Han ber: " Gör med dem som med Midjan, som med Sisera, som med Jabin vid Kisons regnflodsdal. He prays: "Do to them as to Midian, as to Sisera, as to Jabin at the torrent valley of Kishon. He prays: "Do with those with Midian, as with Sisera, like Jabin at the torrent valley of Kishon. För att bättre förstå vilken stor ära det är att få bära Jehovas namn behöver vi veta vad det betyder. To enhance our appreciation for the honor of bearing God's name, it is good for us to meditate on its meaning. To appreciate the great honor that it is to bear Jehovah's name, we need to know what it means. Lärjungen Jakob skrev: " Var och en prövas genom att dras och lockas av sitt eget begär. The disciple James wrote: "Each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire. The disciple James wrote: "Each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire. b) Hur kan vi nå vårt mål? (b) How can we reach our goal? (b) How can we reach our goal? Många sätter som mål i livet att skaffa sig rikedom och status. Many people make the attaining of riches and status their purpose in life. Many set goals in life to gain wealth and status. b) Vad är fördelarna med att vara " snar till att höra, sen till att tala, sen till vrede "? (b) What are the benefits of being "swift about hearing, slow about speaking, slow about wrath "? (b) What are the benefits of being "slow about hearing, slow about speaking, slow about wrath "? Bibelns enkla argument uttrycker saken bäst: " Nu uppförs ju vart och ett hus av någon, men Gud är den som har byggt allting. " The Bible's simple argument puts it best: "Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but he that constructed all things is God. " The Bible's simple reasoning is best expressed: "Now the conduct of each house of anyone, but God is the One who constructed all things. " (Läs Johannes 6: 40, 48 - 51.) (Read John 6: 40, 48 - 51.) (Read John 6: 40, 48 - 51.) De får börja ett helt nytt liv med möjligheten att få leva i all framtid, ja för evigt. These will be given a fresh start in life with the prospect of living from that time forward, even forever. They will begin to enjoy a new life with the prospect of living forever. Maria använde traktatens rubrik som inledning och frågade: " Skulle du vilja veta mer om Bibeln? " Using the tract's title as an introduction, Maria asked, "Would you like to know more about the Bible? " Mary used the tract What Does the Bible Really Teach?, asking her: "If you would like to know more about it? " Hur kunde Josua och israeliterna besegra amalekiterna? Why did the Israelites under Joshua prove victorious in combat? How did Joshua and the Israelites defeat the Amalekites? " Till hela jorden " " Into All the Earth " " Into All the Earth " Vad kan du göra för att bidra till friden i församlingen? What can you do to contribute to the congregation's peace? What can you do to promote peace in the congregation? Var övertygad om att Jehova kommer att välsigna dig rikligt - nu och i all evighet. Be confident that Jehovah will bless you richly - now and throughout eternity. Be confident that Jehovah will bless you abundantly - now and throughout eternity. Vi har lämnat allt och följt dig; hur blir det då för oss? " We have left all things and followed you; what actually will there be for us? " We have left all things and followed you; what, then, will there be for us? " ▪ Hur kan vi " svara var och en "? ▪ How Should We "Answer Each Person "? ▪ How can we " answer each one "? Och Franco, som också bor i Italien, säger: " Genom Bibeln och allt andligt material vi får påminner Jehova oss varje dag om att han älskar oss och att allt vi gör för honom betyder något, även om vi själva inte tycker att vi kan göra så mycket. Similarly, Franco, who also serves in Italy, says: "By means of his Word and his spiritual provisions, Jehovah reminds us every day that he loves us and that everything we do for him is important, even though our efforts may seem like nothing to us. And far away, who lives in Italy, says: "By means of the Bible and spiritual material, Jehovah reminds us that he loves us every day and does everything we do for him, even if we feel that we cannot do so. Tänk också på det som gäller sexuell omoraliskhet. Consider also the matter of sexual immorality. Think, too, of sexual immorality. 1, 2. a) Vilka egenskaper kommer att hjälpa oss när vi ska ta itu med problem? 1, 2. (a) What qualities will help us to cope with trials? 1, 2. (a) What qualities will help us when we face problems? Herrens slavar upplyser honom om problemet och frågar: " Vill du då att vi går ut och samlar ihop det [dvs. ogräset]? " The Master's slaves inform him of the problem and ask: "Do you want us, then, to go out and collect [the weeds]? " The slaves of the Lord light up concerning the problem, asking him: "Do you want us to go out and collect it together [the weeds's] weeds? " Vi kan råka ut för många olika sorters svårigheter - ekonomiska bakslag, arbetslöshet, naturkatastrofer, dödsfall i familjen, hälsoproblem och så vidare. Adversity may take many forms - a financial reversal, the loss of employment, a natural disaster, the death of a loved one, a health crisis, and so on. We may face many kinds of hardships - economic disasters, crime, natural disasters, death in the family, health problems, and so on. Jesus sade till sina trogna lärjungar: " Den bägare jag nu dricker skall ni få dricka, och det dop som jag nu döps med skall ni döpas med. " Jesus told his faithful disciples: "The cup I am drinking you will drink, and with the baptism with which I am being baptized you will be baptized. " Jesus told his faithful disciples: "The cup I shall drink, and the baptism that I am now baptizing with you will be baptized. " Eftersom vi aldrig skulle kunna göra allt detta utan Jehovas hjälp, ger aposteln oss rådet att vara " ihärdiga i bönen ." Since we could never do all these things without Jehovah's help, the apostle advises us to "persevere in prayer. " Since we could never do all of this without Jehovah's help, the apostle counsels us to "persevere in prayer. " En huvudpunkt är: Verklig framgång beror inte på att vi har uträttat något viktigt eller på att vi har uppnått en viss ställning i världens ögon. A key point is this: Our being truly successful does not depend on our achievements or position in the eyes of the world. A head highlights: Real success is not because we have accomplished something important or that we have a degree of position in the eyes of the world. Hur var situationen för judarna i Jerusalem vid tiden för Sakarjas sjunde syn? At the close of Zechariah's seventh vision, what was the situation of the Jews in Jerusalem? What was the situation for the Jews in Jerusalem at the time of Zechariah's seventh vision? Hur kan inlärning utantill innefattas i att lära sig ett nytt språk? 4: 16, 17. How is memorization involved with learning a new language? How can memory include learning a new language? Han visade i fullständig utsträckning att en fullkomlig människa kan visa " gudhängivenhet " och försvara Guds suveränitet trots den värsta tänkbara prövning som Satan kan orsaka. He proved to the ultimate degree that a perfect man can maintain "godly devotion " and uphold God's sovereignty despite the severest of tests imposed by Satan. He showed a full extent that a perfect man can display "godly devotion " and uphold God's sovereignty despite the worst possible test that Satan may cause. Vill du läsa? Would you please read that verse? Would you please read? Hatar du det som är ont? Do You Hate Lawlessness? Do you hate what is bad? Vår tro stärks också av att vi lyder Guds befallningar. MAKE WISE DECISIONS AND BE BLESSED Our faith is also strengthened by our obeying God's commands. Men då och då kan de få extra uppgifter. Further, obeying God's commands strengthens our faith. At that time, however, they can be given extra privileges. När de såg " vämjeligheten som vållar ödeläggelse... stå på helig plats ," dvs. när de romerska härarna omringade och trängde in i Jerusalem, då förstod de att det var dags att fly. Periodically, however, Bethelites may have extra duties. When they saw "the disgusting thing that causes desolation... to stand in holy place, " that is, when Roman armies surrounded and concluded in Jerusalem, they understood that it was the time to flee. När hennes pappa fick höra det sa han: " Vad har du gjort för att förtjäna det här? When they saw "the disgusting thing that causes desolation... standing in a holy place, " that is, the armies of Rome surrounding and penetrating Jerusalem, they knew that it was time to flee. When her father heard that, he said: "What have you done to deserve this? Hoppet om uppståndelsen ger oss tröst och styrka att förbli lojala mot Jehova och hans kungarike även om motståndare hotar att döda oss. Should opposers threaten us with death, then the resurrection hope comforts and strengthens us to remain loyal to Jehovah and his Kingdom. The resurrection hope gives us comfort and strength to remain loyal to Jehovah and his Kingdom even if opposers threaten us to kill us. Fortsätt att säga: " Kom! " Keep On Saying, "Come! " Keep On saying, "Come! " Den heliga anden tjänade alltså som en undervisare och gav värdefull tillförsikt om Guds ledning. Thus the holy spirit served as a teacher, giving valuable assurance of divine direction. The holy spirit thus served as a teacher and gave valuable confidence about God's guidance. Bibeln skrevs under Guds heliga andes vägledning. The Bible was written under the direction of God's holy spirit. The Bible was written under the guidance of God's holy spirit. Om vi utvecklar kärlek och andra kristna egenskaper kommer det att hjälpa oss att inte handla orätt och vara ovänliga mot andra. Cultivating love and other godly qualities will prevent us from doing unkind and sinful things. - 2 Pet. 1: 5 - 7. Cultivating love and other Christian qualities will help us to avoid wrongdoing and to treat others with kindness. " Dina ögon såg mig då jag var ett embryo, i din bok var alla dess delar uppskrivna, med avseende på de dagar då de formades och det ännu inte fanns en enda av dem. " " Your eyes saw even the embryo of me, and in your book all its parts were down in writing, as regards the days when they were formed and there was not yet one among them. " " Your eyes saw me then, in your book all its parts were down, with regard to the days when they were formed and there was not yet one of them. " b) Vilka två slag av frukt skall vi begrunda? (b) What two kinds of fruitage will we consider? (b) What two types of fruitage will we consider? Ja, Jesus efterliknade sin Far, Jehova, genom att vara ödmjuk och barmhärtig mot vanliga syndiga människor. Yes, Jesus imitated his Father, Jehovah, by displaying humility and showing mercy to lowly sinners. - Matt. 20: 29 - 34; Mark 10: 46 - 52. Yes, Jesus imitated his Father, Jehovah, by showing humility and mercy to sinful humans. I liknelsen om slaven betonade Jesus att den lilla grupp av smorda som skulle ha ansvaret att ge tjänstefolket andlig mat under de sista dagarna behövde vara trogen och omdömesgill. In the illustration involving the faithful slave, Jesus highlights the need for the small group of anointed ones entrusted with feeding his domestics during the last days to be faithful and discreet. In the parable of the slave, Jesus emphasized that the small group of anointed ones who would have the responsibility to provide spiritual food during the last days needed to be faithful and discreet. Fortsätt att göra detta, så ofta som ni dricker den, till minne av mig. ' " Keep doing this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me. ' " - 1 Corinthians 11: 23 - 25. Keep doing this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me. ' " Det här studiet kommer att hjälpa oss att hålla ut genom att förklara hur vi kan ha sinnet fäst vid Jehova och hans rike. This study will help us to endure by encouraging us to keep our minds fixed on Jehovah God and his Kingdom. This study will help us to endure by explaining how we can have our minds fixed on Jehovah and his Kingdom. Johannes döparen skickade två sändebud för att få bekräftat att Jesus var Messias, och när de kom till Jesus " botade han många från sjukdomar och plågor och onda andar, och många blinda gav han synen tillbaka ." When John the Baptist sent two messengers to seek confirmation that Jesus was the Messiah, they found Him " curing many of sicknesses and grievous diseases and wicked spirits and granting many blind persons the favor of seeing. ' John the Baptizer sent two representatives to confirm that Jesus was the Messiah, and when they came to Jesus, "he healed many of sickness and plagues and wicked spirit spirits, and many blinded him back. " Vi har goda skäl att uppskatta " den trogne och omdömesgille slaven ," som Jesus Kristus har satt över sina tillhörigheter på jorden. We have sound reasons to be grateful for "the faithful and discreet slave " appointed by Jesus Christ over his belongings on earth. We have good reason to appreciate "the faithful and discreet slave, " whom Jesus Christ appointed over his belongings on earth. b) Varför kunde Jehova betrakta Abraham som rättfärdig? (b) How was it that Jehovah could view Abraham as righteous? (b) Why was Jehovah able to view Abraham as righteous? Tänk på vad aposteln Paulus skrev: " Vi [hör] inte till dem som drar sig undan, så att de blir tillintetgjorda, utan till dem som har tro, så att själen bevaras vid liv. " Notice the apostle Paul's words: "We are not the sort that shrink back to destruction, but the sort that have faith to the preserving alive of the soul. " Consider what the apostle Paul wrote: "We do not belong to those who shrink back, so that they may be destroyed, but to those having faith, to preserve the soul alive. " Hon var resonlig. Hannah displayed reasonableness. She was reasonable. När vi tar oss tid att berätta för vår himmelske Far om våra innersta tankar och känslor kommer vi helt naturligt att dras närmare honom. When we take sufficient time to express to Jehovah our deepest thoughts and innermost feelings, we cannot help but be drawn closer to our heavenly Father, the "Hearer of prayer. " When we take time to tell our heavenly Father about our innermost thoughts and feelings, we will naturally draw closer to him. Han vet att vi är ofullkomliga, och han vill hjälpa oss. He understands our imperfect nature, and he wants to help us. He knows that we are imperfect, and he wants to help us. Hur såg situationen ut för israeliterna på den tiden? What was the situation of the Israelites at that time? What was the situation for the Israelites back then? Vi påminns om de omvälvningar som har förekommit i de olika element som beskrivs som " himlen och jorden och havet och den torra marken ." We are reminded of the upheaval that has occurred in different elements pictured by "the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry ground. " We are reminded of the trials that have occurred in the various elements described as "the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry ground. " I vår tid är människor i allmänhet också så upptagna med vardagliga angelägenheter att de inte ser tecknet på att slutet för den här ogudaktiga världen är nära. Today, people in general are likewise so caught up in daily affairs that they fail to see the evidence that the end of this ungodly world is near. - Luke 17: 30. Today, people in general are also so busy with daily affairs that they do not see the sign of the end of this ungodly world near. Hur kan vi se till att vi inte blir slavar under Satan och hans värld? How can we avoid becoming enslaved to Satan and his world? How can we avoid becoming enslaved to Satan and his world? Om vi låter Jehovas uttalanden vägleda oss varje dag, kommer han att belöna oss med den största välsignelsen av alla, evigt liv. If we let God's utterances guide our steps each day, Jehovah will reward us with the ultimate blessing of everlasting life. - John 17: 3. If we allow Jehovah's utterances to guide us every day, he will reward us with the greatest blessing of all, everlasting life. Kungen i Aram hade sänt en mäktig militärstyrka för att ta Elisa till fånga. The king of Syria had sent a powerful military force to capture Elisha. The king of Syria had sent a powerful force to take Elisha captive. De förstår att det inte räcker med att bara ge familjen mat, kläder, tak över huvudet och utbildning. They realize that it is not enough to provide food, clothing, shelter, and education for their families. They realize that food, clothing, shelter, and education are not enough. När vi ber Jehova om hjälp att klara av en prövning lovar han att " bereda utvägen ." When we ask Jehovah to help us cope with trials, he will "make the way out. " When we pray for help to cope with a trial, Jehovah promises to "make the way out. " Många gånger kan vi känna oss helt slutkörda när vi åker till mötet eller går ut i tjänsten. At times, we may feel exhausted when we leave home to attend a congregation meeting or to engage in the field ministry. Many times we may feel overwhelmed when we field service or preaching the good news. Nitiskt predikande om Guds kungarike är till bestående nytta. Zealous Kingdom - preaching activity brings lasting benefits. Zealous Kingdom preaching is of lasting benefit. (Läs Hesekiel 38: 23.) (Read Ezekiel 38: 23.) (Read Ezekiel 38: 23.) Det framgår av hur han har organiserat sin familj av änglar. 14: 33; Isa. 6: 1 - 3; Heb. 12: 22, 23. This is evident in the way he has organized his family of angels. I boken Efterlikna deras tro kan vi läsa om 14 olika bibliska personer. For example, the book Imitate Their Faith discusses at length the lives of 14 different Bible characters. In the book Imitate their faith, we can read about 14 different Bible characters. 1, 2. 1, 2. 1, 2. Trots brödernas tidigare hat mot honom sökte Josef det goda hos dem Despite his brothers ' earlier hatred toward him, Joseph looked for their good Even though the brothers ' former hatred for him, Joseph sought the good in them Jag vet att jag kommer att ha nytta av den här underbara erfarenheten under lång tid framöver. " I know that in years to come, I will continue to reap benefits from this wonderful experience. " I know that this wonderful experience will benefit me for a long time. " Du har redan satt upp gränser inom en rad områden i livet, gränser som gör att du helt enkelt inte tillåter dig själv att uppföra dig på ett visst sätt. You have already set limits in a number of areas of life in which you will just not allow yourself to act in a certain way. You have already set boundaries in a number of areas in life, which simply allows you to conduct yourself in a certain way. De måste vara trogna intill döden för att kunna få det himmelska livets krona. They had to be faithful until death if they were to receive the crown of heavenly life. - Rev. They must remain faithful until death in order to receive the heavenly crown of life. Vad kan vi lära oss om Jehova av berättelsen om påsken och uttåget ur Egypten? The Passover and the Exodus accounts can be used to emphasize what about Jehovah? What can we learn about Jehovah from the account of the Passover and the Exodus? Markus: Precis. Marcus: Exactly. Marcus: That's right. I evangelierna nämns inte så mycket om vad de gjorde direkt efter det att de först hade träffat Jesus. The Gospels do not tell us much about what they did immediately after this first encounter with Jesus. The Gospels do not mention so much about what they did immediately after they first met Jesus. Men efter sin seger tillät Saul att soldaterna skonade Agag, amalekiternas kung. After his victory, however, Saul allowed his soldiers to preserve alive Agag, the king of the Amalekites. However, after his victory, Saul allowed the soldiers to be spared the Amalekites, the king of the Amalekites. Jehova sade genom profeten Hosea: " När Israel var pojke, då älskade jag honom, och ut ur Egypten kallade jag min son. " The prophet Hosea stated: "When Israel was a boy, then I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son. " Jehovah said through the prophet Hosea: "When Israel was a boy, then I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son. " Ja, på grundval av Jesu offer kommer Jehova att förlåta döpta kristna som faller i synd - om de verkligen ångrar sig och överger sin orätta väg. Yes, on the basis of Jesus ' sacrifice, Jehovah will forgive baptized Christians who fall into sin - if they truly repent and abandon their wrong course. Yes, on the basis of Jesus ' sacrifice, Jehovah will forgive baptized Christians who fall into sin - if they truly repent and abandon their wrong course. I Psalm 40: 8 förutsades det att Jesus skulle ha djup kärlek till Guds lag. Där står det: " Att göra din vilja, min Gud, är min glädje, och din lag är i mitt inre. " This time, we'll read verses 10 and 11. Psalm 40: 8 foretold that Jesus would have deep love for God's law: "To do your will, O my God, is my delight, and your law is within my inward parts. " Abraham lyder Jehova och lämnar Ur Jesus ' deep affection for the law of God was prophetically expressed at Psalm 40: 8: "To do your will, O my God, is my delight, and your law is deep within me. " Abraham obeys Jehovah and leaves Ur Kan du svara? Abraham obeys God and leaves Ur Can You Answer? Följaktligen kom Mose också till Sheol, även om ingen fick veta var han blev begravd. Can You Answer? Hence, Moses also came to Sheol, even though no one was buried. I vår tid leder Jehovas ande på liknande sätt det världsvida predikoarbetet. Accordingly, Moses too went to Sheol, although no one knew where his grave was. Today, Jehovah's spirit guides the worldwide preaching work. Tänk på alternativet. Today, Jehovah's spirit is likewise directing the worldwide preaching. Consider the way you can do so. Du räknar faktiskt med honom i många olika situationer. Putting yourself in Jehovah's hands is never a wrong move. In fact, you are counting him in many situations. [ Bild på sidan 5] Indeed, you have come to depend on him in many situations. [ Picture on page 5] Men för att de ska förstå Bibelns sanningar räcker det naturligtvis inte med att bara ha ett familjestudium en gång i veckan. [ Picture on page 5] Of course, to understand Bible truths, more is needed than just a family study once a week. Paulus skrev sitt brev tio år efter strapatserna i Filippi, och vännerna där blev säkert stärkta av att tänka på allt som hade hänt sedan dess. Of course, to impress Bible truths on a child's mind, you need to do more than conduct a weekly family study. Paul wrote his letter ten years after much in Philippi, and the brothers no doubt found it refreshing to reflect on all that had happened since then. Han kanske gav ett råd som var precis vad vi behövde höra eller sa något som hjälpte oss att förstå ett visst bibelställe. As the brothers in Philippi thought over what had happened in the ten years since those events, they would have been strengthened. What Paul wrote was true. He may have counseled us just what we needed to hear or say something that helped us to understand a certain scripture. INTE GENOM KRAFT, UTAN " GENOM MIN ANDE " For instance, we might tell a public speaker how his talk gave us advice we needed or helped us to understand a certain scripture. DO YOU ARE TO BE ARE "I DO NOT TO MY PEOPLE " Profetian i Matteus 24: 3, 7, 14 eller den i 2 Timoteus 3: 1 - 5 kan hjälpa dem att se den större bilden och förstå innebörden i de förhållanden som de uthärdar, nämligen att vi lever i avslutningen på den gamla tingens ordning. " NOT BY POWER, BUT BY MY SPIRIT ' The prophecy recorded at Matthew 24: 3, 7, 14 or at 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 5 can help them to see the greater picture and grasp the meaning of the circumstances that come upon us, namely, that we are living in the conclusion of the old system of things. Och hur är det med resten av Bibeln? Guds ord är som en rik diamantgruva. The prophecy at Matthew 24: 3, 7, 14 or 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 5 might help them to see the bigger picture and the meaning of the conditions they are enduring, namely, that we are living in the conclusion of the old system of things. And what about the rest of the Bible? Varför ska vi ta vara på möjligheten att be? God's Word is like a productive diamond mine. Why should we take advantage of the opportunity to pray? Jehova använde en molnstod på dagen och en eldstod på natten för att påminna dem om att det var han som tryggt ledde dem genom det ogästvänliga landskapet. Why should we utilize the provision of prayer? Jehovah used a cloud on the day and a fire to remind them that he was safe for them by means of the fiery furnace. Till skillnad från stolta människor som ogärna lyder andra gjorde Jesus ödmjukt allt som Jehova begärde av honom och var " lydig ända till döden ." Using a pillar of cloud by day and one of fire by night, Jehovah reminded the Israelites that he was backing them as he led them across that inhospitable terrain. Unlike proud humans who obey others, Jesus humbly did all that Jehovah asked of him and "be obedient as far as death. " Jesus visade att Davids profetiska ord uppfylldes på den som förrådde honom. Unlike arrogant individuals who disdain obedience, Jesus humbly submitted to God's will for him, becoming "obedient to the point of death. " Jesus indicated that David's prophetic words were fulfilled in the one who betrayed him. 19, 20. So the betrayal of Jesus by Judas Iscariot was treachery of the worst sort. 19, 20. " Må Jehova belöna ditt handlingssätt, och må du få full lön från Jehova. " 19, 20. " May Jehovah reward your course, and may you receive full reward from Jehovah. " - PS. Hur kan vi förbättra relationerna till andra? " May Jehovah reward the way you act, and may there come to be a perfect wage for you from Jehovah. " - RUTH 2: 12. How can we improve relationships with others? Bland välbärgade romare var de omtyckta rekreationsorter. the way we relate to others? Among the prosperous Romans, they were hypocritical recreation. Han har valt att inte förutbestämma något som hindrar vår fria vilja. For wealthy Romans, they were popular resorts. He has chosen not to justify our free will. Rut var mycket arbetsam, vilket hon visade genom att plocka " ax på åkern ända till kvällen ," också efter det att Boas sett till att göra arbetet lättare för henne. He never allows his earthly children to be ruled by predestination. Ruth was a diligent worker, as she showed by collecting "the field to the evening, " even after observing Boaz to do the work easier for her. SÅNGER: 38, 8 Even when Boaz made it possible for Ruth to ease her work load, "she continued to glean in the field until the evening. " Ruth was a hard worker. SONGS: 60, 8 Må vi, alldeles som de kristna i det första århundradet, fortsätta att " utan uppehåll... undervisa och förkunna de goda nyheterna om Messias " och hans regering medan vi väntar på vår lön i Jehovas rättfärdiga nya värld. SONGS TO BE USED: 38, 8 Like first - century Christians, may we continue to "go on teaching and declaring the good news of the Christ " and his government as we await our reward in Jehovah's righteous new world. Det här avsnittet bör i synnerhet påminna oss om vårt beroende av Gud. Like the early Christians, may we continue "without letup teaching and declaring the good news about the Christ " and his Kingdom government while awaiting our reward in Jehovah's righteous new world. - Acts 5: 42; James 5: 11. This portion should especially remind us of our dependent on God. När någon vi älskar dör, kan vi känna nästan förkrossande sorg, men tro på löftena i Guds ord kan hjälpa oss att uthärda sådan sorg. They should especially impress on us the need to depend on God. When a loved one dies, we may feel almost grief, but faith in the promises of God's Word can help us to endure such grief. ENSKILDA ORDSPRÅK SOM GER VÄGLEDNING When a loved one dies, we may experience nearly overwhelming sorrow, but faith in the promises in God's Word can help us to endure such grief. A FROM THE WORD'S WORD, THAT WHAT is a long way in which the U.S.A. Vad sägs det i Bibeln om Satans inflytande? INDIVIDUAL PROVERBS TO GUIDE US What does the Bible say about Satan's influence? Därför att Guds ord förbjuder sexuell omoral. What does the Bible indicate regarding Satan's influence? Because God's Word forbids sexual immorality. Det är något vi bör tänka på om vi får förmånen att representera Guds folk i en offentlig bön. Because God's Word forbids sexual immorality. That is something we should keep in mind if we are privileged to represent God's people in public prayer. I överensstämmelse med Jesu uppmaning ansträngde de sig därför kraftigt i det arbete som de fått i uppdrag att utföra. We should remember this if we are privileged to represent God's people in public prayer. Thus, in harmony with Jesus ' admonition, they exerted themselves vigorously in the work they were commissioned to do. Att vi strävar efter " det som leder till frid " ger oss många välsignelser. Consequently, in harmony with Jesus ' admonition, they exerted themselves vigorously in the work they were assigned to do. - Luke 13: 24. Pursuing "the things leading to peace " brings us many blessings. En sida av denna hemlighet gällde Jehovas beslut att utvälja en " liten hjord " om 144 000 medlemmar, som skulle förenas med hans Son som en del av avkomman och regera tillsammans med honom i himlen. Our pursuing "the things making for peace " brings us rich blessings. One aspect of that secret involved Jehovah's decision to select a "little flock " of 144,000 members who would be united with his Son as part of the seed and rule with him in heaven. Löftet i 1 Moseboken 3: 15 visar att Jehova, omedelbart efter det att Adam och Eva hade syndat, beslöt att hans symboliska kvinna skulle frambringa en avkomma, en son. One aspect of that secret involved Jehovah's selecting a "little flock " of 144,000 humans to be associated with his Son as part of the seed, to reign with him in heaven. - Luke 12: 32; Revelation 14: 1, 4. Genesis 3: 15 shows that Jehovah, immediately after Adam and Eve sinned, Adam and Eve decided that his figurative woman would produce a seed, a son. Vi har all orsak att tro att han var lika medveten om hur det andliga tillståndet var i de andra församlingarna av hans efterföljare på jorden vid den tiden. (Läs Uppenbarelseboken 2: 23.) The promise at Genesis 3: 15 indicates that immediately after Adam and Eve sinned, Jehovah determined that his symbolic woman was to bring forth a seed, or son. We have every reason to believe that he was equally aware of the spiritual condition of the other congregations on earth at that time. - Read Revelation 2: 23. Vad är det som ska ersätta de regeringshimlar och det onda mänskliga samhälle som nu finns? We have every reason to believe that he was just as familiar with the spiritual condition of the other congregations of his followers on earth at that time. - Read Revelation 2: 23. What will replace government officials and wicked human society now? Om han eller hon har en sjukdom som gradvis kommer att förvärras behöver du få veta vad du har att vänta dig. What will replace the governmental heavens and the wicked human society that are present now? If he or she has a disease that will gradually deteriorate, you need to know what you have to wait. Mer än 30 gånger kan vi läsa att lagarna kommer från honom. If he or she is confronted with a degenerative illness, learn what future developments you can expect. More than 30 times, we can read that law comes from him. Hans exempel kan hjälpa oss att förstå hur vi kan fortsätta att få Guds andes hjälp när vi ställs inför förändringar i livet. More than 30 times, the laws found in Leviticus are credited to Jehovah. His example can help us to see how we can continue to receive the help of God's spirit when we face changes in our lives. Vi får aldrig förlora ur sikte att våra dagar är precis sådana som Noas dagar var. WHEN DAMARIS LEARNED THAT SHE HAD BRAIN CANCER, her father asked her: "What have you done for this to happen to you? We should never lose sight of the fact that our day is just like those of Noah's day. Det kommer att leda fram till den avslutande fasen av den stora vedermödan - dess höjdpunkt i Harmageddon. His example can help us understand how we can continue to have the help of God's spirit as we face changes in our life. That will lead to the final phase of the great tribulation - its climax at Armageddon. Eller tänk om vi känner oss frestade att göra något annat i stället för att gå på ett möte. We must never lose sight of the fact that these days are truly just as the days of Noah were. Or what if we are tempted to do something else rather than attend a meeting? För att hjälpa vännerna att predika för människor som talar andra språk har man nyligen ordnat med klasser för att lära ut 16 språk, däribland italienskt teckenspråk. He will move into action, which will lead to the final phase of the great tribulation - its Armageddon climax. To help the brothers to preach to people who speak other languages, you have recently arranged to teach 16 languages, including sign language. SÅNGER: 102, 75 Or we may be tempted to engage in recreation rather than attend a meeting. SONGS: 102, 75 Men enligt Jesu liknelse behagar en slav inte sig själv genom att låta sina egna intressen komma i första rummet. To help brothers to preach to people who speak other languages, classes were recently organized to teach 16 languages, including Italian Sign Language. However, according to Jesus ' parable, a slave does not please himself by letting his own interests come first. Här står köttet inte bara för den fysiska kroppen. SONGS: 102, 75 The flesh does not refer only to the physical body. Vi blir varma i hjärtat när vi läser om hur han utbildade sina lärjungar i arbetet med att predika och göra nya lärjungar. Still, in line with Jesus ' parable, a slave does not please himself, putting personal interests first. We are warm in heart when we read about how he taught his disciples in the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work. Hur ledde Kristus förhållandena så att de goda nyheterna skulle kunna spridas? Here the flesh is not necessarily the physical body. How did Christ maneuver matters to spread the good news? Vad är du besluten att göra nu, och varför det? Our hearts are warmed as we read how he taught his disciples in the preaching and disciple - making work. What are you determined to do now, and why? OMKRING år 50 v.t. befann sig aposteln Paulus i Athen. How did Christ direct matters with regard to spreading the good news of the Kingdom? SOME year in 50 C.E., the apostle Paul was in Athens. För kristna äkta makar innefattar dessa resurser de visa råden i Bibeln, stödet från medkristna och ett innerligt förhållande till Jehova, där bönen ingår som en viktig del. What is your determination now, and why? For Christian couples, these resources include the wise advice of the Bible, the support of fellow Christians, and a heartfelt relationship with Jehovah, which includes prayer. Vad kan en familjefar frestas att göra i svåra ekonomiska tider? ABOUT the year 50 of our Common Era, the apostle Paul was in Athens. What can a family head be tempted to do in difficult economic times? Han är frikostig, och han älskar sina barn. For Christian spouses, those resources include wise counsel from the Bible, support from fellow Christians, and a close, prayerful relationship with Jehovah. He is generous, and he loves his children. Det är inte alltid fråga om att man vill straffa den andra parten, eftersom orsaken kan vara frustration eller modfälldhet. What temptation may a family head face during hard economic times? It is not always the matter of punishing the other party because it can be frustration or discouragement. [ Bild på sidorna 24, 25] He is generous, and he loves his children. [ Picture on page 24, 25] Vi kan ta en illustration för att belysa hur lösenanordningen fungerar. This is not always a matter of punishing one's partner, as it may result from frustration or discouragement. Consider an illustration to illustrate how the ransom works. Bor du på en plats där folk är religiösa? [ Picture on page 24, 25] Are you living in a place where people are religious? En hustru och mor har också en mycket viktig och betydelsefull uppgift att fylla. Do you live in a neighborhood where people are interested in religion? A wife and mother also play a vital role. Mänskligt sett var han och hans hustru, Sara, för gamla för att kunna få barn när Gud lovade dem en arvinge. Likewise, the wife and mother has a role of vital importance and dignity. In a physical sense, he and his wife, Sarah, were old to have children when God promised them an heir. 11: 4. From a human standpoint, he and his wife, Sarah, were past childbearing age when Jehovah promised them an heir. 11: 4. Den skröt över materiell rikedom och sade: " Jag är rik ," men för Kristus var den " eländig och ömkansvärd och fattig och blind och naken ." 11: 4. It boasted of material riches, saying: "I am rich, " but Christ was the" depressed and poor and blind and blind. " Aposteln Paulus sade: " Alla som önskar leva i gudhängivenhet i gemenskap med Kristus Jesus skall också bli förföljda. " It boasted material wealth, saying, "I am rich, " yet to Christ it was" miserable and pitiable and poor and blind and naked. " - Revelation 3: 14 - 17. The apostle Paul said: "All those desiring to live with godly devotion in association with Christ Jesus will also be persecuted. " Jehovas förbund med Abram att " alla markens familjer " sannerligen kommer " att välsigna sig genom [Abram] " trädde uppenbarligen i kraft då han gick över Eufrat på sin väg till Kanaan. The apostle Paul said: "All those desiring to live with godly devotion in association with Christ Jesus will also be persecuted. " Jehovah's covenant with Abram that "the families of all the ground " will certainly" bless themselves by means of [Jehovah's] covenant, " apparently going into force when he crossed the Euphrates on his way to Canaan. Önskar du att du kunde tjäna Jehova utan ånger, åtminstone från och med nu och framåt? Jehovah's covenant with Abram that "all the families of the ground will certainly bless themselves by means of [Abram] " apparently went into effect when Abram crossed the Euphrates on his way to Canaan. Do you desire to serve Jehovah without regrets, at least from now and on? När de sedan befann sig i säkerhet såg de hur samma vattenmassor störtade tillbaka och krossade den egyptiska hären. Do you wish that you could serve God without regrets - at least from this day forward? Then, when they were in security, they saw the same waters thrown back and crushed the Egyptian army. Alla som valdes ut hade grekiska namn, något som kanske gjorde att de lättare accepterades av dem som hade blivit orättvist behandlade. Once safely across, they saw those waters crash over the Egyptian military. Those selected had Greek names, which may make them easier for those who had been treated unjustly. Därför bör vi ta oss tid att tänka igenom vad konsekvenserna skulle bli för oss själva och för andra om vi skulle ge efter för ett orätt begär. All these spiritually qualified men had Greek names. This may have made them more acceptable to the offended widows. Therefore, we should take time to consider what the consequences would happen to us and to others if we were to yield to wrong desires. Jakob 3: 16 - 18 hjälper oss att förstå vilken anda vi bör visa i församlingen och vilken anda vi inte bör visa. Since that is the case, we do well to take some time to reflect on what the consequences would be for us and others were we to give in to unclean fleshly desires. James 3: 16 - 18 helps us to see what spirit we should display in the congregation and what spirit we should not display. Och det skyddar oss från att känna oss alltför oroliga eller nedstämda. James 3: 16 - 18 is a good guide as to what constitutes both the improper and the proper spirit to display in the congregation. And it protects us from being overly anxious or depressed. Precis som David ger sanna kristna i våra dagar ett svar på Djävulens falska anklagelser. That knowledge guards us from becoming overwhelmed by anxiety or discouragement. Like David, true Christians today answer the false accusations of the Devil. Och det gör han på flera sätt. Like David, true Christians today are supplying an answer to the Devil's false charges. He does so in a number of ways. 10 - 16 mars 2008 He does so in a number of ways. March 10 - 16, 2008 Vi ska nu se på några bibelställen som kan hjälpa oss att förstå hur viktigt det är att studera Bibeln och meditera över det vi läser, så att vi kan lära känna Jehova väl. March 10 - 16, 2008 Let us consider some scriptures that can help us to see the importance of studying the Bible and meditating on what we read so that we can get to know Jehovah well. I Psalm 119: 105 sägs det också att Guds uttalanden kan lysa upp vår stig, lysa upp vägen framför oss. To illustrate the value of studying the Bible and meditating on what we read so that we can come to know Jehovah intimately, consider the following scriptures. Psalm 119: 105 also says that God's utterances can light our roadway, shine ahead before us. Strax norr om templet låg en damm som kallades Betsata, och där träffade Jesus en man som inte kunde gå. Psalm 119: 105 also states that God's utterances can light our roadway, illuminating the path ahead. Shortly north of the temple was like the pool of Bethzatha, where Jesus met a man who could not walk. Hur kan vi då fatta förståndiga beslut i livet? Just north of the temple was a pool known as Bethzatha, and there Jesus encountered a sick man. How, then, can we make wise decisions in life? I den här artikeln ska vi gå igenom några bibliska principer som är vägledande för hur vi ser på våra Rikets salar, hur vi tar hand om dem och hur de finansieras. How, then, can we make wise decisions in life? In this article, we will consider Bible principles that guide us on how we view our Kingdom Halls, how we care for them, and how they are printed. Sanningen har inte anseende till personen. The purpose of this article is to review some of these principles and to consider how they apply to the way that our Kingdom Halls should be viewed, financed, and maintained. Truth has no reputation for the person. År 1919 var tiden inne för det rena kristna vetet att avskiljas från ogräset. Truth is no respecter of persons. In 1919, the time for pure Christian wheat was to separate from the weeds. I boken A World Undone, som gavs ut 2006, drar G. In 1919, it was time for the pure Christian wheat to be separated from the weeds. The book Anglo - American World Translation, published in 2006, draws the G. Det är sant att vi är fria att välja vilken utbildning eller vilket jobb vi ska ta, men vi måste också komma ihåg att vår frihet är relativ och att alla beslut vi tar får konsekvenser. A similar conclusion is reached in the volume A World Undone, by G. True, we are free to choose the education or employment, but we must also remember that our freedom is relative and that all decisions are consequences. Den som antastar barn säger till dem att ingen kommer att tro dem om de berättar något, och alltför ofta stämmer det. While it is true that we have the freedom to make personal choices regarding our education and career, we need to remember that our freedom is relative and that all decisions we make have consequences. A child who tells his children tells them that no one will believe them if he says something, and too often that is true. En kort översikt över Hoseas bok, kapitel 1 - 5, kommer att stärka oss i vårt beslut att vandra med Gud genom att utöva tro och handla i överensstämmelse med hans vilja. Abusers tell a child that no one will believe him; all too often, that is true. A brief consideration of Hosea chapters 1 through 5 will strengthen us in our determination to walk with God by exercising faith and acting in harmony with his will. Bibeln förklarar att äkta kärlek inte bara ska uttryckas i ord och fraser, utan också " i gärning och sanning ." A brief overview of Hosea chapters 1 through 5 will strengthen our resolve to walk with God by exercising faith and pursuing a course in harmony with his will. The Bible explains that genuine love should be expressed not only in word and phrases but also "in deed and truth. " Brudgummen, Jesus Kristus, tar på sig sina praktfulla kungliga bröllopskläder. The Bible explains that genuine love is shown, "not in word or with the tongue, but in deed and truth. " The groom, Jesus Christ, takes on his glorious royal house. På senare tid, under folkmordet i Rwanda, fanns det hutuer och tutsier bland Jehovas vittnen som riskerade livet för att skydda varandra. The Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, puts on his glorious royal wedding garments. In recent times, during terrorism, there were palms, which were abandoned by Jehovah's Witnesses who risked their lives to protect one another. Hur skulle du svara? Risking death during a genocide in Rwanda in recent times, Tutsi and Hutu Witnesses protected one another. How Would You Answer? Genom sina handlingar visade han att han förkastade sin Skapare. How Would You Answer? By his actions, he showed that he rejected his Creator. Stanna kvar i det andliga paradiset By his actions, he showed that he rejected his Maker. Stay in the Spiritual Paradise I somliga fall måste de grupper som samlades till kristna möten ha varit så små att de fick plats i ett privat hem. Continue in the Spiritual Paradise In some cases, groups gathered to Christian meetings must have been so small that they could have been in a private home. Men på de flesta håll sprider vi de goda nyheterna främst genom att predika från hus till hus. In some cases, the groups at Christian meetings must have been small, able to fit into a private home. In most places, however, we spread the good news primarily by preaching from house to house. Varför kan man säga att Salomo var framgångsrik? Yet, in most places, our principal way of spreading the good news is by preaching from house to house. Why can it be said that Solomon was successful? Men eftersom han är vår bästa vän och vi inte vill göra honom besviken, gör vi allt vi kan för att stå emot orätta tankar och hålla sinnet rent. Why might it be said that Solomon was successful? However, because he is our best Friend and we do not want to disappoint him, we do all we can to resist wrong thoughts and keep our minds clean. Jehova tillfredsställer på ett underbart sätt sina lojalas andliga behov! But we recognize that it saddens him when we nurture wrong thoughts instead of doing all we can to reject them. Reflecting on this fact makes us ever more determined to keep our thoughts chaste. Jehovah fills the spiritual needs of his loyal ones! Hur stärks äktenskapet av bra kommunikation? How wonderfully Jehovah satisfies the spiritual needs of his loyal ones! How does good communication strengthen a marriage? Jesus brukade också studera Skrifterna, och det gjorde att han kom nära Jehova. How has good communication helped marriages? Jesus also studied the Scriptures, and this led him to draw close to Jehovah. För att bevara vår endräkt och fortsätta att äga Guds ynnest måste vi följa Paulus råd: " Fortsätt att göra allting utan knotanden och invändningar. " Jesus also drew close to Jehovah by studying the Scriptures. To maintain our unity and continue to possess God's favor, we must heed Paul's counsel: "Keep doing all things free from murmurings and arguments. " Vi måste anstränga oss för att bygga upp den tilliten. In order to maintain our unity and continue to have divine favor, we must heed Paul's counsel: "Keep doing all things free from murmurings. " We need to work at building such trust. Hon skall kallas kvinna, ty av man är hon tagen. " So by all means, rely on Jehovah through prayer. She will be called woman, for from man she was taken. " En enda människa, Jesus Kristus, är den som i första hand utgör den förutsagda avkomman. " This one will be called Woman, because from man she was taken. " - Gen. One human, Jesus Christ, is the primary part of the foretold Seed. Jag har nämligen gett er mönstret, för att alldeles som jag har gjort mot er skulle också ni göra. " Only one man, Jesus Christ, is the primary part of that foretold seed. For I set the pattern for you, that, just as I did to you, you should do also. " Gör inte samma misstag som Baruk, Jeremias sekreterare. For I set the pattern for you, that, just as I did to you, you should do also. " Do not make the same mistake as Baruch, Jeremiah's secretary. När havsbottnen plötsligt stupade rakt ner i det svarta djupet sade Joes hustru: " Jag tror att vi har kommit för långt ut. " Do not make the mistake that Baruch, Jeremiah's scribe, made. When the sea hits suddenly fall down in the black valley, Hitler's wife said: "I think that we have come too far. " 15 december 2009 When the seabed dropped away into a blue abyss, Joe's wife said, "I think we're going out too far. " December 15, 2009 De heliga är inga andra än Jesu med anden smorda lärjungar. December 15, 2009 The holy ones are no other than Jesus ' spirit - anointed disciples. Jehova korrigerar, undervisar och övar oss därför att han älskar oss. Han vill att vi ska ha ett nära förhållande till honom och få leva för evigt. The holy ones are none other than Jesus ' spirit - anointed disciples. Jehovah corrects, trains, and trains us because he loves us, he wants us to have a close relationship with him and live forever. 14, 15. Motivated by love, Jehovah corrects, educates, and trains us so that we can remain in his love and on the path to life. 14, 15. Vilket råd från aposteln Paulus kan hjälpa oss, om vi har någon tendens till partiskhet? 14, 15. What counsel from the apostle Paul can help us if we have a tendency toward partiality? B. What advice of the apostle Paul can help us if we have any trace of partiality? B. Barnen ärver ju drag från både mamman och pappan. B. After all, the children inherit the traits of both mother and father. Med en sådan inställning skulle vi till och med kunna " lida skeppsbrott i... [vår] tro ." After all, both the father and the mother contribute to their child's genetic heritage. With such an attitude, we could even " suffer shipwreck of [our] faith. " I Lukas 21: 26 sägs det att människor ska bli " vanmäktiga av fruktan och väntan på det som skall komma över den bebodda jorden ." När kommer det att inträffa? In that frame of mind, we may even experience "shipwreck concerning [our] faith. " Luke 21: 26 states that people will become " primary out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth. ' Jehova kan så att säga ge några av sina tjänare en liten knuff, så att de hjälper en medtillbedjare som är i nöd. As stated at Luke 21: 26, when will "men become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth "? - The Watchtower - On DVD, July 15, 2010, article 1, paragraph 18. Jehovah may say to some of his servants a small bird so that they help a fellow worshipper in need. En enda hjord, en enda herde Jehovah can surely give other servants of his a nudge, so to speak, moving them to come to the aid of a fellow worshipper in need. One Flock, One Shepherd Miljontals människor reagerar på liknande sätt när problemen i världen bara växer och växer. One Flock, One Shepherd Millions of people respond similarly when problems in the world are just growing and increasing. Det sägs att han blev uppfylld av " Guds ande, med vishet, förstånd och kunskap och allt slags hantverksskicklighet, nämligen till att utforma sinnrika arbeten " och " konstfärdiga produkter av alla slag ." When literal flooding occurs, a common reaction is to run to higher ground or to climb onto the roof of a building - anywhere of higher elevation. It says that he became filled with "the spirit of God, with wisdom, understanding, and knowledge and every sort of living thing, namely, that designing high - paying jobs " and art of every sort. " Vilka förändringar har du sett under din livstid? Jehovah "proceeded to fill him with the spirit of God in wisdom, in understanding and in knowledge and in every sort of craftsmanship and for designing devices... to make ingenious products of every sort. " What changes have you seen during your lifetime? När översteprästen gick in i det allra heligaste i tältboningen (längre fram i Salomos tempel), var det som att han trädde fram inför Jehova och frambar något av offerblodet till honom. What changes have you seen in your lifetime? When the high priest entered the Most Holy in the tabernacle (The tabernacle) of Solomon's temple), it was as if he went before Jehovah and offered some sacrifice to him. Och då kommer du att bli till nytta i din hemförsamling. On that day, the high priest took some of the blood of the sacrificial animals into the Most Holy of the tabernacle, and later into Solomon's temple, and presented it before God, as if in his presence. And then you will benefit in your local congregation. Jesus bevarade sig också helt neutral. Han engagerade sig inte i världens politiska och sociala konflikter. Your local congregation will also benefit from your reaching them. Jesus also remained neutral, not in the political and social conflicts of the world. Han var som en " ammande mor " för de kristna i Thessalonike, och han tröstade och uppmuntrade dem " som en far " gör med sina barn. (Läs 1 Thessalonikerna 2: 7, 11, 12.) Also, Jesus stayed completely separate from the political and social conflicts of the world. He was like "a nursing mother " for Christians in Thessalonica, and he encouraged them" as a father " with his children. - Read 1 Thessalonians 2: 7, 11, 12. Mer än 30 år senare skriver Petrus: " [Jesus] fick... från Gud, Fadern, ära och härlighet, när ord sådana som dessa framfördes till honom av den storslagna härligheten: ' Denne är min son, min älskade, som jag själv har godkänt. ' He became like "a nursing mother " to those in the Thessalonian congregation; he was also like a spiritual father. - Read 1 Thessalonians 2: 7, 11, 12. More than 30 years later, Peter writes: "[Jesus] received from God the Father, honor, and glory, when such words were delivered to him of the glorious glory: " This is my Son, whom I have approved. ' I de 99 770 församlingarna världen över hålls skolan i teokratisk tjänst och tjänstemötet varje vecka för att hjälpa oss i vårt arbete. Over 30 years later, Peter writes: "[Jesus] received from God the Father honor and glory, when words such as these were borne to him by the magnificent glory: " This is my son, my beloved, whom I myself have approved. ' In the 99th congregations around the globe, the Theocratic Ministry School and the Service Meeting are conducted each week to help us in our work. Frågor hjälper dem att resonera sig fram till rätta slutsatser. Today, in the 99,770 congregations worldwide, the Theocratic Ministry School and Service Meeting are held weekly to help us in the ministry. Questions help them to reason on correct conclusions. • På vilka områden bör vi försöka stifta fred, och hur då? Questions also help them to reason so as to arrive at the correct conclusions • In what areas should we strive to be peaceable, and how? Även omskurna judar hade alltså ett " oomskuret hjärta ." • In what areas should we try to be peacemakers, and how? Hence, circumcised Jews had an " uncircumcised heart. " Hans rätta namn öppnar vägen till att förstå hans avsikter och vem han är. Thus even circumcised Jewish men were "uncircumcised in heart. " His right name opens the way to understand his purpose and who he is. 12, 13. His true name opens the way to understanding what his purposes are and who he is. 12, 13. I de länder där det är så kommer vigselförrättaren förmodligen att vilja hålla vigseln i samband med att det hålls ett tal i Rikets sal. 12, 13. In the lands where that is so, the man will likely want to keep the wedding in connection with a talk at the Kingdom Hall. Psalm 27: 11 If that is possible, he would likely want to do so along with a wedding talk at the Kingdom Hall. Psalm 27: 11 Vi kan hjälpa Kristus bröder på många olika sätt. Psalm 27: 11 We can help Christ's brothers in various ways. Andra skriver några uppmuntrande ord till medkristna som går igenom en prövning. 24: 45 - 47; Heb. 13: 17. Others write some encouraging words to fellow Christians who are undergoing a trial. Ha därför överseende med " vettlöst tal " som kan ha orsakats av frustration eller modfälldhet. Others thoughtfully write some heartfelt words of encouragement to fellow Christians who are coping with a trial. Therefore, keep up with "wild talk " that may have been caused by frustration or discouragement. Fortsätt därför " med att be, så skall det ges åt [dig] ." So overlook any "wild talk " that might result from frustration or discouragement. - Job 6: 3. Hence, "keep on asking, and it will be given you. " Hur kommer de att reagera när de står ansikte mot ansikte med döden? Therefore, "keep on asking, and it will be given you. " - Luke 11: 9, 13. How will they react to the face of death? Hans falska tröstare hade sårat honom djupt, men när Jehova uppmanade honom att be för dem, gjorde han det. How will they react when staring extermination in the face? His false comforters had hurt him deeply, but when Jehovah urged him to pray for them, he did. Och Daniel och hans vänner hade helt klart möjligheten att " godta frigivning " genom att tillbe falska gudar. His false comforters hurt him deeply, yet when Jehovah asked Job to pray for them, he did so. And Daniel and his friends had a clear opportunity to " accept release ' by worshiping false gods. Det finns mängder av bevis för att Bibeln är Guds inspirerade ord. Daniel and his companions clearly had the opportunity to "accept release " by compromising their integrity. There are countless evidence that the Bible is God's inspired Word. De flesta äldstebröder i vår tid " står framför " församlingen och leder möten. Evidence abounds that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Most elders today are "standing before the congregation " and conducting meetings. Att vi hoppas på Jehova kan hjälpa oss att klara av nedstämdhet och missmod och komma " upp ur en dånande grop, ur slam och dy ." Today, most elders stand before the congregation and conduct meetings. Our hope in Jehovah can help us to cope with discouragement and discouragement and "come up out of a furnace, out of the eyes and of the flame. " Han satt i husarrest i flera år och kunde inte fortsätta sin missionärstjänst. Hoping in Jehovah can help us cope with depression and come "out of a roaring pit, out of the mire of the sediment. " He was arrested for several years and was unable to continue his missionary assignment. Klasskompisarna frågade ofta om hon fortfarande var oskuld, och då fick hon möjlighet att förklara varför hon hade bestämt sig för att vänta med sex. For years, he was under house arrest, unable to continue his missionary travels. The city officials often asked whether she was still a virgin, and she was given an opportunity to explain why she had decided to wait sex. Så småningom började hon förstå hur Jehova såg på saken. That gave her the opportunity to explain why she would not engage in sex. Eventually, she began to understand Jehovah's view of matters. Principerna i hans ord kan hjälpa oss att fatta förståndiga beslut när det gäller sjukvård och andra frågor. She also weighed the potential emotional damage to little ones who during their formative years are separated from their parents. The principles found in God's Word can help us to make wise decisions regarding health care and other matters. 10, 11. The principles found in his Word may aid us in making wise decisions about treatment and other matters. 10, 11. Eftersom den här mannen förmodligen var jude, behövde han inte någon förklaring angående paradiset. 10, 11. Since this man was probably a Jew, he did not need any explanation about Paradise. Petrus ställde inte en fråga. Since this man evidently was a Jew, he needed no explanation about Paradise. Peter did not ask a question. ' Varje dag kastar världen av någon som alldeles nyss satt på toppen. ' " Peter was not asking a question. " Every day the world is throwing off like a new era. ' " Och det kan vi göra oavsett om vi har mycket eller lite. " Every day the world turns over on someone who was just sitting on top of it. ' " We can do so whether we have much or little. Men att hoppas på en belöning är inte orätt eller själviskt. This is certainly a fine way to express love for Jehovah, whether we have much or little materially. But hope in a reward is not bad or selfish. När jag kommer hem på kvällen känner jag mig glad och uppmuntrad, oavsett hur trött jag är. " Still, keeping close in our heart the hope of a reward is not improper or selfish. When I come home in the evening, I feel happy and encouraged, no matter how tired I am. " (Läs 2 Krönikeboken 30: 1, 4, 5.) (Read 2 Chronicles 30: 1, 4, 5.) (Read 2 Chronicles 30: 1, 4, 5.) I Andra Krönikeboken 31: 1 läser vi: " Så snart de var färdiga med allt detta... bröt [de] sönder de heliga stoderna och högg ner de heliga pålarna och rev ner offerhöjderna och altarna. " From 2 Chronicles 31: 1, we learn: "As soon as they finished all this,... they proceeded to break up the sacred pillars and cut down the sacred poles and pull down the high places and the altars. " At other Chronicles 31: 1, we read: "As soon as they finished all these things,... they broke down the holy ones and cut down the sacred pillars and cut down the sacred places and burned down the high places and altars. " Även om Adam och Eva inte följde Guds vägledning, var det många andra som fullgjorde sina uppdrag från Gud. Although Adam and Eve failed to perform the assignment they were given, others did as God directed. Although Adam and Eve did not obey God's guidance, many others were carrying out their divine commission. Jehovas folk är heligt och tjänar honom med glädje därför att de blir undervisade av honom och återspeglar hans egenskaper. God's people are holy and joyful because they reflect the qualities of the One who instructs them. - Lev. 11: 44; 1 Tim. 1: 11. Jehovah's people are holy and serve him with joy because they learn from him and reflect his qualities. Vad har religiösa ledare gjort, och vad har följden blivit? What have religious leaders done, and with what result? What have religious leaders done, and with what result? Vem kan förneka att denna skara har blivit " väldig på jorden "? Who can deny that his people have become "mighty in the earth "? Who can deny that this group has become "great on the earth "? Nikodemos och Josef från Arimatea ville inte öppet visa att de var intresserade av det Jesus lärde. Orsaken var att de var rädda för vad andra judar skulle säga eller göra om det blev känt. Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea kept their interest in Jesus secret because they were afraid of what other Jews might say or do if they found out. Nicodemus and Joseph of righteousness did not openly suggest that they were interested in what Jesus taught; they were afraid of what other Jews would say or did. När Akans synd avslöjades visade han att han insåg det allvarliga i det han hade gjort, för han sade: " Jag har syndat mot Jehova. " When his sin was exposed, Achan showed that he realized the seriousness of what he had done, for he said: "I have sinned against Jehovah. " When Achan's sin was caught, he realized the serious things he had done, for he said: "I have sinned against Jehovah. " Det är livsviktigt! It means our very life! - Prov. It is vital! Den här artikeln visar att vi har den tryggaste boningen som finns - vår Gud, Jehova. This article shows how we have the most secure dwelling possible - Jehovah our God. This article shows that we have the most secure dwelling place - our God, Jehovah. Hon kanske säger att om hon var med och vägrade att ta del i en viss handling, skulle det kunna bli pinsamt för honom och att det därför skulle vara bäst för honom om hon inte var med. She may mention that if she attended and refused to share in some act, it might cause him embarrassment, so in that sense her not attending might be best for him. She may say that if she was present and refused to share in a certain act, it could be ashamed of him and thus be best for him if she was not present. När vi lär andra att " hålla allt ," vilka bud innefattas då i detta? Teaching others to " observe all things ' includes teaching them what commands? When we teach others to "keep all things, " what commandments are involved in this? Han skapade oss till sin avbild med samma förmåga att älska. He created man in his image with the ability to love. He created us in his image with the same ability to love. Hans ögon " sveper... över hela jorden, för att han skall kunna visa sin styrka till nytta för dem som med odelat hjärta håller sig till honom ." God's "eyes are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him. " - 2 Chron. 16: 9. His eyes "are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him. " Så fort de kom fram byggde de ett altare där templet hade stått, och de frambar offer till Jehova varje dag. The first thing they did upon arriving was set up an altar on the site of the former temple, and they began to offer daily sacrifices to Jehovah. As soon as they arrived, they built an altar where the temple had stood, and they offered sacrifices to Jehovah every day. Till sist får vi se våra " motståndare falla " när de drabbas av ett förödmjukande nederlag. Then, at last, we will " look on our adversaries ' as they go down in humiliating defeat. Finally, we "see our opposers " when they suffer a humiliating defeat. Men Gud har genom Bibeln och i naturen uppenbarat tillräckligt med kunskap för att de som söker sanningen skall kunna få en tro som är grundad på bevis, oavsett vid vilken tid de lever. But God has " made manifest ' enough knowledge through the Scriptures and in nature to enable truth - seekers living in any era to acquire faith that is based on evidence. - Romans 1: 19, 20; Hebrews 11: 1, 3. However, God has revealed in the Bible and in nature enough knowledge so that those who seek the truth will have faith based on evidence, regardless of their time. Hans svar visar vikten av en speciell anvisning som Jesus innefattade i uppdraget att göra lärjungar. In its own way, this comment illustrates the importance of a specific instruction that Jesus included in his commission to make disciples. His answer reveals the importance of a specific instruction that Jesus included in carrying out his commission to make disciples. [ Bild på sidan 25] [ Picture on page 25] [ Picture on page 25] Han uppmanar dig faktiskt att anropa honom. In fact, he invites you to call on him. In fact, he urges you to call on him. Känner du att det här är något du behöver arbeta på? Do you need to give this matter more attention? Do you feel that this is something you need to work at? för 8 september 1990, sidorna 15 och 16. of September 8, 1990, pages 15 - 16. of September 8, 1990, pages 15 and 16. Jesus sade: " Du skall älska din nästa som dig själv. " Jesus said: "You must love your neighbor as yourself. " Jesus said: "You must love your neighbor as yourself. " Varför bör vi inte dra slutsatsen att till synes obesvarade böner är ett bevis för att Gud inte ger sitt godkännande? Why should we not conclude that seemingly unanswered prayers are evidence of God's disapproval? Why should we not conclude that seemingly unanswered prayers are evidence that God does not approve of his approval? ÖKNING AV ANTALET FÖRKUNNARE UNDER DET SENASTE ÅRET PUBLISHER INCREASE IN JESUS ' day, IN JESUS ' fall, we must continue to preach the good news of God's Kingdom. (Läs 2 Korinthierna 6: 11 - 13.) (Read 2 Corinthians 6: 11 - 13.) (Read 2 Corinthians 6: 11 - 13.) Det tillkommer inte den man som vandrar att själv styra sina steg. " It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. " It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. " Men det får inte vara som när man pluggar inför ett prov i skolan. As you do that, remember that study of the Bible is not a mere academic exercise. However, it should not be like studying a test at school. 14, 15. 14, 15. 14, 15. 6, 7. 6, 7. 6, 7. Jehova är " den lycklige Guden ," och han vill att hans tjänare skall vara lyckliga. Jehovah is "the happy God, " who wants his servants to be happy. Jehovah is "the happy God, " and he wants his servants to be happy. Likt smugglare arbetar de i smyg och för in avfälliga tankar i församlingen på ett utstuderat sätt. Like smugglers, they operate in a clandestine manner, subtly introducing apostate views. Like those in secret, they work in secret and in apostate thoughts in the congregation. När vår kunskap om sanningen ökar och vår uppfattningsförmåga förbättras, kommer vi att urskilja andra faktorer som måste tas med i beräkningen. As we grow in knowledge of the truth and our perceptive powers improve, we come to discern other criteria that must be considered. As our knowledge of truth grows and our perceptive powers, we will discern other factors that must be taken into consideration. Är du villig att pröva något nytt? Are you willing to try something new? Are you willing to try something new? (Se också Lukas 12: 45.) (See also Luke 12: 45.) (See also Luke 12: 45.) " Närma er Gud, så skall han närma sig er. " " Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. " - JAS. 4: 8. " Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. " - JAS. De skall springa och inte bli utmattade; de skall vandra och inte bli trötta. " They will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not tire out. " They will run and not be exhausted; they will walk, and they will not get tired. " Många bibelöversättningar återger den här versen ungefär så här: " På tredje dagen var det bröllop i Kana. " Many Bible versions render that verse something like this: "There was a wedding in Cana. " Many Bible translations render this verse about this verse: "In the third day it was wedding in Cana. " Genom att Guds tjänare bevarar sig rättfärdiga även under prövning kan de vara övertygade om att de kommer att få ändlöst liv. Instead, the fruitage of this righteous work will " stand forever. ' By keeping righteous even under trial, God's servants can be confident that they will have endless life. Svar på bibliska frågor: Scriptural Questions Answered: Scriptural Questions Answered: I stället sade han till henne: " Dotter, din tro har gjort dig frisk. Rather, he said to her: "Daughter, your faith has made you well. Instead, he told her: "The cords of your faith have made you well. * Vi kan ha nytta av att undersöka det som sägs i de här kapitlen, för många av de profetior som finns där får sin största, slutliga, uppfyllelse i vår tid eller kommer att få det i en nära framtid. * We stand to benefit from considering what is stated in these chapters because many of the prophecies in this section are having their major, or final, fulfillment in our day or will be fulfilled in the near future. * We can benefit from considering what is stated in these chapters, for many of the prophecies that exist there will be their greatest, final fulfillment in our day, or it will be in the near future. a) Hur framstår Jehova i skarp kontrast till Satan? (a) How does Jehovah stand out in stark contrast with Satan? (a) How does Jehovah stand in sharp contrast with Satan? Vi uppmanas att " göra det mera helt och fullt ." We are exhorted to "keep on doing it more fully. " We are urged to "do so more fully. " Som förkunnare av Guds kungarike bör vi alla vårda oss om privilegiet vi har att få sprida ett uppfriskande budskap som ger andra ny styrka. As Kingdom proclaimers, all of us should cherish our privilege of bringing true refreshment to others. As Kingdom proclaimers, all of us should cherish our privilege of bringing true refreshment to others. Om du ställs inför en sådan prövning kan du be Jehova om vishet och självbehärskning att stå emot. Should you ever face such a test, ask Jehovah to give you the wisdom and self - control to resist. If you face such a trial, ask Jehovah for wisdom and self - control to resist. Hur drar han inte undan den från mig! How he removes it from me! How he does not withdraw it from me! Betydde jag ingenting för honom? Var det därför han ignorerade mig? I felt that I was being punished or ignored because I wasn't important. Did I not mean that he ignored me? • Hur kan vi efterlikna Jehova när vi tar itu med svårigheter och problem? • When coping with adversities, how can we imitate Jehovah? • How can we imitate Jehovah in dealing with adversities? RÅD TILL DEN VISE COUNSEL TO THE WISE 3: 1 - 3; 2 Tim. 1: 1 - 4. Efter att ha varit 40 år i vildmarken var israeliterna redo att dra in i det utlovade landet. After spending 40 years in the wilderness, the Israelites got ready to enter the Promised Land. After 40 years in the wilderness, the Israelites were ready to enter the Promised Land. Detta predikande är ytterligare en handling som innebär att ge. Such preaching is a further act of giving. This ministry is another act that involves giving. a) Vilken grund till förtröstan har Jehovas folk? (a) What reason for confidence do Jehovah's people have? (a) What basis for trust do Jehovah's people have? Så småningom, om förhållandena är gynnsamma, får han se hur det börjar spira ur jorden. After sowing the seed, he needs to wait for it to sprout and grow. Eventually, when conditions are favorable, he sees how it begins from the earth. De fruktade inte för det som Satan, Djävulen, kunde göra, för de visste att Jehova aldrig skulle överge dem som var lojala mot honom. They did not succumb to fear of what Satan the Devil could do, for they knew that Jehovah would never abandon those who proved loyal to Him. They did not fear what Satan the Devil could do, for they knew that Jehovah would never abandon those loyal to him. Om vi låter felaktiga begär utvecklas i vårt hjärta, kanske vi börjar älska det onda och hata det goda. If we allow our heart to nurture wrong desires, we may find ourselves loving what is bad and hating what is good. If we allow wrong desires to develop in our heart, we may begin to love what is bad and hate what is good. Vi vet att det här angreppet på Guds folk ska komma, men det gör oss inte överdrivet oroliga. Knowing in advance about this attack on God's people does not make us overly anxious. We know that this attack on God's people will come, but this does not become unduly anxious. Vi kommer inte att vara för upptagna för att regelbundet läsa hans ord, Bibeln. We will not be too busy to read his Word, the Bible, regularly. We will not be too busy to read his Word, the Bible. SÅNGER: 61, 52 SONGS TO BE USED: 61, 52 SONGS: 61, 52 Paulus skrev till sina smorda medkristna: " Han [Jehova] har befriat oss från mörkrets myndighet och överfört oss till sin älskade Sons kungarike; med hjälp av honom har vi vår frigörelse genom en lösen, våra synders förlåtelse. " Writing to fellow anointed Christians, Paul stated: "[Jehovah] rescued us from the authority of the darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved Son, by means of whom we have our release by ransom, the forgiveness of our sins. " Paul wrote to his anointed fellow Christians: "He delivered us from the authority of the darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved Son; by means of him we have our release by ransom, the forgiveness of our sins. " En broder som heter Mike visade att han älskade Jehova och litade på honom. A Christian named Mike showed such love and trust. A brother named Israelites showed his love for Jehovah and trusted in him. Jakob skrev: " Varje god gåva och varje fullkomlig skänk är från ovan, ty den kommer ner från himlaljusens Fader. " James wrote: "Every good gift and every perfect present is from above, for it comes down from the Father of the celestial lights. " James wrote: "Every good gift and every perfect present is from above, for it comes down from the Father of the celestial lights. " Den slutsatsen är helt fel. However, such a conclusion is unthinkable! That conclusion is quite wrong. Den här framtidsutsikten får vi veta mer om i Sakarjas nästa syn. Zechariah's next vision guarantees this bright hope. This prospect is revealed in the next vision of Zechariah. En sådan kvinna var Abigajil, hustru till den rike israelitiske jordägaren Nabal. One such woman was Abigail, wife of the wealthy Israelite landowner Nabal. Such a woman was Abigail, the wife of the rich Israelite land of Nabal. Aposteln Paulus sade: " Låt oss..., så länge vi har gynnsam tid till det, göra gott mot alla, men särskilt mot dem som är besläktade med oss i tron. " " As long as we have time favorable for it, " said the apostle Paul, "let us work what is good toward all, but especially toward those related to us in the faith. " The apostle Paul said: "As long as we have time favorable for it, let us work what is good toward all, but especially toward those related to us in the faith. " Jehovas tjänare behöver inte längre ge tionde. Servants of Jehovah no longer need to tithe. Jehovah's servants no longer need to give tithing. Vad visar att Jehova betraktade den plats som han hade valt att bli tillbedd på som helig, och hur visade Jesus samma inställning? What indicates that Jehovah held as sacred the place he chose for his worship, and how did Jesus show that he too did so? What shows that Jehovah viewed the place that he chose to be worshipped sacred, and how did Jesus display the same attitude? 2, 3. a) Vilket tänkesätt behöver kristna ungdomar undvika? 2, 3. (a) Christian youths should be careful to avoid what? 2, 3. (a) What thinking do Christian youths need to avoid? Om en broder rekommenderas av äldstekretsen försöker kretstillsyningsmannen lära känna honom, och även hans familj, och samarbeta med honom i tjänsten om så är möjligt. The circuit overseer tries to get to know the men who are recommended and to work with them in the field service if possible. He also observes the family of the brother under consideration. If a brother is recommended by the body of elders, the circuit overseer tries to get to know him, as well as his family, cooperate with him in the ministry. Där frambar han värdet av sitt utgjutna blod till Gud. Det skulle användas till nytta för hans sanna efterföljare, som utövar tro på hans lösenoffer. There he offered to God the value of his shed blood, to be used in behalf of his true followers, who exercise faith in the value of his ransom sacrifice. There he presented the value of his shed blood to God, which would be used for the benefit of his true followers, who exercise faith in his ransom sacrifice. Jehovas vittnen är allmänt kända för sin politiska neutralitet. Jehovah's Witnesses are well - known for their political neutrality. Jehovah's Witnesses are widely known for their political neutrality. Både mannen och hustrun bör därför ha en verklig önskan att få äktenskapet att lyckas. Therefore, both husband and wife should have a genuine desire to make the marriage work. Hence, both husband and wife should have a real desire to make their marriage succeed. Det är fullt naturligt att både bruden och brudgummen vill ha på sig något extra fint på sitt bröllop. It is understandable that both bride and groom want to be well - dressed for their wedding. It is naturally natural for both the bride and groom to want to have a extra share in their wedding. Tar vi emot deras bibliska råd och är snabba att tillämpa dem i stället för att ta anstöt och bli bittra? Do we promptly take to heart their Scripturally based counsel and avoid falling into the trap of resentment? Do we accept their Scriptural counsel and are quick to apply them rather than be stumbled and become bitter? Långt innan Abrahams avkomlingar intog det utlovade landet var Melkisedek kung i Salem och tjänade som " präst åt Gud den Högste ." Because long before any descendants of Abraham inherited the Promised Land, Melchizedek, the king of Salem, served as "priest of the Most High God. " Long before Abraham's descendants took possession of the Promised Land, king was "a priest of the Most High God. " Vad kan du göra för att bygga upp din förtröstan på Jehova och komma närmare honom? What activities will help you to build trust in Jehovah and strengthen your relationship with him? What can you do to build trust in Jehovah and draw closer to him? Och det är genom den anden som vi kan få hjälp att inte tröttna i dessa sista dagar. Through that spirit, we receive continuous help not to tire out in these last days. - Isa. 40: 29 - 31. And it is by means of the spirit that we can help not to tire out in these last days. De vet att de behöver vägledning, så de ber Jehova om hjälp att hitta någon som de kan bli lyckliga med. (Läs 1 Korinthierna 7: 36.) Conscious of the need for guidance, they ask Jehovah for help to find a suitable mate. - Read 1 Corinthians 7: 36. They know that they need guidance, so they ask Jehovah for help to find a happy person. - Read 1 Corinthians 7: 36. Sanningarna vi lär oss från Bibeln skyddar oss från andliga skador som vi kan få av falska läror. Similarly, the truths we learn from God's Word protect us from the spiritual harm that false teachings cause. Bible teachings protect us from spiritual harm that we can gain from false teachings. För det första därför att Guds ord uppmanar oss till det, och vi litar på att Jehova alltid har vårt bästa för ögonen. First, because God's Word directs us to do so, and we trust that Jehovah always has our best interests at heart. - Isaiah 48: 17, 18. First, because God's Word urges us to do so, we trust that Jehovah always has our best interests at heart. Som en detaljerad profetisk redogörelse, där varje person, föremål och händelse har en symbolisk innebörd? As a detailed prophetic allegory, with a symbolic meaning applied to every person, object, and event? As a detailed account, where does each person, object, and event have a symbolic meaning? MANNEN var närmare tre meter lång. THE man stood well over nine feet [almost 3 meters] tall. THE m) was nearly three feet m] long. Därför att han hade " blicken stadigt riktad mot utbetalningen av lönen ." Because he "looked intently toward the payment of the reward. " Because he "looked intently toward the payment of the reward. " Jesu liknelse om den medmänsklige samariern är ett bra exempel på en som " handlade barmhärtigt " mot en person i nöd. Jesus ' illustration of the neighborly Samaritan provides a fine example of an individual who "acted mercifully " toward a person in need. - Luke 10: 29 - 37. Jesus ' parable of the neighborly Samaritan provides an excellent example of one who acted " mercifully " toward a person in need. Vilken egenskap behöver de som gör lärjungar först och främst ha? What is the key quality needed by disciple makers? What quality do disciple - makers need first and foremost? GUDS ord har förutsagt att " ändens tid " skulle kännetecknas av krig, jordbävningar, hungersnöd och farsoter. GOD'S Word foretold that "the time of the end " would be marked by wars, earthquakes, famines, and pestilences. GOD'S words foretold that "the time of the end " would be marked by wars, earthquakes, famine, and famine. Jesus sade: " Min mat är att jag skall göra hans vilja som har sänt mig och fullborda hans verk. " Jesus stated: "My food is for me to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work. " Jesus said: "My food is for me to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work. " Artaxerxes gick med på Nehemjas begäran. Artaxerxes granted Nehemiah's request. Artaxerxes went with Nehemiah's request. Och en del tycker att det är rena terapin att vara ute i tjänsten. Some even view their participation in the ministry as therapy. Some may feel that it is clean to share in the ministry. Vår kärlek till Guds ord kommer att hjälpa oss att förbli trogna mot Jehova. Our fondness for God's word will help us to remain faithful to Jehovah. Our love for God's Word will help us to remain faithful to Jehovah. Mose förstod att det var ett " gott land " Moses realized that it was a "good land " Moses realized that it was a "good land " " Bevara fullständigt er besinning " " Keep Your Senses Completely " " Keep Your senses " • Vilken sida av Guds kungarikes tillväxt framhålls i liknelsen om dragnätet? • What aspect of Kingdom growth is pointed out in the illustration of the dragnet? • What aspect of Kingdom growth is highlighted in the illustration of the dragnet? Vakten frågade då: " Vad behöver jag göra för att bli räddad? " The distressed jailer asked: "What must I do to get saved? " The guards asked, "What must I do to gain salvation? " Hur kan du uppmuntra människor att berätta vad de anser om Guds ord? How can you encourage people to tell you how they feel about God's Word? How can you encourage people to express their feelings about God's Word? Knappast. That is not likely! Hardly. Tack vare den fostran han hade fått av sina riktiga föräldrar tidigt i livet kände han förmodligen till vad Jehova hade lovat hans förfäder Abraham, Isak och Jakob. Because of the training that he received from his real parents early in life, Moses likely knew what Jehovah had promised his ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Because of his fatherly parents early in life, he likely knew what Jehovah had promised Abraham Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Vilken hjälp ger vår kärleksfulle Far då? What help does our loving Father then provide? What help does our loving Father provide? Vad är den främsta orsaken till att Gud tillåter att hans folk får utstå förföljelse? What is the foremost reason that God permits his people to suffer persecution? What is the foremost reason why God permits persecution to come upon his people? Vi skulle kunna säga så här: " Tänk dig att du har ett barn som börjar bete sig väldigt illa. We could say something like this: "Imagine that your child has become very rebellious and is doing many bad things. We might say: " Imagine that you have a child who starts to abuse. Jehova är den som får det att växa på jorden så att vi kan få bröd, olja och vin till föda. Indeed, Jehovah makes crops grow to yield grain, oil, and wine for our sustenance. Jehovah is the one who makes it grow on earth so that we can obtain bread, oil, and wine to food. [ Bild på sidan 23] [ Picture on page 23] [ Picture on page 23] Hur var det då om han var så fattig att han inte ens hade råd med två duvor? But what if an Israelite was so poor that he could not even afford two pigeons? What if he was so poor that he did not even have counsel with two doves? Det är därför möjligt att det bara var mellan 40 och 50 år kvar till översvämningen när Noa fick uppdraget att bygga arken. It is possible, therefore, that when Noah received the commission to build the ark, only 40 or 50 years remained before the Flood. It is possible, then, that only 40 years remain in the Flood when Noah was commissioned to build the ark. Den generation som ser tecknet The Generation Seeing the Sign The generation Who See the sign Den som sprider illasinnade lögner är ute efter att skada andra. Syftet är att orsaka dem lidande eller göra dem modfällda. A malicious lie is told with a view to harming someone; its purpose is to make the person suffer in some way or experience distress. The one who spread bad lies is trying to harm others; the objective is to cause them suffering or to discourage them. Men Noa hade ingen del i Nimrods uppror. Noah, however, had no part in Nimrod's rebellion. However, Noah had no part in Nimrod's rebellion. Vilket meningslöst och onyttigt levnadssätt! What a profitless way of life! - Psalm 37: 35, 36; 49: 16, 17. What a meaningless and unable way of life! Hur kan vi finna verklig mening med livet? How can we find true purpose in life? How can we find true purpose in life? Vi känner inte till dagen eller timmen. We do not know the day or the hour. We do not know the day or the hour. Jehova belönade Rahab på flera sätt. Jehovah rewarded Rahab in a number of ways. Jehovah rewarded Rahab in a number of ways. Hade du resonerat som så att det skulle finnas många tillfällen under året att hålla sabbaten och att det var lätt att förlåta mannen för att han missade det här tillfället, kanske på grund av att han planerat fel? Would you have pointed out that there would be many occasions throughout the year to observe the Sabbath and that one missed opportunity, perhaps because of the man's failure to plan ahead, could easily be forgiven? Have you reasoned that there would be many occasions during the year to keep the Sabbath and that it was easy to forgive the man to miss this opportunity, perhaps because of his making the wrong decision? Vi lever i mycket svåra tider. We live in a time of great adversities. We live in very difficult times. Vi kommer att se att de smulas sönder när de granskas i Bibelns ljus. We will find that these crumble when tested in the light of the Scriptures. We will see that they are torn to pieces when they are examined in the light of the Bible. • Varför måste de kristna vara goda exempel i kärlek och tro? • Why are Christians to be exemplary in love and faith? • Why must Christians be exemplary in love and faith? Jehova - " den lycklige Guden " Jehovah - "The Happy God " Jehovah - "The Happy God " a) Vilka instruktioner gav Jehova israeliterna i nisan 1513? (a) What instructions did Jehovah give the Israelites in the month of Nisan 1513 B.C.E.? (a) What instructions did Jehovah give the Israelites in Nisan 1513 B.C.E.? Det råder inget tvivel om att Jehova och Jesus finner tillfredsställelse i att arbeta. There is no doubt that Jehovah and Jesus derive satisfaction from work. There is no doubt that Jehovah and Jesus find satisfaction in working. Överflödande omtänksamhet under Guds kungarikes styre Under God's Kingdom Kindness Will Prevail Kindness Under Kingdom Rule En metod som ofta rekommenderas är nästan som en lek. One method that is often recommended is like a game. A method often recommended is almost like a game. Psalm 110 är profetisk och pekar fram emot Messias styre. Psalm 110 is prophetic of the Messiah's rulership. Psalm 110 is prophetic and points to the Messiah's rulership. När vi gör en insats för att hjälpa våra bröder och systrar ger det oss stor glädje. Working in behalf of our brothers is rewarding. When we engage in such activities as helping our brothers and sisters, that brings us great joy. (Se paragraf 10, 11.) (See paragraphs 10, 11) (See paragraphs 10, 11) Kungen i Salem och kungen i Sodom kom ut för att möta Abraham. The kings of Salem and Sodom came out to meet Abraham. The king of Sodom and the king of Sodom came out to meet Abraham. Hoppet att få återse nära och kära som har dött. The hope of seeing dead loved ones again. The hope of seeing nearly loved ones who have died. Så faller staden. Swiftly the city falls. So fall into the city. Och vem vet om det inte är för en tid som denna som du har uppnått kunglig värdighet. " But who knows whether it is for a time like this that you attained royal dignity? ' And who knows if it is not for a time that you have achieved royal dignity. " © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Det betyder att Jehovas normer för vad som är rätt och fel måste få företräde framför människors normer. This means putting Jehovah's standard of what is right and what is wrong ahead of human norms. It means that Jehovah's standards of right and wrong must yield to human standards. Eftersom vi är ofullkomliga kan vi inte alltid avgöra vad som är bäst för oss. Vi kan inte styra våra steg. Because of our imperfect nature, we humans do not have the full ability to determine what is truly beneficial for us to guide our steps perfectly. Being imperfect, we cannot always determine what is best for us; we cannot direct our steps. Med ett sådant nät kan man fånga stora mängder " fisk av varje slag ," och på samma sätt drar vårt predikoarbete till sig miljontals människor av alla slag. Just as such a net indiscriminately catches large numbers of "fish of every kind, " our preaching work attracts millions of people of all kinds. With such a nets, we can catch a large number of " fish of every sort, " and in like manner our preaching work attracts millions of forms of people of all sorts. Hur bör de äldste ta hand om dem som blivit andligt sjuka? How should elders care for spiritually ailing ones? How should elders care for those who become spiritually sick? Det är på liknande sätt med Guds vägledning i fråga om blodet. It is similar with God's guidance about blood. Similarly, God's guidance on blood is involved. Ta ett enkelt löv som exempel. Consider a simple leaf. Take a simple car as an example. Därför använde Jehova många profeter på Ahabs och Isebels tid för att varna sitt folk för följderna av att tillbe Baal. As evidence of this, Jehovah used many prophets in the days of Ahab and Jezebel to warn His people of the consequences of Baal worship. Thus, Jehovah used many prophets of Ahab and Jezebel to warn his people about the consequences of worshipping Baal. 7, 8. a) Vilka faror var de första kristna utsatta för? 7, 8. (a) With what dangers did early Christians have to contend? 7, 8. (a) What dangers did first - century Christians face? Paulus fick den särskilda förmånen att vara " en apostel för nationerna ." Paul received a special privilege as "an apostle to the nations. " Paul was privileged to be "an apostle to the nations. " En del unga Guds tjänare har tråkigt nog slutat att vara på sin vakt och inte brytt sig om att den här världen bara har en kort tid kvar. Sadly, some young servants of God have let their guard down and have allowed themselves to lose sight of how short a time this world has. Sadly, some young servants of God have strayed from keeping their guard and not being concerned that this world has just a short period of time left. Hur skulle man någonsin kunna jämföra tjänst inför farao med äran att få tjäna den Allsmäktige? After all, what was serving Pharaoh compared with serving Almighty God? How could we ever compare serving Pharaoh with the honor of serving the Almighty? När vi tar ett steg för att närma oss Jehova, så tar han ett steg för att närma sig oss. This interaction, frequently repeated, progressively strengthens our relationship with Jehovah. As we take steps to draw close to Jehovah, he takes steps to draw close to us. Vi måste söka honom, " känna... [oss] för efter honom och faktiskt finna honom, fastän han i själva verket inte är långt borta från någon enda av oss ." We must seek him, "grope for him and really find him, although, in fact, he is not far off from each one of us. " We need to seek him, "to know us for him and really find him, although he is not far off from each one of us. " Vad kan få oss att glida bort från Jehova, och vad skulle det kunna leda till? What could cause us to drift away from Jehovah, and with what consequences? What can cause us to drift away from Jehovah, and with what possible result? 12: 23 - Hur " täcker [man] över sin kunskap "? 12: 23 - How does one " cover knowledge '? 12: 23 - How does "a man cover over his knowledge "? Dop grundat på sådan tro är det som motsvarar att " åtta själar... tryggt blev burna igenom vattnet ." Baptism founded on such faith is what corresponds to " eight souls being safely carried through the water. ' Baptism is based on such faith, as it were, " eight souls were safe through the water. ' Hur visade somliga under det första århundradet en dålig inställning, och vad kan ha varit orsaken till det? The younger son returned home after he quit his profligate life. How did some in the first century manifest a bad attitude, and what may have been the cause? Den yngre sonen återvände hem sedan han upphört med sitt utsvävande liv. * The younger son returned home after he stopped his life course. * Perhaps because you know that when we manifest zeal for our ministry and do things in keeping with God's will, we honor Jehovah and may help others to gain salvation. * Kanske beror det på att du vet att din iver och entusiasm för tjänsten och ditt goda uppförande ärar Jehova och hjälper andra att vinna evigt liv. Then came this frank admission: "Notwithstanding all these exhortations of the Scriptures the perversity of human nature seems to be such that those who become the Lord's people and who engage to run in this way seem to find more trouble, more to contend against, in this matter than in any other. " Perhaps you know that your zeal and zeal for the ministry and your good conduct honors Jehovah and helps others to gain everlasting life. Sedan följde detta uppriktiga erkännande: " Trots alla dessa råd i Skrifterna synes ondskan hos den mänskliga naturen vara sådan att de som blir en del av Herrens folk och lovar att följa honom tycks få större problem, få mer att kämpa mot, i fråga om detta än i fråga om något annat. " By raising up over His servants on earth "one shepherd " - Jesus Christ - Jehovah gave a precious gift to the Christian congregation. Then followed this sincere recognition: "In spite of all these counsel in the Scriptures, badness of the human nature is such as those who become part of the Lord's people, and promises to follow him are getting greater problems, to fight more to fight against this matter than there is in this regard. " Genom att sätta sin ende " herde ," Jesus Kristus, över sina tjänare på jorden gav Jehova en dyrbar gåva till den kristna församlingen. ● If I have a relapse, I'll feel that I'm a failure. By putting his only " Shepherd, " Jesus Christ, on earth, Jehovah gave a precious gift to the Christian congregation. ● Ett återfall skulle få mig att känna mig värdelös. Therefore, a Christian will avoid looking at pornography or listening to music with immoral lyrics. ● I would feel worthless. Så vi tittar inte på pornografi, och vi undviker att lyssna på musik med omoraliska texter. As we do, we too will be able to express sentiments like those of the psalmist who wrote: "Truly God has heard; he has paid attention to the voice of my prayer. " - Psalm 10: 17; 66: 19. So we avoid viewing pornography, and we avoid listening to music with immoral words. När vi gör det kommer vi att kunna ge uttryck åt samma känsla som psalmisten, som skrev: " Sannerligen, Gud har hört mig, han har gett akt på min bön. " What did Jehovah foretell through Jeremiah concerning a new covenant? As we do so, we will be able to express the sense of the psalmist who wrote: "Truly God has heard me, he has observed my prayer. " Vad förutsade Jehova genom Jeremia? The Bible assures us that humans are far from insignificant in Jehovah's eyes. What did Jehovah foretell through Jeremiah? Bibeln försäkrar oss om att människor är långt ifrån obetydliga i Guds ögon. Learn what the rebellion against God in Eden has meant for men and women. The Bible assures us that humans are far from insignificant in God's eyes. Den här artikeln behandlar vilka konsekvenser upproret i Eden har fått för män och kvinnor. After I told the sister what had happened and how I felt, she asked me to read 1 Corinthians 13: 4 - 7. This article discusses the consequences of the rebellion in Eden that led to men and women. Jag berättade för systern vad som hade hänt och hur jag kände det, och då bad hon mig läsa 1 Korinthierna 13: 4 - 7. In the past, what was our understanding of the timing of the great tribulation? For a number of years, we thought that the great tribulation began in 1914 with World War I and that "those days were cut short " by Jehovah in 1918 when the war ended so that the remnant would have the opportunity to preach the good news to all nations. I told the sister what had happened and how I felt, and then she asked me to read 1 Corinthians 13: 4 - 7. Under många år trodde vi att den stora vedermödan började 1914 med första världskriget och att " den tiden förkortades " av Jehova 1918 när kriget tog slut, så att kvarlevan skulle få möjlighet att predika de goda nyheterna för alla nationerna. In the 19th century, naturalist H. For years, we thought that the great tribulation began in 1914 with World War I and that "the time was cut short " by Jehovah when the war ended so that the remnant would have the opportunity to preach the good news to all the nations. På 1800 - talet noterade naturforskaren H. To become reconciled to God, people must first be convinced that Jehovah exists and that there are good reasons for drawing close to him. In the 19th century the natural nature of nature. För att människor ska kunna bli försonade med Gud måste de först bli övertygade om att han existerar och att det finns goda skäl att bygga upp ett nära förhållande till honom. 1, 2. (a) What important assignment did Solomon receive? For humans to become reconciled to God, they must first be convinced that he exists and that there is good reason to build a close relationship with him. 1, 2. a) Vilket viktigt uppdrag fick Salomo? 2: 9 - What frame of mind might Job's wife have been in when she told her husband to curse God and die? 1, 2. (a) What important assignment did Solomon receive? 2: 9 - Vilken sinnesstämning kan Jobs hustru ha befunnit sig i när hon sade till sin man att förbanna Gud och dö? (Read.) 2: 9 - What feeling can Job's wife have in mind when she told her husband to curse God and die? (Läs.) Why is it reassuring to know that our Creator and his firstborn Son have power over natural forces? (Read.) Varför är det uppmuntrande att tänka på att Jehova och Jesus har kontroll över naturkrafterna? Directly after mentioning "the shroud, " Isaiah wrote:" He will swallow up death forever, and the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will wipe away the tears from all faces. " Why is it encouraging to remember that Jehovah and Jesus have control over the forces of nature? Efter att dödens hölje nämnts fortsätter texten: " Han skall uppsluka döden för alltid, och den suveräne Herren Jehova skall torka tårarna från alla ansikten. " they became indignant and said to [Jesus]: " Do you hear what these are saying? ' " - Matthew 21: 15, 16; John 12: 42. After the establishment of death, the text continues: "He will swallow death forever, and the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will wipe out the tears of all faces. " blev de uppbragta och sade till honom [Jesus]: ' Hör du vad dessa säger? ' " 4: 18) All others present will be respectful observers. They were shocked and said to [Jesus]: " Do you hear what these are saying? ' " 4: 18) Men det är ändå viktigt för dem att vara med vid Åminnelsen. Two bulls were to be slaughtered as a sacrifice, one for Jehovah and the other for Baal. 4: 18. Still, being present at the Memorial is vital. Två tjurar skulle slaktas för att frambäras som offer, den ena åt Jehova och den andra åt Baal. For his righteous actions, he seemed to be punished rather than blessed. Two bulls were to be slaughtered for offering sacrifices, one to Jehovah, and the other to Baal. Han var trogen mot Jehova, men ändå verkade det som att han blev straffad för någonting. 5: 5 - In what way was Israel " not to search for Bethel '? Although he remained faithful to Jehovah, it seemed that he was punishing something. 5: 5 - Varför skulle Israel inte " söka Betel "? " The head of every man is the Christ. " - 1 CORINTHIANS 11: 3. 5: 5 - Why were Israel not to "seek Bethel "? " Varje mans huvud är Kristus. " He awakens morning by morning; he awakens my ear to hear like the taught ones. " " The head of every man is the Christ. " - 1 COR. Han väcker morgon efter morgon; han väcker mitt öra till att höra likt dem som har blivit lärda. " Moral Values in Decline He awakens morning by morning; he awakens my ear to hear like those taught. " Respekten för moraliska värderingar minskar When should we pray for holy spirit? Respect for moral values När bör vi be om helig ande? What can Christian elders learn from Jesus ' excellent example in speaking truth? When should we pray for holy spirit? Vad kan kristna äldste lära sig av Jesu enastående exempel i fråga om att tala sanning? Peter said: "Be in fear of God. " What can Christian elders learn from Jesus ' outstanding example in speaking truth? Petrus sade: " Frukta Gud. " Jesus told his disciples: "By this all will know that you are my disciples - if you have love among yourselves. " Peter said: "Fear God. " Så här sa Jesus till sina lärjungar: " Om ni har kärlek till varandra kommer alla att förstå att ni är mina lärjungar. " WHY IS OUR PREACHING URGENT? Jesus told his disciples: "If you have love for one another, all will know that you are my disciples. " VARFÖR ÄR PREDIKOARBETET SÅ ANGELÄGET? ARTICLE 2 WHY IS IT WHAT WHAT IS IT? SIDAN 11 In both of his letters to Timothy, the apostle Paul listed qualities to be pursued, and each time, he mentioned "righteousness " first. ARTICLE 2 I båda sina brev till Timoteus räknar aposteln Paulus upp egenskaper som vi bör jaga efter, och båda gångerna nämner han " rättfärdighet " först. (Read Acts 16: 8 - 10.) In both letters to Timothy, the apostle Paul lists qualities that we should pursue, and both times he mentions "righteousness first. " (Läs Apostlagärningarna 16: 8 - 10.) And in the year of drought he will not become anxious, nor will he leave off from producing fruit. " (Read Acts 16: 8 - 10.) Och i torkans år skall han inte bli orolig och inte upphöra att frambringa frukt. " Christian Subjection And in the drought year he will not become anxious and not stop producing fruit. " Kristet underordnande We might think that would be understandable in the light of all that he had suffered. Christian subjection Med tanke på allt som hade hänt kanske vi tycker att Jobs reaktion var helt naturlig. Jesus responded: "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. " In view of all that had happened, we may feel that Job's reaction was natural. Jesus svarade: " Du skall älska Jehova, din Gud, med hela ditt hjärta och med hela din själ och med hela ditt sinne. " [ Footnote] Jesus answered: "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. " [ Fotnoter] STUDY ARTICLES 4, 5 [ Footnotes] STUDIEARTIKEL 4, 5 SIDORNA 24 - 32 12: 5 - 13. Was It a Problem With a Teaching? STUDY ARTICLES 4, 5 Hade de svårt att godta en viss lärofråga? Through Isaiah, Jehovah said: "This people have come near with their mouth, and they have glorified me merely with their lips, and they have removed their heart itself far away from me. " Were they hard to accept some teaching? Genom Jesaja sade Jehova: " Detta folk har närmat sig med sin mun och de har förhärligat mig blott med sina läppar och de har avlägsnat sitt hjärta långt bort från mig. " The fact that Jesus is the Word, or God's Spokesman, is echoed in what Christ said to his Jewish listeners: "What I teach is not mine, but belongs to him that sent me. Through Isaiah, Jehovah said: "This people have drawn close to their mouth and have glorified me with mere lips and they have removed their heart from me. " Att Jesus är Ordet, Guds talesman, framgår av det han sade till några judiska åhörare: " Vad jag lär ut är inte mitt utan tillhör honom som har sänt mig. Michelle: Of course, it's one thing to notice a situation, but to be moved by it - to have feelings about the situation - is something else altogether. Jesus ' being the Word, God's spokesman, is indicated by what he said to some Jewish listeners: "What I teach is not mine, but belongs to him that sent me. Mikaela: Men bara för att man lägger märke till en situation är det naturligtvis inte säkert att man påverkas känslomässigt av den. Still, no man knows the exact time when the end will come. Michelle: Of course, being aware of a situation is not likely to be influenced emotionally by it. Men ändå vet ingen människa exakt när slutet kommer. God's Word answers: "Let us work what is good toward all, but especially toward those related to us in the faith. " Still, no human knows exactly when the end comes. Han uppmanade också sina medkristna: " Framför allt, ha intensiv kärlek till varandra. " [ Box on page 29] He also urged his fellow Christians: "Above all things, have intense love for one another. " [ Ruta på sidan 29] What can you learn from the account of the widow? [ Box on page 29] Vad kan vi lära oss av berättelsen om änkan? He allowed nothing to sidetrack him. What can we learn from the account of the widow? Han lät sig inte distraheras av något. 14, 15. He did not allow himself to be distracted by anything. 14, 15. While there is no retirement from being a Kingdom proclaimer today, the principle of this law teaches a valuable lesson. 14, 15. Även om en Rikets förkunnare inte kan bli pensionerad från sin tjänst i vår tid, kan vi dra en viktig lärdom av principen i den här lagen. She grew up to be a zealous, dedicated Witness of Jehovah. " Even if a Kingdom publisher cannot hold back from his ministry today, we can learn an important lesson from the principle found in that Law. Hon har överlämnat sig åt Jehova och är mycket verksam i tjänsten. " What will happen if we " throw all our anxiety on Jehovah '? She has dedicated her life to Jehovah and is very active in the ministry. " Vad kommer att hända om vi kastar allt vårt bekymmer på Jehova? The first atoned for sins committed by mistake, or unintentionally. What will happen if we throw all our anxiety on Jehovah? Syndoffren gav försoning för synder som hade begåtts av misstag eller ouppsåtligt. In time, however, Solomon failed to show respect for God's Law. Sin gave reconciliation for sins that had been committed by mistakes or accidentalness. Men med tiden var han inte längre så noga med att lyda Guds lag. 5 Highlights From the Book of Nehemiah In time, however, he was no longer careful to obey God's Law. 23 Kan du hjälpa till i din församling? This often involves our being yielding. 4 Can You Help in Your Congregation? Det här innebär ofta att vi måste vara fogliga. He or she might be more than willing to rally to your side, perhaps by altering your treatment to compensate for the effect that your decision may have on your illness or on medicines you may be taking. This often means that we must be yielding. Han eller hon kommer säkert att hjälpa dig, kanske genom att anpassa dina behandlingar och mediciner under rökavvänjningen. How did Jesus apply the illustration of a father and his son to prayer? He or she will likely help you, perhaps by adapting your treatments and treatments under smoking. Hur tillämpade Jesus liknelsen om en far och hans son på bönen? (b) How can we imitate Jonathan? How did Jesus apply the illustration about a father and his son in prayer? b) Hur kan vi efterlikna Jonatan? Just as in the early centuries of Christianity, Satan tries to entice God's servants by means of worldly leisure activities. (b) How can we imitate Jonathan? Alldeles som under kristendomens första århundraden försöker Satan locka Guds tjänare genom världsliga fritidsaktiviteter. Scriptural Questions Answered: As in Christianity's first centuries, Satan tries to lure God's servants through worldly leisure activities. Svar på bibliska frågor: What about Jesus? Scriptural Questions Answered: Hur var det då med Jesus? But you need to go further. What about Jesus? Men det räcker inte med det. How is DNA common to all these things? But more is needed. DNA - en gemensam nämnare för allt levande. The desolation, though, will not be permanent. DNA - a common common name for the living. Men staden skall inte vara ödelagd för alltid. In ancient warfare, the soldier's right hand was to some extent unprotected by the shield, which was held in the left hand. But the city will not be destroyed forever. I forntida krigföring var soldatens högra hand i viss mån oskyddad av skölden, som hölls i vänster hand. Jesus ' friend Martha apparently had in mind restoration to life on earth when she said of her deceased brother: "I know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day. " In ancient warfare, the soldier's right hand was regarded by the shield held in his left hand. Jesu vän Marta tänkte tydligen på en uppståndelse till liv på jorden när hon sade angående sin döde bror: " Jag vet att han skall uppstå i uppståndelsen på den sista dagen. " Heal me, for I have sinned against you. ' " Jesus ' friend Martha evidently had a resurrection to life on earth when she said about her dead brother: "I know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day. " David var så sjuk att han inte kunde stoppa honom. Most of these times, I tried to remind myself of the kind of person Mom really is - loving, kind, and generous. David was so sick that he could not stop him. För det mesta försökte jag tänka på hur hon egentligen är - kärleksfull, vänlig och generös. 14, 15. For the most part, I tried to think about what she really is - loving, kind, and generous. 14, 15. How do we know that the congregation would need spiritual instruction? 14, 15. Hur vet vi att församlingen skulle behöva andlig undervisning? When Samaria finally fell in 740 B.C.E., many of its leading residents were exiled to Mesopotamia and Media. How do we know that the congregation would need spiritual instruction? När Samaria slutligen föll år 740 f.v.t., fördes många av dess framträdande invånare i fångenskap till Mesopotamien och Medien. The more one reads and ponders over the Scriptures, the more one can gain " insight into Jehovah's trueness. ' When Samaria finally fell in 740 B.C.E., many of its prominent residents were taken into captivity to Mesopotamia and Mesopotamia. Ju mer man läser och begrundar Bibeln, desto större insikt kan man få i Jehovas sanning. 9: 20 - 25 - Why did Noah curse Canaan? The more you read and meditate on the Bible, the more insight you can gain in Jehovah's truth. 9: 20 - 25 - Varför förbannade Noa Kanaan? All in the congregation were notified, but somehow Richard was not informed. 9: 20 - 25 - Why did Noah curse Noah? Alla i församlingen underrättades, men av någon anledning missade man Richard. If you have studied God's Word and have been persuaded to believe that its teachings are true, you are in a position similar to that of Timothy. All in the congregation were warned, but for some reason you missed Richard. Om du har studerat Guds ord och har övertygats att tro att det som står där är sant, då är du i en liknande situation som Timoteus. When faced with decisions in life, they pursued their own pleasure instead of asking, "Where is Jehovah? " - Isaiah 5: 11, 12. If you have studied God's Word and have been persuaded to believe that what is true, you are in a situation similar to Timothy's. När de i sitt liv behövde fatta beslut, sökte de sina egna nöjen och njutningar i stället för att fråga: " Var är Jehova? " He will do the same for all the other distressful conditions that make life miserable today. When they had to make decisions, they sought their own pleasures rather than ask, "Where is Jehovah? " Och samma sak gäller allt annat elände som gör livet svårt i vår tid. In reality, this text applies to all of Jehovah's servants, for to some extent all have received the gift of accurate knowledge and all enjoy the privilege of sharing in the Christian ministry. And the same is true of all other misery that make life difficult today. I själva verket är den här texten tillämplig på alla Jehovas tjänare, för alla har i viss utsträckning fått den exakta kunskapens gåva, och alla har förmånen att få ta del i den kristna förkunnartjänsten. 4, 5. In fact, this text applies to all of Jehovah's servants, for in a sense all have received the gift of accurate knowledge, and all are privileged to share in the Christian ministry. 4, 5. but those hearing say, "Come! " 4, 5. Men också " den som hör det skall säga: ' Kom! ' " The answer is: Do not drink at all. But also "the One hearing it will say: " Come! ' " Svaret är: Drick inte alls. In spite of all that Lily did, Carol was consistently critical and hard to deal with. The answer is: Do not drink at all. Trots allt som Lily gjorde för henne var hon alltid kritisk och svår att ha att göra med. Why is reading the entire Bible an excellent goal? Despite everything she did for her, she was always critical and hard to do. Varför är det så bra att läsa igenom hela Bibeln? HOAXES, scams, and deception are all too common in the present system of things. Why is reading the entire Bible so beneficial? LÖGNER och bedrägerier är bara alltför vanliga i dagens värld. Acts 20: 1, 2 says: "When the uproar... subsided, Paul sent for the disciples, and after he had encouraged them and said farewell, he began his journey to Macedonia. The world of today's world is overly common. I Apostlagärningarna 20: 1, 2 sägs det: " När... tumultet hade upphört, sände Paulus efter lärjungarna, och när han hade uppmuntrat dem och sagt farväl till dem, bröt han upp för att fara till Makedonien. A key purpose of the cities of refuge was to protect the Israelites from bloodguilt. Acts 20: 1, 2 states: "When the assembly had ended, Paul sent after the disciples, and after encouraging them and saying good things to them, he broke up to Macedonia. Tillflyktsstäderna hade ett viktigt syfte. By strengthening your convictions, you take an important step toward baptism. The cities of refuge had an important purpose. När du bygger upp din tro på det här sättet tar du ett viktigt steg mot dopet. Jesus never failed to consider the welfare of his disciples - part of his figurative bride - and he made a way out for them. As you build up your faith in this way, take a vital step toward baptism. Jag var asocial och pratade knappt med folk om jag inte tyckte att samtalet var meningsfullt. Draw ever closer to him. I was especially interested in talking to people if I didn't feel that the conversation was meaningful. Jesus tänkte alltid på sina lärjungars bästa - de var en del av hans symboliska hustru - och han ordnade en utväg för dem. The Devil thus insinuated that Eve did not need to be obedient to God in order to live. Jesus always had his disciples ' best interests - they were part of his figurative wife - and he arranged a way for them. Ansträng dig för att komma närmare honom. So it is not surprising that Habakkuk asked: "How long, O Jehovah, must I cry for help? " Strengthen yourself to draw close to him. Djävulen menade alltså att Eva inte behövde vara lydig mot Gud för att få leva. While there, they may have met Paul or heard him witness. The Devil thus implied that Eve did not have to be obedient to God in order to live. Det är inte så konstigt att han frågade: " Hur länge, Jehova, skall jag ropa på hjälp? " Gideon's small force finally numbered only 300 men, but with Jehovah's help, they routed the large enemy force. No wonder he asked: "How long, O Jehovah, shall I cry for help? " Många kom dit av sociala eller kommersiella skäl, och under sina besök där kan de ha träffat Paulus eller hört honom vittna. Feeling disheartened by the people's negative response, you would probably not have the inner strength to continue for very long. Many came there by social or commercial reasons, and during their visit, they may have met Paul or heard him witness. Gideons lilla styrka uppgick slutligen till endast 300 man, men med Jehovas hjälp besegrade de den stora fiendehären. 6: 19. HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? What was the role of ancient stewards? Gideon's little strength finally went to only 300 men, but with Jehovah's help, the great enemy was defeated. Du skulle säkert tappa sugen och inte orka särskilt länge. Tänk nu på vår situation. Using Isaiah and his children "as signs and as miracles, " Jehovah assures Judah that the Syro - Israelite alliance will not succeed. You would probably lose a lot of time and not be able to think about our situation. Vilka uppgifter hade förvaltare i forna tider? What does this have to do with blood and life, and how is your life involved? What role did stewards in ancient times play? Jehova använder Jesaja och hans barn " som tecken och som under " för att försäkra Juda om att den arameisk - israelitiska alliansen inte kommer att lyckas. To answer, let us compare entertainment with food. Jehovah uses Isaiah and his children "as signs and as signs " to assure Judah that the Israelite empire will not succeed. Vad har det här att göra med blodet och livet, och hur är ditt liv inbegripet? We will not minimize his counsel to attend Christian meetings. What does this have to do with blood and life, and how is your life involved? Vi kan jämföra avkoppling med mat. Other schools, such as the Kingdom Ministry School, the Pioneer Service School, the School for Kingdom Evangelizers, the School for Circuit Overseers and Their Wives, and the School for Branch Committee Members and Their Wives, have contributed immeasurably to increased spirituality and the effectiveness of Jehovah's people. To illustrate, compare recreation with food. Vi kommer inte att ta lätt på hans råd att vara med vid de kristna mötena. Those words were spoken by the greatest man who ever lived. We will not take lightly his counsel to attend Christian meetings. Vi har också flera andra skolor, till exempel Skolan i rikets tjänst, Pionjärskolan, Skolan för kristna förkunnare, Skolan för kretstillsyningsmän och deras hustrur och Skolan för medlemmar av avdelningskontorens kommittéer och deras hustrur. De här skolorna har gjort mycket för att bygga upp förkunnarnas andlighet och stärka deras tro. Regarding the form of the verb rendered "is misleading " at Revelation 12: 9, one reference work says that it" indicates a continuous action that has become a habitual character. " We have also several other schools, such as the Kingdom Ministry School, the School for Kingdom Ministry School, the School for Kingdom Ministry School, the School for circuit overseers, and their wives, as well as the School for Branch Committee members, and their wives. Angående den form av det verb som återges med " vilseleder " i Uppenbarelseboken 12: 9 förklarar ett uppslagsverk att den " anger en pågående handling som har blivit ett inrotat karaktärsdrag ." Take into consideration a wrongdoer's background, his motives, and his limitations. Concerning the form of the verb rendered "is misleading " at Revelation 12: 9, one reference work explains that it" suggests an ongoing act that has become a calm person. " Tänk på individens bakgrund, hans inställning och hans begränsningar. Instead of thinking that he himself was great, David ascribed deliverance from all his enemies to Jehovah and said of God: "You will give me your shield of salvation, and it is your humility that makes me great. " Consider the background, his attitude, and his limitations. I stället för att tycka att han själv var stor tillskrev han Jehova befrielsen från alla sina fiender och sade om Gud: " Du kommer att ge mig din räddnings sköld, och det är din ödmjukhet som gör mig stor. " When that takes place, true worshippers will have special reason to use the expression "Hallelujah " in a respectful way. Instead of feeling that he was great, Jehovah condemned his deliverance from all his enemies and said about God: "You will give me your shield of salvation, and it is your humility that makes me great. " När detta blir en verklighet kommer de sanna tillbedjarna att ha en särskild anledning att respektfullt använda uttrycket " halleluja ." He gains no satisfaction from it. When that becomes a reality, true worshippers will have a special reason to use respectfully the expression "memories. " Han blir inte tillfreds. (a) Why can we not expect Jehovah to remove all distressing situations now? He will not be satisfied. a) Varför kan vi inte förvänta att Jehova genast ska ta bort allt som orsakar sorg? What could have affected Saul's conscience? (a) Why should we not expect Jehovah to immediately remove everything that cause distress? Vad kan ha påverkat Sauls samvete? If all the sheep were to lose their first love, the "lampstand, " or congregation, would no longer exist. What may have affected Saul's conscience? Om alla fåren förlorade sin första kärlek, skulle " lampstället ," dvs. församlingen, inte längre existera. Soon, though, you may face trials that will test your faith and resilience. If all the sheep lost their first love, "the congregation, " would no longer exist. Men sedan kanske du drabbas av prövningar som sätter din tro och din andliga återhämtningsförmåga på prov. If you are imprisoned or otherwise punished because of your resolute stand for true worship, pray for the strength to defend your faith with boldness and to endure whatever persecution may come. - Read Acts 4: 27 - 31. Then you may face trials that put your faith and your spiritual strength to the test. (Läs Apostlagärningarna 4: 27 - 31.) How grateful we are that Jehovah has lovingly preserved such vital information in his written Word, the Bible! (Read Acts 4: 27 - 31.) Vi är verkligen tacksamma för att Jehova har bevarat sådana viktiga upplysningar i sitt skrivna ord, Bibeln! Taking along with him a remnant of God's people and contributed funds, Ezra goes from Babylon to Jerusalem. How grateful we are that Jehovah has preserved such important information recorded in his written Word, the Bible! Esra tar med sig en kvarleva av Guds folk, och även de bidrag som getts, och reser från Babylon till Jerusalem. When we preach the good news, hearers have the opportunity to become subjects of God's Kingdom. Ezra takes a remnant of God's people, as well as the contribution given, and traveling from Babylon to Jerusalem. När vi predikar de goda nyheterna får de som lyssnar möjlighet att bli undersåtar till Guds kungarike. Since the Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible, what questions arise? Preaching the good news brings those who listen to become subjects of God's Kingdom. Vilka frågor uppstår med tanke på att den styrande kretsen inte är ofelbar? (Read.) What questions arise with regard to the fact that the Governing Body is not infallible? (Läs.) Well, what did Jesus do when he saw his apostles, whose faith had temporarily weakened, at the appointed place of meeting? (Read.) Ja, vad gjorde Jesus när han såg sina apostlar, vilkas tro tillfälligt hade försvagats, vid den anvisade mötesplatsen? It promotes faith in Jesus Christ, who died so that we might gain everlasting life and who is now ruling as King of God's Kingdom. Indeed, what did Jesus do when observing his apostles, whose faith had temporarily weaken, at the assigned meeting? Den framhåller också tron på Jesus Kristus, som dog för att vi ska kunna få evigt liv och som nu är kung i Guds rike. " Follow Jehovah fully, ' as did Caleb of ancient Israel. It also highlights faith in Jesus Christ, who died so that we might gain everlasting life and who is now ruling as King of God's Kingdom. Följ Jehova helt och fullt, alldeles som Kaleb i det forntida Israel gjorde. The shepherds and dukes (or, "princes, " NEB) in this implausible army are the congregation elders. Follow Jehovah fully, as Caleb did in ancient Israel. Dessa herdar och stamhövdingar (" furstar ," Svenska Folkbibeln) är våra församlingsäldste. But he said that I shouldn't read them because Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in Jesus. These shepherds and dukes (" princes, " The New International Version) The New International Version) are our congregation elders. Men han sa att jag inte borde läsa dem eftersom Jehovas vittnen inte tror på Jesus. What about those who "go with " them? But he said that I should not read them because Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in Jesus. Men hur är det med dem som valt att " gå med " dem? Yet, I know that Jehovah is more pleased with my service now than when I was watching pornography, and his view is the one that really matters. " But what about those who choose to "go with " them? Men jag vet att Jehova tycker bättre om min tjänst nu än när jag tittade på pornografi, och det är hans åsikt som betyder något. " 2, 4. But I know that Jehovah feels better about my service now than when I looked at pornography, and it is his view that means anything. " 2, 4. Just think, though, about the resurrection. 2, 4. Men tänk bara på uppståndelsen. [ Pictures on page 15] But think of the resurrection. [ Bilder på sidan 15] Study Edition [ Pictures on page 15] Studieupplagan How do we show our loyalty to Jehovah when we are making major decisions? Study Edition Hur visar vi att vi är lojala mot Jehova när vi ska fatta viktiga beslut? No matter how long you have been married, give thought to what you personally can say or do to strengthen your marriage. How do we show that we are loyal to Jehovah when we are making important decisions? Det är därför det är så viktigt att en man och en hustru som tjänar Jehova samarbetar med varandra. Be Zealous for Jehovah's House! How important it is, then, that a husband and wife serve Jehovah together! Nitälska för Jehovas hus What are some of the blessings that pioneers experience? Zealous for Jehovah's House Vilka är några av de välsignelser som pionjärer får uppleva? How would forgiveness of sins become possible? What are some of the blessings experienced by pioneers? Vad skulle då göra det möjligt att få förlåtelse för synder? [ Picture on page 28] What, then, would make it possible to receive forgiveness of sins? [ Bild på sidan 28] David also thought out a strategy for deceiving the Philistine king. [ Picture on page 28] David tänkte också ut en strategi för att vilseleda den filisteiske kungen. As a result, he framed "trouble in the name of the law. " David also had an strategy to mislead the Philistine king. Därför skapade han svårigheter i lagens namn. These questions will be answered in the following article. Hence, he created difficulties in the name of the Law. Dessa frågor kommer att besvaras i följande artikel. So the death of James had not plunged them into despair; nor had it caused them to view prayer as ineffective. These questions will be answered in the following article. Jakobs död hade alltså inte fått dem att misströsta eller tycka att det var meningslöst att be. As a Pharisee who had been educated "at the feet of Gamaliel, instructed according to the strictness of the ancestral Law, " Paul already had some knowledge of the Scriptures. Thus, Jacob's death had not moved them to despair or find it futile to pray. Som farisé, uppfostrad " vid Gamaliels fötter " och " undervisad enligt den fäderneärvda lagens stränghet ," hade Paulus redan viss kunskap i Skrifterna. Those "400 years " of affliction evidently began in 1913 B.C.E. when Ishmael mocked Isaac at the time of his being weaned, and they ended when the Israelites made their exodus out of Egypt in 1513 B.C.E. As a Pharisee, "the feet of Gamaliel " and" educated according to the Mosaic Law, " Paul already had some knowledge of the Scriptures. De här fyra hundra åren av förtryck började 1913 f.v.t. när Ismael hånade Isak i samband med att han blev avvand, och de slutade när israeliterna gick ut ur Egypten 1513 f.v.t. Really, it is these friends who are being disloyal to you, not the reverse. Those four centuries of oppression began in 613 B.C.E. when the mate taunted Isaac in the case of 1313 B.C.E. when he was released from Egypt in 1513 B.C.E. Det är faktiskt de här vännerna som är illojala mot dig, inte tvärtom. How do you feel now about the Bible book of Leviticus? In fact, those brothers are disloyal to you, not to the contrary. Vad tycker du om Tredje Moseboken efter den här artikeln? However, in that same letter, Paul also warned against a human tendency that if not kept under control, could diminish one's zeal for God's service. How do you feel about the book of Leviticus after this article? Men i samma brev varnade han också för en mänsklig benägenhet som, om den inte hålls under kontroll, skulle kunna minska någons iver i tjänsten för Gud. Of course, none of the events just mentioned escaped Satan's notice. But in the same letter, he also warned against human tendency if it is not kept under control, could diminish a zeal for God's service. Inget av det som nämnts här undgick naturligtvis Satans uppmärksamhet. [ Picture on page 18] Of course, none mentioned here avoided Satan's attention. [ Bild på sidan 18] Jesus Christ, the preeminent Witness of Jehovah, affirmed the truth by the things he taught and by the way he lived and died. [ Picture on page 18] Jesus Kristus, Jehovas allra främsta vittne, fastställde sanningen genom det han lärde och genom det sätt varpå han levde och dog. " Then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains, and let those in the midst of her withdraw, and let those in the country places not enter into her; because these are days for meting out justice, that all the things written may be fulfilled. " Jesus Christ, Jehovah's greatest witness, established the truth by teaching and by the way he lived and died. " Då bör de som är i Judeen fly till bergen, och de som är inne i staden bör dra ut, och de som är ute på landet bör inte gå in i staden; detta är nämligen dagar för rättskipning, när allt som står skrivet skall uppfyllas. " They add to our joy by showing personal interest in us. " Then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains, and let those in the midst of her withdraw, and let those in the land not enter into the city; for this is the days of justice, when all that is written. " Vi blir glada när de visar oss personligt intresse. Or if someone fails to dedicate his life to Jehovah, will he be forever classified as someone "unsuitable "? We rejoice when they show us personal interest. Kommer de för alltid att räknas till de " odugliga " fiskarna? Instead of worrying, some positive action on your part may produce good results. Will they always be counted to the "good - for - nothing fish "? Så i stället för att oroa sig är det bättre att ta tag i problemen och försöka lösa dem. Need for Seeking Jehovah So rather than worry, it is better to get into problems and try to solve them. Vi behöver söka Jehova But the heart is treacherous, and we may not even realize how deeply "the things in the world " are affecting us. We Need to Seek Jehovah Men hjärtat är förrädiskt, och vi kanske inte ens inser hur mycket det som finns i världen påverkar oss. So, what can help us to want to read and study God's Word? However, the heart is treacherous, and we may not even see how much things in the world affect us. Vad kan då hjälpa oss att önska läsa och studera Guds ord? 5: 8; 12: 2) Let us consider some aspects of full - time service that could make you very happy. What, then, can help us to study and study God's Word? 5: 8; 12: 2) Vi ska se varför heltidstjänsten kan ge så mycket glädje. Abraham and Sarah were called upon to leave behind their homeland to pursue true worship and await the fulfillment of Jehovah's promise. 5: 8; 12: (2) Let us see why full - time service can bring so much joy. Abraham och Sara uppmanades att lämna sitt hemland för den sanna tillbedjans skull och vänta på att Jehovas löften skulle uppfyllas. And I will let myself be found by you. " - Jer. Abraham and Sarah were urged to leave their homeland for the sake of true worship and wait for the fulfillment of Jehovah's promises. Och jag skall låta mig finnas av er. " For example, if Abraham and Sarah had kept remembering Ur, "they would have had opportunity to return. " And I will let myself be found by you. " Om Abraham och Sara hade fortsatt att tänka på Ur " skulle de ha haft tillfälle att vända tillbaka ." 2: 7. If Abraham and Sarah had kept on thinking about Ur, "they would have had the opportunity to return. " 2: 7. How did Paul view his personal share in the race? 2: 7. Hur såg Paulus på sin insats i loppet? Whatever natural aptitude Bezalel may have had was enhanced by holy spirit. How did Paul view his work in the race? Helig ande förstärkte de medfödda förmågor Besalel kan ha haft. Can You Explain? Holy spirit strengthens the born abilities Bezalel may have had. Kan du förklara? They may lie, cheat, or steal and then try to persuade us to "follow after the crowd " by joining them or at least by covering up for them. Can You Explain? När de ljuger, fuskar eller stjäl kanske de försöker övertala oss att " följa mängden " och göra likadant eller att åtminstone inte avslöja dem. Whatever the source of that persecution - family, neighbors, or governmental authorities - it may particularly affect one who "has no root in himself, " who lacks spiritual depth. When they lie, lying, or steal, they may try to persuade us to "follow the crowd " and to do the same or at least not expose them. Oavsett varifrån förföljelsen kommer - från familjen, omgivningen eller myndigheterna - är det särskilt svårt för dem som inte har någon " rot ," dvs. saknar andligt djup. They may have read about it in the Bible book of Exodus, heard the story told, or seen a movie that was based on the event. No matter where persecution comes - from family, environment, or governmental authorities - it is especially difficult for those who have "no root. " De kan ha läst om det i Andra Moseboken i Bibeln, hört talas om det eller sett någon film som bygger på det. Such attributes put an immeasurable gulf between humans and all other living creatures on earth. They may have read about it in the Bible book of Exodus, heard about it, or seen a movie based on it. Allt det här gör att vi människor verkligen särskiljer oss från allt annat som lever på jorden. Moreover, their physical closeness could well represent the spiritual unity of the whole nation when all "the tribes of Jah " assembled for worship. All of this puts humans apart from all other things that are living on earth. Man skulle också kunna dra en parallell mellan den fysiska närheten mellan hemmen och den andliga enhet som hela nationen visade när " Jahs stammar " samlades för att tillbe. The " collecting out ' of the weedlike imitation Christians has been clearly recognized by an ever - increasing great crowd of sheeplike ones. It could also draw a parallel between the physical bond of home and the spiritual unity of the whole nation when "the tribes of Jah " gathered to worship. Att de ogräslika, falska kristna har samlats ihop har tydligt kunnat ses av en ständigt växande stor skara av fårlika människor. Victor, an elder and pioneer in Africa, recalls: "When I was young, an elder asked me a few well - chosen questions about my goals. The wheatlike Christians have been gathered together has been clearly seen by a constant growing crowd of sheeplike ones. Victor, som är äldste och pionjär i Afrika, säger: " När jag var ung var det en äldstebroder som ställde några tänkvärda frågor om mina mål. That solemn promise provided assurance that God's faithful Servant would continue as "a light of the nations, " liberating those in spiritual darkness. - Read Isaiah 49: 8, 9. Says one elder, who is an elder in Africa: "When I was young, an elder asked some questions about my goals. Detta högtidliga löfte var en försäkran om att Guds trogne tjänare även i fortsättningen skulle vara " ett ljus för nationerna " och befria människor ur andligt mörker. (Läs Jesaja 49: 8, 9.) Their Bible - based hope is that Jesus Christ will resurrect them from the dead, allowing them to appear in spiritual perfection before the presence of God with great joy. This solemn promise was a guarantee that God's faithful servants would continue to be "a light of the nations " and deliver people from spiritual darkness. - Read Isaiah 49: 8, 9. Deras hopp är att Jesus Kristus ska uppväcka dem från de döda, så att de som fullkomliga andevarelser med stor glädje kan träda fram inför Guds närvaro. Satan's world was not kind to them. Their hope is that Jesus Christ will resurrect them from the dead so that they as perfect spirit creatures can present themselves with great joy before God's presence. Satans värld behandlade dem inte precis med silkesvantar. (b) How do you feel about what Jehovah and Jesus have done for you? Satan's world did not treat them exactly as weanants. b) Hur känner du det när du tänker på vad Jehova och Jesus har gjort för dig? He complained about the "cursed gnats and frogs " and the" villainous " water. (b) How do you feel about what Jehovah and Jesus have done for you? Han klagade över de " fördömda myggorna och grodorna " och det " dåliga " vattnet. It is a symbolic place for meting out God's judgment. He complained about "the likes of the nations, " and the" bad waters " of the sea. Det är en symbolisk plats där verkställandet av Guds dom äger rum. " The Uniting Bond of Peace " It is a symbolic place where the execution of divine judgment takes place. " Fridens sammanhållande band " He might even be killed. " The uniting bond of Peace " Men profeten Agabos sa att om Paulus begav sig dit skulle han bli gripen. However, his loyalty was tested when David's son Absalom won the heart of many and sought to take Jerusalem and the throne. However, the prophet Peter said that if Paul went there, he would be arrested. Men hans lojalitet prövades när folket slöt upp bakom Davids son Absalom när han försökte ta över Jerusalem och kungamakten. 3, 4. (a) How do you feel when someone gives you a gift? However, his loyalty was tested when the people joined David's son Absalom in trying to cross Jerusalem and the kingship. 3, 4. a) Hur känner du när någon ger dig en gåva? (b) What could undermine our unity? 3, 4. (a) How do you feel when someone gives you a gift? b) Vad skulle kunna tära på vår enhet? Like a beautiful garden enclosed by a hedge or a wall, which could be accessed only through a locked gate, the Shulammite maiden made her tender affections available only to her future husband. (b) What might damage our unity? Likt en vacker trädgård som var inhägnad av en häck eller mur och som man kunde komma in i enbart genom en port som hölls låst, gjorde den shulemitiska flickan sin ömma tillgivenhet tillgänglig endast för sin framtida man. Make suitable application of the study material so that each member of the family benefits. - Ps. 148: 12, 13. Like a beautiful garden, the Shulammite girl made his tender affection available only for her future husband. Det är givande att lära känna de äldre vännerna. Jehovah's prophecy recorded at Genesis 3: 15 is being wonderfully fulfilled. It is rewarding to know the elderly. Jehovas profetia som finns nedtecknad i 1 Moseboken 3: 15 får en underbar uppfyllelse. Why should we trust in Jehovah? Jehovah's prophecy recorded at Genesis 3: 15 has a wonderful fulfillment. Varför bör vi förtrösta på Jehova? How can we use illustrations in our own teaching? Why should we trust in Jehovah? Hur kan vi efterlikna honom? As our loving Shepherd, he tenderly cares for all our physical and spiritual needs. How can we imitate him? Som en kärleksfull herde ser han till att vi får allt vi behöver både fysiskt och andligt. 2 Why Must We "Keep on the Watch "? As a loving Shepherd, Jehovah provides everything we need physically and spiritually. 13 Varför måste vi hela tiden vara vaksamma? Rather, articles that discuss specific illnesses or disorders are intended to inform readers of the facts as they are currently known. 13 Why Keep on the Watch? Artiklar om olika sjukdomar är i stället avsedda att upplysa läsaren om de fakta som för närvarande är kända. Because they accepted the negative report of ten spies, the Israelites had to wander in the wilderness for 40 years. Instead, the articles about various diseases are designed to inform the readers of the facts that are known. På grund av att israeliterna lyssnade till den negativa rapport som tio av spejarna gav, blev de tvungna att vandra i vildmarken i 40 år. Although they are peaceable with all men, they do fight a spiritual battle against very powerful opponents. Because of listening to the negative report ten of the spies, the Israelites had to walk in the wilderness for 40 years. De håller fred med alla människor, men däremot utkämpar de en andlig strid mot mycket mäktiga motståndare. He takes our vows seriously, and we must fulfill them in order to have his approval. They keep peace with all men, but they fight a spiritual fight against much powerful opposers. Han tar dem på fullt allvar, och vi måste infria dem för att få hans godkännande. Satan is not a sporadic deceiver. Rather, he is unrelenting in his efforts to mislead mankind. He takes them seriously, and we must pay them to gain his approval. Satan uppträder inte som bedragare bara då och då, utan han är obeveklig och outtröttlig i sin strävan att vilseleda mänskligheten. JEHOVAH GOD has shown his love for us in countless ways. Satan does not act merely when and then, but he is unrealistic and tirelessly in his attempt to mislead mankind. JEHOVA GUD har visat sin kärlek till oss på många olika sätt. To prevent jealousy from taking root in our heart, we must strive to see things from God's standpoint, viewing our brothers and sisters as members of the same Christian body. JEHOVAH GOD has shown his love for us in many ways. För att avundsjuka inte ska bli en del av vår personlighet behöver vi försöka se saker på samma sätt som Jehova gör. Vi kan tänka på att våra bröder och systrar alla tillhör en och samma kropp, den kristna församlingen. Why and how did Jehovah elevate his Servant? To avoid jealousy, we need to try to view things Jehovah's way of doing so, remembering that our brothers and sisters are members of the same body, the Christian congregation. Varför och hur upphöjde Jehova sin tjänare? For example, when announcing his commission in the synagogue of Nazareth, Jesus read from the scroll of Isaiah: "Jehovah's spirit is upon me, because he anointed me to declare good news to the poor. " Why and how did Jehovah honor his servants? När han till exempel tillkännagav vad som var hans uppdrag läste han ur en skriftrulle med Jesajas profetia: " Jehovas ande är över mig, eftersom han har smort mig till att förkunna goda nyheter för de fattiga. " Rather, she looks for items that are ripe. She wants fruit that has good taste and aroma and that offers healthy nutrients. For example, when he declared his commission, he read from a scroll with Isaiah's prophecy: "Jehovah's spirit is upon me, because he anointed me to declare good news to the poor. " I stället tittar du efter frukt som är fräsch och fin och som både smakar och luktar gott. 12, 13. (a) A pioneer should do what if he is having trouble reaching his hour goal? Instead, look forward to producing fruit as well as taste and smell. 12, 13. a) Vad kan en pionjär som har svårt att nå timkravet göra? I would be happy to show it to you in the Bible. " 12, 13. (a) What might a pioneer who is struggling to reach the pioneer requirement? Jag skulle gärna vilja visa dig det i Bibeln. " What were people in Noah's day preoccupied with? I would like to show you what the Bible says. " Vad var människorna på Noas tid upptagna med? What kind of thinking could cause us to lose Jehovah's favor? What were people in Noah's day doing? Vad kan göra att man förlorar Jehovas godkännande? To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. What can cause us to lose Jehovah's approval? Om man önskar ge ett ekonomiskt bidrag kan man gå in på www.jw.org. Ministerial servants and elders should be old enough to have children. To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. Biträdande tjänare och äldste bör vara gamla nog att kunna ha barn. Weddings That Are Honorable in the Sight of God and Man Ministerial servants and elders should be old enough to have children. Bröllop som är värdiga i Guds och människors ögon Likewise today, Jehovah deeply appreciates our contributions to the worldwide work. Marriage Who Are Worthy in God's Eyes and Men Det är på liknande sätt i vår tid. Jehova sätter stort värde på våra bidrag till det världsvida verket. For instance, how do we respond to Jehovah's overwhelming generosity? Likewise today, Jehovah deeply appreciates our contributions to the worldwide brotherhood. För att ta ett exempel: Hur reagerar vi på Jehovas överväldigande frikostighet? Those who were raised before Jesus, such as by Elijah and Elisha, did not live on endlessly. They died again and saw corruption in the grave. For example, how do we react to Jehovah's overwhelming generosity? De som uppväcktes före Jesus, till exempel av Elia och Elisa, levde ju inte vidare i det oändliga, utan dog igen och förmultnade i graven. 7: 14; 2 Pet. 2: 9. REMEMBER EACH SUCCESS Those who were resurrected before Jesus, such as Elijah and Elisha, lived, not on the unending basis, but died again and fell asleep in the grave. KOM IHÅG ALLA GÅNGER JEHOVA HAR HJÄLPT DIG (b) Who will be with Christ in Paradise, and how will he be able to live forever? WHAT DOES WE ARE TO JEHOVAH'S HELP OF JEHOVAH'S people? b) Vem ska vara med Kristus i paradiset, och hur kan han få leva för evigt? * To this day, that is my favorite Kingdom melody. " (b) Who will be with Christ in Paradise, and how can he live forever? * Än i denna dag är detta min favorit bland Rikets sånger. " However, we live in a dangerous environment. * To this day, this is my favorite part of the Kingdom songs. " Men vi lever i en miljö som hotar vår andlighet. Do I encourage others to downplay such Bible counsel? ' However, we live in an environment that threatens our spirituality. Uppmuntrar jag andra att ta lätt på sådana råd från Bibeln? We must " tie them as a sign upon our hand ' in that our actions - represented by our hands - must show that we are obedient to Jehovah. Do I encourage others to take such advice lightly? ' Vi måste " binda dem som ett tecken på... [vår] hand " på så sätt att våra handlingar - representerade av våra händer - visar att vi är lydiga mot Jehova. In most lands, the majority of those present are women. We must " bind them as a sign of [our] hand " in that our actions - represented by our hands - demonstrate that we are obedient to Jehovah. I de flesta länder är majoriteten av de närvarande kvinnor. The "ten men out of all the languages of the nations " represent the great crowd of other sheep. In most lands, the majority of women are present. De " tio män av alla språk " som vill gå med dem är en bild av den stora skaran av andra får. Sadly, after receiving discipline, some fail to see past the pain and even draw away from God and his people. The "ten men of all the languages " who want to go with them represent the great crowd of other sheep. Sorgligt nog blir en del som tillrättavisas så sårade att de drar sig bort från Jehova och församlingen. The Ministry Brings Refreshment Sadly, some who discipline become so hurt that they turn away from Jehovah and the congregation. Tjänsten ger ny styrka Despite the wicked conditions of his day, Micah lived up to Jehovah's requirements. Sharing in Our Ministry Mika uppfyllde Jehovas krav trots de onda förhållanden som då rådde. • What momentous events lie ahead? Micah fulfilled Jehovah's requirements despite the wicked conditions that then existed. • Vilka avgörande händelser ligger framför oss? Christendom's clergy are lawless in that they have misled millions by promoting teachings, holidays, and behavior contrary to the Bible. • What momentous events lie ahead? Kristenhetens prästerskap är laglöst på så sätt att det har vilselett miljontals människor genom att förespråka eller godta läror, helgdagar och ett uppförande som strider mot Bibeln. Because they have a good relationship with God, all who fear Jehovah lack nothing of lasting value. Christendom's clergy are lawless in that it has misled millions by promoting or accepting teachings, holidays, and conduct that violate the Bible. De som fruktar Jehova saknar inte något som är av bestående värde, och det beror på att de har ett gott förhållande till honom. He relates: "I finally realized that I needed to be more concerned about the brothers than about myself. Those fearing Jehovah lack nothing of lasting value, and this is because they have a good relationship with Jehovah. Han säger: " Jag insåg till sist att jag måste bry mig mer om vännerna än om mig själv. With that proof of God's authority in his hand, Moses could go forth and confidently represent the true God before his own people and before Pharaoh. - Ex. He says: "I finally realized that I had to care more about my brothers than my own welfare. Med detta bevis i sin hand kunde Mose modigt representera den sanne Guden både inför sitt eget folk och inför farao. With the help of Paul's letter to the Hebrews, however, they accepted the fact that they had been sanctified, not by means of sacrifices "offered according to the Law, " but" through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all time. " With this evidence in his hand, Moses courageously representing the true God before his own people and before Pharaoh. Men det som Paulus skrev i Hebréerbrevet hjälpte dem att förstå att de inte hade blivit helgade genom offer " som frambärs enligt lagen ," utan " genom offret av Jesu Kristi kropp en gång för alla ." He will teach the meek ones his way. " However, what Paul wrote in his letter to the Hebrews helped them to see that they had not been sanctified by sacrifices "according to the Law, " but" through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ once for all time. " Han lär de ödmjuka sin väg. " We read that Jesus miraculously cured lepers, epileptics, and blind or paralyzed ones. He teaches the meek ones his way. " Vi läser till exempel att Jesus botade epileptiker, spetälska, blinda och förlamade. The wicked have no right to represent him. - Psalm 31: 5; 50: 16; Isaiah 43: 10. For instance, we read that Jesus healed the healing, leprosy, blind, and paralyzed. De onda har ingen rätt att representera honom. A major challenge faced by those preaching the good news is the extent of the territory - "all the inhabited earth. " The wicked have no right to represent him. En svårighet som de som predikar de goda nyheterna ställs inför gäller distriktets storlek - " hela den bebodda jorden ." However, some gifts may be so special or meaningful that they are truly life - changing. A challenge faced by those who preach the good news toward the territory - "all the inhabited earth. " Vi kan ta ett exempel. Perhaps he got involved with the wrong sort of peers and was afraid to incur their disapproval. Consider an example. Han kanske var tillsammans med fel kamrater och var rädd för att de skulle börja reta honom. Moreover, Jehovah was with Jeremiah "like a terrible mighty one, " strengthening him to proclaim the word of God with zeal and boldness. - Jeremiah 20: 11. Perhaps he was with the wrong companions and was afraid that they would start to anger him. Dessutom var Jehova med Jeremia " som en väldig man som injagar skräck ," och han styrkte honom att förkunna hans ord med nit och mod. If he had been successful, this would undoubtedly have meant death for Solomon. Moreover, Jehovah was with Jeremiah "as a mighty man " and strengthened Jeremiah to declare his word with zeal and courage. Om han hade lyckats skulle det säkert ha inneburit döden för Salomo. the mustard grain? If he had succeeded, it would have meant death for Solomon. senapskornet? It will also move us to be self - sacrificing and will build up our faith in the Kingdom hope. The mustard grain? Vi blir också motiverade att vara självuppoffrande, och vi bygger upp vår tro på hoppet om Guds kungarike. After many years, the good work that Joseph had done in Egypt resulted in his becoming second to the ruler of that country. We are also motivated to be self - sacrificing, and we build faith in the Kingdom hope. Många år senare ledde Josefs hårda arbete till att han blev Egyptens näst mäktigaste man. LANGUAGE enables humans to read, write, speak, understand the spoken word, pray, and sing praises to Jehovah. Years later, Joseph's hard work led him to become the most powerful man of Egypt. Vi kan till exempel lära oss språk, och det gör det möjligt för oss att läsa, skriva, prata och förstå andra. At James 4: 7, Christians are encouraged to "oppose the Devil, " and then he will flee from them. For example, we can learn language, which enables us to read, write, speak, and understand others. I Jakob 4: 7 uppmuntras de kristna att " stå emot Djävulen ," eftersom han då kommer att fly från dem. How do corrupt organizations affect us today? At James 4: 7, Christians are encouraged to " oppose the Devil, " for he will flee from them. Hur påverkas vi i dag av korrupta organisationer? Yet, when ethnic violence broke out in her area, old hatreds began to resurface in her, causing Mirjeta to find it difficult to preach to Serbs. How do corrupt organizations affect us now? Det gjorde att hon verkligen ansträngde sig för att förändra sitt sätt att tänka och känna. SOME 3,000 years ago, two combatants faced each other between two opposing armies on the field of battle. As a result, she made an earnest effort to change her thinking and feelings. FÖR ungefär 3 000 år sedan stod två kombattanter mitt emot varandra mellan två härar på slagfältet. TIPS SOME 3,000 years ago, my relationship with two armies faced the marketplace. TIPS Some have read it from cover to cover many times. TIPS Somliga har läst den från pärm till pärm många gånger. Just think what would become of you if you were to abandon the protective environment of the Christian congregation. Some have read it from beginning to end many times. Tänk på hur det skulle gå om du övergav den skyddande miljön i den kristna församlingen. Both the positive and the negative examples we have considered help us to understand what it means to see God or to see his hand in matters. Consider what would happen if you abandoned the protective environment in the Christian congregation. Både de bra och de dåliga exemplen vi har gått igenom hjälper oss att förstå vad det innebär att se Gud eller att se hans hand. However, the Person with whom we need to develop the closest relationship of all is our Grand Creator. - Eccl. 12: 1. Both the wise and the bad examples we have considered will help us to see what it means to see God or to see his hand. Men den person som vi behöver utveckla de allra starkaste banden till är vår store Skapare. Love was the motivation for everything he did. However, the person whom we need to cultivate is our Grand Creator. Kärlek var motivet till allt han gjorde. The result is incomparable peace of mind, "the peace of God that excels all thought, " which in turn" will guard [our] hearts and [our] mental powers by means of Christ Jesus. " Love was the motive of everything he did. Resultatet är ojämförlig sinnesfrid, " Guds frid, som övergår allt förstånd ," vilken i sin tur " skall skydda... [våra] hjärtan och... [våra] sinnesförmögenheter med hjälp av Kristus Jesus ." As one who recognizes, accepts, and responds to the clear evidence that the last days will soon end, what are you looking forward to? As a result, "the peace of mind that excels all thought will guard [our] hearts and [our] mental powers by means of Christ Jesus. " Om vi koncentrerar oss på uppfyllelsen av Bibelns profetior i den här spännande tiden, kommer vi inte att bli distraherade av bruset från Satans värld. 11, 12. If we focus on the fulfillment of Bible prophecy in this thrilling time, we will not be distracted by the noise of Satan's world. 11, 12. In a similar way, today many religious leaders cultivate relationships with political leaders. 11, 12. I vår tid är det många religiösa ledare som på liknande sätt uppodlar relationer med politiska ledare. He works and works, and then he brings home luxuries rather than necessities. Today, many religious leaders similarly cultivate relationships with political leaders. Han jobbar och jobbar, och så kommer han hem med lyxgrejer, sådant vi egentligen inte behöver. A "simple " eye will move us to resist worldly distractions He works and works, and he comes home with luxury eyes, which we do not really need. Ett " ogrumlat " öga hjälper oss att inte bli distraherade. While Babylon's king and his nobles were drinking wine from holy vessels captured from Jerusalem's temple and were praising their man - made gods, the armies of Media and Persia conquered Babylon. A "simple " eye helps us to avoid being distracted. Då hände något omskakande: Mediens och Persiens härar invaderade Babylon medan stadens kung och hans män prisade sina avgudar och drack vin ur heliga kärl som hade förts bort från Jerusalems tempel. Galatians 6: 7 helps us to recognize what reason for suffering? Then something happened: The combined and Persia of Persia invaded Babylon while the king of the city and his men praised their idols and drank wine of holy vessel that had been taken away from the temple of Jerusalem. Vilken orsak till lidande hjälper oss Galaterna 6: 7 att inse? As Creator and Life - Giver, he has the right to make rules about life. Galatians 6: 7 gives us what reason for suffering? Eftersom han är Skaparen och har gett oss livet är det han som har rätten att ställa upp alla regler kring det. Jehovah's Way of Ruling Vindicated! Since he is the Creator and has given us life, he has the right to set all rules regarding them. Jehovas styre är överlägset! It will furnish concrete proof that Christ has moved into action as Jehovah's appointed Judge. Jehovah's way of governing is superior! Det kommer att bli ett påtagligt bevis för att Kristus har ingripit som Jehovas förordnade domare. Put simply, the talents refer to the responsibility to preach and make disciples. This will become a tangible proof that Christ has intervened as Jehovah's appointed Judge. Talenterna representerar helt enkelt ansvaret att predika och göra lärjungar. The sisters asked if there was anything they could do to help. The Trinity simply represents the responsibility of preaching and making disciples. De frågade om hon behövde hjälp med något. Likely, your parents are training you in a similar way by studying the Bible with you, praying with you, taking you to congregation meetings and larger assemblies of God's people, and sharing with you in the field ministry. They asked if she needed help. Era föräldrar övar förmodligen er på liknande sätt genom att studera Bibeln med er, be tillsammans med er, ta er med till församlingens möten och större sammankomster och gå i tjänsten tillsammans med er. Set progressive goals toward becoming a pioneer. Your parents likely train you in a similar way by studying the Bible with you, praying with you, attending congregation meetings, and sharing in the ministry with you. Sätt upp mål som leder fram mot pionjärtjänst. How can we trust in God Set goals that lead to pioneering. Hur kan vi förtrösta på Gud As you do, ask yourself, " If people lived by these values, would the world be a better place? ' How We Can Trust in God Fråga dig samtidigt: Skulle världen se bättre ut om människor var så här? If we allow Jehovah to guide our steps in life, nothing will prevent us from being faithful to him. At the same time, ask yourself: " Would the world be better off if people were like this world? Om vi låter Jehova vägleda oss genom livet, kommer ingenting att hindra oss från att vara trogna mot honom. Linking honor to our marriage should not come only after many years. If we allow Jehovah to guide us through life, nothing will prevent us from remaining faithful to him. Sådan ära bör inte bli en del av äktenskapet först efter många år. Being accountable, the elders feed, protect, and care for the flock. Such glory should not become part of marriage only after years of marriage. De känner sitt ansvar och tar hand om hjorden och skyddar den. If that step did not resolve the issue, one or two others who knew the facts might be called upon to help. They know their responsibility and care for the flock and protect it. Om detta inte löste problemet, skulle man kunna be en eller två andra som kände till fakta i saken hjälpa till. (Read Proverbs 8: 22, 23, 30.) If that were not resolved, a person could pray for one or two who knew facts in the matter. (Läs Ordspråksboken 8: 22, 23, 30.) When she was found murdered, I must admit that I initially wondered why my prayers were not answered. (Read Proverbs 8: 22, 23, 30.) Jag måste erkänna att när hon hittades mördad, undrade jag i början varför mina böner inte hade besvarats. For instance, Paul described Timothy as his "beloved and faithful child in the Lord, " one who would genuinely care for the concerns of other Christians. I had to admit that when she was found, I wondered why my prayers had not been answered. Han skrev till exempel att Timoteus var hans " älskade och trogna barn i Herren " och att Timoteus uppriktigt skulle bry sig om sina medtroende. Anne was deeply distressed by the plea and promised to reply by letter. For example, he wrote that Timothy was his " beloved and faithful children in the Lord " and that Timothy would genuinely care for fellow believers. Anne blev så klart ledsen, och hon lovade att hon skulle svara henne i ett brev. Of course, people today do not literally hear God's voice. Anne was so sad, and she promised that she would answer her in a letter. Människor hör naturligtvis inte Guds röst bokstavligt talat i denna tid. What role does being yielding play in successfully resisting any marriage breakup? Of course, people do not hear God's voice literally in this time. Hur viktigt är det att man är foglig för att äktenskapet inte skall gå i kras? What a beautiful lesson for us! How important is it to be yielding to the sanctity of marriage? Vilken underbar lärdom för oss! Therefore advertise, advertise, advertise, the King and his kingdom. " What a wonderful lesson for us! Därför annonsera, annonsera, annonsera Konungen och hans rike! " How can you make sure that you will remain when this wicked world passes away? Therefore advertise, advertise, advertise, the King and his kingdom! " Vad behöver vi göra för att få vara kvar när den här onda världen försvinner? How did David show that integrity is essential to our hope for the future? What must we do to remain in the end of this wicked world? Hur visade David att ostraffligheten är viktig för vårt hopp för framtiden? Jehovah and his Son also have deep affection for the thousands of ministerial servants who support the elders in " ministering to the holy ones. ' How did David show that integrity is essential to our hope for the future? Jehova och hans Son känner också varmt för de tusentals biträdande tjänare som bistår de äldste i att " tjäna de heliga ." Is it out - of - date, or is it really the most relevant and practical of books - in effect, a living book? Jehovah and his Son also feel warm toward the thousands of ministerial servants who assist the elders in "serve the holy ones. " Tänk om det är den mest relevanta och användbara bok som finns - en bok som fortfarande " lever ." Jesus here painted a vivid word picture of a mother hen sheltering her young with her wings. What if the most relevant and useful book is available - a book that is still "living "! Jesus målar här upp en livfull bild av en höna som samlar ihop sina små under sina vingar. 60: 22. Marking People for Survival Jesus here paints a vivid picture of a mother who gathers his little under his wings. Människor märks för att överleva Pray in Faith People's Way of survive Be i tro Acknowledging our sinful nature allows us to train our conscience so that it will move us to act properly when an urge to sin begins to develop in our mind and heart. Pray in Faith Vi förstår att vi behöver öva vårt samvete så att det kan hjälpa oss att handla rätt när ett orätt begär dyker upp i sinnet och hjärtat. What did Jehovah determine to do in Noah's day? We realize that training our conscience can help us to act properly when a wrong desire arises in our mind and heart. Vad beslöt Jehova att göra på Noas tid? (Read Matthew 24: 33 - 35.) What did Jehovah decide to do in Noah's day? 31 Ur vårt arkiv Satan has long sought to undermine God's authority. 31 From Our Archives (Läs Matteus 24: 33 - 35.) Peter saw the need to warn his fellow older men about the danger of shepherding the flock out of "love of dishonest gain. " (Read Matthew 24: 33 - 35.) Satan har länge försökt undergräva Guds myndighet. His love for what he taught and his love for the people he taught were evident to all honesthearted ones who saw and heard him. Satan has long tried to undermine God's authority. Petrus insåg att hans medäldste behövde påminnas om att inte drivas av " kärlek till ohederlig vinning ." • How do the Hebrew Scriptures stress the hope of a resurrection and everlasting life on earth? Peter realized that his fellow elders needed to be reminded that they are not motivated by "love of dishonest gain. " Hans kärlek till det han lärde ut och till de människor han undervisade var tydligt uppenbar för alla ärliga människor som såg och hörde honom. Why should we control our desire to want more material things? His love for what he taught and for the people he taught was evident to all honest people who saw and heard him. • Hur betonar de hebreiska skrifterna hoppet om en uppståndelse och evigt liv på jorden? Many who take that important step are young people - some not yet in their teens. • How do the Hebrew Scriptures emphasize the hope of a resurrection and everlasting life on earth? (New Testament Words, William Barclay) Paul could look forward to "the day when God through Christ Jesus judges the secret things of mankind, according to the good news. " BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "The word of God is... Varför behöver vi hålla våra materiella önskningar i schack? In this article, we will examine how the actions of others could distract us. Why do we need to keep our material desires under test? Många som har tagit det här steget är unga, och en del har inte ens kommit upp i tonåren. As progenitor of humankind, Adam subsequently introduced death into the entire human race. Many who have taken that step are young, and some have not even come into their teens. Paulus kunde se fram emot " den dag då Gud genom Kristus Jesus dömer det som är fördolt hos människorna, i enlighet med de goda nyheter [na] ." Even when challenges arise, each spouse thinks in terms of "we " rather than" me. " Paul could look forward to "the day when God through Christ Jesus judges the secret things of mankind, according to the good news [of the Christ]. " Vi skulle bland annat kunna bli distraherade av sådant som andra gör, och det ska vi se exempel på i den här artikeln. Job was neither malicious nor cruel. One way to become distracted is by what others do, and we will consider examples of this article. Eftersom Adam var stamfar till alla människor, fick de alla döden i arv. MAY 21 - 27, 2012 Since Adam was responsible for all humans, they were given death in the inheritance. BIBLISK PRINCIP: " De är inte längre två, utan ett. " For them, "the day of salvation " began at Pentecost 33 C.E. BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "They are no longer two, but one. " Job var varken grym eller skadeglad. " The eyes of Jehovah are on the righteous, and his ears listen to their cry for help. " - PSALM 34: 15. Job was neither cruel nor humiliated. 21 - 27 MAJ 2012 By using the Watchtower Library, or the ASL Watchtower Publications Index, you will likely find the scripture. MAY 21 - 27, 2012 För dem började " räddningens dag " vid pingsten år 33. For more than two centuries, Jacob's descendants lived under Egyptian rule in a land saturated with worship of the dead, use of idols, and other God - dishonoring beliefs and practices. For them, "the day of salvation " began at Pentecost 33 C.E. " Jehovas ögon vilar på de rättfärdiga, hans öron lyssnar till deras rop på hjälp. " What were the responses of Jehovah and of his chosen people to the covenant that had been established between them? " The eyes of Jehovah are toward the righteous ones, his ears listen to their cry for help. " - PS. Ofta kan man hitta rätt om man slår upp de orden i registret över ord och uttryck längst bak i Bibeln, i Watchtower Library eller i Konkordans till Nya världens översättning av Den heliga skrift. How, in turn, will they hear without someone to preach? " In the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, we often find the right to find the words found in the Bible, the Watchtower Library, or the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. I mer än två hundra år hade israeliterna varit slavar i Egypten, där invånarna tillbad de döda, använde avgudabilder och gjorde mycket annat som vanärade Gud. Under some circumstances, it would be inappropriate to have fellowship with certain people. For over two centuries, the Israelites had been slaves in Egypt, worshiping the dead, used idols, and doing much more dishonoring God. Vad gjorde Jehova och vad gjorde israeliterna när lagförbundet hade ingåtts? Jehova började omedelbart fullgöra sin del av lagförbundet. [ Footnote] After the Law covenant was established, Jehovah immediately began to fulfill his part of the Law covenant. Och hur skall de höra utan att någon predikar? " Illustrate. And how will they hear without someone to preach? " Det gäller till exempel dem som en gång har tillhört församlingen men som har syndat och blev uteslutna därför att de inte visade någon ånger. 7, 8. (a) What are some of the "strongly entrenched things " that divine education helps people to overturn? For example, those who once belonged to the congregation but who have sinned and were disfellowshipped because they did not display any regrets. [ Fotnot] And at our congregation meetings, all of us receive counsel that comes at just the right time! [ Footnote] Illustrera. Have you ever wondered what the future will be for you and your family? Illustrate. 7, 8. a) Vilka är några av de " starka förskansningar " som undervisningen från Gud befriar människor från? When a Christian's marriage succeeds, it is a joy and brings honor to Jehovah. 7, 8. (a) What are some of the "strongly entrenched things " that divine education frees people? Och på våra möten får vi ofta råd och vägledning just när vi behöver det som mest. " Every day in the temple and from house to house they continued without letup teaching and declaring the good news about the Christ, Jesus. " - ACTS 5: 42. And at our meetings, we often receive counsel and direction just when we need it most. Funderar du ibland på hur framtiden ska bli för dig och din familj? Understandably, Paul prefaced his description of each of these people with the expression "by faith. " Do you at times consider how the future will be for you and your family? När ett äktenskap mellan två kristna är starkt, bidrar det till lyckan och blir till ära för Jehova. (b) Why did Paul refer to fornication in connection with the action of Esau? When a marriage bond between two Christians is strong, it contributes to happiness and brings praise to Jehovah. " Varje dag fortsatte de utan uppehåll att i templet och från hus till hus undervisa och förkunna de goda nyheterna om Messias, Jesus. " For example, a woman known to be a sinner approached him, weeping and wetting his feet with her tears. " Every day in the temple and from house to house they continued without letup teaching and declaring the good news about the Christ, Jesus. " Det är lätt att förstå varför Paulus började varje beskrivning av de här lojala tjänarna med att nämna deras tro. Such a trend is quite noticeable in Europe. It is easy to understand why Paul began each description of these loyal servants of God to mention their faith. b) Varför skrev Paulus om otukt i samband med det Esau gjorde? (b) What support was provided for Moses? (b) Why did Paul write about fornication in connection with Esau's actions? Hon grät och " började fukta hans fötter med sina tårar ." How is our confidence heightened by contemplating Jehovah's universal organization? She wept and "began to raise his feet with her tears. " Denna utveckling är särskilt tydlig i Europa. " O THE DEPTH OF GOD'S RICHES AND WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE! " This development is especially evident in Europe. b) Vilket stöd fick Mose? ARTICLE 3 • SONGS: 88, 24 (b) What support did Moses receive? Jehova ger oss också ett överflöd av andlig mat genom " den trogne och omdömesgille slaven ." Hence, the place is also called "the low plain of Jehoshaphat. " Jehovah also provides an abundance of spiritual food through "the faithful and discreet slave. " Hur påverkas vi av att begrunda Jehovas universella organisation? How did angels assist Moses? How does considering Jehovah's universal organization affect us? SIDAN 17 • SÅNGER: 88, 24 Michelle: Well, maybe I could illustrate the point this way. ARTICLE 3 • SONGS: 88, 24 Därefter kom platsen att även kallas " Jehosafats lågslätt ." We surely would not want to resist the spirit's leading. Thereafter, the place came to be called "the low plain of Jehoshaphat. " På vilka sätt fick Mose hjälp av änglar? Jehovah promised Abraham that He would "make a great nation " out of him. In what ways did angels assist Moses? Vi vill verkligen inte motarbeta andens ledning. • In what areas does Satan try to undermine God's authority? We certainly do not want to oppose the leadings of the spirit. Jehova lovade Abraham att han skulle göra honom till " en stor nation ." Often, the wrongdoer sees his error and corrects matters. Jehovah promised Abraham to make him "a great nation. " • På vilka områden försöker Satan undergräva Guds myndighet? 6: 27. • In what areas does Satan try to undermine God's authority? Oftast inser personen att han har gjort fel och rättar till sitt misstag. For example, it was in response to a statement by Peter that Jesus spoke about "the faithful steward. " Often, the person realizes that he has wrong and tells his mistakes. 6: 27. We can bear in mind that Jesus empathized with the sick even though he himself was never sick. 6: 27. Så till exempel var det som svar på en fråga av Petrus som Jesus talade om " den trogne förvaltaren ." 3, 4. For example, it was the answer to Peter's question that Jesus spoke about "the faithful steward. " Men vi kan tänka på att Jesus hade empati med dem som var sjuka, även om han själv aldrig var sjuk. Traveling overseers and their wives need and cherish close friends. However, we can bear in mind that Jesus had empathy for the sick, even if he himself was never sick. 3, 4. (b) Illustrate how God provides for his faithful worshippers. 3, 4. De som är i resetjänsten behöver precis som alla andra ha nära vänner. At times, Jehovah may come to our aid even before we embark on a wrong course. Like all others, those who serve in the traveling work need to be close friends. b) Ge ett exempel på hur Jehova tar hand om sina tjänare. Although many things have changed over the centuries, the essential aspects of conventions have not. (b) Give an example of how Jehovah cares for his servants. Ibland kommer Jehova till vår hjälp redan innan vi slår in på en felaktig kurs. In 1931, what resolution was adopted, and how did that affect the Kingdom - proclamation work? At times, Jehovah comes to our aid before we settle a wrong course. Även om mycket har ändrats under århundradenas lopp finns det många likheter. Are we not touched to think of the way Jesus used his miraculous power to care compassionately for entire families, including the little ones? Although much has changed over the centuries, there are many similarities. Vilken resolution antogs 1931, och vilken inverkan hade den på arbetet med att predika om Guds kungarike? You may wonder how humans can bless God. In 1931, what resolution did the Kingdom - preaching work have, and what effect did this have on the Kingdom - preaching work? Är det inte rörande att tänka på att Jesus använde sin kraft för att alla de här människorna, stora som små, skulle få det de behövde? God has reserved that privilege for individuals he has anointed with holy spirit to be "joint heirs with Christ. " Is it not touching that Jesus used his power to ensure that all of these, small, would they have what they needed? Du kanske undrar hur människor kan välsigna Gud. And he thought about Proverbs 20: 11, which says: "Even a child [or," boy, " footnote] is known by his actions, whether his behavior is pure and right. " You may wonder, " How can people bless God? ' Gud har reserverat detta privilegium för personer som han har smort med helig ande till att vara " Kristi medarvingar ." ● Timothy, who lives in West Africa, is deaf and mute. God has reserved this privilege for individuals whom he has anointed with holy spirit to be "joint heirs with Christ. " Där citerades Ordspråksboken 20: 11: " En pojke visar genom sina handlingar om hans levnadssätt är rent och rättrådigt. " Things will definitely get worse during the great tribulation. Says Proverbs 20: 11: "A boy shows by his actions whether his way of life is clean and upright. " ● Timothy, som bor i Västafrika, är döv och stum. We should therefore be more determined than ever to take an active part in the work that Jesus foretold when he said: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end [teʹlos] will come. " - Matt. 24: 14. ● Timothy, who lives in Africa, is deaf and deaf. Och under den stora vedermödan blir förhållandena definitivt ännu värre. Satan claimed that Job's worship of God was based on selfishness, not integrity. And during the great tribulation, conditions are definitely worse. Vi bör därför vara mer beslutna än någonsin att ta aktiv del i det arbete som Jesus förutsade med orden: " Dessa goda nyheter om kungariket skall bli predikade på hela den bebodda jorden till ett vittnesbörd för alla nationerna; och sedan skall slutet [tẹlos] komma. " How can we acquire real faith? So we should be more determined than ever to take active share in the work foretold by Jesus: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. " Satan påstod att Job tillbad Gud på grund av själviskhet, inte därför att han var ostrafflig. Like Jesus, may we make it our goal to "do all things for God's glory. " - 1 Cor. 10: 31. Satan claimed that Job worshipped God because of selfishness, not his integrity. Hur kan vi få verklig tro? Yet, they do not use any limitations as an excuse to do only a small amount in God's service. How can we gain true faith? Vi vill efterlikna Jesus och ha som mål att göra " allt till Guds ära ." " His own eyes behold, his own beaming eyes examine the sons of men. We want to imitate Jesus in making "all things for God's glory. " Men de använder inte sina begränsningar som en ursäkt för att göra minsta möjliga i tjänsten för Gud. All those doing them [keeping his commandments] have a good insight. " - Ps. 111: 10. However, they do not use their limitations as an excuse to do the least possible in God's service. " Hans ögon ser, hans klara blick prövar människosönerna. Even then, he can help us to bring about necessary changes so that we can continue to serve him acceptably. " His eyes look at, his low eyes examine the sons of men. Alla som handlar därefter [som håller hans bud] har god insikt. " In this article, "alcohol " and" drink " refer broadly to beer, wine, and other spirits. All those who act thereafter [who observe his commandments have good insight. " Men även om det är så, kan han hjälpa oss att göra de förändringar som behövs för att vi ska kunna fortsätta tjäna honom. He went on to deceive Eve into believing that God was withholding something good and that by eating the fruit, she would become like God, having moral independence. - Gen. 3: 1 - 5. Even if that is the case, he can help us to make the needed adjustments in order to continue serving him. I den här artikeln syftar " alkohol " på öl, vin och andra alkoholhaltiga drycker. A PERSON may hear the sounds of someone speaking to him. He may even note the tone of voice. This article refers to " alcohol " on the island, wine, and other alcoholic beverages. Sedan fick han Eva att tro att Gud undanhöll henne något gott och att hon genom att äta av frukten skulle bli lik Gud - bli oberoende och själv få bestämma vad som är gott och vad som är ont. [ Pictures on page 15] Then he became Eve's faith that God kept her good and that by eating of the fruit, she would become like God - independent and decide what is good and what is bad. EN PERSON kanske hör att någon pratar med honom och kanske till och med lägger märke till tonfallet. In what ways can we imitate Jehovah's loyalty? A newspaper might hear that someone is speaking to him and may even observe the tone. [ Bilder på sidan 15] Listen so as to know them (See paragraphs 3 - 9) [ Pictures on page 15] Hur kan vi efterlikna Jehovas lojalitet? Regularly, every week of every month, dedicated Christians come together to worship Jehovah. How can we imitate Jehovah's loyalty? Lyssna och lär känna dem. (Se paragraf 3 - 9.) Jehovah had told Abraham that his "seed " would be multiplied" like the stars of the heavens and like the grains of sand that are on the seashore " - a number unknown to Abraham. Listen and get to know them (See paragraphs 3 - 9) Överlämnade kristna kommer regelbundet, vecka efter vecka och månad efter månad, tillsammans för att tillbe Jehova. In the same letter, Paul used an illustration to prove that Christians were no longer under the Law. Christian meetings regularly, week after week, and month after month, together to worship Jehovah. Jehova hade talat om för Abraham att hans " avkomma " skulle bli talrik " som himlens stjärnor och som sandkornen på havets strand " - ett antal som Abraham inte kände till. For instance, his Law provided for a system of sacrifices, or offerings, some of which were compulsory, while others were voluntary. Jehovah had told Abraham that his "seed " would become numerous" like the stars of the heavens and like the grains of sand on the seashore " - a number that Abraham did not know. I samma brev använde Paulus en illustration för att visa att de kristna inte längre stod under den mosaiska lagen. (b) How does it run as "a mighty man "? In the same letter, Paul used an illustration to show that Christians were no longer under the Mosaic Law. Hans lag föreskrev till exempel att man skulle frambära offer, varav somliga var obligatoriska medan andra var frivilliga. What can we conclude about the faith of the Israelites, and why is that something for us to think about? For example, his Law required that a person offer sacrifices, some be compulsory while others were voluntary. b) Hur färdas den som " en väldig man "? Moreover, we need to perform "deeds of godly devotion " with reverence for God and loyal attachment to him. (b) How does the one "a mighty man " travel? Vilken slutsats kan vi dra när det gäller israeliternas tro, och varför är det något som vi bör allvarligt tänka på? After they sinned, humans were no longer part of God's universal family, but Jehovah's purpose was not thwarted. What can we conclude about Israel's faith, and why is this a serious matter? Dessutom måste de vara uttryck för gudhängivenhet motiverad av djup kärlek och respekt. When he " walked by spirit, ' it was no doubt easier for him to resist temptations to sin. Moreover, they must be expressions of godly devotion motivated by deep love and respect. När människorna hade syndat var de inte längre en del av Jehovas universella familj, men det omintetgjorde inte hans avsikt. It is also vital to get to know the brothers and sisters in your local congregation, part of "the whole association of brothers " throughout the world. After humans sinned, they were no longer part of Jehovah's universal family, but they did not excuse his purpose. När han vandrade " genom ande " var det utan tvivel lättare för honom att stå emot frestelser till synd. Does this mean that we cannot express love through our speech? When he walked "through spirit, " doubtless it was easier for him to resist temptation to sin. Det är också viktigt att du lär känna bröderna och systrarna i din församling som ingår i " hela brödraskaran " i världen. As one of Jesus ' early disciples, he was performing great signs and portents among the people. It is also important for you to get to know the brothers and sisters in your congregation who are part of "the whole association of brothers " worldwide. Betyder det att det är fel att visa kärlek i ord? You might receive a polite reply from his office, but it is highly unlikely that you would be allowed to speak with the ruler himself. Does this mean that it is wrong to show love in words? Som en av Jesu första lärjungar gjorde han stora tecken och under bland folket. [ Picture on page 15] As one of Jesus ' early disciples, he made great signs and under the people. Du skulle kanske få ett artigt svar från någon av hans underlydande, men det är högst osannolikt att du skulle få tala med honom personligen. After all, he is the One who commands his followers to preach. Perhaps you would have a courteous answer from one of his attendants, but it is unlikely that you should talk to him personally. [ Bild på sidan 15] Are Jehovah's people in modern times any different? [ Picture on page 15] Det var ju han som befallde sina efterföljare att predika. 119: 11, 47, 48. How can prayer help us to serve Jehovah more fully? After all, he commanded his followers to preach. Är det annorlunda med Jehovas folk i vår tid? However, when faced with clear evidence of God's purpose regarding the preaching work, their real thoughts, intentions, and motives became manifest. Is it different with Jehovah's people today? Hur kan våra böner hjälpa oss att tjäna Jehova bättre? Consider a recent decision made by the Governing Body. How can prayer help us to serve Jehovah more fully? Men deras agerande i den här situationen visade vilka tankar, syften och motiv de hade innerst inne. (b) What are Jehovah's present - day people morally obligated to do? However, their literature in that situation showed their thoughts, purpose, and motives. För inte så länge sedan gav den styrande kretsen justerade anvisningar om hur äldste och församlingstjänare ska förordnas. So it can be with us if we regularly ponder on spiritual matters. - 1 Timothy 4: 15. Not long ago, the Governing Body adjusted direction on how elders and ministerial servants should be appointed. b) Vilken moralisk skyldighet har Jehovas folk i vår tid? Teach your children Bible truth whenever possible (See paragraph 10) (b) What moral responsibility do Jehovah's people have today? Det kan vara på samma sätt med oss, om vi regelbundet begrundar andliga angelägenheter. How do I feel about being among the relatively few on earth today who are known by God? It can be similar with us if we regularly meditate on spiritual matters. (Se paragraf 10.) I have purposed it, and I will also carry it out. " (See paragraph 10) Hur känner jag för att vara en av de få människor som Jehova kallar sina vänner? Their mental powers were dulled. " How do I feel about being one of the few people whom Jehovah calls his friends? Jag har utformat det; jag genomför det också. " Here is what some have said: I have purposed it; I will also carry it out. " Deras förstånd avtrubbades. " (b) What does Zephaniah chapter 2 illustrate? Their understanding was lighted. " Så här säger några av dem: Satan had blinded the minds of the people. Says some of them: b) Vad kan Sefanja, kapitel 2, belysa? We should be determined not to be influenced by the vine of the earth. (b) What can Zephaniah chapter 2, illustrate? Satan hade förblindat deras sinne. " You wild animals and all you domestic animals, you creeping things and winged birds, " says Psalm 148: 10. Satan had blinded their minds. Vi bör vara beslutna att inte bli påverkade av jordens vinstock. WHY do some Christians who remain faithful for years despite imprisonment or persecution later succumb to materialism? We should be determined not to be influenced by the vine of the earth. " Ni vilda djur och alla husdjur, ni krypande djur och bevingade fåglar ," står det i Psalm 148: 10. ARTICLE 6 What Is the Holy Spirit? " You wild animals and every animal, you animals, and ask birds, " says Psalm 148: 10. VAD beror det på att somliga kristna som varit trogna i många år och till och med suttit i fängelse och blivit förföljda för sin tro till sist dukar under för materialism? God said not to eat from a certain tree, but they went ahead and ate from it anyway. WHAT is it because some Christians who have been faithful for many years and even were persecuted for their faith until you finally succumbed to materialism? 32 Kan en stubbe grönska igen? What a joy to see today all three sons in the full - time ministry - one serving at Bethel, one having attended the Ministerial Training School, and one pioneering! 32 Can a Story - inspiring One Again? De fick inte äta av den förbjudna frukten, men de åt ändå. 7: 10. They were not to eat the forbidden fruit, but they still ate. Vilken glädje det är att i dag se att alla tre sönerna är i heltidstjänsten - en tjänar vid Betel, en har gått igenom Skolan för förordnade tjänare och en är pionjär! Like Abner, Absalom sought to kill David, even though he knew that Jehovah had appointed David as Israel's king. - 2 Sam. 15: 13, 14; 17: 1 - 4. What a joy it is to see that in the full - time service, all three sons serve at Bethel, a pioneer has attended the Ministerial Training School and a pioneer! 7: 10) 9, 10. 7: 10) Precis som Abner försökte Absalom döda David trots att han visste att Jehova hade gjort David till kung i Israel. But Bible principles must be followed in establishing a matter judicially. Like Abner, Absalom tried to kill David even though he knew that Jehovah had made David king over Israel. 9, 10. Finally, on the last night that Jesus was with the apostles, Nisan 14, 33 C.E., he instituted what came to be known as the Lord's Evening Meal and commanded them to commemorate the event. 9, 10. Men Bibelns principer måste följas för att slå fast om något är sant eller osant. People in Jesus ' day were living under very difficult circumstances. However, Bible principles must follow if they are true or unacceptable. Och vad ska de styra över? This was dispatched to the elders there "by the hand of Barnabas and Saul. " And what will they rule? Den sista kvällen Jesus var tillsammans med apostlarna, den 14 nisan år 33, instiftade han slutligen vad som kom att bli känt som Herrens kvällsmåltid och befallde dem att minnas denna händelse. Why should it be obvious to others that we are devoted to Jehovah exclusively? On the last night of his presence with the apostles on Nisan 14, 33 C.E., Jesus finally instituted what came to be known as the Lord's Evening Meal and commanded them to remember that event. Människorna på Jesu tid levde under mycket svåra omständigheter. (Read Ezekiel 34: 15, 16.) People in Jesus ' day lived under very difficult circumstances. Detta understöd skickades " med Barnabas och Saul " till de äldste som fanns där. Purpose of Study Articles This was sent "with Barnabas and Saul " to the older men there. Varför måste det märkas att vi är fullständigt lojala mot Jehova? For instance, association with those who do not adhere to God's laws - whether at school or at work or through some form of ungodly entertainment - might affect our determination to do what is right. Why should it be evident that we are completely loyal to Jehovah? (Läs Hesekiel 34: 15, 16.) Nevertheless, Jehovah is an appreciative God. (Read Ezekiel 34: 15, 16.) Syftet med studieartiklarna 18, 19. (a) Why may Christians find it difficult to exhibit mildness in dealing with secular authorities? Purpose of Study Articles Om vi till exempel umgås med sådana som inte följer Guds lagar - i skolan eller på arbetet eller genom någon form av ogudaktig underhållning - skulle det kunna påverka vår föresats att göra det som är rätt. Dealing with conflicting family loyalties can be challenging. For example, if we associate with those who do not obey God's laws - at school or at work or by any form of entertainment - it might affect our determination to do what is right. Men Jehova är en uppskattande Gud. What does it mean to " scatter knowledge about '? However, Jehovah is a appreciative God. 18, 19. a) Varför kan kristna finna det svårt att visa mildhet i kontakter med världsliga myndigheter? If Adam and Eve had respected that gift, the whole earth would have become a paradise filled with happy, righteous servants of God. 18, 19. (a) Why might Christians find it difficult to display mildness in dealing with secular authorities? Vi kan ta Ken som exempel. Until then, I will continue to fight. " Consider the example of C. Vad betyder det att sprida kunskap? Satan's revolt is still going strong. What does it mean to spread knowledge? Om Adam och Eva hade respekterat den gåvan skulle hela jorden ha blivit ett paradis med lyckliga, rättfärdiga tjänare åt Gud. Similarly, if we are to help people accept the good news of the Kingdom, we must master the art of asking effective questions. If Adam and Eve had respected that gift, the whole earth would have become a paradise filled with happy, righteous servants of God. Fram till dess fortsätter jag kämpa. " And may Jehovah, who has clothed himself with dignity and splendor, be pleased with our dignified manner of rendering worship to him. Until then, I keep on fighting. " Satans uppror pågår fortfarande för fullt. When the person picks one, show him the chapter that answers that question, leave the book with him, and make definite arrangements to call again and discuss that question. Satan's rebellion continues to be fully under Satan's control. Om vi ska kunna hjälpa människor att ta emot de goda nyheterna om kungariket måste vi behärska konsten att använda frågor. Just as Peter did after his experience with the resurrected Jesus, we prove the depth of our love for Christ by putting the work he has given us to do in first place. To help people accept the good news of the Kingdom, we must exercise self - control in using questions. Och må Jehova, som har klätt sig i värdighet och prakt, finna behag i oss när vi visar värdighet i vår tillbedjan. For some illnesses, there may be no known cure. And may Jehovah, who has clothed himself with dignity and splendor, delight in our worship. När han väljer ut en fråga, visa honom då det kapitel som svarar på den, låt honom behålla boken och bestäm en tid då du kan komma tillbaka för att resonera om frågan. Try this: The next time you discuss a problem with your wife, resist the urge to give unsolicited advice. When choosing a question, show him what is being answered, let him keep the book and decide a time when you can come back to discuss the question. Precis som Petrus kan vi visa hur mycket vi älskar Jesus genom att prioritera predikoarbetet. Despite the impressive knowledge that has been amassed by humankind, our understanding of the material creation does not extend even to "the fringes of [God's] ways. " Like Peter, we can show how much we love Jesus by giving priority to the preaching work. En del sjukdomar kanske inte har något känt botemedel. Such initiatives will give you the opportunity to observe young ones and offer commendation and see the results. - Prov. 15: 23. Some diseases may not have known the cure. Testa det här: Nästa gång ni pratar om ett problem stå då emot impulsen att ge oombedda råd. Wisely, Christian men - both married and those considering marriage - will study the dignified way in which Jesus treated women. Try this: The next time you talk about a problem when the urge to give unpleasant counsel. Trots den imponerande kunskap som har samlats av människor sträcker sig vår insikt om den materiella skapelsen inte ens till " utkanterna av... [ Guds] vägar ." Because of their disobedience, they did not enjoy lasting peace with God. Despite the impressive knowledge that has been gathered by people, our understanding of the material creation is not even to "the fringes of [God's] ways. " När man tar sådana initiativ får man bra tillfällen att se vilka starka sidor de yngre har, berömma dem och se resultatet. [ Picture on page 15] As you take such initiative, you will be able to discern the strengths of younger ones, commend them, and see the results. Det är därför förståndigt att kristna män, både gifta och sådana som tänker gifta sig, studerar Jesu värdiga sätt att behandla kvinnor. Discuss differences calmly and honestly. How wise it is, then, that Christian men, both married and those contemplating marriage, study Jesus ' worthy of treating women! På grund av sin olydnad fick de inte bestående frid med Gud. How can parents raise happy children? Because of their disobedience, they did not have permanent peace with God. [ Bild på sidan 15] A third way that all of us prove that we are friends of Christ is by cooperating with the direction provided by congregation elders. [ Picture on page 15] Samtala lugnt och uppriktigt om meningsskiljaktigheterna. Consider, for instance, his dealings with faithful patriarchs, beginning with Abraham. Talk calmly and sincerely about differences. Hur kan föräldrar uppfostra sina barn så att de blir lyckliga? For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all... How can parents raise their children so that they are happy? För det tredje kan vi alla visa att vi är Kristi vänner genom att följa de anvisningar som församlingens äldste ger. Meetings educate us. Third, all of us can show that we are friends of Christ by following the direction given by congregation elders. För att belysa det ska vi se närmare på hur Jehova var som ett " hem " för de trogna patriarkerna, och vi börjar med Abraham. (Read James 1: 22 - 25.) To illustrate, consider how Jehovah was like "a home " for the faithful patriarchs, and we begin with Abraham. De levande vet nämligen att de skall dö, men de döda vet ingenting alls... ARTICLE 2 For the living are conscious that they will die, but the dead do not know at all... Mötena utbildar oss. [ Pictures on page 21] Meetings educate us. (Läs Jakob 1: 22 - 25.) Abraham and Sarah stayed focused on the things ahead, not getting dragged down by the world around them. (Read James 1: 22 - 25.) SIDAN 11 By making the best of their situation and even seeking to improve it, they uphold Jehovah's righteous way of ruling. ARTICLE 2 [ Bilder på sidan 21] Tertullian wrote: "Consider those who with greedy thirst, at a show in the arena, take the fresh blood of wicked criminals... and carry it off to heal their epilepsy. " [ Pictures on page 21] Abraham och Sara tänkte alltså på det som Gud hade lovat dem och lät inte världen runt omkring påverka dem negativt. They need to understand the importance of sincerely saying "please, "" thank you, " "you are welcome, "" may I help you?, " and "I am sorry. " Thus, Abraham and Sarah focused on what God had promised them and did not allow the world to affect them. Gifta par som är beredda att satsa på sitt äktenskap visar att de stöder Jehovas rättvisa styre. Over time, though, the Israelites frequently turned away from God's rule and suffered the loss of his protection. Married couples who are willing to plan their marriage demonstrate that they support Jehovah's justice. Tertullianus skrev: " Tänk på dem som med glupskhet vid skådespelen på arenan tar ogudaktiga brottslingars färska blod... och bär bort det för att bota sin epilepsi. " • How can elders follow Christ's lead in exercising their God - given authority? Tertullian wrote: "Remember those who are with a view to the plays on the fresh blood of ungodly criminals... and carry it away to cure their cure. " De behöver förstå hur viktigt det är att uppriktigt säga " tack ," " var så god ," " kan jag hjälpa dig? ," " förlåt mig " och så vidare. Having " beaten our swords into plowshares, ' we do not get involved in civil or international wars. - Isa. 2: 4. They need to understand the need to say sincerely, "I am so good, " and thus" I can help you. " Gång på gång förkastade israeliterna Guds styre och förlorade hans beskydd. Then you will be better able to please Jehovah, treat others properly, and keep on doing good. Time and again, the Israelites rejected God's way of ruling and lost his protection. • Hur kan de äldste följa Kristi ledning när de utövar den myndighet de fått av Gud? Often, however, the inhabitants of Israel and Judah did not repent. • How can elders follow Christ's leadership when exercising the authority they receive from God? Vi har smitt våra " svärd till plogbillar ," och därför tar vi inte del i krig. He was relieved to find that a document that was invaluable to him was there. Because we have beaten our " swords into plowshares, " we do not engage in wars. Då kommer du att ännu bättre kunna behaga Jehova, behandla andra väl och göra gott. Regarding theft, Paul wrote: "Let the stealer steal no more, but rather let him do hard work, doing with his hands what is good work, that he may have something to distribute to someone in need. " Then you will be able to please Jehovah more fully, treating others well, and doing good. Men invånarna i Israel och Juda ville många gånger inte ångra sina synder, trots att Jehova gång på gång sände sina profeter för att tala om för dem hur han såg på deras olydnad. Later, Jehovah himself encouraged Joshua, saying: "Be courageous and strong... However, the inhabitants of Israel and Judah did not want to repent over their sins, even though Jehovah repeatedly sent his prophets to tell them how he viewed their disobedience. Han blev mycket lättad när han såg att ett värdefullt dokument fanns kvar i portföljen. In what ways is the book of Job an encouragement to Jehovah's servants in modern times? He was greatly relieved when he saw that a valuable document lasted in the property. Så här skrev Paulus angående stöld: " Må den som stjäl inte stjäla mer utan i stället arbeta hårt och med sina händer utföra gott arbete, så att han kan ha något att dela ut åt den som behöver. " " As they were conversing and discussing, " says the Gospel account, "Jesus himself approached and began walking with them; but their eyes were kept from recognizing him. Concerning stealing, Paul wrote: "Let the one steal no more, rather than work hard and with his hands work done good, that he may have something to share with the one who needs it. " Senare uppmuntrade Jehova själv Josua med orden: " Var modig och stark.... When teaching his people to be impartial and to show kindness toward such ones, Jehovah reminded them that they too had been aliens - in Egypt. Later, Jehovah himself encouraged Joshua with the words: "Be courageous and strong.... Hur är Jobs bok till uppmuntran för Jehovas tjänare i vår tid? Should not Jesus ' self - sacrificing love evoke an appreciative response in us? How is the book of Job of encouragement to Jehovah's servants today? I evangelieskildringen läser vi: " Medan de... samtalade och diskuterade, närmade sig Jesus själv och slog följe med dem; men deras ögon avhölls från att känna igen honom. The Effects of Affliction In his Gospel account, we read: "As they... spoke and argued, drawed close to Jesus himself and struck them; but their eyes from seeing him again. När Jehova undervisade sitt folk om att de skulle vara opartiska mot sådana och visa omtanke om dem, påminde han dem om att de själva hade varit främlingar - i Egypten. How would you describe an individual who is approachable? When Jehovah taught his people that they should be impartial in such and show concern for them, he reminded them that they themselves had been strangers - in Egypt. Bör inte Jesu självuppoffrande kärlek få oss att reagera med uppskattning? Doing research, talking with mature Christians, and pouring out our heart in prayer can help us to endure Should not Jesus ' self - sacrificing love move us to respond with appreciation? Verkningarna av att känna sig betryckt As the Bible writer James pointed out, a sin such as adultery usually takes place only after the thought has been conceived and entertained. The result of feeling helpless Hur skulle du beskriva någon som är tillgänglig? Of course, cultures and religious beliefs vary greatly, so we need to be discerning when it comes to choosing the right time to speak. How would you describe someone who is approachable? Genom att vi gör efterforskningar, talar med mogna kristna och öppnar vårt hjärta i bön kan vi få hjälp att hålla ut When we dedicated our lives to Jehovah, we vowed that we would do his will unreservedly. Doing research, speak with mature Christians, opening our heart in prayer, can help us to endure Som bibelskribenten Jakob visar föregås en synd, till exempel äktenskapsbrott, vanligen av att man har närt tanken på det. Some were prophets "borne along by holy spirit. " As the Bible writer James shows, a sin, such as adultery, usually is set out by the idea of having the idea of it. Vi möter människor från olika kulturer och med olika religiösa uppfattningar, så vi behöver vara smidiga och tänka på när det passar bäst att ta upp olika ämnen. Go in peace, and be healed from your grievous sickness. " We face people from different cultures and with different religious views, so we need to be embarrassed and concerned when it is best to discuss different subjects. När vi överlämnade oss åt Jehova lovade vi att utan förbehåll göra hans vilja. Commend your brothers sincerely. When we dedicated ourselves to Jehovah, we promised to do his will without reservation. Några var profeter som " drevs av helig ande ." CELL - PHONE calls, text messages, e - mails, online social networks, chat rooms - there has never been a time when the means of communicating were so numerous and easy to come by. Some were prophets who "were moved by holy spirit. " Jesus underverk visar tydligt att han bryr sig om oss och ser de problem vi kämpar med. He has a compass. Jesus ' miracles clearly show that he cares about us and looks at the problems we face. Var ärlig när du berömmer andra. Their faith strengthened, the disciples embarked on a preaching campaign that despite opposition took the good news to "all creation that is under heaven. " - Colossians 1: 23; Acts 1: 8; 28: 22. Be honest when you commend others. MOBILSAMTAL, sms, mejl, sociala nätverk och chattrum på internet - aldrig tidigare har det funnits så många och så smidiga sätt att kommunicera på. Of course, you should also try to understand them. WHAT has been the number of people in the Internet, on DVDs, social networking sites, and chat rooms in the Internet - have never been so many and so much appreciated to communicate. Han använder en kompass. A Conversation With a Neighbor He uses a compass. Lärjungarnas tro stärktes, och de påbörjade en predikokampanj som trots motstånd ledde till att de goda nyheterna nådde ut till " hela skapelsen under himlen ." * Their faith was strengthened, and they began a preaching campaign that despite opposition, the disciples reached the good news into "all creation that is under heaven. " Och du behöver naturligtvis försöka förstå dem också. The Devil will keep on throwing some of you into prison that you may be fully put to the test, and that you may have tribulation ten days. Of course, you need to try to understand them too. Ett samtal vid dörren How did Jesus fulfill prophecies regarding the quality of his teaching? A Neighbor With a Neighbor * Zechariah faithfully carried out his priestly duties, and both of them kept God's Law to the best of their ability. * Djävulen skall fortsätta med att kasta några av er i fängelse, för att ni må bli fullständigt provsatta och för att ni må ha vedermöda i tio dagar. Shortly before this, he had presided over a decisive test in Israel that proved that Jehovah is the true God, and this led to the execution of 450 prophets of Baal. The Devil will keep on throwing some of you into prison that you may be fully put to the test and that you may have tribulation ten days. Hur uppfyllde Jesus de profetior som förutsade karaktären av hans undervisning? (b) What course is recommended at Proverbs 6: 1 - 5? How did Jesus fulfill the prophecies that foretold by his teaching? Sakarja utförde också troget sina prästerliga tjänster, och båda höll Guds lag efter bästa förmåga. (b) How was a Witness in Asia able to help a customer? Zechariah also faithfully carried out his priestly services, and both kept God's Law in their best capacity. Inte långt tidigare hade han utfört ett storslaget underverk som visade att Jehova är den sanne Guden och som ledde till att 450 baalsprofeter avrättades. Jehovah told Daniel that the goat symbolized Greece and the large horn depicted one of its kings. Not long before he had performed a great miracle that demonstrated that Jehovah is the true God and that led to 450 prophets. b) Vilket råd får vi i Ordspråksboken 6: 1 - 5? For example, I have learned to consult my husband instead of just making my own decisions. " (b) What counsel is found at Proverbs 6: 1 - 5? b) Hur kunde ett vittne i Asien hjälpa en kund? Self - control, the final aspect of the spirit's fruitage, enables us to say no to things that God condemns. (b) How did one Witness in Asia help a Bible student? Jehova talade om för Daniel att bocken symboliserade Grekland och att det stora hornet representerade en av dess kungar. Since the two censuses taken at the beginning and at the end of the wilderness trek revealed that the number of Israelites did not increase, the original supply of these items would have been sufficient. - Numbers 2: 32; 26: 51. Jehovah told Daniel that the goat represented a large horn of its kings. Jag har lärt mig att prata med min man först innan jag bara bestämmer saker. " Reflecting on what questions can help us to "abhor what is wicked " and" cling to what is good "? I have learned to talk to my husband first before making decisions. " Profeten berättar vidare: " Jag åt den, och den blev söt som honung i min mun. " Just as jealousy in husband or wife is the forceful assertion of an exclusive right, so God asserts His claim, and vindicates it, on those who are His sole possession. " The prophet goes on to say: "I came to it, and it became sweet as honey in my mouth. " Självbehärskning, den sista delen av andens frukt, hjälper oss att avvisa sådant som Gud fördömer. When addressing the entire congregation, elders aim to give commendation whenever it is fitting. Self - control, the last part of the spirit's fruitage, helps us to reject things that God condemns. Med tanke på att de två folkräkningarna som utfördes i början och slutet av vandringen i vildmarken visar att israeliterna inte hade ökat i antal, måste det ursprungliga antalet klädesplagg och skor ha varit tillräckligt. During his ministry, Jesus showed courage in various ways. Since the two rebels carried out at the beginning and the end of the wilderness show that the Israelites had not increased in number, the original number must have been enough. Vilka frågor kan hjälpa oss att avsky det onda och hålla fast vid det goda? Approach Jehovah With Humility What questions can help us to abhor what is bad and cling to what is good? I biblisk bemärkelse är nitälskan alltså mer än bara iver eller entusiasm för en viss sak, som det engagemang som många visar för sin favoritsport. ARTICLE 3 • SONGS: 129, 134 Thus, in Bible sense, zeal is more than mere zeal or enthusiasm for a certain matter, as many show for their favorite lifestyle. Då de äldste riktar sig till hela församlingen försöker de berömma vännerna när det ges tillfälle till det. What outstanding event took place at Pentecost 33 C.E.? The elders then direct themselves to the whole congregation, endeavoring to commend the brothers when it provides an opportunity for them. Under sin tjänst visade Jesus mod på olika sätt. He could not hear what Jesus was saying to his Father, for it was probably a silent prayer. During his ministry, Jesus displayed courage in various ways. Be till Jehova i ödmjukhet Like the religious leaders whom Jesus condemned, the modern - day worshippers who are part of "the son of destruction " face destruction with no hope of a resurrection. Pray to Jehovah in Humility SIDAN 20 • SÅNGER: 129, 134 He uses the spirit to open the hearts and minds of the bride class to understand his Word, the Bible. ARTICLE 3 • SONGS: 129, 134 Vilken enastående händelse inträffade vid pingsten år 33? The following is a typical conversation that one of Jehovah's Witnesses might have with a neighbor. What outstanding event occurred at Pentecost 33 C.E.? Lärjungen kunde inte höra vad Jesus sade till sin Fader, för troligen bad Jesus tyst. More than that, this book is designed to help us see that obedience to Jehovah is not a burden. The disciple could not hear what Jesus said to his Father, for likely Jesus was silent. I likhet med de religiösa ledare som Jesus fördömde kommer de som i våra dagar är en del av " tillintetgörelsens son " att tillintetgöras utan att få möjlighet till en uppståndelse. We might still feel the sting of strong counsel that we received. Like the religious leaders that Jesus condemned today, those who are part of "the son of destruction " will be destroyed without a resurrection. Han använder anden till att öppna hjärtat och sinnet hos dem som tillhör brudklassen, så att de förstår hans ord, Bibeln. Read Matthew 25: 14 - 30. He uses the spirit to open the heart and mind of those of the bride class so that they understand his Word, the Bible. Så här skulle ett samtal kunna låta när ett Jehovas vittne ringer på. One scholar says about that word at Romans 8: 5: "They set their minds on - are most deeply interested in, constantly talk about, engage and glory in - the things pertaining to the flesh. " The following is a typical conversation that one of Jehovah's Witnesses might have with a neighbor. Boken hjälper oss också att förstå att det inte är en börda att lyda Jehova. When he came to inspect his fields during the harvest, Boaz could not fail to notice a hardworking foreign woman gleaning behind his harvesters. The book also helps us to see that obeying Jehovah is not a burden. Den stränga tillrättavisning vi fick kanske svider fortfarande. By what means were deep truths revealed? The kind of discipline that we received may still fail to discipline. Läs Matteus 25: 14 - 30. They can thus have a precious relationship with Jehovah and entertain the hope of living forever to serve and praise him. Read Matthew 25: 14 - 30. Så här kommenterar en bibelkännare det här uttrycket i Romarna 8: 5: " De inriktar sinnet på - är djupt intresserade av, pratar konstant om, engagerar sig i och är stolta över - det som hör köttet till. " From a fleshly viewpoint, Moses seemed to be in an exceedingly advantageous position in the Egyptian world. Reflecting on one Bible scholar at Romans 8: 5: "They set their minds on - are deeply concerned about, sharing in themselves, and are proud - the things pertaining to the flesh. " När han fick höra att hon hade bett om tillåtelse att plocka ax, trots att hon hade full rätt att göra det, lät han henne generöst plocka även bland kärvarna. Motivated by love for neighbor, and with the backing of God's spirit, a small remnant of anointed Christians persevered in the Kingdom - preaching work. When he heard that she had asked permission to glean, even though she had the right to do so, he let her too take for granted. Hur uppenbarades djupa sanningar? But not all Israelites lived up to that dedication. How was deep truths revealed? De kan därför ha ett nära och gott förhållande till Jehova och ha hopp om att få leva för evigt för att tjäna och ära honom. In the context of the Bible, "the grand sea " was the Great Sea, or the Mediterranean, and" the holy mountain " was Zion, of which Jehovah said: "I, even I, have installed my king upon Zion, my holy mountain. " Thus, they can have a close and good relationship with Jehovah and may have the hope of living forever in his service and honoring him. Rent mänskligt kan det ha verkat som om Mose hade en oerhört fördelaktig ställning i den egyptiska världen. Act in Harmony With Jesus ' Loving Prayer In a human, it may have seemed as though Moses had an immense position in the Egyptian world. De älskade sina medmänniskor, och tack vare Guds andes hjälp kunde de hålla ut i arbetet med att predika om riket. Vad har det lett till? 6: 40. They loved fellow humans, and by means of God's spirit, they were able to endure in the Kingdom - preaching work. Men det var inte alla israeliter som var trogna mot Jehova. JEHOVAH compares himself to a shepherd. However, not all Israelites were faithful to Jehovah. På Bibelns tid var " det stora havet " Medelhavet, och det " heliga berget " var Sion, om vilket Jehova hade sagt: " Jag, ja jag, har installerat min kung på Sion, mitt heliga berg. " What an important lesson for maintaining peace and unity in the congregation today! In Bible times, "the great sea " was upon Zion, and" the holy mountain " was Zion, about which Jehovah had said: "I, even I have installed my king on Zion, my holy mountain. " Lev i harmoni med Jesus bön BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "If you wait until the wind and the weather are just right, you will never plant anything and never harvest anything. " - Ecclesiastes 11: 4, Today's English Version. Act With Jesus ' Prayer 6: 40. What have you got to be proud of? ' " 6: 40. JEHOVA liknar sig själv vid en herde. Jesus encouraged this sort of faith, telling a rich young man: "If you want to be perfect, go sell your belongings and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come be my follower. " JEHOVAH likens himself to a shepherd. Vilken viktig lärdom för att kunna bevara frid och enhet inom församlingen i vår tid! If we trust in Jehovah, he will make the way out so that we can continue to reflect his glory. - 1 Corinthians 10: 13. What a powerful lesson to maintain peace and unity within the congregation today! BIBLISK PRINCIP: " Om du väntar på den rätta vinden och det rätta vädret får du ingenting sått och ingenting skördat. " (Predikaren 11: 4, Today's English Version) Others - including entire families - have voluntarily moved to lands where there is a pressing need for Kingdom proclaimers. BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "If you are waiting at the right wind and the right weather, you will have nothing to sown and nothing good. " - Revelation 11: 4, Today's English Version. Vad har du egentligen att vara stolt över? ' " Why Did Jehovah Strike Uzzah Dead? What do you really have to be proud of? ' " Vid ett tillfälle sa han till en ung man: " Om du vill vara fullkomlig, gå då bort och sälj dina tillhörigheter och ge åt de fattiga, så skall du få en skatt i himlen, och kom, bli min efterföljare. " For example, what principles might we discern in the arrangement of cities of refuge? On one occasion, he told a young man: "If you want to be perfect, go off and sell your belongings and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven, and come my follower. " Om vi förtröstar på Jehova, kommer han att öppna en utväg så att vi kan fortsätta att återspegla hans härlighet. In the matter of training others to take on increased responsibility, there is no better example than that of Jesus. If we trust in Jehovah, he will open up a way to keep on reflecting his glory. Andra - däribland hela familjer - har flyttat till länder där det är mycket stort behov av förkunnare av Guds kungarike. Let us see. Others - including all families - have moved to lands where there is a great need for Kingdom proclaimers. Varför dödade Jehova Ussa? We need endurance, for Jesus said: "He that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved. " - Matthew 24: 13. Why did Jehovah destroy Uzzah? Så vilka principer låg till grund för anordningen med tillflyktsstäder? Regarding her visit to the Kingdom Hall, one college student said: "Usually, churches draw in members of a certain race or ethnic group.... So, then, what principles were based on the arrangement for cities of refuge? Jesus är det bästa exemplet på någon som var villig att öva andra att ta mer ansvar. We are by no means perfect, just as the men and women mentioned in the Bible were not perfect. Jesus is the finest example of someone who was willing to train others to take on more responsibility. Vi ska se närmare på det. What may have prompted the question about the greatest commandment? Let us see. Vi behöver vara uthålliga, för Jesus sade: " Den som har hållit ut till slutet, han skall bli räddad. " It is like stepping on a car's brake pedal and gas pedal both at the same time. We need endurance, for Jesus said: "He that has endured to the end will be saved. " Efter ett besök i en Rikets sal sade en gymnasieelev: " Vanligtvis lockar kyrkor till sig medlemmar av en viss ras eller etnisk grupp.... Our worship is a way of life, not a mere formality. After a visiting meeting in a Kingdom Hall, a high priest said: "The churches appeal to members of a certain ethnic or ethnic group... Vi är inte på något sätt fullkomliga, lika lite som de män och kvinnor som omtalas i Bibeln var det. He even composed songs that were used in public worship. We are not perfect, as little as the men and women mentioned in the Bible were. Vad kan ha väckt frågan angående vilket som var det största budet i lagen? So, never be anxious about the next day, for the next day will have its own anxieties. " What may have raised the question about the greatest commandment in the Law? Det skulle bli en enorm påfrestning på bilen och kunna orsaka skador. The apostle Paul wrote: "[God], for the sake of his good pleasure, is acting within you in order for you both to will and to act. " It would be a huge fraction of the car and can cause damage to the car. Vår tillbedjan är ett levnadssätt, inte bara en formsak. Within a few years, the shift was complete. Our worship is a way of life, not just a mere mere form. Han skrev och tonsatte också sånger som användes i den offentliga tillbedjan. Even when we face trials, God's spirit can infuse us with "the power beyond what is normal. " He wrote and shared songs that were used in public worship. Alltså: var aldrig bekymrade för morgondagen; morgondagen skall nämligen ha sina egna bekymmer. " If a Christian were to get a divorce, he or she may or may not be Scripturally free to get married again. So never be anxious about the next day; for the next day will have its own anxieties. " Aposteln Paulus skrev: " Det är Gud som för sin goda viljas skull verkar i er, för att ni skall både vilja och verka. " 11: 13. In addition, Paul did not restrict his friendships to those of his own age group. The apostle Paul wrote: "God is the one that for the sake of his good pleasure is acting within you, that you may both want and act. " Och inom några år hade jag helt gått över till det lokala språket. Moses acknowledged this and did what Jehovah commanded him to do. And for some years, I had been over the local language. Också när vi möter prövningar kan Guds ande ge oss " kraft som är över det normala ." Paul was inspired to answer this way: "In fact, we who are in this tent groan, being weighed down, because we do not want to put this one off, but we want to put the other on, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life. " Even when we face trials, God's spirit can give us "power beyond what is normal. " Om en kristen skulle ta ut skilsmässa är han eller hon kanske eller kanske inte bibelenligt fri att gifta om sig. How will he do this? If a Christian has divorce, he or she may not be Scripturally free to marry. Paulus hade inte heller vänner bara i sin egen ålder. The Greek verb translated "earnestly seeking " is a form that implies intensity and concerted effort. Moreover, Paul did not have friends only in his own age. Mose visste det och följde alla Jehovas anvisningar. How do many people view truth? Moses knew this and followed all of Jehovah's instructions. Paulus förklarade hur de smorda känner det. Han jämförde de smordas mänskliga kroppar vid ett " tält " och sa: " Vi som är i detta tält suckar tungt och är betungade; eftersom vi inte vill klä av oss det, utan vi vill klä på oss det andra, för att det som är dödligt skall uppslukas av livet. " Hence, the holy spirit directed them to more fruitful fields. Paul explained how anointed ones feel, comparing the human bodies of anointed ones to "a tent, " saying:" We who are in this tent of mind and are sober; not because we want to clothe ourselves with it, but we want to clothe ourselves with it, for the rest of life that is dead. " Hur skall han göra detta? The finest way to show mercy to those outside the Christian congregation is to share Bible truth with them. How will he do this? Det grekiska verb som översatts med " uppriktigt söker " står i en form som anger intensitet och koncentrerad ansträngning. Young people are entering adulthood without the skills they need to succeed. The Greek verb translated "earnestly seeking " refers to a form of intensity and effort. Hur betraktar många människor begreppet sanning? Can you see why? How do many people view truth? Den heliga anden vägledde dem till platser där det fanns bättre förutsättningar för tillväxt. Look to the Past, Build for the Future The holy spirit guided them to places where there were better qualified for growth. Det bästa sättet att visa barmhärtighet mot dem som inte tillhör den kristna församlingen är att tala med dem om Bibelns sanning. Thus the instigator of Baal worship in Israel came to her deserved end. The best way to show mercy to those outside the Christian congregation is to share Bible truth with them. En del experter menar att barn ska höjas till skyarna medan andra förespråkar hårdare tag. Second, Nehemiah's enemies resorted to spreading false rumors, accusing Nehemiah of "scheming to rebel " against King Artaxerxes. Some experts claim that children will be raised to the point while others promote more material. Vet du vad den gick ut på? Why does being yielding have limits? Do you know what it went out? Lär av det förgångna, bygg för framtiden All of us can build up and encourage one another (See paragraph 18) Learn From the past, construction projects for the Future Därmed fick den som förespråkat baalsdyrkan i Israel sitt välförtjänta slut. For example, the wonderful way in which we are made is truly an expression of unselfish love on God's part. Thus, the one promoting Baal worship in Israel was given deserved end. För det andra började Nehemjas fiender sprida falska rykten genom att anklaga honom för att " planera att göra uppror " mot kung Artaxerxes. [ Map on page 15] Second, Nehemiah's enemies began to spread false reports by accuseing him "to do " against King Artaxerxes. Varför är vi fogliga endast i begränsad omfattning? Indeed, we should constantly pray for holy spirit. Why is submission limited? Vi kan alla bygga upp och uppmuntra varandra. (Se paragraf 18.) Caring for One Another All of us can build up and encourage one another (See paragraph 18) Det underbara sätt som vi är skapade på är till exempel ett uttryck för Guds osjälviska kärlek. What are you resolved to do, and why? For instance, the wonderful way we are created is an expression of God's unselfish love. [ Karta på sidan 15] Then faith and godly wisdom will protect us from Satan's clever designs and from the world's evil spirit. [ Map on page 15] Ja, vi bör ständigt be om helig ande. So, then, if we read something in the Bible that causes some to wonder whether God acted in a just or right way, we should remember this: Because of his loyalty to his standards of righteousness and justice, Jehovah did not spare his own Son from undergoing a painful death. Yes, we should constantly pray for holy spirit. Hur vi visar varandra omsorg Father, save me out of this hour. Showing One Another Care Vad är du besluten att göra, och varför det? But we can pursue it. What are you determined to do, and why? Vår tro och visheten från Jehova kan sedan skydda oss från Satans lömska trick och världens ande. His attitude. Our faith and wisdom from Jehovah can then protect us from Satan's crafty acts and the spirit of the world. Om vi därför läser någonting i Bibeln som får oss att tvivla på att Gud handlade rättvist eller rätt, bör vi komma ihåg följande: På grund av sin lojalitet mot sina normer för rättfärdighet och rättvisa skonade Jehova inte sin egen Son från att lida en plågsam död. Keep Drawing Close to Jehovah Hence, if we read something in the Bible that causes us to doubt that God acted justly or right, we should remember these: Because of his loyalty to his standards of righteousness and justice, Jehovah did not shield his own Son from suffering a painful death. Men vi kan jaga efter den. How is Sarah a fine example for Christian wives? But we can pursue it. Hans inställning. Some women refuse to accept the headship of their husbands. His attitude. Fortsätt att närma dig Jehova It is interesting to observe the way Paul, under divine inspiration, sought to strengthen the Hebrew Christians. Keep Draw Close to Jehovah Hur är Sara ett fint exempel för kristna hustrur? Cultivate Loyalty What fine example did Sarah set for Christian wives? Somliga kvinnor vägrar att godta mannens ledning. Why must we have love for God? Some women refuse to accept the headship of the husband. Det är intressant att se hur Paulus under inspiration försökte uppmuntra de kristna hebréerna. After further Scriptural discussions on the subject, she wrote some weeks later: "I am finally beginning to understand the real truth about death. Interestingly, under inspiration, Paul tried to encourage the Hebrew Christians. Lojalitet stärker äktenskapet 21, 22. (a) How can we apply Jesus ' counsel that we have just discussed? Loyalty Strengthens Marriage Varför måste vi älska Jehova? " That is why a man will leave his father and his mother and he must stick to his wife and they must become one flesh. " - GEN. Why must we love Jehovah? Efter ytterligare resonemang om det här ämnet skrev hon några veckor senare: " Äntligen börjar jag förstå sanningen om döden. " Consequently I entreat you by the compassions of God, brothers, " says Paul, "to present your bodies a sacrifice living, holy, acceptable to God. " After discussing this subject, she later wrote: "For a few weeks, I finally begin to understand the truth about death. 21, 22. a) Hur kan vi tillämpa Jesu råd som vi just har gått igenom? For more suggestions, see The Watchtower, August 1, 2008, pages 10 - 12. 21, 22. (a) How can we apply Jesus ' counsel that we have just discussed? " Det är därför en man skall lämna sin far och sin mor, och han skall hålla sig till sin hustru, och de skall bli ett kött. " Jesus did not give this illustration to show that Jehovah does not appreciate what we do in his service. " It is therefore a man will leave his father and his mother and he will stick to his wife, and they will become one flesh. " " Följaktligen bönfaller jag er, bröder ," säger Paulus, " vid Guds medömkan, att frambära era kroppar till ett levande och heligt slaktoffer som är välbehagligt för Gud. " (Read 1 Peter 1: 8, 9.) " Consequently I entreat you, brothers, " says Paul, "in the compassion of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice acceptable to God. " Fler förslag finns i Vakttornet för 1 augusti 2008, sidan 10 - 12. In a letter of appreciation for a convention, one family wrote: "The program really reached our hearts. For more suggestions, see The Watchtower, August 1, 2008, pages 10 - 12. Jesus framställde inte den här illustrationen för att visa att Jehova inte uppskattar det vi gör i hans tjänst. Finally, a letter came one day - we were assigned to the traveling work! Jesus did not give this illustration to show that Jehovah does not appreciate what we do in his service. (Läs 1 Petrus 1: 8, 9.) " The second [commandment] is this: " You must love your neighbor as yourself. ' " - MATT. 22: 39. (Read 1 Peter 1: 8, 9.) Efter en sammankomst skrev en familj ett brev och uttryckte sin uppskattning: " Programmet rörde verkligen våra hjärtan. In his deathbed blessing of his sons, the patriarch Jacob foretold: "The scepter will not turn aside from Judah, neither the commander's staff from between his feet, until Shiloh comes; and to him the obedience of the peoples will belong. " After a convention, a family wrote: "The program really touched our hearts. Äntligen kom det ett brev - vi skulle börja i resetjänsten! [ Picture on page 10] At last, it came a letter - we would start in the traveling work! " Det andra [budet]... är detta: ' Du skall älska din nästa som dig själv. ' " In contrast, a spirit of self - sacrifice could help us to overcome embarrassment and get needed help. " The second decree... is this: " You must love your neighbor as yourself. ' " När patriarken Jakob på sin dödsbädd välsignade sina söner förutsade han: " Spiran skall inte vika från Juda, inte befälhavarstaven från platsen mellan hans fötter, tills Silo kommer, och honom skall folkens lydnad tillhöra. " Is there a lesson in this for us? When the patriarch Jacob was blessing his sons, he foretold: "The scepter will not depart from Judah, neither the commander's staff from between his feet, until Shiloh comes, and to him the obedience of the peoples will belong. " [ Bild på sidan 10] So I switched to studying law. " [ Picture on page 10] Vi får inte låta rädsla för vad andra ska tänka hindra oss från att söka hjälp. Although he was a miracle worker, what was the most important part of Jesus ' ministry? We should not allow fear of what others will think of us from seeking help. Kan vi lära oss något av detta? When we experience such trials, Jehovah provides the help we need. Can we learn from this? Jag började därför studera juridik i stället. " How has Anna benefited? So I began to study law law. " Jesus gjorde visserligen många underverk, men vad var den viktigaste delen av hans tjänst? No, for he goes on to explain: "I thoroughly bore witness both to Jews and to Greeks about repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus. " Although Jesus performed many miracles, what was the most important part of his ministry? När vi råkar ut för sådana prövningar ger Jehova oss den hjälp vi behöver. The report adds: "That is a 3 followed by 23 zeros. When we face such trials, Jehovah provides us with the help we need. Har de här råden hjälpt henne? " Brought Just Like a Lamb to the Slaughtering " Has this counsel helped her? Nej, för han säger vidare: " Jag vittnade grundligt både för judar och för greker om sinnesändring inför Gud och tro på vår Herre Jesus. " After Jehoshaphat prayed, there "in the middle of the congregation, " Jehovah's spirit moved Jahaziel, a Levite, to utter words of comfort that instilled confidence in the people. - Read 2 Chronicles 20: 14 - 17. No, for he goes on to say: "I bear thorough witness both to Jews and to Greeks about repentance before God and faith in our Lord Jesus. " (Houston Chronicle) Artikeln fortsätter: " Det är en trea följd av 23 nollor. Yet, talking about this is not always easy. (The United States) The article continues: "It is a three consequence of 23 Chron. Förd " som ett lamm till slaktningen " After that, for the third time, the people vowed: "All that Jehovah has spoken we are willing to do and be obedient. " - Ex. 24: 4, 7, 8. " Like a lamb to the Gos " Efter det att Jehosafat hade framburit sin bön, drev Jehovas ande leviten Jahasiel att " mitt i församlingen " uttala ord som tröstade folket och gav dem ny tillförsikt. (Läs 2 Krönikeboken 20: 14 - 17.) We live in a world where people think and act in ways that are similar to those in ancient Canaan - they glorify sex and violence and promote materialism. After praying, Jehoshaphat moved the Levite to " speak words that comforted the people and gave them new confidence. ' - Read 2 Chronicles 20: 14 - 17. Det är inte alltid så lätt att tala om det här. The olive leaf carried to Noah by the dove could also have been taken from a fairly young sprout that came up after the floodwaters had abated. It is not always easy to speak about this. Efter det lovade folket för tredje gången: " Vi vill göra allt vad Jehova har sagt och vara lydiga. " Of course, our honor and support have reasonable, Scriptural limits. After that, the people promised for the third time: "We want to do all that Jehovah has spoken and to be obedient. " Vi lever i en värld där människor tänker och handlar ungefär som invånarna i det forntida Kanaan gjorde. Mycket kretsar kring sex och våld, och många är fixerade vid pengar och prylar. But it is good for us to keep this in mind: No matter what someone believes about God or about evolution, some type of faith is involved. How so? We live in a world where people think and act seriously as the inhabitants of ancient Canaan did much about sex and violence. Det olivlöv som duvan förde till Noa kan också ha kommit från ett relativt ungt skott som hade kommit upp sedan vattnet hade sjunkit undan. Do they require help only with cooking and cleaning? The rock badger that led to Noah may also have come from a relatively young plant who had come up with the water. Men det stöd vi ger dem har naturligtvis gränser, vilket är helt i linje med Bibeln. Jehovah wants you to succeed, and he is urging you on toward that goal. Of course, the support we support them has limits, which is in harmony with the Scriptures. Men det är bra att komma ihåg en sak: Oavsett om man tror på evolutionen eller på Gud så tror man på något som man inte kan se eller observera. (Read Luke 1: 46 - 55.) However, it is good to remember one thing: Whether you believe in evolution or in God, you believe that something you cannot see or observed. Behöver de bara hjälp med matlagning och städning? [ Pictures on page 25] Is it only necessary for them to be helped with food and cleaning? Det är på liknande sätt med förföljelse. Would God have needed a lot of power to create the vast universe and everything in it? The same is true of persecution. Jehova vill att du skall lyckas, och han uppmuntrar dig att fortsätta mot det här målet. Among those " who through faith and patience will inherit the promises ' is the God - fearing patriarch Abraham. Jehovah wants you to succeed, and he encourages you to press on to that goal. (Läs Lukas 1: 46 - 55.) Soundness of mind and prayer are what helped Carol. (Read Luke 1: 46 - 45.) [ Bilder på sidan 25] Even siblings who worship Jehovah within Christian families need to work at forming a close friendship. [ Pictures on page 25] Tror du det krävdes stor kraft av Gud att skapa det enorma universum och allt som finns i det? Knowing the facts and grasping that a resurrection had occurred, they "were comforted beyond measure. " - Acts 20: 7 - 12. Do you believe that God had great power to create the vast universe and all that is in it? Bland dem " som genom tro och tålamod ärver löftena " finner vi den gudfruktige patriarken Abraham. While men were sleeping, his enemy came and oversowed weeds in among the wheat, and left. Among "those who through faith and patience inherit the promises " are the God - fearing patriarch Abraham. Det var sundhet i sinnet och bön som hjälpte Carol. As we consider what he said, think about what this can mean for Christians. It was wholesome in mind and prayer that helped Carol. Också syskon som tillber Jehova i en kristen familj behöver arbeta på att utveckla starka vänskapsband. Surely he will regret that he was so irresponsible! Even siblings who worship Jehovah in a Christian family need to work toward cultivating strong friendships. Men nu hade han blivit uppväckt, och därför " blev [de] övermåttan tröstade ." 1, 2. But now he was resurrected, and "he was comforted. " Medan människorna sov, kom hans fiende och sådde över ogräs, in bland vetet, och gick därifrån. How we appreciate the example they set! While men were sleeping, his enemy and sowing weeds, entered the wheat, and went away. Vi ska se närmare på det han sa och vad det betyder för oss kristna. • In what ways did Jesus show appreciation? Let us consider what he said and what it means for Christians. Han ångrar säkert att han var så ansvarslös. Occasional recreation and entertainment that is wholesome and refreshing can make life more enjoyable. He no doubt regret that he was so responsible. 1, 2. [ Picture on page 15] 1, 2. Vi sätter verkligen stort värde på deras exempel! Then, only after Paul neared Bithynia did Jesus step in. How we cherish their example! • Hur visade Jesus uppskattning? This great spiritual temple is the arrangement Jehovah has made so that we, through our faith in Jesus ' ransom sacrifice, can approach God acceptably. • How did Jesus show appreciation? Sund och stimulerande avkoppling och underhållning kan göra livet mer njutbart. This would result in their "sighing. " Whole and refreshing entertainment can make life more enjoyable. [ Bild på sidan 15] Happiness is " a state of well - being ranging from contentment to intense joy. ' [ Picture on page 15] Och det var först efter det att Paulus hade gett sig i väg mot Bithynien som Jesus ingrep. What about us? And only after Paul gave himself the road to Bithynia that Jesus intervened. Det här stora andliga templet är den anordning som Jehova har gjort så att vi genom vår tro på Jesu lösenoffer kan tillbe honom på rätt sätt. (Include the box "Making Disciples of Business People. ") This great spiritual temple is the arrangement Jehovah made for us by means of our faith in Jesus ' ransom sacrifice. Det skulle leda till att de utför sina ansvarsuppgifter " suckande ." Some who at one point started to partake of the emblems later stopped. As a result, they would be involved in carrying out their responsibilities "with sighing. " Lycka är ett tillstånd av välbefinnande som inbegriper allt från tillfredsställelse i största allmänhet till intensiv glädje. An individual needs to make sure that no rocklike obstacles, such as deep - seated bitterness, underlying self - interest, or similar hard but hidden feelings, are lodged in his heart. Happiness is a condition of well - being that includes everything from satisfaction in general to intense joy. Hur är det då med oss? How can he give you something that he does not possess? What about us? (Ta med rutan " Gör lärjungar bland affärsfolk .") Suddenly, however, things began to change. (Include the box "Make Disciples Among Some Problems. ") En del som tidigare tog del har slutat göra det. In Biblical Hebrew, the word "holy " conveys the thought of separateness. Some who previously engaged in doing so have quit doing so. Man måste se till att inga klipplika hinder, sådant som djupt rotad bitterhet, underliggande egenintresse eller liknande hårda men dolda känslor, finns i hjärtat. Individual Christians too can extend hospitality and display generosity. It must make sure that no rocklike obstacles, such as deep bitterness, under grief, or as harsh but hidden feelings, are found in the heart. Så hur skulle han kunna ge dig något som han själv inte har? No, for Paul urged Timothy to "fight the fine fight of the faith " and turn away" from the empty speeches that violate what is holy and from the contradictions of the falsely called " knowledge. ' " So how could he give you something that he himself does not have? Men plötsligt blev det en förändring. Soon the destructive winds of the greatest tribulation of all time will be released. But things suddenly turned out to be a change. På bibelhebreiska förmedlar ordet " helig " tanken på avskildhet. BY GIVING US STRENGTH: In Bible languages, the word "holy " conveys its sense of privacy. Enskilda kristna kan också vara gästfria och frikostiga. Christ has appointed this slave "over all his belongings. " Individual Christians too can be hospitable and generous. Nej, för Paulus uppmanade honom att " kämpa trons goda kamp " och vända sig bort " från det tomma prat som kränker det som är heligt och från motsägelserna i den ' kunskap ' som med orätt kallas så ." I find it very difficult to believe that God cares anything about me. " No, for Paul urged him to "put up the fine fight of faith " and turn away" from the empty speeches that violate what is holy and from the root of the " knowledge called so. ' " Snart kommer vi att få uppleva den svåraste tiden i mänsklighetens historia. What is more, Jehovah will continue to mold us by means of his Word, spirit, and organization so that one day we will be able to stand before him as perfect "children of God. " - Rom. 8: 21. Soon we will experience the most difficult time in human history. HAN GER OSS KRAFT Evidently, that country has seen an increase in the number of people who attend church and say that religion holds an important place in their life. BY AND BY AND BY SPIRIT Kristus har satt den här slaven " över alla sina tillhörigheter ." What study projects would give you the joy of new insight? Christ has appointed this slave "over all his belongings. " Jag har mycket svårt att tro att Gud alls skulle bry sig om mig. " Every precious stone was your covering... I find it very difficult to believe that God would care for me at all. " Jehova kommer då att fortsätta att forma oss genom sitt ord, sin ande och sin organisation, så att vi en dag kommer att kunna stå inför honom som hans fullkomliga söner och döttrar. For all these are the things the nations are eagerly pursuing. Jehovah will continue to mold us by means of his Word, his spirit, and his organization so that we might stand before him as his perfect sons and daughters. Det är tydligt att man i detta land har sett en ökning av antalet människor som går i kyrkan och säger att religionen har en viktig plats i deras liv. 7, 8. Clearly, in that country, a increase of the number of people who go to church and say that religion has an important place in their lives. Vilka studieprojekt skulle kunna ge dig den glädje som ny insikt för med sig? Will the arrow hit the target? What study projects can help you to make the joy that comes from developing insight? Du var höljd i alla slags dyrbara stenar.... Yes, Hosea actually married a woman who later became an adulteress. You were in every sort of precious stones... Allt detta är ju vad folk i nationerna så ivrigt strävar efter. Anyone who had genuine love for God and for his Word would readily see this and exercise faith in Jesus as the promised Messiah. For all these are the things the nations are eagerly pursuing. 7, 8. Did his humility benefit him? 7, 8. Kommer pilen att träffa målet? Some months later, a second attempt succeeded when the Ark was transported in the God - appointed way, carried on the shoulders of Kohathite Levites. Will the arrow hit the target? Ja, Hosea gifte sig med en kvinna som senare gjorde sig skyldig till äktenskapsbrott. (b) How can we cultivate love for God? Yes, Hosea married a woman who later committed adultery. Alla som hade äkta kärlek till Gud och hans ord skulle lätt inse detta och utöva tro på Jesus som den utlovade Messias. Would they allow themselves to be stumbled? All who had genuine love for God and his Word would easily understand this and exercise faith in Jesus as the promised Messiah. Hade han nytta av att vara ödmjuk? That prayer was in harmony with Jehovah's will, as became evident a little later. Had he benefited from being humble? Några månader senare lyckades man vid ett andra försök, då arken transporterades på det sätt som Gud hade angett, nämligen på de kehatitiska leviternas axlar. He certainly does not have a soft spot for children. A few months later, you succeeded at another attempt, when the Ark was distributed in the way God had set out, namely, on the shoulders of the Levites. b) Hur kan vi utveckla kärlek till Gud? As one "calling on the name of Jehovah, " Timothy was also reminded of his own responsibility to reject the unrighteous influence of counterfeit Christians. (b) How can we cultivate love for God? Skulle de ta anstöt? With full knowledge that he was soon to be put to death, Jesus lamented: "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the killer of the prophets and stoner of those sent forth to her, - how often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks together under her wings! Would they be stumbled? Denna bön var i överensstämmelse med Jehovas vilja, vilket blev uppenbart lite längre fram. 12: 2 - What was "the joy that was set before [Jesus] " for which" he endured a torture stake "? That prayer was in harmony with Jehovah's will, which became further evident. Och det spelar ingen roll om barn är inblandade. How can you show older ones that you truly value them? And no matter whether children are involved. Eftersom Timoteus var en av dem som " nämnde ," eller anropade, Jehovas namn, påminde Paulus ord honom om att han hade ett eget ansvar att avvisa inflytandet från falska kristna. Such needs may include suitable accommodations, employment to provide for our family, and wisdom to cope with health concerns. Because Timothy was one of those mentioned, or who called on, Jehovah's name, Paul reminded Timothy that he had a personal responsibility to reject the influence of false Christians. Han visste mycket väl att han snart skulle dödas och sade klagande: " Jerusalem, Jerusalem, som dödar profeterna och stenar dem som har sänts ut till henne - hur ofta har jag inte velat samla ihop dina barn på det sätt som en höna samlar ihop sina kycklingar under sina vingar! " I knew that the life of a concert pianist involves constant travel and contracts to play as many as 400 concerts a year, " Kristina explains. He knew well that he would soon gather your children together, saying: " Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stone those sent forth to her, - how often I wanted to gather your children together in the way that a mother gathers her chicks together under her wings! 12: 2 - Vad var " den glädje som låg framför honom [Jesus] " och som han " utstod en tortyrpåle " för? Also, the book of Hosea foretold that some non - Israelites would become Jehovah's people. 12: 2 - What was "the joy that was set before [Jesus] " and who" endured a torture stake "? Hur kan du visa de äldre att du verkligen sätter värde på dem? When she went to an assembly, she worked hard to prepare my meals ahead of time and to get the housework done. How can you show older ones that you really value them? Vi kanske till exempel ber om någonstans att bo, ett jobb för att försörja familjen och vishet att hantera hälsoproblem. Like Jonathan, Abner knew that God had chosen David to rule as king of Israel. For example, we may ask for adequate housing, employment to provide for the family, and wisdom to cope with health problems. " Jag visste att livet som konsertpianist skulle innebära ständiga resor och att jag skulle behöva ge uppemot 400 konserter om året ," förklarar hon. Also considered are ways for the congregation to show earnest regard for the elders. " I knew that life as a mine would mean constant traveling and that I would need to give up more than 400 in the year, " she explains. Och profeten Hosea förutsade att även sådana som inte var israeliter skulle kunna bli en del av Jehovas folk. (Read Jude 14, 15.) And the prophet Hosea foretold that even non - Israelites could become part of Jehovah's people. När hon skulle åka till en sammankomst, lagade hon mat till mig i förväg och gjorde färdigt alla hushållssysslorna. Find joy in knowing that Jehovah and Jesus are pleased with you and that they will reward your faithful course. When she was about to go to a convention, she fed me in advance and carried out all the work around. Både Jonatan och Abner visste ju att Jehova hade utvalt David som Israels näste kung. If the strength we have comes from Jehovah, we will be strong indeed! After all, both Jonathan and Abner knew that Jehovah had chosen David as Israel's next king. Vi ska också se närmare på hur församlingen kan visa uppriktig respekt för äldstebröderna. The blessings that Solomon and his subjects enjoyed were conditional We will also consider how the congregation can show heartfelt respect for the elders. (Läs Judas, vers 14, 15.) Women Who Made Jehovah's Heart Rejoice (Read Jude 14, 15.) Hämta styrka i tanken på att Jehova och Jesus är stolta och glada över dig och kommer att belöna dig för din trogna tjänst. Similarly, a woman who habitually screams at her husband should be moved to change as she learns how Jesus restrained himself when provoked. - 1 Pet. Draw strength to the thought that Jehovah and Jesus are proud of you and will reward you for your faithful service. Det är när vi hämtar kraft från Jehova som vi kan känna oss verkligt starka. " Keep Proving What You Yourselves Are " It is when we draw strength from Jehovah that we can truly be strong. De välsignelser som Salomo och hans undersåtar fick var förbundna med vissa villkor 10: 29 - 31. We must keep up our guard, for the thinking and attitudes of Satan's world may seem plausible on the surface. The blessings that Solomon and his subjects enjoyed were associated with certain conditions Kvinnor som gladde Jehovas hjärta (See also footnote.) Women Who Make Jehovah's Heart Rejoice En kvinna som jämt skriker åt sin man motiveras också att ändra sig när hon får lära sig hur Jesus behärskade sig då han blev provocerad. Despite Satan's futile attempts to dominate God's people and all mankind, we deeply appreciate our spiritual heritage and are determined to maintain our integrity to God and laud the Sovereign Lord Jehovah now and forever. - Read Psalm 26: 11; 86: 12. A woman with the outcry of her husband is also moved to change when she learns how Jesus exercised restraint when he was exposed. " Fortsätt att genom prövning visa vad ni själva är " And what assurance do we have that Jehovah approves of those who pursue a course of truthfulness? " Keep Proving What Yourselves Are " Vi måste vara försiktiga, för det tänkesätt och de åsikter som förs fram i Satans värld kan verka rimliga vid första anblicken. This could well be expected because Satan is the god of this world. We need to be careful, for the thinking and opinions presented in Satan's world may seem reasonable at first. (Se också fotnoten.) On the day of the execution of Jehovah's judgment, Christendom and all the nations, which have oppressed God's people, will meet the same end as did ancient Jerusalem and surrounding nations. (See also footnote.) (Läs Psalm 26: 11; 86: 12.) Why can we be confident of God's backing on our work? (Read Psalm 26: 11; 86: 12.) Och vilken försäkran har vi om att Jehova godkänner dem som följer en sannfärdig kurs? What was the Pax Romana, and why was it remarkable? And what assurance do we have that Jehovah accepts those who follow a truthful course? Det är bara vad vi kan förvänta, eftersom Satan är den här världens gud. And Jehovah will soon empower his Son to free countless millions from that most unyielding of prisons, death. Only we can expect, since Satan is the god of this world. På den dag då Jehova verkställer sin dom kommer kristenheten och alla nationer som har förtryckt Guds folk att möta samma öde som det forntida Jerusalem och de kringliggande nationerna. [ Pictures on page 18] On the day of Jehovah's judgment, Christendom and all nations who have oppressed God's people will face the same desolation that ancient Jerusalem and the surrounding nations. Varför kan vi vara säkra på att få Guds stöd i vårt arbete? Jehovah expects Christians to produce "the fruit of lips " - words spoken in praise of him and his purposes. Why can we be sure that God's support is in our work? Vad var Pax Romana, och varför var den unik? • How did Jehovah progressively make known "the sacred secret "? What was the Pax Romana, and why was it unique? Och snart kommer han att använda sin Son till att befria miljontals människor från det mest rymningssäkra fängelse som finns, döden. Hence, the sacrifice of Jesus will benefit faithful ones from all 70 families of mankind that descended from Noah. And soon he will use his Son to deliver millions of people from the most acceptable living prison, death. [ Bilder på sidan 18] Some of us pass through sorrowful times while mourning the death of a dearly loved one. [ Pictures on page 18] Jehova förväntar att de kristna skall frambringa " frukten av läppar " - ord som talas till lovprisning av honom och hans avsikter. Afterward, Saul listened to his son Jonathan, David's friend, and swore: "As Jehovah is living, [David] will not be put to death. " Jehovah expects Christians to produce "the fruit of lips " - words spoken to him and his purposes. • Hur gjorde Jehova undan för undan den " heliga hemligheten " uppenbar? Some translators suggest that the verse should read, "with truth as a belt tight around your waist. " • How did Jehovah progressively make the "sacred secret " manifest? Jesu offer kommer därför att vara till nytta för de trogna från alla de 70 släkter som härstammade från Noa. Among the answers received, one stands out: While they were growing up, some young ones were not encouraged to pursue spiritual goals. Thus, Jesus ' sacrifice will benefit faithful ones from all the 70 families who descended from Noah. Somliga av oss måste genomleva perioder av sorg på grund av en kär anförvants död. Thus, his rage against God's servants is driven by his craving to be worshiped. - Matthew 4: 8, 9. Some of us must endure periods of sadness because of a loved one's death. Efteråt lyssnade Saul till sin son Jonatan, Davids vän, och svor: " Så sant Jehova lever,... How should we treat those who have authority in the government? Afterward, Saul listened to his son Jonathan, David's friend, and swore: "As surely Jehovah is alive... På Bibelns tid bar soldaterna ett läderbälte som var mellan fem och femton centimeter brett. May we therefore trust in God, putting his name ahead of our own. - Matt. 6: 9. In Bible times, the soldiers carried the soldiers with a news that was between five and five labor cm] in the past. Ett av de vanligaste svaren var faktiskt att de unga bröderna inte uppmuntrades att sätta upp andliga mål när de växte upp. What roles have been assigned to Jesus? In fact, one of the common answers was that young brothers were not encouraged to set spiritual goals when they grew up. Hans vrede mot Guds tjänare får alltså sin näring i hans längtan efter att få människors tillbedjan. Since the cities of refuge were available, an unintentional manslayer was not forced to flee to a foreign land, where he might be tempted to take up false worship. His anger against God's servants is thus poured out in his longing for the worship of people. Hur ska vi vara mot myndighetspersoner? He repeatedly showed mercy toward the nation and loyalty to his covenant with them. How should we treat government officials? Låt oss därför förtrösta på Gud och upphöja hans namn, inte oss själva. • Why is the spiritual vitality of older Christians a valuable asset? Let us therefore trust in God and exalt his name, not ourselves. Vilka uppgifter har Jesus fått? THE year is 29 C.E. What role has Jesus given? Och tack vare tillflyktsstäderna behövde dråparen inte fly till ett annat land, där han skulle kunna frestas att tillbe falska gudar. Heart Condition and Meaningful Reflection Thanks to the cities of refuge, the fugitive did not have to flee to another land, where he might be tempted to worship false gods. Han förlät folket gång på gång och höll lojalt fast vid de löften han hade gett dem. How did Jehovah's Witnesses respond to the extreme pressures brought on during the second world war? He forgave the people repeatedly and loyally upheld the promises he had given them. • Varför är de äldre kristnas andliga vitalitet en värdefull tillgång? Without bread, he would fall short. • Why are elderly Christians a valuable asset? DET är år 29 v.t. This spirit is energy from God projected and exerted on people or things to accomplish his will. IT IS in 29 C.E. Hjärtetillståndet och en meningsfull begrundan Before long, though, Nebuchadnezzar seems to forget this lesson. The state and a meaningful meditation Hur reagerade Jehovas vittnen på de extrema påtryckningar de utsattes för under andra världskriget? What promises have you seen fulfilled, and what conclusion have you come to? How did Jehovah's Witnesses react to extreme pressure during World War II? Utan bröd skulle han inte vara en god värd. Similarly, when someone began to help us to understand the Scriptures, we had our first glimpse of "the deep things of God. " - 1 Corinthians 2: 8 - 10. Without bread, he would not be a good host. Den här anden är energi från Gud som han riktar mot människor eller saker för att genomföra sin vilja. Still, an object that features God's name should not be considered a talisman or used as a charm in everyday life as if it had some magical power of protection. This spirit is God - given energy to humans or to accomplish his will. Men det dröjer inte länge förrän Nebukadnessar tycks ha glömt den här lärdomen. (4) Now is the time for any who may be putting their trust in secular education, material things, or human institutions to adjust their thinking. However, it is not long before Nebuchadnezzar seems to forget this lesson. Vilka löften har du sett uppfyllas, och vilken slutsats har du kommit till? On that day the whole nation came together for the Day of Atonement to have sacrifices offered in their behalf for the covering of their sins. - Leviticus 16: 29, 30. What promises have you seen fulfilled, and what conclusion have you come to? När någon började hjälpa oss att förstå Bibeln fick vi på liknande sätt för första gången en inblick i " Guds djupheter ." " The heavens are declaring the glory of God; and of the work of his hands the expanse is telling, " David wrote. When someone began to help us understand the Bible, we experienced a similar understanding of "the deep things of God. " Men föremål med Guds namn på ska inte ses som en amulett eller maskot, som om det hade något slags magisk kraft. How can you shepherd them and help them to see that serving Jehovah really is the best way of life and will contribute to their lasting happiness? However, the object of God's name is not to be seen as a dove or a Mary, as if it had some kind of power. 4) Alla som har sett utbildning, materiella saker eller mänskliga organisationer som sin trygghet måste nu ändra inställning. Do more than just read scriptures; explain them. (4) All those who have seen education, material things, or human organizations now need to change their mental attitude. Den dagen samlades hela nationen för att högtidlighålla försoningsdagen, och offer frambars för att folket skulle få sina synder försonade. [ Picture on pages 22, 23] Whether our hope is heavenly or earthly, we are all domestics and need the same timely spiritual food [ Box on page 24] On that day, the whole nation was gathered to observe the Day of Atonement, and sacrifices were offered to the people for their sins. David skrev: " Himlen förkunnar Guds härlighet; himlarymden berättar om hans händers verk. He inspired the prophet Isaiah to write: "This is what Jehovah has said, the Creator of the heavens, He the true God, the Former of the earth and the Maker of it, He the One who firmly established it, who did not create it simply for nothing, who formed it even to be inhabited: " I am Jehovah, and there is no one else. ' " David wrote: "The heavens are declaring the glory of God; the expanse is telling the work of his hands. Om dina barn tvivlar på sanningen behöver du ha tålamod och försöka vägleda dem. 3: 1 - 4. What if an unbelieving marriage mate chooses to separate? If your child doubts the truth, you need to be patient and to try to guide them. Nöj dig inte med att bara läsa bibelställen, utan förklara dem också. Yet, even in such a good environment, many allowed bad desires to take root and grow. Be content not only to read scriptures but also to explain them. Jesus har gett den trogne och omdömesgille slaven mycket stort ansvar - att ha tillsyn över tjänstefolket och att dela ut andlig mat i rätt tid. Follow the King of Peace Jesus has entrusted the faithful and discreet slave with weighty responsibilities - to oversee the domestics, providing spiritual food at the proper time. Han inspirerade profeten Jesaja att skriva: " Detta är vad Jehova har sagt, himlarnas Skapare, Han, den sanne Guden, jordens Formare och den som har gjort den, Han, den som fast grundade den, som inte skapade den rätt och slätt för ingenting, som formade den, ja till att bebos: ' Jag är Jehova, och det finns ingen annan. ' " The more we bring our thoughts and feelings into harmony with Jehovah's thoughts and feelings, the more we will be inclined to obey his commands. - Ps. He inspired the prophet Isaiah to write: "This is what Jehovah has said, the Creator of the heavens, the true God, the one ministering to the earth and the one who made it, the One who firmly established it, the Creator of the heavens and nothing, the true God, even the earth, is the One who formed it: " I am Jehovah, and there is no one else. ' " Hur är det då om den som inte är ett vittne bestämmer sig för att lämna sin partner? Godly wisdom, which brings joy, is given to " a man who is good before Jehovah. ' What if a person who is not a Witness decides to leave his spouse? Änglarna som valde Satans sida hade tjänat i Jehovas närhet i himlen i tusentals år. So do not bottle up anger and let it explode later. The angels who chose Satan's side had served Jehovah in heaven for thousands of years. Följ fridens kung The degree to which we trust that promise is an indication of the depth of our love for Jehovah because love and trust go hand in hand. Follow the King of Peace Ju mer vi formar våra tankar och känslor i enlighet med Jehovas tankar och känslor, desto lättare blir det för oss att följa hans befallningar. " Happy are you whenever men hate you, " he said, "and whenever they exclude you and reproach you and cast out your name as wicked for the sake of the Son of man. " The more we mold our thoughts and feelings in harmony with Jehovah's thoughts and feelings, the easier it will be for us to obey his commands. Vishet från Gud medför glädje och ges åt en " människa som är god i hans [Jehovas] ögon ." The next article will examine how you can imitate Jesus ' love, humility, and insight as you train your teenager to serve Jehovah. Wisdom from God brings joy and is given to a "man good in [Jehovah's] eyes. " Be till Jehova om hjälp att få bort negativa känslor från ditt hjärta. Jude describes those infiltrating the congregation as "murmurers, complainers about their lot in life, proceeding according to their own desires. " Pray to Jehovah for help to rid your heart of negative feelings. I hur stor utsträckning litar vi på det? Svaret på den frågan säger mycket om hur stark vår kärlek till Jehova är, eftersom kärlek och tillit går hand i hand. When writing to anointed Christians, who had the heavenly hope, the apostle Paul therefore said: "We are walking by faith, not by sight. " - 2 Corinthians 5: 7. To the extent that we trust, the answer to that question reveals much about how strong our love for Jehovah is, as love and trust goes hand in hand. Han sade: " Lyckliga är ni när människorna hatar er och när de stänger er ute och smädar er och kastar bort ert namn som något ont för Människosonens skull. " How do we do that? He said: "Happy are you when people hate you and when they shut you out and throw you away your name as evil for the sake of the Son of man. " I nästa artikel ska vi se hur man kan efterlikna Jesus och visa kärlek, ödmjukhet och urskillningsförmåga när man övar sin tonåring att tjäna Jehova. What privileges and blessings does baptism bring? In the following article, we will consider how you can imitate Jesus in showing love, humility, and discernment in training your teenager to serve Jehovah. Judas beskriver dem som infiltrerar församlingen som sådana som " knotar och klagar över sin lott i livet " och " vandrar efter sina egna begär ." A slave is not greater than his master. Jude describes those who enter the congregation as " murmurers and complain about their lot in life " and" walk in accord with their own desires. " När denne man, som nu var känd som aposteln Paulus, skrev till smorda kristna, som hade det himmelska hoppet, sade han därför: " Vi vandrar efter vad vi tror, inte efter vad vi ser. " In imitation of Jeremiah, how can Christian elders reflect Jehovah's concern for His servants? - Read Galatians 6: 1. So when that man, now known as the apostle Paul, wrote to anointed Christians, who had the heavenly hope, he said: "We are walking by faith, not by sight. " Hur gör vi det? Michelle: And if you had the power to heal her today, would you? How do we do so? Vilken förmån och vilka välsignelser följer med dopet? Through our faith in Jesus ' shed blood, our conscience has been cleansed from dead works, "that we may render sacred service to the living God. " What privilege and blessings come with baptism? En slav är inte större än sin herre. Still, for the sake of peace, Isaac had more than once opted to move rather than fight. A slave is not greater than his master. Hur kan kristna äldste likt Jeremia återspegla Jehovas omsorg om sina tjänare? (Läs Galaterna 6: 1.) Several years ago, Birgit, a pioneer in Germany, attended her daughter's school graduation. Like Jeremiah, how can Christian elders reflect Jehovah's concern for his servants? - Read Galatians 6: 1. Mikaela: Och om du hade möjligheten att göra något åt hennes situation i dag, skulle du ta den då? How so? Michelle: If you had the opportunity to do something for her today, would you take it? Vår tro på Jesu utgjutna blod har renat vårt samvete från döda gärningar, " så att vi kan ägna helig tjänst åt den levande Guden ." Because present - day elders cooperate with the faithful and discreet slave class, all in the congregation are encouraged and assisted to remain united. Our faith in Jesus ' shed blood has cleansed our conscience from dead works, "that we may render sacred service to the living God. " För fridens skull hade Isak mer än en gång valt att flytta hellre än att strida. The second example involved an incident that took place on Passover night 33 C.E. when a mob came to arrest Jesus. For the sake of peace, Isaac had more than once chosen to move rather than fight. Det märkte en pionjärsyster i Tyskland som heter Birgit. What is one way to control anxiety? That was an example of a pioneer sister living in Germany. Hur då? [ Pictures on page 15] How? Eftersom äldste i dag samarbetar med den trogna och omdömesgilla slavklassen får alla i församlingen uppmuntran och hjälp att bevara enheten. In the centuries that followed, the nation often turned away from God, though he sent prophets to urge them to return. Because elders today cooperate with the faithful and discreet slave class, all in the congregation receive encouragement and help to maintain unity. Det andra exemplet gäller en händelse som ägde rum på påsknatten år 33 v.t., då en folkskara kom för att gripa Jesus. (b) Why should we not hesitate to accept Jesus ' yoke? The second example applies to an event that took place on Passover night in 33 C.E. when a crowd came to arrest Jesus. Vad kan minska vår oro? What, though, does becoming slaves of God and of Christ involve? What can reduce anxiety? [ Bilder på sidan 15] • What "tribulation " may Christian parents experience? [ Pictures on page 15] Under de århundraden som följde vände sig nationen ofta bort från Gud, men då sände han sina profeter för att uppmana dem att återvända till honom. Jehovah leads and feeds those in the earthly part of his organization by means of "the faithful and discreet slave " under the direction of Christ, the" head of the congregation. " Over the centuries, the nation often turned away from God, but then he sent his prophets to urge them to return to him. b) Varför bör vi inte tveka att ta på oss Jesu ok? (b) How is it appropriately used in prayers? (b) Why should we not hesitate to take on Jesus ' yoke? Vad innebär det då att bli slavar åt Gud och åt Kristus? Carol faced ridicule from her classmates because her Bible - trained conscience would not allow her to share in holiday celebrations and patriotic ceremonies. What, then, does it mean to be slaves of God and to Christ? • Vilken " vedermöda " kan kristna föräldrar få uppleva? Love of God and neighbor, in fact, are inextricably linked. • What "tribulation " can Christian parents experience? Jehova vägleder dem som tillhör den jordiska delen av hans organisation. Det gör han genom Kristus, " församlingens huvud ," som i sin tur har gett " den trogne och omdömesgille slaven " i uppdrag att undervisa och leda Guds folk. 13, 14. Jehovah guides those of the earthly part of his organization, who by means of Christ, "the Head of the congregation, " who, in turn, has commissioned" the faithful and discreet slave " to teach and direct God's people. b) Hur används det lämpligen i böner? (b) What questions will we now consider? (b) How is it fitting to pray? Hennes klasskamrater retade henne för att hennes samvete inte tillät henne att ta del i patriotiska ceremonier eller att fira helgdagar. Translation reportedly began in Egypt in the third century B.C.E. and may have been finished by 150 B.C.E. Her classmates ridicule her because her conscience did not allow her to participate in holidays or to celebrate holidays. Kärleken till Gud och kärleken till vår nästa är i själva verket oupplösligt förbundna med varandra. These are just some of the many reasons we have for loving Jehovah in response to his enduring love for us. The love of God and love for our neighbor is, in fact, unable to associate with one another. 13, 14. The stage was being set for a future deliverance from false religion. 13, 14. b) Vilka frågor skall vi nu se lite närmare på? James 1: 13 says: "With evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone. " (b) What questions will we now consider? Översättningsarbetet verkar ha påbörjats i Egypten på 200 - talet f.v.t. och blev förmodligen färdigt omkring år 150 f.v.t. As Christians, we allow our love for God and neighbor to motivate us to share in the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work. The translation work appears to have started in Egypt in the third century B.C.E. and was probably completed in 150 B.C.E. Det här är bara några av alla de saker vi kan göra för att visa att vi älskar Jehova och uppskattar hans oändliga kärlek till oss. " Man has dominated man to his harm. " - Ecclesiastes 8: 9. These are just some of the things we can do to show that we love Jehovah and appreciate his enduring love for us. Tiden närmade sig för uppriktiga kristna att bli befriade från falsk religion. That is how a husband should deal with his wife. Time approached sincere Christians to be delivered from false religion. I Jakob 1: 13 sägs det: " Med onda ting kan... Gud inte prövas och prövar inte heller själv någon. " Their motives and thinking were displeasing to him. James 1: 13 states: "With evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone. " Som kristna låter vi vår kärlek till Gud och till våra medmänniskor driva oss att ta del i arbetet med att predika om Guds kungarike och göra lärjungar. ARTICLE 2 • SONGS: 135, 133 As Christians, we allow our love for God and neighbor to motivate us to share in the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work. " Människa har haft makt över människa till hennes skada. " She also had to adjust to local customs, and frequently there was no electricity or water. " Man has dominated man to his injury. " Det är så en äkta man bör behandla sin hustru. How can we guard our mind and heart and be like the faithful disciple Nathanael? That is how husbands should treat their wives. Deras motiv och tänkesätt var inte i linje med Guds. Revelation chapter 12 provides further details concerning the establishment of God's Kingdom in heaven. Their motive and thinking were not in harmony with God's will. SIDAN 12 • SÅNGER: 135, 133 Only by seeking first God's righteousness could they endure with their integrity intact. ARTICLE 2 • SONGS: 135, 133 Många gånger fanns det varken el eller vatten, och hon behövde även anpassa sig till den lokala kulturen. Though we are far from being sound in body and mind, Jehovah, our heavenly Father, is perfect in every respect. Many times there were neither male nor water, and she also had to adapt to the local culture. Hur kan vi skydda vårt sinne och hjärta och bli lika den trogne lärjungen Natanael? • What is "Babylon the Great "? How can we protect our mind and heart and become like the faithful disciple Nathanael? Uppenbarelseboken, kapitel 12, ger ytterligare detaljer beträffande upprättandet av Guds kungarike i himlen. Jesus referred to this same period as "the appointed times of the nations " in his prophecy about his future presence and" the conclusion of the system of things. " Revelation chapter 12 gives further details regarding the establishment of God's Kingdom in heaven. Det var endast om de först sökte Guds rättfärdighet som de kunde uthärda och bevara sin ostrafflighet. Why? Only if they were to search for God's righteousness could they endure and maintain their integrity. Även om vi är långt ifrån sunda till kropp och sinne så är Jehova, vår himmelske Far, fullkomlig i varje avseende. Today, such loving - kindness is a mark of God's people. Even if we are far from sound to body and mind, Jehovah, our heavenly Father, perfect in every respect. • Vad är " det stora Babylon "? What shows that Jehovah's message to an individual sometimes has a broader application to mankind in general? • What is "Babylon the Great "? I Jesus profetia om sin framtida närvaro och " avslutningen på tingens ordning " kallade han perioden i Daniels profetia för " nationernas fastställda tider ." We do not know. In Jesus ' prophecy about his future presence and "the conclusion of the system of things, " he called the period of Daniel's prophecy for" the appointed times of the nations. " Varför inte det? This aspect is further considered in The Watchtower of February 1, 2012, pages 18 - 21. Why not? I vår tid är kärleksfull omtanke ett kännetecken på Guds folk. For it is written, " It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service. ' " Today, loving - kindness is a hallmark of God's people. Vad visar att Jehovas budskap till en enskild människa ibland har en vidare tillämpning på människor i allmänhet? April 18 - 24, 2011 What shows that Jehovah's message to an individual sometimes has a further application of people in general? Vi vet inte det. Imperfect humans tend to make comparisons, but God's Word tells us to focus on what we personally are able to do. We do not know. Du kan läsa mer om det här i Vakttornet för 1 februari 2012, sidan 18 - 21. " By All Means I Shall Have Pity Upon Him " For more information, see The Watchtower of February 1, 2012, pages 18 - 21. Det står ju skrivet: ' Det är Jehova, din Gud, du skall tillbe, och det är endast honom du skall ägna helig tjänst. ' " In Jesus ' day, many people were likewise poor and disadvantaged, and they may have felt that they would be happier and more secure if only they had more money. For it is written: " It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service. ' " 18 - 24 april 2011 [ Pictures on page 20] April 18 - 24, 2011 Som ofullkomliga människor har vi en tendens att jämföra oss med andra, men Bibeln säger att vi ska koncentrera oss på det vi själva kan göra. Some of the blessings were indicated by the prophet Isaiah when he foretold: "The spirit of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah is upon me, for the reason that Jehovah has anointed me to tell good news to the meek ones. As imperfect humans, we tend to compare ourselves with others, but the Bible says that we should focus on what we ourselves can do. " Jag skall helt visst ha medlidande med honom " They, in turn, proved to be a blessing to their hosts. " I shall surely have pity for him " Många på Jesus tid var också fattiga, och de kan ha tänkt att de skulle bli lyckligare och tryggare om de hade mer pengar. But our busy schedules make it difficult for my father and me to talk privately. Many in Jesus ' day also poor, and they may have thought that they would be happier and secure if they had more money. [ Bilder på sidan 20] Scripturally, the primary responsibility to teach and train young ones lies with the parents. [ Pictures on page 20] Några av välsignelserna omnämndes av profeten Jesaja, när han förutsade: " Den suveräne Herren Jehovas ande är över mig, eftersom Jehova har smort mig till att kungöra goda nyheter för de ödmjuka. How can we resist pressure to do something wrong? Some of the blessings mentioned by the prophet Isaiah when he foretold: "The spirit of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah is upon me, because Jehovah has anointed me to declare good news to the humble ones. De visade sig i sin tur vara en välsignelse för familjen. Jesus said: "God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " They, in turn, proved to be a blessing to the family. Men vårt fulltecknade schema gör det svårt för min far och mig att samtala enskilt. (Read Galatians 5: 22 - 25.) However, our busy schedule makes it difficult for my father and me to talk private. De kanske till och med ber en förkunnare att studera med barnen. (Read Mark 7: 20 - 23.) They may even ask a publisher to study with his children. Vad kan vi lära oss av exemplen med Pilatus och Petrus? They submit to the Messianic Kingdom, made up of Christ Jesus and the 144,000 "holy ones " who will be associated with him in that heavenly government. - Rev. What can we learn from the examples of Pilate and Peter? Jesus sade: " Gud älskade världen så mycket att han gav sin enfödde Son, för att var och en som utövar tro på honom inte skall bli tillintetgjord utan ha evigt liv. " The fact that an unintentional manslayer had to leave his home and flee to a city of refuge for a period of time teaches us that life is sacred and that we must have respect for it. Jesus said: "God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " (Läs Galaterna 5: 22 - 25.) Why may Paul have found his imprisonment confusing; yet, what attitude did he display? (Read Galatians 5: 22 - 25.) (Läs Markus 7: 20 - 23.) ARTICLE 4 • SONGS: 61, 43 (Read Mark 7: 20 - 23.) De underordnar sig det messianska kungariket, som utgörs av Kristus Jesus och de 144 000 " heliga " som ska vara förenade med honom i denna himmelska regering. And it wants you to believe that you can have its form of fun without pain. They submit to the Messianic Kingdom, made up of Christ Jesus and the 144,000 "holy ones " to be united with him in that heavenly government. Den som ouppsåtligt hade dödat någon var tvungen att lämna sitt hem och fly till en tillflyktsstad och sedan stanna där under en tid. Det lär oss att livet är heligt och att vi måste respektera livet. In harmony with this pledge, Jehovah's chosen Servant would "open the blind eyes, "" bring forth out of the dungeon the prisoner, " and deliver "those sitting in darkness. " The unintentional manslayer had to kill someone had to leave his home and flee to a house and then stay there for a while, teaching us that life is holy and that we must respect life. Varför kan det ha varit förvirrande för Paulus att han blev fängslad, men vilken inställning hade han ändå? Why should we be concerned about Moses ' actions? Why may it have been confused for Paul to be imprisoned, but what attitude did he still have? SIDAN 23 • SÅNGER: 61, 43 We take delight in doing God's will. ARTICLE 4 • SONGS: 61, 43 Den vill att du skall tro att du utan smärtsamma konsekvenser kan ta för dig av den form av glädje den erbjuder. What did the rebellion in Eden do to mankind? It wants you to believe that without painful consequences, you can take advantage of the form of joy that offers. I överensstämmelse med den här försäkran skulle Jehovas utvalde tjänare " öppna de blinda ögonen, föra ut fången ur fängelsehålan " och befria " dem som sitter i mörker ." (b) What key points will we now discuss? In line with this assurance, Jehovah's chosen Servant would " open up the blind eyes, carry out the prisoner out" and deliver those sitting in darkness. " Varför är det bra att fundera på det Mose gjorde? you must say, " It is the sacrifice of the Passover to Jehovah, who passed over the houses of the Israelites in Egypt when he plagued the Egyptians, but he spared our houses. ' " Why would it be wise to reflect on what Moses did? Vi finner glädje i att göra Guds vilja. However, would we feel safe traveling on highways where there were no traffic laws, where everyone was free to decide how fast or on which side of the road to drive? We delight to do God's will. Vad medförde upproret i Eden för mänskligheten? When he allowed his enemies to arrest him in the garden of Gethsemane, it was not because he could not defend himself. What did rebellion in Eden do for mankind? b) Vilka viktiga frågor ska vi se närmare på? And it gives divine counsel about how we should conduct ourselves during these difficult times so as to make our hope firm. (b) What important questions will we consider? Föräldrarna berättade säkert också om faraos reaktion när Mose bad honom låta israeliterna tillbe Jehova i vildmarken. April 26, 2010 - May 2, 2010 The parents undoubtedly spoke of Pharaoh's reaction when Moses asked him to worship Jehovah in the wilderness. Men skulle vi känna oss trygga och säkra om det inte fanns några trafikregler, om alla fick bestämma själva hur fort eller på vilken sida av vägen de skulle köra? He first subdued Satan and his demons, hurling them down to the vicinity of the earth. But would we feel secure and confident if there were no walls, if all of them were to decide how quickly or on the way they were to drive? Det var inte för att han inte kunde försvara sig som han lät sig gripas av sina fiender i Getsemane trädgård. We need to act in harmony with our prayers. He did not hold back from defending himself in the garden of Gethsemane. Och den ger oss råd från Gud om hur vi bör agera under dessa svåra tider för att göra vårt hopp fast och säkert. It thus seems that in this verse "the congregation of God " applies to Christians living at a certain time. And it gives us counsel from God about how we should act during these difficult times to make our hope firm and sure. 26 april 2010 - 2 maj 2010 [ Blurb on page 5] April 26, 2010 - May 2, 2010 Först besegrade han Satan och hans demoner och slungade ner dem till jordens närhet. Though we, their descendants, are subjected to the futility of sin and death, we have the opportunity to do what Adam and Eve failed to do. First, he conquered Satan and his demons and hurled them down to the vicinity of the earth. Vi måste göra något som visar att vi menar vad vi säger i våra böner. 2, 3. (a) How do we demonstrate that we are walking by faith? We need to act in harmony with what we say in prayer. Det förefaller alltså som om uttrycket " Guds församling " i den här versen är tillämpligt på de kristna som lever vid en viss tid. As the following article shows, he loves us, always tells us the truth, and wants us to live happily forever. - John 3: 16; 17: 17. It seems, then, that the expression "congregation of God " applies to Christians living at a certain time. Även om vi, deras avkomlingar, är lagda under syndens och dödens fruktlöshet, har vi möjlighet att göra det som Adam och Eva inte gjorde. [ Picture on page 23] Although we, their descendants, are subject to sin and death's futility, we have the opportunity to do what Adam and Eve did. 2, 3. a) Hur visar vi att vi vandrar efter vad vi tror? Thus you will make it easier for your mate to listen to you. 2, 3. (a) How do we show that we are walking by faith? Som följande artikel visar älskar han oss, talar alltid sanning och vill att vi ska leva för evigt i lycka. Keep Practicing the Things You Have Learned As the following article shows, he loves us, always tells truth, and wants us to live forever in happiness. [ Bild på sidan 23] To the assembled nation of Israel poised to enter the Promised Land, Moses said: "Only watch out for yourself and take good care of your soul, that you may not forget the things that your eyes have seen and that they may not depart from your heart all the days of your life; and you must make them known to your sons and to your grandsons. " [ Picture on page 23] Då blir det lättare för din partner att ta in det du säger. What are you determined to do, and what will be discussed in the next article? If so, it will be easier for your spouse to weigh what you say. Fortsätt att tillämpa de ting du har lärt dig Christ's messages to what congregations will be discussed in the next article? Continue to apply the Things You Learn När israeliterna var församlade för att dra in i det utlovade landet sade Mose till dem: " Ta dig bara till vara och ge noga akt på din själ, så att du inte glömmer de ting som du har sett med egna ögon och så att de inte viker ifrån ditt hjärta i alla dina livsdagar; och du skall göra dem kända för dina söner och för dina sonsöner. " 7: 1 - 5, 11. How does the account of the Flood instill confidence that Jehovah knows when to deliver his people? When the Israelites were gathered to enter the Promised Land, Moses told them: "Take only to be and pay attention to your soul, that you may not forget the things that you have seen with your own eyes and that they do not turn aside from all your heart; and you may make them known to your sons. " Vad är du besluten att göra, och vad ska vi gå igenom i nästa artikel? * What are you determined to do, and what will we consider in the next article? Kristi budskap till vilka församlingar skall tas upp i nästa artikel? Keep Your Senses Christ's message to which congregations will be discussed in the next article? Hur kan berättelsen om översvämningen stärka vår övertygelse om att Jehova vet när han ska befria sitt folk? The older men in the congregation are exhorted to " shepherd the flock of God in their care, ' doing so willingly and eagerly. How does the account of the Flood strengthen our conviction that Jehovah knows when he will deliver his people? * He may have been in his early teens when he was forcibly taken from his parents into exile in Babylon. * Bevara din besinning And tragically, it also led to his death and the death of the thousands who were overreached by him. - 2 Sam. 18: 7, 14 - 17. Keep Your senses De äldste i församlingen uppmanas att vara " herdar för Guds hjord " som är i deras vård och att utföra den uppgiften villigt och med iver. Because we have inherited a tendency to be unthankful. The elders in the congregation are admonished to shepherd the flock of God "in their care and to carry out that task willingly and zealously. Han kanske var i de lägre tonåren när han tvingades lämna sina föräldrar och fördes bort till Babylon. Rather, they will "stand still and see the salvation of Jehovah " in their behalf. Perhaps he was in a better teens when he was forced to leave his parents and was taken away to Babylon. Och tragiskt nog ledde det också till hans död och till att tusentals av dem som han hade bedragit dog. Explain how Jesus as King - Designate was a conqueror. And tragic, too, it led to his death and to thousands of people he had died. Därför att vi har en medfödd tendens att vara otacksamma. The Israelites looked at the things behind and lost Jehovah's favor. - Num. 11: 10. Because we have an inborn tendency to be unthankful. I stället kommer de att " stå stilla och se Jehovas räddning " till förmån för dem. Among them were Florian and Anja, who said: "We view our new assignment as an exciting challenge. Instead, they will "stand still and see the salvation of Jehovah " in their behalf. Förklara hur Jesus segrade som Guds utvalde kung. Finally, Jesus was impaled as an accursed criminal. Explain how Jesus ' victory as God's chosen King. Israeliterna såg sig tillbaka och förlorade Jehovas godkännande. Jehovah will not abandon his faithful servants who make this request. The Israelites looked back and lost Jehovah's approval. Ett par som heter Florian och Anja säger: " Vi ser vårt nya uppdrag som en spännande utmaning. At times, you may need to ask for help from an experienced married Christian elder. " We see our new assignment as a thrilling challenge. " Till sist hängdes Jesus på en tortyrpåle som en förbannad brottsling. Prove yourself faithful even to death, and I will give you the crown of life. " - Revelation 2: 10. Eventually, Jesus was impaled on a torture stake as a criminal. Jehova vänder inte ryggen till när hans trogna tjänare ber en sådan bön. (c) How can we succeed in fleeing from fornication? Jehovah does not turn his faithful servants back from praying such a prayer. Ibland kan man behöva få hjälp av någon erfaren gift kristen äldste. I request you, not to take them out of the world, but to watch over them because of the wicked one. At times, you may need help from an experienced Christian elder. Bevisa dig trogen intill döden, så skall jag ge dig livets krona. " Having an evangelizing spirit in imitation of Christ brings joy to our heart, especially if we have had even a small part in helping someone to draw close to God and his beloved Son. Prove yourself faithful even to death, and I will give you the crown of life. " c) Hur kan vi lyckas fly undan otukten? Rather, he was simply saying that as long as Jehovah allows human rulership to exist, Christians should respect "the arrangement of God " and accept such rulers. (c) How can we succeed in fleeing from fornication? Jag begär inte att du skall ta dem ut ur världen, utan att du skall vaka över dem för den ondes skull. Who is the Source of our conscience, and why can we be thankful that we have this faculty? I request you, not to take them out of the world, but to watch over them because of the wicked one. När vi efterliknar Kristus och har evangeliseringsandan känner vi glädje, särskilt om vi har haft en aldrig så liten del i att hjälpa någon att närma sig Gud och hans älskade Son. (b) What did Jesus do at the pool, and what does this teach us? As we imitate Christ and have the evangelizing spirit, we experience joy, especially if we never had a small share in helping someone draw close to God and his beloved Son. Han slog bara fast att de kristna ska respektera " Guds ordning " med jordiska härskare så länge Jehova låter dem finnas till. This can easily happen when we see something that we view as unfair or if we personally suffer hardship. He just made it clear that Christians should respect "the order of God " with human rulers as long as Jehovah allows them to be. Vem har gett oss människor ett samvete, och varför är vi tacksamma för det? He showed great patience in putting up with the weaknesses of his followers. Who has given humans a conscience, and why are we grateful for it? b) Vad gjorde Jesus vid dammen, och vad lär vi oss av det? So let us not lose heart or be amazed that oppression and violence have taken away righteousness in this satanic world. (b) What did Jesus do at the pool of Bethzatha, and what does this teach us? Det är lätt hänt om vi ser något som vi uppfattar som orättvist eller om vi själva får utstå prövningar. Their past experiences in God's service undoubtedly brought them great joy. It is easy to see what we see as unfair or if we suffer trials. Under sin tjänst här på jorden utsattes han för orättvisa påhopp, men han var mild och tålmodig ända till sin död. Spiritual Prince of Israel During his ministry on earth, he suffered injustice at the hands of injustice, but he was mild - tempered and patient until his death. Vi behöver därför inte tappa modet eller bli förvånade över att förtryck och våld har tagit bort rättfärdigheten i den här sataniska världen. Jehovah's powerful arm will prove to be with his people. - Deut. 11: 2. Therefore, we do not need to be discouraged or surprised that oppression and violence have removed righteousness in this satanic world. Det de tidigare gjorde i Guds tjänst gav dem utan tvivel stor glädje. We are fast approaching God's day of judgment. No doubt, what they did in God's service brought them great joy. Israels andlige furste Godless ones would be without love of goodness, or as some translations render the expression, "haters of good " or" hostile to all goodness. " Israel's spiritual prince Jehova kommer alltid att skydda sitt folk med sin mäktiga arm. None of us like to see fellow Christians suffer or struggle. Jehovah will always protect his people with his mighty arm. Vi närmar oss snabbt dagen för Guds dom. This example illustrates the far - reaching effect that our firm stand for Bible principles can have on others. We are rapidly approaching the day of divine judgment. Många skulle vara utan kärlek till det goda, eller " fientliga mot det goda ," som det uttrycks i en del översättningar. Was he too in Sheol? Many would be without love for what is good, or " hostility toward what is good, " expressed in some translations. Ingen av oss tycker om att se andra kristna lida eller kämpa med problem. On one occasion, he said: "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you resemble whitewashed graves, which outwardly indeed appear beautiful but inside are full of dead men's bones and of every sort of uncleanness. None of us enjoy seeing other Christians suffer or struggle with problems. Det här exemplet belyser hur positivt andra kan påverkas när vi beslutsamt håller fast vid Bibelns principer. If we are led by God's spirit, we will become known for goodness, and Jehovah will " remember us for the good we do. ' - Nehemiah 5: 19; 13: 31. This example illustrates how positive people can be affected when we take a firm stand on Bible principles. Var han också i Sheol? " We have as high priest, not one who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, " wrote Paul, "but one who has been tested in all respects like ourselves, but without sin. " Was he also in Sheol? Vid ett tillfälle sade han: " Ve er, skriftlärda och fariséer, hycklare, därför att ni liknar vitkalkade gravar, som visserligen ser vackra ut utanpå men inuti är fulla av de dödas ben och av allt slags orenlighet. God did not think so. On one occasion, he said: "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you are like the Judeans that are seeing beautiful but inside the full of the bones and of all sorts. Om vi leds av Guds ande, blir vi kända för vår godhet, och Jehova kommer att komma ihåg oss för det goda vi gör. Yes. If we are led by God's spirit, we become known to our goodness, and Jehovah remembers what we do. Paulus skrev: " Vi har inte en överstepräst som inte kan hysa medkänsla med våra svagheter, utan en som har blivit prövad i alla avseenden liksom vi, men utan synd. " Suddenly, Daniel found himself living among a people who had a completely different concept of right and wrong. Paul wrote: "We do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has been tested in all respects like ourselves, but sin. " Gud ansåg inte det. Similarly, a Christian who has been weakened by personal difficulties or very trying circumstances may need time to regain spiritual strength. God did not consider it. Ja. At 40 years of age, Moses thought that he was ready to help liberate God's people from Egyptian bondage. Yes. Där var han plötsligt omgiven av människor som hade en helt annan syn på vad som var rätt och fel. 1, 2. There he was suddenly surrounded by people who had a completely different view of what was right and wrong. På samma sätt kan en kristen som har försvagats av personliga problem eller svåra omständigheter behöva tid att återhämta sig andligen. Pray From the Heart Similarly, a Christian who has weakens his personal problems or difficult circumstances may need to recover spiritually. Och när han var 40 år trodde han att han var redo att befria dem. What did she do? And when he was 40 years old, he thought that he was ready to deliver them. 1, 2. That is not to say, of course, that a Christian teacher need not prepare for a Bible study. 1, 2. Be från hjärtat Since they are not Jesus ' joint heirs with a heavenly hope, they attend the Memorial as respectful observers. - Romans 6: 3 - 5. Pray From the Heart Vad gjorde hon åt det? God's servants study the Bible and Christian publications. What did she do? Det här betyder naturligtvis inte att en kristen lärare inte behöver förbereda sig för att leda ett bibelstudium. The truth has not changed. Of course, this does not mean that a Christian teacher does not need to prepare for conducting a Bible study. Eftersom de inte är Jesu medarvingar med ett himmelskt hopp, är de närvarande vid Åminnelsen som respektfulla åskådare. Years later, he moved to Europe, where he resumed his Bible study and came to this conclusion: "The fulfillment of Bible prophecies, the internal harmony of the Holy Scriptures, the absence of contradiction in the Bible, and the love among Jehovah's worshippers convinced me that the Bible is God's Word. " Since they are not Jesus ' joint heirs with a heavenly hope, they attend the Memorial as respectful observers. Guds tjänare studerar Bibeln och kristna publikationer. Zechariah foretold that the Messiah would come "riding upon an ass, " that he would be betrayed for" thirty pieces of silver, " that he would be struck, and that "those of the flock [would] be scattered. " God's servants study the Bible and Christian publications. Sanningen har inte ändrats. Genom att du påminner dig hur du tänkte och kände kan du därför återuppliva och stärka den kärlek du först hade till sanningen. But how troubling it must have been for him to have to address the problem of sexual immorality that was being tolerated in that congregation! The truth has not changed; thus, by recalling how you thought and feeling, you can revive and strengthen the love you had at first for the truth. Flera år längre fram flyttade han till Europa där han började studera igen. Senare sa han: " Uppfyllelsen av Bibelns profetior, Bibelns inre harmoni, att det inte finns några motsägelser i Bibeln och kärleken bland dem som tillber Jehova övertygade mig om att Bibeln är Guds ord. " That is his job. Years later, he moved to Europe where he later began studying the Bible, saying: "The fulfillment of Bible prophecy, the inner harmony, that there is no conflict with the Bible and the love of Jehovah that belongs to me. " Sakarja förutsade att Messias skulle komma " ridande på en åsna ," att han skulle förrådas för " trettio silverstycken ," att han skulle bli slagen och att " fåren [skulle] skingras ." What valuable lessons the inspired proverbs teach! Zechariah foretold that the Messiah would come "on an ass, " that he would be betrayed for" hundred pieces of silver, " that he might be struck and that the sheep [would] be scattered. " Så vad svårt det måste ha varit för honom att behöva ta upp med församlingen att de tolererade sexuell omoral! Jerusalem is called "the perfection of prettiness. " Do you know why? How difficult it must have been for him to take up the congregation to tolerate sexual immorality! Det är hans arbete. What actions will reveal that we possess such wisdom? It is his work. Vilka värdefulla lärdomar de inspirerade ordspråken ger! The first - century Christians suffered, not for any misdeeds, but for being who they were What valuable lessons the inspired proverbs give! Vet du varför Jerusalem kallas " fullkomlig i skönhet "? In view of their diminishing numbers, the anointed cannot be present in all congregations to ensure the management of Christ's belongings. Do you know why Jerusalem is called "the perfect in beauty "? Hur visar vi att vi har sådan vishet? Moreover, Jesus invited new ones to associate freely with his disciples and make friends with them. - Mark 10: 29, 30. How do we demonstrate that wisdom? De första kristna fick lida, inte för något orätt, utan för att de var kristna True Christians have every reason to be proud of being servants of Jehovah. The early Christians suffered, not for nothing wrong, but for being Christians Antalet smorda på jorden minskar, och därför kan de inte vara representerade i alla församlingar för att ta hand om Kristi tillhörigheter. But they too can implore Jehovah to continue to smile on them and take care of them. Since the number of anointed ones on earth cannot be represented in all congregations to care for Christ's belongings. Dessutom uppmanade han de nya att umgås med hans lärjungar och bli vänner med dem. Studies show that from 60 to 80 percent of students engage in this kind of activity. Moreover, he urged new ones to associate with his disciples and become friends with them. De sanna kristna har all orsak att vara stolta över att få vara tjänare åt Jehova. Yet, the steward is also a servant. True Christians have every reason to take pride in serving Jehovah. Men precis som David kan de vädja om att Jehova ska fortsätta visa dem sin kärlek och ta hand om dem. Jehovah does not deny us this pleasure, but realistically we know that such activities do not in themselves help us to store up any spiritual treasures in heaven. Like David, however, they may appeal to Jehovah's loving care and care for them. Studier visar att mellan 60 och 80 procent av eleverna har erfarenhet av detta. Jehovah takes note of the righteous ones and blesses them. This article shows that from 60 percent of students have experience. Men förvaltaren är också en tjänare. 3: 14, 15. How have some parents helped their children to set spiritual goals, and how has this proved beneficial? But the steward is also a servant. Det är inte något som Jehova missunnar oss, men vi inser att det i sig självt inte hjälper oss att samla andliga skatter i himlen. she asked. It is not something that Jehovah offends us, but we realize that it itself does not help us to store up spiritual treasures in heaven. Han vill att vi ska " göra det som är gott ," så att han kan " visa ynnest " mot oss. (a) What warning is repeatedly given in Bible prophecy? He wants us to "work what is good " so that he can" show favor " to us. Hur har en del föräldrar hjälpt sina barn att sätta upp andliga mål, och vilka fördelar har det lett till? The opposite also holds true. How have some parents helped their children to set spiritual goals, and with what benefits? frågade hon. • Proverbs 13: 20? she asked. a) Vilken varning ges upprepade gånger i Bibelns profetior? Euodia and Syntyche, wrote Paul, had "striven side by side with [him] in the good news. " (a) What warning is repeated in Bible prophecies? Motsatsen gäller också. 6, 7. (a) How is our faith strengthened when we teach Bible truths? The opposite too is true. • Ordspråksboken 13: 20? Do you at times find it hard to start conversations in school about your faith? • Proverbs 13: 20? Evodia och Syntyke, skrev Paulus, hade " kämpat sida vid sida med... [honom] i förbindelse med de goda nyheterna ." But as individuals, how do we cooperate now with God's administration? Euodia and Syntyche, Paul wrote, " had fought side by side with [him] in connection with the good news. " 6, 7. a) Hur stärks vår tro när vi undervisar andra om sanningen? In a world where stress is common, it is normal to feel the need to unwind or to get away from it all. 6, 7. (a) How does teaching others the truth strengthen our faith? Tycker du att det ibland är svårt att sätta i gång samtal om din tro i skolan? Let us consider three questions that concern many people. Do you sometimes find it difficult to start conversations about your beliefs at school? Men hur kan var och en av oss uppföra oss i harmoni med Guds förvaltning? (b) What scripture especially motivates you to continue with the preaching work? But how can each of us act in harmony with God's administration? I en värld där stress är vanligt förekommande är det normalt att känna ett behov av att koppla av eller komma bort från alltsammans. [ Blurb on page 8] In a world where stress is rampant, it is normal to feel a need to relax or escape from it all. Vi skall nu behandla tre frågor som många funderar över. In such an environment, it can be difficult to maintain our love for Jehovah and for what is right. Let us consider three questions that many people consider. I den här artikeln ska vi se vad vi kan lära oss av Jesus liknelse om köpmannen som letade efter pärlor. For example, like the psalmist, we may pray for deeper spiritual comprehension. In this article, we will consider what we can learn from Jesus ' illustration about the merchant who was looking for pearls. b) Vilket bibelställe motiverar dig särskilt att fortsätta i förkunnartjänsten? He discerned that Christ would return invisibly and that "the appointed times of the nations " would end in 1914. (b) What scripture motivates you especially to continue in the ministry? [ Infälld text på sidan 8] Yet, you may feel embarrassed or disappointed when comparing your voice with productions from the entertainment world. [ Blurb on page 8] I en sådan omgivning kan det vara svårt att bevara kärleken till Jehova och till det som är rätt. (Read Job 1: 7 - 10.) In such a environment, it may be difficult to maintain our love for Jehovah and for what is right. Likt psalmisten kan vi till exempel be om att få större andlig fattningsförmåga. Why is effort needed to develop and maintain spirituality? Like the psalmist, for example, we can pray for increased spiritual comprehension. Han förstod att Kristus återkomst skulle vara osynlig och att " nationernas fastställda tider " skulle sluta 1914. What blessings, present and future, will come to those who obey Jehovah? He discerned that Christ's return would be invisible and that "the appointed times of the nations " would end in 1914. Men vi får inte låta sådana känslor hindra oss. Vi har alla fått ansvaret att sjunga lovsånger till Jehovas ära. And what is more, the Bible specifically predicted a bright future for mankind. However, we should not allow such feelings to prevent us from singing praises to Jehovah. (Läs Job 1: 7 - 10.) (For fully formatted text, see publication) (Read Job 1: 7 - 10.) Varför behöver vi anstränga oss för att stärka och bevara vår andlighet? Even if we become discouraged because of what others do, let us continue to pray earnestly and manifest complete trust in the only true God. Why do we need to put forth effort to strengthen and maintain our spirituality? Vilka välsignelser, nutida och framtida, får de som lyder Jehova? Shortly after commissioning Moses, Jehovah fully lived up to his name by " proving to be ' Israel's Deliverer. What blessings, modern - day and future, do those who obey Jehovah enjoy? Men Bibeln pekar också på en ljus framtid för mänskligheten. 3, 4. (a) What is remarkable about the word picture of walking with God? However, the Bible also points to a bright future for mankind. (För formaterad text, se publikationen) " Must I keep on trying to save my marriage no matter what happens? ' (For fully formatted text, see publication) (New International Version) Vi kan visserligen bli missmodiga av det andra gör, men vi fortsätter ändå att be innerligt och helt förtrösta på den ende sanne Guden. A further consideration of the prophecy of Amos will emphasize three things about divine judgment. While we may be discouraged by what others do, we still continue to pray fervently and fully trust in the only true God. Kort efter att Mose hade fått det här uppdraget levde Jehova verkligen upp till sitt namn och befriade israeliterna. (Read 2 Thessalonians 2: 3, 8.) Shortly after Moses received that commission, Jehovah certainly lived up to his name and delivered the Israelites. 3, 4. a) Vad är det som är så anmärkningsvärt med bildspråket att vandra med Gud? (b) What enabled those in pre - Christian times to show boldness in upholding and promoting pure worship? 3, 4. (a) What is remarkable about walking with God? " Måste jag fortsätta att försöka rädda mitt äktenskap vad som än händer? " Some of our brothers are in prison on account of their Christian neutrality. " May I continue trying to save my marriage whatever happens? " När vi nu fortsätter att undersöka Amos profetia får vi lära oss tre saker om Guds dom. Why are the sheep described as "righteous "? As we continue to examine Amos's prophecy, we learn three things about divine judgment. (Läs 2 Thessalonikerna 2: 3, 8.) (Read Acts 20: 28.) (Read 2 Thessalonians 2: 3, 8.) b) Vad var det som gjorde att de modigt kunde hålla fast vid och försvara den rena tillbedjan? Yes, people can find God. (b) What enabled them to courageously uphold pure worship? Somliga av våra bröder sitter i fängelse på grund av sin neutralitet som kristna. In due time, Jehovah will expose all who practice badness or who lead a double life, making a clear "distinction between a righteous person and a wicked person, between one serving God and one not serving him. " Some of our brothers are imprisoned because of their neutrality as Christians. Varför beskrivs fåren som " rättfärdiga "? No amount of money can compare with the blessings we have received. " Why are the sheep described as "righteous ones "? Vår ena dotter berättade om några ungdomar i församlingen som går i samma skola som hon och vad de gjorde på rasterna. 12, 13. (a) What happened to Jesus shortly after his baptism? Our daughter told about some young people in the congregation who go to the same school as she did in the school. (Läs Apostlagärningarna 20: 28.) James and John ambitiously made a bid to grab the most distinguished places. (Read Acts 20: 28.) Ja, vi människor kan finna Gud och lära känna honom. What are they? Yes, we humans can find God and come to know him. Jehova kommer snart att avslöja alla som utövar det som är ont eller som lever ett dubbelliv. Och då kommer man tydligt att kunna se " skillnaden mellan en rättfärdig och en ondskefull, mellan en som tjänar Gud och en som inte tjänar honom ." How can we prove ourselves ready? Jehovah will soon expose all who practice evil or who live a double life to see "the distinction between a righteous one and a wicked one, between one serving God and one who does not serve him. " Inga pengar i världen går upp mot de välsignelser vi har fått. " How is prayer related to God's undeserved kindness? No amount of money in the world comes against the blessings we have received. " 12, 13. a) Vad var Jesus med om strax efter sitt dop? 4: 15. 11, 12. (a) How did Jesus stress the need to make the truth our way of life? 12, 13. (a) What experience did Jesus experience shortly after his baptism? Jakob och Johannes gjorde allt för att komma över de bästa platserna. Let us, therefore, be guided by God's spirit, exercising self - control and never letting even justifiable anger degenerate into bitterness, malice, and hatred. James and John did all things to come over the best places. Vilka är de? Unaided, he sees little of the beautiful things below the surface. Who are they? Hur kan vi visa oss redo? But Jesus was confident that his imperfect followers could grow spiritually and form a united congregation. How can we prove ourselves ready? Vilket samband finns det mellan bönen och Jehovas omtanke? You may know someone who took a risk to help others. How is prayer related to Jehovah's undeserved kindness? 11, 12. a) Vad sa Jesus som visar att vi behöver låta sanningen bli vårt levnadssätt? Even the apostle Paul lamented: "The good that I wish I do not do, but the bad that I do not wish is what I practice. 11, 12. (a) What did Jesus say about having the truth become our way of life? Låt oss därför vägledas av Guds ande, utöva självbehärskning och inte låta ens berättigad vrede utvecklas till bitterhet, illvilja och hat. 13, 14. (a) How did Paul make use of his Roman citizenship? Let us, then, be guided by God's spirit, exercise self - control, and do not let even misunderstandings develop toward bitterness, bitterness, and hatred. Utan särskild utrustning ser han nästan ingenting av det vackra som finns under vattenytan. As for us, we can look for ways to support and to give practical aid to others. Without special equipment, he almost sees nothing of the beautiful design under which it is created. Men Jesus var övertygad om att hans ofullkomliga efterföljare skulle mogna andligen och grunda en enad församling. Why is it important for us to be present at the Memorial if at all possible? Nevertheless, Jesus was confident that his imperfect followers would spiritually and set a united congregation. Du kanske känner någon som tagit stora risker för att hjälpa andra. At God's appointed time, they are resurrected with a body of a kind suitable for life in the heavens. You may know someone who took a large risk to help others. Till och med aposteln Paulus klagade och sade: " Det goda som jag gärna vill, det gör jag inte, men det onda som jag inte vill, det utövar jag. So Paul strengthened the disciples by emphasizing the positive result of a faithful course. Even the apostle Paul lamented: "The good that I wish I do not do, but the evil that I do not wish is what I practice. 13, 14. a) Hur drog Paulus nytta av sitt romerska medborgarskap? It is not difficult to see how that proverb applies in a literal sense. 13, 14. (a) How did Paul benefit from his Roman citizenship? Även vi kan vara vakna för möjligheter att hjälpa och stötta andra rent praktiskt. (b) What should be the nature of our speech? We too can stay alert to opportunities to help and support others in practical ways. Varför är det så viktigt för oss att vara med vid minneshögtiden? What a precious blessing that is! Why is it so important for us to attend the Memorial? Vid Guds bestämda tid uppväcks de med en kropp som är lämpad för liv i himlen. Even so, much of the wording in the King James Version became archaic over the centuries. At God's appointed time, they are resurrected with a body that is suitable for life in heaven. Paulus styrkte alltså lärjungarna genom att betona slutresultatet av att hålla fast vid det som är rätt. Long before Jesus ' birth on earth, the prophet Isaiah foretold: "The people that were walking in the darkness have seen a great light. Thus, Paul strengthened his disciples by stressing the outcome of holding to what is right. Det är inte svårt att förstå hur det här ordspråket är tillämpligt i bokstavlig mening. So the Bible does not treat recreation as a waste of time. It is not difficult to understand how this proverb applies in literal sense. b) Hur bör vårt tal vara? " All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, " writes Paul. (b) How should our speech be? Det är verkligen något underbart! 16, 17. How wonderful that is! Med tiden började dock många ord och uttryck i King James Version kännas ålderdomliga. She likens his eyes, not to doves ' eyes, but to doves themselves. In time, however, many words and expressions in the King James Version began to feel old age. Långt innan Jesus föddes på jorden förutsade profeten Jesaja: " Det folk som vandrade i mörkret har sett ett stort ljus. Taking undue pride in our place of origin is at the heart of nationalism and could be the first step on a path to compromise. Long before Jesus was born on earth, the prophet Isaiah foretold: "The people walking in darkness have seen a great light. Enligt Bibeln är avkoppling därför inte bortkastad tid. Hence, any who feel that the day of Jehovah is delaying are encouraged to heed Peter's counsel to wait patiently upon Jehovah's appointed time. Hence, the Bible does not set aside time. " Alla har ju syndat och saknar Guds härlighet ," skriver Paulus. Whatever opposition enemies may bring against our Kingdom - preaching work and whatever forms of slander they may unleash against us, we have no reason to fear. " All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, " writes Paul. 16, 17. How did Hezekiah respond when King Sennacherib of Assyria sent his representatives - including Rabshakeh - to Jerusalem along with a heavy military force? 16, 17. Kvinnan väljer att jämföra hans ögon med själva duvorna. Jesus said that such ones would be happy, since they would "be satisfied. " The woman chooses to compare his eyes with the doves. Nationalism bottnar i en överdriven stolthet över den plats man kommer ifrån. Finally, what warning can we find in what happened to good King Josiah? Physical pride is rooted in an extreme pride over the place that comes from. Följaktligen uppmuntras var och en som tycker att Jehovas dag dröjer att hörsamma Petrus råd att tålmodigt vänta på Jehovas fastställda tid. Jehovah is "the happy God, " and he wants you to be happy. Hence, each one who views Jehovah's day delays to heed Peter's counsel to wait patiently for Jehovah's appointed time. Oavsett vilket motstånd våra fiender riktar mot vårt arbete med att predika om Guds kungarike och hur de än försöker förtala oss, har vi ingen orsak att känna fruktan. Gilboa Regardless of what opposition our enemies oppose our Kingdom - preaching work and howver they try to slander us, we have no reason to fear. Vad gjorde Hiskia när den assyriske kungen Sanherib sände sina representanter, däribland Rabsake, och en stor militärstyrka till Jerusalem? According to Hosea 6: 7, how were some Israelites acting? What did Hezekiah do when Assyrian King Sennacherib sent his representatives, including Rabshakeh, and a large military force to Jerusalem? Jesus sade att sådana skulle vara lyckliga, eftersom de skulle " bli mättade ." Speaking of the heavenly resurrection, the Bible says that those who will experience that will be raised "each one in his own proper order. " Jesus said that such ones would be happy because they would be "filled. " Vad kan vi slutligen lära oss av det som hände kung Josia? Like a good farmer, Jesus would not leave unattended a field that was ripe for harvesting. What can we finally learn from the experience of King Josiah? Jehova är " den lycklige Guden ," och han vill att du ska vara lycklig. If a fellow believer asks about the heavenly calling, an elder or other mature Christian can discuss the matter with him. Jehovah is "the happy God, " and he wants you to be happy. Gilboa Some of them may need help to understand the deeper things of God's Word. G good news Hur handlade somliga israeliter, enligt Hosea 6: 7? In time, these were to become the patriarchal heads of the 12 tribes of Israel. According to Hosea 6: 7, how did some Israelites act? Bibeln säger att de som får en himmelsk uppståndelse ska uppstå " var och en i sin egen ordning ." A Christian married to an unbeliever may have to rub shoulders with the world more than others do. The Bible says that those who receive a heavenly resurrection will "be each one in their own order. " Och precis som en lantbrukare aldrig skulle överge ett fält som var redo att skördas, så skulle Jesus inte heller göra det. An examination of these so - called happinesses, or beatitudes, in this and the following article will help us to realize how happy we can be if we faithfully serve "the happy God, " Jehovah. - 1 Timothy 1: 11. And just as a farmer would never abandon a field ready to reap, so Jesus would not do so. Om en medtroende ställer frågor om den himmelska kallelsen, kan en äldste eller någon annan mogen kristen resonera med honom om saken. Clearly, Christ Jesus ' role resembles that of those earlier men but Jesus ' place in God's purpose is superlative. If a fellow believer asks questions about the heavenly calling, an elder or any other mature Christian might discuss with him. En del av dem kan behöva hjälp att förstå de djupare tingen i Guds ord. " By presenting upon [his] altar polluted bread " and by offering "a lame animal or a sick one " for sacrificing. - Malachi 1: 2, 6 - 8. Some may need help to understand the deeper things of God's Word. Jakobs söner blev överhuvuden för de tolv stammarna i den nation som fick namnet Israel. In the battle, Jehoshaphat narrowly avoided being killed. The sons of Jacob became the members of the 12 tribes of the nation of Israel. En kristen som är gift med en icke troende måste kanske konfronteras med världen mer än andra. What can we learn from the illustration of the mustard grain? A Christian who is married with an unbeliever may face the world more than others. De här så kallade lyckligprisningarna, eller saligprisningarna, kommer att behandlas i den här och i den följande artikeln, och det kommer att hjälpa oss att förstå hur lyckliga vi kan vara när vi lojalt tjänar " den lycklige Guden ," Jehova. We may ask ourselves: " Do I worship Jehovah out of love for him and in recognition of his sovereignty? These so - called happiness, or unrealistic, will be discussed in this article and in the following article, which will help us to see how happy we can be when we loyally serve "the happy God, " Jehovah. Det står helt klart att de uppgifter Kristus Jesus har liknar dem som dessa tidigare män hade, men Jesu plats i Guds avsikter är överlägsen deras. However, you have likely noted warning examples also - men and women whose deeds or attitudes you do well to avoid. Clearly, Jesus Christ has similar to those who formerly had, but Jesus ' place in God's purpose is superior to them. " Genom att frambära befläckat bröd på... [hans] altare " och genom att frambära " ett halt djur eller ett sjukt " djur som offer. In the modern world, when some couples encounter problems, their first reaction is to end the marriage. " By offering up bread upon [his] altar " and by presenting" an animal or an sick animal " as sacrifices. Och han gick ut i strid tillsammans med Ahab mot araméerna, trots att profeten Mikaja hade varnat honom för att göra det. Is the Bible's advice regarding marriage hopelessly out - of - date? And he went in battle with Ahab against the Syrians, even though the prophet Micah had warned him to do so. 3 Levnadsskildring - Jag har haft nytta av att vandra med de visa 4: 8. 7, 8. (a) How is love for people linked with love for God? 3 Life Story - I Has Benefited From Walking With the Wise Vad kan vi lära oss av liknelsen om senapskornet? During his earthly ministry, Jesus began to prepare a large field of activity by preaching the good news of the Kingdom throughout the land of Israel. What can we learn from the illustration of the mustard grain? Vi kan fråga oss själva: " Tjänar jag Jehova därför att jag älskar honom och för att han är den högste? He therefore urged them: "Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you. " - Matthew 6: 31 - 33. We might ask ourselves: " Am I pleasing to Jehovah because I love him and that he is the Supreme One? Men du har säkert lagt märke till varnande exempel också - män och kvinnor med egenskaper som du inte vill efterlikna. Jehovah knows what we are inside. Yet, you have likely observed warning examples - men and women with traits that you do not want to imitate. När somliga gifta par nu för tiden får problem i äktenskapet är deras första tanke att ta ut skilsmässa. Many thinking people today will admit that the deplorable conditions on earth confirm that man needs God's help. When some married couples are experiencing marital problems, their first intention is to get divorce. Är Bibelns råd om äktenskap hopplöst omoderna? Giving some reasons for such happiness, the psalmist sings: "Happy is the man that has not walked in the counsel of the wicked ones, and in the way of sinners has not stood, and in the seat of ridiculers has not sat. " - Psalm 1: 1. Is the Bible's counsel on marriage hopeless? 7, 8. a) Vad är sambandet mellan kärlek till människor och kärlek till Gud? How wonderful it is to think of the time when no natural forces will kill or maim, for "the tent of God [will be] with mankind "! 7, 8. (a) What is the connection between love for people and love for God? Under sin jordiska tjänst började Jesus bereda ett stort verksamhetsfält genom att predika de goda nyheterna om Guds kungarike i hela Israel. Can some of his current work be delegated to make room for the new responsibility? During his earthly ministry, Jesus began to prepare a large field by preaching the good news of the Kingdom throughout Israel. Han uppmanade dem därför: " Fortsätt... med att först söka kungariket och hans rättfärdighet, så skall ni få allt det andra också. " " Wow! He urged them: "Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you. " Jehova vet hur vi är innerst inne. Satan often attacks when he perceives that his target is at its weakest point. Jehovah knows what we are inside. Många i dag håller med om att de fruktansvärda problemen i världen bevisar att vi inte klarar oss utan Guds hjälp. The princes tell Ezra: "The people of Israel and the priests and the Levites have not separated themselves from the peoples of the lands as regards their detestable things. " Many today agree that the terrible problems of the world prove that we are not able to do without God's help. Psalmisten anger några orsaker till lycka när han sjunger: " Lycklig är den man som inte vandrar efter de ondskefullas råd och inte står på syndares väg och inte sitter på de hånfullas säte. " Jehovah's Word Is Alive The psalmist gives some reasons for happiness when he sings: "Happy is the man that does not walk in the counsel of the wicked ones and does not stand in the way of sinners, and do not sit on the seat of ridiculers. " Naturkrafterna kommer aldrig att döda eller skada någon, för " Guds tält... [ska vara] bland människorna ." Give examples of Jesus ' showing courage. Those pictures will never kill or harm anyone, for "the tents of God [would] be among mankind. " Kan han delegera något av det han redan gör, så att han får mer tid till sin nya uppgift? When the Romans returned in 70 C.E., flight became impossible. Could he delegate some of the things he already does so that he has more time for his new assignment? " Wow! What a mighty witness about God's Kingdom is being given in all nations before this system's end comes! " God's Word! Satan angriper ofta sina offer när han ser att de är som svagast. While discipline is beneficial, however, it is not easy to take. Satan often attacks his victims when he sees that they are weak. Furstarna säger till Esra: " Israels folk och prästerna och leviterna har inte avskilt sig från ländernas folk och deras avskyvärdheter. " Remember that your continued effort to proclaim Jehovah's name is not in vain. The animals tell Ezra: "The people of Israel and the priests and Levites and Levites have not separated themselves from the people of lands and their detestable things. " Jehovas ord är levande " The shrewd one considers his steps " Jehovah's Word Is Alive Ge några exempel på hur Jesus visade mod. " Stop tearing down the work of God just for the sake of food, " Paul admonished them. Give examples of how Jesus displayed courage. När romarna kom tillbaka år 70 var det omöjligt att fly. How can we prepare to face persecution and combat discouragement? When the Romans returned in 70 C.E., it was impossible to flee. Det är verkligen ett mäktigt vittnesbörd om Guds kungarike som avges i alla nationer nu innan slutet för den här ordningen kommer. However, instead of following what is popular, Christians heed the Bible's admonition: "Quit being fashioned after this system of things, but be transformed by making your mind over, that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. " Truly, it is a powerful witness of God's Kingdom that is being given in all nations now before the end of this system of things comes. Även om tuktan, eller korrigerande fostran, är till nytta, så är den inte lätt att ta emot. Jehovah continues to "remember his covenant " and the blessings promised through it. Though discipline, or correct discipline, it is not easy to accept. Kom ihåg att dina ansträngningar att fortsätta förkunna Jehovas namn aldrig är förgäves. Therefore, the more severe our trials are and the more insidious Satan's schemes are, the "more earnestly " we should pray for Jehovah's protection. Remember, your efforts to continue declaring Jehovah's name are not in vain. " Den kloke aktar på sina steg " To what grand accomplishment does Zechariah 4: 7 point? " The shrewd One considers His steps " " Sluta upp med att riva ner Guds verk bara för matens skull ," förmanade Paulus dem. Your circumstances may directly affect what you can offer to Jehovah. " Stop overturning God's works only for the sake of food, " admonished Paul. Hur kan vi förbereda oss för förföljelse och hantera negativa känslor? How can you improve your skills? How can we prepare for persecution and cope with negative feelings? Men i stället för att göra det som är populärt följer de kristna den här uppmaningen i Bibeln: " Låt er inte längre formas efter denna tingens ordning, utan låt er förvandlas genom förnyelsen av ert sinne, så att ni kan förvissa er om vad som är Guds goda och välbehagliga och fullkomliga vilja. " What is the wrong motive for doing the preaching work? Instead of doing what is popular, however, the Bible urges Christians: "Do not let yourselves be fashioned after this system of things, but be transformed by making your mind over, that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. " Jehova fortsätter att komma ihåg " sitt förbund " och de välsignelser han har lovat att ge genom det. A truly remarkable evidence of his impartiality is this: The opportunity of becoming his true worshipers, with endless life in view, is not restricted to an elite few. Jehovah continues to remember "his covenant " and the blessings he promises to give through it. Så ju svårare våra prövningar är och ju försåtligare Satans angrepp är, desto innerligare måste vi be om Jehovas beskydd. (See opening image.) So the more difficult our trials are and the more subtle Satan's attacks are, the more we must pray for Jehovah's protection. Vilken storslagen uppfyllelse pekar Sakarja 4: 7 fram emot? Your adversary, the Devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone. " What grand fulfillment does Zechariah 4: 7 point forward? Dina omständigheter kanske påverkar vad du kan ge till Jehova. What did Jesus demonstrate by calming a violent storm? Your circumstances may affect what you can give to Jehovah. Hur kan man öva upp sig? In the first century, a torture stake represented suffering, shame, and death. How can you train yourself? Vad är fel motiv till att utföra predikoarbetet? And individual rulers may have noble intentions. What is wrong motive for performing the preaching work? Ett mycket tydligt exempel på hans opartiskhet är följande: Det är inte bara en liten elit av människor som har möjlighet att bli Jehovas sanna tillbedjare med oändligt liv i sikte. If there's someone on there that I'm uncomfortable with or that I don't know well, I delete that person from my list. " - Ivana, 17. A very powerful example of his impartiality is this: It is not just a small tiny tiny band of people who have the opportunity to become true worshippers of Jehovah with endless life in view. (Se bilden i inledningen.) Feed my little sheep. " (See opening image.) Er motståndare, Djävulen, går omkring som ett rytande lejon och söker någon att sluka. " Our appearance with respect to both our clothing and our hairstyle can do much to add to the dignity of our meetings. Your adversary, the Devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone. " Vad visade Jesus när han lugnade en häftig storm? Today, Satan and the demons influence people's thinking through movies, books, and electronic games that promote occult practices. What did Jesus show when he calmed a storm? I det första århundradet innebar en tortyrpåle lidande, skam och död. What wise course did David adopt, and what is one way that we can imitate him? In the first century, a torture stake meant suffering, shame, and death. Och enskilda styresmän kan ha goda motiv. Jehovah would make sure that Babylon would not enslave his people again. And individual rulers may have good motives. Om det är någon som jag känner mig tveksam till eller som jag inte riktigt känner, tar jag bort den personen från listan. " - Ivana, 17. Yes, his self - control faltered, but he never gave up trying to please Jehovah. If someone I know I don't truly know or who I don't really know, I take that person away from the list. " - answer. För mina små får på bete. " Who can be said to exert harmful pressure - the parents or the young person's peers? To my little sheep. " Vårt yttre när det gäller både klädsel och frisyr kan göra en hel del för att öka värdigheten vid dessa tillfällen. Now, if you had to choose a single word to characterize Jesus ' ministry, you would likely select the word "love, " would you not? Our appearance when it comes to dress and grooming can do a great deal to increase the dignity on these occasions. I vår tid använder Satan och demonerna filmer, böcker och dataspel som handlar om det ockulta för att påverka människors sätt att tänka. It is the virtue which can transmute the hardest trial into glory because beyond the pain it sees the goal. " Today, Satan and the demons use Satan and movies, books, and video games to influence people's thinking. Vilken förståndig hållning intog David, och hur kan vi efterlikna honom? 5, 6. (a) After Pentecost 33 C.E., what important questions regarding the new covenant needed to be answered? What wise position did David take, and how can we imitate him? Jehova kommer aldrig att låta sitt folk bli slavar under Babylon igen. Applying the wise counsel found in the book of Ecclesiastes will indeed help us to lead a meaningful and happy life. Jehovah will never allow his people to become slaves to Babylon again. Men även om han ibland saknade självkontroll, gav han inte upp utan ville verkligen göra det som var rätt. Some resist the truth, being "completely corrupted in mind. " Even if he at times lacked self - control, he did not want to do what was right. Vem kan då anklagas för att utöva skadliga påtryckningar - föräldrarna eller kamraterna? Lessons for Us: Who, then, can be accused of putting harmful pressure - the parents or companions? Om du med ett enda ord skulle beskriva Jesu förkunnartjänst, skulle du troligen välja ordet " kärlek ," inte sant? Thus, when Christ Jesus, the Head of the congregation, commanded his followers to make disciples of people of all the nations, teaching them to observe the things he had taught, he was giving advice that would protect his followers. If you were to describe Jesus ' ministry, would you probably choose the word "love, " would you not? Det är den dygd som kan förvandla den hårdaste prövning till härlighet, eftersom den bortom smärtan ser målet. " Jehovah wants the universe to be inhabited by intelligent creatures who willingly and joyfully submit to his righteous sovereignty because they love him and love all that his name represents. It is the virtue that can transform the hardest test to glory, because it sees the goal. " 5, 6. a) Vilka viktiga frågor om det nya förbundet behövde besvaras efter pingsten år 33? False prophets would mislead many. 5, 6. (a) What important questions did the new covenant need to be answered after Pentecost 33 C.E.? Genom att vi tillämpar de visa råden i Predikarboken får vi hjälp att leva ett meningsfullt och lyckligt liv. Are we not filled with joy and peace, as well as love for the Giver of "every good gift and every perfect present "? - Jas. 1: 17. Applying the wise counsel found in the book of Ecclesiastes helps us to live a truly meaningful and happy life. Somliga motstår sanningen, i det de är " helt fördärvade i sinnet ." Jehovah asks: "Why should you be afraid of a mortal man who will die and of a son of man who will wither like green grass? " - Isa. 51: 12, 13. Some oppose the truth, in what they are "be completely corrupted in mind. " Lärdomar för oss: The experience of a family in the first century offers parents some insight. Lessons for Us: Så när Kristus Jesus, församlingens huvud, befallde sina efterföljare att göra lärjungar av människor av alla nationer och lära dem att hålla allt som han hade befallt, var det till skydd för hans efterföljare. Because of shame, some who have sinned hold back from praying. So when Christ Jesus, the Head of the congregation, commanded his followers to make disciples of people of all nations, teaching them to observe all the things he had commanded, to protect his followers. Jehova vill att universum skall vara bebott av förnuftsbegåvade skapelser som villigt och med glädje underordnar sig hans rättmätiga suveränitet därför att de älskar honom och älskar allt det som hans namn representerar. Even when there is a need to exhort or reprove, the tone of the counsel should be refreshing. Jehovah wants the universe to be inhabited by intelligent creatures who willingly submit to his rightful sovereignty because they love him and love all that his name represents. Falska profeter skulle vilseleda många. Noah and his family went to work. False prophets would mislead many. Vi fylls säkert av glädje och frid, och vi älskar honom som ger oss " varje god gåva och varje fullkomlig gåva ." " The Fruitage of the Spirit " Glorifies God We surely experience joy and peace, and we love him who gives us "every good gift and every perfect present. " Jehova frågar: " Vem är du, att du skulle vara rädd för en dödlig människa, som kommer att dö, och för en människoson, som det kommer att gå som det gröna gräset? " What questions might some need to consider? Jehovah asks: "Who is you, that you should fear mortal man, who will die, and for a son of earthling man, who will go like green grass? " Föräldrar kan få bra vägledning genom att tänka på vad som hände en familj i det första århundradet. Not if we have an intimate knowledge of Jehovah's ways. Parents can be guided by reflecting on what happened in the first century. Somliga som har syndat har låtit bli att be därför att de skäms. When we approach Jehovah, we must "believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him. " Some who have sinned have been allowed to pray because they are ashamed. Även när någon behöver få en uppmaning eller tillrättavisning bör andan i rådet vara uppmuntrande. Such tender but powerful reasoning no doubt touched the heart of Jesus ' listeners. Even when a person needs an exhortation or correction, the spirit of counsel should be encouraging. Noa och hans familj tog itu med uppgiften. We should show empathy by trying to see things from their viewpoint and by listening carefully to discern their real concerns. Noah and his family handled the task. " Andens frukt " ärar Gud Examining some of them will enable you to identify the promised Messiah. " The fruitage of the Spirit " glorifies God Vad skulle vi kunna fråga oss själva? Be rich toward God. What might we ask ourselves? Nej, inte om vi verkligen har lärt känna Jehova. He generously gives us his holy spirit, thus strengthening our resolve to resist immoral thoughts and remain chaste. No, if we really have come to know Jehovah. När vi närmar oss Jehova måste vi " tro att han är till och att han belönar dem som uppriktigt söker honom ." However, Jesus noted that some situations might require congregation involvement. As we draw close to Jehovah, we must " believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him. ' Ett sådant ömsint men kraftfullt resonemang gick utan tvivel till hjärtat på Jesu åhörare! Yet, we are assured that God remembers that we are made of dust, and he is willing to show us mercy. Such tender reasoning no doubt went to the heart of Jesus ' listeners! Aposteln Paulus försökte förstå sig på " alla slags människor " för att kunna dela med sig av de goda nyheterna till dem. In turn, her love was rekindled. The apostle Paul tried to understand "all sorts of men " in order to share the good news with them. Genom att undersöka några av dem kan man identifiera den utlovade Messias. Philip happily consented to his request, and the Ethiopian, after being baptized, "kept going on his way rejoicing. " By examining some of them, you can identify the promised Messiah. Var rik inför Gud. After the merchants exploited the poor to the point of ruin, those unfortunates had to sell themselves as slaves. Be rich toward God. Han ger oss generöst av sin heliga ande för att vi ska få styrka att stå emot omoraliska tankar och bevara en hög moral. How loving of Jehovah that he chooses to reveal this important truth! He generously gives us his holy spirit to strengthen us against immoral thoughts and to maintain a high moral integrity. Men Jesus nämnde att det i vissa situationer krävs att fler i församlingen blir informerade. Hence, we may rest assured that when he comes to execute judgment at the approaching great tribulation, he will not "sweep away the righteous with the wicked. " However, Jesus indicated that in some situations, more is needed in the congregation. Men vi vet att Jehova är barmhärtig mot oss och " kommer ihåg att vi är stoft ." Mordecai is in "sackcloth and ashes. " But we know that Jehovah is merciful to us and " remember that we are dust. ' Motivera andra att visa kärlek och att göra det som är gott. Instead, he viewed his ministry as an honor of the highest order. motivate others to show love and to do good. Filippus gick med på hans begäran, och när etiopiern hade blivit döpt " fortsatte [han] sin resa, fylld av glädje ." In the splendors of holiness, from the womb of the dawn, you have your company of young men just like dewdrops. " - Psalm 110: 3. Philip went with his request, and after the Ethiopian had been baptized, "he continued going on his journey full of joy. " När så köpmännen fullständigt hade ruinerat de fattiga, måste dessa olyckliga människor sälja sig som slavar. At one point, some 30 percent of the population were slaves. After the merchants had completely ruined the poor, these unhappy people had to sell themselves as slaves. Så kärleksfullt av Jehova att undervisa oss om de här viktiga sanningarna! 105: 14, 15. " I am not going to leave you " How loving of Jehovah to teach us these important truths! Vi kan därför vara övertygade om att när han kommer för att verkställa dom i den annalkande stora vedermödan, så kommer han inte att " rycka bort den rättfärdige tillsammans med den ondskefulle ." Many birds labor tirelessly to provide for their young We can therefore be confident that when he comes to execute judgment in the fiery great tribulation, he will not " snatch away the righteous along with the wicked one. " Mordokaj klär sig i " säck och aska ." God even directs us to pray concerning those in authority, especially when their decisions might affect our worship. Mordecai clothes himself "over and ashes. " I stället betraktade han sin tjänst som den största ära han kunde få. " The Lamb's wife " is made up of Christ's faithful spirit - anointed followers, who will share with him in his heavenly rulership. Instead, he viewed his ministry as the greatest honor he could receive. I helighets prakt, ur morgonrodnadens sköte, har du ditt unga manskap som daggdroppar. " However, he failed because he was in conflict with the Head of the Christian congregation. In the splendor of holiness, from the womb of the dawn, you have your company of young men just like dewdrops. " Under en period var ungefär en tredjedel av invånarna slavar. By repentantly confessing and leaving sin, a person can receive God's mercy. Over a period of time, about one third of the slaves were slaves. " Jag [ska] inte... överge dig. " What is necessary for prayers to be acceptable to God? " I do not leave you. " - PS. Många fåglar är outtröttliga när det gäller att ta hand om sina ungar Hence, it is widely agreed that children cannot give any meaningful consent to engage in sexual relations. Many birds work tirelessly to care for their young ones Jehova uppmanar oss till och med att be för " personer i hög ställning ," i synnerhet när deras beslut kan påverka vår tillbedjan. Analyze the grammar. Jehovah even urges us to pray for "those who are in high station, " especially when their decisions may affect our worship. " Lammets hustru " utgörs av Kristi trogna efterföljare som är smorda med Guds ande och som skall regera tillsammans med honom i himlen. And third, how can we apply this in our everyday life? " The Lamb's wife " is made up of Christ's faithful followers who are anointed with God's spirit and who will rule with him in heaven. Men Jesus, den kristna församlingens " huvud ," hindrade honom. Why do we need to take our prayers seriously, and what attitude should we never have? However, Jesus, the Head of the Christian congregation, "the head of the congregation, " stopped him. Genom att ångerfullt bekänna och överge synden kan man få Guds barmhärtighet. What may be the result of commendation given to a young one? By repentantly confessing and abandoning sin, you can receive God's mercy. Vad är nödvändigt för att böner skall vara godtagbara för Gud? I felt unworthy to talk to him, although I still considered him to be my heavenly Father. " What is necessary for prayers to be acceptable to God? Därför är det också allmänt erkänt att barn inte i verklig mening kan ge sitt samtycke till en sexuell relation. Industriousness is a godly quality, and hard work is rewarding. Hence, it is also widely acknowledged that children cannot in a real sense offer their marriage to a sexual relationship. Studera grammatiken. We read at Romans 8: 22: "We know that all creation keeps on groaning together and being in pain together until now. " Study. Och för det tredje: Hur kan vi tillämpa det här i vårt dagliga liv? I'm glad you are with me. " Third, how can we apply this in our daily lives? Varför måste vi ta våra böner på allvar, och vilken inställning bör vi inte ha? What difficult question can we help people to answer, and why are we in a unique position to do so? Why should we take our prayers seriously, and what attitude should we not have? Vilket resultat kan det få om vi berömmer ungdomar? Dissension ensued, and the people departed. What results can be obtained if we commend young ones? Jag kände mig inte värdig att tala med honom, trots att jag fortfarande betraktade honom som min himmelske Fader. " Read Isaiah 40: 30. I didn't feel worthy to talk to him, even though I still viewed him as my heavenly Father. " Jehova tycker om att vi är flitiga, och det är givande att arbeta hårt. One is the royal family through the line of King David, and the other, the priestly family of the descendants of Aaron. Jehovah is pleased with our diligence, and it is rewarding to work hard. I Romarna 8: 22 läser vi: " Vi vet... att hela skapelsen fortsätter att sucka tillsammans och lida smärta tillsammans ända till nu. " Together, these give us the ability to distinguish between right and wrong and to hate that which God hates. - Psalm 97: 10; Romans 12: 9. At Romans 8: 22, we read: "We know that all creation keeps on groaning together and being in pain together until now. " Jag är glad över att du är hos mig. " If God's Word is to have an effect on us, we need to read it regularly - daily if possible. I am glad that you are with me. " Vilken svår fråga kan vi hjälpa människor att få svar på, och varför har vi unika möjligheter att göra det? The Drama, as it was called, combined pictures and slides synchronized with sound and traced man's history from the time of creation to the end of the Millennium. What difficult question can help people to answer, and why is that unique? Judarna blev oense och skildes åt. Moreover, with each type of offering, or sacrifice, a specific procedure was to be followed. The Jews were at odds and set apart. Läs Jesaja 40: 30. 8, 9. Read Isaiah 40: 30. Den ena släkten är kung Davids ättlingar, och den andra är den släkt av präster som härstammade från Aron. 86: 11. 1, 2. (a) According to Psalm 86: 2, 11, what will help us to remain faithful to Jehovah in the face of tests or temptations? A family family is King David's descendants, and the other is the family of priests who descended from Aaron. Allt detta tillsammans gör att vi kan skilja mellan rätt och orätt och hata det som Gud hatar. Elijah today is none other than "the faithful and discreet slave. " All of this together enables us to distinguish both right and wrong and to hate what God hates. Om Guds ord ska kunna påverka oss måste vi läsa det regelbundet, helst varje dag. For instance, some in our territory may have lost their longtime job unexpectedly and are left in shock. If God's Word is to affect us, we must regularly read it daily. Dramat, som det kallades, var en kombination av rörlig film, ljusbilder och ljudinspelningar, och det skildrade människans historia från skapelsen fram till slutet av tusenårsriket. Today, we are not called on to engage in physical warfare, but we are privileged to show courage by our zealous preaching activity. It was known as a combination of pictures, light, and recordings of mankind's history to the end of the Thousand Year Reign. Dessutom skulle varje offer frambäras på ett speciellt sätt. New: I'll be happier if I look forward in life, not backward. Moreover, each offering was to be presented in a special way. 8, 9. In all the decisions you make each day, do all things for Jehovah's glory and thus prove that you are carrying on as a good citizen of God's Kingdom. - 1 Cor. 10: 31. 8, 9. 1, 2. a) Vad kommer enligt Psalm 86: 2, 11 att hjälpa oss att förbli trogna mot Jehova när vi utsätts för prövningar eller frestelser? He is pained to see anyone take such an unwise course. 1, 2. (a) According to Psalm 86: 2, what will help us to remain faithful to Jehovah when facing trials or temptations? Våra dagars " Elia " är ingen annan än " den trogne och omdömesgille slaven ." He is none other than Jesus Christ. Our day's "Elijah " is none other than" the faithful and discreet slave. " Det skulle kunna vara att någon plötsligt förlorar sitt jobb eller går igenom en skilsmässa. The failure of Adam and Eve illustrates this truth. It could be that a person suddenly loses his job or is experiencing a divorce. I vår tid går vi inte ut i krig för att visa vårt stöd för Jehova, men vi kan visa vårt mod och engagemang i predikoarbetet. The young man was released without reprisals and became a Kingdom publisher. Today, we do not go out in warfare to show our support for Jehovah, but we can show our courage and zeal in the preaching work. Ny: Jag blir lyckligare om jag ser framåt, inte bakåt. And because I am more available to help with the children, Ruth has been able to auxiliary pioneer from time to time. New: I feel happier if I see myself looking forward, not past. Låt alla beslut du fattar varje dag bli till Guds ära och visa på så sätt att du uppför dig som en god medborgare i Guds kungarike. (b) How can we tell if we are becoming too proud of our country? Let all decisions you make every day become God's glory and show that you conduct yourself as a good citizen of God's Kingdom. Han känner sig sårad av att se någon handla så oförståndigt. In addition, you will reap rich rewards if your motive is to see how the Bible's message can affect your life. He feels hurt by seeing someone act unwisely. Han är ingen annan än Jesus Kristus. " Angry and Highly Offended " He is none other than Jesus Christ. Det förstår vi när vi tänker på hur det gick för Adam och Eva. Our heavenly Shepherds, Jehovah God and Jesus Christ, expect us to be obedient and submissive to the undershepherds whom they have placed in positions of responsibility within the congregation. That is evident when we reflect on what happened to Adam and Eve. Han fick lämna gänget utan att bli bestraffad och blev en förkunnare av de goda nyheterna. And when we understand what the living waters can mean for us, not only will we see the need to partake of them but we will also want to drink them. He had to leave the camel without getting out and became a preacher of the good news. Och eftersom jag kan hjälpa till mer med barnen har Ruth kunnat vara hjälppionjär lite nu och då. Abraham, called "the father of all those having faith, " was the head of a household numbering into the hundreds. And because I can help with the children, Ruth has been able to serve as an auxiliary pioneer now and then. b) Vad skulle kunna tyda på att man har börjat känna sig alltför stolt över sitt land? How might the seriousness of our present condition be illustrated, and what questions will we discuss? (b) What might indicate that you have become overly proud of their country? Dessutom kan läsningen bli väldigt givande om vi har motivet att ta reda på hur Bibelns budskap kan påverka vårt liv. What effect can acceptance of the Kingdom message have on a family? Moreover, reading the Bible's message can bring us great satisfaction if we have the motive for learning how the Bible's message can affect our lives. " Vred och mycket förtörnad " 14 Questions From Readers " Fight and Very offended " Våra himmelska herdar, Jehova Gud och Jesus Kristus, förväntar att vi skall vara fogliga och att vi skall lyda underherdarna som de har satt i ansvarsställningar i församlingen. The name given to Daniel referred to Bel, the main divinity of Babylon. Our heavenly shepherds, Jehovah God and Jesus Christ, expect us to be submissive and to obey those appointed in responsible positions in the congregation. Vi ska också se vad det levande vattnet är och vad det kan betyda för oss. Då kommer vi inte bara att inse att vi behöver dricka av det, utan vi kommer också att vilja göra det. Reflecting on what you have read in the Bible, you may see how logical that conclusion is. We will also see what the living waters are and what it can mean for us, not only to realize that we need to drink of it but also will want to do so. Abraham, som kallades " far till alla som har tro ," hade hand om ett hushåll på flera hundra. What attitude does a humble person have toward the spiritual food we receive, and why does that make him more valuable? Abraham, called "the father of all those having faith, " had care for a household in hundreds of centuries. b) Vilka frågor ska vi behandla? 15: 7. " Run With Endurance " the Race for Life (b) What questions will we consider? Vad kan hända i en familj när någon tar emot sanningen? (b) How did Jesus correct their thinking? What can happen in a family when a person accepts the truth? 14 Frågor från läsekretsen Many of the momentous changes in the world have been fulfilling prophecy, particularly in regard to the global preaching of the good news of God's Kingdom. ARTICLE 6 Questions From Readers Daniel fick ett namn som anspelade på babyloniernas högste gud, Bel. Explain. (b) What will we now consider? Daniel received a name that alluded to the Universal god of the Babylonians, B.C.E. När du tänker på vad du har läst i Bibeln inser du hur logisk den här slutsatsen är. The far more numerous "great crowd " of" other sheep " share the hope of living forever on a paradise earth as subjects of the Messianic Kingdom. As you think about what you have read in God's Word, you will appreciate just how important that conclusion is. Vilken inställning har den som är ödmjuk till den andliga föda vi får, och varför gör det honom mer användbar? Note his easily understood command to Israel through Moses. What attitude does a humble person have toward the spiritual food we receive, and why does that make him more useful? Löp " med uthållighet " det lopp som leder till liv 15: 3, 4; 21: 5. Waiting is not easy. " Run the Way That Leads to Life ' b) Hur korrigerade Jesus deras tänkesätt? Regarding the identity of those mentioned, Jesus is "the Son of man, " the King. (b) How did Jesus correct their thinking? Många stora förändringar i världen har bidragit till att uppfylla Bibelns profetior, särskilt de som gäller det världsomfattande predikandet av de goda nyheterna om Guds kungarike. Moses was instructed to " put some of his dignity ' upon Joshua, the man who was to succeed him as leader of the Israelites. Many major changes in the world have contributed to fulfilling Bible prophecies, especially to the worldwide preaching of the good news of the Kingdom. b) Vad ska vi nu gå igenom? The narrative of Job alerts us to the paramount issue of God's universal sovereignty (b) What will we now consider? Den " stora skaran " av " andra får ," som är mycket större i antal, har hoppet om att få leva för evigt i paradiset på jorden som det messianska rikets undersåtar. Will terror, global warming, or resurgent populism do to the current era of life - advancing globalization what World War I did to the previous one? The "great crowd " of" other sheep, " which are far greater in number, have the hope of living forever in Paradise on earth as the Messianic Kingdom subjects. Det kan vara jobbigt att vänta. Courage has been defined as "spiritual, emotional, and moral fortitude to speak and act without fear in the face of obstacles and dangers. " It may be difficult to wait. Vi vet vilka de som omnämns i liknelsen representerar. Would angels have been able to say that they were "unworthy, " as Jacob said he was, or were" sinful, " as Peter felt he was? We know who are mentioned in the illustration represents. Mose fick anvisning om att " lägga något av... [sin] värdighet " på Josua, som skulle efterträda honom som ledare för israeliterna. What counsel did James give regarding favoritism, and how do his words apply? Moses was instructed to "put some of his dignity " upon Joshua, who would replace him as leader of the Israelites. Jobs bok riktar vår uppmärksamhet på den viktiga frågan om Guds universella suveränitet. These foreign residents became proselytes, and the males submitted to circumcision. The book of Job draws attention to the vital issue of God's universal sovereignty. Kommer terror, global uppvärmning eller förnyad populism ha samma effekter på vår nuvarande era med livsförbättrande globalisering som första världskriget hade på den förra? The police officer there could not believe his eyes! Will the world's present - day life have a good effect on your present - day life as World War I had in the former world? Mod har definierats som " andlig, känslomässig och moralisk styrka att tala och handla utan rädsla när man står inför hinder och faror ." Because of the similarities between our work and that of Amos, we will benefit greatly from considering his example. Courage has been defined as "spiritual, emotional, and moral strength to speak and act without fear when facing obstacles and dangers. " Skulle en ängel ha kunnat säga " jag är inte värdig ," som Jakob sa, eller jag är " syndig ," som Petrus sa? Although one member of the congregation should not feel superior to others, neither should anyone consider himself unimportant. - Romans 12: 3. Could an angel have been able to say, "I am not worthy, " as James said, or are I" sinful, " as Peter said? Vilket råd gav Jakob beträffande partiskhet, och hur är hans ord tillämpliga? Some today who do not know God also believe that the world as we know it cannot go on for much longer. What counsel did Jacob give regarding partiality, and how do his words apply? Utlänningarna blev proselyter, och männen lät sig omskäras. But "for man there was no helper as a complement of him. " The foreigners became proselytes, and the men were circumcised. Polismannen kunde inte tro sina ögon. ON THE PLAINS OF MOAB The businessman could not believe his eyes. Eftersom vår uppgift liknar den som Amos fick, har vi stor nytta av att undersöka hans exempel. Consider the example of a teenage girl in the country of Ethiopia. Since our role is similar to that of Amos, we will benefit from considering his example. Ingen församlingsmedlem bör känna sig överlägsen de andra, men ingen bör heller mena sig vara utan betydelse. Jehovah blessed Daniel for serving "with constancy. " - Dan. 6: 19 - 22. Not to be superior to those in the congregation should be superior, but neither should anyone consider himself without concern. En del människor i vår tid som inte känner Gud tror också att den här världen kommer att få ett slut. (See paragraph 14) Today, some people who do not know God also believe that this world will end. Gud lät därför en djup sömn falla över Adam. First, we need to gain and maintain mastery over a common hindrance to such confidence. So God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam. PÅ MOABS SLÄTTER As a result, Jesus knew what to do in each situation, and he did exactly what his Father wanted him to do. JEHOVAH'S Son, along with his Son, ARE you preaching the good news: "Look! Ett exempel är en tonårsflicka i Etiopien. (See box on page 24.) For example, a girl in Ethiopia is a young man named Ethiopia. Jehova välsignade Daniel därför att han tjänade " med ihärdighet ." " Trust in Jehovah and do good " Jehovah blessed Daniel because he served "with persistence. " (Se paragraf 14.) She was deeply depressed when she was contacted by Jehovah's Witnesses. (See paragraph 14) För det första måste vi övervinna ett vanligt hinder för detta. Why, then, should our imperfect singing voices prevent us from praising God in song? First, we have to overcome a common barrier for this. Därför visste Jesus alltid vad han skulle göra, och han gjorde precis som hans far ville. We therefore endeavor to heed the psalmist's exhortation: "Serve Jehovah with rejoicing. Therefore, Jesus always knew what to do, and he did just as his father wanted him to do. (Se rutan på sidan 24.) Consider, for example, the three centuries during which Jehovah was raising up and empowering judges to deliver the nation of Israel from their oppressors. (See box on page 24.) " Förtrösta på Jehova och gör det som är gott " How vividly these two examples show that Jehovah our God "treats none with partiality "! - Deut. 10: 17. " Trust in Jehovah and Do What Is Good " Hon var djupt deprimerad när hon kom i kontakt med Jehovas vittnen. What, then, can help us to develop or strengthen our will to stick to and carry out the course we have decided on? She was deeply depressed when she met Jehovah's Witnesses. Varför skulle vi då låta vår ofullkomliga sångröst hindra oss från att lovprisa honom med sång? Similarly, Christians guard against forming relationships with those who might weaken their faith. Why, then, should we allow our imperfect singing to prevent us from praising him with song? Vi försöker därför följa psalmistens uppmaning: " Tjäna Jehova med glädje. These are "out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues. " Therefore, we strive to follow the psalmist's admonition: "O Jehovah with rejoicing. I ungefär 300 år använde Jehova domare för att leda sitt folk och befria dem från fiender. You are not born wise, but you can "become wise " and voluntarily follow" the way of life. " For some 300 years, Jehovah used Judge to lead his people and deliver them from enemies. De här exemplen visar tydligt att Jehova är en Gud som " inte behandlar någon partiskt "! However, that relationship is under attack by pressures not only from Satan's world but also from our own imperfect flesh. These examples clearly show that Jehovah is a God who " treats none with partiality "! Så vad kan hjälpa oss att stärka vår önskan att göra det vi har bestämt oss för? The Christian mate resists the temptation to repay an unkind word or act with another unkindness. What can help us to strengthen our desire to do what we have decided? De kristna är på liknande sätt på sin vakt mot att vara tillsammans med sådana som skulle kunna försvaga deras tro. Since Jesus has kindly accepted us, as imperfect as we are, it should be unthinkable for us to reject anyone else! Similarly, Christians guard against associating with individuals who might weaken their faith. De kommer från " alla nationer och stammar och folk och språk ." For example, consider the instinctive wisdom of the ant. - Read Proverbs 30: 24, 25. They come from "all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues. " Ni föds inte visa, men ni kan " bli visa " och av egen fri vilja vandra på " livets väg ." (b) Although we do not know when the great tribulation will begin, what can we be sure of? You do not be wise, but you can "become wise and free to walk in the way of life. " Men det förhållandet är under angrepp från Satans värld och kan också försvagas av våra egna ofullkomligheter. Jehovah had a special attachment to the Israelites. However, that relationship is under attack by Satan's world and can also weaken our own imperfections. Den i familjen som är kristen står emot frestelsen att bemöta ovänliga ord eller handlingar med att vara ovänlig tillbaka. For good reason, Jesus taught us to seek the Kingdom, not things. The family head resist the temptation to treat unkind words or actions in dealing with unkind words. Eftersom Jesus har tagit emot oss, ofullkomliga som vi är, är det otänkbart att vi skulle stänga ute någon annan! What does Jehovah want for mankind? Since Jesus has accepted us as imperfect humans, it is unthinkable that we would close to anyone else! Tänk till exempel på den instinktivt visa myran. (Läs Ordspråksboken 30: 24, 25.) These ones are not anointed by holy spirit. For example, consider the rocky ant. - Read Proverbs 30: 24, 25. b) Vad kan vi vara säkra på trots att vi inte vet när den stora vedermödan ska börja? And a book of remembrance began to be written up before him for those in fear of Jehovah and for those thinking upon his name. " (b) Although we do not know when the great tribulation will begin, of what can we be sure? Jehova var särskilt fäst vid israeliterna. How was the foretold rulership of the Messiah fulfilled? Jehovah was especially attached to the Israelites. Det var av goda skäl som Jesus lärde oss att sätta riket främst. Many view prayer as merely a way to ask God for things. We, however, know that Jehovah is pleased when we express thanks for what we have. For good reason, Jesus taught us to seek first the Kingdom. Vad vill Jehova att mänskligheten ska få? At his baptism in 29 C.E., Jesus was anointed as High Priest of Jehovah's great spiritual temple. What does Jehovah want mankind to do? " Fåren " och " getterna " representerar människor i alla nationer som inte är smorda. Helping others on the road to everlasting life demonstrates our love both for our fellow man and for Jehovah, "whose will is that all sorts of people should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth. " " The sheep " and the goats " represent people of all nations who are not anointed. Och en minnesbok blev skriven inför honom för dem som fruktar Jehova och för dem som tänker på hans namn. " SONGS TO BE USED: 133, 40 And a book of remembrance was written before him for those fearing Jehovah and for those thinking upon his name. " Vad säger profetiorna om Messias styre? Satan was suggesting that Adam and Eve could do better by ignoring God's command and going their independent way. What do the Messianic prophecies say about the Messiah's rulership? Många ber bara till Gud när de vill ha något, men vi vet att Jehova blir glad när vi visar tacksamhet för det vi har. To relax fully, do I need to be away from my spouse? Many pray to God only when they want something, but we know that Jehovah is pleased when we express our gratitude for what we have. Vid sitt dop år 29 blev han smord till överstepräst i Jehovas stora andliga tempel. Such reasoning has moved some evolutionists to reconsider their position. Note the following two examples. At his baptism in 29 C.E., he was anointed as High Priest of Jehovah's great spiritual temple. När vi hjälper andra att hitta vägen till evigt liv visar vi att vi älskar både våra medmänniskor och Jehova, " vars vilja är att alla slags människor skall bli räddade och komma till exakt kunskap om sanningen ." One writer who had spoken with many children said that what they "wanted most from their parents was more time, " along with" undivided attention. " When we help others to find the road to everlasting life, we show that we love both our neighbor and Jehovah, " whose will is that all sorts of men should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth. ' Studieartikeln 4 SIDORNA 28 - 32 Table of Contents Study Article 4 PAGES 28 - 32 SÅNGER: 133, 40 (See footnote.) (b) Why may some elders find it hard to train others? SONGS: 133, 40 Han påstod att det skulle vara bättre för Adam och Eva om de ignorerade Guds befallning och gick sin egen oberoende väg. The Christian Attitude He claimed that it would be better for Adam and Eve to ignore God's command and take their own independent course. Behöver jag komma bort från min partner för att kunna slappna av ordentligt? Do I value material things more than my relationship with Jehovah and with people? Do I need to get away from my spouse so as to be at ease? Sådana faktum har fått en del anhängare av evolutionsläran att ifrågasätta sin egen ståndpunkt. Jehovah is the supreme Lawgiver. Such a fact has led some followers of God to question their own position. En författare som hade talat med många barn sade att det barnen " mest av allt ville ha av sina föräldrar var mer tid " och även " deras hela och fulla uppmärksamhet ." In such circumstances, we should strive to support our brothers and sisters. One author who had spoken to many children said that their children " most of all the things they wanted from their parents were more time " as well as" their whole and full attention. " Innehållsförteckning How would you answer, though, if someone inquired, "Why should I continue to ask if God already knows " what things I am needing before ever I ask him '? " Table of Contents (Se fotnoten.) b) Varför känner en del äldste att det är svårt att öva andra? He is making them rejoice inside his "house of prayer, " his spiritual temple, which is" a house of prayer for all the nations. " (See footnote.) (b) Why do some elders find it difficult to train others? Den kristna inställningen This has been particularly so in our time. The Christian Viewpoint Får pengar komma före min relation till Jehova och till andra människor? Today, many find the concept of fearing God quaint but hard to understand. Does money come before my relationship with Jehovah and with others? Jehova är den högste lagstiftaren. Consider the example of Jesus. Jehovah is the Supreme Shepherd. Under sådana förhållanden bör vi försöka ge stöd åt våra bröder och systrar. How can we benefit from the illustration of the dragnet? Under such circumstances, we should try to support our brothers and sisters. Men vad skulle du svara om någon frågade: Varför ska jag fortsätta att be, om Gud vet vad jag behöver redan innan jag ber honom om det? Yet, under imperfect conditions, getting married and setting up a new household can strain family relationships. But what would you answer if someone asked, " Why should I keep asking God if I already know what I need before I ask him? ' Han låter dem glädjas inne i hans " bönehus ," hans andliga tempel, som är " ett bönens hus för alla folk ." To make correct choices, we should partake of "solid food [that] belongs to mature people. " He makes them rejoice inside his "house of prayer, " his spiritual temple, which is" a house of prayer for all the peoples. " I Bibeln kallas de demoner. (Nehemiah 1: 1 - 6: 19) The Bible calls demons. I dag tycker många att tanken att frukta Gud känns lite gammalmodig och svår att förstå. What a wonderful privilege we have of helping people to see Jehovah in the way we conduct ourselves! Today, many find the idea of fearing God very little or difficult to understand. Tänk på Jesus exempel. What "large door " was opened to the apostle Paul? Consider Jesus ' example. Vilken nytta kan vi ha av liknelsen om dragnätet? Since Jesus relied on the Scriptures to resist the Devil's temptations, how much more so should we! How can we benefit from the illustration of the dragnet? Innan en kvinna gifter sig kanske hon följer sina föräldrars vägledning. Baasha was turned away; however, Asa and his people experienced wars for the rest of his reign. Before getting married, a woman may follow the guidance of her parents. För att kunna göra rätta val måste vi ta till oss av " den fasta föda [som] är för de mogna ." How do the Scriptures show that unselfish giving is a fundamental aspect of true worship? To make the right choices, we must take to heart "the solid food that belongs to mature people. " (Nehemja 1: 1 - 6: 19) JEHOVAH'S word will light our roadway if we allow that to happen. (Read 1: 1 - 6: 19) Tänk att vi genom vårt uppförande kan hjälpa människor att förstå hurdan Jehova är! Should we not also strive for the same as we grow in accurate knowledge of the truth? Imagine that by our conduct, we can help people to understand what Jehovah is! Vilken " stor dörr " öppnades för aposteln Paulus? Long before Jesus came to earth, Jehovah's mildness was manifested when Cain and Abel, Adam's sons, presented sacrifices to God. What "great door " was opened up to the apostle Paul? Eftersom Jesus förlitade sig på Skrifterna för att kunna stå emot Djävulens frestelser, förstår vi att det är ännu viktigare för oss att göra det. 52: 5, 6. Because Jesus relied on the Scriptures in order to resist the Devil's temptations, we understand that it is even more important for us to do so. Basa var inte längre något hot, men under resten av Asas liv fick han och hans folk utkämpa många krig. A fine way to show faithfulness is to prepare well for the field ministry War was no longer a threat, but during the rest of Asa's life, he and his people suffered many wars. Hur visar Bibeln att våra frivilliga gåvor är en viktig del av sann tillbedjan? To some extent, this is also true of reading. How does the Bible show that our voluntary gifts are an important part of true worship? JEHOVAS ord kommer att lysa upp vår stig om vi själva vill. Hence, Haggai and Zechariah must have import for our time. JEHOVAH'S Word will light our roadway if we want to. Det bör också vara vår målsättning, när vi växer till i exakt kunskap om sanningen. That name, represented by four Hebrew letters called the Tetragrammaton and commonly transliterated YHWH (or JHVH), appeared on coins, on facades of houses, in many books and Bibles, and even in some Catholic and Protestant churches. It should also be our goal as we grow in accurate knowledge of truth. Långt innan Jesus kom till jorden var Jehovas mildhet uppenbar då Kain och Abel, Adams söner, frambar offer till Gud. No matter what our mother tongue is or where we live, we can shine "as illuminators in the world. " - Phil. Long before Jesus came to earth, Jehovah's mildness was evident when Cain and Abel, Adam's sons, offered sacrifices to God. 52: 5, 6. Many of those kingdoms warred against one another for centuries. 52: 5, 6. Ett bra sätt att visa sig trogen är att förbereda sig väl för tjänsten på fältet This "daughter " of Jehovah," prepared as a bride adorned for her husband, " will be brought to the bridegroom - the Messianic King. - Revelation 21: 2. One fine way to prove faithfulness is to prepare well for the field ministry Men tyvärr händer ibland något liknande när vi läser. Politicians, activists, and reformers have long struggled to find solutions to divisive issues. Sadly, though, something similar happens when we read. Därför måste Haggajs och Sakarjas bibelböcker ha stor betydelse för vår tid. Someone who does so runs away from a God - given assignment, so to speak. Therefore, the books of Haggai and Zechariah must have profound meaning for our day. Detta namn representeras av fyra hebreiska bokstäver (tetragrammet) och transkriberas vanligen JHWH (JHVH), och det förekom på mynt, på husfasader, i många böcker och biblar och även i några katolska och protestantiska kyrkor. Jesus well knew that he must remain faithful until death at Satan's hand - prophetically foretold as the bruising of the heel of the woman's "seed " - in order to prove the rightfulness of God's sovereignty. This name is represented by four Hebrew letters (The Bible) and Daniel usually in many books and Bibles), as well as in the Catholic and female churches), which occurred on coins, in the house - to - house ministry, in many books, and in many books and Bibles and Bibles. Vi kan lysa som ljusspridare, vilket språk vi än talar och var vi än bor. I den här artikeln ska vi se hur vi kan lysa på tre olika sätt. What can you do? We can shine as illuminators, whatever language we speak, and wherever we live, let us see how we can shine in three ways. På 1600 - och 1700 - talet propagerade människor i England, Frankrike och USA för trohet mot staten. " Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need, since the kingdom of the heavens belongs to them. " In the 16th century B.C.E., people in England, France, and the United States proved faithful to the State. Denna " kungadotter " är " beredd som en brud smyckad för sin äkta man " och kommer att föras till sin brudgum, den messianske kungen. Economic hardship or ill health can be devastating. That " Bridegroom " is prepared as a bride for her husband and will be taken to her Bridegroom, the Messianic King. Politiker, aktivister och reformgrupper har länge försökt hitta lösningar på olika omstridda problem, och de kan ha de bästa intentioner. Let us keep that comforting thought in our heart as we maintain our confidence in God's Word and continue to have faith in the good news. Publications, active, and official groups have long tried to find solutions to differing problems, and they may have the best of intentions. Den som gör så flyr, så att säga, från det uppdrag Gud har gett oss. 15: 13. Holy Spirit Made Bezalel Qualified The one who is so fleeing, so to speak, from God's commission to us. Jesus visste mycket väl att han, för att visa det rättmätiga i Guds suveränitet, måste förbli trogen intill sin död, orsakad av Satan. Jesu död var profetiskt förutsagd som krossandet av hälen på kvinnans " avkomma ." Who make up the seed of the woman, and what will that seed do? Jesus knew well that he, in order to show the rightfulness of God's sovereignty, must remain faithful until his death, the death of Satan, Jesus ' death was prophetic as the bruising of the heel of the "seed. " Vad kan du göra? What is one way that we can imitate God's loyalty? What can you do? " Lyckliga är de som är medvetna om sitt andliga behov, eftersom himlarnas kungarike tillhör dem. " We cannot fix the exact location of "the mountain that is in front of Hebron, " but the city is some 37 miles [60 km] from Gaza - uphill at that! " Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need, since the kingdom of the heavens belongs to them. " Ekonomiska problem eller dålig hälsa kan vara förödande. When does the "great tribulation " begin? Economic hardships or ill health can be devastating. Låt oss ha denna trösterika tanke i hjärtat när vi fortsätter att lita på Guds ord och ha tro på de goda nyheterna. Answer me, O Jehovah, answer me, that this people may know that you, Jehovah, are the true God and you yourself have turned their heart back. " - 1 Kings 18: 30 - 37. May we have this comforting thought in heart as we continue to rely on God's Word and have faith in the good news. Helig ande gjorde Besalel kvalificerad • In what ways does Jehovah support single mothers and other sisters who are without a husband? Holy Spirit qualified Bezalel Vilka utgör kvinnans avkomma, och vad kommer den här avkomman att göra? We live in a world that does not take Jehovah or his laws seriously. Who make up the offspring of the woman, and what will this seed do? Bland annat hur kan vi efterlikna Jehovas lojalitet? Suppose that while traveling on a lengthy journey, you stop in the middle of a long tunnel. What are some ways in which we can imitate Jehovah's loyalty? Vi kan inte peka ut det exakta läget för " det berg som ligger framför Hebron ," men staden ligger ungefär sex mil från Gaza - och det var dessutom uppförsbacke dit! These "other sheep " freely choose to exercise faith in" the blood of the Lamb " and get baptized in symbol of their dedication to Jehovah. We cannot point out the precise timing of "the mountain that lies ahead of Hebron, " but the city is about six miles (1,600 km) from Gaza - and that is, working there! När börjar den stora vedermödan? The faithful patriarchs Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob knew God's name. When does the great tribulation begin? Svara mig, Jehova, svara mig, så att detta folk inser att du, Jehova, är den sanne Guden och att det är du som har vänt deras hjärta till dig igen. " Yes, Jehovah proved to be just what he needed to be for you. Answer me, O Jehovah, answer me so that this people know that you, O Jehovah, are the true God and that you have turned their heart to you. " • På vilka sätt understöder Jehova ensamstående mödrar och andra systrar som är utan äkta man? By heeding the advice from God's Word, which says: "Keep your eye on those who cause divisions and occasions for stumbling contrary to the teaching that you have learned, and avoid them. " • In what ways does Jehovah support single mothers and other sisters who are without genuine husband? Dagens värld tar inte Jehova eller hans lagar på allvar. We are not benefited by trying to refute the arguments of apostates or those who are critical of Jehovah's organization. Today's world does not take Jehovah or his laws seriously. Tänk dig att du är ute och reser och så hamnar du mitt i en lång tunnel. If you hold on to resentment, you can harm yourself physically and emotionally - you can also damage your marriage. Imagine yourself traveling and traveling. Dessa " andra får " väljer själva att utöva tro på " Lammets blod " och blir döpta som en symbol av sitt överlämnande åt Jehova. 9, 10. (a) Why is pride dangerous, and what will help us to avoid it? These "other sheep " choose to exercise faith in" the blood of the Lamb " and get baptized as a symbol of their dedication to Jehovah. Sådana trogna män som Noa, Abraham, Isak och Jakob kände till Guds namn. Young ones may also face the challenge of dealing with what they view to be unfair criticism from their parents. Such faithful men as Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob knew about God's name. Ja, Jehova visade sig vara precis det han behövde för dig. How can having a regular share in Jehovah's work help us remain focused on the big issue? Yes, Jehovah proved to be just what he needed for you. Genom att lyda rådet i Guds ord som säger: " Håll ögonen på dem som vållar söndringar och ger orsaker till fall, tvärtemot den lära som ni har inhämtat; undvik dem. " Why does Jehovah not give us an immediate response to our every request? By heeding the counsel found in God's Word, we read: "Keep your eyes upon those making divisions and give reasons for stumbling, contrary to the teaching that you have learned; avoid them. " Det tjänar ingenting till att försöka bemöta argumenten från avfällingar eller från dem som är kritiska mot Jehovas organisation. He said: "I have not sat down in the intimate group of those playing jokes and begun exulting. Nobody serves to try to answer the arguments from apostates or from those who are critical of Jehovah's organization. (Aaron) Om du bär på bittra känslor kan det tära på dig både fysiskt och känslomässigt. how Jehovah will equip us to fulfill theocratic assignments? (Look) If you harbor resentment, it can damage you physically and emotionally. 9, 10. a) Varför är stoltheten farlig, och vad hjälper oss att undvika den? They appreciate warm, intimate communication, for it reassures them that they are loved. 9, 10. (a) Why is pride dangerous, and what helps us to avoid it? Ungdomar kan också ha svårt att hantera det som de upplever som orättvis kritik från föräldrarna. With such wonderful prospects ahead of us, may we not stop praying for the sanctification of God's glorious name. Young ones may also find it difficult to deal with what they suffer as unfair criticism from their parents. Hur kan tjänsten hjälpa oss att fokusera på det som är allra viktigast? Within the congregation too, we have occasion to teach. How can the ministry help us to keep our focus on the most important things? I Bibeln jämförs vår relation till honom med relationen mellan en pappa och hans barn. Yes, Satan is the source of all unjustified hatred against God's people. The Bible compares our relationship with him with a father and his children. Han sade: " Jag har inte suttit i de skämtandes förtroliga krets och jublat av glädje. They took their false worship and pattern of human rulership with them. - Gen. He said: "I have not sat down in the intimate dealings of the lowly ones and have rejoicing. hur Jehova hjälper oss att klara av våra uppdrag? Do pay attention to the sound of my cry for help, O my King and my God, because to you I pray. " How does Jehovah help us to fulfill our assignment? De tycker om varma, förtroliga samtal, för det får dem att känna sig älskade. Being acquainted with the loving provisions of that law made the psalmist happy, despite the hardships brought upon him by his opposers. They enjoy warm, intimate conversation, for this moves them to feel loved. Med tanke på den fantastiska framtidsutsikten vill vi verkligen fortsätta be om att Jehovas härliga namn ska bli helgat. When praying, what bodily position should we assume? In view of that wonderful prospect, may we continue to pray for Jehovah's glorious name to be sanctified. Också i församlingen har vi tillfälle att undervisa. By his entire course, including his life on earth, Jesus showed that he fully understands what a loving God Jehovah is, and he imitates that love. Even in the congregation, we have the opportunity to teach. Ja, Satan är källan till allt obefogat hat som riktas mot Guds folk. What helps you to "bear fruit with endurance "? - Luke 8: 15. Yes, Satan is the Source of all unjustified hatred directed against God's people. Men de tog med sig sin falska tillbedjan och sin människogjorda styrelseform. Christ " released by purchase those under law ' and set them free to enjoy Christian freedom, says Paul. However, they took their false worship and his man - made man - made man. Ge akt på mitt höga rop om hjälp, min Kung och min Gud, ty till dig ber jag. " From what the Bible says, we can conclude that Anna used her changed circumstances to draw closer to Jehovah. Pay attention to my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray. " Han kände till nyttan av att följa denna lag, som Gud i sin kärlek hade gett israeliterna, och det gjorde honom lycklig trots de problem och svårigheter som hans motståndare orsakade honom. Being faultless does not mean that we are perfect, but it does indicate that we strive to do Jehovah God's will. He knew the benefits of following that law, which God had given to the Israelites in his love, made him happy despite the problems and hardships that his opposers caused him. Vilken kroppsställning bör vi inta när vi ber? I shall walk about in the integrity of my heart inside my house. " - Ps. 101: 2. What position should we take when praying? Under hela sitt liv har Jesus efterliknat Jehova och visat kärlek, både i himlen och på jorden. Consider what one author wrote about his elderly mother, who suffered from Alzheimer's disease. Throughout his life, Jesus has imitated Jehovah's love, both in heaven and on earth. Vad hjälper dig att " bära frukt med uthållighet "? More important, Jehovah views what you do to promote the welfare of fellow Christians as a pleasing sacrifice of praise to him. - Philippians 2: 17. What helps you to "bear fruit with endurance "? Kristus " köpte dem fria som var under lagen ," säger Paulus. Han gjorde dem fria så att de kunde uppnå kristen frihet. 1, 2. " Christ bought those who were under the Law, " says Paul, "and he set them free so that they might gain Christian freedom. Av Bibelns berättelse förstår vi att Hanna gjorde det bästa av situationen och drog sig närmare Jehova. Humility and modesty help a married person focus on the strengths of his or her mate. The Bible account teaches us that Hannah did the best of the situation and drew closer to Jehovah. Att vi är oklanderliga betyder inte att vi är fullkomliga, men det vittnar om att vi strävar efter att göra Jehova Guds vilja. Therefore, what God has yoked together let no man put apart. " Being unblemished does not mean that we are perfect, but it reveals that we endeavor to do Jehovah God's will. Jag vandrar i mitt hjärtas ostrafflighet inne i mitt hus. " Furthermore, the rest of "Babylon the Great, " the world empire of false religion, will be destroyed. I shall walk in the integrity of my heart in my house. " En författare berättade om något som hände hans gamla mamma, som hade alzheimer. Why should we trust in Jehovah? One author told us about something happened to his old mother, who had been afflicted with elderly mother. Och ännu viktigare, Jehova betraktar det du gör för dina medkristnas bästa som ett lovprisningens offer som behagar honom. Therefore, " do not reject the discipline of Jehovah, and do not abhor his reproof. ' - Prov. 3: 11, 12. More important, Jehovah views what you do for the good of fellow Christians as a sacrifice of praise that pleases him. 1, 2. Christian youths in school may face strong pressure from the crowd to see and do what everyone else is seeing and doing. 1, 2. Ödmjukhet och blygsamhet hjälper ett par att uppskatta varandras starka sidor. And this ministry leads to glory. Humility and modesty help a couple to appreciate each other's strengths. Därför: vad Gud har fogat samman, det får ingen människa skilja åt. " Temporarily, this may have been true of David, for he sings: "You sons of men, how long must my glory be for insult, while you keep loving empty things, while you keep seeking to find a lie? " Therefore, what God has yoked together let no man put apart. " Och resten av " det stora Babylon ," den falska religionens världsvälde, kommer också att tillintetgöras. Why were the Pharisees so unwilling to show mercy? And the rest of "Babylon the Great, " the world empire of false religion, will also be destroyed. Varför bör vi förtrösta på Jehova? By choosing to sin against Jehovah, they lost for themselves and their offspring the kind of life that Jehovah intended for them. Why should we trust in Jehovah? Så " förkasta inte Jehovas tuktan, och tyck inte att hans tillrättavisning är motbjudande ." Looking back, he and his family can confirm that Jehovah's hand is not short. So "not reject the discipline of Jehovah, and do not think that his discipline is offensive. " I skolan kan våra ungdomar känna stark press att titta på sådant som alla andra tittar på och att göra som alla andra gör. And if we are employed by a fellow Christian, we are careful not to take advantage of him by demanding special privileges. At school, our young ones may feel strongly pressured to look at things that all others look at and do as others do. Den tjänsten leder till ära. Caregivers too may become worn - out. It leads to honoring the ministry. Så kan det ha varit för David emellanåt, för han sjunger: " Ni människosöner, hur länge skall min härlighet skymfas, medan ni älskar tomhet, medan ni jagar efter lögn? " Even some individuals who are prominent in this system of things may one day turn to Jehovah, just as the king of Nineveh repented as a result of Jonah's preaching. - Jonah 3: 6, 7. This may have been the case with David from time to time, for he sings: "You will certainly speak abusively of my glory, while you love empty things, while you are pursuing falsehood? " Varför var fariséerna så obarmhärtiga? What a fine example that is for Christian parents! Why was the Pharisees so serious? Flera år har gått sedan dess, och han har gjort fina andliga framsteg. No other Christian quality is mentioned as often. Years have passed since then, and he has made fine spiritual progress. Genom att välja att synda mot Jehova förlorade de det fullkomliga liv som Jehova hade tänkt att de och deras avkomlingar skulle få. It involves not just what we do but, more important, what we are. By choosing to sin against Jehovah, they lost the perfect life that Jehovah had purposed for them and their offspring. När han och hans familj ser tillbaka kan de intyga att Jehovas arm aldrig är för kort. Do You Recall? When he and his family look back, they can testify that Jehovah's hand is never short. Och om vi själva är anställda av en broder så utnyttjar vi naturligtvis inte honom eller kräver speciella förmåner. She was baptized and became very active in the preaching work. Of course, if we ourselves are employed by a brother, we do not take advantage of him or demand special privileges. De som tar vård om de äldre kan också bli slutkörda. (a) After the Passover meal, what did Jesus say about the bread? Those who care for older ones may also be overcome by themselves. Också personer som är framträdande i denna tingens ordning kan en dag vända sig till Jehova, precis som kungen i Nineve ändrade sinne som ett resultat av Jonas predikande. Accordingly, Paul wrote: "The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not a sharing in the blood of the Christ? Even prominent ones in this system of things can turn to Jehovah, just as the king of Nineveh repented as a result of the preaching work of Jonah. Vilket fint exempel det här är för kristna föräldrar! [ Pictures on page 31] What a fine example this is for Christian parents! Ingen annan egenskap nämns lika ofta. Paul wrote: "He made known to us the sacred secret of his will. No other quality is equal. Det inbegriper inte bara vad vi gör, utan något som är ännu viktigare, vad vi är. How foolish to be distracted by or longingly look back at what we have left behind in the world! That involves not only what we do but something more important, what we are. Minns du? Countless young people today demonstrate similar zeal in their Kingdom service. Do You Recall? Hon lät döpa sig och blev mycket verksam i predikoarbetet. We are zealous for fine works, and we have love among ourselves. She got baptized and became active in the preaching work. a) Vad sa Jesus om brödet efter påskmåltiden? In the Congregation (a) After the Passover meal, what did Jesus say about the bread? Följaktligen skrev Paulus: " Välsignelsens bägare, som vi välsignar, är den inte en delaktighet i Kristi blod? This will mark the beginning of the great day of Jehovah. Hence, Paul wrote: "The cup of praise we bless, is it not a sharing in the blood of the Christ? [ Bilder på sidan 31] The apostle Paul urged his coworker Timothy: "Do the work of an evangelizer, fully accomplish your ministry. " [ Pictures on page 31] Paulus skrev: " Han gjorde sin viljas heliga hemlighet känd för oss. [ Pictures on page 5] Paul wrote: "He made the sacred secret of his will known to us. Det är verkligen dåraktigt att bli distraherad av den här världen eller att se tillbaka på det vi har lämnat. There is no question about that. How foolish it is to be distracted by this world or to look back on what we have left! Många ungdomar i vår egen tid visar en liknande nitälskan för förkunnartjänsten. How Would You Answer? Many modern - day youths show similar zeal for the ministry. Vi är nitiska i fråga om förträffliga gärningar, och vi har kärlek inbördes. Are you using the Bible and tracts effectively in your ministry? We are zealous for fine works, and we have love among ourselves. I församlingen God likely did so in an ancient form of Hebrew. In the Congregation I och med det börjar Jehovas stora dag. The congregation as a whole grows in warmth and love. In fact, Jehovah's great day begins. Aposteln Paulus uppmanade sin medarbetare Timoteus: " Utför en evangelieförkunnares verk, fullgör helt din tjänst. " 6, 7. The apostle Paul urged his fellow worker Timothy: "Do the work of an evangelizer, fully accomplish your ministry. " [ Bilder på sidan 5] (See paragraph 21) [ Pictures on page 5] Men vi vet att Jehova kommer att ingripa i rätt tid. Jehovah transferred his blessing to a dynamic new organization centered on Jesus Christ and his teachings. Yet, we know that Jehovah will intervene in the right time. Hur skulle du svara? Even after his death, Wycliffe was declared a heretic. How Would You Answer? Använder du Bibeln och vikbladen på ett bra sätt i tjänsten? Would you like to learn more about those blessings? Do you make good use of the Bible and the tracts in your ministry? De i sin tur skrev ner dem på hebreiska och använde sina egna ord och sin egen stil. Doing so calls for examining ourselves to see what we have set our hearts on. In turn, they wrote them down in Hebrew, using their own words and style. Hela församlingen blir varmare och mer kärleksfull. Does it matter whether the person plowing looks momentarily at what is behind or actually puts down the plow and turns around? The whole congregation is warm and more loving. 6, 7. She was very brave throughout that difficult time. Her faith in the resurrection kept her strong. 6, 7. (Se paragraf 21.) Why not take a few moments to read that prayer and meditate on it, taking special note of what it tells you about Daniel as a person? (See paragraph 21.) Han bildade i stället en ny organisation av trogna tjänare som följde Jesus Kristus och hans undervisning. What strong action is needed when wrong desires arise? Rather, he formed a new organization of faithful servants who followed Jesus Christ and his teachings. Efter sin död blev Wycliffe utpekad som kättare. For example, the writings of Hinduism include books of Vedic hymns, a collection of ritualistic commentaries about these hymns, philosophical treatises called the Upanishads, and the epic stories known as Ramayana and the Mahabharata. After his death, Wycliffe became downhearted. Skulle du vilja veta mer om vad Bibelns löften kan innebära för dig? Read the scriptures related to it. Would you like to learn more about what the Bible's promises can mean for you? Det betyder att vi måste granska oss själva för att se vad vårt hjärta är inriktat på. Jesus was long - suffering and kind in his dealings with the apostles, despite their repeated failings. This means that we need to examine ourselves to see what our heart is on. Spelar det någon roll om den som plöjer bara ser sig tillbaka ett ögonblick eller lägger ner plogen och vänder sig om? " I Set the Pattern for You " Why is it a role of a work that appears only to look back a moment or runs down a newspaper and turns it around? Hon höll modet uppe under den här svåra tiden, och det var hoppet om uppståndelsen som gav henne kraft. No, for we are told: "To Jonah, though, it was highly displeasing, and he got to be hot with anger. " She was discouraged during this difficult time, and it was the hope of the resurrection that empowered her. Varför inte ta några minuter och läsa igenom de verserna och fundera på tankarna i dem? Fråga dig sedan vad bönen säger dig om Daniel som person. Do any in the Christian congregation have such disturbing thoughts? Why not take a few minutes and read those verses and think about them? Then ask what prayer says about Daniel as a Person. Vad måste vi göra när orätta begär dyker upp? If someone says: "Homosexuals can't change their orientation; they're born that way. " What must we do when wrong desires arise? I hinduismens skrifter ingår Vedahymnerna, en samling ritualistiska kommentarer till dessa hymner, filosofiska skrifter som kallas Upanishaderna och de epos som kallas Ramayana och Mahabharata. Why should we try to view matters from Jehovah's point of view, even if we have a valid reason for complaint? In the first century, the writings of Timothy, a collection of saltal comments to these Western writings, which are called the British provinces, and the referred to as well as the referred to as the W. Läs bibelställen som hör till det ämne du valt. Study Article 5 PAGES 21 - 25 Read scriptures on the subject you choose. Jesus var tålmodig och omtänksam när han hade med apostlarna att göra, trots deras ständiga tillkortakommanden. If you were to sin seriously, how could you receive God's mercy if you tried to hide your sin? Jesus was patient and kind in dealing with the apostles despite their ongoing shortcomings. " Jag har... gett er mönstret " Many have allowed the pursuit of material things to distract them from keeping their eyes on the prize. " I Set the Pattern for You " Nej, för vi får veta: " Men för Jona var det ytterst misshagligt, och han upptändes av vrede. " In this article, we will discuss what some of these things are, why Satan uses them, and how we can protect ourselves. No, for we are told: "For Jonah, though, there was a great displeasure, and he was clothed with anger. " Finns det några i den kristna församlingen som har sådana oroande tankar? The Kingdom message is the best possible news for humankind - yes, it is "good news. " Are there some in the Christian congregation who have such distressing thoughts? Om någon säger: " De som är homosexuella är det från födseln. De kan inte ändra på det. " How can we do so? If someone says: "Those who are homosexuality are not of birth, they cannot change it. " Varför bör vi försöka se saker och ting ur Jehovas synvinkel, även när vi har giltiga orsaker till klagomål? 17, 18. (a) How does the Bible reveal the importance of showing love to children? Why should we strive to see things from Jehovah's viewpoint, even when we have valid reasons for complaint? Studieartikeln 5 SIDORNA 21 - 25 Who would this One be? Study Article 5 PAGES 21 - 25 Om du skulle begå en allvarlig synd, hur skulle du då kunna få Guds barmhärtighet om du försökte dölja din synd? Therefore it is never dead matter, insensible to what is done with it; for it is a bond of union with the living God. " If you were to commit a serious sin, how could you receive God's mercy if you tried to hide your sin? Många har blivit så distraherade av det materiella att de tappat fokus på belöningen. Why? Many have become so distracted by material things that they are focused on the prize. I den här artikeln ska vi gå igenom exempel på sådant som kan förleda våra ögon, varför Satan använder sig av det och hur vi kan skydda oss. So check whether your schedules contribute to this complaint. In this article, we will consider examples of what can seduce our eyes, why Satan uses it, and how we can protect ourselves. Det här är de bästa nyheter som finns - ja, det är " goda nyheter ." What basic point is made at Micah 6: 6, 7? This is the best news that exists - yes, "good news. " Hur kan vi göra det? Make Jehovah's Reminders the Exultation of Your Heart How can we do that? 17, 18. a) Hur visar Bibeln vikten av att föräldrar älskar sina barn? Can You Answer? 17, 18. (a) How does the Bible show the importance of parents ' love for their children? Vem skulle det vara? As never before, true Christians will then need to place their confidence in fellow worshipers authorized by Jehovah and his reigning King to take the lead. Who would that be? Därför är det aldrig död materia, okänsligt för vad som görs med det; det är nämligen ett föreningsband med den levande Guden. " When speaking with someone from a non - Christian background, we could say, "Notice what the Holy Writings tell us. " That is why death is never dead, regardless of what is being done; for it is a bond of union with the living God. " Varför det? Righthearted people could then respond to his preaching work and take steps that would bring them God's approval. Why? Är det era prioriteringar som är en del av problemet? They sold their house and moved into an apartment. Is it your priorities that are part of the problem? Vad är grundtanken i Mika 6: 6, 7? What similarities as to oversight are there between Israel and "the Israel of God "? What is the basic significance of Micah 6: 6, 7? Kan du svara? 16, 17. (a) How did Israel act with respect to God's covenant with that nation? Can You Answer? Som aldrig tidigare kommer sanna kristna då att behöva sätta sin tillit till medtillbedjare som av Jehova och hans regerande kung har bemyndigats att ta ledningen. How painful it must have been for Jehovah to see his beloved Son die on a torture stake as if Jesus were an unfaithful blasphemer! As never before, true Christians will need to put their trust in fellow worshipers of Jehovah and his ruling King. Pratar vi med någon som inte är kristen kan vi säga: " Se vad som står i de heliga skrifterna. " Because Jehovah was not firmly committed to a certain course of action, the inspired record says that he "began to feel regret. " Talk with someone who is not a Christian, we can say: "See what is in the holy writings. " Människor med rätt hjärteinställning hade nu möjlighet att reagera positivt på hans förkunnande och vidta åtgärder för att få Guds godkännande. 25: 8 - 12. People with proper heart now had the opportunity to respond favorably to his ministry and take action to gain God's approval. De sålde huset och flyttade till en lägenhet. Because we find ourselves in a similar situation. They sold the house and moved to an apartment. Vilka likheter finns det mellan det forntida Israel och " Guds Israel "? Well, this wicked system of things is rapidly heading for its collapse, and lives are at stake. What similarities are there between ancient Israel and "the Israel of God "? 16, 17. a) Hur handlade Israel med avseende på Guds förbund med nationen? It was 1 John 3: 19, 20, which says: " God is greater than our hearts and knows all things. ' 16, 17. (a) How did Israel deal with God's covenant with the nation? Tänk vad plågsamt det måste ha varit för honom att se sin egen älskade Son dö på en tortyrpåle som en illojal hädare! As we have seen, that requires not only teaching them what the Bible says but also helping them to develop conviction about what they learn. What pain it must have been for him to see his own beloved Son die on a torture stake! Eftersom Jehova inte hade fattat något avgörande beslut sägs det i den inspirerade skildringen att han " ångrade " sig. A modest person is keenly aware that he can and must be in constant communication with his loving and almighty Father. Since Jehovah had not made a major decision, the inspired record states that he "felt regret. " 25: 8 - 12. As true Christians, we strive to show love toward all. 25: 8 - 12. Därför att vi befinner oss i en liknande situation som de gjorde. The covenant for a priest like Melchizedek becomes the basis for the offspring to serve in a priestly capacity. Because we face a situation similar to their actions. Den nuvarande tingens ordning är snabbt på väg mot kollaps, och liv står på spel. Others, for a variety of reasons, may react unfavorably. The present system of things is fast off thinking, and lives are at stake. Det var 1 Johannes 3: 19, 20, där det står: ' Gud är större än vårt hjärta och vet allt. ' We must endure, not for a time, but to the end. It was 1 John 3: 19, 20, which says: " God is greater than our hearts and knows all things. ' Som vi har sett innebär det mer än att bara undervisa dem om det som står i Bibeln. Du behöver också hjälpa dem att bygga upp sin egen övertygelse. Brothers should not be made to feel guilty for not having commented earlier in the study. As we have seen, teaching them more than just what the Bible says, you need to help them build up their own convictions. En blygsam person känner ett starkt behov av att ofta be till sin kärleksfulle och allsmäktige Far. Jehovah "transmitted through angels " the Law, which Moses used to instruct the Israelites. A modest person often feels the need to pray to his loving and almighty Father. Som sanna kristna anstränger vi oss för att visa alla människor kärlek. He added: "Your hand is strong, your right hand is exalted. " As true Christians, we strive to show all humans love. Förbundet om ett prästadöme likt Melkisedeks gör att avkomman kan tjäna som präst. Because we love the Lawmaker. - Isa. 33: 22; read Luke 10: 27. The covenant of a priest like Melchizedek enables the Seed to serve as a priest. Andra kan av olika orsaker reagera negativt. What rulership did Jesus receive when he ascended to heaven? Others may react to different reasons. Vi måste hålla ut, inte bara en kort period, utan till slutet. In those days, a circuit overseer received little training. We must endure, not just a short period, but to the end. Ingen bör känna sig skyldig för att man inte sagt något tidigare under studiet. What has often been observed in people? No one should feel guilty because he did not say something previously during the study. Och lagen som Mose använde för att undervisa israeliterna " överbringades av änglar ." Do not let the spirit of the world infect your heart! - Ephesians 2: 2, 3; Proverbs 4: 23. And the Law that Moses used to teach the Israelites "was transmitted through angels. " Han tillade: " Din hand är stark, din högra hand är upplyft. " Does it bear little wheat stalks? He added: "Your hand is strong, your right hand is lifted up. " Därför att vi älskar den som har stiftat lagarna, Jehova Gud. Paul's inspired words to the Ephesians are perfectly clear: "By this undeserved kindness, indeed, you have been saved through faith; and this not owing to you, it is God's gift. Because we love the Mosaic Law, Jehovah God. Vilket herradöme mottog Jesus när han for upp till himlen? " WILL the Judge of all the earth not do what is right? " What rulership did Jesus accept when ascending to heaven? På den tiden fick kretstillsyningsmännen inte så mycket övning. If you feel that way, please be assured that when Jehovah forgives you, you can feel secure in his mercy! At that time, circuit overseers did not receive much training. Vad har man ofta lagt märke till hos människor? On the other hand, we might be able to do more than we are now doing. What have we often noted about people? Låt inte världens ande fördärva ditt hjärta! Does holy spirit operate only on special occasions or under extraordinary circumstances? Do not let the spirit of the world corrupt your heart! Växer det ut en massa små vetestrån? He also crushed the copper serpent that Moses had made, " which by then had been misused for idolatrous purposes. Is it a lot of small wheatlike wheat? Paulus inspirerade ord till efesierna är väldigt tydliga: " Ja, på grund av denna oförtjänta omtanke har ni blivit räddade genom tro; och detta beror inte på er, det är Guds gåva. (See also footnote.) Paul's inspired words to the Ephesians are clear: "By this undeserved kindness you have been saved through faith; and this is not due to you, it is God's gift. " SKALL inte den som är hela jordens domare göra det som är rätt? " Anthony: Yes. " Does not the Judge of all the earth fail to do what is right? " Men vi kan vara helt övertygade om att när Jehova förlåter oss, så gör han det helt och hållet! I was desperate to find love and warmth. We can be certain, though, that when Jehovah forgives us, he does so in a complete way! Å andra sidan kanske vi skulle kunna göra mer än vi gör nu. Earlier, in Ps 121 verse 5, the psalmist said: "Jehovah is guarding you. " On the other hand, we may be able to do more than we do now. Verkar den heliga anden bara vid särskilda tillfällen eller under speciella omständigheter? What questions will this article answer? Does the holy spirit produce only at special times or during special circumstances? Hiskia " skaffade bort offerhöjderna och bröt sönder de heliga stoderna och högg ner den heliga pålen och krossade kopparormen som Mose hade gjort ," eftersom israeliterna hade börjat tillbe den. In judicial matters the Israelites should show no partiality. Hezekiah "took the high places and broke the sacred pillars and cut down the sacred stake and cut down the copper that Moses had made, " since the Israelites had begun worshipping it. (Se också fotnoten.) As recorded in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, Jesus uses the term "everlasting life " on the aforementioned occasions. (See also footnote.) Thomas: Ja, vänta lite... utöva tro. The secretary types it, and the letter bears the businessman's signature. Tim: Yes, wait a little... to exercise faith. Jag längtade efter kärlek och värme. Does that mean that Christians could enter into God's rest? I longed for love and warmth. Tidigare, i vers 5, sade psalmisten: " Jehova bevarar dig. " If we are not in a position to learn another language, can we encourage those who are doing that? Earlier, in verse 5, the psalmist said: "Jehovah is guarding you. " Vilka frågor ska vi få svar på i den här artikeln? In modern times, there have been refinements in our understanding of certain Bible teachings. What questions will we consider in this article? I rättsliga frågor skulle israeliterna inte visa någon partiskhet. However, the way of life and the religious practices of the Canaanites are very degraded. In judicial matters, the Israelites were not to show partiality. Som framgår av Matteus, Markus och Lukas evangelier använder Jesus uttrycket " evigt liv " vid de tidigare nämnda tillfällena. * Wholesome recreation is a "gift of God. " As shown by Matthew, Mark, and Luke, Jesus uses the expression "everlasting life " at the previous times. Sekreteraren skriver ut brevet, och affärsmannen skriver under det. You may have been surprised to read those words: "That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth. " The doctor writes the letter, and businessman wrote under it. Betyder det att kristna kunde komma in i Guds vila? Anderson (1886 - 1949): "Those who have an adult's recollection and an adult's understanding of the world which preceded World War I look back upon it with a great nostalgia. Does this mean that Christians could enter into God's rest? Om vi själva inte kan lära oss ett nytt språk, skulle vi då kunna uppmuntra dem som håller på att göra det? And the recuperative power of his God - given body might help him to get better, to recover from his sickness. According to Psalm 41: 4, what did David seek from Jehovah? If we ourselves cannot learn another language, could we be able to encourage those who are learning to do so? I vår tid har vi fått en del justeringar i vår förståelse av bibliska lärofrågor. In 49 C.E., the apostles and older men in Jerusalem, themselves circumcised Jews, "gathered together to see about this affair. " Today, we have received some adjustments in our understanding of Scriptural truths. Men kanaanéernas livsstil och religiösa sedvänjor är mycket depraverade. (a) How do we become familiar with the voice of Jehovah? However, the practices of the Canaanites and religious practices are very popular. * Sund avkoppling är en gåva från Jehova. When we share in the witness work, we support the spirit - anointed ones * Bad recreation is a gift from Jehovah. Du kanske blev förvånad när du läste det som står där: " Så att man inser att du, vars namn är Jehova, du ensam är den Högste över hela jorden. " [ Footnote] Perhaps you were surprised to read what it says: "That people realize that you, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth. " Anderson (1886 - 1949): " Vuxna som minns och förstår den värld som föregick första världskriget blickar tillbaka på den tiden med nostalgi. Why did he feel that way? Until the first world is looked back on the time of an American World of World War I. Vad bad David att Jehova skulle göra för honom när han var allvarligt sjuk enligt Psalm 41: 4? How Do People Think and React? According to Psalm 41: 4, what did David ask Jehovah to do for him? Apostlarna och de äldste i Jerusalem samlades år 49 för att " behandla den här saken ." De var själva omskurna judar. Despite our frailties and imperfections, we can make our Creator rejoice. The apostles and older men in Jerusalem gathered in 49 C.E. to " consider this matter. ' a) Hur blir vi bekanta med Jehovas röst? What further challenges have some faced? (a) How do we become acquainted with Jehovah's voice? Vi stöder de smorda när vi tar del i förkunnartjänsten (a) When will Jesus for the first time act as Judge of all nations? We support the anointed as we engage in the ministry [ Fotnot] Yes. [ Footnote] Varför kände han så? Earlier, these leaders had succeeded in having Jesus Christ condemned as a seditionist and killed as a criminal. Why did he feel that way? Hur tänker och reagerar människor? Do You Remember? How do people respond? Trots att vi är svaga och ofullkomliga kan vi glädja vår Skapare. How did Jehovah respond to the inactivity of his people? Although we are weak and imperfect, we can make our Creator rejoice. Vilka andra svårigheter har en del ställts inför? How Can We Be People of Integrity? What other challenges have some faced? a) När kommer Jesus att agera som alla nationers domare för första gången? Hence, rather than describing what the neighborly Samaritan looked like, Jesus related something far more significant - how the Samaritan compassionately came to the aid of an injured Jew lying on the road. (a) When will Jesus act as Judge of all nations for the first time? Ja. The fruit Jesus mentioned includes both "the fruitage of the spirit " and" the fruit of lips " that Christians offer to God by means of the Kingdom - preaching work. - Heb. 13: 15. Yes. Det var dessa ledare som tidigare hade lyckats få Jesus Kristus dömd och avrättad som brottsling. Being of Hungarian descent, she received the address of a Hungarian - speaking person for her to contact in the ministry. Those leaders who had earlier succeeded in carrying out Jesus Christ were condemned and executed as a criminal. Minns du? This, in turn, helps us to make decisions that leave us with a clean conscience and God's approval. Do You Recall? Hur hjälpte Jehova sitt folk? Jehovah's Word Is Alive How did Jehovah help his people? Hur kan vi visa att vi är ostraffliga? 8 Prepare for the Hurdles How can we show that we are integrity keepers? I stället för att beskriva hur den barmhärtige samariern såg ut berättade Jesus således om något mycket viktigare - hur samariern visade medlidande och hjälpte en skadad jude som låg på vägen. (b) What was the Law covenant designed to prevent? Thus, instead of describing how the neighborly Samaritan saw Jesus relate to something very important - how the Samaritan showed compassion and helped a injured Jew on the road. Den frukt Jesus nämnde inbegriper både " andens frukt " och " frukten av läppar ," det offer som de kristna frambär åt Gud i predikotjänsten. Because Jehovah is the greatest example of justice and righteousness. The fruitage that Jesus mentioned includes "the fruitage of the spirit " and" the fruit of lips, " the sacrifice that Christians offer to God in action. Eftersom hon hade ungersk bakgrund fick hon adressen till en ungersktalande person på distriktet. What blessings can come to family members who work along with Jehovah's instructions regarding disfellowshipped ones? Because of her young background, she received the address to a young person in the territory. Det hjälper oss att fatta beslut som gör att vi får ett gott samvete och blir godkända av Gud. 2, 3. (a) Who was Jehovah's first creation? It helps us to make decisions that enable us to have a good conscience and become approved of God. Jehovas ord är levande Like regular pioneers, special pioneers appreciate having companions in the field ministry. Jehovah's Word Is Alive 29 Tidskriften Vakttornet på förenklad engelska - Varför ges den ut? The other has his destination clearly in mind, but he also knows many alternate routes. 29 The Watchtower in English - Why is it published? b) Vad skulle lagförbundet förhindra? A psalmist said in prayer to Jehovah: "Your word is a lamp to my foot, and a light to my roadway. " (b) What would the Law covenant prevent? Därför att Jehova är det främsta exemplet på att vara rättvis och rättfärdig. What change was introduced in the weekly schedule of congregation meetings, and what questions should we reflect on? Because Jehovah is the supreme example of justice and righteousness. Vilken glädje kan man få uppleva om man är lojal mot Jehova? [ Bodies of water] What joy can a person experience if he is loyal to Jehovah? 2, 3. a) Vem var Jehovas första skapelse? Who are the present - day "remaining ones of Jacob "? 2, 3. (a) Who was Jehovah's first creation? Och precis som de reguljära pionjärerna så uppskattar specialpionjärerna att få samarbete i tjänsten. Clearly, Elisha did not think that by now he knew it all. Like the regular pioneers in the full - time ministry, special pioneers appreciate the privilege of serving in the ministry. Den andre har visserligen målet klart för sig, men han känner till många olika vägar som leder dit. As an experienced Christian, you have opportunities that are not open to others. Although the other person has the goal clearly, he knows many different ways that lead there. En av psalmisterna sade i bön till Jehova: " Ditt ord är en lampa för min fot och ett ljus på min stig. " What is the yeartext for 2006, and why is it appropriate? A psalmist said in prayer to Jehovah: "Your word is a lamp to my foot and a light to my roadway. " Hur har mötesanordningen förändrats, och vilka frågor behöver vi tänka över? Like Abel, he undoubtedly had faith that mankind would eventually be released from bondage to sin and death. How have congregation meetings changed, and what questions do we need to consider? [ Vattendrag] (Read Matthew 11: 27.) [ B] Vilka är de nutida " kvarvarande av Jakob "? 143: 10. Illustrate how an invisible force can guide a person. Who are the modern - day "other ones " of Jacob? Det är tydligt att Elisa inte tyckte att han var fullärd än. And I will bless those who bless you, and him that calls down evil upon you I shall curse. " - Gen. 12: 1 - 3. Clearly, Elisha did not feel that he was fully out. Som erfaren kristen har man resurser som andra inte har. SONGS: 23, 138 As experienced Christians, the resources of others do not have. Vad är årstexten för 2006, och varför är den passande? Consider three examples. What is the yeartext for 2006, and why is it appropriate? Men efter syndafloden blev världen ond igen. Nimrod började härska och försökte få människor att göra uppror mot Jehova. • What must we do to be among those who will survive when Jesus completes his conquest? After the Flood, however, Nimrod began to rule and tried to cause people to rebel against Jehovah. (Läs Matteus 11: 27.) But that power will benefit us only if we study God's inspired Word and apply its teachings. (Read Matthew 11: 27.) Illustrera hur en osynlig kraft kan hjälpa en person att hitta vägen. IMAGINE yourself as a member of the first - century Thessalonian congregation, one of the earliest to be established in Europe. Illustrate how an invisible force can help a person to find the road. Och jag skall välsigna dem som välsignar dig, och den som nedkallar ont över dig skall jag förbanna. " Modern commercial advertisers well know the age - old power of eye appeal. And I will bless those who bless you, and let anyone calling down evil upon you I will curse. " SÅNGER: 23, 138 " There have been times when finances, housing, health, and just growing older have made us anxious, " he says. SONGS: 23, 138 Vi ska titta på tre exempel. True friends of God must be honest of heart and must give evidence of "faith without hypocrisy, " for acts of truthfulness come from the heart. Consider three examples. • Vad måste vi göra för att vara bland dem som kommer att överleva när Jesus gör sin seger fullständig? Then I reach out to try to be helpful to others in the congregation. • What must we do to be among those who will survive when Jesus completes his conquest? Men för att få nytta av den kraften måste vi studera Guds inspirerade ord och tillämpa det vi lär oss. And he will completely undo all the bad things that have happened, including the things that you and your mother have suffered. To benefit from that power, however, we must study God's inspired Word and apply what we learn. TÄNK dig att du levde under det första århundradet och tillhörde församlingen i Thessalonike, en av de första som bildades i Europa. Even when we are older, we often feel the need to be comforted. IMAGINE that you were living in the first century and belonged to the congregation in Thessalonica, one of the first - century Christians who were formed in Europe. Inom reklambranschen vet man mycket väl vilken kraft sådant som tilltalar ögonen har. How is the power given to us by holy spirit manifested? In today's commercial world, people are well - aware of the power that appeals to the eyes. Han berättar: " Det är sant att vår ekonomi, vår bostadssituation och våra hälsoproblem, och bara det att vi hela tiden blir äldre, har gjort oss oroliga ibland. We have been provided with a number of tools that can help you to do that. He tells us: "It is true that our financial, our living well - being, and our health problems are always older, have made us anxious at times. Sanna vänner till Gud måste ha ett ärligt hjärta och måste ge bevis för " oskrymtad tro ," eftersom handlingar i överensstämmelse med sanningen kommer från hjärtat. It takes just a few minutes each day to read and meditate on a portion of the assigned chapters for the week's Bible reading. True friends of God must have a sincere heart and must give evidence of "no faith " because actions in harmony with the truth come from the heart. Sedan försöker jag vara hjälpsam mot andra i församlingen. 1, 2. Then I try to be helpful to others in the congregation. Och han kommer fullständigt radera allt ont som har hänt, till exempel det jobbiga som du och din mamma har varit med om. When we adapt to the schedule of those in the territory, we are following the example of Paul, who " was not seeking his own advantage, but that of the many, so that they might be saved. ' - 1 Cor. 10: 33. And he will completely wipe out all the bad things that have happened, such as the pain you and your mother have experienced. Även när vi blir äldre känner vi ofta behovet av tröst. The first one that may come to mind is found at 1 Corinthians 15: 33, which says: "Bad associations spoil useful habits. " Even when we are older, we often feel the need for comfort. Hur kommer den kraft vi får av den heliga anden till uttryck? SONGS: 136, 129 How does holy spirit manifest power? Det finns flera redskap du kan använda. Centuries earlier, in 997 B.C.E., the Israelites were split into two kingdoms. There are several tools you can use. Det tar bara några minuter varje dag att läsa och meditera över ett avsnitt av de kapitel som ingår i veckans bibelläsning. Instead, each of the gecko's toes has a pad with ridges that contain thousands of hairlike protrusions. It takes just a few minutes each day to read and meditate on a portion of the chapters that are part of the week's Bible reading. 1, 2. (Read 1 Timothy 5: 4, 8; 6: 6 - 10.) 1, 2. När vi anpassar vårt schema så att det passar människor på distriktet följer vi Paulus exempel. Han sökte inte sin " egen fördel utan de mångas, för att de... [skulle] kunna bli räddade ." Hardship, danger, and distance do not hold him back. When we adapt our schedule to the appropriate people in the territory, we follow Paul's example, not seeking "his own advantage, but that they might be saved. " Den första vi kommer att tänka på är kanske den som finns i 1 Korinthierna 15: 33, där det sägs: " Dåligt umgänge fördärvar nyttiga vanor. " They are declared righteous as friends of God, like Abraham. The first thing we will consider is perhaps the one found at 1 Corinthians 15: 33, where it says: " Bad associations spoil useful habits. " SÅNGER: 136, 129 Something comparable happened in modern times. SONGS: 136, 129 Många år tidigare, 997 f.v.t., delades Israel i två riken. What occurred between Paul and Barnabas, and what does this underscore? Many years earlier, 536 B.C.E., Israel was divided in two kingdoms. Nej, på varje tå har geckoödlan en trampdyna med upphöjningar som har tusentals hårliknande utskott. Our yeartext for 2013: "Be courageous and strong.... Rather, on every horizon, the gecko has a gecko with thousands of hairlike eyes. (Läs 1 Timoteus 5: 4, 8; 6: 6 - 10.) As the Creator, Jehovah already owns everything we have in a material way. (Read 1 Timothy 5: 4, 8; 6: 6 - 10.) Vedermöda, faror och avstånd avskräcker honom inte. Relate how three spiritual sisters are benefiting from an evening set aside for Bible study. Tribulation, dangers, and distance from him. Precis som Abraham förklaras de rättfärdiga som Guds vänner. Whom do the priests in Ezekiel's temple vision represent, and whom do the nonpriestly Israelites represent? Like Abraham, righteous ones are declared righteous as God's friends. Något som kan jämföras med detta har förekommit i vår tid. You young people, how many useful skills are you learning - skills that will help you to serve your Creator and prepare you for future responsibilities? Something that might be compared to this has occurred in our day. Vad hände mellan Paulus och Barnabas, och vad betonar det? One way to cultivate humility is to ponder over the greatness of Jehovah in comparison to us. What happened between Paul and Barnabas, and what does this underscore? Vår årstext för 2013: " Var modig och stark.... • in all our relationships? Our yeartext for 2013: "Be courageous and strong.... Som vår Skapare äger Jehova redan allt vi har i materiellt avseende. What arrangement did God make to fill the earth with his human children? As our Creator, Jehovah already possesses everything we have materially. Berätta vilken nytta tre systrar har haft av studiekvällen. The prophet Isaiah recorded God's view of this unfaithfulness: "You men are those leaving Jehovah, those forgetting my holy mountain, those setting in order a table for the god of Good Luck and those filling up mixed wine for the god of Destiny. " Relate how three sisters have benefited from family worship. Vilka förebildas av prästerna i Hesekiels tempelsyn, och vilka förebildas av de icke - prästerliga israeliterna? Fearing a burgeoning Hebrew population, Pharaoh ordered the two midwives to make sure that every newborn Hebrew male was killed. Who were pictured by the priests of Ezekiel's temple, and who are pictured by the nonpriestly Israelites? Du som är ung, vilka användbara förmågor utvecklar du - förmågor som kan hjälpa dig att tjäna din Skapare och förbereda dig för ansvarsuppgifter längre fram i livet? Walk in it, you people, ' in case you people should go to the right or in case you should go to the left. " Younger ones, what practical skills can you develop - skills that can help you to serve your Creator and prepare yourself for responsibilities later in life? Ett sätt att utveckla ödmjukhet är att tänka på hur stor Jehova är i jämförelse med oss. Jehovah, though, can do much more, as he did in Jeremiah's day. One way to cultivate humility is to reflect on how much Jehovah is in comparison with us. • i alla våra relationer? Jesus ' two illustrations indicate that we can do so (1) by taking the initiative, (2) by being gentle, and (3) by being earnest. • in all our relationships? Hur skulle jorden fyllas med människor? In what ways can we keep our minds fixed on the things above? How would the earth be filled with people? Profeten Jesaja skrev om Guds syn på denna otrohet: " Det är ni som överger Jehova, ni som glömmer mitt heliga berg, ni som dukar bord åt guden Lyckan och ni som fyller i blandat vin åt guden Ödet. " * Concerning God's view of this unfaithfulness, the prophet Isaiah wrote: "You are the ones leaving Jehovah, you who forget my holy mountain, you who are standing before the table of the god and you who are filling in front of the wine of the god. " Denne farao fruktade en snabbt växande hebreisk befolkning och befallde de två barnmorskorna att se till att varje nyfödd hebreisk pojke dödades. The object being weighed was put in one pan and a weight in the other. That Pharaoh feared a quickly growing Hebrew population and commanded the two midwives to make sure that each Israelite baby was killed. Vandra på den ' - ifall ni skulle gå åt höger eller ifall ni skulle gå åt vänster. " How might this happen? Walk in it, you people, ' in case you should go to the right or in case you should go to the left. " I dag använder läkare avancerad teknisk utrustning när de ska undersöka hjärtat. 3: 21, 22; 1 Tim. Today, physicians use electronic devices to examine the heart. Jesu två liknelser visar att vi kan göra det 1) genom att ta initiativet, 2) genom att vara milda och vänliga och 3) genom att vara ivriga och allvarliga. A wholesome life is a "gift of God. " Jesus ' two parables show that we can do so (1) by taking the initiative, (2) by being mild and kind and (3) by being zealous and serious. På vilka sätt kan vi fästa sinnet vid det som är där ovan? After all, whom do you respect more? In what ways can we keep our minds fixed on the things above? * Have faith that the ransom is the basis for forgiving your sins. * I den ena vågskålen lades det som skulle vägas, och i den andra lades en vikt. He did not turn aside from following him, but he continued keeping his commandments. " - 2 Ki. In one of the two parts, it was laid down, and in the second, there was a weight. Hur skulle det kunna gå till? The Bible's moral standards are viewed as old - fashioned. How could that happen? Ett lyckligt och rikt liv är en gåva från Gud. In the First Century A happy and prosperous life is a gift from God. Tänk efter: Vem har du störst respekt för? (b) What did Ezekiel see in vision? Consider: Who has the greatest respect for you? Ha tro på att lösenoffret är grundvalen för att du ska få dina synder förlåtna. How might we be tested, and what proper viewpoint should we cultivate? Have faith that the ransom is the basis for forgiveness of your sins. Jehovas påminnelser fick Josia att ingripa för att stödja sann tillbedjan. And you will call me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. ' " - Jeremiah 29: 11, 12. Jehovah's reminders moved Josiah to act in order to support true worship. Bibelns moralnormer betraktas som gammalmodiga. Because we love divine commandments "more than gold, even refined gold. " The Bible's moral standards are viewed as normal. Under det första århundradet Let the Congregation Praise Jehovah In the first century b) Vad fick Hesekiel se i en syn? The apostle Paul wrote: "All Scripture is inspired of God. " (b) What did Ezekiel see in vision? Hur kan vi bli prövade, och vilken tillbörlig inställning bör vi ha? • What marvelous opportunity lies before people of all the nations? How might we be tested, and what proper attitude should we have? Jag vill ge er en framtid och ett hopp. Och ni ska kalla på mig och be till mig, och jag ska lyssna på er. ' " Every day, she tried to seduce Joseph, but her efforts bore no fruit. I will give you a future and a hope, and you must call upon me and pray to me, and I will listen to you. ' " Därför att vi älskar Guds bud " mer än guld, ja, mer än luttrat guld ." It is not like getting on a bus that simply carries those on board to victory. Because we love God's commandments "more than gold, and more than refines gold. " Må församlingen lovprisa Jehova * "For example, " Eduardo says," I took my children out of private schools and found good public schools for them. " Let the Congregation Praise Jehovah Aposteln Paulus skrev: " Hela Skriften är inspirerad av Gud. " 17, 18. (a) How do we cooperate with the Governing Body? The apostle Paul wrote: "All Scripture is inspired of God. " • Vilken enastående möjlighet står öppen för människor av alla nationer? Zealously apply the things you learn • What unique opportunity is open to people of all nations? Varje dag försökte hon förföra Josef, men utan framgång. To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. Each day, she tried to seduce Joseph, but she sought success. Det är inte som att hoppa på en buss som helt enkelt tar passagerarna fram till mållinjen. Holy spirit also helps us to endure temptations and trials. It is not like stepping on a bus that simply takes the passengers to the finish line. * Eduardo säger: " Jag lät till exempel barnen byta från privatskolor till kommunala skolor med gott rykte. " You have solidly fixed the earth, that it may keep standing. " * Eduardo says: "I used the children to change from private schools with good report. " 17, 18. a) Hur kan vi samarbeta med den styrande kretsen? A positive spirit will also enable us to bear in mind the many blessings we enjoy because of being associated with the earthly part of Jehovah's organization. 17, 18. (a) How can we cooperate with the Governing Body? Var noga med att tillämpa det du har lärt dig. " We mustered up boldness by means of our God to speak to you the good news of God with a great deal of struggling. " - 1 THESS. Carefully apply what you have learned. Om man önskar ge ett ekonomiskt bidrag kan man gå in på www.jw.org. Thus, in the Christian arrangement, the sweet - smelling incense appropriately represents acceptable prayers and praise to Jehovah. - 1 Thessalonians 3: 10. To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. Genom helig ande får vi också hjälp att stå emot frestelser och prövningar. The storm clouds of Armageddon cannot be far - off. Holy spirit also helps us to resist temptations and trials. Du har fast grundat jorden, så att den består. " In their initial excitement, it seemed that nothing could discourage them. You have firmly established the earth, so that it remains. " En positiv inställning hjälper oss också att tänka på de många välsignelser vi får därför att vi tillhör den jordiska delen av Jehovas organisation. " As these things start to occur, " said Jesus, "raise yourselves erect and lift your heads up, because your deliverance is getting near. " - Luke 21: 28. A positive attitude also helps us to reflect on the many blessings we enjoy because we are part of the earthly part of Jehovah's organization. " Vi... tog mod till oss för att förkunna Guds goda nyheter för er under stor kamp. " In 617 B.C.E., the nation of Judah was in a bad spiritual state. " We mustered up boldness to declare the good news of God to you under great stress. " För de kristna representerar därför den välluktande rökelsen godtagbara böner till Jehova och lovprisning av honom. Why is Rahab a fine example of someone having faith? For Christians, then, the sweet - smelling acceptable prayers to Jehovah and praise of him. Harmageddons ovädersmoln kan inte vara långt borta. 48: 17, 18. The storm of Armageddon cannot be far off. De var ivriga att komma i gång, och det verkade som att inget skulle kunna stoppa dem. " Do Not Blow a Trumpet Ahead of You " They were eager to get started, and it seemed that nothing could stop them. Jesus sade: " När dessa ting börjar inträffa, räta då upp er och lyft upp era huvuden, därför att er befrielse närmar sig. " See the article "Jehovah Has Made His Face Shine Toward Them, " in the August 15, 2009, issue of The Watchtower. Jesus said: "As these things start to occur, raise yourselves erect and lift your heads up, because your deliverance is getting near. " År 617 f.v.t. var det andliga tillståndet i Juda dåligt. Raised among the royal offspring in ancient Egypt, Moses had within his grasp power, wealth, and influence. In 617 B.C.E., the spiritual condition of Judah was in 617 B.C.E. Varför är Rahab ett fint exempel på en person med tro? She is the daughter of the "King of eternity, " Jehovah God. Why is Rahab a fine example of faith? Har ditt barn uttryckt en önskan att bli döpt? Often, a few practical adjustments will relieve us of heavy burdens. Has your child expressed the desire to get baptized? " Låt... inte blåsa i trumpet framför dig " When Jesus said that "life does not result from the things he possesses, " the word used here for" life " in Luke's Gospel (Greek, zo·eʹ) refers, not to the manner or style of living, but to life itself, life in the absolute sense. " Do Not Let Before You " Se artikeln " Jehova låter sitt ansikte lysa mot dem " i Vakttornet för 15 augusti 2009. How can you provide for your spouse? See the article "Jehovah Let His Face Shine Toward Them " in the August 15, 2009, issue of The Watchtower Mose uppfostrades vid hovet i det forntida Egypten, och han kunde ha skaffat sig makt, rikedom och inflytande. • What confidence did King Solomon express? Moses was raised at the royal court of ancient Egypt, and he could have acquired power, wealth, and influence. Hon är dotter till " evighetens Kung ," Jehova Gud. Like Nehemiah, how can elders strengthen the hands of those in the congregation? She is the daughter of "the King of eternity, " Jehovah God. Många gånger kan några få praktiska förändringar befria oss från tunga bördor. 11, 12. Many times some practical changes can free us from heavy burdens. När Jesus i Lukas evangelium sade att en persons " liv [inte härrör] från det han äger ," syftar det ord som här återges med " liv " (grekiska: zōẹ̄) inte på hur man lever, utan på livet självt, liv i absolut bemärkelse. To the common people, Jesus extended this warm invitation: "Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you. In Luke's Gospel, when Jesus said that a person's "life does not result from the things he possesses, " the word rendered" life " (a·siʹa) does not result from the way he lives, but in the absolute life. Hur kan du sörja för din hustrus behov? 16, 17. How can you provide for your wife's needs? • Vilken övertygelse gav kung Salomo uttryck åt? That, then, opens up the prospect of enjoying an everlasting relationship with Jehovah. • What conviction did King Solomon express? Hur kan de äldste efterlikna Nehemja? We gain that understanding only from a study of God's Word, the Bible. How can elders imitate Nehemiah? 11, 12. Walk in the Way of Integrity 11, 12. Till de vanliga människorna framförde Jesus följande varma inbjudan: " Kom till mig, alla ni som arbetar hårt och är tyngda av bördor, så skall jag vederkvicka er. He received knowledge by divine revelation. To the common people, Jesus offered this warm invitation: "Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you. 16, 17. He corresponded exactly to all that Adam should have been - a perfect man, absolutely loyal and obedient to God. 16, 17. Det i sin tur gör att de kan bli Jehovas vänner och få leva för evigt. (b) What do we learn from the example that Jesus set? This, in turn, enables them to become Jehovah's friends and to live forever. Det kan vi endast få genom att studera Guds ord, Bibeln. They had worked side by side for years in advancement of the good news. We can gain only by studying God's Word, the Bible. Vandra på ostrafflighetens väg In effect, Paul was saying that even though there were counterfeit Christians in their midst, Jehovah would recognize those who really belonged to him, just as he did in the days of Moses. Walk in the Way of Integrity 12 Tjäna Jehova under " de olyckliga dagarna " For most of God's people, the reward for having practiced righteousness will be overwhelming joy and life without end in a beautiful earthly paradise. 12 Serve Jehovah During "the Days of Distress " Genom sin ande gav Gud honom också särskild kunskap. Granted, learning a new language takes time, effort, and humility. By means of his spirit, God also gave him special knowledge. Han motsvarade på alla punkter det Adam borde ha varit - en fullkomlig människa som var fullständigt lojal och lydig mot Gud. Are you envious because I am generous? ' - Matt. 20: 1 - 15, ftn. He referred to all the points that Adam should have been - a perfect man who was completely loyal and obedient to God. b) Vad kan vi lära oss av Jesus exempel? 14: 51, 52 - Who was the young man who "got away naked "? (b) What can we learn from Jesus ' example? De hade under flera år samarbetat tätt i tjänsten. What do we know about Job, and why did Satan target him? For years, they had worked closely in the ministry. Paulus sa alltså att även om det fanns falska kristna bland dem, så visste Jehova vilka som tillhörde honom, precis som på Moses tid. Remember his wonderful acts that he has performed, his miracles and the judicial decisions of his mouth. " - 1 Chronicles 16: 11, 12. Like Moses, Paul said that although there were false Christians among them, Jehovah knew who belonged to him. För de allra flesta av Guds tjänare kommer belöningen för deras rättfärdighet att innebära obeskrivlig lycka och ett liv utan slut i ett vackert jordiskt paradis. However, the hope of those who trust in Jehovah will not be disappointed. For most of God's servants, the reward for their righteousness will result in happiness and life without end in an beautiful earthly paradise. Det ska erkännas att det krävs tid, ansträngning och ödmjukhet att lära sig ett nytt språk. You can experience the same feeling! - Rom. Admittedly, it takes time, effort, and humility to learn a new language. Sedan frågade han om hans generositet hade gjort dem avundsjuka. We will consider these questions as we discuss the first three aspects of the spirit's fruitage - love, joy, and peace. Then he asked for his generosity. 14: 51, 52 - Vem var den unge man som " kom undan naken "? Sophia: OK. 14: 51, 52 - Who was the young man who "went out of naked "? Vad känner vi till om Job, och varför blev han en måltavla för Satans angrepp? Exiled as they would be in Babylon, this comfort and reassurance was just what these despondent ones would need! What do we know about Job, and why did he become a target of Satan's attacks? Kom ihåg hans underbara gärningar som han har utfört, hans under och hans muns rättsliga beslut. " Jeremiah's reputation for boldness and courage was such that during Jesus ' earthly ministry, some took Jesus to be Jeremiah returned to life! - Matt. Remember his wonderful works that he has performed, during the judicial decisions of his mouth and his mouth. " Men de som förtröstar på Jehova kommer inte att få sitt hopp grusat. [ Pictures on page 17] However, those trusting in Jehovah will not have their hope broken along. Du kan få erfara samma känsla. Jesus ' disciples knew that they could not accomplish the preaching work on their own. You can experience the same feeling. Vi ska gå igenom de här frågorna och titta på de tre första delarna av andens frukt - kärlek, glädje och frid. This indicates that their conscience was bothering them. Let us consider these questions and consider the first three aspects of the fruitage of the spirit - love, joy, and peace. Sofia: Okej. Although he felt hesitant, he asked permission to correct these false claims, and the teacher agreed. Sophia: OK. När de var i landsflykt i Babylon, var denna tröst och försäkran precis vad dessa modfällda behövde! Yes, humility is the opposite of haughtiness. When they were in exile in Babylon, that comfort was and assurance just what these discouraged ones needed! Jeremia blev så känd för sin oförskräckthet och sitt mod att en del trodde att det var Jeremia som hade återuppstått när de såg Jesus! While it is true that each Christian should have a personal relationship with God, we cannot deny that he is using a worldwide congregation, as he did in the apostles ' day. Jeremiah became so known for his bold and courage that some thought that it was like Jeremiah that when they saw Jesus! [ Bilder på sidan 17] Otherwise, we could be continuing in a way of life that may result in even more regrets. - 2 Tim. [ Pictures on page 17] Lärjungarna visste att de inte skulle klara av sitt uppdrag på egen hand. It also involves endeavoring to control our imperfect tendencies, even eliminating them where possible. The disciples knew that they would not carry out their own assignment. Det visar att de hade ett samvete och att det sa ifrån. How Would You Answer? This shows that they had a conscience and that it was said. Luca var nervös men frågade ändå läraren om han fick berätta för klassen hur det egentligen var. 15 Imitating Jehovah - A God Who Gives Encouragement Her experience was nervous but asked the teacher if he was told to relate to the class what really was. Ja, ödmjukhet är motsatsen till högmod. Because concerning them, it is said: "They have come to pass! " Yes, humility is the opposite of haughtiness. Varje kristen bör visserligen ha ett personligt förhållande till Gud, men vi kan inte förneka att han använder en världsomfattande församling, alldeles som han gjorde på apostlarnas tid. Jesus had wholehearted love for Jehovah and for His righteous standards. Although each Christian should have a personal relationship with God, we cannot deny that he uses a global congregation, just as he did in the days of the apostles. Annars kanske vi fortsätter leva på ett sätt som vi kommer att ångra längre fram. A year after he married Patsy, a fellow missionary, their baby daughter died. Otherwise, we may continue to live in a way that we will later regret. Det innebär att vi motarbetar dåliga drag och om möjligt gör oss kvitt dem. There is every reason to rejoice in our ministry when we note how Jehovah's rich blessing has been on the efforts of his people to preach the good news throughout all the earth. That means opposing bad traits and making them stumble. Hur skulle du svara? We should welcome such tests because they give us an opportunity to demonstrate the depth of our loyalty to Jehovah. How Would You Answer? 15 Efterlikna Jehova - en Gud som ger uppmuntran • Why should we pray for fellow believers? 15 Imitate Jehovah - A God Who Gives encouragement Därför att det angående dem sägs: " De har blivit verklighet! " We also need the guidance of "the faithful and discreet slave " to feed our minds with spiritual food given" at the proper time. " Because concerning them, the verse says: "They have come true! " Jesus älskade Jehova och hans rättfärdiga normer av hela sitt hjärta. A key assignment would be to give spiritual instruction to those in the congregation. Jesus loved Jehovah and his righteous standards with all his heart. Ett år efter att han hade gift sig med Patsy, en missionärssyster, dog deras lilla dotter. Their heart's desire is to bear thorough witness about God's Kingdom. One year after he was married, a pioneer youth, died their little daughter. Vi har all anledning att glädjas i vår tjänst när vi ser hur Jehova rikt välsignar sitt folks ansträngningar att predika de goda nyheterna på hela jorden. During Absalom's rebellion, David's trusted counselor Ahithophel turned traitor and joined Absalom in the revolt against the king. We have every reason to rejoice in our ministry as we see how Jehovah blesses the efforts of his people to preach the good news throughout the earth. Vi bör välkomna ett sådant prov, eftersom det ger oss möjlighet att visa djupet av vår lojalitet mot Jehova. Belonging to Jehovah - An Undeserved Kindness We should welcome such a test because it affords us an opportunity to show the depth of our loyalty to Jehovah. • Varför bör vi be för våra medtroende? What benefits come to those who adhere to the law of freedom? • Why should we pray for fellow believers? Vi behöver också hjälp av " den trogne och omdömesgille slaven " för att tillföra vårt sinne andlig mat som ges " i rätt tid ." Especially appropriate, then, is the apostle Paul's counsel to Timothy: "Guard what is laid up in trust with you, turning away from the empty speeches that violate what is holy and from the contradictions of the falsely called " knowledge. ' We also need the help of "the faithful and discreet slave " to bring our mind to our mind spiritual food provided" at the proper time. " En viktig uppgift skulle vara att ge församlingen andlig undervisning. Purpose of Study Articles A key task would be to feed the congregation spiritually. De vill inget hellre än att vittna grundligt om Guds rike. Yet, when we look at the condition of the human family down through history, it is obvious that something went horribly wrong. They want nothing more than to bear thorough witness to God's Kingdom. Under Absaloms uppror blev Davids förtrogne rådgivare Ahitofel en förrädare och förenade sig med Absalom i upproret mot kungen. But it is important to listen carefully before responding. During Absalom's rebellion, David's trusted counselor Ahithophel turned traitor and joined Absalom in rebellion against the king. Att få tillhöra Jehova - en oförtjänt omtanke See Volume 1, page 220, paragraph 6, of Insight on the Scriptures, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. belonging to Jehovah - An Undeserved Kindness Hur har vi nytta av att lyda frihetens lag? First came thousands, then hundreds of thousands, and now millions are taking a stand for pure worship! How do we benefit from obeying the law of freedom? Aposteln Paulus råd till Timoteus är därför särskilt passande: " Bevaka det som har anförtrotts åt dig och vänd dig bort från det tomma prat som kränker det som är heligt och från motsägelserna i den ' kunskap ' som med orätt kallas så. We may tend to zoom in on something we do not like, whereas Jehovah sees the whole person, including all of an individual's good qualities. The apostle Paul's counsel to Timothy is especially appropriate: "Let the things that have been entrusted to you and turn away from the empty speeches that violate what is holy and from the showy knowledge called so. ' Syftet med studieartiklarna The Israelites wanted to be like the nations around them, who were ruled by human kings. Purpose of Study Articles När vi ser på hur förhållandena har varit under människans historia är det ändå tydligt att det var något som gick helt fel. Others have been able to move to where the fishing is more productive and have obtained a fine catch there. When we see the situation in human history, it is clear that something was wrong. Men det är viktigt att ni lyssnar innan ni säger något. As directed actually against him and against his reigning King. But it is vital that you listen before you say something. Se Insight on the Scriptures, band 1, sidan 220, stycket 6, utgiven av Jehovas vittnen. Why is deciding whether to accept a marriage proposal so serious? See Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 1, Volume 1, page 6, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Först kom flera tusen, sedan flera hundra tusen, och nu är det miljontals som har tagit ståndpunkt för den rena tillbedjan! Jehovah said to him: "Go out from your land and away from your relatives and from the house of your father to the land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you, and I will make your name great, and you will become a blessing. First, thousands of thousands, since a hundred thousand, were now the remnant of millions who have taken a stand for pure worship! Vi kanske har en tendens att zooma in sådant som vi inte tycker om, medan Jehova ser hela människan, också alla hennes goda egenskaper. Early in his discourse, Jesus indicated that the sign would include a remarkable feature - the good news of the Kingdom would "be preached in all the inhabited earth. " We may be inclined to go beyond things we do not like, while Jehovah sees the entire human family, including all her good qualities. Israeliterna ville ha en jordisk kung, precis som nationerna runt omkring dem hade. Examine me, and know my disquieting thoughts, and see whether there is in me any painful way, and lead me in the way of time indefinite. " Like the nations around them, the Israelites wanted to have a human king. Andra har kunnat flytta till platser där fisket är mer produktivt och fått en god fångst där. Well, then, ask yourself, " What convinces me that God exists? ' Others have been able to move to places where the fishing work is more productive and received a good catch there. Som om det i själva verket var riktat mot honom och mot hans regerande kung. If we are to do so, we need to prepare for each study with the student's particular circumstances in mind. In fact, as if it were, approach him and against his kingship. Varför är ett beslut om att säga ja till ett frieri en allvarlig sak? • In what ways may we show empathy and compassion to fellow believers? Why is a decision to say yes to a marriage proposal seriously? Jehova sa också till honom: " Gå ut ur ditt land och från dina släktingar och från din fars hus till det land som jag skall visa dig; och jag skall göra dig till en stor nation, och jag skall välsigna dig, och jag skall göra ditt namn stort; och visa dig vara en välsignelse. The following day the entire assembly murmurs against Moses and Aaron. Jehovah told him: "Go out of your country and from your relatives and from the house of your father to the land that I shall show you; and I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you, and I will make your name great; and I will make your name great; and I will bless you a blessing. Han hade beskrivit ett mycket speciellt inslag i tecknet; de goda nyheterna om kungariket skulle bli " predikade på hela den bebodda jorden ." In the days of Noah, Jehovah brought mankind to ruin because of the extreme violence of wicked humans abetted by the Nephilim. He had described a very significant feature of the sign; the good news of the Kingdom would be " preached in all the inhabited earth. ' Pröva mig, och känn mina oroande tankar, se om det finns en smärtsam väg i mig, och led mig på den eviga vägen. " Take, for example, the case of King Manasseh of Judah. Examine me, and know my disquieting thoughts, and see whether there is a painful way in me, and lead me on the road everlasting way. " Men fråga dig själv: " Vad övertygar mig om att Gud existerar? " Satan does not want you to think about such consequences of sin. But ask yourself, " What convinces me that God exists? ' För att vi skall lyckas med det, måste vi förbereda oss för varje studietillfälle och ha den intresserades personliga omständigheter i tankarna. The book Pillars of Faith - American Congregations and Their Partners states: "For Jehovah's Witnesses, the missionary focus overwhelms all other concerns. " To succeed, we need to prepare for each study session and have the personal circumstances in mind. • Hur kan vi visa empati och medkänsla i våra kontakter med medtroende? During his final trip to Jerusalem, Jesus knew that he would suffer and be killed. • How can we show empathy and compassion in our dealings with fellow believers? Nästa dag börjar hela folket knota mot Mose och Aron. How can displaying mildness strengthen the bonds between parents and children? The next day, all the people begin to murmur against Moses and Aaron. På Noas tid tillintetgjorde Jehova människorna på grund av det extrema våld som de gjorde sig skyldiga till och som underblåstes av nefilim. (See bound volume) In Noah's day, Jehovah destroyed mankind because of the extreme violence they committed and that promote the Nephilim. Tänk till exempel på kung Manasse i Juda. Can we simplify our lives or reduce distractions so that we can give more attention to the all - important preaching work? Consider, for example, King Manasseh of Judah. Satan vill inte att man ska tänka på att synden får sådana konsekvenser. Consider the situation in ancient Corinth. Satan does not want sin to have such consequences. Hur den styrande kretsen är organiserad To understand the direction that Jehovah provides, make it your resolve to read a portion of the Bible each day. How the Governing Body is organized En författare skriver: " För Jehovas vittnen är missionsarbetet viktigare än allt annat. " To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. One author writes: "For Jehovah's Witnesses are more important than anything else. " Under sin sista färd till Jerusalem visste han att han skulle lida och dö. 17, 18. (a) We now have what opportunity involving patience? During his final journey to Jerusalem, he knew that he would suffer and die. Hur kan banden mellan föräldrar och barn stärkas genom att man visar mildhet? Marcus: It's the responsibility mentioned here in Revelation 5: 10. That verse says: "You [Jesus] made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth. " How can the bond between parents and children be strengthened by showing mildness? (Se publikationen) They need to be on guard against being turned aside by distractions. (See bound volume) Kan vi förenkla livet eller dra ner på sådant som distraherar oss så att vi kan vara mer inriktade på det som är viktigast - tjänsten? We first read of baptism in the Bible in reference to that performed by John the Baptist. Can we simplify life or interfere with distractions so that we can focus more on the most important things - the ministry? Tänk på hur situationen var i det forntida Korinth. 4 - 6. Consider the situation in ancient Corinth. För att du skall kunna förstå den vägledning Jehova ger bör du försöka läsa ett avsnitt i Bibeln varje dag. " The Sacred Secret of His Will " To understand the guidance Jehovah provides, try to read a portion of the Bible daily. Om man önskar ge ett ekonomiskt bidrag kan man gå in på www.jw.org. Because they know that they first took care of "the more important things, " so their period of relaxation comes guilt free. - Read Philippians 1: 10, 11. To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. 17, 18. a) Vad har vi möjlighet att göra medan vi tålmodigt väntar? Earlier, Job had also received corrective counsel from young Elihu. 17, 18. (a) What opportunity is open to us while we wait patiently? Markus: Det står om det här i Uppenbarelseboken 5: 10: " Du [Jesus] gjorde dem till ett kungarike och till präster åt vår Gud, och de skall härska som kungar över jorden. " According to one scholar, the original - language word translated "to establish " can also mean " to erect a monument. ' Marcus: That is what Revelation 5: 10 says: "You made [Jesus] a kingdom and priests to our God, and they will rule as kings over the earth. " De måste se till att de inte blir distraherade och kommer på avvägar. The transfiguration provided a visionary foreview of Jesus ' glory and Kingdom power, underscoring the dependability of God's prophetic word. They need to make sure that they will not be distracted or distracted. Första gången Bibeln nämner dop är i samband med Johannes döparen. " Wisdom is for a protection... The Scriptures first mention baptism in connection with John the Baptizer. 4 - 6. This article will help us to develop the needed patience. 4 - 6. Hans " viljas heliga hemlighet " Consider: In other visions, Daniel mentions specific numbers - for example, the number of horns on the heads of various beasts. His "sacred Secret " Därför att de vet att de har gjort det viktigaste först, så när de kopplar av gör de det med gott samvete. (Läs Filipperna 1: 10, 11.) Good association, prayer, and good study habits can help us to remain spiritually strong. Because they know that they have done the most important thing, when it comes to recreation, they do so with good conscience. - Read Philippians 1: 10, 11. Han fick även goda råd från den unge Elihu. Golden apples by themselves would be beautiful. He was also given sound counsel from young Elihu. Enligt en forskare kan grundspråkets ord för " befästa " också betyda " resa ett monument ." Then Elijah ascended in a windstorm. According to one scholar, the original - language words of the original - language scholar can also mean "a journey. " Jesu förvandling gav en förhandssyn av hans härlighet och kungliga makt och visade att Guds profetiska ord är pålitligt. How do we know that it is possible to sin against God's holy spirit? Jesus ' transfiguration provided a vision of his glory and kingly power and demonstrated that God's prophetic word is trustworthy. " Vishet är till skydd.... ARTICLE 2 • SONGS: 8, 109 " Wisdom is for a protection.... Den här artikeln hjälper oss att utveckla det tålamod vi behöver ha. (Read 2 Samuel 17: 27 - 29.) This article will help us to develop the patience we need. I andra syner anger Daniel särskilda sifferuppgifter - till exempel antalet horn som olika djur har. What a blessing it is when an unbelieving mate is won over to true worship! In other visions, Daniel sets special duties - such as the number of horns having various animals. Ett gott umgänge, bön och goda studievanor kan hjälpa oss att förbli andligt starka. Jehovah's Word provides unfailing comfort. Good association, prayer, and good study habits can help us to remain spiritually strong. Där står det: " Som guldäpplen i silverinfattning är ett ord som talas i rättan tid. " Work diligently to "become imitators of God, as beloved children, and go on walking in love " - in the family, in our ministry, and in the congregation. - Eph. 5: 1, 2. It says: "As gold rings in silver is a word spoken at the right time. " Elia fördes sedan i väg i stormvinden. From then on, they had to demonstrate their loyalty to Jehovah despite all the tests that Satan would bring upon them. Elijah was then taken into the windstorm. Hur vet vi att det är möjligt att synda mot Guds heliga ande? In the Name of the Holy Spirit How do we know that it is possible to sin against God's holy spirit? SIDAN 13 • SÅNGER: 8, 109 Therefore, let us give them "more than extraordinary consideration. " ARTICLE 3 • SONGS: 8, 109 (Läs 2 Samuelsboken 17: 27 - 29.) Imperfection has been passed on to us. - Genesis 3: 17 - 19; Romans 5: 12. (Read 2 Samuel 17: 27 - 29.) Vilken välsignelse det är när en icke troende man eller hustru kommer med i sanningen! He started working as a teacher in a secondary school, but he could not receive his salary for nearly one year until the paperwork was final. What a blessing it is when an unbelieving husband or wife comes to the truth! Jehovas ord ger osviklig tröst. But Jehovah is faithful to his own standards; he never violates them. Jehovah's word gives unfailing comfort. Och vi bör anstränga oss för att bli " Guds efterliknare, som älskade barn, och... [fortsätta] att vandra i kärlek " - i familjen, i tjänsten och i församlingen. Strive to be a good reader and to give meaningful comments at Christian meetings. And we should strive to "become imitators of God, as beloved children, and... set the goal of walking in love " - in the family, in the ministry, and in the congregation. Därefter måste de visa sin lojalitet mot Jehova trots alla de prövningar som Satan skulle utsätta dem för. He must believe that it is true, that it matters, and that it is valuable. Thereafter, they must prove their loyalty to Jehovah despite the trials that Satan would bring upon them. I den heliga andens namn With her is Ruth, who faces what may be the most important decision of her life. In the Name of Holy Spirit Vi bör därför " långt mer än vanligt tänka på dem ." 1, 2. (a) Why is it wise to be on Jehovah's side? We should therefore "more than the usual attention " to them. Vi har ärvt denna ofullkomlighet. From 1939 to 1946, they were blessed with an amazing increase of 157 percent. We have inherited this imperfection. Han började arbeta som lärare, men på grund av all pappersexercis fick han ingen lön på nästan ett helt år. What will help you to explain scriptures properly? Though he started working as a teacher, he had no reward for nearly a year. Men Jehova är trogen mot sina normer; han bryter aldrig mot dem. Your Bible - trained conscience can help you to avoid dangers (See paragraph 14) But Jehovah is faithful to his standards; he never violates them. Arbeta också på att bli en god högläsare och att ge väl genomtänkta kommentarer vid mötena. Someone would raise a question. Work also to get a good schedule and to make well - thought - out comments at meetings. Han måste tro att det är sant, att det är viktigt och att det har ett värde. How does Jehovah instruct and discipline his servants? He must believe that it is vital and that it is worth it. Rut måste nu fatta ett av de allra viktigaste besluten i sitt liv. Mercifully, Jehovah takes into account our inherited sinful condition. Ruth must now make one of the most important decisions in his life. 1, 2. a) Varför är det klokt att stå på Jehovas sida? In time, Joseph came to have a steward of his own, who was appointed "over Joseph's house. " 1, 2. (a) Why is it wise to uphold Jehovah's sovereignty? Från 1939 till 1946 blev de välsignade med en fantastisk tillväxt på 157 procent. God does not care about you as an individual. From 1939 to 1946, they were blessed with an amazing growth on 13 percent. Hur kan du förklara bibelställen på ett bra sätt? Now is therefore the time to do Jehovah's will with a keen sense of urgency. How can you explain scriptures effectively? Ett väl övat samvete kan hjälpa dig att undvika faror. (Se paragraf 14.) " A crown was given him " in 1914 when he was enthroned as King in the heavenly Kingdom. A well - trained conscience can help you avoid dangers (See paragraph 14) Någon började med att ställa en fråga. We do not " plan ahead for the desires of the flesh ' - that is, we do not make our chief purpose in life the reaching of secular goals or the satisfying of fleshly desires. Some began to ask a question. Hur undervisar och fostrar Jehova sina tjänare? What are the benefits of allowing holy spirit to lead us? How does Jehovah instruct and discipline his servants? Jehova tar barmhärtigt hänsyn till att vi människor har ärvt synd. No. Jehovah mercifully considers the fact that humans inherited sin. Med tiden fick Josef en egen förvaltare, som sattes över " hans hus ." " There is no speech, and there are no words; no voice on their part is being heard. " In time, Joseph was given a own steward, who was placed over "his house. " Gud bryr sig inte om dig. Yes, it is. God does not care about you. Nu är det därför tid att göra Jehovas vilja med en intensiv känsla av brådska. But through a study of God's Word and with the help of holy spirit, they have learned to "pursue the things making for peace. " Thus, now is the time to do Jehovah's will with a keen sense of urgency. " En krona gavs åt honom " 1914 när han blev insatt som kung i himlen. Of course, all who love Jehovah want to walk in his name and meet his requirements. " A crown was given to him " in 1914 when he was installed as King in heaven. Vi " gör inte på förhand upp planer för köttet " - dvs. vår främsta strävan i livet är inte att söka nå världsliga mål eller tillfredsställa köttsliga begär. Britain - and by extension, the United States - grew out of the Roman Empire. We do not "go ahead for the flesh " - that is, our main striving in life is not to pursue worldly goals or pursue fleshly desires. Vad för det med sig att låta sig vägledas av helig ande? This required that God's only - begotten Son " empty himself ' of heavenly life and be born as a perfect human. What about being led by holy spirit? Nej. The Bible urges you to "flee from fornication. " No. " Det är inget tal, och det är inga ord; ingen röst hörs från dem. " (a) Why are God's people being attacked? " There is no tongue, and there is no word; no voice heard from them. " Ja, det gör det. You have likely pointed out to many people that the Holy Scriptures are a product of holy spirit. Yes, it does. Men tack vare bibelstudium och den heliga anden har de lärt sig att " jaga efter det som leder till frid ." The final leg of the journey was particularly unpleasant, for it brought travelers to a swampy, lowland area. But thanks to Bible study and the holy spirit, they have learned to " pursue the things that lead to peace. ' Alla som älskar Jehova vill naturligtvis vandra i hans namn och uppfylla hans krav. Aware of his limited experience, Solomon requested wisdom. Of course, all who love Jehovah want to walk in his name and meet his requirements. Storbritannien - och även indirekt USA - växte fram ur romarriket. Most who drift away from the congregation are not exactly like the prodigal son. Britain - as well as responsible the United States - grew from the Roman Empire. Detta krävde att Guds enfödde Son " utblottade sig själv ," avstod från ett liv i himlen för att födas som en fullkomlig människa. Train Others to Reach Out This required that God's only - begotten Son " emptied himself, " stood from a life in heaven to be born as a perfect man. Bibeln uppmanar oss att " fly undan otukten ." Thus, the best time to meditate is when you are rested and in a stress - free environment with few distractions. The Bible urges us to "flee from fornication. " a) Varför blir Guds folk föremål för angrepp? How has Christ used "the key of David "? (a) Why do God's people become the target of attack? Du har troligen många gånger framhållit för människor att Bibeln är inspirerad av helig ande. 6, 7. You have probably demonstrated that the Bible is inspired by holy spirit. Den sista delen av den färden var särskilt obehaglig, eftersom den gick genom ett sumpigt slättlandskap. This allowed "the chosen ones, " anointed Christians, to flee the city and its environs. The last part of that journey was especially unpleasant because it went through a broad crowd. Salomo, som var medveten om sin begränsade erfarenhet, bad om vishet. And she experienced the happiness of giving by sharing with others what she had learned. Solomon, aware of his limited experience, prayed for wisdom. De flesta som kommer bort från församlingen är inte i samma situation som den förlorade sonen. For instance, they may be afraid to speak in public or even to attend a meeting. Most who have strayed from the congregation are not in the same situation as that of the prodigal son. Öva bröder att tjäna i församlingen We also receive excellent food for thought in our magazines. Awake! Train Others to Serve in the Congregation Det bästa är därför att vi mediterar när vi har det tyst och lugnt omkring oss och inte är trötta. It should not be to collect money and construct elaborate buildings. It is good for us to meditate on our quiet and calmness and not being tired. Hur har Kristus använt " Davids nyckel "? The apostle Paul wrote of "a great cloud of witnesses, " all of whom surely were God's friends. Among them we find a delightful variety of people. How has Christ used "the key of David "? 6, 7. Honorable Marriage - Legal Marriage 6, 7. Då fick de utvalda, de smorda kristna, en möjlighet att fly från Jerusalem. Micah witnessed the end of King Ahaz and his wicked rule. At that time, the chosen ones, anointed Christians, were given an opportunity to flee from Jerusalem. Det är ingen tvekan om att förnöjsamhet, generositet och att värdera människor högre än pengar är värderingar som leder till goda resultat. (Read 1 Peter 4: 10.) It is no doubt that contentment, generosity, and a willingness to accept higher education is a product of good results. De kan till exempel vara rädda för att tala inför publik eller till och med för att gå på ett möte. Jehovah had foretold a marvelous act of deliverance from captivity that the Israelite nation would witness. For example, they may fear to speak in public or even to attend a meeting. Och tidskriften Vakna! Unable to reach into heaven, the kings of the earth will vent their rage on those on earth who support God's Kingdom. And Awake! Det bör inte vara att samla in pengar och bygga imponerande byggnader. There are tangible ways that we can show respect for our gatherings. It should not be like collecting money and building impressive buildings. Alla de här personerna ingick i det stora " moln av vittnen " som aposteln Paulus skrev om, och de hade en nära vänskap med Jehova. (b) How did Paul likely carry on his fight against sin? All these individuals were part of the great "cloud of witnesses " that the apostle Paul wrote about, and they enjoyed a close friendship with Jehovah. Ett ärbart äktenskap - ett lagenligt äktenskap Because of persecution and other factors, the conditions under which they met were often less than favorable. Marriage is a marriage - a legal marriage Mika fick se hur kung Ahas och hans onda styre fick sitt slut. Wine "makes the heart of mortal man rejoice " Micah saw how King Ahaz and his wicked rule ended. I den här artikeln ska vi se hur vi kan få en balanserad syn på bekräftelse, det vill säga Jehovas syn. The Abrahamic covenant continues in force with regard to "the Israel of God. " - Galatians 3: 7 - 9, 14 - 18, 29; 6: 16. In this article, we will consider how we can cultivate a balanced view of Jehovah's view. (Läs 1 Petrus 4: 10.) They take "very much delight " in studying God's Word and in obeying his commandments. (Read 1 Peter 4: 10.) Jehova förutsade att israeliterna skulle bli bortförda som fångar och sedan få bevittna hur han befriade dem på ett storslaget sätt. For thousands of years, reasoning people have credited the formation of a child inside its mother's womb to the Grand Creator. Jehovah foretold that the Israelites would be destroyed as captives and then witnessed how he delivered them in a magnificent way. Men eftersom jordens kungar inte kan komma åt det som är i himlen, kommer de att ge utlopp åt sin vrede mot människor på jorden som står på Guds rikes sida. Immediately you flee to the mountains across the Jordan River, along with all the other faithful Christians in the city and its surroundings. However, since the kings of the earth cannot come to the things in heaven, they will give their anger to humans on earth who are on the side of God's Kingdom. Vi kan visa respekt för våra möten och sammankomster på flera påtagliga sätt. The pain that Jehovah feels when his people reject him is certainly great. We can show respect for our meetings, assemblies, and conventions in a number of ways. b) Vad gjorde Paulus förmodligen för att klara av sin kamp? He lovingly said to his disciples: "Stop being anxious. " (b) What did Paul probably do to cope with his struggle? På grund av förföljelse och andra faktorer var omständigheterna inte alltid de bästa när de träffades. What is maturity, and how did Daniel display that quality? Because of persecution and other factors, conditions were not always the best they met. Vinet " gläder den dödliga människans hjärta " Because of their firm stand for divinely inspired principles, God's people have acted differently from those who surround them. " THE Heart of mortal man " makes the heart of mortal man " Det abrahamitiska förbundet fortsätter att ha kraft i förhållande till " Guds Israel ." ARTICLE 3 The Abrahamic covenant continues to have power in relation to "the Israel of God. " De " finner stort behag " i att studera Guds ord och lyda hans befallningar. Did they perhaps think that she had immoral intentions? They "take great delight " in studying God's Word and obeying his commandments. I tusentals år har tänkande människor tillskrivit den store Skaparen tillblivelsen av ett barn i mammans livmoder. Under circumstances not disclosed in the Bible, Aquila and Priscilla " risked their necks for Paul's soul. ' For thousands of years, thinking has yoked people into the great Creator of a baby in the womb of a mother's womb. Omedelbart flyr du till bergen på andra sidan Jordan tillsammans med alla andra trogna kristna i trakten. To " provide for one's own, ' a Christian does not need to seek material riches in this world, which will soon pass away. Immediately, you flee to the mountains on the Jordan River along with all other faithful Christians in the area. Ja, det händer mycket som är hemskt, och det smärtar Jehova djupt. In conjunction with all the sacrifices that Abraham was willing to make for true worship, he was fittingly called "the father of all those having faith. " Yes, many things are bad, and Jehovah is deeply pained. Han sade kärleksfullt till sina lärjungar: " Sluta upp med att vara bekymrade. " Later, he summarized the book of Ecclesiastes with the words: "The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the true God and keep his commandments. He lovingly told his disciples: "Stop being anxious. " Vad är mogenhet, och hur visade Daniel att han var mogen? If tempted to leave the congregation, a person should think about what? What is maturity, and how did Daniel demonstrate his maturity? På grund av sin stora respekt för Guds principer har de som tjänar Gud handlat annorlunda än andra människor. What is the lesson for us? Because of their deep respect for God's principles, God's servants have acted differently. SIDAN 12 • How can you prove yourself trustworthy? ARTICLE 3 Trodde de att hon ville göra något omoraliskt? The commandment is also "new " in that it goes beyond " loving one's fellow as oneself ' and calls for self - sacrificing love. - Lev. 19: 18; John 15: 12, 13. Did she believe that she wanted to do something immoral? Under omständigheter som inte närmare beskrivs i Bibeln hade Aquila och Priscilla " vågat sin egen hals för... This is an outstanding manifestation of God's love for us. Under circumstances that were not described in the Bible, Aquila and Priscilla had " risked their necks for... Man behöver inte bli rik för att kunna försörja sin familj. Dessutom ska den här världen ändå snart försvinna. And attendance is not restricted to baptized Witnesses. There is no need for wealth to provide materially for the family; yet, this world will soon pass away. På grund av alla de uppoffringar som Abraham var villig att göra för sann tillbedjan passar det bra att han kallas " far till alla som har tro ." Whether we have a heavenly hope or an earthly hope, we are deeply indebted to God for his mercy and undeserved kindness. Because of all the sacrifices Abraham was willing to make for true worship, it is fitting that he is called "the father of all those having faith. " Längre fram sammanfattade han Predikarboken med orden: " Slutsatsen av det hela, när allt har blivit hört, är: Frukta den sanne Guden och håll hans bud. Visit the jw.org website, which is available in more than 900 languages. Later, he summed up the book of Ecclesiastes, saying: "The conclusion of all things has been heard, is: Fear the true God and keep his commandments. Om någon känner sig frestad att lämna församlingen, vad bör han då tänka på? (Read Matthew 23: 8, 9.) If someone is tempted to leave the congregation, what should he consider? Vad kan vi lära oss av detta? See The Watchtower of August 1, 1991, page 31. What can we learn from this? • Hur kan du visa att du är pålitlig? " We realized our limitations, so we taught our children where to find the best solutions to their problems. • How can you prove yourself trustworthy? Budet är också " nytt " på så sätt att det går längre än budet om att älska sin nästa som sig själv och kräver självuppoffrande kärlek. There is always room for improvement! The ransom is also "new " in that it goes beyond the commandment to love one's neighbor as he requires self - sacrificing love. Den gåvan visar hur mycket Gud älskar oss. But besides all these things, clothe yourselves with love, for it is a perfect bond of union. " This gift shows how much God loves us. Vare sig vi har ett himmelskt hopp eller ett jordiskt hopp står vi i stor tacksamhetsskuld till Gud för hans barmhärtighet och oförtjänta omtanke. Until the judgment is passed, we view each individual as having the potential to become a servant of Jehovah. - Matthew 19: 24 - 26; 25: 31 - 33; Acts 17: 31. Whether we have a heavenly hope or an earthly hope, we are greatly grateful to God for his mercy and undeserved kindness. Gå in på jw.org, en hemsida som är tillgänglig på mer än 900 språk. Unquestionably, sin is the worst disability afflicting humankind. enter www.jw.org, a website available in more than 900 languages. (Läs Matteus 23: 8, 9.) Here our sister is witnessing in Chinese and offering the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? (Read Matthew 23: 8, 9.) Se Vakttornet för 1 augusti 1991, sidan 31. 5, 6. See The Watchtower, August 1, 1982, page 31. Vi insåg våra begränsningar, så vi lärde våra barn var de kunde hitta de bästa lösningarna på sina problem. Keep in mind that as we study and meditate, we should do so with the goal of developing a heartfelt desire to please Jehovah and obey his laws. We recognized our limitations, so we taught our children where they could find the best solutions to their problems. Det finns alltid rum för förbättring! A husband who feels that his wife is not submissive should first examine whether he is willing to show submission to his Head, Jesus Christ. There is always room for improvement! Och i vers 14 sägs det: " Men, förutom allt detta, klä er i kärleken, eftersom den är ett fullkomligt föreningsband. " 1, 2. (a) What took place in Jerusalem at Pentecost 33 C.E.? Verse 14 states: "But besides all these things, clothe yourselves with love, for it is a perfect bond of union. " Innan domen är avkunnad menar vi att varje individ har möjlighet att bli en Jehovas tjänare. Luke's reference to the first registration places the date of Jesus ' birth in 2 B.C.E. Before the judgment comes, we think that each individual has an opportunity to become one of Jehovah's servants. Synden är utan tvivel det värsta som drabbat mänskligheten. The apostle Paul explained that Christ "loved the congregation and gave himself up for it, in order that he might sanctify it, cleansing it with the bath of water by means of the word, so that he might present the congregation to himself in its splendor, without a spot or a wrinkle or any of such things, but holy and without blemish. " Sin is doubtless the worst of mankind. Här vittnar vår syster på kinesiska och erbjuder boken Vad lär Bibeln? Samantha: It says that God exalted him to a superior position. In this regard, our sister in Chinese and offer the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? 5, 6. " You Know Neither the Day Nor the Hour " 5, 6. När vi studerar och begrundar bör målet vara att utveckla en innerlig önskan att göra Jehovas vilja och följa hans lagar. Despite his being an apostle, what did Paul need, and what do all of us need from time to time? As we study and meditate on the goal of developing a heartfelt desire to do Jehovah's will and obey his laws. En man som tycker att hans fru inte underordnar sig borde fundera på om han själv underordnar sig sitt huvud, Jesus Kristus. 11: 3a. A husband who feels that his wife is not submissive should consider whether he is submissive to his Head, Jesus Christ. 1, 2. a) Vad hände i Jerusalem vid pingsten år 33? Studying the Scriptures using the Bible Teach book can exert a strong influence on those desiring to do God's will. 1, 2. (a) What happened in Jerusalem at Pentecost 33 C.E.? Lukas hänvisning till den första inskrivningen visar att Jesus föddes år 2 f.v.t. He also admonished the aged women in the congregation not to be "enslaved to a lot of wine. " - Titus 2: 3. Luke's reference to the first sentence indicates that Jesus was born in 2 B.C.E. Aposteln Paulus sa att Kristus " älskade församlingen och utlämnade sig själv för den, för att kunna helga den, i det han renade den med vattenbadet med hjälp av ordet, för att kunna ställa fram församlingen åt sig i dess prakt, utan att den hade en fläck eller skrynkla eller något sådant, utan för att den skulle vara helig och oklanderlig ." One sister said: "It's so comforting when an elder listens with his heart. " - Luke 8: 18. The apostle Paul said that Christ "Beloved the congregation and delivered himself up for it, in order to sanctify it, he cleansed it with the water of water by means of the word, in order to bring the congregation to its splendor, but that it had a blemish or a blemish, not to be sacred, but one that it might be without such a blemish. " Siv: Gud upphöjde honom till en högre ställning. A false vision and divination and a valueless thing and the trickiness of their heart they are speaking prophetically to you people. " Samantha: God exalted him to a superior position. Ni vet inte " vare sig dagen eller timmen " That principle should influence the day - to - day behavior of all genuine Christians, including us today. You Do Not Know " neither the Day nor the hour " Vad behövde Paulus, trots att han var en apostel, och vad behöver vi alla ibland? Regardless of our circumstances, let us wholeheartedly render sacred service as we await the great day of Jehovah. Although Paul was an apostle, what did he need, and what do all of us at times need? 11: 3a. In that way you also, outwardly indeed, appear righteous to men, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness. " - Matt. 23: 27, 28. 11: 3. Ett bibelstudium med hjälp av boken Vad lär Bibeln? kan göra stort intryck på dem som vill göra Guds vilja. " How can this be? ' you wonder. A Bible study of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? can make a powerful impression on those who want to do God's will. Han förmanade också de äldre kvinnorna i församlingen att " inte vara slavar under mycket vin ." ARTICLE 3 • SONGS: 83, 57 He also admonished the older women in the congregation to "not be slaves of much wine. " En syster sa: " Det är så skönt när äldstebröderna tar sig tid och lyssnar. " On one occasion, that king's excellent record was in danger of being spoiled because "his heart became haughty. " One sister said: "It is so comforting when the elders take the time and listen. " Falska syner och spådomar och det som är värdelöst och sitt hjärtas svek är vad de profeterar för er. " Slaves must obey their master. False visions and the cause of valueless things and the betrayal of their heart are what they prophesy for you. " Den här principen bör påverka hur alla som verkligen är kristna uppför sig i det dagliga livet, oss själva inräknade. Flirting may be defined this way: to signal romantic interest when there is no real intention to marry. That principle should have a bearing on the conduct of all Christians in the day - to - day life, or in - day life - to - day life. Låt oss, oberoende av vilka omständigheter vi befinner oss i, ägna Jehova helig tjänst av hela vårt hjärta medan vi väntar på Jehovas stora dag. Also, take time to apply the verses in a way that helps the audience draw closer to Jehovah. Let us, regardless of our circumstances, render sacred service to Jehovah with all our heart while we wait for Jehovah's great day. Så är det också med er: Utanpå ser ni visserligen rättfärdiga ut för människorna, men inuti är ni fulla av hyckleri och laglöshet. " We also need to acknowledge that the other person's feelings have been hurt. That is also true of you: Without the way you see righteous men, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness. " " Hur kan det få vara så här? ," tänker du. On the last night of his earthly life, Jesus refrained from asking his heavenly Father to send "more than twelve legions of angels. " " How can you do this? ' SIDAN 13 • SÅNGER: 83, 57 As Christians, we have been blessed with lifesaving knowledge and the hope of salvation. ARTICLE 3 • SONGS: 83, 57 Vid ett tillfälle var denne kungs goda rykte i fara på grund av att " hans hjärta blev högmodigt ." In what way are Jehovah's Witnesses today ambassadors and envoys, and how does this affect their relationship with the nations? On one occasion, the king's good reputation was danger because "his heart became haughty. " Slavar måste lyda sin herre. Paul commends the Thessalonians for " their faithful work, their loving labor, and their endurance. ' I was required to obey his master. Vi har aldrig saknat något av " det andra ," dvs. det som vi verkligen behöver. Why Are We Here? We have never missed anything of "the second, " that is, what we really need. Flörtande kan definieras så här: att visa att man är intresserad av någon utan att ha en tanke på äktenskap. Many of the lyrics of our songs are tied to passages of Scripture, so learning the words of at least some of the songs can be an excellent way to sound down the truth into our hearts. It may be defined as being interested in someone without having a view of marriage. Ta dig också tid att förklara verserna, så att de som lyssnar kan dras närmare Jehova. Jesus himself preached mostly to natural Jews, but now he told his followers to go to people of all nations. Also take time to explain verses so that those who listen can draw close to Jehovah. Vi behöver också visa att vi förstår att den andres känslor har blivit sårade. 16, 17. (a) What "holy acts of conduct " and" deeds of godly devotion " should we manifest? We also need to show that we realize that the feelings of the other person has been hurt. Under den sista natten av sitt jordiska liv avstod han från att be sin himmelske Fader sända " mer än tolv legioner änglar ." (See paragraph 12) During the last night of his earthly life, he refrained from asking his heavenly Father to send "more than twelve legions of angels. " Som kristna har vi blivit välsignade med livgivande kunskap och hoppet om räddning. As rendered in the J. As Christians, we have been blessed with life - giving knowledge and hope of salvation. På vilket sätt är Jehovas vittnen i vår tid ambassadörer och sändebud, och hur påverkar detta deras förhållande till nationerna? Why is it important for us to consider why we should follow "the Christ "? In what way are Jehovah's Witnesses today ambassadors and ambassadors, and how does this affect their relationship with the nations? Paulus berömmer thessalonikerna för deras " trogna arbete ," deras " kärleksfulla möda " och deras " uthållighet ." They often focus on the satisfying of their bodily comforts and physical desires. Paul commends the Thessalonians for their "faithful work, " their" loving labor, " and their endurance. Varför finns vi till? But the Devil's assaults have not succeeded so far - and they never will! Why are we here? Många av sångtexterna bygger på verser i Bibeln. Att lära sig åtminstone några av sångerna utantill kan därför vara ett utmärkt sätt att låta sanningen nå hjärtat. Earth wide, Jehovah's faithful servants are increasing their share in the ministry, learning new languages, and moving to areas where the need for Kingdom preachers is greater. Thus, many of the songs contain Bible verses to learn at least some of the songs can be a fine way to memory the truth. Jesus för sin del predikade mest för köttsliga judar, men nu sade han till sina efterföljare att de skulle gå till människor av alla nationerna. Moses ' face reflected glory Jesus, for his part, preached to natural Jews, but now he told his followers that they should go to people of all the nations. 16, 17. a) Vilka " gärningar som hör ett heligt uppförande och gudhängivenhet till " måste vi ha? Christians should too 16, 17. (a) What "holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion " must we have? (Se paragraf 12.) Let us consider another example - the way Jesus treated his disciples. (See paragraph 12) Varför är det viktigt att vi begrundar varför vi bör följa Kristus? Did she turn back because of disbelief or lack of faith? Why is it important for us to meditate on why we should follow Christ? De tänker mest på sin egen bekvämlighet och går ofta in för att tillfredsställa sina fysiska begär. The apostle would have been better prepared for the tests ahead had he taken the same position as that of the psalmist who put his confidence in God and sang: "Jehovah is on my side; I shall not fear. They think about their own comforts and often in order to satisfy their physical desires. Men Djävulens angrepp har inte lyckats så här långt - och de kommer inte heller att lyckas! But he is using his organization to help us remain vigilant. However, the Devil's attacks have failed to succeed so far - and they will not succeed! Över hela jorden ökar Jehovas trogna tjänare sin insats i predikoarbetet, lär sig nya språk och flyttar till områden där det behövs fler förkunnare. De visar att de precis som psalmisten ber Jehova om en enda sak. (b) When did God finally tell Noah exactly when the Flood would begin? Throughout the earth, Jehovah's faithful servants grow in their preaching work, learn new languages, and move to areas where there is a need for Kingdom publishers. Moses ansikte återspeglade Jehovas härlighet Focus on Jehovah's Qualities What do many find it hard to understand about God's permission of suffering, and what knowledge may help them? Moses ' face reflected the glory of Jehovah Det måste de kristna också. Consider the young brother referred to at the beginning of the preceding article. That is also true of Christians. Vi ska se på ett annat exempel - hur Jesus var mot sina lärjungar. That was an amazing feat, for during the construction work, the Israelites faced various forms of opposition. Consider another example - how Jesus dealt with his disciples. Eller hade hon svårt att tro att staden skulle förstöras? The innocent mate may be unable to eat, may lose weight, and may become emotionally troubled. Or did she find it hard to believe that the city would be destroyed? Han hade varit bättre förberedd på de prövningar som skulle komma om han hade haft samma inställning som psalmisten, som förtröstade på Gud och sjöng: " Jehova är på min sida, jag har ingenting att frukta. Keep doing this in remembrance of me. ' " - 1 COR. He had been better prepared for the trials of the psalmist who trusted in God and sang: "Jehovah is on my side, I have nothing to fear. Men han använder sin organisation för att ge oss påminnelser. And other seed fell among the thorns, and the thorns came up and choked it, and it yielded no fruit. However, he uses his organization to give us reminders. b) När fick Noa till slut reda på exakt när översvämningen skulle börja? Yes, the priorities of the Jews had shifted. (b) When did Noah eventually learn exactly when the Flood would begin? Vad har många svårt att förstå när det gäller frågan om varför Gud tillåter lidandet, och vilken kunskap skulle kunna hjälpa dem? As Jesus mentioned, Solomon's wisdom was so outstanding that the queen of Sheba heard of it and made a long trip to experience it for herself. - 1 Ki. What do many find it difficult to understand about why God permits suffering, and what knowledge could help them? Tänk på den unge broder som nämns i början av föregående artikel. How can a child be motivated to serve Jehovah? Consider the example of the young brother mentioned at the beginning of the preceding article. Det var en enorm bedrift, för under byggnadsarbetet stötte israeliterna på olika former av motstånd. How do the Scriptures highlight the uniqueness of Jesus? During the building work, the Israelites faced various forms of opposition. Den oskyldiga parten kanske inte kan äta, går ner i vikt och mår känslomässigt dåligt. For the advancement of true worship, the earthly part of God's organization has always made good use of the world's technology. The innocent mate may not eat, go down on stone, and emotionally. Fortsätt att göra detta till minne av mig. ' " Why should we not settle for having a Bible student read answers from a Bible study aid? Keep doing this in remembrance of me. ' " Och en del föll bland törnena, och törnena kom upp och kvävde det, och det frambringade ingen frukt. The early Christians honored Jehovah, so he, in turn, blessed their efforts in the preaching work. And some fell among the thorns, and the thorns came up and choke it, and it produced no fruit. Ja, judarnas syn på vad som var viktigast hade förändrats. Upon learning Bible truth, however, we changed and became more pleasant and agreeable. Yes, the focus of the Jews ' view of what was more important. Som Jesus sade var Salomos vishet så enastående att drottningen av Saba hörde talas om den och reste lång väg för att själv få lyssna till den. Abraham's great - grandson Joseph looked after the household of Potiphar. As Jesus said, Solomon's wisdom was so remarkable that the queen of Solomon heard about it and traveled long for himself to listen to it. Hur kan föräldrar hjälpa sina barn att tjäna Jehova? [ Picture on page 23] How can parents help their children to serve Jehovah? Hur visar Bibeln vilken unik uppgift Jesus har? ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: How does the Bible show the unique role of Jesus? Jehovas folk har alltid använt den moderna teknik som funnits tillgänglig för att nå ut med de goda nyheterna. " I still earn enough money for basics, such as presentable clothing. Jehovah's people have always used modern technology that has been available to reach the good news. Varför vill vi inte nöja oss med att de vi studerar med svarar direkt från paragrafen? What is even more important than works, but of what should we beware? Why should we not be satisfied with our student's answer directly from the paragraph? De första kristna ärade Jehova, och därför välsignade han deras ansträngningar i predikoarbetet. Sadly, Paul's warning has come true in many marriages today. Because the early Christians glorified Jehovah, he blessed their efforts in the preaching work. Men när vi lärde oss sanningen från Bibeln, ändrade vi oss och blev mer behagliga och tilltalande. Beroea However, when we learned Bible truth, we changed and became more pleasant and appealing. Abrahams sonsonsson Josef skötte Potifars hushåll. How are repentance and turning around an ongoing process? Abraham's great - grandson Joseph met Potiphar's household. [ Bild på sidan 23] 4: 14 - 17; Heb. 9: 12, 24 - 28; 1 Pet. [ Picture on page 23] OCKSÅ I DETTA NUMMER: (b) Even if the wicked prosper materially, why do they have no lasting security? ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: " Jag tjänar fortfarande tillräckligt mycket för att kunna skaffa mig det nödvändigaste, till exempel lämpliga kläder. The Hebrew word for "inculcate " means" to repeat, " "to say again and again, "" to impress. " " I still have enough to get the most necessary, such as appropriate clothing. Vad är ännu viktigare än gärningar, men vad bör vi akta oss för? With a group of deaf people at a convention in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1946 What is even more important than works, but what should we be careful about? Sorgligt nog har det som Paulus varnade för blivit verklighet i många äktenskap i våra dagar. (Read 1 Corinthians 2: 10.) Sadly, what Paul warned about became a reality in many marriages today. Berea However, both the map and the compass would be of little use if you did not know where you were headed. Beroea Hur kan man säga att sinnesändring och omvändelse är en fortgående process? By contrast, how refreshing it is to receive help from someone who is gracious. How can one say that repentance and conscience are an ongoing process? Han skulle också ta emot kunglig makt. Once the Israelites were free to leave after the tenth plague, Pharaoh changed his mind and pursued them. He was also to receive royal power. b) De ondskefulla har kanske framgång materiellt sett, men varför har de ingen varaktig trygghet? IN THE year 1911, British authorities passed a law designed to save the lives of coal miners. (b) The wicked may prosper materially, but why do they have no lasting security? Det hebreiska ordet för " inskärpa " betyder " repetera ," " säga om och om igen ," " inprägla ." 33: 6; footnote - What is "the spirit, " or" breath, " of Jehovah's mouth? The Hebrew word for "inculcate " means" to remind and again, " or again. Tillsammans med några andra döva på en sammankomst i Cleveland i Ohio 1946. And let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you behold the day drawing near. " - Hebrews 10: 23 - 25. Along with a number of other deaf people at a convention in 1946, Ohio, U.S.A. (Läs 1 Korinthierna 2: 10.) Or on the job one person learns a new task more quickly than fellow workers. (Read 1 Corinthians 2: 10.) Men varken kartan eller kompassen är till någon större nytta om han inte vet vart han är på väg. However, several questions arise: How does " the spirit search into the deep things of God '? Nevertheless, neither a map nor a compass is a greater benefit if he does not know where he is going. Vilken skillnad det är att få hjälp av någon som är välvilligt inställd. And they light our roadway, enabling us to see clearly what lies ahead. What a difference it is to receive help from someone who is kindly prepared. Så snart israeliterna var fria att lämna landet efter den tionde plågan, ändrade farao sig och satte efter dem. Incidentally, Sonia suffered no ill effects from her loving efforts to care for Heidi. As soon as the Israelites were free to leave the land after the tenth plague, Pharaoh changed and sat after them. ÅR 1911 antog brittiska myndigheter en lag som skulle rädda livet på kolgruvearbetare. ▪ The Mediator of the New Covenant. IN 19 centuries, governmental authorities adopted a law that would save their lives on a heap of coals that would save their lives. 33: 6, fotnoten - Vad är Jehovas muns " ande " eller " andedräkt "? Jehovah shows us mercy because he is aware of our "unhypocritical brotherly affection, " our battle against sin, and our efforts to do his will. 33: 6, footnote - What is "the spirit of Jehovah " or" breath "? Och låt oss tänka på varandra för att sporra till kärlek och förträffliga gärningar, i det vi inte underlåter att själva församlas, såsom några har för sed, utan uppmuntrar varandra, och det så mycket mer som ni ser dagen närma sig. " IN HIS letter to the Hebrews, the apostle Paul used a powerful word picture to encourage his fellow Christians. And let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking ourselves, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you behold the day drawing near. " På arbetsplatsen kan somliga lära sig en ny uppgift snabbare än arbetskamraterna. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. In the workplace, some may learn a new task more quickly than workmates. Men det uppstår en del frågor: Hur utforskar anden " Guds djupheter "? (Read Romans 5: 3 - 5.) But some questions arise: How does the spirit search into "the deep things of God "? Och de lyser upp vår stig så att vi tydligt kan se vad som ligger framför oss. But how did Jesus ' conduct and death magnify God's righteousness? And they light our roadway so that we can clearly see what lies ahead. Sonias kärleksfulla ansträngningar att hjälpa Heidi fick inga allvarliga konsekvenser för henne. The psalmist sang: "Jehovah is loving the righteous ones. " Sonia's loving efforts to help her did not have serious consequences. ▪ Medlaren för det nya förbundet. We are " made in God's image, according to his likeness, ' so we have the capacity to reflect godly attributes. ▪ The new covenant is resting for the new covenant. Jehova är barmhärtig mot oss därför att han ser vår " broderliga tillgivenhet fri från hyckleri ," vår kamp mot synden och våra ansträngningar att göra hans vilja. To be sure, not all families will make the same decisions. Jehovah is merciful to us because he sees our " brotherly affection free from hypocrisy, " our fight against sin, and our efforts to do his will. I SITT brev till hebréerna använde Paulus ett målande bildspråk för att uppmuntra sina medkristna. What facts? IN HIS letter to the Hebrews, Paul used an vivid figure of speech to encourage his fellow Christians. Den ges ut som en del av ett världsvitt bibliskt undervisningsarbete som understöds genom frivilliga bidrag (plusgiro 17 07 - 9). It is up to each of us to make decisions, and the wise, right choices are based on sound Scriptural knowledge. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. (Läs Romarna 5: 3 - 5.) We understand, though, that love is just one aspect of the fruitage of the spirit that a mature Christian displays. Other aspects - such as mildness, self - control, and patience - are important too. (Read Romans 5: 3 - 5.) Men hur upphöjde Jesus Guds rättfärdighet genom sitt levnadssätt och sin död? (See paragraph 11) But how did Jesus magnify God's righteousness by his way of life and death? Psalmisten sjöng: " Jehova älskar de rättfärdiga. " " Especially on important points, " says Thomas, "my wife and I want to know if our daughter really believes what she is learning and if it makes sense to her. The psalmist sang: "Jehovah loves the righteous. " Vi är skapade till Guds " avbild " och " liknar " honom. Vi har därför förmågan att återspegla hans egenskaper. (b) Where was Jesus when others began the journey home, and why was he there? We are created in God's " image " and" like him, " so we have the ability to reflect his qualities. Alla familjer är olika och kommer inte att fatta samma beslut. (b) In what sense was this prohibition an important step? All families are different and will not make the same decision. Vilka faktorer? Then, with reference to "the things in the heavens, " that is, those who are chosen as heirs with Christ, Paul explained:" We were foreordained according to the purpose of him who operates all things according to the way his will counsels. " What factors? Var och en av oss måste fatta sina egna beslut, och de förståndigaste besluten är grundade på Bibeln. Dinah's tragic experience must have grieved Jacob deeply; yet, he condemned his sons ' vengeful course. Each of us must make his own decisions, and the wise course is based on the Bible. Men mogna kristna visar inte bara kärlek, utan också andra viktiga egenskaper, till exempel mildhet, självbehärskning och tålamod. Make Your Advancement Manifest However, mature Christians show not only love but also other vital qualities, such as mildness, self - control, and patience. (Se paragraf 11.) Thus, even non - Jews, especially the proselytes, were to be treated with love. (See paragraph 11) Han säger: " Jag och min fru vill veta om vår dotter verkligen tror på det hon får lära sig och tycker att det låter logiskt, speciellt när det handlar om viktiga sanningar. 1: 3, 4. Jehovah is indeed a loving Father, and he comforts us when we face difficulties. He says: "I and my wife want to know if our daughter truly believe what she learns and feels logical, especially when it comes to important truths. b) Var befann sig Jesus när de andra började återfärden, och varför var han där? SOMETIME between the years 62 and 64 C.E., the apostle Peter wrote to "the temporary residents scattered about in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia. " (b) Where was Jesus ' presence when others returned to heaven, and why was he there? b) I vilket avseende var det här förbudet ett viktigt steg? We have the responsibility to warn people of Jehovah's coming judgment. (b) In what sense was this ban an important step? Sedan skrev Paulus beträffande " det som är i himlarna ," dvs. dem som är utvalda att vara medarvingar tillsammans med Kristus, och förklarade: " Vi var förutbestämda enligt den avsikt han har som utför allt enligt vad hans vilja tillråder. " Stress and insecurity have increased in these last days of this wicked system of things. Then Paul wrote regarding "the things in the heavens, " that is, those chosen to be joint heirs with Christ, and explained:" We were foreordained according to the purpose that he has performed according to his will. " Det tragiska som Dina var med om måste ha smärtat Jakob djupt. Ändå fördömde han sina söners hämndlystna handlingssätt. Clearly, not only was he about to sacrifice his life but he also expected that those who followed him would have to be ready to sacrifice their lives in God's service. Although the tragic consequences of Dinah's experience had to have pain with Jacob, he condemned the ways of his sons. Gör dina framsteg uppenbara Rather than watching out for their Master, they gave in to the urge of their flesh and went to sleep. Make Your Advancement Manifest Du skall älska honom som dig själv. Ni har ju själva varit bofasta främlingar i Egyptens land. " We are living in what the Bible calls "the last days, " and straight ahead is a tribulation like nothing that has occurred before. You must love him as yourself, for you themselves have been alien residents of the land of Egypt. " Jehova är verkligen en kärleksfull Far, och han tröstar oss när vi drabbas av svårigheter. At the sight of Jesus, Anna "began returning thanks to God and speaking about the child to all those waiting for Jerusalem's deliverance. " - Luke 2: 22 - 24, 36 - 38; Numbers 18: 6, 7. Jehovah is truly a loving Father, and he comforts us when we face hardships. NÅGON GÅNG mellan år 62 och 64 v.t. skrev aposteln Petrus ett brev till de kristna som var " kringspridda i Pontos, Galatien, Kappadokien, Asia och Bithynien ." Christians who do not give up quickly on a strained marriage often enjoy a fine reward SOME Granted, from 62 C.E. and 64 C.E., the apostle Peter wrote a letter to Christians who were " scattered through Pontus, Galatia, Galatia, Asia, and Bithynia. " Vi har ansvaret att varna människor för Jehovas kommande dom. " Jehovah's Spirit Enveloped Gideon " We have the responsibility to warn people about Jehovah's coming judgment. Stressen och osäkerheten har ökat nu i de sista dagarna av den här onda världsordningen. We should not allow apathy, opposition, or persecution to dampen our zeal for the Kingdom - preaching work. - James 5: 10, 11. The stress and uncertainty have increased now in these last days of this wicked system. Jesus skulle offra sitt liv, och han förväntade också att hans efterföljare skulle vara redo att offra sina liv i Guds tjänst. Om de gjorde det, skulle de bli rikt belönade. " When he was being reviled, " states 1 Peter 2: 23, "he did not go reviling in return. Jesus was about to sacrifice his life, and he also expected his followers to be ready to sacrifice their lives in God's service. Så i stället för att göra som Jesus hade sagt gav de efter för sin trötthet och somnade. He describes the sheep as "righteous " because they recognize that Christ has a group of anointed brothers still on earth, and the sheep loyally support the anointed during these critical last days. - Matt. 10: 40 - 42; 25: 40, 46; 2 Tim. 3: 1 - 5. So instead of doing as Jesus had said, they succumbed to their tiredness and fell asleep. Vi lever i " de sista dagarna " och vi går en mycket svår tid till mötes, en tid som inte kommer att kunna jämföras med något annat vi hittills upplevt. Be Imitators of Jesus We live in "the last days " and spend a very difficult time in the near future, a time that will not be compared to something else. När Hanna såg Jesus, började hon " frambära tack till Gud och tala om barnet för alla som väntade på Jerusalems befrielse ." We will learn how our ability to visualize things unseen can help us to exercise faith and imitate Jehovah's love, kindness, wisdom, and happiness. When Hannah saw Jesus, she "began offering thanks to God and speaking about the child to all those waiting for Jerusalem's deliverance. " Kristna som inte snabbt ger upp hoppet om ett problemfyllt äktenskap blir ofta rikt belönade. Rather, he lovingly wants to protect us from anything that might damage our relationship with him or harm our prospects for gaining everlasting life. - Ps. 25: 8 - 10, 12, 13. Christians who do not quickly give up on a difficult marriage are often richly rewarded. " Jehovas ande insvepte Gideon " Remember that what many of your peers experience is only "the temporary enjoyment of sin. " " Jehovah's Spirit Standed Upon Gideon " Vi bör inte låta likgiltighet, motstånd eller förföljelse dämpa vår entusiasm för predikandet om Riket. This article will show us how to gain the most benefit from our yeartext. We should not allow apathy, opposition, or persecution to weaken our enthusiasm for the Kingdom - preaching work. I Första Petrus 2: 23 sägs det: " När han blev förolämpad, förolämpade han inte tillbaka. [ Picture on page 9] 1 Peter 2: 23 states: "When he was being reviled, he did not go reviling in return. Jesus kallar fåren " rättfärdiga " eftersom de ser de smorda som hans bröder och är lojala mot dem i de här kritiska sista dagarna. Did they have reason for hope in its restoration? Jesus calls the sheep "righteous " because they see the anointed as his brothers and are loyal to them in these critical last days. Bli Jesu efterliknare • Why is this the time to " keep on holding fast what we have '? Become imitators of Jesus Vi ska också se hur vår inlevelseförmåga kan hjälpa oss att efterlikna Jehova och visa kärlek, omtänksamhet, vishet och glädje. 3 Min första kärlek har hjälpt mig att hålla ut 29 Frågor från läsekretsen 16, 17. (a) What reasons did David have for feeling helpless? We will also consider how our ability to imitate Jehovah and show love, kindness, wisdom, and joy. Han vill i stället kärleksfullt skydda oss mot allt som kan skada vårt förhållande till honom eller våra utsikter att vinna evigt liv. What fiendish persecution did the Witnesses in Sachsenhausen endure, and what gave them the strength to do so? Rather, he lovingly wants to protect us from anything that can damage our relationship with him or our prospects for everlasting life. Glöm inte att det som många av dina kompisar upplever bara är " den tillfälliga njutningen av synd ." • How did Jesus display kindness? Remember, as many of your peers experience only "the temporary enjoyment of sin. " Den här artikeln kommer att hjälpa oss att få ut så mycket som möjligt av årstexten. You will experience happiness and peace of heart and mind as you "do all things for God's glory. " This article will help us to get the most out of our yeartext. [ Bild på sidan 9] How is it that Christ is the promised Seed, and yet others too are included? [ Picture on page 9] Hade de skäl att tro att det skulle bli möjligt att leva för evigt igen? WHOLE BLOOD Did they have reason to believe that everlasting life would be possible? • Varför är det tid att vi " fortsätter med att hålla fast vid " vad vi har? After listening to me for hours without interrupting, she quoted a verse that moved me. • Why is it time for us to "keep on holding fast " what we have? 16, 17. a) Varför kände sig David maktlös? In some areas, it is effective to ask, "Have you found the Bible hard to understand? " 16, 17. (a) Why did David feel at peace? Vilken grym förföljelse fick vittnena i Sachsenhausen utstå, och vad gav dem styrka att göra det? Many Christians may be in accord with what we have considered up to this point about self - control, but they may feel that they personally have much room for improvement. What cruel persecution did local Witnesses face, and what gave them the strength to do so? • Hur visade Jesus att han var omtänksam? The short answer is no. • How did Jesus show kindness? Du kommer att vara lycklig och känna ett inre lugn när du " gör allt till Guds ära ." [ Footnotes] Paragraph 4: For more information, see The Watchtower, February 15, 1994, pages 8 - 21 and May 1, 1999, pages 8 - 20. You will be happy and calm when you "do all things for God's glory. " Hur kan det sägas att Kristus är den utlovade avkomman när också andra är en del av den? Then the delivered Israelites could sound forth: "Let me sing to Jehovah... Why can it be said that Christ is the promised Seed even when others are part of it? HELBLOD Gaining an approved standing with the impartial God depends, not on having a certain lineage, but on " fearing him and working righteousness. ' - Acts 10: 34, 35. 1: 1 - 3; 1 Pet. 1: 1 - 3. Hon lät mig prata på i timmar utan att avbryta. Men sedan läste hon ett bibelställe som gick rakt in i hjärtat. This was the case in Thessalonica, where Paul sought out Jews and God - fearing Gentiles at the synagogue. She allowed me to talk hours without delay, but then she read a scripture that went right into her heart. I vissa områden kan det vara bra att fråga: " Tycker du att det är svårt att förstå Bibeln? " Service in a foreign - language territory in their home country offers both brothers and sisters expanded opportunities to be busy in preaching the good news. In some areas, it may be helpful to ask, " Do you find it hard to understand the Bible? ' Många kristna kan instämma i det vi hittills har sagt om självbehärskning, men de kan tycka att de själva behöver göra stora förbättringar. The Gospel of Matthew alone would fill an entire scroll. Many Christians may agree with what we have said about self - control, but they may feel that they themselves need to improve greatly. Nej. 17: 24 - 26; Luke 10: 36, 37. How can we discern what is in a student's heart? No. Paragraf 4: Mer information finns i Vakttornet för 15 februari 1994, sidan 8 - 21, och 1 maj 1999, sidan 8 - 20. But the enemy's efforts are to no avail. Paragraph 4: For more information, see The Watchtower of February 15, 1994, pages 8 - 21, and May 1, 1999, pages 8 - 20. De befriade israeliterna sa då: " Låt mig sjunga till Jehovas ära... Yes, when we show compassion to a fellow worshiper in need, it touches Jehovah's heart. They delivered the Israelites back then said: "Let me sing to Jehovah... Ett gott förhållande till vår opartiske Gud är inte beroende av att vi härstammar från vissa förfäder, utan av att vi " fruktar honom och... gör det som är rättfärdigt ." But by being quick to forgive and by working for the well - being of others, we engender conditions that result in true prosperity. A good relationship with our impartial God is not dependent on our having descended from certain forefathers, but " fearing him and doing righteousness. ' Så var det i Thessalonike, där Paulus sökte och fann judar och gudfruktiga icke - judar i synagogan. Jehovah and Jesus greatly value what all of us do to support Kingdom interests, even if our efforts and contributions are limited because of our circumstances. That was the case in Thessalonica, where Paul sought and found Jews and God - fearing Gentiles in the synagogue. Att tjäna på ett " utländskt " distrikt i det egna landet ger både bröder och systrar utökade möjligheter att vara fullt upptagna med att förkunna de goda nyheterna. Like all other Christians, elders are to " exercise justice, love kindness, and be modest in walking with God. ' Serving in a " foreign land " in the own land affords both brothers and sisters opportunities to share the good news with them. Enbart Matteusevangeliet fyllde en hel skriftrulle. His feelings toward them are described at Ephesians 5: 25: "Christ also loved the congregation and delivered up himself for it. " Only Matthew covers a whole scroll. Hur kan vi få reda på vad som finns i hjärtat hos den vi studerar med? Others worshipped a triune god or various idols. How can we find out what is in the heart of a Bible student? Men han kommer inte att lyckas. Our goal is to reach hearts and attract people to the truths we so love. But he will not succeed. Ja, när vi visar medkänsla med en medtillbedjare i nöd, berör det Jehovas hjärta. " To her, every human was a potential recipient of Jehovah's love and promises. Yes, when we show compassion to a fellow worshipper in need, it touches Jehovah's heart. Vi skulle då vara som landminor. Men om vi tänker på andras bästa och är snabba att förlåta kan vi bidra till friden och få Jehovas välsignelse. Explain what Jesus said, as recorded at Matthew 19: 9. If we think about the welfare of others and are quick to forgive, we can contribute to peace and receive Jehovah's blessing. Jehova och Jesus sätter stort värde på allt som var och en av oss gör för att understödja rikets intressen, även om våra omständigheter begränsar oss. Not surprisingly, there was no sign of repentance on the part of the rebels. Despite our circumstances, Jehovah and Jesus appreciates all that each one of us does to support Kingdom interests. Precis som alla andra kristna måste de äldste handla rättvist, älska kärleksfull omtanke och vara blygsamma när de vandrar med Gud. Appreciating Jehovah's Dominant Quality Like all other Christians, elders need to exercise justice, to love kindness, and to be modest in walking with God. Hur han känner för dem beskrivs i Efesierna 5: 25: " Kristus... älskade församlingen och utlämnade sig själv för den. " We pioneered before we had our son and daughter, and we never lost the desire to pioneer. How he feels about them at Ephesians 5: 25: "Christ... loved the congregation and delivered himself up for it. " Andra tillbad en treenig gud eller olika avgudar. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Others worshipped a Trinity god or various idols. Vårt mål är att nå hjärtan och dra människor till de sanningar vi älskar så mycket. (b) How can youths combat peer pressure? Our goal is to reach hearts and draw people to the truths we love so much. " För henne var varje människa en tänkbar mottagare av Jehovas kärlek och löften. The fact that this magazine is published in 151 languages and distributed worldwide, enabling you to read about Jehovah's Kingdom, reflects the fulfillment of that Bible prophecy. " For her, every man was separated from Jehovah's love and promises. Förklara Jesu ord i Matteus 19: 9. We appreciate the benefits received from orderly government, and guided by Peter's words, we obey its laws and pay our taxes. Explain Jesus ' words recorded at Matthew 19: 9. Det är inte förvånande att upprorsmakarna inte visade några tecken på ånger. SAMOTHRACE It is not surprising that the rebels did not display some signs of repentance. Vi uppskattar Jehovas främsta egenskap 1: 19 - 21. No doubt, many faithful people of Bible times formed mental pictures of things God had promised. Appreciating Jehovah's Chief One Vi var pionjärer innan vi fick vår son och vår dotter, och vi hade alltid en önskan att bli pionjärer igen. * She says: "The reminder that has had the biggest effect on my life is the one about regular Bible reading. We were pioneering before we received our son and our daughter, and we always had the desire to pioneer. Om inget annat anges är bibelcitaten hämtade från Nya världens översättning av Den heliga skrift - studieutgåva med fotnoter och parallellhänvisningar. We can be "like a luxuriant olive tree in God's house " - close to Jehovah and productive in his service - by obeying him and by willingly accepting his discipline. - Hebrews 12: 5, 6. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. b) Hur kan du stå emot pressen att göra som alla andra? In God's new world, they will be resurrected. (b) How can you resist the pressure to do all others? Det faktum att den här tidskriften ges ut på 151 språk och sprids över hela världen, vilket gör det möjligt för dig att läsa om Jehovas kungarike, visar att den här profetian håller på att uppfyllas. For example, remembering that Joseph took to flight at the immoral advances of the wife of Potiphar would surely encourage us to flee from similar advances at our place of work, at school, or elsewhere. The fact that this magazine is published in 15 languages and spread worldwide enables you to read about Jehovah's Kingdom, demonstrate that this prophecy is being fulfilled. Vi uppskattar de förmåner vi får från ett välordnat samhällsstyre, och vi lyder, vägledda av Petrus ord, dess lagar och betalar våra skatter. What responsibilities do all stewards of God share? We appreciate the privileges we receive from a social network community, and we obey, guided by Peter's words, its laws, and paying our taxes. SAMOTHRAKE Since 1914, what step have millions taken, and why? 10: 19 - 21. HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? Många av Jehovas forntida tjänare föreställde sig helt säkert hur det skulle bli när Jehova uppfyllde sina löften. As you consider the subject matter of a video game, ask yourself: " Would I find it difficult to explain to Jesus why I enjoy playing it? ' No doubt, many of Jehovah's ancient servants thought about what it would be like when Jehovah fulfilled his promises. * Hon säger: " Av alla påminnelser är det uppmaningen att regelbundet läsa Bibeln som har påverkat mitt liv mest. But you must be honest with yourself in recognizing what that personal limit is! * She says: "Out of all reminders, it is the admonition to read the Bible regularly that has affected my life most. Genom att lyda Jehova och villigt ta emot hans tillrättavisning kan vi vara " som ett frodigt olivträd i Guds hus " - nära honom och fruktbärande i vår tjänst för honom. This publication is not for sale. By obeying Jehovah and willingly accepting his discipline, we can be "like a olive tree in the house of God " - close to him and fruitful in our service to him. I Guds nya värld kommer de att uppväckas. This can help you to replace any idea that you are worthless to God with a Bible - based assurance: You are precious in Jehovah's eyes. In God's new world, they will be resurrected. Om vi till exempel påminner oss hur Josef tog till flykten när han utsattes för omoraliska närmanden från Potifars hustru, kommer vi med all säkerhet att kunna fly undan liknande närmanden på arbetsplatsen, i skolan eller någon annanstans. The earth will need to be transformed into a paradise. For example, if we remind ourselves of Joseph's reaction to immoral advances from Potiphar's wife, we will be able to flee similar advances at the workplace, at school, or elsewhere. Vilket ansvar har alla Guds förvaltare? At that time he will speak to them in his anger and in his hot displeasure he will disturb them, saying: " I, even I, have installed my king upon Zion, my holy mountain. ' " What responsibility do all of God's stewards have? Vad har miljontals människor valt att göra sedan 1914, och varför det? " The aged women " are encouraged to be "teachers of what is good. " What have millions chosen to do since 1914, and why? Skulle jag ha svårt att förklara för Jesus varför jag tycker om att spela ett visst tv - spel eller dataspel? (a) What is needed if God's Word is to have an effect on us? Would I have difficulty explaining to Jesus why I enjoy playing a particular TV games or video games? Men du måste vara ärlig mot dig själv när du skall avgöra var gränsen går i ditt fall! [ Box / Picture on page 8] But you must be honest to yourself when to decide where to go into your case! Den här publikationen får inte säljas. And they could not fully worship Jehovah together with their son. This publication is not for sale. Det kan hjälpa dig att inte tänka att du är värdelös, utan komma ihåg vad Gud tycker: Du är värdefull för honom. In these features of the Law, we find a principle that applies today. It can help you to avoid thinking that you are worthless but remember what God like: You are valuable to him. Vi kommer också att få hjälpa till med att göra jorden till ett paradis. That is where our Bible - trained conscience comes into play. We will also be helped to make the earth a paradise. Vid den tiden kommer han att tala till dem i sin vrede, och i sitt brinnande missnöje kommer han att göra dem bestörta, i det han säger: ' Jag, ja jag, har installerat min kung på Sion, mitt heliga berg. ' " In more recent times came the musket and the cannon, then the rifle and the sophisticated artillery of the early 20th century. At that time he will speak to them in his anger, and in his burning displeasure he will make them disturbed, saying: " I myself, even I have installed my king upon Zion, my holy mountain. ' " " Äldre kvinnor " uppmuntras att vara " lärare i det som är gott ." (2 Thess. " Old women " are encouraged to be teachers of what is good. a) Vad måste vi göra om Guds ord ska kunna påverka oss? God supports these families and blesses them for their efforts and for all their sacrifices. (a) What must we do if God's Word can influence us? [ Ruta / Bild på sidan 8] • What do we learn from the prayers of the early Christians? [ Box / Picture on page 8] Och de kunde inte tillbe Jehova tillsammans med sin son. David also appreciated the qualities that God himself highlighted when He "went passing by before [Moses '] face and declaring: " Jehovah, Jehovah, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving - kindness and truth. ' " And they could not associate with their son. Här finns en princip som är tillämplig i vår tid. We "enter into that rest " by desisting from doing works of self - justification and by accepting God's provision for our salvation. Here is a principle that applies today. Det är här samvetet kommer in i bilden. The first and foremost Evangelizer is Jehovah God. This is the conscience that comes into play. Längre fram kom musköter och kanoner och därefter, i början av 1900 - talet, gevär och avancerat artilleri. News That Everyone Needs to Hear In the early 20th century, the relief industry came into play. (2 Thess. Daniel could have made excuses, saying, " Thirty days is not forever! ' (2 Pet. Gud ger sitt stöd åt sådana familjer och välsignar dem för deras ansträngningar och för alla deras uppoffringar. Most important, you can rest assured that you will experience the peace of mind with which Jehovah blesses those who honor their parents. - Phil. God supports such families and blesses them for their efforts and for all their sacrifices. • Vad lär vi oss av de första kristnas böner? Still, we have reason to be keenly interested in knowing about Bible locations. • What do we learn from the prayers of the early Christians? David satte också värde på de egenskaper som Gud själv framhöll när han " började gå förbi hans [Moses] ansikte och förkunna: ' Jehova, Jehova, en Gud, barmhärtig och nådig, sen till vrede och överflödande i kärleksfull omtanke och sanning. ' " The patriarch Jacob struggled and persevered because he loved Jehovah, appreciated spiritual things, and had complete faith in Jehovah's promise to bless his offspring. David also appreciated the qualities that God himself highlighted when he "began to pass through [Moses] the face and declare: " Jehovah, Jehovah, a God merciful, slow to anger and abundant in loving - kindness and truth. ' " Vi kommer " in i den vilan " genom att avstå från att försöka bevisa oss själva rättfärdiga och i stället dra nytta av återlösningsoffret, den anordning Gud har gett oss för att vi skall bli räddade. Jesus is rightly called "the only - begotten Son of God. " We "come into the rest " by refusing to prove ourselves righteous and instead of taking advantage of the ransom sacrifice, the arrangement God has given us to be saved. Den förste och den främste evangelieförkunnaren är Jehova Gud. How do we know that we should take seriously our worship of Jehovah? The first and foremost evangelizer is Jehovah God. Nyheter som alla behöver höra To promote a healthy, positive spirit in the congregation, we should give attention to our zeal for the field service. News That All Need Daniel kunde ha ursäktat sig och tänkt att det bara handlade om 30 dagar. * Of course not! Daniel could have justified in thinking that only 30 days. Men det viktigaste av allt är att man får frid i sinnet och Jehovas välsignelse. Kulturen påverkar ofta vilka lösningar man föredrar. A card, a letter, and "a word spoken at the right time " - all of these can express deep affection. However, most important of all things is that one gains peace in mind and Jehovah's blessing, often affects the solutions we prefer. Ändå har vi goda skäl att vara intresserade av att lära oss mer om de platser som Bibeln talar om. If we are living and walking by holy spirit, we will work hard so that we can care for our family and also have "something to distribute to someone in need. " Yet, we have good reason to be interested in learning more about the places mentioned in the Bible. Den trogne mannen Jakob kämpade och höll ut eftersom han älskade Jehova och värdesatte sitt förhållande till honom. Han litade helt och fullt på att Jehova skulle hålla sitt löfte och välsigna hans avkomlingar. [ Pictures on page 20] The faithful man Jacob struggled and endured because he loved Jehovah and valued his relationship with him, trusting fully that Jehovah would fulfill His promise and bless his offspring. Jesus kallas med rätta " Guds enfödde Son ." Give suggestions for learning the lyrics of the songs. Jesus is rightly called "the only - begotten Son of God. " Hur vet vi att vi inte får ta lätt på vår tillbedjan? It is not demeaning for a Christian wife to be like Sarah. How do we know that we must not take lightly our worship? Om vi vill att det ska vara en sund, positiv anda i församlingen måste vi vara nitiska och entusiastiska för tjänsten. True Christians do not guide their thinking and actions by the opinions of "profitless talkers, and deceivers of the mind. " If we want it to be a healthy, positive spirit in the congregation, we need to be zealous and zealous in the ministry. Naturligtvis inte! How is the word "congregation " most often used in the Hebrew Scriptures? Of course not! Ett kort, ett brev och " ett ord som talas i rättan tid " - allt sådant kan vara ett uttryck för djup tillgivenhet. That problem is hardly one - sided. A brief, a letter, and "a word spoken at the right time " - all such expressions can be an expression of deep affection. Om vi lever och vandrar genom helig ande, kommer vi att arbeta hårt så att vi kan försörja vår familj och också ha " något att dela ut åt den som behöver ." Yes, come, buy wine and milk even without money and without price. If we live and walk by holy spirit, we will work hard to support our family and also have "a measure of sharing in the need. " [ Bilder på sidan 20] Create a Peaceful Environment [ Pictures on page 20] Ge förslag på hur man kan lära sig sångtexterna. The way that people resolve these issues, for better or for worse, might touch us or our families personally because we are inescapably a part of human society. Give suggestions on how to learn the heart. Det är inte förnedrande för en kristen hustru att efterlikna Sara. If we were to let bitterness toward a fellow worshipper poison our heart, our integrity to God could be compromised. It is not demeaning for a Christian wife to imitate Sarah. De sanna kristna låter inte sitt tänkesätt och sina handlingar vägledas av deras uppfattning " som pratar nonsens och bedrar sinnet ." Also, understand that making mistakes is part of the learning process. True Christians do not allow their thinking and actions to be guided by their viewpoint "like talk to the mind and deception. " Hur används för det mesta ordet " församling " i de hebreiska skrifterna? He accompanied Moses up Mount Sinai and was on hand to meet Moses when he descended from the mountain with the tablets of the Testimony. How is the primary use of the word "congregation " used in the Hebrew Scriptures? Men det är inte ett ensidigt problem. Cynthia feels that she will be the next to be let go. But that is not even a problem. Ja, kom, köp vin och mjölk utan pengar, ja utan betalning. Our daily reading and regular study of God's Word will help us to focus on where we are in the stream of time - keeping us aware that we are in "the last days. " Yes, buyed wine and milk without money, not a price. Skapa en fridfull atmosfär The same can be said of many couples today. adding to a peaceful atmosphere Även om vi inte blandar oss i sådana konflikter, kan vi eller vår familj drabbas hårt av efterverkningarna. Both Moses and Jeremiah initially felt incapable of handling the assignments Jehovah gave them. Although we are not mixed with such conflicts, we or our family may suffer severe consequences. Om vi låter bittra känslor mot en medtillbedjare förgifta vårt hjärta, skulle vår ostraffliga ställning inför Gud äventyras. • What kind of service is acceptable to Jehovah? If we allow bitterness toward a fellow worshipper's heart, our integrity to God would be weakened. Att göra misstag är dessutom en del av inlärningsprocessen. And let them extol him in the congregation of the people. " Moreover, making mistakes is part of the responsibilities of making mistakes. Han följde med Mose ett stycke upp på berget Sinai och mötte Mose när denne kom ner från berget med Vittnesbördets tavlor. Why? He accompanied Moses a portion of Mount Sinai and faced Moses with the tablets of Mount Sinai. Carina känner på sig att hon står näst på tur. We also safeguard our heart by the way we feed ourselves. Carin feels that she is on her next visit. Om vi läser Bibeln varje dag och studerar den regelbundet hjälper det oss att vara medvetna om tidens allvar. Det förutsagda avfallet började för länge sedan och pågår fortfarande. (Read Matthew 6: 19 - 21, 24 - 26, 31 - 34.) Reading the Bible daily and studying it will help us to be aware of the seriousness of time. Många i vår tid har också starka äktenskap. If you experience anxiety and doubts as you strive to reach your goals, what should you do? Many today also have strong marriages. Både Mose och Jeremia menade till en början att de inte skulle kunna klara av det uppdrag Jehova gav dem. Cite examples showing the danger of acting hastily after hearing a complaint. Both Moses and Jeremiah mentioned at first that they could not carry out their God - given commission. • Vilket slags tjänst är godtagbar för Jehova? Job did not understand why Jehovah allowed certain things to happen, and at times we may not understand why bad things happen. • What kind of service is acceptable to Jehovah? Må de upphöja honom i folkets församling. " One event in Jesus ' life forcefully demonstrated what zeal he had. Let them exalt him in the congregation. " Varför? * Why? Vi kan också skydda vårt hjärta genom vår andliga kost. Would it require that we be serious all the time? We can also safeguard our heart through our spiritual diet. (Läs Matteus 6: 19 - 21, 24 - 26, 31 - 34.) And this thing came to be a cause for sin, and the people began to go before the one as far as Dan. (Read Matthew 6: 19 - 21, 24 - 26, 31 - 34.) Vad kan du göra om du känner dig orolig och osäker när du försöker nå dina mål? That being so, we do well to meditate on scriptures that deal with our specific weaknesses. If you are trying to reach your goals, what can you do? Nämn exempel som visar faran med att handla förhastat sedan man hört en beskyllning. " Keep testing whether you are in the faith, " Paul wrote, "keep proving what you yourselves are. " Give examples to show the danger of acting hastily after hearing a legal matter. Job förstod inte varför Jehova tillät vissa saker att hända, och ibland kanske vi inte heller förstår varför det inträffar så många hemskheter. Or perhaps we might aimlessly follow links on the Internet or frequent chat rooms and sites that carry invitations to view pornography or offer other sexual services. Job did not understand why Jehovah allowed certain things to happen, and sometimes we do not understand why things happen so many things happen. En händelse i Jesu liv visar tydligt hur nitisk han var. He states: "Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath; for it is written: " Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says Jehovah. ' " An event in Jesus ' life clearly shows his zeal. * How should we view that attack? * Måste vi vara allvarliga hela tiden? When writing to the Christians in Corinth, Paul described the strategy that he used to reprove himself. Will we be serious all the time? Och detta blev en orsak till synd, och folket gick ända till Dan för att träda fram inför den ena av dem. Scriptural Questions Answered: And this was a reason for sin, and the people went to Dan to one of them. Med tanke på det är det bra att vi mediterar över bibelställen som gäller våra egna svagheter. There may be a proper time and place for some actions that would be inappropriate at a Christian meeting. In view of our personal weaknesses, we do well to meditate on scriptures that apply to our own weaknesses. " Fortsätt att pröva er själva, om ni är i tron ," skrev Paulus, " fortsätt att genom prövning visa vad ni själva är. " What are some practical ways that we can follow it? And how can we be good guests? " Keep testing whether you are in the faith, " wrote Paul, "keep proving what you yourselves are. " Hur skulle det kunna sluta om vi går in på chattrum eller sidor som gör reklam för pornografi eller andra sexuella tjänster? How should we view the stewardship entrusted to us? What might happen if we are going into chat rooms or aspects of pornography or other sexual services? Han säger: " Hämnas inte er själva, ni älskade, utan lämna rum för vreden; det står ju skrivet: ' Min är hämnden; jag skall vedergälla, säger Jehova. ' " Precious lives are at stake. He says: "Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath; for it is written: " Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says Jehovah. ' " Hur bör vi se på det här angreppet? An elder recently gave him heartfelt commendation. How should we view this attack? I sitt brev till de kristna i Korinth beskrev han vilken taktik han använde för att tillrättavisa sig själv. * In his letter to the Corinthian Christians, he described the strategy he used to correct himself. Svar på bibliska frågor: Now is the time to heed the psalmist's exhortation: "Be courageous, and may your heart be strong, all you who are waiting for Jehovah. " - Ps. 31: 24. Scriptural Questions Answered: Vissa handlingar som kan anses tillbörliga vid lämplig tid och på lämplig plats skulle vara opassande vid ett möte. That temple is Jehovah's arrangement for approaching him in worship on the basis of the propitiatory sacrifice of Christ Jesus. Some actions that might be considered proper at the proper time and in appropriate place would be inappropriate at a meeting. I den här artikeln ska vi se varför det rådet är så aktuellt nu i våra dagar. Their father received the command to build an ark and to get his household into it. In this article, we will consider why that counsel is now taking place today. Hur bör vi se på vår uppgift som förvaltare? In this article, we will consider Biblical and modern - day examples that show how genuine fear of God gives one strength to resist pressure to do what is wrong and courage to do what is right. How should we view our stewardship? Liv står på spel. The same thing is expected of us. Lives are at stake. Han fick beröm av en äldstebroder för inte så länge sedan. This is what the apostle Paul pointed to when he urged his fellow believers: "Become imitators of me, even as I am of Christ. " He was commended by an elder for not long ago. * It marked the end of the ingathering of the harvest and was a time of thanksgiving for the abundant goodness of God. * Nu är det tid att följa psalmistens uppmaning: " Var modiga, och låt ert hjärta vara starkt, alla ni som väntar på Jehova. " (Read Judges 7: 9 - 14.) Now is the time to follow the psalmist's admonition: "Be courageous, and let your heart be strong, all you who are waiting for Jehovah. " Detta tempel är Jehovas anordning för att ge människor möjlighet att närma sig honom i tillbedjan på grundval av Kristi Jesu försoningsoffer. Why may some feel discouraged, but what assurance does Jehovah provide in this regard? This temple is Jehovah's arrangement for giving humans the opportunity to approach him in worship on the basis of Christ's propitiatory sacrifice. Deras far fick uppdraget att bygga en ark och ta med sin familj in i den. By all means, then, let us avoid bad associations but bless Jehovah among the congregated throngs. Their father was commissioned to build an ark and to take his family into it. I den här artikeln skall vi se på några exempel från Bibelns tid och från vår egen tid som visar hur verklig gudsfruktan ger oss kraft att stå emot påtryckningar att göra det som är orätt och mod att göra det som är rätt. Why was a once modest man rejected by God? In this article, we will consider some examples of Bible times and from modern times that show how real godly fear strengthens us to resist pressure to do wrong and courage. Detsamma förväntas av oss. In what ways did Enoch and Noah display courage? The same is expected of us. Det var det Paulus syftade på när han uppmanade sina medtroende: " Bli mina efterliknare, liksom också jag är Kristi. " Yes, if we repent of our sins and strive hard not to repeat them, we may benefit from Jehovah's forgiveness. Paul was referring to when he urged fellow believers: "Become imitators of me, even as I am of Christ. " Den markerade slutet av insamlandet av skörden och var en tid då man tackade Gud för hans överflödande godhet. How can Christian parents wisely provide the right kind of spiritual environment for their children? It marked the end of the harvest season and was a time for giving thanks to God for his abundant goodness. (Läs Domarboken 7: 9 - 14.) Fathers who are reluctant to express their feelings do well to remember Jehovah's example. (Read Judges 7: 9 - 14.) Vad kan göra somliga missmodiga, men vilken försäkran ger Jehova? We do that because we want others to feel as attracted to that person and his qualities as we are. What may discourage some, but what assurance does Jehovah provide? Och låt oss till varje pris undvika dåligt umgänge och i stället välsigna Jehova bland de församlade skarorna. A key ingredient in that friendship was faith. And let us avoid bad associations and instead bless Jehovah among the congregated throngs. Varför blev Saul förkastad av Jehova? As we await the arrival of the great day of Jehovah, we must continue to seek his righteousness. Why was Saul rejected by Jehovah? Hur visade Enok och Noa mod? Focus on necessary matters and be brief and to the point. How did Enoch and Noah display courage? Ja, om vi ångrar våra synder och verkligen anstränger oss för att inte upprepa dem, får vi Jehovas förlåtelse. What procedure will be followed during the event? Yes, if we repent of our sins and truly strive to avoid repeating them, we receive Jehovah's forgiveness. Hur kan kristna föräldrar se till att deras barn får en god andlig miljö? Needless anxiety or worry, even about legitimate concerns, can divide a person's mind and distract him, shutting out the more important spiritual matters of life. How can Christian parents make sure that their children receive a good spiritual environment? Fäder som inte gärna ger uttryck åt sina känslor gör väl i att tänka på Jehovas exempel. 32: 13, 14 - Since the Israelites were forbidden to eat any fat, what is meant by their eating "the fat of rams "? Those who are not willing to express their feelings would do well to reflect on Jehovah's example. Vi gör det därför att vi vill att andra ska tycka lika mycket om honom och hans egenskaper som vi själva gör. " I WOKE up one morning when I was 12 years old, " remembers James, * "sat on the edge of my bed, and wondered, " Is today the day I die? ' " We do so because we want others to view him and his qualities as we ourselves do. En viktig del i det hela var hans tro. How did the holy spirit actually bring comfort to them? An important part of it was his faith. Medan vi väntar på Jehovas stora dag måste vi fortsätta att söka hans rättfärdighet. However, if the pilot chose to disregard that guidance and fly any route he desired, the result could be disastrous. As we await Jehovah's great day, we must keep on seeking his righteousness. Koncentrera dig på det som är väsentligt och var tydlig och kortfattad. Although Isaac and Rebekah could not change what Esau had done, God gave them the wisdom, courage, and strength to remain faithful to Him. Focus on what is essential and was clear. Hur kommer det att gå till? Equip your child with basic protective tools How will that happen? Han visste att om de bekymrade sig i onödan, även för sådant som de faktiskt behövde, kunde de bli splittrade och distraherade så att de sköt åt sidan det som var viktigare i livet, det andliga. He would be bruised in the heel by Satan. He knew that if they were unduly anxious, even for things they actually needed, they could become distracted and distracted so that they were pushing aside the more important things in their lives, spiritual things. 32: 13, 14 - Eftersom israeliterna inte fick äta något fett, vad avses då med att de åt " fett från lamm "? " We want to go with you, for we have heard that God is with you people. " - ZECH. 8: 23. 32: 13, 14 - Since Israel did not eat anything fat, what is meant by eating "the fat of lamb "? " JAG vaknade upp en morgon när jag var 12 år ," berättar James, * " satte mig på sängkanten och tänkte: Är det i dag som jag kommer att dö? " Recommendation: Determine your limit before alcohol distorts your judgment. " I HAVE wake up a morning when I was 12 years old, " says James *, "put me on bed, and thought: " Is it that I am going to die? " Hur gick det till att den heliga anden gav dem tröst? 1, 2. (a) What kind of God did Jehovah prove to be to the nation of Israel? How did the holy spirit bring comfort to them? Men om piloten struntar i den vägledningen och bestämmer sin egen rutt kan det få katastrofala följder. I am thinking of Acts 2: 21. However, if a pilot ignores that direction and decides, the disastrous consequences of his own life can be disastrous. Isak och Rebecka kunde inte ändra på det Esau hade gjort, men Gud gav dem den vishet, det mod och den styrka de behövde för att förbli trogna mot honom. Studying God's Word regularly and meditating on what we learn from it will also help us to walk in the way of integrity. Isaac and Rebekah could not change Esau's actions, but God gave them the wisdom, courage, and strength needed to remain faithful to him. Hans häl skulle krossas av Satan. How can we keep our senses His heel would be crushed by Satan. " Vi vill gå med er, för vi har hört att Gud är med er. " So we do well to consider Jesus ' faithful course and see what we must do to show that we too wish to uphold Jehovah's sovereignty. - Job 1: 6 - 12; 2: 2 - 6. " We want to go with you, for we have heard that God is with you. " Rekommendation: Bestäm gränsen i förväg, innan alkoholen försämrar ditt omdöme. This article will discuss highlights from Isaiah 1: 1 - 35: 10. strength: Set the line in advance, before alcohol undermines your judgment. 1, 2. a) Vad slags Gud visade sig Jehova vara för Israels nation? Beloved ones, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have freeness of speech toward God; and whatever we ask we receive from him, because we are observing his commandments and are doing the things that are pleasing in his eyes. " - 1 John 3: 19 - 22. 1, 2. (a) What kind of God proved to be for the nation of Israel? Jag tänker på Apostlagärningarna 2: 21. One of the English - speaking world's famous poets, John Milton (1608 - 1674), wrote Paradise Lost and its sequel Paradise Regained. I think about Acts 2: 21. Genom att studera Guds ord regelbundet och meditera över det vi lär oss kommer också vi att få hjälp att vandra på ostrafflighetens väg. Or have you ever experienced leaving a job for spiritual reasons and then seen the truth of God's promise: "I will never abandon you "? Studying God's Word regularly and meditating on what we learn will also help us to walk in the way of integrity. Hur kan vi bevara vår besinning Realizing the need, Jesus asked Philip, who was from that area: "Where shall we buy loaves for these to eat? " - John 6: 1 - 5. How can we keep our senses Vi gör därför väl i att undersöka Jesu trogna levnadsbana och se vad vi måste göra för att visa att också vi önskar försvara Jehovas suveränitet. The master says the same thing to both slaves: "Well done, good and faithful slave! Therefore, we do well to examine Jesus ' faithful course and see what we must do in order to uphold Jehovah's sovereignty. Den här artikeln kommer att behandla viktiga detaljer från Jesaja 1: 1 - 35: 10. 19, 20. (a) For the lover of Jehovah's law, what things are truly valuable? This article will consider highlights from Isaiah 1: 1 - 35: 10. Ni älskade, om vårt hjärta inte dömer oss kan vi tala fritt och öppet till Gud; och vad vi än ber om skall vi få av honom, därför att vi håller hans bud och gör det som är välbehagligt i hans ögon. " CAN you imagine what your life would be like without the Bible? Love, if our hearts do not judge us, we can speak freely and openly to God; and whatever we pray for, because we observe his commandments and do what is acceptable in his eyes. " En berömd diktare i den engelsktalande världen, John Milton (1608 - 1674), skrev eposet Paradise Lost och dess fortsättning, Paradise Regained. If he invited others to his home to view pornography - in effect, promoting it - he would give evidence of a brazen attitude characterizing loose conduct. For example, a song of the English - speaking world, John C.E. (C. - 1613 B.E., U.A., U., U.A., wrote the G. Eller har du sagt upp dig från ett jobb för sanningens skull och sett att Jehova har uppfyllt sitt löfte om att aldrig överge dig? We have good reason not to look at the things behind. Or have you taken up a job for the sake of the truth and seen that Jehovah has fulfilled his promise not to abandon you? Jesus frågade därför Filippus, som var från trakten: " Varifrån skall vi köpa bröd åt dessa att äta? " How is mildness defined, and why should we display it? So Jesus asked Philip, who was from the area: "From we shall buy bread for these to eat? " Herren sa samma sak till båda två: " Bra gjort, gode och trogne slav! Appreciate Spiritual Things The Lord told both: "A good thing, good and faithful slave! 19, 20. a) Vad är särskilt värdefullt för den som älskar Jehovas lag? What did Jesus urge his followers to pursue? 19, 20. (a) What is especially valuable for those who love Jehovah's law? KAN du föreställa dig hur ditt liv skulle se ut om du inte hade Bibeln? WHEN they were created, Adam and Eve had no enemies whatsoever. CAN you imagine how your life would be like if you did not have the Bible? Om han har bjudit hem andra för att se på pornografi - och i praktiken främjat sådant - skulle detta vittna om den skamlösa inställning som kännetecknar tygellöshet. However, during these last days, people in general are disloyal and fail to show natural affection. If he has invited others to view pornography - and in practical ways - this would bear witness about the brazen attitude that characterizes loose conduct. Vi har ett bra skäl att inte se oss tillbaka. Sometimes hostility hangs like a dense fog between a husband and his wife, and the condition may persist for a long time. We have a good reason not to look at the things behind. Hur definieras mildhet, och varför bör vi visa denna egenskap? Make a "quit card. " How is mildness defined, and why should we display this quality? Sätt värde på andliga ting How can we " encourage one another '? Value Spiritual Things Vad uppmanade Jesus sina efterföljare att sträva efter? Astronomers estimate that the Milky Way may be one of anywhere from 50 billion to as many as 125 billion galaxies. What did Jesus urge his followers to strive for? ADAM OCH EVA skapades som fullkomliga människor. Karen: There is something else that is rather puzzling if Jesus truly is God. In fact, the Bible Students were created as perfect humans. Men i dessa sista dagar är människor i allmänhet illojala och saknar naturlig tillgivenhet. Thousands were fed through the hands of a few In these last days, however, people are generally disloyal and lack of natural affection. Ibland kan en fientlig stämning hänga som ett mörkt moln över ett gift par, och det kan det göra under lång tid. It is much the same with Bible students today, whether young or old. At times, a hostile environment may be like a dark cloud over a married couple, and it can do so for a long time. Gör ett " motivationskort ." Study Articles 1 - 3 Make a " Read of motivation. ' Hur kan vi " uppmuntra varandra "? New anxieties often surface after a wife announces to her husband, "We are going to have a baby. " How can we " encourage one another "? Astronomer beräknar att Vintergatan kan vara en av mellan 50 miljarder och så många som 125 miljarder galaxer. (b) How can we bring Jehovah delight? People estimate that the Milky Way galaxy can be one of 50 billion and so many as to 125 billion galaxies. Karin: Det är något annat som är konstigt om Jesus verkligen är Gud. 2: 7, 8. 18, 19. (a) Why are we willing to make sacrifices to carry out the preaching work? Karen: That's something else surprising about Jesus really is God. Det är på liknande sätt med många som studerar Bibeln i dag, unga som gamla. 14, 15. (a) In what way was Daniel able to avoid a conflict in the matter of obedience? Similarly, many Bible students today, young and old alike. Studieartiklarna 1 - 3 SIDORNA 3 - 16 Direct and indirect attacks on the Bible, along with the religious hypocrisy of those who claim to support it, have resulted in a growing disapproval of religion, including religion that is associated with the Bible. Study Articles 1 - 3 PAGES 3 - 16 Förhållandet till svärföräldrarna kanske blir spänt, och det kan också skapa problem. He even shares his privileges with them. The relationship of the laws may become strained, and it can also create problems. b) Hur kan vi glädja Jehova? 15, 16. (a) Why were the Israelites warned: "Get ready to meet your God "? (b) How can we please Jehovah? 18, 19. a) Varför är vi villiga att göra uppoffringar för att kunna utföra predikoarbetet? (b) In the matter of recreation, what balance is needed? 18, 19. (a) Why are we willing to make sacrifices in order to carry out the preaching work? 14, 15. a) Hur kunde Daniel undvika en konflikt i frågan om lydnad? In addition to helping us increase in "accurate knowledge of God and of Jesus, " our putting forth earnest effort to cultivate such qualities as faith, endurance, and godly devotion can" cause [us] to be neither inactive nor unfruitful " regarding that knowledge. - 2 Pet. 1: 8, ftn. 14, 15. (a) How could Daniel avoid a conflict about obedience? Direkta och indirekta angrepp på Bibeln, samt det religiösa hyckleriet hos dem som påstår sig ge sitt stöd åt den, har fått till följd att människor alltmer ogillar religion, inbegripet religion som förknippas med Bibeln. God's People Will Not Be Silenced Immediately and subtle attacks on the Bible, including religious hypocrisy in those who claim to support it, have led to the result that people have become ever more restrictive in religion, including religion associated with the Bible. De får också del av de privilegier han har. David's wholehearted reliance on Jehovah and confidence in him showed that David was truly God - fearing. - Psalm 34: 4 - 6, 9 - 11. They also enjoy the privileges he has. 15, 16. a) Varför fick israeliterna varningen: " Gör dig redo att möta din Gud "? Painful though such suffering is, we have good reason to endure. By doing so, we help to prove Satan a liar and thus delight Jehovah. 15, 16. (a) Why were the Israelites warned: "Get ready to meet your God "? b) Vilken balans behöver vi ha när det gäller rekreation och avkoppling? PHYSICAL HEALTH AND RESILIENCE LOVE (b) What balance do we need in connection with recreation and recreation? Att vi uppriktigt strävar efter att odla sådana egenskaper som tro, uthållighet och gudhängivenhet hjälper oss att växa till i " exakt kunskap om Gud och om Jesus ." Det kan också " göra så att... [vi] inte är vare sig overksamma eller utan frukt " när det gäller denna kunskap. Why should we show love for fellow worshippers of Jehovah? Cultivating such qualities as faith, endurance, and godly devotion will help us to grow in "an accurate knowledge of God and of Jesus. " Guds folk kommer inte att tystas " The nations became wrathful, " states Revelation 11: 18, "and [God's] own wrath came, and the appointed time... to bring to ruin those ruining the earth. " God's People Will Not silence David förtröstade fullständigt på Jehova, vilket visade att han verkligen fruktade honom. Or what about looking for ways to show fellow feeling for people we meet in the ministry? David had complete trust in Jehovah, as demonstrated that he truly feared him. Även om sådant lidande är smärtsamt, har vi goda skäl att uthärda det, eftersom vi därigenom kan vara med om att bevisa att Satan är en lögnare och på så sätt glädja Jehova. It was a time for action and obedience on the part of those who were already Christians. Although such suffering is painful, we have good reason to endure it because we can thus prove Satan a liar and thus please Jehovah. GOD HÄLSA OCH RÄTT INSTÄLLNING There are those who give loyal support to husbands who serve as traveling overseers, while thousands of sisters serve in Bethel homes around the world. AND AND AND AND SPIRIT Varför bör vi älska dem som tillber Jehova tillsammans med oss? According to the illustration of the shepherd, whom do the sheep follow, and whom do they not follow? Why should we love those who worship Jehovah with us? I Uppenbarelseboken 11: 18 heter det: " Nationerna blev vreda, och... • What opposition was faced by God's servants in the past and is faced by Christians today? Revelation 11: 18 states: "The nations became wrathful, and... Eller varför inte försöka leta efter möjligheter att visa empati för dem vi träffar i tjänsten? How did Job develop this close relationship? Or why not try to look for opportunities to show empathy for those we meet in the ministry? Däremot var det tid för dem som redan var kristna att göra som Jesus hade sagt och fly. He became a light both to the Jews and to the nations not only by bringing spiritual enlightenment but also by offering his perfect human life as a ransom for all mankind. On the other hand, it was time for those already Christians to do as Jesus had said and flee. Det finns de som ger lojalt stöd åt äkta män som tjänar som resande tillsyningsmän, och det finns tusentals systrar som tjänar i olika Betelhem runt om i världen. This brings to mind the comments of Brother A. There are those who loyally support husbands who serve as traveling overseers, and there are thousands of sisters serving in Bethel homes around the world. Vilka följer fåren enligt liknelsen om herden, och vilka följer de inte? (b) The answer to what question reveals Jehovah's flexibility in fulfilling his purpose? Who do the sheep follow the illustration of the shepherd, and who do not follow? • Vilket motstånd riktades mot Guds tjänare i forna tider och riktas mot de kristna i våra dagar? For example, how do we react when a teenager does not exercise discretion in his choice of entertainment or when he displays a careless attitude? • What opposition did God's servants in ancient times face and be directed to Christians today? Hur skulle vi kunna fylla Guds krav på helighet, eller renhet, utan hjälp av den heliga anden? He thus fulfilled his promise: "I myself shall feed my sheep, and I myself shall make them lie down... How might we meet God's requirement of holiness, or cleanness, but by means of the holy spirit? Hur utvecklade Job detta nära förhållande till Gud? Absolutely! How did Job develop this close relationship with God? Jesus blev ett ljus både för judarna och för nationerna inte bara genom att han gav andlig upplysning utan också genom att han gav sitt fullkomliga mänskliga liv som en lösen för alla människor. To be successful, those who are contending must not lose sight of their reason for struggling. Jesus became a light both to the Jews and to the nations not only by providing spiritual enlightenment but also by providing his perfect human life as a ransom for all mankind. Det påminner oss om vad broder A. I felt bad afterward, thinking that I was a failure. This reminds us of what Brother A. b) Vilken fråga ska vi besvara, och vad kommer svaret att visa? Almost 30 years after that Pentecost in 33 C.E., the apostle Paul confirmed that Christ had not yet taken full Kingdom power, but he was "at the right hand of God, from then on awaiting until his enemies should be placed as a stool for his feet. " (b) What question will we answer, and what will the answer be shown? Hur reagerar vi till exempel när en tonåring väljer tveksam underhållning eller uppträder nonchalant? HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? For example, how do we react when a teenager chooses entertainment or associations? Därmed uppfyllde han sitt löfte: " Jag skall själv valla mina får, och jag skall själv låta dem lägga sig ner.... Because Deborah, Barak, and Jael acted courageously, Israel "had no further disturbance for forty years. " Thus he fulfilled his promise: "I myself will shepherd my own sheep, and I myself will let them lie down.... Absolut! The brother obviously needs to determine what is best for him in a spiritual way. Absolutely! Om vi ska kunna vinna kampen får vi inte glömma bort varför vi kämpar. Whether perfect obedience to Jehovah's sovereignty is possible for humans or not was a secret for ages. If we are to win the battle, we must not forget why we are fighting. Jag gick till Rikets sal och satte mig längst bak för att ingen skulle lägga märke till mig. Then be prepared to read them as you preach from door to door. I went to the Kingdom Hall and put my place to notice that nobody would notice me. Närmare 30 år efter pingsten år 33 v.t. bekräftade aposteln Paulus att Kristus ännu inte helt och fullt hade tagit Guds kungarikes makt i besittning. Indeed, several thousand Maya, Aztecs, and others are to be found among the 572,530 Kingdom publishers in Mexico. Nearly 30 years after Pentecost 33 C.E., the apostle Paul confirmed that Christ did not yet take full advantage of the power of the Kingdom. Tack vare att Debora, Barak och Jael handlade modigt hade landet " sedan ro i fyrtio år ." What will a loving friend do? Because Deborah, Barak, and Jael acted courageously, the land had "cut off forty years. " Brodern behöver uppenbarligen bestämma sig för vad som är bäst för honom andligt sett. Next, he commands: "Walk in it. " The brother apparently needs to decide what is best for him. Frågan om det var möjligt för människor att vara fullkomligt lydiga mot Jehovas suveränitet hade länge varit en hemlighet. By means of his Word and holy spirit, Jehovah helps us to discern his will, to do it, and to change our life to the extent necessary in order to meet his requirements. The question about it was possible for humans to be perfect in obedience to Jehovah's sovereignty had long been a secret secret. Var sedan inställd på att läsa dem när du förkunnar från dörr till dörr. Become an Example in Speaking Then be determined to read them when preaching from door to door. I själva verket finns det flera tusen som tillhör mayafolket, aztekerna och andra folk bland de 572 530 förkunnarna av Guds kungarike i Mexico. To an extent, some of us may have to battle this subtle attack until the new world. In fact, there are thousands of people of the United States, B.C.E. and other peoples among the 5730 publishers of God's Kingdom in Mexico. Vad kommer en kärleksfull vän att göra? Here he outlined three things that we must do. What will a loving friend do? Sedan befaller han oss: " Vandra på den. " We learn to put others first. Then he commands us: "Go in it. " Men hur kan vi ta reda på vad som är Jehovas vilja? Vi måste ta vara på den hjälp han ger. Vi måste läsa Bibeln varje dag, begrunda det vi läser och be om helig ande. He said: "The way they treated the job of cleaning the Kingdom Hall or a convention center told me that they considered it to be important. But how can we know what is Jehovah's will, and we need to take advantage of the help he provides every day, meditate on it, and pray for holy spirit? Bli ett exempel i tal Together they declared their determination to worship Jehovah loyally. become an example in speech En del av oss måste kanske leva med sådana känslor så länge den här världen består. The three ways in which we can lovingly obey Jehovah are: (1) We love those whom Jehovah loves, (2) we show respect for authority, and (3) we strive to remain clean in God's eyes. Some of us may have to live with such feelings as long as this world remains. Här nämnde han tre saker som vi måste göra. 15: 3. How did Jehovah become King in 1914, and what were some of the Kingdom's early accomplishments? In this regard, he mentioned three things that we must do. Vi lär oss att sätta andra i första rummet. As you have likely seen in the world around you, all such treasures are perishable and can be easily lost. We learn to put others in the first place. Han sade: " Det sätt som de utförde sitt arbete på, när de städade Rikets sal eller en sammankomsthall, sade mig att de ansåg att det var viktigt. How can strong faith protect you? He said: "The way they carried out their work on, when they cleaned the Kingdom Hall or a Assembly Hall, I thought that it was important. Tillsammans förklarade de att de var beslutna att lojalt tillbe Jehova. 1, 2. They explained that they were determined to worship Jehovah loyally. Vi kan visa Jehova att vi älskar och lyder honom genom att vi 1) älskar dem som Jehova älskar, 2) respekterar myndighet och 3) anstränger oss för att bevara oss rena i Jehovas ögon. And when Moses "stretched out his hand over the sea " and Jehovah split the sea apart, Moses did not go through alone or with just a few of the Israelites. We can show Jehovah that we love and obey him (1) by loving those whom Jehovah loves, (2) respecting authority, and (3) striving to remain clean in Jehovah's eyes. Hur blev Jehova kung 1914? Vad var något av det första som det messianska riket gjorde? Only humans are conscious of having a spiritual need and feel the desire to satisfy it. How did Jehovah become King in 1914? Som du säkert vet är alla sådana skatter förgängliga och kan lätt gå förlorade. Otherwise, he selects a question and continues the discussion without putting the householder on the spot. As you likely know, all such treasures are valueless and can easily be lost. Hur kan en stark tro skydda dig? • How does the book of Amos show that the execution of God's judgment is selective? How can strong faith protect you? 1, 2. Gradually, I began to feel more in control. 1, 2. Och när Mose " räckte... ut sin hand över havet " och Jehova delade det, så gick inte Mose över ensam eller med bara några av israeliterna. January 19 - 25, 2009 And when Moses "went out his hand on the sea " and enjoyed Jehovah, Moses did not go over alone or merely any of the Israelites. Endast människor är medvetna om att de har ett andligt behov och känner att de vill tillfredsställa det. How can we do so? Only people are conscious of having a spiritual need and their desire to satisfy it. I annat fall väljer han själv en fråga och fortsätter samtalet utan att sätta press på den besökte. Jesus warned that "everyone who keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. " In other cases, he chooses a question and continues the conversation without pressure on the householder. • Hur visar Amos bok att Gud är selektiv när han verkställer sin dom? ARTICLE 5 • How does the book of Amos show that God is selective when he executes judgment? Jag känner att jag successivt har fått mer kontroll. Reflecting upon Jehovah's wonderful works - expressions of his power and wisdom - humbles us and helps us to see that the vindication of his sovereignty is more important than any of our personal interests. - Matthew 6: 9, 10. I feel that I have fallen into control. 19 - 25 januari 2009 Are You Speaking the "Pure Language " Fluently? January 19 - 25, 2009 Hur kan vi göra det? [ Picture on page 18] How can we do that? Jesus sa att " var och en som håller i med att se på en kvinna, så att han grips av begär till henne, redan har begått äktenskapsbrott med henne i sitt hjärta ." Jehovah instructs his King to " strap his sword on his side, ' thus authorizing Jesus to wage war against all who oppose God's sovereignty and to execute His judgments on them. Jesus said: "Everyone who keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. " SIDAN 29 Love moved him to leave his heavenly home and to dwell on earth as a man. ARTICLE 2 Att tänka på Jehovas underbara gärningar - som vittnar om hans kraft och vishet - gör oss ödmjuka och hjälper oss att förstå att hävdandet av hans suveränitet är viktigare än något av våra personliga intressen. 16: 24; Mark 10: 29, 30. Reflecting on Jehovah's wonderful works - bearing witness to his power and wisdom - makes us humble and helps us to see that the vindication of his sovereignty is more important than any personal interests. Talar du det " rena språket " flytande? Indeed, Jehovah uses his holy spirit to reveal deep spiritual truths. Are You Speaking the "pure Language "? [ Bild på sidan 18] Parents can make it more enjoyable by training their children to be effective in the ministry. [ Picture on page 18] Jehova ger kungen befallningen att binda svärdet vid sin sida. I och med det får Jesus rätten att föra krig mot alla som inte erkänner Jehovas styre och att verkställa hans domar över dem. Peter, present that night, understood that Christlike love and related qualities are to be manifest among genuine disciples of Christ. Jehovah gives the king the command to bind his sword, and with the right to wage war against all those who do not recognize Jehovah's rulership and to execute his judgments upon them. Kärleken fick honom att lämna sitt himmelska hem för att leva på jorden som människa. Both objectives are important, but the latter is especially significant. Love moved him to leave his heavenly home in order to live on earth as a human. Ta emot Jehovas inbjudan! See The Watchtower, August 15, 2009, pages 30 - 32. Accept Jehovah's invitation! Ja, Jehova använder sin heliga ande för att uppenbara djupa andliga sanningar. Why not? Yes, Jehovah uses his holy spirit to reveal deep spiritual truths. Föräldrarna kan göra tjänsten mer givande genom att öva barnen, så att de kan ta del i den på ett meningsfullt sätt. It is the great "day of Jehovah. " Parents can do more rewarding by training their children so that they can share in it effectively. Petrus, som var närvarande den här kvällen och natten, förstod att Kristuslik kärlek och egenskaper som hör samman med den måste vara uppenbara bland Kristi sanna lärjungar. In the days of the prophet Malachi, many Jewish husbands dealt treacherously with their wives by divorcing them, using all kinds of excuses. Peter, present at that night and night, realized that Christlike love and qualities associated with it must be manifest among Christ's true disciples. Båda dessa syften är viktiga, men det sistnämnda har en särskild innebörd. Sadly, during hard economic times, some have sacrificed their spirituality in order to maintain the standard of living to which they had grown accustomed. Both of these objectives are important, but the last days have special significance. Se Vakttornet för 15 augusti 2009, sidorna 30 - 32. By what means? See The Watchtower, August 15, 2009, pages 30 - 32. Varför inte det? This affected her greatly. Why not? Det är " Jehovas dag ." When he starts to attend Christian meetings regularly, his spiritual training will progress as he participates in the Theocratic Ministry School, becomes an unbaptized publisher, and so forth. It is "Jehovah's day. " På profeten Malakis tid var det många judiska män som handlade förrädiskt mot sina hustrur och skilde sig av alla möjliga anledningar. (b) What eventually happens with the third type of soil, and why? In the days of the prophet Malachi, many Jewish men acted treacherously with their wives and differed from all possible reasons. Sorgligt nog har somliga i svåra ekonomiska tider gjort avkall på sin andlighet för att kunna bibehålla den levnadsstandard som de vant sig vid. An outstanding example of offerings was seen in connection with the inauguration of the temple in Solomon's day. - 2 Chron. 7: 4 - 6. Sadly, some in difficult economic times have made their spirituality in order to maintain their standard of living as they were accustomed to. Hur då? Assuring them of the truthfulness of the reason for his change in plans, Paul wrote in his second letter: "I call upon God as a witness against my own soul that it is to spare you that I have not yet come to Corinth. " How? Det tog hårt på henne. (b) Why was Nisan 15 in 33 C.E. called "a great " Sabbath? This was a hard work on her. När han börjar vara med vid mötena regelbundet lär han sig vad han behöver göra för att få vara med i teokratiska skolan, bli odöpt förkunnare och så vidare. Within its pages, we find God's dealings with imperfect humankind over thousands of years. When he starts attending meetings regularly, he learns what he needs to do to be present in the Theocratic Ministry School, become unbaptized publishers, and so forth. b) Vad händer till slut med det tredje slaget av jord, och varför? " According to what I have seen, those devising what is hurtful and those sowing trouble will themselves reap it. " - Job 4: 7, 8. (b) What happens to the third type of soil, and why? Ett enastående exempel på offrande kunde ses i samband med invigningen av templet på Salomos tid. Have I considered taking up full - time service as a career? ' An outstanding example of sacrifice was seen in the inauguration of the temple in Solomon's day. I sitt andra brev försäkrade Paulus att det här var orsaken till att han hade ändrat sina planer. 2: 13. Why was Jesus able to remain faithful despite extreme tests, and how can you imitate him? In his second letter, Paul assured Paul that he had changed his plans. b) Varför kallades den 15 nisan år 33 en " stor " sabbat? In addition, we received coats, shoes, bags, and pajamas. " (b) Why was Nisan 15 called a "great sabbath "? Där kan vi läsa om hur Gud har handlat med ofullkomliga människor i tusentals år. What if our attention span is short and our mind starts to wander after a brief period of study? There we can read about how God dealt with imperfect humans for thousands of years. " Efter vad jag har sett kommer de som tänker ut det som är till skada och de som sår vedermöda att själva få skörda det. " How grateful we are that "the faithful and discreet slave " provides Bible - based publications to help us maintain unity in our teaching and accomplish our work as evangelizers! " After what I have seen, those who think to harm and those who sow tribulation will reap it. " Har jag tänkt över mina möjligheter att göra heltidstjänsten till min levnadsbana? Gratitude for the ransom should motivate us to do all we can to make others aware that they can benefit from that priceless gift. Have I thought about my opportunities to make full - time service my career? Hur kunde Jesus bevara sig trogen trots extrema prövningar, och hur kan du efterlikna honom? Compared with the positions and rewards that the world offers, a career in full - time service to Jehovah is without doubt the surest way to a life of joy and contentment. How did Jesus remain faithful despite extreme trials, and how can you imitate him? Dessutom har vi fått jackor, skor, väskor och pyjamasar. " So God sanctified them, or set them apart as his chosen people. Moreover, we have been blessed, beaten, and arrested. " Hur är det då om vi inte har förmåga att koncentrera oss under någon längre period, utan tankarna börjar vandra efter en kort stunds studium? (See opening picture.) What, though, if we do not have the ability to concentrate during a later period of study? Vi är verkligen tacksamma för att " den trogne och omdömesgille slaven " förser oss med bibelförklarande litteratur som hjälper oss att ha en enhetlig undervisning och att utföra vårt arbete som evangelieförkunnare! But we must be determined to stay loyal to Jehovah, trusting in him to deliver us from the wicked one. How grateful we are that "the faithful and discreet slave " provides us with Bible - based publications that help us to have unity and to carry out our work as evangelizers! Vår uppskattning av lösenoffret bör motivera oss att berätta för så många som möjligt om hur de kan få nytta av den här fantastiska gåvan. " God has set the members in the body, each one of them, just as he pleased. " - 1 COR. 12: 18. Our appreciation for the ransom should move us to share with as many as possible how they can benefit from this marvelous gift. I jämförelse med den status och belöning som världen erbjuder är en karriär i heltidstjänst för Jehova utan tvivel det säkraste sättet att få ett glädjefyllt och tillfredsställande liv. Explain. In comparison with the status and rewards offered by the world, a career in Jehovah's full - time service is no doubt the sure way to enjoy a joyful and satisfying life. Så Gud helgade dem, eller avskilde dem som sitt utvalda folk. 27: 11. 18, 19. (a) Cutting off contact with a practicer of lawlessness gives evidence of our hatred for what? So God sanctified them, or set them apart as his chosen people. (Se den inledande bilden.) Through his spirit, Jehovah gave Israel his Law, which preserved true worship and protected the Jews from spiritual, moral, and physical contamination. (See opening picture.) Men vi måste vara beslutna att förbli lojala mot Jehova och lita på att han skall befria oss från den onde. Jehovah knows what is best for his servants, and he has been consistent in stating his viewpoint regarding marriage. But we must be determined to remain loyal to Jehovah, confident that he will deliver us from the wicked one. " Gud [har] satt lemmarna i kroppen, var och en av dem, alldeles som han ville. " United Nations ("disgusting thing ") will attack Christendom (" holy place ") and the rest of false religion " God has appointed the members of the body, each one of them, just as he wanted. " - 1 COR. Förklara. Abraham and Sarah did not always agree with each other. Explain. 18, 19. a) Vad visar vi genom att inte ha kontakt med uteslutna? He desired to work in harmony with Jehovah's arrangement, so he got baptized without delay. 18, 19. (a) What do we show by avoiding contact with disfellowshipped ones? Genom sin ande gav Jehova israeliterna lagen, som bevarade den sanna tillbedjan och skyddade judarna mot att bli orena i andligt, moraliskt och fysiskt avseende. For example, he gave Adam authority over other living creatures, even assigning him the enjoyable and challenging task of naming the animals. By means of his spirit, Jehovah gave the Israelites the Law, which protected true worship and protected the Jews from becoming unclean spiritually, morally, and physically. Jehova vet vad som är bäst för sina tjänare, och han har alltid varit tydlig med vad som är hans syn på äktenskapet. He will not allow Satan's rebellion to derail His purpose for mankind. Jehovah knows what is best for his servants, and he has always been clear about what is God's view of marriage. Abraham och Sara tyckte inte alltid likadant. " Preach the word, be at it urgently. " - 2 TIM. 4: 2. Abraham and Sarah did not always feel the same way. Så han bad att få bli döpt där och då. Despite all the good done by the Messiah, many people would not believe in him. So he asked to get baptized there and then. Adam fick till exempel myndighet över andra levande skapelser och till och med det trevliga och stimulerande uppdraget att ge namn åt djuren. It can help us to guard our heart. For example, Adam received authority over other living creatures, even the pleasant and refreshing assignment to name the animals. Han kommer inte att låta Satans uppror sätta käppar i hjulen för hans avsikt med mänskligheten. Paul recognized that a career in the Jewish system had no value from Jehovah's point of view; it had no future. He will not let Satan's rebellion succeed in the face of his purpose for mankind. " Predika ordet, håll enträget på med det. " Why is kindness needed in the congregation, and how can it be shown? " Preach the word, be at it urgently. " - 1 COR. Trots allt gott som Messias gjorde var det många som inte skulle sätta tro till honom. " It is not with the gift as it was with the trespass, " Paul wrote. Despite all the good that the Messiah did, many would not put faith in him. Den egenskapen kan hjälpa oss att skydda vårt hjärta. We too have the privilege of announcing Jehovah's name and purpose. It can help us to safeguard our heart. Paulus insåg att en karriär i den judiska ordningen inte var värd något i Jehovas ögon. Den hade ingen framtid. 11: 6, 11 - 13. How did Saul come to develop selfish thinking? Paul realized that a career in the Jewish system was not worth anything in Jehovah's eyes. Varför måste vi visa omtänksamhet i församlingen, och hur kan vi göra det? As you read a Bible passage, take time to pause and ask yourself such questions as these: " What does this tell me about Jehovah? Why must we display kindness within the congregation, and how can we do so? " Det är inte med gåvan som det var med överträdelsen ," skrev Paulus. For all of this to happen, the present system of things with its conflicting governments, religions, and commercial systems will have to be removed. " It is not with the gift of transgression, " wrote Paul. Vi har också privilegiet att göra Jehovas namn och avsikter kända. Solomon's heirs lost the unified kingdom of Israel and suffered many calamities for generations to come. - 1 Ki. We too have the privilege of doing Jehovah's name and purposes. Hur visade Saul att han hade börjat tänka själviskt? How does Bethel service make young ones happy? How did Saul manifest selfishness? Medan du läser Bibeln kan du stanna upp och fråga dig själv: Vad säger det här avsnittet om Jehova? Because they offered opportunities to make practical plans in an atmosphere of closeness and understanding. As you read the Bible, pause and ask yourself, " What does this passage say about Jehovah? ' För att allt det här skall kunna inträffa måste den nuvarande världsordningen med dess stridande makter, religioner och kommersiella system tas bort. Many Vietnamese people are amazed that I have learned their language. In order to unfold all of this, the present system of things needed to fight powers, religions, and commercial system to be removed. Kungariket delades och Salomos efterkommande hade inte längre makten över hela Israel. " The spirit searches into all things, even the deep things of God. " - 1 COR. The kingdom was divided and Solomon's descendants no longer had control over all Israel. Varför tycker många unga om betellivet? " Speak Consolingly to the Depressed Souls " Why do many young people enjoy making a living? Därför att det är lättare att prata om svåra saker, lyssna respektfullt och göra upp realistiska planer innan problemen uppstår. Other students see the importance of getting baptized after learning Bible truth when advanced in years - some being over 100 years of age! Because it is easier to talk about difficult things, to listen respectfully, and to make realistic plans before problems arise. När jag kommer till dem i tjänsten brukar de bjuda in mig. Consider some potential challenges and how we can deal with them. When I come to them in the ministry, they usually invite me. " Anden utforskar allt, till och med Guds djupheter. " When they obeyed Jehovah, the Israelites were organized and unified. " The spirit searches into all things, even the deep things of God. " " Tala tröstande till de nedstämda själarna " Judges chapters 4 and 5 indicate how Jehovah appreciates it when we willingly rally to carry out his clear direction. " Speak consolingly to the depressed souls " Andra lär känna Bibelns sanning lite senare i livet och blir döpta när de har kommit upp i åren. En del har varit över 100 år! Jesus had given him and the other apostles authority to expel demons. Others come to know Bible truth later in their life and get baptized at the age of 100 years. Vi ska nu se närmare på några sådana potentiella prövningar och hur vi kan hantera dem. When an individual becomes one of Jehovah's Witnesses, he will not practice or consent to such wrong practices, and that makes him no part of the world. - Romans 12: 2; 13: 12 - 14; 1 Corinthians 6: 9 - 11; 1 John 3: 10 - 12. Let us consider some of these potential trials and see how we can cope with them. När israeliterna lydde Jehova var de organiserade och enade. Absolutely! When the Israelites obeyed Jehovah, they were organized and united. I kapitel 4 och 5 i Domarboken får vi veta att Jehova tycker om att vi frivilligt ställer upp och följer hans vägledning. Clearly, at that time Satan was still challenging Jehovah. In chapter 4 and 5 of Judges, we learn that Jehovah is pleased with our willingness to follow his guidance. Jesus hade gett honom och de andra apostlarna myndighet att driva ut demoner. Consider this: After Jesus ' death, there were thousands of Jewish Christians who were zealous for the Law and found it hard to break free from it. Jesus had given him and the other apostles the authority to expel demons. När någon blir ett Jehovas vittne, kommer han inte att utföra eller ge sitt samtycke till sådana handlingar, och detta gör att han inte är någon del av världen. Why should young Christians who are still in school work hard? When a person becomes one of Jehovah's Witnesses, he will not perform or give his mutual agreement to such acts, and this makes him no part of the world. Absolut! Jehovah has preserved spiritual truth and has made knowledge of it available to us in ever - increasing abundance. Absolutely! Det är tydligt att Satan fortfarande utmanade Jehova. Anyone who makes a dedication vow should take it very seriously, just as did the psalmist who spoke of the vows he had made to God: "With what will I repay Jehovah for all the good he has done for me? Clearly, Satan still challenged Jehovah. Efter Jesus död fanns det tusentals kristna judar som var " nitiska för lagen " och tyckte att det var svårt att bryta sig loss från den. All of us face trials that we must endure. After Jesus ' death, thousands of Jewish Christians "were zealous for the Law " and found it difficult to break free from it. Varför bör unga kristna som fortfarande går i skolan göra sitt bästa där? How comforting that is! Why should young Christians still be doing their best? Jehova har sett till att sanningen har bevarats och att vi hela tiden kan lära oss mer om den. It is time for people to awaken from spiritual slumber. Jehovah has seen to it that the truth has been preserved and that we can constantly learn more about it. Den som ger ett sådant löfte till honom bör ta det på största allvar, precis som psalmisten som sjöng: " Vad skall jag ge Jehova i gengäld för alla hans välgärningar mot mig? " How can you be loyal to both Jehovah and your friend or relative? Those who make such a promise should take it seriously, as did the psalmist who sang: "What shall I give Jehovah in return to all his credit for me? " Vi får alla uthärda olika prövningar. What will help us to endure despite calamities? All of us endure various trials. Det är en tröst att veta detta! Another practical way parents can teach children to listen to Jehovah is by having regular family Bible discussions. How comforting it is to know this! Det är dags för människor att vakna upp ur sin andliga sömn. To what did the veil of spiritual darkness lead? It is time for people to wake up from their spiritual sleep. Vi kanske är helt säkra på att en medtroende har syndat allvarligt. According to the Bible record, he spoke more about the Kingdom than about any other subject - referring to it more than 100 times during his ministry. We may be sure that a fellow believer has sinned seriously. Vad kommer att hjälpa oss att hålla ut trots olyckor? What an opportune time to praise Jehovah courageously! What will help us to endure despite calamities? Något annat som föräldrar kan göra för att lära sina barn att lyssna på Jehova är att ha ett regelbundet familjestudium. " If you become discouraged in the day of distress, " says Proverbs 24: 10, "your strength will be meager. " Another way that parents can do so is by teaching their children to listen to Jehovah is by regularly engaging in regular family worship. Vad orsakades av slöjan av andligt mörker? He says: "As for us who belong to the day, let us keep our senses and have on the breastplate of faith and love and as a helmet the hope of salvation. " What was caused by the veil of spiritual darkness? Det var det ämne han oftast kom in på, och som Bibeln visar hänvisade han till det mer än hundra gånger under sin tjänst. 6: 8. Our foremost example of a man who allowed God's spirit to motivate him is Jesus Christ. That is the subject he usually came into, and he referred to it more than a hundred times during his ministry. Vilket passande tillfälle att modigt lovprisa Jehova! Even the birds have to search for food for themselves and their young. What a fitting opportunity to courageously praise Jehovah! I Ordspråksboken 24: 10 står det: " Förlorar du modet på nödens dag är din kraft begränsad. " He can then make an honest evaluation of his circumstances. Proverbs 24: 10 says: "Have you shown yourself discouraged in the day of distress? Your power will be reduced? " Han säger: " Vi som hör dagen till, låt oss bevara vår besinning och ha på oss trons och kärlekens bröstpansar och som hjälm hoppet om räddning. " This means that the majority of the 144,000 chosen ones have already died faithfully. He says: "We who hear the day of our senses, let us keep our senses and have on the breastplate of faith and love and as a helmet the hope of salvation. " Jesus Kristus är det främsta exemplet på en som lät Guds ande motivera honom. The Bible tells us that Adam's firstborn son, Cain, became the first human murderer when he killed his brother Abel. Jesus Christ set the supreme example of one who allowed God's spirit to motivate him. Till och med fåglarna måste leta efter mat till sig själva och sina ungar. That person may be searching in all sincerity for religious truth. Even birds must search for food for themselves and their young ones. Då kan han göra en ärlig bedömning av sin situation. 31: 33 - How is God's law written in hearts? Then he can make an honest assessment of his situation. Det innebär att flertalet av de 144 000 redan har dött och kommit till himlen. What, though, if a lost pilot hesitates to contact the controllers because he is embarrassed that he got lost? This means that the majority of the 144,000 have already died and have come to heaven. I Bibeln får vi veta att Adams förstfödde son, Kain, blev den förste mördaren när han dödade sin bror Abel. Sin mars a person's relationship with God. The Bible tells us that Adam's firstborn son, Cain, was the first killed when he killed his brother Abel. De kanske i all uppriktighet söker finna religiös sanning. Ge dem därför en chans att finna den. The people of Israel also take vengeance upon the Midianites. They may seek to find religious truth, so they may give them an opportunity to find it. 31: 33 - På vilket sätt är Guds lag skriven " i deras hjärta "? I carefully control my spending, so I have the freedom and the peace of mind that come from avoiding unnecessary debt. " 31: 33 - In what way is God's Law written "in their heart "? Men hur är det om han tvekar att kontakta flygledartornet på grund av att han skäms för att han kommit ur kurs? " THE Romans ' greatest... bequest to those who succeeded them [was] their law and their sense that life should be lived according to law. " But what if he hesitate to flee the tower because he is ashamed of his course? Synden skadar människans förhållande till Gud. Thus, elders need to cultivate humility and work together as a unified body. Sin damages man's relationship with God. Israeliterna tar också hämnd på midjaniterna. Christ urged the Ephesians: "Remember from what you have fallen, and repent and do the former deeds. " The Israelites also take vengeance on the Midianites. Jag har noggrann koll på hur mycket pengar jag gör av med, och jag slipper många bekymmer eftersom jag inte drar på mig onödiga skulder. " (b) Cite an example. I have carefully watched the amount of money I do, and I free many anxiety because I do not turn away from my unnecessary debts. " " ROMARNAS viktigaste arv... till eftervärlden var deras lag och deras uppfattning att livet skulle levas enligt lag. " First, he pointed out that gifts of the spirit would pass away and that the Christian congregation would grow out of its infancy stage and reach maturity. " THE most important inheritance... after the time their law was, and their view of life was to live according to the law of life. " De äldste behöver alltså utveckla ödmjukhet och arbeta tillsammans som en enad grupp. [ Picture on page 29] Thus, elders need to cultivate humility and work together as a united group. Kristus uppmanade efesierna: " Påminn dig därför varifrån du har fallit, och ändra sinne och gör de förra gärningarna. " (b) What should we not stop praying for, and why? Christ urged the Ephesians: "Remember, therefore, where you have fallen, repent, and do the former deeds. " b) Ge ett exempel. Why might parents consider their children's concerns when making house rules? (b) Give an example. Först sade han att andens gåvor skulle tas bort och att den kristna församlingen skulle lämna barnstadiet och uppnå mogenhet. The warmth of the sun. First, he said that the gifts of the spirit would be taken away and that the Christian congregation would leave children empty and maturity. [ Bild på sidan 29] That includes the animals. [ Picture on page 29] b) Vad ska vi fortsätta att be om, och varför det? For example, Franz and Margit, who are now serving at another branch, were in 1982 serving at the branch office in Brazil. They witnessed in a small rural town. Among the Bible studies that were started was one with a mother and her four children. (b) What should we continue to pray for, and why? Varför kan föräldrar välja att ta hänsyn till sina barns önskemål när de ställer upp regler i familjen? We see evidence of God in the starry heavens. Why can parents choose to take into account the desires of their children when making rules in their family? Värmen från solen. What factors may affect the place that we occupy? The emphasis from the sun. Detta gäller också djuren. Similarly, a new disciple who travels on the road to life learns not only from his teacher but also from the fine examples that he sees in the congregation. - Matthew 7: 13, 14. That is also true of the animals. Två beteliter, Franz och Margit, fick uppleva det. 1982 tjänade de på avdelningskontoret i Brasilien och gick i tjänsten i en liten stad där de började studera med en kvinna och hennes fyra barn. Study Edition Two Bethelites, Franz, and her four children were enjoying the branch office in Brazil, and shared in the ministry in a small town where they began to study with a woman and her four children. Vi ser bevis för Guds existens i den stjärnbeströdda himlen. Gazelles and hinds are noted for their gracefulness and beauty. We see evidence of God's existence in the starry heavens. Vilka faktorer kan inverka på vilken plats vi har? You need to sit down with your spouse and discuss the matter. What factors can affect our place? En ny lärjunge som färdas på livets väg lär sig på liknande sätt inte endast av den som studerar med honom, utan också av de fina exempel han ser i församlingen. They fail to absorb God's word fully and thus lack the heartfelt appreciation needed to endure. A new disciple traveling on life likewise learns not only from the student's fine example but also from the fine example he sees in the congregation. Studieupplagan So he said exactly how many sheep were left behind while the owner searched for a stray, how many hours workers labored in the vineyard, and how many talents were given in trust. - Matthew 18: 12 - 14; 20: 1 - 16; 25: 14 - 30. Study Edition Gaseller och hindar är kända för att vara graciösa och vackra. They Fell Near the Finish Line While he is well - known, he is known to be poured out and made beautiful. Du behöver sätta dig ner tillsammans med din äktenskapspartner och resonera igenom saken. His clothing was white just like snow, and the hair of his head was like clean wool. " - Dan. 7: 9. You need to put down with your mate and discuss the matter. De underlåter att ta till sig Guds ord helt och fullt och saknar därför den innerliga uppskattning som behövs för att hålla ut. Of Christians in those days, Philip Schaff writes: "Every congregation was a missionary society, and every Christian believer a missionary. " They fail to absorb God's Word fully and thus lack the heartfelt appreciation needed to endure. Därför talade han om exakt hur många får som lämnades kvar medan ägaren sökte det vilsegångna, hur många timmar arbetarna arbetade i vingården och hur många talenter som anförtroddes åt slavarna. In Bible times, before advanced medical treatments were available, waiting for over a week before circumcision was a wise protection. Hence, he spoke of the exact number of sheep left while the owner sought the lost one, how many hours worked in the vineyard, and how many talents were entrusted to the slaves. De föll strax före målet This ironclad guarantee is binding despite any calamity that might befall us. They fell just before the goal Hans klädnad var vit som snö, och håret på hans huvud var som ren ull. " To help us maintain our wholehearted love for God's Kingdom, Jehovah has given us another priceless treasure. His garment was like snow, and hair on his head was like clean wool. " Om de kristna på den tiden skriver Philip Schaff: " Varje församling var ett missionssällskap och varje kristen troende en missionär. " In the decades leading up to World War I, Charles Taze Russell and his associates realized that the organizations of Christendom were not teaching Bible truth. Concerning Christians back then, Philip writes: "Every congregation was a temple and every Christian missionary. " På Bibelns tid, innan modern sjukvård var tillgänglig, var det alltså till skydd för barnen att man väntade en vecka. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Thus, in Bible times, before health care was available, it was a protection for the children to await a week. Det är helt bergsäkert. Inget kan få Jehova att backa från det löftet. (b) How are those hungering and thirsting for righteousness "filled "? That is precisely what Jehovah promised him. Vi måste vara medvetna om sådana faror. Jehova har gett oss ännu en dyrbar skatt som stärker vår kärlek till riket. When he obtained a new cell phone, his bad craving was reignited. We need to be aware of such dangers; Jehovah has given us another precious treasure that strengthens our love for the Kingdom. Flera år innan första världskriget bröt ut hade Charles Taze Russell och hans medarbetare insett att kristenheten inte lärde ut sanningen från Bibeln. That foundation must be solid and stable, and its members must be willing and able to carry out the direction of the Master. Years before World War I, Charles Taze Russell and his associates discovered that Christendom did not teach Bible truth. Om inget annat anges är bibelcitaten hämtade från Nya världens översättning av Den heliga skrift - studieutgåva med fotnoter och parallellhänvisningar. • What motivates us to live no longer for ourselves? Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Om vi följde dem skulle vi bara ledas bort från vägen till evigt liv. According to the Bible, humans simply do not have the wisdom and power to bring about a permanent solution. If we followed them, we would only be led away from the road to everlasting life. b) Hur blir de som hungrar och törstar efter rättfärdighet " mättade "? The night before, Steve had hit me as I had tried to prove a point, and I was feeling sad and sorry for myself. (b) How are those hungering and thirsting for righteousness "filled "? När han sedan köpte en ny mobiltelefon flammade det upp igen. Jesus ' courage was based, not on bravado, but on faith. Then, when he bought a new cell phone, it turned up again. Den grunden måste vara stadig och fast, och de som utgör den måste vara villiga och i stånd att följa de anvisningar som deras herre ger. How do the following help build faith: (a) good association? The foundation must be firmly established, and those who make it must be willing and able to follow the direction given by their master. • Vad motiverar oss att inte längre leva för oss själva? Where and how can true Christians, who are interested in Jehovah's ways, find such refreshment? • What moves us to live no longer for ourselves? Vinden är osynlig, men effekterna av den märks. The Christian congregation is blessed with countless brothers and sisters who cultivate a spirit of generosity. We are invisible, but the work is produces by its manifest. Bibeln visar att människan helt enkelt inte har den vishet eller makt som krävs för att få en permanent lösning på världens alla problem. (b) What can help us focus on finding deserving ones? The Bible shows that humans simply do not have wisdom or power needed to get a permanent solution to the problems of the world. " Kvällen innan hade Steve och jag grälat, och han blev rasande. Jag var ledsen och tyckte synd om mig själv. What leads us to this conclusion? " On the night before he had Steve and I argued, and he became furious, feeling sorry for me, and I felt pity for myself. Det mod Jesus visade var inte grundat på överdriven självtillit, utan på tro. The parable of the prodigal son shows that regardless of how far we may have strayed, our heavenly Father rejoices when we return to him. Jesus ' courage was based, not on self - reliance, but on faith. Hur kan vi få starkare tro av a) bra umgänge? Instead of drawing away from our brothers when problems arise, we ought to help one another remain among God's people, safe in the embrace of Jehovah's "everlasting arms. " - Deut. How can we strengthen our faith by (a) good associations? Var och hur kan sanna kristna, som ju är intresserade av Jehovas vägar, få ny styrka? In doing so, these world leaders mocked Almighty God himself, for anointed Kingdom ambassadors represent "heavenly Jerusalem " - the Messianic Kingdom - of which they are a part. - Heb. Where and how can true Christians, who are interested in Jehovah's ways, find refreshment? I den kristna församlingen finns det många sådana generösa bröder och systrar. That situation still prevailed in the time of Jesus. In the Christian congregation, there are many such generous brothers and sisters. b) Vad kan hjälpa oss att inrikta oss på att finna dem som är värdiga? And recall the strength that Jehovah gave Moses to carry out His will. (b) What can help us to focus on finding deserving ones? Vad får oss att dra den slutsatsen? Does this mean that it is wrong to offer our observation if we see something in the congregation that we feel needs adjustment? What moves us to draw that conclusion? Liknelsen om den förlorade sonen visar att hur långt vi än har avvikit, så gläder sig vår himmelske Fader när vi återvänder till honom. The original - language term translated "behave indecently " means to conduct oneself in such a way as to be rude, to lack good manners, or to act improperly. The illustration of the prodigal son shows that no matter how far we have strayed, our heavenly Father rejoices when we return to him. I stället för att vi drar oss undan från våra bröder och systrar när det uppstår problem, bör vi hjälpa varandra att stanna kvar bland Guds folk där vi får säkert skydd i Jehovas " eviga armar ." For your heavenly Father knows you need all these things. " Rather than shrink back from our brothers and sisters when problems arise, we should help one another to stay among God's people in Jehovah's "everlasting arms. " I och med det utmanade de i själva verket den allsmäktige Guden, för de smorda kristna representerar det " himmelska Jerusalem " - Guds regering i himlen. " Peace, ' " a future, ' and " a hope. ' In fact, they questioned the almighty God, for anointed Christians represent the " heavenly Jerusalem " - God's government in heaven. Så var det även på Jesu tid. Besides being a good listener, he was often aware of what people were thinking, and he knew exactly what to say. That was true in Jesus ' day. Och tänk på hur Jehova gav Mose styrka att utföra hans vilja. 13 - 15. And think of how Jehovah empowered Moses to do his will. Betyder det här att det är fel att säga sin mening om vi tycker att det är något i församlingen som behöver rättas till? How has sharing in preaching the good news benefited both you and others? Does this mean that it is wrong to say something in the congregation that needs to be adjusted? Det uttryck på grundspråket som återgetts med " bär sig... oanständigt åt " innehåller tanken på att vara oförskämd eller taktlös eller att uppföra sig på ett opassande sätt. How can we help people to reason on the Scriptures? The original - language expression translated "to beobscene " contains the idea of being rude or rude in conducting ourselves in inappropriate ways. Er himmelske Fader vet ju att ni behöver allt detta. " To protect your loved ones and your valuables, you would keep alert, watchful. For your heavenly Father knows you need all these things. " ' Frid ', ' en framtid ' och ' ett hopp '. All of the 144,000 will share Jesus ' vast heavenly authority " Peace, ' " a future ' and a hope. ' Han var inte bara en god lyssnare, utan förstod ofta vad människor tyckte och tänkte, och han visste exakt vad han skulle säga. Lani, mentioned earlier, explains her view of Christian association: "Attending meetings was not optional. He was not just a good listener but often understood what people thought and thought, and he knew exactly what to say. 13 - 15. No one - young or old - savors the bitter taste of rejection. 13 - 15. Hur har tjänsten varit till nytta för både dig och andra? Such tasteful, appropriate speech is essential to good communication and peace. How has the ministry benefited you and others? Hur kan vi hjälpa människor att resonera och dra slutsatser med hjälp av Bibeln? Nonetheless, we can be confident that Jehovah is always aware of our circumstances and will help us to remain faithful to him. How can we help people to reason and reason with the help of the Scriptures? För att skydda dina nära och kära och dina ägodelar skulle du säkert vara på din vakt. For example, when one African nation was torn apart by ethnic violence, the Christian conduct of Jehovah's Witnesses stood out. To protect your loved ones and your possessions, you would likely be on guard. Lani, som nämndes tidigare, berättar att det var nödvändigt för henne att gå på alla möten och vara tillsammans med vännerna. Consider how this proves beneficial when we face questions regarding employment. Last, mentioned earlier, relates that it was necessary for her to attend all meetings and be with the brothers. Det finns faktiskt ingen som tycker om att känna sig utanför. When speaking with a prospective employer, would you still inform him that you will be attending weekday meetings regularly? In fact, no one is pleased to feel outside. Sådant smakfullt, vänligt tal är nödvändigt för att vi ska kunna ha ett gott kommunicerande och bevara friden. 6, 7. Such taste, gracious speech is essential if we are to have good communication and to maintain peace. Men vi kan lita på att Jehova alltid är medveten om vår situation och kommer att hjälpa oss att vara trogna mot honom. Why did Enoch need faith and courage? However, we can trust that Jehovah is always aware of our situation and will help us to remain faithful to him. Som exempel kan vi nämna att när en afrikansk nation sönderslets av etniskt våld var Jehovas vittnens uppförande framträdande. That spirit is the most powerful force in the universe, so it can certainly equip us to face successfully any trial or temptation that may come our way. For example, when a African nation was ruled by ethnic violence, the conduct of Jehovah's Witnesses was the prominent conduct of Jehovah's Witnesses. Det här är bra att ha i tankarna när vi ställs inför frågor som gäller arbete. To share in this communion meal properly, they must be in a healthy spiritual condition. This is good to keep in mind when we face questions about employment. Eller tänk dig att du har sökt jobb en längre tid och till slut får komma på en anställningsintervju. 4, 5. (a) Of what did the Mosaic Law remind God's people? Or suppose you have sought employment for a later time and eventually get to a job. 6, 7. (Read Philippians 3: 12, 13.) 6, 7. Varför behövde Enok ha tro och mod? In vowing to do God's will, we join the psalmist in stating: "From every bad path I have restrained my feet, for the purpose that I may keep your word. " Why did Enoch need faith and courage? Denna ande är den starkaste kraften i universum, och därför kan den helt visst rusta oss att framgångsrikt möta varje prövning eller frestelse som kan komma i vår väg. As we show greater concern for the people we meet, and as we endeavor to improve our effectiveness in reaching the hearts of our listeners, our enthusiasm for the ministry increases. That spirit is the most powerful force in the universe, so it can surely equip us to face any trial or temptation that may come in our way. För att ta del i denna gemenskapsmåltid på tillbörligt sätt måste de vara i ett sunt andligt tillstånd. Those present on that occasion were Jews, who were aware of God's command: "You must not take vengeance nor have a grudge against the sons of your people; and you must love your fellow as yourself. " To share in that communion meal properly, they need to be in a wholesome spiritual state. 4, 5. a) Vad hjälpte lagen Guds folk att inse? The prophet Jeremiah stated: "I well know, O Jehovah, that to earthling man his way does not belong. 4, 5. (a) What helped God's people to recognize? (Läs Filipperna 3: 12, 13.) During the night, an earthquake shook the foundations of the jail and opened all the doors. (Read Philippians 3: 12, 13.) När vi lovar att göra Guds vilja instämmer vi i psalmistens ord: " Jag håller mina fötter borta från varje ond stig för att jag skall hålla ditt ord. " The Devil knows that his time is short, and he intensifies his efforts to conquer us. When we promise to do God's will, we agree with the psalmist's words: "I keep my feet off from every bad path in order that I may observe your word. " När vi visar mer personligt intresse för dem vi träffar och går in för att nå deras hjärta, kommer vi att bli mer entusiastiska för tjänsten. This is my comfort in my affliction, for your own saying has preserved me alive. " As we show more personal interest in those we meet and endeavor to reach their heart, we will be more enthusiastic about the ministry. De som var närvarande vid det här tillfället var judar som kände till Guds befallning: " Du skall inte hämnas och inte hysa agg mot ditt folks söner, utan du skall älska din nästa som dig själv. " Through it, we perceive beauty, appreciate the wonders of creation, and receive evidence of God's existence and glory. Those present at that time were Jews who knew of God's command: "You must not take vengeance nor have a grudge against the sons of your people, but you must love your neighbor as yourself. " Profeten Jeremia sade: " Jag vet, Jehova, att jordemänniskans väg inte tillkommer henne. If you have sinned seriously, why can you have confidence in the elders? The prophet Jeremiah said: "I well know, O Jehovah, that man's way does not belong to him. Under natten inträffade en jordbävning. Some would call the rescuer a hero, but he said: "You should do the right thing. During the night, an earthquake occurred. Djävulen vet att hans tid är kort, och han intensifierar sina ansträngningar att besegra oss. Samantha: No, it doesn't seem that way. The Devil knows that his time is short, and he is intensified his efforts to conquer us. Detta är min tröst i mitt betryck, ty det du har sagt bevarar mig vid liv. " A little boy may be fearful when he has to walk alone, but he is confident when he walks hand in hand with his father. This is my comfort in my distress, for what you have said has kept me alive. " Vi kan se skönhet, uppskatta skapelsens under och få bevis för Guds existens och härlighet. Similarly, a woman named Lydia, whose heart was opened "wide to pay attention to the things being spoken by Paul, " immediately" got baptized, " she and her household. We can see beauty, appreciate the wonders of creation, and see evidence of God's existence and glory. Om du har gjort dig skyldig till en allvarlig synd, varför kan du då känna förtroende för de äldste? He returned home with his parents, remained subject to them, and continued to progress in wisdom and physical growth. If you have sinned seriously, why can you have confidence in the elders? Somliga skulle kalla honom en hjälte, men han sade: " Man måste göra det som känns rätt. That generation had a beginning, and it surely will have an end. Some would call him a her hero, but he said: "You must do what feels right. Siv: Nej, det verkar inte så. [ Pictures on page 27] Samantha: No, it doesn't seem that way. En liten pojke är kanske rädd när han måste gå ensam, men han känner sig trygg när han går hand i hand med sin pappa. Whereas in another illustration, Jesus tells us that the seed that is sown is "the word of the kingdom, " in this illustration, he tells us that the fine seed represents something different - " the sons of the kingdom. " A little boy may be afraid when he needs to go alone, but he feels secure when he goes hand with his father. Det var likadant med en kvinna som hette Lydia. Hennes hjärta öppnades helt " till att ge akt på det som Paulus sade ," och hon och hennes hushåll " döptes " utan dröjsmål. Samuel realized that his role as leader had come to an end and that Jehovah had assigned him to anoint a successor. It was similar with a woman named Lydia, whose heart was fully opened "to pay attention to what Paul said, " and she and her household was" baptized without delay. " Han återvände hem med sina föräldrar och förblev dem undergiven och fortsatte att göra framsteg i vishet och i fysisk växt. This is especially true of young ones who are being raised in Christian families. He returned home with his parents and remained subject to them and kept making progress in wisdom and in physical growth. Denna generation hade en början, och den kommer naturligtvis att ha ett slut. What have you seen during your lifetime? That generation had started, and it will have an end. [ Bilder på sidan 27] Cannot much the same be said about us? [ Pictures on page 27] I en annan liknelse säger Jesus att säden som sås är " ordet om kungariket ," men i den här liknelsen säger han att den utmärkta säden är en bild av något annat - " kungarikets söner ." 1, 2. (a) What injustice did Naboth and his sons experience? In another illustration, Jesus says that the seed is "the word of the kingdom, " but in this illustration says that the fine seed represents another picture - "the sons of the kingdom. " Samuel, som hade blivit gammal, insåg att hans tid som ledare för folket var över och att Jehova ville att han skulle smörja en efterträdare. (See the box "Understanding the Illustration of the Talents. ") Samuel, who had grown old, realized that his time as leader over the people was over and that Jehovah wanted him to anoint a successor. Det gäller särskilt ungdomar som har växt upp i kristna familjer. All these faithful ones and many others worked along with Jehovah to accomplish his will. Especially is this true of youths who have been raised in Christian households. Vad har du sett under din livstid? The branch in Mozambique arranged to care for most of their needs. What have you seen during your lifetime? Vi är i samma situation. 24: 11, 12. Jehovah values life. We are in the same situation. 1, 2. a) Vilken orättvisa utsattes Nabot för? Others have taken on employment that keeps them away from their families or congregation meetings. 1, 2. (a) What injustice did Naboth experience? (Se rutan " Hur ska vi förstå liknelsen om talenterna? ") During that last night, Jesus mentioned a number of ways in which Christians should strive to be like him. (See the box "How to Learn the Illustration of the talents? ") De här trogna individerna och även många andra samarbetade med Jehova i att genomföra hans vilja. As time passes, Andrew, Peter, and others will have ample opportunity to delve into the Scriptures and will unreservedly declare that Jesus of Nazareth is the promised Messiah. These faithful individuals as well as many others worked along with Jehovah in carrying out his will. Avdelningskontoret i Moçambique kunde sörja för det mesta av vad de behövde. What can we learn from these Messianic prophecies? The branch office in Mozambique could provide the most of what they needed. För Jehova har livet stort värde. Jesus now enjoys immortality as a glorious spirit creature. For Jehovah, life has great value. Andra har tagit på sig arbeten som går ut över familjen och församlingens möten. We hunger for friendship and connection with others. Others have taken on jobs that are divided over the family and congregation meetings. Den sista kvällen nämnde Jesus olika sätt på vilka de kristna skulle sträva efter att efterlikna honom. (a) How does Jesus ' illustration indicate that we can make progress in being fruitful? On the last night, Jesus mentioned various ways in which Christians should strive to imitate him. Andreas, Petrus och andra kommer efter hand att ha gott om möjligheter att fördjupa sig i Skrifterna och kommer frimodigt att förkunna att Jesus från Nasaret är den utlovade Messias. Moses had faith that God's people would be liberated, but he did not know when that would be. Andrew, Peter, and others will have an excellent opportunity to learn from the Scriptures and will boldly proclaim that Jesus from Nazareth is the promised Messiah. Vad kan vi lära oss av de här profetiorna om Messias? We are now living deep in the last days of this system. What can we learn from these Messianic prophecies? Jesus är nu en andevarelse som har fått odödlighet och härlighet. Yes, Jeremiah principally wrote about men, women, and children who were in a dedicated relationship with Jehovah. Jesus is now a spirit creature who has received immortality and glory. Vi behöver vänner, och vi behöver knyta an till andra. A theologian of the period, Gregory of Nyssa, made this derisive comment regarding the common people: "Clothes dealers, money changers, and grocers are all theologians. We need friends, and we need to cultivate a bond with others. a) Hur visar Jesu liknelse att vi kan göra framsteg i fråga om att bära frukt? IT IS about midnight. (a) How does Jesus ' illustration show that we can make progress in bearing fruit? Han trodde på att Guds folk skulle befrias, men han visste inte när. He felt betrayed. He believed that God's people would be delivered, but he did not know when. Vi lever nu långt fram i de sista dagarna för den här världsordningen. The need to deal effectively with such emotions is reason enough for us to seek divine guidance, but there are other motives for doing so. We are living deep in the last days of this system of things. Så Jeremia skrev främst om män, kvinnor och barn som stod i ett överlämnat förhållande till Jehova. With a view to imitating him, let us carefully examine his example of humility. So Jeremiah wrote primarily about men, women, and children who were in a dedicated relationship with Jehovah. En teolog på den tiden, Gregorios av Nyssa, gjorde en ironisk kommentar om vanligt folk: " Klädeshandlare, penningväxlare och specerihandlare är alla teologer. Or we may mistakenly believe that yielding to the desires of the flesh will bring refreshment. A third scholar in that time, penned by some in the New World Translation, made a calm comment about the common people: "The yourselves were being taken, self - righteous, and self - righteous. MÖRKRET har sänkt sig över Filippi. Oversight was thus entrusted to those who actively shared in the ministry, and the work moved ahead. THE brothers and sisters around Philippi have decided to watch over Philippi. Han kände sig sviken. The prophet prays, and the king's hand is healed. - 1 Ki. He felt intimidated. Behovet av att kunna hantera sådana känslor är skäl nog till att söka vägledning från Gud, men det finns fler skäl till att göra det. These "missiles " could also be temptations to be materialistic, causing us to become preoccupied with buying many consumer goods and even inducing us to compete with those who have fallen into an ostentatious lifestyle. The need to cope with such feelings is enough to seek direction from God, but there are other reasons to do so. För att se hur vi kan efterlikna honom ska vi nu undersöka hur han visade ödmjukhet. How happy she must have been that she left behind her previous way of life! To see how we can imitate him, let us examine his humility. Eller så kanske vi felaktigt börjar tro att det är genom att ge efter för köttets begär som vi får nya krafter. 12 - 14. Or we may start to assume that it is by giving in to the desires of the flesh that we receive new energy. Som exemplen i den här artikeln visar kan det här innebära att man blir fri från demonerna, de lögnare och bedragare som ligger bakom det ockulta. (b) What does the Bible say about separation? As shown in this article, this may involve being free from the demons, the liar, and impostors behind the occult. Ansvaret att öva tillsyn kom därmed att vila på dem som aktivt tog del i tjänsten på fältet, och arbetet gick framåt. A critical or rebellious spirit has no place in God's organization, for such an attitude could disrupt our loving, peaceful, and united congregations. Thus, the responsibility of training came to rest on those who actively participate in the field ministry, and the work went ahead. Profeten ber, och kungens hand blir återställd. Each Christian should ask himself: " Which path am I on? The prophet prays, and the hand of the king will be restored. Dessa " pilar " skulle också kunna vara frestelsen att gå in för det materiella, så att vi blir upptagna med att skaffa oss allt möjligt och till och med börjar tävla med dem som har lagt sig till med en vräkig livsstil. Each time we discuss such promises with others, we are reminded that our generous God truly is the giver of "every good gift and every perfect present. " These "burning missiles " could also be the temptation to enter to material things, so that we get busy with us every sort of life, even starting to compete with those who have developed a branded lifestyle. Hon måste ha varit mycket lycklig över att hon hade övergett sitt tidigare liv! Furthermore, overseers need to assist them to apply spiritual "eyesalve " - to accept and conform to Jesus ' teaching, counsel, example, and mental attitude. How happy she must have been that she had abandoned her former life! 12 - 14. When you began listening to the good news, Jehovah helped you to grasp it by supplying holy spirit. 12 - 14. b) Vad säger Bibeln om separation? David declared: "The reminder of Jehovah is trustworthy, making the inexperienced one wise. " (b) What does the Bible say about separation? En kritisk eller upprorisk anda har ingen plats i Guds organisation, för en sådan attityd skulle störa kärleken, friden och enheten i våra församlingar. (Read Romans 16: 17; 2 John 9 - 11.) A critical or rebellious spirit has no place in God's organization, for such an attitude would disrupt love, peace, and unity within our congregations. Vi bör alla fråga oss: " Vilken väg har jag slagit in på? What is brotherly love? Each of us should ask himself: " What way have I sat down? Varje gång vi samtalar med någon om de här löftena påminns vi själva om att Jehova är den som generöst ger " varje god gåva och varje fullkomlig gåva ." Jehovah Holds Them in Derision Each time we talk with someone about these promises, we are reminded that Jehovah is the One who gives "every good gift and every perfect present. " Dessutom behöver tillsyningsmän hjälpa dem att stryka på andlig " ögonsalva " - att godta och rätta sig efter Jesu undervisning, råd, föredöme och sinnesinställning. She knew that under the Mosaic Law, her condition made her and anyone who touched her ceremonially unclean. In addition, overseers need to help them to carry out spiritual "the thoughts " - to accept and conform to Jesus ' teachings, example, and mental attitude. När du började lyssna på de goda nyheterna använde Jehova sin heliga ande för att hjälpa dig att förstå budskapet. Before Jehovah's day comes, we can express our appreciation for his patience in the following ways. When you began listening to the good news, Jehovah used his holy spirit to help you understand the message. David sa: " Jehovas påminnelse är tillförlitlig, gör den oerfarne vis. " Since then, these wicked spirits have fomented unprecedented woe for mankind, besides fostering an environment that makes obedience to Jehovah a challenge. David said: "The reminder of Jehovah is trustworthy, making the inexperienced one wise. " (Läs Romarna 16: 17; 2 Johannes 9 - 11.) Before you make a decision, "calculate the expense. " (Read Romans 16: 17; 2 John 9 - 11.) Vad är broderlig kärlek? Why is it fitting that Jehovah alone is called "the Almighty, " and in what ways does he use his awesome power? What is brotherly love? Jehova gör narr av dem What should be the first priority of Christian married couples? Jehovah Sustains Them Hon visste att hennes tillstånd enligt den mosaiska lagen gjorde henne och dem som rörde vid henne ceremoniellt orena. Travelers may be lured to some religious sites by the prospect of receiving a blessing. She knew that her condition under the Mosaic Law made her and those who touched her unclean unclean. Vi kan visa att vi uppskattar Jehovas tålamod på flera olika sätt. As Christians determined to maintain our integrity to God, we eagerly await that time when Jehovah's sovereignty will be vindicated. We can show our appreciation for Jehovah's patience in various ways. Sedan dess har dessa onda andar orsakat mänskligheten ve och svårigheter utan motsvarighet förutom att de har främjat en miljö som gör lydnaden för Jehova till en utmaning. The Scriptures tell us that "after Abraham had shown patience, " he obtained the promise that Jehovah would bless him and multiply his offspring. Since then, these wicked spirits have caused mankind woe and difficulties in addition to promoting a environment that makes obedience to Jehovah a challenge. Räkna ut kostnaden innan du fattar ett beslut. How can pride affect a marriage? The cost before making a decision. Varför är det passande att endast Jehova kallas " den Allsmäktige ," och på vilka sätt använder han sin vördnadsbjudande kraft? The Outcome - Always Good? Why is it fitting that only Jehovah is called "the Almighty, " and in what ways does he use his awesome power? Vad bör kristna gifta par först och främst prioritera? Are they rich or famous? What should Christian couples put first? En del reser till religiösa platser i hopp om att få en välsignelse. What are the Scriptural reasons for this? Some get up to religious places in hope of receiving a blessing. Som kristna som är beslutna att bevara sin ostrafflighet mot Jehova väntar vi ivrigt på den tid då hans suveränitet kommer att hävdas. ARTICLE 5 Does God Punish People in Hellfire? As Christians determined to maintain integrity to Jehovah, we eagerly await the time when his sovereignty will be vindicated. Det var först efter att Abraham hade visat tålamod som Jehova lovade att välsigna honom och göra honom till en stor nation. The same is true today. Only after Abraham had exercised patience, Jehovah promised him to bless him and to make him a great nation. Hur påverkas en relation av stolthet? Endurance in our ministry gives evidence that God's spirit is upon us. How does pride affect one's relationship? Resultatet - alltid gott? (b) What will be examined in the following article? The result - always good? Är de rika eller berömda? Therefore beg the Master of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest. " Are the rich or famous? Vilka är de skriftenliga skälen till detta? " Searching the heart " involves no medical exam of the literal heart, which in 70 or 80 years might beat some three billion times. What are the Scriptural reasons for this? 3 Vi fick en mer meningsfull karriär WHAT does it mean to be successful in life? 3 Learning From the Book of Mark Det är på samma sätt i våra dagar. The final words of Jesus ' commission, "I am with you all the days, " contain a strengthening thought for all who strive to fulfill Christ's command to make disciples. The same is true today. Vår uthållighet i förkunnartjänsten visar att vi har Guds ande. This is the illustration: "The kingdom of the heavens has become like a man that sowed fine seed in his field. Our endurance in the ministry shows that we have God's spirit. b) Vad får vi svar på i nästa artikel? She explained that Jehovah understands our distress. (b) What will we consider in the next article? Be därför ivrigt skördens Herre att han sänder ut arbetare till sin skörd. " © 2016 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Therefore beg the Master of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest. " När det står att Jehova " utforskar hjärtat " handlar det inte om någon fysisk undersökning av vårt bokstavliga hjärta, som på 70 eller 80 år kanske slår tre miljarder slag. Some criticize, ridicule, or even hate us, just as Jesus foretold. When it comes to Jehovah's " searching the heart, " it does not involve any physical study of our literal heart, which may strike three billions. VAD innebär det att vara framgångsrik? The congregation is truly blessed when all make the time to commend young ones, to build up new believers, and to encourage those who are depressed. WHAT does it mean to be successful? De avslutande orden i det uppdrag som Jesus gav, " jag är med er alla dagar ," innehåller en styrkande tanke för alla som anstränger sig för att lyda Kristi befallning att göra lärjungar. Jehovah's Triumphant King The final words of Jesus ' commission to "I am with you all the days, " contain a strengthening thought for all who strive to obey Christ's command to make disciples. Så här lyder liknelsen: " Himlarnas kungarike har blivit likt en man som sådde utmärkt säd i sin åker. In the sixth century B.C.E., Greek poet Alcaeus said: "There is truth in wine. " So this illustration reads: "The kingdom of the heavens has become like a man who sowed fine seed in his field. Hon förklarade att Jehova ser allt vi går igenom. " Only Lot and his daughters, who stuck close to him, survived. She explained that Jehovah sees everything we are going through. " © 2016 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania • the ant? © 2016 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Somliga kritiserar, förlöjligar eller till och med hatar oss, precis som Jesus förutsade. (b) What questions related to Christ's commission to make disciples will we consider? Some criticize, ridicule, or even hate us, as Jesus foretold. Det blir till stor välsignelse för församlingen när alla tar sig tid att berömma de unga, styrka de nya och uppmuntra dem som är nedstämda. As a result, they enjoyed an inner peace unknown to others. It is a blessing for the congregation to take time to commend young ones, strengthen the new, and encourage those who are depressed. Jehovas triumferande kung As to local congregations today, of what can we be certain? Jehovah's triumphal King På 500 - talet f.v.t. sade den grekiske skalden Alkaios: " I vinet bor sanningen. " What sort of "things " do we owe Caesar, that is, the governmental authorities? In the 20th century B.C.E., the Greek V. said: "In the midst of the wine is the truth. " Lot och hans döttrar höll ihop, och det var bara de som klarade sig. When you make peace, you will gain inner peace. - Matthew 5: 23, 24 Lot and his daughters were together, and only those who were able to do. • myran? How did Philip strike up a conversation with an Ethiopian official, and what attests to the spiritual inclination of this man? • the ant? b) Vilka frågor som har samband med det uppdrag att göra lärjungar som Kristus gav skall vi nu se lite närmare på? Keep On Enriching Your Prayers (b) What questions related to Christ's commission to make disciples will we now consider? Som en följd av detta kände de en inre frid som andra inte hade upplevt. Indeed, the prevailing attitude of many today is that of complacency. As a result, they felt inner peace that others had not experienced. Vad kan vi vara övertygade om när det gäller de enskilda församlingarna i våra dagar? Perhaps David composed this song to express relief and gratitude to God after the failure of Absalom's coup. Of what can we be sure regarding the local congregations today? Vad är det vi är skyldiga kejsaren, dvs. regeringar och myndigheter? 14, 15. (a) How are we encouraged by the example of our brothers who have limited means? What are we under Caesar, that is, governmental authorities? När du sluter fred med andra kommer du att få inre frid. By means of fellow Christians. When you end peace with others, you will have inner peace. Hur började Filippus samtala med en etiopisk ämbetsman, och vad är det som visar att den här mannen var andligt sinnad? The integrity of the present - day Christian congregation does not depend upon the oral testimony of older servants of God. How did Philip speak with an Ethiopian official, and what shows that this man was spiritually inclined? Fortsätt att förbättra dina böner 8: 3 - 6. Continue to improve Your Prayers Ja, den dominerande inställningen hos många i våra dagar är självbelåtenhet. A constant awareness of God's affection for us will help us to maintain a positive attitude, even to rejoice. Yes, the dominant attitude of many today is unacceptable. David kan ha komponerat den här sången för att uttrycka sin lättnad och tacksamhet mot Gud efter Absaloms misslyckade kuppförsök. The apostle John stated concerning a slanderer in his day: "I wrote something to the congregation, but Diotrephes, who likes to have the first place among them, does not receive anything from us with respect. David may have composed this song to express his relief and gratitude to God after Absalom's failed force. 14, 15. a) Vilken uppmuntran får vi när vi tänker på våra bröder som inte har det så bra materiellt? No doubt, Manoah was happy, but he was also aware of the great responsibility that rested on his shoulders. 14, 15. (a) When considering our brothers who do not enjoy material things, what encouragement do we receive? Genom våra medkristna. © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Through fellow Christians. Den nutida kristna församlingens ostrafflighet är inte beroende av något muntligt vittnesbörd från äldre tjänare åt Gud. Keeping in focus this admonition to be obedient and submissive to the overseers in the congregations will help us to manifest a cooperative spirit. The integrity of modern - day Christian congregation is not dependent on any recorded testimony from elderly servants of God. 8: 3 - 6. * David's generous giving was, not an outward show, but a manifestation of faith and devotion to Jehovah God. 8: 3 - 6. Att vi ständigt är medvetna om Guds kärlek kommer att hjälpa oss att bevara en positiv inställning, ja, till och med att känna glädje. (a) What questions did Jesus ask his listeners? Paying constant attention to God's love will help us to maintain a positive attitude, even joy. Aposteln Johannes konstaterade angående en baktalare på hans tid: " Jag har skrivit något till församlingen, men Diotrefes, som tycker om att inta främsta platsen bland dem, tar inte respektfullt emot någonting från oss. The apostle Paul was inspired by God to write that married couples would have to deal with "everyday troubles. " Concerning a slanderer in his day, the apostle John stated: "I have written something to the congregation, but Diotrephes, who likes to take the first place among them, does not accept anything respectfully from us. De var naturligtvis glada, men Manoa var samtidigt medveten om vilket stort ansvar som nu vilade på hans axlar. Does that make you feel frustrated, as it did Paul? Of course, they were happy, but Manoah was at the same time aware of the responsibilities that we now put on his shoulders. © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. (See Daniel 3: 27.) © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Att vi följer uppmaningen att vara " lydiga " mot tillsyningsmännen i församlingen och vara " fogliga " hjälper oss att utveckla en samarbetsvillig anda. The Watch Tower reported: "These [interested ones] were gathered to a little meeting in one of their homes. Obeying the admonition to "be obedient " to overseers in the congregation and to" be submissive " helps us to develop a spirit of spirit. * Davids generositet var inte någon yttre uppvisning, utan ett uttryck för tro på Jehova Gud och hängivenhet för honom. " Pride is before a crash, and a haughty spirit before stumbling. " - Proverbs 16: 18. * David's generosity was not an outward show of faith in Jehovah God and devotion to him. a) Vilka frågor ställde Jesus till sina åhörare? What did he mean? - 2 Kings 6: 11 - 16. (a) What questions did Jesus ask his listeners? Gud inspirerade aposteln Paulus att skriva att gifta par skulle få ta itu med " vardagliga problem ." When " Many Rise Up Against Us ' God inspired the apostle Paul to write that married couples should deal with "everyday problems. " Gör det dig lika frustrerad som Paulus? So how can you help them? Do you have similar frustration as Paul did? (Se Daniel 3: 27.) (2) Translate the original inspired message literally where possible, but convey the correct sense when a word - for - word rendering would distort the meaning. (See Daniel 3: 27.) I Zions Vakt - Torn stod det: " Dessa [intresserade] sammankallades till ett litet möte i ett af hemmen. What is a particularly effective way to provide consolation? In Zion's Awake!, Zion wrote: "These [was] taken to a small meeting in a house. " Stolthet går före fall och en högmodig ande före snavande. " There is much work to be done. " Pride is before a crash, and a haughty spirit before stumbling. " 14 Ser du längre än till det yttre? What reasons do we have to preach with boldness, or courage? 14 Do You See More Than It? Vad menade han? 77: 6. What did he mean? När många är emot oss But there are also practical benefits to " letting go ' of anger. When Many Are Resisting Us Hur kan du hjälpa dem? Those who have a good record of dedicated service are to be commended. How can you help them? 2) Att översätta det ursprungliga inspirerade budskapet bokstavligt där så är möjligt, men att förmedla rätt tanke när en ordagrann översättning skulle ge fel betydelse. No amount of water can absolve him of his accountability for passing that unjust sentence upon Jesus. - Matthew 27: 11 - 26; Luke 23: 13 - 25. (2) To translate the original message literally, but it is possible to convey the proper thought when a literal translation would give wrong meaning. Vad är ett bra sätt att ge tröst på? Because endurance completes the vital work of molding us as Christians, do not compromise Scriptural principles to bring an end to tests that come your way. What is a good way to provide comfort? Det är mycket arbete som skall utföras. We can also be generous toward Jehovah. There is much work to be done. Men vilka skäl har vi att vara modiga i tjänsten? Such releases are often tools that help sincere individuals appreciate Scriptural truths. But what reasons do we have to be courageous in our ministry? 77: 6. " Is Ephraim a precious son to me, or a fondly treated child? 77: 6. Men det finns också fler skäl. [ Picture on page 21] But there are other reasons. Jehova glömmer inte vad de har gjort för honom, och det vill inte heller vi göra. Christianity Is Not Oppressive Jehovah does not forget what they have done for him; neither do we. Inget vatten i världen kan befria honom från ansvaret för den här orättvisa domen över Jesus. Rather, he was stressing metaphorically that we should be willing to cut out of our life anything that is spiritually harmful. There is no water in the world that can free him from the responsibility of this unjust judgment on Jesus. Med tanke på att uthålligheten formar oss som kristna vill vi inte gå emot bibliska principer bara för att få slut på en svår situation. In an extended application, Psalm 34: 20 assures us that no matter what trials anointed Christians and their "other sheep " companions face, they will never be permanently disadvantaged. Since endurance shapes us as Christians, we do not want to resist Scriptural principles just to end a difficult situation. Vi kan också vara generösa mot Jehova. And the sons of Israel fell to doing what was bad in the eyes of Jehovah. " We too can be generous to Jehovah. Många av dessa publikationer har utarbetats för att vi ska kunna hjälpa andra att förstå Bibelns sanning. Their sincere concern for his welfare - their self - sacrificing love - moved them to act swiftly in his behalf, opening the way for the jailer and his entire household to become believers. Many of these publications have been published to help others understand Bible truth. " Är Efraim en dyrbar son för mig eller ett barn som jag håller kärt? When Paul penned this counsel sometime between 61 and 64 C.E., Timothy was already an experienced elder. " Is Ephraim a precious son to me or a child that I have loved? [ Bild på sidan 21] How can we deepen our appreciation for Jehovah's qualities? [ Picture on page 21] Kristendomen är inte betungande What have you learned from Acts chapter 18 that will help you in the disciple - making work? Christian heavens are not burdensome Han använde ett bildspråk för att visa att vi behöver vara beredda att skära bort sådant ur vårt liv som kan skada vår andlighet. Exhibit "All Mildness Toward All Men " He used a figure of speech to indicate that we need to be willing to cut away from our lives that can damage our spirituality. I en vidare tillämpning försäkrar Psalm 34: 20 oss om att ingenting som görs mot de smorda kristna eller deras följeslagare, " de andra fåren ," kommer att orsaka dem bestående skada. However, Jesus has appointed the " faithful slave ' to be the only channel for dispensing spiritual food. In a further application, Psalm 34: 20 assures us that nothing is done to anointed Christians or their "other sheep, " the" other sheep, " will bring them lasting harm. Och Israels söner gav sig till att göra det som var ont i Jehovas ögon. " Unfaithfulness shatters trust and can wreck the marriage. And the sons of Israel gave themselves to do what was bad in the eyes of Jehovah. " De kände starkt för honom. Deras självuppoffrande kärlek fick dem att ingripa snabbt, så att han och hela hans hushåll fick möjligheten att bli troende. It is usually wise to have a family meeting to discuss cooperation, needs, and strategies. Their self - sacrificing love moved them to act quickly so that he and his entire household had the opportunity to become believers. När Paulus skrev det här rådet någon gång mellan åren 61 och 64 var Timoteus redan en erfaren äldste. After I have considered this matter further, when may I inform you of my decision? When Paul wrote that counsel sometime between 61 years and 64 C.E., Timothy was already an experienced elder. Hur kan vi fördjupa vår uppskattning av Jehovas egenskaper? If two friends face problems together, does not the bond of friendship between them become stronger? How can we deepen our appreciation for Jehovah's qualities? Vad har du lärt dig av Apostlagärningarna, kapitel 18, som kommer att hjälpa dig i arbetet att göra lärjungar? Unpleasant experiences may have left some with the feeling that showing tender affection would lead only to further disappointment. What have you learned from Acts chapter 18, which will help you in the disciple - making work? Lägg i dagen " all mildhet mot alla människor " How did the Bible foretell the increase of Jehovah's people? " Put All mildness toward All men " Men den trogne slaven som Jesus har förordnat är faktiskt den enda kanal han använder för att dela ut andlig mat. The Bible speaks of "holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion. " - Read 2 Peter 3: 11. In fact, the faithful slave whom Jesus has appointed is the only channel he uses to provide spiritual food. Otrohet kan slita sönder tilliten och slå äktenskapet i spillror. • when organizing a wedding or a reception? In one of our brothers and sisters, however, we can tear down trust and strike the marriage. Det är ofta bra att ha ett familjeråd där man pratar om vilken hjälp som behövs, hur den kan ges och hur alla kan samarbeta. Trusting in Jehovah and filled with confidence, David continues: "With my voice I shall call to Jehovah himself, and he will answer me from his holy mountain. " It is often helpful to have a family talk about which help is needed, how it can be given, and how all can cooperate. När kan jag ge dig besked om mitt beslut, efter att ha tänkt igenom saken grundligare? The tracts that were released in 2013 were designed to help us do just that. When can I give you news about my decision, after considering the matter further? Om två vänner tillsammans möter problem, blir då inte vänskapsbanden mellan dem starkare? ESCAPING JERUSALEM'S DESTRUCTION If two friends meet together, will not the bond between them grow stronger? Obehagliga upplevelser kan ha gjort att somliga tycker att det bara leder till ytterligare missräkning att visa öm tillgivenhet. What advances have been made in printing, and how have these helped us? The experience of some may have caused them to feel that it is only more sad to display tender affection. Vilken profetia i Bibeln visar att Jehovas folk skulle växa i antal? In addition to the bad environment, there is the pressure of schoolwork and examinations. What Bible prophecy shows that Jehovah's people would grow in number? Bibeln talar om " gärningar som hör ett heligt uppförande och gudhängivenhet till ." (Läs 2 Petrus 3: 11.) Make Personal Decisions Wisely The Bible refers to "holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion. " - Read 2 Peter 3: 11. • när du ordnar en bröllopsfest eller en mottagning? As you strive to have a full share in the harvest work... • why is it essential to display humility? • when organizing a wedding feast or a reception? I förtröstan på Jehova och fylld av tillförsikt fortsätter David: " Jag ropar till Jehova med hög röst, och han skall svara mig från sitt heliga berg. " How might Jehovah's feelings toward us be compared to those of a parent teaching a child to walk? In confidence in Jehovah and full confidence David continues: "I cry out to Jehovah with a loud voice, and he himself will answer me from his holy mountain. " De vikblad som gavs ut 2013 har utformats för att hjälpa oss att göra det. We must learn to wield the sword of the spirit skillfully. The tracts given in 2013 have been designed to help us do so. DE UNDKOM JERUSALEMS FÖRSTÖRING Of course, Jesus ' baptism did not have the same meaning as ours does. THE WAY OF JERUSALEM Vilka framsteg har gjorts när det gäller tryckning, och vad har det betytt för vårt arbete? What we learn about Jehovah is that he is adaptable, and merciful, willing to alter his actions based on the actions of the people involved, whether good or bad. - Jer. 18: 7 - 10. What progress has been made regarding the printing industry, and what has meant for our work? Utöver den dåliga miljön finns pressen att klara av skolarbetet. But what is required to be a subject of Christ the King? In addition to the bad environment, the pressure to cope. Ta förståndiga beslut (b) How have you personally benefited from this training? Make Personal Decisions Wisely • Varför måste vi vara ödmjuka när vi försöker göra vårt bästa i skördearbetet? Purpose of Study Articles • Why must we be humble as we strive to do our best in the harvest work? Hur kan Jehovas känslor för oss jämföras med hur föräldrar känner det när de lär ett barn att gå? Let us recall that Paul and others in the first century who pleased God were living rather normal lives in many respects. How does Jehovah's feelings compare with how parents feel when they teach a child to walk? Vi måste bli skickliga i att använda andens svärd. They may, for instance, exaggerate their experience or education on a résumé in order to obtain a better or higher - paying job. We must become skilled in using the sword of the spirit. Jesu dop hade naturligtvis inte samma innebörd som vårt dop har. No, he does not. Of course, Jesus ' baptism did not have the same meaning as our baptism has. Eftersom Jehova är resonlig, anpassbar och barmhärtig, är han villig att ändra sig om omständigheterna ändras. Om den som gjort fel ändrar sinne är han villig att förlåta i stället för att straffa. 1: 12 Since Jehovah is reasonable, yielding, and merciful, he is willing to change circumstances - even if the wrongdoer is willing to forgive rather than punish him. Men vad krävs för att få vara en undersåte till Kristus, kungen? It is here that the quality of mildness is of great help to us in fulfilling our commission to be witnesses to the most distant part of the earth. - Acts 1: 8; 2 Timothy 4: 5. But what is required in order to be a subject of Christ the King? b) Vilken nytta har du själv haft av den här utbildningen? [ Pictures on pages 10, 11] (b) How have you personally benefited from this education? Syftet med studieartiklarna COVER: Faithful Witnesses use boats to reach some of the people living on islands of the Bocas del Toro Archipelago off the northwest coast of Panama. Purpose of Study Articles Kom ihåg att Paulus och andra trogna kristna i det första århundradet på många sätt levde ganska normala liv. Who can determine where this line is for you? Remember, Paul and other faithful Christians in the first century were very normal lives. För att få ett bättre arbete eller högre lön lämnar de felaktiga uppgifter om sin yrkeserfarenhet eller utbildning när de gör upp sin meritförteckning. 17, 18. (a) Cite Bible examples of humble people as well as of proud people. (b) How did one brother avoid letting pride distance him from Jehovah? To have a better job or higher pay, they leave the wrong tasks about their secular career or education. Nej, det gör han inte. Of what will those present at the Memorial be reminded? No, he does not. 1: 12 TV pundits and talk shows feature a stream of knowledgeable psychologists, lifestyle gurus, and authors. 1: 12 Det är då som egenskapen mildhet är till stor hjälp för oss att fullgöra vårt uppdrag att vara vittnen till jordens mest avlägsna del. And when you point it forward, its piercing beam illuminates your path far into the distance. It is then that mildness is of great help us to fulfill our commission to be witnesses to the most distant part of the earth. FRAMSIDAN: Några vittnen använder båtar för att nå ut med sanningen till människor på öarna i Bocas del Toro - arkipelagen i nordvästra Panama. Yet, neither of them set celibacy as a requirement for ministers. - 1 Tim. COVER: Some Witnesses use gifts to reach the truth to people on the islands of the Western world. Vem kan avgöra var gränsen går i ditt fall? Taylene, quoted earlier, says: "You can say anything and everything to him. " Who can determine the limit to your case? 17, 18. a) Nämn exempel i Bibeln på ödmjuka och stolta människor. b) Vad gjorde en broder för att inte låta stolthet dra honom bort från Jehova? I cannot erase the thought of those pre - World War I years, when the future of mankind appeared unencumbered and without limit. 17, 18. (a) Give examples of humble and proud people. (b) What did one brother do to avoid let pride distance him from Jehovah? Vad kommer de som är med vid Åminnelsen att bli påminda om? In this case too, Jehovah knew that the best way to address the challenge would be to let Satan try to prove his point. What will those attending the Memorial be reminded? I tv - sofforna sitter kända psykologer, livscoacher och författare och delar med sig av sina tips. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. While it is true that the media are well - known, lives, and scientists are shared by their parents. Och när du riktar ljuset framåt ser du vad som väntar längre fram längs stigen. " Who really is my neighbor? " And as you move forward to light, you see what is waiting forward alongside the path. Men ingen av dem krävde att Guds tjänare skulle leva i celibat. Such an answer may suggest that you let others make your decisions for you and that you must therefore be a member of a cult. However, none of them demanded that God's servants live in Messianic service. Taylene, som citerades tidigare, säger: " Man kan prata med honom om allt. " 6: 33. How can loyalty to God help us to cope with family problems? Take, as quoted earlier, notes, "You can talk to him about everything. " Jag har svårt att släppa tanken på åren före första världskriget, när människans framtid verkade ograverad och utan gräns. But Timothy was not a hypocrite. I find it hard to let my thought over the years before World War I, when man's future seemed unending and without limit. Men även i det här fallet visste Gud att det bästa sättet att bemöta anklagelsen var att låta Satan försöka bevisa sin sak. He should do everything he vowed he would do. " Even in this case, however, God knew that the best way to answer the accusation was to try to prove Satan's cause. Den ges ut som en del av ett världsvitt bibliskt undervisningsarbete som understöds genom frivilliga bidrag (plusgiro 17 07 - 9). 8: 46. If you happen to fall, accept help and get up! It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. " Vem är egentligen min nästa? " Then, during his earthly ministry, Jesus used prayer as his means of communicating his feelings to his Father in heaven. " Who really is my neighbor? " Ett sådant svar kan antyda att du låter andra fatta beslut åt dig och att du alltså tillhör en sekt. " So I burned my spiritistic literature and pendulums. " Such a response may indicate that you allow others to make decisions for you and that you are part of a sect. Det kan vara svårt att hantera lojalitetskonflikter inom familjen. Before making a decision that affects the family, what will a loving husband do? It may be difficult to cope with loyalty within the family. Men Timoteus var ingen hycklare. Next, the wall is inaugurated with such spirit that "the rejoicing of Jerusalem [can] be heard far away. " However, Timothy was no hypocrites. Han skall göra i enlighet med allt som har gått ut ur hans mun. " Upon descending from the mountain, he saw the Israelites worshiping the molten calf and angrily threw down the tablets, shattering them. He should do all that has been done out of his mouth. " Om du skulle falla, ta emot hjälp och fortsätt framåt! See "Questions From Readers " in The Watchtower, September 15, 2006, p. If you were to fall, accept help, and move forward! Och sedan när Jesus själv var på jorden bad han till sin himmelske Far och berättade för honom vad han tänkte och kände. How have missionaries and others taken up the challenge of preaching in local languages? And after Jesus himself was on earth, he prayed to his heavenly Father and told him what he thought and felt. " Så jag brände min spiritistiska litteratur och förstörde mina pendlar. " There at the temple in the Court of the Gentiles, Jesus discovers "those selling cattle and sheep and doves and the money brokers in their seats. " " So I burned my spirit - begotten literature and destroyed my angels. " Vad kommer en kärleksfull äkta man att göra innan han fattar ett beslut som påverkar familjen? Whether the prophetic message recorded in the first five chapters of the book of Isaiah is delivered before Isaiah's appointment as a prophet or after, the Bible does not say. What will a loving husband do before making a decision that affects the family? Därefter invigs muren med en sådan entusiasm att " Jerusalems glädje kunde höras långt bort ." Mauricio: That's right. Then, the walled walled with such a enthusiasm that "the joy of Jerusalem could be heard long off. " När han gick ner från berget och fick se israeliterna tillbe guldkalven, kastade han i vredesmod ifrån sig de två tavlorna så att de gick sönder. Paul was not suggesting that living people be baptized on behalf of those who died in an unbaptized state. When he went down from Mount Sinai and saw the Israelites worshipping the golden calf, he threw himself away from the two doorposts so that they were breaking down. Se " Frågor från läsekretsen " i Vakttornet för 15 september 2006, sid. I shall lack nothing. " - PSALM 23: 1. See "Questions From Readers " in The Watchtower of September 15, 2006, pp. Hur har missionärer och andra antagit utmaningen att predika på lokalbefolkningens språk? What part did Satan play in originating suffering? How have missionaries and others taken up the challenge to preach in the local language? I hedningarnas förgård i templet får han se dem som säljer nötkreatur och får och duvor och dem som sitter där och växlar mynt. They should be kind and tactful, in line with what we read at Matthew 7: 12. In the temple courtyard of the Gentiles, he sees those selling cattle and sheep and doves and those sitting in the wilderness. Bibeln anger inte om det profetiska budskapet i de fem första kapitlen i Jesajas bok framförs före eller efter det att Jesaja får sitt uppdrag som profet. Christians living in the first century had to put forth effort to maintain their spiritual priorities. The Bible does not say whether the prophetic message of the five chapters of Isaiah are presented before or after Isaiah receives his commission as a prophet. Mattias: Just det. To teach his listeners Jehovah's view of those who have strayed, Jesus gave two brief illustrations. Mauricio: That's right. Paulus menade inte att de levande skulle låta döpa sig för sådana som hade dött utan att vara döpta, som man skulle kunna uppfatta det i vissa bibelöversättningar. What kind of obedience does Jehovah require, and how do we know that such obedience is possible? Paul did not mean that they should get baptized for people who had died without being baptized, as it were in some Bible translations. Ingenting skall fattas mig. " No matter where they go, no matter what calamity they face, they will never be outside the reach of his helping hand. - Proverbs 12: 21. I shall lack nothing. " Hur var Satan delaktig i att lidandet började? " [Jesus] went teaching daily in the temple. " How did Satan play a role in the suffering that suffering began? De måste vara vänliga och taktfulla, i linje med det vi läser i Matteus 7: 12. True Christians take care that in neither word nor deed do they take sides with one faction or the other in the world's conflicts. They must be kind and tactful, in line with what we read at Matthew 7: 12. De kristna i det första århundradet fick hela tiden anstränga sig för att prioritera andliga intressen. Well, confronted with financial problems, we may need practical wisdom now more than ever. First - century Christians had an ongoing effort to give priority to spiritual pursuits. För att lära sina åhörare Jehovas syn på dem som har gått vilse framställde Jesus två korta liknelser. When our priorities are in order, possessions and pleasure are not our masters. To teach his listeners Jehovah's view of those who have strayed, Jesus gave two brief illustrations. Vad slags lydnad fordrar Jehova, och hur vet vi att sådan lydnad är möjlig? As a result, special arrangements were made to respect the consciences of the four Hebrews. What kind of obedience does Jehovah require, and how do we know that such obedience is possible? Oavsett vart de beger sig och oavsett vilken olycka de drabbas av, kommer de aldrig att vara utom räckhåll för hans hjälpande hand. Jesus also said we could pray: "Do not bring us into temptation, but rescue us from what is wicked. " Whether they go and whatever calamity they suffer, they will never be beyond the reach of his helping hand. " [Jesus] undervisade... varje dag i templet. " His coat of mail weighed about 125 pounds [57 kg], and he carried a massive spear and a large sword. " [Jesus] taught every day in the temple. " Sanna kristna ser till att de varken i ord eller i gärning tar ställning för den ena eller den andra gruppen i världens konflikter. Why might it be challenging to visualize Abraham's travels? True Christians make sure that they neither in word nor in deed take position for one or other group of members of the world's conflicts. Ja, om vi har problem med ekonomin, kan vi mer än någonsin behöva praktisk vishet. But Jephthah's daughter was to be a whole "burnt offering "; she would have to forgo such joys. Yes, if we have problems with financial security, we may need more than ever practical wisdom. När vi låter det viktigaste komma främst blir vi inte slavar under ägodelar och sådant som gör livet njutbart. It can strengthen us to render acceptable service to Jehovah, the Provider of "every good gift and every perfect present. " - Jas. 1: 17. When we put our priorities first, we will not become slaves of possessions or possessions. Resultatet blev att man gjorde särskilda anordningar för att respektera de fyra hebréernas samvete. That promise revealed that the Messiah - the faithful "seed " of Genesis 3: 15 - would come through Abraham's offspring. As a result, special arrangements were made to respect the consciences of the four Hebrews. Jesus sade också att vi kunde be: " För oss inte in i frestelse, utan befria oss från det onda. " Why are you encouraged to know how God's spirit operated upon... Jesus also said that we could pray: "Do not bring us into temptation, but deliver us from bad. " Hans pansarskjorta vägde närmare 60 kilo, och han bar ett kraftigt spjut och ett stort svärd. We have seen from his past dealings that no matter what happens, Jehovah will always accomplish his purpose, and sometimes he does it in an unexpected manner. His garment was nearly 60 miles [30 km], and he carried a strong spear and a large sword. Varför kan det vara svårt att göra sig en bild av Abrahams resor? (Compare Romans 8: 26, 27.) Why might it be difficult to take a picture of Abraham's traveling companions? Men Jeftas dotter skulle ges " som ett brännoffer ," och därför skulle hon inte få uppleva sådana glädjeämnen. Yet, as soon as Zion went into labor, she gave birth to her sons. " However, Jephthah's daughter would be given "as a burnt offering, " so she would not experience such blessings. Den kan ge oss kraft att tjäna Jehova på ett sätt som han godkänner, han som ger oss " varje god gåva och varje fullkomlig gåva ." What is symbolized by the splitting of "the mountain of the olive trees "? It can give us the strength to serve Jehovah in a way that pleases him, who gives us "every good gift and every perfect present. " Det löftet visade att Messias - den trogna " avkomman " i 1 Moseboken 3: 15 - skulle vara en avkomling till Abraham. This was not all that was required, however. This promise indicated that the Messiah - the faithful "seed " at Genesis 3: 15 - would be a descendant of Abraham. Varför blir du uppmuntrad av att veta hur Guds ande verkade på... I study about how Jehovah views me. Why are you encouraged by knowing how God's spirit operated on... Historien igenom har han alltid funnits där för sina tjänare. Han ser alltid till att det blir som han har tänkt, och ibland gör han det på ett oväntat sätt. This is especially true of words spoken by someone a woman loves and wants to respect. Throughout history, he has always been there for his servants; he always sees what he has thought, and sometimes he does so in an unexpected way. (Jämför Romarna 8: 26, 27.) Keep in mind too that nicotine - replacement therapies simply provide another form of the drug, along with its health risks. (Compare Romans 8: 26, 27.) Ty Sion fick födslosmärtor och födde också sina söner. " It can thus be said that sin received inducement through the Law. For Zion was born birth and gave birth to his sons. " Vad betyder det att Olivberget klyvs " på mitten "? True worshippers should abound in genuine expressions of godly devotion and acts of brotherly love. - John 13: 35; 2 Peter 3: 11. What does it mean that the mountain of the olive trees is "on the middle "? Men de måste göra mer. And how can we successfully fulfill our role as evangelizers? However, they must do more. Jag studerar om hur Jehova ser på mig. Some may wonder, though, " Why do children need a family study if their parents regularly take them to congregation meetings? ' I study Jehovah's view of me. Det gäller särskilt om orden kommer från någon hon älskar och vill respektera. This is also true of Christians today. Especially is this true of the words that a person loves and wants to respect. Kom också ihåg att nikotinersättningsprodukter förser kroppen med nikotin i en annan form, så hälsorisken är inte över. Those who do not keep clear of false worship can be "tossed about as by waves and carried hither and thither by every wind of teaching by means of the trickery of men, by means of cunning in contriving error. " - Ephesians 4: 13, 14. Recall, too, that nicotine refer to the body with nicotine in another form, so health danger is not over. Därför kan det sägas att synden fick en anledning genom lagen. What were the prospects of those in the new covenant? Hence, sin was given a reason through the Law. Sanna tillbedjare bör visa äkta gudhängivenhet och broderlig kärlek. It is understandable that different climates and the change of seasons influence what we wear. True worshippers should display genuine godly devotion and brotherly love. Och hur kan vi fullgöra vårt uppdrag som evangelieförkunnare? 5: 11. How did the first - century governing body encourage Philip? And how can we fulfill our role as evangelizers? Men somliga kanske undrar: Varför behöver barnen ett familjestudium om föräldrarna regelbundet tar dem med till församlingens möten? Explain. However, some may wonder, " Why do parents need a family study if their parents regularly feed them with congregation meetings? ' Detta gäller också de sanna kristna i våra dagar. Let Us Watch Our Associations That also applies to true Christians today. De som inte håller sig borta från falsk tillbedjan kan komma att " kastas av och an liksom av vågor och föras hit och dit av varje lärdomsvind genom människors knep, genom slughet i att finna medel till förvillelse ." Let us see, then, how we can maintain our good conduct and thus continue to uphold the fine reputation of Jehovah and his Witnesses and how we benefit ourselves in so doing. Those who do not stay away from false worship may come to "be cast off as by waves and be carried hither and thither by every wind of teaching by means of the tricks of men, by means of cunning in finding cunning schemes. " Vilken framtidsutsikt hade de? Really, everyone owes Jehovah a debt of gratitude. What prospect did they have? Naturligtvis påverkar vädret och årstiden hur vi klär oss. [ Picture on page 11] Of course, the weather and the weather affects our dress. Vilken uppmuntran fick Filippus av den styrande kretsen under det första århundradet? Yes, an individual should personally confess his sin to Jehovah in prayer, but he can also ask the older men to pray in his behalf. What encouragement did Philip receive from the first - century governing body? Hur vet vi det? Jesus taught religious truths that form a basis for mankind's happiness, but that was not all that he conveyed to his disciples. How do we know that? Vi måste vara noga med vårt umgänge As dedicated Christians, we can avoid grieving the spirit. We must be careful about our associations Låt oss nu se hur vi kan bevara vårt uppförande gott och således fortsätta att upprätthålla Jehovas och hans vittnens goda anseende och även se hur vi själva har nytta av att göra det. (b) Why were the apostles taken into custody? Let us now see how we can maintain our conduct fine and thus continue to maintain the reputation of Jehovah and his Witnesses and see how we personally benefit from doing so. Ja, alla har orsak att vara tacksamma mot Jehova. Cultivate Godly Qualities Yes, all of us have reason to be thankful to Jehovah. [ Bild på sidan 11] If we continue to do so, we can look forward with confidence to seeing fulfilled what Jesus said about those whom he will judge as sheep: "Come, you who have been blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world. " - Matt. 25: 34. [ Picture on page 11] Ja, den som handlat fel bör personligen bekänna sin synd för Jehova i bön, men han kan också be de äldste att frambära böner för honom. However, that law also reveals a dangerous internal influence that might lead us away from our destination of everlasting life. Yes, the wrongdoer should personally confess his sin to Jehovah in prayer, but he can also ask the elders to offer prayers to him. Jesus lärde ut andliga sanningar som utgör grunden för lycka, men han gjorde mer än så. Let us examine Paul's warning regarding harmful gossip. Jesus taught spiritual truths that lay the foundation for happiness, but he did more than that. Som överlämnade kristna kan vi undvika att bedröva anden. ARTICLE 3 • SONGS: 41, 89 As dedicated Christians, we can avoid grieving the spirit. b) Varför sattes apostlarna i häkte? The slave thus deserves our complete trust. (b) Why were the apostles put in their house - to - house ministry? Utveckla goda egenskaper Leaders are corrupt. Cultivate Good Qualities Då kan vi se fram emot att vara med om uppfyllelsen av Jesus ord: " Kom, ni som har välsignats av min Fader, ta i arv det kungarike som har varit berett åt er från världens grundläggning. " (b) As depicted on page 26, what "deep things of Satan " should we avoid? Then we can look forward to the fulfillment of Jesus ' words: "Come, you who have been blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world. " Men den lagen lyfter också fram något som skulle kunna leda oss bort från vägen mot det eviga livet. It is not easy for imperfect humans to cultivate humility. However, that Law also highlights something that could lead us away from the road to everlasting life. Vi ska undersöka Paulus varning för skadligt skvaller. Without a doubt, baptism opens up the way to many blessings, but it is not a step to be taken lightly. Let us consider Paul's warning about harmful gossip. SIDAN 17 • SÅNGER: 41, 89 You may encounter such individuals in your ministry or in other activities. ARTICLE 3 • SONGS: 41, 89 Den förtjänar därför vårt hela och fulla förtroende. Indeed, our dedication to Jehovah makes us "slaves to righteousness. " It thus deserves our entire trust. Ledarna är korrupta. On the other hand, considering the economic and employment situation in the world today, they feel that it is important for young ones to get a good education first so that they will have the necessary qualifications for a desirable job or at least have something to fall back on if needed. The leaders are corrupt. b) Vad hör till " Satans djupheter " som vi måste undvika? (Se bilden på sidan 26.) In effect, they are imitating the psalmist Asaph, who wrote: "I shall remember the practices of Jah; for I will remember your marvelous doing of long ago. (b) What are some of "the deep things of Satan " that we must avoid? Det är inte lätt för oss att vara ödmjuka eftersom vi är ofullkomliga. In fact, there are grave dangers. Many emigrants return with even greater debt. Humility is not easy for us to be humble because we are imperfect. Dopet öppnar utan tvivel vägen till många välsignelser, men det är inte ett steg vi bör ta lätt på. Greeting People and Talking to Them Baptism undoubtedly opens the way to many blessings, but it is not a step that we should take lightly. Kommer du i kontakt med sådana människor när du tar del i förkunnartjänsten eller vid andra tillfällen? But now you have the assurance that I leave this world in happiness and peace. " Will you contact such people as you engage in the ministry or at other times? När vi överlämnar oss åt Jehova blir vi alltså " slavar åt rättfärdigheten ." Daniel, for example, discerned from Jeremiah's writings how long Jerusalem would remain desolate. By dedicating ourselves to Jehovah, then, we become "slaves to righteousness. " Å andra sidan tycker de, med tanke på den ekonomiska situationen och att det kan vara svårt att få ett arbete, att det är viktigt att barnen först skaffar sig en god utbildning, så att de har de nödvändiga kvalifikationerna för att få ett bra arbete eller åtminstone har något att falla tillbaka på, om så skulle behövas. Most people prefer to go along with the crowd, so to speak, to avoid confrontation or conflict. On the other hand, because of their economic situation and the need for a job, it is important for children to get first a good education so that they have the qualifications for a good job or at least to get a good job. De efterliknar faktiskt psalmisten Asaf, som skrev: " Jag skall komma ihåg Jahs handlingar; ty jag skall komma ihåg din förunderliga gärning från forna tider. What blessings do we enjoy as we continue to strive to follow the Christ zealously and fully? In fact, they imitate the psalmist Asaph, who wrote: "Remember the works of Jah; for I will remember your amazing work from ancient times. Det finns många faror, och många kommer tillbaka med ännu större skulder än tidigare. What are the rewards for being humble? There are many dangers, and many return with even greater debts than before. Hälsa vänligt på andra och prata med dem Remember, our brothers and sisters need strengthening now more than ever. - 2 Timothy 3: 1. Graciously Treat Others With Others Men nu kan ni hysa den vissheten att jag lämnar den här världen i lycka och frid. " Others find satisfaction in caring for family or friends. But now you can have the assurance that I leave this world in happiness and peace. " Genom det Jeremia hade skrivit urskilde Daniel till exempel hur länge Jerusalem skulle ligga öde. How would you find me? " Through Jeremiah, for example, Daniel discerned how long Jerusalem would lie desolate. De flesta föredrar att göra som alla andra för att undvika konflikter. Russell and a few other truth - seekers formed a Bible study class in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Most prefer to do as everyone else does to avoid conflicting disputes. Vilka välsignelser får vi när vi anstränger oss att ivrigt följa Kristus helt och fullt? What does it mean to "incline " the heart, and what viewpoint will help us to do so? What blessings come from striving to follow the Christ fully? Vilka belöningar får vi när vi är ödmjuka? In Mark's Gospel, we find Jesus ' words: "This means my " blood of the covenant, ' which is to be poured out in behalf of many. " What rewards do we receive when we are humble? Vi måste komma ihåg att våra bröder och systrar behöver bli mer styrkta nu än någonsin tidigare. Once illicit desires take root in their treacherous hearts, two people who are attracted to each other may find themselves discussing matters that they should be sharing only with their spouse. We need to remember that our brothers and sisters need to be more strengthening now than ever before. För andra är det familj och vänner som betyder mest och gör att de mår bra. An integral part of the Kingdom message preached earth wide by Jehovah's Witnesses is the warning that God's Kingdom will soon remove human rulership. Second, family and friends are the most important thing that they are doing. Vad skulle du göra för att hitta mig igen? " This harlot fittingly stands for all false religion, foremost of which are the churches of Christendom. What would you do to find me again? " Russell bildade tillsammans med några andra sanningssökare en bibelstudiegrupp i Pittsburgh i Pennsylvania i USA. APRIL 29, 2013 - MAY 5, 2013 Russell formed some other truth - seekers of truth in the United States. Vad betyder det att " böja " hjärtat, och vilken inställning kommer att hjälpa oss att göra det? First, of course, it is wise to "sit down and calculate the expense. " What does it mean to " bow " the heart, and what attitude will help us to do so? I Markus evangelium läser vi Jesus ord: " Detta betyder mitt blod, ' förbundets blod ', som skall utgjutas till förmån för många. " The urgency of the times we live in is underscored when we consider the inspired prophecy at Revelation 17: 10. In Mark's Gospel, we read Jesus ' words: "This means my " blood of the covenant, ' which is to be poured out in behalf of many. " När orätta begär har slagit rot i hjärtat kan två personer som känner sig dragna till varandra börja prata om sådant som de egentligen inte borde prata om med någon annan än sin äktenskapspartner. Giving practical assistance to our neighbors may help overcome prejudice When wrong desires have been rooted in the heart, two people who know themselves may begin to talk about what they really ought not to talk about others than their mates. En väsentlig del av det budskap om Guds kungarike som predikas över hela världen av Jehovas vittnen är underrättelsen om att Guds kungarike snart skall avlägsna mänskligt styre. A second line of evidence is provided by the apostle Paul. A significant part of the Kingdom message that is being preached worldwide by Jehovah's Witnesses is told that God's Kingdom will soon remove human rule. Skökan representerar passande all falsk religion, där kristenheten är den främsta delen. COVER: Preaching at a roadside fish market. The harlot fittingly represents all false religion, where Christendom is the primary part of Christendom. 29 APRIL 2013 - 5 MAJ 2013 Kind greetings and upbuilding conversations before and after meetings add much to the pleasure and benefits that come from being present. APRIL 29, 2013 - MAY 5, 2013 Först och främst är det naturligtvis förståndigt att " sätta sig... ner och räkna ut kostnaden ." Who set the best examples of gracious giving, and how can we imitate their example? Of course, it is wise to "put down and counting the cost. " Allvaret i den tid vi lever i förstärks när vi tänker på den inspirerade profetian i Uppenbarelseboken 17: 10. We may gain or lose wealth, health, and loved ones. As we reflect on the inspired prophecy recorded at Revelation 17: 10. Vi kan övervinna fördomar genom att ge våra grannar praktisk hjälp. We are wise to learn from the mistakes of others. - Proverbs 22: 3. We can overcome prejudice by providing practical help to our neighbors. Det andra skälet finns i ett av Paulus brev. Sign - language congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses are places where deaf people can come together regularly to learn about God and worship him. The second reason is found in Paul's letter. FRAMSIDAN: Vittnen predikar på en fiskmarknad vid vägen. Hundreds of new Kingdom Halls are needed. COVER: Witness publishers on a fish at the road. Att hälsa vänligt på vännerna och prata med dem före och efter mötet gör mycket för att det ska bli trevligt och givande. Even so, Christian parents might listen to their children's expressions about the set time. A friendly greeting with the brothers and sisters before and after the meeting makes it very enjoyable and rewarding. Vilka är de främsta exemplen i fråga om att ge villigt, och hur kan vi efterlikna dem? How can we avoid that trap? What are the foremost examples of giving freely, and how can we imitate them? Vårt välstånd och vår hälsa kan förbättras eller försämras, och vi kanske får nya vänner eller förlorar gamla. [ Pictures on page 18] Our prosperity and health may improve, or we may find new friends or have lost old age. Vi är förståndiga om vi lär av andras misstag. 17, 18. (a) Why did Paul organize the collection for Christians in Judea? We are wise to learn from the mistakes of others. I teckenspråksförsamlingarna kan döva samlas regelbundet för att få undervisning om Gud och tillbe honom. 8, 9. (a) What further reason for preaching do we have? In sign - language congregations, deaf people can regularly gather to learn about God and worship him. Sådant byggnadsarbete är helig tjänst som upphöjer Jehova och gör oss glada. What, though, does your recognizing Jehovah as your Master imply as to the way you use your time? Such building work is sacred service that exalts Jehovah and makes us happy. Men de skulle också kunna låta barnen få säga vad de tycker. Satan alleged that if Jesus was not injured by the fall, it would prove that he was "a son of God. " But they could also allow their children to express their opinion on their own. Hur kan vi undvika det? Many tire easily. How can we avoid that? [ Bilder på sidan 18] Beware of "an Unruly Injurious Thing " [ Pictures on page 18] 17, 18. a) Varför organiserade Paulus insamlingen för de kristna i Judeen? Note that Jesus makes the second appointment after he arrives and finds that the slave has been "doing so, " that is, faithfully dispensing spiritual food. 17, 18. (a) Why did Paul organized the collection of Christians in Judea? 8, 9. a) Vilket ytterligare skäl har vi till att predika? At the same time, they were practicing sin. 8, 9. (a) What further reason do we have for preaching? Men använder du din tid på ett sätt som visar att du erkänner att Jehova är den som leder dig? • As we await Jehovah's day, how should we view people? But do you use your time in a way that shows that you recognize that Jehovah is the One guiding you? Han påstod att om Jesus inte blev skadad i fallet skulle det bevisa att han var " en son till Gud ." A few months before Jesus gave his prophecy on the sign of his presence, including the existence of a "slave " representing him on earth, he spoke of this" slave " in slightly different terms that shed light on the slave's responsibilities. He claimed that if Jesus was not injured in the case, he would prove that he was "a son of God. " Många blir fort trötta. Even so, to emphasize the reliability of his message, he often introduced what he said in this unique way: "Most truly [literally," Truly, truly, " ftn.] I say to you. " Many get tired. Var på din vakt mot den " oregerliga och skadliga " tungan What warning of Jerusalem's impending destruction did Jehovah give, and what would happen to the Jews? Beware of "the unruly and hurtful " Lägg märke till att Jesus inte gör det andra förordnandet förrän han kommer och ser att slaven är " i färd med att göra så ," dvs. troget dela ut andlig mat. I took the children to meetings and in the door - to - door ministry on a regular basis. Note that Jesus does not make the second assignment until he arrives and sees that the slave is "in the way of doing so, " that is, faithfully dispensing spiritual food. Men samtidigt bedrev de synd. Discerning that he might not have realized what the Trinity teaching is all about, she tactfully asked, "Do you believe that God is God, that Jesus is God, and that the holy spirit is God; yet, there are not three Gods but one God? " At the same time, however, they had to practice sin. • Hur bör vi betrakta människor medan vi väntar på Jehovas dag? Many feel that "blood is thicker than water. " • How should we view people as we await Jehovah's day? Ett par månader innan Jesus uttalade sin profetia om tecknet på sin närvaro, som bland annat uppenbarade att det skulle finnas en " slav " som representerade honom på jorden, talade han om denne " slav " i lite andra ordalag, något som kastade ljus över slavens ansvarsuppgifter. (Read Acts 4: 29 - 31.) A few months before Jesus uttered his prophecy about the sign of his presence, which revealed that there would be a "slave " representing him on earth, he spoke of this" slave " in a little other terms, which cast light over the slave's responsibilities. Men för att visa att människor kunde lita på hans ord sa han ändå ofta: " Sannerligen, sannerligen [eller: " I sanning, ja, i sanning ," noten] säger jag er. " It is fitting, then, that when in 1919, Jesus entrusted his faithful anointed brothers with increased responsibility, he said: "You were faithful over a few things. In order to demonstrate that humans could trust his Word, however, he often said: "Truly really is, [or," In truth, " ftn.] I say you. " Vilken varning gav Jehova, och vad skulle hända med judarna? Purpose of Study Articles What warning did Jehovah give, and what would happen to the Jews? Jag tog regelbundet med mig barnen till mötena och i tjänsten från dörr till dörr. DO NOT POLLUTE YOUR BODY. I regularly took my children to meetings and in the house - to - house ministry. Systern anade att han kanske inte riktigt förstod vad treenighetsläran gick ut på, så hon frågade försiktigt: " Tror du att Gud är Gud, att Jesus är Gud och att den heliga anden är Gud, men att det ändå inte finns tre Gudar, utan bara en? " What is involved in your working out your own salvation? The sister suggested that he may not clearly understand what the Trinity doctrine went out, so she asked: "Do you believe that God is God, that Jesus is God and that the holy spirit is God, but yet there is not three, but one God? " Många menar att " blod är tjockare än vatten ." In Israel the kingship and priesthood were completely separate. Many believe that " blood is fater than water. " (Läs Apostlagärningarna 4: 29 - 31.) On the day of Pentecost 33 C.E., there was an early evidence of Jehovah's changed strategy - that of a global evangelizing work. (Read Acts 4: 29 - 31.) Därför var det passande att Jesus, när han 1919 anförtrodde sina trogna smorda bröder större ansvarsuppgifter, sade: " Du har varit trogen då du var satt över några få ting. As a zealous Kingdom proclaimer, Paul " glorified his ministry. ' Hence, when Jesus, in 1919, entrusted his faithful anointed brothers with greater responsibilities, he said: "You have proved faithful when you were seated over a few things. Syftet med studieartiklarna How does Noah's example help us to understand what it means to have faith? Purpose of Study Articles FÖRORENA INTE DIN KROPP. Says one sister: "I resolved to marry only in the Lord, but I have shed many tears as I watched my friends marry wonderful Christian men, while I continue alone. " DOES YOUR YOUR YOUR YOUR ARE. Hur kan du arbeta på din egen räddning? As a result, Satan is - now more than ever - bent on "misleading the entire inhabited earth. " How can you work out your own salvation? Familjen kände så starkt för de här människorna att de ville göra mer. Above all, we have the deep joy that comes from knowing that we have Jehovah's approval, for he loves all those who "bear fruit with endurance "! The family felt that they wanted to do more. I Israel var kungadömet och prästadömet åtskilda. (See paragraphs 17, 18) In Israel, the kingship was completed. På pingstdagen år 33 kom ett första bevis på att Jehova hade bytt strategi; nu skulle de goda nyheterna bli predikade på hela jorden. Jeroboam was afraid that if the Israelites continued to go to the temple in Jerusalem for annual festivals honoring Jehovah, they would eventually switch their loyalties to the kingdom of Judah. On the day of Pentecost 33 C.E., an initial proof that Jehovah had replaced its strategy; now the good news would be preached throughout the earth. Som en nitisk förkunnare av Guds kungarike förhärligade Paulus sin tjänst. Youths, what are your plans for the future? As a zealous Kingdom proclaimer, Paul glorified his ministry. Hur kan Noas exempel hjälpa oss att förstå vad det innebär att ha tro? Christian parents have the responsibility before Jehovah to be selective about what they allow to be viewed in their home. How can Noah's example help us to understand what it means to have faith? En syster säger: " Jag har beslutat att gifta mig bara i Herren, men jag har fällt många tårar då jag har sett mina vänner gifta sig med underbara kristna män, medan jag fortfarande är ensam. " A Safe Haven " I have decided to marry only in the Lord, " says one sister, "but I have made many tears when I have seen my friends married to wonderful Christian men, while I am still alone. " Därför är Satan nu mer än någonsin tidigare inriktad på att vilseleda " hela den bebodda jorden ." (b) Why are we able to have clear explanations of even deep things? Hence, Satan is now more than ever ever inclined to mislead "all the inhabited earth. " Vi kan känna oss nöjda med oss själva, för vi vet att Jehova tycker om att vi är i gång i det här arbetet. After Saul's death, Abner could have shown humility and proved his loyalty to God by supporting David, not Saul's son Ish - bosheth. We can be content with ourselves because we know that Jehovah is pleased with our work. Jerobeam I var rädd för att israeliterna, om de fortsatte att bege sig till templet i Jerusalem för att fira de årliga högtiderna till Jehovas ära, till sist skulle komma att känna lojalitet mot Judas rike. Is it not true that we should thank him each day for the gift of life? Jeroboam was afraid that if the Israelites continued going to go to the temple in Jerusalem to celebrate the annual festivals for Jehovah's glory, they would eventually come to know loyalty to the kingdom of Judah. Ungdomar, vad har ni för planer för framtiden? That belongs to Jehovah. Young people, what have you plans for the future? Kristna föräldrar har ansvar inför Jehova att vara noga med vad slags underhållning de tillåter i sitt hem. At that point, Elijah urged his well - trained companion to stop following him, but Elisha three times told Elijah: "I will not leave you. " Christian parents have responsibilities before Jehovah to be careful about what sort of entertainment they allow in their home. En fristad Each month, the faithful slave publishes a number of pages of Bible - based material in The Watchtower and Awake! A Lost Man b) Hur är det möjligt för oss att förklara djupa andliga sanningar på ett enkelt och tydligt sätt? What is the message of the parable of the ten virgins? (b) How is it possible for us to explain deep spiritual truths in a simple and clear way? Efter Sauls död kunde Abner ödmjukt ha visat lojalitet mot Jehova och understött David i stället för Sauls son Is - Boset. Since the Gospel writer Matthew was there, let him tell us. After Saul's death, Abner humbly showed loyalty to Jehovah and supported David's son - the son of Saul. Visst är det så att vi varje dag kan tacka honom för livets gåva? Turn to Jehovah in prayer, and do not doubt that he can give you the wisdom needed to cope with your trial. Is it not true that we can thank him every day for the gift of life? Det får vi lämna åt Jehova. 8, 9. (a) What is one way to reason with someone who believes that Jesus is equal to God? We must leave it to Jehovah. Tre gånger försökte Elia få Elisa att sluta följa honom, men varje gång sa Elisa: " Jag skall inte lämna dig. " What do the dramatic visions of Zechariah mean for us today? Three times Elijah tried to get Elisha to stop following him, but every time Elisha said: "I shall not leave you. " Varje månad ger den trogne slaven ut Vakttornet och Vakna! med många sidor bibliskt material. We have a clear understanding of the vast difference between Christianity and the world that is alienated from God. Each month, the faithful slave has published The Watchtower and Awake! with many pages of the Bible. Vad är budskapet i liknelsen om de tio jungfrurna? He also stated: "When you are forced to beg Jehovah for help and forgiveness, you realize how much you need him. " What is the message of the parable of the ten virgins? Eftersom evangelieskribenten Matteus var där, låter vi honom tala om det för oss. However, when they reached Pamphylia, Mark suddenly left his companions in the lurch. Since the Gospel writer Matthew was there, we let him tell us about it. Vänd dig till Jehova i bön och tvivla inte på att han kan ge dig den vishet du behöver för att kunna ta itu med din prövning. Even in Bible times, however, miraculous deliverance was the exception rather than the rule. Draw to Jehovah in prayer, not doubting that he can give you the wisdom you need to cope with your trial. 8, 9. a) Hur skulle vi kunna resonera med någon som tror att Jesus är jämlik Gud? Though forced by bitter persecution to flee, thousands of faithful Malawian Witnesses carried on Kingdom service joyfully 8, 9. (a) How might we reason with someone who believes that Jesus is equal to God? Vad kan vi i vår tid lära oss av Sakarjas dramatiska syner? As people learn about God, they see the need to conform to his standards. What can we today learn from Zechariah's dramatic visions? Vi förstår klart och tydligt den stora skillnaden mellan kristendomen och den värld som är avlägsnad från Gud. The more we own, the more we have to maintain, insure, and protect. Clearly, the great difference between Christianity and the world alienated from God. Han sa också: " När man tvingas be Jehova om hjälp och förlåtelse inser man hur mycket man behöver honom. " We can be sure that if that is our sincere desire, expressed in our prayers and in our actions, Jehovah will never abandon us. He added: "When you are forced to ask Jehovah for help and forgiveness, you realize how much you need him. " Men när de kom till Pamfylien lämnade han dem plötsligt. 1: 15. Why is avoiding compromise a serious issue for true Christians? However, when they arrived in July 15, he left them suddenly. Men även på Bibelns tid var det ovanligt med sådan mirakulös befrielse. First, Jesus Christ had to be resurrected to present the value of his sacrifice to God in our behalf. Even in Bible times, however, such miraculous deliverance was unusual. Hätsk förföljelse tvingade tusentals trogna malawiska vittnen att fly, men de fortsatte ändå glatt att förkunna om Guds kungarike Noah and his family survived the end of that world. - Heb. While third persecution forced thousands of faithful Witnesses to flee, they continued joyfully declaring about God's Kingdom När människor lär känna Gud förstår de att de behöver följa hans normer. Jehovah has given similar assurances to his modern - day people, and we have seen them come true during our lifetime. When people come to know God, they understand that they need to obey his standards. Ju mer vi äger, desto mer måste vi underhålla, försäkra och skydda. Why will it be beneficial to consider some prayers recorded in the Bible? The more we possess, the more we must maintain, keep, and protect. Vi kan vara säkra på att om detta är vår uppriktiga önskan, uttryckt i våra böner och i våra handlingar, kommer Jehova aldrig att överge oss. The Law covenant was an addition to and not a replacement of God's covenant with Abraham. We can be sure that if this is our heartfelt desire, our prayers and actions will never forsake us. Varför är det viktigt för de kristna att inte kompromissa? " IN A world that is in chaos politically, socially and environmentally, how can the human race sustain another 100 years? " Why is it important for Christians not to compromise? Först behövde Jesus Kristus uppstå för att kunna frambära värdet av sitt offer för vår räkning inför Gud. After his ordeal, he said to God: "In hearsay I have heard about you, but now my own eye does see you. " - Job 42: 5. First, Jesus Christ had to rise in order to present the value of his sacrifice to our God. Noa och hans familj överlevde slutet för den världen. (b) Why can remaining emotionally distant from others be spiritually damaging? Noah and his family survived the end of the world. Jehova har gett liknande löften till sitt folk i våra dagar, och vi har fått se dem uppfyllas. Soon, God's promise of an earthly paradise will become a reality. Jehovah has given similar promises to his people today, and we have seen them fulfilled. Varför har vi nytta av att undersöka några av de böner som finns upptecknade i Bibeln? Jehovah God is the best example of showing mildness and patience. Why can we benefit from examining some of the prayers recorded in the Bible? Lagförbundet var ett tillägg till Guds förbund med Abraham, inte en ersättning för det. Not all can assist full - time ministers in the above - mentioned way. The Law covenant was an appendix to God's covenant with Abraham, not for it. " HUR ska mänskligheten kunna överleva hundra år till i en värld där det råder politiskt, socialt och miljömässigt kaos? " [ Footnotes] " HOW will mankind survive a hundred years into a world that is political, social, and environment? " Efter sitt svåra prov sade han till Gud: " Genom hörsägen har jag hört om dig, men nu ser verkligen mitt eget öga dig. " Imagine that you gave a valuable gift to a friend. After his severe test, he said to God: "My ears I have heard about you, but now my own eye does see you. " b) Varför kan det vara skadligt för den andliga hälsan att känslomässigt hålla sig på avstånd från andra? AS Jehovah's servants, we expect trials and tests to come our way. (b) Why can it be harmful to the spiritual health of others? Guds löfte om ett paradis här på jorden kommer snart att bli verklighet. A brother who has been married for 24 years observed: "I can bottle things up, thinking, " If I don't talk about this issue, it will go away. ' God's promise of a paradise earth will soon come true. Jehova är det främsta exemplet på att visa mildhet och tålamod. Three and a half years later, in 1918, he came to God's spiritual temple and fulfilled Peter's words: "It is the appointed time for the judgment to start with the house of God. " Jehovah is the supreme example of mildness and patience. Alla kan inte hjälpa heltidstjänare på det sätt som vi just har beskrivit. These sayings of Jesus can improve our life now and give us the hope of a happy future. All of us cannot help full - time servants in the way we have just described. [ Fotnoter] We must not succumb to any temptation to steal or be dishonest. [ Footnotes] Tänk dig att du gav en värdefull present till en av dina vänner. (b) What relief must be near? Suppose you gave a valuable gift to one of your friends. SOM Jehovas tjänare vet vi att vi kommer att få utstå prövningar. So Darius rescinded the ban and authorized that money from the royal treasury be given to the Jews to help pay the expenses of the work. AS Jehovah's servants, we know that we will endure trials. En broder som varit gift i 24 år sa: " Jag kan ibland lägga locket på och tänka att problemet kommer att försvinna av sig självt om jag inte pratar om det. Likewise today, challenging situations have often resulted in a fine witness being given both to officials and to the public. One brother who has been married for 24 years said: "I may sometimes add the cover and think that the problem will pass away if I'm not talking about it. Tre och ett halvt år senare, 1918, kom han till Guds andliga tempel och uppfyllde Petrus ord: " Den fastställda tiden är inne för domen att börja med Guds hus. " Take time to reflect on what you read. Three and a half years later, in 1918, he came to God's spiritual temple and fulfilled Peter's words: "The appointed time is for the judgment to start with the house of God. " Jesu uttalanden kan göra vårt liv bättre redan nu och ge oss ett hopp om en lycklig framtid. As old as it is, the Bible addresses those needs and more. Jesus ' sayings can make our lives better now and give us hope for a happy future. Vi får inte ge efter för någon som helst frestelse att stjäla eller vara oärliga. Why? We must not give in to any temptation to steal or to be dishonest. b) Vad kommer snart att hända? But youths who today keep focused on theocratic goals will well into adulthood be deeply satisfied with the choices they made. (b) What will soon happen? Darius upphävde därför förbudet och ordnade så att pengar från den kungliga skattkammaren gavs till judarna som ett bidrag till kostnaderna i samband med arbetet. If few or even none partake of the emblems, why is it still important to be present? So Darius the ban and arranged for money from the royal store to be given to the Jews as funds in connection with the work. På liknande sätt har svåra situationer i våra dagar också ofta lett till att ett fint vittnesbörd har kunnat avges för både myndighetspersoner och allmänheten. [ Picture on page 18] Similarly, difficult situations today have often led to a fine witness that has been given to both government officials and the public. Ta dig tid att begrunda det du läser. Why is Jehovah worthy of our thanks? Take time to meditate on what you read. Bibeln må vara gammal, men den tar upp just de behov vi människor har. They reside "alone in a forest - in the midst of an orchard, " spiritually separated from this increasingly troubled and dangerous world. - John 10: 16; Deuteronomy 33: 28; Jeremiah 49: 31; Galatians 6: 16. The Bible may be old, but it takes the very needs of humans. Varför det? He was used to guide the Israelites on their way to the Promised Land. Why? Då kan man i stället känna sig nöjd över de val man gjorde när man var ung. Så känner Mirjana. When we make the right choices in daily matters, we train our perceptive powers (See paragraph 11) [ Picture on page 26] Rather, it is possible to be content with the choices you made when you were young. Varför är det viktigt att vara med vid Åminnelsen trots att så få tar del av brödet och vinet? Have you not come to know about the holy spirit through studying the Bible? Despite partaking of the emblems, why is it important to be present at the Memorial? [ Bild på sidan 18] " These words are not an invitation to discipleship for outsiders, " states The New Interpreter's Bible, "but reflection on the meaning of discipleship for those who have already responded to the call of Christ. " [ Picture on page 18] Varför förtjänar Jehova vår tacksamhet? How so? Why does Jehovah deserve our gratitude? De bor " för sig själva i en skog - mitt i en fruktträdgård " - andligt avskilda från den här alltmer oroliga och farliga världen. So be diligent in your study of God's Word, meditate deeply on its meaning, and look for ways to express your faith at congregation meetings. They live "for themselves in a forest forest - in my fruit " - spiritually separate from this all more uncertain and dangerous world. Han användes till att vägleda israeliterna på deras väg till det utlovade landet. Once he left behind the riches of Egypt, Moses put his confidence in Jehovah. He was used to guide the Israelites in their way to the Promised Land. Har du inte fått lära dig mycket om den heliga anden genom att studera Bibeln? Jesus referred to the Devil as "the ruler of this world " and warned His disciples that they would be persecuted, even as he had been. Have you not learned much about the holy spirit by studying the Bible? " De här orden är inte en inbjudan till dem som ännu inte är lärjungar att bli lärjungar ," sägs det i The New Interpreter's Bible, " utan en inbjudan till dem som redan har hörsammat Kristi kallelse att tänka över vad lärjungaskapet innebär. " Holy Spirit - At Work in Creation! " These words are not an invitation to those who are not yet disciples to become disciples, " says The New Bible, "but an invitation to those who have already responded to Christ's view of what it means. " Hur då? Mary's statements show that she had a deep love for God's Word and was thoroughly familiar with the Hebrew Scriptures. How? Så studera Bibeln ordentligt, fundera noga på det du lär dig och delta i mötena. Thus, Jesus warned his disciples: "Pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life. " - Luke 21: 34. So study the Bible well, meditate deeply on what you learn, and attend Christian meetings. Han lämnade det lyxiga livet i Egypten och litade på att Jehova skulle ta hand om honom. What was the first of the Ten Commandments, and how did faithful Israelites choose to obey it? He left it in Egypt, trusting that Jehovah would care for him. Jesus kallade Djävulen " den här världens härskare " och talade om för sina lärjungar att de skulle bli förföljda, alldeles som han hade blivit. Did you later realize that you could have lived the rest of your life without it? Jesus called the Devil "the ruler of this world " and told his disciples that they would be persecuted, just as he had become. Helig ande - verksam vid skapelsen! Since appetite and thirst often diminish with age, they may think that they do not need to eat or drink as much as they really should. Holy Spirit - Work at Creation! Det hon sa visar tydligt att hon älskade Guds ord och var väl insatt i de hebreiska skrifterna. (Read Psalm 147: 8, 9.) What she said clearly shows that she loved God's Word and was well - versed in the Hebrew Scriptures. Därför uppmanade Jesus sina efterföljare: " Ge akt på er själva, så att aldrig era hjärtan blir nertyngda av omåttligt ätande och omåttligt drickande och livets bekymmer. " Thus, at the Lord's Evening Meal, the bread represents that physical body in which Jesus "bore our sins. " - 1 Pet. Hence, Jesus urged his followers: "Pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life. " Vilket var det första av de tio budorden, och hur valde de trogna israeliterna att lyda det? As we yield to the guidance of God's holy spirit and align our thinking with Jehovah's viewpoint as revealed in his Word, we will become more godly in our thoughts, words, and actions. What was the first of the Ten Commandments, and how did faithful Israelites choose to obey it? Insåg du längre fram att du lika gärna hade kunnat vara utan den? As Jesus told the Jewish leaders: "The kingdom of God will be taken from you and be given to a nation producing its fruits. " Did you later see that you could have been without it? Eftersom matlusten och törsten ofta avtar med åren, kanske de tror att de inte behöver äta eller dricka så mycket som de i själva verket borde. The response was immediate. The man wanted to be healed but he could not see how, for he had no one to help him into the pool. Since food and thirst are often slowed with years, they may think that they do not have to eat or drink as much as they actually ought. (Läs Psalm 147: 8, 9.) Being "righteous overmuch, " or as some Bible translations put it, being" excessively righteous " or "overrighteous, " could even cause us to question Jehovah's way of handling matters. (Read Psalm 147: 8, 9.) Så vid Herrens kvällsmåltid representerar brödet Jesus fysiska kropp, i vilken han " bar... våra synder ." You can beat it only with help. So at the Lord's Evening Meal, Jesus represents physical body, which he " bore our sins. ' Men också när vi har kommit så långt behöver vi vara medvetna om våra brister för att inte duka under för dem. In fact, as mentioned in the preceding study article, The Watchtower, which announces Jehovah's Kingdom, is now the most widely distributed journal on earth! Even when we have come so far, however, we need to be aware of our imperfections in order not to succumb to them. Det blev som Jesus hade sagt till de religiösa ledarna: " Guds kungarike skall tas ifrån er och ges åt en nation som frambringar dess frukter. " We should never be self - sparing or lazy in doing so. It became as Jesus had told the religious leaders: "The kingdom of God will be taken from you and be given to a nation producing its fruits. " Självklart ville han det, men han förstod inte hur det skulle gå till eftersom han inte hade någon som kunde hjälpa honom ner i dammen. (Read Philippians 2: 20 - 22.) No doubt, he wanted to do so, but he did not understand what would happen to him because he did not have someone who could help him down in the pool. Om vi blir alltför rättfärdiga kan det till och med få oss att ifrågasätta Jehovas sätt att sköta saker och ting. (a) What are we asking God to do when we pray: "Let your Kingdom come "? If we become overly righteous, we may even question Jehovah's way of doing things. Det går bara om man får hjälp. It was more than just an old friend - sometimes it was my only friend. " If you receive help, you need help. Som nämndes i förra studieartikeln är Vakttornet, som förkunnar Jehovas kungarike, den mest spridda tidskriften i världen. (b) How can we cope with the reality mentioned at Acts 14: 22? As mentioned in the preceding article, The Watchtower, which proclaims Jehovah's Kingdom, the most widely distributed magazine in the world. Vi bör inte spara oss själva eller vara lata. (Read 1 Corinthians 13: 1 - 3.) We should not save ourselves or be lazy. (Läs Filipperna 2: 20 - 22.) Are you one of the other sheep who supports the anointed in this vital work? (Read Philippians 2: 20 - 22.) a) Vad ber vi om när vi säger: " Låt ditt kungarike komma "? What remarkable wisdom! (a) What do we pray for when we say: "Let your kingdom come "? Den var inte bara en gammal vän - ibland var den min enda vän. " Like Mark and Timothy, they appreciate that singleness allows for "constant attendance upon the Lord without distraction. " It was not just a old friend - sometimes the only friend. " b) Vilken inställning hjälper oss att klara av de " många vedermödor " som vi måste räkna med enligt Apostlagärningarna 14: 22? • by means of the angels? (b) According to Acts 14: 22, what attitude will help us to cope with the "many tribulations " that we must expect in harmony with Acts 14: 22? (Läs 1 Korinthierna 13: 1 - 3.) Just imagine! (Read 1 Corinthians 13: 1 - 3.) Stöder vi de smorda i det här viktiga arbetet? For more information, see "Young People Ask... Am I Addicted to Electronic Media? " Do we support the anointed in this vital work? Vilken imponerande vishet! Speaking of his followers, he said: "I have given your word to them, but the world has hated them, because they are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world. What impressive wisdom! Precis som Markus och Timoteus uppskattar de att de kan stå till tjänst för Herren " utan att låta sig distraheras ." It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. " Like Mark and Timothy, they appreciate their ability to serve in behalf of the Lord "without distraction. " • genom änglarna? This prosperity brought much leisure time to the ruling class, and the rulers saw to it that the masses got plenty of entertainment so that they would not rebel. • through the angels? Tänk dig det! " He that does not love has not come to know God, because God is love. " - 1 JOHN 4: 8. Imagine that! Se också " Ungdomar frågar: Har jag blivit teknikberoende? " It is our privilege to follow Jesus ' example of helping people to come to know and worship Jehovah, the God of freedom. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Så här sade han om sina efterföljare: " Jag har gett ditt ord åt dem, men världen har hatat dem, därför att de inte är någon del av världen, alldeles som jag inte är någon del av världen. This would hasten their death so that they would not be left on the stakes into Nisan 15, a double Sabbath. Concerning his followers, he said: "I have given your word to them, but the world has hated them, because they are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world. Det tillkommer inte den man som vandrar att själv styra sina steg. " The early Christians did not simply meet together for a brief period following the stunning miracle at Pentecost 33 C.E. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. " Detta välstånd gjorde att den härskande klassen fick mycket fritid, och de styrande såg till att massorna fick fullt upp av nöjen, så att de inte skulle göra uppror. The congregation will not protect him from this. This prosperity caused the ruling class to have plenty of leisure time, and the Governing Body made it available for the crowds to be filled with pleasure, so that they would not rebel. " Den som inte älskar har inte lärt känna Gud, eftersom Gud är kärlek. " He progressed toward dedication and baptism and is now a regular pioneer and a ministerial servant. " He that does not love has not come to know God, because God is love. " I likhet med Jesus har vi förmånen att få hjälpa människor att lära känna och tillbe Jehova, frihetens Gud. Meanwhile, those expensive, time - sucking college diplomas have become worth less than ever. " - Time, January 24, 2005. Like Jesus, we have the privilege of helping people come to know and worship Jehovah, the God of freedom. På det sättet kunde kropparna tas ner innan den 15 nisan, som var en stor sabbat. At that, Pedro resolved to have a Bible study. Thus the body of bodies could be taken down before Nisan 15, which was a great sabbath. De första kristna höll inte bara ihop under en kort period efter underverket vid pingsten år 33. None of us want to "fare badly. " The early Christians were not content just during a brief period at Pentecost 33 C.E. Församlingen kommer inte att skydda honom mot detta. How do many in the world view God's Word? The congregation will not shield him from this. Så småningom överlämnade han sig och blev döpt och är nu reguljär pionjär och biträdande tjänare. How did Jesus set a pattern of dealing humbly, patiently, and kindly with his disciples? Eventually, he dedicated himself and was baptized and now serving as a regular pioneer and a ministerial servant. Samtidigt har dessa kostsamma, tidskrävande collegeexamina blivit mindre värda än någonsin tidigare. " (Time, 24 januari 2005) To what extent did Jesus ' disciples witness, and how was this possible? At the same time, those dietary times have been less valuable than ever before. " - January 24, 2005. Då bestämde sig Pedro för att börja studera Bibeln. How clearly his actions indicated to observers that nothing is more important than regular worship of Jehovah! - Matt. Then Timothy decided to study the Bible. Ingen av oss vill att det ska gå illa för oss. Even Peter, an apostle, gave way to fear and doubt. None of us want to harm us. Hur ser många i världen på Bibeln? For example, in Montreal at a deaf club, I witnessed to Eddie Tager, a young man who was part of a gang. How do many people in the world view the Bible? Hur gav Jesus ett mönster när han behandlade sina lärjungar med ödmjukhet, tålamod och omtanke? " ON THE basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will? " How did Jesus set a pattern of treating his disciples with humility, patience, and kindness? I vilken omfattning predikade Jesus lärjungar, och hur klarade de av det? 26: 41. In contrast, Jesus ended his friendship with Judas Iscariot. To what extent did Jesus ' disciples preach, and how were they able to do so? Det blev verkligen tydligt för alla att ingenting var viktigare för honom än att regelbundet be till Jehova! By 1919, it became evident that Babylon the Great had fallen. How clear it was that nothing was more important to him than regularly praying to Jehovah! Till och med aposteln Petrus blev rädd och tvivlade. Jesus said: "If you, although being wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more so will the Father in heaven give holy spirit to those asking him! " - Luke 11: 13. Even the apostle Peter was afraid and doubted. Där vittnade jag för Eddie Taeger, en ung man som var med i ett gäng. Why? There I witnessed to Going, a young man who was in a dispute. " HAR du på grundval av Jesu Kristi offer ångrat dina synder och överlämnat dig åt Jehova för att göra hans vilja? " Our imperfect flesh inclines us toward indulging in things that are pleasing to our senses. " HAVE you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will? " Som en kontrast till detta gjorde Jesus slut på vänskapen med Judas Iskariot. (Read 1 John 5: 3.) In contrast, Jesus endd his friendship with Judas Iscariot. Och 1919 blev det uppenbart att det stora Babylon hade fallit. For example, some people's love for neighbor goes no further than a donation to some charitable organization. In 1919, Babylon the Great had fallen. Jesus sade: " Om alltså ni, fastän ni är onda, förstår att ge goda gåvor åt era barn, hur mycket mer skall då inte Fadern i himlen ge helig ande åt dem som ber honom! " The purpose of recreation is to refresh and rejuvenate us. Jesus said: "If you, although being wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more so will the Father in heaven give holy spirit to those asking him! " Varför det? " Wine is a ridiculer, intoxicating liquor is boisterous, and everyone going astray by it is not wise. " - PROVERBS 20: 1. Why? Som en följd av detta tar människor överallt emot sanningen och rättar sig efter Jehovas kärleksfulla vägledning. We also see that Jehovah is prepared to accept the prayers of those approaching him in a proper manner. As a result, people everywhere accept the truth and comply with Jehovah's loving direction. Eftersom vi är ofullkomliga dras vi till det som är fel. • In what ways can we glorify God? Being imperfect, we are drawn to what is wrong. (Läs 1 Johannes 5: 3.) Afterwards, they all were satisfied and happy. (Read 1 John 5: 3.) Somliga människors kärlek till nästan går till exempel inte längre än till att de ger ett bidrag till någon välgörenhetsorganisation. The Bible even says that husbands and wives will have "tribulation in their flesh. " For example, some people's love go beyond their donations. Tanken med avkoppling är att vi ska samla nya krafter. And see what you can do to "wrestle, " or contend, for Jehovah's blessing. The idea of recreation is to gather new strength. " Vinet är en hånare, starka drycker är bullersamma, och ingen som irrar omkring av det är vis. " The closer we draw to Jehovah, the greater our motivation is to love him " with our whole heart, our whole soul, our whole mind, and our whole strength. ' " The demons are a ridicule, strong liquor, and no one going astray by it is wise. " Vi ser också att Jehova villigt lyssnar till deras böner som närmar sig honom på rätt sätt. According to one scholar, whether Jesus spoke in a popular form of Hebrew or in Aramaic, the term he used for "Father " is akin to the intimate expressions of an infant, " a child's word. ' We also see that Jehovah freely listens to the prayers of those who approach him in the right way. • Hur kan vi förhärliga Gud? A study was started with the man, and he began attending Christian meetings. • How can we glorify God? Efteråt var de nöjda och glada. He fulfilled his vow by devoting his daughter to exclusive service at Jehovah's sanctuary at Shiloh. Afterward, they were content and delighted. I Bibeln sägs det till och med att män och hustrur kommer att ha " vedermöda i köttet ." Is it not clear that Jesus, the Son of man, was "lowly in heart "? - Matt. 11: 29. The Bible even says that husbands and wives will have "tribulation in their flesh. " Och hur kan vi kämpa, eller " brottas ," för att få Jehovas välsignelse? Although he had to feign insanity to get away, David knew that it was really Jehovah who had delivered him by blessing his efforts. And how can we battle, or fight, to receive Jehovah's blessing? Ju närmare Jehova vi kommer, desto mer drivs vi att älska honom av hela vårt hjärta, hela vår själ, hela vårt sinne och hela vår styrka. Hence, humble ones came to know Jehovah as "a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving - kindness and truth. " As we draw closer to Jehovah, we will be moved to love him with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength. En språkkännare menar att oavsett om Jesus talade en folklig form av hebreiska eller han talade arameiska är det ord för " Fader " som han använde besläktat med ett uttryck som ett litet barn skulle använda för att ge uttryck åt tillgivenhet för sin far. Ask people that question, and you will find that their answers vary greatly. A language suggests that whether Jesus spoke a people of Hebrew or he spoke Aramaic, it is the word for "Father, " using an expression that a young child would use to express his affection to his father. Ett studium sattes i gång med honom, och han började komma till mötena. Chronic illness can also be discouraging, even depressing. A study was started with him, and he began to attend meetings. Han uppfyllde sitt löfte och vigde sin dotter till särskild tjänst vid Jehovas helgedom i Silo. Anna, mentioned in Luke's Gospel, likely was deeply saddened when her husband died unexpectedly after just seven years of marriage. He fulfilled his promise and devoted his daughter to special service at Jehovah's sanctuary in Shiloh. Ja, han var verkligen " ödmjuk i hjärtat ." Job needed to get his attention focused on Jehovah and to consider how He viewed the situation. Indeed, he was " humble in heart. ' Trots att han måste spela sinnessjuk för att komma undan, visste han att det i själva verket var Jehova som hade befriat honom genom att välsigna hans ansträngningar. What is the spirit of the world, and how does it operate? Although he had to put his senses to escape, he knew that it was really Jehovah who had delivered him by blessing his efforts. Tålmodigt och vänligt lärde han dem att Jehova är " en barmhärtig och nådig Gud, sen till vrede och rik på kärleksfull omtanke och sanning ." (a) In what two ways was Jeremiah's obedience tested when Jehovah instructed him to tell the besieged Jews to " fall away to the Chaldeans '? He patiently and kindly taught them that Jehovah is "a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving - kindness and truth. " Om du ställer den frågan till människor kommer du att få många olika svar. He explained to his fellow Christians: "For the law of the spirit that gives life in union with Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death. " If you raise that question to people, you will have many different answers. Kronisk sjukdom kan också vara nedslående, till och med deprimerande. Or if you wonder how a certain Bible teaching might affect your life, you could ask a congregation elder or another mature Christian for help. Violence can also be discouraging, even painful. Hanna, som finns omtalad i Lukas evangelium, blev säkert djupt bedrövad när hennes man oväntat dog efter bara sju års äktenskap. (a) According to Matthew 6: 19 - 21, why should we look beyond the immediate future? Hannah, mentioned in Luke's Gospel, surely was greatly distressed when her husband died unexpectedly after seven years of marriage. Job behövde få sin uppmärksamhet riktad på Jehova och tänka på hur Jehova betraktade situationen. How can Jesus ' role as Ransomer and High Priest strengthen your confidence in God's mercy? Job needed to give his attention to Jehovah and to reflect on God's view of matters. Och hur kan vi klara av att stå emot världens ande? In this regard, let us compare the attitude of David and Manasseh with that of the wayward people of Israel and Judah. And how can we successfully resist the spirit of the world? a) På vilka två sätt sattes Jeremias lydnad på prov när Jehova anvisade honom att uppmana de belägrade judarna att gå över till kaldéerna? At baptism we make a request to God for a good conscience so as to be acceptable to him. (a) In what two ways was Jeremiah's obedience put to the test when Jehovah assigned him to urge the Jews to go over the Chaldeans? Han förklarade för sina medkristna att " andens lag, den ande som ger liv i gemenskap med Kristus Jesus ," hade gjort dem fria från " syndens och dödens lag ." What do you think about this God - given restriction? He explained to his fellow Christians that "the law of the spirit, the spirit that gives life in union with Christ Jesus, " had set them free from" the law of sin and of death. " Vi kan också ta hjälp av de äldste och andra mogna kristna. De skulle till exempel kunna hjälpa oss att förstå hur vi ska tillämpa det vi läser. Meditating on how your faith has developed over the course of time is just one step that can help you to hold fast what you have. We can also take advantage of the help provided by the elders and other mature Christians, such as by helping us understand how to apply what we read. a) Varför ska vi planera för en evig framtid, enligt Matteus 6: 19 - 21? Yet, more was to come. (a) According to Matthew 6: 19 - 21, why should we plan for an eternal future? Vad kan vi vara övertygade om med tanke på att Jesus är vår återlösare och överstepräst? Their case was never brought to trial, for that land had no provision for conscientious objectors. Since Jesus is our Redeemer and High Priest, of what can we be confident? Vi kan här jämföra Davids och Manasses inställning med den inställning som de egensinniga invånarna i Israel och Juda visade. Our baptism shows that "we belong to Jehovah. " We can compare David and Manasseh's attitude with the attitude of the wayward inhabitants of Israel and Judah. Vid dopet framställer vi en begäran till Gud om ett gott samvete så att vi kan bli godtagbara för honom. To be holy, what must we do? At baptism, we present a request to God for a good conscience so that we can become acceptable to him. Vad anser du om den här begränsningen som Gud har gjort? After Job had been so sick that he longed to die, God healed him! - Job 2: 7; 3: 11 - 13; 42: 10, 16. What do you think of this limit that God has done? Det är bra att du begrundar hur din tro har byggts upp under årens lopp. Elders can imitate Jesus ' example by giving counsel "in a spirit of mildness. " - Gal. It is good to consider how your faith has been built up over the years. Men han skulle få se och uppleva mer än så. 5, 6. But he would see and see more. Deras fall har aldrig prövats i domstol. Published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Their case has never been tried in court. Dopet visar att vi " tillhör... Jehova ." [ Picture on page 6] Baptism shows that we " belong to Jehovah. ' Vad måste vi göra för att vara heliga? Jesus is "the life " also to those who have died. What must we do to be holy? Job blev så sjuk att han längtade efter att få dö, men Jehova gjorde honom frisk! • How does the prophecy of Amos show that Jehovah's adverse judgments are always deserved? Job got sick so that he longed to die, but Jehovah made him well! De äldste kan efterlikna Jesus genom att ge råd och vägledning " i en ande av mildhet ." To illustrate, think how difficult it would be for us to come to appreciate fully what the word "love " means by merely reading a dictionary definition. Elders can imitate Jesus by giving counsel and direction "in a spirit of mildness. " 5, 6. And what about the many modern - day examples of humility that we find in the Christian congregation? 5, 6. Utgivna av Jehovas vittnen. By our faithful endurance, we can show that his accusations are unfounded. Published by Jehovah's Witnesses. [ Bild på sidan 6] When Paul was in prison bonds, the Philippians not only sent him material gifts but also dispatched their personal envoy Epaphroditus. [ Picture on page 6] Jesus är " livet " också för dem som har dött. Cite local examples. Jesus is "the life " also for those who have died. • Hur visar Amos profetia att Jehovas ogynnsamma domar alltid är berättigade? March 15, 2010 • How does Amos's prophecy show that Jehovah's adverse judgments are always valid? Vi kan ta ett exempel. Tänk vad svårt det skulle vara att helt förstå vad ordet " kärlek " betyder om vi bara läste en definition i en ordbok. But as for you, you keep seeking great things for yourself. Consider an example. Consider what difficult it would be to understand the meaning of "love " if we read just one dictionary. Och vad skall vi säga om de många exempel på ödmjukhet som vi finner i den kristna församlingen i vår egen tid? Happiness of Those With an Earthly Hope And what about the many examples of humility found in the Christian congregation today? Genom vårt trogna uthärdande kan vi visa att dessa anklagelser är grundlösa. Let's say that one day I approach you and claim that I'm physically stronger than you are. Through our faithful endurance, we can show that these accusations are flawed. När Paulus var slagen i bojor, sände filipperna honom inte bara materiella gåvor, utan de skickade också sitt personliga sändebud - Epafroditos. Keep on the watch, therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming, whether late in the day or at midnight or at dawn or early in the morning, in order that when he comes suddenly, he does not find you sleeping. When Paul was beaten in prison, the Philippians sent him not only material gifts but also their personal representatives - Epaphroditus. Berätta någon erfarenhet. (b) Why do Jehovah's Witnesses strive to maintain high standards of conduct? Relate an experience. 15 mars 2010 We promised at the time of our dedication that we would live no longer for ourselves but for Christ. March 15, 2010 Men du söker stora ting för dig. I will fortify you, yes, I will help you, I will really hold on to you with my right hand of righteousness. " But you are seeking great things for yourself. Lyckan hos dem som har ett jordiskt hopp " No greater cause for thankfulness do I have than these things, " he writes, "that I should be hearing that my children go on walking in the truth. " - 3 John 4. Good News of Those With an earthly Hope Mikaela: Vi kan ta en jämförelse. However, if we are deeply grieved over a sin we have committed, it is very likely that we are truly repentant. Michelle: Consider another comparison. Var alltså ständigt vaksamma; ni vet ju inte när husets herre kommer, om det blir sent på dagen eller vid midnatt eller då tuppen börjar gala eller tidigt på morgonen; så att han, när han plötsligt kommer, inte skall finna er sovande. Of course, the sources of such donations varied. Therefore keep on the watch; for you do not know when the master of the house arrives, if it is late in the day or at midnight or early in the morning; that when he arrives, he will not find you sleeping. b) Varför strävar Jehovas vittnen efter att hålla fast vid höga normer för uppförandet? Yes, possession of the Promised Land depended on a good relationship with Jehovah God. (b) Why do Jehovah's Witnesses strive to maintain high standards of conduct? När vi överlämnade oss åt Jehova lovade vi att inte längre leva för oss själva utan för Kristus. (b) How did Jesus ' warning prove to be timely? When we dedicated ourselves to Jehovah, we promised to live no longer for ourselves but for Christ. Jag skall verkligen hålla ett fast grepp om dig med min rättfärdighets högra hand. " We Need Faith! I shall really hold fast to you with my right hand of righteousness. " " Jag har ingen större orsak till tacksamhet än detta ," skriver han, " att jag får höra att mina barn fortsätter att vandra i sanningen. " They said: "We are witnesses of all the things he did. " " I have no greater reason for gratitude than this, " he writes, "that I should hear that my children go on walking in the truth. " Men om vi är djupt bedrövade på grund av en synd vi begått, är det mycket troligt att vi verkligen har ändrat sinne. Learning to make wise decisions and to carry them out does not come easily. But if we are deeply distressed because of a sin we have committed, it is most likely that we have truly repented. Guds tjänare bidrog efter sina olika omständigheter. Hezekiah went to the house of Jehovah and began praying: "O Jehovah our God, save us, please, out of his hand, that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that you, O Jehovah, are God alone. " - 2 Ki. 19: 14 - 19. God's servants contributed to their circumstances. Ja, för att få bo i det utlovade landet måste israeliterna ha ett gott förhållande till Jehova Gud. " The spirit that now operates in the sons of disobedience " is so widespread that it is like the air we breathe. Yes, to live in the Promised Land, the Israelites must have a good relationship with Jehovah God. b) Varför var Jesus varning aktuell? How Would You Answer? (b) Why was Jesus ' warning relevant? Vi behöver tro! When the Ark was finally transported by the Levites from the house of Obed - edom to Jerusalem, a song composed by David was sung. We need faith! De sa: " Vi är vittnen om allt som han gjorde. " 3: 21. Why is the step of dedication not to be feared or avoided? They said: "We are witnesses of all that he did. " Det är inte alltid lätt att lära sig att fatta bra beslut och sedan genomföra dem. Consider first the matter of the sparrows. It is not always easy to learn to make wise decisions and to follow them. Hiskia gick till Jehovas hus och bad: " Jehova, vår Gud, rädda oss ur hans hand, det ber jag dig, så att alla jordens kungariken inser att du, Jehova, ensam är Gud. " He must reach out for this "fine work. " Hezekiah went to Jehovah's house and prayed: "O Jehovah our God, save us out of his hand, please, that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that you, O Jehovah, are God alone. " " Den ande som nu är verksam i olydnadens söner " är så utbredd att den är lik den luft vi andas. 4: 16. Stick to the Best Way of Life! " The spirit that now operates in the sons of disobedience " is so prevalent that it is like the air we breathe. Hur skulle du svara? For example, when politicians boast of their integrity, they often seem to mean honesty. How Would You Answer? När leviterna till sist förde arken från Obed - Edoms hus till Jerusalem, sjöng man en sång av David. • What will help us to have the law of loving - kindness upon our tongue? When the Levites finally brought the ark of Edom - the house of Edom to Jerusalem, they sang a song of David. Varför behöver man inte vara rädd för att överlämna sig åt Jehova? Do you see in Jesus ' example the way you should view Jehovah's timetable? Why should we not fear dedicating oneself to Jehovah? Tänk först på illustrationen med sparvarna. 4, 5. (a) In what great way did Jehovah express his love? First, consider the illustration of the sparrows. Det är " ett utmärkt arbete " som han måste sträva efter att få. This evidence that Jesus was sent by God was so forceful that Jesus ' religious enemies never denied that it had happened. It is "a fine work " that he must strive to receive. Stanna kvar på den bästa levnadsvägen! Some time ago, I had an opportunity to examine what the Bible teaches on this subject. Stay in the Best Way of Life! När till exempel politiker skryter om att de är oförvitliga tycks de ofta mena att de är ärliga. Sign - Language Publications Make a Difference For example, when employers boast that they are unloved, they are often thought that they are honest. • Vad kommer att hjälpa oss att tala på ett kärleksfullt och omtänksamt sätt? Who wrote this portion of the Scriptures? • What will help us to speak in a loving and kind manner? Hur visar Jesu exempel vilken syn vi bör ha på Jehovas tidsschema? What attitudes will help us to enjoy cooperating with brothers who have defects different from ours? How does Jesus ' example show how we should view Jehovah's timetable? 4, 5. a) På vilket storslaget sätt visade Jehova sin kärlek? Why is there an urgent need for people of the world to wake up to the significance of our times? 4, 5. (a) In what great way did Jehovah demonstrate his love? Detta vittnesbörd om att Jesus var sänd av Gud var så starkt att Jesu religiösa fiender inte förnekade att det hade hänt. Through his prophet Isaiah, Jehovah said: "My own counsel will stand, and everything that is my delight I shall do. " This testimony that Jesus was sent by God was so strong that Jesus ' religious enemies did not deny that it had happened. För ett tag sedan undersökte jag vad Bibeln säger om den här saken. Our public preaching truly is "a sacrifice of praise. " - Hebrews 13: 15, 16; Galatians 6: 10. Then I sought what the Bible says about this matter. Publikationer på teckenspråk betyder mycket What is wisdom, and why can we conclude that it is not measured solely by a person's age? Publications in Sign Language means much Vem skrev den här delen av Bibeln? " You, the one preaching " Do not steal, ' do you steal? Who wrote this portion of the Bible? Vilka egenskaper kan hjälpa oss att samarbeta? In so doing, we put ourselves in line for the endless blessings associated with the " new heavens and new earth. ' - 2 Pet. 3: 13. What qualities can help us to work together? Varför är det ytterst angeläget att människor i världen får upp ögonen för vilken tid vi lever i? Tormented over a family situation, Rebekah said: "I have come to abhor this life of mine. " Why is it urgent that people in the world come up to the eyes of what time we live? Genom sin profet Jesaja sade Jehova: " Mitt beslut skall bestå, och allt som behagar mig kommer jag att göra. " In unity I shall set them, like a flock in the pen, like a drove in the midst of its pasture; they will be noisy with men. " Through his prophet Isaiah, Jehovah said: "My decision will stand, and all that is pleasing to me I shall do. " Vårt offentliga predikande är i sanning " ett lovprisningens offer ." (b) How did one family experience the wisdom of following Jehovah's guidance? Our public ministry is truth "a sacrifice of praise. " Vad är vishet, och hur vet vi att vishet inte bara hänger samman med en persons ålder? " They give me the opportunity to commend the brothers and sisters for their efforts and to help them realize that their hard work is appreciated. " What is wisdom, and how do we know that wisdom is not limited to a person's age? " Du som predikar: ' Stjäl inte ', stjäl du? The humility of those willing to accept help serves as an object lesson for others in a similar situation. " You who preach: " Do not steal, ' do you steal? Allt det här gör det möjligt för oss att få uppleva de oändliga välsignelser som de nya himlarna och den nya jorden för med sig. I look for occasions when we can read a specific scripture together to " open the eyes ' of the learner to " the wonderful things ' found in God's Word. " All of this enables us to experience the enduring blessings of the new heavens and the new earth for themselves. Rebecka plågades på grund av en svår situation i familjen och sade: " Jag har kommit att finna mitt liv motbjudande. " " My Fight With Scleroderma. " - Awake!, August 8, 2001. Rebekah was plagued by a difficult situation in the family and said: "I have come to find my life offensive. " I endräkt kommer jag att sätta dem, som en småboskapshjord i fållan, som en hjord mitt på dess betesmark; från dem kommer det att höras ett larm av människor. " Out of the same mouth come forth blessing and cursing. " In unity I shall put them, like a flock in the pen, like a flock in its flocks; from them there will be an emergency out of men. " b) Vilken hjälp fick en familj av att följa Bibelns principer? JEHOVAH'S service brings us joy. (b) How did adhering to Bible principles help one family? " Det ger mig tillfälle att berömma bröderna och systrarna för deras ansträngningar och hjälpa dem att inse att deras hårda arbete är uppskattat. " He warned that a person's interest in spiritual matters can be choked by such things as "the deceptive power of riches. " " It gives me the opportunity to commend the brothers and sisters for their efforts and to help them realize that their hard work is appreciated. " Den ödmjukhet som visas av dem som är villiga att ta emot hjälp är ett fint exempel för andra som är i en liknande situation. The caption text for this article reminds us that the word of God "exerts power. " The humility shown by those who are willing to accept help is a fine example for others who are in a similar situation. Han säger: " Jag försöker hitta tillfällen när vi kan läsa ett bibelställe tillsammans som kan öppna hans ögon för allt ' det underbara ' som finns i Guds ord. " Moreover, people who would see this employee working to beautify the church, keep it in repair, or carry out its religious pursuits would reasonably link him with that religion. He says: "I try to find opportunities to read a scripture that can open his eyes to all the wonderful things " found in God's Word. (Vakna! för 8 augusti 2001) " Jag vann min kamp mot postnatal depression ." The psalmist said: "The righteousness of your reminders is to time indefinite. " - Ps. 119: 144. On August 8, 2001, "I won win my battle against filled with depression. " - Awake!, August 8, 2001. Ut ur samma mun kommer välsignelse och förbannelse. " Satan promotes such injustices because he is in a rage, knowing that soon Jehovah will totally defeat him. Out of the same mouth there will be a blessing and a curse. " VI KÄNNER glädje när vi tjänar Jehova. The man had a jug of cool water and offered me a drink. WE MORE joy when we serve Jehovah. Han varnade för att " rikedomens bedrägliga makt " kan kväva ens andliga intresse. The key is to enhance those strengths and put them to use in protecting your child. He warned that "the deceptive power of riches " can choke even spiritual interest. Temaversen för det här studiet påminner oss om att Guds ord " utvecklar kraft ." Although Hezekiah's father was an idolater, Hezekiah " cleansed his path, ' possibly of pagan influences. The theme text of this study reminds us that God's word " exerts power. ' Dessutom skulle de människor som såg någon arbeta för att försköna en kyrka, underhålla den eller utföra dess religiösa verksamhet antagligen förknippa denne med den religionen. Our Message - The Good News of God's Kingdom Moreover, those who saw someone working to enhance a church, maintaining it, or engaging in religious activities would likely link that religion. Psalmisten sa: " Dina påminnelsers rättfärdighet varar till oöverskådlig tid. " On the last night of his life on earth, Jesus made a promise to his 11 faithful apostles. The psalmist said: "The righteousness of your reminders is to time indefinite. " Satan främjar sådana orättvisor därför att han är rasande och vet att Jehova snart fullständigt kommer att besegra honom. We have a defense available to us that is impenetrable and unbeatable. Satan promotes such injustices because he is angry and knows that Jehovah will soon defeat him. Mannen hade en tillbringare kallt vatten och frågade om jag ville ha lite att dricka. Perhaps they feel that having many physical, tangible material things will somehow make life more secure. The man had spent cold water and asked if I wanted to drink a little. Det viktiga är att utnyttja de här resurserna till hjälp och skydd för dina barn. An angel then appeared to Jesus and strengthened him. The important thing is to use these resources to help and protect your children. Trots att Hiskias far var en avgudadyrkare, bevarade Hiskia " sin stig ren ," förmodligen från hedniskt inflytande. Priests and pastors tickle the ears of others by convincing them that ceremonies, Masses, fiestas, and images have God's blessing. Although Hezekiah's father was a idolaters, Hezekiah kept "his path clean, " likely from pagan influence. Vårt budskap - de goda nyheterna om Guds kungarike Your Son's sacrifice is not enough to cover me. ' Our Message - The Good News of God's Kingdom Under sin sista kväll här på jorden gav Jesus sina elva trogna apostlar ett löfte. " Never has another man spoken like this, " said some who heard him. On his final night on earth, Jesus gave his 11 faithful apostles a promise. Vi har tillgång till ett försvar som är ogenomträngligt och oövervinnligt. Not all who want to make decisions for us mean us harm. We have access to an impending defense. De kanske tycker att livet på något sätt känns tryggare om de har stora materiella tillgångar. Let us consider an illustration found in the Gospel of Luke. They may feel more secure if they have great material possessions. Då visade sig en ängel för Jesus och styrkte honom. I feel that it really calms me down. " Then an angel appeared to Jesus and strengthened him. Präster och pastorer kittlar människors öron genom att övertyga dem om att ceremonier, mässor, religiösa högtider och bilder ger dem Guds välsignelse. A sister who contributes regularly to the Kingdom work tells of a blessing she has received: "By being materially generous, I have experienced an unusual phenomenon within myself over the years. In fact, people's ears and church leaders promote the ears of people by convinceing them that the camel, religious festivals, and images give them God's blessing. Din sons lösenoffer räcker inte till mig. ' The disciple James drew attention to God's undeserved kindness in His dealings with Abraham and his offspring. Your son's ransom sacrifice is not enough for me. ' " Aldrig har någon annan människa talat så här ," sade några som hörde honom. And if playing a game promotes in you greed or aggression, drains you emotionally, or squanders valuable time, then recognize the spiritual harm it causes and quickly make adjustments. - Matthew 18: 8, 9. " Never has another man spoken like this, " said some who heard him. Inte alla som vill fatta beslut åt oss menar illa. While engaged in telephone witnessing, a full - time minister in Ethiopia was startled when she spoke to a man but heard a commotion in the background. Not everyone who wants to make decisions for us seems to be unkind. Vi skall nu behandla en liknelse i Lukas evangelium. This amazing organ has rightly been called the most complex structure in the known universe. Let us consider an illustration in Luke's Gospel. Det gör att jag känner mig mycket lugnare. " Do whatever is needed to meet the Biblical requirements for baptism - the unique way to demonstrate gratitude for what God and Christ have done for us. It makes me feel very discouraged. " En syster som regelbundet ger bidrag till organisationens verksamhet berättar vilka välsignelser hon har fått av det: " Under årens lopp har jag upplevt en oväntad effekt av att vara generös. Of whom shall I be in fear? A sister who regularly contributes to the activity of Jehovah's organization relates: "For the years, I have experienced an unexpected impact on being generous. Lärjungen Jakob riktade uppmärksamheten på Guds oförtjänta omtanke i hans sätt att handla med Abraham och hans avkomlingar. Are not these excellent ways to show one's appreciation? The disciple James drew attention to God's undeserved kindness in his dealings with Abraham and his descendants. Och om ett spel gör dig girig eller aggressiv, känslomässigt utmattad eller stjäl dyrbar tid, tänk då på den andliga skada det åstadkommer och gör snabbt förändringar. You will also want to learn to use the Bible in the ministry. And if a game makes you greedy or hostile, emotionally, or expensive time, reflect on spiritual harm and make immediate changes. En heltidsförkunnare i Etiopien ägnade sig åt telefonvittnande men blev förskräckt då hon talade med en man och hörde oväsen i bakgrunden. He purposed that all his creatures in heaven and on earth enjoy a sense of security, mutual trust, and genuine unity. A full - time minister in Ethiopia engaged in telephone witnessing but was intrigued by a man and heard the background in the background. Det här fantastiska organet har med rätta beskrivits som den mest komplexa konstruktionen i hela universum. I don't think I would have returned to the truth without the help of prayer. This awesome organs have been described as the most complex design in the entire universe. Gör allt du kan för att fylla de bibliska kraven för dop - det unika sättet att få visa sin tacksamhet för vad Gud och Kristus har gjort för oss. Recall Jesus ' illustration that we considered in the preceding article, in which he said: "Narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are finding it. " Do all you can to meet the Scriptural qualifications for baptism - the unique way to express appreciation for what God and Christ have done for us. För vem skall jag känna fruktan? In that case, what should we do? Of whom shall I be in fear? Visst är detta utmärkta sätt att visa sin uppskattning på? [ Footnote] Is that not fine way to show our appreciation for it? Sedan vill du säkert lära dig att använda Bibeln i tjänsten. During his ministry, Jesus proved that he is "the power of God. " Then you want to learn to use the Bible in your ministry. Hans avsikt är att alla skapelser i himlen och på jorden ska känna sig trygga, lita på varandra och vara eniga. Scott: John the Baptist used a different description for being filled with holy spirit. His purpose is that all creatures in heaven and on earth will feel secure, confident, and fulfilling one another. Jag tror inte att jag skulle ha kommit tillbaka till sanningen utan bönens hjälp. Your doing so will reassure them that you heard what they said. I don't believe that I would return to the truth without the help of prayer. Tänk på Jesus ord som nämndes i den förra artikeln. Han sa: " Den trånga porten och den smala vägen leder till liv, och det är få som finner den. " SONGS TO BE USED: 96, 113 Consider Jesus ' words mentioned in the preceding article: "The gate and the cramped road leading to life are few. " Vad bör vi göra i ett sådant fall? Christian Families - "Stay Awake " What should we do in such a case? [ Fotnot] Barnabas showed similar discernment in the case of John, who had the Roman surname Mark. [ Footnote] Under sin tjänst här på jorden visade Jesus att han är " Guds kraft ." Do I encourage others by my enthusiastic involvement in the meetings? ' During his earthly ministry, Jesus showed that he is "the power of God. " Peter: Johannes döparen beskrev det här med att bli uppfylld av den heliga anden på ett annat sätt. In like manner, we can grow spiritually by observing and imitating spiritually strong people. Scott: John the Baptizer described this with being filled with the holy spirit in another way. SÅNGER: 96, 113 Not to be overlooked are the many smaller groups of deaf individuals that meet together with hearing congregations. SONGS TO BE USED: 114, 113 " Håll er vakna " som familj This article provides answers. " Keep Awake " as a Family Ett annat exempel på detta är hur Barnabas såg på Johannes, som också hade det romerska namnet Markus. Under the reign of King David of ancient Israel, people did not sigh. Another example of this is how Barnabas viewed John, who also had the Roman name Mark. Uppmuntrar jag andra genom att entusiastiskt ta del i mötena? " Spirit creatures called angels are "mighty in power. " Do I encourage others by zealously sharing in meetings? ' På samma sätt kan vi utvecklas andligen genom att iaktta och efterlikna dem som är andligt starka. Is Your Suit of Armor Complete? Similarly, we can grow spiritually by observing and imitating those who are spiritually strong. Vi får inte heller glömma de mindre grupper av döva som har möten tillsammans med hörande församlingar. Furthermore, the humiliating treatment meted out to Jesus on the night of his trial was foretold in the prophecy of Isaiah 50: 6 - 9. Furthermore, we should not forget the small groups of deaf people with hearing congregations. Du får svaren i den här artikeln. On the contrary, we put forth extra effort to understand what is being said. - Ephesians 3: 18. You will find the answers in this article. Under kung Davids regering i det forntida Israel hade folket ingen orsak att sucka. What, though, about a wife? During the reign of King David of ancient Israel, the people had no reason to groaning. Änglar är " väldiga i kraft ." One way in which Satan tries to distract us is through the cares of life. Angels are " mighty in power. ' Har du hela rustningen på? Of course, Jehovah does not shield us from all the hardships of life in this system of things. Do you have the complete suit of armor? Vidare var den förödmjukande behandling som Jesus utsattes för den natt han ställdes inför rätta förutsagd i profetian i Jesaja 50: 6 - 9. (Read Proverbs 1: 8; 31: 10, 27, 28.) Moreover, the humiliating treatment that Jesus experienced for the night he faced was foretold at Isaiah 50: 6 - 9. Vi bör tvärtom göra en extra ansträngning för att förstå vad som sägs. " Time and again " this happened. On the contrary, we should make an extra effort to understand what is said. Hur är det då med hustrun? This means that we figuratively hand over to Jehovah the responsibility for all our cares and concerns. What about the wife? Ett sätt som Satan använder för att försöka distrahera oss är att hålla oss upptagna med livets vardagliga bekymmer. He does not need to move physically in order to "come. " One way that Satan tries to distract us is by staying busy with life's everyday anxieties. Jehova skyddar oss naturligtvis inte från alla livets påfrestningar i denna tingens ordning. Their success in carrying out their ministry gave powerful evidence of the operation of holy spirit. Of course, Jehovah does not shield us from all the pressures of life in this system of things. (Läs Ordspråksboken 1: 8; 31: 10, 27, 28.) [ Picture on page 24] (Read Proverbs 1: 8; 31: 10, 27, 28.) Detta hände " gång på gång ." The apostle Paul wrote: "There is actually to us one God the Father, out of whom all things are, and we for him; and there is one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things are, and we through him. " - 1 Cor. 8: 6. That happened " repeatedly. ' Det här innebär att vi bildligt talat lämnar över alla våra bekymmer till Jehova och låter honom ta hand om dem. In a somewhat similar way, our individual efforts might seem insignificant. This means that we figuratively leave over all our concerns to Jehovah and allow him to care for them. Han behöver inte förflytta sig rent fysiskt för att " komma ." It also pleased him to know that the value of his perfect life could be offered to God as a ransom to buy us back from slavery to sin and death. He does not have to move physically to "come. " Deras framgång i att fullgöra sin tjänst gav övertygande bevis för att Guds ande var verksam. Jesus therefore told them: "The Kingdom of God will be taken from you and be given to a nation producing its fruits. " - Matt. 21: 43. Their success in carrying out their ministry gave convincing evidence that God's spirit was active. [ Bild på sidan 24] Paul was persuasive. [ Picture on page 24] Aposteln Paulus skrev: " Så finns det i alla fall för oss bara en Gud, Fadern, från vilken allting är, och till honom är vi; och det finns bara en Herre, Jesus Kristus, genom vilken allting är, och genom honom är vi. " They are the first to have their sins forgiven on the basis of Jesus ' shed blood, and that makes it possible for them to be granted immortal life in the heavens, where they rule with Jesus in his Kingdom. The apostle Paul wrote: "In every case there is just a God, Father, from which all things are, and to him we are; and there is only one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things are, and through him we are. " På liknande sätt kanske vår personliga insats i tjänsten kan verka obetydlig. Jehovah himself gives freely of his holy spirit if we ask for it in prayer. Similarly, our individual share in the ministry may seem insignificant. Det gladde honom också att veta att värdet av hans fullkomliga liv kunde frambäras åt Gud som en lösen för att friköpa oss människor från slaveriet under synd och död. Their goal is to honor God by doing his will. It also rejoiced to know that the value of his perfect life could be offered to God as a ransom to redeem mankind from slavery to sin and death. Jesus sa därför till dem: " Guds kungarike skall tas ifrån er och ges åt en nation som frambringar dess frukter. " Yet, trusting that Jehovah will provide what you need can be quite a challenge. So Jesus told them: "The kingdom of God will be taken from you and be given to a nation producing its fruits. " Paulus talade övertygande. Regarding our times, Jesus warned: "Look! Paul used persuasion. De är de första som får sina synder förlåtna på grundval av Jesu utgjutna blod, och detta gör att de får odödligt liv i himlen, där de regerar tillsammans med Jesus i hans kungarike. David simply would not sit with the wicked. They are the first ones who receive their sins on the basis of Jesus ' shed blood, which makes them immortal life in heaven, where they rule with Jesus in his Kingdom. Jehova själv ger frikostigt av sin heliga ande, om vi ber om den. What was their response? Jehovah himself gives generously of his holy spirit if we ask for it. De vill ära honom genom att göra hans vilja. 17: 8. In what sense is the image of the wild beast "an eighth king "? They want to honor him by doing his will. Men det är inte alltid så lätt. So on the basis of the future sacrifice of Jesus Christ, Jehovah could forgive the sins of descendants of Adam who exercised faith in that promise. But that is not always easy. Jesus gav den här varningen beträffande vår tid: " Se! Speaking about our day, he said: "The love of the greater number will cool off. " Jesus warned about our day: "Look! David ville helt enkelt inte sitta hos de gudlösa. Women who are modest and sound in mind in their choice of dress and grooming, as well as in other areas of their personal life, set excellent examples. David simply did not want to sit with the ungodly. Hur reagerade de? What, though, did that involve? How did they react? Varför kallade Johannes vilddjurets bild " en åttonde kung "? " As for that on the fine soil, these are the ones that, after hearing the word with a fine and good heart, retain it and bear fruit with endurance. " - LUKE 8: 15. Why did John refer to the image of the beast as "an eighth king "? Så med Jesu Kristi framtida lösenoffer som grund kunde Jehova förlåta de synder som begicks av de av Adams avkomlingar som utövade tro på Guds löfte. In each case, what the Bible teaches is clear and straightforward. Thus, with the future ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ, Jehovah could forgive sins committed by Adam's descendants who exercised faith in God's promise. När han talade om våra dagar sade han: " Kärleken hos flertalet [skall] svalna. " Shield Yourself! Speaking about our day, he said: "The love of the greater number will grow cold. " Kvinnor som är blygsamma och sunda i sinnet när det gäller sitt yttre, och också på andra områden, är utmärkta exempel för andra. (Read Psalm 37: 10.) Women who are modest and sound in mind regarding their appearance, as well as in other areas, set a fine example for others. Vad innefattades i detta? Overseers remember that they are undershepherds, serving under the heavenly Shepherds, Jehovah God and Jesus Christ. What did that involve? " Men det i den utmärkta jorden, det är de som efter att ha hört ordet med ett rätt och gott hjärta behåller det och bär frukt med uthållighet. " (b) How will the enemies of God's people react? " But in the fine soil, those who have heard the word with a right and good heart keep it and bear fruit with endurance. " I vart och ett av fallen är det som Bibeln lär klart och lätt att förstå. In that question, the apostles used two very interesting expressions, "your presence " and" the conclusion of the system of things. " In each case, what the Bible teaches is clear and easy to understand. Skydda dig! So buy out time spent watching television and use it for spiritual pursuits. Safeguard You! (Läs Psalm 37: 10.) ARTICLE 1 (Read Psalm 37: 10.) Tillsyningsmännen glömmer inte att de är underherdar som tjänar under de himmelska herdarna, Jehova Gud och Jesus Kristus. The Scriptures indicate that Christians must literally gather themselves together. Elders do not forget that they are undershepherds who serve under the heavenly shepherds, Jehovah God and Jesus Christ. b) Hur kommer Guds folks fiender att reagera? How so? (b) How will the enemies of God's people react? I den här frågan använde apostlarna två mycket intressanta uttryck, " din närvaro " och " avslutningen på tingens ordning ." Now we must consider another vital provision for making a successful defense of our faith. In this regard, the apostles used two interesting expressions, "your presence " and" the conclusion of the system of things. " Så ta tid från tv - tittande till att stärka familjens andlighet. They did not focus just on themselves and their personal comfort. So take time from TV programs to strengthen family spirituality. SIDAN 3 Are you using your freedom of choice to advance the Kingdom work or your own interests? ARTICLE 1 Bibeln visar att de kristna måste komma tillsammans rent bokstavligt. No. The Bible shows that Christians have to associate literally. På vilka sätt? That is the kind of faith we need if we are to walk with God. In what ways? Nu behöver vi tänka på en annan viktig anordning som gör att vi framgångsrikt kan försvara vår tro. What should we remember if fear inhibits us from singing out? Now we need to consider another important provision that enables us to be successful in defending our faith. De fokuserade inte bara på sig själva och sin egen bekvämlighet. What are some of them? They do not focus solely on themselves and their own comforts. Vad använder du din frihet till - att tjäna Jehova eller göra det du själv vill? How did the apostle Paul illustrate a Christian's need to remain neutral in this world's disputes? What do you use your freedom to serve Jehovah or to do what you want? Nej. Job listened respectfully to Elihu's wise counsel, and he responded positively to Jehovah's correction. No. Det är detta slags tro vi behöver ha om vi skall kunna vandra med Gud. Daniel refers to these as "the holy ones of the Supreme One, " who, together with Christ their Head, receive" the kingdom and the rulership and the grandeur of the kingdoms under all the heavens... This is the kind of faith we need if we are to walk with God. Det stryker under hur viktigt det är att de äldste tar ledningen i att sjunga tillsammans med församlingen. Similarly, the spirit creature who became Satan once had the wisdom needed to fulfill any assignment God gave him. It is especially important for elders to take the lead in singing with the congregation. Vilka är några av utmaningarna? A few among us have the hope of ruling with Christ in heaven. What are some challenges? Hur belyste Paulus att en kristen måste vara neutral i den här världens konflikter? But why did Matthew say that this had been foretold "through Jeremiah the prophet "? How did Paul illustrate that a Christian must be neutral in this world's disputes? Job lyssnade med respekt till Elihus kloka råd, och han reagerade positivt på Jehovas tillrättavisning. On that truly warm note, the inspired book of Acts concludes. Job listened with respect to Elihu's wise advice, and he responded favorably to Jehovah's discipline. Daniel omtalar dem som " den Allrahögstes heliga ," och det sägs att de tillsammans med Kristus, sitt huvud, tar emot " kungariket och herraväldet och storheten hos kungarikena under hela himlen.... • What will enable us to remain obedient despite being imperfect? Daniel refers to them as "the holy ones of the Most High, " and it says that they along with Christ, receive their head" the kingdom and the dignity of the kingdom under all the heavens.... På liknande sätt hade den andevarelse som blev Satan en gång den vishet som krävdes för att fullgöra vilket uppdrag Gud än gav honom. We must exercise caution when political issues are brought up. Likewise, the spirit creature who became Satan once had the wisdom needed to fulfill whatever God assigned him. Några få bland oss har hoppet att få regera tillsammans med Kristus i himlen. * Some among us have the hope of ruling with Christ in heaven. Men varför sade Matteus att detta hade förutsagts " genom profeten Jeremia "? We were all born with a fatal flaw - sin! But why did Matthew say that this had been foretold "through the prophet Jeremiah "? I den här varma tonen avslutas den inspirerade skildringen i Apostlagärningarna. For instance, he urged his disciples to be mild - tempered, to be peacemakers, to eliminate causes for anger, to settle matters quickly, and to love their enemies. - Matt. 5: 5, 9, 22, 25, 44. In this warm tone, the inspired account of Acts concludes. • Vad kommer att hjälpa oss att vara lydiga trots att vi är ofullkomliga? Certainly " much is demanded ' of those who have been blessed with the precious knowledge of God. • What will help us to be obedient despite our imperfection? Vi måste vara mycket försiktiga när andra börjar prata politik. PHILIPPINES We need to be very careful when others begin discussing politics. * A young child may start by saying a few words in answer to a question he understands. * Vi är alla födda med en dödlig defekt - synd! After you use these features a few times, you may be amazed what a key they are to expanding your knowledge and deepening your understanding of the Bible. All of us are born with a deadly blemish - sin! Han uppmuntrade dem till exempel att vara milda och vänliga, att aktivt verka för fredliga förhållanden, att ta itu med känslor av vrede, att snabbt lösa konflikter och att älska sina fiender. A good shepherd is quick to take helpful action when a sheep is injured or becomes sick. For example, he encouraged them to be mild and kind, actively acting in peaceful conditions, to deal with feelings of anger, to settle differences, and to love their enemies. Det är verkligen så att mycket krävs av dem som har blivit välsignade med den dyrbara kunskapen om Gud. He continued to experience expressions of kindness, which helped him to make spiritual progress. How much of those who have been blessed with the precious knowledge of God! FILIPPINERNA In fact, we feel that exercising faith in Jesus is vital to salvation. 1: 1 - 3; Luke 21: 1 - 4. Små barn kan börja med att säga några få ord som svar på en enklare fråga. " There are days coming, " said the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, "and I will send a famine into the land, a famine, not for bread, and a thirst, not for water, but for hearing the words of Jehovah. " Little children may begin to say a few words of a simple question. När du har använt de här hjälpmedlen några gånger, blir du säkert positivt överraskad över vilken fin hjälp de ger när det gäller att öka kunskapen och fördjupa förståelsen av Bibeln. They face destruction, as do uprooted trees. As you have used those options, you are likely surprised at what fine help they offer in increasing knowledge and understanding of God's Word. En bra herde är snabb att ge hjälp när ett får skadar sig eller blir sjukt. For example, when he observed the poor spiritual condition of fellow Jews, "he felt pity for them. " A good shepherd is quick to provide help when hurt or sick. Vännernas omtanke hjälpte honom att fortsätta göra andliga framsteg. You Will Become "a Kingdom of Priests " The brothers ' concern helped him to continue making spiritual progress. Det är ju tack vare honom vi kan bli frälsta, eller räddade. When we share in the field ministry, not only do we build faith in others but our own faith grows. After all, it is by means of him that we can pioneer, or saved. " ' Det kommer dagar ', lyder den suveräne Herren Jehovas uttalande, ' då jag skall sända hunger i landet, inte hunger efter bröd och inte törst efter vatten, utan efter att höra Jehovas ord. ' " However, a short while later, Jesus reasoned with him: "" What do you think, Simon? " It is coming days, ' is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, " when I will send famine in the land, not after bread and not thirst for water, but after hearing the word of Jehovah. ' " De står inför förintelse, precis som träd uppryckta med rötterna. Nevertheless, I hold this against you, that you have left the love you had at first. " - Rev. They are standing before destruction, just as trees are shaken. När han till exempel såg det bedrövliga andliga tillståndet hos många av judarna " kände han medlidande med dem ." An enthusiastic field service group leaving for witnessing activity in Lusaka, Zambia. For example, when he saw the deplorable spiritual condition of many Jews, "he felt pity for them. " " Ni skall bli ett kungarike av präster " Your goal is to serve Jehovah forever. " You Will Become a Kingdom of priests " Dessutom ger tjänsten oss bra möjligheter att bygga upp både vår egen och andras tro. When both mates are faithful servants of Jehovah, they can rejoice in the unity that this affords them. In addition, the ministry gives us opportunities to build up both our faith and that of others. Men en kort stund senare resonerade Jesus med honom: " ' Vad menar du, Simon? In this way, each member of the Christian congregation can - and should - be a teacher and a guide. - Matthew 5: 16. But a brief hour later, Jesus reasoned with him: "" What do you think, Simon? Men ändå har jag detta emot dig, att du har övergett den kärlek du först hade. " What could the Pharisees say? Nevertheless, I have this against you, that you have left the love you had at first. " En grupp glada förkunnare är på väg ut i tjänsten i Lusaka i Zambia. The building work stopped in the days of King Artaxerxes, in 522 B.C.E. A group of happy publishers are going out in the field service in Zambia. Ditt mål är att tjäna Jehova för evigt. For example, the sun changes five million tons of its matter into energy every second. Your goal is to serve Jehovah forever. När båda älskar Jehova och tjänar honom troget bidrar det till ett harmoniskt och lyckligt äktenskap. Teamwork means that you are pilot and copilot with the same flight plan When both love and serve Jehovah faithfully, it contributes to a wholesome and happy marriage. På det här sättet kan - och bör - varje medlem av den kristna församlingen vara en lärare och en vägledare. If that is your situation, it may be that you need to examine your current schedule of activities. In this way - and should - each member of the Christian congregation serves as a teacher and a Guide. Vad kunde fariséerna säga? It can be tiring to keep resisting the allures of the world, perhaps to the disappointment of relatives who encourage us to "make something " of ourselves. What could the Pharisees say? Byggnadsarbetet upphörde år 522, i kung Artaxerxes dagar. 13 Imitate Jehovah's Justice and Mercy The year was stopped in 539 B.C.E., in the days of King Artaxerxes. Varje sekund omvandlar den omkring fem miljoner ton materia till energi. For examples, see Matthew 4: 4, 7, 10; 11: 10; 21: 13; 26: 31; Mark 9: 13; 14: 27; Luke 24: 46; John 6: 45; 8: 17. Every second, it transforms some five million million tons of matter. Ett par som samarbetar är som en förstepilot och en andrepilot med samma färdplan. " Giving Them Orders, Jesus Sent Them Forth ' For example, a couple who are working together as a first two and a second journey along the same trip. Om du är i den situationen kanske du behöver se över ditt nuvarande schema. Since we are inclined to forget, though, we continually need to refresh our memories with regard to Jehovah's purposes, laws, and instructions. If you are in that situation, you may need to see your current schedule. Det kan vara tröttande att fortsätta med att stå emot världens lockelser och kanske göra familjemedlemmar och släktingar besvikna, när de uppmanar oss att " förverkliga " oss själva. Millions of humans who died without knowing God will also be resurrected. It may seem uncomfortable to keep resisting the attractions of the world and perhaps to make family members and relatives disappointed us when they urge us to " fulfill "the fulfillment " ourselves. 13 Var rättvis och barmhärtig som Jehova Those words mirror this advice given in the Bible almost two thousand years ago: "The love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things, and by reaching out for this love some have... stabbed themselves all over with many pains. " 13 Be Just and Merciful as Jehovah Does Se till exempel Matteus 4: 4, 7, 10; 11: 10; 21: 13; 26: 31; Markus 9: 13; 14: 27; Lukas 24: 46; Johannes 6: 45; 8: 17. We can speak to God at length at any time or place. For example, consider Matthew 4: 4, 7, 10; 11: 10; 21: 13; 26: 31; Mark 9: 13; Luke 24: 46; John 6: 45; John 6: 45; 8: 17. Jesus gav dem föreskrifter och sände ut dem Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Jesus gave them regulations and sent them out Men vi glömmer lätt, och därför behöver vi regelbundet friska upp minnet när det gäller Jehovas avsikter, lagar och anvisningar. Then in 2005, Bible translation was made a priority for the languages in which this journal is produced. However, we easily forget, so we need to remember regularly when it comes to Jehovah's purpose, laws, and instructions. Miljontals människor som dött utan att ha lärt känna Gud kommer också att få uppstå. Jehovah expresses his anger at "the drunkards of Ephraim [Israel] " for forming an alliance with Syria and at" priest and prophet " of Judah for seeking an alliance with Assyria. Millions who died without knowing God will also be resurrected. Den här slutsatsen påminner om ett bibliskt råd som skrevs ner för nära 2 000 år sedan: " Kärlek till pengar är en rot till allt ont. I sitt begär efter pengar har vissa... vållat sig själva mycket lidande. " How vital that we too walk in the way of integrity! This conclusion reminds us of a Scriptural counsel written down nearly 2,000 years ago: "Love is a root of all sorts of injurious things. " Vi kan ha långa samtal med honom när som helst och var som helst. How does the apostle Paul assure us that Jehovah will not abandon us if we look to Him when we are under temptation? We can have long conversations with him at any time. Om inget annat anges är bibelcitaten hämtade från Nya världens översättning av Den heliga skrift - studieutgåva med fotnoter och parallellhänvisningar. Walk With God in These Turbulent Times Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Och 2005 började bibelöversättning prioriteras på de språk som Vakttornet ges ut på. * In 2005, the translation of the Bible began in the languages published in The Watchtower. Jehova uttrycker sin vrede över " Efraims [Israels] drinkare " för att de ingår en allians med Aram och över " präst och profet " för att de söker en allians med Assyrien. What about Asa should we imitate? Jehovah expresses his anger upon "the drunkard of Ephraim " to form an alliance with Syria and to" a priest and a prophet " in order to search for an alliance with Assyria. Det är verkligen viktigt att vi också vandrar på ostrafflighetens väg! " You can still serve Jehovah. " How important it is that we also walk in the way of integrity! Hur försäkrar aposteln Paulus oss om att Jehova inte kommer att överge oss, om vi vänder oss till honom då vi utsätts för frestelser? Still, when they make a real effort to do so, they are, in effect, telling their fellow believers, " You are important to me. ' How does the apostle Paul assure us that Jehovah will not leave us if we turn to him when we face temptations? Vandra med Gud i dessa oroliga tider You have likely heard a brother or a sister say: "This article is just what I needed. Walk With God in These turbulent Times * Let us consider some verses from that book and see how we can cooperate with Jehovah's purpose to unite his creation. * Ta hänsyn till dina barns ålder och mognad när du funderar över hur allvarligt det de gjort är. During his earthly ministry, Jesus spoke and acted in ways that revealed genuine humility. Reflect on your child's age and progress as you consider the seriousness of what they are doing. Hur kan vi efterlikna Asa? For many years, one large family invited an elderly special pioneer couple to join them for a meal once each week. How can you imitate Asa? " Du kan tjäna Jehova var du än är. " I married her! " You can serve Jehovah wherever you are. " Men när en broder anstränger sig för att göra det, är det som att han säger till vännerna: " Jag bryr mig om er. " Continuing to have a regular share in Jehovah's work can help us to stay focused on the big issue. But when a brother puts forth effort to do so, he tells his friends: "I care for you. " Du har säkert hört någon broder eller syster säga: " Den här artikeln var precis vad jag behövde. You are opening your hand and satisfying the desire of every living thing. " No doubt you have heard a brother or sister say: "This article was just what I needed. Vi ska undersöka några verser i det här brevet och se hur vi kan uppföra oss i harmoni med Jehovas avsikt att ena sin skapelse. Keep doing this in remembrance of me. ' Let us consider some verses in this letter and see how we can act in harmony with Jehovah's purpose for one's creation. Det Jesus sa och gjorde medan han var här på jorden visade att han verkligen var ödmjuk. When you do need to discuss a grievance, wait until your irritation has passed. Jesus ' words and actions while on earth indicated that he was truly humble. Under många år brukade en familj med åtta barn bjuda ett pmsu - par på mat en gång i veckan. How happy we are when we have his approval because we have stored up "treasures in heaven "! For many years, a family with eight children would invite a Bible record - based couple once a week. Jag är så glad att jag gifte mig med henne! As we share Bible truths with others, we see spiritually hungry ones filled with delight as they begin to understand and appreciate our God and the precious truths contained in his Word. I am so happy that I married her! Det blir lättare att fokusera på det som är allra viktigast om vi håller oss engagerade i predikoarbetet. We read: "When the man touched the bones of Elisha, he came to life and stood on his feet. " Keeping busy in the preaching work helps us to focus on what is most important. Du öppnar din hand och mättar allt levandes önskan. " Yes, in no uncertain terms, Jehovah fulfilled his word - he " proved to be. ' You open your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing. " Fortsätt att göra detta till minne av mig. ' The first is over the domestics; the second is over all the master's belongings. Keep doing this in remembrance of me. ' Men om du känner att du måste ta upp något, vänta då tills du inte är lika irriterad längre. Is a perfect example helpful for sinful humans? But if you feel that you need to take something, wait until you are not as irritated anymore. Och vi blir också glada när vi samlar skatter i himlen och får hans godkännande. With the end of this system so close at hand, how grateful we are that Jehovah has progressively shed light on this illustration and on the related illustrations recorded in Matthew chapters 24 and 25! And we experience joy when we treasure treasures in heaven and enjoy Jehovah's approval. När vi hjälper människor att förstå vad Bibeln lär får vi se hur glada de blir när de börjar förstå sanningen och får ett eget förhållande till Jehova. Describe what you might have seen and heard if you had attended the inauguration of the temple during Solomon's reign. As we help people to understand what the Bible teaches, we learn how happy they will be when they begin to understand the truth and enjoy a personal relationship with Jehovah. Bibeln säger: " När mannen kom i beröring med Elisas ben, fick han omedelbart liv och reste sig upp på sina fötter. " Why are we not in the dark regarding Satan's deceptive tactics, and what should be our determination? The Bible says: "When the man came into touch with Elisha's bones, he immediately got life and rose up on his feet. " Ja, Jehova hade på ett mycket tydligt sätt hållit sitt ord, han hade levt upp till sitt namn. " Ponder over these things; be absorbed in them, that your advancement may be manifest to all persons. " - 1 TIM. 4: 15. Yes, Jehovah had in a very strong way kept his word, he had lived up to his name. Först sätts slaven över tjänstefolket och sedan över sin herres alla tillhörigheter. He "did not create [the earth] simply for nothing " but" formed it even to be inhabited. " The slave over the domestics and then over his master's entire belongings. Kan syndiga människor följa ett fullkomligt exempel? Regarding that day, the words of Proverbs 11: 4 will prove true: "Valuable things will be of no benefit on the day of fury, but righteousness itself will deliver from death. " Can sinful humans follow a perfect example? Nu när slutet för den här gamla världsordningen är så nära är vi verkligen glada över att Jehova har hjälpt oss att förstå den här liknelsen och de andra liknelserna i Matteus 24: e och 25: e kapitel. Later, the man formerly blind was asked about the One who had healed him, and he answered: "From of old it has never been heard that anyone opened the eyes of one born blind. As the end of this old system nears, how happy we are that Jehovah has helped us to understand this illustration and the other illustrations recorded at Matthew 24: 11 and 25: 1. Berätta vad du skulle ha kunnat få se och höra om du hade varit med vid tempelinvigningen. Read Isaiah 40: 31. Explain what you could see and hear if you had been present at the temple. Varför är vi inte okunniga om Satans bedrägliga metoder, och vad bör vi vara fast beslutna att göra? Paul urged the younger man: "Ponder over these things; be absorbed in them, that your advancement may be manifest to all persons. " Why are we not ignorant of Satan's deceptive tactics, and what should we be determined to do? " Begrunda detta, gå helt upp i detta, så att dina framsteg kan vara uppenbara för alla. " Keep on walking with God with everlasting life in view " Ponder over these things; be absorbed in them, that your advancement may be manifest to all persons. " - 1 TIM. Han skapade inte jorden förgäves, " utan formade den till att vara bebodd ." What privilege is enjoyed by those who are dedicated to Jehovah? He did not create the earth in vain, but "he formed it to be inhabited. " På den dagen kommer orden i Ordspråksboken 11: 4 att visa sig sanna: " Värdefulla ting är inte till någon nytta på förgrymmelsens dag, men rättfärdighet befriar från döden. " The circumstances mentioned in this psalm may relate to the stressful time of David's life when his son Absalom was trying to usurp the throne. - 2 Sam. 15: 6, 13, 14. On that day, the words of Proverbs 11: 4 will prove true: "There is no benefit in the day of fury, but righteousness frees from death. " Senare fick den tidigare blinde mannen frågor om den som hade botat honom, och han svarade: " Sedan gammalt har man aldrig hört att någon öppnat ögonen på en som föddes blind. What resulted from Solomon's disregard for God's warnings? Later, the once blind man received questions about the one who had healed him, and he replied: "After old man has never heard that someone opens his eyes on a blind. Läs Jesaja 40: 31. So anointed Christians would be protected by Jesus all the days leading up to the time of the end. Read Isaiah 40: 31. Han uppmanade den unge mannen: " Begrunda detta, gå helt upp i detta, så att dina framsteg kan vara uppenbara för alla. " We draw that conclusion from the fact that Jehovah used him to record this inspired account. He urged the young man: " Ponder over these things; be absorbed in them, that your advancement may be manifest to all persons. " Fortsätt att vandra med Gud med evigt liv i sikte In London, England, for example, a quarter of all reported violent crime is domestic. Keep Walking With God With Everlasting Life in View Vilken förmån har de som har överlämnat sig åt Jehova? [ Picture on page 26] What privilege do those who have made a dedication to Jehovah have? Det som nämns i den här psalmen kan avse den stressfyllda tid i Davids liv då hans son Absalom försökte tillskansa sig tronen. Let us consider what two faithful men of old did "to please God well. " - Heb. 11: 6. The events mentioned in this psalm can refer to the stressful time of David's life when his son Absalom tried to break the throne. Vad blev resultatet av att Salomo inte lyssnade på Jehova? Illustrate. What resulted from Solomon's failure to listen to Jehovah? Jesus skulle alltså beskydda smorda kristna ända fram till ändens tid. She says, "I have never been in a situation where I have not felt Jehovah's strength and his guidance. " Jesus would thus protect anointed Christians until the time of the end. Vi drar den slutsatsen, eftersom Jehova använde honom till att skriva ner den här inspirerade redogörelsen. Knowing the truth about God's purposes and having a genuine hope for the future will certainly provide great comfort. We draw that conclusion because Jehovah used him to write down this inspired account. I London, för att ta ett exempel, har en fjärdedel av alla anmälda våldsbrott begåtts i hemmet. Explain how the spiritual needs of the "great crowd " have been cared for. In London, to take an example, one of all the deadly violence has been involved in the home. [ Bild på sidan 26] (b) Is there a particular scripture that you use with good results? [ Picture on page 26] Vi ska nu gå vidare och se vad två män med stark tro på Jehova gjorde för " att behaga honom ." You are his publicity agents. Let us now consider two men with strong faith in Jehovah "to please him. " Berätta ett exempel. Suppose you are in a circumstance where you are deprived of a Bible. Give an example. Hon säger: " Jag har aldrig varit i någon situation där jag inte fått styrka och vägledning av Jehova. " We are aglow with the spirit and use our varied gifts with zeal. She says: "I never had any situation in which I received strength and guidance from Jehovah. " Att få veta vad Guds vilja är och att ha ett starkt hopp inför framtiden är verkligen tröstande. Studies show that in many countries, there is an acute need, not for university graduates, but for people to work in the trades and services. Knowing what God's will is and having a strong hope before the future is truly comforting. " APOSTLAGÄRNINGARNA HAR BLIVIT SOM EN HELT NY BOK FÖR MIG " What does proving what we ourselves are involve? " THE I HAVE TO WHAT WHAT WHAT DOES I HAVE ANSWER? " Förklara hur den " stora skaran " har fått sitt andliga behov tillgodosett. After relating details about the birth of John the Baptizer and of Jesus, Luke tells us that John began his ministry in the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, that is, in the spring of 29 C.E. Explain how the "great crowd " has received their spiritual need. b) Finns det något särskilt bibelställe du tycker är bra att använda? For example, as a result of our careful study of God's Word, we have come to know the answers to such important questions as: What is God's name? (b) Is there something particularly helpful to use? I ären hans offentliga budbärare. Some students may also need practical assistance with their reading, conversation, or speaking abilities. You are his public agents. Men tänk om du skulle hamna i en situation där du inte har tillgång till någon bibel. 1: 8, 9, 13, 14. What if you were to find yourself in a situation where you do not have access to a Bible. Vi är brinnande i anden och använder flitigt våra olika gåvor. How may we strive to be humble despite the challenges we may encounter? We are aglow with the spirit and make diligent use of our various gifts. Undersökningar har visat att det i många länder råder ett akut behov av sådana som kan arbeta inom affärslivet och inom serviceyrken, inte av akademiker. Or, husband, how do you know whether you will save your wife? " Experiences have shown that in many lands, there is a medical need for those who can work within business life and within the course of Bath - sheba. Vad innefattas i att vi prövar vad vi själva är? He is the author of our salvation and the rightful Sovereign to whom everyone living in heaven and on earth owes subjection. What is involved in testing what we ourselves are? När Lukas redogjort för detaljer kring både Johannes döparens födelse och Jesu födelse, berättar han att Johannes började sin tjänst i kejsar Tiberius 15: e regeringsår, alltså på våren år 29 v.t. " I have never been more sure about anything in my life than my decision to get baptized. " When Luke was prepared for details about both the birth of John the Baptizer and Jesus ' birth, he reported that John began his ministry in the 15th year of our reign in 29 C.E. Ett exempel är att vi som ett resultat av vårt noggranna studium av Guds ord har lärt känna svaren på sådana viktiga frågor som: Vad är Guds namn? HOW YOUR LIFE IS AFFECTED For example, as a result of our careful study of God's Word, we have come to know the answers to such important questions as: What is God's name? En del kan också behöva hjälp att bli bättre på att läsa, samtala och hålla tal. Yet, the fact that Jehovah forgave these two kings helps us to realize that our God is willing to forgive even gross sins if the sinner is truly repentant. Some may also need to be more effective in reading, conversing, and speaking. Vid den här tiden föddes Mose. What bearing does Matthew 7: 12 have on where, when, and how we approach people? At that time, Moses was born. Hur kan vi försöka vara ödmjuka trots de svårigheter vi kan få möta? You will never regret it. How can we strive to be humble despite the adversities we may face? Eller hur vet du, man, att du inte skulle kunna rädda din hustru? " Be Obedient and Courageous as Christ Was Or how do you know, husband, that you will save your wife? " Han är upphovet till vår räddning och är den rättmätige Suveränen som varje levande varelse i himlen och på jorden är skyldig att underordna sig. So how can we develop the "art of teaching " when presenting to others the good news of God's Kingdom? - 2 Tim. He is the Source of our salvation and is the rightful Sovereign of every living thing in heaven and on earth under obligation. " Det finns inget som jag har varit mer säker på i hela mitt liv än att jag ville bli döpt. " Show how the Scriptures can comfort us. " Nothing I have been more sure in my life than I wanted to get baptized. " HUR DITT LIV PÅVERKAS How does this reflect Jehovah's wisdom? HOW MY LIFE IN THE SPIRIT Men att Jehova förlät de här båda kungarna hjälper oss att förstå att Gud är villig att förlåta till och med allvarliga synder om den som syndat är verkligt ångerfull. The Scriptures conveyed in simple language have helped me to become better acquainted with Jehovah, who is like a father with his arms around me while he reads his soothing words to me. " However, Jehovah forgave these two kings helps us to see that God is willing to forgive even serious sins if a sinner is truly repentant. Det kommer du aldrig att ångra. What question should young ones ask themselves? You will never regret. Var lydiga och modiga som Kristus For the most part, the religions of Christendom have ignored the hope of everlasting life on earth. Be Obedient and Courageous as Christ Did Hur kan vi då utveckla vår " undervisningskonst " när vi talar med andra om de goda nyheterna om Guds kungarike? The Memorial emblems of unleavened bread and red wine symbolize Christ's sinless body and his shed blood - the only sacrifice that can redeem mankind from inherited sin and death. - Romans 5: 12; 6: 23. How, then, can we cultivate the "art of teaching " when we share the good news of the Kingdom with others? Hur kan Bibeln ge oss tröst och hopp? After reading Matthew 13: 47 - 50... How can the Bible give us comfort and hope? Hur återspeglar det Jehovas vishet? Saul disobeyed this divine command. How does Jehovah's wisdom reflect it? Budskapet förmedlas på ett enkelt språk, och det har hjälpt mig att lära känna Jehova bättre. Han är som en pappa som lägger armen om mig och läser sina lugnande ord för mig. " Moses thereby showed that he understood "the mind of Jehovah " concerning this matter. The message in a simple language has helped me to come to know Jehovah better; he is a father who takes me his arm and reads his reassuring Word to me. " Vilken fråga bör ungdomar ställa sig? When Bible students are abandoned by former friends who have no love for God, members of the congregation can fill the void. What question should young people ask themselves? Kristenhetens trossamfund har i allmänhet blundat för hoppet om evigt liv på jorden. If [our son] Jacob ever takes a wife from the daughters of Heth like these from the daughters of the land, of what good is life to me? " Christendom's religions generally ignore the hope of everlasting life on earth. Det osyrade bröd och det röda vin som används vid Åminnelsen är symboler för Kristi syndfria kropp och hans utgjutna blod - det enda offer som kan återlösa mänskligheten från nedärvd synd och död. Meetings Strengthen Our Faith The Festival of bread and the red wine used at the Memorial are symbols of Christ's sinless body and his shed blood - the only sacrifice that can redeem mankind from inherited sin and death. Läs Matteus 13: 47 - 50 och för över det på vår tid. Consider the example of Anne. Read Matthew 13: 47 - 50. Saul följde inte den här befallningen. This certainly includes our remaining loyal to Jehovah while facing difficult tests or severe trials. Saul did not obey this command. Därigenom visade han att han förstod " Jehovas sinne " i den här frågan. " GO ON WALKING IN LOVE " He thus showed that he understood "the mind of Jehovah " in this regard. När de som studerar Bibeln överges av tidigare vänner som inte älskar Gud, kan medlemmar av församlingen fylla det tomrummet. She concluded: "I'm telling everyone, " Please read it. ' " When Bible students are abandoned by earlier friends who do not love God, members of the congregation can fill the Red Sea. Om [vår son] Jakob någonsin tar en hustru av Hets döttrar som dessa, av landets döttrar, till vilken nytta är då livet för mig? " Such love does not grow in shallow soil. If our son Jacob ever takes a wife from the daughters of Heth like those of the daughters of the land, of what good is life to me? " Mötena stärker vår tro ARTICLE 3 • SONGS: 77, 79 Meetings strengthen our faith Vi kan ta Ann som ett exempel. ARTICLE 2 Consider the example of Anne. Detta innefattar att vi förblir lojala mot Jehova när vi får utstå svåra prövningar. Still, you can protect your child by learning how the typical abuser operates. - See the box on page 6. This includes remaining loyal to Jehovah when we endure severe trials. " FORTSÄTT ATT VANDRA I KÄRLEK " The city was noted for numerous crafts. " KEEP ON LOVE " Hon avslutade: " Jag säger till alla: ' Läs den! ' " The result? She concluded: "I tell everyone: " Read it! ' " Den kommer som en följd av att vi studerar på djupet, ber och mediterar. Granted, we cannot compare ourselves to Jehovah when it comes to our ability to solve problems. It comes as a result of our study of the deep, prayer, and meditation. SIDAN 23 • SÅNGER: 77, 79 Be Resolved to Walk by Faith ARTICLE 4 • SONGS: 77, 79 SIDAN 14 Jehovah is "the Most High over all the earth. " ARTICLE 2 Men det är till stor hjälp för dig som förälder att vara medveten om hur en förövare kan gå till väga. (Se spalten på sidan 6.) Two people who merely live together without getting married can never enjoy real security; neither can their children. However, it is helpful for you as a parent to be aware of the effects of a child's weighing on the page 6. Staden var känd för hantverk av många slag. If you cannot steer an unproductive conversation back on track, you could say: "I need to think about what you've said and talk with you later. " The city was well - known for many forms. Vad hände? Thüringer Landesmuseum Heidecksburg Rudolstadt, Waffensammlung "Schwarzburger Zeughaus " What happened? Vi kan naturligtvis inte jämföra oss med Jehova när det gäller förmågan att lösa problem. Hosea's family life illustrated Jehovah's dealings with Israel Of course, we cannot compare ourselves with Jehovah when it comes to resolving problems. Var besluten att vandra efter vad du tror Yes, even when he was sorely tried, Paul maintained his love for God. Be resolved to Walk by Faith Jehova är " den Högste över hela jorden ." Consider what happened when the following situation developed: At a social gathering attended by some Witnesses, two brothers were greeted by a certain sister in a way that one of them considered inappropriate. Jehovah is "the Most High over all the earth. " De som bara bor ihop utan att vara gifta kan aldrig känna sig verkligt trygga, och det kan inte deras barn heller. Certainly not! Those who live together without getting married can never feel truly secure; nor can their children. Om du inte kan styra upp ett samtal som spårat ur kan du kanske säga: " Jag behöver tänka igenom det du har sagt och ta det med dig senare. " For he must rule as king until God has put all enemies under his feet.... If you cannot control a conversation that is traced from you, you might say, "I need to think about what you said and take it with you later. " Thüringer Landesmuseum Heidecksburg Rudolstadt, Waffensammlung " Schwarzburger Zeughaus ." No one is more powerful, wise, or loving than our God! WHILE LOB'S Festival of integrity, Dr.C.E., Dr. J.A., C.A.A., J., J. Hoseas familjeliv illustrerade Jehovas förhållande till Israel Peter counsels a Christian woman not to rely on external appearances. Hosea's family life illustrated Jehovah's relationship with Israel Han värnade om sin kärlek till Jehova oavsett vad som hände. 14, 15. He protected his love for Jehovah no matter what happened. Fundera på hur det gick när följande situation utspelade sig: Några vittnen var med på en bjudning. How have God's servants been comforted when being persecuted? Consider what happened when the following situation took place: Some Witnesses attended a social gathering. Absolut! Robert himself did not perceive what was wrong until later when he got married. Absolutely! Han måste nämligen härska som kung tills Gud har lagt alla fiender under hans fötter.... Every day, Christian families should communicate with one another in a respectful manner. For he must rule as king until God has put all enemies under his feet.... Han är mäktig, vis och kärleksfull, och ingen kan mäta sig med honom. He instructed his disciples: "As you go, preach, saying: " The Kingdom of the heavens has drawn near. ' " He is powerful, wise, and loving, and no one can test himself with him. Petrus råder en kristen kvinna att inte förlita sig på det yttre. No. Peter exists a Christian woman not relying on outward appearance. 14, 15. Rather, out of his graciousness and his willingness not to be exacting or demanding - expressions of mildness - Jehovah provided the means through which sinful mankind can come to him and gain his favor. 14, 15. Hur har Jehova tröstat sina tjänare under förföljelse? As that baby grew up, he too learned to fear Jehovah, and he is presently serving at one of the branch offices of Jehovah's Witnesses. How has Jehovah comforted his servants during persecution? Det var först längre fram, när Robert hade gift sig, som han förstod vad som var fel. How would a caring physician feel about a patient who ignored his recommendations? It was only later, when Robert was married, he understood what was wrong. De som tillhör kristna familjer bör varje dag samtala med varandra på ett respektfullt sätt. (a) On returning in the resurrection, what will many no doubt learn? Christians should communicate respectfully with one another every day. Han gav sina lärjungar anvisningen: " Medan ni går, predika och säg: ' Himlarnas kungarike har kommit nära. ' " Walking in Jehovah's name does not mean merely saying that he is our God. He instructed his disciples: "As you go, preach, saying, " The kingdom of the heavens has drawn near. ' " Något vi kan vara säkra på är att Djävulen inte kommer att låta sina händer sjunka. Fearful landlords have canceled contracts for buildings that the Witnesses have long used as meeting places. We can be sure that the Devil will not let his hands drop down. I och med den stora översvämningen satte han stopp för Satans och demonernas onda planer. First, we will consider the pursuit of pleasure and possessions. In the Flood, he successfully put an end to Satan's wicked plans. Nej. He saw to it that Jeremiah daily received "a round loaf of bread... until all the bread was exhausted from the city. " No. I sin nåd och sin villighet att inte vara krävande - verkligen uttryck för mildhet - tillhandahöll Jehova det medel genom vilket de syndiga människorna kan komma till honom och vinna hans ynnest. We should neither listen to such gossip nor spread it. In his mercy and his willingness not to be demanding - truly expressions of mildness - provide the means by which sinful mankind can come to him and gain his favor. När pojken växte upp lärde han sig också att frukta Jehova, och han tjänar nu vid ett av Jehovas vittnens avdelningskontor. At times, it applies to the actual flesh of our physical body. As the boy grew up, he also learned to fear Jehovah, and he now serves at one of the branch offices of Jehovah's Witnesses. Hur skulle en ansvarskännande läkare känna det om en patient vägrade att följa hans föreskrifter? Our lives are affected adversely when others treat us in an unkind manner. How would a responsible doctor feel if a patient refused to follow his instructions? a) Vad kommer många utan tvivel att få lära sig när de uppstår? How may we help such loyal ones? (a) What will undoubtedly move many to learn when they arise? Att vi vandrar i Jehovas namn innebär inte enbart att vi säger att han är vår Gud. Shortly after his triumphant entry into Jerusalem in the spring of 33 C.E., Jesus said: "The hour has come for the Son of man to be glorified. " Walking in Jehovah's name involves not merely saying that he is our God. Rädda hyresvärdar har annullerat hyreskontrakt på byggnader som Jehovas vittnen under lång tid har använt som möteslokaler. In that way, we imitate the example set by Jesus and by Jehovah himself. - Psalm 48: 14; Revelation 7: 17. courage has been used for long - term construction projects that Jehovah's Witnesses have used as places of worship. Först gäller det jakten efter njutning och ägodelar. After viewing the program, why not take time to discuss how to apply the points that were featured? First, the pursuit of pleasure and possessions is the pursuit of pleasure and possessions. Han såg till att Jeremia varje dag fick " ett runt bröd..., tills allt brödet tog slut i staden ." Not far in the future when the "great tribulation " strikes, material riches and worldly positions will be worthless. He made sure that Jeremiah daily received "a day around bread until all the bread came into the city. " Vi bör varken lyssna till sådant skvaller eller föra det vidare. There are even differences in personality or culture. We should neither listen to such gossip nor carry it on. Vi påverkas negativt när andra behandlar oss ovänligt. what tools have been used effectively to spread the Kingdom message? We are affected when others treat us unkindly. Hur kan vi hjälpa dessa lojala? ▪ "You Must Love Your Neighbor as Yourself " How can we help these loyal ones? Strax efter sitt intåg i Jerusalem våren år 33 sade han: " Stunden har kommit för Människosonen att förhärligas. " Commenting on this matter, some years ago this journal made the following statement: "In accordance with Biblical requirements, it can be said that " shepherding begins at home. ' Shortly after his school in Jerusalem in the year 33 C.E., he said: "The birth of the Son of man has come to be glorified. " På så sätt följer vi det exempel som getts av Jesus och av Jehova själv. (b) What Bible example can we imitate? Thus we follow the example set by Jesus and by Jehovah himself. Försök hjälpa alla i familjen att få ut mesta möjliga av familjekvällen. Do what you can while modestly recognizing your limitations Try to help all in the family to get the most out of your family. Snart, när den " stora vedermödan " är här, kommer materiella rikedomar och en ställning i den här världen att fullständigt sakna värde. Everyone's role in the congregation is unique, but all of us are needed. Soon, when the "great tribulation " is here, material riches and position in this world will be completely lacking. Vilka är några av de egenskaperna? Do you appreciate the hard work that the elders render day and night? What are some qualities? Vilka redskap har använts för att sprida de goda nyheterna om Guds rike? Moreover, "their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished, " for they cannot express any emotion. - Ecclesiastes 9: 5, 6, 10. What tools have been used to spread the Kingdom good news? ▪ " Du skall älska din nästa som dig själv " In Psalm 16, which is attributed to David, we read: "You will not leave me in the Grave. ▪ "You Must Love Your Neighbor as Yourself " Förhållandena i världen blir allt sämre, men samtidigt öppnas nya möjligheter att predika. " Have Tender Affection for One Another " The world's world becomes worse, but at the same time, new opportunities to preach. I den här tidskriften gjordes för några år sedan följande kommentar: " Enligt Bibelns krav kan det sägas att herdeverksamheten börjar i hemmet. " THE FLAME OF JAH " In this journal, for some years ago, the following comment: "A Scriptural requirement of shepherding may be said to be shepherding in the home. b) Vilken person i Bibeln kan vi efterlikna? Fearless early followers of Christ proved faithful to death (b) What Bible character can we imitate? Gör vad du kan samtidigt som du blygsamt inser dina begränsningar He is also the very personification of love. By all means, do what you can as you modestly appreciate your limitations Vi har alla vår unika roll i församlingen, och alla behövs. None of those sacrifices - in fact, no sacrifice offered by humans - could bring permanent release from sin and death. All of us have a unique role in the congregation, and all are needed. Uppskattar du det hårda arbete som våra äldstebröder utför dag som natt? In what sense are the weeds collected and burned with fire? Do you appreciate the hard work of our elders today? Vidare har " deras kärlek och deras hat och deras svartsjuka... redan förgåtts ," för de kan inte känna något. Hence, when we talk to others about Bible truths that impressed us, discourses or talks that uplifted us, or Scriptural counsel that helped us, we are considering things that are true. Moreover, "their love and their hatred and their jealousy have already perished, " for they cannot feel anything. I Psalm 16, som skrevs av David, läser vi: " Du skall inte lämna min själ i Sheol. 16, 17. (a) How does Jehovah answer prayers? In Psalm 16, written by David, we read: "You must not leave my soul in Sheol. " Ha... öm tillgivenhet för varandra " (a) Why may some at times find it difficult to accept the stand of Christian neutrality taken by Jehovah's Witnesses? " Have Tender affection for One Another " En del kanske testar " anden i glaset " eller läser sitt horoskop för att se om det stämmer. Why is the Bible book of Jeremiah of interest to us? Some may be subjected to "the spirit in the glass " or read his meeting time to see if it is true. " JAHS LÅGA " He created it with a definite purpose in mind, for it "to be inhabited. " " observing the LIGHT - GOOD " Kristi första efterföljare var modiga och bevarade sig trogna intill döden Clearly, apostates do not have our best interests at heart. Christ's early followers were courageous and kept faithful until death Men ett sådant resonemang innebär i praktiken att man skjuter upp sin lycka. However, a further consideration of Jesus ' prophecy indicates that an adjustment in our understanding of the timing of certain aspects of Jesus ' prophecy is needed. Such reasoning, however, means putting up with one's happiness. Han är också kärleken personifierad. What does that mean? He is also the very personification of love. Inget av de här offren - nej, inget offer som människor bar fram - kunde ge bestående befrielse från synd och död. In fact, in the year 1931, God's servants became even more closely identified with Jehovah by accepting the name Jehovah's Witnesses. None of those sacrifices - no, no sacrifice that humans carried out - could have lasting relief from sin and death. I vilken bemärkelse samlas ogräset ihop och bränns upp i eld? As far as being encouraging is concerned, the one conducting a meeting bears a heavy responsibility. In what sense are the weeds gathered together and connected with fire? När vi talar med andra om bibliska sanningar som har gjort intryck på oss, föredrag eller tal som har varit till uppmuntran för oss eller bibelenliga råd som har hjälpt oss, då begrundar vi ting som är sanna. In the fifth century B.C.E., Greek scientists suggested that it was a sphere. When we talk to others about Bible truths that have impressed us, talk, or talk that has been a source of encouragement to us or Scriptural counsel that has helped us, pondering things that are true. 16, 17. a) Hur besvarar Jehova böner? Especially since 1935 has there been a search for those who come to be "other sheep, " who have faith in the ransom, dedicate themselves to God, and support the anointed" little flock " in Kingdom - preaching activity. 16, 17. (a) How does Jehovah answer prayers? a) Varför kan somliga ibland finna det svårt att godta den ståndpunkt av kristen neutralitet som intas av Jehovas vittnen? What a marvelous privilege it is for a mother and father to bring forth and care for such a new person! (a) Why might some at times find it difficult to accept the position of Christian neutrality committed by Jehovah's Witnesses? Varför är Jeremias bok av intresse för oss? For instance, the elders may be able to help out by assisting the parents to learn about and benefit from governmental or social programs locally. Why is Jeremiah's book of interest to us? Han skapade den med en bestämd avsikt, nämligen " till att vara bebodd ." Similarly, you may at times feel overwhelmed by the problems you face. He created it with a purpose, namely, "to be inhabited. " Skrifterna " så att det passar dem själva. In the near future, Jehovah's apparently vulnerable people will come under attack from the modern - day "Assyrian, " whose intent will be to wipe them out. The Scriptures "that it may fit them. " Men en ytterligare granskning av Jesus profetia visar att vi behöver justera vår förståelse av tidsfaktorn när det gäller vissa inslag i profetian. Interestingly, a second name for Solomon was Jedidiah, which means "Beloved of Jah. " - 2 Sam. 12: 24, 25. However, a further examination of Jesus ' prophecy shows that we need to adjust our understanding of the timing of certain features of the prophecy. Vad betyder det att Jehovas omtanke " kommer till uttryck på olika sätt "? With Jehovah's backing, David, Nehemiah, and other faithful servants of God succeeded in carrying out their God - given assignments. What does it mean that Jehovah's undeserved kindness is expressed in various ways? Ja, år 1931 blev Guds tjänare ännu närmare förbundna med Jehova genom att anta namnet Jehovas vittnen. However, Jehovah has commanded the prophet: "You must not eat bread or drink water, and you must not return by the way that you went. " Yes, in the year 1931, God's servants became even closer to Jehovah by accepting the name of Jehovah's Witnesses. Den som leder ett möte har ett stort ansvar att vara uppmuntrande. We are wise to repent and correct our ways. The one conducting a meeting has a serious responsibility to be encouraging. Men på 400 - talet f.v.t. hävdade grekiska vetenskapsmän att jorden var sfärisk, alltså klotformad. Because of the bad example of the priests, the Jews began to view service to God as of little value. However, in the fifth century B.C.E., Greek scientists claimed that the earth was dictatorial, thus distorted. Särskilt sedan 1935 har det pågått ett sökande efter dem som kommer att bli " andra får ," vilka har tro på lösen, överlämnar sig åt Gud och stöder den smorda " lilla hjorden " i arbetet att predika om Guds kungarike. Periodically, we invited family and friends in the congregation to our home. Especially since 1935, a search for those who will become "other sheep, " who have faith in the ransom, dedicate themselves to God and support the anointed" little flock " in the Kingdom - preaching work. Vilken enastående förmån det är för en mor och en far att få och sedan ta vård om en sådan ny människa! • What lessons did you learn about our view of our international brotherhood? What a grand privilege it is for a mother and a father to have and then care for such a new man! De äldste skulle till exempel kunna ta reda på vilken hjälp samhället erbjuder och hjälpa föräldrarna att ansöka om den. If we should err, however, Hosea's prophecy gives us comfort. For example, elders may find out how society offers assistance and help their parents to reason on it. Du kanske ibland känner dig helt uppgiven över alla dina problem. Job mistakenly concluded that in some way "Jehovah himself [had] given, and Jehovah himself [had] taken away. " At times, you may feel overwhelmed by all your problems. Snart kommer den nutida " assyriern " att gå till angrepp mot Jehovas folk, som kommer att verka helt försvarslösa. Web sites that promote pornography pose an obvious threat to the spiritual health of Kingdom citizens. Soon the modern - day "day " will come to attack Jehovah's people, who will appear to be defenseless. Ett annat namn som Salomo hade var Jedidjah, som betyder " älskad av Jah ," " Jahs älskling ." Encouraged by what she learned at those gatherings, she began to offer Bible literature to anyone passing by her house. Another name that Solomon had served as "Beloved by Jah, " which means" beloved by Jah, " " " " " says Solomon. Med Jehovas stöd kunde David, Nehemja och andra trogna tjänare fullgöra de uppgifter som Gud hade gett dem. In fact, the weightier our responsibilities, the more humble we need to be. With Jehovah's backing, David, Nehemiah, and other faithful servants could fulfill the responsibilities that God had assigned them. Men Jehova har befallt profeten: " Du skall inte äta bröd och inte dricka vatten, och du skall inte återvända den väg du kom. " " None of us, in fact, lives with regard to himself only, and no one dies with regard to himself only, " wrote the apostle Paul, "for both if we live, we live to Jehovah, and if we die, we die to Jehovah. But Jehovah commanded the prophet: "You must not eat bread and not drink water, and you must not return the way you came. " Vi är förståndiga om vi ångrar oss och rättar till vårt liv. What do reports show regarding alcohol abuse and sexual immorality among university students? We are wise if we repent and adhere to our life. På grund av prästernas dåliga exempel började judarna betrakta det som meningslöst att tjäna Gud. So, having food and clothing, we will be content with these things. " Because of the bad example of the priests, the Jews began to view it as futile to serve God. Ibland bjöd vi hem vänner i församlingen. Do we feel as did Lot, who was "greatly distressed, " even tormented, by the lawless deeds of the people of Sodom, among whom he lived? At times, we invited our brothers in the congregation to join them. • Vad har du lärt dig angående hur vi bör betrakta vårt internationella brödraskap? Why is this so important? • What have you learned about how we should view our international brotherhood? Men om vi skulle synda, får vi tröst av Hoseas profetia. Setting off on a journey without an accurate compass can be treacherous. The winds and currents of the ocean can easily throw a ship off course. But if we were to sin, we are comforted by Hosea's prophecy. Han drog felaktigt slutsatsen att det på något sätt var så att " Jehova gav, och Jehova tog ." (Read Hebrews 12: 11.) He wrongly concluded that it was that "Jehovah gave, and Jehovah took possession of it. " Pornografiska sajter utgör ett tydligt hot mot vår andliga hälsa. Evidence of holy spirit. Pornography pornography poses a clear threat to our spiritual health. Hon blev så uppmuntrad av det hon fick lära sig vid dessa möten att hon började erbjuda biblisk litteratur till alla som kom förbi hennes hus. And God will wipe out every tear from their eyes. " She was so encouraged by what she learned at those meetings that she began to offer Bible literature to all who came through her house. I själva verket är det så att ju större ansvar vi har, desto ödmjukare måste vi vara. (b) What did Jesus do after being resurrected? In fact, the greater responsibility we have, the meek ones we need to be. " Ingen av oss lever ju bara för sig själv, och ingen dör bara för sig själv ," skrev Paulus, " ty om vi lever, lever vi för Jehova, och om vi dör, dör vi för Jehova. The longer we put off dealing with the situation, the harder it will be for us to make peace with our brother. " None of us live only for ourselves, and no one dies only for himself, " wrote Paul, "for if we live, we live to Jehovah, and if we die, we die to Jehovah. Vad har framkommit i rapporter om alkoholmissbruk och sexuell omoral bland universitets - och högskolestuderande? Paul thanked God for the help he received from the brothers in Rome What has happened in reports about alcohol abuse and sexual immorality among university students? Har vi mat och kläder och tak över huvudet, skall vi vara nöjda med det. " It affords them opportunities to exercise their free will and to honor God by serving him in a unified, harmonious way. - Ps. 133: 1. Have we sustenance and covering, we shall be content with it. " Känner vi det på samma sätt som Lot, som var " svårt betryckt ," ja rentav plågad, på grund av de laglösa gärningar som människorna i Sodom, bland vilka han levde, bedrev? How thrilling, how awe - inspiring it must have been to hear the sound of all those trumpets along with thousands of singers blending as one! - 2 Chron. 5: 13. Do we feel the same way that Lot, who was " severely distressed, " even plagued because of the lawless acts of Sodom, among whom he lived? Varför är det så viktigt? We also have the joy of serving alongside millions of spiritual brothers and sisters, who pursue the same purpose in life. Why is this important? Det är farligt att ge sig ut på en segling med ett sådant skepp, eftersom vindar och strömmar lätt får skeppet ur kurs. Because they are politically neutral and refuse to bear arms against their fellow man, many are in prison. It is dangerous to go out on such a ship, as the winds, and the ship runs out of the course. (Läs Hebréerna 12: 11.) In addition to the 12 apostles, Jesus "designated seventy others and sent them forth by twos in advance of him into every city and place to which he himself was going to come. " (Read Hebrews 12: 11.) Bevis på helig ande. (b) How can we follow the example of Epaphroditus and the Philippians? The evidence of holy spirit. Och Gud skall torka varje tår från deras ögon. " What shows whether we have learned obedience? And God will wipe out every tear from their eyes. " b) Vad gjorde Jesus när han hade uppväckts? How did the clergy react to Wycliffe and his movement? (b) What did Jesus do after he was resurrected? Ju längre vi skjuter upp saken, desto svårare blir det att rädda vänskapen. However, does he readily recognize that his achievement was possible only by Jehovah's undeserved kindness and that any hope for future success still depends on God's blessing and help? The longer we pick up the matter, the more difficult it becomes to save friendships. Paulus tackade Gud för den hjälp han fick av bröderna i Rom At the end of Jesus ' Thousand Year Reign, Satan will be "released from his prison " for a short time to make a final attempt to mislead perfect mankind. Paul thanked God for the help he received from the brothers in Rome Det ger dem möjlighet att använda sin fria vilja och ge ära åt Gud genom att tjäna honom i enhet och harmoni. Occasionally, he used piercing questions to expose the motives of his opposers, thereby silencing them. It gives them the opportunity to use their free will and give glory to God by serving him in unity and harmony. Tänk vad spännande och vördnadsbjudande det måste ha varit att höra ljudet från alla dessa trumpeter förenas med rösterna från tusentals sångare! In fact, it is noteworthy that the counsel to "be vigilant with a view to prayers " comes from Peter. Imagine how thrilling and awesome it must have been to hear the sound of all those trumpets joined thousands of singers! Vi har också glädjen att få tjäna tillsammans med miljontals andliga bröder och systrar, som har samma inriktning i livet. Consider the way he appealed to the brothers in Thessalonica: "We have confidence in the Lord regarding you, that you are doing and will go on doing the things we order. " We also have the joy of serving with millions of spiritual brothers and sisters who have the same focus in life. På grund av att de är politiskt neutrala och vägrar att bära vapen sitter många i fängelse. Mildness and Long - Suffering Promote Peace in the Congregation Because they are political neutral, they refuse to bear weapons in many prison. Utöver de 12 apostlarna " utsåg... [ Jesus] sjuttio andra och sände ut dem två och två framför sig till varje stad och ort dit han själv stod i begrepp att gå ." How Would You Answer? In addition to the 12 apostles, Jesus " appointed seven others, sending them out two and two before every city and place where he himself was in advance. ' b) Hur kan vi efterlikna Epafroditos och filipperna? 2: 6, 7, 21, 22 - Who or what is causing the rocking, and with what effect? (b) How can we imitate Epaphroditus and the Philippians? Vad är det som visar om vi har lärt oss lydnad? Of course, she still would have to consider her conscience, so as " to behave before God with a clear conscience. ' - Acts 23: 1. What shows whether we have learned obedience? Hur reagerade prästerskapet på Wycliffe och hans arbete? 2, 3. (a) Why did Jehovah provide us with a written portrait of his Son, and what does Jehovah expect us to do? How did the clergy react to Wycliffe and his work? Men är han villig att erkänna att det han gjorde var möjligt tack vare Jehovas oförtjänta omtanke och att han också i fortsättningen är beroende av Jehovas välsignelse och hjälp? 19, 20. But is he willing to acknowledge that what he did was possible by Jehovah's undeserved kindness and that he too is dependent on Jehovah's blessing and help? Efter Jesus tusenåriga styre ska Satan " släppas lös ur sitt fängelse ." Under en kort period kommer han att göra ett sista försök att vilseleda den fullkomliga mänskligheten. If so, do not hastily conclude that you are bad at heart and just not cut out to be a Christian. After Jesus ' Thousand Year Reign, Satan will "be released from his prison ' during a short period of time, he will make an last attempt to mislead the perfect mankind. Ibland använde han inträngande frågor för att avslöja sina motståndares motiv och därigenom tysta dem. His message, as well as the substance of Jehovah's own message to Job, was: "Stand still and show yourself attentive to the wonderful works of God. " At times, he used specific questions to expose the motives of his opposers and thus silence them. Därför att det var Petrus som skrev att vi ska vara " vaksamma med tanke på böner ." God's worshipers have every reason to feel similarly about Jehovah. Because Peter wrote that we should "keep on the watch with a view to prayers. " Tänk på hur han vädjade till bröderna i Thessalonike: " Vi har den tillförsikten i Herren beträffande er, att ni nu gör och skall fortsätta att göra vad vi föreskriver. " What made Jesus ' way of teaching different from that of the scribes and Pharisees? Consider how he appealed to the brothers in Thessalonica: "We have confidence in the Lord concerning you, that you are doing and should continue doing what we order. " Mildhet och tålamod bidrar till friden i församlingen (b) What should we keep in mind, especially when preaching in less responsive territories? Mildness and long - suffering contribute to peace in the congregation Hur skulle du svara? Some have found that parking lots, truck stops, gas stations, and stores are productive " fishing grounds. ' How Would You Answer? 2: 6, 7, 21, 22 - Vem eller vad är det som orsakar gungningen, och vad blir följden? And she felt under pressure to behave in the same way. 2: 6, 7, 21, 22 - Who is the source, and with what result? Hon måste naturligtvis fortfarande beakta sitt samvete, för att " inför Gud [uppföra sig] med ett... rent samvete ." - Apostlagärningarna 23: 1. A notable development along these lines took place in the mid - 1930 ' s. Of course, she must still be sensitive to her conscience, for she must "bear [God] with a clean conscience. " - Acts 23: 1. 2, 3. a) Varför har Jehova gett oss en utförlig beskrivning av Jesus liv, och vad förväntar han av oss? Keeping Separate From the World 2, 3. (a) Why has Jehovah given us a detailed description of Jesus ' life, and what does he expect of us? 19, 20. HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? 19, 20. Om det är så, bör du ändå inte snabbt dra slutsatsen att du är ond rakt igenom och helt enkelt inte passar att vara kristen. It is unlikely that Jerusalem in the first century had more than 120,000 inhabitants. If that is the case, you should not quickly conclude that you are wicked and simply do not fit to be a Christian. Hans uppmaning och huvudtanken i Jehovas eget budskap till Job var: " Stå stilla och ge akt på Guds underbara gärningar. " HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? What are some ways that we benefit from not knowing the day or the hour of the end? His exhortation and the essence of Jehovah's own message to Job was: "Stand still and pay attention to God's wonderful works. " De som tillber Jehova har all orsak att känna samma stolthet över sin himmelske Fader. 10: 9. Those who worship Jehovah have every reason to feel the same pride over their heavenly Father. Hur skilde sig Jesu sätt att undervisa från de skriftlärdas och fariséernas? STUDY ARTICLES 1, 2 How did Jesus ' way of teaching differ from that of the scribes and Pharisees? b) Vad bör vi komma ihåg, särskilt när vi predikar på distrikt där inte så många vill lyssna på de goda nyheterna? [ Pictures on page 26] (b) What should we remember, especially when preaching in territories where many people do not want to listen to the good news? Somliga har funnit att parkeringar, bensinstationer, tunnelbanestationer, järnvägsstationer och affärer är produktiva " fiskeplatser ." A servant of God can give Jehovah his best when he has reached full spiritual growth, when he is a mature Christian. Some have found that in the outside of the moon, in the outside of the moon, the body of business, and business are "the fishing business. " Vi pratade om att vi alla har ett eget samvete och att vi måste låta det vägleda oss när vi väljer vad vi ska göra och med vem. " Jesus ' compassion paints a touching portrait of Jehovah's concern for each one of his servants. - John 5: 19. We said that all of us have a conscience and must let it guide us when we choose what we will do and what to whom. " I mitten av 1930 - talet hände något som kastade ljus över detta. By continuing to share in the ministry, I maintained reasonable spiritual health. " In the mid - 1930 ' s, something thrown light upon that. Avskilda från världen Michelle: Why do you say that? separate From the World HUR SKULLE DU SVARA? [ Picture on page 22] HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? Det är inte troligt att Jerusalem under det första århundradet hade mer än 120 000 invånare. Why? It is unlikely that in the first century, Jerusalem had more than 120 inhabitants. Nämn några av fördelarna med att vi inte vet vilken dag eller timme slutet ska komma. Sandi, a Witness in the United States, also shows personal interest in those to whom she preaches. What are some benefits of not knowing the day or hour when the end will come? 10: 9. How can we avoid disturbing others in our ministry? 10: 9. STUDIEARTIKEL 1, 2 SIDAN 3 - 12 The faithful patriarch Abraham mourned the death of his beloved wife, Sarah. STUDY ARTICLES 1, 2 [ Bilder på sidan 26] (Read Psalm 37: 5.) [ Pictures on page 26] När vi har nått full andlig mognad kan vi tjäna Jehova på bästa sätt. If an honest self - examination proves that we have slackened the hand somewhat, we do well to recall the invigorating words spoken by the prophet Zephaniah. Once we have reached the full spiritual maturity, we can serve Jehovah effectively. Jesus medkänsla visar också hur Jehova känner för var och en av sina tjänare. And they take it for granted that the students believe in evolution. " Jesus ' compassion is also evident in Jehovah's feelings for each of His servants. Genom att fortsätta att ta del i tjänsten kunde jag bevara en förhållandevis god andlig hälsa. " How can we use this gift to build up, not tear down? By continuing to share in the ministry, I was able to maintain a good spiritual health. " Mikaela: Hur kommer det sig? (a) What responsibilities do husbands have? Michelle: What's that? [ Bild på sidan 22] It was also carefully explained to him that he was not worshiping the emperor; merely acknowledging the divine character of the emperor as head of the Roman state. [ Picture on page 22] Varför det? Might such a trend develop in my case? Why? Sandi, ett Jehovas vittne i USA, visar också personligt intresse för dem som hon predikar för. If a sheeplike one who has strayed from the flock fears facing his brothers again, you might remind him of the rejoicing that occurred when the prodigal son came home. Solomon, a Witness in the United States, also shows personal interest in those to whom she is preaching. Hur kan vi undvika att irritera andra i tjänsten? " When talking about spiritual matters, " says Pedro, who moved his family to Australia from South America, "the heart and emotions should be involved. " - Luke 24: 32. How can we avoid offending others in our ministry? Den trogne patriarken Abraham sörjde när hans älskade hustru, Sara, dog. The one who was Jehovah's first spirit son made clear that he, having been born on earth as a perfect human, would provide a ransom. The faithful patriarch Abraham cared for when his beloved wife, Sarah, died. (Läs Psalm 37: 5.) Therefore, we do well to follow Paul's admonition to the Christians in Rome: "Do not loiter at your business. (Read Psalm 37: 5.) Om en ärlig självrannsakan visar att vi har saktat farten något, gör vi väl i att påminna oss profeten Sefanjas uppmuntrande ord. The inspired account of David's life shows that again and again Jehovah responded to David's prayers for help. If an honest self - examination shows that we have slowed down something, we do well to recall the words of the prophet Zephaniah. Och de tar för givet att eleverna tror på evolutionen. " What can help us to keep on listening to Jehovah's voice? And they assume that students believe in evolution. " Så hur kan vi använda den på ett uppbyggande sätt? How does a Christian man express his love for his wife? How, then, can we use it in upbuilding ways? a) Vilket ansvar har äkta män? (Verse 11, footnote) Jehovah figuratively kept "getting up early and sending [his prophets] " to warn his people about his judgments and was" keeping awake " until their fulfillment. - Jeremiah 7: 25. (a) What responsibility do husbands have? Det förklarades också noggrant för honom att han inte tillbad kejsaren. Han erkände bara kejsarens gudomliga natur som den romerska statens överhuvud. When King David of ancient Israel was a shepherd boy, Jehovah saved him from the attacks of wild animals. It was also clear to him that he did not worship Caesar, recognizing only the very nature of the Roman State. Skulle samma sak kunna hända mig? Earlier in this letter to the Corinthians, Paul spoke of the glory of Moses when he descended from Mount Sinai after being in the presence of an angel of Jehovah. Could the same happen to me? Om en fårlik medtroende som kommit bort från hjorden tycker att det känns nervöst att träffa sina bröder igen, kan du påminna honom om den glädje som uppstod när den förlorade sonen kom hem. Still, we should look eagerly to the reward. If a fellow believer who has strayed from the flock finds it nervous to meet his brothers again, you can remind him of the joy that came home. Pedro, som flyttade med sin familj från Sydamerika till Australien, säger: " När man talar om andliga saker behöver hjärtat och känslorna vara med. " Do you know what led to Haman's downfall? " When you talk about spiritual matters, " says one who moved his family from South Australia to Australia. Jesus föddes som en fullkomlig människa och kunde bli en " motsvarande lösen ." Because of an invisible force known as magnetism, the needle of the compass aligns itself with the magnetic field surrounding the earth between its poles. Jesus was born as a perfect man and could become "a corresponding ransom. " Vi gör därför väl i att följa Paulus uppmaning till de kristna i Rom: " Var inte lata i era göromål. (b) What four points will we now examine? Therefore, we do well to follow Paul's admonition to Christians in Rome: "Do not loiter at your business. Den inspirerade redogörelsen för Davids liv visar gång på gång att Jehova besvarade Davids böner om hjälp. Whereas pride fosters division and contention, forgiveness promotes peace within the congregation. The inspired account of David's life repeatedly shows that Jehovah answered David's prayers for help. Vad kan hjälpa oss att fortsätta lyssna till Jehovas röst? Taking care of responsibilities will already be a part of their life. " - Tara. What will help us to continue to listen to Jehovah's voice? Hur visar en kristen man att han älskar sin fru? Rather than have people reach conclusions based on sensational or possibly distorted reports, Jesus wanted them to see for themselves that he was the Christ and to make a personal decision based on that evidence. How does a Christian husband demonstrate his love for his wife? (Vers 11, fotnoten) Bildligt talat steg Jehova dagligen " upp tidigt och sände dem [sina profeter] " för att varna sitt folk för sina domar, och han höll sig vaken till dess att de hade gått i uppfyllelse. * " [Jehovah] sent [his prophets] forth to warn his people of his judgments, and he kept awake to its fulfillment. " När David var en herdepojke, räddade Jehova honom när han blev angripen av vilda djur. The first step is to listen. When David was a shepherd boy, Jehovah saved him when he was attacked by wild beasts. Tidigare i samma brev hade Paulus beskrivit vad som hände när Mose kom ner från berget Sinai efter att Jehova hade talat med honom genom en ängel. Moses ansikte strålade, och när israeliterna såg det blev de rädda. " If you are committed to your marriage, you allow yourself to be wronged. Earlier in the same letter, Paul described what happened when Moses came down from Mount Sinai after Jehovah spoke with him through an angel Moses ' face, and when the Israelites saw it, they became fearful. Men vi bör ändå ivrigt se fram emot belöningen. How did Daniel describe Jehovah's spirit domain? Nevertheless, we should eagerly look forward to the reward. Vet du vad som ledde till Hamans fall? 13: 1 - 6. (a) Why was the king's offer really a test of the prophet's loyalty? Do you know what led to Haman's fall? På grund av en osynlig kraft, magnetismen, ställer nålen in sig efter jordens magnetfält. We should not allow a "poisonous root, " or any in the congregation who find fault with the way things are done, to prevent us from " making straight paths for our feet. ' Because of an invisible force, magneticism, rocks down after the magnetic field of the earth. b) Vilka fyra punkter ska vi gå igenom? (Read Psalm 143: 5, 8, 10.) (b) What four points will we consider? Stolthet skapar splittring och stridigheter, men om vi har en förlåtande inställning bevarar vi friden med våra bröder och systrar. How would that help his followers? Pride causes divisions and strife, but if we have a forgiving attitude, we maintain peace with our brothers and sisters. Då kommer de inte att bli så chockade när de flyttar hemifrån, eftersom de redan är vana att ta ansvar. " (Tara) It will also discuss practical steps we can take to ensure that the decisions we make will honor God. Then they will not be shocked when they leave home, since they are already accustomed to responsibility. " - Eph. Han ville inte att människor skulle dra slutsatser grundade på sensationella och kanske förvrängda historier. The expression "this faith " indicates that Jesus referred, not to faith in a general sense, but to faith of a particular kind - faith like that possessed by the widow. He did not want people to reason on sensational and possibly distorted stories. * Jeremiah 10: 6 says: "In no way is there anyone like you, O Jehovah. * Det är viktigt att du lyssnar. When a man marries, he leaves his father and his mother, and much the same can be said of a woman. It is vital that you listen. " Om man vill att äktenskapet ska hålla får man inte vara för lättstött. He said to them, " An enemy, a man, did this. ' " If you want marriage to keep your marriage strong, let us not take offense. Hur beskrev Daniel Jehovas andliga domän? Proverbs 1: 23 counsels us: "Turn back at my reproof. How did Daniel describe Jehovah's spiritual realm? a) Varför utgjorde kungens erbjudande ett verkligt lojalitetsprov för profeten? He further states: "As for you, the anointing that you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to be teaching you; but the anointing from him is teaching you about all things and is true and is no lie. (a) Why was the king's offer a truly test of obedience to the prophet? Vi får inte tillåta någon " giftig rot ," eller någon som hittar fel på hur saker sköts i församlingen, att hindra oss från att göra " stigarna raka " för våra fötter. Briefly explain what is covered in Hosea chapters 1 through 5. We must not allow any " poisonous root, " or one who finds fault with the congregation, to prevent us from making straight paths for our feet. (Läs Psalm 143: 5, 8, 10.) In this context, James added: "If you have bitter jealousy and contentiousness in your hearts, do not be bragging and lying against the truth. (Read Psalm 143: 5, 8, 10.) Hur skulle detta vara till hjälp för hans efterföljare? What has been the response to the 2013 revision? How would that help his followers? Hon blev pionjär så småningom och var det i mer än 70 år! (Read Matthew 25: 1 - 13.) She eventually became a pioneer and was for over 70 years! Vi ska också gå igenom några konkreta förslag på hur vi kan fatta beslut som blir till ära för Gud. Yet not one of them goes forgotten before God. We will also consider a few specific suggestions on how we can make decisions that honor God. Uttrycket " denna tro " visar att Jesus inte syftade på tro i allmänhet, utan på ett särskilt slags tro, en sådan tro som änkan hade. Hardly! The expression "this faith " indicates that Jesus was referring, not to faith in general, but to a particular type of faith, such as the widow's faith. I Jeremia 10: 6 sägs det: " Ingen finns som i något avseende är dig lik, o Jehova. Then we must skillfully use the Bible to overturn any reasonings that are "raised up against the knowledge of God. " - 2 Cor. 10: 4, 5. Jeremiah 10: 6 states: "No man is like you, O Jehovah. När en man gifter sig lämnar han sin far och sin mor, och detsamma kan sägas om en kvinna. Pray for his holy spirit, wisdom, and guidance. When a man marry, he leaves his father and his mother, and the same can be said of a woman. Han sade till dem: ' En fiende, en människa, har gjort detta. ' Meanwhile, he shows great love toward mankind. He said to them: " An enemy, a man, has done this. ' Ordspråksboken 1: 23 ger oss rådet: " Vänd om vid min tillrättavisning. After Adam was created, Jehovah God went on to say: "It is not good for the man to continue by himself. Proverbs 1: 23 counsels us: "Return to my discipline. Han konstaterar också: " Vad er beträffar, så förblir den smörjelse som ni har fått från honom i er, och ni har inte behov av att någon undervisar er, utan så som smörjelsen från honom undervisar er om allting, och den är sann och är ingen lögn, ja, så som den har lärt er: förbli i gemenskap med honom. " Over 200 million copies of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures have been published in over 130 languages. He added: "As for yourselves as respects you, the anointing that you received from him remains from you, and you do not need any one of you, but as an anointing from him teach concerning all things, and it is true and there is no lie with you, even the one who has learned to remain in union with him. " Förklara helt kort vad som behandlas i Hoseas bok, kapitel 1 - 5. 20, 21. (a) What assurance did David provide Solomon? Explain briefly what is considered in Hosea chapters 1 through 5. I det här sammanhanget skrev Jakob också: " Om ni har bitter svartsjuka och stridslystnad i era hjärtan, så skryt inte och ljug inte mot sanningen. (See opening picture.) In this context, James also wrote: "If you have bitterness and contentiousness in your hearts, do not brag or do not bear witness to the truth. Hur har revisionen från 2013 tagits emot? " MY FRIEND. " How has the 2013 revision been accepted? (Läs Matteus 25: 1 - 13.) When Herod the Great asked the chief priests and the scribes where the Messiah was to be born, they answered: "In Bethlehem of Judea. " (Read Matthew 25: 1 - 13.) Ändå blir ingen av dem bortglömd inför Gud. Those verses catch his attention because he has been struggling to resist immoral pressures in school. Yet not one of them goes forgotten before God. Knappast! In addition, it points the way to a meaningful life that will never end. Hardly! Sedan måste vi skickligt använda Bibeln för att motbevisa alla läror som " häver sig upp mot kunskapen om Gud ." How is Jehovah's wisdom evident in the animal creation? Then we need to use the Bible skillfully to refute all teachings that are " raised up against the knowledge of God. ' Be om helig ande, vishet och vägledning. Our love for the truth will gird our loins, or prepare us, for Christian activity. Pray for holy spirit, wisdom, and guidance. Under tiden visar han stor kärlek till människorna. How so? Meanwhile, he has great love for mankind. När Jehova Gud hade skapat Adam sade han: " Det är inte gott för mannen att vara ensam. How can we use the Bible to check ourselves for traces of selfishness? After creating Adam, Jehovah God said: "It is not good for the man to be alone. Över 200 miljoner exemplar av Nya världens översättning av Den heliga skrift har getts ut på över 130 språk. It is unlikely that he will do anything to lose God's favor. Over 200 million copies of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures have been published in over 130 languages. 20, 21. a) Vilken försäkran fick Salomo? 5: 7 - In what sense did Nehemiah begin "finding fault with the nobles and the deputy rulers "? 20, 21. (a) What assurance did Solomon receive? (Se den inledande bilden.) 3: 18, footnotes. (See opening picture.) " MIN vän. " A man is falsely accused of a capital offense. " MY friend. " När Herodes den store frågade de främsta prästerna och de skriftlärda var Messias skulle födas, svarade de: " I Betlehem i Judeen. " In some marriages, though, there may be more severe challenges that threaten the foundation of the relationship. When Herod asked the chief priests and the scribes to be born, they replied: "In Bethlehem the chief priests and the scribes were to be born. " I skolan får han hela tiden kämpa för att inte ge efter för pressen att gå emot Jehovas moralnormer, och därför fångar de här verserna hans uppmärksamhet. Recall what happened in King David's case. At school, he is constantly struggling to resist the pressure of upholding Jehovah's moral standards, so those captives are his attention. De visar dessutom vägen till ett meningsfullt liv som aldrig ska ta slut. MANY people can recite the Lord's Prayer from memory. Moreover, they show the way to a meaningful life that will never end. Hur är Jehovas vishet uppenbar i djurskapelsen? Even when persecuted, we deem it an honor to suffer for the sake of God's Kingdom. - 1 Peter 4: 14. How is Jehovah's wisdom evident in the animal creation? Vår kärlek till sanningen kommer att vara som en gördel om våra höfter, dvs. göra oss beredda för kristen verksamhet. (Read Matthew 28: 19, 20.) Our love for the truth will be like that of our misunderstandings, that is, ready for Christian activities. Hur kan vi säga det? He urged his fellow believers in Rome not merely to show honor but to take the lead in showing honor. How so? Hur kan vi använda Bibeln för att upptäcka spår av själviskhet? A Cruel Intruder How can we use the Bible to detect selfishness? Det är osannolikt att han skulle göra något som får honom att förlora Guds godkännande. Yes, for Jesus told his disciples: "Whoever humbles himself will be exalted. " It is impossible for him to do something that causes him to lose God's approval. 5: 7 - I vilken bemärkelse började Nehemja klandra " de förnämsta och de befullmäktigade styresmännen "? If we fall into the trap of materialism, how are we "seeking first the kingdom "? 5: 7 - In what sense did Nehemiah start to blame "the young and the female rulers '? 3: 18, noterna. He adds: "Keep yourselves in God's love. " - Jude 17 - 21. 3: 18, 6. En man står anklagad för ett mycket allvarligt brott som han inte begått. In this article and the three that follow, some names have been changed. A man accused of a very serious crime that he did not commit. Men i somliga äktenskap kan det uppstå allvarligare problem som hotar förhållandet. Ephesians 5: 18, 19 says: "Keep getting filled with spirit, speaking to yourselves with psalms and praises to God and spiritual songs, singing and accompanying yourselves with music in your hearts to Jehovah. " In some marriages, however, serious problems may threaten the relationship. Tänk på hur det var i kung Davids fall. He moved his personal computer to a location where it was in full view of the rest of his family. Consider King David's case. MÅNGA har lärt sig bönen i Matteus 6: 9 - 13 utantill. What Did You Learn? MANY have learned the prayer recorded at Matthew 6: 9 - 13. Till och med när vi blir förföljda anser vi att det är en ära att få lida för Guds kungarikes skull. Nevertheless, he attended a district convention and received a copy of the Bible Teach book. Even when we are persecuted, we consider it an honor to suffer for the sake of God's Kingdom. (Läs Matteus 28: 19, 20.) What a crushing humiliation of the needy, and what a gross violation of God's Law! (Read Matthew 28: 19, 20.) Han uppmanade sina medtroende i Rom att inte bara visa andra ära, utan att ta ledningen i att göra det. How do we strike a balance between pleasures and responsibilities? He urged fellow believers in Rome not only to show honor but to take the lead in doing so. Klinisk depression är inte bara tillfällig nedstämdhet. And the best news of all is the good news of God's Kingdom. Self - control is not limited to temporary depression. Ja, för han sa till sina lärjungar: " Var och en som ödmjukar sig själv skall bli upphöjd. " Sowing with a view to the spirit involves wholeheartedly participating in activities that promote the flow of the spirit. Yes, for he told his disciples: "Everyone that humbles himself will be exalted. " Hur söker vi " kungariket " först, om vi hamnar i materialismens fälla? (b) What will be discussed in the next article? How do we seek "the kingdom " first if we are in the trap of materialism? Han tillägger: " Bevara er själva i Guds kärlek. " Pray to God about the matter. He adds: "Keep yourselves in God's love. " Några av namnen i den här tidskriften har ändrats. Imbued with courage, we will not be silenced. Some names in this magazine have been changed. I Efesierna 5: 18, 19 står det: " Fortsätt att bli uppfyllda av ande, och tala till varandra med psalmer och lovsånger till Gud och andliga sånger, och sjung och spela för Jehova i era hjärtan. " The example of Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews, teaches us two lessons. Ephesians 5: 18, 19 says: "Keep on being filled with spirit, and speak to one another with psalms and praises to God and spiritual songs, and make melody to Jehovah in your hearts. " Han flyttade sin persondator till en plats där resten av familjen kunde se den. He was also a man of action. He moved his student to a place where the rest of his family could see it. Vad har du lärt dig? " I make request... that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in union with me. " - JOHN 17: 20, 21. What Did You Learn? Han var i alla fall med vid en områdessammankomst och fick boken Vad lär Bibeln? 15, 16. In any case, he attended a district convention and received the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Vilken förkrossande förnedring av de fattiga, och vilken grov överträdelse av Guds lag! How did the sons of Israel react to their deliverance? What a result of the poor, and what gross transgression of God's law! Hur kan vi hitta balansen mellan nöjen och allvar? What does Jehovah require of those whom he teaches? How can we balance pleasures with a sense of urgency? Och de bästa av alla nyheter är de goda nyheterna om Guds kungarike. We have fought too many " wars to end war ' to believe that we know how to end war. " And the best of all news is the good news of God's Kingdom. Att vi sår med tanke på anden inbegriper att vi helhjärtat ägnar oss åt sådant som främjar flödet av Guds ande. Some Jews interpret that to mean that humans were not to eat flesh or blood of an animal that was still alive. Our sowing with a view to the spirit involves giving us whole - souled activities that promote the flow of God's spirit. b) Vad kommer att behandlas i nästa artikel? His desire is that you attain to "the real life " - everlasting life on a paradise earth. (b) What will be considered in the next article? Be till Gud om saken. After putting forth some resistance, the governor proves reluctant to carry his load of responsibility and gives in to pressure. Pray to God about the matter. Vårt mod gör att ingen kan skrämma oss till tystnad. By deepening our understanding of what we read in the Bible. Our courage allows no one to intimidate us into silence. Vi lär oss två saker av det som sägs om Nikodemos, en av judarnas styresmän. Study Edition We learn two things about Nicodemus, one of the rulers of the Jews. Han var också handlingskraftig. According to 1 Timothy 5: 1, 2, how may we show seriousness in our view of others? He was also a man of action. " Jag ber att de alla ska vara ett, precis som du, Far, är förenad med mig. " The apostle Paul told his fellow Christians: "If anyone loves God, this one is known by him. " " I pray that they all will be one, just as you, Father, is united with me. " 15, 16. For thousands of years, mankind in general has tried to navigate its way through life without divine help. 15, 16. Hur reagerade Israels söner på sin befrielse? For instance, God has promised to destroy the present system of things. How did the sons of Israel react to their deliverance? Vad krävs av dem som ska bli undervisade av Jehova? Youths, you can make it easier for yourselves if you have a good idea where you want to go in life. What is required of those who will learn from Jehovah? Vi har utkämpat alltför många krig som skulle göra slut på krigen för att inbilla oss att vi vet hur man gör slut på dem. " What part can discernment play in answering a taunt from a peer? We have waged all wars that would bring an end to wars, knowing how to bring an end to them. " Somliga judar tolkar detta som att människan inte fick äta kött eller blod från ett djur som fortfarande levde. My request was approved, and I started working the new schedule within one month. " Some Jews interpret this as if man did not eat meat or blood from an animal that was still alive. Hans önskan är att du skall uppnå " det verkliga livet " - evigt liv på en paradisisk jord. While God did not see a complete heart in Asa, he will "show his strength " toward you if you keep on doing what is right. His desire is that you gain "the real life " - everlasting life on a paradise earth. Efter att ha kommit med vissa invändningar visar sig ståthållaren ovillig att ta sitt ansvar och ger efter för påtryckningarna. And how do Christians benefit from the action of God's holy spirit today? After confronted with certain arguments, Governor was reluctant to accept his responsibility and give in to pressure. Genom att fördjupa vår insikt och förståelse av det vi läser i Bibeln. Briefly relate Jesus ' illustration recorded at Luke 12: 16 - 21. By deepening our insight and understanding of what we read in the Bible. Studieupplagan With some, drifting takes place gradually, just as a boat that is adrift slowly floats farther from land. Study Edition Hur kan vi tillämpa 1 Timoteus 5: 1, 2? SONGS: 33, 41 How can we apply 1 Timothy 5: 1, 2? Aposteln Paulus sade till de kristna: " Om någon älskar Gud, då är denne känd av honom. " Rebellious Samaria and its king would have a disastrous end. The apostle Paul told Christians: "If anyone loves God, this one is known by him. " Under tusentals år har människor i allmänhet försökt hitta rätt i livet utan Guds hjälp. In contrast, Jesus Christ pointed out a simple way to enjoy true freedom. For thousands of years, people in general have tried to find the right course without God's help. Gud har till exempel lovat att han ska tillintetgöra den nuvarande världsordningen. What were these false stories? For example, God has promised to destroy the present system of things. Men om du vet vad du vill göra med ditt liv kommer det att vara mycket lättare att göra de rätta valen. What principles or qualities of life characterize the way of happiness? But if you know what you want to do with your life, it will be much easier to make the right choices. Varför är det bra att tänka efter innan man bemöter en spydig kommentar? About that time, practical suggestions on how to make brief return visits were provided in Our Kingdom Ministry. Why would it be wise to consider before dealing with a trusted comment? Jag fick det beviljat och började arbeta efter mitt nya schema inom en månad. " The evil ways of "that woman Jezebel " must be avoided I was granted this privilege and started working after my new routine in a month. " Kung Asa hade inte ett odelat hjärta, men om du fortsätter att göra det som är rätt kommer Jehova att " visa sin styrka " till nytta för dig. (b) How can we apply Paul's counsel when we prepare for our ministry? King Asa did not have a complete heart, but if you continue to do what is right, Jehovah will " show his strength ' to you. Och hur kan de kristna i vår tid få nytta av Guds heliga andes vägledning? How do we know that Joseph pursued a goal far higher than that of worldly prominence? And how can Christians today benefit from the guidance of God's holy spirit? Redogör helt kort för Jesu liknelse i Lukas 12: 16 - 21. Some 30 years after Christ's death, the apostle Peter wrote to Christians living in different parts of the Roman world: "Beloved, I exhort you as aliens and temporary residents to keep abstaining from fleshly desires, which are the very ones that carry on a conflict against the soul. Summarize Jesus ' illustration of Luke 12: 16 - 21. Somliga glider långsamt bort, precis som en båt som är på drift långsamt flyter längre och längre bort från land. When you endure hardship, remember that your example is likely encouraging others to endure. Some drift away, like a boat that is lying away from land. SÅNGER: 33, 41 In the meantime, while we await the end of human suffering, our loving Father, Jehovah, watches over us. SONGS: 33, 41 Det upproriska Samaria och dess kung skulle få ett katastrofalt slut. Today, Elihu's words continue to have meaning for millions of Christians who hope to survive the destruction of the present system of things. The rebellious Samaria and its king would have a disastrous end. Jesus förklarade hur vi kan bli verkligt fria. Why? Jesus explained how we can gain true freedom. Vad var det för osanna historier? Let us now examine features of the 72nd Psalm with a view to learning about blessings under the rule of Jesus Christ, the Greater Solomon. What was it about false stories? Så vad är det för principer och värderingar som bidrar till lycka? Walk in it, you people. ' " What, then, about principles and values that contribute to happiness? Hon tyckte inte att hon kunde lägga fram sanningen så att den besökte blev intresserad. Då kom det en del praktiska förslag i Tjänsten för Guds kungarike. Will it just die from a lack of support? She did not feel that she could add the truth so that the householder came to a number of practical suggestions in the field ministry of God's Kingdom. " Den där kvinnan Isebels " onda handlingssätt måste undvikas What should we be determined to do? " The Wicked acts of Jezebel " must be avoided b) Hur kan vi tillämpa Paulus råd när vi förbereder oss för tjänsten? There was a direct link between their faith and their patience. (b) How can we apply Paul's counsel when preparing for the ministry? Hur vet vi att Josef sökte nå ett mål som var långt högre än en framträdande ställning i världen? If that happens, how inappropriate it would be for any member of the congregation to react according to the world's spirit, vehemently demanding "justice " or that" something be done about this brother "! How do we know that Joseph sought a goal far more important than a prominent position in the world? Omkring 30 år efter Kristi död skrev aposteln Petrus till de kristna som bodde i olika delar av romarriket: " Ni älskade, jag förmanar er som utlänningar och tillfälliga inbyggare att avhålla er från de köttsliga begären, som för krig mot själen. Our desire should be like that of the psalmist who sang: "Let the sayings of my mouth and the meditation of my heart become pleasurable before you, O Jehovah my Rock and my Redeemer. " About 30 years after Christ's death, the apostle Peter wrote to Christians living in various parts of the Roman Empire: "Beloved ones, I exhort you as aliens and temporary residents to abstain from fleshly desires, which are waging war against the soul. Kom ihåg att när du håller ut under svårigheter kan det hjälpa andra att också göra det. Peter was busy in Babylon, and by the time he wrote his first letter, about 62 - 64 C.E., the activity of the Christians was well - known in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia. Remember, when you endure hardships, it can help others to do the same. Under tiden, medan vi väntar på slutet för allt mänskligt lidande, vakar vår kärleksfulle Fader, Jehova, över oss. Then we would be in a position to act appropriately, according to the true need. Meanwhile, while we await the end of all human suffering, our loving Father, Jehovah, is watching over us. Elihus ord har fortfarande stor betydelse för miljoner kristna som hoppas få överleva slutet för den nuvarande världsordningen. By imitating what he sees his instructor do, he eventually aims his arrows so that they strike closer and closer to the center of the target. Elihu's words still have profound meaning for millions who hope to survive the end of the present system of things. Varför? Christians wear Jesus, as it were, like a garment. Why? Vi ska nu gå igenom några tankar från Psalm 72 för att se vad vi kan lära oss om välsignelserna under Jesu Kristi styre, han som är den större Salomo. Milane says: "Before I go to school, my mommy and I always pray to Jehovah. " Let us consider some points from Psalm 72 to see what we can learn about the blessings that under the rule of Jesus Christ, the Greater Solomon. Vandra på den. ' " Jesus introduced this illustration with a sobering warning. Walk in it. ' " Kommer den helt enkelt att dö ut på grund av bristande understöd? While in Rome, however, Epaphroditus became sick "nearly to the point of death. " Will it simply die because of a lack of oversight? Vad bör vi vara beslutna att göra? (Read Daniel 2: 1, 19, 31 - 38.) What should we be determined to do? Det fanns ett klart samband mellan deras tro och deras tålamod. The very next morning, he gathers ten older men of Bethlehem before the relative and asks him if he is willing to do the repurchasing. There was a clear connection between their faith and their patience. Om det skulle hända skulle det verkligen inte vara rätt av någon av oss att visa en världslig inställning och säga: " Jag kräver rättvisa! " eller: " Någon måste ta itu med den där brodern! " In either case, would it not be wise to follow the direction of someone who knew the area? If that happens, it would not be proper for us to display a worldly attitude and say: "I require justice! " or " A person must deal with that brother! " Vi bör ha samma önskan som psalmisten, som sjöng: " Låt det min mun säger och det mitt hjärta mediterar över vara välbehagligt för dig, Jehova, min Klippa och min Friköpare. " On a later occasion while Jesus was teaching his followers how to cope with opposition, a man interrupted, saying: "Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me. " We should have the same desire as did the psalmist who sang: "Let the sayings of my mouth and the meditation of my heart become pleasurable before you, O Jehovah my Rock and my Redeemer. " Petrus var verksam i Babylon, och när han skrev sitt första brev omkring år 62 - 64 var de kristnas verksamhet väl känd i Pontos, Galatien, Kappadokien, Asia och Bithynien. Jehovah has always provided teachers for his people. Peter was active in Babylon, and when he wrote his first letter about 62 - 64 C.E., the activity of Christians was well - known in Pontus, Galatia, Galatia, Asia, and Bithynia. Sedan vet vi bättre vad han verkligen behöver och hur vi kan hjälpa honom. Because they are made in God's image, all humans have the capacity to act with dignity. Then we know better what he really needs and how we can help him. Genom att försöka göra som läraren lyckas han till slut sikta så att pilarna träffar allt närmare mitten på tavlan. It was "a land that Jehovah your God is caring for, " Moses told the Israelites. By putting forth effort to do as the teacher, he will succeed in bringing an end to the missiles. De kristna har så att säga iklätt sig Jesus alldeles som en klädnad. Besides the word "humility, " other words that are related to the same root include" lowliness, " "meekness, " and" condescension. " Christians have to say in a manner like a garment. Milane säger: " Innan jag går till skolan brukar mamma och jag alltid be till Jehova. " What warning did the Laodicean Christians receive, and why is that of interest to us? She says: "Before I go to school, my mother and I always pray to Jehovah. " Jesus introducerade liknelsen med en varning: " Sluta upp med att döma för att ni inte skall bli dömda; med den dom som ni dömer med skall ni nämligen bli dömda. " Still, Jesus did not berate or humiliate them, nor did he make them feel unloved or incapable of carrying out what he was teaching them to do. Jesus introduced the illustration with a warning: "Stop judging that you may not be judged; for with the judgment you judge you will be judged. " Men när Epafroditos var i Rom blev han sjuk " nästan till döds ." Since humans rejected Jehovah's oversight, they had to set up their own forms of government. However, when Epaphroditus was in Rome, he became sick " almost to death. ' (Läs Daniel 2: 1, 19, 31 - 38.) " The meek ones themselves will possess the earth " (Read Daniel 2: 1, 19, 31 - 38.) Redan nästa morgon samlar han tio äldre män i Betlehem, och inför dem frågar han släktingen om han vill göra återköpet. To fight discouragement, whose company should we avoid? On the next morning, he gathers ten older men in Bethlehem, and before them he asks the relative if he wants to do the same. Skulle det inte i båda fallen vara förståndigt att fråga någon som kände till trakten? Jehovah - Our Best Friend Would it not be wise to ask someone who knew the area? Vid ett senare tillfälle talade Jesus med sina lärjungar om hur man kan hantera motstånd. See Appendix A3 in the revised New World Translation; also A Book for All People, pp. On a later occasion, Jesus spoke to his disciples about how to cope with opposition. Jehova har alltid sörjt för undervisare åt sitt folk. Hesitation or too much self - concern, however, can be an impediment to our making progress in our service to God. Jehovah has always provided for teachers to his people. Alla människor har förmågan att uppträda med värdighet, eftersom de är skapade till Guds avbild. He said: "When they persecute you in one city, flee to another. " All humans have the ability to act with dignity, since they are created in God's image. Mose sade till israeliterna att det var " ett land som Jehova, din Gud, vårdar sig om ." • Discuss chapters 1, 3, 11 - 16 of the book The Secret of Family Happiness. Moses told the Israelites that it was "a land that Jehovah your God cares for. " Förutom ordet " ödmjukhet " finns andra ord som kan härledas till samma rot, bland annat " anspråkslöshet ," " saktmodighet " och " blygsamhet ." The traveling overseer reports positive results from thus helping discouraged ones to recognize and reject this satanic lie. In addition to " humility, " there are other words that can be rooted in the same root, including" lowliness of mind, "" modesty and modesty. " Vilken varning fick de kristna i Laodikeia, och varför är det av intresse för oss? That will be discussed in the following article. What warning did the Christians in Laodicea receive, and why is this of interest to us? Men han kritiserade eller förödmjukade dem aldrig, och han fick dem heller aldrig att känna att de inte var älskade eller att de inte klarade av att göra det han lärde dem att göra. But now "all creation keeps on groaning together and being in pain. " Nevertheless, he never criticized or humiliated them, nor did he cause them to feel that they were not loved or unable to do what he taught them to do. Eftersom människorna förkastade Jehova som sin härskare var de tvungna att skapa egna styrelseformer. Throughout the world, many people who say that they accept the Bible and are religious are not letting the Scriptures exert any real influence in their life. Because humans rejected Jehovah as their Ruler, they had to create their own governments. " De saktmodiga, de kommer att besitta jorden " For in the wilderness waters will have burst out, and torrents in the desert plain. " The meek ones themselves will possess the earth " Vilkas sällskap bör vi undvika om vi vill bekämpa missmod? We do not need extensive formal education in order to comprehend deep spiritual truths that have been published. What sort of company should we avoid if we want to fight discouragement? Jehova är vår bäste vän As those comments indicate, the more prepared you are to preach, the more securely your "boots " will be bound to your feet. Jehovah Is Our Best Friend Se tillägg A3 i den reviderade upplagan av Nya världens översättning på engelska. Inherited sin made it impossible for Christ's disciples to be flawless, perfect. See Appendix Among the revised edition of the New World Translation in English. Om vi tvekar eller är alltför upptagna av oss själva kan det hindra oss från att göra framsteg i vår tjänst för Gud. No, he was not. If we hesitate or are too busy by ourselves, this can prevent us from making progress in our service to God. Han sa: " När man förföljer er i en stad, fly då till en annan. " Paul wrote to Timothy: "Become an example to the faithful ones in speaking, in conduct, in love, in faith, in chasteness. " He said: "When people persecute you in a city, flee to another. " • Diskutera kapitel 1, 3, 11 - 16 i boken Hemligheten med ett lyckligt familjeliv. (Read Proverbs 8: 22, 23, 30, 31.) • Based on chapter 1, 11 - 16 of the book The Secret of Family Happiness. Tillsyningsmannen berättar att det har gett goda resultat att på det här sättet hjälpa modfällda bröder och systrar att kunna urskilja denna Satans lögn och avvisa den. " Our single mom's grasp of the language we understood best was limited, and my sisters and I didn't speak her language very well, " recalls an elder named Shan. The overseer tells us that it has provided good results in this way to help discouraged brothers and sisters discern this lie and reject it. Det kommer att behandlas i nästa artikel. 4: 7 - 9; Gal. 6: 9. This will be considered in the following article. Men i stället fortsätter " hela skapelsen... att sucka tillsammans och lida smärta ." Scriptural Questions Answered: Instead, "all creation keeps on groaning together and being in pain. " Överallt i världen är det många som säger att de godtar Bibeln och är religiösa men som inte låter Bibeln utöva något verkligt inflytande i deras liv. They were part of God's holy nation. Worldwide, many people say that they accept the Bible and are religious but who do not allow the Bible to practice something truly real influence in their lives. Ty i vildmarken har vatten brutit fram och regnfloder på ökenslätten. It is easier to be obedient when there is good communication and when you know that you are loved. For in the wilderness, water has broken and crossed the desert plain. Vi behöver inte ha hög utbildning för att kunna förstå djupa andliga sanningar som publicerats. Yes, a distinct trial that many have faced is that of losing a beloved marriage mate in death. We need not have high education to grasp deep spiritual truths published. Om man är förberedd för att vittna är det som att " skorna " sitter ordentligt på fötterna. That "hour " of judgment is a brief period; it includes both the pronouncement and the execution of the judgments that are depicted in that prophecy. If you are prepared to give a witness, it is as if you are prepared to witness, as it were. Den nedärvda synden gjorde det omöjligt för Kristi lärjungar att vara fläckfria, fullkomliga. (b) What question will we consider? inherited sin made it impossible for Christ's disciples to be spotless, perfect. Nej, det gjorde han inte. But what is kindness? No, he did not. Paulus skrev till Timoteus: " Bli... ett exempel för de trogna i tal, i uppförande, i kärlek, i tro, i renhet. " On the trip to the camp, Brother Engleitner respectfully explained his beliefs to Gleissner, who listened carefully. To Timothy, Paul wrote: "Become examples of faithful ones in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in chasteness. " (Läs Ordspråksboken 8: 22, 23, 30, 31.) Like a captain who is asleep, such individuals do not wake up until it is too late. (Read Proverbs 8: 22, 23, 30, 31.) En äldste som heter Shan berättar: " Mamma var ensam med oss barn, och hon behärskade inte det språk som vi förstod bäst. Och mina systrar och jag var inte så bra på hennes modersmål. DURING a milestone governing body meeting in Jerusalem in 49 C.E., the disciple James said: "Symeon [Peter] has related thoroughly how God for the first time turned his attention to the nations to take out of them a people for his name. " My mother was alone with us, " says one elder, "and she did not control the language we knew best, my sisters and I was not very good in her mother tongue. Så ge inte upp. Rubenstein wrote respecting the Council of Nicaea: "Constantine had favored and enriched [the bishops] beyond their wildest dreams. So do not give up. Svar på bibliska frågor: He deceived the younger man into disobeying Jehovah's strict instructions " not to eat bread or drink water in Israel ' and " not to return by the way that he came. ' Scriptural Questions Answered: De var en del av Guds heliga nation. The Bible tells us: "He would refuse and would say to his master's wife: " Here my master... has not withheld from me anything at all except you, because you are his wife. They were part of God's holy nation. Det blir lättare om ni har en bra kommunikation och om du tänker på att dina föräldrar älskar dig. It is best, in a relaxed setting, to invite your children to express their feelings. It will be easier for you to have good communication and if you bear in mind that your parents love you. Denna " stund " för dom är en kort tidsperiod. Den innefattar både kungörandet och verkställandet av de domar som beskrivs i den här profetian. Because of rejecting Jesus Christ, the nation of Israel finally lost their favored status with God along with the prospect of ever becoming "a kingdom of priests. " This "time " for judgment is a short period of time, including the execution of both King and the execution of the judgments described in this prophecy. b) Vilken fråga ska vi se lite närmare på? Should such situations cause you to conclude that it was a mistake to start on the journey and that you should abandon the automobile? (b) What question will we consider? Men vad är omtänksamhet? ARTICLE 5 • SONGS: 22, 68 But what is kindness? Under resan till lägret berättade broder Engleitner respektfullt om sin tro för Gleissner, som lyssnade uppmärksamt. Although the faithful ones mentioned in Hebrews chapter 11 lived before the earthly sojourn of Jesus Christ, they nevertheless lived in harmony with what Jesus taught when he said: "He that is fond of his soul destroys it, but he that hates his soul in this world will safeguard it for everlasting life. " During the camp of the camp, Brother Hans respectfully reported on his faith to the Gle, who listened carefully. Alldeles som en sovande kapten vaknar de inte förrän det är för sent. Why must we maintain high moral and spiritual standards? Just as a sleeping rock, they do not wake up until it is too late. UNDER ett avgörande möte som den styrande kretsen hade år 49 v.t. sa lärjungen Jakob: " Simeon [Petrus] har ingående berättat om hur Gud för första gången vände sin uppmärksamhet till nationerna för att från dem ta ut ett folk för sitt namn. How does Jehovah protect his people from these spiritual dangers? DURING a crucial meeting with the Governing Body in 49 C.E., the disciple James said: "[ Simeon] has carefully related how God for the first time turned his attention to the nations to take out of them a people for his name. Rubenstein skrev så här om kyrkomötet i Nicaea: " Konstantin hade gynnat dem [biskoparna] och gjort dem mer välbeställda än de någonsin kunnat drömma om. I stayed that way for the next 11 years, even living with several different men during that time. For example, Dr.C.E., the U.S.A., observed: "They had favored them [the city] and made them more than they could ever dream. Han fick på så sätt profeten att handla stick i stäv med Jehovas tydliga instruktioner att " inte äta bröd och inte dricka vatten " i Israel och att " inte gå tillbaka den väg... [han] kom ." He was reasonable in what he expected of his disciples. Thus, the prophet was told to act in harmony with Jehovah's clear direction not to eat bread and not drink water "in Israel and not to go back to the way [he] came. " I Bibeln sägs det: " Han vägrade och sade till sin herres hustru: ' Se, min herre... har inte nekat mig någonting utom dig, eftersom du är hans hustru. He was not swayed by a person's financial or social status. The Bible says: "He refused and said to his master's wife: " See, my master has not given me except you, because you are his wife. När du småpratar med dina barn eller gör saker tillsammans med dem, passa på att fråga vad de tycker och tänker, och låt dem få berätta hur de känner innerst inne. (a) How did Jesus prepare his disciples to give a witness? When you spend time with your children or doing things with them, talk about what they think and think, and let them express their feelings. Israels nation förkastade Jesus Kristus, och därför förkastades nationen till sist av Jehova och gick miste om utsikten att bli " ett kungarike av präster ." When we follow them, we show that we love him and trust in him. The nation of Israel rejected Jesus Christ, and thus the nation finally rejected the prospect of becoming "a kingdom of priests. " Gör det här att du drar slutsatsen att det var ett misstag att påbörja resan och att du bör överge bilen? Although "his wife has prepared herself " for the marriage, what is stated subsequently does not describe the actual wedding. Do you conclude that the trip was a mistake and that you should leave your car? SIDAN 25 • SÅNGER: 22, 68 How can those who are being trained imitate Elisha? ARTICLE 4 • SONGS: 22, 68 De trogna som omtalas i Hebréerna, kapitel 11, levde visserligen innan Jesus Kristus var på jorden, men deras livsmönster var ändå i överensstämmelse med det Jesus lärde när han sade: " Den som håller av sin själ tillintetgör den, men den som hatar sin själ i den här världen skall bevara den för evigt liv. " I had accepted the Watchtower and Awake! Although the faithful ones mentioned in Hebrews chapter 11, shortly before Jesus Christ lived on earth, their life course was in harmony with what Jesus taught when he said: "He that is fond of his soul destroys the one hating his soul, but he that hates everlasting life in this world will preserves everlasting life. " Varför måste vi upprätthålla höga moraliska och andliga normer? (a) What does the expression "bind up the brokenhearted " indicate about the Kingdom message? Why must we maintain high moral and spiritual standards? Hur skyddar Jehova sitt folk mot dessa andliga faror? Taking into consideration these extra details may change our view of his actions. How does Jehovah protect his people from such spiritual dangers? Det gjorde jag sedan i 11 år, och jag bodde med flera olika män under den tiden. There they fearlessly defend the interests of the Messianic Kingdom. I then did so for 11 years, and I lived with several men back then. Han krävde inte för mycket av sina lärjungar. In turn, he assisted still others. He did not demand much of his disciples. Han påverkades inte av människors ekonomiska eller sociala ställning. 16, 17. (a) Why are the anointed called "sons of God, " and how do they" see God "? He was not affected by the financial or social status of humans. a) Hur förberedde Jesus sina lärjungar för arbetet med att vittna? The blind man cured by Jesus was highly blessed for telling the truth (a) How did Jesus prepare his disciples for the witnessing work? När vi följer dem visar vi att vi älskar honom och litar på honom. The Bible says: "Happy are those who are blameless in their way. " - Psalm 119: 1. By following them, we demonstrate our love for him and our trust in him. Bibeln säger att " hans hustru har gjort sig redo " för bröllopet, men de följande verserna handlar inte om själva bröllopet. In heaven, he had seen Jehovah's loving way of exercising headship over all His creation and had made that way his own. The Bible says that "his wife has prepared herself " for the wedding, but the following verses do not apply to the wedding. Hur kan de som får övning efterlikna Elisa? When we are under stress, we may cry out to Jehovah with tears. How can those who receive training imitate Elisha? Jag hade tagit emot Vakttornet och Vakna! (Read Hebrews 13: 9.) I had accepted The Watchtower and Awake! a) Vad visar uttrycket " förbinda dem som har ett förkrossat hjärta " om budskapet om Guds kungarike? Yes, Jesus encouraged his faithful followers not to take for granted the precious Kingdom truths being revealed to them. (a) What is indicated by the expression "the brokenhearted " of the Kingdom message? När vi väger in dessa fakta kan vår syn på husfadern förändras. I made rapid progress, for I knew that I had found the truth. When we weigh these facts, our view of the householder may change. Där försvarar de modigt det messianska kungarikets intressen. The first couple's life was completely free from worries about food, work, sickness, and death. There they courageously defend the Messianic Kingdom's interests. Han i sin tur bistod ytterligare andra. Whether we got baptized recently or have been in the truth for many years, we must "continue... to be readjusted. " - 2 Cor. He, in turn, gave further support to others. 16, 17. a) Varför kallas de smorda " Guds söner ," och hur kan de " se Gud "? " My son, know the God of your father and serve him with a complete heart. " - 1 CHRON. 28: 9. 16, 17. (a) Why are anointed ones called "sons of God, " and how can they" see God "? Den blinde man som blev botad av Jesus blev rikt välsignad för att han berättade sanningen • How do faith and self - control help a Christian to guard his heart? The blind man who was healed by Jesus was richly blessed for telling the truth Bibeln säger: " Det är lyckligare att ge än att få. " (Apostlagärningarna 20: 35) Our prayers reveal what about us? The Bible says: "There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. " - Acts 20: 35. I himlen hade han sett hur Jehova kärleksfullt utövade sitt ledarskap över hela sin skapelse och tagit efter hans exempel. Telling God what you would like to do about it will invite his blessing on your efforts to find relief and to avoid more serious problems. In heaven, he had seen Jehovah lovingly exercised his headship over all His creation and followed his example. När vi är under stress kanske vi ropar till Jehova med tårar. 8, 9. (a) What four basic facts will help us understand the illustration of the olive tree? When under stress, we may call to Jehovah with tears. (Läs Hebréerna 13: 9.) She had several classmates who were blood donors. (Read Hebrews 13: 9.) Ja, Jesus uppmanade sina trogna efterföljare att inte ta de dyrbara sanningar om Guds kungarike som uppenbarades för dem för givna. I know that social events are not all bad, but they can be a huge distraction. Yes, Jesus urged his faithful followers not to take the precious truths of God's Kingdom revealed to them. Jag gjorde snabba framsteg, för jag förstod att jag hade funnit sanningen. Why should we pray for forgiveness every day? I made rapid progress, for I realized that I had found the truth. De hade allt de behövde och var inte rädda eller oroliga för någonting. Det fanns inga orättvisor och inget förtryck. How did the nations respond? They had everything they needed and were not afraid or worried about anything, no injustice, and no oppression. Oavsett om vi är nya i sanningen eller har varit med i många år behöver vi " bli förda till rätta igen ." (b) When Asa acted unwisely, what help was given him, but how did he react? Whether we are new in the truth or have been present for years, we need to "be corrected. " " Lär känna din fars Gud och tjäna honom med odelat hjärta. " Zechariah referred to the destruction of Babylon the Great followed by the war of Armageddon. " Know the God of your father and serve him with a complete heart. " • Hur kan tro och självbehärskning hjälpa oss att skydda vårt hjärta? Do not gaze about, for I am your God. • How can faith and self - control help us to safeguard our heart? Vad uppenbarar våra böner om oss? It is by doing what the apostle Paul said: "Keep walking by spirit and you will carry out no fleshly desire at all. " What do our prayers reveal about us? Om du berättar för Gud vad du tänker göra åt saken kommer han att välsigna dina ansträngningar att komma över problemet och undvika att det blir värre. But we might well ask: " Am I keeping pace with refinements in our understanding of Scriptural truth? If you tell God what you are going to do, he will bless your efforts to overcome the problem and avoid worse. 8, 9. a) Vilka fyra punkter kommer att hjälpa oss att förstå skildringen om olivträdet? As we meet an increasing variety of people in our international, multilingual field, we need to make a conscious effort to check our attitude and rid ourselves of any prejudice. 8, 9. (a) What four points will help us to understand the illustration of the olive tree? Flera av hennes klasskamrater var blodgivare. You may want to study his example as discussed in chapter 8 of the book God's Word for Us Through Jeremiah. Some of her classmates were blooded. Fester behöver inte vara fel, men de kan vara otroligt distraherande. When you face adversity, take advantage of the help Jehovah has provided He does not need to be wrong, but they can be effective distractions. Varför bör vi varje dag be om förlåtelse? The year 537 B.C.E. was one of rejoicing for Jehovah's dedicated people. Why should we daily pray for forgiveness? Hur reagerade nationerna på det? Jesus ' words about a harvest have special meaning for our day. How did the nations react? b) Vilken hjälp gavs åt Asa när han handlade oförståndigt, men hur reagerade han? Life - even our relatively brief life in this system of things - is a gift. (b) What help was given to Asa when he acted unwisely, but how did he react? Sakarja beskrev tillintetgörandet av det stora Babylon som kommer att följas av striden vid Harmageddon. November 14 - 20, 2011 Zechariah described the destruction of Babylon the Great that will follow the battle of Armageddon. Se dig inte spänt omkring, ty jag är din Gud. He said that Jehovah had made known to them "the sacred secret of his will, " that they were" assigned as heirs " with Christ, and that they were "foreordained according to the purpose of him who operates all things according to the way his will counsels. " Do not become strained, for I am your God. Det är att göra som aposteln Paulus sade: " Fortsätt att vandra genom ande, så kommer ni inte alls att tillfredsställa något köttsligt begär. " What, though, if we apply the principle of the proverb to our worship? This is to do as the apostle Paul said: "Go on walking by spirit, and you will by no fleshly desire at all. " Men det kan vara bra att fråga sig själv: " Har jag följt med så att jag vet hur ljuset har ökat över olika bibelställen? Yes, "Jehovah is a lover of justice. " - Psalm 37: 28; Malachi 3: 6. However, we might well ask ourselves: " Have I followed so that I know how the light has increased over various scriptures? När vi stöter på en allt större variation av människor på vårt internationella, flerspråkiga predikofält, måste vi noga granska vår inställning och göra oss av med eventuella fördomar. True to his word, Jesus died a sacrificial death in behalf of his sheep, but Jehovah "raised him up to be leader and Saviour. " - Acts 5: 31, New Jerusalem Bible; Heb. When we encounter a wide variety of people in our international preaching work, we must carefully examine our attitude and make us free of any prejudice. Om du vill studera Jeremias exempel lite närmare kan du läsa kapitel 8 i boken Guds ord till oss genom Jeremia. © 2003 BiblePlaces.com For example, if you want to study Jeremiah's example, you can read chapter 8 of the book God's Word to us through Jeremiah. Jehovas folk var mycket glada år 537 f.v.t. 21, 22. (a) How can a well - chosen scripture change a person's life? Jehovah's people were very happy in 537 B.C.E. Jesu ord om en skörd har en särskild innebörd för oss. Elders in the congregation, knowing that they are not in competition with one another, cooperate and work closely together as a body. Jesus ' words about a harvest have special meaning for us. Livet - också vårt relativt korta liv i den här tingens ordning - är en gåva. ARTICLE 4 Life - even our relatively short life in this system of things - is a gift. 14 - 20 november 2011 Less than three months later, Jehovah made a covenant with the Israelites at Mount Sinai and gave them this historic promise: "If you will strictly obey my voice and keep my covenant, you will certainly become my special property out of all peoples,... a holy nation. " - Ex. 19: 5, 6. November 14 - 20, 2011 Han sade att Jehova hade gjort " sin viljas heliga hemlighet " känd för dem, att de " angavs... som arvingar " tillsammans med Kristus och att de var " förutbestämda enligt den avsikt han har som utför allt enligt vad hans vilja tillråder ." It is the "inordinate desire for wealth or possessions or for another's possessions, " according to one dictionary. He said that Jehovah had "made the sacred secret of his will known to them, that they were declared "as heirs with Christ and that they were" foreordained according to the purpose he has performed according to his will. " Hur är det då om vi tillämpar principen i det här ordspråket på vår tillbedjan? Jesus told his disciples to love one another just as he loved them. What if we apply the principle found in this proverb about our worship? Ja, " Jehova älskar rättvisa ." What can we do today to keep from falling prey to a negative spirit? Yes, "Jehovah is a lover of justice. " I enlighet med sina ord dog Jesus en offerdöd till förmån för sina får, men Jehova " uppväckte honom till att vara ledare och Frälsare ." The collective steward would not simply be a group of intellectuals who explain interesting points from the Bible. In harmony with his Word, Jesus died a sacrificial death in behalf of his sheep, but Jehovah " raised him to be leader and self - leader. ' © 2003 BiblePlaces.com (Read Proverbs 24: 3.) © 2003 Bible chronology. 21, 22. a) Hur kan en bibelvers förändra livet för någon? Because some of our problems are the result of our own mistakes. 21, 22. (a) How can a scripture change one's life? De äldste i församlingen, som inser att de inte tävlar med varandra, samarbetar som en grupp. He states: "From the time we moved back to a French - speaking congregation, our son blossomed spiritually and got baptized. Elders in the congregation, realizing that they do not compete with one another, cooperate as a group. SIDAN 24 How does Jehovah's blessing " make rich '? ARTICLE 4 Mindre än tre månader senare slöt Jehova ett förbund med israeliterna vid berget Sinai och gav dem följande historiska löfte: " Om ni noggrant lyder min röst och håller mitt förbund, då skall ni bli min särskilda egendom bland alla andra folk,... en helig nation. " He was assigned as a missionary to Chile, where he again served as a circuit overseer. Less than three months later, Jehovah made a covenant with the Israelites at Mount Sinai: "If you will strictly obey my voice and will indeed keep my covenant, then you will certainly become my special property out of all other peoples,... a holy nation. " Enligt ett uppslagsverk är det ett " ohämmat begär efter rikedom eller ägodelar eller efter någon annans ägodelar ." David, who felt Jehovah's saving hand so many times, wrote for our comfort: "Jehovah is near to all those calling upon him, to all those who call upon him in trueness. According to one reference work, "it is a self - centered desire for riches or possessions after another's possessions. " Jesus sade att hans lärjungar skulle älska varandra alldeles som han älskade dem. This has been the hope of believing mankind ever since human perfection was lost in the garden of Eden. Jesus said that his disciples would love one another just as he loved them. Vad kan vi göra för att vi inte ska utveckla en negativ anda? 8, 9. What can we do to avoid developing a negative spirit? Den kollektive förvaltaren skulle inte bara vara en samling intellektuella som förklarar intressanta detaljer i Bibeln. Yes, Jesus has a fondness, or tender affection, for mankind that stretches back to his prehuman existence. The collective steward would not be just a collection of intellectual ones explaining interesting details of the Bible. (Läs Ordspråksboken 24: 3.) 15, 16. (Read Proverbs 24: 3.) Därför att en del problem beror på våra egna misstag. One way to strengthen our sense of Christian identity is to examine and imitate the faith of loyal worshipers, who despite adversity took real pride in their relationship with God. Because some problems depend on our own mistakes. Han säger: " När vi flyttade tillbaka till en fransktalande församling blommade vår son upp andligen och blev döpt. You have received spiritual help from Christian elders. He says: "When we moved back to a French - speaking congregation, our son fed our spiritually and got baptized. Hur kan det sägas att Jehovas välsignelse " gör rik "? Divinely Qualified to Rule How can it be said that Jehovah's blessing "will make rich "? Han skickades som missionär till Chile, där han återigen tjänade i kretstjänsten. And he is now blessing them with more than many of them had ever anticipated. He was sent as a missionary, where he again served in the circuit work. David, som så många gånger kände Jehovas räddande hand, skrev till vår tröst: " Jehova är nära alla som anropar honom, alla som anropar honom i sannfärdighet. Science may eventually find out, but as David next observed, our Maker - Jehovah - has fully understood it all along. David, who so many times felt Jehovah's saving hand, wrote to our comfort: "Jehovah is near to all those calling upon him, all those who call upon him in trueness. Det här har varit troende människors hopp ända sedan människan förlorade sin fullkomlighet i Edens trädgård. Dishonesty and other wicked practices were still present, and the rebuilding of Jehovah's temple in Jerusalem was far from complete. This has been the hope of believing mankind since man lost his perfection in the garden of Eden. 8, 9. She waited for her husband at the church door until the ceremony ended. 8, 9. Ja, redan långt innan han kom till jorden älskade han människor. What vital element did the man in Jesus ' parable overlook? Yes, even long before he came to earth, he loved people. 15, 16. (b) Knowledge of Jehovah enables us to do what? 15, 16. Ett sätt på vilket vi kan stärka vår kristna identitet är att undersöka och efterlikna tron hos lojala tillbedjare, som trots stora svårigheter kände sig mycket stolta över sitt förhållande till Gud. How thankful we can be that we know God's view! - Read Jude 14, 15. One way to strengthen our Christian identity is to examine and imitate the faith of loyal worshipers, who experienced great pride in their relationship with God. Du har fått andlig hjälp av kristna äldste. It thus comes as no surprise that Jehovah is also called "the happy God. " You have received spiritual help from Christian elders. Kvalificerad att styra The apostle Paul's counsel, therefore, is truly wise: "It is a means of great gain, this godly devotion along with self - sufficiency. " Qualified to Rule Och nu välsignar han dem med mer än vad många av dem någonsin kunnat drömma om. If we are humble and willing to depend on Jehovah, he will impart to us his holy spirit as a sure guide for our steps. And he now blesses them with more than many of them ever imagined. Forskningen kommer kanske till sist att kunna svara på det, men som David sedan påpekade har vår Danare, Jehova, känt till det hela tiden. * He told Satan: "I shall put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed. The process may eventually be able to answer, but as David pointed out our Maker, Jehovah is aware of it all the time. Det fanns fortfarande oärlighet och ondska omkring honom, och templet i Jerusalem var långt ifrån återuppbyggt. Rather, formerly fierce people have "put on the new personality that was created according to God's will in true righteousness and loyalty. " There were still deception and wickedness around him, and the temple in Jerusalem was far off. Under begravningsceremonin väntade hon på honom utanför kyrkan. We, however, are imperfect. During the workplace, she waited at him outside the church. Vilken viktig sak tog mannen i Jesu liknelse inte hänsyn till? Jehovah chooses when in history he will select anointed ones. What important lesson did the man in Jesus ' illustration take? b) Vad kan vi göra med hjälp av kunskap om Jehova? By attending the Memorial, you will have an opportunity to reflect on your hope and on the great importance of Jesus ' death. (b) What can we do by means of knowledge of Jehovah? Vi är verkligen tacksamma för att vi känner till hur Gud ser på allt detta! (Läs Judas 14, 15.) Even the most faithful servant of God is completely dependent on Jehovah's undeserved kindness through Christ. How grateful we are that we know God's view of all these things! - Read Jude 14, 15. Det är därför inte så konstigt att Jehova kallas " den lycklige Guden ." Christian elders requested guidance in selecting men for organizational responsibilities. It is no wonder, then, that Jehovah is called "the happy God. " Det Paulus säger är därför mycket vist: " Den [är] ett medel till stor vinning, denna gudhängivenhet jämte förmåga att klara sig med vad man har. " (See opening picture.) What Paul says is very wise, therefore,: "It is a means of great gain, this godly devotion along with the ability to cope with what one has. " Om vi ödmjukt och villigt erkänner att vi är beroende av Jehova, kommer han att ge oss sin heliga ande som visar oss vägen. In the Czech Republic, a 12 - year - old girl had to prepare a book report. If we humbly and willingly acknowledge that we depend on Jehovah, he will give us his holy spirit that shows us the way. * Han sade till Satan: " Jag skall sätta fiendskap mellan dig och kvinnan och mellan din avkomma och hennes avkomma. It was likely Satan who motivated Herod - all in an effort to destroy the child who would one day become God's promised Messiah and bring God's judgment upon Satan! * He said to Satan: "I shall put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed. Många som tidigare varit våldsamma har tagit på sig " den nya personligheten som blev skapad enligt Guds vilja i sann rättfärdighet och lojalitet ." 12, 13. Many who formerly violent have put on "the new personality which was created according to God's will in true righteousness and loyalty. " Vi, däremot, är ofullkomliga. [ Footnote] We, on the other hand, are imperfect. Jehova avgör när under historiens gång han väljer ut de smorda. Then I feel reassured, and I am moved to express my love for Jehovah. " Jehovah determines when in history he chooses the anointed. Vid minneshögtiden kommer du att kunna begrunda ditt hopp och värdet av Jesus offerdöd. Christian wives may have a keen desire that their husbands serve as ministerial servants and perhaps eventually as overseers, or elders. At the Memorial, you will be able to meditate on your hope and the value of Jesus ' sacrificial death. Oavsett hur trogna vi är, så är vi helt beroende av Jehovas oförtjänta omtanke genom lösenoffret. [ Picture on page 24] No matter how faithful we are, we depend on Jehovah's undeserved kindness through the ransom. Kristna äldste bad om vägledning när de utvalde män som skulle sköta organisatoriska ansvarsuppgifter. The couple had followed what is often called the Golden Rule. Christian elders prayed for guidance when appointed men were to care for organizational responsibilities. (Se den inledande bilden.) No. (See opening picture.) I Tjeckien skulle en 12 - årig flicka framföra en muntlig redovisning av en bok. (Read 2 Chronicles 15: 1 - 8.) In the United States, a 12 - year - old girl would present a report of a book. Det var troligen Satan som motiverade Herodes - allt i en ansträngning att undanröja det barn som en dag skulle bli Guds utlovade Messias och verkställa Guds dom över Satan! Scriptural Questions Answered: Likely, Satan motivated Herod - in an effort to destroy children who would become God's promised Messiah and execute God's judgment against Satan! 12, 13. (a) Why is "mildness of temper " so important? 12, 13. [ Fotnoter] " Roll upon Jehovah your way, and rely upon him, " says David, adding, "and he himself will act. " [ Footnotes] Sedan känner jag mig lugnare och berättar för Jehova hur mycket jag älskar honom. " ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ my time Then I feel overwhelmed by the depth of my love for Jehovah. " Kristna hustrur kanske gärna vill att deras män ska bli biträdande tjänare och så småningom tillsyningsmän, eller äldste. • What did Jesus mean by "the re - creation "? Christian wives may want their husbands to be ministerial servants and eventually overseers, or elders. [ Bild på sidan 24] Hezekiah was a spiritual man, a worthy shepherd of his national flock. [ Picture on page 24] Det här paret hade följt det som ofta kallas den gyllene regeln. 4: 12. " DECLARED RIGHTEOUS " - HOW? This couple had followed what often called the Golden Rule. Nej. Only one person - Jesus Christ - has ever been able to cross the finish line without stumbling even once. No. (Läs 2 Krönikeboken 15: 1 - 8.) If we awaken at night, what a fine opportunity we have to express gratitude to God in prayer! (Read 2 Chronicles 15: 1 - 8.) Svar på bibliska frågor: How did the father react to complaints from the older son who had never left his family? Scriptural Questions Answered: a) Varför är " ett milt sinnelag " så viktigt? She says, "I had so many studies - as many as 12 at one time - that I had to put some on a waiting list! " (a) Why is mildness of temper so important? " Vältra din väg på Jehova, och förlita dig på honom ," säger David, " och han själv kommer att handla. " Through faith in "one act of justification, " both anointed Christians and members of the" great crowd " of "other sheep " can be" declared righteous " - the former for life in heaven as joint heirs with Christ and the latter as God's friends, with a view to surviving "the great tribulation. " - Rom. 5: 18; Rev. 7: 9, 14; John 10: 16; Jas. 2: 21 - 24; Matt. " Roll upon Jehovah, and rely on him, " says David, "and he himself will act. " ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ min tid It would be fitting to ask ourselves what sort of questions about eating and drinking? . . . . . my time • Vad menade Jesus med " återskapelsen "? In fact, in the Gospel of John, we find that Jesus mentioned three important requirements that anyone who wants to be his follower must meet. • What did Jesus mean by "the re - creation "? Han var en andlig människa, en god herde för folket. 13, 14. He was a spiritual man, a good shepherd of the people. " FÖRKLARAS RÄTTFÄRDIGA " - HUR? While under house arrest, Paul was not free to witness from house to house. " THE preaching work " - HOW? Bara en enda person har nått målet utan att någonsin snava - Jesus Kristus. After listing a number of types of people who will not inherit God's Kingdom, the apostle Paul added: "That is what some of you were. " Only one person has reached the goal without ever stumbling - Jesus Christ. Om vi vaknar på natten har vi ett fint tillfälle att tacka Gud i bön! • In what ways can we avoid grieving the holy spirit? If we awake at night, we have a fine opportunity to thank God in prayer! Hur reagerade fadern på klagomålen från den äldre sonen, som aldrig hade lämnat familjen? Similarly, a spiritual shepherd may need to offer counsel repeatedly to a person regarding a certain failing. How did the father react to the complaint from the older son, who had never left the family? Hon säger: " Jag hade så många studier - vid ett tillfälle 12 stycken - att jag måste sätta upp några på en väntelista! " After Super Typhoon Haiyan wreaked destruction on the central Philippines in November 2013, the mayor of one large city said: "God must have been somewhere else. " She says: "I had so many studies - on one occasion - that I had to set some on a turned record! " Genom tro på " ett enda rättfärdiggörelseverk " kan både smorda kristna och medlemmar av den " stora skaran " av " andra får " bli " förklarade rättfärdiga " - de förra till liv i himlen som Kristi medarvingar och de senare som Guds vänner med utsikt att få överleva " den stora vedermödan ." [ Blurb on page 12] By faith in "one righteous act, " both anointed Christians and members of the" great crowd " of "other sheep " can be declared" righteous " - the former life in heaven as joint heirs with Christ and later as friends of God with the prospect of surviving" the great tribulation. " Vilka frågor är det lämpligt att vi ställer oss själva när det gäller hur mycket vi äter och dricker? 6, 7. What questions would it be appropriate to ask ourselves about the amount of food we eat and drink? I Johannes evangelium finner vi i själva verket att Jesus nämnde tre viktiga krav som var och en som vill vara hans efterföljare måste fylla. In some lands, governmental authorities provide pensions, welfare programs, and home - care attendants for senior citizens. In fact, in the Gospel of John, we find that Jesus mentioned three important requirements that each one who wants to be his followers must meet. 13, 14. Then tragedy struck three times in quick succession. 13, 14. När han satt i husarrest kunde han inte vittna från hus till hus. Under the Mosaic Law, no work was to be done on the Sabbath. During his house - to - house ministry, he was unable to witness from house to house. Först definierar Paulus vilka som inte får ärva Guds kungarike, och sedan säger han: " Detta [är] vad några av er har varit. " May we do all we can, then, to imitate him - to promote warm affection among our brothers and good relations with our neighbors by showing compassion. - Gal. 6: 10; 1 John 4: 16. First, Paul defines those who do not inherit God's Kingdom, and then he says: "This is what some of you have been. " • Hur kan vi undvika att bedröva den heliga anden? STUDY ARTICLES 3, 4 • How can we avoid grieving the holy spirit? En andlig herde kan på liknande sätt behöva ge upprepade råd till någon som har en viss svaghet. Being loyal requires that we display what qualities? A spiritual shepherd may likewise need to repeated counsel to someone who has a certain weakness. Efter tyfonen Haiyans förödande framfart i Filippinerna i november 2013 drog en borgmästare slutsatsen: " Gud måste ha varit någon annanstans. " Andra människor lever som om Gud inte ens kan se dem. Many give answers that reveal that they have a clear vision of what they want to do to serve Jehovah - perhaps by entering some form of full - time service or by serving where there is a greater need for Kingdom proclaimers. After the jailer's devastating approach in the Philippines in November 2013, a minister concluded: "God must have been anywhere else. " [ Infälld text på sidan 12] Noah received the warning of the upcoming catastrophe decades in advance, and he wisely used the time to prepare for survival. [ Blurb on page 12] 6, 7. He judged Christendom, the most reprehensible part of "Babylon the Great, " finding her guilty of bloodshed and of spiritual adultery with the political system of this world. - Rev. 18: 2, 3, 24. 6, 7. I en del länder finns det statliga pensionssystem och en utbyggd äldreomsorg med hemtjänst och liknande. He was thereby encouraging his listeners to imitate their "heavenly Father, " Jehovah, by perfecting their love - making it complete by loving their enemies. In some lands, for example, there are governmental symptoms and an elderly family service. Så inträffade tre tragiska händelser i snabb följd. What weaknesses did Paul strive to overcome? So three tragic events took immediate action. Under den mosaiska lagen fick man inte utföra något arbete på sabbaten. One way to do so is to make it easy for others to seek your forgiveness. Under the Mosaic Law, work was not required on the Sabbath. Då dras vi närmare våra vänner i församlingen och vi får bättre relationer till våra medmänniskor. They are greatly appreciated. We will thus draw closer to our fellow believers and improve our relationships with fellow humans. STUDIEARTIKEL 3, 4 SIDORNA 24 - 32 The person feels less inhibited, freer. " STUDY ARTICLES 3, 4 Och vilka egenskaper hjälper oss att vara lojala? " Blessed Be Jehovah " And what qualities will help us to be loyal? Många har en tydlig bild av vad de vill göra i Jehovas tjänst - de kanske vill börja i någon form av heltidstjänst eller flytta någonstans där behovet av förkunnare är större. What are some fine examples of those who appreciated their spiritual inheritance? Many people have a clear picture of what they want to do in Jehovah's service - perhaps starting in some form of full - time service or moving beyond the need for Kingdom proclaimers. Noa fick varningen om den kommande katastrofen årtionden i förväg, och han använde tiden förståndigt till att förbereda sig för att kunna överleva. That desire was, in fact, a grave sin, for it amounted to a rejection of Jehovah as their King. Noah was warned about the coming disaster decades in advance, and he wisely used time to prepare for survival. Han dömde kristenheten, den mest klandervärda delen av " det stora Babylon ," och fann att den gjort sig skyldig till blodsutgjutelse och andligt äktenskapsbrott med den här världens politiska system. 1 Cor. He condemned Christendom, the most reprehensible part of "Babylon the Great, " found it guilty of bloodshed and spiritual adultery with this world's political system. Han uppmuntrade därigenom sina åhörare att efterlikna sin " himmelske Fader ," Jehova, genom att göra sin kärlek fullkomlig - göra den fullständig genom att älska sina fiender. 23: 24, 25. In the future, faithful young people will be counted among those who will survive into God's promised new world. He thus encouraged his listeners to imitate his " heavenly Father, " Jehovah, by doing His perfect love - to make it complete by loving his enemies. Vilka svagheter kämpade Paulus med? A Fine Bible Student and Teacher What weaknesses did Paul contend with? Gör det lätt för andra att komma och be om förlåtelse. Still, such sacrifices were useful. Make it easy for others to come and pray for forgiveness. De är oerhört uppskattade. Jesus ' early followers knew Hebrew, but after his death, his disciples spoke other languages. They are highly appreciated. Personen känner sig mindre hämmad, friare. " The Bible says: "Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus, " who often received him as a guest in their home. People feel less engaged, free. " " Välsignad vare Jehova " In what ways was Eve deceived? " Blessed Be Jehovah " Nämn några exempel på sådana som visade att de uppskattade sitt andliga arv. With Jehovah God's help, fulfilling that commission is possible. What are some examples of those who showed appreciation for their spiritual heritage? Deras önskan var en allvarlig synd, för den visade att de inte ville att Jehova skulle vara deras kung. And do we not benefit from the variety of qualities displayed by our Christian brothers and sisters? Their desire was a serious sin, for it showed that they did not want Jehovah to be their king. 1 Kor. 1, 2. (a) What did Jesus say was the second greatest commandment of the Law? 1 Cor. Trogna barn och ungdomar kommer att vara med bland dem som får överleva in i Guds nya värld. The apostle Paul put it this way: "It is not possible for the blood of bulls and of goats to take sins away. " Faithful young ones will be present among those who will survive into God's new world. Flitig i att studera Guds ord och undervisa andra The husband explains: "Before our children could walk and talk, we would speak to them about the joys of pioneering and serving the congregation. Zealous in Study of God's Word and Teaching Others Ändå fyllde dessa offer en viktig funktion. (a) With regard to personal study, what has helped some to increase their attention span? Yet, these offerings filled an important purpose. De första som blev Jesus lärjungar förstod hebreiska. Men efter hans död talade många av hans efterföljare andra språk. So even those favored and blessed by Jehovah cannot fully escape disappointment, whether single or married. After Jesus ' death, the first - century disciples understood Hebrew, but after his death, many of his followers spoke other languages. I Bibeln sägs det: " Nu älskade Jesus Marta och hennes syster och Lasarus ," vilka ofta bjöd hem honom som gäst i sitt hem. In any case, if our close associates do not show a high regard for Jehovah's standards, they can in time destroy our good standing with God. The Bible says: "Now, now, Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus, " who often invited him as a guest in her home. På vilka sätt blev Eva bedragen? (See endnote.) In what ways was Eve deceived? Med Jehovas hjälp kan uppdraget bli fullgjort. Those who live according to the flesh allow their life course to be determined basically by their sinful human nature. With Jehovah's help, the assignment can be accomplished. Och vi har verkligen nytta av de många goda egenskaper som våra kristna bröder och systrar visar. A reader from London, England, reports: "The beautiful illustrations are bound to capture the hearts of parents and children alike. And we certainly benefit from the many fine qualities that our Christian brothers and sisters display. 1, 2. a) Vad sa Jesus var det näst största budet i lagen? That microscopic cell was extremely complex - a miniature chemical laboratory! 1, 2. (a) What did Jesus say was the second greatest commandment in the Law? Paulus uttryckte det så här: " Det är omöjligt för tjurars och bockars blod att ta bort synder. " [ Footnote] Paul put it this way: "It is impossible for the blood of bulls and of goats to remove sins. " Mannen berättar: " Vi pratade med barnen om hur kul det är att vara pionjär och hjälpa till i församlingen, och det gjorde vi redan innan de kunde gå och prata. As upholders of Jehovah's sovereignty, how do our activities compare with those of earlier integrity keepers? The husband recalls: "We talk to the children about the use of regular pioneer service and help in the congregation before they could talk and talk. a) Vad har hjälpt somliga att öka sin koncentrationsförmåga vid personligt studium? Jesus also assured them that God would back them up as long as they relied on Him for help and strength. (a) What has helped some to increase their powers of concentration at personal study? Så inte ens de som har Jehovas välsignelse kan helt undgå besvikelser, oavsett om de är gifta eller inte. The book of Numbers makes this truth ever clearer. Even those who have Jehovah's blessing cannot completely avoid disappointments, whether they are married or not. Om de vi umgås med inte respekterar Jehovas normer, kan de med tiden påverka oss så mycket att vi förlorar Guds godkännande. Consider: Suppose you were offered a job to distribute nutritious bread to people in your community. Failure to respect Jehovah's standards can in time affect us so much that we lose God's approval. (Se slutnoten.) Jehovah the Life - Giver is, therefore, the Source of the water containing life - giving elements. (See endnote.) Rogers Jr. och Cleon L. Rogers III) De som lever i överensstämmelse med köttet låter i grund och botten sin ofullkomliga mänskliga natur få styra deras val i livet. Indeed, the meaning behind "discipline " primarily relates to education, such as that involved in raising a beloved child. " Those who live in accord with the flesh allow their imperfect nature to rule their choices in life. En läsare från London säger: " De vackra bilderna tilltalar säkert både föräldrar och barn. If the person yields to its leading, it will help him to conquer wrong "passions and desires. " - Galatians 5: 16, 24. A reader from London says: "The beautiful pictures are likely to appeal to both parents and children. Den här mikroskopiska cellen var oerhört komplicerad - som ett kemiskt laboratorium i miniatyr! Now I even deliver public talks. This animal's cell was extremely complex - like a nuclear floor in my reign! [ Fotnot] The waters "beneath " were those already on earth. [ Footnote] Hur liknar vår verksamhet det som andra ostraffliga tjänare har gjort? What precious quality will we consider in the next article? How does our activity compare with that of other integrity keepers? Han lovade också att Gud skulle stödja dem så länge de litade på att Gud skulle styrka och hjälpa dem. How powerful a weapon is the Bible in our spiritual warfare? He also promised that God would support them as long as they trusted that God would strengthen and help them. Fjärde Moseboken belyser den här sanningen mycket tydligt. Lamp oil thus reminds us of God's Word of truth and his holy spirit, which empower true worshipers to be light bearers. The book of Numbers highlights this truth very clearly. Vi kan illustrera det så här: Tänk dig att du får som jobb att dela ut bröd till människorna i området där du bor. DAVID'S PRAYER AND GOD'S FORGIVENESS To illustrate: Suppose you get a job to distribute bread to people in the area where you live. Jehova, den som ger liv, är därför källan till det livgivande vattnet. [ Picture on page 5] Jehovah, therefore, the One who gives life, is the Source of the life - giving water. Innebörden i ordet är i första hand undervisning, ungefär som den undervisning föräldrar ger sina barn. Although Jesus did not mention providing shelter for the birds of heaven, Jehovah has provided them with the instincts, skills, and materials needed to make nests for themselves. The meaning of that word is primarily teaching, as it taught parents. Om han rättar sig efter dess ledning kommer det att hjälpa honom att övervinna felaktiga " lidelser och begär ." Through his prophet Zephaniah, Jehovah foretold: "Then I shall give to peoples the change to a pure language, in order for them all to call upon the name of Jehovah, in order to serve him shoulder to shoulder. " If he adheres to its direction, it will help him to overcome wrong desires. Nu håller jag till och med offentliga föredrag. As we serve Jehovah, he gives us strength to endure. Now I'm even giving public talks. Vattnet " nedanför " var det som redan fanns på jorden. In 1473 B.C.E., Joshua led the Israelites into the Promised Land. The waters " longed up " were what was already on earth. Vilken dyrbar egenskap kommer vi att betrakta i nästa artikel? The prophet Malachi describes how Jehovah pays attention and listens to those who use and bear his name, and he includes their names in his book of remembrance. What precious quality will we consider in the next article? Hur är Bibeln ett kraftfullt vapen i vår andliga krigföring? * Our publications had previously connected this meaning with Exodus 3: 14, which says: "I Will Become What I Choose to Become. " How is the Bible a powerful weapon in our spiritual warfare? Lampolja påminner oss därför om Guds sanningsord och hans heliga ande, som gör det möjligt för sanna tillbedjare att vara ljusspridare. In what areas must an elder be an example to the flock? Hence, it reminds us of God's word of truth and his holy spirit, which enables true worshippers to be lighted. [ Bild på sidan 5] The meanings of their names, Lo - ruhamah and Lo - ammi, point to Jehovah's withholding mercy from Israel and rejecting his disloyal people. [ Picture on page 5] Jesus sa inget om att Jehova har gett fåglarna någonstans att bo, men han har gett dem instinkt, förmågor och material så att de kan bygga sina egna bon. Studying it is essential if we are to gain an understanding of Christian teachings and conduct. - Hebrews 9: 23. Jesus did not say that Jehovah has given birds opportunities to live, but he has given them instructions, abilities, and material material to build their own strength. Jehova förutsade genom sin profet Sefanja: " Då skall jag förändra folkens språk till ett rent språk, för att de alla skall anropa Jehovas namn, för att de skall tjäna honom skuldra vid skuldra. " When appropriate, they can also provide the basis for a local needs part on the Service Meeting. Jehovah foretold through his prophet Zephaniah: "Then I shall change the language of the peoples to a pure language, in order that they may call upon the name of Jehovah, in order that they may serve him shoulder to shoulder. " När vi tjänar Jehova ger han oss kraft att uthärda. As servants of Jehovah, can we credit ourselves with having the good sense to find the truth? When we serve Jehovah, he gives us the strength to endure. År 1473 f.v.t. förde Josua israeliterna in i det utlovade landet. Walk in it. " ' In 1473 B.C.E., Joshua led the Israelites into the Promised Land. Profeten Malaki säger att Jehova lägger märke till och lyssnar till dem som använder och bär hans namn och att han tar med deras namn i sin minnesbok. Samaria's inhabitants paid dearly for their failure to comply with Jehovah's upright ways. The prophet Malachi states that Jehovah observes and listens to those using and carries his name and takes their names in his "book of remembrance. " * I vår litteratur har man tidigare kopplat samman den här betydelsen med det som sägs i 2 Moseboken 3: 14: " Jag skall visa mig vara det som jag skall visa mig vara. " The Davidic covenant further narrows the line of descent of the primary part of the offspring and gives him the right to rule over the earth so that the accomplishments of the Kingdom will be everlasting. * Our publications have been previously related to what Exodus 3: 14 says: "I shall prove to be what I shall prove to be. " På vilka områden måste en äldste vara ett exempel för hjorden? (b) When should elders begin to train prospective ministerial servants and elders? In what areas must an elder be an example to the flock? Innebörden i deras namn visar att Jehova inte längre skall visa barmhärtighet mot Israel och att han har förkastat sitt trolösa folk. Other faithful servants of God certainly did. The meaning of their name indicates that Jehovah will no longer show mercy to Israel and that he has rejected his unfaithful people. Om vi skall förstå vad den kristna läran och ett kristet uppförande innebär måste vi studera den. Building Love for Truths We Learn To understand what Christian teachings and Christian conduct requires, we must study it. När det passar, kan de också ligga till grund för lokala behov på tjänstemötet. Deborah encouraged Barak to act as Israel's God - appointed leader, and he was one of Jehovah's servants who through faith "routed the armies of foreigners. " When appropriate, they too may be exposed to local needs in the Service Meeting. Kan vi som tjänar Jehova själva ta åt oss äran för att vi har funnit sanningen? That would create an unwholesome state of affairs - one similar to that once existing among Christians in ancient Corinth. Can we as Jehovah's servants take credit for finding the truth? Vandra på den. " Consider: If we had to preach to a thousand indifferent or opposed people in order to reach a single sheeplike individual, would that not be worth the effort? Walk in it. " Samarias invånare fick ta de tragiska konsekvenserna av att de vägrade att vandra på Jehovas rätta vägar. • How is it possible to "put on the Lord Jesus Christ "? Samaria's inhabitants received tragic consequences from refusing to walk in Jehovah's upright ways. Förbundet med David specificerar ytterligare vilken släktlinje den huvudsakliga avkomman skulle framträda i. Det ger honom också rätten att härska över jorden, så att riket kan göra bestående nytta. He had disembarked at Miletus, a port on the Aegean Sea, and had sent for the elders of the Ephesus congregation. The covenant with David adds further the line of descent of the primary seed, which gives him the opportunity to rule over the earth, to make lasting benefits. b) När bör de äldste börja öva blivande biträdande tjänare och äldste? If you have been studying with Jehovah's Witnesses, enjoying spiritual association with them, but you have yet to take the vital steps of dedication and baptism, ask yourself, " Why should I hesitate? ' (b) When should elders begin to train prospective ministerial servants and elders? Vi vet att andra trogna tjänare till Gud gjorde det. 24: 44. 1, 2. (a) What events foretold in Bible prophecy can be compared to an attack by a tiger? We know that other faithful servants of God did so. Hur vi bygger upp kärlek till de sanningar vi lär oss By that time, Noah and Job had been dead for centuries, and their record of faithfulness was in God's memory. Building Love for the Truth Debora uppmuntrade Barak att handla som Israels ledare som Gud utsett, och han var en av Jehovas tjänare som genom tro " jagade härar av främlingar på flykten ." Do You Recall? Deborah encouraged Barak to act as Israel's leader whom God appointed, and he was one of Jehovah's servants who through faith "the armies of strangers on the road. " Det skulle skapa problem, och det skulle kunna bli ungefär som det en gång var bland de kristna i det forntida Korinth. ▪ Live in Harmony With the Model Prayer - Part I It could create problems, and it could be similar to that once among Christians in ancient Corinth. Tänk på detta: Om vi för att kunna nå en enda fårlik individ var tvungna att predika för tusen som var likgiltiga eller motståndare, skulle det då inte vara värt ansträngningen? We are concerned about people who have been blinded spiritually but seem to have a love of righteousness. Consider this: If we are to reach one sheep, would we not be worth the effort to preach to a thousand people who were apathetic or opposers? • Hur är det möjligt att " ikläda " sig " Herren Jesus Kristus "? What satanic lie must we continually resist, and what divine truth must we ever ponder? • How is it possible to "put on the Lord Jesus Christ "? Han hade gått i land i Miletos, en hamnstad vid Egeiska havet, och sänt bud efter de äldste i församlingen i Efesos. Continue Practicing What You Have Learned He had gone in land in Miletus, a sea on the Philistine sea, and sent commandments to the elders in Ephesus. Om du har studerat tillsammans med Jehovas vittnen och glatt dig åt andlig samvaro med dem men ännu inte tagit de viktiga steg som överlämnande och dop utgör, bör du fråga dig själv: Varför tvekar jag? Impatience can be dangerous, for it can cause us to behave rashly. If you have studied with Jehovah's Witnesses and joyfully for spiritual association with them but yet not yet took the important steps that dedication and baptism, ask yourself: " Why am I hesitant? 1, 2. a) Vilka händelser som är förutsagda i Bibeln kan jämföras med en tigerattack? For example, a fellow prophet named Urijah was busy delivering warnings against Jerusalem and Judah "in accord with all the words of Jeremiah. " 1, 2. (a) What events foretold in God's Word can be compared to a figurative picture? Då hade det gått flera hundra år sedan Noa och Job dog, men Jehova kom fortfarande ihåg deras trohet. Are young ones today invited to congregate in order to worship Jehovah? Although centuries had passed since Noah and Job died, Jehovah continued to remember their faithfulness. Minns du? Yes, Solomon was famous for his wisdom, and he urged us to acquire it. Do You Recall? ▪ Mönsterbönen - hur påverkar den ditt liv? The fifth poem portrays the inhabitants of Jerusalem as speaking. ▪ Live in Harmony With the Model Prayer - How Does It Affect Your Life? Vi bryr oss om människor som är andligt förblindade men som ändå verkar älska rättfärdighet. • How can we strengthen our appreciation of our spiritual paradise and our hope for an earthly paradise? We care for people who are spiritually blind but who seem to love righteousness. Vilken satanisk lögn måste vi hela tiden tillbakavisa, och vilken sanning från Gud måste vi alltid begrunda? Those Bible Students were zealous! What satanic lie must we constantly reject, and what truth from God must we always consider? Fortsätt att tillämpa det du har lärt dig [ Picture on page 12] Keep On Applying What You Learn Det kan vara farligt att vara otålig, eftersom det kan göra att man inte tänker sig för. (Read John 14: 6, 21.) It can be dangerous to be impatient because it can prevent a person from thinking about himself. En medprofet vid namn Urija frambar till exempel varningar till Jerusalem och Juda " i överensstämmelse med alla Jeremias ord ." What do you think that land was like? - Deuteronomy 3: 25 - 27. For example, a missionary named Ur offered warnings to Jerusalem and Judah "in accord with all the words of Jeremiah. " Inbjuds de unga i dag att samlas för att tillbe Jehova? Throughout his earthly ministry, Jesus taught others what his Father had taught him and reflected in his actions the qualities that his Father had nurtured in him. Are young people today gathered together to worship Jehovah? Ja, Salomo var känd för sin vishet, och han uppmuntrade oss att också vara visa. They are steadfastly putting God's Kingdom and pure worship first in life, even ahead of material concerns. Yes, Solomon was known for his wisdom, and he encouraged us to be wise too. I den femte dikten är det Jerusalems invånare som talar. Consider the case of Toru, from Japan. In the fifth psalm, Jerusalem's inhabitants speak are the inhabitants of Jerusalem. • Hur kan vi öka vår uppskattning av vårt andliga paradis och styrka vårt hopp om ett jordiskt paradis? Michelle: Think again of your mother. • How can we deepen our appreciation for our spiritual paradise and strengthen our hope for an earthly paradise? Bibelforskarna var verkligen nitiska! " Even the hairs of your head are all numbered " by him. How zealous the Bible Students were! (Läs Johannes 14: 6, 21.) But as in Esther's day, Jehovah will provide "relief and deliverance " for his worshippers. - Ezekiel 38: 16 - 23; Esther 4: 14. (Read John 14: 6, 21.) Hur tror du att landet såg ut? They limit their expressions of affection. They make use of chaperons and carefully avoid being alone together in isolated places. How do you think the land was viewed? Under hela sin jordiska tjänst lärde Jesus andra det hans Fader hade lärt honom, och i hans gärningar kom de egenskaper till uttryck som hans Fader hade hjälpt honom att utveckla. What sort of persons indeed! Throughout his earthly ministry, Jesus taught others what his Father had taught him, and in his works the qualities that his Father had helped him to develop. De låter beslutsamt Guds rike och den rena tillbedjan komma först i livet, före materiella intressen. It puts before us the prospect of being "set free from enslavement to corruption " and eventually gaining" the glorious freedom of the children of God. " They take decisive action against God's Kingdom and the pure worship to come first in their life, before material interests. Ja, det Toru från Japan var med om visar det. Clearly, Jehovah blessed David's strategy. Yes, depression from Japan shows this. Mikaela: Om vi tänker på din mamma igen. ▪ How Jehovah Draws Close to Us Michelle: If we consider your mother again. Han vet till och med hur många hårstrån vi har på huvudet. Although each slave received a different number, the master expected all of them to be diligent in using the talents, that is, in serving to the best of their ability in the ministry. He is even aware of the number of our heads. Men precis som på Esters tid kommer Jehova att ge sina tillbedjare " hjälp och befrielse ." Daniel and his three Hebrew companions in Babylon never forgot their identity as servants of Jehovah, and even under pressure and temptation, they kept their integrity. As in Esther's day, however, Jehovah will provide "the help and deliverance of his worshipers. " De begränsar sina ömhetsbetygelser, de har med sig någon annan som förkläde, och de är noga med att inte vara ensamma i avskilda miljöer. Significant developments and earthshaking events are ahead of us. They limit their expressions of affection to others, and they are careful not to be lonely in an environment. Ja, det är detta slag av människor vi måste vara! Like Jesus ' apostles, you must search for people who are willing to listen and to be taught Scriptural truth. Yes, it is that kind of people we must be! Den ger oss hoppet om att vi i framtiden ska göras fria " från slaveriet under förgängelsen " och så småningom " uppnå Guds barns härliga frihet ." (b) What equalizing of finances is taking place among God's people? It gives us the hope that we will be set free from enslavement to corruption and eventually "have the glorious freedom of the children of God. " Det var tydligt att Jehova välsignade Davids strategi. How can we show our love for God's Word? Clearly, Jehovah blessed David's strategy. ▪ Hur närmar sig Jehova oss? The time has come for the fulfillment of his words to his disciples: "The Son of man must undergo many sufferings and be rejected by the older men and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised up. " - Luke 9: 22, 44. ▪ How does Jehovah draw close to us? Även om inte alla fick lika många talenter, förväntade deras herre ändå att de skulle förvalta pengarna efter bästa förmåga. På liknande sätt förväntade Jesus att hans smorda efterföljare skulle göra sitt bästa i predikoarbetet. Clearly, Jesus intended the parable recorded at Matthew 25: 1 - 13 as counsel and a warning to his anointed followers. While not all of them received as many talents, the master expected them to administer the money to the best of their ability. Jesus expected his anointed followers to do their best in the preaching work. Daniel och hans tre hebreiska kamrater i Babylon glömde inte sin identitet som tjänare åt Jehova, och de bevarade sin ostrafflighet till och med under stora påtryckningar och frestelser. It may even be that you have met people in your ministry who have stated that while they disagree with our beliefs, they respect us for the work we do. Daniel and his three Hebrew companions in Babylon did not forget their identity as servants of Jehovah, even under great pressure and temptations. Framför oss ligger viktiga och världsomskakande händelser. 14, 15. Above all, we are vital and uncertain events. Precis som Jesu apostlar måste du leta efter människor som är villiga att lyssna och bli undervisade om Bibelns sanning. MEMORIAL ATTENDANCE (2017) Like Jesus ' apostles, you need to search for people who are willing to listen and to learn Bible truth. b) Vilken " utjämning " har vi sett bland Guds folk? He recognized that Jehovah had dealt well with him. (b) What " root "has we seen among God's people? " Hur kan vi visa att vi älskar Guds ord? The same is true today. How can we show our love for God's Word? Tiden har kommit för uppfyllelsen av hans ord till lärjungarna: " Människosonen måste utstå många lidanden och bli förkastad av de äldste och de främsta prästerna och de skriftlärda och bli dödad och bli uppväckt på tredje dagen. " They should remember that all humans, including judges, are accountable to Jehovah God and Jesus Christ. The time has come for the fulfillment of his words to the disciples: "The Son of man must suffer many sufferings and be rejected by the older men and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised up. " Vi förstår alltså att varningen och råden i Matteus 25: 1 - 13 riktar sig till Jesus smorda efterföljare. Bethel family members serve in a branch office or a translation office to assist in providing literature or direction in lands under the oversight of a branch. Clearly, then, we understand that the warning and the counsel found at Matthew 25: 1 - 13 applies to Jesus ' anointed followers. Du kanske till och med har mött människor i tjänsten som sagt att även om de inte tror som vi gör, så respekterar de oss för det arbete vi utför. A child cannot understand the full meaning of sexual acts, nor can a child imagine the consequences that will follow over the years. You may even have faced people in your ministry who said that even if they do not believe, they respect the work we do. 14, 15. ▪ Work to Enhance the Spiritual Paradise 14, 15. NÄRVARANDE VID MINNESHÖGTIDEN (2017) TRY THIS: The next time you speak with your former spouse, watch for signs that either of you is becoming defensive or inflexible. MEMORIAL ATTENDANCE (2016) Han insåg att Jehova hade varit omtänksam mot honom. Jehovah's Witnesses appreciate efforts to provide quality medical care, and they weigh the risk / benefit ratio of any treatment. He realized that Jehovah had dealt kindly with him. Detta är lika sant i vår tid. During the 2007 district convention program, a 192 - page book entitled "Come Be My Follower " was released. That is as true today. De bör komma ihåg att alla människor, också domare, är ansvariga inför Jehova Gud och Jesus Kristus. 12, 13. They should remember that all humans, including judges, are accountable to Jehovah God and Jesus Christ. Beteliter arbetar på avdelningskontor och översättningskontor, vilka förser oss med litteratur och anvisningar för tjänsten. We do everything in our power to maintain peace with our brothers, even when we feel that we have been misunderstood or treated unfairly. Bethel members work at branch offices and remote translation offices, which provide us with literature and instructions for the ministry. Ett barn kan inte förstå den fulla innebörden av sexuella handlingar, och inte heller kan ett barn föreställa sig vilka konsekvenserna blir längre fram. (Read Luke 21: 19, 34 - 36.) A child cannot fully understand the full significance of sexual conduct, nor can a child imagine the consequences later. ▪ Bidra till skönheten i det andliga paradiset (1) He focused on God's Kingdom and on Jesus Christ. ▪ Share in the Spiritual Paradise PRÖVA DET HÄR: Nästa gång du talar med ditt ex kan du vara uppmärksam på om någon av er hamnar i försvarsställning eller blir omedgörlig. That wisdom is perfectly trustworthy. ◆ THIS: Nearly once you speak to your ex - Witness brother, you can be attentive to someone of you in the truth or if you are hesitant about to act. Jehovas vittnen uppskattar läkares ansträngningar att ge god medicinsk vård, och de väger nyttan av en behandling mot riskerna med den. Thus, they maintain strict neutrality in political matters, even if some people view them as strangely out of place in today's society. Jehovah's Witnesses appreciate the efforts of doctors to provide good medical care, and they use the benefits of a treatment toward the risks. Under områdessammankomsten 2007 utgavs en 192 - sidig bok med titeln " Kom, bli min efterföljare ." Remembering this will keep us from being self - assuming. - Matthew 26: 33 - 35, 69 - 75. During the 2007 district convention, a vision was released - page book with the title "Come, be my follower. " 12, 13. " Unless Jehovah guards the city, it is in vain that the guard stays awake. " - PS. 127: 1b. 12, 13. Vi gör allt vi kan för att bevara friden, även när vi känner oss missförstådda eller orättvist behandlade. The Watchtower is now published in 195 languages. We do all we can to pursue peace, even when we are confronted with injustice or injustice. (Läs Lukas 21: 19, 34 - 36.) What factor was not involved in making the decision regarding circumcision, and what shows that Jehovah's blessing was upon the decision? (Read Luke 21: 19, 34 - 36.) 1) Han inriktade sig på Guds kungarike och Jesus Kristus. So take a long, honest look at yourself. (1) He focused on God's Kingdom and Jesus Christ. Denna vishet är fullständigt tillförlitlig. After the Flood, there was a saying: "Just like Nimrod a mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah. " This wisdom is complete. De är därför strikt neutrala i politiska frågor, trots att det får somliga att tycka att de är lite underliga och inte passar in i dagens samhälle. John commends Gaius for "doing a faithful work " in assisting visiting brothers. Thus, they maintain strict neutrality in political issues, even though some may feel that they are somewhat restrictive and are not fit to fit in today's society. Om vi tänker på detta, kommer vi inte att vara självgoda. These "pangs of distress " correspond to what took place in Jerusalem and Judea from 33 C.E. to 66 C.E. If we consider these things, we will not be self - centered. " Om inte Jehova vaktar staden vakar väktaren förgäves. " [ Picture on page 16] " Unless Jehovah is guarding the city, the watchman is keeping in vain. " - PS. Vakttornet ges nu ut på 195 språk. One wise counselor long encouraged young people to get to know the parents of their prospective marriage mate as well as to observe carefully that one's interaction with parents and other family members. The Watchtower is now published in whole - language languages. Vilken faktor var inte inbegripen när man fattade beslutet om omskärelsen, och vad visar att beslutet hade Jehovas välsignelse? On the night of the first Lord's Evening Meal, Jesus prayed that his followers would all be united and that they would enjoy the same unity that he and his Father treasure. What factor was not involved in making the decision regarding circumcision, and what shows that the decision had Jehovah's blessing? Gör därför en ingående och ärlig granskning av dig själv. (See opening image.) (b) Why did Moses not fear the anger of the king? Therefore, make an honest and honest appraisal of yourself. Efter syndafloden fanns ett talesätt som löd: " Alldeles som Nimrod, en väldig jägare i opposition mot Jehova. " Loyally Supporting Christ's Brothers After the Flood, there was a talk that said: "Just as Nimrod, a mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah. " Johannes berömmer Gajus för att han " utför ett troget arbete " med att hjälpa bröder som besöker församlingen han tillhör. (b) What increases have there been in recent years? John commends Gaius for " doing a faithfully work " in helping brothers to visit the congregation. Dessa " nödens våndor " motsvarar det som hände i Jerusalem och Judeen mellan år 33 och 66 v.t. He executed them. Those "pangs of distress " correspond to what happened in Jerusalem and Judea between 33 C.E. and 66 C.E. [ Bild på sidan 16] When attending circuit assemblies, a brother who serves at Bethel has made it his custom to speak with baptism candidates before the program. [ Picture on page 16] En förståndig rådgivare uppmanade under många år ungdomar att lära känna föräldrarna till sin tilltänkta äktenskapspartner och också noga iaktta hur han eller hon kommer överens med sina föräldrar och andra familjemedlemmar. From whom do the kings of the earth receive duties or head tax? For many years, a wise counselor urged young ones to get to know the parents of his prospective mate and also carefully observe how he or she goes along with his parents and other family members. Den kväll Jesus instiftade Herrens kvällsmåltid bad han till Jehova att alla hans efterföljare skulle vara eniga och känna samma nära gemenskap som han och hans Far känner. " EVERY good gift and every perfect present is from above, for it comes down from the Father of the celestial lights, " wrote the disciple James. On that night, Jesus instituted the Lord's Evening Meal, praying to Jehovah that all his followers would be united in unity with him and his Father. (Se bilden här ovan.) b) Varför var Mose inte rädd för farao? What is it? (See opening image.) (b) Why was Moses not afraid of Pharaoh? Vi vill lojalt stödja Kristus bröder Why should we not become overly anxious about the future? We loyally support Christ's Brothers b) Vilken ökning har vi sett de senaste åren? Some may think so. (b) What increase have we seen the past years? Han avrättade dem. After I attended the Bible School for Single Brothers, I received a new pioneer assignment. He executed them. En broder som är på Betel brukar ofta gå fram till dem som ska bli döpta vid kretssammankomster och prata med dem innan programmet börjar. Consider these three important factors: A brother who serves at Bethel often draws out to those who will get baptized at their circuit work and talk to them before the program begins. Av vilka uppbär jordens kungar tullar eller huvudskatt? The furthest they go in this direction is to lash their rulers with spirited censure or to baffle them by flight. From whom do the kings of the earth receive the ransom sacrifice of the earth or the tax collector? " VARJE god gåva och varje fullkomlig gåva kommer från ovan, ty den kommer ner från himlaljusens Fader ," skrev lärjungen Jakob. See Willi Diehl's life story, "Jehovah Is My God, in Whom I Will Trust, " in the November 1, 1991, issue of The Watchtower. " EVERY good gift and every perfect present is from above, for it comes down from the Father of the celestial lights, " wrote the disciple James. Vad kan det vara? Faced with the discomforts of the wilderness and fearful of the Canaanites, however, the gratitude of God's people was replaced by a spirit of discontent. What can that be? Varför behöver vi inte vara överdrivet oroade för framtiden? It will also show us why God's people can face the great tribulation with full confidence. Why should we not be unduly anxious about the future? Somliga kanske tror det. This yoke exists in God's sight regardless of the laws that sanctioned the wedding. Some may think that. Jag kom in på Bibelskolan för ogifta bröder, och sedan blev jag skickad som pionjär till en annan församling. Jesus knew that his teachings would divide people and that those who follow him would need courage to do so in the face of opposition. I attended the Bible School for Single Brothers, and then I became a pioneer to another congregation. Här följer tre viktiga saker: 28: 12, 13 - What was the significance of Jacob's dream involving "a ladder "? Consider three important points: Det längsta de går i den vägen är att rikta skarp kritik mot sina härskare eller göra dem frustrerade genom att fly. How do you view those trends? The longest they walk in that way is to appeal to sharp criticism toward their ruler or to make them frustrated by fleeing. Se Willi Diehls levnadsskildring " Jehova är min Gud, som jag skall förtrösta på " i Vakttornet för 1 november 1991. As shown in the preceding article, Jesus instituted this observance, also called the Lord's Evening Meal, after he and his apostles celebrated the Passover on Nisan 14, 33 C.E. See Abraham's life story, "Jehovah Is My God, whom I will trust in " in The Watchtower of November 1, 1982, issue of The Watchtower. Men när de nu konfronterades med svårigheterna i vildmarken och började känna fruktan för kanaanéerna förvandlades deras tacksamhet till en känsla av missnöje. WHAT: Select the proper words However, as they were confronted with calamity in the wilderness and began to fear the Canaanites, their gratitude for a sense of discontent turned their gratitude for the Canaanites. Vi ska också se varför vi kan känna oss helt trygga när den stora vedermödan bryter ut. Instead of looking to Jehovah for help in dealing with these hardships, however, they started to "call down evil " on their king and on their God. We will also see why we can feel secure when the great tribulation strikes. I Guds ögon är de förenade med varandra, oavsett vad landets lagar säger. They would likely wonder whether the God of their forefathers could deliver them. In God's eyes, they are united with one another regardless of what the laws of the land say. Jesus var medveten om att det han lärde ut skulle skapa en klyfta mellan människor. Why, none other than anointed Christians, the genuine wheat that Jesus referred to in his illustration of the wheat and the weeds! Jesus was aware that what he taught would create a distinction between humans. 28: 12, 13 - Vad betydde Jakobs dröm om " en stege "? He drew to himself and his Son many individuals who from a human standpoint might have seemed to be undesirable. 28: 12, 13 - What did Jacob's dream of "a step "? Hur ser du på den här utvecklingen? We gain the love and support of the congregation. How do you view such developments? Som det visades i föregående artikel instiftade Jesus detta högtidlighållande, som också kallas Herrens kvällsmåltid, sedan han och hans apostlar firat påsken den 14 nisan år 33 v.t. What do you think about the scope of our preaching activity? As shown in the preceding article, Jesus instituted this observance, also called the Lord's Evening Meal after he and his apostles celebrated the Passover on Nisan 14, 33 C.E. VAD: Välj de rätta orden Hence, when you face temptation to do something that you know is bad in God's eyes, remember that in the long run, what Jehovah asks of you is always in your best interests. WHAT: Choose the correct words I stället började de " nedkalla ont över sin kung och över sin Gud ." (Read Galatians 3: 19 - 25.) Instead, they "began calling down evil upon their king and over their God. " De skulle säkert undra om deras förfäders Gud verkligen kunde befria dem. Do you not agree? They will no doubt wonder whether the God of their forefathers could truly deliver them. Det kan inte vara några andra än de smorda kristna, det äkta vete som Jesus talade om i sin liknelse om vetet och ogräset. But understanding how much damage pornography can do to us will help us to develop a loathing for it. It cannot be any other than anointed Christians, the genuine wheat that Jesus spoke about in his parable of the wheat and the weeds. Många av dem som han drog både till sig själv och till sin son var sådana som inte stod så högt i kurs i människors ögon. Balance is needed in determining what kind of honor should be rendered to other humans and to what extent. Most imperfect humans are strongly influenced by the spirit of Satan's world. Many of those whom he drew both to himself and to his son were not so lofty in the eyes of men. Vi får kärlek och stöd i församlingen. How does 1 Peter 5: 8 point out one reason for human suffering? We enjoy love and support within the congregation. Hur skulle du vilja kommentera omfattningen av vårt predikoarbete? Its objective is to make a profit, mainly through advertising. How would you like to pay attention to the scope of our preaching work? Så när du frestas att göra något som du vet att Jehova tycker är fel, kom då ihåg att det som han begär av dig alltid är till ditt eget bästa i det långa loppet. As is evident in creation, Jehovah lovingly set boundaries. So when tempted to do something that you know Jehovah is wrong, remember that what he asks of you is always for your own good in the long run. (Läs Galaterna 3: 19 - 25.) Of course, a flesh - and - blood human cannot literally take a walk with Jehovah, a spirit being. (Read Galatians 3: 19 - 25.) Håller du inte med om det? Her teacher was so impressed that she had Alexa read the letter out loud to her own class and to two other classes as well! Do you not agree? Men om vi förstår hur stor skada pornografi kan åstadkomma i vårt liv får vi hjälp att avsky det. • What reasons do we have for honoring our fellow believers? On the other hand, if we understand how much damage pornography can result in our lives, we will be helped to reject it. Vi vet att andra förtjänar vår respekt, men vi behöver ha gott omdöme när det gäller hur vi visar den och i vilken omfattning. What was often included in the promises of deliverance, and how did this affect faithful people in Israel? We know that others deserve our respect, but we need discernment when it comes to showing it and on what extent. Vilken orsak till mänskligt lidande framhåller 1 Petrus 5: 8? Some time during that third year of Cyrus, Daniel received a vision of the march of world powers that culminates in the coming great tribulation. 1 Peter 5: 8 highlights what reason for human suffering? Idén är att tjäna pengar, främst genom annonsering. What do you do? The choice is to make money, first by means of it. Han har kärleksfullt fastställt naturlagar och morallagar för att allt ska fungera på ett harmoniskt sätt. November 21 - 27, 2011 He has lovingly established the laws and laws of nature to function harmoniously. En människa av kött och blod kan naturligtvis inte bokstavligt talat vandra med Jehova, som är en ande. Why do we have no reason to despair while cultivating self - control? Of course, a person of flesh and blood cannot literally walk with Jehovah, who is a spirit. Alexas lärarinna var imponerad och lät henne läsa brevet högt för sin egen klass och även för två andra klasser! After Jonah is resurrected, he will learn that Jesus compared His own time in the tomb to this dark period in the prophet's life. The teacher's teaching was impressed and allowed her to read the letter to her own class and even to two others! • Vilka skäl har vi till att ära våra medtroende? At that, a policeman exclaimed: "But we told you this morning! " • What reasons do we have for honoring fellow believers? Vad var ofta inbegripet i löftena om befrielse, och hur påverkades trogna människor i Israel av detta? [ Pictures on page 31] What was often involved in the promises of deliverance, and how did faithful humans in Israel respond? Någon gång under Cyrus tredje regeringsår fick Daniel i en syn se raden av världsvälden, vilka får sitt slut i den kommande stora vedermödan. The second article examines this vital question: Who are the few through whom Christ feeds us today? Some time during Cyrus ' third reign, Daniel received a vision of world powers, which will end in the coming great tribulation. Vad gör du? He told Moses: "Unquestionably I have seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt, and I have heard their outcry as a result of those who drive them to work; because I well know the pains they suffer. What do you do? 21 - 27 november 2011 Now he participates in a prophetic act as an encouragement to those who are restoring God's temple. November 21 - 27, 2011 Varför har vi inte orsak att misströsta när vi uppodlar självbehärskning? But when his heart became haughty..., he was brought down from the throne of his kingdom, and his own dignity was taken away from him.... Why should we not despair when cultivating self - control? När Jona blir uppväckt, kommer han att få veta att Jesus jämförde sin egen tid i graven med denna mörka period i profetens liv. 4: 6 - 8. When Jonah is resurrected, he will learn that Jesus compared his own time in the grave with that dark period in the life of the prophet. Då utbrast polismannen: " Men det sade vi ju till er i morse! " We will consider how to (1) ask questions that draw the person out, (2) reason on what the Scriptures say, and (3) use illustrations to drive home our point. The Devil exclaimed: "But that we said to you in the mother! " [ Bilder på sidan 31] Even if wrong desires are deeply rooted and tend to crowd out our chaste thoughts, Jehovah can guide our steps so that we can obey his commandments and succeed in living by them. [ Pictures on page 31] Och den andra behandlar den viktiga frågan: Vilka är de få som Kristus använder för att ge oss andlig mat i vår tid? And, as if to emphasize the point, it featured not just one such worldwide conflict, but two. " And the second discusses the important question: Who are the few through whom Christ is feeding us today? Han sade till Mose: " Jag har helt visst sett betrycket hos mitt folk som är i Egypten, och jag har hört deras höga rop över dem som driver dem till arbete; ty jag känner till de smärtor de lider. We can readily understand his reason for not wanting to be extremely poor. He told Moses: "I well have seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt, and I have heard their outcry as a result of those who drive them to work; because I well know the pains they suffer. Men därefter gjorde han något som andra kunde se och som blev till uppmuntran för dem som arbetade med tempelbygget. • What is accomplished by our preaching work, even in less responsive territories? Then he did something that others could see and became a source of encouragement to those who worked at the temple. Men när hans hjärta blev högmodigt..., störtades han ner från sitt kungarikes tron, och hans värdighet togs ifrån honom. " I will bless Jehovah at all times; constantly his praise will be in my mouth. " But when his heart became haughty..., he cut down from the throne of his kingdom, and his dignity was taken away from him. 4: 6 - 8. ARTICLE 1 4: 6 - 8. Vi ska se hur man kan 1) ställa frågor som får andra att öppna sig, 2) resonera kring vad Bibeln säger och 3) använda illustrationer som hjälper andra att fatta tanken. Millions of people "out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues " have adjusted their thinking to conform to" the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. " Let us consider how we might (1) ask others to open up, (2) reason on what the Bible says and (3) use illustrations that help others to grasp the point. Så även om vi kämpar med starka omoraliska begär kan Jehova hjälpa oss att få en ännu starkare önskan att lyda honom och göra det som är rätt. Another man who put Jehovah's service first was the prophet Jeremiah. So even if we struggle with strong immoral desires, Jehovah can help us to strengthen our desire to obey him and to do what is right. Och detta understryks av att det förekom inte bara en sådan världsomfattande konflikt, utan två. " We can be successful in our spiritual warfare against the Devil and the wicked spirit forces under his direction. And this underscores that there occurred not only such a global conflict but two. " Det är lätt att förstå varför han inte ville vara extremt fattig. What is it? It is easy to understand why he did not want to be extremely poor. • Vad leder vårt predikoarbete till, även på distrikt där intresset inte är så stort? How is Jehovah teaching us today, and how will this education continue in the future? • What is the result of our preaching work, even in territories where there is little response? " Jag vill välsigna Jehova vid alla tider, ständigt skall hans lovprisning vara i min mun. " This is possible if we " keep on walking and living by spirit, ' for then we will not be overcome by wrong fleshly desires and will not manifest ungodly traits. " I will bless Jehovah at all times, constantly his praise will be in my mouth. " - PS. SIDAN 5 13, 14. ARTICLE 5 Miljoner människor " ur alla nationer och stammar och folk och språk " har ändrat sitt tänkesätt så att det kommer i linje med " Guds goda och välbehagliga och fullkomliga vilja ." The "star " had a key in his hand with which he opened the shaft of an abyss. Millions "out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues " have changed their thinking in line with" the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. " Jeremia satte också tjänsten för Jehova främst i livet. • What confidence can we have regarding Jehovah's future actions? Jeremiah also put Jehovah's service first in his life. Vi kan vara framgångsrika i vår andliga krigföring mot Djävulen och de onda andemakterna, som behärskas av honom. What prevented Joseph from succumbing to her repeated advances? We can be successful in our spiritual warfare against the Devil and the wicked spirit forces under control. Vad är det för innebörd? We must take seriously the admonition to marry "only in the Lord. " - 1 Corinthians 7: 39. What is that meaning? Vilken undervisning får vi av Jehova i vår tid, och hur kommer han att fortsätta att undervisa oss i framtiden? Women Who Cared About Others What instruction does Jehovah provide today, and how will he continue to teach us in the future? Detta är möjligt om vi fortsätter att vandra och leva " genom ande ," för då kommer vi inte att övervinnas av orätta köttsliga begär och visa ogudaktiga egenskaper. So I very quickly learned to look after myself. " This is possible if we continue to walk and live "through spirit, " for then we will not be overcome by wrong fleshly desires and display ungodly qualities. 13, 14. These psalms, called Songs of the Ascents, were probably sung as the Israelites traveled up to Jerusalem for the observance of their annual festivals. 13, 14. Stjärnan hade en nyckel i sin hand, och med den öppnade han " avgrundens brunn ." Consider how Jesus dealt with his apostles ' shortcomings, especially their inclination to argue among themselves over position. The builders had a key in his hand, and he opened it "the well of the abyss. " • Vilken tillförsikt kan vi ha beträffande Jehovas handlingar i framtiden? They should have acknowledged the King immediately and rendered him full obedience. • What confidence can we have regarding Jehovah's actions in the future? Vad hjälpte Josef att stå emot hennes inviter? It seems, however, that not all who have been called to a heavenly hope since the 1930 ' s are replacements for ones who have fallen away. What helped Joseph to resist her advances? De kristna måste ta allvarligt på förmaningen att gifta sig " bara... i Herren ." His question about escaping from Gehenna showed that those religious leaders as a class were fit for everlasting destruction. - Matt. Christians need to take seriously the admonition to marry "only in the Lord. " Kvinnor som hade omsorg om andra (Read Psalm 51: 11, 17.) Women Who Had Care for Others Så jag lärde mig snabbt att klara mig själv. " Of course, life itself is a great blessing. So I quickly learned to deal with myself quickly. " Dessa psalmer, som kallas vallfartssånger, sjöngs troligen när israeliterna drog upp till Jerusalem för att fira de årliga högtiderna. His name is Abram, later changed to Abraham. These psalms, called their choice of choice, probably sang when the Israelites went up to Jerusalem to celebrate the annual festivals. Vad skulle du ha tänkt om apostlarna om du hade varit där och sett dem? The unintentional manslayer had to remain in the city of refuge until the high priest's death. - Num. What would you have thought of the apostles if you had been there and saw them? De borde omedelbart ha erkänt kungen och gett honom sin fulla lydnad. What should you do if you feel that you have a weak voice or perhaps a voice that is too high - pitched? They should immediately have acknowledged the king and gave him their full obedience. Men det förefaller som om inte alla som fått den himmelska kallelsen sedan 1930 - talet är ersättare för sådana som avfallit. Keeping what in mind can help us give God our best? However, it seems that not everyone who received the heavenly calling since the 1930 ' s is subjected to such ones as apostate. Hans fråga om de kunde fly från Gehenna visade att dessa religiösa ledare som klass betraktade förtjänade evig tillintetgörelse. Do not hold back! His question if they were to flee from Gehenna showed that these religious leaders who deserved eternal destruction. (Läs Psalm 51: 11, 17.) True, none of us have perfect self - control. But a dedicated adult Christian who falls into the sin of child sexual abuse reveals an unnatural fleshly weakness. (Read Psalm 51: 11, 17.) Livet är naturligtvis i sig självt en stor välsignelse. [ Footnote] Of course, life itself is a great blessing. Han heter Abram, men längre fram ändras hans namn till Abraham. However, even if we lack convenient means of travel and must walk great distances, we put forth the effort needed to make disciples. - Matt. 28: 19, 20. He named Abram, but later his name to Abraham is changing. Men han var tvungen att stanna kvar i staden så länge översteprästen levde. As is indicated by the phrase "a sharp burst of anger, " the disagreement between Paul and Barnabas was sudden and intense. However, he had to stay in the city as long as the high priest was alive. Vad kan man göra om man tycker att ens röst är för svag eller för ljus? Because Jesus truly loved his heavenly Father, he was delighted to do God's will and found it deeply satisfying to present his body as a sacrifice. What can you do if you feel that your voice is weak or too light? Vad kan hjälpa oss att göra vårt bästa för Gud? First, Nehemiah's enemies tried to deceive him. What can help us to do our best to God? Håll dig inte tillbaka! [ Picture on page 29] Do not hold back! Det är visserligen sant att ingen av oss kan behärska sig helt och fullt, men en överlämnad vuxen kristen som gör sig skyldig till en så svår synd som sexuellt övervåld mot barn röjer en onaturlig köttslig svaghet. In modern times, sincere students of the Bible have learned from the inspired Scriptures that this system is doomed to destruction. Granted, none of us may be able to control themselves fully, but a dedicated Christian who has committed himself to an extremely difficult sin that sexually immoral children with unnatural weakness. [ Fotnot] You too can ask God to give you holy spirit. - Luke 11: 13. [ Footnote] Men även om vi inte har bekväma transportmöjligheter och kanske måste gå långa sträckor gör vi det vi kan för att sprida vårt budskap. What do Jesus ' belongings include? Yet, even if we do not have comfortable transportation and may have to travel long hours, we can do so in order to proclaim our message. Motsättningen mellan Paulus och Barnabas uppstod plötsligt och blev skarp. For instance, the patriarch Job stated: "A covenant I have concluded with my eyes. " The objective between Paul and Barnabas suddenly arose and became sharp. Eftersom Jesus verkligen älskade sin himmelske Fader var han glad över att få göra Guds vilja och fann djup tillfredsställelse i att få frambära sin kropp som ett offer. And he will not do so, for we have this Scriptural assurance: "God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, but along with the temptation he will also make the way out in order for you to be able to endure it. " - 1 Corinthians 10: 13. Because Jesus truly loved his heavenly Father, he was happy to do God's will and found deep satisfaction in offering his body as a sacrifice. För det första försökte Nehemjas fiender lura honom. To maintain strong faith, we must " look intently at Jesus ' and follow his example. First, Nehemiah's enemies tried to deceive Nehemiah. [ Bild på sidan 29] The day was sacred. [ Picture on page 29] I nyare tid har människor som uppriktigt studerar Bibeln, Guds inspirerade ord, lärt sig att den här ordningen är dömd till tillintetgörelse. A Kingdom proclaimer in Denmark who started a Bible study by witnessing over the telephone says: "The service overseer encouraged me to participate in telephone witnessing. In recent times, people who sincerely study the Bible, God's inspired Word, have learned that this order is condemned to destruction. Och du kan också få kraft om du ber Gud om helig ande. What lessons can we learn from the rock badger? And you can also receive strength if you pray for God's holy spirit. Vad ingår i Jesus tillhörigheter? Study Articles 4, 5 PAGES 20 - 28 What does Jesus ' belongings include? Patriarken Job skrev till exempel: " Inget våld är i mina händer. " • How is it possible to regain integrity? For example, the patriarch Job wrote: "No violence is in my hands. " Och det kommer han inte att göra, för vi får följande försäkran i Bibeln: " Gud är trofast, och han skall inte låta er bli frestade utöver vad ni kan tåla, utan tillsammans med frestelsen skall han också bereda utvägen, så att ni kan uthärda den. " They have a spirit like that of the apostle Paul, who told the Corinthians: "We are fellow workers for your joy, for it is by your faith that you are standing. " And he will not do so, for we are given this assurance: "God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, but along with the temptation he will also make the way out in order for you to endure it. " För att bevara en stark tro måste vi se " uppmärksamt " på Jesus och följa hans exempel. He even confiscated her study materials. To maintain strong faith, we must "look intently " at Jesus and follow his example. Denna dag var helig. 1, 2. That day was holy. En Rikets förkunnare i Danmark som satte i gång ett bibelstudium genom att vittna per telefon säger: " Tillsyningsmannen för tjänsten uppmuntrade mig att ta del i telefonvittnande. Do You Recall? A Kingdom publisher who started a Bible study by telephone says: "The overseer encouraged me to share in telephone witnessing. Vad kan vi lära oss av klippgrävlingen? Though this requires a great deal of thought and effort, Kingdom publishers around the world are eagerly doing so. What can we learn from the rock badger? Studieartiklarna 4, 5 SIDORNA 20 - 28 The Bible says: "You, fathers,... go on bringing [your children] up in the discipline and mental - regulating of Jehovah. " Study Articles 4, 5 • Hur kan den som syndat återfå sin ostraffliga ställning? Without this help, where would we be in our understanding of Jehovah's purposes? • How can a sinner regain his integrity? De har en inställning lik den som aposteln Paulus hade. Han sade till korinthierna: " Vi är medarbetare till er glädje, för det är genom er tro ni står. " and the raging wind stops. Jesus is, in effect, commanding the wind and the sea to be quiet and to stay that way. They have an attitude like that of the apostle Paul, who told the Corinthians: "We are fellow workers for your joy, for by your faith you are standing. " Men Eunice lät sig inte avskräckas. Later, on the torture stake, he cried out: "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? " However, Eunice was not washed. 1, 2. What lesson can we learn from the patriarchs? 1, 2. Minns du? 10, 11. Do You Recall? Trots att det kräver både eftertanke och stor ansträngning, är Rikets förkunnare runt om i världen angelägna om att göra detta. (a) Why were additional guidelines needed after the Flood? Although doing this calls for consideration and great effort, Kingdom proclaimers around the world are eager to do so. I Bibeln heter det: " Ni fäder,... fortsätt att uppfostra dem [era barn] i Jehovas tuktan och allvarliga förmaning. " We know that Satan is still "like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone. " The Bible says: "You fathers,... go on bringing them up [your children] in the discipline and mental - regulating of Jehovah. " Hur mycket skulle vi egentligen förstå av Jehovas avsikter utan den hjälpen? David was cut to the heart and accepted counsel. How much would we really understand Jehovah's purpose without that help? Han befaller alltså stormen och sjön att lyda honom. Yet, they persevered because they knew that reading the Holy Scriptures is the right thing to do. So he orders the storm and the sea to obey him. När han senare hängde på tortyrpålen ropade han: " Min Gud, min Gud, varför har du övergett mig? " The descriptive prophecy in Revelation chapter 6 gave reason to expect that after God's Kingdom was established, there would be a rapid deterioration of world conditions - war, food shortage, pestilence, and other causes of death. Later on the torture stake, he cried out: "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? " Vad kan vi lära oss av patriarkerna? You have considered my thought from far off. " What can we learn from the patriarchs? 10, 11. This means that when you hear two voices at the same time, you have to choose which one you will focus on. 10, 11. a) Varför behövdes fler anvisningar efter den stora översvämningen? His fears were well - founded, but Abraham did not let such concerns sidetrack him from obeying Jehovah. (a) Why was more specific instructions needed after the Flood? Vi vet att Satan fortfarande är " som ett rytande lejon " som " söker någon att sluka ." When you humbly apologize and acknowledge your limitations, how may this affect your teenage children? We know that Satan is still "like a roaring lion " seeking to devour someone. David blev förtvivlad och tog emot råd. However, before you can help someone else benefit from the Bible Teach book, you need to become thoroughly familiar with it. David was broken and received counsel. Men de fortsatte eftersom de visste att det är viktigt att göra det. The Creator, who is concerned about life, has a right to restrict what humans do with blood. However, they continued because they knew that doing so is vital. Profetian förutsade att när Guds rike började härska skulle världsförhållandena snabbt bli sämre. Krig, matbrist, allvarliga sjukdomar och annat som orsakar död skulle bli mycket vanligare. Korah and others rebel against Moses and Aaron, but the rebels are destroyed by fire or are swallowed up by the earth. The prophecy foretold that when God's Kingdom began to rule, world conditions quickly become worse. Du ger akt på min tanke fjärran ifrån. " 14: 13, 19. Yield - To What Extent? You have considered my thought from far off. " Hur många olika ljud kan du höra just nu? Förmodligen tänkte du inte på dem alldeles nyss. Eventually, because of Saul's continued efforts to capture and kill him, David determined to seek refuge outside the territory of Israel. - 1 Samuel 18: 11; 19: 9, 10. Very likely, you did not think of them just once again. Han hade all anledning att oroa sig, men han lät sig ändå inte distraheras från att göra Jehovas vilja. In ancient times, the fruit of the mandrake plant was used in medicine as a narcotic and for preventing or relieving spasms. He had every reason to worry, yet he did not allow himself to be distracted from doing Jehovah's will. Vilken effekt kan det få på dina barn att du ödmjukt ber om ursäkt och erkänner dina begränsningar? We might become discouraged or feel that God is slow to fulfill his promises. What effect can it have on your children that you humbly apologize and recognize your limitations? Innan du kan hjälpa någon annan att få nytta av boken Vad lär Bibeln?, måste du själv bli väl förtrogen med den. What action will the angel "with the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand " take against Satan and his demons? Before you can help someone to benefit from the Bible Teach book, you must become familiar with it. Skaparen, som är intresserad av livet, har rätt att göra inskränkningar i fråga om vad människor får göra med blodet. Men Used by God The Creator, who is interested in life, has the right to restrict the blood of humans. Kora och andra gör uppror mot Mose och Aron, men de blir antingen förtärda av eld eller uppslukade av jorden. Hence, among people who do not worship Jehovah God, love continues to grow cold. Korah and others rebel against Moses and Aaron, but they are either consumed by fire or swallowed up the earth. I vilken omfattning skall vi vara fogliga? But Jesus was helping his disciples to realize that undue, or extreme, anxiety does not solve problems. To what extent should we be yielding? På grund av Sauls fortsatta försök att gripa honom och döda honom beslöt han sig till sist för att söka skydd på en plats utanför Israels område. 27 Cultivate Compassion for "All Sorts of People " Because of Saul's continued attempt to arrest him and kill him, Saul finally decided to find refuge in a place outside Israel's territory. I forna tider användes alrunefrukten inom medicinen som ett narkotiskt och kramplösande medel. 12: 47, 48. In ancient times, newss were used in the medicine within which the medicine was like a branding, warm, and comfortable means of communication were used. Vi kan bli missmodiga och tycka att Gud är långsam med att uppfylla sina löften. Those who said that Jesus performed miracles with Satan's power sinned against God's holy spirit We may become discouraged and feel that God is slow to fulfill his promises. Vad kommer ängeln som har " avgrundens nyckel och en stor kedja i sin hand " att göra med Satan och hans demoner? The new disciple then joins us in the harvest work, and we benefit from his assistance. - John 4: 36 - 38. What will the angel who has "the key key of the abyss and a great chain of his hand " do with Satan and his demons? Män som användes av Gud Similarly, some learn to manifest Christian qualities more quickly than others. Men who were used by God Så bland dem som inte tillber Jehova fortsätter kärleken att svalna. For example, as Abraham's flocks and herds increased, tension developed between his herdsmen and those of his nephew Lot. Thus, among those who do not worship Jehovah continue to grow cold. Det Jesus ville att hans lärjungar skulle förstå var att extrem eller överdriven oro aldrig löser några problem. Mauricio: But what if you found out that an evil man had been influencing your son, teaching him to do all those bad things? Jesus wanted his disciples to see that extreme or extreme concern would never solve any problem. 27 Visa medkänsla för " alla slags människor " How can fellow Christians offer invaluable encouragement? 5 Highlights From the Book of Proverbs 12: 47, 48. Indeed, if David had listened to the advice of his men, the king would have been killed. 12: 47, 48. De som sade att det var med hjälp av Satan som Jesus gjorde underverk syndade mot Guds heliga ande Moreover, baptism is an important step for those who want to be saved. Those who said that it was with the help of Satan that Jesus performed miracles against God's holy spirit Men efter ett tag kanske budskapet om riket bär frukt och en ny lärjunge börjar samarbeta med oss i tjänsten. Still, as Jesus mentioned in the Sermon on the Mount, just as fruits reveal the condition of a tree, so our activities demonstrate the true condition of our heart. After a time, however, the Kingdom message may bear fruit and a new disciple begin working with us in the ministry. På liknande sätt är det somliga som är snabbare än andra på att tillägna sig kristna egenskaper. WHEN DOES JESUS ARRIVE, OR COME? Similarly, some are more likely to grasp Christian qualities quickly than others do. När Abrahams boskapshjordar förökades blev förhållandet spänt mellan hans herdar och hans brorson Lots herdar. Let us trust in Jehovah and remember that "anxiety in a man's heart weighs it down, but a good word cheers it up. " As Abraham's family had become strained between his shepherds and his nephew Lot's shepherds. Mattias: Tänk om du fick reda på att din son hade kontakt med en ond man som hade påverkat honom och att allt egentligen var den här mannens fel. What kind of worker was Paul? Mauricio: Suppose you learned that your son had contact with a wicked man who had influenced him and that everything was really wrong. Hur kan medkristna ge ovärderlig uppmuntran? It would mean the loss of the joy and peace that God's spirit produces. How can fellow Christians provide priceless encouragement? Om David hade lyssnat till sina män skulle kungen ha dödats. Let us now analyze what the Scriptures say about the strengths and tactics of our enemy. Had David listened to his men, the king would have been put to death. Dopet är dessutom ett viktigt krav för dem som vill bli räddade. Jesus also manifests this quality. Baptism is also a vital requirement for those desiring salvation. Men i bergspredikan talade Jesus om att våra handlingar visar hur det står till med vårt hjärta, ungefär som frukten på ett träd visar i vilket skick trädet är. JULY 29, 2013 - AUGUST 4, 2013 In the Sermon on the Mount, however, Jesus spoke of our actions as standing with our hearts, as if the fruit of a tree indicates in what its tree is. (Se paragraf 13.) How so? (See paragraph 13) Vi vill därför lita på Jehova och tänka på att " oro i en mans hjärta tynger ner det, men ett gott ord får det att glädja sig ." 16, 17. Let us therefore trust in Jehovah and reflect on "the anxiety of a man's heart, but a good word makes it rejoice. " Vad slags arbetare var Paulus? To direct and organize his people in ancient times, Jehovah used visible representatives. What kind of workers was Paul? Den skulle kunna innebära förlusten av den glädje och frid som Guds ande ger. It impelled him to glorify his Father by the things he did and taught. It could involve the loss of the joy and peace of God's spirit. Vi skall nu se vad Bibeln säger om våra fienders styrka och metoder. Because of the lack of Jehovah's blessing, the supply of wine would be limited - definitely not sufficient to cause intoxication. Let us now consider what the Bible says about our enemies's strength and methods. Jesus har också den här egenskapen. See The Watchtower, July 15, 2013, pages 13 - 14. Jesus too has this quality. 29 JULI 2013 - 4 AUGUSTI 2013 ARTICLE 1 • SONGS: 54, 43 JULY 29, 2013 - AUGUST 4, 2013 Hur då? Never should we forget that the agonizing death Jesus suffered on the torture stake and the even greater agony Jehovah endured in watching his beloved Son's death were proof of their love for us. How? 16, 17. But even the most noble among them do not know their subjects intimately. 16, 17. Apostlarna visste att Jehova hade använt synliga representanter för att leda sitt folk i det flydda. Purpose of Study Articles The apostles knew that Jehovah had used visible representatives to lead his people in the past. Den drev honom att förhärliga sin Fader genom det han gjorde och lärde. 14, 15. It moved him to glorify his Father by his actions and teachings. Eftersom judarna inte hade Jehovas välsignelse var deras förråd av vin begränsat. Det fanns absolut inte tillräckligt för att göra någon berusad. Makenzie, 23, says: "If you are kind and are a good listener, you'll get an idea of what your peers are dealing with. Since the Jews did not have Jehovah's blessing, their supply of wine was certainly not enough to make anyone drunk. Se Vakttornet för 15 juli 2013, sidan 13, 14. How did Jehovah sustain Jeremiah, and what can we learn from his example? See The Watchtower, July 15, 2013, pages 13, 14. SIDAN 9 • SÅNGER: 54, 43 This is in harmony with Paul's statement: "Faith follows the thing heard. " ARTICLE 2 • SONGS: 54, 43 Vi får aldrig glömma att den kvalfulla död som Jesus led på tortyrpålen och den ännu större vånda som Jehova utstod när han såg sin älskade Son dö var bevis på deras kärlek till oss. PURPOSE OF STUDY ARTICLES We should never forget that the coming death that Jesus suffered on the torture stake and the even greater anguish that Jehovah endured when he saw his beloved Son die was evidence of their love for us. Men inte ens de ädlaste bland dem har någon närmare kännedom om sina undersåtar. The son's father came to Jesus and said: "[My son] is an epileptic and is ill, for he falls often into the fire and often into the water; and I brought him to your disciples, but they could not cure him. " Even the most noblest of them, however, has not known about their subjects. Syftet med studieartiklarna 21, 22. (a) Why has false religion never posed a serious threat to true worship? Purpose of Study Articles 14, 15. Would you like to know what Bible prophecies have to say about our day? 14, 15. Makenzie är 23, och hon säger: " Om man är snäll och bra på att lyssna, så kan man märka vad andra kämpar med. To analyze the state of our spirituality, we may at times need help from others. The rock badger is 23: "If you are kind and good to listen, you can discern what others are struggling. Hur uppehöll Jehova Jeremia, och vad kan Jeremias exempel lära oss? Why can it be said that the Christian congregation of anointed ones is sacred, and what effect does this have on the "other sheep "? How did Jehovah sustain Jeremiah, and what can Jeremiah's example teach us? Det är precis som Paulus skriver: " Tron [kommer] av det man hör. " The Bible clearly says that "all Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial. " That is exactly what Paul wrote: "Faith is coming from the things heard. " SYFTET MED STUDIEARTIKLARNA Remind him or her that there is such a thing as life off - line! PURPOSE OF STUDY ARTICLES Pojkens pappa kom till Jesus och sade: " [Min son] är epileptiker och är sjuk; han faller nämligen ofta i elden och ofta i vattnet; och jag förde honom till dina lärjungar, men de kunde inte bota honom. " Some fear losing a position they cherish. The father's father came to Jesus and said: "The son of [the son] is sick and is sick; for he often falls into the fire and often in the water; and I brought him to your disciples, but they could not heal him. " 21, 22. a) Varför har falsk religion aldrig utgjort något egentligt hot mot sann tillbedjan? She is watching over the goings - on of her household, and the bread of laziness she does not eat. 21, 22. (a) Why has false religion never provided a real threat to true worship? Visste du att Bibelns profetior handlar om vår tid också? Regardless of the challenges we face, however, Jehovah will hear our " prayers of faith. ' Did you not know that Bible prophecies apply to our day? Ibland kanske man måste ta hjälp av andra för att få rätt bild av sin andlighet. Jehovah gives an understanding of his purposes and personality to those who are sincere and humble in heart. At times, it may be necessary for others to get the right focus of their spirituality. Varför kan det sägas att församlingen av smorda kristna är helig, och vilken inverkan har det på de " andra fåren "? His restored people would have dignity "like that of the olive tree, " and they would walk in God's ways. Why can it be said that the congregation of anointed Christians is holy, and what effect does this have on the "other sheep "? Det är sant att vissa avsnitt i Bibeln från början riktade sig till en särskild person eller grupp. Seek righteousness, seek meekness. True, some parts of the Bible were initially directed to a particular person or group. Påminn dem om att det finns ett liv utanför nätet! This presents a challenge for us. Recall that there is a life outside of the Internet! Några kan tycka att det är jobbigt att bli av med en uppgift de tycker om. 3: 7, 8. John was not speaking of a physical flight. Some may find it difficult to get out of a task that they enjoy. Hon vakar över det som sker i hennes hushåll, och lättjans bröd äter hon inte. CAUTIONS REGARDING SACRIFICES She watches over what is happening in her household, and her bread is not eating. Men vilka svårigheter vi än ställs inför kommer Jehova att höra våra böner när vi ber i tro. Staying down is failure. Yet, no matter what challenges we face, Jehovah will hear our prayers when we pray in faith. Jehova förklarar sina avsikter och sin personlighet för dem som har ett uppriktigt och ödmjukt hjärta. The Scriptures consistently testify to Jehovah's truthfulness. Jehovah declares his purposes and his personality to those who are genuine and humble. Hans återställda folk skulle ha en värdighet som liknade " olivträdets ," och de skulle vandra på Guds vägar. How did they get started pioneering, and how do they provide for themselves? His restored people would have a dignity similar to that of "the olive tree, " and they would walk in God's ways. Sök rättfärdighet, sök ödmjukhet. 3, 4. (a) Beginning with Romans chapter 12, what does Paul discuss, and what is the significance of his use of the word "consequently "? Seek righteousness, seek meekness. Nu i de sista dagarna för den här världsordningen är det fullständigt kaos på moralens område. What are you determined to do in regard to the Kingdom? In these last days of this system of things, it is complete in the territory of this system of things. Johannes talade inte om att fly i bokstavlig bemärkelse. Why, recalling Daniel's experience in the lions ' pit would infuse us with courage! - Daniel 6: 16 - 22. John was not speaking about fleeing in literal sense. OFFER SOM GUD INTE GODKÄNDE What is involved in having "the mind of Christ "? IN GOD'S WORD Men att välja att ligga kvar skulle vara det. He will instruct us about his ways, and we will walk in his paths. ' However, choosing to remain, it would be. Bibeln vittnar helt igenom om Jehovas sannfärdighet. Jehovah is rendering judgment and setting matters straight spiritually for believers who take their stand for the Kingdom. The Bible fully reveals Jehovah's truthfulness. Vilka välsignelser har de fått? The prophet Amos, who lived at about the same time as Jonah, described the Israelites of the day as materialistic pleasure - lovers. What blessings have they enjoyed? 3, 4. a) Vad behandlar Paulus med början i Romarna, kapitel 12, och vad innebär det att han använder ordet " följaktligen "? Since the anointed have been declared righteous for life on the basis of Christ's ransom sacrifice, they readily acknowledge that they have been adopted as "God's children. " - Rom. 3: 23, 24; 5: 1; 8: 15 - 17. 3, 4. (a) What does Paul do with the beginning of Romans chapter 12, and what does it mean to use the word " accordingly "? Vad har du bestämt dig för att göra? Together with the other apostles and older men in Jerusalem, Peter went on to shepherd the Christian congregation through a period of intense trials and rapid expansion. - Acts 1: 15 - 26; 2: 14; 15: 6 - 9. What are you determined to do? Jo, om vi påminner oss Daniels erfarenhet i lejongropen, kommer det att göra oss modiga! A CONVERSATION WITH A NEIGHBOR Why, if we remind ourselves of Daniel's experience in the lions, this will make us courageous! Vad krävs för att ha " Kristi sinne "? However, "Jehovah will show mercy to Jacob " by allowing all tribes of Israel to return home. What is required to have "the mind of Christ "? Ty lag skall gå ut från Sion och Jehovas ord från Jerusalem. " During his first imprisonment in Rome, about what did Paul preach? For the law will go forth from Zion and Jehovah's word from Jerusalem. " Andligt sett avkunnar Jehova dom och rättar till förhållandena för de troende som ställer sig på Rikets sida. House - to - house witnessing is an essential aspect of our ministry. Spiritual things render Jehovah's judgment, setting matters straight for believers who take their stand on the Kingdom Hall. Profeten Amos, som levde vid ungefär samma tid som Jona, beskrev israeliterna på den tiden som materialister som älskade nöjen och njutningar. For effective personal study, you need the right setting with minimal distractions The prophet Amos, who lived at the same time like Jonah, described the Israelites in the days of self - importance and pleasures. De smorda har förklarats rättfärdiga för liv på grundval av Kristi lösenoffer och vet att de har adopterats som " Guds barn ." What Scriptural proof shows that Jehovah always supports his people? The anointed have been declared righteous for life on the basis of Christ's ransom sacrifice and know that they have been adopted as "children of God. " Tillsammans med de övriga apostlarna och de äldre männen i Jerusalem fortsatte Petrus att vara en herde för den kristna församlingen under en period av svåra prövningar och snabb tillväxt. What should you do? Along with the other apostles and older men in Jerusalem, Peter continued to shepherd the Christian congregation during a period of severe trials and rapidly growth. ETT SAMTAL VID DÖRREN 11: 23. 9 - 11. (a) What difficult situations may some face? A NIGHT WITH A Nevertheless Men " Jehova skall visa Jakob barmhärtighet " genom att låta alla Israels stammar återvända hem. After all, look at the number of times I have been through the Bible and Bible publications over the years. " But "Jehovah will show Jacob mercy " by letting all the tribes of Israel return home. Vad predikade Paulus om under sin första fångenskap i Rom? The same can be the case when a spiritually ailing sheep is given personal attention. What did Paul preach about during his first imprisonment in Rome? Tjänsten från hus till hus är en viktig del av vårt predikoarbete. 2: 21, 28, 32. 18, 19. (a) How did Jehovah foretell that he would produce a new people for his name? The house - to - house ministry is an important part of our preaching work. För att studera Bibeln effektivt behöver du en lämplig omgivning med ett minimum av störande moment Every aspect of a Christian's life, including preaching, calls for humility To study God's Word effectively, you need a suitable environment with a little of disrupting Body Vilka bevis finns det i Bibeln som visar att Jehova alltid stöder sitt folk? King David manifested a weakness as to exercising self - control, as was evidenced in his actions involving Bath - sheba. What evidence is there that Jehovah always supports his people? Vad ska du göra då? Is it your automatic reaction to reject evil? What, then, should you do? 9 - 11. a) Vilken svår situation ställs en del inför? Sometimes even the most unlikely individuals prove to be receptive. 9 - 11. (a) What difficult situation do some face? Tänk bara på hur många gånger jag under årens lopp har läst igenom Bibeln och bibliska publikationer. " Of course, making plans can be challenging. Just think of how many times over the years have read through the Bible and Bible - based publications. " Det är likadant när ett får som blivit andligt svagt visas personlig uppmärksamhet. (b) What have you found to be effective when preaching to people from different backgrounds? It is similar when a sheep who has become spiritually weak is shown personal attention. 18, 19. a) Hur förutsade Jehova att han skulle utvälja ett nytt folk? 15, 16. (a) What are some temptations that we need to resist? 18, 19. (a) How did Jehovah foretell that he would select a new people? Det krävs ödmjukhet i varje sida av en kristens liv, också när det gäller att predika Once again he turned his eyes to Jehovah for direction. It takes humility in every aspect of a Christian's life, even in the preaching work Kung David visade inte alltid självbehärskning, vilket framgår av händelsen med Batseba. Jehovah's people would not want to do anything that might reflect badly on God's name. - Isa. 43: 10; 2 Cor. 6: 3, 4, 9. King David did not always display self - control, as illustrated by the incident of Bath - sheba. Reagerar du automatiskt mot det som är ont? A human mother should likewise be staunchly protective of her children. Do you reject evil? Vårt uppdrag är att " utan uppehåll " fortsätta att predika för alla. 4 Uphold Jehovah's Sovereignty! Our commission is to "keep on preaching to everyone. " Men det är inte alltid så lätt. The apostle John wrote: "We know we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. " But that is not always easy. b) Vad har du funnit vara verkningsfullt när du predikar för människor med olika bakgrund? Close ranks against the Devil and the demons! (b) What have you found effective in preaching to people from different backgrounds? 15, 16. a) Vilka är några av de frestelser vi måste stå emot? Jesus taught his followers to pray: "Do not bring us into temptation, but deliver us from the wicked one. " 15, 16. (a) What are some of the temptations we have to resist? Precis som sist vände han sig till Jehova för att få hjälp och vägledning. Logically, then, Revelation 21: 4 must be referring to future blessings here on earth. - Ps. 37: 29. In the end, he turned to Jehovah for help and guidance. Jehovas folk skulle aldrig vilja göra något som påverkar Jehovas namn negativt. The former pastor, her friend, and others began studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. Jehovah's people would never want to do something that affects Jehovah's name. En mor bör känna på liknande sätt för sina barn och ha en önskan att skydda dem. The invitation to say, "Come! " Similarly, a mother should feel for his children and desire to protect them. 4 Jehova tröstar oss i alla våra prövningar From the examples of Pilate and Peter, what can you learn about not giving in to fear and pressure? 4 Jehovah Gives Us Comfort in All Our Trials Aposteln Johannes skrev: " Vi vet att vi härstammar från Gud, men hela världen befinner sig i den ondes våld. " Despite these struggles and failures, Peter's life is a heartening example. The apostle John wrote: "We know that we have descended from God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. " Slut leden mot Djävulen och demonerna! Still others are part of a religiously divided family or a single - parent household. The end suffered against the Devil and the demons! [ Infälld text på sidan 19] Joseph was raised in a God - fearing family, and he understood that sexual relations between people who are not husband and wife are wrong. [ Blurb on page 19] Jesus lärde sina efterföljare att be: " För oss inte in i frestelse, utan befria oss från den onde. " These false comforters claimed that our efforts to serve Jehovah loyally are of no benefit to him at all, that our value to God is no more than that of a moth, a maggot, or a worm. Jesus taught his followers to pray: "Do not bring us into temptation, but deliver us from the wicked one. " Därför är det logiskt att Uppenbarelseboken 21: 4 handlar om framtiden här på jorden. The apostle Matthew explained that Jesus fulfilled that prophecy when He commenced preaching and said: "Repent, you people, for the kingdom of the heavens has drawn near. " Therefore, it is logical that Revelation 21: 4 refers to the future here on earth. Kort därefter började den före detta pastorn och andra studera Bibeln tillsammans med Jehovas vittnen. Jehovah took seriously all cases of bloodshed in ancient Israel. Shortly thereafter, it started before that pastor and other study of the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. Inbjudan att säga " Kom! " What lesson can we learn from considering Micah 7: 18, 19? The invitation to say "Come! " Vad kan vi lära oss av Pilatus och Petrus exempel när det gäller att inte ge efter för fruktan och påtryckningar? (1 Thess. What can we learn from Pilate and Peter about not giving in to fear and pressure? Petrus fick kämpa och gjorde misstag, men vi blir ändå uppmuntrade av att läsa om honom. The student and her teacher reviewed pertinent scriptures from the Bible. Although Peter struggled and made mistakes, we are encouraged to read about him. Men vi vill ju visa att vi bryr oss om dem och gärna vill hjälpa dem. Så vad kan vi göra? Her husband admitted that he was not the best teacher and did not arrange for regular family worship. Would we not want to show our concern for them and be willing to help them? Josef hade uppfostrats i en familj där man fruktade Gud, och han visste att sex mellan personer som inte var gifta med varandra var orätt. All creation, including humans, moves and functions within these boundaries. Joseph had been raised in a family where a man feared God, knowing that sex was not married to each other was wrong. De här dåliga vännerna menade att alla våra ansträngningar att vara lojala mot Jehova är helt bortkastade. This has been a big help. Those bad brothers felt that all our efforts to remain loyal to Jehovah are completely wasted. Aposteln Matteus förklarade att den profetian uppfylldes när Jesus började predika och säga: " Ändra sinne, för himlarnas kungarike har kommit nära. " 5, 6. (a) Of what must each Christian convince himself? The apostle Matthew explained that this prophecy was fulfilled when Jesus began preaching and saying: "Repent, for the kingdom of the heavens has drawn near. " När ett mord begicks i det forntida Israel såg Jehova väldigt allvarligt på det. Problems may arise when we compare ourselves with others. When murder was committed in ancient Israel, Jehovah viewed this very serious matter. Vad kan vi lära av orden i Mika 7: 18, 19? Imagine how you would have felt if you had lived in Jerusalem at that time. What can we learn from Micah 7: 18, 19? (1 Thess. Will we respond in a kind way? (1 Pet. Hon hade blivit döpt i flera olika samfund under årens lopp. God clearly indicated that Adam would live forever if he was obedient. She had been baptized in several different sects during the years. Och mannen höll med om att han kanske inte var den bäste undervisaren och att han inte såg till att familjen studerade regelbundet. © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania And the man agreed that he may not be the best driver and that he did not see regular family study. Allt skapat, även vi människor, lever och verkar inom de här gränserna. He said: "Go, sell what things you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven, and come be my follower. " All things, including humans, live, and act within them. Det har varit till stor hjälp för mig. They were forerunners of those who now share in the fulfillment of Jesus ' prophetic words: "This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. " - Matt. This has helped me greatly. 5, 6. a) Vad måste varje kristen förvissa sig om? Foreigners, temporary residents in a land not their own, are at times criticized. 5, 6. (a) What must each Christian make sure? Det kan bli problem när vi jämför oss med andra. Similarly, Christian elders have a desire and a duty to help a sheeplike one who has strayed from the flock. We may face challenges when we compare ourselves with others. Tänk dig in i hur du skulle ha känt det om du hade bott i Jerusalem på den tiden. Your unrestrained enthusiasm might discourage your partner and confuse the householder. Imagine how you would have felt if you had been living in Jerusalem back then. Får hon ett vänligt svar? 16 - 18. Does she receive a kind answer? Gud visade klart och tydligt att Adam skulle leva för evigt om han var lydig. Moses of old observed: "In themselves the days of our years are seventy years; and if because of special mightiness they are eighty years, yet their insistence is on trouble and hurtful things; for it must quickly pass by, and away we fly. " God clearly showed that Adam would live forever if he obeyed. © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania (b) What will be considered in the next article? © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Han sade: " Gå bort, sälj vad du än har och ge åt de fattiga, så skall du få en skatt i himlen, och kom, bli min efterföljare. " He exhorted fellow Christians to do "nothing out of contentiousness or out of egotism, but with lowliness of mind considering that the others are superior to you. " He said: "Go away, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will receive a treasure in heaven, and come to be my follower. " De öppnade vägen för dem som nu är med och uppfyller Jesus ord: " Och dessa goda nyheter om kungariket skall bli predikade på hela den bebodda jorden till ett vittnesbörd för alla nationerna; och sedan skall slutet komma. " But how well - founded are the moral standards of someone who refuses to acknowledge our loving Creator as the One who sets the standards of right and wrong? They opened the way for those present and fulfilled Jesus ' words: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. " Jehovas ord är levande - Viktiga detaljer från Uppenbarelseboken - I SIDAN 30 In time, they overcame their anxiety, and Jehovah richly blessed them. Jehovah's Word is alive - Highlights From Revelation - I Utlänningar - tillfälliga inbyggare som bor i ett land som inte är deras hemland - kritiseras ibland. They failed to recognize that the Law had served its purpose and that Jehovah was leading his people in a different direction. foreigners - temporary residents living in a land that are not their homeland - sometimes under attack. På samma sätt har kristna äldste en önskan och ett ansvar att hjälpa fårlika som kommit bort från hjorden. Get help as soon as possible. Similarly, Christian elders have a desire and a responsibility to help sheeplike ones who have strayed from the flock. Om vi inte behärskar oss kan vår broder eller syster känna sig överkörd och den besökte bli förvirrad. Sarah, who has battled depression for 35 years, personally experienced the practical value of daily Bible reading. If we do not control us, our brother or sister may feel overwhelmed by grief and the householder may become confused. 16 - 18. How can imperfect creatures seek righteousness? 16 - 18. Mose sade för länge sedan: " Våra levnadsårs dagar är sjuttio år, och om de på grund av särskild kraft är åttio år, innebär deras strävan ändå bara vedermöda och bekymmer; ty det är snabbt förbi, och bort flyger vi. " They remind us that if we "eagerly " pursue material things, our thinking is like that of" the nations, " people who are not true Christians. Moses long ago said: "The days of our years are seven years of age, and if they are especially imperfect years, their craving for tribulation and anxieties will be instantly passed, and we fly off and fly. " b) Vad ska vi gå igenom i nästa artikel? No, for the psalmist appeals to them with these words: "Now, O kings, exercise insight; let yourselves be corrected, O judges of the earth. " (b) What will we consider in the next article? Han uppmanade sina medkristna att " inte göra något av stridslystnad eller av självupptagenhet, utan med ödmjukt sinne " sätta andra högre än sig själva. In time, the sincere student may well feel as did the psalmist who sang: "Drawing near to God is good for me. He urged his fellow Christians to "do nothing out of contentiousness or out of egotism, but with lowliness of mind, " humbly telling others superior to themselves. Men hur stabila och välgrundade är sådana moraliska värderingar om man samtidigt vägrar erkänna att det är vår kärleksfulle skapare som avgör vad som är rätt och fel? FOR PARENTS But how solid and valid are such moral values while rejecting that our loving Creator determines what is right and wrong? Med tiden övervann de sin oro, och Jehova välsignade dem på många sätt. If the elders bring the wrongdoer to his senses and he repentantly accepts reproof and correction, he no longer endangers the spirit of the congregation. In time, they overcame their anxiety, and Jehovah blessed them in many ways. De erkände inte att lagen hade tjänat sitt syfte och att Jehova ledde sitt folk i en annan riktning. Paul's point was that to gain the prize in the race for life, it is essential for runners to remove hindrances of any sort. They did not recognize that the Law had served its purpose and that Jehovah led his people in another direction. Vi måste söka hjälp så fort som möjligt. Such brief facts as the foregoing indicate that the corruption introduced by Satan in the garden of Eden quickly led to the spread of wickedness among Adam's descendants. We need to seek help as soon as possible. Sarah, som har kämpat med depression i 35 år, har själv upplevt hur värdefullt det är att läsa Bibeln varje dag. (b) What opportunity was opened up for those in the new covenant? Sarah, who has struggled with depression for 35 years, has experienced the value of reading the Bible daily. Hur kan ofullkomliga människor söka rättfärdighet? The ingathering began at Pentecost 33 C.E., when Jesus ' 120 disciples were anointed to become part of "a holy priesthood. " How can imperfect humans seek righteousness? De påminner oss om att ifall vi " ivrigt " strävar efter det materiella, har vi samma inställning som folk i " nationerna ," människor som inte är sanna kristna. Applying the lesson of Jesus ' endurance, Paul encourages Christians: "Consider closely the one who has endured such contrary talk by sinners against their own interests, that you may not get tired and give out in your souls. " They remind us that if we are "ardently endeavoring " for material things, we have the same attitude as people in" the nations, " people who are not true Christians. Ja, för psalmisten vädjar till dem med följande ord: " Nu, ni kungar, handla med insikt; låt er föras till rätta, ni jordens domare. " He has provided both the Holy Scriptures and the holy spirit that supports his people. Yes, for the psalmist appeals to them with these words: "Now you kings, act wisely; let yourselves be corrected, you the Judge of the earth. " Med tiden kommer uppriktiga individer troligen att känna det som psalmisten som sjöng: " Det är gott för mig att jag närmar mig Gud. Admittedly, in some territories it is a challenge to start conversations. In time, sincere individuals likely feel as did the psalmist who sang: "As for me, drawing near to God is good for me. FÖR FÖRÄLDRAR Two would be sufficient to teach them a vital lesson. FOR PARENTS Om den som syndat inser allvaret i det han gjort, ångrar sig och tar emot tillrättavisning, utgör han inte längre ett hot mot andan i församlingen. Still, the preaching work has continued, and the number of Kingdom proclaimers keeps growing. If a wrongdoer realizes the seriousness of his actions, repent, and accept reproof, he is no longer a threat to the spirit of the congregation. Paulus poäng var att löparna i loppet för liv behöver göra sig av med sådant som kan hindra dem. These spirit sons faithfully carry out his will. Paul was stating that the runners in the race for life need to rid themselves of things that can hinder them. De här kortfattade upplysningarna visar att det fördärv som Satan förde in i Edens trädgård snabbt ledde till att ondskan bredde ut sig bland Adams avkomlingar. The songs that this God - fearing musician and song writer composed have stood the test of time. These brief information indicates that the corruption that Satan brought into the garden of Eden quickly led to the spread of wickedness among Adam's descendants. b) Vilken möjlighet har de som ingår i det nya förbundet? In spite of David's achievements, he had a humble view of himself. (b) What prospect do those in the new covenant have? Detta insamlande började vid pingsten år 33, då 120 av Jesu lärjungar blev smorda för att ingå i " ett heligt prästerskap ." The Devil well knows that our being fully engaged in Christian activities can strengthen us, and he does not want us to be strong. This gathering began at Pentecost 33 C.E. when 120 of Jesus ' disciples became anointed to be part of "a holy priesthood. " Paulus tillämpar lärdomen i Jesu uthärdande och uppmuntrar de kristna: " Betrakta noga honom som har utstått sådan motsägelse från syndare som går emot sina egna intressen, för att ni inte skall bli trötta och modfällda i era själar. " If you love God, how will you respond to James 1: 22 - 25? Paul applies the lesson of Jesus ' endurance and encourages Christians: "Consider closely the one who has endured such talk from sinners against their own interests, that you may not get tired and give out in your souls. " Och vi kan berätta för andra om honom och hur han har hjälpt oss. Han stöder sitt folk genom både Bibeln och sin heliga ande. Be a friend, not just a teacher. And we can tell others about him and how he has helped us as his people through the Bible and his holy spirit. I vissa områden är det faktiskt svårt att få i gång ett samtal. What of spiritual Israel? In some areas, there is a challenge to start a conversation. Två svärd skulle räcka för att lära dem något mycket viktigt. For example, we might say, "Let's see what our Creator says on this topic. " Two sword would be designed to teach them something very important. Men predikoarbetet har ändå fortsatt, och antalet förkunnare fortsätter att öka. 16: 1, 2. Nevertheless, the preaching work has continued, and the number of publishers continues to increase. Dessa andesöner utför troget hans vilja. It is unthinkable of you. These spirit sons faithfully carry out his will. Sångerna som den här gudfruktige musikern och textförfattaren skrev har stått sig genom tiderna. First, it teaches us what true love between a man and a woman is. The lyrics described by this God - fearing musician and text have written themselves through times. Trots att David utförde många bedrifter hade han en ödmjuk syn på sig själv. A memorial he has made for his wonderful works. Although David performed many deeds, he had a humble view of himself. Djävulen vet mycket väl att vi får kraft av att vara upptagna i sanningen, och det sista han vill är att vi ska vara fulla av kraft. Challenges that Job faced. The Devil well knows that we receive strength from keeping busy in the truth, and the last one he wants us to be full of power. Hur påverkas vi av Jakob 1: 22 - 25 om vi älskar Jehova? What opportunity did Jehovah give mankind after the Flood? How does James 1: 22 - 25 affect us if we love Jehovah? Var inte bara en lärare utan också en vän. Remember that you cannot be happy when you harbor resentment. Not only a teacher but also a friend. Eller kanske det andliga Israel? When with Saul, Ananias said: "The God of our forefathers has chosen you... because you are to be a witness for him to all men. " Or might spiritual Israel be? Om vi träffar någon som är troende kan vi säga: " Vi kan se vad Skaparen säger om det här. " Let us move forward to about the year 2 B.C.E. If we meet a believer, we can say: "We can see what the Creator says about this. " 16: 1, 2. Why is it vital that we attend Christian meetings? 16: 1, 2. Det är otänkbart när det gäller dig. Furthermore, it encourages the entire congregation to reflect Christ's mental attitude. It is unthinkable of you. För det första lär vi oss vad sann kärlek mellan en man och en kvinna är. Still, for the first few centuries of our Common Era, many people could read the Bible in either Greek or Latin. First, we learn what true love between a man and a woman is. Han har gjort sina underbara gärningar värda att minnas. Consider the Biblical example of David. He has done his wonderful works to remember. Utmaningar som Job ställdes inför. It is not until some time later that the effects become evident. Challenges that Job faced. Vilken möjlighet fick mänskligheten efter den stora översvämningen? Over a millennium after that psalm was written and weeks after Jesus died and was raised, Peter spoke to thousands of Jews and proselytes about Psalm 16: 10. What opportunity did mankind have after the Flood? Var därför villig att förlåta! How clearly his action of throwing greedy merchants out of the temple shows his sense of justice! So be willing to forgive! När Ananias var hos Saul sade han: " Våra förfäders Gud har utvalt dig... därför att du skall vara ett vittne för honom inför alla människor. " Paul's letters indicate that Timothy welcomed advice and that he was quick to imitate examples of faith. When Ananias was with Saul, he said: "The God of our forefathers has chosen you... because you will be a witness to him before all men. " Vi skall nu förflytta oss framåt i tiden till omkring år 2 f.v.t. If he does not wish to do so, you will be showing your concern for Jehovah's name and the spiritual welfare of the congregation by acting in harmony with divine direction respecting such matters. Let us now move forward in time to about 2473 B.C.E. Varför är det viktigt att vara med på mötena? It will be a great shock for people to see false religion destroyed. Why is it important to attend meetings? Sådan medkänsla uppmuntrar dessutom hela församlingen att återspegla Kristi sinnesinställning. He made both natural laws and moral laws to ensure that everything functions harmoniously. Moreover, such compassion encourages the entire congregation to reflect Christ's mental attitude. Under de första århundradena efter Kristus kunde många fortfarande läsa Bibeln på antingen grekiska eller latin. Against what human tendency do we need to guard ourselves if we want to keep on following Christ? Over the first centuries after Christ, many could still read the Bible in either Greek or Latin. Tänk på det Bibeln berättar om David. Nothing that Satan's world has to offer has permanence. Consider the Bible account about David. Resultaten syns först efter ett tag. Unlike mankind in general, we discern the Scriptural significance of current events. The results are visible only after a while. Jag tyckte mycket om det jag fick lära mig av vittnena, men min personlighet skilde sig mycket från deras. Matthew continued: "[Jesus] took a cup and, having given thanks, he gave it to them, saying: " Drink out of it, all of you. ' " I enjoyed learning about what I was learning from the Witnesses, but my personality was very different from theirs. Mer än tusen år efter att orden i Psalm 16: 10 skrevs ner förklarade Petrus vad de betydde. Bara några veckor efter Jesus död och uppståndelse talade Petrus till tusentals judar och proselyter. Indeed, as we take time to reflect on how approachable and impartial Jehovah is, our appreciation for him deepens. Over a thousand years after Psalm 16: 10, Peter explained what they meant, just a few weeks after Jesus ' death and resurrection, Peter spoke to thousands of Jews and proselytes. Hans känsla för rättvisa kom verkligen till uttryck när han kastade ut de giriga köpmännen ur templet! Not long ago, a brother wore his convention badge when traveling home by airplane after attending a convention abroad. How evident his sense of justice was when he threw out the greedy merchants out of the temple! Paulus brev visar att Timoteus var villig att ta emot råd och att han var snabb att följa medkristnas exempel i fråga om att visa tro. In this way, our brothers succeed in pursuing their ministry in 234 lands around the world. Paul's letter shows that Timothy was willing to accept counsel and be quick to follow the example of fellow Christians in displaying faith. Om han inte vill göra det, visar du att du har respekt för Jehovas namn och tänker på församlingens andliga bästa genom att handla i enlighet med Guds anvisningar när det gäller sådana frågor. Holy Spirit's Role at Present If he does not want to do so, you will show respect for Jehovah's name and reflect on the spiritual welfare of the congregation by acting in harmony with God's direction on such matters. Det blir en stor chock för människor när de ser att den falska religionen är borta. They may even continue for some time. It becomes a great shock to people when they see that false religion is gone. Allt i universum har alltså en bestämd plats och funktion. Hold to the Pattern Jesus Set Hence, everything in the universe has a specific place and purpose. Vilken mänsklig benägenhet måste vi vara på vår vakt mot om vi vill fortsätta följa Kristus? " We have never had a more effective service overseer in our congregation than Albert, " says James, the presiding overseer. What human tendency must we guard against if we want to follow Christ? Inget som den här världen har att erbjuda är bestående. Always Trust in Jehovah Nothing that this world has to offer is permanent. Till skillnad från människor i allmänhet urskiljer vi innebörden i det Bibeln säger om det som händer nu. Jesus was properly hailed as King, but that his rule would be future and from heaven would only later be fully understood. Unlike people in general, we discern the meaning of what the Bible says about what happens now. Matteus fortsatte: " [Jesus] tog också en bägare, och sedan han hade tackat Gud gav han den åt dem och sade: ' Drick av den, ni alla. ' " ▪ Set attainable goals for yourself. Matthew continued: "[Jesus] took a cup and, after giving it thanks, he gave it to them and said: " Drink out of it, all of you. ' " Ja, när vi tar oss tid att tänka på hur tillgänglig och opartisk Jehova är, så uppskattar vi honom ännu mer. The people were continuing to practice sin - actually, a great variety of sins, including fraud, murder, stealing, idolatry, and forming unwise alliances with other nations. Yes, when we take time to reflect on how approachable and impartial Jehovah is, we appreciate him even more. För inte så länge sedan var en broder på väg hem med flyg från en sammankomst utomlands. (a) What balanced view do Christians need to have regarding world events? Not long ago, a brother was returning home with flying from a foreign - language convention. På detta sätt har våra bröder lyckats fortsätta i sin förkunnartjänst i 234 länder och områden över hela världen. Then you will draw ever closer to your heavenly Father. And you will act with insight and wisdom in today's ungodly world. - Prov. 2: 4 - 7. In this way our brothers have succeeded in their ministry in 2,000 lands worldwide. Den heliga andens roll i vår tid May we never be like Paul's critics; rather, let us show our deep respect for those appointed to take the lead among us. Holy Spirit's Role Today De kan fortsätta under någon tid. One he slaughtered as a sin offering "for the people. " They can continue for some time. Följ det mönster som Jesus gav Indeed, what other king has ever voluntarily died as a ransom for our sins? Follow the Pattern Set by Jesus " Vi har aldrig haft en bättre tillsyningsman för tjänsten i vår församling än Albert ," säger James, den presiderande tillsyningsmannen. (Joel 1: 1 - 3: 21) " We never had a greater overseer in our congregation than Albert, " says James, the presiding overseer. Förtrösta alltid på Jehova All other things have been created through him and for him. " Always Trust in Jehovah De hyllade honom med rätta som kung, men just då förstod de inte helt och fullt att hans styre hörde framtiden till och skulle utövas från himlen. • How did Paul benefit from regular personal study of the Scriptures? They hail him with right as king, but just as they did not fully understand that his rulership was to be fulfilled from heaven. ▪ Sätt upp rimliga mål. Some in today's world have adopted a false idea as to the meaning of "fornication. " ▪ Set reasonable goals for yourself. Man bedrev fortfarande synd - i själva verket många slags synder, däribland bedrägeri, mord, stöld och avgudadyrkan. Man ingick också oförståndiga allianser med andra nationer. Giving of ourselves is not always easy. In fact, there were many kinds of sins, including fraud, murder, stealing, and idolatry. a) Vilken balanserad syn behöver de kristna ha i fråga om världshändelserna? 17 Jehovah Taught Me to Do His Will (a) What balanced view do Christians need to have regarding world events? Den insikt och vishet du får kommer att hjälpa dig att stå emot trycket från den här världen och att hela tiden dras närmare din himmelske Far. " Shortly before this incident, we had discussed at a meeting at the Kingdom Hall the dangers of Ouija boards. That insight and wisdom will help you to resist the pressures of this world and to draw ever closer to your heavenly Father. Han skrev: " Jag [kallar] Gud till vittne mot min egen själ på att det är för att skona er som jag ännu inte har kommit till Korinth. " 1, 2. (a) What was Jehovah's purpose regarding the Canaanites in general? He wrote: "I shall make God witness to my own soul that it is to save you as I have not yet come to Corinth. " Den ena bocken slaktade han som ett syndoffer " för folket ." HOW TO BE WATCHFUL IN PRAYER He slaughtered like a sin offering "for the people. " Tänk efter: Vilken annan kung har varit villig att ge sitt liv som en lösen för våra synder? There they were "appointed a daily allowance from the delicacies of the king and from his drinking wine, even to nourish them for three years, that at the end of these they might stand before the king. " - Daniel 1: 3 - 5. Consider: What other king has been willing to give his life as a ransom for our sins? (Joel 1: 1 - 3: 21) The Resurrection - A Certainty (Isaiah 1: 1 - 3: 21) Allt annat har skapats genom honom och för honom. " Illustrate. (b) If we are fleeing from fornication, what do we avoid? All other things have been created through him and for him. " • Hur hade Paulus nytta av att regelbundet studera Skrifterna? Do others know my stand on unscriptural celebrations and customs as well as on those that may not have a pagan origin but clearly reflect the spirit of the world? ' - 2 Cor. 6: 17; 1 Pet. • How did Paul benefit from regular Bible study of the Scriptures? En del i dagens värld har fått en felaktig uppfattning om vad " otukt " egentligen är. How can we be organized in harmony with God's own Book? Some people in today's world have developed a wrong view of what "fornication " really is. Det är inte alltid så lätt att ge av sin tid och energi. (Read Matthew 24: 31; Rev. It is not always easy to give of our time and energy. 17 Jehova lärde mig att göra hans vilja In addition, do we keep up with the explanations in publications provided by "the faithful and discreet slave "? 17 Jehovah Teach Me to Do His Will Hon förklarar: " Strax innan det här hände hade det varit ett möte i Rikets sal där farorna med ouija - bord behandlades. (b) Relate an experience that highlights the difference between material and spiritual treasures. She explains: " Shortly before this happened, there had been a meeting at the Kingdom Hall where the dangers of sexting - the table was discussed. 1, 2. a) Vad var Jehovas avsikt med kanaanéerna i allmänhet? Before giving them counsel, he gave warm commendation to the congregations in Ephesus, Pergamum, and Thyatira. 1, 2. (a) What was Jehovah's purpose for the Canaanites in general? VAKSAMHET OCH BÖN 11, 12. 1: 12. AND A AND AND AND I Där bestämdes det att de skulle få " en daglig tilldelning av kungens fina mat och av det vin som han drack, ja, att man skulle sörja för dem i tre år, för att de vid slutet av dessa år skulle träda i kungens tjänst ." As a devout Jew, Saul believed that it was his God - given duty to stamp out Christianity. There they were determined to receive "a daily meal of food and of the wine that he drank, yes, that they might provide them for three years, so that at the end of these years they might appear in the king's service. " Uppståndelsen - säker och viss When we draw close to Jehovah, it is only natural that we want to use our time, energy, and resources to share as fully as possible in the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work. The Resurrection - Be certain and certain Belys saken. b) Vad måste vi undvika för att fly undan otukten? However, "the world through its wisdom did not get to know God. " Illustrate. (b) What must we avoid in order to flee from fornication? Känner andra till min inställning till obibliska högtider och sedvänjor, också sådana som kanske inte har ett hedniskt ursprung men som klart och tydligt återspeglar världens ande? Keep in expectation of it; for it will without fail come true. Do others know my attitude toward unscriptural celebrations and practices, even those who may not have a pagan origin but clearly reflect the spirit of the world? Hur kan vi vara organiserade i linje med Guds egen bok? We all need those warnings! - 1 Corinthians 10: 12; 1 Thessalonians 5: 2, 6. How can we be organized in harmony with God's own Book? (Läs Matteus 24: 31; Upp. We can be confident that when we offer ourselves willingly in God's service and do our best to serve him whole - souled, there is always a place for us in his arrangement. (Read Matthew 24: 31; Rev. Och är vi förtrogna med de förklaringar som ges i de publikationer som vi får genom " den trogne och omdömesgille slaven "? 25: 35 - 37 - Was it always wrong for the Israelites to charge interest? And are we familiar with the explanations presented in the publications provided by "the faithful and discreet slave "? b) Återge en erfarenhet som visar skillnaden mellan att planera för en tillfällig och en evig framtid. Why did Jesus at first refuse to help this woman? (b) Relate an experience that illustrates the difference between planning for a temporary and eternal future. Innan han gav råd till församlingarna i Efesos, Pergamon och Thyatira berömde han dem varmt. Yet, Jehovah preserved that Law for us in his Word, the Bible. Before giving counsel to the congregations in Ephesus, Pergamum, and Thyatira, he warmly commended them. 11, 12. Wisely, however, parents want to be sure that before their children get baptized, they are ready to shoulder the responsibility of Christian discipleship. 11, 12. Som rättrogen jude trodde Saul att det var hans gudagivna skyldighet att krossa kristendomen. If we repent, we can have confidence in his mercy. As the right Jew, Saul thought that it was his God - given duty to crush Christianity. När vi närmar oss Jehova, är det bara naturligt att vi vill använda vår tid, vår kraft och våra materiella tillgångar för att ha så stor del som möjligt i arbetet med att predika om Riket och göra lärjungar. And opposers can never stop our preaching work, for "the hand of Jehovah " is with us. - Acts 11: 19 - 21. As we draw close to Jehovah, it is only natural to use our time, energy, and material resources to have as full a share as possible in the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work. Men världen har genom sin " vishet " inte lärt känna Gud. As foretold, people "out of all the languages of the nations " are flocking to Jehovah's organization. However, the world has "the wisdom " not come to know God. Vänta tåligt på den; ty den skall helt visst bli verklighet. Similarly today, as in the past, Satan and the demons cleverly employ religious lies. - 2 Corinthians 11: 14, 15. Keep in expectation of it; for it will without fail come true. Vi behöver allesammans dessa varningar! Yet, Jehovah viewed those kings as having a complete heart. All of us need these warnings! Vi kan vara övertygade om att när vi erbjuder oss villigt i Guds tjänst och gör vårt bästa för att tjäna Gud helhjärtat, så finns det alltid en plats för oss i hans församling. Jesus said that if we were to put any human before him, we would not be worthy of him. We can be sure that when we offer ourselves willingly in God's service and do our best to serve God wholeheartedly, there is always a place for us in his congregation. 25: 35 - 37 - Var det alltid fel av israeliterna att ta ränta? Such conflict can make you feel guilty, especially because you love your relatives dearly and have always tried to please them. 25: 35 - 37 - Was it always wrong for the Israelites to take the interest? Varför ville Jesus först inte hjälpa kvinnan? Some of God's servants, though, have an even greater challenge. Why did Jesus not first want to help the woman? Så varför tog Jehova med lagen i sitt ord, Bibeln? Following Jesus ' example, we rely heavily on the Bible in our preaching and teaching. Why, then, did Jehovah take the Law in his Word, the Bible? Jag hade särskilt svårt att behärska mitt humör. They recognized that their work as ministers was supported by "power of holy spirit. " I had particularly hard to control my quick temper. Men förståndiga föräldrar vill också vara säkra på att barnen verkligen är redo att bli Jesus lärjungar innan de blir döpta. Then we will discuss some things we can do to prevent murmuring from causing injury today. But wise parents also want to be sure that their children are really ready to become Jesus ' disciples before they get baptized. Om vi ångrar oss, kan vi vara säkra på hans förlåtelse. Luke's account adds that they "abandoned everything and followed him. " - Matthew 4: 18 - 22; Luke 5: 1 - 11. If we repent, we can be sure of his forgiveness. Och motståndarna kan inte stoppa vårt predikoarbete, för " Jehovas hand " är med oss. They might be tempted to look like those unbelievers and then to think, feel, and act like them. - Prov. 13: 20. And opposers cannot stop our preaching work, for "the hand of Jehovah " is with us. Men om föräldrar och barn inte har språket gemensamt kan det bli svårt för föräldrarna att undervisa barnen om sanningen. * And we should be concerned about our brothers ' health and welfare. However, if parents and children do not have the language in common, they may find it difficult to teach their children the truth. Liksom i forna tider använder Satan och demonerna i dag skickligt religiösa lögner för att nå sitt mål. How does Jehovah lead us today? Like ancient times, Satan and the demons use skilled religious lies to achieve their aim. En del av de här misstagen var mycket allvarliga, men i Jehovas ögon var de här kungarna ändå helhjärtade i sin tjänst för honom. Hur betraktar Jehova oss? " Or do I use the abilities that I received from Jehovah mainly to benefit myself - perhaps to acquire riches or to attain social status? ' Even though some of those mistakes were very serious, in Jehovah's eyes those kings were wholehearted in their service to him. Jesus sa att vi måste älska honom mer än vi älskar någon människa. By all means, then, continue to apply yourself to the study of God's Word. Jesus said that we must love him more than we love any human. Och eftersom du älskar dem och vill vara så tillmötesgående som möjligt kan sådana situationer vara väldigt jobbiga, och det kan vara lätt att få dåligt samvete. (Read Romans 9: 4, 5.) And because you love them and want to be like them, such situations can be very distressing, and it can easily be easy for you to get a bad conscience. Jesus sa att hans efterföljare skulle få möta motstånd i sina egna familjer. How did Jehovah view the repentant attitude of the Ninevites? Jesus said that his followers would face opposition in their own families. Genom att i vårt arbete med att predika och undervisa följa Jesu exempel och helt och fullt hålla oss till Bibeln. How can we draw lessons from such accounts? By our preaching and teaching activity, Jesus ' example, zealously sticking to the Bible. De insåg att predikoarbetet utfördes med " helig andes kraft ." Likewise let the aged women be reverent in behavior, not slanderous, neither enslaved to a lot of wine, teachers of what is good. " - Titus 2: 2 - 4. They realized that the preaching work was done with "the power of holy spirit. " Sedan skall vi se vad vi kan göra för att förhindra att knotande orsakar skada i våra dagar. But she wondered how she could raise Jimmy from a distance. Then we will see what we can do to prevent murmuring from harming us today. Lukas berättelse tillägger att de " övergav allt och följde honom ." God will "show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him, " and he " will never allow the righteous one to totter. ' - 2 Chronicles 16: 9; Psalm 55: 22. Luke's account adds that they " abandoned everything and followed him. ' De kanske skulle få en önskan att se ut som de och sedan kanske börja tänka, känna och handla som de. She needed that job, low - paying though it was, to help support her family. They might desire to look like them and then begin to think, feel, and act as they did. * Och vi är också intresserade av att våra vänner mår bra. 9, 10. * And we are also interested in the well - being of our brothers. Hur leder Jehova oss i dag? First, John beholds the glorified Jesus Christ and receives a series of messages that he is to " write in a scroll and send to the seven congregations. ' How does Jehovah lead us today? Eller använder jag de förmågor jag har fått av Jehova i huvudsak till nytta för mig själv - kanske för att bli rik eller uppnå viss social status? Such reminders are provided not merely to keep us busy in God's service but to help us remain aware that the sign of Christ's presence is now undergoing fulfillment. Or do I use the abilities I have received from Jehovah primarily to benefit myself - perhaps to gain riches or prominence? ' Fortsätt därför att studera Guds ord. Paul wrote concerning the resurrected Jesus: "He is the reflection of [God's] glory and the exact representation of his very being. " Keep studying God's Word. (Läs Romarna 9: 4, 5.) • What unity was foretold for our day? (Read Romans 9: 4, 5.) Hur betraktade Jehova nineviternas ångerfulla inställning? He kept striking, but he will bind us up. How did Jehovah view the repentant attitude of the Ninevites? Hur kan vi ha nytta av dessa exempel? Whether you have faced a similar challenge or not, from your own experience you are likely sure that you will never be disappointed if God is your share and you highly treasure the privilege of serving him. How can we benefit from these examples? På samma sätt skall äldre kvinnor vara vördnadsfulla i sitt uppträdande, inte baktala någon, inte vara slavar under mycket vin, lärare i det som är gott. " MAY 27, 2013 - JUNE 2, 2013 Similarly, older women will be reverent in their behavior, not to be slaves of much wine, teachers of what is good. " Ändå var hon orolig för hur hon skulle kunna uppfostra Jimmy på avstånd. The respect we show for our places of worship is often noticed by non - Witnesses. Yet, she was anxious about how to raise Jimmy at a distance. Gud kommer att " visa sin styrka till nytta för dem som med odelat hjärta håller sig till honom " och " aldrig... tillåta att den rättfärdige vacklar ." There is nothing we can do to stop the disease. God will " show his strength in behalf of those whose complete heart is complete toward him " and will never allow the righteous one to totter. ' Även om jobbet var lågavlönat behövde hon det för att kunna hjälpa till med att försörja familjen. Each was under a vow to God, and they both faithfully paid their vow to him. Even if the job was at work, she needed to help support the family. 9, 10. There is no need to worry if we do not get to speak with everyone on the same day. 9, 10. I den första synen ser Johannes den förhärligade Jesus Kristus, och han får en serie budskap som han ska " skriva i en skriftrulle " och sända till " de sju församlingarna ." The Bible says: "Was not also Rahab the harlot declared righteous by works, after she had received the messengers hospitably and sent them out by another way? " In the first vision, John sees the glorified Jesus Christ, and he receives a series of messages that he "will write in a scroll " and send" to the seven congregations. " De här påminnelserna hjälper oss inte bara att hålla oss upptagna i sanningen, utan också att förstå att vårt budskap är brådskande. Jesus will handle congregation needs perfectly and at the right time. These reminders help us not only to keep busy in the truth but also to see that our message is urgent. Paulus skrev angående den uppståndne Jesus: " Han är återskenet av hans [Guds] härlighet och den exakta bilden av själva hans väsen. " Whatever adjustments the arrival of a baby may cause in the lives of a Christian couple, they should do their utmost to deal with these in a responsible way. Regarding the resurrected Jesus, Paul wrote: "He is reflecting on the glory of [God's] glory and the exact sense of his own being. " • Vilken enhet förutsades för vår tid? Food may run short. • What unity was foretold for our day? Han slog, men han skall förbinda oss. Instead, that privilege was reserved for his son Solomon. He struck us, but he will bind us up. Oavsett om det har hänt dig eller inte, vet du säkert av egen erfarenhet att man aldrig blir besviken om man har Jehova som sin andel och sätter värde på att få tjäna honom. Rather, we need to identify these ones as a group and then support them as such. Whether that has happened to you or not, you likely know from experience that you have never been disappointed if you have Jehovah as their share and treasure in serving him. 27 MAJ 2013 - 2 JUNI 2013 influence the unity of God's people? MAY 27, 2013 - JUNE 2, 2013 När vi visar att vi uppskattar vår Rikets sal lägger andra ofta märke till det. David learned from the discipline and regained his integrity by obeying God and enduring in that course. When we show appreciation for our Kingdom Hall, others often observe it. Vi kan inte göra något för att stoppa sjukdomsförloppet. The more David contemplated creation and the Scriptures, the more he realized that comprehending the full range of God's knowledge and ability was beyond his grasp. We cannot do anything to stop the judgment of illness. Ja, de avgav båda ett löfte till Gud, och de var mycket noga med att infria det. HOW TO BE WATCHFUL IN THE PREACHING WORK Yes, they made both a vow to God, and they were very careful to pay it. Vi behöver inte oroa oss om vi inte hinner prata med alla vid ett och samma tillfälle. Its publications have consistently exhorted us to "await and keep close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah " and to fix our hope on God's promised new world. - Read 2 Peter 3: 11 - 13. We need not worry if we do not have time to talk with everyone at one time and the same time. I Bibeln sägs det: " Blev inte också skökan Rahab... förklarad rättfärdig till följd av gärningar, sedan hon hade tagit emot sändebuden gästfritt och släppt ut dem en annan väg? " Then I read Psalm 94: 19, which says: " When anxieties overwhelmed me, you comforted and soothed me. ' The Bible tells us: "Do not also become Rahab the harlot... declared righteous by works, after she had received the messengers messengers and sent them out another way? " Jesus kommer att ta hand om församlingens behov på det bästa sättet och vid den rätta tidpunkten. Would they be like the traveling merchant whose heart was so stirred by the discovery of the priceless pearl that, as Jesus described it, "away he went and promptly " did what he must to buy that pearl? Jesus will care for the needs of the congregation in the best way and at the right time. Oavsett vilka förändringar ett kristet par kan behöva göra därför att de fått barn, bör de ha en ansvarsfull inställning och göra sitt yttersta för att anpassa sig till den nya situationen. Thanks in part to the book of Job, we know why God permits suffering. Whatever adjustments a Christian couple may need to make because of having children, they should have a responsible attitude and do their utmost to adjust to the new situation. Det kan bli ont om mat. Also desirable for study and meditation is relative quiet and freedom from distractions. It can be evil for food. Det privilegiet var i stället förbehållet hans son Salomo. When the people obeyed these men, they were actually following Jehovah as Leader. Rather, that privilege was reserved for his son Solomon. Vi behöver i stället identifiera de smorda som grupp betraktade och därefter ge dem vårt stöd. When would this happen? Instead, we need to identify anointed ones as a group and then support them. påverka enheten bland Guds folk? As you reason with others, make good use of the tools available in your language (See paragraph 5) How does the unity of God's people affect the unity of God's people? David lärde sig något av tillrättavisningen och återfick sin ostraffliga ställning genom att lyda Gud och hålla i med att göra det. He would answer my questions, hug me, and kiss me good - night. David learned from the discipline and restored his integrity by obeying God and remaining in doing so. Ju mer David mediterade över skapelsen och Skrifterna, desto mer insåg han att han aldrig skulle kunna fatta hela vidden av Guds kunskap och förmågor. SUBJECT YOURSELF TO GOD AND LIVE When the Israelites were in the wilderness, how did Jehovah assure them that he was backing them? The more David meditated on creation and the Scriptures, the more he realized that he could never grasp all the knowledge of God and abilities. UPPMÄRKSAMMA I FÖRKUNNARARBETET Having a peaceful relationship with God. TRUE FROM THE WORLD'S GOOD IN THE GOOD (Läs 2 Petrus 3: 11 - 13.) he must have wondered. (Read 2 Peter 3: 11 - 13.) Men sedan läste jag Psalm 94: 19, där det står: ' När jag tyngdes ner av oro tröstade du mig och lugnade mig. ' Why? Then I read Psalm 94: 19, which says: " When I was burdened down with anxiety, you comforted and soothed me. ' Skulle de göra som den resande köpmannen som blev så begeistrad över att ha funnit den värdefulla pärlan att han, som Jesus sade, " gick... bort och... utan dröjsmål " gjorde vad han måste göra för att köpa pärlan? Perhaps the governor feared that Jesus could cause political unrest, a principal concern throughout Pilate's rule. Would they like the traveling merchant who became so casual about finding the pearl that he, as Jesus said, "went away... and without delay, " did what he must do to buy the pearl? Mycket tack vare Jobs bibelbok vet vi varför Gud tillåter lidandet. In fact, a considerable number of judicial actions and disfellowshippings that take place each year are the result of sexual misconduct. Very thanks to the book of Job, we know why God permits suffering. Något som också är önskvärt för studium och meditation är att det är relativt tyst och fritt från störningar. In Mexico, the main language is Spanish. Moreover, aspects of study and meditation are relatively silent and free from nature. Så när folket följde dem, följde de i själva verket Jehova som sin ledare. He did so to strengthen our hope that soon his Kingdom will crush all human governments. - Dan. 2: 44. So when the people followed them, they actually followed Jehovah as their Leader. När skulle detta inträffa? We also pray and hope for the best outcome in trying circumstances. When was that to occur? (Se paragraf 5.) " The Law has become our tutor leading to Christ, " wrote the apostle Paul. (See paragraph 5) Han svarade på mina frågor, kramade om mig och gav mig en godnattpuss. 27: 11. What does Jehovah recommend for you? He answered my questions, hugged me, and gave me a good experience. Hur blev israeliterna påminda om att de hade Jehovas stöd i vildmarken? How is God's wisdom made evident in his use of humans to write the Bible? How were the Israelites reminded that they had Jehovah's backing in the wilderness? Vi får ett fridfullt förhållande till Gud. True, Joshua's grandfather Elishama was chieftain of the tribe of Ephraim and apparently led 108,100 men of one of the three - tribe divisions of Israel. We enjoy a peaceful relationship with God. måste han ha undrat. Pictures of graphic sex are also easily accessible on the Internet. He must have wondered. Varför det? Various other forms of transportation have also been helpful in our work. Why? Han kanske var rädd att Jesus skulle skapa politisk oro, något som var ett problem under hela hans styre. He relates: "I have always known that Jehovah is the true God. Perhaps he was afraid that Jesus would create political anxiety, one that was a problem through his entire rulership. En av de främsta orsakerna till att många tillrättavisas eller utesluts varje år är just sexuell omoral. For instance, Jesus taught his followers: "If you ask the Father for anything he will give it to you in my name. " One of the main reasons why many discipline or being disfellowshipped each year is sexual immorality. I Mexico är spanska huvudspråket. A first step we can take is to approach Jehovah in earnest prayer. In Mexico, Spanish is the head of the Spanish industry. Han gjorde det för att stärka vårt hopp om att hans kungarike snart ska krossa alla jordiska regeringar. How appropriate, therefore, that Jesus taught us to pray: "Our Father in the heavens. " He did so to strengthen our hope that his Kingdom will soon crush all human governments. När vi hamnar i svåra situationer ber vi Jehova om hjälp och litar på honom. Social occasions may be the only times others ask to hear about our experiences. When we face distressing situations, we ask Jehovah for help and trust in him. " Lagen [har] blivit vår uppfostrare som leder oss till Kristus ," skrev aposteln Paulus. As a result of this ongoing arrangement, many brothers and sisters made new friends and are determined to continue to widen out in their associations. " The Law has become our tutor leading to Christ, " wrote the apostle Paul. Vad tycker Jehova att du ska göra med ditt liv? (b) What is wrong with continually worrying about the past? What does Jehovah think you should do with your life? Varför är det ett uttryck för Guds vishet att han lät människor skriva Bibeln? Jehovah will not personally tell us to say something encouraging to a particular individual as he told Moses to encourage and strengthen Joshua. Why is it an expression of God's wisdom that he let humans write the Bible? Det är sant att Josuas farfar, Elisama, var hövding för Efraims stam och förmodligen hade befälet över en här på 108 100 man. Surely it is worth waiting patiently for such momentous events. - Rev. 18: 8, 10. True, Joshua's grandfather, Elisha, was worshiped for the tribe of Ephraim, and had probably been exaggerated here on 100 men. Det är också lätt att få tillgång till bilder med sådant innehåll på Internet. Absalom first " stole the hearts of the men of Israel ' by ingratiating himself with them, using sly promises and insincere expressions of affection. It is also easy to access such sites on the Internet. Vi har också använt andra transportmedel i vårt arbete. They are being brought together because of what Jesus foretold as part of the sign of his presence. He said: "This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. " We have also used other transportation in our work. Han berättar: " Jag har alltid vetat att Jehova är den sanne Guden. Instead, he wrote: "If any man is reaching out for an office of overseer, he is desirous of a fine work. " He relates: "I have always known that Jehovah is the true God. Jesus lärde till exempel sina efterföljare: " Ifall ni ber Fadern om något, skall han ge er det i mitt namn. " These individuals had opportunity to "repent... and turn around. " For example, Jesus taught his followers: "If you ask the Father for something, he will give you in my name. " Ett första steg vi kan ta för att hantera oro är att be innerligt. Why did our original parents lose their God - given freedom? A first step we can take to cope with anxiety is to pray fervently. Det är därför på sin plats att Jesus lärde oss att be: " Vår Fader i himlarna. " Though we can use the Scriptures to defend the truth, as Jesus did when he was tempted by the Devil, the Bible is not a club with which to browbeat our listeners. It is therefore in his place that Jesus taught us to pray: "Our Father in the heavens. " Och det kanske bara är när vi träffas lite mer informellt som det blir tillfälle till det. What is the finest way to show mercy to those outside the Christian congregation? And it may be only when we meet some more informally for the occasion. Den här anordningen är fortfarande i gång, och många bröder och systrar har lärt känna nya vänner tack vare den. De är beslutna att fortsätta vidga sin bekantskapskrets. * "Happy is the man... [whose] delight is in the law of Jehovah, " states Psalm 1: 1, 2," and in his law he reads in an undertone day and night. " This arrangement is still in, and many brothers and sisters have come to know new friends because they are determined to continue widening out. b) Varför är det inte bra att hela tiden oroa sig för tidigare misstag? Today, we typically study the Bible with one person at a time, providing individual instruction. (b) Why is it not good to be anxious about past mistakes? Nu i vår tid uppmanar han oss inte personligen att uppmuntra någon viss person, men vi vet ändå att han vill att vi ska vara uppmuntrande mot våra medtroende och mot andra. Days of Storm in Bible Times Today, he does not personally urge us to encourage a certain person, but we do know that he wants us to be encouraging to fellow believers and to others. En sådan historisk händelse är verkligen värd att tålmodigt vänta på. * "My mom usually gives this brochure to my teachers every year, " she says," but this year I did it myself. Such a historical event is truly worthy of waiting patiently. Absalom " stal... Israels mäns hjärta " genom att ställa sig in hos dem, komma med sluga löften och ge falska ömhetsbetygelser. The Devil's challenge no doubt aroused indignation, anger, and contempt among heavenly creatures loyal to God. Perhaps you feel similar emotions when you consider all the suffering Satan has caused. Absalom "ripped away the heart of the men of Israel ' by consulting them with crafty promises and giving false expressions of affection. Genom det förkunnararbete som Jesus förutsade skulle utföras under hans närvaro: " Dessa goda nyheter om kungariket skall bli predikade på hela den bebodda jorden till ett vittnesbörd för alla nationerna; och sedan skall slutet komma. " For example, look at the tract Will Suffering Ever End? By means of the preaching work that Jesus foretold during his presence: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. " Han skrev: " Om någon eftersträvar en tjänst som tillsyningsman, är det ett utmärkt arbete han önskar sig. " Ruth's love for Naomi is heartwarming to think about, but far more important was her love for Jehovah. He wrote: "If anyone is reaching out for an office of overseer, he is a fine work. " Alla fick chansen att ångra sig och vända om. Asha studied the Bible and came to know God as her Friend. All had the opportunity to repent and turn around. Varför förlorade Adam och Eva den frihet de hade fått av Gud? Minutes - then hours - pass. Why did Adam and Eve lose the freedom they had received from God? Vi kan använda den för att försvara sanningen, som Jesus gjorde när Djävulen frestade honom, men den är ingen klubba som vi slår andra i huvudet med. (b) Why is the term "Israel " not always limited in its meaning? We can use it to defend the truth, as Jesus did when the Devil tempted him, but it is no social club that we take others into the head. Vilket är det bästa sättet att visa barmhärtighet mot dem som inte tillhör den kristna församlingen? (Include the box "Firmly Set in the Truth. ") What is the best way to show mercy to those outside the Christian congregation? * I Psalm 1: 1, 2 står det: " Lycklig är den man som... har sin lust i Jehovas lag, och i hans lag läser han med låg röst dag och natt. " 9, 10. * Psalm 1: 1, 2 states: "Happy is the man that has his delight in the law of Jehovah, and in his law he reads in an undertone day and night. " I dag studerar vi i allmänhet Bibeln med en person åt gången så att vi kan ge individuell undervisning. Some are easily ruled by emotions; others are not. Today, we regularly study the Bible with a person for a time so that we can impart the individual teaching. Ovädersdagar på Bibelns tid How should the Israelites have responded to clear evidence that those men were empowered by holy spirit? Faced in Bible Times * " Min mamma brukar ge den här broschyren till mina lärare varje år ," säger hon, " men i år gjorde jag det själv. Likewise with evildoers. * "My mother usually gave this brochure to my teacher every year, " she says, "but for years I did. De lojala änglarna blev säkert chockade, arga och ledsna när de såg vad som hände, och vi kanske känner likadant när vi tänker på allt lidande som Satan har orsakat. Reasonable attention to our health in general can minimize feelings of emotional and spiritual exhaustion. Surely the loyal angels were shocked, angry, and grieved at seeing what happened, and we may feel the same when we consider all the suffering that Satan has caused. Ta till exempel vikbladet Kan det bli ett slut på allt lidande? You probably recognize that the man was Job, a key figure in the Bible book bearing his name. - Job, chapters 1 and 2. For example, can it be an end to all suffering? Vi blir rörda när vi tänker på Ruts varma känslor för Noomi, men viktigast av allt var att Rut älskade Jehova. What is required for us to enjoy Christian affection in the congregation? We are touched by the feelings of Ruth, but the most important thing Ruth loved Jehovah was to Ruth. Asha studerade Bibeln och lärde känna Gud som en vän. Surely, then, we are moved to join David in honoring Jehovah and saying: "As for your greatness, I will declare it. " Stéphane studied the Bible and came to know God as a friend. Minuterna - sedan timmarna - går. What warning about pursuing "unrealities " did Samuel deliver? My typical - ago hours - go. b) Hur vet vi att ordet " Israel " inte alltid syftar på de smorda? Jesus warned that a person who harbors smoldering wrath against his brother is committing a serious sin. (b) How do we know that the word "Israel " does not always refer to the anointed? (Ta med rutan " ' Befästa ' i sanningen .") [ Box / Picture on page 16] (Include the box "" Pray for " in the Truth. ") 9, 10. Name has been changed. 9, 10. Somliga behärskas lätt av känslor, medan andra inte gör det. • Jehovah? Some tend to be controlled by feelings, while others do not. Det var tydligt för israeliterna att Mose, Josua, Gideon och David fick hjälp av helig ande. • What motivates us to give a thorough witness? Clearly, Moses, Joshua, Gideon, and David were helped by holy spirit. Det är på samma sätt med ogärningsmän. Unlike unbelievers, Jesus ' disciples would not only see the sign but also understand its significance. The same is true of evildoers. Genom att vi i rimlig grad tänker på vår hälsa kan vi minska den känslomässiga och andliga utmattningen. If we hate what is wrong, we will not allow a desire for wrong things to grow in our hearts. By giving a reasonable consideration to our health, we can reduce the emotional and spiritual tiredness. Du har förmodligen förstått att mannen är Job, en av huvudpersonerna i den bok i Bibeln som bär hans namn. Therefore, let us joyfully use these provisions. You have probably understood that the man Job, a head of the book bearing his name, is Job. Vad krävs för att vi skall kunna glädja oss åt kristen tillgivenhet i församlingen? God's people have even been provided with a publication that puts Jesus ' experiences and time on earth in chronological order. What is required for us to enjoy Christian affection in the congregation? Vi drivs då att ära Jehova och instämma i Davids ord: " Din storhet vill jag förkunna. " In a way, such individuals are like insects that crawl right into a bowl of honey. Driven by their appetite, they soon find themselves entrapped. - Jas. 1: 14, 15. We are moved to honor Jehovah and agree with David's words: "Your greatness I will declare. " Vad varnade Samuel för? Ought you not, in turn, to have had mercy on your fellow slave, as I also had mercy on you? " What warning did Samuel give? Jesus sade varnande att en person som fortsätter att vara vred på sin broder begår en allvarlig synd. 9, 10. Jesus warned that a person who continues to be angry with his brother commits a serious sin. [ Ruta på sidan 16] The way a deaf person moves his head, lifts his shoulders, twitches his cheeks, and blinks his eyes all add subtle shades of meaning to the thought being conveyed. [ Box on page 16] Namnet har ändrats. Loyalty springs from the heart, but the human heart is treacherous. Name has been changed. • Jehova? Mauricio: Imagine that your son becomes very rebellious. • Jehovah? • Vad motiverar oss att vittna grundligt? Jehovah will magnify his sovereignty and sanctify his name, for he says: "I will certainly... make myself known before the eyes of many nations; and they will have to know that I am Jehovah. " - Ezek. • What motivates us to give a thorough witness? Till skillnad från icke troende människor skulle Jesu lärjungar inte bara se tecknet utan också förstå dess innebörd. If we were to murmur, or growl, those listening might feel the same way. Unlike unbelievers, Jesus ' disciples would not only see the sign but also understand its meaning. Om vi hatar det som är orätt, kommer vi inte att låta längtan efter det orätta växa i vårt hjärta. 32: 9. If we hate what is wrong, we will not allow a longing for the wrong grow in our heart. Låt oss därför med glädje använda dessa anordningar. In fact, all our energies, abilities, and talents may be viewed as gifts to be used to bring praise and honor to our heavenly Father. Let us, then, gladly use these provisions. Andra dagar kanske vi kan läsa evangelieskildringarna och meditera över det Jesus sa och gjorde. This Jesus God resurrected, of which fact we are all witnesses. " Other days, we may read the Gospel accounts and meditate on what Jesus said and did. Likt insekter som kryper in i en honungsburk för att få det de vill ha och sedan fastnar där, följer de här människorna sina orätta begär och blir slavar under synden. Prayer is essential in resisting temptation, but we must be cognizant of the need to pray at the right time. Like the mob of a honey in order to get what they want and then get into, these people follow their wrong desires and become slaves under sin. Borde inte du, i din tur, ha varit barmhärtig mot din medslav, liksom jag var barmhärtig mot dig? " The kingdom of Judah is not free of guilt. Should you not, in turn, have shown mercy to your fellow slave as I showed mercy to you? " 9, 10. As parents, we realized that we needed to present a united front to our children, and I had to learn to take the lead in a Christian way. " 9, 10. Varje rörelse med huvudet, axlarna, kinderna och ögonen bidrar med hårfina betydelsenyanser till den tanke som ska komma fram. But Jehovah will "collect [his people] together. " Each creature designed with his head, shoulders, the shoulders, and its eyes contributes to the thought of the one coming. Men eftersom vi är ofullkomliga kan vårt hjärta lura oss. (a) In what ways do humans react to reminders, and why? Being imperfect, however, our heart can deceive us. Mattias: Tänk dig att din son blir väldigt upprorisk. John uses it to refer to fellow believers in general. Mauricio: Imagine that your son is a very rebellious. Jehova kommer att rentvå sitt namn och visa att han är universums högste, för han säger: " Jag skall... helga mig och göra mig känd inför många nationers ögon; och de skall inse att jag är Jehova. " Is this the right person for me? Jehovah will clear his name and show that he is the Most High of the universe, for he says: "I shall sanctify me and make me known before the eyes of many nations; and they will know that I am Jehovah. " Om vi skulle knota, eller muttra, kan de som hör oss känna det likadant. Explain. If we were to murmur, or murmuring, those who hear us may feel the same way. 32: 9. 15, 16. (a) What resulted from one publisher's witnessing to a relative? 32: 9. I själva verket kan all vår energi och alla våra möjligheter och förmågor betraktas som gåvor som vi bör använda för att lovprisa och ära vår himmelske Fader. Just as a gardener can direct the growth of some plants by gradually straightening their stems, you can gradually help some brothers to see the need to change their attitude toward accepting privileges. In fact, all our energy and abilities can be viewed as gifts we should use to praise and honor our heavenly Father. Denne Jesus har Gud uppväckt, vilket vi alla är vittnen om. " Rise, get baptized. " - ACTS 22: 16. This Jesus has been resurrected, as all of us are witnesses of. " Bönen är viktig för att man ska kunna stå emot frestelser, men vi måste inse vikten av att be vid rätt tidpunkt. Yes, he needed a guide, someone to lead the way for him. Prayer is essential if we are to resist temptation, but we must recognize the importance of praying at the right time. Invånarna i Judas rike är inte heller fria från skuld. Starting with no preexisting material, Jehovah used his holy spirit - his powerful active force - to create the physical heavens, the earth, and everything else in the universe. The inhabitants of the kingdom of Judah are not free from guilt. Vi insåg att vi som föräldrar måste visa upp en enad front, och jag behövde lära mig att ta ledningen på ett kristet sätt. " (b) What warning did Jesus give to the faithful and discreet slave? We realized that as parents, we had to give up a united, and I needed to learn to take the lead in a Christian way. " Men Jehova skall " samla ihop " sitt folk. The situation is the same today. But Jehovah will " gather together ' his people. a) Hur reagerar många när de får råd, och varför det? No matter how much we know of a situation, only Jehovah can read a person's figurative heart. (a) How do many react when they receive counsel, and why? Johannes använder det om medtroende i allmänhet. Of course, marriages are not made in heaven, but God will guide Christians in this and other aspects of life if they pray for direction and are led by his spirit. - Gal. 5: 18, 25. John uses it about fellow believers in general. Är det här rätt person för mig? How do Jesus ' words to the scribes and the Pharisees and to his followers show that mercy is a desirable quality? Is this the right person for me? Förklara. After Moses, Jehovah inspired other Bible writers to mention the hope of everlasting life. Explain. 15, 16. a) Vad blev följden av att en förkunnare vittnade för en släkting? We can also regularly contribute to the worldwide work, knowing that such funds are used wisely. - 1 John 3: 17. 15, 16. (a) What resulted from witnessing to a relative? Precis som en trädgårdsmästare kan få en planta att växa rakt genom att undan för undan binda upp stjälken, så kan du som äldste steg för steg hjälpa brodern att inse att han behöver ändra sin inställning till att ta emot uppgifter i församlingen. Without a doubt, Jehovah is "vigorous in power. " - Read Isaiah 40: 26. Just as a gardener may make a plant grow right by gradually buying out, so as an elder may gradually help the brother to realize that he needs to change his attitude toward congregation privileges. Stig upp, bli döpt. " • How have the apostle Paul's words "the scene of this world is changing " proved true in our time? Get baptized. " Ja, han behövde en vägledare, någon som visade honom vägen. Patience helps us to endure until we gain salvation, no matter how much time remains in this system. Yes, he needed a Guide, someone who showed him the way. Utan någon befintlig materia att utgå från använde Jehova sin heliga ande - sin mäktiga verksamma kraft - för att skapa universum, jorden och allt liv. Responsible servants of Jehovah today must comply with divine requirements. Without any uncertain matter, Jehovah used his holy spirit - his powerful force - to create the universe, the earth, and all life. b) Vilken varning gav Jesus den trogne och omdömesgille slaven? Athletes often train hard for many months in order to reach their goal. (b) What warning did Jesus give the faithful and discreet slave? Det är likadant i vår tid. As their descendants, we too are free moral agents. It is similar today. Och det spelar ingen roll hur mycket vi känner till om en viss sak - det är bara Jehova som vet vad som finns i någons hjärta. His miracles also give us tremendous insight into his personality and that of his Father. And no matter how much we know about a certain matter - only Jehovah knows what is in the heart of a person. Äktenskap arrangeras naturligtvis inte i himlen, men Gud kommer att vägleda de kristna på det här och andra områden i livet om de ber honom göra det och låter hans ande leda dem. (Read Galatians 6: 5.) While marriage is not in heaven, God will guide Christians in this and other areas of life if they ask him to do so and allow his spirit to lead them. Hur visar det Jesus sade till de skriftlärda och fariséerna och till sina efterföljare att barmhärtighet är en önskvärd egenskap? God's holy spirit equipped Bezalel and Oholiab to excel How does Jesus show mercy to the scribes and Pharisees and to his followers? Efter Moses tid inspirerade Jehova andra bibelskribenter att nämna hoppet om evigt liv. After I finished my apprenticeship at the hotel in my hometown of Graz, my mother funded further education for me at a hotel management school. After Moses ' time, Jehovah inspired other Bible writers to mention the hope of everlasting life. Och vi kan ge bidrag till den världsvida verksamheten och vara säkra på att pengarna används på bästa sätt. What a thrilling field of study we find in the words and deeds of Jesus Christ! And we can contribute to the worldwide activity of the money used best. (Läs Jesaja 40: 26.) What would I do? (Read Isaiah 40: 26.) • Hur har aposteln Paulus ord, " den här världens skådeplats håller på att förändras ," visat sig vara sanna i vår tid? Jehovah inspired Solomon to write: "The one holding back his rod is hating his son, but the one loving him is he that does look for him with discipline. " • How has the apostle Paul's words, "the scene of this world is changing, " proved to be true today? Tålamod hjälper oss att hålla ut till slutet för den här världsordningen, oberoende av hur länge vi behöver vänta. Paul's counsel on unity was vital for the congregation Patience helps us to endure to the end of this system of things, regardless of how long we need to wait. Även i våra dagar måste tjänare åt Jehova i ansvarig ställning rätta sig efter hans krav. How can we help new ones to converse with householders and others? Today, even servants of Jehovah need to submit to his requirements. Idrottsmän tränar ofta hårt i flera månader för att nå sitt mål. They were filled with sorrow, confessed their sins to God, and turned back from their bad ways. Self - discipline often acts hard for months in order to achieve one's goal. Som deras avkomlingar har också vi fri vilja. The wind has already scattered them. " As their descendants, we too have free will. Hans underverk lär oss också en hel del om vilka egenskaper han och hans Far har. Jesus said: "Not one of them [not even the one added in] goes forgotten before God. " His miracles also teach us much about the qualities he and his Father. (Läs Galaterna 6: 5.) Rather than harshly dominating his wife, as the Bible foretold that men would commonly do, a husband who wins God's approval will honor her. (Read Galatians 6: 5.) Guds heliga ande hjälpte Besalel och Oholiab. How can we show our appreciation for Jehovah's Word? God's holy spirit helped Bezalel and Oholiab. När jag var klar med min lärotid på hotellet i Graz bekostade mamma ytterligare utbildning på en hotellskola. When we do, we can act with more wisdom than either our enemies or our teachers. - Ps. 119: 98, 99, 130. When I was clearly in the hospital in the hospital, my mother had additional education on a hotel. Tänk så spännande det är att undersöka det Jesus Kristus sade och gjorde! The Bible condemns drunkenness, gluttony, and immorality, warning that those who practice such things "will not inherit God's kingdom. " - 1 Corinthians 6: 9, 10; Proverbs 23: 20, 21; 1 Peter 4: 1 - 4. How exciting it is to examine what Jesus Christ said and did! Hur skulle jag göra nu? Have my drinks become stronger? How would I do now? Jehova inspirerade Salomo att skriva: " Den som håller tillbaka sin käpp hatar sin son, men den som älskar honom ser efter honom med tuktan. " Their own children will be dashed to pieces, and their pregnant women themselves will be ripped up. " Jehovah inspired Solomon to write: "He that is holding back his rod hates his son, but he that loves him will see with discipline. " Paulus råd angående enhet var av stor betydelse för församlingen (a) What events will take place after the initial part of the great tribulation has passed? Paul's counsel on unity was of vital importance to the congregation Hur kan vi hjälpa de nya att få i gång samtal i tjänsten? Why should one avoid overindulgence in alcohol as well as food? How can we help new ones to start conversations in the ministry? De bekände sina synder för Gud och övergav sitt onda handlingssätt. Robert: I suppose we'll rule over the people on earth who haven't died and gone to heaven yet. They confessed their sins to God and abandoned their bad course. Vinden har ju redan spritt ut dem. " When the crowd asked what they should do, Peter replied: "Repent, and let each one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the free gift of the holy spirit. " After all, we have already spread them. " Jesus sade: " Ingen av dem [inte ens den som lades till] [blir] bortglömd inför Gud. " Personal interests and pleasures will have their place in God's new world. Jesus said: "No one of them [would] not be forgotten before God. " I stället för att strängt härska över sin hustru, som Bibeln förutsade att män i allmänhet skulle göra, kommer en man som har Guds godkännande att ära henne. Baruch proved to be humble and wise, for he listened to Jehovah and survived the destruction of Jerusalem. Rather than harshly ruling over his wife, as the Bible foretold, men in general would do, a man who has God's approval will honor her. Hur kan vi visa att vi uppskattar Jehovas ord? Just as a helmet protects a soldier's brain, our "hope of salvation " protects our mind, our thinking ability. How can we show appreciation for Jehovah's Word? När vi gör det kan vi handla visare än både våra " fiender " och våra " lärare ." Disease: Jehovah will bless his people with perfect health. As we do so, we can act wiser than both our " enemies " and our" teacher. " I Bibeln fördöms dryckenskap, frosseri och omoral, och det sägs varnande att de som ägnar sig åt sådant " inte skall ärva Guds kungarike ." Paul wrote: "Love is long - suffering. " The Bible warns that those who practice such things "will not inherit God's kingdom. " Har mina drinkar blivit starkare? Why is it in my best interests to obey? Have my custom become stronger? Deras barn skall krossas, och deras havande kvinnor skall skäras upp. " During that time the encouragement not to tire out but to continue to reach out greatly helped me. " Their children will be crushed, and their pregnant women will be cut up. " a) Vad händer efter den inledande delen av den stora vedermödan? (Read 2 Corinthians 1: 6.) (a) After the initial part of the great tribulation, what happens? Varför bör man undvika både att dricka för mycket alkohol och att äta för mycket? In fact, my dad became my best friend, and I felt free to talk to him about even delicate matters. " Why should you avoid drinking too much alcohol and eating too much? Robert: Jag antar att det blir över alla människor som inte har kommit till himlen än. He gathered "the sons of the Kingdom " into an organized people, in fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy:" Will a land be brought to birth in one day? Robert: I suppose that all people who have not come to heaven are nothing. Folkskaran fick dåligt samvete och frågade vad de behövde göra. Petrus svarade: " Ändra sinne, och låt er alla döpas i Jesu Kristi namn, så att ni får förlåtelse för era synder, och ni skall få den heliga andens fria gåva. " In itself, belonging to the Christian congregation was not enough, just as merely calling on the name of Jehovah was not enough in Moses ' day. The crowd were poor and asked what they needed to do; Peter replied: "Repent, and let each one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the free gift of the holy spirit. " Det är ju Jehova som har skapat oss med en önskan att göra sådant som vi tycker om, och han vill att vi ska njuta av livet. In doing so, however, would they not be suggesting that they could think of better ways to handle the issue? After all, Jehovah has created us with the desire to do things we like, and he wants us to enjoy life. Baruk visade sig vara ödmjuk och förståndig, för han lyssnade till Jehova och fick överleva Jerusalems ödeläggelse. 4: 3, 4. What may move honesthearted ones to take sides with Jehovah? Baruch proved humble and understanding, for he listened to Jehovah and was preserved by Jerusalem's destruction. Hjälmen skyddade soldatens hjärna, och " hoppet om räddning " skyddar vår tankeförmåga. (a) How can negative emotions have an undermining effect? The helmet protected the soldier's brain, and "the hope of salvation " protects our thinking ability. Sjukdomar: Jehova kommer snart att ge alla perfekt hälsa. WHY are you convinced that Jehovah loves his people? Reality: Jehovah will soon give all perfect health. Paulus skrev: " Kärleken är tålmodig. " Show interest in the viewpoint of others without making them uncomfortable. Paul wrote: "Love is patient. " Varför är det till mitt bästa att jag lyder den? (b) What are you determined to do when it comes to proving yourself holy? Why is it my best course to obey it? Något som hjälpte mig mycket under den tiden var all uppmuntran jag fick att inte ge upp utan fortsätta att visa att jag ville ställa mig till förfogande. " In everyday life, even in small ways, we want to show that we "slave for Jehovah. " - Romans 12: 11. One aid that helped me back then was all encouragement that I did not give up without continuing to reach out. " (Läs 2 Korinthierna 1: 6.) How should we approach someone who has offended us? (Read 2 Corinthians 1: 6.) Pappa blev faktiskt min bästa vän, och jag kände att jag till och med kunde prata med honom om känsliga ämnen. " Therefore, we should have the humble attitude that Moses displayed when he said to Jehovah: "Make me know, please, your ways, that I may know you, in order that I may find favor in your eyes. " In fact, my father became my best friend, and I knew that I could even talk to him about sensitive subjects. " Jehova samlade in " kungarikets söner " och organiserade dem som ett folk, och på det sättet uppfylldes Jesajas profetia: " Kan ett land framfödas under födslosmärtor på en enda dag? I will put my law within them, and in their heart I shall write it. Jehovah gathered together "the sons of the kingdom " and organized them as a people, thus being fulfilled Isaiah's prophecy:" Can a land come out of birth during one day? Det räckte inte att tillhöra den kristna församlingen, precis som det inte räckte att bara anropa Jehovas namn på Moses tid. In harmony with John's counsel, we always encourage those we meet in the preaching work to test what they have been taught by comparing it with the Bible. It was not enough to belong to the Christian congregation, just as it was not enough to call on Jehovah's name in Moses ' day. Men när de gör det, menar de då inte att de skulle ha kunnat tänka ut bättre sätt att ta itu med upproret och ge svar på den stridsfråga som väcktes? God said: "I am proceeding to go down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land [Egypt] to a land good and spacious, to a land flowing with milk and honey. " But when they do so, do they not think that they could have thought better about dealing with the rebellion and give an answer to the issue raised? Vad kan få uppriktiga människor att ställa sig på Jehovas sida? It pursues us all. What can move sincere individuals to take on Jehovah's side? a) Hur kan negativa känslor ha en försvagande inverkan? " Let Me Give You a Gift " (a) How can negative feelings have a negative effect? VARFÖR är du övertygad om att Jehova älskar sitt folk? By 1919, the "good news of the Kingdom " had taken on added meaning. WHY are you convinced that Jehovah loves his people? Visa att du är intresserad av vad andra tycker utan att få dem att känna sig besvärade. Jehovah has proved his love for us by helping us individually to take advantage of the benefits of Christ's sacrifice. Show that you are interested in what others think but make them feel uncomfortable. b) Hur kan du visa att du tänker förbli helig? * However, once the Christian congregation was established, Jesus ' direction would have application therein. (b) How can you prove to be holy? I det dagliga livet, också i små saker, vill vi visa att vi " gör slavtjänst åt Jehova ." What rewards does Jehovah offer his slaves? In our daily life, including in small things, we want to show that we "slave for Jehovah. " Vad ska vi göra om någon har sårat oss? These things took place in order for the scripture to be fulfilled: " Not a bone of his will be crushed. ' What should we do if we have been wronged? Därför bör vi ha den ödmjuka inställning som Mose visade när han sade till Jehova: " Gör... så att jag lär känna dina vägar, det ber jag dig, för att jag må känna dig, i det syftet att jag må finna ynnest för dina ögon. " Some have even become slaves to riches. - Matt. Therefore, we should have the humble attitude that Moses showed when he told Jehovah: "Make me know your ways, please, that I may know you, in order that I may find favor in your eyes. " Jag skall lägga min lag i deras inre, och i deras hjärta skall jag skriva den. Following that marking work, the six men with the slaughtering weapons are commanded to execute all those who do not have the mark. - Read Ezekiel 9: 1 - 6. I will put my law within them, and in their heart I shall write it. I överensstämmelse med Johannes råd uppmanar vi alltid dem vi träffar i förkunnartjänsten att pröva det de har fått lära sig genom att jämföra det med Bibeln. It might be easy for someone to judge Lot as being weak or disobedient. In harmony with John's counsel, we always urge those we meet in the ministry to test what they have learned by comparing what the Bible says. Han sade: " Jag skall stiga ner för att befria dem ur egyptiernas hand och föra dem upp från detta land [Egypten] till ett gott och vidsträckt land, till ett land som flödar av mjölk och honung. " One Christian husband explains: "Quickly apologizing for mistakes and mentioning those errors when praying together is a way of showing sincere sorrow over even a minor matter that causes upset. " - Eph. 6: 18. He said: "I am proceeding to go down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land [the sea] into a good and broad land, to a land flowing with milk and honey. " Den drabbar oss alla. (Read.) It befalls all of us. " Låt mig ge dig en gåva " Have we not found that great pleasure can be derived from doing what is right? " Let Me Give You a Gift " Från och med 1919 hade " dessa goda nyheter om kungariket " fått en bredare betydelse. We are safeguarded by applying God's counsel From 1919 onward, "this good news of the kingdom " had been given a broad meaning. Jehova har visat sin kärlek till oss genom att hjälpa var och en av oss att dra nytta av Kristi offer. Then let us pray for God's help to act in harmony with the apostle Paul's words: "Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. Jehovah has shown his love for us by helping each of us to benefit from Christ's sacrifice. * Men så snart den kristna församlingen hade bildats, skulle Jesu anvisning tillämpas på den. The second petition in the model prayer is: "Let your kingdom come. " * But as soon as the Christian congregation had been formed, Jesus ' direction would be applied to it. Vilka belöningar ger Jehova sina slavar? The Hebrew word ʼa·menʹ has the basic meaning of "surely. " What rewards does Jehovah provide for his slaves? Detta skedde för att skriftstället skulle uppfyllas: ' Inget ben skall krossas på honom. ' By all means, then, let us find delight in following the Messianic King - now and forever! This occurred that the scripture would be fulfilled: " No bone will be crushed upon him. ' Somliga har till och med blivit slavar åt rikedomen. " It is embarrassing but yes, " the woman replied. Some have even become slaves of riches. När arbetet med att sätta ett märke på pannan är färdigt får de sex männen med vapen befallningen att döda alla som inte har märket. (Läs Hesekiel 9: 1 - 6.) You well know the words of John 3: 16: "God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son. " When the work of putting a mark on the convention is completed, the six men with weapons with the command to kill all who have not seen. - Read Ezekiel 9: 1 - 6. När man läser om Lot kan det vara lätt att tänka att han var upprorisk eller att han hade svag tro. [ Picture on page 15] When reading about Lot, it may be easy to think that he was rebellious or that he had strong faith. En kristen äkta man förklarar: " Genom att vi snabbt ber om förlåtelse för de misstag vi gjort och nämner dem när vi ber tillsammans visar vi att vi är uppriktigt ledsna även för småsaker som orsakat irritation. " In the Bible, walking with Jehovah conveys the idea of trusting in him, supporting his sovereignty, and following his lead. A Christian husband explains: "By praying quickly for the mistakes we make, and we mention them when we pray together, even when we are genuinely hurt over minor matters. " (Läs.) Can you think of occasions when you have displayed love in a practical way? (Read.) Visst har vi upptäckt vilken glädje det ger att göra det som är rätt? Concern about the sanctification of Jehovah's holy name also helped Jesus to be prepared for the trials he faced. Have we not discovered what joy it brings to do what is right? Vi får skydd om vi tillämpar Guds råd. Why? Because the adjustments were based on increased knowledge about the pattern set in the Scriptures. We find protection if we apply God's counsel. Låt oss då be om Guds hjälp att handla i enlighet med aposteln Paulus ord: " Bli inte ojämnt sammanokade med icke troende. Christendom - Marked by Division Then let us pray for God's help to act in harmony with the apostle Paul's words: "Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. Den andra vädjan i mönsterbönen lyder: " Må ditt kungarike komma. " • What reasons do we have to persevere in prayer? The second petition in the model prayer reads: "Let your kingdom come. " Det hebreiska ordet amẹn har grundbetydelsen " sannerligen ," " förvisso ." • Where will I drink? The Hebrew word (a·gaʹa) conveys the meaning " thing certainly, "" surely, " " ftn.]. " Låt oss därför med glädje följa den messianske kungen - nu och för evigt! They do not discern Christ's presence in Kingdom power. So let us joyfully follow the Messianic King - now and forever! Hon svarade: " Ja, pinsamt nog gör jag det. " For examples of such qualities in Paul's ministry, consider Acts 13: 9, 16 - 42; 17: 2 - 4; 18: 1 - 4; 19: 11 - 20; 20: 34; Romans 10: 11 - 15; 2 Corinthians 6: 11 - 13. She replied: "Yes, I do it. " Du känner säkert till orden i Johannes 3: 16: " Gud älskade världen så mycket att han gav sin enfödde Son. " We can fight the works of the Devil by encouraging members of our family and of the congregation. No doubt you know the words of John 3: 16: "God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son. " [ Bild på sidan 15] Although his presence as King of God's Kingdom is invisible, it is obvious from the fulfillment of prophecies. [ Picture on page 15] När det i Bibeln talas om att vandra med Jehova inbegriper det att man litar på honom, försvarar hans rätt att härska och följer hans vägledning. (b) Why is the account of Jesus ' cleansing of the temple reassuring to us? When the Bible speaks of walking with Jehovah, trusting in him, defending his sovereignty, and following his guidance includes trusting in him. Kan du påminna dig några tillfällen då du visade kärlek på ett praktiskt sätt? Seek Jehovah's direction before you make decisions and commitments, not after making them. Can you recall some instances when you showed love in practical ways? Jesu intresse för att Jehovas heliga namn skulle bli helgat hjälpte honom också att förbereda sig för de prövningar han skulle ställas inför. For example, consider the suggestions we have been given regarding our Bible students. Jesus ' interest in the sanctification of Jehovah's holy name also helped him to prepare for the trials that he would face. Ja, och det är precis vad man kan förvänta, eftersom förändringarna grundar sig på en bättre förståelse av det bibliska mönstret. Greece Yes, just as the changes are expected, the changes are based on a better understanding of the Scriptural pattern. Kristenheten - präglad av splittring Jesus showed that a Samaritan could teach the Jews the meaning of true neighborly love. Christendom - Published by Fellow Sin • Vad har vi för skäl att vara ihärdiga i bönen? Elders in more than 100,000 congregations shepherd God's sheep on a personal level. • What reasons do we have to persevere in prayer? • Var kan jag dricka? As noted, Paul gave Timothy instructions outlining the circumstances under which Christian widows would qualify for material assistance from the congregation. • Where can I drink? De inser inte att Kristus har börjat regera i Guds kungarike. His pattern of humility touched the hearts of his disciples, motivating them to follow a course reflecting " lowliness of mind considering that the others were superior to them. ' They do not realize that Christ has begun ruling in God's Kingdom. Exempel på hur Paulus visade sådana egenskaper i sin tjänst finns i Apostlagärningarna 13: 9, 16 - 42; 17: 2 - 4; 18: 1 - 4; 19: 11 - 20; 20: 34; Romarna 10: 11 - 15; 2 Korinthierna 6: 11 - 13. Penni was not sure how they would react to Scriptural truths presented in the Bible Teach book. Examples of such qualities in his ministry are found at Acts 13: 9, 16 - 42; 18: 1 - 4; 4: 1 - 4; 19: 11 - 20; Romans 10: 34 - 15; Romans 10: 11 - 11; 2 Corinthians 6: 11 - 13. Job förblev lojal mot Jehova. Även vi kan motarbeta Satan. Vi kan fortsätta uppmuntra vår familj och våra bröder och systrar i församlingen. Have you taken your stand as one of those happy praisers of Jehovah? Job remained loyal to Jehovah, even though we can oppose Satan, and we can continue to encourage our family and our brothers and sisters in the congregation. Även om hans närvaro som kung i Guds rike är osynlig, är den uppenbar genom uppfyllelsen av profetiorna. Although inhabitants of the kingdom of Israel became guilty of spiritual adultery, God would be merciful to them if they repented. Although his presence as King of God's Kingdom is invisible, it is evident by the fulfillment of the prophecies. b) Varför är berättelsen om hur Jesus rensade templet uppmuntrande för oss? While I was in high school, I had a friend who was a prizefighter, and he convinced me to try boxing. (b) Why is the account about Jesus ' cleansing of the temple encouraging to us? Be Jehova om hjälp innan du fattar ett beslut, inte efteråt. You are sure to be happy if you follow Jehovah fully and have plenty to do in the Lord's work. - 1 Corinthians 15: 58. Ask Jehovah for help before making a decision, not afterward. Tänk till exempel på de förslag vi har fått när det gäller dem vi studerar Bibeln med. What trials did Rudolf Graichen experience, and what helped him to endure? For example, consider the suggestions we have received regarding Bible students. Grekland [ Pictures on page 17] Greece Ja, Jesus visade att judarna kunde lära sig av en samarier vad det betyder att älska sina medmänniskor. " The family member who is the focus of your resentment may be feeling just fine, enjoying life, and perhaps not at all troubled by any of this, " writes Mark Sichel in his book Healing From Family Rifts. Yes, Jesus indicated that the Jews could learn from a Samaritan what it means to love fellow humans. Äldste i mer än 100 000 församlingar tar hand om Guds får och ger dem individuell hjälp. There were also animal sacrifices. Elders in more than 100,000 congregations care for God's sheep and give them the individual assistance. Som vi redan har sett gav Paulus anvisningar om vilka kristna änkor som kunde få materiell hjälp från församlingen. How can you imitate Elisha today? As we have already seen, Paul instructed the Christian widows who could receive material help from the congregation. Hans egen ödmjukhet gjorde så djupt intryck på dem att de själva ville bli sådana som " med ödmjukt sinne " satte " andra högre än... [sig] själva ." One reason is that God's people work hard to apply the Bible's admonition: "Deaden, therefore, your body members that are on the earth as respects sexual immorality, uncleanness, uncontrolled sexual passion. " His own humility deeply impressed them that they wanted to become people "with lowliness of mind " to" set others superior to [themselves]. " Penni visste inte hur de skulle reagera för de bibliska sanningar som läggs fram i boken. Barak assembled 10,000 men on Mount Tabor and was ready to engage in battle with Jabin's military chief Sisera, who entered the torrent valley of Kishon with his army and its 900 war chariots. They did not know how to react to the Bible truths presented in the book. Är du en av dessa lyckliga lovprisare av Jehova? Paul encourages youths to wait at least until they are past "the bloom of youth, " when sexual desires are most powerful. Are you one of these happy happy praises from Jehovah? Trots att invånarna i kungariket Israel gjorde sig skyldiga till andligt äktenskapsbrott, skulle Gud vara barmhärtig mot dem om de ändrade sinne och vände om. The Laodiceans lacked zeal for the Christian ministry. Although the inhabitants of the kingdom of Israel committed spiritual adultery, God would be merciful to them if they repented and turned around. När jag gick i high school hade jag en vän som höll på med proffsboxning, och han övertalade mig att också börja boxas. Under what circumstances will we "have no reward " from our heavenly Father? When I went in high school, I had a friend who kept on trial, and he persuaded me to start box. Du kommer helt visst att vara lycklig om du helt och fullt följer Jehova och har rikligt att göra i Herrens verk. Because of a prolonged drought in Elijah's day, starvation stared many in the face, including a widow and her young son living in Zarephath. Surely you will be happy if you follow Jehovah fully and have plenty to do in the work of the Lord. Vilka prövningar fick Rudolf Graichen gå igenom, och vad hjälpte honom att hålla ut? In turn, Jehovah restored them to his favor. What trials did Rudolf experience, and what helped him to endure? [ Bilder på sidan 17] * "Even though I have pioneered and have had many other privileges, none of them seem enough to make me believe in my heart that I belong. " [ Pictures on page 17] " Den i familjen som du är bitter på kanske har det hur bra som helst, njuter av livet och är helt obekymrad ," skriver Mark Sichel i sin bok Healing From Family Rifts. Why not? " The family that you are bitter may have whatever good, enjoying life, and is totally ftn., " writes Mark Sermon on the book of Mark. Det fanns också djuroffer. 16, 17. There were also animal sacrifices. Hur kan du efterlikna Elisa? Who are represented by "the wheat " and" the weeds " mentioned in Matthew chapter 13? How can you imitate Elisha? En anledning är att Guds folk anstränger sig för att följa Bibelns uppmaning: " Döda därför era lemmar, som är på jorden, vad beträffar otukt, orenhet, sexuell lidelse. " Indeed, David urged fellow Israelites to " boast in Jehovah's holy name. ' - Read 1 Chronicles 16: 8 - 10. One reason is that God's people strive to heed the Bible's command: "Deaden, therefore, your body members that are upon the earth as respects fornication, uncleanness, sexual appetite. " Barak samlade 10 000 man på berget Tabor och var beredd att ge sig i strid med Jabins härförare Sisera, som drog in i Kisons regnflodsdal med sin här och 900 stridsvagnar. HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? Barak gathered 10,000 men at Mount Tabor and was prepared to battle with Jabin's army, which led into the valley valley of war and war chariots. Paulus uppmuntrar de yngre att vänta åtminstone tills de är förbi " ungdomsblomstringen ," då de sexuella begären är som starkast. When telling the Pharisee that the second greatest commandment was to love one's neighbor as oneself, Jesus was referring to a specific law given to Israel. Paul encourages younger ones to wait for at least until they are past "the days of youth, " when sexual desires are like integrity keepers. De kristna i Laodikeia var inte så entusiastiska för den kristna tjänsten. Whether reading God's Word in printed or electronic form, our goal should be to get it off the page and into our heart. The Christians in Laodicea were not so enthusiastic about the Christian ministry. Vad kan göra att vi inte får " någon lön " från vår himmelske Fader? However, we are not alone. What can cause us to have "no reward " from our heavenly Father? På grund av en långvarig torka på Elias tid ställdes många inför svält, däribland en änka och hennes unge son i Sarefat. Imagine the following scenes that reveal his implicit trust in Jehovah. Because of a long drought in Elijah's day, many faced famine, including a widow and her young son in Zarephath. De visade sann ånger, och därför lät Jehova dem få ett gott förhållande till honom igen. Another longtime Witness gave his reasons for believing the truth that we preach: "My study over the years has convinced me that the Witnesses have made serious efforts to return to the model of first - century Christianity. They displayed genuine repentance, so Jehovah restored them to a good relationship with him. * " Jag har varit pionjär och haft många andra privilegier, men inget av det tycks räcka för att få mig att tro att jag är värd att kallas ett Jehovas vittne. " Jesus ' resurrection on the third day after his ignominious death proves that Jehovah heard his cry for help - just as Jehovah had heard David's. * "I have been a pioneer and had many other privileges, but none of it seems to make me think that I am worthy of being called one of Jehovah's Witnesses. " Varför inte det? The integrity - keeping course of God's faithful anointed Witnesses spurs on God's servants today to endure whatever trials come their way, including opposition from unbelieving relatives, workmates, or schoolmates who ridicule them for their faith. Why not? 16, 17. Humans earth wide will recognize Jehovah as the Universal Sovereign, the only one to be worshipped. 16, 17. Vilka representeras av " vetet " och " ogräset " som omnämns i Matteus, kapitel 13? Nathan replied: "Do whatever is in your heart, for the true God is with you. " Who are represented by "the wheat " and" the weeds " mentioned in Matthew chapter 13? (Läs 1 Krönikeboken 16: 8 - 10.) Later, he was falsely accused of attempted rape and was imprisoned. (Read 1 Chronicles 16: 8 - 10.) VAD SKULLE DU SVARA? Of course, they had not violated the divine law as Adam had, so they were not charged with the same sin; nor had any law code yet been given. HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? När Jesus talade om för farisén att det näst största budet var att älska sin nästa som sig själv, tänkte han på en särskild lag som hade getts till Israel. And the last enemy, death, is to be brought to nothing. " When Jesus told the Pharisee that the second greatest commandment was to love his neighbor, he focused on a special law given to Israel. Och det spelar ingen roll om vi läser en tryckt eller digital bibel. Målet med vår bibelläsning är att få tankarna att lyfta från Bibelns blad och nå in i hjärtat. Immediately, Peter and Andrew - as well as James and John, the sons of Zebedee - left their boats and followed Jesus. And it doesn't matter if we read a printed or have read a Bible - based Bible study, which is designed to draw mind from the pages of the Bible, and reach into the heart. Men vi är inte ensamma. (See paragraph 15) However, we are not alone. Tänk på följande händelser som visar hans bergfasta tro på Jehova. NEARLY 30 years after Pentecost of 33 C.E., the disciple James - a half brother of Jesus - writes a letter to "the twelve tribes " of spiritual Israel. Consider the following events that demonstrate his faith in Jehovah. En annan broder som har varit ett Jehovas vittne länge berättar varför han är övertygad om att han har sanningen: " Genom åren har mitt studium av Bibeln hjälpt mig att se att vittnena verkligen anstränger sig för att komma så nära de första kristnas exempel som möjligt. According to Jesus, how did the scribes and Pharisees show a careless disregard for life? Another brother who has been one of Jehovah's Witnesses says why he is convinced that he has the truth: "For years, my study of the Bible has helped me to see that the Witnesses are truly diligent to come as close to the example of the early Christians. Jesu uppståndelse på tredje dagen efter sin vanhedrande död visar att Jehova hörde hans rop om hjälp - alldeles som han hörde Davids rop. We make Jehovah our dwelling by looking to him as our refuge and stronghold, by lauding him as the Sovereign Ruler of the universe, and by preaching the good news of the Kingdom. Jesus ' resurrection on the third day after his life shows that Jehovah heard his cry for help - as he heard David's cry. De smorda bevarade sig trogna, och det motiverar oss i dag att uthärda de prövningar som vi kan drabbas av, till exempel motstånd från släktingar, arbetskamrater eller skolkamrater som hånar oss för vår tro. You must not desire your fellowman's wife, nor his slave man nor his slave girl nor his bull nor his ass nor anything that belongs to your fellowman. " The anointed remain faithful, and this moves us today to endure the trials that we may face, such as opposition from relatives, workmates, or schoolmates who ridicule us for our faith. Människor på hela jorden kommer att erkänna Jehova som universums Suverän, den ende som förtjänar att bli tillbedd. In his letter to the Hebrews, the apostle Paul wrote: "The word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two - edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints and their marrow, and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart. " People on earth will recognize Jehovah as the Universal Sovereign, the only one deserving of to be worshipped. Natan svarade: " Gör allt som är i ditt hjärta, för den sanne Guden är med dig. " To counteract any unnecessary anxiety caused by life's uncertainties, hold fast to the glorious hope of the resurrection. Nathan replied: "Do all that is in your heart, for the true God is with you. " Han blev senare falskeligen anklagad för våldtäktsförsök och sattes i fängelse. This book, produced by "the faithful and discreet slave " and published by Jehovah's Witnesses, focuses on Jehovah God's marvelous qualities, including those mentioned in Psalm 145. Later, he was falsely accused of rape and was imprisoned. De hade naturligtvis inte överträtt Guds lag så som Adam hade gjort och anklagades därför inte för samma synd. De hade inte heller fått någon lagsamling än. They provided transportation and carefully chose territory that he could work, so that he could meet his 30 - hour goal. Of course, they had not violated God's law as Adam had done and were accused of the same sin; neither had they been given any law code of laws nor laws. Som den siste fienden skall döden göras till intet. " Christians also found Greek to be ideal for their writings. As the last enemy, death will be brought to nothing. " Omedelbart lämnade Petrus och Andreas - och även Jakob och Johannes, Sebedeus söner - sina båtar och följde Jesus. Parents can instill in their children a healthy respect for the holy God whom they worship by setting the right example for their children and by giving loving and practical instruction. Immediately, Peter and Andrew - as well as James and John, their sons - were following Jesus. (Se paragraf 15.) He "knows how to deliver people of godly devotion out of trial. " - 1 Tim. (See paragraph 15) NÄRMARE 30 år efter pingsten år 33 skriver lärjungen Jakob, en halvbror till Jesus, ett brev till " de tolv stammarna " av det andliga Israel. Thus, when a husband and wife are loyal to each other, they can reside together safely and open their heart to each other, letting their love grow. SOME 30 years after Pentecost 33 C.E., the disciple James writes a half of Jesus, a letter to "the twelve tribes " of spiritual Israel. Vad sa Jesus om de religiösa ledarnas syn på livet? Often, passersby take note of what is happening and simply join in the study. What did Jesus say about the religious leaders ' view of life? Vi låter Jehova bli " en boning för oss " om vi ser honom som vår tillflykt och vårt fäste, om vi prisar honom som universums Suverän och om vi predikar de goda nyheterna om Riket. And rather than regale his listeners with personal stories about life in heaven or the creation of the universe, "he opened up their minds fully to grasp the meaning of the Scriptures. " We allow Jehovah to become "a real dwelling for us " if we see him as our refuge and our stronghold, if we praise him as the Universal Sovereign and preaching the good news of the Kingdom. Du skall inte ha begär till din nästas hustru, eller hans slav eller hans slavinna eller hans tjur eller hans åsna eller något som helst som tillhör din nästa. " • What kind of work will bring lasting satisfaction? You must not desire your fellowman's wife, nor his slave girl nor his bull nor his ass nor anything that belongs to your fellowman. " Paulus skrev i sitt brev till hebréerna: " Guds ord är levande och utvecklar kraft och är skarpare än något tveeggat svärd och tränger så långt in att det skiljer själ och ande, och leder och deras märg, och kan bedöma hjärtats tankar och avsikter. " Make no mistake about it, though, there is no neutral ground in this matter. In his letter to the Hebrews, Paul wrote: "The word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two - edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints and their marrow, and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart. " Bevara din tro på det underbara hoppet om uppståndelsen. Det kommer att hjälpa dig att inte bli överdrivet orolig för sådant som skulle kunna hända. Taking this first step can lead to success in coping with the problem. Keep your faith in the wonderful hope of the resurrection, which will help you to avoid becoming overly anxious about things that might happen. Den här boken, som framställts av " den trogne och omdömesgille slaven " och utgetts av Jehovas vittnen, riktar uppmärksamheten på Jehova Guds enastående egenskaper, bland annat dem som nämns i Psalm 145. According to one lexicon, the term rendered "confirm " means to" ratify, validate, make legally binding. " This book, published by "the faithful and discreet slave " and published by Jehovah's Witnesses, draws attention to Jehovah God's marvelous qualities, including those mentioned in Psalm 145. De ordnade med skjuts och lämpliga distrikt, och tack vare det kunde han nå sitt 30 - timmarsmål. What can help us to imitate God's wisdom? They arranged transportation and appropriate territory, and because of what he could reach his 30 - hour hours. Den senare delen av Bibeln skrevs också på grekiska. Why is tact important when speaking to relatives? The latter part of the Bible was also written in Greek. Föräldrar som föregår med gott exempel och ger kärleksfull och praktisk vägledning hjälper barnen att utveckla respekt för vår helige Gud och hans normer. In what way is Jehovah's love like that of a loving parent? Parents who set a good example and give loving guidance help to help their children develop respect for our holy God and his standards. Han " vet... att befria de gudhängivna ur prövningen ." Were an anointed Christian to become unfaithful, he would not receive "the unfadable crown of glory " promised to the chosen ones who remain faithful until death. - 1 Pet. He " knows how to deliver people of godly devotion out of trial. ' Så när mannen och hustrun är lojala mot varandra kan de känna sig lugna och trygga och vara helt öppna mot varandra så att kärleken kan växa. Of course, the Creator's providing so abundantly does not give us license to engage in unrestrained merriment. So when marriage mates are loyal to each other, they can feel calm and secure with one another so that love can grow. Det händer ofta att förbipasserande ser vad som pågår och helt enkelt vill vara med vid studiet. Those who are baptized with holy spirit are born again as spirit - begotten sons of God. It often sees what is going on and simply wants to be present at the study. Han försökte heller aldrig trollbinda sina åhörare med fascinerande berättelser om livet i himlen eller universums skapelse, utan i stället " öppnade han helt deras sinnen till att fatta Skrifternas innebörd ." 5, 6. He also never tried to seduce his listeners with fascinating accounts of life in heaven or the creation of the universe, but "he opened their minds fully to grasp the meaning of the Scriptures. " • Vilket slags arbete kommer att ge bestående tillfredsställelse? 3: 10, 11. Having God's view of people also means preaching to all, regardless of their circumstances. • What kind of work will bring lasting satisfaction? Men låt dig inte luras - det finns inte någon neutral mark i den här frågan. There is another possibility. But do not let yourself be deceived - there is no neutral ground in this regard. Det är första steget mot att hantera och kanske till och med få bukt med problemet. It's impossible. Karen: I agree. The first step is to cope with and even get control over the problem. Det grekiska ord som återgetts med " bekräfta " betyder i det här sammanhanget att visa eller bevisa. He has also appointed the slave "over all his belongings. " The Greek word translated "honor " in this context means to show or prove. Hur kan vi efterlikna Jehova och vara visa? No. How can we imitate Jehovah and be wise? Varför är det viktigt att vara taktfull när man vittnar för släktingar? Since false religion ran rampant in Babylonia, how did God's people survive spiritually during their 70 - year exile there from 607 B.C.E. to 537 B.C.E.? Why is it important to be discreet when witnessing to relatives? Hur liknar Jehovas kärlek en kärleksfull förälders kärlek? 64: 6. How does Jehovah's love compare a loving parent's love? Smorda som är trogna ända in i döden ska få " härlighetens segerkrans som aldrig vissnar ." However, once I made a firm determination to have a good relationship with Jehovah God and repeatedly asked for his help in prayer, I was finally able to quit for good. " Anointed ones who are faithful even to death will receive "the crown of glory that never wither. " Men att Skaparen har gett oss så mycket att njuta av gör inte att vi har rätt att ohämmat ägna oss åt det. The apostle John described Cain as one "who originated with the wicked one. " However, the Creator has given us so much to enjoy that we do not have the right to devote ourselves to it. De som blir döpta med helig ande föds på nytt som andliga söner till Gud. This certainly is food for thought in our materialistic age, when people equate affluence and prosperity with happiness and success. Those baptized with holy spirit were born again as spiritual sons of God. 5, 6. Perhaps he would say something that might damage his credibility. 5, 6. Om vi betraktar människor som Gud gör, kommer vi också att predika för alla, oavsett vilka omständigheter de befinner sig i. (b) What forms of illustrations did Jesus use, and what questions arise about his use of illustrations? If we view people as God does, we too will preach to all, regardless of their circumstances. Klipporna kring det första Meriba var av massiv granit. Why should we pray for fellow believers? Courtesy of the first Meribah were cut off. Karin: Det håller jag med om. Having grown up knowing about the hope of a resurrection, I soon found myself telling him about Jesus - that he raised the dead and that he promises to do so again in the future. Karen: That's what I agree. Han har också satt slaven " över alla sina tillhörigheter ." Today, if we do not follow Jehovah's guidance, we are likewise failing to acknowledge his sovereignty. He has also appointed the slave "over all his belongings. " Nej. If we are God - fearing individuals, our strength comes from an unfailing Source - Jehovah God. No. I Babylon dominerades hela samhället av falsk religion. Så hur skulle Guds folk överleva andligen under den 70 år långa landsflykten mellan år 607 och 537? Thus, it was with the absolute conviction of firsthand experience that he said: "You well know with all your hearts and with all your souls that not one word out of all the good words that Jehovah your God has spoken to you has failed. In Babylon, the entire world of false religion was destroyed, so how would God's people survive spiritually during the 70 years of captivity from 607 B.C.E. and 537? 64: 6. SONGS TO BE USED: 71, 117 64: 6. Men när jag väl bestämt mig på allvar för att få ett bra förhållande till Jehova Gud och efter att gång på gång ha bett honom om hjälp i bön kunde jag till slut bryta vanan för gott. " However, he still invites his servants to use their material things to support the work of his organization. But when I made a strong decision to get a good relationship with Jehovah God and had repeatedly prayed for help in prayer, I could break the habit of breaking the habit of good. " Aposteln Johannes beskrev Kain som en " som var av den onde ." Who are "the things in the heavens " that need to be gathered? The apostle John described Cain as one "of the wicked one. " Det här är verkligen något att tänka på i vår materialistiska tidsålder, när människor anser att välstånd och överflöd är liktydigt med lycka och framgång. God gave Job double what he had lost, and he lived a long, happy life. This is certainly true of our materialisticity when people view prosperity and abundance of happiness and success. Han skulle kanske säga någonting som skadade hans trovärdighet. Or you are a student. Perhaps he could say something that was injured in his case. b) Vilka slag av illustrationer eller liknelser använde Jesus, och vilka frågor uppstår om hans användning av illustrationer? What does meditation on Jehovah's creative works reveal? (b) What kind of illustrations did Jesus use, and what questions arise about his use of illustrations? Varför ber vi för våra bröder och systrar? (b) What will be discussed in the next article? Why do we pray for our brothers? Jag blir rörd när jag tänker på att jag har kunnat vända tillbaka till Jehova tack vare att han har dragit mig. As mentioned above, two emblems will be used, unleavened bread and red wine. I am touched when I remember that I have been able to return to Jehovah because he drew me back. Om vi inte följer Jehovas vägledning, erkänner inte heller vi hans suveränitet. Facing up to tests of faith during youth may mean enduring hardship and ridicule. If we fail to follow Jehovah's guidance, we do not recognize his sovereignty. Om vi är gudfruktiga, kommer vi att få styrka från en osviklig källa - Jehova Gud. This tactic should come as no surprise. If we are God - fearing, we will gain strength from an unfailing source - Jehovah God. Det var därför med ett ögonvittnes fasta övertygelse som han sade: " Ni vet av hela ert hjärta och av hela er själ att inte ett enda av alla de goda ord som Jehova, er Gud, har talat till er har slagit fel. A child who seems to understand the training thoroughly may easily forget it within a few weeks or months. It was with a firm conviction that he said: "You well know with all your hearts and with all your souls that not one word out of all the good words that Jehovah your God has spoken to you has failed. SÅNGER: 71, 117 We can gain comfort from meditating on Jehovah's forgiveness. SONGS TO BE USED: 71, 117 Men han inbjuder ändå sina tjänare att ge det de kan materiellt för att understödja hans organisation. See The Watchtower, November 1, 1995, pages 11 - 15, 19, 30, 31. Yet, he invites his servants to provide materially for supporting his organization. Vilka avses med " det som är i himlarna " och som skall samlas in? I love teaching people, as I can see that holy spirit is changing them. " - 1 Thess. 2: 19. Who are meant by "the things in the heavens " that are to be gathered? Gud gav Job dubbelt så mycket som han hade förlorat, och han fick ett långt, lyckligt liv. Jesus indicated that respect for Jehovah must come from the inner person. God doubled Job so much that he had lost, and he was given a long, happy life. Eller: du är ung och går i skolan. Read Proverbs 22: 4. Or you are a young person at school. Vad kan vi lära oss av Jehovas skaparverk? In response, governments make more laws, strengthen police forces, and install electronic surveillance. What can we learn from Jehovah's creative works? b) Vad ska vi se på i nästa artikel? Like Paul, may we not be stingy as we pay off this "debt. " (b) What will we consider in the next article? På ett bord nära talaren står det osyrade brödet och det röda vinet. (b) What took place first during the harvest season? On a table near the speaker, the unleavened bread and the red wine are standing. Att modigt stå fast i tron som ung kan innebära att man får utstå prövningar och hån. Of all the friendships we can cultivate, however, none are more important than our friendship with Jehovah. courageously standing in the faith as a young person can involve trials and ridicule. Detta bör inte komma som någon överraskning. Jesus gave that warning when discussing the sign that would mark the conclusion of this wicked system of things. This should come as no surprise. Men ett barn som tycks ha lärt sig precis hur man gör kan ändå glömma bort det hela inom ett par veckor eller månader. You too like Victor. Still, a child who seems to learn exactly how to do so can forget it through a few weeks or months. Vi kan få tröst av att meditera över Jehovas förlåtelse. (Read 1 John 5: 19.) We can draw comfort from meditating on Jehovah's forgiveness. Se Vakttornet för 1 november 1995, sidorna 11 - 15, 19, 30, 31. A Brief Review See The Watchtower, November 1, 1995, pages 11 - 15, 19, 30, 31. Jag älskar att undervisa andra, för man får se så tydligt att den heliga anden hjälper dem att förändras. " Kim had no such stories to tell. I love teaching others, for it is clear that holy spirit helps them to change. " Jesus visade att respekt för Jehova måste komma inifrån. Hence, our dedication to Jehovah involves much more than a solemn promise to do his will and to submit to water baptism. Jesus showed that respect for Jehovah must come in an abusive way. (Läs Ordspråksboken 22: 4.) Christian overseers are glad to help them to be conscious of their spiritual need so that they become "rich in faith. " (Read Proverbs 22: 4.) För att bemöta detta stiftar myndigheterna nya lagar, stärker poliskåren och installerar elektronisk övervakning. Here especially there is a need to communicate openly. To answer this, new authorities strengthen new laws, strengthens the air, and installs electronic games. Må vi likt Paulus inte vara snåla när vi betalar av denna " skuld ." Then, coming to the main issue, he continued: "I have hope toward God, which hope these men themselves also entertain, that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous. " - Acts 23: 23, 24; 24: 1 - 8, 14, 15. Like Paul, may we not be gracious when we pay off this " guilt. ' b) Vad var det första som hände under skördetiden? What effect can a child's choice have on others? (b) What happened during the harvest season? Och den viktigaste personen i vårt liv är Jehova, vår bäste vän. And multiplying wives would be dangerous because some of them could be from surrounding pagan nations that engaged in false worship, and those wives could turn the king aside from the true worship of Jehovah. And the most important Person in our life is Jehovah, our best Friend. Jesus gav den här varningen när han talade om tecknet som skulle markera slutet på den här onda världsordningen. (b) How do the book of Acts and the words of Paul agree with the statements of historians? Jesus gave this warning when he spoke of the sign that would mark the end of this wicked system of things. Även du tycker om Victor. Some youths when reading the Bible or a Bible - based publication during recess have been approached by other youths who have asked questions Even if you feel that way, you are happy to see the Bible's answer. (Läs 1 Johannes 5: 19.) Peter could therefore quote what the prophet Joel had foretold and apply it to men and women alike. (Read 1 John 5: 19.) En kort återblick What kind of model did Jesus leave for his disciples? A Long - Watch Tower Men Kim hade inga sådana historier att berätta. How? However, Kim had no such stories to relate. Överlämnandet innebär mycket mer än ett högtidligt löfte att göra hans vilja och att bli döpt. When the apostle Peter asked what blessings Christ's disciples would receive for the sacrifices they had made, Jesus promised: "Everyone that has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive many times more and will inherit everlasting life. " Dedication involves much more than a solemn promise to do his will and to get baptized. Kristna tillsyningsmän hjälper dem gärna att bli medvetna om sitt andliga behov, så att de blir " rika i tro ." But, as is the case of the anointed, it is God who qualifies you. Christian overseers gladly help them to become aware of their spiritual need so that they become "rich in faith. " Här är det särskilt viktigt med ett öppet kommunicerande. They had been warmly welcomed by Pharaoh, who knew and appreciated Joseph. Here is especially important with open communication. Sedan tog han upp själva huvudfrågan och sade: " Jag har ett hopp till Gud, ett hopp som också dessa män själva hyser, att det skall ske en uppståndelse för både de rättfärdiga och de orättfärdiga. " Studies show that pornography can influence adolescents to become sexually active at younger ages and also to become promiscuous, sexually violent, and emotionally and psychologically unstable. Then he took up the main question and said: "I have hope toward God, a hope that these men also have for themselves, that there will be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous. " Vilken verkan kan ett barns beslut få på andra? In addition, we want to make good use of the various means by which spiritual food is now made available to God's people worldwide. - Luke 12: 42. What effect can a child's decision have on others? Och det låg en fara i att kungen skaffade sig många hustrur, eftersom några av dem kunde komma från kringliggande hedniska nationer där man ägnade sig åt falsk tillbedjan, och de här hustrurna skulle kunna få honom att avvika från den sanna tillbedjan av Jehova. However, Jesus said that his Father "looks on in secret " at those who do not receive due credit for the good they do to others. And it was a danger in gaining many wives because some of them were able to go outside pagan nations there to devote themselves to false worship, and these wives could cause him to deviate from true worship. b) Hur är Apostlagärningarna och Paulus ord i samstämmighet med historikers uttalanden? Of course not! (b) How are Acts and Paul's words in harmony with the sayings of Christianity? En del unga som har läst Bibeln eller en biblisk bok eller tidskrift under rasterna har fått frågor av andra ungdomar 9: 24 - 27. 16, 17. (a) What should we do if we commit a serious sin? Some young people who have read the Bible or a Bible book or a school magazine have received questions from other youths. Petrus kunde därför citera vad profeten Joel hade förutsagt och tillämpa det på både män och kvinnor. What surprising statement did King Agrippa utter? Hence, Peter was able to quote what the prophet Joel had foretold and applied it to both men and women. Vad slags förebild efterlämnade Jesus åt sina lärjungar? What is involved in truly "knowing " God? What kind of model did Jesus leave to his disciples? Hur då? At any rate, this danger adds another reason to heed the Bible's counsel to avoid drunkenness and overdrinking. - Proverbs 20: 1; 23: 20, 31 - 33; 1 Peter 4: 3. How? När aposteln Petrus frågade vilka välsignelser Jesu lärjungar skulle få för de uppoffringar de hade gjort, lovade Jesus: " Var och en som har lämnat hus eller bröder eller systrar eller far eller mor eller barn eller jordstycken för mitt namns skull skall få många gånger mer och skall ärva evigt liv. " The apostle Paul made that clear when he wrote to Christians in ancient Corinth, where the Lord's Evening Meal was not being observed in a proper way. When asked what blessings Jesus ' disciples would enjoy for sacrifices they had made, Jesus promised: "Everyone that has left houses or brothers or sisters or mother or children or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive many times more and will inherit everlasting life. " Men det är Gud som gör dig kvalificerad, precis som han gör de smorda kvalificerade. What was the difference between Enoch and so many other descendants of Adam? However, it is God who qualifies you, just as he does the anointed qualified. Jakobs familj hade blivit väl mottagen av farao, som kände Josef och uppskattade honom. NEHEMIAH'S PRAYERS WERE ANSWERED Why is Nehemiah a good example for us? Jacob's family had been well - received by Pharaoh, who felt Joseph and appreciated him. Studier visar att pornografi kan påverka ungdomar att bli sexuellt aktiva i tidig ålder och kan leda till promiskuitet och sexuellt våld och göra dem känslomässigt och psykiskt labila. The weedlike clergy of Christendom have misled millions for centuries. Little wonder, though, that pornography can influence young ones to become involved in advanced age and can lead to sexual immorality and sexual immorality and damage their emotional and self - control. Dessutom vill vi göra vårt bästa för att ta till oss av den andliga maten, som organisationen ger oss i så många olika format. Christians do not repeat Jesus ' model prayer daily, but the requests expressed in it have meaning for all of us. In addition, we want to do our best to take to heart the spiritual food provided by Jehovah's organization. Men Jesus sa att hans Far ser allt, och han lägger märke till dem som inte får något beröm för att de gjort bra saker för andra. In taking many wives, what was Solomon ignoring? But Jesus said that his Father sees all things, and he observes those who are not moved to do good things for others. Naturligtvis inte! And just prior to talking about the sheep and the goats, he related the illustration of the talents. Of course not! 16, 17. a) Vad behöver vi göra om vi skulle begå en allvarlig synd? IN THE first century of our Common Era, Pompeii and Herculaneum were two prosperous Roman cities that were situated in the shadow of Mount Vesuvius. 16, 17. (a) What should we do if we were to commit a serious sin? Vilket förvånande uttalande kom kung Agrippa med? (b) What new opportunities to " do business ' were granted to faithful ones? What surprising statement did King Agrippa make? Vad betyder det att verkligen " känna " Gud? The spirit operated on him in ways that benefit us today. What does it mean to "know " God? Detta är ytterligare ett skäl till att följa Bibelns råd att inte dricka sig berusad. Later, as a teenager, I gained comfort from learning about our heavenly Father, a superior Father who cannot die. - Hab. This is another reason to follow the Bible's counsel to avoid getting drunk. Aposteln Paulus klargjorde detta när han skrev till kristna i det forntida Korinth, där Herrens kvällsmåltid inte hade hållits på tillbörligt sätt. She could view the gift as of little value and toss it aside. The apostle Paul made this clear when writing to Christians in ancient Corinth, where the Lord's Evening Meal was not appropriate. Vad var det som skilde Enok från de flesta andra av Adams avkomlingar? (Read Daniel 6: 4 - 10, 16.) What set Enoch apart from most of Adam's descendants? Varför är Nehemja ett bra föredöme för oss? Paul referred to Abraham's faith three times in his listing of faithful men and women recorded in the 11th chapter of Hebrews. Why is Nehemiah a good example for us? Kristenhetens ogräslika prästerskap har under många århundraden vilselett miljontals människor. To find ease for your soul is to find inner peace, joy, satisfaction, and spiritual fulfillment. In many centuries, Christendom's weedlike priesthood has misled millions of people. (Del 2) Vi upprepar inte Jesus mönsterbön ordagrant varje gång vi ber, men innehållet i bönen är ändå mycket viktigt för oss. At Psalm 33: 3, David wrote: "Do your best at playing on the strings along with joyful shouting. " (2) We do not repeat Jesus ' model prayer literally every time we pray, but it is vital for us. Vad ignorerade Salomo när han tog sig många hustrur? The altar represents Jehovah's will in accepting the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ for the redemption of mankind. What did Solomon ignore when he took many wives? 6 Frågor från läsekretsen There is one way that all Christians have tasted Jehovah's goodness. 6 Questions From Readers Och precis innan han talade om fåren och getterna hade han berättat liknelsen om talenterna. Let us be determined to follow Daniel's example. And just before speaking about the sheep and the goats, Jesus related the illustration of the talents. UNDER det första århundradet enligt den vanliga tideräkningen var Pompeji och Herculaneum två välmående romerska städer i skuggan av Vesuvius. If we trustingly follow Jehovah's guidance, we too will "not come to shame. " DURING the first century C.E., Pompeii and Herculaneum were two prosperous Roman cities in the shadow of the shadow of B.C.E. b) Vilka nya möjligheter att göra affärer gavs åt dem som var trogna? Without realizing it, Apollos had been teaching an out - of - date understanding of baptism. (b) What new opportunities were given to faithful ones? Anden verkade på honom på ett sätt som vi har nytta av i dag. She found great comfort, though, in the words of Psalm 94: 19, wherein the psalmist said to God: "When anxieties overwhelmed me, you comforted and soothed me. " The spirit seemed to him in a way that we benefit today. Som tonåring blev jag därför glad när jag fick lära mig mer om vår himmelske Far, en andlig Far som inte kan dö. " Glorious Freedom " Ahead! As a teenager, I was delighted to learn more about our heavenly Father, a spiritual Father, who cannot die. Hon skulle kunna betrakta gåvan som värdelös och inte bry sig om den. Farmers were not to reap the edges of their fields completely, nor were they to gather the leftover grapes or olives. She could view the gift as worthless and not care about it. (Läs Daniel 6: 4 - 10, 16.) 3: 5. Do Not Let Fleshly Desire Become a God (Read Daniel 6: 4 - 10, 16.) Paulus nämner Abrahams tro tre gånger när han räknar upp trogna män och kvinnor i kapitel 11 i Hebréerna. Through the Christian congregation, Jesus is training his subjects for the ministry. Paul mentions Abraham's faith three times when he lists faithful men and women in Hebrews 11. Att finna ro för sin själ innebär att finna inre frid, glädje, tillfredsställelse och andlig balans. Pioneering Strengthens Our Relationship With God Finding calm to one's soul involves finding inner peace, joy, satisfaction, and spiritual balance. I Kolosserna 3: 23 skrev Paulus: " Vad ni än gör, arbeta på det av hela er själ, som för Jehova och inte för människor. " By going "in excess " of a simple Yes or No to state their intentions, such people may reveal that they are really untrustworthy and thus under the influence of" the wicked one. " - Read Matthew 5: 33 - 37. At Colossians 3: 23, Paul wrote: "Whatever you are doing, work at it whole - souled as to Jehovah, and not to men. " Altaret representerar Jehovas vilja att ta emot Jesu Kristi lösenoffer för att återlösa människorna. Why? The priesthood represents Jehovah's will to accept the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ in order to redeem mankind. Alla kristna har upplevt att Jehova är god på ett särskilt sätt. At other times, you may become anxious about the present. All Christians have seen that Jehovah is good in a special way. Vi bör vara helt inriktade på att följa Daniels exempel. Select passages that describe blessings that you especially hope to enjoy, and visualize yourself experiencing those blessings in Paradise. We should be determined to follow Daniel's example. Om vi förtröstansfullt låter Jehova leda oss, kommer inte heller vi att behöva skämmas. His own eyes behold, his own beaming eyes examine the sons of men. If we confidently let Jehovah lead us, we will not need to be ashamed. Apollos var inte själv medveten om att han hade lärt ut en föråldrad förståelse av dopet. In union with him you, too, are being built up together into a place for God to inhabit by spirit. " - Ephesians 2: 21, 22; 1 Peter 2: 5, 9. Apollos was not aware that he had taught an understanding of baptism. Då läste hon Psalm 94: 19: " När det var många oroande tankar i mitt inre, var det din rika tröst som smekte min själ. " De orden gick rakt in i hennes hjärta. Similarly, we would not invest our lives in pursuit of a vague hope. Then she read Psalm 94: 19: "When my disquieting thoughts became many inside of me, your own comfort began to soothe my soul. " " Guds barns härliga frihet " ligger framför oss! For example, when Solomon became king of ancient Israel, he humbly prayed to God for understanding and discernment so that he could judge His people correctly. " The glorious freedom of the children of God " lies ahead! Jordbrukarna skulle inte skörda ända till kanten av sina åkrar, och de skulle inte heller samla in de druvor och oliver som blivit kvar. So we should be careful that our conversation between doors does not interfere with our ministry. Nevertheless, they would not reap even to the root of their fields; neither would they collect the vegetation and the self - denial that remained. Låt inte de köttsliga begären bli en gud " Keep encouraging one another and building one another up. " - 1 THESS. 5: 11. Do Not Let fleshly desires Become a god Jesus använder den kristna församlingen för att ge den utbildningen, bland annat genom teokratiska skolan. By his incomparably wise "administration, " or way of managing things, Jehovah sent his firstborn Son to earth, where he was tested to the limit. Jesus uses the Christian congregation to provide that education, including the Theocratic Ministry School. (Läs Matteus 5: 33 - 37.) Millions of Jesus ' "other sheep " eagerly anticipate the future reward of everlasting life on a paradise earth. There "they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace. " - John 10: 16; Ps. 37: 11. (Read Matthew 5: 33 - 37.) Varför sägs det så? In turn, Jehovah may, as Paul further writes, "give them repentance leading to an accurate knowledge of truth. " Why? Man kan också känna sig orolig över sin nuvarande situation. Being diligent students of God's Word and having an active share in congregation meetings will certainly contribute to that end. You may also feel anxious about the present situation. Välj ut några avsnitt som handlar om sådant som du längtar särskilt mycket efter att få uppleva i den nya världen, och försök se dig själv där. Why can one not worship God acceptably without being dedicated to him? Focus on some Bible passages that you especially yearn to experience in the new world, and try to see yourself there. Hans ögon ser, hans klara blick prövar människosönerna. At their death, their earthly body returns to the dust. His eyes look at, his clear eyes examine the sons of men. I gemenskap med honom blir också ni tillsammans uppbyggda till en plats där Gud kan bo genom ande. " To illustrate that God never purposed such an unduly rigid application of his Sabbath law, Jesus referred to an incident recorded at 1 Samuel 21: 3 - 6. In union with him you also become built up to a place where God can dwell by spirit. " På samma sätt skulle vi aldrig lägga hela vårt liv på något som inte är verkligt för oss. How can we follow Enoch's course? Similarly, we would never put our lives in any way that is real to us. Vi kan ta ett exempel. När Salomo blev kung i det forntida Israel bad han ödmjukt till Gud om förstånd och urskillningsförmåga för att kunna döma Guds folk på rätt sätt. That is, we should strive to be rich in fine works. For example, when Solomon became king of ancient Israel, he humbly prayed to God for understanding and discernment to judge God's people properly. Så vi behöver se till att våra samtal mellan dörrarna inte hindrar oss i vår tjänst. • How do we know that the seventh day is still under way today? So we need to make sure that our conversations do not stop us in our ministry. " Fortsätt därför med att trösta varandra och bygga upp varandra. " The guards went straightaway to the temple, took the apostles back into custody, and brought them to court. - Acts 5: 17 - 27. " Keep comforting one another and building one another up. " - 1 COR. Genom sin ojämförligt visa " förvaltning ," sitt sätt att sköta olika angelägenheter, sände han sin förstfödde Son till jorden, där han prövades till det yttersta. Jehovah Is My Share Through his incomparable display of "administration, " or way of managing things, he sent his firstborn Son to earth, where he was tested to the limit. Jesus har miljoner " andra får " som längtar efter sin belöning - evigt liv i ett paradis på jorden där de kommer att " få njuta av stor frid ." What result did Jesus ' words and actions produce? Jesus has millions of "other sheep " who yearn for their reward - everlasting life in Paradise on earth where they will" find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace. " Jehova kan då i sin tur, som Paulus vidare skriver, " ge dem sinnesändring, som leder till exakt kunskap om sanningen ." Our way of life will thus reveal that we are staying awake spiritually and that we really believe that the end of this wicked system of things is imminent. Jehovah, in turn, can "give them repentance, which leads to accurate knowledge of truth. " Att de flitigt studerar Guds ord och engagerar sig i församlingens möten kommer utan tvivel att bidra till det. Years later, Luzia still remembers how devastated she felt. Being diligent students of God's Word and actively engaging in congregation meetings will no doubt contribute to that. Varför kan vi inte tjäna Gud på ett godtagbart sätt utan att vara överlämnade åt honom? However, one day I mustered up courage and began dialing the first householder. Why can we not serve God acceptably without being dedicated to him? När de har dött vänder deras jordiska kropp åter till stoft. That makes me feel that his love for me has cooled. After their death, their earthly body returns to dust. För att belysa att Gud aldrig hade velat ha en sådan överdrivet sträng tillämpning av sin sabbatslag påminde Jesus om en händelse som är beskriven i 1 Samuelsboken 21: 3 - 6. Rather than give each Christian a separate revelation, Jehovah uses his spirit to direct his organization, which provides God's unified people with an understanding of the Bible. To illustrate that God had never wanted such a overly stern application, Jesus reminded of an event in 1 Samuel 21: 3 - 6. Hur kan vi efterlikna Enok? Whether they are employed or they have their own business, they often do well, even excel in what they do. How can we imitate Enoch? Det betyder att vi måste sträva efter att bli rika på förträffliga gärningar. Unlike Scott and Heather, you may not have come face - to - face with abuse and its effects, but you have no doubt heard shocking reports about the prevalence of this disgusting practice. This means that we must strive to be rich in fine works. • Hur vet vi att den sjunde dagen pågår fortfarande? One child may appear to have natural agility or athletic ability, while a sibling seems more at ease with board games or some art or craft. • How do we know that the seventh day is still continuing? Vakterna begav sig genast i väg till templet, grep apostlarna på nytt och förde dem inför domstolen. For those who belong to God, Jehovah's values and principles can be summed up in two fundamental truths: (1) Jehovah loves those who are loyal to him, and (2) Jehovah hates unrighteousness. The guards immediately went to the temple, arrested the apostles again and brought them to the court. Jehova är min andel " The Word of God Is Alive " Jehovah Is My Share Vad ledde allt det här till? Yes, throughout his Thousand Year Reign, Christ will continue to lead the other sheep, who truly listen to his voice, and guide them to everlasting life. What did all of this accomplish? Vårt sätt att leva kommer då att visa att vi håller oss andligt vakna och att vi verkligen tror att slutet för den här onda ordningen är nära. Accordingly, may all subjects of the Kingdom be determined to continue loyally serving Christ the King. Our way of living will demonstrate that we stay spiritually awake and that we truly believe that the end of this wicked system is near. Hon minns fortfarande hur det kändes att höra de orden. We look forward to complete deliverance from the Devil's attacks. She still recalls how it felt to hear those words. Men en dag tog jag mod till mig och ringde mitt första samtal. No human can take credit for this. It has been accomplished by our God. But one day, I took courage and called my first conversation. Då känns det som att han inte älskar mig så mycket längre. In fact, we often hear of positive results when sincere people observe our Christlike conduct. He feels that he no longer loves me. Jehova ger inte varje enskild kristen en egen uppenbarelse, utan använder sin ande till att leda sin organisation, som ger hans enade folk insikt i Bibeln. The Bible Teach book is designed to help us teach people of different educational levels and from various religious backgrounds. Jehovah does not give each individual Christian a own revelation but uses his spirit to direct his organization, which gives his people insight into Scriptural principles. Oavsett om de är anställda eller har ett eget företag lyckas de ofta bra eller är rentav mycket framgångsrika i det de företar sig. These articles discuss how we can protect ourselves from five of his traps: uncontrolled speech, fear and pressure, excessive guilt, materialism, and temptation to commit adultery. Whether they are employees or with their own company, they often succeed or even have great success in what they are doing. Det är inte säkert att du som Peter och Maria har egna erfarenheter av att bli utsatt för övergrepp och att leva med följderna av det, men du har säkert hört chockerande rapporter som visar hur vanligt det har blivit att barn behandlas förnedrande. Ask yourself, " Might it be that this is true in my case? ' It is unlikely that as Peter and Mary, you have personal experiences of abuse and of living with the consequences of it, but you have probably heard shocking reports showing how common children have been treated. Medan ett barn är bra på sport och sådant som kräver styrka och smidighet, kanske ett annat trivs bättre med att rita och pyssla. The apostle Paul was physically beaten more than once because he faithfully carried out his ministry. While a child is good in sports and things that require strength and strength, another way of doing so may be better than a difference. Att Jehovas värderingar och principer kan sammanfattas i två grundläggande sanningar: 1) Jehova älskar dem som är lojala mot honom, och 2) Jehova hatar orättfärdighet. Overall, David's life course was one of faithfulness. That Jehovah's values and principles can be summed up in two basic truths: (1) Jehovah loves those loyal to him, and (2) Jehovah hates unrighteousness. " Guds ord är levande " 11: 6. ▪ Serve Jehovah Without Distraction " The Word of God Is Alive " Ja, under hela tusenårsriket kommer Kristus att fortsätta att vägleda de andra fåren, som lyssnar till hans röst, och leda dem till evigt liv. Sometimes a certain privilege may not be given to us at all. Yes, throughout his Millennial Reign, Christ will continue to guide the other sheep, who listen to his voice, and lead them to everlasting life. Må därför alla Guds kungarikes undersåtar vara fast beslutna att fortsätta att lojalt tjäna Kristus, kungen. Paul explained this clearly in one of his inspired letters: "Reckon yourselves to be dead indeed with reference to sin but living with reference to God by Christ Jesus. " May all of the subjects of God's Kingdom, then, be determined to continue loyally serving Christ the King. Vi ser fram emot att bli fullständigt befriade från Djävulens angrepp. Many in the world around us are motivated by pride and selfishness. We look forward to being completely delivered from the Devil's attacks. Ingen människa kan ta åt sig äran för detta. 4, 5. (a) Why did Jesus use plain language in his teaching, and what is remarkable about the fact that he did so? No human can take credit for this. Vi hör ofta erfarenheter om människor som tar emot sanningen när de ser att vi efterliknar Kristus. If the Son sets you free, you will be truly free. " - John 8: 34, 36. We often hear experiences about people who accept the truth when they see that we imitate Christ. är utformad så att den skall hjälpa oss att undervisa människor med olika utbildningsnivå och med olika religiös bakgrund. What can we learn from the way that each of them cultivated a friendship with God? It is designed to help us teach people with differing backgrounds and religious backgrounds. De här artiklarna visar hur vi kan skydda oss mot fem av hans fällor: okontrollerat tal, fruktan och påtryckningar, överdrivna skuldkänslor, materialism och frestelsen att begå äktenskapsbrott. So how do teachers create the right conditions for training others? These articles show how we can protect ourselves from five of his traps: uncontrolled speech, fear, guilt, materialism, and the temptation to commit adultery. Fråga dig sedan: Skulle det kunna vara så att den bilden passar in på mig själv? MEMORIAL ATTENDANCE (2016) Then ask yourself: " Could it be that the image fits for me? Aposteln Paulus blev fysiskt misshandlad mer än en gång på grund av att han troget predikade. Likely, we have considered similar information before. The apostle Paul was physically beaten more than once because he faithfully preached. Om man tänker på Davids liv i stort, så var han trogen mot Jehova. Responding to that assault, the Supreme Judge will defend his servants and sanctify his name among the nations. - Ezekiel 38: 14 - 18, 22, 23. Remembering David's life in great things, David proved faithful to Jehovah. ▪ Tjäna Jehova utan att låta dig distraheras He is the firstborn Son. ▪ Serving Jehovah Without Behind You Ibland kan det hända att vi inte alls får en viss uppgift. Of course, the list of blessings and our reasons for loving Jehovah could go on and on. At times, we may not receive a certain assignment. Paulus förklarade det tydligt i ett av sina brev: " Räkna er själva för att vara döda med avseende på synden men levande med avseende på Gud genom Kristus Jesus. " Changes in attitudes and conduct often take time and are gradual. Paul made it clear in one of his letter: "The yourselves to be dead with reference to sin but living with reference to God through Christ Jesus. " Många i världen är stolta och själviska. Such hypocrisy might fool men, but not Jehovah. Many in the world are proud and selfish. 4, 5. a) Varför använde Jesus ett enkelt språk i sin undervisning, och vad är det anmärkningsvärda med detta? What may have been one reason for this? 4, 5. (a) Why did Jesus use simple language in his teaching, and what is remarkable in this? Om... Sonen gör er fria, skall ni vara verkligt fria. " For the seventh time, Jehovah said: "I shall not turn it back. " If the Son makes you free, you will be truly free. " Hur byggde de upp sin vänskap med Gud, och vad kan vi lära oss av deras exempel? Since the woman's hand was wrapped in a bandage, Karolien and her companion offered help, but the woman declined. How did they build their friendship with God, and what can we learn from their example? Men hur kan han skapa de rätta förutsättningarna för det? Faithful ones with an earthly hope will experience the fullness of life only after they pass the final test that will occur right after the end of the Millennial Reign of Christ. - 1 Cor. 15: 52, 53; Rev. 20: 5, 7 - 10. How, though, can he create the right conditions for that? NÄRVARANDE VID MINNESHÖGTIDEN (2016) Was Jesus being harsh or unreasonable in answering this way? MEMORIAL ATTENDANCE (2016) Vi har förmodligen tagit del av liknande upplysningar förut. With so much evidence that God's Kingdom is already established in heaven, why do the majority of people not accept what this means? We have likely shared similar information before. Det här angreppet får den högste Domaren att försvara sina tjänare och helga sitt namn bland nationerna. " The Tender Compassion of Our God " This attack moves the Supreme Judge to defend his servants and to sanctify his name among the nations. Han är Guds förstfödde Son. Still, she will not challenge her husband's headship. He is God's firstborn Son. Vi skulle naturligtvis kunna nämna många fler välsignelser och anledningar att älska Jehova. The book of Job adds to our knowledge of Satan's rebellious course. Of course, we might mention many other blessings and reasons to love Jehovah. Det tar ofta tid att ändra inställning och uppförande, och det är något som sker gradvis. Can you imagine that your brothers in Thessalonica would have been content to preach and teach in a perfunctory manner, as if it were a mere duty to be performed listlessly? It often takes time to change attitudes and conduct, which occurs gradually. Hycklare kanske kan lura människor, men de kan inte lura Jehova. Serving God and trying to contribute in some small way to helping people spiritually are truly noble and lasting goals. " At times, they may be able to deceive people, but they cannot fool Jehovah. Vad kan ha fått kärleken att svalna hos en del kristna? We can do the same. What may have caused the love to cool off in some Christians? För sjunde gången sade Jehova: " Jag [skall] inte ta det tillbaka. " " This is what the love of God means, " states 1 John 5: 3, "that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome. " For the seventh time, Jehovah said: "I shall not turn it back. " Eftersom kvinnan hade ena handen i bandage, erbjöd Karolien och hennes kamrat hjälp, men kvinnan tackade nej. Pity and consideration should therefore prompt us to be merciful. - Jas. Since the woman had a hand in the bond of partner, Vanessa and her companion offered her help, but the woman rejected her. Kristna med ett jordiskt hopp kommer att få liv i full bemärkelse först när de har blivit slutgiltigt prövade direkt efter Kristi tusenårsregering. Following those marvelous instructions, which are beyond human understanding, these cells of stunning complexity develop in just the right order and manner to form a new living person! Christians with an earthly hope will enjoy life in full sense only after they have been tested directly after Christ's Millennial Reign. Var Jesus hård och oresonlig när han svarade så? (b) What questions will be discussed in the following article? Was Jesus harsh and unreasonable when he replied that? Varför förstår inte människor att Guds rike regerar i himlen, trots alla bevis för det? As the context shows, Paul wrote these words to encourage fellow believers to focus on the happy outcome of their faithful course. Why do people not understand that God's Kingdom reigns in heaven despite all evidence? " Vår Guds ömma medkänsla " Acting as both King and High Priest, Jesus is the leader of Jehovah's heavenly army. " The tender compassion of Our God " Men hon kommer inte att gå emot sin mans ledarskap. Moreover, concerning Jesus, the psalmist David wrote: "The rod of your strength Jehovah will send out of Zion, saying: " Go subduing in the midst of your enemies. ' " - Psalm 110: 2. But she will not rebel against her husband's headship. Jobs bok kompletterar vår kunskap om Satans upproriska kurs. If we have repented and have been helped by the elders, we can conclude that God has forgiven us and that we have not sinned against the holy spirit. The book of Job complements our knowledge of Satan's rebellious course. Kan du föreställa dig att dina bröder och systrar i Thessalonike skulle ha nöjt sig med att predika och undervisa oengagerat, bara för att kunna bocka av ännu en uppgift? The tax money was used to pay for the maintenance of the temple, the service performed there, and the daily sacrifices offered on behalf of the nation. Can you imagine that your brothers and sisters in Thessalonica might have been content with preaching and teaching? Hon säger också att de allra bästa målen man kan ha är att tjäna Gud och hjälpa andra att lära känna honom. Christ commissioned his followers: "You will be witnesses of me... to the most distant part of the earth. " She also says that they can have the best goal of serving God and helping others to come to know him. Detsamma gäller oss. 17, 18. (a) In view of Abraham's faith, how did God consider him? The same is true of us. I Första Johannes 5: 3 läser vi: " Detta är vad kärleken till Gud innebär: att vi håller hans bud; och hans bud är inte betungande. " At Acts 2: 1 - 4, we read: "Now while the day of the festival of Pentecost was in progress they were all together at the same place, and suddenly there occurred from heaven a noise just like that of a rushing stiff breeze, and it filled the whole house in which they were sitting. At 1 John 5: 3, we read: "This is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome. " Medlidande och hänsyn bör därför få oss att vara barmhärtiga. Even at home, some marriage partners find themselves isolated from each other because of the time they spend on television, hobbies, sports, video games, or the Internet. Being merciful should therefore move us to be merciful. I enlighet med de här instruktionerna, som vi människor inte helt och fullt förstår, bildas de oerhört komplicerade cellerna i rätt ordning och på rätt sätt för att en ny levande människa skall bli till! What is to take place "in the re - creation "? In harmony with these instructions, as we do humans do not fully understand, the complex cells are formed in proper order and properly for a new living person to become! b) Vilka frågor kommer att behandlas i följande artikel? Using the architectural plan provided by Jehovah to David, Solomon built a magnificent temple. (b) What questions will be considered in the following article? Som sammanhanget visar skrev Paulus de här orden för att uppmuntra sina medtroende att koncentrera sig på den lyckliga framtid som deras trogna liv skulle leda till. What can we do to develop qualities that Jehovah loves? In the context, Paul wrote those words to encourage fellow believers to focus on the happy future of their faithful life. Som både kung och överstepräst leder Jesus Jehovas himmelska armé. Former explanation: The wicked and sluggish slave refers to anointed ones in the 1914 era who refused to share in the preaching work. As both King and High Priest, Jesus leads Jehovah's heavenly army. Vidare skrev psalmisten David om Jesus: " Din styrkas stav skall Jehova sträcka ut från Sion: ' Dra kuvande fram mitt ibland dina fiender. ' " In King David's day, the singers for God's house "were trained in song to Jehovah " and brought praise to God. Moreover, the psalmist David wrote of Jesus: "The rod of your strength will stretch out from Zion: " Go out in the midst of your enemies. ' " Om vi har ångrat oss och fått hjälp av de äldste, kan vi dra slutsatsen att Gud har förlåtit oss och att vi inte har syndat mot den heliga anden. After Armageddon, what will happen to Satan and his demons? If we have repented and received help from the elders, we can conclude that God has forgiven us and that we have not sinned against the holy spirit. Skattepengarna användes för att bekosta templets underhåll, de tjänster som utfördes i templet och de dagliga offer som frambars för nationen. • Why is the goal of "bearing much fruit " within our reach? The work of the temple was used to oversee the construction of the temple, the services performed at the temple, and the daily sacrifices offered to the nation. Kristus gav sina efterföljare befallningen: " Ni skall vara vittnen om mig... till jordens mest avlägsna del. " Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. Christ commanded his followers: "You will be witnesses of me... to the most distant part of the earth. " 17, 18. a) Hur betraktade Gud Abraham? For instance, on the final night of his earthly life, Jesus urged his faithful apostles: "Keep on the watch with me. " 17, 18. (a) How did God view Abraham? I Apostlagärningarna 2: 1 - 4 står det: " Medan nu pingstdagen skred framåt, var de alla tillsammans på samma ställe, och plötsligt kom från himlen ett kraftigt ljud alldeles som ljudet av en stark vind som drar fram, och det uppfyllde hela huset där de satt. However, the truth is that in the time - consuming pursuit of obtaining advanced education, some have harmed themselves spiritually. Acts 2: 1 - 4 states: "Now as the day went ahead, they were all together in the same place, and suddenly they arrived from heaven just like a sound sound of a strong wind that went forth, and they filled it with the whole house. Många känner sig isolerade från varandra även när de är hemma tillsammans på grund av all den tid som går åt till tv - tittande, hobbyer, sport, tv - spel och internet. Jehovah disapproved of apostate Israelites who resorted to "uncanny power, " or spiritistic practices. Many feel isolated from one another even when they are at home because of all the time going to TV, hobbies, sports, television, and Internet sites. Vad ska äga rum " i återskapelsen "? What wise counsel has been provided about seeking a mate? What will take place "in the re - creation "? Salomo använde den byggnadsplan som Jehova hade gett David till att bygga ett enastående tempel. Yes, God's love moved him to action. Solomon used the plans that Jehovah had given David to build a magnificent temple. Vad kan vi göra för att vår personlighet ska bli mer tilltalande i Jehovas ögon? He also provides the food. What can we do to cultivate godly qualities in Jehovah's eyes? Tidigare förklaring: Den onde och late slaven förebildade smorda som vägrade ta del i predikoarbetet kring 1914. How would being hospitable help them? Earlier explanation: The wicked and sluggish slave foreshadowed anointed ones who refused to share in the preaching work in 1914. På kung Davids tid blev en del " övade " att sjunga " till Jehovas ära ." (b) Why did Paul write about the faithful acts of ancient witnesses? In King David's day, some were " trained to sing to Jehovah's glory. ' Vad ska hända med Satan och hans demoner efter Harmageddon? Declaring God's message in public was a delight - like tasting honey - for Ezekiel. What will happen to Satan and his demons after Armageddon? • Varför är målet att " bära riklig frukt " inom räckhåll för oss? When both husband and wife are deeply concerned with the sanctification of Jehovah's name, they are bonded to each other and bonded to God. • Why is the goal of " bearing much fruit " within reach of us? Fortsätt att ha fördrag med varandra och att villigt förlåta varandra, om någon har orsak till klagomål mot en annan. Further, as an ongoing state of well - being, happiness has been described, not as a destination or goal, but as a journey. Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. Den sista kvällen som människa på jorden uppmanade han sina trogna apostlar: " Håll er vakna tillsammans med mig. " One Christian sister visited her mother in a nursing home nearly every day. On the last night as a human on earth, he urged his faithful apostles: "Keep on the watch with me. " Men sanningen är att somliga i sin tidskrävande strävan att skaffa högre utbildning har skadat sig själva andligen. What forms of recreation do Christians reject? However, the truth is that some in their time have allowed higher education to damage themselves spiritually. Jehova godkände inte de avfälliga israeliter som använde sig av " magiska krafter ," dvs. utövade spiritism. Have you at times felt somewhat overwhelmed by challenges or responsibilities in God's service? Jehovah did not accept the apostate Israelites who used magical power, or spiritism. Vilket klokt råd har getts när det gäller att söka en äktenskapspartner? But I perceived he had committed nothing deserving of death. What wise counsel has been given regarding seeking a marriage mate? Kärlek och mogenhet hänger alltså ihop. We maintain a clean conscience, which gives us peace of mind and a calm heart. Love and maturity are thus linked. Det är också han som har sett till att det finns mat. While reading God's Word, pause at times to reflect on what you read. He is also the One who has made sure that there is food. Hur skulle det hjälpa dem? Imagine the range of the vocabulary he could have had at his disposal. How would that help them? b) Varför tog Paulus upp det som forntidens vittnen hade gjort? Speak Truth in Congregation Matters (b) Why did Paul address the past Witnesses? Han tyckte att det var en stor förmån att få representera Jehova och fullgöra det uppdrag han hade fått av honom, trots att det innebar att han skulle förkunna ett kraftfullt budskap för ett folk som inte ville lyssna. TIPS He found it a great privilege to represent Jehovah and fulfill the commission he had received from him, even though it meant that he would declare a powerful message to a people who did not listen. När både mannen och hustrun är angelägna om att Jehovas namn skall helgas, är de förenade med varandra och med Gud. Of the three questions in this discussion, the answer to this last one is the simplest. When both husband and wife are eager to sanctify Jehovah's name, they are united with one another and with God. Eftersom det är en pågående känsla beskrivs lycka som själva resan, inte slutdestinationen. What is the secret to success? Since happiness is described as the journey itself, not the end of the race itself. En syster hälsade på sin mamma på vårdhemmet nästan varje dag. Also, he related to them an illustration about a vine, as we considered in the preceding article. A sister visited her mother at nursing home nearly every day. Vilka former av avkoppling avstår de kristna från? For more information, see "Questions From Readers " in The Watchtower, May 15, 2015, pp. What forms of recreation do Christians refrain from? Känner du ibland att du nästan drunknar i alla uppgifter som du har i Jehovas tjänst? But if we are to prove loyal to God, we must stick to him even through difficult trials. Do you at times feel that you are almost subjection to every assignment in Jehovah's service? Men jag insåg att han inte hade begått något som förtjänar döden. My parents spent many hours patiently reasoning with me. But I realized that he had not committed something deserving of death. Vi bevarar ett rent samvete som ger oss sinnesfrid och ett lugnt hjärta. (Read Psalm 22: 7, 8.) We maintain a clean conscience that brings us peace of mind and a calm heart. När du läser Guds ord, stanna då upp ibland och tänk dig in i det du har läst. We have no reason to complain of treachery within God's organization today. As you read God's Word, stop occasionally and think into what you have read. Föreställ dig det ordförråd han skulle ha kunnat använda. It is not uncommon for visitors to comment, "I went to encourage an older friend, but I left feeling encouraged myself. " - Prov. 15: 13; 17: 22. Imagine the vocabulary he could have used. Tala sanning i församlingen He rationalized that what he had done was permissible because the livestock could be used as a sacrifice, and he minimized Samuel's counsel. Speak Truth in the Congregation TIPS But as with anything in relation to serving Jehovah, the benefits and satisfaction that result far outweigh any anxiety. TIPS Den sista av de tre frågorna i den här artikeln är den som det är lättast att svara på. In front of a vast assemblage of spirit creatures, the Devil said to Jehovah: "Skin in behalf of skin, and everything that a man has he will give in behalf of his soul. " The last of the three questions in this article is the most likely to answer. Vad är nyckeln till framgång? A teacher's attitude toward his subject has a considerable bearing on the quality of his teaching. What is the key to success? Han berättade också liknelsen om vinstocken, som vi läste om i förra artikeln. Your feelings about yourself: Have you ever wanted to be hospitable but felt inadequate? He also related the illustration of the vine, which we read in the preceding article. Mer information finns i " Frågor från läsekretsen " i Vakttornet för 15 maj 2015, sid. To continue benefiting from our close relationship with Jehovah God, it is also vital that we keep on resisting such spiritually detrimental things as materialism, unwholesome entertainment, an unforgiving spirit, or indifference toward needy ones. For more information, see "Questions From Readers " in The Watchtower of May 15, 2015, issue of The Watchtower. Men vi vet att vi måste vara lojala mot Gud också i svåra situationer. Walking by faith requires implicit trust in God's ability to direct our lives. But we know that we must remain loyal to God even in difficult situations. Mina föräldrar använde många timmar till att tålmodigt resonera med mig. God's angel spoke these words to Peter and the other apostles after they experienced a miraculous release from prison. My parents spent many hours patiently reasoning with me. (Läs Psalm 22: 7, 8.) If anything, they too have steadily increased in scope, duration, and frequency. (Read Psalm 22: 7, 8.) Inom Guds organisation i våra dagar finns det inget förrädiskt eller svekfullt som ger oss anledning att klaga. Am I quick to accept and support the direction given by the brothers taking the lead? ' In today's organization, there is no treacherous or deceitful one who gives us reason to murmur. Det är inte ovanligt att någon som hälsat på en äldre broder eller syster säger: " Jag gick dit för att ge uppmuntran, men det visade sig att jag blev lika uppmuntrad själv. " Deep faith and godly fear moved Noah and his family to do as God commanded. It is not unusual for an elderly brother or sister to say: "I went there to give encouragement, but it proved to be as encouraging. " Han menade att det inte var fel, eftersom djuren kunde frambäras som offer, och han bagatelliserade Samuels råd. Jehova förkastade Saul som kung, och han återfick aldrig sitt goda förhållande till Gud. What are the benefits? He meant that it was not wrong for the animals to be offered as sacrifices, and he minimized Samuel's counsel and rejected Saul as king, and Jehovah never restored his relationship with God. Men det är precis som med allt annat i tjänsten för Jehova: Det som är positivt och givande uppväger mer än väl oron. Five of the additional instances are found at 1 Samuel 2: 25; 6: 3; 10: 26; 23: 14, 16. However, it is as with everything else in Jehovah's service: What is positive and rewarding is more than well - being. Inför en stor skara församlade andevarelser sade Djävulen till Jehova: " Hud för hud; en människa ger allt hon äger för sin själ. " How can we build up those needing encouragement? Before a great crowd assembled spirit creatures, the Devil said to Jehovah: " skin in behalf of skin; a man he will give everything he will give in behalf of his soul. " En lärares inställning till sitt ämne har stor betydelse för kvaliteten på hans undervisning. The anointed and the other sheep share in upholding Jehovah's sovereignty A teacher's attitude toward his subject plays a major role in the quality of his teaching. Din syn på dig själv. Har du ibland velat bjuda hem vänner men känt att du inte räcker till? Similarly, in the illustration of the ten virgins, Jesus was not indicating that half of his anointed followers would be like the five foolish virgins. Have you ever wanted to invite friends but felt that you don't have enough to do? För att vi skall fortsätta att dra nytta av vårt nära förhållande till Jehova Gud, är det också viktigt att vi inte upphör med att motstå sådana andligen nedbrytande företeelser som materialism, skadlig underhållning, en anda av att inte vilja förlåta och likgiltighet mot behövande. Do you find yourself constantly glancing over your shoulder? While engaging in conversation at the Kingdom Hall, do you keep a firm grip on your belongings lest they disappear? To continue to benefit from our close relationship with Jehovah God, it is also important to avoid resisting such spiritually corrupt practices as materialism, unwholesome entertainment, a spirit of will not to forgive and indifference. Om vi skall vandra efter vad vi tror, måste vi helt och fullt förtrösta på Guds förmåga att vägleda oss i livet. Because he loves us, and he knows that it brings us satisfaction when we employ these gifts. Walking by faith requires complete trust in God's ability to guide us in life. Så sa Guds ängel till Petrus och de andra apostlarna när de befriades från fängelset. There is no question that Jehovah blesses such efforts. So God's angel told Peter and the other apostles when they were released from prison. Också detta har ökat i omfattning, intensitet och varaktighet. Christians are exhorted to slave for Jehovah. This too has increased much, intensity, and intensity. Är jag snabb att ta emot och tillämpa vägledningen vi får från de bröder som har ledningen? " ARTICLE 4 Am I quick to accept and apply the direction provided by those taking the lead? ' Det var stark tro och gudsfruktan som fick Noa och hans familj att göra som Gud hade befallt. If more serious sins are involved, it may include a loss of privileges in the congregation. Faith and godly fear moved Noah and his family to do what God had commanded. I en hård och känslokall värld behöver vi våra uppmuntrande bröder och systrar. Explain the meaning of Jehovah's name and how this was demonstrated in his dealings with Abraham's descendants. In a harsh, competitive world, we need our encouraging brothers and sisters. Fem av dessa finner man i 1 Samuelsboken 2: 25; 6: 3; 10: 26; 23: 14, 16. Knows the timing of events in the outworking of his purpose? Five of these are found at 1 Samuel 2: 25; 6: 3; 10: 26; 23: 14, 16. Hur kan vi stärka dem som behöver uppmuntran? The winking of an eye would indicate that David's enemies were deriving pleasure from the success of their spiteful plans against him. How can we strengthen those who need encouragement? De smorda och de andra fåren tar del i att försvara Jehovas suveränitet A brother working at a branch office fondly remembers several older Bethelites who regularly took time to speak with him in his early days at Bethel. The anointed and the other sheep share in upholding Jehovah's sovereignty Det är på samma sätt i liknelsen om de tio jungfrurna; Jesus antydde inte att hälften av de smorda skulle likna de fem dåraktiga jungfrurna. What did he mean? Similarly, in the parable of the ten virgins, Jesus did not indicate that half of the anointed virgins would be like the five foolish virgins. När du pratar med bröderna och systrarna i Rikets sal, håller du då hårt i det du har med dig för att du är rädd att bli av med det? Jesus told his followers: "If you love me, you will observe my commandments. When you talk with the brothers at the Kingdom Hall, do you work hard at what you have in order to fear you? Därför att han älskar oss och vet att vi mår bra när vi gör det. 18, 19. Because he loves us and knows our well when we do so. Det är ett arbete som vi vet att Jehova välsignar. Why must we rely upon Jehovah to keep our senses completely? It is a work that we know that Jehovah blesses. Som kristna uppmanas vi att göra slavtjänst åt Jehova. What should we do "day after day, " and why? As Christians, we are exhorted to slave for Jehovah. SIDAN 28 Today, the prospect of living forever on earth fills the hearts of millions with gratitude toward Jehovah. ARTICLE 4 Om någon har begått en allvarlig synd kanske han eller hon inte får behålla sina uppgifter i församlingen. On one occasion, Moses lost self - control and failed to sanctify God when dealing with the complaining people. If a person has committed a serious sin, he or she may not have to keep his privileges in the congregation. Ja, de tusentals församlingarna världen över verkar höra samman med de " innersta kamrar " där Guds folk ska få beskydd enligt profetian i Jesaja 26: 20. (Läs.) Sätter du värde på mötena? Who is "the king " to whom the bride is brought, and how is she attired? Indeed, the thousands of congregations around the world seem to hear "the inner rooms " of God's people, as recorded at Isaiah 26: 20. - Read Psalm 26: 20. Vad betyder Jehovas namn, och hur blev det tydligt genom det han gjorde för Abrahams avkomlingar? It admonishes us: "Let your brotherly love continue. " - Heb. 13: 1. What does Jehovah's name mean, and how did this prove true to Abraham's descendants? vet när saker och ting måste inträffa för att hans avsikter ska förverkligas? (Read 1 Timothy 1: 15, 16.) Knowing when things must occur in order to fulfill his purpose? Blinkandet med ögat skulle kunna tyda på att Davids fiender fann nöje i den framgång som deras onda planer mot honom hade. Periods of solitude are essential for purposeful meditation. - Mark 6: 46; Luke 6: 12. The sharp with the eye could indicate that David's enemies found pleasure in the success of their evil plans against him. En broder som arbetar vid ett av våra avdelningskontor har kära minnen av flera äldre beteliter som regelbundet tog sig tid att tala med honom när han var ny på Betel. By daily discussing spiritual matters with their children and by conducting a regular Bible study with them, parents help their young ones to enjoy life in the fear of Jehovah. - Deuteronomy 6: 6, 7. A brother who serves at a branch office has loved memories of several elderly Bethelites who regularly took time to speak to him when he was new at Bethel. Vad menade han med det? in the August 8, 1991, issue outlined eight practical guidelines that have helped many to keep financially and emotionally stable when faced with a period of unemployment. What did he mean by that? Jesus sade till sina efterföljare: " Om ni älskar mig, skall ni hålla mina bud. Now David stood before Jonathan's father, King Saul of Israel, "with the head of the Philistine in his hand. " Jesus told his followers: "If you love me, you will keep my commandments. Tänk på hur det var för Jesus. Or perhaps the one accused will confess, and a reconciliation may be achieved. Consider Jesus ' example. 18, 19. 2, 3. (a) Why can it be said that your Bible - based hope is not baseless? 18, 19. Varför måste vi förlita oss på Jehova för att fullständigt kunna bevara vår besinning? Whom would they serve? Why must we rely on Jehovah in order to keep our senses completely? Vad vill vi göra " dag efter dag ," och varför det? (Read 1 Timothy 6: 18, 19.) What do we want to do "day after day, " and why? I dag är miljontals människor tacksamma mot Jehova för utsikten att få leva för evigt på jorden. No More Depression - Ever! When Jesus Christ was on earth, he demonstrated his God - given power to cure painful maladies. Today, millions of people are grateful to Jehovah for the prospect of living forever on earth. Vid ett tillfälle när folket klagade tappade han självbehärskningen och glömde att ära Jehova. But how? On one occasion when the people complained about self - control, he lost sight of Jehovah's glory. Vem förs bruden fram till, och hur är hon klädd? " Surely it is in vain that I have cleansed my heart and that I wash my hands in innocence itself, " Asaph thought. Who is the bride for whom, and how is she dressed? Vi får en mycket viktig uppmaning i Hebréerna 13: 1. Där står det: " Må er broderliga kärlek hålla i sig. " [ Footnotes] We find an important exhortation at Hebrews 13: 1: "Let your brotherly love continue. " (Läs 1 Timoteus 1: 15, 16.) Jehovah Will Repay (Read 1 Timothy 1: 15, 16.) Vi behöver stunder av avskildhet för att kunna meditera på ett meningsfullt sätt. If we worship Jehovah in an unhypocritical and upright way, we will be recipients of his loving - kindness, or loyal love. We need solitude in order to meditate effectively. Genom att föräldrar varje dag talar om andliga ting med sina barn och regelbundet studerar Bibeln med dem hjälper de dem att glädjas åt livet och frukta Jehova. He lost his livelihood, children, friends, and health, and his wife lost confidence in Jehovah. By all means, parents speak about spiritual things with their children and regularly study the Bible with them, helping them to enjoy life and fear of Jehovah. i numret för 8 augusti 1991 gavs åtta praktiska råd som har hjälpt många att bevara sin ekonomiska och känslomässiga stabilitet, när de blivit arbetslösa. Both kings were imperfect and made mistakes. In the August 8, 2008, eight practical advice has helped many to maintain their financial and emotional stability when they were lost. Och nu stod David inför Jonatans far Saul, som var kung i Israel, med " filisténs huvud i handen ." She was impressed by what Solomon said and by the prosperity of his kingdom. And David stood before Jonathan's father Saul, king of Israel, with "the head of the Philistine one. " Eller också kan den anklagade erkänna, och då kanske en försoning är möjlig. Then God reassured Abraham: "So your seed will become. " Or the accused may acknowledge, and perhaps a reconciliation is possible. 2, 3. a) Varför kan det sägas att ditt hopp inte saknar grund? Failure to accept God's direction has led to suffering, misery, even tragedy. 2, 3. (a) Why can it be said that your hope is not without ground? Vem skulle de tjäna? The Bible makes clear that Jehovah has deep feelings that are stirred by the good or the bad actions of humans. Who would they serve? (Läs 1 Timoteus 6: 18, 19.) " A Lamp to My Foot " (Read 1 Timothy 6: 18, 19.) När Jesus Kristus var på jorden var det tydligt att han hade fått kraft av Gud att bota sjukdomar. In what sense are the weedlike ones burned with fire? When Jesus Christ was on earth, it was clear that he had been empowered by God to heal sickness. Men hur? The Bible has authority. But how? " Ja, förgäves renade jag mitt hjärta och tvättade i oskuld mina händer ," tänkte Asaf. They even claimed that some of the land's inhabitants were giants descended from the Nephilim, the offspring of rebel angels and women. " In fact, in vain I cleansed my heart and washed in innocence itself, " Asaph thought. [ Fotnoter] This is because love and kindness - elements of loving - kindness - are aspects of the fruitage of Jehovah's holy spirit. [ Footnotes] Jehova kommer att gottgöra oss Study Edition Jehovah Will Make Us Good Om vi uppriktigt, utan hyckleri, tillber Jehova, kommer vi att få del av hans kärleksfulla omtanke, eller lojala kärlek. How can we imitate Job? If we sincerely, without hypocrisy, we worship Jehovah, we will enjoy his loving - kindness, or loyal love. Han förlorade sin försörjning, sina barn, sina vänner och sin hälsa, och hans hustru tappade sin förtröstan på Jehova. Why not? He lost his life, his children, and his health, and his wife lost confidence in Jehovah. De var båda ofullkomliga och gjorde misstag. February 9 - 15, 2009 They were both imperfect and made mistakes. Hon blev imponerad av det Salomo sade och av välståndet i hans rike. What steps did Hezekiah and those with him take to protect God's people? She was impressed by what Solomon said and the prosperity of his Kingdom. Sedan försäkrade Gud Abraham: " Så kommer din säd att bli. " Within nine months of that first meeting, I got baptized - in March of 1957. Then God assured Abraham: "This is how your seed will become. " Vi längtar verkligen efter den tid när alla människor på hela jorden kommer att underordna sig Jehovas kärleksfulla ledning. When we understand our assignment as clearly as Jesus understood his, we will avoid even lending tacit, or unspoken, support for political independence movements. How we long for the time when all humans on earth will submit to Jehovah's loving direction! Bibeln gör det tydligt att Jehova har djupa känslor som påverkas av människors goda eller dåliga handlingar. 18: 12 - 17 - Why did Proconsul Gallio not interfere when onlookers began beating Sosthenes? The Bible makes it clear that Jehovah has deep feelings that affect people's good or bad actions. " En lampa för min fot " Note the words of the prophet Micah: " A lamp to My foot " I vilken bemärkelse bränns de ogräslika kristna upp i eld? Brother Leon Weaver, now the coordinator of the United States Branch Committee, was appointed to serve as a circuit overseer at the same time. In what sense are the weedlike Christians set up in fire? Bibeln har auktoritet. To resist temptation to view pornography, a person needs to seek Jehovah's help in prayer before starting to go down that route on the Internet. The Bible offers the authority. De påstod till och med att en del av landets invånare var jättar som härstammade från nefilim, avkomlingar av upproriska änglar och jordiska kvinnor. He may promote persecution or opposition in the family, at work, or at school. They even claimed that some of the inhabitants of the land were like Nephilim, the descendants of rebellious angels and earthly women. Det beror på att kärlek och omtänksamhet ingår i Jehovas heliga andes frukt. Can You Explain? It is because love and kindness are part of the fruitage of Jehovah's holy spirit. Studieupplagan Fulfillment of that promise, in 537 B.C.E., gives us sound reason to rejoice in the sure hope that Jehovah sets before us. Study Edition Hur kan vi efterlikna Job? Picture the scene. How can we imitate Job? Varför inte? How Would You Answer? Why not? 9 - 15 februari 2009 Toward the end of that chapter, Paul admonished his readers: "You have need of endurance, in order that, after you have done the will of God, you may receive the fulfillment of the promise. February 9 - 15, 2009 Jehova ger oss villigt den hjälp vi behöver när vi känner att vi inte vet hur vi ska lösa ett problem. Why must anointed Christians do their utmost to make their heavenly calling sure? Jehovah freely provides the help we need when we feel that we do not know how to solve a problem. Från det där första bokstudiet tog det bara nio månader innan jag blev döpt i mars 1957. Parents can give their children no greater gift than that of helping them to develop a warm, close relationship with Jehovah. From the first study Book Study, only nine months before I was baptized in March 1975. När vi har en lika tydlig bild av vårt uppdrag som Jesus hade, tar vi inte ställning för någon viss politisk grupp, inte ens innerst inne. [ Pictures on page 6] Being "vigilant with a view to prayers " enables us to meet various challenges (See paragraphs 13, 14) When we have a clear picture of our commission as Jesus had, we do not take sides with any political group, even at heart. 18: 12 - 17 - Varför ingrep inte prokonsuln Gallio när åskådare började slå Sosthenes? Minor transgressions in day - to - day life are best handled in this way, for this contributes to a peaceful relationship with fellow worshippers and gives us peace of mind. 18: 12 - 17 - Why did seasonals not intervene when they began to strike So Social Networking? Tänk till exempel på vad profeten Mika skrev: How did the apostle Paul feel about the good news? For example, consider what the prophet Micah wrote: Leon Weaver, som nu är samordnare för avdelningskontorets kommitté i USA, blev kretstillsyningsman samtidigt. Even so, Paul's instructions give us insight into how Christian meetings should be conducted today. In the United States, the Governing Body now serves as a circuit overseer at the same time. För att kunna stå emot frestelsen att titta på pornografi måste en person be Jehova om hjälp innan han går in på vissa internetsidor. He urged his brothers: "Do not let sin continue to rule as king in your mortal bodies so that you should obey their desires. " To resist the temptation to view pornography, a person must ask Jehovah for help before going on certain Internet sites. Han kan underblåsa förföljelse eller motstånd i familjen, på arbetet eller i skolan. He continued: "All of a sudden, it kicked in. He can promote persecution or family opposition, at work, or at school. Kan du förklara? A brief historical review will highlight the contrast between those who truly respect God's Word and those who do not. Can You Explain? Uppfyllelsen av det här löftet år 537 f.v.t. ger oss goda skäl att glädjas i det säkra hopp som Jehova håller fram för oss. Christian overseers must display courage in correcting what is defective in the congregation. The fulfillment of this promise in 537 B.C.E. gives us sound reasons to rejoice in the sure hope that Jehovah holds out for us. Föreställ dig scenen. There Jehovah made his presence strikingly real. A miraculous dark cloud formed. Picture the scene. Hur skulle du svara? Moreover, like many who undergo major trials, he learned valuable lessons in compassion and empathy, which moved him to share the Bible's comforting message with others. How Would You Answer? I slutet av kapitlet skrev han: " Ni behöver... uthållighet, för att ni, sedan ni har gjort Guds vilja, skall få del av uppfyllelsen av löftet. Our doing so can lead to a complaining spirit and a loss of appreciation for Jehovah's representatives as well as for the spiritual food provided by "the faithful and discreet slave. " - Matthew 24: 45. At the end of chapter, he wrote: "You need endurance, that, after you have done the will of God, you may receive the fulfillment of the promise. Varför måste de smorda göra sitt yttersta för att vara trogna? " [Jehovah] is guarding the souls of his loyal ones; out of the hand of the wicked ones he delivers them, " says Psalm 97: 10. Why must anointed ones do their utmost to remain faithful? Det finns ingen större gåva föräldrar kan ge sina barn än att hjälpa dem att få en nära vänskap med Jehova. How did Jesus act in harmony with his illustration of the fig tree? There is no greater gift for parents than to help them develop a close friendship with Jehovah. Om vi handlar så när det gäller mindre överträdelser bevarar vi fridfulla relationer till våra bröder och systrar och får sinnesfrid. Carry On as Kingdom Citizens! If we act in this way when it comes to minor transgressions, we maintain peaceful relations with our brothers and have peace of mind. " Loidas väg ut ur tystnaden " handlade om att leva med en CP - skada. Love Based on a Higher Principle " My way out of the silence " was about to live with a blood - injury. Hur kände Paulus det för de goda nyheterna? • What lessons did you learn from Jehovah's conversations with Moses and with Abraham? How did Paul feel about the good news? Men Paulus anvisningar hjälper oss ändå att förstå bättre hur kristna möten ska hållas i vår tid. Jehoshaphat, fired by his zeal for the worship of Jehovah, "removed the high places and the sacred poles from Judah. " - 2 Chron. 17: 6; 19: 3. Nevertheless, Paul's instructions help us to understand how Christian meetings should be conducted today. Han uppmanade sina bröder: " Låt... inte synden fortsätta att härska som kung i er dödliga kropp, så att ni lyder dess begär. " 12: 18. He urged his brothers: "Do not let sin continue to rule as king in your mortal body, in order that you obey its desires. " Han fortsatte: " Plötsligt gick det upp för mig. Do Not Grieve Jehovah's Holy Spirit He added: " Suddenly it went up to me. En kort historisk återblick kommer att visa skillnaden mellan dem som verkligen respekterar Guds ord och dem som inte gör det. 13, 14. (a) What do researchers say about the way our brains process human speech? A brief historical point will show the difference between those who truly respect God's Word and those who do not. Kristna tillsyningsmän måste ha modet att rätta till missförhållanden i församlingen. I've studied those brochures about a dozen times. " Christian overseers must have the courage to correct the wrongdoing of the congregation. Ett mörkt moln lade sig över berget och det började åska och blixtra. The Canada branch oversees the translation of literature in 12 indigenous languages A dark cloud layed down the mountain and began to be ruined. Många som går igenom svårigheter får större medkänsla och empati. Och i Ulfs fall fick det honom att vilja dela med sig av Bibelns tröstande budskap till andra. Cover image depicts a refugee fleeing a natural disaster Many who are experiencing difficulties develop greater compassion and empathy, and in example, it moved him to share the Bible's comforting message with others. Om vi inte är det, kan det leda till en knotande inställning och till brist på uppskattning av Jehovas representanter och även av den andliga mat som tillhandahålls av " den trogne och omdömesgille slaven ." For example, we can protect ourselves and our loved ones from many heartbreaking problems if we avoid drug and alcohol abuse, sexual promiscuity, and a violent life - style. If we are not, it can lead to murmuring and a lack of appreciation for Jehovah's representatives and including the spiritual food provided by "the faithful and discreet slave. " I Psalm 97: 10 heter det: " Han [Jehova] bevarar sina lojalas själar, ur de ondskefullas hand befriar han dem. " Ana, who lives in Brazil, states: "When there were problems, such as when my grandparents were ill, my parents would ask Jehovah to give them the strength to cope with the situation and the wisdom to make good decisions. Psalm 97: 10 says: "He [Jehovah] is guarding his loyal ones, out of the hand of the wicked ones he delivers them. " Hur liknade Jesus arbetaren i liknelsen om fikonträdet? Why should we take to heart Jesus ' admonition to "keep ready "? How did Jesus compare the worker in the illustration of the fig tree? Uppför er som medborgare i Guds kungarike! If the son has not, she should discuss the matter with her husband before anything is decided. Cultivate as Kingdom citizens! Kärlek grundad på en högre princip (a) What is suggested by the words "become kind "? Love was based on a higher principle • Vad lärde du dig av Jehovas samtal med Mose och Abraham? But just think of the angelic creatures over whom he had authority as Michael the Archangel! • What did you learn from Jehovah's conversations with Moses and Abraham? Jehosafat skaffade i sin brinnande nitälskan för tillbedjan av Jehova bort " offerhöjderna och de heliga pålarna ur Juda ." Why could Judah not escape woe? In his burning zeal for Jehovah's worship, Jehoshaphat removed "the high places and the sacred pillars from Judah. " Och vi vägrar att ens lyssna till sådant. But only now can I honestly say that I love Jehovah. ' And we refuse to listen even to these things. Bedröva inte Jehovas heliga ande What is God's will for his people, young and old, in this final stage of the time of the end? Do Not Be grieving Jehovah's Holy Spirit 13, 14. a) Vad säger forskare om hjärnans förmåga att hantera mänskligt tal? It was Job's godly devotion - not his wealth and influence - that made him a target for the attacks of Satan the Devil. - Job 1: 1; 29: 7 - 16; 31: 1. 13, 14. (a) What do scientists say about the ability to deal with human speech? Jag har gått igenom dem massvis av gånger. " TODAY, mankind faces events of a magnitude never previously experienced. I have passed through them several times. " Avdelningskontoret i Kanada har ansvaret för översättningen av litteratur på 12 språk. Why such a judgment? The branch office in Canada has the responsibility of literature in 12 languages. Framsidan visar en tjej som flyr undan en naturkatastrof. (b) What is involved in being spiritually alert? A girl fleeing a natural disaster. Vi kan till exempel skydda oss själva och våra närmaste mot många hjärtslitande problem om vi undviker drogmissbruk, alkoholmissbruk, sexuell omoral och en våldsinriktad livsstil. A popular philosophy or common adage is: Follow your heart. For example, we can protect ourselves and our loved ones from many bad problems if we avoid drug abuse, alcohol abuse, sexual immorality, and a violent lifestyle. Ana från Brasilien berättar: " När vi hade problem, till exempel när mina morföräldrar var sjuka, bad mina föräldrar om styrka att orka med situationen och om hjälp att fatta förståndiga beslut. Job became depressed and felt that God had abandoned him. admits: "When we had problems, such as when my companion was sick, my parents prayed for strength to cope with the situation and to help them make wise decisions. Varför är Jesu uppmaning att hålla sig redo så viktig? As discussed in the preceding article, the Bible does not specify an age at which a person should get baptized. Why is Jesus ' admonition to "keep ready " so important? Om sonen inte har gjort det bör hon tala med sin man innan något beslut fattas. Another source of refreshment comes through our annual conventions and assemblies. If the son has not done so, she should speak to her husband before making decisions. a) Vad visar orden " bli omtänksamma "? It is as if the heavens sent out " measuring lines ' to make sure that their silent witness filled every corner of the earth. (a) What do the words "become kind "? Men tänk bara på de andevarelser som han i egenskap av ärkeängeln Mikael hade myndighet över! Of course, it was not possible to punish someone who was no longer alive. Still, the clergy had Wycliffe's bones exhumed and burned and the ashes thrown into the river Swift. But think of the spirit creatures he played in the archangel Michael's authority! Varför kunde Juda inte komma undan det ve som skulle komma? Why would you say that concern for a sheep who has strayed is not limited to the elders? Why could Judah not escape the coming woe? Men det är först nu som jag uppriktigt kan säga att jag älskar Jehova. ' If you have been admonished, do you appreciate that elder's loving concern? But I am now able to say that I truly love Jehovah. ' Vad är Guds vilja för hans folk, unga och gamla, nu i slutskedet av de sista dagarna? • What should Christians expect while living in this wicked world? What is God's will for his people, young and old, now in the final part of the last days? Det var Jobs gudhängivenhet - inte hans rikedomar och hans inflytande - som gjorde att han blev en måltavla för angreppen från Satan, Djävulen. • What example did Jesus set in being a good friend? Job's godly devotion - not his riches and his influence - caused him to become the target of Satan the Devil. I VÅRA dagar står mänskligheten inför händelser av en aldrig tidigare skådad omfattning. Answering such questions would require time but would show all intelligent creation that Jehovah exercises his sovereignty in a beneficial way. OUR day, mankind faces events of an unprecedented scale. Varför får de som utövar laglöshet en sådan dom? It would be wisdom on their part to do so. Why do those who practice lawlessness receive such judgment? b) Vad är inbegripet i att vara andligen vaken? Before long, things began to improve. (b) What is involved in being spiritually alert? Många i dag lever efter mottot: Följ ditt hjärta. (a) What can mountains symbolize in the Bible? Many today live by general: Follow your heart. Job blev nedstämd och trodde att Gud hade övergett honom. " Jehovah, I have loved the dwelling of your house, " said the psalmist. Job became depressed and thought that God had abandoned him. Som nämndes i förra artikeln säger Bibeln inget om att man måste ha en viss ålder för att bli döpt. Benefit from their counsel, and learn from their wisdom. - Prov. As mentioned in the preceding article, the Bible does not say that a person must have a certain age to get baptized. Andra tillfällen som ger oss ny styrka är när vi varje år samlas till våra sammankomster. The person who conducts himself as a lesser one is "great " in that he becomes more valuable as a servant of Jehovah. Other opportunities that refresh us are when we gather each year to our assemblies and conventions. Det är som om himlen har satt ut " mätsnören " för att försäkra sig om att dess tysta vittnesbörd har nått ut till jordens alla hörn. Some must endure "a thorn in the flesh " in the form of a serious disability or ailment. It is as though the heavens have sat out " line ' to assure themselves that its silent witness has reached all the corners of the earth. Nu gick det ju inte att straffa någon som redan var död, så man grävde upp Wycliffes ben, brände dem och strödde ut askan i floden Swift. 22: 3, 4, 9 - When do the three calls to the marriage feast go out? After all, it did not happen to punish anyone who was already dead, so it buried the legs of Wycliffe, burned them, and olive ashes in the river. Varför är det inte bara de äldste som bör visa omsorg om ett får som kommit vilse? In line with Jesus ' admonition, we should " keep our eyes open, ' not to observe others to see if they fit the description, but to examine ourselves to see what we have set our hearts on, so as to "guard against every sort of covetousness. " Why is it not just the elders to care for a sheep who have strayed? Om du har fått ett råd av en äldstebroder, uppskattade du då hans kärleksfulla omtanke? For example, can your children explain from the Bible what happens at death? If you received counsel from an elder, do you appreciate his loving - kindness? • Vad bör de kristna räkna med medan de lever i den här onda världen? Abraham repeatedly pleaded with God regarding possible righteous ones in Sodom. • What should Christians expect while living in this wicked world? Till slut fick vi kontakt med Jehovas vittnen. 19 - 21. (a) How do we view those in positions of secular authority? Eventually, we had contact with Jehovah's Witnesses. • Hur var Jesus en verklig vän? However, outward appearances were deceptive, for nearby lived "the men of Sodom [who] were bad and were gross sinners against Jehovah. " • How was Jesus a true friend? Det skulle som sagt ta tid att besvara de här frågorna, men så småningom skulle det bli tydligt för alla, både i himlen och på jorden, att Jehovas sätt att styra är det överlägset bästa. Nevertheless, the Bible states that "the tongue of the wise is a healing. " It would take time to answer those questions, but it would eventually become clear to all, both in heaven and on earth, that Jehovah's way of ruling is superior. Det skulle vara vist att göra det. Accordingly his days shall amount to a hundred and twenty years. " Doing so would be wise. Med tiden blev det lättare. [ God's] righteousness. " In time, it became easier. a) Vad kan berg beteckna i Bibeln? " Do not... be called " leaders, ' for your Leader is one, the Christ. " - MATT. 23: 9, 10. (a) What are some features of the Bible? " Jehova, jag älskar det hus som är din boning ," sade psalmisten. That has happened to some dedicated Christians, and some of them were disfellowshipped because they were not repentant. " Jehovah, I have loved the house of your dwelling, " said the psalmist. Följ deras råd och dra nytta av deras livserfarenhet. Aside from Scriptural examples, there are many modern - day examples of spiritually - minded individuals who have made great progress in reflecting a Christlike personality. Follow their counsel and benefit from their experience. Den som uppför sig som en av de mindre är " stor " genom att han blir mer värdefull, eller användbar, som en tjänare åt Jehova. How did he explain this important point? He who conducts himself as a lesser one is "great " by becoming more valuable, or useful, as a servant of Jehovah. Somliga måste uthärda " en törntagg i köttet " i form av ett allvarligt handikapp eller krämpor av något slag. That will undoubtedly be our reaction too when we fill our minds and hearts with these and other priceless sayings of the Great Teacher, Jesus Christ. Some need to endure "a thorn in the flesh " in the form of serious stroke or feelings of some sort. 22: 3, 4, 9 - När går de tre kallelserna till bröllopsfesten ut? Did you realize what else Jephthah and Hannah had in common? 22: 3, 4, 9 - When do the three calling for the wedding feast go out? Med tanke på Jesu råd bör vi hålla våra ögon öppna, inte för att kunna se om andra är giriga, utan för att kunna avgöra vad vi själva har fäst vårt hjärta vid, så att vi tar oss " i akt för allt slags habegär ." At the same time, like all of us, she was not perfect. In view of Jesus ' counsel, we should " keep our eyes open, not to see whether others are greedy, but to determine what we ourselves have affection for every sort of covetousness. ' Kan dina barn förklara med hjälp av Bibeln vad som händer när man dör? To this day, many of the clergy elevate the uninspired sayings of so - called Church Fathers to a plane higher than the Word of God! Can your children explain from the Bible what happens when they die? Abraham vädjade gång på gång till Gud beträffande de rättfärdiga som kunde tänkas finnas i Sodom. King David's example can teach us what? Abraham repeatedly appealed to God regarding the righteous ones who might be found in Sodom. 19 - 21. a) Hur betraktar vi dem som har myndighetsställning i världen? To prevent that from happening, we live by Jesus ' admonition: "Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness. " 19 - 21. (a) How do we view those who have authority in the world? Men området var inte så bra som det såg ut, för i närheten bodde " männen i Sodom [som] var onda och syndade svårt mot Jehova ." The encouragement and support they received from one another played a key role in turning that death march into a march of survival for them. However, the area was not as good as it looked out, for near "the men of Sodom [who] were wicked and sinned severely against Jehovah. " Men enligt Bibeln är " de visas tunga... en läkedom ." Isaiah was confident that with Jehovah's backing, he could successfully face any challenge. However, according to the Bible, "the tongue of the wise ones is a healing. " Således skall hennes dagar uppgå till ett hundra tjugo år. " BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "The wisdom from above is... not hypocritical. " - James 3: 17. So her days should amount to a hundred years. " [ Guds] rättfärdighet. " IN THE 94,600 congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses around the world, we find a thankful spirit. [God's] righteousness. " " Inte heller skall ni låta någon kalla er ' ledare ', ty en är er Ledare, Kristus. " Give a Scriptural example indicating how we should view refinements in our understanding of Bible topics. " Neither will you call you " leaders, ' because your Leader is one, the Christ. " Och personer som inte ångrar sig skulle kunna hamna i den situation som Petrus beskriver. So when an elder approaches someone with words of admonition, he likely does so after giving the matter much consideration and praying over it. And those who unrepentantly repent may fall into the situation described by Peter. Men det är inte bara Bibeln som bjuder på fina exempel när det gäller andlighet, utan överallt omkring oss finns bröder och systrar som har arbetat på sin personlighet och lärt sig att visa samma egenskaper som Jesus. What can help us to complete the race successfully? However, it is not just the Bible who invites us to display godly qualities but around us, brothers and sisters who have worked on their personality and have learned to display godly qualities as Jesus did. Hur förklarade han den här viktiga saken? Moses experienced such a blessing. How did he explain this important matter? Vi kommer säkert att reagera på liknande sätt när vi fyller vårt sinne och hjärta med dessa och andra värdefulla uttalanden av den store läraren, Jesus Kristus. Is the World's Spirit Influencing You? We will certainly react similarly when we fill our mind and heart with these and other precious sayings of the Great Teacher, Jesus Christ. Tänkte du på något annat som Jefta och Hanna hade gemensamt? Alejandro: Yes, I have a son. Did you think of something else that Jephthah and Hannah had in common? Men precis som alla andra var hon ofullkomlig. They have all come true for you. Yet, like all others, she was imperfect. Än i dag betraktar många ledare inom kyrkan de så kallade kyrkofädernas oinspirerade uttalanden som viktigare än Guds ord! • What are you motivated to do in response to Jehovah's provisions for your deliverance? To this day, many leaders today view many leaders in the church so - called traditional sayings of God's Word! Vad kan Davids exempel lära oss? Kadesh was about ten miles [16 km] from Beer - lahai - roi, where Isaac and Rebekah had resided. [gl 7] It was under 60 miles [95 km] to Beer - sheba, cited as a southern edge of the Promised Land. What can we learn from David's example? För att förhindra att det händer bör vi leva efter Jesu uppmaning: " Fortsätt därför med att först söka kungariket och hans rättfärdighet. " When that happens, however, there are opportunities to learn from these errors, to be forgiving, and to let love have full sway as "a perfect bond of union. " To prevent that end, we should live in harmony with Jesus ' admonition: "Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness. " De skulle aldrig ha klarat det utan den uppmuntran och det stöd som de fick från varandra. * They would never have done so without the encouragement and support they received from one another. Jesaja var säker på att han kunde klara av alla utmaningar med Jehovas stöd. However, others who formerly worshipped those idols felt that eating the meat would be an act of worship. Isaiah was sure that he was able to cope with the challenges of Jehovah's support. (Jakob 3: 17) The large shield of faith (See paragraphs 12 - 14) BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "Be quick to listen. " - Proverbs 3: 17. I DE 94 600 församlingarna av Jehovas vittnen som finns runt om i världen finner vi en tacksam anda. Do You Recall? IN 600 congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses around the world, we find a grateful spirit. Vilket bibliskt exempel hjälper oss att förstå hur vi ska se på justeringar av lärofrågor? A wife who is foolish does not hesitate to speak unfavorably of her husband, whereas a wise woman works to increase the respect that her children and others have for him. What Bible example helps us to see how we should view adjustments in understanding? Så när en äldstebroder ger någon ett råd ligger det förmodligen många böner och mycket eftertanke bakom. Thus, Bible students who wish to observe all the things that Jesus commanded must disown themselves, dedicating themselves unreservedly to Jehovah. So when an elder gives counsel, there are likely many prayers and prayerful consideration. Vad kan hjälpa oss att fullfölja loppet? That nation was long enslaved in Egypt, but then "God remembered his covenant with Abraham " and delivered them. What can help us to finish the race successfully? Mose fick ett sådant erkännande. JESUS loved the Mosaic Law. Moses received such recognition. Har världens ande påverkat dig? It is a commitment, not to a contract, but to a person. Has the spirit of the world affected you? Visst har du barn? " The glory of the stars " is awe - inspiring. Do you not have children? De har alla blivit verklighet för er. " When Priscilla and Aquila heard [Apollos], they took him into their company and expounded the way of God more correctly to him. " - ACTS 18: 26. They have all come true for you. • Vad blir du motiverad att göra med tanke på det Jehova har gjort för att befria dig? • How did Jesus measure greatness? • In view of what Jehovah has done to deliver you, what moves you to do? Kades låg omkring 15 kilometer från Beer - Lahaj - Roi, där Isak och Rebecka en gång hade bott. [ 7] Det var mindre än tio mil till Beersheba, som låg i det utlovade landets sydligaste del. In heaven, God's only - begotten Son was a mighty spirit person. Kadesh was about 15 miles [30 km] from Beer - sheba - 60 km] of the Promised Land. Men när det händer kan de lära sig av sina misstag och vara förlåtande, och de kan låta sig ledas av kärleken, som är " ett fullkomligt föreningsband ." When a fellow Christian rejoices, we wish to share his or her joy. When that happens, however, they can learn from their mistakes and be forgiving, and they can be led by love, which is "a perfect bond of union. " * tar upp det. The situation of a man doing so is like that of someone who flees from a lion only to encounter a bear and then runs away from the bear only to be bitten by a serpent. * Let us see. Men andra som tidigare hade tillbett de här avgudarna kände att om de åt köttet, skulle det vara detsamma som en handling av tillbedjan. As the time for his sacrificial death drew near, Jesus ' determination to help others come to know Jehovah intensified. However, others who had previously worshipped these idols felt that if they ate the flesh, they would be the same as an act of worship. Trons stora sköld (Se paragraf 12 - 14.) Consequently, young Christians are encouraged to pursue spiritual goals, getting only as much education as is required to meet their basic needs while focusing on preparing themselves to serve Jehovah " with their whole heart, soul, strength, and mind. ' The large shield of faith (See paragraphs 12 - 14) Minns du? With the support of the brothers and my dear wife - who never wavered spiritually - I gradually regained my spiritual strength. Do You Recall? En dåraktig kvinna drar sig inte för att tala illa om sin man, men en vis kvinna försöker bygga upp respekt för sin man hos barnen och hos andra. I am curious, though. A girl does not hesitate to speak badly of her husband, but a wise woman tries to build respect for her husband and others. Så om man vill följa allt som Jesus befallde måste man säga nej till sig själv och villkorslöst överlämna sig åt Jehova. One reason to undergo baptism is that Jesus commissioned his followers to "make disciples..., baptizing them. " So if you want to follow what Jesus commanded, you must say no to yourself and choose to dedicate yourself to Jehovah. Den här nationen var länge i slaveri i Egypten, men sedan " kom [Gud] ihåg sitt förbund med Abraham " och befriade israeliterna. What questions will we now consider? That nation was long in slavery in Egypt, but then "God remembered his covenant with Abraham " and delivered the Israelites. JESUS älskade Moses lag. Furthermore, they provide us with opportunities to " incite one another to love and fine works. ' - Hebrews 10: 24, 25. JESUS loved the Mosaic Law. Det medför ett ansvar, inte i första hand mot en formell överenskommelse, utan mot en annan människa. 5: 7 - 9. It brings responsibility, not primarily to a formal agreement, but to another person. " Stjärnornas glans " är verkligen enastående. All these people are spiritually asleep. Indeed, "the stars of the stars " are truly outstanding. " När Priscilla och Aquila hörde... Similarly, we are noticed for our fine works as Kingdom proclaimers and for such qualities as moderation and chasteness. - Titus 2: 1 - 14. " When Priscilla and Aquila heard... • Vad var Jesu uppfattning om storhet? Jehovah supported and directed Jesus in marvelous ways. • What was Jesus ' view of greatness? I himlen var Guds enfödde Son en mäktig andevarelse. Surely Jehovah and Jesus take note of who makes the effort to attend this most important meeting of the year. In heaven, God's only - begotten Son was a powerful spirit creature. När en medkristen gläder sig vill vi dela den glädjen. The divine advice in that text is still valid, although originally offered some 2,000 years ago and probably more difficult to follow now than it was then or in 1916. When a fellow Christian rejoices, we want to share that joy. Den situationen påminner om en man som flyr från ett lejon bara för att möta en björn och som flyr från björnen bara för att bli biten av en orm. Smokeless tobacco: This includes chewing tobacco, snuff, and flavored gutkha used in Southeast Asia. That situation reminds a man who flees from a lion just to meet a bear witness and fleeing from the bear merely to get across a serpent. När tiden för Jesu offerdöd närmade sig intensifierade han sina ansträngningar att hjälpa andra att lära känna Jehova. His servants should strive to imitate him by looking for the good in others. When the time for Jesus ' sacrificial death approached, he stepped up his efforts to help others come to know Jehovah. Unga kristna uppmuntras därför att sätta upp andliga mål. De behöver naturligtvis skaffa sig tillräckligt med utbildning för att kunna försörja sig men samtidigt vara fokuserade på att kunna tjäna Jehova med hela sitt hjärta, sin själ, sin styrka och sitt sinne. Because of health problems, a married couple in Poland began to witness by letter. Young Christians are encouraged to pursue spiritual goals, of course, to obtain sufficient education while focusing on serving Jehovah with their whole heart, soul, strength, and mind. Med hjälp av vännerna och min kära fru, som aldrig vacklade i sanningen, kunde jag sakta men säkert komma på fötter igen, andligt sett. It will prove that you've got the strength to go against the flow of Satan's world. With the help of fellow believers and my dear wife, who never trusted in the truth, I could gradually get back on their feet, spiritually. Men jag blir ju lite nyfiken. Moreover, Job attached undue importance to justifying himself when he said: "I am not in the wrong " and" there is no violence upon my palms, and my prayer is pure. " But I'm curious about that. Ett skäl att bli döpt är att Jesus befallde sina efterföljare att göra lärjungar och döpa dem. Whatever the topics, our conversations will build others up if they adhere to the apostle Paul's admonition to the congregation in Philippi. One reason to get baptized is that Jesus commanded his followers to make disciples and baptize them. Vilka frågor ska vi se närmare på? This means that the end of this system of things is close. What questions will we consider? Och dessutom ger de oss möjlighet att " sporra [varandra] till kärlek och förträffliga gärningar ." All of us make mistakes. Moreover, they give us the opportunity to " incite [to love and fine works. " 5: 7 - 9. Most important of all, Jesus ' life and death upheld and magnified the righteousness of Jehovah's sovereignty. 5: 7 - 9. Alla dessa sover andligen. Social networking can affect your reputation and your friendships. All these are sleeping spiritually. På liknande sätt lägger människor märke till våra förträffliga gärningar som förkunnare av Guds kungarike. De ser också att vi har sådana egenskaper som måttlighet och renhet. Love moved him to preach with boldness even in the face of opposition. Similarly, people observe our fine works as Kingdom proclaimers; they too see that we have such qualities as measure and cleanness. Jehova gav honom stöd och vägledning på ett helt fantastiskt sätt. He knew Jehovah as "the living God. " Jehovah provided support and guidance in a marvelous way. Så vi förstår att Jehova och Jesus lägger märke till alla som anstränger sig för att kunna vara med vid det viktigaste mötet på hela året. Meetings unite us with fellow believers. Thus, we understand that Jehovah and Jesus take note of all who make efforts to attend the most important meeting each year. Guds råd i det här skriftstället är fortfarande giltigt, trots att det ursprungligen framfördes för omkring 2 000 år sedan och förmodligen är svårare att följa nu än det var på den tiden eller 1916. Levi received 48 cities, and Simeon's portion was within Judah's territory. God's counsel found in this passage is still valid, even though the original original language was released some 2,000 years ago and is probably more difficult to follow than it was back then or 1918. Rökfri tobak: Här ingår tuggtobak, snus och smaksatt gutkha, som används i Sydostasien. Does that not give evidence that God's spirit is at work in us? In the Red Sea, tobaccos are used in the Sermon on the Mount, and the taste of God's Word is used in the Supreme Court. Hans tjänare bör bemöda sig om att efterlikna honom genom att söka det goda hos andra. " To supplicate " means "to make a humble entreaty. " His servants should endeavor to imitate him by looking for the good in others. Ett gift par i Polen började göra brevtjänst, eftersom deras hälsoproblem gjorde det svårt för dem att gå från dörr till dörr. Rather than force your son or daughter into long, serious discussions, try to take advantage of casual opportunities. A couple in Poland began making a letter because their health problems made it difficult for them to go from door to door. Det kommer att bevisa att du är stark nog att gå emot strömmen i Satans värld. When a Controversy Involves Many It will prove that you are strong enough to go against the flow of Satan's world. Han sade också: " Inget våld är i mina händer och min bön är ren. " Yet, as Jesus healed the leper, he allowed him to feel the touch of another human, perhaps for the first time in years. He also said: "No violence is in my hands and my prayer are clean. " Vilka ämnen vi än talar om, kommer våra samtal att vara uppbyggande för andra, om de stämmer överens med aposteln Paulus maning till församlingen i Filippi. CAN YOU EXPLAIN? What will the fulfillment of these texts mean to you? Whatever subjects we talk about, our conversations will be upbuilding to others if they agree with the apostle Paul's husband in Philippi. Det innebär att slutet för den här världsordningen är nära. From Jehovah this has come to be, and it is marvelous in our eyes '? This means that the end of this system of things is near. Alla gör vi misstag. Jehovah is going to remove those who go contrary to his will, and he will reward those who live in harmony with it. All of us make mistakes. Det viktigaste av allt var att Jesus genom sitt liv och sin död försvarade och upphöjde det rättfärdiga i Jehovas suveräna styre. So in order to get the preaching work done, we obeyed the laws, hoping that things would change for the better. Most important, through his life and death, Jesus upheld and exalted the righteous in Jehovah's sovereignty. Socialt nätverkande kan påverka ditt rykte och dina vänskapsrelationer. This could lead some to wonder whether there might be validity to the Devil's claim. Social networking can affect your reputation and your friendships. Det var kärlek som fick honom att predika med frimodighet också när han mötte motstånd. What would happen if you veered off the road to pursue a mirage? Love moved him to preach with boldness even in the face of opposition. Han kände Jehova som " den levande Guden ." Let us be more specific, though. He knew Jehovah as "the living God. " Mötena stärker banden till våra medtroende. So the Son, being "in the bosom position, " had intimate conversations with his Father. Meetings strengthen the bonds of fellow believers. Levi fick 48 städer, och Simeons andel låg inom Judas område. Some give birth to a child that they have neither the desire nor the ability to raise. Levi received 48 cities, and Simeon's share was in the region of Judah. Visar inte det att vi får hjälp av Guds ande? They may admit that the world has changed greatly since 1914, but they do not see the real significance of these events. Does that not indicate that God's spirit is available? Det grekiska ord som har återgetts med " ödmjuk anhållan " avser en särskilt innerlig eller intensiv bön, där man enträget bönfaller Gud om hjälp. Since his installment as King, Jesus is now in a position to bruise the great enemy, Satan, in the head permanently and to destroy his seed. - Revelation 11: 15, 18; 20: 1 - 3, 10. The Greek word translated " supplication " refers to a particularly heartfelt prayer, where it is rightly acceptable to God for help. Du behöver inte ha långa och allvarliga samtal med dem. Försök i stället att ta vara på stunder i vardagen. At times, the seventh head of the beast has displayed ironlike characteristics. Rather than having long and serious conversations with them, try to spend time in your daily life. När många är inblandade or, " What are we to put on? ' When Many Are involved Men när Jesus botade den spetälske lät han honom känna beröringen av en annan människa, kanske för första gången på många år. • How are we "a special property " to Jehovah? However, when Jesus healed the leper, he had a glimpse of another man, perhaps for the first time. Vad kommer uppfyllelsen av de här bibelställena att innebära för dig? Then there is proud Herod Agrippa I, who accepted unwarranted glory for himself instead of giving glory to God. What will be the fulfillment of those scriptures that will mean for you? Från Jehova har denna kommit, och den är underbar i våra ögon '? As for James and John, we read: "At once leaving the boat and their father, they followed him. " From Jehovah has come, and is it wonderful in our eyes? ' Jehova kommer att ta bort dem som går emot hans vilja, och han kommer att belöna dem som lever i överensstämmelse med den. If we truly know Jehovah and understand what his name stands for, we will trust in him as surely as did Joshua and Caleb. - John 17: 3. Jehovah will remove those who oppose his will, and he will reward those who live in harmony with it. Vi ville predika för så många som möjligt, så vi följde lagarna och hoppades att situationen skulle förändras till det bättre. David's enemies " loved empty things. ' We wanted to preach to as many as possible, so we followed the laws and hoped that the situation would change for the better. Det skulle kunna få en del att undra om Satan ändå har en poäng i det han säger. When Daniel and his companions were exiled, the Babylonians tried to assimilate them into their culture by teaching them "the language of the Chaldeans. " Perhaps some wonder whether Satan still has a point in what he says. Vad skulle hända om du vek av från vägen för att nå fram till en hägring? (See opening picture.) What would happen if you turned off from the road to reach a airport? Men låt oss nu gå in på det mera i detalj. One Christian may accept a gamma globulin injection, but he may or may not agree to an injection containing something extracted from red or white cells. But let us now take into account more detail. På liknande sätt kunde Sonen, som befann sig " på platsen vid Faderns bröst ," samtala förtroligt med sin Fader. But you can be assured that God is ready to give you a helping hand. - Read Isaiah 41: 10, 13. Similarly, the Son, who was "in the place of the Father, " could talk closely with his Father. Somliga föder ett barn som de inte vill och inte kan uppfostra. 10, 11. Some give birth to a child they do not want and cannot raise. De kanske håller med om att världen har förändrats mycket sedan 1914, men de kan inte se vad det betyder. In the parable, how can we discern the identity of (a) the bridegroom? They may agree that the world has changed much since 1914, but they cannot see what it means. Sedan sitt trontillträde är Jesus i den ställningen att han slutgiltigt kan krossa huvudet på den store fienden, Satan, och tillintetgöra hans avkomma. (See the box "Rendering an Account at Death. ") (c) What reward will those judged as sheep receive? After his throne, Jesus is in a position to crush the head of the great enemy, Satan, and destroy his offspring. Ibland har det brittisk - amerikanska världsväldet visat sig vara starkt som järn. Hezekiah was pained that reproach was being heaped upon Jehovah's name. At times, the Anglo - American World Power has proved to be powerful as iron. eller: ' Vad skall vi sätta på oss? ' Perhaps you think of the boldness of the early Christians or the serenity of Stephen as he stood before the Sanhedrin. or, " What are we to put on? ' • Hur är vi " en särskild egendom " för Jehova? (b) What is your determination? • How are we "a special property " to Jehovah? Så har vi den stolte Herodes Agrippa I, som tog emot oförtjänt ära för egen del i stället för att ge ära åt Gud. How Would You Answer? So we have the proud Herod Agrippa I, who accepted undeserved kindness for himself rather than to glorify God. Och om Jakob och Johannes läser vi: " Genast lämnade de båten och sin far och följde honom. " The manager of a facility in Zimbabwe used by Jehovah's Witnesses for their convention said: "I see some Witnesses picking up paper and cleaning toilets. And if James and John read: "At once leaving the boat and their father, they followed him. " Om vi verkligen känner Jehova och förstår vad hans namn står för, kommer vi att förtrösta på honom lika fast och säkert som Josua och Kaleb. Elijah's counsel to those people could help an indecisive Bible student who is holding back from making spiritual progress. If we truly know Jehovah and understand his name, we will trust in him as firmly and as did Joshua and Caleb. Davids fiender älskade " tomhet ." Just before the Israelites were due to enter the Promised Land, Moses counseled them: "After Jehovah your God you should walk, and him you should fear, and his commandments you should keep, and to his voice you should listen, and him you should serve, and to him you should cling. " David's enemies loved "vanity. " När Daniel och hans vänner var i landsflykt försökte babylonierna få dem att smälta in i deras kultur genom att undervisa dem i " kaldéernas skrift och språk ." For example, a missionary priest once told a Witness that he had lived in many different countries and that he had asked the Witnesses in each country what message they were preaching. When Daniel and his companions were in exile, the Babylonians tried to impress them into their culture by teaching them "the Scriptures and the tongues of the Chaldeans and the language of the Chaldeans. " (Se den inledande bilden.) Near Mount Horeb, Jehovah's angel appeared to Moses in a flame of fire in the midst of a thornbush. (See opening picture.) En viss kristen kanske tar emot en injektion av gammaglobulin, men han kanske tar emot eller inte tar emot en injektion som innehåller något som utvunnits ur röda eller vita blodkroppar. The Israelites listened to a reading of "the book of the covenant. " For example, a certain Christian might accept an airplane, but he may accept or not accept a plasma containing something derived from red cells or white cells. (Läs Jesaja 41: 10, 13.) But all of us, whether anointed or not, are subject to "the law of the Christ. " (Read Isaiah 41: 10, 13.) 10, 11. (b) What indication is there that the universe had a First Cause? 10, 11. Hur vet vi a) vem brudgummen är? (Assassinated after How do we know (a) who the bridegroom is? (Se rutan " Godkända vid sin död .") c) Hur belönas de som förklaras vara får? You know that the basis of any real friendship is good communication. (See the box "The Secret of Your death. ") (c) How is the rewarder of those being declared receive? Hiskia plågades över att Jehovas namn blev vanärat. Soon all of Satan's world, together with its proud, self - important leaders, visible and invisible, will also be called to account. Hezekiah was plagued by the reproach of Jehovah's name. Kanske de första kristnas frimodighet eller Stefanus sinnesnärvaro när han stod inför Sanhedrin? 18, 19. (a) Why is the counsel found at Proverbs 18: 13 so important in "disciplining in righteousness "? Perhaps the early Christians were boldness or mild - tempered when he was standing before the Sanhedrin? b) Vad har du bestämt dig för att göra? However, the greatest "day of Jehovah " still lies ahead. (b) What are you determined to do? Hur skulle du svara? Consider Sonia, who became a full - time Kingdom publisher in 1941. How Would You Answer? Föreståndaren för en anläggning i Zimbabwe som användes av Jehovas vittnen för deras sammankomst sade: " Jag ser hur de plockar upp papper och rengör toaletterna. Is it not a pleasure to contemplate the ways in which Jehovah helps us? The director of a journal in Zion used by Jehovah's Witnesses for their convention said: "I see how they pick up paper and make clean cells. Om någon vi studerar Bibeln med är obeslutsam och inte gör andliga framsteg kan vi ha nytta av Elias råd till israeliterna. Jehovah, however, is a perfect overseer, who delegates generously and trusts his servants. If a Bible student is indecisive and does not make spiritual progress, we can benefit from Elijah's counsel to the Israelites. Strax innan israeliterna skulle gå in i det utlovade landet gav Mose dem följande råd: " Jehova, er Gud, skall ni vandra efter, och honom skall ni frukta, och hans bud skall ni hålla, och till hans röst skall ni lyssna, och honom skall ni tjäna, och honom skall ni hålla fast vid. " Our tender affection for others moves us to "speak consolingly to those who are depressed. " Just before the Israelites were to enter the Promised Land, Moses counseled them: "O Jehovah your God you must walk, and you must fear him, and his commandments you must observe, and to his voice you must listen to him, and you must minister to him, and you must cling to him. " En missionspastor berättade till exempel en gång för ett vittne att han hade bott i många länder och att han hade frågat Jehovas vittnen i alla de här länderna vilket budskap de predikade. Thus, now is the time to give careful consideration to these matters. For example, a newspaper now told a Witness that he had been living in many lands and that he had asked Jehovah's Witnesses in all these lands what they preached. Jehovas ängel visade sig för Mose i en eldslåga mitt i en törnbuske i närheten av berget Horeb. You benefit yourself, and you delight Jehovah and your fellow Christians! - Ps. Jehovah's angel appeared to Moses in a fiery hell near Mount Horeb. Israeliterna lyssnade när " förbundsboken " lästes upp för dem. What experience from El Salvador shows that many are keeping spiritually alert? The Israelites listened as "the covenant " was read to them. Men oavsett om vi tillhör de smorda eller inte, är vi alla underställda " Kristi lag ." Again, do you note the trait typical of strangers? Whether we are anointed or not, all of us are subject to "the law of the Christ. " b) Vad är det som visar att universum hade en första orsak? Lot and his family were in a perilous situation because destruction was going to come on Sodom, the city where they lived. (b) What shows that the universe had a first reason? (Dödades efter att Not at all. BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "Be sure that I am not afraid of my own life. " - Heb. Som du vet är god kommunikation grunden för all vänskap. Our godly devotion must include obedience to Jesus ' new commandment to "love one another " as he loved us. You know good communication is the basis for all friendship. Snart kommer hela Satans värld, tillsammans med dess stolta, självtillräckliga ledare, synliga och osynliga, också att ställas till svars. The man refuses to do so. Soon Satan's entire world, along with its proud, including leaders, visible and invisible, will also be called to account. 18, 19. a) Varför är det viktigt att följa rådet i Ordspråksboken 18: 13 när man ger tuktan " i rättfärdighet "? 1: 8 - Why did Naomi tell her daughters - in - law to return "each one to the house of her mother " instead of to the house of her father? 18, 19. (a) Why is it important to heed the counsel found at Proverbs 18: 13 when giving discipline "in righteousness "? Men den " Jehovas dag " som är störst av alla ligger fortfarande framför oss. That includes making provision for refreshment. However, the "day of Jehovah " is the greatest of all mankind is still ahead. Tänk på Sonia, som blev heltidsförkunnare av Guds kungarike 1941. Clearly, their consciences are treacherous guides! Consider Sonia, who became a full - time Kingdom proclaimer. Är det inte uppmuntrande att tänka på hur Jehova hjälper oss? As free moral agents, we can choose to obey Jehovah's directions or we can pursue what seems right in our own eyes. Is it not encouraging to reflect on how Jehovah helps us? Men Jehova är en fullkomlig tillsyningsman, som gärna delegerar uppgifter till sina tjänare och litar på att de ska klara av dem. Mauricio: Those feelings are certainly normal. However, Jehovah is a perfect overseer who is willing to delegate tasks to his servants, confident that they will succeed. Vår djupa omtanke om andra får oss att " tala tröstande till de nedstämda själarna ." What benefits result from pursuing peace? Our deep concern for others moves us to "speak consolingly to the depressed souls. " Därför är det tid att noga tänka över det här nu. Christians have God's law in their hearts Therefore, it is time to think carefully about these things now. Ni har själva nytta av det, och ni gläder Jehova och era medkristna! The Hebrew Scriptures contain numerous prayers in the book of Psalms and elsewhere. You benefit yourself, and you rejoice Jehovah and your fellow Christians! Vad för något som berättas från El Salvador visar att många håller sig andligen vakna? Clearly, such behavior would be inappropriate in a Christian household. What information from El Salvador shows that many stay spiritually awake? Lade du återigen märke till det här typiska draget hos de främmande? 24: 14; 28: 19. The disciples loved both Jesus and the good news. Did you again notice this characteristic of the strangers? Sodom, staden de bodde i, skulle förstöras. Gud hade sänt änglar som uppmanade Lot att lämna staden och fly till bergen. More than that, he is affected by it. Sodom, the city of Israel, was to be destroyed, and God sent angels who urged Lot to leave the city and flee to the mountains. Inte alls. Those full - time ministers had the same objective as we do today - that of making disciples of Jesus Christ. Not at all. Vår gudhängivenhet måste innefatta att vi lyder Jesu nya bud om att vi skall " älska varandra " alldeles som han har älskat oss. Illustrate. Our godly devotion includes obeying Jesus ' new commandment that we "love one another " just as he loved us. Men mannen vägrar. STUDY ARTICLES But the man refuses. 1: 8 - Varför bad Noomi sina svärdöttrar att vända tillbaka " var och en till sin mors hus " och inte till sin fars hus? I felt at home. " 1: 8 - Why did Naomi ask her daughters to return "each one to the house of her mother " and not to her father? Om du är förälder måste du alltså se till att familjen får möjlighet att koppla av. Evildoers and all who are unrighteous will finally receive their "wages " and no more. Therefore, if you are a parent, you need to make sure that your family will have an opportunity to relax your recreation. Faktum är att de går rakt emot hans lagar. We thus have reason to ask, What of the Passover in 33 C.E.? In fact, they act in harmony with God's laws. Vi har en fri vilja och kan därför välja om vi vill följa Jehovas vägledning eller om vi vill göra det vi själva anser vara rätt. • Why can it be said that the invitation to "come " originates with Jehovah? We have free will and can therefore choose if we want to follow Jehovah's guidance or if we want to do what we feel right. Mattias: Det är helt normalt att känna så. Reasonableness - Matthew 15: 21 - 28. Mauricio: It's normal to feel that way. Vilka välsignelser får vi när vi strävar efter frid? Angels desired to peer into and understand the deep spiritual truths that God's prophets of old times wrote concerning the anointed Christian congregation. What blessings do we enjoy when we pursue peace? De kristna har Guds lag skriven i sitt hjärta A man of wicked ideas is, of course, hated. Christians have God's law written in their heart I de hebreiska skrifterna finns många böner i Psalmerna och på andra ställen. How can we help new ones gain confidence in the ministry? The Hebrew Scriptures include many prayers in Psalms and elsewhere. Ett sådant uppträdande är naturligtvis olämpligt i en kristen familj. Humbly Submitting to Loving Shepherds Of course, such behavior is inappropriate in a Christian family. Lärjungarna älskade både Jesus och det fina budskap de skulle sprida. Jehovah God is holy and demands that those who render him sacred service be holy. The disciples loved both Jesus and the fine message they were to spread. Och ännu viktigare är att han påverkas av det. 5, 6. More important, he is affected by that. Dessa heltidstjänare hade samma mål som vi har nu - att göra lärjungar till Jesus Kristus. Additionally, a family that praises God together forges close bonds. Those full - time servants had the same goal that we now have - to make disciples of Jesus Christ. Illustrera. Illustrate. STUDIEARTIKLAR STUDY ARTICLES Jag kände mig som hemma. " I felt like at home. " Ogärningsmän och alla som är orättfärdiga kommer till sist att få sin " lön " men ingenting mer. In fact, unrighteous people will eventually receive their " reward " but nothing more. ' Vi kan därför fråga: " Hur var det med påsken år 33? " So we might ask, " How was the Passover of 33 C.E.? ' • Varför kan det sägas att inbjudan ytterst kommer från Jehova? • Why can it be said that the invitation is ultimately from Jehovah? Empati Resonlighet Each of us wants to be reasonable Änglar längtade efter att få blicka in i och förstå de djupa andliga sanningar som Guds profeter i forna tider skrev ner angående den smorda kristna församlingen. Angels longed to see the deep spiritual truths that God's prophets of old wrote about the anointed Christian congregation. En ondskefull man blir givetvis hatad. A wicked man is evidently hated. Hur kan vi hjälpa de nya att få självförtroende i tjänsten på fältet? How can we help new ones to develop confidence in the ministry? Ödmjuka och fogliga under kärleksfulla herdars ledning Humble and Yielding Under the leadership of Loving Shepherds Jehova Gud är helig, och han kräver att de som ägnar honom helig tjänst skall vara heliga. Jehovah God is holy, and he requires that those who render sacred service to him be holy. 5, 6. 5, 6. I en familj som lovprisar Gud tillsammans stärks också känslan av samhörighet. A family praising God together strengthens the sense of unity.