Waphindze wawachazela nekutsi ngeke asawugubha Khisimusi, wawatjela nesizatfu saloko. She also told them that she would not celebrate Christmas with them and explained why. He also explained that they would not celebrate Christmas, telling them why. 2 / 1 3 / 1 2 / 15 Utsi: "Ngangikujabulela kakhulu. " I found great joy in that form of ministry, " he says. " I really enjoyed it, " she says. Kungaphindze kusite labo labadzelelako labatsi: "Kuphi lokuba khona kwakhe lokwetsenjiswa? It would also vindicate opposers who mockingly ask: "Where is this promised presence of his? It may be helpful to help those who say: " Where is this promised? Ngekuhamba kwesikhatsi Michiko washada nemzalwane lokahle, futsi uyajabula ngekutsi wasilalela seluleko saJehova. Later on, Michiko married a fine brother, and she is happy that she listened to Jehovah's counsel. She married a good brother, and she is happy to heed Jehovah's counsel. Sati ngani kutsi Jesu abengafuni siphindzaphindze emavi lafanako ngaso sonkhe sikhatsi nasithantaza? How do we know that Jesus did not want us to repeat the same words every time we pray? How do we know that Jesus did not want us to repeat the same words every time we pray? Nyalo, ngitfola injabulo ngekutihlanganisa nebantfu bemave onkhe nalabakhuliswe ngetindlela letingafani. Now I find great pleasure in associating with people from all countries and backgrounds. Now I find joy in associating with people of all nations and backgrounds. Njengobe bekusondzela sikhatsi sekubuyela esabelweni setfu eParaguay, kwadzingeka sente sincumo lesilukhuni kakhulu ekuphileni kwetfu. As the time drew near to return to our assignment in Paraguay, we were faced with one of the most difficult decisions of our lives. Since it was time for us to return to our assignment in Paraguay, we had to make difficult decision in our life. Kufanele utihlupheleni ngekwenta tintfo letinhle? Why aspire to lofty values? Why should you be concerned about doing good? (Fundza kwatiswa lokusekugcineni.) (See endnote.) (See endnote.) Nanobe kunjalo, kubhajatiswa kumane kusicalo. Baptism is just the beginning, though. However, baptism is simply a beginning. " Tsemba Simakadze ngayo yonkhe inhlitiyo yakho, ungeyami ekwatini kwakho. " - TAGA 3: 5. 3: 5. 3: 5. Nguloko kanye lokwentiwa nguKeith na - Erika. That is what Keith and Erika did. That is exactly what you have done and what you will do. Delphine wakwenta loku. Delphine did. Delphine did that. [ Imibhalo lengentansi] [ Footnotes] [ Footnotes] UmFarisi wakhwesha wema yedvwa wathandaza watsi: " Ngiyakubonga, Nkulunkulu, kutsi mine angifanani nalabanye bantfu labatigebengu, nalabangakalungi, netiphingi, nanjengalomtselisi. The Pharisee stood and began to pray these things to himself, " O God, I thank you I am not as the rest of men, extortioners, unrighteous, adulterers, or even as this tax collector. A Pharisee ran away from the dead, saying: "I thank you, O God, that I am not as many as I am, not as I am, nor as the unrighteous. Yini liBhayibheli lelisitjela yona mayelana netingilosi? What does the Bible tell us? What does the Bible tell us about angels? 6: 4. 6: 4. 6: 4. Ngingalinciphisa njani lizinga lengingena ngalo kutekutsengiselana talelive? How can I minimize involvement with the commercial world? How can I prevent my commercial system of things? Lamuhla tilingo lesibhekana nato tingasicedza emandla futsi tisivise buhlungu, kodvwa kufanele sikhumbule kutsi tesikhashana. Today, the trials that you face may be overwhelming and painful, but remember that they are only temporary. Today, trials that we face can distract us and harm us, but we need to remember that we are temporary. Yetsembela KuJehova Njengobe Kuphela Kusondzela LIKHASI 14 14 Draw Close to God - "Remember Me, O My God, for Good " Trust in Jehovah as the End Draws Close to God 14 Takhona: Angikaze sengiyicabange ngaleyondlela lendzaba. Sophia: I never thought of it that way before. Sophia: I never thought of that. Sihloko lesilandzelako titasisita sonkhe kute sikujabulele kwati kutsi kusho kutsini kushumayela sinemuva wekuphutfuma. The next article will help all to appreciate what it means to preach with a sense of urgency. The next article will help all of us to appreciate what it means to preach with urgency. Loku kwenteka nakuJobe. That was true in Job's case. This happened to Job. Lamuhla kusondzela imphi mbamba. Today there is a real war looming on the horizon. Today, there is a unique war. Lelisotja labona kutsi lendvodza yayidzakiwe, ngako latsi: "Hamba ekhaya wena! " The soldier could see that the man was drunk, so he told him, "Go home and sober up! " The soldier recognized that the man was being drunk, so he said: "Go home! " Ngutiphi tibusiso lesititfolako nangabe sihlonipha bantfu labasetikhundleni letiphakeme? What are some benefits of showing honor to those in positions of authority? What blessings do we receive when we respect those appointed by authority? Satfunyelwa eWalnut Ridge, lese - Arkansas, lapho saba ngemahlahlandlela lakhetsekile. We were assigned to special pioneer in Walnut Ridge, Arkansas. We were sent to Making Golden Age, where we pioneered as special pioneers. Ngaleso sikhatsi, bantfu bebamatasa ngemisebenti yabo yelilanga nelilanga lefaka ekhatsi kushada, futsi abazange bamnake "Nowa umshumayeli wekulunga " kanye naloko lebekakusho mayelana nembhumbhiso leyayisondzela. At that time, people were so occupied with the daily affairs of life, including marriage, that they did not take seriously what "Noah, a preacher of righteousness, " said about the impending destruction. At that time, people were busy in their daily activities, such as marriage, and they did not focus on "the righteousness of Noah " and what they had said about the end. Nangibukela tindzaba, kuyangicasula kwandza kwekutiphatsa lokubi nekungetsembeki lokukulomhlaba. As I watch the news, I am disgusted with the rampant moral decay and depravity in this world. When I look at matters, I became involved in the growth of sexual immorality and greed of the world. (Taga 13: 12) "Ngabona kutsi kudzingeka ngifundze kubeketela nekutfobeka. " I began to realize that I needed to learn patience and humility. " I realized that I needed to learn to be humble and humble. Ngemuva kweminyaka letsite, nga - 1997, John wamenywa kutsi aye eSikolweni Semalunga Ekomidi Yeligatja ePatterson, eNew York. Years passed quickly, and in 1997, John was invited to attend the School for Branch Committee Members at Patterson, New York. Years later, in 1997, John was invited to attend the School for Branch Committee members in Patterson, New York. Kuletinye timo kwenta njalo kungase kube sicalo lesihle sebuhlobo lobuhle naJehova lobungakhula budzimate bucine futsi buhlale phakadze. That introduction may in some cases be the beginning of a wonderful relationship with Jehovah that will grow ever stronger and last forever. In some cases, the beginning of a close relationship with Jehovah may have become stronger and lasting. SIHLOKO LESIFUNDVWAKO 2 EMAKHASINI 9 - 13 STUDY ARTICLE 2 PAGES 9 - 13 STUDY ARTICLE 2 PAGES 9 - 13 Loku kugcizelela sidzingo sekutsi labadzala bahambe embili nakuhlabela libandla. Rather, hold your songbook up high, lift your head, and sing with heartfelt expression! This emphasizes the need for elders to take the lead in singing the congregation. (a) Kwentekani ngemuva kwelikhulu lekucala leminyaka? (a) What condition developed after the first century? (a) What happened after the first century? Cyril wayekela emsebentini wekutiphilisa, futsi ingakapheli inyanga besebawulungele umsebenti wekushumayela njengemahlahlandlela. Cyril quit his job, and within a month they were ready to start pioneering. Karen stopped secular work, and soon a month was ready for field service as pioneers. Sentiwa yini kutsi silwe nekufa? Why do we rebel against death? What made it possible for us to fight death and death? Ungachubeka sikhatsi lesingakanani wenta lomsebenti? How long would you continue to work at such a job? How long can you continue to do this work? 9: 9; Luk. 5: 27 - 39. 9: 9; Luke 5: 27 - 39. 9: 9; Luke 5: 27 - 39. Kuletinye timo lona lochubako angase akhetse kutsi esigabeni lesitsite utawucoca ngasiphi sitfombe. In others, the conductor may decide with which paragraph it would be best to discuss each picture. In some cases, a person may choose whether he will consider an illustration. (Fundza 2 Emakhosi 18: 31, 32.) (Read 2 Kings 18: 31, 32.) (Read 2 Kings 18: 31, 32.) NGATALWA nga - 1926, ngaba ngumtfwana wesikhombisa kulabasiphohlongo. Ngatalwa batali labakhutsele, eKarítsa, lokulidolobha lelincane laseGreece. I ENTERED this world the seventh of eight children born to hardworking parents in Karítsa, a small village in Greece. The year was 1926. I WAS born in 1926, the seventh head of eight children. I was born with zealous parents, a small town in Greece. Ecinisweni, kutfobela kwakhe liVi laNkulunkulu kwamenta wavuma kutsi afele elugodvweni. In fact, his obedience to God's Word went as far as submitting to death on a torture stake. In fact, his obedience to God's Word moved him to die on a torture stake. (Fundza libhokisi lelitsi "Wafa Nini Josefa? " (See the box "When Did Joseph Die? " (See the box "When Did Joseph Die? ") 13, 14. 13, 14. 13, 14. Site lilungelo lekutjela labanye indlela lokufanele baphile ngayo. It is not our right to tell others how to run their personal affairs. We have the privilege of telling others how to live. Nangabe sichubeka nemkhuba lolimata bantfu lesisondzelene nabo, sisuke singakhombisi kutsi siyamtsandza makhelwane. If we pursue a habit that hurts those close to us, we are not showing neighborly love. If we continue to harm our close associates, we do not show them that we love our neighbor. Liyini lilanga laNkulunkulu lekuphumula, futsi yini leyamenta "walingcwelisa "? What is God's rest day, and why did he "make it sacred "? What is God's day of rest, and why did he " make it sacred "? Nangabe Jehova simetsemba mbamba, utawujabula ngatsi. When we have complete trust in Jehovah, he will be pleased with us. If Jehovah truly trusts in him, he will be happy to feel that way. Singake simbone ngeliso lengcondvo Sara amamatseka nakasho nankha emavi latsi: "Nkulunkulu ungiphe luhleko, bonkhe labayivako lendzaba bayawuhleka njengami. " We may picture Sarah's weary but glowing smile as she explained: "God has brought me laughter; everybody hearing of it will laugh with me. " We can look at Sarah's smile and say: "God has given me a good report, all those who hear me will hear. " Basekeli beMbuso bakhutsateka kutsi bente umsebenti lomkhulu nga - 1931 ngalesikhatsi batfola ligama lelisekelwe emBhalweni lelitsi BoFakazi BaJehova. Supporters of the Kingdom were stimulated for greater activity in 1931 when they adopted the Scriptural name Jehovah's Witnesses. They supported Kingdom proclaimers in 1931 when they received the name Jehovah's Witnesses. Letihloko tikhuluma ngemitfwalo emaKhristu kanye nemabandla lanayo ekunakekeleni lamanye emakholwa netihlobo lesetikhulile. These articles review the responsibilities of individual Christians and congregations toward elderly fellow believers and relatives. These articles highlight the responsibilities of Christian brothers and congregations in caring for elderly relatives. (2 Emakhosi 2: 15) Elisha waba ngumphrofethi iminyaka lengu - 60 futsi Jehova wamnika emandla ekwenta timangaliso letinyenti kunaleto letentiwa ngu - Elija. Elisha served as a prophet for 60 years, and Jehovah gave him the power to perform many more miracles than Elijah had. Elisha served for 60 years, and Jehovah empowered Elijah to perform many miracles. Abufanani nelivasi lelidulako lekuhlobisa kuphela. It is not like an expensive vase that is used only for decoration. It is similar with a tiny stone that only someone can draw you away. Usho kutsini umfanekiso waJesu wemhlanyeli lolalako? What is the meaning of Jesus ' illustration about the sower who sleeps? What is the meaning of Jesus ' illustration about the sower who sleeps? Nanikhonta mine [Jehova] longuNkulunkulu wenu. " You must serve Jehovah your God. " You serve Jehovah your God. " Kube ngakubeketelela kutiphatsa kabi kwendvodzana yami, ngabe ayizange isitakale. " Had I been tolerant of my son's bad conduct, he would never have recovered. " If I had endured the immoral behavior of my son, I would not let it go. " Njengoba umgomo wetfu ukutsi sibe nebuhlobo lobuhle naNkulunkulu, asesicoce ngetibonelo letinhle tebantfu lesingabalingisa. But since our goal is to grow as spiritual people, let us take a look at several positive examples of individuals we can imitate. As our goal is to have a good relationship with God, let us consider the good examples we can imitate. Baphristi labakhulu bangitsetsisa futsi betama kungicindzetela kutsi ngihlale. My superiors berated me and tried to pressure me into staying. The chief priests begged me and tried to pressure me to stay. Emaphesenti langu - 60 alabafundzi atsi tivakashi letiyimfica titephulamtsetfo kantsi atisito. But an average of 60 percent of the students also identified as lawbreakers the nine other guests, who had a clean record. For 60 percent of them say that there are nine groups who do not break free from the law. Kusukela endvulo, bekusolo kunebantfu labakhetsa kuba seluhlangotsini lwaNkulunkulu, ngisho nobe baphila eveni lelibuswa sitsa saNkulunkulu lesikhulu. And there have always been some individuals who chose to subject themselves to God, even though they were living in a world ruled by God's great Adversary. From the beginning of history, there have always been humans who chose to be on God's side, whether living in a world under God's great rulership. " Hlalani Nilungele " Njengemindeni YemaKhristu These need - greaters are very much appreciated. Christian Families - "Keep Ready " Sibabonga kakhulu labazalwane labatfutsele lakunesidzingo lesikhulu khona. They had been taught about Jehovah from infancy by their father and got baptized as teenagers. We are grateful to the brothers who have moved to serve where the need is greater. Babe wabo wabafundzisa ngaJehova kusukela basebancane futsi babhajatiswa eminyakeni yabo yekutfomba. Acts 20: 7 - 12 Their father taught them about Jehovah from infancy and got baptized in their teenage years. Imisebenti 20: 7 - 12 Bedtime is another occasion when a father can strengthen the bonds of love with his son. Acts 20: 7 - 12 Sikhatsi sekulala sivula lelinye litfuba lekutsi bobabe bacinise lutsandvo emkhatsini wabo nemadvodzana abo. When they are invited to preach where there is a greater need, they say: "Here I am! Send me! " Time and night opens up to another opportunity for fathers to strengthen their love for one another and their husbands. Naticelwa kutsi tiyewushumayela lapho kunesidzingo lesikhulu khona, tivele titsi: "Nangu mine, tfuma mine! " 10: 31. You were asked to serve where the need is greater, "Here I am! Send me! " 10: 31. As Paul said to fellow Christians of his day, "keep encouraging one another and building one another up, just as you are in fact doing. " - 1 Thess. 10: 31. 12 Kufanele Wetsembeke Ngaso Sonkhe Sikhatsi Yini? Beau from Canada tells us: "In your home country, you take for granted such basic services as electricity and running water. 12 Should You Be Honest at All Times? Sitawujabula nangabe silalela seluleko saPawula lesitsi: "Chubekani nikhutsatana futsi nakhana, njengobe nje nenta. " - 1 Thes. The second element of zealous works that attracts people to God is fine Christian conduct. We will be happy when we heed Paul's counsel: "Keep encouraging one another and building one another up just as you do. " - 1 Thess. Beau wase - Canada uyasitjela: "Nawuseveni lakini, awukhatsateki ngetintfo letifanana nagezi nobe emanti. If you had been present on those occasions, perhaps you would have felt the same way. Ilaria from Canada tells us: "When you are in the country, do not be anxious about what you have to look like as well as water or water. Incenye yesibili yemisebenti lekhombisa inshisekelo ledvonsela bantfu kuNkulunkulu, kutiphatsa lokuhle kwebuKhristu. On one of these trips, I got acquainted with Janet Dumond, a missionary in Thailand. The second part of Acts shows a zeal that draws people to God, conduct, and fine conduct. Kube nawe bewulapho nakuvuswa labantfu, mhlawumbe bowutativa ngendlela lefananako. 3: 25, 26. If you were there, perhaps you would feel the same way. Nangisahambela emave, ngahlangana naJanet Dumond lobekasitfunywa selivangeli eThailand. Although Christians today are not required to observe the Mosaic Law, they must still present sacrifices that are acceptable to Jehovah. While serving in a foreign country, I met Thomas and I served as a missionary in Togo. 3: 25, 26. A married sister who is serving at the world headquarters in New York commented about Jehovah's organization: "It is the only one that unwaveringly proclaims Jehovah's name. 3: 25, 26. Nanobe emaKhristu lamuhla kungakalindzeleki kutsi agcine uMtsetfo waMosi, kumelwe achubeke enta iminikelo leyemukelekako kuJehova. Could she successfully help bring up her son "in the discipline and admonition of Jehovah " over the Internet? - Eph. Although Christians today may not expect the Mosaic Law to continue offering sacrifices to Jehovah. Lomunye dzadze loshadile lokhonta endlunkhulu yemhlaba wonkhe leseNew York wakhuluma ngenhlangano yaJehova watsi: "Ngiyo kuphela lengashintjashintji ekumemeteleni libito laJehova. In our prayers, we may often petition Jehovah for his help in satisfying our needs and in overcoming obstacles. A married sister serving at world headquarters in New York wrote: "I don't judge the name of Jehovah. Abetawukhona yini kukhulisa indvodzana yakhe " ngekuyiyala ngesicondziso saJehova ' asebentisa i - Internet? - Ef. What helped John and his family during that difficult time? Would you be able to raise up his son "in the discipline of Jehovah " by using the Internet? - Eph. Emithantazweni yetfu, singahle sicele Jehova ngaso sonkhe sikhatsi kutsi enetise tidzingo tetfu futsi asisite ekuncobeni tinsayeya. Some groups have tried to preach the way we do, but they have failed. In our prayers, we may ask Jehovah always to care for our needs and help us deal with the challenges of Judah. Yini leyasita John nemndeni wakhe nababhekene nalesimo lesimatima? How did he do so? What helped John and his family during a difficult situation? Lamanye emacembu etamile kushumayela ngendlela lesishumayela ngayo kodvwa ehlulekile. As the conversation moves along, the publisher brings up a Scriptural point and elicits a response. Some groups are getting ready to preach the way we preach but have failed. Wakwenta njani loko? The territory of the Lakselv Congregation includes the village of Karasjok, in the heartland of the Sami - the indigenous people of the northern regions of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia. How did he do that? Nabachubeka bacoca, ummemeteli angabese uveta liphuzu lelisekelwe emBhalweni lelitawenta lomuntfu kutsi asho lakucabangako. SONGS: 49, 73 During their conversation, a publisher may give a clear point based on the person's mind. Insimu yelibandla laseLakselv ifaka ekhatsi neKarasjok, leseSami, lenebantfu labanyenti labachamuka enyakatfo yeNorway, yeSweden, yeFinland, neRussia. You might wonder: " How is obeying involved? The territory in Lakselv consisted of Bum, a number of publishers from northern Kyrgyzstan, northern Island, Russia, and Russia. TINGOMA: 11, 137 How should that affect the extent of our participation in the invitation work? SONGS: 11, 13 Mhlawumbe ungahle utibute kutsi: "Kulalela kungena kanjani kulendzaba? The committee studied thousands of questions from Bible translators during the revision You might wonder: " How can you listen to this account? Loko kufanele kusitsintse njani sikhatsi lesisicitsa emsebentini wekumema labanye? Soon a small group was to form. How should this affect our time in the ministry? Lekomidi yasebentisa imibuto leminyenti lebeyibutwe bahumushi nayibuketa leliBhayibheli In ancient times, a steward was often a trusted slave assigned to supervise the household or business affairs of his master. The committee used a number of questions found in Bible translators during the text of the Bible Ngekushesha ngemuva kwaloko kwasekutawuba nelicembu lelincane. A famine struck the land of Canaan, and Abraham decided to lead his family south toward Egypt. Soon thereafter, a small group was formed. Esikhatsini lesendlulile, sisebenti bekuba sigcili lesetsenjwako lebesabelwa kunakekela umuti nobe libhizinisi lemphatsi waso. Then Satan rebelled, and since that time, most people have not done God's will. In the past, a slave was a slave who was assigned to care for the house or business. Kwaba nendlala eveni laseKhenani, ngako Abrahama watsatsa umndeni wakhe waya nawo eGibhithe. Do I endeavor to attend all Christian meetings? There was famine in Canaan, so Abraham took his family to Egypt. (Genesisi 1: 31) Ngemuva kwaloko, Sathane wavukela futsi kusukela ngaleso sikhatsi bantfu labanyenti abayenti intsandvo yaNkulunkulu. This relationship between the 144,000 and the rest of mankind was foreshadowed in the events of the annual Atonement Day. After that, Satan rebelled, and from then on earth, many people do not do God's will. Ngiba khona njalo yini kuyo yonkhe imihlangano yebuKhristu? But could the desire to receive glory from humans affect even dedicated servants of God? Do I regularly attend all Christian meetings? Lobuhlobo lobukhona emkhatsini walabangu - 144 000 nebantfu bonkhe, bufanana naloko bekwenteka ngeLilanga leNhlawulo nekuBuyisana kwaminyaka yonkhe. (Lev. In 1936, a literature depot was uncovered near Berlin. The relationship between 144,000 and all mankind is like that of the annual Atonement Day and the annual Atonement Day. Kodvwa lesifiso sekutfola ludvumo lwebantfu singatitsintsa yini netinceku taNkulunkulu letitinikele? Some of my neighbors noticed this change and told me, "Araceli, keep going on the way you have chosen! " But does the desire to gain glory affect people who are dedicated servants of God? Nga - 1936, yatfolakala indzawo lokwakufikela kuyo tincwadzi eceleni kwaseBerlin. The apostle John emphasized something similar. In 1936, a place was found near the Sam. Labanye bomakhelwane bami balubona lolushintjo, futsi batsi: "Ye - Araceli chubeka uhamba kulendlela loyikhetsile. " After doing so, that person could get baptized. Some of my neighbors felt the change, and they said: " Araceli, walk on walking in the path. " Umphostoli Johane wagcizelela intfo lefanako. The region that likely included Eden is an earthquake belt - one that now accounts for about 17 percent of the world's largest quakes. The apostle John highlighted something similar. Ngulolo kuphela luhlobo lwelubhabhatiso lwemanti Nkulunkulu lalwemukelako. Remember that Hezekiah's haughtiness became obvious soon after Jehovah defeated Sennacherib and cured Hezekiah's deadly sickness. That is the kind of water that God accepts. Lendzawo lokungenteka kutsi i - Edeni beyikuyo itsandvwa kutamatama kwemhlaba, futsi inemaphesenti langaba ngu - 17 ekutamatama kwemhlaba lokukhulu lokuke kwenteka emhlabeni. Jehovah has given us two wonderful sons, Jesse and Paul. That place may have been in Eden, and some 17 percent of the earthquake occurred on earth. Khumbula kutsi kutiphakamisa kwaHezekiya kwabonakala kahle ngesikhatsi Jehova ancoba Senaheribi futsi amphilisa Hezekiya ekuguleni kwakhe lokumatima. Hence, some who are bereft of their mates look to the future with uncertainty and fear. Remember, Hezekiah's reputation was clearly evident when Jehovah conquered Sennacherib and healed Hezekiah from his severe illness. Jehova usibusise ngemadvodzana lamabili, boJesse naPaul. Our yeartext for 2017: "Trust in Jehovah and do what is good. " - Psalm 37: 3 Jehovah has blessed us with two sons, Jesse and Paul. Kantsi labanye labashonelwe balingani babo bemshado bangahle bahlale bakhatsatekile futsi besabe likusasa. It is also important to respect local customs. Other bereaved ones may find themselves concerned about their mate's concerns and fear of the future. Sihloko setfu semnyaka sa - 2017: "Tsemba Jehova, Wente Lokuhle " - Hla. 37: 3, NW. 23 Did You Know? Our yeartext for 2017: "Trust in Jehovah and do what is right "? - Ps. 37: 3, footnote. Kubalulekile nekutsi siwahloniphe emasiko endzawo. [ Picture on page 5] It is also important that we show respect for local customs. 26 Umbuto Lovela Kubafundzi... (b) Why should we show respect for Jehovah's arrangements for authority and headship? 26 Our Readers Ask... [ Sitfombe ekhasini 5] Those procedures are a gross misuse of the sexual organs. - Matt. [ Picture on page 5] (b) Kungani kufanele sibonise inhlonipho ngeluhlelo lwaJehova leligunya kanye nelebunhloko? " When the doctors told me that our son, Santiago, had cerebral palsy, I couldn't believe it, " says Juliana, a mother in Mexico. (b) Why should we show respect for Jehovah's arrangement of authority and headship? Bantfu labenta loko basuke batisebentisa kabi titfo tebulili. - Mat. Jesus could have said the latter, but the ones whom he addressed were Israelites and as such were already witnesses of Jehovah. People who do these things use sexual immorality. - Matt. Juliana waseMexico longumtali, utsi: "Ngesikhatsi bodokotela bangitjela kutsi indvodzana yetfu Santiago, inesifo i - cerebral palsy, angizange ngikukholwe loko. Just as Jehovah freely forgave you, you must also do the same. " Juliana, a mother in Mexico, says: "When doctors told me that our son, I was diagnosed with cancer, and I didn't believe it. Jesu abengase asho kutsi batawuba bofakazi baJehova, kodvwa labo labekhuluma nabo bekungema - Israyeli futsi abesavele abofakazi baJehova. Pray earnestly to Jehovah about your feelings, begging him to help you adjust your attitude so that it will reflect his impartiality to a fuller degree. - Matt. Jesus could say that they would be witnesses of Jehovah, but those who spoke to the Israelites and were already witnesses of Jehovah. Njengobe Jehova anitsetselele ngekukhululeka, nani yentani kanjalo. " It was a small card with a short and simple Bible message. Just as Jehovah freely forgave you, you must also do the same. " Thantaza ngebucotfo kuJehova umchazele indlela lotiva ngayo, umncenge kutsi akusite ulungise simo sakho sengcondvo kute ukhombise kungakhetsi ngalokugcwele. - Mat. " Even though Ann was not related to me, I found her loving concern to be such a help, " Paula explains. Pray to Jehovah for your feelings, asking him to help you improve your attitude so that you are truly impartial. - Matt. Leli bekulikhadi lelincane lelinemlayeto lomfishane nalomelula losekelwe eBhayibhelini. Remember that the Messiah would come from that nation, and he would be the one to crush Satan and prove that Jehovah has the right to rule. This was a small card that had a short Bible message. Paula utsi: "Ngisho noma Ann abengasiso sihlobo sami, kodvwa ngeva kutsi uyangikhatsalela ngalesikhatsi angisita. wrote the psalmist. " Though Ann was not my relative, " says Paul, "but I felt that he cared for me when he helped me. Khumbula kutsi Mesiya abetawuvela kuleso sive futsi nguye lobekatawupitjita Sathane aphindze afakazele kutsi nguJehova lonelilungelo lekubusa. We look forward to seeing how the saying of "Peace and security! " will come about. Remember that the Messiah would come from that nation and that Satan would crush Satan and bear witness that Jehovah has the right to rule. (Hla. Why can you be confident that your relationship with God will strengthen you? Look! Sikubuke ngalabovu kubona kutsi simemetelo " sekuthula nenhlalakahle ' sitawenteka njani. Though having authority over the clay, how does Jehovah show respect for our free will? We look forward to seeing how the proclamation of "Peace and security! " Kungani ungaciniseka kutsi buhlobo bakho naNkulunkulu butakucinisa? This may happen despite all our best efforts. Why can you be sure that your relationship with God can strengthen you? Ngisho nobe aneligunya lekwenta nome ngabe yini layitsandzako ngelibumba, Jehova ukhombisa njani kutsi uyayihlonipha inkhululeko yetfu yekutikhetsela? If that is true of you, remember that Jehovah forgave Peter and the other apostles for abandoning His beloved Son in Jesus ' greatest hour of need. Even if he has authority to do whatever is like clay, how does Jehovah demonstrate that he respects our free will? Loku kungenteka ngisho nobe sente konkhe lebesingakwenta. It is the same with the Bible. That is possible even if we did everything we could. Nangabe nawe utiva kanjalo, khumbula kutsi Jehova wamtsetselela Phetro nalaba labanye baphostoli ngekuyishiya iNdvodzana yaKhe letsandzekako lenguJesu, ngesikhatsi idzinga lusito. He was afraid he would be asked to join a religion, and he did not want to be fooled. If that is true of you, remember that Jehovah forgave Peter and the other apostles by leaving His beloved Son, Jesus, when needed help. Kuyafanana neliBhayibheli. He remembered his promise to David; thus, he sent the prophet Isaiah with a most encouraging message. Isaiah said: "Look! The Bible is like a Bible. Bekesaba kutsi utawutjelwa kutsi ajoyine licembu lelitsite lenkholo, futsi bekangafuni kwentiwa silima. 1,632 I was afraid that he would be told to join a religious group, and he did not want to do so. Wakhumbula loko lebekakwetsembise Davide, kungako atfumela umphrofethi Isaya kutsi endlulisele umlayeto lokhutsata kakhulu. • Consider the Watchtower feature "Teach Your Children. " He remembered what David had promised, so he sent the prophet Isaiah to give a powerful message. 1 632 For example, Jesus made a covenant with just 11 of his disciples and promised them that they would rule in his Kingdom. 1 63 • Cocani ngetihloko te - Sicongosekulindza letitsi "Fundisa Izingane Zakho. " Another time, when he was teaching his disciples how to pray, he repeated the prayer but did not use exactly the same words. • Share in The Watchtower Questions Young People Ask - Answers That Work. Nasi sibonelo: Jesu wenta sivumelwane nebafundzi bakhe labangu - 11 futsi wabetsembisa kutsi batawubusa naye eMbusweni wakhe. If we were to become devious or deceptive, we would not be maintaining our integrity to God. For example, Jesus made a covenant with his 11 disciples and promised to rule with him in his Kingdom. Ngalesinye sikhatsi, nakafundzisa bafundzi bakhe indlela yekuthantaza, wawuphindza lomthantazo kodvwa akasebentisanga emavi lafanako. Then after moving on, we would return and call on those in the area where we had been parked. At times, he taught his disciples how to pray, but he never used the same prayer. Nangabe siba bantfu labangaketsembeki nobe labakhohlisako, sisuke singabulondvoloti bucotfo betfu kuNkulunkulu. What are some practical ways to reduce anxiety? If we become unfaithful or deceived, we can protect our integrity to God. Besishumayela onkhe emakhaya lasengizimu ngaphandle kwenkinga. Abraham had to wait many years before his grandsons Esau and Jacob were born (See paragraphs 9, 10) We preached all in the home of a spirit without a problem. Yini lesingayenta kute sinciphise kucindzeteleka? 11, 12. What can we do to reduce stress? Abrahama kwadzingeka kutsi alindze iminyaka leminyenti ngaphambi kwekutsi batukulu bakhe bo - Esawu naJakobe batalwe (Buka tigaba 9 na - 10) My son Nicholas and his wife, Deborah, serve at London Bethel Abraham had to wait many years before Esau and Jacob were born (See paragraphs 9 - 10) 11, 12. However, his feelings were real. 11, 12. Indvodzana yami Nicholas nemkakhe Deborah bakhonta eBethel leseLondon Power of God's Word on Hindu Family (N. My son Uzziah and his wife, Deborah, serve at Bethel Kodvwa - ke abekhatsateke mbamba. (Read Hebrews 11: 17 - 19.) But he was truly concerned. (Fundza Hebheru 11: 17 - 19.) She added: "I am very thankful that Jehovah is my God. (Read Hebrews 11: 17 - 19.) Wengeta watsi: "Ngibonga kakhulu ngekutsi Jehova unguNkulunkulu wami. WE LIVE in a time of human history that is truly unique. She added: "I am so thankful that Jehovah is my God. SIPHILA esikhatsini lesehluke kakhulu kulesake saba khona emlandvweni webantfu. Yet, their choice could come down to a matter of life or death. Repeatedly during the time of the Judges, the Israelites chose unwisely. WE LIVE in different times of human history. Noma kunjalo, sincumo sabo besingasho kuphila noma kufa.Ngesikhatsi seTikhulu, ema - Israyeli bekakhetsa kabi emahlandla lamanyenti. HOW I HAVE BENEFITED: I now have peace of mind and a clean conscience, knowing that I am no longer defiling my body with drugs or immorality. However, their decision could not mean life or death. INDLELA LENGIZUZE NGAYO: Nyalo senginekuthula kwengcondvo nanembeza lomsulwa, ngekwati kutsi angisawungcolisi umtimba wami ngetidzakamiva nobe ngekutiphatsa kabi. More than anything, he probably felt keenly how alone he was. HOW I HAVE BENEFITED: I now have a clean conscience, knowing that I have no control of my body or sexual immorality. Kunaloko kwamenta wabona kutsi vele akasuye walapha. Jesus helps us to understand the relationship between master and slave. Instead, he realized that he was not right. Jesu uyasisita kute sicondze budlelwane emkhatsini wemphatsi nesisebenti. Now in his 20 ' s, Samuel has a strong temptation to go back to that habit. Jesus helps us to understand the relationship between the slave and the slave. Nyalo njengobe sekaseminyakeni yabo - 20, Veli uba nesilingo lesikhulu sekuphindze abuyele emkhutjeni wakhe. Meanwhile, when her husband told his relatives that at his request his wife would join them after attending her "Witness meeting, " they replied," She won't come; Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate birthdays! " Now in her 20 ' s, Robert provides a serious temptation and return visits. Ngesikhatsi indvodza yakhe itjela tihlobo tayo kutsi umfati wayo utakuta kulomcimbi ngemuva "kwalomhlangano waBoFakazi BaJehova " njengobe beyimcelile, taphendvula tatsi:" Ungabona emehlo esibungu nakangefika ngobe BoFakazi BaJehova abatigubhi tinsuku tekutalwa! " Then I was reassigned to Feldbach, southeast of Graz. When her husband told his relatives that she would attend the gathering "as Jehovah's Witnesses, " she replied:" You can see merely that the eyes of Jehovah are at home because they were not afraid of him! " Ngabese ngitfunyelwa eFeldbach leseningizimu yeGraz. They were not disappointed, for our God "gives power to the tired one. " Then I was sent to the south of Syria. Atizange tidvumale ngoba Jehova "ubapha emandla labo labakhatsele. " The apostle Paul described his companions as "a source of great comfort " in times of" distress and tribulation. " - Colossians 4: 11; 1 Thessalonians 3: 7. They were disappointed because "Jehovah gives power to those who were toiling and loaded down. " Umphostoli Pawula wachaza bazalwane bakhe ngekutsi " babe yindvudvuto lenkhulu kuye ' ngesikhatsi " sekucindzeteleka nekuhlupheka ' kwakhe. - Kholose 4: 11; 1 Thesalonika 3: 7. Or will they rationalize that they can have regular association with their disfellowshipped son and call it "necessary family business "? The apostle Paul described his brothers as "a source of great comfort " to him during his" tribulations. " - Colossians 4: 11; Colossians 3: 7. Nobe batawuphetsa ngekutsi batawuchubeka bacoca nendvodzana yabo, bese bavika ngekutsi "tindzaba temndeni "? * Or will they conclude that they will continue to discuss their son and son, and they are attracted to "the good news "? TINGOMA LETITAWUHLATJELWA: 13, 217 (a) How can you help your student to cultivate love for the Bible in his heart? SONGS TO BE USED: 13, 2 * A rabbinic tradition dictated that any who heard the divine name being blasphemed were obliged to rend their garments. * (a) Ungamsita njani lofundza naye kutsi alitsandze liBhayibheli? the prodigal son? (a) How can you help your student to love the Bible? Ngekusho kwemtsetfo wenkholo lowasungulwa baholi bemaJuda, nome ngubani lobekeva kuhlanjalatwa libito laNkulunkulu, bekabophekile kutsi adzabule tingubo takhe. Why is it dangerous to follow an impulse? According to religious leaders, anyone who was reproached for God's name was required to cover his garments. wendvodzana yelulahleko? 3 They Offered Themselves Willingly - In Ecuador the prodigal son? Kungani kuyingoti kulandzela tifiso takho? In what way did Christ prove to be a Shepherd and Leader? Why is it dangerous to follow your desires? 3 Batinikela Ngekutitsandzela - E - Ecuador Should I accept a certain job offer? ' 3 They Offered Themselves Willingly - In Ecuador Khristu wakubonisa ngatiphi tindlela kutsi unguMelusi neMholi? As a teacher, Jesus reached hearts because he loved Jehovah, God's Word, and people. In what ways did Christ prove to be the Shepherd and Leader? Kufanele yini ngemukele luhlobo lolutsite lwemsebenti? ' May all of us remain spiritually alert and display a waiting attitude. Should you accept a form of service? ' Njengobe Jesu bekangumfundzisi, bekafinyelela tinhlitiyo ngobe bekatsandza Jehova, liVi laNkulunkulu kanye nebantfu. An animal caught in a snare loses control over its freedom of movement. As Jesus was a teacher, he tried to reach hearts because he loved Jehovah, God's Word, and people. Shengatsi sonkhe singahlale sinebuhlobo lobucinile naNkulunkulu futsi sikhombise simo sengcondvo sekulindza. (a) What language did Jehovah use to communicate with Moses, Samuel, and David? May all of us remain spiritually strong and manifest a waiting attitude. Silwane lesibanjwe sicupho siyehluleka kunyakata nobe kuhamba ngenkhululeko. Some gifts are precious because they were given, not out of obligation, but out of genuine love. A trap that is caught in a trap is hard to cross or walk in freedom. (a) Nguluphi lulwimi Jehova lalusebentisa nakakhuluma naMosi, Samuweli naDavide? Excellent questions these. (a) What language did Jehovah use to Moses, Samuel? Letinye tipho tiligugu ngobe tivela kumuntfu lositsandza mbamba, hhayi kumuntfu losinika tona ngoba ativa aphocelelekile. Instead of not calling on me anymore, he gave me opportunities to pray regularly at meetings for field service. Some gifts are precious because it comes to a person who truly loves us, not to whom we feel ashamed. Lena yimibuto lebalulekile. What shows that anointed Christians have been extending Jehovah's invitation from as far back as 1918? These are important questions. Lomunye lomdzala welibandla wangikhombisa kutsi ngingatilungiselela njani futsi ngenteni kuze ngikhululeke kakhudlwana. Dustin and Jassa settled in the town of Tecomán - still near the Pacific Ocean but some 2,700 miles (4,345 km) south of Astoria. An elder showed me how to prepare myself and make me feel better. Yini lekhombisa kutsi emaKhristu lagcotjiwe abesolo endlulisela lesimemo saJehova kusukela nga - 1918? ▪ The Bible answers that God did not have a beginning. God has always existed. What shows that anointed Christians have been taking Jehovah's invitation since 1918? BoDustin naJassa befike bahlala edolobheni laseTecománʹ - nalo belidvutane nePacific Ocean kodvwa likhashane ngemakhilomitha langu - 4 300 eningizimu ye - Astoria. Vary your approach. Dustin and Jassa live in a town near Pharisee's coast and near the Pacific Ocean, but some 450 miles (50 km) away from the southern state of B.C.E. ▪ LiBhayibheli liphendvula lombuto ngekutsi chake, futsi likubeka ebaleni kutsi asikho sikhatsi labekangaphili ngaso Nkulunkulu. What lessons can God - fearing youths learn from what we have considered so far? ▪ The Bible answers that question, and it does not deny that there is no time to rely on God. Sebentisa tindlela letehlukahlukene nawulifundza. This job involved walking long distances on dusty streets to procure auto paints and accessories. Use different ways when you read it. Ngutiphi tifundvo bantfu labasha labesaba Nkulunkulu labangatifundza kuloko lesesicoce ngako? People in Myanmar live a simple life, but they are polite and willing to take the time to listen to the good news. What lessons can young ones learn from what we have learned? Lomsebenti bewudzinga kutsi ahambe emabanga lamadze emgwacweni lonetintfuli kute ayotsatsa bopende betimoto naletinye tintfo. A man who has overindulged can wake up "bruised all over, without even remembering how it all happened. " - Proverbs 23: 35, CEV. It required that we travel long distances so that they could take care of each caring for the car and other. Bantfu baseMyanmar baphila kuphila lokumelula, kodvwa banemusa futsi bayatinika sikhatsi sekulalela tindzaba letimnandzi. Demonstrating great faith, she replied: "Yes, Lord, but really the little dogs do eat of the crumbs falling from the table of their masters. " People in Myanmar lived a simple life, but they took time to listen to the good news. (Taga 23: 34) Indvodza lenatse kakhulu ingavuka itsi "bangilimatile,... kodvwa angikhumbuli. " - Taga 23: 35. The 18th - century English cleric John Lewis wrote: "Language grows old and unintelligible, therefore it's necessary to review old Translations to make them speak the Language in use, and be understood by the living generation. " A man who can drink "does not hurt me,... but I don't remember them. " - Prov. 23: 35. Akhombisa kukholwa lokukhulu, lomfati waphendvula watsi: "Kona kunjalo Nkhosi, kodvwa netinjana tidla timvutfu letiwa etafuleni lebanikati bato. " But prisons had not always managed to contain the apostles, including Peter. They showed great faith, and the woman replied: "You see, Lord, but the sheep's sheep eat their table. " Sati selulwimi lweSingisi sangelikhulu lesi - 18, lesingu - John Lewis, sabhala satsi: "Lulwimi luphelelwa sikhatsi futsi bese alusacondzakali kahle, kungako kubalulekile kutsi liHumusho lelidzala libuyeketwe kabusha kusetjentiswe Lulwimi lolusetjentiswako nalelicondzakala kalula kubantfu labakhona ngaleso sikhatsi. " 17, 18. In the 18th century C.E., John Emperor John wrote: "It is time to make a language full of time, and it is important to understand that it is easier to turn back and then to people who are old. " Nanobe kunjalo, ngaletinye tikhatsi, emajele bewahluleka kulondvolota baphostoli, lokufaka ekhatsi naPhetro. This can be annoying. Yet, at times they failed to preserve the apostles, including Peter. 17, 18. 12, 13. 17, 18. Loko kungasivisa buhlungu. Each day, they found opportunities to pray and study with us. This can hurt us. 12, 13. It is wise to make such friends. 12, 13. Malanga onkhe, bebafuna ematfuba ekuthandaza kanye nekufundza natsi. May all who attend our meetings feel similarly encouraged and consoled. Every day, they wanted to pray and study with us. Kukuhlakanipha kwakha bungani nebantfu labanjalo. My mother was baptized in 1925 in the meeting hall at Bethel. It is wise to build a friendship with such ones. 55: 22) Shengatsi bonkhe lababa khona emihlanganweni yetfu bangativa ngendlela lefananako, bative bakhutsatiwe futsi badvudvutiwe. I began to believe that I could have the hope of living forever in Paradise on earth. - Psalm 37: 29. May all who attend our meetings may feel the same way, feel encouraged and comforted. Make wami wabhajatiswa nga - 1925 ehholweni laseBethel. As an altar boy, I dreamed of becoming a Catholic missionary, but I was also a fan of karate movies and developed a violent nature My mother was baptized on Sunday in the hall. Nami ngabese ngicala kuba nalo litsemba lekuphila phakadze ePharadesi emhlabeni. - Tihlabelelo 37: 29. [ Picture on page 26] Then I began to have the prospect of living forever in Paradise on earth. - Psalm 37: 29. Ngesikhatsi ngisesengumfana, ngisebenta elatini, liphupho lami bekukuba sitfunywa selivangeli semaKatolika, kodvwa bengitsandza emafilimu ekarati futsi ngacala kuba nebudlova Some time later, a Christian congregation was formed in Corinth, Greece - a city renowned for its pluralistic, multireligious culture. As a youth, I was a dream of becoming a Catholic missionary, but I liked political movies and violence Ngekuhamba kwesikhatsi, kwamiswa libandla lebuKhristu eKhorinte lese - Greece, indzawo lebeyigcwele tinhlangano tepolitiki netinkholo letitinhlobonhlobo. (a) When problems arise, what might we do, but of what should we remind ourselves? Later, the Christian congregation in Corinth was formed in Greece, an area filled with political and political organizations. (a) Yini lesingahle siyente nasinetinkinga, kodvwa yini lokufanele siyikhumbule? Jesus taught that Jehovah is like a shepherd to whom each one of his sheep is distinct and precious. (a) What might we do when we are facing problems, but what should we remember? Jesu wafundzisa kutsi Jehova ufanana nemelusi lotsandza timvu takhe futsi lotitsatsa njengaleto letiligugu kuye. Like Mary, we may at times receive assignments from Jehovah that we think are too difficult for us. Jesus taught that Jehovah is like a shepherd who loves his sheep and that he views them as precious. NjengaMariya, ngaletinye tikhatsi singase sitfole tabelo letivela kuJehova lesicabanga kutsi kulukhuni kutenta. So how would they be able to preach "to the most distant part of the earth "? Like Mary, we may at times receive assignments from Jehovah that seem to be difficult. Ngako - ke, bebatawukhona njani kushumayela " kuto tonkhe tincenye temhlaba '? 16: 1 - 3; 2 Cor. How, then, would they be able to preach "all the earth "? 16: 1 - 3; 2 Khor. Joy, in contrast, is a deep - seated quality of the heart. 16: 1 - 3; 2 Cor. Ngalokwehlukile, injabulo ibuntfu lobutfolakala enhlitiyweni. (b) What other important event may have happened on the same day many years earlier? On the contrary, joy is found in the heart. (b) Ngukuphi lokunye lokubalulekile lokungenteka kutsi kwenteka ngelilanga lemnyaka lelifana neleliPhentekhoste eminyakeni leminyenti leyendlulile? The words of wise King Solomon recorded at Proverbs 2: 1 - 6 explain. (b) What important event may have happened on the day of Pentecost and many years ago? Emavi eNkhosi Solomoni latfolakala encwadzini yeTaga 2: 1 - 6 ayalichaza. When developing his illustration, Paul perhaps had in mind the armor worn by Roman legionnaires. King Solomon's words found at Proverbs 2: 1 - 6 describe the words of Solomon. Ngesikhatsi akhuluma ngalomfanekiso, kungenteka Pawula bekacabanga ngetembatfo temphi lebetigcokwa ngemasotja aseRoma. What illustration shows that it would be illogical for God to have the Devil torment people in hellfire? When referring to this illustration, Paul may have concluded that he did not run off to Roman military chiefs. Ngumuphi umfanekiso lokhombisa kutsi akunangcondvo kutsi Nkulunkulu utawusebentisa Develi kute ahluphe bantfu esihogweni? We build, or strengthen, our faith by asking for holy spirit, studying the Bible daily, attending meetings, spending time with our brothers and sisters, and preaching the good news What illustration illustrates that God would use the Devil to heal people in hellfire? yaSeptember 2009), onkhe atfolakala ngesiZulu. Sakha nobe sicinise kukholwa kwetfu ngekucela umoya longcwele, sidadishe liBhayibheli onkhe malanga, sibe khona emihlanganweni, sicitse sikhatsi sinebazalwane betfu nabodzadze futsi sishumayele tindzaba letimnandzi How can modesty help us to cope with unfair criticism? In September 2009, all of us find faith or strengthen our faith by asking holy spirit daily, Bible study, meeting attendance, and our brothers and sisters to preach the good news. Kutfobeka kungasisita njani nangabe sisolwa ngaphandle kwesizatfu? Qualifications for ministerial servants are outlined at 1 Timothy 3: 8 - 10, 12, 13. How can modesty help us when we are accused of criticism? Loko lokufanele kwentiwe bazalwane labafisa kuba tinceku letisebentako kuchazwe ku - 1 Thimothi 3: 8 - 10, 12, 13. Put simply, because Jehovah God arranged the meeting. What a privilege it must have been for brothers who wished to be ministerial servants to be described at 1 Timothy 3: 8 - 10, 13. Kafishane nje, nguNkulunkulu Jehova lowahlela kutsi aye lapho. Never will the faithful slave class and its Governing Body take a casual view of those earnest words! Simply put, Jehovah God has arranged for him to go there. Sisebenti lesetsembekile kanye neSigungu Lesibusako angeke siwatsatsele phansi lawo mavi labaluleke kangaka. 2 / 1 A Letter From..., 3 / 1, 6 / 1, 9 / 1, 12 / 1 Annual Meeting, 8 / 15 The faithful slave and the Governing Body will not view those words as precious. Wavelaphi; Abephila Njani; Kungani Afa, 5 / 1 In the Bible, Abraham's wife, Sarah, is held up as an example of a submissive wife. Where He Came From, 9 / 1 EBhayibhelini, Sara, umfati wa - Abrahama uvetwa njengesibonelo semfati lotitfobako. Only by heeding the counsel and reminders of God's Word can we avoid being misled by Satan's "artfully contrived false stories [" cleverly concocted myths, " The New American Bible]. " - 2 Pet. In the Bible, Sarah's wife, Abraham's wife, was depicted as a modest wife. Nangabe silalela teluleko kanye netikhumbuto letiseVini laNkulunkulu, sitawukwati kukubalekela kuyengwa "tinganekwane tebucili " letivela kuSathane. - 2 Phet. How can we continue our journey to everlasting life, and what are you determined to do? If we obey the counsel and reminders found in God's Word, we will avoid being influenced by "false stories " from Satan. - 2 Pet. Singenta njani kute sichubeke neluhambo loluya ekuphileni lokuphakadze, futsi yini lotimisele kuyenta? Please carefully read this article and the one that follows. How can we make sure that we continue to live forever, and what are you determined to do? Sicela usifundze ngekucophelela lesihloko kanye nalesilandzelako. The seasoned pilot could easily become complacent and fail to carry out the preflight inspection in every detail. Please read carefully and the next article. Lomshayeli losanesikhatsi lesidze ashayela angase atetsembe kakhulu bese angasalwenti kahle loluhlolo kulendiza. A study of the book of Revelation shows that the wild beast refers to the United Nations (UN). A longtime driver may be tempted to rely on him and not easily cross the box. Incwadzi yeSembulo iveta kutsi lesilo sibhekisela kuMhlabuhlangene (UN). " The Devil... was a manslayer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. The book of Revelation shows that we are referring to the United Nations (L. " Sathane... abevele angumbulali webantfu kusukela ekucaleni, akemi ecinisweni, ngobe liciniso kute kuye. When visiting the bereaved, we need not feel embarrassed to weep with those who weep. " Satan... has already become a murderer since the beginning of the truth, for there is no truth in him. Nasivakashele bantfu labashonelwe, akukafaneli sitive sinemahloni ekukhala nalabakhalako. Paul had been visiting the congregation located in the seaport city of Troas. When we visit the bereaved, we should not feel shy to cry with tears. Pawula abevakashele libandla lelaliseThrowasi, lokwakulidolobha lelilitheku. When I turned 18, I was imprisoned for nine months because I refused to perform military service. Paul visited the congregation in C.E., a city in the city where Paul visited. Nangihlanganisa iminyaka lengu - 18, ngaboshwa tinyanga letiyimfica ngesizatfu sekwala kungenela imphi. During the second world war, Nathan Knorr was taking the lead among Jehovah's Witnesses. When I continued 18 years old, I was arrested for nine months because we refused to engage in warfare. Ngemphi yelive yesibili, Nathan Knorr bekahola BoFakazi BaJehova. Praying for others may change our attitude toward them. During the second world war, Nathan Knorr was led by Jehovah's Witnesses. (Jobe 16: 2; 42: 10) Kuthantazela labanye kungayishintja indlela lesibatsatsa ngayo. I told them that our headquarters is described in the Bible. To pray for others may change our attitude toward them. Ngawatjela kutsi indlunkhulu yetfu kuyakhulunywa ngayo eBhayibhelini. Discover what Jesus taught about mercy and prejudice by analyzing one of his most famous stories. I told them that our world headquarters was spoken in the Bible. Fundza kutsi yini leyenta sitsi Charles Taze Russell akusiye umsunguli walenkholo. An eyewitness to the execution, the apostle John, later included this telling detail in his account: During the ordeal, Mary was standing "by the torture stake of Jesus. " Learn why Charles Taze Russell said that he was not the Originator of the religions. Umphostoli Johane lowatibonela ngewakhe loku kwenteka, kamuva wafaka lokwatiswa ekulandziseni kwakhe: Nakwenteka lentfo lebuhlungu kangaka, Mariya abemile "eceleni kwalolugodvo labebetselwe kulo Jesu. " Nevertheless, at times, misunderstandings may lead to some tension among members of the congregation. The apostle John, who had experienced this experience, later published the account with his words: "When he was so sad, Mary got ready " to make the torture stake ready for Jesus. " Noma kunjalo, ngaletinye tikhatsi emaphutsa angenta kutsi emalunga elibandla angevani. Then it will be your privilege to enjoy peace and prosperity for a thousand years - and beyond! At times, though, mistakes can make the members of the congregation suffer. Ngako - ke, kutawuba lilungelo lakho kujabulela kuthula nekulunga iminyaka leyinkhungwane naphakadze. Among them were Abel, Enoch, and Noah and his family. So it will be your privilege to enjoy peace and righteousness for over a period of time. Labanye babo bekungu - Abela, Enoke kanye naNowa nemndeni wakhe. All of this, however, has not come without cost. Some of them had Abel, Enoch, and Noah and his family. Kodvwa - ke tonkhe letintfo tite nemiphumela yato. One day while we were secretly studying, a prison guard stumbled on our gathering and confiscated our literature. Yet, all of them have no consequences. Ngalelinye lilanga lapho sihlangene sitadisha, lobekagadze lijele wasibamba njengobe besihlangene futsi watsatsa tincwadzi tetfu. If you are dedicated to God and baptized, what led you to take those steps? One day while we met at a meeting, we looked at the hospital and took our publications. Nangabe utinikele kuNkulunkulu waphindze wabhajatiswa, yini leyakwenta watsatsa letinyatselo? Regarding it, some might ask: Why commemorate Jesus ' death? If you dedicated yourself to God and got baptized, what did you take steps? Mayelana naso, labanye bangabuta batsi: Kungani kubalulekile kukhumbula kufa kwaJesu? Because "the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. " Regarding her, some may ask: Why is it important to remember Jesus ' death? Kungobe "umhlaba wonkhe ungephansi kwemandla aLomubi. " As the archangel Michael in command of his angels, Christ hurled Satan and his demons out of the holy heavens and confined them to the vicinity of the earth. Because "the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. " Njengengilosi lenkhulu, Mikhayeli lowengamele tonkhe tingilosi, wamjikijela phansi Sathane kanye netingilosi takhe. Wamkhipha ezulwini wamlahlela phansi emhlabeni. Gradually, we became close friends, and she invited me to study the basic teachings of the Bible with her. Like a great angel, Michael called out of all the angels, threw Satan and his angels out of heaven and down to earth. Sacala kuba bangani futsi wacela kungifundzisa timfundziso teliBhayibheli letisisekelo. • "I can no longer stand my mate's annoying habits " We started friendship, and he asked me to teach me basic Bible teachings. • "Angisakwati kubeketelela imikhuba lecansulako yemuntfu lengishade naye " • Dramatize Bible scenes. • "I don't know how to cope with my mate's traits " • Lingisani tindzaba letiseBhayibhelini. They would receive 10 percent of Israel's produce and of the increase of the domestic animals. • Imitate Bible accounts. Bekatawutfola kwelishumi kuloko ema - Israyeli labekakulimile kanye nemfuyo yawo, kuye ngekwandza kwayo. In the end, we are both able to calm down and talk things over peacefully. " - James 3: 18. He would receive a tenth tithes of what the Israelites had promised and their flocks from him. Ekugcineni, siye sikwati kwehlisa umoya futsi sicoce ngenkinga ngekuthula. " - Jakobe 3: 18. How will you show Jehovah that you love him? Finally, we raise our spirit and discuss the problem in peace. " - James 3: 18. Ungamkhombisa njani Jehova kutsi uyamtsandza? Some 17 years after his accident, Sidnei, mentioned at the outset of this article, said: "I never blamed Jehovah God for the accident, but I have to admit that at first I was disappointed in him. How can you show Jehovah that you love him? Ngemuva kweminyaka lengu - 17 Sidnei atfole lengoti, watsi: "Angizange ngimsole Jehova ngalengoti lengayitfola, kodvwa ekucaleni bengimtfukutselele. For hundreds of years, people used a printing method that was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in about 1450. Some 17 years later, he said: "I did not blame Jehovah for anything that was too dangerous, but I wasn't angry with him at first. Kwaphela emakhulu eminyaka bantfu basebentisa umshini wekushicilela lobewakhiwe nguJohannes Gutenberg nga - 1450. Yes, just like the Devil in the garden of Eden, Absalom presented himself as a benefactor, at the same time cruelly maligning his own father. - 2 Sam. For hundreds of years, hundreds of people used the printing press by www.S.A. Absalomu wenta shengatsi usekela babe wakhe kodvwa abe akhuluma kabi ngaye, njengobe kwenta Develi ensimini yase - Edeni. - 2 Sam. The Bible explains: "God recommends his own love to us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. " Absalom did not feel that he supports his father but spoke badly about him, as he did the Devil in Eden. - 2 Sam. LiBhayibheli lichaza kutsi: "Nkulunkulu ukhombisa lutsandvo lwakhe kitsi, ngobe ngesikhatsi sisetoni, Khristu wasifela. " How to Use God's Word With Persuasion The Bible explains: "God recommends his own love to us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. " Tindlela Tekusebentisa LiVi LaNkulunkulu Ngendlela Leyenetisako There is no set of right solutions when it comes to providing senior care. Benefits From God's Word Kute indlela lengabekwa yekunakekela batali lasebakhulile lengasebentela bonkhe bantfu. These things will protect you from making unwise decisions. There is no way to provide care for aging parents. Kwenta njalo kutakuvikela ungatsatsi tincumo letingakahlakaniphi. These are listed below. Regardless of the method or methods you would like to use, please first contact the branch office that serves your country to see which methods are available. Doing so will protect you from not to make unwise decisions. Ngaphambi kwekunikela, sicela uchumane nelihhovisi leligatja lelinakekela live lakini kute utfole kutsi ngumiphi iminikelo leyemukelekako lapho uhlala khona. When used symbolically in the Bible, the term "heavens " often refers to ruling powers, which are elevated above their subjects. Before the donation, please contact the branch office that serves your country to find out which donations are available. Nalisetjentiswe eBhayibhelini ngendlela yekutsi lichaze lokutsite, ligama lelitsi "emazulu " livamise kusho emandla ekubusa babusi labavamise kuwasebentisa kulabo labababusako. (Isa. 14: 13, 14; Semb. When we forgive others, it does not change the fact that they hurt us, but it will help us to have a happier future. As used in the Bible, the word " heavens " often refers to government rulers and rulers. Nasicolela labanye, akushintji kutsi basivise buhlungu, kodvwa loko kutasenta sibe nelikusasa lelijabulisako. Above all, though, their union was marked by their love for their God. When we forgive others, he has not changed, but that will make us happy in the future. Ngetulu kwako konkhe, kutsandza kwabo Nkulunkulu kwabenta baba munye. Take note of sterling examples of brothers and sisters whose lives reflect their joy in keeping on the watch as well as letting their light shine. Above all, their love for God became one of them. Lingisa tibonelo letinhle tebazalwane nabodzadze labatfola injabulo ngekuhlala balindzile nangekwenta kukhanya kwabo kukhanye. overcoming barriers to extending hospitality? Imitate the good examples of our brothers and sisters who found joy in keeping on the watch and making their light shine. Ungatincoba njani tintfo letingakwenta ungakhoni kwemukela tivakashi? I had to make my mind over so that I not only acted peaceably but also saw this as the best way of life. How can you overcome obstacles that may not be avoided? Bekufanele ngishintje ingcondvo yami hhayi nje kuphela kute ngibe nekuthula nalabanye kodvwa ngobe lena kwakuyindlela lencono kakhulu yekuphila. He requires something of us. I needed to change my mind, not just to make peace with others, but because it was the best way of life. Ulindzele kutsi sente lokutsite. " Am I now forgiven? " he asked. He expects us to do something. Yayibuta: "Sewungicolele yini? " " Upon him the spirit of Jehovah must settle down. " - ISA. " Have you ever been sleeping? " " Umoya waJehova uyawubasetikwakhe. ' - ISA. How should we view the "wild talk " of those who are discouraged? " Jehovah's spirit will become the Most High. " - ISA. Singayitsatsa njani imibono " leshubile ' yalabo labadvumatekile? Serving God wholeheartedly is personally rewarding for us, and it gives Jehovah great delight to bless our ministry. - Read Psalm 62: 12. How can we view "the depressed view " of those who are discouraged? Kukhonta Nkulunkulu ngenhlitiyo yonkhe kuyasizuzisa futsi kumjabulisa kakhulu Jehova adzimate abusise umsebenti wetfu. - Fundza Tihlabelelo 62: 12. The Mosaic Law said that human waste should be buried, disposed of away from human habitation. - Deuteronomy 23: 13. Serving God with a complete heart brings pleasure to his heart and brings glory to Jehovah to our work. - Read Psalm 62: 12. UMtsetfo waMose bewutsi emangcoliso kufanele agcibedzelwe ngemhlabatsi, futsi indzawo yekutikhulula ibe khashane netindzawo tekuhlala. - Dutheronomi 23: 13. What should marriage partners not do to each other? The Law Mosaic Law required that the earth be burned down, and the place to save them from a distance. - Deuteronomy 23: 13. Yini lokufanele bantfu labashadene bangayenti kulomunye nalomunye? We should also show respect to those whose religious beliefs differ from ours. What should marriage mates do to avoid each other? Kufanele nekutsi sibahloniphe labo labanetinkholelo letingafanani netetfu. What a blessing this has been! We also need to respect those who have strong beliefs about our own beliefs. Loko kwaba sibusiso lesikhulu. " Above all, " he explains, "I find that working hard to fortify my relationship with Jehovah gives me the greatest strength to cope with emotional difficulties. That certainly proved to be a blessing. Nakachaza utsi: "Kusebenta matima kuze ngicinise buhlobo bami naJehova kuyangisita, ngobe ngitfola emandla ekubhekana netimo letingikhatsatako. Rather than panicking in the face of economic downturns, we need to do as God's Word urges us: "Treasure up practical wisdom. " - Proverbs 2: 7. She explains: "It is difficult to strengthen my relationship with Jehovah, for I have the strength to cope with my problems. (Taga 24: 10) Esikhundleni sekutsi sikhatsateke nangabe umnotfo uwa, kufanele sihlole liVi laNkulunkulu kute " sihlakaniphe. ' - Taga 2: 7. Those who support the worldwide work of Jehovah's Witnesses can be sure that their donations are used properly and effectively. Instead of worrying about having financial worries, we need to examine God's Word so that we can "be wise. " - Prov. 2: 7. Labo labasekela umsebenti lowentiwa boFakazi BaJehova emhlabeni wonkhe bangaciniseka kutsi iminikelo yabo isetjentiswa kahle. In Palermo, Sicily, tourists visit catacombs where hundreds of carefully preserved corpses are on display. Those who support the work of Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide can be sure that their sacrifices are properly used. Tivakashi takulamanye emave tefika ePalermo eSicily, kute titewubona emathuna langephansi kwemhlaba endzaweni yekubeka tidvumbu letonyisiwe. SONGS: 121, 45 Among other countries, they come to Malawi, to see the lands in which the world is reflected in these conflicts. TINGOMA: 121, 45 Ask your spouse: "When I talk about you in public, do you feel honored or put down? SONGS: 121, 45 Mbute: "Nangikhuluma ngawe kulabanye bantfu utiva njani? From faithful German brothers and sisters - too numerous to mention by name - the four learned much, but they also learned from one another. Ask yourself: " When I talk to others about you, how do you feel? Kusukela kubazalwane nabodzadze baseJalimane labetsembekile - kuye kulabo lokukhulunywe ngemabito abo - labazalwane labane bafundze lokunyenti kubo, nasemkhatsini wabo bobane. What does the love portrayed in the Song of Solomon teach single Christians who want to marry? Since the closest of the brothers and sisters in Germany, these faithful brothers and sisters have learned much from their names - including four brothers and sisters. Lutsandvo lokukhulunywa ngalo encwadzini Yengoma Yetingoma luwafundzisani emaKhristu lafuna kushada? 22: 1, 5, 9 - 11. What does the love mentioned in the Song of Solomon teach Christians who want to marry? 22: 1, 5, 9 - 11. Also, the more I went out in the ministry, the more I enjoyed it. 22: 1, 5, 9 - 11. Kwangisita kuya kakhulu ensimini futsi kwangenta ngakutsandza kushumayela. 27 Benefit Fully From Jehovah's Provisions It helped me to go out in the ministry, and it gave me deep appreciation for the ministry. 27 Zuza Ngalokuphelele Emalungiselelweni Jehova Lasentele Wona What made Jesus happy? 27 Benefits From Jehovah's Undeserved Kindness Yini leyenta Jesu wajabula? Moreover, just as Jesus Christ's life course of humility brought benefits to him and others, our displaying humility will be beneficial in various ways. Why did Jesus rejoice? Ngetulu kwaloko, njengobe kuphila kwaJesu Khristu kwekutfobeka kwazuzisa yena nalabanye, natsi kukhombisa kwetfu kutfobeka kungazuzisa ngetindlela letinyenti. God's promised new world is near, and our salvation is nearer than we may think. Moreover, as Jesus Christ's life course of humility benefited us, our humility can benefit us in many ways. Nkulunkulu usetsembise kutsi umhlaba lomusha sewusedvute futsi kusindziswa kwetfu sekusedvute kakhulu kunendlela lesingase sicabange ngayo. How did the clergy react to Wycliffe and his movement? God has promised us that the new world is near and that our salvation is near than we might think about it. Benta njani baholi benkholo ngalokwentiwa nguWycliffe? First, it is in a different and unfamiliar alphabet, and second, the attached prefixes and suffixes make the root words hard to recognize. What was the reaction of the religious leaders? Kwesibili, sicalo nesijobelelo seligama besenta kutsi leligama lingafundzeki. Perhaps you can invite a younger couple to join you for family worship. Second, the Greek and fortune - name required that the word would not be read. Mhlawumbe ningamema labo labasandza kushada kutsi babekhona ekukhonteni kwenu kwemndeni. But we still get sick and grow old. Perhaps you can invite new ones to have a family worship. Kodvwa solo siyagula futsi siyaguga. Consider just a few reasons. But we still get sick and are ill. Nati letinye tizatfu letimbalwa. Jesus is also referred to by Suetonius (first century); Jewish historian Josephus (first century); and Pliny the Younger, governor of Bithynia (early second century). Here are a few reasons. BoSuetonius, (lowaphila ngelikhulu lekucala); sati semlandvo lesingu Josephus (lowaphila ngelikhulu lekucala) naPliny the Younger, lobekangumbusi waseBithynia (lowaphila ngasekucaleni kwelikhulu lesibili) nabo bakhuluma ngaJesu. Likely, you would still not notice it. Those who were sinners were sinners (or, (or historian Josephus) was living in the first century C.E.) and the second century C.E. Nalapho angeke uwubone umehluko. For example, consider this experience: A sister was putting money into a ticket machine on a bus when an acquaintance told her that there was no need to pay for a ticket, as the ride was so short. Again, he cannot see a difference. Cabanga nganasi sibonelo: Lomunye dzadze abefaka imali emshinini wemathikithi ebhasini ngesikhatsi umngani wakhe amtjela kutsi kute sidzingo sekubhadala ngobe usheshe wehla. In the new world, life will be better than we can ever imagine. Consider this example: A sister gave a tiny income on a bus when her friend told her that she needed to pay off. Emhlabeni lomusha, imphilo itawuba ncono ngendlela lesingeke siyicabange. Bible scholars suggest that love of self is put at the top of the apostle Paul's list of negative qualities that would be prevalent during the last days because the other qualities result from it. In the new world, we will better improve our life without thinking. Bafundzi beliBhayibheli batsi lutsandvo lwebugovu luyintfo yekucala umphostoli Pawula layisho nakabala buntfu lobungafaneleki lobebutawuba khona ngemalanga ekugcina, ngobe leletinye tintfo tibangelwa ngilo. Set goals in Jehovah's service The Bible Students say that selfish love is the first source of the apostle Paul's main qualities during the last days, for the other involved. Tibekele imigomo emsebentini waJehova I concentrated at the meetings and enjoyed them again. Set goals in Jehovah's service Besengilalelisisa emihlanganweni yelibandla, futsi ngikujabulela kuba kuyo. [ Picture on page 30] I was a good listener at the meetings, and I enjoyed being there. [ Sitfombe ekhasini 30] He would be the foundation of a truly royal priesthood. [ Picture on page 30] Bekatawuba sisekelo sebaphristi bebukhosi beliciniso. " Also, after having lived comfortably for 13 years in my own apartment, I moved in with family and lived out of boxes. He would become the foundation of a true royal priesthood. Lokunye futsi kutsi ngemuva kwekuhlala ntofontofo endlini yami iminyaka lengu - 13, ngahlala naletinye tihlobo tami kwesikhashana futsi bekungasafanani nasendlini yami. They were at peace with each other, with the animals, and with God, who kindly gave them the hope of living forever in that lovely environment. - Genesis 2: 15 - 24. One reason is that after living in my home for 13 years, I stayed with some relatives and other relatives outside my home. Bebanekuthula bobabili, netilwane, kanye naNkulunkulu lobekabanike ngemusa litsemba lekuphila phakadze kuleyondzawo lenhle. - Genesisi 2: 15 - 24. I admired their tireless efforts to spread the good news of God's Kingdom worldwide. They had peace with both, animals, and animals, who kindly gave them the hope of everlasting life. - Genesis 2: 15 - 24. Ngayitsandza indlela labebatikhandla ngayo kuze bashumayele tindzaba letimnadzi teMbuso waNkulunkulu emhlabeni wonkhe. 11, 12. I liked their efforts to preach the good news of God's Kingdom worldwide. 11, 12. Since then, you no doubt have used this same scripture to help others come to know our loving God, Jehovah. - Rom. 11, 12. Kusukela ngaleso sikhatsi, akungabateki kutsi nawe uye walisebentisa lelivesi kute usite labanye bati Nkulunkulu wetfu lonelutsandvo, Jehova. - Rom. (Read Hebrews 11: 24 - 26.) Since then, you will no doubt have used this verse to help others get to know our loving God, Jehovah. - Rom. (Fundza Hebheru 11: 24 - 26.) Did Jehovah bless the arrangement by means of which his Son fed the first - century congregations? (Read Hebrews 11: 24 - 26.) Jehova wayibusisa yini lendlela leyasetjentiswa yiNdvodzana yakhe kute yondle emabandla ngelikhulu lekucala leminyaka? Or did Christian merchants and travelers spread the truth in Rome? Did Jehovah bless this arrangement by means of his Son to feed the congregations in the first century? EmaKhristu labebatsengisi nobe labevakasha ngiwo yini lasakata liciniso eRoma? Like all new soldiers, I was allowed one week to adjust to the time difference and the heat. Are Christians selling items or visiting the truth in Rome? Njengawo onkhe emasotja, nganiketwa liviki linye kute ngetayelane nesikhatsi sakhona nekushisa kwaleyo ndzawo. (b) How do you feel about the tender care Jehovah provides to help us attain salvation? Like the soldiers, I was given one week to get out of the way. (b) Utiva njani ngelutsandvo Jehova lakubonisa lona kute akusite utfole insindziso? " But... you should be made new in the force actuating your mind, and should put on the new personality. " - 4: 23, 24. (b) How do you feel about Jehovah's loving love to help you get saved? " Kodvwa... nentiwe nibe basha emoyeni nasengcondvweni yenu. Yembatsani umuntfu lomusha. ' - 4: 23, 24. Before we got baptized, many of us had to make big changes in our lives so that we could live in the way the Bible says we should. " But be made filled with your spirit. " - 4: 23, 24. Ngaphambikwekutsi sibhajatiswe, labanyenti betfu kwadzingeka kutsi bente lushintjo lolukhulu ekuphileni kwabo kute baphile ngekuvumelana naloko lokushiwo liBhayibheli. JUNE 10 - 16, 2013 Before being baptized, many of us had to make big changes in their lives to live in harmony with what the Bible says. JUNE 10 - 16, 2013 If the one with whom you are speaking starts to get angry, make an extra effort to speak graciously. JUNE 10 - 16, 2013 (Taga 17: 14) Nangabe loyo lokhuluma naye acala kutfukutsela, yetama ngawo onkhe emandla kumkhulumisa kahle. [ Blurb on page 21] When the person begins to anger, try to contact each other with him. [ Emavi lacashuniwe lasekhasini 21] " You [Jesus] bought people for God out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth. " - Revelation 5: 9, 10. [ Blurb on page 21] " [Wena Jesu] watsengela Nkulunkulu bantfu kuto tonkhe tinhlanga, tilwimi, bantfu, netive, wabenta baba ngumbuso nebaphristi kuNkulunkulu wetfu, futsi batawubusa njengemakhosi etikwemhlaba. " - Sembulo 5: 9, 10. Since a census showed that the firstborn sons of Israel exceeded the Levites in number, a ransom price was paid to make up the difference. " You [Jesus] bought people from all nations, nations, nations, tribes, and peoples, and peoples and priests to our God and priests and to rule as kings over the earth. " - Revelation 5: 9, 10. Lubalo lwaveta kutsi ematubulo esive sema - Israyeli bekawendlula emaLevi ngelinani, ngako - ke kwakhokhwa linani lesihlengo kute kulungiswe lomehluko. (Num. Or have you felt discouraged when your Bible student, who seemed so promising at first, failed to take a stand for the truth? It revealed that the first human creature of Israel had a large number of Levites, so the price was paid for the ransom to defend the difference. Uke wadvumateka yini ngesikhatsi umuntfu lomchubela sifundvo seliBhayibheli lobekabonakala atsandza kufundza ehluleka kuba ngumKhristu? Heed Jesus ' Warning About Immorality Have you ever felt discouraged when a Bible student who was interested in learning to become a Christian? Lalela Secwayiso SaJesu Lesimayelana Nekutiphatsa Lokubi 3, 4. (a) How do we feel about our publications? Listening to Jesus ' warning about singleness 3, 4. (a) Sitiva njani ngetincwadzi tetfu? They rejoice greatly at the progress that is being made in the preaching of the good news locally and throughout the world. 3, 4. (a) How do we feel about our publications? Bajabula kakhulu ngentfutfuko leba khona emsebentini wekushumayela tindzaba letimnandzi endzaweni yakubo nasemhlabeni wonkhe. Yet, she adds: "I pray to Jehovah for relief and strength. How happy they were to make progress in the preaching work throughout the world! Uyachubeka atsi: "Ngithantazela kuba ncono nekutfola emandla. How did that adverse reaction from the Jews affect Paul? She adds: "I pray better for myself and for strength. Wativa njani Pawula ngalesento semaJuda? How does Jehovah demonstrate loyalty? How did Paul feel about the Jews? Jehova ukukhombisa njani kwetsembeka? Why, during his prehuman existence as God's "master worker, " Jesus" was especially fond of the sons of men "! How does Jehovah demonstrate loyalty? Phela ngesikhatsi asaphila ezulwini futsi " ayingcweti yekwakha ' yaNkulunkulu, Jesu " abejabulela bantfu bonkhe. ' How Would You Answer? After he was still serving in heaven and was God's "master worker, " Jesus was" fond of men. " Ungaphendvula Njani? I'll have to think about it some more. How Would You Answer? Ngisatewucabanga ngalendzaba. Visitors at the Grand Shrine of Ise, Japan, and the Grotto of Massabielle, Lourdes, France I still think about it. Bantfu bete endzaweni lokutsiwa ingcwele e - Ise eJapan nase Massabielle, Lourdes, e - France And it definitely is not a mere jog with frequent idle moments. People do not have a holy place in Japan, Japan, and sinned, as well as songs Uphindze ungafanani nekutigijimela lokuvamile lapho ungahle wehlise emandla khona nobe uhle uphumula. Later, when the KGB chief arrived, the officers told him about the kind treatment they had received. You also have different feelings of transportation, where you may be able to look down or to rest. Kamuva, kwefika umphatsi weKGB, futsi lamaphoyisa amtjela indlela lebesiwaphetse ngayo. Who Are Jehovah's Witnesses? Later, the KGB officer called the police, and the police told him how much we had met. Babobani BoFakazi BaJehova? No. Who are Jehovah's Witnesses? Abrahama bekaciniseka ngalokuphelele kutsi Jehova abengakhombisi kubabete luvelo! Abraham was absolutely sure that Jehovah had not suddenly become cruel or harsh! Abraham was confident that Jehovah could not show compassion for him! Kunaloko, "lawo mabito latetsa wona tabitwa ngawo. " - Gen. Rather, "whatever the man would call each living creature, that became its name. " - Gen. Rather, those names "were made known to them. " - Gen. • Wati njani kutsi Jehova uyakujabulela kwetsembeka kwakho? • How do you know that Jehovah values your faithfulness? [ Picture on page 8] • How do you know that Jehovah appreciates your loyalty? 11, 12. (a) Jehova wangenela njani kute asindzise bantfu bakhe? 11, 12. (a) How did Jehovah intervene in behalf of his people? 11, 12. (a) How did Jehovah intervene to save his people? " Lohambisana nebantfu labahlakaniphile naye ugcina asahlakaniphile; kodvwa umngani wetilima uyawuhlupheka. " " He that is walking with wise persons will become wise, but he that is having dealings with the stupid ones will fare badly. " " He that is walking with wise persons will become wise, but he that is having dealings with the stupid ones will fare badly. " Labanye labagcotjiwe bangase bangahlali betsembekile. Also, some anointed ones might not stay faithful. Some anointed ones may not remain faithful. Bani Sibonelo Endleleni Lobaphatsa Ngayo Labanye Be Exemplary in Dealing With Others Take the Example of Others Likutsintsa njani kucondza kwetfu leminye imifanekiso yaJesu legcwaliseka kulesikhatsi sekuphela? Also, how does it affect our understanding of other parables, or illustrations, of Jesus that are being fulfilled during this time of the end? How does it affect our understanding of some of Jesus ' illustrations during this time of the end? Jehova ukwenta njani loko? How does Jehovah do this? How does Jehovah do that? [ Umbhalo longentasi] [ Footnote] [ Footnote] 36: 17, 19. 36: 17, 19. 36: 17, 19. Lusibalukhulu wamangala kakhulu. " Nevertheless, Jesus "did not answer him, no, not a word, so that the governor wondered very much. " It was a great surprise. " 1, 2. 1, 2. 1, 2. Jehova watsi ku - Elija: "Ngenca yekutsi utitfobile kimi, ngingeke ngisamehlisela lesigemegeme etikhatsini takhe, kodvwa ngiyawusehlisela etikwendlu yakakhe ngesikhatsi sekubusa kwemsa wakhe. " Jehovah told Elijah: "Because he has humbled himself before me, I will not bring the calamity during his lifetime. Jehovah said to Elijah: "Because you have searched for me, I will not reap the calamity that is coming upon you in his house. " LIKHASI 23 • TINGOMA: 77, 79 PAGE 23 • SONGS: 77, 79 PAGE 23 • SONGS: 77, 79 Beyiyini injongo lebalulekile yemshado? What was an important purpose of marriage? What was the objective of marriage? Kuze kufinyelelwe lomgomo kwanconywa kutsi kuhlelwe emacembu latawushumayela ema - awa lasihlanu ngelilanga futsi anake kakhulu kubuyela kulacoce nabo, ikakhulukati ntsambama. Suggestions included organizing field service groups for five - hour days and focusing on making return visits, particularly during midweek evenings. To reach the goal, they were invited to organize groups on five hours a day and to focus on making a return visit, especially during the evening. Unendzaba Yini Nekuhlupheka Kwetfu? 9 / 1 Marriage Can Be Happy and Last, 9 / 1 Does God Care About Our Suffering? 9 / 15 Yini Jesu lakhetsa kuyenta, futsi wenta njani kute ahlale anake umsebenti wekushumayela? Jesus chose to do what, and how did he stay focused on his ministry? What did Jesus choose to do, and how did he keep focused on the preaching work? Njengobe lemikhosi beyiyincenye yekukhonta kwawo, ema - Israyeli bekungakafanele ete " angakaphatsi lutfo. ' As part of their worship at those festivals, the Israelites were not to "appear before Jehovah empty - handed. " As these Christians were part of their worship, the Israelites were not "to receive any stumbling block. " Ngakulolunye luhlangotsi, bafundisi batfukutsela. On the other hand, the clergy were angry. On the other hand, church leaders are angry. Ngesikhatsi Jehova akhuluma naye kwekucala, Jeremiya wetama kubeka taba. When Jehovah first spoke to him, Jeremiah tried to beg off. When Jehovah first spoke to him, Jeremiah tried to make excuses. Kafishane nje, kufanele " setsembe Jehova, sente lokuhle ' futsi " sikhombise kutsi setsembekile. ' In short, we need both " to trust in Jehovah and to do what is good '; we need " to act with faithfulness. ' Simply put, we must " trust in Jehovah, doing good, ' and " prove ourselves faithful. ' 11, 12. (a) Kungani kubalulekile kutsi sibe nesisusa lesihle sekugcoka buntfu lobusha? 11, 12. (a) Why is having the right motive for putting on the new personality so important? 11, 12. (a) Why is it vital that we have the right to put on the new personality? Kungenteka Lukha wafundzela budokotela esikolweni sebudokotela lesasiseLawodisiya eceleni kwelidolobha laseKholose. So it is possible that Luke was trained in a medical school in Laodicea, a city near Colossae. Luke may have studied a medical doctor at a school near the city of Colossae. Uyachaza: "Leliputumende belenta kutsi bantfu banginake baphindze batibute imibuto leminyenti. " Instead of blaming ourselves or Satan for a problem, we could start to blame Jehovah. She explains: "The school allows people to focus on me and ask questions. " Kuliciniso kutsi labanye bantfu abavumelani naloko, batsi emaciniso latsite lavetwako kanye netinombolo talokwentekile tiya ngembono wemuntfu futsi tingashintjwa ngunobe ngubani. " It caused some comment, " she reported, "and made me a little conspicuous. " Of course, some people do not agree with what they say about the truth and the facts are revealed in the vision, and they can be changed. Ngako, utawubona kutsi timo letibanga kukhatsateka uyakhona kutincoba. Of course, some skeptics disagree, asserting that facts and statistics are subjective and can be manipulated. Therefore, you will see that situations that cause anxiety to overcome them. Kodvwa Jehova wasisita sanamatsela emgomeni wetfu. " Thus, you will find that many situations that could otherwise cause anxiety do not arise. But Jehovah helped us to stick to our goal. " 1, 2. But Jehovah helped us stick to our decision. " 1, 2. Bamane nje bayashumayela futsi bayabecwayisa ngaloko lokutawenteka esikhatsini lesitako. 1, 2. They simply preach and warn about what will happen in the future. Jehova wakubona yini kuphendvuka kwa - Ahabi nekudzabuka kwakhe? They simply preach to others and warn them about what will happen in the future. Did Jehovah see Ahab's repentance and sorrow? (Hla. 40: 5) Imithantazo yetfu kufanele ikhombise kutsi " siyabakhumbula labo lababoshiwe, kube shengatsi natsi siboshwe kanye nabo. ' Did Jehovah notice that Ahab made that public display of his sadness? Our prayers should show that we " remember those who are in prison, as though we were imprisoned with us. ' (Taga 8: 22, 30) Abati kutsi kukhonta Nkulunkulu nekufakazela liciniso, kwakuyindlela lencono kakhulu yekuphila. Also, our prayers should reflect that we "keep in mind those in prison, as though [we] were imprisoned with them. " They knew that serving God and proveing the truth was the best way of life. Zuza eselulekweni sabo futsi ufundze ekuhlakanipheni kwabo. - Taga 13: 20. He knew that the best way of life centered on serving God and bearing witness to the truth. 13: 20. Kungani kufanele sitigadze singabi nentfukutselo? Benefit from their counsel, and learn from their wisdom. - Prov. 13: 20. Why must we guard against anger? Trisha uchubeka atsi: "Nome ngabe nguyiphi inkinga lebengibhekene nayo nome buhlungu benhlitiyo lebengibuva bebulite nabucatsaniswa nebalabantfwana. Why should we guard against bitterness? We read: "Even if I faced any problem that I faced with feelings of pain or feelings of sorrow, I felt between children and children. BoFakazi lebebatsembekile eMexico bebadzinga kuciniswa. Trisha says: "Any problem or heartache I was dealing with was nothing compared to theirs. Faithful Witnesses in Mexico needed to be strengthened. Emalunga elibandla angakhombisa njani kutsi etsembekile? Loyal Witnesses in Mexico needed a spiritual boost. How can members of the congregation show that they are loyal to him? Batavuswa nini futsi batawuvuselwa kuphi? How can members of the congregation prove themselves trustworthy? When will the resurrection come, and where will they be resurrected? Babe watfukutsela kakhulu waze wangicosha nasekhaya. When and where will they be raised? Father was so angry that he sent me back home. 15: 58. My father was furious and put me out of the house. 15: 58. Sibonelo saloku kutsi ngemuva kwekufundza umbhalo wa - 2 Khorinte 4: 16, lomdzala angase abute: "Uke watibona yini tindlela Jehova lakupha ngato emandla? " 15: 58. For example, after reading 2 Corinthians 4: 16, an elder might ask: "Have you ever seen ways that Jehovah gave you power? " Jesu watsi: "Wonkhe umuntfu lochubeka abuka lomsikati ate amkhanuke sewuvele uphingile naye enhlitiyweni. For example, after reading 2 Corinthians 4: 16, an elder could ask, "Have you personally experienced ways in which Jehovah renews you? " Jesus said: "Everyone who keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Njengobe bengisolo ngifundza kabanti ngeliBhayibheli futsi ngitfola emandla kuJehova, ngakhona kwenta tingucuko ekuphileni kwami. Jesus stated: "Everyone who keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Since I have learned more about the Bible and received strength from Jehovah, I was able to make changes in my life. Wancuma kumdivosa ngasese kute angamtseli ngelihlazo. But as I learned more about the Bible and drew strength from Jehovah, I was able to make changes. She decided not to marry in private so that she could not be ashamed. 28: 20. He intended to divorce her secretly to protect her from scandal. 28: 20. Tindzaba Letinhle Tishunyayelwa Emhlabeni Wonkhe 28: 20. Good News of Good News in the world Nawe ungakhona kubekela umndeni wakho sibonelo lesihle nangabe uhamba naNkulunkulu futsi uphila ngetimiso takhe letiphefumulelwe. The Good News Is Being Preached Earth Wide You too can set a good example for your family if you walk with God and live by his inspired standards. Sigungu Lesibusako sinendzaba nemlandvo wetfu webuKhristu. If you choose to walk with God as Enoch did, letting God's inspired standards guide you in life, you too will give your family a rich legacy - a priceless example for them to imitate. The Governing Body is concerned about our Christian history. Kumiko, loseminyakeni yabo - 60, bekakhonta njengelihlahlandlela lelivamile e - Japan ngesikhatsi lelinye lihlahlandlela lebebashumayela nalo lisikisela kutsi batfutsele e - Nepal. The Governing Body is keenly interested in our theocratic history. In her mid - 60 ' s, she served as a regular pioneer in Japan when another pioneer invited her to move to Nepal. Ernesto uyakhumbula: "Indlela umngani wami lakhuluma ngayo nakatsi " wena unekhensa ' yangetfusa kakhulu. " Kumiko, now in her mid - 60 ' s, was serving as a regular pioneer in Japan when her pioneer partner suggested that they move to Nepal. " My friend mentioned that " you were cancer, ' recalls Poli. Loko bekubaluleke kakhulu kute bahlale bemukeleka kuJehova. (Lev. Ernesto recalls: "The intonation my friend gave to the " you ' and " cancer ' sent a chill down my spine. " How important that must have been for them to remain obedient to Jehovah! (Chafata MAYELANA NATSI > IMIBUTO BANTFU LABAVAMISE KUYIBUTA > TINKHOLELO) That was vital if they were to gain and maintain Jehovah's approval. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) Njengalendlela layisebentisa ngelikhulu lekucala leminyaka, Jesu utawuphindze ondle labanyenti ngetandla letimbalwa. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) Like Jesus ' use of the first century, he will feed and feed a few. Njengobe besesingemaKhristu labhajatisiwe, sabona kutsi bekufanele silingise Jesu ngekutsi siwente njalo umsebenti wekushumayela. True to the pattern he set in the first century, Jesus would once again feed many through the hands of a few. As we were baptized Christians, we realized that we had to imitate Jesus by regularly engaging in the preaching work. 9 - 11. We realized that as baptized Christians, we needed to preach regularly in imitation of Jesus. 9 - 11. leshicilelwa boFakazi BaJehova futsi longayitfola uphindze utitsatsele yona ku - www.jw.org / ss. 9 - 11. published by Jehovah's Witnesses and available online at www.jw.org. Njengobe sesibonile kuletibonelo lesikhulume ngato, Nkulunkulu angabadvudvuta bantfu lababhekene netinkinga nebumatima lobehlukahlukene. published by Jehovah's Witnesses and available online and for download at www.jw.org. As these examples show, God can comfort people who face hardships. Sarah wabona kutsi kutiphatsa kwakhe lokubi akuzange kumletsele inkhululeko kanye nekwenetiseka labekufisa. As the foregoing examples show, God can provide comfort to people facing a wide range of problems and challenges. Sarah realized that her immoral conduct would bring her freedom and satisfaction to her. Besisho nekutsi siyetsemba kutsi ngalelinye lilanga sonkhe njengemndeni sitawukuya e - Afrika. Sarah discovered that her unrestrained lifestyle did not bring her the freedom and satisfaction for which she yearned. We said that we could trust that each day as a family family in Africa, we would be serving as a family in Africa. Kuloku lesesikufundzile, sesibonile kutsi kadzeni Nkulunkulu bekasebentisa imphi kuze acedze bubi noma akhulule bantfu bakhe. We expressed the hope that someday all four of us might take a trip to Africa together. From this experience, we have seen that God used war to eliminate wickedness or free his people. Sacoca nabo ngemiBhalo kwate kwaba sentsatsakusa. From the foregoing we see that in the ancient past, God viewed warfare as a legitimate means of bringing an end to various forms of oppression and wickedness. We discussed the Scriptures until that evening. KuJehova, imphumelelo yetfu emsebentini wekushumayela ayiyi ngekutsi basilalele yini labo lebesibafundzisa. Our Scriptural discussion with them went on in the dark of night until the early hours of the morning. In Jehovah's eyes, success in our ministry does not depend on how they listened to those who taught us. Singathandaza kuJehova sicele kutsi acinise kukholwa kanye nekubeketela kwabo. In Jehovah's eyes the success of our ministry is not determined by the response of those whom we teach. We can pray to Jehovah to help you strengthen their faith and patience. LIKHASI 28 We can pray for them, asking Jehovah to sustain their faith and endurance. PAGE 28 Nangabe ukutfola kumatima kungatingeneli tindzaba talelive, tibute: " Yini Jesu labekangayenta? ' 28 The Bible Changes Lives If you find it difficult to stay neutral, ask yourself, " What would Jesus do? ' Kodvwa kubaluleke kakhulu nyalo kutsi simkhonte ngekwetsembeka! When you find it hard to stay neutral and not take sides, ask yourself, " What would Jesus have done? ' But how important it is now that we serve him faithfully! Batali bami banginiketa imisebenti leminyenti kute nje ngihlale ekhaya. But to serve him faithfully now is definitely worth it! My parents gave me many responsibilities so that I could stay in my home. Nanobe kungase kubonakale kumelula kutsi lomunye umuntfu asentele tincumo, kodvwa loko kungasemuka lilungelo lesinalo lekutikhetsela. My parents gave me more chores to keep me in the house. Although it may be easy for someone to make decisions, that may affect our right to decide for ourselves. Nobe kunjalo, bantfu labanyenti batawuvuselwa emhlabeni. While it might seem easier to have someone else make decisions for us, doing so would rob us of one of the great blessings of free will. However, most people will be resurrected to life on earth. Kufanele sihlale sikhumbula kutsi sonkhe sake saba tihambi ngobe besite buhlobo lobuhle naNkulunkulu. Most, though, will be brought back to life on the earth. We should always remember that we all had been hospitable because we had no good relationship with God. Jesu watjela lamanye emaJuda kutsi abengawulaleli umlayeto wakhe ngobe " atsandza kwenta tinkhanuko teyihlo Develi. ' It is good to remember that at one time we were all "strangers, " or foreigners, not close to God. Jesus told some Jews that they hated his message because "he loved the desires of your father the Devil. " Nasi sibonelo: Justin Martyr longumbhali lotibita ngekutsi ungumKhristu, lowatalwa cishe ngemuva kwekufa kwemphostoli wekugcina, Johane, wabhala kutsi Umnakekeli wetfu etintfweni tonkhe "nguNkulunkulu ngisho longabitwa ngelibito lakhe. " Jesus told certain Jews that they did not listen to his message because " they wished to do the desires of their father the Devil. ' For example, Mar Rutherford, who claimed to be a Christian, was born after the death of the apostle John, wrote that "the God of all things is called his name. " Uva buhlungu lobukhulu nakabona bantfu bahlupheka; kodvwa akabuvumeli lobo buhlungu kutsi bumvimbele ekwenteni lokuhle. For example, the nominal Christian writer Justin Martyr was born about the time John, the last of the apostles, died. Yet, Justin repeatedly insisted in his writings that the Provider of all things is "a God who is called by no proper name. " He feels a lot of pain when he sees people suffer; yet, he does not allow the pain to prevent them from doing good. Akamane abate nje sinoma kanjani etsembe kutsi kutawuphuma intfo lenhle. He has long been pained when humans suffer; yet, he has not been overcome with grief, incapable of doing good. He does not merely trust in what is right. Cha, akasho njalo, kodvwa utsi: "Faka sidziya sakho, ungilungisele kudla kwami, unginike ngidle nginatse; emvakwaloko - ke nawe utawuhlala phansi udle unatse. " He does not just chip away and hope for the best. No, but he says: "He has given me a meal, prepares me for my food, and I will drink, and you will drink. " Kubalulekile kucondza kutsi liciniso liyitsintsa njani imicabango nemiva yemfundzi. He says: "Get something ready for me to have my evening meal, and put on an apron and minister to me until I am through eating and drinking, and afterward you can eat and drink. " It is important to understand how the truth affects a learner's thoughts and feelings. Singakwenta njani loko? It is important to understand how the truth affects the learner's thoughts and feelings. How can we do that? Karen waseCanada, nyalo loseminyakeni yabo - 70, wakhonta iminyaka lengetulu kwalengu - 20 eWest Africa. How so? Karen, now in her 70 ' s, served more than 20 years in Africa. 31: 12. Karen from Canada, now in her early 70 ' s, served over 20 years in West Africa. 31: 12. Kodvwa nangabe labadzala balingisa "umusa waNkulunkulu, " bangase bamsite aphendvuke loyo lowonile. - Rom. 31: 12. But when elders imitate "the undeserved kindness of God, " they may help the sinner to repent. - Rom. Utasemukela yini lesimemo saJehova sekutsi uhambe naye futsi utfole tibusiso letihlala njalo letitfolwa ngulabo labasemukelako? However, when elders imitate "the kindly quality of God, " they may move to repentance the one who has erred. - Rom. Will you accept Jehovah's invitation to go with him and receive blessings that come with those who accept it? Nguloko kanye lengakwenta, futsi kuye kwangiletsela tibusiso letinyenti! Will you accept Jehovah's invitation to walk with him and gain the eternal blessings he has in store for those who do? That is what I have done, and it has brought me many blessings! Kwenta njalo kutasisita kute sikutfole loko. That's what I did, and what a blessing it was! Doing so will help us to find what we need. Kusetsemba kwalentfombatanyana ngisho nasemkhatsini kwesicumbi lesikhulu sebantfu, kwangitsintsa kakhulu. That will help us to attain it. We trusted in the girl's beloved girl, who was among the large crowd, deeply impressed me. Nobe kunjalo, abetinika sikhatsi kute akhulise sifiso bantfu labebanaso ngetindzaba letimnandzi. I was very touched by the wonderful trust that this little girl had, even in a crowd of thousands of people. Yet, she took time to strengthen her desire to share the good news. Ngusiphi simo sengcondvo labenaso ngekusetjentiswa kwelibito laJehova? Nevertheless, he took time to cultivate the interest people showed in the good news. What attitude was used by Jehovah's name? Jehova ubona loko lokusenhlitiyweni, futsi kuyacaca kutsi nakuDavide kukhona lokuhle lakubona. Jehovah sees what the heart is, and evidently he saw something very precious in this youth. Jehovah sees what is in the heart, and it is clear that David and David saw something good. 25: 29 - 34. 25: 29 - 34. 25: 29 - 34. Ufundzeni? What Did You Learn? What Did You Learn? Ngesikhatsi Jesu asho sibonakaliso "sekuphela kwetikhatsi, " watsi: " Labanyenti... bayawutsengisana bodvwana. ' When giving the sign of "the conclusion of the system of things, " Jesus said:" Many... will betray one another. " When Jesus said that the sign "the conclusion of the system of things, " he said:" Many will sell one another. " Ngubani lotawukunakekela nasewugugile? Who will look after you in your old age? Who will care for you when you are old? Lombhalo longenhla losencwadzini lephefumulelwe yaJakobe, usecwayisa ngekutsi nangabe sivumela sifiso lesibi kutsi " sikhule, ' nakanjani sitawukwenta tintfo letimbi. The scripture above from the inspired letter of James warns that if one allows the wrong desire to "become fertile, " bad actions are sure to follow. This inspired scripture in the inspired book of James warns us that if we allow such a wrong desire to grow, we will do what is bad. Singakukhombisa njani kucondza endleleni lesikhuluma ngayo? How can we show discernment in our speech? How can we show insight in our speech? (Fundza 2 Khorinte 8: 18 - 21.) (Read 2 Corinthians 8: 18 - 21.) (Read 2 Corinthians 8: 18 - 21.) Bazalwane betfu baseJapan bamlingisa njani Jesu? How did our brothers in Japan imitate Jesus ' example? How did our brothers in Japan imitate Jesus? Ngesikhatsi lesifanako, batali labakulesimo bayatikhandla kuze bahlale betsembekile kuJehova, ikakhulukati ngoba bayetsemba kutsi sibonelo sabo lesihle sitawukhutsata bantfwana babo kutsi babuyele kuJehova. At the same time, such parents work hard to remain loyal to Jehovah, hoping that their example will move their children to return to the fold. At the same time, parents who strive hard to remain loyal to Jehovah, especially because they trust that their example will motivate their children to return to Jehovah. Bekufanele baphatfwe njengebazalwane. They were to be treated as brothers. They had to be treated as brothers. Lombhalo utsi: "Batsi nabefika, Samuweli wabona Eliyabe, wase ucabanga utsi: " Impela logcotjiwe waSimakadze nguye lona losembikwaSimakadze. ' We read: "It came about that, as [the sons of Jesse] came in and he caught sight of Eliab, he at once said: " Surely his anointed one is before Jehovah. ' The scripture says: "When they arrived, Samuel saw a Bath - sheba, and he thought: " Yes, Jehovah is the anointed ones whom we have approved before Jehovah. ' Ngako - ke, Langton wacala indlela lensha yekwehlukanisa tehluko. So Langton developed new chapter divisions. So he began to understand the new way he dealt with chapters. Kungani kungakafaneli sitingene tindzaba tepolitiki? Why must we remain neutral? Why should we not be neutral? Ngebulima, badzelela umyalo waNkulunkulu, futsi ngesizatfu saloko batfola imiphumela lebuhlungu. - Gen. However, they foolishly disregarded God's command and suffered terrible consequences. - Gen. By rejecting God's command, they rejected God's command, and with disastrous results. - Gen. (a) Ngumuphi umbono lovamile bantfu balelive labanawo ngekuya ecasini? (a) What idea about sex is common in this world? (a) What is a common view of people in this world? Le - drama lesekelwe eBhayibhelini lekhuluma ngaThimothi yatitsintsa tinhlitiyo tabo futsi yakhulisa sifiso sabo sekuyokhonta lapho kunesidzingo lesikhulu sebamemeteli beMbuso. That Bible drama about Timothy touched their hearts and deepened their desire to serve where the need for Kingdom workers was greater. This Bible account describes Timothy's heart and raised their desire to serve where there is a greater need for Kingdom publishers. Kungani kufanele sitibambe nangabe sifisa kuba nemcebo lomnyenti? Why should we control our desire to want more material things? Why should we exercise self - control if we wish to have more material possessions? Kuyacaca kutsi Jehova uyasitsandza futsi ufuna kusivikela. Clearly, Jehovah loves us and wants to protect us. Clearly, Jehovah loves us and wants to protect us. Sati njani kutsi lenkinga lebeyisemkhatsini waPawula naMakho yalungiswa, futsi yini lesiyifundzako kuloku? How do we know that the breach between Paul and Mark was resolved, and what can we learn from this? How do we know that the problem between Paul and Mark was corrected, and what do we learn from this? Supot abesatimisele kungaphindze anatse tjwala. This time, Supot was determined to quit drinking alcohol completely. Supot was willing to drink alcohol again. (Taga 17: 17) Emhlabeni lesiphila kuwo akusimelula kutfola bangani beliciniso, kodvwa umKhristu weliciniso angabatfola labanyenti. How rare true friends are in today's world! But every true Christian can have them in abundance. In this system of things, it is not easy to find true friends, but a true Christian can learn many. Liciniso likutsi labo labangacitsi sikhatsi lesinyenti batijabulisa, bajabula kakhulu. In fact, those who keep relaxation in its place enjoy it even more. The fact is that those who do not spend too much time in leisure activities are happy. Kute siphendvule lombuto, kungasisita kunaka indlela emaRoma labekayitsatsa ngayo inkholo. To answer that, it is useful to note how the Romans considered religions in general. To answer that question, it can help us to focus on how the Romans viewed religion. Kungako - ke atsi: " Kodvwa ngitakuya kuye [Lazaro] ngiyemvusa. ' That is why he told them that he was "journeying there to awaken [Lazarus] from sleep. " Hence, he said: "I will go to him [ Lazarus]. " Ngesikhatsi emaSiriya acala kuhlasela, Bhasha wesuka eRama. - 2 Khr. When the Syrians carried out some attacks, Baasha withdrew from Ramah. - 2 Chron. When Syria began to attack him, Baasha left Ramah. - 2 Chron. 34: 15) Natsi silwela kulingisa Jehova ngekubanaka bazalwane betfu, ikakhulukati labo labadzinga lusito lwetfu. We strive to imitate Jehovah by turning our eyes and ears - our full attention - toward our brothers, especially those who approach us for help. We too strive to imitate Jehovah by focusing on our brothers, especially those in need. Kushada ngalokusemtsetfweni kubalulekile kute umndeni ujabule ngobe kwenta kutsi kube nebungani kanye nendzawo lelondzekile yekukhulisa bantfwana. It is vital to family happiness because it provides not only companionship but also a secure environment in which to raise children. Marriage is essential for family happiness because it allows them to be friendly and secure in raising children. Asingabati kutsi Jakobe wazuza esibonelweni sababe wakhe Isaka, sekutfutfukisa kuthula. Undoubtedly, Jacob had benefited from the peaceable example of his father, Isaac. No doubt Jacob benefited from his father's example of peace. " Bomnakabo ' Nkhosi ngulabagcotjwe ngemoya longcwele futsi ngulabatawubusa naJesu ezulwini. The King's "brothers " are those who are anointed with holy spirit and who will rule in heaven with Jesus. " The brothers " are anointed by holy spirit, and they will rule with Jesus in heaven. Nasiya emihlanganweni, sikhombisa bazalwane betfu kutsi sifuna kuba nabo, sicoce nabo nekutsi sinesifiso sekwati indlela labativa ngayo. When we go to the meetings, we show our brothers that we want to be with them and talk with them and that we are interested in how they are feeling. When we go to the meetings, we show our brothers that we want to be close to them and that we have the desire to know how they feel. Jehova Uyakwati Kukhulula Bantfu Bakhe, 4 / 15 Jehovah Knows How to Deliver His People, 4 / 15 Jehovah Knows His People, 4 / 15 MARCH 18 - 24, 2013 MARCH 18 - 24, 2013 MARCH 18 - 24, 2013 Lomuntfu lobulele bekabulawa ngekushesha kute Live Lesetsembiso lingangcoliswa ngobe Jehova bekatjele ema - Israyeli kutsi: "Ningalingcolisi lelive lenikulo. Kucitsa ingati [yemuntfu] kuyalingcolisa live. " - Num. Swift execution protected the Promised Land from becoming defiled, for Jehovah commanded: "You must not pollute the land in which you live, for [the shedding of human] blood pollutes the land. " - Num. The victim was soon killed so that the Promised Land would not be destroyed because Jehovah told the Israelites: "Do not eliminate the blood of this system of things. " - Num. Russell watsi nakabuya emsebentini weva kuhlatjelwa ehholweni lelingaphansi kwesakhiwo lesitsite. Russell was returning home from work when he heard singing coming from a basement hall. Russell said that when she arrived in the work, she heard the song of a building project. Cha akwenteki. No. No. (Tihlabelelo 106: 35 - 39) Waba yini umphumela? What was the result? What was the result? Emalunga emindeni yetfu kanye nebangani bavame kusidvudvuta ngelizinga lelitsite. Family members and friends can often give us a degree of comfort. Members of our family and friends often bring us comfort to a certain degree. 11, 12. 11, 12. 11, 12. Kusita kwakho ekwakhiweni kwemaHholwa eMbuso kusifaka njani sandla ekubeni nebunye? How does your helping on Kingdom Hall projects contribute to unity? How does building Kingdom Halls contribute to unity? Singaphikiswa ngulabo labanemagunya laphakeme, lesifundza nabo esikolweni, lesisebenta nabo, nobe emalunga emindeni yetfu imbala. Opposition may come from those in authority, from schoolmates or workmates, or even from close family members. We can oppose those who have authority at high school, fellow students, workmates, or family members. (Fundza nelibhokisi lelitsi "Kujabulela Kunakekela Batali Lasebakhulile. ") (See also the box "Appreciative Caregiving. ") (See also the box "Keep showing appreciation for the Elderly. ") Emithantazweni yakhe, umphostoli Pawula wagcamisa kukholwa kwebazalwane bakhe, lutsandvo kanye nekubeketela. In his prayers, the apostle Paul rightly highlighted his brothers ' faith, love, and endurance. In his prayers, the apostle Paul highlighted faith among his brothers, love, and patience. Lebholeni bekunatfwa, kubhenywa futsi ngalesinye sikhatsi bekuliwa. Those trips featured heavy drinking, drug abuse, and occasional violent fights with supporters of the opposing team. It wasn't easy, drank, and sometimes at times. Kodvwa tintfo tashintja ngesikhatsi bo - Adamu na - Eva bona. But things changed with the introduction of human sin and imperfection. But things changed when Adam and Eve sinned. Tincenye letinyenti tale - "Drama " betibukelwa kanyenti. Many "Drama " sets saw constant use. Many of the "Drama " were common. Nasenta Tincumo When Making Decisions When we Make Decisions (Buka sitfombe lesingentansi.) (b) Kungani kudvudvuta kucabanga ngendlela Jehova lakhulula ngayo Phetro? (See the picture below.) (b) Why is it comforting to contemplate the way that Jehovah rescued Peter? (See opening picture.) (b) Why is it comforting to consider how Jehovah delivered Peter? Kungani kungakeneli kusebentisa libito laJehova nobe kuba yincenye yelibandla lebuKhristu? Why is using the name of Jehovah or belonging to the Christian congregation not enough? Why is it not enough to use Jehovah's name or become part of the Christian congregation? Jesu wasecwayisa kutsi loko lesikubukako kungayitsintsa inhlitiyo yetfu futsi kwakhe tifiso tekutiphatsa kabi ngekwelicansi. Jesus warned that what we look at can affect our heart and create wrong sexual desires. Jesus warned us that what we look at can affect our heart and his immoral desires. Nanobe kunjalo, lelibito livela tikhatsi letingaba ngu - 7 000 ngetilwimi tekucala lokwabhalwa ngato liBhayibheli. Etikhatsini letinyenti livela emithandazweni nasetingomeni tetinceku taJehova letetsembekile. [ Sitfombe ekhasini 5] However, that name appears some 7,000 times in the Bible's original languages, in many cases within the prayers and psalms of faithful servants of Jehovah. However, the name appears some 7,000 times in the original language of the Bible, often in psalms and prayers of Jehovah's loyal servants. 1 1 1 Ngendlela lefanako, kufanele siphetse ngekutsini nasijabulela kubuka indlela lemangalisako indalo lehleleke ngayo bese sibona ludlame nenkhohlakalo lokubhokile emhlabeni? Similarly, when we admire the marvelous order and design in the natural world and then notice the chaos and corruption that blight the human family, what conclusion should we draw? In a similar way, what do we need to conclude about the remarkable beauty that the world is organized? Phetro wabakhutsata njani bomnakabo? How did Peter " strengthen his brothers '? How did Peter encourage his brothers? Asengicale ngekuchaza umlandvo wami. Let me explain. First, let me explain my history. 139: 23, 24; Jak. 139: 23, 24; Jas. 139: 23, 24; Jas. Singayisebentisa njani ngemphumelelo imifanekiso nasishumayela? How can we make good use of illustrations in our ministry? How can we use illustrations effectively in our ministry? Jehova uyajabula ngalabo labametsembako, futsi uba ngunobe ngayini kute abusise futsi avikele bantfu bakhe. Jehovah takes pleasure in those who trust in him, and he becomes whatever is necessary to bless and protect his people. Jehovah is pleased with those who trust in him, and he becomes whatever he does to bless and protect his people. Jehova wadala tonkhe tintfo Jehovah created all things Jehovah created all things Waniketa balandzeli bakhe ticondziso leticacile futsi wabalungisa nakudzingekile. So you need to make sure that your children get that training regularly. He gave his followers clear instructions and corrected them when needed. Ngako - ke, kufanele wente konkhe lokusemandleni kute ubafundzise njalo bantfwana bakho. For you have made me rejoice, O Jehovah, because of your deeds; because of the works of your hands I shout joyfully. " So you need to do all you can to train your children regularly. Ngobe nguwe, Simakadze, longente ngatfokota ngaloko lokwentile, imisebenti yetandla takho ingente ngahlabelela ngekujabula. " " Rejoice with people who rejoice; weep with people who weep. " - ROMANS 12: 15. For you, O Jehovah, have made me rejoice in what you have done, and your work has made me glad. " " Nijabule nalabajabulako, nikhale nalabakhalako. " - ROMA 12: 15. * " Rejoice with those who rejoice. " - ROMANS 12: 15. * This is, of course, only a tradition. See The Watchtower, October 15, 1987, "Questions From Readers. " * Fundza sihloko lesitsi "Imibuzo Evela Kubafundi " ku - Sicongosekulindza sa - October 15, 1987 lesitfolakala ngesiZulu. Dylan, also mentioned earlier, states: "I could easily have had sex with my workmate. But I stood my ground and told her " No! ' See "Questions From Readers " in The Watchtower of October 15, 1987, issue of The Watchtower. Dylan, naye lesike sakhuluma ngaye ekucaleni, utsi: "Ngabe ngavele ngalala nalentfombatane lebengisebenta nayo, kodvwa ngema ngicinile, ngatsi " Cha! ' We can be sure that we can succeed with Jehovah's help! But how can we be sure that true worship will prevail in this world filled with ungodliness? For example, a sister mentioned earlier: "I quickly slept with the girl who was working with me, but I didn't know him, " No. ' " Kepha kungani singaciniseka kutsi kukhonta kweliciniso kutawuncoba kulelive lelingamhloniphi Nkulunkulu? I was reminded that the meetings are where I need to be. " But why can we be sure that true worship will not end in this ungodly world? Ngakhumbula kutsi kuyangisita kuya emihlanganweni. " Rather than dwelling on a seeming injustice, what can young ones do? I remembered that it helps me to attend meetings. " Kunekutsi bacabange ngaloko labakubona shengatsi kungalungi, yini bantfwana labangayenta? For example, a woman in Ireland was contacted by a spirit medium who said that the night before, she had a conversation with Fred, the woman's husband. Rather than reflecting on what they can do, what can children do? Nasi sibonelo: Lomunye make wase - Ireland wavakashelwa ngumuntfu lonemimoya lowamtjela kutsi ngebusuku lobengcile ukhulume naFred, loyindvodza yalomake. [ Blurb on page 9] For example, a mother in Ireland named Ireland told her that on the night she was sharing with the mother of Mary, the mother of Mary. [ Emavi lahambisana nesitfombe ekhasini 9] OCTOBER 29, 2012 - NOVEMBER 4, 2012 [ Blurb on page 9] OCTOBER 29, 2012 - NOVEMBER 4, 2012 When Hillary Goslin heard one of those talks, he borrowed the phonograph for a week to share the Bible's message with his neighbors. OCTEMBER 29, 2012 - NOEMBER 4, 2012 Ngesikhatsi Hillary Goslin eva lenye yetinkhulumo kugilamafoni, wayiboleka liviki kute alalelise bomakhelwane bakhe lomlayeto loseBhayibhelini. Kristin and Michelle sell seafood. When Brother Yina heard one of the talks, he ordered a week to help his neighbors understand the Bible's message. Kristin naMichelle batsengisa tinhlanti. But as far as God was concerned, I didn't really know that much about him. Kristin and Michelle sold the fish. Liciniso belikutsi bekukuncane kakhulu lebengikwati ngaNkulunkulu. What shows that the Great Potter is neither arbitrary nor partial with regard to discipline? Of course, it was not enough for me to know God. Yini lekhombisa kutsi uMbumbi Lomkhulu akayekeleli futsi akakhetsi nakaniketa siyalo? What helped him to do so? What shows that the Great Potter does not give up or does not provide discipline? Bobani labamsita? Simon Who helped him? Simon The great crowd also share that God - given name, Jehovah's Witnesses. Simon Sicumbi lesikhulu naso sibitwa ngalelibito lesilinikwe nguNkulunkulu, lelitsi BoFakazi BaJehova. Being a shepherd involves hard work. The great crowd is also called God's name, Jehovah's Witnesses. Kuba ngumelusi kufaka ekhatsi kwenta imisebenti lematima. 5: 19 - 21. Being a shepherd involves working hard. 5: 19 - 21. General apathy toward the evidence of the approaching end. - Matthew 24: 37 - 39. 5: 19 - 21. Kunganaki kwebantfu kutsi kubhujiswa kwemhlaba kuyasondzela. - Matewu 24: 37 - 39. For refreshments or a meal: In Bible times, hospitality normally included inviting someone to one's home for a meal. Until the end of the world is near. - Matthew 24: 37 - 39. Nasidla ndzawonye: Ngetikhatsi tekubhalwa kweliBhayibheli, kwemukela tivakashi bekuhlanganisa kumema lotsite ekhaya lakho kuze nidle ndzawonye. 6: 10 - 15. For instance, in Bible times, guests included visiting someone in your home to work together. 6: 10 - 15. Notice that none of the verses are set out as rules, such as "you must not... " Rather, they are written as plain statements of truth. 6: 10 - 15. Caphela kutsi lamavesi awakabhalwa aba yimitsetfo, njengekutsi "akukafaneli u.., " kodvwa abhalwe aba nemavi lacondzile lamaciniso lasisekelo. He wanted us to be well cared for. Note that those verses are written by laws, such as "do not be ashamed. " But they are written in a number of basic truths. Abengafuni seswele lutfo. Her finances fell into chaos. He did not want to give up. Simo sakhe semnotfo saba sibi kakhulu. How important is it to do that? His economic system was very bad. Kubaluleke ngani kwenta njalo? Then the desire, when it has become fertile, gives birth to sin. " - JAMES 1: 14, 15. Why is that important? Nangabe inkhanuko seyitsatsile, itala sono. " - JAKOBE 1: 14, 15. (See opening picture.) " When sexual immorality has become fertile, it gives birth to sin. " - JAMES 1: 14, 15. (Buka sitfombe lesisekucaleni kwalesihloko.) In brief, Jesus wants us to remain watchful because of what we do not know and what we do know. (See opening picture.) Kafishane nje, Jesu ufuna sihlale silindzile ngesizatfu saloko lesingakwati kanye nangaloko lesikwatiko. " Even if it should delay, keep in expectation of it! " - HABAKKUK 2: 3. Simply put, Jesus wants us to keep on the watch because we do not know what we know. " Nome sephutisa nje, silindzele. " - HABAKHUKI 2: 3. However, a telephone company in Pine Bluff had interviewed me for a job. " Even though I don't do so, we look forward to it. " - JAMES 2: 3. Noma kunjalo lenye inkapani yetincingo ePine Bluff beyingetsembise umsebenti. " There will be an abundance of grain on the earth; on the top of the mountains it will overflow. " - Psalm 72: 16. However, one of the local company in Pine Bluff had promised a job. Kutawuba "nenala emasimini, lenala isibekele ticongo tetintsaba, kube tiphihli. " - Tihlabelelo 72: 16. They kept the promise they had made: "May Jehovah be between you and me and between your offspring and my offspring forever. " - 1 Samuel 20: 42. " There will be plenty of grain on the earth; on the top of the mountains there will be an overflow. " - Psalm 72: 16. Basigcina setsembiso sabo lebesitsi: "Simakadze ungufakazi emkhatsini wetfu sobabili nasemkhatsini wetitukulwane tetfu phakadze naphakadze. " - 1 Samuweli 20: 42. It brings us joy to see how Jehovah makes the truth clear. They kept their promise: "Jehovah is among you and between us and our offspring forever. " - 1 Samuel 20: 42. Kuyasijabulisa kubona indlela Jehova lenta ngayo liciniso kutsi licace. So the next time someone says or does something that offends you, ask yourself: " Can I ignore this offense? We are happy to see how Jehovah has helped us to understand the truth clearly. (Taga 19: 11; Umshumayeli 7: 9) Ngako - ke nangabe lotsite akhulume nobe ente intfo letakucansula, tibute: " Ngingamtsetselela yini? 1, 2. So if someone says or did something that he asks, ask yourself: " Will I forgive him? 1, 2. There were visible and audible evidences of this. 1, 2. Ngalesikhatsi kwehla umoya longcwele, kwabonakala lokutsite kwaphindze kwevakala lokutsite. Yet, at one point David confided in Nathan as you might confide in a friend. When holy spirit was poured out, something was also evident. Kodvwa ngalelinye lilanga, Davide wake watjela Nathani imfihlo yakhe njengoba nawe ungenta kumngani wakho. A father in Germany informs his family in advance what they will consider in the weeks to come. But on one occasion, David told Nathan about the secret value of his friend. Lomunye babe eJalimane utjela umndeni wakhe kusenesikhatsi ngaloko lokutawufundvwa emavikini lalandzelako. You might offer to work with the person in the ministry and see what you can learn. One father in Germany told his family in advance what will happen in the following six weeks. Ungase umcele kutsi nishumayele kanyekanye kute ubone kutsi yini longayifundza kuye. Why did Jesus urge his disciples to "take courage, " and why do we need to act courageously? You might ask him to preach together to see if you can learn what you can learn from him. Kungani Jesu akhutsata balandzeli bakhe kutsi " beme sibindzi, ' futsi kungani natsi kufanele sente lokufananako? The problem could remain unresolved, and other people could be unjustly blamed. Why did Jesus urge his followers to "be courageous, " and why should we do the same? Lenkinga ngeke seyilungiseke futsi kungasolwa bantfu labangenalicala. So before you talk, listen. Such matters will not be corrected and may be accused of punishment for the innocent. (Taga 18: 13) Ngako - ke, ngembikwekutsi ukhulume, lalela. The apostle Peter calls him "a preacher of righteousness, " indicating that Noah strove to help his neighbors appreciate the gravity of their situation. Therefore, before speaking, listen. Umphostoli Phetro umbita ngekutsi " ngumshumayeli wekulunga, ' aveta kutsi Nowa wasebenta kamatima kute asite bantfu bacondze kutsi simo labebakuso sasimatima. As the Bible says: "Train a boy in the way he should go; even when he grows old he will not depart from it. " - Proverbs 22: 6. The apostle Peter calls him "a preacher of righteousness, " indicating that Noah worked hard to help people to understand the difficult situation. Njengobe liBhayibheli lisho: "Khulisa umntfwana ngendlela lekufanele aphile ngayo; kuyakutsi nome asakhulile angesuki kuyo. " - Taga 22: 6. Why, then, should our imperfect singing voices prevent us from praising God in song? As the Bible says, "a child has to live according to his life; in order that he may not marry. " - Prov. 22: 6. Ngako - ke, kufanele yini sivumele kungakwati kwetfu kuhlabela kusivimbele kutsi sidvumise Nkulunkulu ngetingoma? Downloading our publications from anywhere but jw.org is potentially dangerous. Should we allow our singing to prevent us from praising God with song? Kungaba yingoti kutitsatsela tincwadzi tetfu kulamanye ema - website ngephandle kwe - jw.org. Because they were living a clean life, they could look forward to everlasting life. It could be dangerous to download our publications from another website to jw.org. Ngenca yekutsi besekaphila kuphila lokuhlantekile, bekangakhona kubheka phambili ekuphileni lokuphakadze. 15: 14, 15. Because he had lived in pure worship, he could look forward to everlasting life. 15: 14, 15. For not all who spring from [natural] Israel are really " Israel. ' 15: 14, 15. Ngobe akusibo bonkhe labasitukulwane sa - Israyeli [wekutalwa] labangema - Israyeli. It also helps us learn how to defend our beliefs. - Read 1 Peter 3: 15. Because not all the descendants of Israel were born in Israel. Iphindze isisite sifundze indlela lesingakumelela ngayo kukholwa kwetfu. - Fundza 1 Phetro 3: 15. Moses also wrote the account about Balaam; God sent an angel to make Balaam's donkey talk like a man. - Numbers 22: 26 - 31; 2 Peter 2: 15, 16. It also helps us to learn how we can defend our faith. - Read 1 Peter 3: 15. Mosi wabhala ngekulandzisa lokumayelana naBhalamu; Nkulunkulu watfuma ingilosi yakhe kutsi yente imbongolo yaBhalamu ikhulume njengemuntfu. - Numeri 22: 26 - 31; 2 Phetro 2: 15, 16. How was that expression received? Moses recorded the account concerning himself; God sent his angel to speak to him as a human. - Numbers 22: 26 - 15, 16. Bantfu basabela njani kulamavi? What can we today learn from his faith? How did people respond to those words? Yini tsine lamuhla lesingayifundza ngekukholwa kwakhe? And on December 25, the Romans celebrated the birth of the Invincible Sun. What can we today learn from his faith? ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Aware of the principles found at Genesis 9: 6 and the prophecies of Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53, Jesus was able to give wise direction that no doubt saved lives and pleased Jehovah. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bekutsi ngaDecember 25 emaRoma abe nemkhosi wekutalwa kwelilanga. 1: 24; 1 Pet. It was said that in December 25 Romans was a Jewish event on the date of the day of birth. Loluveta magazini sihloko lesitfolakala kuwo " Bamemeteli BaseBrithani - Vukani!! " (1937), Nov. Batinikela Ngekutitsandzela E - Ghana, July During the coming "great tribulation, " however, Jehovah will protect us as a worldwide brotherhood. Imitate Their Faith - "The Kingdom of Britain! " (B.S.A., No. Njengobe bekatati kahle timiso letitfolakala kuGenesisi 9: 6 netiphrofetho letikuTihlabelelo 22 kanye na - Isaya 53, Jesu wakwati kuniketa sicondziso lesihlakaniphile lesasindzisa kuphila kwalabanyenti futsi sajabulisa naJehova. May we never get to the point that using the Internet has become an addiction for us. Having a clear understanding of the principles found at Genesis 9: 6 and Isaiah 53, Jesus able to provide wise guidance that saved many lives and please Jehovah. 1: 24; 1 Phet. Second, the nation of Israel that sprang from Abraham was offered the prospect of producing "a kingdom of priests. " 1: 24; 1 Pet. Nobe kunjalo, ngesikhatsi " sekuhlupheka lokukhulu, ' lokutako Jehova utasivikela njengebazalwane bemhlaba wonkhe. " Nearly 50% of the land surface has been transformed by direct human action, with significant consequences for biodiversity, nutrient cycling,... and climate. " - Global Change and the Earth System. However, during the "great tribulation, " the coming attack on Jehovah will protect us as brothers and sisters. Shengatsi singatimisela singakuvumeli kuba yimihuca ye - Internet. In a similar manner, a child could drift away gradually on a spiritually dangerous path, being tempted by harmful association or degrading entertainment. May we be determined not to break free from the Internet. 22: 17, 18) Kwesibili, sive saka - Israyeli lesavela ku - Abrahama saniketwa litfuba lekuveta " umbuso webaphristi. ' Be positive: The key to coping with chronic illness without losing joy is often in your own hands. Second, the nation of Israel was given an opportunity to show "a kingdom of priests. " " Bantfu bashintje incenye lecishe ibe ngemaphesenti langu - 50 yemhlaba, futsi loko kube nemiphumela lemikhulu etinhlotjeni letehlukehlukene tetintfo letiphilako, emjikeletweni wemsoco losemhlabatsini losetjentiswa tihlahla,... kanye nasesimeni selitulu. " - Global Change and the Earth System. The city may have teemed with hundreds of thousands of people. " People change almost 50 percent of the world's population, and this has been the effects of various forms of living things on the earth as well as the massive trees. " - Prov. Ngendlela lefanako, umntfwana angaphambuka kancane kancane ahambe ngendlela leyingoti, futsi alingwe bangani lababi nobe kutijabulisa lokungakalungi. HOW did that situation come about? In a similar way, a child may gradually drift away from bad influences, and he does not cause bad friends or what is bad. Bani nembono lofanele: Ngalokuvamile, likuwe likhambi lekubeketelela kugula lokungumahlalakhona ngekujabula. The role of "helper " and" complement " - that of being supportive of her husband as he cares for his family responsibilities - is an honorable one indeed. Have a balanced view: In generally, the solution has to cope with your illness. (Tihlabelelo 120 - 134) Kungenteka kutsi lelidolobha beligcwala emakhulu etinkhululungwane tebantfu. What are some important ways that we show support for Jehovah's sovereignty? The city was likely filled with hundreds of people. YINI leyangenta ngaba kulesimo? How should we feel while we wait for the end of this wicked world? WHAT led me to this situation? (Gen. 2: 18) Kuba " ngumsiti ' kanye nemphelelisi - lokusho kusekela indvodza yakho njengobe inakekela tidzingo temndeni - kusikhundla lesihlonipheke mbamba. Picture him on the run, unable to put out of his mind the reaction of the people to whom he had recently spoken a message from God. Being "the helper " and" a helper " - that is, supports your husband as he cares for his family - the needs of loving care. Ngutiphi letinye tindlela letibalulekile lesingakhombisa ngato kutsi sisekela bukhosi baJehova? Does the account suggest that Jehovah moved Sarah to make such an offer? What are some important ways in which we can show that we support Jehovah's sovereignty? Kufanele sitive njani njengobe silindzele kuphela kwalelive lelibi? This convinced Job even more that Jehovah would end his trials at the right time. How should we feel as we await the end of this wicked system of things? Asewumbone ngemehlo engcondvo abaleka, ingesuki engcondvweni yakhe lentfo leyentiwe bantfu nakabatjela umlayeto lovela kuNkulunkulu. Rather, Jesus had them bring a sword for an object lesson to teach them not to resort to violence, even when confronted by an armed crowd. Picture him traveling on the road, making his mind over the people he tells them a message from God. Singasho yini kutsi nguJehova lowatjela Sara kutsi akacele indvodza yakhe ilale nesisebenti sakhe? Here, such wealthy Egyptians as Potiphar lived in elegant, brightly painted houses. Can you say that Jehovah told Sarah that she had asked her husband not to ask her but to be his servant? Loko kwenta Jobe waciniseka kakhulu kutsi Jehova utaticedza letilingo ngesikhatsi lesifanele. In the Scriptures, powerful admonition is given to Christians to marry "only in the Lord. " As a result, Job was convinced that Jehovah will bring an end to these trials at the right time. Kunaloko, Jesu bekatsi bete nenkemba ngenjongo yekubaniketa sifundvo sekutsi bangafuni kutivikela nabaphatfwa kabi, ngisho nalapho sebahlaselwa sicumbi lebesihlomile. Will he love her more? Instead, Jesus was saying that there was no sword to give a lesson to defend persecution, even when the mob was attacked. Kulendzawo labesafike kuyo, emaGibhithe lanjingile lanjengaPhotifari abehlala etindlini letinkhulu takanokusho, letipendwe ngemibala legcamile. When it comes with a proper motive, and especially when coupled with one's love for God, it can warm the hearts of all involved. At that time, the Egyptians built up a large wall in which Potiphar's brothers lived in a massive camp. ImiBhalo iwakhutsata kakhulu emaKhristu kutsi ashade " eNkhosini kuphela. ' Do you read each new magazine and all the new publications made available in your language each year? The Scriptures encourage Christians to marry "only in the Lord. " Itamtsandza kakhulu yini? How did the apostles resolve this delicate issue? Would you love him more? Nawuvetwe ngetinhloso letinhle futsi uhambisana nelutsandvo ngaNkulunkulu, ungajabulisa bonkhe labakhonjiswe wona. We do well to consider whether our priorities are aligned with Jehovah's priorities. When you express their zeal for God's love, you can be happy to all who have expressed appreciation for it. Uyabafundza yini bomagazini labasha nato tonkhe tincwadzi letinsha letiba khona ngelulwimi lwakho umnyaka ngamunye? My older sister was then a senior in high school, and Dad asked if she and I could go to school on alternate days. Do you read new magazines with all new publications in your language each year? Baphostoli bayicatulula njani lendzaba lematima? Starting in 1979, Maureen served for over 30 years as a missionary in West Africa. How did the apostles deal with this difficult situation? Sitawube senta kahle nasicabanga ngekutsi tintfo letita kucala kitsi nguleto letibalulekile yini kuJehova. Some of my other siblings have also joined us in serving Jehovah. We do well to reflect on whether our priorities are important to Jehovah. Sisi wami lomdzala bekenta umnyaka wakhe wekugcina esikolweni. Regarding the study edition, a longtime servant of Jehovah wrote: "Marvelous and penetrating - that was my impression of the first study edition of The Watchtower. My oldest sister had been working for the last year at school. Kusukela nga - 1979 Maureen wakhonta e - West Africa iminyaka lengetulu kwalengu - 30 asitfunywa selivangeli. What Noah could not do: Although Noah faithfully preached Jehovah's warning message, he could not force wicked people around him to accept that message, nor could he make the Flood come any sooner. Beginning in 1979, Maureen served in West Africa for over 30 years as a missionary. Labanye bantfwabakitsi lababili nabo sebakhonta Jehova kanye natsi. We hope that the suggestions in this article and the previous one will motivate more elders to take the time to train brothers. Some of my two siblings now serve Jehovah along with us. Mayelana namagazini lofundvwako, naku lokwashiwo sikhonti saJehova lesesinesikhatsi lesidze: "Ngabona kutsi muhle kakhulu lomagazini futsi ufinyelela inhlitiyo yami. But I refused, explaining that God is impartial and does not favor one race over another. Regarding the magazine you read, a longtime servant of Jehovah said: "I felt that this magazine is very good and that this magazine reaches my heart. Loko Nowa lebekangeke akhone kukwenta: Nanobe Nowa bekawumemetela ngekwetsembeka umlayeto lovela kuJehova losecwayiso, bekangeke akhone kuphocelela bantfu lababi kutsi bawemukele lomlayeto. 1: 23. What Noah could not do: Though Noah faithfully proclaimed Jehovah's warning message, he could not force wicked people to accept this message. Siyetsemba kutsi leteluleko lokukhulunywe ngato kulesihloko nakuleso lesendlulile, titawukhutsata labadzala labanyenti kutsi batinike sikhatsi sekucecesha bazalwane. 7, 8. (a) What was the role of a watchman in ancient times, and what lesson does that teach us? We hope that the counsel discussed in this article and in the preceding article will encourage many elders to take the time to train the brothers. Kodvwa angizange ngivume, ngabachazela kutsi Nkulunkulu akakhetsi, futsi akatsatsi lesinye sive njengalesincono kunalesinye. In what ways were members of the new nation to act as "a people for [Jehovah's] name, " and to what extent did they do so? But I didn't accept it, explained that God is not partial, and did not judge another nation. 1: 23. He or she will be pleased to discuss such matters with you. 1: 23. 7, 8. (a) Bewuyini umsebenti wabogadzi etikhatsini tasendvulo, futsi loko kusifundzisani? In advance, discuss the best way to handle your friends ' questions and comments about a first marriage. 7, 8. (a) What was the work of guards in the past, and what does this teach us? Emalunga esive lesisha kwakufanele abe " bantfu lababitwa ngelibito laJehova ' ngatiphi tindlela, futsi loko akwenta ngelizinga lelingakanani? They owe their primary allegiance to a heavenly government, God's Kingdom under Christ. In what ways were new members of the new nation to be "people for [Jehovah's] name ", and how has this affected them? Utakujabulela kucoca nawe ngaloko. Honor is the manifestation, or outward demonstration, of respect. He or she will be pleased to discuss such matters with you. Kusenesikhatsi, cocani ngendlela lencono yekuphendvula imibuto nekuphawula lokungentiwa bangani benu mayelana nemshado wekucala. When I was still a teenager, I developed a strong desire to be like Jephthah's daughter. Meanwhile, talk about the best way to answer questions and note what your friends can do about marriage. Basekela ngalokuyinhloko hulumende wasezulwini, uMbuso waNkulunkulu loholwa nguKhristu. Keep Building Up the Congregation They support the primary government in heaven, God's Kingdom under Christ. Ludvumo lukubonisa inhlonipho ngetento. We, in turn, want to help sincere people to become familiar with these vital teachings. Honor the respect of actions. Ngesikhatsi ngiseseminyakeni yekutfomba, nganginesifiso lesikhulu sekufanana nendvodzakati yaJeftha. " It is important to make clear right away that we are Jehovah's Witnesses and that our primary mission is to help them spiritually, not materially, " notes an elder who has helped many refugees. While still a teenager, she had a strong desire to be like Jephthah's daughter. Chubekani Nakha Libandla LebuKhristu The book of Acts gives us this report: "Now as they [the apostle Paul and his traveling companions] traveled on through the cities they would deliver to those there for observance the decrees that had been decided upon by the apostles and older men who were in Jerusalem. Therefore, indeed, the congregations continued to be made firm in the faith and to increase in number from day to day. " Keep On Serving the Christian congregation Ngako, sifuna kusita bantfu labanetinhlitiyo leticotfo kutsi nabo balutfole lolwati. After a year or so, I began serving as a helper to the Service Committee of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. Therefore, we want to help honesthearted people to benefit from this information. Lomunye umzalwane longulomdzala losasite bakhoseli labanyenti utsi: "Kubalulekile kutsi ngekushesha nje, sivele sikwente kucace kutsi siboFakazi baJehova futsi umgomo wetfu kubasita kutsi babe nebuhlobo lobuhle naNkulunkulu, hhayi lokunye. He gave them reasons for carrying out the preaching work. An elder who has helped many refugees says: "It is important that soon we are making it clear that Jehovah's Witnesses are Jehovah's Witnesses and that our goal will help them to have a good relationship with God, not one another. Incwadzi yeMisebenti isinika nangu umbiko: "Basahamba [umphostoli Pawula nalabo labehamba nabo] badzabula emadolobheni batjela emakholwa tincumo letemiswa baphostoli nebabonisi lababeseJerusalema kutsi batigcine ngako - ke emabandla acinisela ekukholweni, bengeteka ngebunyenti emalanga ngemalanga. " Even if our relatives never accept the truth, we can have the joy that comes from pleasing Jehovah by our faithful course. In the book of Acts, the apostle Paul gave this report: "As they went on [the apostle Paul] and told those traveling with them to make decisions about the apostles in Jerusalem and older men who were able to stay in the faith in these days. " Cishe ngemuva kwemnyaka, ngaba ngumsiti eKomidini Yemsebenti yeSigungu Lesibusako saBoFakazi BaJehova. LIFE STORY About a year later, I became a helper to the Service Committee of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. Wabachazela kutsi kungani kufanele bachubeke nekwenta umsebenti wekushumayela. Why could Abraham express confidence that Jehovah would always render a righteous judgment? He explained why they should keep on doing the preaching work. Nanobe tihlobo tetfu tingawemukeli emaciniso, siyajabula ngekwenta intsandvo yaJehova ngekwetsembeka. At that time, Christian parents were given no special encouragement to study the Bible with their children. Although our relatives do not accept the truth, we are grateful for doing Jehovah's will faithfully. UMLANDVO WEKUPHILA Satan, however, blinded by feelings of self - importance and pride, turned his back on Jehovah. LIFE STORY Yini leyenta Abrahama wametsemba Jehova kutsi wehlulela ngekulunga ngaso sonkhe sikhatsi? Everything was so different from what we were accustomed to in North America. Why did Abraham trust in Jehovah that he will judge justice at all times? Ngaleso sikhatsi batali labangemaKhristu bebangakhutsatwa kutsi badadishe liBhayibheli nebantfwana babo. What is represented by the term "Ephraim "? At that time, Christian parents were not encouraged to study the Bible with their children. Nobe kunjalo, ngekutsi Sathane watibona ancono kunaletinye tidalwa futsi watatisa, wavele wahlubuka kuJehova. All loyal subjects of the King must follow his example and humbly submit to Jehovah's sovereignty in all things. However, Satan recognized that he was better than other creatures and that they would be taken away from Jehovah. Yayingasafani naleyo lebesiyetayele eNyakatfo yeMelika. I tactfully refused, " Vicky says. It wasn't until North America. Limelelani ligama lelitsi "Efrayimu "? Many of our brothers and sisters have been in situations in which they had to choose between acting either like Esau or like Joseph. What does the word "Gospel " represent? 5: 19) Bonkhe labayisekela ngekwetsembeka iNkhosi kufanele balandzele sibonelo sayo futsi batitfobe ebukhosini baJehova kuto tonkhe tintfo. That is why archaeologists have discovered very little food or none at all in the ruins of cities in Palestine that were attacked in this way. All who loyally support the King must follow his example and submit to Jehovah's sovereignty in all things. Ngekuhlakanipha ngalile. 35: 21 - 24, 27 - 29; 36: 7. Wisely, I could not let it go. Bazalwane nabodzadze labanyenti bake baba setimeni letidzinga kutsi bakhetse emkhatsini wekwenta njenga - Esawu nobe njengaJosefa. On the way there, the two men enjoyed a pleasant conversation. Many brothers and sisters have had to decide whether to do as Esau or Joseph did. Kungako bososayensi labacwaninga ngemlandvo batfola kudla lokuncane nobe bangakutfoli sanhlobo etindzaleni temadolobha lasePalestine lebekahlaselwa ngalendlela. Consider what happened to a pioneer sister we will call Lucy. That is why scientists who studied history find little food or do not even notice the hundreds of cities of cities that were attacked. 35: 21 - 24, 27 - 29; 36: 7. Are you aware of the power that your associates can have on you? 35: 21 - 24, 27 - 29; 36: 7. Njengobe bahamba, bebacoca kamnandzi. PAGE 9 • SONGS: 45, 70 As they left, they communicated in a friendly conversation. Cabanga ngaloko lokwenteka kulomunye dzadze lolihlahlandlela lesitambita ngekutsi nguLucy. We should worship only Jehovah. - Read Revelation 4: 11. Take, for example, what happened to a pioneer sister whom we will call Monique. Uyacaphela yini kutsi bangani bakho bangayishintja imphilo yakho? Did it rob Adam and Eve of their freedom? Do you realize that your friends can change your lifestyle? LIKHASI 9 • TINGOMA: 45, 70 WHEN Jehovah's people began preaching the good news over 130 years ago, they faced many difficulties. PAGE 9 • SONGS: 45, 70 Kumele sikhonte Jehova kuphela. - Fundza Sembulo 4: 11. Well, as you show brotherly love, tender affection, and honor, you will avoid situations that could cause anxiety. - Rom. To serve only Jehovah. - Read Revelation 4: 11. Lomyalo bewubancisha inkhululeko yini bo - Adamu na - Eva? How can a marriage be successful despite human imperfection? Has this command not changed the freedom of Adam and Eve? NGESIKHATSI bacala kushumayela tindzaba letimnandzi eminyakeni lengetulu kwalengu - 130 leyengcile, bantfu baJehova bahlangabetana nebumatima lobunyenti. But they had four children to care for, so they started making food they could sell. WHEN they began preaching the good news over 130 years ago, Jehovah's people faced many hardships. Njengoba ukhombisa labanye lutsandvo lwebuzalwane futsi ubahlonipha, utawugwema tintfo letingabangela kukhatsateka. - Rom. Are you curious about any of the beliefs or religious practices of Jehovah's Witnesses? As you show brotherly love and respect, you will avoid things that could cause anxiety. - Rom. Nanobe sinesono, umshado ungaphumelela njani? 31 - 32. Despite our sinful state, how can marriage succeed? Kodvwa bebanebantfwana labane lobekufanele babanakekele, ngako bacala kupheka kudla labatakutsengisa. Both Martha and her sister, Mary, were aware that Jesus could cure the sick. But they had four children to take care of, so they began eating the food. Unayo yini inkhaphunkhaphu yekuva kabanti mayelana netinkholelo nome tinchubo letitsite taboFakazi baJehova? Making return visits promptly - even within a few days of the initial call - can be quite effective. Are you curious about any of the beliefs or religious practices of Jehovah's Witnesses? 31 - 32. 5: 15. 16 - 32. Mata nadzadzewabo Mariya bebati kutsi Jesu bekangabelapha labagulako. What injustice did one brother experience in the congregation, and what qualities helped him to handle the matter properly? Martha and her sister knew that Jesus was sick. Kubuyela kubantfu ngekushesha, ngisho nangemuva nje kwemalanga lambalwa, kungaba lusito kakhulu. After foretelling that this present era would involve "critical times hard to deal with, " the apostle Paul was inspired to write:" Wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse. " Going back to people quickly, even after a few days, it may be very helpful. 5: 15. There is also a need to show courage in the congregation. 5: 15. Ngukuphi kuphatfwa kabi lomunye umzalwane labhekana nako ebandleni, futsi ngubuphi buntfu lobamsita wakhona kusingatsa lesimo ngendlela lekahle? How do distressful conditions affect us now? What injustices did one brother experience in the congregation, and what qualities helped him deal effectively with? Ngemuva kwekubiketela kutsi lesikhatsi lesiphila kuso sitawufaka ekhatsi "tikhatsi letibucayi lokumatima kubhekana nato ," umphostoli Pawula waphefumulelwa kutsi abhale kutsi:" bantfu lababi nebakhohlisi batawudlanga ngebubi, badukise futsi nabo badukiswe. " Some read this to mean that I was from New York, and our contract for the use of a school auditorium was canceled. After foretold that the time in which we live will include "critical times hard to deal with, " the apostle Paul was inspired to write:" Wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse. " Kuyadzingeka kutsi sikhombise kuba nesibindzi ebandleni. Sometimes I imagined having high - tech arms that would allow me to do everything. We need to show courage in the congregation. Utiva njani ngetimo leticindzetelako letikhona lamuhla? Some younger elders have made even more progress. How do you feel about the distressing conditions in our day? Labanye bantfu labafundza leliphephandzaba bacabanga kutsi ngivela edolobheni lase - New York, futsi ngesizatfu saloko semukwa imvume yekusebentisa lihholwa lesikolwa. When Paul wrote to Christians in Rome, he directed some of his comments to congregation members who were of Jewish stock and who had been instructed in the Mosaic Law. Some students who read the newspaper think that I came from New York, and because of the use of the school. Ngalesinye sikhatsi bengiticabanga nje ngiba nemikhono lesezingeni lelisetulu futsi ngitentela tonkhe tintfo. " He that is walking with wise persons will become wise. " - Prov. 12: 15; 13: 20. At one point, I thought it was merely good arms, and I did not have all things. Labanye labadzala belibandla labasebasha batfutfuke kakhulu. Why must you be humble in order to have a full share in the harvest work? Some young elders have made progress. Ngesikhatsi Pawula abhalela emaKhristu aseRoma, wacondzisa incenye yemavi akhe kumalunga elibandla langemaJuda, labekafundziswe uMtsetfo waMosi. This means that 1 in every 18 persons in Zambia attended. When Paul wrote to Christians in Rome, he guided his fellow believers with the words of Jewish members, who had been taught by the Mosaic Law. " Lohambisana nebantfu labahlakaniphile naye ugcina asahlakaniphile. " - Taga 12: 15; 13: 20. Jesus warned: "Pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life, and suddenly that day be instantly upon you. " - Luke 21: 34. 12: 15; 13: 20. Kungani kudzingeka kutfobeka kute sibe nencenye lenkhulu emsebentini wekuvuna bantfu? Here, though, are a few facts that we do know: The Genesis account speaks of the garden as a real place. Why is humility needed to have a greater share in the harvest work? Loko kusho kutsi umuntfu munye kulabangu - 18 eZambia abekhona eSikhumbutweni. Today a shrine may be a temple, a church, or a niche where a person worships. This means that 1 out of 18 out of the Memorial. Ningatifaki kakhulu emadzilini nasekunatseni lokudzakanako, nasekunakeni tintfo talomhlaba, funa lelo langa linitume. " - Luk. 21: 34. What did Jesus say about the swearing of oaths, and why? Your hearts are weighed down with heavy drinking, weighing on the things of this world, and look! " - Luke 21: 34. Nanobe kunjalo, nankha emaciniso lambalwa lesiwatiko: Kulandzisa lokukuGenesisi kukhuluma ngalensimi njengaleyindzawo mbamba. Kaitlyn comments: "I was helped to focus on what is most important - being a spiritual person. However, there are few facts: The Genesis account tells us something that is truly real. Lamuhla letindzawo lokutsiwa tingcwele tingaba lithempeli, lisontfo nobe lapho bantfu bakhonta khona bonkulunkulu babo. 5, 6. Today, no shrines are dedicated to the temple, or church, where people worship their gods. Yini leyashiwo nguJesu ngekufunga, futsi yini leyamenta washo njalo? It also says: "Let a rotten word not come out of your mouth, but only what is good for building up as the need may be, to impart what is beneficial to the hearers. " - Ephesians 4: 29, 31. What did Jesus say about sworn oath, and why did he say so? Kaitlyn, utsi: "Ngasitwa kutsi nginake loko lokubaluleke kakhulu - kuba ngumuntfu lowenta tintfo ngendlela yaJehova. How can I honor my parents while not neglecting my spouse? " I was helped to focus on what is most important - a person who does things in Jehovah's way, " says Richard. 5, 6. Many feel free to water down the Bible's laws and principles - or even to ignore them completely when it seems expedient to do so. 5, 6. Liphindze litsi: "Akungaphumi ligama lelibolile emlonyeni wenu, kodvwa akuphume loko lokulungele kwakha kuye ngesidzingo, kuze kuniketwe lokulusito kulabo labalalele. " - Efesu 4: 29, 31. It was likely not a comfortable trip. " Let not a rotten saying not proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good for building up as the need may be given to those listening to him. " - Ephesians 4: 29, 31. ▪ Ngingakhombisa njani kuhlonipha batali bami ngesikhatsi lesifanako nginake lengishade naye? This is certainly true in marriage. ▪ How can I show respect for my parents while talking with my mate? Labanyenti benyela liBhayibheli inyama emantini kangangekutsi abanendzaba nabephula imitsetfo netimiso talo. Since the Praetorian Guard is responsible for prisoners from the provinces, Julius leads his group through one of the four main gates. Many in the Bible have joined the flesh so much that they are not interested in breaking their laws and principles. Kubonakala shengatsi bekungasilo luhambo lolumnandzi. The perfect man Jesus offered "a corresponding ransom " It seemed that he was not like a beautiful journey. Loku kubaluleke kakhulu kubantfu labashadene. The preceding article outlined lessons learned from the steps taken by the fugitive. This is especially important for a married couple. Njengobe lelisotja leMbuso wemaRoma linemsebenti wekugadza tiboshwa takulamanye emadolobha, Julius uhola lelicembu letiboshwa njengobe lendlula kulelinye lisango kulamane. That is quite different from the way of the world, but it is the way of life under Jehovah's rulership. Just as the Roman Empire had the work of allowing certain prisoners to go through other cities, Andrew led the prisoners to the gate, just as it was in one way. Jesu, umuntfu lobekete sono, waba "sihlengo lesihambelanako " More important, what can we learn from Peter's error that will help us if we are hurt by the words or actions of an elder? Jesus, the perfect man, became "a ransom " Esihlokweni lesendlulile sicoce ngetifundvo lesititfola kuloko lobekufanele kwentiwe ngumbulali. Are there things distracting you from what is more important? In the preceding article, we considered the lessons we learned from what was required of a murderer. Kuliciniso kutsi bantfu labakulelive abakutsandzi kucondziswa, kodvwa kitsi kulalela sicondziso kuyindlela yekubuswa nguJehova. In such situations, we should apply the counsel: "Be hospitable to one another without grumbling. " Of course, the world's thinking is wrong, but it is obedient to us by following the direction of Jehovah's way of ruling. Kukhona yini tsine lesingakufundza kuleliphutsa lelentiwa nguPhetro nangabe natsi sikhutjwe ngemavi noma tento talomdzala? To show his gratefulness to Jehovah, in 2001 he began to pioneer in Niger - in the very town where he had learned the truth. Is there anything else that we can learn from Peter's mistake if we become critical or discouraged by the actions of an elder? Tikhona yini tintfo letikuphatamisako ekwenteni lokubaluleke kakhulu? Why, even Moses was denied entry to that land because of his reaction to the bad spirit of the congregation of Israel! Are there things that could distract you from doing so? Etimeni letinjalo kufanele silalele umyalo lotsi: "Nibonakekelana ngaphandle kwekukhonona. " If you hope to marry someone who shares your desire to serve Jehovah whole - souled, keep this matter before Him in prayer. At such circumstances, we need to obey the command: "Be hospitable to one another without partiality. " Kute akhombise kutsi uyabonga kuJehova, nga - 2001 wacala kuba lihlahlandlela e - Niger, kulo kanye lelidolobha lafundza kulo liciniso. But we must never forget that the greatest privilege any human can have is one that all of us share. To show that he was grateful to Jehovah, I began pioneering in Nigeria, where he read the truth. Ngisho naMosi imbala, walelwa kutsi angene kulo ngesizatfu sendlela lasabela ngayo ebandleni lema - Israyeli lebelinemoya lomubi. (Dut. For more information, watch the video Why Study the Bible? Even Moses, though, was afraid to enter into the congregation because he responded to the wrong spirit of Israel. Nangabe ufuna kushada nemuntfu lonesifiso lesinjengesakho sekukhonta Jehova ngemphefumulo wonkhe, thandaza kuYe umtjele ngesifiso sakho. Genuine Christian shepherds humbly obey Jesus ' words: "Do not you be called Rabbi, for one is your Teacher, and all of you are brothers. If you want to marry someone who desires to serve Jehovah whole - souled, pray to him about your desire. Kodvwa kufanele sihlale sikhumbula kutsi lilungelo lelikhulu kakhulu ngulelo sonkhe lesinalo. Why? But we should always remember that it is a great honor to all of us. Kuze utfole kwatiswa lokubanti, bukela i - video letsi Kungani Kufanele Utadishe LiBhayibheli? I grew to love Bible truth. For more information, see the video Why We Must Get to study the Bible? Labelusi labangemaKhristu eliciniso balalela emavi aJesu latsi: "Nine ningabitwa ngekutsi Rabi, ngobe munye kuphela longuMfundzisi wenu, kepha nine nibazalwane. Envy can plague anyone, regardless of how much wealth he has, whatever virtues he possesses, and how successful he is in life. Those true Christian shepherds obey Jesus ' words: "You must not be called Rabbi, because only one of you is your witnesses, but you are brothers. Kungani? You may say, "Where singing is concerned, I most certainly would never have been counted among the experts who performed at the tabernacle! " Why? Ngacala kuwatsandza emaciniso eliBhayibheli. Together with our son, our daughter, and her husband, we are now united in true worship. I started to love Bible truth. Umona ungahlasela nobe ngabe ngubani, ngisho nobe anjinge kangakanani, anesikhundla lesikhulu futsi aphumelela ekuphileni. That one word means "I have found it! " Envy can attack any of them, whether they are rich, active, and successful in life. Ungahle utsi: "Nakutiwa endzabeni yekuhlabela, bengingeke ngibe kulabo labebahlabela kahle ethendeni lekukhontela! " They may also use their position to favor their friends and relatives unfairly. " When I am known to sing, " you may say, "I would not sing to those who were in the tent of the tabernacle! " Sikanye nebantfwana betfu kanye nemkhwenyana, nyalo simunye ekukhonteni kweliciniso. Jehovah certainly does this. With our children and son - in - law, we now are united in true worship. lisho kutsi "Ngilitfolile! " We will have to wait and see. It says that "I have found you! " Tingaphindze tisebentise tikhundla tato kuze tihlobo nebangani bato batfole imphatfo lencono. How Remember Jesus ' Death? 3 / 1 They also used their authority to help relatives and friends who have received a better reward. Jehova uyakwenta loko. This calls for regular Bible reading, diligent personal study, serious meditation, heartfelt prayer, and zealous participation in the Christian ministry. Jehovah is acting in harmony with that. Sitawubona nasesifikile leso sikhatsi. It is a powerful motivating force that impels a person to act in harmony with God's will. We will see when the time comes. Jesu UnguNkulunkulu Yini? Be Generous, Not Covetous Is Jesus God? Loku kudzinga kutsi ilifundze njalo liBhayibheli, ibe naso njalo sifundvo letichubela sona, izindle ngekutimisela, ithandaze ngalokusuka enhlitiyweni futsi ihlanganyele ngenkhutsalo emsebentini wekushumayela. What can help you to stay on your journey to everlasting life? This requires regular study of the Bible, regular Bible study, earnest prayer, heartfelt prayer, heartfelt prayer, and zealous in the ministry. Ngemandla lashukumisela umuntfu kutsi aphile ngekuvumelana nentsandvo yaNkulunkulu. 17, 18. His power moved a person to live in harmony with God's will. Bani Ngulophanako, Ungabi Bukhali As a result, the four friends were unable to spend as much time together as they would have liked. Be generous, No. Yini lengakusita kutsi uchubeke uhamba endleleni leya ekuphileni lokuphakadze? Abel thus learned that Jehovah God had righteous, steadfast servants. What can help you to keep walking on the road to everlasting life? 17, 18. 14 Can You Look Beyond Outward Appearances? 17, 18. Umphumela waloko waba kutsi labangani labane besebangasakhoni kucitsa sikhatsi ndzawonye ngendlela labebangatsandza ngayo. " The Judge of All the Earth " Always Does What Is Right, Apr. As a result, four of them were no longer able to spend time together as they would like. Abela wafundza kutsi Nkulunkulu Jehova unetinceku letilungile naletetsembekile kuye. ▪ How Should We "Answer Each Person "? Abel learned that Jehovah God has a righteous and faithful servant of God. 14 Ungakhona Yini Kubuka Ngale Kwaloko Lokubonako? 4 The Bible Really Is God's Inspired Word 14 Do You Know? " Shengatsi Jehova Angatiphumelelisa Tinhloso Takho, " July In some branches this is also possible using jw.org or another designated website. " May Jehovah... Give Your Heart to the Most Important Things, " July ▪ Kufanele " Simphendvule Njani Umuntfu Ngamunye '? Accept the correction as coming from Jehovah. ▪ How Should We "become Each Person "? 4 LiBhayibheli LiliVi LaNkulunkulu Leliphefumulelwe Sibili Recounting how Jehovah has helped his people in the past will instill in us confidence to face the future. - Dan. 4 The Bible Changes Lives Kulamanye emave ingentiwa kusetjentiswa i - jw.org nobe lenye i - Web site. The Scriptures contain clear principles and statements that reveal how God wants us to care for our health. In some countries it is also possible using jw.org or another website. Leso seluleko sitsatse njengaleso lesivela kuJehova. Why is God's organization special? That counsel is just what we learn from Jehovah. Kukhumbula indlela Jehova labasite ngayo bantfu bakhe esikhatsini lesendlulile kungasenta sibuke likusasa ngekuciniseka. - Dan. True Christians oppose medical neglect; in line with Exodus 20: 13 and Psalm 36: 9, they hold life in high regard. Remembering how Jehovah has helped his people in the past can strengthen us with confidence in the future. - Dan. ImiBhalo inetimiso leticacile letiveta indlela Nkulunkulu lafuna siyinakekele ngayo imphilo yetfu. Jesus has appointed elders to take the lead in the congregation, and he wants us to respect them and follow the direction they give us. The Scriptures clearly illustrate how God wants us to care for our health. Kungani inhlangano yaNkulunkulu ikhetsekile? When we obey God and Christ, we prove our love for them. Why is God's organization a special organization? EmaKhristu eliciniso ayakuhlonipha kuphila; ngalokuhambisana naloko lokushiwo ngu - Eksodusi 20: 13 neTihlabelelo 36: 9, akutsatsa njengalokubalulekile kuphila. Jesus told his disciples not only to be in his love but to "remain in [his] love. " True Christians have high regard for life; in harmony with what they read at Exodus 20: 13 and Psalm 36: 9, he considered the value of life. Jesu ubeke labadzala kutsi bahole ebandleni, futsi ufuna sibahloniphe futsi silalele neticondziso labasinika tona. I am alive today because of applying Bible principles and living a Christian way of life. Jesus has appointed elders to take the lead in the congregation, and he wants us to respect them and to listen to the instructions he gives them. Nasilalela Nkulunkulu naKhristu, sisuke sikhombisa kutsi siyabatsandza. Of course, marriages are not made in heaven, but God will guide Christians in this and other aspects of life if they pray for direction and are led by his spirit. - Gal. When we obey God and Christ, we show that we love them. Jesu watjela balandzeli bakhe kutsi bangagcini nje ngekuba selutsandvweni lwakhe, kepha " bachubeke babantfu labatsandvwa nguye. ' (b) How can a moral collapse be avoided? Jesus told his followers not just to show love in his love but "those who are loved by him. " Lamuhla ngiyaphila ngobe ngasebentisa timiso teliBhayibheli futsi ngaphila ngendlela yebuKhristu. Most who will be resurrected, though, will be brought back to life on earth, with the prospect of living forever here. - 3 / 1, page 6. Today, I live because I apply Bible principles and live in Christian ways. Kuliciniso kutsi imishado ayentiwa ezulwini, kodvwa Nkulunkulu utawacondzisa emaKhristu kuyo nakuletinye tici tekuphila nangabe athandazela sicondziso futsi aholwa ngumoya wakhe. - Gal. He said, in effect, " Nothing can protect you from Assyria. Of course, marriage has been done in heaven, but God will guide Christians in other aspects of life if they pray for direction and follow his spirit. - Gal. (b) Kutiphatsa lokubi kungabalekelwa njani? Moreover, Bible prophecy pointed to the exact time - 1914 - when "the appointed times of the nations [would be] fulfilled " and Kingdom rule would begin in heaven. - Luke 21: 24; Dan. (b) How can immoral conduct benefit us? Nobe kunjalo, bantfu labanyenti labatawuvuswa batawuphila emhlabeni, banelitsemba lekuphila phakadze. - 3 / 1, likhasi 6. An expensive purple dye was extracted from certain mollusks, and various plants, roots, leaves, and insects were used to produce dyes in such colors as red, yellow, blue, and black. However, many resurrected ones will live on earth with the prospect of living forever. - 3 / 1, page 6. Rabishake watsi " kute lokutanivikela kuma - Asiriya. After Moses ' time, his successor, Joshua, was strengthened by "the prince of Jehovah's army " to lead God's people into battle against the Canaanites; and the Israelites won the victory. The rabbi said that "there is no protection against the Assyrians. " Ngetulu kwaloko, siphrofetho seliBhayibheli sakhomba sikhatsi lesicondzile - 1914 - " lobekutawugcwaliseka ngaso sikhatsi ' sebetive futsi uMbuso ucale kubusa ezulwini. - Luk. 21: 24; Dan. As Joshua fought the Amalekites, stationed on a nearby hill were Moses, Aaron, and Hur. In addition, your Bible prophecy takes time in 1914 - the "new times " of the nations and began ruling in heaven. - Luke 21: 24; Dan. Kuze kwakhiwe idayi lebovu, lemtfubi, leluhlata sasibhakabhaka nalemnyama bekusetjentiswa tinhlonhlobo tetihlahla, timphandze, emacembe kanye netilokatana. 1, 2. (a) Many lives have been saved by what warning? In order to build a scarlet, red - red - colored red, purple, blue, and white trees were used by the sky, the sea, the sea, the sea, and the trees. Ngemuva kwaMosi, Joshuwa lowatsatsa sikhundla sebuholi, waciniswa "njengendvuna yemphi yaSimakadze " kutsi ahole bantfu baNkulunkulu kute bayolwa imphi nemaKhenani futsi ema - Israyeli aphumelela kulemphi. (Josh. In all likelihood, David was close to Jehovah right from his youth. After Moses had taken the lead, Joshua became "like the army of Jehovah " to lead his people against the Canaanites and to succeed in battle. Njengobe Joshuwa alwa nema - Amaleki, boMosi, Aroni naHure bebeme eceleni kwentsatjana lesedvute nalapho. We graduated from the 27th class of Gilead School in July 1956, and by November we were in our assignment - Brazil. As Joshua and the Amalekites were fighting, Aaron and Hur stood near the window. 1, 2. (a) Ngusiphi secwayiso lesente bantfu labanyenti basindza? In the first century, the holy spirit played a noteworthy part with regard to the preaching work. 1, 2. (a) What warning have many been saved? Kungenteka - ke kutsi Davide bekasedvute naJehova kusukela asesengumfana. In time, the sister found herself "spiritually floundering " because of several personal setbacks. Perhaps David was close to Jehovah from his youth. Nga - July 1956, saphotfula eklasini lesi - 27 lasesikolweni sase - Gileyadi futsi nga - November bese sisesabelweni setfu e - Brazil. Could you advise him of the best route to take without first knowing his present location? In July 1956, we graduated from the 27th class of Gilead School, and in November Brazil, we were assigned to Brazil. Ekhulwini lekucala leminyaka, umoya longcwele ube lusito kakhulu emsebentini wekushumayela. Each couple is responsible before Jehovah to decide what to do. In the first century, holy spirit is a great help in the preaching work. Ngekuhamba kwesikhatsi, lodzadze watikhandza asaphelelwe buhlobo naNkulunkulu ngesizatfu semaphutsa lamanyenti lawenta. OTHER BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED - Is God an Impersonal Force? Later, she found out her relationship with God because of her serious mistakes. Ungamlayela yini indlela lencono lokufanele ahambe ngayo ube ungati kutsi ukuphi? VENECIA, a sister in Venezuela, said: "I could never imagine myself witnessing by phone. " Could you direct the best way you should walk and walk where you are? Bantfu labashadene batawulandzisa kuJehova ngesincumo labasentako. (Read 1 John 2: 3 - 5.) The couple will consider Jehovah's decision to make. IMIBUTO BANTFU LABAVAMISE KUYIBUTA NGABOFAKAZI BAJEHOVA - Siyini Sifundvo SeliBhayibheli? The apostles and the elders of the Jerusalem congregation acted as a governing body. OTHER BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED - What Is the Bible? VENECIA, dzadze waseVenezuela, utsi: "Bengingaticabangi ngishumayela ngelucingo. " In most cases, it is not because they have examined the facts or have proved that the beliefs and practices of the Witnesses are unscriptural. " I didn't think about preaching in the telephone, " says Professor," I didn't know what I was preaching. " (Fundza 1 Johane 2: 3 - 5.) 13: 8; Matt. (Read 1 John 2: 3 - 5.) Baphostoli kanye nalabadzala belibandla laseJerusalema, bakha sigungu lesibusako. They show that the greatest engineers may imitate but will never equal the complex designs in nature. " The apostles and elders in Jerusalem were members of the governing body. Etikhatsini letinyenti, akwentiwa kutsi batihlolele bona emaciniso nobe batihlolele bona kutsi tinkholelo netimfundziso taboFakazi tisekelwe emibhalweni yini. " We wish to conduct ourselves honestly in all things. " In most cases, they present themselves to take sides with themselves or to review whether their beliefs and beliefs are based on Scriptural teachings. 13: 8; Mat. Why? 13: 8; Matt. Tikhombisa kutsi bonjiniyela labakhulu bangetama kulingisa imidvwebo yendalo kodvwa ngeke bayilingise ngalokuphelele. " Markus: After our wedding, at first we were assigned as pioneers to Veendam (Groningen). They show that police forces try to imitate the size of creation, but they will not imitate them completely. " LiBhayibheli litsi: "Sifisa kutiphatsa ngekwetsembeka kuto tonkhe tintfo. " Tony and I are fully occupied with traveling to different congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses each week to encourage them. The Bible says: "We wish to conduct ourselves honestly in all things. " Kungani yenta njalo? " Best Message Ever Heard ' (Canada radio), 11 / 15 Why? Markus: Ngemuva kwekushada, sacale sacelwa kutsi sibe ngemahlahlandlela eVeendam (Groninge). How can we follow Jesus ' example in the way we speak? Markus: After we were married, we were first asked to pioneer (now pioneer). Mine naTony siphishaneke kakhulu ngekuvakashela emabandla aBoFakazi BaJehova liviki neliviki siwakhutsata. It was just what people said. " - Lionel. Tony and I have been thrilled to visit congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses each week. " Umlayeto Lomnandzi Kakhulu Lowake Wevakala ' (umsakato wase - Canada), 11 / 15 After about a month in the Bindery, I was sent to the Magazine Department because I knew how to type. " The Best Message Is " (The radio Sea of Canada), 11 / 15 Singasilingisa njani sibonelo saJesu nasikhuluma? The encouragement not to let ourselves "be conquered by the evil " shows that we can defeat evil. How can we imitate Jesus ' example in speaking? Bekuyintfo nje lebengiyiva ngebantfu. " - Lionel. All of Jehovah's promises are dynamic, not static, because he is constantly working toward their fulfillment. It was something like the people I heard. " - No. Ngemuva kwenyanga ngisebenta ngalomshini ngabese ngiyosebenta eHhovisini laMagazini ngoba bengikwati kubhala ngemshini. For example, Moses told the Israelites: "You must love Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your strength. " - Deut. A month later, I worked in the Service Department because I was able to write it. Lesikhutsato lesitsi singavumi "kuncotjwa ngulokubi " sikhombisa kutsi singakuncoba lokubi. 16, 17. We do not heed this encouraging statement to "do not let yourself be conquered by the wicked one. " Tonkhe tetsembiso taJehova tiya ngasekugcwalisekeni, futsi tonkhe titawufezeka. (Isa. We always had a regular family study, during which we would act out situations that could happen at school. All of Jehovah's promises were fulfilled, and all of them will come true. Nasi sibonelo: Mosi watjela ema - Israyeli watsi: "Tsandza Simakadze Nkulunkulu wakho, ngayo yonkhe inhlitiyo yakho, nangawo wonkhe umphefumulo wakho, nangawo onkhe emandla akho. " - Dut. " He is not here, " said the angel, "for he was raised up. " For example, Moses told the Israelites: "O Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole strength. " - Deut. 16, 17. Meditating on that verse may help you to see just how much Jehovah loves and cares for you. 16, 17. Besivame kuba nekukhonta kwemndeni, lapho besilingisa simo lesingenteka esikolweni. Others see no conflict between claiming to be religiously devout and pursuing a sexually permissive lifestyle. We often had family worship, where we could imitate the situation in school. Yatsi: "Akekho lapha, ngobe uvusiwe. " Rarely do we have all the facts about a certain situation. He said: "You have never been here, for you have been resurrected. " Kuzindla ngalelivesi kungakusita ubone indlela Jehova lakutsandza ngayo nalakukhatsalela ngayo. A GROUP of 34 of Jehovah's Witnesses were traveling to a branch office dedication when mechanical trouble delayed their flight along the way. Meditating on this verse will help you to see how Jehovah loves and cares for you. Labanye abayiboni inkinga ngekubonakala bayitsandza inkholo baphindze baphile imphilo yekutiphatsa kabi ngekwelicasi. 8, 9. (a) How can we avoid going to extremes in regard to health? Some see the problem because they seem to love religion and live a sexually immoral lifestyle. Akukavami kutsi siwati onkhe emaciniso ngesimo lesitsite. 10: 13 - 15; 1 Tim. It is normal for us to know all the facts about a certain situation. SIHLOKO LESIFUNDVWAKO 4 Lesihloko sikhuluma ngendlela labangenta ngayo labo labachuba imihlangano yebuKhristu kanye nalabo lababa khona kuyo kute lemihlangano izuzise kubo bonkhe labakhona. (a) What instructions did Jehovah give the Israelites in the month of Nisan 1513 B.C.E.? STUDY ARTICLE 4 discusses how those attending Christian meetings and those attending meetings can benefit all of them. LICEMBU laboFakazi BaJehova labangu - 34, beliya endzaweni lebeyiniketela ligatja ngesikhatsi indiza yabo iba nenkinga. (a) What opportunities do we have to show brotherly love today? THE 34th century B.C.E., one of Jehovah's Witnesses went to a village where the branch was mixed with a serious problem. 8, 9. (a) Singakubalekela njani kukhatsateka kakhulu ngemphilo yetfu? What do the words "our Father " remind us of, and how is Jehovah our Father? 8, 9. (a) How can we avoid becoming overly concerned about our health? 10: 13 - 15; 1 Thim. That is, assurance that our God and Life - Giver has the ability to bring a dead person back to life. 10: 13 - 15; 1 Tim. (a) Ngutiphi ticondziso Jehova latinika ema - Israyeli ngenyanga yaNisan 1513 B.C.E.? " Do not be afraid. (a) What instructions did Jehovah give the Israelites each month to 1513 B.C.E.? (a) Lamuhla, ngumaphi ematfuba lasivulekele ekukhombisa lutsandvo lwebuzalwane? He told the crowds: "I must also declare the good news of the Kingdom of God to other cities, because for this I was sent. " (a) What opportunities do we have today to show brotherly love? Asikhumbutani emavi latsi "Babe wetfu, " futsi Jehova unguBabe wetfu ngayiphi indlela? Some who have been in a situation where their job seemed at risk may have wondered, " How will I fulfill my responsibility to provide for my family? ' What do we remind us of the words "our Father, " and how is Jehovah our Father? Kufanele tisicinisekise kutsi Nkulunkulu longuMdali wetfu unawo emandla ekuvusa umuntfu lofile. In view of what it accomplishes, there is no doubt that God's gift of the ransom, which makes everlasting life possible, is the greatest gift of all. We should be assured that our Creator, Jehovah God, has the power to resurrect the dead. Watsi: "Ungesabi. Gene Smalley He said: "Do not be afraid. Wasita lebebamlalele kutsi babone sidzingo " sekungabi yincenye yalelive ' lelingatitsatsi njengaletibalulekile timfundziso taJehova. - Joh. Here Paul referred to how God, through Jesus, would rescue true worshippers from inherited sinful tendencies, one of which is selfishness, the root cause of poverty. He helped them to understand that there is no need for them to be "no part of the world " who did not view Jehovah's teachings. - John Labanye labake baba sesimeni lesifananako kungenteka kutsi bake batibuta: " Ngitawufeza njani umtfwalo lenginawo wekunakekela umndeni wami? ' Am I doing my utmost to preach and teach the good news of the Kingdom? Some who have faced a similar situation may wonder, " How will I fulfill my responsibility to care for my family? ' Nasibuka loko lokufezwa yinhlawulo, asingabati kutsi lesipho saNkulunkulu senhlawulo, lesenta bantfu batfole kuphila lokuphakadze, sisipho lesikhulu kunato tonkhe. As seen in the preceding article, one way God avenged his people in ancient times was by aiding them in waging war against their enemies. As we look forward to what he accomplished, no doubt God's gift of the ransom makes it possible for humans to gain everlasting life, the greatest gift of all. Gene Smalley We other sheep are also aware that we will not always have Christ's anointed brothers among us on earth. Gen of Those Those Who are Those Who Kulamavi, Pawula abekhuluma ngendlela Nkulunkulu latawumsebentisa ngayo Jesu kute akhulule tikhonti takhe teliciniso emikhubeni yesono, lokubugovu lobubangele buphuya. Do you know anyone who would knowingly and willingly die for a lie? In this regard, Paul was referring to how God would use Jesus to free his true worshippers from inherited sin, the tendency to eliminate poverty. Ngenta konkhe lokusemandleni ami yini kutsi ngishumayele ngiphindze ngifundzise tindzaba letimnandzi teMbuso waNkulunkulu? If he reflects the fruitage of the spirit, being loving and kind, he will earn her deep respect. Am I doing my best to preach and teach the good news of God's Kingdom? Njengobe sifundzile esihlokweni lesendlulile, imphi ngulenye indlela Nkulunkulu lebekatiphindziselela ngayo etitseni takhe. Despite advancing years and "days of distress, " they continue to praise God to the best of their ability. As we noted in the preceding article, one war was God's dealings with his enemies. Natsi baletinye timvu siyacaphela kutsi angeke sibe nabomnakaboKhristu labagcotjiwe ngaso sonkhe sikhatsi lapha emhlabeni. 32: 11 - 14. We too realize that we will not be like Christ's anointed brothers on earth at the same time. Ukhona yini umuntfu lomatiko longavuma kubulawelwa intfo lengasilo liciniso? The psalmist said of Jehovah: "You open your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing. " Do you know someone who has agreed to kill the truth? Nangabe ikhombisa titselo temoya letinjengelutsandvo nemusa, itayitfola inhlonipho lenkhulu. PAGE 21 • SONGS: 12, 69 By displaying the fruitage of the spirit - love and kindness, we will experience deep respect. Nangetulu kwekukhula ngeminyaka kanye " netinsuku tekuhlupheka, ' bayachubeka badvumisa Nkulunkulu ngalokusemandleni abo. (Shu. During the 16 years I have been in Cambodia, that little gathering of 13 servants of Jehovah has grown into 12 congregations and 4 isolated groups! - As told by Jason Blackwell. Despite growing age and "the days of the day of distress, " they continue praising God with their ability. 32: 11 - 14. Christendom - Marked by Division 32: 11 - 14. Umhlabeli wakhuluma ngaJehova watsi: "Uvula sandla sakho, wesutsise tonkhe tifiso talokuphilako. " 116: 12 - 14; 133: 3; Prov. 10: 22. The psalmist spoke about Jehovah: "Take your hand and fill it with the desire of every living thing. " LIKHASI 21 • TINGOMA: 12, 69 Consider: Would you purchase a house if you knew very little about it? PAGE 21 • SONGS: 12, 69 Kuleminyaka lengu - 16 ngiseCambodia, lelicembu lelincane lebantfu labangu - 13 letinceku taJehova, selikhule laba ngemabandla langu - 12 nemacenjana langu - 4! - Njengobe ilandziswa ngu - Jason Blackwell. Even so, he centered his life, not on material concerns, but on God. Over 16 years ago, the small group of 13 million servants of Jehovah has grown from 12 congregations and 4 million! As told Jason. EmaKhristu Mbumbulu - Abonakala Ngekwehlukana Instead of pursuing business contacts with the Tyrians or others, he devoted himself to helping his brothers and doing things that contributed to the sanctification of Jehovah's name. Christians in Christendom - It appears that there is no stumbling block 116: 12 - 14; 133: 3; Taga 10: 22. When we store up "treasures in heaven " by doing things that please Jehovah, we make him happy and we feel happy too. 1: 12 - 14; 133: 3; Proverbs 10: 22. Cabanga ngaloku: Ungayitsenga yini indlu nangabe unelwati loluncane ngayo? What changes do they make? Consider this: Can you buy a house if you have little knowledge? 5: 28, 29) Noma kunjalo, akazange anake kakhulu kuba netintfo letinyenti kepha wanaka kukhonta Nkulunkulu. Have you ever felt that no one cares about or understands what you are going through, let alone how you feel? However, he did not focus on many things but on serving God. (Neh. 5: 14 - 18) Kunekutsi atfutfukise libhizinisi lakhe nemadvodza aseThire nobe labanye bantfu, watinikela ekusiteni bazalwane nasekwenteni tintfo letingcwelisa libito laJehova. Elijah was one of them. Instead of developing a business with his men or women, he volunteered to help the brothers and to sanctify Jehovah's name. Nasitibekela "umcebo ezulwini " ngekutsi sente loko Jehova lakutsandzako, sitamenta ajabule natsi sijabule. At Revelation 12: 9, Satan is called Devil, which means "Slanderer. " If we focus on "the things in heaven " by doing what Jehovah loves us, we will have joy in our joy. Nguluphi lushintjo labalwentako? It has two horns, so it is a dual power. What changes did they make? Wake wativa yini shengatsi kute lokukhatsalelako nobe losicondzako simo lokuso, lonendzaba nendlela lotiva ngayo? In other words, a single act of generosity can start a ripple effect that goes from person to person throughout a community. Have you ever felt that no one cares or understands your situation, does you care about your feelings? Elija bekangulomunye wato. The first session of chemotherapy was almost too much for his system, and he spent some weeks in intensive care. Elijah was one. KuSembulo 12: 9, Sathane ubitwa ngekutsi nguDeveli, lokusho "Umnyundzeli. " God's Word reminds us that "the wisdom from above is... peaceable, reasonable. " At Revelation 12: 9, Satan is called the Devil, "the Devil. " Sinetimphondvo letimbili, lokusho kutsi ngimibuso lemibili lebambisene. Williams of the University of Melbourne, Australia) However valid that might be, there is a bequest or gift of far greater value. We have two horns, meaning that I am joined by two kingdoms. Ngalamanye emagama, sento sinye semusa singaba nemphumela lomuhle kubantfu labanyenti ngisho nasemmangweni wonkhe. Thus, after baptism, we need to continue to develop our spirituality so that our growth does not become stunted. In other words, a kind act of kindness can have a positive effect on many throughout the world. Emakhemikhali labebawasebentisa nabamelapha kwekucala abemgulisa kakhulu, futsi kwaphela emaviki asendzaweni yalabagula kakhulu. WHEN you think of Lazarus ' sister Martha, what kind of person do you imagine? Although they used him to cure him, they would have been sick with a serious illness, and the two weeks ended. LiVi laNkulunkulu lisikhumbuta kutsi: "kuhlakanipha lokuvela ezulwini,... kunekuthula, kuyacabangela. " 1: 21, 22. God's Word reminds us: "The wisdom from heaven... is peaceful,... reasonable, reasonable, reasonable, reasonable. " Nanobe kunjalo, liBhayibheli lifundzisa kutsi Nkulunkulu usiniketa sipho lesibaluleke kunato tonkhe. Whether we have enjoyed many years or just a few months in Jehovah's service, all of us can make progress in his worship. However, the Bible teaches that God gives us the greatest gift of all. Ngako - ke, nasesibhajatisiwe kudzingeka sichubeke sitfutfukisa buhlobo betfu naNkulunkulu kute kukhula kwetfu kungemi ndzawonye. Is our enthusiasm for the truth ever - increasing, or is it decreasing? Thus, when we are baptized, we need to keep improving our spirituality so that we can grow together. UCABANGA kutsi bekangumuntfu lonjani Mata, dzadze waboLazaru? This means that God's "indescribable free gift " includes Jesus ' sacrifice and all the goodness and loyal love that Jehovah shows us. YOU do not think of what kind of Martha was, the sister of Lazarus? 1: 21, 22. Others might have reasoned that even though Egypt was steeped in idolatry and spiritism, it had risen to become a world power, while Jehovah's people suffered as slaves! 1: 21, 22. Ngisho nobe sikhonte iminyaka leminyenti nome tinyanga letimbalwa emsebenti waJehova, sonkhe singachubeka sitfutfuka ekumkhonteni. Why do we need to meditate on admonition from God? Whether we serve for many years or for a few months in Jehovah's service, all of us can continue to make spiritual progress. Inshisekelo yetfu ngeliciniso iyachubeka yini ikhula nobe incipha kancane kancane? Overall, they enjoy better health. Are our zeal for the truth continues to grow, or are we gradually distracted? Loku kusho kutsi " sipho lesingachazeki ' saNkulunkulu sifaka ekhatsi umhlatjelo waJesu nabo bonkhe buhle nelutsandvo Jehova lasikhombisa lona. Jesus often gave a brief reply when little good would have been accomplished by saying more. This means that God's "indescribable free gift " includes Jesus ' sacrifice with all love and love for Jehovah. Labanye bebangatsi ngisho nobe iGibhithe beyingene shi ekukhonteni titfombe nasekusebentiseni imimoya, beseyingumbuso lomkhulu, kantsi bantfu baJehova bebatigcili. Let's see how this happened. Others were even though Egypt had become addicted to idolatry and spiritism, the greatest power for Jehovah's people, and Jehovah's people were slaves. Pawula weluleka labo labebacebile watsi "bente lokuhle, bacebe emisebentini lemihle, babelane, bephane. " Recall the beautiful words of King David in describing the unique and lofty position that Jehovah alone occupies. Paul urged those who were rich "to be rich in fine works, to be good, to be hospitable, to one another. " Kungani kufanele sizindle ngetecwayiso letivela kuNkulunkulu? That world would face a cataclysmic end when Jehovah would come with his "holy myriads " - legions of mighty angels in battle array - to bring destruction. Why should we meditate on divine warnings? Kunaloko baba nemphilo lenhle. He knew that Timothy still had a measure of shyness to overcome, but he was pleased to see the young man's enthusiasm. Rather, they made good health. Jesu abevame kuniketa timphendvulo letimfishane nangabe kutawuba nemphumela lomncane nanobe anikete imphendvulo lendze. May we zealously continue to live up to our dedication vow - to Jehovah's delight. Jesus often gave a brief answer if a little one would have a small effect on a long answer. Asesibone kutsi loku kwenteka njani. Sophia: All right. Let us see how this is so. Khumbula emagama lamnandzi lashiwo nguDavide nakachaza sikhundla saJehova lesiphakeme futsi lesisakhe yedvwa. We are better prepared " to be gentle toward all, keeping ourselves restrained under evil. ' - 2 Tim. Remember David's beautiful words when he described Jehovah's high position and puts it alone. Lelive belitawubhekana nenhlekelele ngesikhatsi Jehova eta nelibutfo lelikhulu " letingilosi takhe letingcwele ' litobabhubhisa. While making preparations to do so, he was arrested. The world would come under destruction when Jehovah's great army "with his holy spirit " will be destroyed. Uyati kutsi Thimothi unemahloni kodvwa kuyamjabulisa kubona indlela latimisele ngayo. Each day, we visited a few patients, asked how they were, and left some Bible literature with them. You know that Timothy is proud but happy to see how he is willing to reach out. Shengatsi singachubeka siphila ngendlela lekhombisa kutsi sifungele kutinikela kuJehova, kute ajabule. These were the Jewish and non - Jewish believers whom God selected to be a chosen race to "declare abroad the excellencies " of the One who called them. - 11 / 15, pages 24 - 25. Where was Timgad, and what attitude did some there have? May we continue to live in a way that shows that we make a dedication to Jehovah is acceptable to him. Takhona: Kulungile. If the wrongdoer does not do so, the Christian who has come to know about the sin should report it. Sophia: OK. Ngako - ke, sikuhlomele ngalokuphelele " kuba mnene kubo bonkhe bantfu, sibeketele. ' - 2 Thim. This led to yet another worker asking for the magazines. Therefore, with complete confidence in "be gentle toward all men, be patient. " - 2 Tim. Asetama nje kwenta emalungiselelo ekwenta njalo, waboshwa. But Jesus said that upon seeing "all these things, " we would know that the end is close at hand. Let us strive to do so in prison. Make abengifuca ngencola yalabachwalile siye lapho kunaletinye tigulane khona, kwatise kutsi totimbili tinyawo tami tatifakwe semende. He might repeatedly try to help the child stop doing what is bad. My mother was referring to those who were imprisoned where there were none other sheep, and I knew that my feet had died. Bekungemakholwa langemaJuda nalawo langesiwo emaJuda lakhetfwa nguNkulunkulu kutsi abe sive lesikhetsiwe kuze " kuyo yonkhe indzawo amemetele buhle ' baLoyo lowawabita. - 11 / 15, emakhasi 24 - 25. 31 From Our Archives There were Jewish believers who were chosen by God to be a chosen nation so that they could " declare the excellencies ' of the One who called them. - 11 / 15, pages 24 - 25. " Yebo, Simakadze! God's Word does not recommend separation as a way to resolve marital problems. " Yes, O Jehovah! Nangabe lona lowonile angakwenti loko, lomKhristu losatiko lesono kufanele asibike yena. By war's end, it seemed that both the church and the government had failed us. If the sinner does not do so, the Christian who is guilty of sin should report him. Loku kwenta kutsi nalomunye lasebenta naye acele kuhanjiselwa bomagazini. But it was worth it. This has made it possible for a coworker to rent the magazines for magazines. Jesu watsi nasibona "tonkhe letintfo, " sibokwati kutsi kuphela sekusedvute. We must never "return evil for evil, " in word or in deed. - Rom. 12: 17; read 1 Peter 3: 16. Jesus said that "all these things are possible, " we know that the end is near. Angetama tikhatsi letinyenti kumsita kute ayekele kwenta lokubi. What has helped Jason to cope? He may try several times to help him stop doing what is bad. 31 Lokuvela Emtatjeni Wetfu Nicolas, aged 20, boldly told the military authorities, "I cannot fight because I am a soldier of Christ. " 31 From Our Archives LiVi laNkulunkulu alikukhutsati kwehlukana njengendlela yekucatulula tinkinga leninato emshadweni. Onlookers were witnessing the fulfillment in a way none of them had expected, and the apostle Peter took the lead in explaining this development. God's Word does not encourage you to be neutral as to resolve marital problems. Ngasekupheleni kwemphi kwabonakala kutsi hulumende nemasontfo asidvumatile. 5, 6. (a) Whom has Jesus appointed to care for his sheep, and what does benefiting from this arrangement require of the sheep? To the end of World War I, the church was marked by the authorities. Kepha sakukhandza kukahle kwenta loko. THE SOLUTION: The United Nations Convention Against Corruption states that to fight corruption, governments should promote "integrity, honesty and responsibility. " But we were surprised to do just that. Akukafaneli nanini " sibuyisele lokubi ngalokubi, ' kungaba ngekukhuluma nobe ngetento. - Rom. 12: 17; fundza 1 Phetro 3: 16. (Read Psalm 22: 7, 8.) You should not " turn back from doing evil things, ' either by speaking or by actions. - Rom. 12: 17; read 1 Peter 3: 16. Yini lesite Jason kutsi abeketelele lesimo? (b) Illustrate how commendation can help a person who has " taken a false step. ' What has helped Jason to endure this situation? Nicolas lobekaneminyaka lengu - 20 budzala, ngesibindzi watjela letikhulu temasotja watsi: "Ngeke ngilwe ngoba ngilisotja laKhristu. " I'll have to ask my pastor. When he was 20 years old, he courageously told the soldiers: "I am not bound because I am not a soldier of Christ. " (Jow. 2: 28 - 32) Bantfu labebabukele, bakubona kugcwaliseka kwalesiphrofetho ngendlela lebebangakalindzeli kutsi kutawenteka ngayo. How can the Bible mold us? In view of the entire human family, they saw the fulfillment of this prophecy in a way that would come true. 5, 6. (a) Ngubani Jesu lamkhetsile kute anakekele timvu takhe, futsi yini timvu letingayenta kute tizuze kulelilungiselelo? 24: 8, 9, 18, 19. 5, 6. (a) Who has appointed Jesus to provide for his sheep, and what can the sheep do to benefit from this arrangement? LIKHAMBI: Sivumelwane saMhlabuhlangene sekulwa nenkhohlakalo sitsi kuze kuliwe nenkhohlakalo, bohulumende kufanele bakhutsate bantfu kutsi "babe cotfo, betsembeke futsi batimisele. " Feelings of Inadequacy THE BIBLE'S ANSWER: The United Nations's State said that in order to be established, human governments should encourage people to "be loyal, faithful, faithful, and willing to be faithful. " (Fundza Tihlabelelo 22: 7, 8.) " Have Regard for Those Who Are Working Hard Among You " (Read Psalm 22: 7, 8.) (b) Fanekisa kutsi kunconywa kungamsita njani umuntfu " losawele esonweni. ' For a full thousand years, their joint rulership will provide assistance to those on earth, helping them to overcome the imperfection that they could not conquer on their own. - Rev. (b) Illustrate how commendation can help a person who has committed adultery with "the sin of sin. " Libandla laseJerusalema labese liyamemukela Pawula ngemuva kwekutsi live loko lebekushiwo nguBhanabasi ngaye. " The word of God is alive and exerts power, " wrote the apostle Paul, who made it his custom to reason from the Scriptures. - Heb. The congregation in Jerusalem received Paul's approval after carrying out what he had said about Barnabas and Barnabas. Ngitawubuta umfundisi wami. To be sure, overseers who joyfully submit to God and to Christ, the head of the congregation, benefit both themselves and those under their care. - Isa. I will ask my minister. LiBhayibheli lingasibumba ngatiphi tindlela? However, what other spiritual gems await us in this portion of God's inspired Word? In what ways can the Bible mold us? 24: 8, 9, 18, 19. Keep in touch with need - greaters who moved away from your congregation. 24: 8, 9, 18, 19. Kungatetsembi In the remaining part of the prayer, God's "abundant mercy " is repeatedly highlighted along with a clear admission that the Israelites were not worthy of such kind treatment. Cultivate Self - confidence " Hloniphani Labo Labasebenta Kamatima Emkhatsini Wenu ' In this article, we will discuss some things in the first century that may have made it easier for the disciples to preach. " Honor Those Who Go to Heaven ' Kubusa kwabo kweminyaka leyinkhulungwane kutawuba lusito kulabo labatawube basemhlabeni, kubasite balwisane nesono labangakhoni kusicedza. - Semb. Jesus stated that "no one can slave for two masters. " Over the thousand years, their rule will be provided with the help of those who will be on earth, helping to overcome the sinful state of sin. - Rev. Umphostoli Pawula lowakwenta umkhuba kufundza imiBhalo, wabhala watsi: "Livi laNkulunkulu liphilile, linemandla. " - Heb. Some believe that they are successful only if they get this privilege or that appointment. The apostle Paul, who made a practice of reading the Scriptures, wrote: "The word of God is alive and exerts power. " - Heb. Siyaciniseka kutsi babonisi kanye nemalunga elibandla batawuzuza nangabe babonisi batitfoba ngekutitsandzela kuNkulunkulu nakuKhristu loyinhloko yelibandla. - Isa. When our brain dies, our thoughts perish. We can be sure that overseers and members of the congregation will benefit if they willingly submit to God and Christ in the congregation. - Isa. Nobe kunjalo, ngutiphi letinye tifundvo letibalulekile lesitatitfola kulencwadzi leseVini laNkulunkulu leliphefumulelwe? Summary: Jehovah commissions Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. What are some important lessons that we find in God's inspired Word? Hlale uchumana nebantfu labakhonta endzaweni lenesidzingo lesikhulu labasuka ebandleni lokulo. When a group of them were asked that question, they gave three main reasons. Keep contact with those who serve where the need is greater from your congregation is greater. Encenyeni yekugcina yalomthantazo, "sihawu lesikhulu " sigcizelelwa kanyenti kuphindze kuvunywe kutsi bekungakawafaneli ema - Israyeli kuboniswa sihawu. (Neh. 3: 18. In the final part of that prayer, "a great deal of mercy " is also stressed by the actions of the Israelites. Kulesihloko, sitawucoca ngaletinye tintfo lebetikhona ngelikhulu lekucala lokungenteka tabangela kutsi bafundzi bakutfole kumelula kushumayela. 6: 18; 1 Tim. In this article, we will discuss some of the events in the first century that may have made disciples easier to preach. Jesu watsi: "Kute umuntfu longasebentela emakhosi lamabili. He is sure that he will awake, for his past experiences have made him absolutely confident that he can trust in God's unfailing support. Jesus said: "No one can slave for two masters. Labanye bakholelwa kutsi kutfola emalungelo nobe kubekwa njengalomdzala ngiko kuphela lokutawubenta bajabule ekukhonteni Jehova. On the other hand, Jehovah told his people Israel: "You are my witnesses,... yes, my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and have faith in me and understand that I am the same One. Some believe that privileges or privileges were the only source of joy in serving Jehovah. (Genesisi 2: 7; 3: 19) Nakufa ingcondvo yetfu, nemicabango yetfu iyaphela. Although we can use various scriptures to emphasize how Jehovah provides for his people, not to be overlooked is the effect of the example we ourselves set. When we die, our thoughts are ended. Ingcikitsi: Jehova utfuma Mosi kutsi ayokhipha ema - Israyeli eGibhithe. (b) What helps us to finish God's work? To illustrate: Jehovah commissioned Moses to send the Israelites out of Egypt. Ngesikhatsi licembu labo libutwa lombuto, lasho tizatfu letintsatfu letiyinhloko. They are not paid for this work; they do it at their own expense and using their own time, motivated by their love of God and of neighbor. When a group was asked, three important reasons were made. 3: 18. And how can you be more effective at giving a witness? 3: 18. 6: 18; 1 Thim. PAGE 28 • SONGS: 42, 124 6: 18; 1 Tim. Abeciniseka ngekutsi utawuvuka aphephile ngobe tintfo labehlangabetane nato esikhatsini lesengcile tamenta waciniseka kutsi Nkulunkulu ungumuntfu langetsembela kuye. Throughout all eternity, we will have the opportunity and joy to deepen our appreciation for Jehovah's qualities. - Eccl. He was confident that he would rise up because he experienced conditions in the past so that he could convince him that he was a God - fearing person. 46: 5 - 7) Ngalokwehlukile, Jehova watjela bantfu bakhe ema - Israyeli watsi: "Nibofakazi bami,... nenceku yami lengiyikhetsile, kuze nitewukwati nikholwe kimi, nicondze nekutsi mine Nginguye. The Genesis account reveals that Jehovah did not have the ark built and then decide when to bring the floodwaters, as if he needed to keep the timing of the start of the Flood flexible in case the construction project ran behind schedule. In contrast, Jehovah told his people: "You are my witnesses,... my servant and my chosen servant, so that you may know me and that you should believe me. Nanobe singayisebentisa imibhalo leyehlukehlukene kute sigcizelele indlela Jehova labanakekela ngayo bantfu bakhe, kufanele singakukhohlwa kubaluleka kwesibonelo tsine lesisibekako. The events foretold for the last days can make individuals aware of their spiritual need. Although we can use a number of scriptures to highlight how Jehovah cares for his people, we should not forget our example. (b) Yini lesenta sicedzele kwenta umsebenti lesiwunikwe nguNkulunkulu? Although parts of the world are prosperous, a large portion of mankind still live in extreme poverty. (b) Why do we complete our God - given work? Ababhadalwa ngekwenta lomsebenti; kunaloko bawenta basebentisa imali yabo kanye nesikhatsi sabo, futsi loko bakwenta ngesizatfu selutsandvo labanalo ngaNkulunkulu nangabomakhelwane. We do this because we are convinced that Jehovah's Kingdom government under Christ will shortly put an end to imperfect human rulership, replacing it with a righteous new system of things. - Dan. They are paid for this work; rather, they use their money and time, and they do so because they love God and neighbor. Yini lengakusita ukhone kukuchaza kahle loko lokukholelwako? (b) What situations can the example in Proverbs chapter 7 help us avoid? What can help you to explain your beliefs? LIKHASI 28 • TINGOMA: 42, 124 Ever since spiritual Israel was released from symbolic captivity to Babylon the Great in 1919, the expansion of true worship has been unstoppable despite relentless opposition. PAGE 28 • SONGS: 42, 124 Nasesiphila phakadze, sitawuba nelitfuba nenjabulo yekujulisa kujabulela kwetfu bunguye baJehova. - Shu. For example, the Yearbooks of 1992, 1999, and 2008 include encouraging reports of our brothers in Ethiopia, Malawi, and Russia. When we live forever, we will have the opportunity to deepen our appreciation for Jehovah's qualities. - Eccl. Kulandzisa lokukuGenesisi akusho kutsi Jehova walindza kwaze kwaphela kwakhiwa kwemkhumbi ngemuva kwaloko wase ubeka lilanga lekufika kwaZamcolo. Jehova abengakhetsa lilanga Zamcolo labetawucala ngalo ngaphandle kwekukhatsateka ngekutsi umkhumbi utawube ungakapheli ngaleso sikhatsi. In fact, he did. The Genesis account does not say that Jehovah waited until the ark ended, and then he appointed the Flood to begin. Tintfo lokwabiketelwa kutsi tiyowenteka ngemalanga ekugcina, tingasenta ngabanye sicaphele sidzingo setfu sakamoya. The fruitage produced through the operation of holy spirit brings many benefits. World War things foretold that during the last days, they could be careful to recognize our spiritual need. Etindzaweni letimbalwa emhlabeni bantfu baphila kahle kodvwa etindzaweni letinyenti buphuya bubhokile. One objector in their midst was swiftly handled by skillful use of the Scriptures. In Dublin a more determined opposer - Mr. In a few places, people live well in a world free of poverty. Loku sikwenta ngobe siyaciniseka kutsi uMbuso waJehova loholwa nguKhristu, utakucedza ngekushesha kubusa kwebantfu labanesono bese esikhundleni sako uletse umhlaba lonekulunga. - Dan. they ask. Many rationalists and moralists have concluded that it does not. This is because we are confident that Jehovah's Kingdom under Christ, the rule of imperfect humans will soon put an end to human rulership. - Dan. (b) Sibonelo lesikuTaga sehluko 7 singasisita kutsi sibalekele tiphi timo? This, in turn, helps us to make decisions that leave us with a clean conscience and God's approval. (b) What situations might Proverbs chapter 7 help us to avoid situations? 3: 6; Heb. 1: 7, 14) Kusukela ngesikhatsi Israyeli waNkulunkulu akhululwa ekutfunjweni yiBhabhulona lenkhulu nga - 1919, kukhonta kweliciniso kuyachubeka kwandza nangetulu kwekuphikiswa lokukhulu. Evidently in that condition and frame of mind, he died in the 41st year of his rule. - 2 Chron. From the time of God's spiritual Israel was released from Babylonian captivity in 1919, true worship continues to grow despite severe opposition. Nasi sibonelo: Tincwadzi Temnyaka tanga - 1992, 1999, na - 2008 ticuketse imibiko lekhutsatako yebazalwane betfu base Topiya, eMalawi naseRussia. Do I really need to keep thinking about this? ' For example, the year 1992, 1999, and 2008 contains an encouraging report of our brothers in Malawi, Russia, and Russia. Yebo bekayidzinga. Read 1 Thessalonians 4: 9, 10. Yes, he needed it. Letitselo letivetwa kusebenta kwemoya longcwele tiletsa tinzuzo letinyenti. Therefore, command that the grave be made secure until the third day, so that his disciples may not come and steal him and say to the people, " He was raised up from the dead! ' This fruitage produced by holy spirit brings many benefits. Emkhatsini wabo bekunalenye indvodza lephikisako kodvwa bakhona kuyincoba ngoba bebanelikhono lekusebentisa kahle imiBhalo. Its emphasis on having a good time can be a threat to our spirituality. Among them was a man who didn't know but who was able to overcome them because they had the ability to use the Scriptures well. Bakholwa kutsi bantfu kufanele batishiye timiso tekutiphatsa takadzeni kanye netinkholelo letilite futsi bafundze kute batfutfukise emakhono abo. Nearly every congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses has married couples in which the Christian has been instrumental in " saving ' his or her mate. They believe that people have to leave high moral standards and beliefs in order to improve their abilities. Loko kutawusisita sikhone kwenta tincumo letitawusenta semukelwe nguNkulunkulu futsi sibe nanembeza lomsulwa. Remembering what about Jehovah will help us to serve him faithfully while we await the coming of the Son of man? This will help us to make decisions that will help us to gain God's approval and to have a good conscience. Wafa ngemnyaka wesi - 41 wekubusa kwakhe, solo akuleso simo futsi angakayishintji indlela yakhe yekucabanga. - 2 Khr. It was about the time of the spring equinox in 1513 B.C.E., in the Hebrew month of Abib, later called Nisan. He died in the late 41th year of his reign, still in that condition and has changed his thinking. - 2 Chron. Kufanele yini ngichubeke ngicabanga ngako? ' Why Put Jehovah's Service First? Should I keep thinking about it? ' Fundza 1 Thesalonika 4: 9, 10. Deborah conveyed God's promise that they would defeat the mighty Sisera and his 900 chariots! Read 1 Thessalonians 4: 9, 10. Ngako sicela ukhiphe ligama lekutsi lithuna lakhe ligadvwe kudzimate kwendlule lilanga lesitsatfu, kute bafundzi bakhe bangafiki bamebe bese batsi kubantfu: " Uvusiwe ekufeni! ' However, not all recreation is beneficial, relaxing, or refreshing. So we urge him to deliver his name until the third day, so that his disciples could be put to death and say: "You are raised up! ' Indlela lelikukhutsata ngayo kutijabulisa ingabeka buhlobo betfu naJehova engotini. But whom would Jephthah give to Jehovah? How you encourage entertainment can interfere with our relationship with Jehovah. Cishe onkhe emabandla aBoFakazi BaJehova anebantfu labashadene lapho khona lona longuKhristu akhonile " kusindzisa ' umlingani wakhe wemshado. Jesus ' words that we read at John 5: 22, 23 help us to see that plainly: "The Father judges no one at all, but he has entrusted all the judging to the Son, so that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. About all the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses, the Christ has been able to save "his mate. " Yini lokufanele siyikhumbule ngaJehova letasisita kutsi simkhonte ngekwetsembeka njengobe silindzele kufika kweNdvodzana yemuntfu? (a) What does Isaiah 26: 4 exhort us to do? What should we remember about Jehovah that will help us to serve him faithfully as we wait patiently for the coming of the Son of man? Kwakukusentfwasahlobo nga - 1513 B.C.E., ngenyanga ya - Abibi inyanga yemaHebheru, kamuva leyabitwa ngekutsi nguNisani. Their love for Jehovah and their strong faith in the promise that he will correct all injustices and reward his faithful servants with everlasting life in a new world of righteousness. - Read Psalm 37: 5, 7, 9, 29. It was in the spring of 1513 B.C.E., the month of the Hebrews, later known as Nisan. Kungani Kufanele Sente Umsebenti WaJehova Ute Kucala Ekuphileni? He is the only one created directly by Jehovah and is thus called God's "only - begotten " Son. Why Put Jehovah's Service First? Debhora wabatjela kutsi Jehova abetsembise kutsi bebatalincoba lelibutfo lebelinemandla laSisera lebelihlome ngetincola talo letingu - 900. 1, 2. Deborah told her that Jehovah had promised him to overcome Sisera's powerful forces with 900 chariots. (Umshumayeli 3: 4) Nobe kunjalo, akusiko konkhe kutijabulisa lokuzuzisako, lokwenta umuntfu aphumule nobe acabuleke. Effective September 1, 2012, Mark Sanderson began to serve in that capacity. However, it is not all entertainment that fills a person's rest, which makes it easier for a person to rest or to cut it down. (Tikhulu 11: 32, 33) Ngubani Jeftha labekatawunikela ngaye kuJehova? No doubt they long remembered the lesson! Who would Jephthah have dedicated himself to Jehovah? Emavi aJesu labhalwe encwadzini yaJohane 5: 22, 23 asenta sibone kutsi: "Babe akehluleli muntfu kodvwa konkhe kwehlulela ukuphatsise iNdvodzana, kuze bonkhe bantfu bayihloniphe njengobe nje bahlonipha uYise. Was it worth it? Jesus ' words recorded at John 5: 22, 23 assures us: "Father, do not judge men of all things, but treat the Son as the Father. (a) Isaya 26: 4 usikhutsata kutsi senteni? Why can it be said that there are no foreigners in "the Israel of God "? (a) What does Isaiah 26: 4 motivate us to do? Tisitwa lutsandvo letinalo ngaJehova kanye nekukholwa lokucinile etetsembisweni taNkulunkulu tekucedza bonkhe bubi emhlabeni kanye nekutsi tiphile phakadze emhlabeni lomusha lonekulunga. - Fundza Tihlabelelo 37: 5, 7, 9, 29. His resurrection meant that they too would rise from the dead. They have helped to appreciate Jehovah's love and faith in God's promises to end all wickedness and to live forever in a righteous new world. - Read Psalm 37: 5, 7, 29. Nguye kuphela lowadalwa nguJehova ngalokucondzile, kungako abitwa ngekutsi yiNdvodzana yaKhe " letelwe yodvwa. ' However, rather than allowing these negative thoughts to overwhelm him, Paul focused on the undeserved kindness that had been shown to him. He is the only one directly created by Jehovah, thus called His Son, "the only - begotten Son. " 1, 2. (See opening picture.) (b) What reminder did the apostle Paul give, and what questions does this raise? 1, 2. Kusukela ngaSeptember 1, 2012, Mark Sanderson ubekwe kutsi abe lilunga leSigungu Lesibusako. Recall that when Jehovah forgives, he forgets our sins in the sense that he does not thereafter hold them against us. Since September 1, 2012, Mark was appointed as a member of the Governing Body. Akungabateki kutsi loko abakukhohlwanga. Did this mean that Jehovah would not fulfill his promise or that he had relinquished his sovereignty over the earth? No doubt, they did not forget it. Kwamzuzisa yini loko? Imitate Jesus ' Example of Watchfulness Did that benefit us? Ngusiphi sizatfu lesenta sitsi kute bachamuki " ku - Israyeli waNkulunkulu '? Christian parents display loyalty to Jehovah by training their children according to his Word. Why can we say that we are not "the Israel of God "? Kuvuswa kwakhe bekusho kutsi nawo atawuvuka ekufeni. Jesus Christ disclosed to his disciples this vital knowledge. The resurrection meant that he would return to life again. Esikhundleni sekutsi avumele imicabango lemibi kutsi imphatamise, Pawula wanaka kakhulu umusa lomkhulu labekaboniswe wona. Happy are all those keeping in expectation of him. " - Isaiah 30: 18. Instead of allowing negative thoughts to distract him, Paul focused on the loving - kindness that was shown to them. (Buka sitfombe lesisekucaleni kwalesihloko.) (b) LiBhayibheli liseluleka kutsi senteni njengemaKhristu, futsi ngumiphi imibuto lesitawucoca ngayo? In his eyes, you are one of "these little ones. " (See opening picture.) (b) What counsel does the Bible give us as Christians, and what questions will we consider? Khumbula kutsi Jehova nakatsetselela, uyatikhohlwa tono tetfu ngemcondvo wekutsi akasibambeli emagcubu. Help them to feel at home. - Matt. Remember that when Jehovah forgives, you remember our sins in a sense that he does not hold a grudge against us. Loko bekusho kutsi Jehova abengeke yini asigcwalise lesetsembiso sakhe nome bekusho kutsi wehlulekile kubusa umhlaba? Seeing the spiritual progress of our children has been a blessing. " Did that mean that Jehovah would not fulfill his promise or that he had failed to rule the earth? Lingisa Sibonelo SaJesu Sekulindza (b) How do elders today imitate Paul's attitude? Imitate Jesus ' Example of Nazareth Batali labangemaKhristu bakhombisa kwetsembeka kwabo kuJehova ngekutsi bakhulise bantfwababo ngekuvumelana neliVi lakhe. Why me? Christian parents show their loyalty to Jehovah by raising their children in harmony with his Word. Jesu Khristu wavetela bafundzi bakhe lokwatiswa lokubalulekile. Let your love for God, for your marriage mate, and for your children move you to fulfill your spiritual responsibility to your family. Jesus Christ highlighted this vital information for his disciples. Babusisiwe bonkhe labalindzela yena. " - Isaya 30: 18. Very likely, you can think of many others. Happy are all those waiting for him. " - Isaiah 30: 18. Emehlweni akhe ungulomunye walaba "labancane. " When Jesus refers to his "coming, " he is referring to the time during the great tribulation when he comes to judge and destroy this wicked world. In his eyes, he is one of those who are "not young. " Basite bative bemukelekile. - Mat. Be Empathetic and Considerate Let them feel welcome. - Matt. Kubona bantfwana betfu basondzelana kakhulu naNkulunkulu kube sibusiso. " Such was the effect of Jehovah's pointed but refreshing counsel. Seeing our children closer to God will be a blessing. " (b) Labadzala belibandla basilingisa njani lamuhla simo sengcondvo saPawula? Still, many translations do not use God's name. (b) How do elders today imitate Paul's attitude? Ngoneni? ' Discussing future Kingdom blessings with others draws us closer to Jehovah. What do you think? ' Shengatsi lutsandvo lwakho ngaNkulunkulu, ngemuntfu loshade naye nangebantfwana bakho lungakwenta utimisele kufeza umtfwalo wekunakekela umndeni wakho ebuhlotjeni bawo naNkulunkulu. However, those who dedicate themselves to Jehovah find long - lasting happiness. May your love for God, your mate, and your children can be determined to fulfill the responsibility to care for your family's spiritual needs. Nawe kungenteka ucabange ngalamanye emasu langasetjentiswa. 7. You may also consider some of the ways that you can use. Nakakhuluma " ngekufika ' kwakhe, Jesu bekasho sikhatsi sekuhlupheka lokukhulu lapho atawufike ehlulele lelive lelibi futsi alibhubhise. How so? When he referred to "the conclusion of his presence, " Jesus was referring to the great tribulation when he would judge this wicked system of things and destroy it. ImiBhalo yesiHebheru icashunwe eBhayibhelini lesiSwati, kantsi yesiGriki icashunwe eHumushweni Lemhlaba Lomusha LemiBhalo YemaKhristu YesiGriki. That spirit is all around us. The Hebrew Scriptures are no longer mentioned in the Bible, but the Christian Greek Scriptures are referred to in the New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures. Bani Neluvelo Futsi Umlalelisise In his diary, I found these words in the entry for that day: "Prayer: If it is true, help us stay in the full - time service, not relax spiritually, and help us to be good parents by our example. Be friendly and Listen Loku kwaba ngumphumela wemavi lacinile aJehova kodvwa lebekaseluleko lesifike ngesikhatsi. Jesus evidently meant the world of people who have the hope of being redeemed from sin. This was a result of what happened to Jehovah's concerns but who received the counsel at the time. Nanobe kunjalo, emahumusho lamanyenti akalisebentisi libito laNkulunkulu. Am I proud to be a subject of Jehovah's ruling Kingdom? Yet, many translations do not use God's name. Kucoca nalabanye ngetibusiso letita neMbuso kusenta sisondzelane naJehova. But suppose a baptized married man or woman ran off with another person's mate and married that one after obtaining a divorce. Having conversations with others about the blessings Kingdom will draw us closer to Jehovah. Kodvwa labo labatinikela kuJehova batfola injabulo lengapheli. He used the phone to access pornographic Internet sites. But those who dedicate themselves to Jehovah experience lasting happiness. 7. The whole congregation searches for sincere ones. 7. Utakwenta njani loko? I also understood that even if I waited some time before starting to pioneer, my parents might still oppose me. How will you do that? Lomoya ugcwele lamuhla. We respect the conscience of others, and we want to be exemplary. - w17.07, pp. This spirit is full of spirit today. Ebhukwini lakhe, ngatfola kutsi ngalelolanga wabhala emavi latsi: "Umthantazo: Nangabe kuliciniso, sicela usisite sihlale emsebentini wasikhatsi sonkhe, singavilaphi ekukukhonteni futsi usisite sibe batali labakahle ngesibonelo setfu. The Bible says exactly how many will rule with Jesus. - Read Revelation 14: 1. At the end of his dream, I found that this day, he wrote: "If we pray for prayer, help us in the full - time ministry, how much more can we assist our parents and help our parents to set a good example for us. Jesu bekasho bantfu labanelitsemba lekuhlawulelwa sono. Later, I met Lidasi, a lovely sister who, like me, had the goal of serving Jehovah full - time. Jesus was referring to mankind's hope for sin. Ngiyajabula yini ngekuba ngulomunye walabo labayawubuswa nguMbuso waJehova? In 1942, the Karítsa Congregation had nine young men and women between the ages of 15 and 25. Do I appreciate being one of Jehovah's Kingdom? Kodvwa asesitsi indvodza letsite nobe umfati loshadile ubaleka nemlingani wemshado walomunye umuntfu bese ngemuva kwekutfola idivosi ashade nalona labaleke naye. " It encompassed the total picture from the creation of the stars to the glorious climax of Christ's Thousand Year Reign. " - F. But suppose a man or a marriage mate fled with a mate after divorce. Abesebentisa lolucingo kute avule emakheli e - Internet lanetitfombe letikhombisa kungcola. The apostle Paul was inspired to emphasize the important principle found at 2 Corinthians 6: 4. He used the phone to hide the Internet Web sites that contain pornography. Lonkhe libandla lifuna bantfu labatfobekile emsebenti wekushumayela. When an elderly parent is in constant need, there is a risk of caregiver burnout. The whole congregation wants humble people in the preaching work. Ngabona kutsi ngisho nobe ngingema kancane ngaphambi kwekucala kuba lihlahlandlela, batali bami bebangachubeka nekungiphikisa. We show our deep appreciation and gratitude when we accept Jehovah's generous offer. I realized that even if I had left the start of pioneering, my parents would continue to oppose me. Siyabahlonipha bonembeza balabanye futsi sifuna kuba tibonelo. - w17.07, emakh. The following day, they had outgrown the venue. " We respect the conscience, and we want to be examples of others. - w17.05, pp. Nabo bemukelekile kutsi bazuze ekutsetseleleni kwaJehova nasemuseni wakhe nangabe bakhombisa kukholwa kuNkulunkulu nasemhlatjelweni waJesu Khristu. Jehovah alone has the wisdom to bring about world peace. They also have the opportunity to benefit from Jehovah's forgiveness and his willingness to exercise faith in God and in Jesus ' ransom sacrifice. LiBhayibheli lisho ngalokucondzile kutsi bangakhi labatawubusa naJesu. - Fundza Sembulo 14: 1. To learn more about apocryphal gospel accounts, see the article "Apocryphal Gospels - Hidden Truths About Jesus? " The Bible does not say exactly how many would rule with Jesus. - Read Revelation 14: 1. Ngekuhamba kwesikhatsi ngahlangana nadzadze lotsandzekako lokutsiwa nguLidasi, futsi abetibekele umgomo wekukhonta Jehova sikhatsi sonkhe njengami. When the Jews were taken into captivity in Babylon, it was clear that "the booth of David " had fallen. Later, I met a dear pioneer sister named Deborah, who had the goal of serving Jehovah full - time. Nga - 1942, libandla laseKarítsa laba nebazalwane nabodzadze labasebasha lebebaseminyakeni yabo - 15 kuya kubo - 25. 4: 7 - 9. In 1942, the congregation in Sermon on young brothers and sisters who were young in her 15 ' s to 15 - 25. " Yayihlanganisa yonkhe indzaba lesuka ekudalweni kwetinkhanyeti kuya ekupheleni kwekuBusa KwaKhristu Kweminyaka Leyinkhulungwane lokumangalisako. " - F. It is interesting that after mentioning Solomon's marriage to that foreign princess, the Bible relates that God granted his request for wisdom, and He also added riches. " It was the beginning of the creation of the end of Christ's Thousand Year Reign. " - F. Umphostoli Pawula wagcizelela simiso lesibalulekile lesitfolakala ku - 2 Khorinte 6: 4. For example, we could make it a goal to learn a new skill in the ministry. The apostle Paul highlighted an important principle found at 2 Corinthians 6: 4. Nangabe umtali losakhulile adzinga kusitwa njalo, kungenteka lona lomnakekelako adzinwe. (Shu. They Lived as "Temporary Residents " If an older parent needs help, he may be caring for the needs of the car. 3: 10) Nangabe siwemukela umvuzo Jehova lasinika wona sisuke sikhombisa kutsi simtsandza kakhulu. Others say that this attitude is based on "insufficient information, " which leads to the" prejudgment of members of [a] group. " When we accept Jehovah's reward, we show him that we truly love him. Ngelilanga lelilandzelako bantfu bese bagcwele kulendzawo yemhlangano. " Any governmental arrangement that does not follow his guidance is bound to be inferior. The next day, the people were filled with the convention. " NguJehova kuphela longaletsa kuthula emhlabeni wonkhe. Since holy spirit is an invisible force, how could the Israelites discern that it was operating on Moses? Only Jehovah can bring peace to all the earth. Kute ufundze kabanti ngekulandzisa kwamavangeli langesilo liciniso, fundza sihloko lesitsi, "Akhona Yini Lamanye Emavangeli - Lanemaciniso Layimfihlo NgaJesu? " Then, each one he touched fell down, "slain in the spirit. " To learn more about the truth, see the article "Apocryphal Gospels - Apocryphal Gospels - About Jesus? " Ngesikhatsi emaJuda atfunjelwa eBhabhulona, kwavele kwacaca kutsi "lithende laDavide " liwile. Yes. When the Jews were taken captive to Babylon, it was clear that "the tent of David " was not partial. 4: 7 - 9. The Bible says that at the end of the 1,000 years, Satan will be released from the abyss, and "he will go out to mislead those nations in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together for the war. " 4: 7 - 9. Kuyacapheleka kutsi ngemuva kwekukhuluma ngekushada kwaSolomoni nenkhosatana yebetive, liBhayibheli litsi Nkulunkulu waphendvula umthandazo wakhe wekucela kuhlakanipha futsi wamupha nebunjinga. To help contribute to a memorable and upbuilding occasion, it is best to keep social gatherings small and to make sure that they are properly supervised, especially if any alcohol is served. It is noteworthy that after discussing Solomon's marriage with the king's daughter, the Bible says that God answered his prayer to give him wisdom and riches. Nasi sibonelo: Singatibekela umgomo wekufundza likhono lelisha emsebentini wekushumayela. I feared that people would stop noticing me and see only a wheelchair with a sickly woman. For example, we could set the goal of learning the full - time ministry. Bebaphila " Njengetihambi ' Eveni 8, 9. (a) How did Jesus approach individuals in his ministry? They lived as "temporary residents " in the country Labanye batsi sisekelo saleso simo "kuba bete lwati lolwenele " lokubangela" ubehlulele bangakenti lutfo bantfu labakulelocembu. " Soon this Kingdom will cause God's will to be done everywhere on earth. Some say that the foundation of that situation "did not have enough knowledge " to judge those who carry it out. Lomuntfu lomdzala lebekahamba naboRebheka bekayejwayele lendzawo. " Let God's Kingdom Come! " The elder, of course, had a common place in Rebekah's family. Nobe ngabe ngumuphi hulumende longalandzeli ticondziso takhe, nakanjani angeke uphumelele. So it is not surprising that upright Joseph rejected sexual immorality so as not to "sin against God. " Whatever the government can follow his directions, he will never fail. Njengobe umoya longcwele ungemandla langabonakali, yini lebeyenta ema - Israyeli aciniseke kutsi uyasebenta kuMosi? Why did Abraham make such an unusual request? Since holy spirit is a powerful force, why did the Israelites make sure that they were involved in Moses ' work? Ngemuva kwaloko, wonkhe umuntfu lebemtsintsa bekawa, "avukwe ngumoya. " " All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial. " - 2 Timothy 3: 16. Then everyone who touched his feelings was affected by "the spirit. " Yebo sigcwalisekile. However, like Gaius, we can in some way support and encourage those who do travel, such as the circuit overseer and his wife. Yes, we have been fulfilled. LiBhayibheli litsi ekupheleni kweminyaka lengu - 1 000, Sathane utawukhishwa emgodzini longenamkhawulo futsi "aphume ayewudukisa tive emagumbini lamane emhlaba, Gogi naMagogi, kuze atibutsele kulemphi. " ▪ Answer: Jesus did not command his followers to have children. The Bible says that at the end of 1,000 years, Satan will be thrown into the abyss and that "he will mislead the four corners of the earth and will gather them into the battle. " Kute imibutsano lesibanayo singayikhohlwa futsi isakhe, kufanele singamemi bantfu labanyenti, kufanele kube nalotsite lotawubhasobha kutsi tjwala busentjetiswa kahle yini. Reasonable: Endeavor to take into account all the circumstances, including the child's limitations and abilities. There is nothing else that we do not forget and make calls for many people, someone who is a victim of alcohol has to rule well. Ngangesaba kutsi bantfu ngeke basaba nendzaba nami kunaloko sebatawumane babuke nje nasi sigulane lesihleli encoleni. " When anxieties overwhelmed me, you [Jehovah] comforted and soothed me. " - Ps. I was afraid that people would not fear me more than merely look for a beautiful patient. 8, 9. (a) Jesu abebakhulumisa njani bantfu nakashumayela? At one facility, she spent 80 hours witnessing in just two and a half weeks. 8, 9. (a) How did Jesus communicate with people in the ministry? Madvutane loMbuso waNkulunkulu utawubangela kutsi intsandvo yakhe yentiwe emhlabeni wonkhe. Ecclesiastes 3: 11 states: "Everything he [Jehovah] has made pretty in its time. Soon God's Kingdom will cause his will to be done on earth. Akusimangalisi - ke kutsi Josefa wakubalekela kutiphatsa kabi ngekwelicasi kute " angoni kuNkulunkulu. ' Josephus Really Write It? No wonder, then, that Joseph avoided sexual immorality so that he "did not sin with God. " (Genesisi 12: 10 - 13) Yini leyenta Abrahama wenta lesicelo lesingakavami? Rebekah, 2 / 1 Why did Abraham make this difficult request? " Yonkhe imiBhalo iphefumulelwe nguNkulunkulu, ilusito. " - 2 Thimothi 3: 16. How can we strengthen our resolve to reject bad thoughts? " All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial. " - 2 Timothy 3: 16. Noma kunjalo, singamlingisa Gayusi ngekutsi sisekele siphindze sikhutsate labo labasivakashelako njengembonisi wesigodzi kanye nemkakhe. Consider what the Bible states on this subject. Still, we can imitate Gaius by supporting us and encouraging those whom we meet as a circuit overseer and his wife. ▪ Imphendvulo: Jesu akazange ayale balandzeli bakhe kutsi babe nebantfwana. We should show our neighbors the same respect. ▪ Answer: Jesus did not tell his followers to have children. Siyacabangela: Yenta konkhe lokusemandleni kuze ucabangele tonkhe timo, lokufaka ekhatsi loko umntfwanakho langakhoni kukwenta kanye nemakhono akhe. More important, it is part of God's inspired Word, so it comes from the God of truth, the One who "cannot lie. " - Titus 1: 2; 2 Timothy 3: 16. We are reasonable: Do all you can to think about all situations, including your teenager who cannot do and abilities. " Ngesikhatsi inhlitiyo yami iphitsiteliswa ngimicabango, kudvudvuta kwakho [Jehova] kuyawutfokotisa umphefumulo wami. " - Hla. By doing this, they are included among those whom Jehovah calls "my people. " " When anxieties overwhelmed me, you comforted [Jehovah] and soothed me. " - Ps. Ngesikhatsi akulesinye sibhedlela, washumayela ema - awa langu - 80 ngemaviki lamabili nahhafu nje kuphela. Later, a brother explained: "In order for you to help us, you must be able to speak German. When we ended up, they preached about 80 hours in two weeks. Umshumayeli 3: 11 utsi: "Konkhe [Jehova] ukwente kwalungela sikhatsi sako. This type of attack is designed to weaken or corrupt us spiritually. Ecclesiastes 3: 11 states: "All [Jehovah] has made it ready for the time. (Hla. 103: 10, 13, 14) Nanobe kunjalo, kufanele sikhumbule kutsi tento tetfu tingaba nemiphumela lebuhlungu, nyalo nobe esikhatsini lesitako. Waba Nebafati Labanyenti Many people pray because it makes them feel good, but they do not really believe that God hears their prayers. However, we should remember that our actions can result in sad consequences, even now in the future as many women do. Yabhalwa NguJosephus Mbamba Yini? Or should she follow what she was learning from the Bible and risk possible financial hardship as well as the scorn of some people? Was It Really Really Really Really? 2 / 1 Instead, the Bible account tells us that "he esteemed the reproach of the Christ as riches greater than the treasures of Egypt; for he looked intently toward the payment of the reward. " - Heb. 2 / 15 Singakucinisa njani kutimisela kwetfu kubalekela imicabango lemibi? The fulfillment of such prophecies means that the troubles we now face will soon end. How can we strengthen our resolve to reject wrong thoughts? Caphela loko liBhayibheli lelikushoko ngalendzaba. 13, 14. (a) Who make up "this generation " mentioned by Jesus? Note what the Bible says on this subject. Kufanele sikhombise inhlonipho lefanako nakubomakhelwane betfu. 5: 33. We need to show respect for our neighbors. Lokubaluleke kakhulu kutsi lendzaba iseBhayibhelini, ngako - ke ivela kuNkulunkulu weliciniso "longeke acale emanga. " - Thithusi 1: 2; 2 Thimothi 3: 16. DURING a whirlwind nine - day witnessing campaign in August / September 1929, over 10,000 preachers fanned out across the United States. Most important, this Bible account is that the only true God "will not lie. " - Titus 1: 2; 2 Timothy 3: 16. Ngekwenta njalo, bafakwa ekhatsi kwebantfu Jehova lababita ngekutsi "bantfu bami. " Peter in particular disappointed Jesus several times. By doing so, they are included those whom Jehovah calls "my people. " Ngekuhamba kwesikhatsi, lomunye umzalwane wachaza: "Kute nine nisisite, kufanele nikwati kukhuluma siJalimane. In what way did Aquila and Priscilla help Apollos? Later, a brother explained: "No one has helped you, you need to know how to speak. Loluhlobo lwekuhlasela lwentelwe kulimata kukholwa kwetfu. Remember those whom Jehovah urged: "Take away the foreskins of your hearts. " - Jer. This type of attack has resulted in harming our faith. Bantfu labanyenti bayathantaza ngobe loko kubenta bative bancono, kodvwa abakholelwa mbamba kutsi Nkulunkulu uyayiva imithantazo yabo. Other Bible Questions Answered Should We Worship Images? Many pray because this makes them feel better, but they do not really believe that God hears their prayers. Nobe bekufanele asebentise loko lebekakufundza eBhayibhelini bese ubhekana nemiphumela yekungabi nemali nekutsi bantfu bahlekise ngaye? " We've already found out that there's a Kingdom Hall there. " Or would he have to use what he learned from the Bible and face the consequences of losing money and throwing people away from him? Esikhundleni saloko liBhayibheli lisitjela kutsi: "Wabona kutsi kwetfukwa ngenca yaKhristu kwakungumcebo loncono kunemcebo waseGibhithe, ngobe phela abebheke umvuzo. " - Heb. For instance, we might tell a public speaker how his talk gave us advice we needed or helped us to understand a certain scripture. Instead, the Bible tells us: "He saw that our salvation was superior to the riches of Christ, because he had the reward of Egypt. " - Heb. Kugcwaliseka kwaletiphrofetho kusho kutsi tinkinga lesihlangabetana nato titawuphela madvutane. 21: 12, 13. The fulfillment of these prophecies indicates that the problems we face will soon end. 13, 14. (a) Bobani labakha " situkulwane ' Jesu lakhuluma ngaso? About that time, things got worse in our communities. 13, 14. (a) Who make up "the offspring " mentioned by Jesus? 5: 33. ▪ The apostle Paul stated regarding the early Christians: "We preach Christ impaled, to the Jews a cause for stumbling but to the nations foolishness. " 5: 33. NGESIKHATSI semkhankaso wekushumayela lobewuphutfuma lowatsatsa emalanga layimfica nga - August nome nga - September 1929, bashumayeli labangetulu kwa - 10 000 basakateka kulo lonkhe laseMelika. A bridge might well offer you adequate shelter from a rainstorm or a hailstorm, but it would probably provide little protection from a tornado or a hurricane. WHEN the preaching campaign took nine days in August 1929 or September 1929, more than 10,000 preachers spread throughout the United States. Phetro wadvumata Jesu tikhatsi letinyenti. Or you may consult our website, www.jw.org. Peter avoided Jesus several times. Bo - Akhwila naPhrisila bamsita njani Apolosi? In recent decades, it has been gradually fading away - to the point that the notion no longer appears in catechisms. How did Aquila and Priscilla help Apollos? 9: 25, 26) Khumbula labo Jehova latsi kubo " abasuse lijwabu letinhlitiyo tabo. ' - Jer. She says, "I prayed to Jehovah to help me find things to do that would help me soothe the pain. " Remember, too, those whom Jehovah said to them " take away from the heart. ' - Jer. IMIBUTO BANTFU LABAVAMISE KUYIBUTA NGABOFAKAZI BAJEHOVA - Emabandla ABoFakazi BaJehova Ahlelwe Njani? [ Picture on page 26] OTHER BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED - What Is the Kingdom of God? Umcondzisi walenkapane watsi kuye: "Leli litfuba longeke uphindze ulitfole, neliHholwa leMbuso likhona kulendzawo lesitawutfutsela kuyo. " We thought it was both exciting and frightening at the same time. The director said to her: "This is no chance to inherit and to build a Kingdom Hall where we live. " (Taga 19: 17; Heb. 12: 12) Nasi sibonelo: Singatjela umzalwane losibekele inkhulumo yelinyenti kutsi inkhulumo yakhe ibe neteluleko lebesitidzinga noma isisitile sakhona kucondza umBhalo lotsite. 4 For example, we could tell a brother who gave a public talk to him that needs advice or help us to understand a scripture. 21: 12, 13. (c) We receive what divine reassurance today? 21: 12, 13. Ngaleso sikhatsi simo saba sibi kakhulu etindzaweni tangakitsi. Miserable man that I am! At that time, the situation was far away from us. ▪ Mayelana nemaKhristu ekucala, umphostoli Pawula watsi: "Kodvwa tsine sishumayela Khristu abetselwe..., losikhubekiso kumaJuda nebulima kubetive. " That is our concern for the conscience of others - whether fellow worshippers or not. ▪ Regarding the early Christians, the apostle Paul wrote: "But we preach Christ..., who has been impaled from among the nations. " Libhuloho lingase likuvikele kahle nakunesivunguvungu nobe sangcotfo, kodvwa angeke likwati kukuvikela kahle nakwenteka kufika siphepho lesinemandla. Jehovah says: "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. " A river may well protect you from a storm or a storm, but it will not protect you when it comes to the storm. Ungangena naku - website yetfu letsi - www.jw.org / ss. He Loved People Also available at www.jw.org. Eminyakeni lesadza kwendlula, lombono bewusolo uncipha kancane kancane wate wangasatfolakali ngisho nakuthekhizimu. What does it mean for elders and parents to " discipline in righteousness '? In recent years, the idea has grown worse than ever before. Delphine utsi, "Ngathantaza kuJehova kutsi angisite ngitfole letinye tindlela letingangisita ngehlise lobuhlungu lebengibuva. " Subtle attacks are more like a colony of termites that slowly creep in and nibble away at the wood of your house until it collapses. Delphine says, "I prayed to Jehovah to help me find ways to overcome my pain. " [ Sitfombe ekhasini 26] Maintain your conduct fine among the nations. " - 1 Pet. [ Picture on page 26] Besiwakhandza amnandzi kodvwa futsi aphindze asetfusa. ▪ Seven Shepherds, Eight Dukes - What They Mean for Us Today We were amazed at him, but he was calm and humiliated. 4 He is the enemy - not Jehovah! - 1 Pet. 4 (c) Lamuhla, ngusiphi sicinisekiso Jehova lasiniketa sona? 6, 7. (c) What assurance does Jehovah give us today? Maye mine muntfu lohluphekako! 3, 4. (a) Why must Christians avoid compromising on Bible laws and principles? What a man that is! Nguleso lesitsintsa bonembeza balanye, kungakhatsaliseki kutsi sikholwa nabo nome cha. Jesus knew the importance of putting God first in marriage. That verse, however, does not hold a conscience, no matter whether we believe or not. Jehova utsi: "Njengobe emazulu aphakeme kunemhlaba, kanjalo netindlela tami tiphakeme kunetenu, nemicabango yami iphakeme kuneyenu. " (Isa. It promotes faith in Jesus Christ, who died so that we might gain everlasting life and who is now ruling as King of God's Kingdom. Jehovah says: "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your eyes, and my thoughts than your thoughts. " Abebatsandza Bantfu Of course, we must do something if we want comfort from God. He Loves People " Kuyala ngekulunga ' kusho kutsini kulabadzala belibandla nakubatali? Jesus therefore told them: "The Kingdom of God will be taken from you and be given to a nation producing its fruits. " - Matt. What does "the fruit of righteousness " mean for elders and parents? Kuhlaselwa lokubhacile kufanana nemuhlwa loyidla kancane kancane indlu yakho leyakhiwe ngetingodvo igcine idzilikile. As Bible students, we know that Jehovah cannot possibly be the cause of all these problems. In some subtle subtle subtle subtle subtle subtle subtle subtle attacks, the moon has just made your house burning. Philani imphilo yekulunga emkhatsini [wetive]. " - 1 Phet. " You who have followed me will also yourselves sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. " - MATT. Live by righteous people. " - 1 Pet. ▪ Baholi Betfu Labanemandla Kakhulu - Loko Labakumelelako Lamuhla After all, they have a keen interest in us and our activities. ▪ Seven Shepherds - What They Mean for Us Today Nguye lositsa setfu hhayi Jehova. - 1 Phet. Yes, "everything " Jehovah made was" very good. " He is our enemy, not Jehovah. - 1 Pet. 6, 7. The day of one's baptism is a time for genuine rejoicing. 6, 7. 3, 4. (a) Kungani emaKhristu akubalekela kwephula imitsetfo netimiso letiseBhayibhelini? " He well knows how we are formed, " says the Bible, "remembering that we are dust. " 3, 4. (a) Why do Christians avoid breaking Bible principles? Jesu abekwati kubaluleka kwekubeka Nkulunkulu kucala emshadweni. For instance, Peter had not discerned that Christ would be resurrected as a spirit on the third day; nor had Peter grasped that the Kingdom would be in heaven. Jesus knew the importance of putting God first in marriage. Uphindze usitjele kutsi nyalo Jesu sewuyiNkhosi. Sicongosekulindza asikhulumi ngepolitiki sifundzisa lokuseBhayibhelini kuphela. Aspects of the Messiah's impalement were foretold. It promotes faith in Jesus Christ, who died so that we might gain everlasting life and who is now ruling as King of God's Kingdom. Kukhona lokufanele sikwente kute sitfole indvudvuto levela kuNkulunkulu. He may have been in line to inherit a magnificent estate. There is something we need to do to gain God's comfort. Ngako Jesu watsi kubo: "UMbuso waNkulunkulu utawutsatfwa kini unikwe sive lesitsela titselo tawo. " - Mat. Are you learning the lyrics of our new songs at home? So Jesus told them: "The Kingdom of God will be taken from you and be given to you a nation producing its fruitage. " - Matt. Njengebafundzi beliBhayibheli, siyati kutsi Jehova angeke abe yimbangela yato tonkhe letinkinga. Last year, they spent 1.7 billion hours in the preaching work and conducted 8.5 million home Bible studies worldwide. Like Bible students, we know that Jehovah would not have the cause of all these problems. " Nine leningilandzelako,... niyawuhlala etihlalweni tebukhosi letingu - 12, nehlulele tive letingu - 12 taka - Israyeli. ' - MAT. " I am very thankful that Jehovah is my God. " - Sheryl " Follow me,... you sit on thrones and judging 12 tribes of Israel. " - MATT. Ngetulu kwaloko, tingilosi tinendzaba natsi nangemsebenti lesiwentako. For example, rather than asking your daughter how her day went, you could comment on how your day was. Moreover, angels care about our activities and activities. 1: 31) "Konkhe " Jehova labekwentile " bekukuhle kakhulu. ' How did Jehovah view Phinehas ' courage and decisiveness? " All that Jehovah has done " was" good. " Lilanga umuntfu labhajatiswa ngalo kusuke kulilanga lenjabulo sibili. As told by Elisa Piccioli A person who gets baptized is getting baptized will be the day of true happiness. LiBhayibheli litsi: "Ngobe uyakwati kubunjwa kwetfu, uyakhumbula kutsi silutfuli nje. " How can you find happiness in life? The Bible says: "For he knows how to be molded by our molding, he remembers that we are dust. " Nasi sibonelo: Phetro bekangacondzi kutsi Khristu abetawuvuswa njengesidalwa semoya ngelilanga lesitsatfu, kanye nekutsi uMbuso bewutawuba sezulwini. I had never heard of many of the languages but was happy to know that tens of thousands of magazines were being sent to far - flung places. For example, Peter did not understand that Christ was resurrected to life on the third day and that the Kingdom would be in heaven. Tici letimayelana nekubetselwa kwaMesiya tabiketelwa. Remember, we are doing God's will and we are looking forward to everlasting life. The meaning of the Messiah's Leader was foretold. Abengaba setfubeni lekutfola lifa lelikhulu kakhulu. Jehovah patiently listens to Abraham's concerns about Sodom He could have become our greatest inheritance. Nyakenye, emhlabeni wonkhe bashumayele ema - awa latigidzigidzi letingu - 1.7. Circuit overseers have noticed that many elders need to spend more time training younger and older brothers to help care for the congregation. More than 1 million people go to the earth, preaching the good news worldwide. " Ngibonga kakhulu ngekutsi Jehova unguNkulunkulu wami. " - Sheryl Meat Sacrificed to Idols, 10 / 1 " I am so thankful that Jehovah is my God. " - ROM. Nasi sibonelo: Kunekutsi ubute indvodzakati yakho kutsi lihambe njani lilanga layo, ungayicocela ngekutsi lakho belinjani. 12, 13. For example, instead of asking your daughter how they had walked, you could tell them what your name was. Jehova wasibheka njani sibindzi saFinehasi kanye nelikhono lakhe lekwenta tincumo? In 2008 we joined our daughter in the regular pioneer service. How did Jehovah view Phinehas ' courage and ability to make decisions? Njengobe ilandziswa ngu - Elisa Piccioli Yes, one day you might have a delightful surprise. As told by Bethany (Dutheronomi 6: 5 - 7; Efesu 6: 4) Ungayitfola njani injabulo ekuphileni? Even though he did not plan to sin, he did. How can you find happiness in life? Linyenti laletilwimi bengingatati, kodvwa ngajabula kwati kutsi bekutfunyelwa tinkhulungwane tabomagazini ngisho nasetindzaweni letikhashane. I did, and I discovered that God's name is Jehovah. Most of the languages were different, but I was impressed that there were thousands of copies sent to this magazine even in far and even far away. Khumubula kutsi senta intsandvo yaNkulunkulu futsi sibheke phambili ekuphileni lokuphakadze. A miraculous dark cloud formed. Jehovah produced thunder, lightning, smoke, and what seemed to be the loud and constant sound of a horn. Judging in harmony with God's will and look forward to everlasting life. Jehova ulalela Abrahama njengobe akhatsatekile ngeSodoma James and John need to learn more about mercy. Jehovah listens to Abraham as he worried about Sodom Babonisi betigodzi banakile kutsi labadzala labanyenti badzinga kucitsa sikhatsi bacecesha bazalwane labasebasha nalasebakhulile kute basite ekunakekeleni libandla. That may make you think of a person straining to grasp an attractive piece of fruit hanging from a tree. Circuit overseers notice that many elders need time to train younger brothers and sisters so that they can assist the congregation. 12, 13. two sisters witness to two Ndebele women who are dressed in their traditional clothing. 12, 13. Nga - 2008 saba ngemahlahlandlela lavamile, njengobe nendvodzakati yetfu yayingilo. Even after I started studying the Bible, I got drunk a few times. And I got involved with a girl. " In 2008 we were regular pioneers, as our daughter and daughter were. Kuliciniso kutsi ngalelinye lilanga ungase umangale nawumbona alitsatsa liciniso. How did the brothers respond to provocation, and with what result? Of course, one day you might have felt that he did not see the truth. Nanobe belingakakuhleli kwenta sono, kodvwa lasenta. 7 Although it was not easy for her to do what was sin, she did. Ngatifundza, futsi ngabona kutsi libito laNkulunkulu nguJehova. 24 Jehovah Guides His People in the Way of Life I read it, and I realized that God's name is Jehovah. Ema - Israyeli abona kwakheka lifu lelimnyama, eva kudvuma kwelitulu, kukhala kwelicilongo futsi abona umbane kanye nentfutfu. Out of sheer desperation, they will, as it were, seek refuge "in the caves and in the rock - masses of the mountains. " The Israelites saw her cloud with a loud voice, heard the sound of a trumpet, and saw her weeping and smoke. BoJakobe naJohane bekufanele bafundze kuba nemusa. How did he use those captives, so to speak? James and John needed to learn to be kind. Loko kungase kukwente ucabange ngemuntfu lontontomelako kute akhe sitselo lesihle esihlahleni. A reminder from someone in authority may be accepted graciously, while counsel from a peer or a subordinate may be rejected outright. That may move you to think about a person who has waited for his fruit to produce a good tree. Basebentisa incwadzi letsi Lifundzisani Mbambambamba LiBhayibheli? Consider the context. They use the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Ngisho nangemuva kwekucala kufundza liBhayibheli, bengidzakwa ngaletinye tikhatsi futsi ngake ngaya ecasini nentfombatane. " For one man in their midst, Charles T. Even after I first studied the Bible, I sometimes drank, and I started sexual relations with a girl. " Yini bazalwane labayenta ngalesikhatsi bavivinywa, futsi kwaba namiphi imiphumela? If they went so far as to welcome uncircumcised Gentiles into their midst, it would only widen the rift between practicing Jews and the Christians and expose the latter to further reproach. - Gal. How did the brothers react when they were tested, and with what result? 7 Your children will likely learn the local language at school and in their environment, but they learn your language primarily by frequently interacting with you in your language. 7 24 Jehova Ucondzisa Bantfu Bakhe Endleleni Yekuphila They know that Jehovah does not necessarily give anointed ones more holy spirit than he gives his other servants. 24 Jehovah Guides His People in the Way of Life (Hab. 3: 16, 17) Ngesizatfu sekutsi batawube besaba, batawufuna siphephelo "emigedzeni nasemihumeni emkhatsini wemadvwala etintsaba. " Learn to adapt. Because they will become afraid, they will want "to find refuge in the mountains and in the midst of the mountains. " Utisebentisa njani leto titfunjwa letingumfanekiso? At that, Peter exclaimed: "Although all the others are stumbled in connection with you, never will I be stumbled! " How do you use these symbolic captivity? Sikhumbuto lesivela kumuntfu losesikhundleni lesisetulu singase semukelwe ngenjabulo, kantsi seluleko lesivela kumuntfu longasilutfo nobe losesikhundleni lesiphansi singase singemukelwa nhlobo. He exhorted them "not to be quickly shaken from [their] reason. " When the Memorial comes to someone who has a superior position, we may receive the approval of a person who is less than a lowly person or who may not be tempted by it. Asewucabange ngaloko lelikucuketse. Yet, we are assured that God remembers that we are made of dust, and he is willing to show us mercy. Imagine that! 26 Umbuto Lovela Kubafundzi... How much more, then, should you be willing to fight spiritually for your Christian freedom! 26 Our Readers Ask... Charles T. This self - centered kind of love is inconsistent with Christian love; it stands in contrast with it. Charles T. Nangabe bekangavuma kutihlanganisa nebeTive labangakasokwa, loko bekutawukhulisa kungevani lobekukhona emkhatsini wemaJuda kanye nemaKhristu, futsi bekungabangela kutsi emaKhristu atondvwe kakhulu. - Gal. In answer to Asa's heartfelt prayer, God gave Asa a complete victory, annihilating the Ethiopian army. If he had agreed to associate with Gentiles who were not yet circumcised, that would raise a difference between Jews and Christians, and it could lead Christians to take care of them. - Gal. Manyenti ematfuba ekutsi bantfwana bakho bafundze lulwimi lolukhulunywa kuleyondzawo nabasesikolweni noma nabahlangene nalabanye bantfu bakuleyondzawo, kodvwa balufundza ncono lulwimi lwakho nangabe ukhuluma nabo ngalo njalo. I thank Jehovah and you. " There are many opportunities for your children to learn the language at school or in the local community, but they learn the local language better when it comes to speaking with them. Bayati kutsi Jehova akabaniketi umoya longcwele kwendlula indlela laniketa ngayo letinye tinceku takhe. (a) Why might it be dangerous to follow other travelers when we are unsure about which way to go? They realize that Jehovah does not give them holy spirit more than his servants. Fundza kuvumelana netimo. It is our hope that these adjustments will enable us to reach more people with the Bible's lifesaving message. Learn how to react. Phetro wavele watsi: "Ngisho nobe bonkhe laba labanye bangakushiya, mine ngeke ngize ngikushiye! " Because love for Bible truth moves us to obey from the heart the Scriptural commandments to love God and to love our brothers. - 1 Pet. Peter said: "Even though all those who have left me, I will never leave you! " Wawecwayisa kutsi " angasheshi advungeke engcondvweni. ' (b) Why did all the tribes of Israel need to cultivate a waiting attitude? He warned them that they were "not quick to be shaken from the mind. " Nanobe kunjalo, siyaciniseka kutsi Nkulunkulu uyati kutsi sibunjwe ngelutfuli futsi ukulungele kusibonisa umusa. (Hla. Rejoice and be overjoyed, since your reward is great in the heavens, for in that way they persecuted the prophets prior to you. " Yet, we are confident that God knows that we are separate from dust and ready to show mercy. Ngendlela lefananako, nawe kufanele utimisele kulwela inkhululeko yakho yebuKhristu. Many who today are members of the Christian congregation can tell you that before learning of and adopting Jehovah's righteous standards, they lived without moral restraint. Similarly, you too need to strive to strive for your Christian freedom. Lolutsandvo lolu lwehlukile kulolo emaKhristu lanalo. You need to work hard to extract fresh points and practical lessons from your Bible study. This kind of love is different from the early Christians. Nkulunkulu wawuphendvula umthantazo wa - Asa losuka enhlitiyweni ngekutsi amsite ancobe libutfo lemaKushe futsi alicedze nya. Leaving his gift at the altar, he goes to make peace with his brother God answered Asa's heartfelt prayer by helping him to overcome the Ethiopians and to eliminate it. Ngiyambonga Jehova futsi nani ngiyanibonga. " It is no wonder, then, that the psalmist implored God: "Make my eyes pass on from seeing what is worthless; preserve me alive in your own way. " - Ps. I thank Jehovah, and I thank you. " (a) Kungani kungase kube yingoti kulandzela labanye bashayeli nangabe singayati indlela? How Jesus Magnifies God's Righteousness (a) Why might it be dangerous if others know the way we do not know? Siyetsemba kutsi lolushintjo lutasisita sifinyelele bantfu labanyenti ngemlayeto losindzisa kuphila lovela eBhayibhelini. If that ever happens to you, reflect on the successful man in James ' illustration. We hope that such changes will help us to reach many people with the message found in the Bible. Sizatfu kutsi lutsandvo ngeliBhayibheli lusenta siyilalele ngalokusuka enhlitiyweni imitsetfo leseBhayibhelini yekutsi sitsandze Nkulunkulu kanye nebazalwane betfu. - 1 Phet. If you are suffering, Jehovah wants you to ask the elders to help you. Because love for the Bible moves us to heed the Bible's laws to love God and our brothers. - 1 Pet. (b) Kungani tonkhe tive taka - Israyeli bekufanele tibe nesimo sengcondvo sekulindza? Engaging in this "holy work " makes us" fellow workers " with Jehovah, "the Holy One. " (b) Why should all the tribes of Israel have to cultivate a waiting attitude? Jabulani nitfokote, ngenca yekutsi umvuzo wenu mkhulu ezulwini, ngobe nebaphrofethi baphatfwa ngaleyo ndlela. " They learn that freedom has boundaries and that decisions and conduct have consequences - good or bad. Rejoice and be overjoyed, for your reward is great in heaven, for the prophets were persecuted. " Bantfu labanyenti lamuhla labangemaKhristu bayavuma kutsi bebatiphatsa madlakadlaka ngembikwekutsi babe ngemaKhristu. What do you think? Many Christian people today admit that they were wearing a meal before they became Christians. Kudzingeka usebente ngekutimisela kute utfole emaphuzu lamasha futsi utfole netifundvo nawufundza liBhayibheli. 3: 23, 24. They need to work hard to obtain new points and learn from the Bible. Ushiya sipho sakhe elatini, ahambe ayobuyisana nemnakabo Instantly, everyone started running for the hills, shouting, "Smong! He left his gift to the altar and went away from his brother and brother Kungaleso sizatfu umhlabeli akhala kuNkulunkulu, watsi: "Fulatselisa emehlo ami ekubukeni tintfo letingenamsebenti; ngiphe kuphila ngekwelivi lakho. " - Hla. The psalmist David experienced a similar feeling and begged Jehovah: "Do not remember the sins of my youth and my transgressions. " That is why the psalmist cried out to God: "Make my eyes pass away from the things that are worthless; and I will give your life according to your word. " - Ps. Indlela Jesu Lagcamisa Ngayo Kulunga KwaNkulunkulu It is noteworthy that even the angels have shown deep interest in spiritual truths regarding the promised Seed and the anointed Christian congregation. - Read 1 Peter 1: 10 - 12. How Jesus Draws Close to God Nangabe loko kwenteka kuwe, cabangisisa ngemuntfu lophumelelako lokukhulunywa ngaye emfanekisweni waJakobe. Perfected mankind will then stand before Jehovah as fully approved for everlasting life, with no enemies anywhere. If that happens to you, think of a successful person mentioned in the illustration of Jacob. Nangabe ucindzetelekile, Jehova ufuna kutsi ucele labadzala bakusite. 6: 1. If you are depressed, Jehovah wants you to ask the elders for help. Kwenta " lomsebenti longcwele ' kusenta sibe " tisebenti letikanye ' naJehova, " longuLoyo Longcwele. ' I'm happy I found you at home. Doing so makes us "the holy spirit " to be" fellow workers " with Jehovah, " the One who is "the Holy One. " Bayati kutsi inkhululeko inemincele, futsi tincumo labatentako kanye nendlela labatiphatsa ngayo ingaba nemiphumela lemihle noma lemibi. God does indeed care about the human family, and he wants us to enjoy life. They realize that their freedom has boundaries, and their decisions and attitudes can have a good effect on us. Ucabangani wena ngaloko? Still, those back home may help those in the full - time ministry by being ready to provide care if aging parents need assistance. What do you think? 3: 23, 24. To this day, he is one of my closest friends. 3: 23, 24. Kusenjalo bonkhe bantfu bacala kubalekela etintsabeni bamemeta batsi, "Smong! Over the centuries, many people have read the Bible book of Daniel but could not really understand it. At that point, all people begin fleeing to the mountains, saying, "Come! " (Jobe 13: 26) Umhlabeleli Davide wabhekana nesimo lesifanako futsi wancenga Jehova watsi: " Ungatikhumbuli tono tami, netiphambeko tebusha bami. ' (Hla. After relating his illustration of the vine, Jesus said that as Kingdom preachers, we will experience joy. The psalmist David faced a similar situation and begged Jehovah: "Do not remember my sins and my youth. " Kuyabonakala nekutsi ngisho netingilosi tiwajabulela kakhulu emaciniso akamoya lamayelana nembewu letsenjisiwe kanye nelibandla lemaKhristu lagcotjiwe. - Fundza 1 Phetro 1: 10 - 12. But Jesus saw many people waiting for him. It is also clear that even the angels treasure spiritual truths about the promised seed and the congregation of anointed Christians. - Read 1 Peter 1: 10 - 12. Bantfu labatawube bete sono batawemukeleka kuJehova futsi bakufanele kuphila lokuphakadze, bangaphindze babe nato titsa. One hour later, the woman e - mailed the sister and said that she had read part of the book and wanted to know more. Humans who will be perfect will be made acceptable to Jehovah and have the prospect of everlasting life, and they can also become enemies. 6: 1. The following six covenants advance the outworking of God's purpose: 6: 1. Ngiyajabula kuphindze ngikutfole ekhaya. Jon: What sort of events? It's good to find refreshment at home. Nkulunkulu uyasikhatsalela, futsi ufuna sikujabulele kuphila. Yes, because all of us are imperfect. God cares for us, and he wants us to enjoy life. Nanobe kunjalo, labo labasedvute nasekhaya bangasita tisebenti tasikhatsi sonkhe ngekuhlale bakulungele kusita batali bato lasebakhulile nangabe badzinga lusito. (b) How did Jephthah react? However, close friends in home can help full - time servants to be ready to help their elderly parents when they need help. Nanyalo solo ungumngani wami lomkhulu. 19: 7 - 10. He is still my best friend. Eminyakeni leminyenti leyendlulile bantfu labanyenti bebasolo bayifundza incwadzi yaDanyela, kepha bebangayiva. Many people feel that their physical security is threatened by crime, violence, the high cost of living, and even environmental issues. Over the years, many people have read Daniel's book, but they did not hear it. Ngemuva kwekucoca ngemfanekiso wemvini Jesu watsi njengebamemeteli beMbuso sitawutfola injabulo. This article will help us identify five stumbling blocks and will explain how to prevent them from hindering us from winning. After discussing a parable of the vine, Jesus said that as Kingdom proclaimers, we will find happiness. Kodvwa Jesu wabona bantfu labanyenti lebebamlindzile. As a result of a conspiracy by his brothers and the later treachery of his master's wife, he found himself in an Egyptian prison. But Jesus saw many who were watchful. Ngemuva nje kweli - awa, losisi watfumelela lodzadze umlayeto watsi sewuyifundzafundzile lencwadzi futsi ufisa kwati lokunye lokunyenti. To enhance our appreciation for the honor of bearing God's name, it is good for us to meditate on its meaning. After hours, he sent the sister a message that she had read and wanted to learn more. Letivumelwane letisitfupha letilandzelako tenta kutsi injongo yaNkulunkulu ifezeke: 5: 14, 15. The six covenants that make God's purpose clear: Ndwandwe: Ngutiphi leto tintfo? 3: 5. Jon: What are those things? Yebo, ngobe sonkhe sinesono. Despite the obstacles, Sylviana's dream had come true - and what a fine blessing she received! Yes, because all of us are imperfect. (b) Jeftha wenta njani kuleso simo? Keeping calm or losing our temper can directly or indirectly affect our Christian ministry (See paragraph 14) (b) How did Jephthah react to that situation? 19: 7 - 10. So we see Enoch as a family man when he was about 65 years old. 19: 7 - 10. Bantfu labanyenti batsi kungalondzeki kubangelwa bugebengu, budlova, kudula kwemphilo kanye nendzawo lesiphila kuyo. Let us now see how we can imitate Jesus. Many people say that there is prejudice, violence, and environment in which we live. Lesihloko sitawusisita sibone tintfo letisihlanu letingasikhuba, sitawuphindze sichaze kutsi yini lesingayenta kute leto tintfo tingasivimbeli ekucedzeni lomncintiswano. Says Levi: "Jehovah had answered our specific request, so now it was our turn to follow through. " This article will help us to see five factors that could hurt us, and we will explain what we can do to prevent such things from keeping us away from the race. Josefa wavalelwa ejele laseGibhithe ngenca yekutsi bekatondvwa bomnakabo futsi wacanjelwa nemanga ngumfati wenkhosi yakhe. How can older married ones help younger ones? Joseph was thrown into Egypt because he was hated by his brothers and was falsely accused of his master. Kuze silijabulele kakhulu lilungelo lekubitwa ngelibito laNkulunkulu, kuhle kutsi sizindle ngenchazelo yalo. He wants us to feel safe under their care. How grateful we are for the privilege of bearing God's name, it is good for us to meditate on its meaning! 5: 14, 15. In 1931 there were 82 publishers. 5: 14, 15. 3: 5. For Paul, there was no ivory throne or feasting with kings. 3: 5. Nangetulu kwetinkinga labenato, sifiso sakhe safezeka futsi loko kwaba sibusiso lesikhulu! Regarding the word for "undeserved kindness, " which is translated" grace " in many Bible versions, one scholar wrote: "The whole basic idea of the word is that of a free and undeserved gift, of something given to a man unearned and unmerited. " Despite her problems, her desire was a real blessing! Kutibamba kanye nekwehluleka kutibamba kuyawutsintsa umsebenti wetfu wekushumayela (Buka sigaba 14) Is it true that succeeding in a secular career that offers power and prestige leads to lasting happiness? Self - control and self - control will affect our ministry (See paragraph 14) Ngako Enoki abesavele anemndeni nakaneminyaka lengu - 65 budzala. 13 - 15. (a) What did Jehovah tell Samuel to do? So Enoch had already a family, at the age of 65. Ase sibone kutsi singamlingisa njani Jesu. (a) How does Jehovah feel about treachery in a marriage? Let us see how we can imitate Jesus. Levi utsi: "Jehova wasiphendvula sicelo setfu lesicondzile, ngako nyalo besekusikhatsi setfu sekutsi sente loko besikufisa. " Of course, no one can restrict our access to God in prayer, and most of us can read the Bible whenever we want to. She says: "Jehovah answered our request, so it was now time for us to do what we wanted. " Bantfu lasebanesikhatsi lesidze bashadile bangabasita njani labasandza kushada? Why? How can experienced ones help newly married ones? Ufuna sitive sivikelekile ngaphansi kwabo. " Your loyal love, O Jehovah, kept supporting me. He wants us to feel safe under their enemies. Nga - 1931 bekunebamemeteli labangu - 82 nje kuphela. I was trapped in a mind - set of prejudice and did not even realize it. In 1931 there were only 21 publishers in 1931. Pawula akazange aphile imphilo lentofontofo esigodlweni nobe adle nemakhosi. (b) What took place first during the harvest season? Paul did not live a comfortable life or eat kings. Mayelana neligama lelilisetjentiselwa kusho "umusa waNkulunkulu " lelivame kuhunyushwa ngekutsi" sihawu, " lomunye umfundzi weliBhayibheli wabhala watsi: "Leligama lisho kupha umuntfu sipho ngenhlitiyo yonkhe abe angakenti lutfo futsi ube ungakalindzeli kutsi lutfo kuye. " This adjusts what was stated on this subject in "Questions From Readers " in The Watchtower of August 15, 1990, page 30. Regarding the Hebrew name rendered "God's undeserved kindness " often refers to a Bible student who wrote:"The one who does not accept a gift and does not accept any gift from him. " Kungenteka yini vele kutsi umsebenti loholela kahle wente umuntfu abe neludvumo kanye nenjabulo lehlala njalo? Many have assumed so. In fact, he was obeying the Law of Jehovah, which did not allow Israelites permanently to sell land that was the hereditary possession of their family. Could it really be that a well - paying job has led a person to glory and happiness? 13 - 15. (a) Yini Jehova latsi Samuweli akayente? He wrote: "You were, of course, called for freedom, brothers; only do not use this freedom as an inducement for the flesh, but through love slave for one another. " 13 - 15. (a) What did Jehovah tell Samuel to do? (a) Jehova utiva njani ngekungetsembeki emshadweni? They prayed silently or aloud as the circumstances dictated. (a) How does Jehovah feel about adultery in marriage? Kute umuntfu longasivimbela kutsi sithandaze kuNkulunkulu, futsi linyenti letfu liyakwati kufundza liBhayibheli nobe ngunini lapho lifuna khona. Still, I was always looking over my shoulder, waiting for the consequences of my actions. No one can prevent us from praying to God, and most of us can read the Bible or wherever he wants. Kungani? And Isaiah did not point to someone else and say: " There he is! Why? " Simakadze wangisekela ngemusa wakhe, ngabuye ngema futsi. At the age of 15, I attained that goal. " Jehovah kindly supported me, and I returned. Bengigcwele lubandlululo, kodvwa bengingakuboni loko. Her lips are said to "drip with comb honey. " I was filled with prejudice, but I did not see that. (b) Yini leyenteka kucala ngesikhatsi sekuvuna? Are you familiar with the account of Adam and Eve and the forbidden fruit? (b) What happened when the harvest season began? Loku kushintja loko lesakusho ku - Sicongosekulindza sa - August 15, 1990, ekhasini 30, ngaphansi kwesihloko lesitsi "Imibuto Levela Kubafundzi, " [ngesiZulu.] Patiently continue to discipline them by guiding, training, and correcting them. This change was stated in The Watchtower of August 15, 1990, page 30, under "Questions From Readers " in the August 15, 1990, issue of The Watchtower. Bantfu labanyenti bacabanga kanjalo, kantsi empeleni abelalela uMtsetfo waJehova lowawungawavumeli ema - Israyeli kutsi awutsengise siphelane umhlaba lolifa lemndeni wakubo. And I will place them and multiply them and place my sanctuary in the midst of them to time indefinite. Many people think that way, while they obeyed Jehovah's Law, did not allow the Israelites to sell the land of his family. Wabhala: "Ngobe bazalwane, nabitelwa enkhululekweni; kuphela nje ningayisebentisi inkhululeko yenu kunika ematfuba ekwenta sono, kodvwa khontanani ngelutsandvo lomunye kulomunye. " When an Israelite wanted to show his sincere gratitude to Jehovah, he would take an animal and have the priests burn it on the altar as a complete burnt offering. He wrote: "For this cause we are called for freedom, not only for your freedom, but also for one another. " Betivumelanisa imithandazo yato nesimo, ngalesinye sikhatsi betithandaza ngenhlitiyo nobe tiphumisele. AS THE last days near their end, the wicked continue to "sprout like weeds. " They adapted their prayers to their prayers, sometimes to pray, or to their heart. Noma kunjalo, bengesaba kutsi labanye bantfu batawati ngesono lebengisentile. When we focus on Jesus ' example and imitate him closely, we can have strong faith (See paragraph 15) However, I was afraid that some people will know my sin. Ngesikhatsi atfunywa nguNkulunkulu, Isaya umphrofethi akashongo kutsi: " Nanguya lomunye! Purpose: To help circuit and district overseers to be more effective in serving congregations as they "work hard in speaking and teaching. " - 1 Tim. When he was sent by God, the prophet Isaiah did not say: "Do not forgive others! Ngatsi ngineminyaka lengu - 15 budzala, ngabhajatiswa. But what about our conscience? When I was 15, I got baptized. Watsi tindzebe tayo " tintfontsa luju lwemakhekheba etinyosi. ' Before long, Onesmus became an unbaptized publisher. He said that his cup "will make things straight. " Uyetayele yini indzaba ya - Adamu na - Eva kanye nesitselo lobekutsiwe bangasidli? What have circuit overseers noticed in many congregations? Are you familiar with the story of Adam and Eve and the fruit that they did not eat? Chubeka ubayala ngemusa, ubacondzisa futsi ubacecesha. Gaby recalls: "I am truly grateful to Jehovah for the loving elders who walked me through every difficult step of the way. Continue to discipline them, guide them, and train them. Ngiyawubahlalisa kahle batinte, ngibente bandze, ngibeke indzawo yami lengcwele emkhatsini wabo phakadze naphakadze. * I will reside in security, and I will keep my dwelling place among them, and I will keep my holy place from time to time indefinite. Nangabe umIsrayeli afuna kubonga Jehova, abetsatsa silwane asinikete umphristi asishise elatini, ente umnikelo wekushiswa. What might damage our relationship with Jehovah? If an Israelite wanted to show gratitude to Jehovah, he took the animal to the altar, offering a burnt offering. NJENGOBE emalanga ekugcina sekaya ngasekupheleni, bantfu lababi bayachubeka " bahluma njengetjani. ' (Hla. But, for a change, stretch out your hand and strike everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your very face. " IN THE last days of the end, wicked people continue to "be like the grass. " Nasinaka sibonelo saJesu futsi simlingise, singaba nekukholwa lokucinile (Fundza sigaba 15) Jehovah's love for us and our deep love for him give us true happiness. When we focus on Jesus ' example and imitate him, we can have strong faith (See paragraph 15) Injongo: Kusita babonisi betifundza nebetigodzi kutsi baphumelele kakhulu ekukhonteni emabandla, njengobe basebenta kamatima " ekushumayeleni nasekufundziseni. ' - 1 Thim. Paul answered: "God was by means of Christ reconciling a world to himself, not reckoning to them their trespasses, and he committed the word of the reconciliation to us. " - 2 Cor. Purpose: To help overseers and the circuit work to be effective in the congregations, they worked hard "to preach. " - 1 Tim. Kutsiwani - ke nganembeza wetfu? How does that aspect of the illustration apply to our ministry? What, though, about our conscience? Kungakahambi nje nesikhatsi lesidze, Onesmus waba ngummemeteli longakabhajatiswa. They had the opportunity to live forever and become the beloved parents of billions of perfect descendants. Before long, Onesmus became an unbaptized publisher. Yini babonisi betigodzi labayinakile emabandleni lamanyenti? " It is not a Gospel written in Judas's own time by someone who actually knew him " What have circuit overseers observed about many congregations? Gaby yena utsi: "Emadvodza lamadzala elibandla lanelutsandvo bekahlale angisekela kulo lonkhe lusizi lebengikulo, kungako ngimbonga kakhulu Jehova ngalamadvodza. Why? " The loving elders in the congregation always supported me, " says Gavin, "that I am grateful to Jehovah for these men. * Governments lose credibility when they try to eradicate corruption among police or customs officers while tolerating it among high officials. * Yini lengalimata buhlobo betfu naJehova? They saw firsthand that Jehovah knows how to deliver his people. What can damage our relationship with Jehovah? Kodvwa ase welulele sandla sakho kuko konkhe lanako, ubone kutsi angeke yini akwetfuke. " [ Pictures on page 30] But let your hand grow up in all his belongings, knowing that you will never see whether you will ever see yourself. " Indlela Jehova lasitsandza ngayo natsi lesimtsandza ngayo isinika injabulo sibili. Each was under a vow to God, and they both faithfully paid their vow to him. Jehovah's love for us gives us real happiness. Pawula waphendvula: "Nkulunkulu ubuyisene nelive ngaKhristu. Bantfu akababambeli emagcubu ngetono tabo, kodvwa usiphatsise livi lekubuyisana. " - 2 Khor. They preach to people of all walks of life. Paul responded: "God himself became our father and the world by means of Christ. He does not hold a grudge against their sins, but he does not let himself be ashamed of the word of God. " - 2 Cor. Lomfanekiso uwutsintsa njani umsebenti wetfu wekushumayela? Whether her husband is a ministerial servant, an elder, or perhaps a member of a Hospital Liaison Committee or a Regional Building Committee, she is happy about his privilege. How does this illustration affect our preaching work? Bebanelitfuba lekuphila phakadze kanye nelekuba batali betigidzigidzi tebantfu labete sono. R. They had the opportunity to live forever and to have billions of perfect humans. " Lelivangeli alibhalwanga ngesikhatsi Judasi laphila ngaso nobe ngumuntfu lotsite lowati Judasi " Do you have deep love for others and feel a great responsibility to help them serve Jehovah? " This good news was not written during Judas's time or for anyone who knew it " Kungani kunjalo? In his prophecy about the time of the end, Jesus foretold that he would appoint a channel to give out spiritual "food at the proper time. " Why? Bohulumende balahlekelwa kwetsenjwa nangabe betama kucedza inkhohlakalo emaphoyiseni nobe etisebentini letibuke kuphuma nekungena kwetimphahla eveni, kodvwa babe bayivumela kutsi ichubeke etisebentini letisetikhundleni letisetulu. 10 / 15 Human governments lose trust if they try to eliminate governmental authorities or houses, but they allow them to continue building up in the land. Atibonela kutsi Jehova uyakwati kukhulula bantfu bakhe. Rather, store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes, and where thieves do not break in and steal. They see that Jehovah knows how to deliver his people. [ Sitfombe ekhasini 30] Yet, many have said how useful those conversations proved to be later. [ Picture on page 30] Bobabili bebente sifungo kuNkulunkulu, futsi batifeza ngekwetsembeka tifungo tabo. We very much look forward to the day when God's will is done on earth. Both of them made sworn oath to God, and they faithfully fulfill their vow. Bashumayela kubantfu labavela etiveni letehlukehlukene. When the New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures in Tuvaluan was released They preach to people from different nations. Ngisho nobe indvodza yakhe iyinceku lesebentako, lomdzala, lilunga leKomidi Yekubonisana Netibhedlela nobe leKomidi Yekwakhiwa KwemaHholwa EMbuso, lomfati uyajabula ngesizatfu semisebenti leyentako. Now, years later, I am happy that I focused much of my youth on Jehovah's service. Although her husband is a ministerial servant, an elder, a Branch Committee member, or a Branch Committee member is happy because the woman is happy to do works. R. 25: 7 - 13. R. Unelutsandvo lolukhulu yini ngalabanye futsi utiva unemtfwalo wekubasita bakhonte Jehova yini? 18, 19. (a) Why can we expect to face trials and temptations? Do you love others and feel the responsibility to help them serve Jehovah? Esiphrofethweni sakhe lesimayelana nesikhatsi sekuphela, Jesu wabiketela kutsi utawubeka indlela yekwaba "kudla [kwakamoya] ngesikhatsi lesifanele. " Explain the problem that faces the man in the illustration and how he decides to handle this problem. In his prophecy concerning the time of the end, Jesus foretold that he would appoint a channel to "food at the proper time. " 10 / 1 Though she was beautiful enough to attract the attention of a king who at the time had "60 queens and 80 concubines and young women without number, " she viewed herself as" but a saffron of the coastal plain " - a common flower. 10 / 15 Lokungenani tibekeleni umcebo wenu ezulwini, lapho kungekho khona umvunya, nekutfomba lokuwudlako, nemasela angeke agcekeze awube. To illustrate: After too many drinks, a drunkard may be in a hilarious mood. This enters up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust break, nor moth, nor rust. Nanobe kunjalo, labanyenti batfole kutsi kukhuluma ngaletintfo kuba lusito lolukhulu esikhatsini lesitako. It might take many, many years to obtain a divorce. However, many have found that speaking about these things is a great help in the future. Sisibuke ngalabovu sikhatsi lapho intsandvo yaNkulunkulu itawentiwa emhlabeni. [ Blurb on page 8] We eagerly look forward to the time when God's will will will will be done on earth. Ngesikhatsi ngikhulula Lihumusho Lemhlaba Lomusha LemiBhalo YemaKhristu YesiGriki ngesiTuvalu You can get to know the Bible in the same way. When I released the New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures in Tuvaluan Nyalo, njengobe sekwendlule iminyaka leminyenti ngatsatsa lesincumo, kuyangijabulisa kutsi ngasebentisa iminyaka yebusha bami ngenta umsebenti waJehova. The attack on false religion could happen quickly and at any time Now I have had many years of making that decision, and I am happy to use my youth for years in Jehovah's service. 25: 7 - 13. To help us have a conscience that is properly trained, we should let godly principles guide us and thus bring glory to God. - 1 Cor. 25: 7 - 13. 18, 19. (a) Kungani kufanele sikulindzele kuhlangabetana neluvivinyo kanye netilingo? This wonderful work is bringing "fame to Jehovah, an everlasting sign that will never perish. " 18, 19. (a) Why should we expect to face trials and trials? Asewuchaze inkinga indvodza lokukhulunywa ngayo kulomfanekiso leyabhekana nayo, nendlela leyayicatulula ngayo. Because the Israelites left Jehovah to serve other gods, Jehovah abandoned them to their enemies. Consider the situation of a man mentioned in the illustration, and how he dealt with it. Nanobe buhle bayo bakhanga inkhosi " lebeyinemakhosikati langu - 60, nemaphovela langu - 80, netintfombi letingenakubalwa, ' kodvwa yona beyititsatsa " njengembali yaseSharoni ' - lokuyimbali levamile. Draw Close to God Although her beauty appealed to "the kings of those two kings, including 80 and 80 women, " she viewed them as "like a popular garden. ' Nasi sibonelo: Nakacedza kunatsa kakhulu tjwala futsi sekadzakiwe, umuntfu angativa ajabule kakhulu, alibale kuhleka. Similarly, "to remember sins " can mean" to take action against sinners. " - Jeremiah 14: 10. For example, when he put an end to alcohol and was rejected, a person may feel happier and more discouraged. Kungatsatsa iminyaka leminyenti kutsi udivose. Because Jehovah created humans in his image and thus made it possible for us to reflect his beautiful qualities. - Gen. It may take many years to divorce. [ Emavi lahambisana nesitfombe ekhasini 16] • What is involved in true obedience? [ Blurb on page 16] NeliBhayibheli utawulati ngendlela lefananako. Before learning the truth and acting on it, we were recipients of God's kindness, or general kindness. In the Bible, you will know the same way. Kuhlaselwa kwenkholo yemanga kungenteka ngekushesha futsi nome nini How is God's spirit involved in extending the invitation in our day? The attack of false religion may happen quickly and when it comes to false religion Kuze sibe nabonembeza labaceceshwe kahle kufanele sivumele timiso taJehova tisicondzise, futsi loko kutawuletsa ludvumo kuye. - 1 Khor. © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. To have a trained conscience, we must allow Jehovah's standards to guide us, and that will bring glory to him. - 1 Cor. Lomsebenti lomuhle uletsa "sikhumbuto sekudvumisa Simakadze, kube sibonakaliso saphakadze, lesingeke sibhujiswe. " (Isa. Quoting Jehovah's words through the prophet Isaiah, Jesus said about them: "This people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far removed from me. This wonderful work brings "a reminder to praise Jehovah, a sign that is everlasting, a sign that will never be destroyed. " (Tikhulu 5: 8) Jehova wanikela ema - Israyeli etitseni tawo ngobe amshiya ayokhonta labanye bonkulunkulu. What are some of these situations? Jehovah gave the Israelites his enemies up against their enemies because he abandoned them to worship other gods. Sondzela KuNkulunkulu Are we taking advantage of the opportunities available to us to strengthen our faith through the upbuilding instruction provided at conventions, assemblies, and Christian meetings? Draw Close to God Ngendlela lefanako, "kukhumbula tono " kungasho" kutsatsela soni sinyatselo. " - Jeremiya 14: 10. (b) What should we keep in mind when faced with decisions? Similarly, "remembering sin " can mean" a sinner's action. " - Jeremiah 14: 10. Kungenca yekutsi Jehova wadala bantfu ngemfanekiso wakhe futsi wasenta sakhona kuba nebuntfu lobuhle lobunjengebakhe. - Gen. © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Because Jehovah created humans in his image, he created us with beautiful qualities. - Gen. • Kuhlanganisani kulalela ngebucotfo? Nevertheless, Satan has never been able to go beyond what Jehovah permits. • What is involved in genuine obedience? Kuliciniso kutsi ngembikwekutsi sibe ngemakholwa, sasivele siwutfola umusa waNkulunkulu. However, it was the best solution for her in the last months of her life, and she accepted that. " True, before we became believers, we immediately received God's undeserved kindness. Umoya waNkulunkulu uhlobene njani nekwendlulisela simemo kulabanye lamuhla? Jehovah directed that Solomon be the overseer of this project. - 1 Chron. How does God's spirit relate to the invitation to others today? © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Acaphuna emavi emphrofethi Isaya, Jesu watsi ngabo: "Labantfu bangidvumisa ngemilomo yabo, kodvwa tinhlitiyo tabo tikhashane nami. What does this mean? Regarding Isaiah's words, Jesus said: "The people praise me with their lips, but their hearts are far away from me. Ngutiphi letinye taletimo? Executed without having any of his bones broken. - PSALM 34: 20; JOHN 19: 33, 36. What are some of those changes? Siyawasebentisa yini ematfuba lasivulekele ekucinisa kukholwa kwetfu lesiwatfola ngeticondziso emihlanganweni lemikhulu nasemihlanganweni yelibandla? If someone treats you harshly or unfairly, what can help you to keep your emotions in check and to react in a way that brings joy to Jehovah? Do we use opportunities to strengthen our faith at meetings and assemblies? (b) Yini lokufanele siyikhumbule nakudzingeka sente tincumo? The following is a conversation that one of Jehovah's Witnesses might have with a neighbor. (b) What should we remember when we make decisions? © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. When we study the Bible, we can look for the answers to the following questions: © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. (2 Khro. 20: 6; catsanisa naJobe 1: 11, 12; 2: 3 - 6.) These nonpriestly beneficiaries are also God's people, and he loves and accepts them. We can compare Job and Job with the faith. - 2: 3 - 6. Kodvwa kwaba yindlela lencono kakhulu yekumnakekela etinyangeni tekugcina tekuphila kwakhe, futsi wakwemukela loko. " How tragic, then, that our first parents rejected the only kind of rule that does work - rule by God! But it was the best way to care for him during the months of his life, and he accepted it. " Jehova wabeka Solomoni kutsi kube nguye locondzisa lomsebenti. - 1 Khr. What a contrast there was between Jesus ' firm, wholehearted resolve and those men's weak, conditional offers! Jehovah appointed Solomon to take the lead. - 1 Chron. Kepha nangabe kuvela NW, isuke icashunwe ku - New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. When a trial comes along and you become anxious, use this as an opportunity to draw closer to Jehovah. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Kusho kutsini loku? He uses lies and threats from governments, religious leaders, and apostates. What does that mean? ▪ Abetawubulawa kodvwa kube bete ematsambo akhe lephulwako. - TIHLABELELO 34: 20; JOHANE 19: 33, 36. At any rate, to the extent we have made progress, let us go on walking orderly in this same course. " ▪ He would be killed, but his bones were broken. - PSALM 34: 20; JOHN 19: 33, 36. Nangabe lomunye umuntfu akuphatsa kabi nobe enta intfo longayitsandzi, yini lengakusita kutsi utibambe futsi wente tintfo ngendlela letawujabulisa Jehova? What evidence proves that the Bible is inspired of God? If someone offends you or does something that he does not like, what can help you to control your emotions and to do things that will please Jehovah? Lencociswano lelandzelako isibonelo saleyo lomunye waBoFakazi BaJehova langaba nayo namakhelwane wakhe. What care should we exercise when explaining scriptures? The following is a typical conversation that one of Jehovah's Witnesses might have with a neighbor. Nangabe sidadisha liBhayibheli, singafuna timphendvulo tanayi imibuto lelandzelako: Yet, such experiences as those of Stanisław and Wanda show that divorced ones can come to realize that their brothers and sisters really do care about them. If we study the Bible, we can look for answers to these questions: Ngisho nobe bangesibo baphristi, laba labatfola letinzuzo nabo babantfu baNkulunkulu, uyabatsandza futsi uyabemukela. Similarly, there are good reasons why Jehovah has allowed humans to suffer temporarily, and these reasons are explained in the Bible. Even though the priests are not present, those who receive the benefit of God's people are loved and supportive. Kungemukeli kwebatali betfu kubuswa ngumbusi loncono - Nkulunkulu, kwabangela inhlekelele lenkhulu! COVER: A publisher preaching in Panajachel, a small town by Lake Atitlan. It was because our parents were rejected by the best ruler of God's rulership - a terrible disaster! Siyawubona umehluko lobewukhona emkhatsini wekuba kwaJesu nesibindzi sekufuna kwenta intsandvo yaNkulunkulu, kanye nendlela lamadvodza lenta ngayo nawatfola simemo saJesu sekutsi amlandzele. Brother Knorr told me that I did not have to accept the invitation. We see a contrast between Jesus ' courage to do God's will and how the men responded to Jesus ' invitation to follow him. Nawuvivinywa futsi utiva ukhatsatekile, loko kutsatse njengelitfuba lekusondzelana naJehova. 4, 5. (a) In what situation did the steward of Jesus ' illustration find himself? When you are suffering and you feel anxious, such as the opportunity to draw closer to Jehovah. Usebentisa emanga kanye nekwesatjiswa bohulumende, baholi benkholo kanye netihlubuki. If he had, I probably wouldn't be in Jehovah's organization today. " He uses lies and persecution, religious leaders, and apostates. Ngelizinga lesesitfutfuke ngalo, asichubekeni sihamba ngalokufanele kulendlela lefanako. " • Advertisers bombard you with the message that contentment is only one more purchase away. Toward the extent of this article, let us keep on walking in the same way. " Ngubuphi bufakazi lobukhombisa kutsi liBhayibheli liphefumulelwe nguNkulunkulu? In an effort to comfort the elderly, we can visit them and listen carefully to what they tell us about their past experiences and obvious blessings in Jehovah's service. What evidence is there that the Bible is inspired by God? Yini lokufanele siyicaphele nasichaza imibhalo? The discreet virgins refused to give their oil to the foolish virgins and instead told them to go and buy oil. What must we be careful of when explaining scriptures? Kodvwa lokuhlangenwe nako lokufana nekwaStanisław naWanda kuveta kutsi bantfu labadivosile bangagcine babonile kutsi bazalwane nabodzadze babakhatsalela mbamba. Then, in the year 537 before Christ, the captivity ended when a small number of Jews returned to rebuild the temple and to worship Jehovah again in Jerusalem. But the experience of such experiences is similar to the fact that those who are divorced may eventually realize that their brothers and sisters truly care about them. Ngendlela lefananako, kunetizatfu letinhle letibangele kutsi Jehova avumele bantfu bahlupheke sikhashana, futsi leto tizatfu tichazwa eBhayibhelini. Therefore, God purposed to bring about a global flood that would destroy the ungodly. - Gen. Similarly, there are good reasons why Jehovah allows people to suffer for a while, and those reasons are explained in the Bible. LIKHASI LEKUCALA: Ummemeteli ushumayela edolobheni lelincane ePanajachel ngase - Lake Atitlan. Our childhood was affected by World War II. COVER: A publisher preaching in a small town in Kenya. UMzalwane Knorr wangitjela kutsi angikaphoceleleki kusemukela lesabelo. Clearly, we should avoid any tendency to think that we are authorized to make decisions for other brothers and sisters. Brother Knorr told me that I was not willing to accept that assignment. 4, 5. (a) Ngusiphi simo sisebenti lesisemfanekisweni waJesu lesatitfola sikuso? In the house of Bethuel too, the young woman's preferences mattered. 4, 5. (a) What situation did the steward in Jesus ' illustration find? Kube wasishiya, kungenteka kutsi ngabe angikho enhlanganweni yaJehova lamuhla. " 1: 10. If we left, we would probably never have been in Jehovah's organization today. " • Bakhangisi bakutjela kutsi ungenetiseka kuphela nangabe utsenga tintfo letinyenti. How did Jehovah encourage Noah? • advertisers tell you that they are content only if you buy many things. Kute sidvudvute lasebakhulile, singabavakashela siphindze silalelisise lokuhlangenwe nako kwabo kanye netibusiso labatitfole emsebentini waJehova. They have seen potential "trouble and sorrow " from afar and prepare for them. To comfort older ones, we can visit and listen to their experiences and blessings in Jehovah's service. Tintfombi letihlakaniphile tala kuniketa tintfombi letilibele emafutsa, esikhundleni saloko tatitjela kutsi tiyotitsengela ato. 15: 33. The discreet virgins gave the foolish virgins oil, instead of telling them that they were better than they had to eat. Kwabese kutsi ngemnyaka wanga - 537 ngaphambi kwekuba khona kwaKhristu, lokutfunjwa kwaphela ngesikhatsi emaJuda lambalwa abuyela eJerusalema ayokwakha kabusha lithempeli futsi ayokhonta Jehova. Some young ones may not truly know the difference between dedication and baptism. Later, in 537 B.C.E., the Jewish captivity began to rebuild Jerusalem and rebuild the temple of Jehovah. Ngako - ke, Nkulunkulu wahlela kuletsa zamcolo lomkhulu lobewutawubhubhisa bantfu labebangamlaleli. - Gen. I would soon be sailing to the islands and be away for a few more years. So God arranged to bring a great deluge that would destroy mankind. - Gen. IMphi Yelive Yesibili yasitsintsa kakhulu njengobe sikhula. Who shared in it? World War II affects us as we grow older. Ngako kusebaleni kutsi kufanele sikubalekele kucabanga kutsi sinelilungelo lekwentela lamanye emaKhristu tincumo. 31: 10 - 12, 26 - 28. It is clear that we must avoid thinking that we have the right to make decisions for fellow Christians. (Genesisi 24: 39, 41) Nasekhaya laBhetuweli beyibalulekile indlela intfombatane lebeyitiva ngayo. What must we realize if we are going to win our fight for true freedom? How important it must have been for her young girl to feel! 1: 10, NW. There are times that it would not be right or loving to spread information even if it is true. 1: 10, 11. Jehova wamkhutsata njani Nowa? Like Jacob, we do not know all the details of the outworking of Jehovah's purpose. How did Jehovah encourage Noah? Basuke babonile kutsi kungase kuvele " kuhlupheka nelusizi, ' ngako batilungiselela kusenesikhatsi. While in the city, he was safe and secure under Jehovah's protection. They have seen that there may be " tribulation and sorrow, " so they are preparing ahead. 15: 33. As foretold, what happened to the original Christian congregation? 15: 33. Bantfu labanyenti labasha bangahle bangawati kahle umehluko lokhona emakhatsini wekutinikela nekubhajatiswa. PEOPLE are curious about Jesus. Many young ones may be able to understand the difference between dedication and baptism. Ngekushesha bekufanele ngitfutsele kuletinye tichingi futsi ngihlale khona iminyaka lembalwa. In the decades to follow, the enemies of the Kingdom resorted to "framing trouble in the name of the law. " Soon I had to move to other islands, and I had to live for a few years. Bobani labahlanganyela kuwo? Still, all are expected to carry out their duties faithfully; all must "render an account " to God. - Heb. Who share in it? Bantfwabakhe bayamhlonipha, nendvodza yakhe futsi iyamdvumisa. " - Taga 31: 10 - 12, 26 - 28. Paragraph 3: Since Jesus ' apostles had died and the remaining anointed ones on earth were pictured, not by slaves, but by wheat, these slaves well picture the angels. And her children respect her, respect her husband, and praise him. " - Prov. 31: 10 - 12, 28. Yini lokufanele siyikhumbule nangabe sifuna kuncoba imphi yetfu yekulwela inkhululeko sibili? Doing so can help families gauge how well they are progressing in their objective of pleasing Jehovah and can enable them to evaluate the relative importance of any activity. - Read Philippians 1: 10. What do we need to remember if we want to overcome our fight against true freedom? Kunetikhatsi lapho kungeke kube kuhlakanipha khona kusakata indzaba ngisho nobe iliciniso. How were Adam and Eve led into disobedience? There are times when it would not be wise to spread the matter even if it is true. Natsi siyafanana naJakobe ngobe asinayo yonkhe imininingwane lephatselene nekuphumelela kwenjongo yaJehova. Maybe you feel that there is something he is not telling you. We are like Jacob and Jacob because we have all the details of the purpose of Jehovah's purpose. Nakakulelidolobha bekaphephile ngobe Jehova abetamvikela. (b) How can we become more adept at using God's Word? When the city was safe because Jehovah would protect him. Njengobe kwakubiketelwe, yini leyenteka ebandleni lekucala lemaKhristu? 5: 1 - 3. As foretold, what happened to the first - century Christian congregation? BANTFU banesifiso sekwati kabanti ngaJesu. In these last days, many distressing circumstances confront Jehovah's servants and others. PEOPLE have the desire to learn more about Jesus. Eminyakeni leminyenti leyalandzela, titsa teMbuso " tenta bubi kwaba shengatsi ngumtsetfo. ' The Bible does not say where or when he got his training. Centuries later, Kingdom enemies " made war as if the law of lawlessness. ' Nobe kunjalo, bonkhe kufanele bawente ngekwetsembeka umsebenti wabo; bonkhe "bayawulandzisa " kuNkulunkulu. - Heb. Five of them, including the manager, accepted the truth and were baptized. However, all of them must do their work; they "will all speak to God. " - Heb. Sigaba 3: Njengobe baphostoli baJesu besebashonile futsi nalabagcotjiwe labasasele emhlabeni babukwa njengemabele hhayi tisebenti, letisebenti timelela tingilosi. You would know what the doctor means, and you would strictly heed his warning. Paragraph 3: As Jesus ' apostles died, these anointed ones are still on earth, not the workers, but the workers represented by angels. Kwenta kanjalo kutawasita abone lizinga latfutfuka ngalo emsebentini waJehova, futsi kutawenta ancume nekutsi ngumiphi imisebenti lokufanele ite kucala kuwo. - Fundza Filiphi 1: 10. How can parents show that they do not take their child's faith for granted? Doing so will help you to see the impact that you have made in Jehovah's service, and you will decide what to be required of them. - Read Philippians 1: 10. Yini leyabangela bo - Adamu na - Eva kutsi bangalaleli? The study guides will help you to think carefully about various scriptures and then encourage you to write down the reasons for your beliefs. What caused Adam and Eve to rebel against? Kungenteka uyabona nekutsi kukhona lakufihlela kona. All Christians who take that timeless counsel to heart contribute to an atmosphere of warmth and love within the Christian brotherhood. You may realize that there is something from the hide of it. (b) Yini lengasisita setayelane neliVi laNkulunkulu? 1, 2. (a) Why does Satan not have compassion for the anointed and the "other sheep "? (b) What can help us to get out of God's Word? 5: 1 - 3. He is always faithful, consistent, loyal, and true 5: 1 - 3. Kulamalanga ekugcina, timo leticindzetelako tihlasela tikhonti taJehova kanye nalabanye bantfu. He said: "I am about to journey to Jerusalem to minister to the holy ones. During these last days, conditions will attack Jehovah's worshippers and others. LiBhayibheli alisitjeli kutsi waceceshwa kuphi nobe nini. " Yes, " she replied. " What made you ask? " The Bible does not tell us where he was trained. Labasihlanu babo, kuhlanganise nemphatsi wakhe, balemukela liciniso futsi babhajatiswa. Purple Dye, 4 / 1 Five of them, including his master, embraced the truth and got baptized. Utawukucondza loko lakutjela kona futsi utawusilalela lesecwayiso sakhe. With Joshua's implicit obedience and his keen appreciation for the guidance of God's holy spirit, Israel proved victorious. - Ex. He will understand what he told you and will heed his warning. Batali bangakhombisa njani kutsi abakutsatsi kancane kukholwa kwebantfwababo? TRY THIS: Write down two or three qualities of your mate that you appreciate most. How can parents show that they have little children's faith? Letihloko titakusita kutsi ucabangisise ngemibhalo leminyenti futsi tikukhutsate ubhale tizatfu letikwenta ukwetsembe loko lokukholelwako. He rejoiced when Jehovah allowed other Israelites to act as prophets alongside him. These articles will help you to reason on many scriptures and encourage you to reason on your beliefs. Onkhe emaKhristu lalalela lamavi, enta kutsi kube nebunye kanye nelutsandvo emkhatsini wawo. I have learned to enjoy serving Jehovah without feelings of self - pity. All Christians who listen to these words make it possible for them to be united and to love one another. 1, 2. (a) Yini leyenta Sathane abebete bubele ngalabagcotjiwe " naletinye timvu '? What was Elsebeth's reaction to the invitation? 1, 2. (a) Why did Satan not have mercy on the anointed "other sheep "? Wetsembekile, akashintjashintji, ucotfo futsi uneliciniso AS SOON AS my son Gary was born in 1958, I sensed that something was wrong. He is faithful, consistent, loyal, and true Watsi: "Ngisaya eJerusalema kuyawukhonta labangcwele. To illustrate: Your brother may find it difficult to open up to visiting elders. He said: "I go to Jerusalem and worship the holy ones. Lodzadze waphendvula watsi: "Yebo, yini lekwenta ubute? " Employ effective teaching methods, and keep the atmosphere respectful and tranquil. - Jas. The sister replied: "Yes, why? " Ngesizatfu sekulalela kwaJoshuwa kanye nekufuna kucondziswa ngumoya longcwele waNkulunkulu, ema - Israyeli ancoba. - Eks. One limitation imposed on the competence of Jewish courts, however, concerned the execution of criminals - a right that the Romans generally reserved for themselves. Because of Joshua and his desire to be guided by God's holy spirit, the Israelites conquered him. - Ex. YETAMA LOKU: Bhala timfanelo letimbili nobe letintsatfu lotitsandza kakhulu kumuntfu loshade naye. What is more, if she and Adam fed Cain such ideas as he grew up, they surely did his imperfect human pride no good. TRY THIS: Write down two qualities or three qualities that you love your mate. Wajabula ngalesikhatsi Jehova aniketa nalamanye ema - Israyeli umsebenti wekuphrofetha njengaye. What Is Wrong With Spiritism? He was delighted when Jehovah gave other Israelites the assignment he prophesied. Ngifundze nekukujabulela kukhonta Jehova kunekutsi ngitivele buhlungu. Why is it important that we grow to love God's laws? I have also learned to serve Jehovah rather than feel hurt. Wativa njani Elsebeth ngalesimemo? 22: 8 - 13. How did Margaret feel about the invitation? YATSI nje nayitalwa indvodzana yami Gary nga - 1958, ngavele ngabona kutsi kukhona lokungahambi kahle. An improper romantic relationship could develop at your place of employment. " Before my son I was born in 1958, I realized that something was missing. Nasi sibonelo: Umzalwane angase akutfole kumatima kubavulela sifuba sakhe labadzala belibandla labamvakashele. There certainly is - the apostle Paul. For example, a brother may find it difficult to open his heart to the elders. Fundzisa ngendlela lezuzisako, ugcine lesifundvo sihloniphekile futsi wonkhe umuntfu ative akhululekile. - Jak. 2: 7. Teach them in a way that leads to this study, and then everyone will feel comfortable. - Jas. Sinye nje simo lebesingaketayeleki nalesatiwako lesentiwa ngemalunga eNkantolo YemaJuda, kungalesikhatsi batekisa Stefano licala futsi bamgcoba ngematje waze wafa. - Imis. Neither Richard nor Bill had given any thought to Bethel service. A different situation that was commonly understood by the Jewish Sanhedrin, such as the Jewish Sanhedrin, became innocent and stoned him to death. - Acts Nakungenteka kutsi bamtjela loko Khayini nakakhula, loko akumsitanga ngalutfo. " Pursue a good career. ' If they told Cain that if he got older, it does not help Cain. Kungani Kungakalungi Kusebentisa Imimoya? " I felt wonderfully free and overjoyed, " he later said. Why is the unrighteous by means of the Spirit? Kungani kubalulekile kutsi siyitsandze imitsetfo yaNkulunkulu? (b) Daniel 2: 44 refers to God's Kingdom as destroying which kingdoms? Why is it important to love God's laws? 22: 8 - 13. The Christian wife does well, then, to continue to behave "with complete lowliness of mind and mildness, with long - suffering, " putting up with the situation in love. 22: 8 - 13. Kutsandzana ngalokungakafaneli nalomunye umuntfu kungenteka nasemsebentini wekutiphilisa. HOW I HAVE BENEFITED: I had lived a life of crime and terrorism. Having a romantic relationship with a person may also be secular and secular work. Yebo sikhona, ngumphostoli Pawula. My errors have overwhelmed me, but you cover over our transgressions. " - Ps. Yes, the apostle Paul is the apostle Paul. 2: 7. A few months later, the Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia received a box and the following letter from a Witness family in Queensland, Australia, who had seen the report of the Court's decision: "Dear Brothers, Our children, Cody and Larissa, were very touched by the faith and trials of the friends in Russia. 2: 7. NaboRichard naBill, bebete sifiso sekusebenta eBethel. Isaiah directed his words to Israel. They too had no desire to work at Bethel. " Phishanekela umsebenti loncono. ' [ Pictures on page 8] " Pursue the right work. ' Watsi: "Ngajabula kakhulu futsi ngativa ngikhululekile. " (a) How did the gift of free will distinguish Adam from other forms of life in Eden? He said: "I was so happy and felt relief. " (b) Danyela 2: 44 uchaza kutsi uMbuso waNkulunkulu utawubhubhisa miphi imibuso? He will reward those who are faithful and will punish those who are not. (b) Daniel 2: 44 explains that God's Kingdom will destroy what kingdoms? Bafati labangemaKhristu benta kahle ngekuchubeka batiphatsa "ngekutfobeka konkhe, nangebumnene, nangekucinisela, " futsi bacatulula tinkinga ngelutsandvo. She took us to the Baptist church every Sunday. Christian wives do well to "become imitators of all things, humility, and mildness, " and" endure " with love. INDLELA LENGIZUZE NGAYO: Bengiphila imphilo yebugebengu nebuphekula. Then Sophie watched the video Young People Ask - What Will I Do With My Life? HOW I HAVE BENEFITED: I lived a life of crime. Ngesikhatsi tiphambuko tetfu tisehlula nguwe lositsetselelako. " - Hla. Their explanations were convoluted and inconsistent, which our Bible students easily recognized when they compared such with the Bible's clear teachings. When imperfect humans sinned, you are no longer in their behalf. " - Ps. Etinyangeni letimbalwa letalandzela, i - Administrative Center yaboFakazi BaJehova eRussia yatfola libhokisi nencwadzi lebeyibuya emndenini waboFakazi eQueensland, e - Australia. Lomndeni bewubone lombiko wesincumo seNkantolo. Lencwadzi beyitsi: "Bazalwane labatsandzekako, kubatsintse kakhulu bantfwana betfu boCody naLarissa, kubona kukholwa nekulingwa kwebangani babo eRussia. For instance, how should we react if tempted to engage in any activity that Jehovah condemns? A few months later, the Students of the United States of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia found a box of a letter from Australia's Witnesses who came to realize: "The beloved family members were moved to realize the truthfulness of our brothers and sisters. " Isaya wawasho kuma - Israyeli lamavi. Is it possible to survive such wounds? Isaiah could have said those words. [ Titfombe ekhasini 15] Timothy knew the Hebrew Scriptures from infancy. [ Pictures on page 15] (a) Sipho senkhululeko yekutikhetsela Adamu lebekanaso samenta wehluka njani etilwaneni lebetise - Edeni? Two years later, when I was 16, I was appointed as a pioneer. (a) How did the gift of free will influence Adam's choice of animals in Eden? Utabanika umvuzo labo labetsembekile bese uyabajezisa labo labangaketsembeki. PUBLISHERS He will reward faithful ones and reward those who are unfaithful. Bekaya natsi esontfweni lema - Baptist njalo ngelisontfo. Gandhi expressed his conscientious stance this way: "He or she who supports a State organized in the military way - whether directly or indirectly - participates in the sin. He regularly went to church in the church. Ngemuva kwaloko, Sophie wabukela i - video letsi "Young People Ask - What Will I Do With My Life? " But all the faithless people outside the ark perished because they had refused to listen to Noah, "a preacher of righteousness. " - 2 Pet. Thereafter, he watched the video What Should We Learn About? Tinchazelo tabo betingevakali futsi tingavumelani, ngako - ke tifundvo tetfu teliBhayibheli tasheshe takubona loko natikucatsanisa netimfundziso leticacile teliBhayibheli. About that time, my parents asked me to come back home. Their explanation was not easy, so our Bible students would quickly see the Bible's clear teachings in comparison with Bible teachings. Nasi sibonelo: Sitawukwenta njani nangabe silingelwa kutsi sihlanganyele etintfweni Jehova latilahlako? In a long race, such as a marathon, the finish line is not in sight at first. For example, how will we react if we are engaging in activities that Jehovah hates? Kungenteka yini kutsi sikhone kubhekana nalobuhlungu lobungaka bekufelwa? Consider one example in the sixth prophecy. Could we be overwhelmed by grief and grief? Kusukela aseluswane, Thimothi bekayati imiBhalo yesiHebheru. As mentioned earlier, my wife abandoned me because of my blindness. But I have received an extra blessing from Jehovah. From infancy Timothy knew the Hebrew Scriptures. Ngemuva kweminyaka lemibili, ngaba lihlahlandlela nangineminyaka lengu - 16. This article raises questions you may have wondered about and shows where you can read the answers in your Bible. Two years later, I pioneer when I was 16. BAMEMETELI Accepting nursing - home care for her was not an easy decision to make. PUBLISHERS Gandhi, umholi wemaHindu losewashona, wakuchaza ngalendlela loko lokwenta nembeza wakhe ungamvumeli kutsi abhadale umtselo: "Wonkhe umuntfu losekela uMbuso lohlanganyela emphini ngalokucondzile nobe ngaletinye tindlela, wenta sono. The Bible also says that Jehovah is pleased when we do all we can to praise him, and he wants us to be happy serving him. Rachel, a leader of Pakistan, explained this way that her conscience might not allow him to pay taxes: "Everyone who supports the Kingdom in other countries supports the Kingdom message or who is directly involved in other forms of sin. Kodvwa bonkhe bantfu labangaketsembeki lebebangekho emkhunjini bafa ngenca yekutsi abazange bamlalele Nowa, "umshumayeli wekulunga. " - 2 Phet. For instance, the psalmist David wrote that "the eyes of Jehovah are toward " us and that his" right hand keeps fast hold " on us. But all who were unfaithful in the ark died because of Noah, "a preacher of righteousness. " - 2 Pet. Ngaleso sikhatsi, batali bami bangicela kutsi ngibuye ekhaya. A sister in the congregation felt sorry for the mother and told her: "It's too bad you have failed at child training. " At that time, my parents asked me to return home. Emncintiswaneni wemjako lomudze, intsambo ayibonakali ekucaleni kwawo. Instead of longing for a position in the congregation, enjoy your work in the ministry! In the middle of the location of the great tribulation, it is dark at first. Cabanga ngalokunye kwako, lokusiphrofetho sesitfupha. Sophia: They do. Think about one thing, this is the prophecy about six of that prophecy. Njengobe ngike ngasho ekucaleni, umfati wami wangilahla ngesizatfu sekutsi ngiyimphumphutse, kepha Jehova ungiphe lesinye sibusiso. The Bible states that God called the Hebrew patriarch Abraham "my friend. " As I mentioned earlier, my wife threw me off because I was blind, but Jehovah has given me another blessing. Lesihloko siphakamisa imibuto lokungenteka kutsi uke watibuta yona futsi siveta nekutsi ungatitfolaphi timphendvulo eBhayibhelini lakho. So read a recent billboard message paid for by an atheist group. This article raises questions you may have asked and shows where you can read the answers in your Bible. Akuzange kube melula kwenta sincumo sekutsi ayiswe ekhaya lalasebakhulile. The Kingdom message became especially "good " in 1914. It did not make it easy for him to take care of the disfellowshipped home. LiBhayibheli liphindze litsi Jehova uyajabula nasenta konkhe lokusemandleni etfu kute simdvumise, futsi ufuna sijabule njengobe simkhonta. [ Picture Credit Line on page 32] The Bible also says that Jehovah is pleased when we do our best to praise him, and he wants us to rejoice as we serve him. Nasi sibonelo: Umhlabeli Davide wabhala watsi "emehlo aSimakadze akesuki " kitsi nekutsi " sandla sakhe sekudla siyasisimisa. ' Thus they promote unity and help us advance to Christian maturity. For example, the psalmist David wrote: "The eyes of Jehovah are toward us and that his hand is upon us. " Dzadze lotsite ebandleni lobekatsi ulilela lomake watsi kuye: "Cha kukwehlulile kufundzisa lomntfwana. " Hezekiah had a terrible childhood! - 2 Kings 16: 2 - 4, 10 - 17; 2 Chronicles 28: 1 - 3. A sister in the congregation named she said to her, "No, eat it from the child. " Kunekutsi ufise imisebenti lesetulu ebandleni, jabulela umsebenti wakho wekushumayela! To do so, you need to be willing to adjust to local circumstances. Instead of looking forward to your assignment in the congregation, enjoy your ministry! Takhona: Iyafanana. If the Bible had thus decayed, its message would have died with it. Sophia: Yes, it's like that. LiBhayibheli litsi Nkulunkulu wabita Abrahama ngekutsi " ngumngani wakhe. ' Let us therefore be on time, for if we customarily arrive late, we lose out on at least some of the spiritual " tailoring ' needed to improve our appearance as Jehovah's servants. The Bible says that God called Abraham "a friend. " Nguloko lebekubhalwe ebhodini lekukhangisa lebelibhadalelwe licembu lebantfu labangakholelwa kuNkulunkulu. Her teenage daughter died. That was explained to the film that was set for a group of people who believe in God. Umlayeto lomayelana neMbuso waba " muhle ' kakhulu nga - 1914. We can draw comfort from knowing that in his reasonableness, Jehovah accepts our whole - souled service. The message about Kingdom interests became "good news " in 1914. [ Emavi laveta Umtfombo wesitfombe ekhasini 32] Curiously, when we pray, we freely admit that we are imperfect. [ Picture Credit Line on page 32] Tisenta sibe nebunye futsi tisisite sivutfwe ngakamoya. Why did Paul say that "Christ is the power of God "? They contribute to unity and help us spiritually. Hezekiya wakhula kamatima. - 2 Emakhosi 16: 2 - 4, 10 - 17; 2 Tikhronike 28: 1 - 3. When I did say something, we would often argue because we were both trying to prove that we were right. Hezekiah grew up. - 2 Kings 16: 2 - 4, 10; 2 Chronicles 28: 1 - 3. Kute ukhone kwenta njalo, kudzingeka uhlale ukulungele kuvumelanisa kuphila kwakho nekwendzawo lohlala kuyo. Why has the Bible been able to help these and many others to overcome deep - seated hatred and prejudice? To do so, you need to be ready to let your life and a place where you live. Kube liBhayibheli nalo belonakala ngalendlela, nemlayeto walo ngabe wavele waphela kanye nalo. And that is exactly what happened, for Matthew reported that "all the disciples abandoned [Jesus] and fled. " - Matt. If the Bible did, his message would not end up with it. Ngako - ke, kufanele sifike ngesikhatsi ngobe nasetayela kufika sekwephutile kulemihlangano, asikutfoli lokunye kulungiswa lesikudzingako kute sitfutfukise indlela lesibukeka ngayo njengetinceku taJehova. Jesus set the example. So when we arrive at the end of the week, we do not get what we need to improve our appearance as Jehovah's servants. Indvodzakati yakhe lebeyiseminyakeni yekutfomba yafa. He states: "People judge others by what they look like, but I judge people by what is in their hearts. " Her teenage daughter died. Singadvudvuteka ngekwati kutsi kucabangela kwaJehova kumenta awemukele umsebenti lesiwenta ngemphefumulo wonkhe. I spend more time with my husband, and we have become closer. We can find comfort in knowing that Jehovah's reasonableness has made him accept a whole - souled job. Kuvamile kutsi nasithandaza sivume kutsi sinesono nekutsi siyawenta emaphutsa. When an ambassador is in a foreign country, he does not get involved in its problems and politics. It is common for us to pray that we are imperfect and make mistakes. Kungani Pawula atsi " Khristu ungemandla... aNkulunkulu '? How, then, could any of us judge a fellow worshipper as being unworthy of our love? Why did Paul say that Christ is "the power of God "? Nangabe bekwenteka ngimphendvule bekusuka lutfuli ngobe sobabili besifuna kubonakale kutsi siyati. Others have even attacked his name itself, removing the name Jehovah from Bible translations and forbidding the use of it. If I didn't do so, the two of us wanted to make it clear that we knew it. Yini leyente liBhayibheli lakhona kusita laba lesisandza kukhulma ngabo nalabanye labanengi kutsi bancobe inzondo lesekujuleni kwetinhlitiyo tabo kanye nelubandlululo? How does he view the course he has taken? Why has the Bible been able to help those who have fallen victim to feelings of anger and feelings? Nguloko kanye lokwenteka, ngobe Matewu watsi " bafundzi baJesu bonkhe bamshiya khona lapho, babaleka. ' - Mat. This was essential for them to complete the work that Jesus had started. That is what happened, for Matthew said that "Jesus ' disciples left all there and fled. " - Matt. Jesu wakwenta loko emahlandla lamanyenti. But, unlike Adam, Jesus "committed no sin. " Jesus did so many times. Utsi: "Umuntfu ubuka lingaphandle lemuntfu, kodvwa Simakadze ubuka inhlitiyo. " The previous article in this magazine explains who the virgins are. " A man sees what appears to the eyes, " she says, "but Jehovah sees what the heart is. " Sikhatsi lesinyenti ngisicitsa nemyeni wami futsi loko kusente sasondzelana kakhulu. He even changes the way he lives, thinks, and acts. My husband and I spent much time with my husband, and this has drawn us closer. Nangabe lincusa likulelinye live, alitihlanganisi netinkinga kanye netindzaba tepolitiki talelolive. So, what is there in David's life, especially in his early years, that can help you to become such a person? If available in a foreign country, they do not associate with challenges and political issues. Akukafaneli silugodle lutsandvo Jehova latsi kufanele silukhombise lesikholwa nabo! - 1 Joh. Therefore, we can be confident that Christ continues to be moved by the anguish of others, to understand their grief, and to provide them consolation "at the right time. " - Read Hebrews 4: 15, 16. We should not have affection for Jehovah's loving concern for fellow believers! - 1 John 4: 4. Labanye balihlasele libito lakhe lelitsi Jehova, bate balikhipha emahumushweni eliBhayibheli, futsi batsi akukafaneli lisetjentiswe. Because they thought that a sick person could miraculously be cured if he went into the pool when the water was moving. Some refuse to attack his name, Jehovah, in a translation of the Bible, and say that it should not be used. Utiva njani ngalolushintjo lalwenta? While being hunted by King Saul, David had shown admirable restraint in not retaliating against that jealous monarch. How do you feel about those changes? Bekubalulekile kutsi bakwente loko kute bakhone kucedza umsebenti Jesu lawucala. Rather, he was stressing metaphorically that we should be willing to cut out of our life anything that is spiritually harmful. It was important to do what Jesus started. Kodvwa Jesu yena "akentanga sono. " Then we made tea and hot chocolate. But Jesus is "put on sin. " Sihloko lesisuka kuso sichaza kutsi tibobani letintfombi. The covenant for a priest like Melchizedek becomes the basis for the offspring to serve in a priestly capacity. The article explains who they are virgins. Wenta ngisho nelushintjo endleleni laphila ngayo, lacabanga ngayo nalenta ngayo tintfo. Did you notice where many good people will live? He did not even change changes in his life, thinking, and doing things. Kuloko lokwenteka ekuphileni kwaDavide, ikakhulukati ngesikhatsi asesemncane, yini lengakusita kutsi ube ngumuntfu wenhlitiyo yaSimakadze? What about us? From David's life, especially when he was young, what can help you to develop a person's heart? Ngako - ke, asiciniseke kutsi Khristu utawuchubeka abavela labo labakhatsatekile, uyasati nesimo labakuso futsi ukulungele kubadvudvuta "ngesikhatsi lesifanele. " - Fundza Hebheru 4: 15, 16. 6, 7. Therefore, let us make sure that Christ will continue to care for those who are depressed, knowing their situation, and be ready to comfort them at the right time. " - Read Hebrews 4: 15, 16. Kungobe beticabanga kutsi umuntfu logulako angelapheka ngalokusimangaliso nakangena kulelichibi nangabe lamanti ahlubhutela. Not long thereafter, the newly formed congregation in Philippi twice sent provisions to Paul during his stay of several weeks with fellow believers in Thessalonica, nearly 100 miles (160 km) away. Because it seemed that a sick person was miraculously healed if the water did not bear it. Ngalesikhatsi atingelwa yiNkhosi Sawula, Davide waveta imfanelo yekutibamba ngekutsi angatiphindziseli kulenkhosi lenemona. (1 Sam. What will be considered in the next article? When King Saul understood the quality of self - control, David expressed self - control by taking vengeance on the king's court. Kunaloko, abegcizelela liphuzu lekutsi kufanele sikususe konkhe lokungasilimata ngakamoya ekuphileni kwetfu. What can you "see " about the Father through Jesus ' actions? Rather, he emphasized the point that we must remove all spiritual harm in our life. Sabese simentela litiya. STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: Then we spent him with a cup of tea. Sivumelwane sekuba ngumphristi njengaMelkhisedeki sisisekelo sekutsi lentalo yente umsebenti webaphristi. 1 - 3. (a) Why is Joshua a good example of one who made the right choice in life? The covenant for a priest like Melchizedek is the foundation for the offspring of priests. Unakile yini kutsi bantfu labanyenti labalungile batawuhlala kuphi? Hoping to be a nun, she joined a convent. Did you notice that many good people will live there? Kutsiwani ngatsi? O'Connor showed up in Dublin with yet another minister asking questions, but the audience applauded the Scriptural replies. What about us? 6, 7. It comforts people with the good news that God's heavenly Kingdom will soon end all wickedness and transform the earth into a paradise. 6, 7. Ngekushesha nje ngemuva kwaloko, libandla laseFiliphi lebelisandza kusungulwa latfumela kabili lusito kuPawula njengobe besekacitse emaviki lamanyenti anebazalwane baseThesalonika, lekhashane ngemakhilomitha lacishe abe ngu - 160. How does Jehovah support those who hope to marry but have not yet found a suitable mate? Shortly thereafter, the newly formed congregation in Philippi had been useful as Paul had spent two weeks in Thessalonica, about 650 miles (50 km) away. Sitawucoca ngani esihlokweni lesilandzelako? Yes, pray earnestly for Jehovah God to show you how to " count your days ' wisely so that you can use the remaining days with your loved one in the best possible way. What will we consider in the next article? Yini "longayibona " ngeYise kuloko lokwentiwa nguJesu? And those who spoke against what church leaders taught were severely punished. What does "the Father " reveal about Jesus ' actions? TIHLOKO LETIFUNDVWA NGALAMAVIKI: Rather, these loving shepherds "consider others superior, " that is, they think of others as more important than themselves. - Philippians 2: 3; Luke 9: 48. STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: 1 - 3. (a) Yini leyenta Joshuwa abe sibonelo lesihle semuntfu lowenta sincumo lesikahle ekuphileni? Well, Jesus did tell his apostles that there were things they did not and could not know. 1 - 3. (a) Why was Joshua an outstanding example in making a decision in life? Wahamba wayohlala nemasisitela ngobe abenelitsemba lekuba lisisitela. The Bible shows that yes, the prayers of faithful servants of God really do benefit them. He stayed with us because he had the hope of helping us. O'Connor waphindze weta eDublin nalomunye umfundisi lowabuta imibuto kodvwa tilaleli tashaya tandla tivumelana netimphendvulo letisekelwe eBhayibhelini. We trust him to bless our attitude, and his blessing is much more valuable than making someone pay for what he did to us. Occasionally, he came to the house of a minister who asked questions, but the audience tried to answer the Bible - based answers. Ufundzisa bantfu kutsi madvutane uMbuso waNkulunkulu utawucedza bonkhe bubi futsi wente lomhlaba ube lipharadisi. Being "the priesthood of Jehovah " was their inheritance. It comforts people with the good news that God's heavenly Kingdom will soon end all wickedness and transform the earth into a paradise. Jehova ubasekela njani labo labanesifiso sekushada kodvwa labasengakamtfoli umuntfu lokahle? To this day, the lives of millions are cut short by AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria, despite intensive medical research. How does Jehovah support those who desire to marry but who have not yet found a better person? (Tihlabelelo 90: 12) Thantaza ngalokusuka enhlitiyweni, ucele Nkulunkulu Jehova akukhombise indlela " yekubala emalanga akho ' kute ukwati kusebentisa kahle emalanga lasele ukanye nalomtsandzako logulako. (Read 2 Chronicles 34: 1 - 3.) Pray wholeheartedly, asking Jehovah God to show you " days for your days ' so that you can use your heartfelt love for your loved one another. Labo lebebaphikisana naloko lebekushiwo bafundisi bemasontfo, bebajeziswa kamatima. Paul said that he felt this way because of his imperfections. Those who argued with church leaders were persecuted. Kunaloko, labelusi labanelutsandvo " batsatsa labanye njengalabakhulu kunabo. ' - Filiphi 2: 3; Lukha 9: 48. For example, Jeremiah expected that the Babylonians would destroy Judah, and that is what happened in 607 B.C.E. Rather, those loving shepherds " view others as superior to them. ' - Philippians 2: 3; Luke 9: 48. Jesu watjela bafundzi bakhe kutsi kunetintfo labebangatati kanye nalabebangeke baze batati. The problem that existed between Euodia and Syntyche could have disrupted the peace of the whole congregation. Jesus told his disciples that there were many things that they did not know and that they would never know. LiBhayibheli liveta kutsi imithandazo yetikhonti taNkulunkulu letetsembekile iyatizuzisa. Indeed, Jehovah never disappoints those who zealously serve him. The Bible shows that prayers of God's loyal servants benefit. Siyetsemba kutsi utawubusisa simo setfu sengcondvo futsi sibusiso sakhe sibaluleke kakhulu kwendlula loko umuntfu losonile langasentela kona. Kingdom citizens have abandoned such shortsighted, self - centered attitudes. We trust that he will bless our attitude, and his blessing is more important than what someone we do for us. " Kukhonta kwawo kwebuphristi embikwaSimakadze ' bekulifa lawo. Remember: To have God's approval, we must endure. - Romans 5: 3 - 5; James 1: 12. " Their worship of the priesthood " was their inheritance. Ngisho nome lizinga lekwelapha selitfutfuke kakhulu lamuhla, tigidzi tebantfu tibulawa sifo se - AIDS, sesifuba sengati kanye namalaleveva. 18: 20. Despite the influence of health growth today, millions of people suffer from a disease disease disease disease, disease, and malaria. (Fundza 2 Tikhronike 34: 1 - 3.) (See opening image.) (Read 2 Chronicles 34: 1 - 3.) Pawula watsi wativa ngalendlela ngobe abenesono. " Trust in Jehovah, you people, for all times. " - ISA. Paul said that he felt this way because he was imperfect. Sibonelo saloko kutsi Jeremiya abelindzele kutsi baseBhabhulona babhubhise sive sakaJuda, futsi nguloko lokwenteka nga - 607 B.C.E. Still, Moses was writing about 2,500 years after the events described. For example, Jeremiah expected the Babylonians to destroy the nation of Judah, and that occurred in 607 B.C.E. Lenkinga lebeyikhona emkhatsini wabo - Evodiya naSintike beyingakuphatamisa kuthula kwelibandla. How do you react when neighbors, colleagues, classmates, or relatives speak ill of Jehovah and make fun of his Witnesses? The problem between Euodia and Syntyche could have affected the peace of the congregation. Kuliciniso kutsi Jehova akabadvumati labo labakhutsele emsebentini wakhe. Everyone's role in the congregation is unique, but all of us are needed. Of course, Jehovah does not hear those who are zealous in his service. Takhamuti teMbuso setisilahlile leso simo sengcondvo lesingakacaci nesekuticabangela wena. Teach them how to explain what they believe clearly and respectfully. Kingdom citizens often avoid such a mental and selfish attitude. Khumbula: Kute semukeleke kuNkulunkulu kufanele sicinisele. - Roma 5: 3 - 5; Jakobe 1: 12. At some point after the beginning of the great tribulation but before Jehovah executes his judgment upon the rest of the world, people will "become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth. " Remember: For God's approval, we must endure. - Romans 5: 3 - 5; James 1: 12. 18: 20. Why does Jehovah deserve our respect? 18: 20. (Buka sitfombe lesisekucaleni kwalesihloko.) Even his apostles did not believe the initial report of his having returned to life. (See opening picture.) " Yetsembelani kuJehova kuze kube phakadze. ' - ISA. Paul called God's word "the sword of the spirit. " " Trust in Jehovah forever. " - ISA. Ngesikhatsi Mosi abhala lokulandzisa, besekwendlule iminyaka lengaba ngu - 2 500 kwenteka. Exercise Perceptive Powers, 5 / 15 When Moses wrote the account, there have been some 2,500 years ago. (Jer. 9: 24) Wenta njani nangabe bomakhelwane, bantfu losebenta nabo, lofundza nabo nobe tihlobo takho tikhuluma kabi ngaJehova futsi tihlekisa ngaboFakazi bakhe? Ana, who lives in Brazil, says: "When there were problems, such as when my grandparents were ill, my parents would ask Jehovah to give them the strength to cope with the situation and the wisdom to make good decisions. How did he react to your neighbors, workmates, or schoolmates, and make fun of Jehovah and make fun of his Witnesses? Ngenca yekutsi Jehova unemusa, usinikete tipho kanye nemakhono langafani. For instance, a couple may live in a country where divorce is impossible or extremely difficult to obtain, perhaps taking years to become valid. Because Jehovah is kind, he has given us gifts and abilities. Bafundzise kutsi bangatichaza njani tinkholelo tabo ngendlela lecacile nalenenhlonipho. For example, do you know of a fellow believer who is discouraged, perhaps because of health problems, family opposition, or personal failings? He showed how to explain their beliefs clearly and respect. Kutawutsi sekucalile lokuhlupheka lokukhulu, Jehova asengakasikhiphi sehlulelo sakhe kubantfu bonkhe emhlabeni, bantfu "bayawucaleka babenesiyeti ngenca yekwesaba loko labayawube babheke kutsi kwenteke emhlabeni wonkhe. " He wrote: "Let us therefore do our utmost to enter into that rest, for fear anyone should fall in the same pattern of disobedience. " After the start of the great tribulation, Jehovah will take place before his judgment upon all the earth, "and the sons of men will rise up because they saw what would happen to the ends of the earth. " Kungani Jehova akufanelekela kuhlonishwa? [ Picture on page 30] Why is Jehovah worthy of honor? Ngisho nebaphostoli bakhe abazange bakholwe nabeva kwekucala kutsi uvusiwe ekufeni. Simply because Jehovah did not give humans the freedom to determine for themselves what is good and what is bad. - Read Proverbs 20: 24 and footnote; Jeremiah 10: 23. Even his apostles did not believe that they had been resurrected. Pawula wabita livi laNkulunkulu ngekutsi " yinkemba yemoya. ' Probably not. Paul called God's word "a sword of the spirit. " Ana, lohlala eBrazil utsi: "Nangabe kunetinkinga ekhaya, njengalapho kugula bogogo namkhulu, batali bami bebacela Jehova kutsi abanikete emandla ekubhekana nalesimo futsi abaphe nekuhlakanipha kute batsatse tincumo letikahle. When giving discipline, how can we imitate Jehovah and his Son? Ana, who lives in Brazil, says: "When problems arise, my parents asked Jehovah to give you the strength and wisdom to correct them. Nasi sibonelo: Kungenteka bantfu labashadene bahlale eveni labangeke bakhone kudivosa nobe kulukhuni kuyitfola, mhlawumbe kutsatsa iminyaka kutsi ibe semtsetfweni. Admittedly, it takes effort to conform to God's righteous standards. For example, married couples may live in a country where divorce or divorce is difficult, perhaps for years. (Taga 3: 27) Nasi sibonelo: Ukhona yini lenikholwa naye lomatiko kutsi udvumatekile mhlawumbe ngenca yetinkinga temphilo, kuphikiswa ngemalunga emndeni nobe lonetinkinga takhe nje ekuphileni? To maintain a congregation's unity and cleanness, how should the elders handle cases of wrongdoing? For example, are you able to believe that you are discouraged because of health problems, illness, or medical problems? Wabhala: "Ngako - ke asikhutsalele kungena kuloko kuphumula, kubete lowehluleka ngenca yekungalaleli njengabo. " The Bible plainly says: "Woe to those who are getting up early in the morning that they may seek just intoxicating liquor, who are lingering till late in the evening darkness so that wine itself inflames them! " He wrote: "Let us not strive to enter into the rest of the world; there is no stumbling block for disobedience. " [ Sitfombe ekhasini 30] Jesus firmly rebuked them. [ Picture on page 30] Kungobe Jehova akazange anikete bantfu inkhululeko yekutincumela lokuhle nalokubi. - Fundza Taga 20: 24; Jeremiya 10: 23. Reflect on your dedication. Because Jehovah has not given humans the freedom to choose what is good and what is bad. - Read Proverbs 20: 24; Jeremiah 10: 23. Cha, angeke uwubone. What comparison found at Psalm 122: 3, 4 could be applied to God's people today? No. Nawuniketa labanye siyalo, ungamlingisa njani Jehova neNdvodzana yakhe? Rather than executing the rebels right then and there, the wise Creator responded with a profound prophecy - the Edenic promise - to ensure that every detail of his word would come true. - Read Genesis 3: 15. When you give discipline, how can you imitate Jehovah and his Son? Kudzinga imetamo lemikhulu kugcina timiso taNkulunkulu letilungile. What did Peter mean when he wrote that "earth and the works in it will be discovered "? It takes great effort to maintain God's righteous standards. Kuze kulondvolotwe bunye nekuhlanteka kwelibandla, labadzala kufanele bawasingatse njani emacala ebubi lobentiwe? The prophet Jeremiah loved Scriptural truth. To preserve the unity of the congregation, how should elders handle cases of guilt? Ngendlela lecacile, liBhayibheli litsi: "Maye kulabo labavuka ekuseni ngeluvivi bagijimele etinatfweni letidzakanako, batihlalele kuze kube ngusebusuku kakhulu, badzimate behlulwe nguleliwayini labo. " Such will be the blessings you can enjoy under God's Kingdom. In a clear sense, the Bible says: "How they get up early in the morning and run into the morning until the evening, and they will sit down until the evening. " Jesu wabekhuta kamatima. What are the costs? Jesus rebuked them. Cabanga ngekutinikela kwakho. Ask Jehovah to help you reject the wrong thoughts. Consider your dedication. Ngumuphi umfanekiso lokuTihlabelelo 122: 3, 4 longase usetjentiswe kubantfu baNkulunkulu lamuhla? It feels like God is constantly looking out for your best interests. " - CHRISTOPHER, A YOUNG MAN IN GHANA. What illustration can Psalm 12: 3, 4 be used to approach God's people today? Esikhundleni sekutsi abhubhise letihlubuki ngaso leso sikhatsi, uMdali lohlakaniphile washo siphrofetho lesibalulekile - lokusetsembiso lesentiwa e - Edeni - kute acinisekise kutsi onkhe emavi akhe ayafezeka. - Fundza Genesisi 3: 15. This God told his people: "I am Jehovah. Instead of destroying the rebels, the Creator made an important promise - the Edenic promise to ensure that all of his words will come true. - Read Genesis 3: 15. Bekasho kutsini Phetro nakabhala atsi "umhlaba nemisebenti lekuwo kuyawusha "? I was one of the brothers invited. What did Peter mean when he wrote that "the earth and the works in it "? Umphrofethi Jeremiya bekalitsandza liciniso leliseBhayibhelini. But do you know why God's name is so important and why it needs to be sanctified, or made holy? The prophet Jeremiah loved Bible truth. Nguleto tibusiso lotatitfola nakubusa uMbuso waNkulunkulu. Regardless of age or experience, we all make mistakes. These blessings will come under the rule of God's Kingdom. Ngutiphi tinkinga langahlabetana nato? Christians are obligated to support themselves and their families. What problems may arise? Cela Jehova kutsi akusite kute ulwisane nalemicabango lemibi. However, might they harbor strong negative feelings toward a brother or a sister who slighted one of their relatives or who they think did so? Ask Jehovah to help you fight immoral thoughts. Kuba shengatsi Nkulunkulu uhlale akubukile ngaso sonkhe sikhatsi kuze akwentele lokuhle. " - KUSHO LIJAHA LASEGHANA LOKUTSIWA NGUCHRISTOPHER. Movies about him have become major box - office successes. It is as if God always looks at all time for you to do what is good. " - FROM THE parents ' LoNkulunkulu watjela bantfu watsi: " NginguJehova; lelo libito lami! Jesus instructed his disciple Ananias: "Rise, go to the street called Straight, and at the house of Judas look for a man named Saul, from Tarsus.... This God told his people: "I am Jehovah; I am my name. Bengingulomunye webazalwane lebebamenywe kusi baye eBethel. Jehovah provided abundantly for those who gave themselves to his service. I was one of the brothers invited to Bethel. Uyati yini kutsi kungani libito laNkulunkulu libaluleke kangaka futsi lidzinga nekungcweliswa? 8, 9. Do you know why God's name is so important and needs the sanctification of it? Ngisho nobe sibadzala kangakanani nobe sinemakhono lamanyenti, sonkhe siyawenta emaphutsa. Over the years at Bethel, Grace received a variety of work assignments, including serving as a housekeeper, caring for the upkeep of residential rooms. Whether young or old, we all make mistakes. EmaKhristu kufanele atinakekele aphindze anakekele nemindeni yawo. Jehovah knows that we need some money. Christians must take care of them and care of their families. Nobe kunjalo, kufanele yini abe nemiva lemibi ngemzalwane nobe dzadze lophetse kabi sihlobo sawo nobe lacabanga kutsi wente njalo? It may also lead to verbal abuse, drunkenness, violence, divorce, needless debt, addiction, imprisonment, emotional trauma, sexually transmitted disease, and unwanted pregnancy, to name a few. - Ps. However, should he have negative feelings about a brother or a sister who is offended by their relative or who thought that he was doing so? Emabhayisikobho lamayelana naye atiwa kakhulu. Even if the spiritually ailing one does not "call the older men, " they should quickly come to his aid as soon as they become aware of his situation. In movies, it is very well known that he is known. Jesu washo nakha emavi kumfundzi wakhe Ananiyase: "Tilungiselele kuhamba uye eSitaladini Lesicondzile, endlini yaJudasi ucele indvodza yaseThasusi libito layo nguSawula.... First - century Christians came from many backgrounds Jesus told his disciple Ananias: "Go to the streets, and make a guide in the house of Judas Iscariot the young man of Saul.... Jehova bekabanakekela kakhulu labo labatinikele kuye kute bente umsebenti wakhe. One mountain represents Jehovah's universal and eternal rulership. Jehovah took care of those who dedicated themselves to him in order to carry out his service. 8, 9. Through Tony and Wendy, a couple in the congregation who made an apartment available to them. 8, 9. Kuleminyaka lebengiseBethel ngayo, Grace watfola tabelo letehlukahlukene letifaka ekhatsi umsebenti wekuhlanta tindlu tekuhlala nekutinakekela. How does holy spirit contribute to our freedom? During the years of Bethel service, Grace received various assignments, such as cleaning and caring for the household. Jehova uyati kutsi siyayidzinga imali letsite. And why did he guarantee that it would survive? Jehovah knows that we need a certain amount of money. Kungaphindze kubangele kukhuluma kabi, kudzakwa, budlova, idivosi, tikwenedi, kuba ngumlutsa, kuboshwa, kucindzeteleka, tifo letitfolakala ngekuya ecasini kanye nekukhulelwa. - Hla. Stay absorbed in spiritual activities. It can also lead to negative speech, heavy drinking, divorce, murder, imprisonment, disease, and homosexuality. - Ps. Nanobe logulako " angababiti labadzala belibandla, ' kufanele bamsite ngekushesha nasebasati simo sakhe. November 21 - 27, 2011 Although the sick one can " shepherd the older men of the congregation, ' he needs to help him immediately when he knows his situation. EmaKhristu angelikhulu lekucala leminyaka abevela etindzaweni letingafanani These little things can make a big difference in a marriage. First - century Christians were from different backgrounds Yinye intsaba imelela lilungelo laJehova lekubusa indzawo yonkhe. Megan: Thank you. A mountain that represents Jehovah's right to rule all the earth. Wasebentisa boTony naWendy bantfu labashedene ebandleni, lababaniketa indlu yekuhlala. Instead, they will imitate Jehovah. He used Tony and Wendy who were wearing a house - to - house home. Umoya waJehova usisita njani kutsi sibe nenkhululeko? The same is true today. How does Jehovah's spirit help us to have freedom? Futsi kungani aciniseka kutsi litawusindza? In his perfect justice and wisdom, Jehovah knew that there was only one way to answer the challenge properly - allow time to pass, giving humans the opportunity to rule themselves as they choose. And why can he be sure that he will survive? Bani matasatasa ngemisebenti yaNkulunkulu. Similarly today, we can find wise counselors and enjoy wholesome spiritual food at congregation meetings. Keep busy in God's work. November 21 - 27, 2011 (b) What events are described at Matthew 24: 30, 31 and Matthew 25: 31 - 33, 46? November 21 - 27, 2011 Letintfo letincane tingenta umehluko lomkhulu emshadweni. Finally, contrary to what the prophet and Jesse thought, God chose as future king the eighth son - David - a young lad whom no one had even thought of calling. - 1 Samuel 16: 6 - 12. These smallest things can make a big difference in a marriage. Khulile: Ngiyabonga. Because God sees what is in our heart. Megan: Thank you. Kunaloko batawulingisa Jehova. What may result from failure to follow the counsel found at 1 Peter 3: 7? Rather, they will imitate Jehovah. Solo kuyafana nalamuhla. Then, Satan himself becomes the focus of attention. It is similar today. Ngekulunga kanye nangekuhlakanipha kwakhe lokuphelele, Jehova bekati kutsi iyodvwa kuphela indlela yekuyiphendvula lensayeya - bekukutsi avumele kwendlule sikhatsi lesitsite, kanjalo anikete bantfu litfuba lekutibusa ngendlela labatsandza ngayo. How is he dressed for the wedding? By his righteous justice and wisdom, Jehovah knew that the only way to handle this challenge - was that time to allow humans to rule themselves for themselves and his way of ruling. Ngendlela lefananako, natsi lamuhla singatfola teluleko letihlakaniphile futsi sijabulele kudla lokumnandzi kwakamoya emihlanganweni yelibandla. You may miss the companion that you still love. Likewise today, we too can find wise counsel and enjoy spiritual food at congregation meetings. (b) Ngutiphi tintfo letitawenteka letibhalwe kuMatewu 24: 30, 31 naMatewu 25: 31 - 33, 46? Its sight is so powerful that the eagle can reportedly spot a rabbit half a mile (1 km) away. (b) What events will take place in Matthew 24: 30, 31 and Matthew 25: 31 - 33, 46? Ekugcineni, ngendlela leyehlukile kuloko bekucatjangwa ngulomphrofethi naJese, Nkulunkulu wakhetsa indvodzana yaJese yesiphohlongo - Davide - lobekangumfana lomncane kutsi abe yinkhosi yesikhatsi lesitako futsi kute lobekacabanga kutsi kutawugcotjwa yena. - 1 Samuweli 16: 6 - 12. However, they also recognize that the heart is treacherous. Finally, it was different from what the prophet Michael said, God chose the young man David - a young man who was a little king and thought that he would be anointed. - 1 Samuel 16: 6 - 12. Sizatfu saloko kutsi Nkulunkulu ubona konkhe lokusenhlitiyweni yetfu. We must study God's Word and apply what we learn. Because God sees all that is in our heart. Kungase kube namiphi imiphumela kungasilaleli seluleko lesitfolakala ku - 1 Phetro 3: 7? Don't look at me with an air of pity. How might it be possible for me to ignore the counsel found at 1 Peter 3: 7? Ngaleso sikhatsi, kutawube sekusele kutsi kubhujiswe yena. Love will move us to prepare well and to endeavor to be effective in the ministry. At that time, there will be an end to the destruction of him. Wembetse njani kulomshado? For example, our first parents knew that to keep on living, they had to breathe, eat, sleep, and so on. How were we dressed in the wedding? Kungenteka umkhumbule umuntfu lobewushade naye losamtsandza. 23 - 25. Perhaps remember your mate who is interested in you. (Jobe 39: 27 - 29) Emehlo alo akhaliphe kakhulu kangangekutsi lungambona ngisho nalogwaja nome lundizela etulu ngemamitha langu - 1000. Onlookers are often astonished when they see people whom they would expect to be at enmity with one another "earnestly endeavoring to observe the oneness of the spirit in the uniting bond of peace. " His eyes were so abundant that they could not see even when it was crossed to 1 out of 5 feet (50 m) long. Nobe kunjalo, ayati kutsi inhlitiyo iyayengana. (Jer. (b) Why is the topic of self - control relevant today? However, they realize that the heart is treacherous. Kufanele sitadishe liVi laNkulunkulu futsi sikusebentise loko lesikufundzako. When the Bible first introduces Deborah, it refers to her as "a prophetess. " We need to study God's Word and apply what we learn. Ungangiveli buhlungu. Jesus was loyal to God. Do not feel sorry for me. Lutsandvo lutawusenta silungiselele kahle siphindze setame kuphumelela kancono ekushumayeleni. Many of our brothers in modern times have similarly followed a course of "blessing those who persecute. " - Rom. Love will motivate us to prepare well and try to succeed in preaching. Nasi sibonelo, batali betfu bekucala bebati kutsi kute baphile bekumele baphefumule, badle, balale futsi bente naletinye tintfo. What might cause us to become "enraged against Jehovah "? For example, our first parents knew that in order to live and die, they refused to eat, and do other things. 23 - 25. We know that we are imperfect, but we are confident that Jehovah will deal mercifully with us even when we make mistakes. 23 - 25. Labo lababukele bayamangala nababona bantfu labebangalindzela kutsi babe titsa, " bakhutsalela kugcina bunye bemoya ngesibopho sekuthula. ' Jesus ' closest followers once asked him: "Lord, teach us how to pray. " Imagine those who were surprised when they saw people who were to become enemies, " endeavoring to observe the oneness of the spirit in the uniting bond of peace. ' (b) Kungani kutibamba kubalulekile lamuhla? Their unity would give a powerful witness, offering clear evidence that Jehovah had sent Jesus to the earth to do God's will. (b) Why is self - control important today? Nalicala kukhuluma ngaDebhora liBhayibheli limbita ngekutsi " ngumphrofethikati. ' But now that they have the opportunity to associate with us, should we not help them so that they no longer feel like strangers in our midst? When Deborah started speaking, the Bible calls him "the prophetess. " Jesu abetsembekile kuNkulunkulu. Some of us are housebound, in nursing homes or hospitals, or even imprisoned for our faith. Jesus was loyal to God. Lamuhla, bazalwane labanyenti basachubeka " babusisa lababatingelela kubashushisa. ' - Rom. Did your little boy shout something like that to you when he mastered a new skill? Today, many brothers have continued to " bless those who have fallen asleep in death. ' - Rom. Yini lengasibangela kutsi " simtfukutselele Jehova '? What would I do? What could cause us to be "enraged against Jehovah "? Siyati kutsi asikapheleli, kodvwa siyaciniseka kutsi Jehova utasibonisa sihawu nanobe senta emaphutsa. " Preached to Spirits in Prison ' (1Pe 3: 19), 6 / 15 Who were "sons of the true God "? We know that he is not perfect, but we are confident that Jehovah will forgive us even though we make mistakes. Balandzeli baJesu labesondzelene kakhulu nabo, batsi kuye: "Nkhosi, sifundzise kuthandaza. " The Bible Changes Lives 12 Hope for the Dead - The Resurrection 14 Jesus ' closest followers, who were close to them, said: "Lord, teach us in prayer. " Nangabe bebanebunye, bantfu bebatawubona kutsi vele Jehova watfuma Jesu emhlabeni kutsi ente intsandvo yaNkulunkulu. ▪ Reason convincingly so as to reach the heart If they were united, people would see that Jehovah really sent Jesus to earth to do God's will. Nyalo sebanelitfuba lekutihlanganisa natsi, ngako kufanele sibente bangasativa batihambi nabanatsi. Terrified by what appeared to be imminent calamity, the Israelites cried out to Jehovah and to Moses. Now they have the opportunity to associate with us, so we must make them feel overwhelmed by foreigners. Labanye betfu bavaleleke etindlini, bahlala emakhaya lanakekela lasebakhulile nobe baboshelwe kukholwa kwabo. Jesus, on the other hand, gave convincing evidence of being appointed by God, and he constantly glorified Jehovah as the Supreme Leader of his people. Some of us have fallen asleep in homes, homes, or family relationships. Kuke kwenteka yini kutsi indvodzana yakho leseyincane isho lamavi lapho yente intfo letsite? 5, 6. Have you ever seen that your son is young to say something that he did not do? Bengitawenta njani - ke nyalo? Never forget that "the one whom Jehovah loves he reproves, even as a father does a son in whom he finds pleasure. " What would I do now? Abebobani "emadvodzana aNkulunkulu " weliciniso? He became very angry. Who were "the sons of the true God "? Lingisa Kukholwa Kwabo - Wabeketelela Timo Letimatima 12 Similarly, years later in Rome, some representatives of the Jewish community were willing to listen to the apostle Paul in person rather than trust rumors spread by enemies of Christianity. Imitate Their Faith - Heed Things 12 ▪ Bonisana nebantfu ngekuciniseka kute ukwati kufinyelela tinhlitiyo tabo What do Jesus ' words about our daily bread remind us of? ▪ Honor the people with confidence to reach their heart Etfuswe ngulobekubonakala kuyinhlekelele lesemnyango, ema - Israyeli akhala kuJehova nakuMosi. Or was it the day you got baptized? In the wilderness, the Israelites cried out to Jehovah and Moses. Kantsi Jesu yena waveta bufakazi lobunemandla bekutsi abekhetfwe nguNkulunkulu, futsi njalo abekhatimulisa Jehova njengeMholi Lophakeme kakhulu webantfu bakhe. The birth of Ilaria brought on huge changes in our lives. Jesus indicated the powerful evidence that he was appointed by God and thus glorified Jehovah as his Leader. 5, 6. 20 Encourage One Another "All the More So " 5, 6. Ungakhohlwa kutsi "Simakadze uyamtsetsisa amcondzise lowo lamtsandzako, njengobe neyise enta endvodzaneni yakhe lajabula ngayo. " I will keep supplying you and your little children with food. " - Genesis 50: 21. Do not forget that "Jehovah reproves those whom he loves he reproves, just as a father does a son in whom he finds pleasure. " Watfukutsela kakhulu. 18, 19. (a) What are the consequences of adultery? He became angry. Ngendlela lefananako, ngekuhamba kweminyaka labanye eRoma labebamelele sive semaJuda bebafuna kutivela umphostoli Pawula akhuluma kunekutsi betsembe emahemuhemu labekasakatwa titsa temaKhristu. Would the lack of electricity be a problem? Similarly, some in Rome, some Jews in Rome, wanted to hear the apostle Paul rather than to see any parts of the Christian congregation. Asikhumbutani emavi aJesu lamayelana nesinkhwa setfu salamuhla? " God is love. " - 1 JOHN 4: 8, 16. What reminds us of Jesus ' words about our bread today? Nobe mhlawumbe ngulapho ubhajatiswa? For the sake of peace, Isaac moved his large encampment away to yet another location. Or perhaps when you got baptized? Kutalwa kwa - Ilaria kwaletsa tingucuko letinyenti ekuphileni kwetfu. Additionally, we appreciate the example set by the faithful anointed ones who took the lead during that time of testing and thereby served as the symbolic two witnesses. Ilaria's birth brought many changes in our life. 20 Khutsatanani "Ikakhulukati Njengobe Nibona Lilanga Lisondzela " Emotional and physical health. - Psalm 37: 8; Proverbs 17: 22. 20 "Just as You See the Day " Nine nebantfwabenu ngitaniphatsa ngetandla letifutfumele. " - Genesisi 50: 21. Why is avoiding compromise a serious issue for true Christians? I will bless you with warm hands. " - Genesis 50: 21. 18, 19. (a) Kuphinga kunamiphi imiphumela? When will the resurrection that I am hoping for occur? ' 18, 19. (a) What are the results of adultery? Kungabi khona kwagezi kuleyo ndzawo bekutaba yinkinga yini kubo? There they told wicked King Herod that they were looking for a child who was to become king of the Jews. Could it be a problem to them? " Nkulunkulu ulutsandvo. " - 1 JOHANE 4: 8, 16. Most Bible versions with cross - references link Paul's words with the accounts about Abraham and Lot in Genesis chapters 18 and 19. " God is love. " - JOHN 4: 8, 16. Kute atfutfukise kuthula kanye nawo, Isaka waphindze watfutsela kulenye indzawo. SARAH straightened up from her work and turned toward the horizon. To promote peace and peace, Isaac moved to another place. Ngetulu kwaloko, siyasijabulela sibonelo lesabekwa ngulabagcotjiwe labatsembekile labebahamba embili ngesikhatsi sekuvivinywa, ngaleyondlela bafanekiselwa bofakazi lababili. 17, 18. (a) In what ways can a couple put spirituality first in their family? Moreover, we appreciate the example set by the faithful anointed who were taking the lead during the test, thus being judged by two witnesses. Endleleni umuntfu lativa ngayo nasemphilweni yakhe imbala. - Tihlabelelo 37: 8; Taga 17: 22. 10 How to Help a Friend Who Is Ill How a person feels about his war! - Psalm 37: 8; Proverbs 17: 22. Kungani kubalekela kwephula timiso taNkulunkulu kuyindzaba lebalulekile kumaKhristu eliciniso? Consider two challenges you may face and how you might overcome them. Why should we avoid breaking God's standards of vital importance to true Christians? Batawuvuswa nini bantfu labafile? ' But at the convent, I felt that I could not do many of the things I wanted to do. When will the dead be resurrected? ' NabaseJersalema bakhuluma nenkhosi lembi Herodi kutsi bafuna umntfwana labekatawuba yinkhosi yemaJuda. What are some reasons why human rule has failed? During the days of Jerusalem, Herod was referring to a wicked king who wanted a child to become king of the Jews. Emahumusho lamanyenti eliBhayibheli ahlobanisa emavi aPawula nekulandzisa lokumayelana na - Abrahama naLoti lokuku - Genesisi sehluko 18 na 19. His loyalty to Jehovah was rewarded. Many Bible translations associate Paul's words with the words of Abraham and Lot chapter 18 and 19. SARA bekakhutsele futsi anaka tonkhe tintfo lebetentiwa ekhaya lakhe. And how can we show our appreciation for having access to God's Word in a language we can understand? He was zealous and focused on all the things he had in his home. 17, 18. (a) Bantfu labashadile bangambeka njani Nkulunkulu kucala emndenini wabo? Often, when mistakes are made, a person spends much time and emotional energy apportioning blame or justifying what was said or done. 17, 18. (a) How can married couples put God first in their family? " Teluleko Temusa " Atilawule Indlela Lokhuluma Ngayo How could a world government unite people of all nations? " Keep Your Minds Self - Kindness " INSAYEYA YEKUCALA: Asisitfoli sikhatsi. Published in 1942 but now out of print. THE last time I am still aware of it: We do not lack a lot of time. Kodvwa nangifika lapho bekuhlala khona emasistela, ngabona kutsi angeke ngikhone kwenta tintfo letinyenti lebengifuna kutenta. The Scriptures say very little about Jesus ' physical appearance. But when I stayed there, I realized that I could not do many things I wanted to do. Ngutiphi letinye tizatfu letenta kubusa kwebantfu kungaphumeleli? Using this process, green vegetation takes in carbon dioxide, water, sunlight, and nutrients and produces carbohydrates and oxygen. What are some reasons for human rule? Watfola umvuzo ngekwetsembela kwakhe kuJehova. Do You Do What God Asks? He received his reward by relying on Jehovah. Singakhombisa njani kutsi siyabonga ngekuba neliBhayibheli lelibhalwe ngelulwimi lesilucondzako? Researchers estimate that India, Pakistan, and Israel each own from 60 to 80 nuclear bombs. How can we show appreciation for the Bible's description of what we understand? Ngalokuvamile, nangabe umuntfu ente emaphutsa ubese ucitsa sikhatsi lesinyenti kanye nemandla akhe solo azama kusola labanye nobe atitsetselele ngaloko lakushito nobe lakwentile. Why Dedicate Yourself to Jehovah? Often, when a person makes mistakes, he spends too much time and energy trying to blame others or reveal what he has done. Hulumende lobusa umhlaba wonkhe ungabenta njani kutsi babe munye bantfu bato tonkhe tive? They "became hurt in their feelings and they grew very angry. " How can the world government make it possible for people of all nations to become members of all nations? Leyashicilelwa nga - 1942, kodvwa nyalo ayisashicilelwa. Our family life centered on the worship of Jehovah, and Father's deep respect for the Bible nurtured in us a lifelong appreciation for God's Word. It was published in 1942, but it is now out of print. ImiBhalo isho lokuncane kakhulu ngekubukeka kwaJesu. Even if it should delay, keep in expectation of it; for it will without fail come true. It will not be late. " The Scriptures do not even know much about Jesus ' appearance. Ngalomjikeleto, lokuluhlata lokumilako kumunya i - carbon dioxide, emanti, kukhanya kwelilanga, nemsoco bese kukhipha ema - carbohydrates kanye nemoya mphilo. But not all was well. On that occasion, it is extremely appealing to a child's supplying water, light, and light. Uyakwenta Yini Loko Nkulunkulu Lakucela Kutsi Ukwente? The predictions of differing fortune - telling methods often contradict one another. Are You Taking Refuge in God? Luhlolo lukhombisa kutsi emave lanjengabo India, Pakistan, kanye ne - Israel, ngalinye linemabhomu e - nuclear lacishe abengu - 60 kuya ku - 80. HOURS SPENT IN THE MINISTRY PER MONTH A recent survey shows that in some countries, like Pakistan, Pakistan, and nearly 80 million nuclear weapons were almost 80 countries. Umholi Wetfu Lamuhla, 9 / 1 Each tract prompts us to read a well - chosen scripture. Our Leader Today, 9 / 1 " Atfukutsela agcwala kokana. " (Gen. You may recall that advice Jesus gave in the Sermon on the Mount. " He was filled with anger. " Umndeni wakitsi bewunake kakhulu kukhonta Jehova, futsi inhlonipho lejulile yababe ngeliBhayibheli yasisita sakhula silitsandza liVi laNkulunkulu. Melika lives in a high - security apartment building. Our family focused on serving Jehovah, and my deep respect for the Bible helped us to grow up to love God's Word. Nome sephutisa nje, silindzele, sona sitawufika nome kanjani, futsi ngeke sephute. " He continued his prophetic service for some 46 years until after 732 B.C.E., well into the reign of King Hezekiah. No matter how long I am, we await him, and it will not be late. " Kodvwa betingahambi kahle tonkhe tintfo. This made Anne feel sad, and she promised to reply in a letter. But they did not keep everything else. Tindlela letehlukahlukene tekucombelela letisetjentiswa ngulabo labaphengulako tichubeka tibadida bantfu. It was such a little thing, but it was useful to Brother Rutherford. For example, a number of different types of fortune - telling differs from those who refuse to break free. LINANI LEMA - AWA LABAWASHUMAYELAKO NGENYANGA Even so, during those years, Jehovah anointed those few who were true Christians. FROM OUR COVER Lipheshana ngalinye lisikhutsata kutsi sifundze umbhalo lokhetfwe kahle. How do some people view foreigners, but how is the Bible's view different? Each tract encourages you to read a well - chosen scripture. Mhlawumbe uyasikhumbula leseluleko Jesu lasisho eNshumayelweni yakhe yaseNtsabeni. (b) What example did Jesus set for us? Perhaps you remember the counsel Jesus gave in his Sermon on the Mount. Melika uhlala kulelinye libhilidi lelivikeleke kakhulu. Your Presence Shows You Care JEHOVAH is living in another form of protection. Wachubeka nemsebenti wakhe wekuba ngumphrofethi iminyaka lengaba ngu - 46 kwate kwaba ngemuva kwa - 732 B.C.E., ngesikhatsi kubusa iNkhosi Hezekiya. 2: 9. He continued his work as a prophet about 46 years until the year 73 B.C.E., during King Hezekiah's reign. Loku kwamvisa buhlungu Anne futsi wetsembisa unina kutsi utamphendvula ngekumbhalela incwadzi. The resurrected Jesus told his disciples: "You will receive power when the holy spirit arrives upon you, and you will be witnesses of me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the most distant part of the earth. " This hurt her, and she promised her mother that she would answer her letter. Loko bekuyintfo lencane, kodvwa kwakubalulekile kuMzalwane Rutherford. First make your peace with your brother, and then come back and offer your gift. " That was a small matter, but it was vital to Brother Rutherford. Nobe kunjalo, kuleyo minyaka, Jehova wagcoba labo labambalwa lebebangemaKhristu eliciniso. Jehovah listened to Jephthah and helped him to win a total victory. However, in those years, Jehovah anointed the number of true Christians. Labanye bantfu babatsatsa njani bachamuki, kodvwa umbono weliBhayibheli wehluke njani kulendzaba? YEAR BORN: 1958 How do some people view foreigners, but how does the Bible's view differ from this? (b) Jesu wasibekela siphi sibonelo? Adam was the "one man " through whom sin and death" entered into the world. " (b) What example did Jesus set? Kuba Khona Kwakho Kuveta Kutsi Uyabakhatsalela Why were the elders involved? Build Your Spiritual Need 2: 9. " When I first heard song number 68, " A Prayer of the Lowly One, ' sung by our congregation, I was moved to tears. 2: 9. Ngalesikhatsi Jesu asavusiwe, naku lakutjela bafundzi bakhe: " Kodvwa nine nitawugcwaliswa ngemandla, nasekufikile kini umoya longcwele, niyawuba bofakazi bami eJerusalema, naseJudiya lonkhe, naseSamariya, kuze kube ngusekugcineni kwemhlaba. ' Still, when would that happen? When Jesus was resurrected, he told his disciples: "You will receive power when the holy spirit arrives upon you, and you will be witnesses of me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the most distant part of the earth. " Cale wakhe kuthula naye, nasewente njalo sewungahamba uyewunikela ngesipho sakho. " He was convinced that the dead could live again, with the prospect of never dying at all. First make your peace with your brother, and then you go and offer your gift. " Jehova wamlalela Jeftha futsi wamsita kutsi aphumelele emphini. At times, the seventh head of the beast has displayed ironlike characteristics. Jehovah listened Jephthah, and he helped him to succeed in battle. UMNYAKA LATALWA NGAWO: 1958 Then, Jesus worked with him and "was beside him as a master worker. " YEAR BORN: 1958 Adamu " ungulomuntfu munye ' sono kanye nekufa lokwangena ngaye "eveni. " In fact, Jehovah declared more than 60 times: "You will have to know that I am Jehovah. " Adam is "one man " and the death of sin and death entered" into the world. " Kungani lombulali bekufanele aye kulabadzala? In any case, remember that you cannot force others to accept the truth. Why did a fugitive need to go to the elders? " Ngesikhatsi ngiva kwekucala ingoma 68, lenesihloko lesitsi " Umthandazo Womuntu Ophansi, ' ihlatjelwa libandla, ngakhala. 1, 2. (a) God's servants look forward to what prize? " When I first heard a song, the "Hearer of Prayer, " mentioned in the congregation, I cried out. Kuyowenteka nini loko? Nevertheless, as mentioned earlier, both husband and wife should honor their parents. When will that occur? Abeciniseka kutsi labafile batawuphindze baphile, banelitsemba lekungaphindze bafe. We all benefit from Jehovah's goodness every day. He was convinced that the dead would live again, with the hope of death again. Ngalesinye sikhatsi umbuso lomelelwa yinhloko yesikhombisa, ukhombise kuba njengensimbi. Yes, whether we are experts or learners, let us "sing to Jehovah "! - Ps. At times, the seventh head is depicted as iron. Jesu wabese usebenta naye futsi " abeseceleni kwakhe njengengcweti yekwakha. ' 9 Prophecy 6. Jesus then worked with him and was "like a master. " Ecinisweni Jehova washo tikhatsi letingetulu kwa - 60 kutsi: "Kuze nati kutsi mine nginguSimakadze. " 127: 1. In fact, Jehovah said more than 60 times: "I know that I am Jehovah. " Khumbula kutsi angeke ubaphocelele labanye kutsi bemukele emaciniso. This article shows what has been done to preach the good news during the past 100 years of Kingdom rulership. Remember, you will not pressure others to accept the truth. 1, 2. (a) Ngumuphi umvuzo tinceku taNkulunkulu letiwulangatelelako? That verse reads: "The Son of man came, not to be ministered to, but to minister and to give his life as a ransom in exchange for many. " 1, 2. (a) What reward do God's servants look forward to? Nobe kunjalo, njengobe sibonisile ekucaleni bobabili indvodza nemfati kufanele bahloniphe batali babo. What about you? However, as did the first - century overseers, both husband and wife should respect their parents. Malanga onkhe, sonkhe siyazuza ebuhleni baJehova. " The undeserved kindness of the Lord Jesus Christ be with the spirit you show. " - PHIL. Every day, we all benefit from Jehovah's goodness. Ngisho nobe sinelikhono lekuhlabela nobe singulabafundzako, " asimhlabeleleni Jehova '! - Hla. (Read Romans 5: 18 - 21.) Whether we have the ability to learn or to get sick, let us " sing praises to Jehovah "! - Ps. 9 Siphrofetho Sesitfupha. The boy did so, and the mother immediately recognized the ring of truth. 9 Prophecy 1. 127: 1. In the main, they became spiritually dead, like a withered tree. 127: 1. Lesihloko sikhombisa loko lokwentiwe kute kushunyayelwe tindzaba letimnandzi kuleminyaka lengu - 100 yekubusa kweMbuso. Of course, young children may not fully comprehend why such adjustments are necessary, but as parents, you can help them to understand. This article shows what has been accomplished to preach the good news during 100 years of Kingdom rule. Lelivesi litsi: "Ngobe neNdvodzana yemuntfu ayizange itele kutewusetjentelwa, kodvwa yetela kutewuba yinceku nekunikela ngemphefumulo wayo kutsi ube yinhlawulo yalabanyenti. " 13, 14. That verse says: "For the Son of man did not go to work, but he came to minister and gave his life as a ransom in exchange for many. " Kutsiwani ngawe? In time, a brother can be helped to see what he needs to do to qualify as a ministerial servant. What about you? " Umusa weNkhosi Jesu Khristu awube nemoya wenu. " - FIL. Has God authorized any group of people today to engage in warfare? " The undeserved kindness of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. " - PHIL. (Fundza Roma 5: 18 - 21.) My atheist mind - set was gradually falling apart as we examined Bible prophecies. (Read Romans 5: 18 - 21.) Lomfana wenta njalo, futsi ngekushesha lomake walibona liciniso. How can Satan take advantage of our desires using "the deceptive power of riches "? The boy did so, and the woman soon recognized the truth. Ngako - ke, budlelwane babo naNkulunkulu baphela bafanana nesihlahla lesomile. 13: 17. So their relationship with God became like a tree. Kuliciniso kutsi bantfwana labancane bangase bangasiboni sizatfu lesenta kudzingeke kwentiwe letingucuko kodvwa njengebatali ningabasita bakubone loko. When he pleaded with Jehovah to allow him to come to know His ways more fully, Jehovah replied: "I will also do this thing that you request, because you have found favor in my eyes and I know you by name. " Of course, young children may not understand why these changes are necessary but as parents can help them to see this. 13, 14. For example, the Bible says that when his people were going through distress, "it was distressing to him. " 13, 14. Njengobe sikhatsi sichubeka, umzalwane angase asitwe ngekukhonjiswa loko lokufanele akwente kute afanelekele kuba yinceku lesebentako. Kumiko (center) As time went on, a brother may be helped by what he needs to qualify as a ministerial servant. Lamuhla - ke, uyabavumela yini Nkulunkulu bantfu kutsi balwe timphi? What the Bible says Today, do you allow God to wage war against humans today? Nasichubeka sifundza ngetiphrofetho letiseBhayibhelini, ngacala kushintja umcondvo mayelana nembono wami wekutsi Nkulunkulu akekho. And it would not be good for us to keep thinking about their mistakes. The more we learn about Bible prophecies, I began to change my mind about the fact that God does not exist. Sathane angasitakala njani ngetifiso tetfu asebentisa " kuyenga kwemcebo '? I discovered that my husband had been unfaithful to me and to Jehovah. How can Satan benefit from using our desires successfully by using "the deceptive power of riches "? 13: 17. And the Grave was closely following him. 13: 17. Ngesikhatsi Mosi acela kutati kancono tindlela taJehova, Jehova wamphendvula watsi: "Ngitakwenta loku lokushito, ngobe uzuze umusa emehlweni ami, futsi ngikwati kahle. " True, we have to earn a living, and there is nothing wrong with choosing work we enjoy. When Moses asked to understand Jehovah's ways, Jehovah replied: "I will do this, for I have benefited from my kindness, and I have come to know him well. " Sibonelo saloko kutsi liBhayibheli litsi ngalesikhatsi bantfu bakhe bakhatsatekile "naye abekhatsatekile. " (Read Genesis 3: 15.) For example, the Bible says that when his people were worried, "they were worried. " Kumiko (losemkhatsini) 14, 15. (a) What kind of people should we be careful of? Among Jehovah (a) Lokushiwo liBhayibheli Happiness? What the Bible says Ngeke kube kahle kutsi sihlale sicabanga ngemaphutsa abo. BROTHERS RECOMMENDED: We will not always think of their mistakes. Ngeva kutsi indvodza yami beyingaketsembeki kimi nakuJehova. Now I'm serving at Bethel. I realized that my husband was unfaithful to me and to Jehovah. LiThuna belimlandzela edvute. They overstepped proper bounds and did not respect their fellow Christians ' responsibility to make their own decisions. The Grave was followed by him. Kuliciniso kutsi kufanele sitisekele ekuphileni futsi kute lokubi ngekwenta umsebenti lesiwutsandzako. And we too can gain the knowledge and experience we need. Of course, we need to support ourselves in life and to work hard for what we love. (Fundza Genesisi 3: 15.) Of course, your beloved marriage mate or your precious children would not escape your mention. (Read Genesis 3: 15.) 14, 15. (a) Ngubaphi bantfu lokufanele sibacaphele? The majority of mankind, blinded by Satan, are still alienated from God and ignorant of the purpose of God's undeserved kindness. 14, 15. (a) To whom should we recognize? Injabulo? 1 / 1 Early Christianity and Gods of Rome, 5 / 15 Joy? BAZALWANE LABANCONYWAKO: " Then, " she says, "I try to make Jehovah my confidence. THE BIBLE'S ANSWER: Nyalo ngiseBethel. A good sense of humor also works wonders. Now at Bethel. Bekagabadzela futsi bekangalihloniphi lilungelo lalamanye emaKhristu lekutentela tincumo. How does the parable of the talents provide encouragement? They were self - sacrificing, and they did not respect others's right to make decisions. Natsi singalutfola lwati lesiludzingako. Still others who recently got married are looking for advice on marriage. We too need knowledge. Asingabati kutsi bewungeke ukhohlwe kubala umuntfu lomtsandzako loshade naye nobe bantfwana bakho. Similarly, you owe your parents respect and obedience. Of course, you would not forget losing your loved mate or your children. Bantfu labanyenti labaphumphutsekiswe nguSathane, behlukaniswe naNkulunkulu futsi abayinaki injongo yemusa wakhe. How can we show appreciation for the honor of being Jehovah's people? Many who rebel against Satan are alienated from God and refuse to lose his undeserved kindness. Utsi: "Nakwenteka loko, ngivame kwetsembela kuJehova. Federico " Whenever that happens, " she says, "I often rely on Jehovah. Kuyasita nekuhlale ungumuntfu lotihlekelako. Name some who showed respect for God's Word. It also helps you to keep your eyes on the ground. Umfanekiso wemathalenta usikhutsata njani? Meanwhile, I am determined to remain loyal to Jehovah and to be content with my current circumstances. How does the parable of the talents encourage us? Labo labasandza kushada bacela kutsi ngibabonise ngemshado. Similarly, Jehovah took note of me, the son of a poor farmer in Liberty, Indiana, and poured out rich blessings on me - too many even to mention! Those newly married ones ask me to show them a marriage mate. Ngendlela lefananako, ukweleta batali bakho inhlonipho kanye nekubalalela. That is why we can say that the Christian congregation was held captive by Babylon the Great. Similarly, he owes your parents respect and obedience. Singakhombisa njani kutsi siyabonga ngelilungelo lekuba BoFakazi BaJehova? According to Ephesians 4: 25, Paul wrote: "Now that you have put away falsehood, speak truth each one of you with his neighbor, because we are members belonging to one another. " How can we show appreciation for the privilege of being Jehovah's Witnesses? Federico Putting the daughters of Jerusalem under oath, she said: "Do not try to awaken or arouse love in me until it feels inclined. " Federico Bala labanye bantfu labahlonipha liVi laNkulunkulu. If we can offer a word of encouragement, why not speak up? People who respect God's Word respect others. 145: 16; 2 Phet. 3: 13) Kwanyalo, ngitimisele kuhlala ngetsembekile kuJehova futsi ngenetiseka ngesimo lengikuso. CONSIDER A FEW EXAMPLES. In the meantime, I am determined to remain loyal to Jehovah and have its challenges. (Amo. 7: 14, 15) Ngalokufanako, nami Jehova wanginaka nanobe bengiyindvodzana yemlimi lophuyile waseLiberty, e - Indiana futsi wangibusisa kakhulu ngendlela lengachazeki. Even though the clergy tried to burn all the copies they could find, Tyndale's translation was distributed to many people. Likewise, Jehovah paid merely to show me favor despite the high priest, who was a poor man in Italy, and he blessed me in a way that I could never have imagined. Kungako singatsi libandla lebuKhristu belitfunjwe yiBhabhulona Lenkhulu. A number of Bible accounts make it clear that Jehovah sees not only the good in his servants but also their potential. That is why the Christian congregation was in captivity to Babylon the Great. Naku Pawula lakubhala encwadzini ya - Efesu 4: 25: "Lahlani emanga, akube ngulowo nalowo akhulume liciniso kumzalwane wakhe, ngobe sonkhe singemalunga lomunye kulomunye emtimbeni munye. " After preaching for years in that same territory, Katherine began thinking about moving to an area where people would be more responsive to the Kingdom message. Paul wrote at Ephesians 4: 25: "Let each one keep talking about his brother, for we all are members belonging to one another. " Ngako yafungisa emadvodzakati aseJerusalema yatsi: "Ningaluvusi lutsandvo [kimi], futsi ningalunyakatisi, luze lutivukele lona. " In helping children, what should be borne in mind? So it came to pass, that the daughters of Jerusalem said: "Do not let my love be upon me, nor let it pass on me. " Nangabe singakhona kusho emavi lakhutsatako, kungani singenti njalo? 16 Let God's Laws and Principles Train Your Conscience If we are not able to say encouraging words, why not do so? CABANGA NGANATI TIBONELO LETIMBALWA. We do well to ask, " Could disappointment and frustration over my mistakes cause me to be dissatisfied with Jehovah's standards? ' DURING GOD'S FROM THE BIBLE. Ngisho nobe bafundisi betama kushisa onkhe emakhophi alo labawatfola, lihumusho laTyndale lasakatwa kubantfu labanyenti. In the same spirit, if you would like to know more about the Bible, we invite you to submit a request online at www.jw.org or write to the nearest address, as listed in this magazine. Although church leaders try to have all copies of it, the translation translation of the universe has been distributed to many people. Tindzaba letinyenti letiseBhayibhelini tiveta ngalokucacile kutsi Jehova akagcini nje ngekubona lokuhle etincekwini takhe, kodvwa uphindze abone nemakhono ato. 50,500,000 Many Bible accounts show that Jehovah has not only seen good qualities among his servants but also has seen them. Ngemuva kwekushumayela iminyaka letsite endzaweni lefanako, Katherine wacala kucabangela kutfutsela kulenye indzawo lapho bantfu bebangawemukela khona umlayeto weMbuso. Because all dedicated Christians serve the same King, Jehovah, and must live up to the same standards. After preaching in a similar area, Katherine began to think about moving to another area where people would accept the Kingdom message. Nasisita bantfwana balabanye, yini lokufanele siyicaphele? You might wonder: " When Rehoboam did respond to divine correction, was he acting primarily under the influence of others rather than out of heartfelt repentance and a desire to please God? ' If we help the children, should we recognize them? 16 Vumela Imitsetfo YaNkulunkulu Netimiso Takhe Ticeceshe Nembeza Wakho Their rebellion raised questions that needed time to be answered. 16 Let God's laws and principles train Your conscience Senta kahle ngekutibuta lombuto: " Kudvumateka nekukhatsateka ngemaphutsa lengiwentile kungangibangela yini kutsi ngingenetiseki ngetimiso taJehova? ' What could pose a threat to our spirituality? We do well to ask ourselves, " Do I become overwhelmed by Jehovah's standards? ' Ngako nangabe nawe ufuna kufundza lokunyenti ngeliBhayibheli, sicela ufake sicelo sakho ku - www.jw.org / ss noma ubhalele ekhelini lidvutane nawe kulawa lakulomagazini. Martin Luther, German Reformation leader, labeled Roman Catholic popes as antichrists. So if you want to learn more about the Bible, ask for your request at www.jw.org or write the address of this magazine. 50 500 000 Dedication to God Leads to Happiness 50,000 Kungobe onkhe emaKhristu latinikele, akhonta iNkhosi yinye lenguJehova, futsi kudzingeka aphile ngetimiso letifanako. Those who died without ever having come to know Jehovah God and serve him will have the opportunity to change and do good. Because all dedicated Christians serve Jehovah, and they need to live in similar principles. Ungatibuta kutsi: " Ngesikhatsi Rehobowamu alalela sicondziso saJehova, bekafuna kujabulisa bantfu yini noma bekaphendvuke ngalokusuka enhlitiyweni futsi afuna kujabulisa Nkulunkulu? ' (2 Khr. At that time, Gog will attack "a people regathered from the nations, " Jehovah's people. You might wonder, " When Rehoboam obeyed Jehovah's direction, would he want to please people or be genuinely repentant and want to please God? ' Kuvukela kwabo kwaphakamisa imibuto lobekutawutsatsa sikhatsi lesitsite kutsi iphendvulwe. 3: 13 - 17. Their rebellion also raised questions that would take time to answer. Tinkhulungwane letilishumi tiphindvwe katinkhulungwane letilishumi tatime embikwakhe. " For you will have to strike all my enemies on the jaw. The teeth of wicked ones you will have to break. " - Ps. Thousands of ten thousand thousand stood before him. " Yini lengaba yingoti ebuhlotjeni betfu naNkulunkulu? Therefore, you can conclude that you are serving Jehovah because he drew you. What can be a spiritual danger? Martin Luther, longumholi weGerman Reformation, wabita bopapa bemaRoma Katolika ngekutsi baphikikhristu. I have a clean conscience and a full, meaningful life. Martin Luther, a military leader named Lydia, called the Roman Catholic Church. Kutinikela KuNkulunkulu Kuholela Enjabulweni If handled skillfully, money too can be useful. Dedication to God Benefits Us Bantfu labafa bangakaze balitfole litfuba lekwati Nkulunkulu Jehova nekumkhonta batawutfola litfuba lekushintja bente lokulungile. Life Story People who have died never had the opportunity to know Jehovah God and serve him will have an opportunity to change their course. Ngaleso sikhatsi, Gogi utawuhlasela " bantfu lababutfwe etiveni ngetive, ' lokubantfu baJehova. Instead, in prayer let us praise him, thank him, seek his direction especially when under trial, and ask that he help us to serve him in ways that glorify his holy name. - Ps. At that time, Gog will attack "the nations of the nations, " Jehovah's people. 3: 13 - 17. It also shields us from the majority of the debris that hurtles through space. 3: 13 - 17. Vuka Simakadze, ngisindzise, Nkulunkulu wami, ngobe tonkhe titsa tami utihlakaye imihlatsi, wephula nematinyo alababi. " - Hla. Jon: Yes, I've always been impressed with this about you - no matter what you say, you back it up with a scripture. O Jehovah, I will save my God, for all my enemies will be scattered out of the land of the wicked one. " - Ps. Ngako - ke, ungaphetsa ngekutsi ukhonta Jehova ngesizatfu sekutsi nguye lokudvonsile. God has also given us insight into the meaning of what we can see - wars, earthquakes, pestilences, food shortages, as well as godless people who contribute to these "critical times hard to deal with. " - 2 Tim. Therefore, you can conclude that you worship Jehovah because he is the one whom you are serving. Nginanembeza lohlantekile futsi ngenetisekile. (See opening picture.) I have a clean conscience and a clean conscience. Nemali nayo ingaba lusito nangabe isetjentiswa ngekuhlakanipha. We find the answer in one of Jesus ' illustrations. Some may also be helpful if they are used wisely. Umlandvo Wekuphila What can we learn from the example of the prophet Micah? Life Story Esikhundleni saloko, emithandazweni yetfu kufanele simdvumise, simbonge, sicele sicondziso sakhe ikakhulukati nasishushiswa, simcele nekutsi asisite simkhonte ngendlela letawudvumisa libito lakhe lelingcwele. - Hla. Paper in Bible Times, 7 / 1 Instead, in prayer, we should praise him, thank him for his guidance, especially when we face persecution, and help us to praise him in a way that honors his holy name. - Ps. Nasi sibonelo: Umkhatsi awusiniketi nje kuphela umoya lesiwuphefumulako kodvwa uphindze usivikele etintfweni letiyingoti letindiza kuwo. For instance, you need to teach your children to obey the Bible's command: "Honor your father and your mother. " For example, it is not limited to the air but also to protect us from harmful influences. Ndwandwe: Yebo kunjalo Mahlalela, ngiko lengikutsandzako ngani, kutsi nome ngabe yini leniyikhulumako niyifakazela ngembhalo. Yes, Jesus put helping others ahead of personal convenience - helping them was key to his doing God's will. Jon: Yes, I'm really interested in what I love, whatever you say is a scripture. Nkulunkulu usinikete nekucondza inchazelo yaloko lesikubonako - timphi, kutamatama kwemhlaba, tifo letingelapheki, indlala nebantfu labangamhloniphi Nkulunkulu labenta kutsi leti kube " tikhatsi letimatima. ' - 2 Thim. So they decided to have a spiritual discussion every day to help prove themselves ready. God has given us insight into what we see - war, earthquakes, earthquakes, pestilences, and famine - that ungodly people are "critical times hard to deal with. " - 2 Tim. (Buka sitfombe lesisekucaleni kwalesihloko.) 86: 5. (See opening picture.) Imphendvulo itfolakala kulomunye umfanekiso waJesu. This helps us to avoid stumbling spiritually, keeping our "foot " stable. The answer is found in one of Jesus ' illustrations. Yini lesingayifundza esibonelweni semphrofethi Mikha? Also, the armies in heaven were following him on white horses, and they were clothed in white, clean, fine linen. What can we learn from the example of the prophet Micah? Nasi sibonelo, kufanele ufundzise bantfwana bakho kulalela umyalo weliBhayibheli lotsi: "Hlonipha uyihlo nenyoko. " Although the Scriptures do not explain in detail how every appointment was made back then, we do see some indication of how this was done. For example, you should teach your children to obey the Bible's command: "Your father and your mother. " Jesu abecabanga ngekusita labanye kucala, loko bekubalulekile ekwenteni intsandvo yaNkulunkulu. SONGS: 139, 144 Jesus thought of helping others starting to do God's will. Ngako - ke, bancuma kucoca ngetintfo takamoya malanga onkhe, kute babe ngulabakulungele. 1, 2. (a) To whom did Jesus ' words at Matthew 24: 12 initially apply? So they decided to discuss spiritual matters every day to prove themselves ready. 86: 5. Takuya progressed to the point of becoming a regular pioneer and is now serving at a branch office. 86: 5. Kuyasisita singalehlekelwa buhlobo lobuhle lesinabo naNkulunkulu, kwente "nelunyawo " lwetfu lucine. The disciple James was inspired to write: "Let endurance complete its work, so that you may be complete and sound in all respects, not lacking in anything. " It helps us to lose our good standing with God, to "get up with our foot " so that we can enjoy a close relationship with him. Emabutfo asezulwini abemlandzela ngemahhashi lamhlophe, agcoke ilineni lemhlophe, lehlantekile, nalecolisakele. Still, what words could convey the pain that Mary felt as she saw her son suffer a terrible death on a torture stake? The heavenly forces followed him, wearing white horses, that is clean, clean, clean, and attractive. Nanobe imiBhalo ingachazi kabanti kutsi bazalwane bebabekwa njani esikhatsini lesendlulile, siyakhona kubona kutsi loku bekwentiwa njani. When Jesus was on earth, his main work was to preach the good news. Although the Scriptures do not explain how brothers were appointed in the past, we are able to see how they were doing. TINGOMA: 134, 24 On the day of Pentecost 33 C.E., an important festival was in progress and many visitors were sharing in it. SONGS: 134, 24 1, 2. (a) Ekucaleni, Jesu abewabhekisele kubobani lamavi lakuMatewu 24: 12? It would be unwise and unfair to leave Jehovah and his people just because someone makes a mistake 1, 2. (a) To whom did Jesus refer to the words recorded at Matthew 24: 12? Takuya wachubeka atfutfuka wate waba lihlahlandlela lelivamile futsi nyalo ukhonta ehhovisini leligatja. (Read Isaiah 43: 10 - 12.) Bethany continued to make progress as a regular pioneer and now serve at the branch office. Umfundzi Jakobe waphefumulelwa kutsi abhale atsi: "Kodvwa vumelani kucinisela kucedzele umsebenti wako, kuze nitewuphelela, niphile kuto tonkhe tintfo, ningesweli lutfo. " Does Proverbs 6: 30 Excuse Stealing? The disciple James was inspired to write: "As for endurance complete its work, so that you may be complete in all things and that you may not be satisfied. " Ngetulu kwako konkhe loku, ngeke sikwati kuchaza buhlungu Mariya labuva nakabona indvodzana yakhe ifa kabuhlungu elugodvweni lwekuhlushwa. How can we be organized in harmony with God's own Book? Above all, we cannot describe her pain when she saw her son die on a torture stake. Ngesikhatsi Jesu alamhlabeni, umsebenti lobewubalulekile kuye bekukushumayela tindzaba letimnandzi. Does this mean that Jesus wanted his resurrection to be kept secret? While on earth, Jesus was the primary preaching work to him was to preach the good news. NgeliPhentekhoste ngemnyaka wanga - 33 C.E., sibhimbi lesibalulekile sasichubeka eJerusalema futsi tivakashi letinyenti tatihlanganyele kuso. I was surprised when he said yes! At Pentecost 33 C.E., we became one of the most important guests in Jerusalem. Angeke kube kuhlakanipha nobe kube yintfo lekahle kushiya Jehova nebantfu bakhe ngenca yeliphutsa lemuntfu lotsite By 1941 we were becoming aware that we should not work in the arms industry. It would not be wise or appropriate to leave Jehovah and his people because of a mistake (Fundza Isaya 43: 10 - 12.) As a result, "Constantine was in a position strongly to influence - perhaps even to dictate - the course of events at Nicaea. " (Read Isaiah 43: 10 - 12.) Umbhalo WeTaga 6: 30 Uyakutsetselela Yini Kweba? So when the opportunity arose to serve as commuters at Wallkill, they knew that it would mean saying good - bye to almost everyone and everything familiar to them. How Does Proverbs 6: 30 forgive Us? Singahleleka njani ngendlela levumelana neliVi laNkulunkulu? News of these events may have circulated among the superstitious Praetorian Guard. How might we sing in a way that harmonizes with God's Word? Loko bekusho kutsi Jesu bekafuna kutsi kuvuswa kwakhe kube yimfihlo yini? The calendar commonly used in many parts of the world is based on the year when Jesus is thought to have been born. Did this mean that Jesus wanted his resurrection to be confidential? Nakangitjela kutsi angakwenta loko ngamangala. Arthur knew he must. When she told me that she could do so, I told her that she would do so. Nga - 1941, kwasicacela kutsi akukafaneli sisebente etinkapaneni letakha tintfo letisetjentiswa emphini. The first to die was faithful Abel. In 1941, I asked him that we should not work in an effort to do things that were used to do in the war. Ngesizatfu saloko, "Constantine waba nesikhundla sekulawula kanye nekucondzisa konkhe lobekwentiwa yikomidi yase - Nicaea. " Then he added: "She did what she could. " As a result, "Gog began to control and control all the actions of the Church. " Ngesikhatsi kuvuleka litfuba lekutsi bayosebenta emalanga latsite eWallkill, bebati kutsi loko bekutawusho kushiya cishe konkhe lebebakutayele. They may feel that neither they nor their service to Jehovah has much value to him. When it was the opportunity to work at Wallkill, they knew that this would have left everything they were familiar. Kungenteka kutsi tindzaba letimayelana naleto tentakalo tefika etindlebeni taleliSotja leMbuso wemaRoma lebelikholelwa etintfweni temilingo. December 1, 2009 The news about those events may have returned from the Roman Empire to believe in magical things. ▪ Ikhalenda lesetjentiswa etincenyeni letinyenti temhlaba isekelwe emnyakeni lokucatjangwa kutsi Jesu watalwa ngawo. Jehovah does not want any honesthearted people to be destroyed. ▪ An agreement on a variety of parts of the world is based on Jesus ' birth. Arthur bekati kutsi kufanele aphume. They provide us with information and understanding that are critical to our maintaining a close relationship with God. Arthur knew that he should take care of them. Umuntfu wekucala lowafa ngu - Abela lowetsembekile. But the two disciples become angry with the Samaritans who didn't welcome them, and they ask Jesus: " Do you want us to tell fire to come down and kill them? ' The first man, Abel, died. Wachubeka watsi: "Wente umsebenti lomuhle kimi. " An important doctrine that was given a pagan twist had to do with the identity of Jesus Christ. He added: "Do something good for me. " Tingase tive shengatsi atikabaluleki kuJehova, tona kanye nemsebenti wato letimentela wona. Thus, we can conclude that Cain's wife was one of his female relatives. They may feel that they are worthless to Jehovah, their work, and the work they do. January 1, 2010 If a Christian family is to succeed in staying awake, it is important that each member shoulder his or her Scriptural responsibility. January 1, 2010 Jehova akafuni kutsi bantfu labetsembekile babhujiswe. It was clear that when Bebe recounted the incident in a book years later, she was still grieving. Jehovah does not want faithful humans to be destroyed. Isiniketa kwatiswa nekucondza lokubalulekile kute silondvolote buhlobo lobusedvute naNkulunkulu. People will then be able to live happy, productive lives forever. It gives us valuable information so that we can maintain a close relationship with God. Kodvwa labafundzi lababili bawatfukutselela emaSamariya langazange abemukele, futsi babuta Jesu: " Nkhosi, uyafuna yini sibite umlilo wehle ezulwini ubacedze bonkhe? ' Which of the "designs " of Satan is often used to ensnare us, and how do commercial advertisers make use of it? But the two disciples were angry with the Samaritans who did not accept, and Jesus asked: " Lord, do you want to call a fire in heaven? ' Imfundziso lemcoka leyashintjwa ngemacaba imayelana naloko Jesu Khristu langiko. Why do I believe that Jehovah's standards are truly for my good? " The transformation that was made up of the pagan religions referred to what Jesus Christ really was. Ngaleto tizatfu singaphetsa ngekutsi Khayini washada nalomunye wetihlobo takhe tengati. What first - century examples prove that people can overcome disunity? In those words, we may conclude that Cain married one of his close relatives. Kute umndeni wemaKhristu uhlale ulindzile, kubalulekile kutsi lilunga ngalinye lifeze umtfwalo walo lovetwe emiBhalweni. The mutual love Paul wrote about to the Hebrews calls for a brotherhood, a community of like - minded worshippers, a congregation. For Christian family to stay watchful, it is vital that each member fulfill its responsibility in the Scriptures. Ngemuva kweminyaka babe wakhe ashonile, Bebe wabhala incwadzi akhuluma ngekufa kwababe wakhe, tintfo latibhala tikhombisa kutsi bekasolo eva buhlungu. Together they built a fine, strong marriage, one that was marked by respect, good communication, and a mutual willingness to work through difficult problems together. After his father died, he wrote a letter speaking about his father's death, his actions show that he still felt hurt. Bantfu batawubese bayakhona kuphila phakadze banenjabulo nekwenetiseka. I had noticed the cover of the book, so I answered, "The Bible. " Then people will be able to live forever and be happy. Ngumaphi emachinga Sathane lawasebentisako kute asetsiye, futsi bakhangisi bamuva bawasebentise njani lamachinga? Both wisdom and stupidity keep crying out to us, as it were, and that presents us with a choice. What methods did Satan use to make, and how are these groups affected? Kungani ngikholwa kutsi timiso taJehova tentelwe kuzuzisa mine? " Duration: Two months. Why do I believe that Jehovah's standards are designed to benefit me? " Ngutiphi tintfo letenteka ngelikhulu lekucala letikhombisa kutsi bantfu bangaluncoba lubandlululo? Amid intense anxiety, fear, and grief, what can help you to prepare for the road ahead? What events in the first century show that people could overcome prejudice? Lutsandvo Pawula labhala ngalo nakakhuluma nebaseHebheru belusho kutsi babe nebudlelwane nalamanye emaKhristu, babe nebunye njengetikhonti taNkulunkulu ebandleni. Jehovah reaches out to people by means of our preaching work, inviting them to learn about his Kingdom and his righteous standards. Paul's love for public talk was meant to have a close relationship with other Christians, such as the unity of God's servants in the congregation. Umshado wabo bewucinile ngobe bebahloniphana, bakhulumisana kahle futsi batimisele kubambisana kuze balungise tinkinga letimatima. At any rate, Rebekah looked ever forward, no doubt trying to learn all she could from Eliezer about Isaac and his family. Their marriage is strong because they respect one another, communicate well, and endeavor to cooperate with difficult problems. Bengike ngasibona sigogo salencwadzi, ngako ngamphendvula ngatsi liBhayibheli. The new covenant relates to the Kingdom in that it produces a holy nation that has the privilege of becoming kings and priests in that heavenly Kingdom. I had never seen my grandmother, so I answered him the Bible. (Taga 9: 1 - 5, 13 - 17) Kuba shengatsi kokubili kuhlakanipha nebulima kuyasimemeta, tsine kufanele sikhetse. What worthless things must Christians avoid viewing, and why? It is as if it is foolish and foolish, then we should decide for ourselves what we should choose. Sikhatsi Lesitsatfwako: Tinyanga letimbili. In effect, Paul spoke for all of us when he said: "We know that the Law is spiritual; but I am fleshly, sold under sin. Duration: Two months. Njengobe ukhatsateke kakhulu, wesaba futsi uselusizini, yini lengakusita kutsi ukulungele loko lokutawenteka? • Persecution of true Christians When you worry about it, do you feel afraid, and what can help you to prepare for what will happen? Jehova ufinyelela tonkhe tinhlobo tebantfu ngemsebenti lesiwentako wekushumayela, abameme kute batewufundza ngeMbuso wakhe nangetimiso takhe letilungile. Then started the adjustment to a new people, a new land, and even a new language. Jehovah reachs all kinds of people with regard to our preaching work, inviting them to learn about his Kingdom and his righteous principles. Noma ngabe loluhambo belumatima kanganani Rebheka bekatimisele kuhamba, asingabati kutsi tinyenti tintfo Rebheka lebekatibuta Eliyezeri nga - Isaka nangemmdeni wakubo. All these creations point to Jehovah as our Creator and show his qualities, such as his power, wisdom, and love. No matter how difficult it would have been for Rebekah to travel, she no doubt wondered about Eliezer and her sister, Isaac. Sivumelwane lesisha sihlobene neMbuso ngobe senta kutsi kube nesive lesingcwele lesinelilungelo lekuba ngemakhosi kanye nebaphristi eMbusweni wasezulwini. Many people in Christendom believe that Christians will be taken to heaven in a human body. The new covenant is related to Kingdom interests, for it enables us to become a holy nation to become kings and priests with priests in the heavenly Kingdom. Ngutiphi tintfo letingenamsebenti emaKhristu lokufanele abalekele kutibuka, futsi ngani? Describe what you might have seen and heard if you had attended the inauguration of the temple during Solomon's reign. What dangers do Christians need to avoid, and why? Ecinisweni Pawula abesikhulumela sonkhe ngalesikhatsi atsi: " Siyati kutsi umtsetfo ungumoya, kodvwa mine ngingumuntfu wemhlaba lotsengwe esonweni. Is our love for people as strong as Jeremiah's? In fact, Paul was referring to all of us when he said: "We know that the law of a spirit is alive, but I am not a world that is bought from sin. • EmaKhristu eliciniso ayawushushiswa Not necessarily. • True Christians will be persecuted Kwadzingeka kutsi sitayelane nebantfu labasha, indzawo lensha kanye nelulwimi lolusha. Early and open communication is vital It meant that we had to be surrounded by young people, a new environment, and a new language. Konkhe loku kukhombisa kutsi Jehova unguMdali wetfu, kuphindze kukhombise nalobunye bunguye bakhe lobufaka ekhatsi emandla, kuhlakanipha nelutsandvo. Therefore, each Christian regularly needs to examine his own desires by asking himself such questions as: " Have material things become so important to me that I spend more time researching and thinking about the latest cars or fashions than I do preparing for congregation meetings? All of this shows that Jehovah is our Creator, and there are other qualities such as wisdom, wisdom, and love. Bantfu labanyenti eTinkholweni Letitsi TebuKhristu bakholelwa kutsi emaKhristu atawutsatfwa ayiswe ezulwini anemitimba yenyama. What weight was given to the authority of the so - called Church Fathers, and why so? Many of Christendom believe that Christians will be taken to heaven by means of the flesh. Chaza kutsi yini lebewungayibona futsi uyive nangabe bewukhona nakunikelwa lithempeli ngesikhatsi kubusa Solomoni. One future development is mentioned by Paul in his letter to the Thessalonians. Explain what you could see and hear if you were given the temple under Solomon's rule. 38: 4, 5, 19, 20) Lutsandvo lwetfu ngebantfu lucine njengelwaJeremiya yini? We also need to be careful to maintain a serious view of our God - given roles in the family. Can our love for mankind become stronger as Jeremiah was? Hhayi ngaso sonkhe sikhatsi. What is the focus of 2 Peter chapter 3, and what questions should we ask ourselves? Not at all. Kubalulekile kukhulumisana ngekukhululeka kusenesikhatsi ▪ You Have Been Sanctified It is important to communicate freely in advance Ngako, umKhritsu ngamunye kufanele ahlale atibuta nayi imibuto: " Ngabe kutsandza kuba netintfo letinyenti kumcoka kakhulu yini kimi kangangekutsi ngisebentisa sikhatsi sami lesinyenti ngicwaninga ngetimoto teluhlobo lolusha noma ngicabanga ngetimphahla letikufashini, kunesikhatsi lengisisebentisela kulungiselela imihlangano yelibandla? Sinclair), Sept. Thus, each Christian should ask himself: " Should it be so important for me to spend more time using a new amount of entertainment or to set aside for congregation meetings? Nguyiphi inhlonipho lenkhulu leyaniketwa bo - Father bemasontfo, futsi kungani kwentiwa njalo? Even when kings were not faithful to him, Jehovah could give them victory over the enemy for the sake of his own name. What deep honor was given to the Church, and why? Lesinye sentakalo lesitawenteka esikhatsini lesitako sabhalwa nguPawula encwadzini layibhalela baseThesalonika. Yes, our planet is a "good gift " from our heavenly Father. Another event that would occur in the future was Paul's letter to the Thessalonians. Kudzingeka sichubeke siyitsatsa njengalebalulekile imitfwalo Nkulunkulu lasinikete yona emndenini. There were Lois and Eunice, her daughter, now loyal Christian women, full of that "unhypocritical faith " that Paul so admired. We need to continue to view the responsibilities that God has given us in the family. Imumetseni incwadzi ya - 2 Phetro sehluko 3, futsi ngumiphi imibuto lokufanele sitibute yona? (b) If a pioneer experiences difficulties, what should he do? The book of 2 Peter chapter 3, and what questions should we ask ourselves? ▪ Seningcwelisiwe 3 Is It Possible to Be Content? ▪ You Have Been sanctified Markin), May Third, our prayers must be in harmony with God's will. Mark), May (2 Khr. 14: 12, 13) Nanobe lamanye emakhosi abengaketsembeki kuJehova, kodvwa bekawasita kutsi ancobe titsa tawo ngenca nje yeligama lakhe. (1 Khos. As we reflect on such memories, we too are moved to say, "Thank you, Jehovah, for permitting me to be there. " Though other kings remained loyal to Jehovah, they helped them to overcome their enemies because of his name. Iplanethi yetfu " isipho lesihle ' lesivela kuBabe wetfu losezulwini. There are many reasons why we should be thankful to Jehovah! Our planet is "a wonderful gift " from our heavenly Father. Wakhandza Lowisi naYunisi sebangamaKhristu lavutsiwe " lanekukholwa lokute kutentisa ' futsi loko kwamjabulisa Pawula. Second, meditating on Jehovah's love will help us to cultivate modesty. He found Eunice and Eunice already became mature Christians who had "the faith of God " and had been rewarded by Paul. (b) Nangabe lihlahlandlela liba netinkinga, yini lokufanele liyente? [ 1] (paragraph 1) Some names have been changed. (b) If a pioneer becomes a problem, what should we do? 3 Singakwati Yini Kwenetiseka? After the meeting, I told this to Grace. 3 Is It Possible to Be Happy? Kwesitsatfu, imithantazo yetfu kufanele ihambisane nentsandvo yaNkulunkulu. The parable also mentions the slave who had one talent. Third, our prayers should be in harmony with God's will. Njengobe natsi sikhumbula loko lokwentekile emihlanganweni lesiye kuyo, sishukumiseleka kutsi sitsi: "Siyabonga Jehova ngekusivumela kutsi sibe kuloyo mhlangano. " Why does Jehovah sometimes hold off from rescuing us from adversities? As we remember what we have experienced at our meetings, we are moved to say: "We thank Jehovah for allowing us to attend that meeting. " Sinetizatfu letinyenti tekubonga Jehova. Sophia: What do you mean? We have every reason to thank Jehovah. Kwesibili, kuzindla ngelutsandvo lwaJehova kutasisita kutsi sikhombise kutfobeka. But their preaching is limited to sermons at church, on television, or on the Internet, or they may simply tell others how they learned about Jesus. Second, meditating on Jehovah's love will help us to show humility. [ 1] (sigaba 1) Lamanye emabito ashintjiwe. Two brothers offer a tract to a painter on the bridge in front of Kaštilac, a fortress built in the 16th century, near the city of Split [ 1] (paragraph 1) Some names have been changed. Nakuphuma sifundvo, ngacocela Grace ngaloko. What role does family worship play in promoting unity? When she left her studies, I told Grace about what she had done. Lomfanekiso uphindze ukhulume ngesisebenti lebesinikwe lithalenta linye. Solomon wrote: "Cast your bread on the waters, for after many days you will find it again. " This illustration also refers to a slave who was given one talent. Yini leyenta kutsi ngaletinye tikhatsi Jehova angangeneli nasibhekene netimo letimatima? 22: 22. Why does Jehovah at times hold back from facing difficult situations? Takhona: Sewusho kutsini manje? If that is your situation, continue to rely heavily on Jehovah, who will grant you endurance as you "make public declaration to his name. " - Heb. Sophia: What do you mean now? Kodvwa kushumayela kwawo kuphelela etinshumayelweni labatenta emasontfweni, kuma - TV nobe ku - Internet, nobe mhlawumbe bangavele batjele labanye indlela labafundze ngayo ngaJesu. Whether they realize it or not, they reflect to some extent Jehovah's glory, and for this reason, they deserve a measure of honor and respect. - Ps. But their preaching work is being destroyed in the churches, on television, or on the Internet, perhaps telling others how they have learned about Jesus. Bazalwane lababili bahambisela umuntfu lopendako lipheshana losebhulohweni lelisembikweKaštilac, lokusakhiwo sangelikhulu lesi - 16, edvute nelidolobha laseSplit Notes Ejvor, a pioneer for 34 years: "Today, more than ever, many people feel emotionally low. Two brothers placed a tract near the Mediterranean Sea in the 16th century, which is near the town of the town. Kukhonta kwemndeni kungawusita njani umndeni kutsi ube nebunye? The International Space Station - a technological wonder orbiting the earth - is the result of the united efforts of some 15 nations. How can family worship help the family to be united? Solomoni watsi: "Jika sinkhwa sakho emantini, ngobe utawuphindze usitfole emvakwemalanga lamanyenti. " SOMETIME between the years 62 and 64 C.E., the apostle Peter wrote to "the temporary residents scattered about in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia. " Solomon said: "Take your bread upon the waters, for you will also find many days. " 22: 22. POPULATION 22: 22. Nangabe nawe usesimeni lesinjalo, chubeka wetsembela kakhulu kuJehova, lotawukunika kubeketela njengobe " uvuma libito lakhe. ' - Heb. When I did attend, I often drank alcohol between lessons. If you are in such a situation, continue to rely on Jehovah, who will give you patience as you " admit his name. " - Heb. Kungakhatsaliseki, kutsi bayati noma abati, ngelizinga lelitsite bakhombisa inkhatimulo yaJehova futsi ngenca yaloko bafanelwe ludvumo lolutsite kanye nenhlonipho. - Hla. What was the Babylonian view of gods and demons? Whatever the case, they recognize that they do not have a measure of glory or respect for Jehovah's glory and respect. - Ps. Ejvor losabe lihlahlandlela iminyaka lengu - 34 utsi: "Lamuhla bantfu labanyenti bacindzeteleke kakhulu kunasesikhatsini lesendlulile. Deuteronomy 24: 14, 15 states: "You must not defraud a hired worker who is in need and poor, whether one of your brothers or a foreign resident in your land... For example, a pioneer for 34 years, says: "Many people have become worse than ever before. Tinkapane tekwakha tinetisebenti letiningi. " Those who receive the abundance of the undeserved kindness and of the free gift of righteousness [will] rule as kings in life through the one person, Jesus Christ. " Kingdom Halls have a legal influence on me. NGEMNYAKA wa - 62 kuya ku - 64 C.E., umphostoli Phetro wabhalalela "labo labahleti kwesikhashana eveni, labasakatekele ePhontusi, eGalathiya, eKhaphadosiya, e - Asiya, kanye naseBhithiniya. " He guides his people so that they can receive everlasting life and stay away from dangers. THE apostle Peter wrote about 607 C.E., writing the apostle Peter to the "those dwelling in the land of those living in Pontus, Asia, Asia, Asia, and Bithynia. " LINANI LEBANTFU If so, the example of Paul can help you. POPULATION Nakwentekile ngaba khona, bengivame kunatsa tjwala. Ask yourself: " If Jesus were here and saw what I was wearing, would I be embarrassed? ' When I was there, I used to drink alcohol. Bantfu baseBhabhulona bebanamuphi umbono ngabonkulunkulu nemadimoni? As Kingdom proclaimers, we need to do the same. What view did the Babylonians have with the gods and demons? Dutheronomi 24: 14, 15 utsi: "Ungamcindzeteli umuntfu lomcashile ngenca yekutsi umphofu futsi weswele, nome ngabe ngumnakenu um - Israyeli nome ngabe wetive... See The Watchtower, July 15, 2013, pages 13 - 14. Deuteronomy 24: 14, 15 states: "Do not pressure a man who steals because he is poor and who is poor, whatever is your brother of Israel... " Labo labemukela umusa lochichimako nesipho sekulunga bayawubusa ekuphileni ngemuntfu munye longuJesu Khristu. " Three accounts recorded in the inspired Scriptures may come to mind. " Those who receive mercy in the sight of the gift of righteousness will rule as one person in one person's life, Jesus Christ. " Ucondzisa bantfu bakhe kute batfole kuphila lokuphakadze futsi bagweme tingoti. Why is keeping on the watch so important today? He guides his people so that they can gain everlasting life and avoid dangers. Nangabe ukuleso simo, sibonelo saPawula singakusita. FRANCE If you are in that situation, Paul's example can help you. Tibute: " Bengingativa nginemahloni yini kube Jesu ulana futsi abone loko lengikugcokile? ' This arrangement may provide certain tax advantages. Ask yourself, " Did I feel ashamed of Jesus and see what I wear? ' Njengobe sibamemeteli beMbuso, natsi kufanele sente ngendlela lefanako. Abraham, called "the father of all those having faith, " was the head of a household numbering into the hundreds. As Kingdom proclaimers, we too need to do the same. Fundza Sicongosekulindza saJuly 15, 2013, emakhasi 13 - 14. Indeed, those Jews and proselytes could now see that a relationship with Jehovah involved recognizing him as the Provider of salvation by means of Jesus. See The Watchtower, July 15, 2013, pages 13 - 14. Manje asesicoce ngetimangaliso letintsatfu lekukhulunywa ngato eBhayibhelini. When a family member is disfellowshipped or he disassociates himself from the congregation, it can feel like the stab of a sword. Let us now consider three of those miracles found in the Bible. Kubaluleke ngani kutsi sihlale silindzile? What a blatant lie that was! Why is it important for us to keep on the watch? EFULANSI (b) What questions should we consider respecting Jesus ' prayer recorded in John chapter 17? STUDY ARTICLES Lelilungiselelo lingahle libe netinzuzo temtselo letitsite. (Read Psalm 62: 6 - 9.) This arrangement may provide certain tax advantages. Abrahama, lobitwa ngekutsi "nguyise wabo bonkhe lababa nekukholwa, " abeyinhloko yemndeni lobewakhiwa ngemakhulu ebantfu. Jehovah was ready to answer their prayers for any help they needed to carry out the command to preach the Kingdom message. Abraham, who is called "the father of all those having faith, " was the primary head of a family of hundreds of millions. Kuliciniso kutsi lamaJuda nalabo lababephendvukele enkholweni yemaJuda, bebangabona kutsi buhlobo naJehova bufaka ekhatsi kumcaphela njengaloyo lowabalungisela sihlengo ngaJesu. 1: 23. Of course, many Jews and proselytes felt that a close relationship with Jehovah involves our view of the ransom sacrifice of Jesus. Sivame kuva buhlungu kakhulu nangabe lilunga lemndeni liyekeliswa kuba nguFakazi noma liyekela kutihlanganisa nelibandla. Jesus, the Greater Solomon, has sympathy for us because he understands our imperfect condition. We often feel hurt when a family member is disfellowshipped or stop associating with the congregation. Kwakungemanga laluhlata lawo. In order to optimize the care that parents receive, children may have to become their advocates, secretaries, chauffeurs, and so on. - Prov. 3: 27. What a lie that was! (b) Ngumiphi imibuto lokufanele sicabange ngayo mayelana nemthantazo waJesu lokuJohane sehluko 17? 14: 1. (b) What questions should we consider regarding Jesus ' prayer recorded in John chapter 17? (Fundza Tihlabelelo 62: 6 - 9.) Imagine how Timothy was affected by Paul's visit. (Read Psalm 62: 6 - 9.) Jehova bekakulungele kuphendvula imithantazo yabo nabadzinga lusito kuze bachubeke balalela umyalo wekushumayela umlayeto weMbuso. What of "the Lamb of God " who came to provide the ransom? Jehovah was willing to answer their prayers when they needed help to keep on obeying the Kingdom message. 1: 23. But something had drastically changed regarding the Jews. 1: 23. Jesu, Solomoni Lomkhulu, uyasihawukela ngobe uyati kutsi sinesono. For example, consider how the elders in the congregation help those facing distressing situations. Jesus, the Greater Solomon, is compassionate because he knows that we are imperfect. Kute bantfwana banakekele batali ngendlela lencono kakhulu, kungadzingeka kutsi babakhulumele, banake timphepha tabo futsi babashayelele imoto, babentele nalokunye lokunyenti. - Taga 3: 27. 22 Life in Bible Times - Musicians and Their Instruments For parents to care for their children in a unique way, they may need to speak to them, focusing on their own, and drive, caring for them, and so forth. - Prov. 3: 27. 14: 1. If something a brother has said or done disturbs you so much that you cannot simply pass it over, do not let hateful feelings fester in your heart. 14: 1. Cabanga ngendlela Thimothi latsintseka ngayo ngesikhatsi bavakashelwe boPawula. Says 12 - year - old Carlos: "I watch the elders in the hall smiling and being kind, and I like that about them. " Consider how Timothy was affected when Paul was visited. 9: 11, 12) Kutsiwani " ngeliWundlu laNkulunkulu ' lelasihlawulela? In fact, he used this opportunity to teach them that if they focused on having more things, they could be distracted from serving God. - Luke 12: 13 - 15. What about "the Lamb of God "? " Nitawuba Bofakazi Bami, " 7 / 15 Many readers of Zion's Watch Tower who left their churches longed for fellowship with those who shared their thirst for Bible truth. " You Will Be Witnesses of Me, " 7 / 15 Kodvwa emaJuda ngiwo lebesekashintjile. Sadly, after receiving discipline, some fail to see past the pain and even draw away from God and his people. But the Jews changed. Nasi sibonelo: Cabanga ngendlela labadzala ebandleni labangabasita ngayo labo labahlangabetana netimo leticindzetelako. 32 Did You Know? For example, think about how elders in the congregation can help those who face distressing circumstances. Nangabe umzalwane ente intfo tsite lengakuphatsi kahle, lokutfola kulukhuni kuyemukela, ungabambi emavundvo enhlitiyweni yakho. We cut the grass. We don't double - park. When a brother does something that makes you feel better, it may be difficult to accept it in your heart. Carlos loneminyaka lengu - 12 budzala watsi: "Ngiyaye ngibabone labadzala ehholweni bamoyitela bakhombisa nemusa futsi loko kungenta ngibatsandze. " 18 A History - Making Meeting " I see the elders, " says 12 - year - old Bill, "and they show interest in me. " Ecinisweni, wasebentisa leyo nkinga kute abafundzise kutsi nabafuna kuba netintfo letinyenti, bangaphatamiseka ekukhonteni Nkulunkulu. - Lukha 12: 13 - 15. They had an interest in spiritual matters, but the ministry was not their number one concern. In fact, he used this problem to teach them that if they wanted to, they could be distracted from serving God. - Luke 12: 13 - 15. Bafundzi labanyenti be - Zion's Watch Tower labashiya emasontfo abo, bebafisa kuhlangana nalamanye emakholwa nawo labekanesifiso sekuva emaciniso eliBhayibheli. Those who tried to escape repeatedly could be branded in the forehead, often with the letter F for fugitivus (fugitive). Many of the Watch Tower Bible Students who left their churches wanted to meet fellow believers who wanted to hear Bible truth. Lokubuhlungu kutsi nabatfola siyalo, labanye bayehluleka kwendlulisa lobuhlungu baze bakhweshe kuJehova kanye nakubantfu bakhe. Another may want to get married but has not yet found a suitable mate. Sadly, when they receive discipline, some fail to allow the injustice to distance them from Jehovah and his people. 32 Bewati Yini? To grasp the import of that truth, we need to know about the Jewish Passover and to consider it in the light of a command given to all Christians. 32 Did You Know? Setama kuba bomakhelwane labahle labahlonipha labanye. God gave a vision about what the future held, illustrating it with two types of figs - "very good " figs and" very bad " ones. We strive to be good neighbors who respect others. 18 Umhlangano Lowadla Lubhedvu Emlandvweni Would you have been willing to give of yourself in such an altruistic way? 18 A History - Making Meeting Bebamtsandza Nkulunkulu, kodvwa umsebenti wekushumayela bewungekho endzaweni yekucala ekuphileni kwabo. The Issue in Job's Day They loved God, but the preaching work was not the first place in their life. Labo labebavama kwetama kubaleka bebabhalwa F emabuntini abo, lobowumelela ligama lelitsi fugitivus, lelisho umbaleki. And may the stork remind you to stay alert to the significance of world events that mark our time. Those who tried to distract us were written on their foreheads, representing the name contained in a fiery furnace. Lomunye kungenteka kutsi uyafuna kushada kodvwa usengakamtfoli umuntfu lomfanele. Zoila is a sister from Mexico who moved to Europe. Another possibility is that you want to marry but not yet find someone who has the right to receive. Kuze sitfole kubaluleka kwalamavi laliciniso, kudzingeka sitfole lwati lolubanti ngeliPhasika lemaJuda nekutsi lomkhosi uhlobana kanjani nemyalo lowanikwa onkhe emaKhristu. It involves a person's viewpoint, disposition, and heart condition. To learn the importance of those words, we need to find further knowledge of the Jewish Passover and how this event applies to all Christians who were given. Nkulunkulu wasiniketa umbono ngaloko lobekutawenteka kuso esikhatsini lesitako, wakwenta loko ngekutsi akufanekise ngetinhlobo letimbili temakhiwa - emakhiwa "lamahle " " nalamabi. ' How do we know? God gave us a view of what would happen in the future, so he did not compare these two olive trees to the "good figs. " Bewungatsandza yini wena kuba lusito ngalendlela? We know the rest of what happened. - Acts 9: 3 - 22. Would you like to help yourself in that way? Imphikiswane Leyaphakanyiswa Esikhatsini SaJobe They prayed to God to help her. The Golden Rule in Job's day Shengatsi gilonki angakukhumbuta kutsi kubalulekile kutinaka tintfo letentekako eveni letisho kutsi siphila kusiphi sikhatsi. We surely would not want to resist the spirit's leading. May the Mosaic Law remind you that it is important to focus on events in the world that are living in what time we live. Zoila ngudzadze waseMexico lowatfutsela eYurophu. As we learned in the preceding article, Jehovah God and his righteous servant Abraham made sworn oaths on important occasions. She is a sister in Mexico who moved to Europe. Kuphendvuka kufaka ekhatsi indlela soni lesitisola ngayo ngalesikwentile kanye naloko lokusenhlitiyweni yaso. We called a brother who came and took us to his home and then to the congregation meeting. Such repentance includes a serious sin that we have done and what they do with their heart. Sikwati njani loko? ARE you a young person? How do we know that? Siyakwati konkhe lokwenteka nakefika lapho. - Imis. 9: 3 - 22. [ Picture on page 12] We know everything that happened when we arrived. - Acts 9: 3 - 22. Bathandaza kuNkulunkulu kute amsite. 32 Did You Know? They prayed to God for help. Sonkhe siyafuna kucondziswa ngumoya. The Bible explains Jesus ' lifework, saying: "He went around throughout the whole of Galilee, teaching... and preaching the good news of the kingdom. " All of us want to be guided by the spirit. Njengobe sifundzile esihlokweni lesendlulile, Nkulunkulu Jehova nenceku yakhe lelungile Abrahama bebafunga ngetikhatsi letibalulekile. In the same way, if we are careful about the way we speak, we can use this ability to honor Jehovah and to benefit others. - Psalm 19: 14. As we considered in the preceding article, Jehovah God and his righteous servant Abraham made important sacrifices. Sashayela lomunye umzalwane lucingo futsi wasilandza saya emtini wakhe, kamuva saya emhlanganweni yelibandla. There was no escape. We called a brother and graduated from his home, and later we attended congregation meetings. UNGUMUNTFU losemusha yini? I entered my teenage years very weak. ARE you a young person? [ Sitfombe ekhasini 29] " As he was aglow with the spirit, " says the Acts account, "he went speaking and teaching with correctness the things about Jesus, but being acquainted with only the baptism of John. " [ Picture on page 29] 32 Bewati Yini Ngaloku? It teaches them how to test the logic of what they are taught in school. 32 Did You Know? ▪ Kushumayela nekufundzisa ngeMbuso waNkulunkulu Nalichaza umsebenti lobewubalulekile kuJesu, liBhayibheli litsi: "Jesu walihamba lonkhe laseGalile, afundzisa,... ashumayela liVangeli lembuso. " He explains: "We made the decision to conduct study sessions and family worship with the children in our native language. ▪ Preaching and teaching teaching about God's Kingdom was an important work in Jesus ' ministry: "Jesus went about to preach the good news,... teaching the good news of the kingdom. " Ngendlela lefanako, nasiyigadza indlela lesikhuluma ngayo, sitawudvumisa Jehova futsi sisite nalabanye. - Tihlabelelo 19: 14. So it was hard for the people to be loyal to God when the king who was chosen to sit on "Jehovah's throne " was doing very bad things. - 1 Chronicles 29: 23. Similarly, if we keep our speech open, we will praise Jehovah and help others. - Psalm 19: 14. Beyingekho indlela yekuphunyula. The undeserved kindness that Jehovah extends to us puts us under obligation to busy ourselves in the Christian ministry, to teach the Bible to others, to encourage fellow Christians, and to forgive any who may offend us. There was no way to escape. Ngangena eminyakeni yekutfomba ngibutsakatsaka kakhulu. Serve Jehovah With a Complete Heart! In my late teens, I became very weak. Naku lokushiwo yincwadzi yeMisebenti ngaye: " Abegcwele inshisekelo emoyeni wakhe; afundzisa futsi achaza kahle emaciniso macondzana naJesu, kepha - ke yena bekati umbhabhatiso waJohane kuphela. ' 3 "How Long... Must I Cry for Help? " The book of Acts tells us: "He was filled with zeal for his spirit; teaching them about the truth about Jesus, but he knew what he had baptized. " ibakhutsata kutsi balitfutfukise. 5 The Challenge of Knowing God by Name He encourages them to grow. Watsi: "Sancuma kutsi nasitadisha nalapho senta kukhonta kwemndeni kanye nebantfwabetfu sitawusebentisa lulwimi lwetfu. Even though these sacrifices were not easy to make, the couple feel privileged to be involved in such a historic project. He said: "We decided that when we didn't care for family worship and our children, we would use our language. Ngako bekumatima ngebantfu kutsi betsembeke kuNkulunkulu ngesikhatsi inkhosi yabo lebeyikhetfwe kutsi ihlale "esihlalweni sebukhosi " saJehova yenta tintfo letimbi. - 1 Tikhronike 29: 23. Prophecy 3. So it was hard for people to be loyal to God when their king was chosen to sit on "the throne of Jehovah " to do bad things. - 1 Chronicles 29: 23. Lomusa Jehova lasikhombisa wona usinika umtfwalo wekutsi sikhutsale emsebentini wekushumayela, sifundzise labanye liBhayibheli, sikhutsate emaKhristu lesikanye nawo futsi sicolele labo labasonako. Jehovah commanded the kings of Israel to write a copy of God's Law and read it daily. This undeserved kindness gives us the responsibility to bear in the ministry, to teach others the Bible, to encourage fellow Christians, and to forgive our fellow believers. Ngubani Lohola Bantfu BaNkulunkulu Lamuhla? Why is that? Who Is Leading God's People Today? 3 "Kuyawudzimate Kube Ngunini Solo Ngikhala Ngicela Lusito? " Many families have found that family worship can be, as Isaiah said of the Sabbath, "an exquisite delight. " - Isa. 3 "How long "? 5 Insayeya Yekwati Nkulunkulu Kahle Ngisho Nangelibito Lakhe (b) Why could the brothers in Philippi take Paul's words seriously? 5 The Origin of God's Name Nanobe bekungasimelula kutidzela, bativa babusisekile ngekuba nencenye kulomsebenti lobalulekile. " Written for Our Instruction " While making sacrifices, they feel blessed to share in this vital work. Siphrofetho 3. How do we draw close to Jehovah and Jesus at meetings? Prophecy 3. Jehova wayala emakhosi aka - Israyeli kutsi atibhalele umtsetfo waNkulunkulu futsi awufundze onkhe malanga. He has even put eternity in their [mankind's] heart. " Jehovah commanded the Israelites not to write God's law and read it daily. Kungani kunjalo? Saul disobeyed this divine command. Why? Imindeni leminyenti itfole kutsi kukhonta kwemndeni kungaba " yinjabulo, ' njengobe kwasho Isaya mayelana neliSabatha. - Isa. Some in Paul's day who were "in darkness mentally " came to be" past all moral sense [and] gave themselves over to loose conduct to work uncleanness of every sort with greediness. " - Eph. Many families have found that family worship would be "great rejoicing, " as Isaiah foretold regarding the Sabbath. - Isa. (b) Kungani bazalwane baseFiliphi bekufanele bemukele emavi aPawula njengalabalulekile? By no means! (b) Why were the brothers in Philippi needed to accept Paul's words as important? " Kwabhalelwa Kufundzisa Tsine " " The wife " too "should have deep respect for her husband. " - Ephesians 5: 33. " It was written for Our Readers " Nasisemihlanganweni sisondzela ngayiphi indlela kuJehova nakuJesu? After taking the city, Cyrus freed the Jews who had been captive in Babylon and allowed them to return and rebuild Jerusalem, which had been destroyed 70 years earlier. In what way can we draw closer to Jehovah and Jesus? (2 Emakhosi 19: 35) LiBhayibheli liphindze lecwayise ngekutsi esikhatsini lesitako ngesikhatsi Sathane nelibutfo lakhe lelibantfu bahlasela bantfu baNkulunkulu, Jehova utawungenela alwe nalabo labalwa nebantfu bakhe. 16 Learn From God's Word - What Is God's Purpose for the Earth? The Bible also warns us that in the future when Satan and his army attacked God's people, Jehovah will wage war against those who wage war against his people. Uphindze wabeka liphakadze etinhlitiyweni tebantfu. " Literature is now regularly translated into Kyrgyz by a translation team at the branch office in Bishkek. He also puts an end to mankind's hearts. " Sawula akazange asilalele lesicondziso lesivela kuNkulunkulu. 8: 22, 23, 29. Saul did not listen to God's guidance. Labanye ngesikhatsi saPawula " labebahlwelwe engcondvweni ' baba " butfuntfu, batinikela emanyaleni, base benta kungcola ngekuhungeka. ' - Ef. His primary mission Jesus once said: "I must declare the good news of the kingdom of God, because for this I was sent forth. " Some in Paul's day "were set free from the mind " and became" mild - tempered. " - Eph. Cha, akusinjalo! It could be illustrated this way: Imagine you are standing in the middle of a road and a bus is coming toward you. Not at all! " Nemfati " naye kufanele "ahloniphe indvodza yakhe. " - Efesu 5: 33. Thus the Devil plunged headlong onto a path that could end only in disaster. " A wife should " respect her husband. " - Ephesians 5: 33. Ngemuva kwekuncoba lelidolobha, Khuresi wakhulula emaJuda lebekatfunjwe eBhabhulona futsi wawavumela kutsi abuyele emuva ayokwakha kabusha iJerusalema lebesekuphele iminyaka lengu - 70 ibhujisiwe. We may need to pray more often and to linger in prayer. After conquering the city, Cyrus released the Jews from Babylon and commanded them to return to Jerusalem for 70 years. July 11 - 17, 2011 Ngubani Lobaluleke Kakhulu Ekuphileni Kwakho? LIKHASI 18 TINGOMA: 51, 49 July 18 - 24, 2011 Having no arms, I can fully empathize with those who have limitations. 11 Learn From God's Word - Who Is the Most Important Person in Your Life? 18: 51, 49 Tincwadzi tetfu lamuhla setihunyushwa licembu lebahumushi ngesiKyrgyz labasehhovisini leligatja eBishkek. With just a few words, we can help others and give them confidence that they are really a part of Jehovah's people. Our publications have been translated into the circuit work in Germany. 8: 22, 23, 29. Consider the following six common complaints made by husbands and wives, and see how applying Bible principles can help. 8: 22, 23, 29. Sizatfu lesiyinhloko lesenta Jesu weta emhlabeni Jesu watsi: "Kufanele ngishumayele livangeli ngembuso waNkulunkulu ngobe Nkulunkulu ungitfume kwenta kona loko. " Do you think of... The main reason why Jesus came to earth is that he said: "I must declare the good news of the kingdom of God because it was sent forth to do this. " Ungafanekiswa ngalendlela: Ticabange ume ekhatsi emgwacweni futsi kuchamuke ibhasi ita ngakuwe. When it proves to be unswerving and enduring, the love between a man and a woman can truly be beautiful. You might compare it this way: Imagine that you are walking on the street and that all of you would be able to heal a bus. Ngekwenta kanjalo, Develi wakhetsa indlela leholela ekufeni. A Christian who is discerning makes decisions that will help to strengthen his relationship with God. In doing so, the Devil chose a path leading to death. Kungase kudzingeke sithandaze tikhatsi letinyenti futsi sicinisele emthandazweni. 11: 9. We may need to pray often and endure in prayer. Njengoba ngite imikhono, ngiyabavela nalabanye labakhubatekile. How so? As I have no arms, I am no longer ashamed. Ngisho noma sisho emagama lambalwa, singakhona kusita labanye futsi sibacinisekise kutsi bayincenye lebalulekile yebantfu baJehova. Later, he was falsely accused of attempted rape and was imprisoned. Although words are not just a few words, we can help others and assure them that they are part of Jehovah's people. Asewucabange nganati tikhalo letisitfupha letivamile letishiwo madvodza kanye nebafati, bese ubona indlela kusebentisa timiso teliBhayibheli lokungasita ngayo. Personal study is one means by which Jehovah can "guard [us] from stumbling. " Consider six common memories of men and women, and see how applying Bible principles can help you. Ucabanga... I had been working in the Royal Dockyard in Chatham as an apprentice shipwright, a coveted position with excellent benefits. Do you think... Kujabulisa kakhulu nangabe lutsandvo emkhatsini walomdvuna nalomsikati lungashintjashintji futsi lungapheli. Awake! What a joy it is to have love between a man and a woman who will not be able to do so! UmKhristu lonekucondza wenta tincumo letitawucinisa buhlobo bakhe naNkulunkulu. 14 A discerning Christian makes decisions that will strengthen his relationship with God. 11: 9. Jesus was referring, not to a literal harvest, but to a spiritual ingathering of righthearted individuals who would become his followers. 11: 9. Ngayiphi indlela? The authorities imposed a blackout, and we had to turn off all lights at night. How so? Ngekuhamba kwesikhatsi, wanindvwa ngemanga kwatsiwa udlwengulile wate wajikijelwa ejele. The Bible also says that in "the day of judgment " that is fast approaching, God will eliminate suffering and those who cause it. Later, he was falsely accused of being put to prison. Sifundvo lesitichubela sona singulenye indlela Jehova " lasigcina ngayo, singete sakhubeka. ' How can we imitate Jehovah's forgiveness? Our personal study of Jehovah's way of "keeping awake, and let us not give up. " Bengisolo ngisebentela iRoyal Dockyard eChatham ngiceceshelwa umsebenti wekwakha kanye nekulungisa imikhumbi, lobekungumsebenti lotsandvwa kakhulu futsi bewunetinzuzo letinhle kakhulu. We have sound reasons to keep on learning from Jesus. I had been working in Côte to train and construction work, which was always the best of their best interests. I - "Phaphama! " For example, soon after Israel left Egypt, Jehovah provided for their spiritual needs. Awake! Tangitsintsa Kakhulu Timphendvulo TeliBhayibheli Leticacile Futsi Letinengcondvo 14 " All other things " that God thus brings into a peaceful relationship with him are "the things in the heavens " and" the things upon the earth. " Imitate the Bible's answers to the Bible and the rightness of 14 Jesu bekangasho kuvuna phaca, kodvwa bekasho kuvunwa kwekucocwa ndzawonye kwebantfu labalungile labebayawuba balandzeli bakhe. The New Nation Jesus did not mention a literal harvest, but he was referring to the gathering of good people who would become his followers. Tiphatsimandla tatjela bantfu kutsi bacishe emalambu, futsi kwadzingeka kutsi sicishe onkhe emalambu ebusuku. Yet, he was not self - assured, feeling that he would without fail win the race. The authorities told the people that they had been in a traffic accident, and we had to almost every night. LiBhayibheli liphindze litsi "ngelilanga lekwehlulelwa " lelisondzela ngekushesha, Nkulunkulu utawucedza kuhlupheka nebantfu labakubangelako. Jesus did not scream at them or express bitterness toward them. The Bible also says that "the day of judgment " will soon end, and God will bring suffering to mankind. Singakulingisa njani kutsetselela kwaJehova? AS YOU may have noted, eyewitnesses of an event often remember the details quite differently. How can we imitate Jehovah's forgiveness? Sinetizatfu letivakalako tekuchubeka sifundza kuJesu. 1 SHUN "THE SPIRIT OF THE WORLD. " - 1 Cor. We have good reasons for continuing to learn from Jesus. Sibonelo saloko kutsi nawasandza kuphuma eGibhithe ema - Israyeli, Jehova wawaniketa imitsetfo waphindze wawafundzisa indlela yekumkhonta. 14 Your Future, Your Choice! For example, before they left Egypt, Jehovah gave them laws and taught them how to worship him. " Tintfo tonkhe ' Nkulunkulu laba nebuhlobo lobunekuthula nato, " tintfo letisezulwini kanye naletisemhlabeni. ' 18, 19. " The things of all things " that God has a peaceful relationship with them, "" the things in heaven and the things on earth. " Sive Lesisha How did Jehovah strengthen the hands of Moses, Asa, and Nehemiah? A New Jerusalem Bekangatetsembi ngalokwecile, atitjela kutsi utayishaya intsambo nobe kanjani. Abel imagined Jehovah's promise of a better future, and because of his faith in that promise, he pleased Jehovah. He became self - esteem, telling him how he would bow down or let him go. Jesu akazange abatsetsise nobe abatfukutselele, kodvwa wakhuluma nabo ngesineke. Many people simply could not believe that a small group of lowly fishermen, despised by the educated class and the leaders of the dominant religion, could have anything important to say. Jesus did not invite them or speak with them, but he spoke with them patiently. NJENGOBE kungenteka kutsi uke wanaka, bantfu lababone lokutsite kwenteka bavame kukhumbula lokwentekile ngetindlela letingafani. What view on this subject will strengthen us to "be firmly resolved " not to eat blood or accept a blood transfusion? - Deut. AS you have seen, people who have noticed something often happened in different ways. 1 WUBALEKELE "UMOYA WALELIVE. " - 1 Khor. Of course, you may have other questions about Jehovah's Witnesses. 1 SPIRIT "will not depart from THE Romans. " - 1 Cor. 14 Likusasa Lakho, Lisetandleni Takho It is found in the latter part of verse 32, which reads: "Now, O our God, the God great, mighty and fear - inspiring, keeping the covenant and loving - kindness, do not let all the hardship that has found us, our kings, our princes and our priests and our prophets and our forefathers and all your people from the days of the kings of Assyria down to this day, seem little before you. " 14 Your Faith, Sept. 18, 19. How can we combat Satan's divisive influences? 18, 19. Jehova waticinisa njani tandla taboMosi, Asa kanye naNehemiya? How do we know? How did Jehovah strengthen Moses ' hands, Asa, and Nehemiah? Abela wacabanga ngesetsembiso saJehova selikusasa lelihle futsi ngesizatfu sekuba nekukholwa kulesetsembiso, wajabulisa Jehova. That vital work involved restoring Bible truths. Abel thought Jehovah's promise of a wonderful future and because of faith in this promise, he pleased Jehovah. Bantfu labanyenti bebangakholwa kutsi lelicembu lelincane lebadwebi labebalibukela phansi bantfu labafundzile kanye nebaholi benkholo yebuJuda, belingasho lokutsite lokubalulekile. Other translations render that phrase "turn away from them, "" keep away from them, " and "stay away from them! " Many people did not believe that this small group was watching people and religious leaders in Judaism, meaning something greater. Ngusiphi simo sengcondvo lesingasicinisa kute sihlale " sicaphele ' kutsi singayidli ingati nobe sivume kumpontjelwa yona? - Dut. FROM OUR COVER What attitude can strengthen us to "keep awake " whether we are taking blood or not? - Deut. Kungenteka unaleminye imibuto ngaBoFakazi BaJehova. Asa, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, Josiah You may have questions about Jehovah's Witnesses. Lesicelo sisencenyeni yekugcina yelivesi 32, sitsi: "Manje, Nkulunkulu wetfu, lomkhulu kakhulu, nalonemandla, Nkulunkulu lowesabekako, yebo, wena logcina sivumelwane sakho selutsandvo, ungabenti bulukhuni bube yintfo lencane emehlweni akho, bona lobumatima lobehlele etikwetfu, nasemakhosini etfu, nakubaholi betfu, nasetikwebaphristi, nasetikwebaphrofethi, nasetikwabobabe betfu, nakuso sonkhe sive sakho, kusukela etinsukwini temakhosi ase - Asiriya kuze kube ngulamuhla. " Those of the "great crowd " love Jehovah and his Son, and they worship Jehovah" day and night. " - Revelation 7: 9, 14, 15. This request is in part of the final part of the world, for it says: "Now our God, who has become the greatest in death, the heavens, the same is the one who has fallen asleep in death, the heavens, and all the kings of the nations, and the kings of the earth will have become the nations, and the kings of the heavens, and all the nations, and all the nations, and all the nations, and the nations, and the nations, and the nations, and the things that are in the things that are in the days of you who have established in the days of the days, and the nations, and the days of the nations, and the days of the nations, and the days, and the nations, and the days of you must have been called themselves, and the heavens, and the nations, and the nations, and the earth according to the nations, and the nations, and the nations, and the nations, and the nations, and the nations, and the nations, and the nations, and the nations, and the things that are in the days of the heavens, and the nations, and the days of the nations, and the earth, and the nations, and the nations, and the heavens, and the nations, and the heavens, and the nations, and the nations, and the heavens, and the nations, and the nations, and the nations, and the nations, and the earth Singatibalekela njani titsiyo taSathane letimbi? They are learning how to think for themselves, and they want to make their own decisions. How can we avoid Satan's traps? Sikwati njani loko? When someone offends us, we can choose how we react. How do we know that? Lomsebenti lobalulekile bewufaka ekhatsi kubuyisela emaciniso eliBhayibheli. ▪ Strengthen Your Marriage Through Good Communication This important work involved providing spiritual truth. Lamanye emahumusho asebentisa emavi latsi " yehlukana nabo, ' " melana nabo, ' kanye nalatsi " babalekele. ' What is more, in the earthly Paradise to come, he will undo all the harm caused by Satan and his wicked world. Some translations use the words "to walk away " with them, to" resist them, " and "to avoid them. " TIHLOKO LESICALA NGATO * Thereafter, in his due time, the Lord Jesus would "bring to nothing " all those who had been deceived. FROM OUR COVER Asa, Jehoshafati, Hezekiya, Josaya * But why has the Bible endured despite natural decay, fierce opposition, and deliberate tampering with its message, often with astounding accounts of survival? Asa, Hezekiah, Emalunga " esicumbi lesikhulu ' ayamtsandza Jehova neNdvodzana yakhe futsi amkhonta "busuku nemini. " - Sembulo 7: 9, 14, 15. For example, a tour guide working with an American travel agency was amazed at the affection and assistance shown by the Witnesses to foreign delegates at an international convention in Germany in 2009. Members of the "great crowd " love Jehovah and serve him" day and night. " - Revelation 7: 9, 14, 15. Basafundza indlela yekuticabangela futsi bafuna kutentela tincumo. Because "your adversary, the Devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone. " They learn to be self - centered and want to make decisions. Nangabe lotsite asicansula, ngitsi lesingakhetsa kutsi loko sikutsatsa njani. " Hate What Is Bad " When someone offends us, we might choose how we view it. ▪ Cinisa Umshado Wakho Ngekukhulumisana Lokuhle (Read 1 Corinthians 15: 58.) ▪ Strengthen Your Marriage Through Good Communication (Rut. 4: 13 - 17, 22) Lokusijabulisa kakhulu kutsi emhlabeni lotawuba liPharadisi, Nkulunkulu utawucedza tinkinga letibangwe nguSathane kuwo. They will show that the fulfillment of these six prophecies means that "the last days " will soon end. What a joy it is for us to see that Paradise on earth will bring an end to Satan's problems! * Ngemuva kwaloko, ngesikhatsi sayo lesifanele, iNkhosi Jesu " itawubenta lite ' bonkhe labo labakhohlisiwe. End of Poverty - How? * Later, during his due time, the King would "put them in vain " all those who are deceived. * Yini leyente liBhayibheli lasindza ngendlela lemangalisako ngisho nome bekunetintfo lebetingalona, kunebantfu labebangalifuni sanhlobo kanye nalabebafuna kushintja umlayeto walo? An invisible God created the visible universe. * What has seen in the Bible that survived even though there were many things that were not seen, has not been able to change and change its message? Nasi sibonelo: Lomunye wesifazane lovakashisa bantfu futsi losebentela lenye inkapane yaseMelika, wabamba wangephansi nakabona lutsandvo lolwaboniswa kuboFakazi lababuya kulamanye emave labebete emhlanganweni wetive wanga - 2009 eJalimane. However, David had to face the consequences of his wrongdoing. For example, a woman in Germany who worked around the United States was surprised at seeing the love shown by the Witnesses from other countries who came to the international convention in Germany. Kungobe " sitsa setfu, Sathane, siyajangaza emkhatsini wetfu njengelibhubesi lelibhodlako, sitfungatsa lesingahle simmite. ' Are you personally proving yourself holy with regard to not associating with family members or others who have been disfellowshipped? - Read 1 Corinthians 5: 11. Because "our enemy, Satan, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone. " " Tondza Konkhe Lokubi ' The dead will be raised and will have the opportunity of being judged worthy of everlasting life. " FROM OUR COVER " (Fundza 1 Khorinte 15: 58.) To the witnesses, God's Law commanded: "You must not spread a report that is not true. (Read 1 Corinthians 15: 58.) Letihloko tikhuluma ngendzima yemoya longcwele emsebentini wetfu wekushumayela. Those whom we have considered had Jehovah as their share in the sense that they received an assignment of work in his service. These articles highlight the role of the holy spirit in our preaching work. Titawuveta kutsi kugcwaliseka kwaletiphrofetho letisitfupha kusho kutsi " emalanga ekugcina ' sekatawuphela ngekushesha. How can we show hospitality to others? They will show that the fulfillment of six prophecies means that "the last days " will soon end. Bungacedvwa Njani Buphuya? In it, she described the misery of loneliness in old age and stressed the importance of kindness. What Is the Battle of Poverty? Nkulunkulu longabonakali udale indzawo yonkhe. I told her that Jehovah's Witnesses could show her the truth from the Bible. God created the physical universe. Nanobe kunjalo, Davide wawutfola umphumela wesono sakhe. (2 Sam. By the end of the thousand - year - long Day of Judgment, Jehovah will have restored obedient mankind to its original perfect condition. David, however, received the penalty for his sin. Uyakhombisa yini kutsi ungcwele endzabeni yekungatihlanganisi nemalunga emndeni nobe labanye labayekelisiwe kuba BoFakazi? - Fundza 1 Khorinte 5: 11. This is especially evident at international conventions, where our brothers and sisters from many nations, languages, and ethnic groups come together in an atmosphere of peace, unity, and brotherly love. Do you show that you are holy in connection with family members or disfellowshipped? - Read 1 Corinthians 5: 11. Labafile batawuvuswa futsi batawehlulelwa kute kubonakale kutsi kubafanele yini kutfola kuphila lokuphakadze. The following article will consider these questions. The dead will be resurrected and will be judged so that they will be able to find everlasting life. (Dutheronomi 19: 15) UMtsetfo waNkulunkulu wayala bofakazi, watsi: "Ungatandzisi tindzaba letingemanga. Additionally, "the perfect law " has no need for a long list of sanctions, or penalties, for it is founded on love and is engraved on minds and hearts, not on tablets of stone. - Read Hebrews 8: 6, 10. God's Law commanded witnesses: "Do not steal any false stories. Bonkhe labo lesesicoce ngabo, benta Jehova sabelo sabo ngesizatfu sekutsi bawemukela umsebenti lovela kuye. Carefully and prayerfully, they read, discussed, and meditated on the Scriptures. All those mentioned in this article serve Jehovah as their share because they accept his assignment from him. Singatemukela njani tivakashi? SONGS: 3, 4 How can we be hospitable? Kulenkhondlo wachaza buhlungu bekuba nesitunge nasewukhulile waphindze wagcizelela nekubaluleka kwekuba nemusa. As is explained in this month's issue, a new feature, "From Our Archives, " is being added to show significant developments in the modern - day history of Jehovah's Witnesses. In the first century, the pain caused by loneliness and emphasizes the importance of being kind. Ngamtjela kutsi boFakazi BaJehova bangamchazela ngeliciniso leliseBhayibhelini. What can immigrant parents do? I told him that Jehovah's Witnesses could explain Bible truth. Ekupheleni kwelilanga lekwehlulela lelitawutsatsa iminyaka leyinkhulungwane, Jehova utawube asabuyisele bantfu labamlalelako esimeni sekungabi nasono njengasekucaleni. His tone of voice, although not revealed in the written text, did not discourage her. At the end of the thousand years, Jehovah will deliver obedient humans into a situation without sin and sin. Loku kuvele kuticacele nasisemihlanganweni yetive, ngalesikhatsi bazalwane nabodzadze labachamuka etiveni letehlukahlukene, labakhuluma tilwimi letingafani, ngisho nalabo labanemasiko langafanani babutsene ndzawonye ngekuthula, nebunye, nangelutsandvo lwebuzalwane. Think what those resurrection accounts would have meant to Martha! This has come when we ask for international conventions, when brothers and sisters from different nations, different languages, even those who are gathered together in peace and love. Sihloko lesilandzelako sitawucoca ngalemibuto. Thus, there is no need for us to become impatient when things do not move ahead as quickly as we might wish. The next article will consider these questions. Ngetulu kwaloko, " lomtsetfo lophelele ' ute luhla lwetimiso letinyenti nobe tijeziso, ngobe usekelwe elutsandvweni futsi ubhalwe etingcondvweni nasetinhlitiyweni, awukabhalwa ematjeni. - Fundza Hebheru 8: 6, 10. Do not feel ashamed to let your family hear such supplications. Moreover, "the perfect law " is not a written list of many principles or principles, for it is based on love and heart. - Read Hebrews 8: 6, 10. Ngekucophelela nangemthantazo, bebafundza, bacoce futsi bazindle ngemiBhalo. (b) Why should we "keep on asking "? By rejecting prayer and prayer, they studied together and meditated on the Scriptures. TINGOMA: 152, 22 Think of a time, for example, when you held out your arm to an elderly person who was in need of help. SONGS: 3, 22 Njengobe kuvetiwe kulomagazini walenyanga, sici lesisha lesitsi "Lokuvela Emtatjeni Wetfu, " sitakusita ubone tintfo letenteka emlandvweni walamuhla waboFakazi BaJehova. Why? As noted in this magazine, the new feature "From Our Archives, " will help us to see events that have occurred in the history of Jehovah's Witnesses today. Yini batali labatfutsele kulelinye live labangayenta? Bible scholar Richard Elliott Friedman states: "The basic principle appears to be that punishment should correspond to the crime and never exceed it. " How can parents move abroad? Nanobe liBhayibheli lingasitjeli kutsi Jesu wamphendvula ngelivi lelinjani lona lomsikati, kusebaleni kutsi akazange amdvumate. " Keep on the watch and pray. " - MATT. Although the Bible does not tell us that Jesus answered the word with a mother, he did not believe that he did not give up. 13: 14, 20, 21) Cabanga kutsi letindzaba tekuvuswa kwalabafile tamtsintsa njani Mata! Pride, materialism, and sexual immorality are just three of Satan's traps. Imagine how the resurrection must have affected Martha! 55: 11) Ngako - ke, asikho sidzingo sekutsi sikhatsateke nangabe tintfo tingenteki ngekushesha nobe ngendlela lesifuna ngayo. No, Jehovah God does not have to live inside the physical universe that he created any more than a carpenter has to live inside a cupboard that he makes. So we do not need to worry if things do not happen soon or do the way we want. Ungabi nemahloni ekuthantaza embikwemndeni wakho. Over the centuries, such rulership has plunged human society into one calamity after another. Do not be ashamed to pray before your family. (b) Kungani kufanele sichubeke " sicela '? To illustrate the importance of being zealous in God's service, note an event that took place in the life of King Jehoash of Israel. (b) Why must we "keep asking "? Asewucabange nje ngesikhatsi lowasita ngaso umuntfu lokhulile labedzinga lusito. This too can loom as a stumbling block. Consider, for example, the time when he helped an elderly person who needed help. Kungani kunjalo? Similarly, the goodness produced by holy spirit permeates a Christian's entire way of life. Why? Richard Elliott Friedman, losati seliBhayibheli utsi: "Lesimiso siveta kutsi sigwebo kufanele sihambelane nelicala lelentiwe futsi singabi sikhulu kunalo. " In all these adjustments, we see Jehovah's deep interest in people and his love for them. " It shows that we must walk against the error of the law, " says Richard, "and do not sin is greater than anyone else. " " Lindzani, nithandaze. " - MAT. Such ones may yearn to be reunited in marriage with their resurrected spouse in the new world. " Keep on the watch and pray continually. " - MATT. Kutigcabha, kutsandza umcebo nekutiphatsa kabi ngekwelicansi kumane nje kutingibe letintsatfu taSathane. Political developments have sometimes influenced which language was the lingua franca, or common language, at any given time. Pride, materialism, and sexual immorality are just one of Satan's traps. Njengobe nembati angahlali ekhatsi ekhabetheni lalakhako, Nkulunkulu Jehova akudzingeki naye ahlale ekhatsi esibhakabhakeni lasidalile. They will not build and someone else have occupancy; they will not plant and someone else do the eating. Just as a carpenter does not live up to what he is doing, Jehovah God does not need to sit down on the sky. Kulamakhulu eminyaka, kubusa kwebantfu kubafake etinkingeni letinyenti. They kept a positive attitude by recalling that, like Israel's trek in the wilderness, their stay in the camp would eventually come to an end. - 2 Cor. Over the centuries, human rule has caused many problems. Kute sikhombise kubaluleka kwekuba nenkhutsalo enkonzweni yaNkulunkulu, asewubuke nasi sentakalo lesenteka eNkhosini yaka - Israyeli Jehoyashi. You can also meditate on Bible verses you plan to use that day and the publications you plan to offer. To show the importance of your zeal for God's service, look back on the occasion in King Jehoash of Israel. Loku nako kungasenta sikhutjwe. No one can answer those questions for you. This may also involve stumbling blocks. Ngendlela lafananako, kulunga lokuvetwa ngumoya longcwele kutsintsa yonkhe imphilo yemKhristu. Such people will always want more money, and striving to amass it, they will bring on themselves "many pains. " - 1 Tim. In a similar way, what is produced by holy spirit is involved in all aspects of a Christian's life. Kuto tonkhe letingucuko, sibona lutsandvo lolujulile Jehova lanalo ngebantfu. In what ways did the Israelites pursue unrealities? In all these adjustments, we see Jehovah's deep love for mankind. Bantfu labanjalo bangaba nesifiso sekuphindze bashade nebalingani babo labavusiwe emhlabeni lomusha. Beware of satanic influence in entertainment Such individuals can also desire to marry and marry new ones in the new world. Tepolitiki tiyasifaka sandla endleleni lesikhuluma ngayo, nalesiphila ngayo. Other ideas for study can be found in the article "Young People Ask... Our political powers contribute to the way we speak, and we live. Bangeke baphindze bakhe tindlu, bese kuhlala labanye bantfu kuto, nome bahlanyele, bese kudla labanye. Within a short time after attending the Pioneer Service School, Madaí was conducting 15 Bible studies and had turned over 5 more to other publishers. They will not have houses or houses, but they will reside in people's own houses and have food, food, or food. Bebahlale batikhumbuta ngeluhambo lwema - Israyeli ngesikhatsi asehlane, ngako nabo bebanelitsemba lekutsi bebatawugcina bangasahlali etinkambu. - 2 Khor. 4: 8. They always reminded the Israelites of Israel's journey through the wilderness, so they also hoped that they would stay in concentration camps. - 2 Cor. Ungaphindze uzindle nangemavesi eliBhayibheli lohlele kuwasebentisa ngalelolanga nangabomagazini lotabahambisa. What will happen if we trust in God? You can also meditate on the Bible verses you plan to use that day and magazines. Kute longakuphendvulela lemibuto. There will no longer be any suffering because "God himself will be with them " and will erase" every tear from their eyes. " No one can answer these questions. 5: 10) Bantfu labanjalo batawuhlala bafuna imali lenyenti futsi bangenta nome ngabe yini kute bayitfole, batiletsele "buhlungu lobunyenti. " - 1 Thim. How might an anointed one eat the bread and drink the wine "unworthily " at the Memorial? Such ones will have plenty of money, and they can do whatever they have found, "they have abundant pain. " - 1 Tim. Ema - Israyeli atiphishanekela ngayiphi indlela tintfo letingenamsebenti? Death Does Not End It All! 6 In what way did the Israelites strive to be dishonest? Lucaphele lugibe lwaSathane ekutijabuliseni He did so by announcing his purpose to raise up a "seed " whom Satan would bruise in the heel. Beware of Satan's snare Letinye tindlela tekudadisha ungatitfola esihlokweni lesitsi "Intsha Iyabuza... This calls for frequent self - examination, after which some may need to make significant changes so that they can be holy. Some practical suggestions can be found in the article " Questions Young People Ask... Ngemuva nje kwemalangana abuye eSikolweni Semsebenti Semahlahlandlela, Madaí abechuba tifundvo teliBhayibheli letingu - 15 futsi letinye letisihlanu watiniketa labanye bamemeteli. In 1975, after much prayerful thought, I decided to leave my missionary assignment and return to Spokane. A few days later, she returned to the Pioneer Service School, conducted some 15 Bible studies, and gave them five publishers. 4: 8. Paul wrote that this is "in order that we should no longer be babes, tossed about as by waves and carried hither and thither by every wind of teaching by means of the trickery of men, by means of cunning in contriving error. " 4: 8. Yini letawenteka nasetsembela kuNkulunkulu? What is important is not our time but Jehovah's time. What will happen when we trust in God? Ngeke kusaba khona kuhlupheka ngobe " Nkulunkulu utawuba nabo ' futsi utawutesula "tonkhe tinyembeti emehlweni abo. " Of course, more is needed than merely reading Bible texts to those we are conversing with. There will be suffering, for "God will reside with them " and will wipe out" every tear from their eyes. " Umuntfu logcotjiwe angasidla njani sinkhwa futsi anatse liwayini ngeSikhumbuto abe " angafaneleki '? ● Parents should wait until their children grow up before they discuss religious matters with them. How can an anointed person eat the bread and drink the wine at the Memorial? Kufa Akusiso Siphetfo Sako Konkhe 6 They are determined to continue to lay hold of that covenant by accepting its provisions and obeying its requirements. Death Is Not Those Who Belong to God 6 Loko wakwenta ngekumemetela inhloso yakhe yekuveta "intalo " lebeyitawulunywa sitsendze nguSathane. I knew that I had to be there if I expected Jehovah to help me cope. " He did so by declaring his purpose to produce a "seed " that would put Satan in the heel. Loku kudzinga kutsi sihlale sitihlola, futsi ngemuva kwaloko labanye kungadzingeka bente lushintjo lolukhulu kute babe ngcwele. the man who had a conversation with Jehovah * in front of a burning bush? This calls for self - examination, and then some may need to make big changes in order to be holy. Nga - 1975, ngemuva kwekuthantaza kanyenti, ngancuma kusishiya sabelo sami sekuba sitfunywa selivangeli ngabuyela emuva eSpokane. Even when we are persecuted, we do our best to live according to his righteous principles and laws. In 1956, after many prayers, I decided to leave my assignment to become a missionary and to return home. Pawula wabhala: "Ngako - ke ngeke sisaba bantfwana, sigujuteliswe ngemagagasi sipheshulwe ngimimoya yonkhe yetimfundziso tekukhohlisa kwebantfu labanebucili bekudukisa. " What does the first head represent, and why? Paul wrote: "Do not be afraid, nor be choked with the waves of every wind and doctrine of the philosophy and empty deception of men. " Lokubalulekile akusiyo indlela lesisibala ngayo sikhatsi kodvwa yindlela Jehova lasibala ngayo. • What human tendency must we guard against, and why? What is more important is not the way we understand but how Jehovah viewed them. Akukafaneli sigcine nje ngekufundza emavesi latsite eliBhayibheli nebantfu lesicoca nabo. The first article highlights precious promises that God has sworn to fulfill. Not only do we need to study Bible verses with people we meet. ● Batali kufanele balindze bate bantfwana babo bakhule kube ngukhona bakhuluma nabo ngetenkholo. As depicted on page 17, how can God's spirit serve as a sure guide for us? ● Parents need to wait patiently for their children to talk to them about false religion. 4: 1 - 5) Batimisele kuchubeka babambelele kulesivumelwane ngekutsi bemukele emalungiselelo aso futsi batfobele netincabakelwane taso. (Isa. COVER SUBJECT They are determined to keep on submitting to this covenant by accepting the arrangements and to contribute to a pagan tree. Bengati kutsi kufanele ngiye kuyo njalo nangabe ngifuna Jehova angisite. " Serving Jehovah My Delight (F. Rusk), 10 / 15 I knew that I should do so if I wanted Jehovah to help me. " indvodza leyakhuluma naJehova * embikwesihlahla lesivutsako? Tobiah and his associates had opposed Nehemiah's efforts to rebuild Jerusalem's walls. the man who spoke to Jehovah * in front of a tree? Ngisho nome sishushiswa, senta konkhe lokusemandleni etfu kutsi siphile ngekuvumelana netimiso takhe letilungile kanye nemitsetfo yakhe. If so, you will "keep ready " for the coming of the Son of man. Even when we are persecuted, we do all we can to live in harmony with his righteous standards and principles. Imelelani inhloko yekucala yesilo, futsi ngani? How will relief be provided? What is the first head of the beast, and why? • Ngumuphi umkhuba webantfu lokufanele siwucaphele, futsi leni? The second brother stated: "Such scriptures as 2 Corinthians 10: 5, about " obedience to Christ, ' have helped me to be obedient and cooperate with those taking the lead. • What tendency do we need to recognize, and why? Sihloko sekucala sigcizelela tetsembiso letiligugu Nkulunkulu lafunge kutsi utatifeza. Thus, Jehovah's people have shown determination to find individuals in remote parts of the continent. The first article highlights the precious promises God made to do. Njengobe kuvetiwe ekhasini 17, umoya waNkulunkulu ungaba njani sicondziso setfu lesingasetsemba? Proverbs 6: 30 states: "People do not despise a thief just because he commits thievery to fill his soul when he is hungry. " As shown on page 17, how can God's spirit guide our reliable guidance? SIHLOKO LESINGUMGOGODLA However, "each of us will render an account for himself to God. " COVER SUBJECT Tebantfu Labasha, 10 / 1 Truly, not even Hezekiah expected that to happen! - 2 Ki. Young Ones, 10 / 1 Thobiya nebangani bakhe bebaphikisana nemetamo yaNehemiya yekwakha kabusha lithempeli eJerusalema. (Neh. How has Jehovah shown his love? Tobiah and his associates were different from Nehemiah's efforts to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. Nawenta kanjalo, " utawukulungela ' kufika kweNdvodzana yemuntfu. Early Christians received much support by encouraging one another and building one another up in love. By doing so, you will "be ready " for the coming of the Son of man. 72: 12, 13) Lolusito lutawufika njani kubantfu? (b) What aspects of molding will we next consider? How will that help come to mankind? Umzalwane wesibili watsi: "ImiBhalo lenjenga - 2 Khorinte 10: 5 lemayelana " nekulalela Khristu, ' ingisitile kutsi ngibalalele labo labaholako futsi ngibambisane nabo. Unless we are vigilant and prayerful, we could succumb to an unclean or wrong practice that would constitute a grieving of the spirit. The second brother stated: "The Scriptural books of 2 Corinthians 10: 5 concerning " humility and obedience " have helped me to be obedient to those taking the lead among them. Nobe kunjalo, tinceku taJehova tikhombise kutimisela kufuna bantfu nasetindzaweni letingahambeki kalula tasemakhaya. As supporters of true worship, we individually should endeavor to maintain that same Scriptural perspective. However, Jehovah's servants show diligence to want people and to travel to a small village. Umbhalo weTaga 6: 30, utsi: "Bantfu abalibukeli phansi lisela lelebela kucosha indlala ngobe lilambile. " Especially in the case of unexpected death, the bereaved person may repeatedly think, " It might not have happened if only I had done this or that. ' Proverbs 6: 30, which says: "They do not look down on the thief who steals because he is hungry. " Noko - ke, "sonkhe siyawulandza ngatsi matfupha ngamunye ngamunye kuNkulunkulu. " Jewish religious leaders would not talk to a woman in public, let alone a Samaritan woman with a questionable reputation. However, "we all will render an account for each one of us to God. " Loku kwamangalisa bonkhe bantfu, ngisho naHezekiya imbala! - 2 Khos. As imperfect humans, can we really follow the perfect example of Jesus? How awe - inspiring that must have been for all mankind! - 2 Ki. Jehova ulukhombise njani lutsandvo lwakhe? One evening my wife was particularly homesick, and my efforts to help were not working. How has Jehovah shown his love? EmaKhristu asendvulo abetfola kusekelwa nekukhutsatana futsi akhana elutsandvweni. He destroys the wicked only as a last resort. - Ezekiel 18: 32. The early Christians found support and building one another up in love. (b) Ngutiphi letinye tintfo letimayelana nekubumba lesitawucoca ngato? ▪ Is there a Creator? (b) What are some things we will consider? Nangabe singacapheli futsi singathandazi, singatikhandza sesingene - shi! ekutiphatseni lokubi lokungawudzabukisa umoya longcwele. Our enemy is powerful, cunning, and battle - hardened. If we are not careful and we should pray, we may be tempted to drift away - sexual immorality! Njengoba sisekela kukhulekela kweliciniso, ngamunye wetfu kufanele atimisele kuhlala asekela bukhosi baJehova. What can help us to follow through on decisions we made? Since we support true worship, each of us must be determined to maintain our resolve to uphold Jehovah's sovereignty. Bantfu bavamise kutisola nangabe bafelwe tihlobo tabo kungakalindzeleki. If you have such questions and concerns, where might you go for answers? People generally feel regret when they have lost their loved ones ' death. Baholi benkholo labangemaJuda bebangeke bashumayele umfati embikwebantfu, ingasaphatfwa - ke yekutsi lomfati bekangumSamariya lowatiwa kabi. " [Jehovah] called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. " - 1 PET. Jewish religious leaders would not preach in public before a woman, persecution, and even persecution to the Samaritan. Njengobe sinesono, singakhona yini kulingisa sibonelo lesiphelele saJesu? Jehovah God assigned him weighty responsibilities. As imperfect humans, can we imitate Jesus ' perfect example? Ngalenye intsambama umkami bekakhumbule kakhulu ekhaya futsi imetamo yami yekumsita ayizange iphumelele. At that time, there was only one Witness, a sister, in that area. One evening, my wife missed home very much, and my efforts to help her did not succeed. Intfo yekugcina latawuyenta kubhubhisa bonkhe bantfu lababi. - Hezekeli 18: 32. Maintain proper roles. The last thing he will do will bring an end to all wicked people. - Ezekiel 18: 32. ▪ Ukhona yini uMdali? Filip relates: "I studied with a young man named Michael. ▪ Do you have a Creator? Sitsa setfu sinemandla, sinebucili, futsi sinelikhono lekulwa. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Our enemy is strong, strong, and powerful. Yini lengasisita kutsi sinamatsele etincumeni lesitentile? (Read Luke 6: 31.) What will help us to stick to the choices we have made? Nangabe unemibuto mayelana naBoFakazi BaJehova, ungatitfola kuphi timphendvulo? The first mention of the existence of a work called the "Gospel of Judas " is found in the writings of Irenaeus, a professed Christian author of the late second century C.E. If you have questions about Jehovah's Witnesses, where can you find answers? Ingoma yaDebhora iveta nekutsi Sisera nakabuya etimphini abevamise kubuya netintfo letinyenti latitsetse etitseni takhe. When Anglo - American World Power Became Seventh, 6 / 15 Deborah's song revealed that Sisera was coming back to war and many other things he had taken to his enemies. " [Jehova] wanibita naphuma ebumnyameni nangena ekukhanyeni kwakhe lokumangalisako. " - 1 PHET. This sister at times feels some loneliness. " [Jehovah] called out out of darkness and out of his wonderful light. " - 1 PET. Nkulunkulu Jehova wamniketa imitfwalo lemikhulu. It adheres to the Bible as its authority. Jehovah God gave him great responsibilities. Ngaleso sikhatsi, kuleyo ndzawo bekunamunye Fakazi, kungudzadze. That lack may result in procrastination and underperformance in school or at work. At that time, there was one Witness, a sister. Gcinani tindzima tenu letifanele. The press made possible inexpensive printing, thus providing widespread access to information on a vast array of topics. Keep your role in the matter. Filip utsi: "Ngangifundzela lelinye lijaha lokutsiwa nguMichael. Rather, she chose to let them see that her faith brought her joy and peace of mind. Filip relates: "I studied with a young man named Michael. March 21 - 27, 2011 Then he heard God's messenger command that the tree be cut down. 21 Our Readers Ask... (Fundza Lukha 6: 31.) 1: 17; 11: 5. (Read Luke 6: 31.) Incwadzi letsi "Livangeli LaJudasi " yatfolakala kwekucala etincwadzini ta - Irenaeus lobekangumbhali lotibita ngekutsi ungumKhristu, lowaphila eminyakeni yasekupheleni kwabo - 100 C.E. Today, marital treachery cannot be tolerated among Jehovah's people. The "Gospel of Judas " was first published in the books of Irenaeus, who claimed to be a Christian, who lived in the second century C.E. Ngaletinye tikhatsi, lodzadze utiva anesitunge. In the case of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, envy arose when they compared their privileges with those of Moses and Aaron. At times, the sister feels lonely. Loko kubangela bantfu kutsi bangatenti tintfo lokufanele batente futsi kubenta bangaphumeleli esikolweni noma emsebentini. They also bemoan the diminishing support they receive from their church members, as well as their loss of control over the laity. - Read Isaiah 65: 13, 14. As a result, people do not have to do things that they should do and make themselves available at school or at work. Lomshini wenta kutsi kushicilela kungaduli, futsi loko kwenta bantfu bakwati kutfola kwatiswa lokunyenti lokuvela etihlokweni letehlukahlukene. Scientific Accuracy: The Bible is not a science textbook, but when it touches on scientific matters, it reflects an accuracy far ahead of its time. The machine designed us not to steal, and this enabled people to find different information in the series of articles. Kunaloko, wancuma kutsi titibonele kutsi kukholwa kwakhe kumletsela injabulo nekuthula kwengcondvo. Who else but God Almighty could foretell such a work, see that it is done, and use many "unlettered and ordinary " people to accomplish it? Instead, he decided to see that his faith brought him joy and peace of mind. Ngemuva kwaloko weva sitfunywa saNkulunkulu sitsi lesihlahla asijutjwe. NOT all that long ago, churchgoers regularly heard their preacher thundering from the pulpit against what is termed the "seven deadly sins " - lust, gluttony, avarice, sloth, anger, envy, and pride. Then he heard God's messenger saying that the tree was cut down. 1: 17; 11: 5. Words cannot express my gratitude to Jehovah. 1: 17; 11: 5. Lamuhla, kungetsembeki emshadweni angeke kubeketelelwe kubantfu baJehova. This one will be called Woman, because from man this one was taken. " Today, marriage is not under attack on Jehovah's people. Endzabeni yaKhora, Dathani kanye na - Abiramu, umona wakhula ngesikhatsi bacala kucatsanisa imisebenti yabo kanye naleyo beyentiwa nguMosi na - Aroni. Bible copyists, of course, made mistakes. In the case of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram grew up when they began to compare their activities with Moses and Aaron. Bakhalela emalunga emasontfo abo langasafuni kubasekela futsi nabo abasakwati kuwalawula. - Fundza Isaya 65: 13, 14. 2: 21. They weep over their churches that they want to support them and lose their control. - Read Isaiah 65: 13, 14. Linembile Kutesayensi: LiBhayibheli alisiyo incwadzi yesayensi, kodvwa linembile nalikhuluma ngetindzaba tesayensi ngisho noma tisengakenteki. Their sincere concern for his welfare - their self - sacrificing love - moved them to act swiftly in his behalf, opening the way for the jailer and his entire household to become believers. Modern science: The Bible is not a book of science, but it is evident in science history despite history. Akekho lomunye ngaphandle kwaNkulunkulu Somandla lobekangakhuluma ngalomsebenti, abone kutsi uyentiwa futsi asebentise " bantfukatana nje labangakafundzi ' kutsi bawente. The apostle Peter explained what had just happened and why it was so important. Not one of God's Almighty, knowing that he is doing this work and that he uses "the best of men " to do it. EMINYAKENI lembalwa nje leyengcile, bantfu bemasontfo bebahlale beva bafundisi babo bamemeta emapulupiti ngaloko lokutsiwa "tono letisikhombisa letinkhulu " - kufisa, kumita, kutsandza tintfo, buvila, intfukutselo, umona nekudvwala. We are working together with God when we preach to others and help them to become his friends so that they can live forever. IN A few years ago, church leaders often heard their clergy cry out to the "great crowd " - the desire for" seven times, the desire of anger, wrath, wrath, jealousy, and anger. Ngeswele ngisho nemavi ekutibongela kuJehova. After the royal priesthood has accomplished its work, how will Jehovah use Christ's associates? They are strong even though they are grateful to Jehovah. Uyawubitwa ngekutsi: " yindvodzakati, ' ngobe utsetfwe endvodzeni. " (Gen. " If you get baptized, I will leave you! " My father threatened my mother with those words in 1941. He will be called "the daughter of one woman, " since she was taken from her husband. Kuliciniso kutsi bakopishi beliBhayibheli bebawenta emaphutsa. I do not remember the subject of the article, but I do remember watching the children finding the scriptures in their Bibles. Of course, he instructed the Bible Students to make mistakes. 2: 21. He is impartial, merciful, compassionate, and slow to anger. 2: 21. Kukhatsateka lokucotfo ngenhlalakahle yalomgcinijele - lokulutsandvo lwabo lwekutidzela, kwabenta bamsita ngekushesha, kute yena kanye nemndeni wakhe babe ngemakholwa. If we are encountering marital difficulties, we should earnestly seek to resolve them, remembering that those united in wedlock are "no longer two, but one flesh. " Love for the welfare of the jailer - their self - sacrificing love enabled them to act quickly, to help him and his family to become believers. Umphostoli Phetro wachaza loko lobekwentekile nekutsi kwakubaluleke ngani. Those who are always anxious miss the rich joy that comes from serving Jehovah. " The apostle Peter explained what took place and how important it was. Sisebenta naNkulunkulu nasishumayela kulabanye futsi sibasita kutsi babe bangani bakhe kute batfole litsemba lekuphila phakadze. With no son in the family to receive the land, would the family's land be handed to relatives and the daughters be left without a family inheritance? We work with God when we preach to others and help them become his friends so that they can gain everlasting hope. Ngemuva kwekutsi baphristi bebukhosi sebafeze umsebenti wabo, Jehova utabasebentisa njani? " We want to go with you, for we have heard that God is with you people. " - ZECHARIAH 8: 23. After the royal priesthood has accomplished their work, how will Jehovah use them? Nga - 1941, babe wasongela make watsi: "Wabhatjatiswa nje, ngiyakushiya. " But I believe differently. Here's why: Our basic human needs have not changed from the beginning of time. In 1941 my father threatened my mother: "You got baptized, and I have left you. " Angisasikhumbuli sihloko saso, kodvwa ngiyakhumbula ngibona bantfwana baphenya emavesi emaBhayibhelini abo. In addition to this, whether we are brothers or sisters, we certainly have "plenty to do in the work of the Lord. " - 1 Cor. I don't remember the article, but I remember the children standing in the Bible. Akakhetsi, uneluvelo, uyephuta kutfukutsela unemusa. How is it that "the love the Christ has compels us "? He is slow to anger, slow to anger. Nasihlangabetana netinkinga emshadweni, kufanele sitimisele kufuna sisombululo, sikhumbule kutsi labo labashadile "abasebabili, kodvwa sebamunye. " Jehovah lovingly provides the Life and Ministry Meeting so that we can become more effective in the field ministry. When confronted with marital problems, we need to be determined to seek a solution, remember that those " between two and two men are two, but each one has a partner. " Labo labahlale bakhatsatekile abayitfoli injabulo lenkhulu letfolakala ngekukhonta Jehova. " 1 Peter 3: 20, 21 Those who are often anxious do not find great joy in serving Jehovah. " (Num. 26: 33) Njengobe abete indvodzana letawuniketwa lendzawo, lendzawo yalomndeni besekufanele iniketwe tihlobo yini, bese emadvodzakati aSelofehadi asale ete lifa lemndeni? If this brochure is available in your country, you can request a copy from the secretary of the local congregation. Since there was no son to be offered to the land, did the couple need to be given to relatives, and would their daughters leave the family? " Asihambisane nani, ngobe sivile kutsi Nkulunkulu unani. " - ZAKHARIYA 8: 23. Anointed ones who prove " faithful even to death will be given the crown of heavenly life. ' " We want to go with you, for we have heard that God is with you. " - HEBREWS 8: 23. Kodvwa mine lengikukholelwako kwehlukile ngobe tidzingo lesinato atikashintji kusukela ekucaleni. Imagine the silence as it hurtled toward its mark. But my beliefs are different because our needs have changed from the start. Ngetulu kwaloko, ngisho nobe sibodzadze nobe sibazalwane, " sihlale sinalokunyenti kwekukwenta emsebentini weNkhosi. ' - 1 Khor. Another popular teaching is that God is not interested in us; thus, we do not need to be interested in him. Moreover, whether we are brothers or sisters, we " keep on doing more in doing the work of the Lord. ' - 1 Cor. " Lutsandvo lwaKhristu lusichuba ' njani? 6: 9. How is Christ's "the Christ's love "? Ngenca yekutsi uyasitsandza, Jehova usilungiselele umhlangano WeKuphila KwemaKhristu Nemsebenti Wawo, kuze siphumelele emsebentini wekushumayela. According to Philippians 3: 8, how did Paul view his privilege of slaving for God and Christ? Because of his love, Jehovah prepares a convention for Christians and for their Christian ministry, so to succeed in the preaching work. 1 Phetro 3: 20, 21 We can do the same. 1 Peter 3: 20, 21 Nangabe lencwajana itfolakala eveni lakini, ungacela ikhophi kumabhalane welibandla lakini. I don't have any regrets. " If available in your country, the brochure may be obtained by requesting a copy from the secretary of the local congregation. Labo labagcotjiwe " labahlala betsembekile kuze kube sekufeni, batawunikwa umchele wekuphila kwasezulwini. ' HAVE you ever seen the name Jehovah inscribed on a public building or on a museum artifact? Those anointed ones who " remain faithful until death will receive the crown of everlasting life. ' Cabanga nje kuthule kutse cwaka, njengobe lelitje licondza ngco labekafuna kunemba khona. Jehovah's People "Renounce Unrighteousness, " 7 / 15 Consider, for example, the stone, just as the stone was looking for it. Lenye imfundziso ledvume kakhulu ngulena letsi Nkulunkulu akanendzaba natsi; ngako - ke, natsi akukafaneli sibe nendzaba naye. Finally, after much prayer, I explained everything to my father. One of the most famous beliefs that God does not care about us; therefore, we should not be interested in him. 6: 9. What is his goal? 6: 9. Ngekusho kwaFiliphu 3: 8, Pawula abekutsatsa njani kuba sigcili saNkulunkulu naKhristu? My behavior reflected what I was putting into my mind. According to Philip 3: 8, how did Paul view becoming enslaved to God and Christ? Natsi singenta lokufanako. See The Watchtower, November 15, 2010, pages 12 - 16; July 15, 2004, pages 21 - 23. We can do the same. Angitisoli nakancane. " And since that time, they have been preaching during these "last days " that are" hard to deal with. " - 2 Timothy 3: 1. I have no regrets. " UKE walibona yini libito laJehova libhalwe esakhiweni lesivamile sesive nome entfweni letsite lebekwe emsamo? Many have had to endure poverty or have suffered during civil wars or natural disasters. HAVE you ever seen Jehovah's name written on a common nation or on a stake? Khonta Jehova, INkhosi Yaphakadze, 1 / 15 He stated: "There is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, foreigner, Scythian, slave, or freeman. " Serve Jehovah, the King of eternity, 1 / 15 Ekugcineni, ngemuva kwekuthandaza kanyenti, ngachazela babe konkhe. Then John expressed his hope that the physical health of Gaius was as good as his spiritual health. Finally, after praying, I explained everything. Uyini umgomo wakhe? How does imitating God show support for him? What is his goal? Kutiphatsa kwami kwakukhombisa loko lebengihlale ngikubuka. Yet, Jehovah urges us to "be peaceable with all men. " My conduct showed me what I kept looking at. Fundza Sicongosekulindza sa - November 1, 2010, emakhasini 20 - 24; kanye ne - Sicongosekulindza sesiZulu sa - July 15, 2004, emakhasini 21 - 23. " After so much time had gone by, " he admits, "I thought that there wasn't anything the elders could do for me anymore. See The Watchtower, November 1, 2010, pages 20 - 24; The Watchtower and The Watchtower, July 15, 2004, pages 21 - 23. Kusukela ngaleso sikhatsi, bebasolo bashumayela " kulamalanga ekugcina ' " lokumatima kubhekana nawo. ' - 2 Thimothi 3: 1. Our speech. Since then, they have been preaching in these "critical times hard to deal with. " - 2 Timothy 3: 1. Letinyenti kudzingeke kutsi tikhutsatelele buphuya ngesikhatsi kunetimphi emaveni ato noma nakunetehlakalo temvelo. What can help you overcome such negative thinking? Many have to endure poverty during war or natural disasters. Watsi: "Akekho umGriki nobe umJuda, kusoka nome kungasoki, umuntfu wetive, umSikithi, sigcili, nome umuntfu lokhululekile. " In comparison with the countless billions who have ever lived, 144,000 individuals constitute just a "little flock. " He said: "There is neither Jew nor Jew nor Jew nor Jew nor anyone else, nor slave nor slave, slave for slave or slave. " Kamuva Johane wafisela Gayusi imphilo lenhle kanye nebuhlobo lobuhle naNkulunkulu. 6: 9. Later, John appealed to Gaius for good health and spiritual health. Nangabe silingisa Nkulunkulu sisuke sikhombisa njani kutsi siyamsekela? Still, there was a measure of goodness in him. When we imitate God's love, how do we show that we support him? Jehova usincusa kutsi sibe "nekuthula nabo bonkhe bantfu. " It was a privilege to help in transmitting to the French - speaking brothers throughout the world the rich spiritual food provided by the slave class. - Matt. Jehovah urges us to "be peaceable with all men. " Daniel utsi: "Njengobe besekuphele sikhatsi lesidze, bengicabanga kutsi labadzala bebangeke bakhone kungisita. However, it is Jehovah's will "to bring to ruin those ruining the earth. " Daniel says: "As long passed by, I thought that the elders could not help me. Emavi etfu. One of my uncles, who was a prominent member of the government, constantly criticized me for my decision to associate with the Witnesses. Our words. Yini lengakusita kutsi ulwe nemicabango lenjalo? I was deeply moved by a talk I heard there about Jephthah's daughter. What can help you to cope with such thoughts? Nasicatsanisa netigidzigidzi tebantfu letike taphila, linani lelingu - 144 000 limane nje lakhiwa " ngumhlambi lomncane. ' According to DeConick's reconstruction of the text, Jesus calls Judas the "Thirteenth Demon, " not the" thirteenth spirit. " In comparison with billions of people who have lived in life, the number of 144,000 is merely part of a "little flock. " 6: 9. [ Picture Credit Line on page 2] 6: 9. Jesu - Abephila Njani? We can conveniently buy something without leaving home. Jesus - How? Nobe kunjalo, tikhona tintfo letinhle labetenta. What do Jesus ' words teach us? Yet, there are many good things he did. Bekulilungelo lelikhulu kusita ekuhumusheleni bazalwane labakhuluma siFulentji labasemhlabeni wonkhe kudla kwakamoya lokuvela esisebentini lesetsembekile. - Mat. What will we now examine? What a privilege it was to help translation translation with French - speaking brothers worldwide to the faithful slave! - Matt. Nanobe kunjalo, injongo yaJehova ikutsi " abhubhise babhubhisi bemhlaba. ' We can imitate Jehovah's forgiveness by choosing to be forgiving toward one another whenever there is a basis for doing so. However, Jehovah's purpose is to "bring to ruin those ruining the earth. " Lesinye sihlobo sami lesasisisebenti lesibalulekile embusweni, besiloku singinyembenya ngesizatfu sekutsi ngikhetse kutihlanganisa naboFakazi. What knowledge moves us to action? One of my dear relative who was a prominent slave in the kingdom was so sorry for me because I chose to associate with the Witnesses. Yangitsintsa kakhulu inkhulumo lengayiva lapho leyayimayelana nendvodzakati yaJeftha. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. It was exciting to me when I heard a talk about Jephthah's daughter. ImiBhalo yesiHebheru icashunwe eBhayibhelini lesiSwati, kantsi yesiGriki icashunwe eHumushweni Lemhlaba Lomusha LemiBhalo YemaKhristu YesiGriki. The Bible teaches that God notices our suffering, he feels for us, and he has a vast amount of power. The Hebrew Scriptures are no longer mentioned in the Bible, but the Christian Greek Scriptures are referred to in the New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures. Ngekusho kwaDeConick kulombhalo lawubhala kabusha, Jesu ubita Judasi ngekutsi "LiDimoni Lesi - 13 " hhayi ngekutsi" ngumoya wesi - 13. " 18, 19. According to Millennial Reign, Jesus called Judas "the Judas " - 13 - not" the spirit of the flesh. " - 13. [ Emavi laveta Umtfombo wesitfombe ekhasini 2] Jon: OK. [ Picture Credit Line on page 2] Singatsenga lesikudzingako sihleti emakhaya. Servants of Jehovah seek the wisdom from above and are united in love (See paragraph 19) We can buy what we need to stay in the home. Emavi aJesu asifundzisani? * Obviously, God intended for marriages to last. What do Jesus ' words teach us? Yini lesitawufundza ngayo nyalo? The young man eventually realized that life away from his father's home had no meaning. What will we now study? Singakulingisa kutsetselela kwaJehova ngekukhetsa kutsetselelana nakufanele. Think back to the time in Eden when the perfect humans, Adam and Eve, were a part of Jehovah's peaceful and harmonious universal family. We can also imitate Jehovah's forgiveness and forgiveness. Nguluphi lwati lolusibangela kutsi sitsatse sinyatselo? Zedekiah responded favorably and had 30 men accompany Ebed - melech to rescue Jeremiah. What knowledge moves us to take action? leshicilelwa boFakazi BaJehova. And when Peter asked Jesus whether we should forgive "up to seven times, " Jesus replied:" I say to you, not up to seven times, but up to 77 times. " published by Jehovah's Witnesses. LiBhayibheli lifundzisa kutsi Nkulunkulu uyakubona kuhlupheka kwetfu, uyasivela, futsi unemandla lamakhulu. Jehovah allows these "superior authorities " to have authority over us, and he requires that we show them respect. The Bible teaches that God sees our suffering, suffering, and power. 18, 19. And when people are at home, they may not be interested in the Kingdom message and may even get angry with us. 18, 19. Ndwandwe: Kulungile. If we are not familiar with some of the songs, why not practice singing them during Family Worship evening? Jon: OK. Tinceku taJehova tifuna kuhlakanipha lokuvela kuye futsi tinebunye nelutsandvo (Buka sigaba 19) Like the psalmist, Paul found strength in reflecting on Jehovah's constant support. Jehovah's servants seek wisdom from him and are united (See paragraph 19) * Kuyacaca - ke kutsi Nkulunkulu abefuna kutsi umshado uphumelele. He served God from his youth to his advanced years, and Jehovah used him in mighty ways. * Clearly, God wanted to have a successful marriage. Ngekuhamba kwesikhatsi lelijaha labona kutsi imphilo lebeliyiphila beyimunyu. What can a Christian wife do if her unbelieving husband does not respond favorably to her fine conduct? In time, the young man who knew that his life was very young. Cabanga ngalesikhatsi e - Edeni bantfu labete sono bo - Adamu na - Eva bayincenye yemndeni waJehova lonebunye nekuthula. Realistically, not all of a husband's decisions will be to his wife's liking. Consider, for example, the first man and Eve were part of Jehovah's universal family. Sedekiya watfumela emadvodza langu - 30 kutsi ahambe na - Ebedi Meleki kute bavikele Jeremiya. As we learn of Jehovah's knowledge and wisdom, we feel as did the apostle Paul, who wrote under inspiration: "O the depth of God's riches and wisdom and knowledge! Zedekiah sent 30 men to travel with Ebed - melech to protect Jeremiah. Ngesikhatsi Phetro abuta Jesu kutsi kufanele sitsetselele "tikhatsi letisikhombisa yini, " Jesu waphendvula watsi:" Ngitsi kuwe, hhayi tikhatsi letisikhombisa, kodvwa letingemashumi lasikhombisa nesikhombisa. " The Bridegroom - King Jesus Christ appreciates the spiritual "beauty " of his future bride. When Peter asked Jesus whether we should forgive him "the seven times, " Jesus replied:"" I am with you, not seven times, but seven times and seven times. " Jehova uvumele kutsi "tiphatsimandla " tibe neligunya kitsi, futsi ufuna sitihloniphe. Jehovah Knows How to Deliver His People Jehovah allowed "the authorities " to have authority over us, and he wants us to respect ourselves. Nangabe bantfu sibatfola emakhaya, bangase babe bete sifiso sekulalela umlayeto weMbuso futsi bangase basitfukutselele. Life may force us into proximity with those who have no regard for God's moral laws, but that does not mean that we have to give in to wrong influences. When we meet people at home, they may not want to listen to the Kingdom message and may become angry. Nangabe singatati letinye tato, kungani singatiphrakthizi ngesikhatsi seKukhonta Kwemndeni kwakusihlwa? 54: 17, Byington. If we do not fully understand some of them, why can we not make sure that the Family Worship evening? Njengemhlabeleli, Pawula watfola emandla ngekutsi acabange ngendlela Jehova lebekachubeka amsekela ngayo. They just wrote down the whole message God gave them so that the readers could also get the whole message, not just tiny parts of it. Like the psalmist, Paul found strength in thinking about the way Jehovah continued to support him. Wakhonta Nkulunkulu kusukela asesemncane kwaze kwaba sekugugeni kwakhe, futsi Jehova wamsebentisa ngetindlela letinyenti. (1 Sam. 17: 33 - 37, 50; 1 Khos. What their teaching implies: Humans were not meant to live on earth forever, nor was the earth designed to last indefinitely. He served God from a young age, and Jehovah used him in several ways. Yini umfati longumKhristu langayenta nangabe indvodza yakhe lengakholwa ingakutsandzi kuba kwakhe ngumKhristu? What can young people do to cultivate spirituality? What can a Christian wife do if the unbelieving husband does not like to be a Christian? Ecinisweni, akusito tonkhe tincumo letitsatfwa yindvodza letitamjabulisa umfati. How can we show love for those who persecute us? Of course, not all decisions are considered acceptable to a husband who will please his wife. (Isa. 2: 3, 4; 54: 13) Njengobe sichubeka sifundza ngelwati Jehova lanalo kanye nekuhlakanipha kwakhe, sitawutiva njengemphostoli Pawula lowatsi: "Maye tinyenti tibusiso taNkulunkulu, futsi kuhlakanipha nelwati lwakhe kujule kakhulu! Jesus is doing the will of God and has eagerly done so for untold millenniums. As we continue to learn about Jehovah's knowledge and wisdom, we will feel as did the apostle Paul, who said: "How much more wisdom and wisdom are than God's ways! Jesu Khristu iNkhosi lenguMkhwenyane, imbona amuhle makoti wayo, ngobe uhlantekile futsi uyemukeleka kuNkulunkulu. Not every creature in heaven had the same attitude as the only - begotten Son of God. Jesus Christ, the King of the Bridegroom, saw him beautiful, clean, clean, clean, and acceptable to God. Jehova Uyakwati Kukhulula Bantfu Bakhe When did the Anglo - American World Power become the seventh world power of Bible prophecy? Jehovah Knows His People Kuphila kungase kusiphocelele kutsi sisondzelane nebantfu labangayihloniphi imiyalo yaNkulunkulu yekutiphatsa, kodvwa loko akusho kutsi kufanele bese siyengeleka ekwenteni lokubi. In the opening chapters of Matthew's Gospel, Joseph's name is mentioned eight times, but Mary's, only four. Life may pressure us to draw closer to those who respect God's moral standards, but that does not mean that we should break free from doing bad things. 54: 17. Remember, Jehovah's spirit can enhance your knowledge and abilities and help you to fulfill any assignment he gives you. 54: 17. Babhala umlayeto Nkulunkulu labanika wona kute umfundzi atfole umlayeto njengobe unjalo, hhayi tincenyana letitsite tawo. However, I say to you: Do not resist the one who is wicked, but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other also to him. " They wrote the message that God gave to the learner so that they could receive a message, not their own. Loko lokushiwo yimibono yabo: Bantfu abadalelwanga kuphila emhlabeni phakadze futsi nemhlaba awudalelwanga kuhlala phakadze. I had some regrets about making that promise, but I felt that I could not back out. What their views are: Humans are designed to live forever on earth, and they are created to live forever. Yini bantfu labasha labangayenta kuze babe nebuhlobo lobuhle naNkulunkulu? Jehovah's Witnesses have long established Scripturally that since 1914 we have been living during Jesus ' promised "presence. " What can youths do to make spiritual progress? Singabavetela njani lutsandvo labo labasishushisako? So let us stay loyal to our brothers and sisters when they disappoint us. How can we show love for those around us? Jesu wenta intsandvo yaNkulunkulu futsi sewuyente tinkhulungwane teminyaka. " Reaching out " requires of Christian men that they develop a strong desire to work hard at acquiring needed spiritual qualities in order to serve their brothers. Jesus did God's will, and he has endured thousands of years. Akusito tonkhe tidalwa tasezulwini lebetinesimo lesifanana neseNdvodzana yaNkulunkulu lekukuphela kwayo. What Jesus ' Death Accomplished Not all the heavenly creatures in heaven were like that of God's only - begotten Son. Umbuso Wemhlaba WemaNgisi nemaMelika wacala nini kuba ngumbuso wesikhombisa lochazwa siphrofetho seliBhayibheli? I had always liked soccer, but under the influence of my new associates, I became a true fanatic. When did the Anglo - American World Power become the seventh world power of Bible prophecy? Etahlukweni tekucala telivangeli laMatewu, libito laJosefa livela tikhatsi letisiphohlongo kodvwa laMariya livela tikhatsi letine nje kuphela. 6, 7. (a) How does commitment benefit people? In the first chapter of Matthew's Gospel, Joseph's name appears only eight times but only four times. Nangabe kunjalo, khumbula kutsi umoya waNkulunkulu ungakhulisa lwati kanye nemakhono akho, futsi ukusite ukwati kufeza nobe ngusiphi sabelo lakuniketa sona. Both are used with reference to people. If so, remember that God's spirit can enhance your knowledge and abilities, and help you to fulfill whatever assignment you receive. Kepha mine ngitsi kini: Ningalwisani nemuntfu lomubi, kodvwa nobe ngubani lokushaya esihlatsini sangesekudla, mvumele akushaye nakulesi lesinye. " Ecclesiastes 12: 1 However, I say to you: Do not fight between someone who is wicked, but who takes away the right hand and the other one. " Ngatisola ngekwetsembisa kutsi ngitawuya, kepha bekufanele ngisigcine setsembiso sami. The Bible goes on to describe what God did during a series of creative days. I felt that I would return, but I had to keep my promise. Sekuphele sikhatsi lesidze BoFakazi BaJehova bakusekela eBhayibhelini kutsi kusukela nga - 1914 besisolo siphila esikhatsini "sekuba khona " kwaKhristu. 14, 15. For many years, Jehovah's Witnesses have been supported from the Bible that since 1914 we live in "the Christ's presence. " Ngako - ke shengatsi singahlale setsembekile kubazalwane nabodzadzewetfu ngisho nalapho basidvumata. (Read Romans 14: 10 - 12; 1 Corinthians 13: 7.) So may we always be loyal to our brothers and sisters even if they disappoint us. " Kufisa ' imisebenti leyengetiwe kusho kutsi indvodza lengumKhristu kufanele ibe nelilukuluku lelicinile lekufuna kusebenta ngekutimisela kute ibe netimfanelo takamoya letidzingekile futsi ikwati nekukhonta labanye bazalwane. The Witness helped her to realize that her ancestors are not being tormented in hellfire. Rather, they are asleep in death, awaiting a resurrection. Being "reaching out " means that a Christian husband should have a strong desire to work hard in order to cultivate spiritual qualities that he or she needs to serve others. Loko Lokwafezwa Kufa KwaJesu What suggestions can help us to benefit from all portions of the Bible? What Jesus ' Death Bengivele ngiyitsandza ibhola kodvwa bangani bami bangenta ngayitsandza kakhulu. When a Christian's marriage succeeds, it is a joy and brings honor to Jehovah. I just would like to watch my friends, but my friends made me very happy. 6, 7. (a) Kubazuzisa ngani bantfu kutinikela? 3: 22. 6, 7. (a) Why is it beneficial for people to dedicate themselves to dedication? Lemifula lemibili isho bantfu. It had been bad in the days of his great - grandfather Enoch, another righteous man who walked with God. These two rivers are two people. Umshumayeli 12: 1 But in time, he realized that the Witnesses preach the truth from the Bible. Ecclesiastes 12: 1 LiBhayibheli liyachubeka lisichazela loko Nkulunkulu lakwenta ngemalanga ekudala. You may attend at a location nearest to your home. The Bible continues to tell us what God did in the days of creation. 14, 15. But the restoration of mankind would require time. 14, 15. (Fundza Roma 14: 10 - 12; 1 Khorinte 13: 7.) This helps us to remain humble, and Jehovah will thus be able to mold us. (Read Romans 14: 10 - 12; 1 Corinthians 13: 7.) (Umshumayeli 9: 5) LoFakazi wamsita wabona kutsi bokhokho bakhe abahlushwa esihogweni, kunaloko balele emathuneni balindzele kuvuswa. No, he wisely held back from sharing many things he knew. The Witness helped her to see that her forefathers were subjected to hell, yet she was asleep in the grave. Ngumaphi emacebiso langasisita sizuze kuto tonkhe tincenye teliBhayibheli? What does the resurrection of Jesus mean to you? What practical suggestions can help us to benefit from all parts of the Bible? Nangabe umshado wemaKhristu uphumelela, loko kuletsa injabulo neludvumo kuJehova. They were also referred to as the antichrist. If a Christian marriage is successful, it leads to joy and glory to Jehovah. 3: 22. Thousands of people died. 3: 22. Bekugcwele bubi nangesikhatsi sakhokho wakhe Enoki, longulenye indvodza lebeyilungile leyahamba naNkulunkulu. On the contrary! You feel at ease and free. It was full of wickedness and wickedness for Enoch, a righteous man who walked with God. Kodvwa ngekuhamba kwesikhatsi, wabona kutsi BoFakazi bashumayela liciniso leliseBhayibhelini. During the early part of the 1950 ' s, many young men were being drafted to serve in the military and fight in the conflict going on in Korea. But later, he realized that the Witnesses preach Bible truths. Ungaya endzaweni ledvutane nalapho uhlala khona. That is why, for example, Jehovah's people are not given a list of films, books, and Internet sites to avoid. You can go to the area near your destination. Kodvwa kwenta loko bekutawutsatsa sikhatsi. Rather, take note of the fine counsel in our publications and at congregation meetings, as Arielle did. But that would take time. Loko kusisita kutsi sihlale sitfobekile futsi Jehova uyakhona kusibumba. However, being a curious person by nature, I agreed to a Bible study. " That helps us to remain humble, and Jehovah can mold us. Cha, ngekuhlakanipha akazange abatjele konkhe labekwati bafundzi bakhe. • How do we know that the seventh day is still under way today? No, he did not tell them everything he knew about his disciples. Kuvuswa kwaJesu kusho kutsini kuwe? See "The Historical Character of Genesis, " in Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 1, page 922, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. What does the resurrection of Jesus mean to you? Esikolweni safundziswa kutsi boFakazi BaJehova bayinkholo yemanga letendlula tonkhe futsi bekutsiwa babaphikikhristu. So it would not be right to take care of business activities while we are there. - Compare Nehemiah 13: 7, 8. At school, we were taught that Jehovah's Witnesses had a complete religion and that it was the antichrist. Tinkhulungwane tebantfu tafa. The men crossed the Jordan on dry ground, and they kept "speaking as they walked. " Thousands of people have died. Ngaleso sikhatsi boMariya naJosefa bebetama kumemeta Jesu etitaladini letehlukehlukene. How can we show that we are looking to God for guidance? At that time, Mary and Joseph tried to cry Jesus in a variety of streets. Cha, esikhundleni saloko, utiva ukhululekile. Yes, for he will " hand over the kingdom to his God and Father. ' - Read 1 Corinthians 15: 24 - 28. Instead, he feels free. Ngasekucaleni kweminyaka yabo - 1950, emajaha lamanyenti bekakhetfwa kutsi abe ngemasotja kute akwati kulwa emphini lebeyise - Korea. There would be other astounding developments on the third day and during later creative periods. At the start of their early 1950 ' s, many young men had chosen him to fight against the battle in South Korea. Kungako bantfu baJehova banganiketwa luhla lwemafilimu, tincwadzi, kanye nemakheli e - Internet lokufanele bangawabuki. See The Watchtower, April 15, 2012, pages 25 - 26. That is why Jehovah's people can offer a list of books, books, and Web sites that should not be given. Kunaloko, njenga - Arielle, naka teluleko letilusito letitfolakala etincwadzini tetfu kanye nasemihlanganweni yelibandla. (Read 1 Corinthians 7: 3 - 5.) On the contrary, as shown, he provides practical suggestions found in our literature and congregation meetings. Nobe kunjalo, njengobe ngangikutsandza kwati, ngavuma kuchutjelwa sifundvo seliBhayibheli. " He is sure that he has been invited to go to heaven. However, as I loved to learn, I accepted a Bible study. " • Sati njani kutsi nalamuhla kusengilo lilanga lesikhombisa? Abraham made Eliezer take an oath that he would not select a wife for Isaac from among the women of Canaan. • How do we know that it is still our seventh day? Fundza incenye letsi "The Historical Character of Genesis, " encwadzini letsi Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 1, likhasi 922, leshicilelwe BoFakazi BaJehova. So Abraham acted wisely, and Sarah humbly cooperated with his decision. See the article "The Bible Changes Lives, " Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 1, page 9, page 9 of Jehovah's Witnesses. Ngako ngeke kube kuhle kuchuba emabhizinisi nasisemihlanganweni. - Catsanisa naNehemiya 13: 7, 8. Robert: Yes, I've never heard that idea at my church. So we would not want to work at our meetings. - Compare Nehemiah 13: 7, 8. Emanti ehlukana ekhatsi. " Lamadvodza ewela lomfula emhlabatsini lowomile futsi ngesikhatsi " asahamba abekhulumisana omabili. ' Many times Jehovah provides the answers to our prayers in the Bible. In the water, "the men fell down from the sea and " stood up in the midst of the ground. ' Singakhombisa njani kutsi setsembele kuNkulunkulu kute asinike ticondziso? Then he freely gave his life as a sacrifice, or ransom, providing the means for all faithful humans to receive forgiveness for their sins and eventually attain the kind of life that Adam and Eve enjoyed in Eden before they sinned. How can we show that we rely on God for guidance? Yebo utawukukhombisa, ngobe " utawunikela umbuso kuNkulunkulu uYise. ' - Fundza 1 Khorinte 15: 24 - 28. To deaden immoral desires, we need to reject immoral entertainment. Yes, he will show us "to give up the kingdom of God. " - Read 1 Corinthians 15: 24 - 28. 1: 9) Ngalelilanga lesitsatfu kanye nakulamanye emalanga ekudala labekatawulandzela, bekutawudalwa tintfo letimangalisako. The Law established a separate priesthood, and justice was administered by "the elders, " who were respected for their knowledge and wisdom. On the third day of the earth and other earthly creation, it would have been amazing. Fundza Sicongosekulindza sa - April 15, 2012, emakhasi 25 - 26. (See opening image.) See The Watchtower, April 15, 2012, pages 25 - 26. (Fundza 1 Khorinte 7: 3 - 5.) They did not force the different ethnic groups of their empire to give up their religions, except when it seemed that there was a danger to the State or to morality. (Read 1 Corinthians 7: 3 - 5.) Uyaciniseka kutsi ubitelwe kuyophila ezulwini. Dwelling on the past can make your days gloomy and discourage you from doing what you are still able to do. You are convinced that you have been invited to go to heaven. Abrahama abemfungisile Eliyezeri kutsi angamtsatseli Isaka umfati eKhenani. If we remain faithful to God, our journey will be a success and we can live forever. Abraham had vowed that he could not take Isaac's wife to Canaan. Ngako Abrahama wenta ngekuhlakanipha futsi naSara watitfoba wabambisana nesincumo semyeni wakhe. Qualifications: Brother must be a circuit or a district overseer. So Abraham acted wisely and obediently cooperate with his husband's decision. Veli: Yebo vele, angikaze ngikuve loko esontfweni. As a result, she enjoys a good rapport with all who care so well for her physical problems. Robert: Yes, I never heard what I was doing in church. (Tihlabelelo 25: 4) Etikhatsini letinyenti, Jehova uphendvula imithantazo yetfu asebentisa liBhayibheli. Later, when Jesus was 12 years old, he said something that amazed Mary. Many times, Jehovah answered our prayers through the Bible. Ngaleso sizatfu, ngekutitsandzela wanikela ngekuphila kwakhe kute kube ngumhlatjelo nobe inhlawulo, avula indlela yekutsi bonkhe bantfu labetsembekile batsetselelwe tono tabo, futsi ekugcineni batfole kuphila lokwakujatjulelwa bo - Adamu na - Eva e - Edeni ngembikwekutsi bone. But what is the difference between the way God's spirit operated in pre - Christian times and the way it worked in the first century? Thus, he willingly offered his life as a sacrifice or a ransom for all faithful humans of their sins, and it was eventually possible for Adam and Eve to enjoy life in Eden before he sinned. Kuze sibulale tifiso tekutiphatsa lokubi, kufanele sigweme kutijabulisa lokungakalungi. For more information on what the ransom can do for you, see chapter 5 of the book What Can the Bible Teach Us? To put away wrong desires, we must avoid wrong entertainment. (Dut. 25: 7, 8) UMtsetfo bewucondzisa tindzaba tenkholo netekutijabulisa talesive lesisha. Thus, delegates had to ride mules or walk for days just to reach a train that would take them to the convention city. The Law directed religious matters to the new nation. (Buka sitfombe lesisekucaleni kwalesihloko.) Revelation chapter 21 portrays them as a heavenly city, New Jerusalem, called "the Lamb's wife. " (See opening picture.) Bebangawaphoceleli emacembu etive lehlukahlukene lasembusweni wawo kutsi ashiye tinkholo tawo, ngaphandle - ke nangabe letinkholo betingaba yingoti kuHulumende nobe ekutiphatseni kwebantfu. Do we know when this attack on God's people will come? They were not forced to force different nations to leave their churches, so unless political and social organizations could be dangerous. Kunaka kakhulu sikhatsi lesendlulile, kungawenta abe mabi emalanga akho futsi kukucedze emandla ekwenta loko losengakhona kukwenta. These precious truths reveal why God permits evil, why we die, how we should pray, and how we can be truly happy. Until then, he can do your time and energy to do what he can. Nasihlala setsembekile kuNkulunkulu, loluhambo lwetfu lutawuba yimphumelelo futsi singaphila phakadze. Or what about looking for ways to show fellow feeling for people we meet in the ministry? If we remain faithful to God, our journey will be successful and we can live forever. Loko Lokudzingekako: Umzalwane kufanele abe ngumbonisi wesifundza nobe wesigodzi. He said: "I got to see something like the glow of electrum, like the appearance of fire all around... Qualifications: Must be a circuit overseer or a circuit overseer. Umphumela waloku ube kutsi abe nebuhlobo lobuhle nabo bonkhe labatinakekela kahle tinkinga temphilo yakhe. And although the Scriptures do not provide many details, it seems likely that Peter used that authority. As a result, he had a good relationship with all who care for health problems. Ngekuhamba kwesikhatsi, Jesu nakaneminyaka lengu - 12 budzala, washo intfo letsite leyammangalisa Mariya. " Is this one newer than the others? " you ask your guide. Later, when Jesus was 12 years old, he said something that came to Mary. Kodvwa - ke, uyini umehluko endleleni umoya waNkulunkulu lobewusebenta ngayo kubantfu labebaphila ngembikwesikhatsi sebuKhristu kanye nendlela lowasebenta ngayo ngelikhulu lekucala? As a teenager, I was drawn to older ones in our congregation. What, though, does the contrast between God's spirit operated on people who lived before Christianity and the way he worked in the first century? Nawufuna kwati kabanti kutsi inhlawulo yaJesu ingakusita njani, fundza sehluko 5 sencwadzi letsi Lingasifundzisani LiBhayibheli? However, are there instances when Jehovah uses the nation of Israel as a picture, or illustration, that includes Christians other than the anointed? For more information about how Jesus ' ransom sacrifice can help you, see chapter 5 of the book What Can the Bible Teach Us? Ngako - ke, labo lebebafuna kuya emihlanganweni bebahamba emalanga ngetinyawo nobe ngeminyuzi kute bayofika esiteshini sesitimela lesitawubamikisa edolobheni lelinemhlangano. How does the organization use the money that is donated today? So those who wanted to go to the meetings on foot or to go to the train station to a remote town. Sembulo sehluko 21 sibachaza ngekutsi balikhaya lasezulwini, iJerusalema Lensha, futsi babitwa ngekutsi " ngumkaWundlu. ' I have always had a lot of work at Bethel. Revelation 21 describes them as their home in heaven, New Jerusalem, and they are called "the house of the house. " Siyati yini kutsi kuhlaselwa kwebantfu baNkulunkulu kutawufika nini? I ponder over it all day long. Do we know when the attack of God's people will come? Lamaciniso laligugu ayasembulela kutsi kungani Nkulunkulu avumela bubi, kungani sifa, kufanele sithantaze njani nekutsi singayitfola njani injabulo. As the Law of Moses was originally written and passed down in Hebrew, Jesus was likely referring to the Hebrew letter. These precious truths reveal why God allows wickedness, why we should pray, and how we can pray for it? Ningakwati yini kufuna tindlela tekuveta sihawu kubantfu lenibatfola ensimini? He was not alone. Can you find ways to show compassion to those in the ministry? Utsi: "Ngabona kutsi kusukela kuloko lokwakubonakala shangatsi kulukhalo lwakhe kuya ngenhla kwalo abefanana nelitfusi lelimanyatelako, kube shangatsi ligcwele umlilo... We can ask ourselves, " Do I avoid idolizing humans or using a great deal of valuable time on inconsequential matters? ' - Read Ephesians 5: 15, 16. She says: "I realized that from the appearance of her great copper, it was like a flame full of fire... Nanobe imiBhalo ite imininingwane leminyenti ngaloku, kodvwa kubonakala shengatsi Phetro wawasebentisa lamandla. One by one, each of the four decided to marry. Although the Scriptures lack many details, it seems that Peter used that power. Ubuta loyo lokuvakashisako kutsi: "Lena yinsha yini kunaleletinye? " Because they offered opportunities to make practical plans in an atmosphere of closeness and understanding. " Is it new for you to ask yourself, " Do you ask me? ' Ngesikhatsi ngiseminyakeni yekutfomba, bengibatsandza bantfu labakhulile basebandleni lakitsi. Discipline primarily relates to instruction, education, and correction. As a teenager, I loved the local people in my congregation. Noko - ke, tikhona yini tikhatsi lapho Jehova akhulumela sive saka - Israyeli ngendlela lengumfanekiso lengafaki ekhatsi labagcotjiwe? Here, "fornication " includes adultery and other serious sexual sins. However, are there times when Jehovah spoke of the nation of Israel in a figurative way that included anointed ones? Lamuhla inhlangano yaJehova iyisebentisa njani imali lenikelwe bazalwane? " In our congregation, two pioneers began having problems. How is Jehovah's organization today using money that money? Bengihlale nginemsebenti lomunyenti eBethel. Today, servants of God do not engage in carnal warfare. I always had work at Bethel. Ngizindla ngawo imini yonkhe. Obeying such a law helped God's people to keep themselves distinct and separate from the pagan nations around them. I meditate on it all day long. Umtsetfo waMosi wacale wabhalwa ngesiHebheru, ngako kungenteka kutsi Jesu bekakhuluma ngeluhlavu lwemagama esiHebheru. A breathtaking view of Mount Nyiragongo, one of the most active volcanoes in the world, greets us each day. The Mosaic Law first was written in Hebrew, so Jesus may have talked about the gold of Hebrew words. Nalabanye labanyenti bativa njengaye. Throughout history, Satan has organized his seed into various political movements or kingdoms. Many feel like him. Ngako, kungaba kuhle kutsi sitibute nangu umbuto lotsi: " Ngiyakubalekela yini kwenta labanye bantfu tithico noma kusebentisa sikhatsi sami lesimcoka etintfweni letingakabaluleki? ' - Fundza Efesu 5: 15, 16. For 2012, each study edition will feature on the cover an artist's colorful rendering of a witnessing scene, reminding us of our God - given commission to bear thorough witness about Jehovah's Kingdom. Therefore, it would be good to ask ourselves, " Do I avoid making the use of idols or use my time for material things? ' - Read Ephesians 5: 15, 16. Bonkhe bancuma kushada. But only the discreet virgins remained watchful. All of us decided to marry. Kungobe bahlela tindlela letisebentisekako ngekutsi bakhulume ngekukhululeka futsi babonise kucondza kusesekuhle. No wonder that for many Catholics the teaching of apostolic succession is the most important teaching, since the correctness or incorrectness of other Catholic teachings hinges on it! Because they plan for practical suggestions by speaking freely and comparing them into understanding. Siyalo ngalokuyinhloko sihlobene nesicondziso, kufundzisa kanye nekulungisa. That realization helps to give a person the will to resist hurtful desires. When discipline is related to direction, teaching, and correct. Lapha ligama lelitsi " kuphinga ' lifaka ekhatsi naletinye tono letinkhulu letihlobene nekuya ecasini. " These experiences made us think about serving in a foreign country, " says Lisbeth, "but I hesitated because I doubted that this was something an ordinary person like me could do. " Here, however, the term " adultery " includes serious sins related to sexual relations. " Ebandleni lebengikulo, emahlahlandlela lamabili acala kuba netinkinga. Many people in Satan's world use "cruel words " that are like" arrows " or "a sword " because they want to hurt and upset others. " In my congregation, two pioneers began to deal with problems. Lamuhla tinceku taNkulunkulu atiyi emphini. Why was Jesus "overjoyed in the holy spirit "? Today, God's servants do not engage in warfare. Kuwulalela bekwenta kutsi bantfu baNkulunkulu batigcine behlukile kuletinye tive lebetingamkhonti. What measures can we take to protect ourselves? By doing so, God's people kept their minds different from other nations who did not serve him. Njalo nawuvuka ekuseni ubona intsaba lebitwa ngekutsi yiNyiragongo, leyake yaba ngulenye yetintsabamlilo letichuma kakhulu emhlabeni. Rather, they treasure their association with the congregation. If you get up early in the morning, see a mountain called a black horse, which was one of the most beautiful trees on the earth. Emlandvweni, Sathane uhlele kutsi intalo yakhe ibe semibusweni leminyenti. " I was determined to get my money back, " Alex relates. " I felt that if I just held on, the stocks would come back up. " In today's world, Satan has decided that his seed would be not just like many people. Ngemnyaka wa - 2012, luhlelo ngalunye lwamagazini lofundvwako lutawuba nesitfombe lesihle kakhulu lesiveta emaKhristu enta umsebenti wekushumayela, futsi loko kutasikhumbuta ngesabelo setfu lesivela kuNkulunkulu sekuniketa bufakazi lobuphelele ngeMbuso waJehova. So Tattenai was ordered not to interfere, and he obeyed. - Ezra 6: 6, 7, 13. In 2012, a program used in the study edition of The Watchtower would provide a beautiful picture of Christians who engage in the preaching work, reminding us of our God - given assignment in Jehovah's Kingdom. Kodvwa tintfombi letihlakaniphile ngito kuphela letahlala tilindzile. How do the benefits greatly outweigh the costs? But the discreet virgins refuse to keep on the watch. Akumangalisi - ke kutsi kumaKatolika lamanyenti lemfundziso yekulandzelana kwebaphostoli ibaluleke kakhulu, ngobe kuba liciniso kwaletinye timfundziso temaKatolika kusekelwe kuyo. The highlighted portions of the illustrations show the typeface used in Hutter's Hebrew Bible at Ezekiel 18: 4 and that used by the Reference Bible in its footnote to the same verse. It is no wonder, then, that many Catholic teachings of the apostles are highly important, because the truth is based on religious teachings. Kukubona loko kuniketa umuntfu emandla ekulwisana netifiso letilimatako. 10: 11. It is evident that this gives a person the strength to overcome immoral desires. Lisbeth utsi: "Loku lokuhlangenwe nako kwasenta sacabanga ngekutfutsela kulelinye live, kodvwa bengingaciniseki ngicabanga kutsi umuntfu lofana nami angeke akhone kukwenta loko. " Those first - century Christians had progressed to the point of being known by God. Lisbeth says: "The experiences made me think about moving to another country, but I did not feel that someone else could not do so. " Linyenti lebantfu kulelive laSathane lisebentisa emavi lahlabako lafana " nemicibisholo ' nome " inkemba ' kute bavise labanye buhlungu. What can we do to eliminate possible causes of tiredness or discouragement? Many in Satan's world use cruel words of "the sword " or" the sword " to hurt others. Kungani Jesu " abegcwele injabulo kanye nemoya longcwele '? What happened when Manoah asked Jehovah to help him be a good parent? Why did Jesus "be filled with joy and holy spirit "? Ngutiphi tinyatselo lokufanele sititsatse kute sitivikele? 19: 29. What steps must we take to protect ourselves? Kunaloko, bayakujabulela kutihlanganisa nelibandla. In time, the sincere student may well feel as did the psalmist who sang: "Drawing near to God is good for me. I have made the Sovereign Lord Jehovah my refuge. " Rather, they enjoy association with the congregation. Alex uyalandzisa: "Bengitimisele kutsi ngiphindze ngiyitfole imali yami, futsi ngatitjela kutsi kufanele ngibeketele kute lamasheya ami angingenisele imali. " She realized, though, that pursuing further education would require her to devote most of her time to studying and preparing for sporting events - with little time left for serving Jehovah. Alex relates: "I was determined to save my money and to tell them that I needed to endure my money. " (Ezra 5: 6, 7, 11 - 13; 6: 1 - 3) Ngako Thathenayi watjelwa kutsi angayingeni lendzaba futsi walalela. - Ezra 6: 6, 7, 13. However, I had to undergo surgery again - this time a colostomy. So someone was told that he could not listen and obey the matter. - Ezra 6: 6, 7, 13. Kungani tinzuzo titinyenti kunetinkinga langahlangabetana nato? Whatever the case, about 170 C.E., Tatian completed his work, known as the Diatessaron, a Greek word meaning "through [the] four. " Why may there be more problems we may face? Lesitfombe sikhombisa tinhlavu temagama letisetjentiswe encwadzini yaHezekeli 18: 4 eBhayibhelini lesiHebheru laHutter futsi tisetjentiswe evesini lelifanako embhalweni longentasi ku - Reference Bible. How would the heavenly Jesus keep his followers on earth well - fed spiritually? The image of the letters used at Ezekiel 18: 4 in the Bible book of Hutter's Hebrew and applied the same verse in the New World Translation. 10: 11. If you have accepted the call to "come! " 10: 11. LamaKhristu angelikhulu lekucala besekatfutfukile futsi atiwa nguNkulunkulu. In addition, Anita's husband did not want her to teach their children about Jehovah or take them to meetings. Those first - century Christians were well - known and known by God. Yini lesingayenta kute siyekele letinye tintfo letisenta siphelelwe ngemandla nobe sitive sidvumele? In fact, what people in one area relish may be unappetizing to people elsewhere. What can we do to prevent some of our problems or feelings from becoming discouraged? Yini leyenteka ngalesikhatsi Manowa acela Jehova kutsi amsite abe ngumtali lokahle? Then cut the apple in two, and give him a seed. What happened when Manoah asked Jehovah to help him cultivate a good parent? 19: 29. The action of Satan the Devil has raised the question of the rightfulness of Jehovah's sovereignty. 19: 29. Ngekuhamba kwesikhatsi lomfundzi locotfo angahle ative njengemhlabeleli lowatsi: "Kodvwa mine kungilungele kusondzela kuNkulunkulu, Simakadze, iNkhosi, ngimente waba siphephelo sami. " (Hla. Also, friends from home sent us e - mails and letters to encourage us not to give up. " - Phil. Later, the learner might feel like the psalmist who said: "As for me, the drawing near to Jehovah my God, I have placed my refuge. " Noko - ke, wacaphela kutsi kuchubeka nemfundvo kutamenta acitse sikhatsi lesinyenti atadisha futsi lesinye sikhatsi asicitse aticeceshela imidlalo - abetawuba nesikhatsi lesincane kakhulu sekukhonta Jehova. When I graduated from secondary school, I asked to serve where the need for Kingdom preachers was greater. However, he realized that regular pioneer service would make him spend more time studying and that he would not spend on a simple amount - one that would be able to serve Jehovah more fully. Nobe kunjalo, kwadzingeka kutsi ngiphindze ngihlindvwe - nyalo ngasengihlindvwa ematfunjini letfwala kungcola emtimbeni ngenhla nje kancane kwengungu. While Saul was on his way to Damascus, Jesus confronted him, and Saul was blinded by a miraculous light. However, I had to undergo surgery and extra surgery now, and I had to earn only a brain tumor. Cishe ngemnyaka wanga - 170 C.E., waphotfula lomsebenti wekuhlanganisa lamavangeli, lowabitwa ngekutsi i - Diatessaron, lokuligama lelulwimi lwesiGriki lelisho "kuhlanganiswa kwetintfo letine. " He did likewise respecting the cup. " About 170 B.C.E., he graduated the work of the apocryphal gospels, which included the Greek word for the Greek word "E. " Jesu abetawuchubeka njani ondla balandzeli bakhe labasemhlabeni njengobe yena atawube asezulwini? Safe? How would Jesus continue to feed his followers on earth as he would be resurrected to heaven? Nangabe sewusemukele lesimemo lesitsi, "kota! " When he did, she sprung her trap. If you accept the invitation, "Come! " Ngetulu kwaloko, indvodza ya - Anita beyingafuni kutsi afundzise bantfwana babo ngaJehova nekutsi aye nabo esifundvweni. 3: 16. Moreover, Bill's husband did not want his children to teach them about Jehovah and to attend meetings with them. Kudla lokutsandvwa bantfu bakuletinye tindzawo, bangase bangakujabuleli bantfu bakuletinye. At the very start of human history, one of the angels, consumed by a desire to be worshipped, turned against Jehovah and made himself Satan, meaning "Resister. " The food we enjoy among people in other areas may not be content to lose sight of other people's interest in others. Ungabese uyalisika, futsi umnikete indumbu yalo. See the Invisible God? Do not give up, and then you can offer him a copy of it. Sento saSathane Develi saphakamisa umbuto ngelilungelo laJehova lekubusa. Is it any different with us? Satan the Devil raises this question about Jehovah's right to rule. Ngetulu kwaloko bazalwane nabodzadze baseFrance bebasitfumelela ema - email netincwadzi letisikhutsata kutsi singaphelelwa litsemba. " - Fil. So we can see that the counsel and warning found at Matthew 25: 1 - 13 is directed to Jesus ' anointed followers. Moreover, brothers and sisters in France had sent me along with letters to encourage us to give up hope. " - Phil. Ngatsi nangicedza sikolwa, ngacela kuya lapho kunesidzingo lesikhulu khona sebamemeteli beMbuso. 3: 23. When I finished school, I asked for an area where there was a greater need for Kingdom publishers. Ngesikhatsi Sawula asendleleni leya eDamaseko, Jesu wamvimba futsi emehlo aSawula avalwa kukhanya lokumangalisako. He apparently lost sight of his privilege of service; he failed to appreciate that Jehovah was his share. When Saul was on the road to Damascus, Jesus stopped his eyes and hid a marvelous light. Wenta kanjalo nangendzebe. ' The apostle Peter was sent to the home of Cornelius, an uncircumcised Gentile. And he did so. ' Ungativa uvikelekile yini? That reminder strengthened the Israelites to endure difficulties when they entered and conquered the Promised Land. Can you feel secure? Watsi nakangena, umkaPhotifari wezama kumbamba. The majority, however, were impartial, as is our heavenly Father. When she entered her way, Potiphar's wife tried to seduce him. 3: 16. What methods did Jesus and his disciples use to preach? 3: 16. Ekucaleni kwemlandvo webantfu, lenye yetingilosi yachutjwa sifiso sekufuna kukhontwa, futsi yamfulatsela Jehova yase itenta Sathane, lokusho "uMphikisi. " Always remember that as you share the good news with caregivers and others, your sacred service glorifies our wonderful God. Early in human history, one of the angels have been adopted by a desire to serve Jehovah, and he did turn away from doing something that is "the Devil. " Kungani Nkulunkulu Avumela Labaneligunya Kutsi Bacindzetele Labangenalo? Flavia soon noticed that many students had no interest in " saving the planet. ' Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering? 113: 5 - 7) Kwehlukile yini kitsi? Many at school would not associate with me because I was labeled "a German spy. " Is it different from us? Kuyacaca - ke kutsi seluleko nesecwayiso lesitfolakala kuMatewu 25: 1 - 13 sibhekiselwe kubalandzeli baJesu labagcotjiwe. Ryan, a 32 - year - old ministerial servant, relocated to a new congregation. Clearly, the counsel found at Matthew 25: 1 - 13 refers to Jesus ' anointed followers. 3: 23. Regarding Jehovah's fatherly protection, the psalmist declared: "[God] did not allow any man to oppress them, but on their account he reproved kings. " 3: 23. Kungenteka kutsi besekalahlekelwe ngumbono ngekubaluleka kwemsebenti labekawenta; wehluleka nekuveta kubonga kwakhe ngekutsi Jehova usabelo sakhe. As in the apostle Paul's day, many today "set something aside, " or budget, an amount of money and place it in the congregation contribution box labeled" Worldwide Work. " He may have lost his view of the value of his ministry; nor did he fail to express his appreciation for Jehovah as his share. Umphostoli Phetro watfunywa ekhaya laKhoneliyuse, lobekangumuntfu wetive longakasoki. He was one of a few young people who were carefully chosen to serve the king. The apostle Peter was sent to the home of Cornelius. Leso sikhumbuto sacinisa ema - Israyeli kutsi abeketelele bumatima ngesikhatsi angena futsi ancoba liVe Lesetsembiso. However, the faithful anointed still on earth will be gathered together instantly. That reminder strengthened the Israelites to endure hardships when they entered the Promised Land. Nanobe kunjalo, linyenti lebazalwane lalingisa Babe wetfu wasezulwini ngekungakhetsi libala lemuntfu. It can cause a problem to get out of control, making the problem worse. However, most of us imitate our heavenly Father's impartiality. Ngutiphi tindlela Jesu nebafundzi bakhe labatisebentisa nabashumayela? Yes, for just days earlier, God's spirit had opened Peter's heart, enabling him to begin to adjust his attitude and overcome his prejudice. In what ways did Jesus and his disciples use their ministry? Hlale ukhumbula kutsi nangabe ushumayela tindzaba letimnandzi kulabo labakunakekelako nalabanye, umsebenti wakho lowentela Nkulunkulu uyamkhatimulisa. Even some of Christendom's leaders have referred to their flocks as " sleeping giants. ' Always remember that if you preach the good news to others, your service to God will bless you. Ngekushesha Flavia wabona kutsi bafundzi labanyenti bebete sifiso " sekusindzisa umhlaba. ' * Soon, God's Kingdom will bring an end to these last days with the war of Armageddon. Flavia soon realized that many disciples did not have the desire to save the earth. ' Labanyenti esikolweni bebangafuni kutihlanganisa nami ngobe bekutsiwa "ngiyinhloli yemaJalimane. " We will consider four broad categories: wicked people, corrupt organizations, wrong activities, and distressful conditions. Many in school did not want to associate with me because they said that "I was sending German into German. " Ryan, loyinceku lesebentako leneminyaka lengu - 32 budzala, watfutsela kulelinye libandla. 4: 12, 13. Ryan, an 32 - year - old servant, moved to another congregation. Nakakhuluma ngekuvikela kwaJehova lokufana nekwababe, umhlabeli watsi: "[Nkulunkulu] akavumelanga muntfu kutsi abahluphe, ngenca yabo wajezisa ngisho emakhosi. " (Hla. What do some think with regard to God's having a people on earth? Speaking of Jehovah's protection like that of the father, the psalmist said: "[God] did not allow anyone to kill them, for he punished them even for their kings. " Njengasemalangeni emphostoli Pawula, bantfu labanyenti lamuhla " babekela eceleni lokutsite, ' nobe bahlele kutsi ingakanani imali labatayifaka ebhokisini lemnikelo lelibhalwe kutsi "Umsebenti Wemhlaba Wonkhe. " My mother answered the door while my father - who was shy like me - sat inside with me and listened. As in the apostle Paul's day, many today " set aside something aside for something, ' or budget, the amount of money that money is held in the box labeled" Worldwide Work. " Bekangulomunye webantfu labasha labambalwa labebakhetfwe kutsi basebentele inkhosi. " Then " is the rendering used in the 2013 revision and in other Bible translations. She was one of the young people who had chosen to work with the king. Ngako - ke, labagcotjiwe labasesemhlabeni batawugcogcelwa ndzawonye ngekushesha. After recovering from his illness, Antonio was able to return to the traveling work. Thus, anointed ones on earth will gather together. Ingenta inkinga ingasalawuleki futsi yente simo sibe sibi kakhulu. Our love for Jehovah motivates us to meditate on all the wonderful things he has created. It can cause a problem to control and cause harm to the situation. Yebo abengakwati, ngobe emalangeni lambalwa ngembikwaloku umoya waNkulunkulu bewuvule inhlitiyo yakhe, wamenta wakwati kulungisa simo sakhe sengcondvo futsi wancoba lubandlululo labenalo. The purpose of that question is not to arouse skepticism but to strengthen your faith. Yes, before God's spirit came upon him, he made him know to correct his attitude and to overcome prejudice. Ngisho nebaholi betinkholo letitsi tebuKhristu batsi imihlambi yabo ilele. All illnesses - including the chronic and the emotional - are a dismal legacy from our first parents, Adam and Eve. - Rom. Even Christendom's religious leaders say that their flocks are asleep. * Sekusedvute kutsi emalanga ekugcina aphele, atawuphela nakufika i - Amagedoni letawuletfwa nguMbuso waNkulunkulu. The third question will be addressed in the following article. * Soon, during the last days, he will end when Armageddon will come. Sitawucoca nganati tincenye letine: bantfu lababi, tinhlangano letigcwele inkhohlakalo, imikhuba lemibi, netimo leticindzetelako. She says: "I found myself lonely and weeping. We will consider four areas: wicked people, corrupt organizations, and distressing circumstances. 4: 12, 13. 12 Our Readers Ask... 4: 12, 13. Yini labanye bantfu labayicabangako endzabeni yekutsi Nkulunkulu unebantfu bakhe emhlabeni? Pay constant attention to yourself and to your teaching. " What do some people think about God's people on earth? Make wakhuluma naye emnyango, kantsi babe, lonemahloni njengami, bekahleli nami ngekhatsi endlini futsi besibalalele. 11: 17 - 26, 33. My mother spoke to her in the door, and my father was shy, such as I had been in the house, and she was listening to me. Nasekaluleme ekuguleni kwakhe, Antonio wabuyela emsebentini wekujikeleta. And God himself will be with them. After his sickness, Antonio returned to the traveling work. Lutsandvo lesinalo ngaJehova lusikhutsata kutsi sizindle ngato tonkhe tintfo letinhle latidalile. " All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial " - This scholarly book explains when, where, and why each book of the Bible was written and gives a summary of each book's contents Love for Jehovah motivates us to meditate on all the good things he has created. Injongo yalombuto ayisiko kukwenta kutsi ungabate, kodvwa ikucinisa kukholwa kwakho. We have free will, that is, the freedom to make our own choices. The purpose of that purpose is not to make you doubt, but it strengthens your faith. Konkhe kugula - lokufaka ekhatsi loko lokungumahlalakhona kanye nekwemivelo, kulifa lelibuhlungu lesalizuza kubatali betfu bekucala, bo - Adamu na - Eva. - Rom. Therefore, we were in desperate need of divine assistance in order to be released from bondage to sin and death. Of all sickness - including cancer, a blessing that results from the death of our first parents, Adam and Eve. - Rom. Umbuto wesitsatfu sitawucoca ngawo esihlokweni lesilandzelako. If Jesus was rejected and killed, how could he become "the chief cornerstone "? The third question will be considered in the following article. Ndenguè utsi: "Nganginesitunge futsi ngihlale ngidzindza sililo. Well, Jehovah protected some of his ancient servants physically - in some cases to preserve the genealogical line leading to the promised Messiah. " I felt lonely, and I would cry out, " says Jon. 20 Umbuto Lovela Kubafundzi... Because I loved and trusted my stepfather, I obeyed and no longer met with Jehovah's Witnesses. 20 Our Readers Ask... Hlale utinaka wena nekufundzisa kwakho. " It was as if I had been throwing the ransom back at Jehovah. Keep listening to yourself and to your teaching. " 11: 17 - 26, 33. Jehovah is the name of God as revealed in the Bible. 11: 17 - 26, 33. Nkulunkulu cobo lwakhe uyawuhlala nabo, abe nguNkulunkulu wabo. The young man was released without reprisals and became a Kingdom publisher. And God himself will be with them. " Yonke ImiBhalo Iphefumulelwe UNkulunkulu Futhi Inenzuzo " - Lena yincwadzi lemayelana netincwadzi teliBhayibheli, ichaza kutsi tabhalwa nini, kuphi kanye nesizatfu lesenta kutsi tibhalwe. But it is important that you do so. " Imitate the Scriptures of God's Law - It Benefits From Bible books, explain why it is written, and why it is written in the Scriptures. Sinenkhululeko yekutikhetsela, lokusho kutsi sinelilungelo lekutitsatsela tincumo. Why not? We have free will, that is, we have the privilege of making a decision. (Tihlabelelo 49: 8) Ngako, besidzinga lusito lwaNkulunkulu kute sikhululwe ekugcilatweni sono nekufa. Paul remembered how Jehovah had helped him in the past. Thus, we needed God's help to release from slavery to sin and death. Jesu bekangaba njani "litje lekusimisa indlu " nangabe bamala futsi bambulala? How do we demonstrate that our heart is complete toward Jehovah? How could Jesus become "the chief cornerstone " if they had killed and killed him? Jehova esikhatsini lesendlulile wavikela tikhonti takhe ngalokucondzile kute ente kutsi luhla lwelutalo lwaMesiya lungaphatamiseki. Do you strive to make your friends envy you, or do you encourage them to be content with what they have? Jehovah has protected his worshippers from the same time so that they could make a list of the Messiah's survival. Ngenca yekutsi bengimtsandza futsi ngimetsemba, ngamlalela ngangasayi kuBoFakazi BaJehova. Most pioneers have a very full schedule. Because I loved him and trusted in him, I listened to him as Jehovah's Witnesses. Bekungatsi ngitsi angiyidzingi inhlawulo yaJehova. The Bible gives us a description of world conditions that would exist before God brings the end. It was as if I needed Jehovah's ransom. Jehova ligama laNkulunkulu njengobe lembulwe eBhayibhelini. " When I look at the sheer number of people in the world - and the serious problems they face, " says a woman named Raquel, "my concerns seem so insignificant that I hesitate to ask God for help. " Jehovah is God's name as revealed in the Bible. Lelijaha lakhululwa ngaphandle kwekulinyatwa futsi laba ngummemeteli weMbuso. (a) What gift is mentioned at John 14: 27? The young man was released without pain and became a Kingdom publisher. Kubalulekile kutsi nawe wente njalo. The Israelites loved the foreign residents (See paragraphs 11 - 13) It is important for you to do so. Ngani? Second, we need to reflect Jehovah's qualities, especially his love. Why? Pawula wakhumbula kutsi Jehova abemsite njani esikhatsini lesendlulile. How many vows have you made to Jehovah? Paul remembered how Jehovah helped him in the past. Singaveta njani kutsi setsembele kuJehova ngenhlitiyo yonkhe? Sometimes he even attends the meetings with her. - 1 Peter 3: 1. How can we show that we trust in Jehovah with a complete heart? Wetama kwenta bangani bakho bakufele umona yini, nobe ubakhutsata kutsi benetiseke ngaloko labanako? Remember that you cannot be happy when you harbor resentment. Are you trying to do your friends's envy, or do you encourage them to do what they have? Emahlahlandlela lamanyenti amatasatasa. Middle Ages: Some Catholic leaders, upset that the laity were preaching what the Bible teaches rather than Catholic dogma, branded as heretics any laymen who possessed Bible books other than the Psalms in Latin. Many pioneers are busy. LiBhayibheli lisichazela ngetintfo letitawenteka emhlabeni ngaphambi kwekutsi Nkulunkulu aletse kuphela. Likewise, when we acknowledge the value of our fellow believers, we help them to thrive and grow spiritually. The Bible tells us about events that will take place before God brings about the end. Lomunye make lokutsiwa nguRaquel utsi: "Nangibuka bantfu labanyenti labakhona emhlabeni kanye netinkinga labanato, tinkinga tami ngivele ngitibone titincane kakhulu kangangekutsi ngibese ngiyangabata kucela lusito kuNkulunkulu. " They kept on contending and acting in harmony with their earnest prayers. " When I look at so many people around the world and their problems, " says a mother named Julia, "I've already found it so much that I couldn't ask God for help. " (a) Ngusiphi sipho lokukhulunywa ngaso kuJohane 14: 27? I keep in mind the words in the Bible: "Who is weak, and I am not weak? " (a) What gift is mentioned at John 14: 27? Ema - Israyeli abebatsandza bantfu bekuhamba (Fundza sigaba 11 - 13) I still went to church regularly. The Israelites loved foreigners (See paragraphs 11 - 13) Kwesibili, kufanele sikhombise bunguye baJehova, ikakhulukati lutsandvo lwakhe. Moreover, they give the interests of that Kingdom priority in life, proclaiming it worldwide, with the help of Jehovah's spirit. Second, we need to show Jehovah's qualities, especially his love. Tingakhi tifungo lotentile kuJehova? Abraham How many of the vows you made to Jehovah? Ngaletinye tikhatsi nayo iba khona esifundvweni. - 1 Phetro 3: 1. Thereafter, "the people began to fear Jehovah and to put faith in Jehovah and in his servant Moses. " - Ex. At times, she did not respond to the meetings. - 1 Peter 3: 1. Khumbula kutsi angeke ujabule nangabe uhlala utfukutsele. The pioneer then changed the bulb and went on his way. Remember, you will not be happy if you remain angry. Ngabo - 1000 AD kuya ku - 1400 AD: Labanye bobhishobhi bemaKatolika batfukutsela kakhulu ngekutsi emalunga elisontfo labo abeshumayela asebentisa liBhayibheli kunekushumayela timfundziso temaKatolika. However, through her study the wife in particular realized that as a parent, it was her God - given responsibility to bring up her child. During the 14th - century B.C.E., some of the Catholic Church became so proud that the members of the Bible were preaching better than the Catholic teachings of the Catholic Church. Ngendlela lefanako, nasiwancoma lamanye emaKhristu ngalokuhle lakwentako, loko kungawasita kutsi atfutfuke futsi akhulise buhlobo bawo naNkulunkulu. Theft That Is "Invisible " Similarly, when we commend fellow Christians for the good things they do, it can help them to improve and increase their relationship with God. Bachubeka baphikelela futsi baphila ngekuvumelana nemithandazo yabo lecotfo. In 1140, Peter paid for his beliefs with his life. They kept praying and living in harmony with their sincere prayers. Ngihlale ngicabanga ngemavi laseBhayibhelini latsi: "Ngubani loba butsakatsaka mine ngingabi butsakatsaka? " • How can we show respect for Jehovah, the Originator of marriage? I am always thinking of the Bible's words: "Who is weak and weak? " Bengichubeka ngiya njalo esontfweni. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: DOMINICAN REPUBLIC I continued attending church regularly. Ngetulu kwaloko, uMbuso waNkulunkulu uta kucala ekuphileni kwabo, bashumayela ngawo emhlabeni wonkhe ngelusito lwemoya waNkulunkulu. (Zak. In the first article, we will discuss how Jehovah has guided his people to understand deep Bible truths in a simpler and clearer way over time. Moreover, God's Kingdom will put first in their lives, preaching worldwide with the help of God's spirit. Abrahama So we continue to make mistakes even if we have been baptized for many years. Abraham Ngemuva kwaloko, " bacalela phansi kwesaba Simakadze nekubeka litsemba labo kuye nakuMosi, inceku yakhe. ' - Eks. In doing so, they may sacrifice all modesty. Then, "they began to fear Jehovah and to put faith in him through Moses and his servant. " - Ex. Lelihlahlandlela lase liyamlungisela lelilambu ngemuva kwaloko lahamba. The anointed corulers will be at his side when he accomplishes "awe - inspiring things " while shepherding the nations with an iron rod. The pioneer service has arranged for him in a light and then walked away. Nobe kunjalo, ngekusitwa nguloko lebekakufundza, lomake wabona kutsi njengobe angumtali kungumtfwalo wakhe lawunikwe nguNkulunkulu kukhulisa umntfwana wakhe. (Hla. 127: 3; Ef. Guided by God's Spirit in the First Century and Today However, with the help of what she learned, the mother realized that her parent was the responsibility God gave to raise her child. Kweba "Lokubhacile " In like manner, Jesus entered heaven itself with the value of his human blood and presented it to Jehovah. To "What Does It Mean " Ngemnyaka wa - 1140, Peter walahlekelwa kuphila kwakhe ngesizatfu setinkholelo takhe. (b) Why can Jehovah foretell events and their timing? In 1140 C.E., Peter lost his life because of his beliefs. • Singamhlonipha njani Jehova, longuMsunguli wemshado? He also knew that Jesus was far from being an ordinary man. • How can we respect Jehovah, the Origin of marriage? LIVE LATALELWA KULO: EDOMINICAN REPUBLIC We do this by using what we have to honor him. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: UN righteousness Esihlokweni sekucala, sitawucoca ngendlela Jehova lacondzise ngayo bantfu bakhe kutsi bacondze emaciniso lajulile laseBhayibhelini ngendlela lemelula nalecacile njengobe sikhatsi sichubeka. Do accounts of Jehovah's blessing on the first - century congregation of anointed ones provide significant encouragement to God's dedicated servants today? In the first article, we will discuss how Jehovah has directed his people to understand deep Bible truths in a simple way and clearer way. Ngako siyachubeka senta emaphutsa ngisho nobe sesineminyaka leminyenti sibhajatisiwe. Bring your Bible and the publication (s) used during the meeting so that you can follow along and better grasp what is being discussed. So we continue to make mistakes even though we have been baptized for many years. Njengobe batama kwenta njalo, abanendzaba nekutsi batfobekile yini. Yet, when the elders appointed to examine the case determine, in line with Jehovah's direction, that a repentant sinner ought to be readmitted to the congregation, it indicates that he has been forgiven by Jehovah. As they strive to do so, they do not care about whether they are humble. Labagcotjiwe latawubusa nabo batawube banaye ngesikhatsi enta " imisebenti lesabekako ' futsi elusa tive ngentfonga yensimbi. What fields of service include foreign assignments? The anointed will rule with them during his time of "times " and shepherd the nations with ironlike iron. Kucondziswa Ngumoya WaNkulunkulu, Ngelikhulu Lekucala Kanye Nalamuhla To be in the proper position to reflect God's glory, we must honestly recognize our sinful nature. Guided by God's Spirit in the First Century and Today 16: 11 - 15) Ngendlela lefanako, Jesu wangena ezulwini lucobo nelinani lengati yakhe futsi waletfula kuJehova. Hannah, the wife of the Levite Elkanah, also leaned upon Jehovah when she was in distress over not being able to bear a child. Similarly, Jesus entered the heavens with the knowledge of his own soul and brought it to Jehovah. (b) Kungani Jehova angabiketela ngalokutsite kanye nesikhatsi letenteka ngaso? A wife has an honorable place as her husband's "partner. " (b) Why can Jehovah foretell events and events? Bekati nekutsi Jesu abengasuye nje umuntfu lovamile. It contains an accurate mention of Enoch's prophecy, but that may have been drawn from an ancient source now lost to us - whether a written document or an oral tradition. He also knew that Jesus was not just a ordinary person. (Taga 3: 9) Loko sikwenta ngekutsi sisebentise lesinako kute simdvumise. Although Philip was busy as an evangelizer, he no doubt helped his four daughters to become effective in sharing Scriptural truths with others. We do this by using our valuable things to praise him. Kulandzisa lokumayelana netibusiso taJehova letatfolwa ngemaKhristu lagcotjiwe elikhulu lekucala, kuyatiniketa yini tinceku taNkulunkulu letitinikele lamuhla sikhutsato lesikhulu? Immediately after the rebellion of our first parents, Jehovah announced the good news that the serpent - actually, Satan the Devil - will be destroyed. Does the account about Jehovah's blessings received from anointed Christians in the first century give them greater benefit to God's servants today? Phatsa liBhayibheli lakho kanye netincwadzi letitawusetjentiswa kulomhlangano, kute ukwati kuhambisana nalomhlangano futsi ukwati kukugcina engcondvweni loko lokufundvwako. (2) Who should teach them? Make your Bible reading and publications available at this meeting available to help you to keep on in mind and to keep in mind what is read. Nobe kunjalo, nangabe labadzala belibandla bayihlola lendzaba batfola kutsi uphendvukile, sicondziso saJehova sitsi kufanele babuyisele lesoni ebandleni, loko kukhombisa kutsi lomuntfu ucolelwe nguJehova. In this way, older ones make it easier for the youths to correct their course and maintain their relationship with God. However, if elders reason on the matter that you have repented, Jehovah's direction in the congregation should prove that the person has been forgiven. Ngutiphi tincenye temsebenti weMbuso letifaka ekhatsi kwabelwa kulelinye live? They are people who are eager for what they can get, people who place their own wishes at the center of their life. What work of Kingdom service involves being assigned to another country? Kute sikhone kuveta inkhatimulo yaNkulunkulu, kudzingeka sivume kutsi sinesono. (2 Khr. That divine purpose will be realized. To reflect God's glory, we need to acknowledge that we are imperfect. NaHana, umfati wa - Elkhana umLevi, wetsembela kuJehova ngesikhatsi acindzetelekile ngesizatfu sekungatfoli kwakhe bantfwana. If we cease to persist in prayer, we cut ourselves off from the constant fund of strength that God is willing and able to supply. Hannah's wife, Hannah, trusted in Jehovah when she was in distress because of her children. Umfati unendzima lebalulekile yekuba " ngumngani ' wendvodza yakhe. Mary's faith can teach you a great deal. A wife has an important role as being "a friend " to his friend. Lencwadzi kutsiwa icuketse imininingwane lenembile lemayelana nesiphrofetho sa - Enoki, kepha umtfombo wayo awusatfolakali - kungenteka beyibhaliwe noma bebayiva ngematekelo. She is also very happy to be once again serving alongside her mother in the congregation. The book is written for information on Enoch's prophecy, but it is a source of information that may not have heard or heard it. Filiphu abematasa ngemsebenti webuvangeli, kodvwa akungabateki kutsi wasita emadzodzakati akhe lamane kutsi aphumelele ekuhlanganyeleni nalabanye emaciniso lasekelwe emiBhalweni. (Read 1 Timothy 6: 12, 19.) Philip was busy serving as an evangelizer, but he no doubt helped her to succeed in the Scriptural truth. Masinyane ngemuva kwekuhlubuka kwebatali betfu bekucala, Jehova wamemetela tindzaba letimnandzi tekutsi inyoka, lenguSathane Develi, itawubhujiswa. (Gen. The Persian word for "walled garden " also means" paradise, " and the scene on the carpet mirrors the Bible's description of the beautiful and luxuriant garden of Eden. Soon after the rebellion, Jehovah announced the good news of a serpent, Satan the Devil, who would be destroyed. (2) Ngubani lokufanele abafundzise? Much good counsel has appeared in the pages of The Watchtower and Awake! (2) Who should teach them? Ngalendlela, nenta kube lula ngalabo labasha kutsi balungise tinkinga tabo futsi bachubeke banebudlelwane lobuhle naNkulunkulu. They will be eager to attack Jehovah's anointed ones and those who support them. In this way, it is easy for young ones to solve their problems and maintain a good relationship with God. Labantfu balwa kamatima kuze batfole labakufunako futsi babeka tintfo labatitsandzako kucala ekuphileni kwabo. And none of the numbered chapters and verses that we use today. These people are struggling to find and put their first interests ahead of their lives. Lenjongo yaNkulunkulu itawugcwaliseka. Hence, when an individual becomes a worshipper of the true God, Jehovah, he usually wants to share his new faith with his relatives. This purpose will be fulfilled. Nangabe singathantazi njalo, sitinciphisela ematfuba ekutsi Nkulunkulu asinikete emandla lanesifiso sekusiniketa wona. Thus, some 70 years after his arrival in Babylon, he was still known by his Hebrew name. - Dan. If we do so, we can risk opportunities for God to give us the strength he wants us to give us. Angase asho nekutsi inhlangano lesemtsetfweni lesetjentiswa BoFakazi BaJehova itawutfola lemali nakwenteka ashona. Let us, therefore, produce fruitage that honors both the Father and the Son. He might also say that the legal entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses will receive the money after death. Kukholwa kwaMariya kungakufundzisa lokunyenti. God's servants around the globe want their dress and grooming to be neat, clean, and locally acceptable, thus conforming to Scriptural principles. Mary's faith in Mary can teach you much. Uphindze ajatjuliswe kukhonta Nkulunkulu akanye na - Ann losafanana namake wakhe ebandleni. " Let Your Kingdom Come " - But When? He also pleasures serving God along with Ann, who is like his mother in the congregation. (Fundza 1 Thimothi 6: 12, 19.) " A turning point came about 15 years after I was baptized. (Read 1 Timothy 6: 12, 19.) Elulwimini lwasePheresiya, ligama lelitsi "ingadzi lebiyelwe " liphindze lisho" lipharadisi " futsi lesitfombe lesikulekhaphethi sikhombisa loko lokuchazwa liBhayibheli mayelana nensimu yase - Edeni lenhle kakhulu. All religions teach that something inside us is immortal. In the Persian Empire, the original - language word for " sin " also means" a paradise that is reflected on what the Bible reveals about the beautiful garden of Eden. Tinyenti teluleko letinhle letivela emakhasini e - Sicongosekulindza ne - "Phaphama! " Never forget, though, that Jehovah's warnings discussed in this and the preceding article are motivated by his great love for us. There are many good advice from The Watchtower and Awake! Titawufuna kuhlasela labagcotjiwe baJehova nalabo lababasekelako. It was there that Jehovah's Law was taught. They will also want to attack Jehovah's anointed ones and those who support them. Netinombolo tetehluko netemavesi lesinato lamuhla atikho. But why do we need to make wise decisions? Using the chapters and verses that are not available today. Ngako umuntfu nakaba sikhonti saJehova longuNkulunkulu weliciniso, uvamise kufuna kucocela tihlobo takhe ngetinkholelo takhe letinsha. God did not create humans to die but to live - even forever. So when a worshipper of Jehovah is the true God, he often wants to share his beliefs with his new relatives. 9: 2) Ngisho nobe sekwendlule iminyaka lengu - 70 ahlala eBhabhulona, bantfu bebasolo bambita ngeligama lakhe lesiHebheru. - Dan. Also, Noah knew that humans were told to reproduce and fill the earth. Even after 70 years of living in Babylon, mankind has always called his Hebrew name. - Dan. Ngako - ke, shengatsi singatsela titselo letidvumisa Babe kanye neNdvodzana. (Read.) So let us bear fruit that honor the Father and the Son. Tikhonti taNkulunkulu emhlabeni wonkhe tifuna indlela letigcoka ngayo naletitilungisa ngayo izitse, yemukeleke kulabanye, futsi ivumelane netimiso teliBhayibheli. As to why this is so, it is suggested that "feelings of compassion, benevolence and kindness leave less room for negative emotions. " God's servants around the world want to dress and grooming, to be acceptable to others, and to conform to Bible principles. Kufanele " Simphendvule Njani Umuntfu Ngamunye '? The Bible actually makes numerous references to the garden of Eden, Adam, Eve, and the serpent. How Should We "become Each Person "? " Ngashintja indlela lebengicabanga ngayo ngemuva kweminyaka lengu - 15 ngibhajatisiwe. Paul had established the congregation in Philippi and felt particular affection for his brothers there. " I changed my attitude after 15 years I got baptized. Tonkhe tinkholo tifundzisa kutsi kunalokutsite ngekhatsi kitsi lokungafi. Moreover, when Adam sinned, he lost perfection and could only pass on imperfection to all his progeny. All religions teach that there is something that can be inside us. Kufanele sihlale sikhumbula kutsi Jehova ukhiphe letecwayiso lesifundze ngato kulesihloko nakuleso lesengcile ngobe unelutsandvo lolukhulu ngatsi. What does this teach us? We should keep in mind that Jehovah provides such warnings in this article and in the past because he loves us. UMtsetfo waJehova wawufundziselwa lapho. If you do, you will likely find yourself agreeing with the apostle Paul, who wrote: "It is a means of great gain, this godly devotion along with contentment. " - 1 Timothy 6: 6, footnote. Jehovah's Law taught them wherever they were. Kungani kubalulekile kutsi sente tincumo letihlakaniphile? Hebrews 11: 13 says of some who lived in pre - Christian times: "In faith all of these died, although they did not receive the fulfillment of the promises; but they saw them from a distance and welcomed them. " Why is it important to make wise decisions? Nkulunkulu akazange adale bantfu kutsi bafe, kepha wabadala kuze baphile phakadze. But at some point after the Christian Scriptures were completed, gifts of prophesying and miraculously revealed knowledge ceased. God did not create humans to die, but he created them forever. 6: 1 - 4, 9) Nowa bekati kutsi bantfu bekufanele batalane futsi bagcwalise umhlaba. We feel that it is an honor to help Christ's brothers by preaching. Noah knew that mankind had to do so and to fill the earth. (Fundza.) Jesus states the reason: "There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. " - Acts 20: 35. (Read.) Kutsiwa loku kubangelwa kutsi, "kuba neluvelo, bubele kanye nemusa, kuyawanciphisa ematfuba ekutiva ucindzetelekile. " As noted in paragraph 1, they "publicly declared that they were strangers and temporary residents in the land. " This is because it is because "a compassionate, compassionate, compassionate, compassionate, and compassionate, all the opportunities to feel overwhelmed by feelings of distress. " LiBhayibheli likhuluma kanyenti ngensimi yase - Edeni, nga - Adamu na - Eva, kanye nangenyoka. Where did the design for living cells come from? The Bible repeatedly speaks about the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve, and the serpent. Pawula wasungula libandla laseFiliphi, futsi bekanelutsandvo lolujulile ngebazalwane balapho. As Jesus hung on the torture stake about to take his last agonizing breath, he said: "It has been accomplished! " Paul established the congregation in Philippi, and he had deep affection for the brothers there. Ngetulu kwaloko, ngesikhatsi Adamu ona, walahla kuphila lokute sono futsi wendlulisela sono kuso sonkhe situkulwane sakhe. He attended the morning session and watched his wife get baptized! Moreover, when Adam sinned, he rejected Adam's perfect life and passed on to his descendants. Kusifundzisani loku? These feelings have not changed for me. " What does this teach us? Nawenta njalo, utawuvumelana nemphostoli Pawula lowabhala: " Kuyinzuzo lenkhulu kwesaba Nkulunkulu kanye nekwenetiseka. ' - 1 Thimothi 6: 6. What impresses you about the way Jehovah has designed the cells that make up your body? By doing so, you will agree with the apostle Paul, who wrote: "We have the greatest benefit of godly fear and satisfaction. " - 1 Timothy 6: 6. UmBhalo waHebheru 11: 13 nawukhuluma ngebantfu labaphila ngaphambikwetikhatsi tebuKhristu, utsi: "Bonkhe laba bafa banekukholwa nanobe bangazange bakutfole kugcwaliseka kwaletetsembiso. " If you have sinned seriously, Jehovah is ready to help you recover. Hebrews 11: 13 speaks of people who lived before Christian times: "Those who died, although they did not receive the fulfillment of the fulfillment of the prophecy. " Kodvwa kwatsi nasekucedvwe kubhala imiBhalo yemaKhristu, tipho letinjengekuphrofetha kanye nekwembula lwati ngalokumangalisako taphela. If one thing has been most important to me, it has been the matter of keeping close to Jehovah's visible organization. But after writing the Scriptures, such gifts as the writings and knowledge of the Scriptures reveal them. Sikutsatsa njengelilungelo lelikhulu kusita bomnakabo Khristu ngekwenta umsebenti wekushumayela. Therefore advertise, advertise, advertise, the King and his kingdom. " We feel that it is a privilege to help Christ's brothers by doing the preaching work. Jesu waveta sizatfu saloko nakatsi: "Kubusisiwe kupha kunekwemukela. " - Imisebenti 20: 35. COVER IMAGE: Jesus pointed out this reason: "There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. " - Acts 20: 35. Njengobe sibonile esigabeni 1, "bavuma kutsi lapha emhlabeni babafokati netihambi. " Purpose: To train students to serve as field missionaries in densely populated areas, to be traveling overseers, or to be Bethelites. As we considered in paragraph 1, "were convinced that there were strangers and temporary residents in the world. " Ngubani lowadala takhi temtimba? To pay her father's vow, Jephthah's daughter had to serve Jehovah full - time at his sanctuary. Who made up the body? Ngalesikhatsi Jesu abetselwe elugodvweni lekuhlushwa, sekatawuphefumula kwekugcina watsi: "Kuphelele. " And yet, for most of mankind, the old adage is true: Everyone wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die to get there. When Jesus was impaled on the torture stake, he will rest on his last night and say: "It is a perfect man. " Waba khona eluhlelweni lwasekuseni futsi wambona umfati wakhe abhajatiswa. What study projects merit our consideration? He was part of the morning and saw his wife get baptized. Leyo ndlela lebengitiva ngayo ayikashintji. " 28: 19. That feeling has not changed. " Yini lekujabulisako ngendlela Jehova lente ngayo tinhlayiya letakha umtimba wakho? Jehovah saw our desire to expand our ministry, and he opened "the floodgates of the heavens " to us. What impresses you about the way Jehovah designed your body body? 32: 3 - 5) Nangabe wente sono lesikhulu, Jehova ukulungele kutsi akusite. " THE idea of Original Sin - that we are all implicated in some terrible aboriginal calamity - does not sit well with the modern mind. If you have committed a serious sin, Jehovah is ready to help you. Intfo lebeyibaluleke kakhulu kimi, kuchubeka ngisedvute nenhlangano yaJehova lebonakalako. Unless we are careful, time needed for in - depth personal study can gradually diminish until it all but disappears. Most important of all, I continued to stay close to Jehovah's visible organization. Ngako - ke memetelani, memetelani, memetelani, iNkhosi nembuso wayo. " If your parents never corrected you, would you not wonder if they really cared about you? Therefore advertise, advertise, advertise, the King and his kingdom. " LIKHASI LEKUCALA: This miracle convinced her that the rest of Jehovah's promise would come true. COVER IMAGE: Injongo: Kucecesha bafundzi kutsi bakhonte njengetitfunywa telivangeli etindzaweni letinebantfu labanyenti, babe babonisi labajikeletako nobe emalunga emndeni waseBethel. Such individuals rightly partake of the emblems during the Lord's Evening Meal. Purpose: To train students to serve as missionaries in many lands, traveling overseers, traveling overseers, or Bethel family members. Kute ifeze lesifungo sababe wayo, lendvodzakati yaJeftha bekudzingeka kutsi itinikele ngalokuphelele kuJehova ngekutsi iyokhonta endlini yakhe. I repeated this prayer every two hours - even while performing my service at the Shinto shrine. To fulfill his father's vow, Jephthah's daughter had to make a dedication to Jehovah by serving him in his house. Bantfu labanyenti bayalati leliciniso lelitsi: Bonkhe bantfu bafuna kuya ezulwini, kodvwa kute lofuna kufa kute aye khona. In fact, she had been waiting for 25 years to be baptized! Many people know this fact: All humans want to go to heaven, but no one wants death to go there. Yini lokufanele sicabangele kuyifundza? Through his prophet Isaiah, Jehovah told the Israelites: "The thoughts of you people are not my thoughts, nor are my ways your ways. " What should be the basis for reading it? 28: 19. Gog of Magog: A group of nations that will unite to attack God's people during the great tribulation 28: 19. Jehova wasibona sifiso setfu sekwandzisa umsebenti wekushumayela, futsi " wasivulela emafasitelo asezulwini. ' (Mal. There is no indication that they deliberately tried to avoid work. Jehovah saw our desire to expand the preaching work, and he " opened up the flood of heaven. ' " BANTFU labanyenti lamuhla abavumelani nekutsi sonkhe satfola sono kubatali betfu bekucala. The humans and angels whom God created were perfectly capable of obeying God's requirements. " MANY people today do not agree that all of us have inherited sin from our first parents. Nangabe singakanaki, sikhatsi lesisisebentisa sitichubela sifundvo singancipha kancane kancane futsi ekugcineni sititfole sesite leso sikhatsi. Her story teaches us that God blesses those doing good to his servants. If we are not careful, the time we use in your personal study may gradually be distracted and eventually lose the amount of time. Nangabe batali bakho bangakwekhuti bewungatibuta kutsi bayakukhatsalela yini. In no way did those directives unduly restrict man's freedom. - Read Genesis 2: 15 - 17. If your parents are not interested in you, you may wonder if they are interested in you. (Genesisi 17: 16) Sara waba nendvodzana lebekutsiwa ngu - Isaka, njengobe nje Jehova abetsembisile. Does God pay attention to you? Sarah was Isaac's son Isaac, just as Jehovah promised him. Bantfu labanjalo bayakufanelekela kudla tifanekiselo eSidlweni SeNkhosi Sakusihlwa. That, though, is a privilege that we must never take for granted. Such individuals deserve to partake of the emblems during the Lord's Evening Meal. Lomthandazo bengiwuphindza njalo ngemuva kwema - awa lamabili, ngisho nalapho ngisethempelini ngenta imisebenti yami yebuShinto. Gregorio says: "The expressions of love we receive from this congregation touch us deeply. " That prayer did so long after I spent two hours in the temple, even when I was doing the work I used to do. Ecinisweni, abesalindze iminyaka lengu - 25 kutsi abhajatiswe! If they accepted our message, they were sheep, and if they rejected the message, they were goats. In fact, he had been waiting for 25 years to get baptized! Asebentisa umphrofethi Isaya, naku Jehova lakutjela ema - Israyeli: "Ngobe imicabango yami ayisiyo imicabango yenu, netindlela tenu akusito tindlela tami. " Not only has Jehovah shown compassion but he has also taught his people the need to display that quality. Through the prophet Isaiah, Jehovah told the Israelites: "For my thoughts are not mine; your thoughts are not mine. " Gogi wakaMagogi: Licembu letive lelitawubutsana kute lihlasele bantfu baNkulunkulu ngesikhatsi sekuhlupheka lokukhulu Then might you be tempted to lower your own standards by dressing in a similar manner? - Rom. Gog: A group in which a group will gather to attack God's people during the great tribulation Akukho lokusibonisa kutsi betingafuni kusebenta. Since it would be impossible for one person to preach to "all the nations, " his disciples would need to be organized as a group. Nonetheless, they did not want to work. Bantfu Nkulunkulu labebadalile, kanye netingilosi, bebangakhona kuyilalela ngalokuphelele imiyalo yakhe. But Jehovah made sure that Jesus ' message was written and translated into Greek and, in time, into other languages. God created humans, the angels, and the angels, could obey his commandments completely. Indzaba yakhe isifundzisa kutsi Nkulunkulu uyababusisa labo labenta lokuhle etincekwini takhe. Sometimes we went for weeks without being able to send or receive mail. His account teaches us that God blesses those who do good in his servants. Akazange anike bantfu imiyalo lecinile lebenta bangabi nayo inkhululeko. - Fundza Genesisi 2: 15 - 17. It appears that the Mosaic Law provided for a second tithe, which was set aside for the household's sustenance and enjoyment during the holy conventions each year. He did not allow people to cause freedom. - Read Genesis 2: 15 - 17. Nkulunkulu unendzaba yini nawe? What a precious gift to receive - friendship with Jesus! Does God care about you? Lelo lilungelo lokungakafaneli silitsatse melula. But if other topics are weighing on the minds of people in your territory, formulate interest - arousing presentations to meet those needs. That honor should not be easy. Gregorio utsi: "Lutsandvo labasibonisa lona kulelibandla, lusitsintsa kakhulu. " I prayed every day, nearly every hour, for strength to keep my emotional balance so that I would not give Satan reason to taunt Jehovah because of any unwise decision or unfaithfulness on my part. Says Gregorio: "The brother in the congregation has a profound impact on us. " Nangabe bawemukela umlayeto wetfu besitsi batimvu, kodvwa nangabe bangawemukeli besitsi batimbuti. (Read John 14: 27.) When they accepted our message, we said that they were sheep, but if they did not accept the blood of a goat. Jehova akagcini nje ngekusikhombisa sihawu kodvwa uphindze afundzise bantfu bakhe kubaluleka kwekuba nesihawu. Single Christians know that they do not have to get married to be recognized or appreciated by Jehovah or his organization. Jehovah not only shows compassion but also teaches his people the importance of showing compassion. Utawulingeka yini kutsi ushintje indlela yakho yekugcoka bese ugcoka njengabo? - Rom. As the Bible says, "the naive will inherit foolishness, but the shrewd are crowned with knowledge. " - Proverbs 14: 18. Would you be tempted to change your dress and grooming? - Rom. Njengobe kungeke kwenteke kutsi umuntfu munye ashumayele "tive tonkhe, " bafundzi bakhe bekutawudzingeka bahleleke babe licembu. (Read Jeremiah 18: 6.) Since there is impossible for one person to preach "people of all nations, " his disciples would have to be organized as a group. Kodvwa Jehova wenta kutsi umlayeto waJesu ubhalwe uphindze uhunyushelwe elulwimini lwesiGriki, futsi ngekuhamba kwesikhatsi uhunyushelwe nakuletinye tilwimi. Therefore, we are ambassadors substituting for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us. But Jehovah used Jesus ' message to be translated into Greek, and later it has been translated into other languages. Ngalesinye sikhatsi bekuphela emaviki singakhoni kutfumela nobe kutfola liposi. How? At one point, we were not able to send or to the hospital for weeks. Kungenteka kutsi uMtsetfo waMosi bewuphindze utsi kukhishwe lokunye kwelishumi, lobekubekelwa eceleni kute kunakekelwe kuphindze kujatjuliswe imindeni emihlanganweni lemikhulu yaminyaka yonkhe. (Dut. Jesus commended some of the congregations for their endurance, faithfulness under trial, loyalty to his word, and rejection of apostates. It may have been the Mosaic Law for a tenth part of the tithes, which was set aside for families and families during the annual meeting. Kuba ngumngani waJesu kusipho lesikhulu kakhulu! And we appreciate the changes made to our assembly and convention programs. Jesus ' friendship is a wonderful gift! Kodvwa nangabe kunaletinye tindzaba bantfu labacabanga ngato ensimini yangakini, calisa inshumayelo lekhangako lehambelana netidzingo tabo. Such things can keep us so occupied or distracted that we have little or no time to consider what God wants us to do. But if there are other news that you think about in your territory, start giving public talks that are based on their needs. Loko ngangikwenta kute ngingamniki Sathane sizatfu sekuhlambalata Jehova ngenca yesincumo sami lesingakahlakaniphi nobe kungetsembeki. A youth is soon to graduate from school. That made me do so so that I could not reproach Jehovah for my unwise decision or dishonest decision. (Fundza Johane 14: 27.) Yes, we can use the Bible to prove to ourselves that we are in the faith and are valuable to Jehovah. (Read John 14: 27.) EmaKhristu langakashadi ayati kutsi kwemukeleka kuJehova nobe enhlanganweni yakhe akuyi ngekutsi ushadile nobe cha. How can we train our conscience to have a godly sense of decency? single Christians realize that accepting Jehovah or his organization does not depend on getting married or married. Njengobe liBhayibheli lisho, "labanengcondvo lencane bazuza bulima; kodvwa labahlakaniphile banemchele welwati. " - Taga 14: 18. Does that help you as a young person to see the need to work unitedly with Jehovah's organization? 14: 18. (Fundza Jeremiya 18: 6.) Pride can harm the peace of a congregation (Read Jeremiah 18: 6.) Ngako singemancusa lamelele Khristu, kube shengatsi Nkulunkulu uncenga ngatsi. Later, Corinna too was taken thousands of miles away from home to Siberia. So let us beg Christ, as if God urges us. Cabanga nje ngendlela Isaka lokungenteka wativa ngayo nakakhululwa ekubulaweni njengemhlatjelo. Read, study, and meditate on God's Word, the Bible. Imagine how Isaac must have felt when he was released as a sacrifice. Kwenteka njani loko? Highlighting the humility of God's only - begotten Son, the apostle Paul wrote: "Although he was existing in God's form, [he] gave no consideration to a seizure, namely, that he should be equal to God. How was that possible? Jesu wawancoma lamabandla ngekubeketela kwawo ngekwetsembeka ngetikhatsi letimatima. This article discusses three ways to do so. Jesus commended the congregations for their faithful endurance during difficult times. Siyatijabulela netingucuko letentiwe eluhlelweni lwetfu lwemihlangano lemincane nalemikhulu. She cooperates with her husband in financial matters. We enjoy the program made by assemblies and conventions. Letinye taletintfo tingasenta sihlale simatasatasa size sibe bete ngisho nesikhatsi sekwenta loko Nkulunkulu lakufunako kitsi. Although he was considered a pillar in the congregation, Peter did not talk condescendingly to the elders. Some of these things may make us so busy that we do not have time to do what God requires of us. Umuntfu losemusha sewutawucendza esikolweni. Kingdom Halls, 5 / 1 A young person is growing up in school. Ngako - ke singasebentisa liBhayibheli kute sibone kutsi sisekukholweni futsi sibalulekile kuJehova. It will be a pleasure, therefore, to review also some of the exciting events recorded in the Christian Greek Scriptures. Therefore, we can use the Bible to see that we are in the faith and are important to Jehovah. Singabacecesha kanjani bonembeza betfu kute babe nebuntfu baNkulunkulu? Their captors allowed them to administer their own affairs to some extent. How can we train our conscience to develop godly qualities? Njengobe ungumuntfu lomusha, loko kuyakusita yini kutsi ubone sidzingo sekusebentisana nenhlangano yaJehova? He did not have many things, and he did not own a house or any land. - Luke 9: 58; 19: 33 - 35. As a youth, do you help to see the need to use Jehovah's organization? Kutigcabha kungakulimata kuthula kwelibandla A Bible dictionary defines "elements " as" first principles, " or "rudiments. " Pride can damage the peace of the congregation Ngemuva kwaloko, naCorinna watsatfwa wayiswa endzaweni lekhashane ngemakhilomitha latinkhulungwane nelikhaya lakubo leliseSiberia. Instead of thinking like the world, which measures a person by his power, wealth, and position, the disciples needed to understand that their greatness depended on " making themselves small ' in the eyes of others. After that, Jehoiada was taken to an area near the home of thousands of miles (100 km) away. Fundza liVi laNkulunkulu liBhayibheli, ulitadishe futsi uzindle ngalo. Love is both the foundation of and the motivation for God's discipline. Read God's Word, Bible, and meditate on it. Naku umphostoli Pawula lakubhala agcizelela kutfobeka kweNdvodzana yaNkulunkulu lokukuphela kwayo: "Lowatsi anesimo saNkulunkulu, wangete washo kutsi kulingana naNkulunkulu kuyintfo yekunkonkoshelwa. Perhaps the simplest answer is that we need to. The apostle Paul wrote about the humility of God's only - begotten Son: "The one who puts forth God's spirit has not yet said that he was equal to God. Lesihloko sikhuluma ngetindlela letintsatfu tekwenta loku. Prayer interests people of nearly all cultures, even some atheists. This article discusses three ways in which he does so. Ubambisana nayo etindzabeni tetimali. GOVERNING BODY: He cooperates with financial matters. Nanobe Phetro abetsatfwa njengensika yelibandla, akazange ababukele phansi labadzala ngesikhatsi akhuluma nabo. * Although doing so required making adjustments in their life, they feel that the sacrifices have been well worth it. Although Peter was viewed as a congregation, he did not view the elders when speaking to them. Ngako - ke, kutasijabulisa kakhulu kuhlola lokunye kulandzisa lokusemiBhalweni yemaKhristu yesiGriki. (b) How did one youth use an opportunity to give a witness at school? How grateful we will be to examine some of the Scriptural accounts of the Christian Greek Scriptures! Ngekwelizinga lelitsite, batfumbi babo babavumela kutsi baphile ngendlela labafuna ngayo. In effect, then, Elisha asked to be recognized as Elijah's spiritual heir. To a degree, they let their move them to live in a way that they want them to live. Bekete tintfo letinyenti, futsi bekete indlu nobe indzawo letsi yena. - Lukha 9: 58; 19: 33 - 35. A 2,000 - year - old Dead Sea Isaiah Scroll. He had many things, and he did not have a house or a place. - Luke 9: 58; 19: 33 - 35. Sichazamagama seliBhayibheli sichaza "tisekelo temkhatsi " ngekutsi" timiso nchanti. " • the dangers of watching pornography? Bible dictionary describes "the elements " as" the elements. " Kunekutsi bacabangise kwebantfu labangakholwa, labakala imphumelelo yemuntfu ngemandla akhe ekubusa, ngebunjinga kanye nesikhundla lanaso, bafundzi baJesu bekudzingeka bati kutsi bukhulu babo bebusime " ekutenteni bafane nebantfwana ' kulabanye bantfu. So find out what your teenager likes, such as his favorite music, movies, or sports. Rather than viewing unbelievers, those who have no control over the power of man, wealth, and wealth, Jesus ' disciples needed to know that their " advancement is great for men and children. ' Lutsandvo lusisekelo kanye nembangela yesiyalo saNkulunkulu. In one Nazi prison camp, for example, at first the brothers had only one copy of the Bible. Love is the foundation for God's discipline. Imphendvulo lemelula nje kutsi tsine sinesidzingo sekuthandaza. After all, "haughty eyes and an arrogant heart - the lamp that guides the wicked is sin. " - Prov. 21: 4. A simple answer is that we have a need to pray. Cishe bantfu bato tonkhe tinhlanga bayawutsandza umthandazo, ngisho nalabo labangakholelwa kutsi Nkulunkulu ukhona. This publication is not for sale. On people of all people who love prayer, prayer, even those who do not believe that God exists. SIGUNGU LESIBUSAKO: Thus, Deborah and Barak began their victory song with praise, not to creatures, but to the Most High. HISTORY: * Nanobe kudzingeke kutsi bente tingucuko ekuphileni kwabo, beva shengatsi lokutidzela kubazuzise kakhulu. (Read Matthew 4: 2 - 4.) * Though they have to make changes in their life, they feel that such sacrifices are truly beneficial. (b) Lomunye losemusha walisebentisa njani litfuba lekufakaza esikolweni? What helped Jesus to be kind to people when he was on earth? (b) How did one young man use an opportunity to give a witness at school? 21: 15 - 17) Ecinisweni Elisha wacela kutsi Elija amtsatse njengendlalifa. The context of 2 Peter 3: 7 shows that the heavens, earth, and fire mentioned there are also symbols. In fact, Elisha asked Elijah to look for him for a moment. Incwadzi leneminyaka lengu - 2000 budzala ya - Isaya leyatfolakala eLwandle Lolufile. The parents are devastated! The modern - year - year - old book of Isaiah was found in the Dead Sea. • ngetingoti tekubuka titfombe letikhombisa kungcola? Studies like these convince sincere Bible students that what they have today is Jehovah's inspired Word. - Isaiah 40: 8. • The dangers of viewing pornography? Ngako - ke, tfola kutsi yini umntfwana wakho loseminyakeni yekutfomba layitsandzako, lokufaka ekhatsi umculo lawutsandzako, ema - movie nobe temidlalo. You might try some of the following. Consult the Watch Tower Publications Index, which has been called a map to hidden treasures. So I found out if your teenager, including music, movies, or sports. Nasi sibonelo: Kulenye inkambu yelijele lemaNazi, ekucaleni bazalwane labebalapho bebanalinye liBhayibheli. To address this need, Ethiopian Witnesses living in other countries were invited to visit in order to preach in some remote parts of the country. For example, one of the prisoners in Nazi concentration camps was the first time the brothers there were another Bible. " Kutigabatisa nekutiphakamisa sono, loku luphawu lwalababi. " - Taga 21: 4. It is the product of holy spirit. 21: 4. Lomagazini awutsengiswa. It no doubt hurt Jehovah to see his name treated so disrespectfully. This publication is not for sale. Ngako, boDebhora naBharaki bacalisa ingoma yabo yekuncoba ngekudvumisa uMdali Lophakeme, hhayi nje letinye tidalwa. (Khu. In what special way did Jehovah reveal himself to Moses, and why is this significant? Thus, Deborah and Barak played their victory in praising the Creator, not just other creatures. (Fundza Matewu 4: 2 - 4.) He has united more than seven million loyal subjects, each one offering himself willingly to do his Father's will. (Read Matthew 4: 2 - 4.) Yini leyasita Jesu kutsi abe nemusa kubantfu ngesikhatsi asemhlabeni? God's righteousness, however, is not a cold, rigid set of laws or an endless list of rules and regulations. What helped Jesus to be kind to people on earth? Kulombhalo wa - 2 Phetro 3: 7 emazulu, umhlaba nemlilo lokukhulunywa ngako nako kumelela lokutsite. A key step came when my girlfriend and I legalized our marriage. It was 2 Peter 3: 7, the heavens, and the earth represented something. Batali beva buhlungu! We further learned that his Kingdom will end all suffering and that we have the prospect of living forever in peace and happiness under Kingdom rule. - John 3: 16; Rev. Parents are devastated! Lolucwaningo lwenta bafundzi beliBhayibheli betsemba kutsi loko labanako lamuhla kuliVi laJehova leliphefumulelwe. - Isaya 40: 8. So he told her that his hair had never been cut and that if it was, he would lose his power. This study allows Bible students to trust that what they now have in Jehovah's inspired Word. - Isaiah 40: 8. Naku longase ukwente: Fundza i - "Watch Tower Publications Index, " lebeyibitwa ngekutsi" libalave lelinemagugu lafihliwe. " how he cares for your needs? You might ask yourself: " See the Watch Tower Publications Index, which is called "a map in a map that is hidden from that which is hidden. " Ngako - ke, kute kulungiswe lenkinga kwacelwa boFakazi labangemaTopiya labahlala kulamanye emave kutsi bavakashele lendzawo kute batewukwati kushumayela kuletinye tincenye talelive letikhashane. Why did Moses ask God about his name, and why were Moses ' concerns understandable? Thus, to settle the issue, there were no Witnesses who live in foreign countries to visit the area so that they could preach in some parts of the world. Likhona ngesizatfu semoya longcwele. They follow the example of Jesus, who said to God: "I have made your name known to them. " It is available because of the holy spirit. Kwamjabhisa Jehova kubona libito lakhe liphatfwa ngekwedzelela. I've always been impressed with how you rely on the Bible for your beliefs. He was afraid of Jehovah's name, which brings reproach on him. Nguyiphi indlela lekhetsekile Jehova lativeta ngayo kuMosi, futsi kungani loko kubalulekile? " Respect brings contentment and security to a marriage, " says Linda. What special way did Jehovah reveal to Moses, and why is this important? Ihlanganise tikhonti letetsembekile letingetulu kwetigidzi letisikhombisa, ngamunye kuto utinikela ngekutitsandzela kute ente intsandvo yaBabe wakhe. (Hla. What may be the result of commendation given to a young one? Such faithful worshippers are more than seven million, who willingly dedicate themselves to doing his Father's will. Kulunga kwaNkulunkulu akusiyo imitsetfo lelukhuni leluhidze. Even if you have been reaching out for quite some time, you can still make excellent spiritual progress. God's righteousness is not divided. Ngatsatsa sinyatselo lesihle sekushada nentfombi yami. The congregation would view them as having gone on record before God and man to be faithful to each other so that their union could be treated as if validated by civil authorities. I took the initiative to marry my girl. Ngetulu kwaloko safundza nekutsi uMbuso waNkulunkulu utakucedza konkhe kuhlupheka kanye nekutsi sinelitfuba lekuphila phakadze ngekuthula nangekujabula ngaphansi kwekubusa kweMbuso wakhe. - Joh. 3: 16; Semb. If Jesus said that taxation was a necessary burden, he could lose the support of his followers. Moreover, we have learned that God's Kingdom will eliminate all suffering and that we have the opportunity to live forever and be happy under his rule. - John 3: 16; Rev. * Nakeva loko, Delila wabangela kutsi tinwele taSamsoni tihhulwe ngesikhatsi alele ematsangeni akhe. His requirement that Christian women be in submission surely does not mean silent subjection. * Upon hearing that, Delilah caused Samson's hair to bear his head. ngendlela lanakekela ngayo tidzingo takho? In all that panorama, though, there was nothing like Sarah's hometown. How can you care for your needs? Yini leyabangela Mosi wabuta Nkulunkulu ngelibito lakhe, futsi yini lesenta sitsi kwakufanele ngaMosi kutsi akhatsateke? 8, 9. Why did Moses ask God for his name, and why was it that Moses needed to be afraid of Moses? Banamatsela esibonelweni saJesu lowatsi kuNkulunkulu: "Ngibatisile libito lakho. " What would my parishioners and my family say? " They stuck to Jesus ' example of God who said: "I have made your name known to you. " Nami ihlale ingitsintsa indlela lenikusekela ngayo eBhayibhelini loko lenikukholelwako. That is why I continue to preach and to conduct Bible studies. She also shows me how you support what you believe in the Bible. Linda utsi: "Inhlonipho idzingeka kakhulu emshadweni ngobe iletsa kwenetiseka kanye nekulondzeka. " If so, then his words would tell us several things about those raised to heavenly life: They do not marry, they cannot die, and they are in some respects like angels - spirit creatures who inhabit the spirit realm. Brian says: "The Jews needed to be in subjection to a marriage because they bring true satisfaction and security. " Ungaba yini umphumela wekuncoma umuntfu losemusha? He made known his Father's name and purpose, preached the good news of the Kingdom, exposed the hypocrisy and false teachings of the religious leaders, and upheld Jehovah's sovereignty even to the point of death. What can result from commending a young person? Ngisho nobe sekuphele sikhatsi lesitsite wetama kutfola emalungelo ebandleni, kunyenti longakwenta kute utfutfukise buhlobo bakho naJehova. Because Abraham always obeyed Jehovah even in little things, their friendship became stronger. Whether you have been trying to reach out for privileges in the congregation, you can do much to improve your spirituality. Libandla lingabatsatsa ngekutsi sebawubhalisile umshado wabo kuNkulunkulu nakubantfu kutsi batawetsembeka kute buhlobo babo butsatfwe ngekutsi buvunyelwe ngisho nangumtsetfo. This publication is not for sale. The congregation may feel that they have allowed their marriage to serve God and people to be loyal to their relationship with the law. Kani kube watsi kufanele bawubhadale, balandzeli bakhe bebatamshiya. As Catholics, my family's world revolved around the priests and bishops. If he said that he should pay taxes, his followers would leave him. Umtsetfo wakhe wekutsi labasikati labangemaKhristu batitfobe, awusho kutsi kufanele batitsele ngalabandzako ngaso sonkhe sikhatsi. For with the heart one exercises faith for righteousness, but with the mouth one makes public declaration for salvation. " - Rom. The law that Christian wives should be in subjection to the headship of the Christian husband does not mean that they should give in to anger at all times. Nobe lendzawo beyiyinkhulu kanganani, kodvwa beyingafanani nelidolobha Sara bekasuka kulo. He explains: "My wife and I have a personal study with both girls in French, their mother tongue. Despite the big location, Sarah was far away from the city of Sarah. 8, 9. Whether we have recently dedicated ourselves to Jehovah or we already have decades of sacred service behind us, it is crucial that we check our spiritual armor every day. 8, 9. Balandzeli bami nemndeni wami batawutsini? " And those slain by Jehovah in that day will be from one end of the earth clear to the other end of the earth. What would my parents and my family think about? " Kungako ngichubeka ngishumayela futsi ngichuba tifundvo teliBhayibheli. Many young Christians face a trial like Joseph's. That is why I continue preaching and conduct Bible studies. Nangabe kunjalo, emavi akhe angasitjela tintfo letinyenti ngalabo labavuselwa ekuphileni kwasezulwini: Abasashadi, abafi, futsi ngandlela tsite bangafana netingilosi - tidalwa temoya letihlala ezulwini. Jesus ' concern was not limited to his apostles, but it extends to all his followers. If so, his words can tell us many of those who are resurrected to heaven: They are not raised up, nor are angels like spirit creatures in heaven. Walenta latiwa libito laBabe wakhe kanye nenjongo yakhe, washumayela tindzaba letinhle teMbuso, wembula batentisi kanye netimfundziso temanga tebaholi benkholo, futsi wasekela bukhosi baJehova kwate kwaba sekufeni. Later, her son got sick and died. He made known his Father's name and purpose, preaching the good news of the Kingdom, and revealed false teachings, and supporting Jehovah's sovereignty until now. Ngesizatfu sekutsi Abrahama bekahlale amlalela Jehova ngisho nasetintfweni letincane, bungani babo bacina. Thus, we cannot find immediate answers to every question that arises. Because Abraham kept listening to Jehovah even in small matters, their friendship with him became stronger. Lomagazini awutsengiswa. What will we discuss in the next article? This publication is not for sale. Njengobe ungemaKatolika, umndeni wakitsi bewunake kakhulu baphristi nebabhishobhi. When he grew old, "his wives themselves had inclined his heart to follow other gods. " Because Catholic, my family was focused on serving as priests and priests. Ngobe ngenhlitiyo umuntfu ubonisa kukholwa bese kutsiwa ulungile, kodvwa ngemlomo umuntfu uvuma embikwebantfu bese uyasindziswa. " - Rom. Jehovah had already told Abraham that the nation that came from him would open the way for blessings to people of all the earth. - Genesis 3: 15; 12: 2, 3, 6, 7. For the heart is a man who exercises faith and doesn't exercise it freely for a man's sake. " - Rom. Utsi: "Mine nemkami sichubela bantfwana betfu sifundvo seliBhayibheli ngesiFulentji, lokululwimi labalumunya. Paul explained that this was possible by means of another man, a later perfect man - in effect, a second Adam. " My wife and I conduct a Bible study in French, " she says. Ngisho nobe sisandza kutinikela kuJehova nobe sesimkhonte emashumi eminyaka, kubalulekile kutsi sihlole tikhali tetfu takamoya malanga onkhe. What do Paul's words mean? Whether we have recently dedicated ourselves to Jehovah or have been serving him for decades, it is vital that we examine our spiritual armor every day. Ngaleso sikhatsi labo labayawube sebabulewe nguSimakadze bayawugcwala yonkhe indzawo, kusukela ngala kwemhlaba kuye ngale kwawo. The goal could easily be met if publishers would devote 15 hours a month to the ministry and pioneers, 110 hours. At that time, those who have been killed by Jehovah will certainly be filled with the entire universe, even the end of the world. EmaKhristu lamanyenti lasemasha abhekana nesilingo lesifana nesaJosefa. Allow his view to influence your sense of self - worth. Many young Christians face the same temptation as Joseph did. Jesu abengacabangi ngebaphostoli bakhe kuphela, kodvwa nangabo bonkhe balandzeli bakhe. The previously mentioned reference work says that this phrase can be rendered "he has shown people clearly just what kind of God he is. " Jesus did not think about the apostles but all his followers. (1 Khos. By prayerful reliance on Jehovah. He did just so. " Ngaleso sizatfu, asititfoli ngekushesha timphendvulo taleminye imibuto lesinayo. As Jews, the apostles were well - acquainted with animal sacrifices that priests offered to God at the temple in Jerusalem. As a result, we do not simply find answers to other questions. Yini lesitawucoca ngayo esihlokweni lesilandzelako? The invitation to say, "Come! " What will we consider in the next article? Ngesikhatsi akhula, "emakhosikati akhe abeya ngekuya kuphambukisela inhlitiyo yakhe etithicweni. " Jehovah also appreciates what elderly ones can do in his service. During his growing years, "the kings of his generation began to deceive his heart from other gods. " Jehova abesavele amtjelile Abrahama kutsi bonkhe bantfu emhlabeni bebatawubusiswa ngalentalo yakhe. - Genesisi 3: 15; 12: 2, 3, 6, 7. How would the Bible's precious treasures be unlocked for them? - Prov. Jehovah had told Abraham that all humans on earth would be blessed through his offspring. - Genesis 3: 15; 12: 3, 6, 7. Pawula watsi loko bekungenteka ngemuntfu loyedvwa lote sono - lokungu - Adamu wesibili. Perhaps we gave up opportunities to receive higher education, or we may have turned down promotions or the possibility for making more money in the business world. Paul said that this might have been one perfect man - Adam. Lamavi aPawula asho kutsini? " Let fornication and uncleanness of every sort or greediness [or, "covetousness "] not even be mentioned among you, " states the Bible. - Eph. 5: 3; ftn. What does Paul's words mean? Lomgomo bebangawufinyelela kalula uma nje bamemeteli bebangatinikela kutsi bashumayele ema - awa langu - 15 ngenyanga, bese kutsi emahlahlandlela wona ashumayele langu - 110. What form our God - given message will yet take before the present wicked system ends remains to be seen. The goal could easily be as long as the publishers were willing to preach 15 hours a month, and the pioneers were assigned to preach about 110 miles (50 km). Vumela umbono wakhe ulawule indlela lotibuka ngayo. The motive, freely admitted by the United States, is self - interest. Let his viewpoint control your view. Lesikhombo lokuke kwakhulunywa ngaso sitsi lomusho ungahunyushwa ngekutsi "ubakhombise ngalokucacile bantfu kutsi uluhlobo luni lwaNkulunkulu. " So Jesus turned to his 12 apostles and asked: "You do not want to go also, do you? " The term mentioned here can be translated "to show that [God's] name is what sort of persons are. " Wasitwa kuthandaza kuJehova. Why did God grant our original parents so much freedom? She was helped to pray to Jehovah. Njengobe bebangemaJuda, baphostoli bebatayelene nemihlatjelo yetilwane umphristi labeyinikela kuNkulunkulu, ethempelini lebeliseJerusalema. " I prayed to Jehovah and asked for his spirit to help me, " says Rosa. As Jews, the apostles were familiar with sacrifices given to God by the priest in Jerusalem. Lesimemo lesitsi, "Kota! " We will consider what factors that can help us to remain a sanctified people? The invitation is, "Come! " Jehova uyakwatisa loko lasebakhulile labakhona kukwenta ekumkhonteni. If she or her child died because of injuries, those same judges would have the perpetrator put to death. Jehovah deeply appreciates what older ones are able to do in their service to him. Kodvwa eminyakeni yabo - 1000 AD kuya ku - 1400 AD bantfu labanyenti bebangasisebentisi siLatin. Like the king, Jehovah has forgiven us a huge debt. But in their early 14th century, more people did not claim to be a slave in Latin. Kungenteka asizange siwasebentise ematfuba ekutfola imfundvo lephakeme, noma asizange sitemukele tikhundla letiphakeme, noma ematfuba ekwenta imali lenyenti ebhizinisini. God "will wipe out every tear " from our eyes. Perhaps we never used opportunities to obtain higher education, or they did not receive greater authority, or they may not have opportunities to make more money. LiBhayibheli litsi: "Bugwadla nebuphingi, nako konkhe kungcola, nobe kungeneliswa [nobe kuba " bukhali '] kungaphatfwa ngisho nangeligama emkhatsini wenu. " - Ef. 5: 3; umbhalo longentansi we - NW. Paul may have become acquainted with this family on his first visit to the area a couple of years earlier. The Bible says: "Let fornication and uncleanness of every sort or greediness not even be mentioned among you. " - Eph. 5: 3; footnote. Kwanyalo, asati kutsi nguyiphi indlela yekushumayela lesitayisebentisa ngembikwekutsi kuphele lelive lelibi. Herod evidently basked in the praise. Meanwhile, we do not know where any way we preach will soon end this wicked system of things. IMelika yavuma kutsi yayenta konkhe loku kute itizuzise yona. A husband and a wife should not pretend to love each other in public but then use the silent treatment, cruel words, or physical violence to hurt each other in private. The church acknowledged that he did all that he could to benefit from it. Ngemuva kwaloko, Jesu wabuta baphostoli bakhe labangu - 12: "Nani nifuna kuncandzeka yini? " I didn't want anyone to take the place of my mother, and I didn't think that anyone could. After that, Jesus asked his 12 apostles: "If you want to go with them, do you want to go with them? " Kungani Nkulunkulu anika batali betfu bekucala inkhululeko lengaka? It is no wonder, then, that we are exhorted " not to forsake the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom '! - Heb. Why did God give our first parents the freedom that would be done? Utsi: "Ngathandaza kuJehova ngacela umoya wakhe kutsi ungisite. " How do many feel about the revised English New World Translation? She says: "I prayed to Jehovah for his spirit to help me. " Ngumaphi emaphuzu lesitawucoca ngawo latasisita kutsi sichubeke sibantfu labangcwele? What is required of those who hope to benefit from God's saving power? What points will we consider in this article that will help us to continue to be holy people? Nangabe lomfati nobe luswane lwakhe bafa ngenca yalokulimala, bona labo behluleli bebatayiniketa sigwebo sekufa lendvodza lemlimete. Government corruption has deep roots. If the woman or her baby died because of her death, those judges would be sentenced to the death of the man's death. Njengobe kwenta lenkhosi, natsi Jehova wesule sikweleti setfu lesikhulu. They would be his children, and Jehovah would be their Father. As the king did, Jehovah gave us a huge debt. Nkulunkulu "utawesula tonkhe tinyembeti " emehlweni etfu. (b) How will Jehovah reward obedient humans? God "will wipe out every tear from our eyes. " Kungenteka kutsi Pawula abetayelene nalomndeni ekuvakasheni kwakhe kwekucala kuleyo ndzawo eminyakeni lembalwa lebeyengcile. Even those who do not know the true God often show compassion. Paul may have been familiar with the couple's first conversation in that area for a few years. Herodi wakujabulela lokudvunyiswa. What is needed to become "slaves to righteousness "? Herod enjoyed the praise that he had received. Indvodza nemfati akukafaneli bente ngatsi bayatsandzana embikwebantfu kepha bangakhulumisani nababodvwa, basebentise emavi lalimatako noma bashayane. For example, when he traveled to Canaan with his family and his servants, he continued to let Jehovah guide him in making decisions both big and small. A husband and wife should not approach each other in public, but when they are upset, they use their words or speech to harm each other. Bengingafuni kube nemuntfu lofuna kutsatsa sikhundla samake futsi bengingacabangi nekutsi ukhona umuntfu lobekangakhona kuvala sikhala sakhe. For example, he referred to the earth's atmosphere as "heaven " when he said:" Observe intently the birds of heaven. " I didn't want to take my mother's position and think that nobody could break her tears. Kungaleso sizatfu sikhutsatwa kutsi "singakuyekeli kuhlangana ndzawonye, njengobe labanye sebanemkhuba wekungahlangani. " - Heb. 31 From Our Archives That is why we are encouraged to "consider one another together, just as some have no tendency to do so. " - Heb. Bantfu labanyenti bativa njani nge - LiHumusho Lemhlaba Lomusha lesiNgisi lelibuketiwe? As to how to find refuge, we can look for the answer in the history of God's ancient people. How do many feel about the revised New World Translation? Yini lokufanele yentiwe ngulabo labafuna kukhululwa nguNkulunkulu? Instead, he took the advice of the younger men with whom he had grown up and who were now his attendants. What is involved in those who want to be freed from God? Inkinga yenkhohlakalo kubohulumende seyinkhulu kakhulu. As we discussed in this article, Bible principles will help us to have the right attitude toward the place where we worship God. The problem of human governments is far worse. 1: 26) Bebatawuba bantfwana bakhe bese kutsi Jehova abe nguBabe wabo. Real Estate: Salable real estate may be donated either by making an outright gift or, in the case of residential property, by reserving a life estate to the donor, who can continue to live therein during his or her lifetime. Contact the branch office in your country before deeding any real estate. They would be his children, and Jehovah was their Father. (b) Jehova utababusisa ngani bantfu labalalelako? 43: 10 - 12. (b) How will Jehovah reward obedient humans? 1: 27) EBhayibhelini kunetindzaba letinyenti tebantfu labebanesihawu. The global unity of true Christians today is unique and is clear evidence that Jehovah continues to guide his people by means of his spirit. There are many accounts of compassion from the Bible. Yini ledzingekako kute sibe "tigcili tekulunga "? After God created the first man, Adam, the animals were brought to him so that he could name them. What is needed in order for us to become "the slaves of righteousness "? Nasi sibonelo: Ngesikhatsi aya eKhenani akanye nemndeni wakhe netisebenti takhe, wachubeka avumela Jehova kutsi amcondzise nakatsatsa tincumo letincane naletinkhulu. Jehovah God has defended his people in the past For example, when he entered Canaan with his family and his slaves, he continued to allow Jehovah to guide them when he made small decisions. Nangu lomunye walemicondvo: Jesu wakhuluma ngesibhakabhaka " njengelizulu ' nakatsi: "Bukani tinyoni [telizulu]. " If possible, pray together. One of these are: Jesus referred to the heavens as "the birds of heaven " when he said:" Look! [the birds of heaven] are standing on the heavens. " 31 Lokuvela Emtatjeni Wetfu The wisest man ever to live on this earth chose not to draw on his own wisdom for answers. 31 From Our Archives Kute sibone kutsi singasitfola njani siphephelo, kuhle kutsi sihlole umlandvo webantfu baNkulunkulu basendvulo. Three God - fearing worshippers of Jehovah - Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego - did not comply. To find out how we can find refuge, we do well to analyze the history of God's ancient people. Kunaloko, walalela seluleko sabontsanga yakhe lebebakadze babeluleki bakhe. MANY people believe that their actions do not matter to God. Instead, he listened to the advice of his peers who did not serve him. Njengobe sibonile kulesihloko, timiso teliBhayibheli titasisita sibe nesimo sengcondvo lesikahle mayelana nendzawo lesikhontela kuyo Nkulunkulu. So in 1967, we migrated to Adelaide, Australia. As we have seen in this article, Bible principles will help us to have the right attitude about our place of worship. Imphahla Lengatfwaleki: Kunganikelwa ngemphahla lengatfwaleki ngekutsi kwentiwe sipho lesicondzile (outright gift), nobe nangabe leyo mphahla kuyindzawo yekuhlala, igcinelwe umnikati wayo kutsi ahlale kuyo nangabe asaphila. When I first attended one of their meetings, the atmosphere was warm and inviting - everyone was so friendly! Real Estate: Stocks and bonds donated to an entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses as an outright gift or by means of a trust agreement. 43: 10 - 12. " If you release this man, you are not a friend of Caesar, " cried those opposers, thus applying pressure in order to get their way. 43: 10 - 12. Bunye bemhlaba wonkhe lobukhona kumaKhristu eliciniso alamuhla abukavami, futsi loku kubufakazi bekutsi Jehova uyachubeka acondzisa bantfu bakhe ngemoya wakhe. " The Battle Belongs to Jehovah " 9 The unity of true Christians in modern times is so widespread that Jehovah continues to guide his people by means of his spirit. Ngemuva kwekutsi Nkulunkulu adale umuntfu wekucala Adamu, waletsa tilwane kuye kute atetse emagama. Remember that we do not always have all the facts and that our viewpoint may be distorted or limited. Never forget that "man's wrath does not work out God's righteousness. " After God created the first man, Adam brought animals back to him so that he could give them words. Nkulunkulu Jehova wavikela bantfu bakhe endvulo 7 Jehovah God protected his people in ancient times Nakungenteka, thantaza naye. Job stated: "[God] is not a man like me that I should answer him, that we should come together in judgment. " If possible, pray with him. Umuntfu lohlakaniphe kubendlula bonkhe labake baphila emhlabeni, wakhetsa kungetsembeli ekuhlakanipheni kwakhe kute atfole ticatululo. Having "deep respect for her husband, " she speaks well of him in public and increases the respect others may already have for him. The wise person who had ever lived on earth chose not to rely on his own wisdom so that he could not overcome it. Tikhonti letintsatfu letesaba Jehova, boShadraki, Meshaki, na - Abednego, atizange tisikhonte. The notion is unscriptural. Three servants of Jehovah have been afraid of Jehovah, Hannah, and Job, who never served him. BANTFU labanyenti bakholelwa kutsi Nkulunkulu akanendzaba naloko labakwentako. What checklist will we consider? MANY people believe that God does not care about what they do. Nga - 1967 sabese sitfutsela e - Adelaide lese - Australia. The question is, Are those solutions truly honest? In 1973, we moved to Australia. Ngelilanga lami lekucala lekuba khona emhlanganweni wabo, simo besisihle kumnandzi futsi wonkhe umuntfu abenebungani! Since the Bible is inspired by God, it can help you discern what is pleasing to him and alert you to pitfalls that you might otherwise overlook. - Proverbs 14: 12; 2 Timothy 3: 16. On my first day, I was able to attend a meeting, how pleasant and friendly it was! Labaphikisi bamemeta batsi: "Nawumkhulula lowo muntfu, kusho kutsi awusiso sihlobo saKhesari, " ngekwenta njalo bamcindzetela kutsi ente ngendlela yabo. Paul wrote that people would be "lovers of money. " The opposers cried out: "When you delivered that person, it is not likely that he was Caesar's friend, " they thereby pressure him to do so in their way. " Imphi NgeyaJehova ' 9 If you travel upstream on the river Elbe (or, Labe), you will eventually reach the Giant Mountains (Krkonoše), which are on the present border between the Czech Republic and Poland. " The War of Jehovah " 9 Kufanele sikhumbule kutsi asibi nayo ngaso sonkhe sikhatsi yonkhe imininingwane lemayelana naleyo ndzaba futsi sikhumbule nekutsi umbono wetfu ungaba ngulophambene nobe ungenabi. That was the question raised by the faithful prophets Isaiah and Habakkuk. Keep in mind, though, that we do not always have all the information about the matter and remember that our viewpoint is contrary to it or not to enter into it. 7 Moreover, to face life's realities while maintaining marital peace and spiritual unity calls for faith in and devotion to God - desirable qualities to look for in a prospective marriage mate. 7 Jobe watsi: "Nkulunkulu akasiye umuntfu njengami kutsi bengingaze ngiphendvulane naye, nekutsi bengingabukana naye buso nebuso enkhundleni. " THIS MAGAZINE, The Watchtower, honors Jehovah God, the Ruler of the universe. Job said: "God is not a man, just as I could answer him, so I could look with him in the face of his face. " Kufanele "ahloniphe indvodza yakhe, " akhulume nayo kahle kubantfu kute nalabanye bayihloniphe kakhudlwana. 10: 1, 36, 37. " Show respect for her husband, " he also speaks well to others in order to respect them more than to respect him. Lombono uyashayisana naloko lokushiwo mibhalo. (See the box.) That view does not conflict with what the Scriptures say. Ngukuphi kutihlola lesitawucoca ngako? Animal sacrifices were required in many other situations of everyday life to atone for sins. What self - examination will we consider? Nangu umbuto lokufanele siwuphendvule: Emakhambi etinkinga lanebucili singawetsemba yini? Why should married couples strive to cultivate it? Here is a question to ask yourself: Is there a particular problem that you can trust? Njengobe liBhayibheli liphefumulelwe nguNkulunkulu, lingakusita kutsi ukwati lokumjabulisako futsi likucwayise ngetingoti lokungenteka awukatinaki. - Taga 14: 12; 2 Thimothi 3: 16. What a relief it is to know that Jehovah will forgive our sins - even sins as serious as adultery or murder! 14: 12; 2 Timothy 3: 16. Pawula watsi bantfu " bebatawutsandza imali. ' But we can discern that God uses great power to ensure that his will is done. Paul said that people would " love money. ' Nawuhamba ngemfula i - Elbe (nome iLabe), utawugcine ufike etiNtsabeni Letinkhulu (lokutsiwa yiKrkonoše), letisemnceleni weCzech Republic nePoland. 1 - 3. When you walk on the river (U.E.), you will end up the Giant Mountains (a) located in the East, as well as with the Czech Republic. Lombuto wabutwa baphrofethi lebebatsembekile, bo - Isaya naHabakhuki. (Isa. Why do you trust that God is always just? That question was raised by faithful prophets, Isaiah and Habakkuk. Ngetulu kwaloko, kuze labashadene babe nekuthula futsi bakhonte Nkulunkulu ndzawonye, kufanele babe nekukholwa baphindze batinikele kuNkulunkulu - lokubuntfu lobubalulekile lokufanele ububuke kumuntfu lotawushada naye. And he lived until Abraham was about 150 years old. Moreover, in order for a couple to have peace and to serve God together, they must exercise faith and exercise faith in God - a quality that awaits a marriage mate. LOMAGAZINI, Sicongosekulindza udvumisa Jehova Nkulunkulu uMbusi wako konkhe lokudaliwe. Our understanding of the account of Naboth is clearer and simpler now. THIS MAGAZINE, The Watchtower, honors Jehovah God, the Ruler of the universe. 10: 1, 36, 37. These are some of the questions that will be answered in this article. 10: 1, 36, 37. Cabanga ngaDavide, inkhosi yaka - Israyeli lokukhulunywe ngayo encenyeni yekucala yaletihloko letiluchungechunge. Example: Jesus prayed in behalf of his followers. - John 17: 9 - 17. Consider David, a king of Israel, mentioned in the first part of this series of articles. (Fundza libhokisi.) For this reason, Jehovah is never abusive or cruel. (See box.) Imihlatjelo yetilwane beyidzingeka etimeni letinyenti tekuphila, kute kutsetselelwe tono. The following article will consider how we can wisely use the freedom we now have, so that we can honor Jehovah, the God of true freedom, forever. The sacrifices of animal sacrifices were needed in many areas of life for forgiveness of sins. Kungani bantfu labashadile kufanele bakulwele? " They Shall Not Enter Into My Rest " Why should marriage mates strive to fight? Kuyasidvudvuta kwati kutsi Jehova utasitsetselela tono tetfu, ngisho netono letimbi kakhulu njengekuphinga nobe kubulala. While we are doing this, we could ask ourselves: " What does this teach me about Jehovah? How comforting it is to know that Jehovah will forgive our sins, even sins, such as adultery or murder! Kodvwa singabona kutsi Nkulunkulu usebentisa emandla akhe lamakhulu kute aciniseke kutsi intsandvo yakhe iyentiwa. For more information see chapter 5 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses But we can see that God uses his power to ensure that his will is done. 1 - 3. The fact is, young ones can win, and they are winning! 1 - 3. Kungani wetsemba kutsi Nkulunkulu ulungile? Not really. Why is believing that God is righteous? Waphila kwaze kwaba ngulapho Abrahama sekaneminyaka lecishe ibe ngu - 150 budzala. How can such tribulation be kept to a minimum? He lived until Abraham was about 150 years old. Nyalo indlela lesiyicondza ngayo indzaba yaNabothi seyicacile futsi iyevakala. I tasted it. Now the way we understand the account about Naboth's story has become clear and clearer. Lena nguleminye yemibuto letawuphendvulwa kulesihloko. (a) The Law covenant opened up what opportunity for Israel? These are some questions that will be answered in this article. Sibonelo: Jesu wabathandazela balandzeli bakhe. - Johane 17: 9 - 17. ● Disease will be eliminated. Example: Jesus prayed for his followers. - John 17: 9 - 17. (Eksodusi 34: 6) Ngaleso sizatfu, Jehova akwenteki ahlukumete nobe abe nelunya. The Egyptians were foreign to him in language, dress, and grooming - and even more so in religion. As a result, Jehovah never abandoned or cruel. Esihlokweni lesilandzelako sitawucoca ngekutsi singayisebentisa njani inkhululeko lesinayo ngekuhlakanipha kuze sidvumise Jehova longuNkulunkulu wenkhululeko sibili. He was even willing " to impart his own soul '! In the next article, we will consider how we can use our freedom wisely to honor Jehovah, the Source of true freedom. " Bangeke Basangena Ekuphumuleni Kwami " © 2013 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. " They Will Not Be My Friend " Njengobe senta njalo, singase sitibute: " Loku kungifundzisani ngaJehova? We invite you to visit the Bible museum and the other museums located at headquarters. As we do so, we might ask ourselves: " What does this teach us about Jehovah? Kute utfole lwati lolubanti, fundza sehluko 5 salencwadzi leshicilelwa BoFakazi BaJehova Paul's values changed as soon as he became a Christian. For more information, see chapter 5 of this book, published by Jehovah's Witnesses Ecinisweni bayakhona futsi bayaphumelela. Before moving, Gregorio and Marilou had tried to prepare themselves for living a simple life, but they did not realize how basic their new life would be until they arrived at their destination. In fact, they are able to succeed and succeed. Angeke sikwati. How did Jehovah show recognition to both Mary and Jesus? We cannot know. Buhlungu lobunjalo bungagcinwa njani busezingeni leliphansi? In an effort to alleviate those feelings, I would get drunk and take drugs with my bandmates, whom I considered my family. How can this pain be made in an undertone? Kwenteka kimi mbamba. As we go about our everyday lives, it might seem difficult to relate our activities to making sacrifices for Jehovah. It was real to me. (a) Sivumelwane seMtsetfo sawavulela liphi litfuba ema - Israyeli? Showing kindness can soften the attitude of others (a) What opportunity did the Law covenant make for the Israelites? ● Tifo titawuphela. If you read material that contains a great many difficult or out - of - date words that you do not know, you are not likely to enjoy reading it. ● Diseases will end. EmaGibhithe abehlukile kuye ngelulwimi, ngendlela yekugcoka, kanye neyekutilungisa, kodvwa lokukhulu nakakhulu kutsi abehlukile kuye nangenkholo. Influenced by a rebellious spirit creature, Adam and Eve chose to disobey God. The Egyptians were different from the language, dress, dress, and grooming, but much more so was different from any religion. Abetimisele ngisho " nekuhlephunelana nabo imphilo yakhe lucobo. ' Usherettes from local congregations gave out millions of free copies of the Scenario containing "Photo - Drama " images He was determined even to "consider one another to his own soul. " © 2013 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. She would become pregnant and give birth to and raise God's Son! © 2013 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Siyakumema kutsi uvakashele lesakhiwo kanye naletinye tindzawo letisendlunkhulu. Papa promised never to leave us again, and he didn't. We invite you to visit a building and other places at world headquarters. Indlela Pawula labephila ngayo yashintja ngekushesha ngemuva kwekutsi abe ngumKhristu. (Compare James 1: 14, 15.) Paul's way of life changed immediately after he became a Christian. Ngaphambi kwekutsi bahambe, boGregorio naMarilou bebetamile kutilungiselela kutsi baphile imphilo lemelula kodvwa bebangati kutsi kuphila kwabo lokusha kutawuba njani bate befika lapho bebaya khona. Illustrate. Before traveling, Dustin and Jassa tried to prepare for living a simple life, but they knew how their lives would be when they arrived. Jehova wakhombisa njani kutsi uyamemeukela Mariya kanye naJesu? To love God, they need to know him. How did Jehovah show hospitality to Mary and Jesus? Kute nginciphise leyo miva bengidzakwa futsi ngidle tidzakamiva ngikanye nebangani bami basebhendini, lebengibatsatsa njengemndeni wakitsi. Regarding Abraham and his descendants, the psalmist could therefore say: "He [Jehovah] did not allow any human to defraud them, but on their account he reproved kings, saying: " Do not you men touch my anointed ones, and to my prophets do nothing bad. ' " - Ps. To prevent my emotional feelings and alcohol from taking drugs, I joined my former friends, who were members of my family. Ekuphileni kwetfu kwamalanga onkhe, kungase kube lukhuni kuhlobanisa imisebenti lesiyentako kanye nekwenta iminikelo kuJehova. " The Son Is Willing to Reveal the Father ' In our daily life, it may be difficult for us to associate with our activities and to make sacrifices to Jehovah. Kubabonisa umusa labanye kungabashintja The first step involves reflecting on the consequences of our actions. Showing kindness can lead to changing others Nawufundza indzaba lenemagama akadzeni kakhulu nalangevakali, vele ngeke ukujabulele loko lokufundzako. The couple sent letters to four branch offices. When you read a detailed story that is not easy, you cannot appreciate what you read. Bayengwa sidalwa semoya lesisihlubuki, bo - Adamu na - Eva bakhetsa kungamlaleli Nkulunkulu. Do not be afraid or suffer a shock before them, because Jehovah your God is the one marching with you. They were influenced by a rebellious spirit creature, Adam and Eve chose to disobey God. Balindzi labachamuka emabandleni lasendzaweni basakata tigidzi temakhophi amahhala lanetitfombe te - "Photo - Drama " Jesus died to make everlasting life possible for mankind. They waited for millions of copies of the "Photo - Drama " Beyitawukhulelwa, ibeleke iNdvodzana yaNkulunkulu futsi iyikhulise. He spoke perfect English without any swank or pride and was absolutely straightforward and approachable. He would become pregnant, resulting in God's Son, and increase it. Babe wasetsembisa kutsi ngeke aphindze asishiye, futsi akazange. The brother's confidence was not misplaced. Dad promised that he would never abandon us, and he did not. (Catsanisa naJakobe 1: 14, 15.) How will Jehovah rid the earth of wrong activities and distressful conditions? (Compare James 1: 14, 15.) Shano sibonelo. Ask them how you can qualify for such privileges and how to apply for them. Give an example. Kute bamtsandze Nkulunkulu, kudzingeka bamati kucala. Joshua, Moses ' assistant, wanted to restrain them. To love God, we need to get to know him first. 12: 14 - 20; 14: 13 - 20; 26: 26 - 29) Kuvikelwa kwa - Abrahama kanye nebantfu basendzaweni yangakubo wakuchaza ngalendlela umhlabeli: "[Jehova] akavumelanga muntfu kutsi abahluphe, ngenca yabo wajezisa ngisho emakhosi. Watsi: " ningabatsintsi labagcotjiwe bami, ningacali nilimate baphrofethi bami. ' " - Hla. During the interview, I was impressed by Mary's spiritual attitude. To Abraham and the people in that place, Jehovah said: " You must not punish my anointed ones because they did not punish them. ' " - Ps. " INdvodzana Iyafuna Kumembula UYise ' PAGE 24 " The Son Is Willing to Reveal the Father ' Sinyatselo sekucala sihlanganisa kucabangisisa ngemiphumela yetento tetfu. PROPHECIES FULFILLED ON TIME INSPIRE FAITH The first step is to consider the consequences of our actions. Laba labashadene batfumela ticelo tabo emahhovisini eligatja lamane. They may fear the risks associated with a multiple pregnancy. The couple sent their requests for four branch offices. Ningatesabi futsi ningatfutfumeli ngato, ngobe Simakadze Nkulunkulu wenu uhamba nani; angeke anishiye, futsi angeke aniyekele. " They wanted people to view Jesus as simply a carpenter and to view his disciples as "uneducated and ordinary men. " Do not persecute you and send them away, for Jehovah your God is with you; he will not leave you. " Jesu wafa kute avulele bantfu litfuba lekuphila phakadze. They have evidently failed to keep on the watch as to what time it is and what is taking place around them - the chairman is on the platform, the music is playing, and the audience is seated. Jesus died so that he could open the opportunity to live forever. Abesikhuluma kahle siNgisi angatigabatisi, akhuluma indzaba ngalokucondzile futsi angeneka. 1950 He was talking about English, speaking directly directly directly directly, and approachable. Litsemba lakhe abengakalibeki eteni. This new people bearing Jehovah's name would include both Jewish and non - Jewish believers. Her hope was not searching for it. Jehova utabucedza njani bubi kanye nekucindzeteleka lokukhona lamhlabeni? First, pray for wisdom and discernment. How will Jehovah put an end to wickedness and wickedness on earth? Bacele bakuchazele kutsi yini longayenta kuze uwatfole lamalungelo nekutsi ungasifaka njani sicelo sakho. The vision emphasizes that the two groups work together harmoniously, with the priestly class taking the lead in pure worship. Ask them what you can do to reach out for your privileges and how you can apply your request. Joshuwa lobekangumsiti waMosi, bekafuna kubathulisa. As an example, under the Mosaic Law, the Israelites experienced severe consequences when they veered from their worship of Jehovah. Under the Mosaic Law, Joshua wanted to keep quiet. Kulencociswano ngajatjuliswa yindlela Mary lebekatsandza ngayo Nkulunkulu. When he came in 29 C.E., a time of judgment for the nation of Israel had drawn close. The conversation I enjoyed was deeply grateful for Mary's love for God. LIKHASI 24 When my father came home from work that day, I told him that I had found a job. PAGE 24 TIPHROFETHO LETIGCWALISEKA NGESIKHATSI TICINISA KUKHOLWA Many of the momentous changes in the world have been fulfilling prophecy, particularly in regard to the global preaching of the good news of God's Kingdom. NO MORE FROM THE BIBLE Bangase besabe kutsi lomfati angatsi nakatetfwala atfole emaphahla. Publishers in Japan zealously started to offer this new book from house to house and on return visits. They may feel that the woman would soon become pregnant. Bebafuna bantfu batsatse Jesu njengembati futsi batsatse bafundzi bakhe njengebantfu " labangakafundzi lokuyaphi nebantfukatana nje. ' Jehovah uses the ransom to cover our sins, enabling us to have a clean conscience and draw close to him. - John 14: 6; Jas. They wanted people to view Jesus as a carpenter and to view his disciples as "to be ordinary and ordinary. " Kusebaleni kutsi bayehluleka kuhlala balindze sikhatsi nekutsi kwentekani lapho. Sihlalo sewusendzaweni yesikhulumi, umculo uyachubeka uyadlala futsi naletinye tilaleli setihleli phansi. He was sent by Jehovah, who would give Moses whatever he needed to deliver God's message to Pharaoh. Clearly, they cannot keep on the watch and see what happens there. The throne continues to be music, continues to play with the audience. 1950 The difference became apparent when the brothers presented their offerings. 1950 Lesive lesisha lesibitwa ngelibito laJehova besitawuhlanganisa emakholwa langemaJuda nalawo langesiwo emaJuda. They wanted no further dealings with false religion! This new nation would have included non - Jews and non - Jews. Kwekucala, thantaza ucele Jehova akuphe kuhlakanipha nekucondza. Of course, we have only scratched the surface. First, pray for wisdom and understanding. Lombono ugcizelela kutsi sigaba sebaphristi siyacondzisa ekukhonteni Nkulunkulu ngendlela lehlantekile futsi lamacembu lamabili asebenta ngebunye. These two articles will answer those questions and will help us strengthen our resolve to stand firm against the Devil. This view highlights that our daily life is directed by God in a clean way and by two groups working together in unity. Sibonelo saloku kutsi eMtsetfweni waMosi, ema - Israyeli abetfola imiphumela lebuhlungu nangabe aphambuka ekukhonteni Jehova. So we have good reason to train new publishers to converse with people in a friendly, relaxed manner. For example, in the Mosaic Law, the Israelites received painful consequences if they had strayed from serving Jehovah. Ngesikhatsi afika nga - 29 C.E., sikhatsi sekwehlulela sive saka - Israyeli basesisondzele. That wasn't easy to do. When he arrived in 29 C.E., the time of judgment against the nation of Israel was near. Ngalesikhatsi babe abuya emsebentini ngalelo langa, ngamtjela kutsi sengiwutfolile umsebenti. The types of donations that you can send directly are the following: When my father returned from the work that day, I told him that I had finished my job. Tingucuko letinyenti letibalulekile letenteke emhlabeni betigcwalisa tiphrofetho, ikakhulukati ngalokuphatselene nekushunyayelwa kwetindzaba letimnandzi teMbuso waNkulunkulu emhlabeni wonkhe. What is it like? A number of important developments since the world fulfilled prophecy, especially during the preaching of the good news of God's Kingdom worldwide. Bamemeteli baseJapan bacala kuyihambisa ngekutimisela lencwadzi lensha emtini ngemuti nakubantfu lebebabuyela kubo. They truly loved each other. The publishers in Japan began to study this new book from house to house and to approach them. Jehova usebentisa lenhlawulo kute ambonye tono tetfu, asisite kutsi sibe nanembeza lomuhle futsi sisondzelane naye. - Joh. 14: 6; Jak. For what kind of success should we strive? Jehovah uses the ransom to help us have a good conscience and draw us closer to him. - John 14: 6; Jas. Abetfunywe nguJehova, lobekatamnika nobe yini layidzingako kute etfule umlayeto waNkulunkulu kuFaro. There would have been no need to do so if Joseph were still living. He was sent by Jehovah, who would give him whatever he needed to carry out God's message to Pharaoh. Loko kwabonakala ngalesikhatsi banikela. Let us heed the Scriptural counsel to look forward and not to look at the things behind. That was evident when they gave up. Bebangasafuni lutfo lobelungabahlanganisa nenkholo yemanga! At an international convention in New York City in 1950, the audience was delighted to receive the New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures, the first installment of a modern - language Bible that restored God's name to its rightful place in his Word. - Jer. They would no longer want to include false religion! Kuliciniso kutsi simane sacoca ngaletimbalwa. We were both ministerial servants, and we enjoyed working together. Of course, we simply discussed a few examples. Letihloko letimbili titawuphendvula lemibuto tiphindze tisisite sibe nemandla ekumelana naDeveli. And how can we show our love for God? These two articles will answer these questions and help us to stand firm against the Devil. Ngako sinesizatfu lesihle sekucecesha bamemeteli labasandza kuhlanganyela kutsi bakhulume nebantfu ngekukhululeka nangendlela lebonisa bungani. However, the German police in blue uniforms were not the only danger. So we have good reason to train new publishers to communicate freely with people and to show kindness to one another. Kwenta loko bekungesimelula. • Prepare for the Congregation Bible Study or the Watchtower Study. This was not easy. Tinhlobo letehlukene teminikelo longayitfumela ngalokucondzile tihlanganisa leti: Just imagine the young man calling out to Goliath: "You are coming against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I am coming against you in the name of Jehovah of armies, the God of the battle line of Israel, whom you have taunted. " The types of donations that you can send directly are the following: Linjani lizulu? And he had insight, that is, he understood how they really felt and knew how to help them. What is heaven like? 2: 1, 2) Bebatsandzana sibili. In 1929, congregations in Queensland and Western Australia built several well - equipped motor vans to cover their inland regions. They truly loved each other. Nguluphi luhlobo lwekuphumelela lokufanele silwele kulutfola? " Eureka " audiences ranged from a handful to hundreds. What kind of success should we strive to win? Besingeke sibe khona sidzingo sekusho njalo nangabe Josefa bekasaphila. Such a dedication is a personal vow. We would not need to say that if Joseph was alive, he would have to do so. Asilalele siyalo semBhalo sekuchubeka sibuke tintfo letiseta hhayi tintfo letingemuva. What trials did Abraham and Sarah endure, providing what lesson for us? Let us heed the Scriptural counsel to keep on looking ahead, not after the things behind. Labebete emhlanganweni wetive lowawuseNew York City nga - 1950, bajabula kakhulu kutfola i - New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures, lobekuliBhayibheli lekucala ngelulwimi lwamanje lelabuyisela libito laNkulunkulu etindzaweni letifanele eVini lakhe. - Jer. Like Noah, however, we fear Jehovah, not men. These were not the international convention at New York City in 1950, in the New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures, in the first language where the first place was God's name in God's Word. - Jer. Sobabili besitinceku letisebentako ebandleni futsi besikujabulela kusebenta ndzawonye. Put simply, they are those who are fed. Both of us were ministerial servants in the congregation, and we enjoyed working together. Singalukhombisa njani lutsandvo lesinalo ngaNkulunkulu? So Job could have taken a second wife had he wanted to. How can we show our love for God? Nome kunjalo, emaphoyisa aseJalimane labegcoka lokuluhlata sasibhakabhaka, kwakungesiwo wona kuphela layingoti. Sarah knew Jehovah; she knew that he could fulfill any promise that he made. However, German polices weared the sky, which were not only dangerous. • Lungiselelani ndzawonye sifundvo seliBhayibheli selibandla nobe sifundvo se - Sicongosekulindza. Let me assure you though, Samantha, that Jehovah's Witnesses hold Jesus in very high regard. • Prepare together for a congregation meeting or a Bible study. Asewulicabange nje lelijaha leliselincane litsi kuGoliyathi: "Wena uta kimi uphetse inkemba, nelijozi, nesikhali, kodvwa mine ngita kuwe ngelibito laSimakadze wetimphi, Nkulunkulu wemabutfo aka - Israyeli, wona lawo mabutfo bewuwabita insayeya. " Some who read the Bible were even burned at the stake. Picture a young man in the city of Goliath say: "You will have a sword with a sword and with a spear and with a spear, but I am with you in the name of Jehovah the God of Israel, and I will call on the battle of Israel. " Bekanekucondzisisa, lokusho kutsi bekayati indlela lebebativa ngayo futsi ati nekutsi angabasita njani. How Would You Answer? He had insight, meaning, and knows how they felt. Nga - 1929, emabandla aseQueensland naseNshonalanga yase - Australia bekakha timoto letimbalwa lebetingakhona kuhamba yonkhe lendzawo lebekushunyayelwa kuyo. And everything he does will succeed. " - Ps. In 1929, congregations in Australia and a few cars could travel throughout the region where the territory was preached. Labo labebalalela i - "Eureka " bebasukela ecenjini lelincane lebantfu kuya emakhulwini. One day, they were shocked to receive an eviction notice from their landlord. Those listening to the "Eureka Drama " were from a small group of humans. Kutinikela lokunjalo kusifungo lesentiwa ngumuntfu nemuntfu. It is very easy for bad characteristics like these to rub off on us and anger us. Such dedication is a vow made to someone. Nguluphi luvivinyo bo - Abrahama kanye naSara lokwadzingeka kutsi balubeketelele, futsi loko kusiniketa siphi sifundvo? The original - language words for "righteousness " can also be translated" justice " or "uprightness. " What trials did Abraham and Sarah need to endure, and what lesson does this provide us? NjengaNowa sesaba Jehova hhayi bantfu. Indeed, the life of the colporteurs was no "flowery bed of ease, " as one of them put it. Like Noah, we fear Jehovah, not men. Kalula nje ngulabo labondliwako. But Paul could speak of them while they were still alive and serving God on earth as having "died with reference to sin. " In turn, it is easy for those who are fed. Ngako Jobe abengamtsatsa umfati wesibili kube bekafuna. Both of those views assume that if God does not bring justice immediately or if he does not grant the favor we ask, then he must be insensitive to our suffering and unaware of our needs. So Job could have looked at the second woman if he wanted to be the second woman. Sara bekamati kahle Jehova, futsi bekati nekutsi angagcwalisa nobe ngabe ngusiphi setsembiso lasentile. It has been said that it would take ten months for a skilled copyist to produce just one handwritten copy of the Bible! Sarah knew Jehovah well, and she knew that he could fulfill her promise. Ngicela kusho Sibongile kutsi boFakazi BaJehova bamhlonipha kakhulu Jesu. The more they progressed, the more they enjoyed reading. Samantha: I'm sure that Jehovah's Witnesses respect Jesus more than ever. Labanye lebebafundza liBhayibheli bebashiswa baphanyekwe elugodvweni. The sanctification of his Father's name and the salvation of the human family depended on his faithfulness. Some Bible students were burned with a stake. Ungaphendvula Njani? And God certainly was with him, for the major conquest of the Promised Land was completed in only six years - by 1467 B.C.E. How Would You Answer? Konkhe lakwentako kuyaphumelela. " - Hla. 14 Questions From Readers Everything he does is successful. " - Ps. Ngalelinye lilanga betfuka nabatfola incwadzi levela kumnikati waleyondzawo itsi bayacoshwa. Today, millions of people all over the earth worship Jehovah. One day, when we received a letter from the city, the owner was expelled. Kungaba melula kakhulu kutsi letici letimbi kanjena tibe khona nakitsi futsi sibe nelulaka. Serving in several countries taught me a lot about Jehovah It can be very difficult for us to act in harmony with these wicked situations and to become angry with them. Ngelulwimi lwekucala, ligama lelihambisana "nekulunga " lingahunyushwa ngekutsi" kwehlulela ngebucotfo. " However, the trend in recent times is to eliminate the name of God from Bible translations and from other uses. In the original language, the original - language word for " righteousness " can be translated" with integrity. " Kunjengobe nje lomunye dzadze lobekalicolporteur asho kutsi "imphilo yemacolporteur ayimelula ngaso sonkhe sikhatsi. " At one point, even his loyal secretary, Baruch, complained of weariness. As a Christian sister, she said, "The body of the colporteurs is not always easy. " Kodvwa Pawula nakakhuluma ngabo watsi "bafile esonweni " nanobe bebasaphila futsi basakhonta Nkulunkulu lamhlabeni. If you don't have a Bible, ask Jehovah's Witnesses for one, or read it online at www.watchtower.org But Paul referred to them as "the death of sin " and they still serve God here on earth. Lemibono lesisandza kuyidzingidza igudlisela kutsi nangabe Nkulunkulu angaticatululi tinkinga tetfu masinyane nobe nakangasenteli bubele, loko kusho kutsi utitsela ngalabandzako futsi akanendzaba netidzingo tetfu. Therefore I exhort you to confirm your love for him. " This brief view of the thief shows that if God does not solve our problems quickly or that he does not care about our needs and needs, he does not care about our needs. Umbhali lonelikhono bekangatsatsa tinyanga letilishumi kutsi acedze kubhala yinye ikhophi yeliBhayibheli. God's servants cooperate with one another: In the congregation, we follow any direction we receive. The writer could take ten months to write one copy of the Bible. Njengobe bebatfutfuka ekufundzeni kwabo bebakujabulela kakhulu kuchubeka nekufundza. Also included in the "seed " are Christ's spiritual brothers, who rule in heaven with him. As they made progress in their Bible reading, they were so happy to continue learning. Bekudzingeka etsembeke kute kungcweliswe libito laBabe wakhe futsi kusindziswe bantfu. In line with that prophecy, a world - shaking event happened one night early in October 539 B.C.E. He had to be loyal to his Father's name and to be saved. Siyaciniseka ngekutsi Nkulunkulu waba naye ngobe wamsita wancoba titsa takhe eVeni Lesetsembiso eminyakeni lesitfupha kuphela - nga - 1467 B.C.E. They were to leave their stable, comfortable life and live as nomads! We can be sure that God was with him because he helped his enemies in the Promised Land only about 1413 B.C.E. 14 Imibuto Levela Kubafundzi As I grew up, I enjoyed the social activities at church and respected the Mormon focus on family life and moral values. 14 Questions From Readers Lamuhla, tigidzi tebantfu emhlabeni wonkhe tikhonta Jehova. How can we avoid misusing our God - given freedom? Today, millions of people around the world worship Jehovah. Kukhonta emaveni lamanyenti kungifundzise lokunyenti ngaJehova 3: 18. Serving in many countries has taught me much about Jehovah Nanobe kunjalo, etikhatsini takamuva kuye kwentiwa imetamo yekususa lelibito laNkulunkulu emahumushweni eliBhayibheli kanye nakuletinye tindzawo. How does God's Word deepen our love for him? However, recent times have made arrangements to remove God's name from the Bible and other places. Ngalesinye sikhatsi, ngisho naBharuki labengumabhalane wakhe lowetsembekile, wakhonona ngesizatfu sekuphelelwa ngemandla. (Jer. The apostle Paul answers: "Through the disobedience of the one man many were made sinners. " On occasion, even though Baruch and his faithful companion, he complained about fighting. Nangabe ute liBhayibheli, licele kuboFakazi BaJehova, nobe ulifundze ekhelini le - Internet lelitsi www.watchtower.org We might add that a ruler who could end poverty for all would have to be a world ruler because extreme poverty is often the result of international inequality. If you don't have a Bible, ask Jehovah's Witnesses, or read it online at www.jw.org. Ngako ngiyanincenga kutsi nimkhombise kutsi nimtsandza ngempela. " And even if some seem to be preaching such a message, are they a local group, or have they spread this good news to "all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations "? So I appeal to him that you truly love him. " Tinceku taNkulunkulu tiyabambisana: Ebandleni silalela tonkhe ticondziso lesiniketwa tona. [ Footnote] God's servants cooperate with one another: We heed all the direction we receive. Labanye labahlanganisiwe " kulentalo, ' bomnakaboKhristu bakamoya, labatawubusa naye ezulwini. I suppose that my curiosity spurred me on in my Bible reading. Some who are joined by "the offspring, " Christ's spiritual brothers, will rule with him in heaven. Ngekuvumelana nalesiphrofetho, ngalobunye busuku ekucaleni kwa - October 539 B.C.E., kwenteka intfo leyamangalisa umhlaba wonkhe. What opportunity is open now, and what opportunities will be opened to us forever? In harmony with that prophecy, one night in October 513 B.C.E., something amazing happened to the earth. Besekufanele bashiye imphilo yabo lentofontofo bayophila njengebafokati! Take the time to make sure that your approach is in full harmony with godly wisdom. They had to leave their comfortable lifestyle as strangers! Nangisakhula, bengijabulela tikhatsi tekutijabulisa nelisontfo futsi bengikuhlonipha kakhulu kutsi ema - Mormon atsatsa imphilo yasekhaya nekutiphatsa lokuhle njengentfo lebalulekile. If you have not had the opportunity to study the Bible closely, you may find it difficult to believe that the events described above will occur. As I grew up, I enjoyed recreation and entertainment as well as respect for the Mormon lifestyle. Singakugwema njani kuyisebentisa kabi inkhululeko yetfu? Why is it important that we serve Jehovah with joy? How can we avoid using our freedom? 3: 18. What can help you to be shrewd? 3: 18. LiBhayibheli lingasisita njani kutsi simtsandze kakhulu Jehova? Peer pressure can affect even those who sincerely want to do what is right, including you. How can the Bible help us to love Jehovah more? Umphostoli Pawula uyaphendvula: "Ngekungalaleli kwemuntfu munye, bantfu labanyenti baba toni. " (b) What have many Bible translations done with God's name? The apostle Paul answers: "While in the case of one man many became sinners, many became sinners. " Lombusi longakhona kucedza buphuya kufanele abuse umhlaba wonkhe ngobe esikhatsini lesinyenti buphuya bubangelwa kutsi emave akazuzi ngelizinga lelifananako. He said to Jehovah: "Your words were found, and I proceeded to eat them; and your word becomes to me the exultation and the rejoicing of my heart; for your name has been called upon me, O Jehovah. " This ruler could eliminate poverty because there are so much poverty that he has not benefited from the same source. Ngisho nobe labanye bangabonakala bawushumayela lomlayeto, batfolakala endzaweni yinye kuphela yini, nobe sebatishumayele "emhlabeni wonkhe " yini letindzaba letimnandzi," kuze kube bufakazi etiveni tonkhe "? Thus, at Armageddon, God will express his indignation and settle the nations ' disputes once and for all by "bringing an end to wars throughout the earth. " Even if some may seem to preach the message, are they available only in one place or "good news " to all the nations? [ Umbhalo longentansi] Because we are preaching the right message, the good news of the Kingdom. [ Footnote] Ngicabanga kutsi sifiso sami sekufuna kwati ngiso lesangikhutsata kutsi ngifundze liBhayibheli. We now have the privilege of being light bearers. I feel that my desire to learn was to encourage me to read the Bible. Nguliphi litfuba lesinalo nyalo, futsi ngumaphi ematfuba lesitawajabulela phakadze? (b) Share an experience that shows strong faith in action. What opportunity do we have now, and what opportunities will we enjoy forever? Tinike sikhatsi lesenele kute ubone kutsi indlela lotawusebenta ngayo lendzaba iyahambisana yini nekuhlakanipha kwaNkulunkulu. Artifacts from ancient Egypt illustrate the process. Make time to see whether you are working with God's wisdom and wisdom. Nangabe ungakaze ube nelitfuba lekutadisha liBhayibheli ngekucophelela, kungase kube matima kukholelwa kutsi letiphrofetho lesisandza kukhuluma ngato titawugcwaliseka. They likely learned about God by listening to faithful older ones, from receiving divine revelations, or from reading reliable ancient documents. If you have never had the opportunity to study the Bible carefully, it may be difficult for you to believe that those prophecies will be fulfilled. Kungani kubalulekile kutsi sikhonte Jehova ngenjabulo? By sacrificing their personal advantage in this way, they demonstrate love that is free of any trace of selfishness. Why is it important for us to serve Jehovah with joy? Yini lengakusita kutsi uhlakaniphe? The sheep, described as "righteous ones, " will receive" everlasting life " on earth, but the goats "will depart into everlasting cutting - off, " or destruction. - Matt. What can help you to acquire wise wisdom? Kucindzetelwa bontsanga kungabatsintsa nalabo labafuna ngebucotfo kwenta lokulungile, kufake ekhatsi nawe. Time and again, my attitude got me into fights and in trouble with the law. Both peer pressure may affect those who sincerely want to do what is right, including you. (b) Yini emahumusho lamanyenti eliBhayibheli layentile ngelibito laNkulunkulu? Shortly after the beginning of the last days, or the "conclusion of a system of things, " the judgment started for those who claimed to be genuine Christians - whether they were actually" sons of the kingdom " or "sons of the wicked one. " (b) What have many translations of God's name done? Watsi kuJehova: "Emavi akho atsi nakefika kimi, ngawadla, aba yinjabulo yami nentfokoto yenhlitiyo yami, ngobe ngibitwa ngeLibito lakho, awu, Simakadze. " (Jer. I knew that we are an international brotherhood; I had read it many times in our literature. He said to Jehovah: "Your words were heard from me, and they rejoiced at my heart and my heart, because I am called your name, O Jehovah. " Ngako nge - Amagedoni, Nkulunkulu utawukhombisa lulaka lwakhe, acedze netincabano emkhatsini wetive letilwako ngekutsi " acedze timphi emhlabeni wonkhe jikelele. ' Many fathers have to work long hours just to make ends meet. Thus, at Armageddon, God will bring an end to his wrath, bringing an end to false religion by bringing an end to "the ends of the earth. " Sikwati ngobe sishumayela umlayeto loliciniso, lokutindzaba letimnandzi teMbuso. How can we protect ourselves against Satan's schemes? We know because we preach the message of truth, that is, the good news of the Kingdom. Nyalo sinelilungelo lekukhanyisela labanye. What helped 230 of Jehovah's Witnesses to survive the death march at the end of World War II? Now we have the privilege of bringing comfort to others. (b) Shano sibonelo lesikhombisa kuba nekukholwa lokucinile. (a) What did Paul mean when he wrote: "By your faith... you are standing "? (b) Give an example of strong faith. Lokolo bewubekwa etjeni lelisicebedvu. Modesty helps us to enjoy giving others due honor and support. - Rom. This was designed to be pure. Kungenteka bafundza ngaNkulunkulu ngekulalela bantfu labetsembekile lasebakhulile, ngekwembulelwa nguNkulunkulu nobe ngekufundza tincwadzi tasendvulo letinekwetsenjelwa. So just a few days before his death, four of his apostles asked him: "When will these things be, and what will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things? " They may have learned about God by listening to faithful older ones, being revealed by God or by reading four ancient books. Ngekutsi bangatifuneli lokusita bona, basuke bakhombisa kutsi banelutsandvo lolute bugovu. Most donations are anonymous. By displaying such insight, they show unselfish love. Bantfu " labatimvu, ' labachazwa ngekutsi "ngulabo labalungile, " labayawuniketwa" kuphila lokuphakadze, " bese kutsi labo labafanana netimbuti bona "bahambe baye ekujezisweni " nobe ekubhujisweni. - Mat. The prophet Micah wrote: "They will actually sit, each one under his vine and under his fig tree, and there will be no one making them tremble. " - Mic. The "other sheep, " those who are described as" righteous, " who will be given "everlasting life, " and those who will be like the goats and the goats to" go ahead of destruction. " - Matt. Etikhatsini letinyenti, lomkhuba wami wekuvukela bewungenta kutsi ngilwe futsi ngicabane nemaphoyisa. Mary was "deeply disturbed, " uncertain why an angel was speaking to her. Often, my rebellious attitude allowed me to be set free and joined by the police. Ngemuva nje kwekucala kwemalanga ekugcina, nobe "siphetfo saletikhatsi, " kwehlulela kwacala kulabo labatsi bangemaKhristu eliciniso - akunadzaba kutsi " bebabantfwana beMbuso ' yini vele nobe" bantfwana baLomubi. " Paul wrote: "Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men, nor thieves, nor greedy persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit God's kingdom. " Shortly after the last days, or "the conclusion of the system of things " began to judge those who claimed to be true Christians - do not really know whether they were" sons of the Kingdom, " or "the sons of the wicked one. " Bengati kutsi sibazalwane bemhlaba wonkhe ngobe bengikufundzile etincwadzini tetfu. However, a review of Bible accounts shows that a man did not need to be a firstborn son to be an ancestor of the Messiah. I knew that we were part of our worldwide brotherhood because I had learned from our publications. Bobabe labanyenti kudzingeka basebente ema - awa lamanyenti kuze bakhone kondla imindeni yabo. When Jesus told them to stop judging, he explained: "That you may not be judged; for with the judgment you are judging, you will be judged. " - Matthew 6: 31 - 7: 2. Many fathers need to work long hours to provide for their families. Singativikela njani emachingeni aSathane? All of us can pray in behalf of our brothers (See paragraph 18) How can we protect ourselves against Satan's schemes? Yini leyasita boFakazi BaJehova labangu - 230 kutsi basindze kuloluhambo lwekufa ekupheleni kweMphi Yelive Yesibili? Show how the Scriptures can comfort us. What helped Jehovah's Witnesses to survive the death of World War II? (a) Pawula abesho kutsini nakabhala atsi: " Ekukholweni kwenu, nisimile '? His example, his teachings, and his warm commendation stimulated them to progress spiritually. (a) What did Paul mean when he wrote: "What is your faith? Nangabe sitfobekile, labanye sitabahlonipha futsi sibasekele. - Rom. 12: 9, 10. When we are humble, we will respect and support others. - Rom. Ngako - ke, ngemalanga lambalwa ngaphambi kwekufa kwakhe, bafundzi bakhe labane bambuta: "Sitjele kutsi letintfo tiyakwenteka nini, kuyakwentekani lokuyawukhombisa kutsi sesikhatsi sekubuya kwakho nekutsi sekuphela kwetikhatsi? " What may motivate you to take on the task of learning a foreign language? Thus, just a few days before his death, his four disciples asked: "We tell you when these things will be fulfilled, what will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things? " Iminikelo leminyenti ayibhalwa kutsi ibuya kubani. They master a number of languages without ever having a textbook in their hand, but reading can be a challenge for them. Many offerings are written to whom it is written. Umphrofethi Mikha wabhala: "Bantfu bayawuhlala ngekuthula ngulowo nalowo esivinini sakhe nasemikhiweni yakhe, kubete lobesabisako. " - Mik. The Scenario also became a beloved picture book for Bible Student families. The prophet Micah wrote: "The people will reside in his vine and under his fig tree, and there will be no one among you. " - Mic. Mariya " wakhatsateka kakhulu ' ngobe bekangati kutsi kungani lengilosi ikhuluma naye. 3 The Man Who Changed the World Mary was "great concern " because she did not know why the angel spoke to him. Pawula wabhala: "Tingwadla, nalabakhonta tithico, netiphingi, nalabadvuna labalalanako, nemasela, nalababukhali, netidzakwa, nalabetfukako, netigebengu, bangeke balidle lifa lembuso waNkulunkulu. " Imitate such examples. Paul wrote: "You have eating and idols, and men who have sexual immorality and thieves and thieves and thieves, and thieves, and thieves, and thieves, and thieves, and thieves, and they will not inherit God's kingdom. " Noma kunjalo, kulandzisa lokuseBhayibhelini akusho kutsi umuntfu bekudzingeka abe litibulo kute abe seluhlwini lwekutalwa kwaMesiya. The laws and principles contained in God's Word are "beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness. " However, the Scriptural account does not mean that a person had to be born in line for the Messiah. Ngesikhatsi abatjela kutsi bangehlulelani, wachaza watsi: "Kute nani ningetukwehlulelwa, ngobe ngendlela lenehlulela ngayo labanye, nani nitakwehlulelwa ngayo. " - Matewu 6: 31 - 7: 2. [ Footnote] When he told them that they should be judged, he explained: "You should not be judged, for with the judgment you are judging, you will be judged. " - Matthew 6: 7 - 2. Sonkhe singabathantazela bazalwane betfu (Fundza sigaba 18) Such forethought will help an elder to have a conversation that will be meaningful, not trivial. We all can pray for our brothers (See paragraph 18) Veta kutsi imiBhalo ingasidvudvuta njani? At the end of the messages to those congregations, he declared: "Let the one who has an ear hear what the spirit says to the congregations. " - Rev. How can the Scriptures help us? Sibonelo sakhe, timfundziso takhe, nekubancoma kwakhe bekubakhutsata kutsi batfutfukise buhlobo babo naNkulunkulu. Yet, he could and did change. His example, his teaching, commendation, and encouragement encouraged them to grow spiritually. 12: 9, 10. Curt, who is a pioneer and a substitute circuit overseer, agreed to visit a congregation two and a half hours from his home. 12: 9, 10. Yini lengakukhutsata kutsi ufundze lolunye lulwimi? The gift of friendship. What can move you to learn from another language? Babamba tilwimi letinyenti babe bete ngisho yinye incwadzi yalolo lulwimi, kodvwa kufundza lokubhaliwe kungase kube yinsayeya kubo. How has Jesus proved his deep love for mankind? They have spent many languages without a letter, but reading this information may be difficult for them. Imindeni yeBafundzi BeliBhayibheli yayitsandza kakhulu i - Scenario, lokuyincwadzi lebeyinetitfombe. How will it be "split at its middle " and become two mountains? The families of Bible Students were deeply interested in the Scenario, a book that contained pictures. 3 Indvodza Leyagucula Umhlaba The Bible says: "The one walking with the wise will become wise, " and there were many wise ones in my family who supported my decision to pioneer. 3 The Man Who Changed the World Tilingise tibonelo letifanana naleti. Understandably, Rachel at one point cried out in triumph: "With strenuous wrestlings I have wrestled... I have also come off the winner! " - Gen. Give examples of similar examples. Imitsetfo netimiso letivela eVini laNkulunkulu "ilusito ekufundziseni, ekukhalimeni, ekulungiseni, nasekuyaleni ngekulunga. " Does it drain your financial resources? The laws and principles found in God's Word are " beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for reproving, for setting things straight. " [ Umbhalo longentansi] You want your children to stay close to Jehovah. [ Footnote] Kucabanga lokunjalo kungasita lomdzala kutsi acoce ngetintfo letisebentako, hhayi letingakabaluleki. Deep sadness results, and I tend to cry, as though everything happened yesterday. Such thinking may help an elder to discuss practical things, not trivial. Ekugcineni kwemlayeto labekawuyisa kulawo mabandla, watsi: "Lowo lonendlebe akeve loko lokushiwo ngumoya emabandleni. " - Semb. Additionally, differences in culture and language can result in different patterns of thinking and behavior. Finally, the message he took to the congregations, saying: "The one who looks after the spirit has no place in the congregations. " - Rev. Kodvwa lendvodza ngekuhamba kwesikhatsi yashintja. Just as Jesus said, "those who are ill " need a doctor. - Luke 5: 31. But the man immediately changed. Curt lolihlahlandlela lophindze abe ngumbambeli wembonisi wesifundza, wavuma kuvakashela libandla lebelikhashane ngema - awa lamabili nehhafu nalapho bekahlala khona. The shield - bearer likely fled in terror. Elsebeth, a pioneer overseer who was also a circuit overseer, agreed to visit a congregation that had two hours and a half days. Sipho sekuba ngumngani waJesu. JEHOVAH is the Supreme One. The gift of Jesus ' friend. Jesu ulukhombise njani lutsandvo lolujulile ngebantfu? " If anyone loves God, this one is known by him. " - 1 COR. How has Jesus shown deep love for people? Kutawenteka njani kutsi "ichekeke ekhatsi " bese iba tintsaba letimbili? " I used to be terrified of being betrayed again, " says Andrew, whose first wife left him. How will this come to be "aglow with the mountains " and to" two mountains "? LiBhayibheli litsi: "Lohambisana nebantfu labahlakaniphile naye ugcine asahlakaniphile, " futsi bebanyenti bantfu labahlakaniphile emndenini wakitsi labangisekela kulesincumo sami sekuba lihlahlandlela. Names have been changed. " He that is walking with wise persons will become wise, " says the Bible, "and there were many wise people in my family who helped me to become a pioneer. Bekufanele kutsi ngalelinye lilanga Rakheli atsi: "Ngekubambana lokunemandla ngibambene... ngamehlula. " - Gen. Others are willing to preach, but only for a limited time. She had to say that one day when Rachel said: "I have no natural strength... in my midst. " - Gen. (Taga 3: 31) Kukucedzela imali yini? He would follow a similar pattern - he would feed many through the hands of a few. Will he abandon money? Uyafuna kutsi bantfwana bakho babe nebuhlobo lobusedvute naJehova. (b) What blessings under Kingdom rule are you eager to enjoy? He wants your children to develop a close relationship with Jehovah. Ngiva buhlungu kangangekutsi ngivele ngisikhihle sililo, kuba shengatsi loko lengicabanga ngako kwenteke nje itolo. JUNE 3 - 9, 2013 I am so sorry that when I cry, I feel that what I think is just like. Ngetulu kwaloko, kwehlukana kwemasiko kanye nelulwimi lwebantfu, kwenta ingafanani indlela yabo yekucabanga kanye nekutiphatsa kwabo. " [Love's] flames are a blazing fire, the flame of Jah. " - SONG OF SOL. Moreover, the customs and language of people are different from their thinking and conduct. Njengobe Jesu asho kutsi "bantfu labagulako " bayamdzinga dokotela. - Lukha 5: 31. He thus proved beyond a doubt that humans can remain loyal to Jehovah even when tested to the extreme. As Jesus said, "the sick will need a physician. " - Luke 5: 31. Lelisotja lebeliphetse lihawu lavele lacela empunzini. God's Word warns us: "Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. The soldier with a large shield offered to commit adultery. JEHOVA unguLongetulu Kwako Konkhe. How ironic that in committing such evil crimes as murder, religious fanatics violate the very laws of the One whom they claim to worship! JEHOVAH is the Supreme One. " Nangabe umuntfu atsandza Nkulunkulu, yena watiwa nguNkulunkulu. " - 1 KHOR. But if anyone stands settled in his heart, having no necessity, but has authority over his own will and has made this decision in his own heart, to keep his own virginity, he will do well. " " If anyone loves God, he is known by God. " - 1 COR. Andrew, lowashiywa ngumfati wekucala, utsi: "Ngangesaba kutsi ngingaphindze ngentelwe phansi. " 8, 9. Andrew, who was the first woman, says: "I was afraid to take my stand. " Emabito ashintjiwe. " In my heart I treasure up your saying. " - PS. Names have been changed. Labanye bayafisa kushumayela, kodvwa bashumayela sikhashana. In the first fulfillment, the "standing in a holy place " occurred in 66 C.E. when the Roman army (" the disgusting thing ") attacked Jerusalem and its temple (a place holy in the eyes of the Jews). Some are willing to preach, but they are preaching for a brief time. Utawusebentisa indlela lefanako - utawondla labanyenti ngetandla letimbalwa. One reference work says that Job's words "conceal me " can mean" to lay [me] away in security as a precious deposit. " He will use the same method - he will feed many through the hands of a few. (b) Ngutiphi tibusiso lotibuke ngalabovu lotatitfola nasekubusa uMbuso waNkulunkulu? And consider this: Since "there is no injustice " with God, he will never fail to preserve the group of humans who have been serving him loyally. (b) What blessings await you when God's Kingdom comes? JUNE 3 - 9, 2013 The Watchtower does not endorse any particular treatment. JUNE 3 - 9, 2013 " [Lutsandvo] lushisa njengemlilo lovutsako, njengelilangabi lelinemandla [laJehova]. " - NGO. Somehow I managed to develop that skill. " [Love] is like a burning fire, the flame of Jah [Jehovah]. " - Prov. Ngako - ke wakhombisa ngalokusebaleni kutsi bantfu bangetsembeka kuJehova ngisho nobe bangavivinywa kangakanani. Thus, they prohibit farmers in poor countries from selling their produce in rich countries in order to prevent farmers in rich countries from losing business. So he indicated that humans are not loyal to Jehovah regardless of the test. LiVi laNkulunkulu liyasecwayisa litsi: "Ningaboshelwa ejokeni linye nebantfu labangakholwa. In that year, the public talk entitled "Millions Now Living May Never Die " offered hope that many will gain life in a paradise earth after the battle of Armageddon. God's Word warns us: "Do not become puffed up with unbelievers. Kusukela kadzeni, bantfu benkholo labanyenti babulele bantfu bacabanga kutsi basebentela Nkulunkulu. Kodvwa ecinisweni loko kuphambene nemitsetfo yaNkulunkulu. (Eks. Consider, for example, what happened about 1919 B.C.E. when Abraham and Sarah took up temporary residence in Gerar. Throughout history, many religious leaders have killed the idea of working out God's laws. Kepha lomile acinile enhlitiyweni yakhe angacindzetelwa lutfo, angenta lakubonako; nangabe nje sewutimisele enhlitiyweni yakhe kutsi agcine bumsulwa bakhe, wenta kahle. ' It is vital that we draw on that spirit so that we can face any challenge that Satan and his wicked system thrust upon us. But if he is steadfast in his heart, he can do nothing bad; if he is willing to keep his heart clean, he will do well. ' 8, 9. That was a good decision. 8, 9. " Livi lakho ngililondvolote enhlitiyweni yami. " - HLA. So in God's view, they have the right to ask that it be paid back in the form of taxes. " Your word has preserved in my heart. " - PS. Ekugcwalisekeni kwekucala, " kuma endzaweni lengcwele ' kwenteka nga - 66 C.E. ngesikhatsi libutfo lemaRoma ("sinengisoncitsakalo ") lihlasela iJerusalema nelithempeli lalo (lokuyindzawo lengcwele kumaJuda). They will have been judged as sheep. And they will be rewarded with life on earth under the rule of God's Kingdom. - Matthew 25: 34. In the first fulfillment, "the holy place " occurred in 66 C.E. when the Roman army surrounded Jerusalem (the sacred temple). Lenye incwadzi itsi emavi aJobe latsi " ngifihle, ' asho kutsi " ngilondze njengentfo leligugu. ' Thereafter, all rebels - human and spirit - will be eliminated forever. One reference work says that Job's words "I will hide from you, " indicating that it is " a treasure. ' Cabanga futsi nangaloku: Njengobe Nkulunkulu " angakwenti lokubi, ' angeke ehluleke kuvikela bantfu bakhe labebasolo bamkhonta ngekwetsembeka. (Dut. Instead, they are absorbed and deflected. Consider also: Just as God "did not do what is bad, " he will never fail to protect his people who faithfully served him. Sicongosekulindza kute luhlobo lolutsite lekwelashwa lesilukhutsatako. 11 / 1 Farmer (Bible times), 5 / 1 The Watchtower is available to provide some kind of encouragement. Ngekuhamba kwesikhatsi ngagcina senginelikhono lekusebentisa tintwane. Such a lesson would impress on your child that Jehovah had facts recorded in the Bible long before humans could prove them. - Neh. Later, I had the ability to use it toes. Ngako - ke, bayabalela balimi bemave laphuyile kutsi batsengise imikhicito yabo emaveni lanjingile kute emabhizinisi ebalimi balamave lanjingile angawi. The Cause of Poverty So they do not send prosperous countries to sell their cattle in prosperous lands to buy rich farmers. Ngalowo mnyaka, inkhulumo yelinyenti leyayinesihloko lesitsi "Tigidzi Letiphilako Nyalo Kungenteka Tingasafi " yaniketa litsemba lekutsi labanyenti batawutfola kuphila emhlabeni lolipharadisi ngemuva kwemphi ye - Amagedoni. Should we not, then, rejoice rather than feel envious when others receive greater responsibility? In that year, a public talk entitled "There may be no hope " that many will enjoy life after Armageddon. Sibonelo saloku ngulokwenteka ku - Abrahama nemfati wakhe Sara ngemnyaka wanga - 1919 B.C.E. Do not feel hurt if that one needs to be alone. For example, Abraham and his wife, Sarah, were in 1919. (1 Khr. 29: 12) Kubalulekile kuwucela lomoya longcwele kuze sikhone kumelana nanobe ngabe ngutiphi tinselele letikulelive lelibuswa nguSathane. (Hla. 18: 39; 1 Khor. Because of its amazing ability to recycle or exchange the products vital for life. It is vital that we ask for holy spirit so that we can resist any obstacles in Satan's world. Leso bekusincumo lesihle kakhulu. We can sin intentionally or by mistake. What a wonderful decision that was! Ngako - ke ngekwembono waNkulunkulu, lemibuso inelilungelo lekulindzela kutsi lemali ibuyiswe ngemtselo. Avoid inflammatory speech. Therefore, according to God's viewpoint, these kingdoms have the right to cause the money for the tax. Batawutsatfwa njengetimvu futsi banikwe umvuzo wekuphila emhlabeni nasekubusa uMbuso waNkulunkulu. - Matewu 25: 34. " I had trouble getting along with a brother who worked with me. They will be judged as sheep and have received the reward of living on earth under God's Kingdom. - Matthew 25: 34. Ngemuva kwaloko, bonkhe labavukela Nkulunkulu - kungaba bantfu nobe tidalwa temoya - batawubhujiswa phakadze. It is often helpful to identify any visitors. Then all who rebel against God - whether humans or spirit creatures - will be destroyed - forever. Esikhundleni saloko, lemisebe naletichumane kumunywa ngulamandla atibutse akuyise emkhatsini kute kungasilimati. So, what can you do to make sure that your personal Bible study remains productive, even though you may have been studying the Scriptures for years? Instead, the potter's ability to communicate with his forces can harm us from harming them. Umbono Ngemuntfu Nawucala Kumbona, 7 / 1 Thus, each of us needs to ask himself: " Just how earnest am I in trying "to observe the oneness of the spirit in the uniting bond of peace "? 1 / 1 Imitate Their Faith, 7 / 1 Loko kungasita umntfwanakho abone kutsi esikhatsini lesidze lesengcile Jehova wasibhalela emaciniso labalulekile eBhayibhelini, ngisho nangaphambi kwekutsi bantfu batfole bufakazi bawo. - Neh. " Congregate the people, the men and the women and the little ones and your alien resident. " - DEUT. That may help your child to see that long before Jehovah wrote precious truths in the Bible, even before people received a witness. - Neh. Yini Lebangela Buphuya? As Christianity spread, were Christians to come to terms with the world, conforming to its practices and becoming a part of it? Why? Ngako - ke, akukafaneli yini sijabule lapho labanye batfola imitfwalo lemikhulu kunekutsi sibe nemona? While some are frightened by the vision of the four horsemen, it is not designed to scare you. Should we not be happy when others receive greater responsibility than jealousy? Usengabuyela kuye ngalesinye sikhatsi. They were completely loyal to him. - Daniel 1: 1 - 3: 30. You get back to him at times. Kwentiwa likhono lawo lelimangalisako lekutihlanta nome lekushintja tintfo letisekela kuphila utente tiphindze tisebente. He fervently called out: "Help us, O Jehovah our God, for we are relying on you, and in your name we have come against this crowd. It is a wonderful ability to cleanse it or to change life's lives and to work hard. Singona ngemabomu nobe ngesiphosiso. 119: 66. We deliberately deliberately hated an unintentional manslayer or an unintentional manslayer. Ungakhulumi emagama labuhlungu. What obstacles did the returning Jews face? He does not speak harsh words. " Benginenkinga yekungevani nemzalwane lebengisebenta naye. Taxation was a hot political issue in Jesus ' time. " I had problems with a brother who was working with me. Kuvamise kuba lusito nekumtjela kutsi bobani labatomhlola. This means that gaining the gift of everlasting life is conditional. An effective smile has helped him to identify who he is taking the lead. Ngako yini longayenta kute uciniseke kutsi sifundvo seliBhayibheli lotichubela sona siyakuzuzisa ngisho nobe sekuphele iminyaka uba naso? 16, 17. So how can you make sure that your Bible study is beneficial even though you have been able to do so for years? Ngako - ke sonkhe kudzingeka sitibute: " Ngetama kangakanani " kugcina bunye bemoya ngesibopho sekuthula '? He made major changes in his life: he withdrew from his previous violent associates, stopped his petty criminal activities, and gave up smoking marijuana. Hence, all of us need to ask ourselves: " How should I " endeavor to observe the oneness of the spirit in the uniting bond of peace "? " Hlanganisani sonkhe sive, emadvodza, nebafati, nebantfwana kanye nebetive. " - DUT. In a similar way, God has given us his Word, which describes striking global trends. " Give away all the peoples, men and women and children and children. " - DEUT. Njengobe emaKhristu besekandza, besekufanele ayemukele yini imikhuba yelive futsi abe yincenye yalo? When Rehoboam needed advice on how to handle his responsibilities, he first asked the older men. As Christians grew up, did they deserve to be influenced by the world's practices and become part of it? Ngisho nome labanye ubetfusa lombono webagibeli bemahhashi labane, lombono awukentelwa kutsi ukwetfuse. (Read Daniel 2: 41 - 45.) Even if others tend to picture the vision of the four horsemen, the vision has given him to do our own. Bebatsembeke ngalokuphelele kuye. - Danyela 2: 1 - 3: 30. We need to be the Good News. " They were loyal to him. - Daniel 2: 1 - 30. Ngebucotfo watsi: "Sisite, Simakadze Nkulunkulu wetfu, ngobe setsembele kuwe, futsi site kutekulwa nalemphi lenkhulu kangaka, ngobe setsembele ebitweni lakho. • How does Jehovah provide protection for his servants? True, he said: "We have helped us, O Jehovah our God, because we rely on you, and we have come to fight against this large crowd, because we trust in your name. 119: 66. Both children and parents benefit from association with the congregation (See paragraphs 18, 19) 119: 66. Ngutiphi tinkinga emaJuda lahlangabetana nato? " We love, because he first loved us. " - 1 JOHN 4: 19. What challenges did the Jews face? Ngesikhatsi Jesu asemhlabeni, kukhokha umtselo kwenta bantfu labanyenti bangenela tepolitiki. Another way we can imitate Moses is to cultivate self - sacrificing love for others. When Jesus was on earth, paying taxes led many to politics. Loku kusho kutsi kutfola kuphila lokuphakadze kunemibandzela. Let us go back to a time many months earlier. This means that we can gain everlasting life by means of a condition. 16, 17. (Read Psalm 34: 22.) 16, 17. Wenta tingucuko letinkhulu ekuphileni kwakhe: wabashiya bangani bakhe labebatidlova, wayiyekela imikhutjana yekwenta bugebengu waphindze wayekela nekubhema insangu. Why? He made big changes in his life: He left his former friends, quit smoking, and stopped smoking. Ngendlela lefanako, Nkulunkulu usinikete liVi lakhe lelichaza indlela lemangalisako tintfo letitakwenteka ngayo emhlabeni. A year or so earlier, the district overseer, James A. Similarly, God has given us his Word to describe how amazing events will occur on earth. Ngesikhatsi Rehobowamu adzinga seluleko sekutsi angababusa njani bantfu, waya kuyotsatsisa kubantfu labadzala kucala. [ Picture on page 21] When Rehoboam needed advice on how to rule, he went to the elders first. (Fundza Danyela 2: 41 - 45.) Do you see Jehovah's hand in your life? (Read Daniel 2: 41 - 45.) Lokubaluleke kakhulu kubeka sibonelo lesihle. " Abraham knew that if he obeyed, Jehovah would bless him and his dear son. More important, setting a good example. " • Jehova utivikela njani tikhonti takhe? In 1967, Irène and I were invited to become permanent members of the Bethel family in Boulogne - Billancourt. • How does Jehovah protect his worshippers? Bantfwana kanye nebatali bayazuza ngekutihlanganisa nelibandla (Buka tigaba 18 na - 19) 1: 2 - 4. Children and parents benefit from associating with the congregation (See paragraphs 18, 19) " Sinelutsandvo, ngobe yena wasitsandza kucala. " - 1 JOHANE 4: 19. More efforts are being made to preach to people at bus stops, train stations, and parking lots, as well as in public squares and markets. " We love him, because he first loved us. " - 1 JOHN 4: 19. Lenye indlela lesingamlingisa ngayo Mosi kutsi sibe nelutsandvo lolutakwenta silahlekelwe ngulokutsite ngenca yalabanye. Because Jehovah has foretold that attack on God's people. He has also foretold the outcome. One way we can imitate Moses is by cultivating love for others. Asesibuyele emuva etinyangeni letendlulile. We wondered, " Would we ever have publications in Tuvaluan, a language spoken by fewer than 15,000 people? ' Let us go back to the past few months. (Fundza Tihlabelelo 34: 22.) Decades passed, and the ark gradually assumed its final shape. (Read Psalm 34: 22.) Ngasiphi sizatfu? Certainly, no one should feel pressured by a parent, a Bible teacher, or anyone else in the congregation to get baptized. Why? Kusesele umnyaka kutsi ngibe ngumbonisi wesigodzi, umzalwane James A. When Jesus was baptized, holy spirit evidently made him aware of things he had learned during his prehuman existence, including what God wanted him to accomplish during his earthly ministry as the Messiah. - Read Isaiah 42: 1; Luke 3: 21, 22; John 12: 50. For a year, I was appointed as a circuit overseer, James A. [ Sitfombe ekhasini 21] Before long, a Bible study was started with Dalia. [ Picture on page 21] Uyawabona yini emandla aJehova ekuphileni kwakho? What is preferred by parents and children may be dictated by local culture. Do you see Jehovah's hand in your life? Bekati nekutsi nakamlalela, Jehova abetambusisa yena nendvodzana yakhe layitsandzako. Jehovah Has Opened My Eyes He knew that if he obeyed, Jehovah would bless him and his beloved son. Nga - 1967, mine na - Irène, sabelwa kutsi sibe ngemalunga emndeni waseBethel, e - Boulogne - Billancourt. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. In 1916, I and I were assigned to serve as members of the Bethel family, Bill, and I were assigned to the United States. 1: 2 - 4. What is a Christian to do? 1: 2 - 4. Kwentiwa imetamo leminyenti kute kushunyayelwe bantfu etiteshini temabhasi, etiteshini tetitimela, etindzaweni tekupaka, etindzaweni letiphitsitelako nasetimakethe. Why did Jesus make God's Kingdom the main theme of his ministry? And there are many effort to preach to people at train, on Sunday, on train, in front of train, in public witnessing, and in public witnessing. Ngobe Jehova waphrofetha ngekuhlaselwa kwebantfu bakhe, futsi wabiketela ngisho nemphumela wako. Consider Linda, who was mentioned earlier. For Jehovah prophesied about the attack against his people, and he foretold even the result of its outcome. Satibuta kutsi, " Kutawuke kwenteke yini kutsi sibe netincwadzi ngesiTuvalu, lokululwimi lolukhulunywa bantfu labangephansi kwa - 15 000? ' " When we saw their spiritual hunger, " says Sakiko, "we began to study Portuguese as a family. " We wondered, " Will it be really possible for us to have books in Tuvaluan, the language spoken by over 15,000,000 people? ' Kwendlula iminyaka, kancane kancane umkhumbi waya ngasekupheleni. (Read Luke 2: 52.) Some years later, we gradually went into the ark to the end. Kuyacaca kutsi kute lokufanele ative aphocelelwe ngumtali, lafundza naye liBhayibheli noma lomunye umuntfu ebandleni kutsi abhajatiswe. • Why is sharing in the preaching work a great privilege? Clearly, there is no need to feel qualified to ask for parent, to study the Bible, or someone in the congregation to get baptized. Ngalesikhatsi Jesu abhajatiswa, kubonakala shengatsi umoya longcwele wamenta wabona tintfo labetifundzile ngesikhatsi asengaketi emhlabeni, kuhlanganise naloko Nkulunkulu labefuna kutsi akufeze emsebentini wakhe wasemhlabeni njengaMesiya. - Fundza Isaya 42: 1; Lukha 3: 21, 22; Johane 12: 50. Thus, the pagan doctrine of the immortal soul was absorbed into the "Christian " church and became a fundamental part of its beliefs. When Jesus was baptized, it seems that the holy spirit came to see him perform conditions on earth, including what God wanted him to accomplish in his earthly ministry. - Read Isaiah 42: 42; Luke 3: 21, 50; Luke 21: 50; John 1: 50. Ngekushesha, wacala sifundvo seliBhayibheli naye. This has always been true. Soon she began to study the Bible with her. Loko lokufiswa batali nobe bantfwana babo kungase kuye ngetimo tendzawo. That kind of wisdom is necessary for salvation. As parents or children, they may be confronted with situations in which they live. Jehova Ungivule Emehlo " From the time they were very young, I studied with them for 15 minutes every day, except on days when we had Christian meetings. Jehovah Has Given Me More Than You leshicilelwa BoFakazi BaJehova. One opposer complained about how little money people contributed when receiving the books! published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Yini umKhristu lokufanele ayente? Similarly, love for Jehovah and our neighbor moves us not only to ask God " to send out workers into the harvest ' but also to have a full share in the preaching work. - Matt. What should a Christian do? Kungani Jesu enta uMbuso waNkulunkulu waba sihloko semsebenti wakhe wekushumayela? What does our baptism make known? Why did Jesus put God's Kingdom to an article in his ministry? Cabanga ngaLinda lokukhulunywe ngaye ekucaleni. The Bible does not tell us, but one point is clear: The widow did not accuse God of any unrighteousness. Consider the example mentioned at the outset. Sakiko utsi: "Ngesikhatsi sibona indlela lebebalambele ngayo emaciniso laseBhayibhelini, umndeni wakitsi wonkhe wacala kufundza lulwimi lwesiPutukezi. " Instead of paying heed to that timely warning, political and religious leaders scorned and persecuted those zealous anointed evangelizers. " When we saw how we were reaching out for Bible truth, my family began reading Portuguese. " (Fundza Lukha 2: 52.) The ransom also makes it possible for us to have the opportunity to live forever in happiness. (Read Luke 2: 52.) • Kungani kushumayela kulitfuba lelibaluleke kakhulu? Since I had little secular education, I worked on farms. • Why is preaching a special privilege? Ngako lemfundziso yebuhedeni yekutsi umphefumulo awufi yemukelwa ngemasontfo "ebuKhristu " yaba ngulenye yetimfundziso tawo letisisekelo. " You, too, were with Jesus, " she says. So the teaching of the immortality of the soul became "the Christian teaching " became one of its basic teachings. Loku kubonakele kutsi kuliciniso. 30: 7 - 9, 18 - 20. This is evident from the fact that it is true. Kuhlakanipha lokunjalo kubalulekile kute basindziswe. Choose a course that will result in attaining the prize of everlasting life. Such wisdom is essential for salvation. Kusukela basebancane, bengifundza nabo imizuzu lengu - 15 onkhe malanga, ngaphandle nangabe kulilanga lekuya esifundvweni. I myself shall keep supplying you and your little children with food. " Since then, I was studying for 15 minutes every day, unless the day was at the meeting. Lomunye umphikisi wakhonona ngemnikelo lomncane bantfu labebawukhipha nabaniketwa letincwadzi. During the time of testing that apparently culminated in his martyrdom, Paul wrote: "The Lord stood near me and infused power into me, that through me the preaching might be fully accomplished and all the nations might hear it; and I was delivered from the lion's mouth. " One soldier complained about a small offering that the people offered. Ngalokufanako, kutsandza Jehova kanye nabomakhelwane betfu kutawusenta singagcini nje ngekucela Jehova kutsi " engete tisebenti tekuvuna ' kuphela kodvwa natsi sihlanganyele ngalokugcwele kulomsebenti wekushumayela. - Mat. I can perform many everyday tasks myself, but they take a lot more time, effort, and energy than they normally would. Likewise, love for Jehovah and for our neighbor will move us not only to ask Jehovah to " harvest workers " but also to share in the preaching work. - Matt. Kubhajatiswa kwetfu kubonisani? Jehovah is the God of love, yet he hates what is bad. What does our baptism symbolize? Iyatfolakala naku - www.jw.org / ss. But to be honest, I've never really understood how that works. Also available at www.jw.org. LiBhayibheli alisitjeli lutfo kodvwa nayi intfo lecacile: Lomfelokati akazange asole Nkulunkulu ngekutsi akakalungi. Although she wanted to serve Jehovah more fully, her work in the movie business made things very difficult for her, and she was very unhappy. The Bible does not say exactly exactly what was clear: The widow did not blame God for being wrong. Esikhundleni sekunaka leso secwayiso lebesifike ngesikhatsi, baholi betepolitiki nebenkholo bahlekisa futsi bashushisa labo bashumayeli labagcotjiwe labebanenshisekelo. But after God made it clear that Christians should not be partial, Peter preached to Cornelius, a Roman soldier. Instead of focusing on this warning arrangement, political leaders and persecuted the anointed who were zealous. Sihlengo siphindze sisinikete litfuba lekujabulela kuphila lokuphakadze. The Law protected the Israelites from the immorality and false religion of the nations around them. The ransom also gives us the opportunity to enjoy everlasting life. Njengobe ngingafundzanga lokuyaphi, ngasebenta emapulazini. (a) When will Jesus judge the people as sheep or goats? Since I learned little, I worked and worked. Ibese itsi: "Nawe bewunaye lomGalile longuJesu. " Take steps now to build your love for God and his Word, the Bible. Then he said: "When you were with him, you saw Jesus. " 30: 7 - 9, 18 - 20. Mother set a fine example of zeal for the preaching work. 30: 7 - 9, 18 - 20. Khetsa indlela letawukwenta utfole umklomelo wekuphila lokuphakadze. After residing for years as a fugitive, David became king and lived in a comfortable house. Choose how to attain the prize of everlasting life. Nine nebantfwabenu ngitaniphatsa ngetandla letifutfumele. " Starting last October, all those trained at Gilead will already have been in some form of special full - time service - as missionaries who have not been to Gilead, special pioneers, traveling overseers, or Bethelites. I will bless you with warm hands. " Ngesikhatsi ahlangabetana neluvivinyo lolwagcina luphumele ekubulaweni kwakhe, Pawula wabhala: "INkhosi yema nami yangicinisa kuze inshumayelo yami ipheleliswe ngami, nebetive beve. Ngako - ke ngakhululwa emlonyeni welibhubesi. " For example, we find reference to "the good news of salvation ";" the good news of God "; and "the good news about Jesus Christ. " - Mark 1: 1. When confronted with tests that eventually reached his death, Paul wrote: "The Sovereign Lord kept comforting me so that I might bring my voice to the nations as well as to the lion. " Ngiyakhona kutentela tintfo, kepha kungitsatsa sikhatsi lesidze kutenta futsi ngidzinga emandla lamanyenti kwendlula lawo ladzingwa ngumuntfu lonetitfo letiphelele. Similar to Peter, if we focus on the wrong things, our faith could quickly become weak. I am able to do things, but I take a long time, and I need more than any other human needs. Jehova unguNkulunkulu lonelutsandvo, kodvwa uyakutondza lokubi. " Let God Be True " Jehovah is a God of love, but he hates lawlessness. Kodvwa nje ngikutjele liciniso yeKhulile, solo angicondzi kutsi kungenteka kanjani loko. But just as with gardening, desire alone will not yield results. But just to tell you the truth about Megan, I still do not understand how that is possible. Bekanesifiso sekwentela Jehova lokunyenti kodvwa bekangakhoni ngenca yemsebenti lebekawenta wekwakha emafilimu, loko bekumkhatsata kakhulu. Less well - known, though, is the fascinating link between the arch and the Bible - the Arch of Titus bears silent witness to the remarkable accuracy of Bible prophecy. He had much to do for Jehovah, but he could not be able to do as much as he could in the work that he had done, but he was so sorry for him. Kodvwa ngemuva kwekutsi Jehova asho ngalokucacile kutsi emaKhristu kufanele angakhetsi, Phetro washumayela Khoneliyu lobekalisotja lelingumRoma. • How should we view Jehovah's moral standards? But after Jehovah said that Christians should be impartial, Peter preached a Roman soldier. LoMtsetfo wawuvikela ema - Israyeli ekutiphatseni lokubi nasekukhulekeleni kwemanga lobekwentiwa tive lebetibomakhelwane bawo. All rights reserved. The Law protected the Israelites from immorality and false religion against their neighbors. (a) Jesu utabehlulela nini bantfu njengetimvu nobe timbuti? © 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania (a) When will Jesus judge people as sheep or goats? Tsatsa tinyatselo nyalo kute ube nelutsandvo ngaNkulunkulu neliVi lakhe liBhayibheli. Is it really possible that we could become "enraged against Jehovah "? Take practical steps now to develop love for God and his Word, the Bible. Yini lokudzingeka ngiyente kute ngitfutfukise? " Religious thought in Babylonia provided plenty of room for false doctrines, deities, demons, and spiritism. What must I do to improve? " Make waba sibonelo lesihle sekushumayela tindzaba letinhle ngenkhutsalo. • How can holy spirit affect our lives? Mother set a good example in preaching the good news with zeal. Ngemuva kwekuphila iminyaka leminyenti angumbaleki, Davide waba yinkhosi futsi besekahlala nasendlini lenhle kakhulu. My siblings, also moved by what they had experienced at that convention, decided to return as well. After many years of life, David was a king and lived in a beautiful home. Kusukela nga - October wemnyaka lowendlulile, labo labaceceshwa eGileyadi basuke bavele basemsebentini lokhetsekile wasikhatsi sonkhe - njengetitfunywa telivangeli letisengakayi eGileyadi, emahlahlandlela lakhetsekile, babonisi labajikeletako nobe emalunga emndeni waseBethel. In addition to gifts of money and valuable personal property, there are other methods of giving to benefit Kingdom service worldwide. Since October 29 years, those who have been trained at Gilead were already serving as special pioneers in Gilead, traveling overseers, traveling overseers, or traveling members of the Bethel family. Sibonelo saloku kutsi sitfola emavi latsi " memetelani tindzaba letinhle tensindziso yakhe ' (Tihlabelelo 96: 2); " tindzaba letinhle letiphuma kuNkulunkulu '; " tindzaba letinhle ngaJesu Khristu. ' - Makho 1: 1. 6: 33. For example, we find the words " advertise the good news of his salvation " and" the good news of God " by Jesus Christ. - Mark 1: 1 - 4. NjengaPhetro, nasinake tintfo letingakalungi, ngekushesha kukholwa kwetfu kungaba butsakatsaka. Government officials are expected to maintain law and order and to care for the needs of their citizens. Like Peter, when we focus on the wrong things, our faith could soon become weak. " Let God Be True " " God is not partial, " said the Christian apostle Peter with the utmost conviction. - Read Acts 10: 34, 35. " The Word of God Is True " Kodvwa njengasekulimeni, sifiso sisodvwa asiyiletsi imiphumela. When serving as district overseer But as we face a situation, we are not alone with only the consequences. Nanobe singakadvumi kakhulu, kunekuhlobana lokukhona kulesakhiwo kanye neliBhayibheli - lesakhiwo lesidvumisa Titus sifakazela kutsi tiphrofetho letiseBhayibhelini tishaya emhlolweni. Indeed, our ability to resist the Devil and his agents begins with a determination to be acquainted with God's standards and to adhere to them fully. Although we may fall into more than ever, there is a connection between the existence and the Bible - an organization that honors Titus to acknowledge that Bible prophecy is a religious force. • Kufanele sititsatse njani timiso taJehova tekutiphatsa? If so, would this not contradict the above Bible - based statements? • How should we view Jehovah's moral standards? All rights reserved. God then said: "Let there be light. " All rights reserved. © 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Powerful angels will serve as executioners of divine judgment as the Lord Jesus "brings vengeance on those who... do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus. " - 2 Thessalonians 1: 7, 8. © 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Kungenteka yini vele kutsi " simtfukutselele Jehova '? Many who are able to engage in the full - time ministry have found that one blessing that results from their increased share in Kingdom service is that it has deepened their love for God. Could we really be "enraged against Jehovah "? Kucabanga kwenkholo kwaseBhabhulona kwabangela kutsi kuvele timfundziso letingemanga, bonkulunkulu labanyenti, emadimoni nekusebentisa imimoya. We are told: "Yet, he [Jehovah] did not give him [Abraham] any inheritance in it, no, not even enough to put his foot on; but he promised to give it to him as a possession and after him to his offspring, though as yet he had no child. " The thinking of religion in Babylon caused many false teachings, false gods, and spiritism. • Umoya longcwele ungakutsintsa njani kuphila kwetfu? Across the globe, the belief that the dead can help the living persists. • How can holy spirit affect our life? Bantfwabakitsi kwabatsintsa labakubona kulomhlangano, nabo bancuma kuyiyekela imikhuba lemibi. Two female Witnesses regularly visited some of the other young mothers. Our children were moved to see how they were doing so, and they decided to let go of bad habits. Ngetulu kwekunikela ngemali naletinye tintfo takho letiligugu, kunaletinye tindlela tekupha letingazuzisa umsebenti weMbuso lowentiwa emhlabeni wonkhe. Set specific goals. In addition to gifts of money and valuable property, there are other methods of giving to benefit Kingdom service worldwide. 6: 33. Yes, a person can become enraged against God in his heart. 6: 33. Tikhulu tahulumende tibhekeke kutsi tishaye umtsetfo tiphindze tente kutsi kube nekuhleleka kanye nekunakekela tidzingo tebantfu lababaphetse. First, all members of your family can read over the contrasts. Judges was forced to defend the law and make it necessary for men and women to care for their needs. Umphostoli Phetro labengumKhristu washo ngekuciniseka kutsi "Nkulunkulu akakhetsi. " - Fundza Imisebenti 10: 34, 35. As a family head, do I help my children to prepare comments in advance and teach them to answer in their own words? ' The apostle Peter pointed out that "God is not partial. " - Read Acts 10: 34, 35. Ngesikhatsi ngingumbonisi wesigodzi Who are the two witnesses? While I was a circuit overseer Kute sikwati kumelana naDeveli kanye nebameleli bakhe, kufanele sicale sitimisele kwati timiso taNkulunkulu futsi siphile ngato ngalokuphelele. Foretelling what lies ahead, verse 44 says this: To resist the Devil and his representatives, we first need to be determined to know God's standards and live forever. Nangabe kunjalo, angeke yini loko kuphikisane nalamaciniso eliBhayibheli lesikhulume ngawo lapha ngenhla? The account tells us that Abraham's family left with the wealth they had gained as well as "the people whom they had acquired in Haran. " If so, would we not agree with the truths mentioned above? (Genesisi 1: 2) Nkulunkulu wabese utsi: "Akube khona kukhanya. " (Read John 6: 7 - 9.) God then said: "Let the light shine. " Letingilosi letinemandla nato tiyolekelela ekubhujisweni kwebantfu lababi ngesikhatsi iNkhosi Jesu iletsa "imphindziselo kulabo labangamati nakulabangatilaleli tindzaba letimnandzi letimayelana neNkhosi yetfu Jesu. " - 2 Thesalonika 1: 7, 8. During this Memorial season, it is good to meditate on how we are using our life. These powerful angels have helped wicked people during the time of the King Jesus, who "did not judge those who do not know the good news about our Lord Jesus. " - 2 Thessalonians 2: 7, 8. Labanyenti labakhone kungenela umsebenti wasikhatsi sonkhe, batfole kutsi sibusiso sekukhulisa sikhatsi labasisebentisa emsebentini weMbuso, kujula kwelutsandvo labanalo ngaNkulunkulu. He wants us to be wise and happy and to love him as our Father. Many who have been able to enter the full - time ministry have found that the blessing of raising their time in the Kingdom - preaching work has been a source of love for God. LiBhayibheli lisitjela kutsi: "Kute lifa lamnika lona kulo, ngisho nje neligadze lemhlaba; kodvwa wametsembisa kutsi utamnika lelive, bese kutsi ngemuva kwakhe alinike intalelwane yakhe, njengobe abesengakabi naye umntfwana. " How, though, do we do that? The Bible tells us: "No one will give him his own inheritance, neither the earth nor the earth; but they promises him that the world would give him the land, and after he had given them his offspring, he had given them a child. " Emhlabeni wonkhe, banyenti bantfu labakholwa kutsi labafile bangabasita labaphilako. Yet, he succumbed to temptation and became guilty of adultery and murder. Worldwide, there are many who believe that the dead can help the living. Bomake lababili labaBoFakazi bebavame kuvakashela labanye balabomake labasebasha. It is as if he wipes out the record of those sins. - Acts 3: 19. Two of my classmates often visited the younger ones. Tibekele imigomo lecondzile. Helping poor nations to get out of poverty proved to be more difficult than helping wealthy nations to recover from war. Set realistic goals. Umuntfu angamtfukutselela Nkulunkulu enhlitiyweni yakhe. How would it be possible to buy out time to read God's Word? A person could become angry with God in his heart. Kwekucala, onkhe emalunga emndeni angakufundza lokucatsanisa. He wants us to choose our own course in life. First, all members of the family can learn this comparison. Njengenhloko yemndeni, ngiyabasita yini bantfwana bami kutsi batilungiselele kusenesikhatsi timphendvulo tabo, futsi ngibafundzise kuphendvula ngemavi abo? ' Consider the setting in which Jesus made his remarks on singleness. As family head, do I help my children to plan ahead for their answers, and teach them in their words? ' Bobani labofakazi lababili? You have sayings of everlasting life. " - John 6: 53, 60, 66, 68. Who are the two witnesses? Livesi 44, nalisitjela ngaloko bekutawenteka litsi: At the end of the book of Daniel, we read God's assurance to him: "As for you, go on to the end. Verse 44 tells us what would happen: Umndeni wa - Abrahama wahamba netintfo lebewutitfolile kanye nebantfu. It is not surprising that unfavorable or disparaging remarks are made against those who endeavor to follow Jesus ' example. Abraham's family left you with people. (Fundza Johane 6: 7 - 9.) For example, Paul explains that Melchizedek represents Jesus. (Read John 6: 7 - 9.) Kulesikhatsi seSikhumbuto, kuhle kuzindla ngendlela lesikusebentisa ngayo kuphila kwetfu. What details about the future has Jehovah revealed to us? During the Memorial season, it is good to meditate on how we apply our lives. Ufuna kutsi sihlakaniphe, sijabule futsi simtsandze njengaBabe wetfu. It is Satan, of course. He wants us to be wise, rejoice, and love him as our Father. (Tihlabelelo 16: 8) Singakwenta kanjani - ke loko? How do mature Christians benefit from accurate knowledge? How, then, can we do that? Kodvwa wawela esilingweni waba nelicala lekuphinga nelekubulala. (2 Sam. They will also see that you have given much thought to your basic beliefs. But he succumbed to temptation and committed adultery. (Isaya 38: 17) Kufana nekutsi utesulile. - Imisebenti 3: 19. Then Jesus promptly raised Lazarus back to life! It is like nothing that has never done. - Acts 3: 19. Kusita emave laphuyile kutsi ancobe buphuya kubonakale kumatima kwendlula kusita emave lanjingile labehlaselwe timphi. Nathan then said: "You are the man! " Helping poor countries to overcome poverty is more challenging than helping the poor in lands who suffer wars. Bengitawusitfola njani sikhatsi sekufundza liVi laNkulunkulu? They owned their home, and they had no children. How would I find time to read God's Word? (Dut. 30: 19, 20; Josh. People in Zimbabwe enjoy reading our literature. Josh. Nowa, Mosi, Jeremiya, Pawula kanye naJesu bonkhe bebangemadvodza latinikele. Is it wise, therefore, to risk unnecessary and potentially dangerous surgical procedures or medical treatments merely to make oneself more physically attractive? Noah, Moses, Jeremiah, and Jesus were all dedicated men. Cabanga ngesimo lebesikhona ngesikhatsi Jesu asho lamavi lamayelana nekungashadi. This is in harmony with the fact that he is the very personification of love. Consider the situation that Jesus made when he said those words about singleness. Ngobe emavi ekuphila lokuphakadze akuwe. " - Joh. 6: 53, 60, 66, 68. The Scriptures, written under the influence of the same active force that appoints elders, provide living examples of overseers who faced trials successfully. For the word of everlasting life is everlasting. " - John 6: 53, 60, 66, 68. Ekwephetseni kwencwadzi yaDanyela, sitfola emavi Nkulunkulu lamcinisekisa ngawo latsi: "Wena Danyela, hamba endleleni yakho kuze kube ngusekugcineni. Give examples. (b) What lesson do you learn from how some brothers responded to disasters? In the conclusion of the book of Daniel, we find the assurance that God assures us: "O Daniel, go on walking in your path to the most distant part of the earth. Akumangalisi kutsi letinkhulumo letingatsandzeki nobe letona ligama laboFakazi ticondziswa kubantfu labatimisele kulandzela sibonelo saJesu. " Be Aglow With the Spirit " It is not surprising to say or even to those who are determined to follow Jesus ' example. Nasi sibonelo: Pawula watsi Melkhisedeki umelela Jesu. It takes effort to be a faithful Christian. For example, Paul said that the Melchizedek represented Jesus. Ngumiphi imininingwane lephatselene nelikusasa Jehova lasembulele yona? She relates: "I asked the brothers and sisters where the best places are to buy fruits and vegetables at low prices. What details does Jehovah reveal about the future? Kuyacaca kutsi nguSathane. Throughout history, Satan has organized his seed into various political movements, or kingdoms. Clearly, Satan. EmaKhritsu lavutsiwe azuza njani elwatini lolungulonalona? What a meaningful life a person can enjoy if he allows godly principles to guide his life! How did mature Christians benefit from accurate knowledge? Batawubona kutsi ucabangisisile ngaloko lokukholelwako. A Theological U - Turn They will see that you are concerned about what you believe. Ngekushesha nje Jesu wamvusa Lazaro. Most of those who died will be restored to life at a future time with the prospect of living forever in that Paradise on earth. - Luke 23: 43. Soon, Jesus resurrected Lazarus. Nathani wase utsi: "Lowo muntfu nguwe. " " This is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome. " - 1 JOHN 5: 3. Nathan then said: "You yourself yourself are the man. " Bebanelikhaya lelitsi bona futsi bete bantfwana. Why? They had no home and children. Bantfu baseZimbabwe bayakujabulela kufundza tincwadzi tetfu. When faith in God moves a person to preach the good news, how does Jehovah receive that one's praise? The cards were pleasant to read our literature. Ngako - ke, kukuhlakanipha yini kutifaka engotini ngalokungakafaneli ngekutsi sihlindvwe nobe sisebentise imitsi letsite kute sishintje indlela lesibukeka ngayo? You will no doubt find it spiritually refreshing to hear their experiences. So, then, is it wise to avoid being hit by surgery or by planning to change our appearance? Loku kuhlobene neliciniso lekutsi ulutsandvo. Jesus said that love is the identifying mark of true Christians. This is related to the truth that love is love. LiBhayibheli, leliphefumulelwe ngemoya lofanana naloyo lomisa labadzala, lisiniketa tibonelo tebabonisi lababeketelela kulingwa ngemphumelelo. Rather than chasing lepers away, he was willing to touch them - and even heal them. - Matthew 8: 3. The inspired Bible, like the elders, provides examples of faithful overseers who endure successfully. December 27, 2010 - January 2, 2011 The second article shows what can be done to overcome barriers to communication between parents and children. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Niketa tibonelo. (b) Ufundzani kuloko labanye bazalwane labakwenta nakuvela tehlakalo? After all, when a friend gives us a beautiful gift, we want to use it in the best way possible. Give examples. (b) What do you learn from what other brothers did when suffering arise? " Vutsani Emoyeni ' How can we do so during "the day of Jehovah's fury " that is soon to begin? " Keep Yourselves in the Spirit " Kudzingeka imetamo kute ube ngumKhristu lowetsembekile. Elevating True Worship Brought Peace It takes effort to become a loyal Christian. Utsi: "Ngabuta bazalwane nabodzadze kutsi ngutiphi tindzawo letincono lebengingatsenga kuto titselo netibhidvo ngemanani laphansi. • Your fundamental questions about life go unanswered. She says: "I asked the brothers and sisters wherever I could buy fruit and produce fresh fruit. Emlandvweni, Sathane uhlele kutsi intalo yakhe ibe semacenjini etepolitiki lehlukehlukene nobe emibusweni leminyenti. I spent 15 months in the German navy. Satan has decided that his seed would be involved in a political, political, or many other political parties. Umuntfu angaphila imphilo lenhle nakavumela kutsi timiso taNkulunkulu timcondzise ekuphileni kwakhe. Do you feel that Jehovah has given you wonderful results in the preaching work? A person can live a good life if he allows God's standards to guide him in his life. Imfundziso Yenkholo Leyashitjwa Yonkhe I politely told her that I wished to see the High Commissioner. The World's Great Rule Esikhatsini lesitako, linyenti lebantfu labafile litawuvuswa futsi libe nelitsemba lekuphila phakadze emhlabeni loliPharadisi. - Lukha 23: 43. • Discuss ways to expand your ministry as a couple. In the future, many resurrected ones will be resurrected and have the prospect of living forever in Paradise on earth. - Luke 23: 43. " Kutsandza Nkulunkulu kugcina imiyalo yakhe. Imiyalo yaNkulunkulu ayimatima kitsi. " - 1 JOH. 5: 3. Jehovah's people have used the world's technology to preach the good news. " The love of God is keeping his commandments. " - 1 JOHN 5: 3. Ngani? " By faith they passed through the Red Sea as on dry land, " the Bible says, "but when the Egyptians attempted it, they were swallowed up. " Why? Ngesikhatsi kukholwa kuNkulunkulu kwenta umuntfu kutsi ashumayele tindzaba letinhle, Jehova uwemukela njani lomnikelo wakhe wekudvumisa? Do you want to know more about God's Kingdom and what it will accomplish? When faith in God made it possible for a person to preach the good news, how did Jehovah accept his praise? Akungatjatwa kutsi utawutfola kucabuleka ngekwakamoya nawuva lokuhlanganwe nako kwabo. 11 Did You Know? You will not feel that you will find refreshment spiritually when you hear their program. Jesu watsi lutsandvo luluphawu lesibonakala ngalo kutsi singemaKhristu eliciniso. Of course, God does not want you to be imprudent or irresponsible, especially if you have a family to care for. Jesus said that love is the identifying mark of true Christians. Kunekutsi abacoshe, bekabatsintsa aze abelaphe ngisho nekubelapha. - Matewu 8: 3. Those steps, like a spiritual checklist, are set out in the box "Steps That Lead to Baptism and Continued Growth. " Instead of throwing them away, he touched them even though they were sick. - Matthew 8: 3. Sihloko sesibili siveta kutsi yini lengentiwa kute kuncotjwe tintfo letivimbela kukhulumisana emkhatsini webatali nebantfwana. Slowly - often imperceptibly - people start consuming a little more alcohol with increasing frequency. The second article shows what can do to prevent communication from communication between parents and children. Nangabe umngani wetfu asipha sipho, sifisa kusisebentisa ngendlela lekahle kakhulu. He or she will be pleased to discuss such matters with you. If our friend gives us a gift, we want to use it effectively. Loko singakwenta njani " ngelilanga lelulaka lwaJehova ' lelitawufika ngekushesha? David sang: "Happy is the one whose transgression is pardoned, whose sin is covered. How can we do so when "the day of Jehovah " will come soon? Kutfutfukisa Kukhonta Kweliciniso Kwamletsela Kuthula We will enjoy all these blessings when we settle differences with love. Cultivating True Worship brought to peace • Awutitfoli timphendvulo temibuto yakho lebalulekile lemayelana nekuphila. What is needed in order for us not to tire out, and what will we consider in this article? • You do not find answers to your questions about life. Ngacitsa tinyanga letingu - 15 ngisebutfweni lemasotja asemantini eJalimane. Babylon the Great will no longer deceive anyone, for she will not exist. I spent 15 months in front of the army in Germany. Ucabanga kutsi Jehova ukunikete imiphumela lemihle yini emsebentini wekushumayela? BY MEANS OF his Word and his holy spirit, Jehovah is leading his people in "the tracks of righteousness. " Do you think that Jehovah has good results in the preaching work? Ngemusa ngacela kukhuluma naMbasada. For God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " - John 3: 14 - 16. I kindly prayed for a while. • Cocani ngetindlela leningawukhulisa ngato umsebentini wenu wekushumayela njengebantfu labashadene. [ Footnotes] • Share ways in which you can expand your ministry as a couple. Bantfu baJehova bebasolo basebentisa buchwephesha lobukulelive kute bashumayele tindzaba letimnandzi. A future article in this series will consider why God allows suffering. Jehovah's people have always used technology to preach the good news. LiBhayibheli litsi: "Ngekukholwa, badzabula eLwandle Lolubovu kwaba shengatsi bahamba emhlabatsini lowomile, kodvwa baseGibhithe bamita nabetama kwenta loko. " Christ's "other sheep, " who are striving to receive a blessing for themselves by means of Abraham's seed, will delight to hear Him say:" Come, you who have been blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world. " The Bible says: "By faith they went through the Red Sea as if the Egyptians walked in dry land, but my Egyptians would certainly try to do so. " Uyafuna yini kwati kabanti ngeMbuso waNkulunkulu nangaloko lotakufeza? On arriving, many stayed with local Witnesses, who lovingly opened their homes to their brothers. Do you want to know more about God's Kingdom and what it will accomplish? 11 Labafile Bangabasita Yini Labaphilako? But how does that good news, which can lead to salvation, relate to the fact that "all have sinned "? 11 Can the Dead Help the Living? Kuliciniso kutsi Nkulunkulu akafuni ube ngumuntfu longakahlakaniphi futsi longacabangeli, ikakhulukati nawunemndeni lokufanele uwunakekele. Later, in the day of Joshua and his generation, the nation obeyed Jehovah's commandments and enjoyed peace and spiritual blessings. Of course, God does not want you to be foolish and fair, especially if you have a family that needs to care for you. Leto tinyatselo, letifanana nekuhlola simo sebuhlobo betfu naNkulunkulu, tibhalwe ebhokisini lelinesihloko lesitsi "Tinyatselo Letenta Ulungele Kubhajatiswa Nekuchubeka Utfutfuka. " Soon thereafter, Jehovah's sentence on Ahab was carried out. Those steps, such as reviewing our relationship with God, are listed in the box "Go to Making Baptism and Baptism. " Bantfu bacala kancane kancane kunatsa, bangakanaki bagcine sebanatse tjwala lobunyenti. So think about what you want to do with your life. People began to drink alcohol, not to drink alcohol, but to drink too many alcohol. Yena utakujabulela kucoca nawe ngaleto tintfo. " If we live, we live to Jehovah, and if we die, we die to Jehovah. He or she will be pleased to discuss such matters with you. Sitawuphindze sichaze tinyatselo letisebentako lesingatitsatsa kute siciniseke kutsi tincumo lesitentako tijabulisa Nkulunkulu. Why People Do Bad Things, 9 / 1 We will also consider some practical steps we can take to make sure that our decisions honor God. Davide wahlabela watsi: "Ubusisiwe umuntfu lotsetselelwe tiphambuko takhe, nalotono takhe tisitjekelwe. What long - term goals can baptized youths set for themselves? David sang: "Happy is the man whose transgressions are forgiven, and his transgressions are covered. Sitawujabulela tonkhe letibusiso nangabe sicatulula kungevani ngelutsandvo. " David, on the one hand, rendered service to God in his own generation [and] fell asleep in death. " - Acts 13: 36. We will enjoy all these blessings if we solve disagreements with love. Yini ledzingekako kute singadzinwa, futsi sitawucoca ngani kulesihloko? That spirit, in turn, nurtures within us qualities that merit God's approval and that help us to cope not only with life's temptations but also with its trials, which may well increase as Jehovah's day draws near. What is needed in order for us to not give up, and what will we discuss in this article? (Hla. 72: 13 - 16) Kute lotawudukiswa yiBhabhulona Lenkhulu ngobe itawube seyingekho. God's Word describes "faith in God " as part of the" foundation " that is needed for anyone to become and remain a true Christian. To be deceived by Babylon the Great, none of them will be misled by Babylon the Great. ASEBENTISA liVi lakhe kanye nemoya wakhe longcwele, Jehova uholela bantfu bakhe " emikhondvweni yekulunga. ' (Hla. 23: 3, NW.) For the first time, I understood my daughter's feelings. At the end of his Word and his holy spirit, Jehovah leads his people to "the tracks of righteousness. " Nkulunkulu walitsandza live kakhulu kangangekutsi wadzimate wanikela ngeNdvodzana yakhe lekukuphela kwayo, kuze kutsi nome ngubani lokholwa ngiyo angabhubhi, kodvwa abe nekuphila lokuphakadze. " - Johane 3: 14 - 16. One fine example is the experience recounted in the article "Seventy Years of Holding On to the Skirt of a Jew, " published in The Watchtower of April 15, 2012, pages 18 - 21. God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " - John 3: 14 - 16. [ Imibhalo lengentansi] To assist individuals desiring to benefit the worldwide work of Jehovah's Witnesses through some form of charitable giving, a brochure entitled Charitable Planning to Benefit Kingdom Service Worldwide has been prepared. [ Footnotes] Sihloko lesilandzelako saloluchungechunge sitawukhuluma ngekutsi Nkulunkulu ukuvumele leni kuhlupheka. When famine threatened Judean Christians in the first century, the congregation organized help for them. The next article will consider how God allows suffering. " Letinye timvu ' taKhristu letilwa matima kute titfole sibusiso ngentalo ya - Abrahama, titawujabula natimuva atsi: "Wotani nitewudla lifa lembuso, lenawulungiselelwa seloku kwasekelwa umhlaba. " Now the really risky part of the journey was about to begin. The "other sheep " who are gathered for the blessing of Abraham's seed will rejoice when they hear:" Come, inherit the kingdom prepared for the founding of the world. " Labanye nabefika, bebahlala emakhaya aBoFakazi labadvutane. Why not include material from such features in your Family Worship program from time to time? Some arrived, staying in the homes of the Witnesses nearly nearby. Kodvwa - ke letindzaba letinhle letiholela ensindzisweni, tihlobana njani nekutsi "bonkhe bantfu bonile "? What was the lesson? But how do the good news lead to salvation, and how is it related to "all sorts of men "? Kamuva, esikhatsini saJoshuwa kanye nesitukulwane sakhe, lesive sawulalela umtsetfo waJehova sajabulela kuthula kanye netibusiso takamoya. Finding a friend who loves God can help you to endure. Later, in Joshua's day and his descendants, the nation followed Jehovah's law of peace and spiritual blessings. Ngekushesha ngemuva kwaloko Jehova wamgweba Ahabi. Each day, over 1.6 million people visit our website. Soon thereafter, Jehovah appeared to Ahab. Ngako cabanga ngaloko lofuna kukwenta ekuphileni kwakho. Fifty - eight special traveling ministers gave public lectures throughout the United States and Canada. So think about what you want to do in your life. " Nasiphila siphilela Jehova, nanasifa sifela Jehova. When we speak in a kind way, people are more likely to enjoy listening to us and to accept what we say. " If we live up to Jehovah, we die for him. Ngumiphi imigomo yesikhatsi lesitako bantfu labasha lababhajatisiwe labangatibekela yona? Since we lived near Aspen, Colorado, we all took up skiing so that we could occasionally ski together. What long - term goals can young ones set for themselves? " Phela Davide wenta intsandvo yaNkulunkulu ngesikhatsi sekuphila kwakhe; wase uyafa. " - Imisebenti 13: 36. Do not be deceived! " After all, David did God's will in his life, and he died. " - Acts 13: 36. Lomoya longcwele utawusenta kutsi sibe netimfanelo letinhle letemukelwa nguNkulunkulu. Uphindze usisite kutsi sikwati kubeketelela kulingwa kanye netimo letimatima letandzako njengobe lusuku lwaJehova lusondzela. Do I understand his or her feelings and thoughts on matters? This spirit will help us to have beautiful qualities that God has given us, and he has helped us to cope with trials and hardships that come close to Jehovah's day. LiVi laNkulunkulu lichaza "kukholwa kuNkulunkulu " njengencenye " lesisekelo ' ledzingekako kunobe ngabe ngubani lofuna kuba ngumKhristu sibili. Christians respect others ' consciences. God's Word describes "the belief in God " as" the primary part of anyone who wants to become a true Christian. Kwaba kwekucala kutsi ngicondze imiva yayo. Though most people would agree with those comments, how many allow the reality behind them to alter their approach to life? It was first that I understood his feelings. Lesinye sibonelo lesihle kucocwa ngaso esihlokweni lesitsi, "Iminyaka Lengemashumi Lasikhombisa Ngibambe Umphetfo Wesembatfo SemJuda, " lesitfolakala ku - Sicongosekulindza sa - April 15, 2012, emakhasini 18 kuya ku - 21. Like the mustard grain that is "the tiniest of all the seeds, " the Christian congregation had small beginnings in 33 C.E. One fine example is discussed in the preceding article "The Most High - Sermon on the Most High, " in April 15, 2012, issue of The Watchtower, pages 18 - 21. Imininingwane leyengetiwe mayelana nendlela yekunikelela umsebenti wemhlaba wonkhe waBoFakazi BaJehova ungayitfola kulencwajana letsi Charitable "Planning to Benefit Kingdom Service Worldwide, " letfolakala ngesiNgisi nangeSipanishi. Barr), 5 / 15 A number of information on how to donate the worldwide work of Jehovah's Witnesses can be found in the brochure Theocratic Ministry School, which has been prepared in English and Spanish. Ngalesikhatsi indlala ihlasele emaKhristu aseJudiya ngelikhulu lekucala, libandla lawasita. What blessings will result from his rulership? When the famine attacked Christians in Judea in the first century, the congregation assisted them. Loluhambo lwakhe lwase lutawucala kuba yingoti. Jehovah therefore allowed King Shishak of Egypt to capture many Judean cities, despite Rehoboam's having fortified them! - 1 Ki. The trip of the 1980 ' s will begin to be dangerous. Kungaba njani kutsi ngaletinye tikhatsi nisebentise kwatiswa lokusetihlokweni letinjalo eluhlelweni lwenu lwekuKhonta Kwemndeni? Each year that we pioneer together, we grow closer. " How might you at times use material information in such articles as your Family Worship schedule? Ngusiphi sifundvo lamfundzisa sona? " You Will Have to Read It Every Day " What lesson did she teach? Kutfola umngani lotsandza Nkulunkulu kungakusita kutsi ubeketele. We are so grateful that God is with us and that he is blessing all our efforts. Finding a friend who loves God can help you to endure. Onkhe malanga, bantfu labangetulu kwetigidzi letingu - 1.6 bangena kule - website. Pax Romana: A Latin expression that means "Roman Peace. " Every day, more than 1 million people go to the website. Tikhonti letijikeletako letingu - 58 tabeka tinkhulumo etindzaweni letinyenti taseMelika naseCanada. How can prayer empower us? 50 - year - old worshippers gave talks in many parts of the United States and in the United States. Nasikhuluma ngendlela lenemusa, bantfu batawutsandza kusilalela futsi bakwemukele lesikushoko. With Jehovah's help, couples can enjoy a solid and happy union. When we speak in a kind way, people will love and accept what we say. Ngenca yekutsi besihlala dvutane ne - Aspen, leseColorado, safundza umdlalo wekuhamba tikwelichwa kuze sikwati kuhle siwudlala kanyekanye. When we have a fear of displeasing God, we will not let fear of man affect us. Because we stayed in a small forest, we learned to walk in a small forest so that we could play together. Ungadukiswa! How could you enjoy having a more satisfying share in what Jehovah's people are doing? Do not be misled! Ngiyayicondza yini indlela lativa ngayo nalacabanga ngayo etindzabeni letitsite? Speaking of the cup of wine, he told his 11 faithful apostles: "This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood, which is to be poured out in your behalf. " Do I understand my feelings and actions? EmaKhristu ayabahlonipha bonembeza balabanye. ▪ Consider What Kind of Person You Ought to Be Christians respect the conscience of others. Nanobe bantfu labanyenti bavumelana nemavi alombhali, kodvwa bangakhi labawavumelako kutsi asebente ekuphileni kwabo? A Closer Look Although most people agree with the words of the writer, how many have been able to work in their lives? Njengenhlanyelo yesinaphi " leyinhlanyelo lencane kunato tonkhe, ' libandla lebuKhristu lacala lilincane nga - 33 C.E. Hence, we should not use the imperfections of those who take the lead among us today as an excuse to murmur against them or to ignore their authority. Like the mustard grain, the Christian congregation began in 33 C.E. Ngutiphi tibusiso letitawuletfwa kubusa kwakhe? (b) What is the greatest privilege any human can have? What blessings will his rulership bring? (1 Khos. 14: 21) Umphumela waloku waba kutsi sonkhe lesive sakhonta tithico. Ngako Jehova wavumela Shishaki inkhosi yaseGibhithe kutsi itfumbe emadolobha lamanyenti akaJuda ngisho noma Rehobowamu bekawente acina. - 1 Khos. This gives as many as possible an opportunity to share in commenting. As a result, the nation of Israel turned their back into idolatry. - 1 Ki. Njengobe kuchubeka iminyaka singemahlahlandlela sobabili, sisondzelana kakhulu. " Of what are we assured if we have a full share in today's spiritual harvest work? As we continue pioneering, we feel closer to each other. " " Kutawufuneka Ulifundze Onkhe Malanga " By 1939 there were 6,000 of them in the [concentration camps]. " " You Will Keep On Each Day " Sijabula kakhulu ngekutsi Nkulunkulu unatsi nekutsi ubusisa yonkhe imetamo yetfu. Today, millions of people from various backgrounds have learned from the Bible the truth about Jehovah. How grateful we are that God is with us and that he blesses all our efforts! I - Pax Romana: Ligama lesiLatin lelisho "Sikhatsi Sekuthula SaseRoma. " She found it hard to believe when I said that my children would never do that. " The name of the Roman Peace " is Romans. Umthandazo ungasiniketa njani emandla? Make suitable application of the study material so that each member of the family benefits. - Ps. How can prayer give us strength? Ngekusitwa nguJehova, bantfu labashadene bangaba nemshado locinile futsi lojabulisako. Are these brothers and sisters overly anxious about where they will go or what they will do? With Jehovah's help, couples can have a strong and happy marriage. Nasesaba kudvumata Nkulunkulu, ngeke sivume kuncotjwa kwesaba bantfu. the need to take decisive action to benefit from God's mercy? If fear is displeasing to God, we will not fear fear of man. 110: 3; Isa. 52: 7) Yini lokufanele uyente kute ube nencenye kulomsebenti lowenetisako? What is Satan's aim, and how does Paul identify Satan's tactics? What can you do to have a share in this work? Nakakhuluma ngendzebe yeliwayini, watjela baphostoli bakhe labetsembekile labangu - 11 watsi: "Lendzebe isho sivumelwane lesisha lesentiwe ngengati yami, letawucitfwa ngenca yenu. " Why is true love between a man and a woman possible? Speaking of the wine of the wine, he told his 11 faithful apostles: "This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood, which is to be poured out in your behalf. " ▪ Hlobo Luni Lwemuntfu Lofuna Kuba Ngilo? For example, the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus said of a Jewish sect: "Swearing they avoid, regarding it as worse than perjury, for they say that one who is not believed without an appeal to God stands condemned already. " ▪ What Kind of Person You Ought to Be? Luhlatiyo Lwawo 4, 5. Publications for God's Purpose Ngako - ke, akukafaneli kutsi sisebentise emaphutsa alabo labaholako emkhatsini wetfu lamuhla njengetaba tekukhonona ngabo nobe kungabi nendzaba nendzima yabo. What does the Bible promise to those who meditate on God's Word daily and who apply what they learn? Hence, we should not use the shortcomings of those taking the lead today as they complain about or do not have a part of their role. (b) Nguliphi lilungelo lelikhulu kakhulu umuntfu langaba nalo? I told them that I would take it to the local priest and discuss it with him. (b) What is one of the greatest privileges that someone has? Loko kwenta labanyenti kutsi nabo baphendvule. PAGE 27 As a result, many respond favorably. Yini lesiciniseka ngayo nangabe sihlanganyela ngalokugcwele kulomsebenti wekuvuna walamuhla? In addition to gifts of money and valuable personal property, there are other ways to benefit Kingdom service worldwide. These are listed below. What are we sure if we have a full share in the modern - day harvest work? Nga - 1939 bekuvalelwe labangu - 6 000 [etinkanjini tekuhlushwa]. " Jehovah has the right to expect that humans will serve him acceptably. In 1939 there were 65,000 prisoners in 1939. " Lamuhla, tigidzi tebantfu labachamuka etindzaweni letehlukahlukene tilifundzile eBhayibhelini liciniso mayelana naJehova. Who was that old man at the well? Today, millions from different lands have learned the truth about Jehovah. Kwaba matima ngaye kukholwa nangimtjela kutsi bantfwabami angeke sebakwente loko. Yet, they are richly blessed by Jehovah. We are happy for them. It was difficult for him to have faith that my children would not have done so. Yenta konkhe longakwenta kute usite lilunga ngalinye lemndeni lizuze ekukhonteni kwemndeni. - Hla. Of course not! Do all you can to help each family member benefit from family worship. - Ps. Labazalwane nabodzadze bakhatsateke kakhulu yini ngekutsi batawubese bayaphi nome benteni? (See paragraphs 11, 12) Did these brothers and sisters worry about what they will do or what they do? nesidzingo sekutsatsa sinyatselo ngekushesha kute utfole umusa waNkulunkulu? Hence, anyone who desires Jehovah's friendship is obliged to forgive the shortcomings of his fellow human. In order to receive God's mercy, what need is needed? Yini Sathane lafuna siyente, futsi Pawula uwachaza njani emachinga aSathane? Unhesitatingly, they "continued devoting themselves to the teaching of the apostles. " What did Satan want us to do, and how did Paul describe Satan's methods? Sisho ngani kutsi lutsandvo lweliciniso lungaba khona emkhatsini walomdvuna nalomsikati? How can we cope? Why is true love between a man and a woman possible? Nasi sibonelo, mayelana nemaJuda, Flavius Josephus losati semlandvo lesingumJuda watsi: "EmaJuda abekholelwa kutsi kwenta sifungo bekukubi kakhulu kunekucamba emanga. Bekacabanga kutsi umuntfu lowenta sifungo kute labanye bamkholwe, ngumcambimanga. " Then her husband of 38 years died. Over 20 years have passed, yet she says, "I think of him every day. " For example, regarding the Jewish synagogue, historian Josephus states: "The Jews believed that making a vow was worse than a lie; rather, they thought that anyone making a vow is a liar. " 4, 5. First, we wrote everything using pen and paper. 4, 5. Yini liBhayibheli leliyetsembisa labo labazindla ngeliVi laNkulunkulu onkhe malanga futsi bakusebentise loko labakufundzako? Then the Witnesses reassured me that God loved me by showing me 1 John 4: 8. What does the Bible promise those who meditate on God's Word daily and apply what they learn? Ngabatjela kutsi bengitawumikisa loluhla kumphristi wasendzaweni yangakitsi futsi ngicoce naye ngalo. A white woman kindly brought one out to me. I told them that I would send the priest back to the local area and that I had a conversation with him. LIKHASI 27 Choose friends with strong faith. PAGE 27 Lapha ngentasi kunaletinye tindlela longanikela ngato kute usekele umsebenti wekushumayela ngeMbuso emhlabeni wonkhe. Paul stressed that we must strongly reject the view: " Oh, God understands. There are other methods that you can offer to support the Kingdom - preaching work worldwide. Jehova unelilungelo lekulindzela kutsi bantfu bamkhonte ngalokwemukelekako. Let us see how this communication between you and Jehovah can strengthen your relationship with him and make him a real Friend to you. Jehovah has the right to expect humans to worship him in an acceptable way. Ngubani lomkhulu lowakhandza Rebheka esicojeni? One year later, a young circuit overseer visited our congregation. Who found Rebekah? Nanobe kunjalo, Jehova ubabusisa kakhulu, futsi natsi sijabula kanye nabo. Although our position as Christian neutrals may not have been fully understood by our brothers nearly a century ago, they sought to please Jehovah God. However, Jehovah blesses them, and we rejoice with them. Bewungeke uphetse kanjalo. The Bible reveals that in time some of the angels initiated unauthorized contact with humans. Of course not! (Buka tigaba 11 na - 12) Who Inhabit the Spirit Realm? (See paragraphs 11, 12) Ngako - ke, nobe ngubani lofisa kuba nebungani naJehova kufanele awatsetselele emaphutsa alabanye bantfu. For example, worldwide, families and friends of victims of fatal automobile accidents commonly make " roadside shrines ' in remembrance of their loved ones. So whoever wants to be close to Jehovah should overlook the mistakes of others. Ngekushesha, bachubeka "bacinisela njalo bahlanganyela etimfundzisweni tebaphostoli. " We usually enjoy the food, language, scenery, and customs of the place we grew up in. Soon, they "continued devoting themselves to the teaching of the apostles. " Singabeketela njani? In the second fulfillment of the prophecy, God's rulership would be interrupted for a period of time - but not because of any deficiency on God's part. How can we show patience? Kodvwa ngemuva kwekushonelwa yindvodza yakhe labesashade nayo iminyaka lengu - 38, utsi nanobe sekuphele iminyaka lengu - 20 ashona: "Ngicabanga ngaye onkhe emalanga. " Jehovah's Witnesses would be happy to help you learn the answers to those and other questions so that you and your family can draw close to God. - James 4: 8. But after her husband got married for 38 years, she says: "I think about him every day. " Besicala ngekubhalela ephepheni. Consider the example of a mother whose disfellowshipped daughter left home. We began writing to provide protection. BoFakazi bangikhombisa umBhalo wa - 1 Johane 4: 8 lowangenta ngabona kutsi Nkulunkulu usangitsandza. The Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar threatened Judah and its capital, Jerusalem. The Witnesses showed me 1 John 4: 8 that I could see that God loves me. " Wase uvula tingcondvo tabo kute bacondzisise imiBhalo. " - LUK. Jehovah loves us as his children, which is why he patiently disciplines us, or molds us " He opened up their minds fully to grasp the meaning of the Scriptures. " - LUKE. Lomunye make longumlungu waba nemusa futsi wangitsengela yona. With Robert Wallen, Charles Molohan, and Don Adams One woman had been kind and had left me. Khetsa bangani labanekukholwa lokucinile. Look! He will certainly come, ' Jehovah of armies has said. Choose wholesome friends. Pawula wagcizelela kutsi kufanele singavumelani nembono lotsi: " Nkulunkulu uyati kutsi nginesono. Jehovah will give you these blessings if you remain loyal to him. Paul emphasized that we should not agree with the viewpoint: "God knows that I am imperfect. Asesibone kutsi kukhulumisana lokuba khona emkhatsini wakho naJehova kungabucinisa njani buhlobo benu futsi bumente abe nguMngani wakho sibili. Since lions are stronger and faster than humans, we should not try to fight or outrun Satan in our own strength. Let us see how communication between your relationship with Jehovah can strengthen your relationship with him and cause him to become your best Friend. Ngemuva kwemnyaka, ebandleni letfu savakashelwa ngumbonisi wesifundza losemusha. MEMORIAL ATTENDANCE (2017) After a year later, our congregation was assigned to a young circuit overseer. Ngisho nobe kungenteka bazalwane betfu bebasengakati kahle kutsi kusho kutsini ngemaKhristu kungangeneli imphi, benta konkhe lokusemandleni kute bajabulise Nkulunkulu Jehova. 1: 9, 10. Even though our brothers may not have known what it meant for Christians, they did all they can to please Jehovah God. LiBhayibheli liveta kutsi ngekuhamba kwesikhatsi letinye tetingilosi tachumana nebantfu ngendlela Nkulunkulu langayemukeli. (Read 2 Peter 3: 9.) The Bible shows that later some angels communicated with humans in a way that God did not reject them. Bobani Labahlala Endzaweni Yemoya? For example, we no longer speak of "the new order " but of" the new world. " Who lived in the Spirit of the Spirit? Nasi sibonelo, emhlabeni wonkhe imindeni leminyenti leyafelwa tihlobo etingotini tetimoto ibeka timphawu eceleni kwemigwaco kuze ikhumbule labo lebatsandzako. Paul was sure that they could remain spiritually clean and thus continue to benefit from God's undeserved kindness. For example, many families around the world who lost their family's health while caring for roads to remember their loved ones. Sivame kukujabulela kudla kwendzawo lesikhulele kuyo, lulwimi, kubukeka kwayo kanye nemasiko ayo. That belief never wavered during the ensuing centuries. We often enjoy the food we grew up, language, and culture. Ekugcwalisekeni kwesibili kwalesiphrofetho, kubusa kwaNkulunkulu bekutawuphazamiseka sikhatsi lesitsite, kodvwa hhayi ngesizatfu sekutsi Nkulunkulu utawube ehlulekile. ▪ "We no longer ask " What does God require of me, ' but rather, " What can God do for me? ' " - Chicago Sun - Times. In the second fulfillment, God's rulership would be interrupted for a period of time, but not because God has failed. BoFakazi BaJehova bangakujabulela kukusita kutsi utfole timphendvulo talemibuto kanye naleminye kute wena nemndeni wakho nisondzelane naNkulunkulu. - Jakobe 4: 8. However, God grants women and men equal value and standing before him. Jehovah's Witnesses would be happy to help you find answers to these answers and other questions so that you and your family can draw closer to God. - James 4: 8. Cabanga ngesibonelo salomunye make lonemntfwana longasahlali ekhaya futsi lowayekeliswa kuba nguFakazi. Why not? Consider another example of a mother whose mother has left home and was disfellowshipped. Bantfu baseBhabhulona labebaholwa nguNebukhadnezari basongela sive sakaJuda kanye nelidolobha laso lelikhulu, liJerusalema. When Jesus was baptized by John, Jehovah anointed Jesus as the promised Messiah and the future King of God's Kingdom. The Babylonians was threatened by King Nebuchadnezzar and his great city, Jerusalem. Jehova uyasitsandza njengobe sibantfwabakhe, kungaleso sizatfu asiyala ngesineke nobe asibumba If you think about it, though, wisdom dictates that we be different. Jehovah loves us as our children, so he patiently disciplines us or molds us Mine naRobert Wallen, Charles Molohan kanye naDon Adams To help us comprehend the issue involved, let's read together Romans 6: 23. Robert and Robert, Charles Taze Russell and Adam Yebo, sitfunywa sesivumelwane lenisifisako siyawufika, ' kusho Simakadze longuSomandla. 1: 1 - 3; 1 Tim. Yes, he served as a messenger in the covenant that is coming, ' means Jehovah. (Isaya 65: 17; 2 Phetro 3: 13) Jehova utakupha letibusiso nangabe uhlala wetsembekile kuye. " He [Jesus Christ] seized the dragon, the original serpent, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. Jehovah will reward you if you remain faithful to him. Njengobe emabhubesi anemandla futsi anelitubane kunebantfu, akukafaneli setame kulwa nobe kubalekela Sathane ngemandla etfu. However, at times it can be challenging for pioneers and publishers to maintain their zeal for the ministry. Since the lions are powerful, we should not try to fight against Satan's power. LEBEBAKHONA ESIKHUMBUTWENI NGA - 2017 ● Eyewitness testimony. MEMORIAL ATTENDANCE (2015) 1: 9, 10. Why? 1: 9, 10. (Fundza 2 Phetro 3: 9.) What Is Extreme Poverty Like? (Read 2 Peter 3: 9.) Nasi sibonelo: Asisasho kutsi "luhlelo lolusha, " kodvwa sesitsi" umhlaba lomusha. " Robert Ciranko, a helper to the Writing Committee, reminisced about his four grandparents, who were Hungarian immigrants and anointed Christians. For example, we do not say that "the new world " is a new one but that" the new earth. " Pawula bekaciniseka kutsi bebangahlala bahlantekile ebuhlotjeni babo naNkulunkulu futsi batfole umusa wakhe. Pleased with Asa's zeal for true worship, Jehovah rewarded him with years of peace. Paul was confident that they could remain clean spiritually and receive his favor. Loko solo akukashintji kumaKhristu eliciniso. Do I make it easy for them to talk to me about anything, so that they will ask me for help even if they are tempted to look at pornography? ' That has not been true for true Christians. ▪ "Umbuto lotsi " Yini Nkulunkulu layifunako kimi, ' asisawubuti, kunaloko sibuta lotsi " Nkulunkulu angangentelani vele? ' " - Chicago Sun - Times. Instead, we will commend our brothers and sisters for the good that they do and focus on their good qualities and abilities. ▪ " What is "the question " that God wants me to be with me, rather than asking him, " Why does God really please me? ' " - R. Kodvwa kuNkulunkulu kungakhatsaliseki kutsi uyindvodza nobe ungumfati ubalulekile. For 40 years, Jehovah supplied manna and water for the nation of Israel while they were in the wilderness. But whether she is a husband or a wife, she is very important. Kungani kunjalo? What does this teach me about Jehovah? Why? Ngalesikhatsi Jesu abhajatiswa nguJohane, Jehova wagcoba Jesu kutsi abe nguMesiya lowetsenjisiwe neNkhosi yeMbuso waNkulunkulu esikhatsini lesitako. Such disbelief also makes it impossible to understand some of the Bible's greatest themes and most reassuring promises. When John was baptized, Jehovah anointed Jesus as the promised Messiah to be the promised King of God's Kingdom in the future. Kodvwa kwehluka kulo kukuhlakanipha. No one is more powerful, wise, or loving than our God! But being different is wise. Kuze ukhone kuyibona lendzaba, asesifundze umbhalo webaseRoma 6: 23. If we learn to wait patiently for Jehovah to fulfill his promises now, it will help us to be patient then. - Ecclesiastes 7: 8. To help you see the matter, consider Romans 6: 23. 1: 1 - 3; 1 Thim. Even the apostle Paul lamented: "The good that I wish I do not do, but the bad that I do not wish is what I practice. 1: 1 - 3; 1 Tim. " [Jesu Khristu] wambamba drago, inyoka yekucala, longuDeveli naSathane, wambopha iminyaka leyinkhulungwane. He has to lead the nation of Israel into the Promised Land in the face of formidable obstacles. " [Jesus Christ] took him the dragon, the first serpent, the Devil, the Devil, and bound him for a thousand years. Nobe kunjalo, ngaletinye tikhatsi kungaba yinsayeya ngemahlahlandlela nebamemeteli kuhlale bawukhutsalele umsebenti wekushumayela. Do you pray even if you have doubts about whether God exists? At times, though, it may be difficult for pioneers to maintain their zeal for the ministry. ● Bufakazi bebantfu labambona avusiwe. Is an adjustment needed? ● People who saw him died. Kungani? In time, he became a ministerial servant and later was invited to the Bible School for Single Brothers. Why? Kunjani Kuphuya Kakhulu? 17, 18. (a) Why did the apostles at times have difficulty grasping Jesus ' teaching on humility? What Is Poverty Like? Robert Ciranko, longumsiti eKomidini Yekubhala, wakhuluma ngebatali bababe wakhe kanye nebamake wakhe, labebasuka eHungary futsi bangemaKhristu lagcotjiwe. 10: 23 - 25. Robert, a helper to the Writing Committee, spoke to his father and his mother, who were Christians from Nazareth and became anointed of anointed Christians. Ngesizatfu sekutsi abejabula ngenshisekelo ya - Asa ekukhonteni kweliciniso, Jehova wambusisa ngeminyaka lenekuthula. It is the time when the anointed still on earth will receive their reward and go to heaven. Because of Asa's zeal for true worship, Jehovah blessed him for the peaceful years. Ngikwenta kube melula yini ngabo kutsi bakhulume nami nganobe yini, kute bakhone kucela lusito lwami nangabe balingeka kutsi babuke titfombe letikhombisa kungcola? ' Our everlasting life depends on our doing so. Do I make it easier for them to talk to me about anything, to ask for help if they are tempted to look at pornography? ' (Taga 27: 2) Esikhundleni saloko, sitabancoma bazalwane nabodzadzewetfu ngetintfo letinhle labatentile futsi sinake buntfu babo lobuhle nemakhono abo. A word of caution, though: Resist the urge to interrupt your partner when he or she is using an effective line of reasoning. Instead, we will commend our brothers and sisters who have done good things and focus on their positive qualities and abilities. Ngesikhatsi ema - Israyeli asehlane iminyaka lengu - 40, Jehova wawanakekela ngekuwanika imana kanye nemanti. (Eks. This and similar promises guarantee the safety of God's people as a whole. When the Israelites were in the wilderness for 40 years, Jehovah cared for them by providing them with water and water. Kungifundzisani loku ngaJehova? The little that we have given up cannot be compared to the happiness that comes from serving Jehovah full - time. " What does this teach us about Jehovah? Loku kwenta kube matima kucondza naletinye tindzaba letibalulekile letiseBhayibhelini kanye netetsembiso talo letisicinisekisako. Let us consider them one at a time. This can make it difficult for us to understand and other important Bible accounts. Kute lomunye lonemandla lamakhulu kunewaJehova, lohlakaniphile kunaye nalositsandza ngendlela yena lasitsandza ngayo. Jolene, a single sister who has spent the past 34 years in full - time service, says: "I've tried to work hard at building warm relationships, not just with people my own age, but with all types of people. No one is more powerful than Jehovah, who loves us as much as he loves us. Nasilindza ngekubeketela kutsi Jehova agcwalise tetsembiso takhe nyalo, loko kutasisita kutsi sibeketele emhlabeni lomusha. - Umshumayeli 7: 8. The following sunset in Jerusalem (March 31) will come about 21 hours later. If we wait patiently for Jehovah to fulfill his promises now, this will help us to endure in the new world. - Ecclesiastes 7: 8. Nemphostoli Pawula yamtfwalisa imikhono enhloko lendzaba nakatsi: "Ngobe lokulungile lengitsandza kukwenta, angikwenti, kodvwa lokubi lengingafuni kukwenta, ngiyakwenta. These fields and trades include real estate, architecture, drafting, engineering, cost estimating, procurement, project oversight, surveying, masonry, concrete, mechanical installations, plumbing, welding, electrical, carpentry, heavy - equipment operation and maintenance, landscaping, and the finishing trades. The apostle Paul referred to his head and said: "For what is right, I do not want to do, but I don't want to do it. JOSHUWA bekufanele aholi sive sema - Israyeli asiyise eveni lesetsembiso, futsi lona bekungumsebenti lomatima. What will we consider in this article? THE Mosaic Law was to lead Israel's father into the land of this promise, and it was hard work. Uyathandaza yini ngisho nobe ungabata kutsi Nkulunkulu ukhona? [ Picture on page 7] Do you pray even if you doubt that God exists? Kukhona yini kulungisa lokudzingeka ukwente? 20: 29 - 34; Mark 10: 46 - 52. Is there anything you need to do? Ngekuhamba kwesikhatsi, waba yinceku lesebentako futsi ngemuva kwaloko wamenywa eSikolweni Lesisekelwe EBhayibhelini Sebazalwane Labangakashadi. Because we love the Lawmaker. - Isa. 33: 22; read Luke 10: 27. Later, he served as a ministerial servant and was invited to attend the Bible School for Single Brothers. 17, 18. (a) Kungani ngaletinye tikhatsi baphostoli bakutfola kumatima kucondza sifundvo sekutfobeka Jesu labebafundzisa sona? What factors determined the life course of Noah, Moses, Jeremiah, and Paul? 17, 18. (a) Why did the apostles sometimes find it difficult to understand the lesson Jesus taught? 10: 23 - 25. " As it turned out, " he adds with a smile, "parts of our territory along the coast remind me of Paradise. " 10: 23 - 25. Usikhatsi lapho labagcotjiwe labasesemhlabeni labatawutfola ngaso umvuzo wabo futsi baye ezulwini. Fine works do not go unnoticed. - Read 1 Timothy 5: 25. The time when anointed ones on earth will receive their reward and go to heaven. Kuphila kwetfu lokuphakadze sitakutfola ngekutsi sibanike ludvumo. She partook of the forbidden fruit, believing that she would not really die. We can gain everlasting life by giving them glory. 4: 12) Nobe kunjalo, naku lokufanele ukunake: Ungamphatamisi loyo lohamba naye nakasakhulumela liphuzu lelibalulekile. A shepherd's life required a great deal of walking. However, you should take note: Your friend walks up when discussing an important point. Lesetsembiso kanye naletinye letifana naso, tiyasicinisekisa kutsi bonkhe bantfu baNkulunkulu bavikelekile. 3: 14. The Promised Land and other factors assure us that all of God's people will be secure. Tintfo lesitiyekele ngeke ticatsaniswe nenjabulo leta ngekukhonta Jehova sikhatsi sonkhe. " Our assistance continues as we conduct Bible studies with him. Our lasting things will never be appreciated by serving Jehovah full - time. " Ase sicoce ngayo nyalo. We might lose appreciation for the privilege that we have to be part of our worldwide brotherhood. Let us consider these matters now. Jolene, dzadze longakashadi futsi losacitse iminyaka lengu - 34 emsebentini wasikhatsi sonkhe, utsi: "Ngiye ngatimisela kutsi ngakhe buhlobo lobusedvute nebantfu, hhayi nalabo lengilingana nabo kuphela, kodvwa nato tonkhe tinhlobo tebantfu. What is God's purpose for the earth? wisely, a single sister who has spent some 34 years in the full - time service, says: "I'm determined to maintain a close relationship with others, not just with them, but with all kinds of people. Kushona kwelilanga lelilandzelako eJerusalema (March 31) kuyoba cishe ngemuva kwema - awa langu - 21. We find it distressing when workmates, schoolmates, and neighbors show a self - centered attitude. It refers to the next day in Jerusalem (now March 31,.) Lemisebenti ifaka ekhatsi kutsenga umhlaba, kudweba emapulani nekwakha, bunjiniyela, kubala tindleko, kutfola timvume, kucondzisa umsebenti, kuhlola tindzawo, kubeka sitini, kufaka khonkolo, kufaka imishini, kufaka emaphayiphi emanti, kushisela, kufaka gesi, kubata, kusebentisa imishini lemikhulu nekuyilungisa, kwenta ingadze, nemisebenti yekucedzela sakhiwo. Jehovah does not expect us to be perfect, but he does expect his servants to obey his laws and to remain holy. Such activities include selling the earth, selling money, shopping, financial expenses, caring for the sheep, caring for a variety of wood, food, food, water, and wood that contributes to food, water, food, and water, and water. Sitawucoca ngani kulesihloko? 8 WHAT DID JESUS REALLY LOOK LIKE? What will we consider in this article? [ Sitfombe ekhasini 15] [ Footnotes] [ Picture on page 15] 20: 29 - 34; Mak. 10: 46 - 52. Why Be Guided by God's Spirit? 20: 29 - 34; Mark 10: 46 - 52. Kungobe siyamtsandza uMniki - mtsetfo. - Isa. 33: 22; fundza Lukha 10: 27. Why can we be pleased that Christians acted urgently some 100 years ago? Because we love him as the Giver. - Isa. 33: 22; read Luke 10: 27. Yini leyabangela kuphila kwaNowa, Mosi, Jeremiya kanye naPawula kwajabulisa? 3, 4. (a) Moses had what fears? What resulted from Noah's life, Moses, Jeremiah, and Paul? Ngekumomotseka utsi: "Ngijabula kakhulu ngekuba lapha ngobe incenye letsite yensimi yetfu yinhle impela, ungatsi liPharadisi. " Remember, our eyes feed our mind and our mind feeds our heart. " I am so happy to be here, " she says, "for a part of our territory is pleasant to me. " Imisebenti lemihle ngeke ihlale inganakeki. - Fundza 1 Thimothi 5: 25. To illustrate: A good military commander sends his best soldier on a dangerous mission into enemy territory. Acts 5: 25. Wadla kulesihlahla labeyalwe kutsi angasidli acabanga kutsi angeke aze afe. Develop love and brotherly affection. He ate from the tree that was forbidden to them, thinking that he would never die. Umsebenti wemelusi bewudzinga kutsi ahambe sigaba lesidze. Perhaps you have taken in knowledge of God, have made changes in your life, and are now an unbaptized publisher. The shepherd's work required that he walk a long time. 3: 14. Young People - Strengthen Your Desire to Serve Jehovah 3: 14. Lusito lwetfu luyachubeka njengobe siyifundzela. (Read 1 Thessalonians 5: 1 - 6.) Our help continues to grow as we read. Singalibukela phansi lilungelo lesinalo lekuba yincenye yebazalwane labasemhlabeni wonkhe. Perhaps Paul pauses to look at the Castra Praetoria - a large fortress with high red - brick walls topped with battlements and towers. We can imagine our privilege to be part of a worldwide brotherhood. Iyini injongo yaNkulunkulu ngemhlaba? Later, when the ark of the covenant was brought up to Jerusalem, "David... said to the chiefs of the Levites to station their brothers the singers with the instruments of song, stringed instruments and harps and cymbals, playing aloud to cause a sound of rejoicing to arise. " - 1 Chron. What is God's purpose for the earth? Siyacindzeteleka nangabe lesisebenta nabo, lesifundza nabo kanye nabomakhelwane betfu bakhombisa simo sengcondvo sekuticabangela bona. In this context, "the world " refers to humankind. We are depressed when workmates, fellow students, and neighbors reflect their attitude toward themselves. Jehova akalindzeli kutsi singawenti emaphutsa, kodvwa ulindzele kutsi tinceku takhe tilalele imitsetfo yakhe futsi tihlale tingcwele. Have you at times felt somewhat overwhelmed by challenges or responsibilities in God's service? Jehovah does not expect us to be perfect, but he expects his servants to obey his laws and to remain holy. 8 MBAMBAMBAMBA BEKABUKEKA NJANI JESU? Moreover, the court official in charge of their training gave them Babylonian names. 8 THEY NOT JESUS ' prophecy - HOW DOES THE BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED? [ Imibhalo lengentasi] Strong love for God and neighbor will not allow anyone or anything to interfere with the marriage bond. [ Footnotes] Kungani Kufanele Sicondziswe Ngumoya WaNkulunkulu? QUENCH THE FIRE OF UNCONTROLLED SPEECH Why We Must Be Guided by God's Spirit? Kungani singajabula ngesizatfu sekutsi emaKhristu aba nemuva wekuphutfuma eminyakeni lengu - 100 lendlulile? " Sometimes I have to force myself to talk to the brothers and sisters in my new congregation. Why can we be happy because Christians have a sense of urgency over 100 years? 3, 4. (a) Bekesabani Mosi? 11: 7. 3, 4. (a) What was Moses afraid of? Khumbula, emehlo etfu atjela ingcondvo bese kutsi ingcondvo yetfu yona yatise inhlitiyo. (Read Jeremiah 31: 31 - 34.) Remember, our eyes tell us that our mind is limited. Ase sibekise: Khomandande lonemusa welibutfo lemphi utfumela lisotja lakhe lelilichawe kutsi liyohlola endzaweni yetitsa, lokuyintfo leyingoti. First, take the example of Jacob. To illustrate: A compassionate army officer sends his army to an enemy that is in a distant land, that is, harming his enemies. Bani nelutsandvo lwebuzalwane. If used wisely, the Internet can undoubtedly save us time, energy, and funds. Show brotherly love. Kungenteka sewufundzile ngaNkulunkulu, wenta lushintjo endleleni lobewuphila ngayo, kodvwa nyalo usengummemeteli longakabhajatiswa. [ Picture on page 19] You may have learned about God, making changes in your life, but now you are a baptized publisher. Bantfu Labasha, Khulisani Sifiso Senu Sekukhonta Jehova The Bible, on the other hand, contains a remarkable prophecy involving the king of Persia that was fulfilled in minute detail. Young Ones, Strengthen Your Heart to Serve Jehovah (Fundza 1 Thesalonika 5: 1 - 6.) We will discuss what four categories that will be gone when God's Kingdom comes? (Read 1 Thessalonians 5: 1 - 6.) Kungenteka kutsi Pawula uma kancane kute abuke iNkantolo yaseCastra yemasotja aseRoma - sigodlo lesikhulu lesinetibondza letakhiwe ngetitini letibovu futsi letinemibhoshongo etulu. In some ways, our situation is like that of a person who puts his life into the hands of a skilled surgeon who can set him free from a life - threatening condition. Perhaps Paul was about to look at the Praetorian Guard in Rome - a large palace holding their eyes, and look around them. Ngalesikhatsi libhokisi lesivumelwane liletfwa eJerusalema, "Davide watjela baholi bemaLevi kutsi bakhetse bantfu nebahlabeli kutsi batewuhlabela tingoma tekujabula, baphekeletelwa ngimintjingozi: emalire, nemahabhu kanye nemasimbali. " - 1 Khr. Moreover, Jehovah gave Bezalel "wisdom, understanding, and knowledge of every sort of craftsmanship. " When the ark of the covenant brought to Jerusalem, David told the Levites that the Levites had chosen to sing praises to songs: "Look! Kulelivesi, ligama lelitsi "live " lisho bantfu. 14: 8 - 13; 1 Ki. In this context, the word "heart " refers to people. Kuke kwenteke yini ngaletinye tikhatsi utive ucindzetelwa tinkinga lonato nobe yimisebenti loyentela Nkulunkulu? Jesus was careful to remain neutral on the taxation issue. Have you at times felt overwhelmed by personal problems or for doing God's service? Ngetulu kwaloko, indvuna lebeyibacecesha yabetsa emabito aseBhabhulona. (Dan. There are other things besides apostasy that have the potential for disrupting the peace of the congregation. Moreover, the army officer trained his name in Babylon. Lutsandvo lolucinile ngaNkulunkulu namakhelwane angeke luvumele nobe ngabe yini kutsi iphatamise sibopho semshado. In Bible times, for example, women prophesied. Love for God and a neighbor will not allow anything to interfere with the marital bond. CIMA UMLILO WENKHULUMO LENGALAWULEKI It's very satisfying! " DURING GOD'S WORD Ngaletinye tikhatsi kufanele ngitincenge kute ngikhulume nebazalwane nabodzadze labakulelibandla lesengikulo. I Loved Baseball More Than Anything! Sometimes I should pray for the brothers and sisters in my new congregation. 11: 7. What is involved in having "the mind of Christ "? 11: 7. (Fundza Jeremiya 31: 31 - 34.) the need for hospitality within the congregation? (Read Jeremiah 31: 31 - 34.) Kwekucala, asesicoce ngesibonelo saJakobe. That does not mean that we should pray to Jesus. First, let us consider the example of Jacob. Nayisetjentiswa kahle, i - Internet ingonga sikhatsi, emandla kanye nemali yetfu. To reach the Bothingone Congregation in the hard - hit Irrawaddy Delta region, the relief team traveled through devastated terrain strewn with corpses. In a clear way, the Internet can take time, energy, and money. [ Emavi lahambisana nesitfombe ekhasini 19] Have you held back from offering hospitality? [ Blurb on page 19] Ngakulolunye luhlangotsi, liBhayibheli linetiphrofetho letimangalisako letihlanganisa siphrofetho senkhosi yasePheresiya lesagcwaliseka ngendlela lebesibiketelwe ngayo. The second head of the beast represents Assyria. On the other hand, the Bible contains miraculous prophecies that have been fulfilled in the Persian Empire. Ngutiphi tincenye letine lesitawucoca ngato futsi letitawucedvwa nakufika uMbuso waNkulunkulu? At age 22, she was accepted to attend the 27th class, in 1956. What four parts will we consider and will be destroyed when God's Kingdom comes? Simo setfu sifanana nesemuntfu lowetsembele kudokotela lonelikhono longamsindzisa esimeni lesisongela kuphila kwakhe. Before entering the Promised Land, the Israelites, who had been poor and weak in the land of Egypt, were reminded that they should not "harden [their] heart " toward their afflicted brothers. Our situation is similar to a person who has confidence in a qualified doctor who can save us from his life. Ngetulu kwaloko, Jehova waniketa Besaleli "likhono, nekuhlakanipha, nelwati emisebentini yonkhe yebungcweti. " Do not be surprised if in a few days, your teenager has swung around to your viewpoint - perhaps even claiming it as his own. Moreover, Jehovah gave Bezalel and wisdom "in every form of wisdom and knowledge. " 14: 8 - 13; 1 Khos. 34: 25, 28. 14: 8 - 13; 1 Ki. Jesu bekatimisele kutsi angalutsatsi luhlangotsi etindzabeni temtselo. If they do so, their resurrection will turn out to be "a resurrection of life. " Jesus was determined not to take sides in legal issues. Kunaletinye tintfo ngaphandle kwekuhlubuka letingase tiphatamise kuthula kwelibandla. Thus, we realize that the wise course is to respect God's arrangement, whether we have the privilege of serving as elders or not. There are other things that could interfere with the peace of the congregation. September 13 - 19, 2010 If we do not avoid pride, we can start thinking that we are better than others and may begin to reject counsel given to us from the Bible. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Ngalesikhatsi kusabhalwa liBhayibheli, bantfu labasikati bebaphrofetha. I went there, learned how to cut hair, and opened a barbershop to support myself. In Bible times, women prophesied. Loko kujabulisa kakhulu. " First, he tried to appeal to fleshly desire, tempting Jesus to turn stones into bread. That makes me happy. " Kute Lebengikutsandza Kakhulu Kwendlula I - Baseball! Above all, we have the deep joy that comes from knowing that we have Jehovah's approval, for he loves all those who "bear fruit with endurance "! Making More More Than More! Kuhlanganisani kuba " nemcondvo waKhristu '? Wanda, mentioned earlier, recalls, "We still remember their loving care. " What is involved in having "the mind of Christ "? Kungani kunesidzingo sekwemukela tivakashi ebandleni lokulo? Building one's life around material things, which can so quickly disappear, often brings disappointment. Why do you need to be hospitable in your congregation? Loku akusho kutsi kufanele sithandaze kuJesu. Then he spent the following week observing me as I visited another congregation. This does not mean that we should pray to Jesus. Kute bazalwane balelikomidi letehlakalo bakwati kufika ebandleni laseBothingone esifundzeni sase - Irrawaddy Delta, kwadzingeka bendlule endzaweni lebeyinenhlekelele futsi igcwele tidvumbu tebantfu. (a) What is clear about the preaching work? There are no local brothers who have come to the address of the local congregation in the province of Elah, one of the domestics had to be devastated, and they had to be put to death on the body of humans. Uke wangabata yini kwemukela tivakashi? So we should not be surprised when we read in the Bible that peace will come to prevail between humans and animals. Have you ever wondered about being hospitable? Inhloko yesibili yesilo imelela i - Asiriya. One way he trains them is by means of the Theocratic Ministry School, which is conducted in each of the more than 111,000 congregations throughout the earth. The second head represents Assyria. Nga - 1956 nakaneminyaka lengu - 22 budzala, wamenywa ekilasini lesi - 27. Their heart is hypocritical; now they will be found guilty. " In 1956 when she was 22 years old, she was invited to the 25th class. Ngaphambi nje kwekutsi angene eVeni Lesetsembiso, ema - Israyeli labehlupheka futsi abutsakatsaka ngalesikhatsi aseveni laseGibhithe akhunjutwa kutsi " angacali abe nelunya ' kubanakabo labacindzetelekile. He would be a secret disciple no more. Before entering the Promised Land, the Israelites were suffering and were persecuted when they were in the land of Egypt, "not being terrified " of their cruel persecution. Kungakumangalisi nangabe ngemuva kwemalanga lambalwa umntfwanakho asashintja imibono yakhe atsatse yakho - ente shengatsi nguloko naye labekucabanga. Many Israelites are marrying non - Jews. It is not surprising if a few days later your child change his viewpoint - as if he thought it was. 34: 25, 28. 2: 26. 34: 25, 28. Nangabe benta lokulungile "bayawuvukela ekuphileni. " Read the lyrics out loud in a strong, confident voice. When they do what is right, they "will rise up against life. " Ngako - ke, siyacaphela kutsi indlela lencono kuhlonipha tinhlelo taNkulunkulu ngisho nobe singulabadzala belibandla nobe singesibo. In effect, we say to those to whom we preach: " We brought a beautiful gift for you. Please accept it. ' Therefore, we realize that the best way to respect God's standards regardless of the elders or the congregation. Nangabe singakugwemi kutigabatisa, singabese sicabanga kutsi sincono kunalabanye futsi singase singasasemukeli seluleko lesisitfola eBhayibhelini. Jehovah did not always communicate with humans in Hebrew. If we reject pride, we may think that we are better than others and we do not accept the counsel found in the Bible. Ngaya lapho, ngafundza kuhhula tinwele ngase ngitivulela indzawo yekuhhula kute ngikwati kutiphilisa. But why does Luke not list Mary in his genealogy as the daughter of Heli, her father? When I went there, I learned to cut my hair and cut it off to cut me off so that I could earn a living. Kwekucala, wetama kusebentisa sifiso senyama, ngekulinga Jesu kutsi agucule ematje abe sinkhwa. David continues: "There are many saying: " Who will show us good? ' First, try to use the desires of the flesh, Jesus tempted Jesus to change stones into bread. Ngetulu kwako konkhe sijabula kakhulu ngekwati kutsi Jehova uyasemukela ngoba ubatsandza bonkhe " labatsela titselo ngekucinisela '! [ Footnote] Above all, we rejoice in knowing that Jehovah is generous because he loves all who "with endurance with endurance "? Wanda lokukhulunywe ngaye ekucaleni uyakhumbula: "Solo sisalukhumbula lutsandvo lwabo nekusikhatsalela kwabo. " 11: 6. She mentioned earlier: "We remember their love and concern for each other. " Kubeka litsemba letfu etintfweni lesinato, letingaphela nobe ngunini, kuvame kusicedza emandla. The point is clear. Why pray to a god who will never hear you? Our hope in things that we do not see, nor do we feel discouraged. Ngeliviki lelilandzelako wahamba nami kute abone indlela lebengenta ngayo nangivakashele lelinye libandla. How is the preaching work a protection? The next week, she traveled with me to see how she could visit one congregation. (a) Umsebenti wekushumayela ukhombisa ini? Aaron pursued a spiritual routine that included Bible reading, preparing for meetings, and commenting at them. (a) What does the preaching work show? Akukafaneli simangale nasifundza eBhayibhelini kutsi kutawuba nekuthula emkhatsini webantfu netilwane. Because not only is he the greatest Personage in all the universe but he also serves as the Protector of those whom he loves. We should not be surprised that we read from the Bible that peace will be between humans and animals. Sikolwa Semsebenti WemaKhristu lesichutjwa emabandleni langetulu kwa - 111 000 emhlabeni wonkhe, singulenye indlela laticecesha ngayo letikhonti. Alifonso), 2 / 1 Theocratic Ministry School has been conducted in over 10,000 congregations throughout the world, which is also part of how he train his fellow worshippers. Inhlitiyo yabo iyakhohlisana, manje sekufanele baletfwale licala labo. " 10, 11. (a) How indebted are you to Jesus? Their heart is treacherous, now brings back to those who are guilty. " Bekangeke asatifihla kutsi ungumfundzi waJesu. What is more, "you are worth more than many sparrows " to him. - Matthew 10: 29, 31. He would not know that he was a disciple of Jesus. Ema - Israyeli lamanyenti ashada nebeTive. Paul too appreciated the importance of remembering and using the names of fellow believers. Many of the Israelites got married and then married. 2: 26. Although Jesus ' disciples had appreciation for spiritual things, their thinking was sometimes influenced by their background and culture. 2: 26. Fundza emagama alengoma ngelivi lelicinile nalelinemfutfo. 27: 11. Learn the words of a gentle song. Kufana nekutsi sibaphatsele sipho lesihle futsi siyabancenga sitsi: " Sicela nisemukele lesipho. ' " I had seen our DVD Young People Ask - What Will I Do With My Life? It is as if we treat a wonderful gift and ask ourselves, " Please accept this gift. ' Jehova abengasebentisi lulwimi lwesiHebheru ngaso sonkhe sikhatsi nakakhuluma nebantfu. That being so, we do well to meditate on scriptures that deal with our specific weaknesses. Jehovah could not always use Hebrew language to communicate with humans. Kodvwa kungani Lukha angamfaki Mariya kuloluhlu lwekutalwa njengendvodzakati yaHeli? Yet, with skill and kind persistence, you may be able to raise an intriguing question that awakens the householder's interest in spiritual things. - Read Colossians 4: 6. But why did Luke avoid Mary's son daughter? Davide wachubeka watsi: "Labanyenti batsi: " Ngubani longasentela tintfo letinhle? ' Among them were 230 of Jehovah's Witnesses from six countries, who were ordered to march together. David went on to say: " Who can do good works? ' [ Umbhalo longentasi] 4 Jehovah Richly Blesses a Willing Spirit [ Footnote] 11: 6. So in order to get the preaching work done, we obeyed the laws, hoping that things would change for the better. 11: 6. Ngako - ke, kuyacaca kutsi asikho sidzingo sekuthandaza kunkulunkulu longeke akuve. But what are some things you can do to draw closer to Jehovah? Therefore, it is clear that we do not need to pray to a god who is not approachable. Usivikela njani umsebenti wekushumayela? Those wicked hybrids had been wiped out in the Deluge many centuries earlier, leaving not a single descendant behind. How does he protect us in the preaching work? Aaron wacala kuba neluhlelo lwekufundza liBhayibheli, kulungiselela imihlangano kanye nekuphendvula kuyo. Of course, not all unbelieving spouses, children, parents, or other relatives embrace true worship, even after years of faithful conduct and tactful witnessing on the part of the believer. Aaron began studying the Bible, preparing for meetings, and answered. Kungobe akagcini nje ngekuba nguMuntfu lomkhulu kakhulu endzaweni yonkhe, kodvwa uphindze abe nguMvikeli walabo labatsandzako. It is important to remember that God used his holy spirit to guide the Bible writers. Because he is not only a higher Person in the universe but also a Protector who loved him. Alifonso), 3 / 1 He patiently and kindly explained God's words to all. A Man's Prophecy, 3 / 1 10, 11. (a) Ubonisa njani kutsi uyambonga Jesu? Adjust your lifestyle. 10, 11. (a) How do you show that you appreciate Jesus? Lokunye lokwenta angasikhohlwa kutsi " sibaluleke kwendlula bojolwane labanyenti. ' - Matewu 10: 29, 31. We have not had any more problems. " Another factor is to forget that "there is more important than many sparrows. " - Matthew 10: 29, 31. NaPawula wakubona kubaluleka kwekukhumbula nekusebentisa emabito emakholwa lakanye nawo. Do not think that their simply knowing what is right and what is wrong is enough. Paul saw the importance of remembering the names of fellow believers. Nanobe bafundzi baJesu bebatitsandza tintfo takamoya, ngaletinye tikhatsi indlela labebacabanga ngayo beyitsintfwa yindlela labakhula ngayo kanye nemasiko abo. Prophecy 1. Although Jesus ' disciples were also interested in spiritual things, they sometimes felt that way about their growing age and culture. Awuzange ube sigcili sabontsanga yakho, futsi wente inhlitiyo yaJehova yajabula. - Taga 27: 11. That is hundreds of millions, perhaps billions, of spirit creatures! The archangel, Michael, is the chief angel in terms of power and authority. 27: 11. " Bengike ngayibukela i - DVD letsi "Young People Ask - What Will I Do With My Life? " And what did Peter mean by the "earth and the works in it " being" discovered "? " I Had Been Looking for Us " - What Should We Pray? 9: 13) Ngaleso sizatfu, kuhle kutsi sizindle ngemibhalo lekhuluma ngalokucondzile ngebutsakatsaka betfu. How can we maintain peace with our imperfect fellow humans? Hence, it is good to meditate on scriptures that are directly related to our weakness. Nawusebentisa likhono uphindze umbonise umusa, ungambuta umbuto longase uvuse sitsakatelo sakhe etintfweni takamoya. - Fundza Kholose 4: 6. The second notable factor was the decision by a few courageous men at the dawn of the 16th century to translate God's Word into the languages spoken by the common people. By using your ability and showing kindness to show kindness, you might ask a question that can prevent your spiritual needs. - Read Colossians 4: 6. Emkhatsini waletiboshwa bekunaboFakazi BaJehova labangu - 230 labebavela emaveni lasitfupha, lokwatsiwa nabo abahambe nalabantfu. * Among the prisoners there were six prisoners of Jehovah's Witnesses from six lands who were with them. 4 Jehova Ubabusisa Kakhulu Labo Labanemoya Wekupha God's Word acknowledges, however, that elders face challenges. 4 Jehovah blesses the Need for You Ngako besilalela umtsetfo kute sikhone kushumayela, futsi besetsemba kutsi lesimo sitawuba ncono. His wife did not like Jehovah's Witnesses. So we listened to law so that we could preach, confident that the situation would improve. Kodvwa ngutiphi letinye tintfo longatenta kute usondzelane naJehova? Have you held back from accepting an assignment in Jehovah's service, feeling that others were more qualified than you? But what are some things you can do to draw closer to Jehovah? Ngobe letidalwa letimbi betibhujiswe kuZamcolo emakhulwini eminyaka ngembikwaloku, futsi atizange tishiye bantfwana. September 26, 2011 - October 2, 2011 Because the wicked were destroyed in the Flood before they left, and they did not leave children. Kuliciniso kutsi akusibo bonkhe bantfu labangakholwa labashade nemaKhristu, bantfwana bawo, batali nobe letinye tihlobo labatawemukela inkholo yeliciniso, ngisho nangemuva kweminyaka leminyenti yekutiphatsa kahle kanye nekufakaza ngelikhono. For several years, I operated the boilers in the printery and the office buildings, worked as a machinist, and repaired locks. Of course, not everyone who is married to Christians, parents, or other relatives will accept true religion, even after many years of conduct and education. Kubalulekile kukhumbula kutsi Nkulunkulu wasebentisa umoya wakhe longcwele kute ucondzise babhali beliBhayibheli. B. It is important to remember that God used his holy spirit to guide Bible writers. Bonkhe wabachazela emavi aNkulunkulu ngesineke nangemusa. When you look at ripe fruit at the market, you see that the pieces are not exactly the same. All explained God's words and mercy. Tivumelanise nesimo lesishintjile. Together with the Son of man, Jesus Christ, they will make up a heavenly government, God's Kingdom. They disagree on our changed circumstances. Kusukela ngalelo langa asiphindzanga saba netinkinga. " " Jehovah's Spirit Enveloped Gideon " Since that day, we never had any problems. " Ungacabangi kutsi kumane bati lokulungile kanye nalokungakalungi kwenele. Michel and Marie - Agnès, a married couple from France in their late 50 ' s, moved to Benin about five years ago. Do not think that it is simply enough to know what is right and wrong. Siphrofetho 1. The apostle Paul cautioned fellow believers to be careful that "there may be no fornicator nor anyone not appreciating sacred things, like Esau, who in exchange for one meal gave away his rights as firstborn. " Prophecy 1. Ingilosi lenkhulu, Mikhayeli, yingilosi lenkhulu ngekutsi ngiyo lenemandla iphindze ibe neligunya kunaletinye tingilosi. Linda, who divorced her first husband, even calls Herman her "knight in shining armor. " An immense angel, Michael, is the great angel of the most powerful and more powerful than angelic authority. Abesho kutsini Phetro nakatsi "umhlaba nemisebenti lekuwo kuyawusha "? Commend them for their efforts to learn your language. What did Peter mean when he said that "the earth and the works in it "? Singakugcina njani kuthula emkhatsini wetfu nebantfu labanesono njengatsi? But "as soon as he was strong, his heart became haughty. " How can we keep peace between imperfect humans and us? Sizatfu sesibili sikutsi emadvodza lanesibindzi lebekaphila ekucaleni kwelikhulu lesi - 16, acala kuhumusha liVi laNkulunkulu ngetilwimi lebetikhulunywa bantfu labavamile. In the early morning, I helped in the kitchen. The second reason is that men who lived in the early 16th century began to translate God's Word into the common people. * Consider David, the Israelite king mentioned in the first article of this series. * Nanobe kunjalo, liVi laNkulunkulu liyavuma kutsi labadzala bayahlangabetana netinsayeya. How? However, God's Word acknowledges that elders face challenges. Umkakhe abengabatsandzi BoFakazi BaJehova. What had happened? His wife did not love Jehovah's Witnesses. Uke watigodla yini kwentela Jehova umsebenti lotsite, ngobe ucabanga kutsi labanye bangawenta kancono kunawe? Parents, Children - Communicate With Love, 5 / 15 Have you ever had enough work for someone else, for you feel that others can better do more than you? September 26, 2011 - October 2, 2011 CAN YOU EXPLAIN? September 26, 2011 - October 2, 2011 Iminyaka leminyenti bengisebenta ngemishini lebeyishisisa emanti lebeyilapho kushicilelwa khona tincwadzi nasemahhovisi. They might believe that God only makes rules and punishes those who do not obey him. For many years, I worked in a light of water that was available for printing and magazines. B. The city offered him an opportunity to work, to help others, and to serve Jehovah in peace. B. Nawubuka titselo letivutsiwe emakethe, uyabona kutsi atifanani ncamashi. It is that of being a fellow worker with Jehovah in the Christian ministry. As you look at the fruitage of mature ones at the market, you realize that they are just like them. Bakanye naJesu Khristu loyiNdvodzana yemuntfu, batawukwakha hulumende wasezulwini, lokunguMbuso waNkulunkulu. They remained there until Herod died. Along with Jesus Christ, they will build up the heavenly government of God's Kingdom. " Umoya WaJehova Wehlela KuGideyoni ' 20, 21. (a) How can meditating on the ransom help us combat negative feelings? " Jehovah's Spirit Wants Gideon ' Michel na - Marie - Agnès, balingani bemshado baseFulansi labaseminyakeni yabo - 50, batfutsela e - Benin cishe eminyakeni lesihlanu leyengcile. 14, 15. (a) What is involved in growing to maturity? Jean and Marie - Marie - Marie, a married couple in France, moved to Benin about five years ago. TINGOMA: 119 [220], 73 [115] This is a cause for rejoicing. 16 Our Readers Ask... Umphostoli Pawula wecwayisa emakholwa labekanye nawo kutsi acaphele " kubete logwadlako, nome lophingako, nome lonaka live njenga - Esawu, lowatsenga kudla ngemalungelo akhe onkhe ebutubulo. ' But even now, we realize that there are smaller changes we need to make to become more like God and Christ. The apostle Paul warned fellow believers that there is no "not sexual immorality nor sexual immorality, nor a land like Esau, who gave up all his privileges of service. " Linda, wadivosa nendvodza yakhe yekucala futsi yena naHerman bayajabula kutsi sebayindvodza nemfati. They still had much to learn, however. Linda was married to her first husband, who was happy to have a husband's wife. Bancome ngemetamo labayentako yekufundza lulwimi lolukhulumako. The townspeople tried and tried to find the brother, but they never could. They commend their efforts to learn their language. Kodvwa " kwatsi kube Uziya abe nemandla, watiphakamisa. ' That good news centered on Jesus ' role in the outworking of God's purpose. But " Uzziah was strong, and he became haughty. " Bengivame kuvuka ngiyosita ekhishini, bese kutsi nga - 9 ngiyo - ayina timphahla. What new guidance did God provide for Christians? I woke up to help me, and I found myself in 9 - wearing clothes. Nakathantaza kuNkulunkulu, Davide watsi: "Wangibona ngiselihlwili. A year after he married Patsy, a fellow missionary, their baby daughter died. In prayer to God, David said: "You saw me as a god. Bekwentekeni? When Moses thought about all the years that he had been serving Jehovah, he was convinced that Jehovah loved him. What had happened? Batali Nani Bantfwana, Khulumisanani Ngelutsandvo, 5 / 15 Many have simply grown tired of being told that the end is near. Parents, Children - Be Loving, 5 / 15 UNGACHAZA? Once you reach this honorable goal, you will want to be regular and effective, never missing a month of service. CAN YOU EXPLAIN? Kungenteka bakholelwa kutsi Nkulunkulu ushaya imitsetfo nje kuphela, bese ujezisa bantfu labangayilaleli. Our daughters have told us that the examples we and their grandparents set helped them to obey Jesus ' command to " keep seeking first the Kingdom, ' even when they had difficult financial situations. They may believe that God rules only with laws and will punish those who do not obey him. Bekanelitfuba lekusebenta, lekusita labanye kanye nekukhonta Jehova ngekuthula. Even if you at times feel that you are of little value and are forgotten, your heavenly Father is interested in you and cares for you. He had the opportunity to work, help others, and serve Jehovah peacefully. Lilungelo lekuba sisebenti lesikanye naJehova emsebentini webuKhristu. Joseph, Rahab, Jesus, and the apostles displayed an inner strength that motivated them to perform good works. The privilege of being a fellow worker with Jehovah in the Christian ministry is the privilege of being a Christian overseer. Bahlala lapho waze wafa Herodi. 1, 2. They stayed there until Herod died. 20, 21. (a) Kuzindla ngenhlawulo kungasisita njani kutsi silwisane nemiva lengakalungi? In eastern Nova Scotia, the day after the talk "The Kingdom, the Hope of the World " was broadcast, Colonel J. 20, 21. (a) How can meditating on the ransom help us to fight wrong feelings? 14, 15. (a) Kufaka ekhatsi ini kukhulela ekuvutfweni? It is not ordinary water composed of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. 14, 15. (a) What is involved in getting baptized? Lesi sizatfu lesikhulu sekujabula. 1, 2. What a powerful reason for rejoicing! Kodvwa ngisho nanyalo, siyabona kutsi kunesidzingo sekwenta lushitjo loluncane kute sifanane naNkulunkulu naKhristu. What does the friendship between David and Jonathan tell us about commitment? But even now, we realize that the need for more than ever has been raised up in order to be like God and Christ. Nobe kunjalo, bekukunyenti lobekusafanele bakufundze. In the July 15, 2013, Watchtower, we learned that Jesus ' prophecy in Matthew chapters 24 and 25 refers eight times to Jesus ' "coming. " However, there were many things they had to learn. Bantfu labebasedolobheni betama kumtfungatsa lomzalwane, kodvwa behluleka kumtfola. As I meditated on Jesus ' example, I saw that I needed to put God's Kingdom first in my life rather than fitting it in around the various things that I wanted to do. The people in town tried to kill the brother, but they failed to find it. Letindzaba letinhle tisekelwe endzimeni Jesu lanayo ekugcwalisekeni kwenjongo yaNkulunkulu. Should we not strive to wield it skillfully? This good news is based on Jesus ' role in the outworking of God's purpose. Ngutiphi ticondziso letinsha Nkulunkulu latiniketa emaKhristu? To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. What new directions did God give Christians? Ngemuva kwemnyaka ashade nalesinye sitfunywa selivangeli lesinguPatsy, bafelwa yindvodzakati yabo lebeyiseluswane. When does the "river of water of life " begin to flow? A year later, she married a missionary who was married for a year after she was married to a missionary whose daughter died. Ngesikhatsi Mosi akhumbula yonkhe iminyaka layicitsa akhonta Jehova, waciniseka kutsi Jehova uyamtsandza. He may have had some symptoms, such as an occasional pain. When Moses remembered all his years of serving Jehovah, he was convinced that Jehovah loved him. Bantfu labanyenti sebadziniwe kutjelwa kutsi umhlaba utawubhujiswa ngobe loko solo akwenteki. 8, 9. Many people are tired to be told that the earth will be destroyed because they have never failed. Nasewuwufinyelele lomgomo lomuhle, utawufuna kuphuma njalo futsi ube lusito, ingabi khona inyanga longayi ngayo ensimini. However, when it comes to your ultimate destiny, you do have a very real choice. After reaching that goal, you will want to out and help out for help, not for a month to approach him in the ministry. Emadvodzakati etfu asitjela kutsi sibonelo setfu kanye nesabogogo nabomkhulu babo sabasita balalela umyalo waJesu, " bachubeka bafuna kucala uMbuso, ' ngisho nobe bebahle badvonsa kamatima kutemnotfo. What has led some Christians into wrongdoing? Our daughters tell us that our example and grandparents helped their children to obey Jesus ' command, "keep seeking first the Kingdom, " even though they were extremely poor. Ngisho nobe ngaletinye tikhatsi utiva ungakabaluleki futsi unganakwa, Babe wakho wasezulwini unendzaba nawe futsi uyakukhatsalela. They came there for health reasons, but some left with the hope of everlasting life! Even when you feel that you are not approachable and upset, your heavenly Father cares about you and cares for you. Josefa, Rahabi, Jesu kanye nebaphostoli bakhombisa kuba nesibindzi lesabakhutsata kutsi bente imisebenti lemihle. " [Jesus] is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. " - Colossians 1: 15. Joseph, Rahab, Jesus, and the apostles showed courage to do good works. 1, 2. Who can deny that they are deeply in love! ' 1, 2. Emphumalanga yeNova Scotia, ngelilanga lelalandzela kusakatwa kwenkhulumo letsi "UMbuso, Litsemba Lebantfu, " umphatsi wemasotja J. And all of us can make it a point to welcome those who attend meetings at the Kingdom Hall. In Israel's capital, he followed the public talk entitled "The Kingdom of the Kingdom, " the officer J. Akusiwo nani emanti letayelekile lentiwe ngetincenye letimbili te - hydrogen kanye nencenye yinye lekutsiwa ngumoya mphilo. God does not forget those who once served him. It is not a type of water that contains two types of rivers - including one and one of the other spirit's fruitage. 1, 2. In order to maintain his integrity, he needed to turn to his heavenly Father for strength. 1, 2. Bungani baDavide naJonathani busitjelani ngekwenta setsembiso? 4, 5. (a) Why is self - discipline an important part of "the new personality "? What does David's friendship and Jonathan tell us about making a promise? Ku - Sicongosekulindza saJuly 15, 2013, safundza kutsi siphrofetho saJesu lesikuMatewu sehluko 24 na - 25 sikhuluma tikhatsi letisiphohlongo " ngekufika ' kwakhe. What worthless things must Christians avoid viewing? In The Watchtower of July 15, 2013, we learned that Jesus ' prophecy recorded in Matthew chapter 24 and 25 refer to "the coming of his coming. " Njengobe ngizindla ngesibonelo saJesu, ngabona kutsi bekudzingeka ngibeke uMbuso waNkulunkulu kucala ekuphileni kwami kunekutsi ngetame kuwufaka etintfweni letinyenti lebengifuna kutenta. Michelle: The second beautiful truth is that God will not allow our suffering to go on indefinitely. As I meditated on Jesus ' example, I realized that I needed to put Kingdom interests first rather than me first in my life. Ngako - ke, kufanele silwele kulisebentisa ngelikhono. Our eyes are on nothing at all except the manna. " So we should strive to use it effectively. Nawufuna kunikela, sicela ungene ku - www.jw.org. (Read Genesis 39: 7 - 9.) To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. " Umfula wemanti ekuphila ' wacala nini kugeleta? For many months, there had been an extreme drought in the whole country. When did "a river of water of life " begin to flow? Kusenekwenteka ike yativa timphawu talokugula, njengebuhlungu lehle ibuva emtimbeni. Jehovah God makes this possible by means of his Son, Jesus, who gave his life for the world of mankind. He may have felt extreme signs, such as the pain of the physical body. 8, 9. To preserve that relationship, the psalmist had to maintain faith in Jehovah, trusting in him. 8, 9. (Umshumayeli 9: 11) Nanobe kunjalo, nakutiwa endzabeni yelikusasa lakho ungatikhetsela. Not only did this help the newcomers to learn German but it also taught them that counsel given by a loving brother, even if initially hard to apply, is often for our own good. However, it is well known on your future. Yini leyente lamanye emaKhristu atiphatsa kabi? But I was disappointed. What has caused some Christians to commit immorality? Nanobe bebetele kutolashwa, kodvwa labanye bebabuyela emuva sebanelitsemba lekuphila lokuphakadze! Jehovah, the "Lord of heaven and earth, " may hide or reveal the truth according to his sovereign will. Though they had not been healed, some returned to the prospect of everlasting life! " [Jesu] ungumfanekiso waNkulunkulu longabonakali, litibulo layo yonkhe indalo. ' - Kholose 1: 15. That was what Georgina did. " [Jesus] is the image of God, the firstborn of all creation. " - Colossians 1: 15. Wonkhe umuntfu uyatibonela nje kutsi batsandzana mbamba! ' Under what circumstances did Ruth take her stand for true worship, resulting in what blessings for her? Everyone sees how much he really loves me! ' Bangakufundzisa tifundvo letibalulekile futsi loku kungakhutsata wena kanye nabo. The human tendency to lack self - confidence. They can teach you important lessons, and this may encourage you and them. Nkulunkulu akabakhohlwa labo labake bamkhonta. " Who Really Is the Faithful and Discreet Slave? " God does not forget those who once served him. Kwadzingeka kutsi acele emandla kuBabe wakhe wasezulwini kute agcine bucotfo bakhe. How could two such brothers serve together in harmony? He had to ask his heavenly Father to keep his integrity. 4, 5. (a) Kubaluleke ngani kutsi sitekhute nasifuna kugcoka "buntfu lobusha "? Brother Franz had a remarkable memory and the amazing ability to concentrate totally on what was being read. 4, 5. (a) Why is it important for us to discipline when we want to "put on the new personality "? Ngutiphi tintfo letingenamsebenti emaKhristu lokufanele abalekele kutibuka? As a teacher, it would help Christians grasp things not previously understood. What dangers do Christians need to avoid? Calisile: Kwesibili kutsi Nkulunkulu angeke avumele kuhlupheka kuchubeke siphelane. Today, this means that he should be disfellowshipped. Michelle: Second, God will not allow suffering to continue forever. Kute kudla lapha, ngaphandle kwalemana! " (Num. When there is no specific law in the Bible, we need to perceive, or understand, what Jehovah wants us to do in our situation. To eat and drink, there was no food! " (Fundza Genesisi 39: 7 - 9.) Jehovah responds by pronouncing sentence on Adam, Eve, and the serpent. (Read Genesis 39: 7 - 9.) Bese kuphele tinyanga letinyenti kunesomiso lesikhulu kulelive. Asa "removed the foreign altars and the high places and broke up the sacred pillars and cut down the sacred poles. " There were many months after a severe drought in this world. Jehova Nkulunkulu utawubangela kutsi loku kwenteke asebentisa iNdvodzana yakhe lenguJesu, leyanikela ngekuphila kwayo ngenca yebantfu. To what does Jehovah liken our kindly giving to others? Jehovah God will cause this to happen by means of his Son, Jesus, who gave his life for mankind. Kute lomhlabeli alondvolote lobuhlobo, bekufanele achubeke anekukholwa kuJehova futsi etsembele kuye. Some had been idolaters, adulterers, homosexuals, thieves, drunkards, and the like. To preserve the relationship, the psalmist had to keep exercising faith in Jehovah and relying on him. Loku akuzange kugcine ngekusita labazalwane labefikako kutsi bafundze siJalimane, kodvwa kwabafundzisa nekutsi seluleko lesishiwo ngumzalwane lonelutsandvo sizuzisa tsine ngisho nobe ekucaleni kungaba matima kusisebentisa. Likewise, the elders today may sacrifice some sleep while tending to the needs of those who have poor health or emotional or spiritual problems. This did not help the brothers to learn German, but it taught them that a loving counsel given to benefit us even if it might be difficult to apply it. Kodvwa ngadvumateka. Jehovah knew how precious Isaac was to Abraham. But I became discouraged. Jehova, " iNkhosi yelizulu nemhlaba ' angase afihle nome embule emaciniso ngaye kuye ngekutsi utsandza kuwembulela bobani. The next time, she brought a few more. Jehovah, who is "the King of heaven and earth, " may be hidden from him by knowing that he loves you. 10: 20) Nguloko lokwentiwa nguGeorgina. He said this in condemnation of the casual habit that many people have in their daily conversation of repeatedly swearing to this or to that, without ever intending to do what they say. That is exactly what Georgina did. Ruthe wakumela ngephansi kwatiphi timo kukhonta kweliciniso, futsi watfola tiphi tibusiso? " We know that all creation keeps on groaning together and being in pain together until now, " wrote Paul. Under what circumstances did Ruth face true worship, and what blessings did he receive? Lokubangela bantfu bangatetsembi. Throughout history, Jehovah's people have rejoiced in their blessings. This causes people to become self - confidence. " Ngubani Losisebenti Lesetsembekile Nalesihlakaniphile? " A real test as to which spirit influences us comes, not when things are going well, but when they are not, such as if a Christian brother or sister ignores us, offends us, or even sins against us. " Who Is the Faithful and discreet slave? " Labazalwane lababili bangabambisana njani ngebunye? The training at Gilead definitely helped me to improve my spirituality. How can these two brothers cooperate in unity? UMzalwane Franz abengakukhohlwa lengimfundzele kona futsi beyimangalisa indlela lebekalalelisisa ngayo nangimfundzela. How can reflecting on the meaning of the Memorial emblems help us to promote unity? Brother Franz could not forget what I read and how he listened to him when I was reading. Njengemfundzisi, ungasita emaKhristu kutsi avisise tintfo lebekungasimelula kutivisisa ekucaleni. He induced the first human pair, Adam and Eve, to become disloyal to divine sovereignty and tried to tarnish Jehovah's name by claiming that He had lied. Like a teacher, it can help Christians to understand things that were not easy to understand. Lamuhla loko kusho kutsi kufanele ayekeliswe kuba nguFakazi. To make matters worse, the territory was extremely unreceptive. Today, this means that disfellowshipping is needed. Nangabe ungekho umyalo locondzile eBhayibhelini ngendzaba letsite kufanele sicondze kutsi Jehova ufuna kutsi senteni kuleso simo. A loss of privileges, for example, can help a person realize how important it is for him to focus more on personal Bible study, meditation, and prayer. If there is no Scriptural command in the Bible, we need to understand what Jehovah wants us to do in that situation. Ngesizatfu saloko, Jehova wabakhiphela sehlulelo bo - Adamu na - Eva, kanye nenyoka. That really helped me to make the truth my own, and I could hardly wait to meet up with another preacher. As a result, Jehovah brought judgment upon Adam and Eve, the serpent, and the serpent. Asa "wesusa onkhe emalati etive kanye netindzawo letiphakeme, wabhidlita nematje lababetsi angcwele, wagawula netinsika ta - Ashera. " * Asa "went away all the nations and the most distant nations, destroying the sacred stones and the sacred pillars of the holy spirit. " Jehova utifananisa nani tento temusa lesitentela labanye? (Read Luke 8: 14.) Jehovah likens the acts of kindness to others? Labanye bebakhonta titfombe, batiphingi, bangemadvodza lalala nalamanye emadvodza, bangemasela futsi batidzakwa. 1 - 3. (a) Apparently, when was Psalm 147 written? Some worshipped images, adulterers, and other men who sleep each other and are thieves. Ngendlela lefananako nalamuhla, labadzala bangase bangalali lapho banakekela tidzingo talabo labanemphilo lebutsakatsaka, tinkinga temivelo, nobe labehluleka kusebentisa simiso lesitsite seliBhayibheli. The fields are indeed ripe for harvesting. Similarly today, elders may be in need of rest when they care for poor health, emotional problems, or financial advice from one Bible principle. Jehova bekati kutsi Isaka abeligugu kangakanani ku - Abrahama. " If possible, as far as it depends upon you, be peaceable with all men, " wrote the apostle Paul. Jehovah knew how precious Isaac was to Abraham. Ngatsi nangiphindze ngibuyela, ngakhandza sekunalabanye. Thus we can discern how the spirit's fruitage should be manifested in our everyday life and then work to cultivate it to a greater extent. When I returned, I found some of them again. Washo loku ngobe bantfu labanyenti banemkhuba wekufunga kutsi batawenta intfo letsite, kodvwa babe bete inhloso yekukwenta loko. As our loving Designer and Creator, Jehovah knows what we need in order to be truly happy, and he fills that need abundantly. He said this because many have set a tendency to do something, but they do not have the intention of doing so. Umphostoli Pawula wabhala: "Siyati kutsi kudzimate kube ngulesikhatsi indalo yonkhe iyabubula ngebuhlungu lobufana nemhelo. " The Christian ministry has always been urgent, but now it is more critical than ever. The apostle Paul wrote: "We know that as long as all creation keeps on groaning together and being in pain together. " Kusukela kadzeni, bantfu baJehova bebasolo bajabula ngetibusiso labanato. Did she at times wish that he were still at home with her and her family? Throughout history, Jehovah's people have been happy about their blessings. Sikhatsi lapho sivivinyeka khona kutsi ngumuphi umoya losilawulako, kulapho tintfo tingahambi kahle khona, hhayi nangabe tihamba kahle, njengalapho umzalwane nobe dzadze angasinaki, asiphatsa kabi, nobe asona. All these faithful ones and many others worked with Jehovah to accomplish his will. The time when we find out which the spirit controls us, where things are fine, not as a brother or a sister, a brother, or a sister, or a sister. Kuceceshwa lengakutfola eGileyadi kwangisita kutsi ngitfutfukise buhlobo bami naNkulunkulu. If you have a few minutes, I would like to show you just a few examples of accurate history found in the Bible. The training I received at Gilead helped me to progress spiritually. Kucabangisisa ngaloko lokumelelwa tifanekiselo teSikhumbuto kusisita njani kutsi sitfutfukise bunye? * (See footnote.) How does reflecting on the emblems of the Memorial help us to promote unity? Lesihlubuki sabangela bo - Adamu na - Eva kutsi bangabulaleli bukhosi baJehova futsi setama nekungcolisa libito laKhe ngekutsi sitsi ucale emanga. Concerning the cleansing of God's temple, Malachi prophesied: "" Suddenly there will come to His temple the true Lord, whom you people are seeking, and the messenger of the covenant in whom you are delighting. This rebel caused Adam and Eve to kill Jehovah's sovereignty and to try to deceive God's name by saying that God's name began to lie. Intfo lebeyibuhlungu kakhulu kutsi ensimini yetfu bantfu bebangasemukeli. Even now we can be made mighty on the inside through the action of holy spirit as we participate in invigorating spiritual activities. It was very sad to say that in our territory, people did not accept it. Kulahlekelwa ngemalungelo kungasita umuntfu abone kutsi kubaluleke kanganani kudadisha liBhayibheli, kuzindla kanye nekuthantaza. Perhaps Jesus was full of questions afterward and Joseph tried hard to satisfy the boy's spiritual hunger. Such privileges may help someone to see how important it is to study the Bible, meditate, and prayer. (Tihlabelelo 110: 3, NW.) 10, 11. Psalm 110: 3. Loko kwangisita ngakucondza kancono lokushiwo liBhayibheli futsi besengilangatelela kuhlangana nalomunye umfundisi. However, you are also showing that you love the wrongdoer enough to do what is best for him or her. That helped me to understand better what the Bible says, and I was eager to meet a minister. * If we rendered sacred service "hesitantly " by allowing worldly interests to interfere with our worship, we would not win God's approval. * (Fundza Lukha 8: 14.) He loved to play soccer. (Read Luke 8: 14.) 1 - 3. (a) Kungenteka tabhalwa nini Tihlabelelo 147? You [Jehovah] must forgive and give to each one according to all his ways. " - 2 Chron. 1 - 3. (a) When might Psalm 147 be written? Kuyacaca kutsi vele emasimu sekamhlophe futsi asalungele kuvunwa. Geoffrey Jackson of the Governing Body announced plans for the trial of a simplified study edition of The Watchtower for those with limited English - reading abilities. Clearly, the fields are white and ready for harvesting. Umphostoli Pawula wabhala: "Nakunekwenteka, yentani konkhe lokusemandleni enu kutsi nihlalisane ngekuthula nebantfu bonkhe. Such isolation often leads to depression. The apostle Paul wrote: "If possible, as far as it depends on you, be peaceable with all men. Kwenta kanjalo kutasenta sicondzisise indlela lesingativeta ngayo ekuphileni kwetfu kwamalanga onkhe, bese setama kutitfutfukisa ngelizinga lelikhulu. When we look at his creation, we learn how much Jehovah loves us Doing so will deepen our understanding of the quality of our daily life, and we try to improve it. Njengemsunguli wekuphila kanye nemdali, Jehova uyakwati lesikudzingako kute sijabule futsi leso sidzingo usigcwalisa ngendlela leyenetisako. Thereafter, the Bible was translated and produced at an unprecedented pace. Like the Creator of life and Creator, Jehovah knows what we need in order to please and fulfill that need in a satisfying way. Umsebenti webuKhristu bewusolo uphutfuma, kodvwa nyalo sewuphutfuma kakhulu kunasekucaleni. Lack of Natural Love The Christian ministry has been urgent, but it is now more urgent than ever. Kwakwenteka yini ngaletinye tikhatsi afise shengatsi ngabe usahlala naye ekhaya kanye nemndeni wakhe? Many are so wrapped up in their mundane affairs of life that they are not "conscious of their spiritual need. " Might it at times have seemed that he would have been living at home with his family and his family? Bonkhe labantfu labetsembekile nalabanye bebasebenta naJehova kute bafeze injongo yakhe. How we cherish the confidence they have in us! - Read 1 Timothy 1: 12. All loyal ones and others worked with Jehovah to accomplish his purpose. Nangabe unayo imizuzu lembalwa, ngingatsandza kukukhombisa tibonelo letimbalwa temlandvo loliciniso lotfolakala eBhayibhelini. James 1: 14, 15 If you have a few minutes, I would like to show you a few examples of accurate science from the Bible. * (Fundza umbhalo longentansi.) Do you have a particular Bible question that you have wondered about? * (See footnote.) Mayelana nekuhlantwa kwelithempeli laNkulunkulu, Malakhi waphrofetha: "" Masinyane loSimakadze [Jehova] lenimfunako uyakuta ethempelini lakhe. Shortly before his death, Jesus told his disciples: "If you were part of the world, the world would be fond of what is its own. Regarding the cleansing of God's temple, Malachi prophesied: "" Jehovah, who is willing to search for [Jehovah], and he will search for his temple. (Jobe 33: 25) Ngisho nanyalo singaba nawo emandla ngelusito lwemoya longcwele njengobe sichubeka senta imisebenti yakamoya lesivuselelako. We must humbly acknowledge the truthfulness of the inspired words: "Man's way does not belong to him. Even now we can have the strength by means of holy spirit as we continue to maintain our spiritual activities. Kungenteka kutsi Jesu bekabanemibuto leminyenti ngemuva kwekuya lapho futsi Josefa bekatimisela kute enetise indvodzana yakhe ngetimfundziso temibhalo. Of one thing we can be sure - God does not abandon his faithful ones. - Heb. Jesus likely had many questions after going to where he was, and Joseph was determined to satisfy his son's teachings. 10, 11. She had not been able to conceive because her Fallopian tubes were blocked, not allowing sperm to meet with her egg (s). 10, 11. Ngetulu kwaloko, utawube uveta nekutsi uyamtsandza lomuntfu futsi ufuna kwenta loko lokutawumzuzisa. Who would make up this new nation, and how are we today affected by this change? Moreover, he will show that he loves the person and wants to benefit him. Nangabe sivumela tintfo telive tiphatamise kukhonta kwetfu, futsi tisente singakhonti Nkulunkulu " ngayo yonkhe inhlitiyo yetfu, ' angeke semukeleke kuye. (Hla. Not at all. If we allow the world's affairs to distract us from serving God, we will not be distracted by our "whole heart. " Bekakutsandza kudlala ibhola. For example, in 1995, I was asked to teach the Ministerial Training School. She liked playing ball. Utsetselele [Jehova] nguloyo naloyo umuntfu umphatse njengekwenta kwakhe. " - 2 Khr. Indeed, for thousands of years, generations have come and gone, and yet the planet Earth has proved to be remarkably resilient and stable in its ability to host life - until now. You have been thrown to Jehovah's favor. " - 2 Chron. Geoffrey Jackson, weSigungu Lesibusako, wamemetela tinhlelo letentiwe tekuba ne - Sicongosekulindza lesifundvwako lesentiwe sabamelula, salabo labanelwati lolulinganiselwe ngesiNgisi. At Pentecost 33 C.E., one of these "public instructors, " the apostle Peter, gave a talk to a large crowd in Jerusalem in which he quoted several passages from the Hebrew Scriptures. The Governing Body was divided into the Governing Body, proclaiming the programs of The Watchtower and the simplified edition of a simple study, with limited knowledge of those in English. Kutehlukanisa lokunjalo kuvame kuphumela ekucindzetelekeni. Consider some of Paul's wise counsel. Such differences often result in distress. Nasibuka indalo yaJehova, siyayibona indlela lasitsandza ngayo On such occasions, offering health advice or products - solicited or unsolicited - can detract from our spiritual purpose and rob others of their joy. When we look at Jehovah's creation, we see how much he loves us Ngekuhamba kwesikhatsi, liBhayibheli labese liyahunyushwa futsi lakhicitwa ngelizinga lelisetulu kakhulu. Incense - it is something detestable to me. " In time, the Bible came to be translated and translated into high country. Kuphela Kwelutsandvo Gone will be all religious bigotry and bloodshed. The End of Love Labanye banake kakhulu tindzaba tabo telilanga nelilanga kangangekutsi " abatinakisisi tintfo letiphatselene naNkulunkulu. ' 12: 13. Others focus on their daily affairs so much that they " regret spiritual matters. " Sijabula kakhulu ngekusetsemba kwabo. - Fundza 1 Thimothi 1: 12. The next day, the guards let me out. How grateful we are for their trust! - Read 1 Timothy 1: 12. Jakobe 1: 14, 15 Why do you need to be faithful, patient, and prayerful? James 1: 14, 15 Ukhona yini umbuto lotsite ngeliBhayibheli lowake watibuta wona? " You will become to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. " - EX. Is there a particular Bible subject that you have wondered about? Ngembikwekufa kwakhe, Jesu watsi kubafundzi bakhe: "Kube benibelive, live belitanitsandza. Kodvwa anisibo belive, ngobe nganikhetsa eveni. When making decisions, especially those that may affect our spirituality, should we not rely on Jehovah rather than lean upon our own understanding? Before his death, Jesus said to his disciples: "If you were to be in a country, you would love the world. 48: 17) Kufanele sivume kutsi aliciniso lamavi laphefumulelwe latsi: "Kute umuntfu lotiphatsele yena imphilo yakhe. Consider how we can do so in three aspects of our lives. We have to admit that these inspired words: "No man conducts himself in his own life. Yinye kuphela intfo lokufanele siciniseke ngayo - kutsi Nkulunkulu akabalahli labo labetsembekile kuye. - Heb. Throughout his ministry, Jesus taught his listeners what God's Kingdom is and what it will do. One thing is to be sure - God does not ignore faithful ones. - Heb. Abengakhoni kutfola bantfwana ngesizatfu sekutsi ematfumbu akhe ekuhambisa licandza abevalekile, abangela kutsi sidvodza singahlangani nemacandza akhe. As events unfolded, the meaning of Jesus ' words became clear. She was unable to find children out because she was expelled from her pregnancy, causing her sperm and her eggs. Ngubani kantsi lobekatawakha lesive lesisha, futsi lolushintjo lusitsintsa njani tsine lamuhla? From then on, such ones have been entrusted with the task of proclaiming "the word of the reconciliation. " Who would make this new nation, and how does this change affect us today? Cha. Jehovah explained that even when he brings judgment, he searches for good people and saves them. - Genesis 18: 22 - 33. No. Nga - 1995, ngacelwa kutsi ngiyoba nguthishela eSikolweni sekuceceshelwa imisebenti yebukhristu. Lapland is a barren but beautiful country, and its beauty varies according to the season. In 1995, I was asked to be an instructor at the School for Christian training. Etinkhulungwaneni teminyaka, titukulwane tifikile taphindze tendlula, kodvwa kuze kube ngunyalo umhlaba solo uveta emandla lonawo ekusekela kuphila. There are several other concerns you have to take into account. Thousands of years have passed since then, but the earth is still empowered by its power to support life. NgeliPhentekhoste la - 33 C.E., lomunye " walabafundzisi, ' umphostoli Phetro, wabeka inkhulumo embikwesicumbi lesikhulu eJerusalema futsi wacaphuna lamanye emavi emiBhalweni yesiHebheru. Satan the Devil. - Revelation 12: 9. At Pentecost 33 C.E., one of "false teachers, " the apostle Peter put a talk in front of the great crowd in Jerusalem and quotes others from the Hebrew Scriptures. Asewucabange nganati letinye teluleko taPawula letihlakaniphile. At a convention in 2006, Daniel was deeply touched by a talk that raised the question: "Are we doing all we can to help those who are " staggering to the slaughter ' to get on the road to everlasting life? " Consider some of Paul's wise counsel. Etimeni letinjalo, kunika bantfu teluleko temphilo nobe imitsi, uceliwe nobe ungakacelwa, kungaphatamisa injongo yetfu yekuhlangana futsi kwente labanye baphelelwe yinjabulo. How can we prepare to face persecution and combat discouragement? In such cases, he provides advice to health or to health problems, to prevent our mind from becoming inactive, and to cause others to lose their joy. Imphepho yenu isinengiso kimi. " The new overseer listened kindly and discussed some helpful scriptures. Your eyes are detestable to me. " Kutawuphela konkhe kubandlulula kwenkholo kanye nekucitsa ingati. We must never forget how special this invitation is. It will end all forms of religion and of blood. 12: 13. What did Paul mean by saying "undeserved kindness "? 12: 13. Ngelilanga lelilandzelako bogadzi bangikhipha kulesitokisi. Seek Jehovah's direction before you make decisions and commitments, not after making them. The next day, guards called me in the cell. Kubaluleke ngani kutsi ucinise kukholwa kwakho, ubeketele uphindze uthantaze njalo? He wrote: "Do you not know that the runners in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Why is it important to strengthen your faith, endurance, and regular prayer? " Niyawuba ngumbuso webaphristi, nibe sive lesingcwele. " - EKS. COVER: A brother conducts a meeting for field service in the small coastal town of St. " You will become a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. " - EX. (2 Khr. 20: 3 - 12, 17) Ngako - ke, nasenta tincumo, ikakhulukati leto letitsintsa buhlobo betfu naJehova, kufanele setsembele kuye kunekutsi seyame ekwatini kwetfu. For example, during the reign of King Jehoash of Judah, people contributed money to the temple. Thus, when we make decisions, especially our relationship with Jehovah, we must rely on him rather than on our own understanding. Asesibone kutsi singakwenta njani loko kunati tincenye letintsatfu tekuphila kwetfu. Before their wedding, he promised that she could continue to be a Witness. Let us see how we can do so in three areas of life. Kuwo wonkhe umsebenti wakhe, Jesu wafundzisa tilaleli takhe ngaloko uMbuso waNkulunkulu longiko kanye nangaloko lotawukwenta. One article on care for the elderly states: "While it is difficult to discuss the issues of aging, the family who has discussed the options and agreed on plans will be better able to handle whatever happens. " Throughout his ministry, Jesus taught his listeners what God's Kingdom is and what it will do. Njengobe tehlakalo tichubeka, inchazelo yemavi aJesu yacaca. " It is part of our culture, and we enjoy giving, " explains Eduardo, but he adds: "There is a limit. As events unfold, the meaning of Jesus ' words is clear. Kusukela ngaleso sikhatsi, baye baniketwa umsebenti wekumemetela "livi lekubuyisana. " Brothers working business territory witness to a mechanic in an auto repair garage. From then on, they have been given the commission to declare "the word of truth. " Wamchazela kutsi ngisho nobe atawukhipha sehlulelo, kodvwa uyabafuna bantfu labalungile futsi abavikele. - Genesisi 18: 22 - 33. Instead, we must keep our love for Jehovah strong. He explained that even though he would execute judgment, he wanted good people and protect them. - Genesis 18: 22 - 33. ILapland iyindzawo lenhle, futsi buhle bayo buyehluka kuye ngesikhatsi semnyaka. (Read Ephesians 6: 12, 17.) LOVE is a positive place, and his goodness will result in him at the time of our yeartext. Tinyenti letinye tintfo lokufanele ucabange ngato. What result did Jesus ' words and actions produce? There are many things you should consider. NguSathane Develi. - Sembulo 12: 9. It is true that the Bible says that some are "worthy of double honor. " Satan the Devil is Satan. - Revelation 12: 9. Emhlanganweni wesifundza wa - 2006, Daniel watsintfwa yinkhulumo lebeyiphendvula umbuto lotsi: "Ngabe senta konkhe lesingakwenta yini kute sisite labo " labayawubulawa ' kutsi bahambe endleleni leya ekuphileni lokuphakadze? " This is what my wife and I have experienced over our long and rewarding life. At a convention in 2006, Daniel said: "Do we do all we can to help those who will " take up everlasting life? ' Singatilungiselela njani kute sibeketelele kuphatfwa kabi futsi sincobe kudvumateka? But what if some individuals are distracted, milling about or conversing with their friends, unaware that the program is beginning? How can we prepare ourselves to endure persecution and overcome discouragement? Lombonisi lomusha walelitiko wamlalela ngemusa futsi wacoca naye ngemibhalo lelusito. Still, Christ's ransom does more than provide a blessed future for obedient mankind. The new overseer listened kindly and discussed scriptures that helped him. Akukafaneli siyikhohlwe indlela lesimemo lesikhetseke ngayo. Interestingly, Revelation 11: 1, 2 links these events to a time when the spiritual temple would be measured, or evaluated. We should not forget how the invitation we have decided. Bekasho kutsini Pawula nakakhuluma "ngemusa wakhe lomkhulu "? How should we view elders who make time for training? What did Paul mean when he spoke of "the undeserved kindness of his undeserved kindness "? Funa sicondziso saJehova ngaphambi kwekutsi wente tincumo nobe utibophele entfweni letsite, hhayi nasewutentile. Her husband, who is not one of Jehovah's Witnesses, was divorcing her. Seek Jehovah's direction before making decisions or move him to do something, not when you have done something. Wabhala: "Anati yini kutsi labagijima ngekuncintisana bagijima bonkhe, kodvwa munye lowemukela umklomelo? You might begin the conversation by saying something like this, "Perhaps I am being overly sensitive, but when you spoke to me yesterday, I felt... " He wrote: "Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? LIKHASI LEKUCALA: Umzalwane lotsite uchuba umhlangano wangaphambi kwekuya ensimini edolojaneni lelingase lwandle eSt. Love for God and neighbor and the urgency of the Kingdom - preaching work move God's people "to come forward... with a gift in hand for Jehovah " by making voluntary donations. COVER: A brother conducting a convention in the field field field field field field field field field field service in the city of St. Nasi sibonelo: Ngesikhatsi sekubusa kweNkhosi Jowashi yesive sakaJuda, bantfu banikelela lithempeli. She relates: "At first, I struggled to learn the local language, to adjust to the humid climate, and to cope with malaria, amoebas, and parasitic worms. For example, during King Herod's reign in the tribe of Judah, humans offered a temple to the temple. Ngaphambi kwekutsi bashade, lendvodza yametsembisa kutsi angachubeka anguFakazi. My parents had eight children, of whom I was the seventh. Before getting married, the man promises that he could continue to be one of the Witnesses. Lesinye sihloko lesikhuluma ngekunakekela lasebakhulile sitsi: "Nanobe kumatima kucoca ngetindzaba letimayelana nekukhula, kodvwa umndeni lococile ngaletimo futsi wavumelana ngetindlela letingasetjentiswa ungakutfola kumelula kuhlangabetana nanobe yini lengenteka. " See how these examples can build you up. Another article mentioned caring for elderly ones: "Although it is difficult to talk about spiritual matters, the family may be careful to adjust to situations that may be easy to deal with, and it may be easy to deal with it. " Eduardo utsi: "Loku kulisiko letfu futsi siyakutsandza kuphana, " kodvwa uchubeka atsi:" Mine nginesilinganiso. Once the tribulation begins, the foolish ones may be shocked to see Babylon the Great destroyed. " This is our culture, " Eduardo says, "and I love to be generous, "but he adds: " I'm alone. Bazalwane labashumayela ensimini yemabhizinisi, bashumayela makhenikha egaraji. (See opening picture.) (b) How can Christian youths best meet this challenge? Brothers in the field ministry preach in business, preaching from house to house. Esikhundleni saloko, kufanele sigcine lutsandvo lwetfu ngaJehova lucinile. One way that we can heed Paul's inspired advice is by making a serious self - examination. Instead, we need to keep our love for Jehovah strong. (Fundza Efesu 6: 12, 17.) For example, we "do not know when the appointed time is " for the great tribulation. (Read Ephesians 6: 12, 17.) Emavi netento taJesu kwaba namuphi umphumela? 17, 18. What effect did Jesus ' words and actions have? Kuliciniso kutsi liBhayibheli litsi labanye " kufanele batsatfwe njengalabafanelwe ludvumo. ' 15, 16. (a) What two Israels are referred to in the Bible, and which one has God's blessing today? Of course, the Bible says that some should "not be counted worthy of honor. " Mine nemkami sikubonile loku njengobe sesiphile sikhatsi lesidze futsi sitfole tibusiso. About 1,100 publishers in 35 congregations and 15 groups use the Ngabere language. My wife and I have experienced this as we have been alive for a long time and have received blessings. Kodvwa kutsiwani nangabe labanye bantfu basengakakulungeli, babonakale bahambahamba nobe bacoca nebangani babo, bangaboni kutsi luhlelo lwemhlangano seluyacala? But it is not without its challenges. But what if some people are not ready, picture them, or talk to their friends, are they not aware that the program has begun to begin? Nobe kunjalo, sihlengo saKhristu senta lokungetulu nje kwekutsi bantfu labalalelako batfole likusasa lelincono. 7: 7, 8. However, the ransom sacrifice of Christ makes us more than just obedient humans receive a better future. Kuyajabulisa kutsi Sembulo 11: 1, 2 uhlobanisa loko lokwenteka nesikhatsi lithempeli laNkulunkulu lelakalwa ngaso nobe lahlolwa ngaso. 1,003 Happily, Revelation 11: 1, 2 refers to what happened to the time of God's temple, or place. Kufanele sibatsatse njani labadzala labatinika sikhatsi sekucecesha labanye? But we can avoid being drawn into their thinking and imitating their characteristics. How should we train elders who take the time to train others? Indvodza yakhe lengasiye Fakazi WaJehova, yayimdivosa. The Masoretes carefully copied the Scriptures Her husband, one of Jehovah's Witnesses, was divorced. Kufanele ucabange nangekutsi kungenteka nawe usifakile sandla kulokungevani. Ungacala ngekutsi: "Kungenteka ngikwatiswa lite, kodvwa ngesikhatsi ukhuluma nami itolo ngi... In what way was Psalm 78: 2 fulfilled by Jesus? Consider, too, that you too may contribute to these conflicts: "There may be no information in vain, but when you talk to me... Lutsandvo ngaNkulunkulu nangabomakhelwane kanye nekuphutfuma kwekushunyayelwa kwetindzaba teMbuso, kwenta tinceku taNkulunkulu kutsi " tifune kunikela kuSimakadze ' ngekwenta iminikelo yekutitsandzela. We should always be ready. Love for God and for neighbor is the urgency of the Kingdom good news, making it possible for God's servants to " dedicate themselves to Jehovah " by voluntary donations. Utsi: "Ekucaleni bekulukhuni kufundza lulwimi lwakhona, kulukhuni kumelana nesimo selitulu lesishintjashintja ngendlela lengachazeki, sifo samalaleveva, sifo se - amoebas lesitfolaka emantini langcolile kanye nekuba netilo. Now you have greater worries, such as: " Is my son accessing pornography? ' " At first, it was difficult to learn the language, " she says, "it wasn't easy to resist a change of weather, a chronic disease, a disease of malaria, and unclean. Ngangiwesikhombisa kubantfwana labasiphohlongo. The apostles and disciples were refreshed by Jesus ' mild temper and lowliness of heart. I was showing us eight children. Naka kutsi letibonelo tingakusita njani. BE FRIENDLY: "Whoever isolates himself pursues his own selfish desires; he rejects all practical wisdom. " Note how these examples can help you. Nasekucale kuhlupheka lokukhulu, kungenteka labo labalibele batawumangala nababona iBhabhulona Lenkhulu ibhujiswa. Therefore, we must work hard to safeguard our affections and protect our love and appreciation for spiritual riches. When the great tribulation begins, those foolish ones may be surprised when Babylon the Great is destroyed. (Buka sitfombe lesisekucaleni kwalesihloko.) (b) Yini emaKhristu lasemasha langayenta kute akhone kubhekana nalenkinga? Because of the hard work that is being done by all of Jesus ' followers, hundreds of thousands of people are getting baptized each year. (See opening picture.) (b) What can young Christians do to cope? Lenye indlela lesingasilalela ngayo seluleko lesiphefumulelwe saPawula kutsi sitihlolisise. Baptism is a requirement for Christians, and it is an essential step to gaining salvation. - Matt. One way we can follow Paul's inspired counsel is to examine ourselves. Nasi sibonelo: " Asati kutsi sinini sikhatsi lesibekiwe ' sekuhlupheka lokukhulu. Also, we want to "work what is good toward all, " doing good to our neighbor and to our brothers. - Gal. For example, " we do not know when the appointed time is. ' 17, 18. Those methods were especially important when we had only a few workers. 17, 18. 15, 16. (a) Ngutiphi tinhlobo letimbili tema - Israyeli lokukhulunywa ngato eBhayibhelini, futsi nguwaphi labusiswa nguNkulunkulu lamuhla? Are you getting all the benefits you can from your Bible reading? 15, 16. (a) What two types of Israel mentioned in the Bible, and what blessings are God's blessing today? Bamemeteli labacishe babe ngu - 1 100 emabandleni langu - 35, nesemacenjini langu - 15 basebentisa lulwimi lwesiNgabere. Here is another value that seems to be on the wane today - and another reason to imitate the faith of this kindhearted young woman. About 1 publishers in the congregations in 35 congregations, speaking 15 languages use the language. Kodvwa nawo unetinsayeya. (b) What have some non - Witnesses noted? But it is not challenging. 7: 7, 8. That government will bring an end to Satan and his demons and will make the earth a paradise. 7: 7, 8. 1 003 Translation: 14 languages 133 Kodvwa singakhona kukubalelekela kucabanga nekwenta njengabo. Likewise, God - fearing parents today recognize the value of inculcating in their children's hearts a longing for Bible truth right from the start. But we can be alert to thinking and act like them. Ema - Masorete akopisha imibhalo ngekucophelela * The students of one class of the Bible School for Christian Couples expressed their appreciation for the school in this way: "The specialized training we received has deepened our love for Jehovah and has better equipped us to help others. " The Scriptures carefully refer to the writings carefully UmBhalo weTihlabelelo 78: 2 wagcwaliseka njani kuJesu? We are confident that when we apply Bible principles, we will be able to care for the needs of our family. How was Psalm 78: 2 fulfilled in Jesus? Ngako - ke, kufanele sihlale sikulungele. We do well to act similarly. So we must be ready. Nyalo sewukhatsatwa tintfo letinyenti, njengekutsi: " Indvodzana yami ayitibuki yini titfombe letingcolile? ' What are five factors that can help us to avoid becoming enraged against God? Now there are many things, such as: " Do my son not look at pornography? ' Baphostoli nebafundzi bebatfola kuphumula ngobe Jesu abemnene futsi atfobekile ngenhlitiyo. Not knowing that Jesus had been resurrected, they were heavyhearted because of recent events. The apostles and disciples found themselves there because Jesus was mild and humble. BANI NEBUNGANI: "Umuntfu longakhoni kutihlanganisa nalabanye utatisa yena; uyatfukutsela nakayalwa. " How can we show that we are no longer ruled by sin but by undeserved kindness? " THE one who is not able to associate with others will become angry, and when he is angry. " Ngako - ke, kufanele sisebente kamatima kute sivikele lutsandvo lwetfu kanye nekubonga kwetfu ngemfundvo levela kuNkulunkulu. How can we tell if we are starting to develop that kind of pride? So we need to work hard to protect our love and appreciation for spiritual food. Ngenca yekusebenta ngekutimisela kwabo bonkhe balandzeli baJesu, kunebantfu labanyenti lababhajatiswako umnyaka ngemnyaka. If I told her, " It's time to eat dinner, ' she would reply, " I'll eat when I feel like it. ' Because of their hard work, many are baptized each year. Kubhajatiswa kubalulekile kuwo onkhe emaKhristu futsi kusinyatselo lesibalulekile kuze umuntfu asindziswe. - Mat. At Pentecost 33 C.E., Paul was not yet a follower of Christ. Baptism is vital for all Christians and is an important step in salvation. - Matt. Ngetulu kwaloko, sifuna " kwenta lokuhle kubo bonkhe, ' sente lokuhle kubomakhelwane betfu nakulabo lesikholwa nabo. - Gal. The Man of "Loving - Kindness Will Find Life " Moreover, we want to "do good toward all, " doing good to our neighbors and fellow believers. - Gal. Letindlela betilusito, ikakhulukati njengobe tisebenti betimbalwa. As a youth, you can make choices that may later open up enjoyable opportunities for you in God's service. These ways were helpful, especially as many workers were. Uzuza ngalokugcwele yini ekufundzeni kwakho liBhayibheli? How do we know that God's concern extends to individuals? Are you benefiting fully from your Bible reading? Sebancane bantfu labemukela tivakashi, ngako emantfombatane angafundza sifundvo lesihle kuRebheka. To underscore the reliability of that promise, verse 5 states: "These words are faithful and true. " I was not young people who were hospitable, so the girls learned a good lesson from Rebekah. (b) Yini labanye labangesibo boFakazi labayicaphele? He saw Ahaz ' son, good King Hezekiah, inherit the throne and restore pure worship. (b) What have some non - Witness Witnesses acknowledged? Lohulumende utawubhubhisa Sathane kanye nemadimoni akhe, futsi wente umhlaba ube lipharadisi. Timothy accepted the truth because he reasoned on what he had learned and was persuaded This government will destroy Satan and his demons, and it has made the earth into a paradise. Tilwimi Letihunyushwako: 14 But what if circumstances severely limit what you are currently able to do? Translation of the New World Translation is translated 14: 14 Batali labesaba Nkulunkulu lamuhla bayakwati kubaluleka kwekunamatselisa timfundziso teliBhayibheli tisuka nje kubantfwana babo. (Dut. Jehovah inspired the apostle to encourage not only those in the congregations in Galatia but all His worshippers to remain steadfast. God - fearing parents today have the value of holding back Bible teachings from their children. * Labanye labaya eSikolweni Lesisekelwe EBhayibhelini SemaKhristu Lashadene bakhombisa kujabula kwabo ngalesikolwa batsi: "Lokuceceshwa lokukhetsekile lesikutfolile kujulise lutsandvo lwetfu ngaJehova futsi kusisite kakhulu kute sisite labanye. " The Bible says that all of Jehovah's people, even young ones, would serve him "willingly. " * Some who have attended the Bible School for Christian Couples show their joy by saying: "This special training has helped us to deepen our love for Jehovah and to help others. " Siyaciniseka kutsi nangabe sisebentisa timiso teliBhayibheli, sitawukhona kunakekela tidzingo temindeni yetfu. (Vol. 1, p. We can be sure that if we apply Bible principles, we will be able to care for our family. Kutawuba kuhle nangabe natsi senta ngalendlela. 12: 8 - 10. It will be good if we act like that. Ngutiphi tindlela letisihlanu letingasisita sibalekele kutfukutselela Nkulunkulu? Holding my trembling hands, she would say: "Don't worry, dear. In what five ways can we avoid being angry with God? Njengobe bebangati kutsi Jesu uvusiwe, bebeva buhlungu kakhulu ngenca yetintfo lebetisandza kwenteka. It would be a serious mistake to feel that such counsel is overly restrictive or that it applies only to others, while we personally are somehow immune to the dangers. As they knew that Jesus was resurrected, they were deeply hurt because of the events they had just seen. Singakhombisa njani kutsi sibuswa ngumusa waNkulunkulu hhayi sono? He wanted to serve God with joy but wondered why he was not happy. How can we show that we are ruled by God's undeserved kindness rather than sin? Singabona ngani kutsi sesicala kutigabatisa? * So why not turn to Jehovah for help? How can we determine whether we are proud of pride? Nakwenteka ngitsi kuyo: " Sesikhatsi sekudla, ' beyiphendvula ngekutsi: " Ngitawudla nasengikhanuka. ' By rebelling against Jehovah, Adam and Eve lost their perfection. If I say to you, " When I'm going to eat, ' he replied, " I'll eat as much as I'll drink. ' NgeliPhentekhoste la - 33 C.E., Pawula abesengakabi ngumlandzeli waKhristu. But the brothers are doing so in the Matobo Hills range, Matabeleland, Zimbabwe At Pentecost 33 C.E., Paul was not a follower of Christ. Umuntfu " Lonekulunga Nekwetsembeka, Uyawuphila ' pages 215 - 218. A Man Who "will stick to righteousness " Njengobe usemusha, ungenta kukhetsa lokungase kukuvulele ematfuba ekwenta lokunyenti ekukhonteni Nkulunkulu ngekuhamba kwesikhatsi. Should I just stay in my congregation where things are convenient and predictable? ' " As a youth, you might decide that you might open opportunities to do more in God's service later. Sati njani kutsi Nkulunkulu uphindze akhatsalele umuntfu ngamunye? We are so frail, short - lived, shortsighted. How do we know that God is interested in each person? Kuze kugcizelelwe kutsi vele leso setsembiso sitawufezeka, livesi 5 litsi: "Lamavi etsembekile futsi aliciniso. " (Read Proverbs 15: 28; 17: 27.) To emphasize that this promise is really a promise, verse 5 states: "Those who are faithful and true. " Wabona ngesikhatsi iNkhosi lebeyikahle Hezekiya, indvodzana yeNkhosi Ahazi, iba yinkhosi futsi ibuyisela kukhonta kweliciniso. We will also learn how our imagination can help us to imitate Jehovah's love, kindness, wisdom, and happiness. He saw the King Hezekiah's son Ahaz, the king of Ahaz, and restored true worship to true worship. Thimothi wemukela liciniso ngobe wazindla ngaloko lakufundza Without knowing the Hebrew language, was it likely that they would be able to understand God's Law? Timothy accepted the truth because he meditated on what he learned Kodvwa kutsiwani nangabe kuvela timo letitakuvimbela kutsi ube nencenye kulomsebenti? In Jesus ' case, it must have been sufficiently severe to make it necessary for another man to carry the torture stake after Jesus started out bearing it alone. But what if circumstances prevent you from sharing in this work? Jehova waphefumulela lomphostoli kutsi angagcini ngekukhutsata labo labasemabandleni aseGalathiya kuphela, kodvwa akhutsate bonkhe bakhulekeli baKhe kute bahlale bacinile. But we also include practice sessions and games in Lingala so that they can learn this language while having fun. " Jehovah inspired the apostle not only to encourage those in the congregations but also to encourage all of His worshippers to remain firm. LiBhayibheli litsi bonkhe bantfu baJehova ngisho nebantfu labasha, batamkhonta " ngekutitsandzela. ' They were the people who bore his name. The Bible says that all of Jehovah's people, even young people, will serve him willingly. " (Umc. 1, likh. Jehovah tried to teach his people so that they could be fit bearers of his holy name as the inheritors of the Promised Land, but they forsook the good things they learned. - Read Nehemiah 9: 16 - 18. (c. 12: 8 - 10. What rewards do you look forward to? 12: 8 - 10. Abebamba tandla tami letichachatelako, bese utsi: "Ungakhatsateki. Many people enjoy listening while they commute by public transportation, do laundry, or engage in some other activity that permits listening. She threw my hands behind me and said: "Don't worry. Kuliphutsa kucabanga kutsi seluleko lesinjalo siyecisa nobe sisebenta kuphela kulabanye bantfu, sicabange nekutsi tsine sivikelekile ngelizinga lelitsite kuleto tingoti. In what way? It is a mistake to imagine that such counsel is harmless or that we are working only with others, thinking that we are safe in some of those dangers. Abekufuna kujabula ekukhonteni Nkulunkulu, ngako abetibuta kutsi kwentiwa yini angajabuli. Things that have caused so much pain and sorrow to humankind will be no more. She wanted to be happy in serving God, so she wondered why she was disappointed. * Nawe ungathandaza kuJehova ucele lusito. Therefore, we should refrain from grieving the spirit because of engaging in harmful gossip or by saying things that would undermine respect for those who are spirit - appointed shepherds. * You too can pray to Jehovah for help. Ngenca yekutsi bo - Adamu na - Eva abazange bamlalele Jehova, base baba nesono. Donations of cash with the condition that it can be returned if needed by the donor. Because Adam and Eve disobeyed Jehovah, they became imperfect. Kodvwa bazalwane bayashumayela emaGcumeni aseMatobo, eMatabeleland, eZimbabwe Our sister prepared for the meeting with the director and prayed for peace and courage. But the brothers preached on the torture stake, and Martha went out to visit you, Isaac's cousin, and ye heard of it. emakhasi 215 - 218. This article raises questions you may have asked and shows where you can read the answers in your Bible. pages 2 - 97. Ngihlale yini kulelibandla lakitsi lapho kumelula khona kutfola tintfo nekutati? ' " • What problems did David face because of Absalom? Am I in my congregation where it is easy to find things and to understand? ' " Sonkhe site emandla, siphila sikhatsi lesifishane, futsi kucabanga kwetfu kufishane. * We all have a lot of energy, a short time, and our thinking is short. (Fundza Taga 15: 28; 17: 27.) But from where did their bad dealings originate? (Read Proverbs 15: 28; 17: 27.) Sitawuphindze sifundze ngekutsi kucabanga kwetfu kungasisita njani silingise lutsandvo lwaJehova, umusa, kuhlakanipha kanye nenjabulo yakhe. How did Job's integrity under trial support Jehovah's sovereignty; yet, in what way did Job fall short? We will also learn how our thinking can help us to imitate Jehovah's love, wisdom, wisdom, and joy. Ngaphandle kwekwati lulwimi lwesiHebheru, bebangakhona yini kucondza uMtsetfo waNkulunkulu? Why, though, would they take the container to Babylon? Besides knowing the Hebrew language, how could they understand God's Law? Esimeni saJesu, kungenteka kutsi wabhambabulwa kakhulu kangangekutsi kwadzingeka kutsi kufunwe lomunye umuntfu lobekatamtfwalisa sigodvo sekuhlushwa. Jeremiah's prophecy foretells: "Those slain by Jehovah in that day will be from one end of the earth clear to the other end of the earth. " In Jesus ' case, it is likely that he was so busy that he had to be put to the hands of a man who was on the torture stake. Kodvwa sisebentisa siLingala nasiphrakthiza lokutsite, nalapho sinemidlalo kute bajabule nabasafundza lolulwimi. " As I lay in a hospital bed in excruciating pain, I fervently offered a silent prayer: "Please, Jehovah, don't leave me! " But we use it when we practice something, sports, and sports so that they can be happy when we read the language. " 43: 21) Bebasive lebesibitwa ngelibito lakhe. The Watchtower is the most widely distributed magazine in the world. They were the people called by his name. 9: 13) Jehova wetama kufundzisa bantfu bakhe kute kubafanele kubitwa ngelibito lakhe lelingcwele njengobe bebatindlalifa eVeni Lesetsembiso, kodvwa bayishiya imfundziso yakhe lenhle. - Fundza Nehemiya 9: 16 - 18. Repentant King Manasseh may have taught Josiah about God's mercy. Jehovah tries to teach his people so that they should be called holy name into the Promised Land, but they did not leave his good teaching. - Read Nehemiah 9: 16 - 18. Ngumuphi umvuzo lolindzele kuwutfola? Why is flirting dangerous? What reward awaits you? Nangabe wena utsandza kulalela tintfo letitsetjuliwe kunekutifundza, liBhayibheli liphindze litfolakale njengencwadzi letsetjuliwe. However, while God's enemies tremble with fear, Jehovah's loyal servants will feel no dread. If you like to listen to recordings more than read, the Bible is also available as a book. Ngayiphi indlela? There is nothing here which requires a radically new understanding of the early transmission of the NT [New Testament] text. " How so? Utawuphindze wente lomhlaba ube lipharadesi, sekuyawubate tintfo letibangela bantfu lusizi kanye nekuhlupheka. What two lessons do we learn from the parable of the talents? He will also bring the earth to an end, and there will be any causes of suffering and suffering. (Hla. 133: 1 - 3) Ngako - ke, kufanele sikubalekele kudzabukisa umoya longcwele ngekutsi sigweme kuhleba nobe kukhuluma emagama latiswana ladzicela phansi labadzala belibandla. Jehovah will not desert his people for the sake of his great name. " Therefore, we should avoid grieving the holy spirit by refusing to avoid speaking or addressing the names of the elders. Kufanele ubhale incwadzi letawuchaza kutsi lemali nobe letintfo titipho leticondzile. What good results there can be when children are trained to keep a simple eye! Include a letter stating that the donation is conditional. Lodzadze watilungiselela kuba nemhlangano nalomcondzisi futsi wathantazela kuthula nesibindzi. I Have Benefited From Walking With Wise Ones (W. The sister prepareed for the convention and prayed for peace. Lesihloko siphakamisa imibuto lokungenteka wake watibuta yona futsi siveta nekutsi ungatitfola kuphi timphendvulo eBhayibhelini lakho. So after reading the brochure, you should discuss it with your own legal or tax adviser. This article raises questions you may have asked and shows where you can read the answers in your Bible. • Ngutiphi tinkinga Davide lahlangabetana nato letabangelwa ngu - Absalomu? 11 - 13. (a) What valuable lessons can we learn from Psalm 26: 4, Proverbs 13: 20, and 1 Corinthians 15: 33? • What challenges did David face in Absalom's trials? * The slave represents all anointed Christians on earth as a group at any one time since then. * Kodvwa bubi labebabentile bebusuka kuphi? It is just as the Bible says: "The desire, when it has become fertile, gives birth to sin. " - Read James 1: 14, 15. But where did wickedness come from? Bucotfo baJobe babusekela njani bukhosi baJehova, kodvwa nguliphi liphutsa Jobe lalenta? A Spanish woman named Rosa, for example, says about the man she married, "With outsiders he was a likable man, but at home he was a rough husband. " How did faithful Job uphold Jehovah's sovereignty, but what mistake did Job make? Kungani lebhasikidi bayilahla eBhabhulona? [ Picture on page 15] Why will the container break in Babylon? Siphrofetho saJeremiya sitsi: "Ngaleso sikhatsi labo labayawube sebabulewe nguSimakadze bayawugcwala yonkhe indzawo, kusukela ngala kwemhlaba kuye ngale kwawo. " But there was something that really helped us to learn the language faster. Jeremiah's prophecy states: "At that time those who have been killed by Jehovah will certainly certainly be filled with the end of the world. " Njengoba ngangilele embhedzeni wasesibhedlela ngisetinhlungwini letimatima, ngathantaza ngenhlitiyo, ngatsi: "Ngicela ungangishiyi Jehova! " • How can you prepare to face peer pressure? As I slept in a hospital bed, I prayed: "Do not leave me! " Sicongosekulindza singumagazini lohantjiswa kakhulu emhlabeni wonkhe. Even worse, our faith in him might weaken, and we might leave Jehovah's organization. The Watchtower is one of the most widely distributed copies of this magazine. Inkhosi Manase lebeseyiphendvukile, kungenteka ngiyo leyafundzisa Josaya ngemusa waJehova. But because he played chess every weekend, he did not have enough time for the ministry or the meetings. A king named Manasseh, who likely taught Josiah Jehovah's mercy. Kungani kuyingoti kudlala ngelutsandvo? May we likewise continue to find joy and satisfaction in giving back to Jehovah what has come to us from his own hand. Why is flirting dangerous? Nobe kunjalo, titsa taNkulunkulu tiyawutsi tishayisana ngetinhloko ngenca yekwesaba, tinceku taJehova letetsembekile tona tiyawube tite ngisho nalokuncane kwesaba. So when our eldest brother, Tauno, told us about a paradise earth without injustice, our hearts were touched. However, God's enemies will ridicule their heads because they fear Jehovah's faithful servants, even though they do not have any fear. Kulemibhalo yesandla kute lokusha lokutfolakalako, konkhe kusafanana naloko lobekusembhalweni wekucala weliTestamende lelisha. " As we wait for Jehovah to act, have we personally become impatient? A number of scriptures are found in this series of scriptures, as well as what the first ones we learned from the Bible. " Ngutiphi tifundvo letimbili lesitifundza kulomfanekiso wemathalenta? In Jesus ' illustration of the wheat and the weeds, what does the fine seed represent? What two lessons do we learn from the parable of the talents? Ngenca yelibito lakhe lelikhulu Simakadze angeke asilahle sive sakhe. " That is, the children in the flesh are not really the children of God, but the children by the promise are counted as the seed. " Because of his great name, Jehovah will not abandon his people. " Imiphumela iba mihle nangabe bantfwana baceceshwa kutsi bagcine liso labo lilula. In contrast, the religious leaders of that time disregarded God's Word whenever it contradicted their own traditions. The results are blessed when children are trained to keep their eye simple. Kungisitile Kuhambisana Nebantfu Labahlakaniphile (W. Everything God does benefits others. Helped Me to Walk in Wise Ones (A. Ngako nawucedza kufundza lencwajana, ungahlela kucoca nemeluleki wetemtsetfo nobe loweluleka ngetemtselo. If you find it difficult to say something in person, it may be easier to provide consolation by means of a sympathy card, an e - mail, a text message, or a letter. So when you plan to study the brochure, you may plan to discuss a tax or a tax advisers. 11 - 13. (a) Ngutiphi tifundvo letibalulekile lesingatitfola kuTihlabelelo 26: 4, kuTaga 13: 20 naku - 1 Khorinte 15: 33? This period of time includes both the 1,260 days (42 months) and the symbolic three and a half days referred to in Revelation chapter 11. 11 - 13. (a) What valuable lessons can we learn from Psalm 26: 4, 20 and 1 Corinthians 15: 33? Lesisebenti simelela onkhe emaKhristu lagcotjiwe lasemhlabeni njengelicembu kusukela ngaleso sikhatsi. Jehovah God showed his acceptance of Christ's ransom by assigning Jesus to pour out holy spirit upon his disciples who were gathered together in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost 33 C.E. - Acts 2: 33. That slave represents all anointed Christians on earth since then. Kunjengobe nje liBhayibheli lisho: "Sifiso nasesakhekile siveta sono. " - Fundza Jakobe 1: 14, 15. Then, about a year before Jesus ' death, three of his apostles heard Jehovah say about Jesus: "This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved. As the Bible says, "the desire and the desire of sin becomes stronger. " - Read James 1: 14, 15. Nakakhuluma ngendvodza lashada nayo, lomunye umfati waseSpain lokutsiwa nguRosa utsi: "Kubantfu labangephandle abebonakala ayindvodza lekahle, kodvwa nakasekhaya bekanelulaka. " But some gifts are so meaningful or special that they can change our life. Regarding a married man who has married a wife, a woman named Jon, says: "The people in the home seemed to be a good man, but when she was alone, she was in the home of a man. " [ Sitfombe ekhasini 19] What limitations do humans have? [ Picture on page 19] Kodvwa kunalokutsite lokwasisita kutsi sisheshe silufundze lolulwimi. There was no need for other names to identify them, since only one Christian faith existed. But something else helped us to learn the language quickly. • Ungakulungela njani kumelana nekucindzetelwa bontsanga? These were held in the woods, weather permitting. • How can you prepare to resist peer pressure? Lokubi kakhulu kutsi kukhonta kwetfu Jehova kungase kube butsakatsaka futsi siyishiye inhlangano yakhe. " I now make less than 10 percent of what I made overseas, " Eduardo says, "but we don't go hungry. Sadly, our worship of Jehovah may be weakened and abandoned by his organization. Kodvwa ngesizatfu sekutsi abehlale adlala ngetimphelasontfo, bekete sikhatsi lesenele sekuya ensimini nobe sekuya esifundvweni. But only now can I honestly say that I love Jehovah. ' But because she was regularly playing on the weekends, she did not have enough time to go to the ministry or to attend meetings. 29: 9) Shengatsi natsi singachubeka sitfola injabulo nekwenetiseka nasinikela kuJehova ngaloko lasiphe kona. Are You Known by Jehovah? May we too continue to experience joy and satisfaction when we give Jehovah what he has given us. Ngako ngesikhatsi umnaketfu lomdzala Tauno, asicocela ngemhlaba lolipharadisi lote kungalungi, kwasijabulisa kakhulu loko. Some 27 years after Pentecost 33 C.E., it could be said that "the message of truth of the good news " had reached Jews and Gentiles" in all creation under heaven. " - Col. So when my older brother, Jacob, told us to preach to the earth in a global paradise, it brought us great joy. Njengobe silindzele kutsi Jehova atsatse sinyatselo, sekusiphelele yini kubeketela? To illustrate: Some years ago, there was an attempt to eliminate Jehovah's Witnesses in an area of Angola. As we wait for Jehovah to act, has he become patient? Emfanekisweni waJesu wemabele nelukhula, inhlanyelo lenhle ifanekiselani? As a result, Jehovah told Moses that he would not take the people into the Promised Land. What does Jesus ' parable of the wheat and the weeds represent? Loko kusho kutsi akusibo bantfwana bengati lababantfwana baNkulunkulu kodvwa bantfwana besetsembiso labemukeleka njengesitukulwane. " On Pentecost of the year 33, God gave those Christians his holy spirit, and they were anointed. This means that not only children of God's children but also children who have accepted the promise that they received as a descendants. " Ngalokwehlukile, baholi benkholo bangaleso sikhatsi bebangavumelani nelivi laNkulunkulu nalishayisana nemasiko abo. No. In contrast, religious leaders did not agree with God's word regarding their culture. Konkhe Nkulunkulu lakwentako kuzuzisa tsine. Did not the flower already belong to the man? How could she give him something that he already owned? Everything God does is for our benefit. Nangabe ukutfola kumatima kuya kumuntfu lofelwe kute umdvudvute, mhlawumbe kungaba lula kumdvudvuta ngekumtfumelela likhadi, umlayeto nge - e - mail, umlayeto ngamakhalekhikhini nobe umbhalele incwadzi. Daniel lived as a captive in Babylon, a city filled with idolatry and spiritism. If you find it difficult to comfort a bereaved person so that you may be able to comfort him by sending a card, e - mail, or a cell phone call. Lesikhatsi sihlanganisa emalanga langu - 1 260 (lokutinyanga letingu - 42) nemalanga lamatsatfu nehhafu langumfanekiso lokukhulunywa ngawo kuSembulo sehluko 11. Do not minimize the good effect of your being regular in the field service, in attending meetings, and in conducting family worship. During that time, we combined some 160 days (now 4260 m) and a half and a half days in Revelation chapter 11. Lomsebenti wawuwekutfululela umoya longcwele kubafundzi bakhe labebabutsene ndzawonye eJerusalema ngeliPhentekhoste ngemnyaka wanga - 33 C.E. - Imis. 2: 33. Clearly, such widely differing views cannot all be correct. This ministry poured out holy spirit on his disciples who were gathered together in Jerusalem at Pentecost 33 C.E. - Acts 2: 33. Kusesele umnyaka kutsi Jesu afe, baphostoli bakhe labatsatfu beva Jehova akhuluma ngaJesu atsi: "Lena yiNdvodzana yami letsandzekako nalengiyemukele; yilaleleni. " Being dedicated to Jehovah results in happiness because it involves the giving of ourselves. Just a year before Jesus died, three of his apostles heard Jehovah speak about Jesus: "This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved. " Kodvwa letinye tipho tibaluleke kakhulu kangangekutsi tingakushintja kuphila kwetfu. Why is it unwise to seek earthly treasures? But other gifts are so important that they can change our lives. Ngutiphi tintfo bantfu labangakhoni kutenta? Yes, no matter what our circumstances or need may be, Jehovah will prove his love for us if we trust in him. What are some things that people cannot do? Bekute sidzingo sekubabita ngalamanye emagama ngobe beyiyinye kuphela inkholo yebuKhristu. Before the arrival of their baby, the parents will no doubt prepare carefully. There was no need for any other names, for it was only one religion. Lemihlangano beyibanjelwa ehlatsini, nangabe simo selitulu sivuma. Sadly, after inheriting the Promised Land, the Israelites adopted the sensuous, murderous worship of Canaanite gods. The meetings were held in the forest, and if the weather agreed, we would agree. Eduardo utsi: "Nyalo ngitfola imali lengaphansi ngisho kwemaphesenti lalishumi aleyo lebengiyitfola ngesheya kwetilwandle, kodvwa - ke asilambi. In what ways did Jehovah prove to be "a real dwelling " for Jacob, and what can we learn from this? Eduardo says: "I now have enough money for ten hours that I have received, but I don't leave. Kepha nyalo sengimtsandza kakhulu Jehova. ' Still, the Messianic line came down through neither Reuben nor Joseph. But now I love Jehovah more. ' Eminyakeni lengaba ngu - 27 ngemuva kweliPhentekhoste la - 33 C.E., bekungase kushiwo kutsi " umlayeto weliciniso letindzaba letimnandzi ' sewufike kumaJuda nakubeTive "kuyo yonkhe indalo lengephansi kwelizulu. " - Khol. She then flagged down a motorcycle taxi and sped off to a meeting. Some 27 years after Pentecost 33 C.E., it was possible that "the true message of the true God " came to the Jews" into existence of the heavens. " - Col. Asesibekise: Eminyakeni lendlulile, kwentiwa imetamo yekucedza boFakazi BaJehova kulenye indzawo yase - Angola. Ask yourself: " Do I always forward e - mails? For example, in recent years, efforts to stop Jehovah's Witnesses from one place of Jehovah's Witnesses. Ngaleso sizatfu, Jehova wamtjela kutsi bekangeke asabangenisa labantfu eVeni Lesetsembiso. Was Sarah's laughter evidence that she lacked faith? As a result, Jehovah told him that he would not take the people out of the Promised Land. NgeliPhentekhoste lemnyaka wanga - 33, Nkulunkulu waniketa emaKhristu umoya wakhe longcwele futsi wawagcoba ngawo. Although Adam deliberately and with full knowledge of the consequences broke God's law, he blamed Jehovah. At Pentecost 33 C.E., God empowered his holy spirit and anointed Christians. Cha. She sought the help of her parents, who are Jehovah's Witnesses. No. Ngalelinye lilanga umntfwana wakhe lomncane wakha imbali yinye wamniketa. Yet, they continued to preach and to baptize. One day, his little child built up one of them. Danyela bekatfunjwe eBhabhulona, lidolobha lebeligcwele kukhonta titfombe kanye nekusebentisa emadimoni. Because he was perfect, he did not come under the penalty of death and he could have lived forever as a perfect human. Daniel was in Babylon, a city filled with images and demons. Ungayibukeli phasi imiphumela lemihle yekuya njalo ensimini nasemihlanganweni. Question: Do not underestimate the good effects of going out in the ministry regularly and at the meetings. Kuyacaca kutsi imibono leyehlukehlukene lefanana nalena angeke ibe liciniso yonkhe. We've always felt the need to communicate with one another and to have a happy family. Clearly, different opinions like that will not result in all the truth. Kutinikela kuJehova kuphumela enjabulweni ngobe kufaka ekhatsi kutidzela. Let us briefly review what happened after Jesus was installed as King in 1914 and see how some proved themselves ready while others did not. Dedication to Jehovah results because it involves making sacrifices. Yini leyenta kungabi kuhlakanipha kufuna umcebo walapha emhlabeni? For the past several years, I've enjoyed serving as an elder in the congregation. Why is it not wise to seek riches on earth? Ngisho nobe sihlangabetana nanobe ngutiphi timo nobe tidzingo, Jehova utawusivetela lutsandvo lwakhe nangabe setsembela kuye. Qualifications: Married couples who are already serving in some form of special full - time service - that is, as field missionaries who have not attended the school, special pioneers, traveling overseers, or Bethelites. Regardless of the circumstances we face, Jehovah will show his love when we rely on him. Ngaphambi kwekutsi kutalwe umntfwana, ngalokungangabateki batali batamlungiselela kahle. Why not discuss some fine Bible examples when the situation allows for this? Before being born, the parents would no doubt be able to prepare well for him. Kuyadzabukisa kutsi ngemuva kwekungena Eveni Lesetsembiso, Ema - Israyeli awazange etsembeke kuJehova. The Witnesses have produced and distributed more than 20 billion of these items in just the past ten years, averaging about three for every individual living on earth! Sadly, after entering the Promised Land, the Israelites did not become loyal to Jehovah. Jehova wakhombisa ngatiphi tindlela kutsi " usiphephelo ' kuJakobe, futsi singafundzani kuloko? 4: 7 - 17. In what ways did Jehovah prove to be "a real dwelling " to Jacob, and what can we learn from that? (Gen. 29: 31 - 35; 30: 22 - 25; 35: 22 - 26; 49: 22 - 26; 1 Khr. Does this instruction require that you literally utter in a low voice all the words you read from Genesis to Revelation? And they did not trust in him. - Ruth 22: 26 - 26; 49: 26 - 26; 1 Chron. Wamisa itekisi leyamtsatsa yamphutfumisa emhlanganweni wasemsebentini. Avoid responding hastily. She threw her back to the convention. Tibute: " Ngihlale ngendlulisela ema - e - mail kulabanye yini? The greatest manifestation of God's love, however, was the giving of his Son, Jesus, to ransom mankind. Ask yourself: " Am I keeping on e - mail? Ngabe kuhleka kwaSara bekusho kutsi ute yini kukholwa? Each husband should take a serious look at his own view of this responsibility. Is it good for Sarah to lose faith? (Gen. 3: 12) Nanobe Adamu abeyati kahle imiphumela yekwephula umtsetfo waNkulunkulu, wasola Jehova. In 1907, for instance, one group of colporteurs canvassed a certain city to find those who already had copies of Millennial Dawn (also called Studies in the Scriptures). Though Adam knew the consequences of breaking God's law, he blamed Jehovah. Wafuna lusito lwebatali bakhe lababoFakazi BaJehova. 9, 10. He sought help from his parents who were Jehovah's Witnesses. Kodvwa bebasachubeka bashumayela futsi babhabhatisa. The Bible assures us: "If anyone loves God, this one is known by him. " But they continued preaching and got baptized. Ngesizatfu sekutsi abete sono, abengeke afe futsi abetawuphila phakadze. There is a second reason why we know that it will not be long before God's Kingdom takes active control of earth's affairs: Wickedness in human society is going from bad to worse. Because he was perfect, he would never die, and he would live forever. Umbuto: What factors should you consider with regard to the type of recreation and entertainment you choose? Question: Besisolo sinaso nesidzingo sekukhulumisana kanye nesekuba nemindeni lejabulako. Regardless of whether the householder picks "yes, "" no, " or "maybe " in response to that question, turn to the inside page and without adding anything more, say," Here is what the Bible says. " We had the need to communicate with each other and family relationships. Ase sitsi caphucaphu ngaloko lokwenteka ngemuva kwekubekwa kwaJesu njengeNkhosi nga - 1914 futsi sibone kutsi labanye bakhombisa njani kutsi bebakulungele babe labanye bangakakulungeli. What question will we consider, and how will we do so? Let us consider what happened after Jesus ' enthronement in 1914 and see how others were ready to be ready for others. Kuleminyaka leminengana leyendlulile, ngijabulele kuba ngulomdzala ebandleni. How could a slave permanently benefit from belonging to a good master? Over the past four years, I have enjoyed serving as an elder. Loko Lokudzingekako: Kuba bantfu labashadene labakhonta kunobe ngumuphi umsebenti wasikhatsi sonkhe lokhetsekile - kungaba titfunywa telivangeli letisengakayi kulesikolwa, emahlahlandlela lakhetsekile, babonisi labajikeletako nobe emalunga emndeni waseBethel. But in Sarah's day, merchants ' vessels plied the waters and canals of the Euphrates River, bringing precious goods from far and wide to this thriving city. Qualifications: Married couples who serve full - time in special full - time service may have had special pioneers, traveling overseers, or traveling overseers. 2: 25 - 30) Kungaba kuhle kucoca ngetibonelo letinhle letiseBhayibhelini nangabe simo sikuvumela loko? I don't think I will ever get over my loss of Rob. " - Gail, aged 60. Why would it be good to discuss Bible examples if we allow this to happen? BoFakazi bashicilele baphindze basakata lamathulusi langetulu kwetigidzigidzi letingu - 20 kuleminyaka lelishumi nje kuphela leyengcile, futsi loku kusho kutsi umuntfu loyedvwana emhlabeni wonkhe abetfola emakhophi lamatsatfu aletintfo. 1, 2. The Witnesses published and distributed more than 20 billion tools during the past ten years, and almost 1 out of the world's population has been printed each month. 4: 7 - 17. 20, 21. 4: 7 - 17. 1: 2) Lesicondziso sisho kutsi kufanele siwasho ngelivi leliphansi yini onkhe emavi lesiwafundza kuGenesisi kuya kuSembulo? It was most important for them to recognize that the flock belongs to Jehovah and Jesus Christ. Do we use this counsel to say in an undertone that we read all the words we read from Genesis? Sigweme kuphendvula singakacabangisisi. Jesus spoke extensively about God's Kingdom, making it the theme of his message. Avoid giving comments. Indlela lehamba embili Nkulunkulu lakhombisa ngayo lutsandvo lwakhe, kwaba ngulesikhatsi anikela ngeNdvodzana yakhe, Jesu, kutsi ibe sihlengo sebantfu bonkhe. We also ask Jehovah to help us not to do or say anything that might dishonor him. The foremost way God showed his love is when he gave his Son, Jesus, as a ransom for mankind. Indvodza ngayinye kufanele itihlole kutsi iwutsatsa njani lomtfwalo wayo. Some Bible passages can be understood by humans only at the proper time in history. Each husband should examine how he takes care of his responsibility. Nasi sibonelo: Nga - 1907, lelinye licembu lemacolporteur lenta umkhankaso edolobheni lelitsite kute litfole labo labebanawo emakhophi encwadzi letsi Millennial Dawn (lebeyibitwa nangekutsi yi - Studies in the Scriptures). Every 50 years, all land was to be restored to its original owner or his family. For example, in 1907, one group of the colporteurs took a special campaign to receive a copy of the Millennial Dawn (U.S.A. 9, 10. 32 Subject Index for The Watchtower 2016 9, 10. LiBhayibheli lisicinisekisa kutsi: "Nangabe umuntfu atsandza Nkulunkulu, yena watiwa nguNkulunkulu. " Thus, the temple was rebuilt in harmony with God's will. The Bible assures us: "If anyone loves God, he is known by God. " Kunesizatfu sesibili lesisenta sati kutsi ngeke kwendlule sikhatsi lesidze uMbuso waNkulunkulu ungakulawuli lokwenteka emhlabeni: Bubi kubantfu budlanga ngelizinga leliphakeme kakhulu. Indeed, ever since you started on the road to life, Jehovah has been with you each step of the way. A second reason why we know that God's Kingdom will not pass on earth for a long time. Ngutiphi tintfo lokufanele ucabange ngato nawukhetsa tekutijabulisa? Of course, family members have a special responsibility toward their parents and grandparents. What factors should you consider when choosing entertainment? Ngisho nobe umnikati welikhaya angaphendvula atsi "kutawuphela, "" angeke kuphele, " nobe atsi "mhlawumbe, " ungabese uvula ekhasini lelingekhatsi futsi umane utsi:" Naku lokushiwo liBhayibheli. " But Jehovah said to Samuel: " Do not look at his appearance and at the height of his stature, for I have rejected him. Although the householder may answer "the end, " or" it will not be late, " he says, "and you can open the inside person, "and you can open the Bible says: " The Bible says. " Ngumuphi umbuto lesitawucoca ngawo, futsi sitawuphendvula njani? J. What question will we consider, and how will we answer? Sigcili sasingazuza njani ngekutsi sisebentele umtsengi waso kuphila kwaso konkhe? We too desire an intimate relationship with the true and living God. How could we benefit from working with his master's life? Kepha ngesikhatsi saSara imikhumbi yebantfu labebatsengisa beyivame kubonakala emfuleni i - Yufrathe, itfwele tintfo letiligugu letibuya khashane tita kulelidolobha lelinjingile. He was neither overconfident nor paralyzed with fear. But when Sarah's hometown seemed to be viewed as a river on the Jordan's side, she put many precious things back from the city to a rich city. Angicabangi kutsi ngiyoke ngikukhohlwe kufa kwaRob. " - Gail, loneminyaka lengu - 60. Both qualities played a vital role in his act of valor. I don't think that I't forget death. " - Gavin, 60 years old. 1, 2. (Read.) 1, 2. 20, 21. The abundant spiritual food provided through this channel nourishes us so that we can grow in the faith. 20, 21. Bekufanele bacaphele kutsi lomhlambi waJehova kanye naJesu Khristu. (b) What needs now exist in the earthly part of Jehovah's organization? They had to be aware that Jehovah's flock and Jesus Christ had. Ngako - ke, uMbuso waNkulunkulu nguhulumende lobekwe nguNkulunkulu. Why do Jehovah's Witnesses enjoy peace among themselves? God's Kingdom, therefore, is God's appointed government. Siphindze sicele Jehova kutsi asisite singenti nobe sisho intfo letsite lengase imhlambalate. [ Picture on page 29] We also ask Jehovah to help us do nothing or say something that might offend us. Letinye tincenye teliBhayibheli bantfu bangaticondza kuphela nasekufike sikhatsi lesitsite. When tempted in this way, we need to take strong action to keep mentally, morally, and spiritually clean. Some Bible passages can be understood only when it comes to time. Bekutsi ngemuva kweminyaka lengu - 50, yonkhe imihlaba ibuyiselwe kubanikati bayo nobe emindenini yabo. Let us consider Jehovah's perfect example. After 50 years of age, every tree was reinstated or in their family. 32 Luhla Lwetihloko Te - Sicongosekulindza Sa - 2016 The cities of refuge, for example, teach elders how to "judge with true justice, " and they teach all of us how to" deal with one another in loyal love and mercy. " 32 Subject Index for The Watchtower 2016 (Ezra 6: 1 - 4, 12) Ngesizatfu saloko, lithempeli laphindze lakhiwa ngekuvumelana nentsandvo yaNkulunkulu. The Romans considered impalement to be a shameful punishment reserved for criminals of the lowest order. As a result, the temple was established in harmony with God's will. Kuyacaca - ke kutsi kusukela wacala kuhamba endleleni leya ekuphileni, Jehova abesolo anawe. Then we will make Jehovah's heart rejoice, and that is what makes us happiest. Clearly, from then on the road to life, Jehovah has always existed. Emalunga emndeni nawo anemtfwalo lokhetsekile wekunakekela batali babo nalabo labagugile. Because Jesus had insight, how did he help Peter? Family members also have a special responsibility to care for their parents and those who are old. Kodvwa Simakadze wakhuluma kuSamuweli, watsi: " Ungabheki kubukeka nebudze bakhe, ngobe yena ngimalile. A husband in Australia wrote: "In our 11 years together, not one day has passed when I have not spoken with my wife. But Jehovah told Samuel: "Do not look at the face of his eyes, for I have lost his money. J. Instead, it would be "into the hand of a woman " that God would give the Canaanite army chief Sisera. J. Natsi siyafisa kuba nebuhlobo lobusedvute naNkulunkulu lophilako weliciniso. " The assembly of evildoers themselves have enclosed me, " said the psalmist David. We too desire to have a close relationship with the true God. Akazange atetsembe kakhulu noma angenwe ngemanti emadvolweni ngenca yekwesaba. So we can be thoroughly confident that if we manifest true faith, he will in our case prove to be a Rewarder. He did not rely on any lack of fear or fear of fear. Kokubili, sibindzi nekukholwa kwadlala indzima lenkhulu kulesento sakhe sebuchawe. Two months later, we still had all the money. Both virgins had faith and faith played a large role in his behavior. (Fundza.) Such offerings were made to gain Jehovah's favor, and many served as a token covering for sin. (Read.) Lokudla lokunyenti lesikutfola ngalabazalwane kuyasisita kutsi sikhule ekukholweni. He also added this thought: "What God has yoked together let no man put apart. " The more we receive from our brothers helps us to grow in the faith. (b) Ngusiphi sidzingo lesikhona nyalo eluhlangotsini lolusemhlabeni lwenhlangano yaJehova? They were teaching me to care for myself and not to expect others to do this. (b) What need do we now have in the earthly part of Jehovah's organization? Kungani boFakazi BaJehova bajabulela kuba nekuthula emkhatsini wabo? Prove to be "a true companion. " Why do Jehovah's Witnesses enjoy peace between them? [ Sitfombe ekhasini 32] 18,646 [ Picture on page 32] Nasilingwa ngalendlela, kufanele sitsatse sinyatselo lesicinile sekutigcina sihlantekile engcondvweni, ekutiphatseni nasebuhlotjeni betfu naNkulunkulu. Things got better when we included them more, had the kids call them, and thanked them for their support. " In such trials, we need to take decisive action to keep morally clean, morally, and spiritually clean. Ase sicoce ngesibonelo lesihle Jehova lasibekela sona. The householder may have set this time aside to do something else that he views as important. Let us consider the example that Jehovah sets for us. Nasi sibonelo, emadolobha ekukhosela afundzisa labadzala kutsi behlulele ngekulunga futsi natsi sifundza kutsi " siphatsane ngemusa nangeluvelo. ' (Zak. Regarding theft, Paul wrote: "Let the stealer steal no more, but rather let him do hard work, doing with his hands what is good work, that he may have something to distribute to someone in need. " For example, the cities of refuge teach the elders to judge righteousness in righteousness and to learn that we "become kind and kind to one another. " KumaRoma kubetselwa bekusijeziso lesilihlazo lesitfolwa bantfu labente lokubi futsi lababukelwa phansi. But what did Hushai do? The Romans was executed on the punishment that the people had seen and looked down on. Ngaleyo ndlela sitawenta inhlitiyo yaJehova ijabule futsi nguloko kanye lokusijabulisako. Seek your parents ' advice. Then we will make Jehovah's heart rejoice, and that brings us joy. Ngenca yekutsi Jesu bekanekucondzisisa, wamsita njani Phetro? No Because Jesus had insight, how did he help Peter? Lenye indvodza yase - Australia yabhala loku: "Kuleminyaka lengu - 11 sindzawonye, akukaze kwendlule nalinye lilanga ngingakakhulumi nemfati wami. How grateful we are that Jehovah has made it possible for us to be his friends even though we are imperfect! - Read 1 Timothy 1: 15. A man in Australia wrote: "In the 11 years, there have never been a day to talk with my wife. Esikhundleni saloko, belutawuya "esandleni semfati " Nkulunkulu labetamsebentisa kute ancobe Sisera lobekayindvuna yelibutfo lemphi laseKhenani. Many people today experience a similar form of blindness when it comes to world events. Instead, they would take "a woman out of the hand of God " by using Sisera to conquer the army of Canaan. Umhlabeli Davide watsi: "Nesicumbi salababi singitungeletile, singibhobose tandla netinyawo. " Why not? " The crowds around me, " said the psalmist David, "and they will guide me with hands and feet. " (Isa. 55: 11) Ngako - ke, singaba nelitsemba lelicinile lekutsi nasikhombisa kukholwa kweliciniso, Jehova utawubonisa kutsi unguMbusisi wetfu. I went to parties and nightclubs whenever I could. So we can have strong confidence that when we show true faith, Jehovah will prove to be our Ruler. Ngemuva kwaleto tinyanga letimbili, besisolo sinayo lemali iphelele. Yes, among " the weapons of their warfare, ' you will find "the sword of the spirit, " God's Word. - 2 Cor. After those two months, we still had our money. Iminikelo lenjalo beyentiwa kute bantfu bemukelwe nguNkulunkulu futsi batsetselelwe netono. Among them were men who spoke "twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves. " Such sacrifices were made to welcome God's approval and forgiveness. Waphindze washo naku: "Loko lakuhlanganisile Nkulunkulu, akungabe kusehlukaniswa ngumuntfu. " The homes were humble, but the people were friendly and hospitable, and they offered us not only a place to sleep but also something to eat. He also stated: "What God has yoked together let no man put apart. " Bebangifundzisa kutsi ngitinakekele, ngingalindzeli kunakwa ngulabanye. Now Timothy was following this dynamic and faithful man on a journey that would take him hundreds of miles from home. They taught me to take care of me, not to give up on others. Mkhombise kutsi "ungumuntfu sibili. " Before qualified Bible students are baptized as Jehovah's Witnesses, they are asked in front of onlookers to respond to two questions. Show me "the real man. " 18 646 With my parents, going to a convention in Wichita in the 1940 ' s 18 64 Simo saba ncono lapho sesenta tintfo letinyenti nabo, bantfwana babashayela bababonga ngekubasekela kwabo. " Nathan knew that at heart David loved righteousness and justice. The situation was better for us when we made many things, the children called on their own. " Kungenteka umnikati welikhaya bekabekele eceleni leso sikhatsi kute ente intfo lemcoka. We too may face a challenging situation in which our associates try to pressure us into following their human reasoning instead of supporting us in doing Jehovah's will. Perhaps the householder took the time to make something big. Mayelana nekweba, Pawula wabhala: "Lisela alingabe liseba, kepha kunaloko alikhutsale, lisebente lokuhle ngetandla talo, khona litewuba nako lelingahle likwabele labadzingako. " David had a good relationship with Jehovah, so he could ask Jehovah to comfort him and take care of him during his sickness. Regarding the Devil, Paul wrote: "Let the stealer steal no more, but rather let him do good works, and the works of the hands may be found in vain. " (2 Samuweli 15: 13; 16: 15) Kodvwa Hushayi wentani? Love moves us to continue preaching despite any apathy we encounter But what did Hushai do? Cela seluleko kubatali bakho. Why? Ask your parents for advice. Cha Because we take seriously Jesus ' words: "Keep looking, keep awake. " No Kusijabulisa kakhulu kwati kutsi Jehova wente kwaba melula ngatsi kutsi sibe bangani bakhe ngisho nobe sinesono. - Fundza 1 Thimothi 1: 15. The threat of nuclear war remains high. How grateful we are that Jehovah has made it easier for us to become his friends even though we are imperfect! - Read 1 Timothy 1: 15. Bantfu labanyenti lamuhla nabo batimphuphutse ngandlela tsite kuloko lokwenteka emhlabeni. Although Sara does not make as much money as she once did, she is able to continue pioneering. Most people today do not know exactly what happens to the world. Kungani? Do myths and fairy tales work that way? Or do they tend to omit specifics that could readily be verified or denied? Why? Bengihamba emaphathi nema - nightclubs nome ngukuphi lapho akhona. Asa's son Jehoshaphat "kept walking in the way of his father Asa. " I traveled with seven lamps, whereverver we could go. 5: 6, NW) Emkhatsini " wetikhali lesilwa ngato, ' utawutfola " nenkemba yemoya, ' lokuliVi laNkulunkulu. - 2 Khor. 17 Leaning on Jehovah Has Been Rewarding At one point, "the sword of the spirit " will be replaced by" the sword of the spirit, " which is God's Word. - 2 Cor. Labanye babo bebakhuluma " tintfo letisontsekile kuze badvonse bafundzi kutsi babalandzele. ' AFTER Jesus ' final meal with his apostles on the evening before his execution, Jesus promised to reward them with a place in heaven. Some of them spoke of " twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves. " Imiti yabo beyingekho ezingeni lelisetulu, kodvwa bantfu labahlala kuyo bebanemusa futsi babatsandza bantfu ngobe bebangagcini ngekusinika indzawo yekulala kodvwa bebasipha nekudla. 12: 1. Their homes were not high, but people living in a kind and loving environment loved us because they could not give us enough food, but they gave us food. Manje Thimothi besekahamba naPawula lobekayindvodza lekhutsele naletsembekile, loluhambo lwakhe belutamyisa khashane kakhulu nasekhaya. Today, we preach the Kingdom message to give people an opportunity to learn about God's will for mankind. Now Timothy was traveling with Paul, a faithful and faithful man, and his journey would be far off from home. Ngaphambi kwekutsi bafundzi beliBhayibheli labafanelekako babhajatiswe kuze babe BoFakazi BaJehova, babutwa imibuto lemibili lokufanele bayiphendvule embikwebantfu. WHILE LIVING IN UR Before baptized Bible students get baptized in order to become Jehovah's Witnesses, two questions must be asked to answer to public questions. Nginebatali bami, siya emhlanganweni wesifundza eWichita ngabo - 1940 (Read Revelation 17: 16, 17.) With my parents, we attend a convention in Wember 1940 Nathani bekati kutsi Davide bekakutsandza kulunga. It can be difficult to put up with the imperfections of our brothers and sisters. Nathan knew that David loved righteousness. Natsi singabhekana nesimo lesivivinyako nangabe bantfu lesibetayele betama kusiphocelela kutsi silandzele kucabanga kwebantfu kunekutsi basisekele nasenta intsandvo yaJehova. Thinking on what can help us to keep God's reminders? We too may be tempted to test ourselves if we try to force people to follow the crowd instead of supporting Jehovah's will. Davide abenebuhlobo lobuhle naJehova, kungako amcela kutsi amdvudvute aphindze amnakekele njengobe abegula. The account of Elisha also shows that it is important for brothers today to show respect for experienced elders. David had such a close relationship with Jehovah, so he asked him to comfort and care for him while he was sick. Kuba nelutsandvo kusenta sichubeke sishumayela ngisho nobe singanakwa IF YOU saw someone slip and fall on a path, would you not be careful when walking on that same pathway? Genuine love motivates us to keep preaching despite our apathy Kungani? This time, there were "two large thanksgiving choirs. " Why? Kubangelwa kutsi siwatsatsa njengalabalulekile emavi aJesu latsi: "Caphelani nilindze. " Like Pascal, many have found that getting more satisfaction out of life centers on pursuing spiritual goals. Because we take seriously Jesus ' words: "Keep awake. " Kusongela kwemphi ye - nuclear kuphakamisa emaphaphu. Avoid denying the feeling or judging yourself harshly for feeling the way you do. " The threat of nuclear war raises Kingdom interests. Nanobe Sara angasayiholi imali labeyihola ekucaleni, uyachubeka alihlahlandlela. 9: 7. Although Sarah could not afford to buy money at first, she continues pioneering. Tinjalo yini tinganekwane netinsimu, nobe tona tivame kukukhipha kwatiswa lokungase kuhlolisiswe nobe kungekumukelwa? This may not be the time to ask too many questions, especially personal ones. Are such false stories as the territory, or are youually interested in information or gifts? Indvodzana ya - Asa lenguJehoshafati yahamba "etinyatselweni teyise Asa. " (2 Khr. What about the many children who arrive with their parents, both refugees and other immigrants? Asa's son Asa walked "in his father's house. " 17 Kwetsembela KuJehova Kusiletsele Tibusiso All Christians must obey the command to preach the Kingdom message and to make disciples. 17 Trust in Jehovah Brings Blessings NGEBUSUKU bangembi kwekubulawa kwakhe, nangemuva kwesidlo sakhe sekugcina akanye nebaphostoli bakhe, Jesu wabetsembisa kubanika umvuzo wekuhlala ezulwini. And language allows us to read, write, speak, and understand what we hear. THE evening before his death, after his last meal with his apostles, Jesus promised them the reward of living in heaven. 12: 1, NW. As a result, my faith is not stagnant but continues to grow. " 12: 1. Lamuhla sishumayela umlayeto weMbuso kuze sinikete bantfu litfuba lekufundza ngenjongo yaNkulunkulu ngebantfu. Or consider 70 - year - old Paula in Canada who is severely restricted by spina bifida. " Reduced mobility does not necessarily mean a reduced ministry, " she says. Today, we preach the Kingdom message to give people the opportunity to learn about God's purpose for mankind. NGESIKHATSI AHLALA E - URI The local sisters, their children, and my Bible students patiently helped me to master the language. LIFE IN THIS ISSUE (Fundza Sembulo 17: 16, 17.) About 1920, eight young Brazilian sailors attended some congregation meetings in New York City while their battleship was being repaired. (Read Revelation 17: 16, 17.) Kungahle kube matima kubeketelela emaphutsa ebazalwane nabodzadzewetfu. He cherishes their efforts to please him. It may be difficult to endure the imperfections of brothers and sisters. Kucabanga ngani lokungasisita sigcine tikhumbuto taNkulunkulu? It will be a great joy to work together and gradually become perfect under Christ's rule. Why will thinking help us to keep God's reminders? Indzaba ya - Elisha iphindze ikhombise kutsi lamuhla kubalulekile ngebazalwane kuhlonipha labadzala labanalokuhlangenwe nako. * Elisha's account also shows that modern - day elders are important to experienced elders. NANGABE ungabona umuntfu ashelela bese sewuyawa, ngeke yini unakisise nawuhamba kuleyo ndlela? How will God bring about a world without poverty? - Matthew 6: 9, 10. WHEN you look at a person's eye and his head, would you not be careful about the way you walked? " Besekunemakwaya lamabili labehlabela. ' The Bible says: "You husbands should try to understand the wives you live with. " " There were two girls praising one another. ' Njengobe kwenteka kuPascal, labanyenti batfole kutsi kwenetiseka sibili ekuphileni kutfolakala ngekuba matasatasa ngemigomo yekukhonta Nkulunkulu. People were so bad that Jehovah decided to destroy that wicked world. As foretold, many have found that true satisfaction comes from keeping busy in spiritual goals. Ungenti shengatsi awubuva buhlungu nobe utisole ngendlela lotiva ngayo. " How did Jesus come to possess the qualities that he displayed? Do not regret feelings or regret your feelings. " 9: 7. With such input, you may now be able to give a gift that fills a need that others would not think of. 9: 7. Ngaleso sikhatsi kubalulekile kumbuta imibuto leminyenti lephatselene nemphilo yakhe. The following article will discuss three factors that affect the spiritual well - being of the entire family. At that time, it is important to ask questions about his health. Kutsiwani ngebantfwana labanyenti labefika nebatali babo ngenca yekutsi babakhoseli nobe batfutsele kulelo live? " It's a joy, " she says. What about many children who came to know their parents because they are single or have moved to the country? Onkhe emaKhristu kufanele alalele umyalo wekushumayela umlayeto weMbuso nekwenta bafundzi. Never forget how powerful the demons and their ruler really are. All Christians must obey the command to preach the Kingdom message and make disciples. Lulwimi lusisita kutsi sikhone kufundza, kubhala, kukhuluma nekucondza loko lesikuvako. In fact, they may use ridicule to try to force you to act in the same way as they do. And language helps us to read, write, speak, and understand what we hear. Ngesizatfu saloko, kukholwa kwami akukemi ndzawonye, kuchubeka kukhula. " He would give his life for the sins of many, and he would be buried with the rich. As a result, my faith continues to grow together. " Cabanga nangaPaula loneminyaka lengu - 70 budzala loseCanada futsi lonenkinga yemgogodla, utsi: "Kungakhoni kutihambela akusho kungakhoni kwenta umsebenti wekushumayela. (a) On what condition could Israel realize the promise of providing "a kingdom of priests "? Consider, too, the 70 - year - old Paul, who is in Canada, says: "It is not easy to walk in the preaching work. Bodzadze bakulendzawo kanye nebantfwababo kuhlanganise nebantfu lebengifundza nabo liBhayibheli bangisita kutsi ngifundze lulwimi lwakhona. Carefully and prayerfully considers the recommendations made by the elders and then appoints the men who qualify. The sisters and sisters of my Bible students helped me to learn the language. Cishe nga - 1920 bantfu labasebasha baseBrazil labasiphohlongo lebebasebenta emkhunjini, baya emihlanganweni yelibandla eNew York City ngesikhatsi umkhumbi wabo wemphi usalungiswa. I never saw him again. About 1920 young people in Brazil who were working in the ark, attended meetings in New York City while the ark was finished. Ujabula kakhulu ngemetamo letiyentako yekumjabulisa. Jesus commended her faith and healed the woman's daughter. - Matthew 15: 27, 28. How grateful you are for their efforts to please him! Kutawujabulisa kakhulu kusebenta ndzawonye futsi kancane kancane sibe bete sono ngesikhatsi sekubusa kwaKhristu. Before the Flood, Seth's descendant Lamech worshipped Jehovah. What a joy it will be to work together and gradually being brought into sin during Christ's rule! * 2: 21 - 23, 26. * Nkulunkulu utabucedza njani buphuya? - Matewu 6: 9, 10. To illustrate: As Christians, we do our best to apply the Bible's counsel to " let our words always be gracious. ' How will God eliminate poverty? - Matthew 6: 9, 10. LiBhayibheli litsi: "Madvodza chubekani nihlala nabo ngekubati. " MY FATHER was born in Graz, Austria, in 1899, so he was a youth during World War I. " Husbands continue with them, " says the Bible. (Genesisi 6: 5) Bantfu bebababi kakhulu kangangekutsi Jehova wancuma kubabhubhisa. For example, when I saw Brother Knorr playing a friendly ball game with a group of young Bethelites, I was shocked. People were so proud that Jehovah decided to destroy them. Jesu watitsatsa kuphi timfanelo latikhombisa nakasemhlabeni? Give an example. Where did Jesus view the qualities he displayed during his earthly ministry? Loku kungakusita kutsi utfole sipho lesikahle lesitohambelana nesidzingo saloyo muntfu labanye labangasati. Do You "Grasp the Meaning "? This may help you to find the best gift that someone needs to know. Sihloko lesilandzelako sitawucoca ngetici letintsatfu letitsintsa inhlalakahle yakamoya yawo wonkhe umndeni. Visions of Zechariah - How They Affect You, Oct. The next article will consider three areas that affect the spiritual well - being of the entire family. Utsi: "Ngiwujabulela kakhulu. With my husband, Walter, when we were serving as missionaries in Asunción, Paraguay " I really enjoyed it, " she says. Ungacali ukhohlwe kutsi emadimoni nembusi wawo banemandla lamakhulu. For whom do we especially need to "confirm " our love, and why? Never forget that the demons and their ruler have a powerful force. Ecinisweni bangase bakuhleke bulima kute bakwente kutsi wente loko labakwentako nabo. Jehovah's Witnesses are clearly identified by their house - to - house ministry and by their preaching on the streets, sometimes using display tables and mobile literature carts. In fact, they may be obliged to do what they do. Abetawufela tono tebantfu aphindze angcwatjwe netinjinga. (See opening image.) He would die for the sins of those who were buried and buried. (a) Yini ema - Israyeli lobekufanele ayente kute abe "ngumbuso webaphristi "? Later, his beloved wife, who was only 43 years old, also died. (a) What did the Israelites need to do to become "a kingdom of priests "? Uhlolisisa labazalwane labanconywe ngulabadzala, futsi athantaze ngalendzaba ngemuva kwaloko abeke bazalwane labafanelekako. Jesus warned us: "Keep ready, because at an hour that you do not think likely, the Son of man is coming. " A careful consideration of these brothers and elders, and then pray about the matter after appointing qualified brothers. Angizange ngiphindze ngimbone ngemuva kwaloko. How do supporters of God's sovereignty make personal decisions? I never saw her again. Jesu wamncoma lowesifazane ngekukholwa kwakhe futsi wayiphilisa nendvodzakati yakhe. - Matewu 15: 27, 28. On an earlier occasion when some of the apostles showed a competitive spirit, Jesus set a young child beside him, and He told them: "Whoever receives this young child on the basis of my name receives me too, and whoever receives me receives him also that sent me forth. Jesus commended the woman for her faith and healed her daughter. - Matthew 15: 27, 28. Ngaphambi kwaZamcolo, umtukulu waSethi, longuLameka, wakhonta Jehova. That sounds a lot like the prophecy we just read at Daniel 2: 44, doesn't it? Before the Flood, Enoch's great - grandson Enoch served Jehovah. 2: 21 - 23, 26. How does Jehovah reward those who belong to him? 2: 21 - 23, 26. Ake sibekise: Njengobe singemaKhristu senta konkhe lokusemandleni etfu kute sisebentise seluleko seliBhayibheli sekwenta " emavi etfu abe nemusa ngaso sonkhe sikhatsi. ' 2000 B.C.E. To illustrate: As Christians, let us do our best to apply the Bible's counsel to "be kind. " BABE wami watalelwa eGraz, e - Austria nga - 1899, ngako abesemusha ngesikhatsi seMphi Yelive Yekucala. Internet pornography has become especially pervasive, and if we are not careful, it can easily lure us into its trap. My brother was born in Graz, Austria, in 189 ' s, so he was still a youth during World War I. Sibonelo saloku kutsi ngesikhatsi ngibona uMzalwane Knorr adlala ibhola nalamanye emalunga emndeni waseBethel, ngamangala kakhulu. Peace - loving Joseph "comforted them and spoke reassuringly to them. " - Gen. For example, when Brother Knorr saw playing ball with the Bethel family, I was surprised. Shano sibonelo. I talked to my husband and my mother - in - law about it, but this only led to more conflict! " Give an example. " Uyayicondzisisa ' Yini Inchazelo? And my parents and my friends know that they can trust me. " Do You Have "a Heart to Do the Meaning "? " Umehluleli Wemhlaba Wonkhe " Uhlale Enta Lokulungile, Apr. The other is toward the past. " The Judge of the earth, " Apr. Nginemyeni wami Walter ngesikhatsi sititfunywa telivangeli e - Asunción, leseParaguay He was assigned as a missionary to Chile, where he again served as a circuit overseer. My husband, Walter, when I served as missionaries in Florida, Nigeria Bobani ngalokukhetsekile lofanele " sibakhombise ' lutsandvo, futsi ngani? May we show that we value that privilege and "always offer to God a sacrifice of praise " by preaching regularly. Who are especially worthy of "love ", and why? BoFakazi BaJehova batiwa ngekushumayela emtini ngemuti, nasemigwacweni, futsi ngaletinye tikhatsi basebentisa ematafula netincola tekukhangisa tincwadzi. When we have a good relationship with Jehovah, our life is better and we are happier. Jehovah's Witnesses are known to preach from house to house, to Beer - sheba, and sometimes they use local letters. (Buka sitfombe lesisekucaleni kwalesihloko.) What will help us to remain in Jehovah's favor? (See opening picture.) Ngekuhamba kwesikhatsi umkakhe lobekaneminyaka lengu - 43 budzala naye wafa. No wonder that after writing to the Hebrews, Paul urged his spiritual protégé Timothy to " do his utmost to handle the word of the truth aright. ' In time, his seven - year - old wife died. NaJesu wasecwayisa watsi: "Nani hlalani nilungele, ngobe iNdvodzana yemuntfu itawufika ngesikhatsi leningakasilindzeli. " Among Jehovah's servants today, we find excellent examples of faithful ones who have been " walking with God ' for decades. Jesus warned: "If you remain ready, you are ready, for the Son of man will come to an end. " Labo labasekela bukhosi baJehova batenta njani tincumo letitsintsa bona? During class, Martin would sometimes whisper, "Erika, what does that mean in German? " How do those who uphold Jehovah's sovereignty make decisions about themselves? Esikhatsini lesendlulile, ngesikhatsi baphostoli bakhombisa umoya wekufuna kuba bakhulu, Jesu waletsa umntfwana lomncane wammisa eceleni kwakhe, wase ubatjela kutsi: "Umuntfu lowemukela lomntfwana ngelibito lami, wemukela mine; nalowo lowemukela mine, wemukela lowo longitfumile. God was not, and Job did not think so. In the past, when the apostles showed a spirit of prominence, Jesus brought a young child to him and told them: "Whoever receives my name, and I will welcome him. Uyabona yini kutsi lamavi ayafana nesiphrofetho lesisifundzile kuDanyela 2: 44? 32: 1 - 5. Can you see that those words are similar to the prophetic prophecy recorded at Daniel 2: 44? Ngumuphi umvuzo Jehova lawunika bantfu bakhe? If you are attending the Memorial with Jehovah's Witnesses for the first time, what can you expect? What reward did Jehovah give his people? 2000 B.C.E. [ 2] (paragraph 15) Although Acts 2: 33 shows that Jesus is involved when someone is anointed, Jehovah is the one who invites that person. 2000 B.C.E. Titfombe letingcolile letiku - Internet setigcwele ngendlela lemangalisako, futsi nangabe natsi singanaki singabanjwa ngulolugibe. For a time, Aquila and Priscilla also worked with Paul in their common trade, tentmaking. Pornography is filled with awe - inspiring information, and if we fall short, we do not fall into this trap. Josefa lobekatsandza kuthula "wabanika siciniseko, tinhlitiyo tabo tadvudvuteka. " - Gen. Jehovah's spirit operates in a variety of ways. Joseph, who loved peace, gave "a heart to one another, a heart of comfort. " - Gen. Ngakhuluma nendvodza yami kanye namake tala wami ngalendzaba, loko kwabangela lokunye kungevani lokukhulu. " I reasoned that absolute freedom was the only way to be truly happy. I talked to my husband and mother about this matter, which caused many different differences. " Batali bami kanye nebangani bami bayangetsemba. " For aeons, the angels who joined Satan served in the very presence of God. My parents and friends would also trust. " Yesibili ikhuluma ngaye kusukela endvulo. How wise it is to avoid having such burdensome feelings by not looking at worthless things! He does not mention himself from ancient times. Wase uba sitfunywa selivangeli eveni laseChile, lapho wafike waphindze waba ngumbonisi wesigodzi. Not only did my marriage provide me with a lovely and loyal companion but it gave me many hours of precious fellowship with my fine, spiritually - minded mother - in - law until she finished her earthly course in 2000. He became a missionary in the country of C.E., where he became a circuit overseer. Shengatsi singakhombisa kutsi silitsatsa njengalelibalulekile lelo lungelo, futsi " simbonge njalo Nkulunkulu, simdvumise ' ngekushumayela ngaso sonkhe sikhatsi. How you benefit: God is able to listen to millions of prayers at the same time. May we show that we appreciate that honor that honor, and " thank God always for all the time. ' Nangabe sinebudlelwane lobuhle naJehova, kuphila kwetfu kuba ncono futsi kujabulise. But Jehovah also required that Job do something. When we have a good relationship with Jehovah, our life is better and enjoyable. Yini lengasisita kutsi sihlale semukeleka kuJehova? We can receive everlasting life! What can help us to keep our eyes fixed on Jehovah? Akusimangalisi - ke kutsi ngemuva kwekubhalela emaHebheru, Pawula wabese ukhutsata Thimothi labemcecesha kutsi " ente konkhe lokusemandleni akhe kute aphatse livi leliciniso ngendlela lefanele. ' PARTIES: Jehovah and David No wonder, then, that after writing to the Hebrews, Paul urged Timothy to train Timothy to " do his utmost to treat him the way of the word "! (Levithikhusi 19: 32) Etincekwini taJehova talamuhla, sitfola tibonelo letinhle tebantfu labanekukholwa " labaphilela Nkulunkulu ' iminyaka leminyenti. And if you have been baptized for many years, what now? Unlike Jehovah's modern - day history, we find wonderful examples of people who exercise faith in "the living God " for many years. Nakusachubeka tifundvo, Martin abevamise kungihlebela kutsi, "Erika, kusho kutsini loku ngesiJalimane? " Take the Lead in Honoring Fellow Believers? When she continued to study the lessons, Martin often talked to me, "What does this mean in German? " Cha, futsi naJobe akazange acabange kanjalo. How did some very old manuscripts survive until today? No, and Job did not think that way. 32: 1 - 5. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. 32: 1 - 5. Nangabe utabe ukhona kwekucala eSikhumbutweni kanye naboFakazi BaJehova, yini lotayibona? She explained that she was beset by personal and family problems. If we look first at the Memorial and Jehovah's Witnesses, what will you see? [ 2] (sigaba 15) Ngisho nobe Imisebenti 2: 33 ikhombisa kutsi Jesu unesandla nangabe lotsite agcotjwa, kodvwa nguJehova lobitela loyo muntfu ezulwini. This would be at a time when the very existence of Jehovah's servants would be threatened by a modern - day "Assyrian. " [ 2] (paragraph 15) Although Acts 2: 33 shows that Jesus is generous when someone anointed, Jehovah wants that person to go to heaven. Kwendlula sikhatsi lesitsite bo - Akhwila naPhrisila basebenta kanye naPawula emsebentini wekutfunga emathende. Timothy and other faithful ones were likely perturbed by the actions of apostates in their midst. During a period of time, Aquila and Priscilla worked along with Paul in the missionary work. Umoya waJehova usebenta ngetindlela letihlukahlukene. In his organization, we have many wise ones with whom we can walk. Jehovah's spirit operates in different ways. Ngatitjela kutsi kutentela matsandza ngiyo kuphela intfo lengangiletsela injabulo sibili. We certainly never want to be unfaithful in what is asked of us. I told myself that it was only good for me to be kind to what I was doing. Besekuphele iminyaka leminyenti tingilosi letasekela Sathane tikhonta Nkulunkulu ezulwini. Think also of Abigail, the wife of Nabal. For many years, angels assisted Satan to serve God in heaven. Kukuhlakanipha kubalekela kuba nemuva wekuba nelicala ngekungatibuki nhlobo letintfo letingenamsebenti! On the day of Pentecost 33 C.E., "the spirit of the truth " arrived, being poured out on about 120 Christians gathered together in Jerusalem. How wise it would be to avoid being accused of being concerned not at all the things that are worthless! Kushada kwami akuzange kugcine ngekungipha umngani lonelutsandvo nalocotfo, kodvwa kwaphindze kwangenta ngaba nebuhlobo lobuligugu namaketala wami lobekanebuhlobo lobuhle naJehova. Maketala wami wacedza kuphila kwakhe kwasemhlabeni nga - 2000. Zacchaeus, the chief tax collector in Jericho, had become rich by extorting money from the people. My marriage has not brought me faithful, but it gave me a precious relationship with my mother, who had brought me back to life in 2000. Kutakusita ngani kwati loku: Nkulunkulu uyakhona kulalela imithantazo yetigidzi tebantfu ngesikhatsi sinye. And he will help you to express your love, to be humble, and to have insight. How you benefit: God is able to listen to millions of people at one time. (Jobe 42: 7 - 9) Kodvwa Jehova watjela Jobe kutsi naye ente lokutsite. The Greek word here rendered "know " denotes" personal, intimate knowledge. " But Jehovah told Job to do something that Job had done. Sitawubese sitfola kuphila lokuphakadze! Moreover, he looks to God for the courage and strength needed to face any situation or to fulfill any assignment successfully. - Read 2 Timothy 1: 7, 8. Then we will receive everlasting life! LABANENCENYE KUSO: Jehova naDavide Jews "in expectation " of Messiah? PARTIES: Jehovah and David Nangabe sekuphele iminyaka ubhajatisiwe, yini lokufanele uyente nyalo? 12, 13. (a) What is the position of Jehovah's Witnesses regarding choice of entertainment, and what Bible principles apply? If you have been baptized, what should you do now? Kwenteka kanjani kutsi lemibhalo yesandla yakadzeni itfolakale ngisho nalamuhla? The result of all of this is that many now consider the Bible to be more a reflection of the mentality and traditions of the writers than a divine revelation. How is it possible that ancient manuscripts of ancient manuscripts have been available today? Kepha nangabe kuvela NW, isuke icashunwe ku - New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Others have the God - given gift of singleness, allowing them to devote themselves to Jehovah's service without the distractions of marriage. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Lowesifazane watsi bekakhungetfwe tinkinga takhe kanye netemndeni. The "Photo - Drama " was viewed by millions of people worldwide. The woman said that she had contained some of her problems and family. Loku kutawenteka ngesikhatsi tinceku taJehova tisongelwa "ngumAsiriya " walamuhla. OUR READERS ASK... This will happen when Jehovah's servants are "the Assyrian " of the modern - day New World Translation. Kungenteka kutsi Thimothi nalabanye labetsembekile, bebakhatsatekile ngaloko lobekwentiwa tihlubuki ebandleni. In these situations, Christians do all they can to keep their marriage strong by obeying counsel from the Bible. Timothy and other faithful ones may have felt anxious about what apostates were done in the congregation. Kulenhlangano yakhe, kunebazalwane labanyenti labahlakaniphile lesingahambisana nabo. What can we learn from the way Andrew and Cornelius treated their relatives? In his organization, there are many experienced brothers who can cooperate with them. Asifuni nakancane kungetsembeki kuloko lesicelwe kutsi sikwente. Why? We would never want to be dishonest in what we have to do. Ase ucabange nanga - Abigayili, umfati waNabali. No! Consider Abigail, a wife of Nabal. Ngelilanga lePhentekhoste ngemnyaka wanga - 33 C.E., " umoya weliciniso ' watfululelwa kumaKhristu langu - 120 labebutsene eJerusalema. A little over 2,000 years ago, God sent the Word to the earth, where he faithfully did his Father's will as the perfect man Jesus Christ. - John 1: 1 - 3, 14. On the day of Pentecost 33 C.E., "the spirit of the true Lord " was poured out on 120 Christians who were gathered in Jerusalem. Zakewu lebekayindvuna yebatselisi yaseJerikho, bekanjingile ngobe bekatselisa bantfu imali lenyenti. - Luk. With my bride, Evelyn, I stepped off the train at Hornepayne in the bush country of northern Ontario, Canada. Iconium, a court official named Jericho, was rich because he had made a lot of money. Utanisita nekutsi nibakhombise indlela lenibatsandza ngayo, nitfobeke futsi nibe nekucondzisisa. Yes, death inherited from Adam will at last be done away with. He will help you to show your love, humility, and insight. Ligama lesiGriki lelitsi " kwati ' lisho "kwati kahle, nobe ngalokusedvute. " To analyze the state of our spirituality, we may at times need help from others. The Greek word rendered "speak " literally means" well - known, or close. " Ngetulu kwaloko, wetsembela kuNkulunkulu kute atfole sibindzi kanye nemandla lawadzingako ekuhlangabetana nanobe ngusiphi simo nobe afeze tabelo takhe ngemphumelelo. - Fundza 2 Thimothi 1: 7, 8. PAGE 7 • SONGS: 114, 117 Moreover, he trusted in God to find courage and strength in any situation he needs to carry out his assignments successfully. - Read 2 Timothy 1: 7, 8. 12, 13. (a) BoFakazi BaJehova bakhetsa njani endzabeni yekutijabulisa, futsi ngutiphi timiso teliBhayibheli labatisebentisako? We will also learn how to train our conscience and how we can use it to make wise decisions. 12, 13. (a) How did Jehovah's Witnesses choose recreation, and what Bible principles do they use? Umphumela waloko kutsi nyalo bantfu labanyenti batsatsa liBhayibheli njengalelo leligcwele imicabango nekuhlakanipha kwalabo labalibhala, kunekutsi balitsatse njengalelo lelivela kuNkulunkulu. When a husband and wife do this, they are united with each other and draw closer to Jehovah. - Read Ecclesiastes 4: 12. As a result, many people view the Bible as full - time thoughts and wisdom, not as God views them. Letinye tinesipho sekungashadi lesitivumela kutsi titinikele emsebentini waJehova, tingaphatanyiswa ngumshado. • How can a courting couple prepare for the challenges of marriage? Some have the gift of singleness that allows them to have a share in Jehovah's service can be compared to a marriage. Yabukelwa tigidzi tebantfu emhlabeni wonkhe. Because he did not rely on himself for help. He was surrounded by millions around the world. IMIBUTO LEVELA KUBAFUNDZI... This, of course, was no accident. OUR READERS ASK... Kuletimo, emaKhristu enta konkhe lokusemandleni awo kute agcine imishado yawo icinile ngekutsi alalele seluleko seliBhayibheli. * I was awestruck. In these situations, Christians do all they can to keep their marriage strong by listening to the Bible's counsel. Yini lesingayifundza endleleni Andreya kanye naKhoneliyuse labatiphatsa ngayo tihlobo tabo? We are the only Witnesses they are exposed to. What can we learn from Andrew and Cornelius ' conduct? Kungani kunjalo? Tim: Sure. " I have made your name known to them and will make it known, so that the love with which you loved me may be in them and I in union with them. " Why? Cha! It was located some 50 miles (80 km) east of Jerusalem, beyond the Jordan River. No! Eminyakeni lengetulu kwalengu - 2 000 leyengcile, Nkulunkulu watfumela Livi emhlabeni wafike waba nguJesu Khristu, wenta intsandvo yeYise ngekwetsembeka futsi bekete sono. - Joh. 1: 1 - 3, 14. Certainly, it is worth keeping "the belt of truth fastened around your waist " at all times. Over 2,000 years ago, God sent his Word to the earth and resurrected Jesus Christ, who faithfully died for us. - 1 John 1: 3, 14. Benginemfati wami, Evelyn, ngesikhatsi sehla esitimeleni eHornepayne lesenyakatfo ye - Ontario eCanada. WHY IT MATTERS I had my wife, Evelyn, when I was on the train station in northern Ontario. Kufa lesakutfola ku - Adamu ekugcineni kutawucedvwa. In it, he spoke about a time when "the Son of man " will judge" all the nations. " The death of Adam will eventually be brought to ruin. Ngaletinye tikhatsi siyaludzinga lusito lwalabanye kute sibone kutsi bunjani buhlobo betfu naNkulunkulu. Social networking and text messaging are very popular in this age of Internet and telecommunications technology. At times, we need help to determine what our relationship with God is. LIKHASI 7 • TINGOMA: 114, 117 Or, rather, was hers a longing gaze for all the things that she had left behind in Sodom? PAGE 7 • SONGS: 114, 86 Sitawuphindze sifundze ngekutsi singawucecesha njani nembeza wetfu futsi singawusebentisa njani kute usisite sitsatse tincumo letihlakaniphile. However, Romans chapter 8 is also of interest to those who have the earthly hope because God in a sense views them as righteous. We will also learn how to train our conscience and how we can use it to help us make wise decisions. (Genesisi 26: 8; 1 Samuweli 1: 5, 8; 1 Phetro 3: 5, 6) Nangabe indvodza nemfati bakwenta loko, batawuba nebunye futsi basondzelane naJehova. - Fundza Umshumayeli 4: 12. Teskey Ala - Too mountain range When a husband and wife do, they will draw closer to Jehovah, and they will draw closer to Jehovah. - Read Ecclesiastes 4: 12. • Bantfu labatsandzanako bangatilungela njani tinkinga temshado? Free will enables people to make many appropriate choices daily. • How can a couple prepare for marital problems? Kungobe abengatetsembi. 3: 10, 11. Because he was self - confidence. Kodvwa loku akuzange kutentakalele. © 2013 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. But those things did not happen. * Loku kwangimangalisa kakhulu. Jesus answered: "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. " * This seemed to my surprise. Ngitsi kuphela BoFakazi BaJehova lababatiko. Surely you will agree that no matter how many years we have been attending meetings, it remains a source of encouragement to listen to the heartfelt comments made by our brothers and sisters - old and young. Only Jehovah's Witnesses know them. Thabo: Litsi: "Ngibembulele libito lakho, futsi ngiyachubeka ngibembulela, kute batsandzane ngendlela lowangitsandza ngayo, bese ngiba munye nabo. " Meditating on Jehovah's past acts of deliverance can fortify us for what lies ahead. Tim: It says: "I reveal your name, and I continue to reveal them in the same way that you loved me, and I love one another. " Lelidolobha belingesheya kweMfula iJordane, lengemakhilomitha langu - 80 emphumalanga yeJerusalema. Though quick to claim stewardship of God's Word, have the clergy of Christendom proved to be faithful to the Master's trust? The city was on the Jordan River, about 80 miles (50 km) east of Jerusalem. Kuyacaca kutsi kubaluleke kakhulu kutsi uhlale ubophe libhande leliciniso elukhalo. How can we make sure that we are ready for what is coming in the near future? Clearly, it is vital that he keeps on fighting that truth. KUNGANI KUBALULEKILE KUTSI SATI? If you realize that your associates pose a threat to your good standing with Jehovah, act decisively by limiting and if necessary ending such friendships. - Prov. 13: 20. WHY IT MATTERS Kulomfanekiso wabachazela ngesikhatsi lapho "iNdvodzana yemuntfu " itawehlulela" tonkhe tive. " What will help us cope at times like that? In the parable, he explained the time when "the Son of man " will judge" all the nations. " Tinhlelo tekuchumana te - Internet kanye nemilayeto yabomahlalekhikhini, kutintfo letivame kakhulu kulesikhatsi se - Internet netebucwepheshe. Imagine that! An e - mails with the Internet and their cell phone is one of the most likely of the latest events in the Internet. Nobe mhlawumbe abefuna kubuyela emuva etintfweni labetishiye eSodoma? Many modern - day examples illustrate the value of applying Peter's counsel. Or might you want to return to the things he left behind in Sodom? Noma kunjalo, incwadzi yemaRoma sehluko 8 ibalulekile nakulabo labanelitsemba lekuphila emhlabeni ngobe nabo Nkulunkulu ubabheka njengalabalungile. But what about those with the hope of living on earth who supported the anointed in the preaching work? However, Romans chapter 8 is important to those who hope to live on earth because God views them as righteous. Tintsaba taseTeskey Ala - Too (See opening picture.) (b) What will we discuss in this article? The Crocodile River Lilungelo lekutikhetsela lisita bantfu kutsi bente tincumo letikahle onkhe malanga. But what could she do? The right decisions will help people to make good decisions every day. 3: 10, 11. The apostle Paul said: "Keep this mental attitude in you that was also in Christ Jesus. " 3: 10, 11. © 2013 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. (b) What will this article consider? © 2013 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Jesu wayiphendvula watsi: "Kufanele utsandze Jehova Nkulunkulu wakho ngayo yonkhe inhlitiyo yakho, nangawo wonkhe umphefumulo wakho, nangayo yonkhe ingcondvo yakho. " When there is audience participation, try to give a comment early. Jesus answered: "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. " (Hla. 22: 22; 40: 9) Nakanjani uyavuma kutsi ngisho nobe sekuphele iminyaka leminyenti siba khona emihlanganweni, solo kuyasikhutsata kulalela timphendvulo letisuka enhlitiyweni tebazalwane betfu nabodzadze - labakhulile nalabasebasha. I thought we would spend a lot of time reading the Bible and learning about it. No doubt, although we have been attending meetings for years, we still are encouraged to listen to the comments of older brothers and sisters. Kuzindla ngetento taJehova tekukhulula bantfu bakhe, kungasenta sibuke sikhatsi lesitako ngekuciniseka. 6: 33. Meditating on Jehovah's acts of deliverance from his people can make us look forward to the future. Nanobe bafundisi beTinkholo Letitsi TebuKhristu batsi bafundzisa bantfu ngeliVi laNkulunkulu, bawente ngekwetsembeka yini umsebenti iNkhosi lebaphatsise wona? For the most part, they are apathetic when we try to tell them where this world is headed. Although Christendom's clergy say that they teach people God's Word, do they faithfully serve the Master whom the Lord has assigned us? Singakhombisa njani kutsi sikulungele loko lokutakwenteka esikhatsini lesitako? (Read Daniel 6: 4 - 10, 16.) How can we show that we are ready for the future? Nangabe ubona kutsi bantfu lotihlanganisa nabo batokwenta ulahlekelwe buhlobo bakho naJehova, kukuhlakanipha kutsi unciphise sikhatsi losicitsa nabo noma ungasatihlanganisi nabo sanhlobo. - Taga 13: 20. The answer is found in the context. If you realize that your associates have lost your relationship with Jehovah, it is wise to spend time with them or do not know them. - Prov. 13: 20. 1: 2, 3) Yini lengasisita kutsi sibeketele ngetikhatsi letinjalo? Love involves deep affection for others. What will help us to be patient during such times? Herodi abehlose kutsi amletse embikwemaJuda emvakweliPhasika. ' In poor countries, even when foreign aid provided roads, schools, and clinics, people still suffered extreme poverty because those countries lacked business, natural resources, and access to trade routes. Herod intended for him to bring him before the Passover. ' Tibonelo letinyenti talamuhla tiveta inzuzo letfolakala ngekusebentisa leseluleko saPhetro. They could hardly serve the world as a royal priesthood in such a condition. Many modern - day examples illustrate the benefit of applying Peter's counsel. Kutsiwani - ke ngalabo labanelitsemba lekuphila emhlabeni lebebasekela labagcotjiwe emsebentini wekushumayela? Jesus was listening to the learned men and eagerly asking questions. What, though, about those who hope to live on earth who support the anointed in the preaching work? (Buka sitfombe lesisekucaleni kwalesihloko.) (b) Sitawufundza ngani kulesihloko? Sadly, slavery is not just a tragedy of history. (See opening picture.) (b) What will we consider in this article? Bekatawenta njani? 73: 2, 14. What would he do? Umphostoli Pawula watsi: "Hlalani ninalomcondvo naKhristu Jesu labenawo. " Shortly after I returned home, my mother became severely ill and I had to do all the housework. The apostle Paul said: "Keep on giving up the sense of the mind of the Christ Jesus. " (b) Sitawucoca ngani kulesihloko? Is it really true that one can be happy without religion? (b) What will we consider in this article? Nangabe sekusikhatsi sekutsi tilaleli tihlanganyele ngetimphendvulo, yetama kuphendvula ekucaleni. For our forgiveness to be genuine, we must control our thinking so that we do "not keep account of the injury. " If there is a time to answer your listeners for answers, try to answer the first time. Bengicabanga kutsi sitawuba nesikhatsi lesinyenti sifundza liBhayibheli. associate with this person with a view to marriage? ' I thought that we would spend more time studying the Bible. 6: 33. The Hebrew Scriptures contain dozens of prophecies about the Messiah's life on earth, including details about his birth and death. 6: 33. Ngalokuvamile abasinaki nangabe sibatjela kutsi sekudvutane kubhujiswa kwalelive. Let us consider how we can use the accounts of King Saul and the apostle Peter to help us maintain a spirit of self - sacrifice. They often ignore us if we tell them that they are near the end of this system of things. (Fundza Danyela 6: 4 - 10, 16.) (b) Illustrate how compassionate Jehovah is in helping imperfect humans. (Read Daniel 6: 4 - 10, 16.) Imphendvulo yalombuto iyatfolakala embhalweni. It is clear that when Bible students begin to make changes to please God, he will draw close to them and will mold them into valuable vessels. The answer is found in the Bible. Lutsandvo luhlanganisa kusondzelana kakhulu nalabanye. The Bible says: "The sons of Eli were wicked men; they had no regard for Jehovah. " Love involves much closer to others. Emaveni laphuyile, nanobe lamanye emave abesita ngekwakha imigwaco, tikolwa, kanye nemitfolamphilo, bantfu bebaloku baphuye kakhulu ngobe bekute emabhizinisi, imicebo yemvelo, futsi abengakhoni kutsengiselana nalamanye emave. (b) How can refugees show gratitude? In poor lands, though, even though some countries assisted the roads, schools, and education, people seemed to be poor, poor, having no natural resources, and poor poverty. Bewangeke asaba baphristi bebukhosi emhlabeni. The brother invited her to think about the pain Jehovah must have experienced when some of his angelic sons rebelled. They would not serve as a royal priesthood on earth. Jesu bekalalele emadvodza lebekawati kahle umtsetfo aphindze awabute nemibuto. John Mark, for example, bitterly disappointed the apostle Paul. Jesus listened to men who knew the law well and asked questions. Lokubuhlungu kutsi kugcilatwa kwebantfu kusachubeka nalamuhla. Yet, Jesus lived even before that faithful patriarch walked the earth. Sadly, slaves still exist today. 73: 2, 14. Jehovah, the Creator of the ends of the earth, is a God for all eternity "! 73: 2, 14. Ngekushesha ngemuva kwekubuyela ekhaya, make wagula kakhulu, ngako kwadzingeka kutsi ngente yonkhe imisebenti yasendlini. I was first assigned to work in the Service Department. That was a learning experience. Shortly after returning home, my mother became seriously ill, so I had to do all my chores. Kuliciniso yini vele kutsi ungajabula nangabe ungakholwa? Could anyone? Is it true that you would be happy if you do not believe? Kute sicolelane ngalokusuka enhlitiyweni, kufanele silawule indlela lesicabanga ngayo futsi singabambelani " emagcubu. ' Peter, who was present on that occasion, later experienced firsthand the power of fervent prayers. For forgiveness from the heart, we need to control our thinking and avoid being "enraged against one another. " kufanele yini ngishade nalomuntfu lengitsandzana naye? ' But the course of each of the two perfect men has led to very different results. Should I marry the other person with whom I love? ' ImiBhalo yesiHebheru leyatiwa nangekutsi Lithestamende Lelidzala, icuketse tiphrofetho letinyenti letimayelana nekuphila kwaJesu nakasemhlabeni, lokufaka ekhatsi imininingwane lemayelana nekutalwa kanye nekufa kwakhe. 19: 7) The Hebrew Scriptures are also known as the Old Testament, a number of prophecies about Jesus ' life on earth, including details about his birth and death. Ase sicabange ngendlela lesingayisebentisa ngayo indzaba yeNkhosi Sawula neyemphostoli Phetro kute isisite sikwati kulondvolota umoya wekutidzela. It's a time for us to put the stress of daily life on hold and focus on our spirituality. Let us consider how we can use the account of King Saul and the apostle Peter to help us maintain a self - sacrificing spirit. (b) Niketa sibonelo lesikhombisa indlela Jehova lafise ngayo kubasita bantfu labanesono. Why may Jehovah not have enforced his law on adultery at the time of David's sin with Bath - sheba? (b) Give an example showing Jehovah's love for imperfect humans. Kusebaleni - ke kutsi nangabe bantfu lesifundza nabo liBhayibheli bacala kwenta tingucuko kute bajabulise Nkulunkulu, utawusondzela kubo futsi ababumbe babe titja letiligugu. " Little children, we should love, not in word or with the tongue, but in deed and truth. " - 1 JOHN 3: 18. Clearly, if our Bible students begin to make changes to please God, he will draw close to them and mold them. LiBhayibheli litsi: "Emadvodzana a - Eli abengemadvodza lakhohlakele; abengenandzaba naSimakadze. " Those poisonous chemicals especially harm the health of children and can retard their ability to learn. The Bible says: "The sons of Eli were corrupt, and he went on to Jehovah. " (b) Bakhoseli bangakhombisa njani kutsi bayabonga ngaloko labentelwa kona? He can consider what she needs and respect her preferences. (b) How can refugees show gratitude for what they have done? Lomzalwane wamcela kutsi acabange ngebuhlungu Jehova labuva ngesikhatsi letinye tingilosi tihlubuka. Of course, the wealthy were deeply disturbed by these ideas. The brother asked him to think about the pain Jehovah felt when some angels rebelled against him. Cabanga nganasi sibonelo: Johane Makho wavisa umphostoli Pawula buhlungu. 8 / 1 Consider this example: John Mark describes the apostle Paul's pain. Jesu waphindze waphila ngisho asengakatalwa khokho wetfu Abrahama. " He that does not love, " explains the Bible, "has not come to know God. " Jesus lived again before his grandfather Abraham. Simakadze unguNkulunkulu waphakadze, uMdali wemikhawulo yemhlaba. " He was willing to make a decision, but what do you think of the decision he made? Jehovah is the God of eternity, the Creator of the earth. " Ngacala ngasebenta eHhovisini Lemsebenti futsi kunyenti kakhulu lengakufundza. The account recorded in Exodus states: "Jehovah said to [Moses]: " What is that in your hand? ' I started working in the Service Department, and I learned much more. Ukhona yini vele? Explain how Elisha was involved in the third resurrection related in the Bible. Is he really? Phetro lobeka khona kuleso sentakalo, ngemuva kwesikhatsi watibonela yena emandla ekuphikelela emthandazweni. Unless they repent, their situation can become like that described by Peter. - Read 2 Peter 2: 20 - 22. Peter, in that event, later witnessed the strength he had in prayer. Nanobe kunjalo, tento talabantfu lababili labete sono tibe nemiphumela lengafanani. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: CYPRUS However, the negative acts of two perfect men have had a bearing on the consequences of sin. 19: 7) Why did God choose her to become the mother of Jesus? 19: 7) Kusikhatsi setfu sekutsi sitibekele eceleni tintfo tangalelo langa letisikhatsatako futsi sinake buhlobo betfu naNkulunkulu. " He opened up their minds fully to grasp the meaning of the Scriptures. " - LUKE 24: 45. It is our time to set aside daily pursuits and focus on our relationship with God. Ngalesikhatsi Davide enta sono naBhatisheba, kungani Jehova angazange ahlohlobetele umtsetfo wakhe lomayelana nekuphinga? Satan knew that this baby would grow up to become the promised Messiah. When David sinned with Bath - sheba, why did Jehovah not tolerate his laws regarding adultery? " Bantfwana, akukafaneli sitsandze ngelivi nobe ngemlomo kuphela, kodvwa kufanele sitsandze ngetento nangeliciniso. " - 1 JOH. 3: 18. Potiphar believed his wife's story that Joseph had tried to rape her. " Children, we must love with the tongue or with the tongue, but we must love and truth. " - 1 JOHN 3: 18. Buyingoti kakhulu kubantfwana futsi bungaphatamisa likhono labo lekufundza tintfo njengobe bakhula. Vicious bullies, the Nephilim intensified the world's brutal, ungodly spirit. It is dangerous to children, and it can interfere with the ability to learn things as they grow older. Kufanele icabangele tidzingo temfati wayo futsi itihloniphe tintfo latitsandzako. In effect, Moses asked: " What is your name? ' He needs to be careful about the needs of his wife and to show respect for her husband. Bantfu labanjingile abazange bakutsandze loku. Be determined not to listen to harmful gossip and not to spread it. Your rich men did not love such things. 7 / 1 No. The man had not been "born again " from water and spirit, which was a prerequisite for entering the Kingdom of the heavens. 7 / 1 LiBhayibheli litsi: "Lote lutsandvo akamati Nkulunkulu. " Says Francisco: "Sometimes the rain fails to come or thieves steal the crop, so I make a little money by cutting and selling bamboo slats for construction. The Bible says: "He that does not love God. " Bekatimisele kwenta sincumo, kodvwa ucabangani ngalesincumo lasenta? What about those who are of the "other sheep "? He was determined to make a decision, but what choice did he make? Kulandzisa lokusencwadzini ya - Eksodusi kutsi: "Simakadze wambuta [Mosi] watsi: " Yini lena lesesandleni sakho? ' Imagine watching people getting rid of their eyeglasses, canes, crutches, wheelchairs, and hearing aids. The account recorded at Exodus 20: "Jehovah asked Moses: " What is your hand in your hand? ' Chaza luvuko lwesitsatfu lokukhulunywa ngalo eBhayibhelini. In ancient Babylon when three young Hebrews were condemned to die in a fiery furnace, God "sent his angel and rescued his servants. " - Daniel 3: 19 - 28. Describe the third resurrection mentioned in the Bible. Nabangaphendvuki, simo sabo singafanana naleso lesichazwa nguPhetro. - Fundza 2 Phetro 2: 20 - 22. A parent might tend to continue treating a son or daughter as a young child, though such treatment may no longer be appropriate. When they repent, their situation can be similar to that of Peter. - Read 2 Peter 2: 20 - 22. LIVE LATALELWA KULO: CYPRUS 6: 9. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: souls Yini leyenta Nkulunkulu wakhetsa yena kutsi abe ngumake waJesu? In general, it is unwise to try to coerce or pressure someone into feeling real love. Why did God choose himself to be Jesus ' mother? 24: 45. • What was illustrated by the olive tree in Romans chapter 11? 24: 45. Bekati kutsi loluswane belutawukhula lube nguMesiya lowetsenjisiwe. In addition, as noted above, thousands of people around the globe have begun to study the Bible and to learn of the expressions of God's purpose. He knew that the baby would grow as the promised Messiah. Photifari wayikholelwa indzaba labeyitjelwa ngumkakhe yekutsi Josefa bekafuna kumdlwengula. And how did he manage to help the common people to understand God's Word? Potiphar believed in his wife's story that Joseph wanted to rape her. Letichwaga letinebudlova tabhebhetela lunya nekungamhloniphi Nkulunkulu. But unlike Adam, Jesus lived up to the standard Jehovah expected from a perfect man. The violent, violent, and violent, were forced to rebel against God. Mosi wabuta watsi: " Ngubani libito lakho? ' Each person has his or her unique background and problems. Moses asked: " Who is your name? ' Timisele kutsi ungahlebi futsi ungalaleli nalapho labanye bahleba. He also wrote: "Rabbinic literature... does not even claim to be telling us how the Seder [Passover meal] was performed before the destruction of the Temple " in 70 C.E. - Italics ours. Be determined not to be harsh and disobedient when others offend you. Cha, ngobe lendvodza " beyingakatalwa kabusha ' ngemanti nangemoya, lokwakulindzelekile kute umuntfu angene eMbusweni waNkulunkulu. They may have been raised in the truth. No, because the man was "no longer born " and had a spirit of spirit, he was expected to qualify for a person to enter God's Kingdom. Francisco utsi: "Ngaletinye tikhatsi imvula ayini nobe tigebengu tebe loko lesikulimile. Additionally, difficult day - to - day arrangements can be made more bearable when the elderly and their caregivers use humor at appropriate times. Many of the elderly make a point of not being overly demanding. " At times, " says Ezekiel, "we sometimes get up or do not know what is promised. Kutsiwani " ngaletinye timvu '? Remember that most of those who oppose us do not know about God's Kingdom. What about the "other sheep "? (Isaya 33: 24; 35: 5, 6; Sembulo 21: 4) Ticabange ubona bantfu balahla tibuko tabo temehlo, ludvondvolo, timboko, tihlalo talabakhubatekile kanye netintfo letisita labangeva etindlebeni kutsi beve. Could not Jehovah remove a measure of that fear and terror, so that his original mandate would be fulfilled? Imagine that people threw their eyes on their eyes, as well as on those who hear what they hear. EBhabhulona yasendvulo, emaHebheru lamatsatfu lebekasemasha agwetjelwa kufa ngekutsi aphonswe emlilweni lowesabekako, kodvwa Nkulunkulu watfumela " ingilosi yakhe kutsi itewulamlela letinceku takhe. ' - Danyela 3: 19 - 28. Jehovah's purpose was not about to be thwarted by apostates in the congregation any more than it was by Korah centuries before. In ancient Babylon, three Hebrews were told to die in a fiery furnace, but God sent his angel "to deliver his servants. " - Daniel 3: 19 - 28. Umtali angase achubeke nekuphatsa umntfwana wakhe sengatsi usemncane kantsi loko kungase kungasafaneleki. Never forget that he has good reasons for being patient and that he is employing the intervening time for the benefit of his loyal servants. A parent may also continue to treat his child as a child when that may not be too young. 6: 9. Yes, indeed, but... not by [an] act of God - the world's illness was inflicted by its peoples. " 6: 9. Ngalokuvamile, akusiko kuhlakanipha kwetama kuphocelela nobe kucindzetela umuntfu kutsi ative atsandvwa sibili. Sharing in spiritual activities refreshes us. Often, it is unwise to try to force or pressure someone to feel truly loved. • Besifanekiselani sihlahla semncumo lesikuRoma sehluko 11? • How can we take refuge in Jehovah's name now? • What was represented by the olive tree in Romans chapter 11? Ngetulu kwaloko, tinkhulungwane tebantfu emhlabeni wonkhe setivele ticalile kufundza liBhayibheli futsi tifundza ngekuvetwa kwenjongo yaNkulunkulu. 7 "He Gives Power to the Tired One " Moreover, thousands of people around the world have already begun studying the Bible and read about the purpose of God's purpose. Wakhona njani kusita lonkhe luhlobo lwebantfu kutsi lucondze liVi laNkulunkulu? Godless ones would be without love of goodness, or as some translations render the expression, "haters of good " or" hostile to all goodness. " How did he help all kinds of people to understand God's Word? Ngalokungafani na - Adamu, Jesu waphila ngendlela Jehova labefuna kutsi aphile ngayo. Not everyone had the health or the circumstances to do colporteur work. Unlike Adam, Jesus lived in a way that Jehovah wanted to live. Nguloyo naloyo muntfu unetinkinga takhe letehlukile kunetalabanye futsi nendlela lakhuliswe ngayo yehlukile kuneyalabanye. As I studied the Bible, I compared what it says with what I saw among Jehovah's Witnesses. That person's problems are different from others and may be different from others. Wabhala nekutsi: "Tincwadzi tebafundzisi nebaholi benkholo yemaJuda... atisitjeli kutsi i - " Seder ' [sidlo seliPhasika] beyentiwa kanjani ngaphambi kwekubhujiswa kwelithempeli " nga - 70 C.E. - Kubhala ngendlela yekutjekisa emagama sitentele. However, I sometimes felt disappointed in him. He wrote: "The letter of the Jewish religious disciples... and the Jewish religious leaders... did not know how the Passover [the Passover] was slaughtered before the destruction of the temple in 70 C.E. " Kungenteka basuke bakhuliswe batali labangemaKhristu. Why do we give freely of our time and energy while many are experiencing economic reversals? They may be raised by Christian parents. Ngetulu kwaloko, emalungiselelo amalanga onkhe ekunakekela labakhulile angabeketeleleka kancono ngekutsi labanakekeli nalaba lasebakhulile bahlale bajabulile ngaso sonkhe sikhatsi. (Shu. Timgad - Buried City, 12 / 1 Additionally, each day - day arrangements can help care for older ones by caring for them and by caring for older ones. Khumbula kutsi linyenti lalabo labasiphikisako alati ngeMbuso waNkulunkulu. How can taking God's will into account benefit us, and what can we expect to learn in this regard from King David? Remember, most of whom we know about God's Kingdom. 9: 2, 3) Kodvwa Jehova angakususa loko kwesaba kute budlelwane emkhatsini webantfu netilwane bufanane nasekucaleni. (Hos. Bok - im, 69, in South Korea, has a balanced view about clothes. But Jehovah can remove what is in order to have a peaceful relationship with humans as well as in the past. Injongo yaJehova beyingeke iphatanyiswe nguletihlubuki lebetisebandleni njengobe nje beyingazange iphatanyiswe nguKhora emakhulwini eminyaka lebeseyendlulile. Youths do this by reaching out for spiritual goals and by giving the preaching work high priority. Jehovah's purpose would not be interrupted by the rebels in the congregation just as Korah did over the centuries later. Ungakhohlwa kutsi unetizatfu letinhle tekubeketela nekutsi usebentisa lesikhatsi kute kuzuze tinceku takhe letetsembekile. 1, 2. (a) At the age of 40, what decision did Moses make? Never forget that you have good reason for endurance and that it uses the time to benefit his faithful servants. Yebo liyagula, kodvwa aliguliswa nguNkulunkulu - kugula kwalelive kubangelwe bantfu labakulo. " On the other hand, association with people who share your beliefs, your high moral standards, and your love for Jehovah is a safeguard. Yes, he is ill, but he does not care about God - because of the world's sickness. " Kwenta umsebenti waNkulunkulu kuyasicabula. " When I got to see " the items, Achan said, "then I wanted them, and I took them. " Making God's service brings us refreshment. • Singaphephela njani ebitweni laJehova? 17: 45, 49, 50. • How can we take refuge in the name of Jehovah? 7 "Ubapha Emandla Labo Labakhatsele " Later on when Lot was taken captive by invading armies, Abraham did not hesitate to rescue his nephew. - Gen. 7 "Do Not Give power to Work " Bantfu labangakholelwa kuNkulunkulu bebangeke bakutsandze lokuhle, futsi lamanye emahumusho atsi, "bebatawutondza lokuhle. " Any who had lingered were trapped! People who do not believe in God cannot love what is good, and some translations say, "They will hate what is good. " Akusibo bonkhe bantfu labebanemphilo lenhle nobe timo lebetibavumela kutsi bente umsebenti wamacolporteur. This implies that we should exert ourselves in researching answers to our Bible questions and in finding solutions to our personal problems. Not everyone who had good health or circumstances allowed them to do the work of the colporteurs. Njengobe bengichubeka ngidadisha liBhayibheli, ngacatsanisa loko lelikushoko naloko lengakubona kuBoFakazi BaJehova. This not only provided encouragement and training but also heightened their zeal for the ministry. As I continued studying the Bible, I compared what I saw in the light of Jehovah's Witnesses. Kodvwa ngaletinye tikhatsi ngangitiva ngidvumatekile ngaye. What, though, if the nature of the work conflicts with Bible principles? But at times I felt disappointed about him. Kungani sinikela ngesikhatsi setfu nangemandla nanobe labanye bantfu banetinkinga temnotfo? Never would elders want to diminish the joyful view that all believers should have of their worship of Jehovah, "the happy God. " - 1 Tim. Why do we give in to our time and energy despite some people's financial problems? Kukhumbula kutsi iyini intsandvo yaNkulunkulu kungasisita njani, futsi yini lesingayifundza eNkhosini Davide? For instance, imagine being in a situation that offered an opportunity to satisfy a particular desire in an immoral way. How can knowing what God's will can help us, and what can we learn from King David? Bok - im waseNingizimu Korea, loneminyaka lengu - 69, unembono lofanele ngekwekwembatsa. We can have our say in our heart while in bed. South Korea, aged 69, has a proper view of clothing. Bantfu labasha, timiseleni kufinyelela imigomo yekukhonta Nkulunkulu futsi nente umsebenti wekushumayela ute kucala ekuphileni kwenu. How is the prophecy of Micah 5: 5 about dukes and shepherds being fulfilled today? Young ones, endeavor to reach spiritual goals and put Kingdom interests first in your life. 1, 2. (a) Ngesikhatsi aneminyaka lengu - 40 budzala, ngusiphi sincumo Mosi lasitsatsa? This remarkable prophecy is but one of dozens found in the Bible that unerringly came true. 1, 2. (a) When Moses was 40 years old, what decision did Moses make? UmBhalo ukubeka ngembaba kutsi "bangani lababi bonakalisa similo lesihle. " Or if someone in your congregation has made major changes in order to please Jehovah, you could invite him to join you and share his story. " Bad associations spoil useful habits. " Naku Akhani lakusho: "Ngatsi nangibuka " letintfo, " ngatihawukela, ngase ngiyatitsatsa. ' " God Loves a Cheerful Giver, " 9 / 1 Achan said: "When I saw these things, " I know them, and I know them. ' 17: 45, 49, 50. It was not easy for me - a woman in her 60 ' s - to make these changes. 17: 45, 49, 50. (Gen. 13: 8 - 11) Ngemuva kwaloko, ngesikhatsi Loti atfunjwa titsa letinebudlova, Abrahama akazange akungabate kuyewumsita. - Gen. For example, after reading an issue of the Watch Tower and a booklet published by the Bible Students, in 1882 a reader from London, England, wrote: "Please instruct me how and what to preach so as to accomplish the blessed work God wishes done. " Later, when Lot's enemies were threatened by a violent enemy, Abraham did not reward him. - Gen. Bonkhe bantfu labebakulelodolobha bavaleleka kutsi bahambe. Jehovah's mercy and loving - kindness can be extended to them, even as it has been to so many others. Everyone in the country was forced to travel. Loku kusho kutsi kufanele sitimisele nangabe sifunisisa timphendvulo temibuto yetfu lesekelwe eBhayibhelini kanye nalapho sifuna sisombululo setinkinga tetfu. Then, he asked them: "Are you not worth more than they are? " This means that we should be determined to seek the answers to our Bible - based answers and when we want our problems. Loku bekungagcini nje ngekubaniketa sikhutsato kanye nekuceceshwa, kodvwa bekuphindze kukhulise nenshiseko yabo. Rather than feel frustrated or discouraged because Jehovah's day seems to be delayed, we should be glad that there is still time for us to be zealous for true worship. That would not only give them encouragement and training but also strengthen them. Kutsiwani - ke nangabe lomsebenti unetintfo letiphikisana netimiso teliBhayibheli? Also, he is before all other things and by means of him all other things were made to exist. " What, though, if you do not agree with Bible principles? Labadzala akukafaneli bacedze injabulo labanye ebandleni lokufanele babe nayo ekukhonteni Jehova, " longuNkulunkulu lojabulako. ' - 1 Thim. Will God view us as having a complete heart, despite mistakes we make? Elders should not underestimate the joy of sharing in the congregation with others in serving Jehovah, "the happy God. " - 1 Tim. Nasi sibonelo: Ticabange usesimeni lesikuniketa litfuba lekwenetisa sifiso lesitsite ngendlela lengakalungi. " May [God] grant you to have among yourselves the same mental attitude that Christ Jesus had. " - ROM. For example, imagine that you are in a situation giving a chance to satisfy a wrong desire. Singaveta indlela lesitiva ngayo ngekutsi sikhulume ngekhatsi enhlitiyweni nasicambalele. A PROPHECY THAT TIES THE BIBLE TOGETHER We can show how we feel by speaking out inside our heart when we are upset. Siphrofetho lesikuMikha 5: 5 lesimayelana nebaholi betfu labanemandla kakhulu sigcwaliseka kanjani lamuhla? But have you made a dedication to God in prayer, and are you hoping to get baptized? How is Micah 5: 5 about seven shepherds and eight dukes being fulfilled today? Lesiphrofetho lesimangalisako singulesinye setiphrofetho letinyenti letiseBhayibhelini letafezeka ngendlela lebetibiketelwe ngayo. When Rebekah was done at last, he gave her gifts - precious jewelry! This miraculous prophecy foretold many of the Bible prophecies that foretold the foretold fulfillment of that prophecy. Nome - ke nangabe ebandleni lakini kukhona umuntfu lowente lushintjo lolukhulu kute akhonte Jehova, ungamcela kutsi anivakashele kuze atonicocela lokwenteka kuye. Did this mean that Peter fully understood all that Jesus had just said about His coming sacrifice? If someone in the congregation has made a big changes to serve Jehovah, you can ask him to visit him. Njengobe besengimdzala kangaka, kwakungasimelula kwenta letingucuko. At its center is "the tree of the knowledge of good and bad. " As I grew up, it was not easy to make these changes. Sibonelo saloku kutsi ngemuva kwekufundza magazini we - Sicongosekulindza nencwajana leyashicilelwa Bafundzi beliBhayibheli, lomunye umfundzi waseLondon, eNgilandi, wabhala loku nga - 1882: "Ngicela ningifundzise kutsi kufanele ngishumayele njani futsi ngishumayele ngani kute ngente umsebenti lobusisiwe lofunwa nguNkulunkulu. " " Wonderful Overseer, Dear Friend ' (J. For example, after reading the issue of The Watchtower and the magazine published by the Bible Students in England, a disciple in England wrote: "I need to pray about what I am going to preach and to teach you about the work that God has given me. " Jehova angabapha umusa wakhe abakhombise nelutsandvo, njengobe loko akwente kubantfu labanyenti. No. Jehovah can grant his undeserved kindness to show love, just as he did many people as he did. Ngemuva kwaloko wababuta watsi: "Nine anikabaluleki yini kwendlula tona? " MARCH 11 - 17, 2013 Then he asked: "You are not worthy of what you are? " Kunekutsi sikhatsateke nobe siphele emandla ngobe sibona shengatsi lilanga laJehova alifiki, kufanele sijabule ngekutsi sisekhona sikhatsi sekutsi sibe nenshisekelo yekukhonta kweliciniso. (Mik. 7: 7; Hab. Even well - meaning friends and relatives may urge us to slow down in our ministry or to seek what they see as a normal life. Rather than being anxious or discouraged, we need to be grateful that Jehovah's day has set aside our time for true worship. Yona ikhonanchanti kwako konkhe, tonkhe tintfo time ngayo. " The first ones that he listed were mercy and compassion. He is part of all that he has in mind. " Angasibheka yini natsi Nkulunkulu njengebantfu labatinikele kuye ngenhlitiyo yonkhe ngisho nobe senta emaphutsa? For example, if someone asks you what you think about a certain political party, activist group, or other similar organization, how will you answer? Would he view us as dedicated humans with a complete heart? " Shengatsi Nkulunkulu angenta indlela lenicabanga ngayo ibe njengeyaKhristu Jesu. " - ROM. Do I view Jehovah as my closest Friend, the one who always tells the truth and wants what is best for me? " May God make your thinking as Christ Jesus. " - ROM. SIPHROFETHO LESENTA LONKHE LIBHAYIBHELI LIVUMELANE Of those who responded, the vast majority - some 89 percent - felt that religion divides us. WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY? Kodvwa sewutinikele yini kuNkulunkulu ngemthandazo, futsi kuseluhlelweni lwakho yini kutsi ubhajatiswe? Prayer can help in all kinds of situations. But are you dedicated to God in prayer and in line to get baptized? Nasekacedzile kukha emanti, lomkhulu wamupha bucwebe. But it can and does change people! After the water was finished, he rewarded her. Loku bekusho kutsi Phetro bekakucondza kahle yini konkhe Jesu labekusho ngemhlatjelo waKhe? They become "the Lamb's wife " and reside with him in his heavenly abode. - Rev. Did this mean that Peter understood everything Jesus said about His sacrifice? Emkhatsini wayo " bekunesihlahla sekwati lokulungile nalokungakalungi. ' Does God approve of warfare? Among them was "the tree of the knowledge of good and bad. " De la Fuente), No. SONGS: 53, 60 Imitate Their Faith, No. MARCH 11 - 17, 2013 Just as husbands can be won without a word by the conduct of their wives, others can be drawn to God by the humility shown by his people. - 1 Pet. MARCH 11 - 17, 2013 Ngisho nebangani kanye netihlobo letihlose lokuhle, bangase basincenge kutsi sehlise emandla emsebentini wetfu nobe siphile imphilo labatsi ingulevamile. Ask yourself: " How am I doing? Even friends and relatives who do good things may invite us to give up energy in our work or living a life of health problem. Wacala watsi unesihawu nemusa. When reflecting on our life course, we readily admit that we have experienced Jehovah's undeserved kindness in many, many ways. She began to feel kind and kind. Nasi sibonelo: Ungamphendvula njani umuntfu nakakubuta kutsi ucabangani ngelicembu lelitsite lepolitiki nobe lenye inhlangano lefanana nalo? The love between the opposite sexes has other characteristics besides its potential for being constant and enduring. For example, how would you respond if someone asks you to think about a political party or an organization? Jehova ngimtsatsa njengeMngani wami losedvute yini lohlale angitjela liciniso futsi longifunela lokuncono? 1, 2. (a) What serious situation has resulted from a person's being distracted while driving? Do I view Jehovah as my close Friend who tells me the truth and wants me to do what is best? Labanyenti, lokungaba ngemaphesenti langu - 89 alabo labaphendvula, batsi ngekubona kwabo inkholo iyasehlukanisa. How can we do so? Many can say that over eight percent of those who respond favorably to their religion may be drawn to us. Umthantazo ungasisita kuto tonkhe timo lesibukana nato. As students in the Theocratic Ministry School or as participants in the Service Meeting, prepare well, rehearse in advance, and try hard not to cancel your assignments. Prayer can help us in every situation we look at. Kodvwa kwati Nkulunkulu, kungabashintja bantfu. 12 Help to Cope With Problems But knowing God, it can change people. Aba " ngumfati weliWundlu, ' futsi ahlala nalo ekhaya lalo lelisezulwini. - Semb. He may have wondered, " Is it really wise for me to go back to Egypt and risk angering the king? ' They are "the wife of the Lamb, " and they remain in the house of heaven. - Rev. Timphi tiyamjabulisa yini Nkulunkulu? What about Jehovah's favored people as a whole? Does God view war? TINGOMA: 145, 144 The sixth, at Judges 19: 18, was added as a result of further study of reliable old Bible manuscripts. SONGS: 14, 14 Njengobe kutiphatsa kwebafati kungenta emadvodza azuzeke ngaphandle kwelivi, nekutfobeka kwebantfu baNkulunkulu kungenta labanye basondzele kuye. - 1 Phet. Christian sects have adopted them. As wives's conduct can help men to benefit from the word of God, humility, and humility can draw others closer to him. - 1 Pet. Tibute: " Mine ngenta njani kuloku? Would you simply go home, dry yourself off, and forget about what that person did for you? Ask yourself: " How am I doing this? Nasibuka kuphila kwetfu, siyavuma kutsi siwubonile umusa waJehova lomangalisako ngetindlela letinyenti naletehlukene. Proverbs 14: 15 says: "The naive person believes every word, but the shrewd one ponders each step. " When we look at our lives, we agree that we have seen Jehovah's wonderful undeserved kindness in many ways. Lutsandvo lolubakhona emkhatsini webantfu bebulili lobehlukene lusho lokungetulu kwelutsandvo loluhlala lukhona futsi lolungashintji. This message is to be proclaimed to those who have a desire for righteousness and truth. The love we have between women and women refers to more than love and changes in which we live. 1, 2. (a) Ngusiphi simo lesiyingoti lesibangelwa kuphatamiseka kwemuntfu lapho ashayela? Knowing this will help us to cope. 1, 2. (a) What dangerous situation is caused by a person who is driving his phone? Singakwenta njani loko? © 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania How can we do that? Njengobe ungumfundzi eSikolweni Semsebenti WemaKhristu, futsi uba nencenye eMhlanganweni Wemsebenti, lungiselela kahle futsi wetame ngako konkhe lokusemandleni kutsi utente tabelo takho. At times, these deeds are performed by skilled workers, but more often they are carried out by volunteers without much background in a specific field. As a student in the Theocratic Ministry School, he is a part of the Service Ministry School, preparing well, and doing all you can to support your assignments. 12 Lisisita Simelane Netinkinga What Have You Learned? 12 Helps to resist problems Kungenteka abetibuta: " Kukuhlakanipha yini vele kutsi ngibuyele eGibhithe futsi ngitifake engotini yekutfukutselelwa yinkhosi? ' María Isabel is a zealous young publisher in the city of San Bernardo in the South American country of Chile. He might wonder, " Is it really wise for me to return to Egypt and take a firm stand on the anger of the king? ' Kutsiwani - ke ngabo bonkhe bantfu baJehova? * Faithful Naboth will thus see a time when he and his sons will live on a paradise earth forever free from injustice. - Psalm 37: 34. What, though, about all of Jehovah's people? Kwesitfupha lengetwa kuTikhulu 19: 18, ngobe kwadadishwa ngekucophelela imiBhalo yesandla yasendvulo. No, for Jesus was sinless and "without blemish, " thus having no need for cleansing. Three times at Judges 19: 18, for strength was carefully established in ancient manuscripts. Tinkholo tebuKhristu letinyenti tiyatisebentisa letincwadzi letine teliBhayibheli. The facility was clean, and the message being presented was one of hope. Many Christian religions know that they use four Bible books. Abekhuluma " ngemtsetfo waKhristu ' lophindze ubitwe ngekutsi ngumtsetfo " wekukholwa ' " newebantfu labakhululekile. ' What an incentive for them to maintain their power of reason! He spoke of "the law of the Christ " also called" the law of faith " and of "a people of men. " Ungavele uhambe uye ekhaya yini ufike wome bese uyamkhohlwa lomuntfu lokusitile? Neither did any of Jesus ' disciples issue any such directive. Would you immediately go home and forget the person that helped him? Taga 14: 15 titsi: "Umuntfu lonengcondvo lencane wetsemba yonkhe intfo; kodvwa lohlakaniphile indlela yakhe uyayibukisisa. " How easy it would have been for Joseph to repay his brothers for their cruelty to him and to their father! Proverbs 14: 15 states: "The truly wise person believes every thing, but the shrewd one will follow his steps. " Lomlayeto kufanele umenyetelwe kulabo labanesifiso sekulunga kanye neliciniso. 12: 1 - 3. That message must be added to those who desire righteousness and truth. Letibonelo titasisita kutsi sikhone kubhekana nebumatima. Let us now consider how our zeal for fine works helps us to draw people to Jehovah. These examples will help us to cope with hardships. © 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania (Read 1 Corinthians 6: 9 - 11.) © 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Ngaletinye tikhatsi lemisebenti yentiwa bantfu labanelikhono, kodvwa esikhatsini lesinyenti yentiwa tisebenti tekutitsandzela letite lokuhlanganwe nako kulowo msebenti. Whether Tony realized it or not, the very organ that monitored his physical, mental, and emotional condition - his brain - was malfunctioning when it was overloaded with alcohol. At times, these responsibilities are common, but most of the willing workers do not accomplish the work. Ufundzeni? But they did not return there. What Did You Learn? María Isabel ungummemeteli lokhutsele losemusha lohlala edolobheni laseSan Bernardo eveni laseChile leliseNingizimu yeMelika. There has always been domestic violence. María Isabel is a zealous publisher in the town of Tasmania in South America. * Ngako - ke, siyeta sikhatsi lapho Nabhothi lobeketsembekile kanye nemadvodzana akhe bayawuphila phakadze emhlabeni lolipharadisi lapho kungekho muntfu loyawucindzetelwa khona. - Tihlabelelo 37: 34. Of course, a Christian wife should be supporting the Family Worship arrangement and be cooperating with her husband to make it a success. * Thus, the hour is coming when Naboth and his sons will live forever on a paradise earth where no one will be pressured. - Psalm 37: 34. Cha, ngobe Jesu ute sono futsi " ute sici, ' ngako akadzingi kuhlanjululwa. They apparently acquired their riches through their monopoly on the sale of essentials for sacrifices in the temple precincts, such as doves, sheep, oil, and wine. No, because Jesus has perfect sin and has "not been made perfect, " he did not need to be cleansed. Lendzawo beyihlobile futsi lebekushiwo kulomhlangano bekuniketa litsemba ngelikusasa. What do you think you can do to help you stay awake? - * One idea is to go to bed earlier at night. This was a clean place, and the words of the convention gave them hope for the future. Lelitsemba libakhutsata kutsi bahlale bacabangisisa kahle. You may wonder, though, how can your expectation become more sure? Their hope encourages them to keep on thinking carefully. Kute namunye umfundzi waJesu lowaniketa umyalo lonjalo. It is always beyond their reach. " None of Jesus ' disciples gave such a command. 42: 5 - 7) Bekungaba lula kakhulu kutsi Josefa aphindzisele kuphatfwa kabi lobekwentiwe bomnakabo kuye nakuyise. 13 Questions From Readers How easy it would have been for Joseph to prevent persecution from the actions of his brothers and father! 12: 1 - 3. It even directed that water be used for ceremonial cleansing in such cases. 12: 1 - 3. Nyalo, asesibone kutsi inshisekelo yetfu yekwenta imisebenti lemihle isisita njani kutsi sisondzete bantfu kuJehova. MOTIVATED BY LOYALTY TO JEHOVAH Let us now see how our zeal for fine works helps us to draw closer to Jehovah. (Fundza 1 Khorinte 6: 9 - 11.) What Goals Can You Set? (Read 1 Corinthians 6: 9 - 11.) Ngisho nobe Sipho kungatsiwa abekucaphela loko nobe cha, sitfo sakhe lesasilawula umtimba wakhe, ingcondvo yakhe kanye nemivelo yakhe - lesibuchopho - sasingasebenti kahle nasanatse kakhulu. " I have found immeasurable comfort in my marriage to Riley, " says Andrew, quoted earlier. Although a gift may not be aware of it or not, his body controls his mind - his mind, his mind, and his strength - we do well to avoid. Kodvwa abazange babuyele khona. PAGE 21 • SONGS: 91, 63 But they did not return. Budlova basekhaya bebusolo bukhona. Would he ever welcome them back home? Family worship has always been a challenge. Kuliciniso kutsi umfati longumKhristu kufanele akusekele Kukhonta Kwemndeni futsi abambisane nendvodza yakhe kute akwente kuphumelele. In prayer to his Father, Jesus said: "Your word is truth. " Of course, a Christian wife should support family worship and cooperate with her husband in order to be successful. Loko wakwenta ngekutsi kube ngiwo lobewulawula kutsengiswa kwetintfo lebetidzingeka ekwenteni iminikelo ethempelini letinjengematuba, timvu, oyela kanye neliwayini. Some people believe that fate or predestination, not personal choice, controls their life. He did so by allowing it to be sold into the temple, to make up the sheep, the sheep, and the wine. Yini locabanga kutsi ungayenta kute ukwati kuhlala uphapheme? - * Lokunye lokungakusita kutsi usheshe ulale. Clearly, Jesus was speaking symbolically, as he did many other times. - John 2: 19 - 21; 4: 13, 14; 10: 7; 15: 1. What do you think you can do to stay awake? - * One thing that can help you to get short. Ungase utibute kutsi ngingaciniseka njani ngaletetsembiso kutsi titawugcwaliseka sibili? When I married John You may wonder how I can be sure that these promises will be true? Kute intsengo lengakwenela. " For example, Franz and Margit, who are now serving at another branch, were in 1982 serving at the branch office in Brazil. There is nothing that can buy. " 13 Imibuto Levela Kubafundzi Many men, women, and children died when the Babylonian forces destroyed Jerusalem and its temple in 607 B.C.E. 13 Questions From Readers Lomtsetfo washo kahle kutsi loyo muntfu bekufanele ageze ngemanti. It is important to ask ourselves these questions because the world wants us to live the way they do. This law clearly stated that this person had to wash water. WAKHUTSATWA KUBACOTFO KUJEHOVA Selecting a marriage mate. ALSO IN JEHOVAH'S gift Ngumiphi Imigomo Longatibekela Yona? How was King Saul's son Jonathan loyal to Jehovah? What goals do you set for translators? Andrew, lokuke kwakhulunywa ngaye utsi: "Ngitfole indvudvuto lenkhulu emshadweni wami naRiley. Jehovah's Witnesses are happy to help you. Andrew, mentioned earlier, says: "I have found great comfort in my marriage and in my marriage. LIKHASI 21 • TINGOMA: 91, 63 Will You "Keep on the Watch "? PAGE 21 • SONGS: 91, 63 Abengeke yini asabemukela nababuyela ekhaya? (Read John 15: 15.) Would he not welcome them if they returned home? Ngesikhatsi Jesu athantaza kuBabe wakhe, watsi: "Livi lakho liliciniso. " 1 / 15 Are You Convinced That You Have the Truth? Why? When Jesus prayed to his Father, he said: "Your word is truth. " Labanye bantfu bakholelwa kutsi kwahlelwa kutsi kufanele baphile njani hhayi kutsi bayatikhetsela. Of course, Jehovah does not try to motivate his people to study by causing them to have feelings of guilt. Some people believe that it was possible for them to live, not to make their own choice. Kuyacaca - ke kutsi Jesu abefanekisa, njengobe bekavame kwenta njalo ngaletinye tikhatsi. - Joh. 2: 19 - 21; 4: 13, 14; 10: 7; 15: 1. Hence, by following her friend's suggestion, Lisa would in essence be forcing other policyholders to pay for her accident through higher insurance rates. Clearly, Jesus was an illustration, just as he often did. - John 2: 19 - 21; 4: 13, 14; 7: 15; 7: 1. Ngalesikhatsi ngishada naJohn But we are imperfect, so we cannot avoid all sickness. When I got married, John Nasi sibonelo: Franz naMargit labakhonta kulelinye lihhovisi leligatja, bebakhonta ehhovisini leligatja laseBrazil nga - 1982. They didn't understand why I wanted to move to a foreign country to pioneer. For example, Franz, who served in another branch office, served at the branch office in Brazil. Emadvodza lamanyenti, bafati kanye nebantfwana bafa ngesikhatsi emabutfo aseBhabhulona abhubhisa iJerusalema nelithempeli nga - 607 B.C.E. Jehovah's Witnesses in your locality will be pleased to help you learn from your own copy of the Bible what God's will is and how to apply it in your life. Many husbands, wives, and children died during the Babylonian armies destroyed Jerusalem and its temple in 607 B.C.E. Kubalulekile kutibuta lemibuto ngobe bantfu labakulelive bafuna siphile ngendlela labaphila ngayo. 16, 17. (a) What does Jehovah want for his people? It is important to ask ourselves these questions because the world wants us to live in a way that lives. Kukhetsa umuntfu lotawushada naye. We had planned to take a trip to Florida, U.S.A., but the day after our wedding, the branch asked me to attend a week - long meeting at Canada Bethel. Choose a mate's choice. Jonathani indvodzana yeNkhosi Sawula yakhombisa njani kutsi yetsembekile kuJehova? Jehovah performed the first marriage and made his feelings clear. How did Jonathan's son Saul show that he was loyal to Jehovah? BoFakazi BaJehova bangakujabulela kukusita. " LOOK! Jehovah's Witnesses would be happy to help you. " Utawuhlala Ulindzile ' Yini? Should it affect our understanding of Christianity? Will You "Keep on the Watch "? (Fundza Johane 15: 15.) Do you? (Read John 15: 15.) (Luk 3: 15), 2 / 15 Listed below are other ways you can donate to support the preaching work worldwide. (Look! 2 / 15 Kuliciniso kutsi Jehova aketami kukhutsata bantfu bakhe kutsi batadishe ngekubenta bative banemuva welicala. Yet, such individuals have been "washed clean, " indicating that they have made the changes in their life needed to please God. Of course, Jehovah does not pressure his people to study with their guilt. Ngekulalela lombono wemngani wakhe, Nokuthula utawube wenta kutsi lamanye emalunga alomshuwalensi abhadale imali lenyenti ngengoti leyentiwe nguye. Being worshippers of Jehovah affords us protection from unsound and unscriptural reasoning, immoral practices, and the consequences of such. By obeying the vision of his friend, you will be moved to make sure that some members of the country pay attention to the dangers of the accident. Kodvwa ngenca yekutsi sinesono angeke kwenteke kutsi singaguli. I was impressed when she used the Bible to answer each of them. But because we are imperfect, we cannot avoid illness. Bebangacondzi kutsi kungani ngifuna kukhonta njengelihlahlandlela kulelinye live. At times, organizational adjustments need to be made. They did not understand why I wanted to serve as a pioneer in a foreign country. BoFakazi baJehova endzaweni yakini bangakujabulela kukusita kutsi ufundze eBhayibhelini lakho kutsi iyini intsandvo yaNkulunkulu kanye nekutsi ungaphila njani ngekuvumelana nayo. Has God's purpose changed? Jehovah's Witnesses in your area will be happy to help you learn what God's will is and how you can live in harmony with it. 16, 17. (a) Yini Jehova lafuna kutsi siyati? The apostle Paul's life differed greatly from King Solomon's. 16, 17. (a) What does Jehovah want us to know? Besihlele kuyovakashela eFlorida, eMelika, kodvwa ngelilanga langemuva kwemshado wetfu, ligatja langicela kutsi ngiye emhlanganweni lobewutawutsatsa liviki eBethel yaseCanada. What the Bible teaches: The Bible clearly states that God "has founded the earth upon its established places; it will not be made to totter to time indefinite, or forever. " We planned to visit Florida in the United States, but after our wedding, the branch invited me to attend a week for Bethel service. Jehova nguye lowenta umshado wekucala, futsi wayicacisa lapho indlela lativa ngayo. How was what Jehovah did "contrary to nature "? Jehovah is the one who made the first marriage, and he sheds light on how he felt. Loko kufanele kukutsintse njani kubucondza kwetfu buKhristu? What facts underline the gravity of mankind's problems? How should that affect our Christian understanding of Christianity? Unaso yini wena? For example, see the life story of Trophim Nsomba in the April 15, 2015, issue of The Watchtower, pp. Do you? Lapha ngentasi kunaletinye tindlela longanikela ngato kute usekele umsebenti wekushumayela emhlabeni wonkhe. " The happiest years of my life have been those spent serving Jehovah. " - Jaime There are other methods that you can offer to support the worldwide preaching work. Lamanye emaKhristu " agezwa ' futsi loko kwakukhombisa kutsi ente lushintjo loludzingekako ekuphileni kwawo kute ajabulise Nkulunkulu. God works tirelessly. Some Christians "were washed clean " and showed that they made needed changes in their lives so that they could please God. Kukhonta Jehova kusivikela etinkhulumeni letingakasekelwa eBhayibhelini, ekutiphatseni kabi ngekwemacansi kanye nemiphumela yako. The anointed do not expect to be given some territory or location on earth as a possession. Serving Jehovah protects you from unscriptural practices, sexual immorality, and the consequences of your worship. Ngamangala lapho aphendvula yonkhe leyo mibuto asebentisa liBhayibheli. Construction. To my surprise, they answered all those questions using the Bible. Ngalesinye sikhatsi, kuye kudzingeke kutsi kwentiwe lushintjo enhlanganweni. What trials did some of the prophets endure because of their faith? At times, he needed to make changes in the organization. Seyishintjile yini injongo yaNkulunkulu? What words of Jesus indicated that "the deep things of God " would be revealed progressively? Has God's purpose changed? Imphilo yemphostoli Pawula beyehluke kakhulu kuleyo yeNkhosi Solomoni. As time passes, Andrew, Peter, and others will have ample opportunity to delve into the Scriptures and will unreservedly declare that Jesus of Nazareth is the promised Messiah. The apostle Paul's life was very different from King Solomon. Loko lokufundziswa liBhayibheli: LiBhayibheli lifundzisa kutsi Nkulunkulu "wasimisa umhlaba etikwetisekelo tawo, kuze ungatanyatanyiswa, phakadze naphakadze. " All things are lawful, but not all things build up. " What the Bible teaches: "God has established the earth on its foundations, so that it will not be destroyed forever and ever. " Loko lokwentiwa nguJehova " bekuphambene nemvelo ' ngayiphi indlela? Use good sense. In what way did Jehovah act "in the flesh "? Yini lekhombisa kutsi tinkinga tebantfu tandze kakhulu? That has helped me to strike up many good conversations. " - Magdalena, diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus. What shows that mankind's problems have become so much worse? Nasi sibonelo: Fundza indzaba yekuphila yaTrophim Nsomba ku - Sicongosekulindza sa - April 15, 2015, emakh. " There are new heavens and a new earth that we are awaiting according to his promise, and in these righteousness is to dwell. " - 2 Peter 3: 13 For example, See the story of Verses 15, 2015, issue of The Watchtower. " Iminyaka lejabulisa kakhulu ekuphileni kwami nguleyo lengayicitsa ngikhonta Jehova. " - Jaime And did some of our brothers during that period compromise their Christian neutrality and thereby incur Jehovah's displeasure? " The most rewarding years in my life have been serving Jehovah. " - EX. Nkulunkulu uhlala asebenta. When is it appropriate to walk away from peers who try to pressure you, and why? God is always working at work. (Num. 18: 20) Abakagadzi kuniketwa sabelo nobe indzawo emhlabeni njengelifa labo. And how can all of us benefit by considering the examples of such faithful men of old as Abraham and Moses who despite personal hardships kept their minds fixed on the things above? They were no longer offered to receive a assignment or a land inheritance. Kwakha. One day, more than 3,000 years ago, Jehovah told the elderly prophet Samuel: "Tomorrow about this time, I will send to you a man from the land of Benjamin. Being approachable. Nguluphi luvivinyo labanye baphrofethi lokwadzingeka balukhutsatelele ngenca yekukholwa kwabo? Remember, no runner is doomed to fail in the race for life just because he stumbles or falls on occasion. What trials did some prophets need to encourage them because of their faith? Ngumaphi emavi aJesu lakhombisa kutsi " tintfo letijulile taNkulunkulu ' tingembulwa ngalokuphumelelako? But Barak was going to fight as Jehovah directed, so he waited for word from Deborah. What words of Jesus show that "the deep things of God " can be revealed successfully? Njengobe sikhatsi sichubeka, Andreya, Phetro, kanye nalabanye bebatawuba nesikhatsi lesinyenti sekutihlolela emiBhalweni futsi bamemetele ngekuciniseka kutsi Jesu waseNazaretha unguMesiya lotsenjisiwe. Their eagerness is evident in their self - sacrificing attitude in helping the flock. As time went on, Andrew, Peter, and others would have more time to examine the Scriptures and proclaim that Jesus was the promised Messiah. Tonkhe tintfo tivumelekile, kodvwa akusito tonkhe letakhako. " Patience and Long - Suffering. All things are acceptable, but it is not all right. " Bani nekwahlulela lokuhle. He helped people to know God and taught them to pray that God's name be sanctified. Be positive and good. Loko kungisitile kutsi ngicalise tinshumayelo letinyenti letiphumelelako. " - Magdalena, lowangenwa sifo lesatiwa ngekutsi yi - lupus. Perhaps you have used the words "stumble " and" fall " interchangeably to describe a spiritual condition. That has helped me start preaching more. " - Magdalena, who was diagnosed with the U.S.A. " Kunemazulu lamasha nemhlaba lomusha lesikulindzele ngekwesetsembiso sakhe, futsi kuko kutawuba nekulunga. " - 2 Phetro 3: 13 Jehovah's spirit operated on Samson in a unique way because of unusual circumstances. " The new heavens and the new earth awaits us according to his promise and righteousness. " - 2 Peter 3: 13 Bakhona yini labanye bazalwane ngaleso sikhatsi labaya emphini futsi ngenca yaleso sizatfu Jehova wangajabuli ngabo? In this article, we will consider how we can strip off the old personality, why doing so is urgent, and why change is possible no matter how deeply involved one may be in wrong practices. Could some brothers at that time go to war and say that Jehovah was not pleased with them? Kunini lapho ungabashiya khona bontsanga yakho labakucindzetelako, futsi kungani kufanele wente njalo? The following parable is about the ten virgins. When might you abandon peer pressure, and why? Singazuza njani ngekucabanga ngetibonelo temadvodza labekatsembekile akadzeni lafaka ekhatsi Abrahama naMosi lokwatsi nobe abhekene nebumatima kodvwa ahlale anake tintfo letisezulwini? was factual. How can we benefit from reflecting on the examples of faithful men of Moses, such as Moses or Moses, who faced hardships, but keep focused on the things above? Ngalelinye lilanga eminyakeni lengetulu kwa - 3 000 leyendlulile, Jehova watjela umphrofethi Samuweli watsi: "Kusasa ngaso lesikhatsi ngitakutfumelela indvodza lephuma eveni lakaBhenjamini. Humility Is Essential On one occasion over 3,000 years ago, Jehovah told the prophet Samuel: "I am about to send a man out of the land of Benjamin. Khumbula kutsi ingijimi ingaphumelela kulomncintiswano wekuphila ngisho nobe ike yakhutjwa nobe yawa emahlandla latsite. No! Remember that a driver can take the race for life even though he may be stumbled or even at times. Bharaki bekatimisele kulwa lemphi alandzela ticondziso taJehova, ngako wamela Debhora kutsi amnikete ticondziso. Jesus stated that Jehovah gives "holy spirit to those asking him. " Barak was determined to fight the battle against Jehovah's instructions, so he appointed Deborah to give him instructions. Inshisekelo yabo ibonakala endleleni labatidzela ngayo ekusiteni umhlambi. THE Bible teaches us to obey human governments, but it also tells us that we must always obey God. Their zeal seems to be evident in the way they make sacrifices to help the flock. Kubeketela Neluvelo. Get regular exercise. Patience is kind and kind. Wasita bantfu kutsi bamati Nkulunkulu waphindze wabafundzisa kutsi bathandazele kutsi libito laKhe lingcweliswe. Will my decisions help me to set spiritual goals? He helped people to come to know God and to teach them to pray for God's name. Mhlawumbe uke wawasebentisa lamagama latsi " kukhutjwa ' nalelitsi " kuwa ' kute uchaze simo sebuhlobo bemuntfu naNkulunkulu. The man started coming to all the meetings and soon got baptized. Perhaps you have used the words " stumbling " and" setting apart " to explain a relationship with God. Umoya waJehova wasebenta kuSamsoni ngendlela leyehlukile ngesizatfu sekutsi wahlangabetana netimo letingakavami. 18, 19. (a) What reasons do we have to welcome everyone? Jehovah's spirit empowered Samson in a different way because he faced difficult circumstances. Kulesihloko sitawucoca ngekutsi singabukhumula kanjani buntfu lobudzala, sicoce nangekutsi kungani kufanele sisheshe sikwente loko, kanye nangekutsi kungenteka njani kutsi umuntfu ayiyekele imikhuba yakhe lemibi ngisho nobe sekayente sikhatsi lesidze. Christian youths need this quality if they are to maintain integrity at school. In this article, we will consider how we can strip off the old personality and discuss why we should act quickly, and how a person may have left his bad habits even though he has done so long. Umfanekiso lolandzelako umayelana netintfombi letilishumi. Then, the investigator switched tactics and tried to persuade me to renounce my faith, as I mentioned in the introduction. The following illustration about ten virgins. bekuliciniso yini. For help in dealing with a marriage mate's disloyalty, see the article "Coping With a Spouse's Betrayal, " in the June 15, 2010, issue of The Watchtower, pages 29 - 32. I was really true. Kutfobeka Kumcoka After Joshua's death, the Moabitess Ruth courageously took her stand for true worship. Humility and Humility Cha akusinjalo. 3 Life Story - A Poor Start - A Rich Ending Not at all. Jesu watsi Jehova "ubapha umoya longcwele labo labamcelako. " Perhaps young Lamech watched, in awe of his grandfather's courage. Jesus said that Jehovah "give holy spirit to those asking him. " LIBHAYIBHELI lisifundzisa kutsi silalele bohulumende bebantfu, kodvwa liphindze lisitjele kutsi kufanele sihlale silalela Nkulunkulu. From that time onward, reported The Watch Tower in 1922, the Bible Students stepped up their preaching activities. THE BIBLE teaches us to obey human governments, but it also tells us that we should always obey God. Tinike sikhatsi sekucecesha umtimba. Immoral desires can be very powerful and can deprive us of spiritual treasures. Take time to train the body. Tincumo lengitentako tiyangisita yini ngitibekele imigomo yekukhonta Nkulunkulu? Let us examine how each covenant relates to the Kingdom and advances the outworking of God's purpose for the earth and for mankind. - See the chart "How God Will Accomplish His Purpose. " Will my decisions help me to set spiritual goals? Lendvodza yacala kuta kuyo yonkhe imhlangano futsi ngekushesha yabhajatiswa. " NO CAREFUL student of the Bible can fail to be impressed with the stress that is laid on the death of Christ, " stated the fourth issue of this magazine back in October 1879. The man began to attend all the convention and immediately got baptized. 18, 19. (a) Kungani kufanele semukele bonkhe bantfu? 3, 4. 18, 19. (a) Why should we accept all people? EmaKhristu lasemasha ayayidzinga lemfanelo kute alondvolote bucotfo bawo esikolweni. But David did not allow himself to become bored. Christian youths need to maintain their integrity at school. Ngemuva kwaloko, lomseshi wase ucala lenye indzaba futsi wangicindzetela kutsi ngesule kuba ngulomunye waboFakazi, njengobe ngike ngasho ekucaleni. Humility, not prideful ambition, should characterize your life. - Matt. After that, he began to report and pressured me to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses, even as I did not say before. Kute utfole lusito lekubhekana nekungetsembeki kwemuntfu loshade naye, fundza sihloko lesitsi "Kubhekana Nesimo Lapho Loshade Naye Akwentele Phansi " ku - Sicongosekulindza saJune 1, 2010 emakhasini 29 - 32. (Read Romans 12: 10.) For help to cope with one's mate's adultery, see the article "What Is Your Friends " in The Watchtower of June 1, 2010, pages 29 - 32. Ngemuva kwekufa kwaJoshuwa, Ruthe umMowabi wakumelela ngesibindzi kukhonta kweliciniso. 12 / 15 After Joshua's death, Ruth courageously defended true worship. 3 Umlandvo Wekuphila - Ekucaleni Bengingajabuli, Kodvwa Nyalo Ngijabula Kakhulu And what a blessing that will prove to be! 3 Life Story - At the beginning of Life, but now I am happy Kungenteka Lameki wamangala nakabona sibindzi samkhulu wakhe. How the Spirit Revealed the Meaning of the Spiritual Temple Lamech must have been surprised when he saw his courage. Kusukela ngaleso sikhatsi kuchubeke, Sicongosekulindza sa - 1922, satsi Bafundzi beliBhayibheli bacala kwenta umsebenti wabo wekushumayela. It was that quality that motivated Abraham to obey Jehovah. From then on, The Watch Tower said that the Bible Students began to make their ministry started. Tifiso tekutiphatsa lokubi tingaba nemandla kakhulu futsi tingasilahlekisela ngebuhlobo betfu naJehova kanye nelitsemba ngelikusasa. 150,887 The desire of wrong desires can be very strong and can weaken our relationship with Jehovah and with the future. Asesihlole kutsi sivumelwane ngasinye sihlobene njani neMbuso futsi sibangela njani kutsi injongo yaNkulunkulu ngemhlaba nebantfu igcwaliseke. - Fundza lishadi lelitsi "Indlela Nkulunkulu Latayifeza Ngayo Injongo Yakhe. " • How have you been affected by what Jehovah did to enable mankind to be at peace with him? Let us examine how each covenant is related to the Kingdom and how it allows God's purpose for the earth to be fulfilled. - See the chart "How God will accomplish His purpose. " " KUBALULEKA kwekufa kwaKhristu kumkhanyela bha umuntfu longumfundzi weliBhayibheli lolifundza ngekucophelela. " Waphawula njalo magazini wesiNgisi Sicongosekulindza luhlelo lwesine wanga - October 1879. 6: 7, 8. " THE Christ's death became clear to a Bible student who is carefully studying the English edition, " noted The Watchtower of October 1879. 3, 4. Though rising only some 5,250 feet (1,600 m), the mountains have been called the arctic island in the middle of Europe. 3, 4. Nanobe kunjalo, Davide akazange abe nesitunge kulomsebenti. Dello Stritto), 4 / 15 Yet, David did not feel lonely in this work. Kufanele ube ngumuntfu lotfobekile, hhayi lotiphakamisako. - Mat. At the same time, they should recognize that they have a weighty responsibility. A modest person should be humble, not exalted. - Matt. (Fundza Roma 12: 10.) What is Jesus doing today, and what questions arise? (Read Romans 12: 10.) (Jer 31: 15), 12 / 15 5: 17 - 19. 12 / 15 Loko kutawuba sibusiso lesikhulu kitsi. In the Gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John - we can hear the answers from Jesus ' own lips, as it were. That will be a blessing for us. Indlela Umoya Longcwele Lowembula Ngayo Inchazelo YeliThempeli Lelingabonakali Ngemehlo 6, 7. How the Spirit refers to the World's Way to Us (Tihlabelelo 25: 14) Nguloko lokwenta Abrahama walalela Jehova. What meaning, though, does the resurrection of Christ have for us today? That is why Abraham obeyed Jehovah. 150 887 As evidence of their humility, they refuse to let themselves be treated as celebrities. 83 • Kukutsintse njani loko lokwentiwa nguJehova kute bonkhe bantfu babe nekuthula naye? COVER SUBJECT • How did it affect all who have done what Jehovah does to make peace with him? 6: 7, 8. (b) How should we view those appointed to take the lead among us? 6: 7, 8. Nanobe tingemamitha langu - 1 600 nje kuphela, letintsaba tibitwa ngekutsi sihlenge lesibandza kakhulu lesisekhatsi neYurophu. What is the spirit of your congregation? Although it is only 1,800 m) mountains, the mountains are called the main island of Europe and Europe. Kuba Munye KwemaKhristu Kukhatimulisa Nkulunkulu LIKHASI 19 The zeal of God's people is a joy to behold. 19 Our Readers Ask... Ngesikhatsi lesifanako, kufanele bati kutsi lelilungelo lihambisana nemsebenti lomkhulu. Picture the excitement in Timothy's household when Paul arrived, this time accompanied by Silas. At the same time, they need to know that this privilege is in harmony with the greatest work. Yini Jesu layentako lamuhla, futsi ngumiphi imibuto lephakamako? Humankind has been enslaved by sin and death and has labored under the burden of pain, suffering, and adversity for so long that many people have come to accept this way of life as normal or natural. What does Jesus do today, and what questions arise? 5: 17 - 19. " No other activity, " adds Sarie, "brings greater satisfaction, and by means of his holy spirit, Jehovah gives all of us the needed power to continue with this lifesaving work. " 5: 17 - 19. Etincwadzini letine teliBhayibheli - yaMatewu, yaMakho, yaLukha kanye neyaJohane - singatitfola timphendvulo talemibuto letivela kuJesu lucobo lwakhe. But to my great disappointment, I could not find the cup. In the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark's Gospel, Luke, and John - we can find answers to these questions from Jesus. 6, 7. I enjoyed field service, even though I have always struggled with shyness. 6, 7. Kuvuswa kwaJesu kusho kutsini kitsi lamuhla? How could the army of the living God, Jehovah, flee in terror from a mere man - and a pagan at that? What does the resurrection of Jesus mean for us today? Ngenca yekutsi atfobekile, awafuni kuphatfwa njengebantfu labadvumile balelive. But each child needs to keep this close friendship with Jehovah. - Psalm 5: 11, 12; 91: 14. Because we are humble, they do not want to be treated as teachers of the world. SIHLOKO LESINGUMGOGODLA STUDY ARTICLE 3 PAGES 20 - 24 COVER SUBJECT (b) Kufanele sibatsatse njani labo lababekwe kutsi basicondzise? Thousand Year Rule of Christ: After God's war of Armageddon, Jesus will rule from heaven for a thousand years. (b) How should we respond to those appointed to take the lead? Libandla lakini linemoya lonjani? We can enhance our love for Bible truth by regularly attending congregation meetings. What kind of spirit does the congregation have? Iyajabulisa inkhutsalo leboniswa bantfu baNkulunkulu. 25: 35 - 38. It is a great zeal for God's people. " Bantfu batinikela bona ngenhlitiyo lemhlophe. What should they and their parents bear in mind? " The people devoted themselves to a clean heart. Cabanga ngendlela labajabula ngayo ekhabo Thimothi nababona Pawula naSilasi. Horrific news reports are common. Imagine how happy Timothy and Silas must have been when Paul and Silas saw Paul. Sekuphele sikhatsi lesidze solo banfu bagcilatwa sono nekufa, futsi bacindzetelwa tinkinga, kuhlupheka nebuhlungu kangangekutsi baze bacabanga kutsi kuphila kwadalwa kutsi kube njalo vele. What direction have we received regarding Bible students? For centuries, they were still subjected to slavery and death, suffering, and sorrow so much that they felt that life was really created. Sarie uchubeka atsi: "Awukho lomunye umsebenti loletsa kwenetiseka lokukhulu njengalona, futsi ngemoya wakhe longcwele, sonkhe Jehova usiniketa emandla lesiwadzingako kute sichubeke nalomsebenti losindzisa kuphila. " When I saw the man who had taught me the Bible when I was little, I asked him to study with me again. We added: "No other work brings great satisfaction, and it is his holy spirit that Jehovah gives us the strength we need to keep working for life. " Ngaphoceka kakhulu nangingasayitfoli lenkomishi yami. Why can it be said that the anointed remnant are " over nations and kingdoms '? I was so surprised if I was not surprised at what I had promised. Bengikutsandza kakhulu kuya ensimini ngisho noma benginemahloni. This means that the things we say can show how we really feel. I loved field service even though I was shy. Bekungenteka kanjani kutsi libutfo lemphi laJehova, Nkulunkulu lophilako lesabe indvodza nje leyedzelelako nalengamkhonti Nkulunkulu? " Your Father knows what you need even before you ask him. " - Matthew 6: 8. How could it be that God, who was a living man who did not serve God? Kodvwa umntfwana ngamunye kudzingeka agcine bungani bakhe naJehova bubuhle. - Tihlabelelo 5: 11, 12; 91: 14. The royal adviser who recommended David also said that he was "an intelligent speaker and a well - formed man, and Jehovah [was] with him. " - 1 Samuel 16: 18. But each child needs to keep his friendship with Jehovah with Jehovah. - Psalm 5: 11, 12; 91: 14. SIHLOKO LESIFUNDVWAKO 3 EMAKHASINI 20 - 24 When staying in the homes of fellow Witnesses, we enjoyed helping them with the household chores. STUDY ARTICLE 3 PAGES 20 - 24 Kubusa KwaKhristu Kweminyaka Leyinkhulungwane: Ngemuva kwemphi yaNkulunkulu ye - Amagedoni, Jesu utawubusa asezulwini iminyaka leyinkhulungwane. Do your conversations show that your mind is set on the spirit or on the flesh? Christ's Thousand Year Rule: After God's war of Armageddon, Jesus will rule as a thousand years. Singalukhulisa lutsandvo lwetfu ngeliciniso leliseBhayibhelini ngekutsi sibe khona njalo emihlanganweni yelibandla. 6 / 1 We can deepen our love for Bible truth by attending meetings regularly. 25: 35 - 38. Such remarks caused me to feel disillusioned with the Shinto religion. 25: 35 - 38. Yini lokufanele bona nebatali babo bacabangisise ngayo? Why is that? What should their parents think about? Siva tindzaba letinyenti letisetfusako. How does God "search for the one that is straying "? We hear many stories in the tract. Ngusiphi sicondziso lesisitfole ngenhlangano yaJehova nasifundzisa bantfu liBhayibheli? As considered, Paul felt discouraged by the Jews ' negative reaction to the Kingdom message. What guidance will we receive from Jehovah's organization and teach Bible students? Ngalesikhatsi ngibona lendvodza leyangifundzisa liBhayibheli ngisemncane, ngayicela kutsi iphindze ingifundzele. In God's promised new world, even "the unrighteous " who are resurrected will be given a loving opportunity to conform to Jehovah's standards and live. When I saw the man who taught me the Bible, I asked him to read it again and read it. Kungani kungase kutsiwe insali yalabagcotjiwe " ibekwe etikwetive nasetikwemibuso '? Is our knowledge of the future limited? Why might the anointed remnant be "over the nations " and" nations "? Loko kusho kutsi indlela lesikhuluma ngayo ingaveta indlela lesitiva ngayo. For instance, in Armenia, approximately 40 brothers are in prison because of their neutrality, with dozens more likely to be imprisoned in the coming months. This means that our speech can express our feelings. " Ngobe Nkulunkulu longuYihlo uyatati tintfo lenitidzingako ngisho nisengakaticeli. " - Matewu 6: 8. Abraham finally arrived at the place designated. " You are the Father who knows what you need, even if you are not yet aware of it. " - Matthew 6: 8. Lenceku leyatjela Sawula ngaDavide yaphindze yatsi: "Ukhuluma kahle futsi, ulikhwa, naSimakadze unaye. " - 1 Samuweli 16: 18. Strive to be a true friend from the start. The servant who told Saul and said: "You are good and young, and Jehovah is with you. " - 1 Samuel 16: 18. Nasisemakhaya ebazalwane, sasikujabulela kubasita ngemisebenti yasekhaya. For, wife, how do you know but that you will save your husband? While we were there, we enjoyed helping with family chores. Tinkhulumo takho tikhombisa kutsi unaka tintfo temoya yini nobe tenyama? Still others he misleads by such philosophies as patriotism, evolution, and false religion. Does your speech show that you focus on the things of the spirit or of the flesh? 10 / 1 None of us can now escape the disorder that their rebellion unleashed. 10 / 15 Emavi lafanana nalawa angenta ngayingabata inkholo yebuShinto. It is also possible for you to send donations directly to a legal entity that is used by Jehovah's Witnesses in your country. The negative words that I found made me doubt in the Shinto religion. Kungani? Hearer of prayers In the heavens before coming to earth, Jesus observed firsthand that Jehovah is the "Hearer of prayer " and that He delights in the prayers of his faithful worshippers. Why? Nkulunkulu " umfuna njani loyo lolahlekile '? Explain how Hosea 11: 1 was fulfilled in Jesus. How does God " search for the one who has broken it "? ' Pawula wadvumala ngenca yekutsi emaJuda abengawemukeli umlayeto weMbuso. God's prophet Micah foretold: "In unity I shall set them, like a flock in the pen. " Paul was disappointed because the Jews did not accept the Kingdom message. Emhlabeni waNkulunkulu lomusha, " labalungile ' labavusiwe batawuniketwa sikhatsi sekutsi baphile ngendlela Nkulunkulu lafuna kutsi baphile ngayo. It took courage to be a witness of Jehovah among wicked ones on earth before the Flood of Noah's day. In God's new world, "the righteous " will be given time for life in a way that God wants us to live. Lwati lwetfu ngelikusasa luncane yini? The question is whether we will be there, whether we will gain that reward. Do you have confidence that you will? Is our knowledge of the future just a matter? Nasi sibonelo: E - Armenia bazalwane labacishe babe ngu - 40 baboshiwe ngesizatfu sekutsi abatingeneli tepolitiki, futsi kungenteka kuboshwe labanyenti njengobe tinyanga tichubeka. When we share the Kingdom message with others, we have a fine opportunity to do "good toward all. " For example, about 40 brothers in prison were imprisoned because they are neutral, and many may have been arrested for months. Ngemuva kwaloko, ngekutitfoba yayisa ludvumo kuJehova ngenca yalokuncoba. - 1 Sam. In the following articles, we will look into God's Word, the Bible, for answers on what causes suffering and how it will be brought to an end. Then he humbly submitted to Jehovah for his victory. - 1 Sam. Abrahama wagcine efikile endzaweni Nkulunkulu labemlayele kuyo. Like King Solomon, pray to Jehovah for wisdom in carrying out theocratic responsibilities. Abraham eventually arrived in a place where God had promised him. Lwela kuba ngumngani weliciniso kusukela befika. And the Israelites could show their gratitude to Jehovah by obeying these laws. They crossed the true friend from time to time. Wena mfati, wati ngani kutsi utayisindzisa indvodza yakho? 25: 2 - 13, 21, 22. If you are a wife, how do you know that he will save your husband? Labanye ubadukisa ngekutsi abente balwele emave akubo, ngemfundziso yekutigucukela kwemvelo kanye nangenkholo yemanga. What was that? Some pressured them to fight against their own country, the teaching of evolution, and false religion. Kute umuntfu lamuhla longayibalekela lenhlekelele leyabangelwa ngulokuvukela. " Miserable man that I am! " No human today can escape the calamity caused by a rebellion. Ungakhona nekutfumela iminikelo ngalokucondzile enhlanganweni lesemtsetfweni lesetjentiswa BoFakazi BaJehova eveni lakini. 10, 11. (a) On what had Paul centered his efforts prior to becoming a Christian? It is also possible for you to send donations directly to a legal entity that is used by Jehovah's Witnesses in your country. Uva imithandazo Ngembikwekuba ete emhlabeni, Jesu watibonela ngewakhe kutsi Jehova "uva imithandazo " futsi imithandazo yetikhonti takhe letetsembekile iyamjabulisa. To our delight, Don Steele was in the same class. He hears prayers before he came to earth, experience firsthand that Jehovah is "Hearer of prayer " and that his loyal worshippers are happy. Chaza indlela Hoseya 11: 1 lowagcwaliseka ngayo kuJesu. It might enter the uterus but fail to implant in the less receptive lining. Explain how Hosea 11: 1 was fulfilled in Jesus. Umphrofethi waNkulunkulu Mikha washo nankha emavi ngalendzaba: "Ngiyawunibutsela nonkhe ndzawonye njengetimvu tibuyela esibayeni sato. " " It really helps me when I read about how Jehovah dealt with David in times of distress, " says a faithful brother named Reed. God's prophet Micah said: "I will gather them together like sheep in the pen. " Kute umuntfu abe ngufakazi waJehova emkhatsini webantfu lababi bangembikwaZamcolo wangesikhatsi saNowa, bekudzingeka abe nesibindzi. Others find satisfaction in caring for family or friends. No man was a witness among Jehovah's people before the Flood of Noah's day, and he needed courage. Ngako, singase sitibute kutsi: Ngiyaciniseka yini kutsi ngitawuba ngulomunye walabatfola lesibusiso? The life of a widow or widower is not a simple return to being single. So we might ask ourselves: " Am I convinced that I would be one of those who receive a blessing? Nangabe sishumayela ngeMbuso kulabanye, siba nelitfuba lelihle lwekwenta "lokuhle kubo bonkhe. " Though claiming to believe in the Scriptures, the leaders of Christendom taught religious lies - "teachings of demons " that dishonored God. When we preach to others about the Kingdom, we have the wonderful opportunity to do "all things to everyone. " Etihlokweni letilandzelako, sitawuhlola liVi laNkulunkulu liBhayibheli, kute sitfole kutsi yini lebangela kuhlupheka nekutsi kutawucedvwa njani. Although it was close to Nepal, it was very different. In the following article, we will examine God's Word, the Bible, to find out what causes suffering, and how it will be removed. NjengeNkhosi Solomoni, thantaza kuJehova ucele kuhlakanipha kwekwenta imisebenti yakhe. I told my service partner: " I think I'm behaving like Jonah. King Solomon, praying to Jehovah for wisdom to do his works. (Dutheronomi 4: 7, 8) Abengakhombisa kutsi ayambonga Jehova ngekulalela imitsetfo yakhe. But Jehovah gave Jesus strength, and he strengthens me. He could show them that he was grateful to Jehovah for obeying his laws. 25: 2 - 13, 21, 22. What efforts must we continue to make in order to remain desirable from Jehovah's standpoint? 25: 2 - 13, 21, 22. Bekuyini? Moses ' brother, Aaron, faced a difficult situation with regard to two of his sons. What was it? Wabhala: "Maye kimi! How has Jehovah gradually revealed his purpose? He wrote: "How I am! 10, 11. (a) Asengakabi ngumKhristu, Pawula wacitsa sikhatsi sakhe entani? We thereby show our love and appreciation not only for this divine treasure but, most important, for its Author, Jehovah God. 10, 11. (a) Before becoming a Christian, Paul spent his time? 2: 7; 3: 5) Kungani yasho njalo? 4: 10; John 17: 16; 1 John 5: 21. Why? Lokwasijabulisa nakakhulu kutsi Don Steele bekakuleliklasi. 17, 18. Most of all, Don't salute us. Lelicandza lingaya esibeletfweni, kepha ngeke likhone kwakha lihlwili ngoba lesibeletfo sisuke sinciphile. How? The egg can enter the uterus, but it can make it easier for the members of the body to carry it out. Lomunye umzalwane lowetsembekile libito lakhe lokunguReed, utsi: "Kuyangisita kufundza ngendlela Jehova laphatsa ngayo Davide ngetikhatsi letimatima. The Superiority of the Canonical Gospels " It is helpful to learn how Jehovah dealt with David during difficult times, " says a faithful brother named Rosa. Labanye bayajabula nabanakekela imindeni yabo noma bangani. Talking to the Witnesses in those days was risky, but what we later learned from Apun transformed our lives. Some enjoy caring for their families or friends. Nangabe umuntfu ashonelwa ngulashade naye, imphilo ayimani ishintje nje ifane nangalesikhatsi asengakashadi. However, what parents see as protective may seem excessive to their children. If a person loses his mate's loss, he does not change his life as long as he is single. Ngisho nobe bebatsi bayakholelwa emiBhalweni, baholi beTinkholo Letitsi TebuKhristu bebafundzisa emanga enkholo - " timfundziso temadimoni ' letingamhloniphi Nkulunkulu. Consider what happened to Dannykarl who moved from the Philippines to Japan. Although they claimed to believe in the Scriptures, Christendom's leaders taught lies - false religion - "the demons, " who rebel against God. I - Bangladesh beyisedvute neNepal kodvwa beyehluke kakhulu. One factor was that there was disagreement on whether God should be included in the charter. They were very close to Nepal, but they were very different. Ngatsi kulona lebengitawuba naye kulesabelo: " Ngibona shengatsi sengilingisa Jona. What does "Messiah " mean, and how can he be identified? When I was about to share in that assignment, I felt as if I had been imitating Jonah. Jehova wamcinisa Jesu, nami uyangicinisa. If you are doing that, you are imitating the fine examples of the prophets who made "a diligent inquiry and a careful search " of information that was provided. Jehovah strengthened Jesus, and he sustained me. Ngumuphi umetamo lokufanele sichubeke siwenta kute sitsandzeke kuJehova? For example, when some governments tried to stop the preaching work, we defended ourselves in court. What effort must we keep in order to love Jehovah? Aroni, umnakaboMosi, wahlangabetana nebumatima ngesizatfu semadvodzana akhe lamabili. In time, these were to become the patriarchal heads of the 12 tribes of Israel. Aaron, his brother, Moses, faced hardships because of his two sons. Jehova uyichaze kanjani kancane kancane inhloso yakhe? Why is it good to reflect on our dedication to Jehovah? How has Jehovah gradually revealed his purpose? Nasenta njalo, sisuke sikhombisa lutsandvo nekubonga ngalo kanye nangeMbhali walo, Jehova Nkulunkulu. Joseph also stated that he was not guilty of the crime for which he was imprisoned. As we do so, we show our love and appreciation for its Author, Jehovah God. 4: 10; Joh. 17: 16; 1 Joh. 5: 21. Even if we restrict our attention to those prophecies that were actually fulfilled in Jesus Christ, we encounter difficulties agreeing on an exact number. 4: 10; John 17: 16; 1 John 5: 21. 17, 18. A pioneer sister in Colorado, U.S.A., found part - time employment at a bank. 17, 18. Njani? * - Rom. How? Kunemba KwemaVangeli Lemukelekako That has been true ever since man has been on the earth. Apocryphal Gospels Bekuyingoti kukhulumisa boFakazi kulawo malanga, kodvwa loko lesakufundziswa ngu - Apun kwashintja kuphila kwetfu. He did likewise with a cup of red wine, telling them: "This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood, which is to be poured out in your behalf. " - Luke 22: 19, 20. It was dangerous to communicate with the Witnesses during those days, but what we learned changed our lives. Nobe kunjalo, loko batali labakubona njengekuvikela, kubantfwana kungabonakala kukucindzetelwa. Samantha: Can you give me an example? However, what parents like to protect their children may seem to be pressured to pressure. Cabanga ngaloko lokwenteka ku - Dannykarl lowesuka e - Philippines waya e - Japan. An inscription bearing the name of Sextus Afranius Burrus Consider what happened to Danny, who moved from the Philippines to Japan. Lesinye sizatfu kutsi kwakuke kwaba nekuphikisana mayelana nekutsi kufanele yini ligama laNkulunkulu lifakwe kulomtsetfo sisekelo. Lay the blame where it belongs. One reason is that it was wrong to consider whether God's name should be involved in the foundation of the Law. Ligama lelitsi "Mesiya " lisho kutsini, futsi angabonwa njani? Show interest in all your children What does the word "the Messiah " mean, and how do they know? Nangabe wenta njalo, ulingisa tibonelo letinhle tebaphrofethi " labaphenyisisa ' ngelwati labanikwa lona. None of us want to lose our sanctified standing before God as the Israelites eventually did. By doing so, you imitate the fine examples of the prophets of the prophets who "set the knowledge " of the knowledge. Sibonelo saloko kutsi labanye bohulumende betame kumisa umsebenti wekushumayela, kodvwa sitivikele etinkantolo. According to the book Beyond the Big Talk, research reveals that "in homes where parents have given their teen children clear messages that indicate that they disapprove of teens having intercourse, these teens are more likely to delay becoming involved in sexual intercourse. " For example, some governments try to carry out the preaching work, but they protect us from court officials. (Gen. 35: 10, 22b - 26) Ngekuhamba kwesikhatsi, lamadvodzana abetawuba tinhloko tetive letingu - 12 taka - Israyeli. Abraham and Sarah did not always agree with each other. Later, these men would have heads of 12 tribes of Israel. Yini leyenta kubaluleke kucabanga ngekutinikela kwakho kuJehova? With regard to the expression "the One lifting up my head, " one reference work says:" When God lifts up... one's " head, ' He fills one with hope and confidence. " Why is it important to think about your dedication to Jehovah? Josefa wakwenta kwacaca kutsi bekangakalenti lelicala lebekaboshelwe lona. So, leaving the visitors in the front room, I got my wife into the kitchen and told her, " Don't be foolish. You can't believe things like that! ' Joseph made it clear that he was not in the case of the prisoner. Ngisho nalapho setama kunakisisa tiphrofetho letagcwaliseka kuJesu Khristu, sikutfola kumatima kuvumelana ngelinani lelicondzile lato. Problems can often discourage and drain us - physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Even when we try to look at prophecies that were fulfilled in Jesus Christ, we find it hard to identify them completely. Lomunye dzadze lolihlahlandlela eColorado leseMelika, watfola umsebenti ebhange wekusebenta emalanga latsite evikini. Thus you will make it easier for your mate to listen to you. A pioneer sister in England, now in the United States, found a job at the bank of working part - time for a week. * - Rom. We need our heavenly Father's help because we are unable to direct our own steps. - Jer. * - Rom. Nembeza usenta sehluke etilwaneni. In the Bible, false religion is called "Babylon the Great, the mother of the prostitutes. " It makes us different from animals. Wenta njalo nangendzebe yeliwayini lelibovu, wabatjela kutsi: " Lendzebe sivumelwane lesisha sengati yami lecitselwe nine. ' - Luk. 22: 19, 20. • Widespread loss of love of goodness Also, with the cup of red wine, he told them: "This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood. " - Luke 22: 19, 20. Sibongile: Ungangibekisela yini? JESUS was talking to his close friends Peter, Andrew, James, and John about something very interesting. Samantha: Would you explain it? Umbhalo lonelibito laSextus Afranius Burrus WHEN I was 12 years of age, I first realized that I had something valuable to give. The Jewish name known on the stake Sola lofanele. Herbert Abbott carried a portable chicken coop in his car. He is a good person. Khombisa bonkhe bantfwabakho kutsi uyabatsandza On the other hand, Naboth valued his relationship with Jehovah even more than life itself. Show love for all your children Kute ngisho munye kitsi lofuna kulahlekelwa budlelwane bakhe lobuhle naNkulunkulu njengobe kwenta ema - Israyeli. All too many families do not make plans, and then they are forced to make difficult decisions hurriedly when a crisis occurs. None of us want to lose his relationship with God as the Israelites did. Ngobe loko kwenteka kuze kugcwaliseke umBhalo lotsi: " Kute nobe linye litsambo lakhe leliyakwephulwa. ' * Some of those Gnostics believed that the physical world was a prison. For this happened to the fulfillment of the scripture: " No one has his own bones broken. ' Sebentisa UMtsetfo Weligolide Nawusemsebentini Wekushumayela, 5 / 15 True friends can be honest with each other, even when they need to give or accept counsel. - Proverbs 27: 9. Follow the Golden Rule in Your Ministry, 5 / 15 Ngekusho kwencwadzi letsi "Beyond the Big Talk, " luhlolo luveta kutsi" emakhaya lapho batali baye batjele bantfwana babo ngalokucacile kutsi bamelene nekuya ecasini kwebantfu labasha, labo bantfwana baba sematfubeni lamahle ekungasheshi kungenela tindzaba tekuya ecasini. " What are some examples of Bible accounts that represented something greater in the future? According to the book Between B.C.E., she says that "I have come home when parents tell their children not to get involved in sexual relations with sex. " Abrahama naSara abazange bavumelane ngaso sonke sikhatsi. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever. " Abraham and Sarah did not agree alone. Mayelana nemavi latsi "uyangisimisa, " lenye incwadzi itsi:" Nkulunkulu nakasimisa umuntfu, umniketa litsemba nesibindzi. " He says: "Although it is sad to see my wife's health gradually deteriorate and it has been challenging to care for her, I have not allowed this to rob me of my joy in serving the true God. Regarding the expression "the One lifting up my head, " one reference work says:" God has appointed him to a man, give him hope and courage. " Ngako, ngashiya letivakashi lakatingenisa khona umkami, ngambita saya ekhishini ngatsi kuye " ungayengwa ngulabantfu, awukwati kuvele ukholelwe ngulabakushoko kanjalo nje. ' Jehovah's Witnesses recognize no human as their leader. So I left the apartment with my wife, calling him in a wise cell, and appeared to him, " Do not know what the people said. ' Tinkinga tingasidvumata futsi tisicedze emandla - emtimbeni, endleleni lesitiva ngayo kanye nasendleleni lesikhonta ngayo Nkulunkulu. What is the future for those who do what is right? - Verses 11, 29. Challenges can distract us and threaten our physical, physical, and spiritual problems. Ngaleyondlela kutawuba melula ngaloshade naye kutsi akulalele. There was no arrangement for divorce or for having more than one mate at the same time. Thus it will be easier for your mate to respond. Siyaludzinga lusito lwaBabe wetfu losezulwini ngoba ngeke sikhone kuticondzisa tsine. - Jer. 5: 23. We need the help of our heavenly Father because we cannot guide ourselves. - Jer. EBhayibhelini, inkholo yemanga ibitwa ngekutsi "IBhabhulona Lenkhulu, unina wetingwadla. " There are thousands of Bible translations, but some are more accurate than others. In the Bible, false religion is called "Babylon the Great, the mother of Jesus. " • Batondze lokuhle In modern times, Jesus ' building work involved liberating true worshippers from Babylon the Great and restoring the Christian congregation in 1919. • Be conscious of what is good JESU bekakhuluma nebangani bakhe boPhetro, Andreya, Jakobe naJohane ngalokutsite lokujabulisako. One night, in a drunken stupor, I set fire to our apartment. JESUS spoke to his friends Peter, Andrew, James, and John a beautiful event. BENGINEMINYAKA lelishumi nakubili budzala ngesikhatsi ngibona kutsi nginentfo leligugu lengingayipha labanye. King Saul of Israel serves as a warning for us about how selfishness can eat away at our spirit of self - sacrifice. WHEN I saw something valuable to others, I was only ten years old when I realized that I had something valuable to others. Herbert Abbott abephetse lihhoko lelincane letinkhukhu emotweni yakhe. (a) What did Jehovah do for King Hezekiah? He was nervous about his caring father's thrown into a small car and put it on his car. Ngakulolunye luhlangotsi, Nabhothi bekabheka buhlobo bakhe naJehova njengalobubaluleke kakhulu. Let us see. On the other hand, Naboth viewed his relationship with Jehovah as precious. (Hla. 90: 10) Imindeni leminyenti ayitilungiseleli, futsi ibese iphoceleleka kutsi itsatse tincumo letimatima ngekubhudvutela nasekuvele inkinga. Instead, he wrote: "If any man is reaching out for an office of overseer, he is desirous of a fine work. " Many families are not prepared, and they are forced to make difficult decisions. * Lamanye ema - Gnostic bekakholelwa kutsi umhlaba ulijele. He made quick progress, was baptized, and now enjoys preaching the good news of the Kingdom along with his wife, Joyce. * Some Gnostic gospels believed on how the earth viewed it. Bangani sibili betsembekile kulomunye nalomunye, ngisho nobe kufanele belulekane. - Taga 27: 9. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. 27: 9. Ngutiphi letinye tibonelo tetindzaba letiseBhayibhelini lebetimelela lokutsite lokubalulekile lobekusetawenteka? Or did she think of the privilege of taking her stand for Jehovah? What are some examples of Bible accounts that represented something greater in the future? Uyawupitjita yonkhe leminye imibuso uyicedze, kodvwa wona uyawukuma kuze kube phakadze. " Those prophetic words are undergoing fulfillment in these last days. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever. " Utsi: "Ngisho nobe kubuhlungu kubona kugula kwemfati wami kuya embili futsi kumatima kumnakekela, angikakuvumeli loko kwangenta ngaphelelwa yinjabulo ekukhonteni Nkulunkulu weliciniso. Even if we are beyond the reach of human help, Jehovah is always there. - Ps. She says: "Even though it was very painful to see my wife's illness and it was difficult to care for me, I did not allow that to lose my joy in serving the true God. BoFakazi BaJehova bete umholi longumuntfu. Jesus "was moved with pity for her, and he said to her: " Stop weeping. ' " Jehovah's Witnesses do not have a human leader. Litawuba njani likusasa lalabo labenta lokulungile? - Vesi 11, 29. After considering this evidence in the light of indications in the Hebrew Scriptures and with the help of holy spirit, the governing body made a decision. What will the future do for those who do what is right? - Ecclesiastes 11, 29. Bekute simiso sekutsi kufanele kube nedivosi nobe sekutsi umuntfu atsatse sitsembu. The framework of truth to which Paul referred is still important in order for us to understand Jehovah's purposes. It was not a principle for divorce or a woman to divorce. 5: 23. Moses told them: "Jehovah will make known who belongs to him. " 5: 23. Kunetinkhulungwane temahumusho eliBhayibheli, kodvwa lamanye kuwo acondzile kunalamanye. Izak Marais There are thousands of Bible translations, but some of them are specific. Esikhatsini salamuhla lomsebenti waJesu wekwakha bewufaka ekhatsi kukhulula tikhonti teliciniso eBhabhulona lenkhulu kanye nekuvusetela libandla lebuKhristu nga - 1919. SONGS: 33, 137 In the modern - day work that Jesus ' building up true worshippers from Babylon and rebuilding the Christian congregation in 1919. Ngalobunye busuku bengidzakwe ngingunangu umhlaba. The only book they could find was the 2006 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses. One night, I was devastated. INkhosi yaka - Israyeli lenguSawula isecwayiso kitsi mayelana nendlela bugovu lobungacedza ngayo umoya wetfu wekutidzela. Because they will help you to see how serious baptism really is. King Saul's successor was a warning to us concerning such a unselfish attitude toward our self - sacrificing spirit. (a) Yini Jehova layentela iNkhosi Hezekiya? That is how one sister expressed her appreciation in a letter to the brothers who work at our world headquarters. (a) What did Jehovah do for King Hezekiah? Ase sihlole. And how can we respect the conscience of others? Let us consider. Kunaloko, wabhala: "Nangabe umuntfu afisa umsebenti wekuba ngumbonisi, ufisa umsebenti lomuhle. " Ruth of Moab also decided to serve Jehovah. Instead, he wrote: "If anyone desires to be an overseer, he is willing to work a fine work. " Watfutfuka ngekushesha, wabhajatiswa futsi nyalo ushumayela tindzaba letimnandzi teMbuso akanye nemkakhe Joyce. How was true worship foretold to unite people "in the final part of the days "? He made progress, got baptized, and now preaching the good news of the Kingdom with his wife. Kepha nangabe kuvela NW, isuke icashunwe ku - New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures - With References. Gehazi has made up the story about the two visitors. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Kungenteka futsi wacabanga ngekutsi leli litfuba lekulwela Jehova. What about the archangel Michael? Or you may think that there is an opportunity to fight Jehovah. (Isa. 60: 22) Lamavi lasiphrofetho ayagcwaliseka kulamalanga ekugcina. The phrase "lovers of pleasures " aptly describes those who are" carried away by... pleasures of this life. " - Luke 8: 14. These prophetic words are being fulfilled in these last days. Ngisho noma singalutfoli lusito loluvela kubantfu, Jehova uhlale anatsi. - Hla. (Read Psalm 103: 8, 9.) Although we do not find help from people, Jehovah is always there. - Ps. INkhosi Jesu "yamhawukela, yatsi kuye: " Ungakhali. ' " Aug. King Jesus "gave him, saying: " Do not avenge yourselves. ' " Ngemuva kwekuba sesihlole bufakazi lobusemiBhalweni yesiHebheru futsi sisitwa ngumoya longcwele, sigungu lesibusako senta sincumo. However, some of Ephraim's descendants may have fled to the territory of Judah. After considering the Scriptural evidence of the Hebrew Scriptures and with the help of the holy spirit, the governing body made a decision. Luhlaka lweliciniso labekakhuluma ngalo Pawula lusabalulekile nakitsi kute sivisise tinjongo taJehova. Like that man, thousands of people every year find in the Christian congregation the peace that they so desperately desire. The trueization of Paul's letter to us was vital for us to understand Jehovah's purpose. Naku Mosi labatjela kona: "Simakadze utasikhombisa kutsi ngubani longewakhe. " In the case under discussion, the country does have a provision for divorce. Moses told them: "Jehovah will show who belongs to him. " Izak Marais For instance, in the Macedonian city of Thessalonica, he spoke to those worshipping in a synagogue. Several times TINGOMA: 33, 137 This was the prophet Samuel's hometown, located some 22 miles (35 km) northwest of Jerusalem. - 1 Sam. SONGS: 33, 13 Batfola incwadzi letsi INcwadi Yonyaka YoFakazi BakaJehova ya - 2006 (letfolakala ngesiZulu.) SOME PEOPLE BELIEVE... They found the 2013 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses in 2006 (c.) Kungobe titakusita ubone kutsi kubaluleke kangakanani kubhajatiswa. And regarding sheeplike ones who have already been found, I pray that Jehovah will bless our efforts to care for them. " Because they will help you to see how important it is to get baptized. Watsi: "Bazalwane, ngiyehluleka kubala tikhatsi leninginike ngato tihloko leticuketse loko lengikudzingako ngesikhatsi lengikudzinga ngaso kakhulu. " In what ways can the Bible guide us, and with what result? " The brothers, " he said, "I do not have time to give you some of the subjects that I needed when I needed it most. " Singabahlonipha njani bonembeza balabanye? How does this adjusted view further affect our understanding of the illustration of the faithful slave? How can we respect the conscience of others? Ruthe wakaMowabi naye wakhetsa kukhonta Jehova. But Jehovah never overlooks wrongdoing. Ruth also chose to serve Jehovah. Kukhonta kwelicinso kutawubahlanganisa njani bantfu "ngemalanga ekugcina "? There are other reasons, though, why someone may act immodestly. How will true worship unite people in "the last days "? Gehazi bekacala emanga nakatsi kufike emajaha lamabili. When teaching your children, act quickly if you recognize potential weak spots. Gehazi was lying when he told two young men. Kutsiwani - ke ngaMikhayeli ingilosi lenkhulu? In contrast, despite his allegation that Jehovah's sovereignty is deficient, Satan has been unable to produce a world wherein justice always prevails. What, though, about Michael? 8: 14. While Abraham and Sarah were in Egypt, Pharaoh brought Sarah to his home and wanted her to become his wife. 8: 14. (Fundza Tihlabelelo 103: 8, 9.) PAGE 17 • SONGS: 116, 135 (Read Psalm 103: 8, 9.) July Furthermore, "gifts in men " can be a real force for unity. July Nobe kunjalo, kungenteka kutsi lesinye situkulwane sa - Efrayimu besibalekele eveni lakaJuda. Sadly, it did not. However, one of Ephraim's descendants might have been flee from Judah. Njengaleyondvodza leyatfola kuthula, netigidzi tebantfu minyaka yonkhe tijabulela kuthula ebandleni lebuKhristu, lokuyintfo letiyitsandza kakhulu. He wanted to learn more but was afraid of what others would say if he spoke with Jesus in public. As a result of making peace, millions of people around the Christian congregation enjoy the peace of the Christian congregation, which is the most interested in them. Kulendzaba lesikhuluma ngayo, lelive liyayivumela idivosi. Maria's mother had such thoughts in mind when she asked the questions mentioned in the introduction. In this regard, the world does permit divorce. Sibonelo saloku kutsi ngesikhatsi aseThesalonika edolobheni laseMasedoniya, wakhuluma nalabo labakhontela emasinagogeni. Soon, Jehovah and Jesus will bring many more people back to life. For example, while Thessalonica was in the city of Philippi, he spoke to those who worship him in synagogues. Leli bekulidolobha lapho umphrofethi Samuweli atalelwa khona lelingemakhilomita langu - 35 ngasenyakatfo yeJerusalema. - 1 Sam. The man took part in the spiritual conversation and appreciated what was being said. This was a city where the prophet Samuel was born, about 35 miles (50 km) north of Jerusalem. - 1 Sam. LABANYE BANTFU BAKHOLELWA KUTSI... (a) How did Jesus answer the apostles? SOME PEOPLE ARE NOT... Ngalokuphatselene nalabanjengetimvu labatfolakele, ngithantazela kutsi Jehova abusise imetamo yetfu njengobe sibanakekela. " Then "Elijah took his official garment and rolled it up and struck the waters, and they were divided. " Regarding a sheeplike sheep, I pray that Jehovah will bless our efforts as we provide for them. " LiBhayibheli lingasicondzisa ngatiphi tindlela, futsi loko kungaletsa muphi umphumela? 1: 1 - 7; Luke 2: 41, 42. In what ways can the Bible guide us, and with what result? Lolushintjo lukutsintsa njani kucondza kwetfu ngemfanekiso wesisebenti lesetsembekile? 11: 15. How has this change affected our understanding of the illustration of the faithful slave? Jehova akabubeketeleli bubi. The recipient's desires. Jehovah does not tolerate wickedness. Kodvwa kunaletinye tizatfu letingenta umuntfu angatfobeki. How did Jehovah reward Micah, but what did Micah not witness? But there are other reasons why a person can sacrifice himself. Nawufundzisa bantfwana bakho, tsatsa sinyatselo ngekushesha nangabe ubona kutsi kunetintfo lababutsakatsaka kuto. How so? When you teach your children, take immediate action if you notice that there are things that are weak. Ngako ke, singaciniseka kutsi yonkhe imitsetfo yakhe, netimiso, kanye netincumo takhe tilungile. (Hla. 89: 14; 119: 128) Ngalokwehlukile kuloku, nanobe Sathane atsi kubusa kwaJehova akukalungi, kodvwa wehlulekile kwenta umhlaba ube yindzawo lenekulunga. Satan says he can get everyone to do what he wants them to do. Therefore, we can be sure that all his laws, principles, and principles are justice. (Genesisi 12: 1 - 3) Ngesikhatsi Abrahama naSara baseGibhithe, Faro watsatsa Sara waya naye esigodlweni sakhe kuze amente umfati wakhe. We need to be like Jesus and resist such enticements, regardless of how appealing and attractive they are made to appear. When Abraham and Sarah were in Egypt, Pharaoh took Sarah into his palace so that she could produce her wife. LIKHASI 17 • TINGOMA: 116, 135 We had to care for a family. PAGE 17 • SONGS: 116, 135 " Tipho letibantfu ' nato tingasisita kutsi sibe nebunye. Thinking about our answers to these questions can help us measure our spiritual progress. These "gifts in men " can help us to be united. (Gen. Picture a Middle Eastern woman with a striking pair of dark, expressive eyes. He did just so. " Abefuna kufundza lokwengetiwe kodvwa bekesaba kutsi labanye batawutsini nabambona akhuluma naJesu. Why? He wanted to learn more, but he feared that others would think of him. Make waMaria bekacabanga ngalokufanako nakabuta lemibuto lesicoce ngayo ekucaleni kwalesihloko. Of course, there are some topics and scriptures that our publications have not specifically addressed. Maria's mother thought similar questions when she asked those questions at the beginning of this article. Madvute, Jehova naJesu batawuvusa bantfu labanyenti labafile. My sister, Lesley, who was five years older than I, was baptized next, and I was baptized in 1940 when I was nine years old. Jehovah and Jesus will be resurrected to many people who have died. Lendvodza yaba khona nabafundza nalomake futsi yajabula ngaloko leyakufundza. They had preached despite opposition, even from demons! The man read the mother and was impressed by what she read. (a) Jesu wabaphendvula njani baphostoli? In his presence are majesty and splendor; strength and beauty are in his sanctuary. " - Psalm 96: 4 - 6. (a) How did Jesus respond to the apostles? " Elija watsatsa sembatfo sakhe wasigocota, wabe sewushaya ngaso lamanti. True Christians have what wonderful prospect? " Elijah took off his garment wrapped it down, and laid it upon it. 1: 1 - 7; Luk. 2: 41, 42. Jesus was always patient with his disciples despite their faults. 1: 1 - 7; Luke 2: 41, 42. 11: 15. What convinced her that the Bible is inspired of God? 11: 15. Tati tifiso taloyo lofuna kumupha. Why? The desires of the person he wants to be generous. Jehova wambusisa njani Mikha, kodvwa yini Mikha langayibonanga? If the listener shows interest, another click causes his computer to say, "Would you like to study the Bible with me? " How did Jehovah reward Micah, but what could Micah see? Ngayiphi indlela? Jesus said: "Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father. " How so? Sathane utsi angabangela bonkhe bantfu bente lokufunwa nguye. Special full - time service vow (See paragraph 19) Satan says that he can cause all humans to do his will. Kufanele sifanane naJesu simelane netilingo letifanana naleti, nanobe tentiwe ngendlela yekutsi tikhange. Paul no doubt also takes a personal interest in his guardians. We need to be like Jesus when we resist such trials, even though they are doing so. Bekudzingeka sinakekele umndeni wetfu. After a document containing the Mosaic Law was found, Josiah's secretary began to read it to him. We had to care for our family. Kucabanga ngetimphendvulo tetfu kulemibuto kutasisita sibone kutsi butfutfuke kanganani buhlobo betfu naNkulunkulu. by our zeal in the field ministry? Reflecting on these questions will help us to see how close our relationship with God is. Asewucabange ngalomfati waseMphumalanga Lesekhatsi, abenemehlo lamahle njengewelituba. The procedure, and variations of it, came to be called in vitro (in glass) fertilization, or IVF. Consider, for example, the account of the Eastern Europe. Kungani sisho njalo? Jehovah's Witnesses would be pleased to discuss these answers with you. Why do we say that? Kuliciniso kutsi kunetihloko kanye nemiBhalo, tincwadzi tetfu letingakake tacoca ngayo. Paul arrived in Rome, where he was to appear before Nero. Of course, there are subjects of the Scriptures and of the Scriptures, our publications, and our discussion. Nga - 1940, nami ngabhajatiswa ngineminyaka leyimfica budzala. He did not want to have any more discussions with me. In 1940, I was baptized when I was nine years old. Bashumayela nangetulu kwekuphikiswa, ngisho nalapho baphikiswa ngemadimoni. (a) What indicates that Dorcas was actively involved in the congregation? They preach despite opposition, even in opposition. Ludvumo nebukhosi kusembikwakhe, emandla nenkhatimulo kusendlini yakhe lengcwele. " - Tihlabelelo 96: 4 - 6. One Saturday evening when I was five years old, I was with my father, offering the Watchtower and Consolation (now Awake!) Disfellowshipping is before him, and power and glory are in his sanctuary. " - Psalm 96: 4 - 6. Ngutiphi tibusiso emaKhristu eliciniso latatitfola esikhatsini lesitako? Because our Grand Instructor has seen to the preservation of his written Word, has kept his name before mankind, and has been the limitless Source of spiritual truth. What blessings await true Christians in the future? Jesu abehlale ababeketelela bafundzi bakhe ngisho nobe bebanemaphutsa. But they were very kind and left me a book about whether life originated by means of creation or evolution. Jesus always showed patience for his disciples even though they were imperfect. Yini leyamenta wakholwa kutsi liBhayibheli liphefumulelwe nguNkulunkulu? Even new Bible students can show discernment in this regard. What convinced him that the Bible was inspired by God? Kungani? All Christians should want to move "beyond the primary doctrine about the Christ " and to" press on to maturity. " Why? Nangabe loyo lolalele akhombisa inshisekelo, Jairo uphindze achafate lesinye sitfombe, bese lelivi litsi: "Ungatsandza yini kutsi ngikuchubele sifundvo seliBhayibheli? " In Bible times, before advanced medical treatments were available, waiting for over a week before circumcision was a wise protection. If the person listening to the zeal he showed, Jairo also contacts another image and says: "Do you like to read a Bible study? " Naku lokwashiwo nguJesu ngalendzaba: "Noko kute lowatiko kutsi lelo langa nemzuzu kuyawafika nina, ngisho netingilosi ezulwini neNdvodzana ayati, lowatiko nguBabe kuphela. " For example, spending extra hours working closely with someone of the opposite sex can set the stage for temptation. Jesus said: "Let us know that day and hour come, even the angels of heaven and the Son of man know only the Father. " Sifungo semsebenti lokhetsekile wasikhatsi sonkhe (Buka sigaba 19) And as the Bible became available, people did read it. A special vow of full - time service (See paragraph 19) Asingabati kutsi Pawula wakhombisa kubanaka nalabo labebamgadzile. The Scriptures contain numerous accounts of how Jehovah showed loving - kindness to his worshippers. Paul no doubt expressed his attention to those who were on the watch. Ngesikhatsi mabhalane waJosaya atfola incwadzi yeMtsetfo waMosi, wamfundzela yona. The apostles chose Jerusalem as the first center from which the preaching work would be directed. When Josiah received the letter of the Mosaic Law, he studied with him. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ngekushiseka ensimini? In private prayer, we dedicate ourselves to Jehovah, vowing to do his will for the rest of our life. Are you zealous in the ministry? Lendlela leyasetjentiswa yase ibitwa ngekutsi yi - in vitro fertilization, nobe i - IVF. What practical steps did one father take to support his family, and how did Jehovah bless his determination to keep life simple? The method used by Emperorit is also referred to in IVF, or IVF. BoFakazi BaJehova bangakujabulela kucoca nawe ngaletimphendvulo. We can learn even more about God's personality from the Bible. Jehovah's Witnesses would be pleased to discuss these answers with you. Pawula wafika eRoma lapho bekulindzeleke kutsi ayobonana naNero. Why? Paul came to Rome where he was required of his mother and Nero. Abengasafuni kuphindze acocisane nami. Does the Soul Survive Death? He did not want them to talk to me. (a) Yini leveta kutsi Dokhasi abehlanganyela ngenkhutsalo ebandleni? We soon learned that when we arrived in a new area, it was best to cycle far away from our place of lodging, preaching only where people had a different priest. (a) What shows that Dorcas had a zealous share in the congregation? Ngalelinye lilanga ngeMgcibelo ntsambama nangineminyaka lesihlanu budzala, benginababe esitaladini sihambisa bomagazini Sicongosekulindza kanye ne - "Consolation " (nyalo leseyatiwa ngekutsi yi -" Phaphama! "). It is possible that none of them were yet 20 years old, the age at which men joined Israel's army. One evening when I was five years old, my father offered us The Watchtower and Awake! Kungobe uMfundzisi wetfu Lomkhulu ulilondvolotile liVi lakhe, wenta bantfu balati libito lakhe futsi ube nguMtfombo weliciniso. (Isa. 4 / 15 Because our Grand Creator has preserved his Word, he made known his name to people, and he is the true Source of the true God. Bebanemusa futsi bangishiyela incwadzi lekhuluma ngekutsi kuphila kwadalwa yini nobe kwaba khona ngekutigucukela kwemvelo. History is filled with dictators who ruled with an iron fist, bringing untold suffering to their subjects. They were kind and gave me a book about whether life was created or not. (Taga 16: 20) Ngisho nebantfu labasandza kucala kufundzelwa liBhayibheli bangetama kukwenta loku. Being considered to be without sin in God's eyes, they would in a sense be like Jesus, the sinless Son of God. Even new ones start to study the Bible with those who have recently tried to do so. Onkhe emaKhristu kufanele angagcini nje ngekwati " imfundziso lesisekelo lemayelana naKhristu ' kepha kufanele " achubekele ekuvutfweni. ' Jewish historian Josephus relates that in 70 C.E., the Roman forces were able to take possession of the Tower of Antonia, adjoining the city wall of Jerusalem, because the guards at the gates were asleep! All Christians need not only to know "the doctrine about the Christ " but also to" keep growing toward maturity. " Ngetikhatsi teliBhayibheli, kusengakefiki tindlela letisezingeni lelisetulu tekwelapha, bekukuhlakanipha kuhlala liviki linye ngembikwekusoka umntfwana. I do not want my after - hours activities to lessen the quality of my work here, but I would like to have more free time to help people. In Bible times, it was wise to stay responsible for a week before a child was born. Sibonelo saloko kutsi nawusebenta ema - awa lamanyenti unemuntfu webulili lobehlukile, ungatifaka esilingweni. What tribulation did Paul experience in Lystra? For example, when you work hours to sex, you might succumb to temptation. Njengobe liBhayibheli beselitfolakala, bantfu bebalifundza. Still, someone might wonder: " Does that mean that I may have to wait a long time to see my loved one? Since the Bible was available, people read it. (Hla. 119: 64) ImiBhalo icuketse incwaba yetiwombe lapho Jehova abonisa khona umusa wakhe lomkhulu etikhontini takhe. " I wanted him to be just as empathetic with me. " The Scriptures are designed to be made up of Jehovah's undeserved kindness in behalf of his worshippers. Baphostoli bakhetsa iJerusalema kutsi ibe yindzawo yekucala lebebatawushumayela kuyo. " Experiencing how their brothers elsewhere had come to their aid increased their confidence in Jehovah. " The apostles chose Jerusalem to be the first place in which they would preach. Ngasese, umuntfu uyathandaza anikele kuphila kwakho kuJehova ametsembise kwenta intsandvo yakhe imphilo yakho yonkhe. " Preaching in a territory where you meet individuals who are so eager to learn the truth that they want to study the Bible with you every day is such a joy, " says Stephanie. Then a person prayed to Jehovah for your life to do his will for the rest of your life. Ngutiphi tinyatselo lomunye babe latitsatsa kute ondle umndeni wakhe, futsi Jehova wambusisa njani ngenca yekutimisela kwakhe kutsi aphile imphilo lemelula? I was born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, the last of four children. What steps did one father take to feed his family, and how did Jehovah reward him for his determination to live a simple life? Singafundza ngisho nalokunyenti eBhayibhelini ngebuntfu baNkulunkulu. It appears that in the early days of Christianity, most of the apostles remained in Jerusalem, which continued to be the location of the governing body. We can learn much from the Bible about God's qualities. Kungani? Such comments, along with good questions, can help a child to develop "thinking ability " and to build faith in God. - Prov. Why? Ikhona yini incenye yemuntfu Lesindzako Nakafa? Many today would readily agree with that statement. Is there any portion of a criminal that has fallen asleep? Sabese siyabona kutsi nasifika endzaweni bekuncono kakhulu kutsi sihambe ngemabhayisikili etfu siyoshumayela kulenye indzawo lekhashane nalapho besilala khona, lapho kunemfundisi longasati. 1: 9, 10. Then we realized that when we arrived in a village, it was so much better for us to travel to areas where we slept. Kungenteka kutsi kute kubo labesafikile eminyakeni lengu - 20 budzala, lokuminyaka umuntfu lobekufanele abe nayo kute angene ebutfweni lemphi laka - Israyeli. The Bible account focuses attention on the family head Noah, but Noah's wife and his sons and their wives were also worshippers of Jehovah. He may have been able to return to the 20 years after he was 20 years old, a person who had to enter the battle of Israel's army. 6 / 15 138: 6. 6 / 15 Umlandvo wonkhe usitjela ngebabusi labacindzetelako lebebabusa ngelunya, futsi babangela bantfu babo kuhlupheka lokukhulu. The idea is this: The prophet is speaking of something that is so certain to occur that it may be described as if it has already happened! - Isaiah 46: 10. The history of history tells us about the cruel rulers who ruled by mankind, and they cause the suffering of the great tribulation. Ngesizatfu sekutsi Nkulunkulu ubatsatsa njengalabete sono, ngemcondvo lotsite bafana naJesu, iNdvodzana yaNkulunkulu lete sono. There are many things in life we cannot choose, including our parents, our siblings, and our place of birth. Because God views them as perfect, like Jesus, God's Son was perfect. Sati semlandvo lesingumJuda lokutsiwa nguJosephus satsi nga - 70 C.E. libutfo laseRoma lafike latsatsa lombhoshongo lebewubitwa ngekutsi nguMbhoshongo wa - Antonia, lobowuhlanganisa letindvonga taseJerusalema, ngenca yekutsi bogadzi lebebasemagedeni bebalele. He says, "Long, long ago, God made the earth and everything in it, and he made the sun, the moon, and the stars. " Greek historian Josephus said that in 70 C.E., the Roman army of Rome took a stand on the eastern coast of B.C.E., which included the threat of the Jerusalem's walls. Angifuni kutsi tintfo lengitenta ngemuva kwemsebenti tehlise lizinga lemsebenti wami lapha, kodvwa bengingatsandza kuba nesikhatsi lesengetiwe kute ngisite bantfu. " Persons in health do not need a physician, " said Jesus, "but the ailing do. " - Matt. I don't want to make things over my ministry, but I would like to have enough time to help people. Ngukuphi kulingwa Pawula lahlangabetana nako eListra? Be determined not to " sow with a view to the flesh. ' What tests did Paul face in Lystra? Noma kunjalo, lomunye angahle atibute kutsi: " Loku kusho kutsi ngitawulindza sikhatsi lesidze yini ngaphambi kwekutsi bantfu lengibatsandzako bavuswe? How does Psalm 51 reveal David's inmost thoughts, and what does it teach us about Jehovah? However, one might wonder: " Does this mean that I will wait long before people loved me? Nakimi bengifuna ente kanjalo. " We can gain strength from reflecting on Jehovah's acts of loyalty. I wanted to do so. " Kubona indlela labanakekelwa ngayo ngulabanye bazalwane, kwakhulisa kumetsemba kwabo Jehova. " HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? Seeing how their brothers were cared for, they raised their trust in Jehovah. " Stephanie utsi: "Kushumayela ensimini lapho kunebantfu labanesifiso lesikhulu sekufundza liciniso, nesekufundza nawe liBhayibheli onkhe malanga kujabulisa kakhulu. (b) If any Christian should even begin to covet another person's marriage mate, what should he do without delay? " Preaching in the ministry where there are four people who desire to learn the truth, and they study the Bible with you every day, " says Stephanie. Ngatalelwa eSanto Domingo, eDominican Republic. Ngingutfunjana kubantfwana labane. Purpose of Study Articles I was born in Democratic Republic of the Republic. I was born in the Democratic Republic. I was born with four children. Kubonakala ngatsi ngelikhulu lekucala labanye baphostoli bahlala eJerusalema njengoba sigungu lesibusako besilapho. LET us say that you have been a happily married man for many years. It seems that some in the first century remained in Jerusalem as the governing body. Ngubani - ke lohlakaniphe kakhulu emkhatsini wemakhi wetindiza neMdali wetinyoni? " This time, however, they invited me to come to a Congregation Book Study, a small meeting for Bible study and discussion that was held in their home. Who, then, is the most wise and wise thing between the Creator and the birds of heaven? " Bantfu labanyenti lamuhla bayavumelana nemavi alombhali. That counsel is as relevant today as it was when it was written almost two thousand years ago. Many today agree with the words of the writer. 1: 9, 10. (b) How does one elder prepare for the Memorial each year, and how might you do something similar? 1: 9, 10. Lokulandzisa kweliBhayibheli kukhuluma kakhulu ngaNowa lobekayinhloko yemndeni, nanobe kunjalo, umfati wakhe, emadvodzana akhe kanye nebafati bawo nabo bebatikhonti taJehova. Paul wrote: "Jehovah is my helper; I will not be afraid. The Bible account focuses more on Noah's family, yet his wife, his sons, and their wives were worshippers of Jehovah. 138: 6. People can live in various ways, but only one way is the best. 138: 6. Lokubalulekile kutsi: Lomphrofethi ukhuluma ngetintfo letitawenteka mbamba, kube shengatsi tintfo lesetivele tentekile! - Isaya 46: 10. PEOPLE often define themselves by the work they do. What is important is: The prophet refers to events that seem to have real meaning! - Isaiah 46: 10. Kunetintfo letinyenti ekuphileni lesingeke sitikhetse, letifaka ekhatsi batali betfu, tihlobo tetfu nendzawo lesitalelwa kuyo. It is interesting, though, that a faithful servant of God, such as Elijah, Jesus, or Peter, was present on each of those occasions, during the time when Jehovah was performing miracles. There are many things we cannot choose, such as our parents, our relatives, and our country. Utsi: "Kadzeni, Nkulunkulu wadala umhlaba nato tonkhe tintfo letikuwo, waphindze wenta lilanga, inyeti netinkhanyeti. " Whether miraculously providing food to crowds of people or spiritually feeding his followers, Jesus followed a pattern - he fed many through the hands of a few. He says: "In the wilderness, God created the earth and made it up of all things and made it sun and stars. " Jesu watsi: "Bantfu labanemphilo lenhle abamdzingi dokotela, kodvwa labagulako bayamdzinga. " - Mat. Long ago, Satan hid behind a serpent to start a "chat " with Eve and told her that she could be like God. Jesus said: "People who have good health do not need a physician, but they need the sick. " - Matt. Faka umfutfo wekutsi " ungahlanyeli unembono wenyama engcondvweni. ' True Christians can, therefore, be recognized by their neighborly visits to people's homes for the purpose of sharing the good news of God's Kingdom. - Read Matthew 24: 14; Acts 5: 42; 20: 20. Be eager to "put up the mind on the mind of the flesh. " Umbhalo weTihlabelelo 51 uyiveta njani imicabango lejulile yaDavide, futsi usifundzisani ngaJehova? His words would give his anointed followers throughout the centuries a basis for hope and endurance. How does Psalm 51 reveal deep thoughts of David, and what does it teach us about Jehovah? Singatfola emandla nasicabanga ngetento taJehova tekwetsembeka. Satan is described as having "great anger " during this time. We can gain strength by reflecting on Jehovah's acts of loyalty. UNGAPHENDVULA NJANI? What is the administration's second stage of operation? HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? (b) Nangabe lomunye umKhristu acala kuhawukela umlingani wemshado walomunye umuntfu, yini lokufanele ayente ngekushesha? YOU might wonder: " Is it really possible to imitate Jesus ' example of watchfulness? (b) If a Christian begins to love someone who is married to another person, what should he do immediately? Injongo Yetihloko Letifundvwako As told by Brian Hewitt Purpose of Study Articles ASE sitsi uyindvodza leseyishade iminyaka leminyenti futsi lejabulile. Imperfect humans lack the necessary wisdom and foresight to manage all their own affairs successfully. IMAGINE that you have been married for many years and that you are happy. Ngalelolanga bangimema kutsi ngiye eSifundvweni Sencwadzi Selibandla lapho bekudadishwa khona liBhayibheli futsi kucocwe ngalo. Even when building the ark, which may have taken as long as 40 or 50 years, Noah kept his spiritual focus. That day, I invited to attend the Congregation Study where the Bible was established and discussed it. Lesecwayiso sisasebenta nalamuhla njengobe sasisebenta ngesikhatsi sibhalwa eminyakeni lengaba tinkhulungwane letimbili leyengcile. PAGE 21 • SONGS: 26, 89 That warning still applies to two years ago. (b) Yini leyentiwa ngulomdzala welibandla kute alungiselele Sikhumbuto minyaka yonkhe, futsi ungamlingisa njani? Of course, the greatest of all of Jehovah's dedicated servants is Jesus. (b) What did an elder take in order to prepare for the Memorial each year, and how can you imitate him? Pawula wabhala watsi: "Jehova ungumsiti wami; ngeke ngesabe. Next, it shows what love involves. Paul wrote: "Jehovah is my helper; I will not fear. Bantfu bangaphila ngetindlela letehlukahlukene, kodvwa nome kunjalo, kunayinye kuphela indlela lencono kakhulu yekuphila. When " considering ' such ones, we need to keep in mind that what they say may not be a true reflection of what they really are at heart. People may live in different ways, but there is only one way of life. BANTFU bavame kutichaza ngemisebenti labayentako. Other times a householder was interested and wanted to learn more. JEHOVAH'S servants often express their attitude toward one another. Noma kunjalo, kuyajabulisa kutsi tinceku taNkulunkulu letetsembekile letifaka ekhatsi Elija, Jesu kanye naPhethro betikhona ngesikhatsi Jehova enta letimangaliso. HELPING OUT IN FRANCE However, it is amazing that faithful servants of God, such as Elijah, and Jesus were able to perform miracles when Jehovah performed miracles. Ngisho nobe Jesu bekabela sicumbi sebantfu kudla ngalokusimangaliso nobe ondle balandzeli bakhe ngakamoya, abelandzela indlela letsite - wondla labanyenti ngetandla letimbalwa. Even though authors and screenwriters often dramatize and romanticize treacherous acts in literature and in the movies, in real life disloyalty and betrayal cause pain and suffering. Even though Jesus had miraculously fed a crowd or fed his followers, he was following a course - a few through the hands of a few. Endvulo, Sathane wabhaca ngenyoka wakhuluma na - Eva, wamtjela kutsi bekangafanana naNkulunkulu. In 1958, my parents ' dream came true; they were able to purchase a house for the three of us to live in. In ancient times, Satan hid the serpent and Eve from saying that she could be like God. Ngako - ke emaKhristu eliciniso abonakala ngekuvakashela bomakhelwane babo emakhaya ngenjongo yekubacocela tindzaba letimnandzi teMbuso waNkulunkulu. - Fundza Matewu 24: 14; Imisebenti 5: 42; 20: 20. " Food and medicine became scarce, and what remained was extremely expensive. Thus, true Christians appear to visit their neighbors for the good news of God's Kingdom. - Read Matthew 24: 14; Acts 5: 42; 20: 20. Emavi akhe atawuniketa labagcotjiwe labatawulandzela kuyo yonkhe leminyaka sisekelo selitsemba nekubeketela. 9, 10. His words will give anointed ones who will follow the foundation of hope and patience. Kulesikhatsi lesiphila kuso, Sathane uchazwa " njengalonentfukutselo lenkhulu. ' We have a further reason to continue our preaching work. We preach to give a warning. In this system of things, Satan is described as "great anger. " Isebenta njani indlela yesibili yesimiso saNkulunkulu? In our ministry, can we draw attention to the Cause of this impressive order? - Rev. How is the second way to apply God's administration? UNGASE utibute: " Ngingakwati yini vele kulingisa sibonelo saJesu sekulindza? The throne was on wheels. Ask yourself: " Can I really imitate Jesus ' example of watchfulness? Njengobe ilandziswa ngu - Brian Hewitt One reason is that God's people work hard to apply the Bible's admonition: "Deaden, therefore, your body members that are on the earth as respects sexual immorality, uncleanness, uncontrolled sexual passion. " As told by Brian and Brian (Jeremiya 10: 23) Bantfu labanesono bete kuhlakanipha lokudzingekako nelikhono lekubona tintfo kusengembili kute bakwati kwenta tintfo ngendlela lephumelelako. I can say with tremendous conviction that the Bible changed my life. Humans do not have the wisdom needed to see things in advance so that they can do so effectively. Nangesikhatsi akha umkhumbi, lokungenteka kwatsatsa iminyaka lengu - 40 noma lengu - 50, Nowa abenake kakhulu tintfo letiphatselene naNkulunkulu. Let us consider three things about faith that we can learn from Peter's experience: (1) how Peter at first trusted that Jehovah could help him, (2) why Peter began to lose faith, and (3) what helped Peter to regain his faith. When building the ark, perhaps for 40 or 50 years, Noah was focused on spiritual matters. LIKHASI 21 • TINGOMA: 26, 89 Although entrusted with great responsibility in the first - century Christian congregation, he made serious mistakes. PAGE 21 • SONGS: 26, 89 Kuliciniso kutsi inceku yaJehova letinikele lehamba embili nguJesu. 10 THE BIBLE CHANGES LIVES Of course, Jehovah's servants have made a big dedication to Jesus. Iphindze isikhombise kutsi yini lokufanele siyente kute sibe nelutsandvo. Today, we all are exposed to worldly thinking. It also shows what we need to do to develop love. (Jobe 6: 2, 3) Nasikhuluma nebantfu labanjalo kufanele sikhumbule kutsi labakukhulumako kungase kungaveti loko labangiko enhlitiyweni. It is hard to imagine what it will be like to wake up feeling healthy, happy, and satisfied every morning. When we talk to such individuals, we should remember that those speaking may not reveal what they really are. Kantsi ngaletinye tikhatsi umnikati welikhaya bekakujabulela loko lakuvako futsi afune kwati lokunyenti. 6: 14, 15. At times, the householder was happy to hear what he heard and wanted to know more. KUSITA EFULANSI They "hold on to discipline " and" do not let it go. " STUDY ARTICLES Babhali betincwadzi kanye nebemidlalo yaku - TV bavame kwenta tento tekungetsembeki kutsi tibukeke tijabulisa futsi titsandzeka kakhulu. 14, 15. Historians were also familiar with television and television that often rooted in greed and greed. Nga - 1958, sifiso sebatali bami safezeka ngobe bakhona kutsenga indlu lebesitawuhlala kuyo sobatsatfu. The teaching and interchange of encouragement that we receive at our gatherings for worship help us to experience real happiness and give us "quietness from days of calamity. " In 1958, my parents ' desire was fulfilled because they could buy a house in which three children would live. Lolodlame lwaphocelela kutsi boFakazi BaJehova babaleke emakhaya abo. But he rejected their advice! Such food forced Jehovah's Witnesses to leave their homes. 9, 10. What can unmarried Christians learn from the Shulammite girl's putting others under oath not to try to awaken love in her? 9, 10. Lesinye sizatfu lesenta sichubeke sishumayela kutsi secwayisa bantfu. John did not want to get involved in religion, yet he could see how much Christine's new faith meant to her. Another reason why we keep on preaching is that we warn people. Nasishumayela, singabenta yini bantfu kutsi bamati kancono Loyo lobangela lokuhleleka lokumangalisa kangaka? - Semb. Such immediate action, as well as his progressively revealing details of this purpose to his servants, brought Jehovah's wisdom into sharp focus. When we preach, could we help people to get to know the One who makes us better? - Rev. Lesihlalo besinemasondvo. 10, 11. (a) What lesson did Peter learn from his experience in the garden of Gethsemane? The throne was on hand. Sizatfu saloko kutsi tinceku taNkulunkulu tetama kamatima kusebentisa seluleko seliBhayibheli lesitsi; "Bulalani emalunga emitimba yenu asemhlabeni, ekwenteni budlundlulu, kungcola, inkhanuko. " Satan uses death and the fear it may provoke to keep many people in slavery and without hope. Because God's servants try hard to apply the Bible's counsel: "Keep your members on the earth as respects sexual immorality, sexual immorality, and sexual immorality. " Ngingalisho ligcwale umlomo kutsi liBhayibheli likuguculile kuphila kwami. I support my family by teaching music. I can tell you that the Bible answers to my life. Ase sicoce ngetintfo letintsatfu letimayelana nekukholwa lesingatifundza kulokwenteka kuPhetro: (1) indlela Phetro letsemba ngayo ekucaleni kutsi Jehova angamsita, (2) lokwenta Phetro waphelelwa kukholwa, (3) naloko lokwamsita kutsi aphindze abe nekukholwa. The new covenant produces spiritual Israel and provides the basis for its members to become "joint heirs with Christ. " Let us consider three areas of faith that we can learn from Peter: (1) Peter's confidence in Jehovah will help him to endure, (2) Peter gave him faith and faith. Nanobe abeniketwe imisebenti lemikhulu ebandleni lebuKhristu ngelikhulu lekucala, wenta emaphutsa lamakhulu. Clearly, Jehovah wants people of "every nation and tribe and language " to have the opportunity to benefit from his Word. Although he had been given great privileges in the Christian congregation in the first century, he made serious mistakes. 10 LIBHAYIBHELI LIYAKUGUCULA KUPHILA As a result, they are no longer overwhelmed with feelings of despair or anger over what they see happening around them. 10 THE BIBLE CHANGES LIVES Lamuhla, indlela lelive lelicabanga ngayo isitsintsa sonkhe. Christians are exhorted to slave for Jehovah. Today, the world's thinking affects all of us. Akucabangeki kutsi kutawuba njani kuvuka ekuseni utive uphilile, ujabulile futsi wenetisekile. For example, to the Galatians he wrote: "The undeserved kindness of our Lord Jesus Christ be with the spirit you show, brothers. Do not imagine what you will get up in the morning without feeling healthy, happy, and satisfied. 6: 14, 15. 4: 21. 6: 14, 15. (Taga 12: 1) "Tibambelela emyalweni " futsi " atiwuyekeli. ' 19, 20. " Keep strict hold of the discipline, " and " he does not let himself go. ' 14, 15. Even if we have been removed from a position of responsibility in the congregation, we still have an opportunity to examine the quality of our faith and demonstrate our love for Jehovah. 14, 15. Imfundvo netincociswano letikhutsatako lesititfola emihlanganweni yetfu yekukhonta Nkulunkulu, tisisita kutsi sijabule siphindze sibe " nekuthula ngesikhatsi sebumatima. ' 2008 The education we receive from our meetings helps us to be happy and to enjoy "critical times hard to deal with. " Kodvwa akazange asilalele seluleko sabo! Perhaps when you contemplate the order of the universe, the origin of life, or the design of that most complex of all structures on earth, the human brain, you reason that something higher than humans must exist. But he did not listen to their counsel! EmaKhristu langakashadi angafundzani endzabeni yentfombi lengumShulami leyafungisa labanye kutsi bangetami kuvusa lutsandvo kuyo? An estimated 50 percent of that litter is plastic that will drift for hundreds of years before it degrades. What can single Christians learn from the account of the Shulammite girl who was informed that others try not to awaken their love? John abengafuni kutihlanganisa nenkholo nanobe abona kutsi inkholo lensha yaChristine yayibaluleke kakhulu kuye. He was genuinely interested in their spiritual welfare, and he willingly expended himself in their behalf. John did not want to associate with religion even though he realized that the new religion was very important to him. (Gen. 3: 15) Sento lesinjalo sekusheshe atsatse sinyatselo senta kuhlakanipha kwaJehova kwaba ngulokujulile. Many human governments work hard to educate their citizens. Such a course of action quickly makes Jehovah's wisdom deep. 10, 11. (a) Ngusiphi sifundvo Phetro lasifundza kuloko lokwenteka ensimini yaseGetsemane? A second example is that of a Jewish man who was persecuting Christians. 10, 11. (a) What lesson did Peter learn from the experience of the garden of Gethsemane? Sathane usebentisa kufa nekwesaba lokungase kwente bantfu labanyenti babe tigcili futsi bangabi nalo litsemba. At times, peace among spiritual brothers has been disrupted because a failed business venture led to loss of money and perhaps to accusations of fraud. Satan uses death and fear of many people and may cause them to become slaves and have no hope. Umndeni wami ngiwondla ngekufundzisa umculo. Then she ran off ahead of him to tell her mother what had happened. - Genesis 24: 22 - 28, 32. My family fed me by teaching music. Lesivumelwane lesisha sakha Israyeli waNkulunkulu futsi senta kutsi emalunga akhe abe " tindlalifa naKhristu. ' How did faith strengthen Moses at the Red Sea? This new covenant would make up spiritual Israel, and it enabled his members to become "joint heirs with Christ. " Kuyacaca kutsi Jehova ufuna kutsi bonkhe bantfu "kuto tonkhe tive, tinhlanga, tilwimi " bazuze ngekufundza liBhayibheli. To assist individuals desiring to benefit the worldwide work of Jehovah's Witnesses through some form of charitable giving, a brochure entitled Charitable Planning to Benefit Kingdom Service Worldwide has been prepared in English and Spanish. Clearly, Jehovah wants all humans to "people of all nations and tribes and tongues " to benefit from reading the Bible. Umphumela waloko kutsi tintfo letentekako atisabatfukutselisi kakhulu noma tibadvumate. 6 - 7. As a result, things that have become very discouraged or discouraged. EmaKhristu enta konkhe lokusemandleni awo kute abe tigcili taJehova. 6: 19. Christians do all they can to become slaves of Jehovah. Sibonelo saloku sisitfola kuloko lakubhalela baseGalathiya: "Umusa weNkhosi yetfu Jesu Khristu awube nemoya wenu, bazalwane. At that critical time, as in other situations, Elisha exercised faith and put his complete trust in Jehovah. For example, we find ourselves in what the Galatians wrote: "The loving - kindness of our Lord Jesus Christ is with your spirit and with your brothers. Ngalesikhatsi aseGibhithe, Aroni abenemlandvo lomuhle wekwetsembeka, futsi akhonta Jehova ngenhlitiyo lephelele. - Eksodusi 4: 21. We discreetly place funds in the contribution boxes at the Kingdom Hall, or we may make donations online through jw.org. When in Egypt, Aaron had a remarkable record of faithful service, and he served Jehovah with a complete heart. - Exodus 4: 21. 19, 20. As you contemplate the scriptures that reveal the various roles that Jehovah has occupied for the blessing of mankind, you will come to know the many beautiful facets of his exalted personality. 19, 20. Ngisho nobe siyekelisiwe kuba nemalungelo latsite ebandleni, sisengakhona kuhlolisisa kutsi kukholwa kwetfu kucine kangakanani futsi sikhombise lutsandvo lesinalo ngaJehova. Although we enjoyed pleasant temperatures and exotic fruits and vegetables, our true joy was that humble people who yearned for Bible truth were learning about God's Kingdom. Whether we are disfellowshipped with privileges in the congregation, we may be able to examine our faith and show our love for Jehovah. 2008 Elsebeth saw the need to learn another language. 2008 Nawucabanga ngekuhleleka kwendalo, ngemsuka wekuphila, ngendalo letinhlobonhlobo lekhona lamhlabeni nangengcondvo yemuntfu, uyabona kutsi kufanele kutsi ukhona lotsite lomkhulu kunemuntfu. (Read 2 Corinthians 5: 14, 15.) When you think of creation, the variety of things on earth, and the thoughts of man on earth, you realize that there is someone greater than anyone else. Emaphesenti langaba ngu - 50 aleto tibi ngemapulasitiki latawuntanta emakhulu eminyaka ngembikwekutsi abole. Jehovah promised to join these two sticks and make them one in his hand. Of course, about 50 percent of these provisions were designed for hundreds of years before they were assigned to do. Bekafuna basondzele kuJehova, ngako bekatidzela kuze abasite. Then I can devote more time to meditating on what I read so as to learn important lessons. " He wanted to draw close to Jehovah, so he made sacrifices to help them. Bohulumende labanyenti benta lokusemandleni abo kute bafundzise takhamuti. True, a person may bring reproach on Jehovah as well as injury to innocent people. Many governments do their best to teach citizens. Sibonelo sesibili sendvodza lengumJuda lebeyishushisa emaKhristu. So they moved out of the city into the country and decided to become completely self - sufficient. The second example of a Jewish man who had persecuted Christians. Ngalesinye sikhatsi, kuthula emkhatsini webazalwane kucedvwa kutsi libhizinisi lebebalihlanganisele lilahlekelwe yimali lenyenti futsi kube netinsolo tekukhwabanisa. What has Jehovah given us to make us wise? At one point, peace between brothers and sisters has been paid for a lot of money and outright fraud. Rebheka wase uyagijima uyobabikela ekhaya ngalobekwentekile. - Genesisi 24: 22 - 28, 32. And the sea you split before them, so that they crossed over through the midst of the sea on the dry land; and their pursuers you hurled into the depths like a stone in the strong waters. " Rebekah ran down to her home. - Genesis 24: 22 - 28, 32. Kukholwa kwamcinisa njani Mosi ngesikhatsi aseLwandle Lolubovu? As a result, I was financially comfortable, and many people considered me successful. How did faith strengthened Moses when he was in the Red Sea? 6 - 7. We now face, not just the wiping out of two wicked cities, but the destruction of an entire world system of things. 6 - 7. 6: 19. What sort of protection does the 91st Psalm promise? 6: 19. (2 Khos. 6: 17 - 23) Kuleso sikhatsi lebesimatima, njengakuletinye timo, Elisha wakhombisa kukholwa nekwetsembela ngalokuphelele kuJehova. He added: "You cannot slave for God and for Riches. " During that difficult period, like other situations, Elisha showed complete faith in Jehovah. Asibatjeli labanye nasifaka imali emabhokisini emnikelo noma nasinikela ku - internet sisebentisa i - jw.org. What can help you to make the right decision despite the pressure to act dishonestly? We do not hold back from sharing money in the offering or using it online at www.jw.org. Njengobe ucabangisisa ngalokujulile ngemibhalo leveta tintfo letehlukahlukene Jehova latentile kute bantfu bakhe babusiseke, utawati tingoni letehlukahlukene tebuntfu bakhe. 12: 17. As you carefully consider the many scriptures that Jehovah has made to his people, you will know his qualities and qualities. Nanobe besijabulela simo selitulu lesihle, titselo letimnandzi kanye netibhidvo, injabulo lenkhulu lesaba nayo bekukubona bantfu labatfobekile labebafisa kufundza liciniso leliBhayibheli, sebafundza ngeMbuso waNkulunkulu. Should we not commend and encourage them? Although we enjoyed a positive climate, the fruit and taste of fruit, the joy of seeing humble ones who wished to learn Bible truth, they were able to learn about God's Kingdom. Elsebeth wasibona sidzingo sekufundza lolunye lulwimi. Peter writes that this occurred after Jesus was "made alive in the spirit. " Elsebeth saw the need to learn another language. (Fundza 2 Khorinte 5: 14, 15.) When they had a baby, they had to stop pioneering, and now they have two children. (Read 2 Corinthians 5: 14, 15.) Jehova wetsembisa kuhlanganisa lemizaca lemibili futsi ibe ngephasi kwesandla sakhe. Did this mean that Jehovah no longer had control of earth's affairs? Jehovah promised to include two sticks and to be under his mighty hand. Kwenta njalo kungisita kutsi ngicitse sikhatsi lesengetiwe ngizindla ngaloko lengikufundzile kute ngitfole tifundvo letibalulekile. " (Hla. Though true Christians are imperfect, they worship together in unity because they have learned to love one another. Doing so helps me to spend more time meditating on what I read so that I can find important lessons. " Kuliciniso kutsi umuntfu angamhlambalata Jehova futsi abavise buhlungu labanye bantfu. 15, 16. (a) What restoration and refining work has been accomplished in modern times, and by whom? Of course, a person may be critical and hurt by Jehovah. Besuka endzaweni lesedolobheni labebahlala kuyo, bakhetsa kutisebenta. And when his disciples assembled for worship, they prayed together. They left a village in the city where they lived, choosing to work. Yini Jehova lasiphe yona lesenta sihlakaniphe? There, "the boy Samuel continued growing up before Jehovah. " What has Jehovah provided for us? Wehlukanisa lwandle embikwabo, kuze kutsi bewele emhlabatsini lowomile, kodvwa labo bebabacosha ngemuva wabajikijela ekujuleni kwelwandle njengelitje naligcumkiselwa emantini lanemandla. " What should be our priority when helping those who face hardships? And when the sea was distanceing from the sea, they threw it down to the ground, but they threw it off from the waters, like a stone that was shaken from the waters of water. " Ngaleso sizatfu bengikwati kutsenga nobe yini lengiyifunako, futsi bantfu labanyenti bangitsatsa njengemuntfu lonako konkhe. I was the eldest child, so I helped to teach my sister and two brothers. As a result, I was able to buy or do whatever I wanted, and many others viewed me as a person. Nyalo angeke kubhujiswe emadolobha nje lamabili, kodvwa kutawubhujiswa lonkhe live lelibuswa nguSathane. On one occasion when he was 12 years old, he was found by his parents in the temple, "sitting in the midst of the teachers and listening to them and questioning them. " Now the destruction of two cities will not be destroyed, but the end of Satan's wicked system will be destroyed. Tihlabelelo 91 tisetsembisa luphi luhlobo lwesivikelo? Now Jesus is ruling as King in heaven, and his followers on earth are announcing the good news worldwide. - Read Daniel 7: 13, 14; Matthew 24: 14. Psalm 91 offers what sort of protection? Ngeke nikhonte Nkulunkulu kanye nemcebo. " These examples all give evidence of the operation of holy spirit. You cannot slave for God and for Riches. " Yini lengakusita kutsi wente sincumo lesihle nanobe bakucindzetela kutsi utiphatse ngekungetsembeki? This was a critical time in human history and not the time for Jesus to "be kind " to himself. What can help you to make a good decision despite pressure from immorality? 12: 17. Still, those in the congregation had reason to be grateful for their older men, who were "working hard " and" presiding over " the congregation and "admonishing " the brothers. 12: 17. Akukafaneli yini kutsi sibancome siphindze sibakhutsate? How does Psalm 27: 1 - 4 show that David trusted in God? Should we not be commended and encourage? Phetro wabhala kutsi loku kwenteka ngemuva kwekutsi Jesu " avuswe ngemoya waNkulunkulu. ' The Bible tells us to "trust in Jehovah. " Peter wrote that this happened after Jesus was resurrected "in the spirit of God. " Ngesikhatsi batfola umntfwana, kwadzingeka bayekele kuba ngemahlahlandlela futsi nyalo banebantfwana lababili. The international ones at New York's Yankee Stadium in the 1950 ' s were especially so. When they found their child, they had to stop pioneering and now have two children. 6: 11) Loko kusho kutsi Jehova abengasawubusi yini umhlaba? " If you become discouraged in the day of distress, " says Proverbs 24: 10, "your strength will be meager. " Does this mean that Jehovah was no longer in our behalf? Nanobe emaKhristu eliciniso anesono, akhonta Nkulunkulu ndzawonye ngebunye ngobe afundziswe kutsandzana. Her parents tried to raise her to live by the Bible's moral standards. Although true Christians are imperfect, they serve God together because they have learned to love one another. 15, 16. (a) Esikhatsini setfu ngumuphi umsebenti wekucwenga lowentiwe, futsi wentiwe ngubani? In some cases, you may choose to assign them to work with a younger companion who can provide physical support. 15, 16. (a) What work is now done in our day, and who is doing so? Nalapho bafundzi bakhe bahlangana kute bakhonte Nkulunkulu, bebathandaza ndzawonye. 7: 10, 11. There his disciples met to serve God together, praying together. (1 Sam. 1: 24 - 28) Ngesikhatsi alapho, lomfana "longuSamuweli abesolomane achubeka akhula embikwaSimakadze. " (1 Sam. Through the intense pain, I recalled Jesus ' words: "Happy are you when people reproach you and persecute you... When the boy was there, "the boy Samuel was still still growing in Jehovah's eyes. " Kufanele ube yini umgomo wetfu nasisita labo labasetimeni letimatima? Discuss the subject with the elders in the congregation, with the circuit overseer, or with those who have had the privilege of serving in a land where help is needed. What should be our goal when we help those facing difficult circumstances? Kwakungimi lomdzala ekhaya, ngako bengisita ekufundziseni dzadzewetfu nabomnaketfu lababili. You surely realize that your vows should not be treated lightly. I was an elder at home, so I assisted my sister and two brothers. Kulelinye lihlandla aneminyaka lengu - 12 budzala, watfolwa batali bakhe ethempelini " ahleti netati temtsetfo, atilalele futsi atibuta nemibuto. ' Why do some Christians remain single? At one 12 years of age, he found his parents at the temple " sitting on the scribes and scribes and ask questions. ' Jesu sewubusa njengeNkhosi ezulwini, futsi balandzeli bakhe labasemhlabeni bamemetela tindzaba letinhle emhlabeni wonkhe. - Fundza Danyela 7: 13, 14; Matewu 24: 14. Jehovah could have acted long ago to eliminate or even prevent all suffering. Jesus is now ruling as King in heaven, and his followers proclaim the good news worldwide. - Read Daniel 7: 13, 14; Matthew 24: 14. Tonkhe letibonelo tibufakazi bekutsi umoya longcwele uyasebenta. That would be in direct contradiction to the very nature of God. All of this shows that the holy spirit is involved. Lesi bekusikhatsi lesibaluleke kakhulu emlandvweni webantfu futsi bekungasiso sikhatsi sekutsi Jesu " abe nemusa ' kuye ngekwakhe. No, his counsel is a principle we are to live by every day. That was the most important time in human history, and it was not the time for Jesus to "be kind " to himself. Nanobe kunjalo, emaKhristu akulelo bandla abenesizatfu sekuwabonga emadvodza lamadzala " labesebenta kamatima emkhatsini wawo, abengamele, ' futsi " abayala. ' For example, he said: "This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth. " However, Christians in the congregation had reason to be thankful for the older men who " worked hard among them, ' and he could" discipline them. " Tihlabelelo 27: 1 - 4 tikufakazela njani kutsi Davide wetsembela kuNkulunkulu? What can we learn from the example of Mary? How do Psalm 27: 1 - 4 show that David trusted in God? LiBhayibheli lisitjela kutsi " setsembe Jehova. ' In the following article, we will consider what further help we have available. The Bible tells us that " we have confidence in Jehovah. ' Imihlangano yetive leyaba se - New York e - Yankee Stadium, ngabo - 1950 nayo yaba njalo. But I faced a particular challenge. Hundreds of international conventions took place in New York City at Yankee Stadium, 1950 ' s. Taga 24: 10 titsi: "Nawukhubatela ngesikhatsi lesibucayi, usuke unemandla lamancane. " Thanks to Christ's sacrifice, we are free from enslavement to this world under Satan's control, and we no longer live in fear of death. - Heb. Proverbs 24: 10 states: "Have you shown yourself discouraged in the day of distress? " Batali bakhe betama kumsita kutsi akhule aphila ngetimiso teliBhayibheli tekutiphatsa. Were Joseph's words those of a man who passively accepted his situation? Her parents tried to help her to grow up to live by the Bible's moral standards. Ngaletinye tikhatsi ungakhetsa kubahambisa nemmemeteli losemusha. This kind of material is not designed to help Christians have faith in Jehovah and his promises. At times, you may choose to join a young publisher. 7: 10, 11. When I started in the circuit work, there were few cars, televisions, or typewriters in that region and no transistor radios or personal computers. 7: 10, 11. Kulobo buhlungu lobumatima, ngakhumbula emavi aJesu latsi: "Niyajabula nangabe bantfu banihlambalata, baniphatsa kabi.. 1500 During these difficulties, I remembered Jesus ' words: "Happy are you when people reproach you and persecute you. Khuluma ngalendzaba nalabadzala belibandla lokulo, nembonisi wesifundza nobe nalabo labajabulele lilungelo lekukhonta etindzaweni letidzinga lusito. And we should not think that their husband or wife, their parents, or other family members are also anointed. Speak about the matter of your congregation elders, the circuit overseer and those who have the privilege of serving in areas where help is needed. Kungenteka sewubonile kutsi tifungo takho akukafaneli titsatfwe melula. Now our loyalty is on the line, not to that person, but to God. Perhaps you have noticed that your vows should not be easy. Kungani lamanye emaKhristu ahlala angakashadi? Many people like to talk more than they like to listen. Why do some Christians remain single? Jehova ngabe kadze asitsatsa sinyatselo kute acedze nobe avimbele konkhe kuhlupheka. Rather, anointed Christians are serving in the courtyard and in the Holy of the spiritual temple, daily offering to God "a sacrifice of praise. " - Heb. Jehovah will never take action in order to bring an end to all suffering. Loko bekungaba yintfo lephambene nebuntfu baNkulunkulu. There are more people who can be infected. That would have been contrary to God's personality. Cha, ngobe leseluleko sakhe sisimiso lokufanele siphile ngaso malanga onkhe. Why, apparently, was little said about Satan before the Messiah arrived? No, for his counsel must live daily. Sibonelo saloko kutsi watsi: "Letindzaba letimnandzi teMbuso tiyawushunyayelwa emhlabeni wonkhe. " To him, Jesus Christ said in prayer: "This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ. " For example, he said: "This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth. " Yini lesingayifundza esibonelweni saMariya? Why can we conclude that from the first century C.E. until today, there have always been anointed Christians on earth? What can we learn from Mary's example? Esihlokweni lesilandzelako, sitawucoca ngalokunye lokungasisita kutsi siwucedze lomncintiswano. We can also prepare for the new world by being patient when we receive adjustments in our understanding of Bible truth. In the next article, we will discuss something that will help us to finish the race. Ngetulu kwaloko kwadzingeka ngibhekane nesimo lesimatima. Present arguments in a clear and logical manner. In addition, I had to deal with a difficult situation. Siyabonga ngekutinikela kwaKhristu ngobe sesikhululekile ebugcilini besono kulelive lelibuswa nguSathane futsi asisakwesabi kufa. - Heb. Under the Law, those with certain diseases were to be kept isolated. Thankfully, we are devoted to Christ's dedication because we have been freed from slavery in Satan's world and have no fear of death. - Heb. Emavi aJosefa bekafanana newemuntfu longenandzaba yini nesimo sakhe? 4: 15. Was Joseph's words similar to that of a lowly person? Letintfo atikentelwa kutsi tisite umKhristu abe nekukholwa kuJehova nasetetsembisweni takhe. They did not get bored or give up. These things have come true to help a Christian to build faith in Jehovah and his promises. Ngesikhatsi ngicala kujikeleta kuleyo ndzawo, betimbalwa timoto lebetikhona, ema - TV, kanye nemishini yekubhala futsi bekute nemisakato nobe bongcondvomshini. I accepted. When I started in the circuit work, there were few cars, television, and computers, and computers. 1500 Did they plan ahead to do so? 15 Akukafaneli sicabange nekutsi emadvodza abo, bafati babo, batali babo nome lamanye emalunga emindeni yabo nawo agcotjiwe. How may consciences differ? We should not assume that their husbands, wives, parents, or even members of their family are anointed. Ngaleso sikhatsi kwetsembeka kwetfu kusuke kuvivinywa, hhayi kuloyo muntfu, kodvwa kuNkulunkulu. When the crowd asked what they should do, Peter replied: "Repent, and let each one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the free gift of the holy spirit. " At that time, we are loyal to trials, not a person, but God. Insayeya: Bantfu labanyenti bayakutsandza kukhuluma kakhulu kunekutsi balalele. What three things are necessary for us to succeed in our lifesaving work? Those who love to talk rather than listen. Ngalokuphambene naloko bekucatjangwa, liciniso litsi emaKhristu lagcotjiwe akhonta Nkulunkulu ngekhatsi esibuyeni selithempeli lelingabonakali ngemehlo malanga onkhe, futsi anikela kuNkulunkulu ngemnikelo " wekumdvumisa. ' - Heb. (b) What added stress may we face? On the contrary, the truth says that anointed Christians were at God's spiritual temple and offered him "a sacrifice of praise. " - Heb. Banyenti bantfu labangatfola letifo. Will the Earth Survive 2012? There are many people who can find disease. Yini lokungenteka yabangela Jehova kutsi avete imininingwane lemincane ngaSathane ngaphambi kwekutsi Mesiya afike? When hard times come, will we not depend on one another? What may have caused Jehovah to reveal details about Satan before the Messiah arrived? (Tihlabelelo 36: 9) Jesu Khristu wathantaza kuNkulunkulu watsi: "Kukwati wena lokuphela kwaNkulunkulu weliciniso naloyo lowamtfuma, lokunguJesu Khristu, kuholela ekuphileni lokuphakadze. " All of God's sons in heaven and his children on earth will be united with their heavenly Father as part of his universal family. Jesus Christ prayed to God: "This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ. " Yini lesenta siphetse ngekutsi kusukela ngelikhulu lekucala leminyaka C.E. kuze kube ngulamuhla, bekusolo kunemaKhristu lagcotjiwe emhlabeni? 17, 18. Why do we conclude that from the first century C.E., there have always been some anointed Christians on earth? Singatilungiselela kuphila emhlabeni lomusha nangekutsi sibeketele nasitfola lushintjo endleleni lesicondza ngayo emaciniso latsite eliBhayibheli. We arrive at the Ndosho Kingdom Hall to meet some of our fellow Jehovah's Witnesses who will join us in preaching at the camp. We can prepare ourselves for life in the new world and be patient with adjustments in our understanding of Bible truth. Veta imibono yakho ngendlela lecacile nangekuhlakanipha. To escape being destroyed along with God's enemies, we must prove loyal to Jehovah's sovereignty. Share your opinions clearly with mildness and wisdom. UMtsetfo bewutsi bantfu labebanetifo letitsite bekufanele behlukaniswe nalabanye bantfu. The Bristows pioneered with Harvey and Anne Conrow, whose mobile home had tar - paper walls. The Law required that humans be put to death among others. 4: 15. So be humble and explain to your teenager why you have made a decision. 4: 15. Lomsebenti awuzange uwadzine nobe uwacedze emandla. However, our primary reason for training them is to foster love for God in their heart. - Mark 12: 28 - 30. This work did not give up or stop you. Ngavuma. 5: 15, 16. I accepted. Bebavele bakuhlelile yini kutsi batawulala ndzawonye? Daniel would soon be going there. Did they simply make plans to sleep together? Bonembeza betfu bangahluka njani kubonembeza balabanye? How agreeable it is to our soul to realize that Jehovah God takes great pleasure in us when we approach him in humble prayer! How can our conscience cause the conscience of others? Ngesikhatsi lesicumbi sibuta kutsi yini lokufanele siyente, Phetro waphendvula watsi: "Phendvukani, nibhajatiswe egameni laJesu Khristu kute nitsetselelwe tono tenu, futsi nitawutfola sipho lesingumoya longcwele. " How can elders and family heads imitate Jehovah? When the crowd asked what to do, Peter replied: "Be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for your sins, and you will receive the free gift of the holy spirit. " Ngutiphi tintfo letintsatfu letidzingekako kute siphumelele ekwenteni umsebenti losindzisa kuphila? I have also had the privilege of helping others to come to know Jehovah. What three things are needed to succeed in the lifesaving work? (b) Ngutiphi tinkinga letengetiwe lesibhekana nato? ▪ Reflect regularly on your dedication vow and the abundant blessings that result from serving Jehovah and following the Christ wholeheartedly. - Ps. (b) What more challenges do we face? Umhlaba Utawubhujiswa Nga - 2012 Yini? Practice the songs during family worship (See paragraph 18) Will the World Come to 2012? Nakufika tikhatsi letimatima siyabadzinga bazalwane betfu. Why not make them the subject of your heartfelt prayers? When we arrived, we sometimes feel that we need our brothers. Onkhe emadvodzana aNkulunkulu ezulwini kanye nebantfwana bakhe emhlabeni, batawuba munye naBabe wabo wasezulwini njengencenye yemndeni wakhe wendzawo yonkhe. It was a happy day when the pilgrim came around! All of God's sons and children in heaven will be united as their heavenly Father is part of his universal family. 17, 18. " Let us consider one another so as to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking our meeting together. " 17, 18. Sefika eHholweni leMbuso laseNdosho lapho besiyawuhlangana khona nalabanye bazalwane betfu lebesiyawuhamba nabo siyewushumayela kulenkambu. Obey Jehovah's Shepherds At the Kingdom Hall, we arrived at the Kingdom Hall where we would meet some of our brothers who would go to the camp. Kute singabhujiswa kanye netitsa taNkulunkulu, kufanele sihlale sicotfo ebukhosini bakhe. Instead, we should be content with our basic needs for each day. To be destroyed with God's enemies, we must maintain our integrity to his sovereignty. BakaBristows lebebanamahamba nendlwana lofakwe i - tar - paper elubondzeni, baba ngemahlahlandlela naHarvey na - Anne Conrow. Therefore, let us pray for God's holy spirit so that we can display faith and other aspects of the spirit's fruitage. - Luke 11: 13; Gal. The couple had a house - to - house home house caring for a wall on a wall - a wall on the wall of Egypt, the pioneer couple in Sydney and Samaria. (Tihlabelelo 119: 34) Ngako - ke, kufanele utfobeke futsi umchazele kutsi kungani utsetse sincumo lesitsite. The Bible emphasizes the importance of love. Thus, you need to be humble and explain why you have a personal decision. 12: 28 - 30. Does he judge me by my appearance, or does he look beneath the surface and really understand who I am? ' 12: 28 - 30. 5: 15, 16. She explains: "After we informed them by phone what had happened, they were at our house within 45 minutes. 5: 15, 16. (Shu. Of course, being confronted with new challenges is not unique to young people. It is a protection. " 141: 2) Kuyasijabulisa kwati kutsi Jehova Nkulunkulu ujabula kakhulu nasithantaza kuye ngekutitfoba. Despite his background, what has helped Leo to conduct himself as a lesser one? How grateful we are that Jehovah God is very pleased when we pray to him humbly! Emadvodza lamadzala elibandla kanye netinhloko temindeni bangamlingisa njani Jehova? Serving Jehovah Has Been My Delight How can elders and family heads imitate Jehovah? Ngiphindze ngaba nelilungelo lekusita labanye kutsi nabo bamati Jehova. I am very grateful to Jehovah for using his organization to help us survive each day in this wicked system. " I also have the privilege of helping others to come to know Jehovah. ▪ Ngaso sonkhe sikhatsi khumbula sifungo sekutinikela kwakho kanye netibusiso letinyenti letiba ngumphumela wekukhonta Jehova nekulandzela Khristu ngenhlitiyo yonkhe. - Hla. If we do so, we will show that we, like Paul, are motivated by Jesus ' love. ▪ Keep in mind your dedication vow and many blessings that result from serving Jehovah Christ with a complete heart. - Ps. Phrakthizani tingoma ekukhonteni kwemndeni (Buka sigaba 18) For example, the apostle Paul called Phoebe "a minister of the congregation that is in Cenchreae. " Continue to include songs of family worship (See paragraph 18) Kungani ungawathandazeli? " Loneliness is a very common condition, " says Professor of Psychobiology Alberto Oliverio, and "there is no doubt that life in large built - up areas facilitates isolation. Why not pray for God's Kingdom? Bekulilanga lelijabulisako ngesikhatsi kufika ema - pilgrim! 78: 40, 41. It was a thrilling day when the pilgrim overseer arrived! " Asinakaneni kuze sikhutsatane elutsandvweni nasemisebentini lemihle, singakuyekeli kuhlangana kwetfu ndzawonye. " All his life, Abel could see that the cherubs were faithful and obedient servants of Jehovah " Let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking our gathering together together. " Lalela Belusi BaJehova We saw in the preceding article how closely Christ observed the spiritual condition of individual congregations in the first century C.E. Obey Jehovah's Shepherds Esikhundleni saloko, kufanele sinake tidzingo telilanga ngalinye. John and Melvin Instead, we need to focus on the needs of each day. Ngako - ke, asithantazele umoya longcwele waNkulunkulu kute sikhombise kukholwa naletinye titselo temoya. - Luk. 11: 13; Gal. In December 1945, near Nag Hammadi, in Upper Egypt, peasants chanced upon 13 papyrus manuscripts containing 52 texts. Therefore, let us pray for God's holy spirit to display faith and other fruitage. - Luke 11: 13; Gal. LiBhayibheli ligcizelela kubaluleka kwelutsandvo. What questions might those who choose to drink alcoholic beverages ask themselves? The Bible emphasizes the importance of love. Ungehlulela ngendlela lengibukeka ngayo yini, nobe ubona ngale kwaloko futsi acondze kutsi ngingumuntfu lonjani? ' SOME time ago, an intriguing headline appeared in The Chosun Ilbo, a Korean newspaper. Do you judge the way I look, or do you see, and do you understand what I am? ' Uyachaza: "Ngemuva kwekutsi sesibashayele lucingo sabatjela ngaloko lobekusehlele, bafika ekhaya letfu kungakapheli imizuzu lengu - 45. If the householder agreed to listen, the publisher would play a short Bible talk and then offer some literature. She explains: "After we called for a phone call, we arrived in our home for 45 minutes. Kuliciniso kutsi akusibo bantfu labasha kuphela lababhekana netinkinga. A North American brother writes: "When my wife and I attended an assembly in 2006, we had been baptized for 30 years. Of course, not all young people are confronted with problems. Yini leyasita Leo kutsi atiphatse njengalomncane ngisho nobe abefundze kakhulu? 3: 23, 24. What helped him to behave as a lesser one even though he had learned so much? Kukhonta Jehova Bekusolo Kungijabulisa She was right. Serving Jehovah Has always Leaded Me Ngimbonga kakhulu Jehova ngekusebentisa inhlangano yakhe kute isisite sikhone kubhekana nalelive lelibi laSathane. " But we must also keep in mind the second part of this expression, namely, "and his righteousness. " I am so thankful to Jehovah by using his organization to help us cope with Satan's wicked world. " Nasenta njalo, sitawukhombisa kutsi sichutjwa lutsandvo lwaJesu, njengaPawula. The composer of Psalm 84 - one of the sons of Korah, who served at the temple for one week every six months - noticed those nests in the temple area. By doing so, we will show our love for Jesus Christ, as Paul did. Nasi sibonelo: Umphostoli Pawula wabita Foyibe ngekutsi " ngumdikhonikati welibandla laseKhenkhariya. ' " This Is the Way You Approved " For example, the apostle Paul referred to as "a congregation elder who looks at. " Alberto Oliverio, longuPhrofesa we - Psychobiology, utsi: "Situnge siyintfo levame kakhulu. Akungabateki kutsi imphilo yasemadolobheni lamakhulu ibangela kwehlukana. However, sincere individuals have stood up to such opposition. " We don't have to be too proud of the most common life, " observes Albertiton. " We're not too proud to put up with one of the most commonest aspects of the country. 78: 40, 41. Everything seemed to be designed for people almost twice my height. 78: 40, 41. Ekuphileni kwakhe konkhe Abela wabona kutsi emakherubhi bekatinceku taJehova letetsembekile naletilalelako In most cases, helping people to understand the truth requires scheduling regular conversations with them over a period of several months. Throughout his life, Abel saw that the cherubs were faithful servants of Jehovah and obeyed him Njengobe sifundzile esihlokweni lesendlulile, Khristu wasibona simo sakamoya semabandla elikhulu lekucala leminyaka C.E. Jesus ' death opens the way to a happy, endless life As we noted in the preceding article, Christ saw spiritual spiritual conditions in the first century C.E. John naMelvin Would you take decisive action by ceasing to associate with that person? Johnvin Nga - December 1945, dvutane ne - Nag Hammadi, lengenhla nelive laseGibhithe, balimi batfola imiculu ye - papyrus lengu - 13 lecuketse tincwadzi lengu - 52. * But there is good news. In December 1945, near the land of Egypt and the land of Egypt, they found scrolls on 13 books that contained only 52 books. Ngumiphi imibuto lokufanele labo labakhetsa kunatsa tjwala batibute yona? A solid foundation certainly was laid during those early visits to Swaziland in the 1930 ' s. - From our archives in South Africa. What questions should those who choose to drink alcohol wonder? ESIKHATSINI lesitsite lesendlulile, kwavela sihloko ephephandzabeni laseKorea, i - "The Chosun Ilbo. " It seems to be such a simple idea - numbered chapters and verses. SOME years ago, the article in Awake! Nangabe umnikati welikhaya avuma kulalela, ummemeteli abedlala inkhulumo lemfishane lesekelwe eBhayibhelini bese umshiyela incwadzi. Let us consider four ways. If the householder admitted, she would play a short Bible talk and leave a Bible study with the householder. Lomunye umzalwane waseNyakatfo yeMelika wabhala: "Ngalesikhatsi mine nemkami sisemhlanganweni lokhetsekile nga - 2006, kwase kuphele iminyaka lengu - 30 sibhajatisiwe. Since Jerusalem - "the city " - is symbolic of heavenly Jerusalem," the mountain of the olive trees, which is in front of Jerusalem, " must also be taken symbolically. " When my wife and I were attending a special convention in 2006, " wrote a brother in North America, "my wife and I were baptized for 30 years. 3: 23, 24. They usually go to the city to sell the beautiful products that they make. 3: 23, 24. Abecinisile! Yet, even in such a good environment, many allowed bad desires to take root and grow. He was right! Kufanele siphindze sicabangisise ngencenye yesibili yalomusho letsi "nekulunga kwakhe. " But Jehovah can help us to live in a way that pleases him. We also need to consider the second part of the expression "his righteousness. " Umbhali weTihlabelelo 84 lokungulenye yemadvodzana aKhora lebeyikhonta ethempelini kanye ngeliviki etinyangeni letisitfupha, yatibona letidleke kulelithempeli. In helping their children spiritually, why should immigrant parents evaluate the matter of language? The writer of Psalm 84 - year - old sons of Korah served at the temple and six months a week in the temple. " Kwaba Kuhle Kuwe Kutsi Kube Njalo " Why? " It Was good for You to Be Sureed " Noma kunjalo kunebantfu labacotfo labamelana nalokuphikiswa. After Jesus was sent to the earth and the one perfect ransom sacrifice was provided, Jehovah no longer accepted Israel's animal sacrifices. Yet, there are sincere individuals who oppose opposition. Yonkhe intfo beyibonakala shengatsi yentelwe bantfu labadze kunami. Some individuals were " not working at all but were meddling with what did not concern them. ' All of this seemed that it was designed to be a real person. Etikhatsini letinyenti, kusita bantfu kutsi bacondze emaciniso eliBhayibheli kudzinga kube neluhlelo lolungatsatsa tinyanga letinyenti. Peter continued to maintain a clean appearance. Often, it helps people to understand Bible truths that require a schedule that will take long for many months. Kufa kwaJesu kusivulela indlela leya ekuphileni lokujabulisako nalokungapheli But the local brothers felt otherwise. Jesus ' death opened the way for us to live a happy life Ungaba naso yini sibindzi sekutsatsa sinyatselo sekungatihlanganisi naye? Basically, by taking two steps. First, we should ask ourselves, " If I were in the other person's shoes, how would I want to be treated? ' Could you have the courage to take the initiative to join you? * Kodvwa kunalokujabulisako. COVER IMAGE: * But it is good to be happy. Kuyabonakala nekutsi kwabekwa sisekelo lesihle ngekuvakashela eSwatini ngabo - 1930. - Lokuvela emtatjeni wetfu eNingizimu Afrika. Is it hard for many men in your area to make a living? It is also clear that it was a good foundation for visiting Swaziland in 1930. - From our archives in South Africa. Kwabonakala ngatsi ngumbono lomuhle kakhulu lowo, kuba netinombolo tetehluko kanye netemavesi. Again and again, however, Jehovah proved to be "a God of acts of forgiveness, gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abundant in loving - kindness. " It seemed that he had a positive view of those chapters and verses. Asesicoce ngetindlela letine. What fears did Moses have? Let us consider four ways. Njengobe liJerusalema - "lelidolobha " - limelela liJerusalema lasezulwini, kusho kutsi " intsaba yemincumo, lengasemphumalanga yeJerusalema, ' nayo imane ingumfanekiso. Work hard to reach the goals you set for your family. As Jerusalem's "star " - the city of heavenly Jerusalem, it refers to" the mountain of the east of Jerusalem, " and there was a symbolic symbolic symbolic symbolic symbolic symbolic symbolic symbolic image. Bavamise kuya edolobheni bayotsengisa tintfo letinhle labatentako. Marcus: Thank you. They often go to town and sold their good things for the good they do. Noma kunjalo, letinyenti tavumela sifiso lesibi kutsi sikhule etinhlitiyweni tato. (b) How can discerning parents effectively assist their children? However, most of them allowed a strong desire to grow in their hearts. (Tihlabelelo 12: 8) Kodvwa Jehova angasisita kutsi siphile ngendlela lemjabulisako. Nevertheless, my father was a lean, healthy, strong man who loved hard work and taught all of us kids to value it as well. But Jehovah can help us to live in a way that pleases him. Kute basite bantfwana babo babe nebuhlobo lobuhle naNkulunkulu, kungani batali lababakhoseli kufanele bacabangisise ngendzaba yelulwimi? There were many things about the Mormon faith that I had accepted, but I wasn't really sure how the Scriptures compared with those ideas. To help their children spiritually, why should parents consider the matter of language? Kungani? But God promises to bring about just such a change. Why? Ngemuva kwekutfunyelwa kwaJesu emhlabeni nekukhokhwa kwemhlatjelo wenhlawulo lophelele, Jehova akazange asachubeka emukela imihlatjelo yetilwane yaka - Israyeli. In imitation of both Christ and the great "cloud of witnesses " who preceded him, true Christians proudly use God's name. After Jesus was sent to earth with the ransom sacrifice of the perfect ransom, Jehovah did not continue to accept animal sacrifices of spiritual Israel. Labanye " bebangasebenti kwasanhlobo kodvwa bebatigaca etindzabeni letingabatsintsi. ' How may your children benefit from learning your language? Some were "no tearing down, but they knew that it had been gone through many cases. " Peter wachubeka nekubukeka kahle. Read Isaiah 40: 29. Peter continued to look at the well. Kodvwa bazalwane bakuleyo ndzawo bebangacabangi njalo. Her son was on a class trip to Helsinki, the capital of Finland. But the local brothers did not think regularly. Kafishane nje, singawusebentisa ngekutsatsa nati tinyatselo letimbili: Kufanele sicale sitibute, " Kube mine bengisesimeni salomuntfu, bengingatsandza kuphatfwa njani? ' Consider, too, how he cares for us and teaches us the best way of life. For example, we might use two steps to start asking, " If I were in prison, how would I want to be treated? ' LIKHASI LEKUCALA: (c) How does joy affect our ministry? COVER IMAGE: Kulukhuni yini ngemadvodza lamanyenti asendzaweni yakini kutsi akhone kutiphilisa? Why should we listen to their counsel? ' Is it hard to have more men in your area to find themselves living? Nobe kunjalo, Jehova wachubeka atikhombisa " anguNkulunkulu lonesihawu nemusa; lowephuta kutfukutsela andze ngemusa. ' By his holy spirit, God transferred his Son's life from heaven to earth, causing conception in the womb of the virgin girl Mary. However, Jehovah continued to show him "a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving - kindness. " Bekesabani Mosi? We experienced peace, unity, and love. " Moses was afraid of Moses? Sebentani kamatima kute nifinyelele imigomo lenitibekele yona njengemndeni. If not alert, a Christian may not even notice the gradual change. - Matt. Work hard to reach your goal as a family. Sipho: Ngiyabonga mnaketfu. We may need to talk with him several times. Marcus: Thank you. (b) Batali labahlakaniphile bangabasita njani bantfwana babo ngalokuphumelelako? 8, 9. (b) How can parents help their children successfully? Babe bekayindvodza lengumcemane, anemandla, asebenta kamatima futsi wasifundzisa sonkhe kutsi sikutsandze kusebenta. " WHEN I wish to do what is right, what is bad is present with me. " Father was a single man who was very ill, worked hard, and taught us that he loved each day. Betitinyenti tintfo letiyincenye yetimfundziso tema - Mormon lengatemukela kodvwa bengingati kahle kutsi liBhayibheli liyahambisana yini nato. The world, however, will experience much more than surprise. There were many things that were part of Mormon teachings, but I did not know whether the Bible was in harmony with them. Kodvwa Nkulunkulu wetsembisa kuletsa lolushintjo. Instead of treating members of differing national groups with distrust, suspicion, or even outright hatred, they have learned to cherish the variety of characteristics and abilities of these groups as something beautiful. But God promises to bring about changes. (Chafata MAYELANA NATSI / IMIBUTO BANTFU LABAVAMISE KUYIBUTA / Tinkholelo) Michelle: With that in mind, let's read about another instance when God's people were suffering. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS / CHILDREN) Alingisa Khristu kanye " nesicumbi lesikhulu sabofakazi ' labalandzelwa nguye, emaKhristu eliciniso ayajabula ngekusebentisa libito laNkulunkulu. The accompanying inscription reads: "The tribute of Jehu (Ia - ú - a), son of Omri (Hu - um - ri); I received from him silver, gold, a golden saplu - bowl, a golden vase with pointed bottom, golden tumblers, golden buckets, tin, a staff for a king, (and) wooden puruhtu [the meaning of the latter word being unknown]. " They imitate Christ and the "cloud of witnesses " that followed him, true Christians are happy to use God's name. Bantfwana bakho bangasitakala njani nabafundza lulwimi lolukhulumako? When Jesus was on earth, he probably spoke Hebrew. How can your children benefit from reading the language of language? Fundza Isaya 40: 29. Perhaps the greatest proof of Jesus ' suitability as Ruler was his willingness to die for us. Read Isaiah 40: 29. Indvodzana yakhe yahamba nalabanye bafundzi baya enhlokodolobha yaseFinland iHelsinki. 1, 2. Her son traveled with other disciples to the capital of northern Island. Cabanga futsi nangendlela lasinakekela ngayo aphindze asifundzise nendlela lekahle yekuphila. ▪ Feeding Many Through the Hands of a Few Consider also how he cares and teaches us the best way to live. (c) Injabulo isisita njani emsebentini wekushumayela? 1 Avoid Being Presumptuous (c) How does joy help us in the preaching work? Kungani kufanele silalele teluleko tabo? ' Loyally Supporting Christ's Brothers Why should we heed their counsel? ' Ngemoya wakhe longcwele, Nkulunkulu watfumela kuphila kweNdvodzana yakhe emhlabeni, ngekwenta Mariya lobekayintfombi ntfo! kutsi akhulelwe. Let Jehovah Fortify and Safeguard Your Marriage By means of holy spirit, God sent his Son's life on earth by means of a virgin named Mary. Besiba nekuthula, bunye futsi sitsandzana. " New explanation: When Christ comes in the future, he will reward his faithful anointed slaves by raising them to heaven. We had peace, unity, and love. " Nangabe umKhristu anganaki, angeke alubone ngisho nelushintjo lolwenteka kuye kancane kancane. - Mat. You see, after my sister and her husband graduated from Gilead on July 30, 1950, they were assigned to Pakistan. If a Christian does not stumble, he will never see changes in his life gradually. - Matt. Kungase kudzingeke sikhulume naye emahlandla lamanyenti. (b) What does the miracle at Cana teach us about the future? We may need to speak with him several times. 8, 9. What happened that was so important? 8, 9. " NANGIFUNA kwenta lokulungile, lokubi kunami shaca. ' Would you like to taste that joy as well? " WHEN I do what is right, what is bad is bad. ' Umhlaba wona utawutfuka kakhulu kunemaKhristu. Despite their imperfect thinking, Jesus knew that his followers would soon become mature Christians and form a united congregation. The earth will be devastated by Christians. Esikhundleni sekutsi bangabetsembi bantfu baletinye tive, babasole nobe babenyanye, bafundze kujabulela kubona bantfu labehlukahlukene nalabanemakhono langafani. Good communication does not mean saying everything you are thinking and feeling at any given moment, especially if you are upset. Instead of relying on people of other nations, they had a hatred, hatred, or hatred, learning to see people from different backgrounds and abilities. Calisile: Sisenaloko etingcondvweni, asesifundze ngalokunye kukhatsateka bantfu baNkulunkulu labake babhekana nako. However, we can be sure that Satan will use his world to take advantage of our desires and try to cause us to sin. Michelle: In this regard, consider what some of God's people have experienced. Umbhalo lohambisana nayo ufundzeka ngalendlela: "Kuhlonishwa lengakuniketwa nguJehu (Ia - ú - a), umsa wa - Omri (Hu - um - ri) ngunaku; Wanginiketa isiliva, igolide, indishi yegolide i - saplu, sitja segolide lesicije ngaphansi, inkomishi lendze yegolide, emabhakede egolide, sikotela, intfonga yenkhosi, (kanye) ne - puruhtu lebatiwe [inchazelo yaleligama lelitsi puruhtu ayatiwa]. " How did the disciples react to Jesus ' cleansing of the temple, and why did Jesus act that way? The scripture that you have read is this way: "It is a highly respected Jehu to Jehu (the son of gold), the son of gold), and the gold of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold; and of gold; and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold; and of gold; and of gold; and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold; and of gold; and of gold; and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold; and of gold; and of gold; and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold; and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold, and of gold; Ngesikhatsi Jesu alamhlabeni, kungenteka abekhuluma siHebheru. What lesson do we learn from Jesus ' illustration of the two men who prayed at the temple? When Jesus was on earth, he may have referred to Hebrew. Lesinye sizatfu lesitendlula tonkhe sekutsi Jesu abe nguMbusi loncono, sifiso labenaso sekusifela. * After that, we will witness Armageddon, the climax of the great tribulation, which parallels Jerusalem's destruction in 70 C.E. One reason is that Jesus was the best Ruler, his desire to die for us. 1, 2. When people see in our actions the love of Christ, they will be drawn to the Father as well as to Jesus. 1, 2. ▪ Kondla Labanyenti Ngetandla Letimbalwa COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: CHILE ▪ feeding Many Through the Hands of a Few 1 Ungagabadzeli The words of Zechariah 8: 9, 13 (read) were spoken while the temple in Jerusalem was being rebuilt, and those words are very fitting for us. 1 Paragraph 32 Kusekela Bomnakabo Khristu Ngekwetsembeka Rejoice and leap for joy, since your reward is great in the heavens. " - Matt. Being zealous for Christ's Brothers Vumelani Jehova Kutsi Acinise Futsi Avikele Umshado Wenu How can we be courageous? Let Jehovah Help You and Safeguard Your Marriage Inchazelo lensha: Khristu nakefika esikhatsini lesitako, utawuniketa labagcotjiwe labetsembekile umvuzo wabo ngekutsi abavusele ezulwini. When Israel fell captive to the Philistines, "in time Jehovah's spirit started to impel " Samson to deliver Israel. A new explanation: Christ will give faithful anointed ones the reward by raising them to heaven. Bengijabulile kodvwa futsi bengingaciniseki, ngobe ngemuva kwekutsi dzadze wetfu nemyeni wakhe baphotfulile eGileyadi ngaJuly 30, 1950, batfunyelwa ePakistan. One evening in late August 1952, I received a phone call from Toronto. I was happy, but after our sister and her husband graduated from Gilead School, I was sent to Pakistan. (b) Simangaliso lesenteka eKhana sisifundzisani mayelana nelikusasa? The householder does not have to worry about giving a wrong answer. (b) What does that miracle teach us about the future? (Joweli 2: 28 - 32; Imisebenti 2: 16 - 21) Yini lena lebalulekile leyenteka? That thought consoles him. What happened? Uyafuna yini nawe kujabulela lomsebenti? What the Bible says Do you want to enjoy this assignment? Nanobe bebacabanga ngendlela lengakalungi, Jesu bekati kutsi ngekushesha balandzeli bakhe batawuba ngemaKhristu lavutsiwe futsi bakhe libandla lelinebunye. " I felt overwhelmed, " she recalls. Although they thought that he was wrong, Jesus knew that soon his followers would soon become mature Christians and serve a united congregation. Kukhulumisana kahle akusho kukhuluma konkhe lokufika engcondvweni, ikakhulukati nangabe utfukutsele. ImiBhalo ikubeka kukhanye bha! If we were to harbor resentment or hold a grudge, we would risk permanently damaging our relationship not only with our brother or sister but also with Jehovah. Good communication does not mean anything that comes to mind, especially when the Scriptures deceive you. Nanobe kunjalo, siyati kutsi Sathane angalisebentisa kute asitakale ngetifiso tetfu futsi etame kusenta sone. In addition, offering ourselves willingly - in the area where we live or in a foreign country - prepares us for the theocratic activities that are awaiting us in the new world. However, we know that Satan can use us to help us overcome our desires and to try to influence us. Yini bafundzi labayikhumbula ngalesikhatsi Jesu ahlanta lithempeli, futsi kungani Jesu enta njalo? Why? What do the disciples remember when Jesus cleansed the temple, and why did Jesus do so? Sifundzani emfanekisweni waJesu wemadvodza lamabili lathandaza ethempelini? In this regard, Professor Richard E. What do we learn from Jesus ' illustration of two men who prayed at the temple? * Ngemuva kwaloko, kutawufika i - Amagedoni, siphelo sekuhlupheka lokukhulu, lokufanana nekubhujiswa kweliJerusalema nga - 70 C.E. I know you, I know your sins, I know your heart - and I love you. ' * Then, at Armageddon, the great tribulation will occur, like Jerusalem's destruction in 70 C.E. Bantfu nababona kutsi indlela lesitiphatsa ngayo iveta lutsandvo lwaKhristu, batawusondzela kuBabe kanye nakuJesu. But the facts show otherwise. When people see that our conduct reveals Christ's love, they will draw closer to the Father and Jesus. LIVE LATALELWA KULO: CHILE Let us get acquainted with some of them. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: CTRY Emavi lasencwadzini ya - Zakhariya 8: 9, 13 (fundza) akhulunywa ngesikhatsi lithempeli lakhiwa kabusha, futsi aselusito nakitsi. Over the years, association with faithful brothers has greatly enriched our lives. The words recorded at Zechariah 8: 9, 13 are written during the temple, and let us benefit ourselves. Jabulani nitfokote, ngobe umvuzo wenu mkhulu ezulwini. " - Mat. Could you invite younger servants of God to your home for some upbuilding association? Rejoice and be overjoyed, for your reward is great in heaven. " - Matt. Kwaphela iminyaka leminyenti aboshiwe, ahlala endlini futsi angakhoni kuchubeka nemsebenti wekuba sitfunywa selivangeli. (Read Deuteronomy 6: 6, 7.) For many years, he stayed in a house and could not continue serving as a missionary. Singaba naso njani sibindzi? What does it mean to use the spirit of a sound mind, and how can we do so? How can we acquire courage? Ngesikhatsi ema - Israyeli atfunjwe ngemaFilisti, " umoya waSimakadze wacala kunyakatisa ' Samsoni kute awakhulule. (Khu. But not all nations could replicate the American Dream because North American wealth did not result merely from its political system. When the Israelites were in captivity to the Philistines, "Jehovah's spirit began to overtake Samson " to deliver them. Ngalobunye busuku nga - August 1952, ngatfola lucingo loluvela eToronto. Modern - day servants of God, whether young or old, can learn from Bible examples. One night in August 1952, I received a phone call from Florida. Umnikati welikhaya akudzingeki akhatsateke ngekutsi utawuphendvula kabi. Recently, an elder asked him why he waited so long before applying for reinstatement. The householder does not need to be anxious about the pain he will answer. Lawo mavi avele amdvudvute. What example did Jesus set in showing mildness and patience? Those words are comforting. Lokushiwo liBhayibheli Pedro spent 18 months in prison, where he continued his subversive activity. What the Bible says Naku lakushoko: "Ngamangala kakhulu. " (b) What traps of Satan will be discussed in this article? She says: "I was surprised. " Kubamba emagcubu kanye nekufukamela inzondo akugcini nje ngekubeka buhlobo betfu nebazalwane engotini, kodvwa kuphindze kubeke nebuhlobo betfu naJehova engotini. Think of how he must have felt when his sons Nadab and Abihu offered illegitimate fire to Jehovah and He struck them dead. A grudge and hatred are not only a danger but also a personal relationship with Jehovah. Ngetulu kwaloko kutinikela kwetfu ngekutitsandzela eveni lakitsi noma kulelinye live kusilungiselela imisebenti lesitayenta nasesiseveni lelisha. Or has our heart been poisoned by the unloving spirit so prevalent during these last days? - 2 Tim. Moreover, our dedication willingly in our territory or in a foreign country will prepare us for the responsibilities we do in the new world. Kungani enta njalo? He urged the congregation in Corinth: "Keep testing whether you are in the faith. " Why? Mayelana naloku, Richard E. If you want to draw close to Jehovah, it is very important that you and Jehovah communicate regularly. In this regard, Richard E. Ngiyakwati wena, ngiyatati netono takho, ngiyayati nenhlitiyo yakho - kepha ngiyakutsandza. ' We may never go so far as to vocalize a complaint against Jehovah. I know you, and I know your error, and I know your heart - but I love you. " Loko akusilo liciniso. What kind of love did Jesus teach his followers to practice? That is not true. Ase sicoce ngalabanye babo. Thompson " was the lady of the house. Let us consider some of them. Kuyo yonkhe leminyaka sikhonta kulelive, budlelwane lobuhle lesibe nabo nebazalwane labetsembekile busikhutsate kakhulu. How did there come to be so many enemies of human happiness, the greatest enemy being death? Throughout the years of this system of things, our peaceful relationship with faithful brothers has proved to be a source of encouragement to us. Ungatimema yini tikhonti taNkulunkulu letisetinsha ekhaya lakho kute uticocele? The eggs and washed sperm are combined in the laboratory. Could you invite God's servants to your home to share them? (Fundza Dutheronomi 6: 6, 7.) Or some time after the wedding, a spouse may become an inactive publisher. (Read Deuteronomy 6: 6, 7.) Kusho kutsini kuba nengcondvo lebhadlile, futsi singakwenta kanjani? But what did Jacob think of their conduct? What does it mean to be sound mind, and how can we do so? Kodvwa akusiwo onkhe emave layisebentisa lendlela, ngobe emave laseNyakatfo yeMelika akanjingiswanga yindlela yawo yekubusa. Bible Questions Answered 16 But not all of them used this method, for in North America, they cannot be rich in their way of ruling. Tikhonti taNkulunkulu talamuhla letisetinsha nalesetikhulile tingafundza lokutsite kuletibonelo letiseBhayibhelini. Neither be called leaders, for your Leader is one, the Christ. modern - day worshippers of God and older ones can learn something from these Bible examples. Muva nje, lomunye lomdzala welibandla umbutile kutsi kungani atsetse sikhatsi lesidze ngaphambi kwekutsi acele kubuyiselwa. 7, 8. (a) What is involved in avoiding false teachers? In recent years, an elder hasty why he has been willing to ask for a long time before he asks it to be reinstated. Ngusiphi sibonelo Jesu lasibekela sona sekuba nemoya lophansi kanye nekubeketela? When I was eight years old, my parents sold their home and shops, built a small mobile home, and moved to Colorado to serve where the need was greater. What example did Jesus set in showing mildness and patience? Pedro wabhadla ejele tinyanga letingu - 18, lapho achubeka khona nebuphekula. He was born in a nation that was dedicated to God. Pedro spent 18 months in prison, where he remained neutral. (b) Ngutiphi titsiyo taSathane lokutawucocwa ngato kulesihloko? Similarly, not all faithful ones are chosen by God for the unique privilege of ruling with Christ in heaven. (b) What traps will we consider in this article? Asewucabange kutsi wativa njani ngesikhatsi emadvodzana akhe boNadabi kanye na - Abihu benta umnikelo wekushiswa lobewungasingcwele kuJehova futsi babulawa. In his first letter to the Christians there, the apostle listed the consequences if the resurrection were not a reality. Imagine how she must have felt when her sons were taken as a burnt offering as a burnt offering to Jehovah and were killed. Kungenteka yini kutsi inhlitiyo yetfu seyingenwa ngumoya wekuba bete lutsandvo lokhona kulamanga ekugcina? - 2 Thim. Are you reflecting Jehovah's glory by your godly conduct and by your activity as a regular Kingdom proclaimer? Could our heart be influenced by the spirit of the last days? - 2 Tim. Wakhutsata libandla laseKhorinte watsi: "Chubekani nitihlola kutsi nisekukholweni yini. " However, Bible experts carefully studied thousands of manuscripts, parts of manuscripts, and old translations of the Bible. He encouraged the congregation in Corinth: "Keep testing whether you are in the faith. " Nawufuna kusondzelana naJehova, kubaluleke kakhulu kutsi nihlale nikhulumisana. 27: 30 - 38. To draw closer to Jehovah, it is very important to have regular communication. Kungenteka singakhoni kubonana naJehova sikhulume naye umlomo nemlomo ngetikhalo tetfu. So we can be sure that he will do away with suffering and injustice and make our planet a perfectly happy home for mankind. - Read Psalm 37: 11, 29; Isaiah 55: 11. We may not be able to see the voice of Jehovah with his mouth. Jesu wafundzisa balandzeli bakhe kutsi babe naluphi luhlobo lwelutsandvo? The examples of Hezekiah, Hannah, and Jonah also teach us a vital lesson about what we should not fail to remember as we pray while under duress. What kind of love did Jesus teach his followers to have? Thompson. ." the mustard grain? Thompson. Yini leseyibangela kutsi kube netitsa letinyenti letiphatamisa kujabula kwebantfu, njengobe sitsa lesikhulu kunato tonkhe kukufa? What Scriptural responsibility do family heads have? Why has so many enemies affected mankind's joy, as the greatest enemy of all death? Lamacandza ahlanganiswa nesidvodza esibhedlela. Why, planets in our solar system travel in orbits around the sun as though they were humbly obeying traffic laws! Philip's eggs played in the hospital. Ngemuva kwemshado, lomunye wabo angaba ngummemeteli lopholile. And the unity among Jehovah's servants from all nations can only be possible with Jehovah's help. After a wedding, one of them could become a Kingdom publisher. Jakobe watsini ngalesento sawo? To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. How did Jacob respond? Imibuto YeliBhayibheli Iyaphendvulwa 16 Then, because Moses erred on that one occasion, he would not get to experience what he had been expecting for so long! Bible Questions Answered 16 Ningabitwa ngekutsi nibaholi ngobe uMholi wenu munye, nguKhristu. What is the good news? Do not be called leaders because your Leader is one, Christ. 7, 8. (a) Yini lokufanele siyente kute sitehlukanise nebafundzisi bemanga? For instance, Eunice, a Jewish woman married to an unbelieving Greek man, * along with her mother, Lois, surely listened to Paul and Barnabas with great eagerness and joy. 7, 8. (a) What must we do to avoid false teachers? Nangineminyaka lesiphohlongo, batali bami batsengisa likhaya kanye nalelibhizinisi labo, base bakha mahamba nendlwana lomncane futsi batfutsela eColorado lapho bekunesidzingo lesikhulu khona sebamemeteli. He said: "The work is increasing rapidly, and it will continue to increase, for there is a world - wide work to be done in preaching the " gospel of the kingdom. ' " When I was eight years old, my parents sold their home and business, building a small house, and moved to Madagascar where there was a greater need for publishers. Yatalelwa esiveni saNkulunkulu lebesikhetsekile. 2: 14; 1 John 3: 8. God's birth was a special nation. Ngendlela lefananako, akusibo bonkhe bantfu labetsembekile Nkulunkulu labakhetsile kute babuse naKhristu ezulwini. Is that not an astonishing example of humility on God's part? Likewise, not all faithful humans are chosen by God to rule with Christ in heaven. Encwadzini yekucala layibhalela lamaKhristu, umphostoli Pawula wabala imiphumela lebeyingaba khona kube kuvuswa kwalabafile bekuyintfo lengekho. When I left school, I chose part - time work teaching English so that I could pioneer. In his first letter to the Christians, the apostle Paul gave the consequences that there would be no resurrection. Uyayiveta yini inkhatimulo yaJehova ngekutiphatsa kwakho nangemsebenti lowentako njengemmemeteli weMbuso? Even after they had spent some time together as husband and wife, there is no indication that their affection for each other had waned. Are you reflecting Jehovah's glory and conduct as a Kingdom publisher? Nobe kunjalo, tati teliBhayibheli tafundza tinkhulungwane temibhalo yesandla yasendvulo, tincenye tayo kanye nalamanye emahumusho akadzeni eliBhayibheli. Because present - day elders cooperate with the faithful and discreet slave class, all in the congregation are encouraged and assisted to remain united. However, Bible scholars studied thousands of ancient manuscripts, portions of his translation, and other Bible translations. 27: 30 - 38. They wanted to keep me away from a boy who liked me. 27: 30 - 38. Ngako singaciniseka kutsi uyophindze ente iplanethi yetfu ibe likhaya lelijabulisako. - Fundza Tihlabelelo 37: 11, 29; Isaya 55: 11. [ Picture on page 5] So we can be sure that he will also create our beautiful planet. - Read Psalm 37: 11, 29; Isaiah 55: 11. Sibonelo saHezekiya, Hana kanye naJona sisifundzisa lesinye sifundvo lesibalulekile sentfo lokungakafaneli siyikhohlwe nasithandaza ngesikhatsi sisesimeni lesicindzetelako. 1974 Zechariah's example, Hannah, and Jonah teach us another important lesson that we should not forget when we pray in a predicament. wenhlanyelo yesinaphi? To reach that goal, we should find a balance between keeping in mind the needs of others when studying and reflecting on our own spiritual needs. The mustard grain? Ngumuphi umtfwalo tinhloko temindeni letiwunikwe nguNkulunkulu? No gift has cost him more. What responsibility do family heads have from God? Phela emaplanethi atungeleta lilanga kube shengatsi alandzela imitsetfo yemgwaco! It was in one such country, the United States, that Charles Taze Russell and a few associates began their systematic study of the Bible in the late 1800 ' s. After all, the planets around the sun seem as if you followed the rules on the road! Bunye etincekwini taJehova letisemhlabeni wonkhe bukhombisa kutsi Jehova uyasisekela. The domestics depend on all the spiritual provisions dispensed by the composite slave. The unity of Jehovah's servants worldwide show that Jehovah supports us. Nawufuna kunikela, sicela ungene ku - www.jw.org So we cannot expect that our brothers will always say and do the right thing. To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. Kodvwa ngesizatfu sekutsi Mosi bekangazange alalele ngalelolanga kuphela, bekangeke asakujabulela loko labekulindzele sikhatsi lesidze. Let us see how meditation and prayer help us to do just that. But because Moses could not listen only that day, he would not appreciate what he expected. Tiyini tindzaba letinhle? If we sit down to talk, she gets irritable or even gives me the silent treatment. What is the good news? Nasi sibonelo: Yunisi, umfati longumJuda lebekashade nendvodza lengumGriki, naLowisi babalalelisisa boPawula naBhanabasi nabashumayela. Nothing that this old system of things offers can compare with the wonderful privilege of working with faithful men and women in behalf of God's people around the world. For example, Eunice, a Greek woman named Eunice, who was married to a Greek man who was married to Paul and Barnabas in the ministry. Watsi: "Lomsebenti ukhula ngekushesha futsi utawuchubeka ukhula ngobe " lelivangeli lembuso ' kufanele lishunyayelwe emhlabeni wonkhe. " What can we learn from Jesus ' example when we receive a change of assignment? He said: "The whole work is passing away and will grow up because the "good news of the kingdom " must be preached in all the inhabited earth. " 2: 14; 1 Joh. 3: 8. After Jesus came as the Messiah, Jehovah gave new instructions and revealed more details about his purpose. 2: 14; 1 John 3: 8. Leso akusiso yini sibonelo lesihle kakhulu sekutfobeka kwaNkulunkulu? That passage tells of a young man who walked in an area where an immoral woman was known to live. Is that not a fine example of humility? Ngatsi nangicedza sikolwa, ngakhetsa kwenta litoho lekufundzisa siNgisi kute ngikhone kuba lihlahlandlela. Centuries later, King Jehoshaphat * of Judah commanded the judges: "Pay attention to what you are doing, for you do not judge for man but for Jehovah, and he is with you when you pass judgment. When I finished school, I decided to stop teaching English to become a pioneer. (Gen. 24: 67) Ngisho nangemuva kwekucitsa sikhatsi lesinyenti bandzawonye njengendvodza nemfati, kute lokukhombisa kutsi lutsandvo lwabo lwancipha. This issue concerns Christians, for the Bible clearly teaches that they should maintain a clean conscience in all matters. Even after spending more time together as husband and wife, they show that their love is stronger. Ngesizatfu sekutsi labadzala balamuhla babambisana nesigaba sesisebenti lesetsembekile nalesihlakaniphile, bonkhe ebandleni bayakhutsatwa futsi bayasitwa kute babenebunye. (b) What should be our resolve regarding wickedness? Because modern - day elders cooperate with the faithful and discreet slave class, all in the congregation are encouraged and helped to be united. Bebafuna kutsi ngihambe endzaweni ngobe bekunemfana lobekangitsandza. Surely not! They wanted me to go there because there was a boy who loved me. [ Sitfombe ekhasini 5] Jesus ' well - known words, recorded at John 3: 16, tell us: "God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " [ Picture on page 5] 1974 Miguel * had to adjust his thinking about material things. 1974 Kute sente njalo, kufanele kutsi nasitadisha sicabange ngetidzingo talabanye kanye netetfu. * Says a husband in the same land who eventually became a Witness: "Brothers and sisters would visit us, or we were invited to their homes, and I found that they had a caring attitude. To do so, we should be careful not to think about the needs of others and ours. Kute lesinye sipho latidzela kuso kwendlula sipho senhlawulo. Let us be determined to "hate what is bad, " fully confident that Jehovah" is guarding... his loyal ones; out of the hand of the wicked ones he delivers them. " - Ps. No gift of self - sacrifice is more than the gift of the ransom. Ngasekupheleni kweminyaka yabo - 1800, Charles Taze Russell akanye nalabanye bangani bakhe eMelika, bacala luhlelo lwekutadisha liBhayibheli. After the death of their father, Jacob, Joseph's brothers thought that Joseph might take vengeance on them. In the late 1800 ' s, Charles Taze Russell and others began studying the Bible. Bendlu betsembele kulamalungiselelo lakhishwa ngulelicembu lesisebenti. Adopt Jesus ' View of Those Who Love Lawlessness They trusted the building of the slave. Ngako ngeke silindzele kutsi bazalwane betfu batawuhlala bakhuluma futsi benta tintfo letikahle ngaso sonkhe sikhatsi. What these men went through, their successes and failures, as well as their strengths and weaknesses, is truly worthy of our consideration. - Rom. So we cannot expect that our brothers will always speak and do good things at all times. Nangabe sifuna kubonisa umusa lomkhulu kuloko lesikukhulumako, kufanele sibe nemusa lomkhulu etinhlitiyweni tetfu. And that is true of tribulation related to married life or to family life. If we want to show loving - kindness in our heart, we should be kind and kind to our heart. Nangabe sihlala phansi kute sikhulume, uyatfukutsela nobe avele angafuni kungikhulumisa. All who are authorized to give Scriptural discipline are wise when they imitate Christ's example. If we keep on speaking, anger, or anger tend to share it with me. Kute intfo lekulesimiso lengacatsaniswa nelilungelo lelihle lekusebenta nemadvodza kanye nebafati labetsembekile. She Belonged to Family of Caiaphas, 2 / 15 There is nothing that can be compared to working along with faithful men and women. Singafundzani esibonelweni saJesu nangabe sitfola sabelo lesisha? My answer was, " None, for he is so difficult to live with. ' What can we learn from Jesus ' example when we receive a new assignment? Ngemuva kwekutsi Jesu sekafikile njengaMesiya, Jehova waniketa ticondziso letinyenti futsi wembula imininingwane leminyenti mayelana nenjongo yakhe. READ MORE ONLINE | www.jw.org After Jesus was the Messiah, Jehovah gave many instructions on his purpose. Lokulandzisa kusitjela ngelijaha lelahamba esitaladini lebelati kahle kutsi umfati loyingwadla uhlala kuso. Keep adjusting your schedule as needed. The account tells us about a young man who was walking on the street well knew that a woman who lived there. Emakhulwini eminyaka ngemuva kwaloko, iNkhosi Jehoshafati * yakaJuda yayala behluleli yatsi: "Lenikwentako nibokucabangisisa, ngobe lomsebenti wekwehlulela leniwentako aniwenteli umuntfu kodvwa nentela Simakadze, lonani ngaso sonkhe sikhatsi nanikhipha sigwebo. As we meditate on Jesus ' humility and tenderness, we will be motivated to imitate him. Centuries later, King Jehoshaphat * instructed judges: "When you think that you are doing this work, do not think of yourself, for you are judging the work that Jehovah has done for you, but you do for the time. Lendzaba iyawatsintsa emaKhristu, ngobe liBhayibheli liwafundzisa ngalokucacile kutsi kufanele ahlale ananembeza lomsulwa kuto tonkhe tintfo. There I was able to work with T. The account touches Christians, for the Bible clearly teaches that they must maintain a good conscience for all things. (b) Kufanele sibubheke kanjani bubi? The Christians followed their example, and today we do the same in our congregations. (b) How should we view wickedness? Cha! Christian marriage partners should treat each other with tenderness. No! Emavi aJesu latiwa kakhulu lasencwadzini yaJohane 3: 16, atsi: "Nkulunkulu walitsandza kakhulu live kangangekutsi waze wanikela ngeNdvodzana yakhe lekuphela kwayo, kuze wonkhe umuntfu lokholwa ngiyo angabhubhi, kodvwa atfole kuphila lokuphakadze. " It is impossible to count the many ways Jehovah shows his love for us. Jesus ' words recorded at John 3: 16, which says: "God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " Miguel * bekudzingeka alungise kucabanga kwakhe endzabeni yemcebo. More often than not, the preacher would describe the dire consequences of sin and urge his listeners to repent. * Miguel needed to correct his father's thinking on the matter. * Lenye indvodza lehlala eveni lelifananako, futsi leyagcine seyinguFakazi, itsi: "Bazalwane kanye nabodzadze bebasivakashela, ngaletinye tikhatsi bebasimema emakhaya abo, futsi bengibona kutsi banemoya lomuhle wekunakekela tivakashi. How? " * A husband who lives in a similar land once again said: "The brothers and sisters visited us at times invited us in their homes, and I felt that they were hospitable. Ngako - ke, asitimisele " kutondza konkhe lokubi, ' futsi siciniseke kutsi Jehova "uyabelusa labametsembako, abephule etandleni talababi. " - Hla. How does the foretold "enmity " play out? Therefore, let us be determined to "love what is bad, " and we can be confident that Jehovah will" forgive him, " and he rescues us from the wicked. " - Ps. Ngemuva kwekushona kwababe wabo Jakobe, bomnakabo Josefa bacabanga kutsi kungenteka Josefa atiphindziselele kubo. Because we love Jehovah, we are loyal to him, and we obey him. After his father Jacob died, Joseph's brothers thought that Joseph was probably rejecting Joseph. Bani Nembono WaJesu Ngalabo Labatsandza Lokubi On the other hand, Luke's account says: "Joseph, son of Heli. " Imitate Jesus ' Example of Those Who Love Him Kutasizuzisa kucabangisisa ngetintfo letehlela labofakazi, kuphumelela kwabo, emaphutsa, emandla kanye nebutsakatsaka babo. - Rom. Astrological calculations today are made according to the ancient belief that the planets revolve around the earth. It will be beneficial to meditate on things you have done, success, abilities, and weaknesses. - Rom. Kuyafana nangetinkinga bantfu labashadile noma imindeni lababhekana nato ekuphileni. He does not have mere surface knowledge of the congregation. The same is true of married couples or families who face life's challenges. Labo labanelilungelo lekuniketa labanye siyalo lesiseBhayibhelini bakhombisa kutsi bahlakaniphile nabalingisa sibonelo saJesu. 8 / 1 Those four who have the privilege of providing Scriptural counsel show that they are wise when they imitate Jesus ' example. Abewasemndenini WaKhayafase, 2 / 15 What would happen if you veered off the road to pursue a mirage? Jehovah's Family Worship, 2 / 15 Ngaphendvula ngatsi: " Kute lengitivetako, phela kumatima kuhlala nalomuntfu. ' Know Jehovah as a Person I replied, " No one can prove to be so difficult to stay with the person. ' FUNDZA LOKUNYENTI | ku - www.jw.org / ss * Later, Witnesses took no part in the warlike ethnic cleansing in Rwanda in 1994. READ MORE FROM www.jw.org LIKHASI 12 (b) What other lines of reasoning on this subject have you found to be effective? PAGE 12 Lushintjashintje luhlelo lwakho uluvumelanise nesimo sakho. (Read Proverbs 25: 21, 22.) It changes your schedule. Njengobe sizindla ngekutfobeka nemusa waJesu, sitawukhutsateka kutsi simlingise. This provision reveals much about Jehovah. As we meditate on Jesus ' humility and tenderness, we will be moved to imitate him. Lapho bengisebenta na - T. True, as creatures with free will, they could choose independence from God. I worked with Those Service School. EmaKhristu asilandzela sibonelo sawo, futsi lamuhla senta lokufanako emabandleni lesikuwo. Why do we take such a firm stand? Christians follow their example, and we do the same in our congregations. 1: 2; 2: 6) EmaKhristu lashadene kufanele aphatsane ngelutsandvo lolunemusa. God's word of truth is likened to water that cleanses. Christian couples should treat one another with kindness. Ngeke sikhone kubala tonkhe tindlela Jehova lasikhombise ngato kutsi uyasitsandza. Above the stars of God I shall lift up my throne, and I shall sit down upon the mountain of meeting, in the remotest parts of the north. We cannot count all the ways Jehovah shows his love for us. Esikhatsini lesinyenti, umfundisi ukhuluma ngemiphumela yesono futsi akhutsate labamlalele kutsi baphendvuke. Yet, it is possible that after dealing for decades with the rebellious Israelites, he had become tired and frustrated. Often, the minister speaks of the consequences of sin and encourages those who listen to him to repentance. Njani? " Rather than needlessly speculating on the answers to those questions, we will just have to wait and see. How? " Baba khona njani "butsa " emkhatsini wabo? Regarding earth's inhabitants, the Bible says: "The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it. " - Psalm 37: 29. How did the Father " gathering together " between them? (Num. 16: 1 - 3) Lendlela labakhuluma ngayo beyiveta kutetsemba kakhulu kanye nekutigabatisa. He has been slow to anger and has been just in dealing with Satan's revolt. This approach reflected a lot of self - control and pride. Kungobe siyamtsandza Jehova, setsembekile kuye futsi siyamlalela. Not at all. Because we love Jehovah, we are loyal to him and obey him. Kantsi incwadzi yaLukha itsi: " Josefa abeyindvodzana yaHeli. ' They Stood Firm in an "Hour of Test " (World War I), 5 / 15 But Luke's account states: " Joseph is the son of Heli. " Kubuka kuma kwetinkhanyeti lamuhla kwentiwe ngendlela yakadzeni yekukholelwa kutsi emaplanethi ahamba atungelete umhlaba. (Read 1 Timothy 5: 17.) It is commonly made up of modern - day scholars that they believe that the planets walk around the earth. Jesu ute lwati lolukha etulu ngelibandla. He will never leave the ones whom he has drawn if they remain faithful. Jesus fully gained knowledge from the congregation. 9 / 1 (a) What are we asking God to do when we pray: "Let your Kingdom come "? 9 / 1 Yini lebeyingenteka kube bewungaphambuka kute ulandzele lentfo loyibonako? Sheeplike people of all ages, especially those who were downtrodden and oppressed, found great comfort in Jesus ' delightful personality and uplifting message. What could happen if you were not following the path that you saw? Yati Jehova Njengobe Wati Umuntfu Of course, some of Jehovah's servants, such as the disciple Stephen and others like him, have died because they were faithful. Know Jehovah Knows His People * BoFakazi abazange batsatse luhlangotsi emphini yekubulala tive letitsite eRwanda nga - 1994. That account provides a serious warning for elders and others in the congregation today. * Jehovah's Witnesses did not take sides in the war of certain nations in 1994. (b) Ngutiphi letinye tindlela tekubonisana nemuntfu ngalendzaba lotitfole tiphumelela? Mandy directed me to Daniel chapter 2, and what I read there stunned me. (b) What are some ways to reason on the matter that you find success? (Fundza Taga 25: 21, 22.) She said: "Look! Jehovah's slave girl! (Read Proverbs 25: 21, 22.) Lomhlatjelo waJesu usembulela lokunyenti ngaJehova. Janice has made her place of employment a preaching territory. Jesus ' sacrifice reveals much about Jehovah. (Jer. 10: 23) Liciniso, njengoba bebatidalwa lebetinelilungelo lekutikhetsela, bebangakhetsa kungabuswa nguNkulunkulu. Aside from those who will receive a reward in heaven, the prospect of everlasting life on a paradise earth is indeed reason to "rejoice and be overjoyed. " Of course, as humans had the right to choose for themselves, they would have chosen by God. Umuntfu nemuntfu kitsi, angabonisa njani kutsi uhamba embili ekuboniseni labanye ludvumo? As the Jews traveled along, they no doubt spent many hours thinking about their new home. How can each person show that he is taking the lead in showing honor to others? Kungani kufanele sitimisele kwenta njalo? Near the time of Jesus ' death, his apostles became distraught. Why should we be determined to do so? Livi laNkulunkulu leliciniso lifananiswa nemanti lanemandla ekuhlanta lokutsite. They embittered his spirit, and he spoke rashly with his lips. " The truth of God's word can be likened to the strong air. Ngiyawuhlala esihlalweni sebukhosi etikwentsaba yenhlanganiso yabonkulunkulu, esicongweni sentsaba lengcwele. On the other hand, the man who pushes his boat away from the bank distances it from the shore by his own actions. I will sit on the throne of a mountain on the mountain of gods, on the top of the holy mountain. (Eks. 7: 6) Kodvwa kungenteka besekadziniwe futsi besekacasukile ngoba besekuphele sikhatsi lesidze ema - Israyeli avukela. What a delight to visit brothers in over 90 countries! But it may have been distressing and difficult, for they had long passed on to the Israelites ' rebellion. Esikhundleni sekutsi sicombelele timphendvulo taleyo mibuto, sitawubona ngekuhamba kwesikhatsi kutsi kutawentekani. Jehovah wants the wicked to be warned about what will happen if they do not change. - Ezekiel 3: 19. Instead of weighing the answers to these questions, we will later see what will happen. (Tihlabelelo 104: 5) Mayelana nebantfu, liBhayibheli litsi: "Labalungile bayawudla lifa lemhlaba, bahlale kulo kuze kube phakadze. " - Tihlabelelo 37: 29. We should bear in mind that loss of faith is the end result of what we might do over the course of time. Regarding people, the Bible says: "The righteous will possess the earth, and they will live forever on it. " - Psalm 37: 29. Uyephuta kutfukutsela futsi wakusingatsa kahle kuvukela kwaSathane. Imagine that you were standing in Nathan's place as he told David this story: "There were two men that happened to be in one city, the one rich and the other of little means. He is not quick to be angry and to deal with Satan's rebellion. (Taga 20: 1; 1 Thim. The March 15, 1924, Watch Tower stated that "one of the chief commissions " of true Christians" is to give a witness to the kingdom. 1: 1; 1 Tim. Bema Bacinile "Ngesikhatsi Sekulingwa " (NgeMphi Yelive Yekucala), 5 / 15 Jehovah will abundantly bless us only if we do his work wholeheartedly and with zeal. " Until the World War I, " 5 / 15 (Fundza 1 Thimothi 5: 17.) Joshua could confidently tell the Israelites: "Not one word out of all the good promises that Jehovah your God has spoken to you has failed. " (Read 1 Timothy 5: 17.) Angeke abashiye labo labadvonsile nangabe bahlala betsembekile. As a spiritual man, Moses had faith in "the One who is invisible, " Jehovah, and in the fulfillment of God's promises. - Heb. He will not abandon those who belong to him if they remain faithful. (a) Nasithantaza sitsi: "UMbuso wakho awute, " sisuke sicela Nkulunkulu kutsi enteni? We will also learn how to remain focused on Jehovah. (a) When we pray: "Let your Kingdom come, " what do we ask God to do? Bantfu labanjengetimvu, labancane nalabadzala, ikakhulukati labo labacindzetelekile, batfola indvudvuto lenkhulu ebuntfwini baJesu kanye nasemlayetweni wakhe locabulako. Maaseiah, "the son of the king, " was killed. The sheep, young and old, especially those who are depressed, find great comfort in the prayers of Jesus and his traveling companions. Kuliciniso kutsi letinye tinceku taJehova letifaka ekhatsi umfundzi Stefano nalabanye, bafa ngenca yekwetsembeka kwabo. Who is the enemy, and who are the weeds? Of course, some servants of Jehovah, including Stephen, died for their faithful course. Nalamuhla, lokulandzisa kuniketa labadzala kanye nalabanye ebandleni secwayiso lesibalulekile. JONATHAN, a Korean - American, was a victim of racial prejudice as a child. Today, this account gives elders and others in the congregation an important warning. Mandy watsi angifundze Danyela sehluko 2, futsi loko lengakufundza kwangimangalisa kakhulu. 14, 15. Ruth said that Daniel read chapter 2, and what I learned was really amazed. Watsi: "Mine ngiyincekukati yaJehova! Further, no one has a solution to all illness. He said: "Look! Janice watsatsa indzawo lasebentela kuyo njengensimi yakhe. • What does it mean to be baptized in the name of the Son? Jan viewed his place as a garden. Ngaphandle kwelitsemba labanalo labo labatawutfola umvuzo wekuya ezulwini, litsemba lesinalo lekuphila phakadze emhlabeni lolipharadisi lisizatfu lesicinile sekutsi " sijabule futsi sitfokote. ' (Hla. 37: 11; Luk. How did one sister learn that good deeds do not escape Jehovah's notice? Besides their hope for the reward of everlasting life in heaven, our hope of eternal life on a paradise earth is to be truly sure that "we rejoice and rejoice. " Njengobe emaJuda abehamba, asingabati kutsi acitsa sikhatsi lesinyenti acabanga ngendzawo lebekaya kuyo. Jehovah makes it possible for Abraham and Sarah to have a son As the Jews left, they no doubt spent much time thinking about the place where the Jews went. Nasatawufa Jesu, baphostoli bakhe bakhatsateka. Contrary to popular opinion, the Bible shows that people will be judged on the basis of what they do after their resurrection. - Read Romans 6: 7. By the death of Jesus, his apostles were anxious. Ngisho noma ema - Israyeli avukela Jehova, nguMosi lowatfukutsela. SOUTH KOREA Although the Israelites rebelled against Jehovah, Moses was angry. Ngakulolunye luhlangotsi, umuntfu angase akhetse kutifushela sikebhe asikhweshise elusentseni. I wondered: " What can I tell him that he does not already know? On the other hand, a person may choose not to drift away from the river. Kube sibusiso lesikhulu kuvakashela bazalwane labasemaveni langetulu kwa - 90! (b) How have the anointed responded to the shout: "Here is the bridegroom "? What a blessing it must have been to visit brothers in over 90 lands! Jehova ufuna lababi becwayiswe ngaloko lokutawenteka nabangaphendvuki. - Hezekeli 3: 19. The person might assume that the blessings described in that verse apply to life in heaven. Jehovah wants wicked people to warn themselves about what would happen if they were unrepentant. - Ezekiel 3: 19. Kufanele sikhumbule kutsi kulahlekelwa kukholwa kuba ngumphumela wendlela yekuphila letsatse sikhatsi lesitsite. Upon his release, Pedro also started to study the Bible, and what he learned about Jehovah God moved him to make great changes in his attitude and his approach to life. We need to remember that losing faith is the result of a period of time. Ticabange unguNathani njengobe acocela Davide lendzaba: "Edolobheni lelitsite kwakunemadvodza lamabili, lenye yayinjingile, kantsi lena lenye yona yayiphuyile. God's Word speaks of gross sinners who repented and were forgiven by God. - 2 Chron. Imagine Nathan as he told David: "In a city there were two men, and another rich man was rich. Sicongosekulindza sangaMarch 15, 1924, satsi "umsebenti loyinhloko " wemaKhristu eliciniso" kuniketa bufakazi ngembuso. Annual festivals and other gatherings for worship built the Israelites up spiritually. The Watchtower of March 15, 1924, said that "the primary part of the true Christians " gives evidence of the kingdom. Jehova utasibusisa nangabe senta umsebenti wakhe ngenhlitiyo yonkhe nangenkhutsalo. Her home is a pleasant and comfortable place for the entire family. Jehovah will bless us when we work hard to carry out his heart with zeal and zeal. Joshuwa abengawatjela ngekuciniseka ema - Israyeli atsi: "Kute nome sinye setsembiso lesingazange sifezeke kuto tonkhe letetsembiso letinhle Simakadze Nkulunkulu wenu laninike tona. " What was Jesus ' response, and what impression did it make on his disciples? - Read John 2: 13 - 17. Joshua could have confidence in his words to the Israelites: "No one word has failed in all the good promises Jehovah your God has given you. " Njengobe abeyindvodza lenebuhlobo lobuhle naNkulunkulu, Mosi abenekukholwa kuJehova, " Loyo longabonakali, ' nasekugcwalisekeni kwetetsembiso takhe. - Heb. That revealing will begin when these "sons, " resurrected to the spirit realm, share with Christ in cleansing the earth of evil and preserving" a great crowd " into the new system of things. - Rev. As a spiritual man, Moses had faith in Jehovah, "the One who is invisible, " and in fulfillment of his promises. - Heb. Sitawufundza nekutsi yini lesingayenta kuze sihlale setsembele kuJehova. David Schafer, a helper to the Teaching Committee, praised his mother for her strong faith and told of brothers who worked as loggers and helped him to auxiliary pioneer as a youth. We will also see what we can do to keep our eyes fixed on Jehovah. Maseya "indvodzana yenkhosi " wabulawa. (2 Khr. It truly makes us happy to hear our brothers and sisters thank Jehovah for what he has done for them. " The son of the king " was killed. Kulamanye emavesi lacashuniwe kusetjentiswe indlela yekubhala yekutjekisa emagama ngenjongo yekugcizelela. What might Paul say that would help his Christian brothers to keep spiritually alert and endure in the race? In other verses, the style of communication is often used in other verses. Ngubani lesitsa, futsi lukhula lumelela bobani? But remembering all that we had studied together, I found the strength to talk to him. Who is the enemy, and whom does the weeds represent? JONATHAN, wekutalwa eMelika, lonebatali labatalwa eKorea, bekasolo ahlushwa lubandlululo kusukela asengumntfwana. Similarly, God's Kingdom requires that its citizens learn what the Bible calls the "pure language. " YOU are a teenager, born in the United States, whose parents are born in a foreign country, have been suffering from an early child. 14, 15. In the area where Jesus and the apostles often preached, it was not unusual for people to invite strangers into their homes. Today, this is not the custom in many places. 14, 15. Ngetulu kwaloko, kute umuntfu longelapha konkhe kugula. (Read Job 1: 7 - 12.) Moreover, no human can heal all sickness. • Kusho kutsini kubhajatiswa egameni leNdvodzana? 4: 2 • What does being baptized in the name of the Son mean? Bantfu baNkulunkulu batfola kucabuleka etintfweni takamoya. Did he think of his wife and daughters or of his son Methuselah or of his grandson Lamech? Was this the end? God's people find refreshment in spiritual things. Lomunye dzadze wafundza njani kutsi Jehova uyatinaka tento letinhle? He said: "They are a nation devoid of sense, and there is no understanding among them. How did one sister learn that Jehovah takes note of good deeds? Jehova wenta kutsi bo - Abrahama naSara babenendvodzana I am the youngest of five children. Jehovah caused Abraham and Sarah to become a son Ngalokwehlukile kuloko bantfu labakushoko, liBhayibheli liveta kutsi bantfu batawehlulelwa ngaloko labatawukwenta nasebavusiwe. - Fundza Roma 6: 7. Christian elders are guided by Jehovah's thinking, not by their own opinions or feelings. In contrast, the Bible shows that people will be judged by what they will do with the resurrection. - Read Romans 6: 7. ENINGIZIMU KOREA The present system of things is awash with it. FROM OUR COVER Ngatibuta: " Yini nje lengingamtjela yona langayati? Paul's warm words of commendation must have encouraged those Hebrew Christians greatly. I wondered: " What could I tell me about? (b) Yini labagcotjiwe labayentile nakutsiwa: "Nangu umkhwenyane "? I recall one of them saying: "Elva, Jehovah is not up there using a whip. (b) What have anointed ones done there: "Here is the bridegroom? " Angase acabange kutsi letibusiso letichazwe kulelivesi tikhuluma ngekuphila kwasezulwini. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also on earth. " He might think that the blessings mentioned in the verse are referred to in heaven. Pedro watsi nakakhululwa ejele, naye wacala kufundza liBhayibheli. Loko lakufundza ngaNkulunkulu Jehova kwamenta wenta lushintjo lolukhulu endleleni labenta ngayo tintfo ngisho nasemphilweni. As foretold, what is the attitude of many, and what will prevent our faith from being undermined? " When he was released from prison, he began to study the Bible, what Jehovah God learned moved him to make big changes in the way he reacted to the war. LiVi laNkulunkulu likhuluma ngebantfu labenta tono letinkhulu, labaphendvuka futsi batsetselelwa nguNkulunkulu. - 2 Khr. He adds: "Training is not a one - way street. God's Word mentions individuals whose sins are serious, repentant, and forgiven God's forgiveness. - 2 Chron. Imikhosi yaminyaka yonkhe naleminye imibutsano yekukhonta beyenta ema - Israyeli abe nebuhlobo lobuhle naNkulunkulu. While Martha scurried about preparing a meal, Mary chose to sit at Jesus ' feet and listen to him. Among the annual events that the Israelites had a good relationship with God. (Taga 14: 1) Wenta likhaya libe yindzawo lefudvumele nalejatjulelwa nguwo onkhe emalunga emndeni wakhe. APPRECIATE YOUR PLACE IN JEHOVAH'S HOUSE He made the home of a local home and enjoyed the prospect of all members of his family. Yini Jesu layenta, futsi loku kwabakhumbutani bafundzi bakhe? - Fundza Johane 2: 13 - 17. After all, the first human couple rejected Jehovah's rulership, and so have many others since then. What did Jesus do, and what did this remind his disciples? - Read John 2: 13 - 17. Lokwembulwa kutawucala ngalesikhatsi " lamadvodzana ' avuselwa endzaweni yemoya, asebente naKhristu ekuhlanteni umhlaba logcwele bubi futsi aholele "sicumbi lesikhulu sebantfu " eveni lelisha. - Semb. The apostle Paul endeavored to understand "people of all sorts " in order to share the good news with them, and a similar approach can help us as well. - 1 Cor. This knowledge will begin when these "were raised up in the spirit of the spirit, " Christ and Christ has worked on the earth full of wickedness and lead the" great crowd " into the new world. - Rev. David Schafer, longumsiti eKomidini Yekufundzisa, wabonga make wakhe ngekukholwa kwakhe lokucinile kanye nebazalwane labebenta umsebenti wekugawula tihlahla, labamsita kutsi abe lihlahlandlela lelisitako asesemusha. wept Jayne. She had cancer, and it was spreading through her body. David, a helper to the Writing Committee, gave thanks to his mother's strong faith and the brothers who were working on trees, helped her to auxiliary pioneer. Kusijabulisa mbamba kuva bazalwane betfu nabodzadze babonga Jehova ngaloko labentele kona. Here is another important reason for continuing with our preaching work: We preach because we love our neighbor. How happy it is to hear our brothers and sisters thank Jehovah for what they do for us! Yini Pawula labengayisho lebeyingasita bazalwane bakhe kutsi bahlale baphapheme ngekwakamoya futsi bacinisele kulomncintiswano? As an experienced Christian, you have opportunities that are not open to others. What could Paul say that would help his brothers to stay awake spiritually and strengthen them in the race? Kodvwa kukhumbula konkhe loko lebesikufundze naye kwangenta ngaba nesibindzi sekukhuluma naye. Today, scholars are aware that Jehovah's personal name appears some 7,000 times in the Bible. But remembering all that we had learned from him helped me to muster up boldness to speak to him. Ngendlela lefananako, uMbuso waNkulunkulu ufuna takhamuti tawo tifundze lulwimi " loluhlambulukile ' lokukhulunywa ngalo eBhayibhelini. It was when he was weak that he felt holy spirit operating on him. Similarly, God's Kingdom wants their citizens to learn "the pure language " mentioned in the Bible. Endzaweni Jesu nebaphostoli bakhe lebebashumayela kuyo, bekuvamile kutsi bantfu babemukele bantfu labangabati emakhaya abo, kodvwa lamuhla sekushintjile. We can bear in mind the words of Philippians 1: 29: "You have been given the privilege in behalf of Christ, not only to put your faith in him but also to suffer in his behalf. " During the ministry with his apostles, it was common for people to accept hospitality from their homes, but today they have changed. (Fundza Jobe 1: 7 - 12.) For example, smile - even if you do not feel like it at first. (Read Job 1: 7 - 12.) 4: 2 (Read Acts 18: 24 - 26.) 4: 2 Kungenteka abecabanga ngemkakhe nome ngemadvodzakati akhe, indvodzana yakhe Methusela nobe ngemtukulu wakhe Lameki. Let us continue to carry out our assignment with zeal and tender compassion for "all sorts of people. " Noah may have thought about his wife or his sons, his son Methuselah, or his grandson, Lamech's grandson. Watsi: "Basive lesite ingcondvo, kute kubo kwehlukanisa lokubi nalokuhle. What a sobering warning to those who are nurturing an inordinate love of pleasures! He said: "They were a nation, so that they should distinguish both right and good. Ngingumntfwana wekugcina ebantfwaneni labasihlanu. 17, 18. I am the last of five children. Labadzala labangemaKhristu bacondziswa nguJehova hhayi imibono yabo nobe indlela labativa ngayo. For more information, see chapter 2 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Christian elders are guided by Jehovah, not by their opinions or feelings. Letitfombe tigcwele kulelive lesiphila kulo lamuhla. How did you feel when we discussed Jehovah's qualities and when you heard how your brothers feel about him? Such pictures are rare in today's world. Emavi aPawula ekuncoma nalakhutsatako, kufanele kutsi awakhutsata kakhulu emaKhristu langemaHebheru angaleso sikhatsi. Why did Paul experience such feelings? Paul's words of encouragement and encouragement should be a source of encouragement to the Hebrew Christians at that time. Ngikhumbula lomunye dzadze atsi: "Elva, Jehova akasiphatseli luswati. Teams of workers in Bethel's Art Room also did much of the painting, often making replacements for broken slides. I remember one sister: "When Jehovah heard me, he does not forgive me. Intsandvo yakho ayentiwe emhlabeni njengasezulwini. " We can ask ourselves: " Do I offer hospitality primarily to close friends, prominent ones, or those who might be able to return a favor somehow? Let your will take place, as in heaven, also on earth. " Njengobe kwashiwo, siyini simo sengcodvo sebantfu labanyenti, futsi yini letawuvikela kukholwa kwetfu? Romans 5: 12 explains: "Through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because they had all sinned. " As foretold, what is the condition of many people, and what will protect our faith? Uchubeka atsi: "Akusibo kuphela labasuke baceceshwa. " This Is to Be a Memorial for You ' He adds: "Those not only are training but they are training. Ngesikhatsi Mata atatatela alungisa kudla, Mariya wakhetsa kuhlala ngasetinyaweni taJesu, alalele loko bekakhuluma ngako. Likewise, the work and the love we show for Jehovah will never be forgotten. When Martha got caught up eating food, Mary decided to stay in Jesus ' feet, listening to what she spoke. KHOMBISA KUBONGA NGENDZAWO YAKHO ENDLINI YAJEHOVA Then Saul took 3,000 chosen men out of all Israel and went looking for David in the wilderness. YOU WILL GOD'S HELPING JEHOVAH'S WORD Ngetulu kwaloko, umndeni wekucala wala kubuswa nguJehova, ngako kusukela ngaleso sikhatsi bantfu labanyenti abasafuni kubuswa nguye. Understandably, we want Jehovah to bring an end to this wicked system soon. Furthermore, the first family, was no longer Jehovah's rulership, so the majority of mankind have lost no interest in Jehovah's rule. (Taga 20: 5) Umphostoli Pawula wetama kucondza bantfu "bato tonkhe tinhlobo " kute abacocele tindzaba letimnandzi, futsi loko natsi kungasisita. - 1 Khor. Life on the prairie farm was happy. The apostle Paul tries to understand "all sorts of people " so that they can share the good news with us. - 1 Cor. Abenesifo sekhensa, futsi kancane kancane sasandza sigcwala wonke umtimba wakhe. In the spring, over 300,000 white storks have been counted migrating from Africa to Northern Europe by way of the Jordan Valley. She was diagnosed with cancer, and we gradually filled her body. Lesinye sizatfu lesibalulekile lesenta sichubeke sishumayela kutsi siyabatsandza bomakhelwane betfu. (b) As a Christian baptized in Jesus ' name, what obligation do you have? Another important reason why we keep preaching is that we love our neighbor. Njengobe ungumKhristu losanesikhatsi, unematfuba langakabavulekeli labanye. " You Know Neither the Day Nor the Hour, " 9 / 15 As an experienced Christian, you have opportunities to get along with others. Lelo humusho lebelatiwa ngekutsi yi - Vulgate lalikhipha libito laNkulunkulu. Suppose those who claimed to know him say that he was aloof, secretive, and cruel. That phrase, known as the Vulgate, made God's name known. Nakabutsakatsaka, abekuva kusebenta kwemoya longcwele kuye. Jesus fulfilled what was foreshadowed in the Mosaic Law on the Day of Atonement. When he was weak, he heard the operation of holy spirit. Kufanele sikhumbule emavi lakuFiliphi 1: 29, latsi: "Ninikwe lilungelo ngenca yaKhristu, hhayi kuphela kutsi nikholwe nguye kodvwa nekutsi nihlupheke ngenca yakhe. " Should you ever face such a test, ask Jehovah to give you the wisdom and self - control to resist. We should remember the words of Philippians 1: 29, which says: "You have received the privilege of receiving Christ's sacrifice, not only because you have faith in him but also because you have suffered it. " Nasi sibonelo, mamatseka ngisho noma kungavumi. You may even be able to enter Bethel service or become a missionary. For example, he invites a smile even if he does not listen to us. (Fundza Imisebenti 18: 24 - 26.) [ Blurb on page 6] (Read Acts 18: 24 - 26.) Shengatsi singachubeka siwenta ngemdlandla umsebenti wekushumayela futsi siphatse "tonkhe tinhlobo tebantfu " ngemusa. In today's world so full of disasters, challenges, and pressures, many feel overwhelmed. May we continue to preach and treat "all sorts of people with kindness. " Emavi latsi " bantfu labatsandza injabulo ' achaza bantfu labanake kakhulu "umcebo kanye nenjabulo yalelive. " - Luk. What are some of the things for which you are grateful to Jehovah? The expression "those who love pleasures " describes people who are more focused on" the things " and the joy of the world. " - Luke 2: 9. 17, 18. (b) We will discuss which psalms? 17, 18. Kute utfole kwatiswa lokubanti, fundza sehluko 2 salencwadzi Lifundzisani Mbambambamba LiBhayibheli?, leshicilelwa boFakazi BaJehova. He had been raised as a Catholic and had become a disbeliever like me. For more information, see chapter 2 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Wativa njani nanifundza ngebunguye baJehova nanawuva indlela bazalwane bakho labativa ngayo ngaNkulunkulu? Medical science has confirmed the wisdom of that ancient proverb. How did you feel about Jehovah's qualities and hear your brothers ' feelings about God? Kungani Pawula ativa ngalendlela? Or he will try to get us to love the world and neglect our worship of Jehovah. - Read 1 John 2: 15, 16. Why did Paul feel that way? Emacembu etisebenti endzaweni lebeyibitwa ngekutsi yi - Bethel Art Room, lebekwentiwa kuyo imidvwebo yesandla advweba incenye lenkhulu yaletitfombe, futsi ngalokuvamile abelungisa netitfombe lesetiphukile. 19: 4 - 6, 9. Modern places in the Bethel area are called Bethel, which have played a large number of pictures, and he often provided pictures with devastating pictures. Singatibuta kutsi: " Umoya wekwemukela tivakashi ngiwukhombisa kubangani bami kuphela yini, kubantfu labatiwako noma kubantfu labangakhona kungentela lokutsite? Our desire is to help people to come to know Jehovah as the God he really is. We might ask ourselves: " Do the spirit of hospitality showing me favor only to my friends, to people who have good health or who can bring me something to me? Roma 5: 12 uyachaza: "Ngemuntfu munye sono sangena eveni, nekufa kwangena ngesono, ngenca yaloko kufa kwasakatekela kubo bonkhe bantfu ngobe bonkhe bonile. " So people in those places had learned to speak a form of Greek known as Koine Greek. Romans 5: 12 explains: "Through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because they had all sinned. " " Loku Kuyawuba Sikhumbuto Kini ' Let us see how these qualities can help us to be loyal to Jehovah. " This Will Be a Memorial for You ' Ngendlela lefanako, Jehova angeke alukhohlwe lutsandvo lwetfu kanye nemsebenti lesimentela wona. No one remains young for long. Similarly, Jehovah will never forget our love and our service to him. (1 Sam. 18: 7 - 11; 19: 10) Sawula wakhetsa emadvodza langu - 3 000 aka - Israyeli futsi wahamba wayewufuna Davide ehlane. (1 Sam. They fear that the work will not be done properly. Saul chose 10,000 men of Israel, and he went to David in the wilderness. Sonkhe sifuna kutsi Jehova alibhubhise masinyane lelive lelibuswa nguSathane. In addition to maintaining strong faith in God's promises, though, what can help you meet the responsibilities of caregiving? All of us want Jehovah to destroy this wicked system of things. Beyimnandzi sibili imphilo kulamapulazini aleyondzawo. Some of the volunteers who are working at Warwick He was truly happy to live in the area. Entfwasahlobo, bogilonki labangetulu kwa - 300 000 bayandiza basuke e - Afrika balibangise eNyakatfo yeYurophu badzabule Esigodzini saseJordane. 15, 16. In the spring, more than 300 hours crossed the border in Africa but were on the eastern coast of Jordan's region. (b) NjengemKhristu lobhajatiswe egameni laJesu, yini lokudzingeka uyente? Jehovah, our heavenly Father, is the Giver of life. (b) Like a Christian who is baptized in Jesus ' name, what should you do? " Lilanga Nemzuzu Anilati, ' 9 / 15 The Canada branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses invited me to begin Bethel service in September. " You Know the Day of the Day, ' 9 / 15 Asesitsi labo labatsi bayamati batsi abengumuntfu lobekangatsandzi kuba nalabanye bantfu, angabakhulumisi futsi anelunya. The qualities, abilities, and privileges David had were because God " stooped down, ' or humbled himself, to pay attention to him. Let us imagine that those who claim that he was a man who was not interested in others could be cruel and cruel. Jesu wagcwalisa loko lobekwentiwa ngeLilanga Lekubuyisana ngephansi kweMtsetfo waMosi. So when we sin against God, we are not giving him what we owe him. Jesus fulfilled what was done on the Atonement Day under the Mosaic Law. 26: 4, 5; Taga 22: 3) Nakwenteka ubhekana neluvivinyo, thantaza kuJehova ucele kuhlakanipha kuze ukhone kutibamba. That was operated by Jehovah's Witnesses from 1924 to 1957. When faced with trials, pray to Jehovah for wisdom to control your self - control. Ungase ukwati kungenela umsebenti waseBethel nobe ube sitfunywa selivangeli. In the future, Jesus will bind and throw into the abyss both Satan and those angels. You may be able to work at Bethel or to become a missionary. [ Emavi lacashuniwe lasekhasini 6] What is a major way in which we can take the lead in showing honor to all in the congregation? [ Blurb on page 6] Lelive lesiphila kulo ligcwele tehlakalo, tinkinga, nekucindzeteleka lokwenta bantfu labanyenti baphelelwe ngemandla. During our initial period of Bible study, we may quickly grow spiritually and then get baptized. The world we live is filled with disasters, problems, and distress that make many people feel discouraged. Ngutiphi letinye tintfo letikwenta umbonge Jehova? When district overseers were showing the film The New World Society in Action, I would telephone the shop and reserve a large screen for "Mr. What are some things that they want to thank Jehovah? (b) Ngutiphi tehluko lesitawucoca ngato? Instead, reach out to Jehovah in prayer, and allow his mighty hand to strengthen you and lead you to Kingdom blessings. - Ps. (b) What chapters will we consider? Yena abekhuliswe ngemaKatolika, naye wagcina angasakholwa njengami. Consider another Scriptural account that illustrates the extent of Jehovah's willingness to forgive. He was raised by Catholic, and he eventually became believers like me. (Taga 23: 32) Isayensi yetekwelapha iyakuvuma kuba liciniso kwalamavi asendvulo lahlakaniphile etaga. That verse encourages us to "cleanse ourselves of every defilement of flesh. " science has acknowledged the truthfulness of ancient times in which he is wise. Angetama nekusenta sitsandze lelive futsi singasakunaki kukhonta Jehova. - Fundza 1 Johane 2: 15, 16. The warning in the parable of the ten virgins reveals that Jesus had similar confidence in the anointed. He may even try to love the world and not stop serving Jehovah. - Read 1 John 2: 15, 16. 19: 4 - 6, 9. Nevertheless, findings in the study of anatomy show that body parts once considered useless actually do perform essential functions. 19: 4 - 6, 9. Sifiso setfu kusita bantfu bati kutsi Jehova unguNkulunkulu lonjani. 6, 7. (a) What considerations guided the Israelites in their selection of sacrificial offerings, and what did this foreshadow? Our desire to help people know that Jehovah is God. Ngako bantfu kuleto tindzawo besebafundze kukhuluma siGriki lesibitwa ngekutsi si - Koine. " Deep down, I'm still that little girl so in love with the story of Noah. So people in those areas and read Greek - speaking languages. Ase sifundze ngekutsi lobuntfu bungasisita njani kute setsembeke kuJehova. The man claimed to be a prophet of Jehovah. Let us consider how such qualities will help us to be loyal to Jehovah. Bantfu labasebasha angeke bahlale babancane. In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight. " Young people cannot be alone. Besaba kutsi lomsebenti ngeke wentiwe kahle. In the Christian congregation today are some who were once "prone to anger " but who are now more thoughtful, kind, patient, and peaceable in their dealings with others. They fear that this work cannot be done. Ngetulu kwekuba nekukholwa lokucinile etetsembisweni taNkulunkulu, yini lengakusita ukhone kuhlangabetana nemtfwalo wekunakekela lasebakhulile? Young Ones - "Keep Working Out Your Own Salvation, " Dec. In addition to strong faith in God's promises, what can help you to face the responsibility of caring elderly ones? Lamanye emavolontiya lasebenta eWarwick " I used to blame my wife for the lack of communication, " says Frederick. Some volunteers volunteer at Warwick 15, 16. And what can we learn from Jesus about receiving God's spirit and resisting the spirit of the world? 15, 16. Jehova longuYise wetfu wasezulwini, unguMniki wekuphila. And we have no doubt that everything God has promised will happen Jehovah, our heavenly Father, has the Giver of life. Lihhovisi leligatja laBoFakazi BaJehova leliseCanada langicela kutsi ngite ngitewucala kusebenta eBethel ngaSeptember. There are a number of Scriptural accounts in which congregation members helped others meet and overcome challenges. The branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses in Canada asked me to go to Bethel in September. Lobuntfu, emakhono, kanye nemalungelo Davide bekanawo wawatfola ngoba Jehova watehlisa noma watitfoba kute anake Davide. (Hla. Note, however, that Peter urged his Christian brothers and sisters to be hospitable "to one another, " to those whom they already knew and associated with. With these qualities, David and David had the privilege of finding Jehovah's humility or humility in order to focus on David. Ngako nasona kuNkulunkulu, asimniki loko lesimkweleta kona. And his promise to restore what our original parents lost will succeed. - Isaiah 55: 11. So we owe him our God, and we owe him for us. Lesiteshi besisetjentiswa boFakazi BaJehova kusukela nga - 1924 kuya ku - 1957. A sister in England who was baptized in 1972 wrote regarding the simplified Watchtower: "When I read the very first issue, I felt as though Jehovah were sitting beside me with his arm around my shoulders and we were reading it together. At the same time, we used Jehovah's Witnesses from 1924 to 1957. Esikhatsini lesitako, Jesu utawubopha Sathane naleto tingilosi futsi abajikijele emgodzini longenamkhawulo. If you have a disfellowshipped child, will you "trust in Jehovah with all your heart [and] not rely on your own understanding "? In the future, Jesus will appoint Satan and those angels and direct them into the abyss. Nguyiphi indlela leyinhloko lesingahamba ngayo embili ekuboniseni labanye ludvumo ebandleni? 2: 11. What is one important way in which we can take the lead in showing honor to others in the congregation? Singase sikhule masinyane ebuhlotjeni betfu naye nasisafundzelwa liBhayibheli sidzimate sibhajatiswe. Jesus encouraged this sort of faith, telling a rich young man: "If you want to be perfect, go sell your belongings and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come be my follower. " We may grow closer to our relationship with him when we study the Bible and get baptized. Ngesikhatsi babonisi betigodzi batjengisa bantfu lifilimu lelitsi "The New World Society in Action, " bengifonela esitolo kute ngiboleke i - TV lenkhulu, kodvwa ngitsi ifunwa ngu -" Mr. Will he shrink back in fear? When circuit overseers showed a film entitled The New World Society, I was "in a www.jw.org, but I was told to do so. " Kunaloko, thantaza kuJehova futsi uvumele sandla sakhe lesinemandla kutsi sikucinise siphindze sikuholele etibusisweni lotawutitfola eMbusweni wakhe. - Hla. Jesus said: "Happy are those hearing the word of God and keeping it! " Rather, pray to Jehovah and allow his mighty hand to strengthen us and lead you in the day that he will find blessings in his Kingdom. - Ps. Cabanga ngalokunye kulandzisa kwemBhalo lokukhombisa kutsi singakanani sifiso saJehova sekutsetselela. But we do not focus on life's pleasures. Consider a Scriptural account that shows how much Jehovah's willingness to forgive. Lelivesi lisikhutsata kutsi " sitihlante kuko konkhe lokungcolisa umtimba. ' You came to understand that mankind as a whole is alienated from God. That verse encourages us to "put on every body that defiles the body. " Secwayiso lesikulomfanekiso wetintfombi letilishumi sikhombisa kutsi Jesu bekabetsemba ngendlela lefanako labagcotjiwe. It is true that he holds ultimate authority over the universe at all times; still, the rebellion in Eden raised questions of universal importance. The parable of the ten virgins shows that Jesus was confident in the same way. Nobe kunjalo, lokutfolakele esifundvweni lesimayelana nekwakheka kwemtimba wemuntfu kukhombisa kutsi titfo temtimba lebekucatjangwa kutsi atinamsebenti, empeleni tinendzima lebalulekile. He knew that he was going to suffer terribly and die. However, this meeting has been published in the hearts of the human body to show that the whole body was limited, and it contained an important role. 6, 7. (a) Ngutiphi ticondziso letasita ema - Israyeli ekukhetseni iminikelo labekayenta, futsi loko bekusitfunti sani? 11, 12. (a) What provision characterized communion sacrifices? 6, 7. (a) What instructions did the Israelites take on making sacrifices, and what was the reason for this? " Ngekhatsi solo ngiyintfombatanyana letsandza umlandvo waNowa. For example, God's Word is designed to help us find answers to the most profound and far - reaching questions that humans face. " I had a little girl who loved Noah's history. Lomkhulu wenta shengatsi ungumphrofethi waJehova. Now I really enjoy my assignment and view it as a wonderful privilege! " He made it as if you were a prophet of Jehovah. Matise kuko konkhe lokwentako, yena uyakucondzisa tindlela takho. " When it came time for God's Son to be born as a human, Jehovah selected a humble virgin girl, Mary, to be the mother of this special child. In all your ways take notice of him, and he will make your paths straight. " Ebandleni lebuKhristu kunebantfu " lebebasheshe batfukutsele ' kodvwa nyalo sebayacabangela, banemusa, bayabeketela, futsi sebanekuthula nalabanye. According to the Bible, patience is a product of holy spirit; without God's help, imperfect humans cannot be patient to the degree needed. In the Christian congregation, there are some who were "slow to anger, " but now they now are kind, kind, patient, and peaceable. Yini Letawususwa Nakufika Umbuso WaNkulunkulu? Apr. Why, then, does she always try to tell the truth? What Will Follow God's Kingdom? Mar. Frederick utsi: "Bengivame kumsola umfati wami ngekungakwati kukhulumisana nami. What helped Abraham to have strong faith and be obedient? Frederick says: "I used to speak to my wife about how to communicate with me. Yini lesingayifundza kuJesu ngekwemukela umoya waNkulunkulu kanye nekumelana nemoya welive? Rather than give too much thought to her fears, Olivia reasoned: "A lot of young people don't know anything about Jehovah's Witnesses. What can we learn from Jesus ' accepting God's spirit and resisting the spirit of the world? Asingabati kutsi konkhe Nkulunkulu lakwetsembisile kutawugcwaliseka This has made our Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work more enjoyable and productive than ever before. " No doubt God's promises will be fulfilled Kunetindzaba letinyenti eBhayibhelini letikhuluma ngemalunga elibandla lasita labanye kute bakwati kubhekana futsi balungise tinkinga tabo. On a global scale, no other group of people today is as closely associated with the divine name as we are. There are many Bible accounts that help members of the congregation to cope with their problems and solve their problems. Naka kutsi Phetro wakhutsata bazalwane nabodzadze labangemaKhristu kutsi " banakekele ' lababatiko nalabatihlanganisa nabo. Relief Under the Greater Solomon Note that Peter encouraged Christian brothers and sisters to " care " for them and associate with them. Lesetsembiso sakhe sekusinika kuphila lokwalahlwa batali betfu bekucala sitawuphumelela. - Isaya 55: 11. Does it matter whether the person plowing looks momentarily at what is behind or actually puts down the plow and turns around? His promise gave us the life of our first parents. - Isaiah 55: 11. Lomunye dzadze waseNgilandi lowabhajatiswa nga - 1972, naku lakubhala akhuluma ngalomagazini: "Ngalesikhatsi ngifundza lomagazini wekucala lowashicilelwa, kwaba shengatsi Jehova uhleti eceleni kwami ungigacile futsi ngiwufundza naye lomagazini. " So after we got married, she would consult her father on decisions that she and I really needed to make. A sister in England who was baptized in 1972, writes: "When I read this magazine, it was as if Jehovah sat down near me and gave me this magazine. Loku kubaluleke kakhulu ekukhonteni kwetfu Jehova. " He poured out his soul to the very death, " wrote Isaiah, "and it was with the transgressors that he was counted in. " This is especially important in our worship of Jehovah. Nangabe unemtfwana loyekelisiwe kuba nguFakazi utametsemba yini Jehova ngayo " yonkhe inhlitiyo yakho futsi ungeyami ekwatini kwakho '? Discernment is the ability to understand the difference between right and wrong and then to choose to do what is right. If you have a disfellowshipped child who will trust in Jehovah "all your heart " and do not lean upon your own understanding? 2: 11. Some - for example, Silvanus (Silas), Mark, and Luke - also served as copyists or writers. 2: 11. (Gen. 14: 22, 23) Jesu wakhutsata kukholwa lokufana nekwa - Abrahama ngekutjela lenye indvodza lebeyinjingile ngekutsi atsi kuyo: "Nawufuna kuphelela, hamba utsengise konkhe lonako, uphe labeswele, futsi utawuba nemcebo ezulwini, bese uyeta uba ngumlandzeli wami. " " Plans fail when there is no consultation, " says the Bible. - Proverbs 15: 22. Jesus encouraged the faith of Abraham by telling a rich man: "If you want to eat all the things that you have given to me in heaven, you will be a follower of all the poor, and you will be called me in heaven and will become a follower of my Father. " Litawesaba yini kushumayela? He also delivered them, having " brought them out of Egypt. ' Isn't fear of preaching? Jesu watsi: "Bayajabula labo labeva livi laNkulunkulu futsi baligcine! " Many Witnesses lost their loved ones as well as their belongings. Jesus said: "Happy are those hearing the word of God and keeping it! " Kodvwa - ke, asinaki kakhulu kutijabulisa ekuphileni. My health remains uncertain. On the other hand, do not give up on pleasures of life. Wabese uyacondza kutsi bonkhe bantfu behlukanisiwe naNkulunkulu. To receive a Bible is a great blessing! He then recognized that all humans were alienated from God. Kuliciniso kutsi uneligunya leliphakeme kuyo yonkhe indzawo; nobe kunjalo, kuvukela lokwenteka e - Edeni kwaphakamisa imibuto lebalulekile kulabo labaphila emhlabeni nasezulwini. Likewise today, Jehovah's Witnesses find genuine refreshment through upbuilding Christian fellowship. Of course, he has great authority everywhere; yet, rebellion in Eden raised important questions about those who live in heaven and on earth. Bekati kutsi utawuphatfwa kabi kakhulu futsi abulawe. As you can see from those examples, people often misunderstand passages they read in the Bible. He knew that he would be persecuted and killed. 11, 12. (a) Yini lebeyihlanganisiwe eminikelweni yekuthula? Jesus was zealous for the ministry, and he encouraged his disciples to be the same. 11, 12. (a) What was involved in the sacrifices of peace? Nasi sibonelo: LiVi laNkulunkulu lentelwe kutsi lisisite sitfole timphendvulo temibuto lelukhuni kanye nalebalulekile bantfu labatibuta yona. Then, as more and more of those with the earthly hope - symbolically like the stick "for Joseph " - joined the anointed, the two groups became" one flock. " For example, God's Word has made it possible for us to find answers to questions that are important to people. Nyalo sengisijabulela kakhulu sabelo sami futsi sililungelo lelihle kakhulu kimi! " 13 Did God Know That Adam and Eve Would Sin? Now I enjoy my assignment, and what a great honor it is to me! " Jehova wakhetsa Mariya lobekatfobekile futsi ayintfombi ntfo kutsi abe ngumake waJesu. And he gave his Father the credit for his teachings and wisdom. Jehovah chose Mary, who was humble and is a virgin to Jesus ' mother. LiBhayibheli litsi kubeketela kusitselo semoya longcwele, ngako - ke, ngaphandle kwelusito lwaNkulunkulu bantfu labanesono ngeke bakhone kubeketela ngelizinga lelifanele. Like Paul, it seems that Timothy learned to "weep with those who weep, " empathizing with them so that he could better encourage and comfort them. The Bible shows that patience is produced by holy spirit, so God's help to help imperfect humans not to exercise patience. Kungani etama kukhuluma liciniso ngaso sonkhe sikhatsi? It might come in the form of false accusations from apostates, hostility from family members, ridicule from colleagues or schoolmates. Why is trying to speak the truth always? Yini leyasita Abrahama kutsi abe nekukholwa lokucinile futsi alalele? The disciple James wrote that Jehovah's wisdom "is first of all pure, then peaceable, reasonable, ready to obey, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial, not hypocritical. " What helped Abraham to have strong faith and obey him? Esikhundleni sekutsi avumele kwesaba kumehlule, Olivia watsi: "Bantfu labasha labanyenti kute labakwatiko ngaBoFakazi BaJehova. Sébastien, mentioned earlier, relates: "Before moving, Johanna and I saved for two years by cutting down on expenses for entertainment and not making unnecessary purchases. " Instead of succumbing to fear of Jehovah's Witnesses, Orpah said: "Many young people are able to know what they are learning about Jehovah's Witnesses. Loku kuye kwenta umsebenti wetfu wekushumayela ngeMbuso kanye newekwenta bafundzi wajabulisa futsi watsela kakhulu kunasekucaleni. " Whatever the outcome, you can be sure that Jehovah will be pleased with your sincere efforts to gain your brother - God's friend. This makes us more happy about our Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work more interesting than ever. " Emhlabeni wonkhe, kute licembu lebantfu lamuhla lelisebentisa libito laNkulunkulu njengatsi. To what extent should husbands love their wives? Worldwide, no group today uses God's personal name as us. Tingucuko Letitawuletfwa Kubusa KwaSolomoni Lomkhulu Katsuo and Hagino Miura A Smong Solomon's Great Rule Ikhona yini inkinga nangabe umuntfu lolimako ema sikhashana abuke lokusemuva kwakhe nobe abeke phansi likhuba abuke emuva? But you know that if you keep traveling toward the end of the tunnel, you will again see light. Is there a problem if a person cultivates his balance or looks around his eyes? Ngako, ngemva kwekutsi sesishadile, abekhuluma nababetala wami ngetintfo lokufanele sikhetse kutenta. To be sure, Jesus sought to teach the truth about Jehovah and the kind of God he is. Thus, after we got married, he spoke to my father about what we should choose. Isaya wabhala: "Yatfululela kuphila kwayo ekufeni, yabalwa kanye netoni. " (Isa. Jesus always practiced what he preached by letting his Yes mean Yes. Isaiah wrote: "He poured out his life from the dead, and he became sinners. " Kucondza kulikhono lekwehlukanisa emkhatsini walokuhle nalokubi bese ukhetsa kwenta lokuhle. The apostle Paul, himself a member of the anointed "little flock, " explained:" As for us, our citizenship exists in the heavens, from which place also we are eagerly waiting for a savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. " Discernment is the ability to understand between right and wrong and then to choose to do what is right. Labanye njengaSilvanosi (Silasi), Makho naLukha, baphindze baba babhali. He said: "I have exhibited to you in all things that by thus laboring you must assist those who are weak. " Some of them have been heard (or Silas), Mark, Luke, and Luke. LiBhayibheli litsi: "Tinhloso atiphumeleli ngaphandle kweteluleko. " - Taga 15: 22. " At that time the righteous ones will shine as brightly as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. " - MATT. 15: 22. Waphindze wabakhulula ngekutsi " abakhiphe eGibhithe. ' Emperor Qin Shi Huang demanded that his alchemists find a magic potion that could keep death at bay. He also delivered them "to Egypt. " BoFakazi labanyenti bashonelwa tihlobo tabo futsi balahlekelwa tintfo tabo. We do so in response to Jesus ' words: "This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations. " - Matthew 24: 14. Many Witnesses lost their relatives and lost their possessions. Kugula kimi solo akukatibeki phansi. Because they had been unconscious, as if in a deep sleep. Such ill health still keeps me down. Kusibusiso lesikhulu kutfola liBhayibheli! At first it seemed that Paolo would be able to survive the illness, and he encouraged me greatly. What a blessing it is to receive the Bible! Nalamuhla, boFakazi BaJehova batfola kucabuleka ngekwakhana nalamanye emaKhristu ngakamoya. See the article "Do Not Forget Kindness to Strangers " in The Watchtower of October 2016, pp. Today, Jehovah's Witnesses find refreshment through spiritual growth. Njengobe ubonile kuletibonelo lesikhulume ngato, esikhatsini lesinyenti bantfu nabafundza liBhayibheli abawacondzi lamanye emavesi. That helped a lot. " As you see these examples mentioned earlier, more people do not read the Bible in other verses. Jesu abewukhutsalele umsebenti wekushumayela wate wacela bafundzi bakhe kutsi bayibhambe njalo. But Enoch left a rich legacy. Jesus had zealous zeal for the ministry and asked his disciples to go ahead. Ngekuhamba kwesikhatsi, labo labanelitsemba lekuphila emhlabeni labamelelwa " ngumzaca wakaJosefa ' batihlanganisa nalabagcotjiwe futsi lamacembu lamabili aba "ngumhlambi munye. " Everywhere Abel looked, he saw evidence of the profound love, wisdom, and goodness of Jehovah God, the one who created all things. Later, those who have the hope of living on earth were represented by "the stick " of Joseph and joined the two groups of the" flock. " Injongo Yetihloko Letifundvwako One purpose of these meetings is to "consider one another so as to incite to love and fine works. " Purpose of Study Articles Bekadvumisa Babe wakhe ngalamfundzise kona kanye nangekuhlakanipha kwakhe. The star they had seen led them first, not to Bethlehem, but to Jerusalem. He praised his Father for what he had taught and his wisdom. Thimothi besekafundze " kukhala nalabakhalako ' abavela kuze akhone kubadvudvuta. When we meditate on the examples of faithful servants of God - whether past or present - we can gain additional motivation to keep moving forward rather than looking at the things behind. Timothy had learned to " mourn and weep over " so that he could comfort them. Kungase kuvele ngekutsi siphikiswe tihlubuki, sitondvwe ngemalunga emindeni yetfu, siphindze sihlekwe ngulabo lesisebenta nabo nobe lesifundza nabo esikolweni. And it was his desire that others benefit from what he had received. We might be surprised that apostates were attacked by the members of our family, and we would be content with fellow students at school. Umfundzi Jakobe wabhala ngekuhlakanipha kwaJehova watsi: "Kwekucala kunako konkhe kumsulwa, futsi kunekuthula, kuyacabangela, kulungele kulalela, kugcwele umusa netitselo letinhle, akukhetsi, akutentisi. " Since that time, by Jehovah's undeserved kindness, his people have constantly been growing in knowledge of God's will and in love for their heavenly Father. The disciple James wrote in Jehovah's wisdom: "You are the first ones to benefit from all things, be reasonable and ready to obey, and be kind to one another. " Sébastien lokuke kwakhulunywa ngaye utsi: "Nasisengakatfutsi, mine naJohanna sabeka imali iminyaka lemibili. Sasingasebentisi imali lenyenti ekutijabuliseni futsi singatsengi tintfo lesingatidzingi. " He flung the Bible across the table, saying that he did not need to prove anything. Sébastien, mentioned earlier, says: "When we were moving, my friends and I had set two years of money and we could not have enough money. " Noma ngabe ngumuphi umphumela longaba khona, ungaciniseka kutsi Jehova uyajabula ngemetamo loyentile kuze uzuze umzalwane wakho longumngani waJehova. So he called him and said to him, " What is this I hear about you? Whatever the result, you can be sure that Jehovah is pleased with your efforts to benefit your brother from Jehovah's friend. Emadvodza kufanele abatsandze ngelizinga lelingakanani bafati bawo? Picture Elijah answering Ahab: "I have found you. " To what extent should husbands love their wives? Katsuo naHagino Miura Jehovah possesses self - control in perfect measure. Fot and references Kodvwa uyati kutsi njengobe uchubeka uhamba uya ngasekupheleni kwalo, utawuphindze ukubone kukhanya. " You must not take up the name of Jehovah your God in a worthless way. " But you know that as you keep the end, you will also see the light again. Jesu abefundzisa emaciniso ngaJehova nekutsi uluhlobo lolunjani lwaNkulunkulu. Later, when witnessing in the prison, Miguel met the murderer. Jesus taught the truth about Jehovah and what kind of person God God is. Jesu abehlale akwenta loko abekufundzisa, futsi loko bekukhombisa kutsi Yebo wakhe unguYebo. How some have applied this advice: James, who lives in England and has been married for eight years, says: "I am learning not to make important decisions without consulting my wife. Jesus always did what he taught, and this proved that his Yes meant Yes. Umphostoli Pawula, longulomunye wemalunga alabagcotjiwe " labangumhlambi lomncane, ' uyachaza: "Kepha tsine likitsi lisezulwini, lapho silindzele khona kutsi kuvele uMsindzisi wetfu, iNkhosi Jesu Khristu. " Those influenced by this spirit ignore what they view as inconvenient parts of the Bible, preferring instead human traditions and philosophies. The apostle Paul, one of the members of the anointed members of the "little flock, " explains: "When we are in heaven, where we await that our Lord Jesus Christ is coming. " Watsi: "Nginikhombise kanyenti kutsi kufanele nisite lababutsakatsaka. " " In addition to doing telephone witnessing, I write letters and regularly correspond with a few interested ones. He said: "I have shown you that you need to help the weak. " " Lapho bantfu baNkulunkulu bayawukhanya njengelilanga embusweni weYise. " - MAT. What happened then? " When God's people shall shine as brightly as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. " - MATT. Inkhosi Qin Shi Huang yatjela bososayensi bayo kutsi bente sinatfo lesisimangaliso lebesitawuvikela kufa. (Read 1 Timothy 2: 3, 4.) The king of Zarephath tells scientists that we have made a miracle that would protect us from death. Nasenta njalo sisuke silalela umyalo waJesu lotsi: "Letindzaba letimnandzi teMbuso tiyawushunyayelwa emhlabeni wonkhe, kuze kube bufakazi etiveni tonkhe, bese - ke kuphela kuyefika. " - Matewu 24: 14. To avoid starvation, the patriarch Jacob sent his sons to Egypt to buy food. By doing so, we obey Jesus ' command: "This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. " - Matthew 24: 14. Kungobe ngesikhatsi bafile bebangati lutfo, bekufana nekutsi balele hhu butfongo. I needed that sort of discipline. " - Hebrews 12: 7 - 11. Because when they were dead, we were sleeping in sleep. Ekucaleni bekubonakala shengatsi utawelulama ekuguleni kwakhe, futsi abengikhutsata kakhulu. AS DISCUSSED in the preceding article, the Devil contends that Jehovah exercises his sovereignty in an unworthy way and that mankind would be better off ruling themselves. At first, she seemed to be able to recover from her sickness, and she was very encouraging. Buka sihloko lesitsi: "Ningakukhohlwa Kwemukela Tivakashi " kuSicongosekulindza sa - October 2016, emakh. (Read 1 Peter 1: 14 - 16.) See the article: "Do not forget hospitality " in The Watchtower of October 2016, pp. Loku kwasisita kakhulu. " Just like the man in the illustration, we do not know how the growth takes place. This helped us to do so. " Kodvwa Enoki wamshiyela sibonelo lesihle. Now, in Noah's day, the moral climate was far worse. But Enoch left a good example. Konkhe lebekakubona bekumniketa bufakazi bekutsi Nkulunkulu Jehova lowadala tonkhe tintfo unelutsandvo lolujulile, uhlakaniphile futsi muhle. Understanding a Scriptural passage correctly requires that we consider the surrounding text. All the things he saw were proof that Jehovah God created all things with deep love, wisdom, and goodness. Lenye injongo yalemihlangano kutsi " sinakane kuze sikhutsatane elutsandvweni nasemisebentini lemihle. ' Did his humility benefit him? One purpose of these meetings is that we "consider one another to incite to love and fine works. " Lenkhanyeti yacale yabaholela Jerusalema kunekutsi ibaholele eBhetlehema. A tree may grow to an amazing size, especially when its root system is deep or extensive. The astrologers began to lead Jerusalem rather than lead them out of Bethlehem. Nasizindla ngetibonelo tetinceku taNkulunkulu letetsembekile - tangesikhatsi lesendlulile nobe tanyalo - singatfola kukhutsateka kute sichubeke sinake tintfo letiseta esikhundleni sekutsi sibuke tintfo letingemuva. What is discernment, and how does a discerning Christian speak and act? When we meditate on the examples of faithful servants of God - in the past and at times, we can be encouraged to keep our eyes focused on the things ahead ahead of us. Abenesifiso sekutsi nalabanye bakutfole loko labekufundzile. DO YOU consider yourself to be a Christian? He wanted others to find out what he had learned. Kusukela ngaleso sikhatsi, ngemusa waJehova bantfu bakhe solo bafundza lokwengetiwe ngentsandvo yakhe futsi nelutsandvo lwabo ngaye luchubeka lukhula. Eventually, Raúl began living immorally and was disfellowshipped from the Christian congregation. Since then, Jehovah's undeserved kindness has continued to learn more about his will and their love for him continued to grow. Lomphristi watsatsa leliBhayibheli walijikijela ngale kwelitafula, watsi asikho sidzingo sekutsi asekele loko lakushoko. Such concerns are worthy of consideration. The priest took the Bible stand by boat, saying that we do not need to support what he said. Sayibita lendvuna satsi: " Yini loku lengikuvako ngawe? 13, 14. " What do I hear about you? Asewumbone ngeliso lengcondvo Elija aphendvula Ahabi atsi: "Ngikutfolile. " If something interrupts our schedule, we may feel frustrated. Picture Elijah answer: "I have found you. " Jehova uyisebentisa kahle imfanelo yekutibamba. Although he was the perfect Son of God, he was humble. Jehovah exercises self - control. " Ungaliphatsi ngelite libito laJehova Nkulunkulu wakho. " 7, 8. " Do not boast over the name of Jehovah your God. " Ngalelinye lilanga ashumayela ejele, wahlangana nalombulali. Do I use every form of prayer, and do I pray continually? One day while preaching in prison, he met a fugitive. Indlela labanye labasisebentise ngayo leseluleko: James, lohlala eNgilandi, futsi losaneminyaka lesiphohlongo ashadile, utsi: "Ngiye ngafundza kutsi ngingatenti tincumo letibalulekile ngaphandle kwekucoca nemfati wami. In the preceding article, we learned why modesty is still important for Christians and what displaying it involves. How some have applied this advice: James, who lives in England and has been married for eight years, says: "I've learned that I've never made important decisions without my wife. Labo labahungwe ngulomoya abatinaki tincenye teliBhayibheli labatsi kumatima kuticondza, banconota emasiko kanye nemafilosofi ebantfu. Cain had no such goal, and he chose the path that took him farther away from Jehovah. Those who are influenced by the spirit do not notice parts of the Bible that may find it difficult to understand, to view customs and philosophy. " Ngibhala tincwadzi futsi ngichumana njalo nebantfu labanenshisekelo. Heaven is usually imagined as a place of beauty and pleasure where people gain relief from suffering and are reunited with "departed loved ones. " " I read letters and communicate regularly with interested people. Kwabese kwentekani? Of what may we be certain? What happened next? (Fundza 1 Thimothi 2: 3, 4.) We can approach him freely, knowing that he will never reproach us for doing so. (Read 1 Timothy 2: 3, 4.) 37: 25; Taga 30: 8) Kute Jakobe angalambi, watfumela emadvodzana akhe eGibhithe kutsi ayewutsenga kudla. I'm glad I did! To reject Jacob, Jacob sent his sons to Egypt to buy food. Ngangisidzinga leso sijeziso. " - Hebheru 12: 7 - 11. Jesus was keenly aware of the pressures associated with the anxieties of this system of things. I needed this punishment. " - Hebrews 12: 7 - 11. NJENGOBA sifundzile esihlokweni lesendlulile, Develi utsi Jehova ubusa ngendlela lengakafanele nekutsi bantfu bangaphila kahle nabangatibusa. Jehovah favors the humble, not the haughty. AS we have seen in the preceding article, the Devil says that Jehovah will rule in a way that humans must live well and that humans will live well if they do not obey him. (Fundza 1 Phetro 1: 14 - 16.) What is another effective bait that Satan uses, and how can we avoid it? (Read 1 Peter 1: 14 - 16.) Njengalendvodza lokukhulunywa ngayo kulomfanekiso, asati kutsi lokukhula kwenteka njani. Accordingly, strong faith in Jehovah's loving care can help you to cope with or avoid such anxiety. Like that man in the parable, we do not know exactly how this happened. Ngesikhatsi saNowa bubi besebudlange kakhulu. Our individual tastes vary, as do our financial resources. In Noah's day, the wickedness was getting worse. Kute siyicondze kahle indzinyana letsite yemBhalo, kufanele sifundze nalamanye emavesi lahlobene nayo. (a) What words of Jesus regarding marriage should we bear in mind? To understand the context of a scripture, we need to learn from other verses related to them. Kutfobeka kwakhe kwamzuzisa yini? 24: 3. Did his humility benefit us? Sihlahla singase sikhule kakhulu ngalokuvamile nangabe timphandze taso tingene tajula emhlabatsini. • The fine seed A tree may grow very much when its roots are deep inside the ground. Kuyini kucondza, futsi nguyiphi indlela umKhristu lonekucondza lakhuluma ngayo nalenta ngayo tintfo? I Learned to Respect Women and Myself 10 What is understanding, and how can a Christian relate to his understanding and actions? UNGUMKHRISTU yini? 2: 8. DO YOU see him? Ekugcineni Bongani wacala kutiphatsa kabi wabese uyasuswa ebandleni lebuKhristu. 2: 3, 4. Finally, she began to commit immorality and to be removed from the Christian congregation. Kucabanga ngalendlela kubaluleke kakhulu. Therefore, would it not be wise to do some significant training during a time of relative peace? Such thinking is very important. 13, 14. * 13, 14. Nangabe sekukhona lokuphatamisa luhlelo lwetfu, siyakhatsateka. Both stages of God's administration are developing today - heavenly and earthly. If we are able to interfere with our schedule, we are anxious. Ngisho nobe abeyiNdvodzana yaNkulunkulu lete sono, abetfobekile. Furthermore, it would be a mistake for a Christian to reason that vigorous preaching is unnecessary because "there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous. " Even though he was the perfect Son of God, he was humble. 7, 8. Why should we be guided by the principles of the Mosaic Law? 7, 8. Ngitisebentisa tonkhe yini tindlela tekuthantaza futsi ngithantaza njalo yini? Be quick to offer sincere commendation. Do I use all of them to pray and pray regularly? Esihlokweni lesendlulile sifundze ngekutsi kubaluleke ngani kutsi emaKhristu atfobeke kanye nangekutsi singatfobeka njani. 16 - 18. (a) What may cause our hearts to become weighed down? In the preceding article, we learned how important it is for Christians to be humble and humble. Khayini bekete umgomo lonjalo, futsi wakhetsa indlela leyamkhweshisa kuJehova. We spent our days in the service. Cain did not have such a goal, and he chose a path that distance him from Jehovah. Imvamisa lizulu kucatjangwa kutsi yindzawo lenhle nalejabulisako lapho bantfu batfola khona kukhululeka ekuhluphekeni baphindze bahlangane "netihlobo tabo letitsandzekako. " Another blessing is that my older brother, who kindly allows us to live on his property, accepted Bible truth and was baptized! They often think that heaven is a good place where people will find relief from the suffering of "the sons of their loved ones. " Yini lesikhanyela bha? She also shared with me her own experience with the kind of test I was going through, and I felt less alone. " What do we see? Singakhuluma naye sikhululekile, sati kutsi angeke kumphatse kabi nasenta njalo. (Hla. We all have done things we wish we could go back and do differently. We can speak with him, knowing that he will never treat us in such a way. Ngiyajabula ngekutsi ngakwenta loko! The apostle Paul pointed out its significance when he wrote: "Christ has been raised up from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep in death. How glad I am that you can do that! Jesu bekatati tintfo leticindzetela bantfu kulelive lesiphila kulo. My goal was to become an assassin. Jesus knew things that surrounded people in the world. Jehova utsandza bantfu labatitfobako hhayi labatigcabhako. The jailer feared that the prisoners had fled and was about to kill himself. Jehovah loves those who humble themselves, not proud. Nguluphi lolunye lugibe Sathane lalusebentisako, futsi singalugwema njani? Give an example. What is one snare that Satan uses, and how can we avoid? (Taga 18: 11) Ngako, kuba nekukholwa lokucinile elutsandvweni lwaJehova lasibonisa lona kungakusita ubhekane nekukhatsateka nome ulwisane nako. Autumn of the same year saw other towns visited, with good attendances. Thus, strong faith in Jehovah's love can help you to cope with anxiety or fight. Tintfo lesititsandzako atifanani, njengobe netimo tetfu temnotfo tingalingani. Dorcas The apostle Peter resurrected this beloved woman, who was known for her many acts of kindness. - Acts 9: 36 - 42. The things we love will be loved, just as our economic circumstances can have a partner. (a) Ngumaphi emavi aJesu lamayelana nemshado lokufanele sihlale siwakhumbula? 10: 1, 4 - 9. (a) What words about marriage should we keep in mind? 24: 3. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. 24: 3. • Inhlanyelo lenhle (b) are living in a camp? • The fine seed Ngafundza Kutihlonipha Nekuhlonipha Bantfu Besifazane 10 That will help you to know how to explain your beliefs to others. I learned to respect and honor Some 10 2: 8. They embittered his spirit, and he spoke rashly with his lips. " 2: 8. 2: 3, 4. This requires spending time with them - not just when they face problems and get discouraged but at other times too. - Rom. 2: 3, 4. Ngako - ke, ngeke yini kube kuhlakanipha kuticecesha ngalokwenele sisengakabhekani netimo letimatima? What is the relationship between the seventh head of the wild beast and the immense image? Therefore, would it not be wise to exercise self - training before we are facing difficult situations? (1Ph 3: 19), 6 / 15 " Content [ment] makes poor men rich; discontent makes rich men poor. " - Benjamin Franklin. 6 / 15 * Even from the physically weakened state brought on by his own poor judgment, Samson was made powerful "through faith. " * Totimbili letindlela talesimiso saNkulunkulu tiyenteka lamuhla - ezulwini nasemhlabeni. Why can we say that endurance is motivated by love? Both of this system of things are happening today - in heaven and on earth. Ngetulu kwaloko, kutawuba liphutsa ngemKhristu kucabanga kutsi kufaka umfutfo emsebentini wekushumayela akudzingeki ngobe "labalungile nalabangakalungi, bayawuvuka ekufeni. " A successful marriage is, indeed, the product of hard work. Moreover, it will be wrong for a Christian to put forth effort to engage in the ministry because "the righteous and the unrighteous will rise up from the dead. " Kungani kufanele sicondziswe timiso letiseMtsetfweni waMosi? He healed sick people, including the blind, the deaf, and the lame. - LUKE 7: 21, 22. Why should we be guided by the principles in the Mosaic Law? Kufanele sisheshe sibancome ngalokusuka enhlitiyweni bantfu labasebasha. Why is it important to keep busy in Kingdom activities? We should be quick to offer heartfelt commendation for young people. 16 - 18. (a) Yini lengabangela tinhlitiyo tetfu kutsi tikhatsateke? Jesus said that the good news would be preached until the end comes. 16 - 18. (a) What could cause our heart to become anxious? Besicitsa sikhatsi lesinyenti sisemsebentini wekushumayela. Later, we were assigned as special pioneers and then to the regular circuit work. We spent much time in the ministry. Lesinye sibusiso kutsi umnaketfu lomdzala lowasiniketa indzawo yakhe kutsi sihlale kuyo, wemukela liciniso leliBhayibheli futsi wabhajatiswa. Among them: He was born in Bethlehem, he was called out of Egypt, and he was executed without having any of his bones broken. Another blessing is that my older brother, who gave us his place to live, accepted Bible truth and got baptized. Wangicocela kutsi naye wake wabhekana nesimo lesifana nalebengikuso futsi loko kwangidvudvuta kakhulu ngobe bengikudzinga kakhulu kukhutsatwa ngaleso sikhatsi. " In view of life's uncertainties, how have the Scriptures comforted you? She told me that she had experienced a similar situation, and this comforted me because I needed encouragement at that time. " Sonkhe sike senta tintfo lesifisa shengatsi singabuyela emuva sitente ngendlela leyehlukile. One that may have surfaced was a recollection from some 33 years earlier. All of us have done things that we wish we could return to a different course. Umphostoli Pawula washo lokutsite lokukhombisa kubaluleka kwako, watsi: "Khristu wavuswa kulabafile, waba ngumvuli wendlela kulabo labatawuvuka kulabafile. Some days later, the family learned to their relief that they would not have to leave the land. The apostle Paul pointed out something valuable to them: "Christ was raised up from the dead, and he became the firstfruits of those who have raised up from the dead. Umgomo wami wawukutsi ngibe ngumbulali lowatiwako. Why are Jehovah's promises a source of great comfort? My goal was to be a murderer who was known. Umgcinijele wesaba kakhulu acabanga kutsi letiboshwa tibalekile futsi besekafuna kutibulala. In 2011 our lives changed completely when the Britain and Ireland branches were merged and we were assigned to London Bethel. The chief officer of the prison felt that the prisoners had escaped, and he wanted to commit suicide. Niketa sibonelo. She says: "My spiritual goals started to fade. Give an example. Kuwo lowo mnyaka kwavakashelwa lamanye emadolobha futsi bantfu labanyenti beta kutolalela letinkhulumo. Of course, your example is also important when it comes to building conviction. That year, some cities were visited, and many came to listen to the talk talk. Dokhasi Umphostoli Phetro wavusa lomfati lobekalungile, futsi lobekatiwa ngekwenta tintfo letinyenti letinhle. - Imisebenti 9: 36 - 42. Joshua never said: " Let me know when the walls of Jericho fall. ' Dorcas the apostle Peter resurrected the righteous woman, and he was known for many good things. - Acts 9: 36 - 42. 10: 1, 4 - 9. She replied that she would accept only part - time work and only if she was granted time off for her spiritual activities. 10: 1, 4 - 9. Wentelwe kusita emsebentini wekufundzisa ngeliBhayibheli lowentiwa emhlabeni wonkhe losekelwa ngeminikelo yekutitsandzela. Would your family benefit from a study of the fruitage of the spirit? It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. (b) nabahlala enkambu? The Roman See intervened in the matter for the first time in 1559, when Paul IV's Index forbade the printing and possession of vernacular B [ibles] without the permission of the Holy Office. " (b) When living in a camp? Loko kutakwenta kutsi ukwati kuchaza loko lokukholelwako kulabanye. Although he did not forget the wrongs he suffered, he did not become embittered by them. This will move you to explain your beliefs to others. * (Num. Knowing the value of the effects of God's spirit in his own life, Jesus impressed on his disciples the importance of their asking for and being led by holy spirit. * Loku kufaka ekhatsi kutsi sicitse sikhatsi nabo, hhayi nje nababhekene netinkinga kuphela nobe bakhatsatekile, kodvwa nangaletinye tikhatsi. - Rom. Back then, many larger cities - such as Jerusalem - were surrounded by high walls. This includes spending time with them, not just when problems or worry, but at times. - Rom. Bukuphi budlelwane emkhatsini wenhloko yesikhombisa yalesilo kanye nesitfombe lesicwebetelako? Read Matthew 13: 31, 32. What is the relationship between the seventh head of the wild beast and the immense image? " Kwenetiseka kwenta bantfu labamphofu banjinge; kungenetiseki kona kwenta tinjinga tiphuye. " - Benjamin Franklin. A Christian can become so enamored with the attractions of Satan's system of things - entertainment, work, possessions - that he does not realize that he is getting deeper into dangerous waters. " There is no pleasure in making poor people rich; they are disappointed in the poverty of Benjamin. " - Benjamin. 15: 14) Ngisho nangesikhatsi angenawo emandla ngesizatfu setincumo takhe letimbi, Samsoni waniketwa emandla " ekukholweni. ' Evolutionists teach that man is naturally improving and has no need for a ransom. Even when he was not able to give up on his bad decisions, Samson was given strength "in the faith. " Kungani singatsi lutsandvo lusikhutsata kutsi acinisele? The rider on a fiery - colored horse depicts the wars that have afflicted mankind. Why can we say that love motivates us to endure? Kuliciniso kutsi umshado lophumelelako ungumphumela wekusebenta matima. God's requirements were specific, but his loving reasonableness shines radiantly in the Law. True, a successful marriage is a result of working hard. ▪ Welapha bantfu labagulako, lokufaka ekhatsi timphumphutse, tihhulu, tinchute kanye netishosha. - LUKHA 7: 21, 22. I had no strength to answer, so I just nodded. ▪ He healed sick people, including blind, blind, and blind. - LUKE 7: 21, 22. Kubaluleke ngani kutigcina simatasa emisebentini yeMbuso? Joseph's example should help us. Why is it important to keep busy in Kingdom activities? Jesu watsi letindzaba letimnandzi betitawushunyayelwa kudzimate kufike kuphela. (b) What will we discuss in the next article? Jesus said that the good news would be preached until the end comes. Ngekuhamba kwesikhatsi sabelwa kutsi sibe ngemahlahlandlela lakhetsekile, ngemuva kwaloko sabelwa kutsi sihambele emabandla. Note what Ecclesiastes 9: 5 states: "The living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all. " Later, we were assigned to serve as special pioneers, and after we were assigned to congregations. Letinye tato ngunati: Watalelwa eBhetlehema (Mikha 5: 2; Lukha 2: 4 - 11), kwatsiwa akaphume eGibhithe (Hoseya 11: 1; Matewu 2: 15) futsi nakabulawa awazange ephulwe ematsambo akhe (Tihlabelelo 34: 20; Johane 19: 33, 36). Right before Jesus resurrected her, he also described her as being asleep. - Luke 8: 52. Some of them were born in Bethlehem. Njengobe kuphila kute sicinisekiso, imiBhalo iye yakudvudvuta njani? What change took place at Pentecost 33 C.E., and who became members of Jehovah's new people? As a result, how did the Scriptures comfort you? Lokunye kwako kungaba nguloko lobekwenteke eminyakeni lengu - 33 leyendlula. Brian: I am happy to hear that, Eric. For one thing, this might have happened 33 years ago. Ngemuva kwemalanga latsite, lomndeni wakhululeka nawuva kutsi bewungeke usahamba kulendzawo. " Speak the Word of God With Boldness ' After some days, the couple were released when they learned that you would not be here. Kungani tetsembiso taJehova tingumtfombo lomkhulu wendvudvuto? As noted, those who responded to Peter's discourse worshipped Jehovah and had previously had a relationship with him. Why can Jehovah's promises be a source of comfort? Nga - 2011, kuphila kwetfu kwashintja ngalokuphele ngesikhatsi kuhlanganiswa ligatja laseBritain nelase - Ireland futsi sacelwa kutsi siye eBethel yaseLondon. Imitate Jesus and choose your friends carefully. In 2011, our lives changed when the Britain branch and Ireland were invited to serve at London Bethel. Utsi: "Besengite imigomo yekukhonta Nkulunkulu. Those had attracted us to our brothers in Eastern Europe. " I have no spiritual goals, " she says. Kubalulekile nekutsi ube sibonelo lesihle kute bantfwana bakho babe nekukholwa. 31 From Our Archives It is also important for your children to have faith. Joshuwa naye akashongo kutsi: " Nibongitjela nasetiwile tindvonga taseJerikho. ' When we do our best to adhere to Jehovah's standards, we can be confident that he will keep his promise to bless us. - Isa. Joshua did not say, " Look! I told you and out of the walls of Jericho. ' Wabatjela kutsi utawukhona kusebenta kuphela emalanga latsite evikini nanangabe batamnika sikhatsi sekuya emihlanganweni. Try always to treasure, to appreciate, your place in Jehovah's organization. She told them that she would work only for a week whenever she would give her time to attend meetings. Umndeni wakho ungazuza yini ngekuhlolisisa titselo temoya? He breaks the bow and shatters the spear. " Can your family benefit from examining the fruitage of the spirit? IRoman See yangenela kwekucala kulendzaba nga - 1559, ngesikhatsi i - Index yaPaul wesine ingakuvumeli kushicilelwa nekuba nemaBhayibheli aletinye tilwimi ngaphandle kwemvume yeLihhovisi Lelingcwele. " Rather than being discovered and documented by archaeologists, the document abruptly appeared on the antiquities market in the late 1970 ' s or early 1980 ' s. Paul's first - century C.E., at the end of the 15th century, was present at the time of Paul's Watch Tower Bible and other languages without a new education. " Nanobe angakukhohlwanga lokubi lokwenteka kuye, kodvwa akazange atfukutseliswe ngulokuphatfwa kabi. 12, 13. Although he does not forget what was bad for him, he did not become bitter. Ngesizatfu sekutsi bekakwati loko lobekwentiwe ngumoya waNkulunkulu ekuphileni kwakhe, Jesu wachazela balandzeli bakhe kubaluleka kwekutsi bawucele futsi bacondziswe nguwo. To learn how we know that this prophecy was fulfilled in 1914, see the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Because he understood what God's spirit had done in his life, Jesus explained the importance of asking his followers for it and to be guided by it. Ngaleto tikhatsi, linyenti lemadolobha lamakhulu lafaka ekhatsi iJerusalema, abekakwe tindvonga letiphakeme. Many of these are kindly donated or are loaned by individuals whose families have decades - long records of faithful service to Jehovah. In those days, thousands of cities, including Jerusalem, put the walls of a high wall. Fundza Matewu 13: 31, 32. How do you feel when something unfair happens? Read Matthew 13: 31, 32. NemKhristu angatitfola sekakhangwa kubukeka kwalesimiso saSathane - etintfweni letinjengekutijabulisa, umsebenti, kanye netintfo lanato - angakanaki atitfole sekangene engotini. To honor their Life - Giver, they needed to avoid any action or inaction that could endanger the life of their fellow man. A Christian might be tempted by the physical appearance of Satan's system - things such as high things as high entertainment, employment, and material things - to avoid falling short. Bantfu lababambelele kuleyo mfundziso, bebafunga bagomela kutsi umuntfu angatilawula futsi akasidzingi sihlengo saJesu. See if you can answer the following questions: Those who adhered to that teaching were required to control a person and do not need Jesus ' ransom sacrifice. Loko lobekufunwa nguNkulunkulu kwakucacile, kodvwa nekucabangela kwakhe kwelutsandvo kwakubonakala kuloMtsetfo. By then, Paul saw just how useful Timothy was. God's approval was clear, but his reasonableness was evident in the Law. Ngangingenawo emandla ekuphendvula, ngako ngavele ngavuma ngenhloko. Those receiving that gift, being declared righteous, become God's spiritual sons. I had the strength to answer, so I immediately accepted. (Lev. 19: 18; Rom. Though the roots of astrology can be traced to ancient Babylon, it remains popular. The Bible tells us that there is no need for us to be restored to life. (b) Yini lesitawucoca ngayo esihlokweni lesilandzelako? Opened Her Heart in Prayer (Hannah), 7 / 1 (b) What will we consider in the next article? Ase unake kutsi Umshumayeli 9: 5 utsini ngaso: "Labaphilako bayati kutsi batakufa, kodvwa labafile abati lutfo. " MANY who claim to believe in God cannot give a sound basis for their faith. Notice what Ecclesiastes 9: 5 says: "The living know that they will die, but the dead are conscious of nothing at all. " Ngaphambi nje kwekutsi Jesu ayivuse, nayo nakachaza simo sayo watsi ilele. - Lukha 8: 52. But what was to happen at the end of 70 years? Just before Jesus resurrected him, he also explained his situation that he was asleep. - Luke 8: 52. Nguluphi lushintjo lolwenteka ngeliPhentekhoste la - 33 C.E., futsi bobani lababa ngemalunga esive lesisha saJehova? 89: 15, 16. What change occurred at Pentecost 33 C.E., and who became members of Jehovah's new nation? Linda: Ngiyajabula nawusho njalo Banele. This has resulted in panic attacks, breathing problems, and stomach cramps. Brian: It's good to say that when I am here, I'm happy to do so. " Khuluma LiVi LaNkulunkulu Ngesibindzi ' Alcoholic Beverages in Bible Times, 2 / 1 " Learn From God's Word ' Njengobe kuvetiwe ekucaleni, labo labalalela loko lokwakushiwo yinkhulumo yaPhetro bebavele bamkhonta Jehova futsi bebake baba nebudlelwane naye. How can I encourage them to follow Jehovah's ways? ' As mentioned earlier, those who listened to Peter's words were already serving Jehovah and had a close relationship with him. Lingisa Jesu futsi ukhetse bangani ngekuhlakanipha. You are his publicity agents. Imitate Jesus and make wise friends. Lemihlangano yasenta sabatsandza bazalwane baseMpumalanga yeYurophu. Isaiah willingly accepted that invitation. These meetings made us love the brothers under ban in German. 31 Lokuvela Emtatjeni Wetfu In this, they are similar to faithful men of old - including Abraham - of whom it is said that "they were strangers and temporary residents in the land. " 31 From Our Archives Nasenta konkhe lokusemandleni kute silalele timiso taJehova, sitawuciniseka kutsi utasigcina setsembiso sakhe sekusibusisa. - Isa. (b) What will another article consider? If we do all we can to obey Jehovah's standards, we will be confident that he will keep his promise to bless us. - Isa. Ngaso sonkhe sikhatsi kufanele ukutsatse njengalokuligugu kuba senhlanganweni yaJehova. 28: 19, 20. Each time you need to cherish the privilege of being part of Jehovah's organization. Ufohlota butjoki, ephule sikhali. " How can you be effective when you reason with others about creation and the Bible? He breaks the bow and breaks it. " Kunekutsi litfolwe liphindze libhalwe bosomlandvo labavubukulako, lelivangeli laJudasi, kungakalindzeli muntfu latfolakala emakethe letsengisa tintfo takadzeni ngasekupheleni kweminyaka yabo - 1970 kuya ekucaleni kwabo - 1980. Study God's Word diligently, and meditate on what you read Instead of making it easier for them to make the impression that the Gospel of Judas, this man found at the market in the late 1980 ' s. 12, 13. I also learned to brush my teeth and comb my hair using my feet. 12, 13. Kute ufundze kutsi sati njani kutsi lesiphrofetho sagcwaliseka nga - 1914, fundza incwadzi letsi Lifundzisani Mbambambamba LiBhayibheli? Christmas, 12 / 1 To learn how this prophecy was fulfilled in 1914, see the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Linyenti laletintfo linikelwa nobe libolekwe emindenini lenebantfu labanemlandvo lomudze wekukhonta Jehova ngekwetsembeka. How did two Christian couples benefit from making a study of kindness? Many of these things have been given up in a single family that serves Jehovah faithfully. (Genesisi 1: 27; Dutheronomi 32: 4) Utiva njani nangabe kwenteka lokutsite lokungakalungi? The apostle Paul wrote: "In the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. How do you feel when something wrong happened? Kute bakhombise kutsi bayamhlonipha uMniki Kuphila bekufanele bakubalekele kwenta nobe yini lebeyitawubeka kuphila kwalabanye engotini. It seems that Mary quoted the Scriptures about 20 times in her speech. To show that they respect their Life - Giver, they had to avoid doing anything that would cause others to risk their lives. Nangabe kunjalo, asewubone kutsi ungakwati yini kuphendvula lemibuto lelandzelako: " You are slaves of the one you obey. " - Romans 6: 16 Well, see if you can answer the following questions: Ngaleso sikhatsi Pawula abesabona kutsi vele Thimothi ulusito. They wanted to survive. At that time, Paul could see that Timothy was really helpful. Labo labatfola lesipho, futsi lokutsiwa balungile, baba ngemadvodzana aNkulunkulu emoya. Boaz ' kindness was actually an expression of Jehovah's loyal love toward a woman who had come to " seek refuge under the wings of the God of Israel. ' Those who receive this gift are righteous became sons of God. Nanobe kubuka kuma kwetinkhayeti kwacala eBhabhulona lasendvulo, kodvwa kusentiwa nalamuhla. Humbly, David addressed this future descendant as his "Lord " because the Christ would occupy a superior position. - Matt. Although they look around us, they began to appear in ancient Babylon, but it is common today. BANTFU labanyenti labatsi bakholelwa kuNkulunkulu bete tizatfu letivakalako tekukholwa kwabo. Some believe that at best such improvements only help prevent discrimination but may be powerless at eliminating prejudice. MANY people who say that they believe in God do not have valid reasons for their faith. Kodwa bekutakwentekani ngemuva kweminyaka lengu - 70? Who are these two witnesses? But what would happen after 70 years? 89: 15, 16. [ Footnote] 89: 15, 16. Loku bekungenta ngihlale ngetfuka, nginenkinga yekuphefumula futsi ngihlushwa sisu. That claim might have seemed valid after Satan induced perfect Adam to sin. This caused me to stay calm, drink, and suffer trouble. Ngingabakhutsata njani kutsi bente intsandvo yaJehova? ' In what ways does an understanding of Jesus ' parable of the wheat and the weeds benefit us personally? How can I encourage them to do Jehovah's will? ' Nine nititfunywa tayo. For more information about God's Kingdom, see chapter 8 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? You are his publicity agents. 6: 8 - 10) Isaya wakwenta ngekutitsandzela loko. Ruth showed appreciation for God's gift of marriage Isaiah willingly did just that. Afanana ncamashi nemadvodza letsembekile angesikhatsi lesendlulile - lafaka ekhatsi Abrahama - lokwatsiwa " emhlabeni abafokati netihambi. ' Although I could not understand what he was saying, I began thinking that I too wanted to become a missionary, learn another language, and be able to encourage the brothers by giving a talk in their language. It is similar with faithful men of old - such as Abraham, who had been "well reported on in the world and temporary residents. " (b) Lesinye sihloko sitawube sicoca ngani? Seven Steps to Beneficial Reading, 7 / 1 (b) What will be considered in this article? 28: 19, 20. What did they do about this? 28: 19, 20. Yini lengakusita kutsi ubonisane nalabanye ngendalo nangeliBhayibheli ngendlela lephumelelako? Similarly, on a memorable day some time ago, one of Jehovah's servants may have called at your door to discuss the message of hope found in the Bible. What can help you to show personal interest in others and in the Bible? Lidadishe ngekutimisela liVi laNkulunkulu futsi uzindle ngalokufundzako When Joseph realized that they had changed, he told them that he was their brother. Study diligently study God's Word and meditate on it Ngafundza kucubha kanye nekukama tinwele tami ngisebentisa tinyawo. 31: 10. I learned to cut my hair and my feet off my feet. Wallen), 4 / 15 He grew up in Alaotra Mangoro, a fertile region in eastern Madagascar. Wallen), 4 / 15 Imindeni lemibili yemaKhristu yazuza njani ngekuhlolisisa bubele? Just before entering the Promised Land, thousands of Israelites were seduced by Moabite women, with whom they committed sexual immorality. How did two Christian families benefit by drawing close to one another? Bayawuba ngulabangalaleli batali babo, bangabongi, babete bungcwele, babete lutsandvo, bangatsetselelani. Each one of you should know how to control his own body in holiness and honor. " For they will be disobedient to their parents, unthankful, having no natural affection, not forgiving them. (1 Samuweli 2: 1 - 10) Kubonakala shengatsi Mariya wacaphuna imiBhalo tikhatsi letingaba ngu - 20 ngalesikhatsi akhuluma. This compliment reminded him of what he was well - aware of - that careful use of the scalpel keeps blood loss to a minimum. It seems that Mary quoted the Scriptures some 20 times when he spoke. " Nitigcili taloyo muntfu lenimlalelako. " - Roma 6: 16 What attitude of the psalmist would it be good for us to imitate? " You are slaves of each person. " - Romans 6: 16 Bebafuna kusindza. Thus, Abel had rich food for meditation. They wanted to survive. Umusa lowaboniswa nguBhowazi bewukhombisa lutsandvo lolucotfo Jehova labekanalo ngalona wesifazane " lowakhosela ngephansi kwaNkulunkulu wema - Israyeli. ' (Read Numbers 35: 24, 25.) Boaz, who was shown genuine love for Jehovah's arrangement for a woman who had "the refuge of the God of Israel. " Ngekutfobeka, Davide wabita lentalo letawuvela ngekutsi "yiNkhosi " yakhe ngobe Khristu abetawuba sesikhundleni lesisetulu. - Mat. Yet, Fred had died a few weeks earlier. David humbly referred to the offspring of the promised Messiah as his "Lord, " for Christ would be exalted to a superior position. - Matt. Labanye bakholelwa kutsi intfutfuko lenjalo imane isite kuvimbela kucwasa bantfu ngebuve kodvwa kungenteka ingakhoni kucedza lubandlululo. Search for lessons in what you read Some believe that such progress is merely helping people to prevent prejudice, but it may be impossible to eliminate prejudice. Babobani labofakazi lababili? On the other hand, what should you do if you do not yet feel inclined to serve Jehovah? Who are the two witnesses? [ Umbhalo longentasi] That region is home to the Antandroy people. [ Footnote] (Jobe 2: 4, 5) Letinsolo betingabonakala ngatsi tiliciniso ngesikhatsi Sathane aphumelela ekulingeni Adamu lobekete sono kutsi one. What can you do to make Bible reading more beneficial? Such accusations seemed to be true when Satan was trying to turn Adam's back on the contrary to Adam's sin. Kucondza umfanekiso waJesu wemabele nelukhula, kusizuzisa ngatiphi tindlela? What if despite your efforts, the pressure persists? In what ways does Jesus ' illustration of the wheat and the weeds benefit us? Kute utfole kwatisa lokubanti mayelana neMbuso waNkulunkulu, fundza sehluko 8 encwadzini letsi Lifundzisani Mbambambamba LiBhayibheli? We will likely be more empathetic if we remember that some of our dear brothers and sisters have been weakened by adverse circumstances - suffering from poor health, living in a divided household, or coping with depression. For more information about God's Kingdom, see chapter 8 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Ruthe wakhombisa kubonga ngesipho saNkulunkulu semshado To be sure, Moses counted it a privilege to lead the Israelites in worship. But he did not put his authority ahead of the welfare of others. Ruth appreciated God's gift of marriage Nanobe bengingakucondzi loko besikusho, ngakhumbula kutsi nami ngiyafuna kuba sitfunywa selivangeli, ngifundze lulwimi lolusha futsi ngikhutsate bazalwane ngekutsi ngibeke inkhulumo ngelulwimi lwabo. 3, 4. (a) How and for how long has violent anger afflicted humans? Although I did not understand what I said, I remembered that I wanted to be a new missionary, and I had a new language by encouraging the brothers in their language. Yini labase bayayenta? Having our name inscribed in Jehovah's "book of remembrance " as his people comes with certain obligations. What do those who do this? Ngendlela lefanako, ngelilanga lelitsite esikhatsini lesengcile, Fakazi waJehova kungenteka utile kakho kute acoce nawe ngemlayeto welitsemba loseBhayibhelini. The greatest tribulation in mankind's history is coming soon. Similarly, on a day in the past, one of Jehovah's Witnesses may be able to share the Bible's message with you. Ngesikhatsi Josefa abona kutsi bashintjile, wabatjela kutsi ungumnakabo. Stand firm in it. " When Joseph realized that his brother changed, he told them that his brother had changed. 31: 10. How should recognizing that Kingdom rule has begun and that we are living in "the time of the end " affect us? 31: 10. Wakhulela e - Alaotra Mangoro lokusifundza lesisempumalanga yeMadagascar. RATIO She grew up in Florida in the southern country. (Eks. 32: 1, 6) Ngembikwekutsi angene eVeni Lesetsembiso, ema - Israyeli latinkhulungwane ayengwa besifazane bakaMowabi, latiphatsa kabi nabo ngekwelicasi. 13, 14. Before entering the Promised Land, thousands of Israelites were influenced by the women of Moab, immoral conduct. Ngamunye wenu kufanele akwati kulawula umtimba wakhe ngebungcwele nangeludvumo. " Yet, not what I want, but what you want. " Each of you must control his own body and be honored. " Lena bekuyindlela yekumncoma kanye nekumkhumbuta ngentfo lebekayati kahle - kusebentisa emathulusi akhe kute avimbele kulahleka kwengati lenyenti. To be integrity - keepers, we need to fix our eyes on that big issue and comprehend how important it really is. This was an expression of commendation and reminding him of what he knew - his tools to prevent the blood of blood. Ngusiphi simo sengcondvo semhlabeli lesihle lesingasilingisa? Similarly today, Christians suffer opposition because of their witnessing. What positive attitude of the psalmist can we imitate? Ngako, betitinyenti tintfo Abela lebekangazindla ngato. 3: 21, 24. So there was a lot of things Abel could meditate on. (Fundza Numeri 35: 24, 25.) 48: 17, 18. (Read Numbers 35: 24, 25.) Nanobe kunjalo, Fred abesenemaviki lambalwa ashonile. This may be seen in the decisions they make with regard to secular work, higher education, and acquisition of material possessions, as well as the amount of time spent in sports and entertainment. However, Fred was about a few weeks later. Yetama kutfola tifundvo kulendzaba loyifundzako How can parents help their children to become fine servants of Jehovah? Try to learn lessons from this account Ngakulolunye luhlangotsi, yini lokufanele uyente nangabe kwanyalo ute sifiso sekukhonta Jehova? Others, such as the "Acts of Pilate, " a part of the" Gospel of Nicodemus, " focus on people connected with those events. On the other hand, what should you do if you have no desire to serve Jehovah? Kulendzawo bekuhlala bantfu labakhuluma si - Antandroy. In addition, we want to make good use of the various means by which spiritual food is now made available to God's people worldwide. - Luke 12: 42. In this area, we lived in the German province. Yini lesingayenta kute kufundza kwetfu liBhayibheli kuzuzise kakhulu? Some who have served him for many years can truly say that this is the best way of life. - Psalm 1: 1 - 3; Isaiah 58: 13, 14. What can we do to increase our study of the Bible? Kutsiwani nangabe kucindzetelwa bontsanga kungapheli nanobe wetama kumelana nako? That will cover a multitude of shortcomings. " What if peer pressure is difficult to resist? Singaba neluvelo kakhulu nangabe sikhumbula kutsi labanye bazalwane nabodzadze lesibatsandzako babutsakatsaka ngesizatfu sekutsi bacindzetelwa timo letimatima njengemphilo, kuba semndenini lowehlukene ngenkholo nome kubeketelela kucindzeteleka lokukhulu. Give suggestions for learning the lyrics of the songs. We can be very grateful when we remember that our loved brothers and sisters are weak because they are weak just under pressure, living in a religiously divided household, or in a religiously divided household, we can cope with severe distress. (Numeri 27: 15 - 18; Dutheronomi 31: 3 - 6; 34: 7) Mosi wakutsatsa njengemsebenti lokhetsekile kuhola ema - Israyeli ekukhonteni Nkulunkulu kodvwa akazange atsatse sikhundla sakhe njengalesibaluleke kwendlula inhlalakahle yalabanye. Perhaps because you know that when we manifest zeal for our ministry and do things in keeping with God's will, we honor Jehovah and may help others to gain salvation. Moses viewed the special work of ancient Israel but did not care for the welfare of others more than others. 3, 4. (a) Lubatsintse njani lulaka kanye nebudlova bantfu, futsi loko kwenteke sikhatsi lesidze kangakanani? " Therefore, get out from among them, and separate yourselves, ' says Jehovah, " and quit touching the unclean thing. ' " - 2 Corinthians 6: 14, 17. 3, 4. (a) How have this affected the anger and violence of humans, and how long has this happened? Kukhona lokufanele sikwente nangabe sifuna emagama etfu ahlale " asencwadzini yesikhumbuto ' yaJehova. 14: 25. There is something we should do if we want our words to remain "in the book of Jehovah. " Sekusemnyango kuhlupheka lokukhulu lokungazange sekube khona. What is the meaning of the illustration of the mustard grain? The great tribulation has not occurred. Ngako manini nicine kuwo. " The ransom reveals Jehovah's love for all humans So stand firm in your face. " Kufanele kusitsintse njani kucaphela kutsi uMbuso sewucalile kubusa nekutsi siphila " esikhatsini sekugcina '? The results are likely to be disastrous - if the machine works at all. How should it affect our recognizing that the Kingdom has begun to rule and that we are living in "the last days "? SILINGANISO I found a job, got married and, unfortunately, also started drinking. DURING A FROM OUR COVER 13, 14. Why not accept the invitation to study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses? 13, 14. Kodvwa akwenteke intsandvo yakho, hhayi yami. " Appreciation may deepen gradually. But do your will, not my own. " Kute sibe cotfo, kufanele sinake kakhulu kusekela bukhosi baJehova futsi sikucondze kubaluleka kwako. cruel? To be integrity keepers, we need to focus on upholding Jehovah's sovereignty and understand its importance. Nalamuhla, emaKhristu ayaphikiswa ngesizatfu sekufakaza kwawo. If I needed advice, the elders helped me. Today, Christians face opposition because they bear witness. 3: 21, 24. The girl had seen our badge cards and knew that we were Witnesses. 3: 21, 24. 48: 17, 18. Although difficult circumstances affect more people than ever before, distressing problems are not new to mankind. 48: 17, 18. Loku singakubona etincumeni labatentako letimayelana nemsebenti wekutiphilisa, imfundvo lephakeme, sifiso sekuba netintfo talelive nesikhatsi labasisebentisa emidlalweni futsi batijabulisa. It is followed by water baptism. This can be seen in the activities of secular employment, higher education, the desire to spend time with the world's resources, and the entertainment industry. Batali bangabasita njani bantfwana babo kutsi babe tikhonti letinhle taJehova? BIBLE STUDIES How can parents help their children to become Jehovah's worshippers? Kantsi lamanye, lafaka ekhatsi "iMisebenti yaPhilatu, " ayincenye " yeliVangeli laNikhodemu, ' akhuluma ngebantfu labahlobene naleto tentakalo. What can we learn from the example of Naomi? In other cases, such as " Pilate of Pilate and Pilate, " he was part of" the Gospel of Nicodemus, " referring to people who are related to those events. Ngetulu kwaloko, kufanele sitisebentise kahle tonkhe tindlela lesitfola ngato imfudvo levela kuNkulunkulu leyentelwe bantfu bakhe labasemhlabeni wonkhe. - Luk. 12: 42. Remember that it is not only what you say but how you say it that matters. Moreover, we should use all the ways that we receive from God that has provided for his people worldwide. - Luke 12: 42. Labanye lesebamkhonte iminyaka leminyenti bangasho kutsi lena yindlela lencono kakhulu yekuphila. - Tihlabelelo 1: 1 - 3; Isaya 58: 13, 14. " Jehovah is near. " Some who have served for years may say that this is the best way of life. - Psalm 1: 1 - 3; Isaiah 58: 13, 14. Loko kutawenta kutsi ungawaboni emaphutsa lamanyenti labawentako. " 4: 15. This will help you not to see the imperfections of many mistakes. " Shano tintfo letingaba lusito ekufundzeni emagama aletingoma letinsha. 8 Give some practical help from reading the lyrics of new songs. Kungenteka ubangelwa kwati kutsi nasikhombisa inshisekelo ngemsebenti wetfu wekushumayela futsi senta tintfo letivumelana nentsandvo yaNkulunkulu, sisuke sidvumisa Jehova futsi singabasita labanye basindziswe. • If we are faced with death, what can comfort us? Perhaps we know that when we show zeal for our ministry and do things in harmony with God's will, we honor Jehovah and help others to be saved. Jehova utsi: " Ngako - ke phumani kubo, nitehlukanise nabo, futsi ningatsintsi lutfo lolungcolile. ' " - 2 Khorinte 6: 14, 17. What will the Master, Jesus, do when he comes in the future? Jehovah says: "Go out from among them, separate themselves from them, and don't steal. " - 2 Corinthians 6: 14, 17. 14: 25. Simon worked hard to learn Palauan, which enables him to " open his heart wide ' to the local brothers and sisters. 14: 25. Usho kutsini umfanekiso wenhlanyelo yesinaphi? This will not be with any elaborate ritual. What is the meaning of the illustration of the mustard grain? Inhlawulo ikhombisa lutsandvo Jehova lanalo ngabo bonkhe bantfu Jesus was admonishing his apostles to be different from people in general. The ransom reveals Jehovah's love for all people Nangabe lomshini usebenta, ungase ubange tingoti. Serving others involves what? If the treatment works, you may be confronted with dangers. Ngatfola umsebenti ngase ngiyashada, kodvwa ngelishwa ngacala kunatsa tjwala. 2 When Will the End Come? I became a job and got married, but I began to cut down alcohol. Kungaba njani uvume kutadisha liBhayibheli kanye naboFakazi BaJehova? After pioneering for three years, she now says: "As a result of spending more time in the ministry and learning from other sisters, I have gradually improved in my ability to witness. Why not study the Bible and Jehovah's Witnesses? Kujabulela intfo letsite kungase kukhule kancane kancane. We are very happy with the ways we have been blessed by allowing Jehovah to direct us through his organization. Finding joy in something else may gradually grow. unelunya? How does Jehovah answer our prayers to resist temptation? Is he harsh? Emadvodza lamadzala elibandla ahlale avule emagede ngekungeluleka nangidzinga seluleko. 1, 2. (a) Why did 24,000 Israelites lose out on wonderful blessings? The elders in the congregation regularly open up the city by giving advice. Lentfombatanyana yayibone emabheji etfu futsi yati kutsi siboFakazi. In addition, family problems and personal dilemmas have brought fear and sorrow. The girl saw our girls and knows that we are Jehovah's Witnesses. Nanobe timo letimatima titsintsa bantfu labanyenti lamuhla kunasekucaleni, tinkinga leticindzetelako betisolo tikhona. During this seventh day, Jehovah has been resting, secure in the knowledge that his purpose will be fulfilled and that, as a group, his people will support it. Although difficult situation affects so many people today, it has always been distressing. Kulandzelwa lubhabhatiso lwemanti. Imagine that a friend gives you a car as a gift. Following water is followed. TIFUNDVO TELIBHAYIBHELI During the time of the end, the Son of man would send forth his "reapers, " the angels, to separate the symbolic wheat from the weeds. BIBLE STUDIES Sifundzani endzabeni yaNawomi? But no underlying dread should agitate one who fears Jehovah. What can we learn from Naomi? Khumbula kutsi loko lokushoko akusiko lokuvisa umuntfu buhlungu, kodvwa yindlela lokukhuluma ngayo. He will complete his conquest by abyssing Satan and his demons for the full length of the Thousand Year Reign. Remember that what you say is not the feeling hurt, but it's the way it speaks. " Simakadze uhlala asedvute. " But have you ever heard someone say, "I will give him a taste of his own medicine "? " Jehovah is close to him. " 4: 15. Success as a musician - artist made me proud, so I first needed to learn some humility. 4: 15. 8 He "went journeying from city to city and from village to village, preaching and declaring the good news of the kingdom of God. " 8 • Yini lengasidvudvuta nakwenteka sishonelwa? Michelle: Of course, it's one thing to notice a situation, but to be moved by it - to have feelings about the situation - is something else altogether. • What can give us comfort when we suffer? Yini Jesu loyiNkhosi latayenta nakefika esikhatsini lesitako? It was as if he had killed the priest who had helped him. What will Jesus do when he arrives in the future? Simon wasebenta kamatima kute afundze siPalauan, lokwamenta wakhona " kuvula inhlitiyo yakhe ' kubazalwane nabodzadze bakuleyo ndzawo. One way that we acquire wisdom from God is by accepting his discipline. Simon worked hard to learn from him, helped him to " open up his heart ' with the local brothers and sisters. Loku ngeke kube nemidanti letsite. Nevertheless, he added: "But I want you to know that the head of every man [including every member of the governing body] is the Christ;... in turn, the head of the Christ is God. " This will not be able to cover a variety of foods. Jesu abeluleka baphostoli bakhe kutsi behluke kubantfu labanjalo. Following them would only divert us from the road that leads to eternal life. Jesus counseled his apostles to be different from such ones. Kuba lusito kulabanye kufaka ekhatsi ini? Who is the greatest gift - giver in the universe? What does being of others involve? 2 Kutawufika Nini Kuphela? In those circumstances, Moses and the older men acted as bearers of Jehovah's instructions to his people. 2 When Will the End Come? Ngemuva kwekuba lihlahlandlela iminyaka lemitsatfu, Kathy watsi: "Ngesizatfu sekucitsa sikhatsi lesinyenti ngisemsebentini wekushumayela futsi ngifundza kulabanye bodzadze, likhono lami lekushumayela litfutfuke kancane kancane. Tenderness: An expression of love that is similar to emotions such as compassion and mercy. After three years of pioneering, Ruth said: "I have spent much time in the preaching work and learning about other sisters, and I'm able to improve my ministry gradually. Sijabula kakhulu ngetindlela lesibusiswe ngato ngesizatfu sekutsi sivumele Jehova kutsi asicondzise ngenhlangano yakhe. Let love motivate your hospitality, and you need not worry. How grateful we are for the blessings we have received because we allow Jehovah to guide us through his organization! Jehova uyiphendvula njani imithantazo yetfu yekutsi simelane nesilingo? Josiah How does Jehovah answer our prayers to resist temptation? 1, 2. (a) Kungani ema - Israyeli langu - 24 000 alahlekelwa tibusiso? Oliver, a brother in his late 30 ' s from the United States, explains why he recommends this type of service: "Serving Jehovah outside my comfort zone has had many benefits. 1, 2. (a) Why did some 24 Israelites lose their blessings? Ngetulu kwaloko, tinkinga temindeni netemuntfu ngamunye tiletse kwesaba nelusizi. As we draw ever closer to the end of this wicked world, more and more of Jehovah's people are being affected by disasters and tragedies. Moreover, family problems and hearts have brought to fear and sorrow. Kulelilanga lesikhombisa, Jehova uphumulile, futsi uyajabula ngekutsi injongo yakhe itawugcwaliseka, nelicembu lebantfu bakhe liyayisekela. How can you "safeguard your heart " and remain separate from the world? During the seventh day, Jehovah is pleased that his purpose will be fulfilled, and his people will be supported by his purpose. Ase sitsi umngani wakho ukupha imoto. What pattern did Jesus follow when feeding the crowds? Suppose you are a friend who gives you a car. Ngesikhatsi sekuphela, iNdvodzana yemuntfu beyitawutfumela "bavuni, " lokutingilosi, kute tehlukanise kolo longumfanekiso elukhuleni. (See John 2: 11.) During the time of the end, the Son would send to "a flock, " the wheatlike wheatlike weeds. Kodvwa nangabe sesaba Jehova angeke sibe nalo luvalo. Perhaps someone in your family is disfellowshipped. But if we are afraid of Jehovah, we will never be afraid of his thoughts. 45: 4) Utawucedzela kuncoba kwakhe ngekutsi ajikijele Sathane nemadimoni akhe emgodzini longenamkhawulo kute kuphele iMinyaka Leyinkhulungwane. ON September 7, 1950, I became a member of the Brooklyn Bethel family. He will complete his conquest by abyssing Satan and his demons into the abyss so that the Thousand Year Reign will be destroyed. Kodvwa uke wamuva yini lotsite atsi: "Ngifuna kumvisa lobuhlungu langivise bona "? How we can do this will be the subject of the following article. But have you ever heard someone say, "I want to hurt you? " Kuba ngumhlabeleli lodvumile kwangenta ngatigcabha, ngako kwadzingeka kutsi ngifundze kutfobeka kucala. 3 Angels - Can They Affect Your Life? A prominent psalmist made me proud, so I had to learn to be humble. " Wahamba wadzabula emadolobha nemadolobhana ashumayela liVangeli ngembuso waNkulunkulu. " Why is faith a precious possession? " He went through city villages and preached the good news of God's kingdom. " Calisile: Liciniso lelo. Nkulunkulu akagcini ngekubona tinkinga tetfu kodvwa kuphindze kumvise buhlungu kusibona sikuleso simo. * While we cannot be dogmatic, is it possible that Jesus ' words refer to the heavenly resurrection? Michelle: The truth is that God has not only seen our problems but also gives him pain to see us feel the situation. Kwemukela siyalo kungulenye indlela lesitfola ngayo kuhlakanipha lokuvela kuNkulunkulu. This cuneiform tablet has the name Tattannu written on one of its edges Self - discipline is another way that we gain divine wisdom. Nobe kunjalo, waphindze watsi: "Kodvwa ngifuna nati kutsi inhloko yawo onkhe emadvodza [lokufaka ekhatsi onkhe emalunga esigungu lesibusako] nguKhristu; inhloko yemfati yindvodza; nenhloko yaKhristu nguNkulunkulu. " Rather than being jealous of others, we can show concern and personal interest in them. However, he also stated: "I want you to know that all men [God's] head, including all members of the governing body; Christ the head of the woman is the Christ; and the head of the Christ is God. " Ngako - ke, nangabe sitilandzela titawusenta siphambuke endleleni leholela ekuphileni lokuphakadze. 23,192,500 Thus, if we follow the course of life, we will act in a way that leads to everlasting life. Ngubani umuphi lomkhulu wetipho emhlabeni wonkhe? Furthermore, Marelius worked full - time to pay the mortgage on their house. Who is the greatest gifts of all over the world? (Eks. 12: 1 - 7, 21 - 23, 29) Kuleto timo, Mosi kanye nemadvodza lamadzala ngibo labaniketa umyalo waJehova kubantfu bakhe. The whole world needed to see Babylon the Great for what it is - a religious prostitute! In those circumstances, Moses and the older men whom Jehovah gave his command to his people. Umusa: Uyindlela yekukhombisa lutsandvo futsi ufana nemiva lefaka ekhatsi luvelo nesihawu. These are serious questions to ponder at this time of the year. kindness: It is an expression of love and feelings like compassion. (Taga 15: 17) Lutsandvo lutasenta simeme labanye futsi ngeke sikhatsateke. Ben says, "Most people will never really understand what our life is like. " Love will motivate us to be generous toward others and that we will not be anxious. Josaya So, what will happen to the unfaithful? Josiah Oliver longumzalwane loseminyakeni yabo - 30 wase - Melika uchaza kutsi kungani akhutsata kukhonta lakunesidzingo lesikhulu khona. When Jael showed him the corpse with the tent pin through the temples, he knew that Deborah's prophecy had come true. Oliver, a brother in her mid - 30 ' s, explains why he encouraged her to serve where the need is greater. (Taga 19: 3) Njengobe sisondzela ekupheleni kwalelive lelibi, bantfu baJehova labanyenti bahlaselwa tehlakalo kanye netinhlekelele. She adds, "I had enough troubles as it was, without adding worries about situations that hadn't happened and probably wouldn't happen. " As we get closer to the end of this wicked system of things, Jehovah's people are suffering and disasters. " Ungayilondvolota njani inhlitiyo yakho ' futsi uhlale wehlukile eveni? Similarly, once Jehovah has forgiven our sin, we do not need to fear that he is looking for a reason to bring up that sin again or to judge us for it. - Read Psalm 103: 8 - 12. How can you " guard your heart ' and remain separate from the world? Nguyiphi indlela Jesu layisebentisa ngesikhatsi ondla sicumbi sebantfu? Jehovah's Witnesses would be pleased to assist you in learning more about Jesus Christ, the "only - begotten Son " of God, through whom we may receive the gift of" everlasting life. " - John 3: 16. What method did Jesus use when he fed the crowds? (Fundza Johane 2: 11.) The Messiah would be silent before his accusers. (Read John 2: 11.) Mhlawumbe lilunga lemndeni wakho liyayekeliswa kuba nguFakazi. How was Jehovah the share of the priests and Levites? Perhaps a family member is disfellowshipped. NGA - SEPTEMBER 7, 1950, ngaba lilunga lemndeni waseBethel yaseBrooklyn. They do not want to give up work that they enjoy. IN SEPTEMBER 7, 1950, I became a member of Brooklyn Bethel family. Kutsi singakwenta njani loko, sitawucoca ngako esihlokweni lesilandzelako. We can do so, so we will discuss this in the next article. 3 Tingilosi - Tingakutsintsa Njani Kuphila Kwakho? 3 Angels - How Can You Feel Your Life? Kungani kukholwa kuyintfo leligugu? Why is faith precious? * Nanobe singeke sigomele, kungenteka yini kutsi lamavi aJesu akhuluma ngeluvuko lwasezulwini? * Although we cannot expect, is it possible that Jesus ' words refer to the heavenly resurrection? Lesibhelekece sineligama lelitsi Tattannu What Should We Learn From God's Word Esikhundleni sekutsi sibe nemona ngawo, singawakhombisa kutsi siyawatsandza futsi siwabonise lolo tsandvo. Instead of envy, we can show them love and love. 23 192 500 23 2, 500 Ngetulu kwaloko, Marelius abesebenta ngaso sonkhe sikhatsi kute abhadale imali layiboleka ebhange yekutsenga indlu yabo. Moreover, Marelius worked full - time to pay money for the bank to purchase their house. Umhlaba wonkhe bekufanele wati kutsi iBhabhulona Lenkhulu iyingwadla! The whole earth had to know that Babylon the Great is a prostitute! Lena yimibuto lokufanele sicabangisise ngayo kulamalanga eSikhumbuto. These questions should be considered in these articles. Utsi: "Bantfu labanyenti angeke bacondze kutsi injani imphilo yetfu. " She says: "Many people will not understand how their life is. " Ngako - ke yini letawenteka kulabo labangaketsembeki? What, then, will happen to those who are unfaithful? Watsi Jayeli nakamkhombisa sidvumbu saSisera lesibetselwe ngesikhonkwane wavele wabona kutsi siphrofetho saDebhora sigcwalisekile. She said that when she brought Sisera's body to the torture stake, she could see that Deborah's prophecy was fulfilled. Uphindze utsi, "Bengivele nginetinkinga letenele, ngako bekute sidzingo sekwengeta letinye tinkinga lebetingakenteki nalebekungenteka tigcine tingakenteki. " She adds: "I had sufficient problems, so I had no need to add some of the challenges that could end. " Ngendlela lefanako, nangabe Jehova asasicolele, kute sizatfu sekwesaba kutsi utawuphindze asijezisele tono lesantenta. - Fundza Tihlabelelo 103: 8 - 12. Similarly, when Jehovah forgives, there is no reason to fear and again. - Read Psalm 103: 8 - 12. BoFakazi BaJehova bangakujabulela kukusita kutsi ufundze lokwengetiwe ngaJesu Khristu, " loyiNdvodzana yaNkulunkulu lekukuphela kwayo, ' nalesitawusitfola ngaye sipho " sekuphila lokuphakadze. ' - Johane 3: 16. [ Imibhalo lengentansi] Jehovah's Witnesses will be happy to help you learn more about Jesus Christ, "the only - begotten Son of God, " and you will receive the gift of everlasting life. - John 3: 16. Mesiya abengeke asho lutfo kulabo labebammangalela. The Messiah would not say anything to those who accused him. Jehova waba njani sabelo sebaphristi kanye nemaLevi? How did Jehovah become the share of the Levites and Levites? Abafuni kuyekela umsebenti labawutsandzako. They do not want to give up work that they enjoy.