıza çoğunluk tarafından karşı çıkıldı. Our plan was objected to by the majority. Our plan was opposed by the majority. Tom 2013'te Boston'da doğdu. Tom was born in Boston in 2013. Tom was born in Boston in 2013. Tom ne olacağını zaten Mary'ye söyledi. Tom has already told Mary what's going to happen. Tom has already told Mary what's going to happen. Zamanlama çok önemli olacak. The timing will be crucial. Timing will be very important. Tom alaycı, değil mi? Tom is cynical, isn't he? Tom is sarcastic, isn't he? Yardımını istemediğimi sana söyledim. I told you I don't want your help. I told you I didn't want your help. Daha iyi bir gelecek için umudumuz var. We have hope for a better future. We have hope for a better future. Sonuçların ne olacağını bilmiyorum. I don't know what the consequences will be. I don't know what the consequences will be. Annesi İngilizce öğrenmek için Birleşik Devletler'e gitti. Her mother went to the United States to learn English. His mother went to the United States to learn English. O tanıdık geliyor. That sounds familiar. That sounds familiar. Tom gözle görülebilir şekilde sinirliydi. Tom was visibly nervous. Tom was visiblely nervous. Peynir sütten yapılır. Cheese is made from milk. Cheese is made out of milk. Evde bir şey oldu mu? Did something happen at home? Did anything happen at home? Bu, Tom'un söylediği değildi fakat onun söyleme tarzı beni kızdırdı. It wasn't what Tom said, but the way he said it that made me mad. That wasn't what Tom said, but the way he said it made me angry. Tom gergin şekilde etrafına bakındı. Tom nervously looked around. Tom looked around nervously. Onlar yalan söyledi. They lied. They lied. Bu tür sorunla başa çıkmak için eğitildim. I've been trained to handle this kind of problem. I've been trained to deal with this kind of problem. Kitap geldi. The book came. The book's here. Onlar şanslıydı. They were lucky. They were lucky. Bu film izlenmeye değer. This movie is worth seeing. This movie is worth watching. Tom'un postanenin nerede olduğunu bildiğini sanmıyorum. I don't think Tom knows where the post office is. I don't think Tom knows where the post office is. Tom çok olumlu görünüyordu. Tom sounded very positive. Tom seemed very positive. Eğer istersen sana Tom'a ne olduğundan bahsedeceğim. If you like, I'll tell you about what happened to Tom. I'll tell you what happened to Tom if you want. Elmasları nereye sakladığını ona asla söylemedi. He never told her where he hid the diamonds. He never told her where he hid the diamonds. Tom'un benden ne kadar nefret ettiğini fark etmedim. I didn't realize how much Tom hated me. I didn't realize how much Tom hated me. Ben de sizinle tanıştığıma memnun oldum. It's nice to meet you too. Nice to meet you, too. Ödünç aldığım bıçağı iade ettim. I returned the knife that I borrowed. I returned the knife I borrowed. Tom'la konuşmaya ihtiyacı olan tek kişi benim. I'm the one who needs to talk to Tom. I'm the only one who needs to talk to Tom. Herkes eve geri gönderildi. Everybody got sent back home. Everyone's been sent back home. Mezun olmak için sabırsızlanıyorum. I can't wait to graduate. I can't wait to graduate. İstasyona giderken ben seni geçtim. I can beat you to the station. I passed you on the way to the station. Tom bunu yeterince hızlı yapmadı. Tom didn't do that fast enough. Tom didn't do that fast enough. Hâlâ aynı yerde mi çalışıyorsun? Are you still working at the same place? Do you still work at the same place? Ben Almanca öğrenmeye başlıyorum. I'm starting to learn German. I'm starting to learn German. Tom'a söylemek lazım. Tom must be told. Tom needs to be told. Size başka bir dil karşılığında Çince öğretmek istiyorum. I'd like to teach you Chinese in exchange for your teaching me another language. I want to teach you Chinese in exchange for another language. Bu gece don olmayabilir. It might not freeze tonight. There may not be any panties tonight. Öyle ya da böyle, Tom'un gitmeye niyeti var. Tom intends to go, rain or shine. One way or another, Tom intends to leave. Beni bu numaradan ara. Call me at this number. Call me at this number. Tom erken kalkmaz. Tom doesn't get up early. Tom doesn't get up early. Ben cadde boyunca yürüdüm. I walked across the street. I walked along the street. Tom anahtarını kaybetti. Tom has lost his key. Tom lost his key. Tom mesele ile ilgili bir yorum yapmaktan kaçındı. Tom avoided making any comment on the matter. Tom avoided commenting on the matter. Kaza kirli sis nedeniyle oldu. The accident was due to the smog. The accident was caused by the dirty fog. Bir fincan kahve almaya ne dersin? What do you say to taking a cup of coffee? How about a cup of coffee? Onlara güvendik. We trusted them. We trusted them. Önümüzdeki hafta eve gidiyorum. I'm going home next week. I'm going home next week. Tom ve Jim yıllardır birbirleriyle görüşmüyorlar. Tom and Jim have been on bad terms for many years. Tom and Jim haven't seen each other in years. Tom yavaşça kapı topuzunu döndürdü. Tom turned the doorknob slowly. Tom slowly turned the door knob. Yeni bir görev arıyor. He is seeking a new position. He's looking for a new assignment. Bu sene yine evinizde Sevgililer Günü partisi yapıyor musunuz? Are you having a Valentine's Day party at your house again this year? Are you having another Valentine's Day party at your house this year? Bana bir fincan kahve getir, lütfen. Bring me a cup of coffee, will you? Get me a cup of coffee, please. O, bütün bu konularda son kararı verdi. He made the final decision on all such matters. He made the final decision on all these matters. Bazı insanlar her şeyi bildiklerini iddia ederler. Some people claim to know everything. Some people claim to know everything. Gözlerimi beni sevdiğinden daha çok seviyor musun? Do you love my eyes more than you love me? Do you love my eyes more than you love me? Erkek çocuk annesine bir soru sordu. The boy asked his mother a question. The boy asked his mother a question. Tom 2013 yılına kadar Boston'da yaşadı. Tom lived in Boston until 2013. Tom lived in Boston until 2013. Oraya asla gitmemeliydik. We never should have gone there. We should never have gone there. Bize yardım eden kişi Tom'du. Tom was the one who helped us. Tom was the one who helped us. Kapıyı açtırabilip açtıramayacağımıza bakalım. Let's see if we can get the gate opened. Let's see if we can get the door open. Tom'dan hoşlandığımı itiraf etmeliyim. I must admit I like Tom. I have to admit I like Tom. Bir diplomam var. I have a diploma. I have a degree. Bisikletimi nereye bıraktığımı hatırlayamıyorum. I can't remember where I left my bike. I can't remember where I left my bike. Tom bana bir bira teklif etti ama ben ona istemediğimi söyledim. Tom offered me a beer, but I told him I didn't want one. Tom offered me a beer, but I told him I didn't want it. Tom'un müzik kulağı yok. Tom doesn't have an ear for music. Tom has no ear for music. O ne derse desin, sakin ol. No matter what she says, remain calm. No matter what he says, calm down. Cuzco, dünyada en çok ilgi çeken yerlerden birisi. Cuzco is one of the most interesting places in the world. Cuzco is one of the most interesting places in the world. Bu gerçekten oldukça kolay, değil mi? It's really pretty easy, right? It's really quite easy, isn't it? Yeni bir bisiklete ihtiyacım var. I need a new bike. I need a new bike. Bence Tom biraz fazla sabırsız. I think Tom is a bit too impatient. I think Tom is a little too impatient. Pazar gününe kadar bitirmen zorunlu. It is imperative for you to finish by Sunday. You have to finish it by Sunday. Komitede misiniz? Are you on the committee? Are you on the committee? Birçok yabani ot var. There are a lot of weeds. There's a lot of weeds. Tom hâlâ hapishanede. Tom is still in the prison. Tom is still in prison. Beni senin arkadaşın olarak düşün. Consider me your friend. Think of me as your friend. Tom işi vaktinde bitirebilmek için yardırıyor. Tom is going to great lengths to finish the work on time. Tom is working hard to get the job done on time. O Yunanca öğrenmeye çalıştı ama kısa sürede usandı ve vazgeçti. He tried to learn Greek, but soon got tired and gave it up. He tried to learn Greek, but soon got tired and gave up. Gerçekten onun mantıklı olduğunu düşünüyor musun? Do you really think that's wise? Do you really think that makes sense? Çok sıcak olduğu için bayan beş gün evde kaldı. The lady stayed at home for five days because it was too hot. She stayed home for five days because it was too hot. Onlar bir cenazeye gittiklerinde, Mary komşularının çocuklarını düşündü. Mary minded her neighbours' children while they went to a funeral. When they went to a funeral, Mary considered the children of her neighbors. Ne yapmam gerektiğini tam olarak biliyordum. I knew exactly what I had to do. I knew exactly what I had to do. Buna ne diyeceksiniz? What would you say to that? What do you say to that? Bizi sevmene memnun oldum. I'm glad you like us. I'm glad you like us. Aynı şeyi tekrar tekrar söylüyorum. I say the same thing over and over. I'm saying the same thing over and over again. Bugün Tom'un sizin evinizde olduğunu biliyorum. I know that Tom was at your house today. I know Tom was at your house today. Hazırlamanı istiyorum. I want you to be prepared. I want you to prepare it. Biz saat sekizde Heathrow Havaalanına varmayı umuyoruz. We expect to arrive at Heathrow Airport at eight. We hope to arrive at Heathrow Airport at eight. Bunu yapabilecek tek kişi ben değilim. I'm not the only one who can do this. I'm not the only one who can do this. Hiç kimse onun kazanmasını ummuyordu. No one expected him to win. No one expected him to win. Ne yazık ki ambulans çok geç geldi. Unfortunately, the ambulance arrived too late. Unfortunately, the ambulance arrived too late. Tom Boston'a geri dönmedi. Tom never went back to Boston. Tom didn't go back to Boston. Bunu zaten yaptım. I have done that already. I've already done that. Bir çocuğum var. I have one child. I have a child. Tom, Mary'nin burada olacağını söyledi. Tom said that Mary was going to be here. Tom said Mary would be here. Ben artık onun için çalışmıyorum. I don't work for her anymore. I don't work for him anymore. Tom toplantıda hazırdı. Tom was present at the meeting. Tom was ready for the meeting. Onun suçlu olmadığına inanan sadece biz değiliz. We are not the only ones who believe that he is not guilty. We're not the only ones who believe he's not guilty. Selam, ahbap! Hi, friend! Hey, buddy! Tom, Mary'nin bunu yapmak istediğini söyledi. Tom said that Mary wants to do that. Tom said Mary wanted to do that. Eğer bu konuda bize yardım edeceksen, bu şimdi olmalı. If you're ever going to help us with this, it has to be now. If you're gonna help us with this, it has to be now. Tom üst katta çok zaman geçirdi. Tom spent a lot of time upstairs. Tom spent a lot of time upstairs. Şehir insanları çok sabırsızlar. City people are so impatient. City people are so impatient. Tom oldukça zengin görünüyor. Tom seems to be pretty rich. Tom looks pretty rich. Biz piknikte çok eğlendik. We had lots of fun at the picnic. We had a lot of fun at the picnic. Para sana her şeyi alamaz. Money can't buy you everything. Money can't buy you everything. Tom Mary'yi asla tekrar görmek istemiyor. Tom doesn't ever want to see Mary again. Tom never wants to see Mary again. Tom ve Mary John'un onların öpüştüğünü yakaladığında mahcup görünüyordu. Tom and Mary looked embarrassed when John caught them kissing. Tom and Mary looked embarrassed when John caught them kissing. Bu sorun hepimizi etkiliyor. This problem affects us all. This problem affects all of us. Tom'un kimle evlendiğini biz bile bilmiyoruz. We don't even know who Tom got married to. We don't even know who Tom married. Ona güvenmiyorum. I don't trust her. I don't trust him. Kulüp üyeleri toplantı salonunda toplandı. The club members assembled in the meeting room. The members of the club gathered in the conference room. Vay canına! Bu harika! How about that! Wow, that's great! Tom bilmeli. Tom should know. Tom should know. Tom birazdan geri dönecek. Tom is going to be back any minute. Tom will be back soon. Tom ve Mary, Avustralya'da yaşıyorlar. Tom and Mary live in Australia. Tom and Mary live in Australia. Bu çiçekler kimin için? Who are these flowers for? Who are these flowers for? O, soğuk havada soludu. He breathed in the frosty air. He inhaled in cold weather. İyi bir fikirdi. It was a good idea. It was a good idea. Herkes iyiydi. Everyone was okay. Everyone was fine. Bir tane buldum. I found one. I found one. Sami şehadet getirdi. Sami has taken his shahada. Sami brought witness. Neden sigara içmenin iğrenç bir alışkanlık olduğunu düşünüyorsun? Why do you think smoking is a disgusting habit? Why do you think smoking is a disgusting habit? Tom bana karşı her zaman iyiydi. Tom was always great to me. Tom has always been good to me. Tom Mary'nin durum hakkında ne yapacağını bilmiyordu. Tom wondered what Mary would do about the situation. Tom didn't know what Mary would do about the situation. O kadar yorgunum ki ölebilirim. I'm so tired I could die. I'm so tired I could die. Şiddetli bir gök gürültüsü vardı. There was a sharp peal of thunder. There was a violent thunder. Bu elmalar gerçekten lezzetli. These apples are really delicious. These apples are really delicious. Kale nehrin karşısındadır. The castle is across the river. The castle is across the river. 1847 yılında onlar kendi bağımsızlıklarını ilân ettiler. In the year 1847, they declared their own independence. In 1847, they declared their independence. Tom gerçekten bunu yaptığımı düşünmüyor, değil mi? Tom doesn't really think I did that, does he? Tom doesn't really think I did that, does he? Tom ve Mary çok benzerler. Tom and Mary are very similar. Tom and Mary are very similar. Bak sen! How about that! Well, well, well. Satın almak istediğim çok şey vardı, ama yeterince param yoktu, bu yüzden sadece bunu aldım. I had a lot of things I wanted to buy, but I didn't have enough money, so I only bought this. I had a lot of things I wanted to buy, but I didn't have enough money, so I just bought this. Tom Harvard'a gitmek istemiyor. Tom doesn't want to go to Harvard. Tom doesn't want to go to Harvard. Bir çocuk için oldukça fazla zekaya sahip. He has a great deal of intelligence for a child. He's got a lot of brains for a kid. Hiçbir şey boşanmayı önlememeli. Nothing should prevent divorce. Nothing should prevent divorce. Tom'un beklemesi gerekmiyor. Tom doesn't have to wait. Tom doesn't need to wait. Onu bulmak zorundayım. I've got to find him. I have to find him. Herhangi bir yardım ister misin, Tom? Do you want any help, Tom? Do you need any help, Tom? Birlikte yaşamaktan hoşlanmayabiliriz ama birlikte ölmek bir şeyi çözmeyecek. We may not enjoy living together, but dying together isn't going to solve anything. We may not like living together, but dying together won't solve anything. Onun ne demek istediğini biliyor olmalısın. You must have known what she meant. You must know what he means. Yarın Amerika'ya gidiyorum. I'm going to America tomorrow. I'm going to America tomorrow. Kütüphanenin önünde Tom'un Mary ile konuştuğunu gördüm. I saw Tom talking with Mary in front of the library. I saw Tom talking to Mary in front of the library. Gölet sazan balığıyla doludur. The pond abounds with carp. The pond is full of carp. Bana onun o saçmalığa gerçekten inandığını söyleme. Don't tell me she actually believes that nonsense. Don't tell me he actually believes that crap. Tom Mary'den biraz tavsiye istedi. Tom asked Mary for some advice. Tom asked Mary for some advice. Sana bir tane borçluyum. I owe you one. I owe you one. Gerçekten bodrumda bir canavar olduğunu düşünüyor musun? Do you think there's really a monster in the basement? Do you really think there's a monster in the basement? Ne kadar ağırsın? How heavy are you? How heavy are you? Beni mutlu et! Cheer me up! Make me happy! Sana bu kitabı ödünç veremem. I can't lend this book to you. I can't lend you this book. Ona zar zor dayanabiliyorum. I can barely stand him. I can barely stand him. Tom, benim küçük erkek kardeşim. Tom is my younger brother. Tom is my younger brother. Tom'un ailesi Mary'yi sevdi. Tom's family loved Mary. Tom's parents loved Mary. Güneş ışığında kafam dönmeye başladı ve dinlenmek için çim üzerinde uzandım. In the sunlight my head started to spin, and I lay down to have a rest on the grass. My head started spinning in the sunlight and I lay on the grass to rest. Tom sinirlendirilmemeye çalıştı. Tom tried not to be irritated. Tom tried not to get angry. Sev veya sevme, bu ilacı almalısın. You must take this medicine, whether you like it or not. Like it or not, you should take this medicine. Tom Mary'nin hissettiği şekilde hissettiğini söyledi. Tom said he felt the same way Mary did. Tom said he felt the way Mary felt. Tom onun yaptığını Mary'ye neyin yaptırdığını merak ediyordu. Tom wondered what had made Mary do what she did. Tom wondered what made Mary do what he did. Yavrularını besleyen ve barındıran kuşların aksine balıklar yumurtalarını terk eder. Unlike birds, which feed and shelter their young, fish abandon their eggs. Unlike birds that feed and shelter their young, fish abandon their eggs. Daha fazlasına ihtiyacın olacak. You'll need more. You're gonna need more. Bu suyun tadı güzeldir. This water tastes good. This water tastes good. Tom'un dün gece yaptığı güveç iğrençti. The stew that Tom made last night tasted horrible. The stew Tom made last night was disgusting. Benden uzak dur, şeytan! Keep away from me, devil! Get away from me, demon! Tom'un en büyük kızı henüz evli değil. Tom's oldest daughter isn't married yet. Tom's oldest daughter isn't married yet. Tom birkaç dakika önce dışarı çıktı. Tom went out a few minutes ago. Tom went out a few minutes ago. Kayıp. It's lost. Missing. Tom Mary'nin sık sık geç kaldığını söyledi. Tom said that Mary was often late. Tom said Mary was often late. Sen sigara içmeye son vermelisin. You ought to stop smoking. You should stop smoking. Neredeyse herkes gecikti. Almost everyone was late. Almost everyone's late. Tom cansiperane güldü. Tom laughed wholeheartedly. Tom laughed deeply. Biraz endişeli görünüyorsun. You look a little worried. You seem a little worried. Borçlarını ödemelisin. You must pay off your debts. You have to pay your debts. Tom'u istediğim kadar sık görmüyoum. I don't see Tom as often as I'd like to. I don't see Tom as often as I want to. Çiftçi arpa ekti. The farmer planted barley. The farmer planted barley. Zemin katta oturuyorum. I live on the first floor. I live on the ground floor. Tom Mary'nin kazanmasına izin veriyor. Tom lets Mary win. Tom is letting Mary win. Tom Afrika'nın bir ülke olduğunu düşündü. Tom thought that Africa was a country. Tom thought Africa was a country. İngilizce konuşabileceksin. You will be able to speak English. You'll be able to speak English. Lastiğe hava bastım. I pumped up the tire. I'm in the mood for a tire. Gelip beni görecek misin? Will you come and see me? Will you come and see me? Ne yapman gerektiğini biliyorsun, değil mi? You know what you must do, right? You know what you have to do, don't you? Kaybolan kız adını söylerken hıçkırarak ağladı. The girl who'd got lost sobbed as she said her name. The girl who disappeared sobbed when she said her name. Tom hikayeyi yüksek sesle okudu. Tom read the story out loud. Tom read the story aloud. O, cümlenin kelime anlamını açıkladı. He explained the literal meaning of the sentence. He explained the word meaning of the sentence. Şimdiye kadar gittiğim en iyi konser. It's the best concert I've ever been to. Best concert I've ever been to. Onun hakkında tuhaf bir şey yok. There's nothing strange about it. There's nothing strange about him. Tom beklemede kaldı. Tom stood by. Tom stood by. Rachel Corrie, Gazze'de öldürülen Amerikalıydı. Rachel Corrie was an American who was killed in Gaza. Rachel Corrie was the American who was killed in Gaza. Her yaratık, Tanrı'nın bir sözüdür. Every creature is a word of God. Every creature is a word of God. Biz sadece çalışıyorduk. We were just studying. We were just working. O burada kısa bir süre boyunca kaldı. He stayed here for a short time. He stayed here for a short time. Kitabı ondan ödünç aldı. She borrowed the book from him. She borrowed the book from him. Ben aynı şeyi önermek üzereydim. I was about to suggest the same thing. I was about to suggest the same thing. Ben sadakatsiz olsam ne yaparsın? What would you do if I were untrue? What would you do if I were unfaithful? O bize tatil sırasında yazmamız için bir kompozisyon verdi. He gave us an essay to write during the vacation. He gave us an essay to write during the holidays. Sormana gerek yok. Onu zaten biliyorsun. There's no need to ask. You know it anyway. You don't have to ask, you already know that. Ödünç verebileceğim fazladan bir dolma kalemim var. I have an extra pen I could lend you. I have an extra pen I can borrow. Bu tür bir strese ihtiyacım yok. I don't need this kind of stress. I don't need that kind of stress. O her zaman kendisi ile çelişir. She contradicts herself all the time. He always contradicts himself. Tom bugün okula gelmedi. Tom is absent from school today. Tom didn't come to school today. Kiraz ağacının altında bir ceset var. There's a dead body under the cherry tree! There's a body under the cherry tree. O gün Leyla'nın başına geldiğine inandığım şey budur. This is what I believe happened to Layla that day. That's what I believe happened to Layla that day. Bu doğrulandı. This has been verified. That's confirmed. Tom'un bir kar kaykayı var mı? Does Tom have a snowboard? Does Tom have a snowboard? Kuşlar sürü halinde uçarlar. Birds fly in packs. Birds fly in packs. Tom CNN izliyordu. Tom was watching CNN. Tom was watching CNN. Sen bir geri zekalısın. You are a moron. You're an idiot. Konuşmaya hazır değildim. I wasn't ready to talk. I wasn't ready to talk. Tom fotoğraf çekmeyi sever. Tom loves taking pictures. Tom likes taking pictures. Sami vatanı Mısır'a taşınmaya karar verdi. Sami decided to move back home to Egypt. Sami decided to move his homeland to Egypt. Tom onu herkesin yaptığını söylüyor. Tom says everyone does that. Tom says everyone does that. Tom neredeyse kıpırdayamıyor. Tom can barely move. Tom can hardly move. Binanın içi ve dışı çürümüş. The building is rotten inside and out. The inside and the outside of the building are rotten. O oğlanın kim olduğunu bilmek istemiyor musun? Don't you want to know who that boy is? Don't you want to know who that boy is? Dan bunun bir kaza olduğunu iddia etti. Dan claimed that it was an accident. Dan claimed it was an accident. Burada onlar için bir paketim var. We have a package here for them. I have a package here for them. Uçağı görmek için çok bulutluydu. It was too cloudy to see the plane. It was too cloudy to see the plane. Tom'un burada olduğunu bilmiyordum. I didn't know Tom was here. I didn't know Tom was here. O kadar da yaşlı değilsin. You're not that old. You're not that old. Ne istersen yapabilirsin tabii ki de. You can do whatever you want to, of course. You can do whatever you want, of course. Bu açık bir çelişkiydi. This was a clear contradiction. It was a clear contradiction. Tom makineye bağlandı. Tom is hooked up to the machine. Tom is hooked up to the machine. Bugün ne öğrendin? What did you learn today? What did you learn today? Ülke 1962'de Hindistan'la diplomatik ilişkiler kurdu. The nation established diplomatic relations with India in 1962. The country established diplomatic relations with India in 1962. Bunun hakkında ne söylemek zorundasın? What do you have to say about it? What do you have to say about that? judynin hafızası karman çorman, gevelereyerek konuşuyor. Judy's memory is patchy, her speech is slurred. Judy's memory's a mess, she's babbling. Bana rapor edileni bildiriyorum. I am reporting what was reported to me. I'm reporting what's been reported to me. Tom'u gerçekten hiç çok fazla sevmedim. I never really liked Tom very much. I've never really liked Tom very much. O, ona gitmemesi için yalvardı. She pleaded with him to not leave. She begged him not to go. Barcelona, Katalonya'nın başkenti ve İspanya'da ikinci büyük kentidir. Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia, and is the second biggest city in Spain. Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia and the second largest city in Spain. Bu şehirden nefret ederim. I hate this city. I hate this town. İşkence edilirken onun çektiği acı akıl almazdı. The pain she suffered while being tortured was unimaginable. The pain he suffered while he was being tortured was unthinkable. Ben zaten Tom'a bir e-posta yazdım. I've already written Tom an email. I've already written an email to Tom. Tom, Mary'nin etkilendiğini söyledi. Tom said that Mary was impressed. Tom said Mary was impressed. Tom gelecek yıl nerede çalışacak? Where will Tom be working next year? Where will Tom work next year? Onu demek istemediğimi biliyorsun. You know I didn't mean that. You know I don't mean that. Tom böylesine aptalca bir soruyu sormaktan daha iyisini biliyordu. Tom knew better than to ask such a stupid question. Tom knew better than to ask such a stupid question. Onun benim hatam olduğunu itiraf etmeye hazırım. I'm ready to admit it was my fault. I'm willing to admit it's my fault. Bu buğulanmış patates! It is the steamed potato! It's steamed potatoes! Tom hâlâ burada olabilir. Tom could still be here. Tom may still be here. O tamamen sana kalmış. It's entirely up to you. That's entirely up to you. Evet, yapabilirsin. Yes, you can. Yes, you can. Filler iri bir hayvandır. An elephant is an enormous animal. Elephants are a big animal. Tom çok üzgün görünüyor. Tom seems to be very upset. Tom looks very upset. Babam soyguncu ile mücadele etti. My father struggled with the robber. My father fought the robber. Ben sadece patronumun yapmamı söylediği şeyi yaptım. I just did what my boss told me to do. I just did what my boss told me to do. Onun kaba davranışları var. He has rough manners. He has rude manners. Tom kadar uzun olmak istiyorum. I want to be as tall as Tom. I want to be as tall as Tom. Hatırlanmak güzel. It's nice to be remembered. It's good to be remembered. Korkuyla geri çekildim. I cringed. I retreated in fear. Benim el yazım okunaklı değil. My handwriting is illegible. My handwriting is illegible. Onlara bir not yazacağım. I'm going to write them a note. I'll write them a note. O benim kız kardeşim değil. She's not my sister. She's not my sister. Zili duydun mu? Did you hear the bell? Did you hear the bell? Konuşmadan önce düşünmeyi unutma. Don't forget to think before you speak. Don't forget to think before you speak. Geçen hafta gitmesinin dışında bir şey bilmiyorum. I know nothing except that she left last week. I don't know anything except he left last week. Tom eve gitmeli. Tom has to go home. Tom should go home. Tom beni istemiyor. Tom doesn't want me. Tom doesn't want me. En sık hangi dilde sohbet edersin? Which language do you most often have conversations in? What language do you often chat in? O biraz eğlenceliydi. It was a little fun. That was kind of fun. Tom çok şanslı değildi. Tom hasn't been so lucky. Tom wasn't very lucky. Bir adam cüzdanımı çaldı. A man stole my purse. A man stole my wallet. Yarın cumartesi mi? Will it be Saturday tomorrow? Tomorrow's Saturday? Bugün beni kimin aradığına inanmayacaksın. You won't believe who called me today. You won't believe who called me today. Bunlar bizim siparişlerimiz. Those are our orders. These are our orders. Sadece canımı sıkmayı bırak, tamam mı? Just stop bugging me, okay? Just stop bothering me, okay? Para kutusunda hiç para kalmadı. None of the money was left in the money box. There's no money left in the cash box. Sen o kadar da özel değilsin. You're not so special. You're not that special. O köprü çok güzeldir. That bridge is very beautiful. That bridge is beautiful. Tom yollar kapalı olduğu için kayak alanına gidemedi. Tom couldn't get to the ski area because the roads were closed. Tom couldn't go to the ski resort because the roads were closed. Tom Mary'nin aşkını ve sevgisini nasıl kabul edeceğini bilmiyordu. Tom didn't know how to accept Mary's love and affection. Tom didn't know how to accept Mary's love and love. Ev boş görünüyordu. The house seemed empty. The house seemed empty. Onun en önemli danışmanı Henry Kissinger'di. His most important adviser was Henry Kissinger. His most important advisor was Henry Kissinger. Biz zamanlamanın gerisindeyiz. We are behind schedule. We're behind schedule. Oradaki şu adam ya Tom ya da ona çok benzeyen biri. That guy over there is either Tom or someone who looks a lot like him. That guy over there is either Tom or someone who looks a lot like him. Stockholm'e gideceğim. I'm going to Stockholm. I'm going to Stockholm. O, cesedi parçaladı. He dismembered the body. He tore up the body. Bir hata var gibi görünüyor. There appears to have been a mistake. There seems to be a mistake. Ağzınızda bir diş fırçasıyla oradan oraya koşturmamalısın. You shouldn't run around with a toothbrush in your mouth. You shouldn't be running around with a toothbrush in your mouth. O, kulağa iyi geliyor, değil mi? That sounds good, right? That sounds good, doesn't it? Benim primlerim yükselecek mi? Will my premiums go up? Will my premiums go up? Sadece on üç kişi uydu. Only thirteen people complied. Only thirteen satellites. Bana aşık olabileceğini düşünüyor musun? Do you think you could fall in love with me? Do you think you could fall in love with me? Bodrumda bir aile odası var. There's a family room in the basement. There's a family room in the basement. Ben bir kültteyim. I am in a cult. I'm in a cult. Dondurulmuş yoğurda can atıyorum. I'm dying for frozen yogurt. I'm dying for frozen yogurt. Tom orduya katılmak için fazla genç. Tom is too young to join the army. Tom is too young to join the army. Niue'nın başkenti Alofidir. The capital of Niue is Alofi. The capital of Niue is Alofi. Sen ve Tom için çok mutluyum. I'm so happy for you and Tom. I'm very happy for you and Tom. Tom çoğu insanın onun olduğunu düşündüğünden daha zeki. Tom is smarter than most people think he is. Tom is smarter than most people think he is. Çok fazla trafik var mıydı? Was there a lot of traffic? Was there a lot of traffic? Onu son olarak ne zaman gördün? When did you last see him? When was the last time you saw him? Herkesi mutlu et. Make everyone happy. Make everyone happy. Şarap yemeği mükemmel şekilde tamamladı. The wine complemented the meal perfectly. The wine finished the meal perfectly. Bu sabah onların benim için yaptığını fark edinceye kadar iyiydim. Çok mağdur hissediyorum. I was fine this morning until I noticed what they did to me. I'm feeling so aggrieved. I was fine until I realized they were doing it for me this morning. Bungee jumping denemekle ilgileniyorum. I'm interested in trying bungee jumping. I'm interested in trying bungee jumping. Bunun her zaman kolay olmadığını biliyorum. I know it isn't always easy. I know this isn't always easy. Tom idam sırasındaki 3.000'den fazla mahkumdan biridir. Tom is one of the more than 3,000 inmates on death row. Tom is one of over 3,000 inmates during the execution. Bugün seni düşünüyor olacağım. I'll be thinking of you today. I'll be thinking about you today. Tom annesinin masayı kurmasına yardım etti. Tom helped his mother set the table. Tom helped his mother set the table. Çocuklar şu anda ebeveynleriyle konuşuyorlar. The children are talking to their parents at this moment. The kids are talking to their parents right now. Hadi, Fince o kadar zor değil. Come on, Finnish isn't that hard. Come on, Finnish isn't that hard. Birlikte yüzmeye gidelim. Let's go swimming together. Let's go swimming together. Bir dairede köpek beslemek doğrudur. It is right to keep a dog in a flat. It's right to keep a dog in an apartment. Benim yapacağım şey odayı temizlemektir. What I'll do is clean the room. What I'm going to do is clean the room. Sadece bir süre bekleyin. Just wait a moment. Just wait for a while. Bekle, daha fazlası var. Wait, there's more. Wait, there's more. Marika İsveççe konuşmayı Finceden daha mı fazla sevdi? Did Marika love to speak Swedish more than Finnish? Did Marika enjoy speaking Swedish more than Finnish? Tom'un Boston'da bir dairesi var. Tom owns an apartment in Boston. Tom has an apartment in Boston. Şimdiye kadar gerçek bir tehlikede olduğumuzdan kuşkuluyum. I doubt we were ever in any real danger. I doubt we've ever been in real danger. Tom tutuklanmadı. Tom wasn't arrested. Tom wasn't arrested. Onlar yeni olanın eski olandan daha iyi olduğuna kesin gözüyle bakıyorlar. They take it for granted that what is new is better than what is old. They seem certain that the new one is better than the old one. Boston'da yaşayan bir arkadaşım var. I have a friend who lives in Boston. I have a friend who lives in Boston. Suçlu değilsin. You aren't guilty. You're not guilty. Bu gece seninle restorana gidemem. I can't go to the restaurant with you tonight. I can't go to the restaurant with you tonight. Yağmur yağdığı için dışarı çıkamadım. I couldn't go out because it was raining. I couldn't get out because it was raining. Bir bastona ihtiyacım yok. I don't need a cane. I don't need a cane. Burada mı? Here? Here? Beyzbol oynarken bir düğme düştü. A button came off when I was playing baseball. A button fell off when I was playing baseball. Ne söylüyor olduğumu duyamıyorlardı. They couldn't hear what I was saying. They couldn't hear what I was saying. Sami'nin bazı kötü kararlar vermesi gerekiyordu. Sami needed to make some bad decisions. Sami needed to make some bad decisions. Onu ne kadar düşünürsem düşüneyim anlamıyorum. No matter how much I consider it I do not understand. No matter how much I think of him, I don't understand. Bu gerekli miydi? Was that necessary? Was that necessary? Burada olmak istemiyor musun? Don't you want to be here? Don't you want to be here? Tom şaka kaldıran biri. Tom is a good sport. Tom is a joker. Tom'la konuşmaya başladık ve ona hiçbir belirsizliğe yer bırakmaksızın nasıl davranacağını söyledik. We gave Tom a talking to, and told him, in no uncertain terms, how to behave. We started talking to Tom and told him how to behave without leaving any room for uncertainty. Tom'un bazı iyi fikirleri olabilir. Tom may have some good ideas. Tom might have some good ideas. Ben hasta olduğum için işe gidemedim. I couldn't go to work because I was sick. I couldn't go to work because I was sick. Onun öğle yemeği vaktine kadar geri dönmesi gerekiyor. She's supposed to be back by lunch time. He needs to be back by lunchtime. Koşmayacağım. I won't run. I'm not running. Ben şeker tüketirim. I consume sugar. I drink sugar. Henüz sorunu çözdün mü? Have you solved the problem yet? Have you solved the problem yet? O güzel bir hikayeydi. It was a nice story. That was a good story. Onu becerdin mi? You screwed her? Did you fuck her? Tom daha önce ayrılmış olmalıydı. Tom should've left earlier. Tom should've left earlier. Ona meşgul olmadığımı söyledim. I told him that I wasn't busy. I told him I wasn't busy. Bu konuda beni uyaran kişi sensin. You're the one who warned me about this. You're the one who warned me about this. O, ona kupa verdi. She presented him with the trophy. She gave him the trophy. Mesaj açıktı. The message was clear. The message was clear. Mutluluk telefonunuza indirebileceğiniz bir uygulama değildir. Happiness isn't an app that you can download onto your phone. Happiness is not an app you can download to your phone. 2.30'a kadar orada olacağım. I'll be there till 2:30. I'll be there by 2:30. Bir erkeğin elinde bir demet çiçek varsa, bu onun botanik çalışmayacağı, fakat anatomi çalışacağı anlamına gelir. If a guy has got a bunch of flowers in his hand, it means that he is going to practise not botany, but anatomy. If a man has a bunch of flowers, it means he won't study botany, but he'll study anatomy. Tom polise çalınanın ne olduğunu anlattı. Tom has already told the police what was stolen. Tom told the police what was stolen. Tom'un yeni evi oldukça güzel. Tom's new house is really nice. Tom's new house is pretty good. Fransızca konuşmak gerçekten o kadar zor mu? Is it really that hard to speak French? Is it really that hard to speak French? Tom bir kadın düşmanı. Tom is a woman hater. Tom is a misogynist. Polis, Tom'u karakola götürdü. The police picked Tom up. The police took Tom to the police station. Bu benim annemin bilgisayarı. This is my mother's computer. This is my mother's computer. Bunun bir kelimesine inanamazsın. You can't believe a word of it. You can't believe a word of this. Sokaklar su altında. The streets are flooded. The streets are flooded. Kaç kişi ona hatalı olduğunu söylerse söylesin, Tom hâlâ haklı olduğu konusunda israr ediyor. No matter how many people tell him he made a mistake, Tom still insists he's right. No matter how many people tell him he's wrong, Tom still insists he's right. Tom yeni bir fotoğraf makinesi aldı bu yüzden eski olanını sattı. Tom bought a new camera so he sold his old one. Tom bought a new camera so he sold the old one. Ben bunu neden yaptıklarını bilmiyorum. I don't know why they're doing this. I don't know why they're doing this. Tom yakınlaştı. Tom stepped closer. Tom got close. O fakir ama mutlu. He is poor, but happy. He's poor, but he's happy. O, Fadıl'ın ilk çağrısıydı. That was Fadil's first call. That was Fadil's first call. Onlar için kötü haberimiz var. We have bad news for them. We have bad news for them. Neden suya girmiyorsun? Why don't you get into the water? Why don't you go in the water? Sence bu gömleğe en çok hangi kravat yakışır? Which tie do you think goes best with this shirt? What tie do you think would look best on this shirt? Bana doğruyu söyle. Please tell me the truth. Tell me the truth. Kentte bu tür sebze otomatını görmezsin. You don't see this kind of vegetable vending machine in the city. You don't see this kind of vegetable vending machine in town. Tom'un başı dertte. Tom is in hot water. Tom is in trouble. Bu aptalca bir yasa. It's a stupid law. It's a stupid law. O onun, değil mi? It is hers, is it not? That's his, isn't it? Sizi gördüğümüze mutluyuz. We're happy to see you. We're happy to see you. Onu senin hayal gücüne bırakacağım. I'll leave it up to your imagination. I'll leave it to your imagination. Tom Mary'yi bir İtalyan restoranına götürdü. Tom took Mary to an Italian restaurant. Tom took Mary to an Italian restaurant. Tom gerçekten Mary'yi öldürdü mü? Did Tom really kill Mary? Did Tom really kill Mary? Tom'un Mary'yi tanıyıp tanımadığını merak ediyorum. I wonder if Tom knows Mary. I wonder if Tom knows Mary. Tom bir şey hatırlamayacak. Tom won't remember a thing. Tom won't remember anything. Tom yalan söylemekten rahatsız olmazdı. Tom wouldn't bother to lie. Tom wouldn't mind lying. Mary, İskandinava benziyor. Mary looks Scandinavian. Mary looks like Scandinavian. Tom saatlerce dışarıda olacak. Tom will be out for hours. Tom will be out for hours. Hayırdır inşallah? What on Earth is this? What's going on? Onun hikayesi gerçek olamaz. O sık sık yalan söyler. Her story can't be true. She often tells lies. His story can't be true. He often lies. Benimle gırgır geçme. Please don't make fun of me. Don't fuck with me. Bu, benim annemin. That's my mother's. This is my mother's. Tom ve Mary'nin evi çok dağınık. Tom and Mary's house is very untidy. Tom and Mary's house is very messy. Konuştuğun adam kimdi? Who was the man you were talking to? Who was that guy you were talking to? Mary kendini tuvalete kilitledi ve ağladı. Mary locked herself in the bathroom and cried. Mary locked herself in the bathroom and cried. Tom Mary'yi sünger gibi içmekle suçladı. Tom accused Mary of drinking like a fish. Tom accused Mary of drinking like a sponge. Tom üç yaşına kadar ona kadar sayamazdı. Tom couldn't count to ten until he was three years old. Tom couldn't count to ten until he was three. Tom'un listesindeyim. I'm on Tom's list. I'm on Tom's list. Şirketinizi seviyorum. I enjoy your company. I love your company. Bu ülkenin çok yüksek bir suç oranı var. This country has a very high crime rate. This country has a very high crime rate. Sen harika birsanatçısın. You're a great performer. You're a great artist. Buradan uzak dur. Stay out of here. Stay away from here. Onlar bizi dinlemiyor. They don't listen to us. They're not listening to us. Depo boş. The tank is empty. The tank's empty. Doğumgününü kutlamak için ne yaparsın? What do you do to celebrate your birthday? What do you do to celebrate your birthday? Tom bana bu elmayı verdi. Tom gave me this apple. Tom gave me this apple. Tam havasına girerken, bir trafik kazasının içindeydim ve iki ay hastanede kalmak zorunda kaldım. Just when I was getting the hang of things, I was in a traffic accident and had to stay two months in the hospital. Just as I was in the mood, I was in a car accident and had to stay in the hospital for two months. Tom, Mary'nin yüzebileceğini düşündüğünü söyledi. Tom said he thinks that Mary can swim. Tom said he thought Mary could swim. Bugün yatakta kalsan daha iyi olurdu. It would be better for you to stay in bed today. You'd better stay in bed today. Tom kesinlikle kazanmayacak. Tom is definitely not going to win. Tom is definitely not going to win. Onların gidişini gördün mü? Did you see them leave? Did you see them leave? Yaptığım için çok üzgünüm. I'm very sorry for what I've done. I'm so sorry for what I did. Bu şeyi içemem. I can't drink this stuff. I can't drink this stuff. Neden Tom'un aptal olduğunu düşünüyorsun? Why do you think that Tom is stupid? Why do you think Tom is stupid? Benim çok iyi bir sözlüğüm yok. I haven't a very good dictionary. I don't have a very good dictionary. Onların Fransızca konuştuğunu duydum. I heard them speaking French. I heard them speak French. Olası bir çözümüm var. I have a possible solution. I have a possible solution. Ben çaresizim. I'm desperate. I'm desperate. Amcam geçen yıl öğretmenlikten emekli oldu, fakat üniversitede bir görevi hâlâ sürdürebiliyordu. My uncle retired from teaching last year, but he still managed to hang onto a position at the university. My uncle retired from teaching last year, but he was still able to carry out a post at the university. Üzgünüm, başka taahhütlerim var. Sorry, I have other commitments. I'm sorry, I have other commitments. Arkadaşlarını kendi istekleriyle seçmek istiyorlar. They want to choose their mates by their own will. They want to choose their friends on their own. O, pantolonunu ütüledi. He pressed his trousers. He ironed his pants. Tom koltuğuna geri gitti ve oturdu. Tom walked back to his seat and sat down. Tom went back to his seat and sat down. Sadece her şeyin iyi olacağını zannettim. I just assumed everything was going to be OK. I just thought everything was gonna be okay. Bu bir ifade olur. That would be an understatement. That would be a statement. Onun burada ne kadar güzel olduğunu unuttum. I forgot how beautiful it was here. I forgot how beautiful she is here. Sidney, Avustralya'daki kız kardeşimi arıyorum. I'm calling my sister in Sidney, Australia. I'm looking for my sister in Sydney, Australia. Ben Meksika'da yaşayıp çalışıyorum. I live and work in Mexico. I live and work in Mexico. Noel hediyesi almadım. I haven't bought any Christmas presents. I didn't get a Christmas present. Tom beni terk etti. Tom abandoned me. Tom left me. Tom mutlu hissettiğini söyledi. Tom said he felt happy. Tom said he felt happy. Bunu şimdiye kadar kaç defa yaptın? How many times have you done this so far? How many times have you done this? Önemli şey kazanmak değil ama diğer kayıplar. The important thing is not to win, but that the other loses. It's not about winning, but about other losses. Onu dahil etmeli miyim? Should I include him? Should I include him? Gideceğim ve Tom'un iyi olup olmadığını göreceğim. I'll go and see if Tom is OK. I'll go and see if Tom is OK. Bana o konudan biraz daha bahset. Tell me more about it. Tell me more about that. O sözcüğün anlamı nedir? What is the meaning of that word? What's the meaning of that word? Bana yardım edecek misin yoksa etmeyecek misin? Are you going to help me or not? Are you going to help me or not? Düşen kayalar yolu kapattı. Fallen rocks blocked the way. The falling rocks blocked the road. Tom sadece Mary'nin İngilizce ev ödevinde ona yardım etmesini istiyor. Tom just wants Mary to help him with his English homework. Tom just wants Mary to help him with his English homework. Ben yaklaşık bir hafta boyunca uzaktan pazarlamacıydım. I was a telemarketer for about a week. I was a telemarketer from a distance for about a week. Bizim evimiz, bizim kurallarımız. Our house, our rules. Our house, our rules. Onu yapman için sana hiç izin vermeyeceğim. I won't ever permit you to do that. I'll never let you do that. Tom ve ben bunu kendi başımıza yapmadık. Tom and I didn't do that by ourselves. Tom and I didn't do that by ourselves. En azından onun iyiliğini taktir edebilirdin. You might at least have appreciated his kindness. You could at least appreciate her well-being. Tom neden Boston'a gitmedi? Why did Tom not go to Boston? Why didn't Tom go to Boston? Biz bir günde binden fazla tavuk pişirmeyi başardık. We managed to cook more than a thousand chickens in one day. We've managed to cook over a thousand chickens in one day. Bana kızgın olmalı. He must be mad at me. He must be mad at me. O, hasta olduğundan dolayı bize katılamadı. He could not join us because he was ill. He couldn't join us because he was sick. Oldukça tuhaf bir durumdu. It was a pretty weird situation. It was pretty weird. O, öğretmenlik kadrosundadır. She is on the teaching staff. He's on the teaching staff. Tom gürültünün kendisini rahatsız etmediğini söyledi. Tom says the noise doesn't bother him. Tom said the noise didn't bother him. Üç köpeğim ve üç kedim var. I have three dogs and three cats. I have three dogs and three cats. Başka türlüsünü istemezdim. I wouldn't want it any other way. I wouldn't have it any other way. Tom'un sonunda Mary'nin ondan hoşlanmadığını fark edeceğini düşünüyordum. I thought Tom would eventually realize Mary didn't like him. I thought Tom would eventually realize that Mary didn't like him. Tom, Fransızca öğrenmeyi sevdiğini söyledi. Tom said that he likes studying French. Tom said he liked to learn French. Söyleyecek bir şeyin var mı? Do you have something to say? Do you have anything to say? Nasıl yapıyorum? How am I doing? How do I do it? Tom ve Mary John'a inanır. Tom and Mary believe John. Tom and Mary believe John. Tom polisten kaçmaya çalıştı. Tom tried to escape from the police. Tom tried to escape the police. Tom ve Mary asla birlikte seyahat etmeyi denememeliydi. Tom and Mary never should've tried traveling together. Tom and Mary should never have tried to travel together. Büyük bir deprem değildi. It wasn't much of an earthquake. It wasn't a big earthquake. Acil durumun nedir? What's your emergency? What's your emergency? Boston'a hangi yoldan gideceğime karar veremiyorum. I can't decide which route to take to Boston. I can't decide which way to go to Boston. Neredeyse tüm kapılar kapalıydı. Almost all the doors were closed. Almost all the doors were closed. Nefes almak zordu. Breathing was difficult. It was hard to breathe. Birine söylemeden önce Tom'u bulun. Find Tom before he tells someone. Find Tom before you tell anyone. Olimpiyatların kapanış töreni harikaydı. The closing ceremony of the Olympics was wonderful. The closing ceremony of the Olympics was great. Ofisime döneceğim. I'm going to head back to my office. I'll go back to my office. Hanımefendi buradaki bu arabanın kime ait olduğunu biliyor mu? Does the lady know who this car here belongs to? Does the lady know who this car here belongs to? Bana resmi göster. Show me the picture. Show me the picture. Tom'a ve Mary'ye söyleme. Don't tell Tom and Mary. Don't tell Tom and Mary. Sen harika bir anne olurdun. You'd be a great mother. You'd make a great mom. Tom bir mesaj bıraktı mı? Did Tom leave a message? Did Tom leave a message? İçeride kalamayacak kadar çok güzel bir gündü. It was too nice a day to stay inside. It was too good a day to stay inside. Tom, ona yardım edeceğini umduğunu söyledi. Tom said he hopes you'll help him. Tom said he hoped you'd help him. Çok tarihi bir bina. It's a very historic building. It's a very historic building. Erkek kardeşi kadar uzun değildir. He is not as tall as his brother. He's not as tall as his brother. Acı ve baharatlı olmayan bir şey yemek istiyorum. I want to eat something that's not hot and spicy. I want to eat something that's not spicy and bitter. Tom Boston'da bulundu, değil mi? Tom has been to Boston, hasn't he? Tom has been to Boston, hasn't he? Neredeyse hiç kiliseye gitmem. I hardly ever go to church. I hardly ever go to church. O gelinceye kadar gidemem. Until he comes, I can't go. I can't leave until he gets here. O, bir çikolata satın almak için dursaydı, Tom treni kaçırmış olacaktı. Tom would have missed the train if he had stopped to buy a chocolate bar. Tom would've missed the train if he'd stopped to buy a chocolate. Yarın nereye gideceğimize henüz karar vermedik. We haven't yet decided where we'll go tomorrow. We haven't decided where we're going tomorrow. Tom artık kıskanmıyor. Tom is no longer jealous. Tom isn't jealous anymore. Sıcaklığını ölçmek istiyoruz. We want to measure your temperature. We'd like to measure your temperature. Oraya yalnız gitmek istemiyorum. I don't want to go there alone. I don't want to go there alone. Bu evi kiralayacak birini bulmak kolay olacak. It'll be easy to find someone to rent this house. It'll be easy to find someone to rent this house. Tom, arabaya binmemizi söyledi. Tom told us to get in the car. Tom told us to get in the car. Canım bir pizza istiyor. I feel like a pizza. I feel like a pizza. Onu yapamayan tek kişi ben değilim. I'm not the only one who couldn't do that. I'm not the only one who can't do that. Onu yapmanızı tavsiye etmem. I don't recommend doing that. I wouldn't advise you to do that. Destekleri için herkese teşekkür etmek istiyorum. I'd like to thank everyone for their support. I want to thank everyone for their support. Uzun sürmeyecek. It won't last long. It won't take long. Tom açıkça mutluydu. Tom was obviously happy. Tom was clearly happy. O, yeni bir dünya rekoru kırdı. She set a new world record. He set a new world record. Neden başarılı olmadığınızı görmek zor değildir. It's not hard to see why you aren't a success. It's not hard to see why you're not successful. Bu kitap benim, ben onun içine adımı kendim yazdım. This book is mine; I wrote my name in it myself. This book is mine, I wrote my name in it. Çok mutsuz hissediyorum. I feel very unhappy. I feel so unhappy. O konuda ne biliyorsun? What the hell do you know about that? What do you know about that? Bu film izlemeye değer. This film is worth seeing. This movie is worth watching. Tom bunu yapan kişi. Tom is the one that did that. Tom is the one who did that. Yanıt öngörülebilirdi. The response was predictable. The answer was predictable. O, Fransızca bilmeyen bir yabancıdır. He is a foreigner who does not speak French. He is a foreigner who doesn't speak French. Erkekler tuvaleti nerede? Where's the men's room? Where's the men's room? Boston'da akrabaların var mı? Do you have relatives in Boston? Do you have relatives in Boston? O, evden istasyona çok fazla yük taşımak zorunda kaldı. He had to carry many loads from the house to station. He had to carry a lot of baggage from house to station. O benim doğduğum evdir. That is the house where I was born. That's the house I was born in. Bir cümlenin bir dilde birden fazla anlamı olabilir. One sentence may have multiple meanings in one language. A sentence can have more than one meaning in one language. Tom sıradışı bir kariyere sahipti. Tom has had an unusual career. Tom had an extraordinary career. Her damla önemli. Every drop is important. Every drop counts. Burada kalacağım ve TV izleyeceğim. I'm going to stay here and watch TV. I'm gonna stay here and watch TV. Biz onun ölmesine izin vermezdik. We would not let him die. We wouldn't let him die. Kurallara uyacaksın. You will follow the rules. You'll follow the rules. En sevdiğiniz müzik sanatçısı kimdir? Who's your favorite music artist? Who's your favorite music artist? Onu benim düşünce tarzıma ikna edebildim. I managed to bring him around to my way of thinking. I was able to convince him of my way of thinking. Tom cömert ve iyi huyludur. Tom is generous and good-natured. Tom is generous and benign. Sen hâlâ bir berbersin, değil mi? You're still a barber, aren't you? You're still a barber, aren't you? Tom şaşırmış görünmediğimi söyledi. Tom said I didn't sound surprised. Tom said I didn't seem surprised. Tom Mary'ye bunu yapabileceğini garanti etti. Tom assured Mary that he could do that. Tom assured Mary that he could do that. Geldiğin şekilde dönmeni öneriyorum. I suggest you go back the same way you came. I suggest you come back the way you came. O bir arabulucuydu. He was a mediator. He was a negotiator. Tom bana bir çocuk gibi davrandı. Tom treated me like a kid. Tom treated me like a child. Kız kardeşimin bir arabası yok. My sister doesn't have a car. My sister doesn't have a car. Burada benimle güvende olacaksın. You'll be safe here with me. You'll be safe here with me. Onu nasıl kurtarabiliriz? How can we save her? How can we save him? Tom bir adım daha yürüyemeyecek kadar çok yoruluncaya kadar yürümeyi sürdürdü. Tom kept walking until he was too tired to take even one more step. Tom kept walking until he was too tired to walk another step. Tom eve geldiğinde çok yorgun görünüyordu. Tom looked very tired when he got home. Tom looked very tired when he came home. Yardım edeceğimi söyledim. I said I would help. I said I'd help. Unutulanlar dışında yeni bir şey yok. There is nothing new except what has been forgotten. Nothing new but forgotten. Bir yere gitmeyi planlıyorsun gibi görünüyor. It looks like you're planning on going somewhere. Looks like you're planning on going somewhere. Hastalık izni alacağını düşündüm. I thought you were going to call in sick. I thought you were gonna take a sick day. Tom da bunu yapacak. Tom is also going to do that. Tom will do that, too. O sana herhangi bir zarar vermez. He won't do you any harm. He wouldn't do you any harm. Tom'un Mary'nin neden ondan hoşlanmadığını bildiğinden şüpheleniyorum. I suspect Tom knows why Mary doesn't like him. I suspect Tom knows why Mary doesn't like him. Tom bizimle Boston'a gelmek istemedi. Tom didn't want to come to Boston with us. Tom didn't want to come to Boston with us. Polisi görür görmez kaçtı. As soon as he saw the policeman, he ran away. He ran away as soon as he saw the police. Biri bu karakterin nasıl telaffuz edileceğini biliyor mu? Does anyone know how to pronounce this character? Does anyone know how to pronounce this character? Bu öğleden sonra meşgul olmayacaksın, değil mi? You won't be busy this afternoon, will you? You won't be busy this afternoon, will you? Ateşi kes! Cease fire! Cease fire! Patenle kaymayı daha çok severim. I like skating better. I like to skate better. Ağrıyan bir sırtım var. I have a sore back. I have a sore back. Eğer o gidiyorsa, ben de gidiyorum. If he's going, I'm going too. If he's going, I'm going. Saat yedidir. It is seven o'clock. Seven o'clock. Fransızca çalışmalıyım. I have to study French. I must study French. Neden onunla konuşmaya gitmiyorsun? Why not go talk to him? Why don't you go talk to him? Bir şey anlamıyorsan bize bildir. Let us know if you don't understand something. Let us know if you don't understand anything. Ben telafi etmek isterim. I'd like to make amends. I'd like to make it up to you. Tom korkabilir. Tom might be afraid. Tom might be afraid. Sami onu yaptı. Sami did that. Sami did that. Boston'a gitmem gerekiyor mu? Do I need to go to Boston? Do I need to go to Boston? Tom'un bunu çok iyi yapabileceğini sanmıyorum. I don't think Tom will be able to do that very well. I don't think Tom can do that very well. Tom zaten nereye gitmek istediğine karar verdi. Tom already decided where he wants to go. Tom has already decided where he wants to go. O, onu toplantıya katılması için ikna etmeye çalıştı. She tried to persuade him to attend the meeting. She tried to convince him to attend the meeting. Neden eve bu kadar geç geliyorsun? Why are you getting home so late? Why are you coming home so late? Bu yapmayı planladığım bir şey değildi. It wasn't something I'd planned to do. That wasn't something I was planning on doing. Tom Mary'nin ne yaptığını gördü mü? Did Tom see what Mary was doing? Did Tom see what Mary did? Tom burada çok mutlu olduğunu söylüyor. Tom says he's very happy here. Tom says he's very happy here. Tom'un buna yapmaya alışması gerekecek. Tom is going to need to get used to doing that. Tom is going to need to get used to doing that. Tom sorularımızı cevaplamaktan mutlu olacağını söyledi. Tom said he'd be happy to answer our questions. Tom said he'd be happy to answer our questions. O böyle olmamalı. It shouldn't be like this. He shouldn't be like this. Konuşma sırasında sessizlik hüküm sürdü. Silence reigned during the speech. Silence prevailed during the speech. Çocuklarım beni dinlemeyecek. My children won't listen to me. My children won't listen to me. Üç gündür burada çakıldım kaldım. I've been stuck here for three days. I've been stuck here for three days. Bu senin tek seçimin. It's your only choice. It's your only choice. Kullanıcı adımı unuttum. I forgot my username. I forgot my screen name. Keşke Tom gibi şarkı söyleyebilsem. I wish I could sing like Tom. I wish I could sing like Tom. Onun neden olduğunu gerçekten bilmiyorum. I really don't know why that happened. I really don't know why that happened. Sami çalıştığı yeri keşfetti. Sami found out where he worked. Sami discovered where he worked. Hatırlanacak birçok şifrem var. I have a lot of passwords to remember. I have a lot of passwords to remember. İş gezisi raporun nerede? Where is your business trip report? Where's your business report? O bir yıl ve beş aylık ama henüz yürüyemiyor. He's a year and five months old, but he can't walk yet. He's a year and five months old, but he can't walk yet. Baştan başlamak zorunda kaldım ve ben bundan hiç hoşlanmadım. I had to start from the beginning, and I didn't like that at all. I had to start over and I didn't like it. Bu çok endişe verici. This is deeply disquieting. This is very worrying. Bu benim öğle yemeğim. That's my lunch. This is my lunch. Tom köpeklerden korkardı. Tom used to be scared of dogs. Tom was afraid of dogs. Sınıfta gürültü yapmamalısınız. You must not make noises in the classroom. You shouldn't make noise in class. Tom sol bacağından vuruldu. Tom was shot in his left leg. Tom was shot in the left leg. Seni yargılamayacağım. I won't judge you. I won't judge you. Lise beyzbol takımları turnuvada birbirleriyle yarıştı. High school baseball teams competed with one another at the tournament. High school baseball teams competed in the tournament. Bu yalnız hasta dikiş dikmekten zevk alır. This lonely patient takes pleasure from sewing. This lonely patient enjoys sewing. Tom bunun gülünç bir fikir olduğunu düşünüyor. Tom thinks it's a ridiculous idea. Tom thinks it's a ridiculous idea. Onun canını sıkan şey gerçekten ne? What's really bothering him? What's really bothering him? Tom bir mühendis olmak istemedi. Tom didn't want to be an engineer. Tom didn't want to be an engineer. Hızlı hareket etmeliyiz. We must move quickly. We have to move fast. Çok tembelim. I'm very lazy. I'm so lazy. Tom, aslında hepimizin Tanrı'nın büründüğü suretlerden ibaret olduğumuzu anlamıyor. Tom doesn't understand we're all just God in disguise. Tom doesn't understand that we're all just images of God. Sami yeni bir hayata başlamayı planlıyordu. Sami was planning to start a new life. Sami was planning to start a new life. Tom Mary'nin gitmesini istedi. Tom wanted Mary to go away. Tom wanted Mary to leave. Bu çok dar. It's too narrow. It's too tight. Tom'u ne rahatsız ediyor? What's bothering Tom? What's bothering Tom? Saymada yanlış yapmamaya özen göstermelisin. You must be accurate in counting. You have to make sure you don't get the count wrong. Tom'un burada olduğundan hiç bahsetmedin. You never mentioned Tom was here. You never mentioned Tom was here. Tom onu benden daha hızlı yapar. Tom does it faster than me. Tom does that faster than I do. Hazırlansak iyi olur. We'd better get ready. We'd better get ready. Sami'nin kendi kredi kartı vardı. Sami had his own credit card. Sami had his own credit card. Tom bana bir sürü tavsiye verir. Tom gives me a lot of advice. Tom gives me a lot of advice. Saçınızı nasıl yaptırmak istersiniz? How would you like your hair done? How would you like your hair done? Tom benim yerime oraya gitti. Tom went there instead of me. Tom went there instead of me. Tom muhtemelen pencereyi kıran kişidir. Tom is probably the one who broke the window. Tom is probably the one who broke the window. Bu otobüs Matsuyama istasyonuna gider, değil mi? This bus goes to the Matsuyama station, right? This bus goes to Matsuyama station, right? O aktif bir kişidir. He is an active person. He's an active person. O, kollarını onun boynuna attı, o "Kay, sevgili küçük Kay, sonunda seni buldum." diye haykırırken hızla onu tuttu. She threw her arms round his neck, and held him fast, while she exclaimed, "Kay, dear little Kay, I have found you at last." He threw his arms around her neck, holding her fast as she cried out, "Kay, dear little Kay, I finally found you." Tom, Mary'nin kamyonu yüklemesine yardımcı oldu. Tom helped Mary load the truck. Tom helped Mary load the truck. Yüz kırk dördün karekökü on ikidir. The square root of one hundred forty-four is twelve. The square root of a hundred and forty four is twelve. Boston'dan hoşlanmıyor musun? Don't you like Boston? Don't you like Boston? Doktor "Ben bir hastayı tedavi ediyorum" dedi. "I am treating a patient," the doctor said. The doctor said, "I'm treating a patient." Tom şaşıracak, değil mi? Tom will be surprised, won't he? Tom is going to be surprised, isn't he? Tom'un tostunda tereyağ isteyeceğini düşündüm. I thought Tom would want butter on his toast. I thought Tom would want butter on his toast. Ben Aso Dağı'na tırmandım. I climbed Mt. Aso. I climbed Mount Aso. Tom'a söylemek zorundasın. Eğer söylemezsen, ben söylerim. You have to tell Tom. If you don't, I will. You have to tell Tom. If you don't, I will. İngiltere'de yüksek lisans dereceleri çok yaygın değildir. Master's degrees in Britain are not very common. In England, master's degrees are not very common. Tom okula nasıl geliyor? How does Tom come to school? How does Tom get to school? Obama'nın Fransa'nın büyük bir devlet başkanı olacağını düşünüyorum. I think Obama would be a great President of France. I think Obama will be a great president of France. Artık kimseye inanmıyorum. I don't believe anyone anymore. I don't believe anyone anymore. Amerika'ya uçakla gidiyorum. I am going to America by plane. I'm flying to America. Kıs kıs güldüğünü gördüm. I saw you snickering. I saw you snickering. Test için daha fazla çalışmalıydım. I should've studied harder for the test. I should have studied harder for the test. Buldum! I found it! I got it! Burası şelaleleriyle ünlüdür. This place is famous for its waterfalls. This place is famous for its waterfalls. Tom bana okuldan atıldığımı Mary'ye söylemememi söyledi. Tom told me not to tell Mary that I got kicked out of school. Tom told me not to tell Mary that I was expelled from school. Tom dün akşam yemeğinden sonra çok fazla kahve içtiği için uyuyamadı. Tom couldn't get to sleep because he had drunk too much coffee after supper. Tom couldn't sleep because he drank too much coffee after dinner last night. Eğer durabilsem hemen dururum. If I could I would immediately stop. If I could stop, I'd stop right now. İki kişilik bir doktor randevusu aldım. I made a doctor's appointment for two. I've got a doctor's appointment for two. Ben seni bir arkadaş olarak istediğimi sanmıyorum. I don't think I'd like you as a friend. I don't think I want you as a friend. Teori ve fikir arasında büyük fark vardır. There's a big difference between theory and idea. There's a big difference between theory and opinion. Tom'un söylediği her şeyi anlayabildim. I could understand everything that Tom said. I could understand everything Tom said. Lütfen sınıfa ne olacağını söyle. Please tell the class about what's going to happen. Please tell me what's going to happen to the class. Ben bütün gece çalışmaya alışkınım. I'm used to working all night. I'm used to working all night. Öldür onu. Kill it. Kill him. Tom koşmak istemiyor. Tom doesn't want to run. Tom doesn't want to run. Onları bir daha göremeyebiliriz. We may never see them again. We may never see them again. Tom ceplerini kontrol etti. Tom checked his pockets. Tom checked his pockets. O zekidir, üstelik kibardır da. He is bright, and what is more, he is polite. He's smart, and he's kind. Sen terbiyeli bir adamsın. You're a decent guy. You're a decent man. Tom Mary'nin ilgilenmediğini söylüyor. Tom says Mary wasn't interested. Tom says Mary isn't interested. Bütün hafta sonunu evde bilgisayarda geçirdim. I spent the whole weekend at home on the computer. I spent the whole weekend at home on the computer. Sanırım Tom uykuda. I think Tom is asleep. I think Tom is asleep. Onunla evlenemem. I can't marry her. I can't marry her. O süt hâlâ iyi mi? Is that milk still good? Is that milk still good? Tom'a sormayacak mısın? Aren't you going to ask Tom? Aren't you going to ask Tom? Sesi duydu. He heard the sound. He heard the sound. Ofise döneceğim. I'm going back to the office. I'll go back to the office. Tom Mary için bir doğum günü partisi planlıyor. Tom is planning a birthday party for Mary. Tom is planning a birthday party for Mary. Kes şunu! Onu rahatsız ediyorsun. Stop it! You're making her feel uncomfortable! Stop it, you're bothering him. Tom'un stratejisi zaferden sorumluydu. Tom's strategy was responsible for the victory. Tom's strategy was responsible for victory. Biraz kek yemek istedim. I wanted to eat some cake. I wanted to eat some cake. Biz piknikleri seviyoruz. We love picnics. We love picnics. Aptal gibi mi görünüyorum? Do I look like an idiot? Do I look stupid? Tom şemsiyesini yanında götürmedi. Tom didn't take his umbrella with him. Tom didn't take his umbrella with him. İtalyancam çok kötüdür. My Italian is terrible. My Italian is very bad. Artık hiç kimsenin onun için zamanı yok. No one has time for that anymore. No one has time for him anymore. O bekar. He is unmarried. She's single. Her hafta gerçekten kaç saat egzersiz yapıyorsunuz? How many hours do you actually exercise every week? How many hours do you really exercise every week? Arkadaşlar onun için çok mühimdir. Friends are very important to her. Friends are very important to him. Sana hakaret eden ben değildim. It wasn't me who insulted you. I wasn't the one who insulted you. Tom bugün uğrayacak. Tom will stop by today. Tom is going to stop by today. Pornoma dokunma. Don't touch my porn. Don't touch my porn. Tom taşınmak zorunda kalacak. Tom is going to have to move. Tom is going to have to move. Bu sadece Avustralya'da olur. This only happens in Australia. That only happens in Australia. Mary'nin nerede yaşadığını Tom'a söyleyen kişiyim. I'm the one who told Tom where Mary lived. I'm the one who told Tom where Mary lives. Ben onunla bitirdim. I'm done with that. I ended up with him. Onunla vedalaşayım. Let me say goodbye to her. I'll say goodbye to him. Bu evden dışarı sadece iki yol var. There are only two paths out from this house. There are only two ways out of this house. Bir avukat başka birinin paranı almasını önleyen bir kişidir. A lawyer is a person who prevents someone else from getting your money. A lawyer is a person who prevents someone else from taking your money. Yeni bilgisayarın iyi çalışıyor mu? Does your new computer run well? Is your new computer working well? Tom Mary'nin burada olduğunu düşündüğünü söyledi. Tom said he thought Mary was here. Tom said he thought Mary was here. O, doğuştan İngilizce konuşan biridir. He is a native English speaker. He is a born English speaker. Bu iki çizgi birbirini dik açıyla kesmektedir. These two lines cut across each other at right angles. These two lines intersect at the right angle. Hayatta kalmayacaksın. You won't survive. You won't survive. O koyu renkli bir kazak giymişti. He wore a dark sweater. She was wearing a dark sweater. Tom şimdiye kadar olduğumdan çok daha hızlı bir koşucu. Tom is much a much faster runner than I ever was. Tom is a much faster runner than I've ever been. Böyle bir şey doğru olamaz. Such thing can't be true. Something like this can't be right. Tom köşede bir masada kendi başına oturuyordu ve bir kitap okuyordu. Tom was sitting by himself at a table in the corner and was reading a book. Tom was sitting at a table in the corner by himself and reading a book. Tom işini seviyor. Tom loves his work. Tom likes his job. Seçkinlerin temsilcileri geçmişin kategorilerine göre düşünmeye devam ediyorlar. The representatives of the elite continue to think according to the categories of the past. Representatives of the elite continue to think according to the categories of the past. Tom'un iki kedisi var. Tom has two cats. Tom has two cats. Tom benim için çok iyiydi. Tom has been very good to me. Tom was very good to me. Tom ağırlıklı olarak manzaraları resmediyor. Tom mainly paints landscapes. Tom often paints the landscapes. Benim kekim kabarmadı. My cake didn't rise. My cake didn't swell. Tüm kurallar şirket politikası ile uyumlu olmalı. All of the rules must be in line with company policy. All rules must be in line with company policy. Hepinizi çok seviyorum. I love you all very much. I love you all so much. Sınıfa gitmek zorundayım. I have to get to class. I have to go to class. Kimse aradı mı? Has anybody called? Did anyone call? Tom tabancasıyla hedefe nişan aldı. Tom aimed his pistol at the target. Tom aimed his gun at the target. Açıklama için teşekkürler. Thanks for the clarification. Thanks for the explanation. Gözlerim yorgundu. My eyes were tired. My eyes were tired. Senin İngilizcen çok gelişti. Your English has improved a lot. Your English has improved a lot. Sami, Leyla'ya bir çözüm önerdi. Sami offered Layla a solution. Sami offered Layla a solution. Beni kızdıramazsın. You can't make me mad. You can't piss me off. Gerçekten çok meşguldüm. I was really very busy. I've been really busy. Tom Mary'ye büyükbabasının kim olduğunu söyledi mi? Has Tom told Mary who his grandfather is? Did Tom tell Mary who his grandfather was? Henüz sorular sorma. Sadece söylemek zorunda olduğum şeyi dinle. Don't ask questions yet. Just listen to what I have to say. Don't ask questions yet, just listen to what I have to say. Yarının programı nedir? What's the program for tomorrow? What's tomorrow's schedule? Aksi de doğru. The opposite is also true. Otherwise, it's true. Tom seni görmeyi ummuyordu. Tom wasn't expecting to see you. Tom didn't expect to see you. Tom, Mary'nin kim için oy vermeyi planladığını merak etti. Tom wondered who Mary was planning to vote for. Tom wondered who Mary was planning to vote for. Tom ve Mary John'un onları duyması için yeterince yüksek konuşuyorlardı. Tom and Mary were speaking loud enough for John to hear them. Tom and Mary were talking high enough for John to hear them. Oo! Ne büyük bir kutu! Wow! What a big box! What a big box! Benden gizlediğini biliyorum. I know you're holding out on me. I know you're hiding it from me. Dikkatsiz hatam için herkes beni suçluyor. Everybody blames me for my careless mistake. Everyone blames me for my careless mistake. Onu durdurmaya çalışıyorum. I'm trying to stop him. I'm trying to stop him. Tom'un gizli formülünü keşfettim. I've discovered Tom's secret formula. I discovered Tom's secret formula. Tom, bizimle Boston'a gitmeyebilir. Tom may not go to Boston with us. Tom may not go to Boston with us. Tom'un onu yaptığını sanmıyorum. I don't think Tom did that. I don't think Tom did that. Kasaba o zamandan beri çok değişti. The town has changed a great deal since then. The town has changed a lot since then. Gerçekten oynamak istemedim. I really didn't want to play. I really didn't want to play. Tom Mary'ye ev ödevinde yardımcı oldu. Tom helped Mary with her homework. Tom helped Mary with her homework. Bize yanlış yapıyor olduğumuz şeyi söyle. Tell us what we're doing wrong. Tell us what we're doing wrong. Tom'a çocukluğu hakkında bazı sorular sordum. I asked Tom some questions about his childhood. I asked Tom some questions about his childhood. Tom geldi ama uzun süre kalmadı. Tom did come, but he didn't stay long. Tom came, but he didn't stay long. Neden benim kendime ait bir odam yok? Why can't I have my own room? Why don't I have my own room? Sana dışarı çıkmamanı söyledim. I told you to stay indoors. I told you not to go out there. Sami, Leyla'nın annesine bir kart teslim etti. Sami delivered a card to Layla's mother. Sami delivered a card to Layla's mother. Hiç bir uçak kaçırdın mı? Have you ever missed a plane? Have you ever missed a plane? Tom'un terfisini duydun mu? Did you hear about Tom's promotion? Have you heard about Tom's promotion? Ofis kapısı açık olacak. The office door will be open. The office door will be open. O kahvaltı için ekmek yerdi. He used to have bread for breakfast. He ate bread for breakfast. Tom her zaman etrafta olmayacak. Tom won't always be around. Tom won't always be around. Tom'a bir şey almalıyım. I have to take something to Tom. I need to get Tom something. Tom sana yardım etmeyecek, biliyorsun. Tom won't help you, you know. Tom isn't going to help you, you know. Tom mutlu görünüyordu. Tom seemed happy. Tom seemed to be happy. Neden abur cubur yiyorsun? Why do you eat junk food? Why are you eating junk food? O varan ilk kişiydi. He was the first person to arrive. He was the first to arrive. Onların onu yapmasına yardım edemedim. I couldn't help them do that. I couldn't help them do that. Düşünmemiz için çok şey var. There are lots of things for us to think about. We have so much to think about. Tom, Mary'nin muhtemelen bunu yapmayacağını biliyordu. Tom knew Mary probably wouldn't do that. Tom knew Mary probably wouldn't do that. Tom'la şimdi konuşmam lâzım. I need to speak to Tom now. I need to talk to Tom now. Gidiyorlar. They're going. They're leaving. Tom'la konuşmadım. I didn't speak with Tom. I didn't talk to Tom. Hiç kimse bir şey bilmiyordu. No one knew a thing. Nobody knew anything. Keşke Tom'u görebilseydin. I wish you could've seen Tom. I wish you could've seen Tom. Rehine tutuluyorum. I'm being held hostage. I'm being held hostage. Neden çıplaksın? Why are you naked? Why are you naked? Salatalık, karpuzla ilişkilidir. A cucumber is related to a watermelon. The cucumber is related to the watermelon. Böyle şeyler yapmaktan hoşlanmam. I don't like doing things like this. I don't like to do things like that. Muazzam bir kahvaltı yaptım, bu yüzden şimdi gerçekten çok aç değilim. I had a huge breakfast, so I'm not really very hungry now. I had a tremendous breakfast, so I'm not really hungry now. Öğretmen burnunu her şeye sokar. The teacher pokes his nose into everything. The teacher sticks his nose in everything. Bu Tom'un şemsiyesi değil mi? Isn't this Tom's umbrella? Isn't that Tom's umbrella? Tom'un keyfi yerindeydi. Tom was in good spirits. Tom was in a good mood. Hatta bugün onun hakkında endişelenmeyelim. Let's not even worry about that today. Let's not even worry about him today. Uğrunda ölmek için iyi bir ilke. It's a good principle to die for. It's a good principle to die for. Bu sanat türünü kim satın alıyor? Who buys this type of art? Who buys this kind of art? Tom'un bir kız arkadaşı var mı? Does Tom have a girlfriend? Does Tom have a girlfriend? Tom'a bunu yapmasını söyle. Tell Tom to do that. Tell Tom to do that. Bu dehşet verici. This is appalling. That's terrifying. Üzgün hissediyorum. I feel blue. I feel sad. Tom'la sorunun tam olarak neydi? What exactly was your problem with Tom? What exactly was your problem with Tom? O, piyanoyu çalarken sessiz kalın. Keep silent while he is playing the piano. Keep quiet while he plays the piano. Sonuna kadar okuduğunuz için teşekkürler. Thank you for reading to the end. Thank you for reading it to the end. Benim törelerim nerede? Where are my manners? Where are my customs? Yaptığın şeyin kasıtlı olmadığını biliyorum. I know what you did wasn't intentional. I know what you did wasn't intentional. İşler daha iyiye gitmiyor. Things aren't getting any better. Things aren't getting any better. Kuzey Afrikalılar gururlu ve cesur insanlar. North Africans are proud and brave people. North Africans are proud and brave people. Ben seni aramıyordum. I wasn't looking for you. I wasn't looking for you. Tom'un dokuzdan önce yatmaya gitmesi olağandışı değil. It's not unusual for Tom to go to bed before 9:00. It's not unusual for Tom to go to bed before nine. Bob'ın zamanında gelip gelmeyeceğinden kuşkuluyum. I doubt if Bob will come on time. I doubt Bob will show up on time. Gerçekten bir şansım yoktu. I didn't really have a choice. I really didn't stand a chance. İnsanların kot giydiğini gördüm. I saw people wearing jeans. I've seen people wear jeans. Bu yeterince başarılı oldu. This has gone far enough. That's good enough. Sami kendisinin güvende olduğunu biliyordu. Sami knew he was safe. Sami knew he was safe. Bir an için sakin olun. Be quiet for a moment. Calm down for a moment. Hiç peynir kaldı mı? Is there any cheese left? Is there any cheese left? Onu neden denemiyorsun? Why not try it on? Why don't you try that? Hiçbir şeye söz veremem fakat elimden geleni yapacağım. I can't promise anything, but I'll do my best. I can't promise anything, but I'll do my best. Onları içeri götür. Take them inside. Take them inside. Meksika'da İspanyolca konuşulur mu? Is Spanish spoken in Mexico? Do you speak Spanish in Mexico? Bu tür sorunla ilgilenmek için eğitildim. I've been trained to deal with this kind of problem. I've been trained to deal with this kind of problem. Tom ve benim birlikte kalmamız gerekir. Tom and I need to stay together. Tom and I need to stay together. Ben hâlâ hatalar yapıyorum. I still make mistakes. I'm still making mistakes. Ben ikiyüzlü müyüm? Am I hypocritical? Am I a hypocrite? Güneş panelleri kullanıyorum. I use solar panels. I use solar panels. Tom ve ben sık sık birbirimize hikayeler anlatırız. Tom and I often tell each other stories. Tom and I often tell each other stories. Bana kendinden bahseder misin? Can you tell me about yourself? Can you tell me about yourself? Bir masanın dört bacağı var. A table has four legs. A table has four legs. Tom durup bana baktı. Tom stopped and looked at me. Tom stopped and looked at me. Işıklarını yaktın mı? Did you flash your lights? Did you turn your lights on? Kaçta uyuyabildin? What time did you get to sleep? What time did you get to sleep? Tom ile temas kurmak zorundayım. I have to contact Tom. I have to contact Tom. Çayım nerede? Where's my tea? Where's my tea? Tom'un annesi Mary'nin yaşadığı caddenin karşısındaki hastanede bir hemşiredir. Tom's mother is a nurse at the hospital that's across the street from where Mary lives. Tom's mother is a nurse at the hospital across the street from Mary. Konu hiçbir zaman ele alınmadı. The subject was never addressed. The matter was never discussed. Tom bunu kendi başına yapacak. Tom will do that on his own. Tom is going to do that by himself. Tom arkada oturuyor olacak. Tom will be sitting in the back. Tom will be sitting in the back. Bayan futbolu sevmez. The lady does not like football. The lady doesn't like football. 1999 için pazar gelişimi üzerine odaklanacağım. I'll focus on the market development for 1999. I'm going to focus on market development for 1999. Yarın kesinlikle orada olacağım. I'll definitely be there tomorrow. I'll definitely be there tomorrow. Nasıl organik gübre yaparsın? How do you make compost? How do you make organic fertilizer? Bunu ısmarlamadık. We didn't order this. We didn't order this. Fiyatı nedir? What is the price? What's the price? Ben Tom'un hemen yanına oturdum. I sat right next to Tom. I sat next to Tom. Gerçekten Tom'u seviyor musun? Do you really love Tom? Do you really love Tom? Hiç bu kadar sıkıldığımı hatırlamıyorum. I can't remember ever being so bored. I don't remember ever being so bored. Tom senin daha önce Boston'da bulunduğunu söyledi bana. Tom told me that you've been to Boston before. Tom told me you've been to Boston before. Bunun nasıl başladığından emin değiliz. We're not sure on how it started. We're not sure how this started. Havuzun suyunu çektik ve temiz suyla doldurduk. We drained the pond and filled it with fresh water. We drained the pool and filled it with clean water. Tom'un yatağı bir Pikachu battaniye ile örtülüdür. Tom's bed is covered by a Pikachu blanket. Tom's bed is covered with a Pikachu blanket. Onlar iyi arkadaş olmak zorunda. They got to be good friends. They have to be good friends. Özür kabul edildi. Apology accepted. Apology accepted. Evinizden buraya yürüyerek gelmeniz ne kadar sürer? How long does it take you to get here on foot from your home? How long will it take you to walk from your house? Tom'un hazır olacağını düşünüyorum. I think Tom will be ready. I think Tom will be ready. Ölü hakkında saygısızca konuşmamalısın. You must not speak disrespectfully of the dead. You mustn't speak disrespectfully of the dead. O sessizce kapıyı çaldı. He quietly knocked at the door. He quietly knocked on the door. Tom gazeteden bir makale kesti. Tom cut an article out of the newspaper. Tom cut an article out of the newspaper. Yapmamı istersen bunu tekrar yaparım. I'll do it again if you want me to. If you want me to do it, I'll do it again. Ondan vazgeçmeyeceğim. I won't give up on her. I'm not giving up on him. Sanırım bu konuda anlaşabiliriz. I think we can agree on that. I think we can agree on that. Ben Tom'u gerçekten çok sevmedim. I never really liked Tom much. I didn't really like Tom very much. Niye diye sorma, sadece yap. Don't ask why; just do it. Don't ask me why, just do it. Mahçup edilmiştim. I was scandalized. I was embarrassed. Tom orada tek başına yaşadı. Tom lived there by himself. Tom lived there by himself. Herkes bir molayı hak ediyor. Everyone deserves a break. Everyone deserves a break. Orada bir şey vardı. There was something there. There was something there. Tom, Mary'ye neler olduğunu anlattı. Tom told Mary what was going on. Tom told Mary what had happened. Paris'te moda nedir? What's in fashion in Paris? What's the fashion in Paris? Tom'un içtiği tek şey çaydır. The only thing Tom drinks is tea. The only thing Tom drinks is tea. Sahiden hiç Tayland yemeği denedin mi? Have you actually ever tried Thai food? Have you really tried Thai food? Okul yolunda cüzdanımı kaybettim. On the way to school I lost my wallet. I lost my wallet on the way to school. O, işi dün bitirmiş olmalı. She must have finished the work yesterday. He must have finished the work yesterday. Bana gülme. Don't laugh at me. Don't laugh at me. Kız arkadaşı olmayan tek kişi ben olmadığıma memnunum. I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't have a girlfriend. I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't have a girlfriend. Biz yemeden önce köpeğimi beslemeyi tercih ederim. I would rather feed my dog before we eat. I'd rather feed my dog before we eat. Tom Mary'ye neden gülümsediğini sordu. Tom asked Mary why she was smiling. Tom asked Mary why she was smiling. Zümre yedinci sınıfta sona erdi. The clan ended in seventh grade. The tribe ended in the seventh grade. Tom'un eve geldiğinde aç olacağından eminim. I'm sure Tom will be hungry when he gets home. I'm sure Tom will be hungry when he gets home. Buna inanan tek kişi Tom değil. Tom isn't the only one who believes that. Tom isn't the only one who believes that. Biz çok fazla zaman israf ediyoruz. We're wasting a lot of time. We're wasting too much time. O, evin etrafına bakındı. He looked about the house. He looked around the house. Bu orjinalinden daha iyi. It's better than the original. This is better than the original. Onun sırtına masaj yaptı. He massaged her back. He massaged her back. Her nefeste yaşam benden uzaklaşıyor. Life escapes from me in every breath. In every breath, life moves away from me. Çantasını nerede kaybettiğini merak etti. She wondered where she had lost her purse. He wondered where he'd lost his bag. Tom Mary'ye seslendi. Tom hollered at Mary. Tom called Mary. Ona bir şans daha vereceğim. I'll give him another chance. I'll give him another chance. Mağaza zaten kapalı olabilir. The store might be closed already. The store might already be closed. Tatoeba: cümle, cümle ve daha çok cümle. Tatoeba: Sentences, sentences, and more sentences. Tatoeba: sentences, sentences and more sentences. Bu iyi gitmiyor. This isn't going well. This isn't going well. Bir arama emriniz var mı? Do you have a search warrant? Do you have a warrant? Geri geldim. I came back. I'm back. Çocukken nehirde balık tutmaya giderdim. I used to go fishing in the river when I was a child. When I was a kid, I used to go fishing in the river. Noh çalmakla ilgilenen bir Amerikalı ile tanıştım. I met an American who was interested in Noh plays. I met an American who was interested in stealing noh. Tom gurur duyuyor olmalı. Tom must be proud. Tom must be proud. Tom dün gece arkadaşlarıyla içmeye çıktı. Tom went out drinking with his friends last night. Tom went out drinking with his friends last night. Bu kıymığı parmağımdan çıkaramıyorum. I can't get this splinter out of my finger. I can't get this splinter out of my finger. Hangi dersleri öğretiyorsunuz? What courses do you teach? What classes do you teach? Onların yaşadığı şehrin İspanyolca konuşan büyük bir topluluğu yok. The city in which they live doesn't have a large Spanish-speaking community. The city they live in doesn't have a large Spanish-speaking community. "Evet" demek genellikle "hayır" demekten daha kolaydır. It's often easier to say "yes," than to say "no." It's usually easier to say "yes" than "no." Kaybettiğimi sandığım bir şeyi buldum. I found something I thought I'd lost. I found something I thought I'd lost. Biz, randevusuz başkalarını ziyaret etmekten kaçınmalıyız. We must avoid calling on others without an appointment. We must avoid visiting others without an appointment. Şiddeti hiç sevmem. I don't like violence whatsoever. I don't like violence. Akşam yemeği için ne yapıyorsun? What are you doing for dinner? What are you doing for dinner? O ne tür bir adamdı ? What kind of man was he? What kind of man was he? Tüm park yerleri doluydu. All the parking spots were taken. All the parking spaces were full. O ne kadar uzakta? How much further is it? How far is it? O, daha önce İtalya'yı ziyaret etti. He visited Italy before. He has visited Italy before. Beğen ya da beğenme, gitmek zorundasın. Like it or not, you have to go. Like it or not, you have to go. Bu otel göle çok yakındı. This hotel was very near the lake. This hotel was very close to the lake. Amerika'da hiçbir spor futbol kadar popüler değildir. No sport is as popular as football in America. No sport in America is as popular as football. En ufak bir fikrim bile yok. I haven't the slightest idea. I have no idea. Ben her ne pahasına olursa olsun onu yapacağım. I will do it at all costs. I'll do whatever it takes. Bana su dolu bir bardak verin. Give me a full glass of water. Give me a glass of water. Binlerce yıldır birçok eski kavim kaybolup gidiyor ve kimse onlar için gözyaşı dökmüyor. Many peoples of antiquity have been gone for thousands of years, and nobody sheds a tear for them. For thousands of years, many ancient people have disappeared, and no one weeps for them. Otobüs bekleyen bir sürü insan vardı. There were a lot of people waiting for the bus. There were a lot of people waiting for the bus. Bu nadiren olur. That rarely happens. That rarely happens. Bavulunu toplamayı bitirdin mi? Have you finished packing your suitcase? Have you finished packing? Onlar mağazada şeker satarlar. They sell sugar at the store. They sell candy in the store. Tom'un bunu yapmak isteyeceğini umuyordum. I was hoping Tom would want to do that. I was hoping Tom would want to do that. O çok zeki bir kadın. She's a very intelligent woman. She's a very smart woman. Lütfen Tom'a geç kalacağımı söyle. Please tell Tom that I'll be late. Please tell Tom I'll be late. Mezosferdeki sıcaklıklar yükseklik arttıkça yaklaşık -100 derece Celsius'a düşer. Temperatures in the mesosphere drop with increasing altitude to about -100 degrees C. As the temperature in the mesosphere increases, it drops to about -100 degrees Celsius. Tom benimkinden daha fazla parası var. Tom has more money than me. Tom has more money than I do. Bunu yapmak için bir fırsatım vardı. I had an opportunity to do that. I had a chance to do that. Tom Mary'nin bunu yapmaması gerektiğini düşünüyor. Tom thinks Mary shouldn't do that. Tom thinks Mary shouldn't do that. Tom silahını kılıfından çıkardı. Tom unholstered his gun. Tom pulled his gun out of his holster. Tom sıkı bir vejetaryendi. Tom used to be a strict vegetarian. Tom was a strict vegetarian. Evde kalmayı sinemaya gitmeye tercih ederim. I would rather stay at home than go to the movies. I'd rather stay home than go to the movies. Ne söylediğiniz değil, onun nasıl söylediğiniz önemlidir. It's important not what you say, but how you say it. It's not what you say, it's how you say it. Bu çaydan daha iyi içeceklerimiz var. We've got better drinks than this tea. We have better drinks than this tea. Güle güle bile demedin. You didn't even say goodbye. You didn't even say goodbye. Siz harika bir ekip olursunuz. You guys make a great team. You guys would make a great team. Ona ne vereceksin? What are you going to give him? What are you gonna give him? O, masum olduğunu bildirdi. He declared that he was innocent. He reported his innocence. O genç adam bizim öğretmenimizdir. That young man is our teacher. That young man is our teacher. Kazada birçok yolcu yaralandı. A lot of passengers were injured in the accident. Many passengers were injured in the accident. Boston'u sevdim. I liked Boston. I like Boston. Tom bunun iyi olduğunu söyledi. Tom said it was all right. Tom said it was good. Galiba hesap vakti geldi sonunda. I guess the time of reckoning has arrived at last. I think it's time for the check. Babam dört yıl önce öldü. My father died four years ago. My father died four years ago. Zorlukla hareket edebiliyorum. I can hardly move. I can barely move. Çantamda biletlerim var. I have the tickets in my bag. I have tickets in my bag. Evlilik senin hayatını gerçekten nasıl değiştirdi? How has marriage actually changed your life? How did marriage really change your life? Sanırım bu bana ait. I think this is mine. I think this belongs to me. Beni tanımış gibi görünüyorsun. You seem to recognize me. You look like you know me. Tom'a ödevinde yardım etmeliyim. I should help Tom with his homework. I should help Tom with his homework. Hiç ekmek almadık. We haven't bought any bread. We didn't buy any bread. Henüz evde değilim, çünkü otobüse binmedim. I'm not home yet because I didn't take the bus. I'm not home yet, because I didn't get on the bus. O, gözlerini kuruladı. She dried her eyes. He dried his eyes. Ben sadece sana inanmıyorum. I simply don't believe you. I just don't believe you. Göründüğü kadar iyi tadı yok. It doesn't taste as good as it looks. It doesn't taste as good as it looks. Hayatta kaldığına sevindim. I'm glad you survived. I'm glad you survived. Ben senin iyi olacağını düşünüyorum. I think you'll be fine. I think you'll be fine. Buraya geldiğini birine söyledin mi? Did you tell anyone you were coming here? Did you tell anyone you were here? Sahne kapısı nerede? Where is the stage door? Where's the stage door? Senin sahip olduğunun üç katı kadar çok sayıda kitabım var. I have three times as many books as you do. I have three times as many books as you do. Benim zekamı aşağılıyorsun. You insult my intelligence. You're insulting my intelligence. O mükemmeldi. She was great. He was perfect. Nasıl hissediyorsunuz? How are you feeling? How are you feeling? Tom bu gece benim mekanıma gelecek. Tom will come over to my place tonight. Tom is going to come to my place tonight. O iki yıl önce ülkesini terk etti. He left his country two years ago. He left his country two years ago. Biz onları yıllardır tanıyoruz. We've known them for years. We've known them for years. Onlar hâlâ yeni bir yönetici arıyor. They're still looking for a new manager. They're still looking for a new manager. Tom, Mary'ye onun hakkında endişelenmemesini söyledi. Tom told Mary not to worry about him. Tom told Mary not to worry about that. Herhangi bir hata yapmadığımı düşünüyorum. I think I haven't made any mistakes. I don't think I made any mistakes. Tom çok parlak değil. Tom isn't very bright. Tom isn't very bright. Köpeğim her zaman havlar. My dog barks all the time. My dog barks all the time. Neden Tom burada bizimle değil? Why isn't Tom here with us? Why isn't Tom here with us? Hepiniz tutukIusunuz. You're all under arrest. You're all under arrest. Mary göbek dansında çok iyidir. Mary is very good at belly dancing. Mary is very good at belly dances. Pazarları dinlenir misin? Do you rest on Sundays? Do you rest on Sundays? Trompet bir müzik aletidir. The trumpet is a musical instrument. The trumpet is a musical instrument. Tom başlamak için sabırsızlanıyor. Tom can't wait to get started. Tom can't wait to start. Şimdi olayların akışı değişti. Now the shoe is on the other foot. Now things have changed. Nehirde kürek çekmeye devam ettikçe, suyun berraklığı beni afallattı. As I rowed out into the river, the clearness of the water astounded me. As I kept rowing in the river, I was stunned by the clarity of the water. İngilizce konuşurken hatalar yapmaktan korkma. Don't be afraid of making mistakes when you speak English. Do not be afraid to make mistakes when speaking English. Tamamen sessiz bir an vardı. There was a moment of complete silence. There was a moment of complete silence. O bir kaza değildi; Birisi evi ateşe verdi. That was no accident; someone set the house on fire. It wasn't an accident; someone set fire to the house. Tom kendi motosikletini yaptı. Tom built his own motorcycle. Tom built his own motorcycle. Bugün onunla konuşuyor olacağız. We'll be talking to her today. We'll be talking to him today. Tom'un Brezilyalı bir arkadaşı da var. Tom also has a Brazilian friend. Tom also has a Brazilian friend. Bir süre önce Tom'a yazdım ama o henüz cevap vermedi. I wrote to Tom a while ago, but he hasn't replied yet. I wrote to Tom a while ago, but he hasn't answered yet. Tom Mary'ye bir taksi çağırdı. Tom called Mary a taxi. Tom called Mary a taxi. O, otobüste onun yanına oturdu. She sat next to him on the bus. She sat next to him on the bus. Sami'nin şirketi plastik torbalar yaptı. Sami's company made plastic bags. Sami's company made plastic bags. Dün Dünya Günü'ydü. It was Earth Day yesterday. Yesterday was Earth Day. Tom kesinlikle zamanında gelecek. Tom is certain to come on time. Tom is definitely going to be on time. Ona masum olduğumu söyle. Tell her I'm innocent. Tell him I'm innocent. Bunu nasıl yapacağını öğrenmelisin. You have to figure out how to do that. You need to learn how to do that. Her gün İngilizce mi çalışıyorsunuz? Are you studying English every day? Do you study English every day? Onun hakkında çok fazla konuşuyorsun. You talk about him too much. You talk about him too much. Hiç şüphemiz olmadı. We never had doubts. We never had any doubts. Öyle bir baş ağrım var ki. I have such a headache. I have such a headache. Ben gece geç saatte kahve içmek istemeyeceğini düşündüm. I figured that you wouldn't want to drink coffee so late at night. I thought you wouldn't want to have coffee late at night. Onlarla birlikte gitmek istersen acele etmelisin? If you want to go with them, you must hurry. If you want to go with them, you have to hurry. Oğlumu yanımda getirdim. I brought my son with me. I brought my son with me. Tom, 500 dolara bir kamera satın aldı. Tom bought a camera for 500 dollars. Tom bought a camera for $500. Sadece sana iyi geceler demek istedim. I just wanted to tell you good night. I just wanted to say good night to you. Sami'nin evi kokuyordu. Sami's house was smelling. Sami's house smelled. Ne güzel bir gündoğumu o! What a beautiful sunrise it is! What a beautiful sunrise! Tom'un Mary'den video kamerasını ona ödünç vermesi için isteme cesareti yok. Tom doesn't have the courage to ask Mary to lend him her video camera. Tom doesn't have the courage to ask Mary to lend him the video camera. Tom onu yapmayı kabul etti. Tom has agreed to do that. Tom has agreed to do that. Hatta o daha çok toprak istedi. He wanted even more territory. He even wanted more land. Onun iyileşeceğini ümit etmiştim. I had hoped that he would recover. I hoped he'd get better. Tom bitişik odaya girdi. Tom went into the adjoining room. Tom entered the next room. Tom bana iyi olduğunu söyledi. Tom told me that he was OK. Tom told me he was fine. Tom bunu Mary için yapabilir. Tom could do that for Mary. Tom can do that for Mary. Dün markete gittin mi? Did you go to the market yesterday? Did you go to the store yesterday? Senin hakkında bir şey bilmiyoruz. We don't know anything about you. We don't know anything about you. Tom'u durdurmaya çalışmamız gerekir mi? Should we try to stop Tom? Should we try to stop Tom? O onun için yeterince iyi. That's good enough for him. He's good enough for her. Tom onu yapabilirdi. Tom would've been able to do that. Tom could've done that. O yağmur nedeniyle tamamen ıslanmış geldi. He arrived all wet from the rain. He came completely wet because of the rain. Karakter yeteneğe değil kişiliğe bağlıdır. The character depends on personality, not on talent. The character depends not on talent, but on personality. Tom pazartesi günü geldi ve ertesi gün eve geri gitti. Tom came on Monday and went back home the next day. Tom arrived on Monday and went back home the next day. Her gün günlüğüme yazmalıyım. I must write in my diary every day. I have to write in my diary every day. Sen benim son tercihimdin. You were my last choice. You were my last choice. Konuşmaktan korkuyordum. I was afraid to speak. I was afraid to talk. Tom Mary'ye onun yapmasını istediği şeyi yaptırdı. Tom got Mary to do what he wanted her to do. Tom made Mary do what he asked her to do. Tom muhtemelen yakında geri gelecektir. Tom will likely be back soon. Tom will probably come back soon. Tom Mary kadar yardımsever değil. Tom isn't as helpful as Mary. Tom isn't as helpful as Mary. Senin çok paran var, ve benim hiç. You have a lot of money, and I have none. You have a lot of money, and I don't have any. Sanırım yeterince yedin. I think you've eaten enough. I think you've had enough. Onlar seni bulacak. They're going to find you. They'll find you. Senin yaptığını yapmak istiyorum. I'd like to do what you do. I want to do what you do. Bir şirket kurulu var mı? Is there a company board? Is there a corporate board? Birçok kişi paranın mutluluk getirdiğine inanıyor. Many people believe that money brings happiness. Many believe that money brings happiness. Duyduğum son şey Tom ve Mary balaylarında nereye gideceklerine henüz karar vermediler. The last I heard, Tom and Mary haven't yet decided where to go on their honeymoon. The last thing I heard was Tom and Mary haven't decided where to go on their honeymoon yet. Bütün kızlar onun görünümünü kıskandılar. All the girls were jealous of her looks. All the girls were jealous of his appearance. Hiç kimse onu Tom'un yapabildiği kadar iyi yapamaz. Nobody can do it as well as Tom can. No one can do that as well as Tom can. Annem nerede? Where is my mother? Where's Mom? Dernek 1990 yılında kurulmuştu.. The society was founded in 1990. The association was founded in 1990. Sen doğru değilsin. You are incorrect. You're not right. Onlar ne içiyorlar? What are they drinking? What are they drinking? Onun hakkında hiç çok düşünmedim. I've never thought much about it. I didn't think much about it. Bugün kürtaja geçit veren bir kanun çıktı. Today a law was enacted which allows abortion. There was a law today that passed an abortion. Bunu şimdi yapabiliriz. We can do that right now. We can do this now. Eminim Tom ağlar. I'm certain Tom will cry. I'm sure Tom will cry. Tom Mary'nin dikkatini çekmeye çalıştı. Tom tried to attract Mary's attention. Tom tried to get Mary's attention. Tom yardım istemeyi sevmez. Tom doesn't like asking for help. Tom doesn't like asking for help. Sami yepyeni bir minibüse sahipti. Sami had a brand-new van. Sami owned a brand-new van. Tom Mary'nin çok aç göründüğünü söyledi. Tom said that Mary seemed to be very hungry. Tom said Mary looked very hungry. İlk başta bilmiyordum. At first I didn't know. I didn't know at first. Tom'a söylemem gereken bir şeyim yok. I don't have anything I need to say to Tom. I don't have anything I need to tell Tom. Tom'un bir daha arayacağını düşünmüyorsun, değil mi? You don't think Tom will call again, do you? You don't think Tom will call again, do you? Tom'un bunu yapması için Mary'yi ikna etmesi pek olası değil. It's very unlikely that Tom will be able to convince Mary to do that. It's unlikely Tom would convince Mary to do that. Öyle görünüyor ki Tom ağlayabilir. It looks like Tom might cry. It looks like Tom might cry. Bunu kendim yapmalıyım. I must do that myself. I have to do this myself. O, onlara harika zaman geçirdiğini söyledi. He told them that he had had a wonderful time. She told them she was having a great time. Ben senin gibi insanlarla anlaşma yapmam. I don't make deals with people like you. I don't make deals with people like you. Biz o kadar aptal değiliz. We're not all that stupid. We're not that stupid. Tom'u öpecek misin? Will you kiss Tom? Are you going to kiss Tom? Sen onu yendin. You've defeated him. You beat him. Tom, Mary'yi tercümanı olarak işe aldı. Tom hired Mary to be his interpreter. Tom hired Mary as his interpreter. Biz çıkıyoruz. We're dating. We're going out. Tom'u meşgul tut. Keep Tom busy. Keep Tom busy. O bu semtte yaşıyor. He lives in this neighborhood. He lives in this neighborhood. Tom kravat takmıyor. Tom isn't wearing a tie. Tom isn't wearing a tie. Eninde sonunda oraya varacağız. We'll get there eventually. We'll get there eventually. Tom ve ben işleri beraber yaparız. Tom and I do things together. Tom and I do things together. Film Müslümanları şeytan gibi gösteriyor. This film portrays Muslims as evil people. The film makes Muslims look like demons. Tom'un da dönmesini istemiyorum. I don't want Tom back either. I don't want Tom to come back either. Daha önce asla bir şey kazanmadım. I've never won anything before. I've never won anything before. Lütfen Tom'un biraz daha uyumasına izin ver. Please let Tom sleep a little longer. Please let Tom sleep a little longer. Kimden Noel hediyesi almayı bekliyorsun? Who do you expect to get Christmas presents from? Who do you expect to get a Christmas present from? Vedalaşsam iyi olur. I'd better say goodbye. I'd better say goodbye. Şahin yırtıcı bir kuştur. The falcon is a bird of prey. A hawk is a bird of prey. Orada olman gerekiyordu. You were supposed to be there. You were supposed to be there. O beni iyi tanır. He knows me well. He knows me well. Mary, uyan. Benim. Mary, wake up. It's me. Mary, wake up. Satranç severim. I like chess. I like chess. Sen sigorta primi olarak ayda 10.000 yen ödüyorsun. You pay 10,000 yen a month as an insurance premium. You pay 10,000 yen a month as an insurance premium. Saat onda doktorun ofisinde bir randevum var. I have an appointment at the doctor's office at ten o'clock. I have an appointment at the doctor's office at ten. Tom'un saygısız olduğunu düşünüyorum. I think Tom is inconsiderate. I think Tom is disrespectful. Kitadake Dağı'na tırmanacağım. I'm going to climb Mt. Kitadake. I'm gonna climb Mount Kitadake. Tom muhtemelen Boston'u ziyaret etmeyecek. Tom won't likely visit Boston. Tom isn't likely to visit Boston. Bu kitabı sevmiyorum. I don't like this book. I don't like this book. Onlarla yüzecek misin? Will you swim with them? Are you going to swim with them? Onu tamir etmek sana yeni bir tane almaktan daha fazlaya mal olacak. It'll cost you more to fix it than to it would cost you to buy a new one. It's gonna cost you more than a new one to fix it. Sen tablo hakkında hatalıydın. You were wrong about the painting. You were wrong about the painting. Onu özledik. We missed her. We miss him. Bu konuda size katılmıyorum. I can't agree with you on this point. I don't agree with you on that. Sol kolunuzu kaldırmayı deneyin. Try lifting your left arm. Try raising your left arm. Pekala, bunu yapalım. All right, let's do this. All right, let's do this. Tom ve Mary, John'un yedek şarkıcılarıdır. Tom and Mary are John's backup singers. Tom and Mary are John's backup singers. Tom hâlâ Mary'ye bakıyor. Tom is still looking at Mary. Tom is still looking at Mary. Yüksek sesle konuşmalısın. You must speak in a loud voice. You have to speak up. Endişelenmeye başlıyordum. I was starting to get worried. I was starting to worry. Üzgün ve yalnızdım. I was sad and lonely. I was sad and alone. Bana Mary'nin kazasından bahseden kişi Tom değildi. Tom wasn't the one who told me about Mary's accident. Tom wasn't the one who told me about Mary's accident. Eğer param olsaydı, bu bilgisayarı satın alırdım. If I had money, I'd buy this computer. If I had money, I'd buy this computer. O çalışmaya hazırdır. He is ready to work. He's ready to work. Bu onun şemsiyesi mi? Is this his umbrella? Is that her umbrella? Çok yardımseversin. You were very helpful. You're very helpful. Onu seveceksin. You'll like it. You'll like him. Duygusal olma. Don't get sentimental. Don't be sentimental. Ne zaman geleceğimi bilmeliyim. I need to know when to come. I need to know when I'm coming. Neredeyse hazır mıyız? Are we almost finished? Are we almost ready? İnsan gözlüksüz bir şey göremediğinden, gözlüğü yokken gözlük araması çok sinir bozucu bir şey. It's very frustrating to try to find your glasses when you can't see anything without glasses. It's frustrating to look for glasses without glasses because you can't see anything without glasses. Bize onun nasıl yapıldığını göster. Show us how it's done. Show us how it's done. Gerçekten hoşça kal demeliyim. I really must say good-bye. I really have to say goodbye. Hâlâ yapacak çok işin var. You still have a lot of work to do. You still have a lot of work to do. Onun ona onun ona ihtiyacı olduğundan daha çok ihtiyacı var. She needs him more than he needs her. She needs him more than he needs him. Bu ucuz bir daire gibi görünüyor. This looks like a cheap apartment. This looks like a cheap apartment. Tom'u götürdüler. They took Tom away. They took Tom away. Benzinin fiyatı o kadar yüksek ki, büyük bir araba satın alamayız. The price of gasoline is so high that we cannot buy a big car. The price of gas is so high, we can't buy a big car. Curdken ona doğru koştu ve onun başından bir tutam saç tutmak istedi. Curdken ran up to her and wanted to grasp some of the hair from her head. Curdken ran towards her and wanted to hold a lock of hair over her head. Tom gerçekten iyi bir öğretmen, değil mi? Tom is a really good teacher, isn't he? Tom is a really good teacher, isn't he? Soğuk algınlıgından kurtulamıyorum. I can't get rid of a bad cold. I can't get rid of the cold. Kaza dün sabah oldu. The accident occurred yesterday morning. The accident happened yesterday morning. Tom ve Mary yalnız bırakıldılar. Tom and Mary were left alone. Tom and Mary were left alone. Onu yapacağına dair hiç bir fikrim yoktu! I had no idea it was going to do that! I had no idea you were going to do that! O, onunla tekrar asla konuşmamaya kararlıydı. She was determined never to talk to him again. He was determined never to speak to her again. O aynı hatayı yapıp duruyor. He keeps making the same mistake. He keeps making the same mistake. Tam olduğunuz yerde kalmanızı istiyorum. I want you to stay exactly where you are. I want you to stay right where you are. Tom bugün bizimle takılmayacak. Tom won't hang out with us today. Tom won't hang out with us today. Hiç gizli plan yok. There's no secret plan. There are no hidden plans. Tom sana söylememi istedi. Tom asked me to tell you. Tom asked me to tell you. O bütün noellerini evde ailesiyle birlikte geçirdi. She spent all of her Christmases at home with her family. She spent all her Christmases at home with her family. Sanırım sessiz olmalısın. I think you should be quiet. I think you should be quiet. Bana bir bira borçlusun. You owe me a beer. You owe me a beer. Bu yapmak zor olur mu? Would doing that be hard? Would that be hard to do? Ben fiyatın iki katını öderim. I'll pay double the price. I'll pay double the price. Tom'un kayınvalidesiyle tanıştın mı? Have you met Tom's mother-in-law? Have you met Tom's mother-in-law? Evden uzak olmak istemiyorum. I don't want to be away from home. I don't want to be away from home. Tom amcasının evinde kaldı. Tom stayed at his uncle's house. Tom stayed at his uncle's house. Tom ve ben bunu kendi başımıza yapabiliriz. Tom and I might do that by ourselves. Tom and I can do that by ourselves. Nereye park ettiğimizi hatırlıyor musun? Do you remember where we parked? Do you remember where we parked? Artık döktüğün kardeş kanını içmek için ağzını açan toprağın laneti altındasın. Now therefore cursed shalt thou be upon the earth, which hath opened her mouth and received the blood of thy brother at thy hand. Now you're under the curse of the ground that opens your mouth to drink the blood of your brother. Tom Mary'nin hâlâ uyuduğunu biliyordu. Tom knew Mary was still sleeping. Tom knew Mary was still asleep. Ben sadece hatalar yapan bir çocuğum. I'm just a boy who makes mistakes. I'm just a kid who makes mistakes. Panik atağım vardı ve kan şekerim düşüktü. I had a panic attack and my blood sugar was low. I had a panic attack and low blood sugar. Kendim gideceğim. I'll go by myself. I'll go myself. Tom'a resmimizi çektiği için teşekkür ettik. We thanked Tom for taking our picture. We thanked Tom for taking our picture. Deniz köpek balıklarıyla istila edilmiş. The sea is infested with sharks. The sea is infested with sharks. Gözde bestecin kimdir? Who is your favorite composer? Who's your favorite composer? Ne demek istediğimi gerçekten anlayıp anlamadığını merak ediyorum. I wonder if you really understand what I mean. I wonder if you really understand what I mean. Neden bu kadar kırgındın? Why were you so offended? Why were you so upset? Şimdi onunla gitmelisin. You need to go with her now. You should go with him now. Dairem birinci katta bulunmaktadır. My flat is located on the first floor. My apartment is on the first floor. Zengin doktor mutlu değildir. The doctor, who is prosperous, is not happy. The rich doctor is not happy. Tom, Mary'yi daha önce hiç bu kadar üzgün görmemişti. Tom had never seen Mary so upset before. Tom had never seen Mary so sad before. Tom, Mary'nin yakın bir arkadaşıydı. Tom was a close friend of Mary's. Tom was a close friend of Mary's. Tom'un yüzünü asla unutmayacağım. I'll never forget Tom's face. I'll never forget Tom's face. Evrenin yaşı nedir? What's the age of the universe? What is the age of the universe? O neden artık beni sevmiyor? Why doesn't he love me anymore? Why doesn't he love me anymore? O yol boyunca ayakta durmaya devam etti. He kept standing all the way. He continued to stand along the way. O araba satıcısı bu kullanılmış Toyota'nın iyi durumda olduğunu söylediğinde bana yanlış bilgi vermiş. That car dealer gave me a bum steer when he told me this used Toyota was in good condition. When that car salesman told me this used Toyota was in good shape, he gave me false information. Birisi beni kolumdan yakaladı. Somebody caught me by the arm. Someone grabbed me by the arm. Tom binadan çıktı. Tom came out of the building. Tom got out of the building. Biri evin etrafında dolaşıyor. Someone is roaming around the house. Someone's walking around the house. Onun dediği şeyi yapacağım. I will do what he says. I'll do what he says. O, ailesini çok fazla özlüyor. He misses his family very much. She misses her family very much. Tom hiç uyumadı. Tom didn't sleep at all. Tom hasn't slept at all. Onlar benim geçmiş yaşamım hakkında birçok soru sordular. They asked a lot of questions about my past experience. They asked many questions about my past life. Test sonuçları seni şok etti mi? Did the test results shock you? Did the test results shock you? "Ne yapıyorsun?" "Ben ne yapıyorum gibi görünüyor?" "What are you doing?" "What does it look like I'm doing?" "What are you doing?" "What does it look like I'm doing?" Tom'dan tam olarak nefret etmiyorum. I don't hate Tom exactly. I don't really hate Tom. Bu onlar için çok zordur. This is very difficult for them. It's very difficult for them. Herkes yeni projeden yana. Everyone is in favor of the new project. Everyone's in favor of the new project. Tom'un Boston'da çalışmasına gerek yoktu. Tom didn't need to work in Boston. Tom didn't need to work in Boston. O kadar yorgundu ki güçlükle ayakta durabiliyordu He was so tired that he could hardly stand. He was so tired, he could barely stand. Tom bana onunu doğru olmadığını söyledi. Tom told me that's not true. Tom told me that wasn't true. Her yerde onları aradım. I looked all over for them. I've been looking everywhere for them. Kumar oynamaktan vazgeçeceğim. I'll stop gambling. I'll stop gambling. Benim yerime geri dönebilirsin. You can come back to my place. You can go back to my place. Japonya'da yağmur sezonu ne zaman başlar? When does the rainy season in Japan begin? When does the rainy season start in Japan? Onlarla konuşacak mısın? Are you going to talk to them? Will you talk to them? Başkanımdan utanıyorum. I am ashamed of my president. I'm ashamed of my president. Tom ve Mary tuhaf. Tom and Mary are weird. Tom and Mary are weird. Yeni arabanı sürdüğünü gördüm. I saw you driving your new car. I saw you driving your new car. Sen doktor değilsin. You're no doctor. You're not a doctor. Elimden geldiğince kısa sürede orada olacağım. I'll be there as soon as I can. I'll be there as soon as I can. Tom aktif bir çocuk, değil mi? Tom is an active boy, isn't he? Tom is an active child, isn't he? Tom, bugün gelemeyeceğini söylemek için patronunu aradı. Tom rang his boss to tell him he wouldn't be coming in today. Tom called his boss to tell him he couldn't come today. Neden bana şimdi anlatıyorsun? Why are you telling me now? Why are you telling me now? O bize harika bir yemek pişirdi. She cooked us a wonderful meal. She cooked us a wonderful meal. Tom Mary'ye klipsli kağıt altlığını uzattı. Tom handed Mary the clipboard. Tom handed Mary his clip pad. Bu hastaların yürüme sorunu var. These patients have trouble walking. These patients have a walking problem. Tom hakkında bildiğiniz her şeyi bize söyle. Tell us everything you know about Tom. Tell us everything you know about Tom. Yiyecek bir şey istiyor musun? Do you want anything to eat? Do you want something to eat? Sami onunla ilgili ayrıntıları bilmek istemedi. Sami didn't want to know details about that. Sami didn't want to know details about that. Hepimiz insanız, bu yüzden bence her ülkenin kültürü %90 aynıdır. We're all human beings, so in my opinion each country's culture is 90% the same. We're all human, so I think every country's culture is 90% the same. Elimizden geleni yaptık. We did what we could. We did everything we could. Bazı sorunlarım var. I've got some problems. I've got some problems. Tom her sabah kahvaltıdan önce duş alır. Tom showers every morning before breakfast. Tom takes a shower every morning before breakfast. Onu ikna etmeye çalışmaktan yoruldu. She was tired of trying to convince him. He got tired of trying to convince her. Komik bir şey yapmaya çalışma. Don't try anything funny. Don't try anything funny. Tom eşi Mary'yi bir özel dedektife izletti. Tom had his wife Mary followed by a private detective. Tom had a private investigator watch his wife Mary. Bu isimleri ezbere öğren. Learn these names by heart. Learn these names by heart. Fadıl, Dania'yı geride bıraktı. Fadil left Dania behind. Fadil left Dania behind. Tom sizi yanlış anlamış olabilir. Tom may have misunderstood you. Tom may have misunderstood you. Sen dikkat etmelisin. You should pay attention. You should be careful. Gerçekten inandığın bu mu? Is that what you really believe? Is that what you really believe? Tom'un ne aradığını biliyorum. I know what Tom is looking for. I know what Tom is looking for. Ben içmiyordum. I haven't been drinking. I wasn't drinking. Niçin cüzdanımda hiç para yok? Why isn't there any money in my wallet? Why don't I have any money in my wallet? Tom bunu yaptığına sevindiğini söyledi. Tom said he was glad you'd done that. Tom said he was glad he did that. Anne ve babası dışında, hiç kimse onu iyi tanımıyor. Apart from his parents, no one knows him well. No one knows him except his parents. Mutlaka! Absolutely! Sure! Leyla, Sami'yle arkadaşlık etti. Layla kept Sami company. Layla made friends with Sami. Onun çok saçı var. She has abundant hair. She has a lot of hair. Sanırım Tom'a kurabiye yapmak için ne kadar şekere ihtiyacımız olduğunu sormalıyız. I think we should ask Tom how much sugar we need to make cookies. I think we should ask Tom how much sugar we need to make cookies. Sami çok çalışkan bir bankacıydı. Sami was a hard-working banker. Sami was a very hardworking banker. Tom çok alıngan. Tom is very touchy. Tom is very touchy. Ben başlayacağım. I'm going to start. I'll start. Lütfen her zaman beni görmeye gelebilirsin. Please come and see me any time. Please, you can always come see me. Sami, Kahire'de bir düzineden fazla kadınla buluştu. Sami dated more than a dozen women in Cairo. Sami met more than a dozen women in Cairo. Tom tamamen kaybolmuş gibi görünüyor. Tom seems to be completely lost. Tom seems to be completely lost. O tenis oynadı. He played tennis. He played tennis. Şimdi burada olsaydın ne yapardın? What would you do if you were here now? What would you do if you were here now? Aşağıdaki formülü tamamlayın. Complete the formula here below. Complete the following formula. Öğle yemeği yiyorum. I'm eating my lunch. I'm having lunch. Tom cevabı bilmiş olabilir ama bir şey söylemedi. Tom might've known the answer, but he didn't say anything. Tom may have known the answer, but he didn't say anything. Tom'un isteği kabul edildi. Tom's request was granted. Tom's request was accepted. Herkesin gidebileceği bir evi, sığınabileceği bir yuvası var. Benim evim çöllerdir, yurdum çorak topraklar. Kuzey rüzgarı ışığım, yağmurda bir tek paklanırım. Everyone has a house to go to, a home where they can find shelter. My house is the desert, my home the barren heath. The north wind is my fire, the rain my only bath. There's a house for all to go to, a home for all to take refuge in: my home is deserts, my home is barren land: my north wind is my light, and in the rain I only wash. Bu raporu Tom'a göndermeni istiyorum. I want you to send this report to Tom. I want you to send this report to Tom. Bugün yapacak bir şeyim yok. I've nothing to do today. I have nothing to do today. Tom şok içinde Mary'ye baktı. Tom stared at Mary in shock. Tom looked at Mary in shock. Doğmamış bir bebek kadar masum. As innocent as a babe unborn. Innocent as an unborn baby. Lütfen onu yap. Please do it. Please do that. Bu bize niçin oldu? How come that happened to us? Why did this happen to us? Yapmak istediğin her şeyi yapmak için hiç yeterli zaman yok. There's never enough time to do everything you want to do. There's not enough time to do anything you want to do. Bu şu ana kadar okuduğum en iyi kitaplardan biri. This is one of the best books I've ever read. This is one of the best books I've ever read. Annem gürültücü olmamamı söyledi. My mother told me not to be noisy. Mom told me not to be noisy. Bunu yanımda getirdim. I brought this with me. I brought this with me. Güzel kartpostalın için teşekkürler. Thanks for the pretty postcard. Thanks for the nice postcard. Bunun seni ilgilendirebileceğini düşündüm. I thought this might interest you. I thought it might interest you. Tom'un duygularını incittin. You hurt Tom's feelings. You hurt Tom's feelings. Mary yeni bir ceket alacak kadar aptaldı. Mary was silly to buy a new coat. Mary was foolish enough to buy a new coat. Benim teorimi dinlemek ister misin? Would you like to hear my theory? You want to hear my theory? Buradan ayrılmayın. Don't you move from here. Don't leave here. Tüm yatak odalarında bir banyo ve televizyon vardır. All the bedrooms have a bathroom and a television set. All the bedrooms have a bathroom and a TV. Tom dedektif romanları okumayı sever. Tom likes reading detective novels. Tom likes reading detective novels. Kopyanın hangisi olduğunu söyleyebilir misiniz? Can you tell which is the copy? Can you tell me which copy? Balığa gittiler. They went fishing. They went fishing. Aşı kolumda komik küçük bir iz bıraktı. The vaccination left a funny little mark on my arm. The vaccine left a funny little mark on my arm. Sadece biraz tavsiyeye ihtiyacım var. I just need some advice. I just need some advice. İnsanların özgür irade sahibi olduklarını düşünüyorum. I think people have free will. I think people have free will. O, saatler sürebilir. That could take hours. That could take hours. Yarın geçen hafta buluştuğumuz yerde buluşalım. Let's meet tomorrow at the same place we did last week. Meet me tomorrow at the place we met last week. Bana bunu yapmamam söylendi. I was told not do that. I was told not to do that. Islanırsan ne olur? What happens if you get wet? What happens if you get wet? Bunu yalnız yapmayı tercih ederim. I'd rather do that alone. I'd rather do this alone. Masamı kullanıp kullanmadığın umurumda değil. I don't mind if you use my desk. I don't care if you use my desk or not. Lütfen gider misiniz? Could you please leave? Would you please leave? DDA diye bir şey yoktur. There's no such thing as ESP. There's no such thing as a DDA. Odadan ayrılabilirsin. You may leave the room. You can leave the room. Vazgeçemeyiz. We can't give up. We can't give up. Tom erken geleceğimi biliyordu. Tom knew that I'd be early. Tom knew I'd be early. Tom yaklaşık olarak benim yaşımda, değil mi? Tom is about my age, isn't he? Tom is about my age, isn't he? Tom, Mary'nin zorda olmasını istemedi. Tom didn't want Mary to be in trouble. Tom didn't want Mary to be in trouble. Her ikimiz de uykuluyduk. We were both sleepy. We were both sleepy. Tom ve Mary üç hafta önce bir çocuk sahibi oldu. Tom and Mary had a baby three weeks ago. Tom and Mary had a child three weeks ago. Bana çantamı geri ver. Give me back my bag. Give me back my bag. Sami zemzem içti. Sami drank Zamzam water. Sami drank zemzem. Benim tek bir köpeğim yok, iki tane var. I have not a single dog, I have two. I don't have one dog, I have two. Tom muhtemelen bunu duydu. Tom probably heard that. Tom probably heard that. Hey millet, kulak verin! Hey everybody, listen up! Hey, everybody, listen up! Leyla, Sami'nin evine oldukça istekli gitti. Layla went to Sami's house quite willingly. Layla went to Sami's house quite enthusiastically. Tom onu şimdi yapacak. Tom will do that now. Tom is going to do that now. Neden kapıyı kilitliyorsun? Why are you locking the door? Why are you locking the door? Bu trenin yedi tane vagondan oluşur. This train is made up of seven cars. This train consists of seven cars. Tom Mary'yi partisine davet etti. Tom invited Mary to his party. Tom invited Mary to his party. Tom memnundu. Tom was content. Tom was satisfied. Ben böylesine şanssız bir adamım. I'm such an unlucky guy. I'm such an unlucky man. Sana Tom'un kovulduğunu kim söyledi? Who told you Tom had been fired? Who told you Tom was fired? Tom bana Mary'nin mezuniyet töreni dansına gelmesini istediğini söyledi Tom told me he asked Mary to the homecoming dance. Tom told me that he wanted Mary to come to the graduation dance. Bu gece hava güzel. The weather is nice tonight. It's nice out tonight. Arabamı çalıştırabileceğini düşünüyor musun? Do you think you can get my car running? Do you think you can start my car? Size aşık oldum. I've fallen in love with you. I fell in love with you. Sadece beni burada bırak. Just leave me here. Just leave me here. O, bir filmden bir sahne gibi, değil mi? It's like a scene from a movie, isn't it? It's like a scene from a movie, isn't it? Tom gerçekten olduğundan daha genç görünüyor. Tom looks much younger than he really is. Tom looks younger than he really is. Tom ve ben senden çok daha güçlüyüz. Tom and I are much stronger than you are. Tom and I are much stronger than you. Tom'un büyük bir köpeği var. Tom has a big dog. Tom has a big dog. Onların ne düşündüğünü sorma. Onların ne yaptığını sor. Don't ask what they're thinking. Ask what they're doing. Don't ask them what they think. Ask them what they do. Bunun anlamı ne olabilir? What could be the meaning of it? What could that mean? Sen ve ben ikimiz de ne olduğunu biliyoruz. You and I both know what happened. You and I both know what happened. Burada bir sürü sivrisinek var. There are a lot of mosquitoes here. There's a lot of mosquitoes here. İşte bazı ipuçları. Here are some tips. Here are some clues. Tom hâlâ araba sürmede çok iyi değil. Tom still isn't very good at driving. Tom still isn't very good at driving. Bütün kalbim, bütün ruhum sana aittir. All my heart, all my soul belong to you. All my heart, all my soul belongs to you. Ne yapacağız? What're we going to do? What are we gonna do? Onu görmedin mi? Didn't you see that? You didn't see him? Tom Mary'nin partisine geleceğini umuyordu. Tom hoped that Mary would come to his party. Tom hoped Mary would come to his party. Devam edemeyecek kadar yorgunum. I'm too tired to go on. I'm too tired to go on. Sana zarar vermeyeceğim. I wasn't going to hurt you. I'm not gonna hurt you. O mağazadaki fiyatların fazla yüksek olduğunu düşündüm. I thought the prices at that store were too high. I thought the prices in that store were too high. Oliver, yeni kız arkadaşının yasadışı bir göçmen olduğunu öğrendi. Oliver found out that his new girlfriend is an illegal immigrant. Oliver found out his new girlfriend was an illegal immigrant. Ben buyum. That's just how I am. That's who I am. O tamir edilmeli. It needs to be repaired. It must be repaired. Niye Tom için endişe edecekmişim? Why should I worry about Tom? Why should I worry about Tom? Dan çok dini bütün dindar bir bireydi. Dan was a very devout religious individual. Dan was a very religious all-religious individual. Tom çok gürültücü. Tom is too loud. Tom is very noisy. Olaylar hep düşündüğümüzden daha karışık. Things are always more complex than we think. Things are always more complicated than we thought. Bir yıldır beraberiz. We have been together for a year. We've been together a year. Burada onu yapabilecek bildiğim tek kişi sensin. You're the only person I know here who can do that. You're the only one here I know who can do that. Onu kanıtlayabileceğini düşünüyor. He thinks he can prove it. He thinks he can prove it. Ben regeyi seviyorum. I like reggae. I love regage. Sami arabasında bekliyor. Sami has been waiting in his car. Sami is waiting in his car. Tom sözleşmeli değil. Tom isn't under contract. Tom isn't contractual. Tom güvenirliğini kaybetti. Tom lost his credibility. Tom lost his credibility. Tom'a bir battaniye almaya git. Go get Tom a blanket. Go get Tom a blanket. Sami hastane odasının dışında dayanıyordu. Sami stood outside the hospital room. Sami was standing outside the hospital room. Sabah bir fen sınavım var. I have a science test in the morning. I have a science test in the morning. Cenazeyi ona teslim etmekten başka yapabileceğimiz bir şey yoktu. We could not but give him up for dead. There was nothing we could do but deliver the funeral to him. Bu bira kupası bir pint alıyor. This beer mug holds one pint. This beer mug gets a pint. Kopenhag bisiklet dostu bir kenttir. Copenhagen is a bike-friendly city. Copenhagen is a bicycle-friendly town. Okul evimden yarım millik yürüyüş mesafesinde. The school is a half-mile walk from my house. It's half a mile from my school house. Gerçekten aç olmanın nasıl bir şey olduğunu biliyor musun? Do you know what it is like to be really hungry? Do you really know what it's like to be hungry? Tom işe gitti. Tom headed to work. Tom went to work. Bu kral ve kraliçenin yaşadığı saraydır. This is the palace the king and queen live in. This is the palace where the king and queen live. Keşke Tom ölmüş olsa. I wish Tom were dead. I wish Tom were dead. Sihirdi. It was magic. It was magic. Sami gece boyunca Leyla'yı aradı. Sami searched for Layla through the night. Sami searched for Layla all night. Erkek kardeşim çok yönlüdür. My brother is ambidextrous. My brother is very versatile. Tom ve Mary grip. Tom and Mary have the flu. Tom and Mary have the flu. Evim kentin eteklerinde. My house is on the skirts of the town. My house is at the foot of the city. Neden gerçekten burada olduğunu neden bana söylemiyorsun? Why don't you tell me why you're really here? Why don't you tell me why you're really here? Bu bitkiler zararlı ot ilaçlarına karşı dayanıklıdır. These plants are resistant to weed killers. These plants are resistant to harmful herbs. Bu ağacı keserek devireceğim. I'm going to chop this tree down. I'm going to cut down this tree. Aslında, onu bilmiyordum. Actually, I didn't know that. Actually, I didn't know that. Gerçekten güzel bir sesin var. You have a really nice voice. You have a really nice voice. Tom kapıyı açtı, Mary'yi görmeyi bekliyordu. Tom opened the door, expecting to see Mary. Tom opened the door, waiting to see Mary. Tom her zaman her şeyde hata bulur. Tom always finds fault in everything. Tom always finds fault with everything. Tom Mary'ye yaptıklarını söylemeliydi. Tom should've told Mary what he had done. Tom should've told Mary what he did. Çiğ et yeme dürtüsüne karşı koyamıyorum. I can't resist the urge to eat raw meat. I can't resist the urge to eat raw meat. Onunla takılma. Don't hang out with her. Don't hang out with him. Keşke hayal gücüm senininki kadar iyi olsaydı. I wish my imagination was as good as yours. I wish my imagination was as good as yours. Ebeveynler çocuklarını okumaya teşvik etmeli. Parents should encourage their children to read. Parents should encourage their children to read. Biliyorsun, bu işe yaramayacak. This isn't going to work, you know. You know, this isn't gonna work. Sana dokunmayacağım bile. I won't even touch you. I won't even touch you. Muhtemelen partinize gelebilirim. I'll probably be able to come to your party. I could probably come to your party. Bize kartları dağıt. Deal us the cards. Deal us the cards. O makul bir fiyat gibi görünüyor. That seems like a reasonable price. That seems like a reasonable price. Tom bana gerçeği söylemiyor. Tom isn't telling me the truth. Tom isn't telling me the truth. Kısaca söylemek gerekirse, o kötü bir kişi gibi görünüyor. To say the least, he seems to be a bad person. To put it simply, he seems like a bad person. Bulmacayı çözmeyi zor buldum. I found it difficult to solve the puzzle. I found it difficult to solve the puzzle. Yapılması çok riskli bir şeydi. That was a very risky thing to do. It was a very risky thing to do. Oldukça iyi hissediyorum. I'm feeling pretty good. I feel pretty good. Toner kartuşunun değiştirilmesi gerekiyor. The toner cartridge needs to be replaced. The Toner cartridge needs to be replaced. Biraz izin alacağım. I'm going to take some time off. I'm gonna take some time off. Tom hayatının baharında öldü. Tom died in his prime. Tom died in the prime of his life. Dün gece ziyaret edeceğini düşünmüştüm. I thought that you were going to come over last night. I thought you were going to visit last night. Para asla bulunmadı. The money was never found. The money was never found. Tom Boston'da bir otelde çalışıyor. Tom works at a hotel in Boston. Tom works at a hotel in Boston. Leyla kendini tekrar özgür hissetmeye başladı. Layla started to feel free again. Layla began to feel free again. Onların bir kulübesi yok. They don't have a shed. They don't have a cabin. Onlar bizi kötü yendi. They beat us badly. They beat us badly. Toplantı geçen hafta yapıldı. The meeting took place last week. The meeting was held last week. Tom'u ikna etmek için elimden geleni yapacağım. I'll do everything in my power to convince Tom. I'll do my best to convince Tom. Hâlâ girmemize izin verilmiyor. We're still not allowed to enter. We're still not allowed in. Tom her şeyi yiyecek gibi görünüyor. It looks like Tom will eat the whole thing. Tom looks like he's going to eat everything. Keşke Tom'un hikayesini bitirmesine izin verseydin. I wish you had let Tom finish his story. I wish you'd let Tom finish his story. Ziyaret edeceğimiz yere karar verelim. Let's decide on the places we'll visit. Let's decide where to visit. Depremi çok sayıda hafif şoklar izledi. Several slight shocks followed the earthquake. Several mild shocks followed the earthquake. Neden bize yalan söylüyorsun? Why are you lying to us? Why are you lying to us? Onun çalışmaları bilimsel araştırmayı geliştirmeye çok katkıda bulundu. Her studies contributed greatly to developing scientific research. His work has contributed greatly to the development of scientific research. O, okula gitmiş olamaz. He can not have gone to school. He can't have gone to school. O nadir biri. That's an unusual one. He's a rare man. O, o bölgedeki yoksullara yardım etmek için onun enerjisine yatırım yapıyor. She has been investing her energy in helping the poor in that area. He is investing in his energy to help the poor in that region. En çok sevdiğimiz ve en çok homurdandığımız yer evdir. Home is the place we love best and grumble the most. It's the house we love the most and we grunt the most. Ondan bir mektup bile almadım. I didn't even get one letter from her. I didn't even get a letter from him. Tom gazete okuyor. Tom is reading a newspaper. Tom is reading the newspaper. Seni izliyordum. I was watching you. I've been watching you. Tom takımdaki en iyi güreşçilerden biri. Tom is one of the best wrestlers on the team. Tom is one of the best wrestlers on the team. Tom lisede Mary'nin en yakın arkadaşıydı. Tom was Mary's best friend in high school. Tom was Mary's best friend in high school. Sanırım hasta olacağım. I think I'm going to be sick. I think I'm gonna be sick. Şarap kırmızıydı. The wine was red. The wine was red. Sen daha önce bana bu hikayeyi defalarca anlattın. You've told me this story before tons of times. You've told me this story many times before. O, papaza günahlarını itiraf etti. He confessed his sins to the pastor. He confessed his sins to the priest. Sami, Leyla'nın cesedini yakmaya çalıştı. Sami tried to burn Layla's body. Sami tried to burn Layla's body. Ben büyürken elektriğimiz yoktu. We had no electricity when I was growing up. We didn't have electricity when I was growing up. Tom güreş takımındadır. Tom is on the wrestling team. Tom is on the wrestling team. Yeni kameranla çok sayıda resim çekebileceksin. You'll be able to take many pictures with your new camera. You'll be able to take a lot of pictures with your new camera. Parayı bana ver! Give me the money. Give me the money! Tom'un sıcak bir kalbi vardır. Tom has a warm heart. Tom has a warm heart. Bunu giy. Put this on. Put this on. Hadi bunu sandığın içine koyalım. Let's put this in the trunk. Let's put this in the trunk. Partine gitmeyebilirim. I may not make it to your party. I might not go to your party. Daha sonra gelirim ve görüşürüz. I'll come and see you later. I'll come back and see you later. Neden öyle düşündüğünü bana anlat. Tell me why you think so. Tell me why you think that. Bu bilgi bir şifa bulmana yardımcı olabilir. This information may help you find a cure. This information can help you find a cure. Tom'un telefon numarasını kaydettin mi? Did you write down Tom's phone number? Did you record Tom's phone number? Lütfen bunu benim için değiştirebilir misiniz? Could you change these for me, please? Could you please change that for me? Onun platin sarısı saçları var. She has platinum blonde hair. She has platinum blonde hair. Bana ihanet edildi ve barbarca davranıldım. I was betrayed and treated barbarically. I was betrayed and treated barbaricly. Tom ebeveynlerinden daha fazla para kazanır. Tom makes more money than his parents. Tom makes more money than his parents. Onun endişelenmesini istemiyorum. I don't want him to worry. I don't want him to worry. Tom sandalyesinden sıçradı. Tom jumped out of his chair. Tom jumped out of his chair. Sanırım yüzmemelisin. I think you ought to swim. I don't think you should swim. Polis Tom'a henüz bildirmedi. The police haven't notified Tom yet. The police haven't notified Tom yet. Senin için bir mektup var. There's a letter for you. I have a letter for you. Polis hiçbir şey yapmazdı. The police wouldn't do anything. The police wouldn't do anything. Sami kolejdeydi. Sami was in college. Sami was in college. Ne tür yiyecekleri yemeyi sevmiyorsun? What kind of food do you not like to eat? What kind of food don't you like to eat? Bazı yabani tavşanları ormanda görebilirsiniz. You can see some wild rabbits in the forest. You can see some hares in the woods. Dışarı çıkıp oynayalım. Let's go out and play. Let's go out and play. Bu o olmalı. It must've been her. That must be him. O oldukça güçlü? It's quite strong. He's pretty strong? Boston güzel. Boston is beautiful. Boston is nice. Onu kimin yaptığını bulmak için hiç kaygılanmadım. I never bothered to find out who did that. I never worried about finding out who did it. Migren tipi bir baş ağrım var. I have a migraine headache. I have a migraine-type headache. Lütfen gelecek sefere biraz daha geç gel. Please arrive a bit later next time. Please come a little later next time. Bana su ver. Give me water. Give me some water. Ben bir süreliğine dışarı çıkıyorum. I'm going out for a while. I'm going out for a while. Ben bu yıl evlenmeyeceğim. Aslında, hiç evlenmeyebilirim. I won't be getting married this year. In fact, I may never get married. I'm not getting married this year. En azından Tom'un önerisini dikkate almalıyız. We should at least consider Tom's suggestion. We should at least consider Tom's suggestion. Kim köpeğime bir taş fırlattı? Who threw a stone at my dog? Who threw a rock at my dog? Bunlar senin siparişlerin. These are your orders. These are your orders. Vardığımda sana yazacağım. I'll write you when I arrive. I'll write to you when I get there. İşimi bırakmak zorundayım. I have to quit my job. I have to quit my job. Tom muhtemelen gelecektir. Tom is probably going to come. Tom is likely to come. Onlarla konuşmaya gitmek zorundayım. I have to go talk to them. I have to go talk to them. En fazla, feribotta sadece 100 yolcu vardı. At most, there were only 100 passengers on the ferry. At most, there were only 100 passengers on the ferry. Bloğumuza makaleler eklemiyoruz. We don't add articles to our blog. We don't add articles to our blog. Onlar Esperanto öğreniyorlar. They're learning Esperanto. They're learning Esperanto. Telefon ahizelerini uzun zaman zarflarında şarj dışında bırakmak tavsiye edilmez. It is not recommended to leave phone handsets out of the charger for long periods of time. It is not recommended to leave telephone receivers out of charge in long-term envelopes. Sen onu korkutuyorsun. You intimidate her. You're scaring him. Sırf hayaletleri göremiyorsun diye, bu onların var olmadığı anlamına gelmez. Just because you can't see ghosts, it doesn't mean that they don't exist. Just because you can't see ghosts doesn't mean they don't exist. Tom, Mary'nin onu söylediğine inanamıyor. Tom can't believe Mary said that. Tom can't believe Mary said that. Gözlerim mavidir. My eyes are blue. My eyes are blue. Kaç kâse çorba yedin? How many bowls of soup did you eat? How many bowls of soup did you eat? Biz Bostonluyuz. We're from Boston. We're from Boston. Kaiforniyadaki restoranlarda sigara içmek yasaklanmıştır. Smoking is banned in restaurants in California. Smoking is prohibited in restaurants in Kaifornia. O hasta. Bu yüzden gelmedi. She's sick. That's why she hasn't come. That's why he didn't come. Tom'un er geç ortaya çıkacağını biliyordum. I knew Tom would show up eventually. I knew Tom would show up eventually. Sorun sadece kendilerini düşünüyor olmaları. The trouble is that they only think of themselves. The problem is they only care about themselves. Bence onlar sadece arkadaş canlısı olmaya çalışıyordu. I think that they were just trying to be friendly. I think they were just trying to be friendly. Onun ne dediğini okuyabilir misin? Can you read what that says? Can you read what he said? Herkes iyi mi? Is everybody OK? Is everyone all right? Tom, Mary'nin John'la gerçekten bowling yapmayı planladığına inanmadığını söyledi. Tom said that he didn't believe that Mary really planned to go bowling with John. Tom said he didn't believe Mary really planned to bowl with John. Birbirimizle konuşmamız gerektiğini sanmıyorum. I don't think we should be talking to each other. I don't think we should talk to each other. Geç kalamayız. We can't be late. We can't be late. Boston'u ziyaret ettiğime pişmanım. I regret visiting Boston. I regret visiting Boston. Onun nerede olduğunu Tom bile bilmiyordu. Tom didn't even know where he was. Tom didn't even know where that was. Sizin gibi öğretmenlere daha çok ihtiyacımız var. We need more teachers like you. We need teachers like you more. Tom otuz yıldır Fransızca öğretti. Tom has taught French for thirty years. Tom has taught French for thirty years. Bunu onarmanı istiyorum. I need you to fix this. I want you to fix this. Onları uyarmaya çalıştık. We tried to warn them. We tried to warn them. Hiç kimse hatasız değildir. No man is without his faults. Nobody's right. Konuşmaya çalışma. Don't try to talk. Don't try to talk. Tom seni havaalanında karşılayabilir. Tom could meet you at the airport. Tom can meet you at the airport. Potansiyel pazar çok büyük. The potential market is huge. Potential market is huge. Sana yardım etmemi istiyorsan, tüm yapman gereken istemek. If you want me to help you, all you have to do is ask. If you want me to help you, all you have to do is ask. Bizimle yüzmeye gitmek ister misin? Would you like to go swimming with us? Do you want to go swimming with us? Hala Tom hakkında sana sormak istediğim bir sürü sorum var. I still have a lot of questions I want to ask you about Tom. I still have a lot of questions I want to ask you about Tom. Kaydedilmiş verinin üzerine yazmak ister misin? Do you want to overwrite the saved data? Would you like to write on saved data? Bu işi 2.30'a kadar bitiremem. I can't finish this work by 2:30. I can't finish this by 2:30. Neden bu kadar yüksek sesle konuşuyorsunuz? Why are you speaking so loudly? Why are you talking so loud? Bana saati söyleyebilir misiniz, lütfen? Can you tell me the time, please? Can you tell me the time, please? Çiçekler onun keyfini yerine getirdi. The flowers cheered her up. The flowers cheered him up. Bana senin çaldığın gibi gitar çalmayı öğretebilir misin? Can you teach me how to play the guitar like you do? Can you teach me how to play the guitar like you do? Zor bir gün geçireceğim. I'm going to have a heavy day. I'm going to have a hard day. Çok yorucuydu. It was exhausting. It was exhausting. Tom benden önce kalkıyor. Tom gets up earlier than me. Tom gets up before me. Şişenin içindekini kokla. Smell what's in this bottle. Smell what's in the bottle. Tom odada kalan tek boş koltuğu aldı. Tom took the only free seat left in the room. Tom took the only empty seat in the room. Bu harika olur. That would be wonderful. That'd be great. Neşelen! Bizi kurtaracaklarından eminim. Cheer up! I'm sure we'll be saved. I'm sure they'll save us. Tom'un yaptığı hiçbir şey artık beni şaşırtmıyor. Nothing that Tom does surprises me anymore. Nothing Tom does surprises me anymore. Onların malları en yüksek kalitedir. Their goods are of the highest quality. Their goods are the highest quality. Bunu kontrol et. Check this. Check this out. O her gün saat altıda kalktığını söyledi. He said that he gets up at 6 o'clock every day. She said she gets up at six every day. Kameramın tamir edilmesine gerek yok. My camera doesn't need to be fixed. I don't need my camera fixed. Tom belli ki onun hakkında bilmiyordu. Tom obviously didn't know about it. Tom obviously didn't know about that. Tom benden çok daha yaşlı değil. Tom is not much older than I am. Tom isn't much older than I am. Pahalı görünen bir çift ayakkabı giyiyorsun. You're wearing an expensive-looking pair of shoes. You're wearing an expensive pair of shoes. O şaşırmış görünüyordu. He looked surprised. He seemed surprised. Yaşlı adam aniden durdu ve geriye baktı. The old man stopped suddenly and looked back. The old man suddenly stopped and looked back. Herhangi biri onunla konuştu mu? Has anyone spoken to her? Has anyone talked to him? İşte çeviri. Here's the translation. Here's the translation. Bebek niçin ağlıyor? Why is the baby crying? Why is the baby crying? Viyolonselinin arabada olduğunu söylediğini düşündüm. I thought you said your cello was in the car. I thought you said your cello was in the car. Bu gerçekten sadece bir yanlış anlaşılmaydı. It was really just a misunderstanding. It was really just a misunderstanding. Sadece birbirimizi tanımıyormuş gibi yapalım. Let's just pretend like we don't know each other. Let's just pretend we don't know each other. Bir şikayetim yok. I don't have an ax to grind. I don't have a complaint. Eğer sen gidersen ben de oraya giderim. I'll go there if you go there. If you go, I'll go there. Mary eskiden bir kuafördü. Mary used to be a hairdresser. Mary used to be a hairdresser. Şu kılıç bir prens için uygun. That sword is fit for a prince. That sword is suitable for a prince. Haberi ona söyleyen kişi ben olmak istemem. I don't want to be the one who breaks the news to her. I don't want to be the one to tell him the news. Tom beni kurtardı. Tom rescued me. Tom saved me. Tom hala tatmin olmuş değil. Tom is still not satisfied. Tom is still not satisfied. Fince bir şey söylediğim her zaman Marika mutlu olurdu. Marika was happy every time I said something in Finnish. Marika was always happy when I said something in Finnish. Arabamı kullanabilirsin. You can use my car. You can drive my car. Sizin sakinleşmeye ihtiyacınız var. You guys need to calm down. You need to calm down. Bana günlük olarak hangi ilacı aldığını söyler misin? Can you tell me which medication are you taking daily? Can you tell me what medicine you took daily? Sadece yapraklar ve dallar var. It's only leaves and branches. It's just leaves and branches. Onu sabahleyin sık sık yaparım. I often do that in the morning. I often do that in the morning. Kibirli olduğumu biliyorum. I know that I'm conceited. I know I'm arrogant. Bana nasıl böyle bir şey sorabilirsın? How could you ask me such a thing? How could you ask me such a thing? Bütün bu kargaşa ne hakkında? What's all the commotion about anyway? What's all the commotion about? Biz henüz hazır değiliz. We're not finished yet. We're not ready yet. Tom bana gerçekten evimdeymişim gibi hissettirdi. Tom really made me feel at home. Tom really made me feel at home. ABD'de nüfus sayımı her on yılda bir yapılır. In the United States, a census takes place every ten years. In the United States, the census is held every ten years. Tom'u eve kadar izledim. I followed Tom home. I followed Tom home. Tom çengele bir solucan taktı. Tom put a worm on the hook. Tom put a worm in the hook. Pazartesiden beri gribim. I've had the flu since Monday. I've had the flu since Monday. Bir nehir akar. A river flows. A river flows. Bu yüzden Tom dava açıyor. That's why Tom is suing. That's why Tom is suing. Ben bunu onsuz yapabileceğimi sanmıyorum. I don't think I can do this without him. I don't think I can do this without him. Sanırım Tom gerçeği söylemiyordu. I think Tom wasn't telling the truth. I think Tom wasn't telling the truth. Tom çok yetenekli bir satranç oyuncusudur. Tom is a very talented chess player. Tom is a very talented chess player. Evin tüm katları ahşaptan yapılmıştır. All storeys of the house are made of wood. All the floors of the house are made of wood. Bir dakika içinde görüşürüz. See you in a minute. I'll see you in a minute. Tom'un evine geri gitmelisin. You should go back to Tom's. You should go back to Tom's house. Bence Tom şimdi Boston'da değil. I think Tom isn't in Boston now. I think Tom isn't in Boston now. Hava kötü değil mi? Isn't the weather bad? It's bad weather, isn't it? Dün gece harika gitti. Last night went great. It went great last night. Tom ormanda yaralı bir kuş buldu ve ona sağlığına kavuşana kadar baktı. Tom found an injured bird in the forest and nursed it back to health. Tom found a wounded bird in the forest and nursed it back to health. Dava ediliyorum. I'm being sued. I'm being sued. Tom buraya gelinceye kadar onu bilmeyeceğim. I won't know that until Tom gets here. I won't know that until Tom gets here. Ne İngilizce ne de İspanyolca konuşabilirim. I can speak neither English nor Spanish. I can't speak English or Spanish. Bunun için suçlanacak olan sensin. It is you that are to blame for it. You're to blame for that. Cumartesi günleri genellikle ne zaman kalkarsın? What time do you usually get up on Saturday? When do you usually get up on Saturdays? Bu köpekler büyük. Those dogs are big. These dogs are big. Tom Mary'nin bunu yapmak istediğini düşündüğünü söyledi. Tom said he thought Mary would like to do that. Tom said he thought Mary wanted to do that. Türkçe zor bir dil. Turkish is a difficult language. Turkish is a difficult language. Lütfen ona bir bardak bira doldur. Please pour him a glass of beer. Please pour him a glass of beer. Tom'a bu gece uğramak için çok yorgun olduğumuzu söyle. Tell Tom we're too tired to come over tonight. Tell Tom we're too tired to stop by tonight. Tekil atomlar, molekülleri oluşturmak için diğer atomlarla birleşebilirler. Individual atoms can combine with other atoms to form molecules. Single atoms can merge with other atoms to form molecules. Cinderella'nın ayakkabısı gece yarısından sonra neden kaybolmadı? Why didn't Cinderella's shoe disappear after midnight? Why didn't Cinderella's shoe disappear after midnight? Tom benim temsilcim. Tom is my agent. Tom is my agent. Tom'un evinde sık sık akşam yemeği yiyor musunuz? Do you often eat dinner at Tom's house? Do you often eat dinner at Tom's house? Tom'un daha önce hiç Boston'a gitmediğini bilmiyordum. I didn't know Tom had never been to Boston before. I didn't know Tom had never been to Boston before. Bir tayfun geliyor. A typhoon is coming. Here comes a typhoon. Tom seçildi. Tom was elected. Tom has been chosen. Tom haftalarca buraya geliyor. Tom has been coming here for weeks. Tom has been coming here for weeks. Yağmur yağacak gibi gözüküyor. It looks like it's going to rain. Looks like it's going to rain. Biz onun kaybı telafi etmesi gerektiğini önerdik. We suggested that she should make up for the loss. We suggested that he should make amends for the loss. Ertesi gün hayatını kaybetti. He died the next day. He died the next day. Tom'u duyduk. We heard Tom. We heard Tom. Sadece Tom'a biraz şeker al. Just buy Tom some candy. Just buy Tom some candy. Nasıl bu kadar alaycı oldun? How did you get to be so cynical? How did you get so cynical? Tom eğlenecek, değil mi? Tom is going to have fun, isn't he? Tom is going to have fun, isn't he? Onlar etrafta yürüdüler. They walked around. They walked around. Onunla çok fazla zaman harcadın. You spend too much time with him. You've spent too much time with him. Tom Mary'nin kızgın olmadığını söyledi. Tom said Mary isn't annoyed. Tom said Mary wasn't angry. Ben üç yaşındayken adımı nasıl yazacağımı öğrendim. I learned how to write my name when I was three. When I was three years old, I learned how to write my name. Ben çok endişeliyim. I am very worried. I'm very worried. Biletimi alırken çantama göz kulak ol. Keep an eye on my suitcase while I buy my ticket. Keep an eye on my bag while I get my ticket. Miller adında bir kişi sizi görmek istiyor. A person named Miller wants to see you. There's a man named Miller here to see you. Tom elinden geleni yaptı. Tom has done his best. Tom did his best. Tom Mary'yi beklemiyor. Tom isn't waiting for Mary. Tom isn't waiting for Mary. Ben bu fikri öğrencilerin kafalarına işlemek niyetindeyim. I intend to hammer this idea into the student's heads. I intend to put this idea into the minds of the students. Bu kez dikkatlice izleyeceğim. I'll watch carefully this time. I'll watch carefully this time. Satışlar bu yıl iki katına çıkmalıdır. Sales should double this year. Sales should double this year. Özgürlük sadece size verilen bir şey değil. Bunun için savaşmanız ve kendiniz ele geçirmeniz gerekir. Freedom isn't something that's just given to you. You have to fight for it and seize it yourself. Freedom isn't just given to you, you have to fight for it and take it yourself. Tom birkaç kişiyi öldürdü. Tom has killed several people. Tom killed a few people. O uçakta iki kişilik rezervasyon yapabilir miyim? Can I book two seats on that flight? Can I make a reservation for two on that plane? Fazla ömrüm kaldığını sanmıyorum. I don't think I have much longer to live. I don't think I have long to live. Tom duşta şarkı söylemeyi seviyor. Tom likes singing in the shower. Tom likes to sing in the shower. Tom Mary ve arkadaşlarını akşam yemeğine davet etti. Tom invited Mary and her friends to dinner. Tom invited Mary and her friends to dinner. Tom bir bahse girdi. Tom made a bet. Tom made a bet. Dania, Fadil ile olan ilişkisinin ilk yılında hamile kaldı. In the first year of her relationship with Fadil, Dania became pregnant. Dania became pregnant in the first year of her relationship with Fadil. Çok gururlu olmalısın. You must be so proud. You must be very proud. Bu belge sadece gözleriniz içindir. This document is for your eyes only. This document is for your eyes only. Sami ve Leyla'nın ikisi de silaha atladı. Sami and Layla both dove for the gun. Sami and Layla both jumped into the gun. Bir kadın olmanın ne kadar zor olduğunu hiç farketmedim I never realized how hard it must be to be a woman. I never realized how hard it was to be a woman. Sonra gidebilir miyim? Can I go next? Can I go later? Tom kalabalığa hitap etti. Tom addressed the crowd. Tom addressed the crowd. Tom'dan beni tren istasyonuna götürmesini istedim. I asked Tom to drive me to the train station. I asked Tom to take me to the train station. Sandvicimi yedim. I've eaten my sandwich. I ate my sandwich. Onu sadece böyle yapın. Do it just like this. Just do it like this. Sami henüz hazır değildi. Sami wasn't ready yet. Sami wasn't ready yet. O çocuk biraz utangaç. That child is a bit shy. That kid's a little shy. Düşman teslim olmamızı söyledi. The enemy has demanded our surrender. The enemy told us to surrender. O, benim sahip olduğum kadar çok sayıda pula sahip. She has as many stamps as I. He has as many stamps as I do. Tom oldukça saldırgan, değil mi? Tom is pretty aggressive, isn't he? Tom is quite aggressive, isn't he? Tom, Mary'nin güvende olmasını istedi. Tom wanted Mary to be safe. Tom wanted Mary to be safe. Üç ay sonra, Tom öldü. Three months later, Tom was dead. Three months later, Tom died. Geçen ay grip oldum. I had the flu last month. I had the flu last month. Köpek onun bacağını ısırdı. The dog bit her leg. The dog bit his leg. Bu ifade çok Çinimsi. This expression is very Chinese. This expression is very Chinese. Bunu yaparken hiç problem yaşamadım. I had no problem doing that. I didn't have any problems doing that. Her şeyi özleyeceksin. You'll miss everything. You'll miss everything. Bunun için onu suçlamaya çalışma. Don't try to blame this on her. Don't try to blame him for that. Satın almak istediğim ceket 300 dolar. The coat I want to buy costs $300. The jacket I want to buy is $300. Tom pazartesi akşamı bir parti veriyor. Tom is having a party Monday evening. Tom is having a party Monday evening. Onun tekrar başkan seçileceğini düşünüyor musun? Do you think he will be elected president again? Do you think he'll be elected president again? O gerçek sebep değil. That's not the real reason. That's not the real reason. Patrona söyleme. Don't tell the boss. Don't tell the boss. Bana biraz mahremiyet ver. Give me some privacy. Give me some privacy. O benim hatam mı? Is that my fault? Is that my fault? Ben bu bölgede bir ev satın almayı düşünüyordum. I was thinking of buying a home in this area. I was thinking of buying a house in this area. Olimpiyat Oyunları her dört yılda bir gerçekleşir. The Olympic Games take place every four years. The Olympic Games take place every four years. Takuboku'nun şiirlerini bir çoğunu ezbere öğrendim. I learned many of Takuboku's poems by heart. I learned many of Takuboku's poems by heart. Paris'te bir sosyal konut eksikliği var. There is a lack of social housing in Paris. There's a lack of housing in Paris. Aklıma gelmişken, ödevini yaptın mi? By the way, have you done your homework? By the way, did you do your homework? Polis, Tom'u sorguya çekiyordu. The police were interrogating Tom. The police were interrogating Tom. Çocuklar, aptallar ve ayyaşlar doğruyu söyler. Children, fools and drunkards tell the truth. Children, fools and drunkards tell the truth. Bize kızma. Don't get mad at us. Don't be mad at us. Onlar ne yaptılar? What did they do? What did they do? Tom telefonuna yanıt vermiyor. Tom's not answering his phone. Tom isn't answering his phone. Tom bunu nasıl açıkladı? How did Tom explain that? How did Tom explain that? Yakında geri dönmek zorundayız. We have to go back soon. We have to go back soon. Peynirli ekmek mi yoksa ballı ekmek mi istiyorsunuz? Do you want bread with cheese or bread with honey? Do you want cheese bread or honey bread? Beni mahvetti. She ruined me. He ruined me. Ne zaman giriş yapmalıyım? What time should I check in? When should I check in? Tom onu bana dün söyledi. Tom told me that yesterday. Tom told me that yesterday. Tuvaleti kullanmaya gideceğim. I'm going to go use the restroom. I'm going to use the bathroom. Tom ne söylediyse yapacağım. I'll do what Tom says. I'll do whatever Tom says. Hiç arabanı kendin tamir ettin mi? Have you ever fixed your car by yourself? Have you ever fixed your own car? Splish-splash bir idyofon örneğidir. Splish-splash is an example of an ideophone. Splish-splash is an idiophone sample. Beni sinirlendirmeye başlıyorsun. You're beginning to annoy me. You're starting to piss me off. Ben yardım olmadan tüm bunları yapamam. I can't do all of this without help. I can't do all this without help. Neden Tom'un kazanmasına izin verdin? Why did you let Tom win? Why did you let Tom win? Tom ayrılmak için neredeyse hazır. Tom is just about ready to leave. Tom is almost ready to leave. Bu kitap yeni başlayanlar için uygundur. This book is suitable for beginners. This book is suitable for beginners. Bu o kadar korkutucu değil. It's not that scary. It's not that scary. Sami, Leyla'yı onunla yaşamaya davet etti. Sami invited Layla to live with him. Sami invited Layla to live with him. Tom Mary'ye bakmaktan kaçınmaya çalıştı. Tom tried to avoid looking at Mary. Tom tried to avoid looking at Mary. Tom senin üç yıldır Avustralya'da olduğunu söyledi. Tom said you were in Australia for three years. Tom said you've been in Australia for three years. Şişmanladın mı? Have you put on weight? Are you fat? Şimdi bir film izliyoruz. We're watching a movie now. We're watching a movie now. Galce güzel bir dildir. Welsh is a beautiful language. Welsh is a beautiful language. Böylesi Japonya'da olamaz. Such a thing can't happen in Japan. This can't happen in Japan. Şu anda hiç yiyecek yok. There's no food right now. There's no food at the moment. Bu ne diyor? What does this say? What's he saying? Tekrar benim takımımda olmak ister misin? Do you want to be on my team again? Do you want to be on my team again? Bu sefer onu yapamam. I can't make it this time. I can't do that this time. Yardımıma ihtiyacın var. You need my help. You need my help. Bunu kimseye danışmadan yaptım. I did it without consulting anyone. I did this without consulting anyone. Yarın başka bir gün olacak. Tomorrow is another day. It'll be another day tomorrow. Ailem sağlıklı. My parents are healthy. My family is healthy. Tom onu yapamadı. Tom wasn't able to do it. Tom couldn't do that. Tom ve Mary birbirlerinden nefret ederler. Tom and Mary detest each other. Tom and Mary hate each other. Onu onun için yaptım. I did it for him. I did that for him. Tom'un onu sana söylemesini istedim. I told Tom to tell you that. I asked Tom to tell you that. Lisedeyken Fransızcayı daha ciddi şekilde çalışmalıydım. I should've studied French more seriously when I was in high school. I should have studied French more seriously in high school. Tom'un rahip olduğunu biliyorum. I know that Tom is a priest. I know Tom is a priest. Tom'un sinirli olduğundan oldukça eminim. I'm pretty sure Tom's nervous. I'm pretty sure Tom is nervous. Eğer yağmur yağacaksa sahile gitmenin bir anlamı yok. There's no point in going to the beach if it's going to rain. There's no point in going to the beach if it's going to rain. Yabancı dilleri bir kursta öğrenmek kendi başına yapmaktan çok daha etkili It is way more effective to study foreign languages in a class than to do so by yourself. Learning foreign languages in a course is far more effective than doing it on its own Tom Mary'nin annesiyle konuşmak istedi. Tom wanted to talk to Mary's mother. Tom wanted to talk to Mary's mother. O çocuk ağlamaktan başka bir şey yapmadı. That child did nothing but cry. That boy did nothing but cry. Bir kuş çizemem. I can't draw a bird. I can't draw a bird. Tom akıllı bir kişi, değil mi? Tom is a smart person, isn't he? Tom is a smart person, isn't he? Bunun farkında mıydın? Were you aware of this? Were you aware of that? Burada neler olduğunu anlıyor musun? Do you understand what's happening here? Do you understand what's going on here? Tom Pazartesi günü çocuklarımızı bakmayı kabul etti. Tom has agreed to babysit our kids on Monday. Tom agreed to take care of our children on Monday. Tom'un bize bunun hakkında yalan söylediğini biliyordum. I knew Tom would lie to us about that. I knew Tom was lying to us about that. Onlar ne arıyor. What are they looking for? What are they looking for? Onu bana verdin. You gave it to me. You gave it to me. Buraya gelmek için bir sürü fedakârlık yaptım. I've made a lot of sacrifices to get here. I made a lot of sacrifices to get here. O zamandan beri Tom'dan hiç kimse haber almadı. No one has heard from Tom since. No one's heard from Tom since. Tom bir makinisttir. Tom is a machinist. Tom is a mechanic. Mısır'da yeni bir antik piramit keşfedildi. A new ancient pyramid has been discovered in Egypt. A new ancient pyramid was discovered in Egypt. O yapmak için çok ciddi bir suçlama. That's a very serious accusation to make. That's a very serious accusation to make. Bana daha fazla zaman vermek zorundasın. You have to give me more time. You have to give me more time. Tom Mary ile birlikte şarkı söylemeye başladı. Tom started singing along with Mary. Tom started singing with Mary. Tom'un Mary'ye yardım etmemizi istediğini biliyorum. I know that Tom wants us to help Mary. I know Tom wants us to help Mary. Başkan Cleveland uzlaşmaya varmak zorunda kaldı. President Cleveland had to compromise. President Cleveland had to reach a compromise. Tom onunla dansa gitmesi için Mary'yi ikna etmede zorluk yaşadı. Tom had difficulty convincing Mary to go the dance with him. Tom had trouble convincing Mary to go to the dance with him. Tom hasta görünüyor. Tom seems sick. Tom looks sick. Hayatım bir enkazdı. My life was a wreck. My life was a wreck. Elma henüz olgun değil. The apple is not yet ripe. The apple isn't ripe yet. O, çok gizemli şartlar altında aniden kayboldu. He disappeared suddenly under very mysterious circumstances. He suddenly disappeared under very mysterious circumstances. Reddedilmeyeceğinden eminim. I'm positive you won't be refused. I'm sure it won't be rejected. Tom bu kadar erken ayrılmamalıydı. Tom shouldn't have left so early. Tom shouldn't have left so early. Tom yerde yatıyor. Tom is lying on the floor. Tom is lying on the floor. Tom neye benziyordu? What was Tom like? What did Tom look like? Tom'u karşılamaya gitmek zorundayım. I've got to go meet Tom. I have to go meet Tom. Başlamak zorundasın. You have to start. You have to start. Güzel kadın uzun boyludur. The beautiful woman is tall. The beautiful woman is tall. Tom geçen hafta burada olan kişi. Tom is the one who was here last week. Tom is the one who was here last week. Sözünü sakınmadan konuşursun, değil mi? You don't pull any punches, do you? You speak without a word, don't you? Altının karesi otuz altıya eşittir. Six squared equals thirty-six. Six squared is thirty-six. Tom düşman tarafından esir alındığını iddia etti. Tom claimed he had been captured by the enemy. Tom claimed that he was taken prisoner by the enemy. Tom'un Mary'den daha az arkadaşı var. Tom has fewer friends than Mary. Tom has fewer friends than Mary. Tom bulaşıkları yıkamazdı. Tom wouldn't wash the dishes. Tom didn't wash the dishes. Tom eskiden basketbol antrenörü idi. Tom used to be a basketball coach. Tom used to be a basketball coach. Sanırım hanıma ev almalıyım. I guess I should get home to the missus. I think I should buy the lady a house. Tom basketbolla yatıyor basketbolla kalkıyor. Tom lives and breathes basketball. Tom sleeps with basketball, gets up with basketball. Tom bile terlemiyor. Tom isn't even breaking a sweat. Tom isn't even sweating. Bu kabloyu nasıl kısaltabilirsin? How can you shorten this cable? How do you shorten this wire? Tom her zaman benim fıkralarımı çok beğenir. Tom always falls for my jokes. Tom always likes my jokes very much. Bu tank hareket halinde atış yapabilir. This tank can shoot on the move. This tank can shoot on the move. O güçlüdür. He's strong. He's strong. Jim hâlâ gelmedi mi? Hasn't Jim arrived yet? Is Jim here yet? Tom'u bulmam gerekiyor. I need to find Tom. I need to find Tom. Benden kuşkulanmak için sebebin olduğunu biliyorum. I know you have reason to doubt me. I know you have reason to doubt me. Yoshiki meteliksizdi ve Goro'nun ona 20.000 yen ödünç vermesini istedi. Yoshiki was hard up and asked Goro to lend him 20,000 yen. Yoshiki was broke and asked Goro to lend him 20,000 yen. Tom her zaman daha fazla parasının olmasını istiyor. Tom always wished he had more money. Tom always wants to have more money. O, bize bitişik yaşıyor. He lives next door to us. He lives next door to us. Tom bana biraz yorgun hissettiğini söyledi. Tom told me he was feeling a bit tired. Tom told me he was feeling a little tired. O kahve sever. He loves coffee. He likes coffee. Onlar beşinci caddede yıkık kiralık bir evde yaşıyor. They live in a rundown tenement on 5th St. They live in a broken-down rental house on Fifth Avenue. Yapmam gerekeni yapmak istemiyorum. I don't want to do what I need to do. I don't want to do what I have to do. Sanırım biraz daha fazla bekleyebilirdim. I suppose I could wait a little longer. I guess I could've waited a little longer. Fırtınadan sonra, okyanus sakindi. After the storm, the ocean was calm. After the storm, the ocean was calm. Bu insanlara nasıl güvenebilirsin? How can you trust these people? How can you trust these people? Yasağı kimse iplemiyor artık. No one takes the ban seriously anymore. Nobody gives a shit about the ban anymore. Tom'un Mary'yi özlediğinden eminim. I'm sure Tom misses Mary. I'm sure Tom misses Mary. Tom gerçekten ne olduğunu bilmek istiyordu. Tom really wanted to know what had happened. Tom wanted to know what really happened. Seni çok fazla seviyorum. I love you too much. I love you so much. Niçin Tom'u aramıyorsun ve ona cuma günkü partiyi hatırlatmıyorsun? Why don't you call Tom and remind him about the party on Friday? Why don't you call Tom and remind him of the party on Friday? Üç yıldır bir garson olarak çalışıyorum. I've worked as a waiter for three years. I've been working as a waitress for three years. Tom'un adil bir şekilde tedavi edilmesi gerekiyor. Tom needs to be treated fairly. Tom needs to be treated fairly. Duman, Tom'un odasından geliyordu. Smoke was coming out of Tom's room. The smoke was coming from Tom's room. Tom çok çekici oluyor. Tom is being very charming. Tom is being very attractive. Tom daima bunu yapıyordu. Tom was always doing that. Tom was always doing that. Yağmur kara dönüşmeye başladı. The rain began to turn into snow. The rain began to turn into snow. O herhangi tipte heyecan göstermedi. She didn't display any type of emotion. He didn't show any type of excitement. Mary Tom'un sempatik olacağını düşündüğünü söyledi. Mary said she thought Tom would be sympathetic. Mary said she thought Tom would be sympathetic. Tom bunu anlamıyor. Tom doesn't understand this. Tom doesn't understand that. Tavşan köpeğin üstünden atladı. The bunny jumped over the dog. The rabbit jumped over the dog. Beni çok sevmediğine alışıyorum. I get the feeling that you don't like me very much. I'm getting used to the fact that you don't like me very much. Ben amcanın Nyíregyháza'da yaşadığını sanıyordum. I thought your uncle lived in Nyíregyháza. I thought your uncle lived in Nyíregyháza. Hasta olduğum için daveti geri çevirmek zorunda kaldım. I had to decline the invitation because I was ill. I had to decline the invitation because I was sick. Onlar birbirlerine hediyeler verir. They give each other presents. They give each other gifts. Ben az önce odamı temizledim. I have just cleaned my room. I just cleaned my room. Ben sadece kendim adıma konuşabilirim. I can only speak for myself. I can only speak for myself. Dün iyi eğlendim. I had a good time yesterday. I had fun yesterday. Tom'u gerçekten ne rahatsız ediyor? What's really bothering Tom? What's really bothering Tom? Tokyo Roma'dan daha büyüktür. Tokyo is bigger than Rome. Tokyo is bigger than Rome. O bir baş belası. She's a tease. He's a pain in the ass. Ben sizin ikinizi eve götürmek için arabama alabilir miyim? Can I give you two a lift home? Can I take you two home in my car? Azimli kadınlardan nefret ederim. I hate strong-minded women. I hate tenacious women. Geçen pazartesi seni onunla birlikte gördüm. I saw you with him last Monday. I saw you with him last Monday. Sami'nin karanlık geçmişi yeniden ortaya çıktı. Sami's dark past resurfaced. Sami's dark past has resurfaced. Demir köprüye varıncaya kadar nehir boyunca yürüdüm. I walked along the river until I got to the iron bridge. I walked along the river until I reached the iron bridge. Çay istemiyorum. I don't want tea. I don't want tea. Tom hemen hemen her zaman işe yürüyerek gider. Tom almost always walks to work. Tom almost always walks to work. Yaşamları değiştirebilirsiniz. You can change lives. You can change lives. Ben her zaman doktorlardan korktum. I've always been afraid of doctors. I've always been afraid of doctors. Benzin tankı neredeyse boş. The gas tank is almost empty. The gas tank is almost empty. Tom ne yapması gerektiğini bilmiyordu. Tom didn't know what he needed to do. Tom didn't know what he needed to do. Vay, nasıl da büyümüşsün! My, how you've grown! Wow, how you've grown! Bunu anlamanın senin için zor olduğunu biliyorum. I know this is hard for you to understand. I know this is hard for you to understand. Hangisini daha çok seversin, bisiklet sürmeyi mi yoksa koşmayı mı? Which do you like better, cycling or jogging? Which do you like better, riding a bike or running? Bu anlattığının doğru olma olasılığı yok. That story cannot possibly be true. There's no way that's true. Yarış saat kaçta bitecek? At what time will the race finish? What time does the race end? Tom eğer işinden hoşlanmadıysa her zaman onu bırakabilir. Tom can always quit his job if he doesn't like it. Tom can always leave if he doesn't like his job. Umarım bizi kimse görmez. I hope no one sees us. I hope no one sees us. Tom onu burada yapmayı düşünmüyor. Tom doesn't plan on doing that here. Tom isn't thinking about doing that here. Tom daha iyimser. Tom is more optimistic. Tom is more optimistic. Araştırmanın sonuçları uygun zamanda açıklanacak. The results of the survey will be announced at the appropriate time. The results of the investigation will be revealed at the appropriate time. Tom sizi kendisine yardım etmeye ikna etmeye çalışacaktır. Tom will try to convince you to help him. Tom will try to convince you to help him. O bir deri bir kemik. She is all skin and bone. He's skin and bones. Roman dillerini seviyorum. I love Romance languages. I love Roman languages. O, biraz daha uzun kalması için ona yalvardı. She pleaded with him to stay a little bit longer. She begged him to stay a little longer. İlgisini uyandırdım. I turned one on. I woke him up. Tom zengin bir adam değil. Tom isn't a rich man. Tom isn't a rich man. Arkanı dön ve kamera için gülümse. Turn around and smile for the camera. Turn around and smile for the camera. Bebek yatakta uyuyor. The baby is sleeping on the bed. The baby's sleeping in the bed. Ondan hoşlanmayacağımı söyledin. You said I wouldn't enjoy it. You said I wouldn't like him. Tom saçını yılda yaklaşık üç defa kestirir. Tom gets a haircut about three times a year. Tom gets his hair cut about three times a year. Neden onu bize söylemedin? Why didn't you tell us that? Why didn't you tell us that? Giyebileceğiniz bir şey bulacağımızdan eminim. I'm sure we'll find something you can wear. I'm sure we'll find something you can wear. Bu kurallar öğrenciler tarafından incelenmeli. These regulations ought to be observed by the students. These rules must be studied by students. O, elinde bir kalem tutuyor. He held a pen in his hands. He is holding a pen in his hand. Sadece mutfağa geri git. Just go back to the kitchen. Just go back to the kitchen. Hey, bu benim işim. Hey, that's my job. Hey, that's my job. Ben şaşırdım. I'm surprised. I'm surprised. Tom genellikle bir kovboy şapkası takar fakat bugün o bir beyzbol şapkası takıyor. Tom usually wears a cowboy hat, but today he's wearing a baseball cap. Tom usually wears a cowboy hat, but today he wears a baseball cap. Onunla ilgili bir kanıtın var mı? Do you have any evidence of that? Do you have any proof of that? Gelincik en şirin hayvandır. The stoat is the cutest animal ever. Ferret is the cutest animal. O, ilk önce atı beğenmedi. She didn't like the horse at first. He didn't like the horse at first. Leyla dokuzuncu bebeğini doğurdu. Layla gave birth to her ninth baby. Layla had her ninth baby. Sami'nin, işini genişletmesi gerekiyordu. Sami needed to expand his business. Sami needed to expand his business. Ondan sonra ne oldu? What happened after that? What happened after that? Mary, Tom gibi yılda 100.000 dolardan az kazanan erkeklerden hoşlanmaz. Mary doesn't like men who make less than $100,000 a year like Tom. Mary doesn't like men like Tom who make less than $100,000 a year. Biz hazırlıklı olmalıyız. We need to be prepared. We must be prepared. Dansta çok eğlendik. We had a lot of fun at the dance. We had a lot of fun at the dance. Onu sık sık gördün mü? Did you see him often? Have you seen him often? Bizim Amerikalı komşumuz önümüzdeki yıl beş yıldır Japonya'da yaşıyor olacak. Our American neighbor will have lived in Japan for five years next year. Our American neighbor will be living in Japan for five years next year. Gerçekten yardım edebileceğimizi düşünüyor musun? Do you really think we can help? Do you really think we can help? O kadar hızlı araba sürmek tehlikelidir. It is dangerous to drive so fast. It's dangerous to drive that fast. Tom hapishaneye gitmeyecek. Tom won't go to prison. Tom won't go to prison. Hiçbir kuş gereğinden çok yükseğe uçmaz, eğer ki kendi kanatlarıyla uçuyorsa. No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings. No bird flies too high, if it flies on its own wings. Tom son derece solgundu. Tom was extremely pale. Tom was extremely pale. Gökyüzü açık, yıldızlarla dolu. The sky is clear, it is full of stars. The sky is clear, full of stars. O, çantasını masaya koydu. He laid his bag on the table. He put his bag on the table. Yaşlılık nedir? Önce isimleri unutursun, sonra yüzleri unutursun, sonra fermuarını çekmeyi unutursun, sonra onu indirmeyi unutursun. What is old age? First you forget names, then you forget faces, then you forget to pull your zipper up, then you forget to pull it down. First you forget the names, then you forget the faces, then you forget to zip it up, then you forget to take it down. Tom beni her zaman şaşırtır. Tom always surprises me. Tom always surprises me. Tom, Fransızcayı çok iyi konuşuyor. Tom speaks French pretty well. Tom speaks French very well. Tom neden evde değil. Why isn't Tom at home? Why isn't Tom home? Tom benden hiç yardım istemedi. Tom has never asked me for help. Tom never asked me for help. Tom, Mary'nin John ve onun onun hakkında konuşmasına kulak misafiri olmamasını diledi. Tom wished that Mary hadn't overheard John and him talking about her. Tom wished Mary hadn't overheard him talking about John and him. Tom anahtarları bulduğunu söyledi. Tom said he found his keys. Tom said he found the keys. Bugün bir yere gitmek istemiyorum. I don't want to go anywhere today. I don't want to go anywhere today. Tom'un teyzesi ve amcasıyla yaşadığını bilmiyor muydun? Didn't you know Tom lived with his aunt and uncle? Didn't you know Tom lived with his aunt and uncle? Neden Tom onu istemiyor? Why wouldn't Tom want that? Why doesn't Tom want that? Cidden Tom'un bunu yapacağını düşünüyor musun? Do you seriously think Tom will do that? Do you really think Tom will do that? O, söylediğimi anlıyor gibi görünüyor. She seems to understand what I say. He seems to understand what I'm saying. Yardım için her ikinize de güvenebilir miyim? Can I count on you both for help? Can I count on both of you to help me? Onları değiştiremezsin. You can't change them. You can't change them. Onunla sık sık tenis oynadım. I often played tennis with her. I often played tennis with him. Tom bir bebek gibi uyudu. Tom slept like a baby. Tom slept like a baby. Bay Hatoyama şirket konutunda yaşıyor gibi görünüyor. It seems that Mr Hatoyama is living in company housing. Looks like Mr. Hatoyama lives in the company's residence. Sami, Leyla ile üniversitede tanıştı. Sami met Layla in college. Sami met Layla in college. İlk kez bir yumurta kızarttım. This is the first time I've fried an egg. It's the first time I've ever fried an egg. O nerede olması gerektiğini bilmiyor. He doesn't know where he should be. He doesn't know where he's supposed to be. Yarın saat kaçta lobiye gelmeliyim? What time should I come to the lobby tomorrow? What time should I come to the lobby tomorrow? Zor iş onu tüketti. The hard work has run him down. The hard work consumed him. Tom Mary'nin yeni arabasına bakmak için otoparka yürüdü. Tom walked out to the parking lot to look at Mary's new car. Tom walked into the parking lot to look at Mary's new car. Perşembe ve cuma hariç her gün sohbet için arkadaşlarıyla toplandı. Every day, except Thursdays and Fridays, he gathered with his friends for chatting Every day except Thursday and Friday, she gathers with her friends to chat. Leyla bir İngiliz aristokratın kızıydı. Layla was the daughter of an English aristocrat. Layla was the daughter of an English aristocrat. Tom karısı ile birlikte evde. Tom is at home with his wife. Tom is at home with his wife. Eğer yorgunsan oturabilirsin. You may sit down if you're tired. If you're tired, you can sit down. Biz başardık. We pulled it off. We did it. O hayvan etçil değil. That animal isn't carnivorous. That animal is not carnivorous. Tom nedenini söylemiyor. Tom isn't saying why. Tom isn't saying why. Bunu nereye koyacağımdan emin değilim. I'm not sure where to put this. I'm not sure where to put this. Nehri yüzerek geçmede zorluk çekmedi. He had no difficulty swimming across the river. He had no trouble swimming across the river. Bu, Rusya'da seyahat etmek için en uygun dönemdir. This is the most favourable period for travelling in Russia. This is the best time to travel in Russia. Sadece sana inanmadığımı söylemek istedim. I just wanted to say I don't believe you. I just wanted to say I don't believe you. Kule buradan görülebilir. The tower can be seen from here. The tower can be seen from here. Onlar deneyecekler. They're going to try. They'll try. Çocuklar benden korkuyor. The children are afraid of me. The kids are afraid of me. Onlar üç yıldır beraberler. They were together three years. They've been together for three years. Tom ve benim bir anlaşmam var. Tom and I have an agreement. Tom and I have a deal. Deneyin sonucu yetersizdi. The result of the experiment was inconclusive. The experiment was inconclusive. Tom hoşsohbet değil. Tom is not well-spoken. Tom isn't a conversationalist. Benim uzun sarı saçlarım var. I have long blonde hair. I have long blonde hair. Beklemek zorunda kalacağım. I'll have to wait. I'll have to wait. Ben sadece Tom'un faturasını ödemesini istedim. I only asked Tom to pay his bill. I just wanted Tom to pay his bill. Tom genellikle Mary'den az yer. Tom usually eats less than Mary does. Tom usually eats less than Mary does. Tom çok açtı. Tom was so hungry. Tom was very hungry. Bir kalemle çiz. Draw with a pencil. Draw with a pen. Tom iyi yapmadı. Tom didn't do well. Tom didn't do well. Cephanemiz bitti. We're out of ammo. We're out of ammo. Tom evlenmek istiyordu ama Mary istemiyordu. Tom wanted to get married, but Mary didn't. Tom wanted to get married, but Mary didn't. Bu şimdiye kadar tattığım en iğrenç şeydi. That was the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted. This is the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted. Ben limonu sıktım. I squeezed the lemon. I squeezed the lemon. O eski ev yıllardır ihmal edildi. That old house has been neglected for years. That old house has been neglected for years. Zemin şiddetle sarsıldı. The ground quaked violently. The ground was shaken violently. Yardımına ihtiyacım yoktu. I didn't need your help. I didn't need your help. Bunu düzeltmen gerekiyor. You need to fix this. You need to fix this. Onlar tüm plandan vazgeçmekten başka seçenekleri olmadığını kabul ettiler. They agree that they have no choice but to give up the whole plan. They agreed they had no choice but to give up the whole plan. Tom'dan telefon numarasını istedim. I asked Tom for his phone number. I asked Tom for his phone number. Tom yüksek sesli müziği sevmez. Tom doesn't like loud music. Tom doesn't like loud music. Tom'un çok açık bir teni var ve güneşte kolayca yanar. Tom has a very fair complexion and burns easily in the sun. Tom has a very fair skin and burns easily in the sun. Tom bana biraz iyi tavsiyeler verdi. Tom gave me some good advice. Tom gave me some good advice. Leyla, Sami'ye pahalı bir saat satın aldı. Layla bought Sami an expensive watch. Layla bought Sami an expensive watch. O kadar derin değil. It's not that deep. It's not that deep. Manuela'nın elbiseleri çok şık. Manuela's dresses are very elegant. Manuela's clothes are very chic. Postane oradaki mağazanın sadece karşısında. The post office is just across from that store over there. The post office is just across the street from that store over there. Sonunda gideceğimiz yere vardık. At last, we reached our destination. We've finally reached our destination. Kent, bu eski tarihi binayı restore etti. The town restored this old historic building. Kent restored this old historic building. Onu yapacak mısın? Are you going to do it? Are you going to do that? Boston'da pek çok insan tanımıyorum. I don't know many people in Boston. I don't know many people in Boston. Pek çok farklı güzellik türü vardır. There are many different kinds of beauty. There are many different kinds of beauty. Ben bir ameliyat doktoruyum. I'm a surgeon. I'm a surgeon. Onu çok beğendim. I liked it a lot. I like him very much. Bunu kaç kez yapmak zorunda kalacağını bilmiyorum. I don't know how much time you'll have to do that. I don't know how many times you're gonna have to do this. Tom gün aşırı uğrar bize. Tom visits us every other day. Tom comes over every day. On öğrenci kopya çekerken yakalandı. Ten students were caught cheating. Ten students were caught cheating. Sizden biri onları gördü mü? Have any of you seen them? Did any of you see them? O tamamen benim hatamdı. That was totally my fault. That was totally my fault. Hiç söylemeye gerek yok, erken kalkmak önemlidir. Needless to say, getting up early is important. Needless to say, getting up early is important. Onları aramaya gideceğim. I'll go and look for them. I'll go look for them. Siz bir dedektif misiniz? Are you a detective? Are you a detective? Eve gitsene. Why don't you go home? Why don't you go home? Tom saatte 80 mil hızla tünelden çıktı. Tom exited the tunnel at 80 miles an hour. Tom exited the tunnel at 80 miles an hour. Bir dersi dinlerken sessiz olmalısın. When listening to a lecture, you should be quiet. You have to be quiet when you're listening to a lesson. Alarm çalarsa, yürü, koşma. If the alarm rings, walk, don't run. If the alarm goes off, walk, don't run. Pencereyi açmakta zorlandım. I had trouble opening the window. I had trouble opening the window. Hükümetimiz ne durumda? What's up with our government? What about our government? Bu düpedüz deli. This is utterly insane. That's just crazy. Ucuz olduğu sürece, herhangi bir saat işimi görür. Any watch will do as long as it is cheap. As long as it's cheap, any hour will do. Bildiğimiz her şeyi sana söyledik. We've told you everything we know. We've told you everything we know. Bu sana nasıl hissettirdi? How did it make you feel? How did that make you feel? Şimdilik yeterince yedim. I've eaten enough for now. I've had enough for now. Onlar her zaman aynı şeyler hakkında konuşurlar. They always talk about the same things. They always talk about the same things. Beklenmeyen giderler için hazır mısın? Are you ready for the unexpected expenses? Are you ready for the unexpected expenses? Tom'dan Mary'ye onun nasıl yapılacağını göstermesini istedim. I asked Tom to show Mary how to do that. I asked Tom to show Mary how to do that. Gelecek nisan ayında iki yıldır burada yaşamakta olacağız. We'll have lived here for two years next April. We'll be living here for two years next April. Bana öyle bakmayı durdurur musun? Would you stop looking at me like that? Will you stop looking at me like that? Tekniğin ilginç. Your technique is interesting. Your technique is interesting. Onları nerede mahkemeye verdin? Where did you sue them? Where did you sue them? Çocukken çok utangaçtım. I was very shy when I was a child. I was so shy when I was a kid. Nerelisin, Tom? Where are you from, Tom? Where are you from, Tom? Tom Mary'nin bunu yapmasına izin verilmediğini söylüyor. Tom says Mary isn't allowed to do that. Tom says Mary isn't allowed to do that. Tom yetenekli bir oyuncu, değil mi? Tom is a gifted actor, isn't he? Tom is a talented player, isn't he? Siz uzaklaştırıldınız. You've been suspended. You're suspended. Biz de seni özledik. We miss you, too. We missed you, too. Hâlâ bizimle misin? Are you still with us? Are you still with us? Çocuklara karşı çok sert olma. Don't be so sharp with the children. Don't be too hard on the kids. Beyin sadece karmaşık bir makinedir. The brain is just a complicated machine. The brain is just a complicated machine. Rolodeksimi kontrol edeyim. Let me check my Rolodex. Let me check my Rolodex. Tom dünkü toplantıya katılmadı. Tom didn't attend yesterday's meeting. Tom didn't attend yesterday's meeting. İyi bir restoran ama oldukça pahalı. It's a good restaurant, but it's quite expensive. It's a good restaurant, but it's quite expensive. Tom'un en az sevdiği renk mavi-yeşildir. Tom's least favorite color is blue-green. Tom's least favorite color is blue-green. Emekli olmak için yeterli param olsaydı, olurdum. If I had enough money to retire, I would. If I had enough money to retire, I would. Tom çok gizemliydi. Tom was very secretive. Tom was very mysterious. Sanırım Tom onu yapabilir. I think Tom may be able to do that. I think Tom might be able to do that. Nasıl olduğumu biliyorum. I know how I am. I know how I am. Tom geç kalktı. Tom got up late. Tom got up late. Tom garson kızdan şarap listesini istedi. Tom asked the waitress for the wine list. Tom asked the waitress for the wine list. O, tekrar geç kalmamaya söz verdi. She promised not to be late again. He promised not to be late again. Aniden ortaya çıktı. He appeared from nowhere. He came out of nowhere. Tom sana yardım edebileceğini düşünüyor. Tom thinks he may be able to help you. Tom thinks he can help you. Kamerada film yoktur. There's no film in this camera. There's no film in the camera. Arkadaşımdan tavsiye istedim. I asked my friend for advice. I asked my friend for advice. Tom'un arabası bir ağaca çarptı. Tom's car hit a tree. Tom's car hit a tree. Öğretmenler bu konuda bölündüler. The teachers were divided on the issue. Teachers are divided about it. Tom'la birlikte önümüzdeki hafta boyunca Boston'da olacağım. I'll be with Tom all next week in Boston. I'll be in Boston with Tom next week. Bence vazgeçsen iyi olur. I think you'd better give up. I think you should give up. Onun köpeği nerede? Where is her dog? Where's his dog? Tom ile her hafta üç kez Fransızca çalışıyorum. I study French with Tom three times each week. I study French with Tom three times every week. Neden politika hakkında konuşmaktan hoşlanmıyorsun? Why don't you like talking about politics? Why don't you like talking about politics? Öğretmenimi sevmiyordum. I didn't like my teacher. I didn't like my teacher. O, o görevi tekrar yapmak zorunda kalacak. He will have to do that task again. He will have to do that task again. Gece ilerleyip Tom içkileri devirdikçe, esprileri de gittikçe daha müstehcenleşti. As the night wore on and Tom drank more and more, his jokes got progressively smuttier. As the night went on and Tom knocked over the drinks, his jokes became more and more obscene. Bugün cevap vermek zorunda değilsin. You don't have to reply today. You don't have to answer today. Zor bir gün geçirdim, tek istediğim erken bir gecedir. I've had a hard day, all I want is an early night. I've had a rough day, and all I want is an early night. O bir şey söyledi. She said something. He said something. Düşünmek için biraz zamana ihtiyacım var. I need some time to think. I need some time to think. Modern teleskoplar sayesinde sayısız süpernovaya şahit olduk. Modern telescopes have allowed us to witness countless supernovas. Thanks to modern telescopes, we've seen countless supernovas. Tom genellikle detaylar hakkında endişe etmeyen insan türüdür. Tom is the type of person who doesn't usually worry about details. Tom is usually the kind of person who doesn't worry about details. Tom bunu kendi başına yapmaya karar verdi. Tom decided to do that on his own. Tom decided to do that by himself. Bir insan kötü alışkanlıkları bırakmak için asla çok yaşlı değildir. One is never too old to unlearn bad habits. A man is never too old to let go of bad habits. Köprü, körfezi geçiyor. The bridge crosses the bay. The bridge is crossing the bay. Onu asla yapmayacağım. I'll never make it. I'll never do that. Ölüm yaklaştığında, yapabileceğiniz bütün şey yavaş yavaş tırnaklarınızı çiğnemektir. When death approaches, all you can do is slowly chew your fingernails. When death approaches, all you can do is slowly chew your nails. Tom Mary'yi görmezden gelmek için elinden geleni yaptı. Tom tried his best to ignore Mary. Tom did his best to ignore Mary. Seni üzmek istemedim. I didn't want to upset you. I didn't mean to upset you. Onun için onları suçlayamazsın. You can't blame them for that. You can't blame them for that. Bu kelimenin vurgusu son hecede. This word's stressed on the last syllable. The accent of that word is in the last syllable. Tom Mary'yi ona yardım etmesi için ikna etmeye çalıştı. Tom tried to convince Mary to help him. Tom tried to convince Mary to help him. İlk adetinizi hangi yaşta yaşadınız? At what age did you have your first period? At what age did you have your first period? Anneni becer. Fuck your mom. Fuck your mother. Kapuçino içmek ister misin? Would you like to have a cappuccino? Would you like a cappuccino? Bir rahip tanıyorum. I know a priest. I know a priest. Orada kaç kişi var? How many people are down there? How many people are there? Tom Park caddesinde bir çiçekçi dükkanında çalışıyor. Tom works in a flower shop on Park Street. Tom works at a flower shop on Park Street. Mektubu sekretere uzattı. He handed the letter to the secretary. He handed the letter to the secretary. O devam ederken keyfine bak. Enjoy it while it lasts. Enjoy it while it lasts. Öğrenmeyi asla bırakma. You never stop learning. Never stop learning. Canım istasyona kadar tüm yolu koşmak istemiyor. I don't feel like running all the way to the station. I don't feel like running all the way to the station. Bununla şunun arasında seçim yap. Choose between this and that. Make a choice between this one and this one. Şimdi soru kim? The question now is who. Who's the question now? Neredeyse hazırsın, değil mi? You're almost done, aren't you? You're almost ready, aren't you? Ben onu bulamadım. I couldn't find her. I couldn't find him. Tom Mary ile balık tutmak için dışarı çıktı. Tom is out fishing with Mary. Tom went out fishing with Mary. Sen hatırlamayacaksın. Ben asla unutmayacağım. You will not remember. I will never forget. You won't remember, I'll never forget. Diğer alternatiflerin ihtimalini düşünmek için zerre kadar istekli olmadığına inanamıyorum. I can't believe that you aren't at least willing to consider the possibility of other alternatives. I can't believe you're not willing to consider the possibility of other alternatives. İnsanlar sorunlarının çözülmesi için bana güveniyorlar. People trust me to solve their problems. People are counting on me to solve their problems. Tom biraz utangaç, değil mi? Tom is kind of shy, isn't he? Tom is a little shy, isn't he? Tom çalışmak için takım elbise giymek ve kravat takmak zorunda değil. Tom doesn't have to wear a suit and tie to work. Tom doesn't have to wear a suit and tie to work. Onu gözardı etmeye karar verdi. She decided to ignore him. He decided to ignore her. Yakılmak istemiyorum. I don't want to be cremated. I don't want to be cremated. Bu, o mu? Is this it? Is that him? Konuşma yarım saat sürdü. The speech lasted thirty minutes. The speech lasted half an hour. Bunun tümü bir yanlış anlaşılma. This is all a misunderstanding. This is all a misunderstanding. Derede hiç su yok. There is no water in the stream. There's no water in the creek. Tom bana Mary'nin uyanık olduğunu düşündüğünü söyledi. Tom told me that he thought Mary was awake. Tom told me that he thought Mary was awake. Tom ve ben sana yardım edeceğiz. Tom and I will help you. Tom and I will help you. Tom üretkendi. Tom was productive. Tom made it. Tom akşam yemeğinden sonra ders çalışır. Tom studies after dinner. Tom studies after dinner. Jim öğretmenin yanılabileceğini öne sürdü. Jim suggested that the teacher might be wrong. Jim suggested that the teacher might be wrong. Ben kapatır kapatmaz telefon yine çalmaya başladı. No sooner had I hung up than the phone started ringing again. The phone started ringing again as soon as I hung up. Tom büyük bir yudum aldı. Tom took a big sip. Tom took a big sip. Çok sıcak olduğu için Tom uyuyamadı. Tom couldn't sleep at all because it was so hot. Tom couldn't sleep because it was too hot. Fadil çalışamadı. Fadil wasn't able to work. Fadil couldn't work. Boş zamanımın çoğunu Tom'la geçiririm. I spend a lot of my free time with Tom. I spend most of my free time with Tom. Onun bitmeyen masallarından sıkıldım. He bored me with his endless tales. I'm tired of his endless tales. Buradaki maksat Tom'u bulmaktır. The point here is to find Tom. The point here is to find Tom. Ben yine bir çocuk olduğumu hayal ettim. I dreamed I was a child again. I dreamed of being a child again. Onun içeri gelişini fark ettin mi? Did you notice him coming in? Did you notice him coming in? O ne zaman gelecek? When will he come? When will he come? Erkekler futbolsuz yaşayamazlar. Men can't live without football. Men can't live without football. Olacağımızı düşündüğüm kadar meşgul değiliz. We weren't as busy as I thought we'd be. We're not as busy as I thought we'd be. Nerenin ağrıdığını bilmem gerekiyor. I need to know where it hurts. I need to know where it hurts. Ben onun bahçenin otlarını temizlemesine yardım ettim. I helped her weed the garden. I helped him clean the garden's weed. Julia, Emilia'yı görmez. Julia doesn't see Emilia. Julia won't see Emilia. Tom genç bayanı etkilemeye çalıştı. Tom tried to impress the young lady. Tom tried to impress the young lady. Yeni bir ev yapmak için tasarruf yapıyoruz. We're saving up to build a new house. We're saving up to build a new house. Bütün hayatını insanlara yardım ederek geçirdi. He spent his entire life helping people. He's spent his whole life helping people. Sen beni ne zaman tanıdın? When did you get to know me? When did you know me? 200 yene bir kitap aldım. I bought a book for two hundred yen. I bought a book for 200 yen. Bu web sitesi oldukça iyi görünüyor. This website seems quite good. This website looks pretty good. Yarın hava güzel olacak. It'll be fine tomorrow. The weather will be fine tomorrow. Bu, bileğimi yaraladığım zamandır. That's when I injured my ankle. That's when I hurt my wrist. Seni burada görmeyi ummadım. I didn't expect to see you here. I didn't expect to see you here. Annem çok iyi golf oynayabilir. My mother can play golf very well. My mother can play golf very well. Kazuko göğsünü açtı ve bebeği besledi. Kazuko bared her breast and fed the baby. Kazuko opened her chest and fed the baby. Şu anda hastanedeyim. I'm at the hospital now. I'm at the hospital right now. Tom'un bunu gerçekten yaptığından şüpheliyim. I doubt that Tom really did that. I doubt Tom really did that. Bu Noel. It's Christmas. It's Christmas. Tom ihtiyacı olan parayı başka birinden ödünç almış olabilir. Tom might've borrowed the money he needed from someone else. Tom may have borrowed the money he needed from someone else. Tom gizlice evden çıkmaya çalıştı fakat ebeveynleri onu yakaladı. Tom tried to sneak out of the house, but his parents caught him. Tom tried to sneak out of the house, but his parents caught him. Tom, Meri'nin sinirini bozmayı seviyor. Tom loves to annoy Mary. Tom likes to get on Meri's nerves. Ne istediğimi biliyorum. I know what I want. I know what I want. Ben bir bağlantı olduğuna eminim. I'm sure there's a connection. I'm sure there's a connection. Onlar kim olduğumuzu bilirler. They know who we are. They know who we are. Tom mutlu olmayı hak etti. Tom deserved to be happy. Tom deserved to be happy. O bir sürü fikirler buldu ama onlardan hiç biri iyi değildi. He came up with many ideas, none of which were good. He came up with a lot of ideas, but none of them were good. Neden sana para vermeliyim? Why should I give you money? Why should I give you money? Caddenin karşı tarafında yaşıyorsun, değil mi? You live across the street, don't you? You live across the street, don't you? Gerçekten şimdi gitmek zorundayım. I really have to go now. I really have to go now. Sola dönün ve solunuzdaki ilk ev orasıdır. Take a left, and it's the first house on your left. Turn left and that's the first house on your left. Bir ev satın aldığın zaman belgeleri dikkatli oku. When you buy a house, read the documents carefully. When you buy a house, read the documents carefully. Bu bir Japon oyuncak bebeği. This is a Japanese doll. It's a Japanese doll. İlkbaharın hala görünür bir işareti yoktu. There still weren't any visible signs of spring. There was still no visible sign of spring. Sen yumurtalar kırmadan bir omlet yapamazsın. You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs. Onu masamın üzerine koymayın. Don't put it on my desk. Don't put it on my desk. Ben gerçekten gitmeni istemiyorum. I really don't want you to go. I really don't want you to go. Toz ol! Scram! Get lost! Tom Mary'nin uykulu göründüğünü söyledi. Tom said Mary looked sleepy. Tom said Mary looked sleepy. Yarın ona yardım edeceğim. I'll help her tomorrow. I'll help him tomorrow. Gemiyle seyahat etmeyi seviyorum. I like to travel by ship. I like to travel by ship. Tom biraz yorgun. Tom is a little tired. Tom is a little tired. Bu gece yağmur yağabilir. It may rain tonight. It might rain tonight. Tom benim için çalışmıyordu. Tom wasn't working for me. Tom wasn't working for me. İki büyük viski lütfen. Two large whiskies, please. Two large whiskeys, please. Tom sonraki sınavı geçeceğinden emin. Tom is sure that he'll pass the next exam. Tom is sure he'll pass the next exam. Onları görmeye gideceğiz. We'll go see them. We'll go see them. Onun pis iş yapmasına izin ver. Let him do the dirty work. Let him do the dirty work. İş yarın hazır olmalı. The work should be ready tomorrow. The job should be ready tomorrow. Tom parmaklıklar ardında birkaç yıl geçirdi. Tom spent a few years behind bars. Tom spent a few years behind bars. O senin kontrolün dışında. That's out of your control. He's out of your control. Hepimiz öleceğiz ! We're all going to die! We're all going to die! Onun cinayetten suçlu olduğuna eminim. I'm sure he is guilty of the murder. I'm pretty sure he's guilty of murder. Tom pencereyi parçaladı. Tom smashed the window. Tom smashed the window. Yönetimi ele geçir. Take control. Take over. Şimdi bacağım ağrıyor. My leg hurts now. Now my leg hurts. Onu kesmedim. I didn't cut it off. I didn't cut it. Tom gelecek hafta okula gitmeyecek. Tom won't be going to school next week. Tom won't go to school next week. Yeni bir iş bulmam gerekiyor. I need to find a new job. I need to find a new job. Tom seni seviyor. Tom loves you. Tom loves you. Bu gece bir karar verme. Don't make any decisions tonight. Don't make a decision tonight. Kızlar kızlardır ve oğlanlar oğlandırlar. Girls are girls and boys are boys. Girls are girls and boys are boys. O, o konuda konuşmamayı tercih eder. She prefers not to talk about it. She prefers not to talk about it. Sana sırrımı güvendim ve sen bana ihanet ettin. I trusted you with my secret and you betrayed me. I trusted you with my secret and you betrayed me. Tom'un yeni köpek yavrusu avucunun içine sığabilecek kadar küçük. Tom's new puppy is so small he can fit into the palm of your hand. Tom's new puppy is small enough to fit in his palm. Tom ile evlenmek istiyorum. I want to marry Tom. I want to marry Tom. Şansım vardı. I had my chance. I had my chance. Bu golf sahası üye olmayanlara açık değildir. This golf course is not open to non-members. This golf course is not open to non-members. Hayali şeyleri durdurun. Stop imagining things. Stop the imaginary things. Bu partiyi düzenleyen kişi sen misin? Are you the one who organized this party? Are you the one who threw this party? Umarım Tom kazanır. I hope Tom will win. I hope Tom wins. Tom! Bana cevap ver! Orada olduğunu biliyorum ve beni işitebileceğini biliyorum. Tom! Answer me! I know you're in there, and I know you can hear me. Tom! Answer me! I know you're there, and I know you can hear me. Onu hiç düşünmezdim. I would've never thought of that. I never thought of that. Tom ve Mary bazı yeni mobilya satın aldılar. Tom and Mary bought some new furniture. Tom and Mary bought some new furniture. O yapacağını söylediği şeyi neredeyse hiç yapmaz. She almost never does what she says she's going to do. He hardly ever does what he says he's going to do. Tom artık görmek istediğim son kişi. Tom is the last person I want to see now. Tom is the last person I want to see anymore. Bugün şans benden yana. Luck's on my side today. Luck's on my side today. Bu görevin başarılı olmasını istiyor musun? Do you want this mission to succeed? Do you want this mission to succeed? "Yarın yağmur yağacak mı?" "Umarım yağmaz." "Will it rain tomorrow?" "I hope not." "Will it rain tomorrow?" "I hope it doesn't." Koblenz, Ren ve Moselle Nehirlerinin birleşme noktasında bulunur Koblenz lies on the confluence of the Rhine and Moselle rivers. Koblenz is located at the junction of the Rhine and Moselle Rivers Tom ne kadar süre Fransızca çalıştığını söyledi? How long did Tom say he'd been studying French? How long did Tom say he studied French? Lütfen onunla nasıl temas edebileceğimi söyle. Please tell me how I can get in touch with her. Please tell me how to contact him. Daha önce hiç bu oyunu oynamadım. I've never played this game before. I've never played this game before. Tom ve Mary geleceklerini söylediler ama hiç gelmediler. Tom and Mary said that they'd come, but they never showed up. Tom and Mary said they'd come, but they never did. Tom'un daire bulmasına yardım ettim. I helped Tom find an apartment. I helped Tom find an apartment. Bu ilkelerin ölmeye değer olduğunu düşünüyorum. I think these principles are worth dying for. I think these principles are worth dying for. Tom'a onu yapmayı kesmesini tavsiye ettim. I've advised Tom to stop doing that. I advised Tom to stop doing that. Bu, Tom ve benim tanıştığım yer. This is where Tom and I met. This is where Tom and I met. Onarımlar ne kadar sürecek? How long will the repairs take? How long will the repairs take? Rahatlamış görünüyorsun. You look relaxed. You look relieved. Sami, kilisede çok aktifti. Sami was very active in church. Sami was very active in church. Eğer gitmezsen polisleri arayacağım. If you don't leave, I'm going to call the cops. If you don't go, I'll call the cops. Tom yiyebildiği zaman çikolatalı dondurma yer. Tom eats chocolate ice cream whenever he can. Tom eats chocolate ice cream when he can eat. Genellikle maden suyu çeşme suyundan pahalıdır. Generally, mineral water is more expensive than tap water. Mineral water is often more expensive than tap water. O, hediyeleri kabul eder. She accepts the gifts. He accepts gifts. O, benim mal varlığımı elimden aldı. She defrauded me of my property. He took away my assets. Tom'un bazı iyi haberleri var. Tom has some very good news. Tom has some good news. Sami o e-postayı da görmezden geldi. Sami ignored that e-mail as well. Sami ignored that email, too. Bunu yapmamız gerekiyor. We should do it. We need to do this. Ben elimden geleni yapacağım. I'll try my best. I'll do my best. Tom muhteşem görünüyordu? Tom looked great. Tom looked amazing. Özel bir şey yok. Nothing special. Nothing special. Tom Mary'ye onun deli olduğunu söyledi. Tom told Mary that she was crazy. Tom told Mary that she was crazy. Tom itici ve sabırsız. Tom is impulsive and impatient. Tom is repulsive and impatient. Onlar çok daha yüksektiler. They were much higher. They were much higher. Hem Tom hem de ben aynı sınıftayız. Tom and I are both in the same class. Both Tom and I are in the same class. Tom salyangoz istedi. Tom ordered escargots. Tom wanted snails. Bunu yapabilmek için şanslıydım. I was fortunate to be able to do that. I was lucky to be able to do that. Eşi, bir baca gibi sigara içiyor. Her husband smokes like a chimney. His wife smokes like a chimney. Tom bugün evde kalmayı düşünmek isteyebilir. Tom might want to consider staying at home today. Tom might want to think about staying home today. Kendi kendime "Bu iyi bir fikir." dedim. I said to myself, "That's a good idea." I said to myself, "That's a good idea." Tamam, Tom, lafı gevelemeye gerek yok. OK, Tom, let's cut to the chase. Okay, Tom, there's no need to beat around the bush. Beni başlatmayın. Don't get me started. Don't get me started. "Bunlar kimin köpekleri?" "Onlar benim komşumun." "Whose dogs are these?" "They are my neighbor's." "Whose dogs are these?" "They're my neighbor's." Ben bir pizza için ölüyorum. I'm dying for a pizza. I'm dying for a pizza. Tom bunu benim için yazdı. Tom wrote it for me. Tom wrote that for me. Sence bütün yetkililer yozlaşmış mı? Do you think all officials are corrupt? Do you think all the authorities are corrupt? Benim hobim pişirmektir. My hobby is cooking. My hobby is cooking. Açıkça, gerçekler nedir? Man to man, what are the facts? Clearly, what are the facts? Bu pratik gerektirir. It takes practice. It takes practice. Onlar dışarı çıkarken görüldü. They were seen to go out. They were seen coming out. Tom yarın paten yapmaya gidecek mi? Is Tom going to go skating tomorrow? Will Tom go skating tomorrow? Bunun gerçek olduğundan emin değilim. I'm not sure it's real. I'm not sure this is real. Develerin Orta Doğuda çok yararlı olduğunu söylemeye gerek yok. It goes without saying that camels are very useful in the Middle East. Needless to say, camels are very useful in the Middle East. Bugün Tom'la konuşacağız. We'll talk to Tom today. We'll talk to Tom today. Beni aradığını duydum. I heard you were looking for me. I heard you were looking for me. Hâlâ bir terapist ile görüşüyor musun? Are you still seeing a therapist? Are you still seeing a therapist? Önemli! Yukarıdaki cümleye çeviri eklemek üzeresiniz. Important! You are about to add a translation to the sentence above. You're about to add translation to the sentence above. Bir yumurta bir zigottur. An egg is a zygote. An egg is a zygote. Yarın Tom'a soracağım. I'll ask Tom tomorrow. I'll ask Tom tomorrow. Burada yaşayalım. Let's live here. Let's live here. Yeni bir planım var. I have a new plan. I have a new plan. Sami zararsız bir oyuncak ayıydı. Sami was a harmless teddy bear. Sami was a harmless teddy bear. Durmanı istiyorum. I want you to stop. I want you to stop. Bence Tom ve Mary birbirlerini tanımıyorlar. I think Tom and Mary don't know each other. I think Tom and Mary don't know each other. Hen Tom hem de John Mary'yi dansa götürmek istedi. Both Tom and John wanted to take Mary to the dance. Hen Tom and John wanted to take Mary to the dance. Yaşamın en iyi zamanı genç olduğun zamandır. The best time of life is when you are young. The best time in life is when you're young. Bunun ne anlama geldiğini anlamıyorum. I don't understand what this means. I don't understand what that means. Sami 1600 dolar çaldı. Sami stole 1600 dollars. Sami stole 1600 dollars. Tom, Mary'nin muhtemelen hâlâ evde olduğunu söyledi. Tom said Mary is probably still at home. Tom said Mary was probably still at home. Tom, Mary'ye aç olduğunu söylemedi. Tom didn't tell Mary he was hungry. Tom didn't tell Mary that he was hungry. Sen kızgın değilsin, değil mi? You're not angry, are you? You're not angry, are you? Tom Mary'nin önem verdiğini biliyordu. Tom knew that Mary cared. Tom knew Mary cared. John'un bir araba satın alması için yeterli para var. There is enough money for John to buy a car. There's enough money for John to buy a car. Ben bahçıvanım. I'm the gardener. I'm a gardener. Tam olarak ne yaparsınız? What do you do, exactly? What exactly do you do? Benim en iyi arkadaşım Kanadalı. My best friend comes from Canada. My best friend is Canadian. Tilkiler bir dereceye kadar sessiz hayvanlardır. Foxes are moderately quiet animals. Foxes are silent animals to a degree. Bay Tom Jones bu yeni iş için proje lideri olarak görev yapmayı kabul etti. Mr Tom Jones has agreed to serve as the project leader for this new work item. Mr. Tom Jones has agreed to serve as project leader for this new job. O kavşakta ne oldu? What happened at that intersection? What happened at that intersection? Henüz hiçbir şey planlanmıyor. Nothing is planned yet. Nothing's planned yet. Ona ne denilir? What's that called? What do you call it? İşsiz olabileceğimi düşünüyorum. I think I might be out of a job. I think I might be unemployed. Geri ödeme istedim. I demanded a refund. I asked for a refund. Tom sözleşmeyi imzalamayı reddetti. Tom refused to sign the contract. Tom refused to sign the contract. Doktor hastaları muayene etti. The doctor examined the patients. The doctor examined the patients. Tom ne zaman onu yapmanı öğretti? When did Tom teach you to do that? When did Tom teach you to do that? Sanırım bu her şeyi açıklar. I think that would explain everything. I guess that explains everything. Onun ne kadar tehlikeli olduğuna dair bir fikrin var mı? Do you have any idea how dangerous that is? Do you have any idea how dangerous he is? "Günaydın. Dışarıda kar yığılı." "Gerçekten mi!?" "Good morning. The snow is piled up outside." "Really!?" "Good morning, there's snow piled up outside." "Really? Birbirimize yardım edelim! Let's help each other! Let's help each other! Bunu hak ettim. I deserved it. I deserve it. Çok acıktım. I got very hungry. I'm starving. Bu bir getodur. It's a ghetto. It's a ghetto. Diğerlerinin arasında sivriliyor. She stands out from the rest. He's sharpening amongst the others. Onu sorgulayabilir miyim? Can I question him? Can I question him? Tom Mary'den sürpriz bir ziyaret aldı. Tom got a surprise visit from Mary. Tom got a surprise visit from Mary. Olduğun yerde mutlu musun? Are you happy where you are? Are you happy where you are? Başın hâlâ ağrıyor mu? Does your head still ache? Does your head still hurt? Biz çok iyi arkadaş olduk. We became very good friends. We've become very good friends. Neden onu satmak istiyorsun? Why do you want to sell it? Why do you want to sell it? Onlar bizi çiftliğe gönderiyorlar. They send us to the farm. They're sending us to the farm. Salonda yüz kişi vardı. There were a hundred people in the hall. There were a hundred people in the hall. O yaz çok gök gürültüsü vardı. We had a lot of thunder that summer. There was a lot of thunder that summer. Biz birkaç dakika içinde ayrılıyor olacağız. We'll be leaving in a few minutes. We'll be leaving in a few minutes. Bu bisikleti Tom'dan satın aldım. I bought this bicycle from Tom. I bought this bicycle from Tom. Bugün ben ısmarlıyorum. Today is my treat. I'm buying today. Sadece başlamana yardım edeceğim. I'll just help you get started. I'll just help you get started. O şu anda çok somurtkan. He is very sullen now. She's very sullen right now. Ben bir parça uyku sersemiyim. I'm a bit groggy. I'm a bit of a sleepyhead. O içeri girmeyeceğini söyledi, ancak nihayet içeriye girdi. He said he would not come in, but he came in after all. He said he wouldn't go in, but he finally came in. Herkes endişeyle bekliyor. Everyone is waiting anxiously. Everyone's waiting anxiously. Ben her zaman mutlu değildim. I wasn't always happy. I wasn't always happy. Mississippi Nehri derin ve geniştir. The Mississippi River is deep and wide. The Mississippi River is deep and wide. Tom onu almadan önce bir ressam tarafından tabloya bir değer biçtirdi. Tom had the painting appraised by an expert before he bought it. Tom had the painting appraised by a painter before he bought it. Tom Mary'ye nerede olduğu hakkında yalan söyledi. Tom lied to Mary about where he'd been. Tom lied to Mary about where he was. Tom'un bunu bizimle yapacağını umuyordum. I was hoping Tom would do that with us. I was hoping Tom would do that with us. Bu gitar akortlu. The guitar is in tune. This guitar is tuned. Tom Mary'ye çok vermedi. Tom didn't give Mary a lot. Tom didn't give Mary much. Onun daha sık yazmasını isterim. I would like for him to write more often. I'd like him to write more often. Konuşmadan önce düşünmelisin. You should think before you speak. You should think before you speak. Tom bana Mary'nin o bisikleti kendisine verdiğini söyledi. Tom told me Mary gave that bicycle to him. Tom told me Mary gave him that bicycle. Tom gerçekten zeki. Tom is really clever. Tom is really smart. O, iyi olurdu. That'd be fine. That would be nice. İnterlinguayı anlayabiliyorum ama konuşamıyorum. I can understand Interlingua, but I can't speak it. I can understand interlingua, but I can't speak. İyi zaman geçirdiğimizi düşündüm. I thought we had a good time. I thought we were having a good time. Büyü, ilkel toplumda önemli bir rol oynar. Magic plays an important part in primitive society. Magic plays an important role in primitive society. Tom'un doğum günü 20 Ekim. Tom's birthday is October 20th. Tom's birthday is October 20th. Funtensee, Almanya'da en soğuk yer olarak bilinir. Funtensee is known as the coldest place in Germany. Funtensee is known as the coldest place in Germany. Büyük bir ailen var, değil mi? You have a big family, right? You have a big family, don't you? Tom susamış olduğunu söylüyor. Tom says he's thirsty. Tom says he's thirsty. Onlara Mary'nin ülkeden ayrılmasına izin vermeyeceğimi söyle. Tell them I won't allow Mary to leave the country. Tell them I won't let Mary leave the country. Kaybolma lütfen. Don't get lost, please. Don't get lost, please. Tom'un bunu birkaç kez yaptığını gördüm. I've seen Tom do that several times. I've seen Tom do that a few times. Herkes hakkında endişeliyim. I'm worried about everybody. I'm worried about everyone. Onu bana sorduğuna şaşırdım. I'm surprised that you asked me that. I'm surprised you asked me that. Tom çıkmış olmalı. Tom must've gone out. Tom must've left. Onu taktir ediyorum. I appreciate that. I appreciate that. Sami her şeyi inkar etti. Sami denied everything. Sami denied everything. Bu arazi parçası benim malımdır. This plot of land is my property. This piece of land is my property. Tom bütün gün ölçeklerini uyguladı. Tom practiced his scales all day. Tom has been applying his scales all day. Tom ve Mary kendi evlerini inşa ettiler. Tom and Mary built their own house. Tom and Mary built their own house. İşte benim sürücü belgem. Here's my drivers license. Here's my driver's license. O kendi lezzetli yemeğini yapar. He's good at making food. He makes his own delicious food. Sadako uykuya dalmadan önce hızlı bir şekilde kağıdı katlamayı denedi. Quickly Sadako tried to fold the paper before she fell asleep. Sadako tried to fold the paper quickly before falling asleep. Kapatıp sonra tekrar açmayı dene. Try turning it off and then turning it back on. Try turning it off and then turning it back on. Bu bir elmaya benziyor. It looks like an apple. This looks like an apple. Eğer istiyorsan kalabilirim. I can stay if I want me to. I can stay if you want. Tom Mary'yi kendine aşırı güvenmemesi konusunda uyardı. Tom warned Mary not to be overconfident. Tom warned Mary not to be overconfident. Tom partide bir korsan gibi giyinmiş olarak ortaya çıktı. Tom showed up at the party dressed like a pirate. Tom appeared at the party dressed as a pirate. O saati nereden aldın? Where did you get that watch? Where did you get that watch? Tom Mary'nin bunu bugün gerçekten yapmak isteyip istemediğini sordu. Tom asked if Mary really wanted to do that today. Tom asked Mary if she really wanted to do that today. Bir kaşık şeker veya küçük bir parça tam buğday ekmeği yerseniz, ekmek daha az zararlı olacaktır. If you eat a spoonful of sugar or a small piece of whole wheat bread, it seems that the bread would be less detrimental. If you eat a spoon of sugar or a small piece of whole wheat bread, bread will be less harmful. Tom o konuda dürüst davranıyor. Tom is being honest about it. Tom is being honest about that. Yine iyi olduğuna sevindim. I'm glad you're OK again. I'm glad you're okay again. Tom'a güvenmelisin. You have to trust Tom. You should trust Tom. Tom kütüphanenin önünde Mary ile karşılaştı. Tom met Mary in front of the library. Tom met Mary in front of the library. Dün gece kurutmak için çamaşırı dışarı astım ve sabaha kadar kaya gibi donmuştu. I hung the laundry out to dry last night and by morning it had frozen hard as a rock. Last night, I hung the laundry out to dry, and it was frozen like a rock until morning. Balıklar günışığını sevmez. Fish don't like sunlight. Fish don't like sunshine. Tom'un istediği üniversiteye gideceğinden neredeyse eminim. I'm almost certain that Tom will get into the university that he wants. I'm almost sure Tom will go to the university he wants. Tom'un tüm ihtiyacı olan paraydı. All Tom needed was money. All Tom needed was money. Tom gerçekten senin bunu yapmak istediğine inanmadığını söyledi. Tom said he didn't believe you really wanted to do that. Tom said he didn't really believe you wanted to do that. Tom zaten onu biliyor. Tom already knows that. Tom already knows that. Tom bugün onu yapmaz, değil mi? Tom won't do that today, will he? Tom won't do that today, will he? Onun kızgın olduğunu biliyordum ama o kadar kızgın olduğunu düşünmedim. I knew he was angry, but I didn't think he was that angry. I knew he was angry, but I didn't think he was that angry. Tom eve gitti. Tom went home. Tom went home. Birinin ofisine girmeden önce kapıyı çalman gerekiyor. You're supposed to knock before you enter someone's office. You need to knock before you enter someone's office. Ben ondan gerçekten emin değildim. I wasn't really certain of that. I wasn't really sure about that. Mary bir Formula 1 sürücüsüyle evlenmek istiyor. Mary wants to marry a Formula 1 driver. Mary wants to marry a Formula 1 driver. Lütfen onu ara. Please call him up. Please call him. Şimdi size yardım edebiliriz. We can help you now. Now we can help you. Tom çılgın. Tom is mad. Tom is crazy. Onları buraya getirdin, değil mi? You brought them here, didn't you? You brought them here, didn't you? Tom bacağına tırmanan bir şey hissetti. Tom felt something crawling up his leg. Tom felt something climbing his leg. Tom silahlı mı? Is Tom armed? Is Tom armed? Bunu yapmaya ne kadar devam edebiliriz? How long can we continue doing this? How long can we keep doing this? Onun yardımı olmasa başarısız olurdum. I would have failed without his help. Without his help, I would have failed. Bunun hakkında daha fazla konuşmanızı dinlemek isterim. I'd like to hear you talk more about that. I'd like to hear you talk about it more. Beni götürebilir misin? Can you give me a ride? Can you give me a ride? Bir şey unuttum. I've forgotten something. I forgot something. Tom caddeyi geçen yaşlı adama yardım etti. Tom helped the old man across the street. Tom helped the old man across the street. Benim hatam olmadığına yemin ederim. I swear it's not my fault. I swear it wasn't my fault. Biz bazı değişiklikler yapmak zorundayız. We have to make some changes. We have to make some changes. Savaş sırasında benzinsiz yapmak zorunda kaldık. We had to do without oil during the war. We had to do it without gas during the war. Hâlâ Giants hayranı mısın? Are you still a Giants fan? You still a Giants fan? Tom burada çalışmaktan hoşlanıyor, sanırım. Tom enjoys working here, I think. Tom likes working here, I think. Tom bir üye değil. Tom is not a member. Tom isn't a member. Baba, armağan istemiyorum, sadece eve gelmeni istiyorum. I don't want a present, Dad. I just want you to come home. Dad, I don't want a gift, I just want you to come home. Burada herhangi bir bağlantı görmüyorum. I don't see any connection here. I don't see any connection here. Annem patatesi çok iyi pişirdi. My mother cooked the potatoes very well. My mother cooked the potato very well. Tom şanslı gününde. Tom is on a roll. Tom is on his lucky day. Hesap yapmak herkesin önünde tatmin olmanın kabul edilebilir tek sosyal yoludur. Doing math is the only socially acceptable way to masturbate in public. Accounting is the only acceptable social way to be satisfied in front of everyone. Ben kendi başımayım. I'm by myself. I'm on my own. Tom hâlâ tavukları beslemedi. Tom still hasn't fed the chickens. Tom still hasn't fed the chickens. Tom, Mary'nin kazanamayacağını biliyor. Tom knows Mary won't win. Tom knows Mary can't win. Tom'un anne ve babası ayrı odalarda uyuyorlar. Tom's parents sleep in separate rooms. Tom's parents sleep in separate rooms. Tom çok sert tokalaşıyor. Tom has a very strong handshake. Tom shakes hands very hard. Tom ve Mary sadece çene çalıyorlardı. Tom and Mary were just shooting the breeze. Tom and Mary were just chitchatting. Bunun kim olduğunu düşünüyorlar? Who do they think it is? Who do they think this is? Ben uyandım ve kahvaltımı hazırlamak niyetindeyim. I've woken up and I intend to prepare my breakfast. I woke up and I intend to make my breakfast. Tom Park caddesinde terk edilmiş bir binada saklanıyor. Tom is hiding in an abandoned building on Park Street. Tom is hiding in an abandoned building on Park Street. Biz kendimizden geçmiştik. We were ecstatic. We were passed out. Ben sadece Tom'u terk edemem. I can't just walk out on Tom. I can't just leave Tom. Sağ bacağım acıyor. My right leg hurts. My right leg hurts. Kadınlardan bazıları kıkır kıkır güldü. Some of the women giggled. Some of the women giggled. Onun sürekli şikâyet konuşması beni sinirlendirdi. Her constant complaining speech irritated me. His constant complaining made me angry. Tom neden Mary'ye onun kız arkadaşı olduğunu söyledi? Why would Tom tell Mary you were his girlfriend? Why did Tom tell Mary that he was his girlfriend? Tom, ne olacağını biliyor. Tom knows what's going to happen. Tom knows what's going to happen. Çiçekleri sulamadım. I haven't watered the flowers. I didn't water the flowers. Bazen küçük bir değişiklik büyük bir fark yaratabilir. Sometimes, a small change can make a big difference. Sometimes a little change can make a big difference. Piyano çaldığını duydum. I heard you practicing the piano. I heard you play the piano. Çocuk bir resim çizmekten zevk aldı. The boy enjoyed painting a picture. The boy enjoyed drawing a picture. Tom artık Mary'ye çiçekler vermiyor. Tom doesn't give Mary flowers anymore. Tom doesn't give Mary flowers anymore. Ayrıntılı bir biçimde açıklamak için vaktim yok. I don't have time to explain in detail. I don't have time to explain in detail. Öğretmen sınav kağıtlarını gözden geçirdi. The teacher looked over the examination papers. The teacher reviewed the exam papers. Kathy yıldızlara bakıyor. Kathy is gazing at the stars. Kathy's looking at the stars. Muhtemelen Tom'un ne yaptığını biliyorsun. You probably know about what Tom did. You probably know what Tom did. Tom ve ben sıkıca sarıldık. Tom and I hugged tightly. Tom and I hugged tightly. Tom bizi gördüğüne şaşırmadı. Tom wasn't surprised to see us. Tom wasn't surprised to see us. Tom ve Mary birbirinden çok şey öğrenebilir. Tom and Mary could learn a lot from each other. Tom and Mary can learn a lot from each other. Onun için bir şey yapmadım. I didn't do anything to her. I didn't do anything for him. Biz güvenli bir mesafeye geri çekiliyoruz. We're pulling back to a safe distance. We're retreating to a safe distance. Oraya seninle gitmek isterdim. I would've liked to have gone there with you. I'd like to go there with you. Rüya gerçek oldu. The dream came true. The dream came true. Basketbolda uzun oyuncuların avantajı vardır. In basketball, tall players have an advantage. In basketball, tall players have the advantage. O onun yardımı olmadan başarısız olurdu. She would have failed but for his help. He would have failed without her help. 17 yaşındayken, futbol oynarken kendimi yaraladım. Birisiyle çarpıştım ve bunun sonucu olarak dişlerimden bazılarını kırdım. When I was 17, I injured myself playing football. I collided with someone and as a result of this I broke some of my teeth. When I was 17, I hurt myself playing football, and I bumped into someone, and as a result, I broke some of my teeth. Tom Mary'ye cüzdanını uzattı. Tom handed Mary his wallet. Tom handed Mary his wallet. Ben yeni bir ev inşa ettim. I built a new house. I built a new house. Üç işçi öldü. Three workers died. Three workers are dead. Hiç kimse bunu yapmanı istemiyor. Nobody wants you to do this. No one wants you to do this. Bazı şeyler onarılamaz. Some things can't be fixed. Some things can't be fixed. O her şeyi kaybetti. He lost everything. He lost everything. Bunu 2013'ten beri yapmadım. I haven't done that since 2013. I haven't done that since 2013. Bill'e asla erkek kardeşinden bahsedemem. I never can tell Bill from his brother. I could never tell Bill about his brother. Hep birlikte gidebiliriz. We could all go together. We can all go together. Bu çok katlı bir yapıdır. This is a multi-storey building. It's a multi-story structure. Mary mutfakta, temizlik yapıyor. Mary is in the kitchen, cleaning up. Mary is in the kitchen, cleaning. Davranışını sevmiyorum. I don't like your behavior. I don't like your attitude. Ben Tom'a Mary'ye anlatmamasını anlattım. I told Tom not to tell Mary. I told Tom not to tell Mary. En son ne zaman sen ve ben birbirimizi gördük? When was the last time you and I saw each other? When was the last time you and I saw each other? Tom onun asla olmayacağını söylüyor. Tom says that would never happen. Tom says that'll never happen. Çok küçüktünüz. You were too young. You were very young. Tom bütün sabah benimle birlikteydi. Tom was with me all morning. Tom has been with me all morning. Bu yüzük 300 yıldan daha fazla bir süredir ailede. This ring has been in the family for over 300 years. This ring has been in the family for over 300 years. Tom'un odasını temizlemek için ona yardım etmeliyim. I have to help Tom clean his room. I should help Tom clean his room. O gerçekten üşümüştü. He was really cold. He was really cold. Ben onun yeni bir sözlük satın almak istediğini düşünüyorum. I think that he wants to buy a new dictionary. I think he wants to buy a new dictionary. Asla senden tekrar şüphe etmeyeceğim. I'll never doubt you again. I'll never doubt you again. En geç saat beşte istasyonda olmalısın. You must be at the station at five o'clock at the latest. You have to be at the station by 5:00 at the latest. Bu oldukça rahat. It's quite comfortable. It's pretty comfortable. Yanan binadan kurtarılacak kadar iyi bir talihe sahipti. He had the good fortune to be rescued from the burning building. He was fortunate enough to be rescued from the burning building. Tom alışıldığı üzere geç geldi. As usual, Tom came late. Tom arrived late as usual. Sami rolünü oynadı. Sami played his part. Sami played the role. Onun hakkında düşünmeliyiz. We should think about it. We have to think about it. Liderleri olarak John'a saygı duyuyorlardı. They looked up to John as their leader. They respected John as their leader. O intihar etmeye çalışıyor. He's trying to commit suicide. He's trying to kill himself. Tom'un yerini kim alabilir? Who could take Tom's place? Who can replace Tom? Belki terapi yardımcı olacaktı. Maybe therapy would help. Maybe therapy would help. Tom'un zengin olduğunu öğrendim. I found out that Tom was wealthy. I found out Tom was rich. Tom yeni elbisemi fark etmedi bile. Tom didn't even notice my new outfit. Tom didn't even notice my new dress. Bir aşı belgeniz varsa lütfen onu gelirken getirin. If you have a certificate of immunization, please bring it when you come. If you have a vaccine certificate, please bring it with you. Garsonun masaya getirdiği tavuk hâlâ çiğdi. The chicken the waiter brought to the table was still raw. The chicken the waiter brought to the table was still raw. Onun öldürüldüğüne inanıyor musun? Do you believe that he was murdered? Do you believe he was murdered? İğnelemeyi fark ediyor musun? Do I detect sarcasm? Do you notice sarcasm? Her Pazar sabahı üç saat çalışırım. I work for three hours every Sunday morning. I work three hours every Sunday morning. Tom çok fazla konuştu. Tom talked too much. Tom talked too much. Bu şimdi eve gidebilirim anlamına mı geliyor. Does that mean I can go home now? Does that mean I can go home now? İstasyona vardım. I arrived at the station. I've arrived at the station. Polis bir arama emri olmadan mülke giremez. Police can't enter the property without a search warrant. The police can't enter the premises without a warrant. Herkes kaldı. Everybody stayed. Everyone stayed. Oda servisi hâlâ mevcut mu? Is room service still available? Is room service still available? Tom ve Mary her gece birlikte yemek yiyorlar. Tom and Mary have dinner together almost every night. Tom and Mary eat together every night. Senin tatilde olacağını söylediğini düşündüm. I thought you said you were going to be on vacation. I thought you said you were on vacation. Araba Tom'a kaydedildi. The car was registered to Tom. The car was registered to Tom. Londra'ya gittiğinden beri telefon etmedi. She hasn't phoned since she went to London. He hasn't called since he went to London. Neden ona yardım etmiyorsun? Why don't you help him? Why don't you help him? Sinek tavanda. The fly is on the ceiling. The fly is on the ceiling. Saat yedide kalkarım. I get up at 7:00. I get up at seven. Kimse seni sormadı. No one asked you. No one asked about you. Bu doğru, millet! That's right, folks! That's right, people! Ben onunla buluşmuyorum. I'm not dating her. I'm not meeting him. Her yerde seni aradım ama seni bulamadım. I looked for you everywhere and didn't find you. I've been looking all over for you, but I can't find you. Ölmüş kocasının anısına değer verdi. She cherished the memory of her dead husband. She treasured the memory of her dead husband. Sami organize suç nedeniyle altı yıla mahkûm edildi. Sami was sentenced to six years for organized crime. Sami was sentenced to six years for organised crime. O bir göbek dansçısı. She's a belly dancer. She's a belly dancer. Tom'u etkilemeye çalışmıyoruz. We're not trying to impress Tom. We're not trying to impress Tom. Sadece pilav değil, kebap da yedim. Not only did I eat pilaf, but I also ate kebabs. I didn't just eat rice, I ate kebabs. Bizim yarın bir testimiz var. We have a test tomorrow. We have a test tomorrow. Onun burada güvende olmadığını mı söylüyorsun? Are you saying it's not safe here? Are you saying he's not safe here? Sanırım bu sizinki. I think this is yours. I believe this is yours. Mary Tom'un, onun gerçek babası olmadığını bilir. Mary knows that Tom isn't her real father. Mary knows Tom isn't her real father. Kendi sesinize âşıksınız. You're in love with the sound of your own voice. You're in love with your own voice. O, sözünü tutmadığı için özür diledi. He apologized to us for having broken his promise. He apologized for failing to keep his promise. Tom'un zaten yeni bir motosiklet alacak kadar parası var. Tom already has enough money to buy a new motorcycle. Tom already has enough money to buy a new motorcycle. Sen onun yaşındayken o tam sana benziyor. He looks just like you when you were his age. She looks just like you when you were her age. Olduğumu düşündüğün kadar aptal değilim. I'm not as stupid as you think I am. I'm not as stupid as you think I am. Biraz kayısı reçeli ister misiniz? Would you like some apricot jam? Would you like some apricot jam? Tom, hayır demekten korkuyordu. Tom was afraid to say no. Tom was afraid to say no. Kimse bu odayı terk etmesin. Don't anybody leave this room. No one leaves this room. Tom hendeğin üzerinden atlamaya çalıştı. Tom tried to jump over the ditch. Tom tried to jump over the ditch. İş nedir? What's the job? What's the job? Işık söndü ve biz karanlıkta kaldık. The light went out and we were left in the dark. The light went out and we stayed in the dark. Ne biliyordum? What did I know? What did I know? Yoksul ülkelerdeki insanların zengin ülkelerdeki insanlardan daha fazla çocukları var. People in poor countries have more children than people in rich countries. People in poor countries have more children than people in rich countries. Tom titizdir. Tom is meticulous. Tom is meticulous. Tom'un söyleyecek bir şeyi var. Tom has something to say. Tom has something to say. Eğer çabuk hareket etmezsek durumun kontrolünü kaybetmeyi göze alırız. We risk losing control of the situation if we don't act quickly. If we don't move quickly, we risk losing control of the situation. Sizinle çalışmak bir onur olacaktır. It would be an honor to work with you. It would be an honor to work with you. Biz hâlâ onun üzerinde çalışıyoruz. We're still working on it. We're still working on that. Bunu yapmak bizim için kolay olmayacak. It won't be easy for us to do this. It won't be easy for us to do that. Sadece bazı notları hızla bitiriyorum. I'm just finishing off some notes quickly. I'm just finishing some notes fast. Bana söylemek istediğin bir şey yok mu? Isn't there anything you want to tell me? Isn't there something you want to tell me? Aptalca bir metinden alıntı yaparken, içeriği unutma. When you quote a stupid text, do not forget the context. When you quote a stupid text, don't forget the content. Ona nerede yaşadığını sordum. I asked him where he lived. I asked him where he lived. Tom kanlı bıçağı gömleğine sildi. Tom wiped the bloody knife on his shirt. Tom wiped the bloody knife off his shirt. Ben henüz cevap almadım. I haven't received any answer yet. I haven't received an answer yet. Yazlık temiz ve düzenliydi. The cottage was clean and tidy. The summer house was clean and tidy. Korece bilmiyorum. I don't speak Korean. I don't speak Korean. Biz birbirimizin cümlelerini bitiririz. We finish each other's sentences. We finish each other's sentences. Tom Mary'nin planı hakkında hiçbir şey bilmiyor. Tom doesn't know anything about Mary's plan. Tom doesn't know anything about Mary's plan. Eşyalarım nerede? Where's my stuff? Where's my stuff? Sami'nin neler olduğu hakkında hiçbir düşüncesi yoktu. Sami had no idea what was happening. Sami had no idea what was going on. Görünüşe bakılırsa, onlar sıkı çalışmıyor. To all appearance, they don't study hard. Apparently, they don't work hard. Tom'u tanıyorsum, değil mi? You recognize Tom, don't you? You know Tom, don't you? Bir kuş topluluğu gördük. We saw a bunch of birds. We saw a group of birds. Tom neden kalırdı? Why would Tom stay? Why would Tom stay? Tom Mary ile Boston'a gitme fırsatını kaçırdı. Tom missed the opportunity to go to Boston with Mary. Tom missed his chance to go to Boston with Mary. Onu kimin söylediğini unutuyorum. I forget who said it. I forget who said that. O, fakir insanlara asla tepeden bakmaz. He never looks down on poor people. He never looks down on poor people. Akşam yemeğinde genellikle ne yiyorsun? What do you usually have for supper? What do you usually eat for dinner? Bu kitabı henüz okudun mu? Have you read this book yet? Have you read this book yet? Gün ortası. İnsanlar öğle yemeği yiyorlar. It is midday. The men are eating lunch. It's the middle of the day, people are having lunch. Hiçbir şey söylemedim; bu da onu kızdırdı. I said nothing, and that made him angry. I didn't say anything; it made him angry. Tom'u çok ararım. I call Tom a lot. I look for Tom a lot. O, sol eli ile kapı kolunu çevirdi. He turned the doorknob with his left hand. He turned the doorknob with his left hand. O gerçek bir beyefendidir. He is a true gentleman. He's a real gentleman. Onunla ilgili ne düşündün, Tom? What did you think of it, Tom? What did you think of that, Tom? Lisan iletişimin çeşmesidir. Language is the fountain of communication. The language is the fountain of communication. Bütün arkadaşlarım Fransızca konuşurlar. All my friends speak French. All my friends speak French. Ben çatal kullanırım. I use the fork. I use a fork. Hangi takım bizim? Which team is ours? Which team is ours? Tom artık neredeyse karısını hiç öpmüyor. Tom hardly ever kisses his wife anymore. Tom hardly ever kisses his wife anymore. Gözleme yapıyorum. I'm making pancakes. I'm making pancakes. Milliyetçilikleri savaşın bir nedeniydi. Their nationalism was one cause of the war. Their nationalism was a cause of war. Burada bir konuksun. You're a guest here. You're a guest here. Tom'a birkaç soru sorabilir miyim? May I ask Tom a few questions? Can I ask Tom a few questions? Tom'u tokatladın, değil mi? You slapped Tom, didn't you? You slapped Tom, didn't you? Herkes için yeterli spagetti yaptığımı sanmıyorum. I don't think I've made enough spaghetti for everyone. I don't think I made enough spaghetti for everyone. Sonunda onunla evlendi. She ended up getting married to him. She finally married him. Ne olduğuna dair hiçbir fikrin yok, değil mi? You have no idea what happened, do you? You have no idea what happened, do you? Her zaman mutlu olamazsın. You can't be happy all the time. You can't always be happy. Onlar İspanyolca konuşmuyor. They don't speak Spanish. They don't speak Spanish. Tom'un onu yapacak cesareti yok. Tom doesn't have the courage to do that. Tom doesn't have the courage to do that. Tom'un bize ihtiyacı vardı. Tom needed us. Tom needed us. Öğle yemeği yemedim. I didn't have lunch. I didn't eat lunch. Sen artistiksin. You're artistic. You're artistic. Senin fikrin nedir? What's your opinion? What's your opinion? Tony'yi sevdim. I liked Tony. I like Tony. Buna ihtiyacın olduğunu sanmıyorum. I don't think you need it. I don't think you need this. Her gün ne kadar çay içiyorsun? How much tea do you drink every day? How much tea do you drink every day? Tom'un aç olduğundan emin değilim. I doubt that Tom is hungry. I'm not sure Tom is hungry. Düşünmek için zamana ihtiyacım var. I need time to think. I need time to think. Tom ve Mary kendi başlarına eve gitmek istemiyorlar. Tom and Mary don't want to walk home by themselves. Tom and Mary don't want to go home by themselves. Tom Mary'nin John'la öğle yemeği yiyeceğini biliyordu. Tom knew Mary was going to eat lunch with John. Tom knew Mary would have lunch with John. Lütfen biraz daha yavaş konuşun. Please speak a little more slowly. Please speak a little slower. Tom benim kadar dikkatli araba sürmez. Tom doesn't drive as carefully as I do. Tom doesn't drive as carefully as I do. Ona yakın kalın. Stay close to her. Stay close to him. Tabancada parmak izlerin bulundu. Your fingerprints were found on the gun. Your fingerprints were found on the gun. O okulda iyi davranıyor ama evde sorunlara neden oluyor. He behaves well in school but at home he causes problems. He's good at school, but he's causing problems at home. Gerçekten güzel. It's really pretty. It's really good. İneklerle boğalar arasındaki fark nedir? What's the difference between cows and bulls? What's the difference between cows and bulls? Onun yalan söylediği sonucuna varmada çok aceleci davrandım. I was too hasty in concluding that he was lying. I was too hasty to conclude that he was lying. Tom sessizce barda oturdu. Tom sat quietly at the bar. Tom sat quietly at the bar. Ben bunu kendim için çözmek istiyorum. I want to figure it out for myself. I want to figure this out for myself. Tom Mary'yi görmedi. Tom didn't see Mary. Tom didn't see Mary. Tom aradığı şeyi üst rafta gördü. Tom saw what he was looking for on the top shelf. Tom saw what he was looking for on the top shelf. Bu ilacı almak zorundayım. I have to buy this medicine. I have to take this medicine. Hayalim, İpek Yolu'nu bir deve üzerinde geçmektir. My dream is to cross the Silk Road on a camel. My dream is to cross the Silk Road on a camel. Sanırım bu kitabı okumanız yararlıdır. I think it's good for you to read this book. I think it's useful for you to read this book. Dur! Ona zarar veriyorsunuz! Stop! You're hurting her! You're hurting him! Biz bunu doğru yapıyor muyuz? Are we doing this correctly? Are we doing this right? Bütün gün boyunca genç insanlarla konuşurum. I talk to young people all day long. I talk to young people all day long. Çok ihtiraslı bir aşk macerasıydı. It was a very passionate love affair. It was a passionate love affair. Hiç bu kadar iyi bir film gördün mü? Have you ever seen a film this good? Have you ever seen a movie this good? Yasal yardım için avukata gittim. I went to the lawyer for legal help. I went to the lawyer for legal help. On yaşındayken gitar çalmayı öğrendim. I learned to play guitar when I was ten years old. I learned to play guitar when I was ten. Ona yardımcı oluyor. She is helping him. He's helping her. Çalışanlarımızın Fransızca konuşabilmeleri çok önemli. It's very important for our employees to be able to speak French. It's very important that our employees can speak French. Tom Mary'nin gerçekten onu sevip sevmediğini merak ediyordu. Tom wondered if Mary really loved him. Tom wondered if Mary really liked him. Ona beni görmeye gelmesini söyle. Tell him to come see me. Tell him to come see me. Tom sandalyesine çöktü. Tom slumped back in his chair. Tom collapsed in his chair. İşin nasıl gidiyor? How is your work coming along? How's your job? Yakında trenle gideceğim. I leave by train soon. I'll take the train soon. Tom kız torunlarının dansını izledi. Tom watched his granddaughters dance. Tom watched his grandchildren dance. Bir şans bulmadım. I didn't get a chance. I didn't get a chance. Dün bütün günü Tom ile geçirdim. I spent all day yesterday with Tom. I spent the whole day with Tom yesterday. Çok iyi yemek pişirebildiğini bilmiyordum. I didn't know you could cook so well. I didn't know you could cook so well. Tom'un neden benden hoşlanmadığını merak ediyorum. I wonder why Tom doesn't like me. I wonder why Tom doesn't like me. Ben senin erkek kardeşin değilim. I'm not your brother. I'm not your brother. Sami'nin bir araba koleksiyonu vardı. Sami had a car collection. Sami had a collection of cars. Aramızda kim mükemmeldir? Who among us is perfect? Who among us is perfect? Saçımı kestirmek istiyorum. I would like to have my hair cut. I want a haircut. Tom'u durdurmayı deniyorum. I'm trying to stop Tom. I'm trying to stop Tom. Bütün gün bunu yapmayı istiyordum. I've been wanting to do that all day. I've been wanting to do this all day. O bana kibar davranıyor. She's being nice to me. He's nice to me. Bütün kadınlar çığlık atıyorlardı. All the women were screaming. All the women were screaming. Anneannemin birçok kız kardeşi var. My grandmother has many sisters. My grandmother has many sisters. Tom deli görünüyor. Tom sounds nuts. Tom looks crazy. Uzun zaman burada olacağını düşünüyor musun? Do you think you'll be here a long time? Do you think you'll be here long? Bunu üç aydır yapmadım. I haven't done that in three months. I haven't done this in three months. Tom söylediklerimi daha dikkatli dinleseydi güzel olurdu. It would've been nice if Tom had listened to what I said more carefully. It would've been nice if Tom had listened more carefully to what I said. Ona yalan söylemeyeceğim. I will not lie to her. I'm not gonna lie to her. Tom bugün dün yaptığından daha iyi yapıyor. Tom is doing better today than he was yesterday. Tom is doing better today than he did yesterday. Leyla, Sami'ye bir Çin heykeliyle vurdu. Layla struck Sami with a Chinese statue. Layla hit Sami with a Chinese statue. Feneri bana ver. Give the lantern to me. Give me the flashlight. Özel kuvvetlerde nefret ettiğin ilk şey kendinsin. The first thing you hate in the special forces is yourself. The first thing you hate about Special Forces is yourself. O asla olmamalıydı. That should have never happened. That should never have happened. Biz çok yüksek standartlara sahibiz. We have very high standards. We have very high standards. Tom Mary'den tekrar hiç bahsetmedi. Tom never mentioned Mary again. Tom never mentioned Mary again. Bu zarflara pul yapıştırırken yardıma ihtiyacım var. I need help putting stamps on these envelopes. I need help putting stamps on these envelopes. Bu harita sizin için çok yararlı olacak gibi görünüyor. This map will seem very useful to you. This map seems to be of great use to you. Onu yapmayacaksın, değil mi? You're not going to do it, are you? You're not going to do that, are you? Sonunda hedefine ulaştı. She has finally achieved her end. He's finally reached his destination. Bu sabah bir baş ağrım var. I have a headache this morning. I have a headache this morning. Bunun beni daha iyi hissettirmesi mi gerekiyor? Is that supposed to make me feel better? Is that supposed to make me feel better? Hangi oyunu oynamayı tercih edersin, Call of Duty mi yoksa Battlefield mı? Which game do you prefer playing, Call of Duty or Battlefield? Which game would you rather play, Call of Duty or Battlefield? "Kitabı getirdin mi?" "Tüh! Unuttum!" "Did you bring the book?" "Oops! I forgot!" "Did you bring the book?" "Oh, I forgot!" Buradaki herhangi biri Boston'da bulundu mu? Has anybody here been to Boston? Has anyone here been to Boston? Tom hakkında kim endişeli? Who's worried about Tom? Who's worried about Tom? Öğrenciler aptalca sorularla öğretmeni rahatsız etti. The students bothered the teacher with silly questions. The students bothered the teacher with stupid questions. Rusça bir Slav dilidir. Russian is a Slavic language. Russian is a Slavic language. Tom bir şey satmıyor. Tom isn't selling anything. Tom isn't selling anything. Tom tehlikede olabilir. Tom might be in danger. Tom might be in danger. İyi bir ısıtma sistemimiz var. We have a good heating system. We have a good heating system. Tom ailesinin Boston'u ziyaret etmesi için bir ayarlama yaptı. Tom arranged for his family to visit Boston. Tom made arrangements for his family to visit Boston. Onu yapmama gerek var mı? Do I need to do that? Do I need to do that? Tom'a olduğu yerde kalmasını söyle. Tell Tom to stay where he is. Tell Tom to stay where he is. Polisler, Dan'i kovaladılar. The policemen gave chase to Dan. The cops chased Dan. Orada seninle birlikte biri var mı? Is there someone there with you? Is there someone there with you? Sana para borçlu olduğumu biliyorum. I know I owe you money. I know I owe you money. Bununla ilgili ne düşünüyorsun? What do you think of this? What do you think of that? Tom'u satrançta hiç yenemedim. I've never been able to beat Tom at chess. I've never been able to beat Tom at chess. O benden nefret ediyor. He hates me. He hates me. Kalplerimiz kırık ama ruhumuz değil. Our hearts are broken, our spirit is not. Our hearts are broken, but not our souls. Yaşam biçimini neden koşullara uydurmuyorsun? Why don't you adapt your way of life to circumstances? Why don't you adjust your lifestyle to the circumstances? İneği sağdın. You milked the cow. You milked the cow. Mary dilbazdır. Mary is eloquent. Mary is a linguist. Tom'a hâlâ çok fazla güvenmiyorum. I still don't trust Tom very much. I still don't trust Tom very much. Ekmek, erken insan toplumlarının oluşumuna izin verdi. Bread allowed the formation of early human societies. Bread allowed early human societies to form. Tom parmaklıkların arkasında olmalı. Tom should be behind bars. Tom should be behind bars. O, bu dağ silsilesinde tek şelaledir. It's the only waterfall in this mountain range. It's the only waterfall in this mountain range. Bütün pastayı kim yedi? Who ate all the pies? Who ate all the cake? Eğer sakıncası yoksa bir süre yalnız bırakılmak istiyorum. I'd like to be left alone for a while, if you don't mind. If you don't mind, I'd like to be left alone for a while. Bu mümkün olmayabilir. It may not be possible. That may not be possible. Tom butona basmadı. Tom did not press the button. Tom didn't press the button. Köpeklerin ustaları var, kedilerin hizmetçileri var. Dogs have masters, cats have servants. Dogs have masters, cats have servants. Sami motoru kontrol etti. Sami checked the engine. Sami checked the engine. Onu yapmalıyım. I must do it. I have to do that. Bu, kız kardeşim, Mary. This is my sister, Mary. This is my sister, Mary. Çoğunlukla olduğu gibi, Tom sınıfa geç kalmıştı. Tom was late for class, as is often the case. Like most of the time, Tom was late for class. Bu gece partiye geliyor musun? Are you coming to the party tonight? Are you coming to the party tonight? Ona ihtiyacım olmadığı için memnunum. I'm glad I don't need that. I'm glad I don't need it. Tam orada bir kayık var. There's a rowboat right over there. There's a boat right there. Hepinizden nefret ediyorum. I hate all of you. I hate all of you. Orada başka çocuklar var. There are other guys out there. There are other children there. O, ırkçıdır. That is racist. He's racist. Karavan kampında yaşıyor. He lives in a trailer park. He lives in a trailer camp. Tom ve Mary birlikte döndüler. Tom and Mary have gotten back together. Tom and Mary returned together. Tom'un Mary'nin nereye gitmiş olabileceğine dair herhangi bir fikri var mı? Does Tom have any idea where Mary might've gone? Does Tom have any idea where Mary might have gone? Yaptığına bak. Look at what you did. Look what you've done. Evet demeliydim. I should've said yes. I should have said yes. Tom bizim bildiğimizi biliyor. Tom knows that we know. Tom knows we know. Başka seçeneğin yok. You don't have any other option. You don't have a choice. Tom'un bu kadar tedirgin olacağını düşünmedim. I didn't think Tom would be so irritated. I didn't think Tom would be so nervous. Canım istediği zaman güzel hikayeler yazabilirim. I can write good stories when I feel like it. I can write good stories whenever I want. Tom, Mary'nin bunu yaptığı için cezalandırılmadığını söyledi. Tom said Mary hasn't been punished for doing that. Tom said Mary wasn't punished for doing that. Senin kedin benden saklanıyor. Your cat is hiding from me. Your cat is hiding from me. Tom bir el feneri getirmeyi unuttu. Tom forgot to bring a flashlight. Tom forgot to bring a flashlight. Ailemin benimle gurur duyacağını düşündüm. I thought my parents would be proud of me. I thought my parents would be proud of me. Tom, bunu yapmadığını iddia etti. Tom claimed he didn't do that. Tom claimed he didn't do that. İnsanlar neden benden korkarlar? Why are people scared of me? Why do people fear me? Tom ilk kez üç yıl önce Boston'a geldi. Tom first came to Boston three years ago. Tom first came to Boston three years ago. Şimdi onu görmem gerekiyor. I need to see it now. I need to see him now. Tom toplantıyı iptal etmeli. Tom should cancel the meeting. Tom should cancel the meeting. En sevdiğin güreşçi kimdir? Who's your favorite wrestler? Who's your favorite wrestler? Bunu ne kadar zaman alacağını fark etmedim. I didn't realize how much time this was going to take. I didn't realize how long it would take. Onun bol kitapları var. She has plenty of books. He has plenty of books. Senin yaşındaydım. I was your age. I was your age. Yüzyıllar önce evli Japon kadınlar kendilerini güzelleştirmek için dişlerini karartırlardı. Hundreds of years ago, married Japanese women would blacken their teeth to beautify themselves. Centuries ago, married Japanese women blackened their teeth to make themselves beautiful. Tom'u kurtarabildik. We were able to save Tom. We were able to save Tom. Annem ve babam, erkek arkadaşımdan hoşlanmazlar, çünkü o yoksul. My parents don't like my boyfriend because he's poor. My parents don't like my boyfriend because he's poor. O, o kadar dürüst bir çocuktur ki asla yalan söylemez. He is such an honest boy that he never tells a lie. He's such an honest boy that he never lies. Mary evli bir adama aşık ilk kadın değil ve o son da olmayacak. Mary's not the first woman to fall in love with a married man, and she won't be the last. Mary isn't the first woman to fall in love with a married man, and she won't be the last. Tom'un lupusu var. Tom has lupus. Tom has lupus. Jishuku'nun karşısında uçtu. He flew in the face of Jishuku. He flew across from Jishuku. Onların aldığı hediye kendileri içindir. The present they bought is for themselves. The gift they receive is for themselves. Küvet temizlenmeli. The bathtub needs to be cleaned. The tub needs to be cleaned. O masum bir hataydı. It was an innocent mistake. That was an innocent mistake. O hâlâ sizi hatırlıyor. He still remembers you. He still remembers you. Bu nehir bazen çözülme sonrası taşar. This river sometimes overflows after the thaw. This river sometimes floods after dissolution. Tom'un bunu onun için yapmamızı istediğini düşünüyor musun? Do you think Tom would've wanted us to do that for him? Do you think Tom wants us to do that for him? Bu olacağını oüşündüğünden daha zor olabilir. It may be more difficult than you think it'll be. This could be harder than it was supposed to be. O sade bir elbise giymişti. She wore a simple dress. She wore a plain dress. O çok cesurdu. That was very brave. He was very brave. Tom ziyaretçiler kabul etmeye alışkın değil. Tom isn't used to having visitors. Tom isn't used to accepting visitors. Akşam yemeği pişiriyorum. I'm cooking dinner. I'm cooking dinner. Grubunuzla şarkı söylemek istiyorum. I would love to sing with your band. I want to sing with your band. Gemi limana doğru yöneldi. The ship is turning toward the port. The ship is heading for the port. Biraz izin istiyorum. I want some time off. I'm gonna need some time off. Bu kütüphanenin büyük bir Çince kitap koleksiyonu var. This library has a large collection of Chinese books. This library has a large collection of Chinese books. Onlar çamaşırları astı. They hung up the laundry. They hung up the laundry. Sami, Irak'ta görev yaptı. Sami served in Iraq. Sami served in Iraq. Fransa'da bir çıplaklar plajına gittim. I went to a nude beach in France. I went to a nude beach in France. Modern toplum her türlü bilgi ile dolup taşıyor. Modern society is overflowing with all sorts of information. Modern society is filled with all sorts of information. Sakin olun. Ben her şeyin güzel olacağına sizi temin edebilirim. Take it easy. I can assure you that everything will turn out fine. Calm down, I can assure you everything will be fine. Tom çok sabırlı bir öğretmen. Tom is a very patient teacher. Tom is a very patient teacher. Bugün 471 ziyaret ile rekor kırdık. Today we broke the record with 471 visits. Today we set a record with 471 visits. Tom başından yara aldı. Tom received an injury to his head. Tom got a head wound. Lütfen sorunu tekrarlar mısın? Would you please repeat your question? Could you please repeat the problem? Bunu ırk ayrımı olarak düşünüyorum. I consider that racial discrimination. I think of it as segregation. Tom ve ben evimizi satmak istiyoruz. Tom and I want to sell our house. Tom and I want to sell our house. Bize yardım et, olur mu? Give us a hand, will you? Help us, will you? Tom gizli bir şey üzerinde çalışıyor. Tom is working on something secret. Tom is working on something secret. Yemek yemeyi bitirmedim. I haven't finished eating. I haven't finished eating. Siz cahilsiniz, kendinizi çok bilgili olarak hayal edin. You are ignorant, yet imagine yourself to be very knowledgeable. You're ignorant, imagine yourself very knowledgeable. Tom bana kazanmak istediğini söyledi. Tom told me he wanted to win. Tom told me he wanted to win. Ben bir film izledim. I watched a movie. I saw a movie. Tom'u tanımıyor muydun? Didn't you know Tom? Didn't you know Tom? Tom'u yalnız bırak lütfen. Leave Tom alone, please. Leave Tom alone, please. Sorun Kanadalı olmaman. The problem is you're not Canadian. The problem is you're not Canadian. Tom kapıyı kapattı ve kilitledi. Tom shut the door and locked it. Tom closed the door and locked it. Tom hepinizi öldürecek. Tom will kill all of you. Tom is going to kill all of you. Atlet yorgunluğa bağışıklı gibi görünüyordu. The athlete seemed immune from fatigue. The athlete seemed immune to fatigue. Tom bir tırmanma botu giydi. Tom put on some climbing boots. Tom put on a climbing boat. Tom gerçekten gelmek istemiyor muydu? Did Tom really not want to come? Didn't Tom really want to come? O köpek büyük. That dog is big. That dog is big. Konuşulan söz önemlidir. The spoken word matters. The word is important. Öğrencilerin sayısı her geçen yıl azalıyor. The number of students is decreasing year by year. The number of students is dwindling year after year. Tom seni burada istemiyor. Tom doesn't want you here. Tom doesn't want you here. Bence Tom boşanmış. I think Tom is divorced. I think Tom is divorced. Artık neden onun beni sevmediğini anlamıyorum. I don't understand why she doesn't love me anymore. I don't understand why she doesn't love me anymore. Sonunda bunu yapmamamız gerektiğini fark ettik. We finally realized that we shouldn't be doing that. We finally realized we shouldn't be doing this. Şimdiye kadar kaç tane arabanız oldu? How many cars have you owned so far? How many cars have you had so far? Tom bana meşgul olduğunu söyledi. Tom told me he was busy. Tom told me he was busy. Tom'un sorunu nedir? What's Tom's problem? What's Tom's problem? Festivali iptal ettiler. They cancelled the festival. They canceled the festival. Tom'un bir kız arkadaşı olduğunu bilmiyordum. I didn't know that Tom had a girlfriend. I didn't know Tom had a girlfriend. Tom oldukça mutlu değildi. Tom wasn't quite happy. Tom wasn't quite happy. Tom'un yarışı kazanması tamamen şans eseriydi. It was pure chance Tom won the race. It was pure luck that Tom won the race. Japonya Fuji Dağı ile ünlüdür. Japan is famous for Mt. Fuji. Japan is famous for Mt. Fuji. Onlar seni korkutuyorlardı. They scared you. They were scaring you. Kötü habere nasıl tepki verdi? How did he react to the bad news? How did he react to the bad news? Tom bu soruna bir çözüm bulmak için baskı altında. Tom is under pressure to find a solution to this problem. Tom is under pressure to find a solution to this problem. Bankadayım. I'm at the bank. I'm at the bank. Planın nedir? What is your plan? What's your plan? O konuyu düşünmeni bile istemiyorum. I don't want you even thinking about it. I don't want you to even think about it. Sami suçluluk duygularıyla mücadele etti. Sami struggled with feelings of guilt. Sami struggled with guilt. Büyükbabama yardım ediyorum. I am helping my grandfather. I'm helping Grandpa. Bir örnek buna açıklık getirmeli. An example should make this clear. An example should clarify that. Bir şey kaçırdım mı? Did I miss something? Did I miss anything? Çabuk sinirlenirim. I have a short temper. I'm quick to get angry. Doğruyu söylemeye başlamak isteyebilirsin. You might want to start telling the truth. You might want to start telling the truth. Onun iyi ya da kötü olduğunu söylemiyorum. Bu sadece bir gerçek. I'm not saying that that's good or bad. It's simply a fact. I'm not saying he's good or bad, it's just a fact. Tom muhtemelen başarılı olamadı. Tom couldn't possibly succeed. Tom probably didn't succeed. Tren az önce ayrıldı. The train just left. The train just left. Bütün sporların içinde en çok tenisi severim. I like tennis the best of all sports. Of all sports, I like tennis best. Ben istasyona varmadan önce tren zaten gitmişti. The train had already left by the time I got to the station. The train was already gone before I got to the station. Bazı insanların kendi bilgisayarları yok. Some people don't own computers. Some people don't have their own computers. Öyle zannediyorum ki avukatımı aramam gerekiyor. I think I should call my lawyer. I think I need to call my lawyer. Tom'un sol gözüyle çok iyi göremediği doğru mu? Is it true that Tom can't see very well out of his left eye? Is it true that Tom can't see very well with his left eye? Bugün o kararı vermek zorunda mıyız? Do we have to make that decision today? Do we have to make that decision today? Bütün yediğim muzdu. All I ate was bananas. All I ate was bananas. Tom Mary'den daha genç görünüyor. Tom looks younger than Mary. Tom looks younger than Mary. Belki de sadece bir tesadüftür. Maybe it's just a coincidence. Maybe it's just a coincidence. Beyzbol sezonu başlamak üzere. Baseball season's about to start. Baseball season's about to start. En çok ihtiyacı olanlara yardım edelim. Let's help those most in need. Let's help those who need it the most. Tom çok düşünceliydi. Tom was very thoughtful. Tom was very thoughtful. Sıkı çalışsa, sınavı geçebilir. If she studied hard, she could pass the test. If he worked hard, he could pass the exam. Ona her akşam telefon ederim. I phone her every evening. I call him every night. Asla Tom kadar klas olmayacağım. I'll never be as cool as Tom. I'll never be as classy as Tom. Tom bana Mary'nin korkacağını düşündüğünü söyledi. Tom told me that he thought Mary would be scared. Tom told me that he thought Mary would be afraid. Kız arkadaşımdan ayrıldım. I broke up with my girlfriend. I broke up with my girlfriend. Mary'nin çok renkli tırnakları var. Mary has multicolored fingernails. Mary has very colorful nails. Sen ölüyorsun, değil mi? You're dying, aren't you? You're dying, aren't you? Tom sadece beni dinlemedi. Tom just wouldn't listen to me. Tom just wouldn't listen to me. Leyla günahlarını papaza itiraf etti. Layla confessed her sins to the priest. Layla confessed her sins to the priest. Bu hiç bitecek mi? Will this ever end? Will this ever end? Bu gölde paten yapmak güvenli midir? Is it safe to skate on this lake? Is it safe to skate in this lake? Tom'a daha önce bunu yapması gerektiği söylendi. Tom has already been told that he needs to do that. Tom has been told he should've done that before. Sadako daha fazlasını demek istiyordu ama dudakları artık kımıldamak istemedi. Sadako wanted to say more, but her lips just didn't want to move anymore. Sadako meant more, but his lips didn't want to move anymore. Hanako arabasıyla ilgili son ödemeyi yaptı ve çok memnun hissetti. Hanako made the final payment on her car, and felt very satisfied. Hanako made the final payment on her car and felt very pleased. Bir daha olmayacak, söz veriyorum. It won't happen again, I promise. It won't happen again, I promise. Burada eski bir tapınak vardı. There used to be an old temple here. There was an old temple here. Bu sizi ilgilendirmez! It's none of your business. That's none of your business! Tom oldukça başarılıydı. Tom was quite successful. Tom was quite successful. Afrika'ya hiç gitmedim. I've never been to Africa. I've never been to Africa. Ben senin azim ve kararlılığına hayranım. I admire your perseverance and determination. I admire your tenacity and determination. Ne annem ne de babam golf oynar. Both of my parents do not play golf. Neither Mom nor Dad plays golf. Tom tüfeğini ateşledi. Tom fired his rifle. Tom fired his rifle. Sorunu tartıştık. We discussed the problem. We discussed the problem. Tom metroya koştu. Tom rushed into the subway. Tom ran to the subway. Biz sadece o konuda konuşuyorduk. We were just talking about that. We were just talking about that. Sami olayla ilgili ifade verdi. Sami testified about the incident. Sami testified about the incident. Tom arkaya yaslandı. Tom leaned back. Tom leaned back. Tom bir piknik battaniyesinin üzerinde oturuyor. Tom is sitting on a picnic blanket. Tom is sitting on a picnic blanket. Bu kitap senin çalışmana yardımcı olacaktır. This book will be helpful to your study. This book will help you study. Ahır çiftlik evinin tam arkasında. The stable is right behind the farm house. The barn is right behind the farmhouse. Tom'u beklemeyi göze alamam. I can't afford to wait around for Tom. I can't afford to wait for Tom. Tom, Mary'nin bizimle Boston'a gitmek isteyeceğini düşünüyor mu? Does Tom think Mary would like to go to Boston with us? Does Tom think Mary will want to go to Boston with us? Ben bir şey söylemeliyim. I must say something. I have to say something. Mary o kadar sevimli değil. Mary isn't all that cute. Mary isn't that cute. Git ve Tom'dan özür dile. Go and apologize to Tom. Go and apologize to Tom. Tom Mary ile ilgilenmediğini söyledi fakat o her zaman onun bulunduğu odanın tarafına doğru bakıyor gibi görünüyordu. Tom said he wasn't interested in Mary, but he seemed to always be looking towards the side of the room where she was. Tom said he wasn't interested in Mary, but he always seemed to be looking at the side of the room where she was. Sana doğum günün için bir bisiklet alacağım. I will get you a bicycle for your birthday. I'll buy you a bike for your birthday. Uyanmak yatmaya gitmenin tam tersidir. Waking up is the opposite of going to sleep. Waking up is the opposite of going to bed. Tom Mary'yi izledi. Tom eyed Mary. Tom followed Mary. Odama bir hırsız girse, ona bir şey fırlatırım. If a burglar came into my room, I would throw something at him. If a thief comes into my room, I'll throw something at him. O ne kadar alakasız? How irrelevant is that? How irrelevant is that? Tom, Boston'dan gelen tek kişi değil. Tom isn't the only one here from Boston. Tom isn't the only one from Boston. Fikirleriniz biraz çağdışı. Your ideas are a little antiquated. Your ideas are a bit out of date. Tom durumla ilgilendi. Tom took care of the situation. Tom took care of the situation. Bedava çeviri yapmam. I don't translate for free. I don't translate for free. Odamı temizlemeliyim. I need to clean my room. I have to clean my room. Nehrin diğer tarafına yüzmen ve geri dönmen ne kadar sürdü? How long did it take you to swim to the other side of the river and back? How long did it take you to swim across the river and come back? Onun iyi bir kalbi var. He has a good heart. He has a good heart. Yağmur ne kadar şiddetli yağarsa yağsın, yarın başlayacağız. However hard it may rain, we will start tomorrow. No matter how hard it rains, we'll start tomorrow. Bundan uzak durmanı öneririm. I suggest you keep out of this. I suggest you stay out of it. Oradaki suyla ne yapıyorsun? What are you doing with the water there? What are you doing with that water over there? Sami üniversite aşkıyla evlendi. Sami married his college sweetheart. Sami married his college sweetheart. Herhangi bir yerde caddeyi geçmeden önce iki yöne bakmak iyi bir kuraldır. It's a good rule to look both ways before you cross the street anywhere. It's a good rule to look in two directions before crossing the street anywhere. Ben yemek masasını siliyorum. I am wiping the dining table. I'm erasing the dining room table. O çok değerli. That's worth a lot. He's very valuable. Tom'u sık sık görür müsün? Do you see Tom often? Do you see Tom often? Tom'un seni incitmesine izin vermeyeceğim. I'm not going to let Tom hurt you. I won't let Tom hurt you. Burada bir hata var. There's a mistake here. There's been a mistake here. O onun babasının garajı temizlemesi için yardım etmesini istedi ama o yardım edemeyecek kadar meşgul olduğunu söyledi. She asked him to help his father to clean the garage, but he said he was too busy to help. She asked him to help her father clean the garage, but he said he was too busy to help. Fırtına yürüyüş için dışarı çıkmamı engelledi. The storm prevented me from going out for a walk. The storm prevented me from going out for a walk. Yazacak vaktim yok. I have no time to write. I don't have time to write. "İngilizce ödevime yardım edecek misin?" "Tabii ki de." "Will you help me with my English homework?" "Certainly." "Will you help me with my English homework?" "Of course." Onu kendim görmeye gideceğim. I'll go and see him myself. I'll go see him myself. Domuz olmayın. Don't be pigs. Don't be a pig. Acele edin yoksa uçağınızı kaçıracaksınız? Hurry up, or you'll miss your plane. Hurry up or you'll miss your flight? Çabaları boşunaydı. His efforts were in vain. His efforts were in vain. Siz insanlar moronsunuz. You people are morons. You people are morons. Tom dezenformasyon konusunda gerçekten iyidir. Tom is really good at disinformation. Tom is really good at decontamination. Yüzmede iyi olmadığımdan dolayı, boyumu aşan yerlerde yüzmekten kaçınırım. As I'm not good at swimming, I avoid swimming out of my depth. Because I'm not good at swimming, I avoid swimming in places over my head. Bu ilginç değil. It isn't interesting. That's not interesting. Carlos döndü. Carlos turned around. Carlos is back. Çok teşekkürler. Thanks a bunch. Thank you very much. Onu nerede bulabileceğinizi biliyorum. I know where you can find her. I know where you can find him. Bir teknede yaşayan bir arkadaşım var. I have a friend who lives on a boat. I have a friend who lives on a boat. Nem % 80 mi? Gerçekten yakın olmalı! The humidity is 80%?! It must be really close! It's got to be really close! Tom gerçekten meşgul görünüyordu. Tom looked really busy. Tom seemed really busy. Tutkumuz vardı. We had the passion. We had passion. Yarın akşam yemeği için bana katılmak isteyip istemeyeceğini merak ediyordum. I was wondering if you'd like to join me for dinner tomorrow. I was wondering if you'd like to join me for dinner tomorrow. Faturayı bana verir misiniz, lütfen? Could you give me the bill, please? Could you give me the bill, please? Tom Mary'nin gitmesini istiyordu. Tom wanted Mary to go. Tom wanted Mary to leave. Herkes küçük kediye Tora diyor. Everybody calls the small cat Tora. Everyone calls the little cat Tora. Tom buraya gelir gelmez yemek yiyeceğiz. As soon as Tom gets here, we'll eat. We'll eat as soon as Tom gets here. Dışarı çıkıp oyun oynayabilir miyim? Can I go out and play? Can I go out and play? Tom'la yüz yüze gelmedim. I didn't confront Tom. I didn't come face-to-face with Tom. Gülmeyi kesemiyorum. I cannot stop laughing. I can't stop laughing. Tom yaralandı! Bir ambulans çağır! Tom is hurt! Call an ambulance! Tom's hurt! Call an ambulance! Bu onlar hakkında değil, değil mi? This isn't about them, is it? This isn't about them, is it? Size sormak istediğim birkaç sorum daha var. I have a few more questions I'd like to ask you. I have a few more questions I'd like to ask you. Tom'un kelebeği nasıl yapacağını göstermesini istiyorum. I'd like Tom to demonstrate how to do the butterfly. I want Tom to show you how to do the butterfly. Onlara yardım etmek zorunda kalabilirim. I may have to help them. I may have to help them. Bir kadının arzusunu nasıl harekete geçirirsin? How to arouse a woman's desire? How do you provoke a woman's desire? Birimiz gitmek zorunda. One of us has to go. One of us has to go. Neden kapıyı kilitlemedin? Why didn't you lock the door? Why didn't you lock the door? Ben buralı değilim. I'm not from here. I'm not from here. Dünyadaki yerimizi bulmamız gerekir. We need to find our place in the world. We need to find our place in the world. Tom hakkında başka ne bulabileceğime bakalım. I'll see what else I can find out about Tom. Let's see what else I can find out about Tom. O erken kalkmaya alışkındır. She is used to getting up early. He is used to getting up early. Asla o kadar çok paraya ihtiyacım olmadı. I never needed that much money. I never needed that much money. Tom'un yaptığı iğrençti. What Tom did was disgusting. What Tom did was disgusting. Ben terledim. I sweated. I'm sweating. Tom'u sevmediğini mi söylüyorsun? Are you saying that you don't love Tom? Are you saying you don't like Tom? On yıl içerisinde Tom'un sekiz işi oldu. Tom has had eight jobs in ten years. Within ten years, Tom had eight jobs. İkinci kemanların birlikte çalması gerekiyor. The second violins need to play together. The second violins have to play together. Onun kızmasını istemiyorum. I don't want him to get angry. I don't want her to get mad. Bunu ikimiz de yapmadık. Neither of us did that. Neither of us did that. Tom bana bunu yapmayı sevmediğini söyledi. Tom told me he didn't like doing that. Tom told me he didn't like doing that. Onun yanında yaşıyorum. I live next to him. I live next to him. Tom benden korkuyordu. Tom was scared of me. Tom was afraid of me. Tom'un, biri Çek Cumhuriyeti'nde doğmuş üç kız kardeşi var. Tom has three sisters, one of which was born in Czechia. Tom has three sisters, one of whom was born in the Czech Republic. Bizim ayrıntılı bir makbuza ihtiyacımız var. We need an itemized receipt. We need a detailed receipt. Her zaman yaptığı işte istediği kadar zaman harcar. He always takes his time in everything he does. He spends as much time as he wants on what he always does. O, siyahların şiddet olmaksızın eşit haklar için mücadelelerini kazanabileceklerine inanıyordu. He believed that blacks could win their fight for equal rights without violence. He believed that black men could win their fight for equal rights without violence. Tom kararını pazartesi günü açıkladı. Tom announced his decision Monday. Tom announced his decision on Monday. İznim olmadan onu yapmamalıydın. You shouldn't have done that without my permission. You shouldn't have done that without my permission. Tom gerçekten Mary'i seviyordu. Tom really liked Mary. Tom really loved Mary. Onu evde bıraktığımı düşündüm. I thought I'd left it at home. I thought I left him at home. Ah? Sen klavyeye bakmadan yazabiliyorsun. Bu harika! Oh? You can type without looking at the keyboard. That's cool! Oh, you can write without looking at the keyboard. Tom, Mary'yi akşam yemeği için evine davet etti. Tom invited Mary over to his place for dinner. Tom invited Mary to his house for dinner. Hepimiz memnunuz. We're all satisfied. We're all satisfied. Tom unutkan, değil mi? Tom is forgetful, isn't he? Tom is forgetful, isn't he? Bu, İngilizcede benim son cümlem olacak. This will be my last sentence in English. This will be my last sentence in English. Tom ve Mary'nin çok büyük bir evi var. Tom and Mary have a very large house. Tom and Mary have a very large house. Tom'un bu konuda hiç bilgisi yoktu. Tom didn't know anything about it. Tom didn't know anything about it. Bunu yaptın. You did this. You did it. Tüm eğlenceden sonra daire büyük bir karışıklık içindeydi. After all the merrymaking, the apartment was in great disarray. After all the fun, the apartment was in a big mess. Tom'a çok meşgul olduğumu söyledim. I told Tom that I was way too busy. I told Tom I was very busy. Maaş iyidir. The pay is good. Payment's good. Senin yağmurluğun mor. Your raincoat is purple. Your raincoat is purple. Tom sandviçini benimle paylaştı. Tom shared his sandwich with me. Tom shared his sandwich with me. Tom ucuz, ikinci el bir araba bakıyor. Tom is looking for an inexpensive used car. Tom is looking for a cheap used car. Tom 20 Ekim'de gelecek. Tom is going to come on October 20th. Tom is going to come on October 20th. Arkadaşlarımızı ziyaret edeceğiz. We will pay our friends a visit. We're going to visit our friends. Ben bir yastık değilim. I am not a pillow. I'm not a pillow. Bu pantolonlar oldukça dar. Diğer bedenleri deneyebilir miyim? These jeans feel too tight. May I try on another size? These pants are pretty tight. Can I try on the other bodies? Ben Tom'u gönderdim. I made Tom go. I sent Tom. O geçen yıl yurt dışına gitti. He went abroad last year. He went abroad last year. Onun fikirleri asla ona on sent kazandırmadı. His ideas never earned him a dime. His ideas never made him a dime. Ben kendimi kesinlikle farklı hissediyorum. I definitely feel different. I definitely feel different. Tom oldukça kilolu, değil mi? Tom is quite overweight, isn't he? Tom is quite overweight, isn't he? Çabalar sonuç getirmedi. The efforts brought about no effect. The efforts didn't pan out. Cuma son. Friday is the end. Friday's the end. Mola bitti. The break is over. Break's over. Beşte evde olacağım. I will be home by five. I'll be home at five. Bu iğrenç. This is sickening. That's disgusting. Şarap içiyorum. I drink wine. I'm drinking wine. Sami sonunda iyileşiyor. Sami is finally recovering. Sami is finally getting better. Ben sadece bir şeyi kontrol etmek zorundaydım. I just had to check on something. I just had to check something. O, bir Amerikalı ile evlidir. She is married to an American. She is married to an American. Mary, Tom için bir atkı örüyor. Mary is knitting a scarf for Tom. Mary is knitting a scarf for Tom. En yakın birahane nerededir? Where is the nearest pub? Where's the nearest brewery? Yapılacak bir şey yok. That can't be helped. There's nothing to be done. Onların bunu tekrar yapmasına izin vermeyin. Don't let them do that again. Don't let them do it again. Asgari ücret nedir? What's the minimum wage? What's the minimum wage? Kendim geldim. I came by myself. I came on my own. Tom dün öğle yemeği yemedi. Tom didn't eat lunch yesterday. Tom didn't eat lunch yesterday. Senin şu anki sorunun her zaman aklımda. Your present trouble is on my mind all the time. Your current problem is always on my mind. Kilo vermek istiyorsan yapacak en iyi şey uygun şekilde yemek ve çok egzersiz yapmak. If you want to lose weight, the best thing to do is to eat properly and get a lot of exercise. If you want to lose weight, the best thing to do is eat properly and exercise a lot. Noel'i seninle geçirmeyi severim. I'd love to spend Christmas with you. I like spending Christmas with you. Tom Mary'yi almak için gelmedi. Tom didn't come to get Mary. Tom didn't come to pick Mary up. Tom ilk sıraya yükseldi. Tom moved up to first place. Tom rose to the top. Ferdinand Macellan neyi başardı? What did Ferdinand Magellan do? What did Ferdinand Magellan accomplish? Burada Bostonlu olan tek kişi sen değilsin. You're not the only one here from Boston. You're not the only one here from Boston. Tom onu yapmak istedi. Tom wished to do that. Tom wanted to do that. Bir su molekülünün iki hidrojen atomu ve bir oksijen atomu vardır. A water molecule has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. A water molecule has two hydrogen atoms and an oxygen atom. O, iyi öpüşür mü? Is he a good kisser? Is he a good kisser? O benim sorunum değil. Tom'un sorunu. It's not my problem. It's Tom's. That's not my problem. It's Tom's. İlkbahar için hala hiçbir görsel belirti yoktu. There were still no visual signs of spring. Still no visual signs for spring. Tom komada. Tom is in a coma. Tom is in a coma. Tom ağzını kapattı. Tom covered his mouth. Tom covered his mouth. Tom, 2013 yılında Avustralya'da öldü Tom died in Autralia in 2013. Tom died in Australia in 2013. Biz gerçekten iyi anlaşıyoruz. We get along really well. We get along really well. Kararımdan pişmanım. I regretted my decision. I regret my decision. Tom her zaman yanında bir Kutsal Kitap taşır. Tom always carries a Bible with him. Tom always carries a Bible with him. Suç oranları son birkaç on yılda sürekli olarak düşüyor. Crime rates have been consistently decreasing over the past few decades. Crime rates have been dropping steadily over the last few decades. Tom'un hiç işi olmadı. Tom has never had a job. Tom has never had a job. Ben Boston'da iken lütfen köpeğime bakar mısın? Could you please take care of my dog while I'm in Boston? Would you please take care of my dog while I'm in Boston? Çok perişanım. I am so devastated. I'm so miserable. Tom müzikten anlıyor. Tom understands music. Tom knows music. Britanya İtalya'dan daha soğuktur. Britain is colder than Italy. Britain is colder than Italy. Şimdi onun üzerinde çalışıyorum. I'm working on it now. I'm working on it now. İkinizi dışarıda görebilir miyim? Can I see you two outside? Can I see you two outside? Bu mükemmel bir fikir gibi görünüyor. That sounds like an excellent idea. That sounds like a great idea. Kampımız buradan yaklaşık 5 mil aşağı yönde. Our camp is about 5 miles downstream from here. Our camp is about five miles from here. Bu gömlek yıkanmak istiyor. This shirt wants washing. This shirt wants to wash. Hem Tom hem de Mary Boston'dan hoşlanıyor. Both Tom and Mary like Boston. Both Tom and Mary like Boston. Hayatımı daha kolay yapıyor. It makes my life easier. It makes my life easier. Lütfen bunu not edin. Please write that down. Please write that down. Çok meşgulsün. You are very busy. You're very busy. Ben de gitmek istemiyorum. I don't want to go, either. I don't want to go either. O gerçekten kolaydı. It was pretty easy. That was really easy. Tom daveti kabul etmedi. Tom didn't accept the invitation. Tom didn't accept the invitation. Onu iptal edeceğim. I'll cancel it. I'll cancel it. Şimdi güvenli. It's safe now. It's safe now. Bu konuda söyleyecek hiç bir şeyim yok. I have nothing to say in this regard. I have nothing to say about it. Sami oruç. Sami is fasting. Sami is fasting. "Geldiler!" "Tam zamanında!" "They've arrived!" "And none too soon!" "They're here!" "Just in time!" Bu soruyu cevaplamana gerek yok. You don't need to answer this question. You don't have to answer that question. Tom bana güzel bir çift bot verdi. Tom gave me a nice pair of boots. Tom gave me a nice pair of boots. Tom bunu Mary'den çok daha iyi yapar. Tom does that so much better than Mary does. Tom does that a lot better than Mary does. Herkes senin yalancı olduğunu biliyor. Everybody knows that you are a liar. Everyone knows you're a liar. O zamandan beri Kanada ve İran arasındaki diplomatik ilişkiler askıya alındı. Since then, diplomatic relations between Canada and Iran have been suspended. Since then, diplomatic relations between Canada and Iran have been suspended. Neredeyse hiç yardıma ihtiyacım yok. I hardly ever need help. I almost don't need any help. Ben hâlâ çalmak istediğim kadar iyi gitar çalamıyorum. I still can't play guitar as well as I want to. I still can't play the guitar as well as I want to play. Anayasa Mahkemesi, önceki kararını bozdu. The Supreme Court overturned a previous decision. The Supreme Court violated its previous verdict. O sık sık yurt dışında. He's constantly abroad. He is often abroad. Yaramaz kız bir masum havası üstlendi. The naughty girl assumed an air of innocence. The naughty girl took on an innocent air. Zamanlama daha kötü olamazdı. The timing couldn't be worse. The timing couldn't be worse. Tamamen unutulduğunu düşünecek. He will think he has been completely forgotten. He'll think he's completely forgotten. O ona tapar. She worships him. He worships her. O sonunda İngiltere'ye geri taşındı. In the end, she moved back to England. He finally moved back to England. Telefon çaldı ve Tom onu yanıtladı. The phone rang and Tom answered it. The phone rang and Tom answered it. Tom silahını çekti ve Mary'ye ateş etti. Tom pulled out his gun and shot Mary. Tom pulled out his gun and shot Mary. Bu ne anlama geliyor? What does it mean? What does that mean? O, iyi bir ruh hali içinde. He is in good temper. He's in a good mood. Tom bunu size yaptırmayacak. Tom won't make you do that. Tom won't make you do that. Tom bir sorun olduğunun farkında değildi. Tom wasn't aware that there was a problem. Tom wasn't aware that there was a problem. Bana en yakın istasyona nasıl gideceğimi söyler misin? Could you tell me how to get to the nearest station? Can you tell me how to get to the nearest station? Tom ve Mary burada mutlu olmadığından şüpheleniyorum. I suspect Tom and Mary aren't happy here. I suspect Tom and Mary aren't happy here. Tom geçen hafta Boston'da mıydı? Was Tom in Boston last week? Was Tom in Boston last week? Tom ne kadar kötü incindi? How bad was Tom hurt? How badly did Tom get hurt? Bunu çözelim. Let's figure it out. Let's figure this out. Tom'a söylediğin bu, oldukça eminim. That's what you told Tom, I'm pretty sure. That's what you told Tom, I'm pretty sure. Yurt dışına seyahat edersen, genellikle bir pasaporta ihtiyacın vardır When you travel abroad, you usually need a passport. If you travel abroad, you usually need a passport. Tom bunun hakkında meraklı görünüyor. Tom seems to be curious about that. Tom seems to be curious about that. Standart İngilizce öğrenmek istiyorum. I want to learn standard English. I want to learn standard English. Bu açıkça gereklidir. It's evidently necessary. This is clearly necessary. Görevini yapmana yardımcı olacağız. We'll help you do your duty. We'll help you do your duty. Annesi seni çağırıyor. Her mother is calling you. Her mother's calling you. Tom ve Mary'nin iki oğlu var: Paul ve John. Tom and Mary had two sons: Paul and John. Tom and Mary have two sons: Paul and John. Gece balık avı yasadışıdır. Night fishing is illegal. Night fishing is illegal. Ahbaplarım sessizce beni izliyorlardı ve şaşkınlığımın onları güldürdüğü diğer zamanların aksine bu defa ciddiyetlerini bozmadılar. My companions were watching me in silence and, unlike other times when my wonder had made them laugh, they remained serious. My buddies were watching me quietly, and unlike other times, my surprise made them laugh, they didn't ruin their seriousness this time. Maliyeti hesaplamak kolay değil. It's not easy to figure out the cost. It's not easy to calculate the cost. Tom'u sudan çıkaralım Let's get Tom out of the water. Let's get Tom out of the water. Onu tek başıma yapmayı tercih ederim. I prefer to do it on my own. I'd rather do that by myself. Vakit nakit değil, vakit hayattır. Time is not money. - Time is life. Time is life, not money. Tom'un Mary'yi onu yaptığı için affedeceğini hiç sanmıyorum. I don't think Tom will ever forgive Mary for doing that. I don't think Tom will ever forgive Mary for doing that. Bu mesajı Tom'a teslim etmeni istiyorum. I want you to deliver this message to Tom. I want you to deliver this message to Tom. Onu bana neden sorduklarından emin değilim. I am not sure why they asked me that. I'm not sure why they're asking me that. Bazı insanların çalışmalarımı takdir ettiğini biliyorum. I know that some people appreciate my work. I know some people appreciate my work. Tom, Kızılhaç gönüllüsüdür. Tom is a Red Cross volunteer. Tom is a Red Cross volunteer. O birçok geceyi yıldızlara bakarak geçirdi. Many nights did he spend, looking up at the stars. He spent many nights looking at the stars. İstediğiniz zaman beni arayabilirsiniz. You can call me anytime you like. You can call me anytime. Tom'un keçi sakalı var. Tom has a goatee. Tom has a goatee. Onların söyledikleri gibi yapmanızı öneririm. I suggest you do as they say. I suggest you do as they say. Bunu senden daha iyi yapabilirim. I can do that better than you. I can do this better than you. Tom bir şey yemek istemediğini söylüyor. Tom says that he doesn't want to eat anything. Tom says he doesn't want to eat anything. Tom'un niçin geç kaldığını anlamıyorum. I don't understand why Tom is late. I don't understand why Tom is late. Sen güzel bir kızsın. You're a nice girl. You're a beautiful girl. Tom Fransızca konuşmayı sevmiyor ve ben de Tom doesn't like speaking in French and I don't either. Tom doesn't like speaking French and so do I. Şaşkınlığını anlayabiliyorum. I can understand your confusion. I can understand your surprise. Hangi planın daha iyi olduğuna inanıyorsun? Which plan do you believe is better? What plan do you think is better? Açıkçası Tom gitmek istemiyordu? Evidently, Tom didn't want to go. Obviously Tom didn't want to go? Benim bilgisayarım pahalıdır. My computer is expensive. My computer is expensive. Rüyalar gerçekleşir. Dreams do come true. Dreams come true. Tom onu yapan kişi değildi. Tom wasn't the one who did that. Tom wasn't the one who did that. Su sıfır derecede donar, değil mi? Water freezes at zero degrees Celsius, doesn't it? Water freezes at zero degrees, doesn't it? Roma'da bir otele vardık. We arrived at a hotel in Rome. We arrived at a hotel in Rome. Ben bir patent dosyaladım. I filed a patent. I filed a patent. Tom artık tüm bu şeylerle ilgilenmiyor mu? Doesn't Tom take care of all this stuff now? Isn't Tom interested in all this stuff anymore? Kutuda ne olduğunu bilmiyorum. I don't know what's in the box. I don't know what's in the box. Muriel henüz yirmi yaşına girdi. Muriel just turned twenty. Muriel's only 20 years old. Bu benim ilk seferim. This is my first time. This is my first time. Kaptanı alın Get the captain. Take the captain. Geldiğiniz için hepinize çok teşekkür etmek istiyorum. I'd like to thank you all very much for coming. I want to thank you all so much for coming. Başarısız olmak istemiyorum. I don't want to fail. I don't want to fail. Tom bizi görseydi ne olurdu? What would've happened if Tom had seen us? What would happen if Tom saw us? Tom bunu yapmaktan korktu. Tom was scared to do that. Tom was afraid to do that. Biz kendimizi savunamayız. We aren't able to defend ourselves. We can't defend ourselves. Tom'a gelmemesini söyledin, değil mi? You told Tom not to come, didn't you? You told Tom not to come, didn't you? Bu kadar büyük bir kamyonu sürmeye alışkın değilim. I'm not used to driving a truck this large. I'm not used to driving such a big truck. Onlar beni oraya yalnız gönderdiler. They made me go there alone. They sent me there alone. Mehtap gerçekten güzel. The moonlight is really beautiful. The moon is really beautiful. Söz uçar, yazı kalır. Words fly away, the written remains. Word flies, summer stays. Hastalık onun işini yapmasını engelledi. Illness prevented him from doing his work. The disease prevented him from doing his job. Onlara bunun umutsuz olduğunu söyle. Tell them this is hopeless. Tell them it's hopeless. Tom dondurma yiyor. Tom is eating ice cream. Tom is eating ice cream. Bu kitap ondan daha az büyüktür. This book is less large than that one. This book is less than that. Kimliğin var mı? Do you have any ID? Do you have I.D.? Tom, Boston'daki Mary'yi ziyarete gitti. Tom went to visit Mary in Boston. Tom went to visit Mary in Boston. Mary lisede benim en iyi arkadaşlarımdan biriydi. Mary was one of my best friends in high school. Mary was one of my best friends in high school. Tom ve ben nişanlıydık. Tom and I used to be engaged. Tom and I were engaged. Tom'un hiç Boston'a gitmediğinden oldukça eminim. I'm quite certain Tom has never been to Boston. I'm pretty sure Tom has never been to Boston. Biz henüz Tom'a yetişemedik. We haven't been able to reach Tom yet. We haven't been able to catch up with Tom yet. Onların birbirlerini sevip sevmedikleri belirsiz. It's unclear if they love each other or not. It's unclear whether they love each other or not. O, saat yedide kalkar. He gets up at seven. He gets up at seven. Nasıl karşılık verdin? How did you respond? How did you respond? İstediğim kişi Tom'dur. Tom is the one I want. Tom is the one I want. Bu alarm ne içindi? What was that alarm for? What was that alarm for? Tom satrançtan hoşlanmaz. Tom doesn't like chess. Tom doesn't like chess. Bunu Tom'un yaptığını düşünmüyorsun, değil mi? You don't think Tom did it, do you? You don't think Tom did that, do you? Ayrılmamı ister misin? Do you want me to leave? Do you want me to leave? Masraflar vardı. There were costs. There were expenses. Zaten bize ne yapacağımız söylendi. We've already been told what to do. We've already been told what to do. Favori şarkılarımdan biri Hungry Spider'dır. One of my favorite songs is Hungry Spider. One of my favorite songs is Hungry Spider. Tom'un gerçekten onu yaptığını düşünüyor musun? Do you think Tom really did it? Do you really think Tom did that? Bu eski bir kitap. This is an old book. It's an old book. Tom neredeyse her zaman haklı. Tom is almost always right. Tom is almost always right. Bazılarımızın yapacak işi var. Some of us have work to do. Some of us have work to do. Bir saat içinde burada hazır olacağım. I'll be finished here in an hour. I'll be here in an hour. Bizim daha fazla seçeneğe ihtiyacımız var. We need more choices. We need more options. Kış bitti. Winter has come. Winter's over. Ne cevap verdin? What did you answer? What did you say? Geceleri hava soğuk olduğu için bir yün battaniyeye ihtiyacım olacak. I shall need a wool blanket because it is cold at night. Since it's cold at night, I'm gonna need a wool blanket. Sırası gelmişken, bu odada klimaya benzer bir şey yok. Onun sahip olduğu tek şey elle tutulan kağıt yelpaze. Incidentally, this room doesn't have anything like an air conditioner. All it has is a hand-held paper fan. By the way, there's nothing like air conditioning in this room. Ben Tom'a onu kendisi tutmasını söyledim. I told Tom to handle it himself. I told Tom to hold it himself. Dün için üzgünüm. I'm sorry about yesterday. I'm sorry about yesterday. Tom'un tutuklanmasını istiyorum. I want Tom arrested. I want Tom arrested. Dan nehre doğru sürdü. Dan drove to the river. Dan drove into the river. Tom sizin yardımınız olmadan raporu yazmayı bitiremedi. Tom couldn't have finished writing the report without your help. Tom couldn't finish writing the report without your help. Burada neyimiz var? What have we here? What do we have here? Gerçekten Tom'u takımında ister misin? Do you really want Tom on your team? Do you really want Tom on your team? Hey, kar yağıyor. Hey, it's snowing. Hey, it's snowing. Akşam 2.00'de tekrar denedim. I tried again at 2:00 p.m. I tried again at 2:00 p.m. Sahip olduğumuz bu dünyayı korumak istiyoruz. We want to protect this world we have. We want to protect this world we have. " Pencereyi açmanızın bir sakıncası var mı?" "Kesinlikle yok." "Would you mind opening the window?" "Certainly not." "Would you mind opening the window?" "Absolutely not." Tom kağıt uçak yapmaktan hoşlanır. Tom likes making paper aeroplanes. Tom likes to make paper airplanes. Ben danışmanım. I'm the supervisor. I'm a consultant. Siz ona nasıl karar verdiniz? How did you all decide that? How did you decide that? Ben bir söz yazarıyım. I'm a speechwriter. I'm a songwriter. Ölçme aletine bak. Look at the gauge. Look at the measuring device. Tom'un daha fazla paraya ihtiyacı olacak. Tom is going to need more money. Tom is going to need more money. Tom'un anladığını sanmıyorum. I don't think Tom understands. I don't think Tom understands. Sami çabucak hastaneye geldi. Sami quickly drove to the hospital. Sami came to the hospital quickly. Belki Tom onu Mary için yapacaktır. Maybe Tom will do that for Mary. Maybe Tom will do that for Mary. Eldivenlerimi çıkaramıyorum. I can't get my gloves off. I can't get my gloves off. Japonya'ya gelişini dört gözle bekliyorum. I'm looking forward to your coming to Japan. I look forward to your arrival in Japan. Bunu tavsiye etmezdim. I wouldn't advise it. I wouldn't recommend it. Tom onun yapmasını istediğimiz her şeyi yapamadı. Tom wasn't able to do everything we asked him to do. Tom couldn't do everything we asked him to do. Onunla okula gittim. I went to school with her. I went to school with him. Tom Mary'nin bir ehliyeti olduğunu düşünmediğini söyledi. Tom said he didn't think Mary had a driver's license. Tom said he didn't think Mary had a driver's license. Biraz kek yemek istiyorum. I want to eat some cake. I want to eat some cake. Bunu yapmak gerçekten kaç hafta sürer? How many weeks does it really take to do that? How many weeks does it really take to do that? Tom muhtemelen şimdi ölüdür. Tom is probably dead now. Tom is probably dead now. Tom ilgili görünmüyor. Tom doesn't seem interested. Tom doesn't seem interested. Operadan nefret ediyorum. I hate opera. I hate opera. Tom'un mutlu olup olmadığını merak ediyorum. I wonder if Tom is happy. I wonder if Tom is happy. Farklı bir şey yapmam gerektiğini düşündüm. I thought I should do something differently. I thought I should do something different. Eve döndüğümde büyük bir kavga olacak. There's going to be a major fight when I get home. When I get home, there's gonna be a big fight. Bir bakar mısın? Could you take a look? Can you take a look? Tom programı başarılı olarak tamamladı. Tom successfully completed the program. Tom successfully completed the program. O soruyu yanıtlayabilirdin. You could've answered that question. You could have answered that question. Sanırım Tom yardım etmek için burada. I assume Tom is here to help. I think Tom is here to help. Tom son zamanlarda oldukça çok kilo kaybetti. Tom has lost quite a lot of weight recently. Tom has lost a lot of weight recently. Gerçekten gitmeliyim. I really need to go. I really have to go. Seni Boston'dan aramaya çalıştım. I tried to call you from Boston. I tried to call you from Boston. Siren çaldığında Tom oturmak üzereydi. Tom was about to sit down when the siren sounded. Tom was about to sit down when the siren went off. Tom bir süpürge getirdi. Tom brought a broom. Tom brought a broom. Ben onun hakkında düşünmek istiyorum. I want to think about it. I want to think about it. Bu sadece ihtiyacımız olan şey olabilir. This might just be what we need. This could just be what we need. Her zaman etrafta olmayacağım. I won't always be around. I won't always be around. Bana bir örnek göster. Show me an example. Show me an example. Belki bayıldım. Maybe I passed out. Maybe I fainted. Bugün neden öğle yemeği yemedin? Why didn't you eat lunch today? Why didn't you have lunch today? Bu bana sökmez. It cuts no ice with me. That's not gonna work for me. Bilinmeyen bir nedenle, masadan kalktı ve şarkı söylemeye başladı. For some unknown reason, he got up on the table and started singing. For some unknown reason, he got up from the table and started singing. "Atina'da ne kadar kalacaksın?" "Pazara kadar." "How long will you remain in Athens?" "Until Sunday." "How long will you be in Athens?" "Until Sunday." Amcam beni görmek için geldi. My uncle came to see me. My uncle came to see me. Sık dişini, Tom. Hang in there, Tom. Hang in there, Tom. Aç olduğu zaman hariç, kedim bana aldırmıyor. My cat ignores me, except when she's hungry. Except when he's hungry, my cat ignores me. Onların yardımına ihtiyacımız olduğunu az önce herkese söyledim. I just told everybody that we need their help. I just told everyone we need their help. Tom bir yıldan daha fazla süredir onu kullanmadı. Tom hasn't used it for over a year. Tom hasn't used that in over a year. Yarın akşam nerede olacaksın? Where will you be tomorrow evening? Where will you be tomorrow night? Ebeveynlerin nerede? Where are the parents? Where are your parents? Ona kırık bir bacağım olduğunu söyle. Tell her I have a broken leg. Tell him I have a broken leg. Tom'un kızının düğünündeki içkiler ona çok pahalıya mal oldu. The drinks at Tom's daughter's wedding cost him a bundle. The drinks at Tom's daughter's wedding cost him a lot of money. Sami federal hukuk okudu. Sami studied federal law. Sami studied federal law. Sanırım öğretmen olmak isterdim I think I'd like to be a teacher. I think I'd like to be a teacher. Onu öldürdün mü? Did you murder her? Did you kill him? Eğer yarın yağmur yağarsa toplantıya gitmeyeceğim. If it rains tomorrow, I'm not going to the meeting. If it rains tomorrow, I won't go to the meeting. Ben balık tutmaya gitmedim. I didn't go fishing. I didn't go fishing. Onlar onun hakkında mutlu olmayacaklar. They won't be happy about that. They won't be happy about it. Bunun onu yapmak için en iyi yol olmayabileceğini kabul ediyorum. I admit this may not be the best way of doing it. I admit it may not be the best way to do that. Hiçbir şey daha korkutucu olamazdı. Nothing could be more frightening. Nothing could be scarier. Kalkıştan beş dakika önce uçağa bindim. I got to my plane five minutes before takeoff. I got on a plane five minutes before takeoff. Tom'un Boston'a dönmesi gerekiyor. Tom needs to get back to Boston. Tom needs to get back to Boston. Düğün iptal edildi. The wedding's been called off. The wedding's off. Alexanderplatz Berlin'in merkezindedir. Alexanderplatz is in the center of Berlin. Alexanderplatz is in central Berlin. Tom ve Mary kurtarılan tek kişiler değildi. Tom and Mary were the only ones who were saved. Tom and Mary weren't the only ones saved. Onu benimle götürmek zorunda kalacağım. I'll have to take him with me. I'll have to take her with me. O kesin bir yalandır. That is an absolute lie. That's a lie for sure. Onların hepsi senin erkek kardeşinden daha deli. They're all crazier than your brother. They're all crazier than your brother. Tom senden daha hoş. Tom is nicer than you. Tom is prettier than you. Onun kötü bir kalbi var. He has a bad heart. He has a bad heart. Hiç Fransızca film izler misin? Do you ever watch movies in French? Do you ever watch French movies? Sizi ağırlamayı özleyeceğim. I'm going to miss having you around. I'm gonna miss having you guys over. Bu çorba bir şekilde tatsız. Belki biraz daha tuz mu ilave etneliyiz...? This soup is somehow bland. Maybe add more salt...? Maybe we should add more salt...? Tom köpeğini arıyor. Tom is looking for his dog. Tom is looking for his dog. Tom kamp ateşinin etrafında oturan çocuklarla birlikte şarkı söylüyordu. Tom was singing with the children sitting around the campfire. Tom was singing with the children sitting around the campfire. Tom onu kendi başına yapmak zorunda kalacak. Tom will have to do that on his own. Tom is going to have to do that by himself. Bundan sonra ne yapmalıyız? What should we do next? What should we do next? Dudaklarım kalamar mürekkebi ile boyandığı için o bana gülüyor. He's laughing at me because my lips are stained with squid ink. She laughs at me because my lips are painted with squid ink. Gazete ile işin bitti mi? Are you done with the paper? Are you done with the paper? Dün seni parkta gördüm. I saw you in the park yesterday. I saw you in the park yesterday. Bir cevap yazdım ama göndere basmayı unuttum. I wrote a reply, but I forgot to press send. I wrote an answer, but I forgot to print it. Tom termometreyi ağzına koydu. Tom put the thermometer in his mouth. Tom put the thermometer in his mouth. Tom'a rahatlamasını söyle. Tell Tom to relax. Tell Tom to relax. Bir sene önce Boston'a gittim. I went to Boston a year ago. I went to Boston a year ago. Dağlara tırmanmayı sever. She loves to climb mountains. He likes to climb mountains. Akşam parıltısı genellikle güzel hava habercisidir. An evening glow often promises good weather. The evening glow is usually a good weatherman. Bu bilinçli bir karar mıdır? Is this a conscious decision? Is this a conscious decision? Henüz onları buldun mu? Have you found them yet? Have you found them yet? Tom mükemmel formda. Tom is in excellent shape. Tom is in perfect shape. Tom anahtarını çıkarıp kapıyı açtı. Tom took out his key and opened the door. Tom pulled out his key and opened the door. Uyanın çocuklar. Sabah oldu. Wake up, guys. It's morning. Wake up, boys, it's morning. Neden sordun? Why did you ask? Why do you ask? Bakım onun görünüşünü on yaş büyük yaptı. Care has made her look ten years older. Maintenance made her look ten years older. Ben o şarkıyı söyleyebilirdim. I used to be able to sing that song. I could sing that song. Hiç kimse böyle bir şey yapmaya cesaret edemezdi. No one would dare do such a thing. No one would dare do such a thing. Ben artık buna inanmıyorum. I don't believe it any longer. I don't believe that anymore. O gece dolunay vardı. There was a full moon that night. There was a full moon that night. Hiç yabancı pullarınız var mı? Do you have any foreign stamps? Do you have any foreign stamps? Köpeğe bir parça et fırlattı. He threw a piece of meat to a dog. He threw a piece of meat at the dog. Avucumun içinde bir kıymık var. I have a splinter in the palm of my hand. I have a splinter in my hand. Onu çok fazla görmüyorum. I don't see them a whole lot. I don't see him much. Trende seyahat ederken, ben pencereden başımı çıkardım ve benim kepim uçtu. While travelling on the train, I stuck my head out the window, and my cap flew off. When I was traveling on the train, I pulled my head out of the window and my cap flew off. Ancak, mevcut rüzgar miktarı konumu ve yılın sezonu ile değişir. However, the amount of wind available varies with the location and the season of the year. However, the current amount of wind changes with its location and season of the year. Ne tür çiçeklerden hoşlanırsın? What kind of flowers do you like? What kind of flowers do you like? Tom ve Mary birlikte şarkı söyleyebilirdi. Tom and Mary could sing together. Tom and Mary could sing together. Tom'a seni tanıdığımı söylemedim. I didn't tell Tom that I knew you. I didn't tell Tom I knew you. Bu çay çok demli. Biraz su ekle. The tea is too strong. Add some water. This tea is very strong, add some water. Tom bir sosyal içici. Tom is a social drinker. Tom is a social drinker. Tom Mary'yi boğazından yakaladı ve onu boğdu. Tom grabbed Mary by the throat and choked her. Tom grabbed Mary by the throat and strangled her. Tom ve Mary yoğun kaldırımdan aşağıya doğru yürüdü. Tom and Mary walked down the busy sidewalk. Tom and Mary walked down the busy sidewalk. Canım ağlamak istiyor. I feel like crying. I feel like crying. Neden sadece Tom'la oturmuyorsun? Why don't you just sit with Tom? Why don't you just sit with Tom? Mary neden burada değil? Why isn't Mary here? Why isn't Mary here? Geç kalmamalısın. You mustn't be late. You shouldn't be late. Seni bekliyorduk. We've been expecting you. We've been waiting for you. Ben bu otomobilin sahibiyim. I am the owner of this automobile. I own this car. Tom sınavda iyi yaptı. Tom did well on the exam. Tom did well on the exam. Tom'u durdurabilir misin? Can you stop Tom? Can you stop Tom? Sonunda Tom'la konuşma şansını yakaladım. I finally got a chance to talk to Tom. I finally got a chance to talk to Tom. Tom birkaç yıldır küçük bir adada yaşıyordu. Tom lived on a small island for a few years. Tom has been living on a small island for several years. Bu kitabı beğeniyor musunuz? Do you like this book? Do you like this book? Şafakta hâlâ yağmur yağıyordu. At daybreak it was still raining. It was still raining at dawn. O ahizeyi aldı. He picked up the phone. He took the phone. Masamda ilginç bir kitap var. There is an interesting book on my desk. There's an interesting book on my desk. Mary eve geldiğinde Tom kalkmıştı. Tom was up when Mary came home. Tom got up when Mary came home. Gençken küçük bir köpeğim vardı. I had a small dog when I was young. When I was young, I had a little dog. Bir anlaşmaya varabileceğimize eminim. I'm sure we can come to an agreement. I'm sure we can come to an agreement. Her gün sekiz saat boyunca aynı şeyi yaptı ve sonra eve gitti. Every day he did the same thing for eight hours and then he went home. He did the same thing every day for eight hours, and then he went home. Tom artık onu umursamıyordu. Tom didn't care about that anymore. Tom didn't care about that anymore. Tom'un bunun için başı belaya bulaşacak. Tom is going to get in trouble for that. Tom is going to get in trouble for this. Oraya gitmek istemiyorum. I don't want to go up there. I don't want to go there. Bu büyük bir davet olacak. It's going to be a big challenge. This is gonna be a big invite. Tom Boston'a dönmek istiyor. Tom wants to return to Boston. Tom wants to go back to Boston. Sadece iyi yapacaksın. You're going to do just fine. You're just gonna do fine. Tom konuşmadı. Tom didn't speak. Tom didn't speak. Bir şey yapmalıydım. I should have done something. I had to do something. O işbirlikçi değildi. He wasn't cooperative. He wasn't a collaborator. Sanırım bu resmi çizen kişi Tom'dur. I think that Tom is the one who drew this picture. I think Tom is the one who drew this picture. Sadece ona haftasonunda ne yaptığı ile ilgili birkaç soru sormak istiyoruz. We just want to ask him a few questions about what he did last weekend. We just want to ask him a few questions about what he was doing this weekend. Bir uzay gemisinde aya yolculuk artık bir rüya değil. A voyage to the moon in a spaceship is no longer a dream. Traveling to the moon on a spaceship is no longer a dream. O, herhangi bir şeyden korkmaz. She is not afraid of anything. He's not afraid of anything. Hayır dediğime pişman değilim. I don't regret saying no. I don't regret saying no. Konuştuğumuza sevindim. I'm glad we talked. I'm glad we talked. Senin için yapabileceğim herhangi bir şey var mı? Is there anything at all that I can do for you? Is there anything I can do for you? Neden Boston'a gitmek istersin? Why would you want to go to Boston? Why would you want to go to Boston? Mary'yi bodrumda tutuyorum ve ona her gün tecâvüz ediyorum. I hold Mary in the basement and rape her every day. I keep Mary in the basement and I rape her every day. Ben ona sorsam iyi olur. I had better ask her. I'd better ask him. Bu tip yerlerden nefret ederim. I hate this kind of place. I hate places like this. O şarkı söylemede iyidir. He is good at singing. She's good at singing. Tom kendi başına balığa çıkabilir. Tom might go fishing by himself. Tom can go fishing by himself. Tom'un cevabı Mary'yi şaşırttı. Tom's answer surprised Mary. Tom's answer surprised Mary. Ben araba sürmeyi severim. I love to drive. I like to drive. Ben onun otuz yaşın üzerinde olduğunu tahmin ediyorum. I guess that she is over thirty. I'm guessing he's over thirty. Kirli çorap kokusu beni kusturuyor. The smell of dirty socks makes me want to throw up. The smell of dirty socks makes me puke. Bu kitap Fransızca olarak yazılmamış. This book isn't written in French. This book is not written in French. Sen günah keçisisin. You're the scapegoat. You're the scapegoat. Beyaz şemsiye sizin. The white umbrella is yours. The white umbrella is yours. Tom muhtemelen yarın gelmeyecek. Tom is probably not going to come tomorrow. Tom isn't likely to come tomorrow. Söylemek istediğin şey o mu? Is that what you wanted to say? Is that what you want to say? Tom çakısını çıkardı ve onu açtı. Tom pulled out his pocketknife and opened it. Tom pulled out his knife and opened it. Nobel barış ödülünü aldığını sana duyurmaktan memnun olduk. We are pleased to announce you that you have received the Nobel Peace Prize. We are pleased to announce to you that you have received the Nobel Peace Prize. Tom sağduyu sahibidir. Tom has a good head on his shoulders. Tom has common sense. Tom ağlıyor muydu? Was Tom crying? Was Tom crying? Birlikte ilk çıktığımız zamanı hatırlıyor musun? Do you remember the first time we went out together? Do you remember the first time we went out together? Tom kimden söz ediyordu? Who was Tom talking about? Who was Tom talking about? Tom kendisine teklif edilen işten Mary'ye bahsetti. Tom told Mary about the job he'd been offered. Tom told Mary about the job he was offered. Bunu bana yapamazsın. You can't do this to me. You can't do this to me. Tom bizi ne zaman orada istiyor? What time does Tom want us there? When does Tom want us there? Köpeği beslemeyi unuttu. She forgot to feed the dog. He forgot to feed the dog. İçeri girer misin? Can you get in? Can you come in? Peige işi bitirecek olan kişidir. Peige is the person who will finish the work. Peige is the one who gets the job done. Üniversite ona bir burs verdi. The college granted him a scholarship. The university gave him a scholarship. Bunun zor olabileceğini biliyorum. I know that can be tough. I know this can be difficult. Alma Ata benim favori şehrim! Almaty is my favorite city! Alma Ata is my favorite city! O, onunla asla dans etmedi. She has never danced with him. She never danced with him. Tom kaskını çıkardı. Tom took off his helmet. Tom took off his helmet. Öp beni, Tom. Kiss me, Tom. Kiss me, Tom. Tom herhangi birinin Mary hakkında bir şey bilip bilmediğini sordu. Tom asked if anybody knew anything about Mary. Tom asked if anyone knew anything about Mary. Odasının küçük olmasından yakındı. He complained of his room being small. He complained about his room being small. Hafta sonunda bizimle akşam yemeği yemek ister misin? Would you like to have supper with us on the weekend? Would you like to have dinner with us this weekend? Bu çok yavaş bir süreç. It's a very slow process. It's a very slow process. O çok korkak. He is very fearful. He's a coward. Bunun için hazırız. We're ready for this. We're ready for this. Tom muhtemelen bunu dinlemekten hoşlanırdı. Tom would probably enjoy listening to this. Tom would probably enjoy listening to that. Tom bana yalan söylememesi gerektiğini bilir. Tom knows better than to lie to me. Tom knows he shouldn't lie to me. Alarm 5:30 da çalmaya başladı. The alarm went off at five-thirty. The alarm went off at 5:30. Tom'un Boston'a dönmesi gerektiğini sanmıyorum. I don't think Tom should go back to Boston. I don't think Tom needs to go back to Boston. Yazma yarışmasında bir ödül kazandın, değil mi? You won a prize in the spelling competition, didn't you? You won an award in the writing contest, didn't you? Ürünler selden hasar gördü. The crops were damaged by the flood. The products were damaged by the flood. Tom mutsuz görünüyordu. Tom appeared to be unhappy. Tom seemed unhappy. Sana söylediğim her şeyi unut! Forget everything I told you! Forget everything I told you! Farklı bir saç modeli ile, on yıl daha genç görüneceksin. With a different hairstyle, you'd look ten years younger. With a different hairstyle, you'll look ten years younger. Oyun gittikçe daha heyecan verici oldu. The game got more and more exciting. The game just got more and more exciting. Bunu açıklamak zor olabilir. That might be difficult to explain. That might be hard to explain. Tom gergin bir biçimde pencereden dışarıya baktı. Tom nervously looked out of the window. Tom looked out the window nervously. Tom zengin değil ama mutlu. Tom isn't rich, but he's happy. Tom isn't rich, but he's happy. Havuzun etrafında bir sürü ağaç var. There are a lot of trees around the pond. There's a lot of trees around the pool. Söylemem gerekenden daha fazlasını zaten söyledim. I've already said more than I should've. I've already said more than I should. Tom bir filmkolik. Tom is a movie buff. Tom is a filmaholic. Bugün kesinlikle yağmur yağacak. It'll surely rain today. It's definitely going to rain today. Leyla kendi evini yaktı. Layla burned her own house. Layla burned down her own house. Ben ara sıra sadece bazı kelimeleri anlarım. I only understand some words now and then. I only understand some words once in a while. Asla kimseye inanmayın. Never trust anybody. Never believe anyone. İyi bir tenis oyuncusu olacağını duydum. I hear that you would be a good tennis player. I hear you'll make a good tennis player. Puanınız neydi? What was your score? What was your score? Fiyat hakkında hatalıydın. You were wrong about the price. You were wrong about the price. Ne kötü bir kaybeden! What a bad loser! What a terrible loser! Şu anda Esperanto öğretmek için Güney Amerika'dayım. Now I am in South America to teach Esperanto. I'm in South America to teach Esperanto. Ona yaklaşma. Don't go near that. Don't go near him. Üç saattir buradayız. We've been here for three hours. We've been here for three hours. Başaracağına dair küçük bir şans var. There is a small chance that he will succeed. There's a small chance you'll make it. Tom ölüyor olabilir. Tom might be dying. Tom may be dying. Tom biraz babama benziyor. Tom looks a little bit like my father. Tom looks a little like my father. Sami, Kahire'de bulunuyordu. Sami was located in Cairo. Sami was in Cairo. Söylediğin şey olmadı. What you said didn't happen. What you said didn't happen. Tom'un buğdaya alerjisi var. Tom is allergic to wheat. Tom is allergic to wheat. Yaşlı gözlerle kaçıp gitti. She ran away with tears in her eyes. He ran away with his old eyes. Tom başka birine söylemedi, değil mi? Tom didn't tell anyone else, did he? Tom didn't tell anyone else, did he? Tom garajda motosikleti üzerinde çalışıyor. Tom is in the garage, working on his motorcycle. Tom is working on his motorcycle in the garage. Bu çam fıstıkları lezzetli. These pine nuts are delicious. These pine nuts are delicious. Bana yardım edecek birine ihtiyacım var. I need someone to help me. I need someone to help me. Sabah bir uçuş var mı? Is there a flight in the morning? Is there a flight in the morning? Benim bir akvaryumum var. I have a fish tank. I have an aquarium. Onu senin için yapabilir miyim? Can I do it for you? Can I do that for you? Sami gitmeye hazırlanıyor. Sami is preparing to leave. Sami is getting ready to leave. Bunu açıklamak çok zor. It's too hard to explain. It's hard to explain. Tom'un bize yardım etmesi gerekmiyordu, ama etti. Tom didn't need to help us, but he did. Tom wasn't supposed to help us, but he did. Bu sabah ilk gelen Tom'du. Tom was the first one to arrive this morning. Tom was the first one to arrive this morning. Bunu yapmayacağına bahse girerim. I bet you won't do that. I bet you wouldn't do that. Dansçının her hareketi mükemmeldi. The dancer's every move was perfect. The dancer's every move was perfect. Çiğ domuz eti yemek sizin için gerçekten zararlı mı? Is eating raw pork really bad for you? Is eating raw pork really bad for you? Tom'un bu kadar erken burada olması alışılmadık. It's unusual for Tom to be here so early. It's unusual for Tom to be here so early. En kısa sürede senden bir cevap istiyorum. I want an answer from you as soon as possible. I want an answer as soon as possible. Arkadaşı için kek pişirdi. She baked a cake for her friend. She baked a cake for her friend. Gönüllü olduk. We volunteered. We volunteered. Bazen yeni şeyleri denemek iyidir. It's good to try new things once in a while. Sometimes it's good to try new things. Tom'un ne yapmasını bekliyorsun? What are you expecting Tom to do? What do you expect Tom to do? Tom Mary'den vazgeçemiyor. Tom can't turn Mary down. Tom can't give up on Mary. Rafın ölçüleri nedir? What are the measurements of the shelf? What are the sizes of the shelf? İki küçük tavşan, beyaz tavşan ve siyah tavşan, büyük bir ormanda yaşadılar. Two small rabbits, a white rabbit and a black rabbit, lived in a large forest. Two little rabbits, white rabbits and black rabbits lived in a big forest. Olanlar onu dehşete düşürdü. What happened freaked him out. He was terrified by what happened. Bir yalanı tekrarlamak onu doğru yapmaz, onu daha kötü olan bir alışkanlık yapar. Repeating a lie does not make it true; it makes it a habit which is worse. Repeating a lie doesn't make it right, makes it a habit that's worse. Fal kurabiyelerinin içine saklanmış mesajları okumayı severim. I love reading the messages hidden inside fortune cookies. I like to read messages hidden in fortune cookies. Bunu kendi başıma yapmak zorunda değilim. I don't have to do that by myself. I don't have to do this on my own. Kredi kartım en üst limite ulaştı. My credit card is maxed out. My credit card has reached the top limit. Sizinle konuşmak güzeldi. Nice talking with you. Nice talking to you. Dün okula gitmedim. I didn't go to school yesterday. I didn't go to school yesterday. Tom ve ben ikimiz de Fransızca konuşabiliriz. Tom and I both can speak French. Tom and I can both speak French. Polis kaçan mahkumu kovaladı. The police chased the escaped convict. The police chased the escaped prisoner. Benim hobilerim, okuma, yazma, yürüyüş ve çekilişlere girmedir. My hobbies are reading, writing, walking and entering sweepstakes. My hobbies are reading, writing, walking and drawing. Çıkış nerede? Where is the way out? Where's the exit? Tom benim sahip olduğumdan daha güzel bir ofise sahip. Tom has a nicer office than I do. Tom has a better office than I do. Onun bunu seveceğini düşünüyor musun? Do you think he will like it? Do you think he'll like it? İki gün sonra öksürmeyi durdurdum. I stopped coughing after two days. Two days later, I stopped coughing. Tom hakkında konuşmak için burada olduğumuzu düşündüm. I thought we were here to talk about Tom. I thought we were here to talk about Tom. Tom onu yapmayı muhtemelen bırakmayacak. Tom isn't likely to stop doing that. Tom isn't likely to stop doing that. Büyükbabam bir arkeologtu. My grandfather was an archaeologist. My grandfather was an archaeologist. Alev zayıflamaya başladı. The flame has begun to fade. The flame began to weaken. O, bazı uyuşturucu kaçakçıları için para aklıyordu. She laundered money for some drug traffickers. He was laundering money for some drug traffickers. Polis memuru güçlü el fenerini arabaya tuttu. The police officer shone his powerful flashlight at the car. The police officer held the powerful flashlight to the car. Tom ölümden korkmuyordu. Tom wasn't afraid of death. Tom wasn't afraid of death. Biraz daha kalamaman çok kötü. It's too bad you can't stay a little longer. Too bad you can't stay a little longer. Ben odanın ortasında dayanıyordum. I stood in the middle of the room. I was standing in the middle of the room. Tom büyük bir beyzbol hayranıdır. Tom is a huge baseball fan. Tom is a big baseball fan. Bu meseleyi iyi idare ettin. You handled that matter well. You handled this well. Bunun meydana gelmemesi gerekirdi. This should not have occurred. This shouldn't have happened. Tom'un istifasını kabul ettim. I've accepted Tom's resignation. I accepted Tom's resignation. Bununla ilgilen. Take care of this. Take care of this. Tom Mary kadar sinirliydi. Tom was as nervous as Mary was. Tom was as nervous as Mary was. Ona güvenilemez. He can't be trusted. He can't be trusted. Tom Mary'ye yardım eden kişi. Tom is the person who helped Mary. Tom is the one who helped Mary. Bir takım elbisem yok. I don't have a suit. I don't have a suit. Temizlenmesi gereken bir garajım var I have a garage that needs cleaning. I have a garage that needs cleaning. Yemeğimizi hazırlıyoruz. We are preparing our meal. We're getting dinner ready. Saygısız insanlardan nefret ederim. I hate dismissive people. I hate disrespectful people. Tom parayı elden çıkarmak için zaman kaybetmedi. Tom lost no time in parting with the money. Tom didn't waste time selling the money. Sami YouTube'e İslam'la ilgili videolar koydu. Sami made YouTube videos about Islam. Sami posted videos of Islam on YouTube. Linda, Dan'ı kendisine tecavüz eden adam olarak teşhis etti. Linda identified Dan as the man who had raped her. Linda identified Dan as the man who raped her. Tom'un önsezisi var. Tom has a hunch. Tom has a hunch. Tom onların ona yapmasını söylediğini yaptı. Tom did what they told him to do. Tom did what they told him to do. Arabamı kullanmana izin vermedim. I didn't give you permission to use my car. I didn't let you drive my car. Japon milleti için akıcı bir şekilde İngilizce konuşmak zordur. It is difficult for Japanese people to speak English fluently. It is difficult for Japanese people to speak fluent English. Boston'da geçirdiğim zaman, yıllarca hatıralarımı süsleyecek. I will have good memories of my time in Boston for many years. My time in Boston will brighten my memories for years. Tom fotokopi makinesini kullanmak için izin istedi. Tom asked for permission to use the copy machine. Tom asked permission to use the copier. Tom kendisini ailesine adadı. Tom devoted himself to his family. Tom dedicated himself to his family. Tom sarhoş görünüyordu. Tom seemed to be sloshed. Tom looked drunk. 25 yaşındayım. I'm 25 years old. I'm 25. Dükkanlar genellikle saat onda kapalıdır. The shops are for the most part closed at ten o'clock. Stores are usually closed at ten o'clock. Buna layık değilsin. You don't deserve it. You're not worthy. Tom'u uyarmam gerek. I need to warn Tom. I need to warn Tom. Tom hemen hemen her gün masa tenisi oynar. Tom plays table tennis just about every day. Tom plays table tennis almost every day. Onun çok iyi bir sesi var. She has a very good voice. He has a very good voice. Sorununuz varsa, ben size yardımcı olurum. I'll help you if you're in trouble. If you have a problem, I'll help you. Geri dönmek zorundayız. We've got to get back. We have to go back. O piyanist olmak için her gün piyano çalışır. He practices the piano every day to become a pianist. He studies piano every day to become a pianist. Ne yaptığınız üzerine yoğunlaşın. Concentrate on what you're doing. Focus on what you're doing. Aşk hakkında konuşmak sevişmektir. To talk about love is to make love. Talking about love is making love. Öğle yemeği zamanıydı. It was time for lunch. It was lunchtime. Tom'a bir uyarı verildi. Tom has been given a warning. Tom was given a warning. Kaç tane insan büyük ihitmalle ortaya çıkacak? How many people are likely to show up? How many people are gonna show up out of the blue? Ne yaparsan yap, bu butona basma. No matter what you do, don't push this button. Whatever you do, don't press this button. Onu yalnız başıma yapacağım. I'm going to do that alone. I'll do that by myself. Sen tam konuşmak istediğim kişisin. You're just the person I want to speak to. You're just the person I wanted to talk to. Tom daha sonra sınır dışı edildi. Tom was later deported. Tom was then deported. Sakin olmaya çalıştım ama sonunda kendimi kaybettim. I tried to be calm, but finally I lost my temper. I tried to calm down, but I finally lost it. Yün sıcaktır. Wool is warm. Wool is hot. Onların buradan uzak tutulmasını istiyorum. I want them kept away from here. I want them kept away from here. Tom, Mary'yi öpmeyi hayal etti. Tom dreamed about kissing Mary. Tom dreamed of kissing Mary. O, şiiri yeniden okudu. He reread the poem. He reread the poem. Savaş hoş değil. War's not pretty. War is not good. Gökteki güneşi bile reddediyor. He denies even the sun in the sky. He even rejects the sun in the sky. Bazı insanlar çok akıllı değildir. Some people just aren't very smart. Some people aren't very smart. Ben şimdi Boston'da yaşıyorum. I live in Boston now, but I'm from Chicago. I live in Boston now. Tom bir şaka havasında değil. Tom isn't in a joking mood. Tom isn't in the mood for a joke. Çevreye sordum ve herkes Tom'un iyi bir adam olduğunu söylüyor. I asked around and everybody says Tom is a good guy. I asked around and everyone says Tom is a good man. Radyonuzu evde bırakın. Leave your radio at home. Leave your radio at home. Tüm aşkımla. With all my love. With all my love. Daha ayrıntılı olarak bunun üzerine tekrar gitmek istiyorum. I want to go over it again in more detail. I'd like to go over this again in more detail. Almanya'da KDV yüzde 19'dur. The VAT in Germany is 19 per cent. In Germany, VAT is 19%. Tom sana yardım etmemi istiyor. Tom wants me to help you. Tom wants me to help you. Senden gerçekten nefret ediyorum. I hate you from the bottom of my heart. I really hate you. Tom gittiğinde ağladım. I cried when Tom left. I cried when Tom left. Farklı bir şey yapmam gerektiğini düşündüm. I thought that I should do something differently. I thought I should do something different. Tom oldukça dikkatli, değil mi? Tom is quite careful, isn't he? Tom is quite careful, isn't he? Bunu görmeye gel. Come and see this. Come see this. Kasabaya, iyi bir restoran aramaya gittim. I went into the town in search of a good restaurant. I went into town looking for a good restaurant. Sami çıplaktı. Sami was nude. Sami was naked. Tom burada beklememi istedi. Tom asked me to wait here. Tom asked me to wait here. Bilhassa matematikten nefret ediyorum. I hate math most of all. I especially hate math. Ben takımımıza katılması için Tom'u ikna eden adamım. I'm the guy who convinced Tom to join our team. I'm the guy who convinced Tom to join our team. Sami'nin oraya bir kez daha gitmesi gerekiyor. Sami needs to go there one more time. Sami needs to go there one more time. İnsan arzusunda hiçbir sınır yoktur. There is no limit to human desire. There is no limit to human desire. Tom beni güvende hissettiriyor. Tom makes me feel safe. Tom makes me feel safe. Her şey temelden başlar. Everything starts from the basis. It all starts with the basics. Avrupalılar kendileri için çalışan Hintlilere sık sık ödeme yaptı. The Europeans often paid Indians to work for them. Europeans often pay Indians who work for them. Bu tarif için malzemeler biraz pahalı. The ingredients for this recipe are a little expensive. The ingredients are a little expensive for this recipe. Çok yorgunum ve erken yatmak istiyorum. I'm very tired and I want to go to bed early. I'm very tired and I want to go to bed early. Onu kötü alışkanlığı ile ilgili tedavi edeceğim. I will cure him of the bad habit. I'm going to treat him for his bad habit. Başarmamız gereken çok daha fazla şeyimiz var. We have a lot more we need to achieve. We have so much more to accomplish. Boston'dayken Tom ile birlikte kaldım. I stayed with Tom when I was in Boston. I stayed with Tom while I was in Boston. Gidip Tom'la konuşayım mı? Should I go talk to Tom? Shall I go and talk to Tom? Başkan enerji tasarrufu yapmak için herkesi aradı. The President called on everyone to save energy. The president called everyone to save energy. Tom'un onu yapmak isteyeceğini düşünüyor musun? Do you think Tom would want to do that? Do you think Tom will want to do that? Asla sana umut vermek istememiştim. I never meant to get your hopes up. I never meant to give you hope. Kenara çekmek zorundayız. We have to pull over. We have to pull over. Bana nasıl yüzeceğimi öğretebilir misin? Can you teach me how to swim? Can you teach me how to swim? Neden onu dinlemedin? Why didn't you listen to him? Why didn't you listen to him? Birdenbire çok hüzünlendim. I suddenly became very sad. I'm so sad all of a sudden. Tom, Mary'nin çocuklarına bakıcılık yapmasını istiyor. Tom wants Mary to babysit his children. Tom wants Mary to babysit his children. Şaşkınız. We're puzzled. We're confused. Tom da öyle düşünmüştü. Tom thought so, too. Tom thought so, too. Affedersiniz,ama bu metro istasyonu için doğru yol mu? Excuse me, but is this the right way to the subway station? Excuse me, but is this the right way to the subway station? Tom muhtemelen asla kurtulmayacak. Tom will probably never recover. Tom is probably never going to get away. Bir hamburger alacağım ve lütfen biraz daha su alabilir miyim. I'll have one hamburger, and may I have more water please? I'll have a burger, and I'd like some more water, please. Onun adını tesadüfen biliyor musun? Do you happen to know his name? Do you happen to know his name? Fadıl herkesin harika bir vakit geçirmesini istedi. Fadil wanted everybody to have a great time. Fadil wanted everyone to have a great time. Yapabileceğimiz daha ilginç bir şey var mı? Is there anything more interesting that we could be doing? Is there anything more interesting we can do? O bir çelişki. That's a contradiction. It's a contradiction. O, John haberi duyduğu için çok memnun olması gerektiğini söyledi. She said that John must be very glad to hear the news. He said that John should be very pleased to hear the news. Onlar hoş çocuklar. They're nice guys. They're nice kids. Tom çok hızlı gitmiyordu. Tom wasn't going very fast. Tom wasn't going very fast. Sizinle gitmem gerektiğini biliyordum. I knew I should've gone with you. I knew I should have gone with you. Bu sana da olabilirdi. That could happen to you, too. This could have happened to you. Plajda fotoğrafımızı çektirdik. We had our photo taken on the beach. We got our picture taken at the beach. Kocam ölmedi. My husband didn't die. My husband's not dead. Onu bir defa daha söyler misiniz? Could you say that one more time? Could you say that one more time? Tom muhtemelen hâlâ üzgün. Tom is probably still upset. Tom is probably still upset. Öğrenciler bugün uykulu gibi görünüyor. The students seem to be sleepy today. The students seem sleepy today. Romalılar, imparatorluklarının çökmesini istemediler; ama yaptılar. Romans did not want their empire to decline; but it did. The Romans didn't want their empire to collapse, but they did. Hangisini tercih ediyorsun? Which do you prefer? Which do you prefer? Arkadaşlarım ve ben bugün eğlenmeye gidiyoruz. My friends and I are going out today. My friends and I are going to have fun today. O, Tom'un evi. That's Tom's home. That's Tom's house. Onları buradan çıkarmam gerekiyor. We need to get them out of here. I need to get them out of here. Onu üst kata götür. Take him upstairs. Take him upstairs. Tom iyi yemek pişiremez. Tom can't cook well. Tom can't cook well. Tom kamyonu yüklemeye yardım edeceğini söyledi. Tom said he'd help load the truck. Tom said he'd help load the truck. Tom bir ünlü şeftir. Tom is a celebrity chef. Tom is a famous chef. TV'de gördüğümü sevmedim. I didn't like what I saw on TV. I don't like what I see on TV. Biz ona söylemezsek Tom burada olduğumuzu bilmez. Tom won't know we're here unless we tell him. Tom won't know we're here unless we tell him. Sen ne zaman Tom'un onu yapmasına izin vermeye karar verdin? When did you decide to allow Tom to do that? When did you decide to let Tom do that? Benimle alay ediyorsun, değil mi? You're mocking me, aren't you? You're making fun of me, aren't you? Tom şemsiyesiyle Mary'ye vurdu. Tom hit Mary with his umbrella. Tom hit Mary with his umbrella. Karanlıktı, bu yüzden Tom cadde işaretini okumada sıkıntı çekti. It was dark, so Tom had trouble reading the street sign. It was dark, so Tom had trouble reading the street sign. Bu kahve içilmez. This coffee is undrinkable. You can't drink this coffee. Bir ihtimaller dünyası görüyorum. I see a world of possibilities. I see a world of possibilities. Onun şikayeti var. He has an ax to grind. He has a complaint. Eve saat 2.30 civarında geldim. I got home around 2:30. I got home around 2:30. Tom asla kirasını ödemeyi unutmadı. Tom never forgot to pay his rent. Tom never forgot to pay his rent. Dünyada birçok insan açtır. Many people in the world are hungry. A lot of people in the world are hungry. O bir tatil için şefine başvurdu. She applied to the chief for a vacation. He applied to his chief for a vacation. Erkek kardeşlerin her ikisi de hâlâ yaşıyor. Both of the brothers are still living. Both brothers are still alive. Ofisimin yakınında oturmuyorum. I don't live near my office. I don't live near my office. Bugünden sonra el yazmasını bir yayınevine göndermek istiyorum. After today, I want to send the manuscript to a publishing house. After today, I'd like to send the manuscript to a publishing house. Tom bunu onarıyor. Tom is fixing that. Tom is fixing this. Yaptığım her şeyin arkasında dururum. I stand by everything I did. I stand by everything I do. Onun için elinden geleni yap. Do what you can for him. Do what you can for him. Biz aşık değiliz. Biz sadece iyi arkadaşlarız. We're not in love. We're just good friends. We're not in love, we're just good friends. Duyduğumu duyuyor musun? Do you hear what I hear? Do you hear what I'm hearing? Planlar bazen çabuk değişir. Plans sometimes change quickly. Plans change quickly sometimes. Banyo almak beni sakinleştirir. Taking a bath makes me relax. Taking a bath calms me down. Sizin maskeleriniz var. You have got masks. You have masks. Tom bu gece öldürücü iğneyle ölecek. Tom is to die by lethal injection tonight. Tom is going to die tonight with a lethal injection. Tom ona ateş etti. Tom shot him. Tom shot him. Tom çok şey bekliyor. Tom expects a lot. Tom is expecting a lot. Ne Tom ne de Mary son zamanlarda alışveriş yaptı. Neither Tom nor Mary has gone shopping recently. Neither Tom nor Mary has been shopping recently. Ben Tom'un düğününe davet edildim ama Mary edilmedi. I've been invited to Tom's wedding, but Mary hasn't. I was invited to Tom's wedding, but Mary wasn't. Tom bizden nefret ediyor Tom hates us. Tom hates us. Seninle gitmek istiyorum ama gidemiyorum. I'd like to go with you, but I can't. I want to go with you, but I can't. Sahip olduğum her şey bu bavulda. Everything I own is in this suitcase. Everything I own is in this suitcase. Kim oturma odasında piyano çalıyor. Who's playing the piano in the living room? Kim plays the piano in the living room. Akşam yemeğinden sonra annemin bulaşıkları yıkamasına yardım edeceğim. I'll help my mother wash the dishes after supper. After dinner, I'm gonna help my mom wash the dishes. Her halükarda kaybedersin. Either way, you lose. Either way, you lose. Evimiz otobüs durağına uzak olmasının haricinde oldukça tatminkardır. Our house is quite satisfactory except that it is rather a long way to the bus stop. Apart from the fact that our house is far from the bus stop, it's very satisfying. Roma rakamlarını biliyor musun? Do you know Roman numerals? Do you know the Roman numerals? Tom'un evinde uzun süre kaldın mı? Did you stay at Tom's place for a long time? Did you stay at Tom's house long? Bu hafta sonu kaplıcaya gitmeyi göze alamam. Ben meteliksizim. I can't afford to go to the onsen this weekend. I'm broke. I can't afford to go to a spa this weekend. Başlamalı mıyız? Should we get started? Should we get started? Odaya izinsiz girme. Don't enter the room without permission. Don't break into the room. Bayan Suzuki bu öğleden sonra bir konuşma yaptı. Mrs Suzuki was giving a speech that afternoon. Miss Suzuki gave a speech this afternoon. Tom sık sık komik mesajlar gönderir bana. Tom often sends me jokes. Tom often sends me funny messages. Gizlilik konusu olarak banyolara kamera kuramazsınız. You cannot install cameras in bathrooms as a matter of privacy. You can't set up cameras in bathrooms as a matter of privacy. O can sıkıcı ve bencildir. She's annoying and selfish. He's annoying and selfish. Tom'u beklerken oturmuyordum. I didn't sit around waiting for Tom. I wasn't sitting around waiting for Tom. Bir puhu baykuşu ve peçeli baykuş arasındaki fark nedir? What's the difference between an eagle-owl and a barn owl? What's the difference between a cougar owl and a veiled owl? Onu evimde istemiyorum. I don't want him in my house. I don't want him in my house. İki kez iki hap almama rağmen, baş ağrım hâlâ geçmedi. Although I had taken two pills two times, my headache did not go away. Although I took two pills twice, my headache still hasn't stopped. Tom'un Fransızca konuşmadığından oldukça eminim. I'm pretty sure that Tom doesn't speak French. I'm pretty sure Tom doesn't speak French. Tom korkmuş olabilirdi. Tom could've been afraid. Tom could've been scared. Doğruyu söylemek gerekirse, gerçekten umurumda değil. To tell you the truth, I don't really care. To tell you the truth, I really don't care. Et yemeyen birkaç arkadaşım var. I have several friends who don't eat meat. I have a few friends who don't eat meat. Ne olduğu hakkında hiçbir fikrim yoktu. I had no idea what was going on. I had no idea what was going on. Siteye bağlantı yazabilir misiniz? Would you be able to write down the link to the site? Can you write a link on the site? İzlanda'da asgari ücret nedir? What's the minimum salary in Iceland? What's the minimum wage in Iceland? O doğru olmayabilir. That may not be true. That may not be true. Ben hep partilerden hoşlanırım. I always enjoy parties. I always enjoy parties. Gösteri iptal edildi. The show has been cancelled. The show's been canceled. Tom benim sınıfımda en iyi şarkıcı. Tom is the best singer in my class. Tom is the best singer in my class. Tom sana başka ne söyledi? What else did Tom say to you? What else did Tom tell you? Çin gelişmekte olan bir pazar. China is an emerging market. China is a growing market. Bunun olması gerekmediğini bilmiyordum. I didn't know that wasn't supposed to happen. I didn't know this wasn't supposed to happen. Tom'u sevdiğimi düşünüyorum. I think I like Tom. I think I like Tom. Tom faturalarını ödemeyi reddetti. Tom refused to pay his bills. Tom refused to pay his bills. Bu çiçek güzel. This flower is beautiful. This flower is beautiful. Gitmek için restoranın en sevdiğiniz türü nedir? What's your favorite type of restaurant to go to? What's your favorite kind of restaurant to go to? Bugün Tom'a yardım edebilecek tek kişi benim. I'm the only person who can help Tom today. I'm the only one who can help Tom today. Tom evsizdir. Tom is homeless. Tom is homeless. Şansıma güveniyorum. I like my chances. I'm counting on my luck. Siz ikiniz birbirinizle çıkıyor musunuz? Aren't you two dating each other? Are you two dating each other? Nasıl yardım edebilirim? How can I be of use? How can I help you? Tom bir kedi seven değil. Tom isn't a cat person. Tom isn't a cat lover. Polis, tanıkları sorguluyor. The police are questioning witnesses. Police are questioning witnesses. Tom Mary ile ilgili ne olduğu hakkında çok açık sözlü değildi. Tom wasn't very forthcoming about what happened with Mary. Tom wasn't very forthcoming about what happened with Mary. Tom'a ne olduğunu biliyorum. I know what's happened to Tom. I know what happened to Tom. Sami, Leyla'ya üzgün bir yüzle mesaj attı. Sami messaged Layla a sad face. Sami texted Layla with a sad face. Tom bir fırsat yakalayamadı. Tom didn't get a chance. Tom didn't get a chance. Umarım Tom ve Mary okuldadır. I hope Tom and Mary are at school. I hope Tom and Mary are at school. Herhangi bir acı hissetmek istemiyorum. I don't want to feel any pain. I don't want to feel any pain. Gitmeye karar verdiğini bilmiyordum. I didn't know he had decided to leave. I didn't know you decided to leave. O muhtemelen Tom'du. It was probably Tom. That was probably Tom. Ciddi değil. It's not serious. It's not serious. Bunun tekrar olmasına izin verme. Don't let that happen again. Don't let this happen again. Mutfaktaki musluk damlatıyor gibi görünüyor. It sounds like the faucet in the kitchen is dripping. The faucet in the kitchen looks like it's dripping. Evde kalmayı tercih ederim. I'd rather stay home. I'd rather stay home. Gerçekten onu görmedim. I never actually saw her. I really haven't seen him. Ben yaralandım. I've been injured. I'm hurt. Sanırım o gerçekten senin için çalıştı. I guess it really worked for you. I think he really worked for you. Polise telefon edeceğim! I'm gonna call the police! I'll call the police! Yapboz yapmayı seviyorum. I love solving puzzles. I like doing puzzles. Nasıl birisiniz? What do you look like? What are you like? O onunla ilgileniyor gibi görünüyor. He seems interested in her. He seems to be interested in her. Biz araba kullanmayı seçtik. We chose to drive. We chose to drive. O zaman iyi hissediyordum. I was feeling OK then. I felt good then. Biz artık birlikte değiliz. We're not together anymore. We're not together anymore. O topluluk önünde konuşmaktan nefret eder. She detests speaking in public. He hates public speaking. İtfaiyeciler, yangını binanın arkasında kontrol altına alabildiler. Firefighters were able to contain the fire to the rear of the building. Firefighters were able to control the fire behind the building. Onun bir maraton koşmak için yeterli dayanıklılığı vardı. He had enough endurance to run a marathon. He had the strength to run a marathon. Akşam yemeği yemek istiyorum. I would like to have dinner. I want to eat dinner. O, piyanoda bir melodi çaldı. She played a tune on the piano. He played a tune on the piano. O gelecek mi? Will she come? Is he coming? Annen senin için odanı temizler mi? Does your mother clean your room for you? Will your mother clean your room for you? Tom uydurma suçlamalarla hapsedildi. Tom was jailed on trumped-up charges. Tom was imprisoned on false charges. Bu sizin sorununuz değil. That's not your problem. That's not your problem. Plastik torbaları nadiren kullanırım. I rarely use plastic bags. I rarely use plastic bags. Tom şimdi markete gitmiyor. Now Tom isn't going to the market. Tom isn't going to the store now. Bunlar senin çatalların değil. These are not your forks. These aren't your forks. O, merdivenin tepesinde korkunç bir yüz gördü. He saw a horrible face at the top of the stairs. He saw a horrible face on the top of the stairs. Tom bana kazanamayacağını söyledi. Tom has told me he won't win. Tom told me he couldn't win. Beş kere beş yirmi beştir. Five times five is twenty-five. Five times five is twenty-five. Hamuru top şeklinde biçimlendir. Form the dough into a ball. Format the dough in the shape of a ball. Bu bir şirket arabası. This is a company car. It's a company car. Birlikte şarkı söylemeyin. Don't sing along. Don't sing together. Tom genelde çok hızlı sürer. Tom usually drives too fast. Tom usually drives very fast. Saat ona kadar bekledi ve çok geçmeden gitti. He waited until ten and left shortly afterwards. He waited until ten o'clock and left not long after. Onlar genellikle bizden daha sonra eve varırlar. They usually get home later than we do. They usually get home later than we do. Bir avukat tuttum. I've hired a lawyer. I hired a lawyer. Alesszia İngilizce konuşamıyor. Alesszia doesn't speak English. Alesszia doesn't speak English. Polis beni takip ediyor. The police have been following me. The police are following me. Mary açıkça Tom'la ilgileniyordu. O tek kişi değildi. Mary was clearly interested in Tom. She was not the only one. Mary was clearly interested in Tom. She wasn't the only one. Onu geri kazanmak için her şeyi veririm. I would give anything to win her back. I'd give anything to win her back. Konser büyük bir hayal kırıklığıydı. The concert was a big disappointment. The concert was a huge disappointment. Onların artık elektrikleri yoktu. They had no more electricity. They didn't have electricity anymore. Fadil annesini ve babasını küçükken kaybetti. Fadil lost his mother and father when he was just little. Fadil lost his mother and father when he was little. O, başkanla konuştu. She talked to the chairperson. He spoke to the president. Hangi dilde rüya görüyorsun? What language do you dream in? What language are you dreaming in? Tom onun çok fazla maliyeti olduğunu söyledi. Tom said it cost too much. Tom said it cost too much. Belki Tom bunu nasıl yapacağını tam olarak bilmemektedir. Maybe Tom doesn't know exactly how to do that. Maybe Tom doesn't know exactly how to do that. Tom bir otomobil kazasında öldü. Tom died in an automobile accident. Tom died in an automobile accident. Onun elbiseleri yıpranmış. His clothes are worn out. Her clothes are worn out. Bunu oyuncak kutuna koy. Take this to your toys box. Put this in your toy box. Tom güldü ve odadan çıktı. Tom laughed and walked out of the room. Tom laughed and left the room. Ben o ders için kayıt yaptırabilir miyim? Can I register for that class? Can I sign up for that class? Tom panik halinde. Tom is in a panic. Tom is in a panic. Susar mısın? Would you pipe down? Will you shut up? Tom istiyorsa gidebilir. Tom can go if he wants to. Tom can go if he wants to. Tom'un ofisindeki biriyle önceden konuştum. I already spoke to someone in Tom's office. I've already talked to someone in Tom's office. Evin hangi yöne bakıyor? What direction does your house face? Which way does your house look? O meşgul ve sizinle görüşemez. He's busy and can't meet with you. He's busy and can't see you. Onunla konuşmaya gideceğim. I'm going to go talk to him. I'm gonna go talk to him. O zorunludur. That is indispensable. It's mandatory. Bu asla bir öpücük değil. It's never just a kiss. It's never a kiss. Tom, Mary'nin bunu neden yaptığını bilmiyor. Tom doesn't know why Mary did that. Tom doesn't know why Mary did that. İyi filmler ufkunuzu genişletir. Good movies broaden your horizons. Good movies expand your horizons. Onlar arkadaş mı? Are they friends? Are they friends? İhtiyaç duymadığım pek çok şeyim var. I have so many things I don't need. I have a lot of things I don't need. Dün iyi vakit geçirdik. We had a good time yesterday. We had a good time yesterday. Bu sadece bir tesadüf değildir. This is no mere coincidence. It's not just a coincidence. Adam düşmüş ağacın üzerinde oturuyordu. The man was sitting on a fallen tree. The man was sitting on a fallen tree. Meşgul olduğuna eminim, Tom. I'm sure you're busy, Tom. I'm sure you're busy, Tom. Bu bardak kirli. This glass is dirty. This glass is dirty. Sen cesursun, değil mi? You're courageous, aren't you? You're brave, aren't you? Peki, başlayalım. Well, let's get started. All right, let's get started. Tom'un geldiğini hiç kimse bilmiyordu. Nobody knew Tom was coming. Nobody knew Tom was coming. Tom her zaman siyah kıyafetler giyer. Tom always wears black clothes. Tom always wears black clothes. Tom adil davranmıyor, değil mi? Tom is being unfair, isn't he? Tom isn't being fair, is he? Bunun tekrar olmamasını umalım. Let's hope this never happens again. Let's hope that doesn't happen again. Her şeyin bir zamanı vardır. There is a time for everything. There's a time for everything. O kesinlikle beni deli ediyor. That drives me absolutely crazy. He's definitely driving me crazy. O tamamen ona aşık. She's totally in love with him. She's totally in love with him. Tom sol elinde bir şey taşıyor. Tom's carrying something in his left hand. Tom is carrying something in his left hand. Sami çalıntı arabada oturup bekliyordu. Sami was sitting and waiting in the getaway car. Sami was sitting in the stolen car waiting. Sizi korumak istedim. I wanted to protect you. I wanted to protect you. Evde kaç tane bilgisayar var? How many computers do you have at home? How many computers are in the house? Ressama benim portremi yaptırdım. I had the artist paint my portrait. I had the painter do my portrait. Evi görmek istemiyor musun? Don't you want to see the house? Don't you want to see the house? Sana bunu sadece bir kez söyleyeceğim. I'm only going to say this once. I'm only gonna tell you this once. Tom bugün okulda bir şey öğrenmediğini söyledi. Tom said he didn't learn anything at school today. Tom said he didn't learn anything at school today. Devrim birçok değişiklikler getirdi. The revolution has brought about many changes. The revolution has brought many changes. Bunu gerçekten istemedim. I didn't really want that. I really didn't want this. Bu bir şey çağrıştırıyor mu? Does this ring a bell? Does that ring a bell? Tom konuşkan değil. Tom isn't talkative. Tom isn't talkative. Şair kelimelere aşıktı. The poet was in love with words. The poet was in love with words. Onlara dışarıda kalmalarını söyleyeceğim. I'll tell them to stay outside. I'll tell them to stay out. Fare yatağın altında oradan oraya koşturuyordu. The mouse was running around under the bed. The mouse was running around under the bed. Bir hata olabilir mi? Could there be a mistake? Could it be a mistake? Onlara sorsam iyi olur. I had better ask them. I'd better ask them. Bu tek alternatiftir. This is the only alternative. It's the only alternative. Henüz hiçbir şeye karar vermedik. We haven't decided anything yet. We haven't decided anything yet. Tom Mary ile ilgileniyor gibi görünüyor. Tom seems interested in Mary. Tom seems to be interested in Mary. Neden bana daha önce söylemedin? Why didn't you tell me sooner? Why didn't you tell me before? O bir sorun gibi görünmüyor. That doesn't seem to be a problem. That doesn't seem to be a problem. Onun sekreteri, gizli bilgiyi sızdırmayı kesinlikle reddetti. His secretary flatly denied leaking any confidential information. His secretary certainly refused to leak classified information. Bay Jackson, oğlunuz aşırı dozdan öldü. Mr. Jackson, your son has died of an overdose. Mr. Jackson, your son died of an overdose. Burada kırk kişi için yeterli yer yok. There's not enough space here for 40 people. There's not enough room for 40 people here. Kylie Minogue için neredeyse ağlıyordum. I was almost crying for Kylie Minogue. I almost cried for Kylie Minogue. Yürürüm. I walk. I'll walk. Anahtarımı gören var mı? Has anyone seen my key? Has anyone seen my key? Tom Mary'nin yarın okula nasıl gideceğini bilmiyor. Tom doesn't know how Mary will get to school tomorrow. Tom doesn't know how Mary will get to school tomorrow. Yapmak zorunda olduğumuz bir şey var. There's something we have to do. There's something we have to do. Akşam yemeği için Tom'u eve davet edebilirim. I could invite Tom over for dinner. I could invite Tom over for dinner. Tom bütün ev ödevini henüz bitirmedi. Tom hasn't finished all his homework yet. Tom hasn't finished his entire homework yet. Bir diş fırçasına ihtiyacım var. I need a toothbrush. I need a toothbrush. Yandaki evde yaşayan adam Mary'nin sevgilisidir. The man who lives next door is Mary's lover. The man who lives next door is Mary's lover. Tom Mary'nin eve erken gelmesini istedi. Tom wanted Mary to come home early. Tom asked Mary to come home early. Radyoda onun konferansını dinledik. We listened to his lecture on the radio. We heard his lecture on the radio. Pastırma yazı sırasında Paris dünyevi bir cennettir. Paris during the Indian summer is an earthly heaven. During the summer of bacon, Paris is a earthly paradise. Onun eski şakalarından bıktım. I was bored with his old jokes. I'm sick of his old jokes. Tom ofisinin yakınında yaşamıyor. Tom doesn't live near his office. Tom doesn't live near his office. Onlara karşı sabırlı olun. Be patient with them. Be patient with them. Tom'u görmek için burada olduğunuzu sanıyordum. I thought you were just here to see Tom. I thought you were here to see Tom. Bu ağacı budayamam. O çok yüksek. I can't prune this tree. It's too tall. I can't trim this tree. It's too high. O her zaman öyleydi. It's always been like that. He's always been like that. Kan, kırmızı aktı. The blood ran red. The blood ran red. Tom fantastik bir iş yaptı. Tom did a fantastic job. Tom did a fantastic job. İstasyona yürüyecek misin? Are you going to walk to the station? Will you walk to the station? Tom çok iyi bir yüzücüydü. Tom used to be a very good swimmer. Tom was a very good swimmer. Hasta azar azar iyileşti. The patient got better little by little. The patient got better little by little. O araziye ihtiyacımız var. We need that land. We need that land. Yemek pişirmek istemedim. I didn't want to cook. I didn't want to cook. Öğrencilerinin yanında kötü bir ünü var. He has a bad reputation with his students. He has a bad reputation with his students. Tom gitmeye başladı. Tom started leaving. Tom started to leave. Tom beni tanımadı. Tom didn't recognize me. Tom didn't recognize me. İçinde kalmasın. Get it off your chest. Don't let it get to you. Yarın izinli olacak. He will be off tomorrow. He'll be off tomorrow. Tom deneyimi eğlenceli buldu. Tom found the experience enjoyable. Tom found the experience amusing. Kendimizi aldatmayalım. Let's not deceive ourselves. Let's not fool ourselves. Bu kalemler senin mi? Are these pencils yours? Are these your pens? Tom muhtemelen önemsemiyor. Tom probably doesn't care. Tom probably doesn't care. Onu benden uzak tut. Get that away from me. Keep him away from me. Taksiyle gidelim, olur mu? Let's go by taxi, shall we? Let's take a cab, shall we? Tom şarkı söylemeyi seviyor. Tom loves singing. Tom likes to sing. Tom ilacını almayı reddediyor. Tom has been refusing to take his medicine. Tom refuses to take his medication. Onu bu sabah aradım. I called him this morning. I called him this morning. Moral'in ne demek olduğunu, futbola borçluyum. What I know about morals, I owe to soccer. I owe football what morale means. Tom'un onunla ilgili bir sorunu var mıydı? Did Tom have a problem with that? Did Tom have a problem with that? Tom onu bana zaten söyledi. Tom already told me that. Tom has already told me that. Benim ülkemde insanlar kendilerinden daha zeki olan kişilere katlanamazlar. In my country, people can't stand others who are more intelligent than they are. In my country, people can't stand people who are smarter than they are. Oyun ne zaman yayınlanacak? When will the game be released? When's the play coming out? Tom gidip gitmemesi gerektiğine karar veremiyor. Tom can't decide whether he should go. Tom can't decide whether he should go or not. Tom kitap okurken pencerenin yanına oturdu. Tom sat by the window, reading a book. Tom sat next to the window while he was reading. Annemin kötü ruh hali geçicidir. My mother's bad mood is transient. My mother's bad mood is temporary. Tom ve Mary'nin birçok evlenmemiş arkadaşları var. Tom and Mary have many unmarried friends. Tom and Mary have many unmarried friends. Tatilde nereye gideceğime karar veremiyorum. I can't choose where to go on vacation. I can't decide where to go on vacation. Sen cep telefonunu masadan aldın. You took the cellphone from the table. You took your cell phone off the table. Ortak çok arkadaşlarımız var. We have a lot of friends in common. We have a lot of friends in common. Bunu yapmaya çalışmanın eğlenceli olabileceğini düşündüm. I thought it might be fun to try to do that. I thought it might be fun to try to do that. Keşke Tom'unki kadar çok enerjim olsa. I wish I had as much energy as Tom. I wish I had as much energy as Tom does. Tom yargıya itiraz edecek. Tom will appeal the judgment. Tom will object to the judgment. Polis hiçbir şey yapamaz. The police can't do anything. The police can't do anything. Tom da beni anlamıyor. Tom doesn't understand me, either. Tom doesn't understand me either. Tom bunu bir daha yapmayı düşünmüyor. Tom doesn't plan on doing that again. Tom isn't planning on doing that again. Öğrenci kopya çektiği için cezalandırıldı. The student was punished for cheating. The student was punished for cheating. Lütfen delirme. Please don't be mad. Please don't go crazy. O, makyajını sildi ve yüzünü yıkadı. She removed her makeup and washed her face. She wiped her makeup and washed her face. Tom saçını nerede kestirdi. Where did Tom get his hair cut? Where did Tom get his hair cut? Sakin bir muhitte yaşıyorum. I live in a quiet neighborhood. I live in a quiet neighborhood. Sami başka bir kurban buldu. Sami found another victim. Sami found another victim. Bu hayat için daha fazla enerjim yok. I don't have the energy for this life anymore. I don't have any more energy for this life. Birçok muhalif Sibirya'ya gönderildi. Many opponents were sent to Siberia. Many opponents have been sent to Siberia. Tom her akşam TV izlemektedir. Tom watches TV every evening. Tom watches TV every night. İkiniz aç mısınız? Are you two hungry? Are you two hungry? Hafta sonu için bizi misafir eder misiniz? Will you put us up for the weekend? Will you put us up for the weekend? Amcam beni kırsalda gezmeye götürdü. My uncle took me for a ride in the countryside. My uncle took me for a ride in the country. Ne zaman uyan bir çift bulabilirse, Tom yeni ayakkabılar alır. Tom buys new shoes whenever he can find a pair that fit. Tom buys new shoes whenever he can find a match. Tom rahatsız görünüyordu. Tom seemed displeased. Tom seemed uncomfortable. Buraya yakın yaşıyorum. I live near here. I live near here. Benim köpeğim onu ısırdı. My dog bit her. My dog bit him. Tom, Mary'ye geri dönüp baktı. Tom looked back at Mary. Tom looked back at Mary. Tom, Brezilya Portekizcesi konuşabiliyor. Tom can speak Brazilian Portuguese. Tom can speak Brazilian Portuguese. Tom otobüsle geldi. Tom came by bus. Tom came by bus. Yanlış bir şeyler oluyordu. Something amiss was going on. Something was wrong. Bize katılmak istedin mi? Did you want to join us? Did you want to join us? O, önümüzdeki ay Paris'e gidecek. He's going to Paris next month. He will go to Paris next month. Tom'un gerçek adı bilinmiyor. Tom's real name is unknown. Tom's real name is unknown. O şekilde birlikte daha fazla zaman geçirebiliriz. That way, we'll be able to spend more time together. That way we can spend more time together. Fiyatlar düşecek. The prices will come down. Prices will go down. Biraz sonra, Tom, Mary adındaki genç bir kadınla tanıştı. Onlar aile kurmaya karar verdiler ve evlendiler. Soon after, Tom met a young woman named Mary. They married and decided to start a family. Soon after, Tom met a young woman named Mary. They decided to start a family and got married. O, sınıfı dekore etti. She decorated the classroom. He decorated the class. Seni davet etseydim beni ziyaret etmeye gelir miydin? Would you have come to visit me if I had invited you? If I'd invited you, would you have come to visit me? Tom ve Mary'nin Boston'da olmaları gerektiğini düşünüyordum. I thought Tom and Mary were supposed to be in Boston. I thought Tom and Mary should be in Boston. Bugün yeni bir okul çantası aldım. I bought a new schoolbag today. I bought a new school bag today. Başka çok şeye ihtiyacım yok. I don't need much else. I don't need much else. Tom bunu yapmakla tehdit etti. Tom threatened to do that. Tom threatened to do that. Bu sabah ne arıyordun? What were you looking for this morning? What were you looking for this morning? Kız kardeşini kurtarmak için kan verdi. He gave blood in order to save his sister. He gave blood to save his sister. Az önce burada ne olduğunu anlamıyorum. I don't understand what just happened here. I don't understand what just happened here. Ondan korkuyor musun? Are you afraid of him? Are you afraid of him? Zarfa pul yapıştırdın mı? Did you put a stamp on the envelope? Did you put a stamp on the envelope? Tom'un onu Mary'ye kimin söylediğini bilmesine gerek yok. Tom doesn't need to know who told Mary that. Tom doesn't need to know who told Mary that. Neşelen! Cheer up! Cheer up! Tom mücadeleyi kaybediyor. Tom is losing the fight. Tom is losing the fight. Bu raftaki bütün kitapları okudum. I've read all the books on this shelf. I've read all the books on this shelf. Biraz kahve alabilir miyiz? Can we get some coffee? Can we get some coffee? Tom kanepede oturdu. Tom sat on the couch. Tom sat on the couch. Bana Tom hakkında ne hissettiğini söyle. Tell me how you feel about Tom. Tell me how you feel about Tom. Otobüs duraklarında yükseltilmiş bordürler zorunlu olmalıdır. Raised kerbs at bus stops should be mandatory. Raised bords at bus stops must be mandatory. Doktor, hastanın göğsüne bir steteskop yerleştirdi. The doctor placed a stethoscope on the patient's chest. The doctor placed a stethoscope in the patient's chest. Yumul! Tuck in! Dig in! "Bu mantarı yememin bir sakıncası var mı?" "Herhangi bir şeyi bir kez yemenin bir sakıncası yok." "Is it OK to eat this mushroom?" "It's OK to eat anything once." "Do you mind if I eat this mushroom?" "It's okay to eat anything once." Anne nerede? Where's Mum? Where's Mommy? Onlar ne yaptığını gerçekten bilmiyor. They really don't know what they're doing. They really don't know what they're doing. Tom saati nasıl söyleyeceğini henüz bilmiyor. Tom doesn't yet know how to tell time. Tom doesn't yet know how to say the watch. Bugünün gündeminde başka ne var? What else is on today's agenda? What else is on today's agenda? Herkes bekliyor. Everyone's waiting. Everyone's waiting. Senin için bir şey alabilir miyim? Can I get anything for you? Can I get you something? Kırmızı hapı mı yoksa mavi hapı mı alacaksın? Will you take the red pill or the blue pill? Are you taking the red pill or the blue pill? Zamanında yapabilir misin? Can you make it in time? Can you make it in time? Bu raporu yazan kişinin Tom olduğunu sanmıyorum. I don't think Tom is the one who wrote this report. I don't think Tom was the one who wrote this report. Onlar işlerini seviyorlardı. They liked their jobs. They loved their jobs. Merdiveni duvara dayadık. We leaned the ladder against the wall. We've got the ladder against the wall. Parayı ödemem için ısrar ettiler. They insisted on my paying the money. They insisted that I pay the money. Tom nehire atladı. Tom jumped into the river. Tom jumped into the river. Piyanoyu taşımak kaç kişi gerektirdi? How many people did it take to move the piano? How many people did it take to carry the piano? Sami birkaç Müslüman öğrenciyle konuştu. Sami talked to a few Muslim students. Sami talked to several Muslim students. Tom Mary'yi göremedi. Tom couldn't see Mary. Tom couldn't see Mary. Oğlum balık bifteğine düşkündür. My son is fond of fish fingers. My son is fond of fish steak. Belki onunla konuşmalısın. Maybe you ought to talk to him. Maybe you should talk to him. Nasıl Fransızca konuşacağını bilmen iyi bir şey. It's a good thing you know how to speak French. It's a good thing you know how to speak French. Tom notlarını evrak çantasına geri koydu. Tom put his notes back into his briefcase. Tom put his notes back in his briefcase. Ekmeğim var. I have bread. I've got bread. Fotoğraf çekiyor musun? Are you taking pictures? Do you take pictures? Kendimi yepyeni biri gibi hissediyorum. I feel like a brand new person. I feel like a whole new person. Gıda fiyatları yakında düşecek, değil mi? Food prices will come down soon, won't they? Food prices will drop soon, won't they? Tom aynadaki yansımasına baktı. Tom looked at his reflection in the mirror. Tom looked at his reflection in the mirror. Yıllardır saçını siyaha boyuyor. She has been dyeing her hair black for years. He's been dyeing his hair black for years. Benim çok sabrım var. I have a lot of patience. I have a lot of patience. Tom toplantıda olmanın ne kadar önemli olduğunu anlamadı. Tom didn't realize how important it was to be at the meeting. Tom didn't understand how important it was to be at the meeting. Lütfen bunu nereye koyacağımı söyler misiniz? Could you please tell me where to put this? Could you please tell me where to put this? O elbiseyi buna tercih ederim. I prefer that dress to this one. I'd rather have that dress. Boston'da eğitim almak istiyorum. I'd like to study in Boston. I want to study in Boston. Borsa yükseldi. The stock market is up. Stock market's up. Sıcak ve baharatlı ise umursamıyorum. I don't mind if it's hot and spicy. I don't care if it's hot and spicy. Senin onu çaldığını biliyorum. I know you stole it. I know you stole it. Bunu bugün yapmamalıyım. I shouldn't do that today. I shouldn't be doing this today. Elbise sana çok iyi oldu. The dress suits you very well. The dress is so good for you. Almanlar salatalık yememeleri konusunda uyarıldı. Germans have been warned not to eat cucumbers. The Germans were warned not to eat cucumbers. Kendi karımı tanıdığımı düşünmüyor musun? Don't you think I know my own wife? Don't you think I know my own wife? Bu bardakta bir çatlak var. There's a crack in this cup. There's a crack in this glass. Bu şimdiye kadar bulunduğum en iyi gemi. This is the best ship I've ever been on. This is the best ship I've ever been on. "Yazmak için bana bir şey ver." "Bu olur mu?" "Evet, olur." "Give me something to write with." "Will this do?" "Yes, it will do." "Give me something to write about." "Is that okay?" "Yes, it is." O bana kahkahayla güldü. She laughed at me. She laughed at me. Tom'a arabamın yanında bir yerde izin vermiyorum. I'm not letting Tom anywhere near my car. I'm not letting Tom anywhere near my car. Bizimle şarkı söyleyecek misin? Are you going to sing with us? Will you sing with us? Zaten takımda mısın? Are you already on the team? Are you already on the team? Saçımı kesen bayana perçemden hoşlanmadığımı söyleyebilmek isterdim. I'd love to be able to tell the lady who cuts my hair that I don't like bangs. I wish I could tell the lady who cut my hair that I don't like my bangs. Bu köpek iki ay önce doğdu. This dog was born two months ago. This dog was born two months ago. Tom onun yapmasını istediğim şeyi yapmadığını söyledi. Tom said he wouldn't do what I asked him to do. Tom said he didn't do what I asked him to do. Tom ne yapmamızı beklediğini oldukça netleştirdi. Tom made it quite clear what he expected us to do. Tom made it pretty clear what he expected us to do. O, silahları bilir. She knows guns. He knows guns. Tom ve Mary er geç evlenecekler. Tom and Mary will get married sooner or later. Tom and Mary are going to get married eventually. Yardıma ihtiyacım vardı. I needed help. I needed help. Bunu kendim yapmam gerekecek. I'll have to do that myself. I'm gonna have to do this myself. Eksik bir şey var. There's something missing. There's something missing. Ödevimi yapmaktan yoruldum. I was tired from doing my homework. I'm tired of doing my homework. Fadıl hayat hakkında düşünmeye başladı. Fadil started to think about life. Fadil began to think about life. Vahşi hayvanlar ormanda yaşarlar. Wild animals live in the jungle. Wild animals live in the forest. Kazadan birkaç yolcu sağ kurtuldu Few passengers survived the accident. Several passengers survived the accident. Tom oldukça pinti. Tom is quite mean. Tom is quite stingy. Daniel mangolu kek yapıyor. Daniel is making mango cake. Daniel's making mango muffins. Onlara yardım ettiğin için teşekkürler. Thanks for helping them. Thank you for helping them. Tom gerçekten aptalca bir şey yaptı. Tom did something really stupid. Tom did something really stupid. Bu gece neyin rüyasını göreceğini tahmin etmenin bir yolu yok. There's no way to predict what you will dream tonight. There's no way to guess what you're dreaming about tonight. Gerçekten onu göze alabileceğimizi düşünüyor musun? Do you really think we can afford it? Do you really think we can afford that? Tom araya kaynak yaptı. Tom cut the line. Tom cut in. O bir sopayla kız kardeşinin gözüne dürttü. She poked her sister in the eye with a stick. He poked his sister in the eye with a stick. Dün, sokakta yürürken bir kaza gördüm. Yesterday, as I was walking along the street, I saw an accident. Yesterday, when I was walking down the street, I saw an accident. Leyla sadece küçük bir kızdı. Layla was just a little girl. Layla was just a little girl. Fazla inatçı olmayın. Don't be too stubborn. Don't be too stubborn. Dışarı çıkıp temiz hava almak istedim. I wanted to go outside and get a breath of fresh air. I wanted to go out and get some fresh air. Bu durum karmaşık. This case is complex. It's complicated. Sınavda önce notlarını gözden geçirmek için biraz zaman harcamayı unutma. Don't forget to spend a little time looking over your notes before the exam. Don't forget to spend some time reviewing your grades first. Buraya az önce geldim. I have just come here. I just got here. O, Mary'yi kaybetti. She lost Mary. He lost Mary. Tom'un nasıl davranacağını öngörebilirim. I can predict how Tom will behave. I can predict how Tom will behave. Biz hâlâ nedenini araştırıyoruz. We're still investigating the cause. We're still investigating why. Tom ve Mary'nin evli olduğunu düşünüyor musunuz? Do you think Tom and Mary are married? Do you think Tom and Mary are married? Hemen 110'u ara. Call 110 immediately. Call 110 now. Herkes bizi sevdi. Everybody liked us. Everyone loved us. Leyla, Kahire'de hayatının tadını çıkarıyordu. Layla was enjoying her life in Cairo. Layla was enjoying her life in Cairo. Tom Mary'nin onu izlemesi için işaret etti. Tom gestured for Mary to follow him. Tom pointed to Mary to follow him. Sami fotoğrafları upload etti. Sami uploaded the photos. Sami uploaded the photos. Başarısız olursam ne olacak? What if I fail? What if I fail? O çok mutluydu. She was very happy. She was very happy. Seni polise ihbar edeceğim. I'm going to report you to police. I'll report you to the police. Çocuk hastalığı nedeniyle dün okula devamsızlık yaptı. The boy was absent from school yesterday because of illness. He missed school yesterday because of a child's illness. Yeterince büyük değil. It's not big enough. It's not big enough. Ne görkemli bir çiçek! What a gorgeous flower! What a glorious flower! O, korkaklıkla suçlandı. He was accused of cowardice. He was accused of cowardice. Kışın donmuş göllerde yüzmeye giderim. In the winter, I go swimming in frozen lakes. I go swimming in frozen lakes in winter. O normal görünüyordu. It seemed normal. He seemed normal. Tom, Mary'yle asla konuşmadı. Tom never spoke to Mary. Tom never spoke to Mary. O, bodrumda. It's in the basement. He's in the basement. Tom'un başının belada olduğunu düşünüyor musun? Do you think Tom is in trouble? Do you think Tom is in trouble? Tom ve ben de oradaydık. Tom and I were also there. Tom and I were there, too. O konuda hiçbir fikrim yok. I have no opinion on that matter. I have no idea about that. Tom'un gitar çalmada ne kadar iyi olduğunu hatırlıyor musun? Do you remember how good Tom was at playing the guitar? Do you remember how good Tom was at playing the guitar? Tom yirmi altı yaşındayken hayat arkadaşı Mary'yle tanıştı. Tom met his life mate, Mary, at the age of twenty six. Tom met his life partner Mary when he was twenty-six. Başka ne yeni? What else is new? What else is new? Tek kelimeyle, o bir korkaktır. In one word: he's a coward. In a word, he's a coward. Yeni ilaç onun hayatını kurtardı. The new medicine saved his life. The new drug saved his life. Belki bunu birlikte yapmalısınız. Maybe you should do this together. Maybe you should do this together. Tom'un birçok gri saçı var. Tom has a lot of gray hair. Tom has a lot of gray hair. Bu doğduğum ve büyüdüğüm yerdir. This is where I was born and raised. This is where I was born and raised. O biraz çakırkeyf. She's a bit tipsy. He's a little tipsy. Dan Linda'ya bir zamanlar büyük babasına ait olan bir kitabı verdi. Dan gave Linda a book that once belonged to his grandfather. Dan gave Linda a book that once belonged to her grandfather. Bu kanun hâlâ yürürlükte mi? Is that law still in force? Is this law still in effect? Geceyi nerede geçireceksin? Where are you going to spend the night? Where will you spend the night? Tom Mary'nin bütün espirilerine güldü. Tom laughed at all of Mary's jokes. Tom laughed at all of Mary's jokes. Onu çok özleyeceğiz. We'll miss him a lot. We're gonna miss him so much. Havaalanında seni almamı ister misin? Do you want me to pick you up at the airport? Do you want me to pick you up at the airport? Sana 30 dolar vereceğim. I'll give you $30. I'll give you $30. Şimdi pes edemezsin. You can't give up now. You can't give up now. Partime gelebildiğine mutluyum. I'm happy that you were able to come to my party. I'm glad you could make it to my party. Geçen günkü tüm yardımın için sana teşekkür ederim. Thank you for all your help the other day. Thank you for all your help the other day. O gençken çok güzel olmalı. She must have been very beautiful when she was young. She must have been beautiful when she was young. Ne zaman geri döneceksin? What time will you be back? When are you coming back? Ben arkadaşlarla konuştum. I talked to friends. I talked to my friends. Tom ve Mary, John burada olmadığı için şanslı. Tom and Mary are lucky that John isn't here. Tom and Mary are lucky John isn't here. Onlar onun hakkında konuşuyor mu? Are they talking about him? Do they talk about it? Ondan vazgeçtim. İrlandalı rahip ve Kongolu cadı doktorun ortak neyi var? I give up. What do an Irish priest and Congolese witch doctor have in common? What do Irish priest and Congo witch doctor have in common? Nereden başlamalıyız? Where should we begin? Where should we start? Kanun en güvenli koruyucudur. Law is the safest helmet. The law is the safest guardian. Tom yarın sabah Boston'dan ayrılıyor. Tom will leave Boston tomorrow morning. Tom is leaving Boston tomorrow morning. Bu kitapların hepsini okumadım. I haven't read all of these books. I haven't read all these books. Bana bir silah ver. Give me a gun. Give me a gun. Tom'a yardım etmelisin. You've got to help Tom. You should help Tom. Onun arazisine girişim reddedildi. I was denied access to his land. I've been denied access to his land. Tom'un aradığı şeye sahibim. I've got what Tom is looking for. I have what Tom is looking for. Tom'un başına kötü bir şey geldi. Tom got in trouble, didn't he? Something bad has happened to Tom. Neden Tom'a güvenmiyorsun? Why don't you trust Tom? Why don't you trust Tom? Balonumu şişiriyorum. I am inflating my balloon. I'm inflating my balloon. Bir yönetici hesabınızı aktif ettikten sonra onay e-postası alacaksınız. You will receive a confirmation email after your account has been activated by an administrator. Once you have activated an executive account, you will receive a confirmation e-mail. Burada olacağını ummuştum. I hoped you would be here. I was hoping you'd be here. Tom da onu gördü. Tom also saw it. Tom saw it, too. Tom en kısa çöpü çekti. Tom drew the shortest straw. Tom drew the shortest straw. Bunu yapmaktan bıktım. I got tired of doing that. I'm tired of doing this. Bütün yapabileceğimiz onu beklemektir. All we can do is to wait for him. All we can do is wait for him. O ağlamaya başladı. She started to cry. She began to cry. Tom'un hala Boston'da olduğunu kesin olarak bilmiyoruz. We don't know for sure Tom is still in Boston. We don't know for sure that Tom is still in Boston. Muhtemelen yarın yağmur yağıyor olacak. It's probably going to be raining tomorrow. It'll probably rain tomorrow. Çocuklar için hiç sabrım yoktur. I have no patience for children. I have no patience for children. Tom, Mary'i aradı mı? Did Tom call Mary? Did Tom call Mary? Belki onu yapmamalıydım. Perhaps I shouldn't have done that. Maybe I shouldn't have done that. Hiçbir şeyin eksik olduğunu sanmıyorum. I don't think anything is missing. I don't think anything's missing. Çok iyi yaptın. Bence o etkilendi. I think she was impressed. I think he's impressed. Tom planının çok iyi olmadığını biliyordu. Tom knew his plan wasn't very good. Tom knew his plan wasn't very good. Sizinle kaçmak istedim. I wanted to run away with you. I wanted to run away with you. O, yeni gelen stajyer. He's the new intern. He's the new intern. Onu yapmanı asla istemedim. I never asked you to do that. I never asked you to do that. Sami mahkum olacağını asla düşünmemişti. Sami never thought that he would be convicted. Sami never thought he'd be convicted. Başarılı olacağından eminim. I'm sure that you'll succeed. I'm sure you'll succeed. Sakın ağlama! Don't you dare cry! Don't cry! Valentine 1911 yılında Havre'da doğdu. Valentine was born in Havre in 1911. Valentine was born in the Havre in 1911. Çağrıyı iptal etmeme gerek var mı? Should I cancel the call? Do I need to cancel the call? Onun korkusu yok. He has no fear. He has no fear. Risk çok fazla büyük. The risk is too great. The risk is too great. Tom'un anne ve babası Afrika'da misyonerdiler. Tom's parents were missionaries in Africa. Tom's parents were missionaries in Africa. Artık onun kaçınılmaz olduğunu düşünüyorum. I think it's inevitable now. I think it's inevitable now. Daha fazla meyve yemelisiniz. You should eat more fruit. You should eat more fruit. Tom burada bir fikri var. Tom has a point here. Tom has an idea here. Bay Smith öğle yemeği yemek için dışarı çıktı. Mr. Smith went out to get lunch. Mr Smith went out for lunch. Henüz bir şey duymadık. We haven't heard anything yet. We haven't heard anything yet. Tom kendinden nefret ediyor. Tom hates himself. Tom hates himself. Onunla sohbet ettim. I had a conversation with her. I had a conversation with him. Onunla konuşabilir misin? Can you talk to him? Can you talk to him? Tren saat dokuzda kalkar, saat onda oraya varır. The train leaves at nine, arriving there at ten. The train leaves at nine and arrives at ten o'clock. Bu Tom ne söyledi? What did this Tom say? What did this Tom say? Tom içki içiyor mu? Has Tom been drinking? Does Tom drink? Uzun zamandır bunu bekliyorum. I've been waiting a long time for this. I've been waiting a long time for this. Sorsak ya. Let's ask. Why don't we ask him? Tom sana bir şey söylemek istedi. Tom wanted to say something to you. Tom wanted to tell you something. Sadece onun hakkında düşünmemeye çalışıyorum. I just try not to think about it. I'm just trying not to think about it. Tom bu öğleden sonra eve çok yorgun geldi. Tom came home very tired this afternoon. Tom came home very tired this afternoon. Ufa 1547 yılında 4. İvan'ın (daha yaygın biçimde Korkunç İvan olarak bilinir) emirleriyle inşa edilmiştir. Ufa was built on the orders of Ivan IV (more commonly known as Ivan the Terrible) in 1547. The Ufa was built in 1547 by orders of Ivan IV (known more commonly as Ivan the Terrible). Artık içki içmeyeceğim diye kendi kendime söz vermiştim. I promised myself I wouldn't drink anymore. I promised myself I wouldn't drink anymore. Kitabı şans eseri buldum. I found the book by accident. I found the book by chance. Yarın geri geleceğiz. We'll come back tomorrow. We'll be back tomorrow. Pazartesi günü yeni işime başladım. I started my new job on Monday. I started my new job on Monday. Maliyet beş bin yene vardı. The cost amounted to five thousand yen. Costs 5,000 yen. Film, gençler arasında popüler. The movie is popular among the youngsters. The film is popular among young people. Tom Jackson, Mary'nin yeni avukatıdır. Tom Jackson is Mary's new attorney. Tom Jackson is Mary's new lawyer. Çocuklar çok hızlı büyüyorlar. Kids grow up so fast. Kids grow up so fast. Beni yakalamalarına izin veremem. I cannot let them catch me. I can't let them catch me. Gerçekten onu yapmamıza gerek yok mu sanıyorsun? Do you really think we don't need to do that? Do you really think we don't need to do that? Sınav için çok çalışmadığıma pişmanım. I regret not having studied hard for the test. I regret not working too hard for the exam. Annem nerede? Where's my mom? Where's Mom? Tom'un o zaman Boston'da olduğuna eminim. I'm sure Tom was in Boston at that time. I'm sure Tom was in Boston at that time. Hangisini seçmem gerektiğini düşünüyorsun? Which one do you think I should choose? Which one do you think I should choose? Gece yarısına kadar vaktin var. You have until midnight. You have until midnight. Tom tek bir kelime söyleyemedi. Tom couldn't say a word. Tom couldn't say a word. Uyurken cüzdanımı çaldırdım. I had my wallet stolen while I was asleep. I had my wallet stolen while I was sleeping. Gözlüksüz okuyamıyorum. I can't read without glasses. I can't read without my glasses. Kutlayalım. Let's celebrate. Let's celebrate. Zamanımı seninle boşa harcadığıma inanamıyorum. I can't believe I've wasted my time with you. I can't believe I'm wasting my time with you. Tom'un Mary'yi öpeceğini düşünüyor musun? Do you think Tom will ever kiss Mary? Do you think Tom will kiss Mary? Neden hepimiz gitmiyoruz? Why don't we all go? Why don't we all go? Tom çocuklarla nasıl konuşacağını bilir. Tom knows how to talk to children. Tom knows how to talk to children. O daha çok vaatlerle beni alıkoymaya çalıştı. He tried to put me off with more promises. He tried to hold me back with more promises. Bunu yapanın onlar olduğundan eminim. I bet it was them who did it. I'm sure they're the ones who did this. Tom yemek çubuklarıyla nasıl yemek yiyeceğini bilmiyor. Tom doesn't know how to eat with chopsticks. Tom doesn't know how to eat with chopsticks. Tom, Mary'nin nerede yaşamak istediğini merak etti. Tom wondered where Mary wanted to live. Tom wondered where Mary wanted to live. O, savaş başladığında İngiltere'de yaşıyordu. He lived in England when the war started. He lived in England when the war began. Onlar İngilizce öğrenmek isterler. They want to learn English. They want to learn English. Sırt çantamı evde bıraktım. I left my backpack at home. I left my backpack at home. Kapıyı açtım ve kamyonetten çıktım. I opened the door and got out of the van. I opened the door and got out of the truck. Ben onu nasıl görmedim bilmiyorum. I don't know how I didn't see that. I don't know how I didn't see him. Ben Paris'e gezi yaptım. I traveled to Paris. I took a trip to Paris. Fazladan biraz daha param olsa fena olmazdı. I could use some extra money. I could use a little extra money. Turna, köpeğin aksine, uçmayı hiç hayal etmemiş. The crane, unlike the dog, has never dreamed of flying. Crane, unlike the dog, never dreamed of flying. Onunla arkadaş olamam. I can't be friends with her. I can't be friends with him. Evet, doğru ama onun bunu bilmesi gerekmiyor. Yes, it's true, but he doesn't need to know that. Yeah, that's true, but he doesn't need to know that. Tom buraya iki haftada bir gelir. Tom comes here every other week. Tom comes here every other week. Tom şüphe edilmez. Tom is above suspicion. Tom is unquestionable. Birçok biyometrik sistem parmak izi tarayıcısı tabanlıdır. Many biometric systems are based on the fingerprint scanner. Many biometric systems are based on a fingerprint scanner. Tom'un beni öldürmesinden korkuyorum. I'm afraid Tom will kill me. I'm afraid Tom will kill me. Anlamadığın şeyden nefret etme. Don't dislike what you don't understand. Don't hate what you don't understand. Nereden? From where? Where? Onu bugün yapmak istemiyorum. I don't want to do that today. I don't want to do that today. Sami'nin Leyla'nın bir erkek arkadaşı olduğu hakkında hiç fikri yoktu. Sami had no idea that Layla had a boyfriend. Sami had no idea Layla had a boyfriend. Onu tanıyorum, ama sen tanımazsın. I know him, but you don't. I know him, but you don't. Tom'a her şeyi söylerdim. I used to tell Tom everything. I'd tell Tom anything. Bu çok popüler. It's very popular. It's very popular. Bu gece akşam yemeğini pişirmene yardım edeceğim. I'll help you cook dinner tonight. I'll help you cook dinner tonight. Caddeler parlak bir biçimde aydınlatılmış. The streets are brightly lit. The streets are brightly lit. Hiç patlamış mısır istemiyorum. I don't want any popcorn. I don't want any popcorn. Sadece onu gördün mü? Did you just see that? Did you just see him? Ön yargılı olma. Keep an open mind. Don't be judgmental. Bir yerli gibi konuşacağımı sanmıyorum ve gerçekten konuşmam gerektiğini sanmıyorum. I don't think I'll ever sound like a native speaker and I don't really think I need to. I don't think I'm gonna talk like a native, and I really don't think I should. Çevremizdeki karanlık simsiyahtı. The darkness around us was pitch-black. The darkness around us was black. Ben iş dünyasında onun başarılı olacağından eminim. I'm sure he will go far in the business world. I'm sure he'll succeed in business. Buna Normandiya İstilası denilir. This is what is called the Norman Conquest. It's called the Normandy Invasion. O bir hayalet yazar. She's a ghost writer. He's a ghost writer. Hâlâ bir öğretmen misin? Are you still a teacher? Are you still a teacher? Onlar Tom'u serbest bıraktılar. They've released Tom. They released Tom. Takım elbise giyen tek kişi Tom değildi. Tom wasn't the only one wearing a suit. Tom wasn't the only one wearing a suit. O ismi daha önce bir yerde duydum. I've heard that name somewhere before. I've heard that name somewhere before. Bu gerçek olamayacak kadar çok iyi. It is too good to be true. This is too good to be true. Ne uzun bir salatalık. What a long cucumber. What a long cucumber. Onu şimdi yapmak zorunda değilsin. You don't have to do that right now. You don't have to do that now. Tom konuşmuyordu. Tom wasn't talking. Tom wasn't talking. Hakkında yazacak bir şey düşünemiyorum. I can't think of anything to write about. I can't think of anything to write about. Biraz sarhoş hissediyorum. I'm feeling a little woozy. I feel a little drunk. Başta ona inanmadım. I didn't believe him at first. At first, I didn't believe him. Babam beni bir avukat yapmak istiyor. My father wants to make a lawyer of me. My father wants to make me a lawyer. Kötü bir sonuç değildi. It wasn't a bad result. It wasn't a bad outcome. Tom bana Boston'a hiç gitmediğini söyledi. Tom told me he had never been to Boston. Tom told me he'd never been to Boston. Benim eski arabam bana 100 dolar getirdi. My old car brought me $100. My old car brought me $100. Nick'in ofisime gelmesine gerek yok. There's no need for Nick to come to my office. Nick doesn't need to come to my office. Çabuk korkarım. I scare easily. I'm scared fast. Seni eve götürmemizi ister misin? Do you want us to take you home? Do you want us to take you home? Mary'nin her şeyde bir görüşü vardır. Mary has an opinion on everything. Mary has an opinion on everything. Tom'un meşgul olacağını biliyordum. I knew Tom would be busy. I knew Tom would be busy. Keşke tüm krediyi alabilseydik. I wish we could take all the credit. I wish we could get all the credit. Ben hiç senin evine gitmedim. I've never been to your house. I've never been to your house. İnsanların büyük bir çoğunluğu planı kabul etti. A vast majority of people approve of the plan. Most of the people agreed to the plan. Tom daha büyük bir indirim istiyor. Tom wants a bigger discount. Tom wants a bigger discount. Unutursam, lütfen bana hatırlat. In case I forget, please remind me. If I forget, please remind me. Şef beni öldürecek. The chief's gonna kill me. The chief's gonna kill me. 1914'te olduğu gibi 1939'da dünya bir savaşın eşiğindeydi. In 1939, as in 1914, the world was on the brink of war. As in 1914, the world was on the brink of war in 1939. Size Mayuko'yu tanıtmama izin verin. Allow me to introduce Mayuko to you. Allow me to introduce Mayuko. Sami onu göstermeyecek. Sami won't show that. Sami won't show it. Tom boylu boslu bir adam. Tom is a tall, good-looking man. Tom is a tall man. Tom, Mary'nin muhtemelen ağlamayacağını söyledi. Tom said Mary would unlikely cry. Tom said Mary wouldn't likely cry. Bu sana diğer insanları rahatsız etmemeyi öğretecek. This will teach you not to annoy other people. That'll teach you not to bother other people. Niçin sadece Tom'a kendin sormuyorsun? Why don't you just ask Tom yourself? Why don't you just ask Tom yourself? Tom bundan çok etkilenecek. Tom will be very impressed by that. Tom is going to be very impressed by this. Tom eve yürümemizi önerdi. Tom suggested we walk home. Tom suggested we walk home. Bir şeyi bir yerden çıkarabileceğimizi umuyorum. I'm hoping we can work something out. I'm hoping we can pull something off somewhere. Bir kitap görüyor musun? Do you see a book? Do you see a book? Geçen ay birkaç gün Boston'daydım. I was in Boston for a few days last month. I was in Boston a few days last month. Harika olup olmamam umurumda değil. I don't care if I'm cool or not. I don't care if I'm great or not. Şişeler tıpalanmıştı. The bottles were stopped with corks. The bottles were corked. Şimdi bankaya gitmem gerek. I have to go to the bank now. I have to go to the bank now. Tom, Mary'ye bunu yapmasını söylemeyi reddetti. Tom refused to tell Mary to do that. Tom refused to tell Mary to do that. Ağır bagajı havaalanına çektim. I dragged the heavy baggage to the airport. I pulled the heavy trunk into the airport. Bahçeyi suluyorlar. They are watering the garden. They're watering the garden. Bebek hâlâ uyuyor. The baby is still sleeping. The baby's still asleep. Tom üst ranzada uyudu. Tom slept on the top bunk. Tom slept in the top bunk. Her zaman tekrar gel. Come again any time. Always come back. Sami imamla konuşmak istiyordu. Sami wanted to talk to the imam. Sami wanted to talk to the imam. Neredeyse kahvemi döküyordum. I almost spilled my coffee. I almost spilled my coffee. Senin öyle diyebileceğini hiç düşünmedim. I never imagined that you would say that. I never thought you'd say that. Tom bunu bize nasıl yapabildi? How could Tom do this to us? How could Tom do that to us? Tom'a hâlâ bir toplantıda olduğumu söyle. Tell Tom that I'm still in a meeting. Tell Tom I'm still in a meeting. Eğer bir tişört giyersen bir genç gözüyle bakılırsın. You could pass for a teenager if you wore a T-shirt. If you wear a T-shirt, you'll be considered a teenager. Tom beş parasız. Tom is broke. Tom is broke. Yaşayan en uzun adam Carl'dır. Carl is the tallest man alive. Carl is the tallest man alive. Tom hiç işi hakkında konuşur mu? Does Tom ever talk about his work? Does Tom ever talk about his job? Soruyu cevaplamak kolaydır. It is easy to answer the question. It's easy to answer the question. Niçin o beyaz şaraptan biraz denemiyorsunuz? Why not try some of that white wine? Why don't you try some of that white wine? Korkunç bir şey. It's a terrible thing. It's horrible. Tom Mary'nin ne yaptığının farkında değildi. Tom isn't aware of what Mary did. Tom wasn't aware of what Mary was doing. İşte öğrenmek istediğim diller, kabaca kronolojik sıra. Here are the languages I want to learn, in roughly chronological order. Here are the languages I want to learn, roughly the chronological order. Tom'un bunu yapacağını sanmıyorum. I don't think Tom would do this. I don't think Tom will do that. O içeriye girer girmez düştü. The instant he came in, he fell down. He fell as soon as he walked in. Sen gerçekten bencilsin, değil mi? You're really selfish, aren't you? You're really selfish, aren't you? Ben gerçekten yağmurda eve yürümek istemiyorum. I don't really want to walk home in the rain. I really don't want to walk home in the rain. Bunu nasıl yapacağımı bana göstereceğini biliyordum. I knew you'd show me how to do that. I knew you'd show me how to do that. Cümlenin bir yüklemi olması gerekir. The sentence must have a predicate. The sentence has to have a charge. Tom hakkında onu bilmiyordum. I didn't know that about Tom. I didn't know that about Tom. Ben sana şehri göstereceğim. I'll show you the city. I'll show you the city. Tom ve Mary geri geliyorlar. Tom and Mary are coming back. Tom and Mary are coming back. Gelecek ay burada yaşayacağız. We will be living here next month. We'll live here next month. Biz gerçekten çok iyi vakit geçirdik. We had a really good time. We had a really good time. Tom herkes tarafından sevilir. Tom is loved by everybody. Tom is loved by everyone. Tom asistanım değildi. Tom wasn't my assistant. Tom wasn't my assistant. Tom'un yazdığı kitap asla yayınlanmadı. The book Tom wrote was never published. The book Tom wrote was never published. Onu istediğin şekilde yapabilirsin. You can do it however you like. You can do it any way you want. Gerçekten mojo'muzu geri aldık. We've really got our mojo back. We really got our mojo back. Bundan daha fazlasını yapamam. I can't do any more than that. I can't do any more than that. Bu fena halde adil değil. This is grossly unfair. That's not very fair. Tom zorda olduğunun farkına vardı. Tom realized he was in trouble. Tom realized that he was in trouble. Biletlerin her biri yirmi yen. The tickets are 20 yen each. The tickets are twenty yen each. Pazartesi istifa ediyorum. I'm resigning on Monday. I quit on Monday. Sam bir filozoftur, değil mi? Sam is a philosopher, isn't he? Sam's a philosopher, isn't he? Bu yararlı olacak. That'll be helpful. This will be useful. Tom her zaman kaygılı. Tom is always preoccupied. Tom is always anxious. Eğer yardımıma ihtiyacın olursa sadece bana bildir. If you ever need my help, just let me know. If you need my help, just let me know. Ve başka kim? And who else? And who else? Birisinin kapıyı çaldığını duydum. I heard someone knock on the door. I heard someone knocking on the door. Bunun için kovulabilirim. I could get fired for this. I could get fired for this. Yakında döneceğiz. We'll be back soon. We'll be back soon. Tom neredeyse Fransızcayı Mary kadar iyi konuşabilir. Tom can speak French about as well as Mary. Tom can almost speak French as well as Mary. Tom bana bu yüzüğü verdi. Tom gave me this ring. Tom gave me this ring. Yapmam gereken başka bir şey var. I have something else I need to do. There's something else I need to do. Tom biraz deli. Tom is a bit crazy. Tom is a little crazy. Dinamit taşıma tehlikeli olabilir. Handling dynamite can be dangerous. Carrying dynamite can be dangerous. Onun geldiğini görmedim. I didn't see that coming. I didn't see him coming. Tom Mary'nin bunu bugün yapmak zorunda olduğunu söyledi. Tom said that Mary has to do that today. Tom said Mary had to do that today. Bir mali sıkma politikası yürürlüğe giriyor. A fiscal tightening policy is being enacted. A financial tightening policy is in effect. Oğlan oyuncak askerleri ile oynuyor. The boy is playing with his toy soldiers. The boy's playing with his toy soldiers. Tom'u incitmene izin vermeyeceğim. I'm not going to let you hurt Tom. I won't let you hurt Tom. Tom yarından sonraki gün ayrılacak. Tom is going to leave the day after tomorrow. Tom is going to leave the day after tomorrow. Bu caminin altı minaresi ve kat kat kubbeleri var. This mosque has six minarets and cascading domes. This mosque has six minarets and layers of domes. Onunla konuşmak için bekliyoruz. We're waiting to talk to him. We're waiting to talk to him. Bizim favori restoranda bir rezervasyon yaptırdım. I made a reservation at our favorite restaurant. I made a reservation at our favorite restaurant. Jane ve ben iyi piyano çalarız. Jane and I play the piano well. Jane and I play the piano well. Tekrar çok geç kalacağız. We're going to be too late again. We'll be too late again. Ondan pişman olacaksın. You'll regret it. You'll regret it. Polisler hiç kimsenin izini bulamadı. The cops didn't find anyone's traces. The cops haven't been able to track anyone down. Tom arabada. Tom is in the car. Tom is in the car. Tom Mary için bir şey alacağını söyledi. Tom said he would buy something for Mary. Tom said he'd buy something for Mary. Buradaki herhangi biri Tom'un nerede yaşadığını biliyor mu? Does anybody here know where Tom lives? Does anyone here know where Tom lives? Onu kızdıran hiçbir şey söylemedim. I said nothing that made her angry. I didn't say anything that made him angry. Bu aile inanılmazdır. This family is unbelievable. This family is amazing. Hiç lüks bir araba sahibi olmak istedin mi? Have you ever wanted to have a fancy car? Have you ever wanted to own a luxury car? Bir analjeziğe ihtiyacım var. I need an analgesic. I need an analgesic. İnsanlık nükleer enerjiyi barışçıl biçimde kullanarak başarılı olacaktır. Mankind will succeed in using nuclear energy peacefully. Humanity will succeed peacefully using nuclear energy. Birlikte büyüdüğüm arkadaşlardan üçte biri öldü. One third of the friends I grew up with are dead. A third of the friends I grew up with died. Tom'a söylemeliyim. I've got to tell Tom. I should tell Tom. Video oyunlarını seviyorum. I like video games. I love video games. Tom'un bu karmaşa ile bir ilgisi yoktu. Tom had nothing to do with that mess. Tom had nothing to do with this mess. Sana bundan bahsedemem. I can't tell you about it. I can't tell you about this. O, Mary'den daha uzun. She is taller than Mary. He's taller than Mary. Biz onu geçeceğiz. We'll pass that on. We'll get past it. Sanırım onlar gerçekten aç değildi. I guess they really weren't hungry. I guess they weren't really hungry. Tom ilk ne yapardı? What would Tom have done first? What would Tom do first? Bir dakika içinde döneceğim. I'll only be a minute. I'll be back in a minute. Yapabileceğim şey neyse yapacağım. I'm going to do whatever I can. I'll do what I can. Rakunlar duygusal hale geldi. Raccoons have become sentient. The raccoons have become emotional. Burada kaç kişi tanıyorsun? How many people here do you know? How many people do you know here? Bu gerçekten zordu. It really was hard. That was really hard. Kurtarabileceklerimizi kurtaralım. Let's save the ones we can save. Let's save what we can. Tom huysuzdu ama Mary değildi. Tom was grouchy, but Mary wasn't. Tom was grumpy, but Mary wasn't. Ütü ısınırken Mary buhar yapmak için hazneye damıtılmış su döktü. As the iron was heating up, Mary poured distilled water into the reservoir to make steam. As the iron warmed, Mary poured distilled water into the chamber to make steam. Dan eldiven giymeyi unuttu. Dan forgot to wear gloves. Dan forgot to wear gloves. Somurtmayı kes. Stop sulking! Stop sulking. Tom kalbinizi kırdı mı? Did Tom break your heart? Did Tom break your heart? Ateşkes görüşmeleri Temmuz 1951 de başladı. Ceasefire talks began in July 1951. The ceasefire talks began in July 1951. Parkta büyük bir kalabalık vardı. There was a large crowd in the park. There was a big crowd in the park. Tom işten bir arkadaşım. Tom is a friend from work. Tom is a friend from work. Bunlar çocuklarda yaygın olan hastalıklardır. These are common diseases of children. These are common diseases in children. Bazı sorunlarla ya da bir şeyle karşılaştın mı? You've run into some trouble or something? Did you run into any problems or anything? Tom devamlı olarak pasta yiyor. Tom continually eats cake. Tom is constantly eating cake. Ben her zaman mevcut değilim. I'm not always available. I'm not always present. Tom toplantı bitinceye kadar geri aramayacak. Tom won't call back until the meeting's over. Tom won't call back until the meeting's over. Tom sonunda bunu yapacak. Tom is finally going to do that. Tom is going to do that eventually. Son derece üzgünüm! I'm utterly sorry! I'm terribly sorry! Senin gözde etkinliğin nedir? What's your favorite activity? What's your favorite activity? Diana yumurtaları çırptı ve keki karıştırdı. Diana beat the eggs and I mixed the cake. Diana scrambled the eggs and mixed the cake. Sevinçten ağlayabilirdim. I could cry for joy. I could cry with joy. Bahçeyi suluyorsun, değil mi? You are watering the garden, aren't you? You're watering the garden, aren't you? Biz beyzbol oynamak için geldik. We're just here to play baseball. We're here to play baseball. O onunla ilgileniyor gibi görünüyor. She seems to be interested in him. He seems to be interested in her. Tom, Mary ve John'un söylediği bir sözcüğü duyamadı. Tom couldn't hear a word that Mary and John were saying. Tom couldn't hear a word Mary and John said. Tom bunu yapacak bir planının olmadığını söylüyor. Tom says he has no plan to do that. Tom says he has no plan to do that. Ben de önceden Tom'u severdim. I used to like Tom, too. I used to like Tom, too. İkinci bir ihtimal yoktur. There are no second chances. There are no second chances. Seni çok fazla özledim. I've missed you so much. I missed you so much. Ben şişman değilim. I'm not obese. I'm not fat. Tom odasına gitti ve yatağının üstüne oturdu. Tom went to his room and sat down on his bed. Tom went into his room and sat on his bed. Tom'un içeriye girmediğini umalım. Let's hope Tom doesn't walk in. Let's hope Tom doesn't come in.