Vet Tom att Mary är här? Does Tom know Mary is here? Does Tom know Mary's here? Brödet gräddas i ugnen. The bread's baking in the oven. The bread is baked in the oven. Jag behöver kompisar. I need friends. I need friends. Det här är en katastrof. This is a catastrophe. This is a disaster. Det är någon som väntar på dig. Somebody's waiting for you. There's someone waiting for you. Vilket företag arbetar du åt? What company do you work for? Which company do you work for? Tom är ambitiös. Tom is ambitious. Tom is ambitious. Picasso målade denna tavla år 1950. Picasso painted this painting in 1950. Picasso painted this painting in 1950. På grund av några oundvikliga omständigheter i sommar kan jag inte bo i min semesterstuga. Due to unavoidable circumstances this summer I can't stay in my holiday cottage. Due to some inevitable circumstances this summer I cannot stay in my holiday home. Tom köpte lite choklad till Mary. Tom bought Mary some chocolate. Tom bought Mary some chocolate. Det är inte tryggt här. I'm not safe here. It's not safe here. Har ni några syskon? Do you have any siblings? Do you have any siblings? Tom är enastående. Tom is exceptional. Tom is outstanding. Hon är på intet vis självisk. She is by no means selfish. She's in no way selfish. De är underbara. They're wonderful. They're wonderful. Hotar ni mig? Are you threatening me? Are you threatening me? Det hände. It happened. It happened. Hur övertygade du honom? How did you convince him? How did you convince him? Vilken tunnelbanelinje går till stadskärnan? What subway goes to the center of town? Which metro line goes to the city centre? Då är det dags för din halshuggning. Har du inga sista ord? Well, it's time for your decapitation. Don't you have any last words to say? Then it's time for your beheading. Jag vill lära mig standardengelska. I want to learn standard English. I want to learn standard English. Vi ses nästa vecka! See you next week! See you next week! Är ni två upptagna? Are you two busy? Are you two busy? Jag vill ha ett äpple. I want an apple. I want an apple. Varför bryr hon sig inte om mig längre? Why doesn't she care about me anymore? Why doesn't she care about me anymore? Är du på semester? Are you on vacation? Are you on vacation? På grund av ändringen i Kanadas äktenskapsbalk, kom många homosexuella amerikaner till Kanada för att gifta sig. Because of the change in Canadian marriage laws, many American homosexuals came to Canada to get married. Because of the change in Canada's marriage code, many homosexual Americans came to Canada to get married. Enligt väderprognosen ska det snöa i morgon. According to the weather forecast, it will snow tomorrow. The weather forecast says it's gonna snow tomorrow. Tom är på lastningsplatsen. Tom is on the dock. Tom's at the loading site. Trots alla hennes brister gillar jag henne. With all her faults, I still like her. Despite all her flaws, I like her. Vi är ute efter samma sak. We're after the same thing. We're after the same thing. Tom är missbelåten. Tom is discontented. Tom is displeased. Eleverna har tillgång till dessa datorer. Students have access to these computers. Students have access to these computers. Jag gav inte Tom något val. I gave Tom no choice. I didn't give Tom a choice. Jag har många vänner som hjälper mig. I have a lot of friends to help me. I have a lot of friends to help me. Var är ni? Where are you? Where are you? Ingen av oss talar franska. Not all of us can speak French. None of us speak French. Både Tom och Mary är från Kanada. Tom and Mary are both Canadians. Both Tom and Mary are Canadian. Medan han pratade hördes ljudet av ett skott som avlossades. While he was talking, there was the sound of a shot being fired. As he spoke, the sound of a shot fired was heard. De är lögnare. They are liars. They're liars. Jag dricker en läsk. I drink a soft drink. I'm drinking a soda. Jag föredrar komedier framför tragedier. I prefer comedy to tragedy. I prefer comedies to tragedies. En hunds nos är väldigt känslig. A dog's nose is very sensitive. A dog's nose is very sensitive. Åt ni frukost? Did you have breakfast? Did you have breakfast? Tom och Mary bor i ett litet hus. Tom and Mary live in a small house. Tom and Mary live in a small house. Inget är omöjligt för Gud. Nothing's impossible for God. Nothing is impossible for God. Den där röda tröjan ser bra ut på dig. That red sweater looks good on you. That red sweater looks good on you. Min franska är lite rostig. My French is a little rusty. My French is a little rusty. Jag gillar nötkött. I like beef. I like beef. Jag vill skicka ett paket till Japan. I would like to send a package to Japan. I want to send a package to Japan. Tom och Mary vill ha vår hjälp. Tom and Mary want our help. Tom and Mary want our help. Det börjar bli dags att gå hem. It's about time I was going home. It's time to go home. Dan och Linda är tvillingar. Dan and Linda are twins. Dan and Linda are twins. Tom skulle aldrig ha skadat dig. Tom would never have hurt you. Tom would never have hurt you. Tom andas knappt. Tom is barely breathing. Tom's barely breathing. Jag trodde att Tom var död. I thought Tom was dead. I thought Tom was dead. Jag skriver korta meningar på svenska. I write short sentences in Swedish. I write short sentences in Swedish. Hon sa att jag borde sluta röka. She said that I should quit smoking. She said I should stop smoking. Jag ser huset. I see the house. I see the house. Jag behöver en stor tjänst. I need a huge favor. I need a big favor. Köp lite godis åt Tom bara. Just buy Tom some candy. Just get Tom some candy. Skynda er. Annars kommer vi försent till lunchen. Hurry up. Otherwise, we'll be late to lunch. Hurry up or we'll be late for lunch. Min föraning visade sig vara rätt. My premonition turned out to be right. My premonition turned out to be right. Mitt hår är för långt. My hair is too long. My hair is too long. De tar ifrån oss möjligheten att försörja oss själva. They are taking away our chance to earn a living. They're taking away the opportunity to support ourselves. Du måste inte göra det nu med en gång. You do not have to do it now. You don't have to do this right now. Är de tillsammans igen? Are they together again? Are they together again? Hon tvättade en matta. She washed a carpet. She washed a rug. Jag läser. I'm reading. I'm reading. Tyfonen ökar i styrka. The typhoon is increasing in strength. The typhoon is increasing in strength. Har du släckt än? Have you turned the lights off yet? Did you turn off the lights yet? Det kommer antagligen att snöa i morgon. It will probably snow tomorrow. It'll probably snow tomorrow. Det krävs visdom för att förstå visdom: musiken är ingenting om publiken är döv. It requires wisdom to understand wisdom: the music is nothing if the audience is deaf. It takes wisdom to understand wisdom: the music is nothing if the audience is deaf. Tycker du att Sami kan vara en bra pappa? Do you think Sami could be a good dad? Do you think Sami can be a good father? Här är jag född och uppvuxen. I was born and brought up here. This is where I was born and raised. Hade vi det? Did we have it? Did we? Detta är en japansk docka. This is a Japanese doll. This is a Japanese doll. Jag hatar när det händer. I hate when that happens. I hate it when that happens. Jag är verkligen ensam. I'm really lonely. I'm really alone. Jag har verkligen kallt. I sure am cold. I'm really cold. Du måste hem. You must go home. You have to go home. Vill du att jag ska köra? Would you like me to drive? You want me to drive? Varför ge dem någonting? Why give them anything? Why give them anything? Såg du någon? Did you see someone? Did you see anyone? Han är inte tysk, utan österrikare. He's not German, but Austrian. He's not German, he's Austrian. Jag har inte ätit något sedan i går. I haven't eaten anything since yesterday. I haven't eaten anything since yesterday. Är du olycklig, Tom? Are you unhappy, Tom? Are you unhappy, Tom? I morgon är det jul. Tomorrow it's Christmas. Tomorrow's Christmas. Jag älskar min katt. I love my cat. I love my cat. Jag kramade Emily. I hugged Emily. I hugged Emily. Hans kläder har blivit för små. His clothes have become too small for him. His clothes have become too small. Alla är tysta. Everyone's quiet. Everybody's quiet. När ska du åka till Europa? When are you going to Europe? When are you going to Europe? Jag skulle vilja hyra en bil. I'd like to rent a car. I'd like to rent a car. Uppfattat. Understood. Copy that. Det är antingen Tom eller Mary som ljuger. Either Tom is lying or Mary is lying. It's either Tom or Mary who's lying. Jag är bekväm med det I'm confident in that. I'm comfortable with it. Varför tog du med Tom hit? Why did you bring Tom here? Why did you bring Tom here? Vi hade våra skäl. We had our reasons. We had our reasons. Kan du låsa dörren är du snäll? Would you please lock the door? Can you lock the door, please? Jag hämtade mig. I recovered. I recovered. Det är inte säkert att köra bil utan bilbälte. It isn't safe to drive without a seatbelt. It's not safe to drive without a seat belt. Vad vill du köpa? What do you want to buy? What do you want to buy? Kan jag få köpa några vykort? I would like to buy some postcards. Can I get some postcards? Ambassadbyggnaden är omgiven av höga stängsel. The embassy building is surrounded by high fences. The embassy building is surrounded by high fences. Dörren är öppen. The door is open. The door's open. Jag skulle hjälpa dig om jag kunde. I'd help you if I could. I'd help you if I could. Det här är underligt. This is weird. This is weird. Gillar du dem? Do you like them? Do you like them? Jag ska tänka på det. I am going to think about it. I'll think about it. Vart är smöret? Where's the butter? Where's the butter? Vill du lära dig japanska så rekommenderar jag dig att besöka Japan. You want to learn Japanese, so I suggest you visit Japan. If you want to learn Japanese, I recommend you to visit Japan. Hon köper bröd. She is buying bread. She's buying bread. Jag vet att du måste ha fullt upp. I know you must be busy. I know you must be busy. Jag har fortfarande inte funnit det jag söker efter. I still haven't found what I'm looking for. I still haven't found what I'm looking for. Hur många böcker äger du? How many books do you possess? How many books do you own? Det är inte en hemlighet. It's not a secret. It's not a secret. När börjar din resa? When does your trip begin? When does your journey begin? Hur tog Tom det? How did Tom take it? How did Tom take it? Jag tappade tidsuppfattningen. I lost track of time. I lost track of time. Tom ser orolig ut. Tom looks agitated. Tom looks worried. Vi måste gå. We need to be going. We have to go. Jag vet inte. Jag kan inte komma ihåg. I don't know. I can't remember. I don't know, I can't remember. Jag behöver vägledning. I need some guidance. I need guidance. Hoppa! Jump! Jump! Han är tandläkare. He is a dentist. He's a dentist. Jag har levt här under en lång tid. I have lived here a long time. I've lived here for a long time. Jag är. I am! I am. Du känner honom bättre än jag. You know him better than I do. You know him better than I do. Hur kan jag nå Tom? How can I reach Tom? How can I reach Tom? Om vädret är bra i morgon, går vi till floden och badar. If the weather's good tomorrow, let's go to the river to swim. If the weather is good tomorrow, we go to the river and swim. Jag bor hellre ensam. I'd rather live alone. I'd rather live alone. Jag önskar jag kunde köpa det där huset billigt. I wish I could buy that house cheap. I wish I could buy that house cheap. Ett fruktansvärt kaos härskar i vardagsrummet. A horrible chaos reigns in the living room. A terrible chaos reigns in the living room. Kan jag ställa ned den här? May I put it down here? Can I put this down? Det tycker om att röka tobak. It likes to smoke tobacco. It likes smoking tobacco. Jag återvände till Japan. I returned to Japan. I returned to Japan. Det är allt ni får. That's all you get. That's all you get. Vad firar du? What are you celebrating? What are you celebrating? Tom vet inte ens hur man startar en gräsklippare. Tom doesn't even know how to start a lawn mower. Tom doesn't even know how to start a lawn mower. Bli inte så defensiv. Jag skyller inte på dig. Don't get defensive. I'm not blaming you. Don't get so defensive, I'm not blaming you. Han gick långsamt så att barnet kunde hänga med. He walked slowly so the child could follow. He walked slowly so the baby could keep up. Valet var mycket jämnt. The election was very close. The choice was very even. Vilken är din favoritactionrulle? What is your favorite action movie? What's your favorite action roll? Var har du fått det där ärret ifrån? What's that scar from? Where did you get that scar? Vad gjorde Tom här? What was Tom doing here? What was Tom doing here? Jag gjorde mig illa i foten. I hurt my foot. I hurt my foot. Hur rik är du? How rich are they? How rich are you? Vad är det som låter? What is that sound? What's that sound? Sverige är det största landet i Skandinavien. Sweden is the largest country in Scandinavia. Sweden is the largest country in Scandinavia. Gör bara som jag säger. Just do what I say. Just do as I say. Jag kan höra dig. I can hear you. I can hear you. Jag måste åka dit. I need to go there. I have to go there. Det var hans bil, och inte min, som gick sönder i går. It was his car, not mine, that broke down yesterday. It was his car, and not mine, that broke down last night. Jag behöver att du förklara vad som hänt. I need you to explain what happened. I need you to explain what happened. Det är troligen hemsökt. It's probably haunted. It's probably haunted. Det var ingen där förutom jag. There was no one there besides me. There was no one there but me. Jag är hälsosam. I'm healthy. I'm healthy. Vi skjuter upp avrättningen tills dess. Until then, we are postponing the execution. We'll postpone the execution until then. Var snäll och tänd lampan. Please turn on the light. Please turn on the light. "Men jag vill inte skiljas", sluddrade Tom med gråten i halsen, men Mary slog bara dövörat till. "But I don't want a divorce" cried Tom, but to Mary it fell on deaf ears. "But I don't want to get divorced," Tom slurred with tears in his throat, but Mary just hit the deaf ear. Jag tog hans närvaro för givet. I took his attendance for granted. I took his presence for granted. Var kom den ifrån? Where did it come from? Where did it come from? Hans försök med att simma över floden misslyckades. He failed in his attempt to swim across the river. His attempt to swim across the river failed. Hör du hemma här? Do you belong here? Do you belong here? Hör du det? Do you hear it? Do you hear me? När jag öppnade dörren hade jag sönder låset. When I opened the door, I broke the lock. When I opened the door, I broke the lock. Tom låg på sjukhuset i över en vecka. Tom was in the hospital for over a week. Tom was in the hospital for over a week. Jag överraskade verkligen Tom. I did surprise Tom. I really surprised Tom. En man måste vara ärlig. A man must be honest. A man has to be honest. Är jag skyldig dig pengar? Do I owe you money? Do I owe you money? Ni skulle inte finna nöje i det. You wouldn't enjoy it. You wouldn't take pleasure in it. Hon är min mormor. She's my grandma. She's my grandmother. Den är svår. It's difficult. It's hard. Jag har inte på mig det här. I'm not wearing this. I'm not wearing this. Tom tycks ha glömt bort mitt namn. Tom seems to have forgotten my name. Tom seems to have forgotten my name. Du började köra en gammal sång. You began to play an old song. You started running an old song. Jag tror att det är bäst att du går. I think you'd better go. I think you better go. Jag kan inte göra det ogjort. I can't undo it. I can't undo it. Ryck upp dig. Lighten up. Pull yourself together. Han försöker intala sig själv att han klarar det. He is trying to convince himself that he can handle it. He's trying to tell himself he can do it. Tom kunde knappt gå. Tom could hardly walk. Tom could barely walk. Mina försök gav inga resultat. My attempt gave no result. My attempts failed. Gör gott mot dem som hatar er. Do good to those who hate you. Do good to those who hate you. Förra veckan var jag i Boston med min fru. Last week I was in Boston with my wife. Last week, I was in Boston with my wife. Var tydlig. Be specific. Be clear. Brottslingar borde straffas. Criminals should be punished. Criminals should be punished. Tom är genomvåt. Tom is drenched. Tom is soaking wet. Om jag var rik så skulle jag åka utomlands. If I were rich, I would go abroad. If I was rich, I'd go abroad. Emet gillar inte den kvinnan. Emet doesn't like that woman. Emet doesn't like that woman. Hon bor ensam. She lives alone. She lives alone. Har du skickat in din anmälan än? Have you sent in your application yet? Have you sent in your complaint yet? Vem är kapten över det här skeppet? Who's the captain of this ship? Who's the captain of this ship? Vi skattade oss lyckliga som överlevde. We esteemed ourselves happy to have survived. We appreciated the happiness that survived. Ge det här till Tom. Give this to Tom. Give this to Tom. Tydligen är jag adopterad. Apparently I'm adopted. Apparently, I'm adopted. Jag föddes faktiskt i Boston. In fact, I was born in Boston. I was actually born in Boston. Jag skulle vilja förbättra min franska, men jag har ingen tid till det. I would like to improve my French but I really have no time. I'd like to improve my French, but I don't have time for that. Jag förstår mig inte på honom. I can't figure him out. I don't understand him. Har du inte bestämt dig än? Haven't you decided yet? Haven't you decided yet? Är detta kärlek? Is this love? Is this love? Hon är ute efter ett bättre jobb. She is after a better job. She's looking for a better job. Hon är ganska söt. She's kind of pretty. She's pretty cute. Tom är skadad. Tom's hurt. Tom's hurt. Han är väldigt smart, så alla gillar honom. He's very smart, so everybody likes him. He's very smart, so everybody likes him. Hur såg rånaren ut? What did the mugger look like? What did the robber look like? Hon rådde honom att gå till sjukhuset, men han lydde inte hennes råd. She advised him to go to the hospital, but he didn't follow her advice. She advised him to go to the hospital, but he disobeyed her advice. Kärlek är för tonåringar. Love is for teenagers. Love is for teenagers. De tackade Gud. They thanked God. They thanked God. Jag vill veta vad det är som är så roligt. I want to know what's funny. I want to know what's so funny. Jag gillar inte vattnig mat. I don't like watery food. I don't like watery food. Det är femtio kilometer till Paris. It's fifty kilometers to Paris. It's 50 kilometers to Paris. Jag tycker om tennis. I like tennis. I like tennis. Jag är inte bra på det. I'm not good at it. I'm not good at it. Ni skulle ha tyckt om det. You would've liked it. You would have liked it. Tom visade asken för Mary. Tom showed Mary the box. Tom showed Mary the box. Jag är Lin. I am Lin. I'm Lin. Han kör utan körkort. He drives without licence. He's driving without a driver's license. Jag vill inte förlora dig. I don't wanna lose you. I don't want to lose you. Diktatorn styr landet med järnhand. The dictator rules the country with an iron grip. The dictator controls the country with an iron hand. Det var inte jag som började. It wasn't me who started. I didn't start it. Gillar du sött te? Do you like sweet tea? Do you like sweet tea? Jag visste inte att Tom inte har ett körkort. I didn't know Tom didn't have a driver's license. I didn't know Tom didn't have a driver's license. Förlåt för i går. I'm sorry about yesterday. I'm sorry about last night. Tom kör aldrig för fort. Tom never drives above the speed limit. Tom never drives too fast. Vad har gjorts? What has been done? What has been done? Han tog sig friheten att skriva till damen. He took the liberty of writing to the lady. He took the liberty of writing to the lady. Kan du mejla den? Can you e-mail it? Can you email it? Får jag låna ditt suddgummi? May I borrow your eraser? Can I borrow your eraser? Ni verkade inte förstå vad Tom sa. You didn't seem to understand what Tom was saying. You didn't seem to understand what Tom said. Tycker du om sommar? Do you like summer? Do you like summer? Jag är kapten över detta skepp. I'm the captain of this ship. I'm the captain of this ship. Tom är underhållande. Tom is amusing. Tom is entertaining. Vi fick hjälpa Tom. We had to help Tom. We had to help Tom. Jag ska skriva en mening på tyska. I'll write a sentence in German. I'll write a sentence in German. Jag kommer inte ihåg hur gammal jag var när jag för första gången träffade Tom. I can't remember exactly how old I was when I first met Tom. I don't remember how old I was when I first met Tom. Jag hatar min familj. I hate my family. I hate my family. Hur var baletten? How was the ballet? How was the ballet? Ni får inte lämna mig. You can't leave me. You can't leave me. Slutet är nära. The end is nigh. The end is near. Hon tyckte om den. She liked it. She liked it. Tom har annat för sig. Tom has plans. Tom has other things to do. Jag blev underkänd i provet. I failed my exam. I failed the test. Det är allvarligt. That's serious. It's serious. Jag har bra dagar och dåliga dagar. I have good days and bad days. I have good days and bad days. Médus knackar på dörren. Médus knocks on the door. Médus knocks on the door. Den sjuka mannens liv är i fara. The sick man's life is in danger. The sick man's life is in danger. Tom var på rätt ställe vid rätt tidpunkt. Tom was at the right place at the right time. Tom was in the right place at the right time. Jag älskar detta jobb. I love this job. I love this job. Jag kan vara tålmodig. I can be patient. I can be patient. Jag saknar Tom redan. I miss Tom already. I miss Tom already. Kom bort därifrån. Get away from there. Get away from there. Jag bor inte i Finland. I don't live in Finland. I don't live in Finland. Jag dödade Gud. I killed God. I killed God. De är ivriga på att få veta vad som hände. They are agog to know what happened. They are eager to know what happened. Det är ett vackert liv. It's a beautiful life. It's a beautiful life. Biljetten, tack. Ticket, please. Ticket, please. Jag kan behöva det där. I might need that. I could use that. Frukter och grönsaker är en väsentlig del av en balanserad kost. Fruits and vegetables are essential to a balanced diet. Fruits and vegetables are an essential part of a balanced diet. Jag håller fullständigt med. I absolutely agree. I couldn't agree more. Jag har en skuld att betala. I have a debt to pay. I have a debt to pay. Lite vatten, tack. Some water, please. Some water, please. Får jag ta den? Can I have it? Can I take it? Var inte orolig. Set your mind at ease. Don't worry. De försökte fly. They attempted to escape. They tried to escape. Jag är i Hong Kong just nu. I'm in Hong Kong right now. I'm in Hong Kong right now. Redan efter en liten stunds skrivande, börjar jag få ont i handen. After writing only a little while, I start to feel pain in my hand. Even after a little while of writing, my hand starts to hurt. Vi har inget te. We don't have tea. We don't have any tea. Jag vill ha den här hundvalpen. I want this puppy. I want this puppy. Ibland är det viktigt att fatta ett beslut snabbt. Sometimes it is important to take a decision quickly. Sometimes it is important to make a decision quickly. Han lovade mig att titta förbi senast fem. He promised me to come by five at the latest. He promised me he'd stop by at the latest five. Jag hade bara tur. I was just lucky. I was just lucky. Jag älskar denna del. I love this part. I love this part. Hon läser tidningen varje morgon. She reads the newspaper every morning. She reads the paper every morning. Äntligen är vi två ensamma. The two of us are finally alone. Finally, we're alone. Jag såg det för tre timmar sedan. I saw it three hours ago. I saw it three hours ago. Skulle jag kunna få tala med fröken Brown? May I talk to Ms. Brown? Could I have a word with Miss Brown? Det är ingen dålig plan. It's not a bad plan. It's not a bad plan. Dricker du te? Do you drink tea? Do you drink tea? Jag är extremt hungrig. I'm extremely hungry. I'm extremely hungry. Vad finns det i den här lådan? What's in this drawer? What's in this box? Han förnekade sin inblandning i historien. He denied having been involved in the affair. He denied his involvement in history. Hur gjorde du det? How could you do that? How did you do that? Ha en fantastisk kväll. Have a wonderful evening. Have a great night. Det är hans julklapp. It's his Christmas present. It's his Christmas present. Jag gjorde en snögubbe. I made a snowman. I made a snowman. Jag kan inte förstå allt. I can't quite understand. I can't understand everything. Har Tom berättat allt? Has Tom told you everything? Did Tom tell you everything? Djur kan inte särskilja mellan sant och falskt. Animals can't distinguish between true and false. Animals cannot distinguish between true and false. Tom är ett stort fan av Chopin. Tom is a big fan of Chopin. Tom is a big fan of Chopin. Jag kan inte fatta att Tom kan teckenspråk. I can't believe Tom knows sign language. I can't believe Tom speaks sign language. Det är rena grekiskan för mig. It's all Greek to me. It's Greek to me. Jag har goda nyheter. I've got good news. I have good news. Han ger järnet. He's doing the best he can. He's giving in. Häng upp din kappa, tack. Hang up your coat, please. Hang up your coat, please. Bron byggdes av romarna. The bridge was built by the Romans. The bridge was built by the Romans. Ni är alla bjudna. You're all invited. You're all invited. Varför är de här? Why are they here? Why are they here? Tom behöver hjälp. Tom needs help. Tom needs help. Bli inte sårad. Tom är så där med alla. Don't be offended. Tom's that way with everyone. Don't get hurt, Tom's like that with everybody. Tom dödade spindeln. Tom killed the spider. Tom killed the spider. Jag tror inte att de kommer att acceptera dessa villkor. I don't think they'll accept these terms and conditions. I do not think they will accept these conditions. Jag tycker inte om det. I don't like that. I don't like it. Finns de? Do they exist? Do they exist? Fortsätt söka. Keep searching. Keep searching. Borde vi inte låsa? Shouldn't we lock the door? Shouldn't we lock up? Tom tog en kniv ur en låda i köket. Tom took a knife out of a drawer in the kitchen. Tom took a knife out of a box in the kitchen. Det är en risk som Tom måste ta. That's a risk Tom has to take. That's a risk Tom has to take. Du borde inte titta ner på honom. You shouldn't look down on him. You shouldn't look down at him. Gör vad han än säger till dig. Do whatever he tells you. Do whatever he says to you. Jag visste att Tom inte skulle förlora. I knew Tom wasn't going to lose. I knew Tom wouldn't lose. Invånarna i den här byn lever i harmoni med naturen. The people of this village live in harmony with nature. The inhabitants of this village live in harmony with nature. Hur hittade ni oss? How did you find us? How did you find us? Tom ser lättad ut. Tom looks relieved. Tom looks relieved. Ser jag dum ut? Do I look stupid? Do I look stupid? Han kan inte alls engelska. He can't speak any English at all. He doesn't speak English at all. Hon älskar katter. She loves cats. She loves cats. Jag åker till Boston imorgon. I'm going to Boston tomorrow. I'm going to Boston tomorrow. Låt mig presentera mig själv. Let me introduce myself. Let me introduce myself. Jag lånade honom en skiva. I lent him a record. I borrowed him a record. Tom tycker om att lyssna på gamla radioprogram. Tom likes to listen to old radio programs. Tom likes to listen to old radio shows. Njöt du av det där? Did you enjoy that? Did you enjoy that? Det är sand. It's sand. It's sand. Tom har bestämt sig för att inte klippa sig förrän till våren. Tom has decided not to get a haircut until spring. Tom has decided not to cut his hair until spring. Jag fattar inte hur jag kunde tro att Tom skulle ändra på sig. I can't believe I actually thought Tom would change. I can't believe I thought Tom would change. Man kan alltid finna tid. One can always find time. You can always find time. Jag kanske är din enda vän. I might be your only friend. Maybe I'm your only friend. Jag kan inte fatta att jag glömde det. I can't believe I forgot. I can't believe I forgot. Jag hoppas att du tycker om den här. I hope you like this. I hope you like this one. Jag behöver parkera min bil här. I need to park my car here. I need to park my car here. De körde igenom flera samhällen på vägen. They drove across several villages during the trip. They drove through several communities on the road. Tom öppnade kontorsdörren. Tom opened the office door. Tom opened the office door. Jag hör ingenting. I don't hear a thing. I don't hear anything. Jag skulle inte rekommendera det. I wouldn't advise it. I wouldn't recommend it. Vi lär oss om antikens Rom och Grekland. We learn about ancient Rome and Greece. We learn about ancient Rome and Greece. Tom kan inte förneka det längre. Tom can't deny it anymore. Tom can't deny it anymore. Den är i garaget. It's in the garage. It's in the garage. Får jag ställa en fråga? May I ask a question? Can I ask you a question? Tom spenderade mer än tre år i fängelse. Tom spent more than three years in jail. Tom spent more than three years in prison. Prata inte! Don't talk! Don't talk! Läraren har rätt. The teacher is right. The teacher's right. Kan du förklara vad det här är? Would you explain what this is? Can you explain what this is? Tom är väldigt intresserad av grekisk mytologi. Tom is really interested in Greek mythology. Tom is very interested in Greek mythology. Vilken tid avgår bussen till flygplatsen? What time does the shuttle bus leave for the airport? What time does the bus leave for the airport? Tack för ditt svar. Thanks for your reply. Thank you for your answer. Tom började bli nedstämd. Tom began to get downhearted. Tom was starting to get depressed. Är den giftig? Is it poisonous? Is it toxic? Kan du skilja på vete och korn? Can you tell wheat from barley? Can you tell the difference between wheat and barley? Jag har röda ögon. I have red eyes. I have red eyes. Detta är vårt beslut. This is our decision. This is our decision. Gå och hälsa på Tom. Go and see Tom. Go see Tom. Detta är inte acceptabelt. This is unacceptable. This is not acceptable. De gjorde aldrig det de sa att de skulle göra. They never did what they said they would do. They never did what they said they'd do. Herr White är en förnuftets man. Mr White is a man of reason. Mr White is a man of reason. Jag betalar. I'll pay. I'll pay for it. Det är allt du får. That's all you get. That's all you get. Jag har familj i Boston. I have family in Boston. I have a family in Boston. Jag tror att det är dags för mig att skaffa ett nytt jobb. I think it's time for me to get a new job. I think it's time for me to get a new job. Jag är villig att dela. I'm willing to share. I'm willing to share. Toms katt fick nio ungar. Tom's cat had nine kittens. Tom's cat had nine kids. Tom är en tävlingsmänniska. Tom is competitive. Tom is a competitive man. Jag vet hur mycket du älskar Tom. I know how much you love Tom. I know how much you love Tom. Det kommer inte hända. That won't happen. That's not gonna happen. Är Tom säker? Is Tom confident? Is Tom sure? Mitt jobb är i stort sett klart. My work is as good as done. My job is pretty much done. Är Tom fortfarande kapten över ditt skepp? Is Tom still the captain of your ship? Is Tom still captain of your ship? Behovet av reformer i Italien är enormt. The need for reform in Italy is enormous. The need for reform in Italy is enormous. Gör det något om jag stannar här? Do you mind if I stay here? Do you mind if I stay here? Han är inget helgon. He's no saint. He's not a saint. Vilket språk talas i Egypten? What language is spoken in Egypt? What language is spoken in Egypt? Det är för barnen. It's for the children. It's for the kids. Jag saknar dig, Tom. I miss you, Tom. I miss you, Tom. Jag måste hämta Tom. I have to get Tom. I have to go get Tom. Som man bäddar, får man ligga. As you sow, so shall you reap. The way you make the bed, you get to lie down. Jag dricker kaffe. I drink coffee. I'm drinking coffee. Vi åt ägg. We ate eggs. We ate eggs. Läser du på läppar? Do you read lips? Do you read lips? Jag vill inte öppna fönstret. I don't want to open the window. I don't want to open the window. Marys farmor har inga tänder. Mary's grandmother doesn't have any teeth. Mary's grandmother has no teeth. Tom var medveten om riskerna. Tom knew the risks. Tom was aware of the risks. Jag kommer. I am coming. I'm coming. Jag är glad att du lade märke till det. I'm glad you noticed. I'm glad you noticed. Tåget har inte kommit ännu. The train hasn't come yet. The train hasn't arrived yet. Den som gräver en grop åt andra faller själv däri. Those who dig a grave for others will themselves fall therein. He who digs a pit for others falls into it. Hur många syskon hade Marika? How many brothers and sisters did Marika have? How many siblings did Marika have? Kom igen, jag köper glass åt dig. Come on, I'll buy you some ice cream. Come on, I'll get you some ice cream. De förhandlar med sin arbetsgivare om sina löner. They negotiate with their employer about their wages. They negotiate their wages with their employer. Du är en soldat nu. You're a soldier now. You're a soldier now. Gamla vänner kontaktade mig. Old friends contacted me. Old friends contacted me. Det var kallt om natten. It was cold at night. It was cold at night. Hur kan folk sova på planet? How do people manage to sleep on the plane? How can people sleep on the plane? Tom åker till jobbet med bil. Tom goes to work by car. Tom goes to work by car. Du kanske kan föreslå något vi kan göra imorgon. Perhaps you could suggest something we can do tomorrow. Maybe you can suggest something we can do tomorrow. Jag gillar din scarf. I like your scarf. I like your scarf. Jag är i bilen. I'll be in my car. I'm in the car. De är likadana allihop. They're all the same. They're all the same. Det fanns ingen kvar utom mig. There was no one left but me. There was no one left but me. Jobbar du hårt? Are you working hard? Do you work hard? Jag trodde att ni gillade mig. I thought you liked me. I thought you liked me. Se mig i ögonen, så jag vet om du talar sanning. Look me in the eye, so I know if you are saying the truth. Look me in the eye, so I know if you're telling the truth. Skrik inte. Don't scream. Don't scream. Ärligt talat, jag är inte särskilt imponerad av hans idée. Frankly, I'm not that impressed with his idea. Honestly, I'm not very impressed with his idea. Jag använder Twitter. I am using Twitter. I use Twitter. Det kanske blir regn snart. It may rain soon. Maybe it'll rain soon. Vi har alla våra hemligheter. We all have our secrets. We all have our secrets. Gör ditt bästa, Tom. Do your best, Tom. Do your best, Tom. När är din födelsedag? When is your birthday? When's your birthday? Hon är orolig över er säkerhet. She's worried about your safety. She's worried about your safety. Försök vara modig, Tom. Try to be brave, Tom. Try to be brave, Tom. Jag är riktigt oroad över din framtid. I'm really concerned about your future. I'm really worried about your future. Ankomsttiden sköts upp tio minuter. The arrival time is delayed ten minutes. The arrival time was postponed ten minutes. Tom tog en macka ur picknickkorgen och gav den till Mary. Tom took a sandwich out of the picnic basket and handed it to Mary. Tom took a sandwich out of the picnic basket and gave it to Mary. Vill du inte säga någonting, behöver du inte det. If you don't want to say anything, you don't have to. If you don't want to say anything, you don't have to. Jag föreslog honom att hon skulle bli inbjuden till festen. I suggested to him that she be invited to the party. I suggested to him that she be invited to the party. Har Tom berättat allt för dig? Has Tom told you everything? Did Tom tell you everything? Det är svårt att få arbete för tillfället. It's difficult to get a job at the moment. It's hard to get a job at the moment. Körsbärsträden blommar. The cherry trees are in bloom. Cherry trees bloom. Hur kan de göra så? How can they do that? How can they do that? De överlevde trots att byggnaden förstördes. They survived, even though the building was destroyed. They survived even though the building was destroyed. Jag är aldrig hemma på söndagar. I am never home on Sundays. I'm never home on Sundays. Finns det en bank nära stationen? Is there a bank near the station? Is there a bank near the station? Han låtsades vara sjuk så att han kunde vara borta från skolan. He pretended to be sick so he didn't have to go to school. He pretended to be sick so he could be out of school. Jag är inte så mycket för hundar; jag är mer av en kattperson. I'm not really into dogs; I'm more of a cat person. I'm not that much for dogs; I'm more of a cat person. Nu blir jag avundsjuk på dig! Now I'm jealous of you! Now I'm jealous of you! Hur långt är det till nästa mack? How far is the next gas station? How far is it to the next gas station? Hur många fick du tag på? How many did you get? How many did you get? Vi tvättar med tvål. We wash with soap. We wash with soap. Jag väntar på ett svar från dig. I await an answer from you. I'm waiting for an answer from you. Inga nyheter är goda nyheter. No news is good news. No news is good news. Låt mig vara! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Ingen skulle skada Tom. No one would hurt Tom. No one would hurt Tom. Jag var nära att dö av en hjärtattack. I very nearly had a heart attack and died. I almost died of a heart attack. Jag känner till det namnet. I know that name. I know that name. Jorden roterar från väst till öst. The Earth is rotating from West to East. The earth rotates from west to east. Trevligt att träffas. Jag är en myrslok. Pleased to meet you. I am an anteater. Nice to meet you. Det är likt. It is similar. It's the same. Ingen har något problem. No one has a problem. No one has a problem. Jag har läst engelska i fyra år. I have been studying English for four years. I've been studying English for four years. Jag har en ring. I have a ring. I have a ring. Ser jag bra ut? Do I look OK? Do I look good? Tom tycker inte om den här färgen. Tom does not like this color. Tom doesn't like this color. Tom hatar sitt lilla sovrum. Tom hates his tiny bedroom. Tom hates his little bedroom. Du har alldeles rätt. You're absolutely correct. You're absolutely right. Jag kör er dit. I'll drive you there. I'll take you there. Tom kan inte skada dig. Tom can't hurt you. Tom can't hurt you. Plocka inte blommor ur rabatten. Don't pick flowers from the flowerbed. Don't take flowers out of the flowerbed. Vill ni ha en banan? Do you want a banana? Would you like a banana? Vad kan de göra? What can they do? What can they do? Jag förstår. I understood. I see. Jag tror inte att Tom gjorde någonting med den. I don't think Tom did anything with it. I don't think Tom did anything with it. Tycker ni om det? Do you enjoy it? Do you like it? Tom fattade det inte heller. Tom didn't get it either. Tom didn't get it either. Han är en mycket attraktiv man. He is a very attractive man. He's a very attractive man. Efter en månad eller två kommer du inte att komma ihåg sådana små detaljer längre. You'll no longer remember such minor details after a month or two. After a month or two, you will no longer remember such small details. Tom är definitivt inte på skämthumör idag. Tom is definitely not in a joking mood today. Tom's definitely not in the mood for jokes today. Vilka är Toms vänner? Who are Tom's friends? Who are Tom's friends? Tuppen pickar på mitt ben. The rooster is pecking at my leg. The cock is pecking on my leg. Hunden hoppar. The dog is jumping. The dog jumps. Jag är här för att be om ursäkt. I'm here to apologize. I'm here to apologize. Gör det inte. Don't do it. Don't do it. Vad exakt är det du tror att Tom gjorde? What exactly is it you think Tom did? What exactly do you think Tom did? Jag har en vän i England. I have a friend in England. I have a friend in England. Hon kvävde honom med en kudde. She suffocated him with a pillow. She suffocated him with a pillow. Vissa fiskar kan byta kön. Some fish are able to change their gender. Some fish can change sex. Jag kan inte riktigt minnas. I can't really remember. I can't really remember. Vill ni äta något? Do you want anything to eat? Can I get you something to eat? Jag behöver dig en sekund. I need you a second. I need you for a second. Vad kan du tala om för oss? What can you tell us? What can you tell us? Jag behöver inte gå till doktorn längre. Jag mår mycket bättre. I don't have to go to the doctor any more. I'm feeling much better. I don't have to go to the doctor anymore. Vi använder ätpinnar istället för kniv och gaffel. We use chopsticks in place of knives and forks. We use chopsticks instead of knife and fork. Kolla det här. Check this. Check this out. Jag måste göra klart läxan innan middagen. I must finish my homework before dinner. I have to finish my homework before dinner. Jag är inte intresserad. I'm not interested. I'm not interested. Tom gick ner på knä för att se bättre. Tom knelt down for a better look. Tom got down on his knees to see better. Det är faktiskt mycket enklare än vad det ser ut. It's actually a lot of easier than it looks. It's actually much easier than it looks. Du kan använda mitt skrivbord om du vill. You can use my desk if you want to. You can use my desk if you want. Han kom för sent som vanligt. He came late as usual. He was too late as usual. Jag ska fråga honom om det imorgon då. I will ask him about it tomorrow, then. I'll ask him about it tomorrow. Du kan inte skada Tom. You can't hurt Tom. You can't hurt Tom. Tom sade nästan ingenting. Tom said almost nothing. Tom said almost nothing. Förr trodde man att bara människor kunde använda språk. People used to think that only humans could use language. In the past, it was thought that only people could use language. Plättjärn i teflon är snudd på obrukbara. Teflon griddles are nearly unusable. Tilt iron in the teaflon is touched on unusable. Ni kommer att åka till Irland. You'll go to Ireland. You will go to Ireland. Har jag glömt nåt? Have I forgotten anything? Did I forget something? Viktiga gäster anländer imorgon. Important guests arrive tomorrow. Important guests arrive tomorrow. Man ska inte döma folk efter utseendet. You shouldn't judge others on how they look. You shouldn't judge people by their looks. Min hund är ren. My dog is clean. My dog's clean. Tom ringde. Tom phoned. Tom called. Var försiktig så att du inte blir förkyld. Take care not to catch a cold. Be careful not to catch a cold. Jag kan inte ställa upp. I can't compete. I can't do it. Hon var på humör för en promenad. She was in the mood for a walk. She was in the mood for a walk. Du gjorde ett jättebra jobb. You did a great job. You did a great job. Tom är en rymling. Tom is a fugitive. Tom is a fugitive. Han skrattar eftersom filmen är rolig. He laughs because the film is funny. He laughs because the movie is funny. Det är den andra. It's the other one. It's the other one. Har ni någonsin tvättat er bil? Have you ever washed your car? Have you ever washed your car? Barnen bytte basebollkort. The kids traded baseball cards. The kids changed baseball cards. Jag tror att han är ärlig. I believe he is honest. I think he's honest. Katten sover på soffan. The cat is sleeping on the sofa. The cat sleeps on the couch. Vi misslyckades. We failed. We failed. Jag skulle vilja följa med dig. I'd like to join you. I'd like to go with you. Har du redan tagit din medicin? Have you taken your medicine yet? Have you already taken your medicine? Ingen medicin kan bota denna sjukdom. No medicine can cure this disease. No medicine can cure this disease. Tack för dina kommentarer. Thanks for your comments. Thank you for your comments. Mitt löfte att komma nästa måndag håller fortfarande. My promise to come next Monday still holds. My promise to come next Monday is still holding. Museet är stängt nu. The museum is closed now. The museum is closed now. Varför behöver jag hjälp? Why do I need help? Why do I need help? Ni måste memorera den här meningen. You have to memorize this sentence. You have to memorize this sentence. Jag känner till det. I know about that. I know about it. Jag bor i lägenheten bredvid. I live next door. I live next door. Hur många tänkte du sälja idag? How many do you plan to sell today? How many were you planning on selling today? I dag mår jag mycket bättre. Today, I am feeling a lot better. Today I feel much better. Jag tycker om hur du pratar. I like the way you talk. I like the way you talk. Det är bäst att jag rör på mig. I'd better get moving. I'd better get moving. Jag ringer. I'll call. I'll call you. Jag skulle vilja prata några ord med dem. I want to have a word with them. I'd like to have a word with them. I övermorgon är det tisdag. The day after tomorrow is Tuesday. The day after tomorrow is Tuesday. Mamma gick inte ut med dig idag, voffsingen. Mommy didn't walk you today, doggy. Mom didn't go out with you today, baby. New York är en av de största städerna i världen. New York is one of the largest cities in the world. New York is one of the largest cities in the world. Jag har planer ikväll. I have plans tonight. I have plans tonight. Tom är aktiv. Tom is active. Tom is active. Tom skakade hand med alla. Tom shook everybody's hands. Tom shook hands with everyone. Här är mitt körkort. Here's my drivers license. Here's my driver's license. Jag åkte för tidigt. I left too early. I left too soon. Vem är flickan som står där borta? Who is the girl standing over there? Who's the girl standing over there? Varför kommer du så tidigt? Why did you come early? Why are you here so early? Kan vi gå in och prata? Can we talk inside? Can we go inside and talk? Jag kan inte läsa arabisk skrift. I can't read Arabic script. I can't read Arabic. Stäng din bok. Close your book. Close your book. Det där är inte en gul krita. That is not a yellow piece of chalk. That's not a yellow chalk. Afrika är mänsklighetens vagga. Africa is the cradle of humanity. Africa is the cradle of mankind. Jag tycker om klättring. I like climbing. I like climbing. Jag var på jobbet. I was at work. I was at work. Vi stänger vid kl. 19. We will close around 7 p.m. We're closing at seven o'clock. Jag undrar om Tom talar sanning. I wonder if Tom is telling the truth. I wonder if Tom is telling the truth. Jag bryr mig inte om vad som hände. I don't care what happened. I don't care what happened. Har Tom kommit? Has Tom arrived? Is Tom here? Vid midnatt skall jag gå fram genom Egypten, och allt förstfött i Egyptens land skall dö. About midnight will I go out into the midst of Egypt, and all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die. At midnight I will pass through Egypt, and all the firstborn of the land of Egypt shall die. Tom blåste ut ljuset. Tom blew out the candle. Tom blew out the candle. Jag var med någon. I was with someone. I was with someone. Spring för livet! Run for it! Run for your life! Jag känner för att leka med. I feel like playing, too. I feel like playing with. Jag har en familj. I have a family. I have a family. Depression är vanligt bland unga vuxna som har Asperger syndrom. Depression is common among young adults who have Asperger syndrome. Depression is common among young adults who have Asperger syndrome. Det finns en hake. There's a catch. There's a catch. Hur lång tid har du på dig? How long do you have? How long do you have? Knivspetsen är vass. The tip of the knife is sharp. The tip of the knife is sharp. Ingen är för gammal för att lära sig. Nobody is too old to learn. Nobody's too old to learn. Vi är oroliga för mormor och morfar. We're worried about Grandma and Grandpa. We're worried about Grandma and Grandpa. Tappa inte den där koppen. Don't drop that cup. Don't drop that cup. Hon ville hjälpa dem. She wanted to help them. She wanted to help them. Jag hörde vad som har hänt. I heard the bad news. I heard what happened. Vad kommer vi att göra åt det? What are we going to do about it? What will we do about it? Hur fungerar det? How does it work? How does it work? Jag vet allt detta. I know all this. I know all this. Delfinen är ett mycket intelligent djur. The dolphin is a very intelligent animal. The dolphin is a very intelligent animal. Det här är inte riktigt. This isn't correct. This isn't real. Ni är så ondskefulla! You're so evil! You're so evil! Jag hörde just vad som hände med Tom. I just heard about what happened to Tom. I just heard what happened to Tom. Jag kände till risken. I knew the risk. I knew the risk. Har den här affären söndagsöppet? Is this store open on Sundays? Is this store open for Sunday? Är du klar, Tom? Are you done, Tom? You ready, Tom? Sitt och koppla av bara. Just sit and relax. Just sit and relax. Tom ville inte gå dit efter mörkrets inbrott. Tom didn't want to go there after dark. Tom wouldn't go after dark. Du skrattar alltid. You're always laughing. You always laugh. "Vem bryr sig?" "Jag bryr mig." "Who cares?" "I care." "Who cares?" "I care." Jag kommer att arbeta. I will work. I'll be working. Vad tyckte Tom? What did Tom think? What did Tom think? Finns det reserverade platser på tåget? Are there reserved seats on the train? Are there reserved seats on the train? Jag kommer sakna den där uniformen. I'm gonna miss that uniform. I'm gonna miss that uniform. Gå och lägg dig nu. Now go to sleep. Now go to bed. Är detta äkta silver? Is this real silver? Is this real silver? Tom glömde nästan bort mötet. Tom almost forgot about the meeting. Tom almost forgot about the meeting. Sami betedde sig mycket underligt. Sami was acting really weird. Sami behaved very strangely. Min far insisterade på att vi skulle vänta på tåget. My father insisted on our waiting for the train. My father insisted that we wait for the train. Alla instämmer. All agree. Everyone agrees. Det är inte lönt att klaga. It's no use complaining. It's no use complaining. Vad är det där för någonting? What is that stuff? What is that thing? Det här är kulan som läkaren tog ut från Tom. This is the bullet that the doctor took out of Tom. This is the bullet the doctor took out of Tom. Du kommer att få stå till svars för detta, Ibragim! You shall answer for this, Ibragim! You will have to answer for this, Ibragim! Jag har just börjat lära mig hur man spelar tuba. I've just started learning how to play the tuba. I've just been learning how to play tuba. Många fiskar dog. Many fish died. Many fish died. Jag gillar te. I like tea. I like tea. Varför slutade ni? Why did you quit? Why did you stop? Det var poängen. That was the point. That's the point. Jag har ännu tid. I still have time. I still have time. De har inga barn, så vitt jag vet. They have no children, for all I know. They don't have kids, as far as I know. Bedouiner bor i öknen. Bedouins live in the desert. Bedouiner lives in the desert. Jag förmodar att han kommer. I suppose he'll come. I guess he's coming. Huset där borta på kullen är mitt hus. The house over there on the hill is my house. The house over there on the hill is my house. Ena sidan av ett mynt kallas för 'krona' och den andra kallas för 'klave'. One side of a coin is called 'heads' and the other side is called 'tails'. One side of a coin is called 'krona' and the other is called 'clave'. Ingen smärta varar för alltid. No pain is permanent. No pain lasts forever. Du är en bra sångare. You're a good singer. You're a good singer. Jag är inte det minsta glad nu. I'm not in the least bit happy now. I'm not at all happy now. Ni har gjort rätt. You've done it right. You've done the right thing. Du klagar alltid. You are always complaining. You always complain. Låt oss hålla kontakten med varandra. Let's keep in touch with each other. Let's stay in touch. Det är den bästa vi har. It's the best we have. It's the best we've got. Jag kan vara artig. I can be courteous. I can be polite. Vi kunde inte godta hans berättelse. We could not swallow his story. We couldn't accept his story. Din franska är utmärkt. Your French is excellent. Your French is excellent. Hur tog du dig hit? How'd you get here? How did you get here? Jag behöver hans namn. I need his name. I need his name. Kommer du ihåg det? Do you remember that? Do you remember that? Jag överlevde. I survived. I survived. Tyckte du om rundturen? Did you enjoy the tour? Did you enjoy the tour? Var är Toms saker? Where are Tom's things? Where's Tom's stuff? Du är inte en flicka. You're not a girl. You're not a girl. Man behöver kramsnö för att göra bra snöbollar. You need wet snow to make good snowballs. You need hugging snow to make good snowballs. Den här sortens arbete kräver mycket tålamod. This sort of work calls for a lot of patience. This kind of work requires a lot of patience. Fadil drack för mycket. Fadil drank too much. Fadil drank too much. Så praktiskt! So practical! How convenient! Den stackars hunden slets bokstavligen i stycken av lejonet. The poor dog was literally torn apart by the lion. The poor dog was literally torn to pieces by the lion. Bron mellan Danmark och Sverige är nästan åtta kilometer lång. The bridge between Denmark and Sweden is almost five miles long. The bridge between Denmark and Sweden is almost eight kilometres long. Hans syskonbarn bor i Nederländerna. His nibling lives in the Netherlands. His nephew lives in the Netherlands. Tom har mitt paraply fortfarande. Tom still has my umbrella. Tom still has my umbrella. Hon kom jävligt sent. She came damn late. She's fucking late. Det är okej. That's cool. It's okay. Jag har två bilar. I have two cars. I've got two cars. Jag har en båt och en bil. I have a boat and a car. I have a boat and a car. Är du säker på att det var Tom? Are you sure it was Tom? Are you sure it was Tom? Dra åt helvete. Feck off. Fuck you. Jag lärde mig att läsa i skolan. I learned to read in school. I learned to read at school. Varför berättar du inte för oss? Why won't you tell us? Why don't you tell us? Det var en massa möbler i rummet. There was a lot of furniture in the room. There was a lot of furniture in the room. Det ligger på ditt skrivbord. It's on your desk. It's on your desk. Det tog hela kvällen. It took all evening. It took all night. De bor här nära. They live nearby. They live near here. Två barn sitter på staketet. Two children are sitting on the fence. Two kids sitting on the fence. Tom är besvärlig. Tom is awkward. Tom's a pain in the ass. Mitt glas är fullt. My glass is full. My glass is full. Tom föll ned från överslafen. Tom fell out of the top bunk. Tom fell from the top bunk. Jag skall läsa boken. I'll read the book. I'll read the book. Jag har några funderingar. I have a few thoughts. I have a few thoughts. Titta inte på kameran. Don't look at the camera. Don't look at the camera. Jag tycker att Tom är envis. I think that Tom is stubborn. I think Tom is stubborn. Tom arbetade deltid. Tom was working part-time. Tom worked part-time. Du ville att det skulle bli så här, eller hur? You wanted this to happen, didn't you? You wanted this to happen, didn't you? Vad är din uppfattning? What is your idea? What is your opinion? Jag skulle fortfarande vilja pröva. I'd still like to try. I'd still like to try. Hur visste Tom det? How did Tom know that? How did Tom know? Vi erbjuder inte den boken. We don't have that book on offer. We don't offer that book. Jag skrev till honom av en helt annan anledning. I wrote to him for quite another reason. I wrote to him for a very different reason. Enligt hans åsikt, ja. According to his opinion, yes. In his opinion, yes. Klockan är tio i åtta på morgonen. It's ten to eight in the morning. It's 10:00 to 8:00 in the morning. Får jag gå nu? Can I go now? Can I go now? Jag måste hitta ett nytt jobb. I have to find another job. I need to find a new job. Jag har nyligen flyttat hit. I just moved here. I've recently moved here. Förlåt för igår. I'm sorry about yesterday. Sorry about last night. Jag tycker om mandlar, men inte jordnötter. I like almonds, but not peanuts. I like almonds, but I don't like peanuts. Tom är grälsjuk. Tom is cantankerous. Tom's got a fight. Vi hör inget alls. We don't hear a thing. We don't hear anything at all. Varför var Tom inte här idag? Why wasn't Tom here today? Why wasn't Tom here today? Jag slog aldrig Tom. I never hit Tom. I never hit Tom. Tom tillrådde Mary att inte tro på allt hon läser på webben. Tom advised Mary not to believe everything she reads on the Web. Tom advised Mary not to believe everything she reads on the web. Jag ska träffa Tom om en timme. I'm meeting Tom in an hour. I'm meeting Tom in an hour. Tom gillar att prata om sin barndom. Tom likes talking about his youth. Tom likes to talk about his childhood. De kysstes bakom ladugården. They kissed behind the barn. They kissed behind the barn. Jag måste bege mig nu. I must be going now. I have to go now. Kan du få ut mig härifrån? Can you get me out of here? Can you get me out of here? Katten fångade råttorna. The cat caught the rats. The cat caught the rats. Hur är läget? What's up? How's it going? Gå till jobbet, Tom. Go to work, Tom. Go to work, Tom. Tom jobbar från nio till fem. Tom works from nine to five. Tom works from nine to five. Jag älskar att resa. I love trips. I love to travel. Den var högljudd. It was noisy. It was loud. Ät din soppa medan den är varm. Eat your soup while it's warm. Eat your soup while it's warm. Vår värd erbjöd oss en drink. Our host offered us a drink. Our host offered us a drink. Tom är svag. Tom is weak. Tom is weak. Jag hör inte ett skvatt. I don't hear a thing. I can't hear a thing. Jag ska gå med i en demonstration. I'm going to join a demonstration. I'm going to join a demonstration. Jag vet inte vem som sjunger denna sången. I don't know who sings this song. I don't know who's singing this song. Rosorna blommar i vår trädgård. The roses are in bloom in our garden. The roses bloom in our garden. Du börjar låta som din mor. You're beginning to sound like your mother. You're starting to sound like your mother. Jag har inte rökt på åratal. I haven't smoked for years. I haven't smoked in years. Vad kallade ni mig? What did you call me? What did you call me? Det måste göras omgående. It must be done immediately. It must be done immediately. Vem sitter vanligtvis på åsnebänken? Who usually sits on the dunce's seat? Who usually sits on the donkey bench? Kiev är Ukranias huvudstad. Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. Kiev is the capital of Ukrania. Det verkar som att jag har en lätt förkylning. It seems I have a slight cold. It seems I have a mild cold. Det finns inte en chans att jag går in dit. There's no way I'm going in there. There's no way I'm going in there. Rummet var mörkt. The room was dark. The room was dark. Vi har inga hemligheter. We don't have secrets. We have no secrets. Tom springer snabbt. Tom runs fast. Tom's running fast. Jag har anledning att anta att det inte är sant. I have reason to assume that it's not true. I have reason to assume that's not true. Jag har två syskonbarn. I have two niblings. I have two nephews. Hans tillstånd är kritiskt. His condition is critical. His condition is critical. Min engelsklärare rekommenderade mig att läsa de här böckerna. My English teacher recommended that I read these books. My English teacher recommended me to read these books. Det hela var en stor lögn. It was all a big lie. The whole thing was a big lie. Jag har ont i halsen. My throat hurts. My throat hurts. Alla djur är lika, men vissa djur är mer lika än andra. All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. All animals are the same, but some animals are more alike than others. Vad kunde det vara? What could that be? What could it be? Vad antyder ni för något? What are you insinuating? What are you implying? Det här är löjligt! This is ridiculous! This is ridiculous! Kan du simma alls? Can you swim at all? Can you swim at all? Jag försöker översätta. I'm trying to translate. I'm trying to translate. Jag måste inte vara här. I don't have to be here. I don't have to be here. Fånga! Catch it! Catch! Kan du reparera det här? Can you repair this? Can you fix this? Tom är en duktig cricketspelare. Tom is an able cricket player. Tom is a good cricket player. Rör dig inte! Don't move! Don't move! Vad gjorde Tom med pengarna? What did Tom do with the money? What did Tom do with the money? Det var en vacker flicka med svart hår i parken. There was a pretty girl with black hair in the park. There was a beautiful girl with black hair in the park. Det är inte ett vapen. It's not a weapon. It's not a weapon. Ni måste hem. You must go home. You have to go home. Tom insåg att Mary hade något i kikaren. Tom realized Mary was up to something. Tom realized Mary was up to something. Jag gillar ägg. I like eggs. I like eggs. De är alla barfota. They're all barefoot. They're all barefoot. Kommer ni ihåg den här leken? Can you remember this game? Remember this game? Jag är egentligen en universitetslärare. I'm actually a university teacher. I'm actually a university teacher. Vad är en orkan? What is a hurricane? What's a hurricane? Fåglarna flög iväg åt alla håll. The birds flew away in all directions. The birds flew away in all directions. Är Tom galen? Is Tom mad? Is Tom crazy? Vi kan beställa pizza. We can order a pizza. We can order pizza. Jag undrar om hon kommer ihåg mig efter alla dessa år. I wonder if she'll recognize me after all these years. I wonder if she'll remember me after all these years. Det är en anakronism. It's an anachronism. It's an anachronism. Jag skulle vilja studera arabiska. I would like to study Arabic. I'd like to study Arabic. Jag behöver ett jobb. I need a job. I need a job. Det är första min far skrev. It's the first thing that my father wrote. It's the first time my father wrote. Talaren är ung. The speaker is young. The speaker is young. Han målar inte väggarna utan tapetserar dem. He does not paint the walls but wallpapers them. He's not painting the walls. He's wallpapering them. Han övar på att spela gitarr tills sent på kvällen. He practices playing the guitar until late at night. He practice playing guitar until late at night. Jag vill bara kunna besöka mina barn när jag vill. I just want to be able to visit my children whenever I want to. I just want to be able to visit my kids whenever I want. Solen är röd. The sun is red. The sun's red. Det jag inte vill förlora är kärlek. What I don't want to lose is love. What I don't want to lose is love. Vem är det som läser? Who is reading? Who's reading? Att bli klar med detta jobbet innan tisdag kommer att vara enkelt. Finishing this job by Tuesday will be easy. Getting done with this job by Tuesday will be easy. Jag har två bröder. I have two brothers. I have two brothers. Någon ringde på dörrklockan. Someone rang the doorbell. Someone rang the doorbell. Min cykel behöver lagas. My bicycle is in need of repair. My bike needs fixing. Alla behöver få veta. Everybody needs to know. Everyone needs to know. Hur många syskon har Tom? How many brothers and sisters does Tom have? How many siblings does Tom have? Det är inte en gåva. It's not a gift. It's not a gift. Vi frågade honom vad han hette. We asked him what he was called. We asked him his name. Tom verkar trivas här. Tom seems happy to be here. Tom seems to like it here. Varför slutar ni inte? Why don't you quit? Why don't you stop? Jag vet var Tom gömmer sig. I know where Tom is hiding. I know where Tom is hiding. Hade du kul? Did you have fun? Did you have fun? Det är någonting lurt på gång här. Something is going on here. There's something weird going on here. Tom bor här nära. Tom lives nearby. Tom lives here close. Han anknyter alltid till sin barndom i sina böcker. He always connects to his childhood in his books. He always connects to his childhood in his books. Var någon annan frånvarande? Was anybody else absent? Was anyone else absent? För att dölja det faktum att hon var en princessa förklädde hon sig till en pojke och flydde från slottet. To hide the fact that she's a princess, she disguised herself as a boy and escaped the palace. To conceal the fact that she was a princess, she disguised herself as a boy and fled the castle. Lyssnar du? Are you listening? Are you listening? Jag är redo! I'm ready! I'm ready! Hon såg till att resenären hade mat och kläder. She provided the traveler with food and clothing. She made sure the traveler had food and clothing. Vi är ingifta släktingar. We're relatives by marriage. We're married relatives. Det här skrivbordet som jag köpte igår är väldigt stort. This desk, which I bought yesterday, is very big. This desk I bought yesterday is very big. De som inte önskar gå behöver inte det. Those who do not wish to go need not go. Those who don't want to go don't have to. Var är skeppet nu? Where is the ship now? Where's the ship now? Ja, det där är rätta svaret. Yes, that's the right answer. Yeah, that's the right answer. Gav hon dig en bra anledning till att inte komma? Did she give you a good reason for not coming? Did she give you a good reason not to come? Jag spelade fotboll igår. I played soccer yesterday. I played football yesterday. Tom är nervspecialist. Tom is a neurologist. Tom's a nerve specialist. Hur går det för Tom? How's Tom doing? How's Tom doing? Du förstör alltid allting. You always destroy everything. You always ruin everything. Jag ringde i klockan. I rang the bell. I rang the bell. Kan ni inte se det? Can't you see that? Can't you see it? Du anstränger dig inte ens. You don't even try that hard. You're not even trying. Vill någon ha en öl? Anybody want a beer? Anybody want a beer? Det finns en sjö öster om byn. There is a lake on the east of the village. There's a lake east of the village. Sluta anmärka på Tom. Stop picking on Tom. Stop remarking at Tom. Varför är inte Tom här? Why isn't Tom here? Why isn't Tom here? Han visste inte vad han skulle göra. He was at a loss to know what to do. He didn't know what to do. Gråt inte. Don't cry. Don't cry. Dö inte. Don't die. Don't die. Vad har han för problem? What is his problem? What's his problem? Sitt och slappna av bara. Just sit and relax. Just sit and relax. Fast han är mycket fattig, är han ändå för god för att ljuga. Though he is very poor, he is above telling a lie. Although he's very poor, he's still too good to lie. Jag hoppas att den fungerar. I hope it works. I hope it works. Hälsa henne från mig. Tell her I said hello. Say hi to her for me. Tom sa han önskade han inte hade sagt till Mary att han skulle göra det. Tom said he wished he hadn't told Mary that he'd do that. Tom said he wished he hadn't told Mary he would. Jag ville inte gå hem. I didn't want to go home. I didn't want to go home. Tom anlände trettio minuter sen. Tom arrived thirty minutes late. Tom arrived thirty minutes ago. Säljer ni väckarklockor? Do you sell alarm clocks? Do you sell alarm clocks? Du är en vacker flicka. You're a beautiful girl. You're a beautiful girl. Tom pratade Esperanto. Tom spoke in Esperanto. Tom spoke Esperanto. Jag antar att Tom har rätt. I guess Tom is right. I guess Tom's right. Det där är okej. That's fine. That's okay. Det är för kallt. It's too cold. It's too cold. Enligt upphovsmännen till Oxford English Dictionary finns det över 800 000 ord i det engelska språket. According to the makers of the Oxford English Dictionary, there are over 800,000 words in the English language. According to the authors of Oxford English Dictionary, there are over 800 000 words in the English language. Flickan som sjunger där är min syster. The girl who sings there is my sister. The girl singing there is my sister. Jag blev bortförd av utomjordingar. I was abducted by aliens. I was abducted by aliens. Du kan lika gärna börja omedelbart. You may as well start at once. You might as well start immediately. Jag såg Tom komma in. I saw Tom come in. I saw Tom come in. Hur rik är Tom egentligen? Just how rich is Tom? How rich is Tom? Vad är de gjorda av? What are they made of? What are they made of? Är skadorna permanenta? Is the damage permanent? Is the damage permanent? Hämta mina tabletter. Get me my pills. Get my pills. Det måste bli gjort. It needs to be done. It has to be done. Tom är omöjlig att stoppa. Tom is unstoppable. Tom is impossible to stop. Idag är fredag den tjugonde oktober. Today is Friday, the twentieth of October. Today is Friday the 20th of October. Allt är här. Everything's here. It's all here. Jag skulle vara beredd att betala. I'd be willing to pay. I'd be willing to pay. Det är inget att vara ledsen över. It's nothing to be sorry about. There's nothing to be sorry about. Rör mig inte, din jävel! Take your fucking hands off me, you bastard! Don't touch me, you son of a bitch! Emily vill arbeta i ett stort företag. Emily wants to work in a major company. Emily wants to work in a big company. "Var är Tom?" "Han är sjuk." "Where is Tom?" "He is sick." "Where's Tom?" "He's sick." Dessa skor är tillverkade i Italien. These shoes are made in Italy. These shoes are made in Italy. Jag bryr mig verkligen inte om vad Tom tycker. I really don't care what Tom thinks. I really don't care what Tom thinks. De behöver mig inte längre. They don't need me anymore. They don't need me anymore. Var snäll och vänta en stund medan jag gör klart ditt kvitto. Please wait a moment while I write out your receipt. Please wait a minute while I finish your receipt. Det här är din sista chans. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. Byggdes den här muren för att hålla folk ute eller för att hålla dem inne? Was this wall built to keep people out or to keep them in? Was this wall built to keep people out or to keep them in? Jag antar att han kommer tillbaka snart. He will soon be back. I guess he'll be back soon. Han är grov till sättet. He is coarse in manner. He's rough in the way. Älskar du din mamma? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Ursäkta, kan du förklara vägen till stationen? Excuse me, but could you tell me the way to the station? Excuse me, can you explain the way to the station? Förstod du det där? Did you get that? Did you understand that? Jag glömde att klistra på ett frimärke på kuvertet. I forgot to stick a stamp on the envelope. I forgot to paste a stamp on the envelope. Somliga kvinnor rakar inte benen. Some women don't shave their legs. Some women don't shave their legs. Jag vill inte ha mer att dricka. I don't want another drink. I don't want any more to drink. Jag gillar grönt te. I like green tea. I like green tea. Tom skrattade. Tom was laughing. Tom laughed. Tror ni att jag skämtar? Do you think I'm kidding? You think I'm kidding? Jag har ingen flickvän. I don't have a girlfriend. I don't have a girlfriend. Ska vi åka långt? Are we going far? Are we going far? Tom är ensam. Tom's alone. Tom is alone. Köttet är djupfryst. The meat is frozen. The meat is frozen. Ni måste låta mig hjälpa till. You have to let me help. You have to let me help. Jag vet exakt var Tom befinner sig. I know exactly where Tom is. I know exactly where Tom is. Städa upp den här röran. Clean up this mess. Clean up this mess. Ungarna bytte basebollkort. The kids traded baseball cards. The kids changed baseball cards. De skrattade åt min idé. They laughed at my idea. They laughed at my idea. Det är en av livets realiteter. It's a fact of life. It's one of life's realities. De är min farfars böcker. They are my grandfather's books. They're my grandfather's books. Jag kommer från Beijing. I come from Beijing. I'm from Beijing. Häftig! Awesome! Cool! Min näsa är för stor. My nose is too big. My nose is too big. Du borde vara väldigt nöjd med dig själv. You should feel very satisfied with yourself. You should be very pleased with yourself. Tom har dörrarna låsta om natten. Tom keeps his doors locked at night. Tom has the doors locked at night. Jag kollade med Tom. I checked with Tom. I checked with Tom. Tom tog av sig sina kläder och gick in i duschen. Tom took off his clothes and stepped into the shower. Tom took off his clothes and went into the shower. Vi hade roligt på stranden i går. We had a good time at the beach yesterday. We had fun on the beach last night. Han sköt först! Han shot first! He shot first! Kan jag få en hund? Can I get a dog? Can I have a dog? Staden förstördes under kriget. The town was destroyed during the war. The city was destroyed during the war. Eftersom han är gift, måste han tänka på framtiden. As he is a married man, he has to think of the future. Since he is married, he must think about the future. Tom hade sönder Marys favoritdocka. Tom broke Mary's favourite doll. Tom broke Mary's favorite doll. Vad var det i kuvertet? What was in the envelope? What was in the envelope? Jag kan knappt stå. I can hardly stand. I can barely stand. Det var det jag tänkte säga. That's what I was about to say. That's what I was gonna say. Ursäkta mig ett ögonblick. Excuse me one moment. Excuse me for a second. Jag har aldrig varit i Argentina. I've never been to Argentina. I've never been to Argentina. Sami flyttade in i Laylas lägenhet. Sami moved in to Layla's apartment. Sami moved into Layla's apartment. Det ska snöa idag. It'll snow today. It's gonna snow today. Han kommer att återvända till Japan en dag. He will return to Japan some day. He will return to Japan one day. Hittade du din börs? Did you find your purse? Did you find your purse? Det är en jättebra sång. It's a great song. It's a great song. Tom blev förlägen. Tom got embarrassed. Tom was embarrassed. Pojken var så trött att han inte kunde ta ett steg till. The boy was so tired that he couldn't take one more step. The boy was so tired, he couldn't take another step. Jag brukade tycka om att komma hit. I used to like coming here. I used to like coming here. Det är deras problem, inte vårt. It's their problem, not ours. That's their problem, not ours. Det är ditt val, Tom. It's your choice, Tom. It's your choice, Tom. Jag beordrade ungarna att vara tysta, men de fortstatte att väsnas. I ordered the children to stay quiet, but they kept on making noise. I ordered the kids to be quiet, but they kept making noise. Jag är emot det. I'm against it. I'm against it. Får jag träffa Tom nu? Can I see Tom now? Can I see Tom now? Sami och Layla började gräla. Sami and Layla started arguing. Sami and Layla started arguing. Ingen vill ha krig. Nobody wants a war. No one wants war. Jag kom tillbaka tidigt. I came back early. I came back early. Jag tycker om hur du talar. I like the way you talk. I like the way you talk. Jag känner din mor. I know your mother. I know your mother. Jag fick en alla tiders chans, och jag tog den. I got the chance of a lifetime, and I took it. I got an all-time chance, and I took it. Vet Tom var jag är? Does Tom know where I am? Does Tom know where I am? Jag kör en Porsche. I drive a Porsche. I'm driving a Porsche. Polisen arresterade honom för smuggling. The police arrested him for smuggling. The police arrested him for smuggling. Hon är min typ. She's my type. She's my type. Har de vapen? Do they have weapons? Do they have weapons? Har du några mynt i din plånbok? Have you got some coins in your wallet? Do you have any coins in your wallet? Tom skakade på huvudet. Tom shook his head. Tom shook his head. Teven fungerar inte. The television doesn't work. The TV's not working. Damen är min syster. The lady is my sister. The lady is my sister. Det är mitt liv! It's my life! It's my life! Hon gillar varken ormar eller matematik. She likes neither snakes nor mathematics. She doesn't like snakes or math. Han är bara en flyktigt bekant. He is only a passing chance acquaintance. He's just a casual acquaintance. Hon pratar inte japanska hemma. She doesn't speak Japanese at home. She doesn't speak Japanese at home. Jag kan faktiskt inte svaret. I actually don't know the answer. I really don't know the answer. Vad är den bekvämaste vägen till Tokyo station? What's the most convenient way to get to Tokyo Station? What is the most convenient way to Tokyo station? Det är fullständigt fel. It's absolutely wrong. It's completely wrong. Jag skulle vilja sova lite längre. I'd like to sleep a little longer. I'd like to sleep a little longer. Jag försöker att lära mig engelska. I am trying to learn English. I'm trying to learn English. Vi gillade maten, speciellt fisken. We liked the food, especially the fish. We liked the food, especially the fish. Vad söt! How cute! That's so cute. Du borde ha avvisat ett sådant orättvist förslag. You should've rejected such an unfair proposal. You should have rejected such an unfair proposal. Jag läste om det där. I read about that. I read about that. Tom vill bara vara lycklig. Tom just wants to be happy. Tom just wants to be happy. Ibland förstår jag honom inte. Sometimes, I don't understand him. Sometimes I don't understand him. Vem skulle juryn tro på? Who would the jury believe? Who would the jury believe? Kyoto är känt för sina helgedomar och tempel. Kyoto is famous for its shrines and temples. Kyoto is known for its shrines and temples. Det var varmt och dessutom fuktigt. It was hot, and in addition, it was humid. It was warm and also moist. Tom är inte färdig. Tom's not finished. Tom's not done. Förresten, hur gamla är ni? By the way, how old are you? By the way, how old are you? Du är bara nervös. You're just nervous. You're just nervous. Den där mannen är en soldat. That man is a soldier. That man is a soldier. Låter det vettigt? Does that make sense? Does that make sense? Jag spelar en timmes tennis varje dag. I play tennis an hour a day. I play an hour of tennis every day. Hur säger man det på franska? How do you say that in French? How do you say that in French? Tiden flyger. Time flies. Time flies. Jag behöver en bättre ordbok. I need a better dictionary. I need a better dictionary. Jag sover inte så mycket. I don't sleep that much. I don't sleep much. Berätta för mig. Tell me. Tell me. Det är jättepinsamt. It's really embarrassing. It's really embarrassing. Tom vet inte hur mycket Mary väger. Tom doesn't know how much Mary weighs. Tom doesn't know how much Mary weighs. Hon är så stor! She's so big! She's so big! Håll ett öga på min väska en stund. Keep an eye on my bag for a while. Keep an eye on my bag for a while. En tesked malen kanel är ungefär två gram. A teaspoon of ground cinnamon is about two grams. A teaspoon ground cinnamon is about two grams. Vi är inte ens gifta ännu. We're not even married yet. We're not even married yet. Att se på tv är roligt. Watching TV is fun. Watching TV is fun. Jag såg inte att någon åt. I didn't see anyone eating. I didn't see anyone eating. Jag glömde mina bilnycklar. I have left my car keys behind. I forgot my car keys. Vi har gått runt hela sjön. We've walked all around the lake. We've been walking around the lake. Jag önskar bara att jag kunde hjälpa er alla. I only wish I could help all of you. I just wish I could help you all. "Hur är det fatt?" frågade den lilla vita kaninen. "What's the matter?" asked the little white rabbit. "What's the matter?" asked the little white rabbit. Vi kan rädda många liv. We can save a lot of lives. We can save a lot of lives. Tom vill ha rättvisa. Tom wants justice. Tom wants justice. Pojken gick vilse i skogen. The boy lost his way in the forest. The boy got lost in the woods. Behöver du ett kuvert? Do you need an envelope? Do you need an envelope? Jag studerar konsthistoria. I study art history. I'm studying art history. January är årets första månad. January is the first month of the year. January is the first month of the year. Kassören stoppade kundens varor i en påse. The cashier bagged the customer's groceries. The cashier put the customer's goods in a bag. Vilken av de två är tyngst? Which is the heavier of the two? Which of the two is the heaviest? Tänder du lyset? Turn on the light, please. Do you turn on the lights? Jag har inga pengar på mig för tillfället. I do not have money with me at the moment. I don't have any money on me at the moment. En färsk undersökning visar att antalet rökare minskar. A recent survey shows that the number of smokers is decreasing. A recent study shows that the number of smokers is decreasing. Den är för stor. It's too big. It's too big. Ön är sex gånger större än Manhattan. This island is six times bigger than Manhattan. The island is six times bigger than Manhattan. Jag springer varje dag. I run every day. I run every day. Tom har många talanger. Tom has many talents. Tom has many talents. Han lyssnar inte på någon. He won't listen to anyone. He doesn't listen to anyone. Vi behöver köpa vinäger. We need to buy vinegar. We need to buy vinegar. Jag skulle vilja ett glas vatten. I'd like a glass of water. I'd like a glass of water. Jag vill bara vara din vän, ingenting mer. I just want to be your friend, nothing more. I just want to be your friend, nothing more. Tycker du om Mozart? Do you like Mozart? Do you like Mozart? Det gör ont i knät när jag böjer på det. My knee hurts when I bend it. My knee hurts when I bend it. Vad vill ni ha att dricka? Kaffe? What would you like to drink? Coffee? What can I get you to drink? Vi kan inte bara sitta här och göra ingenting. We can't just sit by and do nothing. We can't just sit here and do nothing. Den 25 april är världsmalariadagen. April 25th is World Malaria Day. April 25 is World Malaria Day. Grekiska är inget enkelt språk. Greek is not an easy language. Greek is not an easy language. Tom går till skolan till fots. Tom goes to school by foot. Tom goes to school on foot. Jag är inte hemma nästa söndag. I'm not in on Sunday. I won't be home next Sunday. Hon är så jävla charmig! She's so fucking charming! She's so fucking charming! Varför provade du inte klänningen innan du köpte den? Why didn't you try the dress on before you bought it? Why didn't you try the dress before you bought it? Kan jag hjälpa dig? Can I help you? Can I help you? Lådan är nästan tom. The box is almost empty. The box is almost empty. Du borde inte tjuvlyssna. You shouldn't eavesdrop. You shouldn't be eavesdropping. Du saknar flytväst. You don't have a life jacket. You don't have a life jacket. Tom och Mary tittar på teve i vardagsrummet. Tom and Mary are watching TV in the living room. Tom and Mary are watching TV in the living room. Det där var riktigt kul. Gör det igen! That was very funny. Do it again! That was really fun. Jag älskar det här företaget. I love this company. I love this company. Tom kände nästan inte igen Mary. Tom almost didn't recognize Mary. Tom hardly recognized Mary. Först visste jag inte vad jag skulle ta mig till. At first, I didn't know what to do. At first, I didn't know what to do. Ingen skrek. No one shouted. Nobody screamed. Tom sitter och jobbar vid sitt skrivbord. Tom is working at his desk. Tom is working at his desk. Visa hur man gör det där. Show me how to do that. Show me how to do that. Det läker av sig självt. It'll cure itself naturally. It heals itself. Den här tidningen är gratis. This newspaper is free. This magazine is free. Var det här någon annans idé? Was this somebody else's idea? Was this someone else's idea? Vi ska göra oss av med den. We'll get rid of it. We're gonna get rid of it. Att förlora min dotter har berövat mig livsglädjen. Losing my daughter has taken away my will to live. Losing my daughter has robbed me of the joy of life. Hela den polska östersjökusten utgörs av sandstränder. The whole Baltic coast of Poland is made up of sandy beaches. The entire Polish Baltic coast consists of sandy beaches. Tom är sinnessjuk. Tom is demented. Tom is insane. Bägge svaren är felaktiga. The answers are both incorrect. Both answers are incorrect. Tom bär alltid en karta och kompass i sin väska. Tom always carries a map and compass in his bag. Tom always carries a map and compass in his bag. Tack för ditt hårda arbete. Thanks for your hard work. Thank you for your hard work. Hälsa till Tom. Tell Tom I said hi. Say hi to Tom. Yamada förorsakade olyckan. Yamada caused the accident. Yamada caused the accident. Ofta kommer han inte till skolan. He often doesn't come to school. Often he doesn't come to school. Säg något. Say something. Say something. Bor ni här? Do you live here? Do you live here? Jag vill avsluta texten här. I want to finish the text here. I would like to finish the text here. Använde du den? Did you use it? Did you use it? Det stämmer! That's right! That's right! Kvinnor är inte sexobjekt. Women are not sex objects. Women are not sex objects. Det är dig som hon älskar, inte mig. It's you that she loves, not me. It's you she loves, not me. Han köpte sin dotter en ny klänning. He bought his daughter a new dress. He bought his daughter a new dress. Tom anlände trettio minuter sent. Tom arrived thirty minutes late. Tom arrived thirty minutes late. Jag söker efter min väninna. I'm looking for a friend of mine. I'm looking for my friend. Jag skulle vilja byta plats. I'd like to change my seat. I'd like to change places. Tom är på flygplatsen. Tom is at the airport. Tom's at the airport. Jag hoppas att det är bra i morgon. I hope it'll be fine tomorrow. I hope it's good tomorrow. Han berättade aldrig för någon. He never told anyone. He never told anyone. Jag älskar Kalifornien. I love California. I love California. Jag har glömt bort hennes namn. I've forgotten her name. I've forgotten her name. Han befordrades till överste. He advanced to colonel. He was promoted to Colonel. Flickan stirrade på dockan. The girl was gazing at the dock. The girl was staring at the doll. Jag undersöka det. I'll look into it. I'll look into it. Vad sade Tom? What did Tom say? What did Tom say? Frukosten serveras klockan sju. Breakfast is served at seven a.m. Breakfast is served at seven o'clock. Är de i Paris? Are they in Paris? Are they in Paris? Kan jag tänka på saken? Can I think about it? Can I think about it? Alla var väldigt glada. Everybody was really happy. Everyone was very happy. Jag tror vi står på tur. I think we're next. I think we're next. Tom simmar. Tom swims. Tom swims. Hon talar ryska. She speaks Russian. She speaks Russian. Jag var ganska upptagen. I was quite busy. I was pretty busy. Jag gömde mig under sängen. I hid under the bed. I hid under the bed. Ibland förstår jag inte honom. Sometimes, I don't understand him. Sometimes I don't understand him. Jag tänkte på det. I thought about it. I thought about it. Det är min son. It's my son. That's my son. Tio är tio procent av etthundra. Ten is ten percent of one hundred. Ten is ten percent of a hundred. Hon pratar knappast med mig längre. She barely speaks to me anymore. She hardly talks to me anymore. Jag talar japanska väl. I speak good Japanese. I speak Japanese well. Jag läste hans bok. I read his book. I read his book. Fallskärmshopparen föll ner i havet och drunknade. The parachutist fell into the ocean and drowned. The parachutist fell into the sea and drowned. Pajen smakade utsökt. The pie was delicious. The pie tasted delicious. När jag inte har min mobil, känner jag mig ensam. When I don't have my cell phone, I feel lonely. When I don't have my phone, I feel lonely. Tom kan inte vara seriös. Tom can't be serious. Tom can't be serious. Hur länge tänker du stanna här i Brasilien? How long do you intend to stay here in Brazil? How long are you going to stay here in Brazil? Mjölk är en vanlig dryck. Milk is a common beverage. Milk is a common drink. Jag behöver lite vatten. I need some water. I need some water. Jag har ont i huvudet. I have a headache. My head hurts. Den är äkta. It's genuine. It's real. När behöver Tom den? When does Tom need it? When does Tom need it? Ta dig samman! Get it together! Pull yourself together! Tom spelade en låt på ett offentligt piano. Tom played a song on a public piano. Tom played a song on a public piano. Det har gått tio år sedan jag kom hit. Ten years have passed since I came here. It's been ten years since I got here. Kom och ta mig. Come and get me. Come and get me. Du har köpt fler frimärken än vad som är nödvändigt. You have bought more postage stamps than are necessary. You've bought more stamps than necessary. Hur dödade du kackerlackan? How did you kill the cockroach? How did you kill the cockroach? Jag tappade kontrollen. I dropped the controller. I lost control. Jag skulle vilja gå in. I'd like to go inside. I'd like to go in. Mina planer misslyckades rejält. My plans failed miserably. My plans failed badly. Kan jag använda din telefon? Can I use your telephone? Can I use your phone? Du kan inte komma för sent den här gången. You can't be late this time. You can't be late this time. Tom alltid på sig en hatt. Tom always wears a hat. Tom always wears a hat. Jag kommer i juli. I'm coming in July. I'll be there in July. Jag ser fram emot att få träffa dig nästa söndag. I'm looking forward to seeing you next Sunday. I look forward to seeing you next Sunday. Hur var din dag? How did your day go? How was your day? Han kan göra vad han vill med pengarna. He can do whatever he likes with the money. He can do whatever he wants with the money. Vad tycker du att vi ska göra nu? What do you think we should do next? What do you think we should do now? Jag kan ordna det. I can arrange that. I can fix it. Det här är mitt syskon. This is my sibling. This is my sibling. Jag kan inte knäcka den här koden. I can't break this code. I can't break this code. Är vi nästan framme? Are we nearly there? Are we almost there? Spela inte förvånad. Don't act surprised. Don't act surprised. Jag fick lön igår. I got paid yesterday. I got paid yesterday. Ni litar fullständigt på honom. You trust him completely. You trust him completely. Juryn fann mannen skyldig till mord. The jury found the man guilty of murder. The jury found the man guilty of murder. Du luktar så gott. You smell so nice. You smell so good. Jag gjorde illa armbågen. I hurt my elbow. I hurt my elbow. Ammoniak är en bas. Ammonia is a base. Ammonia is a base. Jag stannar här tillsvidare. I shall stay here for the time being. I'm staying here for the time being. Jag ville inte ha mjölk. I didn't want milk. I didn't want milk. Är det där nya skor? Are those new shoes? Are those new shoes? Jag tycker om grönt te. I like green tea. I like green tea. Jag får svår prestationsångest före jag ska hålla ett tal. I get really bad performance anxiety before I give a speech. I get a severe performance anxiety before I give a speech. Jag har en hund. I have a dog. I have a dog. Jag säger det bara! I'm just saying! I'm just saying! Du är en vacker tjej. You're a beautiful girl. You're a beautiful girl. Det är väldigt personligt. That's very personal. It's very personal. Hon köpte lite rågbröd. She bought some rye bread. She bought some rye bread. Ge mig ett exempel till. Give me another example. Give me one more example. Måste jag göra det? Do I have to do that? Do I have to do it? Jag var tvungen att göra någonting. I had to do something. I had to do something. Jag tror att jag satt på den. I think I sat on it. I think I turned it on. Gillar du lever? Do you like liver? Do you like alive? Ett sätt att minska antalet fel i Tatoebas korpus skulle vara att uppmuntra människor att endast översätta till sina modersmål. One way to lower the number of errors in the Tatoeba Corpus would be to encourage people to only translate into their native languages. One way to reduce the number of errors in Tatoeba's corpus would be to encourage people to translate only into their mother tongue. Jag vill ha ett tydligt svar. I want a clear answer. I want a clear answer. Hur gick det, Tom? How did it go, Tom? How'd it go, Tom? Jag vet inte vad han är för slags person. I don't know what kind of person he is. I don't know what kind of person he is. Finns det en telefon här? Is there a telephone here? Is there a phone here? Men nu är allting bra, eller hur? But now everything's all right, right? But now everything's fine, right? Det nuvarande lösenordet är "eosdigital". The present password is "eosdigital". The current password is "eosdigital". Jag kan vara misstänkt. I could be a suspect. I could be a suspect. Hon vann första pris i en matätartävling. She got first prize in the eating contest. She won the first prize in a food eater contest. Jag ordnade det. I saw to it. I set it up. Jag är glad att du är här nu, Tom. I'm glad you're here now, Tom. I'm glad you're here now, Tom. Vad betydde det? What did it mean? What did it mean? Det kan jag helt och hållet förstå. I totally get that. I can fully understand that. Det är svinkallt! It's wretchedly cold. It's freezing! Kan du hålla tyst? Can you keep quiet? Will you shut up? Han måste köpa en ny cykel åt sin son. He must buy a new bicycle for his son. He has to buy a new bike for his son. Jag log för mig själv. I smiled to myself. I smiled to myself. Inte så fort! Don't go so fast! Not so fast! Jag trodde att Tom skulle stanna lite längre. I thought Tom would stay a little longer. I thought Tom would stay a little longer. Tom är upptagen, eller hur? Tom is busy, isn't he? Tom's busy, isn't he? Min fru och jag kom överens om en semesterplan. My wife and I agreed on a holiday plan. My wife and I agreed on a vacation plan. Hon gillar inte fotboll. She doesn't like soccer. She doesn't like football. Hur kan vi hjälpa till? How may we help? How can we help? Får den här lådan plats i skåpbilen? Is there place for this box inside the van? Does this box fit in the van? Han var så upptagen att han skickade sin son istället för att gå själv. He was so busy that he sent his son instead of going himself. He was so busy, he sent his son instead of going alone. Jag skrattade mycket. I laughed a lot. I laughed a lot. Jag lovar. Jag kommer aldrig att göra det igen. I promise I'll never do it again. I promise, I'll never do it again. De kan tänka och tala. They can think and speak. They can think and speak. Är du rädd för mig? Are you afraid of me? Are you afraid of me? Det fanns några barn i rummet. There were a few children in the room. There were some kids in the room. Hur pass noggrann är den? How accurate is it? How thorough is it? Jag sov inte. I didn't sleep. I didn't sleep. Vad är det som tar så lång tid? What's taking so long? What's taking so long? Jag känner mig nästan skyldig. I almost feel guilty. I almost feel guilty. Om inte den där gitarren vore så dyr, så skulle jag kunna köpa den. If that guitar weren't so expensive, I could buy it. If that guitar wasn't so expensive, I could buy it. Vilken rörig dag. What a chaotic day. What a messy day. Måndag börjar på söndag. Monday begins on Saturday. Monday starts on Sunday. Jag fastnade i bilkö. I was stuck in traffic. I got stuck in traffic. Fortsätt le. Keep smiling. Keep smiling. Det är allt vi har. It's all we have. That's all we have. Hårt arbete lönar sig. Hard work pays off. Hard work pays off. Kan du ta över? Can you take over? Can you take over? Hur mycket av det här är Toms fel? How much of this is Tom's fault? How much of this is Tom's fault? Jag trodde att ni skulle gilla den. I thought you'd like it. I thought you'd like it. Jag kände ingen i Rom. I knew no one in Rome. I didn't know anyone in Rome. Ingen får avlägsna sig. No one is to leave. No one is allowed to leave. Tycker du om ost? Do you like cheese? Do you like cheese? Hon köpte en kamera till sin son. She bought her son a camera. She bought her son a camera. Dörrklockan ringde. The doorbell rang. The doorbell rang. En kvinna vars man har dött är en änka. A woman whose husband has died is a widow. A woman whose husband has died is a widow. Tom lärde mig att köra bil. Tom taught me how to drive. Tom taught me how to drive. Om du inte vill att jag ska åka, så gör jag det inte. If you don't want me to go, I won't. If you don't want me to go, I won't. Jag har era biljetter. I have your tickets. I have your tickets. Jag är helt förvirrad. I am totally confused. I'm completely confused. Betty dödade sin egen mor. Betty killed her own mother. Betty killed her own mother. Jag fick en inbjudan till middag med honom och hans familj. I've received an invitation to dinner with him and his family. I got an invitation to dinner with him and his family. Det här är Carrie Underwoods senaste album. This is Carrie Underwood's latest album. This is Carrie Underwood's latest album. Öga för öga, tand för tand. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth. Vad kämpar du för? What are you fighting for? What are you fighting for? Har ni några frågor? Do you have any questions? Do you have any questions? Jag vill bara kunna besöka mina barn när jag så önskar. I just want to be able to visit my children whenever I want to. I just want to be able to visit my children whenever I wish. Det snöar nästan aldrig här. It almost never snows here. It hardly ever snows here. Tom kan vara skadad eller död. Tom may be injured or dead. Tom could be hurt or dead. Det var galet av honom att försöka simma i det iskalla vattnet It was crazy of him to try swimming in that freezing water. It was crazy of him to try to swim in the icy water Det är faktiskt inte så mycket. It's really not that much. Actually, it's not that much. Jag stjäl inte. I don't steal. I'm not stealing. Det var hans beslut. It was his decision. It was his decision. Han bestämde sig inte för att bli författare förrän han var trettio. He did not decide to be a writer until he was thirty. He didn't decide to be a writer until he was 30. Jag är inte det minsta förvånad. I am not in the least surprised. I'm not surprised at all. Tom har det bra ställt. Tom is well off. Tom's in a good place. Gjorde jag faktiskt det? Did I really do that? Did I actually? Kan någon förklara detta för mej? Could someone please explain this to me? Can anyone explain this to me? Är det där mina glasögon? Are those my glasses? Are those my glasses? Trädgårdsmästaren planterade en ros mitt i trädgården. The gardener planted a rose tree in the middle of the garden. The gardener planted a rose in the middle of the garden. Vad annat behövs? What else is needed? What else is needed? Tom var alltid hjälpsam. Tom was always willing to help. Tom was always helpful. Det fanns inte ett moln på himlen. No clouds were in the sky. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. Blir du någonsin snurrig? Do you ever get dizzy? Do you ever get dizzy? Jag avskyr politik. I abhor politics. I hate politics. Jag borde nog också gå. I'd better go, too. I should probably go, too. Det vet till och med barn. Even children know that. Even children know that. Lev och lär. Live and learn. Live and learn. Jag kommer tillbaka om tio minuter. I'll be back in ten minutes. I'll be back in ten minutes. Jag gick bara dit en gång. I only went there once. I only went there once. Jag går ut en stund. I'm going out for a while. I'm going out for a while. Jag tvättade lakanen. I washed the sheets. I washed the sheets. Du har förstört det! Du har förstört allt! You've ruined it! You've ruined everything! You've ruined it, you've ruined everything! Min bil är en tysk bil. My car is German. My car is a German car. Hur åkte de? How did they leave? How did they go? Vid stigkanten låg en död näbbmus. At the edge of the road laid a dead shrew. At the edge of the path was a dead beak. Det regnar idag. Var är mitt paraply? It's raining today. Where is my umbrella? It's raining today. Öppna flaskan. Open the bottle. Open the bottle. Jag vill inte att någon ska bli skadad. I don't want anybody to get hurt. I don't want anyone to get hurt. Herregud, jag tror inte det är sant. Oh my God, I can't believe this. Oh, my God, I don't believe it. Tom är tidig. Tom's early. Tom's early. Jag ska skaffa katt. I'm getting a cat. I'm gonna get a cat. Toms föräldrar är båda mördare. Tom's parents are both killers. Tom's parents are both killers. Hur kan jag hjälpa Tom? How can I help Tom? How can I help Tom? Jag undrar vart det där skeppet är på väg. I wonder where that ship is headed. I wonder where that ship is going. Uttalar jag ditt namn korrekt? Am I pronouncing your name correctly? Am I pronouncing your name correctly? Demokratin har sitt ursprung i antikens Grekland. Democracy originated in Ancient Greece. Democracy originates in ancient Greece. Tom vill inte prata med mig. Tom doesn't want to talk to me. Tom doesn't want to talk to me. Gå och tvätta dig! Go wash up. Go wash up! Kan vi sätta igång? Can we get started? Can we get started? Tom hade helt rätt. Tom was spot on. Tom was absolutely right. Tom är hungrig. Tom's hungry. Tom's hungry. Är du partisk? Are you biased? Are you biased? Hur var träffen? How was your date? How was the date? Mary hade på sig ett guldarmband. Mary wore a gold bracelet. Mary was wearing a gold bracelet. Jag hatar dig. I hate you. I hate you. Har du fortfarande en nyckel till Toms lägenhet? Do you still have a key to Tom's apartment? Do you still have a key to Tom's apartment? Jag har en ätstörning. I have an eating disorder. I have an eating disorder. Vill ni inte säga någonting, behöver ni inte det. If you don't want to say anything, you don't have to. If you don't want to say anything, you don't have to. Det skulle jag aldrig ha gissat. I would never have guessed that. I would never have guessed. Varför är du på detta skepp? Why are you on this ship? Why are you on this ship? Varför gör ingen något? Why doesn't somebody do something? Why doesn't anybody do anything? Jag fick veta att det var svårt för henne att lösa det problemet. I found out that it was difficult for her to solve that problem. I was told that it was difficult for her to solve that problem. Jag fick ditt meddelande. I got your message. I got your message. Jag beställde pizza på internet. I ordered pizza on the internet. I ordered pizza on the Internet. Det är antagligen hemsökt. It's probably haunted. It's probably haunted. Denna punkt är värd att betona. This point deserves special emphasis. This point is worth emphasising. Det blir inte svårt att övertala Tom. It won't be so difficult to convince Tom. It won't be hard to convince Tom. Jag är upptagen i kväll. I'm busy tonight. I'm busy tonight. Har du något hus? Do you have a house? Do you have a house? Den här butiken har öppet dygnet runt. This store here is open around the clock. This store is open 24 hours a day. Smaklökar är väldigt användbara. Taste buds are very useful. Taste buds are very useful. Hon säger att hon älskar blommorna. She says she loves flowers. She says she loves the flowers. Han drar ifrån. He's getting away. He's pulling away. Vad är er fars namn? What's your father's name? What's your father's name? Tom är häpen. Tom is dumbfounded. Tom is amazed. Ni klagar så gott som aldrig på någonting. You hardly ever complain about anything. You almost never complain about anything. Tom är inte smal. Tom isn't thin. Tom's not thin. Hur ska jag kunna lita på dig? How can I trust you? How am I supposed to trust you? Toms farfar och Marys morfar slogs tillsammans i andra världskriget. Tom's grandfather and Mary's grandfather fought together in World War II. Tom's grandfather and Mary's grandfather fought together in World War II. Jag tar arbetet. I'll take the job. I'll take the job. Toms väskor är packade. Tom's bags are packed. Tom's bags are packed. Är ni klara nu? Are you ready now? Are you ready now? Jag är inte så förtjust i grönt te. I don't care for green tea. I'm not very fond of green tea. Gjorde någon sig illa? Did anybody get hurt? Did anyone hurt themselves? Han kan svära på kinesiska. He knows how to curse in Chinese. He can swear in Chinese. Tom drog sig inte ur. Tom did not look back. Tom didn't pull out. Vi bor i en vacker stad. We live in a beautiful city. We live in a beautiful city. Jag städade mitt rum. I cleaned my room. I cleaned my room. Layla har inget medlidande för de som förrått henne. Layla has no pity for the people who betrayed her. Layla has no sympathy for those who betrayed her. Jag försöker att aldrig äta efter klockan åtta. I try to never eat after 8:00 p.m. I try never to eat after eight o'clock. Jag tar det här paraplyet. I'll take this umbrella. I'll take this umbrella. Jag vill bli läkare. I want to become a doctor. I want to be a doctor. Jag gjorde det inte. I didn't do it. I didn't do it. Kommittén sammanträder två gånger per månad. The committee meets twice a month. The Committee meets twice a month. Muiriel är 20 nu. Muiriel is 20 now. Muiriel is 20 now. Hon kysste honom. She kissed him. She kissed him. Det var mitt nöje. It was my pleasure. It was my pleasure. Tom är yr. Tom is dizzy. Tom is dizzy. Skadorna från översvämningen räknas bli tio miljoner dollar. Damages from the flood amount to ten million dollars. The damage from the flood is estimated to be $10 million. Jag har inte skrivit ett brev på länge. I haven't written a letter in a long time. I haven't written a letter in a long time. Jag fångade en vacker fjäril. I caught a beautiful butterfly. I caught a beautiful butterfly. Jag måste ge mig i väg. I have to get moving. I have to go. Det är en buss här. There's a bus here. There's a bus here. Oddsen för att Reds vinner är 2 mot 1. The odds are two-to-one that the Reds win. The odds of the Reds winning are 2 to 1. Vi skulle vilja beställa 18 ton olivolja. We'd like to order 18 tonnes of olive oil. We would like to order 18 tonnes of olive oil. Du kanske rent av vet mer om det här än vad jag gör. Perhaps you even know more about this than I do. Maybe you know more about this than I do. Vädret är sämre i dag än i går. The weather today is worse than yesterday. The weather is worse today than yesterday. Vem säger det? Who says that? Who says that? Vintern blev kallare och kallare; han var tvungen att simma runt på vattnet så att det inte skulle frysa till, men varje natt blev ytan han simmade på mindre och mindre. Till slut frös det på så mycket att isen på vattnet knakade när han rörde sig, och den lilla ankungen paddlade med benen så bra han kunde för att vattenhålet inte skulle frysa igen. Till slut blev han utmattad och låg stilla och hjälplös, fastfrusen i isen. The winter grew colder and colder; he was obliged to swim about on the water to keep it from freezing, but every night the space on which he swam became smaller and smaller. At length it froze so hard that the ice in the water crackled as he moved, and the duckling had to paddle with his legs as well as he could, to keep the space from closing up. He became exhausted at last, and lay still and helpless, frozen fast in the ice. Winter became colder and colder; he had to swim around on the water so that it would not freeze, but every night the surface he swam on less and less. Eventually it froze on so much that the ice on the water creaked as he moved, and the little duckling paddled with his legs as well as he could so that the water hole would not freeze again. Finally, he was exhausted and lay still and helpless, frozen in the ice. Jag trodde aldrig att Tom skulle hålla käften. I thought Tom would never shut up. I never thought Tom would shut up. Tom är uppe på vinden. Tom is in the attic. Tom's in the attic. Ni måste inte säga någonting om ni inte har lust. You don't have to say anything if you don't feel like it. You don't have to say anything if you don't want to. Jag kände mig deppig. I was feeling blue. I felt depressed. Jag har inte tid för dig. I don't have time for you. I don't have time for you. Det här är omöjligt. This is impossible. This is impossible. Du måste sätta mer vatten i vasen. You need to put more water in the vase. You need to put more water in the vase. Han är en slug räv. He is a sly fox. He's a sly fox. När behöver jag lämna tillbaka bilen? When should I return the car? When do I need to return the car? Gjorde Tom någonting? Did Tom do anything? Did Tom do anything? För ett ögonblick trodde jag att han hade blivit galen. For a moment there, I thought he had gone mad. For a moment, I thought he'd gone crazy. Finns det ingen lösning, finns det inget problem. If there's no solution, then there's no problem. If there is no solution, there is no problem. Jag är trött på TV. I'm tired of TV. I'm sick of TV. Borde vi berätta för Tom? Should we tell Tom? Should we tell Tom? Jag krossade hans hjärta. I broke his heart. I broke his heart. Jag älskar sköldpaddor. I love turtles. I love turtles. Jag kan ha middagen färdig vid klockan 10. I'll have the meal ready by 10 o'clock. I can have dinner ready by 10:00. Lås dörren! Lock the door! Lock the door! Barnen är blommorna i våra liv. Children are the flowers of our lives. The children are the flowers of our lives. För länge sedan besökte jag Kanada. I visited Canada long ago. A long time ago, I visited Canada. Jag tycker om det jobbet. I like that job. I like that job. Jag behöver en askkopp. I need an ashtray. I need an ashtray. Får jag fråga vad det är? Can I ask what it is? May I ask what it is? Människan uppfann atombomben, men ingen mus hade någonsin kommit på idén att konstruera en musfälla! Man invented the atomic bomb, but no mouse would ever have thought to build a mousetrap! Man invented the atomic bomb, but no mouse had ever come up with the idea of constructing a mouse trap! Tom är en helbrägdagörare. Tom is a faith healer. Tom is a healer. Jag har varit överallt. I've been everywhere. I've been everywhere. Sa de när? Did they say when? Did they say when? Flyger ni ofta? Do you fly frequently? You fly a lot? Den här yoghurten smakar konstigt. This yogurt tastes strange. This yoghurt tastes weird. Jag hittade en lösning, men jag hittade den så fort att det inte kan vara den rätta. I found a solution, but I found it so fast that it can't be the right solution. I found a solution, but I found it so fast it couldn't be the right one. När ska Tom vara tillbaka? When is Tom due back? When will Tom be back? Vill du ha skjuts? Do you want a ride? You want a ride? Jag förmodade att jag skulle vara säker här. I figured I'd be safe here. I assumed I'd be safe here. De förlorade igen. They lost again. They lost again. Hur dålig kan den vara? How bad can it be? How bad can it be? Jag är inte färdig än. I'm not finished yet. I'm not done yet. Före andra världskriget gick gränsen mellan Finland och Sovjetunionen nära Leningrad. Before the second world war, the border between Finland and the USSR was near Leningrad. Before World War II, the border between Finland and the Soviet Union was close to Leningrad. Det visade sig att han visste allt om mig. As it turned out, he knew everything about me. Turns out he knew everything about me. De nykläckta fågelungarna var alldeles duniga. The newly hatched baby birds were way too feathery. The newly hatched baby birds were all down. Är det någon där ute? Is anybody out there? Is anybody out there? Ett bra vin behöver inte annonseras. There's no need to advertise a good wine. A good wine does not need to be advertised. Vad fick dig att komma hit? What made you come here? What made you come here? Jag har mer än nog. I have more than enough. I've got more than enough. Hur gick det på jobbet? How did work go? How'd it go at work? Det finns en katt i köket. There is a cat in the kitchen. There's a cat in the kitchen. Risken är liten. The risk is small. There's little risk. Han frågade mig vem jag var. He asked me who I was. He asked me who I was. Var är den här ifrån? Where's this from? Where's this from? Jag tycker inte om det heller. I don't like that either. I don't like it either. Det är varmt på ön hela året. The island is warm all year. It's hot on the island all year long. Jag har köpt en bil. I have bought a car. I bought a car. Det här är inte min åsikt, bara min översättning! This isn't my point of view, it's only my translation! This is not my opinion, just my translation! Vilken är din favoritsaga? What's your favorite fairy tale? What's your favorite story? Jag kan inte sjunga en ren ton. I can't carry a tune. I can't sing a pure note. Vi gick ut på en promenad efter frukost. We went out for a walk after breakfast. We went out for a walk after breakfast. Kom tillbaks om en vecka. Come back in a week. Come back in a week. Vad ska du göra med den? What're you going to do with that? What are you gonna do with it? Hur mycket älskar du Tom? How much do you love Tom? How much do you love Tom? Tycker du om att vandra? Do you like hiking? Do you like to hike? Tom tog alla mina pengar. Tom took all my money. Tom took all my money. Tom var som alltid klädd i svart. Tom was dressed, as always, in black. Tom was always dressed in black. Tatoebaprojektet, som återfinns online på, går ut på att skapa en stor databas med exempelmeningar översatta till många språk. The Tatoeba Project, which can be found online at, is working on creating a large database of example sentences translated into many languages. The Tatoeba project, which can be found online at, aims to create a large database of example sentences translated into many languages. En av stålets viktiga egenskaper är dess hållfasthet. An important quality of steel is its strength. One of the important properties of steel is its strength. Bara kärlek kan krossa ditt hjärta. Only love can break your heart. Only love can break your heart. Tom klipper sig oftast bara två eller tre gånger om året. Tom usually only gets his hair cut two or three times a year. Tom usually cuts himself only two or three times a year. Jag tror inte jag skulle kunna göra vad Tom gör. I think I couldn't do what Tom is doing. I don't think I could do what Tom does. Du är ny, eller hur? You're new, huh? You're new, aren't you? Jag behöver den där medicinen. I need that medicine. I need that medicine. Vad mer kan ni göra? What else can you do? What else can you do? Håller vi tidtabellen? Are we on schedule? Are we on schedule? Jag var väldigt trött, så jag gick och la mig tidigt. I was very tired, so I went to bed early. I was very tired, so I went to bed early. Tror du på älvor? Do you believe in fairies? Do you believe in fairies? Jag skulle vilja fråga om priset på den där modellen där i fönstret. I would like to ask about the price of that model in the window. I would like to ask about the price of that model in the window. Tom gick med på att hjälpa Mary städa köket. Tom agreed to help Mary clean the kitchen. Tom agreed to help Mary clean the kitchen. Jag talade bara tyska. I was speaking only German. I only spoke German. Jag kommer från Turkiet. I'm from Turkey. I come from Turkey. Jag mutade polisen. I bribed the policeman. I bribed the police. Allt är fel. Everything's wrong. It's all wrong. Vi förde ganska mycket oljud. We were pretty noisy. We made a lot of noise. Jag ska berätta för Tom senare. I'll tell Tom later. I'll tell Tom later. Jag tar en promenad. I'm going for a walk. I'm going for a walk. Jag vill dricka mjölk. I want to drink milk. I want to drink milk. Jag vill inte ha er här. I don't want you here. I don't want you here. Toms morfar kände min farfar Tom's grandfather knew my grandfather. Tom's grandfather knew my grandfather. Jag tycker att du borde komma och stanna hos mig. I think you should come stay at my place. I think you should come and stay with me. Jag utgick ifrån att du skulle närvara på mötet. I took it for granted that you would attend the meeting. I assumed you'd attend the meeting. Det är orsaken till varför vi skilde oss. That's the reason we got divorced. That's why we got divorced. Vad kan jag använda? What can I use? What can I use? Tom insåg att Mary hade något för sig. Tom realized Mary was up to something. Tom realized Mary was up to something. Ringde Tom? Did Tom call? Did Tom call? Har du skrivit ned telefonnumret? Have you written down the phone number? Did you write down the phone number? Jag var hövlig. I was being polite. I was being polite. Tom kom fram bakom förhänget. Tom came out from behind the curtain. Tom came up behind the curtain. Ni gav den till oss. You gave it to us. You gave it to us. Det regnar kraftigt. It is raining heavily. It's raining heavily. Här är lite vatten. Here is some water. Here's some water. Det är värt kostnaden. It's well worth the cost. It's worth the cost. Du får inte gå ut dit. You can't go out there. You can't go out there. Jag ser ett hus. I see a house. I see a house. Jag hatar personer som Tom. I hate people like Tom. I hate people like Tom. Det tog honom tre månader att lära sig cykla. It took him three months to learn to ride a bicycle. It took him three months to learn how to ride a bike. Tåg går på räls. Trains run on rails. Trains run on rails. De kan lägga till en ordagrann översättning. They can add a literal translation. They can add a literal translation. Säg till Tom att jag är sjuk. Tell Tom I'm sick. Tell Tom I'm sick. Tom såg honom aldrig igen. Tom never saw him again. Tom never saw him again. Gör det själv. DIY. You do it. Hon är varken i köket eller i vardagsrummet. She's neither in the kitchen nor in the living room. She's not in the kitchen or in the living room. Vi går inte tillbaka dit. We're not going back there. We're not going back there. Din son är en ängel. Your son is an angel. Your son is an angel. Tycker du om skolan? Do you like school? Do you like school? Tom är hispig. Tom's flaky. Tom's crazy. Tamy upptäckte ett misstag i meningsbyggnaden. Tamy discovered a mistake in the sentence structure. Tamy discovered a mistake in the sentence building. Låt mig hjälpa till. Let me help. Let me help. Jag skaffade mig ett jobb. I got a job. I got a job. Tom tog två smörgåsar ur picknickkorgen och gav en till Mary. Tom took two sandwiches out of the picnic basket and handed one to Mary. Tom took two sandwiches out of the picnic basket and gave one to Mary. Jag skulle inte kunna bry mig mindre. I couldn't care less. I couldn't care less. Jag har inte ont någonstans. I'm not in any pain. I'm not in pain anywhere. Nakenyoga blir allt mer populärt. Naked yoga is becoming increasingly popular. Nakenyoga is becoming increasingly popular. Klä på er snabbt. Get dressed quickly. Get dressed quickly. Tiden är ute. Lämna in era uppsatser. Time is up. Hand in your papers. Time's up. Vi är inte döda än. We're not dead yet. We're not dead yet. Solen är bara en av miljontals andra stjärnor. The sun is just a star amongst zillions of others. The sun is just one of millions of other stars. Jag behöver en sekreterare. I need a secretary. I need a secretary. Vi hamnade i bråk. We got into a fight. We got into a fight. De är likadana allesammans. They're all the same. They're all the same. Tom skadade sig. Tom injured himself. Tom got hurt. De är äldre än han. They're older than him. They're older than him. Tom skulle inte ge sig. Tom wouldn't give in. Tom wouldn't give up. Jag kommer inte låta det här hända mig. I won't let this happen to me. I'm not gonna let this happen to me. Han frågade om hon var rik. He asked if she was rich. He asked if she was rich. Jag klandrar dig inte för att du gör så. I don't blame you for doing that. I don't blame you for doing that. Jag fick min välförtjänta lön. I sure had my due reward. I got my well-earned salary. Tyst! Silence! Quiet! Tom är verkligen ledsen. Tom is really sorry. Tom is really sorry. Jag måste sträcka på mig. I have to stretch. I have to stretch. Vi är i samma bransch. We're in the same business. We're in the same business. Jag vet att jag är "osvensk". Och det tänker jag fortsätta att vara. Lagom är inte bäst; bäst är bäst! I knows that I am "unswedish". And I intend to continue that way. It is not "best not do overdo things". It's best to be best! I know I'm "Swedish." And I'm going to continue to be. Just in case is not the best; the best is the best! Det här är oriktigt. This is incorrect. This is incorrect. Alltid när jag ser dig, säger mitt hjärta att jag är förälskad. Whenever I see you, my heart tells me that I'm in love. Always when I see you, my heart tells me I'm in love. Jag skulle vilja låna den här. I'd like to borrow this. I'd like to borrow this. Jag behöver dig här. I need you here. I need you here. Alla tittade. Everyone looked. Everybody was watching. Är du road av detta? Are you enjoying this? Are you amused by this? Er fråga har inget svar. Your question has no answer. Your question has no answer. Tom är grym. Tom is awesome. Tom is awesome. Vi planterade träd. We were planting trees. We planted trees. Kan någon höra oss? Can we be overheard? Can anyone hear us? Tom gav sig inte. Tom wouldn't give in. Tom didn't give up. Gillar du New York? Do you like New York? Do you like New York? Du gjorde ett dåligt jobb. You did a bad job. You did a bad job. Sveriges huvudstad är Stockholm. The capital of Sweden is Stockholm. The capital of Sweden is Stockholm. Tala långsammare. Talk slower. Speak slower. Är du också hemma? Are you home, too? Are you home too? Alla är speciella och unika på sitt eget sätt. Everyone is special and unique in their own way. All are special and unique in their own way. Du är en fånge. You are a prisoner. You're a prisoner. Tom är missnöjd. Tom is discontented. Tom is unhappy. Mjölken surnade. The milk went sour. The milk was sulking. Italien är inte Grekland. Italy isn't Greece. Italy is not Greece. Det spelas inte mycket fotboll där. Not much soccer is played there. There's not a lot of football playing there. Var snäll och stryk skjortan. Please iron the shirt. Please iron your shirt. Jag måste träffa dig. I have to see you. I need to see you. Igår var det söndag. Yesterday was Sunday. Yesterday was Sunday. Jag är utled på det. I'm fed up with it. I'm sick of it. Han stannade där hela tiden. He stayed there all the time. He stayed there all the time. Jag är glad att jag hittade er. I'm glad I found you. I'm glad I found you. Vi har pratat färdigt. We're done talking. We're done talking. Jag är vänsterhänt. I'm left-handed. I'm left-handed. Lunchen är färdig. Lunch is on. Lunch is ready. Min far är frisk. My father is healthy. My father is healthy. Jag är skyldig Tom en. I owe Tom one. I owe Tom one. Jag går och lägger mig klockan tio. I sleep at ten o'clock. I'm going to bed at 10:00. Ingen vet om han älskar henne eller inte. No one knows whether he loves her or not. No one knows if he loves her or not. Jag känner din bror? I know your brother. I know your brother? Det finns en pojke i det här rummet. There is a boy in this room. There's a boy in this room. Det förklarar varför dörren är öppen. That explains why the door is open. That explains why the door is open. Borde inte du gå hem? Shouldn't you go home? Shouldn't you be going home? Den här maten luktar ruttet. This food smells rotten. This food smells rotten. Vad blev det av Tom? What became of Tom? What happened to Tom? Hur länge stannade du kvar? How long did you stay? How long did you stay? Min far fick mig att tvätta bilen. My father had me wash the car. My father made me wash my car. Is smälter i vatten. Ice melts in water. Ice melts in water. Ge aldrig upp hoppet. Never give up hope. Never give up hope. Han övertalade sin fru att inte skilja sig. He persuaded his wife not to divorce him. He convinced his wife not to get a divorce. Vad köpte Tom till mig? What did Tom get me? What did Tom buy me? Det är något som inte stämmer här. Something isn't right here. Something's not right here. Jag är inte det minsta intresserad av kemi. I'm not a bit interested in chemistry. I'm not at all interested in chemistry. Grekiska är inget lätt språk. Greek is not an easy language. Greek is not an easy language. Jag uppskattar hjälpen. I appreciate the help. I appreciate your help. Signera på raden här. Sign on this line. Sign the line here. Var var du när det inträffade? Where were you when it happened? Where were you when it happened? Uppför dig. Behave yourself. Behave yourself. Jag tror det. I think so. I think so. Detta slott är vackert. This castle is beautiful. This castle is beautiful. Det där är din sida och det här är min. That's your side and this is mine. That's your side and this is mine. Du får inte skylla på mig. You can't blame me. You can't blame me. Ni äger en bil, inte sant? You own a car, don't you? You own a car, don't you? Vi är på väg tillbaka till stan. We're heading back to town. We're on our way back to town. Hur ser det här ut? How does this look? How does this look? Han deltog i en nätundersökning. He participated in an online survey. He took part in an online survey. Är hon hemma? Is she at home? Is she home? Han bröt reglerna. He broke the rules. He broke the rules. Du behöver inte säga något om du inte känner för det. You don't have to say anything if you don't feel like it. You don't have to say anything if you don't feel like it. Jag måste ändra på mig. I have to change. I have to change. Tom sköt sig själv i knät. Tom shot himself in the knee. Tom shot himself in the knee. Jag är din chef nu. I'm your boss now. I'm your boss now. Jag tog för givet att du var på vår sida. I took it for granted that you were on our side. I assumed you were on our side. Tom är fortfarande vid liv. Tom is still alive. Tom's still alive. John har en bil från Japan. John has a car from Japan. John has a car from Japan. Vi går tillbaka till skeppet. We're going back to the ship. Let's get back to the ship. Jag vill ha en förklaring och jag vill ha den nu! I want an explanation and I want it now. I want an explanation and I want it now! Jag har aldrig mått så bra i hela mitt liv. I've never felt so good in my life. I've never felt so good in my life. Han sa att han hade skrivit. He said that he had written. He said he wrote. Ingen bryr sig om ditt liv. Nobody cares about your life. Nobody cares about your life. Det är vad alla säger. It is what everybody says. That's what everyone says. Det är rea på pälskappor. Fur coats are on sale. There's a sale on fur coats. De är alla olika. They're all different. They're all different. Hur många galaxer finns det i universum? How many galaxies are there in the universe? How many galaxies are there in the universe? Tom är livlig. Tom is active. Tom is lively. Det första steget är det svåraste. The first step is the most difficult. The first step is the hardest. Tom säger att han är villig att göra det gratis. Tom says that he's willing to do it for free. Tom says he's willing to do it for free. "Tack." "Varsågod." "Thank you." "You're welcome." "Thank you." "You're welcome." Du är tokig! You're crazy! You're crazy! Kan du hjälpa mig att laga min punktering? Can you help me fix my flat tire? Can you help me fix my flat tire? Jag vill inte göra dig illa. I do not want to hurt you. I don't want to hurt you. Han dricker inte. He doesn't drink. He doesn't drink. Tom är en illegal invandrare. Tom is an illegal immigrant. Tom is an illegal immigrant. Jag kommer förklara incidenten. I'll explain the incident. I'll explain the incident. Var ska jag lägga den? Where should I put it? Where do I put it? Det är helt och hållet upp till dig. It is entirely up to you. It's entirely up to you. Känner vi er? Do we know you? Do we know you? Förr eller senare kommer jag att slå dig. Someday I'll beat you. Sooner or later, I'm gonna beat you. Även du, min Brutus? You too, Brutus? Even you, my Brutus? Jag är gift och jag har en dotter. I am married and I have a daughter. I'm married and I have a daughter. Hon ringde sin mor. She called her mother. She called her mother. Vad har de på gång? What are they up to? What are they up to? Skeppet var inte redo för strid. The ship wasn't ready for battle. The ship wasn't ready for battle. Han känner inte mig. He doesn't know me. He doesn't know me. Varför kan du inte hjälpa mig? Why can't you help me? Why can't you help me? Jag tycker om dig också. I like you, too. I like you, too. Två personer kommer in på den här biljetten. Two people can enter with this ticket. Two people are coming in on this ticket. Det kommer inte på fråga. That's out of the question. It's out of the question. Jag ska ringa. I'll call. I'll call you. Det är just den här ordboken som jag har letat efter. This is the very dictionary that I have been looking for. It's this particular dictionary that I've been looking for. Men det är ju absurt. But that's absurd. But that's absurd. Du kommer att tvätta ett äpple. You will wash an apple. You're gonna wash an apple. Tom sa att Mary inte var klar ännu. Tom said Mary wasn't finished. Tom said Mary wasn't ready yet. Kom till pappa. Come to Daddy. Come to Daddy. Vi släpper den bara. Let's just drop it. Let's just drop it. Jag har sett detta förut. I've seen this before. I've seen this before. Jag observerade att hans händer var ostadiga. I observed that his hands were unsteady. I noticed that his hands were unsteady. Varför studerar jag isländska? Why am I studying Icelandic? Why am I studying Icelandic? Det är ju egentligen heller inte särskilt hälsosamt. It isn't really particularly healthy. It is not really very healthy either. Varför är du arg på mig? Why are you angry at me? Why are you mad at me? Dags att gå upp. Time to get up. Time to get up. Var är mina saker? Where are my things? Where are my things? Efter att ha misslyckats två gånger i går vill han inte försöka igen. Having failed twice yesterday, he doesn't want to try again. After having failed twice yesterday, he doesn't want to try again. Jag dödade en gud. I killed a god. I killed a god. Vi gjorde det i skolan. We did it in school. We did it at school. Jag behöver en till. I need another one. I need another one. Måste jag göra någonting? Do I have to do anything? Do I have to do something? Det kan vara ett vapen. It could be a weapon. It could be a weapon. Sådan är lagen. That's the law. That's the law. Jag ringer en taxi åt dig. I'll call you a cab. I'll call a cab for you. Vi springer varje dag. We run every day. We run every day. Tom gick ut genom bakdörren. Tom went out the back door. Tom went out the back door. Jag följde inte med Tom. I didn't go with Tom. I didn't go with Tom. Tårar föll från hennes ögon. Tears were dropping from her eyes. Tears fell from her eyes. Jag är rädd att jag åt något dåligt. I am afraid I ate something bad. I'm afraid I ate something bad. Den där tatueringen är superfin. I love that tattoo. That tattoo is super nice. Mary är en fe. Mary is a fairy. Mary's a fairy. Jag skulle kunna sälja den här. I could sell this. I could sell this. Jag är vid den norra utgången. I'm at the north gate. I'm at the north exit. Det har slutat regna. It has ceased raining. It's stopped raining. Jag hoppas att min erfarenhet kan vara av intresse för någon. I hope my experience will be interesting to somebody. I hope my experience can be of interest to someone. Gör inga oljud, tack. Do not make noise, please. Don't make any noises, please. Är du klar ännu? Are you ready yet? Are you done yet? Jag är nöjd med de här skorna. I'm pleased with these shoes. I'm happy with these shoes. Allt är jättebilligt. Everything's dirt-cheap. Everything's really cheap. Håll Tom åt mig. Hold Tom for me. Hold Tom for me. Hur gjorde vi det? How did we do that? How did we do that? Vem köpte den här? Who bought this? Who bought this? Var snäll och sätt på dig skorna. Please put your shoes on. Please put your shoes on. Vänta lite nu. Hold on a moment. Wait a minute. Alla andra gör det också. Everyone else does it too. Everyone else does, too. Mina försök gav inga resultat. My efforts produced no results. My attempts failed. De hade hamnat i ett dödläge. They have reached a deadlock. They were in a stalemate. Det är galet varmt i dag. It's insanely hot today. It's crazy hot today. Jag står inte ut med sjukhus. I can't stand hospitals. I can't stand hospitals. Flickan har rätt. The girl is right. The girl's right. Fadil använde ett annat nummer för att ringa Layla. Fadil used another number to call Layla. Fadil used another number to call Layla. Mina föräldrar följde med till flygplatsen för att vinka av mig My parents came to the airport to see me off. My parents came to the airport to wave me off. Jag menar det verkligen. I really mean it. I really mean it. Är du galen? Are you mad? Are you crazy? Vad är det som tar en sådan tid? What's taking so long? What's taking so long? Tom stannar nog. Tom'll stay. I think Tom's staying. Med dessa betyg kan du inte gå vidare till universitet. With these grades you can continue on to college. With these grades, you can't move on to university. Du måste höra på. I need you to listen. You have to listen. Det är förnedrande för henne. It is degrading for her. It's humiliating for her. Jag sa till henne en gång för alla att jag inte skulle gå och handla med henne. I told her once and for all that I wouldn't go shopping with her. I told her once and for all that I wouldn't go shopping with her. Min pappa är starkare än din pappa. My dad is stronger than your dad. My dad's stronger than your dad. Alla drömmer. Everyone dreams. Everybody's dreaming. 43-åriga kvinna misstänks ha skjutit ihjäl sin make. A 43-year-old woman suspected of having shot dead her husband. 43-year-old woman is suspected of shooting her husband to death. Min hörsel är dålig. My hearing is bad. My hearing is bad. Vad är det för dag? What day is it? What day is it? Jag har redan berättat för Tom vad han borde göra. I've already told Tom what he ought to do. I already told Tom what he should do. Jag vill sända detta paket till Kanada. I'd like to mail this package to Canada. I want to send this package to Canada. Tom är min man. Tom is my husband. Tom is my husband. Vad händer om mina föräldrar får reda på det? What if my parents find out? What happens if my parents find out? Tom spelade en låt på pianot. Tom played a song on the piano. Tom played a song on the piano. Han behöver en stege. He needs a ladder. He needs a ladder. Är du för eller mot det här? Are you for or against this? Are you for or against this? Jag vill ha en öl. I'd like a beer. I want a beer. Jag stötte på Tom. I bumped into Tom. I ran into Tom. Jag ska gå och fråga Tom. I'll go ask Tom. I'm gonna go ask Tom. Det finns ingen reguljär båttrafik till ön. There is no regular boat service to the island. There is no regular boat service to the island. Tom är knubbig. Tom is chubby. Tom is chubby. Jag visste att vi skulle vinna. I knew we were going to win. I knew we'd win. Jag tänker inte ha på mig det här. I'm not wearing this. I'm not wearing this. Mitt barn vill tala. My baby wants to talk. My child wants to speak. Förlåt oss. Forgive us. Forgive us. Det är tydligt att han stal pengar från kassaskåpet. It's clear that he stole money from the safe. It's obvious he stole money from the safe. Hon behöver inte vara så ängslig. She doesn't need to be so anxious. She doesn't have to be so anxious. Min storebror lånade pengar av en ockrare. My older brother borrowed money from a loan shark. My older brother borrowed money from an usurer. Deras skepp ligger fortfarande i hamn. Their ship is still in port. Their ship is still in port. Jag bjuder på middag. Dinner is on me. Dinner's on me. Hon tog på sig sin systers jeans och tittade i spegeln. She put on her sister's jeans and looked in the mirror. She put on her sister's jeans and looked in the mirror. Vem har huvudrollen? Who has the main role? Who's the lead? Jag lade märke till att hon satt på främsta raden. I noticed that she sat in the front row. I noticed that she was in the front row. Jag är peppad. I'm motivated. I'm psyched. Frågade du ut Tom? Did you question Tom? Did you ask Tom out? Du måste göra det mycket mer försiktigare. You must do it much more carefully. You need to make it a lot more careful. Ingången till tunnelbanan ligger vid hörnet. The subway entrance is on the corner. The entrance to the subway is at the corner. Tror du på det här? Do you believe this? Do you believe this? Har du svårt att förstå vad kvinnor och barn säger till dig? Do you have difficulty understanding what women or small children say to you? Do you find it hard to understand what women and children are saying to you? Hon var inte snabb nog. She was not quick enough. She wasn't fast enough. Jag kom för sent. I arrived too late. I'm too late. Det är där jag kommer att vara. That's where I'll be. That's where I'll be. Hur övertygade Tom Mary till att hjälpa oss? How did Tom talk Mary into helping us? How did Tom Mary convince us to help? Hade Marika brevvänner från Japan? Did Marika have penfriends from Japan? Did Marika have e-mail friends from Japan? Lägg köttet i kylen, annars kommer det ruttna. Put the meat in the refrigerator, or it will rot. Put the meat in the fridge, or it'll rot. Jag behöver mer pengar. I need more money. I need more money. Är det säkert att du är okej? Are you really OK? Are you sure you're okay? Jag kan skydda dig. I can protect you. I can protect you. Kom ner från mitt tak. Get off of my roof. Get off my roof. Det var ett väldigt dumt beslut. It was a very stupid decision. It was a very stupid decision. Jag uppfattade inte riktigt namnet på den där designern. I didn't quite catch the name of that designer. I didn't quite get the name of that designer. Det ligger affärer längs gatan. There are stores along the street. There are shops along the street. Jag är utvilad. I'm rested. I'm rested. Jag var tvungen att överge min plan. I had to give up my plan. I had to abandon my plan. Känner du till några grekiska myter? Do you know any Greek myths? Do you know any Greek myths? Måste ni åka nu? Do you have to go now? Do you have to go now? Hur högt är detta berg? What is the height of this mountain? How high is this mountain? Det är lätt att glömma att mikrofonen är påslagen. It's easy to forget that the microphone costs extra. It is easy to forget that the microphone is turned on. Han pressas alltid på pengar. He is always pressed for money. He's always being pressured on money. Kan du över huvud taget simma? Can you swim at all? Can you swim at all? Det här är templet som vi brukade besöka. This is the temple which we used to visit. This is the temple we used to visit. Han blev förälskad i henne, men visste inte ens vad hon hette. He fell in love with her, but didn't even know her name. He fell in love with her, but he didn't even know her name. Tom vill att hans pappa köper en ponny till honom. Tom wants his father to buy him a pony. Tom wants his dad to buy him a pony. Kan du kontakta Tom? Can you contact Tom? Can you contact Tom? Om ni är trötta, så gå och lägg er. If you are tired, go to bed. If you're tired, go to bed. Mark tog sina saker och gick. Mark took his things and left. Mark took his things and left. Jag kan höra vinden. I can hear the wind. I can hear the wind. Vi är tacksamma för er vänlighet. We're thankful for your kindness. We are grateful for your kindness. Tom är ett mänskligt skelett. Tom is a human skeleton. Tom is a human skeleton. Ge mig en timme. Give me an hour. Give me an hour. Jag skriver ett brev. I'm writing a letter. I'll write you a letter. Du måste gå hem. You need to go home. You have to go home. Han är stolt över att vara doktor. He is proud of being a doctor. He's proud to be a doctor. Kan jag tala om för Tom varför? Can I tell Tom why? Can I tell Tom why? Det är kul att titta på tv. It's fun to watch TV. It's fun watching TV. Jag tänkte ringa honom, men jag kom på bättre tankar. I was going to call him, but thought better of it. I was gonna call him, but I thought of better things. Du ser så vacker ut. You look so beautiful. You look so beautiful. Saknar ni Tom? Do you miss Tom? Do you miss Tom? Jag tittade på en film på franska med engelska undertexter. I watched a movie in French with English subtitles. I watched a film in French with English subtitles. Jag kommer att gå och fråga Tom. I'll go ask Tom. I'm gonna go ask Tom. Tom frisknade till. Tom recovered. Tom got well. Jag har redan berättat för Tom vad jag vill köpa. I've already told Tom what I want to buy. I already told Tom what I want to buy. Denna mening förmedlar en lögn. This sentence is a lie. This sentence conveys a lie. Kan ni höra dem? Can you hear them? Can you hear them? Det här är det sötaste spädbarnet jag någonsin har sett. This is the cutest baby that I have ever seen. This is the prettiest baby I've ever seen. Bussen stannade så att passagerarna kunde gå på. The bus stopped to take up passengers. The bus stopped so that the passengers could go on. Sami försökte leva två olika liv. Sami was trying to live two different lives. Sami tried to live two different lives. Är det vad du ville köpa? Is that what you wanted to buy? Is that what you wanted to buy? Vad har tagit åt dig? What's got into you? What's gotten into you? Han är jämt upptagen. He is always busy. He's always busy. Jag kan förklara det där. I can explain that. I can explain that. Jag känner mig ensam. I feel lonely. I feel lonely. Din cykel är mycket nyare än min. Your bicycle is much newer than mine. Your bike is much newer than mine. Vissa saker säger man inte ens på skämt. Some things you shouldn't even say jokingly. Some things you don't even say in jokes. Medan han pratade hördes ett skott avlossas. While he was talking, there was the sound of a shot being fired. While he was talking, a shot was fired. Tom är kortare än jag. Tom is shorter than I am. Tom is shorter than me. Ta väl hand om Tom. Take good care of Tom. Take good care of Tom. Du är skyldig mig en öl. You owe me a beer. You owe me a beer. Du har verkligen talang. You're really gifted. You really have talent. Tom är klarvaken. Tom is wide awake. Tom's wide awake. Du skulle bara veta. You have no idea. You'd just know. Det sitter på ert skrivbord. It's on your desk. It's on your desk. Det är inte jul i dag. It's not Christmas today. It's not Christmas today. Så vad ska jag göra nu? So what do I do now? So what am I supposed to do now? Att hoppas är bättre än att förtvivla. To hope is better than to despair. Hope is better than despair. Vad trodde du att jag skulle göra? What did you think I was going to do? What did you think I was gonna do? Tom är gift med en lärare. Tom is married to a teacher. Tom is married to a teacher. Jag kan simma. I can swim. I can swim. Det tog nätt och jämnt en timme. It took little more than an hour. It took barely an hour. Skulle det här vara roligt? Was this supposed to be funny? Is this supposed to be fun? Jag rekommenderar inte att göra det där. I don't recommend doing that. I don't recommend doing that. Vad sa du? Jag är ledsen, jag var försjunken i tankar. What did you say? I'm sorry, I was lost in thought. I'm sorry, I was in my head. Jag kommer att skjuta dig. I'll shoot you. I'm gonna shoot you. Sätt i ett mynt. Please insert a coin. Put it in a coin. Jag lämnade Tom i sticket. I let Tom down. I left Tom in the lurch. Det angår inte mig. It's not my business. It's none of my business. Har du något annat? Do you have anything else? Do you have anything else? Jag har en ung fru. I have a young wife. I have a young wife. Jag svärmar för dig. I have a crush on you. I'm swarming to you. Kan jag få tre? Can I have three? Can I have three? Jag kommer att ta hand om det här. I'll handle this. I'm gonna take care of this. Hur kan ni inte tycka om honom? How can you not like him? How can you not like him? Här är ditt kvitto. Here is your receipt. Here's your receipt. Du måste låta mig hjälpa till. You have to let me help. You have to let me help. Jag joggar varje dag. I run every day. I jog every day. Den mannen dog av lungcancer för en vecka sedan. That man died of lung cancer one week ago. That man died of lung cancer a week ago. Jag sov inte bra i natt, så jag har inte så mycket energi i dag. I didn't sleep well last night, so I don't have much energy today. I didn't sleep well last night, so I don't have much energy today. Han klär sig som en gentleman, men han talar och uppför sig som en clown. His dress is that of a gentleman but his speech and behavior are those of a clown. He dresses like a gentleman, but he speaks and acts like a clown. Hur dags går nästa tåg till Tokyo? What time does the next train leave for Tokyo? What time's the next train to Tokyo? Det har varit en mycket svår vinter. We've had a very hard winter. It has been a very difficult winter. Jag gjorde Tom besviken. I let Tom down. I let Tom down. Jag vill att du överger den här dumma planen. I want you to give up this stupid plan. I want you to abandon this stupid plan. Det är bara ett år sedan jag giftade mig. It is just a year since I got married. It's only been a year since I got married. Jag såg Liz i morse. I saw Liz this morning. I saw Liz this morning. Kan du skicka saltet? Can you pass me the salt? Can you pass the salt? Jag kan inte behålla det här. I can't keep this. I can't keep this. Tom kommer inte att döda någon annan. Tom won't be killing anybody else. Tom won't kill anyone else. Tom tömde papperskorgen i förbränningsugnen. Tom emptied the wastebasket into the incinerator. Tom emptied the trash in the incinerator. Vi köpte soffan, även om den var lite för dyr. We bought the sofa, even though it was a bit too expensive. We bought the couch, even though it was a little too expensive. Detta är en bild på Toms fru. This is a picture of Tom's wife. This is a picture of Tom's wife. Hur? How? How? Hon kan inte bara tala engelska, utan också franska. She can speak not only English but also French. She can speak not only English, but also French. Jag kom för att säga hej. I came to say hi. I came to say hi. Tom skulle aldrig lämna Mary. Tom would never leave Mary. Tom would never leave Mary. Tom dödade inte någon. Tom didn't kill anybody. Tom didn't kill anyone. Är du golfspelare? Are you a golfer? Are you a golfer? Han håller alltid fast vid att ha allting på sitt sätt. He always insists on having everything his own way. He always holds on to having everything his way. Hur dags gick du och lade dig igår? What time did you go to sleep yesterday? What time did you go to bed last night? Jag har mycket att göra i morse. I have a lot to do this morning. I have a lot of work to do this morning. Hur ska jag göra det? How do I do that? How am I supposed to do that? Tom skulle aldrig ha skadat er. Tom would never have hurt you. Tom would never have hurt you. De har båda dragit samma slutsats. They both reached the same conclusion. They've both come to the same conclusion. De där tulpanerna är vackra. Those tulips are beautiful. Those tulips are beautiful. Gör honom inte besviken. Don't let him down. Don't disappoint him. Vilka vill ni tala med? Who do you want to speak to? Who do you want to talk to? Tom förstod inte att han gjorde ett misstag. Tom didn't realize that he had made a mistake. Tom didn't realize he was making a mistake. Jag har redan sagt åt Tom att inte göra det där igen. I've already told Tom not to do that again. I already told Tom not to do that again. Jag har haft en dålig vecka. I've had a bad week. I've had a bad week. Tangentbordet är bakgrundsbelyst. The keyboard is backlit. The keyboard is backlit. Jag blir galen. I'm going crazy. I'm going crazy. Jag lagade frukost åt dig. I cooked breakfast for you. I made you breakfast. Det är allt jag har att säga. That's all I've got to say. That's all I have to say. Hon skulle ha gjort det redan. She would have done it already. She should have done it already. Paris är Frankrikes huvudstad. Paris is the capital of France. Paris is the capital of France. Jag beställde pommes frites också. I ordered fries, too. I also ordered fries. "Hur gammal är du?" "Jag är sexton år." "How old are you?" "I'm sixteen." "How old are you?" "I'm sixteen." Jag har en katt och en hund. I have a cat and a dog. I have a cat and a dog. Har Tom någonsin bett dig ljuga för honom? Has Tom ever asked you to lie for him? Did Tom ever ask you to lie to him? Min katt hade ihjäl en ekorre. My cat killed a squirrel. My cat killed a squirrel. Han snubblade till, men var snabbt uppe på fötterna igen. He stumbled but quickly got up on his feet again. He stumbled, but was quickly back on his feet. Är du säker på att det här är Toms kontor? Are you sure this is Tom's office? Are you sure this is Tom's office? Den ligger på ditt skrivbord. It's on your desk. It's on your desk. Jag kommer att drömma om dig. I'll dream about you. I'll dream of you. Det är bäst att vi inte åker fast. We'd better not get caught. We better not get caught. Sami och Layla fortsatte tjafsa och bråka. Sami and Layla keep bickering and fighting. Sami and Layla kept arguing and fighting. Hon sa att hon inte kunde vänta. She said she couldn't wait. She said she couldn't wait. Jag tjänade precis tre lax. I just made three grand. I just made three salmon. Det är ovanligt. It's unusual. It's unusual. Jag hatar min bror. I hate my brother. I hate my brother. Är du på Facebook? Are you on Facebook? Are you on Facebook? Börja! Begin! Begin! Jag tror att vi valde fel person för jobbet. I think we picked the wrong person for the job. I think we picked the wrong person for the job. Jag tycker fortfarande inte om det. I still don't like it. I still don't like it. Jag älskar dig verkligen. I really love you. I really love you. Jag kommer att åka oavsett väder. I will go regardless of the weather. I'm going to go no matter what the weather. Vilka språk talas i Amerika? What languages are spoken in America? What languages are spoken in America? Tom är ursinnig. Tom is furious. Tom is furious. Vem är din kinesiskalärare? Who is your Chinese teacher? Who's your Chinese teacher? Detta är deras hus. This is their house. This is their house. Jag köpte den här åt dig. I got you this. I got you this. Jag är säker att Tom inte kommer hålla med I'm sure Tom won't agree to do that. I'm sure Tom won't agree. Vi är lite sena. We're a bit late. We're a little late. Jag älskade pjäsen. I loved the play. I loved the play. Hon tycker om vin. She likes wine. She likes wine. Jag vet att Mary är vackrare än jag. I know that Mary is more beautiful than me. I know Mary is more beautiful than I am. Jag ville inte att det här skulle hända. I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want this to happen. Jag behöver bara hitta Tom. I just need to find Tom. I just need to find Tom. Jag äger två böcker. I own two books. I own two books. Väntade du länge? Did you wait long? Did you wait long? Har ni ätit frukost? Did you have breakfast? Have you had breakfast? Han gjorde allt fotarbete. He did all the legwork. He did all the footwork. Jag pratar med rektorn. I'm speaking with the principal. I'll talk to the principal. Han är i femtioårsåldern. He's in his fifties. He's in his fifties. Tom är inte här. Tom is absent. Tom's not here. Bränt barn skyr elden. A burnt child dreads the fire. Burnt child shuns fire. Min pappa insisterade på att vi skulle vänta på tåget. My father insisted on our waiting for the train. My dad insisted we wait for the train. Grabba tag i någonting. Grab on to something. Grab something. Tycker inte du att det är lite konstigt? Don't you think that's a little strange? Don't you think it's a little weird? Oro gjorde mig sömnlös igår natt. Worrying deprived me of sleep last night. Worry made me sleepless last night. Jag läste bara. I was just reading. I was just reading. Jag lade märke till att hon satt på första raden. I noticed that she sat in the front row. I noticed she was in the front row. Hur når jag NHK? How do I get to NHK? How do I reach NHK? Vad mer kan jag säga? What more can I say? What else can I say? Meg köpte en burk tomater. Meg bought a can of tomatoes. Meg bought a can of tomatoes. Det borde vi göra tillsammans. We should do that together. We should do that together. Jag är orolig för Tom. I'm concerned about Tom. I'm worried about Tom. Kan jag få tala med henne? Can I speak to her? Can I talk to her? Tom sa att han är kanadensare. Tom said he's Canadian. Tom said he's Canadian. Hörde du det där? Did you hear that? Did you hear that? Den gamla ladan brann ner. The old barn burned down. The old barn burned down. Hur kunde jag missa det där? How did I miss that? How did I miss that? Jag sa åt dig att knacka! I told you to knock! I told you to knock! Under förra året skedde det många trafikolyckor. A lot of car accidents occurred last year. Last year there were many road accidents. Jag rörde inte Tom. I didn't touch Tom. I didn't touch Tom. Han hade velat ringa tidigare sade han, men han hade varit så upptagen på jobbet. He had wanted to call earlier he said, but he had been so busy at work. He had wanted to call earlier, he said, but he had been so busy at work. Vi kunde behöva lite hjälp. We could use a hand. We could use a little help. Jag älskar verkligen Tom. I really love Tom. I really love Tom. Jag kan ta hand om Tom. I can deal with Tom. I can take care of Tom. Basketlaget tränar inte på måndagar. The basketball team doesn't practice on Monday. The basketball team doesn't train on Mondays. Jason var en tystlåten typ, så det var alltid en överraskning när han sa någonting. Jason was a taciturn individual, so it was always a real surprise when he said anything. Jason was a quiet guy, so it was always a surprise when he said something. Enligt tidningen ska det snöa imorgon. According to the paper, it will snow tomorrow. According to the paper, it's going to snow tomorrow. Jag hörde att det var trevligt. I heard it was nice. I heard it was nice. Snabbmat kan vara beroendeframkallande. Fast food can be addictive. Fast food can be addictive. Influensor och förkylningar är mycket smittsamma. The flu and the common cold are very contagious. Influences and colds are very contagious. Han fick sladd i en rondell och voltade med bilen. His car lost control in a roundabout and flipped. He got corded in a roundabout and flipped the car. Berättade Tom för någon? Did Tom tell someone? Did Tom tell anyone? Tom är ganska oansvarig. Tom is pretty irresponsible. Tom's pretty irresponsible. Jag är inte så säker nu. I'm not so sure now. I'm not so sure now. Jag behöver en ny. I need a new one. I need a new one. Det är någon som saknas. Someone's missing. Someone's missing. Han får göra vad han vill med pengarna. He can do whatever he likes with the money. He can do whatever he wants with the money. Jag far i natt. I'll leave tonight. I'm leaving tonight. Jag köpte den i går. I bought it yesterday. I bought it yesterday. Minns du den gången vi åkte till Paris? Do you remember the time we went to Paris? Remember that time we went to Paris? Kan du skydda oss? Can you protect us? Can you protect us? Jag måste göra det nu. I have to do it now. I have to do it now. Släng iväg den bara. Just throw it away. Just throw it away. Tom kommer att hitta den. Tom will find it. Tom will find it. Låt mig berätta för dig om fallet. Let me tell you about the case. Let me tell you about the case. Pojkband var mycket populära vid den tiden. Boy bands were very popular at that time. Boy bands were very popular at the time. Det är dags att gå till gymmet. It's time to go to the gym. It's time to go to the gym. Det är sant. That's true. It's true. Om två dagar fyller jag 13. In two days, I'll turn 13. In two days, I'll be 13. Toms sandslott förstördes av stormen. Tom's sandcastle was destroyed by the storm. Tom's sand castle was destroyed by the storm. Töm askkoppen för den är full med fimpar. Empty the ashtray, because it's full of cigarette butts. Empty the ashtray because it's full of butts. Ett språk är en dialekt med en armé och en flotta. A language is a dialect with an army and a navy. A language is a dialect with an army and a fleet. Jag såg Tom blinka. I saw Tom blink. I saw Tom blink. Han komponerade en begravningsmarsch till sin egen begravning. He composed a funeral march for his own funeral. He composed a funeral march for his own funeral. Fråga Tom. Ask Tom. Ask Tom. Det är utan tvekan en av de värsta idéer jag någonsin hört. That is without a doubt one of the worst ideas I have ever heard. That is undoubtedly one of the worst ideas I have ever heard. Tom körde tillbaka till gården. Tom drove back to the farm. Tom drove back to the farm. Tom är inte jude. Tom isn't a Jew. Tom's not Jewish. Är ni på Facebook? Are you on Facebook? Are you on Facebook? Jag ljög för Tom. I lied to Tom. I lied to Tom. Jag har aldrig sett så många stjärnor. I've never seen so many stars. I've never seen so many stars. Jag kan inte komma på någon bra ursäkt till varför jag är sen till tandläkaren. I can't come up with a good excuse for being late for the dentist. I can't think of a good excuse why I'm late for the dentist. Han är så söt. He's so cute. He's so cute. Jag älskar bananer. I love bananas. I love bananas. Skicka saltet. Pass me the salt. Send the salt. Jag gillar att gå till skolan. I like walking to school. I like going to school. Jag kan inte se skillnaden. I can't see the difference. I can't tell the difference. Jag tycker vi borde göra mer än så. I think we should do more than that. I think we should do more than that. Jag har inget jobb. I don't have a job. I don't have a job. Nästa gång ska jag anstränga mig mera. Next time, I'll try harder. Next time, I'll try harder. Ingen köper den. No one's buying it. No one buys it. Kan du inte prata engelska? Can't you speak English? Can't you speak English? Det är lätt att finna vänner; det är svårare att behålla dem. It's easy to find friends; it's harder to keep them. Friends are easy to find; it is harder to keep them. Den här duger fint. This will do nicely. This one's fine. Hur ska jag göra det? How do I do it? How am I supposed to do that? Tom tror att det är omöjligt. Tom thinks it's impossible. Tom thinks it's impossible. Vad äter du till frukost? What do you eat for breakfast? What are you having for breakfast? Påfrestningen börjar ta på henne. The strain is starting to get to her. The strain is starting to touch her. Ha en trevlig flygresa. Have a good flight. Have a nice flight. Tom döljer någonting. Tom is hiding something. Tom's hiding something. Jag såg allt. I saw everything. I saw everything. Någon har stulit alla mina pengar. Someone has stolen all my money. Someone stole all my money. Byt flagga. Change the flag. Change the flag. Jag älskar Leanne. I love Leanne. I love Leanne. Hur noggrann är den? How accurate is it? How accurate is it? Pengar är guden av den mänskliga rasen. Money is the god of the human race. Money is the god of the human race. Grekerna äter ofta fisk också. Greeks often eat fish, too. The Greeks often eat fish too. På vems sida är du? Whose side are you on? On whose side are you? Du får inte röka. You must not smoke. You can't smoke. Jag vill inte ens ha er här. I don't even want you here. I don't even want you here. Läraren skrev någonting på svarta tavlan. The teacher wrote something on the blackboard. The teacher wrote something on the blackboard. Jag går som en pingvin. I walk like a penguin. I walk like a penguin. I Europa och Amerika ser de hunden som en familjemedlem. In Europe and America they regard the dog as a member of the family. In Europe and America, they see the dog as a family member. Det borde inte ha hänt. It shouldn't have happened. It shouldn't have happened. Vad är Finlands huvudstad? What's the capital city of Finland? What is the capital of Finland? En apa klättrar upp för ett högt träd. A monkey is climbing up a tall tree. A monkey climbs up a tall tree. Vi är goda vänner. We're good friends. We're good friends. Flickor kom in, den ena efter den andra. Girls came in one after another. Girls came in, one after the other. Tala aldrig med främlingar. Never talk to strangers. Never talk to strangers. Var är polisen? Where are the police? Where's the police? Du kan inte stanna här i kväll. You can't stay here tonight. You can't stay here tonight. Mustafa ritar mycket fina bilder. Mustafa draws very nice pictures. Mustafa draws very nice pictures. Jag är stolt över min son. I am proud of my son. I'm proud of my son. Har klimatet förändrats? Has the climate changed? Has the climate changed? Vad är det som pågår här? What is going on here? What's going on here? Jag träffade Tom på flygfältet. I met Tom at the airport. I met Tom at the airfield. Jag nyser hela tiden. I sneeze all the time. I sneeze all the time. Jag bryr mig inte om vilka kläder du har på dig. I don't care about what clothes you're wearing. I don't care what clothes you're wearing. Är Tom fortfarande singel? Is Tom still single? Is Tom still single? Lyckligtvis var vädret bra. Fortunately, the weather was good. Fortunately, the weather was good. Vi var väldigt hungriga. We were very hungry. We were very hungry. Tom ser irriterad ut. Tom looks annoyed. Tom looks annoyed. Jag låg på sjukhus några dagar. I was in the hospital for a few days. I was in the hospital for a few days. Vi måste börja nu direkt. We have to start right now. We have to start right now. Ge den till henne. Give it to her. Give it to her. Var jobbade Tom då? Where was Tom working then? Where did Tom work? Hade jag fel? Was I wrong? Was I wrong? Vi ska mötas på stationen klockan nio. We're meeting at the station at nine o'clock. We're meeting at the station at 9:00. Vad hade Tom förväntat sig? What did Tom expect? What did Tom expect? Jag vill dö. I want to die. I want to die. Om du äter för mycket kommer du att bli tjock. If you eat too much, you will get fat. If you eat too much, you'll get fat. Vad har Tom hittat? What's Tom found? What did Tom find? Vill du ha lite mer nötkött? Would you like some more beef? Would you like some more beef? Du måste berätta för oss. You have to tell us. You have to tell us. Det här är Toms sköldpadda. Hon heter Mary. This is Tom's pet turtle. She's called Mary. This is Tom's turtle. En dag kommer du att få lön för mödan. Your efforts will bear fruit someday. One day you'll get paid for your work. Tom är i knipa. Tom is in trouble. Tom's in trouble. Är du hungrig över huvud taget? Are you hungry at all? Are you hungry at all? Vill du gå någon annanstans? Do you want to go someplace else? Do you want to go somewhere else? Det är okej. It's fine. It's okay. Huvudstaden i Ukraina är Kiev. The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv. The capital city of Ukraine is Kiev. Det vet du inte. You don't know that. You don't know that. Sami har hittat många saker som inte stämmer i bibeln. Sami found lots of things that didn't make sense in the Bible. Sami has found many things that are not true in the Bible. John borde vara här när som helst nu. John should be here any minute now. John should be here any minute now. Kanske vi möts igen. Perhaps we'll meet again. Maybe we'll meet again. Det är väldigt lätt att ta sig till ön. The island is very easy to reach. It's very easy to get to the island. Har du fler än en mobiltelefon? Do you have more than one mobile phone? Do you have more than one cell phone? Jag borde vila upp mig lite. I should get some rest. I should get some rest. Tom undrade varför Maria var så upprörd. Tom wondered why Mary was so upset. Tom wondered why Mary was so upset. Får jag göra det själv? Can I do it myself? Can I do it myself? Är du Toms dotter? Are you Tom's daughter? Are you Tom's daughter? När fick du konsertbiljetten? When did you get the concert ticket? When did you get the concert ticket? Jag är ekonomiskt oberoende av mina föräldrar. I am economically independent of my parents. I'm financially independent of my parents. Jag lovar att vi ska lyssna på allting du säger. I promise that we'll be listening to everything you say. I promise we'll listen to everything you say. De vill inte att du ska veta. They don't want you to know. They don't want you to know. Tom ser skyldig ut. Tom looks guilty. Tom looks guilty. Tack, det var allt. Thanks, that's all. Thank you, that's all. De två männen tog i hand. The two men shook hands. The two men took a hand. Vi behöver pengar. We need money. We need money. Lycka till. Good luck! Good luck. Flygeln har ingen pedal alls. The grand piano has no pedal at all. The wing has no pedal at all. Han dagdrömmer jämt. He is always day-dreaming. He's always daydreaming. Varför tycker du om Tom? Why do you like Tom? Why do you like Tom? Mina vänner svek mig inte under rättegången. My friends stood by me during the court case. My friends didn't let me down during the trial. Tom talar inte mycket franska. Tom doesn't speak much French. Tom doesn't speak much French. Kasta bollen till mig. Throw me the ball. Throw the ball to me. Tom är missnöjd. Tom is disgruntled. Tom is unhappy. Jag hittade ett jobb åt honom. I found him a job. I found him a job. Jag behöver en tjänst. I do need one favor. I need a favor. Ett sätt att minska antalet fel i Tatoebas korpus vore att uppmuntra människor att endast översätta till sina modersmål. One way to lower the number of errors in the Tatoeba Corpus would be to encourage people to only translate into their native languages. One way to reduce the number of errors in Tatoeba's corpus would be to encourage people to translate only into their mother tongue. Lärare måste förstå barn. Teachers must understand children. Teachers need to understand children. Alla rören frös förra vintern. All the pipes froze last winter. All the pipes froze last winter. Vi ska hitta ett botemedel. We're going to find a cure. We're gonna find a cure. Hunden grävde en grop. The dog was digging a hole. The dog dug a hole. Ingen kunde förklara hur saken var gjord. Nobody could explain how the thing was made. No one could explain how it was done. Sami är en skrupelfri lögnare. Sami is an unprincipled liar. Sami is an unscrupulous liar. Det här är en säker plats. This is a safe place. This is a safe place. Säg mig vad du äter, så ska jag säga dig vad du är. Tell me what you eat, I'll tell you what you are. Tell me what you eat, and I'll tell you what you are. Vad ska du ta? What are you getting? What are you gonna take? Jag förstår mig inte på konst. I don't understand art. I don't understand art. Jag talade om allt för mamma. I told my mom everything. I told Mom everything. Sami har blivit lurad. Sami has been fooled. Sami's been tricked. Jag är trött eftersom jag arbetade för mycket. I'm tired because I worked too much. I'm tired because I worked too much. Kan du inte göra det? Can't you do that? Can't you do that? Jag tänker åka till Boston imorgon. I'm going to go to Boston tomorrow. I'm going to Boston tomorrow. Det förvånar mig att Tom inte ens kan sjunga en enda sång på Franska. I'm surprised Tom doesn't know how to sing at least one song in French. I'm surprised Tom can't even sing a single song in French. Tom säger att han aldrig har försökt äta hundmat. Tom says that he's never tried eating dog food. Tom says he's never tried to eat dog food. Vi äter middag. We are having dinner. We're having dinner. Jag läste att Brasiliens president är en kvinna. Hon kallas Dilma. I read that the president of Brazil is a woman. Her name is Dilma. I read that the president of Brazil is a woman called Dilma. Vad skriver du? What are you writing? What are you writing? Tom anställde Mary. Tom hired Mary. Tom hired Mary. Vissa läser böcker för att slå ihjäl tid. Some people read books to kill time. Some people read books to kill time. Toms syster lär Maria ryska. Tom's sister teaches Maria Russian. Tom's sister teaches Maria Russian. Ni vet att vi inte har så mycket tid just nu. You know that we don't have much time right now. You know we don't have much time right now. Tom visade mig brevet som han fick av Mary. Tom showed me the letter he got from Mary. Tom showed me the letter that Mary gave him. Hästen är min. The horse is mine. The horse is mine. Jag talar för alla människor. I speak for all people. I speak for all people. Vi måste skjuta upp vår avresa. We have to postpone our departure. We need to postpone our departure. Jag är också här. I'm here, too. I'm here too. De här är mycket ömtåliga. These are very fragile. These are very fragile. Den är inte där nu. It's not there now. It's not there now. Irriterar det dig? Does it bug you? Is that annoying to you? Din mamma är en riktig snuskhummer, Pelle. Jag orkar inte med hennes insinuationer! Your mother is extremely dirty‐minded, Pelle. I can't stand her insinuations! I can't stand her insinuations! Betty gick till havet i går. Betty went to the sea yesterday. Betty went to the sea yesterday. Skolbarn är förkylda dubbelt så ofta som vuxna. School children have colds twice as often as adults. Schoolchildren have a cold twice as often as adults. Det är ingenting personligt. It's nothing personal. It's nothing personal. De här pinjenötterna är goda. These pine nuts are delicious. These pine nuts are good. Jag vill inte bli vuxen. I don't want to grow up. I don't want to grow up. Huset är i brand. The house is on fire. The house is on fire. Jag kommer att göra det. I'll do it. I'll do it. Det är inte en dröm. It's not a dream. It's not a dream. Dina skor är här. Your shoes are here. Your shoes are here. Vad är det för fel på honom? What is wrong with him? What's wrong with him? Tom behöll min tändare. Tom kept my lighter. Tom kept my lighter. Jag kan knappt se utan mina glasögon. I can hardly see without my glasses. I can barely see without my glasses. Hitta någonstans att sitta. Find yourself a seat. Find somewhere to sit. Det här är en penna. This is a pen. This is a pen. Tom verkar fortfarande bekymrad. Tom still seems concerned. Tom still seems concerned. Jag behöver ett större rum. I need a larger room. I need a bigger room. Du behöver inte gömma någonting för mej. You don't have to hide anything from me. You don't have to hide anything from me. Tåget beräknas ankomma kl. 6. The train was due at 6. The train is scheduled to arrive at 6. Snälla låt mig få plocka upp din syster på stationen. Please let me pick up your sister at the station. Please let me pick up your sister at the station. Giftermål är för kvinnor det vanligaste sättet för försörjning, och den totala mängden av oönskat sex uthärdat av kvinnor är förmodlingen större i giftermål än i prostitution. Marriage is for women the commonest mode of livelihood, and the total amount of undesired sex endured by women is probably greater in marriage than in prostitution. Marriages are the most common means of livelihood for women, and the total amount of unwanted sex endured by women is greater in marriage than in prostitution. Var ligger den kanadensiska ambassaden? Where is the Canadian embassy? Where's the Canadian embassy? Tom är bilförsäljare. Tom is a car salesman. Tom is a car salesman. Jag fattar mina egna beslut. I make my own decisions. I make my own decisions. Jag talar bara lite franska. I only speak a little French. I'm just speaking a little French. Vad har du grävt fram? What did you turn up? What did you dig up? Du är begåvad. You're talented. You're talented. Tom vet inte om att jag är Marys pojkvän. Tom doesn't know I'm Mary's boyfriend. Tom doesn't know I'm Mary's boyfriend. Tom är på övervåningen. Tom is upstairs. Tom's upstairs. Samarbetet mellan Tom och Mary är inte särskilt smidigt. The collaboration between Tom and Mary is not going very smoothly. The cooperation between Tom and Mary is not very smooth. Tom sa att han ville vara här. Tom said he wanted to be here. Tom said he wanted to be here. Sami är familjens clown. Sami is the clown of the family. Sami is the family clown. Tom är inte i häkte. Tom isn't in jail. Tom's not in jail. Jag har aldrig varit hemma hos min morbror. I've never been to my uncle's house. I've never been to my uncle's house. Tom är hemsk. Tom is awful. Tom is terrible. Älskar du din mor? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Jag var hungrig. I was hungry. I was hungry. Jag trodde att polisen letade efter Tom. I thought the police were looking for Tom. I thought the police were looking for Tom. Hon borde ha gjort klart sina läxor. She ought to have finished her homework. She should have finished her homework. Hur länge har vi på oss? How long have we got? How long do we have? Vi är klara här. We're through here. We're done here. Italienska är enligt många världens vackraste språk. Many consider Italian to be the world's most beautiful language. Italian is according to many the world's most beautiful languages. Jag försökte att övertyga honom. I tried to convince him. I tried to convince him. Jag är inte din bror. I'm not your brother. I'm not your brother. Är inte det där Toms hatt? Isn't that Tom's hat? Isn't that Tom's hat? Han matade kycklingarna med hirs. He fed the chickens millet. He fed the chickens millet. Väx upp, Tom. Grow up, Tom. Grow up, Tom. Tom har varit gift med Maria i tjugo år. Tom has been married to Mary for twenty years. Tom has been married to Maria for 20 years. Min hund åt min läxa. My dog ate my homework. My dog ate my homework. Vilnius är Litauens huvudstad. Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania. Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania. Jag har inga problem med att göra det där. I don't have any trouble doing that. I don't have a problem doing that. Mary hade all anledning att vara nöjd. Mary had every reason to be satisfied. Mary had every reason to be satisfied. Kan jag få den? Could I have it? Can I have it? Lyssna på din kropp. Listen to your body. Listen to your body. Jag ville inte säga det till dig på telefon. I didn't want to tell you on the phone. I didn't want to tell you on the phone. Tom slog nästan ihjäl Mary. Tom almost beat Mary to death. Tom almost killed Mary. Tom säger att han är upptagen. Tom says he's busy. Tom says he's busy. Vad ligger växelkursen på? What is the exchange rate? What is the exchange rate on? Tom vill någonting annat. Tom wants something else. Tom wants something else. Läs inte vad som är i brevet. Bara ge det till Tom. Don't read what's in the envelope. Just give it to Tom. Don't read what's in the letter, just give it to Tom. Jag kommer att behöva din hjälp. I'm going to need your help. I'm gonna need your help. De blev mördade. They were murdered. They were murdered. Tom är inte turist. Tom isn't a tourist. Tom is not a tourist. Endast två saker är oändliga: universum och människans enfaldighet, och jag är inte säker gällande den första. Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Only two things are infinite: the universe and man's stupidity, and I'm not sure about the first. Är ni färdiga? Are you guys ready? Are you ready? Det är för varmt. It's too hot. It's too hot. Vi släpper det bara. Let's just drop it. Let's just let it go. Hur är det att vara döv? What's it like to be deaf? What's it like to be deaf? Tom är arg. Tom's mad. Tom's mad. Företagens arbetskraftskostnader har i Kina blivit så höga att ett omvänt Kina-fenomen håller på att bli allt vanligare. The company's labour costs in China have been so high that an unexpected China phenomenon is about to become the norm. The labour costs of companies in China have become so high that a reverse Chinese phenomenon is becoming more and more common. Hur får jag bort blodfläckarna från skjortan? How can I remove the spots of blood from the shirt? How do I get the blood stains off my shirt? Jag värmer inte upp deras hus åt dem. I don't heat their house for them. I'm not warming up their house for them. De kommer att leta efter hjälp. They'll be looking for help. They'll be looking for help. Jag trodde att jag sa åt dig att inte komma. I thought I told you not to come. I thought I told you not to come. Jag har några kakor. I've got some cookies. I've got some cookies. Jag skulle aldrig drömma om det. I'd never dream of it. I would never dream of it. Jag vet att Mary åkte utomlands. I know that Mary went abroad. I know Mary went abroad. Helt nyinflyttad i staden kände han sig stundvis ganska ensam. Once he moved to the city, there were times were he felt quite lonely. Newly moved into the city, he at times felt quite lonely. Jag ville ringa några telefonsamtal. I wanted to make some telephone calls. I wanted to make some phone calls. Gör som ni vill. Do as you like. Do what you want. Jag fixar trasiga radioapparater. I fix broken radios. I'll get you some broken radios. Jag vill göra det själv. I want to do it myself. I want to do it myself. Råris har många hälsofördelar. Brown rice has many health benefits. Assassin has many health benefits. Är det någon som kommer att äta det där? Is anyone going to eat that? Is anyone going to eat that? Doktorn sa till herr Smith att sluta röka. The doctor told Mr. Smith to give up smoking. The doctor told Mr. Smith to stop smoking. Det finns ingen hastighetsbegränsning. There's no speed limit. There's no speed limit. Jag måste kila. I've got to run. I have to run. Pratar du svenska? Do you speak Swedish? Do you speak Swedish? Min älskare älskar mig inte. My lover doesn't love me. My lover doesn't love me. Jag kan ta livet av dig. I can kill you. I can kill you. Vi är nästan färdiga här. We're almost finished here. We're almost done here. Tom bestämde sig för att ringa polisen. Tom decided to call the police. Tom decided to call the police. Han klagar jämt och ständigt. He is constantly complaining. He complains all the time. Tycker du att jag är ful? Do you think I'm ugly? Do you think I'm ugly? Jag hoppas att du tycker om Tom. I hope you like Tom. I hope you like Tom. Tom kom för att hjälpa. Tom came to help. Tom came to help. Hon väntar. She is waiting. She's waiting. Med Tom hade det varit annorlunda. With Tom, it would've been different. With Tom, it would have been different. Jag är inte någon expert. I'm not an expert. I'm not an expert. Har alla i Sverige blont hår och blå ögon? Does everyone in Sweden have blonde hair and blue eyes? Does everyone in Sweden have blonde hair and blue eyes? Ett språk är en dialekt med en armé och en flotta. A language is a dialect with an army and navy. A language is a dialect with an army and a fleet. Han tycker inte om nötkött. Det gör inte jag heller. He doesn't like beef. Neither do I. He doesn't like beef, neither do I. Jag köpte någonting smått att äta åt dem. I bought them snacks. I bought them something small to eat. Detta är hyddan som han levde i. This is the hut in which he lived. This is the hut in which he lived. Jag behöver bilnycklarna. I need the car keys. I need the car keys. Hur gamla var ni när ni slutade tro på jultomten? How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa Claus? How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa Claus? Jag kan inte hitta det. I can't find it. I can't find it. Allt är bättre. Everything's better. Everything's better. Tack för att ni kom. Thank you for coming. Thank you for coming. Läste du det där? Did you read that? Did you read that? Tom är säkert rädd. Tom is certainly afraid. I'm sure Tom's scared. Varför skulle jag säga någonting? Why would I say anything? Why would I say anything? Jag har faktiskt kul ikväll. I'm actually having fun tonight. Actually, I'm having fun tonight. Ge inte upp halvvägs. Don't give up halfway. Don't give up halfway. Tom sa att du lät det hända. Tom says you let it happen. Tom said you let that happen. Kvinnor behandlas annorlunda. Women are treated differently. Women are treated differently. Glöm inte era pass. Don't forget your passports. Don't forget your passports. Britterna trodde att amerikanerna överträdde deras lag. The British believed the Americans were violating their law. The British believed that the Americans violated their law. Om du köper två par märkesskor får du rabatt. You get a discount if you buy two pairs of brand name shoes. If you buy two pairs of designer shoes, you get a discount. Håll dig i närheten. Stand by. Stay close. Min födelsedag är inte förrän om en månad. My birthday's not for another month. My birthday isn't for another month. Jag slog upp ordet i ordboken. I looked up the word in the dictionary. I looked up the word in the dictionary. Mina föräldrar är skilda. My parents are divorced. My parents are divorced. Mötet avslutades vid lunchtid. The meeting came to an end at noon. The meeting ended at noon. Det var inte alls vad jag trodde. That's not what I thought at all. That's not what I thought. Jag skulle vilja stanna en natt. I'd like to stay for one night. I'd like to stay one night. Han slog honom i ansiktet. He hit him in the face. He hit him in the face. Tom är eländig. Tom is miserable. Tom is miserable. Har du namngett din nyfödda bäbis? Have you named your new born baby? Did you name your newborn baby? Jag tycker att Tom är envis. I think Tom is stubborn. I think Tom is stubborn. Matchen på söndag kommer att bli avgörande. Sunday's match will be crucial. The game on Sunday will be crucial. Ursprungligen betydde ordet "löyly" själ. Originally, the word "löyly" meant soul. Originally, the word "löyly" meant soul. Tom kommer att bli överlycklig. Tom will be thrilled. Tom will be overjoyed. Jag är glad att vi är överens. I'm glad we agree. I'm glad we agree. Mina ögon är blå. My eyes are blue. My eyes are blue. Jag såg vad du gjorde. I saw what you did. I saw what you did. Hon fick sätta livet till. She had to kill herself. She had to kill herself. Känner du mannen som pratade med mig? Do you know the man who was talking to me? Do you know the man who talked to me? Den är inte till er. It's not for you. It's not for you. Var är dina väskor? Where are your bags? Where are your bags? Tom frågade om han var inbjuden. Tom asked if he was invited. Tom asked if he was invited. Tom fälldes aldrig för brottet. Tom was never convicted of the crime. Tom was never convicted of the crime. Den är här. It's here. It's here. Söker ni något? Are you looking for something? Are you looking for something? Han uppskattar att det nya huset kommer kosta ungefär trettio miljoner yen. He estimates that the new house will cost roughly thirty million yen. He estimates that the new house will cost about thirty million yen. Tycker du inte om mig? Don't you like me? Don't you like me? Det är rena grekiskan. It's all Greek to me. It's Greek. Jag har fått nog. I'm fed up. I've had enough. Vad äter du just nu? What are you eating right now? What are you eating right now? Var gör det ont? Where does it hurt? Where does it hurt? Förstör det här templet. Destroy this temple. Destroy this temple. Hur kan jag mäta mig med det? How can I compete? How can I compare with that? Tom är längre än Mike. Tom is taller than Mike. Tom is taller than Mike. Jag ska göra som du önskar. I'll do as you wish. I'll do as you wish. Hon drabbades av svårt vankelmod. She suffered hard indecision. She suffered a great deal of frailness. Fadil använde Laylas telefon. Fadil used Layla's phone. Fadil used Layla's phone. Idag är det onsdag. Today it's Wednesday. Today's Wednesday. Engelska är, som ni vet, i högsta grad ett levande språk. English, as you know, is very much a living language. English, as you know, is very much a living language. Jag vill inte vila. I don't want to rest. I don't want to rest. Jag har sagt det innan och jag säger det igen: rör inte mina saker! I've said it before and I'm saying it again: don't touch my things! I've said it before and I'm saying it again: don't touch my things! Du är en timme tidig. You're an hour early. You're an hour early. Varför har du den här? Why do you have this? Why do you have this? Jag skulle vilja träffa dig igen nästa vecka. I'd like to see you again next week. I'd like to see you again next week. Jag trodde att jag förlorat er. I thought I'd lost you. I thought I lost you. Kvinnor förändrar världen. Women change the world. Women change the world. Texas är nästan dubbelt så stort som Japan. Texas is nearly twice as large as Japan. Texas is almost twice the size of Japan. Ni kan inte lämna mig. You can't leave me. You can't leave me. Ni är ett vackert par. You are a beautiful couple. You're a beautiful couple. Vem är det som äger pistolen? Who does the gun belong to? Who owns the gun? Vet Tom än? Does Tom know yet? Does Tom know yet? Kasta inte in handduken. Don't throw in the towel. Don't throw in the towel. Skadades någon? Did somebody get hurt? Was anyone hurt? Ord kan inte beskriva skönheten. Words cannot describe the beauty. Words can't describe beauty. Det här papperet absorberar inte bläck. This paper doesn't absorb ink. This paper doesn't absorb ink. Paris är en ganska dyr stad. Paris is a rather expensive city. Paris is a pretty expensive city. Jag behöver en blyertspenna. Kan jag låna en av dina pennor? I need a pencil. Can I borrow one of yours? Can I borrow one of your pencils? Hur mycket kostar det där? How much is that? How much does that cost? Kan Tom hjälpa oss? Can Tom help us? Can Tom help us? Det är billigt att åka tunnelbana i Peking. It is cheap to take the subway in Beijing. It's cheap to ride the subway in Beijing. Jag hårdkokade ett ägg. I hard-boiled an egg. I hard-boiled an egg. Tom är fattig. Tom is poor. Tom is poor. Alla eleverna kommer från USA. All the students come from the US. All the students are from the United States. Svara mig genast. Answer me right now. Answer me right now. Drack Sami allt det här? Did Sami drink all of this? Did Sami drink all this? Bussen är tom, och ändå sätter han sig bredvid mig. The bus is empty and he sits beside me anyways. The bus is empty, and yet he sits next to me. Hur går det med skolan? How's school? How's school going? Det här är mitt skepp. This is my ship. This is my ship. Tom lär sig engelska. Tom is learning English. Tom learns English. Hon är perfekt i alla avseenden. She is perfect in every respect. She's perfect in every respect. Han är inte för fattig för att köpa en cykel. He is not too poor to buy a bicycle. He's not too poor to buy a bike. Jag hatar spindlar. I hate spiders. I hate spiders. Jag såg grälet. I saw the fight. I saw the fight. Tom sade att han inte äter kött. Tom said he doesn't eat meat. Tom said he doesn't eat meat. Jag älskar den här delen. I love this part. I love this part. Det är kanske ingen bra idé att äta medan du springer. It may not be a good idea to eat while you are running. Maybe it's not a good idea to eat while you run. Jag trodde knappt mina ögon. I scarcely believed my eyes. I barely believed my eyes. Marken omvandlades till en park. The land was converted into a park. The land was converted into a park. Är ni tokiga? Are you people nuts? Are you crazy? Detta är oriktigt. This is incorrect. This is incorrect. Den här boken verkar intressant. This book seems interesting. This book seems interesting. Han är skyldig mig det. He owes me one. He owes me. Är du säker på att det är säkert? Are you sure that it's safe? Are you sure it's safe? Hur gick din intervju? How did your interview go? How was your interview? Tom stängde kontorsdörren. Tom closed the office door. Tom closed the office door. Hon är ungefär i min ålder. She's about the same age as me. She's about my age. Stanna där. Stay there. Stay there. Det kom att betyda mycket för byn. It will mean a lot for the village. It came to mean a lot to the village. Jag är i Paris. I am in Paris. I'm in Paris. I augusti 2014 bestämde Svenska byggnadsarbetareförbundet att könsneutrala pronomenet "hen" ("han eller hon eller varken han eller hon") bör användas istället för "han" i kommande versioner av sina stadgar. In August 2014 the Swedish Building Workers' Union decided that the gender-neutral pronoun "hen" ("he or she, or neither he nor she") should be used instead of "han" ("he") in forthcoming versions of its by-laws. In August 2014, the Swedish Construction Workers' Association decided that gender neutral pronoun "he" ("he or she or neither he or she") should be used instead of "he" in future versions of his statutes. Önska dig nånting först. Make a wish first. Make a wish first. Jag vägrar hjälpa till. I refuse to help. I won't help. Jag vet allt om dig. I know all about you. I know all about you. Tornet kan ses härifrån. The tower can be seen from here. The tower can be seen from here. Jag kan stå upp för mig själv. I can handle myself. I can stand up for myself. Det är skönt att vara hemma. It's nice to be home. It's good to be home. Jag äter ris. I am eating rice. I eat rice. Jag är ganska hungrig. I'm fairly hungry. I'm pretty hungry. Han kan inte ha sagt något så dumt. He can't have said such a stupid thing. He couldn't have said anything that stupid. Jag skulle känna likadant. I'd feel the same way. I'd feel the same way. Vi vill orsaka minsta möjliga skada. We want to cause the least possible harm. We want to do the least possible damage. Berätta för mig varför han gråter. Tell me why he's crying. Tell me why he's crying. Hallå, var är vi någonstans? Hey, where are we? Hey, where are we? Jag skulle vilja gå och sova nu. I would like to go to sleep now. I'd like to go to sleep now. Jag fyllde koppen. I filled the cup. I filled the cup. Får jag be om matsedeln och vinlistan? May I have the menu and the wine list? May I ask for the menu and the wine list? Blev Tom adopterad av en förälder eller av ett par? Was Tom adopted by a single parent or a couple? Was Tom adopted by a parent or by a couple? Vi ska göra som du säger. We'll do as you say. We'll do as you say. Hurdan är den? What's it like? What's it like? Tom plöjde sig fram genom folkhopen. Tom plowed his way through the crowd. Tom plowed his way through the crowd. Vi väntar oss många besökare till ceremonin. We're expecting a lot of people to attend the ceremony. We expect many visitors to the ceremony. Maska inte. Don't waste your time. Don't worm. Byggnaden som jag såg var väldigt stor. The building that I saw was very large. The building I saw was very large. Tom, du måste hjälpa mig. Tom, you've got to help me. Tom, you have to help me. Kan du inte stanna en stund till? Can't you stay a while longer? Can't you stay a little longer? Alla är där. Everyone's there. They're all there. Toms huvudämne var franska. Tom majored in French. Tom's major was French. Vad hade du på gång? What were you up to? What did you have going on? Jag vill träffa Tom. I want to see Tom. I want to see Tom. Du är så bra på det. You're so good at it. You're so good at it. Och vad ska vi göra? And what are we going to do? And what are we gonna do? Tom är motbjudande. Tom is disgusting. Tom is repulsive. Till och med mamma vet om det. Even my mom knows it. Even Mom knows about it. Nej, inte riktigt. No, not really. No, not really. Jag är på väg åt det hållet. I'm headed that way. I'm heading that way. Stanna! Stop! Stop! Det var precis det jag sa. That's exactly what I said. That's exactly what I said. Vad gjorde du i går kväll? What did you do last evening? What were you doing last night? Fortsätt gräva. Continue digging. Keep digging. Varför köpte du den här bilen? Why did you buy this car? Why did you buy this car? Jag vill inte att min son ska glömma bort sitt modersmål. I don't want my son to forget his mother tongue. I don't want my son to forget his mother tongue. Tom kommer inte att få köra på ett tag. Tom won't be allowed to drive for a while. Tom won't be driving for a while. Min bil är stor nog för fem personer. My car is large enough to carry five people. My car's big enough for five people. Detta handlar inte om er. This isn't about you. This isn't about you. Memorera dikten till nästa vecka. Memorize the poem by next week. Memorize the poem for next week. Månne bensinpriset skjuter i höjden i sommar. Are gasoline prices skyrocketing this summer, I wonder? Moon's gas price skyrockets this summer. Vi har inte gjort någonting. We haven't done anything. We haven't done anything. Var ligger den turkiska ambassaden? Where is the Turkish embassy? Where is the Turkish embassy? Var är utgången? Where's the exit? Where's the exit? I dag är morgondagen som vi oroade oss för i går. Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday. Today is tomorrow that we were worried about yesterday. Varför förföljer du mig? Why are you following me? Why are you following me? Hon schickade mig sin adress för att jag kunde hitta hennes hus. She sent me her address so that I could find her house. She threw me her address because I could find her house. Hur varmt blir det? How hot will it get? How hot is it going to be? Håller isen? Will the ice bear? Is the ice holding? Jag tycker bättre om vitt vin än rött. I like white wine better than red. I like white wine better than red. Tom är fortfarande uppe. Tom is still up. Tom's still up. Jag kommer inte stanna hos dig. I won't stay with you. I won't stay with you. Jag måste träffa Tom. I must meet Tom. I need to see Tom. USA är en republik medan Storbritannien inte är det. The USA is a republic, but the United Kingdom isn't. The United States is a republic while the United Kingdom is not. Jag är sen till arbetet. I'm late for work. I'm late for work. Låt honom inte ta den. Don't let him take it. Don't let him take it. Jag uppskattar verkligen din vänlighet. I really appreciate your kindness. I really appreciate your kindness. Jag har en inbjudan. I have an invitation. I have an invitation. Det går ett rykte att Mary gillar Tom. There's a rumor that Tom likes Mary. There's a rumor Mary likes Tom. Varför hatar Tom er? Why does Tom hate you? Why does Tom hate you? Han var hemma. He was at home. He was home. Tom kunde ha gjort vad än han ville. Tom could've done anything he wanted. Tom could have done whatever he wanted. Jag var kolugn. I was cool as a cucumber. I was a coal oven. Internet är en mötesplats för folk med gemensamma intressen. The Internet is a meeting point for people with common interests. The Internet is a meeting place for people with common interests. Vi fortsätter titta. Let's keep looking. Let's keep looking. Tom är en sympatisk kille. Tom's a likable guy. Tom's a sympathetic guy. "Han har varit sjuk." "Jaså, jag hoppas att det inte är någonting allvarligt." "He's been sick." "Oh really, I hope it's nothing serious." "He's been sick." "Well, I hope it's nothing serious." Orkanen Sandy är på väg. Hurricane Sandy is coming. Hurricane Sandy's on his way. Det här är brevet från min vän. This is the letter from my friend. This is the letter from my friend. Ät vadhelst ni vill. Eat whatever you like. Eat whatever you want. Hur mår du, Mike? How are you, Mike? How are you, Mike? Jag behöver bandet. I need the tape. I need the tape. Vad är avbrottet? What's the hold up? What's the interruption? Det var första gången någonsin jag körde bil. That was the first time I had ever driven a car. It was the first time I ever drove a car. Tatoeba kan hjälpa människor att lära sig minoritetsspråk. Tatoeba can help people to learn minority languages. Tatoeba can help people learn minority languages. Jag ska av på nästa station. I'll get off at the next station. I'm off at the next station. Du sålde några äpplen på marknaden. You sold some apples at the market. You sold some apples at the market. Jag köpte lite grejer. I bought some stuff. I got some stuff. Varför gick du din väg? Why did you go away? Why did you leave? Denna salen tar 2000 personer. This hall is capable of holding 2,000 people. This hall takes 2,000 people. Oavsett hur snabbt du kör hinner du inte dit i tid. No matter how fast you drive, you won't get there on time. No matter how fast you drive, you won't get there in time. Det är bäst att du inte berättar för honom. You'd better not tell him. You better not tell him. Tom svimmade nästan. Tom almost fainted. Tom almost fainted. Jag håller med. I agree. I agree. Om det var han så kunde han gjort sämre ifrån sig. For his part he could have done worse. If it was him, he could've done worse. Tom blev kidnappad. Tom was abducted. Tom was kidnapped. Hur går det, sötnos? How's it going, pumpkin? How's it going, sweetie? Klockan är redan mycket. Vi borde sova. It's already late. We should sleep. It's already late. Amerika är ett land av invandrare. America is a country of immigrants. America is a country of immigrants. Detta uttryck är arkaiskt. This expression is archaic. This expression is archaic. Ska vi inte gå ut och äta? Why don't we go out to eat? Why don't we go out for dinner? Mina händer är kladdiga. My hands are sticky. My hands are sticky. Tom är vansinnig. Tom is demented. Tom is insane. Tom var alltid villig att hjälpa till. Tom was always willing to help. Tom was always willing to help. Min lägenhet är i närheten. My apartment is near here. My apartment is nearby. Tom stannade i ett billigt hotell. Tom stayed at a cheap hotel. Tom stayed in a cheap hotel. Vem förstörde denna? Who broke this? Who destroyed this? Ingen av oss talar franska. None of us speak French. None of us speak French. Finns det en bensinmack i närheten? Is there a gas station around here? Is there a gas station nearby? Har du pratat med någon om de här sakerna? Have you ever talked to anyone about these things? Have you talked to anyone about these things? Är det det som hände här? Is that what happened here? Is that what happened here? Är det möjligt, tror ni? Do you think it's possible? Is that possible, do you think? Lisa låtsades inte höra. Lisa pretended not to hear. Lisa didn't pretend to hear. Återvänd genast. Return immediately. Return immediately. Stannade Tom länge? Did Tom stay long? Did Tom stay long? Jag får känslan av att ingen här berättar sanningen för oss. I get the feeling that no one here is telling us the truth. I get the feeling that no one here is telling us the truth. Vad har du gjort? What've you done? What did you do? Tom börjar bli frusen. Tom's getting chilly. Tom's getting cold. Vad fick ni för intryck av det? What were your impressions of it? What impression did that make you? Ska vi påbörja mötet nu? Shall we start the meeting now? Shall we begin the meeting now? Hur ska vi skydda oss själva? How will we protect ourselves? How are we supposed to protect ourselves? Jag har pengarna. I've got the money. I got the money. Jag kommer. I'm coming. I'm coming. Han hade få tänder. He had few teeth. He had few teeth. Vi måste jobba på det. We'll have to work on that. We have to work on it. Du gör ett bra jobb. You do a good job. You're doing a good job. Tom gick med på att åka till Boston med Mary. Tom agreed to go to Boston with Mary. Tom agreed to go to Boston with Mary. Är en av er Tom? Is one of you Tom? Is one of you Tom? Jag är född i Israel. I was born in Israel. I was born in Israel. Hur mycket är för mycket? How much is too much? How much is too much? Tom råkade salta sitt te. Tom put salt in his tea by mistake. Tom accidentally salted his tea. Tom hann inte med. Tom couldn't keep up. Tom didn't make it. Jag hoppas verkligen att ni har rätt. I really hope you're right. I really hope you're right. Vi hämtar lite till. We'll get some more. Let's get some more. Luta dig inte mot dörrarna. Don't lean against the doors. Don't lean against the doors. Den här boken finns bara tillgänglig i en affär. This book is available at one shop only. This book is only available in one store. John byggde en bokhylla. John built a bookcase. John built a bookcase. Jag slår vad om att Tom har glömt. I bet Tom forgot. I bet Tom forgot. Tom kände att han borde säga någonting. Tom felt he had to say something. Tom felt he should say something. Det finns mjölk i kylen. There is milk in the fridge. There's milk in the fridge. Tom kan inte vägra. Tom can't refuse. Tom can't refuse. Jag är inte intresserad av Tom. I'm not interested in Tom. I'm not interested in Tom. Jag bad om att få pengarna tillbaka. I asked for a refund. I asked for my money back. Vad skrattar du åt? What are you laughing at? What are you laughing at? Vad som än händer kommer jag inte att ändra mig. Whatever might happen, I won't change my mind. No matter what happens, I won't change my mind. Jag ställer alarmklockan så att jag inte kommer för sent till jobbet imorgon. I will set up my alarm o'clock in case I arrive at work late in the morning. I'll set the alarm clock so I won't be late for work tomorrow. Man måste läsa mellan raderna. You have to read between the lines. You have to read between the lines. Jag måste skynda mig! I have to hurry! I have to hurry! Se på alla dessa lådor. Look at all these boxes. Look at all these boxes. Låt oss vara ärliga! Let's be honest! Let's be honest! Tom och Maria är lika gamla. Tom and Mary are the same age. Tom and Maria are the same age. Du är säkert väldigt upptagen. I'm sure you're very busy. I'm sure you're very busy. Det var ett förskräckligt väder. It was dreadful weather. It was a terrible weather. Vad fick vi? What did we get? What did we get? Köpte du dem? Did you buy them? Did you buy them? Sami och Layla är lika gamla. Sami and Layla are the same age. Sami and Layla are the same age. Tom fötter kändes stelfrusna. Tom's feet felt numb. Tom's feet felt frozen. Vi ska gå. We're going. We're going. Jag kan inte engelska. I don't know English. I don't speak English. Tom blev väldigt upprörd. Tom became very upset. Tom was very upset. Själv föredrar jag kaffe framför te. Me, I prefer coffee to tea. I myself prefer coffee to tea. Rummet kommer att målas imorgon. The room will be painted tomorrow. The room will be painted tomorrow. Är mina öron röda? Are my ears red? Are my ears red? Sjärnorna ser mycket vackra ut i kväll. The stars look very beautiful tonight. The stars look very beautiful tonight. Jag ber om ursäkt för det. I apologize for it. I'm sorry about that. Detta är inte acceptabelt. This is not acceptable. This is not acceptable. Vad gör de? What do they do? What are they doing? Ensambarn är ofta bortskämda. Single children are often spoiled. Single children are often spoiled. Regnet slog emot fönstren. The rain was beating against the windows. The rain hit the windows. Huset är stort. The house is big. The house is big. Jag har så mycket arbete att jag stannar en timme till. I have so much work that I will stay for one more hour. I've got so much work to do, I'm gonna stay an hour longer. Håll käften! Shut up! Shut up! När var första gången du träffade henne? When was the first time you met her? When was the first time you met her? Låt oss klä granen. Let's decorate the Christmas tree. Let's dress the tree. Tom talade till Mary från den andra sidan. Tom spoke to Mary from beyond. Tom spoke to Mary from the other side. Du skulle inte gilla Tom. You wouldn't like Tom. You wouldn't like Tom. Jag skämtar med er bara. I'm just kidding you. I'm just joking with you. Tom hörde det där. Tom heard that. Tom heard that. Jag ska lära dig hur man spelar schack. I will teach you how to play chess. I'll teach you how to play chess. Tom ville inte åka dit med Mary. Tom didn't want to go there with Mary. Tom didn't want to go there with Mary. Jag kommer inte att ha tid med det i morgon. I won't have time for that tomorrow. I won't have time for that tomorrow. Får vi vara med? Can we join in? Can we join in? Han försökte att inte vara allt för partisk. He tried not to be too biased. He tried not to be too biased. Vem är din lärare? Who's your teacher? Who's your teacher? Jag gjorde den här själv. I made this myself. I made this myself. Vad har du att erbjuda? What can you offer? What do you have to offer? Jag trodde att du gillade mig. I thought you liked me. I thought you liked me. Jag saknar allt det här. I miss all this. I miss all this. Ge Tom hans nycklar. Give Tom his keys. Give Tom his keys. Jag önskar dig lycka till. I wish you well. I wish you luck. Gå ut tillbaka. Go back outside. Go back out. Detta är en kamera tillverkad i Japan. This is a camera made in Japan. This is a camera made in Japan. Flygplan kan höras långt före de syns. Airplanes are audible long before they are visible. Aeroplanes can be heard long before they can be seen. Jag gillar inte ditt namn. I don't like your name. I don't like your name. En gång ville jag bli astrofysiker. I once wanted to be an astrophysicist. I once wanted to be an astrophysicist. Tom hjälpte mycket. Tom helped a lot. Tom helped a lot. Gå och hämta en tröja åt mig. Go get me a sweater. Go get me a sweater. Det landet har ett handelsöverskott. Det exporterar mera än det importerar. That country has a trade surplus. It exports more than it imports. That country has a trade surplus, it exports more than it imports. Kan ni reparera detta? Can you repair this? Can you repair this? Du är misslyckad. You're a failure. You're a failure. Kommer det ta lång tid för dig? Will you be long? Will it take a long time for you? De är på övervåningen och arbetar. They're working upstairs. They're upstairs working. Vilken är din favoritfilm? What's your favorite movie? What's your favorite movie? Öppna fönstret. Open the window. Open the window. Om du inte vill säga någonting, behöver du inte det. If you don't want to say anything, you don't have to. If you don't want to say anything, you don't have to. Bob är min kompis. Bob is my friend. Bob's my friend. Det finns mer än 4000 språk i världen. There are more than 4000 languages in the world. There are more than 4,000 languages in the world. Det är inte mitt val. It's not my choice. It's not my choice. Jag var nära att döda Tom. I almost killed Tom. I almost killed Tom. Jag förstår mig inte på musik. I don't understand music. I don't understand music. Tom, har du dina nycklar? Tom, do you have your keys? Tom, do you have your keys? Att mingla med folk på fester kan vara förskräckande för blyga människor. Mixing with people at a party can be terrifying for shy people. To mingle with people at parties can be frightening to shy people. Ett godståg har spårat ur strax söder om Stockholm. A freight train has derailed just south of Stockholm. A freight train has derailed just south of Stockholm. Gå och hämta lite handdukar. Go get some towels. Go get some towels. Jag måste ge mig av nu. Well, I have to go now. I have to go now. Jag tycker om hundar och min syster tycker om katter. I like dogs and my sister likes cats. I like dogs and my sister likes cats. Allt slutade. Everything stopped. It all ended. Jag är färdig. I'm finished. I'm done. Vad är ditt modersmål? What is your mother tongue? What is your native language? Layla litar inte på män. Layla doesn't trust men. Layla doesn't trust men. Jag behöver verkligen det här. I really need this. I really need this. Du har rätt, Tom. You're right, Tom. You're right, Tom. Tom är den enda jag vet som kan göra det här. Tom is the only one I know who can do this. Tom is the only one I know who can do this. Jag var på väg hem. I was on my way home. I was on my way home. Jag skriver en mening på tyska. I'm writing a sentence in German. I write a sentence in German. Är du säker på att han inte har en flickvän? Are you sure he doesn't have a girlfriend? Are you sure he doesn't have a girlfriend? Han stoppade näsduken i fickan. He tucked the handkerchief in his pocket. He put the handkerchief in his pocket. Tom sade åt Mary att hålla dörren stängd. Tom told Mary to keep the door closed. Tom told Mary to keep the door closed. Du ser trött ut, så du borde gå och lägga dig tidigt. You look tired, so you should go to bed early. You look tired, so you should go to bed early. Tom sade till mig att den blev stulen. Tom told me it was stolen. Tom told me it was stolen. Tom verkar inte upptagen. Tom doesn't seem busy. Tom doesn't seem busy. Jag hoppas att jag vinner. I'm hoping to win. I hope I win. Kan du skicka mig den där grunkamojen? Can you pass me that thingamajig? Can you send me that grunkamoj? Ett kuvert och ett frimärke, tack. An envelope and a stamp, please. An envelope and stamp, please. Jag tror på mig själv. I believe in myself. I believe in myself. Min brevlåda är full. My mailbox is full. My mailbox is full. Planet gjorde en perfekt landning. The plane made a perfect landing. The plane made a perfect landing. Vilken trevlig överraskning! What a nice surprise! What a pleasant surprise! Tom kunde inte hitta Mary. Tom couldn't find Mary. Tom couldn't find Mary. Hur gör föräldrar det? How do parents do it? How do parents do that? Jag tittade på tv. I was watching TV. I was watching TV. Det här året erbjuder vi samma språkkurs som i fjol. This year we offer the same language course as last year. This year we offer the same language course as last year. Våra gudar är döda. Our gods are dead. Our gods are dead. Berätta din plan för mig. Tell me your plan. Tell me your plan. Tom och Mary verkar inte vara hungriga. Tom and Mary don't seem to be hungry. Tom and Mary don't seem hungry. Det finns bara två primtal mellan 10 och 14. There are only two primes between 10 and 14. There are only two prime numbers between 10 and 14. Ni är gifta nu. You're married now. You're married now. Tom sade till Mary att han var upptagen. Tom told Mary he was busy. Tom told Mary he was busy. Varför hatar ni Tom? Why do you hate Tom? Why do you hate Tom? Är ni roade av det här? Are you enjoying this? Are you entertained by this? Illusioner är kortlivade. Illusions are short lived. Illusions are short-lived. Förhandlingarna ska ta upp problemet om miljöförorening. The talks will deal with the problem of pollution. The negotiations will address the problem of environmental pollution. Han är alltid vänlig mot mig. He is always friendly to me. He's always kind to me. Jag tycker om koreansk mat. I like Korean food. I like Korean food. Hon lever på grönsaker och råris. She lives on vegetables and brown rice. She lives on vegetables and husked rice. Jag klarar inte av sådan här musik. I can't stand this kind of music. I can't handle music like this. Vad ritade han på tavlan? What did he draw on the blackboard? What did he draw on the board? Det här klassrummet är städat. This classroom is cleaned. This classroom is cleaned up. Jag hatade det i början. I initially hated it. I hated it at first. Vad säger han? What does he say? What's he saying? Varför klev Tom in i den där bilen? Why did Tom get into that car? Why did Tom get in that car? Vad är jag skyldig er? What do I owe you? What do I owe you? Sami tänkte inte på någon speciell Sami didn't have anybody in mind. Sami didn't think of anyone special. Han är ingen vetenskapsman, men han är vår vän. He's not a scientist, but he is our friend. He's not a scientist, but he's our friend. Jag åt med min lillebror. I ate with my baby brother. I ate with my little brother. Jag bar mig ohyfsat åt. I forgot my manners. I behaved rudely. Fadil följde sitt ex till hennes hem. Fadil followed his ex to her home. Fadil followed his ex to her home. Jag åker i kväll. I'll leave tonight. I'm leaving tonight. Du har redan varit i Berlin. You have already been to Berlin. You've already been to Berlin. Han är sjuk. He is sick. He's sick. Jag har fortfarande tid. I still have time. I still have time. Varför lär du dig engelska? What do you learn English for? Why do you learn English? Han visade mig massor av vackra bilder. He showed me a lot of beautiful photos. He showed me lots of beautiful pictures. Jag tror inte det blir bättre än så! I don't think it gets any better than that! I don't think it's gonna get any better than that! Ditt namn har tagits bort från listan. Your name has been removed from the list. Your name has been removed from the list. Jag tycker att du är snäll. I think you're nice. I think you're nice. Den ena talar engelska, den andra japanska. One speaks English, and the other speaks Japanese. One speaks English, the other Japanese. Varför frågar du inte din lärare om råd? Why don't you ask your teacher for advice? Why don't you ask your teacher for advice? Kan du ta hand om våra husdjur medan vi är borta? Will you look after our pets while we're away? Can you take care of our pets while we're gone? Jag gillar frukt. I like fruit. I like fruit. Jag väntar på dig på mitt rum. I'm waiting for you in my room. I'll wait for you in my room. Du är säkert upptagen. I bet you're busy. I'm sure you're busy. Du är snuvig. Your nose is running. You're dirty. Vi har vunnit! We've won! We've won! Förklara det för mig. Explain that to me. Explain it to me. Våra ansträngningar medförde inte någon framgång. Our efforts did not result in success. Our efforts brought no success. Sami läste hela bibeln. Sami read the whole Bible. Sami read the whole Bible. Han är nykterist. He's a teetotaler. He's a soberer. Medtävlanden tjuvstartade två gånger. The competitor twice jumped the gun. The competition started twice. Jag glömde att kolla på det. I forgot to watch it. I forgot to look at it. Det ackusativa indikerar riktning, det vill säga en rörelse mot en annan plats. The accusative indicates directionality, that is, movement towards a certain place. The accusative indicates direction, that is, a movement towards another place. Behöver Tom hjälp? Does Tom need help? Is Tom in need of help? Jag är sen till jobbet. I'm late for work. I'm late for work. Jag hittade faktiskt en sak. I did find something. Actually, I found something. Biljetterna kostar 20 yen styck. The tickets cost 20 yen apiece. Tickets cost 20 yen each. Jag måste plugga. Mina böcker väntar på mig. I have to study. My books are waiting for me. My books are waiting for me. Tom var adopterad av en rik amerikansk familj. Tom was adopted by a rich American family. Tom was adopted by a rich American family. Vi håller kontakt. We'll keep in touch. We'll keep in touch. Jag har alldeles nyss gett Tom sparken. I just fired Tom. I just fired Tom. Såg du verkligen att Tom hjälpte Mary? Did you actually see Tom helping Mary? Did you really see Tom helping Mary? Såsen brände fast i botten av kastrullen. The sauce got burnt and stuck to the bottom of the pan. The sauce burned into the bottom of the saucepan. Varför gjorde han så? Why did he do that? Why would he do that? Det här smakar typ som kyckling. This kind of tastes like chicken. This kind of tastes like chicken. Jag ville bara kolla min mejl. I just wanted to check my email. I just wanted to check my e-mail. Det är möjligt. It's possible. It's possible. Det är ingen hemlighet. It's not a secret. It's not a secret. Vad är nytt? What is new? What's new? Har du tappat vettet? Have you lost your reason? Have you lost your mind? Vad finns i garderoben? What's in the closet? What's in the closet? Affären är öppen året runt. The store is open all the year round. The store is open all year round. Han hjälper inte till hemma. He doesn't give any help with housework. He's not helping at home. Tom simmade i simbassängen. Tom swam in the pool. Tom swam in the swimming pool. Är den här radion din? Is this radio yours? Is this radio yours? Ta hit deras vapen. Get their weapons. Bring their weapons here. Jag har aldrig ätit kinesisk mat. I've never eaten Chinese food. I've never eaten Chinese food. Jag förstår inte riktigt vad du menar. I don't really understand what you mean. I don't really understand what you mean. Jag kunde svära på att någonting rörde sig. I could have sworn something moved. I could swear something was moving. Han anmärkte jämt på mig. He was always finding fault with me. He always remarked on me. Det hade varit roligt. That would've been fun. That would have been fun. Vi har inte bestämt ännu vart vi ska åka imorgon. We haven't yet decided where we'll go tomorrow. We haven't decided yet where to go tomorrow. Vad har vi här? What do we have here? What do we have here? Varför kan du inte be honom om ursäkt? Why can't you apologize to him? Why can't you apologize to him? Melanie tycker att situationen är mycket dålig. Melanie thinks that the situation is very bad. Melanie thinks the situation is very bad. Tom pratar bara franska med sina föräldrar. Tom only speaks French with his parents. Tom only speaks French to his parents. Kan någon intyga det? Can anyone verify that? Can anyone attest to that? Orsaken till olyckan är okänd. The cause of the accident is unknown. The cause of the accident is unknown. Det var svalt och skönt, men nu börjar det bli kallt. It was nice and cool, but it is getting cold now. It was cool and nice, but now it's getting cold. Jag kände till riskerna. I knew the risks. I knew the risks. Tom kommer inte, och inte Mary heller. Tom won't come, and Mary won't either. Tom isn't coming, and neither is Mary. Jag övade varje dag. I practiced every day. I practiced every day. Vi vill endast ha dig. We only want you. We only want you. Denna byggnad är gjord av sten. This building is made of stone. This building is made of stone. Tom! Vad sysslar du med? Tom! What are you doing? Tom, what are you doing? Jag är hemma. I am at home. I'm home. Vintern är på väg. Winter is coming. Winter's coming. Kör försiktigt. Drive safely. Drive safe. Kvinnan är rik, men mannen är fattig. The woman is rich, but the man is poor. The woman is rich, but the man is poor. Kom och träffa några av dina nya klasskamrater. Come meet some of your new classmates. Come meet some of your new classmates. Hur stor? How big? How big? De är dyra. They're expensive. They're expensive. Jag far i kväll. I'll leave tonight. I'm leaving tonight. De är på övervåningen och jobbar. They're working upstairs. They're upstairs working. Pengarna var redan utomlands. The money was already abroad. The money was already abroad. Kan jag ringa upp dig? Can I call you again? Can I call you back? Jag skickade iväg Tom. I sent Tom away. I sent Tom away. Vad är det med dig? What is it with you? What's the matter with you? Jag kan inte stå ut med detta ljudet längre. I can't stand this noise anymore. I can't stand this sound anymore. Jag arbetar här nu. I'm working here now. I work here now. Jag vill lära mig tyska med mina vänner. I want to learn German with my friends. I want to learn German with my friends. Sådana här saker händer bara i Sverige. These things only happen in Sweden. Things like this only happen in Sweden. Eleverna är lata. The students are lazy. The students are lazy. Jag tycker att du borde vila; du ser sjuk ut. I think you'd better take a rest; you look ill. I think you should rest; you look sick. Det var runt. It was round. It was around. Jag är lycklig här. I'm happy here. I'm happy here. Jag vill inte översätta den här meningen. I don't want to translate this sentence. I don't want to translate this sentence. Vänta! Wait! Wait! Vi blev goda vänner. We became good friends. We became good friends. Du var dålig på det. You were bad at it. You were bad at it. Jag förstår dig! I understand you! I don't blame you! De är förfärliga. They're dreadful. They're terrible. Tom hittar alltid fel hos henne. Tom always finds fault with her. Tom always finds fault with her. Kan du franska? Do you know French? Do you speak French? Jag tycker inte alls om det här. I don't like this at all. I don't like this at all. Det är inget skämt. It's no joke. It's not a joke. Tom visade mig ett bättre sätt att göra det där. Tom showed me a better way to do that. Tom showed me a better way to do that. Jag behöver en plan. I need a plan. I need a plan. Det var ett väldigt spännande spel. It was a very exciting game. It was a very exciting game. Columbus upptäckte Amerika 1492. Columbus discovered America in 1492. Columbus discovered America in 1492. Jag har varit i Kina i mindre än en månad. I've been in China for less than a month. I've been in China for less than a month. Underåriga kan inte vara gruvarbetare. Minors can't be miners. Minors can't be miners. Detta används fortfarande dagligen. This is still in daily use. This is still used daily. Jag är trött, så stick iväg och stör någon annan. I am tired so go and bother someone else. I'm tired, so go and bother someone else. Jag hatar Tom nu. I hate Tom now. I hate Tom now. Jag tycker att du är lite för försiktig. I think you're being a little too careful. I think you're being a little too careful. Tom låter utmattad. Tom sounds exhausted. Tom sounds exhausted. Jag ska underrätta Tom. I will notify Tom. I'll let Tom know. Du har redan varit i Berlin. You've already been to Berlin. You've already been to Berlin. Jag vill ha en papegoja. I want a parrot. I want a parrot. Jag är faktiskt här för att hjälpa dig. I'm here to help you, actually. Actually, I'm here to help you. Berätta för mig varför han gråter. Tell me why he is crying. Tell me why he's crying. Min farfar hör lite dåligt. My grandfather is a bit hard of hearing. My grandfather doesn't hear much. Vad älskar du? What do you love? What do you love? Tom fick en fortkörningsbot. Tom got a speeding ticket. Tom got a speeding ticket. Det är faktiskt ganska smart. That's actually pretty clever. It's actually pretty smart. Det är ingen som faktiskt vet. No one really knows. No one actually knows. Skulle du kunna kolla vad som går på bio nästa lördag? Could you check what movies are playing next Saturday? Would you mind seeing what's going to the movies next Saturday? Vilka ska du dit med? Who are you going with? Who are you going with? Vi gör ost och smör av mjölk. We make milk into cheese and butter. We make cheese and butter out of milk. Tom är hövlig. Tom is courteous. Tom is polite. Var är resten av pengarna? Where's the rest of the money? Where's the rest of the money? Äter du kött eller är du vegetarian? Do you eat meat or are you a vegetarian? Are you eating meat or are you a vegetarian? Hur tror ni att jag känner mig? How do you think I feel? How do you think I feel? Tacka mig inte än. Don't thank me yet. Don't thank me yet. Använd detta. Use this. Use this. Jag tyckte väldigt mycket om boken som jag igår har köpt. I liked the book which I bought yesterday very much. I really liked the book that I bought yesterday. Jag kan min sak. I know my business. I know my business. Det fanns lite dagg imorse. There was some dew this morning. There was some dew this morning. Vänta inte. Don't wait. Don't wait. Jag gillar hundar och min syster gillar katter. I like dogs and my sister likes cats. I like dogs and my sister likes cats. Här är ett exempel. Here's an example. Here is an example. Ni är överkänsliga. You're overemotional. You're oversensitive. Tom kan inte bestämma sig för vad han ska köpa. Tom can't decide what to buy. Tom can't decide what to buy. Ur vägen, pojk. Out of my way, boy. Get out of the way, boy. Jag trodde att du gick hem. I thought you went home. I thought you were going home. Tom verkar ha hamnat i något slags koma. Tom seems to have fallen into some kind of a coma. Tom seems to have ended up in some kind of coma. Tom är nöjd. Tom is contented. Tom is happy. Visste du inte att det här skulle hända? Didn't you know that was going to happen? Didn't you know this was gonna happen? Telefonen är trasig. The phone is out of order. The phone's broken. Någon måste ta ansvaret i familjen. Someone's got to take responsibility for the family. Someone has to take responsibility in the family. Jag kan förklara det här. I can explain this. I can explain this. Jag älskar att prata med er. I love talking to you. I love talking to you. Ingen har bett dig att hålla med, men du kan väl åtminstone acceptera att det finns personer som har andra åsikter än dig? Nobody has asked you to agree, but can't you at least accept that there are people who hold different views from you? No one has asked you to agree, but can you at least accept that there are people who have different opinions from you? Ge mig vinet. Give me the wine. Give me the wine. Vad ska vi säga till Tom? What do we tell Tom? What are we gonna tell Tom? Vad menar de? What do they mean? What do they mean? Jag är student. I am a student. I'm a student. Vi gör mjölk till ost och smör. We make milk into cheese and butter. We'll make milk for cheese and butter. Tom körde över någons hund. Tom ran over someone's dog. Tom ran over someone's dog. Jag hittar inte min portfölj. I can't find my briefcase. I can't find my briefcase. Jag tänker så det knakar, men jag kan inte komma på hennes namn. I'm trying hard, but can't think of her name. I think it's crackling, but I can't think of her name. Är du allvarlig? Are you serious? Are you serious? Min morfar gillar att promenera. My grandfather likes to walk. My grandfather likes to walk. Det är läggdags. It's bedtime. It's bedtime. Nästa! Next! Next! Det är en encellig organism. That is a unicellular organism. It's a single-celled organism. Jag känner en smärta här. I feel a pain here. I feel a pain here. Rör er inte! Nobody moves! Don't move! Tom är arg. Tom's angry. Tom's mad. Vad gör jag sen? What do I do next? What do I do next? Vi har varit gifta i fem år. We've been married for five years. We've been married for five years. Skulle du vilja ha en till öl? Would you like another beer? Would you like another beer? Tom skrämde mig inte. Tom didn't scare me. Tom didn't scare me. Jag antar att du skulle kunna ha rätt. You could be right, I suppose. I guess you could be right. Jag har bott sex månader i Kina. I've lived in China for six months. I've lived six months in China. Är hon trevlig? Is she nice? Is she nice? Jag vet att du är arg. I know you're angry. I know you're mad. Är vi säkra än? Are we safe yet? Are we safe yet? Tom är stark. Tom's strong. Tom is strong. Det tog mig mer än två timmar att översätta några sidor engelska. It took me more than two hours to translate a few pages of English. It took me more than two hours to translate a few pages of English. Jag vet att du är upptagen. I know you're busy. I know you're busy. Hunden är på stolen. The dog is on the chair. The dog's on the chair. Ingen gör någonting. No one is doing anything. Nobody's doing anything. Jag säger det till dig för sjuttioelfte gången – Nej! I'm telling you for the umpteenth time - No! I'm telling you for the 70th time – No! Jag har ingenting att läsa. I don't have anything to read. I have nothing to read. Jag svek Tom. I let Tom down. I let Tom down. Kattungen älskade att jaga rullande mynt. The kitten loved to chase rolling coins. The kitten loved chasing rolling coins. Säg att det är sant. Tell me it's true. Tell me it's true. Det finns en tv i rummet. There is a television in the room. There's a TV in the room. Tom och Mary städade frivilligt upp parken. Tom and Mary volunteered to clean up the park. Tom and Mary volunteered to clean up the park. Tack så mycket. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Jag måste ha drömt det. I must have dreamt it. I must have dreamed it. Alkohol löser inga problem, men det gör inte mjölk heller. Alcohol does not solve any problems, but neither does milk. Alcohol does not solve problems, but milk does not. Han blåste ut ljuset. He blew out the candle. He blew out the candle. Polismannen bär en gasmask. The policeman is wearing a gas mask. The policeman wears a gas mask. Vad kostar en öl? How much is a beer? How much is a beer? Tom ringde och sa att han skulle bli sen. Tom called and said he would be late. Tom called and said he'd be late. Tom är inte tjock. Tom's not fat. Tom's not fat. Jag kysste henne på pannan. I kissed her on the forehead. I kissed her on the forehead. Vi tappade bort tornet när vi gick in i byn. We lost sight of the tower as we entered the town. We lost the tower when we entered the village. Detta är ett gott tecken. This is a good sign. This is a good sign. Tom är en röstskådespelare. Tom is a voice actor. Tom is a voice actor. Du borde inte gå ut. You'd better not go out. You shouldn't go out. Tom öppnade sin resväska. Tom opened his suitcase. Tom opened his suitcase. Jobbar hon hårt? Does she work hard? Is she working hard? Den här skolan grundades år 1970. This school was founded in 1970. This school was founded in 1970. Vet du vilken gud det här templet är tillägnat? Do you know which deity this temple is dedicated to? Do you know what god this temple is dedicated to? Han skar upp köttet och vägde det. He cut up the meat and weighed it. He cut up the meat and weighed it. Varför är det ingen som hjälper Tom? Why isn't anyone helping Tom? Why isn't anyone helping Tom? Jag förstod inte hans skämt. I didn't get his joke. I didn't understand his joke. Tom klarade sig inte. Tom couldn't make it. Tom didn't make it. Han studerar astronomi, eller stjärnlära. He studies astronomy, or the science of stars. He's studying astronomy, or star science. Julen föll på en lördag det året. Christmas fell on Saturday that year. Christmas fell on a Saturday that year. Är det okej om jag sätter mig här? Is it OK if I sit here? Is it okay if I sit here? Det här handlar inte om dig. This isn't about you. This isn't about you. Jag minns många saker. I remember many things. I remember a lot of things. Så tragiskt! How tragic! How tragic! Hon är uppenbarligen kär i dig. She's obviously infatuated with you. She's obviously in love with you. Någon måste stoppa honom. Somebody has to stop him. Someone has to stop him. Var fick du tag på den där? Where did you get that? Where did you get that? Det finns inte mycket mer att tillägga. There's nothing more to add. There's not much more to add. Jag kan rutinen. I know the drill. I know the routine. Hans fru är svenska. His wife is Swedish. His wife is Swedish. Hur länge sedan hände det? How long ago did it happen? How long ago did that happen? Jag är faktiskt ganska seriös. I'm actually being quite serious. Actually, I'm pretty serious. Påbörja inte något du inte kan avsluta. Don't start anything you can't finish. Don't start something you can't finish. Engelska är svårt, inte sant? English is difficult, isn't it? English is hard, isn't it? Se inte så chockad ut. Don't look so shocked. Don't look so shocked. Jag tycker om att gå och titta på baseboll. I like to go and watch baseball games. I like to go watch baseball. Du behöver bara vara lite kreativ. You just have to be creative. You just need to be a little creative. Du sade att det var för enkelt. You said it was too easy. You said it was too easy. Du vet att jag klarar det. You know I can do it. You know I can do it. Det är lätt att ta sig till ön med båt. The island is easy to reach by boat. It is easy to get to the island by boat. Ring honom ikväll. Call him tonight. Call him tonight. Problemet är att Tom och Mary inte har några pengar. The problem is that Tom and Mary don't have any money. The problem is, Tom and Mary don't have any money. Det kanske inte spelar någon roll. Maybe it won't make any difference. Maybe it doesn't matter. Jag grät hela morgonen. I cried all morning. I cried all morning. Det är enkelt. That's simple. It's simple. Jag hörde det på radion. I heard it on the radio. I heard it on the radio. Håll det där åt mig. Hold that for me. Hold that for me. Han är intelligent. He's smart. He's intelligent. När jag blir stor vill jag bli kung. When I grow up, I want to be a king. When I grow up, I want to be king. Magsmärtorna är borta. The stomach pains are gone. Stomach pain's gone. Var i Helsingfors bor du? Where in Helsinki do you live? Where do you live in Helsinki? Tycker du om ansjovis? Do you like anchovies? Do you like anchovies? Vad tyckte du? What did you think? What did you think? Planen stöddes av praktiskt taget alla närvarande. The plan was supported by practically all the attendants. The plan was supported by virtually everyone present. Talar jag för snabbt? Am I talking too fast? Am I speaking too quickly? Mina skor måste lagas. My shoes will have to be mended. My shoes have to be fixed. Kan du släcka ljusen? Would you put out the candles? Can you turn off the lights? Jag blev kidnappad av utomjordingar. I was abducted by aliens. I was kidnapped by aliens. Vi var väldigt glada. We were very happy. We were very happy. En infraröd stråle består av elektromagnetisk strålning. An infrared ray is electromagnetic radiation. An infrared beam consists of electromagnetic radiation. Vilken är min? Which is mine? Which one's mine? Hur många självmord tror du att det sker varje år i Japan? How many suicides do you think there are every year in Japan? How many suicides do you think that happens every year in Japan? Jag gillar hur du talar. I like the way you talk. I like the way you talk. Tom är rädd för Marys hund. Tom is afraid of Mary's dog. Tom is afraid of Mary's dog. Vem skulle bry sig? Who would care? Who'd care? Han jobbar för mycket. He works too much. He works too much. Jag åt några jordgubbar. I was eating some strawberries. I ate some strawberries. Vi försöker. We try. Let's try. Allt ordnade sig. It all worked out OK. Everything worked out. Rummet städas av fru Smith. The room is cleaned by Mrs. Smith. The room is cleaned by Mrs. Smith. Jag är glad att det är över. I'm glad that's over. I'm glad it's over. Vi vill ha ett kök med gott om avställningsyta. We would like a kitchen with plenty of storage area. We want a kitchen with plenty of stand-off area. Jag behöver mina tabletter. I need my pills. I need my pills. Det är snö på marken. There's snow on the ground. There's snow on the ground. Till hela stadens förvåning, arresterades borgmästaren. To the astonishment of the whole city, the mayor was arrested. To the surprise of the whole city, the mayor was arrested. Vilken årskurs är Tom i? What grade is Tom in? What grade is Tom in? Känn er som hemma. Please make yourself at home. Make yourselves at home. Det gör säkert ont. I'll bet it hurts. I'm sure it hurts. Jag tyckte jag sa åt dig att inte stå i vägen för mig. I thought I told you to get out of my way. I thought I told you not to stand in my way. Inga skämt, tack! No jokes please! No jokes, please! Ett av mina barn föddes med någon okänd sjukdom. One of my children was born with some unknown disease. One of my children was born with some unknown disease. Kråkor är svarta. Crows are black. Crows are black. Hur är det? How are you? How are you? Kom närmare. Come closer. Come closer. Jag såg någonting intressant. I saw something interesting. I saw something interesting. Jag har ont i fötterna. My feet hurt. My feet hurt. Alla kvinnor är vackra. All women are beautiful. All women are beautiful. Jag har trott på Kylie Minogue sedan 12 juni 1998. I've believed in Kylie Minogue since June 12, 1998. I have believed in Kylie Minogue since June 12, 1998. Jag kan åka med tåg. I can go by train. I can go by train. Jag var hos en kompis. I was at a friend's house. I was at a friend's house. Det är sant, jag lovar. That's the truth, I tell you. It's true, I promise. Vad kan Tom göra? What can Tom do? What can Tom do? Är du vegetarian eller vegan? Are you vegetarian or vegan? Are you a vegetarian or a vegan? Tom började gå mot dörren. Tom headed toward the door. Tom started walking towards the door. Tyst! Quiet! Quiet! Det är ovanligt. That's unusual. It's unusual. Gå tillbaka, Tom. Go back, Tom. Go back, Tom. Vad är växelkursen? What is the exchange rate? What is the exchange rate? Jag hatar spenat. I hate spinach. I hate spinach. Det kunde inte vara någon annan än Tom. It couldn't be anyone else but Tom. It couldn't be anyone but Tom. Han är alltid villig att hjälpa andra. He is always willing to help others. He's always willing to help others. Ursäkta, var ligger posten? Excuse me, where is the post office? Excuse me. Where's the mail? Jag lånade den bara. I just borrowed it. I just borrowed it. Sådant är livet. That's life. That's life. Av någon anledning så känner jag mig mer levande på natten. For some reason I feel more alive at night. For some reason, I feel more alive at night. Vad hände sedan? What happened then? Then what happened? Mary bor i en husvagn. Mary lives in a trailer. Mary lives in a trailer. Jag är ingen expert. I'm no expert. I'm not an expert. Jag åkte till flygplatsen för att möta upp honom. I went to the airport to meet him. I went to the airport to meet him. Vi måste stoppa Tom. We have to stop Tom. We have to stop Tom. Du är min väninna. You are my friend. You're my friend. Slösa inte din tid med att vänta på Sami. Don't waste your time waiting for Sami. Don't waste your time waiting for Sami. Jag trodde att ni åkte hem. I thought you went home. I thought you were going home. Den nuvarande regeringen har många problem. The present government has many problems. The current government has many problems. Den finansiella situationen förvärras vecka för vecka. The financial situation is getting worse week by week. The financial situation worsens week by week. Jag skrev inte någonting. I didn't write anything. I didn't write anything. Du måste hålla still. You'll need to hold still. You need to hold still. Tom stönade. Tom was panting. Tom moaned. TV:n var på hela tiden. The TV was on all the time. The TV was on all the time. Jag vill ha ett par handskar. I want a pair of gloves. I want a pair of gloves. Studerar eller jobbar du? Are you studying or working? Are you studying or working? Det låter som om du är upptagen. It sounds like you're busy. Sounds like you're busy. Till och med Tom tycker det. Even Tom thinks so. Even Tom thinks so. Det skulle jag vilja höra. I'd like to hear that. I'd like to hear that. Det är 99,9 procent effektivt. It's 99.9% effective. It's 99.9% effective. Jag vill köpa en svart. I want to buy a black one. I want to buy a black one. Jag hade ingenting att göra med gruppen. I had nothing to do with the group. I had nothing to do with the group. Samis läkare föreslog ingen speciell behandling. Sami's doctor didn't suggest any special treatment. Sami's doctor did not suggest any special treatment. Jag bor i stan. I'm living in the city. I live in the city. Det här är för svårt. This is too hard. This is too hard. Kom ner så snart som möjligt. Come downstairs as soon as possible. Come down as soon as possible. Jag önskar bara hjälpa. I only wish to help. I just wish I could help. Hur illa kan det vara? How bad can it be? How bad can it be? Vad kan man göra åt det? What can be done against it? What can be done about it? Tom borde ha varit här vid det här laget. Tom should've been here by now. Tom should have been here by now. Skulle ni kunna förklara reglerna för mig, tack? Would you please explain the rules to me? Could you explain the rules to me, please? Tom sa att han tycker om färgen på min T-shirt. Tom said he likes the color of my T-shirt. Tom said he likes the color of my T-shirt. Jag antecknar alltid. I always take notes. I always take notes. Jag tycker om simning. I like swimming. I like swimming. Han fann inte det han sökte efter. He didn't find what he was looking for. He didn't find what he was looking for. Tom sade att mötet gick bra. Tom said the meeting went well. Tom said the meeting went well. Tvättade du den där? Did you wash that? Did you wash that? Vi är båda vuxna. We're both adults. We're both adults. Ska du resa ensam? Will you travel alone? Are you going alone? Den här meningen är för lång. This sentence is too long. This sentence is too long. Det är inte så djupt. It's not that deep. It's not that deep. Jag såg den där också. I saw that, too. I saw that one, too. De utgör ett skickligt lag. They make a great team. They make a good team. Urdu och punjabi är hennes modersmål, men hon pratar flera andra språk mycket bra, bland andra tamil, pashto och kantonesiska. Urdu and Punjabi are her native languages, but she speaks several others very well, including Tamil, Pashto, and Cantonese. Urdu and Punjabi are her mother tongue, but she speaks several other languages very well, including Tamil, Pashto and Cantonese. Tom undrade vad Mary's efternamn kunde vara. Tom wondered what Mary's last name was. Tom wondered what Mary's last name might be. Ta det lugnt! Chill! Take it easy! Jag ligger i luftvapnet. I'm in the air force. I'm in the air force. Det verkar som att Taro inte har några tjejkompisar. It seems that Taro doesn't have any girlfriends. Looks like Taro doesn't have any girlfriends. Det kan inte vara så illa. It can't be that bad. It can't be that bad. Det är ganska tråkigt. It's kind of boring. It's kind of boring. Tom kommer inte att låta dig betala. Tom won't let you pay. Tom won't let you pay. Du är smartare än vad jag är. You're smarter than I am. You're smarter than I am. Tom är allergisk mot vete. Tom is allergic to wheat. Tom is allergic to wheat. Jag hatar politik. I hate politics. I hate politics. Tom öppnade långsamt dörren. Tom slowly opened the door. Tom slowly opened the door. Hur stavas "pretty"? How do you spell "pretty"? How do you spell "pretty"? De äter inte kött. They don't eat meat. They don't eat meat. Jag är också lärare. I am a teacher, too. I'm a teacher, too. Mina väskor är packade. My bags are packed. My bags are packed. Jag behöver det där imorgon. I need that tomorrow. I need that tomorrow. Jag tjänar ingen. I serve no one. I don't make any money. Hon fortsätter att stödja projektet. She continues to support the project. She continues to support the project. Jag var älskad. I was loved. I was loved. Av misstag svängde han vänster istället för höger. By mistake, he turned left instead of right. By mistake, he turned left instead of right. Jag kräver en ursäkt från Tom. I demand an apology from Tom. I demand an apology from Tom. Jag kan inte låta dig göra det. I can't let you do that. I can't let you do that. Jag är här ensam. I'm here on my own. I'm here alone. Vi vet att han är en modig man. We know him to be a brave man. We know he's a brave man. Jag har nyss ätit lunch. I've just had lunch. I just had lunch. Är lektionen redan slut? Is the lecture already finished? Is class over already? Det här är det bästa skepp som jag någonsin varit på. This is the best ship I've ever been on. This is the best ship I've ever been on. Mitt bröllop måste vara perfekt. My wedding has to be perfect. My wedding must be perfect. Jag känner mig självsäker. I feel confident. I feel confident. Gillar du den? Do you like it? Do you like it? Vi bor tillsammans. We live together. We live together. Rita en bild av dig själv. Draw a picture of yourself. Draw a picture of yourself. Glöm inte vad jag nyss sade till er. Don't forget what I just told you. Don't forget what I just said to you. Det är mycket. That's plenty. That's a lot. En man kom fram till mig och bad om en tändsticka. A man came up to me and asked for a match. A man came up to me and asked for a match. Idag är det den femte mars. Today is the fifth of March. Today is the fifth of March. Tom gick ut och dansade. Tom went out dancing. Tom went dancing. Tom tvättar bilen. Tom is washing the car. Tom washes the car. Jag behöver en till. I need one more. I need another one. Rödvin, tack. Red wine, please. Red wine, please. De verkar så lyckliga. They seem so happy. They seem so happy. Problemet är att vi inte har någonstans att vara ikväll. The trouble is that we have nowhere to stay tonight. The problem is, we don't have anywhere to be tonight. Vi måste handla. We have to do the shopping. We have to act. Hon tittade på videor på Facebook innan hon släckte lampan. She watched videos on Facebook before turning off the light. She was watching videos on Facebook before she turned off the light. Det är inget problem. It's not a problem. It's not a problem. Hans svar var kort och koncist. His reply was short and to the point. His answer was brief and concise. Jag sa stick. I said get out. I said get out of here. Vem sjunger den här sången? Who sings this song? Who sings this song? De modiga soldaterna gick rakt på fienden för att återta deras stad. The brave soldiers went head-to-head with the enemy to regain their city. The brave soldiers went straight to the enemy to reclaim their city. Det är inte något misstag. It's not a mistake. It's not a mistake. Hur mycket är den här värd? How much is this worth? How much is this worth? Tom förlovade sig. Tom got engaged. Tom got engaged. Garaget var tomt. The garage was empty. The garage was empty. Till och med under arbetstid ger jag i lönndom efter för mitt internetberoende. Even during work, I secretly indulge my Internet addiction. Even during working hours, I give in to my internet addiction. Figuren indikerar att ungefär två tredjedelar av förstaårseleverna är likgiltiga för politiken. The figure indicates approximately two thirds of the freshmen are indifferent to politics. The figure indicates that about two thirds of first-year students are indifferent to politics. Jag skickade ett mejl till dig. I sent you an e-mail. I sent you an email. Njuter ni av det här? Are you enjoying this? Are you enjoying this? Hörde ni mig inte? Didn't you hear me? Didn't you hear me? Kätteri var ett brott för vilket människor ibland dömdes till döden. Heresy was a crime for which people were sometimes sentenced to death. Heresy was a crime for which people were sometimes sentenced to death. Jag såg Tom på begravningen. I saw Tom at the funeral. I saw Tom at the funeral. Jag hjälpte honom igår. I helped him yesterday. I helped him last night. Jag hoppas att det stämmer. I hope that's true. I hope that's true. Vi kan inte bevisa att Tom ljuger, men vi är ganska säkra på att han gör det. We can't prove Tom is lying, but we're pretty sure he is. We can't prove Tom's lying, but we're pretty sure he does. Hon ville avsäga sig sitt amerikanska medborgarskap. She wanted to renounce her U.S. citizenship. She wanted to renounce her American citizenship. Jag hoppas att du trivs här. I hope you like being here. I hope you like it here. En gång fann jag en bok där. I once found a book there. I once found a book there. Hur tog sig Tom in? How did Tom get in? How did Tom get in? Ibland kan han vara en konstig kille. Sometimes he can be a strange guy. Sometimes he can be a weird guy. Vi har gäster i morgon kväll. We're having guests tomorrow night. We have guests tomorrow night. Jag känner henne inte alls. I don't know her at all. I don't know her at all. Världen kretsar inte kring dig. The world doesn't revolve around you. The world doesn't revolve around you. Njuter du av detta? Are you enjoying this? Enjoying this? Tom har kommit fram till ett beslut. Tom has come to a decision. Tom has reached a decision. Det är inte lönt att försöka lösa det här problemet. It is no use trying to solve this problem. It is no use trying to solve this problem. Han är stark. He's strong. He's strong. Det är ju helt befängt! That's absurd! That's ridiculous. Var god och fyll i detta formulär först. Please fill out this form first. Please fill in this form first. Han kom hem senare än vanligt. He came home later than usual. He came home later than usual. När blir det klart? When will it be ready? When will it be ready? Det är bättre. That's better. That's better. Hur kan vi hjälpa dig? How can we help you? How can we help you? Tom är en fårskalle. Tom is a slob. Tom's a jackass. Hur många vill ni ha? How many do you want? How many do you want? Är du inte klok? Are you out of your mind? Are you out of your mind? Tom kan inte ställa sig upp. Tom can't stand up. Tom can't stand up. Det är inte därför du är här. That's not why you're here. That's not why you're here. Du sa att du var läkare. You said you were a doctor. You said you were a doctor. Det här vinet smakar gott. This wine tastes good. This wine tastes good. Hej allihopa! Hello everyone! Hey, everybody! Tyskland har två huvudstäder. Germany has two capital cities. Germany has two capitals. Jag hjälper dig gärna. I will gladly help you. I'd be happy to help you. Ska vi sätta i gång med mötet nu? Shall we start the meeting now? Let's get this meeting started, shall we? Jag vill träffa Tom. I want to meet Tom. I want to see Tom. Vi lyssnar med öronen. We hear with our ears. We listen with our ears. Jag vill inte bli utnyttjad. I don't want to be used. I don't want to be used. Att spela piano kräver fingerfärdighet. Playing the piano requires manual dexterity. Playing the piano requires dexterity. Vänd aldrig ryggen mot Tom. Never turn your back on Tom. Never turn your back on Tom. Kan jag få se på matsedeln? May I look at the menu? Can I see the menu? Vänta en stund. Give me a minute. Wait a minute. Ödsla inte din tid. Don't waste your time. Don't waste your time. Jag dricker inte champagne. I don't drink champagne. I don't drink champagne. "Har ni redan börjat anlägga gårdsplanen?" "Ja." "Så trevligt!" "Have you already started building the courtyard?" "Yeah, it's looking great!" "Have you already started to build the courtyard?" "Yes." "That's nice!" Jag måste plugga. Mina böcker väntar på mig. I must study. My books are waiting for me. My books are waiting for me. Vill du att jag ska hålla ett öga på Tom åt dig? Do you want me to watch Tom for you? You want me to keep an eye on Tom for you? Jag ber om ursäkt för det sena svaret. I'm sorry for the late response. I apologize for the late answer. Troligt är att inget språk fullständigt saknar lånord. In all probability, no language is completely free of borrowed words. It is likely that no language is completely devoid of loan terms. Jag var också inbjuden. I was also invited. I was invited, too. Hur står det till? Jag har inte sett dig på evigheter! How are you doing? I haven't seen you in ages! I haven't seen you in ages. Jag hämtar nycklarna. I'll get my keys. I'll get the keys. Jag är säker på att det vore ett misstag att berätta för Tom. I'm sure it would be a mistake to tell Tom. I'm sure it would be a mistake to tell Tom. Jag var inte alltför upptagen. I wasn't too busy. I wasn't too busy. Låt oss sätta upp julgranen där. Let's put up the Christmas tree there. Let's put the Christmas tree up there. Jag vill inte ens ha dig här. I don't even want you here. I don't even want you here. Jag gick tillbaka till jobbet. I went back to work. I went back to work. Det är hans sätt att säga tack. It's his way of saying thank you. That's his way of saying thank you. Är ni i Paris? Are you in Paris? Are you in Paris? Vår nya skolbyggnad håller på att byggas. Our new school building is under construction. Our new school building is being built. En del fabriker förorenar miljön. Some factories pollute the environment. Some factories pollute the environment. Tom sade åt mig att köra. Tom told me to drive. Tom told me to drive. Det här är felaktigt. This is incorrect. This is wrong. Kan jag tala med Tom? Can I talk to Tom? Can I talk to Tom? Kan jag få lite varm choklad? Can I have some hot chocolate? Can I have some hot chocolate? Jag gick på medicinska fakulteten. I went to med school. I went to medical school. Tom säger att Mary mår bra. Tom said Mary is fine. Tom says Mary's fine. Dan har precis blivit erbjuden ett jobb någon annanstans. Dan has just been offered a job elsewhere. Dan just got offered a job somewhere else. Jag sov hela dagen. I slept all day. I slept all day. Jag går inte till skolan. I won't go to school. I'm not going to school. Jag läste en bok. I was reading a book. I read a book. Du lyckades! You did it! You did it! Kommer du ihåg oss? Do you remember us? Remember us? Jag kan ta Tom. I can take Tom. I can take Tom. Jag kan inte dansa. I can't dance. I can't dance. Bill är på väg till New York. Bill is on his way to New York. Bill's on his way to New York. Jag har hört att Tom hatar dig. I hear Tom hates you. I hear Tom hates you. Allt förändrades. Everything changed. Everything changed. Jag tycker att vi borde separara. I think we should separate. I think we should separatise. Jag gör som jag vill. I'll do what I want. I'll do what I want. Han förälskade sig i den vackra prinsessan. He fell in love with a beautiful princess. He fell in love with the beautiful princess. Jag stannade hemma i går kväll för att kunna ta emot ditt samtal. I stayed home last night to be able to receive your call. I stayed home last night to receive your call. Tom lade ned mycket möda i sitt skolarbete. Tom put a lot of effort into his school project. Tom put a lot of effort into his schoolwork. Snälla sluta! Please stop! Please stop! Har inte du något att göra? Don't you have something to do? Don't you have something to do? Jag har varit där mycket. I've been there a lot. I've been there a lot. Den lilla pojken är klyftig. The little boy is clever. The little boy is clever. Jag heter inte "flicka" heller. My name's not 'girl,' either. My name's not "girl" either. Jag tror att hon är ärlig. I believe that she is honest. I think she's honest. Jag hade ingen aning om att Tom inte var lycklig här. I had no idea Tom wasn't happy here. I had no idea Tom wasn't happy here. Vem är din lärare? Who is your teacher? Who's your teacher? Han är välsituerad. He is affluent. He's well-situated. Jag skulle vilja äta frukost med dig. I'd like to eat breakfast with you. I'd like to have breakfast with you. Rör dig inte. Stop moving. Don't move. Jag är på sidan tre. I'm on page three. I'm on page three. Du måste vara redo. You have to be ready. You have to be ready. Tom och Mary såg lika förvirrade ut. Tom and Mary looked equally confused. Tom and Mary looked just as confused. Det finns nästan ingen mjölk kvar i glaset. There's almost no milk left in the glass. There's hardly any milk left in the glass. Det där ordet är av grekiskt ursprung. That word is of Greek origin. That word is of Greek origin. Har du någonsin snarkat? Have you ever snored? Have you ever snored? 1950-talet karakteriseras av ett kalla krig mellan östblocket och västmakterna. The 1950s are characterized through a cold war between east and west. The 1950s are characterized by a cold war between the Eastern bloc and the Western powers. Vi behöver lite mera mat. We need some more food. We need some more food. Mary gillar att titta på tv. Mary likes watching TV. Mary likes to watch TV. Vi är inte ansvariga. We're not responsible. We're not responsible. Vi har alltid varit vänner. We've always been friends. We've always been friends. Det låter som en bra överenskommelse. That sounds like a good deal. Sounds like a good deal. Jag målar påskägg. I'm painting Easter eggs. I'm painting Easter eggs. Jag trodde Tom vad en fullständig idiot. I thought Tom was a complete idiot. I thought Tom was a complete idiot. Hon är kvart över nio. It's a quarter after nine in the morning. She's quarter past nine. Stäng av vattnet! Turn off the water! Turn off the water! De här pinjenötterna är smaskiga, sa ekorren. These pine nuts are delicious, said the squirrel. These pine nuts are yummy, said the squirrel. Vad är det som luktar? What is that smell? What's that smell? Du kan köpa frimärken på vilket postkontor som helst. You can buy stamps at any post office. You can buy stamps at any post office. Tom tog en macka ur picknickkorgen och började äta den. Tom took a sandwich out of the picnic basket and started eating it. Tom took a sandwich out of the picnic basket and started eating it. Vi pratade om det. We did talk about it. We talked about it. Din katt är tjock. Your cat is fat. Your cat's fat. Är ni fortfarande gifta? Are you still married? Are you still married? Jag har hört talas om Tom. I've heard of Tom. I've heard of Tom. Vi har varit uppe hela natten. We have been up all night. We've been up all night. Bara du kan göra detta. You alone can do this. Only you can do this. Det regnade hårt. A heavy rain fell. It was raining hard. Hur många syskon har du? How many brothers and sisters do you have? How many siblings do you have? Mary tycker inte om att titta i spegeln. Mary doesn't like looking in the mirror. Mary doesn't like to look in the mirror. Det är okej. It's OK. It's okay. Du borde säga åt Mary att hon borde göra det så snart som möjligt. You should tell Mary that she should do that as soon as possible. You should tell Mary that she should do it as soon as possible. Tom kände henne. Tom knew her. Tom knew her. En av tigrarna rymde från djurparken. One of the tigers has escaped from the zoo. One of the tigers escaped from the zoo. Köpte du den på svarta marknaden? Did you buy it on the black market? Did you buy it on the black market? Ingenting hände här. Nothing happened here. Nothing happened here. Tom kunde inte bestämma sig. Tom couldn't make up his mind. Tom couldn't make up his mind. Älskar ni er mor? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Tom hjälper nog till. Tom'll help. I think Tom's gonna help. Hon har marginaliserat sig själv. She has marginalized herself. She's marginalized herself. Vittnen säger att vandalen var i artonårsåldern. The witness says that the vandal was around 18 years old. Witnesses say the vandal was about 18 years old. Tom har bett om vår hjälp. Tom has requested our help. Tom has asked for our help. Jag studerade flitigt när jag gick i skolan. I studied hard when I was in school. I studied diligently when I was in school. Hur länge ännu, Catilina, skall du missbruka vårt tålamod? How long, O Catiline, will you abuse our patience? How long yet, Catilina, will you abuse our patience? Vilken station är detta? What station is it? What station is this? Lådan är för tung för att lyftas. The box is too heavy to carry. The box is too heavy to be lifted. Jag kommer att skära ned på kött. I'm going to cut down on meat. I'm going to cut down on meat. Folk borde inte tillåtas invadera länder vars namn de inte kan uttala. People shouldn't be allowed to invade countries whose names they can't pronounce correctly. People should not be allowed to invade countries whose names they cannot pronounce. Han tvättar bilen. He is washing the car. He's washing the car. När får jag komma härifrån? When can I get out of here? When can I get out of here? Tom säger att du är bra på tennis. Tom says you're good at tennis. Tom says you're good at tennis. Jultomten bor på Nordpolen. Santa lives at the North Pole. Santa Claus lives in the North Pole. Inte förrän då fick han reda på sanningen. It was not until then that he learned the truth. Not until then did he find out the truth. Var är ditt bagage? Where's your luggage? Where's your luggage? Var alltid smartare än de personer som anställer dig. Always be smarter than people who hire you. Always be smarter than the people who hire you. Du är förtjusande. You're adorable. You're adorable. Det erbjudandet låter för bra för att vara sant. Vad är haken? That offer sounds too good to be true. What's the catch? That offer sounds too good to be true. Han förändrades över en natt. He changed overnight. He changed overnight. Du bor här, eller hur? You live here, don't you? You live here, don't you? Vi sysslar inte med det längre. We don't do that anymore. We don't do that anymore. Ni är antagligen trötta. You're probably tired. You're probably tired. Stadens snabba tillväxt överraskade oss. The rapid growth of the city surprised us. The city's rapid growth surprised us. Vi kan inte gå in dit. We can't go in there. We can't go in there. Det var inte förrän igår jag fick nyheterna. It was not until yesterday that I got the news. It wasn't until yesterday I got the news. Ni är inte så galna. You're not that crazy. You're not so crazy. Hur ser jag ut? What do I look like? How do I look? Jag sitter på fel buss. I'm on the wrong bus. I'm on the wrong bus. Var snälla mot alla djur. Be kind to all animals. Be nice to all animals. Jag är ledsen, jag tror inte att jag kommer kunna. I'm sorry, I don't think I'll be able to. I'm sorry, I don't think I'm gonna be able to. Jag kan vara trevlig. I can be nice. I can be nice. Det såg jag till. I saw to that. I made sure of that. Fyra dagar efter konserten ringde det fortfarande i öronen på honom. Four days after the concert his ears were still ringing. Four days after the concert, his ears still rang. Vi hade en lång period av fint väder. We had a long period of good weather. We had a long period of fine weather. Här bor en björn. Here lives one bear. This is where a bear lives. Vad slog han upp? What did he look up? What did he look up? Ingen behöver tala. Nobody needs to talk. No one needs to speak. Som 90-åring lever Toms farmor fortfarande ett mycket aktivt liv. At 90, Tom's grandmother still leads a very active life. As a 90-year-old, Tom's grandmother is still living a very active life. Jag måste försöka. I need to try. I have to try. Det är någonting som gör att dörren inte går upp. Something is making the door stick. There's something that won't open the door. Jag behöver frisk luft. I need fresh air. I need some fresh air. Tom är en hipster. Tom is a hipster. Tom is a hipster. Våra mammor är starka kvinnor. Our mothers are strong women. Our mothers are strong women. Tom står inför finansiella problem. Tom is facing financial problems. Tom is facing financial problems. Åt ni frukost? Did you eat breakfast? Did you have breakfast? Välj oss! Choose us! Choose us! Jag kan betala tillbaka. I can pay you back. I can pay you back. Jag går hem. I'm going home. I'm going home. Det är lunchdags. It's lunch time. It's lunchtime. En man som kan två språk är värd två män. A man who knows two languages is worth two men. A man who knows two languages is worth two men. Jag blev tvungen att vänta i tjugo minuter på nästa bus. I had to wait twenty minutes for the next bus. I had to wait 20 minutes for the next trick. Jag visste att du skulle vara upptagen. I knew you'd be busy. I knew you'd be busy. Ska jag ta bilden med eller utan blixt? Should I take the picture with or without flash? Should I take the picture with or without lightning? Ursäkta mig en sekund. Excuse me a second. Excuse me for a second. Håll dig nere. Keep down. Stay down. Abonnenten du försöker nå kan inte ta ditt samtal just nu. Vänligen försök igen senare. The subscriber you are calling is currently not available, please try your call again later. The subscriber you are trying to reach cannot take your call right now. Please try again later. Kan Tatoeba hjälpa minoritetsspråk? Can Tatoeba help minority languages? Can Tatoeba help minority languages? Han vill vara anonym. He wants to be anonymous. He wants to be anonymous. Tom kommer inte överens med sina grannar. Tom doesn't get along with his neighbors. Tom doesn't get along with his neighbors. Tänk på hur mycket värre det hade kunnat vara om Tom inte hade varit där. Think of how much worse it could have been if Tom had not been there. Think how much worse it could have been if Tom hadn't been there. Ni kan inte kontrollera mig. You can't control me. You can't control me. Jag läser ett brev. I read a letter. I'm reading a letter. Vad har hon för problem? What is her problem? What's her problem? Det är faktiskt väldigt irriterande. It's really very annoying. It's actually very annoying. Vill ni verkligen hjälpa till? Do you really want to help? Do you really want to help? Hans fötter är smutsiga. His feet are dirty. His feet are dirty. Kan jag gömma mig här? Can I hide in here? Can I hide here? Gå tillbaka in dit. Get back in there. Get back in there. Vad missade vi? What did we miss? What did we miss? Jag träffades. I got hit. I met. Barnen behöver dig. The children are in need of you. The children need you. Jag hittar inte mina skor. I can't find my shoes. I can't find my shoes. Hälften av äpplena var ruttna. Half of the apples were rotten. Half the apples were rotten. När jag hittar något jag gillar är det alltid för dyrt. Whenever I find something I like, it's too expensive. When I find something I like, it's always too expensive. Bli inte arg! Don't be mad! Don't get mad! Jag trodde att du skulle gilla det. I thought you'd like it. I thought you'd like it. Karin är österrikiska. Karin is Austrian. Karin is Austrian. Jag vet var han bor. Men det är en hemlighet. I know where he lives. But it is a secret. I know where he lives, but it's a secret. Skrattar du någonsin? Do you ever laugh? Do you ever laugh? Jag är kvinna. I'm a woman. I'm a woman. Öppna munnen! Open your mouth! Open your mouth! Vem vill slåss? Who wants to fight? Who wants to fight? Rör inte dem. Don't touch those. Don't touch them. Vår nya granne finns alltid till hands om vi behöver hjälp med någonting. Our new neighbour is always there whenever we need help with anything. Our new neighbor is always there if we need help with something. Vad behövde Tom? What did Tom need? What did Tom need? Tom är väldigt intelligent. Tom is very intelligent. Tom is very intelligent. Det är gratis. It's free. It's free. Jag köpte en vacker klänning till henne. I bought her a beautiful dress. I bought her a beautiful dress. Var är ditt rum? Where is your room? Where's your room? Jag hoppas att Tom hjälper mig. I hope Tom helps me. I hope Tom helps me. Jag vill komma i kontakt med henne. I want to get in touch with her. I want to get in touch with her. Det finns knappast några böcker i detta rum. There are hardly any books in this room. There are hardly any books in this room. Jag har god hörsel. I have good ears. I have good hearing. Pengar växer inte på träd. Money doesn't grow on trees. Money doesn't grow on trees. Tom åt en grekisk sallad. Tom ate a Greek salad. Tom ate a Greek salad. Du är en snobb. You're a snob. You're a snob. Vad vill du ha? What do you want? What do you want? Varför är han ledsen? Why is he sad? Why is he sad? Nu ska vi se vad som händer. Now let's see what happens. Let's see what happens. Vad är din älsklingsgatumat? What is your favourite street food? What's your favorite game? Han blev falskeligen anklagad för mord. He was framed for murder. He was falsely accused of murder. Jag har en vän som klipper sitt eget hår. I have a friend who cuts his own hair. I have a friend who cuts his own hair. Ni får inte röka. You must not smoke. You can't smoke. Den är enorm. It's huge. It's huge. Tom är förtjust. Tom is delighted. Tom is delighted. Inte här! Not here! Not here! Jag visste att du skulle trivas här. I knew you'd be happy here. I knew you'd like it here. En bild säger mer än tusen ord. A picture is worth a thousand words. One picture says more than a thousand words. Jag har planterat ett träd. I planted a tree. I planted a tree. Varför ljuger ni? Why do you lie? Why are you lying? Gör det för mig är du snäll. Please do it for me. Please do it for me. Jag hämtar den åt dig. I'll get it for you. I'll get it for you. Kan jag säga det högt? Can I say it aloud? Can I say it out loud? Det var ett nöje att jobba med Tom i Berlin. I enjoyed working with Tom in Berlin. It was a pleasure working with Tom in Berlin. Det kommer inte att bli roligt. That's not going to be fun. It's not gonna be funny. När använder du den? When do you use it? When do you use it? Varför är inte de här? Why aren't they here? Why aren't they here? Latin är ett dött språk. Latin is a dead language. Latin is a dead language. Tom kommer tillbaka. Tom is coming back. Tom's coming back. Jag vill ha boken. I want the book. I want the book. Det är ingen på det här skeppet förutom oss. There's nobody on this ship except us. There's no one on this ship except us. Hur ska vi hitta Tom? How do we find Tom? How are we gonna find Tom? Jag hittade nycklarna. I found the keys. I found the keys. Min franska är urusel. My French is crappy. My French is terrible. Han skriver väldigt fort. He writes very quickly. He writes very fast. Tom kunde inte finna Mary. Tom couldn't find Mary. Tom couldn't find Mary. Sluta bete dig som ett barn. Quit acting like a child. Stop acting like a child. Hur betedde Tom sig? How did Tom behave? How did Tom behave? Jag måste vara fri. I've got to be free. I have to be free. Tom är naiv. Tom is naive. Tom is naive. Varför detta rabalder? Why all the commotion? Why this rabble? Vi jobbar för Tom. We work for Tom. We work for Tom. Känner du någon i Australien? Do you know anyone in Australia? Do you know anyone in Australia? Jag var så nervös att hon skulle få syn på mig. I was so nervous that she would catch sight of me. I was so nervous, she'd see me. Jag såg det med mina egna ögon. I saw it with my own eyes. I saw it with my own eyes. Fiska inte i den här älven. Det är förbjudet. Don't fish in this river. It's prohibited. Don't fish in this river, it's forbidden. Vill du inte höra min sida av historien? Don't you want to hear my side of the story? Don't you want to hear my side of the story? Den här bussen får plats med femtio personer. This bus can hold fifty people. This bus can accommodate 50 people. Den är gjord av skinn. It's made of leather. It's made of skin. Jag tror att både Tom och Mary ljuger. I think both Tom and Mary are lying. I think Tom and Mary are both lying. Sa Tom hur länge han skulle vara i Boston? Did Tom say how long he'd be in Boston? Did Tom tell you how long he was gonna be in Boston? Jag antar att du jobbar på att rätta felen. I assume you're working on correcting the mistakes. I guess you're working on fixing the wrongs. Sitt ner, Tom. Sit down, Tom. Sit down, Tom. Jag gillar din sjal. I like your scarf. I like your scarf. Det är så vi gör det. That's how we do it. That's how we do it. Jag trodde att du skulle tycka om det. I thought you'd like it. I thought you'd like it. Sami hade hemlängtan. Sami was homesick. Sami was homesick. Halvstyv snö som delvis bär, skrovlig och hård skare, lätt och luftig liggande snö. För alla dessa och ytterligare några hundra snöförhållanden, finns ord på samiska. Semisolid snow that will barely hold a person, coarse snow with a hard, rugged crust and light, fluffy lying snow. There are Sami words for these and hundreds more types of snow. Half stiff snow as partly berries, rough and hard cut, light and airy lying snow. For all these and a few hundred more snow conditions, there are words in Sami. Jag vill verkligen veta sanningen. I really want to know the truth. I really want to know the truth. Jag fick en judisk uppfostran. I was raised Jewish. I had a Jewish upbringing. Layla och Samis giftermål var en total katastrof. Layla and Sami's marriage was a total disaster. Layla and Sami's marriage was a total disaster. Jag måste ge mig av nu. I must be going now. I have to go now. Jag gick aldrig och lade mig. I never went to sleep. I never went to bed. Tom och Mary sa att de nog skulle göra det. Tom and Mary said they'd probably do that. Tom and Mary said they'd probably do it. Slog någon Tom? Did somebody hit Tom? Did someone hit Tom? Danmark är sydligast beläget av de nordiska länderna och ligger sydväst om Sverige och söder om Norge. Denmark is, among the Nordic countries, the southernmost, and is to the southwest of Sweden and south of Norway. Denmark is the southernmost located by the Nordic countries and is located southwest of Sweden and south of Norway. Hur gammal är du nu? How old are you now? How old are you now? Vi väntade på båten i många timmar. We were waiting for the boat for many hours. We waited for the boat for many hours. Jag fick säga upp mig. I had to resign. I had to resign. Har du underrättat Tom? Did you notify Tom? Have you informed Tom? Jag kände mig mycket ful. I felt like I was very ugly. I felt very ugly. Hur många länder finns det i Afrika? How many countries are there in Africa? How many countries are there in Africa? Ta anteckningar. Keep notes. Take notes. Vi träffas här en gång i månaden. We meet here once a month. We meet here once a month. Vi har sett vad du kan göra. We've seen what you can do. We've seen what you can do. Är du vid liv? Are you alive? Are you alive? Han behöver de där pengarna. He needs that money. He needs that money. Tyskan är inte ett lätt språk. German is not an easy language. German is not an easy language. Gör som jag säger åt dig. Do like I tell you. Do as I tell you. Jag vet inte särskilt mycket om Boston. I don't know very much about Boston. I don't know much about Boston. Han reflekterade över hur snabbt tiden går. He reflected on how quickly time passes. He reflected on the speed of time. Jag vill vara mer självständig. I want to be more independent. I want to be more independent. Snälla ge mig någonting att äta. Please give me something to eat. Please give me something to eat. Jag vill ha en båt som kan ta mig långt härifrån. I want a boat that'll take me far away from here. I want a boat that can get me far away from here. Flickan gick till skogen för att plocka svamp. The girl went into the forest to look for mushrooms. The girl went to the woods to pick mushrooms. Nu när du är vuxen borde du veta bättre. Now that you are grown-up, you ought to know better. Now that you're an adult, you should know better. Jesus svarade dem. Jesus answered them. Jesus answered them. Det finns ingen anledning att bli onödigt orolig av utbrottet. There is no need to be unnecessarily anxious about the outbreak. There is no need to worry unnecessarily about the outbreak. Mitt jobb är säkert. My job is safe. My job is safe. Branden var på första våningen. The fire was on the first floor. The fire was on the first floor. Tom är en flykting. Tom is a fugitive. Tom is a fugitive. Vad är skillnaden mellan sylt och marmelad? What's the difference between jam and marmalade? What's the difference between jam and marmalade? Han går upp tidigt. He's getting up early. He's getting up early. Jag kunde knappt vänta. I could hardly wait. I couldn't wait. Nederländerna är ett litet land. Holland is a small country. The Netherlands is a small country. Tom vill inte prata med dig. Tom doesn't want to speak to you. Tom doesn't want to talk to you. Jag har så mycket arbete så jag stannar en timme till. I have so much work that I will stay for one more hour. I've got so much work to do, I'm gonna stay an hour longer. Filosofi är egentligen hemlängtan: längtan att vara hemma överallt. Philosophy is actually homesickness: the drive to be at home everywhere. Philosophy is really homesick: the desire to be at home everywhere. Ni pratar snabbt. You talk fast. You're talking fast. Jag tillbringade tre månader i ett sjukhus, när jag var tretton år gammal. I spent three months in a hospital when I was thirteen. I spent three months in a hospital when I was 13 years old. John fick Mary att hoppa till. John made Mary jump. John made Mary jump. Var inte fräck emot mig. Don't be fresh with me. Don't be rude to me. Kan jag beställa nu? Can I order now? Can I order now? Jag köpte någonting åt dig. I got you something. I got you something. Mödrar brukade säga till sina söner att om dom masturberade skulle dom bli blinda. Mothers used to tell their sons that if they masturbated they would go blind. Mothers used to tell their sons that if they masturbated, they'd be blind. Jag har ingen aning. I haven't got the slightest idea. I have no idea. Helsingfors är huvudstad i Finland. Helsinki is the capital of Finland. Helsinki is the capital of Finland. När jag föddes var min mamma bara femton. When I was born, my mom was just fifteen. When I was born, my mother was only 15. Jag är yngre än John. I am younger than John. I'm younger than John. Jag står inte ut med oljudet längre. I can't put up with the noise any longer. I can't stand the noise anymore. Ni ser alla så glada ut. You all look so happy. You all look so happy. Hur ska jag svara? How do I respond? How should I answer? Kan Marika läsa och skriva på japanska? Can Marika read and write Japanese? Can Marika read and write in Japanese? Han jobbade hårdare än någonsin. He worked harder than ever. He worked harder than ever. Det där är faktiskt riktigt elakt. That's actually really mean. That's actually really mean. Har du kollat oljenivån nyligen? Have you checked the oil level recently? Have you checked the oil level recently? Jag driver ett motell. I run a motel. I run a motel. Tom saknar dig. Tom misses you. Tom misses you. Det fungerade inte. It wasn't working. It didn't work. Tom är inte otrevlig. Tom isn't rude. Tom's not rude. Jag kan gå till skolan på tio minuter. I can walk to school in 10 minutes. I can go to school in ten minutes. Jag måste gå, Tom. I've got to go, Tom. I have to go, Tom. Jag skämtar med dig bara. I'm just kidding you. I'm just kidding with you. Den gamle mannen berättade att andra bilister hade tutat på honom i rondellen, och de yngre släktingarna förstod genast att han både kört långsamt och i fel körriktning. The old man explained that other cars had honked at him in the traffic circle, and the younger family members understood immediately that he had been driving both slowly and in the wrong direction. The old man told him that other motorists had honked at him in the roundabout, and the younger relatives immediately realized that he was driving both slowly and in the wrong direction. Varför berättar ni inte för oss? Why won't you tell us? Why don't you tell us? Samtycker du med deras beslut? Do you agree with their decision? Do you agree with their decision? Tom stod förstelnad. Tom stood frozen. Tom was petrified. Säg åt henne vilken hon ska ta. Tell her which one to take. Tell her which one to take. Stilla vatten rinner djupt. Still waters run deep. There's still water running deep. Sami var i tvättrummet. Sami was in the laundry room. Sami was in the laundry room. Vill du att dina barn ska få lära sig ditt språk i skolan? Do you want your children to learn your language at school? Do you want your children to learn your language at school? Jag fick ditt brev. I got your letter. I got your letter. Jag tar ett bad varannan dag. I take a bath every other day. I'll take a bath every other day. Är inte den där kjolen för kort? Isn't that skirt too short? Isn't that skirt too short? Låt inte Tom sitta där. Don't let Tom sit there. Don't let Tom sit there. Jag älskar den affären. I love that store. I love that store. Folk som inte har bråttom står på höger sida i rulltrappan. People who are not in a hurry stand on the right side of the escalator. People who aren't in a hurry are on the right side of the escalator. Tom är fortfarande vaken. Tom is still up. Tom's still awake. Vad vill du göra i framtiden? What do you want to do in the future? What do you want to do in the future? De beslöt sig för att resa tillbaka i tiden för att rädda Tom. They decided to travel back in time to save Tom. They decided to go back in time to save Tom. Är det okej om jag lånar telefonen? Is it OK if I borrow your telephone? Do you mind if I use the phone? Jag bad många människor om hjälp, men hittills har jag inte haft någon lycka. I asked many people for help, but so far I haven't had any luck. I asked many people for help, but so far I have had no happiness. Tom var en av de lyckligt lottade. Tom was one of the lucky ones. Tom was one of the lucky ones. Jag vill veta varför du inte gjorde det du sa att du skulle göra. I want to know why you didn't do what you told me you'd do. I want to know why you didn't do what you said you were gonna do. Är du verkligen så naiv? Are you really that naive? Are you really that naive? Jag tänker inte gå till skolan. I won't go to school. I'm not going to school. Reglerna kräver att vi alla är närvarande. The rules require us all to be present. The rules require that we are all present. Jag vill inte göra några misstag. I don't want to make any mistakes. I don't want to make any mistakes. Jag går den här vägen. I'll go this way. I'm going this way. Det har kommit ett brev till dig. There is a letter for you. There's been a letter for you. En liten vinst är bättre än en stor förlust. A small gain is better than a great loss. A small win is better than a big loss. Galaxer finns utspridda över hela universum och varierar stort i storlek. Galaxies are scattered throughout the universe and they vary greatly in size. Galaxies are scattered throughout the universe and vary greatly in size. Tom kan inte stanna. Tom can't stay. Tom can't stay. Jag hälsar på dig någon gång. I'll visit you someday. I'll come visit you sometime. Får jag låna din ordbok? May I borrow your dictionary? Can I borrow your dictionary? Varför beskyller du mig? Why are you accusing me? Why are you blaming me? "Hur gammal är du?" "Jag är sexton år." "How old are you?" "I'm 16 years old." "How old are you?" "I'm sixteen." Jag är ledsen, vi har helt slut på manti. I'm sorry, we're all out of manti. I'm sorry, we're out of mania. Jag skulle vilja ringa ett samtal. I would like to make a phone call. I'd like to make a phone call. Jag sa till Tom att möta mig här. I told Tom to meet me here. I told Tom to meet me here. Det där är flickan som jag känner väl. That is the girl whom I know well. That's the girl I know well. Jag måste varva ner. I need to unwind. I need to unwind. Ni är för aggressiva. You're too aggressive. You're too aggressive. Vad tror du på? What do you believe? What do you believe in? De var ansvariga för olyckan. They were responsible for the accident. They were responsible for the accident. Känner du dem? Do you know them? Do you know them? Jag trodde att ni gick hem. I thought you went home. I thought you were going home. Ursäkta mig, jag råkade tappa mina ätpinnar. Excuse me, I dropped my chopsticks. Excuse me, I accidentally dropped my chopsticks. Tom tyckte att hans farmors dagbok, som han råkade hitta efter hennes död, var fascinerande läsning. Tom found his grandmother's old diary, which he came across after her death, fascinating reading. Tom found his grandmother's diary, which he happened to find after her death, fascinating reading. Jag kommer börja grina! I am about to cry! I'm gonna start crying! Är du bra på tennis? Are you good at tennis? Are you good at tennis? Jag spelade tennis med min bror. I played tennis with my brother. I played tennis with my brother. Jag vill bara att folk ska vara försiktiga. I just want people to be careful. I just want people to be careful. Jag lät Tom tala. I let Tom talk. I let Tom speak. Du är längre än mig. You are taller than me. You're taller than me. Han skadades allvarligt i trafikolyckan. He got hurt seriously in the traffic accident. He was seriously injured in the traffic accident. Han tycker mycket om musik. He is very fond of music. He likes music a lot. Jag gillar den här koppen. I like this cup. I like this cup. Vad vill du då? What do you want then? Then what do you want? Det är fantastiskt! That's wonderful! It's amazing! När han log, såg barnen hans långa gråa tänder. When he smiled, the children saw his long, gray teeth. When he smiled, the children saw his long gray teeth. Det verkar som att Jakob är förälskad. It seems like Jakob is in love. It seems Jacob is in love. Snälla be Tom att säga sanningen. Please tell Tom to tell the truth. Please ask Tom to tell the truth. Jag måste börja om. I have to start over. I have to start over. Vems sida är ni på? Whose side are you on? Whose side are you on? Han blev ditsatt för mord. He was framed for murder. He was framed for murder. Han var intresserad av Orientens mysterium. He was interested in the mysteries of the Orient. He was interested in the mystery of the Orient. Jag förstår inte. I don't understand. I don't understand. För inte oväsen här. Don't make noise here. Don't make any noise here. Hon berättade sin historia tårögd. She told her story in tears. She told her story tear-eyed. Hon är datorexpert. She is a computer expert. She's a computer expert. Jag har en flickvän. I have a girlfriend. I have a girlfriend. Det är en timmes promenad till stationen. It's an hour's walk to the station. It's an hour's walk to the station. Alla fick panik. Everybody panicked. Everyone panicked. Hon kommer kanske. She might come. Maybe she'll come. Tom var domare i en konsttävling. Tom was a judge in an art contest. Tom was the judge of an art competition. Det var förståeligt. It was understandable. That was understandable. När pappa kom hem satt jag och tittade på tv. When Dad came home, I was watching TV. When Dad came home, I was watching TV. Tom fick mig att lova att inte säga någonting till dig. Tom made me promise not to say anything to you. Tom made me promise not to say anything to you. Layla träffade andra män. Layla was seeing other men. Layla met other men. Städa ditt rum. Clean your room. Clean up your room. Tom uppmärksammade mig inte. Tom paid no attention to me. Tom didn't pay any attention to me. Han är en sann muslim. He is a true Muslim. He's a true Muslim. Du missbrukar dina maktbefogenheter. You are abusing your authority. You're abusing your powers. Har du någonsin blivit bestulen? Have you ever been robbed? Have you ever been robbed? Tom känner inte att han kan lita på Mary. Tom doesn't feel that he can trust Mary. Tom doesn't feel he can trust Mary. Jag föreslår att du skyndar dig. I suggest you hurry. I suggest you hurry up. För mig är det viktigt. For me, it is important. For me, it's important. Vinden blåste hela dagen. The wind blew all day. The wind blew all day. Aj! Jag bet mig i tungan! Ouch! I bit my tongue! I bit my tongue! Det värker i huvudet. My head aches. My head hurts. Matchen blev uppskjuten på grund av regn. The game was postponed due to rain. The game was postponed because of rain. Tom är skamsen. Tom is ashamed. Tom is ashamed. Tom stannar i tre dagar till. Tom is going to stay for another three days. Tom stays for three more days. Jag mår bra, tack. I'm fine, thank you. I'm fine, thank you. Någon svarade. Somebody answered. Someone answered. Att lära sig koreanska är svårt. Learning Korean is difficult. Learning Korean is hard. Jag gillar din optimism. I like your optimism. I like your optimism. Jag har redan betalat för den. I've already paid for it. I already paid for it. Hämta hit de där männen. Bring those men here. Get those men over here. Stackars du! You poor thing. Poor you! Körsbärsträden blommar i april. The cherry blossom is in April. Cherry trees bloom in April. Tom gjorde samma sak som Mary gjorde. Tom did the same thing that Mary did. Tom did what Mary did. Jag gör som jag vill. I'll do as I please. I'll do what I want. När han kommer, vi ska börja. When he comes, we'll begin. When he comes, we'll start. President Truman var tvungen att fatta ett svårt beslut. President Truman had to make a difficult decision. President Truman had to make a difficult decision. Jag bad inte om er hjälp. I didn't ask for your help. I didn't ask for your help. Det är inte viktigt vad jag heter. It's not important what my name is. It's not important what my name is. Tom bad om en filt och en kudde. Tom asked for a blanket and a pillow. Tom asked for a blanket and a pillow. Jag tappar mina tänder. Jag dör bitvis. I'm losing my teeth. I'm dying by bits. I'm losing my teeth. Han kysste sin dotter på pannan. He kissed his daughter on the forehead. He kissed his daughter on his forehead. Det är en present till dig. It's a present for you. It's a present for you. Är inte Tom med er? Isn't Tom with you? Isn't Tom with you? Tom kunde inte hitta någon att prata med. Tom couldn't find anyone to talk to. Tom couldn't find anyone to talk to. Det här är den genväg som jag brukar ta till skolan. This is the shortcut that I usually take to school. This is the shortcut I usually take to school. Jag kommer inte att vänta för alltid. I won't wait forever. I won't wait forever. Han betonade att tiotusentals människor skulle komma till konserten. He emphasized that tens of thousands of people would come to that concert. He stressed that tens of thousands of people would come to the concert. Det tvivlar jag faktiskt på. I really doubt that. Actually, I doubt that. Hon föll ner för stegen. She fell down the ladder. She fell down the ladder. Han blir lätt trött. He tires easily. He easily gets tired. Jag väntar här. I'll wait here. I'll wait here. Det är Toms standardsvar. That's Tom's answer for everything. That's Tom's standard response. Gazpacho är en kall tomat- och grönsakssoppa från Spanien. Gazpacho is a cold tomato and vegetable soup from Spain. Gazpacho is a cold tomato and vegetable soup from Spain. Vi träffar Tom senare. We'll meet Tom later. We'll see Tom later. Ingen kommer att klandra dig. Nobody's going to blame you. No one's gonna blame you. Jag är mycket glad att lära känna er. I'm very happy to make your acquaintance. I'm very happy to get to know you. Jag går nästan aldrig ut. I hardly ever go out. I hardly ever go out. Jag har aldrig sett så många människor på ett ställe förut. I've never seen so many people in one place. I've never seen so many people in one place before. Tom är för ung. Tom is too young. Tom's too young. Studera de här meningarna. Study these sentences. Study these sentences. Vem har vi att tacka för penicillinets upptäckt? To whom do we owe the discovery of penicillin? Who do we have to thank for the discovery of penicillin? Tom sade att han berättat för er. Tom said he told you. Tom said he told you. Jag vet att du tycker om Tom. I know you like Tom. I know you like Tom. Vad gör du för att få tiden att gå? What do you do to pass the time? What do you do to make time go by? Vad är ni rädda för? What are you afraid of? What are you afraid of? Kvällen innan bröllopet var Mary fortfarande lugn som en filbunke. The evening before the wedding, Mary was still calm as a cucumber. The night before the wedding, Mary was still calm as a fiddle. Ja, där borta. Yes, over there. Yeah, over there. Min katt dödade denna mus. My cat killed this mouse. My cat killed this mouse. Bladen är gula. The leaves are yellow! The leaves are yellow. En förbipasserande bil körde i en vattenpöl och stänkte ned hela mig. A passing car hit a puddle and splashed water all over me. A passing car drove in a pool of water and splashed all over me. Mary stängde tyst dörren. Mary closed the door quietly. Mary shut the door quietly. Ge mig en till kopp kaffe. Give me another cup of coffee. Give me another cup of coffee. Hur svårt skadad är Tom? How bad is Tom hurt? How badly hurt is Tom? Rör det inte! Don't touch it! Don't touch it! Vad var det inne i lådan? What was inside the box? What was in the box? Jag kan stanna. I can stay. I can stay. Jag lärde Tom franska. I taught Tom French. I taught Tom French. Han såg på kapplöpningen med sin kikare. He watched the horse race with his binoculars. He watched the race with his binoculars. Vi måste bestämma när vi ska börja. We've got to decide when we'll start. We have to decide when to start. Vad är din idé? What is your idea? What's your idea? Jag besökte Tom i Boston. I visited Tom in Boston. I went to see Tom in Boston. Släpp honom! Release him! Let him go! Allting har ett pris, det goda visar sig vara dyrare än det onda. Everything has a price, the good being more expensive than the bad. Everything has a price, the good turns out to be more expensive than the evil. Vad har vi? What do we have? What do we got? Låt inte Tom se er. Don't let Tom see you. Don't let Tom see you. Tom överlever. Tom'll live. Tom survives. Jag har rätt. I am right. I'm right. Du är fortfarande ung. You're still young. You're still young. Hon glömde att mata hunden. She forgot to feed the dog. She forgot to feed the dog. Tom klappade ihop. Tom cracked up. Tom collapsed. Flyger du ofta? Do you fly frequently? You fly a lot? Jag älskar det norska språket! I love Norwegian! I love the Norwegian language! Finns det en bokhandel på hotellet? Is there a book store in the hotel? Is there a bookstore in the hotel? Tom är hårdnackad. Tom's headstrong. Tom is stiff-necked. Var Fadil verkligen överraskad eller fejkade han bara? Was Fadil really surprised or was he just faking? Was Fadil really surprised or was he just faking? Han är inte sjuk. He's not sick. He's not sick. Tom hör dig inte. Tom can't hear you. Tom can't hear you. Jag citerade Tom. I was quoting Tom. I quoted Tom. Jag är lycklig. I'm happy. I'm happy. Tom tog av sig sin rock och sina handskar. Tom took off his coat and gloves. Tom took off his coat and gloves. Jag vet inte varför Tom gjorde som han gjorde. I don't know why Tom did what he did. I don't know why Tom did what he did. Hur många språk kan Charlotte? How many languages does Charlotte know? How many languages does Charlotte know? Visst, jag förstår. Of course, I understand. Sure, I get it. Jag tror inte att jag kommer att åka till Boston. I don't think I'll go to Boston. I don't think I'm going to Boston. Tom är snål. Tom's greedy. Tom's cheap. Det går inte att förutsäga vad som kommer hända nästa år. There is no telling what may happen next year. You can't predict what's going to happen next year. Jag trodde att du gillade Tom. I thought you liked Tom. I thought you liked Tom. Med lite språkkunskaper kommer man långt. A little language goes a long way. With a little language skills, you get a long way. Du använder verkligen mycket smör. You sure do use a lot of butter. You really use a lot of butter. Den här roboten gör vad jag än säger. Det är till stor hjälp när jag är för trött för att göra någonting. Inte alltför troligt, va? This robot does whatever I say. That's a big help when I'm too tired to do anything. Not too likely, huh? This robot does whatever I say. It's very helpful when I'm too tired to do anything. Tom är väldigt modig. Tom is being very brave. Tom is very brave. Vad sade han till dig? What did he tell you? What did he say to you? Går det bra att ni väntar några minuter? Would you mind waiting a few minutes? Do you mind waiting a few minutes? Tom gillar att skriva poesi. Tom likes to write poetry. Tom likes to write poetry. Klappa mig inte på huvudet som om jag vore ett barn! Don't pat me on the head as if I were a child! Don't pat me on the head like I'm a child! Du måste stiga upp. You have to get up. You have to get up. Behöver ni den nu? Do you need it now? Do you need it now? Du är det vackraste flickan jag någonsin sett. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Du måste återvända. You need to go back. You must return. Jag önskar att jag vore ung igen. I wish I was young again. I wish I was young again. Kan du inte skilja på fantasi och verklighet? Can't you divorce fantasy from reality? Can't you tell the difference between fantasy and reality? Det där är boken som jag vill läsa. That is the book I want to read. That's the book I want to read. Jag är glad att jag hittade dig. I'm glad I found you. I'm glad I found you. Idag är det den 1 september. Today is September 1st. Today is September 1st. Vad ska vi göra först? What do we do first? What do we do first? Vilket nagellack är din favorit? What's your favorite nail polish? What nail polish is your favorite? Tom moppar golvet. Tom is mopping the floor. Tom mops the floor. Klockan är redan elva. It's already eleven. It's already 11:00. Är det faktiskt så ohälsosamt att äta äggulor? Is eating egg yolks really that unhealthy? Is it actually so unhealthy to eat egg yolks? Det är allt jag vet säkert. That's all I know for sure. That's all I know for sure. Tom är i nöjesbranschen. Tom is in show business. Tom's in the show business. Du förstår inte. You don't understand. You don't understand. Tom höll med om allt Mary sa. Tom agreed with everything Mary said. Tom agreed with everything Mary said. Hon börjar irritera mig. She's starting to annoy me. She's starting to annoy me. Jag tror att jag har gjort mitt; det är din tur nu. I think I have done my bit; it's your turn now. I think I've done mine; it's your turn now. Jag är tacksam för din hjälp. I am grateful to you for your help. I'm grateful for your help. Jag tog ut kakan ur ugnen. I took the cake out of the oven. I took the cake out of the oven. Jag trodde att du hatade Tom. I thought you hated Tom. I thought you hated Tom. Jag har inte gjort det! I haven't done that! I didn't do it! Han var förkrossad. He was devastated. He was devastated. Jag kommer att försöka. I'm going to try. I'll try. Jag har huvudvärk. I have a headache. I have a headache. Jag gillar inte att bli driven med. I don't like being made a fool of. I don't like being driven along. Gör inte så mot mig. Don't do that to me. Don't do that to me. Läraren tolkade meningen åt oss. The teacher interpreted the sentence for us. The teacher interpreted the sentence for us. Jag håller inte med, det är inte rasistiskt att använda ordet "ras". I disagree, it's not racist to use the word "race." I do not agree, it is not racist to use the word "race". Jag har en husvagn. I have a trailer. I've got a trailer. Vad är din lösning? What's your solution? What's your solution? Jag är nästa. I'm next. I'm next. De är kannibaler. They're cannibals. They're cannibals. Jag måste hålla med. I have to agree. I have to agree. Jag älskar det. I love it. I love it. Tom dog tre veckor efter krocken. Tom died three weeks after the crash. Tom died three weeks after the crash. Jag ska ge dem tillbaka. I'll give them back. I'll give them back. Hur kan du inte tycka om honom? How can you not like him? How can you not like him? Försök att komma på det. Try to figure it out. Try to figure it out. Min framtid ligger i era händer. My future is in your hands. My future is in your hands. Tom tycker inte om vinter. Tom does not like the winter. Tom doesn't like winter. Skänk inte bort den. Don't give it away. Don't give it away. Hämta vin. Bring wine. Get some wine. Nu faller redan de första regndropparna. Now the first raindrops are already falling. Now the first drops of rain are already falling. Sami drömde om att en dag publicera en bok. Sami dreamed of publishing a book some day. Sami dreamed of one day publishing a book. Dörrarna var låsta utifrån. The doors were locked from the outside. The doors were locked from the outside. Min bror och jag delade rummet. My brother and I shared the room. My brother and I shared the room. Hur bred är den här vägen? What is the breadth of this road? How wide is this road? Ett sätt att minska antalet fel i Tatoebas korpus vore att uppmuntra folk att endast översätta till sina modersmål. One way to lower the number of errors in the Tatoeba Corpus would be to encourage people to only translate into their native languages. One way to reduce the number of errors in Tatoeba's corpus would be to encourage people to translate only into their native languages. Varför har inte jag en sådan vän? Why don't I have a friend like that? Why don't I have such a friend? Jag skulle vilja tala ett slag med Tom mellan fyra ögon. I'd like to speak with Tom in private for a moment. I'd like to speak to Tom for a moment. Det gläder mig att ni kommer ihåg. I'm glad you remember. I'm glad you remember. Jag hade en besvärlig tid. I had a hard time. I had a difficult time. Han verkade besviken över resultaten. He seemed disappointed with the results. He seemed disappointed with the results. Gå och sov en stund. Go get some sleep. Go get some sleep. Ska jag stänga dörren? Shall I close the door? Shall I close the door? Kan jag lita på dig? Can I count on you? Can I trust you? Jag vill inte spela. I don't want to play. I don't want to play. Flera mätningar visar att radonhalterna i området är höga. Several measurements show high radon levels in this area. Several measurements show that radon levels in the area are high. Hur långt borta tror du att det där skeppet är? How far away do you think that ship is? How far away do you think that ship is? Jag måste återvända. I've got to go back. I have to go back. Av ren nyfikenhet, vad skulle du göra? Just out of curiosity, what would you do? Out of curiosity, what would you do? Hur länge har han varit frånvarande? How long has he been absent? How long has he been absent? Låt oss göra affärer. Let's do business. Let's do business. De är lika starka som vi. They are as strong as us. They're as strong as we are. Jag känner din mamma. I know your mother. I know your mother. Ingen får avlägsna sig. No one can leave. No one is allowed to leave. Du har rätt. Jag tar en taxi. You are right. I will go by taxi. You're right, I'll take a cab. Tom sa att det här kunde hända. Tom said this could happen. Tom said this could happen. Ta på dig en klänning då. Why don't you wear a dress? Then put on a dress. Han verkar snäll. He seems kind. He seems nice. Jag har ett äpple. I have an apple. I got an apple. Tom är oförarglig. Tom's harmless. Tom is harmless. Har du förutfattade meningar? Are you biased? Do you have preconceptions? När kan jag se dig igen? When can I see you again? When can I see you again? Vad kostar den här radion? What's the price of this radio? How much is this radio? Jag behöver de här pengarna. I need this money. I need this money. Jag har gömt den någonstans. I hid it somewhere. I've hidden it somewhere. Var är bilnycklarna? Where are the car keys? Where are the car keys? Jag hämtar upp Tom. I'll pick Tom up. I'll pick up Tom. Jag skulle vilja gå hem nu. I'd like to go home now. I'd like to go home now. Sami var en självsäker student. Sami was a confident student. Sami was a confident student. Det här är en bild på Toms familj. This is a picture of Tom's family. This is a picture of Tom's family. Varför är du hemma? Why are you at home? Why are you home? Vi har sålt alla biljetter. We've sold all the tickets. We've sold all the tickets. Tror du att han är död? Do you think he is dead? You think he's dead? Jag var nästan säker att du skulle säga något sådär. I was almost certain you'd say something like that. I was almost sure you'd say something like that. Flygplan landar på flygplatser. Airplanes land at airports. Aeroplanes land at airports. Hur kommer jag tillbaka? How do I get back? How do I get back? Tom kunde inte bryta sig in i den. Tom couldn't hack it. Tom couldn't break into it. Hur mycket blir det? How much will it be? How much is that? Du tjänar inte på det i längden. You won't earn it in the long run. You won't make any money in the long run. Är du rädd för skräckfilmer? Are you afraid of horror movies? Are you afraid of horror movies? Jag skulle vilja få ett allvarsord med dig. I'd like an earnest word with you. I'd like to get a serious word with you. Jag ljög för er. I lied to you. I lied to you. Det jag skrev är inte engelska. What I wrote is not English. What I wrote is not English. Dan närmade sig landningsbanan för snabbt. Dan approached the runway too fast. Dan approached the runway too fast. Hur ska man äta det här? How do I eat this? How are you supposed to eat this? Vad betydde det där? What did that mean? What did that mean? Hör du ... Listen... Hey... Jag rörde ingenting. I didn't touch anything. I didn't touch anything. Min katt dog igår. My pet cat died yesterday. My cat died yesterday. Han är tre år äldre än hon. He's three years older than she is. He's three years older than she is. Jag skulle kunna vara din handledare. I could tutor you. I could be your supervisor. Jag böjer mig inte en millimeter i den här frågan. I will not give an inch on this point. I am not bending a millimetre on this issue. Han gick i pension vid sextio. He retired at sixty. He retired at sixty. Tom berättade för Mary om John. Tom told Mary about John. Tom told Mary about John. Har inte ni något att göra? Don't you have something to do? Don't you have something to do? Tack för informationen. Thank you for the information. Thanks for the information. Nej, jag lider inte av astma. Jag stönar av lust! No, I'm not suffering from asthma. I'm moaning in lust! No, I don't suffer from asthma. Tom kommer inte. Tom is not coming. Tom's not coming. Ni har ätit tillräckligt. You've eaten enough. You've eaten enough. När kan jag komma härifrån? When can I get out of here? When can I get out of here? Hämta kaptenen. Get the captain. Get the captain. Vi ska åka till Beijing och Shanghai. We will go to Beijing and Shanghai. We're going to Beijing and Shanghai. Emily är en gottegris. Emily has a sweet tooth. Emily's a sweet girl. Sluta göra omsvep och kom till saken. Stop beating around the bush and get to the point. Stop turning around and get to the point. Jag älskar den här staden. I love this town. I love this town. Tom kan skriva med båda händerna. Tom can write with either hand. Tom can write with both hands. Jag vet hur detta fungerar. I know how this works. I know how this works. Tom väntar på dig där uppe. Tom is up there waiting for you. Tom's waiting for you upstairs. Är det möjligt, tror du? Do you think it's possible? Is that possible, do you think? Jag går och hämtar dem nu. I'll get them now. I'm gonna go get them now. Jag vill inte stava någonting fel. I don't want to misspell anything. I don't want to spell anything wrong. Vad tog de? What did they take? What did they take? Glöm inte att dricka mycket vatten. Don't forget to drink plenty of water. Don't forget to drink plenty of water. Hon stiger upp tidigt. She gets up early. She's getting up early. Jag måste få ett slut på det här. I have to stop this. I need to put an end to this. Min familj bor i det där huset. My family live in that house. My family lives in that house. Det här är bilden som jag tog på Toms hus. This is the picture I took of Tom's house. This is the picture I took of Tom's house. Jag såg Tom tidigare. I saw Tom earlier. I saw Tom earlier. Vilken blomma som helst går bra, så länge den är röd. Any flower will do as long as it's red. Any flower will be fine as long as it's red. Jesus gick på vatten. Jesus walked on water. Jesus walked on water. Du kan inte backa ur. You can't back out. You can't back out. Denna punkt förtjänar särskild emfas. This point deserves special emphasis. This point deserves special emphase. Jag känner lukten av rök. I can smell smoke. I smell smoke. Jag bestämt mig för att aldrig göra det där igen. I've decided never to do that again. I decided never to do that again. Du var inte särskilt trevlig. You weren't very nice. You weren't very nice. Du ska tala svenska. You are going to speak Swedish. You're supposed to speak Swedish. Jag skulle vilja träffa dem igen. I'd like to see them again. I'd like to see them again. De fick en stor en. They got a big one. They got a big one. Det var extremt roligt. It was extremely funny. It was extremely funny. Bägge skrattar. They're both laughing. Both laugh. Han använder alltid en exklusiv aftershave. He always uses an exclusive aftershave. He always uses an exclusive aftershave. Har du grävt upp potatisar? Have you dug up potatoes? Did you dig up potatoes? Vad är det, älskling? What's the matter, darling? What is it, honey? Denna förordning träder i kraft från och med nästa år. This regulation will take effect from next year. This Regulation shall enter into force from next year. Jag kommer aldrig att lämna dig. I'll never leave you. I'll never leave you. Gå och fråga din far. Go ask your father. Go ask your father. Jag har stora händer. I have big hands. I have big hands. Barnen är i behov av dig. The children are in need of you. The children are in need of you. Kan ni reparera det här? Can you repair this? Can you fix this? Vilken sorts spel var populära när du var ung? What kind of games were popular when you were young? What kind of games were popular when you were young? Det förstår jag inte. I can't understand it. I don't understand that. Har du tappat vettet? Have you lost your mind? Have you lost your mind? Jag känner dig knappt. I hardly know you. I barely know you. Tom fick Mary att gråta. Tom made Mary cry. Tom made Mary cry. Pojken hoppar. The boy is jumping. The boy jumps. Jag kände din pappa. I knew your father. I knew your father. Den är allt vi har. It's all we have. It's all we have. Det hade varit roligt. It would have been fun. That would have been fun. Ni kan förstå svenska. You can understand Swedish. You can understand Swedish. Jag väntar på min tur. I am waiting my turn. I'm waiting for my turn. Vad? What? What? Man ska aldrig säga aldrig. You should never say "never". Never say never. Trots att det regnade ställdes matchen inte in. In spite of the rain, the game was not cancelled. Even though it rained, the match was not cancelled. Jag tror att jag äntligen ska pensionera mig. I think I am finally going to retire. I think I'm finally retiring. Segla längs kusten. Sail along the coast. Sail along the coast. Kan vi prata ensamma? Can we talk alone? Can we talk alone? De gick tre och tre i bredd. They went three by three. They went three and three in width. Tom måste få hjälp. Tom must be helped. Tom needs help. Fuska inte. Don't cheat. Don't cheat. Jag läste ett brev. I read a letter. I read a letter. Vilken är din favoritsnabbmatsrestaurang? What is your favourite fast-food restaurant? What's your favorite fast food restaurant? Det är kallt ute. It is cold outside. It's cold outside. Imponerande, eller hur? Impressive, isn't it? Impressive, isn't it? Jag ska äta äpplet. I'll eat the apple. I'm gonna eat the apple. Du har blivit tjock. You've grown fat. You've gotten fat. Det flyger en reklamballong ovanför köpcentret. There is an advertising balloon flying above the department store. There's a commercial balloon flying above the mall. På vilket sätt är det annorlunda? How is it different? How is it different? Han är allmänläkare. He's a general practitioner. He's a general practitioner. "Är de här maträtterna glutenfria?" "Ja visst, alla våra maträtter är glutenfria." "Are these dishes gluten free?" "Yes, of course, all of our dishes are gluten free." "Are these dishes gluten-free?" "Yeah, all our dishes are gluten-free." Jag förstod inte. I didn't understand. I didn't understand. Hon tycker om sagor. She likes fairy tales. She likes fairy tales. Jag ställde inga frågor. I didn't ask any questions. I didn't ask any questions. Jag ska inte dö. I'm not going to die. I'm not gonna die. Kan jag få ett glas vatten, tack. Bring me a glass of water, please. Can I have a glass of water, please? Jag kommer att behöva skriva några brev. I'll have some letters to write. I'm going to have to write some letters. Gör vad du vill. Do what you like. Do what you want. Jag får inte hjälpa dig. I'm not allowed to help you. I can't help you. Vilken är er favoritfärg? What is your favorite color? What's your favorite color? Han blir lätt rädd. He scares easily. He easily gets scared. Ni är farliga. You guys are dangerous. You're dangerous. Var det du som översatte den här meningen? Did you translate this sentence? Did you translate this sentence? Tom vill inte verka svag. Tom doesn't want to appear weak. Tom doesn't want to seem weak. Jag måste få det färdigt så fort som möjligt. I must complete it as soon as possible. I need to finish it as soon as possible. Borsta era tänder. Brush your teeth. Brush your teeth. Varför gör du så mot mig? Why do you always do that to me? Why are you doing this to me? Jag minskar på godisätandet. I'm cutting down on sweets. I'm reducing the candy-eating. Han lät mig sova över en natt. He let me stay for a night. He let me sleep overnight. Tom syns inte till någonstans. Tom is nowhere to been seen. Tom is nowhere to be seen. Det gläder mig att ni minns. I'm glad you remember. I'm glad you remember. Hur kan Tom göra så? How can Tom do that? How can Tom do that? Han vägrade stänga dörren. He refused to close the door. He wouldn't close the door. Jag är lite hungrig. I'm slightly hungry. I'm a little hungry. Om du tycker om den kan jag ge dig receptet. If you like it, I'll give you the recipe. If you like it, I can give you the recipe. Omöjligt. Impossible. Impossible. Löven i parken har redan börjat få färg. The leaves in the park have already started to turn colors. The leaves in the park have already begun to get color. Jag tyckte att det var bra. I thought it was good. I thought it was good. Herre, var nådig mot min son, ty han är epileptiker och lider fruktansvärt därav, för han faller ofta in i elden, och ofta ner i vattnet. Lord, have mercy on my son: for he is epileptic, and suffereth grievously; for oft-times he falleth into the fire, and off-times into the water. Lord, be gracious to my son, for he is an epileptic and suffers terribly, for he often falls into the fire, and often into the water. Sami började dejta Layla. Sami began to date Layla. Sami started dating Layla. Kvinnan är naken. The woman is naked. The woman's naked. Jag ser inget problem med detta. I don't see a problem with this. I don't see any problem with this. Jag minns allt det där. I remember all that. I remember all that. Är det sant? Is that true? Really? Vad såg du? What did you see? What did you see? Tom blev bortförd. Tom was abducted. Tom was abducted. Jag glömde stänga dörren. I forgot to close the door. I forgot to close the door. Är du upptagen? Are you busy? Are you busy? Kan du säga namnet på en av deras låtar? Can you name one of their songs? Can you say the name of one of their songs? Eller hur? Right? Right? Tom gillar dig. Tom likes you. Tom likes you. Hur tidigt går du upp om morgnarna? How early do you get up in the morning? How early do you get up in the morning? Det här är huset, i vilket min farbror bor. This is the house where my uncle lives. This is the house in which my uncle lives. Säg till Tom att jag älskar honom. Tell Tom I love him. Tell Tom I love him. Tyvärr är det sant. It is unfortunately true. Unfortunately, it's true. Tom har inte hatt på sig varje dag. Tom doesn't wear a hat every day. Tom doesn't wear a hat every day. Han misstar mig alltid för min syster. He always mistakes me for my sister. He's always mistaken for my sister. Hör upp, studenter! Listen up, students! Listen up, students! Det var så det gick till. That's the way it happened. That's how it happened. Jag talade med Tom. I talked to Tom. I spoke to Tom. Det här arbetet är inte på något sätt lätt. This work is by no means easy. This work is by no means easy. Tom hjälpte oss mycket. Tom helped us a lot. Tom helped us a lot. Vi tänker inte göra det. We're not going to do that. We're not gonna do it. Kan jag hämta dig? Can I pick you up? Can I pick you up? Ge mig ett ögonblick. Give me a moment. Give me a second. Vem blir den nästa presidenten av USA? Who will be the next president of the United States? Who will be the next president of the United States? Du dödar mig långsamt. You are killing me slowly. You'll kill me slowly. Tom pratade om Mary som om hon inte var där. Tom spoke about Mary as if she wasn't there. Tom talked about Mary as if she wasn't there. Många idrottsmän avstår från ett socialt liv så att de kan uppnå sina prestationsmål. Many athletes forego a social life, so they can achieve their performance goals. Many athletes refrain from a social life so that they can achieve their performance goals. Du måste ha blandat ihop mig med någon annan. You must have me confused with someone else. You must have confused me with someone else. Låt den vara. Leave it. Leave it alone. Det här är inte rätt. This isn't correct. This isn't right. Den här hunden är inte min. This dog is not mine. This dog isn't mine. Vi måste komma bort. We need to get away. We need to get away. Den är min. That is mine. It's mine. De säger att han har varit död i två år. They say that he has been dead for two years. They say he's been dead for two years. Han gör misstag varje gång han pratar engelska. He makes mistakes every time he speaks English. He makes mistakes every time he speaks English. Är din fru fortfarande i Amerika? Is your wife still in America? Is your wife still in America? På vems sida är ni? Whose side are you on? On whose side are you? Vad menade Tom? What did Tom mean? What did Tom mean? Organisationen är partipolitiskt obunden. The organization is not connected with any political parties. The organization is party-politically independent. Jag ska försöka. I'm going to try. I'll try. Ta någonting att dricka, Tom. Have a drink, Tom. Have something to drink, Tom. Mitt skägg växer snabbt. My beard grows quickly. My beard is growing fast. Den gamle mannen är blind på ena ögat. The old man is blind in one eye. The old man is blind in one eye. Vi måste alltid följa reglerna. We must always follow the rules. We always have to follow the rules. Toms familj bor i Australien. Tom's family lives in Australia. Tom's family lives in Australia. Kan ni hjälpa oss? Could you help us? Can you help us? Fråga Alex. Ask Alex. Ask Alex. Hjälpte du henne med det? Did you help her with that? Did you help her with that? Det är svårt att förstå hans teori. It's difficult to understand his theory. It's hard to understand his theory. Jag klättrade upp i ett träd. I climbed a tree. I climbed a tree. Finns det mycket snö i ert land? Do you have much snow in your country? Is there a lot of snow in your country? Jag ansträngde mig verkligen. I tried really hard. I tried so hard. Vems rum är det här? Whose room is this? Whose room is this? Läkarna säger att det var ett mirakel att Tom överlevde natten. The doctors say it was a miracle that Tom made it through the night. The doctors say it was a miracle that Tom survived the night. Det är ett otroligt resultat. This is an incredible result. It's an incredible result. Det gläder mig att du tycker om Tom. I'm glad you like Tom. I'm glad you like Tom. Vi är hans söner. We are his sons. We're his sons. Tom frågade mig vad som hände. Tom asked me what happened. Tom asked me what happened. Finns jag på den listan? Am I on that list? Am I on that list? Vad skulle du vilja äta? What would you like to eat? What would you like to eat? Tom kan inte sjunga höga A. Tom can't sing a high A. Tom can't sing high A. Var är era barn? Where are your kids? Where are your children? Ungefär hälften av allt han säger är rena rama påhittet. About half of everything he says is sheer fiction. About half of everything he says is pure fiction. Sluta säga att det är mitt barn. Stop telling me it is my baby. Stop saying it's my baby. Tom är inte här uppe. Tom isn't up here. Tom's not up here. Den tjocka tjejen äter för mycket sötsaker med mycket socker i. The fat girl is eating too much sweets with lots of sugar. The fat girl eats too much sweets with a lot of sugar in it. Det är inte ett skämt. It's not a joke. It's not a joke. Jag önskar att jag hade fler vänner. I wish I had more friends. I wish I had more friends. Kan man rättfärdiga användandet av våld? Can one justify the use of violence? Can the use of violence be justified? Vi önskar er lycka till. We wish you luck. We wish you luck. Det är hälsosamt att vara galen. It's healthy to be mad. It's healthy to be crazy. Tom är mörkhyad. Tom is black. Tom is dark-skinned. Jag trodde att du skulle bli arg. I thought you'd be angry. I thought you'd be mad. Han bestämde sig för den röda bilen. He decided on the red car. He decided on the red car. Jag gillar ditt hår. I like your hair. I like your hair. Tom och Mary fick ändra planerna. Tom and Mary had to change their plans. Tom and Mary had to change their plans. Jag vill åka till ett land utan måndagar. I want to go to a land without Mondays. I want to go to a country without Mondays. Jag har jobb att sköta. I've got work to do. I have work to do. Tom är bedårande. Tom is adorable. Tom is adorable. När fadern kom hem, tittade jag på tv. When the father came home, I watched TV. When the father came home, I watched TV. Jag flyttar inte. I won't move. I'm not moving. Det kan jag respektera. I can respect that. I can respect that. Tom fick schampo i ögonen. Tom got shampoo in his eyes. Tom got shampoo in his eyes. Jag kommer ihåg det nu. I remember it now. I remember that now. Jag behöver en kniv. I need a knife. I need a knife. Jag visste inte ens vad jag själv hette. I didn't even know my name. I didn't even know my own name. Det är bäst vi beställer genast. We'd better order right away. We'd better order right away. Var inte så dramatisk. Don't be so dramatic. Don't be so dramatic. Publiken applåderade. The audience applauded. The crowd applauded. Skit. Shit. Shit. Det kommer ta några sekunder. It'll take a few seconds. It'll take a few seconds. Jag kom hem först. I got home first. I came home first. Tom sa att han trodde att Mary fortfarande bodde hos sina föräldrar. Tom said that he thought Mary was still living with her parents. Tom said he thought Mary was still living with his parents. Jag behöver deras namn. I need their names. I need their names. Den här kvinnan har två väskor. This woman has two bags. This woman has two bags. Du är en tålmodig man. You're a patient man. You're a patient man. Tom kände inte Mary. Tom didn't know Mary. Tom didn't know Mary. Var ligger närmaste hotell? Where's the nearest hotel? Where's the nearest hotel? Han brände hål i rocken. He burned a hole in his coat. He burned holes in his coat. Man får aldrig ge upp. Never give up! You can never give up. Kom och hälsa på mig igen. Come see me again. Come and see me again. Det är rättvist. It's fair. That's fair. De är inte upptagna. They're not busy. They're not busy. Hennes engelska är utmärkt. Her English is excellent. Her English is excellent. Berätta för mig hur jag ska göra. Tell me how to do it. Tell me what to do. Vi är de vi är. We are who we are. We are who we are. Jag fångade en fisk! I caught a fish! I caught a fish! Hon har ett hjärta av guld. She has a heart of gold. She has a heart of gold. Ryck upp dig! Cheer up! Pull yourself together! Känner jag honom? Do I know him? Do I know him? Det var för tre år sedan. That was three years ago. That was three years ago. I Sverige godkändes pronomenet "hen". The pronoun "hen" has been approved in Sweden. In Sweden, the pronoun ‘hen' was approved. Ni ska tala svenska. You will speak Swedish. You're supposed to speak Swedish. Du borde se den här filmen om du får chansen. You should see this film if you get the opportunity. You should see this movie if you get the chance. Jag borde gå och byta om. I should go change. I should go change. Vill du ha mera? Do you want more? You want some more? Jag behöver lite sömn. I need some sleep. I need some sleep. Nä, säger du det? You don't fucking say. No, you don't say? Jag förstår inte varför det är en så stor grej. I don't see why it's such a big deal. I don't understand why it's such a big deal. Tom bär sällan hatt. Tom rarely wears a hat. Tom rarely wears a hat. Borde vi sälja den lilla bilen och börja ta bussen till jobbet istället? Should we sell the small car and start taking the bus to work instead? Should we sell the little car and start taking the bus to work instead? Tom hade rätt. Tom was right. Tom was right. Det är ingen som lyssnar på mig. Nobody listens to me. No one's listening to me. Du måste förstå problemets omfattning. You need to understand the magnitude of the problem. You need to understand the scale of the problem. Vi diskuterade vad vi skulle göra. We discussed what to do. We discussed what to do. Vad ska vi göra? What'll we do? What are we gonna do? Minns du det här spelet? Can you remember this game? Do you remember this game? Vi börjar mötet när Bob kommer. We will begin the meeting when Bob comes. We'll start the meeting when Bob gets here. Det här är inte något misstag. This is not a mistake. This is not a mistake. Dan vill ha sina pengar i dag. Dan wants his money today. Dan wants his money today. Han började svära. He started swearing. He started swearing. Det är svårt att vara ung, men ge inte upp. It's hard to be young, but do not give up. It's hard to be young, but don't give up. Tack för senast. Thank you for the last invitation. Thanks for last time. Tom är trovärdig. Tom is credible. Tom is credible. Vi ska presentera idén för kommittén. We will present our idea to the committee. We'll present the idea to the committee. Jag förde Tom hem. I brought Tom home. I brought Tom home. Ta skydd! Take cover! Take cover! Jag litar på läraren. I trust the teacher. I trust the teacher. Det finns också en toalett på fjärde våningen. There is also a toilet on the fourth floor. There is also a toilet on the fourth floor. Varför har koalor ingen navel? Why do koalas not have a navel? Why don't koalas have a navel? Du är den bästa pappan någonsin. You're the best dad ever. You're the best father ever. Tom började prata. Tom began talking. Tom started talking. Jag kunde inte tygla mig. I couldn't restrain myself. I couldn't restrain myself. Det är något fel på honom. There's something wrong with him. There's something wrong with him. Jag erkänner att jag försummat mina plikter. I admit I neglected my responsibilities. I confess to neglecting my duties. Jag föredrar att åka tåg framför att flyga. I prefer traveling by train to flying. I prefer to ride trains rather than fly. Får jag sitta med Tom? Can I sit with Tom? Can I sit with Tom? Jag fick precis ditt mejl. I just got your email. I just got your e-mail. Finns du? Do you exist? Do you exist? Tom kräver uppmärksamhet. Tom craves attention. Tom needs attention. Det märkte jag aldrig. I never noticed that. I never noticed. Här anrikar man malm. Ore is enriched here. Here you enrich ore. Romanförfattaren skrev flera romaner. The novelist wrote several romances. The novelist wrote several novels. Jag känner för att vänta. I feel like waiting. I feel like waiting. Du kan använda ett lexikon till den här tentamen. You can use a dictionary for this exam. You can use a dictionary for this exam. Läser du Toms blogg? Do you read Tom's blog? Are you reading Tom's blog? Jag fick A på min uppsats. I got an A on my essay. I got A on my paper. Jag hittade på det. I made it up. I made it up. Titta bakom dig. Look behind you. Look behind you. Jag stötte precis tån. I just stubbed my toe. I just hit my toe. Jag skulle göra samma sak. I'd do the same thing. I'd do the same thing. Min far är rik. My father is rich. My father is rich. Jag skulle vilja utbyta några ord med Tom i enrum. I'd like to speak with Tom in private for a moment. I'd like to exchange a few words with Tom in private. Jag gjorde det en gång. I did that one time. I did it once. Sami gav Farid tillåtelse att kyssa hans dotter Layla. Sami gave permission to Farid to kiss his daughter Layla. Sami gave Farid permission to kiss his daughter Layla. Jag älskar detta arbete. I love this job. I love this work. Jag minns inte hennes namn. I can't remember her name. I don't remember her name. Hur mycket tid behöver du? How much time do you need? How much time do you need? Han har för många böcker. He has too many books. He's got too many books. Kan du inte se det? Can't you see it? Can't you see it? Som pojke brukade jag ligga på gräset och titta på de vita molnen. As a boy, I used to lie on my back on the grass and look at white clouds. As a boy, I used to lie on the grass and look at the white clouds. Jag vill dricka något kallt. I want to drink something cold. I want to drink something cold. Fadil och Layla fick en dotter tillsammans år 2004. Fadil and Layla had a daughter together in 2004. Fadil and Layla had a daughter together in 2004. Tom har inte några vänner att leka med. Tom has no friends to play with. Tom doesn't have any friends to play with. Tom tycker att danska är världens vackraste språk. Tom thinks that Danish is the most beautiful language in the world. Tom thinks Danish is the world's most beautiful language. Här, använd min penna. Here, use my pen. Here, use my pen. Vi frågar läraren frågor varje dag. We ask the teacher questions every day. We ask the teacher questions every day. Öppna inte lådan än. Don't open the box yet. Don't open the box yet. Jag tvivlade aldrig på det. I never doubted it. I never doubted it. Min syster är mycket klok. My sister is very wise. My sister is very wise. Vart är du på väg? Where are you headed for? Where are you going? Tom och Mary åt lunch tillsammans. Tom and Mary ate lunch together. Tom and Mary had lunch together. Jag började inse, att jag hade missförstått honom. I began to realize that I had misunderstood him. I began to realize that I had misunderstood him. Jag är glad att jag har träffat dig. I'm glad I met you. I'm glad I've met you. Tom kan köra gaffeltruck. Tom can operate a forklift. Tom can drive a forklift. Har du fördomar? Are you biased? Are you prejudiced? Du måste skämta! You have got to be kidding me. You've got to be kidding me! Jag har inget val här. I don't have a choice here. I don't have a choice here. Några barn leker i parken. Some kids are playing in the park. Some kids play in the park. Det är inte viktigt! It's not important! It's not important! Vet du var mina gamla glasögon är? Do you know where my old glasses are? Do you know where my old glasses are? Jag ljög för dig. I lied to you. I lied to you. Jag kommer att gå av vid nästa hållplats. I am going to get off at the next stop. I'm gonna get off at the next stop. Du, jag måste gå. Look, I have to go. Look, I have to go. Du måste arbeta snabbt. You need to work fast. You have to work fast. Jag bodde en vecka i Berlin hos en tysk familj. I spent a week in Berlin living with a German family. I lived a week in Berlin with a German family. Det är inte ett trick. It's not a trick. It's not a trick. Jag vet inte vem som sjunger den här sången. I don't know who sings this song. I don't know who's singing this song. Jag har fakturan. I have the invoice. I've got the invoice. Har du glömt? Have you forgotten? Have you forgotten? Jag glömde att fråga Tom. I forgot to ask Tom. I forgot to ask Tom. Barn tycker om att klättra i träd. Children like climbing trees. Children like to climb trees. Tvätta dig. Wash up. Wash yourself. Det förvånar mig inte. It doesn't surprise me. I'm not surprised. Vi måste åka nu. We've got to go now. We have to go now. Jag fick den där känslan. I had that feeling. I got that feeling. Hon höll just på att skära upp gurkor. She was right in the middle of cutting cucumbers. She was just cutting up cucumbers. Njut av de små sakerna! Enjoy the little things! Enjoy the little things! Vill ni äta något? Would you like anything to eat? Can I get you something to eat? Jag måste sova. I have to sleep. I have to sleep. Men varför är det hela så hemligt? But why is it all so secret? But why is it so secret? Tom böjde sig ner och tog upp myntet. Tom bent down and picked up the coin. Tom bent down and picked up the coin. Jag har lånat en bil. I've borrowed a car. I borrowed a car. Om inte människan tar hand om miljön kanske miljön eliminerar mänskligheten. If mankind doesn't take care of the environment, the environment may eliminate mankind. Unless man takes care of the environment, the environment may eliminate mankind. Jag förlorade henne ur sikte i folksamlingen. I lost sight of her in the crowd. I lost sight of her in the crowd. Jag längtar ofta bort. I often long to get away. I often crave away. Jag ska gå och shoppa. I'll go shopping. I'm going shopping. Var snäll och kom med oss. Come with us, please. Please come with us. Jag kan betala i förskott. I can pay upfront. I can pay you in advance. Hördu! Vad gör du i mitt rum? Hey! What are you doing in my room? Hey, what are you doing in my room? Han tyckte inte att det var kul. He didn't think it was funny. He didn't think it was funny. Vad sa Tom att han förväntade sig skulle hända? What did Tom say he expected to happen? What did Tom say he expected to happen? Välkommen till mitt liv. Welcome to my life. Welcome to my life. Tom är en haj. Tom is a shark. Tom's a shark. Tom är lite konstig. Tom is a bit strange. Tom's a little weird. Dödläget var ett faktum. The deadlock was inevitable. The deadlock was a fact. Det kan knappast vara riktigt. It can hardly be true. That can hardly be true. Vet Tom vem jag är? Does Tom know who I am? Does Tom know who I am? Tom tittade på golvet. Tom looked at the floor. Tom looked at the floor. Tom är inte särskilt upptagen, eller hur? Tom isn't very busy, is he? Tom's not very busy, is he? Hon tänker stanna hemma ikväll. She is planning to stay home tonight. She's staying home tonight. Har du någonsin kysst en kvinna? Have you ever kissed a woman? Have you ever kissed a woman? Där slog du huvudet på spiken. You hit the nail on the head there. That's where you hit your head on the nail. Var är dina barn nu? Where are your children now? Where are your children now? Musikern är känd i utlandet såväl som i Japan. The musician is famous abroad as well as in Japan. The musician is known abroad as well as in Japan. Hur länge har vi varit här? How long have we been here? How long have we been here? Stjärnorna blinkade på himlen. The stars were twinkling in the sky. The stars flashed in the sky. Tom är en idrottare. Tom is a jock. Tom is an athlete. Hur fick du in det hit? How did you get it in here? How did you get that in here? Det är svårt att hålla konversation med någon som bara säger ja och nej. It is difficult to keep up a conversation with someone who only says "yes" and "no". It's hard to keep conversation with someone who just says yes and no. Har vi någon? Do we have one? Do we have anyone? Det är genomförbart. That's doable. It's feasible. Jag går aldrig ut. I never go out. I never go out. Vi får inte göra det nu. We can't do it now. We can't do that now. Alla sittplatser var upptagna. Every seat was full. All seats were occupied. Jag höll i trådarna. I was in charge. I was holding the strings. Du kan skriva på vilket språk du vill. På Tatoeba är alla språk jämlika. You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal. You can write in any language you want. In Tatoeba all languages are equal. Hur stor var den? How large was it? How big was it? Jag flyttar inte på mig. I won't move. I'm not moving. Det är inte svårt att göra. That's not difficult to do. It's not hard to do. Ska vi sätta igång snart? Are we starting soon? Should we get started soon? Tre dagar senare var Tom död. Three days later, Tom was dead. Three days later, Tom was dead. Ni får inte komma för sent denna gång. You can't be late this time. You can't be late this time. Behöver vi en plan B? Do we need a Plan B? Do we need a plan B? Vi kommer till det. We'll get to that. We'll get to that. Jag gjorde ett allvarligt misstag på provet. I made a serious mistake on the test. I made a serious mistake on the test. Tom kan komma på vår fest i morgon. Tom is able to come to our party tomorrow. Tom can come to our party tomorrow. Jag älskar den scarfen. I love that scarf. I love that scarf. Jag förstår det inte heller. I don't understand it either. I don't understand it either. Vi är kvinnor. We are women. We're women. Hur tror du att jag känner? How do you think I feel? How do you think I feel? Att lyssna på klassisk musik och att studera kompletterar varandra. Listening to classical music and studying complement one another. Listening to classical music and studying complement each other. Kyckling, tack. Chicken, please. Chicken, please. Han brände bullarna. He burned the buns. He burned the buns. Tom ville gå till stranden. Tom wanted to go to the beach. Tom wanted to go to the beach. Om tiden bara kunde gå lite snabbare. If only time could pass a little faster. If only time could go a little faster. Den kinesiska ekonomin växer snabbt. The Chinese economy is growing rapidly. The Chinese economy is growing rapidly. En, två, tre, fyra, fem, sex, sju, åtta, nio, tio. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Hon skadades i en bilolycka. She was injured in a car accident. She was injured in a car accident. Han återvänder till sitt hem. He returns to his home. He returns to his home. Det var en gång en stor konung som bodde i Grekland. Once upon a time, there lived a great king in Greece. Once upon a time, a great king lived in Greece. Jag steg upp tidigt i går. I got up early yesterday. I got up early yesterday. Den blyga lärjungen mumlade sitt svar. The shy disciple mumbled his answer. The shy disciple mumbled his answer. Mary sa att hon trodde att Tom inte hade slutat göra det än. Mary said she thought Tom wasn't finished doing that yet. Mary said she thought Tom hadn't stopped doing it yet. Har du några kontanter? Do you have any cash? Do you have any cash? Har du varit i Kyoto? Have you been to Kyoto? Have you ever been to Kyoto? Hur hände trafikolyckan? How did the traffic accident happen? How did the traffic accident happen? Kan vi inte berätta för Tom? Can't we tell Tom? Can't we tell Tom? Jag såg Tom ge sig av. I watched Tom leave. I saw Tom leave. Jag kollade upp några saker. I did some checking. I looked into a few things. Jag luktar med näsan. I smell with my nose. I smell with my nose. Honom har hon inte sett på länge. She has not seen him for a long time. She hasn't seen him in a long time. Jag kom över det. I got over that. I got over it. Spara det till senare. Save it till later. Save it for later. Vad sägs om den här röda mössan? How about this red hat? How about this red hat? Först till kvarn får först mala. First come, first serve. First come first served, first grind. Vilka vackra blommor! What lovely flowers! What beautiful flowers! Stillhet är guld. Silence is golden. Stillness is gold. Jag känner henne inte. I don't know her. I don't know her. Har tråkar ut allihopa. He bores everybody. I'm bored all of them. Jag känner till den där blicken. I know that look. I know that look. Jag måste gå nu. I have to leave now. I have to go now. Tom hade en benägenhet att titta bort när han blev tilltalad. Tom had a propensity for looking the other way when spoken to. Tom tended to look away when he was spoken to. Du är partisk. You're biased. You're biased. Vi hörs. We keep in touch. I'll talk to you later. Var snäll och lämna mig i fred. Jag är upptagen. Please leave me alone. I am busy. Please leave me alone. Låt mig fråga en fråga. Let me ask a question. Let me ask you a question. Ring dem i kväll. Call them this evening. Call them tonight. Hur dåligt var det? How bad was it? How bad was it? Jag är inte rädd för någonting. I'm afraid of nothing. I'm not afraid of anything. Vi tittar. We are watching. Let's take a look. Vilka musikgenrer gillar du? What genres of music are you into? What music genres do you like? Skulle ni barn kunna hjälpa mig att duka av bordet? Could you kids help me clear the table? Could you children help me set the table? Du kan inte göra det längre. You can't do that anymore. You can't do it anymore. De tappade ölet på flaska. They bottled the beer. They dropped the beer in a bottle. Jag fick rabatt. I got a bargain. I got a discount. Nedanför berget fanns en park. There was a park at the foot of the mountain. Below the mountain was a park. När jag blir stor ska jag gifta mig med Tom. When I grow up, I'm going to get married to Tom. When I grow up, I'm gonna marry Tom. Skulle ni vilja ha en till öl? Would you like another beer? Would you like another beer? Läste du det? Did you read it? Did you read it? Jag återvände till huset. I returned to the house. I returned to the house. Vill du veta sanningen? Do you want to know the truth? You want to know the truth? Jag skulle vilja träffa Tom nu. I'd like to see Tom now. I'd like to see Tom now. Jag kan inte få kontakt med Tom. I can't contact Tom. I can't get in touch with Tom. Du kan inte hoppa av. You can't back out. You can't quit. Fungerar det ens? Does that even work? Does it even work? Gör det bara. Just do it. Just do it. Hästen är inte vit. The horse is not white. The horse is not white. Jag tvivlar starkt på det. I seriously doubt it. I seriously doubt that. Ställ er upp, allesamman. Get up, everybody. Stand up, all of you. Jag håller inte med Tom. I disagree with Tom. I disagree with Tom. Tom jobbar på bilverkstaden. Tom is working at the garage. Tom works at the garage. Jag tror att vi fortfarande är i Polen! I think we are still in Poland! I think we're still in Poland! Låt inte Tom stanna där. Don't let Tom stay there. Don't let Tom stay there. Var är din bil? Where's your car? Where's your car? Eftersom bussen var sen kom jag hem efter kl. sju på kvällen. Since the bus was late I came home after seven p.m. Since the bus was late, I came home after 7:00 in the evening. Bär du på vapen? Do you carry weapons? Are you carrying weapons? Håller inte Tom på och äter frukost? Isn't Tom having breakfast? Isn't Tom having breakfast? Det här är min öl. This is my beer. This is my beer. Jag vill inte träffa någon i dag. I don't want to see anybody today. I don't want to see anyone today. När borde jag lämna tillbaka bilen? When should I return the car? When should I return the car? Jag vet vad de är för ena. I know these people. I know what one of them is. Jag vill bara vila. I just want to rest. I just want to rest. Skynda dig, tåget stannar bara här en kort stund. Hurry up, the train only stops here for a short while. Hurry up, the train only stops here for a short while. Det blir troligtvis inte lätt. It probably won't be easy. It probably won't be easy. Jag kan stanna uppe sent, för jag har sommarlov. I can stay up late since I am on summer holidays. I can stay up late because I'm on summer vacation. Hans familj flyttade runt en hel del. His family moved around a lot. His family moved around a lot. Var är den grekiska ambassaden? Where is the Greek embassy? Where's the Greek embassy? Jack kan engelska. Jack speaks English. Jack speaks English. Det låter bekant. That sounds familiar. That sounds familiar. Jag kommer inte på någonting. I can't think of anything. I can't think of anything. Mary är inte Toms biologiska dotter. Mary isn't Tom's biological daughter. Mary is not Tom's biological daughter. Han skulle hellre dö än att gå upp tidigt varje morgon. He would sooner die than get up early every morning. He'd rather die than get up early every morning. Jag behöver min kappa. I need my coat. I need my coat. Kan ni ursäkta mig ett ögonblick bara? Will you excuse me for just a moment? Would you excuse me for a moment? Jag kan köpa två stycken. I can buy two. I can buy two of them. Det är inte så enkelt som jag trodde. It's not so easy as I thought it was. It's not as simple as I thought. Jag har aldrig hört talas om er. I've never heard of you. I've never heard of you. Jag trodde att du skulle hålla med. I thought you'd agree. I thought you'd agree. Jag kommer inte att behöva dig. I won't need you. I won't need you. Jag trodde du var van vid att bo i husvagn. I thought you were used to living in a trailer. I thought you were used to living in a trailer. Tom är inte riktigt säker. Tom isn't really sure. Tom's not really sure. Jag är väldigt upptagen hemma. I'm very busy back home. I'm very busy at home. Tom har redan varit i alla europeiska huvudstäder. Tom has already been to all European capital cities. Tom has already been to all European capitals. Jag var bara där en gång. I only went there once. I was only there once. Många utlänningar pratar bra japanska. Many foreigners speak good Japanese. Many foreigners speak good Japanese. Skytten dödade hjorten. The archer killed the deer. The shooter killed the deer. Jag var där ensam i början, men sedan kom Liisa och Liisas nya vän. I was there all alone at first, but then came still Liisa and Liisa's new friend. I was there alone at first, but then came Liisa and Liisa's new friend. Detta är inte ett särskilt bra jobb, men det betalar räkningarna. This isn't a great job, but it helps pay the bills. This is not a very good job, but it pays the bills. Jag vill verkligen ha den här. I really want this. I really want this. Barn tycker om sagor. Children like fairy tales. Children like fairy tales. Det tog mig en halvtimme att lösa det här problemet. It took me half an hour to work out this problem. It took me half an hour to solve this problem. Du kanske har rätt. You may be correct. Maybe you're right. Jag litar verkligen på dig, Tom. I do trust you, Tom. I really trust you, Tom. Hans hår var kortklippt och han var slätrakad. His hair was cut short and he was clean-shaven. His hair was short cut and he was smooth shaved. Isen smälter. The ice is melting. The ice is melting. Skruva ned tv:n. Turn down the television. Turn the TV down. För tusende gången: jag behöver inte din hjälp. For the thousandth time, I don't need your help. For the thousandth time, I don't need your help. Släpp mina armar. Let go of my arms. Let go of my arms. Tom ska gå en nybörjarkurs i udmurtiska. Tom will join a beginners course in Udmurt. Tom is going to a beginner's course in Udmurtic. Hur kommer det sig att du inte kommer att köpa en blå? How come you're not going to buy a blue one? How come you won't buy a blue one? Han var snäll nog att köra mig till sjukhuset. He was kind enough to take me to the hospital. He was nice enough to take me to the hospital. Trädet brinner. The tree is burning. The tree's on fire. Kan du sakta ner? Could you slow down? Can you slow down? Det finns ingen orsak till oro. There's no reason to worry. There is no cause for concern. Detta är väldigt lätt. This is very easy. This is very easy. Tom är makthungrig. Tom is hungry for power. Tom's hungry for power. Den här typen av smycken har inte mycket värde. These kinds of jewelry are of little value. This kind of jewelry doesn't have much value. Tom tycker om snö. Tom likes snow. Tom likes snow. Han var själv. He was alone. He was on his own. Jag protesterar! I protest! I object! Jag har nariga läppar. I have chapped lips. I have chapped lips. Jag vill sova. I want to sleep. I want to sleep. Lyssna! Listen! Listen! Du kommer att glömma bort mig förr eller senare. You'll forget about me someday. You'll forget about me sooner or later. Jag träffar honom emellanåt. I see him from time to time. I see him from time to time. Tom är lika stark som jag. Tom is as strong as I am. Tom is as strong as I am. Jag går och hämtar den nu. I'll go get it now. I'm gonna go get it now. Vad kostar det här paraplyet? What's the price of this umbrella? How much is this umbrella? Jag har vad jag vill ha. I have what I want. I got what I want. Tom arbetar. Tom's working. Tom's working. Han är ekonomiskt oberoende. He's independently wealthy. He's financially independent. Katter är rädda för hundar. Cats are afraid of dogs. Cats are afraid of dogs. Folk ändras. Det finns inte mycket du kan göra åt det. People change. There's not much you can do about it. There's not much you can do about it. Är det vad du har i åtanke? Is that what you have in mind? Is that what you have in mind? Tom är väldigt rädd. Tom is very frightened. Tom is very scared. Stå upp. Stand up! Stand up. De blev avbrutna av en knackning på dörren. They were interrupted by a knock on the door. They were interrupted by a knock on the door. Vad ska du göra på Halloween? What are you doing for Halloween? What are you gonna do for Halloween? Skenet bedrar. Appearances deceive. The scene is deceiving. Is är vatten i fast form. Ice is water in solid form. Ice is solid water. Arbetsnarkomaner ser semester som tidsslöseri. Workaholics view holidays as a waste of time. Workaholics regard vacation as a waste of time. Om han inte går i skolan tänker jag inte prata med honom längre. If he doesn't go to school, I will not talk to him anymore. If he doesn't go to school, I'm not gonna talk to him anymore. Vi måste gå med en gång. We must leave right away. We have to go right now. Vill ni äta något? Would you like to eat something? Can I get you something to eat? Jag hör av mig. I'll keep in contact. I'll be in touch. Kan du förhindra det? Can you prevent it? Can you stop it? När han var yngre arbetade han på en fabrik. When he was younger he worked at a factory. When he was younger, he worked in a factory. Jag låg på sjukhus i några dagar. I was in the hospital for a few days. I was in the hospital for a few days. Hon antydde att hon kanske skulle studera utomlands. She hinted that she might study abroad. She suggested that she might study abroad. Jag hoppas att Tom säger ja. I hope Tom says yes. I hope Tom says yes. Vad gör tvättbjörnen i köket? What is the racoon doing in the kitchen? What's the raccoon doing in the kitchen? De sa åt mig att stanna på skeppet. I was told to stay on the ship. They told me to stay on the ship. Är någonting av detta sant? Is any of this true? Is any of this true? Jag skulle vilja träffa Tom. I'd like to see Tom. I'd like to see Tom. Du pratar så fort att jag inte förstår ett ord av vad du säger. You talk so fast I can't understand a word you say. You talk so fast, I don't understand a word you're saying. De skymtade mannen genom folkmassan. They caught sight of the man among the crowd of people. They glimpsed the man through the crowd. Jag vet att pengar inte är allt. I know that money isn't everything. I know money isn't everything. Jag gjorde ett försök att simma över floden. I attempted to swim across the river. I tried to swim across the river. Femtiotvå procent av brittiska kvinnor föredrar choklad framför sex. Fifty-two per cent of British women prefer chocolate to sex. Fifty-two percent of British women prefer chocolate to sex. Tom var den ende som inte kunde franska. Tom was the only one who didn't know how to speak French. Tom was the only one who didn't speak French. Jag hörde att Tom inte sjunger längre. I heard that Tom doesn't sing anymore. I heard Tom doesn't sing anymore. Vem brukade göra det här? Who used to do this? Who used to do this? Varför gjorde hon det? Why did she do it? Why would she do that? Får jag gå och surfa? Can I go surfing? Can I go surfing? "Hon gillar musik." "Det gör jag med." "She likes music." "So do I." "She likes music." "So do I." Har du inte diskat tallrikarna än? Haven't you washed the plates yet? Haven't you washed the plates yet? Jag är faktiskt ganska trött. I'm actually pretty tired. Actually, I'm pretty tired. Tom tycker att Mary är vacker. Tom thinks that Mary is beautiful. Tom thinks Mary is beautiful. Det är ovanligt. This is unusual. It's unusual. Tom lade inte märke till att Mary satt ensam. Tom didn't notice that Mary was sitting by herself. Tom didn't notice Mary sitting alone. Jag tycker verkligen om din musik. I really like your music. I really like your music. Tom lämnade hatten i bilen. Tom left his hat in the car. Tom left his hat in the car. Sextio nya museer öppnade. Sixty new museums opened. Sixty new museums opened. Jag går mycket. I walk a lot. I walk a lot. Jag trodde att du skulle gilla den. I thought you'd like it. I thought you'd like it. Tvinga mig inte att göra detta. Don't make me do this. Don't make me do this. Det här företaget använder billig arbetskraft för att öka sina vinstmarginaler. This company uses cheap labor to increase its profit margins. This company uses cheap labor to increase its profit margins. Tåget försenades av snön. The train was delayed by snow. The train was delayed by the snow. Tom får inte göra det. Tom can't do that. Tom can't do that. Tom slog ner honom. Tom knocked him down. Tom knocked him down. Jag ville byta om. I wanted to change. I wanted to change. Nähä, det är inte sant. Nuh-uh, that's not true. Nah, that's not true. Säg att jag har fel. Tell me I'm wrong. Tell me I'm wrong. Vad ska vi göra åt det? What will we do about it? What are we gonna do about it? Är jag i trubbel? Am I in trouble? Am I in trouble? Kan Tom gå först? Can Tom go first? Can Tom go first? Jag berättar allt för Tom. I tell Tom everything. I'll tell Tom everything. Jag vill verkligen veta vad det är som pågår här. I really want to know what's going on here. I really want to know what's going on here. Detta är en lag. This is a law. This is a law. Om du inte har något snällt att säga, säg ingenting alls. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Hon lyckades inte övertala honom till att hålla tal. She couldn't convince him to give a speech. She couldn't convince him to make a speech. Alla vill träffa dig. Du är känd! Everyone wants to meet you. You're famous! Everyone wants to see you. Peka inte på andra. Don't point at others. Don't point at others. Du gjorde ett väldigt bra jobb. You did a very good job. You did a very good job. Det där var en utmärkt putt. That was an excellent putt. That was an excellent putt. Hur mår du? How are we doing? How are you? Jag älskar Lauries hår. I love Laurie's hair. I love Laurie's hair. Är det relevant? Is that relevant? Is that relevant? Du är väldigt flexibel. You're very flexible. You're very flexible. Bryr du dig inte? Don't you care? Don't you care? Han gav mig kaffe trots att jag hade bett om te. He gave me coffee even though I had asked for tea. He gave me coffee even though I had asked for tea. Det är dyrt med pianon. A piano is expensive. Pianos are expensive. Tom köpte en lädersoffa. Tom bought a leather couch. Tom bought a leather couch. Tom kommer nog att lyckas. Tom'll succeed. I'm sure Tom will succeed. Det här trädet är inte ens i närheten av att vara det högsta i socknen. This tree is not even close to being the tallest in the parish. This tree is not even close to being the tallest in the parish. Är inte du kock? Aren't you a chef? Aren't you a cook? Vad lärde du dig? What did you learn? What did you learn? Jag kan vara snäll. I can be good. I can be nice. När anlände han? When did he arrive here? When did he arrive? Tom kollade på sin klocka. Tom looked at his watch. Tom looked at his watch. Jag tyckte om alltihop. I liked everything. I liked it all. Är du buddhist? Are you a Buddhist? Are you a Buddhist? Det där behövde jag verkligen. I really needed that. I really needed that. Vad dödade Tom? What killed Tom? What killed Tom? Gå till era platser. Get in your places. Go to your seats. Jag anlände i går kväll. I arrived last night. I arrived last night. Vi är extremt upptagna. We're extremely busy. We're extremely busy. Jag gör det helst inte. I'd rather not do it. I'd rather not. Jag kan inte prata tyska. I cannot speak German. I can't speak German. Hur många hästar finns det i Sverige? How many horses are there in Sweden? How many horses are there in Sweden? Alla dör. Everyone dies. Everyone dies. Jag skulle vilja ha ett svar. I'd like to have an answer. I would like an answer. Hur mycket av detta är Toms fel? How much of this is Tom's fault? How much of this is Tom's fault? Får jag öppna en burk? May I open a can? Can I open a can? Kossan säger "mu", tuppen säger "kuckeliku", grisen säger "nöff, nöff", ankan säger "kvack, kvack" och katten säger "mjau". The cow goes "moo," the rooster goes "cock-a-doodle-doo," the pig goes "oink, oink," the duck goes "quack, quack" and the cat goes "meow." The cow says "mu", the cock says "kuckeliku", the pig says "snow, snow", the duck says "quack, quack" and the cat says "mjau". Borsta dina tänder. Brush your teeth. Brush your teeth. Var finns närmaste hotell? Where's the nearest hotel? Where's the nearest hotel? Tom är förtjusande. Tom is adorable. Tom is adorable. Vi beställde ingenting. We didn't order anything. We didn't order anything. Hon hade en aprikosfärgad klänning på sig. She had on an apricot-colored dress. She was wearing an apricot dress. Inledningsvis hatade jag det. I initially hated it. Initially, I hated it. De lät mig vänta länge. They made me wait for a long time. They kept me waiting a long time. Svara på frågan. Answer the question. Answer the question. De andra barnen kallar henne Nasse. The other children call her Piggy. The other kids call her Piglet. Jag tänkte på Tom. I thought about Tom. I was thinking about Tom. Tom är uppe. Tom's up. Tom's up. Soldaten slog samman klackarna. The soldier clicked his heels together. The soldier put his heels together. Jag vill inte lägga mig i. I don't wish to interfere. I don't want to interfere. Du är oansvarig. You're irresponsible. You're irresponsible. Arabiska är inte svårt. Arabic isn't hard. Arabic isn't hard. Tom släppte in mig. Tom let me in. Tom let me in. Det var oförlåtligt. It was unpardonable. That was unforgivable. Bananer är gula. Bananas are yellow. Bananas are yellow. Jag är rädd att jag inte kommer att vara ledig förrän examinationen är slut. I am afraid that I shall not be free till the examination is over. I'm afraid I won't be free until the examination is over. Tom vet vad som väntar. Tom knows what to expect. Tom knows what to expect. Jag har en begäran. I have one request. I have a request. Ta tag i den där. Grab that. Grab that. Det var bara en liten kärleksaffär. It was just a fling. It was just a little love affair. Jag är inte lycklig. I am not happy. I'm not happy. Han steg upp tidigare än normalt. He got up earlier than usual. He got up earlier than normal. Jag kan känna lukten av rädsla. I can smell fear. I can smell fear. Jag låtsades arbeta. I pretended to work. I pretended to be working. Hon försökte att inte gråta. She tried not to cry. She tried not to cry. Ska vi dansa? Shall we dance? Shall we dance? Middagen är färdig! Dinner is ready! Dinner's ready! Ge Tom lite plats. Give Tom some space. Give Tom some room. Varför mig? Why me? Why me? Pennorna säljs dussinvis. The pencils are sold in dozens. Pens are sold dozens of times. Han är mycket förstående. He's very understanding. He's very understanding. Inget av det här är sant. None of this is true. None of this is true. Tom är omtänksam. Tom is considerate. Tom is thoughtful. De talar spanska i Mexiko. They speak Spanish in Mexico. They speak Spanish in Mexico. Gå och lägg dig, Tom. Go to sleep, Tom. Go to bed, Tom. Jag måste sno åt mig receptet. I have to steal that recipe. I have to steal the recipe. Hade du roligt på matchen? Did you enjoy the game? Did you have fun at the game? Jag ska berätta för dig. I'll tell you. I'll tell you. Jag säger er, jag säger er, den Drakfödde kommer! I tell you, I tell you, the Dragonborn comes! I tell you, I tell you, the Dragonborn is coming! Jag talar om ditt handlande. I'm talking about your actions. I'm talking about your actions. Glöm vad jag sa. Forget what I said. Forget what I said. Du behöver inte göra det där nu. You don't have to do that now. You don't have to do that now. Det är varmt i dag. It is hot today. It's hot today. Jag tänkte ringa. I meant to call. I was gonna call you. Han kan inte ha tappat bort sina nycklar. He can't have lost his keys. He couldn't have lost his keys. Bob var inte med på planen. Bob wasn't in on the plan. Bob wasn't on the field. Ser jag ut som trettio? Do I look thirty? Do I look 30 to you? Du har ingenting med detta att göra. You don't have anything to do with this. You have nothing to do with this. Jag är bara ärlig. I'm just being honest. I'm just being honest. Hon verkade inte särskilt beskedlig av sig. She doesn't seem very modest. She didn't seem very meek to me. Vänlighet är det språk som de döva kan höra och de blinda kan se. Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. Kindness is the language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see. Tom säger att han är kanadensare. Tom says he's Canadian. Tom says he's Canadian. Vi har ätit ägg. We have eaten eggs. We ate eggs. Jag var hemma. I was at home. I was home. Jag berättar för Tom senare. I'll tell Tom later. I'll tell Tom later. Den lilla egentid jag har brukar jag tillbringa i en fåtölj med en god bok. I usually spend the little free time I have in an easy chair with a good book. The little time I have I usually spend in an armchair with a good book. Får jag ta dem med? Can I bring them? Can I take them with me? Jag är i London. I am in London. I'm in London. Låter det bekant? Does it ring a bell with you? Does that ring a bell? Jag har också lust att leka. I feel like playing, too. I want to play too. Jag skulle vilja se Tom. I'd like to see Tom. I'd like to see Tom. Vi kan inte fortsätta utan Tom. We can't continue without Tom. We can't go on without Tom. Vi är ingifta släktingar. We're related by marriage. We're married relatives. Jag återvände från skolan. I returned from school. I returned from school. Jag mår inte så bra. I'm not feeling very well. I don't feel so good. Skulle du kunna ändra den här listan så att den är i alfabetisk ordning? Could you rearrange this list so it's in alphabetical order? Could you change this list so that it is in alphabetical order? USA är ett fint land att bo i, om man är här för att tjäna pengar. America is a lovely place to be, if you are here to earn money. America is a great country to live in if you're here to make money. Människan som slutar lära sig är så gott som död. The man who stops learning is as good as dead. Man who stops learning is as good as dead. Vad är det som pågår här inne? What goes on in here? What's going on in here? Ingen smärta varar för evigt. No pain will last forever. No pain lasts forever. Tom sade åt Mary att ljuga. Tom told Mary to lie. Tom told Mary to lie. Jag återlämnade den. I gave it back. I returned it. Jag äter inte kött, fisk, skaldjur, fjäderfän eller buljong. I do not eat meat, fish, shellfish, poultry or broth. I don't eat meat, fish, shellfish, poultry or broth. Har Tom blivit matad? Has Tom been fed? Has Tom been fed? Har du läxor? Do you have homework? Do you have homework? Jag är hemma just nu. I'm at home right now. I'm home right now. Hon är pigg på att sticka utomlands. She is keen to go abroad. She's eager to go abroad. Vi sprang hela vägen till stationen. We ran all the way to the station. We ran all the way to the station. Vad mer kan vi göra? What more can we do? What else can we do? Den är verklig. It's real. It's real. Tom är mållös. Tom is dumbfounded. Tom is speechless. Tycker du om det? Do you enjoy it? Do you like it? Jag mår bra, tack för att du frågar! I'm fine, thanks for asking! I'm fine, thanks for asking! Tom är rädd för att gå ut. Tom is afraid to go outside. Tom's afraid to go out. Han förblev obesegrad under hela sin karriär. He went undefeated his whole career. He remained undefeated throughout his career. De är så irrelevanta. They are so irrelevant. They're so irrelevant. Vem är det som är nummer ett? Who's number one? Who's number one? Han är modig och ärlig. He's brave and honest. He's brave and honest. Kan någon hjälpa mig? Can someone help me? Can someone help me? Vem tror du att du är? Who do you think you are? Who do you think you are? Tåget beräknas ankomma klockan tolv. The train is due at noon. The train is scheduled to arrive at noon. "Tammi" med två m. Alltså T-A-M-M-I. 'Tammi' with two m's. So that's T-A-M-M-I. "Tammi" with two m. T-A-M-M-I. Jag fick precis sparken. I just got fired. I just got fired. Jag är uttråkad på lektionen. I am bored in class. I'm bored in class. Det är jättefint! That's wonderful! It's beautiful! Mary är en av mina favoritförfattare. Mary is one of my favorite authors. Mary is one of my favorite writers. Han älskar katter. He loves cats. He loves cats. Hämta lite kallvatten till mig. Bring me some cold water. Get me some cold water. Jag har inget emot det. I don't mind. I don't mind. Gud är död. Vi dräpte honom. God is dead. We killed him. God is dead, and we killed him. Jag behövde dig. I needed you. I needed you. Min mor sade åt mig att uppföra mig. My mother told me to behave myself. My mother told me to behave. Hans nya film är värd att se. His new film is worth seeing. His new film is worth seeing. Det är en krona här. There's a crown here. There's a crown here. Får jag lov? Shall we dance? May I have this dance? Det stör mig att hon alltid är sen. It bothers me that she's always late. It bothers me that she's always late. Gå någon annanstans. Go somewhere else. Go somewhere else. Jag målar garaget. I am painting the garage. I'm painting the garage. Jag hoppas att vi har tagit rätt beslut. I hope we've made the right decision. I hope we have made the right decision. Vad räknar du? What're you counting? What are you counting? Gör det så här. Do it this way. Do it like this. Glöm inte vad jag sa till dig nyss. Don't forget what I just told you. Don't forget what I just told you. Hon pratar knappt med mig längre. She barely speaks to me anymore. She barely talks to me anymore. Jag gjorde ingenting. I did nothing. I didn't do anything. Jag borde ta den här. I should take this. I should take this. Tom är skicklig. Tom is competent. Tom's good. Mary tror hon är smartare än alla andra. Mary thinks she's smarter than anyone else. Mary thinks she's smarter than everyone else. Kan jag ta en paus? Can I take a break? Can I take a break? Du kom tillbaka. You came back. You came back. Han lärde sig att skriva siffror innan han kom till skolan. He learned to write numerals before go to school. He learned to write numbers before he came to school. Varför berättade du inte det för Tom? Why didn't you tell Tom about that? Why didn't you tell Tom? Faktiskt så hittade jag på det där. Actually, I just made that up. Actually, I made that up. Jag måste lära mig franska. I have to learn French. I need to learn French. Tom tänkte inte tillbaka. Tom did not look back. Tom didn't think back. Min svävare är full med ålar My hovercraft is full of eels. My hovercraft is full of eels Fattar du det här? Are you getting this? Do you understand this? Jag köpte en chokladask på arbetsresan som present åt mina kollegor. I bought a box of chocolates on the way to work as a gift for my colleagues. I bought a chocolate box on my work trip as a gift for my colleagues. Helsingfors är huvudstaden i Finland. Helsinki is the capital of Finland. Helsinki is the capital of Finland. Jag gillar den där kjolen. I like that skirt. I like that skirt. Greta går till ambassaden. Greta is going to the embassy. Greta goes to the embassy. Har du skrivit upp telefonnumret? Have you written down the phone number? Did you write up the phone number? Jag tycker att du borde berätta för Tom att du älskar honom. I think you should tell Tom that you love him. I think you should tell Tom you love him. Har de kommit än? Have they arrived yet? Have they come yet? Jag tror att Mary tycker om mig. I think Mary likes me. I think Mary likes me. Rör mig nu om du är en man. Touch me now if you're a man. Touch me now if you're a man. Hur dog de? How did they die? How did they die? Jag är så sjuk. I am so sick. I'm so sick. Vi behöver en ambulans. We need an ambulance. We need an ambulance. Hon gillar att springa. She likes to run. She likes to run. Och så förälskade sig lejonet i tackan. And thus the lion fell in love with the ewe. And then the lion fell in love with the ewe. Vad är problemet i så fall? Then what's the problem? If so, what is the problem? Hon är inte vackrare än deras mor. She's not more beautiful than their mother. She's no more beautiful than their mother. Hon måste hjälpa honom. She needs to help him. She has to help him. Vi klär granen. Let's decorate the Christmas tree. Let's dress the tree. Jag bad Tom gå och shoppa med Mary. I asked Tom to go shopping with Mary. I asked Tom to go shopping with Mary. Du ska alltid göra det rätta. You must always do what is right. You're always gonna do the right thing. Det finns inte plats för alla. There's not enough room for everybody. There's no room for everyone. Nu kan jag dö lycklig. Now I can die happy. Now I can die happy. Tom dricker inte så mycket. Tom doesn't drink much. Tom doesn't drink much. Tom var helt hjälplös. Tom was completely helpless. Tom was helpless. Jag var i London i nästan hela sommaren. I was in London for almost the entire summer. I was in London almost all summer. Kan ni förstå detta språk? Can you understand this language? Can you understand this language? Jag har fått en frist. I have received a respite. I've been given a deadline. Du är väldigt energisk. You are really energetic. You're very energetic. Jag ljuger nästan aldrig. I almost never lie. I hardly ever lie. Det här är en liten bok. This is a small book. This is a little book. Jag menar det, från botten av mitt hjärta. I mean it from the bottom of my heart. I mean it, from the bottom of my heart. Kan jag få en? Can I have one? Can I have one? Var inte kaxig. Don't sass me. Don't be cocky. Gör jag det rätt? Am I doing it right? Am I doing this right? Hon tittade bort. She looked away. She looked away. Jag överlåter det till dig. I leave it to you. I'll leave it to you. Nästa år ska jag åka till Amerika. Next year I'm going to America. Next year, I'm going to America. Tom kan inte vara allvarlig. Tom can't be serious. Tom can't be serious. Jag lärde känna honom när jag var student. I got to know him when I was a student. I got to know him when I was a student. Jag gjorde kaffe åt er. I made you coffee. I made you coffee. Det var värt det. It was worth it. It was worth it. Toaletterna är bakom trapporna. The toilets are behind the stairs. The toilets are behind the stairs. Jag hatar det där så mycket. I hate that so much. I hate that so much. Jag gillade din historia. I liked your story. I liked your story. Hör ni, se på det där. Hey, look at that. Hey, look at that. Läkare räddar liv. Doctors save lives. Doctors save lives. Han gav inget svar. He made no reply. He didn't give an answer. Ska vi tävla? How about a contest? Shall we race? Kanske var jag för hård mot Tom. Perhaps I was too harsh on Tom. Maybe I was too hard on Tom. Du sa att det var för lätt. You said it was too easy. You said it was too easy. Jag gillar din hatt. I like your hat. I like your hat. Har du inte diskat än? Haven't you washed the dishes yet? Haven't you done the dishes yet? Han har alltid något fuffens för sig. He is always up to no good. He's always up to something. Han fick sladd i en rondell och voltade med bilen. He lost control with the car in a roundabout and it flipped. He got corded in a roundabout and flipped the car. Köp inga fler presenter åt mig. Don't buy me any more presents. Don't buy me any more presents. Jag kan äta den här inne. I can eat it in here. I can eat it in here. Min favoritgrönsak är tomat. My favorite vegetable is the tomato. My favorite vegetable is tomato. Det är jul. It's Christmas. It's Christmas. Jag behöver lite pengar nu. I need some cash now. I need some money now. Vad är skillnaden mellan en duva? What is the difference between a pigeon? What's the difference between a pigeon? Enligt Tom är danska världens vackraste språk. According to Tom, Danish is the most beautiful language in the world. According to Tom, Danish is the most beautiful language in the world. Jag känner de här personerna. I know these people. I know these people. John tände en tändsticka. John lit a match. John lit a match. Tyckte du om det? Did you like it? Did you like it? Det fanns för mycket mat i huset. There was much food in the house. There was too much food in the house. Jag har aldrig sett ett rött kylskåp. I've never seen a red refrigerator. I've never seen a red refrigerator. Vill du att jag ska berätta för dig vad Tom gjorde? Do you want me to tell you what Tom did? You want me to tell you what Tom did? Han skrev en bok bara genom att använda sin fantasi. He wrote a book just by using his imagination. He wrote a book just by using his imagination. Den här saken är i nyskick. This item is in mint condition. This thing is fresh. Vad ska vi ta oss till? What'll we do? What are we gonna do? Du får inte ringa Tom. You can't call Tom. You can't call Tom. På två drag kommer Kasparov att ställa motståndaren i schack. In two moves, Kasparov will check the challenger. In two moves Kasparov will put his opponent in check. Hur lyckades du med den överenskommelsen? How did you pull off that agreement? How did you manage to make that deal? Hur kan de veta det? How do they know? How do they know that? Vi åker till kyrkogården. We are going to the cemetery. Let's go to the cemetery. Jag behöver en röd penna. I need a red pen. I need a red pen. Tom gav upp sin dröm om att bli oceanograf. Tom abandoned his dream of becoming an oceanographer. Tom gave up his dream of becoming an oceanographer. När kommer Tom? When is Tom coming? When's Tom coming? Jag är på nätet. I am on the Internet. I'm online. Stäng dörren. Close the door. Close the door. Vi måste göra det. We have to do it. We have to do it. Ja, varför inte! Yes, why not? Yeah, why not? Jag ska göra som du säger. I'll do as you say. I'll do as you say. Flodens övre lopp är mycket vackert. The upper reaches of the river are very beautiful. The upper course of the river is very beautiful. Det där måste vara historiens rödaste finne. That must be the reddest pimple in history. That must be the reddest pimple in history. Det är inte du som bestämmer på det här skeppet. You don't give orders on this ship. You're not in charge of this ship. Yoga kommer från Indien. Yoga comes from India. Yoga comes from India. Du borde gå till en läkare. You should see a doctor. You should see a doctor. Du måste lyckas där dom största hjältarna har misslyckats. You must succeed where the greatest of heroes has failed. You must succeed where the greatest heroes have failed. Tom bjöd in Mary till kalaset, eller hur? Tom invited Mary to the party, didn't he? Tom invited Mary to the party, didn't he? Det tvivlar jag verkligen på. I truly doubt it. I really doubt that. Neymar är brasiliansk. Neymar is Brazilian. Neymar is Brazilian. Tom försökte öppna dörren. Tom tried opening the door. Tom tried to open the door. Hon stängde försiktigt ytterdörren. He closed carefully the front door. She carefully closed the front door. Tom är en idrottskille. Tom is a jock. Tom's a sports guy. Vilken färg var de? What color were they? What color were they? Tom är blyg och feg. Tom is shy and cowardly. Tom is shy and cowardly. Igår kväll var det en båttävling. There was a boat race last night. Last night was a boat race. Vi måste ändra på reglerna. We must change the rules. We have to change the rules. Tom är allena. Tom's alone. Tom is alone. Du kan kalla mig vid mitt förnamn. You can call me by my first name. You can call me by my first name. Ni måste arbeta snabbt. You need to work fast. You must work quickly. Jag är orolig för hennes hälsa. I'm anxious about her health. I'm worried about her health. Vilken ordbok syftade du på? Which dictionary did you refer to? Which dictionary were you referring to? Hur skulle jag kunna glömma? How could I forget? How could I forget? Förresten såg jag honom igår. By the way, I saw him yesterday. By the way, I saw him yesterday. Tom är äventyrlig. Tom is adventurous. Tom is adventurous. Vem sålde den här bilen till dig? Who sold you this car? Who sold you this car? Av finländarna är cirka 4,9 procent finlandssvenskar, det vill säga personer med svenska som modersmål. Approximately 4.9 percent of Finns are Finland-Swedes. In other words, people with Swedish as their mother tongue. Approximately 4.9 per cent of Finns are Swedish Finns, i.e. people with Swedish as their mother tongue. Efter avslutat samtal sä ger han vänligt adjö och önskar mig en trevlig kväll. After the conversation ends, he says a friendly goodbye and wishes me a pleasant evening. At the end of the conversation, he kindly bids me good-bye and wishes me a pleasant evening. Hur många prenumeranter har den här tidskriften? How many subscribers does this magazine have? How many subscribers does this magazine have? Sluta vara så nyfiken. Stop being so curious. Stop being so curious. Jag tror inte att Tom skulle hålla med. I think Tom would disagree. I don't think Tom would agree. Oljetillgångarna är inte oändliga. Supplies of oil are not infinite. Oil supplies aren't endless. Jag kan slå ett samtal. I can make a call. I can make a call. Hur många gånger i veckan äter du ris? How many times a week do you eat rice? How many times a week do you eat rice? Vad är detta? What's this? What is this? Har alla gjort sina läxor? Did everyone do their homework? Has everyone done their homework? Hon sjunger otroligt bra. She sings in an unbelievable way. She sings incredibly well. Jag kan inte komma på vad han heter. His name escapes me. I can't figure out his name. Vi åt en stor middag. We had a big dinner. We had a big dinner. Hur fick du tag på en sådan stor summa pengar? How did you come by such a big sum of money? How did you get such a large amount of money? Jag har några idéer. I have a few ideas. I have some ideas. Har du någon lösning? Do you have a solution? Do you have a solution? Är jag för krävande? Am I too demanding? Am I too demanding? Jag förstår dig inte. I don't understand you. I don't understand you. Jag kan inte göra det här längre. I can't do this anymore. I can't do this anymore. Hur sen är jag? How late am I? How late am I? Hur många julkort skrev du förra året? How many Christmas cards did you write last year? How many Christmas cards did you write last year? Jag gillar inte Maria, inte heller vill jag gilla henne. I don't like Maria, and I don't want to like her either. I don't like Maria. I don't want to like her either. Vem ansvarar för det här? Who is responsible for this? Who's responsible for this? Hur var det? What was it like? How was it? Jag har inte känt någon av mina mormödrar, för att inte tala om mina gammelmormödrar. I have not known any of my grandmothers, not to mention the great-grandmothers. I haven't known any of my grandmothers, not to mention my great-grandmothers. Om soppan får dra en stund så smakar den bättre. If the soup can sit for a while, it'll taste better. If you let the soup go for a while, it'll taste better. Min franska är kass. My French is crappy. My French sucks. Jag sålde en bok. I sold a book. I sold a book. Vad ville Tom äta? What did Tom want to eat? What did Tom want to eat? Gå och hämta kaffe. Go get coffee. Go get some coffee. Vem sitter vanligtvis på åsnebänken? Who usually sits in the dunce's seat? Who usually sits on the donkey bench? Jag använder en dator. I'm using a computer. I'm using a computer. Solen sken, men det var ändå kallt. The sun was shining, yet it was cold. The sun was shining, but it was still cold. Kände du Tom? Did you know Tom? Did you know Tom? Vilka vill du prata med? Who do you want to speak to? Who do you want to talk to? Varför sparkade du Tom? Why did you fire Tom? Why did you fire Tom? Kom du med första tåget? Did you catch the first train? Did you come on the first train? Vi iakttog honom tills han var utom synhåll. We watched him until he was out of sight. We watched him until he was out of sight. Jag hittade min borttappade plånbok. I found my lost wallet. I found my lost wallet. Du behöver ha snabba reaktioner för att spela dessa datorspel. You need to have quick reactions to play these computer games. You need to have quick reactions to play these computer games. Hon har en papegoja som husdjur. She keeps a parrot as a pet. She has a parrot as a pet. Din son uppvaktar min dotter. Your son is dating my daughter. Your son is courting my daughter. Han är lagkapten. He's the captain of a team. He's the captain of the team. Vi hoppas på fred. We hope for peace. We hope for peace. Var är kaptenen för det här skeppet? Where is the captain of this ship? Where's the captain of this ship? Tom ville inte berätta för Mary att han hade förlorat alla hennes pengar. Tom didn't want to tell Mary that he had lost all her money. Tom didn't want to tell Mary that he had lost all her money. Finns det något bord för två ledigt på fredag? Is there a table available for two on Friday? Is there a table for two days off on Friday? Det hela är ett stort skämt. It's all a big joke. It's all a big joke. Har du redan bokat våra platser på flygplanet? Have you already booked our seats on a plane? Have you already booked our seats on the aircraft? Vilka är vi skyldiga pengar? Who do we owe money to? Who do we owe money? Vad fint du skriver! How beautifully you write! How nice you're writing! Han vill fortfarande komma. He still wants to come. He still wants to come. Var är jag? Where am I? Where am I? När gifte du dig? When did you get married? When did you get married? Det är en oklar historia. It's a vague story. It's a vague story. Tom kom i vägen för Mary. Tom got in Mary's way. Tom got in the way of Mary. Tom måste ha slagit i huvudet. Tom must've hit his head. Tom must have hit his head. Var ligger närmaste museum? Where's the nearest museum? Where's the nearest museum? Vietnams huvudstad är Hanoi. The capital of Vietnam is Hanoi. Vietnam's capital is Hanoi. Jag behöver en anteckningsbok för att föra mina anteckningar. I need a notebook to write my notes. I need a notebook to keep my notes. Jag ska följa med dig. I'll go with you. I'm going with you. Jag hittade lite pengar. I found some money. I found some money. Min chef är väldigt trevlig. My boss is very nice. My boss is very nice. Nyheten fyllde alla med fruktan. The news made everyone afraid. The news filled everyone with fear. Om du pratar för snabbt, kommer jag inte att förstå. If you speak too fast, I will not be able to understand. If you talk too fast, I won't understand. Fadil träffade Layla på en buss. Fadil met Layla on a bus. Fadil met Layla on a bus. Jag orkar inte ta mig ned på stan. I'm not in the mood to go downtown. I can't get into town. När gav du upp? When did you give up? When did you give up? Du tänker på allt. You think of everything. You think about everything. Kan du skriva det med hiragana, är du snäll? Can you write that in hiragana please? Could you write it with hiragana, please? Din tid är nästan slut. Your time's almost up. Your time is almost up. Tom åkte för tio minuter sedan. Tom left ten minutes ago. Tom left ten minutes ago. Sami och Layla funderar allvarligt på att flytta till en annan stad. Sami and Layla are seriously thinking about moving to another city. Sami and Layla are seriously considering moving to another city. Vilket företag jobbar du för? What company do you work for? What company do you work for? Melanie dödade oavsiktligt en fluga. Melanie has accidentally killed a fly. Melanie accidentally killed a fly. Jag vet att detta är svårt. I know this is hard. I know this is hard. Jag tvivlar på att Tom är lycklig. I doubt that Tom is happy. I doubt Tom's happy. Jag anlände igår kväll. I arrived last night. I arrived last night. Låt oss berätta allt vi vet. Let us tell you everything we know. Let's tell you everything we know. Jag är ledsen, men det finns ingenting jag kan göra. I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do. I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do. Toms föräldrar bor i en gammal husvagn. Tom's parents live in an old trailer. Tom's parents live in an old trailer. Ja, gärna. Yes, please. Yeah, I'd love to. Hon kommer att betala för allting. She will pay for everything. She'll pay for everything. Jag önskar verkligen att det fanns någonting jag kunde göra. I really wish there was something I could do. I really wish there was something I could do. Jag känner också för att leka. I feel like playing, too. I feel like playing too. Han läser alltid serietidningar. He's always reading comics. He always reads comic books. Varför är du på det här skeppet? Why are you on this ship? Why are you on this ship? Du är röd i ansiktet. Your face is red. You're red in the face. Kan jag låna din gräsklippare? Could I borrow your lawn mower? Can I borrow your lawn mower? Byggnaden uppe på kullen är vår skola. The building on the hill is our school. The building on the hill is our school. Det är mina order. Those are my orders. Those are my orders. Vad händer om det blir ett strömavbrott nu? What will happen if there's power failure now? What happens if there's a blackout now? Hjälp mig en minut bara. Help me for just a minute. Just give me a minute. Tycker Tom om mig? Does Tom like me? Does Tom like me? Han kommer inte att stanna mer är fyra dagar. He will not stay for more than four days. He won't stay any more than four days. Titta på de två turturduvorna. Look at those two lovebirds. Look at those two lovebirds. Jag letade efter min dagbok. I was looking for my diary. I was looking for my diary. Min son älskar att läsa böcker om dinosaurier. My son loves to read books about dinosaurs. My son loves to read books about dinosaurs. Fåglarna lägger ägg. Birds lay eggs. The birds lay eggs. Vilken lättnad! What a relief! What a relief! Det ser ut som Tom vill köpa allt från butiken. It looks like Tom wants to buy everything in the store. Looks like Tom wants to buy everything from the store. Ni håller på att bli lata! You are becoming lazy! You're getting lazy! Jag vet att du har rätt. I know you're right. I know you're right. Hon vet bättre än att argumentera med honom. She knows better than to argue with him. She knows better than to argue with him. Kan du beskriva den? Can you describe it? Can you describe it? Jag måste gå nu. I have to go now. I have to go now. Han sparkade honom medan han låg ner. He kicked him while he was down. He kicked him while he was lying down. Kostnaden för boken är fem dollar. The cost of the book is five dollars. The cost of the book is five dollars. Jag skriver ett sms. I am writing an SMS. I'll write you a text. Smärtan ville inte ge vika. The pain wouldn't go away. The pain wouldn't give in. Det här är den högsta byggnad som jag någonsin har sett. This is the tallest building that I have ever seen. This is the tallest building I've ever seen. Jag måste åka härifrån. I must leave here. I have to get out of here. Försöker du stöta på mig? Are you trying to hit on me? Are you trying to hit on me? Om du inte håller dina löften, kommer folk inte att ta dig på allvar. If you don't keep your promises, people won't take you seriously. If you don't keep your promises, people won't take you seriously. Varför är ni hemma? Why are you at home? Why are you home? När vill vi ha den? When do we want it? When do we want it? Sami hade ett bättre jobb. Sami had a better job. Sami had a better job. Tom kommer inte att skada dig. Tom won't hurt you. Tom won't hurt you. Hatten är din. The hat is yours. The hat is yours. Jag är alldeles förvirrad. I am all mixed up. I'm all confused. det är inte för att jag hatar honom, men för att jag älskar honom It is not because I hate him, but because I love him. It's not because I hate him, but because I love him. Jag ska presentera dig för några vänner som läser tyska. I will introduce you some friends who study German. I'll introduce you to some friends who read German. Jag tror inte att jag känner någon som kan tala franska. I don't think I know anyone who can speak French. I don't think I know anyone who can speak French. Transformation är födelse och död på en och samma gång. Transformation is birth and death at the same time. Transformation is birth and death at the same time. Jag är din advokat. I'm your lawyer. I'm your lawyer. Vad är minimilönen i Ghana? What's the minimum salary in Ghana? What is the minimum wage in Ghana? Jag talar klingonska med er. I speak Klingon to you. I'll speak to you Klingon. Olyckligtvis var min granne med om en trafikolycka och hamnade i koma. Unfortunately, my neighbor was in a traffic accident and ended up in a coma. Unfortunately, my neighbor was involved in a traffic accident and ended up in a coma. Någon satte dit honom. Somebody set him up. Someone set him up. Ränderna var vågräta. The stripes were horizontal. The stripes were horizontal. Det är dags för dig att gå. It's time for you to leave. It's time for you to go. Hur många tempel finns det på den här ön? How many temples are there on this island? How many temples are there on this island? Jag vet vad jag vill ha. I know what I want. I know what I want. Det var väldigt duktigt. That was very clever. That's very good. Är det en röd penna? Is that a red pen? Is that a red pen? Väggarna i det gamla huset var inte raka. The walls in the old house were not straight. The walls of the old house weren't straight. Läraren välkomnade de nya studenterna. The teacher welcomed the new students. The teacher welcomed the new students. Jag vill inte sjunga, för jag är tondöv. I don't want to sing, because I'm tone-deaf. I don't want to sing because I'm tone deaf. Jag kan springa. I can run. I can run. Jag är på en servicestation för lastbilar. I'm at a truck stop. I'm at a truck service station. Du behöver en ny bil. You need a new car. You need a new car. Vad skulle du ha gjort annorlunda? What would you have done differently? What would you have done differently? De här skorna är gjorda i Italien. These shoes are made in Italy. These shoes are made in Italy. Efter måltiden frågade jag efter räkningen. After the meal, I asked for the bill. After the meal, I asked for the bill. Jag ringde i förväg. I called ahead. I called in advance. Detta barnet har växt upp normalt. This child has grown up normally. This child has grown up normally. När ska vi gå? When will we go? When are we going? Toms far är en berömd konstnär. Tom's father is a famous artist. Tom's father is a famous artist. Peking förändras så fort. Beijing is changing so rapidly. Beijing is changing so fast. Jag har frågor. I have questions. I have questions. Om vädret är bra i morgon, går vi till floden och simmar. If the weather's good tomorrow, let's go to the river to swim. If the weather is good tomorrow, we go to the river and swim. Han har skaffat sig vanan att stoppa händerna i fickorna. He has fallen into the habit of putting his hands into his pockets. He's got the habit of putting his hands in his pockets. Vi tar hand om dem senare. We'll deal with them later. We'll deal with them later. Jag tycker inte om kaffe. I dislike coffee. I don't like coffee. Vi är på insidan. We're inside. We're on the inside. Jag måste åka till Danmark i morgon. I have to go to Denmark tomorrow. I have to go to Denmark tomorrow. Du fattar inte, eller hur? You don't get it, do you? You don't get it, do you? Förlåt honom om du kan. Han är oskyldig. Forgive him if you can. He is not guilty. If you can forgive him, he's innocent. Våldet varade i två veckor. The violence lasted for two weeks. The violence lasted two weeks. Kom prick klockan tio. Come at ten o'clock sharp. Come at ten o'clock sharp. Ditt ansikte säger allt. The look on your face says it all. Your face says it all. Har du dina biljetter? Have you got your tickets? Do you have your tickets? Till slut fattade de vad vi menade. They understood what we meant in the end. In the end, they understood what we meant. Hon föreslog för honom att resa utomlands medan han fortfarande är ung. She advised him to go abroad while he was still young. She suggested that he go abroad while he is still young. Han var tvungen att lämna staden, så han flyttade till Berlin. He had to leave the city, so he moved to Berlin. He had to leave town, so he moved to Berlin. Jag måste åka någonstans. I must go somewhere. I have to go somewhere. Jag hämtar mina verktyg. I'll get my tools. I'll get my tools. Antalet människor som röker ökade under de senaste tio åren. The number of people who smoke increased in the last ten years. The number of people who smoke increased in the last ten years. Tom har en äldre syster, Mary, och två yngre systrar, men jag kommer inte ihåg deras namn. Tom has an older sister, Mary, and two younger sisters, but I can't remember their names. Tom has an older sister, Mary, and two younger sisters, but I don't remember their names. Jag står inte ut att bli störd i mitt arbete. I can't stand being disturbed in my work. I can't stand being disturbed in my work. Tom sa att du tycker om hundar. Tom told me you liked dogs. Tom said you like dogs. Det här är ett sjukt skämt. This is a sick joke. This is a sick joke. De är där inne allihop. They're all in there. They're all in there. Jag tycker om att vara här. I like to be here. I like being here. Göm er alla! Everybody hide! Hide all of you! Du måste gå. I need you to leave. You have to go. Jag kan inte ens göra en omelett. I can't even cook an omelet. I can't even make an omelet. De lekte i klätterställningen. They played in the climbing gym. They were playing in the climbing frame. Flickan är ensam. The girl is lonely. The girl is alone. Vad hade du med dig? What did you bring? What did you bring? Den där dockan är skrämmande. That doll is scary. That doll is scary. Kompetens och performans är två olika saker. Competence and performance are two different things. Competence and performance are two different things. Jag övertalade henne. I talked her into it. I talked her into it. Varför vill du ha det? Why do you want it? Why do you want it? Toms tal var rätt underhållande. Tom's speech was quite entertaining. Tom's speech was quite entertaining. I krönikorna om översvämningen år 1342 står det att vattnet i katedralen i Mainz nådde upp till bröstnivå, och att man i Köln kunde åka båt över stadsmurarna. The chronicles of the flood of 1342 say that the water in the Mainz Cathedral came up to a man's chest, while in Cologne, one could ride in a boat over the city walls. In the chronicles of the Flood of 1342 it is stated that the water in the Cathedral of Mainz reached the breast level, and that in Cologne it was possible to go boating over the city walls. Jag vet när någon ljuger för mig. I know when I'm being lied to. I know when someone's lying to me. Alla verkar gilla golf. It seems that everybody likes golf. Everybody seems to like golf. Du får ta nästa. You get the next one. You'll have to take the next one. Hur mycket är det där? How much is that? How much is that? Våren är här. Spring is here. Spring is here. Jag måste gå tillbaka. I've got to go back. I have to go back. Jag hoppas att Tom stannar i Boston åtminstone tre dagar till. I hope Tom stays in Boston for at least another three days. I hope Tom stays in Boston at least three more days. Jag trodde att ni var annorlunda. I thought you were different. I thought you were different. Varför sa Tom så? Why did Tom say that? Why did Tom say that? Det finns inget varmvatten. There's no hot water. There's no hot water. Behöver jag betala er? Do I have to pay you? Do I have to pay you? Det är svårt att få jobb just nu. It's difficult to get a job at the moment. It's hard to get a job right now. Vad skrämde dig? What scared you? What scared you? Tom spenderar mycket pengar på kläder. Tom spends a lot of money on clothes. Tom spends a lot of money on clothes. Jag tycker att vi borde vänta. I think we should wait. I think we should wait. Jag kan inte förneka det. I can't deny that. I can't deny it. Får jag låna en linjal? May I borrow a ruler? Can I borrow a ruler? Tack för chokladen. Den var jättegod. Thanks for the chocolate. It was delicious. Thanks for the chocolate. Jag vill ändra mitt utseende. I want to change my appearance. I want to change my appearance. Han höll det hemligt. He kept it secret. He kept it a secret. Vad har du för planer? What are your plans? What are your plans? Dan låg för döden och svarade inte på behandlingen. Dan was terminally ill and wasn't responding to treatment. Dan was dying and didn't respond to the treatment. Jag hatar min röst. I hate my voice. I hate my voice. Vad matade du hunden med? What did you feed your dog? What did you feed the dog? Olyckligtvis försade sig Tom. Unfortunately, Tom let the cat out of the bag. Unfortunately, Tom failed. Den är konstig. It's strange. It's weird. Jag kan inte låta det hända. I can't allow that to happen. I can't let that happen. Alla skrattade. Everybody laughed. Everybody laughed. Hur länge kommer det här kalla vädret att fortsätta? How long will this cold weather continue? How long will this cold weather continue? Vår bil är tre år äldre än era. Our car is three years older than yours. Our car is three years older than yours. Vi klarar oss. We'll be just fine. We'll be all right. Lösenordet är "Muiriel". The password is "Muiriel". The password is "Muiriel". Vilken fyndig idé! What a neat idea! What a clever idea! Vad tittar du på? What're you watching? What are you looking at? Han berättade sin livshistoria för mig. He told me his life's story. He told me his life story. Jag kommer antagligen att försöka igen. I'm probably going to try again. I'll probably try again. De två männen var kompanjoner. The two men were business partners. The two men were partners. Håll huvudet högt. Hold your head high. Keep your head high. Jag undervisar. I am teaching. I teach. Jag gillar verkligen den här boken. I really like this book. I really like this book. Tom har anlänt. Tom has arrived. Tom has arrived. Jag hade sönder en vas idag. I broke a vase today. I broke a vase today. Han är inte här längre. He is no longer here. He's not here anymore. Genast lämnade fåglarna sina bon. At once the birds left their nests. Immediately the birds left their nests. Jag älskar varenda en av er. I love each and everyone of you. I love every single one of you. Det var en gång en fattig man och en rik kvinna. Once upon a time, there lived a poor man and a rich woman. There was once a poor man and a rich woman. Han är bög. He is gay. He's gay. Tom är framfusig. Tom's pushy. Tom's forward. Tom köpte en ros åt Mary. Tom bought a rose for Mary. Tom bought Mary a rose. Hon har stora bröst. She has large breasts. She's got big boobs. Vad hände i natt? What happened tonight? What happened last night? Det är en ordbok. It's a dictionary. It's a dictionary. Hur ser de ut? How do they look? What do they look like? Vad var Toms plan? What was Tom's plan? What was Tom's plan? Du står i vägen för mig. You are in my way. You're in my way. Vad har du? What do you have? What do you got? Tatoeba är inte tillgänglig för tillfället. Vi beklagar olägenheten. Se vår blogg eller Twitter för mer information. Tatoeba is currently unavailable. We are sorry for the inconvenience. You can check our blog or Twitter for more information. Tatoeba is not available at the moment. We regret the inconvenience. See our blog or Twitter for more information. Tom spände sina biceps. Tom flexed his biceps. Tom tightened his biceps. Varför inte? Why not? Why not? Jag har inte ont. I'm not in any pain. I'm not in pain. Tom behöver sannerligen inte mer pengar. Tom certainly doesn't need any more money. Tom certainly doesn't need any more money. Jag ska köpa en öl till Tom. I'll buy Tom a beer. I'm gonna get Tom a beer. Min motorsåg är trasig. My chain saw is broken. My chainsaw is broken. Det är inte någon hemlighet. It's not a secret. It's not a secret. Han går mig verkligen på nerverna. He really gets on my nerves. He really gets on my nerves. Ska du ut? Are you going out? Are you going out? Tom kom aldrig tillbaka. Tom never came back. Tom never came back. Har du träffat Tom? Have you met Tom? Have you met Tom? Jag måste vara där. I have to be there. I have to be there. Det är min brors. It's my brother's. It's my brother's. Var snäll och dela ut korten. Please deal the cards. Please hand out the cards. Jag lovar. I give you my word. I swear. Vill ni inte höra min syn på saken? Don't you want to hear my side of the story? Don't you want to hear my point of view? Tom skadade knät. Tom hurt his knee. Tom hurt his knee. Vad är det där för ljud? What is that sound? What's that noise? Var ska Tom bo? Where's Tom going to live? Where's Tom staying? Vet Tom om hur du känner för honom? Does Tom know how you feel about him? Does Tom know how you feel about him? Huset är sålt. The house has been sold. The house is sold. Hon är mycket vacker. She is very pretty. She's very beautiful. Är vädret fint? Is the weather nice? Is the weather nice? Jag kunde inte se någonting alls. I couldn't see a thing. I couldn't see anything at all. Jag beställde kinesisk mat. I ordered Chinese food. I ordered Chinese food. Du borde koncentrera dig på vägen när du kör. You should concentrate on the road when you're driving. You should concentrate on the road while driving. Jag tror han är ärlig. I believe he is honest. I think he's honest. Jag gömde den någonstans. I hid it somewhere. I hid it somewhere. Vi är båda mycket äldre nu. We're both a lot older now. We're both much older now. Jag behövde det där jobbet. I needed that job. I needed that job. Han är akrobat. He is an acrobat. He's acrobat. Jag har ingen aning. Det är därför jag frågar. I have no idea. That's why I'm asking. I have no idea, that's why I'm asking. Han har alltid hängivit sig åt musik. He has always devoted himself to music. He's always devoted himself to music. Biblioteket ligger mitt i stan. The library is in the middle of town. The library is in the middle of town. Emily kan simma. Emily can swim. Emily can swim. Förr eller senare kommer vi att veta. Someday, we'll know. Sooner or later, we'll know. Du kanske är rik men det betyder inte att du kan bete dig som en skitstövel. You may be rich, but that doesn't entitle you to act like a jerk. You may be rich, but that doesn't mean you can act like an asshole. Jag ringde på dörrklockan. I rang the doorbell. I rang the doorbell. Hitta Tom. Find Tom. Find Tom. Vem vill ha en bit tårta? Who wants a piece of cake? Who wants a piece of cake? Hur många dagar gammal var jag när den här bilden togs? How many days old was I when this picture was taken? How many days old was I when this picture was taken? Tom började klättra. Tom started climbing. Tom started climbing. Han köpte färdigskuren kassler. He bought the pre-cut pork loin. He bought ready-cut cashiers. Jag blev kidnappad av rymdvarelser. I was abducted by aliens. I was kidnapped by aliens. Den här filmen är ett mästerverk. This film is a masterpiece. This movie is a masterpiece. Tom dricker inte. Tom doesn't drink. Tom doesn't drink. Vad ska du göra ikväll? What are you going to do this evening? What are you doing tonight? Tom hatar inte er. Tom doesn't hate you. Tom doesn't hate you. Äta bör man, annars dör man. Äta gör man, ändå dör man. You should eat, or you will die. If you do eat, you'll still die. Eat you should, or you die. Eat you do, yet you die. Han vill inte att ni berättar för honom om ert sexliv. He doesn't want you to tell him about your sex life. He doesn't want you to tell him about your sex life. Hur gjorde Tom det? How did Tom do it? How did Tom do that? Tom är annorlunda. Tom's different. Tom is different. Tom hade inte modet att kyssa Mary. Tom didn't have the courage to kiss Mary. Tom didn't have the courage to kiss Mary. Var är väskan? Where's the bag? Where's the bag? Tom och Mary är i stort sett gifta. Tom and Mary are as good as married. Tom and Mary are basically married. Vem äger dessa renar? Who owns these reindeer? Who owns these reindeer? Pojkar härmar ofta sina idrottshjältar. Boys often imitate their sports heroes. Boys often mimic their sports heroes. Zürich betraktas som en större finansiell knutpunkt. Zürich is considered to be a major financial hub. Zurich is considered to be a major financial hub. Du är inte en pojke. You're not a boy. You're not a boy. Vi åkte till Boston. We went to Boston. We went to Boston. Hur säger man det? How do you say that? How do you say that? Tom är konstig. Tom's strange. Tom's weird. Jag känner mig inte ledsen för dem. I don't feel sorry for them. I don't feel sorry for them. Sätt igång nu bara. Just get on with it. Just get on with it. Det är inte du som bestämmer. You're not in charge. You're not in charge. Jag är arbetslös. I'm unemployed. I'm unemployed. Han kommer att hjälpa dig. He is going to help you. He's gonna help you. Vill ni att jag skall koka kaffe? Would you like me to make coffee? Would you like me to make coffee? Den här är jättehäftig. This is very cool. This one's really cool. Får jag äta den här tårtan? Can I eat this cake? Can I eat this cake? Han har många böcker. He has a lot of books. He's got a lot of books. Egentligen inte. Not really. Not really. Vad minns ni? What do you remember? What do you remember? Tom kommer hit så gott som varje dag. Tom comes here practically every day. Tom comes here almost every day. Det betyder inte att du måste göra mitt liv svårt. This doesn't mean that you have to make my life difficult. That doesn't mean you have to make my life difficult. Beställde du inte rödvin? Didn't you order red wine? You didn't order red wine? Jag skulle vilja hjälpa dig. I'd like to help you. I'd like to help you. Får jag tala nu? Can I talk now? Can I speak now? Vems är de? Whose are they? Whose are they? Hunden kommer att skälla. The dog will bark. The dog will bark. Tom tycker att det är roligt. Tom thinks it's funny. Tom thinks it's funny. Jag följde efter Tom dit. I followed Tom there. I followed Tom there. Hon går sällan ut. She seldom goes out. She rarely goes out. Så du ska ingenstans imorgon? So you're not going anywhere tomorrow? So you're not going anywhere tomorrow? Vi måste vänta här. We have to wait here. We have to wait here. Hon var tvungen att dela sovrum med sin syster. She had to share a bedroom with her sister. She had to share a bedroom with her sister. Det här blir intressant. This is going to be interesting. This is gonna be interesting. Klockan är jättemycket. It is very late. It's really late. Jag är lugn. I'm quiet. I'm cool. Han kände medlidande med oss. He felt pity for us. He felt pity for us. Vad oroar du dig för? What are you worried about? What are you worried about? Du har vuxit. You've grown. You've grown. Jag har skaffat mig en hårtrimmer för att spara in på frisörutgifter. I got a hair-clipper to save myself from spending money on a hairdresser. I've gotten myself a hard-on to save on hairdressing expenses. Gör inte om det. Don't do it again. Don't do it again. Får jag också se? Can I see, too? Can I see it, too? Hon betalade för att gå på konserten. She paid to attend the concert. She paid to go to the concert. Min bror är lika lång som jag. My brother is as tall as me. My brother is as tall as I am. Jag vill bara åka hem. I just want to go home. I just want to go home. Jag ska ta den jäveln. I am going to get that sucker. I'm gonna get that son of a bitch. Polisen har anhållit en misstänkt. The police have a suspect in custody. The police have arrested a suspect. Jag gick inte till skolan. I didn't go to school. I didn't go to school. Tom kanske kan hjälpa oss. Maybe Tom will help us. Maybe Tom can help us. Det här är mycket viktigt för oss. This is very important to us. This is very important to us. Sätt fram tårtan på bordet. Set the cake out on the table. Put the cake on the table. Jag tror inte att politiker alltid är ärliga. I don't believe policies are always honest. I don't think politicians are always honest. Jag tror att jag satte mig på den. I think I sat on it. I think I sat on it. Ät vadhelst du vill. Eat whatever you like. Eat whatever you want. Vilken sport tycker du mest om? What kind of sport do you like the best? Which sport do you like most? Tom har förändrats. Tom has changed. Tom has changed. Han håller på att bli skallig. He's going bald. He's getting bald. Sa jag inte just det? Didn't I just say that? Didn't I just say that? Han vill inte prata om det. He doesn't want to talk about it. He doesn't want to talk about it. Tyckte ni om det? Did you like it? Did you like it? Jag är nöjd här. I'm happy here. I'm happy here. Hon är nästan 20. She is almost 20. She's almost 20. Stolarna står under trädet. The chairs are under the tree. The chairs are under the tree. Jag tror inte att ungen kom till Tokyo själv. I don't believe the child came to Tokyo alone. I don't think the kid came to Tokyo himself. Du måste försöka, Tom. You have to try, Tom. You have to try, Tom. Jag vet hur det går till. I know the drill. I know how it's done. Varför lär du dig engelska? Why do you learn English? Why do you learn English? Jag vet att du försökte. I know you tried. I know you tried. Jag är gravid. I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant. Tom är känd. Tom's famous. Tom is famous. Låt oss glömma alltsammans, okej? Let's forget the whole thing, OK? Let's forget it all, okay? På samma sätt skulle en ryss kunna undgå att se det roliga i ett skämt som skulle få en engelsman att kikna av skratt. In the same way, a Russian might fail to see anything amusing in a joke which would make an Englishman laugh to tears. Similarly, a Russian might fail to see the fun of a joke that would make an Englishman quiver with laughter. Tomten bor inte på Nordpolen, utan i Finland. Santa doesn't live at the North Pole, but in Finland. Santa lives not in the North Pole, but in Finland. Mannen som hon ska gifta sig med är en astronaut. The man whom she is going to marry is an astronaut. The man she's going to marry is an astronaut. Vi måste operera med det samma. We have to operate immediately. We need to operate at the same time. Vilken anskrämlig soffa. What a hideous-looking couch. What an atrocious couch. Ja! Jag vann två gånger i rad. Yes! I won twice in a row! I won twice in a row. Var det verkligen så illa? Was it really that bad? Was it really that bad? Jag vill gifta mig med henne. I want to marry her. I want to marry her. Den här boken är tung. This book is heavy. This book is heavy. Båda mina systrar är gifta. Both of my sisters are married. Both my sisters are married. Han är på tåget. He's on the train. He's on the train. Broder eller syster, båda är syskon. Brother or sister, both are siblings. Brother or sister, they're both siblings. Jag kan vara ärlig. I can be honest. I can be honest. Jag gjorde mig illa idag. I hurt myself today. I got hurt today. Tom är tyst. Tom's silent. Tom's quiet. Hur vet du om någon är en löpare? How do you know someone is a runner? How do you know if someone's a runner? Lev i nuet, lev för alltid! Live in the moment, live for eternity! Live in the present, live forever! Jag gjorde det för Tom. I did it for Tom. I did it for Tom. Du var inte borta länge. You weren't gone long. You weren't gone long. Hon är online flera timmar varje dag. She goes online for several hours every day. She's online for hours every day. Det var någon som svarade. Somebody answered. Someone answered. Tom är en bra make. Tom is a good husband. Tom is a good husband. Vilken färg är din nya bil? What color is your new car? What color is your new car? Jag åt alldeles för mycket. I ate way too much. I ate way too much. Jag gjorde bröllopstårtan. I made the wedding cake. I made the wedding cake. Stenen är tung. The stone is heavy. The stone is heavy. Att simma över sjön tog nästan kol på mig. Swimming across the lake almost finished me. Swimming across the lake almost took coal at me. Han vet för mycket. He knows too much. He knows too much. Jag är en oskyldig man. I'm an innocent man. I'm an innocent man. Han sa att han älskade mig och jag sa att jag älskade honom. He told me that he loved me and I told him that I loved him too. He said he loved me and I told him I loved him. Spindlar skrämmer mig. Spiders scare me. Spiders scare me. Välkommen tillbaka! Welcome back! Welcome back! Allt är annorlunda. Everything's different. Everything's different. Stick härifrån, ungjävlar! Beat it, kids! Get the fuck out of here, you kids! Gillar du glass med kinuskismak? Do you like caramel-flavored ice cream? Do you like kinuski-flavoured ice cream? Stanna gärna. Feel free to stay. You're welcome to stay. Jag är bäst. I'm the best. I'm the best. Vet du inte vad som hände i går? Don't you know what happened yesterday? Don't you know what happened last night? Ställ er upp! Stand up! Stand up! Håller ni med? Do you agree? Do you agree? Vad ville de? What did they want? What did they want? Kate låg ner med öppna ögon. Kate was lying with her eyes open. Kate lay down with her eyes open. Får jag träffa dem? Can I see them? Can I see them? Du är aggressiv. You are aggressive. You're aggressive. Jag är trött på att alltid behöva göra allt arbete. I'm tired of always having to do all the work. I'm tired of always having to do all the work. Tom är förkrossad. Tom is devastated. Tom is devastated. Tom gjorde en bra putt. Tom made a good putt. Tom made a good putt. Du borde inte gå ut i den här kylan. You'd better not go out in this cold weather. You shouldn't go out in this cold. Hon frågade honom varför han grät. She asked him why he was crying. She asked him why he was crying. Maria hatar sitt arbete av många anledningar. Maria hates her job for many reasons. Mary hates her work for many reasons. "Hur fungerar hjärnan?" "Det är komplicerat." "How does the brain work?" "It's complicated." "How does the brain work?" "It's complicated." Jag ber faktiskt ibland. I do pray sometimes. As a matter of fact, I pray sometimes. Detta är en arkaism. This is an archaism. This is an archaism. Var är fjärrkontrollen till tv:n? Where's the remote control for the TV? Where's the remote to the TV? Är inte det vad de vill ha? Isn't that what they want? Isn't that what they want? Hon beställde en kopp te. She ordered a cup of tea. She ordered a cup of tea. Jag kommer inte att förlora. I won't lose! I won't lose. Kvinnors rättigheter är mänskliga rättigheter. Women's rights are human rights. Women's rights are human rights. Jag känner ägaren. I know the owner. I know the owner. Vad har vi? What have we got? What do we got? Han kan mycket väl ha rätt. He may well be right. He may well be right. Jag inser det nu. I can see that now. I realize that now. Ni måste inte göra det nu med en gång. You do not have to do it now. You don't have to do this right now. Te är en populär dryck över hela världen. Tea is a popular beverage throughout the world. Tea is a popular beverage all over the world. Ni är förtjusande. You're adorable. You're adorable. Fortsätt klättra. Keep climbing. Keep climbing. Jag bryr mig inte ett skit. I don't give a shit. I don't give a shit. Å ena sidan är han snäll men å andra sidan är han lat. On one hand he is kind, but on the other hand he is lazy. On the one hand, he's kind, but on the other hand, he's lazy. Tom var inte det minsta intresserad. Tom wasn't a bit interested. Tom wasn't at all interested. Tom avrättades i elektriska stolen. Tom was electrocuted. Tom was executed in the electric chair. Fadil älskade att skida. Fadil loved skiing. Fadil loved to ski. Gå inte nära hunden. Don't go near the dog. Don't go near the dog. Hur var föreställningen? How was the show? How was the show? Jag blev trött. I got tired. I got tired. Det var väldigt roligt. It was very funny. It was very funny. Tjuvar bröt sig in i mitt hus i går kväll. Some burglars broke into my house last night. Thieves broke into my house last night. Han tjänar tre gånger så mycket som jag. He earns three times more than I do. He makes three times as much money as I do. Hon är tystlåten. She is quiet. She's quiet. Jag älskar det här arbetet. I love this job. I love this work. Du är gift nu. You're married now. You're married now. Vad vill vi här? What do we want here? What do we want here? Tom började bli arg. Tom started to get angry. Tom was getting angry. Kan jag använda den här? Can I use this? Can I use this? Tom är extremt lat. Tom is extremely lazy. Tom is extremely lazy. Har du pojk- eller flickvän? Var träffade du hen? Do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend? Where did you meet them? Do you have a boy or a girlfriend? Hon målar varje dag, oavsett hur mycket hon har att göra. She paints every day no matter how busy she is. She paints every day, no matter how much she has to do. Är allt under kontroll? Is it all under control? Is everything under control? Tom föll ner från hästryggen. Tom fell down from the horse's back. Tom fell off his horse's back. Är du jänkare? Are you a yankee? Are you a Yank? Min katt dödade denna musen. My cat killed this mouse. My cat killed this mouse. Varför är du så nervös? Why are you so jumpy? Why are you so nervous? Ät fisken medan den är fräsch, gift dig med dottern medan hon är ung. Eat the fish as long as it is fresh; marry the daughter as long as she is young. Eat the fish while it's fresh, marry the daughter while she's young. Det fanns ingen där förutom jag. There was no one there besides me. There was no one there but me. Det var precis vad jag behövde. That's just what he needed. That's exactly what I needed. Släpp ut mig härifrån. Let me out of here. Let me out of here. Vad har hon? What does she have? What's she got? Håll i era hattar. Hold onto your hats. Hold your hats. Kriminalitet lönar sig inte i det långa loppet. Crime doesn't pay in the long run. Crime doesn't pay off in the long run. Men han ville väldigt gärna ha en son. But he wanted a son very much. But he wanted a son very much. Reta inte honom bara för att han inte kan skriva sitt namn. Don't make fun of him because he cannot write his name. Don't tease him just because he can't write his name. Klättra upp till toppen. Climb to the top. Climb up to the top. Jag måste ge mig i väg. I have to get going. I have to go. Vår hund gräver ner ben i trädgården. Our dog buries bones in the garden. Our dog is burying bones in the garden. Tom är färdig. Tom's finished. Tom's done. Vad tror du att det här är? What do you suppose this is? What do you think this is? Jag vet om det. I know about that. I know about it. Kan inte någon göra något åt det? Can't anyone do anything about it? Can't somebody do something about it? Finns det vatten på Mars? Is there water on Mars? Is there water on Mars? Man kan inte stoppa tillbaka tandkräm i tuben. You can't put toothpaste back in the tube. You can't put toothpaste back in the tube. Det här är genvägen jag brukar ta till skolan. This is the shortcut that I usually take to school. This is the shortcut I usually take to school. Jag glömde att ta med mig min läxa till skolan. I forgot to bring my homework to school. I forgot to bring my homework to school. Vem förstörde det här? Who broke this? Who ruined this? Tom tittade på klockan. Tom looked at the clock. Tom looked at the clock. Hon gjorde rätt bra ifrån sig. She did pretty well. She did pretty good. Du, kolla in det här. Hey, check this out. Hey, check this out. Jag är mätt. I'm full. I'm full. Och detta är min sida. And this is my page. And this is my side. Jag önskar att jag ringt Tom. I wish I'd called Tom. I wish I'd called Tom. Om du inte frågar efter något kommer du aldrig få det. If you don't ask for something, you'll never get it. If you don't ask for anything, you'll never get it. Jag ignorerar dig inte. I'm not ignoring you. I'm not ignoring you. Jag vill köpa en kaffekokare, jag kan inte dricka snabbkaffe längre, det är äckligt. I want to buy a coffee maker. I can't drink instant coffee any longer. It's disgusting. I want to buy a coffee maker, I can't drink instant coffee anymore, it's disgusting. Det finns inget annat att göra än att vänta på att platserna blir lediga. We can do nothing but wait for a while until the seats are available. There's nothing to do but wait for the seats to be available. Är ni två fulla? Are you both drunk? Are you two drunk? Skratta inte! Don't laugh! Don't laugh! Tom ville inte döda någon. Tom didn't want to kill anybody. Tom didn't want to kill anyone. Ge den till honom. Give it to him. Give it to him. Länge leve kungen! Long live the king! Long live the king! Jag behöver ställa er några frågor. I need to ask you some questions. I need to ask you a few questions. Han bor inuti ett äpple. He lives inside an apple. He lives inside an apple. Hej Mimi! Hur mår du? Hi, Mimi! How are you doing? Hi, Mimi, how are you? Öppna dina ögon nu. Now, open your eyes. Open your eyes now. Jag hade det besvärligt. I had a hard time. I was having a hard time. Vi är vad vi är. We are what we are. We are what we are. Brukar du använda cykelhjälm? Do you usually wear a bike helmet? Do you use a bicycle helmet? Förra året spenderade han tre månader ute i havet. He spent three months at sea this past year. Last year, he spent three months out in the ocean. Jag älskar ditt hår. I love your hair. I love your hair. Han talade inte såvida han inte blivit tilltalad. He did not speak unless spoken to. He didn't speak unless he was spoken to. Så här kan vi inte fortsätta länge till. We can't keep this up for much longer. We can't go on like this for much longer. Tom är inte Marys typ. Tom isn't Mary's type. Tom's not Mary's type. Frankrike separeras från Italien av Alperna. France is separated from Italy by the Alps. France is separated from Italy by the Alps. Katolska kyrkan hade ett starkt grepp om samhället. The Catholic Church had a strong grip on society. The Catholic Church had a strong grip on society. Kan jag gömma mig här inne? Can I hide in here? Can I hide in here? Jag har ett brev från dig. I have a letter from you. I have a letter from you. Det här är huset jag bodde i när jag var liten. This is the house where I used to live when I was young. This is the house I lived in when I was a kid. Han stod bakom stolen. He stood behind the chair. He was standing behind the chair. Tom vill ha vår hjälp. Tom wants our help. Tom wants our help. Det gläder mig att du kommer ihåg. I'm glad you remember. I'm glad you remember. Är du klar nu? Are you ready now? Are you done? Varför känner du dig kränkt? Why are you offended? Why do you feel violated? Vi drack mycket. We drank a lot. We drank a lot. Jag är arg på dig. I'm mad at you. I'm mad at you. Tom försökte förbättra stämningen. Tom tried to lighten the mood. Tom was trying to improve the mood. Jag hade en katt. I had a cat. I had a cat. Hur är det med din pappa? How is your dad? How's your dad? Har Tom märkt någonting ännu? Has Tom noticed yet? Has Tom noticed anything yet? Gör det dig ledsen? Does that make you sad? Does that make you sad? Jag minns hans ansikte, men jag kommer inte ihåg hans namn. I remember his face, but I don't remember his name. I remember his face, but I don't remember his name. Dags att sticka. Time to go. Time to go. Tom är omöjlig att hindra. Tom is unstoppable. Tom is impossible to stop. Hon är orolig över din säkerhet. She's worried about your safety. She's worried about your safety. Tjejer är inte komplicerade. Män är simpla. Girls aren't complicated. Men are simple. Girls aren't complicated. Tyckte din flickvän om blommorna? Did your girlfriend like the flowers? Did your girlfriend like the flowers? Jag provade det där redan. I already tried that. I tried that already. Jag har en överraskning åt er. I have a surprise for you. I have a surprise for you. Lova mig att inte skratta. Promise me you won't laugh. Promise me you won't laugh. Hotellet drivs av hans farbror. The hotel is run by his uncle. The hotel is run by his uncle. Dina pengar eller ditt liv! Your money or your life! Your money or your life! Toms katt fick nio kattungar. Tom's cat had nine kittens. Tom's cat got nine kittens. Den här bron byggdes för två år sedan. This bridge was built two years ago. This bridge was built two years ago. Jag är rädd för hundar. I'm afraid of dogs. I'm afraid of dogs. Hunden har hållit på och skälla. The dog has been barking. The dog's been barking. Tom var alltid tjänstvillig. Tom was always willing to help. Tom was always obsessive. Jag ber om ursäkt om jag har sårat dig. I apologize if I hurt your feelings. I'm sorry if I hurt you. Vi diskar inte tallrikarna. We don't wash the plates. We don't wash the dishes. De talade inte. They didn't speak. They didn't speak. Vad vet du? What do you know? What do you know? För att bli en bra översättare så tror jag att Tom behöver finslipa sina kunskaper lite till. To be a good translator, I think Tom needs to hone his skills a bit more. To become a good translator, I think Tom needs to hone his skills a little bit more. När sa du det där? When did you say that? When did you say that? Hur kan detta vara sant? How can this be true? How can this be true? Hon oroar sig för sin vikt. She worries about her weight. She's worried about her weight. Jag måste veta det nu. I have to know now. I need to know now. Tom bad mig titta förbi. Tom asked me to drop by. Tom asked me to stop by. Jag hann inte. I didn't make it in time. I didn't have time. Det är tyvärr sant. It is unfortunately true. I'm afraid that's true. Atomenergi kan användas för fredliga ändamål. Atomic energy can be used for peaceful ends. Atomic energy can be used for peaceful purposes. Läkaren kom i grevens tid. The doctor arrived in the nick of time. The doctor came in the time of the Count. Vi behöver alla kärlek. We all need love. We all need love. Var är dina bröder? Where are your brothers? Where are your brothers? Jag hoppas att du hittar Tom. I hope you find Tom. I hope you find Tom. Vilka pratade du med? Who did you talk with? Who were you talking to? Det är dags att åka. It's time to go. It's time to go. Den här stenen är dubbelt så tung som den där. This stone is twice as heavy as that one. This rock is twice as heavy as that. De sa att de skulle göra läxorna, fast de gick på bio. They said that they would do homework, though they went to the movies. They said they'd do their homework, even though they went to the movies. Det är inte mitt problem, Tom. That's not my problem, Tom. It's not my problem, Tom. Det är lördag. It's Saturday. It's Saturday. Jag är pank. I'm broke. I'm broke. Min bror hjälper mig med läxorna ibland. My brother helps me with my homework sometimes. My brother helps me with my homework sometimes. Jag ringde redan till Tom. I already called Tom. I already called Tom. Jag hoppas att din förkylning går över snart. I hope you'll get over your cold soon. I hope your cold will pass soon. Du har inget att vara arg över. There is nothing for you to be angry about. You have nothing to be angry about. Tom kommer också till festen. Tom is coming to the party, too. Tom's coming to the party too. Lova mig att du inte berättar för henne. Promise me you won't tell her. Promise me you won't tell her. Jag tror att du är lite för försiktig. I think you're being a little too careful. I think you're being a little too careful. Hej världen! Hello, world! Hey, world! Det är inte så lite. It's not so little. It's not that small. Den här ölen är inte tillräckligt kall. This beer is not cold enough. This beer isn't cold enough. I nittonhundratalets början var barn ofta anställda i fabriker. At the start of the 20th century, children were often employed in factories. At the beginning of the twentieth century, children were often employed in factories. Det är inte billigt. That's not cheap. It's not cheap. Varför är du inte redan ombord på skeppet? Why aren't you already on board the ship? Why aren't you already on the ship? Jag har precis kommit tillbaka från Sverige. I've just come back from Sweden. I have just come back from Sweden. Den är låst. It's locked. It's locked. Är de fortfarande här? Are they still here? Are they still here? Jag är glad att du märkte det. I'm glad you noticed. I'm glad you noticed. Mina vänner stod vid min sida under rättegången. My friends stood by me during the court case. My friends stood by me during the trial. Jag kan knappt se dig. I can barely see you. I can barely see you. Ingen är i klassrummet just nu. Nobody's in the classroom now. No one's in the classroom right now. Tom får inte betalt. Tom doesn't get paid. Tom doesn't get paid. Det är inte varje dag man får möjligheten att träffa honom. It's not every day one gets an opportunity to meet him. It's not every day you get the opportunity to meet him. Jag kunde inte sova. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't sleep. Vilken stor hund! What a big dog! What a big dog! Dessa fenomen inträffar, men sällan. These phenomena occur but rarely. These phenomena occur, but rarely. Jag kan övertalas. I can be persuaded. I can be persuaded. Tycker du om rödvin? Do you like red wine? Do you like red wine? Jag visste att ni skulle komma till besinning. I knew you'd come to your senses. I knew you'd come to your senses. Jag kommer att tala spanska flytande om två månader, jag lovar! I'm going to be fluent in Spanish in two months, I swear! I will speak Spanish fluently in two months, I promise! Kan du hälsa Tom att Marie ringde? Could you tell Tom that Marie called him? Can you tell Tom Marie called? Kommittén sammanträder två gånger om månaden. The committee meets twice a month. The Committee meets twice a month. Jag ska skjuta honom. I'm gonna shoot him. I'm gonna shoot him. Andorra är ett litet furstendöme beläget mellan Spanien och Frankrike. Andorra is a small principality situated between Spain and France. Andorra is a small principality located between Spain and France. Jag var fortfarande hemma. I was still at home. I was still at home. Du kan gå om du vill. If you want, you can go. You can go if you want. Följden blev att hon förlorade jobbet. The consequence was that she lost her job. As a result, she lost her job. Du måste läsa mellan raderna. You have to read between the lines. You have to read between the lines. Min mamma är hemma. My mother is at home. My mom's home. Hellre död än röd. I'd rather be dead than red. Better dead than red. De här kattungarna är så söta och gosiga. These kittens are so cute and cuddly. These kittens are so cute and cuddly. Hon bör följa mitt råd. She should take my advice. She should follow my advice. I stort sett håller jag med dig. On the whole I agree with you. Basically, I agree with you. Förlåt, det var inte min mening att sparka dig. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to kick you. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fire you. Jag hoppas kunna genomföra min plan. I hope that I can carry out my plan. I hope to be able to carry out my plan. Jag gör mitt bästa. I do my best. I'm doing my best. Telefonen är trasig. The telephone is broken. The phone's broken. Du var min räddare i nöden. You were my savior in times of need. You were my savior in need. Yokohama är en stad där mer än tre miljoner människor bor. Yokohama is a city where more than three million people live. Yokohama is a city where more than three million people live. Jag kan fortfarande slåss. I can still fight. I can still fight. Jag kan inte göra det här utan dig. I can't do this without you. I can't do this without you. Tom ville att jag skulle besöka honom. Tom wanted me to visit him. Tom wanted me to visit him. Mjau. Meow. Meow. Igår var det torsdag. Yesterday was Thursday. Yesterday was Thursday. Jag vet inte vem min mor är. I don't know who my mother is. I don't know who my mother is. Det är säkert att äta fiskarna. It's safe to eat the fish. It's safe to eat the fish. Jag höll hårt i repet så att jag inte skulle falla. I held on to the rope tightly so I wouldn't fall. I held the rope tight so I wouldn't fall. Jag letar efter mina nycklar. I'm looking for my keys. I'm looking for my keys. Det är fel. It's the wrong one. That's wrong. Tänker du ligga i sängen hela dagen, eller? Are you going to stay in bed all day? Are you gonna lie in bed all day, or what? Jag har inte hittat på det här. I'm not making this up. I didn't make this up. Jag kan inte franska mycket bra. I don't know French that well. I don't know French very well. Ställ inga frågor. Don't ask any questions. Don't ask questions. Jag kände Tom knappt. I hardly knew Tom. I barely knew Tom. Säg till om ni blir trötta. If you're tired, just let me know. Let me know if you get tired. Jag ångrar att jag inte åkte dit. I regret that I didn't go there. I'm sorry I didn't get caught. Jag var tvungen att säga upp mig. I had to resign. I had to resign. En katt har en svans och fyra ben. A cat has a tail and four legs. A cat has a tail and four legs. Fantasi är viktigare än kunskap. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Lektionen börjar inte förrän halv nio. Class doesn't begin until eight-thirty. Class doesn't start till 8:30. Ge Tom något att dricka. Get Tom something to drink. Give Tom something to drink. Älskar du mig inte längre? Aren't you in love with me anymore? Don't you love me anymore? Tom anställde mig. Tom hired me. Tom hired me. Sami sa dåliga saker Layla. Sami said bad things about Layla. Sami said bad things Layla. Jag har ingenstans att sova idag. I don't have anywhere to sleep today. I don't have anywhere to sleep today. Jag önskar att du skulle ringa Tom. I wish you'd call Tom. I wish you'd call Tom. Ni borde komma och hälsa på oss! You should come visit us! You should come and see us! Han behöver en stege. He needs a straight. He needs a ladder. Du är antagligen trött. You're probably tired. You're probably tired. Jag sörjer över dig, du min broder Jonatan; mycket ljuvlig var du mig. Dyrbar var mig din kärlek, mer än kvinnokärlek. I am distressed for you, my brother Jonathan; you have been very pleasant to me. Your love to me was wonderful, surpassing the love of a woman. I mourn for thee, O Jonathan my brother: thou wast very pleasant to me: dearest was thy love unto me, more than the love of women. Hon kommer från Frankrike. She's from France. She's from France. Hur känner du dig, Tom? How do you feel, Tom? How do you feel, Tom? Hur tog Tom sig in? How did Tom get in? How did Tom get in? Är ni arga? Are you mad? Are you angry? Var är era bagage? Where's your luggage? Where's your luggage? Vad ska du äta? What will you eat? What are you gonna eat? Det finns ett hotell här. There's a hotel here. There's a hotel here. Jag ska ringa några samtal. I'll make some calls. I'm gonna make some calls. Han låtsas vara döv. He pretends to be deaf. He's pretending to be deaf. Jag har en vän vars namn är Tom. I have a friend whose name is Tom. I have a friend whose name is Tom. Har Tom blivit skadad? Has Tom been hurt? Did Tom get hurt? Jag måste ta det lugnt. I've got to relax. I gotta take it easy. Det är uppenbart, du behöver inte förklara det. That's obvious, you don't need to explain it. It's obvious, you don't have to explain it. Ärligt talat har jag redan sett den filmen. To tell the truth, I've already seen the movie. Honestly, I've already seen that movie. Jag hade svårt för att bädda ner barnet. I had a hard time putting the kid to bed. I had a hard time putting the baby to bed. Hon är envis. She is stubborn. She's stubborn. Det sista tåget har redan farit. The last train has already gone. The last train's already gone. Varför sover du? Why are you sleeping? Why are you sleeping? Jag kan sjunga det på engelska. I can sing it in English. I can sing it in English. Hur länge har du stått och väntat? How long have you been waiting? How long have you been waiting? Vi ska köpa mat åt dem. We're buying food for them. We're gonna get them some food. Marika lärde mig lite finska. Marika taught me some Finnish. Marika taught me some Finnish. Vi måste gömma oss. We've got to hide. We have to hide. Jag tror att jag är kär. I think I'm in love. I think I'm in love. De är syskon. They're brother and sister. They're siblings. Gillar du snö? Do you like snow? Do you like snow? Jag träffade Tom i kväll. I saw Tom tonight. I saw Tom tonight. Var är era barn nu? Where are your children now? Where are your children now? Hon kom inte innan två. She didn't come before two. She didn't show up before 2:00. En sjukdom förhindrade honom från att gå ut. Sickness prevented him from going out. A disease prevented him from going out. Mina ben är trötta. My legs are tired. My legs are tired. Eld ska väl göra susen! I guess fire should do the trick! Fire should do the trick! Jag går om du insisterar. I'll go if you insist. I'll go if you insist. Ingen människa bor i byggnaden. No man lives in the building. No human lives in the building. Jag hittade mina skor. I found my shoes. I found my shoes. Får jag äta den här kakan? Can I eat this cake? Can I eat this cake? Jag vill inte prata om det just nu. I don't want to talk about it right now. I don't want to talk about it right now. Tror du på spöken? Do you believe in the existence of ghosts? Do you believe in ghosts? Han gör aldrig andningspauser när han pratar. He never stops to take a breath when he speaks. He never does breath breaks when he talks. Du är avskedad! You're fired! You're fired! Vad har gjorts? What's been done? What has been done? Det är inte bara en penna. It's not just a pen. It's not just a pen. Jag spelade tennis. I played tennis. I played tennis. Hotellet har en hemtrevlig atmosfär. That hotel has a homey atmosphere. The hotel has a homely atmosphere. Jag vill dricka en kopp te. I want to drink a cup of tea. I'd like a cup of tea. Mary gillar verkligen Tom. Mary really likes Tom. Mary really likes Tom. Greta Garbo var en svensk skådespelare. Greta Garbo was a Swedish actress. Greta Garbo was a Swedish actor. Varför tar du på min flickvän? Why are you touching my girlfriend? Why are you touching my girlfriend? Jag kommer hit varje dag. I come here every day. I come here every day. De visste inte ens vad vi hette. They didn't even know our names. They didn't even know our names. Tror du att Tom kan återvända? Do you think Tom can return? Do you think Tom can come back? Vad har hänt med din hand? What happened to your hand? What happened to your hand? Jag har en segelbåt. I have a sailboat. I have a sailboat. Hur ofta tvättar du dina jeans? How often do you wash your jeans? How often do you wash your jeans? Tomtenissar är jultomtens små hjälpredor. Elves are Santa's little helpers. Santa Claus is Santa's little helper. Hade Tom sett något, skulle han ha sagt det till oss. If Tom had seen anything, he would've told us. If Tom had seen anything, he would have told us. Jag fick dig att känna dig obekväm, inte sant? I made you feel uncomfortable, didn't I? I made you feel uncomfortable, didn't I? Är du rädd för rysare? Are you afraid of horror movies? Are you afraid of horrors? Vänta på din tur. Wait until your turn comes. Wait your turn. Tycker du om snö? Do you like snow? Do you like snow? Du har bättre kondition än jag. You're in better shape than I am. You're in a better condition than I am. Jag är hemma. I'm at home. I'm home. De var hjältar. They were heroes. They were heroes. Jag önskar att Tom fortfarande var här. I wish Tom were still here. I wish Tom was still here. Jag skulle vilja hyra en bil. I would like to hire a car. I'd like to rent a car. Jag ville få lite frisk luft. I wanted to get some air. I wanted to get some fresh air. Det är ett reklamjippo. It's a marketing stunt. It's a publicity stunt. Du kan lita på honom. You can trust him. You can trust him. Jag brände soporna. I burned the trash. I burned the trash. Örnen är vit. The eagle is white. The eagle is white. Jag börjar ana ugglor i mossen. I'm beginning to smell a rat. I'm starting to smell owls in the bog. Samtliga höll sig lugna. Everyone stayed calm. Everybody stay calm. Detta stämmer inte. This isn't right. This is not true. Jag behöver dig verkligen. I really need you. I really need you. Här är Japans flagga. Here's Japan's flag. Here's the flag of Japan. Jag lånade ut en del pengar till min vän. I lent my friend some money. I lent some money to my friend. Sluta jämra dig! Stop your bellyaching. Stop moaning! Hur mycket är ni beredda att förlora? How much are you willing to lose? How much are you prepared to lose? Vad föreslog Tom? What did Tom suggest? What did Tom suggest? Köp lite godis åt Tom nu. Just buy Tom some candy. Now get Tom some candy. Vi är sena. We're running late. We're late. Människor är konstiga. People are strange. People are weird. Det kommer aldrig att hända. It'll never happen. That's never gonna happen. En katt är inte en människa! A cat is not a human being! A cat is not a human! Min inkorg är full. My inbox is full. My inbox is full. Vad har ni hittat? What've you found? What have you found? Vi hade väldigt kul. We enjoyed ourselves very much. We had a lot of fun. Varken Tom eller Mary kan simma. Neither Tom nor Mary can swim. Tom and Mary can't swim. Tom kan visa dig runt. Tom can show you around. Tom can show you around. Det är lätt som en plätt. It's a piece of cake. It's a piece of cake. Hur gick träffen? How did your date go? How was the date? Jag tror att jag missade min buss. I think I missed my bus. I think I missed my bus. Jag vill bara ha roligt. I just want to have fun. I just want to have fun. Tom håller på att äta frukost. Tom is eating breakfast. Tom's having breakfast. Jag kan vara rättvis. I can be fair. I can be fair. Jag kan bara tala för mig själv. I can only speak for myself. I can only speak for myself. Öns ekonomi är beroende av fiskeindustrin. The economy of the island is dependent on the fishing industry. The island's economy depends on the fishing industry. Vad hade du gjort annorlunda? What would you have done differently? What would you have done differently? Här är den. It's here. Here it is. Invånarna i staden är beroende av floden för att få dricksvatten. The inhabitants of the city depend upon the river for drinking water. The inhabitants of the city depend on the river for drinking water. Jag öppnade den precis. I just opened it. I just opened it. Tom sa att han inte kunde gå. Tom said he couldn't walk. Tom said he couldn't walk. Det är otroligt dumt. That's unbelievably stupid. It's incredibly stupid. Håll den åt mig. Hold it for me. Hold it for me. Allt förändras. Everything's changing. Everything changes. Hjälp mig bygga färdigt den här sorkstegen så ska jag bjuda dig på middag. Help me finish building this vole ladder and I'll treat you to dinner. Help me finish this vole ladder and I'll take you to dinner. Sami ville få uppmärksamhet. Sami wanted to get attention. Sami wanted attention. Hur mycket är du beredd att förlora? How much are you willing to lose? How much are you prepared to lose? Hon åkte till Paris. She left for Paris. She went to Paris. Sami och Layla tävlar alltid. Sami and Layla are in constant competition. Sami and Layla always compete. Jag älskar de där skorna. I love those shoes. I love those shoes. Tycker du om opera? Do you like opera? Do you like opera? Ni skulle inte tycka om Tom. You wouldn't like Tom. You wouldn't like Tom. Hon blandar ofta ihop socker och salt. She frequently gets sugar and salt mixed up. She often mixes sugar and salt. I många delar av världen är det olagligt att skjuta vilt såsom hjort, älg eller fasan. In many parts of the world it is illegal to shoot wild game such as deer, moose or pheasant. In many parts of the world it is illegal to shoot wild animals such as deer, moose or pheasant. Vad är orsaken? What's the cause? What Is the Cause? Har du någonsin fått höra vad som faktiskt hände den dagen? Has anyone ever told you what really happened that day? Have you ever heard what actually happened that day? En dag skulle jag vilja äga en segelbåt. Someday, I would like to possess a sailboat. One day I'd like to own a sailboat. Beslutet är mitt. It's my decision. The decision is mine. Är Tom galen? Is Tom crazy? Is Tom crazy?