Kana vabereki vako vakakudzidzisa pamusoro pezvinhu izvi, une chikonzero chokuonga nemhaka yokuti ikoku kunokugonesa kuteerera murayiro wakafuridzirwa: "Rangarirawo Musiki wako. " If your parents have taught you about these things, you have reason to be grateful because this enables you to heed the inspired command: "Remember, now, your Grand Creator. " If your parents teach you about these things, you have reason to be thankful because this enables you to obey the inspired command: "Remember, now, your Grand Creator. " Simiyoni naRevhi vakaita sei pamusana pokusadzora hasha dzavo? What resulted when Simeon and Levi did not control their anger? How did Simeon and Levi react because of not controlling their anger? " Vana vane vabereki vasina hanya kana kuti vane hasha vanotya kuita chinenge chiito chipi nechipi chokungozvifungira, kubatanidza zvinobatsira, nemhaka yokuti vanotya kuti vabereki vavo vachawana mhaka mune zvavaita ndokutsoropodza kana kuti kuvaranga. " - Bringing Up a Moral Child, rakanyorwa naMichael Schulman naEva Mekler " Children of cold or harsh parents are afraid to take virtually any kind of spontaneous action, including helpful ones, because they are afraid that their parents will find some fault in what they have done and criticize or punish them. " - Bringing Up a Moral Child, by Michael Schulman and Eva Mekler " Children whose parents are cold or harsh are afraid to take practical action, including helpful ones, because they fear that their parents will find fault in what they have done and criticize or punish them. " - Breaking Up a Moral Child, by Michael Schulman and Eva Mekler " NDINODA zvakanakisisa muupenyu! " " I WANT the best that life has to offer! " " I love the best in life! " Asi sezvo Mwari akanunura makwai ake kupfurikidza nokubvisira vafudzi vane udyire umambo apo Judha akaitwa dongo, naizvozvo iye achanunurazve makwai ake kupfurikidza nokunyima vatongi vechiKristudhomu chiremera chavo mukati me "dambudziko guru. " But as God delivered his sheep by stripping selfish shepherds of rulership when Judah was desolated, so he will again deliver his sheep by depriving Christendom's rulers of their authority during the "great tribulation. " But just as God delivered his sheep by removing selfish shepherds from the kingdom when Judah was made desolate, so he will again deliver his sheep by withholding from Christendom's rulers their authority during the "great tribulation. " Mumwe mukadzi wechiduku akangoerekana asvika padziri ndokuti nomufaro: "Ndave ndichinyengetera kuti ndisangane nomumwe munhu akaita semi. " A young woman suddenly approached them and excitedly said: "I've been praying to meet someone like you. " A young woman suddenly approached them and said with joy: "I've been praying to meet someone like you. " Rudo runotsungirira zvinhu zvose runobatsira sei vaKristu vakaroorana? How is the love that endures all things a help to married Christians? How does love that endures all things benefit married Christians? Patinomira noushingi pamberi pomutongi, tinenge tichitopa shoko rokuti kudii? When we take a courageous stand before a judge, what message are we, in effect, delivering? When we courageously stand before a judge, what message do we actually deliver? Hongu! Of course he does! Yes! [ Bhokisi / Mifananidzo iri papeji 16] [ Box / Pictures on page 16] [ Box / Pictures on page 16] Cherechedzai zvakataurwa naJesu paainyengetera kuna Baba vake: "Kuti vawane upenyu husingaperi, vanofanira kuramba vachiwana zivo pamusoro penyu, imi Mwari wechokwadi chete. " Note what Jesus said in a prayer to his Father: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God. " Note what Jesus said in prayer to his Father: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God. " Sezvo George asina kupiwa muraidzo upi noupi worudzidziso navabereki vake, haana kutongorangarira rudzidziso zvakakomba. Since George was not given any religious instruction by his parents, he never took religion seriously. Since George was not given any religious instruction by his parents, he never took religion seriously. " Vakauya, mumwe nomumwe akamutswa nemwoyo wake, " Bhaibheri rinodaro nezvevaIsraeri, "vakauya varume nevakadzi. " - Eksodho 35: 21, 22. " They came, everyone whose heart impelled him, " the Bible says about the Israelites, "and they kept coming, the men along with the women. " - Exodus 35: 21, 22. " They came, everyone whose heart impelled him, " the Bible says of the Israelites, "and they came in, men and women. " - Exodus 35: 21, 22. Zvakare, mumwe munhu angagona kufunga kuti, " Ikoku kose kwakaisvonaka, asi kune chokuitai nenguva yangu yazvino nenguva yangu yemberi? ' Still, someone could think, " This is all well and good, but what does it have to do with my present life and my future? ' Once again, someone could think, " All of this is fine, but what bearing does it have on my present time and my future? ' Vane rugare naMwari. They are at peace with God. They are at peace with God. Vainge vasina kuvimbika. Dherira ainge asina kuvimbika kuna Samsoni, murume aimuda; Absaromu kuna baba vake, Mambo Dhavhidhi; Judhasi kuna Tenzi wake, Jesu Kristu. They were all disloyal - Delilah to the man who loved her, Judge Samson; Absalom to his father, King David; Judas to his Master, Christ Jesus. She was disloyal; she was disloyal to Samson, a man who loved her; Absalom to her father, King David; Judas to her Master, Jesus Christ. Kana uchida kuva namamwe mashoko kana kuti fundo yeBhaibheri yapamusha yapachena, tapota nyorera Watch Tower, 35 Fife Avenue, Harare, Zimbabwe, kana kuti kero yakakodzera yakarongwa papeji 5. What a Grand Creator we have! If you would like to have further information or a free home Bible study, please write to Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, New York 11201, or to the appropriate address listed on page 5. Tine Musiki Mukuru akadini! You will feel relief as he replaces grief with joy, anguish with peace. What a Grand Creator we have! Uchanzwa wazorodzwa paanochinja kusuruvara kuchiva mufaro uye kunetseka kuchiva rugare. The Coming of the Messiah You will feel relieved when he changes sorrow into joy and stress into peace. Kuuya kwaMesia Then you had those individual books bound into one volume. The Messiah's Coming Ipapo wakaita kuti mabhuku mamwe namamwe iwayo abatanidzwe kuva vhoriyamu imwe. Where Do I Fit In? Then it made those individual books included into one volume. 17 Bhuku Raunogona Kuvimba Naro ● Shop for shoes toward the end of the day, when your feet are slightly larger. 17 A Book You Can Trust ● Tenga shangu pedyo nomugumo wezuva, apo tsoka dzinenge dzakati kurei zvishoma. I liked the pleasant atmosphere in the home. ● Buy shoes near the end of the day, when the feet are a little larger. Ndaifarira magariro ataiita pamba apa akanga ane runyararo. We should also realize that public prayer is not an occasion to try to impress listeners or cause them to wonder how long it will be before we say "Amen. " I liked the peaceful atmosphere we had at home. Tinofanirawo kuziva kuti kunyengeterera ruzhinji hausi mukana wokushamisira kana kuti wokuita kuti vateereri vazvibvunze kuti uchapera rini kuti vazoti "Ameni. " Is that what Jesus did? We also need to realize that public prayer is not an opportunity to show off or to let the audience ask themselves when you will be over to say "Amen! " Ndizvo zvakaitwa naJesu here? How does Jehovah deal with his earthly children? Was that what Jesus did? Jehovha anobata sei navana vake vapasi? " No resident will say: " I am sick. ' " - Isaiah 33: 24. How does Jehovah deal with his earthly children? " Hakuna mugari wemo achati: " Ndiri kurwara. ' " - Isaya 33: 24. The important thing is to serve God as best one can. ' " No resident will say: " I am sick. ' " - Isaiah 33: 24. Chinhu chinokosha kubatira Mwari zvakanakisisa sezvaunogona. ' Envy, 2 / 15 The important thing is to serve God as best you can. ' Vaimbi, Zviridzwa (munguva dzekare), 2 / 1 How did Israel benefit from keeping the Sabbath? God's Kingdom - A God Who Is True, 5 / 15 VaIsraeri vaibatsirwa sei nokuchengeta Sabata? Yes, let us never forget that Jehovah has our best interests at heart. How did the Israelites benefit from keeping the Sabbath? Saka ngatisambokanganwa kuti Jehovha anoda kuti zvinhu zvinyatsotifambira zvakanaka. Of course, I can't say that I have beaten cancer, but I am still enjoying life, and that is very important. " So let us never forget that Jehovah wants what is best for us. Ichokwadi kuti, handigoni kutaura kuti ndakakunda kenza, asi ndichiri kunakidzwa noupenyu, uye izvozvo zvinokosha zvikuru. " The discourse that followed the drama, "Declare the Good News " Without Letup, ' " drove home the salient points of the drama. True, I cannot say that I have conquered cancer, but I still enjoy life, and that is very important. " Hurukuro yakatevera mutambo wacho yaiti, "Zivisa Mashoko Akanaka " Usingaregi, ' " yakasimbisa pfungwa huru dzomutambo wacho. The so - called dirty war took place during the rule of a military junta (1976 - 83) in which thousands of people suspected of subversion were killed. The next talk, " Declare the Good News " Do Not Give Up, ' " emphasized the main points of the drama. Inonzi hondo isina mufungo yakaitika paitonga boka revarwi vehondo (1976 - 83) umo zviuru zvevanhu zvaifungidzirwa kuti zviri kuda kupandukira zvakaurawa. If we accept God's invitation to pray to him, what benefits may we expect? A so - called senseless war broke out during the reign of a band of military soldiers (1976 - 83) in which thousands of people who were supposed to rebel were killed. Kana tikabvuma zvatinoudzwa naMwari zvekuti tinyengetere kwaari, zvinotibatsira sei? The Pitch Lake of Trinidad and Tobago 24 If we accept God's direction to pray to him, how do we benefit ourselves? Zvinhu zvipi zvokufunga nezvazvo? If we have young children, arriving on time at meetings presents a special challenge. What are some factors to consider? Kana tiine vana vaduku, kusvika pamisangano nenguva ibasa chairo. " Kismet differs from Fate only in its being referred to an all - powerful Will; all human appeal against either is in vain. " - Hastings ' Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics, Volume V, page 774. If we have young children, getting to meetings on time takes effort. " Kismet inosiana neJambwa bedzi mukunongedzerwa kwayo Kukuda kune simba rose; chichemo chose chavanhu pamusoro pechimwe nechimwe hachina maturo. " - Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics yaHastings, Volume V, peji 774. What do we learn from these scriptures? " Kismet differs only from Philip in its reference to the all - powerful will; the whole appeal of people about each other is in vain. " - Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics of Hasings, Volume V, page 744. Tinodzidzei mumagwaro aya? At that time the staff, or Bethel family, in France was made up of about ten members, and I was assigned to help in the Shipping Department. What can we learn from these scriptures? Panguva iyoyo vashandi, kana kuti mhuri yeBheteri, muFrance vakanga vakaumbwa nemitezo inenge gumi, uye ini ndakagoverwa kubetsera muBato roKutumira Mabhuku. Jesus ' resurrection opens the way to bring them back to life in God's promised Paradise earth. At that time the staff, or Bethel family, in France were made up of about ten members, and I was assigned to help in the Writing Department. Rumuko rwaJesu rwunovhura nzira yokuti vave vapenyuzve muParadhiso yapasi yakapikirwa yaMwari. □ What is vitally important to a successful marriage and family life? Jesus ' resurrection opens the way for them to be alive again in God's promised earthly Paradise. □ Chii chinokosha zvikuru kuroorano inobudirira noupenyu hwemhuri? Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. □ What is vitally important to a successful marriage and family life? Kunyange munyika ino yatambudzika, unogona kuwana mufarwa unobva muzivo yakarurama yeBhaibheri yaMwari, Umambo hwake, uye chinangwa chake chinoshamisa nokuda kworudzi rwomunhu. Suggestions for Shepherding Calls Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. Zvikarakadzo Zveshanyo Dzokufudza The sex scenes caused tension between me and my wife. Suggestions for Watching Visits Zviitiko zvepabonde zvakaita kuti ini nomudzimai wangu tinetsane. We are not just talking about unity but are enjoying it every day. Sexual incidents caused conflict between my wife and me. Hatisi kungotaura nezvekubatana asi kuti takatobatana. In some lands, opposers try to limit or ban the worship that sincere Christians render to Jehovah. We are talking, not about unity, but about unity. Mune dzimwe nyika, vashori vanoedza kudzora kana kurambidza kunamata kunoitwa Jehovha nevaKristu vepachokwadi. Superstition and Spiritism In some lands, opposers try to control or ban the worship of Jehovah by genuine Christians. Kutenda Zvemashiripiti Uye Zvemidzimu When they learned that Hurricane Katrina had destroyed hundreds of homes of fellow Witnesses, brotherly love moved them to quit their jobs, give up their apartment, buy a secondhand trailer, fix it up, and travel 900 miles [1,400 km] to Louisiana. The Faith of the occult and the Spirits Pavakanzwa kuti dutu remhepo inonzi Katrina rakanga raparadza mazana edzimba dzezvimwe Zvapupu, kuda kwavanoita hama dzavo kwakaita kuti vasiye mabasa avo nemba yavo ndokubva vatenga karavhani yakamboshandiswa ndokuigadzira, vakaita rwendo rwemakiromita 1 400 kuenda kuLouisiana. You never know when the neighbor might have a change of attitude as a result of your kindness. Upon hearing that the Kattina storm had destroyed hundreds of homes of fellow Witnesses, their love for their relatives moved them to leave their jobs and their house and bought a small trailer that once used and built them, and they made a trip of some 1,000 miles [400 km] to Melbourne. Hauzivi kuti ndirini apo muvakidzani wacho achachinja maonero ake pamusana pomutsa wako. Some assignments may have seemed more important than others, but all were essential. You do not know when the neighbor will change his attitude because of your kindness. Mamwe mabasa angave akaratidza seanokosha kupfuura mamwe, asi ose aikosha. PROMISCUITY. Some tasks may have seemed more important than others, but all of them were important. UNZENZA. This is the love that Christians should show. " YOU are not. Urwu ndirwo rudo runofanira kuratidzwa nevaKristu. " Maggy, * a sister in Australia, explains what happened when she began dating an unbeliever: "I missed a lot of meetings just to be with him. This is the love that Christians should show. " Imwe hanzvadzi yokuAustralia inonzi Maggy, * yakataura zvakaitika payakatanga kudanana nemukomana asingatendi ichiti: "Kakawanda ndairovha misangano kuti ndionane naye. Abraham would be father of a great nation that would enjoy Jehovah's protection and that would possess the land of Canaan. Fagy, * a sister in Australia, * related what happened when she first fell in love with an unbelieving boyfriend: "Many times I missed meetings to meet him. Abrahama aizova baba vorudzi rukuru rwaizodzivirirwa naJehovha uye rwaizova varidzi venyika yeKanani. Testimony involving so many eyewitnesses cannot be discounted. Abraham would be a father of a great nation who would be protected by Jehovah and would possess the land of Canaan. Hatingarambi uchapupu hwevanhu vakawanda kudaro. The Bible continues: "Beloved ones, if this is how God loved us, then we are ourselves under obligation to love one another. " We cannot deny the testimony of so many people. Bhaibheri rinopfuurira kuti: "Vadikanwa, kana Mwari akatida saizvozvo, nesuwo tinofanira kudana. " □ Why do so many today choose the broad way? The Bible goes on to say: "Beloved ones, if this is how God loved us, then we are ourselves under obligation to love one another. " □ Neiko vazhinji kwazvo nhasi vachisarudza nzira yakafara? Carol, who likewise became an unwed mother at an early age, experimented with sex because of curiosity. □ Why do so many today choose the broad road? Carol, uyo akavawo amai vasina kuroorwa achiri muduku, akasarudza kurara nomurume nemhaka yokuda kuziva. True faith involves a strong belief in God's ability and desire to reward our life course of obedience to him. Carol, who also became a single mother at an early age, decided to have sexual relations with a man out of curiosity. Kutenda kwechokwadi kunosanganisira kudavira kwakasimba kwokuti Mwari anogona uye kuti anoda kukomborera upenyu hwedu kana tichimuteerera. Tobacco use is the major preventable cause of disease worldwide. True faith involves a strong belief that God can and that he wants to bless our lives if we obey him. Kushandisa fodya ndicho chinhu chikuru chinokonzera chirwere chinogona kudziviswa munyika yose. Most babies take from 20 to 40 minutes to complete a feeding, though some babies like to dine at their leisure, with pauses. Use of tobacco is the principal cause of disease that can be avoided worldwide. Vacheche vakawanda vanotora maminiti 20 kusvika ku 40 kuti vapedze kudya, kunyange zvazvo vamwe vana vanoda kudya pakufaranuka kwavo, nokutindika. " Happy is the man that has not walked in the counsel of the wicked ones, and in the way of sinners has not stood, and in the seat of ridiculers has not sat. Many babies take 20 to 40 minutes to finish a meal, even though some children need to eat at their leisure, with good results. " Anofara munhu asingafambi maererano nezano revakaipa, asingamiri munzira yevatadzi, asingagari pachigaro chevaseki. If you find yourself justifying your watching something questionable, ask yourself, " Would Jehovah really approve of my watching this? ' " Happy is the man that has not walked in the counsel of the wicked ones, and in the way of sinners has not stood, and in the seat of ridiculers has not sat. Kana ukawana uchizviruramisa paunenge uchiona chimwe chinhu chisina kunaka, zvibvunze kuti, " Jehovha anganditendera kuona izvi here? ' Eric Schwab / WHO If you find yourself correcting yourself when you see something wrong, ask yourself, " Would Jehovah allow me to see this? ' Eric Schwab / WHO The psalmist wrote: "Blessed is every one that feareth Jehovah, that walketh in his ways. " - Psalm 128: 1, American Standard Version. Eric Schwab / WHO Munyori wepisarema akanyora kuti: "Vakaropafadzwa vose vanotya Jehovha, vanofamba munzira dzake. " - Pisarema 128: 1, Bhaibheri muNdimi yeUnion Shona. And imagine the joy at the 1993 "Divine Teaching " International Convention in Kiev, Ukraine, where 7,402 were immersed - the largest baptism of Jehovah's Witnesses on record. - Isa. The psalmist wrote: "Happy are all those fearing Jehovah, who walk in his ways. " - Psalm 128: 1, King James Version. Fungawo mufaro wakavapo muna 1993 pagungano renyika dzakawanda raiti "Kudzidzisa Kwoumwari " rakaitirwa muKiev, Ukraine pakabhabhatidzwa vanhu 7 402. Hapana rimwe gungano reZvapupu zvaJehovha rakabhabhatidzwa vanhu vakawanda saizvozvo. - Isa. But we don't even hear the word " Sin ' any more. Think, too, of the joy experienced in 1993 at the "Divine Teaching " international convention held in Kiev, Ukraine, where 7,402 were baptized. - Isa. Asi hatimbonzwa shoko rokuti " Chivi ' zvakare. Some individuals may have chosen a mate who belongs to a different religion. But we never hear the word "sin. " Vamwe vanhu vangave vakasarudza wokuroorana naye ane chitendero chakasiyana. In contrast, a young speaker may have a lot of ability, but because of being young, he may exude more self - confidence than is seemly. Some individuals may have chosen a marriage mate who has a different religion. Mukupesana, mukurukuri muduku angava namano akawanda, asi nemhaka yokuva muduku, iye angaratidza kunyanyozvivimba kupfuura kwakafanira. " THE world has never had peace. On the contrary, a young speaker may have more ability, but because of being young, he may show too much self - confidence than necessary. " NYIKA haina kutongobvira yava norugare. Friday's program will conclude with the talks "Oppose the Devil - Tolerate No Rivalry " and" Loyally Upholding the Integrity of God's Word. " " THE world has never been possible for peace. Purogiramu yeChishanu ichaguma nehurukuro dzinoti "Dzivisa Dhiyabhorosi - Usashivirire Makwikwi " uye" Kutsigira Nokuvimbika Kunaka kweShoko raMwari. " Isaiah foretold that He would be born of a virgin. Friday's program will conclude with the talks "Praise the Devil - Do Not Be Letting Up " and" Loyal Support of the Goodness of God's Word. " Isaya akafanotaura kuti Mesiya aizoberekwa nemhandara. He told me to stop worrying. Isaiah foretold that the Messiah would be born of a virgin. Iye akandiudza kurega kuzvidya mwoyo. True Christians " learn war no more, ' regardless of the price to be paid. He told me to stop worrying. VaKristu vechokwadi " havasati vachadzidzazve hondo, ' pasinei zvapo nemubhadharo unofanira kubhadharwa. " Sometimes religious factors encourage [people] to adopt a fatalistic attitude towards such dangers. " True Christians " do not learn war anymore, ' no matter what payment is to be paid. " Dzimwe nguva zvinosakisa zvezvitendero zvinokurudzira [vanhu] kuva nepfungwa yekutemerwa mugumo patsaona dzakadaro. " German newsweekly Der Spiegel wrote that Calvinist ideals spurred the British on to becoming a major world power. " Sometimes the causes of faiths encourage [people] to have a sense of destiny over such accidents. " Der Spiegel pepanhau revhiki nevhiki reGermany rakanyora kuti pfungwa dzechiCalvin dzakakurudzira vaBritish kukuva simba guru renyika. Those who married did so "in the Lord. " Der Spiegel a German weekly newspaper wrote that Calvinist ideas encouraged the British to become a major world power. Avo vakaroora vakaita saizvozvo "munaShe. " Lives hang in the balance. Those married did so "in the Lord. " Upenyu huri pangozi. Jesus further explained that despite their historic importance, neither Jerusalem nor Mount Gerizim were religious sites essential for approaching God. Lives are at stake. Jesu akatsanangurazve kuti pasinei zvapo noukoshi hwadzo munhau, Jerusarema kana kuti Gomo reGerizimi dzakanga dzisiri nzvimbo dzorudzidziso dzinokosha nokuda kwokusvika Mwari. Many have been attracted to the truth from God's Word about beliefs and doctrines that they never before understood, and what they have learned has affected them for the better. Jesus further explained that regardless of their importance in history, neither Jerusalem nor Mount Gerizim were important religious centers for approaching God. Vakawanda vakakwezviwa nechokwadi chinobva muShoko raMwari pamusoro pezvitendero nedzidziso dzavakanga vasina kumbonzwisisa kare, uye zvavakadzidza zvakavaita kuti vaite zviri nani. " I have two children, and I am concerned about how and where their food is made. " Many have been attracted by truths from God's Word regarding beliefs and teachings that they previously did not understand, and what they learned has made them do better. Ndine vana vaviri uye chimwe chinondidya mwoyo inyaya yokuti zvokudya zvichadyiwa nevana vangu zvakagadzirwa sei uye kupi. " The divine promise is: "No resident will say: " I am sick. ' " I have two children and one of my anxieties is about how and where my children will eat food. " Chipikirwa choumwari ndeichi: "Hakuna ugeremo, uchati: Ndinorwara. " Some adults told me that if I went to Canada, the United States, or England, I would better myself no matter what field I chose. The divine promise is: "No resident will say: " I am sick. ' " Vamwe vakura vakandiudza kuti kudai ndaienda kuCanada, United States, kana kuti England, ndaizozviita ari nani zvisinei hazvo nebasa randaisarudza. 4, 5. Some older ones told me that if I had traveled to Canada, the United States, or England, I would do so better despite my choice of employment. 4, 5. ; Hildred, S. 4, 5. ; Hildred, S. Jeremiah did not bow to pressure to water down God's message ; Hildred, S. Jeremiya haana kubvuma kurerutsa shoko raMwari pasinei nokumanikidzwa kwaaiitwa But he lacked something very important. Jeremiah did not hesitate to water down God's word despite pressure Asi ainge asina chimwe chinhu chaikosha chaizvo. Obviously there was an informer, someone who knew a lot about us and who had been working for the State for some time. But he had nothing of great value. Zvaive pachena kuti paiva nomutengesi, mumwe munhu aiziva zvakawanda nezvedu uye aive achishandira Hurumende kwenguva yakati. Despite the dust, sore hands, and weary legs, we enjoyed the challenge and adventure. It was evident that there was a merchant, someone who knew a lot about us and was working for the State for a time. Pasinei zvapo neguruva, maoko anorwadza, uye makumbo akaneta, takafarikanya denho yacho nechinoitika. " Did we give you permission to dye your hair? " Despite the dust, painful hands, and tired legs, we enjoyed the challenge with experience. " Takakubvumira kuti udhaye bvudzi rako here? " (1 Kings 12: 1 - 22: 53) " Have we allowed you to sleep your hair? " (1 Madzimambo 12: 1 - 22: 53) Practical assistance is thus provided in a flexible approach to Kingdom Hall construction that incorporates local methods and materials. (1 Kings 12: 1 - 22: 53) Nokudaro rubatsiro runoshanda runoenderana nezvinodiwa pakuvakwa kweDzimba dzoUmambo kunosanganisira mitoo nezvishandiso zvomunharaunda idzi ruri kupiwa. At present there are well over 5,000 home Bible studies being conducted in the southern part of Mozambique. The practical assistance thus in harmony with the needs of Kingdom Hall construction includes the methods and tools provided locally. Panguva ino mune dzinosanopfuura fundo dzeBhaibheri dzapamusha 5 000 dziri kuitiswa murutivi rwokumaodzanyemba kweMozambique. Do not despair when there are differences of opinion. This time there are well over 5,000 home Bible studies being conducted in the southern part of Mozambique. Musaora mwoyo apo kunenge kune misiano yomurangariro. Seventeen burglaries were reported in one middle - class suburb. Do not despair when there are differences of opinion. Kupazwa kwedzimba gumi nekunomwe kwakashumwa mune rimwe sabhabhu rakabudirira zviri pakati nepakati. What is not meant by the term "mild - tempered "? The seven - house thefts were reported in a well - developed suburb. Chii chisingarehwi neshoko rokuti "vanyoro "? This can also contribute to our having good neighbors. What is not true of the word "the meek "? Izvi zvinogonawo kubatsira kuti tive nevavakidzani vakanaka. The Bible writer Luke speaks of God's purpose to " turn His attention to the nations to take out of them a people for his name. ' The same can be true of good neighbors. Munyori weBhaibheri Ruka anonyora nezvechinangwa chaMwari choku'funga nezvemamwe marudzi kuti atore Maari vanhu vezita rake. ' But that did happen at the temple in Jerusalem when Jesus was on earth and divisions of priests and Levites served at the temple in Jerusalem. The Bible writer Luke writes about God's purpose "to think of the nations to take out of them a people for his name. " Asi izvozvo zvaiitika patembere muJerusarema apo Jesu aive pasi pano uye mapoka avaprista nevaRevhi aibatira patembere muJerusarema. But not everyone agrees that organic farming offers safer food. But that happened at the temple in Jerusalem when Jesus was on earth and crowds of priests and Levites served at the temple in Jerusalem. Asi haasi munhu wose anobvuma kuti zvokudya zvakadai hazvikuvadzi. To eliminate corruption, then, people must be taught how to overcome entrenched motives such as greed and selfishness. But not everyone agrees that such foods are safe. Kuti uori hupere, vanhu vanofanira kudzidziswa kubvisa pfungwa dzakadzika midzi mumwoyo yavo dzakadai sekuva nemakaro. (a) What help have we had in adapting to the needs of our worldwide territory? To end corruption, people need to be taught to root out deep - seated thoughts, such as greed. (a) Ibetseroi yatakava nayo mukuchinjira kuzvinodikanwa zvendima yedu yenyika yose? They take no part in political affairs or social conflicts. (a) What help have we had in adapting to the needs of our worldwide territory? Havapindiri mune zvematongerwo enyika kana kubatanidzwa mumagakava anoitika kwavanogara. Awake! They do not get involved in politics or get involved in local disputes. Mukai! Afterward, it is steeped in water - a necessity if the barley is to germinate. Awake! Kana zvadaro, inonyikwa mumvura - zvinokosha kuti bhari imere. * This book admits: "Genuine sex abuse of children is widespread and the vast majority of sex abuse allegations of children... are likely to be justified (perhaps 95% or more). " If so, it is immersed in water - it is vital that barley grow. * Iri bhuku rinobvuma, kuti: "Kubatwa zvisina kufanira chaikoiko muvatano kwavana kwakapararira uye dzoruzhinjisa zvikuru dzepomero dzokubatwa zvisina kufanira kwavana... dzine bviro yokururamiswa (zvimwe 95% kana kuti kupfuura). " When a problem arises, they strive to solve it rather than use it as an excuse to abandon the marriage. * This book admits: "The actual sexual abuse of children is widespread and overwhelming of child abuse charges... are more likely to be justified (some 95% or more). " Kana pakamuka dambudziko, vanoedza kurigadzirisa pane kurishandisa sechikonzero chokurambana. In that visionary setting, the priests worked in the temple, providing instruction and receiving Jehovah's counsel and correction. When a problem arises, they try to solve it rather than use it as an excuse for divorce. Pane zvaakaratidzwa izvozvo, vapristi vaishanda mutemberi, vachirayiridza vanhu uye vachipiwa mazano naJehovha nokugadziridzwa pane zvavainge vakanganisa. What counsel does Paul provide for "the aged women " in the congregation? In that vision, the priests served in the temple, instructing the people and receiving Jehovah's counsel and correction from their mistakes. Pauro anogovera zanoi ku "vakadzi vakuru " vari muungano? He will be pronounced happy in the earth; and you cannot possibly give him over to the soul of his enemies. What counsel does Paul give to "the aged women " in the congregation? Jehovha uchamuchengeta nokumururamisa, uchakomborerwa panyika; hamungamuisi pakuda kwavavengi vake. Individual reactions to alcohol vary. The LORD shall preserve him, and correct him, and he shall be blessed upon the earth; and thou shalt not deliver him into the will of his enemies. Zvinoitika kumunhu mumwe nomumwe kana anwa doro zvinosiyana. All these factors made Antioch a fertile field for Christian disciple making. What happens to each person after drinking alcohol varies. Zvose izvi zvakaita kuti Andiyoki ive munda wakaorera wokuti vaKristu vaite vadzidzi. As we endeavor to please Jehovah, it will do us good to remember Caleb. All of this made Antioch a fertile field for Christians to make disciples. Kuratidza Rudo rwechiKristu Kuvakweguru, 8 / 1 A special pioneer (full - time evangelizer) had been assigned to work there, and I obtained the book The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life from him. 8 / 15 Sezvatinoedza kufadza Jehovha, kuchatiitira zvakanaka kuyeuka Karebhi. In his book Vicars of Christ - The Dark Side of the Papacy, Peter De Rosa states: "In the pope's name, [the inquisitors] were responsible for the most savage and sustained onslaught on human decency in the history of the [human] race. " As we strive to please Jehovah, it will do good to remember Caleb. Piyona chaiye (muevhangeri wenguva yakazara) akanga agoverwa kunoshanda ikoko, uye ndakawana bhuku rinonzi Zvokwadi Inotungamirira Kuupenyu Husingagumi kwaari. I also offered them booklets, and some people accepted these. A special pioneer (full - time evangelizer) had been assigned to serve there, and I found the book The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life to him. Mubhuku rake Vicars of Christ - The Dark Side of the Papacy, Peter De Rosa anoti: "Muzita rapapa, [vabvunzurudzi] vakaparira kudenha kunotyisa nokunopfuuridzirwa zvikurusa uye kwakaipa patsika dzavanhu munhau yorudzi rwa [vanhu]. " [ Picture on page 25] In his book Rulers of Christ - The Dark Side of the Pope, Peter De Rosa says: "In the name of the pope, [the interviewers] caused the most vicious and continued attack on human culture in the history of the [human] race. " Ndakavagoverawo mabhukwana, uye vamwe vanhu vakagamuchira iwaya. As awkward as it may be, talk to your child about all aspects of puberty. - Bible principle: Acts 20: 20. I also placed some booklets with them, and some people accepted these. [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 25] Rather, consult your doctor first. [ Picture on page 25] Kunyange zvazvo muchigona kunzwa musina kusununguka kutaura nyaya iyi nemwana wenyu, muudzei zvese zvinoitika pakuyaruka. - Zvinotaurwa neBhaibheri: Mabasa 20: 20. And in our harsh modern world, with unprecedented numbers of people "having no natural affection, " such training is often deeply flawed. Although you may feel uncomfortable talking about this with your child, share with him every aspect of adolescence. - Bible principle: Acts 20: 20. Pane kudaro, tanga wabvunza chiremba wako. It is actually come to this that if the author of the " Age of Reason ' were alive today he would not be spoken of derisively as Tom Paine, the infidel, but the Rev. Thomas Paine, D. Instead, first consult your doctor. Uye nokuoma kwaita nyika yedu mazuva ano, kuine vanhu vakawanda zvikuru "vasina rudo kwazvo rwokuzvarwa narwo, " kurera kwakadaro kunenge kuine zvikanganiso zvakawanda. Chapters 46 to 51 relate the word that Jeremiah speaks concerning the nations. And with the pressures of our planet today, there are so many people who "have no natural affection, " there are many mistakes to such a upbringing. Kwakasvika chaizvoizvo kukuti kudai munyori we'Zera Rokurangarira ' aiva mupenyu nhasi haasati aizotaurwa nezvake nomutoo wokuseka saTom Paine, asingadaviri, bva Mufundisi Thomas Paine, D. But, indeed, it is Jehovah God who spoke! It really came to that if the writer of " the Age of Reason ' was alive today he would not be spoken of like Tom Paine, an unbeliever, yet theologian Thomas Paine, D. Zvitsauko 46 kusvika ku51 zvinorondedzera shoko rinotaurwa naJeremiya nezvemarudzi acho. " In about 50% of cases, " say the study's authors, "the teenager is unlikely to return to school. " Chapters 46 to 1951 describe Jeremiah's message about the nations. Asi, zvamazvirokwazvo, ndiJehovha Mwari ataura! Sometimes, however, they decide to crawl up a trouser leg or shirtsleeve before tapping a blood vessel. But, indeed, Jehovah God has spoken! " Munyaya dzinenge 50 muzana, " vanodaro vanyori vokuongorora kwacho, "pwere ichiri kuyaruka haiwanzodzokera kuchikoro. " Repeatedly they were seduced by false worship and came into bondage to idolatry and superstition, so God permitted them to be physically enslaved to their enemies. " In some 50 percent of the cases, " say the authors of the survey, "the adolescent rarely goes back to school. " Padzimwe nguva, zvisinei, dzinosarudza kukwira negumbo remutirauzi kana kuti ruoko rwehembe dzisati dzaboora tsinga yeropa. Jehovah is not just the Hearer of prayer but also the Answerer. At times, however, they decide to climb with the leg of a toilet or the arm of a shirt before piercing the blood vessels. Vakanyengerwa vanyengerwazve nokunamata kwenhema ndokupinda muusungwa kukunamata zvidhori nokudavira mashura, naizvozvo Mwari akavabvumidza kuiswa muuranda navavengi vavo nenzira yokunyama. Given your parents ' health and circumstances, it may be that bringing them into your home is the best option after all. They were further deceived by false worship and led into bondage to idolatry and superstition, so God permitted them to be enslaved by their enemies in a material way. Jehovha haasi Munzwi womunyengetero bedzi asiwo Anopindura. There was work for him to do to make clear his identity as the promised Messiah. Jehovah is not only the Hearer of prayer but also the answer. Uchirangarira utano nemigariro zvavabereki vako, kungava kuti kuvaita kuti vauye kuzogara mumusha mako ndicho chisarudzo chakanakisisa pashure pokurangarira zvose. But they fear the crowds, who consider Jesus to be a prophet. Considering the health and circumstances of your parents, it may be that having them come to live in your home is the best decision after all. Pane basa raaifanira kuita kuti vanhu vanyatsoona kuti ndiye aive Mesiya akanga apikirwa. Moreover, no one would be left on the earth as a foundation for the new world. There was a work that he had to do to convince the people that he was the promised Messiah. Asi vanotya mapoka avanhu, vanoona Jesu somuprofita. For instance, the sea and the wind were calmed, water was changed into wine, rain was stopped and started, sick people were cured, and sight was restored to the blind. But those who fear the crowds see Jesus as a prophet. Uyezve, hapana vaizosara vari pasi pano kuti vave vokutanga kuumba nyika itsva. You can benefit from this account as you carry out your weekly Bible reading assignment for the Theocratic Ministry School. Moreover, no remaining ones on earth would be the first to form a new world. Somuenzaniso, gungwa nemhepo zvakanyaradzwa, mvura yakachinjwa kuva waini, mvura yakamiswa kunaya uye yakaitwa kuti itange kunaya, vanhu vairwara vakarapwa, uye mapofu akasvinudzwa. Why not? For example, the sea and the wind were calmed, the waters were turned into wine, the rains were stopped and were made to begin recovery, the sick people were cured, and the blind were opened up. Unogona kubatsirwa nenhoroondo iyi sezvaunoita kuverengwa kweBhaibheri kwevhiki nevhiki kweChikoro chaMwari Choushumiri. People are understandably loath to flee their homes without cause, but reticence was overcome by a video presentation that vividly depicted the perils of a volcanic eruption. You can benefit from this account as you do weekly Bible reading of the Theocratic Ministry School. Zvokona nei? Their comforting, practical counsel and instruction from God's Word may be just what we need to strengthen our resolve enough to overcome our weakness. - James 5: 14 - 16. Why not? Sezvinonzwisisika vanhu havawanzoda kubva pamisha yavo pasina chikonzero, asi kusada ikoko kwakakurirwa kupfurikidza nokuratidzwa vhidhiyo yairatidza zvakajeka ngozi dzokuputika kwegomo. So I decided to stay in England and forget about pursuing a further law degree. It is understandable that people generally prefer to leave their homes for no reason, but that inclination was overcome by a video showing clearly the dangers of the volcano. Zano ravo nomurayiridzo zvinonyaradza, uye zvinobatsira zvinobva muShoko raMwari zvingava zvinhu chaizvo zvatinoda kuti tisimbise chisarudzo chedu zvakakwana kuti tikurire kusava nesimba kwedu. - Jakobho 5: 14 - 16. How good it is, therefore, lovingly to cover over the mistakes of others. Their counsel and instruction are comforting, and the benefits from God's Word can be just what we need to strengthen our resolve enough to overcome our weaknesses. - James 5: 14 - 16. Saka ndakasarudza kugara muEngland uye kusiya zvekuenderera mberi nerimwe dhigirii rezvemutemo. What riches bring the greatest satisfaction? So I decided to stay in England and to leave behind a legal degree. Saka, zvakanaka kungofukidza kukanganisa kwevamwe nokuratidza rudo. While he was in Ephesus, his foes may have thrown him into the arena to fight wild beasts. Therefore, it is good simply to cover the faults of others by showing love. Ipfuma ipi inoita kuti tigutsikane zvechokwadi? God's righteousness, for example, is not simply an inward or personal quality that he possesses, such as his holiness and purity. What treasures bring true satisfaction? Paakanga ari muEfeso, vavengi vake vangave vakamukandira munhandare yomutambo kuti arwisane nezvikara. Communication is another vital way to help your children. While in Ephesus, his enemies may have thrown him into a theater to fight against wild beasts. Somuenzaniso, kururama kwaMwari hahusi unhu hunongova mupfungwa dzake chete kana kuti hwomunhu oga hwaanahwo, zvakadai soutsvene hwake nokuchena. Travel where you may, when you meet any of the more than six million Witnesses of Jehovah, you find the same happy, joyous spirit. God's righteousness, for example, is not just a quality that he has in mind or a personal one, such as his holiness and cleanness. Kukurukura ndeimwe nzira inokosha yokubatsira nayo vana venyu. Have any of your sons or daughters left home to pursue their goals? Discussing is one important way to help your children. Enda kwose kwaungagona, paunoona upi noupi weZvapupu zvaJehovha zvinodarika mamiriyoni matanhatu, uchaona mufaro wakafanana. For it is written, " It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service. ' " Go wherever you can, when you see any of Jehovah's Witnesses over six million, you will find similar joy. Une vana vakabva pamba kuti vanoshanda here? Why Mothers Work Do you have children who left home to work? Iye akazivisa, kuti: "Ibva, Satani, nokuti kwakanyorwa kuchinzi: " Namata [Jehovha, NW] Mwari wako, umushumire iye oga. ' " Certain missionaries have been unexpectedly faced with failing health, disease, and family problems, forcing some to leave their assignments. He declared: "Go away, Satan! For it is written, " It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service. ' " Chinoita Kuti Vanaamai Vaende Kubasa Solomon continued: "All that your hand finds to do, do with your very power " while you are alive. Why Mothers Go to Work Vamwe vafundisi vakatarisana nenzira isingakarirwi noutano husina kunaka, chirwere, uye zvinetso zvemhuri, kuchimanikidzira vamwe kusiya migove yavo. Christ will bring perfect peace to the earth, thereby eliminating one of the main causes of poverty. Some missionaries have unexpectedly faced poor health, sickness, and family problems, forcing others to leave their assignments. Akada kunyepa achiti haana mhosva, anenge atova murevi wenhema. Why? He wanted to lie and say that he was innocent - a liar. Soromoni akaenderera mberi achiti: "Zvose zvinowana ruoko rwako, kuti ruzviite, uzviite nesimba rako rose " uchiri mupenyu. • Pain that may spread to - or be present in only - the jaw, the neck, the shoulders, the arms, the elbows, or the left hand Solomon continued: "All that your hand finds to do, do with your very power " while you are alive. Kristu achaunza rugare rwakakwana panyika, achibva abvisa kurwisana nehondo, zvinhu zvinonyanya kukonzera urombo. THE THIRD GROUP: fruits and vegetables Christ will bring complete peace to the earth, thus eliminating war, the main causes of poverty. Nei vaishora mhemberero idzodzo? For example, in Brazil, one often hears the expression: "A esperança é a última que morre. " Why did they oppose those celebrations? • Marwadzo angapararira kuenda - kana kuti kuva bedzi - murushaya, mutsipa, mapfudzi, maoko, magokora, kana kuti ruoko rworuboshwe Gratitude for the ransom should motivate us to do all we can to make others aware that they can benefit from that priceless gift. • Pain may spread to and fro - or just become - the eagle, neck, shoulders, arms, bees, or left arm MUPANDA WECHITATU: michero nemiriwo As our Creator, he is worthy of our love and praise. . . . . . . . . Somuenzaniso, muBrazil, unogona kugara uchinzwa mashoko okuti: "A esperança é a última que morre. " Protestants killed Catholics and destroyed church property (above and below) For example, in Brazil, you might regularly hear the words: "A esperança é a última que date. " Kuonga kwatinoita rudzikinuro kunofanira kuita kuti tiite zvose zvatinogona kuti tizivise vamwe kuti vanogona kubatsirwa nechipo ichi chinokosha chaizvo. Since he is spoken of both as an individual and as a group, we may assume that he represents a class of men. Our appreciation for the ransom should move us to do all we can to let others know that they can benefit from this priceless gift. Zvaari Musiki wedu, anofanira kudiwa nokurumbidzwa nesu. □ What warning did Jesus give about anyone who would become ashamed of him upon his arrival in Kingdom glory? As our Creator, he deserves our praise. VaPurotesitendi vakaparadza zvivako zvechechi ndokuuraya vaKaturike (pamusoro nepasi) In fact, in The Encyclopedia Americana, Harvard University scientists E. Protestants destroyed church buildings and killed Catholics (on top ground) Zvaanotaurwa nezvake semunhu uye seboka, tingafungidzira kuti anomirira boka ravarume. The children were taught to sing nationalistic songs and to share in military exercises. Being spoken of as being a person and as a group, we might assume that he represents a group of men. □ Inyeveroi yakapa Jesu pamusoro pomunhu upi noupi aizonyadziswa naye pakusvika kwake mumbiri yoUmambo? He also includes exhortation for wives to love their husbands and for elders to be "compassionate and merciful. " □ What warning did Jesus give about anyone who would be ashamed of him when he arrived in Kingdom glory? Kutaura idi, muThe Encyclopedia Americana, masayendisiti apaHarvard University E. Golden Mainz In fact, in The Encyclopedia Americana, Harvard University scientists E. Vana vaidzidziswa kuimba nziyo dzokutsigira rudzi nokurovedza muviri kwechiuto. Faith in God's Word Vital Children were taught to sing national songs with military exercise. Iye anobatanidzawo zano rokuti vadzimai vade varume vavo uye rokuti vakuru vave "vane ngoni navane tsitsi. " Also, I frequently read upbuilding material. He also includes counsel for wives to love their husbands and for elders to "be merciful and compassionate. " Golden Mainz May it be our aim to be spiritually mature individuals, blessed with the knowledge and wisdom possessed by those who have their perceptive powers trained to distinguish both right and wrong! Golden Maninz Kutenda muShoko raMwari Kunokosha This we do by participating - with our humble but best effort - in singing heartily, listening attentively, and commenting when possible. Faith in God's Word Is Vital Uyewo, kazhinji kazhinji ndinorava nhau dzinovaka. Seeing the power of God's Word, Roman took his study more seriously. Also, I often read upbuilding stories. Ngachive chinangwa chedu kuti tive vanhu vakasimba pakunamata, vakakomborerwa nezivo uye uchenjeri zvine vaya vanoita kuti simba ravo rokunzwisisa rirovedzwe kusiyanisa zvakanaka nezvakaipa! " Remain in my love, " Jesus now urges. May it be our aim to be spiritually strong, blessed with the knowledge and wisdom of those who let their perceptive powers be trained to distinguish both right and wrong! Izvi tinozviita nokubatanidzwawo - tichizvininipisa asi sezvatinogona - mukuimba zvinobva mumwoyo, kunyatsoteerera, uye kutsinhira pazvinenge zvichiita. Certainly, then, shall not God cause justice to be done for his chosen ones? " This we do by being involved too - humble but as we can - in singing from the heart, listening carefully, and commenting when possible. Achiona simba reShoko raMwari, Roman akawedzera chido chake chokudzidza. Thank you, Dad, for putting Jehovah first in your life and for treating your children as gifts from God! " Seeing the power of God's Word, Roman increased his desire to learn. " Garai murudo rwangu, " Jesu zvino anokurudzira kudaro. Past Battles Fought Near Megiddo " Stay in my love, " Jesus now urges. Saka Mwari haangaiti here kuti vakasarudzwa vake... varuramisirwe? " While no one else gets to know that name in the way that Jesus does, Jesus writes it on his faithful brothers in the heavenly realm, bringing them into a close relationship with him. So shall not God cause justice to be done for his chosen ones...? " Makaita henyu baba nokuisa Jehovha pakutanga muupenyu hwenyu uye nokubata vana venyu sezvipo zvinobva kuna Mwari! " The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology notes that "for the Greek it was one of the arts of life to know how to insult others or bear insults against oneself. " Thank you, O father, for putting Jehovah first in your life and for treating your children as gifts from God! " Hondo Dzakamborwiwa Pedyo neMegidho (a) How did Jesus ' teaching affect people? Wars Between Megiddo Kunyange zvazvo pasina mumwe anoziva zita iroro semazivirwo arinoitwa naiye pachake, Jesu anorinyora pahama dzake dzakatendeka dziri kudenga, achiita kuti dzive noukama hwepedyo naye. So the following week, after doing some research on the subject, I gave a presentation to the class, explaining why Jehovah's Witnesses endeavor to be clean morally, spiritually, and physically. Although no one knows that name as he himself knows it, Jesus writes it about his faithful brothers in heaven, bringing them into a close relationship with him. The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology rinotaura kuti "nokuda kwevaGiriki hwakanga huri humwe hwounyanzvi hwoupenyu kuziva nzira yokunyomba nayo vamwe kana kuti kutsungirira kunyombwa kwako umene. " The nations, with the backing of the clergy of the churches in various lands, were wrathful with one another. The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology says that "for Greeks it was one of the skills of life to know how to mock others or endure your own ridicule. " (a) Kudzidzisa kwaJesu kwakatapura sei vanhu? True, the apostle Paul did counsel Christians to " forget the things behind. ' (a) How did Jesus ' teaching affect people? Saka vhiki yakatevera yacho, pashure pokunge ndatsvakurudza nyaya yacho, ndakakurukurira kirasi, ndichitsanangura chikonzero nei Zvapupu zvaJehovha zvichiedza kuva zvakachena mutsika, mune zvokunamata, uye mumuviri. Being zealous in the ministry helps us to maintain our enthusiasm for the truth. So the following week, after doing research on the subject, I discussed the class, explaining why Jehovah's Witnesses strive to be morally, spiritually, and physically clean. Marudzi, netsigiro yavafundisi vechechi munyika dzakasiyana - siyana, akatsamwirana. Then God himself says: "Look! The nations, with the support of the church clergy in various lands, were angry with one another. Chokwadi, muapostora Pauro akapa zano maKristu roku'kanganwa zvinhu zvakapfuura. ' Attend meetings if at all possible, and seek companionship with fellow Christians in the ministry. True, the apostle Paul counseled Christians to " forget the past. ' Kushingaira muushumiri kunotibatsira kuti tirambe tichida chaizvo chokwadi. The apostle Peter related what had led up to baptism of the uncircumcised Gentile Cornelius and his household. Being zealous in the ministry helps us to maintain a deep love for the truth. Mwari pachake anoti: "Tarirai! This suggests that a basic teaching method used was the learning of things by heart. God himself says: "Look! Pinda misangano kana kuchitongobvira, uye tsvaka kufambidzana namaKristu biyako muushumiri. News reports indicate that that struggling nation is anything but joyful. Attend meetings if at all possible, and seek association with fellow Christians in the ministry. Muapostora Petro akarondedzera chakanga chatungamirira kurubhapatidzo rwaKornerio waVamarudzi asina kudzingiswa nemhuri yake. During Paul's time as well as later, Christians suffered greatly under the harsh totalitarian rule exercised by Roman authorities, who cared little about human rights. The apostle Peter described what had led up to the baptism of uncircumcised Gentile Cornelius and his family. Ikoku kunokarakadza kuti mutoo wokutanga wokudzidzisa waishandiswa waiva kudzidzwa kwezvinhu nomusoro. Therefore, married Christians who sense the need to make some sacrifices in following Christ cannot be exclusively absorbed in the joys and privileges of matrimony. - 1 Corinthians 7: 5. This suggests that the first teaching method used was a memorized study. Mishumo yenhau inoratidzira kuti rudzi irworwo runoparapatika harusati ruchitongofara. You can obtain a copy of this brochure by filling in and mailing the accompanying coupon to the address shown on the coupon or to an appropriate address listed on page 5 of this magazine. News reports indicate that that troubled nation is far from happy. Munguva yaPauro uyewo yakazotevera, vaKristu vakatambura zvakanyanya muutongi hunodzvinyirira hwoutsinye hwaiitwa nemasimba eRoma, akanga asina basa nekodzero dzevanhu. And they never gave up hope that he would eventually accept their faith. In Paul's day as well as later, Christians suffered greatly under the cruel rule of Roman authorities, who did not care about human rights. Naizvozvo, vaKristu vakaroora avo vanoziva kudikanwa kwekurega zvimwe zvinhu mukutevedzera Kristu havagoni kubatanidzwa chose chose mumifaro neropafadzo zveroorano. - 1 VaKorinte 7: 5. When Abigail caught sight of David, she at once prostrated herself before him. Therefore, married Christians who recognize the need to make sacrifices in imitation of Christ cannot be completely involved in the joys and privileges of marriage. - 1 Corinthians 7: 5. Unogona kuwana kopi yebhurocha iri nokuzadza ndokutumira kopani rabatanidzwa kukero yaratidzwa pakopani racho kana kuti kukero yakakodzera yakarongwa papeji 5 yemagazini ino. Your answer reveals much about the depth of your heartfelt desire to serve God. You can obtain a copy of this brochure by filling in and mailing the accompanying coupon to the address shown on the coupon or to an appropriate address listed on page 5 of this magazine. Uye havana kumborasa tariro yokuti achagamuchira chokwadi. Note who were instructed to attend gatherings for worship: men, women, and little ones. And they never gave up hope that he will accept the truth. Apo Abhigairi akaona Dhavhidhi, pakarepo akazviwisira pamberi pake. Ella Toom, * 25 years old at the time, was one of Jehovah's Witnesses. When Abigail saw David, she immediately fell down before him. Mhinduro yako inoratidza kudzama kwakaita chido chiri mumwoyo mako chokushumira Mwari. The next part was entitled "Blessed Are Those Who Give Glory to God. " Your answer reveals the depth of your desire to serve God. Cherechedza kuti vakarayirwa kuti vaungane kuzonamata varume, vakadzi, nevana. We may need to keep on supporting him. Note that they were commanded to gather to worship men, women, and children. Ella Toom, * uyo aiva mumwe weZvapupu zvaJehovha, akanga aine makore 25 panguva iyoyo. If we do so, we will come to love our brothers for their spiritual beauty, as Jehovah does. - Read Hebrews 6: 10. Ella Toom, * one of Jehovah's Witnesses, was then 25 years old. Hurukuro yakatevera yaiti "Vakakomborerwa Vanopa Mbiri Kuna Mwari. " Like Tony, many have learned that deadly addictions can be overcome. The next talk was entitled "Blessed Are Those Who Give Glory to God. " Tingada kuramba tichimutsigira. Other things may then capture our attention. We may need to continue to support him. Kana tikaita izvozvo, tichasvika pakuda hama dzedu pamusana pezvadzinoita pakunamata, sezvinoita Jehovha. - Verenga VaHebheru 6: 10. Today, there is quite a controversy over Catholic celibacy. If we do so, we will come to love our brothers for their spiritual activities, just as Jehovah does. - Read Hebrews 6: 10. SaTony, vakawanda vakadzidza kuti kupindwa muropa kwakanyanyisa kunogona kukurirwa. So it is possible that the Israelites obtained from Egypt the stones used on the high priest's breastpiece. Like Tony, many have learned that excessive addiction can be overcome. Tingabva takwezvwawo nezvimwewo zvinhu. He placed seven copies with those interested in that subject. We may also be attracted to other things. Nhasi, kune nharo dzakati pamusoro pekusaroora kwechiKaturike. Show your appreciation for this spiritual feast that Jehovah is providing through his visible organization. Today, there are some arguments about Catholic celibacy. Saka pangangodaro paripo pavakawana matombo avakazoisa pahomwe yepachipfuva yomupristi mukuru. you may wonder. So it may have been when they found some of the stones they later placed on the upper chest of the high priest. Akagovera makopi manomwe kuavo vaifarira nhau iyoyo. " YOU don't need to believe in God to be a Christian... He placed seven copies with those interested in that matter. Ratidza kuonga kwako nokuda kwaaya madyo omudzimu ayo Jehovha ari kugovera kupfurikidza nesangano rake rinooneka. Today, her three notebooks contain some 400 articles! Show your appreciation for this spiritual feast that Jehovah is providing through his visible organization. ungashamisika. " Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need " you may wonder. " HAUFANIRI kudavira Mwari kuti uve muKristu... * For over 45 minutes, he yelled at her while demanding that she remain seated on the couch. " YOU don't have to believe in God to be a Christian... Nhasi, tubhuku twake tutatu tune nyaya 400! During all that time, humans have been in "the last days. " Today, her three booklets contain 400 articles! " Vanofara avo vanoziva zvinodiwa zvavo zvomudzimu " However, some elders are so busy looking after pressing matters that they may neglect the training of others - the maintenance of the engine, so to speak. " Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need " * Kwemaminiti anopfuura 45, akamuzhambira achirayira kuti arambe akagara pachigaro. Cysts may form, and the underlying bone thickens and becomes deformed. * For over 45 minutes, he broke his hands and demanded that he remain seated on the throne. Munguva yose iyoyo, vanhu vave vari mu "mazuva okupedzisira. " Romans 7: 19 reads: "For the good that I wish I do not do, but the bad that I do not wish is what I practice. " Throughout that time, mankind has been in "the last days. " Zvisinei, vamwe vakuru vanonyanya kubatikana nemamwe mabasa anoda kukurumidza kuitwa zvokuti vangafunga kuti zvokudzidzisa vamwe zvinozoonekwa pave paya, sezvinoitwa nemutyairi uya anoverengera kuchinja oiri yemota yake. Too late. However, some elders are so preoccupied with other urgent tasks that they may feel that training others is later seen, as the driver puts it off to change his car oil. Mapfupa ari pasi peganda anoomarara uye anobva abhenda. They would benefit more if they would meditate on how the material is related to what they have previously learned or to their own lives. " At the bottom of the skin, the bones are stiff and hard. VaRoma 7: 19 inorava, kuti: "Nokuti zvakanaka, zvandinoda, handizviiti; asi zvakaipa, zvandisingadi, ndizvo zvandinoita. " Isaiah 9: 1, 2 Jesus ' enlightening ministry starts in Romans 7: 19 reads: "The good that I wish I do not do, but the bad that I do not wish is what I practice. " Kwave kunyanyononoka. The enclosed gift enabled Rosa to travel with me! It's too late. Ivo vangabetserwa zvikuru kana vakafungisisa pamusoro pokuti mashoko acho anowirirana sei neizvo vakadzidza kare kana kuti noupenyu hwavo vamene. " But the Bible says of Cain that "his own works were wicked. " They may benefit greatly if they meditate on how the information compares with what they previously learned or with their own lives. " Isaya 9: 1, 2 Ushumiri hunovhenekera hwaJesu hunotanga Show Tender Regard in Practical Ways Isaiah 9: 1, 2 Jesus ' bright ministry begins Chipo chaivamo chakaita kuti Rosa akwanise kuenda neni! (a) Why did Jesus have spiritual treasures? It was a gift there that enabled Rosa to come with me! Asi Bhaibheri rinotaura nezvaKaini richiti "mabasa ake akanga akaipa. " God's Word says: "Rejoice with the wife [or husband] of your youth " and," See life with the wife [or husband] whom you love. " But the Bible refers to Cain as "his own works were wicked. " Ita Zvinoratidza Kuti Une Tsitsi May we take to heart the apostle Paul's warning to turn away "from the empty speeches that violate what is holy and from the contradictions of the falsely called " knowledge. ' " - 1 Timothy 6: 20. Show Fellow Feeling (a) Nei Jesu aiva nepfuma yomudzimu? And we can joyfully welcome our new brothers and sisters. (a) Why did Jesus have spiritual riches? Shoko raMwari rinoti: "Fara nomudzimai [kana kuti murume] wouduku hwako " uye," Fadzwa noupenyu nomudzimai [kana kuti murume] waunoda. " The result of this educational campaign is that a marvelous prophecy is being fulfilled. God's Word says: "Rejoice with the wife [or husband] of your youth " and," Enjoy life with the wife [or husband] whom you love. " Ngatiteerere yambiro yaPauro yoku "furatira kutaura kusina maturo kunoshatisa zvinhu zvitsvene nokupokanidzana kweinonzi " zivo ' zvenhema. " - 1 Timoti 6: 20. (Read Revelation 17: 15 - 18.) Let us heed Paul's warning to " turn away from the empty speeches that violate what is holy and from the contradictions of the falsely called " knowledge. ' " - 1 Timothy 6: 20. Uye tinogona kugamuchira nomufaro hama nehanzvadzi dzedu itsva. Exerting Ourselves in the Field And we can gladly welcome our new brothers and sisters. Mugumisiro weiyi nhimbe yokudzidzisa ndewokuti uporofita hwakaisvonaka huri kuzadzikwa. For over 120 years now, spiritual "food supplies at the proper time " have been provided in The Watchtower, as well as in other Bible - based books and publications. The result of this teaching campaign is that fine prophecies are being fulfilled. (Verenga Zvakazarurwa 17: 15 - 18.) Pete [rsburg], to try to figure out, Who are these Jehovah's Witnesses? " (Read Revelation 17: 15 - 18.) Kuzvishandisa Timene Mumunda Learn more about the history and beauty of the most isolated continent in the world. Using Timene in the Field Kwemakore anopfuura 120 zvino, "mugove... wezvokudya [zvomudzimu] panguva yakafanira " wave uchigoverwa muNharireyomurindi, pamwe nomumamwe mabhuku eBhaibheri nezvinyorwa. There the Witnesses organized an elaborate afternoon gathering for me. For over 120 years now, "the [spiritual] food supply at the proper time " has been provided in The Watchtower, as well as in other Bible literature and publications. Pete [rsburg], kuedza kutsvaka kuti, Zvapupu zvaJehovha vaiva vanaani? " Probably not. Pete [rburg], trying to find out who Jehovah's Witnesses were? " 19 - 26 Vanhu vazhinji vanorwara pavanosangana namakemikari emazuva ose anoshandiswa pamba nezvimwe zvinhu. Children are torn apart in their loyalties to their parents as they try to understand why dad is battering mom. 19 - 26 Many people get sick when they encounter everyday chemicals that are used around the home and other products. Ikoko Zvapupu zvakanyatsoronga noungwaru mamwe masikati okundiunganira. On this seventh day, however, they have already marched around the city six times. There the Witnesses carefully arranged one afternoon to gather me. Zvichida waisazodaro. We are obliged to spend time eating and sleeping because these are physical needs. Probably not. Vana vanokamuraniswa pamusoro pomubereki wavangavimba naye sezvavanoedza kunzwisisa chikonzero nei baba vachirova amai. According to Paul's words at Ephesians 4: 31, 32, how should we act? Children are divided over a parent they may trust as they try to understand why a father beats a mother. Pairi zuva rechinomwe, zvisinei, vatofora vachipota guta katanhatu. The things you say to your mate can reveal just how deep your commitment is. On this seventh day, however, they have already marched around the city six times. Tinotofanira kupedza nguva tichidya uye takarara nokuti izvi zvinhu zvinodiwa nomuviri. Jehovah evidently does not, for the inspired psalmist sang: "If errors were what you watch, O Jah, O Jehovah, who could stand? " We have to spend time eating and sleeping because these are physical needs. Maererano nemashoko aPauro ari pana VaEfeso 4: 31, 32, tinofanira kuita sei? Communication can be an even greater challenge. In harmony with Paul's words at Ephesians 4: 31, 32, how should we react? Zvaunotaura kumumwe wako zvinongoratidza kuti kuzvipira kwako kwakadzama zvakadini. The divine name in a Septuagint manuscript fragment from Jesus ' day Your words to your mate reveal just how deep your commitment is. Zviri pachena kuti Jehovha haambodaro nokuti munyori wepisarema akaimba kuti: "Haiwa Jah, kudai maitarira kukanganisa, Haiwa Jehovha, ndiani aizomira? " Elkanah's family worships Jehovah, but polygamous marriages often produce strife, as illustrated in Elkanah's domestic affairs. Clearly, Jehovah is never like that, for the psalmist sang: "If errors were what you watch, O Jah, O Jehovah, who could stand? " Kurukurirano inogona kuva kunyange denho huru zvikuru. Juan Duarte - a heart surgeon in Madrid who takes pride in respecting a patient's conscience - immediately offered his services. Communication can be even greater challenges. Zita dzvene raMwari muchidimbu cheSeptuagint yaishandiswa panguva yakararama Jesu Vova. ' " God's sacred name for the Septuagint was used in Jesus ' day Mhuri yaErikana inonamata Jehovha, asi kazhinji barika rinoita kuti pave nokukakavadzana, sezvinoratidzwa nezvinoitika mumhuri yaErikana. In Germany the Anabaptists were bitterly persecuted by both Catholics and Protestants. Elkanah's family worships Jehovah, but polygamy often promotes strife, as shown by what happens in Elkanah's family. Juan Duarte - chiremba wokuvhiya mwoyo muMadrid uyo anogutsikana nokuremekedza hana yomurwere - akabvuma kushanda nesu nenguva isipi. Most of them are signaled well in advance. " Juan Duarte - a heart surgeon in Madrid who is content and respectful to the patient's conscience - agreed to work with us soon. Vova. ' " It is not easy for them to wait patiently when they want something. They're here. ' " MuGermany vaAnabaptist vakatambudzwa zvakakasharara navose vari vaviri Vakaturike navaPurotesitendi. He also grappled with false charges that Jehovah was punishing him. In Germany the Anabaptists were bitterly persecuted by both Catholics and Protestants. Zvizhinjisa zvazvo zvinopa zviratidzo pachine nguva mberi zvikuru. " Who has dullness of eyes? Most of them give signs ahead of time. " Hazvisi nyore kwavari kumirira nokushivirira pavanenge vachida chimwe chinhu. Is there a way to strike a reasonable balance? It is not easy for them to wait patiently when they need something. Aipikisanawo nevaimupomera nhema kuti Jehovha ndiye akanga achimuranga. For this reason all of his creatures rightly owe him obedience. He also contradicted his false accusers that Jehovah was punishing him. Ndiani una meso akatsvuka? As though they were one person, all are moving forward, preaching the good news, educating those who respond, building meeting places. Who has red eyes? Pane nzira yokuva pakati nepakati here? By delivering a series of discourses that encourage and exhort, admonish and warn. Is there a way to be balanced? Nokuda kweichi chikonzero zvisikwa zvake zvose nenzira yakarurama zvinofanira kumuteerera. Would You Welcome a Visit? For this reason all his creatures rightly must obey him. Sokunge ivo munhu mumwe, vose vari kufambira mberi, vachiparidzira mashoko akanaka, vachidzidzisa avo vanogamuchira, vachivaka nzvimbo dzemisangano. As Jehovah's "Word, " or spokesman, he may have enjoyed many dealings with humans. As if they were one person, all are progressing, preaching the good news, teaching those who respond, building meeting places. Nokukurukura hurukuro dzinotevedzana dzinokurudzira nokurayiridza, dzinopa zano uye dzinonyevera. Why is it urgent that we make time for personal study and meditation? By giving a series of talks that are encouraging and instructive, giving counsel and warning. Ungada Kushanyirwa Here? " By this we believe that you came out from God, " they say. Would You Welcome a Visit? Se "Shoko " raJehovha, kana kuti mutauriri, angava ane zvakawanda zvaakaita nevanhu. (Compare Genesis 3: 15.) As Jehovah's "word, " or spokesman, he may have accomplished much with humans. Nei zviri zvokukurumidzira kuti tiwane nguva yokudzidza tiri toga nokufungisisa? We had a family study every week and read the Bible together. Why is it urgent that we make time for personal study and meditation? " Kupfurikidza naikoku tinodavira kuti makabva kuna Mwari, " ivo vanodaro. - NW. Why, to the point of removing an entire evil world, or system of things! " By this we believe you came from God, " they say. (Enzanisa naGenesi 3: 15.) Table of Contents (Compare Genesis 3: 15.) Vhiki yoga yoga taidzidza Bhaibheri semhuri. The book On the Road to Civilization states: "The unity of the [Roman] Empire made the field [for Christian preaching] a favorable one. Each week, we studied the Bible as a family. Chokwadika, kusvikira abvisa nyika yose yakaipa, kana kuti gadziriro yezvinhu! It should be clear to him that our objective is to help him come to know his Creator more intimately, draw closer to Him, and benefit from His guidance. Why, until he removes the entire wicked world, or system of things! Zviri Mukati (b) What fact gives us a basis for comfort? Table of Contents Bhuku rinonzi On the Road to Civilization rinoti: "Kubatana kwoUmambo [hweRoma] kwakaita kuti basa [rokuparidza kwechiKristu] rive rakanaka. HUNDREDS of religious leaders gathered at the second Parliament of the World's Religions held in Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A., in the summer of 1993. The book On the Road to Civilization states: "The unity of the [Roman] Kingdom has made the work [of Christian preaching] healthy. Zvinofanira kuva pachena kwaari kuti chinangwa chedu ndechokuti timubatsire kuziva Musiki wake zviri nani, aswedere pedyo naye, uye abatsirwe achitungamirirwa naye. When Jesus Christ came to the nation of Israel, the majority rejected him. It should be clear to him that our goal is to help him come to know his Creator better, draw close to him, and benefit from his guidance. (b) Iidii rinotipa hwaro hwenyaradzo? Artificial - Limb Center, 2 / 06 (b) What gives us a basis for comfort? MAZANA avatungamiriri vorudzidziso akaungana paMusangano wechipiri waMarudzidziso Enyika wakaitwa muChicago, Illinois, U.S.A., muzhizha ra 1993. How happy this man must have been to experience the instantaneous healing of an ailment that undoubtedly caused much physical and emotional discomfort! SOME thousands of religious leaders gathered at the second Assembly of the World's Religions held in Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A., in the summer of 1993. Apo Jesu Kristu akauya kurudzi rwaIsraeri, ruzhinji rwakamuramba. He also emboldened his apostles to become conquerors. When Jesus Christ came to the nation of Israel, the majority rejected him. Uyu murume anofanira kuva akafara sei kuwana kuporeswa kwapakarepo kwechirwere icho pasina kupokana chaiparira nhamo huru yomumuviri nomurangariro! Abraham could have learned firsthand from Shem what it was like to survive the global Flood. How happy this man must have been to experience immediate healing of a disease that no doubt caused much physical and emotional distress! Akashingisawo vaapostora vake kuti vave vakundi. On the other hand, it does not endorse the storybook fantasy that if you simply " follow your dreams ' all your wishes will come true. He also strengthened his apostles to become winners. Anofanira kunge akazvinzwira kuti vakapukunyuka sei Mafashamo akaitika munyika yose. As Romanian playwright Eugène Ionesco admitted to a German newspaper: "History would be beyond comprehension if we were to leave out the demonic element. " - Welt am Sonntag, September 2, 1979. He must have heard about how they survived the global Flood. Vana vanoverengerwa mabhuku engano evanhu vanorota chimwe chinhu zvonzi zvinhu zvacho zvakazoitika pakupedzisira. Throughout eternity, we will be able to grow in knowledge of him, his creation, and his purposes. - Romans 11: 33 - 36. Children who are read a collection of myths dream about something and say that it was the last thing that happened. Sokubvuma kwakaita munyori wemitambo weRomania Eugène Ionesco mupepanhau reGermany: "Nhau haizati yaizonzwisisika kudai yaizosiya rutivi rwoudhemoni. " - Welt am Sonntag, September 2, 1979. Is there a particular Bible subject that you have wondered about? As Romania sports writer Eugène Ioneco admitted in the German newspaper: "The story would not be understandable if it would leave a part of the demons. " - Welt am Sontag, September 2, 1979. Mukusingagumi mose, tichakwanisa kukura mukumuziva, chisiko chake, uye madonzo ake. - VaRoma 11: 33 - 36. You gained knowledge of God and Christ. Throughout eternity, we will be able to grow in knowledge of him, his creation, and his purposes. - Romans 11: 33 - 36. Pane nyaya yomuBhaibheri inombokutemesa musoro here? On January 17, 1995, about a week after the school appealed the case to the Supreme Court, the Kobe earthquake hit Ashiya City where Kunihito and his family lived. Do you have a particular Bible subject that you have wondered about? Wakawana zivo yaMwari naKristu. All of us need association. You have gained knowledge of God and Christ. Pana January 17, 1995, inenge vhiki imwe pashure pokunge chikoro chacho chakwidza nhau yacho kuDare Rapamusoro Zvikurusa, kudengenyeka kwapasi kweKobe kwakarovanya Guta reAshiya uko Kunihito nemhuri yake vaigara. 2: 22. On January 17, 1995, about a week after the school appealed the case to the Supreme Court, the Kobe earthquake struck the city of Ashya where Josué and his family lived. 21 Tose zvedu tinoda songaniro. Matsepang was thrilled to read these words of the psalmist David: "Jehovah is near to those that are broken at heart; and those who are crushed in spirit he saves. " All of us need association. 2: 22. On the contrary, God's Word entreats us: "Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God. " 2: 22. Matsepang akafara kuverenga mashoko aya omunyori wepisarema Dhavhidhi anoti: "Jehovha uri pedyo navane mwoyo yakaputsika, unoponesa vane mweya yakapwanyika. " The courtesy, consideration, forbearance, tolerance and respect for human rights which go to make up civilization are disgracefully lacking. " Masepaning was happy to read these words of the psalmist David: "Jehovah is near to those that are broken at heart; and those who are crushed in spirit he saves. " Vabereki vazhinjisa havazati vane manyuko asina kuganhurirwa emari; vanofanira kushanda nesimba nokuda kwezvavanogoverana newe. Antônio showed her what the Bible teaches on these subjects, and that was the beginning of many Bible discussions. Most parents do not have an unlimited source of income; they must work hard for what they share with you. Shoko raMwari rinototi: "Musazvidya mwoyo pamusoro pechinhu chero chipi zvacho, asi muzvinhu zvose kukumbira kwenyu ngakuziviswe Mwari nokunyengetera nokuteterera pamwe chete nokuonga. " I have felt his love and experienced his care. In fact, God's Word says: "Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God. " Tsika dzakanaka, rangariro, mwoyo murefu, kushivirira noruremekedzo nokuda kwamaruramiro avanhu ayo anoumba pepuko zviri kushayikwa nomutoo unonyadzisa. " Sharing such experiences is a way of rejoicing together. Good manners, consideration, long - suffering, tolerance and respect for human rights which make up civilization are humiliatingly lacking. " Antônio akamuratidza icho Bhaibheri rinodzidzisa pamusoro peidzi nhau, uye ndiko kwakanga kuri kuvamba kwekurukurirano dzakawanda dzeBhaibheri. [ Picture on page 11] Grief can be like waves that crash ashore at unexpected moments Antônio showed him what the Bible teaches about these subjects, and that was the beginning of many Bible discussions. Ndakaona rudo rwake uye kuva nehanya kwake. The woman thought that the documents she later signed were applications for government assistance and food stamps. I felt his love and concern. Kukurukura zvinhu zvakadai kunoita kuti tifare pamwe chete. [ Credit Line] Discussing such matters brings us joy together. Kurwadziwa kungaita semafungu anongoerekana ati kapa kumahombekombe First, you must be motivated. Pains that may seem like waves suddenly flow along the shore Mukadzi wacho akafunga kuti mapepa aakasaina gare gare aiva okukumbira kubatsirwa nehurumende neematikiti ezvokudya. Catholic priests pressured some local authorities not to give us permits for assemblies. The woman thought that the papers she signed later were to ask for government and food ticket. [ Kwazvakatorwa] Thus, Thayer's Greek - English Lexicon of the New Testament says that this verb "is often i.q. [equivalent to] to denote, signify, import. " [ Credit Line] Kutanga, unofanira kukurudzirwa. When faced with a challenge, young people can learn to make good decisions by asking themselves the following questions: First, you must be encouraged. " Roorano Ngaikudzwe Pakati Pavose, " 2 / 15 By North American standards, my girlfriend and I had a very spartan existence. 2 / 1 Mapristi echechi yeRoma aiudza vehurumende kuti vasatipa mapemiti ekuita magungano. What privilege do the anointed hold as sacred, and how is this privilege shared by the other sheep? Catholic priests demanded that the government not give assemblies for assemblies. Nokudaro, Greek - English Lexicon of the New Testament yaThayer inotaura kuti ichi chiito "kazhinji kazhinji ii.q. [kuenzana ne] kunoratidzira, kureva, revo. " This was fulfilled when God's enemies caused Jesus Christ's death on a torture stake. Thus, Tharer's Greek - English Lexicon of the New Testament says that this action "is often i.q. [an equivalent] indicates, meaning, meaning. " Vechiduku pavanosangana nedambudziko vanogona kudzidza kuita zvisarudzo zvakanaka kuburikidza nokuzvibvunza mibvunzo inotevera: Thus, "various trials " are trials that come in many colors, so to speak. When faced with a problem, youths can learn to make good decisions by asking themselves the following questions: Kana tichienzanisa nemararamiro evanhu vokuNorth America, ini nemusikana wangu tairarama zvokutamburira chaizvo. □ In what outstanding way does Jesus reflect the personality of his Father? When compared with the life - style of North Americans, my girlfriend and I lived very hard. Vakazodzwa vanoona ropafadzo yei sechinhu chitsvene, uye mamwe makwai anobatsira sei kuita ropafadzo iyi? Do we find such "gifts in men " in the congregation today? What privilege do anointed ones view as sacred, and how do the other sheep contribute to this privilege? Izvi zvakazadzika vavengi vaMwari pavakaita kuti Jesu Kristu aurayirwe padanda rokutambudzikira. He added that as a result, false teachings multiplied and continued until his day. This was fulfilled when God's enemies had Jesus Christ executed on a torture stake. Saka, nenzira yokufananidzira "miedzo yakasiyana - siyana " miedzo inouya mumarudzi akawanda. Paul commended his brothers in the congregation in Corinth because, as he wrote, "in all things you have me in mind and you are holding fast the traditions just as I handed them on to you. " Hence, it is figuratively "the various trials " that come upon many nations. □ Jesu anoratidzira unhu hwaBaba vake munzirai yakatanhamara? Manifest goodness and compassion toward others. □ In what outstanding way does Jesus reflect his Father's personality? Tinoona "zvipo zviri varume " zvakadaro muungano here nhasi? WHEN we consider things that are valueless or harmful, it is easy to deceive ourselves. Do we see such "gifts in men " in the congregation today? Akawedzera kuti zvakazoguma zvaitika ndezvokuti, dzidziso dzenhema dzakawanda ndokuramba dziripo kusvikira kuzuva rake. God's Word has the power to touch a person's heart and change his thinking and behavior. He added that as a result, many false teachings remained until his day. Pauro akarumbidza hama dzake dzomuungano yeKorinde paakanyora kuti, "muzvinhu zvose munofunga nezvangu uye muri kubatisisa tsika sokukugamuchidzai kwandakadziita. " [ Picture on page 17] Paul commended his brothers in the Corinthian congregation when he wrote, "In everything you are thinking about me and holding fast to the custom just as I handed on to you. " Ratidza kuva akanaka neanonzwira tsitsi kuvamwe. In fact, "he did just so. " Be positive and compassionate toward others. PATINOFUNGA nezvezvinhu zvisina zvazvinobatsira kana kuti zvinokuvadza, zviri nyore kuti tizvinyengedze. That spirit could help or harm the living. ' WHEN we think of worthless or harmful things, it is easy for us to deceive ourselves. Shoko raMwari rine simba rokubaya mwoyo womunhu uye kuchinja mafungiro ake nomufambiro wake. In this context Jehovah's Witnesses are maintaining their customary and strict neutrality. God's Word has the power to reach a person's heart and to change his thinking and conduct. [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 17] In what ways would people be ruining the earth? [ Picture on page 17] Chaizvoizvo akaita "saizvozvo. " Jehovah's slave girl! He actually did "just so. " Mudzimu iwoyo ungagona kubetsera kana kuti kukuvadza vapenyu. ' Soon, though, you run out of fuel. That spirit could help or harm the living. ' Muna aya mashoko akapoteredza Zvapupu zvaJehovha zviri kuchengeta kusatora rutivi kwazvo kwomuitiro uye kworumano. The following article will discuss why. In this context Jehovah's Witnesses are maintaining their strict and strict neutrality. Vanhu vaizoparadza nyika sei? Jesus spoke of a way of life that promotes unselfishness, not greed How would humans ruin the earth? Murandasikana waJehovha! I studied the paintings and thought to myself, " I have better pictures than that in my witnessing bag - and for a fraction of the cost! ' Jehovah's slave girl! Asi mangoti fambei zvishoma mafuta aya anobva apera. Yuki: As a stepchild, it is natural to feel alone and left out. But after a little walk, the oil is exhausted. Nyaya inotevera ichakurukura kuti nei. The Watchtower and Awake! The following article will discuss why. Jesu akataura nezvenzira youpenyu inosimudzira kusava noudyire, kwete makaro How do older men help us to apply Bible principles? Jesus spoke of a course of life that promotes unselfishness, not greed Ndakanzvera mifananidzo yacho ndokufunga kuti, " Ndine mifananidzo iri nane kupfuura iyoyo mubhegi rangu rokupupura - uye ane mutengo wakaderera zvikuru kupfuura mifananidzo iyoyo! ' Elihu first listened to the arguments presented by Job and his three companions. I checked the pictures and thought, " I have better pictures than that in my witnessing bag - and they have a higher price than those pictures! ' Yuki: Semwana wokurerwa, zviri muropa kuti unzwe wasurukirwa uye kuzviona sekuti haukosheswi. Her older brother was a straight A student. Yuki: As an adopted child, it is natural to feel lonely and to feel worthless. Magazini eNharireyomurindi neMukai! We are happy for all those who worship Jehovah, the God of peace. The Watchtower and Awake! Varume vakuru vanotibetsera sei kushandisa nheyo dzeBhaibheri? As soon as she was strong enough, she sought out the Witnesses and started to study the Bible with them. How do older men help us to apply Bible principles? Erihu akatanga ateerera zvaitaurwa naJobho nevamwe vake vatatu. The broad way permits people to think as they please and live as they please: no rules, no commitments, just a relaxed life - style, everything easy. Elihu first listened to Job and his three companions. Hanzvadzi yake huru yakanga iri mudzidzi anogona ane magiredhi emaA bedzi bedzi. From this time on there is reserved for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give me as a reward in that day, yet not only to me, but also to all those who have loved his manifestation. " His older brother was a capable student with only A's grades. Tinofara nokuda kwaavo vose vanonamata Jehovha, Mwari worugare. But does this scripture mean that every movie, book, or TV show in which a plot deals with some sort of unrighteousness, perhaps a crime, is automatically bad? We rejoice for all those worshiping Jehovah, the God of peace. Nokukurumidza apo akanga asimba zvakakwana, akatsvaka Zvapupu ndokutanga kufunda Bhaibheri nazvo. [ Blurb on page 4] As soon as she was old enough, she looked for the Witnesses and started to study the Bible with them. Nzira yakafara inobvumira vanhu kufunga sezvavanoda uye kurarama sezvavanoda: hapana mitemo, hapana misengwa, mararamiro akangosununguka chete, chinhu chiri chose chiri nyore. They do not simply rear themselves, any more than an arrow launches itself toward its target. The broad road allows people to think as they please and to live their way: no rules, no obligations, just a free way of life, everything that is easy. Kubvira panguva ino ndakachengeterwa korona yokururama, iyo Ishe, mutongi akarurama, achandipa pazuva iroro somubayiro, asi kwete ini bedzi, asiwo vose vakada kuoneka kwake. " The mother argued that there was no evidence of immediate or substantial threat to the well - being of the child in any of the activities of Jehovah's Witnesses. From this time on there is reserved for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give me as a reward in that day, but not only me, but also all those who have loved his appearance. " Asi urwu rugwaro rwunoreva here kuti bhaisikopo riri rose, bhuku, kana kuti zvinoratidzwa muTV umo nyaya yacho inobata nerudzi rwakati rwekusarurama, zvichida utsotsi, yakatoshata? What counsel published in this magazine some 80 years ago still applies to Christian elders? But does this scripture mean that every movie, book, or TV screen in which the article deals with some kind of unrighteousness, perhaps crime, is even bad? [ Mashoko okukwezva vaverengi ari papeji 4] HOW to tame your tongue [ Blurb on page 4] Havazvireri, sezvinongoitawo museve kuti haudauki woga pauta. Lichfield needed a few months to wrap up his secular work in Cape Palmas, so I went ahead to Lower Buchanan, a virgin territory, to open up the work there. They do not give up, just as an arrow does that you do not draw out of a bow alone. Mai vacho vakataura kuti pakanga pasina ufakazi hwekutyisidzira kwapakarepo kana kuti kukuru kugarikano yemwana muupi noupi wemibato yeZvapupu zvaJehovha. The patriarch Job also appreciated the value of the fear of God, for he said: "Look! The mother said that there was no evidence of immediate or intense threats to the welfare of any child in any of the activities of Jehovah's Witnesses. Izanoi rakabudiswa mumagazini ino makore 80 apfuura richiri kushanda kuvakuru vechiKristu? Our graduation was in July 1945, just as World War II was drawing to a close. What counsel published in this magazine 80 years ago still applies to Christian elders? UNGAZVIITA SEI kuti udzore rurimi rwako I cry now remembering. " HOW to have control of your tongue Lichfield aida mwedzi mishomanene yokupedzisa basa rake rokunyika muCape Palmas, naizvozvo ndakatanga kuenda kuLower Buchanan, ndima yakanga isina kumboshandwa, kundozarura basa ikoko. Desiring to learn from Jesus ' example, a pioneer does well to keep in mind that the more material things he has, the more he will have to maintain, repair, or replace. Lichfield needed a few months to complete his secular work in Cape Palmas, so I first went to Ler Bchanan, a territory that had never been worked, to open up the work there. Musoro wemhuri Jobho ainzwisisawo kuti zvaikosha kutya Mwari, nokuti akati: "Tarira! Why Does He Treat Me So Badly? " The patriarch Job also understood the importance of fearing God, for he said: "Look! Taizopedza muna July 1945, apo Hondo yeNyika II yakanga yave kunopera. 8: 2, 8. We would finish in July 1945, when World War II was ending. Ndinochema zvino ndichiyeuka. " Genuine followers of Christ - conscientious individuals who endeavor to live by Christian standards - still exist. I cry now and remember. " Kana piyona achida kutevedzera Jesu, anofanira kufunga kuti kana akava nezvinhu zvakawanda, achavawo nezvakawanda zvinoda kutarisirwa, kugadziriswa kana kuti kutengwazve. To obey what Jesus called the first commandment - the most important one - requires that we always do what pleases Jehovah. If a pioneer wants to imitate Jesus, he should consider that the more he owns, the more he needs, the more he needs, the adjustment, or the again. Nei Mukomana Wangu Achindibata Zvakaipa Kudai? " (Include the box "Firmly Set in the Truth. ") Why Does My Boy Treat Me So Bad? " 8: 2, 8. 3, 4. (a) How did Jesus respond to the woman who touched his garment? 8: 2, 8. Kuchine vateveri vaKristu vakatendeka, vanoedza nemwoyo wose kurarama vachitevedzera mitemo yechiKristu. But never should we put our allegiance to them ahead of our loyalty to Jehovah! There are still faithful followers of Christ, sincerely endeavoring to live by Christian standards. Kuti titeerere icho Jesu akati murayiro wokutanga - unokosha zvikurusa - kunoda kuti tiite zvinofadza Jehovha nguva dzose. The footnote to John 17: 3 in the Reference Bible gives the alternative rendering "their knowing you. " To obey what Jesus said the first commandment - most important - requires that we always do what pleases Jehovah. Ipapo ndakaringira meso angu kurutivi rwokumusoro, ndikaona rutivi rwokumusoro rwesuo reatari chifananidzo ichi chegodo chimire panopindwa napo. On that occasion, he revealed that the promised covenant was about to be concluded between his disciples and Jehovah, with Jesus as mediator. Then lifted up mine eyes toward the north, and, behold, the north side of the gate of the altar is this image of jealousy standing at the entrance. (Batanidza bhokisi rakanzi "Vakamira Zvakasimba Muchokwadi. ") For three and a half years, Jesus preached the good news in the land. (Read the box "They Stand Firm in the Truth. ") 3, 4. (a) Jesu akadavidza sei kumukadzi akabata nguo yake? Helping My Family Become Spiritually Rich (J. 3, 4. (a) How did Jesus respond to the woman who touched his garment? Asi hatimbofaniri kuvimba navo zvikuru kupfuura kuvimbika kwedu kuna Jehovha! Following the talk on baptism, 1,018 candidates cry out, "Ja! " But never should we trust them more than our loyalty to Jehovah! Saka " kuramba uchiwana zivo ' zvinoreva kuramba uchidzidza kusvikira wava " kuziva ' Mwari. [ Blurb on page 20] So to "go on taking in knowledge " means to continue studying until you come to" know " God. Panhambo iyoyo, akazivisa kuti sungano yakapikirwa yakanga yoda kuitwa pakati pavadzidzi vake naJehovha, ina Jesu somurevereri. ● Does setting goals mean planning out every minute of your life? - Philippians 4: 5. On that occasion, he declared that the promised covenant was about to be made among his disciples by Jehovah, with Jesus as mediator. Jesu akaparidza mashoko akanaka munyika yacho kwemakore matatu nehafu. Child specialists say that by the age of eight months, the child has already learned to recognize the sounds of his native language, formed a close bond with his parents, developed perceptual skills, and begun to explore the world around him. Jesus preached the good news in the land for three and a half years. Kubatwa Chibharo - Funganyo Yavakadzi, 3 / 8 When asked what was the greatest of all the laws given to the nation of Israel, Jesus replied: "" You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. ' How Can I Get More Out Of It? 3 / 8 Pashure pehurukuro pamusoro porubhapatidzo, vanoda kubhapatidzwa vane 1 018 vanodanidzira, "Ja! " On another occasion I awoke from a fitful sleep to see a screaming woman trying to get out of the cattle car in which we were riding. After a talk on baptism, some 1,018 baptismal candidates cry out, "Ja! " [ Mashoko okukwezva vaverengi ari papeji 20] I shall protect him because he has come to know my name. He will call upon me, and I shall answer him. I shall be with him in distress. [ Blurb on page 20] ● Kuva nezvinangwa kunoreva kuronga zvauchaita miniti imwe neimwe youpenyu hwako here? - VaFiripi 4: 5. " The average speed of laden camels, " states the book The Living World of Animals, "is about 2.5 m [iles] p [er] h [our] [4 km / hr]. " ● Does setting goals mean setting goals for each minute of your life? - Philippians 4: 5. Vanoziva nezvevana vanoti paanozosvika mwedzi misere, mwana anenge atodzidza kuziva mutauro wake, aumba ukama hwepedyo nevabereki vake, ava nounyanzvi hwokufunga, uye atanga kuongorora nyika yakamupota. " As far as I know, " wrote Russian historian Sergei Ivanenko, "the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses was the only religious organization in the USSR that increased in numbers despite the ban and persecution. " Children know that by the time he reaches eight months, a child has already learned to know his language, to develop a close relationship with his parents, to think ability, and to start studying the world around him. Paakabvunzwa kuti ndeupi murayiro mukuru pane mirayiro yose yakapiwa vaIsraeri, Jesu akapindura kuti: "" Ida Jehovha Mwari wako nomwoyo wako wose nomweya wako wose nepfungwa dzako dzose. ' What a victim chooses to do in these circumstances must be a personal decision. When asked which commandment was greater than all the commandments given to Israel, Jesus replied: "" You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. ' Pane imwe nhambo ndakamuka kubva muhope dzembwa kuti ndione mukadzi airidza mhere achiedza kubuda mutiroko rechitima remombe matakanga takakwira. " Discipline " refers to chastisement, correction, instruction, and education. On one occasion I woke up from the dog's sleep to see a woman screaming while trying to get out of the cattle train car where we were on board. Iye uchadana kwandiri, ndichamupindura; ini ndichava naye pakutambudzika; ndichamurwira, nokumukudza. First, he strives to qualify as a ministerial servant. He shall call on me, and I will answer him; and I will be with him in trouble; and I will deliver him, and honor him. " Kumhanya kwapaavhareji kwamakamera akatakura, " rinodaro bhuku rinonzi The Living World of Animals, "anenge makiromita 4 paawa. " First, because "scribes generally belonged to this class; then, because his Latin name... was extremely common among slaves and freedmen. " " The average speed of transporting camels, " says the book The Living World of Animals, "is about four miles [4 km] an hour. " " Semaziviro angu, " akanyora kudaro wezvenhau dzakaitika kare wokuRussia Sergei Ivanenko, "sangano reZvapupu zvaJehovha ndiro chete sangano rechitendero muUSSR rakawedzera munhamba pasinei nokurambidzwa uye kutambudzwa. " Therefore both if we live and if we die, we belong to Jehovah. " - Romans 14: 8. " As far as I know, " wrote Russian historian Leti Ivanenko, "the Jehovah's Witnesses ' organization is the only religious organization in the USSSR that has increased in number despite restrictions and persecution. " Icho nyajambwa anosarudza kuita mune iyi migariro chinofanira kuva chisarudzo chomunhu amene. Does laughter and merriment alleviate deep - rooted pain? What the victim decides to do in these situations must be one's own choice. Shoko rokuti "kuranga " rinoreva kutsiura, kururamisa, kurayira, uye kudzidzisa. In 1984, when I was about 11 years old, I remember playing soccer with one of my close friends. The word "discipline " means to reprove, to correct, to exhort, and to teach. Inotanga nekushanda nesimba kuti ikodzere kuva mushumiri anoshumira. ▫ Why is belief in evolution a matter of faith? It begins by working hard to qualify as a ministerial servant. Kutanga, nemhaka yokuti "vanyori kazhinji kazhinji vaiva veiri boka; uyewo, nemhaka yokuti zita rake rechiLatin... rainyanyova revaranda nevanhu vakasunungurwa. " This moved me to draw close to them. For one thing, because "the scribes often belonged to this group; also, because his Latin name... was mainly of slaves and freedmen. " Naizvozvo zvose zviri zviviri kana tichirarama uye kana tichifa, tiri vaJehovha. " - VaRoma 14: 8, NW. Benjamin is just one of the 20,000 people a year who are killed or maimed by land mines. So both if we live and if we die, we belong to Jehovah. " - Romans 14: 8. Kuseka uye mufaro zvingaderedza here marwadzo anenge akadzika midzi mumwoyo? In 1998, I joined a thrash metal rock band. Can laughter and happiness ease the pain that is deeply rooted in the heart? Ndinoyeuka rimwe zuva muna 1984 ndiine makore anenge 11, ndichitamba bhora neimwe shamwari yangu. Yes, through the foolishness of the ministry of these preachers, God saves those who believe. I remember one day in 1984 when I was about 11, playing ball with a friend. ▫ Neiko kutenda mhindumupindu iri nhau yokutenda? He received knowledge by divine revelation. ▫ Why is belief in evolution a matter of faith? Izvi zvakaita kuti ndive pedyo navo. But olive trees have the remarkable ability to survive the elements. This drew me closer to them. Benjamin ndemumwe chete wevanhu 20 000 vanourawa pagore kana kukuvadzwa nezvimbambaira. Kamin are quoted as saying: "We cannot think of any significant human social behavior that is built into our genes in such a way that it cannot be shaped by social conditions. " Benjamin is just one of 20,000 people killed annually or injured by land mines. Muna 1998, ndakabatana nebhendi rinoridza musambo wethrash metal rock. By showing love to our neighbor, we demonstrate our love of God. In 1998, I joined a band playing on a thrash metal rock band. Hungu, kupfurikidza noupenzi hwoushumiri hwavaparidzi ivava, Mwari anoponesa avo vanotenda. He clearly made the right choice, although his life was sometimes hard from a material standpoint. Yes, by the folly of the ministry of these preachers, God saves those who exercise faith. Uye akatopiwa simba rokumutsa munhu akafa. - Mab. □ How was spiritual Israel to grow in number? And he was even empowered to resurrect the dead. Asi miorivhi inokwanisa kuramba iri mipenyu kunyange mamiriro okunze asina kumira zvakanaka. They left their village at six in the morning and arrived at the convention grounds 15 hours later. But olive trees are able to keep alive even when the weather is in bad condition. Kamin vanonokorwa mashoko vachiti: "Hatigoni kufunga nezvemufambiro wevanhu wenzanga upi noupi wakatanhamara unoumbwa nemavara edu okugara nhaka zvokuti haugoni kuchinjwa nemamiriro ezvinhu enzanga. " Some names have been changed. Kalmin is quoted as saying: "We cannot think of the behavior of people of any prominent society that is made up of our genes so that it cannot be changed by social conditions. " Kana tichida muvakidzani wedu, tinoratidza kuti tinoda Mwari. Still, if you have to live with that person, doesn't it make sense to have as amicable a relationship as possible? If we love our neighbor, we show love for God. Akanyatsoita chisarudzo chakanaka, kunyange zvazvo dzimwe nguva upenyu hwake hwakanga hwakaoma mune zvenyama. You must therefore resist the tendency to become either "halfhearted " (lukewarm) or " doublehearted ' (hypocritical) on this very important issue. - Psalm 12: 2; 119: 113. She made the right choice, even though at times her life was hard materially. □ Israeri womudzimu aizokura sei muchiverengero? How did the early Christians understand and act on God's guidance about blood? □ How would spiritual Israel grow in number? Vakabva pamusha pavo na6: 00 mangwanani ndokusvika panhandare yekokorodzano maawa 15 gare gare. Jesus is "the firstborn of all creation. " He left his home at 6: 00 a.m. and arrived at the convention grounds 15 hours later. Mamwe mazita akachinjwa. So Jesus was not saying that Christians would be witnesses only of him and no longer be witnesses of Jehovah. Some names have been changed. Zvekarewo, kana uchizogara nomunhu iyeye, hazvinawo pfungwa here kuti muve noushamwari hwakanaka sezvinobvira? That seemed really strange to me. Also, if you would live with that person, wouldn't it be reasonable for you to enjoy as good friendships as possible? Naizvozvo unofanira kuramba muitiro wokuva "nemwoyo miviri " (asingaoneki paari kana unyengeri) panyaya iyi inokosha kwazvo. - Pisarema 12: 2; 119: 113. From the year 1919 onward, Jehovah first gradually reorganized and reunited the anointed, who were symbolically like the stick "for Judah. " You must therefore reject the practice of having "two different opinions " (not being seen or deceived) on this very important matter. - Psalm 12: 2; 119: 113. VaKristu vekare vakanzwisisa sei uye vakaitei nezvomurayiro waMwari pamusoro peropa? Despite their frailties, however, Moses, David, Paul, Peter, and others like them came off victorious. How did the early Christians understand and respond to God's command about blood? Jesu ndiye "dangwe rezvisikwa zvose. " Even in wealthy nations, there is poverty. Jesus is "the firstborn of all creation. " Saka Jesu akanga asiri kuti vaKristu vaizongova zvapupu zvake chete uye vorega kuva zvapupu zvaJehovha. Others have increased their time and privileges in God's service when their family responsibilities decreased, such as when their children became adults and married. - 3 / 1, pages 19 - 22. So Jesus was not saying that Christians would be only witnesses of him and stop becoming witnesses of Jehovah. Ndakashamisika chaizvo. 9 I was shocked. Kubva muna 1919 zvichienda mberi, Jehovha akatanga zvishoma nezvishoma kurongazve uye kubatanidzazve vakazodzwa avo vanofananidzirwa nekatanda kakanyorwa kuti "nokuda kwaJudha. " In some cases, however, advice is neither needed nor requested. From 1919 onward, Jehovah gradually resumed and reunited anointed ones who are pictured by the stick "for Judah. " Pasinei zvapo noutera hwavo, zvisinei, Mosesi, Dhavhidhi, Pauro, Petro, uye vamwe vakafanana navo vakakunda. Our conscience will then bother us, but it is tempting to try to ignore it. Despite their weaknesses, however, Moses, David, Paul, Peter, and others like them prevailed. Kunyange munyika dzakapfuma, mune urombo. In fact, Jesus criticized Pharisees and scribes who " honored God with their lips but whose hearts were far removed from him. ' Even in rich lands, there is poverty. Vamwe vakawedzera nguva yavo uye mikana yokuita basa raMwari apo mitoro yavo yemhuri yakaderera, zvakadai seapo vana vavo vakava vanhu vakuru uye pavakaroora. - 3 / 1, mapeji 19 - 22. ; Giaimo, J. Some have increased their time and opportunities to do God's work when their family responsibilities deteriorated, such as when their children became adults and married. - 3 / 1, pages 19 - 22. 9 The Bible refers to this as "the real life. " - 1 Timothy 6: 19. 9 Zvisinei, mune zvimwe zviitiko zano haridikanwi kana kuti kukumbirwa. Nine months later they were released. In some cases, however, counsel is not needed or asked. NYAYA DZOUPENYU What effect did Abram's faith have upon his immediate family members, and what might Christians learn from this? [ Picture Credit Line on page 2] Ipapo hana yedu ichatinetsa, asi muedzo kuedza kuifuratira. There is no shortage of advice on romantic love. Then our conscience will bother us, but it is a temptation to try to ignore it. Kutaura idi, Jesu akatsoropodza vaFarise navanyori avo " vakakudza Mwari nemiromo yavo, asi vane mwoyo yaiva kure naye. ' But Jehovah rejected such hypocritical devotion. In fact, Jesus criticized the Pharisees and the scribes who " glorified God with their lips, but whose hearts were far removed from him. ' ; Giaimo, J. [ Picture on page 18] ; Giaimo, J. Bhaibheri rinoti uhwu ndihwo hunonzi "upenyu chaihwo. " - 1 Timoti 6: 19. This is not the case, however. The Bible calls this "the real life. " - 1 Timothy 6: 19. Mwedzi mipfumbamwe gare gare vakasunungurwa. Various agencies are disseminating information and promoting research into new medicines and new means of control, all in an effort to cope with the growing problem of insect - borne disease. Nine months later they were released. Kutenda kwaAbrama kwakaita kuti nhengo dzemhuri yake dzepedyo dziite sei, uye vaKristu vangadzidzei kubva mazviri? What reminders should we take to heart so as not to suffer a loss of faith? What effect did Abram's faith have on his immediate family members, and what can Christians learn from it? Kune mazano akawanda anotaura nezvorudo rwevarume nevakadzi. Elders ought to keep what in mind (a) when giving counsel? There are many suggestions on the love of men and women. Asi Jehovha akaramba kuzvipira kwokunyengera kwakadaro. As a project of Bible study, you might review both study articles in that issue as well as the articles "Justice, "" Mercy, " and "Righteousness " in the Bible encyclopedia Insight on the Scriptures, published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. Yet, Jehovah rejected such hypocritical devotion. [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 18] [ Picture on page 19] [ Picture on page 18] Uku handiko, zvisinei. Most of this time, I spent praying. This is not the case, however. Masangano akasiyana - siyana ari kuparadzira mashoko uye kusimudzira zvirongwa zvokutsvakurudza mishonga mitsva uye nzira itsva dzokudzora, zvose zvichiitirwa kuenderana nechinetso chiripo chokuwedzera kwezvirwere zvinoparadzirwa nezvipembenene. Some may be afraid that men will destroy the earth. Various organizations are spreading information and promoting new drug research programs and new methods of control, all designed to keep up with the existing problem of disease spread by insects. Zviyeuchidzo zvipi zvatinofanira kuteerera kuti tisarasikirwe nokutenda kwedu? At school a student asked our Catholic teacher, "Father Loigge, who is the new god Jehovah that Wohlfahrt is worshiping? " What reminders should we heed so as not to lose our faith? Vakuru vanofanira kuyeukei (a) pavanopa zano? On June 21, 1918, Brother Rutherford and seven other leading Bible Students were jailed, with multiple concurrent sentences of 10 or 20 years. What should elders remember (a) when giving counsel? Sechirongwa chokudzidza Bhaibheri, ungadzokorora nyaya dzinodzidzwa dzose dziri mbiri dziri mumagazini iyoyo pamwe nenyaya ye "Ruramisiro, "" Tsitsi, " uye "Kururama " muenisaikoropidhiya yeBhaibheri inonzi Insight on the Scriptures, yakabudiswa neWatchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. Possibly he felt justified in telling her, in effect, " From now on, I'm the boss! ' As a program of Bible study, you might review both the study articles in that magazine as well as the article "City, "" Compassion, " and "In Righteousness " in the Bible encyclopedia Insight on the Scriptures, published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 19] Many of the Witnesses, I learned, had been transferred to a farm that belonged to Trujillo, the head of the government. [ Picture on page 19] Yakawanda yenguva iyi, ndakaipedza ndichinyengetera. " I wanted to stay with the patients, " she writes. Much of this time, I spent praying about it. Vamwe vangava vachitya kuti vanhu vachaparadza pasi. What problems did Abraham have, and how do we know that he had joy in his heart? Some may be afraid that humans will ruin the earth. Kuchikoro mumwe mudzidzi akabvunza mudzidzisi wedu weKaturike kuti, "Fata Loigge, ndiani mwari mutsva anonzi Jehovha uyo Wohlfahrt ari kunamata? " What a compliment that is! At school a student asked our Catholic teacher, "Fata Loigge, who is the new god named Jehovah whom Wohlfahrt is worshiping? " Musi wa21 June 1918, Hama Rutherford nevamwe vadzidzi veBhaibheri vanomwe vaitungamirira vakaiswa mujeri, vane mitongo inoverengeka yepanguva imwe yemakore 10 kana kuti 20. [ Box on page 30] On June 21, 1918, Brother Rutherford and seven other leading Bible students were imprisoned, with several prison sentences of 10 or 20 years. Sezvinobvira akaona pasina chinomutadzisa kumuudza chaizvoizvo kuti, " Ndini bhasi, kubva zvino zvichienda mberi! ' Courtesy Mercaldo Archives / Dictionary of American Portraits / Dover Perhaps he saw nothing to prevent him from really telling him, " I'm the boss, from now on! ' Ndakaudzwa kuti Zvapupu zvakawanda zvakanga zvachinjirwa kupurazi raTrujillo, mutungamiriri wehurumende. At times, when the king was faithful, Jehovah blessed him, and the people benefited from that blessing, even though most of them were unfaithful. I was told that many Witnesses had been transferred to Trujillo's farm, the prime minister. " Ndaida kugara nevarwere, " akanyora kudaro. Byrd's expeditions illustrate the value of keeping a log. " I wanted to sit with patients, " he wrote. Zvinetsoi izvo Abrahama akava nazvo, uye tinoziva sei kuti akanga ane mufaro mumwoyo make? What Does Creation Reveal About God? What problems did Abraham experience, and how do we know that he had joy in his heart? Akakurumbidza chaizvo! Young Sheila recalls: "What worked for me was taking definite action. How he commended you! [ Bhokisi riri papeji 30] Later they moved to South Africa, where the daughter, Manuela, is serving at Bethel as a Portuguese translator. [ Box on page 30] Courtesy Mercaldo Archives / Dictionary of American Portraits / Dover Greg, an Australian, says: "We wanted our children to see that we center our life on the truth. Courtesy Mercaldo Archives / Dictionary of American Portats / Dover Dzimwe nguva, mambo paakanga akatendeka, Jehovha aimukomborera, uye vanhu vaibatsirwa nechikomborero ichocho, nyange zvazvo vakawanda vavo vakanga vasina kutendeka. Perhaps you can point to the country where you are living and indicate that you would like to know where he is from. At times, when the king was faithful, Jehovah blessed him, and the people benefited from that blessing, even though most of them were unfaithful. Nzendo dzaByrd dzinoratidza kukosha kwokuchengeta nhoroondo yezvakaitika. In other words, the end of the seven times would mark the start of the rulership of God's heavenly Kingdom. Byrd's travels show the importance of keeping history. Zvinhu Zvakasikwa Zvinotiratidzei nezvaMwari? Brother Barr urged the students to take to heart three things regarding that angel. What Do Creation Show Us About God? Sheila muduku anoyeuka, kuti: "Chakashanda nokuda kwangu chakanga chiri kuita chiito chaicho. It was the source of cohesion for their society. Young Sheila recalls: "What worked for me was taking positive action. Gare gare vakatamira kuSouth Africa, uko mwanasikana, Manuela, ari kubatira paBheteri somushanduri wechiPutukezi. If so, it should have helped them to lose their fear of death and should have given them the confidence that there is meaning to life. Later they moved to South Africa, where a daughter, Manuela, is serving at Bethel as a Portuguese translator. Greg anogara kuAustralia, akati: "Tinoda kuti vana vedu vaone kuti chokwadi ndicho chatinonyanya kukoshesa muupenyu hwedu. Problems at School, 8 / 8 Greg, who lives in Australia, said: "We want our children to see that truth is the most important thing in our life. Zvichida unogona kunongedzera nyika yaunogara woratidza kuti ungada kuziva kuti iye anobva kupi. Also, if possible, try to check the track record of those speaking. Perhaps you can point to the country where you live and show that you would like to know where he comes from. Tingati, paizopera nguva nomwe ndipo paibva patanga kutonga kweUmambo hwaMwari hwekudenga. Her father sold her for $400. In fact, the seven times would end when God's heavenly Kingdom began. Hama Barr vakakurudzira vadzidzi vacho kuti vayeuke zvinhu zvitatu zvine chokuita nengirozi iyoyo. They did not fully discern God's purpose for Jesus, for them, or for the future. Brother Barr urged the students to remember three aspects of that angel. Yakanga iri manyuko ebatano nokuda kwechaunga chavo. 11: 16 - 24, 33. It was a source of contact for their society. Kana zvakadaro, kunofanira kuve kwakavabetsera kurasikirwa nokutya kwavo rufu uye kunofanira kuve kwakavapa chivimbo chokuti kune revo kuupenyu. For Jehovah is good; his loving - kindness is to time indefinite, and his faithfulness to generation after generation. " If so, it must have helped them to lose their fear of death and must have given them confidence that it has meaning to life. Uyewo, kana zvichiita, edza kuona nhoroondo yevari kuataura vacho. Meanwhile your brain is also monitoring your breathing, blood chemistry, temperature, and other essential processes outside your awareness. " - Page 326. Also, if possible, try to see the account of the speakers. Baba vake vakamutengesa neZ $2 000. (b) In what ways would Jehovah give attention to the inhabitants of Judah and their civil and religious leaders? His father sold him for $8,000. Vaisanzwisisa zvizere chinangwa chaMwari nokuda kwaJesu, nokuda kwavo, kana kuti nokuda kweramangwana. Often, child prostitutes, whether occasional or full - time, also become involved in crime and drug abuse. They did not fully understand God's purpose for Jesus, for them, or for the future. 11: 16 - 24, 33. Rather than fight back and repossess his well, Abraham chose to remain silent about the matter. 11: 16 - 24, 33. Nokuti Jehovha wakanaka; ngoni dzake dziripo nokusingaperi; nokutendeka kwake kumarudzi namarudzi. " Are Children Safe With Your Dog? For Jehovah is good; his loving - kindness is to time indefinite, and his faithfulness to generation after generation. " Munguvayo uropi hwako huri kutarisirawo kufema kwako, kemesitiri yeropa, tembiricha, uye mimwe miitiro inokosha yausingazivi. " - Peji 326. Thankfully, the brothers had warned us to be prepared for such searches, and I had carefully hidden these documents. In the meantime your brain is also caring for your breathing, blood pressure, temperature, and other important practices that you do not know. " - Page 326. (b) Jehovha aizopa ngwariro kuvagari veJudha navatungamiriri vavo venyika neverudzidziso munzirai? (b) What is one area of life in which the Bible provides direction? (b) In what way would Jehovah give attention to the inhabitants of Judah and their secular and religious leaders? Kazhinji, vana vari pfambi, zvingava kuti apo neapo kana kuti nguva dzose, vanobatanidzwawo mukupara mhosva nokushandisa zvinodhaka. Adam and Eve were placed in a paradise, a garden of pleasure called Eden. Often, child prostitutes, whether from time to time or from time to time, are also involved in crime and drug abuse. Asi panzvimbo pokuvarwisa uye kuvatorera tsime racho, Abrahamu akati kuzvipedza kunyarara. What questions must be considered as we look to the future? But rather than attack them and take the well away from them, Abraham said that he would put it to rest. Ndinotenda kuti hama dzakanga dzatinyevera kuti tigare takagadzirira kusechwa, saka ndakanga ndanyatsoviga mapepa aya. Therefore, the royal Son of man says to them: "Come, you who have been blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world. " - Matthew 25: 34; 28: 19, 20. I am grateful that the brothers had warned us to be ready to be searched, so I had carefully hidden these papers. (b) Inyaya ipi yatinobatsirwa neBhaibheri? One historian says that "the efficient services rendered by the Bank of Amsterdam contributed their share toward making Amsterdam the financial center of the world. " (b) What Bible - based help do we find? Adhama naEvha vakaiswa muparadhiso, bindu romufaro rainzi Edheni. Likewise, Micah 6: 8 explains that one of Jehovah's requirements is that we "exercise justice " as we walk with our God. Adam and Eve were placed in a paradise, a happy garden called Eden. Mibvunzoi inofanira kurangarirwa sezvatinotarira kunguva yemberi? Really, they are only acting in harmony with the inspired advice at Ecclesiastes 11: 10: "Remove vexation from your heart, and ward off calamity from your flesh. " What questions should be considered as we look to the future? Naizvozvo, Mwanakomana woumambo womunhu anoti kwavari: "Uyai imi, makaropafadzwa naBaba, mugare nhaka [umambo, NW] hwakagadzirirwemi kubva pakuvamba kwenyika. " - Mateo 25: 34; 28: 19, 20. In saying this, Paul was not being egotistical. Therefore, the royal Son of man says to them: "Come, you who have been blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world. " - Matthew 25: 34; 28: 19, 20. Mumwe wezvenhau anotaura kuti "mabasa anobudirira aiitwa neBank of Amsterdam aipa mugove wavo pakuita Amsterdam nzvimbo yemari yenyika. " He did not know who the author was, and it was not until some years later, at least by 1844, that he met Henry Grew while both were residing in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. One historian says that "the successful services performed by the Bank of Amsterdam gave their share in making Amsterdam a part of the world's currency. " Nenzira yakafanana, Mika 6: 8 inotsanangura kuti chimwe chezvinodikanwa zvaJehovha ndechokuti ti "ite zvakarurama " sezvatinofamba naMwari wedu. " It is not easy being viewed as different, " says Cathleen, a sister in her late teens. Similarly, Micah 6: 8 explains that one of Jehovah's requirements is that we "do righteousness " as we walk with our God. Chaizvoizvo, vari kungoita maererano nezano rakafuridzirwa riri pana Muparidzi 11: 10 rinoti: "Dzinga zvinonetsa pamwoyo pako, ubvise zvakaipa panyama yako. " A powerful current of reform swept away the very foundations of traditional doctrine. In effect, they are simply acting in harmony with the inspired counsel at Ecclesiastes 11: 10: "Deave trouble from your heart, and ward off calamity from your flesh. " Paaitaura izvi, Pauro akanga asiri kuzvikudza. In fact, back then it was an invasion of property rights to use a well without permission. - Compare Numbers 20: 17, 19. In saying this, Paul was not presumptuous. Haana kuziva kuti munyori wacho aiva ani, uye akazoziva paakasangana naHenry Grew makore akati gare gare, munenge muna 1844, vose pavaigara muPhiladelphia, iri muPennsylvania. " But there are so many things I wish I had said or done, ' you may say. He did not know who the writer was, and he later learned when he met Henry Grew some years later, about 144, when they were both living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. " Kuonekwa sokuti wakasiyana nevamwe kwakaoma, " inodaro imwe hanzvadzi inonzi Cathleen, ine makore 16. What happened next? " Being different is difficult, " says 16 - year - old Cathleen, a sister. Simba rine simba rokuvandudza rakaparadza hwaro humene hwedzidziso yamagamuchidzanwa. A child who writes is usually a reader also. The powerful force for reform destroyed the very foundation of traditional doctrine. Kutaura idi, shure panguva iyeyo yakanga iri vhozhokerwo yamaruramiro oumwene kushandisa tsime pasina mvumo. - Enzanisa naNumeri 20: 17, 19. I then realized that I had to acknowledge and satisfy my spiritual need if I was to gain contentment and tranquillity, since the pace of life and the demand of caring for people's concerns can become overwhelming for someone in my profession. In fact, back then it was the righthoker to use a well without permission. - Compare Numbers 20: 17, 19. Ungati, " asi paiva nezvinhu zvakawanda zvandaishuva kutaura kana kuita. ' So began four happy years. " But there were so many things I wished to say or do, ' you might say. Chii chakatevera kuitika? That is not for us to say. What happened next? Kazhinji kazhinji mwana anonyora muraviwo. First - century Christians came from many backgrounds Often the child writes a reader too. Ndakabva ndaziva kuti, kuti ndigutsikane, ndiwane rugare, ndaifanira kubvuma uye kugutsa zvandaida pakunamata, sezvo upenyu nezvinodiwa pakutarisira zvinonetsa vanhu zvichigona kupedza simba romunhu anoita basa randinoita. " All that your hand finds to do, do with your very power, for there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol [the grave], the place to which you are going. " - Ecclesiastes 9: 10. Then I realized that for me to be content, to find peace, I had to accept and satisfy my spiritual needs, since life and needs to handle problems can sap a person's energy for the work I do. Kubva panguva iyi ndakaita makore mana ndichifara. What would you do if you had a friend who made a significant mistake or committed a serious sin? From this time on, I was happily married for four years. Izvozvo hazvisi zvokuti isu titaure. Some 200 years in advance, God's prophet predicted how Babylon would be overthrown That is not for us to say. VaKristu vomuzana remakore rokutanga vaibva kwakasiyana - siyana (See bound volume) First - century Christians came from many different backgrounds " Zvose zvinowana ruoko rwako kuti ruite, zviite nesimba rako rose, nokuti muSheori [guva], iyo nzvimbo yauri kuenda, hamuna basa kana kuronga mazano kana zivo kana uchenjeri. " - Muparidzi 9: 10. Thomas, meanwhile, put his carpentry skills to good use by building the first European - style house in Fiji. " All that your hand finds to do, do with your very power, for there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol [the grave], the place to which you are going. " - Ecclesiastes 9: 10. Waizoita sei kudai waiva neshamwari yakaita chikanganiso kana kuti chivi chakakura? For the benefit of sinful mankind, Jehovah God has also made use of oaths by using expressions like "" As I am alive, ' is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah. " What would you do if you had a friend who made a mistake or a serious sin? Makore 200 pachine nguva mberi, muporofita waMwari akafanotaura makurirwe aizoitwa Bhabhironi (b) What can be done to overcome the problem? Some 200 years in advance, God's prophet foretold in what would be done against Babylon (Ona bhuku racho) Thus, the record of zealous preaching and exemplary conduct of Jehovah's Witnesses in Italy has helped to dissipate prejudice against them. - Matthew 5: 14 - 16; 1 Peter 2: 15. (See publication) Ndiyo yakava yekutanga muFiji, kuvakwa nepurani yedzimba dzekuEurope. He had me look up many scriptures in my red - letter edition of the King James Version of the Bible. This was the first one in Fiji, with a plan for European houses. Kuti abatsire vanhu vane chivi, Jehovha Mwari aipikawo achishandisa mashoko akadai sokuti "" Noupenyu hwangu, ' ndizvo zvinotaura Changamire Ishe Jehovha. " According to the German newsmagazine Focus, mobbing is "frequent, repeated, and systematic harassment. " To help imperfect humans, Jehovah God also swore by means of such expressions as "" As I live, ' says the Sovereign Lord Jehovah. " (b) Chii chinogona kuitwa kukurira chinetso chacho? A mighty work was begun by those faithful ones back in 1919. (b) What can be done to overcome the problem? Nokudaro, chinyorwa chokuparidza nokushingaira nomufambiro womuenzaniso weZvapupu zvaJehovha muItaly zvakabatsira kubvisa kuvafungira zvakaipa. - Mateo 5: 14 - 16; 1 Petro 2: 15. That slaughter of "Christian " by" Christian " is rotten fruitage. Thus, the record of zealous preaching and exemplary conduct of Jehovah's Witnesses in Italy helped to root out prejudice against them. - Matthew 5: 14 - 16; 1 Peter 2: 15. Vakandivhurisa magwaro akawanda muBhaibheri rangu reKing James Version. Whether these names represent the same individuals cannot be known for certain. He opened up many scriptures for me in my King James Version. Maererano neimwe magazini yokuGermany yenhau inonzi Focus, kudheerera "muitiro wokugara uchinetsa mumwe munhu nguva dzose. " In view of such conditions, one person expressed what many believe: "There's no point to life. According to the German magazine Focus, bullying is "a pattern of constant harassment. " Basa guru rakavambwa naavo vakatendeka shure muna 1919. And now here Jehovah has preserved me alive, just as he promised, these forty - five years since Jehovah made this promise to Moses when Israel walked in the wilderness, and now here I am today eighty - five years old. A great work was begun by faithful ones back in 1919. Kuurawa ikoko kwo "muKristu " achirwisana no" muKristu " chibereko chakaora. Changing Course as New Circumstances Arise That execution of "a Christian " against" a Christian " is a rotten fruit. Hazvinyatsozivikanwi kuti mazita aya anoreva vanhu vamwe chete here. Later, Jehovah showed how exclusive this arrangement was, stating: "Between me and the sons of Israel it is a sign to time indefinite. " - Exodus 31: 17. Whether these names refer to the same people is uncertain. Nemhaka yemigariro yakadaro, mumwe munhu akataura izvo vazhinji vanodavira: "Hapana donzo kuupenyu. It simply means saying to them: "If anybody tells you to do something that Jehovah God says is wrong, you don't have to do it. Because of such circumstances, one person said what many believe: "There is no purpose to life. Zvino tarira, Jehovha wakandichengeta ndiri mupenyu, sezvaakataura, makore ano anamakumi mana namashanu kubva panguva Jehovha yaakataura shoko iri kuna Mosesi, vaIsraeri vachafamba murenje; zvino, tarira, nhasi ndava namakore anamakumi masere namashanu. Consequently, by revoking the Edict of Nantes, Louis XIV could enhance his tarnished reputation and restore normal relations with the pope. And now, behold, the LORD hath kept me alive, as he said, these forty and five years since the LORD spake this word unto Moses, while Israel walked in the wilderness: and now, behold, I am this day eighty and five years old. Kuchinja Nzira Yechiito SezvoMigariro Mitsva Inomuka Today, we live in "critical times hard to deal with, " so it is not surprising that many people, even faithful servants of God, find themselves feeling low at times. Changing the Way of Action as New Marriages Arise Gare gare, Jehovha akaratidza kuti iyi gadziriro yaibatanidza zvose sei, achiti: "Pakati pangu navanakomana vaIsraeri chiratidzo kusvikira kunguva isingazivikanwi. " - Eksodho 31: 17, NW. BY AWAKE! Later, Jehovah showed how this arrangement involved everything, saying: "In me and the sons of Israel are a sign to time indefinite. " - Exodus 31: 17. Zvinongoreva kuvaudza kuti: "Kana mumwe munhu akakuudza kuti uite chinhu chinonzi naJehovha Mwari chakaipa, haufaniri kuchiita. Anointed Christians also praise God in other ways, using their lips to teach others. It simply means telling them: "If someone tells you to do something that Jehovah God says is bad, you must not do. Somugumisiro, kupfurikidza nokuchinja Murayiro weNantes, Louis XIV aigona kunatsiridza mukurumbira wake wakasvibiswa ndokudzorera ukama hwenguva dzose napapa. It stated: "The work appears stupendous, but it is the Lord's, and in his strength we will perform it. As a result, by changing the Law of Nantes, Louis XIV could improve his polluted reputation and restore a regular relationship with the pope. Mazuva ano tiri kurarama " munguva dzinonetsa dzakaoma kubata nadzo, ' saka hazvishamisi kuti vanhu vakawanda, kunyange vashumiri vaMwari vakatendeka vanombonzwa sokuti havabatsiri. Yes, they survive this world's end into the endless new world under God's Kingdom. Today, we live in "critical times hard to deal with, " so it is not surprising that many people - even faithful servants of God - feel worthless. NOMUNYORI WEMUKAI! " Investigative Judgment " - Bible - Based Doctrine? BY AWAKE! VaKristu vakazodzwa vanorumbidzawo Mwari nedzimwe nzira, vachishandisa miromo yavo kudzidzisa vamwe. Perhaps his higher rank in the government enabled him to be excused from going there. Anointed Christians also praise God in other ways, using their lips to teach others. Kakati: "Basa racho rinoita serakakura chaizvo, asi nderaIshe, uye tichariita nesimba rake. Minyu has been paralyzed since birth. He said: "The work seems overwhelming, but it belongs to the Lord, and we will do it by his power. Hungu, vanopukunyuka mugumo wenyika ino vachipinda munyika itsva isingagumi muUmambo hwaMwari. You may read about these people in the following Bible accounts: Joshua 2: 1 - 7; 6: 22 - 25; Ruth 1: 4, 14 - 17; 2 Samuel 11: 3 - 11; Jeremiah 38: 7 - 13; and Joshua 9: 3 - 9, 16 - 21. Yes, they survive this world's end into an eternal new world under God's Kingdom. Uchava Akatendeka saEria Here? 9 / 15 Unoraramira Nhasi Kana Kuti Nguva Yemberi Isingagumi Here? 8 / 15 Love withers and, in time, is replaced by anger and hatred. " God's Way of Life " Conventions, 2 / 15 Zvichida nzvimbo yake yakakwirira zvikuru muhurumende yakamugonesa kuhesvurwa kuendako. When we make a defense before everyone who demands of us a reason for our hope, we do so "with a mild temper and deep respect " because we are motivated by neighbor love. - 1 Pet. Perhaps his highest position in the government enabled him to be allowed to go there. Minyu ave akaoma rutivi rwomuviri kubvira paakaberekwa. Obedience Is Rewarded Salt has been paralyzed since birth. Unogona kuverenga nezvevanhu ava munhoroondo dzeBhaibheri dzinotevera: Joshua 2: 1 - 7; 6: 22 - 25; Rute 1: 4, 14 - 17; 2 Samueri 11: 3 - 11; Jeremiya 38: 7 - 13; Joshua 9: 3 - 9, 16 - 21; uye 2 Makoronike 6: 32, 33. Why did they not rejoice at seeing in Jesus a miracle worker who had made "a man completely sound in health " instead of becoming" violently angry " and seeing in him a breaker of the Sabbath law? You can read of these individuals in the following Bible accounts: Joshua 2: 1 - 7; 6: 22 - 25; Ruth 1: 4, 14 - 17; 2 Samuel 11: 3 - 11; Jeremiah 38: 7 - 13; Joshua 9: 3 - 9, 16 - 21; and 2 Chronicles 6: 32, 33. Rudo runotonhora uye nokufamba kwenguva runotsiviwa nehasha noruvengo. How Can You Find It?, by filling in the accompanying coupon and mailing it to the address shown on the coupon or to an appropriate address listed on page 5 of this magazine. Love cools down and in time is replaced by anger and hatred. Patinenge tichidzivirira kutenda kwedu kumunhu wose anenge atibvunza chikonzero chetariro yatinayo, tinoita "izvozvo nounyoro noruremekedzo rukuru " nokuti tinoda muvakidzani wedu. - 1 Pet. In various ways these verses make this basic point: Sow righteousness and reap its reward. When we defend our faith to anyone who asks us a reason for the hope we have, we do so "with a mild temper and deep respect " because we love our neighbor. - 1 Pet. Vanopiwa Mubayiro Wokuteerera But does that justify such activity by ministers who claimed to be representatives of Christ? The Price of Obedience Neiko ivo vasina kufara pakuona muna Jesu muiti wamanenji uyo akanga aita "munhu akanaka chose chose muutano " panzvimbo pokuva" vanotsamwa nenzira yamasimba masimba " nokuona maari mupunzi womutemo weSabata? 16: 14, 16; 19: 19 - 21. Why were they not happy to see in Jesus the miracle worker who had made "a man quite good in health " instead of being" violently angry " and seeing in him a signer of the Sabbath law? Unogona Sei Kuriwana?, nokuzadzisa kopani riri pasi apa nokuritumira pakero yakaratidzwa pakopani kana kuti pakero yakakodzera pane dzakarongwa papeji 5 yemagazini ino. In the book Everyone's Guide to South African Birds, ornithologists Sinclair and Mendelsohn explain: "Breeding pairs protect their nest and young vigorously and become very aggressive at the approach of any intruder. How Can You Find It?, by filling in the accompanying coupon by mailing it to the address shown on the coupon or to an appropriate address listed on page 5 of this magazine. Munzira dzakasiyana - siyana ndima idzi dzinosimbisa pfungwa iyi inokosha: Dyara kururama ukohwe mubayiro. The King Eternal never ignores the plight of his servants. In various ways these verses emphasize this vital point: Set aside righteousness for the prize. Asi izvozvo zvinoruramisa mubato wakadaro waiitwa nevashumiri vaiti vamiririri vaKristu here? Still, Egyptian fashion designers pleated the material so that their clothes had a pleasing drape and silhouette. But does that justify such activity by ministers who claimed to be ambassadors of Christ? 16: 14, 16; 19: 19 - 21. Rather than pulling apart, pull together as a family. 16: 14, 16; 19: 19 - 21. Mubhuku rinonzi Everyone's Guide to South African Birds, nyanzvi mukudzidza nezveshiri Sinclair naMendelsohn vanotsanangura, kuti: "Shiri mbiri dzinobereka dzinodzivirira dendere radzo navana nesimba uye dzinova noukono zvikuru pakusvika kwomuvhozhokeri upi noupi. When making decisions, for example, we want to be careful to take into account the will of our heavenly Master, Jehovah. In the book Everyone's Guide to South African Birds, experts in the study of birds Sinclir and Medelsoh explains: "The two productive birds firmly protect their nest and children and become more aggressive on the arrival of any invaders. Mambo Asingagumi haatongofuratiri mugariro wavabatiri vake. God strikes Egypt with one plague after another. The King Eternal never overlooks the situation of his servants. Kunyange zvakadaro, vaigadzira fashoni muIjipiti vaigadzira mamino pajira racho zvokuti zvipfeko zvavo zvaibva zvataridzika zvakanaka zvapfekwa. [ Picture on page 20] Even so, Egypt's fashion designers made teeth on the cloth so that their clothes looked beautifully worn. Panzvimbo pokukamukana, batirai pamwe semhuri. Jehovah did not take Susanne to heaven, and she is not an angel. Rather than break up, cooperate as a family. Somuenzaniso, patinenge tichiita zvisarudzo, tinoda kungwarira kufungawo zvinodiwa naTenzi wedu wokudenga, Jehovha. Commenting on the social conditions of that time, the Theological Dictionary of the New Testament explains: "In every affair, the question constantly arose who was the greater, and according to each his due honour was an important matter which caused constant concern. " For example, when making decisions, we need to be careful to consider the will of our heavenly Master, Jehovah. Mwari anorova Egipita nedambudziko rimwe pashure perimwe. THE BELIEF that at death something leaves the body - the soul, the spirit, the ghost - is commonplace in many cultures throughout the world. God strikes Egypt with one plague after another. [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 20] Some Christian women in Bible times faced grievous situations, such as widowhood. [ Picture on page 20] Jehovha akanga asina kutora Susanne achimuendesa kudenga, uye haasi ngirozi. I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things. " - Matthew 28: 19, 20. Jehovah had not taken Susanne to heaven, nor is she an angel. Rimwe duramanzwi rinonzi Theological Dictionary of the New Testament rinotaura nezvemagariro evanhu vepanguva iyoyo richiti: "Pane zvose zvaiitika, paiwanzomuka mubvunzo wokuti ndiani aiva mukuru, uye mumwe nomumwe aigara achizvidya mwoyo nenyaya yokuda kupiwa rukudzo rwakakodzera. " The young man, however, went away grieved, "for he was holding many possessions. " The Theological Dictionary of the New Testament states regarding the social situation of the day: "In every case, the question of who was greater often arose, and each one was always anxious about the need for proper honor. " DZIDZISO yokuti panofa munhu chimwe chinhu chinobuda mumuviri - mweya, mudzimu kana chipoko - inowanika mutsika dzakawanda munyika yose. Sunday\ Saturday THE fact that a person dies is something that leaves the body - soul, spirit, or gift - found in many cultures around the world. Vamwe vakadzi vechiKristu vomunguva yavanhu vanotaurwa muBhaibheri vakasangana nemamiriro ezvinhu anotambudza, akadai sokuva chirikadzi. It describes the cleansing of the sanctuary by the Jewish high priest on the Day of Atonement. Some Christian women in Bible times faced distressing situations, such as widows. Ndinemi mazuva ose kusvikira kumhedziso yetsika yezvinhu. " - Mateo 28: 19, 20, NW. People still malign God by blaming him for their suffering - even though it may be due to their own bad ways. I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things. " - Matthew 28: 19, 20. Zvisinei, murume muduku wacho akaenda ashungurudzwa, "nokuti aiva nezvinhu zvakawanda. " From Olympia to Sydney However, the young man went away grieved, "for he was holding many possessions. " Svondo\ Mugovera " We left our work area in the evening, " she explains, "and walked to a railway station 15 miles (25 km) away. Sunday . . . . . . Inorondedzera kucheneswa kwenzvimbo tsvene nemuprista mukuru wechiJudha paZuva reYananiso. This exposure to the Bible developed in me a strong desire to worship Jehovah acceptably. It describes the cleansing of the sanctuary by the Jewish high priest on Atonement Day. Vanhu vachiri kusvibisa Mwari nokumupomera mhosva yokutambura kwavo - kunyange kungakonzerwa nenzira dzavo pachavo dzakaipa. For since death is through a man, resurrection of the dead is also through a man... Humans still defile God by accusing him of their suffering - even if it may result from their own bad ways. Kubva kuOlympia Kuenda kuSydney But when the real thing occurred on January 17, 1995, all the preparation seemed for naught. From Olympia to Sydney Corinna anoti: "Takabva pabasa ava manheru, ndokufamba makiromita 25 tichienda kuchiteshi chezvitima. Instead of thinking, "If in doubt, send it out, " it would be better to adopt the motto," If in doubt, throw it out! " Corinna relates: "We left work late in the evening, walking 25 miles [25 km] to the railway station. Kuziva Bhaibheri kwandakanga ndava kuita kwakaita kuti ndide kwazvo kunamata Jehovha nenzira yaanoda. The apostle John wrote: "I saw an angel coming down out of heaven with the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand. My newfound knowledge of the Bible gave me a strong desire to worship Jehovah acceptably. Nokuti rufu zvarwakauya nomunhu, kumuka kwavakafa kwakauya nomunhuwo... Beware of Developing a Haughty Heart For since death came through a man, resurrection of the dead also brought a man... Asi apo kudengenyeka chaikoiko kwakaitika pana January 17, 1995, gadziriro yose yakaratidzika kuva isingashandi. Why was a once modest man rejected by God? But when a literal earthquake occurred on January 17, 1995, the whole system seemed useless. Pane kutumira mumwe munhu usina chokwadi nazvo, zviri nani kuti kana usina chokwadi nazvo udzime! (b) How may we be strengthened to cope with modern - day trials? Instead of sending someone who has doubts, how much better it is if you have doubts! Muapostora Johane akanyora, kuti: "Ndakaona mutumwa achiburuka kudenga, ane kiyi yegomba rakadzika - dzika, neketani huru muruoko rwake. Benefits and Joys The apostle John wrote: "I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand. Ngwarira Kuva Nomwoyo Unozvikudza 22 Life in Bible Times - Musicians and Their Instruments Guard Against a haughty Heart Nei murume aimbova nemwero akarambwa naMwari? Those city magistrates would think twice before doing anything against the newly formed Christian congregation in their city. Why was a once modest man rejected by God? (b) Tinogona sei kusimbiswa kuti tigonane nemiedzo yomuzuva razvino uno? Does God Bless Us With Riches? (b) How can we be strengthened to cope with modern - day trials? Kubatsira Kwacho uye Mufaro How does Jehovah God regard false religion's role in killings and wars? The Benefits and Joys 22 Mararamiro Emunguva Dzinotaurwa muBhaibheri - Vaimbi Nezviridzwa Zvavo WHAT desirable things fill your house? 22 Life in Bible Times - Singers and Their Cars Vatongi vemuguta vaizotanga vafunga kaviri vasati vatambudza ungano itsva yevaKristu yainge ichangobva kuumbwa muguta ravo. We can see why the Bible speaks of Rahab's fellow Canaanites as "those who acted disobediently. " - Hebrews 11: 31. The city rulers would think twice before persecuting the newly formed Christian congregation in their city. Mwari Anotikomborera Nepfuma Here? As you can imagine, it took consistency - and sometimes firmness - to help Ilaria stay on the Christian path. Does God Blessed Us With Riches? Jehovha Mwari anorangarira sei basa rorudzidziso rwenhema mukuuraya nehondo? How important, therefore, that we avoid having the deadly mark of the beast! How does Jehovah God view the role of false religion in killing and war? ZVINHUI zvinodikanwa zvinozadza imba yako? It is essential that Christians rely on God's strength, not their own. WHAT needs fill your marriage? Tinogona kuona kuti nei Bhaibheri richitaura nezvehama dzaRakabhi dzechiKenani richivati "vaya vasina kuteerera. " - VaHebheru 11: 31. And do we not believe that such changes will be part of the improvement in the human family? We can see why the Bible refers to Rahab's Canaanite relatives and calls them "those who did not listen. " - Hebrews 11: 31. Kuti tibatsire Ilaria kuti aite zvakanaka dzimwe nguva taitofanira kumuranga, dzimwe nguva zvakasimba. This book is an accretion, and nobody is sure of the dates of its various parts...; nobody can be sure that some of its expressions were not, perhaps, taken from Jude himself. " To help Ilaria to do what was right, we sometimes had to discipline her, sometimes severely. Naizvozvo, zvinokosha chaizvo kuti tisambova nechiratidzo chinourayisa chechikara chacho! " You people must not afflict any widow or fatherless boy. How vital, therefore, that we never have the death - dealing mark of the beast! Zvinokosha kuti vaKristu vavimbe nesimba raMwari, kwete ravo. " I felt there was a life inside of me, " Victoria said. It is vital that Christians rely on God's power, not their own. Hatibvumi here kuti kuchinja ikoko kunenge kuchitova kuvandudzika kwemhuri yevanhu? c. Do we not agree that such changes are already improving the human family? Iri bhuku rakawedzerwa, uye hapana munhu ane chokwadi nezvemisi yamativi akasiyana - siyana aro...; hapana munhu anogona kuva nechokwadi kuti kumwe kwokutaura kwaro, zvichida, kwakanga kusina kutorwa kuna Judhasi pachake. " The Scriptures make it clear that Jehovah has not placed unreasonable demands on us. This book has been added, and nobody is sure of the dates of its various features...; nobody can be sure that some of its statements, perhaps, were not taken from Judas himself. " " Usatambudza chirikadzi kana nherera. The elder admits: "How awful I felt, since I had never called on the brother and did not even know where he lived! " You must not afflict any widow or fatherless boy. Victoria akati: "Ndainzwa kuti mudumbu mangu maiva nemunhu mupenyu. What does the Bible correctly call death, and why? Victoria said: "I felt that there was a living person in my stomach. c. Do we let tiredness, a slight physical indisposition, or a little bad weather interfere with our obligation not to forsake assembling with fellow believers? c. Magwaro anojekesa kuti Jehovha haana kuisa zvinodikanwa zvisina mufungo patiri. Jesus gave what exhortation when concluding the parable of the virgins? The Scriptures make it clear that Jehovah did not put unreasonable demands on us. Mukuru anobvuma kuti: "Ndakasiririswa sei, sezvo ndakanga ndisina kutongoshanyira hama yacho uye ndisingambozivi uko yaigara! The opposite also held true. The elder admits: "How moved I was, since I had never visited the brother and never knew where he lived! Bhaibheri rinoidza rufu nenzira yakarurama kutii, uye nei? " Your will to live can sustain you when you are sick, " wrote wise King Solomon. What does the Bible rightly call death, and why? Tinorega kuneta, kurwara mumuviri zvishomanene, kana kuti mugariro wokunze wakashata zvishomanene uchidzongonyedza musengwa wedu wokusarega kuungana navatendi biyedu here? Every day, Jephthah and his daughter would have been reminded of the disastrous consequences of unfaithfulness to Jehovah. Do we let fatigue, a little physical sickness, or a little bad weather interfere with our obligation not to forsake gathering with fellow believers? Jesu akakurudzira chii paakanga ava kugumisa mufananidzo wevasikana? They wouldn't believe half of what I'm doing. " What encouragement did Jesus give as he brought an end to the parable of the virgins? Asiwo pavairega kumuteerera zvaivaipira. A confirmation of this promise is found at Proverbs 3: 1, 2: "My son, my law do not forget, and my commandments may your heart observe, because length of days and years of life and peace will be added to you. " On the other hand, it was dangerous to ignore their obedience. " Kuda kwako kurarama kunogona kukutsigira kana uchirwara, " akanyora kudaro Mambo Soromoni akachenjera. Children are impressionable, and from sources outside the family, they can learn many things that are far from wholesome. " Your desire to live can sustain you if you get sick, " wrote wise King Solomon. Zuva rega rega, Jefta nemwanasikana wake vanogona kunge vaiona zvinhu zvairatidza kuti kusateerera Jehovha kwakaipa. No Christian can afford to lose control of his life. Each day, Jephthah and his daughter may have seen evidence that disobedience to Jehovah was wrong. Havasati vaizodavira hafu yezvandiri kuita. " As a teenager, she had studied the Bible with the Witnesses but had lost contact with them when she got married and moved to that island. They wouldn't believe half what I'm doing. " Kusimbiswa kwechipikirwa ichi kunowanikwa pana Zvirevo 3: 1, 2 panoti: "Mwanakomana wangu, usakanganwa kudzidzisa kwangu; asi mwoyo wako ngauchengete mirayiro yangu; nokuti zvichakuwedzera mazuva mazhinji, namakore oupenyu, norugare. " Jehovah told Eli: "You keep honoring your sons more than me. " The emphasis of this promise is found at Proverbs 3: 1, 2: "My son, my law do not forget, and my commandments may your heart observe, because length of days and years of life and peace will be added to you. " Vana vari nyore kufurirwa, uye vanogona kudzidziswa zvinhu zvakawanda zvisina kunaka nevanhu vasiri vomumhuri mavo. More commonly, online blogs - Web sites that contain personal journals - are glutted with gossip such as would never be uttered in person. Children are vulnerable to peer pressure, and they can be taught many things that are not the same as members of their family. Hakuna muKristu anogona kutsunga kurasikirwa nokudzora upenyu hwake. When we pray in Jesus ' name, we are expressing faith in at least three facets of his role in the outworking of God's purpose: (1) He is "the Lamb of God, " whose sacrifice provides the basis for forgiveness of sin. No Christian can afford to lose control of his life. Mukadzi uyu paainge achiri muduku, akambodzidza Bhaibheri neZvapupu asi haana kuzoonana nazvo kubvira paakaroorwa ndokutamira kuchitsuwa chacho. The Bible, however, assures us that it is possible to remain both mentally and morally clean. As a young woman, she studied the Bible with the Witnesses but lost contact with them since her marriage and moved to the island. Jehovha akaudza Eri kuti: "[Uno] ramba uchikudza vanakomana vako kundipfuura. " RESPIRATORY GASES Jehovah told Eli: "You are showing more honor to your sons than to me. " Kunyanya nzvimbo dzinobudisa mashoko paIndaneti pamusoro pomunhu mumwe, dzakazara nemakuhwa ekuti munhu haangambofi aataura nemuromo wake. Why was the sin of Judas Iscariot unforgivable? Particularly Web sites about one person, which is filled with gossip, are that no one can ever talk them through his mouth. Patinonyengetera muzita raJesu, tinenge tichiratidza kutenda mumabasa ake anenge matatu anoita kuti chinangwa chaMwari chizadziswe: (1) Iye i "Gwayana raMwari, " rine chibayiro chinoita kuti zvivi zvikanganwirwe. Michael Servetus, born in 1511 in Spain, studied Greek, Latin, Hebrew, and medicine and might have met Calvin when both were students in Paris. When we pray in Jesus ' name, we exercise faith in at least three of his works that bring about the fulfillment of God's purpose: (1) He is "the Lamb of God, " a sacrifice that makes possible the forgiveness of sins. Zvisinei, Bhaibheri, rinotivimbisa kuti zvinogoneka kuramba takachena muzvose zviri zviviri mupfungwa nemutsika. Finally, after it was agreed that he could go to a location that was not so far, he and his family fled. The Bible, however, assures us that it is possible to remain clean both mentally and morally. MWEYA INOKONZERWA NOKUFEMA Imagine their joy when Peter came and raised Dorcas from the dead - the first recorded resurrection by an apostle! A FIRCT INFEM Neiko chivi chaJudhasi Iskarioti chakanga chisingakanganwirwi? In 1947, Bertus van der Bijl took over my work. Why was the sin of Judas Iscariot unforgivable? Michael Servetus, akazvarwa muna 1511 kuSpain, akadzidza chiGiriki, chiLatin, chiHebheru, akadzidzirawo kuva chiremba uye kunenge kuti akamboonana naCalvin vari kuchikoro kuParis. " Mental - regulating, " in the original Greek, conveys the idea of "putting mind in. " Michael Servetus, born in 1511 in Spain, studied Greek, Latin, Hebrew, and likely met Calvin at school in Paris. Pakupedzisira, pashure pokunge kwabvumiranwa kuti aigona kuenda kunzvimbo yakanga isiri kure kwazvo, iye nemhuri yake vakatiza. Remember, loyal Christians who have disfellowshipped relatives are still part of Jehovah's clean organization. Finally, after it was agreed that he could move to an area not too far away, he and his family fled. Fungidzira kufara kwavakaita Petro paakauya akamutsa Dhokasi. Urwu ndirwo rumuko rwekutanga runozivikanwa rwakaitwa nemuapostora. Toward the end of the 19th century, true Christians were given what insight? Imagine their joy when Peter came and resurrected Dorcas - the first known resurrection performed by the apostle. Muna 1947, Bertus van der Bil akatora basa rangu. Similarly, Jehovah has organized his modern - day servants so that they can effectively do his work for our day - preaching the good news of his Kingdom before he brings an end to this present ungodly system of things. In 1947, Bertus van der Bil took my job. " Kutungamirira ndangariro " mumashoko echiGiriki epakutanga, kunopa pfungwa yoku "isa pfungwa mu -. " DOMINICAN REPUBLIC " Mental - regulating " in the original Greek text, conveys the idea of " set your mind on it. " Yeuka, vaKristu vakavimbika vane hama dzokunyama dzakadzingwa vachiri rutivi rwesangano raJehovha rakachena. Have you ever thought about reading the Bible but held off because of feelings like those above? Remember, loyal Christians whose relatives have been disfellowshipped are still part of Jehovah's clean organization. Makore okuma1800 ava kunopera, vaKristu vechokwadi vakabatsirwa kunzwisisei? (b) On what questions might you ponder? In the late 1800 ' s, true Christians were helped to understand what? Nenzira yakafanana, Jehovha akaronga vabatiri vake vomuzuva razvino uno kuti vagone kuita basa rake nenzira inobudirira nokuda kwezuva redu - vachiparidza mashoko akanaka oUmambo hwake asati agumisa tsika ino iripo isina umwari yezvinhu. By his life course, he showed that he was in heart harmony with the words at Psalm 119: 97. Similarly, Jehovah has organized his modern - day servants so that they can carry out his commission successfully for our day - preaching the good news of his Kingdom before he brings an end to this present ungodly system of things. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC The saying "It takes two to fight " is not always true. DOMICAN display Wakamboda kuverenga Bhaibheri here asi uchibva warega nemhaka yezvikonzero zvataurwa pamusoro apa? What else can be expected of a king who represents Jehovah? Have you ever been willing to read the Bible but then to quit because of the above - mentioned reasons? (b) Ungafungisisa mibvunzo ipi? In neighboring Croatia there was a new peak attendance of 8,326. (b) What questions might you ponder? Akaratidza nemararamire ake kuti aibvumirana zvinobva pamwoyo nemashoko ari pana Pisarema 119: 97. They would not abuse trust so as to further their own personal interests or those of relatives or friends. He showed by his course of life that he had heartfelt agreement with the words of Psalm 119: 97. Chirevo chokuti, "Zvinoda vaviri kuti parwiwe " hachisi chechokwadi nguva dzose. They have all come true for you. The saying, "It takes two men to fight " is not always true. Mambo anomiririra Jehovha angatarisirwa kuiteizve? Armstrong Roberts What else can a representative king of Jehovah be expected to do? MuCroatia yakavakidzana makanga mune vapindi vatsva vapamusoro vane 8 326. and are followed by 22 lines, each line beginning with one of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. In neighboring Croatia were 8,386 new peak attendances. Vaisazoshandisa zvisina kufanira kuvimbwa kwavakanga vaitwa kuti vasimudzire zvido zvavo pachavo kana kuti zviya zvehama kana shamwari. Still others invited us to their homes for meals, and they continue to do so. " They would not misuse the trust that they had been made to promote their own desires or those of relatives or friends. Iwo ose akazadzika kwauri. David needed faith, endurance, and even some ingenuity to survive jealous Saul's attacks. They have all come true in your case. Armstrong Roberts But what about us? Amerstreng Roberts pozoita mitsetse 22, mumwe nomumwe uchitanga nerimwe remabhii 22 earufabheti yechiHebheru. I also stopped fetching and heating water for his bath - a task that according to our customs is considered a wife's duty. Then line 22 lines, each starting with one of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Vamwezve vaitikoka kuti tidye navo mudzimba dzavo, uye vachiri kungozviita. " In the ancient Middle East, oxen pulled the plow, asses carried burdens, people rode on mules, and horses were used in warfare. Still others invited us to eat with them in their homes, and they still do it. " Dhavhidhi aida kutenda, kutsungirira, uye kunyange ungwaru kuti apone pakurwisa kwaSauro kwegodo. Daniel's parents back in France were very sincere Catholics. David needed faith, endurance, and even discernment to withstand Saul's jealous attack. Asi zvakadini nesu? in the August 8, 1995, issue of Awake! But what about us? Ndakaregawo kunomucherera nokumudziyisira mvura yokugeza - basa iro maererano netsika dzedu rinoonekwa seromudzimai. This type of card has an annual fee but no interest charge, since the full payment is due upon receipt of the monthly bill. I also stopped digging for her and fetching water for bathing - a job that according to our culture is viewed as a wife's cell. MuMiddle East yekare, madhonza aidhonza gejo, mbongoro dzaitakura mitoro, vanhu vaitasva manyurusi, uye mabhiza aishandiswa muhondo. You look forward to eternal life in Paradise, and thus you have the hope of renewed youthful vitality and unlimited time to pursue wholesome goals and learn more about Jehovah. In the ancient Middle East, oxen would pull the plow, donkeys carrying burdens, people who rode sulfurs, and horses used in warfare. Vabereki vaDaniel shure muFrance vaiva vaKaturike vapachokwadi zvikuru. These realities clearly do not spell satisfaction and success but, rather, sorrow and failure. - Galatians 6: 7, 8. Daniel's parents back in France were very sincere Catholics. iri muMukai! yaAugust 8, 1995. It triggered an enthusiastic response. in the August 8, 1995, issue of Awake! Urwu rudzi rwekadhi rune mubhadharo wegore negore asi hapana kuchajwa kwemubereko, sezvo muripo wose uchidikanwa pakugamuchira bhiri remwedzi nemwedzi. Notice how Jehovah describes his capacity for forgiveness: "Though the sins of you people should prove to be as scarlet, they will be made white just like snow; though they should be red like crimson cloth, they will become even like wool. " This type of card has an annual salary but no interest charges, since all payment is needed to receive monthly bills. Unotarisira upenyu husingaperi muParadhiso, ndokusaka une tariro yokuzova nesimba rouduku uye nguva isingagumi yokuita zvinangwa zvakanaka nokudzidza zvakawanda nezvaJehovha. And us drivers, we did some things we should have been more careful about. " You look forward to everlasting life in Paradise, and that is why you hope to have youthful vigor and an eternity of good purposes and to learn more about Jehovah. Zviri pachena kuti izvi hazviratidzi kugutsikana nokubudirira, asi kusuruvara nokukundikana. - VaGaratiya 6: 7, 8. In 1928, Catholic priest Zoltán Nyisztor issued a pamphlet entitled Millennialist Bible Students. Clearly, this is not to be content with success, but it is sorrow and failure. - Galatians 6: 7, 8. Yakafarirwa zvikuru. Thus, they too commit themselves to this unprecedented work of compassion in behalf of prospective disciples still trapped in Satan's dying world. - Matthew 28: 19, 20; John 14: 12. It was greatly appreciated. Cherechedza kuti Jehovha anorondedzera sei kukwanisa kwake kukanganwira: "Kunyange zvivi zvenyu zvikaita somucheka mutsvuku, zvichachena sechando; kunyange zviri zvishava somuti mushava, zvichaita samakushe amakwai. " My father was very open about his discontent with religion. Note how Jehovah describes his ability to forgive: "Though the sins of you people should prove to be as scarlet, they will be made white just like snow; though they are red like a tree, they will be as wool. " Uye isu vatyairi, taiita zvimwe zvinhu zvataifanira kuve takangwarira zvikuru pamusoro pazvo. " But his letter was much more than a thank - you note. And we drivers, we did other things we should have been very careful about. " Muna 1928, muprista weKaturike Zoltán Nyisztor akabudisa kapepa kaiva nomusoro unoti Millennialist Bible Students. Jehovah, of course, was aware of all that had happened. In 1928, Catholic priest Zoltán Nyisztor published a paper entitled Millennial Bible Students. Nokudaro, ivowo vanozvipa vamene kubasa iri risina muenzaniso retsitsi nokuda kwavadzidzi vanokarirwa vachakasungwa munyika yaSatani iri kufa. - Mateo 28: 19, 20; Johane 14: 12. Does it really matter whether there was a garden of Eden? Thus, they too devote themselves to this unprecedented work of compassion for prospective disciples still imprisoned in Satan's dying world. - Matthew 28: 19, 20; John 14: 12. Baba vangu vaitaura vakasununguka kusafarira kwavo chitendero. Notice, too, Paul's encouragement to his fellow evangelizer Timothy: "Preach the word, be at it urgently. " My father spoke freely of his religious apathy. Asi tsamba yake yaipfuura zvikuru kwazvo tsamba yokuonga. Does that not draw you even closer to our loving and impartial God? - Acts 10: 34. But his letter was much more than a letter of appreciation. Jehovha aiziva zvose zvakaitika. But they do not have the "one faith. " Jehovah knew everything that happened. Zvine basa here kuziva kuti kwaiva nemunda weEdheni? It was like a treasure hunt! Does it matter whether there was a garden in Eden? Cherechedzai zvakare izvo Pauro akakurudzira mumwe waaiparidza evhangeri naye, Timoti kuti: "Paridza shoko, riite nokukurumidza. " Analyze Yourself Note again what Paul urged one with whom he preached the good news, Timothy: " Preach the word, be at it urgently. " Izvozvo hazviiti here kuti uwedzere kuva pedyo naMwari wedu ane rudo uye asingasaruri? - Mab. 10: 34. He was to center his preaching and teaching strictly on the Scriptures. Does that not draw you closer to our loving and impartial God? - Acts 10: 34. Asi havana "kutenda kumwe. " Such conditions would indeed eliminate the refugee problem. But they do not have "one faith. " Kwaiva kutsvaka pfuma chaiko! In imitation of Jeremiah, how can Christian elders reflect Jehovah's concern for His servants? - Read Galatians 6: 1. It was the pursuit of material riches! Zviongorore And it might as well be next door. " Examine Yourself Aifanira kuvakira zvakasimba kuparidza nokudzidzisa kwake paMagwaro. Meanwhile, how did Gaius and other hospitable Christians in that congregation react? He had to base his preaching and teaching on the Scriptures. Mamiriro ezvinhu akadaro achabvisa chinetso chevapoteri zvechokwadi. Hope - Vital to Happiness Such a situation will surely eliminate the refugee problem. Vakuru vechiKristu vangatevedzera sei Jeremiya pakuratidza kuva nehanya kwaJehovha nevashumiri vake? - Verenga VaGaratiya 6: 1. How wonderful it will be when all individuals and families are blessed with the peace that comes with modesty! How can Christian elders imitate Jeremiah in reflecting Jehovah's concern for his servants? - Read Galatians 6: 1. Uye pangatova pamuvakidzani ari pedyo newe. " (a) What gives evidence that there are still many sheeplike people who hunger for Bible truth? And it may even be on a neighbor near you. " Panguva imwe cheteyo, Gayo namamwe maKristu ane mutsa aiva muungano iyoyo vakaita sei? How do we know? [ Picture Credit Line on page 2] At the same time, how did Gaius and other kind Christians in that congregation react? Tariro - Inokosha Pakuva Nomufaro How can we reflect the care shown by this shepherd? Hope - Vital for Happiness Zvichafadza sei vanhu vose nemhuri pavanokomborerwa norugare runobva mukuzvininipisa! We will also learn why millions whose hope is to live forever on earth should be intensely interested in what the Memorial symbolizes. How thrilling it will be when all people and families are blessed with the peace that results from humility! (a) Chii chinopupurira kuti kuchine vanhu vakawanda vakaita semakwai vane nzara yechokwadi cheBhaibheri? But Jesus wanted to know more. (a) What testifies that there are still many sheeplike ones who hunger for Bible truth? Akarohwa nebara uye vanhu vaitarisira kuti achafa. We can fight the works of the Devil by encouraging members of our family and of the congregation. He was hit with a bullet, and people expected him to die. Tingaratidza sei kuva nehanya kwakaratidzwa nomufudzi uyu? [ Picture on page 20] How can we show the care shown by this shepherd? Tichadzidzawo kuti nei mamiriyoni ane tariro yokurarama nokusingaperi pasi pano achifanira kunyatsofarira zvinomiririrwa neChirangaridzo. Modern - Day "Miracles " We will also learn why millions who have the hope of living forever on earth should be keenly interested in what the Memorial represents. Asi Jesu aine zvimwe zvaaida. Sadly, some have slowed down, given out, or even fallen along the way. But Jesus had other needs. Tinogona kurwisa mabasa aSatani nekukurudzira vanhu vemumhuri medu uye vemuungano. See the article "Defeating Depression - How Others Can Help " in Awake! We can resist Satan's activities by encouraging members of our family and congregation. [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 20] We went to Switzerland for about a month, returning to Italy on a tourist visa. [ Picture on page 20] " Zvishamiso " Zvamazuva Ano On the contrary, they are doing everything they can to help and protect you. Modern - Day " Miracles " Zvinosuwisa kuti vamwe vakatanga kumhanya zvishoma nezvishoma, vamwe vakatorega kumhanya kana kuti vakatowa. Think about how you benefit from reading the Bible, examining the publications of "the faithful and discreet slave, " watching JW Broadcasting, visiting jw.org, talking with the elders, and associating with fellow Christians. Sadly, some began to run slowly, some even slowing down or even falling away. Ona nyaya inoti "Defeating Depression - How Others Can Help " iri muAwake! When God created humans, he gave them the earth as their eternal home and purposed to fill this planet with a righteous race of people. See the article "Defering Depression - How Others Can Help " in Awake! Takaenda kuSwitzerland kweunenge mwedzi, ndokuzodzokera kuItaly tichipindamo sevashanyi. Many historians agree that "the triumph of the Church during the fourth century " was, from the Christian point of view," a disaster. " We went to Switzerland for about a month, then back to Italy as tourists. Kusiyana neizvi, vari kuita zvose zvavanogona kukubatsira uye kukudzivirira. 15: 16 - 18 - What is the "emission of semen " mentioned in these verses? In contrast, they are doing all they can to help and protect you. Funga kuti unobatsirwa sei nekuverenga Bhaibheri, kudzidza mabhuku "emuranda akatendeka, akangwara, " kuona JW Broadcasting, kuenda pajw.org, kutaura nevakuru uye kuwadzana nevamwe vaKristu. At times, though, I had to hitch a ride with truckers or tourists. Think of how you benefit from reading the Bible, studying the publications of "the faithful and discreet slave, " seeing truth, going to jw.org, talking to the elders, and associating with fellow Christians. Apo Mwari akasika vanhu, akavapa pasi somusha wavo nokusingagumi ndokuronga kuzadza nyika ino norudzi rwakarurama rwavanhu. What can we as individuals do about it? When God created humans, he gave them the earth as their home for all eternity and arranged to fill this world with the right kind of people. Vezvenhau vakawanda vanobvuma kuti "rukundo rweChechi mukati mezana ramakore rechina " rwakanga rwuri, mumurangariro wechiKristu," ngwavaira. " Yet, what of a promise that a resurrection will occur years, even centuries, in the future? Many historians agree that "the triumph of the Church during the fourth century " was, from a Christian standpoint," a disaster. " 15: 16 - 18 - " Kubuda kwourume ' kunotaurwa mundima idzi chii? The Bible describes how this government of God would take progressive steps to eradicate all criminal activity, including kidnapping. 15: 16 - 18 - What is "the going forth of the male " mentioned in these verses? Zvisinei, dzimwe nguva, ndaifanira kukwira marori kana motokari dzevashanyi. To prevent the theft of their possessions, some homeowners built a wall with a special gate. At times, though, I had to climb trucks or visitors ' cars. Chii icho isu somunhu mumwe nomumwe tinogona kuita pamusoro pako? At first, I served as an assistant in caring for the congregation's supply of Watchtower and Awake! magazines. What can we individually do about it? Asi zvakadini nevimbiso yekuti rumuko ruchaitika, kunyange pashure pemazana emakore? As regards the wicked, they will be cut off from the very earth. " But what about the promise that the resurrection will take place, even centuries later? Bhaibheri rinotsanangura kuti iyi hurumende yaMwari ichatora sei matanho akatevedzana kubvisa utsotsi hwose, kusanganisira kuba vanhu. Luke 1: 64 states: "Instantly his [Zechariah's] mouth was opened and his tongue loosed and he began to speak. " The Bible explains how this government of God will take a series of steps to eliminate all crime, including kidnapping. Kudzivisa kubiwa kwezvinhu zvavo, vamwe varidzi vemisha vaivaka rusvingo rune suo chairo. To Jehovah's loyal ones, David gives the assurance: "The eyes of Jehovah are toward the righteous ones, and his ears are toward their cry for help. " - Psalm 34: 15. To prevent theft of their property, some homeowners built a wall with a special door. Pakutanga, ndakashanda somutevedzeri mukutarisira mugove weungano wemagazini eNharireyomurindi neMukai! Several of the Bible students were soon making plans to become publishers of the good news themselves, with the goal of being baptized. At first, I worked as an assistant in caring for the assignment of the Watchtower and Awake! Asi vakaipa vachaparadzwa panyika; vanoita nokunyengedzera vachadzurwapo. " Naturally, those resurrected on earth will be raised in human bodies. As regards the wicked, they will be cut off from the very earth; and as for the treacherous, they will be torn away from it. " Ruka 1: 64 inoti: "Kamwe kamwe muromo wake [waZakaria] ukashamiswa, norurimi rwake rukasununguka, akataura. " You know you can trust me. " Luke 1: 64 says: "As soon as his mouth [of Zechariah] was opened, and his tongue was free and he spoke. " Kune vanhu vaJehovha vakavimbika, Dhavhidhi anovimbisa kuti: "Maziso aJehovha ari pane vakarurama, uye nzeve dzake dziri pakuchemera kwavo kubatsirwa. " - Pisarema 34: 15. This is the origin of the munus. To Jehovah's loyal ones, David promises: "The eyes of Jehovah are toward the righteous ones, and his ears are toward their cry for help. " - Psalm 34: 15. Munguva pfupi yakatevera vanoverengeka vevadzidzi veBhaibheri vacho vakanga vava kuronga kuti ivo pachavo vave vaparidzi vemashoko akanaka, vane vavariro yokubhabhatidzwa. One expert puts it this way: "Ever since the Industrial Revolution, the developed countries have over - exploited the world's natural resources through unsustainable patterns of production and consumption, causing damage to the global environment, to the detriment of developing countries. " Soon several of the Bible students were planning themselves to become publishers of the good news, with the goal of getting baptized. Sezvingatarisirwa, avo vanomutsirwa panyika vachamutswa vane miviri yavanhu. But the substitution had to be exact. Naturally, those resurrected on earth will be resurrected with human bodies. Unoziva kuti unogona kundivimba. " (b) What can you say about God's justice, wisdom, and power? You know you can trust me. " Ndiwo matangiro akaita munus. Jehovah is almighty and uniquely able to guarantee the fulfillment of his own word. That was the beginning of the century. Imwe nyanzvi inokutaura neiyi nzira: "Chibviro cheChinjo muMabasa Okugadzira Zvinhu, nyika dzakabudirira dzakanyanyoshandisa zvisakafanira pfuma yomusikirwo yenyika kupfurikidza nemitoo isingatsigirwi yokugadzira nokushandisa, kuchiparira kuvadziko kumhoteredzo yapasi, kukuvadziko yenyika dziri kubudirira. " Stretching from the Jordan Valley in northern Israel all the way down to Mozambique - an awesome 4,000 miles [6,400 km] - it runs down much of the length of the African continent. One expert puts it this way: "The potential for the Reformation in the industry, developed countries have overuse the natural resources of the world by means of means of independent design and use, causing damage to the environment of the planet, to the damage of developing countries. " Asi chinotsiva chakanga chichifanira kuva chakarurama. Superstition, 3 / 08 But a substitute was to be right. (b) Ungatii nezvokururamisira kwaMwari, uchenjeri hwake, uye simba rake? I will never forget the look on my father's face when we arrived at our pick - up spot near Basel and saw the large stack of literature that awaited us. (b) What would you say about God's justice, his wisdom, and his power? Jehovha ndowamasimba ose uye anokwanisa nenzira yechienzi kuvimbisa kuzadzikwa kweshoko rake amene. Wash cooking and eating utensils after every use, and regularly wash bedclothes. Jehovah is almighty and is uniquely able to ensure the fulfillment of his own word. Uchivambira paJordan Valley kuchamhembe kweIsrael kusvika zasi kuMozambique - makiromita anotyisa 6 400 - unodzika kusvika kuhwakawanda hwourefu hwekondinendi yeAfrica. This sad fact of history is proof that some forms of worship are not acceptable to God. From Jordan Valley in northern Israel down to Mozambique - an awesome 1,400 miles [400 km] - it goes down to much of the length of an African continent. Handimbofi ndakakanganwa zvakaita chiso chababa vangu patakasvika panzvimbo yataitorera mabhuku pedyo neBasel ndokuona murwi wemabhuku wakanga wakatimirira. Misled by what means? I will never forget my father's face when we arrived at a place where we took literature near Besel and saw a pile of books waiting for us. Geza midziyo yokubikisa neyokudyisa pose pamunoishandisa, uye nguva nenguva wacha zvipfeko zvaunorara wakapfeka. The rooms had no running water and no flush toilet. Wash cooking and feeding utensils whenever you use them, and from time to time you will find the clothes you sleep in. Iri idi rinosuruvarisa renhau chibvumikiso chokuti zvimwe zvimiro zvokunamata hazvigamuchirwi naMwari. When an End of Pain? This sad fact of history is proof that some forms of worship are unacceptable to God. Kutsauswa nenzirai? The Church of the First Three Centuries, pages 73 - 4, 76. In what way are they misled? Mudzimba dzacho makanga musina pombi dzemvura uye chimbudzi chomumba. Such excitement goes hand in hand with wanton disregard for animal life. There were no water taps and a house toilet in the homes. Mugumo Wamarwadzo Uchavapo Rini? His persecutors were after him, seething with rage over his judgment message. When Will the End of Pain Be? The Church of the First Three Centuries, mapeji 73 - 4, 76. Overcoming Prejudice The Church of the First Three Centuries, pages 73 - 4, 76. Mufaro wakadaro unowirirana nokuzvidzwa kwoupenyu hwemhuka. We served together in a Mexican Sign Language congregation, helping the deaf to learn about Jehovah. Such happiness accords with disregard for animal life. Akanga achidzingirirwa nevanhu vaimutambudza uye vakanga vachipupa nehasha nemhaka yeshoko raaiparidza. How do certain foods lead to heart disease in many? He was being chased by people who persecuted him and who were speaking harshly because of the message he preached. Kukurira Fungira Mano Yakaipa Before you is a large motion - picture screen. Overcoming Wrong Ability Takambonamata pamwe chete neungano yemutauro wemasaini wekuMexico, tichibatsira matsi kuti dzizivewo nezvaJehovha. This reply enrages the Pharisees. We once worshipped together with a sign - language congregation in Mexico, helping deaf people to come to know Jehovah too. Zvokudya zvakati zvinotungamirira sei kuhosha yemwoyo muvazhinji? Of course, we must do something if we want comfort from God. How do certain foods lead to heart attack in many? Mberi kwako kune madziro okuratidzira bhaisikopu. As a willing instrument in divine hands, he resisted all temptations to allow "his own candle " to outshine divine light. In front of you there are walls to show the movie. Iyi mhinduro inoshatirisa vaFarise. The Promised Seed This answer irritates the Pharisees. Asi tinewo zvatinofanira kuita kana tichida kunyaradzwa naMwari. Some have an artistic flair, others an analytical approach. But we also need to act in harmony with God's comfort. Somudziyo unodisa uri mumaoko oumwari, akadzivisa miedzo yose yokuti abvumire "kanduru rake amene " kupenyesa chiedza choumwari. What else has Jehovah provided that gives us reason for joy? As a willing instrument in godly hands, he resisted all temptations to allow "his own gall " to shine forth divine light. Mbeu Yakavimbiswa While speaking with a religious woman he met at a well, Jesus Christ emphasized the need to know the truth about God. The Promised Seed Vamwe vane unyanzvi hwokunyora mifananidzo, vamwe chimiro chokukamuranisa. * Some have art skills, others a form of analysis. Zvii zvimwe zvatinopiwa naJehovha zvinoita kuti tifare? The transfiguration and associated events can strengthen your faith that Jesus Christ is God's Son and the promised Messiah. What are some of Jehovah's provisions that contribute to our happiness? Paaitaura nomumwe mukadzi ainamata waakasangana naye patsime, Jesu Kristu akajekesa kuti zvinokosha kuziva chokwadi nezvaMwari. If so, how can you protect yourself? When speaking to a woman who met him at a well, Jesus Christ made it clear that it is important to know the truth about God. * It is translated from a Greek word that literally means "a standing up again. " * Kushanduka chitarisiko nezvinoitika zvinobatanidzwa zvinogona kusimbisa kutenda kwako kuti Jesu Kristu Mwanakomana waMwari naMesia akapikirwa. According to the Bible book of Revelation, a celestial chorus exclaims: "You are worthy, Jehovah, even our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they existed and were created. " The transfiguration and related events can strengthen your faith that Jesus Christ is God's Son and promised Messiah. Kana iripo, unogona kuzvidzivirira sei? More is involved than petitioning God through his Son. If so, how can you protect yourself? Rakashandurwa kubva mushoko rechiGiriki rinoreva kuti "kumirazve. " Gulf of Riga It has been translated from a Greek word meaning "to stand again. " Maererano nebhuku reBhaibheri raZvakazarurwa, korasi yokudenga inokuwa, kuti: "Imi Ishe, Mwari wedu, makafanira kuti muvigirwe kubwinya, nokukudzwa, nesimba, nokuti ndimi makasika zvinhu zvose, zvakavapo, zvikasikwa nokuda kwenyu. " At first, James pretended that he had heard nothing and knew nothing. According to the Bible book of Revelation, the heavenly garbage exclaimed: "You are worthy, Jehovah, even our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they existed and were created. " Zvakawanda zvinobatanidzwa pane kukumbira Mwari nokuMwanakomana wake. One police officer even said: "If all people were Jehovah's Witnesses, who would commit crimes? " More is involved than asking God and his Son. Gulf of Riga " It is not according to the spirit of the ancient world in general to deny the existence of God, or to use arguments to prove it. Gulf of Riga Pakutanga James akaita sepasina zvaakanga anzwa uye zvaaiziva. Why did they occur? At first, James acted as if he had heard nothing and knew it. Mumwe mupurisa akatoti: "Dai vanhu vose vaiva Zvapupu zvaJehovha, ndiani aizopara mhosva? " Accord your husbands honor by accepting their decisions and working to make them a success. One police officer even said: "If everyone were Jehovah's Witnesses, who would commit a crime? " " Nyika yakare yose zvayo yaisaramba kuvapo kwaMwari, uye yaisada kushandisa mashoko okubvumikisa izvozvo. That makes all the difference. " " The ancient world in general did not deny God's existence, and they did not want to use words to prove that. Neiko yakaitika? Alhazen's writings on the properties of lenses thus laid essential groundwork for European eyeglass makers who, by holding lenses one in front of another, invented the telescope and the microscope. Why did it happen? Ipai varume venyu rukudzo kupfurikidza nokugamuchira zvisarudzo zvavo nokushanda kuzviita kuti zvibudirire. Imitation brake linings were blamed for a bus crash in Canada several years ago that took the lives of 15 people. Give your husbands honor by accepting their decisions and working to make them succeed. Bhaibheri rinotaura kuti kuchava nenyika itsva. The campaign under General Titus climaxed in a siege of Jerusalem from April to August 70 C.E. The Bible says that there will be a new world. Zvaakanyora zvakabatsira vanhu vekuEurope vaigadzira magirazi emaziso kuti vakwanise kugadzira telescope nemicroscope. T. What he wrote helped Europeans to make eye glasses so that they could produce telescopes and crocopes. Mabhureki echipameso akashorwa nokuda kwekubondera kwebhazi muCanada makore anoverengeka akapfuura kwakauraya vanhu 15. Betty, a caring girl, was two years older than I was. The counterfeit brakes were condemned for a bus crash in Canada several years ago that killed 15 people. Nhimbe mukutungamirirwa naGeneral Titus yakaguma nokutapwa kweJerusarema kubva muna April kusvikira kuna August 70 C.E. (a) What can help us to grow spiritually? The campaign under General Titus resulted in Jerusalem's exile from April to August 70 C.E. T. Most comforting is the knowledge that even if God allows bad things to happen, he will provide his worshipers with the necessary strength so that they can bear it. T. Betty aiva musikana ane mutsa uye aiva mukuru kwandiri nemakore maviri. " In the morning sow your seed and until the evening do not let your hand rest, " wrote King Solomon, "for you are not knowing where this will have success, either here or there, or whether both of them will alike be good. " Betty was a kind girl who was two years older than I was. (a) Chii chingatibatsira kuti tiwedzere kuva nemafungiro aMwari? Kingdom Proclaimers Report (a) What can help us to grow spiritually? Chinonyanya kunyaradza kuziva kuti kunyange kana Mwari akabvumira zvinhu zvakaipa kuitika, achapa vanamati vake simba ravanoda kuti vakwanise kutsungirira. Then, on April 9, 1940, German troops occupied Denmark. Especially comforting is knowing that even if God allows bad things to happen, he will give his worshippers the strength they need to endure. Mambo Soromoni akanyora kuti: "Dyara mbeu yako mangwanani uye usarega ruoko rwako ruchizorora kusvikira manheru; nokuti hauzivi kuti zvichabudirira kupi, kuno here kana kuti uko, uye kana zvose zvazvo zvichava zvakanaka. " Shall we accept merely what is good from the true God and not accept also what is bad? " King Solomon wrote: "In the morning sow your seed and until the evening do not let your hand rest; for you are not knowing where this will have success, either here or there, or whether both of them will alike be good. " Vazivisi Voumambo Vanoshuma A thousand years before Christ, Solomon wrote about the circulation of the blood; medical science had to wait until the 17th century to learn about it. Kingdom Proclaimers Report Zvadaro, musi waApril 9, 1940, mauto eGermany akapinda muDenmark. What did Jehovah say in reply to the prayer of Habakkuk, and what can we learn from this? Then, on April 9, 1940, German troops entered Denmark. Tingagamuchira zvakanaka bedzi paruoko rwaMwari, tikasagamuchira zvakaipawo here? " Regional Building Committees normally handle the construction of meeting facilities of Jehovah's Witnesses. Shall we accept merely what is good from the true God and not accept also what is bad? " Chiuru chamakore pamberi paKristu, Soromoni akanyora pamusoro pokutenderera kweropa; saenzi yokurapa yaitofanira kumirira kusvikira zana ramakore rechi 17 kuti idzidze pamusoro pako. (Psalm 139: 2a) God knew everything about David's activities, such as his sitting down at the end of a workday and his rising up after a night's sleep. A thousand years before Christ, Solomon wrote about the circulation of blood; a medical science had to wait until the 17th century to learn about it. Matare Okuvaka Omunharaunda anowanzoita basa rokuvaka nzvimbo dzokuunganira dzeZvapupu zvaJehovha. In view of the fact that many today live together for immoral purposes, we should stress that this article discusses roommates of the same sex who live together for reasons of economy and convenience. Local Building Committees often work on the construction of meeting places of Jehovah's Witnesses. (Pisarema 139: 2a) Mwari aiziva chinhu chiri chose pamusoro pemibato yaDhavhidhi, zvakadai sokugara kwake pasi pamugumo wezuva rokushanda nokumuka kwake pashure pokurara kwousiku. There Jehovah blessed Isaac with bumper crops and increased his livestock. (Psalm 139: 2a) God knew everything about David's activities, such as his sitting down at the end of the day of his working with his resurrection after night's sleep. Tichiyeuka kuti vakawanda mazuva ano vanogara pamwe chete kuti vaite zvounzenza, tinoda kutaura zvakasimba kuti nyaya ino inotaura nezvevanhu vanogara vari vakomana voga kana kuti vasikana voga nemhaka yokuti vanenge vachida kuchengetedza mari uye kurerukirwa nezvinhu. A Christian finds no pleasure in speaking or thinking about bad things. Remembering that many today live together for immoral purposes, we strongly want to say that this article tells of people who live alone with boys or girls because they want to save money and material comforts. Ikoko Jehovha akakomborera Isaka negoho rakakura uye zvipfuwo zvakawanda. The Pharisees ' Stubborn Unbelief There Jehovah blessed Isaac with a large harvest and an abundance of livestock. MuKristu haawani mufaro mukutaura kana kuti kufunga pamusoro pezvinhu zvakashata. What provisions has Jehovah made for the spiritual protection of his people? A Christian does not find joy in talking or thinking about bad things. Kusatenda Kwechisimbwa kwavaFarise The dear brothers and sisters who started Jehovah's work in our area in the 1950 ' s would be astounded to see the changes we have experienced. The Pharisees ' Not Believes Zvii zvakagoverwa naJehovha nokuda kwokuchengeta vanhu vake mumudzimu? What had happened? What provisions has Jehovah provided for keeping his people spiritually? Hama nehanzvadzi dzakatanga basa raJehovha munzvimbo yedu kuma1950 dzinogona kushamiswa nekuona kuchinja kwakazoita zvinhu. By using component transfusions, physicians could spread donated blood to more patients, perhaps plasma to one injured man and red cells to another. Brothers and sisters who began Jehovah's service in our area of the 1950 ' s may be surprised to see the changes that followed. Chii chakanga chaitika? In time a congregation was formed, and I served as its presiding overseer for a number of years until younger brothers became qualified to shoulder that responsibility. What had happened? Vanachiremba vaigona kuita kuti ropa ravanowana rishande kuvarwere vakawanda nokuvawedzera zvinhu zvinoriumba chete, zvimwe plasma kumunhu akuvara uye masero matsvuku kune mumwewo. Thus, he set out to remove the pagan figures from the sky and replace them with figures from the Bible. Doctors could apply blood to many patients by adding only components, some plasma to the victim, and red cells to the other. Pashure penguva yakati ungano yakaumbwa, uye ndakabatira somutariri anotungamirira wayo kwemakore akati kutozosvikira hama duku dzakwaniriswa kutarisira basa iroro. Jesus had in mind a special assignment for his disciples. In time a congregation was formed, and I served as its presiding overseer for some years until younger brothers qualified to care for that work. Saka, akaronga kubvisa zvinhu zvechihedheni mudenga ndokuzvitsiva nezvinhu zviri muBhaibheri. Such a government would have to have the power both to distribute the world's resources fairly and to end wars, which are a major cause of poverty. Thus, he planned to remove pagan things from heaven and replace them with things in the Bible. Jesu aida kuti vadzidzi vake vanoita basa rinokosha. They considered me overqualified! Jesus wanted his disciples to play an important role. Inofanira kuva nesimba rekuti vanhu vawane zvinhu zvakaenzana uyewo inofanira kupedza hondo, sezvo dziridzo dzinowanzokonzera urombo. She took us to the meetings of the Mérignac Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, near Bordeaux. It must be a force for equal gain as well as a solution to war, since it is often the cause of poverty. Vaifunga kuti ndakanga ndakanyanyisa kudzidza! God is not a mystery; he wants us to get to know him. - Acts 17: 27. They thought I was too much to learn! Vaienda nesu kumisangano yeungano yeZvapupu zvaJehovha yaipindirwa kuMérignac pedyo neBordeaux. A liar is crooked in his ways. They took us to the congregation meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses that were attended to Mérignac near Bordeaux. Hatigoni kuti Mwari haanzwisisiki nekuti iye anotoda kuti timuzive. - Mabasa 17: 27. But books and movies have often featured it in made - up love stories, and a glut of such material floods the marketplace. We cannot say that God is mysterious because he even wants us to know him. - Acts 17: 27. Murevi wenhema akaipa munzira dzake. If we find that there are hidden traces of prejudice in us, let us work to root them out and to "observe the oneness of the spirit in the uniting bond of peace. " A liar is wicked in his ways. Mabhuku nemafirimu akazara nengano dzorudo, uye nyaya dzakadaro ndidzo dziri kumhanyirwa kunotengwa nevanhu. What is more, unemployment is tied to the state of the local economy, so that in certain nations, such as Germany, Italy, and Spain, huge differences exist between the needs of one area and those of another. Books and films are full of romantic legends, and such stories are at the speed of people's shopping. Kana tikaona kuti tichine karusaruro, ngatishandei kuti tikabvise uye kuti " tichengete kubatana kwomudzimu muchisungo chorugare. ' Granted, right now the very idea that your "little " boy or girl will become independent may arouse your skepticism. If we realize that we still have some form of prejudice, let us work at removing it and " maintain the oneness of the spirit in the uniting bond of peace. ' Zvakare, urovha hwakabatana nomumiriro wezvinhu wezveupfumi womunzvimbomo, zvokuti munyika dzakati, dzakadai seGermany, Italy, uye Spain, misiyano mikuru iripo pakati pezvinodikanwa zveimwe nzvimbo neizvo zveimwe. There are further discrepancies in the transition of one king to another. Again, unemployment is associated with a local economic situation, so that in some countries, such as Germany, Italy, and Spain, great differences exist between the needs of another location and those of another. Kutaura zvazviri, pfungwa yokuti kakomana kana kuti kasikana kako kachazvimiririra ingaita kuti ukatyire. This date may not coincide with that of the Passover kept by modern - day Jews. In fact, the thought of being a young boy or a young girl on your own may give you reason for fear. Panezve zvimwe zvakasiyana panguva inonzi yakapedza mumwe mambo kutonga mumwe achizotangawo. What did Jesus mean when he said: "This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood "? There are other differences at a time when one king was said to have spent ruling over another and then to begin. Musi uyu dzimwe nguva haunderani nePaseka inopembererwa nevaJudha mazuva ano. This belief brought her little comfort. That date is sometimes not true of the Passover celebrated by the Jews today. Jesu airevei paakati: "Kapu iyi inomirira sungano itsva muropa rangu "? Do you view this as important to your worship? What did Jesus mean when he said: "This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood "? Izvozvo hazvina kunyanya kumunyaradza. But what are some ways to cope with parental faultfinding? That was not too much to comfort her. Unorangarira ikoku sokunokosha kukunamata kwako here? His ministry should also be evidenced in his conduct. Do you view this as a key to your worship? Asi ndedzipi dziri dzimwe nzira dzokugonana nadzo nokuwanira mhaka kwavabereki. While grandparents can offer you their wisdom and love, they can also benefit from your youthful energy and companionship. But what are some ways to cope with parental guilt. Ushumiri hwake hunofanirawo kuratidzirwa mukuzvibata kwake. (2: 5 - 13) Amazed, they asked: " How is it that each of us is hearing in the language of his birth? ' His ministry should also be reflected in his conduct. Nepo vanasekuru vachigona kukupa uchenjeri norudo, vanogonawo kubatsirwa nesimba rako roupwere uye ushamwari. Moved to Zealous Action While grandparents can give you wisdom and love, they can also benefit from your youthful strength and friendship. (2: 5 - 13) Vashamiswa, vakabvunza, kuti: " Kunodaro seiko kuti mumwe nomumwe wedu ari kunzwa mumutauro wake? ' James P. (2: 5 - 13) Shocked, they asked: " How is it that each of us is hearing in his language? ' Kukurudzirwa Kushingaira Roofs were replaced Motivated to Be Zealous James P. Thus, the Owner of "the beasts upon a thousand mountains " could rightfully ask the man Job:" Have you come to know the appointed time for the mountain goats of the crag to give birth? " - Psalm 50: 10; Job 39: 1. James P. Pakaiswa mamwezve matenga A godly person will not mix with those who could endanger his spirituality. Further heavens were placed Nokudaro, Muridzi we "n'ombe pamakomo ane chiuru chamazana " aigona kubvunza Jobho nenzira yakafanira kuti:" Iwe unoziva nguva inobereka ngururu here? Kana iwe ungaona kana nondo dzichibereka here? " - Pisarema 50: 10; Jobho 39: 1. At the invitation of Governor Festus, they came from Jerusalem. Thus, the Source of "a bull upon a thousand mountains " could properly ask Job:" Do you know when it comes to giving birth to a male goat? Or do you see whether the eagles themselves give birth? " - Psalm 50: 10; Job 39: 1. Munhu ane mafungiro aMwari haashamwaridzani nevanhu vanogona kukanganisa kutenda kwake. Prayer is our way of communicating with God. A spiritual person does not associate with individuals who could undermine his faith. Munyengetero inzira yedu yekukurukura naMwari. A French physician observed that it seemed as though one sick person "could infect the whole world. " Prayer is our means of communicating with God. Mumwe chiremba weFrance akataura kuti kwairatidzika sokuti munhu mumwe chete ane chirwere chacho "aigona kuzadza nyika yose. " How can you develop faith in Jesus? A French doctor said that it seemed that one person with the disease "was able to fill the whole world. " Ungava sei nokutenda muna Jesu? 28: 1 - 28. How can you build faith in Jesus? 28: 1 - 28. Wild White Cattle (Britain), 6 / 22 28: 1 - 28. Kudyidzana Kwenyika Dzepasi Pose, 6 / 8 All too often, religious teachers are equally off base when they talk about faith. The Bible's Viewpoint, 6 / 22 Zvinosuruvarisa kuti kakawanda, vadzidzisi vezvitendero naivowo vanenge vasina kururama pavanotaura nezvokutenda. You use savings to pay routine bills Sadly, in general, religious teachers too are wrong when they speak about faith. □ Wakatora zvimwe zvikwereti kuti ubhadhare zvikwereti zvekare people ask one another. □ You have taken some debts to pay off past debts vanhu vanobvunzana. Why? people ask one another. Neiko? Keep in mind, too, that our greatest needs are for things that money cannot buy - namely, love, emotional security, and family unity. Why? Garawo uchiyeuka kuti zvinhu zvinokosha muupenyu hazvitengwi nemari, zvakadai serudo, kugadzikana mupfungwa, uye kubatana kwemhuri. What does this mean? Keep in mind, too, that the most important things in life are not charged with money, such as love, peace of mind, and family unity. Izvi zvinorevei? Remember, goods can be replaced but lives cannot. What does this mean? Yeuka, zvinhu zvinogona kutsiviwa asi upenyu hahugoni. We have many opportunities to imitate Daniel in this regard. Remember, things can be replaced but life cannot. Panyaya yokunyengetera tine zvakawanda zvatinodzidza kuna Dhanieri. Even worse, others who hide a serious error fall into sin a second and even a third time. In the matter of prayer, we can learn much from Daniel. Zvakatoipa zvikuru, vamwe vanovanza chikanganiso chakakomba vanowira muchivi kechipiri uye kunyange kechitatu. [ Credit Line] Worse still, some who hide serious wrongdoing fall into sin a second and even a third time. [ Kwazvakatorwa] " I have found it effective to bend down when I correct my children so that I am at their eye level. This helps me get their full attention. [ Credit Line] " Pandinotsiura vana vangu ndinopfugama kuti tinyatsotarisana uye ndakaona kuti izvi zvinobatsira kuti vanyatsoteerera. The apostle kept hearing about the love Philemon had for Christ and all the holy ones and about his faith. " When I reprove my children, I bow down to face - to - face, and I feel that this helps them to listen attentively. Muapostora airamba achinzwa pamusoro porudo rwaiva naFiremoni nokuda kwaKristu navatsvene vose uye pamusoro pokutenda kwake. Can You Explain? The apostle kept on hearing about the love Philemon had for Christ and all the holy ones and about his faith. Ungatsanangura Here? He had to be current, always presenting the right message and taking the right action at the right time. Can You Explain? Iye aifanira kuva wapanguva iyoyo, achipa nguva dzose shoko rakarurama nokuita chiito chakarurama panguva yakarurama. AN INFLUENTIAL man from Ethiopia was journeying homeward from Jerusalem. He had to be then present, constantly giving the right message and taking righteous action at the right time. MUMWE murume aiva nesimba wokuEtiopiya akanga ari kubva kuJerusarema achienda kumusha. But the Bible condemns "revelries, " or" wild parties. " A MAN of Ethiopian authority was leaving Jerusalem for home. Asi Bhaibheri rinoshurikidza "kutamba kwakaipa " kana kuti" mapati oupengo. " Let us consider four examples of created things that are described at Proverbs 30: 24 - 28 as "instinctively wise. " But the Bible condemns "bad dancing " or" wild parties. " Ngatikurukurei mienzaniso mina yezvinhu zvakasikwa zvinorondedzerwa pana Zvirevo 30: 24 - 28 zvichinzi "zvakasikwa zviine uchenjeri. " Saul took Jesus ' words to heart, changed his course, and came to be the beloved Christian apostle Paul. Let us consider four examples of creation described at Proverbs 30: 24 - 28 as "the creation of wisdom. " Sauro akateerera mashoko aJesu, akachinja mararamire ake, ndokuva muapostora Pauro wechiKristu anodiwa. Consult the Watch Tower Publications Index, which has been called a map to hidden treasures. Saul listened to Jesus ' words, changed his life - style, and became the beloved Christian apostle Paul. Tarisa muWatch Tower Publications Index iyo ingafananidzwa nemepu inoratidza pane pfuma yakavanzwa. My parents ' religion was based on both Taoism and Buddhism. Look in the Watch Tower Publications Index, which may be likened to a map showing where hidden treasures lie. Chitendero chevabereki vangu chaiva musanganiswa wechiTao nechiBhudha. The church has been through serious crises before, but it is a ship that has weathered all of history's tempests. ' My parents ' religion was a mixture of syphilis and Buddhism. Chechi yakatambura njodzi dzakakomba kare, asi ingarava yakabuda zvakakotsekana mumadutu ose ekare. ' Modern research confirms that some of the more than 500 compounds found in wine have those and a number of other medicinal benefits. The church has suffered severe disasters before, but it may read them safely through all the ancient storms. ' Ongororo dziri kuitwa mazuva ano dzinoratidza kuti muwaini mune zvinhu zvinopfuura 500 zvinobatsira pakurapa. We now have the prospect of everlasting life in a world where our sinful tendency to make unwise choices will be gone. Modern research shows that wine has more than 500 health benefits. Iye zvino tava netariro yokuzorarama nokusingaperi munyika iyo tinenge tisisina chivi chinokonzera kuti tiite zvisarudzo zvisina kuchenjera. BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "Wisdom is with the modest ones. " - Proverbs 11: 2. We now have the prospect of living forever in a world where sin no longer causes us to make unwise decisions. ZVINOTAURWA NEBHAIBHERI: "Vane mwero ndivo vane uchenjeri. " - Zvirevo 11: 2. Jesus was a perfect man who remained obedient to God, but he had enemies who eventually had him killed. BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "Wisdom is with the modest ones. " - Proverbs 11: 2. Jesu akanga asina chivi uye aiteerera Mwari nguva dzose, asi aiva nevavengi vakazoita kuti aurayiwe. He presently serves as a ministerial servant in his congregation. Jesus was perfect and obedient to God at all times, but he had enemies who led him to death. Panguva ino mushumiri anoshumira muungano yavo. And what about the risks of infecting her with a sexually transmitted disease, such as genital herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, or AIDS? This time he is a ministerial servant in his congregation. Uye zvakadini nenjodzi dzokumutapurira hosha inotapurirwa nokusangana pabonde, yakadai segenital herpes, njovhera, gonoriya, kana AIDS? One way that God provides comfort is through his holy spirit. And what about the dangers of infecting her with a sexually transmitted disease, such as genital herpes, syphilis, gonoya, or AIDS? Imwe nzira iyo Mwari anonyaradza nayo kushandisa kwaanoita mudzimu wake mutsvene. 14 The Bible's Viewpoint Images One way God comforts us is by using his holy spirit. 14 Deredza Mikana Yokubatwa Nechirwere Cheshuga Paul wrote: "Every priest [under the Law covenant] takes his station from day to day to render public service and to offer the same sacrifices often, as these are at no time able to take sins away completely. But [Jesus] offered one sacrifice for sins perpetually and sat down at the right hand of God. " 14 Cling Out the Obss of Diabetes Pauro akanyora kuti: "Muprista mumwe nomumwe [ari musungano yoMutemo] unomira zuva rimwe nerimwe achishumira, nokubayira kazhinji zvibayiro izvozvo zvimwe - zvimwe, zvisingagoni kubvisa zvivi; asi iye [Jesu] wakati abayira chibayiro chimwe chete pamusoro pezvivi, akagara nokusingaperi kurudyi rwaMwari. " We have a Scriptural record of such action. Paul wrote: "Every priest [in the Law covenant] standing day by day ministering and often offering the same sacrifices as the rest - perhaps not able to take away sins; but when he [Jesus] had offered one sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God. " Tine chinyorwa chapaMagwaro chechiito chakadaro. Christians have the responsibility to " receive their brothers kindly, ' to treat them as Jesus would have treated them, showing genuine concern for those we may have known for years and those we may never before have met. We have a Scriptural record of such an act. VaKristu vanofanira kuitira hama dzavo mutsa, vachivabata sezvaizoita Jesu, vachiratidza kuva nehanya zvechokwadi nevaya vavava nemakore vachiziva uye vavasati vamboonana navo. The apostle showed that as God comforts us in all our tribulation, we should comfort others and pray for them. Christians should be kind to their brothers, treating them as Jesus would, showing genuine concern for those who have known and met them for years. Muapostora akaratidza kuti sezvo Mwari achitinyaradza mudambudziko redu rose, tinofanira kunyaradza vamwe ndokuvanyengeterera. But opposition followed. The apostle showed that since God comforts us throughout our tribulation, we should comfort others and pray for them. Asi chishoro chakatevera. This is because there are so many things in life that bring sadness. But opposition followed. Izvi imhaka yokuti kune zvinhu zvakawanda kwazvo muupenyu zvinosuruvarisa. As one might expect from a book inspired by the Creator, the Bible contains scientifically accurate information clearly ahead of its time, though it never gets bogged down in scientific explanations that would have been meaningless or confusing to ancient people. This is because there are so many things in life that are sad. Seizvo munhu angakarira kubva mubhuku rakafuridzirwa noMusiki, Bhaibheri rine mashoko akarurama mune zvesayenzi akanga akakwirira zvakajeka panguva yawo, kunyange zvazvo risinganyuri mutsananguro dzesayenzi dzingadai dzakava dzisina revo kana kuti dzinovhiringidza kuvanhu vakare. (a) A flash of light revealed what about the number of keys of the Kingdom entrusted to Peter? As a person may expect to from a book inspired by the Creator, the Bible contains accurate scientific information that was clearly high on its time, though it does not sink from scientific explanations that would have been meaningless or disturbing to ancient peoples. (a) Kupenya kwechiedza kwakazivisei pamusoro penhamba yekiyi dzoUmambo dzakaronzeswa Petro? After a while, he stopped calling me. (a) What did flashes of light reveal about the number of Kingdom keys entrusted to Peter? Pashure penguva yakati, akamira kundidana. The priests have agreed to pay Judas 30 pieces of silver to betray Jesus. In time, he stopped calling me. Vaprista vabvuma kubhadhara Judhasi zvidimbu 30 zvesirivha kushambadza Jesu. How amazed and delighted those former victims of false beliefs will be! The priests have agreed to pay Judas 30 pieces of silver to advertise Jesus. Vaichimbova vanyajambwa ivavo vezvitendero zvenhema vachashamiswa sei! Paul thus wrote to him: "I remember your tears. " How surprised those former victims of false religion will be! Ndokusaka Pauro akambomunyorera achiti: "Ndinoyeuka misodzi yako. " And you must love Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your vital force. Hence, Paul once wrote to him: "I remember your tears. " Ude Jehovha Mwari wako nomwoyo wako wose, nomweya wako wose, nesimba rako rose. How many people did he see - including poor, humble, downtrodden folk - approaching that sacred tabernacle in hopes of finding some spiritual comfort and strength, only to leave disappointed, hurt, or humiliated? You must love Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your vital force. Vanhu vangani vaakaona, vanosanganisira varombo, vanoshayiwa, vakaora mwoyo, vachiuya kutebhenekeri tsvene vaine tarisiro yokunyaradzwa uye kusimbiswa pakunamata, asi votozobvapo vaodzwa mwoyo, varwadziwa kana kuti vanyadziswa? By imitating Jesus, we can develop sympathy for those who experience grief, affliction, and loneliness. How many people did he see, including the poor, the needy, the depressed, who come to the holy tabernacle with the prospect of being comforted and strengthened spiritually, but who were then disappointed, disappointed, or humiliated? Nokutevedzera Jesu, tinogona kunzwira tsitsi vaya vanoshungurudzika, vanotambura, uye vakasurukirwa. Under inspiration John said: "No man has seen God at any time. " By imitating Jesus, we can show compassion for those who are afflicted, afflicted, and lonely. Mufuridzirwo Johane akati: "Hakuno munhu wakatongoona Mwari. " The fact that the two - horned wild beast - the Anglo - American World Power - speaks like a dragon indicates that it uses threats, pressure, and violence to enforce acceptance of its form of rulership. Under inspiration John said: "No man has seen God at any time. " Kutaura sedhiragoni kunoita chikara chine nyanga mbiri, icho chinoreva mubatanidzwa wenyika dzine simba kupfuura dzimwe, Britain neAmerica, kunoreva kuti dzinoshandisa kutyisidzira, kumanikidza, uye chisimba kuti dzimwe nyika dzibvume utongi hwadzo. Many of Jehovah's Witnesses have taken up a new language in order to assist others to learn the Bible. To speak like a dragon has two horns, which means a combination of world powers, Britain and America, means that they use threats, oppression, and violence to acknowledge their rulership. Zvapupu zvaJehovha zvakawanda zvakatanga kudzidza mutauro mutsva kuti zvizobatsira vamwe kuti vadzidze Bhaibheri. If you have the means to do so, Christian love will move you to " give him the necessities for his body. ' - James 2: 15, 16. Many of Jehovah's Witnesses began learning a new language in order to help others learn the Bible. Kana uchigona kuita saizvozvo, rudo rwechiKristu ruchakusunda ku'mupa zvinodikanwa zvomuviri wake. ' - Jakobho 2: 15, 16. 7, 8. (a) How does the record made by first - century Christians show that they took to heart Jesus ' admonition? If you can do so, Christian love will move you to " give him the necessities of his body. ' - James 2: 15, 16. 7, 8. (a) Chinyorwa chakaitwa navaKristu vomuzana ramakore rokutanga chinoratidza sei kuti vakarangarira zvakakomba kuraira kwaJesu? They also tried to demonstrate their righteousness by adhering to countless laws and precepts - many of which were of their own making. 7, 8. (a) How does a record by first - century Christians show that they took Jesus ' admonition seriously? Vakaedzawo kuratidza kururama kwavo kupfurikidza nokunamatira kumitemo nemirayiro isingaverengeki - yakawanda yayo yakanga iri yavakazviitira. Christus [Christ], from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus. " They also tried to show their righteousness by sticking to countless rules and regulations - many of which were what they did for themselves. Zita rokuti vaKristu rakabva pamunhu ainzi Christus kana kuti Kristu, uyo akarangwa zvakaipisisa nomumwe wevatongi vedu ainzi Pondiyo Pirato, panguva yaitonga Tibheriyo. ' Throughout the course of history, empires have come and gone. The name Christians came from a person named Christus, or Christ, who was severely punished by one of our rulers, Pontius Pilate, during the reign of Tiberius. ' Pakurarama kwose kwevanhu, vatongi vave vachigadzwa, vachibva uye kuchiuya vamwe. By reviewing such scriptures in my mind and by leaning on Jehovah in prayer, I was strengthened. Throughout human history, judges have been appointed, and there have been others. Kupfurikidza nokuhwirudzura magwaro akadaro mundangariro dzangu nokutsamira pana Jehovha mumunyengetero, ndakasimbiswa. Karolien, a young Witness in Belgium, called on an elderly woman who showed no interest in the Kingdom message. By reviewing such scriptures from my mind and relying on Jehovah in prayer, I was strengthened. Karolien, chimwe Chapupu chechiduku muBelgium, akashanyira mumwe mukadzi akwegura asina kuratidza kufarira shoko roUmambo. The harlot is named "Babylon the Great, the mother of the harlots and of the disgusting things of the earth, " and she is" drunk with the blood of the holy ones. " Karolien, a young Witness in Belgium, visited an elderly woman who showed no interest in the Kingdom message. Mhombwe inonzi "Bhabhironi Guru, mai vemhombwe navezvinonyangadza zvenyika, " uye iyo" yakabatwa neropa ravatsvene. " Since the sphere is the most economical shape for packaging, fruits and berries often come in spheres of different sizes and colors. The harlot "Babylon the Great, the mother of the adulterers and of the disgusting things of the earth, " and she" was taken in the blood of the holy ones. " Sezvo zvinhu zvakaurungana zvisingadyi nzvimbo, michero kazhinji ndeyemarudzi akaurungana nemavara akasiyana - siyana. Much later, I learned that I had been at a convention of Jehovah's Witnesses. Since the rounded material does not eat land, fruits are usually of different races and colors. Patova paya, ndakaziva kuti ndakanga ndiri pakokorodzano yeZvapupu zvaJehovha. A person who loves you may discern your motives and help you to realize that school can help you to learn not to give up easily, a vital quality if you want to serve Jehovah fully. - Ps. Later, I learned that I was at a convention of Jehovah's Witnesses. Kushingirira uku ndiko kunodiwa kana uchida kushumira Jehovha nemwoyo wose. - Pis. The prophets of the Hebrew Scriptures presented this truth in vivid terms. This perseverance is needed if you want to serve Jehovah wholeheartedly. - Ps. Vaprofita vomuMagwaro echiHebheru vanotaura izvi nenzira yakajeka. Now that he had received this vital information regarding the role of Jesus Christ, the Ethiopian understood what God required of him and was ready to comply. The prophets in the Hebrew Scriptures state this clearly. Zvino zvaakanga agamuchira aya mashoko anokosha pamusoro pebasa raJesu Kristu, muEtiopia akanzwisisa izvo Mwari aida kwaari uye akanga akagadzirira kubvumirana. Since displaying the fruitage of God's holy spirit is so important to us as Christians, we do well to consider how we might show one of those qualities - kindness. Now having received this significant information about the role of Jesus Christ, the Ethiopian understood what God wanted of him and was ready to agree. Sezvo kuratidza zvibereko zvomudzimu mutsvene waMwari kuchikosha kwazvo kwatiri sevaKristu, zvinganaka tikakurukura kuti tingaratidzirana sei humwe unhu ihwohwo - mutsa. The overseer Timothy was not to act harshly but was to "flee from these things, " and he was to" pursue righteousness, godly devotion, faith, love, endurance, mildness of temper. " - 1 Timothy 6: 4, 5, 11. Since displaying the fruitage of God's holy spirit is so important to us as Christians, we do well to discuss how we can manifest that other quality to one another - kindness. Mutariri Timotio akanga asingafaniri kuita nenzira yehasha asi aifanira ku "tiza zvinhu izvi, " uye iye aifanira ku" tevera kururama nokunamata Mwari, nokutenda, norudo, nokutsungirira, nounyoro. " - 1 Timotio 6: 4, 5, 11. In the 1920 ' s, a few Albanian immigrants to the United States who were associated with the International Bible Students, as Jehovah's Witnesses were then known, returned to Albania to share what they had learned. An overseer Timothy was not to act harshly but had to "flee from these things, " and he was to" pursue righteousness and godly devotion, faith, love, endurance, mildness of temper. " - 1 Timothy 6: 4, 5, 11. Kuma1920, vanhu vashomanana vokuAlbania vari kuUnited States avo vaimbowadzana neInternational Bible Students, sokudanwa kwaiitwa Zvapupu zvaJehovha kare ikako, vakadzokera kuAlbania kuti vazoudza vamwe zvavakanga vadzidza. 19: 11, 14, 15. In the 1920 ' s, a few Albanians in the United States who once associated with the International Bible Students, as Jehovah's Witnesses were then called, returned to Albania to share with others what they had learned. 19: 11, 14, 15. Those Resilient Germs - How They Rebound 19: 11, 14, 15. Utachiona Husingaurayiwi Nemishonga - Madzokero Ahunoita Hating Sexual Uncleanness Pessticides - How It Affects Kuvenga Kusachena Kwevatano " A wise person will listen and take in more instruction, " says King Solomon, "and a man of understanding is the one who acquires skillful direction, to understand a proverb and a puzzling saying, the words of wise persons and their riddles. " Hate Sexual uncleanness " Kuti akachenjera anzwe, awedzere kudzidza, " anodaro Mambo Soromoni, "nomunhu wenjere awane mano akanaka. Vanzwisise chirevo nomufananidzo, mashoko avakachenjera nezvirahwe zvavo. " " But our regular preaching in the area - which included the distribution of printed invitations to attend our meetings in Spain - soon revealed otherwise. " A wise person will listen and take in more instruction, " says King Solomon, "and a man of understanding is the one who acquires skillful direction, and he will understand a proverb and a parable, the words of wise men and their riddles. " Asi kuramba tichiparidza munzvimbo iyi kwataiita, uko kwaisanganisira kuparadzira mapepa okukokera misangano yataiitira kuSpain, kwakaratidza kuti zvakanga zvisina kudaro. That is frustrating. But continuing to preach in this area, which included distributing invitations to our meetings in Spain, proved otherwise. Zvinokangaidza. The results are likely to be disastrous - if the machine works at all. It's frustrating. Hapana chakanaka chinobuda, uye muchina wacho haungamboshandi. Read Ephesians 6: 14. Nothing is good to come out, and the machine can never work. Verenga VaEfeso 6: 14. Awake!, companion magazine of The Watchtower, is published simultaneously in 37 of its 74 languages. Read Ephesians 6: 14. Mukai!, magazini biyayo yeNharireyomurindi, anobudiswa panguva imwe cheteyo mu 37 yemitauro yake 74. Referring to Moses ' transgression at Meribah, he warned: "Even after a person serves faithfully for many years, Jehovah does not take lightly even a minor infraction of His just laws. " Awake!, the companion journal The Watchtower, published simultaneously in 37 of his 74 languages. Achitaura nezvekutadza kwaMosesi paMeribha, akanyevera kuti: "Kunyange kana munhu ashanda kwamakore akawanda akatendeka, Jehovha haarerutsi kunyange kungoputswa zvishoma kwemitemo Yake yakarurama. When facing difficulties, remember Jehovah's invitation at Malachi 3: 10: "Test me out, please,... whether I shall not open to you people the floodgates of the heavens and actually empty out upon you a blessing until there is no more want. " Referring to Moses ' sinfulness at Meribah, he warned: "Even if a man has worked for many years faithfully, Jehovah does not take even a slight violation of His righteous laws. Pakutarisana nezvitambudzo, yeuka kokero yaJehovha iri pana Maraki 3: 10 inoti: "Mundiidze naizvozvo zvino,... muone kana ndisingakuzaruririi mawindi okudenga, ndikakudururirai mukomborero wamuchashaiwa pokuisa. " But their altars you people are to pull down, and their sacred pillars [used in connection with disgusting sex worship] you are to shatter, and their sacred poles you are to cut down. For you must not prostrate yourself to another god, because Jehovah, whose name is Jealous, he is a jealous God [or, "a God exacting exclusive devotion, " New World Translation Reference Bible, footnote]; for fear that you may conclude a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, as they will certainly have immoral intercourse with their gods and sacrifice to their gods. " - Exodus 34: 12 - 15. When facing difficulties, remember Jehovah's invitation at Malachi 3: 10: "Keep testing me out, please,... whether I shall not open to you people the floodgates of the heavens and actually empty out upon you a blessing until there is no more want. " Achitaura kupfurikidza naMosesi, Jehovha akaudza Israeri, kuti: "Chenjera kuti urege kuita sungano navanhu vagere munyika iyo kwaunoenda, kuti zvirege kuva musungo kwauri; asi munofanira kuputsa atari dzavo, nokuputsanya mabwe emifananidzo yavo [zvaishandiswa nokunamata vatano kunonyangadza], nokutema matanda avo avanonamata nawo; nokuti usafungamira vamwe vamwari, nokuti Jehovha, une zita rinonzi une Godo, ndiMwari une godo [kana kuti," Mwari anoraira kuzvipira kwapoga, " New World Translation Reference Bible, mashoko omuzasi]; kuti urege kuita sungano navanhu vagere munyika iyo, zvino kana ivo vopata vachitevera vamwari vavo, vachibaira vamwari vavo. " - Eksodho 34: 12 - 15. Milton G. Speaking through Moses, Jehovah told Israel: "Make a change that you may not make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land where you are going, in order that it may not become a snare for you; but you must break down their altars and break in pieces the stones of their images [the use of disgusting sexual worship] and cut down their wooden poles with which they worship, because you must not consider standing other gods, because Jehovah, whose name is full of jealousy, is a jealous God [or," God, " World Translation, " footnote], in order that they should not make a covenant with their people in the land, in order that they may also go to sacrifice to their gods. " - Exodus 34: 12 - 15. Milton G. It seems that the driver pushed Emilio, who fell and struck his head on the hard pavement. Milton G. Kunoratidzika kuti muchairi wacho akasaidzira Emilio, uyo akawa ndokurovera musoro wake papevhumendi yakaoma. How is it possible to receive such guidance? It seems that the driver pushed practiceio, who fell and struck his head on a dry hole. Tingatungamirirwa sei saizvozvo? Jehovah does not tolerate hypocrisy. How can we receive that guidance? Jehovha haashiviriri unyengeri. It is even customary to ask how the animals are faring! Jehovah is not tolerant of hypocrisy. Zvakajairika kunzwa vamwe vachibvunza kuti zvipfuyo zvakadii! How unjust that they should first reject Jephthah and then come to him for help! - Judges 11: 4 - 7. It is common to hear others ask how much animals they have! Zvakaipa chaizvo kuti vanombotanga varamba Jefta asi vozomukumbira kuti avabatsire! - Vatongi 11: 4 - 7. We struggled for nine months living on a shoestring that got threadbare from time to time. How wrong it is that they first reject Jephthah but then ask him to help them! - Judges 11: 4 - 7. Takaparapatika kwemwedzi mipfumbamwe tichirarama nemari shomanene kwazvo panguva nenguva. Special Pioneering in Mexico We struggled for nine months living with so little money from time to time. Kushanda Ndiri Piyona Chaiye muMexico WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: God hates religious hypocrisy. Serving as a Special Pioneer in Mexico ZVINOTAURWA NEBHAIBHERI: Mwari anovenga unyengeri hunoitwa muzvitendero. Who are the "gifts in men " described in Ephesians chapter 4, and how do they benefit the congregation? BIBLE PRINCIPLE: God hates religious hypocrisy. Ndivanaani vari "zvipo muvarume " vanorondedzerwa muna VaEfeso ganhuro 4, uye vanobetsera sei ungano? Jesus said: "Go... make disciples of people... teaching them. " Who are the "gifts in men " described in Ephesians chapter 4, and how do they benefit the congregation? Jesu akati: "Endai munoita kuti vanhu... vave vadzidzi... muchivadzidzisa. " * Jesus said: "Go... and make disciples of people... teaching them. " * And Moses went up to the true God, and Jehovah began to call to him out of the mountain. " * Zvino Mosesi akakwira kuna Mwari, Jehovha ari mugomo akamudana. " How true the words of wise King Solomon proved to be for Josué! And Moses went up to God, and Jehovah proceeded to call him out of the mountain. " Josué akaona kuti mashoko aMambo Soromoni ndeechokwadi! Because, like Joshua, they had faith that not one of Jehovah's words would fail. Today, what promise of Jehovah do his servants fully trust? Finally, King Solomon's words proved true! Nemhaka yokuti, kufanana naJoshua, vakanga vachitenda kuti hapana rimwe ramashoko aJehovha raizokundikana. Chemotherapy is limited in its effect because cancerous tumors are made up of different types of cells that each have their own sensitivities to drugs. Because, like Joshua, they had faith that none of Jehovah's words would fail. Chemotherapy yakaganhurirwa mutapuro dzayo nemhaka yokuti mamota ane kenza anoumbwa namarudzi akasiana - siana amasero zvokuti rumwe norumwe rune kuita kwarwo kumirimo. This included some who were rich, others who had a comfortable means of living, and many who were poor. Chemotherapy is limited in its effects because cancer - containing tumors are made up of different types of cells so that each has its reaction to drugs. Izvi zvaisanganisira vamwe vaiva vapfumi, vamwe vaiva nemararamiro akanaka, uye vakawanda vakanga vari varombo. There is hardly any violation of God's law that does not result in some physical or emotional harm to the transgressor. This included some who were wealthy, others who had a good way of life, and many who were poor. Hakusati kuchitongova nokuputswa kupi nokupi kwomutemo waMwari kusingagumi nekuvadziko yakati yomuviri kana kuti yendangariro kumudariki. Jehovah God - the Author of the Bible - inspired its writers to use his name freely. Never is there any violation of God's law eternal with some physical or mental injury to the offender. Jehovha Mwari, - anova ndiye munyori weBhaibheri, - akafemera vanyori varo kuti vashandise zita rake vakasununguka. The foretold apostasy manifested itself long ago and persists to this day. Jehovah God, who becomes the Author of the Bible, inspired its writers to use his name freely. Kutsauka pakutenda kwakagara kwataurwa kwakatotanga kare kare uye kuchiripo. Additionally, if you correctly identify word pictures, you will better understand the Bible's message. The foretold apostasy has a long history and still exists. Uye, kana ukagona kuona zvirungamutauro, unokwanisa kunyatsonzwisisa mashoko ari muBhaibheri. In time Sylvi moved to Tampere to get work, and that is where we met. And if you can see word pictures, you can gain a deeper understanding of the Bible's message. Pashure penguva yakati Sylvi akatamira kuTampere kundowana basa, uye ikoko ndiko kwatakasangana. History and imperfect human nature bespeak the impossibility of the "whole of humankind " today ever living in such a" new harmony " with nature, for they leave Jehovah out of the picture. In time Sylvi moved to Tampa to find work, and that is where we met. Nhau uye kusakwana kwomunhu zvinoratidza kusabvira kwokuti "rudzi rwose rwomunhu " nhasi rugare mu" tsinhirano itsva " yakadaro nechisiko, nokuti runofuratira Jehovha. God's name, Jehovah, is not a mere label. Human history and imperfection show the possibility that "all mankind " today is peace in such" new harmony " with creation, for it ignores Jehovah. Zita raMwari rokuti Jehovha, harisi shoko rinongoshandiswa kumuzivisa. Is it realistic to think of a world where people live in true unity? God's name, Jehovah, is not simply a term used to identify him. Zvine musoro here kufunga nezvenyika ine vanhu vanogara vakabatana zvechokwadi? But once I'm there, I can enjoy the wonderful spiritual meal that Jehovah has prepared. Does it make sense to think of a world where truly united people live? Asi pandinosvika, ndinonakirwa nezvokudya zvekunamata zvatinobikirwa naJehovha. You could strengthen your faith by making a study of the prophecies pointing to Jesus Christ or a verse - by - verse consideration of one of the prophetic books of the Bible. But when I arrive, I enjoy the spiritual food that Jehovah cooks for us. Unogona kusimbisa kutenda kwako nokudzidza uprofita hunotaura nezvaJesu Kristu kana kuti kuongorora ndima nendima yerimwe bhuku rouprofita hweBhaibheri. 6, 7. (a) How widespread has modern - day warfare been? You can strengthen your faith by studying prophecies about Jesus Christ or examining verses and a verse from a book of Bible prophecy. 6, 7. (a) Hondo dziri kurwiwa zvakadii mazuva ano? Bible Students proclaiming the good news in the 1920 ' s 6, 7. (a) How are wars taking place today? Vadzidzi veBhaibheri vachizivisa mashoko akanaka muma1920 So when the opportunity opened up, I felt good about it. Bible Students declaring the good news in the 1920 ' s Naizvozvo apo mukana wakazaruka, ndakanzwa zvakanaka pamusoro pako. Yes, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob - and their godly wives - patiently awaited God's heavenly Kingdom, under which they will be resurrected to life on earth. So when the opportunity opened up, I felt good about it. Hungu, Abrahamu, Isaka, naJakobho - nemadzimai avo aida Mwari - vakamirira nokushivirira Umambo hwaMwari hwokudenga, mavachamutsirwa kuupenyu pasi pano. And for those who do maintain a loving interest in their children, there is always something to learn when it comes to responsible parenting. Yes, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob - and their godly wives - patiently await God's heavenly Kingdom, where they will be resurrected to life on earth. Uye kune avo vanoramba vachida vana vavo, pagara paine chimwe chinhu chokudzidza kana vachida kuvarera zvakanaka. Jesus often had his followers with him in the preaching work and used such occasions to give encouragement. And for those who continue loving their children, there has always been something to learn if they want to raise them properly. Kazhinji Jesu aiita basa rokuparidza nevateveri vake uye aishandisa nguva dzakadaro kuti avakurudzire. That discovery dealt astrology its deathblow as a science. Jesus often shared in the preaching work with his followers and used such occasions to encourage them. Izvi zvakaita kuti sayenzi yokuongorora nyeredzi ibve yaparara. Even though the specific relationships proscribed may vary greatly in different cultures, "generally speaking, the closer the genetic relationship between two people, the stronger and more highly charged is the taboo prohibiting or discouraging sexual relations between them, " says The Encyclopædia Britannica. This led to the destruction of astrology. Kunyange zvazvo kuroorana kwacho chaiko kunorambidzwa kungasiyana zvikuru mutsika dzakasiyana, "kazhinji kacho, kana vanhu vacho vari voukama hweropa hwepedyo mumhuri, kurambidzwa kwacho kunenge kwakasimba uye kuchishorwa zvikuru kana kuti vachirambidzwa kurara vose, " inodaro The Encyclopædia Britannica. In spite of his disability, though, he enjoyed an outstanding career as a missionary, scholar, and writer. Although the actual marriage is forbidden may vary greatly from one culture to another, "in general, if the individuals are close relatives of blood in the family, the prohibition is strong and widely condemned or forbidden, " says The Encyclopædia Britannica. Pasinei zvapo nohurema hwake, kunyanguvezvo, iye akafarikanya basa rakatanhamara somufundisi, muzivi, uye munyori. At that time, all goatlike ones "will depart into everlasting cutting - off. " Despite his disability, though, he enjoyed a prominent career as missionary, philosopher, and writer. Panguva iyoyo, vanhu vose vanofananidzwa nembudzi "vachaenda mukugurwa kusingaperi. " When Jesus began washing their feet, the apostles were put in an awkward situation. At that time, all goatlike humans "will depart into everlasting cutting - off. " Jesu paakatanga kugeza tsoka dzavo, vaapostora vakatanga kunyara. It would be dramatically different in appearance from the altars used by the Canaanites. When Jesus began washing their feet, the apostles began to feel ashamed. Yaizoratidzika zvakasiyana zvikuru neatari dzaishandiswa nevaKanani. Over the centuries, many have sacrificed their lives for what they considered to be worthy causes. It would seem very different from altars used by Canaanites. Kwemazana emakore, vakawanda vakabayira upenyu hwavo pane zvavaifunga kuti zvikonzero zvinokosha. Still, the so - called experts continue to make predictions. " Over the centuries, many have sacrificed their lives for seemingly valid reasons. Zvisinei, dzinonzi nyanzvi dzinoramba dzichifembera. " IVF gave momentum to what is now known as assisted reproductive technology (ART), which includes all kinds of fertility treatments in which both egg and sperm are handled. However, so - called experts continue to predict. " IVF yakabatsira kuti pave nezvinozivikanwa iye zvino soruzivo rwezvinobatsira kubata pamuviri [assisted reproductive technology (ART) ], izvo zvinosanganisira marudzi ose okurapa kushaya mbereko. The brothers were eager to get the work organized and to feed those hungering for Bible truth. IVF has helped create what is now known as ethsis [assised productive conditionology (ART), which includes all forms of fertility therapy. Hama dzaidisa kuti basa rirongwe ndokudyisa avo vakanga vane nzara yechokwadi cheBhaibheri. We know that it will not always be easy to walk with God while living among "a crooked and twisted generation, " but we trust in God's promise to support us in our efforts. The brothers were willing to get a job shut up and feed those hungering for Bible truth. Tinoziva kuti hazvisi nyore kuzogara tichifamba naMwari isu tichirarama pakati "pechizvarwa chisina kururama, chakamonyana, " asi tinovimba nezvakapikirwa naMwari kuti achatsigira zvatinoita. Such companies know that it is in their own best interests to eradicate harassment. We know that it is not easy to keep on walking with God while we live among "the unrighteous and twisted generation, " but we trust in God's promise that he will support our efforts. Makambani akadaro anoziva kuti zvinoanakira kubvisa vanhu vanonetsa vamwe pabasa. First, I reasoned that of the many gods that people worship, one must be greater than the others. But which one? Such companies know that it is best for them to get rid of people who worry others at work. Chekutanga, ndakafunga kuti pavanamwari vakawanda vanonamatwa nevanhu, panofanira kuva nemumwe chete mukuru kupfuura vose. Why, he did that very thing on the day of Pentecost in the year 33 of our Common Era! First, I thought that for most of the gods whom people worship, there must be one who is the greatest. Chokwadi, akaita chinhu ichocho chimene pazuva rePentekosta mugore ra 33 reNguva yedu yaVose! The following experiences illustrate how Jehovah's Witnesses in Martinique are " letting their light shine before men. ' Why, he did that very thing on the day of Pentecost in the year 33 of our Common Era! Zvakaitika zvinotevera zvinoratidzira nzira iyo Zvapupu zvaJehovha muMartinique zviri " kurega chiedza chazvo chichipenya pamberi pavanhu. ' Paul urged the brothers to "speak consolingly to the depressed souls, " not suspiciously thinking that they had done something wrong and were spiritually sick. The following experiences illustrate how Jehovah's Witnesses in Martinque are " letting their light shine before men. ' Pauro akakurudzira hama ku "taura nenzira inonyaradza kumweya yakaora mwoyo, " kwete kufunga nokunyumwira kuti ivo vakanga vaita chimwe chinhu chakaipa uye vairwara mumudzimu. He has protected the congregation from powerful religious and political enemies whose aim has usually been, not to kill us, but to separate us from our holy God. Paul urged the brothers to "speak consolingly to the depressed souls, " not to think suspiciously that they had done something wrong and were spiritually sick. Akadzivirira ungano kubva pavavengi vane simba vezvitendero uye vezvematongerwo enyika, avo kazhinji vanenge vasina chinangwa chokutiuraya, asi chokutiparadzanisa naMwari wedu mutsvene. Many verses of this work were quoted in the Christian Greek Scriptures. He protected the congregation from powerful religious and political enemies, who often have no intention of killing us, but to separate us from our holy God. Ndima zhinji dzebhuku iri dzakanokorwa mashoko muMagwaro echiKristu echiGiriki. Since I was working for myself, we spent a lot of time in the preaching work together, and I received much valuable training from him. Many verses of this book were quoted in the Christian Greek Scriptures. Sezvandaizvishandira, takapedza nguva yakawanda mubasa rokuparidza tiri tose, uye ndakawana kurovedzwa kunokosha kubva kwaari. Their friendship with Christ was often tested, but they did their best to support him during good times and bad. As I worked for them, we spent more time in the preaching work together, and I received valuable training from him. Kunyange zvazvo vaimboedzwa kana vaizoramba vari shamwari dzaKristu, vaiedza nepavaigona napo kumutsigira zvinhu pazvaiva zvakanaka kunyange zvakaoma. Although I enjoyed higher education, my study of the Bible was bringing me a greater understanding of life's problems and the solution. Although once tested if they remained friends of Christ, they tried hard to support him even when things were right. Kunyange zvazvo ndaiva ndakadzidza zvikuru, kudzidza kwandaiita Bhaibheri kwaiita kuti ndinzwisise matambudziko oupenyu uye kuagadzirisa. What would he do this time? Although I had learned a lot, my study of the Bible helped me to understand life's problems and solve them. Aizoitei? How did Coverdale succeed in having his translation printed and avoid execution, when other Bible translators of the day paid with their lives? What would she do? Sei Coverdale akakwanisa kudhindisa shanduro yake asingaurayiwi, nepo mazuva iwayo vamwe vashanduri veBhaibheri vaiurayiwa? Butterfly, 10 / 8 Cape Buffalo, 6 / 8 Why was Coverdale able to print his free translation, while in those days some Bible translators were executed? Kushanda Zvakaoma - Kwakanaka Nguva Dzose Here? Most of your message will be "heard " by your teenager later, when he's alone and can ponder over what you've said. Working Hard - Is It Always Good? Zvizhinji zvamunenge mataura anenge azvinzwa uye paanenge ava oga achazozvidzeya. The anointed ones and those with an earthly hope will indeed "stand " in that day with God's approval. Much of what you say and when alone will be taken seriously. Chokwadi vakazodzwa uye vaya vane tariro yokurarama pasi pano, " vachamira ' nokuti vanenge vachifarirwa naMwari. What is a further reason to get baptized? Yes, because they have God's approval, both anointed ones and those with an earthly hope will "stand still. " Chii chiri chimwe chikonzero chokubhapatidzwa? Never overlook the fact that "time and unforeseen occurrence " befall us all. What is one reason to get baptized? Usambokanganwa kuti "nguva nezvinoitika " zvinotiwira tose. We can see in this context that dedication is a serious matter. Never forget that "time and unforeseen occurrence " befall us all. Tinogona kuona panyaya iyi kuti kuzvitsaurira inhau hombe. As many as 30 Witnesses were killed in that turbulent period, but not even the threat of death could break the loyalty of God's people. We can see in this regard that dedication is a serious matter. Munguva iyoyo inotambudza Zvapupu zvinosvika 30 zvakaurayiwa, asi kunyange kutyisidzirwa kuti vaizourayiwa hakuna kutadzisa vanhu vaMwari kuramba vakavimbika. I drank heavily and often. During that time they persecute up to 30 Witnesses who were killed, but even the threat of execution did not prevent God's people from remaining loyal. Ndaiva chiradza uye ndaigara ndakangodhakwa. For example, they may not seem to respect your privacy. I was an alcoholic, and I was constantly drunk. Somuenzaniso, vangaratidzika kuva vasingaremekedzi zvakavanzika zvako. PAGE 4 For example, they may seem to have no respect for your privacy. PEJI 4 In the settlement of Savissivik, which was bypassed on the journey out, the traveling ministers received an overwhelming welcome. PAGE 4 Mumusha weSavissivik, uyo wakapfuurwa parwendo rwokubuda, vashumiri vanofambira vakagamuchirwa zvikuru. Yet, Christians realize that their faith is dependent, not on evidence unearthed by men, but on God's Word, the Bible. - 1 Thessalonians 2: 13; 2 Timothy 3: 16, 17. In the village of Savisvik, which was cut off on the departure trip, traveling ministers were widely welcomed. Asi, vaKristu vanoziva kuti kutenda kwavo hakutsamiri pauchapupu hwezvinhu zvinocherwa nevanhu, asi paShoko raMwari, Bhaibheri. - 1 VaTesaronika 2: 13; 2 Timoti 3: 16, 17. If inherited, sin must have had a starting point. Yet, Christians recognize that their faith is not dependent on evidence of man's slander, but on God's Word, the Bible. - 1 Thessalonians 2: 13; 2 Timothy 3: 16, 17. Kana chivi chichigarwa nhaka, chinofanira kunge chine pachakatangira. Perhaps you or someone you know will also receive comfort from reading this 32 - page brochure. If sin is inherited, there must be a beginning. Pamwe iwe kana kuti mumwe munhu waunoziva achanyaradzwa nokuverenga bhurocha iri rine mapeji 32. Remembering Jesus Christ? Perhaps you or someone you know will find comfort in reading this 32 - page brochure. Kuyeuka Jesu here? This would include sharing in public preaching, "always offer [ing] to God a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of lips which make public declaration to his name. " - Hebrews 13: 15; Romans 10: 10. Remember Jesus? Ikoku kwaizobatanidza kugoverana mukuparidzira pachena, "nguva dzose kupa kuna Mwari chibairo cherumbidzo, ndiko kuti, chibereko chemiromo iyo inoita ziviso yapachena kuzita rake. " - VaHebheru 13: 15, NW; VaRoma 10: 10. Home Bible studies being conducted climbed to 7,655 in 1994 - evidently too many for Satan's liking! This would include sharing in public preaching, "always offering to God a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of lips which make public declaration to his name. " - Hebrews 13: 15; Romans 10: 10. Fundo dzeBhaibheri dzapamusha dzaiitiswa dzakawedzera kusvika 7 655 muna 1994 - sezviri pachena vakawanda zvikuru zvokusafarirwa naSatani! Still, he is ignoring her warning not to go near the puddle, and trouble is almost sure to ensue. The home Bible studies conducted increased to 7,655 in 1994 - evidently more of Satan's disapproval! Kunyange zvakadaro, haasi kuteerera nyevero yaamai yokuti asaenda pedyo nemvura ine madhaka, uye achaguma awira mumatambudziko chete. It helped them see that despite the ongoing trials we may face, Jehovah can strengthen us by means of his holy spirit, his Word, and our Christian brotherhood. Still, she is not heeding the mother's warning not to go near the muddy waters, and she will end up suffering only. Yakavabatsira kuona kuti pasinei zvapo nemiedzo inoramba ichipfuurira yatingatarisana nayo, Jehovha anogona kutisimbisa achishandisa mudzimu mutsvene wake, Shoko rake, uye ukama hwedu hwechiKristu. Do such promises sound too good to be true? It helped them to see that despite persistent trials we may face, Jehovah can strengthen us by means of his holy spirit, his Word, and our Christian brotherhood. Vimbiso idzi dzakanyanya kunaka zvokuti unofunga kuti hadziitiki here? What adjustments in understanding did we consider, and what questions will be answered in the following articles? Are these promises too good to be true? Takurukura kugadziridzwa kupi kwemanzwisisiro edu, uye mibvunzo ipi ichapindurwa munyaya dziri kutevera? ; Vaahtola, J. What adjustments have we considered in our understanding, and what questions will be answered in the following articles? ; Vaahtola, J. Youths must guard against fantasizing about sexual pleasures and worldly careers. ; Vaahtola, J. Pwere dzinofanira kudzivisa kuzvinyengera pamusoro pemifarwa yevatano namabasa okunyika. Just over a year later, on January 1, 1974, I returned to lecturing at the university when a post became available in physics. Youths should guard against self - deception about sexual pleasures and worldly activities. Rinopfuura chete gore rimwe gare gare, pana January 1, 1974, ndakadzokera kukudzidzisa kuyunivhesiti apo nzvimbo yakawanika muphysics. 7, 8. (a) What act of loving - kindness did Jehovah perform toward Lot and his family? Just over a year later, on January 1, 1974, I returned to teaching at a university when a place was found in physics. 7, 8. (a) Jehovha akaitira Roti nemhuri yake chii chinoratidza mutsa worudo? The following points are not intended to alarm you, but they are worth considering: 7, 8. (a) What loving - kindness did Jehovah show toward Lot and his family? Mifungo inotevera haina kuitirwa kukutyisa, asi yakafanirwa nokurangarira: A New Hope Develops The following thoughts were not directed to terror, but they deserve to consider: Tariro Itsva Inotanga Peter's release from prison occurred about ten years after Jesus was killed at Passover 33 C.E. - Acts 12: 1 - 5, 11 - 17. A New Hope Starts Petro akabudiswa mujeri makore anenge gumi pashure pokuurayiwa kwaJesu paPaseka ya33 C.E. - Mabasa 12: 1 - 5, 11 - 17. Abraham was motivated by an absolute trust that his heavenly Father would fulfill His promise by resurrecting Isaac if necessary. Peter was released from prison about ten years after Jesus ' execution at the Passover of 33 C.E. - Acts 12: 1 - 5, 11 - 17. Abrahamu aikurudzirwa nokuvimba kwakakwana kuti Baba vake vokudenga vaizozadzisa chipikirwa chavo chokumutsa Isaka kana zvakakodzera. What an insult! Abraham was encouraged by complete confidence that his heavenly Father would fulfill his promise to resurrect Isaac if necessary. Uku kwaiva kutsvinya chaiko! But there will be no need for his followers to fight, even as this was unnecessary for the inhabitants of the two - tribe kingdom of Judah thousands of years ago. What an insult! Asi pachange pasina chikonzero chokuti vateveri vake varwe, sezvo vagari voumambo hwemadzinza maviri echiJudha vakanga vasingafaniri kurwa zviuru zvemakore akadarika. Truly, for this trip Jehovah made full might abound in my case. But there will be no need for his followers to fight, since the inhabitants of the two - tribe kingdom of Judah were not to fight thousands of years ago. Zvirokwazvo, nokuda kwerwendo irworwu Jehovha akaita kuti simba rindiwandire. The few signs that they learn and try to use touch my heart. Indeed, for this journey Jehovah made power abound for me. Zvinondibaya mwoyo pandinoona vachidzidzira masaini mashoma uye vachiedza kuashandisa. In some areas, we cannot enter certain apartment buildings and gated communities. It touches me when I see them practice a few signs and try to use them. Mune dzimwe nzvimbo hatikwanisi kupinda pane dzimwe dzimba kana kuti zvimwe zvivako. Questions From Readers In some places we cannot enter other homes or other buildings. Mibvunzo Inobva Kuvaverengi COVER: Kingdom publishers preaching from house to house in Erap, one of the many isolated mountain - valley villages of Morobe Province in Papua New Guinea Questions From Readers KAVHA: Vaparidzi voUmambo vari kuparidza paimba neimba muErap, mumwe wemisha iri munzvimbo dzine makomo dziri kwadzo dzoga muruwa rweMorobe kuPapua New Guinea It includes all forms of illicit sexual relations outside of Scriptural marriage. COVER: Kingdom publishers preaching from house to house in Erap, one of the villages in isolated mountainous areas in the state of Mobe in Papua New Guinea Zvinosanganisira kuita zvose zvepabonde zvisingabvumirwi nomutemo uye zvinoitwa nevanhu vasina kuroorana maererano neMagwaro. [ Footnote] It involves engaging in all forms of illicit sex and the conduct of unmarried individuals in harmony with the Scriptures. [ Mashoko Omuzasi] " THE air tingles with the aura of magic. [ Footnote] " KUNE mugariro wamashiripiti. Sometimes the family can afford to eat once a day - maize porridge flavored with cassava leaves, salt, and sugar. " THERE is a status of the occult. Dzimwe nguva mhuri yacho inogona kudya kamwe chete pazuva - bota reupfu rakarungwa nemashizha emufarinya, munyu, uye shuga. About this, the apostle Paul wrote: "[Jehovah] raised [Jesus] up from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above every government and authority and power and lordship and every name that is named, not only in this system of things but also in that to come. " - Ephesians 1: 20, 21. Sometimes the family can eat at least one meal a day - a handful of flour covered with the leaves of lavender, salt, and sugar. Muapostora Pauro achitaura nezvenyaya iyi akati: " Jehovha paakamutsa Jesu kubva kuvakafa, akamugarisa kuruoko rwake rworudyi munzvimbo dzokudenga, kumusorosoro kwehurumende dzose nechiremera nesimba noushe nemazita ose anodanwa, kwete chete mumamiriro ezvinhu epanguva ino, asiwo mune aya achauya. ' - VaEfeso 1: 20, 21. Is Jehovah really a war god? Regarding this, the apostle Paul wrote: "When Jehovah raised Jesus up from the dead, he set him at his right hand in the heavenly places, above every government and authority and power and every name called, not only in this system of things, but also in these things to come. " - Ephesians 1: 20, 21. Chaizvoizvo Jehovha ndimwari wehondo here? Although the Collegiants were not all in accord as to beliefs, their colleges in different cities functioned quite similarly. Is Jehovah really a god of war? Nyange zvazvo vaCollegiant vakanga vasingawirirani vose pazvitendero, makoreji avo mumaguta akasiyana - siyana aiita zvakangofanana. What Bible principle helps us to take the wise course when we hear of accusations the apostates make? Although the Collegiants did not agree with one another on religion, their colleges in various cities did likewise. Inheyoi yeBhaibheri inotibetsera kutora nzira yokuchenjera apo tinonzwa nezvepomero idzo vawi pakutenda vanoita? Let us look at some effective teaching techniques. What Bible principle helps us to take the wise course when we hear of the charges that apostates make? Ngationgororei dzimwe nzira dzokudzidzisa dzinobudirira. Why? Let us consider some effective teaching methods. Nei? By means of prayer and counsel, they will often be able to help the person to repent, apologize or otherwise make amends, and make continued progress in taming the tongue. Why? Kupfurikidza nomunyengetero nezano, ivo kazhinji kazhinji vachakwanisa kubetsera munhu wacho kupfidza, kuti ane urombo kana kuti zvimwe kururamisa, uye kuita fambiro mberi inopfuuridzirwa mukudzora rurimi. 12: 8 - In what way were the faces of the Gadite warriors like "the faces of lions "? Through prayer and counsel, they will often be able to help the person repent, that he or she is sorry or otherwise correct, and make continued progress in controlling the tongue. 12: 8 - Zviso zvevarwi vaiva vaGadhi zvakanga "zvakaita sezveshumba, " pakudini? Satisfying and comforting answers are provided in the next article. 12: 8 - In what way were the faces of the soldiers in Gad "like the faces of lions, "? Mhinduro dzinogutsa nedzinonyaradza dzinogoverwa munyaya inotevera. He understood the pressures they faced as they were surrounded by enemies. The satisfying and comforting answers are provided in the following article. Ainzwisisa miedzo yavaisangana nayo sezvo vainge vakakombwa nevavengi. The Perfect Example He understood the trials they faced as they were surrounded by enemies. Muenzaniso Wakakwana It's also encouraging to read experiences of others who are serving Jehovah despite trials. A Perfect Example Zvinokurudzirawo kuverenga zvakasangana nevamwe vari kushumira Jehovha pasinei nemiedzo. The answer: cassava, or manioc. It is also encouraging to read the experiences of others who are serving Jehovah despite trials. Mhinduro yacho: mujumbuya, kana kuti mufarinya. 13,500,125 Other The answer: a grandmother, or mother - in - law. [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 22] Being a man of integrity, he walks in security and has God's approval. [ Picture on page 22] Zvaari murume akatendeseka, anofamba mukuchengeteka uye anotenderwa naMwari. There is, however, a spiritual temple, which glorifies Jehovah far more than any building. As a man of integrity, he walks in security and with God's approval. Asi kwava netemberi huru inokudza Jehovha kupfuura chivako chero chipi zvacho. NIGER But there is a great temple that honors Jehovah more than any building. NIGER David released his stone. NIGER Dhavhidhi akabva aregedzera dombo riya. Typically, those mirrors were circular in shape, with an ornamented wood, metal, or ivory handle, which was frequently shaped like a female figure. David then turned his back on that stone. Magirazi aya aiwanzova eraundi, aine mubato wepuranga, simbi kana kuti nyanga yenzou, uye mubato wacho waiwanzonge wakagadzirwa sezvakaita chimiro chemunhukadzi. Fortunately, early in 1941, the Allied army briefly entered Greece and Nicolas was released from jail. These glasses often consisted of fines, with wooden handle, metal or elephant horn, and the activity was usually made just as a female's form. Sezvineiwo, gore ra1941 richangotanga, masoja eBritain needzimwe nyika akapinda muGreece uye Nicolas akabva abudiswa mujeri. With regard to increased time for sacred service, the principle holds true that thankfulness produces generous giving. Interestingly, early in 1941, British and foreign soldiers entered Greece, and Nicolas was released from prison. Pamusoro penguva yakawedzerwa yebasa rinoyera, nheyo ndeyechokwadi yokuti kuonga kunobereka kupa kworupo. However, they miss out on the benefits they could derive from studying the Bible. As to the added time for sacred service, the principle is true that thankfulness produces generous giving. Zvisinei, izvi zvinoita kuti vasabatsirwa nokudzidza Bhaibheri. Tammy, for example, began associating with a cousin who was a full - time evangelizer. This, however, makes it impossible for them to benefit from Bible study. Tammy, somuenzaniso, akavamba kusonganirana nehama yake iyo yaiva muparidzi weevhangeri wenguva yakazara. Let us hold fast to our wonderful Kingdom hope. talkmmy, for example, began associating with her brother who was a full - time evangelizer. Ngatibatisisei tariro yedu yakaisvonaka yoUmambo. (a) Why is it unwise for youths to hide problems from their parents? Let us hold fast our wonderful Kingdom hope. (a) Neiko kuri kusachenjera kuti pwere dzivanzire vabereki zvinetso zvadzo? If I jump off, I will be killed. (a) Why is it unwise for youths to talk to parents about their problems? Kana ndikasvetuka, ndichaurawa. First, his brothers sold him into slavery when he was about 17 years old. If I jump, I will be killed. Kutanga, paaiva nemakore anenge 17, vakoma vake vakamutengesa kuti ave muranda. Then Elijah addressed the crowd: "How long will you be limping upon two different opinions? First, when he was about 17, his brothers sold him into slavery. Ipapo Eria akataura kuboka kuti: "[Muchakamhina nepfungwa mbiri dzakasiyana kwenguva yakareba sei? To boost automobile production and to cut costs, assembly lines, now common in most industries, were introduced early in this century. Then Elijah said to the crowd: "How long will you be lame with two different opinions? Kuti vatsigire kugadzirwa kwemotokari uye kuderedza mitengo, kugadzira mitsara yokugadzira zvinhu, zvino yava kuitwa mumaindasitiri akawanda, yakatangwa mukuvamba kwezana rino remakore. When this happens, I pray to Jehovah, and he renews my determination to continue doing what I can. " - Psalm 55: 22; Luke 11: 13. In order to promote car production and cut costs, design, and production, now under the majority of industry, was introduced in the early part of this century. Pazvinoitika, ndinonyengetera kuna Jehovha, uye anondipa rimwe simba idzva kuti ndipfuurire kuita zvandinokwanisa kuita. " - Pisarema 55: 22; Ruka 11: 13. To sustain himself in the ministry, Paul made tents with this Christian couple. When it happens, I pray to Jehovah, and he gives me new strength to continue doing what I am able to do. " - Psalm 55: 22; Luke 11: 13. Kuti azvitsigire amene muushumiri, Pauro akagadzira matende navaviri ava vechiKristu. How Mourners Can Be Happy To support himself in the ministry, Paul built tents with this Christian couple. Kufara Kungaita Vanochema The animal will make an unprovoked attack on those who venture too close to its domain. How to Rejoice With Those Who mourn Mhuka yacho inogona kurwisa isina kudenhwa vapi nevapi vanoda kunyanya kuva pedyo nayo. What is tonic sol - fa? The animal can attack without attack on any who want to draw closer to it. Chii tonic sol - fa? Millions could now bless themselves by means of him. What is manic sol - pha? Mamiriyoni zvino aigona kuzvikomborera naye. In many countries, assistance organizations can provide valuable practical help and give information and advice as to specific conditions and how to cope with them. Millions could now bless themselves with him. Munyika dzakawanda, masangano orubatsiro anogona kugovera betsero inokosha inoshanda ndokupa mashoko nezano pamusoro pemigariro chaiyo uye nzira yokugonana nayo. Paul too urged us to "continue putting up with one another. " In many lands, relief agencies can provide valuable practical help and counsel on specific situations and how to cope. Pauro akatikurudzira " kuramba tichishivirirana. ' Jehovah feels compassion toward all imperfect mankind. Paul encouraged us to "continue putting up with one another. " Jehovha anonzwira tsitsi vanhu vose vane chivi. This will keep our mind occupied with spiritual interests and will help us to resist succumbing to our human weaknesses or being driven by the materialistic goals and unscriptural desires common to this system of things. Jehovah has compassion for all imperfect humans. Izvi zvichaita kuti pfungwa dzedu dzirambe dzichifunga zvinhu zvomudzimu uye zvichatibatsira kudzivisa kuita maererano nokuneta kwedu kwokuzvarwa nakwo kana kumanikidzirwa nezvinangwa zvokuda kubudirira kunyama nezvishuvo zvisiri zvomumagwaro zvakajairika mugadziriro ino yezvinhu. He convinced Rosa that smoking hashish would not be harmful and that she would enjoy it. This will keep our mind focused on spiritual things and will help us to avoid acting on our natural weaknesses or being forced by materialistic goals and common unscriptural desires in this system of things. Akaita kuti Rosa agutsikane kuti kuputa hashish kwaisakuvadza uye kuti aizonakirwa nayo. Evidence for an intelligent designer becomes more compelling the more we understand about our carefully crafted habitat. " He convinced Rosa that smoking was harmless and that he would enjoy it. Pane zvikonzero zvakawanda zvokutodavira kuti nyika yedu yatinogara yakagadzirwa nomunhu akangwara ane unyanzvi. " Stumped? There are even more reasons to believe that our planet is the product of an intelligent person. " Wakangaidzika here? What is your reaction? Are you upset? Chii chiri kuita kwako? The religion was new - but it was dynamic. What is your reaction? Chitendero chacho chaiva chitsva, asi chakanga chine simba. " God's Way of Life " Conventions, 6 / 8 The religion was new, but it had power. Nyaya yokutanga inotaura nezvevimbiso dzinokosha idzo Mwari akapika kuti aizozadzisa. The first article highlights precious promises that God has sworn to fulfill. The first article discusses important promises that God has promised to fulfill. Nzvero dzinoratidzira kariro dzinoodza mwoyo - vabereki vakashandiswa zvisina kufanira sevana vangangoshandisa vana vavo zvisina kufanira. Statistics paint a grim picture - parents who were abused as children are more likely to abuse their own children. Studies indicate discouraging expectations - abused parents as children are likely to exploit their children. Kaini haana kuteerera nyevero yaMwari. Cain ignored God's warning. Cain did not heed God's warning. Vanofanirawo kuziva kuti zvirango zvipi zvinovapo kana vakasateerera uye kuti hazvisi kuzochinja. " - Glenn, Canada. They also need to know the consequences of disobedience and that these won't change either. " - Glenn, Canada. They also need to know what consequences come from disobedience and that they will not change. " - Glenn, Canada. Saka, Holt anoti vabereki ngavasarudze mabhuku anovanakidzawo, vachifunga nezvokuti vana vangada kunzwa mabhuku acho achiverengwa kakawanda! Hence, Holt suggests that parents select books that they also enjoy, keeping in mind that children may want to hear the books read many times! Therefore, Holt says that parents should choose books that interest them too, thinking that children would like to hear the books read more often! Bhaibheri rinotirayira kuti: " munofanira kuitwa vatsva musimba rinosunda pfungwa dzenyu, uye kupfeka unhu hutsva hwakasikwa maererano nokuda kwaMwari mukuvimbika kwechokwadi. ' The Bible exhorts us: "Be made new in the force actuating your mind, and... put on the new personality which was created according to God's will in true... loyalty. " The Bible admonishes us: "You should be made new in the force actuating your mind, and should put on the new personality which was created according to God's will in true loyalty. " Ikoku kwaizobetsera kuderedza kushatiswa; panguva imwe cheteyo, vatasvi vaizove vachiwana kurovedza muviri kunodikanwa. This would help reduce pollution; at the same time, riders would be getting needed exercise. This would help to minimize pollution; at the same time, horsemen would be getting needed exercise. Chii chaunogona kuita kuvandudza zvinhu? What can you do to improve things? What can you do to improve things? Vezvematongerwe enyika vangave vakatsigirwa nemari nevakuru vakuru vezvinodhaka kuti vasarudzwe vanoisa zvimiti munzeve pavanokumbirwa kuti vaderedze kutengeswa kwezvinodhaka zvisingabvumirwe. Politicians whose election may have been financed by drug barons turn a deaf ear when there are calls for crackdowns on drug trafficking. The politicians who may have been supported by money by drug officials in order to gain legal recognition ignore the invitation to reduce drug trafficking. Akatiwo hapana anogona kuponeswa nokuedza kwake pachake. He added that no one can gain salvation by his own efforts. He also said that no one can be saved by his own efforts. Rudzi rutsva rwakazvarwa paPendekosti ya33 C.E. A new nation was born at Pentecost 33 C.E. The new nation was born at Pentecost 33 C.E. Akawedzera kuti: "Yahweh... haana rudo zvachose. He added: "Yahweh is... utterly unlovely. He added: "Yahweh... has no love at all. Kunyange zvazvo Bhaibheri risingatiudzi kuti vaapostora vangani vakapukunyuka zviitiko zvikuru zvakaguma nokuparadzwa kweJerusarema muna 70 C.E., tinoziva kuti muapostora Johani akanga achiri kuparidzira makore 25 gare gare. - Zvakazarurwa 1: 9. Although the Bible does not tell us how many apostles lived through the momentous events ending in Jerusalem's destruction in 70 C.E., we do know that the apostle John was still preaching some 25 years later. - Revelation 1: 9. Although the Bible does not tell us how many apostles who survived great events ended in the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 C.E., we know that the apostle John was still preaching 25 years later. - Revelation 1: 9. Kana ukashanyira Africa nguva ipi neipi, wadii kukumbira mufarinya? If you visit Africa anytime, why not ask for cassava? If you visit Africa at any time, why not ask for syphilis? Kunobatanidzwa no "kuzvipira [kwedu] kuna Mwari. " It is linked to our "godly devotion. " It is linked with our "godly devotion. " Kokorodzano yeRuwa ye "Nhume Dzerugare rwaMwari " inokurumidza kusvika yeZvapupu zvaJehovha! The fast - approaching "Messengers of Godly Peace " District Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses! The fast - approaching "Princes of Godly Peace " District Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses! Ipapo iye anofanira kurega kudya ndokunyengetera nokuzvininipisa kanganwiro yaMwari. - Pisarema 19: 13. Then he or she should stop partaking and humbly pray for God's forgiveness. - Psalm 19: 13. Then he should stop eating and humbly pray for God's forgiveness. - Psalm 19: 13. Asi sango raiva pedyo rakanga riri kure nemakiromita anenge gumi. But the nearest forest was about six miles [10 km] away. But the nearby forest was about ten miles [10 km] away. Kunyange vanhu vasinganamati Mwari vanogona kuratidza unhu hwakanaka. Even godless people may manifest fine qualities. Even people who do not worship God can display fine qualities. ; Heggli, T. ; Heggli, T. ; Heggli, T. Chokwadi iyi ivimbiso yakazonaka! What better promise could there possibly be? What a wonderful promise! Kupfuurirazve, Jehovha anokomborera ukama ihwohwo kupfurikidza nokudurura mudzimu wake mutsvene pavabatiri vake, kuchiguma newedzero yomufaro nomubato unofadza. - VaRoma 12: 11; VaGaratia 5: 22. Furthermore, Jehovah blesses that relationship by pouring out his holy spirit on his servants, resulting in an increase of joy and joyful activity. - Romans 12: 11; Galatians 5: 22. Furthermore, Jehovah blesses that relationship by pouring out his holy spirit upon his servants, resulting in an increase of joy and joyful activity. - Romans 12: 11; Galatians 5: 22. Kunyange zvakadaro, marudzi aizozvikomborera sei kupfurikidza naIsraeri, mbeu yaAbrahama? How, though, would the nations bless themselves through Israel, Abraham's seed? How, though, would the nations bless themselves through Israel, Abraham's seed? " Muchenjere Mbiriso yavaFarise " " Watch Out for the Leaven of the Pharisees " " Watch Out for the Leaven of the Pharisees " Uye dai aida kubatsirwa naMwari, Jesu aikwanisa kudaidza "mapoka makuru engirozi anopfuura gumi nemaviri "! And had the need ever arisen for divine backing, Jesus could have called on "more than twelve legions of angels "! And if he needed God's help, Jesus could have called "more than twelve legions of angels "! Kwapera vhiki dzakati kuti vachitamburira kubata nokutsigisa penzura, vamwe vadzidzi vanotaura nomufaro mukuru kuti: "Ndava kugona kufambisa ruoko rwangu zvinyoro - nyoro papepa! " After weeks of struggling to hold and control the pencil, some students exclaim with a big grin: "I can move my hand lightly over the paper! " After some weeks of struggling to cope with the pencil, some students say with great joy: "I am able to move my hand gently on paper! " Pashure pemusangano iwoyo wakaitwa muna 49 C.E., Petro akaenda kuAndiyoki yeSiriya. Shortly after the meeting in 49 C.E., Peter visited Syrian Antioch. After that meeting in 49 C.E., Peter traveled to Syrian Antioch. Hungu, hero yeBhaibheri ichasara isina chinhu. Yes, the Bible hell will be emptied. Yes, the Bible hell will remain empty. Ndakanga ndisingagoni kunzwisisa kana kuti kushandisa mutauro. " I could neither comprehend nor use language. " I could neither understand nor use language. " Takakumbira hana yakanaka kuna Mwari uye takabhabhatidzwa kuratidza kuzvitsaurira kwedu kwaari. We made request to God for a good conscience and were baptized in symbol of our dedication to him. We asked God for a good conscience and were baptized in symbol of our dedication to him. Kutora zvibereko, kudzidzisa varimi kudyara zvirimwa zvinopfuurira kwemakore, kugamuchira mitoo yokuunganidza nayo matanda pasina kukuvadza masango acho, uye kumutsidzira nyika yakakanganiswa, ndizvo mukurangarira kwenyanzvi, zvokutsiva zvine mufungo zvinogona kubetsera kuchengeta sango riripo. - Ona bhokisi rinoti "Kushandira Kuchengetedza. " Extracting products, teaching farmers to plant perennial crops, adopting methods to harvest wood without damaging the forests, and reviving degraded land are, in the view of the experts, enlightened alternatives that can help keep the forest standing. - See the box "Working for Preservation. " Bearing fruit, teaching farmers to plant continued crops over the years, adopting means to gather timber without harming the forests, and restoring the ruined land, are what experts have in mind, a reasonable substitute that can help maintain the present forest. - See the box "Grailing for Security. " Nokudaro, murume akachenjera, akati: "Regai kundipa urombo kana kuti pfuma. " Thus, a wise man long ago said: "Give me neither poverty nor riches. " Thus, the wise man said: "Give me neither poverty nor riches. " Dzimwe nguva Mwari aitaura nevanyori veBhaibheri achishandisa ngirozi, achiita zvokuvaratidza uye zviroto. Sometimes God spoke to Bible writers by means of angels, visions, or dreams. God sometimes communicated with Bible writers through angels, showing them visions and dreams. Vanoteerera makaseti eBhaibheri nemagazini eNharireyomurindi neMukai! They listen to the audiocassettes of the Bible and the Watchtower and Awake! They listen to recordings of the Bible and the Watchtower and Awake! Uyewo havabvumi kuverenga nguva kunoitwa kunonzi B.C. - A.D. Neither do they necessarily accept the B.C. - A.D. style of dating. Nor do they accept B.C. - A.D. Sezvo akanga akaroorwa nomurume asingatendi, zvimwe Yunisi akanga asingatsigirwi nomurume wake mune zvokunamata. Married to an unbeliever, Eunice likely received no spiritual support from her husband. Since she was married to an unbelieving husband, Eunice probably had no spiritual support for her husband. Kuverenga mazuva 14 kuvambira ipapo kunosvitsa munhu kuna Nisani 14, uyo kazhinji kazhinji anowirirana nomusi wejena guru. Counting 14 days from that brings one to Nisan 14, which usually corresponds to the day of the full moon. Reading 14 days from then brings a person to Nisan 14, which often corresponds to the date of a great chain. Zvino 70 muzana inogara mumaguta. Now 70 percent live in the cities. Now 70 percent live in cities. 1 / 15 Zvatingaita Kuti Tirambe Tichishumira Jehovha Tichifara, 3 / 15 Help Others Reach Their Full Potential, 6 / 15 Jehovah's Day Is Near, 1 / 15 Isati iri nguva refu, akanga ava kutamba kwamaawa anoverengeka zuva rimwe nerimwe. Before long, she was playing several hours every day. Before long, he was playing for several hours each day. Chikepe Chinonzi Quest Chakashandiswa Pakutsvaka The Quest Used in the Search The Mango boat - A Searcher Magazini inonzi American Family Physician inoti: "Varwere ava zvechokwadi vari kurwadziwa nemhaka yezviratidzo zvavo. " The journal American Family Physician says: "These patients are truly suffering as a result of their symptoms. " The journal American Family Physicin says: "These patients are truly in pain because of their symptoms. " Glass, K. Glass, K. Glass, K. Vanotsigira kuomesa zvitunha, vanozviomesa nechando. Proponents of cryonics deep - freeze the bodies of those who have died. They promote the drying of dead bodies, which dry themselves up with the cold. Sabata richakurumidza kuvamba harisati richingova bedzi Sabata renguva dzose (zuva rechinomwe revhiki) asiwo maSabata maviri, kana kuti "guru. " The Sabbath soon to begin is not only a regular Sabbath (the seventh day of the week) but also a double, or "great, " Sabbath. The Sabbath that will soon begin is not only a regular Sabbath (seven day of the week) but also two Sabbaths, or "great ones. " (b) Taura mienzaniso yomuBhaibheri inoratidza kuti kunyange kutsamwa kwakarurama kungaparira kuti tiite nokusachenjera. (b) Cite Bible examples to show that even justified anger can cause us to act unwisely. (b) Give Bible examples showing that even righteous anger may lead to unwise action. Kana tariro yedu iri yokudenga kana kuti yapasi, tose zvedu tinogamuchira zvokudya zvomudzimu kupfurikidza no "muranda wakatendeka, wakangwara " akatenderwa waJehovha. Whether our hope is heavenly or earthly, all of us receive spiritual food through Jehovah's approved "faithful and discreet slave. " Whether our hope is heavenly or earthly, all of us receive spiritual food through Jehovah's approved "faithful and discreet slave. " Nhasi, anowana chokurarama nacho somuchenesi wamawindo, uye anodzidzisawo nziyo. Today, he makes a living as a window cleaner, and he also teaches music. Today, he makes a living as a windowist, and he also teaches music. Origen akanga asiriye oga akakanganisa. Origen was not alone in his errors. Origen was not the only one who made a mistake. Kuratidza kuti zvataurwa pamusoro apa zvinotsigirwa chaizvo neMagwaro, zvinooneka zvakajeka muBhaibheri. That the above conclusion has solid Scriptural support is clear from the Bible record. To show that the above statements are well supported by the Scriptures, it is clearly seen in the Bible. Asi vaapostora havana kunzwisisa zvaaireva. But the apostles did not understand what he meant. But the apostles did not understand what he meant. Ukuwo, Pauro anofanira kunge aikoshesa mutsa uye tsitsi zvaiva naBhanabhasi. On the other hand, Paul certainly would have appreciated Barnabas ' kindness and compassion. On the other hand, Paul must have appreciated Barnabas ' kindness and compassion. Iye zvino vakapedza kudzidza vanenge 1 300 vatariri vanofambira munyika 97. About 1,300 graduates presently serve as traveling overseers in 97 countries. Now about 1,300 graduates are traveling overseers in 97 lands. Asi akati, "Munozviziva kuti handifaniri kunyepa, Amai. " But he replied, "You know that I should not tell a lie, Mum. " But she said, "You know I should not lie, Mom. " MuKristu mumwe nomumwe anotarisana nebasa redare rinobetsera vatongi anofanira kusarudza nzira yekutevera, ichivakirwa panzwisiso yake yeBhaibheri uye hana yake amene. - 4 / 1, peji 23. Each Christian faced with jury duty must determine what course to follow, based on his understanding of the Bible and his own conscience. - 4 / 1, page 29. Each Christian facing jury duty must choose the course to follow, based on his Bible understanding and his own conscience. - 4 / 1, page 23. (Zvaungaita: Maka zvaunoda kuzogadzirisa.) (Suggestion: Put a check mark next to the suggestions that you need to work on.) (What you can do: You would like to make changes.) Urwu rugwaro rwunotsinhirana neunowanzodanwa kuti Munyengetero waShe, uyo unoti: "Kuda kwenyu ngakuitwe panyika sezvakunoitwa kudenga. " - Mateo 6: 9, 10. This scripture harmonizes with what is commonly called the Lord's Prayer, which states: "Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth. " - Matthew 6: 9, 10. This scripture harmonizes with what is commonly called the Lord's Prayer, which says: "Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth. " - Matthew 6: 9, 10. Imwe pwere inobvuma, kuti: "Ndine nziyo dzandinoziva kuti ndinofanira kurasa. One youth admits: "I have music that I know I'm supposed to throw out. One youth admits: "I have music I know I should throw away. (Inowanikwa muChirungu. 16, 17. (It is found in English. 16, 17. They are making fine progress and express appreciation for the Bible study. 16, 17. Vari kuita fambiro mberi yakaisvonaka uye vanoratidzira kuonga kwefundo yacho yeBhaibheri. Then, in the year 36 C.E., it was further expanded to include the world of uncircumcised Gentiles. They are making fine progress and express appreciation for the Bible study. Uye mugore ra36 C.E., vakatanga kuparidzirawo vanhu vemamwe marudzi vakanga vasina kudzingiswa. One traveling overseer works hard "to give encouragement, provide refreshment, and promote a desire to fulfill the ministry and continue living the truth. " And in the year 36 C.E., they began preaching to uncircumcised Gentiles. Mumwe mutariri anofambira anoshanda zvakaoma "kupa kurudziro, kugovera zororo, uye kutsigira chishuvo chokuita ushumiri ndokupfuurira kurarama maererano nechokwadi. " (b) What happened in October 1914, and how has that become clearly evident? A traveling overseer works hard "to give encouragement, to provide refreshment, and to support the desire to carry out the ministry and live on in harmony with the truth. " (b) Chii chakaitika muna October 1914, uye izvozvo zvave zvichioneka sei zvakajeka? David did not view his rescue by Jehovah as something that could happen only to him. (b) What happened in October 1914, and how has that been clearly seen? Dhavhidhi haana kufunga kuti iye chete ndiye aigona kununurwa naJehovha. As I traveled to quickly built Kingdom Hall construction projects and spoke to those in charge, I learned that there was a need for draftsmen. David did not think that only he could receive Jehovah's deliverance. Sezvandakafamba kuenda kumabasa okuvakwa kweHoro dzoUmambo nomutoo wokukurumidza ndokutaura kuavo vaitarisira, ndakaziva kuti pakanga pane kudikanwa kwavanhu vanonyora mapurani. The cover photo shows Jehovah's Witnesses with an inverted purple triangle on the left side of their coats. As I walked to Kingdom Hall construction projects in a quick manner and talked to those in charge, I realized that there was a need for designers. Mufananidzo uri pabutiro uri kuratidza Zvapupu zvaJehovha zvakaiswa triangle yepepuru yakasunama kuruboshwe rwehembe dzavo. A subsequent bone marrow biopsy confirmed the fear that he had developed leukemia. A cover picture showing Jehovah's Witnesses were placed in a purple turangle covered on the left of their clothes. Kutorwa kwomwongo mushomanene nokuda kwokunzvera kwakatevera kwakasimbisa rutyo rwokuti akanga atanga leukemia. Germany's destiny was to a degree decided by other nations. The taking of a few marrow for subsequent research confirmed the fear that he had developed leukemia. Zvimwe zvezvakaitika kuGermany zvakanga zvasarudzwa nedzimwe nyika. A father needs to prepare and train his children for the dangers they may face in this abusive world. Some of Germany's experiences had been decided by other countries. Baba vanofanira kudzidzisa vana vavo uye kuita kuti vagadzirire njodzi dzavangasangana nadzo munyika ino inogona kuvakanganisa. This portion of Scripture is discussed in detail on pages 22 and 23. A father needs to train his children and prepare them for the dangers they may face in this world that could affect them. Chikamu ichi choRugwaro chinokurukurwa zvakadzama pamapeji 22 ne23. When Jehovah is the third cord in a friendship, that friendship will endure. This portion of Scripture is discussed in detail on pages 22 and 23. Kana Jehovha ari iye tambo yechitatu, ushamwari hucharamba hwakasimba. Two pioneers listed 64 types of items given to them by interested ones. If Jehovah is the third line, friendship will remain strong. Mamwe mapiyona maviri akanyora marudzi ezvinhu anokwana 64 zvavakange vapiwa nevanhu vanofarira. No, they rejoiced in the broadened understanding of Jehovah's purposes. - Acts 16: 4, 5. Two other pioneers wrote about 64 different types of material that interested ones had given them. Aiwa, vakafarira nzwisiso yakakudzwa yezvinangwa zvaJehovha. - Mabasa 16: 4, 5. Our Message of Hope No, they rejoiced in an expanded understanding of Jehovah's purposes. - Acts 16: 4, 5. Shoko Redu Retariro What helped Sheryl to deal with the loss of most of her family? Our Message of Hope Chii chakabatsira Sheryl kuti atsungirire kufirwa kwaakaitwa nevanhu vakawanda vomumhuri make? Jehovah's people make every effort to help inactive ones return to Jehovah (See paragraphs 16, 17) What helped Sheryl to cope with the loss of many family members? Vanhu vaJehovha vanoita zvose zvavanogona kuti vabatsire vasingachaiti mabasa echiKristu kuti vadzoke kuna Jehovha (Ona ndima 16, 17) The more of the glory of this light we receive, the more thereof we must radiate forth, and thus the more we are transformed. Jehovah's people do their best to help inactive ones return to Jehovah (See paragraphs 16, 17) Kana tikagamuchira mbiri huru yechiedza ichi, tinofanira kuiratidzira zvikuru, uye nokudaro tinoshandurwa zvikuru. Like Jesus, he is mild - tempered and lowly in heart. The greater glory of this light we receive, the more we must reflect it, and thus the more we are transformed. Kufanana naJesu, munyoro uye anozvininipisa mumwoyo. Those today who come out of Babylonish religion and are restored to Jehovah's pure worship can likewise look forward to a glorious future of eternal peace in Jehovah's restored Paradise. - Jeremiah 29: 11; Psalm 37: 34; Revelation 18: 2, 4. Like Jesus, he is mild - tempered and lowly in heart. Avo nhasi vanobuda murudzidziso rweBhabhironi uye vanodzorerwa kukunamatwa kwakachena kwaJehovha nenzira yakafanana vanogona kukarira nguva yemberi ine mbiri yorugare rusingagumi muParadhiso yaJehovha ichadzorerwa. - Jeremia 29: 11; Pisarema 37: 34; Zvakazarurwa 18: 2, 4. Clearly they had already been introduced to homosexual perversions. Those today who come out of Babylonian religion and are restored to Jehovah's pure worship can likewise look forward to a glorious future of lasting peace in Jehovah's restored Paradise. - Jeremiah 29: 11; Psalm 37: 34; Revelation 18: 2, 4. Nenzira yakajeka vakanga vatopinzwa muushati hwevatano yavanhu vane mitezo yakafanana yokubereka nayo. In time, I concluded that this was the true religion, and I became actively involved and was baptized in May 1940. They had clearly been subjected to homosexual sexual corruption. Nokufamba kwenguva, ndakagumisa kuti ichi chaiva chitendero chechokwadi, uye ndakabva ndanyanya kusonganira neungano ndokubhabhatidzwa muna May 1940. But what is his reason for allowing the world's present sorry state? In time, I concluded that this was the true religion, and I became closely associated with the congregation and was baptized in May 1940. Ndechipi chikonzero chaanobvumidzira mamiriro ezvinhu enyika aripo anosiririsa? Defending the Nazi policy of putting Jehovah's Witnesses in concentration camps, Rosenberg testified during his trial: "An American chaplain has very kindly given me in my cell a church paper from Columbus [Ohio]. What reason does he give for allowing the present sad world situation? Achidzivirira muitiro weNazi wokuisa Zvapupu zvaJehovha mumisasa yezvibharo, Rosenberg akapupurira mukati mokutongwa kwake, kuti: "Mufundisi weAmerica akandipa nenzira yomutsa zvikuru pepa rechechi rakabva kuColumbus [Ohio] muchitokisi changu. For Christians, it is likewise a joy to have a share in sanctifying Jehovah's name by enduring trials and persecution, following the example of Jesus. Renberg's defense of the Nazi practice of putting Jehovah's Witnesses in labor camps, Rosenberg testified during his trial: "The American clergyman so kindly gave me the church paper from Columbus [Poton] in my cell. Saizvozvowo mufaro kuvaKristu kubatanidzwa mukutsvenesa zita raJehovha nokutsungirira miedzo nokutambudzwa, vachitevera muenzaniso waJesu. The word also conveys the sense of not being overly strict. Similarly, it is a joy for Christians to share in sanctifying Jehovah's name by enduring trials and persecution, following Jesus ' example. Shoko racho rinewo pfungwa yokusanyanya kuzviomesera. (Compare 2 Chronicles 20: 24.) The word also carries the thought of being overly strict. (Enzanisa na 2 Makoronike 20: 24.) God gives true hope. (Compare 2 Chronicles 20: 24.) Mwari anopa tariro yechokwadi. □ Jehovah's blessing on the preaching work assures us of what future developments? God holds out a sure hope. □ Kukomborera kwaJehovha basa rokuparidza kunotivimbisa nezvechii chichaitika munguva iri mberi? She will walk into the most dangerous situations, feeling that she is invincible, that there is no danger - morally, physically, or otherwise. □ Of what does Jehovah's blessing on the preaching work guarantee us in the future? Anofamba munzvimbo dzine ngozi zvikuru, achifunga kuti hapana chingamuwana, kuti hapana chingamukuvadza, chingakanganisa tsika dzake kana imwe ngozi. Diary, 8 / 8 He walks through high - risk areas, thinking that nothing can find him, that nothing can harm him, either morally or otherwise. Harisi Revayaruki Chete, 8 / 8 How should a brother respond to this need? What's Wrong With Us? 8 / 8 Pakadai hama inofanira kuitei? (b) What is one way to strengthen our faith and courage? What should a brother do in this case? (b) Tingasimbisa sei kutenda kwedu uye tingaita sei kuti tive noushingi? God told the Israelites: "You must not hate your brother in your heart. " (b) How can we strengthen our faith, and how can we cultivate courage? Mwari akaudza vaIsraeri kuti: "Usavenga hama yako mumwoyo mako. " When the people acted in harmony with Jehovah's will, they experienced great joy. - Neh. God told the Israelites: "You must not hate your brother in your heart. " Vanhu pavaiita zvaidiwa naJehovha, vaifara kwazvo. - Neh. First, I need to put my own thinking in order! ' When people did Jehovah's will, they were overjoyed. - Neh. Kutanga, ndinofanira kugadzirisa mafungiro angu! ' Do Paul's words about preaching the word also apply to preaching outside the congregation? First, I have to adjust my thinking! ' Mashoko aPauro okuparidza shoko anoshandawo kuparidza kunze kweungano here? I was overjoyed to be free, but my freedom was short - lived. Do Paul's words about preaching the word also apply to preaching outside the congregation? Ndakafara kwazvo kusununguka, asi rusununguko rwangu rwakava rwenguva pfupi. Even though we may be limited in the material or practical help we can provide, our kindness to them reflects Jehovah's love for them. I was so happy to be free, but my freedom became short - lived. Mutsa watichavaratidza, kunyange zvazvo tisina zvakawanda zvatinogona kuvabatsira nazvo, ucharatidza kudiwa kwavanoitwa naJehovha. Stressed out? The kindness we show to them, although we do not have much to help them, will reflect Jehovah's love for them. Waodzwa mwoyo here? It is evident that the above - quoted proverb is not stating a hard - and - fast rule. Are you discouraged? Kuri pachena kuti chirevo chanokorwa mashoko pamusoro apa hachisi kutaura mutemo wakaoma. Some throw childish tantrums. It is evident that the proverb quoted above is not a hard - and - fast rule. Vamwe vanoita kutsamwa kukuru kwohuwana. Noah, however, had no part in Nimrod's rebellion. Some take great anger to find it. Zvisinei, Noa haana kubatanidzwa pakupandukira kwaNimrodhi. " Perhaps there may be someone who will carry you off as his prey through the philosophy and empty deception according to the tradition of men. " - Colossians 2: 8. However, Noah did not participate in Nimrod's rebellion. " Zvichida pangava nomumwe munhu angaenda nemi semhuka yake yaabata nouzivi uye nounyengeri husina zvahunobatsira maererano netsika yevanhu. " - VaKorose 2: 8. So, what is the message that Jehovah's Witnesses have to offer the people of Eastern Europe from the Bible? " Perhaps there may be someone who will carry you off as his prey through the philosophy and empty deception according to the tradition of men. " - Colossians 2: 8. Naizvozvo, chii chiri shoko iro Zvapupu zvaJehovha zvinofanira kugovera vanhu vokuMabvazuva eEurope rinobva muBhaibheri? The apostle Paul also told first - century Christians that they belonged to Jesus Christ, not to any men who might have taken the truth to them. So, what is the message that Jehovah's Witnesses must provide for people of Eastern Europe from the Bible? Muapostora Pauro akaudzawo maKristu omuzana rokutanga ramakore kuti vaiva vaJesu Kristu, kwete vavanhu vapi navapi vangave vakaendesa zvokwadi kwavari. The baptism on Friday proved to be thrilling. The apostle Paul also told first - century Christians that they belonged to Jesus Christ, not to any people who might have taken the truth to them. Rubhapatidzo paChishanu rwakabvumikisa kuva runofadza. • Why should we be interested in both the legal and the spiritual aspects of weddings? Baptism on Friday proved to be exciting. • Nei tichifanira kukoshesa zvinhu zvine chokuita nemitemo uye zvine chokuita nokunamata panyaya yokuroora? Jehovah Shows Himself Thankful • Why should we give priority to legal and spiritual matters regarding marriage? Jehovha Pachake Anoonga His life of 33 / 2 years had been fulfilling. Jehovah Himself Is Grateful Upenyu hwake hwamakore 33 / 2 hwakanga hwave huchigutsa. We need to be willing to set aside prideful human thinking and to rely on God as we seek correct interpretations of his word. - 1 Thessalonians 2: 13; James 4: 6. His 33 / 2 - year life had been satisfying. Hatifaniri ku kuzvikudza asi tinofanira kuvimba naMwari patinenge tichitsvaka kududzirwa kwakarurama kweshoko rake! - 1 VaTesaronika 2: 13; Jakobho 4: 6. □ What kind of freedom does God have? We should not be presumptuous but rely on God when seeking an accurate interpretation of his word! - 1 Thessalonians 2: 13; James 4: 6. □ Rudzii rworusununguko runa Mwari? Therefore, it is clear that Jehovah has provided a surpassing example of fatherly love that can help us to love him. □ What kind of freedom does God have? Saka zviri pachena kuti hapana munhu anopfuura Jehovha pakuratidza rudo uye rudo irworwo rwunoita kuti timudewo. These are strong words. Clearly, then, no human is greater than Jehovah in showing love, and such love moves us to love him in return. Mashoko aya ane simba. Ask yourself: " Have my needs for today been cared for? These words are powerful. Zvibvunze kuti: " Ndawana here zvandinoda zvezuva ranhasi? The world was enjoying a "vacation " from infectious disease. Ask yourself: " Have I found my present - day needs? Nyika yakanga iri kunakirwa no "kumbozorora " pazvirwere. " Thrown Down, but Not Destroyed " The world was enjoying "a resting - place " of sickness. " Takawisirwa Pasi, asi Hatina Kuparadzwa " You should be willing to make sacrifices for Jehovah. " We Were Cast Down, but We Were Not Destruction " Unofanira kunge uchida kurega zvimwe zvinhu nokuda kwaJehovha. Those whom we have considered had Jehovah as their share in the sense that they received an assignment of work in his service. You must be willing to make sacrifices for Jehovah. Vanhu vatakurukura nezvavo vakaita kuti Jehovha ave mugove wavo pakuti vakabvuma basa rokumushumira. No emphasis was put on the site of his birth. The individuals we considered made Jehovah their share in accepting the assignment to serve him. Hapana simbiso yakaiswa panzvimbo yokuberekwa kwake. Instead, the people acted "at the order of Jehovah by means of Moses. " No emphasis was placed on his birth. Asi vanhu vaifamba "sezvairayirwa naJehovha achishandisa Mosesi. " " A good - for - nothing man " may not only resort to "crookedness of speech " but also try to hide his motives with body language, such as" winking his eye. " But the people walked "just as Jehovah commanded through Moses. " " Munhu pasina " " haangotauri zvinhu zvisina kururama ' asiwo anoedza kuvanza vavariro dzake nokushandisa kwaanoita nhengo yomuviri, "achichonya neziso rake. " ZAMBIA " Not only does one " speak twisted things ' but he also tries to hide his motives by the use of a body member, "grating with his eye. " ZAMBIA Yes, "man has dominated man to his injury. " served as king of ancient Israel Chokwadi, "munhu akatonga mumwe munhu achimukuvadza. " How have Christendom's clergy of today continued in the same course as the unfaithful priests of Malachi's time? Yes, "man has dominated man to his injury. " Vakuru vechiKristudhomu vanhasi vakapfuurira sei vari munzira imwe cheteyo savaprista vasina kutendeka vomunguva yaMaraki? " JEHOVAH'S day is at hand! How have today's clergy continued in the same way as the unfaithful priests of Malachi's time? " ZUVA raJehovha rava pedyo! Before them will be the grand prospect of everlasting life in perfection in the earthly realm of the Kingdom. - Matthew 25: 34, 46. " THE day of Jehovah is near! Pamberi pavo pachava nekariro yakaisvonaka youpenyu husingaperi mukukwana munzvimbo yapasi yoUmambo. - Mateo 25: 34, 46. What should we do if our study has revealed an area of personal danger or weakness? Before them there will be a grand prospect of everlasting life in perfection in the earthly realm of the Kingdom. - Matthew 25: 34, 46. Chii chatinofanira kuita kana fundo yedu yaratidzira nharaunda yengozi yomunhu oga kana kuti utera? In the lunar calendar, each year is named after one of the 12 animals in the Chinese zodiac - dragon, tiger, monkey, rabbit, and so on. What should we do if our study has exposed an area of personal danger or weakness? Gore negore karenda yegore idzva inopiwa zita remhuka pa12 dzinoshandiswa nevazivi venyeredzi vokuChina - dhiragoni, tiger, tsoko, tsuro, zvichingodaro. Clearly, "the arrangings of the heart " is our responsibility. Each year the new calendar is named after the 12 of the animals used by Chinese astrologers - dragon, tiger, female, hare, and so forth. Zviri pachena kuti tisu tinofanira kuita "zvinorongwa nomwoyo. " When the moment of confrontation came, Deborah said to Barak: "Get up, for this is the day that Jehovah will certainly give Sisera into your hand. Is it not Jehovah that has gone out before you? " Clearly, we are responsible for carrying out "the plans of the heart. " Nguva yokurwisana payakasvika, Dhebhora akati kuna Bharaki: "Simuka, nokuti iri ndiro zuva raJehovha, raachaisa naro Sisera muruoko rwako; Jehovha haana kukutungamirira here? " If a Christian shepherd has children, the way he lovingly disciplines and regularly commends these little ones provides a model for other parents to follow. When the time of battle came, Deborah said to Barak: "Get up, because this is the day of Jehovah, with which he will give Sisera into your hand. Has not Jehovah led you? " Kana mufudzi wechiKristu aine vana, marangiro aanoita vaduku ivavo norudo uye kugara achivarumbidza zvinoratidza muenzaniso wakanaka wokuti vamwe vabereki vatevedzere. Instead, while still young and inexperienced, he had prayed for an obedient heart - a request that Jehovah granted by blessing him with wisdom and understanding. When a Christian shepherd has children, the way he disciplines those young ones in a loving manner and constantly commends them is a fine example for some parents to imitate. Asi, paakanga achiri muduku uye asina ruzivo rwakakura, akanga anyengeterera kuti ave nomwoyo unoteerera - chikumbiro icho Jehovha akamupa nokumukomborera nouchenjeri nokunzwisisa. No wonder Christendom's clergy class can be identified as "the man of lawlessness "! Yet, when he was young and inexperienced, he had prayed for an obedient heart - a request that Jehovah gave him by blessing him with wisdom and understanding. Hakushamisi kuti boka ravakuru vechiKristudhomu rinogona kuziviswa so "munhu wokusateerera mutemo "! Evidently not. No wonder Christendom's clergy class can be identified as "the man of lawlessness "! Zviri pachena kuti hachina. The problems young ones are experiencing today cut across economic, social, and racial lines. Obviously not. Zvinetso zviri kusangana nevaduku nhasi zvinowanika kwose, kuvapfumi nevarombo, munzanga dzose uye kumarudzi ose evanhu. Still Valid, Still Working The problems facing young people today are common - both to rich and to poor, in all societies and in all kinds of people. Kuchakanaka, Kuchikushanda This should not surprise us. Well, at Work Izvi hazvifaniri kutishamisa. The 12 hours mentioned in the parable were thought to correspond to the 12 years from 1919 to 1931. This should not surprise us. Maawa 12 anotaurwa mumuenzaniso iwoyo akanzi aienderana nemakore 12 anotangira muna 1919 kusvika muna 1931. However, that was religion's record in the past. The 12 hours mentioned in that illustration were said to correspond to the 12 - year - old period from 1919 to 1931. Zvisinei, ndicho chakanga chiri chinyorwa chorudzidziso munguva yakapfuura. Since no one could observe the Law perfectly, what effect did it have? However, that was a religious record in the past. Sezvo paisava nomunhu aigona kuchengeta Mutemo zvakakwana, waibatsirei? In fact, dancing is not referred to in any of the Bible accounts of weddings. Since no human could keep the Law perfectly, of what benefit was it? Kutaura zvazviri, kutamba hakutaurwi nezvako munhoroondo dzipi nedzipi dzemichato dzomuBhaibheri. But it must have been difficult for her to bond with me, since all her emotional and physical strength was spent on the intensive care that I required. In fact, dancing is not mentioned in any of the Bible's marriage accounts. Asi zvinofanira kunge zvakanga zvakavaomera kuti vave noukama hwepedyo neni sezvo vaipedzera pfungwa dzavo dzose nesimba pabasa guru raidiwa rokunditarisira. Why is it vital that Christians stay awake spiritually? But it must have been difficult for them to enjoy a close relationship with me as they spent all their attention and energy on the great work needed to care for me. Nei zvichikosha kuti vaKristu varambe vakamuka? This was my first assembly as a new circuit overseer, and I was an anxious 25 - year - old. Why is it vital that Christians stay awake? Iri ndiro raiva gungano rangu rokutanga somutariri wedunhu mutsva, uye ndaiva jaya remakore 25 rine ruzazu. 60 - 65 29 - 33 C.E. This was my first circuit assembly as a new circuit overseer, and I was a 25 - year - old man. Kana minda yaiva pedyo yakohwewa, mufudzi aigona kupinza makwai ake imomo kuti afure nhungirwa uye zvirimwa zvainge zvasarira pamashanga. After the fields near the village were harvested, the shepherd would allow his sheep to graze on new shoots and on grain left among the stubble. After the nearby fields were harvested, a shepherd could bring his sheep in there to be buried and the crops left over from the stubble. Nezvomunyengetero, muapostora Pauro akanyora kuti: "Musazvidya mwoyo pamusoro pechinhu chero chipi zvacho, asi muzvinhu zvose kukumbira kwenyu ngakuziviswe Mwari nokunyengetera nokuteterera pamwe chete nokuonga; uye rugare rwaMwari runopfuura kufunga kwose rucharinda mwoyo yenyu nesimba renyu rokufunga pachishandiswa Kristu Jesu. " With respect to prayer, the apostle Paul wrote: "Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that excels all thought will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus. " Regarding prayer, the apostle Paul wrote: "Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that excels all thought will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus. " Vakandikoka kuti ndipinde musangano weZvapupu. They invited me to attend a meeting of the Witnesses. They invited me to attend a meeting of the Witnesses. Zvinhu zvipi zvakakubatsira pakudzidza uri wega? What tools have helped you in your personal study? What tools have helped you to engage in personal study? Vaida ikoku uye kazhinji kazhinji vaiomerera pakuita inopfuura nhau imwe pafundo. " They loved this and often insisted on doing more than one story per study. " They wanted this and often insisted on doing more than one subject on the study. " VaKristu vepakuvamba vokuEfeso neKorose vakaimba "mapisarema nokurumbidza Mwari " (chaizvoizvo kureva kuti," nziyo "). The early Christians of Ephesus and Colossae sang "psalms and praises to God " (literally," hymns "). Early Christians in Ephesus and Colossae sang "the psalms and the praise of God " (meaning," songs "). Vakawanda havana kunyatsorovedzwa, vachiva vakadzidza basa ravo kubva kushamwari, magazini, kana mavhidhiyo. Many lack extensive training, having learned their craft from friends, magazines, or videos. Many are not well trained, having learned their trade from friends, magazines, or videos. Takatamira mumusha waiva pedyo neguta reTallinn muEstonia, iyo yaivawo muUSSR. We moved to a village near the city of Tallinn in Estonia, which was then part of the USSR. We moved to a village near the city of Tallinn in Estonia, also located in USSR. Petro akanga asati ava kunzwisisa nei Jesu aifanira kufa iye ari Mesiya. Peter was not yet able to see how Jesus ' death could fit in with his role as the Messiah. Peter did not yet understand why Jesus had to die as the Messiah. Shanduro yaJ. J. J. Unofema, unodya, unonwa, unofarikanya upenyu - zvose zvipo zvinobva kuna Mwari. You breathe, you eat, you drink, you enjoy life - all gifts from God. He breathes, eats, drinks, enjoys life - all gifts from God. Achirondedzera zvaaigarofunga, Sauro akati: "Pakushingaira kwangu, ndaitambudza [ungano]; pakururama kunorehwa nomurayiro ndakanga ndisina chandingapomerwa. " Describing the spirit he nurtured, Saul said: "As respects zeal, [I was] persecuting the congregation; as respects righteousness that is by means of law, one who proved himself blameless. " Describing what he had in mind, Saul said: "In my zeal I was persecuting [the congregation], and in the righteousness of the law I was blameless. " Kudeya kutaura kwakajeka, uye zvinoitika zvavose vari vaviri Jesu naPauro zvinotivimbisa kuti kwaizova naavo vaizova "vasingagamuchiri " uye vane mwoyo yaizova" isingagamuchiri. " The predictions are clear, and the experiences of both Jesus and Paul assure us that there would be those who would be "unresponsive " and whose hearts would be" unreceptive. " The clear predictions, and the experiences of both Jesus and Paul assure us that there would be those who would be "not accepting " and whose hearts would be" unresponsive. " Pane kupikisana neShoko raMwari, kungava kuchenjera kwakadini kuva nemaonero evaBheriya vomuzana rokutanga remakore vakanyatsoongorora Magwaro! And instead of questioning God's Word, how much wiser it is to have the attitude of the first - century Beroeans who examined the Scriptures closely! Rather than contradicting God's Word, how wise it would be to have the first - century Beroeans ' view of the Scriptures carefully! Maererano naJohani, Jesu akatanga kutaura nezvekurarama nokusingaperi paaitaura nomuFarisi ainzi Nikodhimo. According to John, Jesus first spoke about everlasting life to a Pharisee named Nicodemus. According to John, Jesus first spoke of everlasting life when speaking to Nicodemus, a Pharisee. Zvakadiniko kana ukakwezverwa kumumwe munhu ari kufunda Bhaibheri nokupinda misangano, kunyange zvazvo iye achigere kubhapatidzwa? What if you are attracted to someone who is studying the Bible and attending the meetings, although he or she is not yet baptized? What if you are attracted to someone who is studying the Bible and attending meetings, even though he is not yet baptized? © Stähli Rolf A / age fotostock © Stähli Rolf A / age fotostock © Stähli Rolf A / age © Stähli Magwaro anonyatsoratidza kuti vaya vaishandiswa naJehovha pakutungamirira vanhu vake vaiva vanhuwo vanotadza. The Scriptures candidly acknowledge the failings of those whom Jehovah used to lead his people in the past. The Scriptures clearly show that those whom Jehovah used to lead his people were imperfect. M. M. M. Munyori weBhaibheri Jakobho akaraira, kuti: "Shuwai, mucheme, murire; kuseka kwenyu ngakushandurwe kuve kuchema, nokufara kwenyu dzive shungu. The Bible writer James exhorted: "Give way to misery and mourn and weep. Let your laughter be turned into mourning, and your joy into dejection. The Bible writer James commanded: "Be sad and weep and weep. Let your laughter be turned into mourning, and your joy as grief. Chokwadika, hazvirevi kuti tinogona kuenda kunotenga raGutenberg rine mitsetse 42! Of course, that does not mean that we can go out and buy a 42 - line Gutenberg! Why, it does not mean that we can go shopping 42 - line Gutenberg! Zvisinei, kuparidzira Umambo hakuna kuganhurirwa kuvaapostora vaJesu. However, Kingdom - preaching was not limited to Jesus ' apostles. However, Kingdom preaching is not limited to Jesus ' apostles. Somuenzaniso, paainge ava kufa ari padanda, akaudza mudzidzi waaida chaizvo Johani kuti achengete amai vake avo vanofanira kunge vakanga vava chirikadzi. - Joh. 19: 26, 27. For instance, when he was at the point of death on the stake, Jesus entrusted the care of his mother, who was apparently then a widow, to his beloved disciple John. - John 19: 26, 27. For example, when dying on the stake, he told his beloved disciple John to keep his mother, who may have been a widow. - John 19: 26, 27. Nemhaka yokuti vakaipa vanobudirira, Asafi akapfuurira kuti nezvavo: "Saka kuzvikudza kwavo kwakafanana noruketani pamitsipa yavo; kumanikidza kunovafukidza senguvo. Because the wicked prosper, Asaph went on to say of them: "Therefore haughtiness has served as a necklace to them; violence envelops them as a garment. Because the wicked prosper, Asaph went on to say of them: " Their pride is like a chain around their neck; violence covers them like a garment. Kwamakore manomwe takabatira tiri mubasa rokufambira, tichishanyira hama munyika zhinji dzeEast Africa - kubatanidza Kenya, Etiopia, Sudan, Seychelles, Uganda, uye Tanzania. For seven years we served in the traveling work, visiting brothers in many countries of East Africa - including Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan, the Seychelles, Uganda, and Tanzania. For seven years we served in the traveling work, visiting brothers in many countries of East Africa - including Kenya, Ethiopia, Mauritius, Seychelles, Uganda, and Tanzania. 4026 B.C.E. " Engines of Destruction " Foreseen (military aircraft), 10 / 07 4026 B.C.E. Wezvamapisarema akanyengetera, achiti: "Ndidzidzisei runako, ungwaru nezivo zvimene, nokuti ndakashandisa kutenda mumirairo yenyu. " 4026 B.C.E. The psalmist prayed: "Teach me goodness, discernment and knowledge themselves, for in your commandments I have exercised faith. " MASHOKO anowanzotaurwa okuti, "Mari ndiyo mudzi wezvakaipa zvose " anowanzonzi anobva muBhaibheri. The psalmist prayed: "Teach me goodness, sensibleness and knowledge themselves, for in your commandments I have exercised faith. " " Money is the root of all sorts of injurious things, " often referred to in the Bible. Kudai raizodonhera mugungwa masaisai makuru aizofashamira mhenderekedzo dzacho. THE adage "Money is the root of all evil " has often been ascribed to the Bible. If it fell into the sea, great waves would flood the beaches. Kune vaya vane vanun'una nevakoma kana hanzvadzi, ndinoti, " Musafunge kuti havakoshi! ' " If it hit the ocean, the tidal waves would flood the coastlines. To those who have brothers or sisters, I say, " Don't think they're worthless! ' " Izvi zvaiita kuti zviitiko zvacho zviratidzike sezvakanga zvichifarirwa navanamwari. To those who have siblings, I would say, " Don't take them for granted! ' " This made the events appear to have been popular with the gods. Pane madzimambo mana aJudha akanga akasiyana nevamwe pakushingairira kunamata kwechokwadi. This gave the events the appearance of having divine blessing. The four kings of Judah were unique in their zeal for true worship. Kutaura mashoko acho semataurirwo awo chaiwo ndiko kwaiva kwakanyanya kuoma. Four kings of Judah were outstanding for their zealous support of true worship. Speaking the words in their own words was especially difficult. Vanhu vemarudzi ose vanonzwa sei "inzwi raJehovha, " uye izvi zvinobatana sei nokuratidza kwedu ruramisiro? It was especially challenging to say the words in the right tone. How do people of all nations feel about "the voice of Jehovah, " and how does this relate to our display of justice? CHIZVARWA chimwe nechimwe chingataura kuti chakaona kutsvakwa kukurusa kwekose kwechinhu chinotengwa ichocho chinotsvakwa zvikurusa pamusoro papasi - mari! How do people of all nations hear "the very voice of Jehovah, " and how does this relate to our exercising of justice? ONE by one would say that he saw the greatest search for that best - selling item sought for about the earth - money! Akanyora, kuti: "Kana wawana, hauna kutadza. " EACH generation may argue that they have seen the greatest quest of all for that most - sought - after commodity on the face of the earth - money! He wrote: "If you did marry, you would commit no sin. " Muna July 1998 murume wangu akafa. He wrote: "Even if you did marry, you would commit no sin. " In July 1998 my husband died. Asi Bhaibheri rakagarawo rataura kuti munguva yedu vanhu vasingadi Mwari vaizoratidza rudo rune udyire. In July 1998 my beloved husband passed away. But the Bible also foretold that in our time ungodly people would display selfish love. Pachimwe chiitiko, Jesu akacherechedza imwe chirikadzi yakanga yava kuda kuviga mwanakomana wayo mumwe chete. Yet, the inspired Scriptures also foretold that in our day, a misdirected kind of love characterized by selfishness would be shown by people who are alienated from God. On one occasion, Jesus observed a widow who was about to bury her only son. Revhiatani Inorumbidza Mwari On another occasion, Jesus observed a widow about to bury her only son. Levianani Praises God Pashanyo yapashure, ndakawana murume akabatikana nokunyerenyeta imba. Leviathan Brings God Praise On the previous visit, I found a man busy turning into a house. (3) Williams, M. On a later visit, I found the husband busy decorating the house. (3) Williams, M. Asi Drosnin akaramba akasimba, achitaura mashoko aya anoti: "Kana vatsoropodzi vangu vaona shoko rinotaura nezvokuurayirwa chigaro kwoMutungamiriri wehurumende rakanyorwa mu [novhero] rinonzi Moby Dick, ndichatenda kwavari. " (3) Williams, M. Yet, Drosin stood firm, quoting these words: "If my critics see a message about the murder of the prime minister of state in [the] Moby Dick, I will be grateful to them. " Pane rumwe rutivi, vanozviisa pasi nokungwarira pevaya vane chiremera. - 11 / 1, peji 17. But Drosnin stood his ground, issuing this challenge: "When my critics find a message about the assassination of a Prime Minister encrypted in [the novel] Moby Dick, I will believe them. " On the other hand, they carefully submit to those in authority. - 11 / 1, page 17. Vanzveri vavana vakawana kuti sezvo mukaha wechizvarwa wakakurumbira unovamba nokuda kwepwere, anova anopesvedzerwa zvakasimba zvikuru navaenzani. On the other hand, they are in conscientious subjection to those in authority. - 11 / 1, page 17. Child researchers have found that as the gap between the popular generation begins for youths, they become more strongly influenced by peers. Kuvengana kwemadzinza nemarudzi, kusiyana kwezvitendero, kusaruramisira uye kusagadzikana kwezvematongerwe enyika ndizvo zvave zvichikonzera. Child researchers have found that as the proverbial generation gap opens for a youth, he becomes more strongly influenced by peers. Either ethnic and national hatreds, religious differences, injustice, and political turmoil have been behind them. Kunyange zvakadaro, vakaramba vachidzidza Bhaibheri. Ethnic and tribal hatred, religious differences, injustice, and political turmoil have been factors. Still, they continued to study the Bible. Zvisinei hazvo, Pauro akavanyorera imwe tsamba achiti: "Zvino tinokuzivisai, hama dzangu, nyasha dzaMwari dzakapiwa pakereke dzeMakedhonia; kuti pakati pokuidzwa kukuru kwokutambudzika, mufaro wavo mukuru, pamwe chete nourombo hwavo hukuru, zvakawanza zvikuru kusanyima kwavo. Still, they continued their Bible study. In any case, Paul wrote them another letter, saying: "Now we declare to you, brothers, the undeserved kindness of God that was given to the congregations of Macedonia, that, amid the great test of tribulation, their abundance of joy and their deep poverty, they became more abundant. Dr. At any rate, Paul wrote them another letter saying: "Now we let you know, brothers, about the undeserved kindness of God that has been bestowed upon the congregations of Macedonia, that during a great test under affliction their abundance of joy and their deep poverty made the riches of their generosity abound. Dr. Chokwadika kwete! Dr. Of course not! Achataura pamusoro pembiri youmambo hwaJehovha. - Pisarema 145: 10 - 13; Mateo 24: 14. Of course not! He will speak about the glory of Jehovah's kingship. - Psalm 145: 10 - 13; Matthew 24: 14. Kunamata Zango Kunorwisana Nokunamata Kwechokwadi He will speak about the glory of Jehovah's kingship. - Psalm 145: 10 - 13; Matthew 24: 14. True Worship Versus True Worship Baba vacho pavakasvika kumwanakomana wavo, vakawira pamutsipa womwanakomana wavo ndokumutsvoda zvinyoronyoro. Fetish Worship Versus True Worship When the father reached his son, he fell upon his son's neck and tenderly kissed him. Nyaya yacho inoti: "Paakamuona, akatanga kubvarura nguo dzake akati: " Maiwe, mwanasikana wangu kani! When the father reached his son, he fell upon his son's neck and tenderly kissed him. The account says: "When he caught sight of her, he began to tear his garments and say: " Alas, my daughter! ONA PEJI 16. " When he caught sight of her, " says the account, "he began to rip his garments and to say: " Alas, my daughter! SEE PAGE 16. (akabudiswa neZvapupu zvaJehovha) kana kuti kumbira munhu akakupa magazini ino kuti akuudze mamwe mashoko. SEE PAGE 16. ( Published by Jehovah's Witnesses) or ask the person who gave you this magazine to share some information with you. Mune dzimwe nyika dzeAfrica, zuva rimwe rizere rokuteza rinogovera bedzi mugove wamazuva matatu. or ask the person who gave you this magazine for more information. In some African countries, one full day of papyrus provides only a three - day supply. Ndakabva ndapa mumwe wevarindiri nhamba dzacho ndikakumbira mabhuku acho. In some African lands, one full day's collecting provides only three days ' supply. Then I turned over one of the guards and asked for the books. Nzira Yakafara Inotungamirira Kungwavaira Then I gave a guard these numbers and asked for the books. A Happy Way Leads to Disasters Fungidzira kuti Maria akanzwa sei. The Broad Way Leads to Disaster Imagine how Maria felt. Zvaaiva muprofitakadzi muIsraeri, airemekedzwa kwazvo nevanhu, zvikurukuru nevakadzi. Imagine how Mary felt. As a prophetess in Israel, he was highly esteemed by men, especially by women. Farao akatyisidzira Mosesi. As a prophetess in Israel, she enjoyed great respect from the people, particularly the women. Pharaoh threatened Moses. Ndakaonawo mukomana ainzi Juan Ardanez uyo akatsvakurudza kuti anyatsova nechokwadi nezviri muBhaibheri sezvakaitwa nevaBheriya. Pharaoh threatened Moses. I also saw Juan Ardaz, a young man who did research to become more convinced of the Bible as did the Beroeans. Kufurira kwavanoita vanhu kwakasimba sei? I also met young Juan Ardanez who like the Beroeans eagerly did research to confirm the truthfulness of the Bible message. How strong is their influence on people? Satani anogona here kutimanikidza kuita zvatisingadi? How powerful is their influence over humans? Can Satan force us to do what we do not want? SavaKristu, tinoshuva zvikuru nzwisiso yomudzimu yakavakirwa pazivo yakarurama yeShoko raMwari. Can Satan force us to act against our own will? As Christians, we sorely desire spiritual discernment based on accurate knowledge of God's Word. Asi izvozvo zvaisakanganisa imba yavo. As Christians, we especially desire spiritual discernment based on accurate knowledge of God's Word. But that would not affect their marriage. Tinodzidza kuti nei kufarirwa naMwari kuchikosha kupfuura zvimwe zvinhu zvese. Yet, their differences did not drive a wedge between them. We learn why having God's approval is of utmost importance. Zviratidzo zvavanenge vanazvo zvingavhiringidza vanachiremba kana kuti zvinogona kunge zvakafanana nezvezvimwe zvirwere zvinozivikanwa. We learn why gaining God's approval is worth any sacrifice. The symptoms they have may affect doctors or may be similar to other common diseases. Muna 1995, ndakafara pandakasanganazve nevamwe vangu. Their symptoms might baffle doctors or mimic those of more common illnesses. In 1995, I was thrilled to meet my friends again. Ndiani Achateerera Inzwi Rouchenjeri? In 1995, I attended a heartwarming reunion. Who Will Listen to the Voice of Wisdom? Pfungwa Huru Dzatinowana Mubhuku raHosiya, 9 / 15 Who Will Listen to the Voice of Wisdom? Highlights From Hosea, 9 / 1 □ Kubudirira chaikoiko chii? Highlights From Daniel, 9 / 1 □ What is real success? Kudzivisa kumuparira zvimwe zvinetso, ipapo takabva asi takavimbisa kudzokera gare gare apo mugariro waizenge wavandudzika. □ What is real success? To avoid causing him further problems, then we left but promised to return later when the situation would have improved. Vaapostora zvino vanoburuka muGomo reMiorivhi, vanoyambuka Mupata waKidroni, uye vanopinda muJerusarema zvakare. To avoid causing further problems for her, we then left but promised to return later when the situation had improved. The apostles now descend from the Mount of Olives, cross the Kidron Valley, and enter Jerusalem again. Department of Health and Human Services rinokurudzira kuti kana uchinge wasarudza kurega kusvuta, zuva raucharega kusvuta zvachose ngarive muvhiki mbiri dzinotangira pamusi waunenge wasarudza kurega. The apostles now descend the Mount of Olives, cross the Kidron Valley, and enter Jerusalem once again. Department of Health and Human Services recommends that if you choose to quit smoking, let your quit date be two weeks earlier on the date you choose to quit. Chimwe chinoita kuti tifungisise ndechokuti kuita sounoda mumwe munhu kungaita kuti mugume maita upombwe kana ufeve. Department of Health and Human Services recommends that once you have decided to quit, the first day of your life free from cigarettes should be within two weeks. Another reason for meditating on the fact that romantic interest may lead to adultery or fornication. Haana kubvumira minzwa youkata kukura; akanga akabatikana zvikuru kusakurira maruva. Sobering too is the fact that flirting can lead to adultery or fornication. He did not allow the thorns of loneliness to grow; he was too busy cultivating flowers. Apo Zvakawanda Zvinenge Zvichidiwa She allowed no thistles of loneliness to grow; she was too busy tending the roses. When More Is Needed ungati kudii? When More Is Needed what would you say? Jesu paakamutswa akapedza mazuva 40 nevadzidzi vake, achisimbisa kutenda kwavo uye achivagadzirira kuti vazoita basa guru rokuparidza. what would you say? After Jesus ' resurrection, he spent 40 days with his disciples, strengthening their faith and preparing them for the great preaching work. Chinozivikanwa navose zvakafanana chitendero chokuti " musikana haazivi upenyu kutozosvikira avatana nomukomana. ' For 40 days, the resurrected Jesus appeared to his disciples, strengthening their faith and preparing them for a great evangelizing work ahead. So common is the belief that " a girl doesn't know life until she has sex with a boyfriend. ' Ndokubva vazoregedza, ndokudonha, ndokudonha, ndokudonha. Equally common is the belief that " a girl does not know life until she has had sex with a boy. ' Then she let him go, fell down, fell down, and fell. Nenzira yakafanana, kwakanga kuri kuna Adhama naEvha kubvumikisa kana vaida kuzviisa pasi pokutonga kwaMwari. Then they had to let go, and they fell and fell and fell. Similarly, it was to Adam and Eve to prove whether they wanted to submit to God's rule. Kunyange zvakanga zvakadaro, Palmira akanzwa akasungwa nemhiko dzaakanga aita kuna Mwari dzokupikira usisita. Likewise, it was up to Adam and Eve to prove whether they wanted to submit to God's rule. Nevertheless, Palmira felt bound by vows that she had made to God for vowing a nun. Vamwe vanhu, vachiva vanoti vakirei pauzivi, vanotaura kuti kunongova bedzi kurasikirwa kworubudiriro. Nevertheless, Palmira felt bound to God by the vows she had made as a nun. Some people, being somewhat self - centered on philosophy, claim that it is simply a loss of success. Iroro ibasa raJehovha. Some people, being rather philosophical, say that it is just the price of success. That is Jehovah's work. Panosvika nguva yaunoona pikicha yake, iye zvimwe akatofa. That belongs to Jehovah. By the time you see his picture, he probably has already died. Kana imbwa iyi ikasvikwa, ingava inodenha nemhaka yorutyo. By the time you see her picture, she is probably already dead. If this dog is approached, it may be aggressive out of fear. Pamusoro pechiono chenyika yose, The State of the World's Children 1994, mumwe mushumo wakaitwa neUNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund), unoti mumwe muvashanu venhamba yavagari vapasi anorarama muurombo chaihwo, uchiwedzera kuti upenyu nokuda kwevakawanda zvikuru vavarombo venyika "huri kuva hwakaoma nenzira inowedzera uye husina tariro. " If this dog is approached, it may become aggressive out of fear. Regarding the global scene, The State of the World's Children 1994, a report by UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund), says that one out of five of the world's population lives in absolute poverty, adding that life for more and more of the world's poor "is becoming increasingly complex and hopeless. " Kwakakuomera here kurava, kufunda, kana kuti kunyange kupa ngwariro pamisangano yechiKristu nekokorodzano - nemhaka bedzi yokuti haugoni kurega kufunga pamusoro peane mutezo wakasiyana wokubereka nawo? Concerning the global picture, The State of the World's Children 1994, a report by UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund), observes that one fifth of the world's population lives in absolute poverty, adding that life for most of the world's poor is "becoming increasingly hard and desperate. " Is it difficult for you to read, study, or even concentrate at Christian meetings and conventions - simply because you cannot stop thinking about the opposite sex? Hazvitiratidzi here kuti pane Mugadziri, kana kuti Musiki akangwara? Is it difficult for you to read, study, or even concentrate at Christian meetings and conventions - simply because you just can't get your mind off the opposite sex? Does it not show us that there is a Designer, or intelligent Creator? Dr. Do they not tell us that there is an intelligent Designer, or Creator? Dr. Vose vari vaviri varume navakadzi vanochengeta kutsanya chaiko... kuvimbisa mufarwa, budiriro nokukanganwirwa kwokudarika nezvivi. " Dr. Both men and women observe special fasting... to ensure happiness, prosperity and forgiveness of transgression and sin. " Funga izvi: Kana Satani ari iye mutongi wenyika, saka ndiye ari kunyengera vanhu kuti vangozvifunga ivo chete, vave nemakaro uye vave nemafungiro akaipa. Both men and women observe strict fast... to ensure happiness, prosperity and forgiveness of transgressions and sins. " Consider: If Satan is the ruler of the world, then he is trying to deceive people into self - centered, greedy, and wicked attitudes. Kuti vasanetsana navo, varume veJudha vakatuma varume 3 000 kuti vandosunga mutungamiriri akasarudzwa naMwari uye kuti vamuendese kuvavengi vake. Think of this: If Satan has power over the world, then he influences humans to be as selfish, greedy, and shortsighted as he is. To avoid conflict, the men of Judah sent 3,000 men to arrest God's chosen leader and to lead him to his enemies. Bhaibheri rinongoti: "Vose vakatadza, vakasasvika pakubwinya kwaMwari. " To avoid trouble, the men of Judah sent 3,000 men to arrest God's chosen leader and surrender him to his enemies. The Bible simply says: "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. " Vatano Yavane Mitezo Mimwe Cheteyo Yevatano naVakaturike The Bible simply says: "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. " Sexuality With Those Sexual Members and Catholics Jehovha aigona kutanga kutaura nezvesimba rake kana uchenjeri hwake. Homosexuality and Catholics Jehovah could first speak of his power or wisdom. Naizvozvo, mukuparidzira kwake kwamakore matatu nehafu munyika yokuberekwa kwake, iye sezviri pachena akaparidzira mumutauro wapanguva yacho wechiJudha, kana kuti chiHebheru. Jehovah could have stressed his power or his wisdom. Therefore, in his preaching for three and a half years in his native land, he evidently preached in the contemporary Jewish, or Hebrew, language. Chinetso ndechokuti nguva dzose unorangarira kuti ndimumwe munhu ari wourudzi. Accordingly, in his preaching for three and a half years in the land of his birth, he evidently preached in the current Jewish language, or Hebrew. The problem is that you always feel someone is racial. Jehovha ane mutsa, uye ndizvowo zvakaita Mwanakomana wake. The problem is that you always feel it is the other person who is racist. Jehovah is kind, and so is his Son. Pauro akanyora nhevedzano yezvinhu zvinoitika kuvaKristu - kutambudzika, kutsungirira, kutenderwa, uye tariro. Jehovah is kind, and so is his Son. Paul wrote a series of things that happen to Christians - tribulation, endurance, approval, and hope. Mune ramangwana, tichava neropafadzo yokurarama nokusingaperi munyika yakachena inenge isisina Satani. Paul presented a series of things that Christians experience - tribulation, endurance, approved condition, and hope. In the future, we will have the privilege of living forever in a clean world where Satan no longer exists. Donovan akapedza kufunda mukirasi yechi16 yeWatchtower Bible School of Gilead muna February 1951 ndokushanda semutariri anofambira muUnited States asati adzokera kuhofisi yebazi remuSouth Africa. In the future, after Satan is removed, we will have the privilege of living forever in a world cleansed of his corrupting influence. Donovan graduated from the 16th class of the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead in February 1951 and served as a traveling overseer in the United States before returning to the South Africa branch office. Asi zvinowanzoitika ndezvokuti, kuyeuchidzwa nezvokusvuta nezvimwe zvinhu zvaunoita kuchadzikira nokufamba kwenguva uye hakuzovi nesimba. Donovan graduated from the 16th class of the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead in February 1951 and served as a traveling overseer in the United States before returning to work at the branch office in South Africa. But often it is that being reminded of smoking and other activities will slow down with the passing of time and will not be powerful. Akanga achipinda misangano yeZvapupu zvaJehovha nguva dzose nomudzimai wangu. As a general rule, however, the association of smoking with specific activities will weaken in time and lose its force. He was regularly attending meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses with my wife. Garai muchigadzirisa mitemo iyi kuitira kuti vanhu vose, kusanganisira Amai naBaba, vazive zvinonyatsodiwa. She was regularly attending the meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses with my wife. Always adjust these laws so that everyone, including Mom and Dad, will know exactly what is really needed. Pasinei nokuti ndinorwisa sei, haibudi mumusoro. Review the rules regularly so all - including Mom and Dad - know exactly what is expected of them. No matter how I fight, it does not come out of my mind. Jesu akawadzanyura sei Muvengi? No matter how hard I fight, they are still there. How did Jesus identify the Adversary? T. How did Jesus expose the Adversary? T. Saka kana uchida tariro, kana wanga uchiitsvaka, shinga. T. So if you want hope, if you have been looking for it, take courage. Somuenzaniso, Pablo Besson akashandura Testamende Itsva achiisa muSpanish kutanga kwezana remakore rechi20. So if you are in need of hope, if you have been searching for it, take courage. For example, Pablo Besson translated the New Testament into Spanish early in the 20th century. Zvino, ndingava ndichitarira shure nokuonga kana kuti kutarira mberi nekariro, ndinowana kuti mashoko aJeremia ane revo zvikuru: "Nokuda kwounyoro hwaJehovha tigere kupedzwa, nokuti tsitsi dzake hadziperi. For instance, Pablo Besson translated the New Testament into Spanish in the early 20th century. Now, whether I am looking back with gratitude or looking ahead with anticipation, I find that Jeremiah's words are very meaningful: "Because of Jehovah's loving - kindness we have not been brought to an end, because his mercies are everlasting. Naizvozvo idai vaduku venyu, uye vachengetei vari pedyo nemi. Now, whether looking back with gratitude or looking forward in anticipation, I find that Jeremiah's words have much meaning: "It is the acts of loving - kindness of Jehovah that we have not come to our finish, because his mercies will certainly not come to an end. Therefore love your little ones, and keep them close to you. (a) Mirayiroi inodzokororwa inotinyandura kurumbidza Jehovha? So cherish your young ones, and keep them close to you. (a) What repeated commands stimulate us to praise Jehovah? Chisungo ichi chakakwana chokubatana, irwo rudo, ndicho chinoratidza kuti ava ndivo vaKristu vechokwadi. (a) What repeated injunctions stir us to praise Jehovah? This perfect bond of union, which is love, is the identifying mark of true Christians. Ndakazvarwa muna 1922 mumusha weGudalur muNilgiri Hills wakaisvonaka wokumaodzanyemba kweIndia. I was born in 1922 in the village of Gudalur in the beautiful Nilgiri Hills of south India. I was born in 1922 in the village of Gudalur in the beautiful Nilgi Hills of southern India. Kune imwe ungano akanyora, kuti: "Tinokutendai munaShe. " To one congregation he wrote: "We have confidence in the Lord regarding you. " To another congregation he wrote: "We thank you in connection with the Lord. " Ngirozi yakazoratidza Johani kuti misoro minomwe yechikara chitsvuku, icho chiri mufananidzo wechikara chepana Zvakazarurwa 13: 1, inomirira "madzimambo manomwe, " kana kuti hurumende. An angel later indicates to John that the seven heads of a scarlet beast, which is an image of the beast of Revelation 13: 1, represent "seven kings, " or governments. An angel later showed John that the seven heads of the scarlet - colored wild beast - the image of the wild beast at Revelation 13: 1, represent "seven kings, " or governments. Iye akati kwavari, " Mumwe munhu, muvengi, akaita izvi. ' He said to them, " An enemy, a man, did this. ' He said to them, " A certain man, an enemy, did this. ' LIBERIA LIBERIA LIBERIA Kwave kune kugamuchirwa kwerudzii kubasa renyu? What kind of response has there been to your work? What kind of response has there been to your work? Iri izita rawakambonzwa here? Does that name sound familiar? Has this been a name you have heard? Kana tikafungisisa tichionga upenyu hwaJesu Kristu, ushumiri hwake, uye zvaakadzidzisa, tichanyatsoratidza unhu hwaJehovha. If we appreciatively contemplate the life, the ministry, and the teachings of Jesus Christ, we will reflect Jehovah's qualities more fully. If we appreciatively meditate on the life, ministry, and teachings of Jesus Christ, we will truly reflect Jehovah's qualities. Shoko rechiGiriki rinoshandurwa kuti "ushingi " rinoreva kuti" kusanyara kutaura, kubuda pachena, kutaura zvinhu sezvazviri. " The Greek word translated "boldness " means" outspokenness, frankness, plainness. " The Greek word translated "cour " means" not to be ashamed of speaking, to be open, to say things the way they are. " Kupfurikidza nokutsinhiranisa nokuzvininipisa kufunga kwake nomufambiro nemitemo yaMwari, sezvinoratidzirwa nechakaitika chokuSuriname. - VaEfeso 4: 22 - 24. By humbly conforming his thinking and conduct to God's standards, as illustrated by the following experience from Suriname. - Ephesians 4: 22 - 24. By humbly complying with his thinking and conduct with God's laws, as illustrated by the experience of gravity. - Ephesians 4: 22 - 24. Rega shamwari yako itaure zviri kutsi kwomwoyo wayo. Let your friend express himself freely. Let your friend express his or her feelings. TATEGURU Jobho aigara munyika yeUzi, iri muArabia. THE patriarch Job resides in the land of Uz, now in Arabia. THE patriarch Job lived in the land of Uz, Arabia. Ivo vakawana kotsekano pabwe, uye pashure pamafashamo vakagarazve pasi. They found safety on a rock, and after the flood they repopulated the earth. They found safety on a stone, and after the flood they again sat down. Mukuedza kuumbiridza kuyanana pakati pevakatambudzwa nevatambudzi vavo, vatungamiriri vorudzidziso nevezvematongerwe enyika panhambo dzinoverengeka vakakurudzira vanhu kukanganwa utsinye hwakaitika. In an attempt to foster reconciliation between victims and their tormentors, religious and political leaders have on occasion invited people to forget atrocities suffered. In an attempt to establish a reconciliation between victims and their persecutors, religious and political leaders on several occasions urged people to forget the atrocities that occurred. SEZVAKATAURWA naKofi Annan, kudyidzana kwenyika dzepasi pose kunonyatsobudirira chaizvo kwaizoita kuti upenyu hwevanhu vose vepasi pano huve nani. AS Kofi Annan pointed out, a truly successful globalization would improve the life of every inhabitant of the global neighborhood. AS Kofi Annan came to realize, the world's truly successful globalization would improve the lot of the world's entire human life. Tinozviona pakurwisana kunoramba kuchiitwa pasi pose, apo mbavha dzinourayira vanhu tumari tushomanana - kana kuti pasina nechikonzero chose. We see it in the ongoing waves of violent crime sweeping the earth, with thieves killing their victims over a bit of petty change - or for no reason at all. We see it in an ongoing global conflict, where thieves kill people in small amounts - or for no reason. Asi pana November 1, 1950, chechi pakupedzisira yakava nechimiro chakasimba. But on November 1, 1950, the church finally took a definite stand. But on November 1, 1950, the church finally took a firm stand. Saka shoko rokuti "chizvarwa " parinoshandiswa kureva vanhu vanenge vachirarama panguva imwe chete, urefu chaihwo hwenguva iyoyo hahugoni kutaurwa kunze kwokuti hune pahunogumira uye hahuzovi hwakarebesa. So when the term "generation " is used with reference to people living at a particular time, the exact length of that time cannot be stated except that it does have an end and would not be excessively long. So when the term "generation " is used to refer to people living at the same time, the exact length of time cannot be stated unless it is limited and will not be long. ▪ Isaya 1 - 23 ▪ Isaiah 1 - 23 ▪ Isaiah 1 - 23 Batanidzai mwoyo wangu kuti utye zita renyu. " - Pis. Unify my heart to fear your name. " - Ps. Gather my heart to fear your name. " - Ps. * * * Kune mhando dzinopfuura 18 dzeshiri idzi uye dzimwe dzacho dziri kuratidzwa pano. There are about 18 species, some of which are shown here. There are more than 18 different species of birds, some of which are shown here. Tingaremekedza sei zvinenge zvasarudzwa nevamwe vaKristu vachitungamirirwa nehana dzavo? How can we respect the conscientious decision of a fellow believer? How can we respect the conscientious decisions of fellow Christians? Koreshi aigona kuganza pachinyorwa chekiyunifomu, chinozivikanwa seCyrus Cylinder, kuti: "Ndini Koreshi, mambo wenyika, mambo mukuru, mambo akarurama, mambo weBhabhironi, mambo weSuma... Cyrus could boast on a cuneiform document, known as the Cyrus Cylinder: "I am Cyrus, king of the world, great king, legitimate king, king of Babylon, king of Sumer. " Cyrus could boast on an inscription, known as Cyrus Cylinder: "I am Cyrus the king of the land, the great king, the righteous king, king of Babylon, king of Suma... Anoti: "Vana vedu vakafara zvikuru nokushanyirwa kwavakaitwa uye nenguva yakanaka yatakava nayo. He says: "Our children were thrilled with the attention they got and the pleasant time we had. He says: "Our children were very grateful for their visit and for the good time we had. Mutsipa wetwiza chinhuwo chakagadzirwa zvinoshamisa. The giraffe's neck is also a marvel of design. The giraffe's neck is also a wonderful product. (b) King James Version inoshandura sei mashoko echiHebheru neechiGiriki nokuda kwo "mweya "? (b) How does the King James Version render the Hebrew and Greek words for "soul "? (b) How does the King James Version render Hebrew and Greek words for "soul "? Kana kusaremekedzwa kwechivimbo chedu kukaramba kuchiitika zvingaita kuti tifungisise nezveshamwari dzatinosarudza. Repeated betrayal of trust might make us think carefully about our choice of associations. The continued lack of respect for our trust may move us to think seriously about the friends we choose. Kaputeni James Cook akasvika muna 1777 uye, kufanana naDu Fresne, akaonana nevanhu vechitsuwa chacho vakasiyana, vaAborigine. Captain James Cook arrived in 1777 and, like Du Fresne, he made contact with the island's unique people, the Aborigines. The captain James Cook arrived in 1777 and, like Du Fresne, came in contact with the people of the different island, the Aborigines. Sokutaura kwakaita munyori wepisarema Dhavhidhi, "chipupuriro chaJehovha ndechazvokwadi, chinopa vasina mano njere. " As the psalmist David put it, "the reminder of Jehovah is trustworthy, making the inexperienced one wise. " As the psalmist David said, "the reminder of Jehovah is trustworthy, making the inexperienced one wise. " Rudo rwechiKristu, zvisinei, rwakatambanukira kunyange kuvavengi vavo. Christian love, however, extended even to their enemies. Christian love, however, extended even to their enemies. Jakobho akanyora kuti: "Hama, shivirirai kusvikira pakuvapo kwaShe. James wrote: "Exercise patience..., brothers, until the presence of the Lord. James wrote: "Brothers, be patient until the presence of the Lord. Mutsaona yakatevera, ndakakuvadza zvikuru ziso regumbo rangu. In the accident that followed, I seriously hurt my ankle. In the following accident, I seriously damaged the eye of my leg. Zvinonzi varwi vanofunga kuti nguva yakunenge kwava kuda kuedza ndiyo yakanakisisa yokubata muvengi akarivara. Reportedly, soldiers consider the hour before dawn to be the best time to catch an enemy unawares. It is said that soldiers feel that the time that is about to try is the best one to catch an on - the - back enemy. Zvisinei, chaizvoizvo yakakonzera mumwe mubvunzo: Mariya, mukadzi akabereka Jesu, aiva "Amai vaMwari " here? However, it actually raised another issue: Was Mary, the woman who bore Jesus, "the Mother of God "? In reality, though, it raised another question: Was Mary, the woman who bore Jesus, "the Mother of God "? Kuchinja Kwakazoita Zvinhu Mumaoko aPokiyo Fesito The Crisis Under Porcius Festus A Change in Pontius Festus's Hand APRIL 22 - 28, 2013 APRIL 22 - 28, 2013 APRIL 22 - 28, 2013 Uchapisika misodzi yose pameso avo; rufu haruchavipo, kana kuchema, kana kurira, kana kutambudzika hazvingavipo; nokuti zvokutanga zvapfuura. " - Zvakazarurwa 21: 3, 4. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away. " - Revelation 21: 3, 4. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away. " - Revelation 21: 3, 4. Pakati pa1986 na1992, nhamba yavaGerman vakawanda vaivimba zvikuru, kana kuti zvimwe vaitombovimba nechechi, yakadonha kubva pa40 kuenda pa33 muzana. Between 1986 and 1992, the number of Germans with much, or at least a good measure of, confidence in the church fell from 40 to 33 percent. Between 1986 and 1992, the majority of Germans either trusted too much, or trusted the church at all, fell from 40 to 33 percent. Kuna Jehovha akanga akarurama neasina chaangapomerwa, asi "vanyaradzi " vatatu vakakarakadza kuti Jobho akanga ari murambi kutenda, ane unzenza akaipa uyo aizofa pasina chiratidzo chinosara chokuvapo kwake. To Jehovah he was righteous and blameless, but the three "comforters " insinuated that Job was an immoral, wicked apostate who would die without leaving a trace behind him. To Jehovah he was righteous and blameless, but the three "comforters " suggested that Job was a apostate, an immoral apostate who would die without remaining sign of his presence. Naizvozvo, tine tariro ipi yokupedza upfambi hwevana? What hope, then, do we have for an end to child prostitution? So, what hope do we have of completing child prostitution? Chokwadi, kunzi tinzi tiri vanhu tinofanira kutsvaka mhinduro dzemibvunzo. Seeking answers is, in effect, part of being human. Of course, to be viewed as human, we must seek answers to questions. " Vakarurama Vachapenya " " The Righteous Ones Will Shine " " The Righteous Ones Will Light " Pasinei nokuti anonetswa nemabvi ake, mumwe mudzimai akwegura akafamba kwemaawa maviri kuti anowana murayiridzo unobva muBhaibheri pakashanya mutariri anofambira. Despite having problems with her knees, an elderly interested woman traveled two hours in order to receive instruction from the Bible during the visit of the traveling overseer. Despite being harassed by her knees, an elderly woman walked for two hours to receive Bible instruction during a traveling overseer's visit. Kwakaenderera mberi kutosvika muna August. It continued well into August. It continued until August. " Huha! " " Hyat! " " It's a pit! " Ndakafara chaizvo pavakanditi ndiende navo. I was delighted to be invited to go along. I was so happy when they invited me to join them. Kana kuti nhau pamusoro pababa vanonzwira tsitsi, vanokanganwira nomwanakomana wavo anopambadza. Or the story about a compassionate, forgiving father and his prodigal son. Or stories about a compassionate father, forgiving with his prodigal son. Munhambo ino yakakomba yenhau yavanhu, tinofanira kutsunga kuitei? In this critical period of human history, what should we be determined to do? In this critical period of human history, what should we be determined to do? Ndezvipi zvinhu zvinokupa uchapupu hwokuti Mwari ariko uye hwokushanda kwomudzimu wake? What provides personal proof of the existence of God and the operation of his spirit? What factors give you evidence of God's existence and of the operation of his spirit? Marapiro Agara Aripo Anoongororwa Traditional Treatments Investigated Resurration Resurrected • Tingatevedzera sei maonero anoita Jehovha vanhu patinenge tiri muushumiri? • How can we imitate Jehovah's view of people when we are in the ministry? • How can we imitate Jehovah's view of people in our ministry? F. F. F. 14: 1, 18. 14: 1, 18. 14: 1, 18. Naizvozvo kudzidza kukuru sei uko imi vaduku vanoda kufadza Mwari mucharonda? So how much schooling will you young ones who want to please God pursue? So how much learning do you young ones want to please God will pursue? Akanga akoperawo magwaro ose akaratidzwa muchidzidzo chake mubhuku rake rezvinonyorwa. She had also copied in her notebook all the cited scriptures in her lesson. He had also read all the scriptures presented in his lesson in his written book. Mashoko anovimbiswa naMwari ndeechokwadi. God's promise is no empty platitude. God's promises are true. MuBhaibheri hamuna panotaurwa kuti maKristu munguva yavaapostora airangarira zuva rokutanga revhiki, zvino ronzi Svondo, sorudzi rwesabata rechiKristu, zuva rakatsaurwa chose chose nokuda kwemisangano yawo yenguva dzose yokunamata. Nowhere in the Bible is it said that Christians in the apostolic era viewed the first day of the week, now called Sunday, as a kind of Christian sabbath, a day set aside exclusively for their regular meetings for worship. Nowhere in the Bible is there said that Christians in the apostles ' time had in mind the first day of the week, now called Sunday, as a Christian sabbath nation, a day completely set aside for their regular meetings of worship. Unofarira here kuverenga Bhaibheri zuva nezuva uye kufungisisa Shoko raMwari nezvinangwa zvake usiku? Do you find delight in reading the Bible daily and meditating on God's Word and purposes at night? Do you enjoy reading the Bible daily and meditating on God's Word and his purposes at night? Ipapo akamukumbira kuti vaende vose panotengeserwa zvokudya. He then suggested that they both go over to the cafeteria. Then he asked him to go with them to the place where food was sold. (Kupiswa kwakanyanya kunogona kuwedzera fivha yacho.) (Overheating can aggravate the fever.) (A high fever can add to the fever.) JESU KRISTU akapa vadzidzi vake tariro youpenyu husingaperi, asi akavakurudzirawo kutanga vafunga zvinozodiwa pakuva muKristu. JESUS CHRIST offered his disciples the hope of everlasting life, but he also urged them to count the cost of being a Christian. JESUS CHRIST gave his disciples the hope of everlasting life, but he also encouraged them to consider first what is required of them to become a Christian. Vanhu munharaunda yedu vakanga vava kungotaura nezvaAmai pavakanga vasingachaiti tsika dzisiri dzomumagwaro, dzakadai sokuchengeta Krisimasi; pavakanga vasisadyi masoseji ane ropa; uye kunyanya pavakatora zvifananidzo zvose zvataiva nazvo vakazvipisa. Mother caused a stir in the area when she stopped observing unscriptural customs, such as the celebrating of Christmas; when she would no longer eat blood sausage; and particularly when she took all the images in our possession and burned them. People in our area were talking about Mother when she no longer had unscriptural customs, such as celebrating Christmas; when she no longer ate bloodbass; and especially when she took all the images we had and burned them. • Nei vashori vasingakwanisi kumisa basa redu rokuparidza? • Why are opposers unable to stop our witnessing activity? • Why are opposers unable to stop our preaching work? Pamberi pamavambo eChikoro Choushumiri Choubati Ushe hwaMwari, vashomanene vedu vaiva nebanza rokutaura pachena kakawanda. Prior to the beginning of the Theocratic Ministry School, few of us had the opportunity to do much public speaking. Prior to the beginning of the Theocratic Ministry School, few of us had the opportunity to speak publicly many times. Ivo nokudaro vanofarikanya maropafadzo akaisvonaka mubasa raMwari. They thus enjoy fine privileges in God's service. They thus enjoy fine privileges in God's service. Mwari akabvumirazve Satani kuyaurisa Jobho nechirwere. Thereafter, God permitted Satan to strike Job with a painful disease. God again allowed Satan to bring Job into contact with sickness. Ichokwadi kuti tinoziva kuti "nyika yose iri musimba rewakaipa. " We recognize, of course, that "the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. " It is true that we know that "the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. " Zvechokwadi Jehovha Mwari achatikanganwira zvivi zvedu here? Will Jehovah God really forgive our sins? Will Jehovah God indeed forgive us our sins? Hakuna rudo rukuru zvikuru rwaaigona kuva akaratidza kupfuura mukugovera rudzikinuro. No greater love could he have shown than in providing the ransom. No greater love could he have shown than in providing the ransom. Zvimwewo zvakaitika zvakavanakidza ndezvokuti: Mumwe muridzi wechimwe chitoro chinotengesa zvishongo akagamuchira New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures nebhuku rokubatsira kudzidza Bhaibheri rinonzi Zivo Inotungamirira Kuupenyu Husingaperi, ose akabudiswa neZvapupu zvaJehovha. They also had this amusing experience: The owner of a souvenir shop accepted the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures and the Bible study aid Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life, both published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Also interesting experiences were this: One owner of a jewelry store accepted the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures and the Bible study aid Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life, both published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Mukati mezororo rechikoro rimwe zuva, Emma muduku, musikana ane ushamwari naane rudo wamakore matanhatu, akadzokera kukamuri rake rekirasi kuzokwazisa mudzidzisi wake. During school recess one day, little Emma, an outgoing and affectionate girl of six, went back to her classroom to greet her teacher. During school vacation one day, young Emma, a friendly and loving six - year - old girl, returned to her classroom to greet her teacher. Vana zvipo zvinobva kuna Mwari, nokuti akaita kuti vanhu vabereke vana kuitira kuti chinangwa chake chepakutanga chizadzike chokuti pasi rizare nemhuri yevanhu vakarurama. Children are gifts from God, essential to his original purpose of filling the earth with a righteous human family. Children are gifts from God, for he gave birth to children so that his original purpose would be fulfilled to fill the earth with a righteous human family. Tinogoverana chishuvo ichocho.... We share that longing.... We share that desire.... Zvisinei, Mwari akavanzwira tsitsi akaramba achivashandisa mubasa rake, achibva aratidza kuti anonyatsonzwisisa vanhu vasina kukwana. Yet, God showed compassion and continued to use them in his service, thereby manifesting a real understanding of imperfect humans. However, God felt compassion for them and continued to use them in his service, thus showing that he fully understands imperfect humans. Ipapo uporofita hwacho hunotizivisa kuti nzvimbo yoUmambo hwokudenga hwaMwari "[inofanira kuva nzvimbo tsvene, NW] hakuna vatorwa vanozopfuura napo. " The prophecy then informs us that the domain of God's heavenly Kingdom "must become a holy place; and as regards strangers, they will no more pass through her. " Then the prophecy informs us that the position of God's heavenly Kingdom "must become a holy place, and no foreigners will pass through it. " Soromoni akakumbira nzwisiso kuna Jehovha, uye akapiwa chaakakumbira. - 1 Madzimambo 3: 4 - 12. Solomon asked Jehovah for discernment, and his request was granted. - 1 Kings 3: 4 - 12. Solomon asked for insight from Jehovah, and it was granted him what he asked for. - 1 Kings 3: 4 - 12. Zvisingaonekwi Neziso Riri Roga What the Unaided Eye Cannot See What an Uniformed Eye Cannot See Tinowedzerawo kufara patinofungisisa makomborero atiri kutowana iye zvino, patinotevedzera kutenda kwevamwe uye patinoedza kuita kuda kwaMwari. We also increase our joy as we reflect on our current blessings, imitate the faith of others, and seek to do God's will. We also experience greater joy when we meditate on the blessings we are enjoying now, when we imitate the faith of others, and when we strive to do God's will. Mazana emakore gare gare, Mambo Dhavhidhi weIsraeri akazivisa kuti: "Zvakatongwa naJehovha ndezvazvokwadi, zvakarurama kwazvo. " - Pisarema 19: 9. Centuries later, King David of Israel declared: "The judicial decisions of Jehovah are true; they have proved altogether righteous. " - Psalm 19: 9. Centuries later, King David of Israel declared: "The judicial decisions of Jehovah are true, and they are perfect. " - Psalm 19: 9. Tim: Sei muchinyanya kutaura nezvaJehovha? Tim: Why do you talk about Jehovah so much? Tim: Why do you talk more about Jehovah? Kunotiyeuchidza kuti Jesu akatsigira kuti Baba vake Jehovha ndiye changamire. It reminds us that Jesus upheld the sovereignty of his Father, Jehovah. It reminds us that Jesus upheld his Father, Jehovah,'s sovereignty. Bhaibheri rinogovera simbaradzo yakanaka sezvaunosvasvavirira chipfuro chako chakasarudzwa chetsika. The Bible supplies positive reinforcement as you strive toward your chosen behavior target. The Bible provides sound guidance as you reach out for your chosen moral target. Tariro Yevana A Hope for Children The Hope for Children Jesu akarumbidza kutenda kwaiva nemukadzi uyu achibva aporesa mwanasikana wake. - Mateu 15: 27, 28. Jesus commended her faith and healed the woman's daughter. - Matthew 15: 27, 28. Jesus commended the woman's faith and healed her daughter. - Matthew 15: 27, 28. Vakawanda vakaona kuti wanano yavo inovandudzika pavanoronga nguva yokuti vhiki yoga yoga vaverenge nokudzidza Bhaibheri pamwe chete. Many couples have found that their marriage improves when they set aside a regular time each week to read and study the Bible together. Many have found that their marriage is improved when they schedule time each week to read and study the Bible together. Tinofanirawo kusuma magwaro nenzira inoita kuti vanhu varemekedze Bhaibheri. We also do well to introduce scriptures in a way that engenders respect for the Bible. We should also introduce scriptures in such a way that people respect the Bible. Tinonzvenga funganyo nevhiringidziko idzo dziri mugariro waavo vanoita nokuzvimirira. We escape the anxieties and frustrations that are the lot of those who act independently. We escape the anxieties and frustrations that are the lot of those who act independently. Mwana woupombwe akafa. The adulterine child died. A child of adultery died. Kupfuurirazve, sezvo makwai achiva vana vapasi vaMambo, uyo anova "Baba Vasingagumi " vavo, ivo vanogara nhaka nzvimbo yapasi, kana kuti mugariro, muUmambo hwaMwari. - Isaya 9: 6, 7, NW. Furthermore, since the sheep become the earthly children of the King, who becomes their "Eternal Father, " they inherit an earthly realm, or estate, under God's Kingdom. - Isaiah 9: 6, 7. Furthermore, since the sheep become earthly children of the King, who becomes their " Eternal Father, " they inherit the earthly realm, or condition, under God's Kingdom. - Isaiah 9: 6, 7. * "Kazhinji kazhinji, kwakanga kusiri nemhaka yezvinetso zvikuru asi, panzvimbo pezvo, nemhaka yokuungana kwokushatirwa kuduku. * "Usually, it wasn't due to big problems but, rather, because of an accumulation of small irritations. * "Many times, it was not because of major problems but, rather, because of small angry gatherings. Mwari anopa varombo rubatsiro rwei? What help does God give to the poverty - stricken? What help does God provide for the poor? Akaedzawo kutsanangurira waaishandira nei aisakwanisa kuita zvaaimuudza, asi hazvina zvazvakabatsira. He also tried to explain to his employer why he could not follow his instructions - but to no avail. He also tried to explain to his employer why he could not do what he said, but to no avail. Asi sei dzimwe nzvimbo dziine vanhu vakawanda vanoda zvokurwisana? But why do some societies have a higher proportion of violent people? Why, though, are there so many violent people around us? Kaini akasvika pakupandukira Mwari, nepo Abheri akapfuurira kusundwa nokuda Mwari kwapachokwadi. Cain ended up rebelling against God, whereas Abel continued to be motivated by genuine love of God. Cain came to rebel against God, whereas Abel continued to be motivated by genuine love for God. The Oxford English Dictionary rinorondedzera mutsoropodzi wemazuva ano so "munhu anofunga zvokungotuka kana kutsvaka zvikanganiso.... The Oxford English Dictionary describes a present - day cynic as "a person disposed to rail or find fault.... The Oxford English Dictionary defines modern critics as "one who thinks only of speaking abusively or looking for mistakes.... Akaenderera mberi achiti: "Kuti rudo rwamakandida [Mwari] narwo ruve mavari uye ini ndive pamwe navo. " - Johani 17: 26. He continued: "In order that the love with which you [God] loved me may be in them and I in union with them. " - John 17: 26. He continued: "That the love with which you loved me [God] may be in them and I in union with them. " - John 17: 26. Vaine simba idzva, vanhu vaMwari vachapinda munyika itsva, vachida zvikuru kuimba rwiyo rwokukunda, kunyange sezvakaita vaIsraeri vekare pashure pokununurwa kwavo noMugungwa Dzvuku. With renewed energy, God's people will enter into the new world, eager to sing a victory song, even as did the Israelites of old after their deliverance through the Red Sea. With renewed power, God's people will enter the new world, eager to sing a victory song, even as did the ancient Israelites after their deliverance by the Red Sea. Chikonzero chikuru ndechokuti kupinda misangano uye kuvawo nezvokuita mumisangano yechiKristu inzira inokosha yokunamata Jehovha Mwari. Primarily because attending and participating in Christian meetings is an important way to render worship to Jehovah God. A major reason is that attending meetings and participating in Christian meetings is an important way of worshiping Jehovah God. [ Mashoko Omuzasi] [ Footnote] [ Footnote] Chinopiwa choupfu chinorondedzerwa muna Revhitiko chitsauko 2. The grain offering is described in Leviticus chapter 2. The grain offering is described in Leviticus chapter 2. 1 Johane 5: 7 iwedzero yenhema, uye Mateo 24: 36, iyo isina "kana Mwanakomana, " kubviswa kwokunyengera. 1 John 5: 7 includes a spurious addition, and Matthew 24: 36, which lacks "nor the Son, " is a fraudulent omission. 1 John 5: 7 is a false addition, and Matthew 24: 36, which has "no Son, " is a deceitful removal. Vaprista Namadzimambo Vane Ngoni Compassionate Priests and Kings Merciful Priests and Kings Mwari ndiye akatanga kupa murayiro wokuti Sabata richengetwe vhiki nevhiki pashure pokunge anunura vaIsraeri muIjipiti. God instituted the observance of a weekly Sabbath after he delivered the Israelites from Egypt. God first gave the command to keep the Sabbath weekly after he delivered the Israelites from Egypt. Sauro, uyo akava muapostora Pauro, sezviri pachena akanzwa nenzira imwe cheteyo, sezvo iye akati: "Ndakanga ndichishingairira zvikuru magamuchidzanwa amadzibaba angu [kupfuura vazhinji vezera rangu ndimene]. " Saul, who became the apostle Paul, evidently felt the same way, since he said: "I was far more zealous for the traditions of my fathers [than many of my own age]. Saul, who became the apostle Paul, apparently felt the same way, as he said: "I was more zealous for the traditions of my forefathers [over many of my own age]. " José, nyanzvi yokudhirowa yambotaurwa, anoti: "Sezvo makore anofamba, mifananidzo ingarasika kana kuti kuparara. José, the artist mentioned earlier, observes: "Over the years, paintings may get lost or destroyed. José, the artist mentioned earlier, says: "As the years go by, images may be lost or destroyed. Ndeipi mienzaniso yomuzuva razvino inoratidza nzira iyo vanhu vakabetserwa nayo kudzivisa kurega kutya kuchivaparira kurega kufadza Mwari? What modern - day examples show how individuals have been helped to avoid letting fear cause them to hold back from pleasing God? What modern - day examples show how humans have been helped to avoid letting fear cause them to stop pleasing God? Zvaiva pachena kuti kuwana kwevaRevhi chokurarama nacho kwaibva pakusimba kwemanamatiro evaIsraeri vose. Clearly, the sustenance of the Levitical tribe hinged on the spirituality of the nation. It was evident that the Levites ' making a living depended on the spiritual stability of all Israel. Somuenzaniso, vabereki vakangwara vanodzidzisa vana vavo kuti vabatsire vakwegura mabasa epamba. Vanovadzidzisawo kunyaradza vanorwara nokuvanyorera kadhi, kuvashanyira kana kuti kuvafonera, uye kuti vashamwaridzane nevamwe vana vanotambura kana kuti vakaremara. For example, wise parents train their children to help the elderly with everyday tasks; to encourage the sick by means of a card, a visit, or a phone call; and to take a personal interest in other children who are poor or suffer from a disability. For example, wise parents train their children to help the elderly with household chores, to teach them to comfort the sick by writing them a card, to visit them or by telephone, and to associate with other children who suffer or who are disabled. Kudzidzisa kwaMwari kunotibetsera kuratidzira mudzimu worudo, womutsa, munyoro. God's teaching helps us to display a loving, kind, mild spirit. God's teaching helps us to display a spirit of love, kindness, mildness. Somuenzaniso, paunoita mhosho yakakomba, ungaratidzira kuzvidemba mukuwirirana nemhosho yacho. For example, when you make a serious mistake, you may express remorse in proportion to the mistake. For example, when you make a serious mistake, you may express regret according to the mistake. Takazova nevana vashanu. We eventually had five children. Finally, we had five children. Bhaibheri rinodzidzisawo vanhu kuti vasanyanya kuda zvinhu uye kuti varege kukara. The Bible also teaches people to reject materialistic thinking and greed. The Bible also teaches people to avoid materialism and greed. Nokutenda, tinoita basa iri nepatinogona napo, tichishandisa zvose zvatiinazvo. In faith, we participate in this work to the best of our ability, using whatever resources are at our disposal. By faith, we do this work our utmost, using whatever we have. Zvinetso zvomumhuri zvinogona kukonzerawo kuzviuraya. Family problems too may lead to suicide. Family problems can also lead to suicide. Somuenzaniso, ungaedza kudzikamisa vamwe kana ukarangarira kuti vanoratidzika kuva vanetseka kana kuti vasingazivi chokutaura. You might, for example, try putting others at ease if you sense they seem to be tense or at a loss for words. For example, you might try to calm others down if you feel that they seem to be worried or ignorant of what to say. Munhu wose anofanira kuteerera zano rakanaka orichengeta. Everyone needs to listen to fine counsel and to heed it. Everyone should listen to good advice and take care of it. Ndokusaka Bhaibheri richiti: " Bvisai kutsamwa nokupopota nokutuka. ' - VaEfeso 4: 31. For good reason, the Bible says: "Put away from yourselves every kind of malicious bitterness. " - Ephesians 4: 31. That is why the Bible says: "Let anger alone and screaming and abusive speech. " - Ephesians 4: 31. Tevere, pesvedzero yakaipa yaSatani namadhemoni ake ichabviswa mupasi. Next, the wicked influence of Satan and his demons will be removed from the earth. Next, the wicked influence of Satan and his demons will be removed from the earth. Kunyange zvazvo TB yakanga ichiri kuuraya zvikurusa munyika ichiri kusimukira, chokwadi zvinhu zvaizovandudzika. Though TB was still taking a heavy toll in the developing world, surely things would improve. Although TB was still the most lethal in the developing world, certainly things would improve. Boka romwenga rinokoshesa zvikuru chinofananidzirwa namakamera gumi. The bride class highly values what is pictured by the ten camels. The highly important bride class is pictured by the ten camels. Dzidza kudzidzisa chokwadi chiri muBhaibheri zviri nyore kuitira kuti zvaunodzidzisa zviti dyoo mumwoyo womudzidzi wako. Learn to simplify Bible truths in order to get the material into your students ' hearts. Learn to teach Bible truth so that what you teach is deeply rooted in your student's heart. Tingazviita sei? How can we do so? How can we do so? Enzanisa zvaunocherechedza neizvo wakaona murumwe rudzidziso rupi norupi. Compare what you observe with what you have seen in any other religion. Compare what you observe with what you have seen in any other religion. Ndichitarisa kumashure, ndinogona kuti upenyu hwangu somushumiri wenguva yakazara hwave huri huya hwakazara nezvikomborero neropafadzo. Looking back, I can say that my life as a full - time minister has been one of immense blessings and privileges. Looking back, I can say that my life as a full - time minister has been one filled with blessings and privileges. Mukati memwedzi mishanu yekudzidza kwavo, vakafunda Bhaibheri kubva kubutiro kusvika kubutiro. During the five months of their schooling, they studied the Bible from cover to cover. Within five months of their schooling, they studied the Bible from cover to cover. Takanga tisiri mhuri yorudzidziso uye taisapinda chechi. We were not a religious family and did not attend church. We were not a religious family and did not attend church. Mviromviro yeshoko racho inoitiranwa nharo, asi kunofadza kucherekedza icho mudzidzi wechiJudha David Kimhi (c. 1160 - c. 1235) aifanira kutaura pamsoro penzvimbo yacho. The origin of the word is disputed, but it is interesting to note what Jewish scholar David Kimḥi (c. 1160 - c. 1235) had to say about the place. The origin of the word is controversial, but it is interesting to note what Jewish disciple David Kimhi (c. 110 - c. 1235) had to say about the position. Pana 1 VaKorinte 13: 4 - 8, Pauro anopa, kwete rondedzero yokungotaura yokuti rudo chii, asi kurondedzerwa kwakajeka kwokuti urwu rudo rwakakura runoita sei. At 1 Corinthians 13: 4 - 8, Paul provides, not a mechanical definition of what love is, but a vivid description of how this highest form of love acts. At 1 Corinthians 13: 4 - 8, Paul gives, not a mere description of what love is, but a clear description of how this great love works out. " Idai vavengi venyu, munyengeterere vanokutambudzai. " " Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those persecuting you. " " Love your enemies, and pray for those persecuting you. " Chii chinoita kuti "zvinhu zvinokosha " zviuye?, 5 / 15 Benefiting From Loyalty of Loved Ones (K. Cooke), 9 / 1 What Is "the Key "? 5 / 1 Kuti vamwe vavo vari kutsauswa nenhema dzaSatani here? Are some of them distracted by the noise of satanic propaganda? Is some of them being misled by Satan's lies? Dhavhidhi akapfidza, akanyengetera achiti: "Ndinzwirei nyasha, haiwa Mwari, maererano nomutsa wenyu worudo. The repentant David prayed: "Show me favor, O God, according to your loving - kindness. David repented, prayed: "Have mercy on me, O God, according to your loving - kindness. Akaomerera kwazvo zvokuti zvakabata pfungwa dzomunhu wose aipfuura. He was so insistent that this attracted the attention of everyone passing by. He insisted so much that it captured the attention of everyone passing by. Kupondwa kwevanhu vakawanda, kubatwa chibharo, uye kupambwa kwezvinhu kwataurwa munyaya yatangira ino mienzaniso yakakomba yezvinoitika kana vanhu vakabvumira zvishuvo zvakaipa kuti zvitungamirire zvavanoita. The mass murders, rapes, and pillaging mentioned in the preceding article are extreme examples of what happens when people allow wrong desires to dictate their actions. The massacres, rape, and kidnapping mentioned in the preceding article are serious examples of what happens if people allow wrong desires to guide their actions. Nokudaro, basa renyika yose rokupupurira pamusoro poUmambo hwaMwari ufakazi hwakasimba hwokuti tava pedyo nomugumo wetsika ino yakaipa uye kuti rusununguko rwechokwadi rwava pedyo. Hence, the global work of witnessing about God's Kingdom is strong evidence that we are near the end of this wicked system and that true freedom is at hand. Thus, the worldwide work of witnessing about God's Kingdom is powerful evidence that we are near the end of this wicked system and that true freedom is near. ALEXEI MARNOV, CHIREMBA WENERVOUS SYSTEM. ALEXEI MARNOV. ALEXEI MARNOV, SYSTEM'S SYSTEME. • Nei zvichikosha kuti muKristu azvininipise? • Why is it vital that a Christian be humble? • Why is it important for a Christian to be humble? Magazini ino yakaisa simbiso pangozi dzedzidzo yapamusoro, uye kwakadaro nenzira yakarurama, nokuti dzidzo yakakwirira zvikuru inoshora "dzidziso yakanaka " yeBhaibheri. This magazine has placed emphasis on the dangers of higher learning, and justifiably so, for much higher education opposes the "healthful teaching " of the Bible. This magazine has placed emphasis on the dangers of higher education, and rightly so, for higher education condemns the Bible's "good teaching. " Nei? Why not? Why? 11, 12. (a) Mapoka avatungamiriri vorudzidziso akaita sei kuvadziko pashure pemazuva aEzra? 11, 12. (a) How did groups of religious leaders do damage after the days of Ezra? 11, 12. (a) How did the crowds of religious leaders react to injury after the days of Ezra? Uyezve, vaya vakatsvaka "pokugara pasi pomumvuri " womuti wacho vakadzivirirwa pana Satani nenyika yake yakaipa. Additionally, spiritual protection has been provided for those who have sought "lodging under [the tree's] shadow. " Moreover, those who sought "to dwell under the shadow " of the tree were protected from Satan and his wicked world. Dambudziko Muna Israeri A Crisis in Israel A Challenge in Israel Hungu, nharaunda inowanzova yakaoma yakanga yakaita senharaunda ine mvura yakawanda. Yes, a normally dry area was like a well - watered region. Yes, the normally dry area was like a well - watered area. * "Ndapota cherekedzai, " akanyevera murevereri wemhaka wacho," kuti Greece yakatobhadhara faindi muiyi mhaka. * "Please note, " warned the prosecutor," that Greece even paid a fine in this case. * "Please note, " warned the prosecutor," that Greece has already paid a fine in this case. Kusateerera kwevaviri vokutanga kwakakanganisa chinangwa chaMwari chaakasikira nyika here? Did the first couple's disobedience thwart God's purpose in creating the earth? Did the disobedience of the first human pair violate God's purpose for the earth? Iyi chinjo inoshamisa ichaitika mukati mechizvarwa chinodudzwa pana Mateo 24: 34. This remarkable change is to take place within the generation mentioned at Matthew 24: 34. This dramatic change will take place during the generation mentioned at Matthew 24: 34. Kubatira Jehovha Nomudzimu Wokuzvibaira Serving Jehovah With a Self - Sacrificing Spirit Serving Jehovah With a Self - Sacrifice Spirit Rangarira chinoitika chaLarry, wokuAmerica uyo anoshandira sangano reJapan muUnited States. Take the case of Larry, an American employed by a Japanese corporation in the United States. Consider the case of Larry, an American who works for the Japanese organization in the United States. Mibvunzo Inobva Kuvaverengi Questions From Readers Questions From Readers Naizvozvo, tinokukurudzira kudzidza zvakawanda sezvaunogona pamusoro peBhaibheri. Therefore, we encourage you to learn as much as you can about the Bible. Therefore, we encourage you to learn as much as you can about the Bible. Kutya kuri kuwedzera kune vanhu vakura vakawanda vari mumabasa edu ari kukurumidza kuchinja mune zvoupfumi ndekwokuonekwa sevasingachadiwi nguva yavo isati yasvika. A growing fear that many older people have in our rapidly changing economic and work environment is that of being viewed as obsolete before their time. The growing fear of adults in our rapidly changing economic system is to be viewed as unwanted before their time. Dzinonanikwa pachivanze chakatsvairwa pedyo nemba ndokuregwa kuti dzinyatsooma. They are spread on the ground near the house and allowed to dry completely. They are thrown into a swept yard near the house and left to dry. Idzidzoi yakanakisisa yatinogona kugamuchira? What is the best education we can receive? What best education can we receive? Sezvo ndiro dzokuunganidzira mari dzisingatongopfuudzwi, ungano dzomunzvimbomo dzinogamuchira sei mipiro yokubhadhara ndyiko dzadzo? Since collection plates are never passed, how do the local congregations receive contributions to meet their expenses? Since collection plates are never passed, how do local congregations receive contributions to pay their expenses? Ndakanyora tsamba yokuoneka kuchechi kwangu ndikapedzisira ndanzi ndakodzera kuva Chapupu chakabhabhatidzwa. I resigned from my former religion and eventually qualified to become a baptized Witness. I wrote a letter in my church and was eventually ordered to become a baptized Witness. Kuda kwedu Kristu Jesu kunosimbisa tariro yedu uye kunodzikamisa kutenda kwedu, kunyanya munguva dzokuedzwa kwakasimba. - 1 VaKorinte 3: 11; VaKorose 1: 23; 2: 6, 7. Our love for Christ Jesus bolsters our hope and stabilizes our faith, especially in times of stormy testing. - 1 Corinthians 3: 11; Colossians 1: 23; 2: 6, 7. Our love for Christ Jesus strengthens our hope and weakens our faith, especially in times of severe trial. - 1 Corinthians 3: 11; Colossians 1: 23; 2: 6, 7. Achipfupikisa, akati: "Kana tichinzwa tichida kubetsera, tinofanira kubetsera pakarepo. Summing up, he said: "If we feel a desire to help, we should help at once. In summary, he said: "If we feel inclined to help, we should help right away. Pane chimwezve chaakaita. He even took another step. He did something else. Kunofadza sei kwaari kurangarira bviro yokugoverana nababa vake rimwe zuva izvo iye pachake akadzidza muBhaibheri! How thrilling it is for him to contemplate the possibility of one day sharing with his father what he himself has learned from the Bible! How thrilling it is for him to consider the possibility of sharing with his father one day what he himself learned from the Bible! Aine Mufudzi Mukuru akadaro, Dhavhidhi akanga akatsunga ku "gara mumba maJehovha mazuva namazuva. " - Pisarema 23: 1 - 6. Having such a Supreme Shepherd, David was determined to "dwell in the house of Jehovah to the length of days. " - Psalm 23: 1 - 6. With such a Great Shepherd, David was determined "to dwell in the house of Jehovah to the length of days. " - Psalm 23: 1 - 6. Mumwe mucherekedzi womuzana remakore rechi18 akanyora kuti kuuya kwevaeni, vaitenga zvakati kuti, kwakaunzawo chimuko chakanaka kumusha wacho. One 18th - century observer wrote that the influx of strangers, who consumed quite a bit, generated good revenue for the village. An 18th - century observer wrote that the coming of strangers, who bought a considerable amount, also brought good results to the home. Iro rakava Chapupu, rakabhapatidzwa muna 1959, uye zvino mukuru muungano make... Snow Leopard, 5 / 8 She became a Witness, was baptized in 1959, and is now an elder in her congregation... Pane chatingadzidza munhoroondo youpenyu hwake here? He became a Witness, was baptized in 1959, and now is an elder in his congregation... Can we learn anything from his account? Nei uchifanira kufarira kuverenga bhuku iri risina kufuridzirwa? What, if anything, can we learn from his life story? Why should you be interested in reading this inspired book? Zvinotarisirwa kuti purogiramu yose, kubatanidza musangano wakarongwa webhizimisi nemishumo, zvichapedzwa na1: 00 masikati kana kuti nokukurumidza pashure pacho. Why should you be interested in this noninspired composition? It is expected that the entire session, including the formal business meeting and reports, will be concluded by 1: 00 p.m. or shortly thereafter. Nei? It is expected that the entire session, including the formal business meeting and reports, will be concluded by 1: 00 p.m. or shortly thereafter. Why? Uye sekutungamirirwa kwaiitwa vaIsraeri naMosesi vari pasi pesungano yoMutemo, vaya vari musungano itsva vanotungamirirwa naKristu, Musoro weungano. - VaEf. Why? And as Moses led the Israelites under the Law covenant, those in the new covenant are under Christ's direction, the Head of the congregation. - Eph. Hungu, savazukuru vaAdhama, taka "pinzwa mutorongo " nemamiriro ezvinhu okutadza. And the nation of Israel was organized through the Law covenant under Moses; those in the new covenant are organized under Jesus - the Head of the congregation. - Eph. Yes, as descendants of Adam, we were "in prison " by sinful conditions. Vimbika uye vamwe ngavavimbe newe. Yes, as descendants of Adam, we are "imprisoned " by a sinful condition. Be honest and let others trust you. Basa racho rakabatanidza mubhadharo unokwezva nekariro dzakanaka nokuda kweimwe fambiro mberi. Be reliable and trustworthy. The work involved an attractive price and good prospects for further progress. Uye kudai taizomira kuti tifunge nezvazvo, taizowana kumerazve chinyararire kweganda nebvudzi nenzara - nemimwe mitezo yemuviriwo - kuchishamisa zvikuru: Kunoitika maawa 24 pazuva, vhiki riri rose, chaizvoizvo kuchitigadzirazve, kutaura nenzira yebiochemistry, kakawanda mukati meupenyu hwedu. " The job came with a tempting salary and good prospects for further advancement. And if we were to stop to think about it, we would find a quiet sprouting of the skin and the hair and hunger - and other body parts too - quite surprising: 24 hours a day, every week, in effect again, talking to us again, speaking in the way of a biyry, many times during our lives. " Kunoratidzika kuva kwakadaro kuna Joy wamakore 14 okukura. And if we stopped to think about it, we would find the quiet regeneration of skin and hair and nails - and other parts of the body as well - profoundly astonishing: It goes on 24 hours a day, week in and week out, literally remaking us, biochemically speaking, many times during the course of our lives. " It seems to be the case with 14 - year - old Joy. Tinofanira kuramba ti "chizvidzora pakuitirwa zvakaipa " uye kuva" nounyoro " kunyange kune "vaya vasingadi " basa redu nemashoko edu, kusanganisira vaya vanotivenga zviri pachena. It seems that way to 14 - year - old Joy. We must keep "self - control under evil " and be" mild - tempered " even toward "those not favorably disposed " in our assignment, including those who hate us openly. Chaizvoizvo, mabasa akawanda anoshandwa nevakadzi anonetesa uye kazhinji haana mari. Even with "those not favorably disposed " toward our work and our message, including outright opposers, we will keep ourselves" restrained under evil " and act "with mildness. " Actually, many jobs worked by hardworking women and often have no money. Manzwiro edu uye maonero atinoita. In practice, many secular jobs that women obtain are monotonous and relatively low paying. Our feelings and attitude. Vatambi vaitamba mitambo mishanu inoti: kumhanya, kusvetuka, kukanda chinhu cheraundi, kukanda chinhu chinenge pfumo duku, uye mutsimba. In our spirit and attitude. The dancers played five games: run, jump, throw an object of rent, throw at least a small spear, and fight. Pane rimwe gungano, mudzimai weimwe hama inozivikanwa chaizvo akaratidza kuti aiva nehanya naye. Contenders in the pentathlon competed in five disciplines: running, long jump, discus, javelin, and wrestling. At one convention, the wife of a well - known brother expressed her concern for her. " Kutamburira ' kwakafanirwa nokuedza kwacho here? At a convention, she was shown personal interest by the wife of a well - known brother. Is " struggling ' worth the effort? Mumwe muravi akakutaura neiyi nzira: "Ndinokuongai zvikuru kwazvo nokutiita kuti tione zvakare kuti Jehovha anotarisira nokuda vanhu vake sei. " Is the " struggle ' to preach worth the effort? One reader expressed it this way: "I thank you very much for letting us see again how Jehovah cares for and loves his people. " ZVAPUPU ZVAJEHOVHA One reader put it this way: "Thank you so much for once again letting us see how much Jehovah cares for and loves his people. " JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Nadezhda, wokuRussia anoti: "Ndave ndakaroorwa kwemakore 28 uye ndiri Chapupu chakabhabhatidzwa makore 16 akapfuura. 4 / 15 Nadezhda, Russia, says: "I have been married for 28 years and am a baptized Witness 16 years ago. Zvinodzidzisa nzira yokunakidzwa nayo pabonde. " Nadezhda, Russia: "I have been married for 28 years and have been a baptized Witness for the last 16 years. They teach how to enjoy sex. " Papera makore matatu, chirwere chaEleni chakadzokazve, uye chiremba wakare uya aifanira kuvhiya zvekare. It offers instruction for sexual pleasure. " Three years later, Eunice's illness returned, and that old doctor had to operate again. Kushayikwa kwoutungamiriri hwevabereki kuzvisikira moto muziso. Three years later, Eleni had a relapse, and the same doctor had to perform another operation. Lack of parental leadership creates a fire in the eye. Pisarema 127: 4, 5 rinoti: "Semiseve iri muruoko rwomurume ane simba, ndizvo zvakaita vanakomana vouduku. A lack of sufficient parental supervision is an invitation to trouble. Psalm 127: 4, 5 says: "As arrows in the hand of a mighty man, so are the sons of youth. Nomutoo usingarambiki, kubvisa nhamo dzakanangana norudzi rwomunhu kunoda chinjo dzisingagoni kuitwa nokuramba kupi nokupi kana kuti kufora. Psalm 127: 4, 5 says: "Like arrows in the hand of a mighty man, so are the sons of youth. Unquestionably, eliminating the hardships facing mankind requires changes that cannot be made by any resistance or procession. Uye unoziva kuti kuva navabereki vanoregeredza hakusi pembedzo yokusazvibata. Undeniably, eliminating the woes facing mankind requires changes that are beyond the scope of any protest or march. And you know that having neglected parents is no excuse for loose conduct. Avo vachiri kurava kazhinji kazhinji vanoda zvavo chimwe chinhu chakapfava nechiri nyore. And you know that having neglectful parents is no excuse for misconduct. Those who are still reading usually prefer something simple and easy. Upombwe, zviito zvoungochane, makunakuna, uye kuvata nemhuka zvose zvakaziviswa sezvinosvibisa mumudzimu zvisiri zvitsvene. Those who still do some reading usually prefer something light and easy. Sexual immorality, stubborn acts, incest, and sexual relations with animals have all been identified as unclean spiritually. Nokuti muromo wangu unobudisa zvokwadi; chinhu chakaipa chinonyangadza pamiromo yangu. Adultery, homosexual acts, incestuous relationships, and bestiality were all identified as unholy spiritual pollutants. For my mouth brings forth truth. Evil is an abomination to my lips. Achiita chimwe chinhu pamusoro pokubaira zanhi kwakabva kumunhu "anofarira, " mapurisa akarambidza yokutanga yekokorodzano nhatu dzoruwa usiku hwapamberi paapo yaifanira kuvamba! Battle for Secrecy, 8 / 09 Acting on the sacrifice from a "lovers " man, the police forbade the first of three district conventions the night before it had to begin! Kana pachizotambwa, kungatangwa munzira inokudzwa uye inodzorwa. For my palate in low tones utters truth itself; and wickedness is something detestable to my lips. If a game is to be played, it may be established in a way that is honorable and controlled. Pachaitika njodzi ichaparadza nyika yose here? Acting on a tip from an "interested " person, the police canceled the first of three district conventions the night before it was to begin! Will disaster take place on a global scale? Mwana muduku akaita sembeu ichangotanga kumera iyo inoda kugara ichidiridzwa. If there is to be dancing, it can be introduced in a dignified and low - key way. A young child is like a newborn seed that needs to be watered constantly. Uri muNazareta, chikomo cheSepphoris chinooneka, chakakwirira mamita 120 kubva mubani. Will the earth be destroyed in a disaster? It is located in Nazareth, a mountain of visible Sepphoris, some 120 feet [70 m] from the plain. Vabereki vangashandisa sei izvi pakudzidza kwevana vavo? A small child is like a sapling that needs watering at regular intervals. How can parents apply this in their children's study? Kazhinji kana munhu akangopiwa chinzvimbo zvinokurumidza kujeka kuti anozvininipisa here kana kuti kwete. From Nazareth, the hill of Sepphoris can be seen, rising almost 400 feet [120 m] above the valley floor. Often, it is only natural for a person to assume a position of authority that makes it clear whether he is humble or not. Kupfuurirazve, ivo vanofanira kuva vaKristu vakabhapatidzwa vano "berekwa zvakare, " vanoberekwa nomudzimu waMwari mutsvene. How can parents apply this in their children's education? Furthermore, they must be baptized Christians "born again, " born of God's holy spirit. Samson, somuenzaniso, akanga achidisa kwazvo kuti chokwadi cheBhaibheri chipinde munharaunda yomumusha make zvokuti akaramba achikumbira kuti mapiyona atumirwe ikoko. Often, when a man receives a little authority, his humility - or lack thereof - quickly becomes evident. Samson, for example, was so eager for Bible truth to enter his home area that he kept asking for pioneers to be sent there. Ndakatambura kuti ndiratidze vana vangu 17 nzira yechokwadi. Furthermore, they must be baptized Christians who are "born again, " begotten by God's holy spirit. I struggled to show my 17 children the way of the truth. Rwendo rwokutanga rwaTimotio ana Pauro naSirasi muna 50 C.E. rwakamuendesa nomuAsia Minor ndokupinda muEurope. Samson, for example, was so eager for Bible truth to penetrate his home area that he kept asking for pioneers to be sent there. Timothy's first journey with Paul and Silas in 50 C.E. took him through Asia Minor into Europe. Zviitiko [izvi] zvinoratidza nguva yechinjo huru munhau yeEurope, zvichiita kuti kutonga kweFrance kutsiviwe nokutonga kweEngland. " I have struggled to show my 17 children the way of the truth. The events [these] mark a turning point in European history, allowing French rule to be replaced by England's rule. " Uye achangoramba aripo. Timothy's first journey with Paul and Silas in 50 C.E. took him through Asia Minor and into Europe. And he will always exist. Chinokosha ndechokuti mudzimai wacho anofanira kuva mushumiri waJehovha. [ These] events mark a turning point in the history of Europe, leading to the replacement of French hegemony with English hegemony. " The important thing is that the wife must be a servant of Jehovah. Ndivo vokutanga kubetserwa nechibayiro chorudzikinuro chaJesu. And he will always exist in the future. They are the first to benefit from Jesus ' ransom sacrifice. (Enzanisa naZvakazarurwa 11: 1 - 12.) Above all, she must be a servant of Jehovah. (Compare Revelation 11: 1 - 12.) Kuita Vahedheni maKristu Here? They are the first to benefit from Jesus ' ransom sacrifice. To Make Nations - Is It for Christians? Ungagona kusarudza kuti unofanira kubatwa zviri nani - kuti vamwe vanowana mikana yose uye kuti iwe hauna kumbopiwa mukana wokuita basa raunoda chaizvoizvo kuita. (Compare Revelation 11: 1 - 12.) You could decide that you should be treated better - that others have every opportunity and that you have never been given the opportunity to do a job that you really want to do. Zvisinei, hakugoni kurambwa kuti bviro nokuda kwokuita zvakanaka iyo iyi enderero mberi inogovera yakashatswa zvikuru navanhu vakarega hunhu hwavo huchiumbwa nenzira isiri youmwari kupfurikidza norudzidziso rwenhema, zvamatongerwe enyika zvakashata, uye gadziriro dzepfuma dzisina kukwana. Christianizing the Pagans? However, it cannot be denied that the possibility for doing good that this providing progress has been deeply polluted by people who have let their personalities be molded by false religion, corrupt politics, and imperfect economic systems. Kuenzanisira, imbofunga zvishomanana kuti dzimwe kodzero dzakanakisisa dzinodudzwa muMutemo wacho dzinoshanda sei muupenyu hwemazuva ose. You could decide that you deserve better - that others get all the breaks and that you've never been given a chance to do the work that you really want to do. To illustrate, consider briefly how some of the best rights mentioned in the Law apply in everyday life. (b) Tingaita sei kuti vakuru vawedzere kufara pavanoita basa ravo? Still, it cannot be denied that the potential for doing good that this progress offers has been badly tarnished by people who have let their personalities be molded in an ungodly way by false religion, corrupt politics, and imperfect economic systems. (b) How can we increase the joy of the elders in their service? [ Bhokisi / Mufananidzo uri papeji 22] To illustrate, consider briefly how some of the lofty rights mentioned in the Declaration work out in everyday life. [ Box / Picture on page 22] " Ikoko kunogona kudaro sei? ' (b) How can we make the elders ' work more pleasant for them? " How can that be? ' Kukudza Jehovha [ Box / Picture on page 22] Honoring Jehovah Nokuda kwavanhu vanoteerera, achaita mukuwirirana nezita rake rokuti "Unoshamisa, Gota, Mwari une simba, Baba vokusingaperi, Muchinda worugare. " - Isaya 9: 6, 7; Zvakazarurwa 20: 6. " How can that be? ' For obedient humans, he will act according to his name "the Wonderful One, the mighty God, the Eternal Father, the Prince of Peace. " - Isaiah 9: 6, 7; Revelation 20: 6. Bhaibheri rinotivimbisa kuti: "Jehovha uri pedyo navose vanodana kwaari, vose vanodana kwaari nezvokwadi. " - Pisarema 145: 18. Honoring Jehovah The Bible assures us: "Jehovah is near to all those calling upon him, to all those who call upon him in trueness. " - Psalm 145: 18. Zvisinei, iye anobvuma, kuti: "Apo ndinoronga mari yangu inoshandiswa, ndinochengeta mari zviri nani zvikuru. For obedient humans, he will live up to his name of "Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. " - Isaiah 9: 6, 7; Revelation 20: 6. However, he admits: "When I budget my expenses, I save better money. VaIsraeri pavakapanduka, Jehovha akaronga kuti pave naIsraeri waMwari kutanga muna 33 C.E. The Bible gives this assurance: "Jehovah is near to all those calling upon him, to all those who call upon him in trueness. " - Psalm 145: 18. When the Israelites rebelled, Jehovah arranged for the Israel of God to come into existence in 33 C.E. ZVINOTAURA BHAIBHERI But it does not teach you all you need to know in life. THE BIBLE'S VIEWPOINT Kuvandudzwa Kungaitwa Minyengetero Yako neMapisarema The Greek word rendered "accused " at Luke 16: 1 allows for the idea that the steward was slandered. How the Psalms Can Improve Your Prayers Edza kutsvaka umboo. After fleshly Israel proved unfaithful, Jehovah made spiritual Israel his people in the first century, as already noted. Try to find evidence. Zvinzvimbo Zvepamusoro Zvandakava Nazvo Muhurumende THE BIBLE'S VIEWPOINT The Highs I Have in Government Zvakadini nezvinotaurwa zvokuti Amagedhoni ichareva kuparadza kukuru kunosanganisira zvombo zvinoparadza zvinhu zvakawanda kana kuti kubonderana kwezvinhu zvokudenga? How the Psalms Can Enrich Your Prayers What about the claim that Armageddon will mean a great destruction involving weapons of mass destruction or conflict of heavenly affairs? 14: 13, 19. Try to find out the facts. 14: 13, 19. Zvinotaura Bhaibheri At the Highest Levels of Government The Bible's Viewpoint (b) Chii chakabatsira vaya vakararama chiKristu chisati chavako kutsigira noushingi kunamata kwakachena? What about the claim that Armageddon will be a holocaust involving weapons of mass destruction or a collision with a celestial body? (b) What helped those in pre - Christian times to stand up for pure worship? Vakakatyamadzwa nomugariro wenyika yose webasa redu nomusiano watiri kuva nawo, kuonga kuna Jehovha. " - J. 14: 13, 19. They were amazed at the worldwide state of our work on the day we are having it, thanks to Jehovah. " - J. Akashamisika zvikuru zvokuti akati: "Sei iwe, pasinei nokuti uri muJudha, uchindikumbira mvura yokunwa, asi ini ndiri mukadzi muSamariya? " The Bible's Viewpoint He was so surprised that he said: "How is it you, despite being a Jew, asking me for water to drink, but I am a Samaritan woman? " Pauro anopfuurira kutaura kuti izvi zviremera zvinoraira mitero nomuripo. (b) What enabled those in pre - Christian times to show boldness in upholding and promoting pure worship? Paul goes on to say that these authorities demand taxes and tribute. Vamwe vakakurira mumhuri yaiva isina rudo uye vangatadza kuona kuti upenyu hunogona kunakidza uye kufadza zvikuru kana paine rudo uye ruchiratidzwa. They were stunned at the global nature of our work and the difference we are making, thanks to Jehovah. " - J. Some grew up in a loveless home and may not see that life can be happier and happier when there is love and expression. Rangarira, somuenzaniso, nhau dzenhema idzo dzakatenderera pamusoro paJesu mumazana amakore pashure porufu rwake. She was so surprised that she said: "How is it that you, despite being a Jew, ask me for a drink, when I am a Samaritan woman? " Consider, for example, false stories that crept about Jesus over the centuries after his death. Vafundisi Vanofanira Kuparidza Zvematongerwe Enyika Here? 5 / 1 Paul goes on to say that these authorities call for taxes and tribute. 5 / 15 Sezvo njodzi dzinokonzerwa nokukwira kwetembiricha yepasi rose dziri kuita kuti vanhu vanyanye kutya, vesayenzi, hurumende, uye vemaindasitiri, vari kuedza nepavanokwanisa napo kugadzirisa dambudziko racho. Some have grown up in a family environment lacking affection and may not realize that life can be happier and more pleasant if only affection is felt and expressed. Since the effects of global warming make people more fearful, scientific, government, and industrial, they are trying hard to solve the problem. Ichokwadi kuti Mwari haana waakapa basa rokutsvaka vamwe nokuda kweropafadzo iyi. Consider, for example, the false stories that circulated about Jesus in the centuries following his death. True, God has given him no commission to seek out others for this privilege. Namamwe mashoko, ivo vakafa. " Shrewd Act With Knowledge ', 7 / 15 In other words, they died. Kunyange munyika ino yatambudzika, unogona kuwana mufaro unobva muzivo yakarurama yeBhaibheri yaMwari, Umambo hwake, uye chinangwa chake chinoshamisa nokuda kwevanhu. As the threats of such problems as global warming become more alarming, scientists, governments, and industrial groups are increasing their efforts to respond. Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. Zvisinei, chinodzora kupisa chakanga chisiri kushanda zvakanaka uye hovhoni yakapisisa, zvichiita kuti mafuta acho atange kubudisa utsi. Of course, God has not assigned anyone to recruit others for this privilege. However, the heat control was under way and the oven burned, causing the oil to start producing smoke. Jesu akabhabhatidzwa uye Mwari akamuzodza nemudzimu mutsvene. In other words, they died. Jesus was baptized, and God anointed him with holy spirit. Ndiani Anoda Kuva Mirioneya? Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. Who Wants to Be a Considerer? Chirimo cha1962 chaiva nguva yomufaro kuChamhembe. The thermostat was faulty, however, and the temperature soared, making the oil smoke. The spring of 1962 was a time of joy in the North. [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 10] Jesus was baptized, and God anointed him with holy spirit. [ Picture on page 10] Kurapa kwokufambisa mwaranzi kunogona kuuraya masero anosaririra. Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? The treatment of radiation can kill the cells that are left behind. (Izvi zvinoita kuti tiwane zivo.) The summer of 1962 was a happy time in the North. (This leads to knowledge.) L. [ Picture on page 10] L. Somuenzaniso pakupemberera apa pakatorwa kudya kwoumbozha, kupa zvipo nokupiswa kwamakenduru. " Radiation therapy can clean up lingering cells. For example, during the celebration an luxury meal was taken, the giving of gifts and the burning of candles. " Mhuri yose yeBheteri - takanga tiri vanenge 40 panguva iyoyo - yakarayirwa kuungana muimba yokudyira. (This helps us to gain knowledge.) The entire Bethel family - about 40 of us then - was ordered to meet in the dining room. Kupfuurirazve, patinowedzera basa redu kuna Jehovha, tinozvipinza timene mumutsetse we "chikomborero chaJehovha " icho" chinopfumisa, uye iye haawedzeri marwadzo nacho. " - Zvirevo 10: 22. L. Furthermore, when we add our service to Jehovah, we put ourselves in line for "the blessing of Jehovah " that" makes rich, and he adds no pain with it. " - Proverbs 10: 22. Bhaibheri rinoshuma kuti "mapoka makuru evanhu akasvika kwaari, ane vanhu vakanga vachikamhina, vakaremara, mapofu, mbeveve, nevamwe vakawanda vakangodarowo, uye vakangovaisa patsoka dzake, akavarapa; zvokuti boka revanhu rakashamiswa sezvavakaona mbeveve dzichitaura nevaikamhina vachifamba nemapofu achiona. " - Mateu 9: 35; 15: 30, 31. From this celebration, for example, were derived the elaborate feasting, the giving of gifts, and the burning of candles. " The Bible reports that "great crowds approached him, having along with them people lame, lame, blind, dumb, and many otherwise, and they threw them at his feet, and he cured them; so that the crowds were astounded as they saw the dumb speaking and the lame walking and the blind seeing. " - Matthew 9: 35; 15: 30, 31. Asi zvakadini nokupinda michato yevavakidzani, vashandi biyedu vokunyika, kana kuti hama dzokunyama dzokure nevazivikanwi? The entire Bethel family - we were about 40 then - was ordered to assemble in the dining room. But what about attending neighbors ' marriages, worldly workmates, or extended relatives with acquaintances? 15, 16. (a) Tingashungurudza sei mudzimu waMwari? Furthermore, when we increase our service to Jehovah, we put ourselves in line for "the blessing of Jehovah " that" makes rich, and he adds no pain with it. " - Proverbs 10: 22. 15, 16. (a) How can we grieve God's spirit? Asi kupfidza kunoramba kuchiitwa. The Bible reports that "great crowds approached him, having along with them people that were lame, maimed, blind, dumb, and many otherwise, and they fairly threw them at his feet, and he cured them; so that the crowd felt amazement as they saw the dumb speaking and the lame walking and the blind seeing. " - Matthew 9: 35; 15: 30, 31. But repentance continues. Nokudaro Pauro anorondedzera mirangariro yaMwari yeunyoro nokuda kweupi neupi wevabatiri Vake vakatendeka avo vaitambura dambudziko - mirangariro minyoro iyo inosunda Mwari kuvaitira chiito nenzira yengoni. But what about attending weddings of neighbors, worldly fellow workers, or distant relatives and acquaintances? Paul thus describes God's tender feelings for any of His faithful servants who suffered tribulation - tender emotions that move God to act mercifully toward them. Nguva yegungano payakasvika, takanga tatogadzirira zvose. 15, 16. (a) How might we grieve God's spirit? When the assembly time came, we were ready for everything. Chitendero chaunosarudza chine zvachingaita pauri here? Repentance, however, is an ongoing process. Will your choice of religion affect you? Pashure pokurangarira nhau yacho mumunyengetero, Matthew navabereki vake vakanzwa kuti dzidzo yokuwedzera yaizova chinhu chinokosha kukusvika nharidzano yake. Thus Paul describes God's tender feelings for any of His faithful servants who are suffering tribulation - tender feelings that move God to act mercifully in their behalf. After considering the matter in prayer, Matthew and his parents felt that supplementary education would be the key to reaching his goal. Ndaida sei kunzwisisa rudzi irworwo rworusununguko! In time, we had everything ready for our convention. How I wanted to understand that kind of freedom! Chimwe Chapupu chinonzi, Vicky chinoti: "Ndakamborerwa naambuya kwemakore mashoma, vabereki vangu vachigara nemunun'una wangu. Can your choice of religion affect you? A Witness named Vicky says: "I had been raised by grandmother for a few years, with my parents living with my brother. Bva, kunyange zvazvo iye amene asina kusvikwa nenyoka, akasarudza kubvumirana nomudzimai wake mukusateerera. After prayerfully considering the matter, Matthew and his parents felt that further education would be an asset to reaching his goal. Yet, even though he himself was not approached by a serpent, he decided to agree with his wife in disobedience. Pane boka revanhu raisangana pamba pedu, vose vaiva netariro yokugara naKristu kumatenga. How I wanted to understand that kind of freedom! A crowd met in our home, all of whom had the hope of dwelling with Christ in the heavens. Pashure akadzokera kuCasablanca, uko iye akaramba akatendeka kuna Mwari kuzotosvikira parufu rwake muna 1990. A Witness named Vicky relates: "For a few years, I was raised by my grandmother, while my parents kept my younger sister with them. Afterward he returned to Casablanca, where he remained faithful to God until his death in 1990. Seiko? Yet, although he himself was not approached by the serpent, he chose to go along with his wife in disobedience. How? Kunyange kana uchifunga kuti kubhejera hakunyanyi kudya mari yako kana kukanganisa utano hwako, kubhejera kungakanganisa sei kunamata kwako? A group met in our home, all of whom had the hope of living with Christ in the heavens. Even if you feel that gambling does not eat too much of your money or your health, how can gambling affect your spirituality? Mukoma wangu mukuru akandirova zvakaomarara. Afterward she returned to Casablanca, where she remained faithful to God until her death in 1990. My older brother beat me severely. Kurangwa kunoratidza kuti Jehovha anokuda. How? Discipline is an expression of Jehovah's love for you. Chigadzikiso chaichoicho chezvinetso zvavana venyika chingada mano anopfuura ohunhu. Even if you feel that gambling does not adversely affect your financial or physical health, what impact does gambling have on your spiritual health? A real solution to the problems of the world's children may require superhuman ability. Mwaka unokambira kuva unomirira zuva rokuzvarwa kwaJesu. My older brother gave me a severe beating. The season claims to represent the birthday of Jesus. Chii chaunofanira kuita kana ukazviwana umene uri mumugariro wakadaro? Discipline is a sure sign that Jehovah loves you. What should you do if you find yourself in such a situation? Vaivawo nezvavaizeza, zvavaitya, nezvavaikanganisa, asi "vakaitwa vane simba " nomudzimu waMwari kuti vakunde matambudziko. A definitive solution to the problems of the world's children would require superhuman ability. They also had fears, fears, and weaknesses, but they were "made powerful " by God's spirit to meet challenges. Tapuro dzacho dzinogona kurwadza zvikurukuru kana mukadzi akaziva mudenhi wake. The season professes to represent the birthday of Jesus. The effects can be particularly painful if a woman knows her mate. Asi kana usingatyi kuratidza mafungiro ako uchaona kuti hauzofurirwi. " What should you do if you find yourself in such a situation? But if you are not afraid to express your opinion, you will see that you will not be influenced. " Matehwe emombe anoshongedza mukati uye anoshandiswawo sohuvato. They had doubts, insecurities, and weaknesses but "were made powerful " by God's spirit to face challenges. The horns of cattle adorn inside and are also used as a bed. Takapedza zvidzidzo paGiriyedhi muna 1947, uye ini naBill Copson takagoverwa kunoshandira kuEgypt. The effects can be particularly traumatizing if the woman knew her attacker. We graduated from Gilead in 1947, and Bill Copson and I were assigned to Egypt. Pashure pegungano redu, ndakarongedza mabhegi angu kuti ndidzokere kuItu, asi zvakandishamisa kuti mutariri webazi, Grant Miller, akandipa tsamba yaindikumbira kuti ndive nhengo yemhuri yeBheteri zvachose. But if you're confident with who you are, it's easier to recognize peer pressure for what it is and then ignore it. " After our convention, I packed my bags to return to Itu, but it surprised me that the branch overseer, Grant Miller, gave me a letter asking me to become a permanent member of the Bethel family. Ndakabhabhatidzwa musi wa8 January, 2005. Cowhides decorate the interior and are also used as mattresses for sleeping. On January 8, 2005, I was baptized. Makore masere gare gare ndakapinda basa saweta mungarava inotakura vanhu, uye kwamakore mana akatevera, ndakafamba nengarava pakati peNetherlands neUnited States. We graduated from Gilead in 1947, and Bill Copson and I were assigned to Egypt. Eight years later I entered work as a car on a passenger ship, and for the next four years, I sailed between the Netherlands and the United States. Nei kukurukura nezvetariro yedu kuchitibatsira? After the national assembly, I packed my bags to return to Itu, but to my surprise, the branch servant, Grant Miller, handed me a letter inviting me to become a permanent member of the Bethel family. Why does discussing our hope help us? Vanofara Vane Ngoni I was baptized on January 8, 2005. Happy Are the Merciful * Panyaya iyi pane here panotaura nezvokupiswa mugehena? Eight years later I signed on as a steward aboard a passenger ship, and for the next four years, I sailed between the Netherlands and the United States. * Is there any reference to hellfire in this regard? Bhaibheri rinotaura kuti shamwari dzinogona kuita kuti munhu aite zvakanaka kana kuti zvakaipa. Why does discussing our hope benefit us? The Bible says that friends can influence a person to do good or to do bad. Zainab Happy Are the Merciful Zainab Pashure pokuona nhamba duku inokwanirisa nokuda kworumuko rwokudenga, muapostora Johane akapiwa chiono che "vazhinjizhinji vasingagoni kuverengwa nomunhu, vakabva kundudzi dzose, namarudzi, navanhu, nendimi. " * And yet, even in this case, did God say anything about being punished in hellfire? After seeing a small number qualified for the heavenly resurrection, the apostle John was given a vision of "a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues. " Sezvo plaque yakaungana inowedzera, kune kudzivisa kukuru kuyerera kweropa uye nokudaro kuwedzera kweBP. The Bible says that a person's associates can be a powerful influence, either for good or for bad. As high blood pressure increases, there is much resistance to the flow of blood and thus a rise in blood pressure. " Farira zvavari kuita pasina kupindira munhau dzavo " ndiko kutaura kwaJack naNora. Zainab " Find delight in what they are doing without intervention in their affairs " is the speech of Jack and Cora. Inyeveroi iyo Jehovha akapa yechiito chake chisiri chenguva dzose chinouya? After viewing the small number who qualify for a heavenly resurrection, the apostle John was given a vision of "a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues. " What warning did Jehovah give of his unusual action to come? Akaimbira Jehovha kuti: "Muchandipa nhoo yenyu yoruponeso, kuzvininipisa kwenyu ndiko kunoita kuti ndive mukuru. " As plaque deposits increase, there is more resistance to blood flow and thus an elevation in blood pressure. He sang to Jehovah: "You will give me your shield of salvation, and it is your humility that makes me great. " Ndinotadza kufunga zvakanaka. " Be interested in what they are doing without prying into their affairs " is how Jack and Nora expressed it. I fail to think clearly. Mosesi " akaisa ruoko rwake ' pamusoro paJoshua paaimugadza kuti azomutsiva. What warning did Jehovah give of his coming unusual act? Moses " put his hand ' upon Joshua when he appointed him to succeed him. murume akazara namaperembudzi! " He sang to Jehovah: "You will give me your shield of salvation, and it is your humility that makes me great. " a man full of leprosy! " Tateguru akatendeka Jobho akaratidza muenzaniso kuvarume nevakadzi vechiKristu vakaroora. I find it difficult to concentrate. The faithful patriarch Job set an example for married Christian men and women. Vanhu vakataura zvakasiyana - siyana nezvemudziyo wacho. Moses "laid his hand upon " Joshua when appointing him as successor. A variety of details have been made about the container. Rwakanga rwamutsigira mukudenhwa nenyongori, kuiswa mutorongo, kurohwa, uye kutakwa namabwe. a man full of leprosy! " It had sustained him in being attacked by mobs, imprisoned, beaten, and stoned. Nguva dzose, Bhaibheri rinoratidza Satani kuva munyengeri mukuru uyo ari "kutsausa pasi rose rinogarwa. " The faithful patriarch Job set an example for married Christian men and women. At all times, the Bible shows Satan to be the chief deceiver who is "misleading the entire inhabited earth. " Muenzanisoi wakaisvonaka wokuzvininipisa uyo aichimbova purezidhedhi weWatch Tower Society akagovera? It raised much speculation. What fine example of humility did the former manager of the Watch Tower Society provide? Avo vakanga vagamuchira zano raPauro ndokufarira zvinhu zvomudzimu pakutanga pasina mubvunzo vakawana zviri nyore kusiya musha, basa, mbatya, uye pfuma yomunhu oga yavaikoshesa ndokutizira kumakomo kupfuura zvakaitwa navaya vakanga vasina kugura rudo rwemari. It had supported him through mobbings, imprisonments, scourgings, and stoning. Those who had accepted Paul's counsel and took an interest in spiritual things first no doubt found it easier to leave home, employment, clothing, and personal resources that they valued and flee to the mountains than did those who had not overcome the love of money. " Kana ndirini ndichafamba ["nokuvimbika, " NW] kwangu. " - PISAREMA 26: 11. Consistently, the Bible shows Satan to be the archdeceiver who is "misleading the entire inhabited earth. " " As for me, in my integrity I shall walk. " - PSALM 26: 11. 1: 1, 2. What fine example of humility did a former president of the Watch Tower Society provide? 1: 1, 2. ▪ Wanyura mubasa rako zvokuti kunamata kwava kumboiswa padivi here? Those who had responded to Paul's counsel and put spiritual interests first doubtless found it easier to leave behind home, job, clothes, and treasured personal effects and flee to the mountains than did any who had not broken free of the love of money. ▪ Have you become so absorbed in your work that spiritual activities are now set aside? Kunyange doro shomanana rinogona kukukanganisa pakutyaira. " As for me, in my integrity I shall walk. " - PSALM 26: 11. Even a small amount of alcohol can have a negative effect on driving. Asi guta iri rakanga riri panzvimbo yakanaka zvokuti raitarisira mugwagwa mukuru waifambirwa nevezvokutengeserana. 1: 1, 2. The city, on the other hand, was located in such a comfortable location that it cared for the main trade trade route. Tinofanira kushandisa zvese zvatinopiwa nesangano raMwari zvinotibatsira pakuparidza. ▪ Have you become so absorbed in work that spiritual matters are being pushed aside? We need to use all of God's provisions to help us preach. Vanhu vachadzima maTV avo, kurasa nhare dzavo dzinotakurika, kupwanya makombiyuta avo, uye vorega kuenda kune dzimwe nyika here? Even small amounts of alcohol can impair your driving ability. Will people turn off their TV, throw off their portable telephones, break their computers, and stop going to other countries? Kutanga, rangarira uyu mushumo wapakuvamba wakabva kuGreece muna 429 B.C.E. But this strategically located city once controlled a key trade route. First, consider this original report from Greece in 429 B.C.E. Kana munhu mutsva akatanga kupinda misangano paImba yoUmambo, muKristu wose anenge aripo ane zvaanomubatsira nazvo kuti akoshese kunamata kwechokwadi. We need to employ the preaching tools provided by God's organization. If a new person begins attending meetings at the Kingdom Hall, every Christian present helps him to appreciate true worship. [ Mufananidzo] Will people turn off their TVs, throw away their mobile phones, destroy their computers, and stop traveling to other lands? [ Picture] Bva, kuti upwiswe chaizvoizvo norudo rwaJehovha, unofanira zvomenemene kurarama namashoko aJehovha kupfurikidza nokuwana kuita kwake nokuda kwako. First, consider this early report from Greece in 429 B.C.E. Yet, to be really convinced of Jehovah's love, you must actually live by Jehovah's words by finding out his reaction in your behalf. Zvisinei, pane chinhu chisingafadzi chakaitika ndichiri muduku. And when a new one starts to attend meetings at the Kingdom Hall, every Christian present contributes to building his appreciation for true worship. However, something dark happened when I was a child. Navaporofita vakafa? Yet, to be really convinced of Jehovah's love, you must actually live on Jehovah's utterances by experiencing his acting on your behalf. With the prophets who died? Asi haritauri chinhu pamusoro pavatatu vachiva vakaenzana mukusaguma, simba, nzvimbo, uye uchenjeri. However, there was one dark spot in my young life. But it says nothing about three being equal in eternity, power, position, and wisdom. Pauro naJesu vakagadza sei muenzaniso wokudzidzisa nenzira iri nyore kunzwisisa? Also, the prophets died. How did Paul and Jesus set an example in teaching with simplicity? Taiita misangano yese, asi takaita nguva tichingopinda tiri vaviri. But it says nothing about the three being equal in eternity, power, position, and wisdom. We held all the meetings, but we spent time just getting together. Mumwe mutori wenhau akaidza kuparadza kweshatiso mukati mamakore 40 okuparadzanya muEastern Europe kuti "chakavanzika chinoisvosembura chechikomonizimu. " How did Paul and Jesus set an example in teaching with simplicity? One journalist called the destruction of pollution during the 40 years of devastating in Eastern Europe "the most disgusting mystery of the volcano. " Uyewo kana vakuru vechiKristu vakashandisa nzwisiso, vanogona kutaura zvinonyaradza kune vakatendeka, vachivabatsira kuti vaone basa ravo mukuitwa kwechinangwa chaMwari. - 1 VaTesaronika 5: 14. We held every meeting, but for some time, only the two of us were in attendance. Also, if Christian elders exercise discernment, they can bring comfort to faithful ones, helping them to see their role in the outworking of God's purpose. - 1 Thessalonians 5: 14. Zvisinei, ichi chakanga chiri chiratidzo chiri pachena chokuti kushanda zvakanaka kwechinangwa chaMwari hakwaitsamira parudzi rumwe. Another journalist called the ravages of pollution during 40 years of devastation in Eastern Europe "communism's dirtiest secret. " However, this was a clear indication that the outworking of God's purpose did not depend on one nation. Ndinoisa vanhu pamberi nokuti uri mushandi wevanhu, vawakanzi ushandire kwenguva ino, uye ibasa rako kuvafadza uyewo mukuru wako pabasa. " Also, by using discernment, Christian elders can speak consolingly to faithful ones, helping them to see their role in the outworking of God's purpose. - 1 Thessalonians 5: 14. I put people ahead of you because you're a human worker, whom you've been assigned to work for the present time, and it's your duty to please them as well as your superior at work. " Panguva ino, Jehovha ari kupindura minyengetero yevanhu vake nokuda kwesimba nenhungamiro sezvavanoitawo nokushingaira basa rinokosha rokupupura. This was a clear sign, however, that the outworking of God's purpose did not depend on any one nation. In the meantime, Jehovah is answering the prayers of his people for the strength and direction as they zealously share in the vital work of witnessing. Tinofanira kuva nechido chakasimba chokuitei? I put the public first because you are the community's servant, among whom you are placed for the time being, and it is your duty to please them as well as your commanding officer. " What should we have a strong desire to do? Musiki wedu bedzi, Changamire Ishe Jehovha, anogona kuita izvozvo! In the meantime, Jehovah is answering the prayers of his people for strength and guidance as they zealously share in the vital work of witnessing. Only our Creator, the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, can do that! Ichiri kubatira ikoko sapiona, kunyange zvazvo zvino yava naanopfuura makore 80 ezera. What should we be determined to do? It still serves there as a pioneer, even though it is now over 80 years of age. Akabva aedza kuvanza zvaakanga aita achiita kuti murume wacho aurayiwe. Only our Creator, the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, can do that! Then he tried to conceal what he had done to have the man killed. 1 / 15 She is still serving there as a pioneer, although she is now over 80 years of age. 1 / 1 Sezvo "Mwari ari rudo, " kunodaro kuti avo vanorarama chaizvo mukuwirirana nenheyo dzake vachadzidza rugare, kwete hondo; rudo, kwete ruvengo; kushivirira, kwete chinya. - 1 Johane 4: 8, NW. He then attempted a cover - up by having her husband killed. Since "God is love, " it says that those who live up to his principles will learn peace, not war; love, not hatred; patience, not impatience. - 1 John 4: 8. (a) Vechiduku vari kubatsirwa sei nekugara vachiita kunamata kwemhuri? 4 / 15 (a) How have youths benefited from regular family worship? Sezvataona, makambani evaraidzo haaiti kuti kusarudza kuve nyore zvikuru. Since "God is love, " it follows that those who truly live by his principles will learn peace, not war; love, not hatred; tolerance, not intolerance. - 1 John 4: 8. As we have seen, entertainment companies do not make decisions easier. Maererano neWebster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, njere i "simba kana kuti mano endangariro ayo inosiyanisa nawo chimwe chinhu nechimwe. " (a) How have young people benefited from regular family worship? According to Webster's Revised Unated Dictionary, discernment is "the power or ability of the mind by which it contrasts one thing from another. " Asi tinogona kusangana nemuedzo patinenge tiri toga sezvakaitika kuna Jesu paakaedzwa murenje. As we have seen, the entertainment industry does not make deciding easier. But we may face trials when we are alone, as Jesus did when he was tested in the wilderness. Saizvozvowo, unogona kuita kuti unzwe uine chivimbo nokubvuma zvaunokwanisa uye kukumbira Mwari kuti akubatsire pazvikanganiso zvako. According to Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, discernment is "the power or faculty of the mind by which it distinguishes one thing from another. " Similarly, you can build up your self - confidence by accepting your potential and asking God for his help in your mistakes. Zviri pachena kuti sevaKenani vakavatangira, vaIsraeri vaifarira dzimba dzematombo, sezvo zvivako izvi zvaive zvakasimba chaizvo kudarika zvimwe uye zvaidzivirira pavavengi. But a test of faith may come when we are alone, as it did when Jesus was tempted in the wilderness. Evidently like the Canaanites who preceded them, the Israelites were interested in stone houses, since these buildings were stronger than others and provided protection from enemies. Munguva yose yokurega, batsira mudiwa wako kuti adzivise mamiriro ezvinhu anonetsa angaita kuti asvute zvekare. Similarly, you can build your confidence by acknowledging your strengths and turning to God for help to cope with your weaknesses. Throughout the time, help your loved one to avoid stressful situations that may cause him to smoke again. Uku ndiko kwakanga kuri kushanya kwake kwokupedzisira kutemberi. Evidently, like the Canaanites before them, the Israelites preferred stone houses, as these buildings were more substantial than others and provided more protection from intruders. This was his last visit to the temple. Tinovarerutsa here? Throughout the withdrawal period, help your loved one avoid stressful situations that could lead to a relapse. Do we take them for granted? NZIYO DZICHAIMBWA: 71, 63 This was his last visit to the temple. SONGS TO BE USED: 71, 63 Anna naJulia vakatanga kuva nedepression vachangoti pfuurei makore 12. Do we take them for granted? Anna and Julia began to experience depression in their early teens. (1) Lesch, C. SONGS TO BE USED: 71, 63 (1) Lesch, C. " Chakavimbika! " Anna and Julia were in their early teens when they first experienced depression. " It's reliable! " Izviwo zvakakurumidzisa kuchinja kwemagariro netsika. (1) Lesch, C. This too has speeded up social and cultural changes. Jesu akawana chimwe chinhu chakanaka chokutaura pamusoro pezvakaitika kuna Jona " Guaranteed! " Jesus found something positive to say about Jonah's experience Kunyange iwo usino mutongi, kana mutariri kana mubati, unogadzira zvokudya zvawo muzhezha, nokuunganidza zvokudya zvawo mukukohwa. " This, in turn, accelerated the rate of social and cultural change. Although it has no commander, officer or ruler, it prepares its food even in the summer; it has gathered its food supplies even in the harvest. " Chengeta Kutenda Kwako Noutano Hwomudzimu Jesus found something positive to say about Jonah's experience Maintain Your Faith and Spiritual Health Panzvimbo pokuzvitambudza nepfungwa dzinotyisa dzezvaigona kuitika paaizosangana naFarao, Mosesi "akaita saizvozvo. " Although it has no commander, officer or ruler, it prepares its food even in the summer; it has gathered its food supplies even in the harvest. " Rather than torment himself with frightening thoughts of what could happen when he met Pharaoh, Moses "did just so. " Vakafanana nevaBheriya vekare vakanga vaine pfungwa dzakanaka vakagamuchira mashoko aMwari "nepfungwa dzinoda kwazvo, " vachida chaizvo kuita zvinoda Mwari. Maintain Your Faith and Spiritual Health Like the noble - minded Beroeans of old, they responded to God's message "with a eager mind, " eager to do God's will. Bhuku rinonzi Insight on the Scriptures rakabudiswa neZvapupu zvaJehovha rinotsanangura kuti: "Munhu paaiona chiratidzo chinobva kuna Mwari asingaiti zvokurota, aisazvikanganwa nokuti zvinenge zvaitika akamuka. Rather than torture himself with frightening thoughts of what might happen when he confronted Pharaoh, Moses "did just so. " The book Insight on the Scriptures, published by Jehovah's Witnesses, explains: "When a person saw a vision from God in a dream, he did not forget it because of what happened. Kunyange zvazvo akanga asati ava kuziva, ndinofunga kuti kumutangidzira achiri muduku kudai kwakamubatsira zvikuru. They are like the noble - minded ones in ancient Beroea who accepted God's message with "eagerness of mind, " having a keen desire to do the will of God. Although he didn't yet know, I think that starting him early in life would have helped him a lot. Tingadzidzei patinoenzanisa chikara chakaonekwa naJohani nechikara chinotyisa chaiva nenyanga gumi chakaonekwa naDhanieri uye kududzirwa kwakaitwa chifananidzo chikuru naDhanieri? Insight on the Scriptures explains: "When a person received a vision from God during waking hours, it appears that the impression was made upon the conscious mind. What can we learn from comparing John's vision with the awe - inspiring wild beast of Daniel's ten horns and the interpretation of Daniel's immense image? Mudzimu waMwari ipapo waizotungamirira Ruka kunyora mashoko acho zvakarurama. - Ruka 1: 1 - 4. Although she could not understand what was going on, I believe that this early exposure had a beneficial effect on her. God's spirit would then lead Luke to write the words accurately. - Luke 1: 1 - 4. Zvinodavirwawo kuti muchiroto, Constantine akaudzwa kuti apende mavara maviri ezita raKristu muchiGiriki panhoo dzemauto ake. What can we learn by comparing John's vision of the wild beast, Daniel's account of the fearsome beast that had ten horns, and Daniel's interpretation of the immense image? It is also believed that in a dream, Constantine was told to cast two qualities of Christ's name into Greek on the shields of his troops. Munyika dzose dzichiri kubudirira, vana vanenge mamirioni 177 - 1 mu 3 - vanorara nenzara. God's spirit would then guide Luke to record the information accurately. - Luke 1: 1 - 4. Throughout the developing world, about 177 million children - 1 out of 3 - go hungry. Kunyange vanhu vakatanhamara vanogadza mienzaniso yakashata. It is also held that in a dream, Constantine was told to paint the first two letters of Christ's name in Greek on the shields of his troops. Even prominent people set bad examples. " Mwari Wokunyaradza Kwose " Throughout the developing world, about 177 million children - 1 in 3 - go to bed hungry. " The God of All Comfort " Munhu angatapukirwa munzira huru ina: (1) nokushandisa tsono kana jekiseni rine utachiona, (2) kurara nomunhu akatapukirwa (nokuchiuno kana nomumukanwa), (3) nokuisirwa ropa nezvinhu zvinogadzirwa neropa, kunyange zvazvo ngozi yacho yakaderedzwa munyika dzakabudirira umo ropa riri kuongororwa kana risina zvinorwisa HIV, uye (4) namai vane HIV, vanozadza mucheche asati aberekwa kana pavanosununguka kana pavanoyamwisa. Even prominent people set poor examples. A person may be infected in four main ways: (1) by using a needle or a vaccine containing a virus, (2) sexual relations with an infected person (now or through the mouth), (3) by blood transfusions and blood products, even though the risk has been reduced in developed countries where blood is under control if there are no anti - HIV attacks, and (4) by an HIV - positive mother, they fill an unborn or breast - feeding baby. October 1, 2009 " The God of All Comfort " October 1, 2009 [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 31] A person may be infected in four primary ways: (1) by using a contaminated needle or syringe, (2) through sexual intercourse (vaginal, anal, or oral) with an infected person, (3) by blood transfusions and blood products, although this threat has been reduced in more developed countries where blood is now screened for HIV antibodies, and (4) by his or her HIV - infected mother, who can infect the baby either before or during birth or while breast - feeding. [ Picture on page 31] Jesu anogadza muranda akatendeka pazvinhu zvake zvose rini? October 1, 2009 When does Jesus appoint the faithful slave over all his belongings? Kuchinja mafungiro avo nemaitiro kungaita kuti zvikwanisike kuti vagare pamwe chete kuti zvinakire mhuri yose. [ Picture on page 31] Changing their thinking and conduct may make it possible for them to live together for the good of the entire family. Muna 1937 baba vangu vakava muranda wekambani (ava kunzi murongi mudare revakuru) muungano yevatema muChattanooga, Tennessee. When does Jesus appoint the faithful slave over all his belongings? In 1937 my father became company servant (now called coordinator of the body of elders) in a black congregation in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Mumusasa weLugufu, mune ungano 7, dzine vaKristu 659 vanoshingaira. Making changes in their attitudes and behavior may make it possible for them to stay together for the good of the whole family. In the Lugufu camp, there are 7 congregations with 659 zealous Christians. Vanhu vaJehovha pasi rose vari kupa zvavanokwanisa kuti vatsigire kuvakwa kwenzvimbo idzi. In 1937 my father became company servant (now called coordinator of the body of elders) of the black congregation in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Jehovah's people around the world are giving their best to support the construction of these facilities. Zvechokwadi mupi woupenyu anova ndiye akaita kuti Jobho aumbwe mudumbu anogona kumumutsa kana afa. - Jobho 10: 8, 9; 31: 15. In the Lugufu camp, there are 7 congregations, with a total of 659 active Christians. Indeed, it was the Giver of life who had Job conceived in the womb that could resurrect him after his death. - Job 10: 8, 9; 31: 15. Nokudaro, imwe nzira yatinokomborera nayo vanotitambudza ndeyokuvanyengeterera, tichiteterera kuna Mwari kuti kana vamwe vachitishora nemhaka yokusaziva, Jehovha avhure maziso avo kuti vaone chokwadi. How thankful we are for the many willing volunteers who work tirelessly on such projects! Thus, one way in which we bless our persecutors is to pray for them, entreating God that if others oppose us because of not knowing it, Jehovah has opened their eyes to see the truth. Hazvishamisi, ipapoka, kuti ichipesvedzerwa nouku kufunga kwechihedheni, ungano yeKorinte yakanga yava nezvinetso. The Life - Giver who was responsible for Job's formation in the womb can certainly restore him to life after he has died. - Job 10: 8, 9; 31: 15. Little wonder, then, that influenced by this pagan thinking, the Corinthian congregation had had problems. Jeremia akanga atove achiparidzira nesimba kwamakore 30. Hence, one way in which we bless persecutors is by praying for them, petitioning God that if any are opposing us because of ignorance, Jehovah may open their eyes to the truth. Jeremiah had already been preaching zealously for 30 years. Verenga mashoko evamwe vari kushandisa Dzimba dzoUmambo itsva idzi. Little wonder, then, that under the influence of this pagan thinking, the Corinthian congregation had become a hotbed of problems. Read the comments of some who are using these new Kingdom Halls. Akaororwa kwazvo zvokuti akatobatsira mubasa rokuvaka. Jeremiah had already been preaching strenuously for 30 years. He was so impressed that he even assisted in the construction work. (b) Mufananidzo upi waJesu uchakurukurwa munyaya inotevera? Read the words of some who are using the new Kingdom Halls. (b) What illustration of Jesus will be discussed in the next article? (Ona mufananidzo uri panotangira nyaya ino.) He was so impressed that he even assisted in the construction work. (See opening picture.) Asi zvino vazhinji vakatamira kumwe vari kuziva kuti migariro iri kuipa zvikuru kunzvimbo iri yose. (b) What parable of Jesus will be considered in the following article? But now many who have moved abroad are aware that conditions are getting worse everywhere. Vanhu vaiziva shanduro iyi yeSeptuagint uye vateveri vaKristu vepakutanga vaiishandisa. (See opening image.) People knew this Septuagint and the early followers of Christ used it. " Munhu Ari Kuchinja Uye Ari Kukura " But now many who moved away are realizing that conditions are getting worse everywhere. " Man Is Changing and Growing Up " Mapeji eBhaibheri rinonzi Pre - Alfonsine (kuruboshwe) uye rinonzi Alfonsine (kurudyi) ekuma1200 C.E. Christians also found Greek to be ideal for their writings. The Bible pages are Pre - Afonsina (left) and are called Alonsina (right) in the 13th century C.E. Pandaiita basa romumugwagwa musi waDecember 24, 1944, ndakasungwa. " A Changing, Developing Person " During the street work on December 24, 1944, I was arrested. Pashure pekunge adzidziswa naBaba vake ari kudenga, Jesu akaenderera mberi nekudzidza paaiita ushumiri hwake pasi pano. Pages of the 13th - century Pre - Alfonsine (left) and Alfonsine (right) Bibles After receiving training from his Father in heaven, Jesus continued his earthly ministry. Zvisinei nokuti kutya ikoko kwakarurama here kana kuti hakuna iyoyo imwe nyaya. While doing street work on December 24, 1944, I was arrested. Whether such fears are valid or not is another matter. Maererano naPurofesa Ussishkin, mugero uyu wakanga uri chinhu chisina kumboonekwa munguva inotaurwa muBhaibheri. After having been instructed by his Father in heaven, Jesus continued to learn during his earthly ministry. According to Professor Ussishkin, this tunnel was something not seen in Bible times. Ndakakumbira Mwari kuti andipe gore rimwe chete rerugare uye mufaro, asi akandipa zvinopfuura ipapo! Whether such fears are justified or not is another matter. I asked God for a year of peace and happiness, but he gave me more than that! WAKAMBODYA muchero usina kuibva here? According to Professor Ussishkin, this moat was an unprecedented feature for Biblical times. HAVE you ever had to eat fresh fruit? Michina inotenderera ichitora mashoko nemifananidzo - chero ikaiswa mumhepo, muchadenga, mugungwa, kana kuti pasi - inogonesa uto ramazuva ano kunyatsoona nokukurumidza kupfuura kare, kunyange munzvimbo, dzakaita semasango akapfumvutira. I asked God for one year of peace and happiness, but he has given me so much more! The space, sea, or earth - which enables the modern - day army to see more clearly than ever before, even in places, is like dense forests. Tinofanira kuyeuka kuti kunyange zvazvo mutauro weava vaida kuvaka wakanga wachinjwa, mafungiro avo nepfungwa hazvina. HAVE you ever eaten unripe fruit? We should remember that although the language of these willing to build had been changed, their thinking and thinking had not been changed. Kana waunogara naye achinzwa kuti unofanira kudaidzwa kwose kwaanoenda, anganzwa sokuti haana rusununguko. Sensors - whether deployed in the air, in space, in the ocean, or on the ground - enable a modern army to see more quickly and clearly than ever before, even in difficult terrain, such as jungles. If your roommate feels that you should be called wherever he goes, he may feel that he has no freedom. Murume wacho akanga aenda kuzonzwa hurukuro yavose uye akanga apa zita rake nokuda kwefundo yeBhaibheri. We must bear in mind that even though the speech of these would - be tower builders had been altered, their thinking and concepts had not. The man had gone to hear the public talk and had given his name for a Bible study. Kurongwa kwetemberi kwakare kwakagovera kuti pave negadziriro dzakaoma kunzwisisa dzekurongwa kwezviridzwa mukunamata mutemberi. If your roommate feels that you have to be invited every time he or she goes anywhere, he or she might begin to feel smothered. Ancient temple organization provided for complex arrangements for the construction of musical arrangements in worship in the temple. Dzivirirai Vana Venyu! The man had gone to hear the public talk and had turned in his name for a Bible study. Protect Your Children! Kuva nomwero kuchakubatsira kufunga nezvechitarisiko chako sezvachiri. The ancient temple organization provided for complex arrangements of instrumentation and voices in temple worship. Modesty will help you to reflect on your appearance as it is. Encyclopedia of Latin America inoti: "ChiPurotesitendi muLatin America chakazvichinjirawo chimene ku... kusarudzwa mune zvamatongerwe enyika kwavanotsigira fariro dzavoruzhinji. Gobitas Klose), 7 / 22 The Encyclopedia of Latin America states: "Sexism in Latin America has also transferred itself to... political selections in favor of public interests. Kuwedzera kunoshamisa uku uchapupu hwokuti Jehovha ari kukomborera basa rokuparidza paimba neimba riri kuitwa nevanhu vake. - Isa. Modesty will help you to be realistic about your appearance. This remarkable increase is evidence that Jehovah is blessing the house - to - house preaching work that his people are doing. - Isa. Neiko rwakanga ruchidikanwa? The Encyclopedia of Latin America says: "Protestantism in Latin America has also adapted itself to... populist electoral politics. Why was it needed? Imwe nyaya iri muThe Wall Street Journal inoti: " Vazhinjisa vavechiduku vanoshanda vanhasi havaziri kudzidza chinhu chipi nechipi chinobetsera zvikuru kwazvo panokungouya kubasa bedzi. This remarkable growth is one evidence of Jehovah's blessing on the efforts of his people in the house - to - house ministry. - Isa. An article in The Wall Street Journal says: "Most of today's working teenagers are not learning anything far more beneficial than simply coming to work. Ndakatanga kushingaira kudzidza Bhaibheri uye pasina nguva ndakaona kuti ndaifanira kuchinja mararamiro angu kuti ndifadze Jehovha Mwari. Why was it needed? I began to study the Bible diligently and soon realized that I needed to make changes in my life to please Jehovah God. Tarisa mupurisa weKGB mumaziso chaimo. An article in The Wall Street Journal states: " A lot of today's working teens aren't learning anything much more useful than just showing up. Watch the KGB officer right in the eyes. Apo chimwe Chapupu cheIran chinogara muLondon, England, chakatenga zvokudya muchitoro, mutengesi womuchitoro akamunyomba nemhaka yokuti akanga ari wokumwe. I started to study the Bible diligently and soon realized that I had to make changes in my life if I wanted to please Jehovah God. When an Iran Witness living in London, England, bought food in a store, the shopr mocked him because he was a foreigner. Asi munhu upi zvake anofunga anonyatsoona kuti chiKristudhomu chinongonyepedzera kutevedzera nheyo dzeBhaibheri. - Mateu 15: 8. Look the KGB agent right in the eye. But any reasoning person is convinced that Christendom simply pretends to follow Bible principles. - Matthew 15: 8. Haatomboenzaniswi uye haatsiviwi. When an Iranian Witness living in London, England, purchased some food from a store, the storekeeper insulted him because he was a foreigner. They are far from equal and are not replaced. Nepo vaKristu vasingapi zvibayiro chaizvoizvo - mhuka kana miriwo - vane basa rokupupurira mashoko akanaka oUmambo nokuita vadzidzi vaJesu Kristu. But any reasonable person can see that Christendom only pretends to follow Bible principles. - Matthew 15: 8. While Christians do not offer literal sacrifices - animals or vegetables - they have the responsibility of bearing witness to the good news of the Kingdom and making disciples of Jesus Christ. Ngatimbofungai chimwe chezvinangwa zvakadaro - kubatsira kuwana nzvimbo dzokunamatira. He can never be equaled or supplanted. Let us consider one of such goals - helping to find places of worship. Vachaumba "Jerusarema idzva, " mwenga waKristu. While Christians do not offer literal sacrifices - animal or vegetable - they do have the responsibility to bear witness to the Kingdom good news and to make disciples of Jesus Christ. They will make up "new Jerusalem, " the bride of Christ. Kutaura idi, pane kupokanidzana kukuru, kana kusiri kunyengera chaiko, mumabatire akaita vatungamiriri vevanhu nhau yacho. Let us focus on one such purpose - helping to provide places of worship. In fact, there is great contradictions, if not outright deception, in how human leaders have handled the matter. Chimwe chikonzero chefariro mukuberekwazve ndechokuti vakatanhamara vakati vakataura vamene pamhene uye vakabvuma nomutoo wakakomba kuti ivo vakararama upenyu humwe hwekare kana kuti kupfuura. They will make up "the New Jerusalem, " the bride of Christ. Another reason for interest in reincarnation is that certain prominent ones spoke out in public and seriously admitted that they lived one previous life or more. Kunze kwavaNetinimi kwaiva navamwe vaisava vaIsraeri, varanda, nyanzvi dzavaimbi vechirume nevechikadzi uye vazukuru vavabatiri vaMambo Soromoni. " In fact, there is a great element of contradiction, if not outright hypocrisy, in the way human leaders have approached the subject. Besides the Nethinim were some non - Israelites, slaves, male and female musicians and descendants of King Solomon's servants. " " Ini nemurume wangu tinoda kuzvirerera mwana wedu nenzira inodiwa naJehovha. Another reason for the interest in reincarnation is that certain celebrities have raised their voices and seriously asserted that they have lived one or more former lives. " My husband and I want to raise our child in a way that Jehovah wants. Achiedza kuti azivikanwe uye achida kugamuchirwa, wechiduku angatanga kutsigira "zvinhu zviri munyika " zvinoitwa nevamwe vechiduku. - 1 Johani 2: 15 - 17; VaRoma 12: 2. Besides the Nethinim there were other non - Israelites, the slaves, the professional male and female singers and the descendants of the servants of King Solomon. " In an effort to gain recognition and acceptance, a young person may begin to promote "the things in the world " that other youths do. - 1 John 2: 15 - 17; Romans 12: 2. " Kana mwana wangu akanganisa, ndinoedza kuona kuti azviita nemaune here kana kuti angozviitawo asingazivi. " My husband and I want to raise our own child in Jehovah's ways. " If my child makes a mistake, I try to determine whether he has deliberately done so or if he doesn't. Kuyeuka dzidziso dzaJesu kwakaita kuti vaapostora vakwanise kudzivirira noushingi nzvimbo yavo pamberi pemadzimambo, vatongi, uye vatungamiriri vechitendero. - Mako 13: 9 - 11; Mabasa 4: 5 - 20. Struggling with self - consciousness and wanting to be accepted, a youth might start to endorse "the things in the world " that other youths advocate. - 1 John 2: 15 - 17; Romans 12: 2. Remembering Jesus ' teachings enabled the apostles to courageously defend their position before kings, judges, and religious leaders. - Mark 13: 9 - 11; Acts 4: 5 - 20. (b) Tinofanira kudzivisa kusanzwisisa chii nezvengoni dzaMwari? " I try to determine if my child has been deliberately disobedient or if he just made an error in judgment. (b) What should we avoid not grasping about God's mercy? Itariro inofadza zvakadini! Recalling Jesus ' teachings enabled the apostles boldly to defend their position before kings, magistrates, and religious leaders. - Mark 13: 9 - 11; Acts 4: 5 - 20. What a thrilling prospect! " Anofara munhu wose anotya Jehovha, anofamba munzira dzake. " - PIS. (b) What misunderstanding concerning God's mercy do we need to guard against? " Happy is everyone fearing Jehovah, who is walking in his ways. " - PS. Hondo yeAmagedhoni haizorwirwi panzvimbo imwe chete yakasarudzwa. What a delightful prospect! The battle of Armageddon will not be fought at one designated location. Maonero Edu Anoratidzwa Nezviito Zvedu " Happy is everyone fearing Jehovah, who is walking in his ways. " - PS. Our View Reflected on Our Actions Jese aiva nevanakomana vasere, uye Dhavhidhi ndiye aiva gotwe. The battle of Armageddon will not be fought on any one specific battlefield. Jesse had eight sons, and David was the youngest. Chero munhu upi aikwanisa kudai akatsvaka kudzivirirwa muareka uye kupona. Our View Made Evident by Our Actions Anyone could have sought protection in the ark and escaped. Mosesi anotaura chimwe chacho, achiti: " Itya Jehovha Mwari wako. ' Jesse had eight sons, and David was the youngest. Moses mentions one of them, saying: "Fear Jehovah your God. " Kathy anoti: "Izvi zvinotikurudzira zvikuru sezvo rugare ruri chibereko chomudzimu waMwari. " - VaGaratiya 5: 22, 23. Anyone could have availed himself of the provision of the ark and survived. Kathy says: "This is of great encouragement to us as peace is a fruit of God's spirit. " - Galatians 5: 22, 23. Pasinei nekuzvidzwa kwaanoitwa, Jehovha anoramba ari "Mwari anofara. " - 1 Tim. Moses mentions one factor, saying: "Fear Jehovah your God. " Despite the reproach he receives, Jehovah remains "the happy God. " - 1 Tim. Ndakaona kuti ndaiva nechikomborero chokutsigira mumwe wehama dzaKristu. - Mat. Says Kathy, "This is especially encouraging to us, since peace is part of the fruitage of God's spirit. " - Galatians 5: 22, 23. I felt that I had the privilege of supporting one of Christ's brothers. - Matt. Rufu rwaJesu runobatsirawo vanhu vari kurarama iye zvino. Yes, despite the reproach that has been heaped on him, Jehovah remains "the happy God. " - 1 Tim. Jesus ' death also contributes to the lives of those now living. • Vadzidzi vomuzana remakore rokutanga vakawana sei Mesiya? I viewed it as a privilege to support one of Christ's brothers. - Matt. • How did first - century disciples find the Messiah? Kupfurikidza neratidzirwo chaidzo dzomudzimu mutsvene uchivasimbisa kutaura nendimi nokuporofita. Jesus ' death also benefits people living today. By means of special manifestations of holy spirit strengthening them to speak in tongues and to prophesy. Vabereki vanofanira kutanga vakudziridza ukama hwavo naJehovha • How could the first - century disciples find the Messiah? Parents must first develop their relationship with Jehovah Kunyange zvazvo baba vaTimoti vaisashumira Jehovha, amai naambuya vake vakamubatsira kuti ade Shoko raMwari. By special manifestations of holy spirit empowering them to speak in tongues and to prophesy. Although Timothy's father did not serve Jehovah, his mother and grandmother helped him to develop a love for God's Word. Saka zvibvunze kuti, " Chii chinoita kuti ndive nechivimbo chokuti Mwari ariko? ' Parents must first cultivate their own spirituality So ask yourself, " What convinces me that God exists? ' Kupfuura izvozvo, apo madzimambo mashanu evaAmori nemauto awo akatyisidzira vaGibhiyoni, Jehovha akapindira nenzira inoshamisa. Even though Timothy grew up in a religiously divided household, his Jewish mother and grandmother cultivated in him an appreciation for the Scriptures, as the Jews understood them. More than that, when five Amorite kings and their armies threatened the Gibeonites, Jehovah miraculously intervened. Ushamwari hwenyu hwaigona kuzosimbazve sezvahwakanga hwakamboita here? ECONOMICS AND EMPLOYMENT Could your friendship be restored as it once was? Allport, akacherechedza kuti vacheche "havaratidzi... unhu hunoparadza.... Well, then, ask yourself, " What convinces me that God exists? ' Allport, observed that infants "do not manifest... destructive behavior.... Nhasiwo, vakawanda vanoda tsitsi nekurudziro nemhaka yokuti vanotarisana nezvinetso zvinoodza mwoyo. More than that, when five Amorite kings and their armies threatened the Gibeonites, Jehovah miraculously intervened. Today, too, many need compassion and encouragement because they face discouraging problems. Vamwe vanoti chinjo yakava pakuvamba zvikuru, muna 1452, apo Leonardo da Vinci akaberekwa. Would your relationship ever be as strong as it once was? Some say the change was very early, in 1452, when Leonardo da Vinci was born. Tinofara pamwe navo vose nomubayiro uyo Jehovha akapa. Allport observed that infants give "little... evidence of destructive instincts.... We rejoice with all of them with the reward Jehovah has given. " Vanhu vose vakatadza, vakakundikana kusvika pakubwinya kwaMwari. " Today, too, many need compassion and encouragement because they face disheartening problems. " All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. " Zvikomborero Zvandakawana kuNorthern Ireland Others place the change earlier, in 1452, when Leonardo da Vinci was born. Blessings From Northern Ireland VaKristu nhasi uno vangava sei norugare muungano? We rejoice with all of them in the reward that Jehovah has given. How can Christians today be at peace in the congregation? Rinoratidza kuti miedzo yacho yaisazova yorudzi rumwe chete. " All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. " It shows that the trials would not be of the same type. Polycrates akataura kuti Melito akanga asina kuroora uye kuti "upenyu hwake hwose hwaiva nechokuita noMudzimu Mutsvene uye akavigwa muSadhisi achimirira kudana kunobva kudenga paachamuka kubva kuvakafa. " Privileges and Blessings in Northern Ireland Polycrates said that Melito was unmarried and that "all his life was related to the Holy Spirit and was buried in Sardis while awaiting a call from heaven when he rose from the dead. " [ Mufananidzo waErnst naHilde Wauer uri papeji 25] How can Christians today be peacemakers in the congregation? [ Picture on page 25] NYAYA IRI PAKAVHA | SEI ZVAKAIPA ZVICHIITIKA KUVANHU VAKANAKA? It suggests that trials will be varied. COVER SUBJECT WHAT IS THE THOND OF THE BIBLE'S VIEWPOINT? Varaidzo, 6 / 8 Polycrates said that Melito had not married and that he "lived entirely in the Holy Spirit and lies in Sardis awaiting the visitation from heaven when he will rise from the dead. " 6 / 22 Patinoshayiwa kuti tosarudza zvipi, Jehovha anoda kuti tishandise dura rouchenjeri hwaakaita kuti hunyorwe muBhaibheri. COVER SUBJECT | WHY DO BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE? When we are in need of a choice, Jehovah wants us to use the vast storehouse of wisdom that he has designed to be recorded in the Bible. Mutemo waMwari unobva kune Uyo anotida. Singapore - Asia's Tarnished Jewel, 6 / 8 God's law comes from the One who loves us. Pashure, akarwadziwa mwoyo nokuda kwokuva akareva nhema. When we face difficult decisions, Jehovah wants us to draw on the vast store of wisdom he has had recorded in the Bible. Afterward, he was depressed for having lied. Jesu zvino ari kuitei muKapernaume? Divine law comes from the One who loves us. What is Jesus now doing in Capernaum? Zvamazvirokwazvo, tambanuko yokushata kwemhuri inokatyamadza. Afterward, he was cut to the heart for having lied. Indeed, the extent to which the family deteriorates is shocking. Gro Harlem Brundtland, aichimbova mutungamiriri wehurumende yeNorway, anotiwo zana rino remakore rave richinzi "zana remakore rokunyanyisa,... umo uipi hwevanhu hwakasvika pasina mukare akamboona. " What is Jesus now doing in Capernaum? Gro Harlem Brundtland, former president of Norway, also says that this century has been called "a century of extreme proportions,... where human wickedness has come as never before. " [ Mifananidzo iri papeji 24] Indeed, the extent of the family's deterioration numbs the senses. [ Pictures on page 24] Kupindura iyi mibvunzo, rangarira chikonzero nei Jehovha akataura aya mashoko kupfurikidza naMaraki muzana ramakore rechishanu P.N.V. Gro Harlem Brundtland, former prime minister of Norway, likewise says that this century has been called "the century of extremes,... in which human vices reached unfathomable depths. " To answer these questions, consider why Jehovah spoke these words through Malachi in the fifth century B.C.E. [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 31] [ Pictures on page 24] [ Picture on page 31] Mamiriyoni emabhuku - kusanganisira maBhaibheri, mabhuku, nemabhurocha - anodhindwa gore rimwe nerimwe kuti abatsire vaya vane nzara yechokwadi cheBhaibheri. To answer these questions, consider why Jehovah spoke these words through Malachi in the fifth century B.C.E. Millions of books - including Bibles, books, and brochures - are printed each year to help those hungering for Bible truth. Nokuita mahumbwe, vana vanodzidza kushandisa pfungwa dzavo, kunzwisisa zvakavapoteredza, uye kushamwaridzana nevamwe. [ Picture on page 26] By taking part, children learn to use their ideas, to understand their surroundings, and to associate with others. 13: 17. Millions of publications - including Bibles, books, and brochures - are printed each year to assist those who hunger for Bible truth. 13: 17. Chinangwa chokutonga kwaJesu chichange chazadziswa. By playing, children learn to use their senses, understand their environment, and interact with others. The purpose of Jesus ' rule will have been fulfilled. Hama yechitatu yakati: "Kuda zvinodiwa naJehovha uye kuvenga zvaanovenga uye kugara uchitsvaka kutungamirirwa naye uchiita zvaanoda kunoratidza kuti unoteerera sangano rake uye vaya vaanoshandisa kuita kuti chinangwa chake chepanyika chizadziswe. " 13: 17. The third brother said: "The love of Jehovah and the hatred for what he hates and constantly seeking his guidance in doing his will show that you are obedient to his organization and to those he uses to fulfill his purpose for the earth. " Jesu. - VAHEBHERU 9: 11. The purpose of the Son's rule will have been accomplished. Jesus. - HEBREWS 9: 11. " Nokutenda akagara somunhu wokune imwe nyika munyika yechipikirwa, somunyika isiri yake, akagara mumatende naIsaka naJakobho, vagari venhaka pamwe naye yechipikirwa ichocho. The third brother said: "Loving what Jehovah loves and hating what he hates, as well as constantly seeking his guidance and doing what pleases him, means obedience to his organization and to those he is using to advance his purpose for the earth. " " By faith he dwelt as a foreigner in the land of the promise, as in a land not his own, and dwelt in tents with Isaac and Jacob, his joint heirs of that promise. Tinoziva kuti Mwari nomubatiri wake akakura mumudzimu Mosesi vakarangarira sei nhandaro iyoyo. Jesus. - HEBREWS 9: 11. We know how God and his mature servant Moses viewed that recreation. I "simba kana kuti mano endangariro ayo inosiyanisa nawo chimwe chinhu nechimwe. " " By faith he resided as an alien in the land of the promise as in a foreign land, and dwelt in tents with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the very same promise. It is "the power or ability of the mind by which it sets something apart from one another. " Vaenzi vanomhoroswa vopinzwa mumba mavanopiwa mvura yokunwa nezvokudya. We know how God and his mature servant Moses viewed that entertainment. Visitors are immersed and brought into the home where they are given drinking water and food. " URI baba vane utsinye chaizvo, " akadaro mupurisa weKGB. It is "the power or faculty of the mind by which it distinguishes one thing from another. " " YOU are a cruel father, " said a KGB officer. Sezvaunopedza shanyo yako kumugumo wakaderera wegungwa, unopfuura pedyo naapo rwizi rukuru (runonzi Yarmuk) runounza mvura yakati zasi kwoRwizi rwaJoridhani. Visitors are greeted and welcomed inside the home, where they are served water and food. As you complete your visit to a low end of the sea, it passes close to when the great river (called Yarmuk) brings considerable water south of the Jordan River. 2 / 15 Usambofa Wakasiya Vaunonamata Navo, 3 / 15 " YOU are such a cruel father, " scolded the KGB officer. Jehovah's Day Is Near, 3 / 1 Anoyeuchidza vaIsraeri kuti Jehovha Mwari akakodzerwa nokuzvipira kwakazara uye kuti havafaniri kutevera nzira dzemarudzi akanga akavapoteredza. As you complete your tour toward the lower end of the sea, you pass near where a major river (called the Yarmuk) brings considerable water to the lower Jordan River. He reminds the Israelites that Jehovah God is worthy of exclusive devotion and that they should not follow the ways of the nations around them. Mapfundoi apaMagwaro anofanira kurangarira vakuru, zvikurukuru mukati mokutonga? Jehovah - "The God Who Gives Peace, " 8 / 15 What Scriptural points should elders keep in mind, especially during judicial hearings? Chechi inofanira kuona sei ungochani? He reminds the Israelites that Jehovah God deserves exclusive devotion and that they must not follow the ways of the surrounding nations. How should the church view homosexuality? 4: 1 - 3. What Scriptural points should elders keep in mind, especially during judicial hearings? 4: 1 - 3. Pasina nguva asvika muungano itsva, Katherine akasangana nemumwe mukadzi aiva nemakore okuma40 ainzi Doris uye akabvuma kudzidza Bhaibheri. How ought the church to view homosexuality? Before long, she arrived in the new congregation, met a woman in her 40 ' s named Doris and accepted a Bible study. Aiwanzotaura kuti kwaiva kusina kururama kunamata "vasande. " Marfan's Syndrome, 2 / 22 He often said that it was wrong to worship "saints. " Somuenzaniso, vamwe vakaona kuti kurovedza muviri nguva dzose kunoderedza chinyamunhari chinorwadza. 4: 1 - 3. For example, some have found that regular exercise reduces a painful stroke. Naizvozvo vanhu havatongogoni kugutsa ichi chinodikanwa. Shortly after arriving in the new congregation, Katherine met Doris, a woman in her mid - 40 ' s, who accepted a Bible study. So humans can never satisfy this need. Chokwadi, kudengenyeka kwakandibatsira kuti ndive nokutenda pane kuti ndisatende muna Mwari. - Yakataurwa naColleen Esparza. He often said that it was wrong to worship "saints. " Yes, the earthquake helped me to build faith rather than put faith in God. - As told by Colleen Esparza. [ Mifananidzo iri papeji 24] Some, for example, find that regular exercise decreases painful cramps. [ Pictures on page 24] Asi kuvaudza kwandakaita kwava kuita kuti ndinzwe sokuti ndabvisirwa mutoro unorema pamapfudzi angu. So humans can never satisfy this need. But as a result, I felt that a heavy load had been lifted off my shoulders. Akavakurudzira kuva norudungwe rwefundo yeBhaibheri yomunhu oga, iyo ichavabetsera kuchengeta fariro dzoUmambo pakutanga muupenyu. Yes, instead of shattering my faith in God, an earthquake helped me to build faith. - As told by Colleen Esparza. He encouraged them to have a schedule for personal Bible study, which will help them to keep Kingdom interests first in life. Asi akavayeuchidza nezvendima 19, inoti: "Uye kuti muzive rudo rwaKristu runopfuura zivo. " [ Pictures on page 24] Rather, he reminded them of verse 19: "And that you may know the love of the Christ which surpasses knowledge. " Chechipiri, kusaziva zuva kana awa kunotipa mukana wokufadza mwoyo waJehovha. But now that I have admitted it, I feel that a huge weight has been taken off my shoulders. Second, not knowing the day or the hour gives us the opportunity to make Jehovah's heart rejoice. Nei tisingafaniri kuzeza kukumbira kubatsirwa nevakuru mune zvokunamata? He encouraged them to have a schedule for personal Bible study, which will help them to keep Kingdom interests foremost in life. Why should we not hesitate to seek the help of spiritual elders? Somuenzaniso, Maria aiziva kuti Mwari anorambidza ufeve. But he reminded them of verse 19, which goes on to state: "And to know the love of the Christ which surpasses knowledge. " Mary knew, for example, that God forbids fornication. Ona kutanga kwakaita Pauro kudzivirira kwake. A second benefit of our not knowing the day or the hour is that we thus have the opportunity to make Jehovah's heart glad. Note how Paul began to defend himself. Zviri Mukati Why should we not hesitate to seek the spiritual help of the elders? Table of Contents MuKristu anofanira kupa mushandi wehurumende mari yokutenda kana kuti chipo nokuda kwebasa rake here, kana kuti izvozvo zvinganzi chiokomuhomwe? Maria, for example, knew that God prohibits fornication. Should a Christian give a government employee a gift of faith or a gift for his work, or can that be called a bribe? Kana rugare ruchingoreva zvarwo kusava nehondo yenyika yose yenyukireya, ipapo zvichida mumwe angagona kutaura kuti marudzi enyika atova nebudiriro yakati munhamburiko dzawo dzorugare. Note how Paul opened his defense. If peace simply means not having a global nuclear war, then perhaps one could say that the nations of the world have already had some success in their efforts toward peace. Kugadzira micheka ye "tapa " Table of Contents Making cloth of "bicking " Kukohwa Kwava Kusvika Kumugumo Should a Christian give a government employee a tip or a gift for his services, or would that be viewed as bribery? The Harvest Nears the End Ivo vakati vazvinzwa vakadana kuna Mwari nomwoyo mumwe vachiti: " Tenzi, ndimi makaita denga napasi negungwa nezvose zviri mukati mazvo, uye makareva no [mudzimu mutsvene, NW] nomuromo wababa vedu Dhavhidhi, muranda wenyu, muchiti, "Vahedheni vakaitireiko hasha navanhu vanofungireiko zvisina maturo? If peace simply means no global nuclear war, then perhaps one could argue that the nations of the world have already had some success in their peace efforts. When they heard it they cried out to God with one accord: "Lord, you are the One who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and all that is in them, and you spoke with holy spirit through the mouth of your father David your servant, saying, "Why have the nations become angry with the people thinking in vain? Tiri mugwa medu taigona kuonawo kupfuma kwegungwa - coral reef, dura ramagamuchidzanwa ravagari vapachitsuwa. Making tapa cloth From our boat we could also see the wealth of the sea - the coral wall, the traditional storehouse of islanders. Ndingava Sei Noukama Hwepedyo Navanasekuru Vangu? The Harvest Reaching Its Climax How Can I Have a Close Relationship With My Grandparents? Zvisinei, hatifaniri kufuratira idi rokuti "kuna vasingatendi vakapofumadzirwa ndangariro namwari wenyika ino, kuti varege kuvhenekerwa nechiedza cheEvhangeri yokubwinya kwaKristu, uri mufananidzo waMwari. " Upon hearing this they with one accord raised their voices to God and said: " Sovereign Lord, you are the One who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and all the things in them, and who through holy spirit said by the mouth of our forefather David, your servant, "Why did nations become tumultuous and peoples meditate upon empty things? However, we should not overlook the fact that "in unbelievers the god of this system of things blinded the minds of the unbelievers, that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through. " Apo ichi chiito chinoratidzika kuva chiri madikanwa, mutumbi wavakuru uchasarudza dare rinotonga. From our boat we could also see the richness of the sea - the coral reef, the traditional larder of the islanders. When this action seems necessary, the body of elders will select the judicial committee. Panguva imwe cheteyo, Amai vakachengetwa vakaparadzaniswa mumba. How Can I Get Closer to My Grandparents? At the same time, Mother was kept separate from the house. Uye kazhinji kazhinji mutsvaki anosangana nokuora mwoyo. However, we should not overlook the fact that "the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through. " And often the searcher faces depression. 2: 10 - 12. When this action seems necessary, the body of elders will choose a judicial committee. 2: 10 - 12. Akati: "Handizorasi kuvimbika kwangu kusvikira ndafa! " At the same time, Mother was kept secluded in a house. He said: "I shall not take away my integrity from myself until I die! " Zvakaita chaizvo sezvinotaura chirevo chakafuridzirwa cheBhaibheri kuti: "Munhu, wawana uchenjeri, une mufaro, naiye munhu, unowana njere. Nokuti kuwana ihwo kunopfuura kuwana sirvheri; nokuhupfuma ihwo kunopfuura kupfuma ndarama. " - Zvirevo 3: 13, 14. And often the prospector meets with disappointment. It is just as the Bible's inspired proverb states: "Happy is the man that has found wisdom, and the man that gets discernment, for having it as gain is better than having silver as gain and having it as gain than gold itself. " - Proverbs 3: 13, 14. Pakupedzisira, Jesu akauya kupasi ndokubvumikisa kuva "mbeu " yakadeya kutaurwa muuporofita ihwohwo hwakataurwa shure muEdheni. 2: 10 - 12. Finally, Jesus came to earth and proved to be the "seed " foretold in that prophecy spoken back in Eden. Hasha kana kuti kutsamwa kungagona kutisakisa kurega kutaura nomunhu anotishatirisa. He said: "Until I expire I shall not take away my integrity from myself! " Anger or anger could cause us to stop talking to the person who upsets us. Vachadzidziswa chokwadi chinoshamisa nezvokutonga kwaMwari uye ndokupiwa mukana wokurarama nokusingaperi muParadhiso. - Johani 5: 28, 29. It is just as the inspired Bible proverb says: "Happy is the man that has found wisdom, and the man that gets discernment, for having it as gain is better than having silver as gain and having it as produce than gold itself. " - Proverbs 3: 13, 14. They will be taught wonderful truths about God's rulership and will be given the opportunity to live forever in Paradise. - John 5: 28, 29. Zvisinei zvinosuruvarisa kuti, panguva iyoyo yezvinetso, Dhemasi akamusiya, uye Areksandro akamuitira zvakaipa zvakawanda. - 2 Timotio 4: 9 - 21. Eventually, Jesus came to earth and proved to be the "seed " foretold in that prophecy uttered back in Eden. Sadly, however, at that time of trouble, Demetrius left him, and Alexander did many evils for him. - 2 Timothy 4: 9 - 21. Rambai muchishivirirana nokukanganwirana nomwoyo wose kana paine munhu ane chikonzero chokunyunyutira mumwe. Anger or irritation could cause us to give the person who annoys us the silent treatment. Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. Nomudzimai wangu, Lucy They will be taught the wonderful truths regarding God's rulership and be given the opportunity to live forever in Paradise. - John 5: 28, 29. With my wife, Lucy Nguva yatiri kurarama yafamba zvikuru kubva panguva iyeyo! Sadly, however, in that time of trouble, Demas forsook him, and Alexander did him many injuries. - 2 Timothy 4: 9 - 21. The time in which we live has gone a long way since! Ndakapererwa. " Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. I was devastated. " Saka kutendeka kwomwedzi kunoratidza kuti wakavimbika. With my wife, Lucy So the moon's faithfulness proves trustworthy. Anotipa zvinhu izvozvo achifara. We are living so much further along in the stream of time! He gladly provides such provisions for us. Iye ipapo anoenzanisira kukosha kwa "vaduku " kupfurikidza nokutaura pamusoro pomunhu ane makwai 100 asi anorasikirwa nerimwe. I was on the edge of desperation. " He then illustrates the importance of "little ones " by talking about someone with 100 sheep but losing one. Ari kuzvinzwira tsitsi here? Hence, the moon's faithfulness can refer to its reliability. Is he self - pity? " Vakanga vari mhandu dzedu. He gladly fills those requests. " They were our adversaries. MWANAKOMANA waMwari wedangwe ndiye muenzaniso mukuru wouchenjeri hunoshamisa hwaJehovha. He then illustrates the preciousness of "little ones " by telling about a man who possesses 100 sheep but loses one. THE firstborn Son of God is the foremost example of Jehovah's wonderful wisdom. Ushamwari Nenyika Is he self - pitying? Friendship With the World Kunyange zvazvo Samueri akanga akwegura, akanga asina kukanganwa zvaakaita achiri muduku. " They were our enemies. Though Samuel was old, he had not forgotten what he did when he was young. Apo Jesu anotaura kwavari, ivo havazivi chokutaura mumhinduro. GOD'S firstborn Son was the earliest and most complete expression of Jehovah's unfathomable wisdom. When Jesus speaks to them, they do not know what to say in response. Muapostora Pauro akanyora kuti: "Pasina kutenda hapana munhu anogona kufadza Mwari. Friendship With the World The apostle Paul wrote: "Without faith no man can please God. Mutsigiri wezvematongerwo enyika. Though Samuel was old, he had not forgotten his youth. A political supporter. Basa ravo richange riri roku "tsiva vaya vasingazivi Mwari nevaya vasingateereri mashoko akanaka pamusoro paShe wedu Jesu. " When Jesus speaks to them, they do not know what to say in reply. Their work will be to "bring vengeance upon those who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus. " Yakati: "Mangwana, kana zvichiita! " The apostle Paul wrote: "Without faith no one can please God. He said: "Be careful, if possible! " Nabhoti akanga asina mhaka akawanwa ane mhaka ndokutakwa nemabwe kusvika afa, uye mambo wacho akatora munda wake wemizambiringa. - 1 Madzimambo 21: 1 - 16. Political activist. The innocent Naboth was found guilty and stoned to death, and the king took his vineyard. - 1 Kings 21: 1 - 16. [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 16] Their mission will be to bring "vengeance upon those who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus. " [ Picture on page 16] Tinofanira kunyatsonzwisisa nzira iyo Jehovha anozadzisa nayo zvinangwa zvake. " Tomorrow if possible! " We need to understand more fully how Jehovah fulfills his purposes. [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 3] Innocent Naboth was found guilty and stoned to death, and the king took possession of his vineyard. - 1 Kings 21: 1 - 16. [ Picture on page 3] □ Neiko vanhu vaJehovha nguva dzose vakava nechisakiso chomuraudzo chokuonga? [ Picture on page 16] □ Why have Jehovah's people always had extra cause for thankfulness? Jehovha akarangarira Jobho somunhu asina chaaipomerwa, akarurama, anotya Mwari. - Jobho 1: 1, 8. Timgad - Buried City, 12 / 1 Jehovah viewed Job as blameless, upright, God - fearing. - Job 1: 1, 8. Nemhaka yei? We do well to keep fully attuned to the unfolding of God's purpose. Why? Hakusi kuda kwavaiita vanhu vavakabatsira kugamuchira mashoko akanaka! [ Picture on page 3] How loving they were of those whom they helped to accept the good news! Dare iri rinopindura mibvunzo yeBhaibheri uye rinobvumira kunyorwa kwemitambo nehurukuro. □ Why have Jehovah's people always had extra cause for thankfulness? This committee answers Bible questions and allows for the writing of festivals and talks. Zvingaita kuti uone sokuti wanyadziswa uye zvingakutsamwisa kana kukurwadzisa chaizvo. Jehovah viewed Job as a blameless, upright, God - fearing man. - Job 1: 1, 8. It may cause you to feel humiliated and hurt or hurt. Somuenzaniso, Bhaibheri rinoti: "Munhu wose anofanira kukurumidza kunzwa, anonoke kutaura, anonoke kuva nehasha. " Why? For example, the Bible says: "Every man must be swift about hearing, slow about speaking, slow about wrath. " Kunoshamisa here, ipapo, kuti vazhinji vanoti, "Kuchava kune hondo nguva dzose "? What affection they felt for those whom they helped spiritually! Is it surprising, then, that many say, "There will always be war "? Kana ndikaona davidzo yakanaka, ndaizobudisa bhuku raZvokwadi Inotungamirira Kuupenyu Husingagumi kana kuti Mashoko Akanaka Okukufadza ndokutanga fundo yeBhaibheri yenguva dzose. This committee answers Bible questions and approves such material as drama scripts and talk outlines. If I saw a positive response, I would bring out the book The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life or the Good News to Please You and start a regular Bible study. Satani namadhemoni ake havasati vachizoshivirirwa nokusingaperi. You might feel humiliated, angry, or even betrayed. Satan and his demons will not be tolerated forever. Murangariroi usakafanira watinofanira kudzivisa takabatikana munhangemutange youpenyu? For instance, the Bible says: "Every man must be swift about hearing, slow about speaking, slow about wrath. " What improper view should we avoid getting busy in the race for life? Pakupedzisira akasungwa ndokuurayiwa. Is it any wonder, then, that many say, "There will always be wars "? Eventually he was arrested and executed. Ndizvo zvinobvunzwa nevakawanda nhasi. If I sensed a favorable response, I would take out The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life or Good News to Make You Happy and start a proper Bible study. That is what many today ask. Kana wakabviswa somukuru kana kuti somubatiri anoshumira, ipapoka, chengeta mudzimu wokuzvininipisa. Satan and his demons will not be tolerated forever. If you have been removed as an elder or as a ministerial servant, then, maintain a humble spirit. Bhaibheri rinotivimbisa kuti: "Pashure pokunge matambura kwenguva duku, Mwari womutsa wose usina kukodzera kuwanwa... iye pachake achapedzisa kurovedzwa kwenyu, achaita kuti muve vakatsiga, achaita kuti muve vakasimba. " - 1 Petro 5: 10. What improper view must we guard against while engaged in the race for life? The Bible assures us: "After you have suffered a little while, the God of all undeserved kindness... will himself finish your training, he will make you firm, he will make you strong. " - 1 Peter 5: 10. Unoramba uchinyengeterera mudzimu mutsvene waMwari here? He was eventually arrested and hanged. Do you continue to pray for God's holy spirit? * Bva hapana chinoratidzira kuti panguva iyeyo, kana kuti nokuda kwechikonzero ichocho kubvira panguva iyeyo, Jesu akagara kuti atonge vanhu vamarudzi ose pakupedzisira sehwai kana kuti mbudzi. That is what many today ask. * Yet there is no indication that at that time, or for that reason since then, Jesus has sat to judge people of all nations eventually as a sheep or a goat. Risingashiviriri kurwa, bhiza rehondo rinohwihwidza uye rinobinha pasi nemahwanda aro. If you were deleted as an elder or as a ministerial servant, then, maintain a humble spirit. Without putting up with the fight, the war horse wins and loots the ground with its holes. NezvaJesu Kristu, Bhaibheri rinotivimbisa, kuti: "Ucharwira mushayiwi kana achidanidzira; nomurombo usino mubatsiri. " After you have suffered a little while, " the Bible assures us, "the God of all undeserved kindness... will himself finish your training, he will make you firm, he will make you strong. " - 1 Peter 5: 10. Concerning Jesus Christ, the Bible assures us: "He will deliver the poor one crying for help, also the afflicted one and whoever has no helper. [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 27] Do you pray persistently for God's holy spirit? [ Picture on page 27] Kungagona zvirokwazvo kutaurwa kuti chinjo yechiKristudhomu yakanga isingabviri. * Yet nothing indicates that at that time, or for that matter since, Jesus sat to judge people of all the nations finally as sheep or goats. It could certainly be said that Christendom's change was impossible. ▪ Mumwe wangu ndiye wandinoudza zviri kutsi kwemwoyo wangu here, kana kuti ndinosarudza kuudza vamwewo? Impatient for battle, a warhorse neighs and beats the ground with its hooves. ▪ Is my spouse the one to whom I confide, or do I choose to share my feelings with others? Ndezvipi zvinokosha zviri kuitwa nevakadzi mazuva ano pakushumira Mwari? Concerning Jesus Christ, the Bible assures us: "He will deliver the poor one crying for help, also the afflicted one and whoever has no helper. What important role do women today play in their service to God? NYAYA DZICHADZIDZWA MUVHIKI DZINOTEVERA: [ Picture on page 27] STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: Vokutanga vaiendeswa kumakamuri egasi. It could truly be said that reformation of Christendom was impossible. The first were taken to gas rooms. Sezvo nguva yomugumo - nguva yokuti uku kuparadzanisa kuitike - yakaswedera pedyo, vadzidzi vapachokwadi veBhaibheri mukupera kwezana ramakore rechi 19 vakavamba kubuda muusungwa kurudzidziso rwenhema. What important part do women play today in serving God? ▪ Answers on page 29 As the time of the end - the time for this separation to occur - drew near, sincere Bible students in the late 19th century began to break free from bondage to false religion. Ndezvipi zvakabetsera vamwe nhasi kuti vapengenuke? STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: What have some today helped to come to their senses? Vamwe vaiva mumamiriro ezvinhu akafanana vangave vakazvibvunza kuti, " Ndichariritira sei mhuri yangu? ' The former were sent to gas chambers. Some in similar circumstances may have asked themselves, " How will I provide for my family? ' Asi Pauro airevei nezano raakafemerwa kunyora? As the time of the end - the time for this separation to take place - drew near, sincere Bible students in the late 19th century began breaking free from bondage to false religion. But what did Paul mean by the counsel he was inspired to write? Tinofanira kuva nepfungwa dzakafanana nedzaiva naMosesi paakakumbira Jehovha nemashoko aya aibva pasi pomwoyo, okuti: "Tidzidzisei kunyatsoverenga mazuva edu, kuti tizviwanire mwoyo wakachenjera. " - Pisarema 90: 12. What factors have helped some today to come to their senses? We should have the same attitude as Moses did when he asked Jehovah for these heartfelt words: "Teach us just how to count our days in such a way that we may bring a heart of wisdom in. " - Psalm 90: 12. 6: 2. Some who have been in a situation where their job seemed at risk may have wondered, " How will I fulfill my responsibility to provide for my family? ' 6: 2. " Takaedza kuendesa zvinokosha zvakati kuuriri hwapamusoro, " anopfuurira kudaro John, "asi sezvo takavhura suo rokumasitepisi, mvura dzemafashamo dzakapinda. " What, though, was the intent of Paul's inspired admonition? " We tried to take certain essentials to the top floor, " continues John, "but as we opened the stairs door, floodwaters came in. " Achivakira tsinhiro dzake pana Isaya 54: 13, iye akataura kuti ivo vaizodzidziswa naJehovha kuti vagozokwanisa kupa muraidzo kuvamwe. We should cultivate the same attitude that Moses had when he petitioned Jehovah in these heartfelt words: "Show us just how to count our days in such a way that we may bring a heart of wisdom in. " - Psalm 90: 12. Basing his comments on Isaiah 54: 13, he said that they would be taught by Jehovah so that they would be able to impart instruction to others. Taiva netsamba yekusuma yakanga yabva kuhofisi yebazi reZvapupu zvaJehovha rekuAustralia yaienda kuna George Phillips, uyo aitarisira basa rekuparidza kumaodzanyemba kweAfrica panguva iyoyo. 6: 2. We had a letter of introduction from the Australia branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses to George Phillips, who was then in charge of the preaching work in southern Africa. Hazvirevi hazvo kuti ndinongoswera ndiri pakombiyuta kana kuti pafoni. " We tried to take some valuables upstairs, " continues John, "but as we opened the door to the stairway, the floodwaters surged in. " Not that I just spend a day on the computer or on the phone. Jesu "akafa neshungu mumweya, akatambudzika. " Basing his remarks on Isaiah 54: 13, he noted that they would be taught by Jehovah so that they would be able to impart instruction to others. Jesus "gave way to grief in spirit and became troubled. " VaFarise vakanga vaine minyengetero mizhinji yaifanira kudzokororwa zuva nezuva, panguva chaidzo, pasinei hapo nekwavakanga vari. We had a letter of introduction from the Australia branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses to George Phillips, who then had oversight of the preaching work in southern Africa. The Pharisees had many prayers to be repeated daily, at special times, regardless of where they were. Zvirokwazvo, vachiziva kana kuti vasingazivi, vakanga vazvidza Mwari kupfurikidza nokutaura kuti " haatendi vabatiri vake ' uye kuti zvakanga zvisingakoshi chaizvoizvo kwaari kana Jobho akanga akatendeka kana kuti kwete. But my life does not revolve around just technology. Surely, consciously or unknowingly, they had reproached God by saying that he " does not believe his servants ' and that it was of no real value to him whether Job was faithful or not. Vakuru vanopa nguva yavo kune vaya vanoda kutarisirwa chaizvo - vakura nevamwe - vachiita zvose izvi vasingaregi kutarisira mhuri dzavo mune zvokunamata nokunyama. Jesus "groaned in the spirit and became troubled. " Elders give of their time to those in dire need - adults and others - doing all of this without letup caring for their families spiritually and materially. Uye ndinoda kuti muzive kuti ndinoyemura mwanasikana wenyu. " The Pharisees had many prayers to be recited daily, at specific times, regardless of where they were. And I want you to know that I admire your daughter. " (Enzanisa naGenesisi 8: 21.) Indeed, either wittingly or unwittingly, they had blasphemed God by saying that he " has no faith in his servants ' and that it did not really matter to him whether Job was faithful or not. (Compare Genesis 8: 21.) 15: 1 - 3; 1 Tim. The elders devote time to those in need of special attention - the elderly and others - all without neglecting the spiritual and material welfare of their own families. 15: 1 - 3; 1 Tim. Atsamwa, Sauro akaita kuti vanhu vose vomuguta vaurayiwe, kusanganisira vapristi 85. - 1 Samueri 21: 1, 2; 22: 12, 13, 18, 19; Mateu 12: 3, 4. And I want you to know that I take my hat off to your daughter. " Out of anger, Saul had everyone in the city killed, including 85 priests. - 1 Samuel 21: 1, 2; 22: 12, 13, 18, 19; Matthew 12: 3, 4. Zvino shato huru yakakandirwa pasi, iyo nyoka yekare, inonzi Dhiabhorosi, naSatani, munyengeri wenyika yose; yakakandirwa panyika, navatumwa vayo vakakandirwa pasi pamwe chete nayo. (Compare Genesis 8: 21.) The great dragon was cast down, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him. * Zviri pachena kuti Bhetrehema raiva duku zvokusagona kunyorwa pamaguta aiva munharaunda yeJudha. 15: 1 - 3; 1 Tim. * Clearly, Bethlehem was too small to be written on cities in Judah. Chii chingabatsira vanenge vachichengeta murwere kuti vasaodzwa mwoyo nezvinenge zvichiitika? In anger, Saul had all the city's inhabitants, including 85 priests, killed. - 1 Samuel 21: 1, 2; 22: 12, 13, 18, 19; Matthew 12: 3, 4. What can help caregivers to avoid being discouraged about what is happening? Kunze kwokubetsera kuripira ndyiko dzenguva dzose dzeungano yavo yomunzvimbomo, vanotsigira basa ripi neripi rokuvaka ringava riri madikanwa, zvakadai sokugadziridza kana kuti kukudza Horo yavo yoUmambo kana kuti Horo yeGungano kana kuti kuvaka itsva. So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him. Besides helping to meet the regular expenses of their local congregation, they support any building work that may be necessary, such as adjusting or expanding their Kingdom Hall or Assembly Hall or building. Garuda Purana inoti: "Mufaro wechokwadi uri mukupera kwemifungo yose.... * Bethlehem was apparently too small to be listed among the cities of the territory of Judah. Gauda Purana says: "The true joy lies in the end of all thoughts.... Ushumiri hwaPauro hunonyandura chishoro paEfeso, apo iye anonyorera VaKorinte Vokutanga. How can caregivers cope with the range of emotions they may experience throughout the course of the illness? Paul's ministry provokes opposition at Ephesus, where he writes to the First Corinthians. Kathleen Mahoney, purofesa wemutemo paUniversity of Calgary, Canada, uye nyanzvi munhau dzemutemo dzine chokuita nezvevatano, akati: "Vanhu vose vanofanira kuziva kuti kune mutoo wokupfuudza mashoko usingadzorwi zvachose uyo vana vanogona kubatwa zvisina kufanira kana kuti kushandiswa zvisina kufanira nawo. " Apart from helping defray the regular costs of their local congregation, they support any construction work that may become necessary, such as renovating or enlarging their Kingdom Hall or Assembly Hall or building a new one. Kathleen Mahoney, professor of law at the University of Calgary, Canada, and experts in legal matters related to sex, said: "All people should realize that there is a means of passing all the information that children can be abused or abused. " Ben akati: "Chinhu chaingondiita kuti ndisatora pfuti kuti ndipfure vanhu ava ndechokuti hapana kwandaigona kuiwana. " The Garuda Purana claims: "True happiness lies in the extinction of all emotions.... Ben said: "The only thing that kept me from taking a gun to shoot these people was that I couldn't afford it. " KUSATENDESEKA. Paul's ministry stirs up opposition at Ephesus, where he writes First Corinthians. DATENTIONS. Kudai vakaratidzira kusuwa kwoumwari, zvaizova ufakazi hwokupfidza kwavo. Kathleen Mahoney, a professor of law at the University of Calgary, Canada, and an expert in legal issues surrounding pornography, said: "The public should be aware that a wholly uncontrolled medium exists through which children can be abused and exploited. " If they expressed godly sorrow, it would be evidence of their repentance. [ Mashoko okukwezva vaverengi ari papeji 6] Ben adds: "The only thing that kept me from getting a gun and shooting these people was the fact that I had no access to one. " [ Blurb on page 6] UNGAFUNGIDZIRA usingakwanisi kuverenga mashoko ari papeji ino here? DISHONESTY. CAN you imagine that you cannot read the information on this page? Imwe Svondo, Baba neni takanga tichigovera Nharireyomurindi neMukai! If they did manifest godly sadness, it would be evidence of repentance. One Sunday, Dad and I were offering The Watchtower and Awake! Vanofungidzira kuti euro ichava mari ine ukoshi hukuru pasi rose pamwe chete nedhora racho. [ Blurb on page 6] They estimate that the euro will be a coin with great value all over the world as well as the dollar. [ Kwazvakatorwa] CAN you imagine being unable to read the words on this page? [ Credit Line] Funga kuti murume wokutanga, Adhamu, akasvika sei pakuva noupenyu. One Sunday, Father and I were offering The Watchtower and Awake! Consider how the first man, Adam, came to enjoy life. Ko vakasara pasi pano vechisiko chitsva vaizova bedzi vanounganidzwa nokuda kworuponeso here? They predict that the euro will become a global reserve currency alongside the dollar. Would the remaining one on earth of the new creation only be gathered for salvation? Ipapa zvakare Abrama akaratidza kuisa kwaaiita kunamata panzvimbo yokutanga - tanga. [ Credit Line] Abram again showed how he placed his worship in first place. Mishumo yakawanda inotaura kuti mazororo ayo anosimbisa mitambo nokutsinhaniswa kwezvipo inguvawo apo kune kuora mwoyo kwemirangariro kukurusa uye kushandiswa zvisina kufanira kwezvinwiwa zvinodhaka. Consider how the first man, Adam, came to have life. Many reports say that holidays that highlight sports and the exchange of gifts are also times when there is intense emotional depression and alcohol abuse. Maererano naVaEfeso 6: 10, chii chatinoda kuti tive nechokwadi chokuti tichakunda? Would the remaining ones of the new creation be the only ones gathered for salvation? According to Ephesians 6: 10, what do we need to be sure that we will come off victorious? Zviri pachena kuti aida kuziva zvakawanda nezvemunhu aiva nezita iroro, zvinhu zvaizoita kuti vanhu vaMwari vabvume kuti zvechokwadi aizovanunura. Abram once again demonstrated the high priority he assigned to worship. Clearly, he wanted to know more about the person who had that name, which would convince God's people that he would indeed deliver them. Akambenge aedza kudaro. Numerous reports say that holidays that feature festivities and the exchanging of gifts are also times when there is much emotional depression and alcohol abuse. He had tried to do so. (b) Vabereki vanofanira kuzvibvunza mubvunzoi? According to Ephesians 6: 10, what do we need in order to guarantee our success? (b) What question should parents ask themselves? Mifananidzo inopfuura chiuru ingaoneka pasikirini yeTV muawa imwe bedzi, kuchisiya nguva shomanene yokuti muoni arangarire izvo ari kuona. Evidently, he wanted to know more about the person represented by the name - facts that would convince God's people that He really would deliver them. More than a thousand images may appear on a TV screen in just one hour, leaving little time for the viewer to consider what he is watching. Nokudaro imwe nyanzvi inotaura kuti cheʹsedh zvinoreva "rudo runoshandurwa kuva chiito. " He had tried that before. One scholar thus says that cheʹsed means "love translated into action. " Kubatira Nepfungwa Yekurumidziro (H. van Vuure), 11 / 1 (b) What question do parents need to ask themselves? 11 / 15 Lothar Hörnig akaudza dare racho kuti akapedza makore mashanu nehafu ari maaigara ari oga uye haana kubudiswa mutorongo yeBrandenburg kutozosvikira muna 1959. More than a thousand images may flash across the TV screen in just one hour, leaving little time for the viewer to reflect on what he is seeing. Lothar Hörnig told the court that he spent five and a half years in solitary confinement and was not released from Brandenburg prison until 1959. Ipapo rangarira bvunzo inoti "Sezvo Wakavamba Kunwa. " Thus another scholar says that cheʹsedh means "love translated into action. " Then consider the test "As You began drinking. " Muna 632 P.N.V. vaBhabhironi navaMedhia vakaita matsive akakasharara padzimbahwe reAsiria. Preaching From Village to Village in Spain, 11 / 15 In 455 B.C.E. the Babylonians and the Medes made bitter vengeance at the capital of Assyria. [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 25] Lothar Hörnig told the court that he spent five and a half years in solitary confinement and was not released from Brandenburg prison until 1959. [ Picture on page 25] Ndiri kuita kuti zvinhu zvose zvive zvitsva. " - Zvakazarurwa 21: 4, 5. Then take the quiz entitled "Since You Began to Drink. " I am making all things new. " - Revelation 21: 4, 5. Mufundisi! " In 632 B.C.E. the Babylonians and the Medes wreaked bitter vengeance on the Assyrian capital. Missionary! " Shoko rekuti asher rinogona kushandurwa nenzira dzakasiyana - siyana. [ Picture on page 25] Asher can be translated in various ways. (b) Tinodzidzei kubva pakutadza kwakaita ngirozi dzakawanda? I am making all things new. " - Revelation 21: 4, 5. (b) What do we learn from the sins of many angels? (a) Kuti minyengetero yedu ive inoshanda, zvinhui zviviri zvinokosha? Pastor! " (a) For our prayers to be effective, what two important things? Kunyange ndine chipo chokuporofita, ndichinzwisisa zvakavanzika zvose, nokuziva kwose; kunyange ndinokutenda kwose, kuti ndibvise makomo, ndisina rudo, handizi chinhu. " Asher can be rendered in a number of ways. And if I have the gift of prophesying and am acquainted with all the sacred secrets and all knowledge, and if I have all the faith so as to transplant mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. " Kuda kwedu kukanganwira kunogona sei kutapura ramangwana redu? (b) What lessons do we learn from the fall of many angels? How can our willingness to forgive affect our future? Jesu akatsanangura kuti: "Mwari akada nyika kwazvo zvokuti akapa Mwanakomana wake akaberekwa ari mumwe oga, kuti munhu wose anotenda maari arege kuparadzwa asi ave noupenyu husingaperi. " - Johani 3: 16. (a) For our prayers to be effective, what two things are vital? Jesus explained: "God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " - John 3: 16. Naizvozvo avo pakuvamba vasingagoni kurava chinyararire ndokunzwisisa zvavanorava havafaniri kurambidzwa kududza shoko rimwe nerimwe zvinonzwika. And if I have the gift of prophesying and am acquainted with all the sacred secrets and all knowledge, and if I have all the faith so as to transplant mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. " So those who at first cannot read silently and understand what they read should not be forbidden to pronounce each word aloud. Haana Kungozvifunga Iye Asi Akafungawo Jehovha Nevanhu Vake How can our willingness to forgive affect our future? He Did Not Think About It, but He Remembered Jehovah and His People Zvechokwadi, kuda kuziva kusingadzorwi kunogona kutiratidza mashoko anokuvadza anodyarwa nevakaramba kutenda uye zvimwe zvinhu zvinoshandiswa naSatani. " God loved the world so much, " Jesus explained, "that he gave his only - begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " - John 3: 16. Indeed, uncontrolled curiosity can expose us to the harmful propaganda sown by apostates and Satan's other devices. Zvisinei, vakaona kuti pedyo neguta reChókwè, kunowanzoita mafashamo akaipisisa, kwakanga kusina mvura yakawanda. So those initially unable to read silently and get the sense of the reading should not be discouraged from pronouncing each word out loud. However, they found that near the city of Chókwè, often with severe floods, there was no shortage of water. Mashoko okupedzisira omurayiro waJesu okuti, "ndinemi mazuva ose, " ane pfungwa inosimbisa vose vanoedza kuita murayiro waKristu wokuita vadzidzi. She Acted Unselfishly for Jehovah and for His People The final words of Jesus ' command, "I am with you all the days, " are a source of strength to all who endeavor to carry out Christ's command to make disciples. Mazuva Okusika Akanga Akareba Sei? Indeed, an unbridled curiosity could expose us to harmful information planted by apostates and other agents of Satan. How Long Were the Creation Days? Jursa akaona zita rokuti Nebho - Sasekimu (Nabu - sharrussu - ukin muchiBhabhironi), mukuru mukuru wokuBhabhironi anotaurwa pana Jeremiya 39: 3. However, they observed that near the city of Chókwè, where the worst flooding often occurs during storms, there were no signs of problems. Jursa saw the name Nebo - Sasakim (Nabu - sharrussu - ukin in Babylon), Babylon's Babylonian official mentioned at Jeremiah 39: 3. Asi avo vanotenda murudzikinuro rwechibayiro chaJesu vachazova nechikomborero cheupenyu husingaperi. - Mateo 20: 28. The final words of Jesus ' commission, "I am with you all the days, " contain a strengthening thought for all who strive to fulfill Christ's command to make disciples. But those who exercise faith in Jesus ' ransom sacrifice will have the blessing of everlasting life. - Matthew 20: 28. 5 How Long Were the Creative Days? 5 Kudana Zita raJehovha Jursa recognized the name Nebo - sarsechim (Nabu - sharrussu - ukin, in its Babylonian form), a Babylonian official mentioned in the Bible at Jeremiah 39: 3. Call on Jehovah's Name Asi takafara chaizvo nokudziona uye hatimbokanganwi kufara kwadzaiita. But those who exercise faith in Jesus ' ransom sacrifice will eventually enjoy the blessing of everlasting life. - Matthew 20: 28. But we were thrilled to see them, and we never forget how happy they were. (Verenga.) 5 (Read.) [ Mifananidzo iri papeji 7] Calling on Jehovah's Name [ Pictures on page 7] Anopfuurira achiti: "Tariro inodikanwa zvikuru yenyanzvi iri yose yezvinocherwa mumatongo iri kushanda muIsrael, uye zvikurukuru muJerusalem, ndeyekuwana mashoko akanyorwa. " However, they certainly touched our hearts, and we will never forget the joy reflected in their faces! He continues: "The most desirable hope of every archaeologist at work in Israel, and especially in Jerusalem, is to find written information. " Zvirevo 31: 11 inoti nezvemukadzi anokwanisa neakavimbika: "Mwoyo womurume wake unomutenda. " (Read.) Proverbs 31: 11 says of a capable and loyal woman: "In her the heart of her owner has put trust. " Akawana pamba pasina munhu, akabva asiya magazini yacho. [ Pictures on page 7] He found no one at home, and he left the magazine. Mufundo dzake dzeBhaibheri, iye akadzidzawo kuti vaKristu vechokwadi vanodikanirwa kuchengeta utsanana hwakanaka hwomunhu oga. He continues: "The fondest dream of every archaeologist working in Israel, and especially in Jerusalem, is to discover written material. " In her Bible studies, she also learned that true Christians need to maintain good personal hygiene. Kuwedzera pane izvozvi, muranda akatendeka akangwara akaronga kuti pave nemanheru oKunamata Kwemhuri. Proverbs 31: 11 says of a capable and loyal wife: "In her the heart of her owner has put trust. " In addition, the faithful and discreet slave arranged for a Family Worship evening. Asika pane musiyano mukuru pakati perufu runongoitika rwoga nekuuraya uchiziva. No one was at home, but she left the article anyway. But there is a great difference between natural death and conscious killing. Nemhaka yeganhuriro dzomunguva yehondo nechirambidzo chakanga chichangobva kuiswa, hapana maBhaibheri kana kuti mabhuku eBhaibheri zvaigona kutorwa kubva kumhiri kwamakungwa. In the course of his Bible studies, he also learned that true Christians are required to maintain good personal hygiene. Because of military restrictions and a recent ban, no Bibles or Bible literature could be taken from overseas. Sezvo tine muvengi ane simba kudaro wokurwa naye, hazvikurudziri here kuziva kuti "Jehovha unochengeta vose vanomuda "? In addition, the faithful and discreet slave class has made arrangements for a Family Worship evening. Since we have such a powerful enemy against him, is it not encouraging to know that "Jehovah is guarding all those loving him "? Simba iri rinofungidzirwa kuti rinofanoumba upenyu hwevanhu nemarudzi, zvichiita kuti ramangwana risadzivisike sezvinoita nguva yakapfuura. Yet, there is a big difference between spontaneous death and deliberate homicide. This power is thought to shape the lives of people and nations, making the future as secure as in the past. " Asi Jobho, chidonzwai henyu kutaura kwangu, teererai mashoko angu ose. Because of wartime restrictions and the recently enacted ban, no Bibles or Bible literature could be imported from overseas. " Job, please, hear my speech, and do pay attention to all my words. Vanoramba vachindinamata pasina, nokuti vanodzidzisa mirayiro yevanhu sedzidziso. ' " - Mateu 15: 7 - 9. Since we have such a powerful foe to contend with, is it not reassuring to know that "Jehovah is guarding all those loving him "? It is in vain that they keep worshiping me, because they teach commands of men as doctrines. ' " - Matthew 15: 7 - 9. [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 4] This force is thought to shape the lives of individuals and nations in advance, making the future just as inevitable as the past. [ Picture on page 4] Cherekedza kupindura kunoita Bhaibheri mubvunzo iwoyo. " Now, however, O Job, please hear my words, and to all my speaking do give ear. Note how the Bible answers that question. Ita kuti chibayiro chako chive "chibayiro chokurumbidza " chaicho. It is in vain that they keep worshiping me, because they teach commands of men as doctrines. ' " - Matthew 15: 7 - 9. Make your sacrifice truly "a sacrifice of praise. " Uyezve, nepo mazana amamirioni achidavira Musiki, mifungo yawo pamusoro pake inosiana zvikuru. [ Picture on page 4] Moreover, while hundreds of millions believe in the Creator, their opinions about him vary greatly. Bhuku rinonzi Behind Closed Doors: Violence in the American Family rinoshuma zvakafanana pamsoro pefundo yavanopfuura vanyakuroorana vane chiuru. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. The book Behind Customs: Violence in the American Family similarly reports on the study of more than a thousand couples. Chii chatinogona kudzidza muidi rokuti Petro akashandisa ruparadziko rwavanhu vasina umwari mumazuva aRoti uye aNoa semienzaniso? Make your sacrifice a real "sacrifice of praise. " What can we learn from the fact that Peter used the destruction of ungodly men in the days of Lot and of Noah as examples? Baba: [nehasha] Unorevei kana uchiti hauchadi kuenda kumisangano? Moreover, while hundreds of millions do believe in a Creator, their ideas about him differ radically. Father: [An angry] What do you mean if you don't want to go to meetings anymore? Ipai mhuri yacho nguva yakati kuti yokuti ive yoga nomufi kuti itange kugadzikana nezvorufu rwacho. The book Behind Closed Doors: Violence in the American Family reports similarly on a study of over a thousand married couples. Give the family some time to be alone with the deceased to begin the recovery of the death. Jesu akatungamirirwa nemudzimu waMwari kuenda kurenje. Rock Engravings of Val Camonica (Italy), 4 / 22 Jesus was guided by God's spirit to go into the wilderness. Kukurukurirana saizvozvo tichibudirana pachena kwakaita kuti tiwedzere kuwirirana. " What can we learn from the fact that Peter used the destruction of ungodly people in the days of Lot and of Noah as examples? Such open communications drew us closer together. " Zvinokosha chaizvo kuti tigare tichiongorora mwoyo yedu, tobvisa chero kapfungwa kapi zvako keunzenza uye kuzvikudza. - VaG. 5: 26; verenga VaKorose 3: 5. Father: [hostile tone] What do you mean you don't like going? It is vital that we regularly examine our heart and remove any inclination toward immorality and haughtiness. - Gal. 5: 26; read Colossians 3: 5. Hakuna mutengo wakakwirira zvikuru kupfuura iwoyu waigona kuva wakaripirwa nokuda kwaaya makwai anokosha. Allow the family reasonable time to be alone with the deceased so that they can start to come to terms with the death. No higher price could have been paid for these precious sheep. Anotibvumira kunzwisisa zvinhu zvishoma panguva. Jesus was led into the wilderness by God's spirit. He allows us to understand a few things at a time. Absaromi aiva nemiromo inobata kumeso. Those honest discussions drew us closer together. " Absalom had flattering lips. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ How important it is that we constantly search our heart, reject immoral thoughts, and suppress unhealthy pride! - Gal. 5: 26; read Colossians 3: 5. . . . . . Achitatarika achibva pamugariro mumwe wakashata kuenda kumumwe, iye akaparadza upenyu hwake. No higher price could have been paid for these precious sheep. Roofing from one bad situation to another, he ruined his life. Zano Rinoshanda Rokuti Varambe Vachishingaira He allows us to discern a few things at a time. Practical Counsel to Maintain Zeal Panguva imwe chete, vane chikonzero chakanaka chokuramba vachizvininipisa. Absalom had smooth lips. At the same time, they have every reason to remain humble. Wezvenhau Will Durant anorondedzera mamiriro acho ezvinhu apo King Francis I akavamba nhimbe yokurwisana nevasiri vaKaturike: ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Historian Will Durant describes the situation when King Francis I launched a campaign against non - Catholics: Uchiona kuyemurwa kwose kunoitwa mumwe wako, ungangoerekana wava kufunga kuti iye akakwana uye kuti haumbofi wakaita zvakanaka saiye. Stumbling along from one bad situation to another, he made a wreck of his life. Seeing all the admiration of your mate, you may suddenly feel that he or she is perfect and that you will never be good enough like him. " Satani akaita basa rakaisvonaka rokuita kuti kunyange avo vanoda Jehovha vanzwe vasina maturo uye vasingadiwi. Practical Counsel to Remain Zealous " Satan has done a fine work of making even those who love Jehovah feel worthless and unloved. Achisimbisa ukoshi hweshoko rakafuridzirwa raMwari, muapostora Petro akanyora, kuti: "Naizvozvo tine shoko rouporofita rakaitwa rechokwadi zvikuru; uye muri kuita zvakanaka mukuripa ngwariro sokumwenje unopenya munzvimbo ine rima, kutozosvikira utonga huchitsvuka uye nyamasase ichibuda, mumwoyo yenyu. " - 2 Petro 1: 19, NW. At the same time, they have every reason to remain humble. Stressing the importance of God's inspired word, the apostle Peter wrote: "We have therefore the prophetic word made more sure; and you are doing well in paying attention as a lamp shining in a dark place, until day dawns and a morning dawn rises, in your hearts. " - 2 Peter 1: 19. Akaratidzwa mumwe murume wokuMakedhoniya aikumbira kubatsirwa. - Mab. 16: 6 - 10. Historian Will Durant describes the situation when King Francis I launched a campaign against non - Catholics: He received a vision from a Macedonian man who was asking for help. - Acts 16: 6 - 10. Kunyange zvazvo vashomanene vakasaina, vakawanda zvikurusa vehama dzedu vakaramba vakatendeka pasinei zvapo nokushayiwa kwose, kunyadziswa, uye kubatwa zvisina kufanira. Seeing all the attention your sibling receives, you can find yourself buying into the belief that he or she is perfect and that you could never, ever, measure up. Though few signed, most of our brothers remained faithful despite all need, shame, and abuse. Madzimambo akatonga kubvira muna 474 C.E. kusvika munenge muna 1500 aiwanzodana vavengi vawo kuti vanhu vanopesana naKristu. " Satan has done an excellent job of making even those who love Jehovah feel worthless and unlovable. Kings who ruled from 474 C.E. to about 1500 often called their enemies antichrists. Vasayendisiti nevanhuwo zvavo vakamhanya - mhanya kuti vayere kuti ngozi yacho chaiyoiyo yakakura sei. Stressing the value of God's inspired word, the apostle Peter wrote: "Consequently we have the prophetic word made more sure; and you are doing well in paying attention to it as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until day dawns and a daystar rises, in your hearts. " - 2 Peter 1: 19. Scientists and people in general have rushed to measure how great the real danger is. Kuzvipira kuna Mwari kwakadaro, kunotungamirira vakarurama mumamiriro ezvinhu ose uye nguva dzose. He received a vision of a Macedonian man pleading for help. - Acts 16: 6 - 10. Such godly devotion, which leads the righteous under all circumstances and always. VaKristu vakatendeka havana kunyengerwa nekuchinja kwakanga kwaita zvinhu. Although a few signed, most of our brothers remained faithful despite all the privation, humiliation, and mistreatment. Faithful Christians were not deceived by the changed circumstances. Nhindi dzenyama dzinorema magiramu anenge 600 dzinomedzwa pasina kana chinetso. Kings and emperors in the Middle Ages often called their opponents antichrists. A pound [about 600 g] of meat is swallowed up without any problem. Uyezve, zvinoitwa nevanhu pavanonzwa shoko iroro ndizvo zvichashandiswa naMambo Kristu pakutonga vanhu. Scientists and laymen scrambled to assess the actual danger. Moreover, it is the reaction of people to hear that message that the King Christ will use in judging mankind. Ndokusaka Jesu akanyevera vadzidzi vake kuti: "Muranda haasi mukuru kuna tenzi wake. Such godly devotion guides, or leads, the upright ones under all conditions and at all times. That is why Jesus warned his disciples: "A slave is not greater than his master. 20 Mamishinari Aisvika Kure Zvakadini Nechokumabvazuva? Faithful Christians were not deceived by this turn of events. 20 How Far East Could Missionaries Go? Evha akaratidza kuti aingofunga zvakamunakira paakada kufanana naMwari. Pieces of meat weighing as much as 20 ounces [600 g] are swallowed with ease. Eve showed that she was self - centered when she wanted to be like God. Kunyange zvazvo utano husina kunaka, zvinodikanwa zvemari, uye mitoro yemhuri zvingaparira vamwe kusiya ushumiri hwenguva yakazara, chigumbuso nokuda kwavamwe kwave kuri kukundikana kuchengeta dzikamo yakanaka pakati pemitoro yakasiyana - siyana yechiKristu. Further, the way people react to that message provides a touchstone, or standard, against which Christ the King can judge mankind. Although poor health, financial needs, and family responsibilities may cause some to leave the full - time ministry, a stumbling block for some has been a failure to maintain good balance between various Christian responsibilities. Vamwe varume nevakadzi vavo vakadzidza kuudza vabereki vavo pokuperera. Hence, Jesus warned his disciples: "A slave is not greater than his master. Some of their husbands and wives have learned to tell their parents about their integrity. Rakafanana naro ibhuku rinonzi Calling All Angels!: 57 Ways to Invite an Angel Into Your Life. 20 How Far East Could Missionaries Go? Similar to it is the book Calling All Angels!: 57 Ways to Invite an Angels Into Your Life. Vanouraya mhuka zvisiri pamutemo vakawanda vanopinza upenyu hwavo mungozi nemhaka yezvitsama zvikuru zvemari zvinobatanidzwa. Eve acted out of a selfish desire to be like God. Many illegal killers risk their lives because of the enormous sums of money involved. Asi makuhwa nokupopotedzana pakati pemitezo yeungano yake yomunzvimbomo zvakamuita kuti ave nenzara zvikuru kwazvo ye "chimiro chokunamata chiri chakachena nechisina kusvibiswa. " Although poor health, financial needs, and family responsibilities may cause some to leave the full - time ministry, a stumbling block for others has been the failure to maintain good balance between various Christian obligations. But gossip and strife among members of his local congregation made him hunger very much of "the form of worship that is clean and undefiled. " Vaya vakamutswa rumuko rwaJesu rusati rwaitika, vakadai sevakamutswa naEriya naErisha, havana kuramba vachirarama. Some married couples have learned to establish appropriate boundaries with their parents. Those resurrected prior to Jesus ' resurrection, such as those resurrected by Elijah and Elisha, did not keep on living. Asi Bhaibheri rinoporofitei pamusoro peramangwana rehurumende dzezvamatongerwe enyika dzomunhu neUN imene? A similar book is Calling All Angels!: 57 Ways to Invite an Angel Into Your Life. But what does the Bible prophesy about the future of man's political governments and the UN itself? Jesu aida chaizvo zita raJehovha. Many poachers risk their lives because of the huge amounts of money involved. Jesus had deep love for Jehovah's name. Zvinoita sokuti kunyange zvazvo yaiti zivei nezvaMwari wevaIsraeri, yakanga isingamuzivi zvokutozosvika pakumuti "Mwari wangu. " But the gossiping and bickering among the members of her local congregation made her hunger all the more for "the form of worship that is clean and undefiled. " It seems that even though we knew him about the God of Israel, he did not know him until he called him "my God. " Varume chete ndivo vaidzidziswa zvechitendero, uye vakadzi vangangodaro vaiparadzaniswa nevarume mumasinagogi. Those who were raised before Jesus, such as by Elijah and Elisha, did not live on endlessly. Only men were taught religious training, and women may have been separated from men in synagogues. Zvino ngatiti mumwe mubatsiri anobva ati anokubhadharira mari yokuvhiyiwa kwacho. But what does the Bible prophesy regarding the future of man's political governments and the UN itself? Now suppose another helper claims to pay for the operation. □ Kusarova Jesus, on the other hand, truly loved the name of Jehovah. □ Not beating The Book of Popular Science rinotsanangura, kuti: "Munhu anoenda kunyika dzokumwe ane bviro yokuwana chiringa chake chichirodzwa nezviono zvitsva, mitinhimira, kunhuwa uye kuravidza. It appears that while she had some knowledge of Israel's God, it was not to the point of using the words "my God " when referring to Jehovah. The Book of Popular Science explains: "One who goes to foreign countries is likely to find his taste fed with new visions, sounds, smells and tasteers. Shoko raMwari rinopa chiedza chisingadzimi mune zvokunamata. Religious education was solely for men, and women were likely separated from men in the synagogues. God's Word gives fresh spiritual light. Ehrlich, purofesa wefundo dzechiverengero chavagari vapasi paStanford University muUnited States, anocherekedza ukuru hweichi chinetso, achiti: "Nepo chiverengero chavagari vapasi chakanyanyowandisa mumarudzi ane urombo chinokombamira kuvachengeta vakarovanywa nourombo, chiverengero chakanyanyowandisa mumarudzi akapfuma chinokombamira kukusekesa simba retsigiro youpenyu yenyika yose. " Now suppose a benefactor steps in and offers to pay for the operation. Ehrlich, professor of population studies at Stanford University in the United States, notes the extent of this problem: "While the population is high in poor nations tends to keep them overwhelmed by poverty, a large number in rich nations tend to undermine the power of global support. " Mafuta ainhuhwirira akashandiswa naMariya, 5 / 1 □ No hitting 5 / 15 Mukuwedzera kumativi echiratidzo chomubatanidzwa chokuvapo kwaKristu Jesu, kune kuverengwa kwenguva kwakanongedzera kuna 1914 samavambo okuvapo kwake. The Book of Popular Science explains: "The man who makes his way to foreign lands is likely to find his curiosity sharpened by new sights, sounds, smells and tastes. In addition to parts of the composite sign of Christ Jesus ' presence, there is chronology that pointed to 1914 as the beginning of his presence. Zvinorevei " kunyatsotarira ' mumutemo waMwari? God's word is a source of unfailing spiritual light. What does it mean to "look intently " at God's law? Sezviri pachena, nenzira yakaterama uye nokupwiswa, Erisha akapindura kuti: "Usatya hako, nokuti vari kwatiri vanopfuura vari kwavari pakuwanda. " Ehrlich, professor of population studies at Stanford University in the United States, notes the enormity of this problem, saying: "While overpopulation in the poor nations tends to keep them poverty - stricken, overpopulation in rich nations tends to undermine the life - support capacity of the entire planet. " Evidently, in a calm and convinced way, Elisha replied: "Do not be afraid, for there are more who are with us than those who are with them. " Mazuva mashomanene asati atanga rwendo, akatsika munzwa mukuru zvikuru paakanga achisakura munda wake. Build Up Family With "Delightful Words, " 1 / 1 A few days before she started her journey, she sat down on a larger thorn while she was growing her land. Iri pisarema rinotibetsera kuziva kuti kana tikawira muchivi asi tichipfidza zvirokwazvo, Baba vedu vokudenga vane rudo vachanzwa kuchema kwedu nokuda kwengoni ndokutidzivisira kuora mwoyo. In addition to the features of the composite sign of Christ Jesus ' presence, there is Bible chronology that pointed to 1914 as the beginning of his presence. This psalm helps us to realize that if we fall into sin but are truly repentant, our loving heavenly Father will hear our cry for mercy and spare us from despair. [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 28] What does it mean to "peer " into God's law? [ Picture on page 28] Pasina mubvunzo, musangano uyu wakasimbisa nharaunda idzo vanhu vaMwari vaifanira kuwirirana zvikuru nesungano yoMutemo. Is it 10,000, 17,000, or 26,000? Without a doubt, this meeting strengthened areas where God's people needed to have a close relationship with the Law covenant. Iye anotsvaka nyika yose kufanana nomwana anorohwa... Evidently, calmly and with conviction, Elisha responded: "Do not be afraid, for there are more who are with us than those who are with them. " He looks for the whole world like a child that is struck... Takazotumirwa kuguta reChiang Mai. A few days before the journey, he seriously punctured his leg on a large thorn while cultivating his plantation. Then we were sent to the city of Chiang Ma. Muguta rokumadokero rePoitiers, vafambi vari kusvika nechitima nenguva dza9: 00 vatowana turakiti kwavakwirira chitima. This psalm helps us to realize that if we stumble into sin but are truly repentant, our loving heavenly Father will hear our cry for mercy and save us from despair. In the western city of Poitiers, travelers are arriving by train at 9: 00 already obtaining a tract when they board a train. Nei zvinganzi Jesu aizvininipisa? No doubt, this meeting highlighted areas where God's people needed to conform more closely to the Law covenant. Why can it be said that Jesus was humble? Asi kana tikaramba tichidyara nokudiridza, Mwari achaita kuti zvinhu zvikure, kazhinji kacho zvatanga tisingambotarisiri. He looks for all the world like a battered child... But if we continue to plant and water, God will make things grow, often unexpectedly. Vanhu vose ava vashumiri vaJehovha vakazvitsaurira. Later, we were assigned to the city of Chiang Mai. All these individuals are dedicated servants of Jehovah. Kana ukaita zvakanaka, haungakwidziridzwi here?... In the western city of Poitiers, travelers arriving by train at nine have already received the tract at their point of departure. If you turn to doing good, will there not be an exaltation?... Bvuma kubatsirwa nevamwe Why can it be said that Jesus was humble? Accept help from others Ndaida chaizvo kuziva kuti baba vangu vaiva kupi. But if we continue to sow and water, God will make things grow, often beyond our expectations. I was eager to know where my father was. Ichi chiitiko hachisati chiri chinhu chitsva murutivi rwokuchamhembe rweEurope. All these individuals are dedicated servants of Jehovah. This event is nothing new in the northern part of Europe. Izvi zvinogona kuoneka mutsamba dzaaitumira kubazi, dzimwe dzacho pashure pekupayona kwemakumi emakore muFrance. If you turn to doing good, will you not be restored to favor?... This can be seen in the letters he sent to the branch, some of which after pioneering for decades in France. Sezvakafanotaurwa nomunyori wepisarema, " ichi chinhu chakabva kuna Jehovha. ' Gratefully accept help from others As the psalmist foretold, " this thing came from Jehovah. ' Zvisinei, mumwe mudzidzi anonzi Andrey, Chapupu chaiva nemakore 16, akakumbira zvine ruremekedzo kuti arege kunyora bvunzo yacho nokuti hana yake yakanga isingamubvumiri kudzidza mabhuku akadaro. I desperately wanted to know where my father was. A student named Andey, however, who was a 16 - year - old Witness, respectfully requested that she stop writing the test because her conscience did not allow her to study such publications. Jehovha anotaura nesu nomuBhaibheri uye achishandisa "muranda akatendeka, akangwara " This phenomenon is nothing new in northern Europe. Jehovah speaks to us through the Bible and through "the faithful and discreet slave " Pasinei zvapo nokuedza kwake kuchengeta Mirairo Gumi, iye aiva mungozi yokurasikirwa noupenyu husingaperi. This can be seen from letters they sent to the branch office, sometimes decades after pioneering in France. Despite his efforts to keep the Ten Commandments, he was in danger of losing everlasting life. Mamiriro ezvinhu akanyanyisa akafanana akawira India neAustralia, nepo England yakava ne "zhizha rakaoma zvikurusa rechitatu mumakore 200. " As the psalmist foretold, " this came to be from Jehovah himself. ' A similar extreme situation struck India and Australia, while England experienced "the third most difficult summer in 200 years. " (b) Mumakore achangopfuura, Jehovha akakomborera sei zviri kuitwa nevanhu vake pakuita kuti vanhu vave vadzidzi? However, one of the students, a 16 - year - old Witness of Jehovah named Andrey, politely asked to be excused from taking the test because his conscience did not allow him to study this type of literature. (b) In recent years, how has Jehovah blessed the efforts of his people toward making disciples? Inzira yavo youpenyu. Jehovah speaks to us through the Bible and by means of "the faithful and discreet slave " It is their way of life. Kunyange zvazvo "nharo huru " dzakaitika, vaivapo vakachengetedza runyararo zvakanaka ndokuterera pfungwa dzomumwe nomumwe nokuremekedzana. In spite of his attempting to keep the Ten Commandments, he was in danger of losing everlasting life. Although "a heated argument " occurred, those present maintained peace and listened respectfully to one another's thoughts and feelings. Mashoko anoonekwa, mungava mumagazini kana kuti paterevhizheni, anokurudzira zvakasimba kupfuura zvinotaurwa zvacho pamusoro pechigadzirwa. Similar extreme conditions befell India and Australia, while England experienced "the third driest summer in 200 years. " Common information, whether in magazines or on television, is more encouraging than what is said about the product. Nomutoo unosuruvarisa, mishumo youru rudzi inowanzooneka, zvimwe kazhinji kazhinji kakawanda. (b) In recent years, how has Jehovah blessed the efforts of his people to make disciples? Sadly, reports of this kind often appear, some frequently. Achibatsirwa naMwari, akakurira mauto 135 000 akanga apinda nechisimba munyika. It is their way of life. With God's help, they defeated 160,000 invading armies. Mukufamba kwenguva ungano yakapiwa nzvimbo imwe chete yavakanga vambopihwa muna 1991! Though "much disputing " took place, those present maintained good order and listened respectfully to one another's views. In time, the congregation was given the same territory that they had been assigned to in 1991! Kunwa kune ngozi, kunorondedzerwa neWorld Health Organization kuti, "muitiro wokunwa doro unenge uine migumisiro inokuvadza, " muviri, pfungwa, kana kuti nzanga. Visual messages, whether in a magazine or on television, contain powerful suggestions beyond what is actually said about the product. A dangerous drink, defined by the World Health Organization, is "a practice of drinking alcohol that has harmful effects, " physical, mental, or social. Ikoko kwakabvumikisa sei kuva kwakarurama muchiitiko chokutanga? Regrettably, reports of this type do appear often, perhaps too often. How did that prove correct in the first case? Tinotenda kuti Jehovha achatiponesa nesimba rake here? With God's help, he defeated 135,000 invaders. Do we have faith in Jehovah's saving power? Nei mabasa engoni asingafaniri kungoitirwa vatinonamata navo chete? In due course the congregation was allocated the same property that had originally been offered to them in 1991! Why should acts of mercy not be given solely to fellow believers? Jesu Kristu akakurira madhimoni kakawanda Hazardous use, as defined by the World Health Organization, is "a pattern of alcohol consumption carrying with it a risk of harmful consequences, " physical, mental, or social. Jesus Christ dealt with demons many times Mwari aiziva kuti mazana emakore akawanda aizotevera, iye aizopa Mwanakomana * wake Jesu kuti afire vanhu. How did that prove accurate in the first instance? God knew that many centuries later, God would give his Son, * Jesus, to die for mankind. Hapana mubvunzo kuti Noa akadzidza kuna baba vake, Rameki, murume aive nokutenda uye akararama Adhamu achiri mupenyu. Do we have faith in Jehovah's saving power? Noah undoubtedly learned from his father, Lamech, a man of faith and lived while Adam was still alive. Vakawanda vari munyika yaSatani vanotivenga, saka tinogona kutambudzirwa kutenda kwedu. Why are acts of mercy not limited to fellow believers? Many in Satan's world hate us, so we can face persecution for our faith. Nyengetera sezvakaita Nehemiya paaiva neshungu dzokuita basa raikosha, achiti: "Aa, Jehovha, ndapota,... itai kuti mushumiri wenyu abudirire. " Jesus Christ overpowered the demons many times Pray as Nehemiah did when he was trying to fulfill a special assignment, saying: "Ah, Jehovah, please,... make your servant successful. " Hapana mubvunzo kuti unoremekedza Bhaibheri. God knew that many centuries later, He would allow His own Son, * Jesus, to die in our behalf. No doubt you respect the Bible. Gare gare, paiva nokuimba kwekwaya mbiri panguva yokutsaurirwa kwamasvingo eJerusarema mumazuva aNehemia. - Nehemia 12: 27 - 42. Doubtless, Noah learned much from his father, Lamech, a man of faith and a contemporary of Adam. Later, there was the singing of two singers at the time of the dedication of Jerusalem's walls in the days of Nehemiah. - Nehemiah 12: 27 - 42. Kutiza kwouzivi hwezvenyika kwakaunganidza simba idzva chifo chokunoratidzika kuva kuwa kwechiMarx nechiLenin. Many in Satan's world hate us, so we may be persecuted for our faith. The flight of secular philosophy has gathered new power since the apparent fall of Marxism and Lininism. Zvakanaka kuyeuka kuti pane imwe nguva tese taiva " vanhu vasingazivikanwi ' kana kuti vatorwa, tisiri pedyo naMwari. Pray as did Nehemiah when he longed to take up an important assignment: "Ah, Jehovah, please,... do grant success to your servant. " It is good to remember that at one time we were both " strangers ' or foreigners, not close to God. • Zvikomborero zvipi zvinobva pakutaura chokwadi? No doubt you respect the Bible. • What blessings come from telling the truth? Hondo nemigumisiro yadzo, mapoka anowedzera avapoteri, pamwe chete nomwero wokuzvarwa unowedzera, shatiso inowedzera, uye kunyange bhizimisi rokushanya, zvinotyisidzira marudzi ari mungozi yokutsakatika. Later, there was singing by two choirs at the time of the inauguration of Jerusalem's walls in the days of Nehemiah. - Nehemiah 12: 27 - 42. War and its effects, increasing refugee groups, along with increasing birth rates, increasing pollution, and even visiting business, threaten endangered species. Uprofita hwakanyorwa pana Dhanieri 8: 5 - 8, 21, 22 uye 11: 3, 4 hwakataurawo mashoko anoshamisa nezva "mambo weGirisi " akanga aine simba zvikuru. The retreat of secularism has gathered fresh momentum since the recent apparent collapse of Marxism - Leninism. The prophecy recorded at Daniel 8: 5 - 8, 21, 22 and 11: 3, 4 also made remarkable comments about the most powerful "king of Greece. " Asi nokukurumidza fivha yacho yakadzoka, uye gumbo rangu rakasviba. It is good to remember that at one time we were all "strangers, " or foreigners, not close to God. But soon the fever returned, and my leg became black. Kunyanya kurumbidza mwana kunoita kuti azvione seanonyanya kukosha • What blessings result from being truthful? Too much commendation makes a child feel valued Zvapupu zvaJehovha zvinokukoka noushamwari kuzvikumbanira mukuchengeta uku kuchengetwa kweChirangaridzo. Wars and their by - products, growing crowds of refugees, together with a spiraling birthrate, increased pollution, and even tourism, threaten endangered species. Jehovah's Witnesses warmly invite you to join them in observing this Memorial celebration. Judith: Minyengetero yedu yakaita kuti tifunge kuti Mwari haana kuteerera. The prophecy recorded at Daniel 8: 5 - 8, 21, 22 and 11: 3, 4 also provided impressive details with regard to an unusually great "king of Greece. " Judith: Our prayers made us think that God did not listen. Mumuenzaniso waJesu, munhu akachenjera, achifanoona kubvira kwemadutu enguva yemberi, akavakira imba yake paruware nepo benzi rakavakira pajecha uye rakatambura ngwavaira. But soon the high fever returned, and my leg turned black. In Jesus ' illustration, a wise man, foreseeing the possibility of future storms, built his house on a rock while the foolish one built on sand and suffered calamity. Bhaibheri rinogona kukubetsera kugonana nahwo here? The self - esteem movement has done little more than make children feel entitled Can the Bible help you cope? Kamwe kamwe, kupenya kunotyisa nokuputika kunovhara nzeve kwakabatidza matangi emafuta aiva chinhambwe chemazana mashomanene emayadhi. Jehovah's Witnesses warmly invite you to join them in observing this Memorial celebration. Suddenly, terrible flashes and earing eruptions lit up oil starteds that were a few hundred miles away. ChiHindu chakanzi "rudzidziso rworudzi rwakaoma kunzwisiswa, rwamativi akasiana mazhinji " uye nomutoo wakapfava" zita rinobatanidza nokuda kwamarudzidziso ose eIndia. " Judith: Our prayers left us with the feeling that God didn't listen. Hinduism has been called "a religion of a complex nature, of many different features " and simply" a name that includes for all Indian religions. " " Vafundisi vakuru vose vapamberi pedare reNicaea vakaratidzira kuva muduku kwaLogos kuna Mwari. ' " In Jesus ' illustration, a discreet man, foreseeing the possibility of future storms, built his house on a rock mass while a foolish man built on sand and suffered disaster. " All prelate clergymen of the Council of Nicaea demonstrated the smallness of the Logos to God. ' " Unouya kumba kubva kuchikoro uzerwe nerongedzero zhinji nokuda kwokupera kwevhiki - zuva pamhenderekedzo yegungwa, mutambo webhora, madekwana akanyarara anopedzerwa mukurava kuti kurava kwakati kupere. Can the Bible help you cope? You come home from school filled with many plans for the weekend - a day on the beach, a ball game, a quiet evening spent reading that reading is over. Ndakaudza Carmen kuti simba chairo rokunobatsira kuHaiti ndakanga ndisina uye kuti ndakanga ndichakavhiringidzika zvokuti handaifunga kuti ndaizozvigona. Suddenly, blinding flashes and deafening explosions ignited fuel - storage tanks a few hundred yards away. I told Carmen that I didn't have the real strength to help out in Haiti and that I was still so confused that I didn't think I could do it. Shoko raMwari rinotikurudzira kukudza munhu wose ari muungano yechiKristu. Hinduism has been termed "a complex national religion, of many different strands " and simply" a generic term for all the religions of India. " God's Word encourages us to honor everyone in the Christian congregation. Kurangarira miuyo yokufufutirwa nehasha kunogona kukutaviridzira nomutoo wakafanana pakuwedzera nomutoo usiri madikanwa kusabvumirana nomumwe munhu ari muchiremera, akadai somudzidzisi kana kuti mubatirwi. " All the great pre - Nicene theologians represented the subordination of the Logos to God. ' " Considering the consequences of fits of anger can similarly protect you from developing unnecessarily a disagreement with someone in authority, such as teacher or employer. Jehovha " anotitungamirira munzira dzokururama ' kupfurikidza nokutitungamirira nokutiraidza kupfurikidza neShoko rake nesangano. You come home from school full of plans for the weekend - a day at the beach, a ball game, a quiet evening spent catching up on some reading. Jehovah " leads us in the tracks of righteousness ' by guiding and instructing us through his Word and organization. Mwari Ane Hanya Neni Here? I told Carmen that I might not be able to handle Haiti physically or emotionally. Does God Care About Me? Zvino inguva yekuparadzanisa. Yes, God's Word admonishes us to honor everyone in the Christian congregation. Now is the time to separate. PaMharidzo yepaGomo, akavimbisa vaitambudzika kuti aizochinja mamiriro avo ezvinhu, achiti: "Munofara imi munosvimha misodzi iye zvino, nokuti muchaseka. " Considering the consequences of an angry outburst could similarly protect you from needlessly escalating a disagreement with someone in authority, such as a teacher or an employer. In the Sermon on the Mount, he assured afflicted ones that he would change their situation, saying: "Happy are you who shed tears now, since you will laugh. " Vamiriri vakadaro voutongi hwaMwari vachabatirawo fariro dzoumwari munyika itsva. - Pisarema 45: 16. Jehovah " leads us in the tracks of righteousness ' by guiding and instructing us through his Word and organization. Such representatives of God's rulership will also serve divine interests in the new world. - Psalm 45: 16. " CHENGETA mwoyo wako kupfuura zvose zvinofanira kurindwa; nokuti mukati mawo ndimo mune zvitubu zvoupenyu. " Does God Care About Me? " DO NOT give your heart more than all else that is to be guarded, for out of it are the sources of life. " Asi kuvimba naMwari imhinduro inoshanda chaizvoizvo kudenho yetsika yokuva murombo here? Now is a time of sifting. But is trusting in God really a practical solution to the moral challenge of being poor? Kana kusiri zvino, rini? In the Sermon on the Mount, he promised afflicted ones that their situation would be changed: "Happy are you who weep now, because you will laugh. " If not now, when? [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 23] Such representatives of God's rulership will also serve divine interests in the new world. - Psalm 45: 16. [ Picture on page 23] Angamuti atange kusarudza kana pasina nheyo dzeBhaibheri dziri kuputswa, uye anomuitira zvinhu nokumubata nomutsa. " MORE than all else that is to be guarded, safeguard your heart, for out of it are the sources of life. " He may ask her to decide whether there are no Bible principles violated, and he does things for her by treating her kindly. Paakabva pamba rimwe zuva, Marcelo, akaberekerwa kuArgentina, akanhonga bhegi raiva pasi mamita mashomanana kubva padhoo rokuseri kweimba yake. But is trusting in God really a practical answer to the moral challenge of being poor? When he left home one day, Marcolo, born in Argentina, he picked up a bag under a few feet of ground from the back door of his house. Asi mibvunzo yandakanga ndabvunza pandaiva namakore manomwe yakanga ichiri mundangariro mangu. If not now, when? But the questions I had asked when I was seven were still in my mind. ; Karlsson, L. [ Picture on page 23] ; Karlsson, L. 13, 14. (a) Kuzvininipisa kuchatibetsera mumugariroi chaiwo? He may give her first choice when no issue is at stake, and he does things for her and treats her kindly. 13, 14. (a) In what special situation will humility help us? Ndichigara muturera yakafara mamita maviri uye yakareba mamita matatu, ndaizvitsigira ndimene nokushanda nguva isina kuzara mubhizimisi redhiraikirina. Upon leaving home one day, Marcelo, a native of Argentina, found a briefcase on the ground a few yards from his back door. Living in a two - foot [2 m] - wide and three - foot [3 m] - long trailer, I supported myself by working part - time in a?" Pane vanamwari veEgipita vakawanda, Isis airondedzerwa sa "mai voupenyu, mutongi wekufanorongera uye wekufanosarudzira. " But the questions I had posed when I was seven were still present in my mind. In many of Egypt's gods, Isis was described as "the mother of life, the judge of fate and of predestination. " Saka, kana ukasarudza zvaunoti ndizvo zvakanaka kana kuti zvakaipa nokungotevera zvinoitwa nevoruzhinji, ungave uri kuva nemafungiro aSatani etsika, uye hazvina mubvunzo kuti izvozvo zvingakukuvadza. ; Karlsson, L. Hence, if you choose what you feel is right or wrong simply by following the crowd's actions, you may be developing Satan's moral attitude, and there is no doubt that this could harm you. kana, " Tichapfekeiko? ' 13, 14. (a) In what particular circumstance will humility help us? or, " What are we to put on? ' Asi ngaarambe achikumbira mukutenda, asingatongopanikiri. " - Jakobho 1: 5, 6, NW. Living in a seven - by - ten - foot [2 by 3 m] trailer, I supported myself by working part - time in a dry - cleaning business. But let him keep on asking in faith, not doubting at all. " - James 1: 5, 6. Guta reLaissez Faire, rudzi rwe "Utopia yecapitalism " muCentral America, kuedza kwazvino uno kwokugadzira nzanga yakadaro yeUtopia, yakashuma kudaro The Sunday Times yeLondon. Among the many Egyptian gods, Isis was described as the "mistress of life, ruler of fate and destiny. " The city of Laissez Fire, a type of "Utopialism " in Central America, modern attempts to develop such a Utopia society, reported The Sunday Times of London. Sauro akatozodzokera kuJerusarema papfuura makore akawanda. Therefore, if you set your standards of right and wrong purely by what is popular, you might be adopting Satan's view of morality, and that would obviously be disastrous. In fact, after several years, Saul returned to Jerusalem. G. or, " What are we to put on? ' G. Melissa, ane makore 12 okukura ari muItaly, akava nemisodzi mumeso ake apo akarava nhauro yokupedzisira muNharireyomurindi. But let him keep on asking in faith, not doubting at all. " - James 1: 5, 6. Melissa, 12 years old in Italy, had tears in her eyes when she read the final account in The Watchtower. Zvisinei, paaiita navo musangano wokupedzisira, akavapa zano asingaiti zvokutenderera. (a) In order to have a regular family study, what is required? During his final meeting with them, however, he gave them balanced counsel. Varume ava vaiva nezvipfuwo uye vafudzi vavo vangangodaro vakapopotedzana pamusoro penyaya yemafuro. Laissez Faire City, a kind of "capitalist Utopia " in Central America, is a recent attempt to create such a Utopian community, reports The Sunday Times of London. They had livestock and shepherds who may have argued about the pasture. Noa nemhuri yake vaiva nebasa rakawanda rokuita Mafashamo asati aitika uye azoitika. It was several years before Saul returned to Jerusalem. Noah and his family had much work to do before and after the Flood. □ Pauro akatinyevera chii nezvokutenda kwedu? G. □ What warning did Paul give us about our faith? Zvinokosha kuti, kuchengeta mutemo uyu unobva muBhaibheri kwazvidzivirira pangozi dzakawanda, dzinosanganisira hosha dzakadai sehepatitis neAIDS dzinogona kubatwa muropa. Melissa, a 12 - year - old in Italy, had tears in her eyes when she read the last account in The Watchtower. Significantly, keeping this Bible - based law has protected them from many dangers, including such diseases as hepatitis and AIDS that can be contracted from blood. Chaizvoizvo, havashandisi zvinhu zvinonyatsobetsera zvinogoverwa noupenyu kuzadzikisa kungwara kwemunhu nemanzwire aanoita. During his final meeting with them, though, he gave them some frank counsel. Really, they do not use the truly beneficial things that life provides to fill a person's intelligence and feelings. Asi kwatakanga tava kugara, vanhu vakanga vasina kundijaira, vakawanda vaitoshamiswa nekundiona. Both men possessed livestock, and their shepherds apparently quarreled about grazing land. But where we were living, people didn't get used to me, many were surprised to see me. VaBheriya vomuzana remakore rokutanga vakateerera Pauro asi vakazoongorora Magwaro kuti vave nechokwadi chokuti zvaakanga ataura zvaiva zvechokwadi Noah and his family had much work to do before and after the Flood. The first - century Beroeans listened to Paul but then examined the Scriptures to ensure that what he had said was true Rangarira kuti ikoko kwakanga kwakadaro sei apo Jesu aiva pasi pano. □ With regard to our faith, what warning did Paul give us? Consider how that was so when Jesus was on earth. Pashure pokudzidza ndakaudza mudzidzisi wangu wesayenzi nezveimwe vhidhiyo inotaura nezveropa. Significantly, keeping to this Bible - based position has protected them from many risks, including such diseases as hepatitis and AIDS that can be contracted from blood. After studying I told my science teacher about a video on blood. Zvakadiniko newe? Completed Covered What about you? Chokwadi, hadzisi nyika dzose dzine nyama yehuku nemazai akawanda. In effect, they make no use of the more meaningful resources that life offers to fulfill the human intellect and emotions. Of course, not all countries have an abundance of chicken and eggs. Woruzivo rwezvamwari weKaturike John J. But in our new surroundings, I was a stranger and, to many, a strange sight. Catholic philosopher John J. anodaro sezvaanotarisa mugirazi asingafari. The first - century Beroeans listened to Paul but then examined the Scriptures to make sure that what he said was true he says as he looks into the mirror, but he is not happy. Gova reJezreeri Consider how that was the case when Jesus was on earth. Jezreel's Field Zvisinei, zhinji dzakasvika pakunzwisisa ikoko, pasinei zvapo nezvinhu zvose izvo zvingaodza munhu mwoyo mukuita kudaro, pane zvikonzero zvinomanikidzira kutaura navamwe pamusoro paMwari. After class I told my science teacher about one of our videos on blood. However, many came to appreciate that, despite all the factors that might discourage a person from doing so, there are compelling reasons to talk to others about God. Harald akanyora kuti: "Ndakapedza makore 14 ndiri mumisasa yevasungwa uye mumajeri pamusana pokutenda kwangu muna Mwari. How about you? Harald wrote: "I spent 14 years in concentration camps and prisons because of my faith in God. Zvadaro muMutemo, Mwari akazivisa kuti kushandiswa kweropa kwaitenderwa bedzi kwaiva kwepaatari - kuti vakanganwirwe zvivi. Of course, not all countries have an abundance of poultry products. Then under the Law, God revealed that the only acceptable use of blood was at the altar - to obtain forgiveness of sins. Hungu, ivo vakanga vari hama dzedu! Catholic theologian John J. Yes, they were our brothers! Zvisinei, iye anopangira kuti "unoda kukujekesa kuti mutoro wako. " she declares as she stares disapprovingly in the mirror. However, he advises that "you want to make it clear that it is your burden. " 10: 37. Elderly Ones - Valuable Members of Our Brotherhood, 5 / 15 10: 37. " Paunofinhwa nacho, ingoirasa bedzi ' - chinodaro chimiro chendangariro chakatekeshera. Low Plain of Jezreel " When you get bored with it, just throw it away ' - says a prevailing attitude. " Kunyange muchikepe chino, ndiri kukohwa zvibereko zvinoita kuti Jehovha arumbidzwe, " vakanyora kudaro. However, many have come to appreciate that, in spite of all the things that might discourage one from doing so, there are compelling reasons to talk to others about God. " Even on this ship, I am reaping fruit to Jehovah's praise, " they wrote. Kuda Shoko raMwari kunovaita kuti vafambe nzendo dzakareba kuti vavakewo nzvimbo itsva dzokunamatira munzvimbo dzenyika dzinoda kubatsirwa nemhosva yourombo kana kushayikwa kwounyanzvi. - 2 VaKorinde 8: 14. Harald wrote: "In all, I have spent 14 years of my life in concentration camps and prisons because of my faith in God. Love for God's Word moves them to make long trips to build new places of worship in areas of the world that need help because of poverty or lack of skill. - 2 Corinthians 8: 14. Chikonzero Nei Jehovha Akashurikidza Israeri Then in the Law, God revealed that the only approved use of blood was on the altar - for forgiveness of sin. Why Jehovah Cursed Israel Asi, zvimwe zvinhu zvinokosha zvokufunga nezvazvo ndeizvi: " Mwari anondiziva here? Yes, they were our brothers! Yet, some of the important factors to consider are: " Does God know me? Ivo vakaonesa kuti makanga muchitova namarudzidziso mana munzanga macho - Katurike, Baptist, Church of God, uye Mormon. She advises, however, that "you need to make it clear that it is your business. " They pointed out that there were already four religions in the community - Roman Catholic, Baptist, Church of God, and Mormon. 24 Zvandinodzidza muBhaibheri 10: 37. 24 What I Learn From the Bible Ikoku kwakawedzera budiriro yake yehondo, uye "mbiri yake yakapararira. " " When you tire of it, just junk it ' - so goes the prevailing attitude. This increased his military success, and "his glory spread abroad. " VaKristu vechiduku vanofanira kunyanya kutsunga kuteerera zano roMuparidzi rokufunga nezveMusiki. " Even on board this ship, I am reaping fruit to Jehovah's praise, " he wrote. Young Christians especially need to be determined to heed the counsel of Ecclesiastes to consider the Creator. Ensaikoropidhia imwe cheteyo inobvuma, kuti: "Homoousios haaoneki muRugwaro. " Love for God's Word moves them to travel long distances in order to share in building new places of worship in parts of the world where there is a need because of poverty or a lack of skills. - 2 Corinthians 8: 14. The same encyclopedia admits: "Hmoousios is invisible in Scripture. " 4: 11; 21: 3, 4. Why Jehovah Denounced Israel 4: 11; 21: 3, 4. Pasi pose, pane ungano dzomutauro wemasaini dzinopfuura 1 200 kusanganisira mapoka. However, serious aspects to consider are: " Am I known by God? Worldwide, there are over 1,200 sign - language congregations, including groups. Nhasi, kufanana naHezekiya, takaita sokuti tiri muhondo. They pointed out that there were already four religions in the community - Catholic, Baptist, Church of God, and Mormon. Today, like Hezekiah, we have acted as if we were in battle. Uye munhu akavapo sei? 24 My Bible Lessons And how did man come into existence? Fungidzira dutu rakakomba rinoparira ruparadziko rukuru zvikuru pataundi duku. This enhanced his military success, and "his fame went out to a great distance. " Imagine a severe storm causing greater destruction on a small town. Jesu akapindura kuti: "Hazvina kufanira kuti muzive nguva kana misi yakatarwa naBaba vamene nesimba ravo. " Especially should Christian youths be determined to heed the congregator's counsel to bear the Creator in mind. Jesus replied: "It does not belong to you to get knowledge of the times or seasons which the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction. " Pava nemakore mana kubva patakatanga kubudisa magazini maviri eNharireyomurindi, yevoruzhinji uye imwe yedu isu Zvapupu zvaJehovha nevatinodzidza navo Bhaibheri vari kufambira mberi. That same encyclopedia admits: "Homoousios does not appear in Scripture. " Four years have passed since we started publishing two issues of The Watchtower, the public, and one of us Jehovah's Witnesses and our Bible students are making progress. Kukurira Mhinganidzo Dzokurubhapatidzo 4: 11; 21: 3, 4. Overcoming the Challenges of Baptism Iyi iropafadzo yakakura chaizvo yekusvika "pakuzivikanwa naMwari, " Mutongi wezvinhu zvese. Worldwide, there are over 1,200 sign - language congregations and groups. What a privilege it is to come "to be known by God, " the Ruler of the universe! Califano, Jr., weCenter on Addiction and Substance Abuse paUnivhesiti yeColumbia kuNew York, akati: "Tyisidziro hurusa kuutano hwevanhu inobva muindasitiri yefodya [ndiko] kushandisa kwayo kushambadzira nounyanzvi hwokutengesa kwakanangidzirwa kuvana nevechiduku vanomirira boka idzva revapindwi muropa kuzvigadzirwa zvayo zvinouraya. " Today, like Hezekiah, we are in a warlike situation. Califano, Jr., of the Center on Action and Sexual Abuse at Columbia University in New York, said: "The greatest threat to human health comes from the tobacco industry [that is] its use of advertising and trade skills directed toward children and teenagers representing a new group of addicts to its deadly products. " Zvakadini nokumbokumbira mwanasikana wenyu kuti ataure muchidimbu zvaanenge averenga? And how did man come to be? What about asking your daughter to say briefly what she has read? Tinofanira Kuona Sei Mari Zvinoratidza Kuti Takachenjera? Imagine a severe hurricane wreaking havoc upon a small town. How Should We View Money? Uye pangangowedzera vamwe nokuti vanodarika 296 000 vakapinda Chirangaridzo muna 2001. Jesus replied: "It does not belong to you to get knowledge of the times or seasons which the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction. " And there may be an increase in others because more than 26,000 attended the Memorial in 2001. Mumwe wevakuru vacho anoudza Johani kuti boka guru ndivanaani. It was four years ago that we began publishing two editions of The Watchtower, one for the public and one for all of us - Jehovah's Witnesses and our progressive Bible students. One of the elders tells John who the great crowd are. • Kana ukatukwa, magwaro api angakubatsira? Overcoming Obstacles to Baptism • If you are reviled, what scriptures can help you? Akati: "Chero bedzi paine ratidziro duku yetariro, hautongofaniri kurega. " What a wonderful privilege it is to "come to be known by God, " the Supreme Ruler of the universe! He said: "As long as there is little proof of hope, you must never give up. " 9 / 1 Califano, Jr., of the Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at New York's Columbia University, said: "The biggest threat to the public health from the tobacco industry [is] its use of advertising and marketing aimed at children and teenagers who represent a fresh crop of addicts to its deadly products. " 9 / 15 Mhuri dzaparadzaniswa nemhaka yehondo kana kuti njodzi isingakonzerwi nomunhu. What about asking your daughter to summarize in her own words what she has read? Families have been separated because of war or a disaster that is not caused by man. Achaparadza vose vanoparadza pasi rino. And there is potential for further increase because over 296,000 attended the Memorial in 2001. He will destroy all those ruining this earth. Ndezvechokwadi kuti vanogona kusangana nezvinetso, asi hapana zviripo kana zvikaenzaniswa nemufaro wavanowana pavanotsvaka vane mwoyo yakatendeseka vanoda zvokudzidza chokwadi cheBhaibheri. One of the elders reveals to John the identity of the great crowd. It is true that they can face problems, but there is nothing compared to the joy they experience when they search for honesthearted ones who want to learn Bible truth. Pamusoro pokubvisa pamuviri muBrazil, pepanhau rinonzi O Estado de S. • When you are confronted with insolent speech, what scriptures can help you? Regarding abortion in Brazil, the newspaper O Estado de S. Satani akanga akatsunga kuti adzivise kuuya kweMwana wacho. He said: "As long as there is any hint of hope, you must never give up. " Satan was determined to prevent the child's coming. Mutemo waMosesi waiti maguta okupotera aingodzivirira munhu ainge auraya asi asina kuzviita nemaune. 7 / 1 According to the Mosaic Law, the cities of refuge protected the manslayer only if they did not deliberately do so. Zvisinei, nemhaka yekusarura rudzi uye kusavimbana, zivo yevaJudha yaisawanzowanika kunze kwenzvimbo dzavaigara. Families have been separated as a result of war or natural disaster. However, because of racial prejudice and distrust, Jewish knowledge was rare outside their territory. Susan Forward. He will destroy all those who are defacing this planet. Susan Forward. Muna 1950, ndakatamira kuguta reGrand Junction, muColorado, kwandakasangana naBillie. True, they may cope with hardships, but these fade away in comparison with the happiness they feel as they find honesthearted individuals who embrace Bible truths. In 1950, I moved to the city of Grand Juntion, Colorado, where I met Billie. Vamwe vaduku vanogara nomumwe nokuti vanenge vachida kuzvimiririra pasina vabereki vavo. Regarding abortion in Brazil, the newspaper O Estado de S. Some youths live with one another because they want to be independent of their parents. Ruzhinji rwevanhu rwakapofumadzwa naSatani, ruchakaparadzaniswa naMwari uye harwuzivi chinangwa chemutsa wake. Satan was determined to prevent that Seed from arriving. The vast majority of mankind, blinded by Satan, are still alienated from God and do not know the purpose of his kindness. Uyezve, zvakanga zvava kuita sokuti masayendisiti anoongorora magariro evanhu nenyanzvi dzokushanda kwepfungwa aitaura zviri nani kupfuura zvaitaurwa nemachechi. The Mosaic Law stated that cities of refuge protected only the unintentional manslayer. In addition, it seemed that social scientists and psychologists spoke better than the churches said. Jesu akati: "Aya mashoko akanaka oumambo achaparidzwa munyika yose inogarwa kuti ave uchapupu kumarudzi ose; uye zvadaro kuguma kuchasvika. " However, because of prejudice and mistrust, the Jews ' knowledge was often not accessible outside the ghetto. Jesus said: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. " Jehovha Anoranga Muprofita Wake Aiva Asina Kuteerera Susan Forward. Jehovah Disciplines His Obedient Prophet Bhaibheri Remazuva Ano muchiLatin In 1950, I moved to Grand Junction, Colorado, where I met Billie. A Modern Bible in Latin Vana vanoda tuso duku asi dzapakarepo. Other young ones move in with a roommate because they want independence from their parents. Children need little but immediate rewards. Bhuku rinonzi Tropical Surgery rinoti: "Vanhu vomumaruwa [munzvimbo dzinopisa], avo vanowanzova vakarovedzana nokufamba nemisoro ine mitwaro, vakakudziridza tsandanyama dzomusana nechimiro chakanaka. The majority of mankind, blinded by Satan, are still alienated from God and ignorant of the purpose of God's undeserved kindness. Says the book Tropical Surgery: "The people of the rural [in the tropical area], who are often accustomed to walking with heavy - loaded heads, developed back muscles and positive shape. Kungavawo kuita kuzvinhu zvine chepfu, zvinoshatisa, mishonga, uye zvinorambwa nomuviri. Further, it was felt that social scientists and psychologists provided better guidance than did the churches. It may also be the reaction to toxic, pollution, medicine, and physical resistance. Nemhaka yokudhura kwaiita dhayi yacho, tambo yacho kana kuti mucheka zvaisvinwa kana zvabudiswa mumudziyo waishandiswa pakudhaya kuitira kuti dhayi yacho izoshandiswazve. Jesus said: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. " Because of the price the dye was expensive, the rope or cloth was woven out of a dye so that the dye could be reused. Satani, akatsunga kuputsa kutendeseka kwaJesu, akamusvika apo Jesu akanga akaneta zvikurusa - pashure pokunge apedza mazuva 40 achifungisisa uye achitsanya ari murenje. Jehovah Disciplines His Wayward Prophet Satan, determined to break Jesus ' integrity, approached him when Jesus was extremely tired - after he had spent 40 days meditating and fasting in the wilderness. Makore akati apfuura mumwe mufundisi akapedza kufunda weWatchtower Bible School of Gilead akanga achifamba nengarava inotakura vanhu achienda kumugove wake wokumwe. A Modern Bible in Latin Some years ago a missionary graduate of the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead was traveling by ship for his foreign assignment. Uyezve, chirango kuratidzwa kunokosha kworudo rwevabereki. Children need small but immediate rewards. Moreover, discipline is an important expression of parental love. Kutibatsira isu, vana vedu, uye vatinodzidza navo Bhaibheri kusvika danho iri, mukurukuri akabudisa bhuku idzva rokudzidza rinonzi Namata Mwari Wechokwadi Bedzi. The book Tropical Surgery states: "The country people [in the tropics], who are often accustomed to walking with head loads, have well - developed back muscles and good posture. To help us, our children, and our Bible students reach this point, the speaker published a new study aid entitled Worship the Only True God. Zvakaitwa naPetro izvi zvinotiratidza kuti akaita chisarudzo chokuchenjera. It may also be a reaction to some toxins, pollutants, medications, and allergens. Peter's response shows us that he made a wise decision. 30: 5. In view of its costliness, surplus dye is squeezed out to be reused after the material is removed from the vat. 30: 5. Sezvatinoyeuchidzwa neMagwaro, munhu anoita ufeve ari "kutadzira muviri wake pachake. " - 1 VaKorinde 5: 9 - 12; 6: 18; Zvirevo 6: 23 - 29, 32. Satan, determined to break Jesus ' integrity, approached him when Jesus was at his weakest - after he had spent 40 days meditating and fasting in the wilderness. As the Scriptures remind us, the person practicing fornication "is sinning against his own body. " - 1 Corinthians 5: 9 - 12; 6: 18; Proverbs 6: 23 - 29, 32. Uyezve, imwe nguva Jesu pachake akaverengera vanhu vakawanda Shoko raMwari zvinonzwika uye akatsanangura kushanda kwaro. Years ago a missionary graduate of the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead was traveling by ocean liner to his foreign assignment. Moreover, on one occasion Jesus himself read aloud to many people about God's Word and explained its application. Kukurudzira Runyararo Kwete Hondo (D. Additionally, discipline is a vital expression of parental love. " God's Word " Conventions, 2 / 15 KUDAI waiva nechirwere chakakura, waizonzwa sei kana ukaziva kuti chiremba ava kuda kukuvhiya haana kumbobvira avhiya mumwe munhu saizvozvo? To help us, our children, and our Bible students to reach this goal, the speaker released the new study book Worship the Only True God. IF YOU had a serious illness, how would you feel if you learned that the doctor needed surgery had never performed such an operation? Bhoazi akapa Rute zviyero zvitanhatu zvisina hazvo kutaurwa kuti zvairema zvakadini. In a way, we here see Peter in one of his finer moments. Boaz gave Ruth six measures that were not necessarily determined how heavy they were. Vashanduri vakawanda vanorishandura kuti "nyaradzo. " 30: 5. Many translators render it "comfort. " Zvisinei, kusavimbika uku kwevaIsraeri kwakapa Samsoni mukana wokurwadzisa vavengi vake zvekare. Just as the Scriptures remind us, a person who practices fornication is "sinning against his own body. " - 1 Corinthians 5: 9 - 12; 6: 18; Proverbs 6: 23 - 29, 32. This act of unfaithfulness on the part of Israel, however, gave Samson an opportunity to punish his enemies again. Zvinopfuura izvozvo, anoita chimwe chinhu kumumiriro wavo wezvinhu wakaipa. More than that, on occasion Jesus himself publicly read aloud from God's Word and explained its application. More than that, he responds to their plight. Hapana chakaipa nounhu chero hupi zvahwo huri pamusoro apa. Coping With an Unspeakable Tragedy (J. There is nothing wrong with any of the above qualities. Zvimwe vabereki vako vanokwanisa kukubetsera zvikurusa, zvikurukuru kana vari vanotya Mwari. IF A surgeon was scheduled to perform a complicated procedure on you, how would you feel if you found out that he had never performed this type of surgery? Perhaps your parents are able to help you the most, especially if they are God - fearing. Mukurumbira waAbhishai waiva wakaenzana nowevarume vatatu vaiva nesimba nokuti akaita chinhu chaida simba chakafanana nechakaitwa naJashobheyamu. Many translators render it "comfort. " And the fame of Abishai was the same as that of the three mighty men: for he wrought the same power as that of Abishai. Muapostora Pauro paakanyora tsamba kuvaKristu vechiHebheru nezvesimba rokuchenesa reropa, akati: "Zvinenge zvinhu zvose zvinocheneswa neropa maererano noMutemo, uye kana ropa rikasadururwa hapana kukanganwirwa kunovapo. " This Israelite disloyalty, however, offered Samson an occasion to inflict further losses on his enemies. When the apostle Paul wrote to Hebrew Christians about the power to cleanse blood, he said: "Nearly all things are cleansed with blood according to the Law, and unless blood is poured out no forgiveness takes place. " Vanachiremba kazhinji kazhinji vanorondedzera munhu saakanyanyofuta kana achirema kane 20 muzana kupfuura uremu hwake hwakafanira. More than that, he reacts to their plight. Doctors often describe a person as being overweight if he weighs 20 percent more than his due weight. Kutsvakurudza kunoratidza kuti vacheche vasingambundirwi, vasingabatwi uye vasingatambwi navo kana vasingaitwi kuti vafunge vachava nemikaha mishoma yepakati petsinga dzinofambisa mashoko muuropi. There is nothing wrong with any of the above traits. Research shows that babies who are not affected, caught, and left to themselves without reason will have fewer brain - powered connections. Vaiwanzoti, "Kunamata Mwari ndiwo mushonga wemwana wangu. " Your parents are probably in the best position to help you, especially if they are God - fearing. She used to say, "God is my child's solution. " Chii Chakaitika Kuchiremera? Abishai's reputation rivaled that of the three principal mighty ones because he performed a mighty act similar to that of Jashobeam. What Has Happened to Authority? Vakatengesa imba yavo nezvinhu zvavaiva nazvo kuti vawane chinovararamisa pakuita basa iri. When the apostle Paul wrote to the Hebrew Christians about the cleansing power of blood, he explained: "According to the Law nearly all things are cleansed with blood, and unless blood is poured out no forgiveness takes place. " They sold their home and what they had to support themselves in doing this work. [ Chati iri papeji 10 - 13] Doctors generally define a person as obese if he weighs 20 percent more than his ideal weight. [ Chart on page 10 - 13] □ Sangano raMwari rigovera dziviriro munzirai? Research indicates that infants who are not held and touched and are not played with or stimulated will form fewer of these synaptic connections. □ In what ways does God's organization provide protection? Tinokukurudzirawo kuti ubvume mashoko okukoka anoti: "Tsvakai Jehovha, achiri kuwanika. " Serving God is my son's medicine, " she would say. We also urge you to respond to the invitation: "Search for Jehovah, you are still available. Jairi (Rudzi rwaManase) Looking With Appreciation Upon "House of God " (Bethel), 6 / 15 Jari ( out of the tribe of Manasseh) Rumukiro kuregwa kworuvimbiko kana kuti chivimbo. They decided to sell their home and goods to fund their full - time ministry. A rebellion is a loss of loyalty or trust. Pandakanga ndava nemakore 18, ndakavharirwa mujeri kwemwedzi 9 nekuti ndakaramba kuita basa rechiuto. [ Chart on page 10 - 13] When I was 18, I was imprisoned for nine months because I refused military service. * □ In what ways does God's organization provide protection? * Kuvavarira ikoko kudzivirira zvizvarwa zvenguva yemberi pahondo kwakaratidzwa mupfungwa yekubatana pakuchengeta - pfungwa yokuti nyika dzinofanira kubatana mukurwisa chero nyika ipi zvayo inonzi inodenha. We also urge you to accept this invitation: "Search for Jehovah, you people, while he may be found. That goal in protecting future generations from war was reflected in a spirit of unity in maintaining - the idea that nations should be united in fighting any country that is said to attack. MuLatin America chinenge chikamu chimwe chezvina chemimba dzose chinogumiswa. Jair (Tribe of Manasseh) In Latin America about a quarter of all pregnancies are ended. Panguva yaiiswa zvinhu izvi mumagaba, hanzvadzi dzaigara pedyo nepurazi dzaiuya kuzobatsira uye Etta aibatsira pakuronga basa racho. Treason is the betrayal of a trust or a confidence. At the time of these materials, sisters who lived near the farm came to help, and Etta helped organize the project. Idzi ngirozi madhemoni vavengiwo vevanhu vari pasi pano. When I turned 18, I was imprisoned for nine months because I refused to perform military service. These angels are also enemies of people on earth. Izvozvo zvakanga zvakanaka. * That was good. Rugwaro rwaro rwechiHebheru, rwakachengetwa muzvikamu 47 kubva muzvinenge 57, rwakafanana zvikuru nourwo rwakashandiswa navashanduri veSeptuagint yechiGiriki. That determination to save future generations from war was expressed in the notion of collective security - the idea that nations should unite against any state defined as an aggressor. Its Hebrew text, preserved in 47 sections from about 57, is much like that used by the translators of the Greek Septuagint. Ikoku kunoreva kuchajwazve kwenguva dzose kwamabhatiri edu omudzimu, sokunge zvakadaro. In Latin America about one fourth of all pregnancies are terminated. This means the constant restoration of our spiritual mains, as it were. Mukadzi uyu aizokanganwirwa sei, sezvo chibayiro chorudzikinuro chainge chisati chapiwa? During the canning season, local sisters came to assist, and Etta would help organize their work. How could this woman be forgiven, since the ransom sacrifice had not yet been offered? Chokwadi, "dombo " - Umambo hwaMwari - huchaparadza umambo hwevanhu rini? These demon angels are also enemies of people on earth. Yes, when will "the rock " - God's Kingdom - destroy human kingdoms? Vanhu nemhuka zvinowana zvekudya nemhepo yekufema kubva kumiti. Of course, such a response was proper and necessary. Humans and animals receive food and breath from plants. Hungu rudo runotivaka. Its Hebrew text, preserved in 47 columns out of a probable 57, is very similar to that used by the translators of the Greek Septuagint version. Yes, love builds us up. Zvimwe chetezvo zvave zviri zvechokwadi nezvokupupurira kwangu mumugwagwa. This means a constant recharging of our spiritual batteries, as it were. The same has been true of my street witnessing. Yangopera kugadzirwa, miseve yaifanira kuchengetedzwa. Since the ransom sacrifice had not yet been offered, how was this forgiveness possible? Once repaired, arrows had to be guarded. " Usanetseke, " ndakadaro, "tina Baba vakapfuma vari mudenga, uye havatisiyi. " Yes, when will the "stone " - God's Kingdom - remove every trace of human rulership? " Don't worry, " I said, "we have a rich Father in heaven, and he doesn't abandon us. " Uye tingaratidza sei kuti tinozvionga? Humans and animals take in oxygen and food and return carbon dioxide and other matter to the system. And how can we show our appreciation for them? Gungwa reGarirea riri pasi muRift Valley, anenge mamita 200 pasi peGungwa reMediterranean. Yes, love builds us up. The Sea of Galilee lies below the Rift Valley, about 200 feet [200 m] below the Mediterranean Sea. Muapostora Pauro akapa zano rakafanana rine chokuita nokukanganwira, sezvataurwa pamusoro apa. The same has been true of my street witnessing. The apostle Paul gave similar counsel regarding forgiveness, as noted above. Nohuhama hwomudzimu hunoshamisa zvakadaro, hatisi toga, kunyange munyika itsva. Once prepared, arrows had to be protected. With such a remarkable spiritual brotherhood, we are not alone, even in the new world. Kunamata nyeredzi kunogona kunge kwakatanga nevaBhabhironi vekare, nokuti vainamata nyeredzi uye mapoka enyeredzi. " Don't worry, " I said, "we have a rich Father in heaven, and he won't leave us. " The worship of the stars may have begun with ancient Babylonians, for they worshipped stars and galaxies. Jesu paakati "upenyu hwake hahubvi pazvinhu zvaainazvo, " shoko rokuti" upenyu " raakashandisa pano muEvhangeri yaRuka (chiGiriki zo·eʹ) harirevi mararamiro, asi rinoreva upenyu hwacho chaihwo, upenyu sezvahuri. And how can we show that we appreciate them? When Jesus said "his life does not result from the things he possesses, " the term" life " he used here in Luke's Gospel (Greek zo·eʹ) refers, not to the way of life, but to its very life, life as it is. ▪ Nzwisisa chinangwa chacho. The Sea of Galilee lies deep in the Rift Valley, about 700 feet [200 m] below the Mediterranean Sea. ▪ Understand the purpose. Savanhu vakatendeka vakabatanidzwa nesangano raMwari, tine betsero yake mukati menguva yomuedzo. The apostle Paul gave similar counsel regarding forgiveness, as noted above. As faithful ones associated with God's organization, we have his help during a time of trial. • Jehovha achapedzisira apindura sei munyengetero uri pana Pisarema 83: 18? With such a wonderful spiritual brotherhood, we are not alone, even in a new land. • How will Jehovah eventually answer the prayer recorded at Psalm 83: 18? Asi ikoko kwaizoitika rini? CHRISTIAN LIFE AND QUALITIES But when would that happen? Hatimbofaniri kubvumira kuti kutaura kwevamwe kwokusafunga kuite kuti tisava nechokwadi naBaba vedu vokudenga. Astrology probably originated with the early Babylonians, who made the stars and constellations objects of worship. Never should we allow the thoughtless speech of others to cause us to doubt our heavenly Father. [ Bhokisi riri papeji 29] When Jesus said that "life does not result from the things he possesses, " the word used here for" life " in Luke's Gospel (Greek, zo·eʹ) refers, not to the manner or style of living, but to life itself, life in the absolute sense. [ Box on page 29] Kristu nokudaro akapa vanhu vaizoshandisa kutenda maari uye vaizoziva ukoshi hwechibairo chake tariro youpenyu husingagumi papasi raizoshandurwa kuva paradhiso. - Ruka 23: 43; Johane 3: 16. ▪ Discern the actual intent. Christ thus gave humans who would exercise faith in him and would recognize the value of his sacrifice the hope of eternal life on an earth that would be transformed into a paradise. - Luke 23: 43; John 3: 16. Yeuka kuti Shoko raMwari rinoratidza uchenjeri hwekuva "muranda womutemo waMwari. " As faithful individuals associated with God's organization, we have his help during time of trial. Remember, God's Word shows the wisdom of being "a slave of God's law. " Pasinei nokuti zvinangwa izvozvo zvingava zvakakwirira sei, vakawanda havana chokwadi chokuti zvinogona kuitwa munyika ino isina kubatana. • How will Jehovah finally answer the prayer expressed in Psalm 83: 18? No matter how lofty those goals may be, many doubt that they can be achieved in this divided world. Vaviri vanofanira kuzivana vasati varoorana. But when would that be? Two should get to know each other before marriage. Zvikwata zvamatsotsi muMexico zvinonzi zvinokurudzira nhengo dzazvo dzechiduku kudzidzira kuba katsi nezvipfuwo kuti dziwane ruzivo dzisati dzava kuba vanhu. We must never allow the thoughtless comments of others to make us doubt our heavenly Father. The criminal gangs in Mexico are said to encourage their young members to learn to steal cats and livestock in order to gain experience before stealing. Vachingosvika, vakabva vatotanga kubatsira vanhu vainge vawirwa nenjodzi iyi uye kuvanyaradza. [ Box / Picture on page 29] As soon as they arrived, they immediately began to help people who had been affected and to comfort them. Pashure pezvose, Jehovha Mwari akatisika tine mano okufarikanya nziyo, uye mhatsa huru yenziyo inogamuchirika kwaari. Christ thus held out to humans who would exercise faith in him and who would recognize the value of his sacrifice the prospect of eternal life on an earth that would be turned into a paradise. - Luke 23: 43; John 3: 16. After all, Jehovah God created us with the ability to enjoy music, and a wide variety of songs are acceptable to him. Zvisinei, pane zvaakaratidzwa, muapostora Johani akaoneswa Jehovha ari pachigaro Chake chinobwinya. - Zvakazarurwa 4: 1 - 3. Bear in mind that God's Word shows the wisdom of being "a slave to God's law. " In vision, however, the apostle John received a vision from Jehovah on His glorious throne. - Revelation 4: 1 - 3. Anoti: "Vane hanya neni. However noble such goals may be, many doubt that they can be achieved in this disunited world. He says: "They care about me. Zvisinei, kuchenjera kuva nechokwadi chokuti zvaunotenda hazviumbwi nouchenjeri nezvishuvo zvevanhu, asi kuti neShoko raMwari rechokwadi rakaziviswa. - 1 VaTesaronika 2: 13; 5: 21. Couples should get to know each other before they marry. However, it is wise to make sure that your beliefs are not inspired by human wisdom and desires, but by God's Word of truth has been revealed. - 1 Thessalonians 2: 13; 5: 21. J. Criminal gangs in Mexico are said to encourage their young members to practice on pets and domestic animals to get adequate experience before they go for the real thing. J. kusarudza mashoko akakodzera? They immediately got to work, not only checking the physical condition of quake victims but also helping them deal with any emotional trauma. choose the right words? Avo vanozviisa pasi poubati ushe hwaMwari vanoedza kuva vakafanana naMwari sezvinobvirira vanhu vasina kukwana. After all, Jehovah God created us with the ability to enjoy music, and a great variety of music is acceptable to him. Those who submit to theocracy try to be like God as possible for imperfect humans. Kunyange zvazvo zvinhu zvakanga zvakamuomera zvikuru imomo, akanga achiri anokwanisa ari oga kupinda misangano paHoro yoUmambo, uko kwatakasangana naye. In a vision, however, the apostle John was given a spectacular view of Jehovah on His glorious throne. - Revelation 4: 1 - 3. Although things were very difficult there, he was still able by himself to attend meetings at the Kingdom Hall, where we met him. Zvinofanirawo kubvumwa kuti kurapa kunobatsira mumwe munhu kunokwanisa kusabatsira - kana kutokuvadza - kune mumwe. He says: "They show concern for me. They must also be admitted that treatment that is beneficial to someone can be useless - or even harmful - to another. Muzana remakore rechipiri C.E., evhangeri dzenhema dzakaparadzira nhoroondo dzenhema dzeupenyu hwaJesu, uye Vanyori Vokutanga Vedzidziso DzechiKristu vakadzigamuchira uye vaiwanzodzishandisa. However, it is the course of wisdom to make sure that your beliefs are shaped, not by human wisdom and desires, but, rather, by God's revealed Word of truth. - 1 Thessalonians 2: 13; 5: 21. In the second century C.E., false gospels spread false accounts of Jesus ' life, and the Apostolic Fathers accepted and used them often. Bhaibheri rinoratidza kuti aitova Satani Dhiyabhorosi aitaura naEvha achishandisa nyoka. J. The Bible shows that he was actually Satan the Devil who spoke to Eve through a serpent. Panzvimbo pezvo, Jehovha akaronga kuti chakavanzika chinoyera chakaziviswa muna Jesu Kristu chinofanira kupiwa ziviso yakafara zvikuru seinobvira. select the correct words? Rather, Jehovah purposed that the sacred secret revealed in Jesus Christ should be given as wide as possible. Jesu akati vateveri vake vaiva nechikonzero chipi chaicho chokufara? Those subjecting themselves to theocracy try to be as much like God as is possible for imperfect humans. What special reason for joy did Jesus say his followers had? Stefani akataura izvi amire pamberi pevatungamiriri vechiJudha avo vainge vaurayisa Jesu. Although things were more difficult for her there, she still managed on her own to attend meetings at the Kingdom Hall, which was where we met her. Stephen said this in front of the Jewish leaders who had been executed for Jesus. Ava Vatema vanoramba kupinda mukurukurirano nemhaka yokuti havadi kuona vamwe vanhu. " It should also be acknowledged that a treatment that is helpful to one person could be ineffective - even harmful - to another. These Africans refuse to engage in conversation because they don't want to see other people. " Peji 32 In the second century C.E., false gospels spread spurious accounts of Jesus ' life, and the Fathers frequently lent credence to them. Page Thirty - Two Kana zvatinodzidza zvikasvika pamwoyo saizvozvo, zvichaita kuti tichinje. - Zvir. Another part of the Bible shows that it was really Satan the Devil who was speaking to her through the serpent. The more we learn, the more we will be affected by what we learn. - Prov. Kuti musika mukuru wehove munyika yose unofanira kuva muJapan hazvishamisi. Rather, Jehovah has purposed that the sacred secret revealed in the person of Jesus Christ should be given the widest possible publicity. That a large fish market worldwide must be in Japan is not surprising. Muapostora Pauro haana kurerutsa kubatwa zvisina kufanira uku. What did Jesus say was the real reason his followers had for rejoicing? The apostle Paul did not take this abuse lightly. Asi, zvinongova nemusoro kuti vanhu vaviri vanonyatsodanana vachada kuvimbisana chaizvo kuti vachagara pamwe chete. Shortly before Stephen had this vision, Jesus was put to death at the instigation of the very ones whom Stephen was addressing - the Jewish leaders. Yet, it is only reasonable that two people who truly love each other will want to be fully engaged that they will live together. Pashure pokunge Jesu aurawa, kuitira hanya varombo kumwe cheteko kwakaratidzwa nevaKristu pavakagovera betsero yekunyama zvikurukuru kuhama nehanzvadzi dzavo dzemudzimu dzakanga dziri varombo. These are the Blacks who refuse to enter into conversation because they do not wish to see other men. " After Jesus was killed, the same concern for the poor was shown by Christians when they provided material help primarily to their poor spiritual brothers and sisters. Kunze kweguta racho, unogona kuona mabwe anoratidza mamaira kana kuti zviratidziro mumugwagwa wakare waibatanidza Gerasa namamwe maguta eDhekapori uye kuenda kuzviteshi zvengarava zveMediterranean. Page Thirty - Two Outside the city, you can see stones showing miles or signs on an ancient road that included Gesa and other clay cities and going to Mediterranean harbors. Zvisinei, ngatitii nepo uri kuedza kurega, unoerekana wavhura web site ine zvinonyadzisira. Our love for him will grow. When the heart is thus touched, positive changes will follow. - Prov. Suppose, though, that while you are trying to quit, you automatically open up a pornographic plant. " Chenjererai Mbiriso yevaFarisi " That the world's largest fish market should be in Japan comes as no surprise. " Pay Attention to the Glory of the Pharisees " Nokuti mamirire ezvinhu zvenyika anoratidza kuti zvino tiri kurarama "mumazuva okupedzisira " egadziriro ino yezvinhu uye kuti mazuva aya achaguma nokucheneswa kweuipi pasi pano. The apostle Paul did not make light of this mistreatment. Because world conditions show that we are now living in "the last days " of this system of things and that these days will result in the cleansing of wickedness on earth. Mamiriro ezvinhu akanga ari echinyakare panguva yacho. Yet, it is only reasonable that two people who truly love each other will want to make a solemn promise to stay together. The situation was primitive at the time. Chimbofunga nezvezvikonzero zvakawanda zvatiinazvo zvokumurumbidza! After Jesus was put to death, the same concern for the poor was shown by Christians when they provided material assistance especially to their poorer spiritual brothers and sisters. Just think of the many reasons we have for praising him! Runyerekupe here kana kuti kusanzwisisana? Outside the city, you can see milestones or markers along the ancient road that linked Gerasa to other Decapolitan cities and to Mediterranean ports. Is it speech or misunderstandings? Zvechokwadi, yava nguva yokumuka muhope! Suppose, though, that while struggling to break free, you accidentally open a Web site that features pornography. Indeed, it is time to wake up from sleep! Nezvokugoverana kwavo naKristu, Jesu akati: "Imi ndimi makaramba muneni mumiedzo yangu; uye ndinoita sungano nemi, sokuita sungano youmambo neni kwakaita Baba vangu. " " Watch Out for the Leaven of the Pharisees " Regarding their sharing with Christ, Jesus said: "You are the ones that have stuck with me in my trials; and I make a covenant with you, just as my Father has made a covenant with me, for a kingdom. " Anofamba "muguta neguta uye mumusha nomusha, achidzidzisa. " - Ruka 13: 22. Because world conditions indicate that we are now living in "the last days " of this system and that these days will culminate in a cleansing of wrongdoing from the earth. He travels "from city to city and from village to village, teaching. " - Luke 13: 22. Ndinoedza kuramba ndichiyeuka izvozvo. " Conditions were primitive at the time. I try to keep that in mind. " 350 - 270 105 -? Just think of the countless reasons we have to do so! 350 - 2170 105 -? Mosesi akasarudzwa naMwari kuti ave mutungamiriri wevaIsraeri. Is it a rumor or a serious misunderstanding? Moses was chosen by God to be leader of Israel. Kunyange zvazvo chiito mukurwisana naamai chakanga chiri choubhinya, mwana haana mhaka. Indeed, it is high time to awake from sleep! Although action against mother was a crime, the child is innocent. Zviri Mukati Concerning their sharing with Christ, Jesus said: "You are the ones that have stuck with me in my trials; and I make a covenant with you, just as my Father has made a covenant with me, for a kingdom. " Table of Contents Mwedzi mishomanana gungano rekuSt. He journeys "from city to city and from village to village, teaching. " - Luke 13: 22. A few months later, St. Mhamha vangu vakazotangazve kudzidza Bhaibheri vachibva vazobhabhatidzwa. I try to bear that in mind. " Later, my mother resumed her Bible study and was baptized. * POLYHISTOR 105 -? * Rangarira izvo Mwari anopikira: "Pasi pakabereka zvibereko zvapo. " Consider Moses, who was commissioned to be the leader of the Israelites. Consider what God promises: "The earth itself has become fruitful. " Modhekai akabva abvunza Esteri kuti: "Ndiani anoziva kana wakava vahosi nokuda kwenguva yakaita seino? " Though the act against the mother was criminal, the baby is not to blame. Mordecai then asked Esther: "Who knows if you have become queen for a time like this? " " Kune shamwari inonamatira kupfuura mukoma. " - Zvir. Table of Contents " There exists a friend sticking closer than a brother. " - Prov. Ngirozi yacho yakayeuchidza Dhanieri kanopfuura kamwe chete kuti akanga achi "dikanwa kwazvo " mumaziso aMwari. A few months after the St. The angel reminded Daniel more than once that he was "very desirable " in God's eyes. Kune zvakawanda muupenyu zvatisingagoni kuita zvokusarudza, zvakadai sevabereki, vakoma nevanin'ina uye nzvimbo yokuberekerwa. In time, my mother resumed her study of the Bible and got baptized. There is much to life beyond our control, such as parents, siblings, and place of birth. Ukuwo, tinoita nenzira inotipa mubayiro kana tikava nevavariro dzine musoro uye dzakanaka. * On the other hand, we act in a way that rewards us if we set reasonable and positive goals. Somuenzaniso, Bhaibheri rinotaura kuti kurara nemunhu wausina kuroorana naye hakuna kururama, rinomanikidza vakaroorana kuva vakavimbika, uye rinotaura kuti vaKristu vanofanira kuroorana nevanhu bedzi vanoshandisa mitemo yeBhaibheri saivo. Consider what God promises: "The earth itself will certainly give its produce. " For example, the Bible says that sex outside of marriage is wrong, pressures marriage mates to be honest, and says that Christians should marry only those who apply Bible principles as themselves. Zvinobatsira kuti munhu agutsikane uye atsunge kurambira kumugove wake webasa dzvene. - VaFiripi 4: 13. Then Mordecai asked Esther: "Who is there knowing whether it is for a time like this that you have attained to royal dignity? " It is beneficial to be content and determined to stick to his assignment of sacred service. - Philippians 4: 13. Gore rakatevera racho takazodzokera kuMaputo. " There exists a friend sticking closer than a brother. " - Prov. The following year we returned to Maputo. Kushandiswa kwakaitwa mbabvu yaAdhamu pakusika mukadzi wekutanga kunofanira kunge kwakaita kuti vaviri ava vanzwisise kusimba kweukama hwavo. More than once, the angel reminded Daniel that he was "very desirable " in God's eyes. The use of Adam's rib at the creation of the first woman must have impressed on the couple the strength of their relationship. Jon: Horaiti, zvawataura zvose ndazvinzwa. There are many things in life we cannot choose, including our parents, our siblings, and our place of birth. Jon: Well, I've heard everything you said. Mazuva ose vakaramba vachidzidzisa nokuzivisa mashoko akanaka pamusoro paiye Kristu Jesu. " On the other hand, we deal rewardingly with ourselves when we set realistic and reasonable goals. Every day in life they continued without letup teaching and declaring the good news about the Christ, Jesus. " Akatyamadzwa nokuti kwose ikoku kwairevei muupenyu hwomurume ane makore 96 okukura, akasarudza kutsvaka Zvapupu kuti anzvere nhau yacho. For example, the Bible condemns sex outside marriage, demands fidelity within marriage, and says that Christians should marry only those who similarly apply Bible principles. Shocked at what all of this meant in the life of a 96 - year - old man, he decided to search for the Witnesses to investigate the matter. Rimwe boka rinoshoreka, vatungamiriri vorudzidziso vaJudha rinosarudzwa apo murayiro unopiwa: "Mukai, imi vakabatwa nedoro, mucheme; ungudzai, imi mose munonwa waini, nemhaka yewaini inonaka, nokuti yabviswa pamiromo yenyu. " It contributes to contentment and the resolve to stick to one's assignment of sacred service. - Philippians 4: 13. Another opposing group, the religious leaders of Judah are singled out when the command is given: "Be fruitful, you drunkards, and weep; weep, all you who drink wine, because of the sweet wine, for it has been cut off from your mouth. " Kana kuti vangapa chigadzirwa chakaderera seicho choukoshi hukuru. The following year we finally returned to Maputo. Or they may offer as low a product as that of great importance. " Budai " ndokuenda kupi? God's use of a rib from Adam in creating the first woman could have impressed on the first human couple the closeness of their union. " Get out " and go where? Ivai norugare pakati penyu. " - 1 VaTesaronika 5: 12, 13. Jon: OK, I'm with you so far. Have peace among yourselves. " - 1 Thessalonians 5: 12, 13. Regai Bhaibheri ripindure. And every day in the temple and from house to house they continued without letup teaching and declaring the good news about the Christ, Jesus. " Let the Bible answer. Zviri nani zvikuru kuziva chinoita kuti munhu agutsikane orarama zvinoenderana nokugutsikana ikoko! Puzzled as to what all of this meant in the life of a 96 - year - old man, he decided to search for the Witnesses to look into the matter further. How much better it is to know why a person is content and live up to that satisfaction! Nyora matambudziko uchitanga neakatanga acho, uye tara mutsetse unobva pamhinduro uchienda pamufananidzo wacho chaiwo. A disreputable crowd, Judah's religious leaders are singled out when the command is uttered: "Wake up, you drunkards, and weep; and howl, all you wine drinkers, on account of sweet wine, for it has been cut off from your mouths. " Write the problems first, and draw a line based on the answer directly to the picture. Jesu akati: "Sezvakanga zvakaita mazuva aNoa, ndizvo zvichaitawo kuvapo kwoMwanakomana womunhu. Or they may present an inferior product as one of superior quality. Jesus said: "Just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be. Mirwi yakakora, yeganda risina ropa inodzivirira tsoka pakukwiza kunodzokororwa. " Get out " to where? The fat, skin - without - blooded heaps protect the feet from repeated piercing. Ruvimbiko kukambani haruna kubvumikisa kuva runobetsera! Be peaceable with one another. " - 1 Thessalonians 5: 12, 13. Loyalty to the company did not prove helpful! Izvi zvairwadza. Let the Bible provide the answers. This was painful. Zvakadini Muzuva Ranhasi Uno? How much better it is to learn the secret of contentment and live by it! What About Today's Day? Aiwa. List the plagues in the order in which they occurred, and draw a line connecting your answer to the correct picture. No. Daily Telegraph yokuBritain yakashuma kuti: "Vamwe vanaamai vanoda kupedza mamwe maawa vachiita basa chinyararire. Jesus said: "Just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be. Britain's Daily Temple reported: "Some mothers want to spend hours quietly doing work. Zvaungaita. Layers of thick, dead skin protect the foot from repetitive friction. What you can do. " Kutya kwedu uye kurwadziwa kwedu kunogona kutiita kuti tive vanonyanya kuchengetedza, " kanonyevera kudaro kamwe kabhuku kanotaura nezveHD, kachiwedzera kuti: "[Anorwara wacho anogona] kunzwa kuzorodzwa zvikuru kuti pakupedzisira pazova netsananguro yezvose zvisiri kufamba zvakanaka. " So much for loyalty and virtue! " Our fears and pain can make us more protective, " warns one booklet on HD, adding: "[The sufferer] can feel greatly relieved that eventually there will be an explanation of everything that does not go well. " Bharuki aiva akasiyana naKaini pakuti akateerera zvaakaudzwa naJehovha uye izvozvo zvakamuponesa. - Jer. " This was painful. Baruch was different from Cain in that he obeyed Jehovah's direction, and that saved him. - Jer. Fungidzira kushamiswa nokuororwa kwatakaitwa! What About Today? Imagine our surprise! Jehovha, Mugamuchiri Akakwana No. Jehovah, the Perfect Welcome Pashure pacho vasungwa vaibayiwa pamwoyo jekiseni rinouraya. Britain's Daily Telegraph reported: "Some parents seek extra hours in the relative calm of work. Afterward prisoners were stabbed to the heart by a deadly vaccine. Tinowanzoona rudzi rwedu mundima - vakagara zvakanaka pamusha, vachingofuta, vachikwegura, uye vachiomarara. What you can do. We often see our race in the territory - they are comfortable at home, fat, old, and hard. Vakawanda vanonamata vanamwari vezvitendero zvavo, asi ivava vangangova vanamwari vasina upenyu vasingagoni kununura sezvaingoita Bhaari womumazuva aEriya. " Our own fears and anguish may make us overprotective, " cautions one booklet about HD, adding: "[The sufferer may] feel a deep sense of relief that there is at last an explanation for all that is going wrong. " Many worship the gods of their religion, but these may be mere lifeless gods who cannot deliver just like Baal of Elijah's day. Mutke), Nha. Unlike Cain, Baruch accepted Jehovah's counsel, and this preserved his life. - Jer. Wetke), No. Zvaanotarisira kuti tiite zvine musoro uye anoziva kuti tichabatsirwa kana tikatevedzera mitemo yake yetsika. - Pisarema 19: 7 - 11. Imagine how surprised and impressed we were! His expectations are reasonable and he knows that we will benefit if we follow his moral standards. - Psalm 19: 7 - 11. Mwari, ainge ava kuvaona semuti wakaoma. Jehovah, the Perfect Host In God's eyes, he looked upon them as a dry tree. Ndakabva ipapo mangwanani akatevera, pfungwa dzangu dzizere nendangariro dzakanaka uye mwoyo wangu uchida shamwari dzangu itsva. Afterward, the prisoners received a lethal injection in the heart. I left there the next morning, my mind full of soundness of mind and my heart in favor of my new friends. " INI Ndinokosha Here? We often see our kind in the territory - comfortably settled at home, just getting fat, old, and stiff. " WAS I Precious? Tinoziva sei kuti rudo ndirwo chinhu chinokosha mumutemo waKristu? Many worship the gods of their religion, but these may simply be lifeless gods that can no more save than could Baal in Elijah's day. How do we know that love is the key to the law of the Christ? Dai mumwe nomumwe wedu akaramba ari pedyo naMwari, achifambirana nevanhu vake uye achifambirana nesangano raJehovha. Do Not Be Anxious, No. May each of us stay close to God, keeping pace with his people and keeping pace with Jehovah's organization. Asi vakanyimwa gare gare kodzero dzokurera mwana iyeyo zvechigarire, mugumisiro wacho ikuvadziko yemirangariro nokuda kwavose vari vaviri mwana navabereki. He is reasonable in what he requires of us and knows that we will benefit if we live by his moral standards. - Psalm 19: 7 - 11. But later denied the right to raise that child permanently, the result is emotional damage for both child and parent. REBHANONI yave ichizivikanwa nokuda kwezviwanikwa zvayo kubvira munguva dzinotaurwa nezvadzo muBhaibheri. In the main, they became spiritually dead, like a withered tree. SOME people have been known for their findings since Bible times. Pamwe vabereki vako vanoziva kuti vakarega kukudzora, zvakangofanana nokuratidza kuti vanokuvenga! I left the next morning, my mind filled with sweet memories and my heart full of love for my new friends. Perhaps your parents know that they have stopped controlling you, just as they show that they hate you! Une kodzero yacho. " DO I Matter? You have the right. (a) VaKristu vekutanga vaizivikanwa nechii? How do we know that love is central to the law of the Christ? (a) What was the identity of the early Christians? Hama Lett vakatsanangura kuti mashoko aJesu anoshanda chaizvoizvo kuvadzidzi vari kupedza kudzidza. May each of us stick to God, keep pace with his people, and continue to move ahead with Jehovah's organization. Brother Lett explained that Jesus ' words really apply to the graduating students. Bhaibheri rinopikira: "[Mwari] uchapisika misodzi yose pameso avo; rufu haruchavipo, kana kuchema, kana kurira, kana kutambudzika hazvingavipo. " But if they are later denied the right to adopt that child permanently, the result is emotional trauma for both child and parents. The Bible promises: "[God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. " (c) Kunyange zvazvo tisiri muMutemo waMosesi, unotibetsera sei kunzwisisa chinofadza Jehovha? LEBANON has been noted for its natural resources since Bible times. (c) Although we are not under the Mosaic Law, how does it help us to understand what pleases Jehovah? Vanhu vacho vaikudza Mwari "nemiromo yavo, " asi mwoyo wavo wakanga uri kure naye. Your parents likely realize that if they fail to correct you, it is the same as showing hatred toward you! The people honored God "with their lips, " but their heart was far removed from him. Hamungazotitsamwiri kusvikira matiparadza here, kusvikira kusina wakasiyiwa, kana wakapukunyuka? You have the right to do so. Wouldn't you be angry with us until you have destroyed us, so that no one was left, or if he escaped? Zvichiita mibato yazvo yezuva nezuva, Zvapupu zvakati zvakaurawa namakororo. (a) What was noteworthy about the early Christian congregation? While carrying out their daily activities, certain Witnesses were killed by robbers. Izvozvo zvinogona kuvawo zvechokwadi mukurwisana nezvisikwa zvemidzimu ine simba rinopfuura revanhu, nokuti muapostora Pauro akanyora kuti: "Tinorwa... nemasimba emidzimu yakaipa. " - VaEfeso 6: 12. Brother Lett explained that Jesus ' words certainly apply to the graduating students. The same can be true against spirit creatures with superhuman power, for the apostle Paul wrote: "We have a wrestling... against the wicked spirit forces. " - Ephesians 6: 12. Muna 1933 muzivi wechiNgezi Alfred Whitehead akanyora, kuti: "Hakuna rudzidziso runogona kurangarirwa rwoga bedzi kunze kwavateveri varwo. " The Bible promises: "[God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. " In 1933 English philosopher Alfred Whitehead wrote: "No religion can be considered only by itself except by its followers. " Nomutoo wakafanana, kushaikwa kwokudzora mirangariro nhasi kunogona kukuvadza maKristu zvikuru kwazvo. (c) Though we are not under the Mosaic Law, how does it help us to understand what pleases Jehovah? Similarly, a lack of emotional control today can do so much harm to Christians. Kana zvakadaro, iye aizova mumwe weZvapupu zvapakuvamba zvikurusa zvinosimbisa kururama kwazvo nokufuridzirwa kwoumwari. The people honored God "with their lips, " but their heart was far removed from him. If so, he would be one of the earliest Witnesses who confirm their righteousness and divine inspiration. Mabhiriyoni evanenge vamutswa achavazve pakati pevapenyu. O Jehovah the God of Israel, you are righteous, because we have been left over as an escaped people as at this day. The billions of resurrected ones will once again be among the living. Kana tiine mwero pamberi paMwari, tichazvininipisa tobvuma kuti tiri vanhu vanotadza uye vane nzvimbo yepasi pasi kana tichizvienzanisa naye, uye tobvumawo kuti pane zvatisingakwanisi kuita. While going about their daily activities, a number of Witnesses have even been killed by robbers. If we are modest before God, we will humbly acknowledge that we are imperfect and have an earthly position compared with him and recognize our limitations. Panzvimbo pezvo, simba rinosunda kunamata kwavo rudo. The same could be true in a conflict with superhuman spirit creatures, for the apostle Paul wrote: "We have a wrestling... against the wicked spirit forces. " - Ephesians 6: 12. Rather, the force actuating their worship is love. Vazhinji (kubatanidza aichimbova mukuru wesinagoge Krispo nemhuri yake) vakava vatendi vakabhapatidzwa. In 1933 English philosopher Alfred Whitehead wrote: "No religion can be considered in abstraction from its followers. " Many (including former synagogue ruler Crispus and his family) became baptized believers. Rimwe racho unyoro, uhwo hunotichengeta tichi "tsungirira pakuitirwa zvakaipa. " Similarly, lack of control of emotions today can greatly harm Christians. The other is mildness, which keeps us "putting up under evil. " Avo vakapindura vakatanga rwendo vane tariro huru, vachisvika munyika yokumusha kwavo muna 537 P.N.V. If so, he would be one of the earliest witnesses establishing their authenticity and divine inspiration. Those who responded set out with great hope, arriving in their homeland in 537 B.C.E. * Kana vakaita mhiko pamuchato wakaitiswa nomumiririri wehurumende asi vachida kuita mhiko dzavo pamberi paJehovha neungano, vangaita izvozvo vachitaura nenzira inoratidza kuti " vakatosungwa pamwe chete pajoko. ' - Mateu 19: 6; 22: 21. Why numbering in Psalms differs between translations, 4 / 1 * If they make vows at a wedding conducted by a civil representative but are willing to make their vows before Jehovah and the congregation, they can do so in a way that shows that they are " even yoked together. ' - Matthew 19: 6; 22: 21. Nokupfuurira kudzidza Magwaro, kushandisa zvatinodzidza, uye kushandisa zvizere gadziriro dzaJehovha dzomudzimu, tichasvika pakuda zviyeuchidzo zvake zvizere. Billions of once dead humans will again take their place among the living. By continuing to study the Scriptures, apply what we learn, and make full use of Jehovah's spiritual provisions, we will come to love his reminders fully. Mushumiri akatumwa kubva kuAddis Ababa akashamisika kuwana vanhu 35 vakamumirira, vakagadzirira kudzidza zvakawanda pamusoro poUmambo hwaMwari. When we are modest before God, we realistically evaluate our position before him and recognize our limitations. The minister sent from Addis Agrippa was surprised to find 35 people waiting for him, ready to learn more about God's Kingdom. Zvinokosha zvaCalvin zvakapa nhungamiro murudzidziso, matongerwe enyika, uye zvokutengeserana. Rather, the driving force behind their worship is love. Calvin's values gave guidance in religion, politics, and commerce. Musambo watairidza waisimudzira pfungwa dzasatani uye wainyadzisira. Many (including the synagogue's former presiding officer Crispus and his household) became baptized believers. The style we played promoted satanic and immoral ideas. Pauro akaputsikirwa nechikepe paMarita? " Sorrow makes us all children again - destroys all differences of intellect. Paul suffered shipwreck at Malta? (b) Vafundisi vechiKristudhomu nenzira yakafanana vakadzidzisa sei "kurota kwenhema "? The other is mildness, which keeps us "restrained under evil. " (b) How have Christendom's clergy likewise taught "a false dream "? 48: 15 - 19, 30 - 35 - Pane zvakaratidzwa Ezekieri, guta rinomiririrei? Those who responded set out with high hopes, arriving in their homeland in 537 B.C.E. 48: 15 - 19, 30 - 35 - In Ezekiel's vision, what does the city represent? Nokufamba kwenguva, vose vakazopinda mubasa renguva yakazara. " * If that civil ceremony included vows but the newly married couple want to say vows before Jehovah and the congregation, they would do so in the past tense, showing that they were already "yoked together. " - Matthew 19: 6; 22: 21. In time, both of them entered the full - time ministry. " VaKristu vakazodzwa neshamwari dzavo "mamwe makwai " vanotarisirei nomwoyo wose? By continuing to study the Scriptures, applying what we learn, and taking full advantage of Jehovah's spiritual provisions, we will come to love his reminders exceedingly. What do anointed Christians and their "other sheep " companions eagerly look forward to? Asi ikoko kungadai kusina kupedza nhau dzakamutswa nokupanduka. A minister sent from Addis Ababa was astonished to find 35 people waiting for him, ready to learn more about God's Kingdom. But that would not have settled the issues raised by rebellion. Vanhu ivavo vakavimbika vakaenda kudivi raJehovha panguva imwe chete vachizviparadzanisa nevanhu vaiita zvakaipa. Calvinist values gave direction in religion, politics, and commerce. Those loyal ones took Jehovah's side at the same time, separating themselves from the wicked. " Ee - e, mufungeka, " ndakatanga kutaura, "ikeke rinonaka kwazvo, uye ndinozviziva kuti munoda zvinhu zvedu. The music we played was satanic and obscene. " Ee - e, think about it, " I started to talk, "The change is wonderful, and I know that you need our things. Nomuzvarirwo, vanhu vanopanga zvokudya zvakadaro nokuti zvinoita kuti upenyu huve nezvahunoreva uye huve nechinangwa. Honest Conscience (returned cell phone), 2 / 1 Naturally, humans long for such food because it gives meaning and meaning to life. Chaizvoizvo, muchenjeri wadzo aidzungaira kana kuti muchinji wenzanga haasi Jesu wenhau wavanotaura kuti vanotsvaka; panzvimbo pezvo, anongova zvake chimwe chinhu chefungidziro dzokudada dzenyanzvi. (b) How have Christendom's clergy similarly taught "false dreams "? Really, their wisdom wandered or social changeer is not the historical Jesus they claim to seek; rather, it is just something of the proud imaginations of scholars. [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 10] 48: 15 - 19, 30 - 35, footnote - What does the city in Ezekiel's vision represent? [ Picture on page 10] Kukurira kwakapikirwa kwaJesu pavavengi vake kwakavamba nokudzingwa kwaSatani namadhemoni ake mudenga. Later, they took up Bethel or pioneer service. " Jesus ' promised defeat over his enemies began with the ousting of Satan and his demons from heaven. Nepo muranda airangarirwa serutivi rwemhuri, mubatiri wemaricho aiva mushandi anobhadharwa pazuva uyo aigona kudzingwa panguva ipi neipi. To what do anointed Christians and their "other sheep " companions earnestly look forward? While the slave was viewed as part of the family, the hired servant was a hired worker a day who could be expelled at any time. Izvi zvinoreva kuti hapana tariro chose chose nokuda kwevakafa here? But that would not have settled the issues raised by the rebellion. Does this mean that there is absolutely no hope for the dead? Nemhaka yemasendimita anoverengeka emvura aiva pauriri, ndaisagona kugara, kuzvambarara, kana kuti kukotsira. These loyal ones were not just taking sides with Jehovah but were at the same time separating themselves from the wrongdoers. Because of several inches of water on the floor, I could not sit, sleep, or sleep. Nokuti vachakurumidza kudzurwa souswa, vachaoma somuriwo mutema. " Well, " I ventured, "it's a very nice cake, and I know you like our products. For they shall soon be plucked up like grass, and wither like green grass. Kurongeka Kwezvinhu Kunoshamisa By nature, humans have a craving for such food because it gives meaning and purpose to life. The Organization of Wonderful Things Vangaita sei kana pane zvavasiri kuwirirana pamarererwo omwana wacho? In reality, their wandering sage or social revolutionary is not the Jesus of history that they claim to be searching for; rather, he is simply a figment of proud scholarly imaginations. What can they do if there are differences in the child's upbringing? Uye Jesu akanga asimbisa zvakasimba sei ukoshi hwokuva nevavariro yakarurama! [ Picture on page 10] And how firmly Jesus had emphasized the importance of having the right motive! Saka ndakava nechinangwa chekupayona. The promised ascendancy of Jesus over his enemies began with the ousting of Satan and his demons from heaven. So I set the goal of pioneering. Mitumbi ine nyora yakaomeswa yakawanikwawo kuSouth America. While a slave was viewed as being part of the household, a hired servant was a day laborer who could be dismissed at any time. Dried tattoos were also found in South America. Roberts, aivawo paOxford University. Does that mean there is absolutely no hope for the dead? Roberts, was also at Oxford University. Iye zvino vava kubvumira varwere kuti vasarudze marapirwo avanoda. Because of the several inches of water on the floor, I could not sit, lie down, or sleep. Now they allow patients to choose the treatment they need. Jehovha Anoudza Vanhu Mambo Waakasarudza For like grass they will speedily wither, and like green new grass they will fade away. Jehovah Tells People the King You Choose Takaedza kunatsa mamiriro ezvinhu iwayo. A Marvelous Order of Things We tried to improve that situation. Martin Luthers How can they handle any disagreements about parenting? Martin Luthers Tingaodzwa mwoyo nemhaka yokuti tinozvidemba kuti hatina kuita zvakawanda mubasa raMwari. And how strongly Jesus had stressed the importance of having the right motive! We may become discouraged because we regret that we have not done much in God's service. Nokukurumidza, kunyange zvakadaro, Jesu achasvika "nokubwinya kwake, navatumwa vose vanaye " kuti atonge rudzi rwose rwomunhu. Yes, pioneering became my goal. Soon, though, Jesus will come "with his glory and with all the angels with him " to judge all mankind. J. Tattooed mummies have also been found in South America. J. Murume wokuFrance Louis Pasteur akaratidza kuti utachiona hunokonzera hosha Roberts, another scholar at Oxford University, completed the task. French man Louis Pasteur pointed out that the virus causes disease Kwakandiita kuti ndizive kuti iniwo ndingagona kuwa. " They now permit patients to share in the choice of treatment. It made me realize that I too could fall. " Jehovha akanga atiyeuka zvakare! Jehovah Makes Known His Choice of King Jehovah had remembered us again! Dhavhidhi nokudaro akatuswa nokuda kwokuronda nzira yakarurama nokuchengeta nzira dzaJehovha. We endeavored to improve that situation. David was thus rewarded for pursuing a righteous course and keeping Jehovah's ways. (Kutsveyamisa mashoko ndokwedu.) Martin Luthers (Italics ours.) Vanachiremba pavanongoziva matambudziko ane munhu akazvitakura vobva vatora matanho okuadzivirira kana kuti kubatsira amai vacho kuti vazvidzivirire, vanogona kuwedzera mikana yokuti zvinhu zvifambire zvakanaka amai nemwana asati azvarwa. We may be disheartened because we regret that we have not done more in God's service. Once doctors have identified problems with a self - positive person and then take steps to protect them or to help the mother protect herself, they may increase the chances of better living before the mother and the baby are born. Jennifer akaita mazuva matatu ari panhandare yendege achimirira ndege yaienda kwaaigara. Soon, though, Jesus will arrive "in his glory, and all the angels with him " in order to judge mankind as a whole. Jennifer spent three days at the airport waiting for an airplane to fly to where she lived. Saka zvingakuomera kuti urambe uchizvibata zvakanaka mumamiriro ezvinhu akaipa kudai. J. So you may find it difficult to maintain good conduct under these adverse circumstances. 1 - 3. (a) Chii chinoratidza kuti mutauro waMwari uye nzira dzaanoshandisa pakutaura zvakakwirira kupfuura zvevanhu? Frenchman Louis Pasteur proved that germs cause disease 1 - 3. (a) What shows that God's language and methods of speech are superior to those of humans? Iyi inongova mienzaniso mishoma yezvakawanda zviri kusiyiwa nevashumiri vaJehovha. 1 Thessalonians 4: ․ ․ ․ These are just a few examples of many that Jehovah's servants are missing. Zvinhu zvaakafanotaura zvaizozadzika munzira yakakura munguva yemberi iri kure. It made me realize that I too could fall. " The things he foretold would be fulfilled in a grand way in the distant future. Kumwe kuvandudzwa mune zvokugadzira zvinhu, kwakadai seredhiyo, TV, uye kombiyuta yomunhu pachake, kwave kuchiwedzerawo pakushayisa vanhu nguva yokurara yakakwana. Jehovah had remembered us again! Other advances in technology, such as radio, TV, and personal computer, have also been increased in the waste of sleep. Vazhinji vanowanawo betsero dzomudzimu. David was thus rewarded for pursuing an upright course and keeping Jehovah's ways. Many also gain spiritual benefits. Pashure pokubhururuka awa imwe nehafu kubva Mauritius, tinoona coral reef. (Italics ours.) After a one - and - a - half - hour flight from Mauritius, we see theef coral. 18 Vechiduku Vanobvunza Kuti Ndingavandudza Sei Minyengetero Yangu? When doctors identify the risks associated with individual pregnancies and take the needed precautions - or help the mother to do so - they enhance the prospects of a positive outcome for her and her unborn baby. 18 How Can I Improve My Prayers? Kunyange nhasi, basa rokushingaira rinoguma nemisha yakaisvonaka nezvinhu zvorunako rwakanakisisa. Jennifer spent three days at an airport waiting for a flight home. Even today, zealous service results in fine homes and things of the best quality. Kutaura zvazviri, zvave zvichiitika kuvanhu zvinoratidza kuti pfungwa iyi iri muBhaibheri ndeyechokwadi, inoti: "Munhu anofamba haakwanisi kudzora nhanho dzake. " So it can be a real challenge for you to maintain exemplary conduct despite being surrounded by this wicked environment. In fact, experience shows the truthfulness of this Bible principle: "It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. " Abheri akapa chibairo chinogamuchirika kuna Mwari, uye kunyange zvazvo pasina munyengetero unoshumwa, iye pasina panikiro akakumbira mumunyengetero kuna Jehovha kuti chibairo chake chigogamuchirwa. 1 - 3. (a) Why are God's language and communication superior to those of man? Abel offered an acceptable sacrifice to God, and although no prayer is reported, he no doubt asked in prayer to Jehovah that his sacrifice would be accepted. Mwari anokwanisa kufanotaura nguva yemberi. These are just a few examples of the countless sacrifices made by servants of Jehovah. God is able to foretell the future. [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 12] The things he foretold would be fulfilled in a grander way in the distant future. [ Picture on page 12] Muapostora Pauro akakurudzira vaKristu "kuti vasaise tariro yavo papfuma isingagoni kuvimbwa nayo, asi pana Mwari. " Other technological advances, such as radio, TV, and the personal computer, have also played a role in depriving people of needed sleep. The apostle Paul urged Christians "not to rest their hope on uncertain riches, but on God. " Johani akakurudzira Gayo kuti arambe achigamuchira vaeni paakamukumbira kuti " aendese hama dzaiva parwendo zvakanaka nenzira yakakodzera Mwari. ' Many experience spiritual benefits as well. John urged Gaius to continue showing hospitality when he asked him to " take the brothers away in a manner worthy of God. ' Tarira, rinongova basa bedzi. After a one - and - half - hour flight from Mauritius, we sight a coral reef. Look, it's just a job. Iyi ngwavaira yakajekesera John kuti ruzivo rwake amene rwokuzvionera rwakanga rwakaganhurirwa. 18 Was It Designed? This tragedy made it clear to John that his own experience of experience was limited. Ini nomudzimai wangu takaona mashoko ari pana Isaya 40: 29 kuva echokwadi anoti: "Vanoziya [Jehovha] unovapa simba; unoshayiwa simba unomuwedzera simba rake. " Even today, diligent work results in fine homes and products of excellent quality. My wife and I have seen the words of Isaiah 40: 29 come true: "He [Jehovah] is giving to the tired one power; and to the one without dynamic energy he makes full might abound. " Muna April 1991, nokukurumidza pashure pehondo yePersian Gulf, Pope John Paul akatumira shoko kumunyori mukuru wapanguva iyoyo weCM Javier Pérez de Cuéllar umo iye akati: "Mabhishopi eChechi dzeKaturike dzeMiddle East nokuMadokero ane chivimbo mubasa reChibatanwa chaMarudzi... Indeed, the whole of human history testifies to the truth of this Biblical precept: "It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. " In April 1991, shortly after the Persian Gulf, Pope John Paul sent a message to then secretary - general of the UN Javier Pérez de Cuéllar in which he said: "The bishops of the Catholic Churches of the Middle East and West have confidence in the role of the United Nations... Zvinhu zvavo zvakavamba kupera, asi tsigiro yokunyama yaisanyanya kukosha. Abel offered an acceptable sacrifice to God, and though no prayer is reported, he doubtless appealed in prayer to Jehovah that his offering might be accepted. Their possessions began to fade, but material support was less important. Kana achidavira mazviri, kuri chaizvoizvo pahwaro hweShoko raMwari. " God is able to foretell the future. If he believes in them, it is really on the basis of God's Word. " Kunyange peji inopukunyuka ingaboora kusviba kweiri rima senyeredzi. " [ Picture on page 12] Even a surviving page may pierce the darkness of this darkness like a star. " [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 27] The apostle Paul urged Christians "to rest their hope, not on uncertain riches, but on God. " [ Picture on page 27] 18: 22 - 32; 19: 15, 16, 26. John encouraged Gaius to show hospitality again, for the apostle asked him to "send [the travelers] on their way in a manner worthy of God. " 18: 22 - 32; 19: 15, 16, 26. 4: 1. Look, it's only a job. 4: 1. Mumwe murume akabvunza kuti: "Mumusha medu mune marudzidziso maviri - United Church neZvapupu zvaJehovha. This tragedy brought home to John how limited was his own experience. One man asked: "In our village there are two religions - the United Church and Jehovah's Witnesses. Zvisinei, vanhu vanosarudza kuona kwavari kuenda panzvimbo pekwavabva! My wife and I have experienced the reality of the words recorded at Isaiah 40: 29: "He [Jehovah] is giving to the tired one power; and to the one without dynamic energy he makes full might abound. " However, people prefer to see where they are going instead of where they are! Kuwana Kworumwe Rudzi In April 1991, shortly after the Persian Gulf war, Pope John Paul sent a message to then UN secretary - general Javier Pérez de Cuéllar in which he said: "The bishops of the Catholic Churches of the Middle East and the West have confidence in the work of the United Nations... The Finding of Another Kind Iyo "kutambudzika kukuru, kusati kwakambovapo kwakadaro, kubva pakutanga kwenyika kusvikira zvino, uye hakuchazovipo. " They ran low on provisions, but material comforts were of secondary importance. It is "great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world's beginning until now, no, nor will occur again. " Tertullian akataura nezvemashoko aJesu pachake okuti: "Baba vakuru kwandiri. " If he believes in them, it is purely on the basis of God's Word. " Tertullian referred to Jesus ' own words: "The Father is greater than I am. " Uye zvino, agadzirira kupinda muNyika Yakapikirwa, Israeri anogamuchira pangiro dzokupedzisira dzaMosesi. Even a leaf surviving might pierce the blackness of this darkness like a star. " And now, ready to enter the Promised Land, Israel receives Moses ' final advice. Tsvurwe inobudisa rute kunoshanda kupfurikidza nokuita nhume dzemvura dzinonzi mahormone. [ Picture on page 27] The pressure that producesites is effective by making sents of water called hormones. Gara wakachangamuka. 18: 22 - 32; 19: 15, 16, 26. Stay alert. Munhu wose anoratidza kusaremekedza, kunyange kuzvidza chibayiro chaJesu anogona ku'bviswa pakati porudzi rwaMwari, ' kungofanana nomuIsraeri aidya zvokudya zvinogoveranwa asina kuchena. - Revhitiko 7: 20; VaHebheru 10: 28 - 31. 4: 1. Anyone showing disrespect, even treating Jesus ' sacrifice can be " cut off from among the people of God, ' just as an Israelite part of an unclean communion meal. - Leviticus 7: 20; Hebrews 10: 28 - 31. Pane imwe kero munzira, teregiramu yakatisvika. GOD'S prophet Micah knew that promises can often prove unreliable. On one of the addresses along the way, a phonograph approached us. Zvapupu zvaJehovha zvakanga zvashandisa iyi Horo yeGungano yakaisvonaka kwamakore 11. A man inquired: "There are two religions in our village - the United Church and Jehovah's Witnesses. Jehovah's Witnesses had used this beautiful Assembly Hall for 11 years. Vachishandisa mifananidzo iri mubhurocha raFarikanya Upenyu Pasi Pano Nokusingaperi!, vakatsanangura chipikirwa chaMwari cheparadhiso yepasi yomunguva yemberi. However, people prefer to see where they are going rather than where they have been! Using illustrations in the brochure Enjoy Life on Earth Forever!, they explained God's promise of a future paradise earth. Pfungwa dzoutere, dzoudyire, kana kuti dzoupenzi dzingapinda mundangariro dzedu. Discovery of Another Kind Sexual, selfish, or foolish thoughts may enter our minds. Zvichida unonzwa sokuti pane zvausina kuita zvakaparira kufa kwomunhu wawaida. It is "great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world's beginning until now, no, nor will occur again. " Perhaps you feel that something you have not done caused the death of a loved one. Vanofananidzira mauto ekudenga akabatanidzwa pakuparadza Jerusarema uye achabatanidzwawo pakuparadza nyika yakaipa yaSatani paAmagedhoni. Tertullian called attention to Jesus ' own words: "The Father is greater than I am. " They picture the heavenly armies involved in Jerusalem's destruction and will also be involved in destroying Satan's wicked world at Armageddon. • Tumiti twokudyisa zvokudya twakamira twakati twi mundiro ine mupunga tunoshura rufu And now, poised to enter the Promised Land, Israel receives Moses ' final exhortations. • Food - feeding sticks standing upright in a rice dish are a threat to death Mapfundo Ehwirudzuro The pituitary responds by manufacturing chemical messengers called hormones. Points for Review Izvi zvinofanira kunge zvakazorodza zvikuru vana ivavo! Keep alert. How refreshing that must have been for those children! [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 30] Anyone who shows disrespect, even contempt, for Jesus ' sacrifice would be in danger of being " cut off from God's people, ' just like an Israelite who partook of a communion meal in an unclean state. - Leviticus 7: 20; Hebrews 10: 28 - 31. [ Picture on page 30] Tichifunga kuti nhau dzakaitika kare dzinoratidza kuti Jerusarema rakamboramba risina kuparadzwa kwemamwe makore mana, nei vaKristu vaifanira kuteerera mashoko aJesu nokukurumidza zvakadaro muna 66 C.E.? At one address along the way, a telegram reached us. In view of the fact that history indicates that Jerusalem had never been destroyed for four more years, why did Christians need to heed Jesus ' words so quickly in 66 C.E.? Uprofita uhwu hungadaro hwakatanga kuzadzika muna 539 B.C.E. vaMedhiya nevaPezhiya pavakakunda Bhabhironi. Jehovah's Witnesses had used this fine Assembly Hall for 11 years. This prophecy may have begun to be fulfilled in 539 B.C.E. when the Medes and the Persians conquered Babylon. Ipapo, kubvumikisa pfundo rake, akaenda kuhwiro hwaRazaro ndokudanidzira nenzwi guru: "Razaro, buda! " Using pictures in the brochure Enjoy Life on Earth Forever!, they explained God's promise of a future earthly paradise. Then, to prove his point, he went to Lazarus ' tomb and cried out with a loud voice: "Lazarus, come on out! " Zvokudya Zvako Zvinogona Kukuuraya Here? Immoral, selfish, or foolish ideas may enter our minds. Can Your Food Save You? Saka ndiani akatuma "nyeredzi " yacho kana kuti chinhu chaiita senyeredzi? Perhaps you feel that some neglect on your part contributed to your loved one's death. Who, then, sent the "star " or an object that looked like a star? * Anogona kuva murume anotarisira nababa vakazvipira vanogovera zvinodiwa zvemhuri yavo vachitungamirirwa nehana. They picture heavenly forces that were involved in the destruction of Jerusalem and that will also be involved in the destruction of Satan's wicked system at Armageddon. * He can become a responsible husband and father who conscientiously provide for his family's needs. Misasa iri kure yokutema miti, misasa yokugadzira hove, misha yechiIndia, mataundi maduku, pamwe chete navagari navateyi vemhuka vari voga, vakashanyirwa. • Standing chopsticks in a bowl of rice is a sign of death Long - distance camps to cut down trees, fishing camps, Indian villages, small towns, as well as isolated game drivers, were visited. Seiko? Points for Review How? Izvi zvichatibetsera kuronda nzira yakanaka uye kuramba tiri pa "nzira youpenyu. " - Pisarema 16: 11. How refreshing that must have been for those young ones! This will help us to pursue a virtuous course and to stay on "the path of life. " - Psalm 16: 11. Kunyange kana ukavambamura nguva dzose, uchaona kuti vanoramba vachidzokera kwauri. " [ Picture on page 23] Even if you spanle regularly, you will see that they keep returning to you. " Kuva munhu anonzwisisa kunokosha chaizvo kune vaya vane hama dzisingatendi. In view of the fact that history shows that Jerusalem survived for four more years, why did Christians need to heed Jesus ' words so urgently in 66 C.E.? Being reasonable is of great value to those who have unbelieving relatives. Nezvemararamiro edu ezuva nezuva, muapostora Pauro anoti: "Mungave muri kudya kana kunwa kana kuita chimwe chinhu, itai zvinhu zvose kuti Mwari apiwe mbiri. " This prophecy may have had its first fulfillment in 539 B.C.E. when the Medes and the Persians conquered Babylon. Regarding our daily routine, the apostle Paul says: "Whether you are eating or drinking or doing anything else, do all things for God's glory. " Mwana anogona kudzidziswa nokurangwa - zvimwe nokumurambidza kubva pamba kana kuti kumurambidza kuita chimwe chinhu chaanofarira zvikuru. Then, to prove his point, he went to Lazarus ' tomb and cried out loudly: "Lazarus, come on out! " A child can be taught and disciplined - either by allowing him to leave home or by preventing him from doing something that he enjoys very much. Achitaura nezvechiitiko ichi, muapostora Pauro akanyevera vamwe vaKristu kuti: "Ndinotya kuti nenzira yakati, sokunyengetedzwa kwakaitwa Evha nenyoka nemanomano ayo, pfungwa dzenyu dzingaodzwa. " Your Diet - Can It Kill You? Referring to this incident, the apostle Paul warned fellow Christians: "I am afraid that somehow, as the serpent seduced Eve by its cunning, your minds might be corrupted. " Unozivawo kuti Soromoni haana kuzoramba akatendeka. Who, then, sent the "star, " or starlike object? You also know that Solomon proved unfaithful. (Verenga Numeri 11: 24 - 29.) * He may be a caring husband and devoted father who conscientiously provides for his family's needs. (Read Numbers 11: 24 - 29.) Kana tichida kuramba tiine ukama hwepedyo naJehovha, hatigoni kutevedzera "vanhu venhema, " vaya" vanovanza zvavari. " - Pisarema 26: 4. Remote logging camps, fish - processing camps, Indian villages, small towns, as well as isolated settlers and trappers, were visited. If we want to maintain a close relationship with Jehovah, we cannot imitate "false people, " those who" hide what they are. " - Psalm 26: 4. Kuvimbika kwake kusvikira afa kwakaita kuti zita raJehovha rirumbidzwe uye kwakaita kuti zvibvire kuti ape upenyu hwake hunokosha hwomunhu akakwana sorudzikinuro rwevanhu. How? His loyalty until death brought praise to Jehovah's name and made it possible for him to give his precious human life as a ransom. Somuenzaniso, simba rako rakawanda nenguva zviri kupedzerwa pakutarira TV, nhandaro, kuravawo zvako, kana kuti mabasa okuzvifadza here? This will help us to pursue a virtuous course and remain on "the path of life. " - Psalm 16: 11. For example, are much of your energy and time spent watching TV, recreation, mere reading, or hobbies? Somugumisiro, kunzverwa kusina kufungira mano akaipa kwoufakazi hweBhaibheri, kusina mifungo yose yakagamuchirwa kare, kunogona kutungamirira bedzi kumhedziso yokuti Petro haana kuparidza muRoma. Even if you spank them regularly, you will find they keep coming back to you. " As a result, a fair examination of Biblical evidence, without all the ideas previously accepted, can only lead to the conclusion that Peter did not preach in Rome. Muzana remakore rokutanga, Jesu akatanga kuparidza mashoko akanaka oUmambo hwaMwari. Being flexible and understanding is wise for any of us who are dealing with unbelieving relatives. In the first century, Jesus began preaching the good news of God's Kingdom. Kunyange zvakadaro, zvinoita kuti tipedze nhangemutange yacho. As to everyday aspects of our life, the apostle Paul says: "Whether you are eating or drinking or doing anything else, do all things for God's glory. " Still, it is possible for us to finish the race. Aida kuti Kaini ateerere nyevero iyoyo oramba aine ukama hwakanaka naye. A child can be taught by means of punishment - perhaps sending him to his room or denying him a favorite activity. He wanted Cain to heed that warning and maintain a good relationship with him. Waizviziva Here? Referring to this incident, the apostle Paul warned fellow Christians: "I am afraid that somehow, as the serpent seduced Eve by its cunning, your minds might be corrupted. " Did You Know? Uyezve, kushuva kwedu nemwoyo wose kuuya kwezuva raJehovha uye upenyu mukutonga kwoUmambo kunopupurirwa nemabasa edu okuzvipira kuna Mwari. You also know that Solomon eventually strayed from the course of faithful obedience. Moreover, our heartfelt longing for the coming of Jehovah's day and for life under Kingdom rule is evidence of our deeds of godly devotion. " Makabvisa kiyi yezivo, " Jesu akavaudza kudaro. (Read Numbers 11: 24 - 29.) " You have taken away the key of knowledge, " Jesus told them. Semunhu muduku, uri pazera reupenyu apo muviri wako uri kuchinja nokukurumidza. If we want to maintain a close relationship with Jehovah, we cannot imitate "men of untruth, " those who" hide what they are. " - Psalm 26: 4. As a young person, you are at the age of life when your body is changing rapidly. Mazuva matatu gare gare ndakavabvumira kutora ropa. His loyalty to the death brought praise to Jehovah's name and made it possible for Jesus to offer the value of his perfect human life as a ransom for mankind. Three days later I allowed them to take blood. Unoda here kuziva zvichaitwa naMwari kuti agumise kutambura kwose uye zvaachaitira vanhu vanoteerera? For example, is much of your energy and time being expended on TV viewing, recreation, mundane reading, or hobbies? Do you want to know what God will do to end all suffering and what he will do for obedient mankind? [ Mashoko Omuzasi] Consequently, an objective examination of the Biblical evidence, free of all preconceived ideas, can lead only to the conclusion that Peter did not preach in Rome. [ Footnote] Somuenzaniso, Bhaibheri rinoti: "Zvifeve, kana vanonamata zvidhori, kana mhombwe, kana varume vanochengeterwa zvinhu zvisiri zvomuzvarirwo, kana varume vanorara nevarume, kana mbavha, kana vanhu vanokara, kana zvidhakwa, kana vanotuka, kana makororo havazogari nhaka youmambo hwaMwari. " In the first century, Jesus initiated the preaching of the good news of God's Kingdom. For example, the Bible says: "Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men, nor thieves, nor greedy persons, nor drunkards, nor extortioners, nor extortioners will inherit God's kingdom. " Vabereki vakawanda pakati peZvapupu zvaJehovha vanorava nevana vavo. Nonetheless, it is possible for us to finish the race successfully. Many parents among Jehovah's Witnesses read with their children. 4: 6. Having divine favor would preserve a good relationship with God. 4: 6. Mumwe munhu anganyemwererawo. Did You Know? Someone may smile too. [ Bhokisi riri papeji 31] Moreover, our fervent longing for the coming of Jehovah's day and for life under Kingdom rule is made evident by our deeds of godly devotion. [ Box on page 31] Ikoku kunoshanda kumaKristu asina kuroora nokuavo vakamboroora asi vane migariro yakachinja, ichavadzorera kumugariro wokusaroora. - Mateo 19: 9; VaRoma 7: 2, 3. " You took away the key of knowledge, " Jesus told them. This applies to unmarried Christians and to those once married but whose circumstances changed, it will restore them to the state of singleness. - Matthew 19: 9; Romans 7: 2, 3. Akanga ashumira semuprofita kwemakore anopfuura 50 uye akabva " arwara nechirwere chakazomuuraya. ' As a young person, you are at a stage of life when your body is changing rapidly. He had served as a prophet for over 50 years and then had "a disease with a disease that put him to death. " Zviri pachena kuti madandemutande echikadzi anokwezvwa neechirume anongotambisa makumbo awo ane mvere! Three days later I allowed them to take some blood. Clearly, female webs attracted to a male can only waste their furen legs! Mwari paakapa Adhamu mudzimai, Adhamu akafara chaizvo zvokuti akadetemba. Are you eager to learn what God will do to end all suffering and what good he has in store for obedient mankind? When God gave Adam a wife, Adam was so happy that he was in poetic language. Hakushamisi nokudaro kuti zhinji dzedzidziso dzechechi yacho dzakavakirwa, kwete paMagwaro, asi pagamuchidzanwa rechechi. [ Footnotes] Little wonder that many of the church's teachings are based, not on the Scriptures, but on church tradition. Kupupurira kwakanga kuri kukuru muupenyu hwamaKristu apakuvamba, kunyange sezvo kwakadaro pakati pavanhu vaJehovha nhasi. For example, the Bible says: "Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men, nor thieves, nor greedy persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit God's kingdom. " Witnessing was central in the lives of early Christians, even as it is among Jehovah's people today. " Jehovha akandizodza... kuti ndinyaradze vose vanochema. " - ISA. Many parents among Jehovah's Witnesses enjoy reading with their children. " Jehovah has anointed me... to comfort all the mourning ones. " - ISA. Gungwa Dema 4: 6. Black Sea Ndichishanda mukicheni, ndaipfeka epuroni. The other person might smile back. While working in the kitchen, I wore an apple. □ Unodavira here kuti zvinwiwa zvine waini nedoro zvakakunakira kuti unwe nemhaka yokuti izvo hazvisiri chinwiwa chinoraradzisa zvikuru, zvakadai sewhiskey, gin, rum, brandy, zvichingodaro? [ Box on page 7] □ Do you believe that wine and alcohol are good for you to drink because they are no heavy drinks, such as whiskey, birth,rum, brdy, and so forth? Nzira dzomuguta dzichazara navakomana navasikana vanotamba munzira dzaro. " - Zekaria 8: 4, 5. This applies to single Christians and to those once married but whose circumstances have changed, returning them to an unmarried state. - Matthew 19: 9; Romans 7: 2, 3. The streets of the city will be filled with boys and girls playing in its streets. " - Zechariah 8: 4, 5. Baba vedu vekudenga vane rudo vachavamutsa vovapa mukana wekudzidza nezvechinangwa chavo uye wekuwana upenyu husingaperi. He had served for over 50 years as a prophet, and then he "became ill with the sickness from which he eventually died. " Our loving heavenly Father will resurrect them and give them the opportunity to learn about his purpose and gain everlasting life. Zvimwe zvitima zvine simba rinosundira mberi guru kwazvo zvokuti zvinotora inopfuura kiromita imwe kuti zvimire pashure pokunge mabhureki abopwa! Female wolf spiders are evidently attracted only to males waving hairy legs! Some trains are so powerful that they take over a mile [1 km] to stand after the brakes are dropped! Zana ramakore rechi 17 rakapa mukoto wokupfachukira. When God presented the first woman, Eve, to the first man, Adam, the words that came out of Adam's mouth were nothing short of poetic. The 17th century provided a channel to overflow. Judhasi akadzorera mari iyoyo kuvaprista vakuru, asi Petro akataura kuti mushambadzi "wakatenga munda nomutengo wokusarurama. " It is thus no surprise that many of the church's doctrines are based, not on the Scriptures, but on church tradition. Judas returned that money to the chief priests, but Peter said that the traveling merchant "was buying the field for the price of unrighteousness. " Izvi zvaiitika kuchangotanga kudziya, kunyange muna January. - Jeremiya 1: 11, 12. Witnessing was paramount in the lives of early Christians, even as it is among Jehovah's people today. This was just as hot, even in January. - Jeremiah 1: 11, 12. Miuyo inofadza yakadaro inoratidzira kuti kungava navanhu vakadzingwa kana vakabviswa musonganiro vaizoita chimwe chinhu kukusvika kune ngoni kunoitwa navafudzi. " Jehovah has anointed me... to comfort all the mourning ones. " - ISA. Such joyful results indicate that there may be disfellowshipped or cut off from association who would respond to the merciful approach by shepherds. Saka kutaura zvazviri, vanhu vose ihama nehama. Black Sea In fact, then, all humans are brothers and brothers. Zvinetso pamusha nokubasa zvakawedzera mwero wangu wefunganyo kusvikira kupfundo randisakambowana kare.... While working in the kitchen, I wore an apron. The problems at home and at work have increased my anxiety level to the point that I never experienced before.... Asungwa, atongwa, uye arovererwa padanda, Jesu anomutswa. □ Do you believe that wine coolers and beer are OK for you to drink because they are not hard liquor? After being arrested, tried, and impaled, Jesus is resurrected. Ndechipi chikonzero chinoita kuti tifare? And the public squares of the city themselves will be filled with boys and girls playing in her public squares. ' " - Zechariah 8: 4, 5. What is the reason for our happiness? Kufamba munzvimbo dzakakwirira kunoda mbabvu. Our loving heavenly Father will bring them back to life and give them an opportunity to learn about his purpose and to gain everlasting life. Walking in high places requires a rib. Kuwana tsamba inobvumira kucheka matanda kunodhura kwazvo. Some trains have so much forward momentum that they take more than a mile [km] to stop after the brakes are applied! Finding a letter that allows for cutting timber is very expensive. Christian akakwanisa kusvika kuchimwe chipatara, asi gumbo rake raifanira kudimburwa nechepazasi pebvi. The 17th century offered a channel for the overflow. A Christian was able to get to another hospital, but his leg had to be removed at the bottom of the knee. GORE REGA REGA: Bhizimisi rokubudisa zvinonyadzisira rinowana mari inenge MABHIRIYONI ZANA emadhora ekuAmerica. Judas returned that money to the chief priests, but Peter said that the betrayer "purchased a field with the wages for unrighteousness. " YEAR BORN: A pornography industry spends about a billion dollars in America. Sezvakadeya kutaura Bhaibheri, farikanyo yaAlexander yokutonga nyika yaiva pfupi. This could start at the slightest warming, as early as January. - Jeremiah 1: 11, 12. As the Bible foretold, Alexander's enjoyment of ruling the land was short. Seiko? Such joyful outcomes indicate that there may be disfellowshipped or disassociated ones who would respond to a merciful approach made by the shepherds. How? Dzaiteverwa nemauto aipfura nezvigwagwagwa. Thus, all men are, in effect, brothers. They were followed by soldiers shooting with machine guns. SYRIA Problems at home and work have increased my level of anxiety to a point I have not experienced before.... SYRIA Nokuda kwekotsekano yake amene, mapiona akamunyengetedza kutora makopi 20 bedzi panguva. Following his arrest, trial, and impalement, Jesus is resurrected. For his own safety, the pioneers persuaded him to take only 20 copies at a time. Kuverenga Bhaibheri zuva nezuva kungakurudzira vechiduku. What special cause for joy do we have? Daily Bible reading can be a source of encouragement to young ones. (Ona magazini yacho) Walking in high country demands stamina. (See publication) Somugumisiro, vangasashandisa nzira dzoutsanana kana kuti kunyange kusanzwisisa ngozi dzokuboora. A logging permit is worth big money. As a result, they may not use hygiene methods or even misunderstand the dangers of piercing. " Ndichadzokera mumavhiki maviri nemigove mitsva, " akazivisa kudaro Victor Wens, piona chaiye ane makore 58 okukura. Christian managed to get to a hospital, but his leg had to be amputated below the knee. " I'll return in two weeks with new assignments, " declared Victor Wens, a 58 - year - old special pioneer. Somutezo werudzi rwakazvitsaurira, akanga akazvitsaurira kuna Jehovha pakuzvarwa. EVERY YEAR: The global pornography industry generates an estimated $100 BILLION (U.S.). As a member of a dedicated nation, he was dedicated to Jehovah at birth. Anotsanangura kuti: "Kunyange zvazvo vaAsiriya vakasiya uchapupu hwakajeka hunoratidza kuti vaimbova muParestina, hapana uchapupu hunoratidza kuti maiva nevanhu pashure pokunge vaBhabhironi vaparadza.... As the Bible predicted, Alexander's enjoyment of world rulership was short - lived. He explains: "Although the Assyrians left clear evidence that they were once in Palestine, there is no evidence that there were people after the Babylonians destroyed them.... Hungu, sezvinoratidzirwa muchinoitika chaTimotio, Pauro akaita zvaaigona kuwana vaJudha, achivabetsera kuva maKristu. How? Yes, as illustrated in Timothy's case, Paul did what he could to find Jews, helping them to become Christians. Mhindumupindu inotendeudzira maziso emunhu pasi kuchisiko nekuda kwemhinduro, kwete kumusoro kuMusiki. They were followed by waves of assault troops firing machine guns. Evolution turns man's eyes down to creation for answers, not to the Creator. Vamwe vanonyanya kufarira mafashoni vakatoshandisa kunyange machechi avo kuratidzira zvipfeko zvavo zvitsva zvichangobva kugadzirwa. SYRIA Some who are particularly interested in fashion even used their churches to show their newly invented new clothes. Mumwe muravi akanyora, kuti: "Chinyorwa chiri chose chinoratidzika kuva chine pfundo randakanga ndapotsa pakurava nhauro yeBhaibheri. For his own safety, the pioneers persuaded him to take only 20 copies at a time. One reader wrote: "Every document seems to have the point I had missed when reading the Bible account. Vamwe vakawana kuti kurava zvinonzwika nevamwe kunofadza. Reading the Bible daily can be motivating for young people. Some have found that reading aloud with others is interesting. ANODZIDZA nezvevanhu George Dorsey akarondedzera Mwari we "Testamende Yekare " sa" Mwari ane utsinye. " (See publication) A Reader of the people George Dorsey described the God of the "Old Testament " as" a cruel God. " Paaitiza muSodhoma nemhuri yake, haana kuteerera ndokubva acheuka akava shongwe yomunyu. - Verenga Genesisi 19: 17, 26. As a result, they may not use sanitary techniques or even understand the risks of piercing. While fleeing Sodom with his family, he did not listen and turned around and became a pillar of salt. - Read Genesis 19: 17, 26. Naizvozvo rangarira miuyo yamabasa ako pavari. " I'll be back in two weeks with new supplies, " declared Victor Wens, a 58 - year - old special pioneer. So consider the consequences of your actions on them. Tinogona kuva vanofara sei kuti rusununguko rworudzidziso rwuri kufarikanywa muimwezve nyika yokuEurope yokuMabvazuva! As a member of a dedicated nation, he was dedicated to Jehovah at birth. How happy we can be that religious freedom is being enjoyed in yet another Eastern European country! Asi kutaura zvaunofunga somunhu oga nenzira yakajeka uye inofadza kunoita zvakawanda zvikuru kuti imba ivandudzike kupfuura kungoramba wakanyarara uye wakafundumwara. He explains: "While the Assyrians left a clear imprint of their presence in Palestine, there is a strange gap after the Babylonian destruction.... But expressing your personal opinion in a clear and appealing way does much more to improve a marriage than always keeping quiet and calm. Fundo Yemhuri Inovaka Yes, as illustrated in the case of Timothy, Paul did what he could to gain Jews, helping them to become Christians. Family Study Builds Up Famba naMwari, Ukohwe Zvakanaka Evolution turns one's eyes down to creation for answers, not up to the Creator. Walk With God, With a Good Harvest Kunyatsoongorora kunoratidza kuti " Mwari worugare anovashongedza nezvinhu zvose zvakanaka kuti vaite kuda kwake. ' - VaHebheru 13: 20, 21. Some of the more fashion conscious have even used their church to show off their latest outfits. A closer look shows that "the God of peace... adorns them with every good thing to do his will. " - Hebrews 13: 20, 21. Itariro yechokwadi, iyo inobva pane zvakavimbiswa neMusiki pachake. Another reader wrote: "Every issue seems to contain a point that I had missed when reading the Bible account. It is a sure hope, one based on the Creator's own promises. Zvisinei, mune dzimwewo nyika, vakwegura vakawanda vanowanzogara mumisha inotarisira vakwegura. Some have found that reading aloud with others is a source of enjoyment. In other lands, however, many elderly ones often live in nursing homes. Vabereki vaMaria vakadada nechisarudzo chakaitwa nemwanasikana wavo chekuzvitsaurira kuna Jehovha uye kubhabhatidzwa. ANTHROPOLOGIST George Dorsey described the God of the "Old Testament " as" a savage God. " Maria's parents were proud of the decision their daughter made to dedicate herself to Jehovah and get baptized. Uye mutungamiriri wechiHindu Mohandas K. While fleeing Sodom with her family, she had disobediently looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt. - Read Genesis 19: 17, 26. And Hindu leader Mohandas K. Kunyange zvazvo pasina anonyatsoziva madaidzirwo aiitwa zita raMwari muchiHebheru, zvarinoreva hazvina kuvanzika zvachose. So consider the effects of your actions upon them. Although no one knows exactly how God's name was pronounced in Hebrew, its meaning is completely private. (a) Kubva pane zvatakurukura, ungati Jesu ane unhu hwakaita sei? How happy we can be that religious freedom is being enjoyed in yet another Eastern European country! (a) From the foregoing, you might say that Jesus has what sort of qualities? Uye zvakadiniko nesu? But vocalizing personal feelings in a frank and winning manner does much more to improve a marriage than does remaining silent and sullen. And what about us? (b) Tinofanira kungwarira chii? Family Study That Upbuilds (b) Against what should we be on guard? Ramba Uchizviisa Pasi Po "mudzimu Unoraramisa ," 9 / 15 Walk With God, and Reap What Is Good 9 / 1 (a) Ku "itwa vatsva musimba rinosunda ndangariro " yedu kunorevei? Careful investigation proves that " the God of peace equips them with every good thing to do his will. ' - Hebrews 13: 20, 21. (a) What does it mean to be "made new in the force actuating our mind "? Asi iye akachinja! It is a sure hope, one based on the promise of the Creator himself. But he changed! (b) Tine zvikonzeroi zvakanaka zvechivimbo muvarume vanotungamirira pakati pedu? However, in other lands, many elderly ones often depend on the care that a nursing home can provide. (b) What sound reasons for confidence do we have in the men taking the lead among us? " Testamende Itsva Yakanakisisa yeInterlinear, " 2 / 1 Maria's parents were proud of their daughter's decision to make an unreserved dedication to Jehovah and to get baptized. Jehovah's Day of Peace, 2 / 15 Nokudaro, avo vakadzidza chokwadi cheBhaibheri mumakore mashomanene apfuura vakanzwisisa kuti tariro youpenyu husingaperi muparadhiso yapasi zvino iri kupiwa. And Hindu leader Mohandas K. Thus, those who have learned Bible truth over the last few years have appreciated that the hope of everlasting life on a paradise earth is now being held out. Tsamba inotumirwa nomukombiyuta nokuridzirana nhare zvine zvazvinoitawo, asi usatorera pasi muitiro wakanaka wekare wokunyora tsamba. Though there is uncertainty about how God's name was pronounced in ancient Hebrew, its meaning is not a complete mystery. A letter sent through the computer and telephone calls also have a bearing, but do not minimize the good old habit of writing letters. UKAMA HWEVANHU (a) From what we have considered thus far, how would you describe Jesus? THE BIBLE'S VIEWPOINT Nenzira yakajeka, nokufungidzira zvishoma, fundo yemhuri inogona kunakidza uye kuva yakasiyana - siyana. And what about us? Clearly, with little imagination, family study can be enjoyable and varied. Uyewo, ikoku kunotigonesa kuchengeta kutenda kwedu ndokuramba tichiita chiri chakanaka apo tinenge tiri mumuedzo. - Zvirevo 2: 6 - 8; Jakobho 1: 5 - 8. (b) Against what do we need to be on guard? Also, this enables us to maintain our faith and keep doing what is good when we are under trial. - Proverbs 2: 6 - 8; James 1: 5 - 8. Akati: "Kana ndairamba kururamisira mushandirume wangu kana kuti mushandikadzi wangu pamhosva yavo neni, saka ndingaiteiko Mwari paanosimuka? Trust in Jehovah - Not in "a Conspiracy! " 9 / 1 She said: "If I rejected justice from my husband - in - law or my servant girl against me, then what can I do when God rises up? Apo chechi yakavamba Yukaristiya yezuva nezuva, zvaireva kuti vapristi vaifanira kurega vatano zvechigarire. (a) What does it mean to be "made new in the force actuating [our] mind "? When the church began daily Yukaristia, it meant that the priests had to abstain from sexual relations permanently. Tsitsi dzinosunda vakuru kuitei mukubata navasonganiri vavo vechiKristu? But he changed! What does empathy move elders to do in dealing with their Christian associates? Sevatendi vakanga varayiridzwa zvakarurama, takatoratidza zvatinoda patakazvitsaurira kuna Mwari mumunyengetero tikabhabhatidzwa. (b) We have what sound reasons for confidence in the men taking the lead among us? As rightly instructed believers, we showed how much we need when we dedicated ourselves to God in prayer and got baptized. Zvisinei, vakawanda vezera rake havana kuteerera. Parents - Safeguard Your Children! 2 / 15 However, many of his peers did not listen. Nhasi, ndinofara chaizvo kuona vana vangu "vachifamba muchokwadi. " Hence, those who have learned Bible truth in recent years have understood that the hope of everlasting life on a paradise earth is now being extended. Today, I find great joy in seeing my children "go on walking in the truth. " (b) Tinodzidzei pakugadzirisa kwakaita Jehovha dambudziko racho? E - mail and phone calls have their place, but don't underestimate the power of an old - fashioned handwritten letter. (b) What do we learn from Jehovah's solution to the problem? Ndizvo zvaunofanirawo kuita panyaya yokuudza vamwe zvaunotenda. Antarctica, 7 / 22 The same is true when it comes to sharing your beliefs with others. Rudo Haruna Godo Clearly, with a little imagination, a family study can be made lively and varied. Love Not With Jealousy Mudzimai wangu akasvika kumba achifara. In turn, this enables us to maintain our faith and keep on doing what is virtuous when we are under trial. - Proverbs 2: 6 - 8; James 1: 5 - 8. My wife came home happy. Vakazvipa Nemwoyo Unoda kuNew York, 1 / 15 He said: "If I used to refuse the judgment of my slave man or of my slave girl in their case at law with me, then what can I do when God rises up? " Keep On the Watch, " 1 / 15 Tutanda tuviri utwu twekufananidzira twakabatanidzwa riini? When the church introduced the daily Eucharist, it meant that priests had to abstain from sexual intercourse permanently. When were these two symbolic sticks involved? PaMutambo weVhiki (kana kuti, Pentekosta) mukupera kwechirimo, vaipa zvingwa zvakagadzirwa nezvibereko zvokutanga zvegorosi. Fellow feeling moves elders to do what in dealing with their Christian associates? At the Festival of the Weekly (or, Pentecost) in late spring, they offered prepared loaves of wheat firstfruits. Kune vaya vanenge vari mugungwa pakunenge kuine rima, vanofara pavanoona pose pane chiedza. As properly instructed believers, we actually exercised our own will when we made a dedication to God in prayer and got baptized. To those in the sea during the dark, they rejoice when they see everywhere light. Uyewo, vanotsvaka chokwadi nomwoyo wose vanogona zviri nyore kuziva ungano yechiKristu yechokwadi kuburikidza nezvibereko zvayo. Most of his generation, however, did not listen. Also, sincere seekers of truth can easily identify the true Christian congregation by means of its fruitage. Zvisinei, zuva raJehovha rava kuda kutanga, vatungamiriri venyika vachange vachiti "Rugare nokuchengeteka! " Today, it brings me much joy to see my children "walking in the truth. " However, just before the start of Jehovah's day, world leaders will be saying "Peace and security! " Pane dzimwe nguva kwakaziviswa kuti mvura yaizogoverwa mukati menguva apo misangano yaiitwa. (b) What do we learn from how Jehovah resolved the problem? Sometimes it was announced that water would be supplied during the time when meetings were held. Purogiramu iyi inopiwa pasina muripo. The same applies to telling others about your faith. This program is presented free of charge. Kuti zvinhu zvose zviitike nomutoo une nhevedzano, Kristu, Musoro weungano yechiKristu, akapa chiremera kuvarume vakatendeka. Love Is Not Jealous For all things to happen in an orderly manner, Christ, the Head of the Christian congregation, gave authority to faithful men. Peter akakwanisa kutora nhare yepachitsuwa ichi kubva paudzori hweSweden ndokuitumidza kuti Shlissel'burg. My wife arrived home excited. Peter was able to take this island fortress from Sweden's control and name it Shlissel'burg. Chokwadika, kuva nezvinhu zvazvino uno uye motokari dzichangoburwa zvazova nyembe chaiyo kune vanhu vakawanda - musambo uyo vanogadzira nevanoshambadza vasina kungosiya zvavo. Work to Enhance the Spiritual Paradise, 7 / 15 Of course, having the latest goods and the latest vehicles have become a real attraction to many people - a weapon that the advertising industry has not simply left behind. " Kana tichiongorora nyaya dzose dzezvaiitika gore ra1914 risati rasvika, zvinoratidza kuti panguva iyoyo nyika yakanga ichifambira mberi pakugarisana murunyararo uye pakugadzira zvinhu zvokuti zvaiita sokuti vanhu vaizopedzisira vasvika pakukwana. When were these two symbolic sticks joined together? " By examining all the events that took place prior to 1914, it shows that at that time the earth was moving ahead in peace and construction, so that it seemed that mankind would eventually reach perfection. Anozviita nenzira dzakasiyana - siyana. At the Festival of Weeks (or, Pentecost) in late spring, they offered loaves made from the firstfruits of the wheat harvest. He does so in various ways. Mukuwedzera, ungano zhinjisa dzeZvapupu zvaJehovha dzine maraibhurari akaisvonaka okushandisa paHoro dzoUmambo dzazvo. To those at sea during the hours of darkness, any light is a welcome sight. In addition, most congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses have beautiful libraries to use at their Kingdom Halls. Naizvozvo ngatidzivise kutaura kwakashata ndokutsvaka kutaura zvinhu zvichabetsera vasonganiri vedu ndokuvavaka mumudzimu. - Jakobho 3: 9 - 12. Also, sincere seekers of truth can very easily identify the true Christian congregation by its fruits. So let us avoid negative talk and seek to say things that will benefit our associates and build them up spiritually. - James 3: 9 - 12. Kuva mubereki wokurera hakusati kuri nyore. However, just before that day of Jehovah begins, world leaders will be saying "Peace and security! " Being a stepparent is not easy. Ikoku kuchaonwa apo tinokurukura hwakawanda hwouporofita hwaDhanieri. Sometimes it was announced that water would be supplied during the times when meetings were held. This will be seen when we discuss many of Daniel's prophecies. Maererano nokumwe kuongorora, "60 muzana yevasikana vokuU.S. vari kuyaruka vakanga varara nevakomana vasati vasvika makore 15, uye izvi vakazviita vasingadi. " The program is provided free of charge. According to one study, " 60 percent of U.S. teenage girls had had sex relations with boys before they reached 15, and this they did not want. " Hungu, Jehovha achazivisa zita rake pakati pamarudzi ose. For all things to take place in an orderly fashion, Christ, the Head of the Christian congregation, has delegated authority to faithful men. Yes, Jehovah will make known his name among all the nations. Asi akatsanangura kuti: "Vaya vari vanhu vaKristu Jesu vakaroverera nyama pamwe chete nezvido zvayo nokuchiva kwayo. Peter was able to wrest this island fortress from Swedish control and rename it Shlissel'burg. Rather, he explained: "Those who belong to Christ Jesus impaled flesh along with its own desires and desires. Zvisinei, kuti izvi zviitike, vanofanira kutanga vafa vomutswa sezvisikwa zvomudzimu. Of course, having the latest devices and the most recent model has become a status symbol for many people - a tendency that manufacturers and advertisers have not ignored. For this to happen, however, they must first die and be resurrected as spirit creatures. Ndakabva ndatanga kuimba rwiyo. " By all contemporaneous accounts, the world prior to 1914 seemed to be moving irreversibly toward higher levels of civility and civilization; human society seemed perfectible. Then I started to sing a song. Ndakashanda ikoko mushopu yomukoma wangu yokugadzira bvudzi ndokupfuudzira kufambira mberi kwangu mumudzimu kupfurikidza nokusangana neboka duku reVadzidzi veBhaibheri. He does so in a number of ways. I worked there in my brother's hair - making shop and continued my spiritual progress by meeting a small group of Bible Students. Kukudza Wawakaroorana Naye In addition, most congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses have fine libraries for use at their Kingdom Halls. Honoring One's Marriage Mate Imi makasimbisa pasi, panoramba pagere. " Let us therefore shun evil speech and seek to say things that will benefit our associates and upbuild them spiritually. - James 3: 9 - 12. You have established the earth, where it remains. " Muna 1939, vaFascist vokuItaly vakapinda munyika yacho. Being a stepparent is far from easy. In 1939, Italian Fascists invaded the country. Nokudaro, kakawanda tinokurudzirwa kutenga chimwe chinhu chitsva pane kugadzirisa chitsaru. This will be seen when we discuss more of Daniel's prophecy. Hence, we are often encouraged to buy something new than to correct a old woman. Jehovha Mwari wedu "ndiJehovha mumwe chete " pakudii? According to one study, "60 percent of U.S. adolescent girls who had sex before age 15 did so involuntarily. " How is Jehovah our God "one Jehovah "? 1 ONGORORA ZVAKAITIKA. - VERENGA 1 MADZIMAMBO 21: 1 - 26. Yes, Jehovah will make his name known among all the nations. 1 ANALYZE THE SCENE. - READ 1 CORINTHIANS 21: 1 - 26. Chakataura Pauro chinogonawo kutisimbisawo kudzivisa kuwa pakutenda ndokumira takatsiga nokuda kwokutenda kwechokwadi. But he explained: "Those who belong to Christ Jesus impaled the flesh together with its passions and desires. What Paul said can also strengthen us to avoid apostasy and stand firm for true faith. Kariro Dzinopanikirika To experience this, though, they first need to die and be resurrected as spirit creatures. Infectable Prospects Tinoziva kuti munguva yakare yakapfuura, Mwari akaratidzira simba rake kuparira miuyo yakadaro ine ngwavaira, uye anogona kuita kudaro zvakare. - Eksodho 10: 21 - 23; Joshua 10: 12 - 14; Vatongi 5: 20; Ruka 23: 44, 45. Then I started to sing a song. We know that in the past, God demonstrated his power to produce such disastrous consequences, and he can do so again. - Exodus 10: 21 - 23; Joshua 10: 12 - 14; Judges 5: 20; Luke 23: 44, 45. Angashandisa chimvuramabwe chakakura zvisingazivikanwi kuti aparadze vanhu vakaipa vanotungamirirwa naGogi, kana kuti naSatani. - Ezekieri 38: 18, 22. I worked there in my sister's hairdresser shop and continued my spiritual progress by meeting with a small group of Bible Students. He may use strange hail to destroy wicked people under Gog, or Satan. - Ezekiel 38: 18, 22. Kukundikana kwechiKristudhomu kutaura dzidziso yakajeka parudzikinuro kwakakuvadzawo nhamburiko dzacho dzokusvika vaJudha, vaHindu, vaBuddha, uye vamwe neshoko rechiKristu. Honoring Your Spouse Christendom's failure to speak a clear teaching on the ransom also damaged her efforts to reach Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, and others with the Christian message. Anozorodza mweya wangu.... You have solidly fixed the earth, that it may keep standing. " My soul he is refreshing.... Muna 1932 ungano dzakagamuchira murayiridzo waiva muNharireyomurindi wokuti dzichirega kuita zvokusarudza vakuru nemadhikoni. In 1939, Italian Fascists occupied the country. In 1932 congregations received instruction in The Watchtower to refrain from selecting elders and deacons. Ko nguvo yacho ichada kusukwa kazhinji kakadini? Thus, we are often urged to buy something new rather than repair something old. How often will the garment need to be washed? (b) Jesu akaenzanisira sei kubata kwomubereki wapasi nouko kwaMwari? In what ways is Jehovah our God "one Jehovah "? (b) How did Jesus illustrate the earthly parent's dealings with that of God? Vaya vari muungano vangava nemabhuku anotsanangura Bhaibheri akawanda, uye mune mimwe mitauro munowanika Watch Tower Publications Index neWatchtower Library iri paCD - ROM. 1 ANALYZE THE SCENES. - READ 1 KINGS 21: 1 - 26. Those in the congregation may have more Bible literature, and in some languages the Watch Tower Publications Index and the Watchtower Library on the CDC - ROM. Wilson, nyanzvi yokudzidzwa kwezvinhu zvipenyu paHarvard University, anofungidzira kuti marudzi 27 000 pagore, kana kuti matatu paawa, ari kutsakatika. What Paul said can also strengthen us to resist apostasy and stand firm for the true faith. Wilson, a biologist at Harvard University, estimates that 27,000 species per year, or 3 per hour, are becoming extinct. Nokuti achatsausa mwanakomana wako kuti arege kunditevera, uye vachashumira vamwe vanamwari; Jehovha achakutsamwirai kwazvo, uye achakurumidza kukutsakatisai. " - Dheut. Doubtful Prospects For he will turn your son from following me, and they will certainly serve other gods; and Jehovah's anger will indeed be kindled against you, and he will certainly annihilate you in a hurry. " - Deut. Mavhiki mashomanene gare gare, hafu yevashandi yakanga isisagoni nekurwara. We know that in the ancient past, God displayed his power to cause such cataclysmic effects, and he can do so again. - Exodus 10: 21 - 23; Joshua 10: 12 - 14; Judges 5: 20; Luke 23: 44, 45. A few weeks later, half of the workers were unable to cope with illness. Sezvatinopinda mugore rebasa ra1996, ngatitsungei kusaderera. He may use hailstones of undisclosed size to destroy wicked humans led by Gog, or Satan. - Ezekiel 38: 18, 22. As we enter the 1996 service year, let us be determined not to slow down. Hondo yakapera ndichirimo. Christendom's failure to articulate a clear doctrine on redemption has also hamstrung her efforts to reach Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, and others with the Christian message. The war ended while I was still there. Mabhuku akadaro aifanira kuonekwa sei? My soul he refreshes.... How were such books to be viewed? Dzimwe nguva taienda kumagungano makuru. In 1932 the congregations received instruction through The Watchtower to discontinue the electing of elders and deacons. Sometimes we went to large conventions. Havadikanirwi kutya. How often will the garment need cleaning? They need not fear. Aiwa, asi mubereki ane rudo anoita zvose zvaanogona kuti mwana wake asatambura. (b) How did Jesus compare the dealings of an earthly parent with those of God? No, but a loving parent does all he can to prevent his child from suffering. Unofanira kuitei kana uri mumamiriro ezvinhu akadaro? Those in the congregation may have Bible - based literature in abundance, and in some languages such tools as the Watch Tower Publications Index and Watchtower Library on CD - ROM are available. What should you do if you are in such a situation? Vatariri vechiKristu vanofanira kuratidzira sei ruvimbiko, uye nei ikoku kuchikosha nokuda kwegarikano yeungano? Wilson, a biologist at Harvard University, estimates that 27,000 species per year, or three per hour, are becoming extinct. How should Christian overseers display loyalty, and why is this vital for congregation welfare? " Kunyange zvazvo chirongwa cheNPT chichisiya paine mukana wokubiridzira, chakabudirira kurambidza kushandiswa kwezvinhu zvenyukireya nevanhuwo zvavo uye nzvimbo dzinenge dziinazvo dzakachengetedzwa, " anotsanangura kudaro Carey Sublette mugwaro rinonzi "Nuclear Weapons Frequently Asked Questions. " For they will turn your sons away from following me to serve other gods; then Jehovah's anger will blaze against you, and he will swiftly annihilate you. " - Deut. " Although the NPT project leaves room for fraud, it has succeeded in prohibiting the use of nuclear goods and security sites, " explains Carey Sublette in the document "Nuclear Weapols Frequently Asked deals. " Muchina wacho unodhinda makadhi echikwereti 250 paawa, uye mapurisa anodavira kuti wakashandiswa muchitsotsi chemamiriyoni nemamiriyoni emadhora, " rakashuma kudaro pepanhau reCanada rinonzi Globe & Mail. A few weeks later, half the labor force was immobilized by sickness. The press prints 250 credit cards per hour, and police believe they have been used in the fraud of millions of dollars, " reported the Globe & Mail newspaper. Aiwa. As we enter the 1996 service year, let us be determined not to slow down. No. Kusiyana naAdhamu, Jesu aiteerera Mwari zvakakwana. I was still there when the war ended. Unlike Adam, Jesus obeyed God completely. Beatty akaunganidzawo manyoro akawanda enhokwe, echitendero uye enyika. How was such literature to be viewed? Beatty also collected numerous papyrus manuscripts, both religious and secular. " HANDIGONI kutarira izvi. Sometimes we went to big assemblies. " I CAN see this. Sosaiti yakatikoka kuti tiende Portugal! They need have no fear. The Society invited us to Portugal! Bhaibheri Rinopa Chikonzero Chetariro A caring parent, on the contrary, would try to alleviate a child's suffering. The Bible Gives Reason for Hope Bva, vanodaro here? What should you do if you find yourself in such a situation? Yet, do they? Mupristi wacho akati Johnny ainge asina kubhabhatidzwa, saka akanga asina kuenda kudenga. How should Christian overseers manifest loyalty, and why is this essential for the congregation's welfare? The priest said that Johnny had not been baptized, so she had not gone to heaven. Mwedzi mishomanana hondo isati yapera, ini nomurume wangu takasangana nomumwe muedzo unorwadza. " While the NPT regime is scarcely foolproof, it has been effective in preventing the diversion of civilian nuclear technology and facilities placed under safeguards, " explains Carey Sublette in the document "Nuclear Weapons Frequently Asked Questions. " A few months before the war ended, my husband and I faced another painful test. Sezvo mapurisa akanga asati asvika pandakapedza, meya nomuprista vakasarudza kuti boka ravarume rindibudise mutaundi racho. The machine prints 250 credit cards an hour, and police believe it has been used in a multi - million - dollar fraud, " reported Canada's Globe & Mail newspaper. Since the police had not yet arrived when I finished, the mayor and the priest decided that the group of men would take me out of town. Nharidzano Yangu - Pfuti Yokuuraya No. My Goal - A Casssive Fast Imba yeMushuramiti uyu nemufudzi wake yaizosimba chaizvo nokuti vaida Mwari. Unlike Adam, Jesus was perfectly obedient to God. Because they loved God, the house of the conclusionr and his shepherd would become stronger. □ Chii chakaratidza Jesu kuva nzira yokudzivisa nayo ufeve noupombwe? Beatty also collected a huge number of papyrus manuscripts, both religious and secular. □ What showed Jesus to be a way to avoid fornication and adultery? Asi, sezvinoratidzwa neFAO, "rubatsiro runofanirawo kutsvakwa kumakambani eagrochemical, anowanzotora rutivi rwakanyanyisa kana kuti rusina kufanira mukugovera mishonga inouraya tupukanana. " " I CANNOT watch this. But, as Mom shows, "the benefits must also be sought from agrochmical companies, which often take an extreme or improper part in providing pesticides. " Vatsigiri veeuro vanotaura zvakawanda zvingava zvakanakira kuva nemari yakafanana. The Society invited us to go to Portugal! euro supporters say much that would be good to have the same currency. Zviri Mukati The Bible Gives Reason for Hope Table of Contents Department of Health and Human Services. Yet, do they? Department of Health and Human Services. (b) " Kuzorora pabasa rako umene ' kunorevei? The priest said that the baby had not been christened, so he was not in heaven. Rather, he was in Limbo. (b) What does it mean to " rest from one's own work '? Akafara pamwe chete navo. A few months before the war ended, my husband and I faced a painful ordeal. He was happy with them. Vakangopodza vanga ravanhu vangu zvishoma vachiti: " Rugare, rugare! ' Since the police had not arrived when I finished, the mayor and the priest decided to have a group of men run me out of town. They have healed just a few of my people, saying: " Peace, peace! ' Magwaro anotaura nezvomwoyo wokufananidzira, uyo uri munhu womukati - zvatinoshuva, mafungiro edu, nemanzwiro edu. My Goal - A Gun to Kill The Scriptures speak of the figurative heart, which is the inner person - our desires, our thoughts, and our feelings. Kana uchida mamwe mashoko kana kuti uchida kuti mumwe munhu akushanyire kumba kwako kuti azodzidza newe Bhaibheri pachena, tapota nyorera Jehovah's Witnesses, P. Bag WG - 5001, Westgate, Zimbabwe, kana kuti kero yakakodzera pane dziri papeji 2. Because the Shulammite and the shepherd primarily loved God, their marital bond would be strong indeed. If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Jehovah's Witnesses, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. " Ricardo naJustina varimi varombo vekuLatin America vanogara makiromita 80 kubva kuguta riri pedyosa. □ What did Jesus show to be the way to avoid fornication and adultery? " Ricardo and Justina are poor Latin - American farmers living 50 miles [80 km] from the nearest city. Kunopupurira zvokwadi imwe cheteyo kutaura kwaPetro, kwokuti: "Iye wakati achitukwa, haana kutukazve, wakati achitambudzika, haana kutyisidzira; asi wakaisa mhaka yake kuna iye unotonga zvakarurama. " Yet, as the FAO points out, "assistance should also be sought from agrochemical companies, which often played a role in excessive or unnecessary pesticide supplies. " It testifies to the same truth Peter's statement: "When he was being reviled, he did not go reviling in return when he was suffering and did not go threatening, but kept on committing himself to the one who judges righteously. " Tinoita zvakanaka kuziva kuti dzimwe nhau dzichangofanira kumirira Mwari kuti agadzirise munguva yake yakafanira. Advocates of the euro cite the many potential benefits of a single currency. We do well to realize that some matters will simply have to wait on God to resolve in his due time. Akabata shanduro yeBhaibheri ratakanga tave tichishandisa pataikurukurirana, murume wacho akati, "Mubvunzo wokutanga: Iri iBhaibheri rechokwadi here, kana kuti iBhaibheri reZvapupu? " Table of Contents After handling a translation of the Bible that we had been using during our discussions, the man said, "The first test: Is this the Bible of truth, or is it the Bible of the Witnesses? " Misangano yechiKristu inoitawo basa rinokosha mukushandisa kwedu nounyanzvi Shoko raMwari. Department of Health and Human Services. Christian meetings also play an important role in our skillful use of God's Word. Mutsago sezviri pachena rwakanga rwusiri rudzi rwakapfava runoshandiswa zvino sechitsamiro chomusoro pamubhedha. (b) What does it mean " to rest from one's own work '? The pillow was evidently not a simple type now used as a head seat on the bed. Uyu Musiki womunhu akaisa mumwoyo womunhu kuziva kukuru, souko iye amene anako. He shared their joy. This man's Creator has put into man's heart a deep knowledge, as he himself has. MuUnited Kingdom, anozivikanwa saBaba veKrisimasi. And they try to heal the breakdown of my people lightly, saying, " There is peace! In the United Kingdom, he is known as the Father of Christmas. Asi yeuka, kurarisa zvisina kufanira, kunyange pakupera kwevhiki, kungakanganisa muitiro wako wokurara zvozokuomera kurara usiku hunotevera. The Scriptures refer to the figurative heart, which is the inner person - our desires, attitudes, and feelings. But remember, alcohol abuse, even on weekends, may interfere with your sleep routine and make it difficult for you to sleep the next night. Pavanobvunzurudzwa, "vokuAmerica vanenge 40 muzana uye vokuCanada vanenge 20 muzana vanoti vanogaroenda kuchechi, " unodaro mumwe mushumo womupepanhau. If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Jehovah's Witnesses, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. When questioned, "about 40 percent of Americans and about 20 percent of Canadians say they regularly go to church, " says a newspaper report. Magariro asingagutsi. " Ricardo and Justina are poor Latin American farmers living some 50 miles [80 km] from the nearest city. There is no satisfaction in living conditions. * Testifying to the same truth is Peter's statement: "When he was being reviled, he did not go reviling in return. When he was suffering, he did not go threatening, but kept on committing himself to the one who judges righteously. " * Zvichida izvi ndizvo zvakaitika kuna Zekariya paasina kudavira ngirozi yakamuudza kuti mudzimai wake aizova nepamuviri. We do well to recognize that some matters will simply have to wait for God to rectify in his own due time. Perhaps this was true of Zechariah when he did not believe an angel who told him that his wife would become pregnant. □ Zvimwe. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Holding up the translation of the Bible that we had been using in our discussions, the man asked, "Question number one: Is this a genuine Bible, or is it the Witnesses ' Bible? " Mr. □ Other. . . . . . Kana tikaziva kuti Mwari ari kupindura minyengetero yedu, tichawedzera kumuda. Christian meetings also play a vital role in our skillful use of God's Word. If we realize that God is answering our prayers, our love for him will grow. D. The pillow apparently was not the soft kind now used as a headrest in bed. D. Panzvimbo pezvo, iye ari kunongedzera kuna Kristu soMureveri wapamutemo wesungano itsva, iyo yakavanzarika hwaro hwokuti vateveri vakazodzwa vaKristu vagoverane naye muUmambo hwake hwokudenga. - 8 / 15, mapeji 30, 31. This Creator of man has put into the human heart keen sensitiveness, such as he himself has. Rather, he is referring to Christ as the legal Mediator of the new covenant, which laid the basis for Christ's anointed followers to share with him in his heavenly Kingdom. - 8 / 15, pages 30, 31. Upenzi hwakadini! In the United Kingdom, he is known as Father Christmas. How foolish! Kuchengetwa kwePaseka kwaiyeuchidza kubuda kwevanakomana vaIsraeri muIjipiti, kwakatangwa muna 1513 B.C.E. But remember, staying in bed longer than necessary, even on the weekend, can disturb your sleep pattern and make it harder for you to sleep the following night. The celebration of the Passover called to mind the Exodus of the sons of Israel from Egypt, which was instituted in 1513 B.C.E. Kukundikana kuisa zvinhu zvokunamata panzvimbo yokutanga kungaita kuti mhuri dziparare, ushamwari hupere, uye zvinangwa zvokunamata zvisabudirira. When surveyed, "about 40 percent of Americans and 20 percent of Canadians say they go to church regularly, " notes another press report. Failure to put spiritual interests first could lead to family breakdown, a friendship, and spiritual goals. Kana vakuru vakava norudo rwehama rwakafanira nechidakadaka chetsitsi nokuda kwomumwe nomumwe, ivo vacharerutsa utera hwomumwe nomumwe. Bad living conditions. If elders have appropriate brotherly love and tender affection for one another, they will take for granted each other's weaknesses. Zvadaro takagadzira buri pasi, ndokuisa mugomo wacho pariri, uye kuukomberedza nemagumbezi kuitira kuti munhu asaonekwa. * Then we built a hole on the ground, put the mountain on it, and surrounded it with saws so that no one could be seen. Nzira Chete Yokupedza Nayo Ruvengo Perhaps this was the case with Zechariah when he did not believe the angel who informed him that his wife would become pregnant. The Only Way to End Hatred Kuti musha ugare wakachena mutoro womunhu wose anogara mauri □ Other. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Maintaining a clean home is the responsibility of everyone living in it Aiwa, vanhu vose nhasi vatadzi, sezvakanga zvakaita vose muzana rokutanga ramakore, kunze kwaJesu amene. When we discern that God is answering our prayers, our love for him deepens. No, all people today are sinners, as were all in the first century, besides Jesus himself. 2: 4. D. 2: 4. Kumanheru boka racho rinofamba zvishoma nezvishoma muuswa hurefu. Rather, he is referring to Christ as legal Mediator of the new covenant, which laid the basis for Christ's anointed followers to share with him in his heavenly Kingdom. - 8 / 15, pages 30, 31. In the evening the herd moves slowly through the tall grass. Britain neUnited States, dzaiva nenzira yakasimba musimba ravatungamiriri venyika vePurotesitendi, pamwe chete dzakaumba simba renyika rechinomwe renhau yeBhaibheri, dzichidzora muzana makore rechi 18. What infatuation! Britain and the United States, strong in the power of Protestant leaders, together formed the seventh world power of Bible history, controlling percent of the 18th century. Satani akanga achera Mwari nomunhu nokutaura ari pamberi pengirozi kudenga kuti: "Munhu acharasikirwa nezvose zvaanazvo kuti awane upenyu hwake. " The Passover observance, marking the Exodus of the sons of Israel from Egypt, was instituted in 1513 B.C.E. Satan had slanderd God with man by saying before the angel in heaven: "A man will lose everything he has to gain his soul. " " Dzidziso yakakurumbira yazvino uno yoUtatu... haiwani tsigiro mumutauro waJustin [Martyr]: uye uku kutaura kungatambanudzirwa kuMadzibaba ose apamberi peNicaea; ndiko kuti, kuvanyori vose vechiKristu kwamazana matatu amakore pashure pokuberekwa kwaKristu. A failure to give the latter priority over the former can cause families to disintegrate, friendships to collapse, and spiritual goals to fade. " The modern popular doctrine of the Trinity... does not have support in the language of Justin [Mytyr]: and this expression may be extended to all pre - Nicaea Fathers; that is, to all Christian writers for three centuries after Christ's birth. Ndinovabvunza, kuti: " Ikoko kunogona sei kuva kwakadaro? If elders have proper brotherly love and tender affection for one another, they will play down the weaknesses of one another. I ask them: " How can that be? Zviri Mukati Later, we made a round opening in the floor, fixed the bucket in it, and hung blankets around it for some privacy. Table of Contents Chinetso chimwe chingava chokuti ava varume vanocherekedza mubato wakabatikana woubati ushe hwaMwari wevadzimai vavo ndokunzwa kuti kuva Chapupu kunonyanyorayira. The Only Way to Eradicate Hate One problem may be that these husbands observe the busy theocratic activity of their wives and feel that being a Witness is too demanding. Nokuda kwezvikonzero zvakafanana, tinofanira kungwarira kusachengera vadzidzi vedu veBhaibheri. A clean home is the responsibility of everyone living in it For similar reasons, we must be careful not to clean up our Bible students. Wells mubhuku rinonzi A History of the World, rakabudiswa muna 1922. No, all humans today are sinners, as were all in the first century, except Jesus himself. Wells in A History of the World, published 1922. Kushandisa uru rudzi rwekahotera kunoreva kushanda rudungwe rwakaoma, asi runobvumira vanobishaira kuva nemari yokurarama nayo. 2: 4. Using this type of hotel means working a strict schedule, but it allows the diligent to have a living. * Obey God and Benefit From His Sworn Promises, 10 / 15 * Achiita maererano nokuda kwaBaba vake, Jesu Kristu akapa "mweya wake kuti uve rudzikinuro mukutsinhana nevazhinji. " By evening the herd move unhurriedly through the tall grass. Acting in harmony with his Father's will, Jesus Christ gave "his soul a ransom in exchange for many. " Nokuti anofarira kuda uye kupa, akazadza pasi nezvisikwa zvakachenjera zvaunogona kutanga nazvo ushamwari. Britain and the United States, firmly in the hands of Protestant secular leaders, together formed the seventh world power of Bible history, taking hold of the rudder in the 18th century. Because he is interested in loving and giving, he has filled the earth with intelligent creatures with which you can develop friendships. Judith anotsanangura kuti: "Pazera remakore 20, ndakatanga kufarira zvakanyanya mumwe murume wokuGermany, uyo aiedza kuita zvose zvaaigona kuti ndimufarire. Satan had slandered God and man by stating in front of the angels in heaven: "All that a man has he will give up for his life. " Judith explains: "At the age of 20, I developed a deep interest in a German man who tried to make an effort to gain my approval. Fungidzira kuti uri kudiridza mubindu rako. " The modern popular doctrine of the Trinity... derives no support from the language of Justin [Martyr]: and this observation may be extended to all the ante - Nicene Fathers; that is, to all Christian writers for three centuries after the birth of Christ. Imagine that you are watering your garden. Temberi yacho yaizova "huru kwazvo zvokuti [yaizova] yakakurumbira munyika dzose nokuda kwokunaka kwayo. " I ask them: " How can that be? The temple would be "so great that it [would] be known in all the earth for its beauty. " Jesu akazivisa sei vari mitezo yesangano raMwari naavo vasiri? Table of Contents How did Jesus identify those who are members of God's organization with those who are not? [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 9] One problem may be that these husbands notice the busy theocratic activity of their wives and feel that being a Witness is too demanding. [ Picture on page 9] Zano rokuchenjera reBhaibheri, kunyange zvazvo rakanyorwa mazana amakore akapfuura, richiri rinogovera nhungamiro yakanakisisa nokuda kwokubudirira mukurarama nomukupedza zvinetso. For similar reasons, we are careful not to be possessive of our Bible students. The Bible's wise counsel, although written centuries ago, still provides excellent guidance for success in living and solving problems. Kuita izvi nezvimwewo, kunogona kuita kuti vechidiki vaone kuti naivowo inhengo " dzeungano huru. ' - Pis. Wells in A History of the World, published in 1922. In this and other ways, young ones can see that they too are part of the "great congregation. " - Ps. Asi mitemo yainge yaiswa chidhindo chamambo wePezhiya yaisagona kuchinjwa. Running this kind of restaurant means working a tough schedule, but it allows industrious ones to pay their bills. But the laws that were laid on the Persian king's seal could not be changed. Sezvakataurwa mupepanhau rinonzi The Vancouver Sun, Dr. * As noted in The Vancouver Sun newspaper, Dr. Val neni takatarisana ndokutanga kuseka. Acting in harmony with his Father's will, Jesus Christ gave "his soul a ransom in exchange for many. " Val and I looked at each other and started to laugh. Saizvozvo, nemiwo, kana moona izvozvo zvoitwa, zivai kuti ushe hwaMwari hwava pedyo. Because of his loving and generous spirit, he has filled the earth with intelligent creatures with whom you can develop friendship. Likewise you also, when you see these things occurring, know that the kingdom of God is near. MuBhaibheri reTestamende Itsva, tinoverenga kuti: "Kana zvisizvo, ko vaya vanobhapatidzirwa vakafa, vangagoiteiko? Judith explained: "At the age of 20, I became infatuated with a German business associate who tried his best to impress me. In the New Testament Bible, we read: "If not, what can those who are baptized for the purpose of being dead ones do? Kutaura zvazviri, kuomerera pazvinodiwa neBhaibheri zvetsika dzepabonde, kushandisa zvinodhaka, uye ropa zvingadai zvakadzivirira varwere vakawanda kuti vasabatwe nechirwere ichi. Imagine that you are watering your garden. In fact, adhering to the Bible's standards of sexual morality, drug use, and blood would have prevented many patients from succumbing to the disease. Rowena neni takapfuurira muushimiri hwedu hwechiKristu, mumwe nomumwe wedu achipa maawa anopfuura 60 pamwedzi kubasa rokuparidza. The building was to be "exceedingly magnificent, so that its fame and beauty [would] be known in all lands. " Rowena and I continued in our Christian ministry, each of us devoting more than 60 hours a month to the preaching work. Zvichida muenzaniso unosanozivikanwa zvikurusa wokupa unodudzwa muBhaibheri, zvisinei, ndouya wavazivi venyeredzi - vaiwanzozivikanwa savarume vakachenjera - avo vakaunza zvipo kumwana Jesu. How did Jesus identify those who are part of God's organization and those who are not? Perhaps the most well - known example of giving mentioned in the Bible, however, is that of astrologers - often known as wise men - who brought gifts to the child Jesus. Nhamba iyi inobatanidza twumitauro twakawanda twemimwe mitauro. [ Picture on page 9] This number includes a number of languages in many other languages. Saka haubvumi here kuti zvaizova zvisina kukodzera kubata mhuka noutsinye? The Bible's wise counsel, though written down centuries ago, still provides the best guidance for success in living and in solving problems. Do you not agree, then, that it would be inappropriate to treat animals cruelly? Mazana emagazini yeMukai! In these ways and others, young ones can be made to realize that they are part of "the great congregation. " - Ps. Hundreds of Awake! [ Bhokisi riri papeji 23] But laws passed in the Persian monarch's name could not be revoked. [ Box on page 23] Ndakanyara asiwo ndaifara kuti ndakanga ndanzwisisa zvaiva zvataurwa! As reported in The Vancouver Sun newspaper, Dr. I was embarrassed, but I was happy that I understood what was said! Kufunga nezvezvinangwa kana kuti zvikonzero zvawaiva nazvo pakutanga zvingasimbisa zvawakatsunga kuita. Val and I looked at each other and started laughing. Thinking about goals or reasons you had at first may strengthen your determination. Zvisinei, takasarudza kuti taizotanga kuita shanyo yedzokerero pedyopo. In this way you also, when you see these things occurring, know that the kingdom of God is near. However, we decided that we would start making a return visit nearby. Pandakazosvitsa makore gumi, ndakanga ndatotanga kupaza dzimba nezvitoro ndichiba. In the King James Version, we read: "Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? By the time I turned ten, I had begun breaking houses and stores and stealing. Kana uchiona kuti basa rauri kushanda riri kukutadzisa kusimba pakunamata, unofanira kuona zvokuita. Admittedly, adhering to Bible standards on sexual morality, drug use, and blood would have kept many sufferers from contracting the disease. If you feel that your secular work is affecting your spiritual health, you need to take action. Rinoratidza matsananguriro anoita Bhaibheri kuti vakafa vari mumamiriro ezvinhu akaita sei. Rowena and I continued on in our Christian ministry, each of us devoting over 60 hours a month to the preaching work. It shows how the Bible describes the condition of the dead. NYIKA DZAKATUMIRWA MAMISHINARI Probably the best - known example of giving mentioned in the Bible, however, is that of the astrologers - commonly known as the wise men - who brought gifts to the child Jesus. THE WORLDS OF THE IMMIGHTS Tingazvidzivirira sei pazvido zvekuita unzenza? This figure includes many dialects of some languages. How can we protect ourselves against immoral desires? Uchada kuziva kuti rudzii rwomunhu rwaari, pamusoro mifungo yake, pfungwa, uye munhu womukati. Would you agree, then, that it wouldn't be appropriate to subject animals to cruel treatment? You will want to know what sort of person he is, about his thoughts, ideas, and inner man. Zvamuri kurisundira kure uye muchizviti hamuna kukodzerwa noupenyu husingaperi, tarirai! Hundreds of copies of the Awake! As you push it away and say that you are not worthy of everlasting life, look! 1: 9, 10. [ Box on page 6] 1: 9, 10. Pega I was embarrassed yet excited that I had actually understood something being said! Pega Naome naRute vaikurukurirana zvakanaka munguva dzemanheru, Naome achifarira mabasa aRute, vose vachitaura pfungwa nemanzwiro avo vakasununguka. Reflecting on your original goals or purpose can reinforce your resolve. Naomi and Ruth communicated well during the evening, and Naomi took pleasure in Ruth's activities, all speaking freely of their thoughts and feelings. Zvino, vose vari vaviri murume nomudzimai vakabhapatidzwa, uye sezviri pachena mugariro wavo weroorano wakavandudzika zvikuru kwazvo. However, we decided we would first make a return visit nearby. Now, both husband and wife are baptized, and evidently their marital situation has improved greatly. Revo dzose dziri mbiri dzinobatanidza Bhabhironi norudzidziso rwaro. By the time I was ten, I had started breaking into houses and shops to steal. Both meanings involve Babylon and its religion. Nei? If your current employment is not conducive to spiritual growth, you need to adjust your situation. Why? " Tose Tiri Vemhuri Imwe Cheteyo " It presents the Bible's explanation of death and the condition of the dead. " We Are All of the same Family " Kuita izvozvo kwaindibatsira kuti ndinyatsonzwisisa zvakaita dambudziko racho uye kuti ndorigadzirisa here kana kuti ndongosiya zvakadaro. " MISSIONARY ASSIGNMENTS ALBANIA Doing so helped me to understand more fully what the problem is and whether I could solve it or not. " Kuvanhu, mhinduro yemubvunzo wokutanga iri pachena. How can we protect ourselves against the enticement of immoral desires? To humans, the answer to the first question is obvious. Unoyeuka Here? You will want to learn what kind of person this is, about his or her thoughts, ideas, and inner self. Do You Recall? MuPisarema rechi45, muchato waMambo unoitwa pashure pokunge Mambo Jesu Kristu, asungira bakatwa rake uye " aenda kunokunda ' vavengi vake. - Pis. Since you are rejecting it and do not judge yourselves worthy of everlasting life, look! In Psalm 45, the King's marriage is performed after the King Jesus Christ has bound his sword and has "went off to victory " over his enemies. - Ps. 1: 22 - 25; 2 Pet. 1: 9, 10. 1: 22 - 25; 2 Pet. Chinodikanwa chechitatu nokuda kwokunamata kwechokwadi ndechekuti kunofanira kukudza Umambo hwaMwari semhinduro bedzi yapamutemo neinoshanda kuzvinetso zvorudzi rwomunhu zvokutonga. Perga A third requirement for true worship is that it should expand God's Kingdom as the only legal and practical solution to mankind's judicial problems. Nenguva isipi David akanga ava kudzidzawo Bhaibheri. Naomi and Ruth enjoyed pleasant conversation during the evening hours, the older one taking an interest in the activities of the younger, both freely expressing their thoughts and feelings. Soon David was also studying the Bible. Kuramba Wakazvipira Muimba Yako, 11 / 1 Now, both husband and wife have been baptized, and evidently their marital situation has improved immensely. 11 / 15 Mufananidzo wokutanga une mwanasikana asi mumwe wacho hauna. Both meanings tie Babylon in with its religion. The first picture has a daughter, but the other one did not. Ivo gare gare vakanaya mumudzimu uye vakadzorerwa. Why not? They later recovered spiritually and were reinstated. Basa guru rehama idzi nderokuvaka vanhu vaMwari " kusvikira vose vasvika pakubatana mukutenda nomuzivo yakarurama pamusoro poMwanakomana waMwari, vava munhu akura zvakakwana, vava nomwero wokukura kwakazara kwaKristu. ' " We All Belong to the Same Family " The primary responsibility of these brothers is to build God's people up "until they all attain to the oneness in the faith and in the accurate knowledge of the Son of God, to a full - grown man, to the measure of stature that belongs to the fullness of the Christ. " Ndiani aigona kunzwisisa zvinhu izvi kunze kwoMuiti Womutemo? That helped me to understand how I really felt about a problem, and then it would be easier either to resolve it or just let it go. " Who could understand these things other than the Law Maker? Mune mamwe amapazu eWatch Tower Society, chiverengero chakati chehama duku chakakuwana kuva kunobetsera kukwanisa kutaura kana kuti kurava chiNgezi nokudekudza. The answer to the first question is obvious from a human standpoint. In some of the branches of the Watch Tower Society, a number of young brothers have found it helpful to be able to speak or read English with pride. Ndima yacho yakafukidzwa kakawanda vhiki rimwe nerimwe. Do You Recall? The territory was covered several times each week. Paunodzidzisa vana maererano nezano reBhaibheri, zvichida ungafara kuona vana vako vachikura vachiva vanhu vakura vakavimbika, vane hanya nevamwe, vane tsika. In the 45th Psalm, the royal wedding occurs after the King Jesus Christ girds on his sword and " goes on to victory ' over his enemies. - Ps. When you teach children in harmony with Bible counsel, perhaps you would be happy to see your children grow up to be responsible, caring adults. Chii chave chiri muuyo womubato wakadaro? 1: 22 - 25; 2 Pet. What has been the result of such activity? Nokudaro vanodzivisa rudzi rwuri rwose rwokurwadziwa rwunovapo apo kuda kwake kunofuratirwa. A third requirement for true worship is that it should exalt God's Kingdom as the only legitimate and viable solution to mankind's problems of rulership. Thus they avoid every kind of pain that results when his will is ignored. Shoko raMwari rinotipawo zano rokuti tifarire vamwe nomwoyo wose. David was soon studying the Bible. God's Word also counsels us to take a sincere interest in others. Saka kunenge kuti Jesu aimubvunza kuti chii chaainyanya kuda zvechokwadi muupenyu. Help Them Return Without Delay! 11 / 15 So Jesus likely asked her what he really loved in life. Achiona Jehonadhabhi, Jehu akabvunza kuti: "Mwoyo wako wakarurama here, sokururama kwomwoyo wangu kwauri? " There is a daughter in one picture but not in the other. Seeing Jehonadab, Jehu asked: "Is your heart righteous according to the uprightness of my heart toward you? " * They later recovered spiritually and were reinstated. * Hungu, Shoko raMwari rinogona kuparira "mwoyo kufara " uye kuita kuti" meso apenye "! - Pisarema 19: 7 - 10, NW. These brothers ' primary responsibility is to build up God's people "until... all attain to the oneness in the faith and in the accurate knowledge of the Son of God, to a full - grown man, to the measure of stature that belongs to the fullness of the Christ. " Yes, God's Word can cause "a joyful heart " and make" eyes shine "! - Psalm 19: 7 - 10. Mvumba yakafanana nemhuka dzinoverengeka dzakasiyana - siyana nokuti ine ndebvu dzakacheneruka refu dziri pasi pechirebvu, zenze rakasvibira riri pamutsipa, uye muswe wakaita sowebhiza. Who but the Lawmaker could have such insight? The herds are like a number of different animals because they contain long, long - haired beard on the bottom of a nose, a green mane on a neck, and a horselike tail. Ndakapedzisira ndava kunge zindoga chaiye. In some of the Watch Tower Society's branches, a number of young brothers have found it advantageous to be able to speak or read English fluently. As a result, I became more and more isolated. Uhu ukama hunoshamisa pakati pomunhu neshezhu hwakapupurirwa zvakanaka nenyanzvi dzoruzivo rweshiri. The territory was covered many times each week. This remarkable relationship between man and the helzu has been well testified to by bird biologists. Tinogara tiine hana yakachena, izvo zvinoita kuti tigare tisina zvinotinetsa mupfungwa nemwoyo. When you train children according to the Bible's counsel, you will likely have the joy of seeing your children grow up to be responsible adults, considerate of others, having a sense of morality. We always have a clean conscience, which keeps us free of anxieties of mind and heart. Asi, vaenzi vakanakidzwa nokusonganirana pamwe chete nokukorokotedza vachati. What has been the outcome of such labor? Yet, visitors who enjoyed associating with one another and praising one another will say. Keil anozivisa ivavo se "mhute yavokumwe... muunganidzwa, kana kuti boka ravanhu vamarudzi akasiana - siana. " They thus avoid all sorts of heartaches that result when his will is ignored. Keil identifies those as "a window of foreigners... a collection, or group of people of different races. " Rimwe boka renyanzvi rinoti: "Kune vakawanda muchato hausi mufaro usingagumi chete. God's Word also counsels us to develop genuine personal interest in others. One team of experts states: "For many marriage is not just endless fun. Kana tikaziva mafungiro anoita Jehovha kuburikidza nekudzidza Bhabheri, tichakwanisa kunzwisisa kuti Mwari anoda kuti tiite sei pane imwe nyaya inenge yamuka. So it seems that Jesus was asking him where his true affection lay. If we come to know Jehovah's thinking through a study of the Bible, we will be able to understand how God wants us to react to a situation that arises. Neiko vanhu vakadaro vasingaruramiswi mukusiya sangano raMwari? Seeing Jehonadab, Jehu asked: "Is your heart upright with me, just as my own heart is with your heart? " Why are such individuals not justified in leaving God's organization? Chokwadi, tose tinoda kufara. * Of course, we all want to be happy. Nhoroondo yechokwadi yaHama Jennings yakabatsira vaverengi vakawanda kuti vatarisane nematambudziko avo vasingatyi zvakafanana. Yes, God's Word can cause "the heart to rejoice " and make" the eyes shine "! - Psalm 19: 7 - 10. The true account of Brother Jennings helped many readers to face their problems with similar fears. Mipiro inopiwa nokuzvidira inobatsira pakuyamura vanotambura uye kuparadzira mabhuku eBhaibheri With a long whitish beard under the chin, a dark mane on the neck, and a tail like that of a horse, the wildebeest resembles a combination of several different animals. Voluntary donations contribute to assisting the needy and distributing Bible literature [ Kwazvakatorwa] I ended up being almost a total recluse. [ Credit Line] Gwaro rakafanonyorwa rinobatsira pane zvinotevera: This remarkable relationship between man and the honey guide has been well documented by ornithologists. A preliminary document is helpful in the following: Tinoziva manzwire anoita Jehovha apo vanhu vanoedza kumunamata nenzira isina kururama. We maintain a clean conscience, which gives us peace of mind and a calm heart. We know how Jehovah feels when people try to worship him unjustly. Bva, mumazana amakore apfuura vanhu vakawanda vakafarira chakavanzika, vachizvibatanidza pamwe chete kuva mapoka epachivande mukuronda nharidzano yakafanana. Instead, the guests enjoyed associating together and congratulating the couple. Yet, over the centuries many people have taken an interest in the mystery, mixing themselves together into secret groups in pursuing a similar goal. Anonyatsoongorora zviri mumwoyo womunhu uye ane mwoyo murefu kuvanhu vanenge vaita zvivi. Keil identifies those as "a swarm of foreigners... a medley, or crowd of people of different nations. " He carefully examines what is in a person's heart and is patient with imperfect humans. Kuvimba naMwari worudo hakufi kwakatungamirira kukuora mwoyo. - VaHebheru 6: 18; Pisarema 94: 14; Isaya 46: 9 - 11; 1 Johane 4: 8. Says one team of experts: "Unending bliss is just not what marriage is like for most people. Trust in a God of love never leads to disappointment. - Hebrews 6: 18; Psalm 94: 14; Isaiah 46: 9 - 11; 1 John 4: 8. ZVISINEI nokuti tinozviziva here kana kwete, zvisarudzo zvatinoita zuva nezuva pakuti tichapfekei pamwero wakati zvinodzorwa nefashoni. Getting to know Jehovah's thinking through Bible study can help us to perceive what God would want us to do in a particular situation. DO WE know whether we know it or not, the choices we make daily as to what we will wear at some degree are governed by fashion. Kwemakore anopfuura gumi, ndakashanda somutariri anofambira, ndichishanyira uye ndichisimbisa ungano, dzakasiyana - siyana vhiki imwe neimwe, mune imwe nzvimbo. Why are such persons not justified in leaving God's organization? For over ten years, I served as a traveling overseer, visiting and strengthening congregations, various each week, in another location. 120 172 Of course, we all like to enjoy ourselves. 120,172 Kucheka Zvakawanda Kunounza Mufaro muTaiwan Brother Jennings ' candid account helped many readers to face their distresses with similar fearlessness. Harvesting Much Brings Joy in Taiwan Mukutsigira kutonga Kwake kwakarurama, Mwari akati kuna Satani: "Wacherekedza muranda wangu Jobho here? Nokuti hakuna munhu wakafanana naye panyika, munhu wakakwana, wakarurama, unotya Mwari, achinzvenga zvakaipa. " - Jobho 1: 6 - 8. Contributions willingly given can help with relief work and the spread of Bible publications In support of His righteous rule, God said to Satan: "Have you set your heart upon my servant Job, that there is no one like him in the earth, a man blameless and upright, fearing God and turning aside from bad? " - Job 1: 6 - 8. Mazuva mashomanene gare gare, mvura zhinji yakavigira nyaradzo kudunhuro. [ Credit Line] A few days later, heavy rains brought relief to the circuit. Kana kwakadaro, wakawana nzira yakaisvonaka yokushandisa nayo somunhu oga zano raPauro rinoti: "Paridza shoko, riite nokukurumidzira. " An advance directive will do the following: If so, you have found a fine way to apply personally Paul's counsel: " Preach the word, be at it urgently. " Pari zvino ndava kufara kuswedera pedyo naMwari nokunyengetera. " We know how Jehovah feels when people attempt to worship him in the wrong way. Now I am happy to draw close to God through prayer. " Somuenzaniso, hama yako ingaona zvichiiomera kuti itaure zviri mumwoyo kuvakuru vaishanyira. Yet, over the centuries many people have welcomed secrecy, joining themselves together into secret groups in pursuit of a common goal. For example, your brother may find it difficult to express his feelings to visiting elders. Iye aifanira kutsungirira kwete bedzi "kukakavara kwakadai kwavatadzi " asiwo zvinetso zvakamuka pavadzidzi vake amene. Jehovah knows. He examines a person's innermost inclinations and is patient with wrongdoers. He had to endure not only "the contentions of sinners " but also the problems that arose among his own disciples. Enoki naNoa vanodudzwawo panguva yakatangira Mafashamo. Confidence placed in the God of love will never lead to disappointment. - Hebrews 6: 18; Psalm 94: 14; Isaiah 46: 9 - 11; 1 John 4: 8. Enoch and Noah are also mentioned at the time before the Flood. Vashandi veko vaindirambidza kutaura nevamwe vana uye vandaidzidza navo vaisada kutaura neni asi handina kunzwisisa kuti vaizviitirei. WHETHER we realize it or not, our daily decisions as to what we will wear are shaped at least to a degree by fashion. The staff prohibited me from talking to other children, and my classmates didn't want to talk to me, but I didn't understand why. Saka, Ridhiya angave aiva akati pfumei. For more than ten years, I served as a traveling overseer, visiting and strengthening congregations, a different one each week, in a certain area. Hence, Lydia may have been relatively wealthy. Imwe hama yokuBritain inonzi Alex yava nenguva iine chirwere chokuora mwoyo yakati: "Kutaura naJehovha ndichinyengetera uye kumuteerera nokuverenga Shoko rake ndiko kwave kuchinyanya kundibatsira. " 120,172 Alex, a British brother in Britain who has experienced depression for some time, said: "To speak to Jehovah in prayer and listen to him by reading his Word has been a great help. " (b) Rudzii rwechingwa rwaakashandisa? Bountiful Harvest Brings Joy in Taiwan (b) What kind of bread did he use? Zviuru zvezvikepe zvakanga zvichibatanidzwa mukugovera kudya muguta iroro. In support of His righteous rule, God said to Satan: "Have you set your heart upon my servant Job, that there is no one like him in the earth, a man blameless and upright, fearing God and turning aside from bad? " - Job 1: 6 - 8. Thousands of ships were involved in feeding the city. Chokwadi, Mwari anogona kufanoona zviitiko zvakati, asi muzviitiko zvakawanda, iye akasarudza kusashandisa kufanoziva kwake. A few days later, soaking rains brought relief to that region. True, God can foresee certain events, but in many cases, he has chosen not to exercise his foreknowledge. Ndakadedera pandakaona bhasikoro rake rakanga rapetana - petana, asi ndakabva ndamuona achifamba achiuya kwandiri, angokuvara zvishoma. If so, you found an excellent way to apply personally Paul's counsel: "Preach the word, be at it urgently. " I couldn't believe my eyes, but then I saw him walking toward me, only a little hurt. Sezvatinorava pana Mateo 28: 19, 20, iye akavarairidza kuva vakurukurirani; uye vaifanira kudzidzisa vamwezve kuva vakurukurirani. Now it is a delight to draw close to him in prayer. " As we read at Matthew 28: 19, 20, he instructed them to become interpreters; and they were to teach others yet more to be pointers. Asi neropafadzo yakaisvonaka yakadaro panova nemitoro. To illustrate: Your brother may find it difficult to open up to visiting elders. But with such a fine privilege comes responsibilities. Dolores akanga ari mukadzi muduku uyo akaroorwa aipedza mwaka yechando inotonhora ari pauvato nemhaka yechinetso chomwoyo. He had to endure not only "contrary talk by sinners " but also problems that arose among his own disciples. Dolores was a young woman who married spent cold winters on a bed because of a heart problem. Munhau dzakadaro, tsika dzamagariro dzinogona kufananidzwa namafuta, nokuti dzinoita kuti pasava nokupesana mumagariro avanhu. Enoch and Noah are also mentioned from the time before the Flood. In such matters, social values can be likened to oil, for they prevent social divisions. Nei Kune Njodzi Yemhuri? There, for reasons I did not fully understand, the staff prohibited me from conversing with other children and my fellow students avoided me. Why the Family Crisis? Namaqualand (South Africa), 2 / 8 Thus, Lydia may have had a degree of wealth herself. 2 / 22 Ndakamunzwira Tsitsi Alex, a brother in Britain who has long suffered from depression, said: "Talking to Jehovah in prayer and listening to him by reading his Word has been a lifeline for me. " I Had Compassion for Him (b) Iyamuroi dzine simba dzatinadzo dzinogona kubatanidzwa mumhinduro kuminyengetero yedu? (b) What sort of bread did he use? (b) What powerful aids do we have that can be included in response to our prayers? Pasinei nezvose izvo Jesu akatambura, akaita zvaidiwa naMwari. Thousands of seagoing vessels were involved in supplying grain to that city. Despite all that Jesus suffered, he did God's will. Imwe nzira kubhuroka kunoshanda nayo iri sechitaviridzo chavakwereti avo vasingagoni kugutsa nenzira yokutendeseka vakweretesi vavo. True, God can foresee certain events, but in many cases, he has chosen not to use his foreknowledge. One way to failure is to work out this as a protection for customers who cannot honestly satisfy their creditors. Ndakanga ndiri mutorongo, mukauya kwandiri. " The sight of his mangled bicycle made me tremble, but then I saw him walking toward me, just slightly hurt. I was in prison, and you came to me. " Munhu akabhapatidzwa uyo anoputsa mirairo yaMwari haasi kuratidzira itiro hanya pamusoro pekuvadziko namarwadzo izvo achaparira hama dzake dzinotenda. As we read at Matthew 28: 19, 20, he instructed them to be communicators; and they were to teach still others also to become communicators. A baptized person who violates God's commandments is not expressing concern about the wounds and pains that he will cause his believing brothers. Chokwadi, "anofara munhu wose anotya Jehovha, anofamba munzira dzake. " But with such an elevated privilege comes responsibilities. Indeed, "happy is everyone fearing Jehovah, who is walking in his ways. " Ndinopedza simba rakawanda zvakadini ndichizvidya mwoyo nezvinhu izvi zvingaitika kana kusaitika? ' Dolores was a young married woman who spent the cold winters in bed because of a heart problem. How much energy do I spend worrying about these things that might happen or do not happen? ' Panguva iyoyo, zviuru zvevaKristu vechiJudha vai "shingairira Mutemo. " In such cases, social courtesies can be likened to oil, in that they lubricate the wheels of human relationships. At that time, thousands of Jewish Christians had "a zeal for the Law. " Mwero wakarurama unogona kuwedzera kunaka kwakati kuupenyu. Why the Family Crisis? The right level can add a measure of beauty to life. Funga nezvemuenzaniso uyu. 2 / 22 Consider an example. " " [Ipapo, NW] kana munhu akati kwamuri: "Tarirai! My Heart Went Out to Her " " If anyone says to you, " Look! Ziva kusiyana kwakaita zvinhu zvinokosha nezvinhu zvaunongoda asi zvisingakoshi (b) What powerful aids do we have that can be involved in answers to our prayers? Be aware of the difference between what you need and what you need Pashure penguva yakati, kunyanguvezvo, ukuru hwemirangariro yaDhavhidhi sezvingabvira hwakaderera. Despite all that Jesus suffered, he did God's will. In time, though, David's emotional size was likely low. Josefa akawana sei simba retsika rokuramba zvaida mukadzi waPotifari zuva nezuva? Another way bankruptcy works is as a safety net for debtors who honestly cannot satisfy their creditors. How did Joseph gain the moral strength to say no to Potiphar's wife day after day? [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 24] I was in prison and you came to me. " [ Picture on page 24] Tinosangana nemumongi ari oga uyu mubindu rakapoteredzwa newaya refu ine minzwa. A baptized person who violates God's commandments is not manifesting concern about the damage and pain he will cause his believing relatives. We meet this isolated monk in a garden surrounded by a long thorned wire. Ndege dzeGermany dzaibhomba siku nesikati, uye magetsi akanga akadzimwa munyika yose. Indeed, "happy is everyone fearing Jehovah, who is walking in his ways. " German aircraft hit day and night, and electricity had been turned off throughout the country. Asi, Jehovha ndivo vaakacherechedza ndokusarudza kutanga kuvazivisa nezvokuberekwa kwaMesiya. How much energy do I expend worrying about what may or may not happen? ' Yet, it was Jehovah who observed them and decided to first inform them of the Messiah's birth. " Hakuna mwero weropa romunhu unogona kukwira nokukurumidza kudaro kana pasina kuisirwa ropa, " akaomerera kudaro. At that time, thousands of Christian Jews were "all zealous for the Law. " " No blood level of a person can climb so quickly if there is no blood transfusion, " he insisted. Vanhu vezvitendero zvakasiyana - siyana vanodavirei nezvoupenyu pashure porufu? The right measure can add a touch of sweetness to life. What do people of different religions believe about life after death? Iye zvino tinonyatsonzwa kuti upenyu hwedu hwava nechinangwa. " - Gregorio naMarilou Consider this example. Now we really feel that our life has real meaning. " - Gregorio and Marilou Magazini inonzi Scientific American yakazoti: "Kana ukaita mota ine shepi yedemhe rehozhwa, unenge uine mota yakanaka uye ukaita tsaona haumbokuvari. " " " Then if anyone says to you, "Look! The magazine Scientific American later reported: "When you drive a car with a sea of snails, you are equipped with a good car and accident doesn't get your way. " Saka kana kuzvipira kuchitsigisa imba, kuchisimbisa ushamwari, uye kuchiita kuti usarasikirwa nebasa, ko kuzoti kuzvitsaurira kuna Jehovha nomwoyo wose! In time, though, the sheer intensity of David's feelings likely subsided. So if commitment strengthens a marriage, strengthens friendships, and prevents you from losing your job, how much more so should you wholeheartedly dedicate yourself to Jehovah! Zvisinei, chinangwa chenyu ndechokuita kuti ade Mwari zvinobva pamwoyo - kwete kuti angoita zvinhu asingafungi. " How did Joseph acquire the moral strength to say no to Potiphar's wife day after day? However, your goal is to instill in your heart a love for God - not a mere wishful thinking. " Kuti ubudirire pane zvaunoda kuita, zvinoda kuti uve nevavariro isina udyire uye mafungiro akanaka. [ Picture on page 25] Success requires an unselfish motive and a positive attitude. Akava chiedza kuvaJudha nemamwe marudzi pakuti akavhenekera vanhu pane zvokunamata uyewo akapa upenyu hwake hwakakwana kuti vanhu vose vadzikinurwe. We encounter this lone monk in a garden surrounded by a high barbed - wire fence. He became a light to Jews and nations in that he enlightened people spiritually and also gave his perfect human life for the redemption of all mankind. Vakanga vachakadzika musasa mujinga reGomo reSinai. German bombers raided day and night, and a nationwide blackout was in force. They still encamped at the foot of Mount Sinai. Nyanzvi dzinobvuma kuti kunze kwependi yemba, manyuko anozivikanwa zvikurusa okuratidzirwa nhasi ndiwo mutobvu uri mumvura nemhaka yokugadzirwa kwamapombi (sezvo kunyange mapombi endarira angave akabhurezwa nomutobvu) uye peturo yakasanganiswa nomutobvu. Yet, they were the ones Jehovah took note of and chose to inform first about the birth of the Messiah. Experts agree that outside the house paint, the best known source of exposure today is lead in water because of the construction of taps (as even copper taps may have been woven by lead) and lead - mixed paint. (a) Vashumiri vaMwari vagara vachizivei nezvekudzidzisa vamwe, uye izvozvo zvinoshandawo sei mazuva ano? " No one's blood count can rise that fast without a blood transfusion, " he insisted. (a) What have God's servants always known about training others, and how does that apply today? Neuhardt), 4 / 11 What do people of various religions believe about life after death? 4 / 11 Muna 1922, apo vanenge 10 000 vakasangana muCedar Point, Ohio, U.S.A., nhume dzakanyandurwa nekurudziro yavakurukuri: "Iri izuva ramazuva ose. We feel more than ever that our life is meaningful. " - Gregorio and Marilou In 1922, when about 10,000 met in Cedar Point, Ohio, U.S.A., delegates were moved by the encouragement of the speakers: "This is the day of all days. Chokwadi hatingadaro. Commenting on the applications of this research, Scientific American says: "If you wind up driving a shell - shaped car someday, it'll be both stylish and designed to protect the soft bodies inside. " Of course not. Hazvishamisi kuti vanhu vanofaranuka kana vapari vemhosva vanokuvadza vakapfigirwa. Hence, if commitment enhances relationships such as friendship, marriage, and employment, how much more will making an unreserved dedication benefit you in your relationship with Jehovah! It is not surprising that people relax when criminals hurt behind bars. Jehovha akapa vanhu vake ropafadzo dzipi dzinokosha? In the end, however, your goal is to instill love for God in your teen's heart - not simply to elicit some mechanical action. " What special privileges has Jehovah given his people? Asi haudikanirwi kutiza kunzwa kwako. To succeed in your endeavor, you need an unselfish motive and a proper mental attitude. But you don't have to flee your feelings. Kuzadzika kwahwo: "Pashure pokunge [Pirato] aita kuti Jesu arohwe, akamugamuchidza kuti arovererwe, " inodaro Mako 15: 15. He became a light both to the Jews and to the nations not only by bringing spiritual enlightenment but also by offering his perfect human life as a ransom for all mankind. Fulfillment: "After [ Pilate] had Jesus struck, he handed him over to be impaled, " says Mark 15: 15. NGUVA ino yegore, denga rousiki rinofadza norujeko runenge mabwe anokosha. They were still encamped at the foot of Mount Sinai. IN THIS time of the year, a delightful roof and a sickle are about precious stones. Baba vake vakasiya mhuri yavo. Experts agree that besides house paint, the most common sources of exposure today are the lead in water due to plumbing (as even copper pipes may have been joined by lead solder) and leaded gasoline. His father abandoned his family. Nhamba idzi dzinotyisa, asi gwaro racho rinoti: "Chokwadi nhamba idzi dziri pasi pezviri kuitika chaizvo. " (a) What have God's servants long understood about training, and how does this apply today? These statistics are frightening, but the document states: "These numbers are really below what is really happening. " 1, 2. Murchison Falls (Uganda), 9 / 11 1, 2. Shemaya akati kuna Nehemiya: "Ngatiranganei kusangana mumba maMwari wechokwadi, mukati metemberi, uye ngativhare masuo etemberi; nokuti vari kuuya kuzokuuraya. " In 1922, when some 10,000 met in Cedar Point, Ohio, U.S.A., the delegates were inspired by the speaker's encouragement: "This is the day of all days. Shemaiah said to Nehemiah: "Let us meet together in the house of the true God, within the temple, and let us shut the gates of the temple; for they are coming to kill you. " Uye inotungamirira kupi? Of course, we cannot. And where does it lead? □ Zvinetso zvemhuri zvinotarisirwa zvakanakisisa sei? Naturally, most communities feel safer when dangerous criminals are behind bars. □ How best are family problems expected? Maererano nezano raJesu, tinofanira " kuramba takasvinura, ' kwete kuti titarise vamwe kuti tione kana vachichochora, asi kuti tizviongorore tione zvinodiwa nemwoyo yedu, kuitira kuti ti "chenjerere kuchochora kwemarudzi ose. " Jehovah has granted his people what priceless privileges? In harmony with Jesus ' counsel, we need to " keep our eyes open, ' not so as to watch others to see whether they are covetousness, but to examine what our hearts desire, so as to " guard against every sort of covetousness. ' Vatongi vashomanana nemagweta vakaona nhamo yangu vakauya kuzondibatsira nomutsa, asi ndakanzwa kunyara pamberi pavo. But you need not run from your feelings. A few judges and lawyers who witnessed my plight came to help me kindly, but I felt ashamed before them. Tingadzidzei pane zvakaitwa naNehemiya? Fulfillment: "After having Jesus whipped, [Pilate] handed him over to be impaled, " says Mark 15: 15. What can we learn from Nehemiah's example? * Uku kutonga kwakagadza muenzaniso unokosha, uye Zvapupu zvakaushandisa nenzira inobudirira sechiremera munhau dzakawanda kubvira panguva iyeyo. THIS time of the year, the night sky beckons with bejeweled splendor. * This judging set an important example, and the Witnesses have effectively used it as authority in many matters since then. Kirasi Yechi108 yeGilead Yakakurudzirwa Kuita Basa Dzvene His father had abandoned the family. 108th Gilead Class Encouraged to Sacred Service Mutswiri Those numbers are staggering, but the report notes: "This is certainly an underestimate. " Fintor Dzimwe shiri dzinonzi emu dzainekaira dzichifamba nechekoko. 1, 2. Some birds are said to be moving from side to side. Zvose zvakanaka zvaive muEdheni zvakaenda mudondo pamusana pokupanduka kwevabereki vedu vokutanga. Shemaiah said to Nehemiah: "Let us meet by appointment at the house of the true God, within the temple, and let us close the doors of the temple; for they are coming in to kill you. " All the good things in Eden went into the forest because of the rebellion of our original parents. * And where does it lead? * Zvaiita sokuti ndakanga ndiri kudzorera chibayiro chacho kuna Jehovha. □ How are family problems best handled? It was as if I were restoring the sacrifice to Jehovah. Chishamiso Chechipiri In line with Jesus ' admonition, we should " keep our eyes open, ' not to observe others to see if they fit the description, but to examine ourselves to see what we have set our hearts on, so as to "guard against every sort of covetousness. " A Second Miracles Dzimwe nyanzvi dzinotaura kuti ndiye akaita mamwe magwaro ekare sezana remakore rechi15. A few judges and lawyers who saw my predicament kindly came to my aid, but I felt foolish in front of them. Some scholars claim to have made some ancient texts as late as the 15th century. Zvisinei, zvinonyatsoziva kuti hazvigoni kuita basa iri zvisingatsigirwi nengirozi. What can we learn from Nehemiah's example? However, they are well - aware that they cannot do this work without angelic backing. Mhuri iyi yaifunga kuti yairarama upenyu husina twakawanda - wanda, ichivimba naJehovha. * This decision set an important precedent, and the Witnesses have successfully appealed to it as authority in numerous cases since then. The family felt that they were living a simple life, trusting in Jehovah. Kubva ipapo aizoendeswa kuRoma. Gilead's 108th Class Urged to Render Sacred Service From there he would be taken to Rome. Udhakwa, 6 / 8 Elephant shrew The Bible's Viewpoint, 6 / 22 Paainyora Pisarema 13, Mambo Dhavhidhi akabvunza ka4 kuti: "Kusvikira rini? " Stately emus strutted across a dusty paddock in the distance. When writing Psalm 13, King David four times asked: "How long? " Hurukuro iyoyo ine kunokorwa mashoko kutatu kwaEksodho, kuviri kwaRevhitiko, kumwe kwaNumeri, kutanhatu kwaDheuteronomio, kumwe kwaMadzimambo Wechipiri, kuna kwePisarema, kutatu kwaIsaya, uye kumwe kwaJeremia. Because of the rebellion of our first parents, the perfect situation in the garden of Eden was lost. That discourse contains three quotes of Exodus, two of Leviticus, one of Numbers, six of Deuteronomy, one of Second Kings, to the Psalms, three of Isaiah, and another of Jeremiah. Vanogona kukumbira kupinda Chikoro Chokurovedza Vashumiri, icho chakachengeterwa vabatiri vanoshumira navakuru vasina kuroora vakasununguka kubatira kune kushayiwa kukuru. * They can request to attend the Ministerial Training School, which is reserved for ministerial servants and single elders who are free to serve where the need is greater. Saizvozvowo, nokutenda kana kusina mabasa, kwakafa hako. " It was as if I had been throwing the ransom back at Jehovah. Likewise, faith, if it does not have works, is dead in itself. " Mudzidzi Ruka akanyora nezveushumiri hwaJesu achiti: "Akaenda muguta neguta uye mumusha nomusha, achiparidza nokuzivisa mashoko akanaka oumambo hwaMwari. " The Second "Miracle " Regarding Jesus ' ministry, the disciple Luke wrote: "He went journeying from city to city and from village to village, preaching and declaring the good news of the kingdom of God. " Akavakumbira kupinda, achitsanangura kuti panguva chaipo paakanzwa kugogodza pasuo, akanga achinyengetera kuti Mwari atumire Zvapupu kwaari kuti zvimudzidzise Bhaibheri. Some scholars attribute to him other printed material dating back to the 15th century. He invited them in, explaining that just when he heard a knock on the door, he was praying that God send Witnesses to him to teach him the Bible. [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 15] However, they are well - aware that they cannot fulfill this commission without support from the angels. [ Picture on page 15] Farira basa rose raunopiwa muungano, kusanganisira rokutsvaira. The couple felt that they were living a simple life, relying on Jehovah. Take an interest in every assignment you receive in the congregation, including cleaning. Akatumira Mwanakomana wake pasi pano kuti azodzikinura vanhu. From there he would be taken to Rome. He sent his Son to earth to redeem mankind. Pave paya, Jesu anosarudza vanhu 12 pavateveri vake kuti vave vaapostora vake. 6 / 8 Later, Jesus selects 12 of his followers as his apostles. Vamwe vangashamiswa kuti Jehovha Mwari, munhu akakwirira uye anokudzwa kudarika vose pazvinhu zvose, ndiye muenzaniso mukuru wokuzvininipisa. When composing Psalm 13, King David four times likewise asked: "How long? " Some may be surprised that Jehovah God, the highest and most honorable person in all things, is the foremost example of humility. Zvatinodzidza: That discourse contains three quotations from Exodus, two from Leviticus, one from Numbers, six from Deuteronomy, one from Second Kings, four from Psalms, three from Isaiah, and one from Jeremiah. Lessons for Us: 5 Kana iwe uri munhu muduku, ipapo unosanoziva kuti nziyo dzinokosha sei - zvikurukuru zvimiro zvakasiana - siana zvenziyo dzepop kana kuti dzerock - kuvazhinji vezera rako. They can apply to attend the Ministerial Training School, which is reserved for single ministerial servants and elders who are free to serve where the need is greater. If you are a young person, then you well know how valuable music is - especially the various forms of pop or rock music - to many of your peers. NYIKA GORE ROORANO KURAMBANA Thus, too, faith, if it does not have works, is dead in itself. " JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Nyoka haisi nyoka yakaderera asi uyo akaishandisa, Satani Dhiyabhorosi. The disciple Luke wrote about Jesus ' ministry: "He went journeying from city to city and from village to village, preaching and declaring the good news of the kingdom of God. " The serpent is not a lowly serpent but one who used it, Satan the Devil. Kunyange zvazvo kutaura kwechisimba kungabudirira, pangava noukama hwakanaka chaizvo pakati pevaya vanobatanidzwa kana zvikumbiro zvomutsa uye zvakakodzera zvikateererwa vanhu vachifara! She invited them in, explaining that right when she heard the knock on the door, she had been praying that God send Witnesses to her to teach her the Bible. Although violent speech can succeed, what a fine relationship there may be between those involved or kind and appropriate requests listened to people with joy! [ Mashoko Omuzasi] [ Picture on page 15] [ Footnote] Utsinye Huchazombopera Here? Love all the work you are given to do in the congregation, including sweeping the floor. Will War Ever End? PUERTO RICO He sent his Son to the earth to provide what the Bible calls a ransom. PURTO RICO Pasinei hapo nechakaitika, gakava rakavapo pakati pavo rinojekesa kuti Dhavhidhi naMikari havana kugoverana murangariro mumwe chetewo weichi chinoitika chinofadza. - 2 Samueri 6: 20 - 23. Later Jesus picks 12 of his followers to be his apostles. Despite what happened, the dispute between them makes it clear that David and Michael did not share the same view of this happy event. - 2 Samuel 6: 20 - 23. Asi Natani aiva mutauriri waMwari. It may be surprising to some that Jehovah God, the highest and most glorious one in the universe, is the ultimate example of humility. But Nathan was God's spokesman. Jehovha anokoshesa chaizvo zvinoitwa nevanhu vakura mubasa rake. Lessons for Us: Jehovah highly values the efforts of older ones in his service. [ Mifananidzo iri papeji 15] If you are a young person, then you well know how important music - particularly various forms of pop or rock music - is to many your age. [ Pictures on page 15] [ Mifananidzo riri papeji 23] COUNTRY YEAR MARRIAGES DIVORCES [ Pictures on page 23] Akati mutemo wakanga wadzikwa nevakuru vomumusha wacho wakanga uri mubumbiro romutemo. The Serpent is not the lowly snake but the one who used it, Satan the Devil. He said that the law passed by the village officials was a law code. Mwari akapa vaKristu mirayiro ipi mitsva? While an authoritarian approach may get results, how much better relations will be among all involved if kind and appropriate requests are met by respectful and cheerful compliance! What new commandments did God give Christians? Somuenzaniso, mumwe munhu angatsoropodza imwe nzira iyo mukuru anopa nayo hurukuro dzake muungano kana kuti yaanotarisira nayo mabasa ake. [ Footnotes] For example, someone may criticize another way an elder gives his talks in the congregation or in which he cares for his responsibilities. Kutaura kwaPauro kwakanyandura fariro, sezvinoita hurukuro dzavose dzinopiwa neZvapupu zvaJehovha nhasi. Is a World Free of Violence Possible? Paul's statement aroused interest, as do public talks by Jehovah's Witnesses today. Munenge muna 1382, John Wycliffe nevamwe vake vakabudisa Bhaibheri rokutanga reChirungu. PUERTO RICO About 1382, John Wycliffe and his associates published the first English Bible. (The World Book Encyclopedia) Zvinofadza kuti munyaya yaCantwell neConnecticut, 310 U.S. 296 (1940), muchisarudzo chikuru chaibatanidza Zvapupu zvaJehovha, Dare Repamusorosoro reUnited States rakatonga kuti zvinosimbiswa muFirst Amendment zvinorambidza kwete chete "Hurumende " (hurumende yeUnited States) asiwo zviremera zvomunharaunda (matunhu neminisiparati) kudzika mitemo inopesana nebumbiro romutemo rekodzero reFirst Amendment. In any case, the ensuing dispute between them makes it clear that David and Michal did not share the same view of this joyous event. - 2 Samuel 6: 20 - 23. (The World Book Encyclopedia) Interestingly, in the case of Cantwell and Hamburg, 3110 U.S.S. 216 ( 1940), a major decision involving Jehovah's Witnesses, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that they are established in the First Tribune forbidding not only "the State " (the U.S. government) but also the local authorities (the circuits and the officialis) to establish laws contrary to the First right of the First Declaration. Kufanana nezvinotaurwa nechimwe chitendero chikuru chinozviti ndechechiKristu, vanhu vakawanda vanofunga kuti Umambo hwaMwari "utongi hwaMwari huri mumwoyo kana kuti muupenyu hwemunhu. " But Nathan was a spokesman for God. Like one major religious group claiming to be Christian, many people feel that God's Kingdom is "God's rulership that is in the heart or in the life of man. " Zvapupu zvaJehovha zvinosarudza ushumiri hwechiKristu sebasa razvo ndokubatira savashumiri venguva yakazara vane banza rokupinda kosi yamavhiki maviri paChikoro Chebasa Roupiyona. Jehovah also appreciates what elderly ones can do in his service. Jehovah's Witnesses choose the Christian ministry as their career and serve as full - time ministers with the opportunity to attend a two - week course at the Pioneer Service School. Zvakatipoteredza - Zvazvinoita Pautano, 7 / 8 [ Pictures on page 15] What's Wrong With Life? 7 / 8 Mari Ndiyo Inoita Kuti Munhu Anyatsofara Here? [ Pictures on page 7] Is Money the Key to Happiness? VANHU vose vanonzi naMwari vakarurama vanotarisira ramangwana rakanaka chaizvo! He upheld the constitutionality of the village's permit ordinance. WHAT a wonderful future awaits all humans whom God views as righteous! Akaramba Akatendeka Kusvika Pakufa What new guidance did God provide for Christians? He Remained Faithful to Death Pashure pokunge mufundisi wacho amuratidza bhuku raKuteerera kuno Mudzidzisi Mukuru, kwakasarudzwa kuti vaizorangarira ganhuro rinoti "Vanofara Vanorugare. " For instance, someone may criticize the way a certain elder handles his parts in the congregation or cares for his duties. After the missionary showed him the book Listening to the Great Teacher, it was decided that they would consider the chapter "Happy Are the peaceable. " Jesu iye amene akaporofita kuti chiKristu chechokwadi chaizokamuranisa munhu kazhinji kazhinji. Paul's speech aroused interest, as do public talks given by Jehovah's Witnesses today. Jesus himself prophesied that true Christianity would often divide a person. Sezvo takanga tisina Bhaibheri, ndakashamisika kana magwaro akarongwa akanga ashandiswa zvisakafanira kuti akodzere donzo ravanyori. About 1382, John Wycliffe and his associates produced the first Bible translation in English. Since we had no Bible, I wondered if the cited documents had been misused to fit the cause of the writers. Ona nyaya inoti, "Kuwana Mavambo Okutuka, " mumagazini yedu yaNovember 8, 1996. (The World Book Encyclopedia) Interestingly, in Cantwell v. Connecticut, 310 U.S. 296 (1940), a landmark decision also involving Jehovah's Witnesses, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the First Amendment's guarantees preclude not just "Congress " (the federal government) but also local authorities (state and municipal) from passing laws that would unconstitutionally infringe on First Amendment rights. [ Pictures on page 5] The issue involved affects various forms of door - to - door approaches See the article "Getting the Origin of Curses, " in our issue of November 8, 1996. Pasinei zvapo nenzira iyo vamwe vanoita nayo, tichashandisa zano rokuti: "Kana zvichibvira, pamunogona napo, ivai norugare navanhu vose. " - VaRoma 12: 18. Many people believe that God's Kingdom is, as one major denomination of Christendom put it, "the reign of God in the heart and life of the individual. " Regardless of how some act, we will apply the counsel: "If possible, as far as it depends upon you, be peaceable with all men. " - Romans 12: 18. Mukati meDare Rechipiri reVatican, pakamuka bope pamusoro paaya "mashiripiti. " Jehovah's Witnesses who choose the Christian ministry as their career and serve as full - time ministers have the opportunity to attend a two - week course at the Pioneer Service School. During the Second Vatican Court, an argument arose over these " still magics. " Nokukurumidza yakanga yava 5 kiroko mumangwanani, uye matikitivha maviri akandiendesa kuchitokisi changu. Is Money the Source of True Happiness? Soon it was 5 o'clock in the morning, and two detectives took me to my cell. Ndiwo mafungiro anoita vanhu vakawanda nezvokuva nhengo yechechi kana yesangano ripi neripi rechitendero. WHAT a marvelous future awaits all humans whom God views as righteous! That is how many people feel about becoming a member of any religious organization. Zvinotifadza zvikuru kwazvo kuvaona vachishanda munyika iyoyo yakaisvonaka. Faithful to Death It brings us great joy to see them working in that beautiful land. Funga nezvaavo vari kutendeukira kumabhuku anotaura nezvokugonana nenhamo kana kuti hosha itsva yakati. After the missionary showed her the book Listening to the Great Teacher, it was decided that they would consider the chapter "Happy Are the Peaceable. " Think of those who are turning to books that speak of coping with adversity or some new disease. Nhasi tiri varanda; uye kana iri nyika yamakapa madzitateguru edu kuti vadye zvibereko zvayo nezvinhu zvayo zvakanaka, tarirai! Jesus himself prophesied that true Christianity would often divide families. Today we are servants; and as for the land which you gave to our forefathers to eat its fruit and its good things, look! 15 Swedera Pedyo naMwari - "Ivai Vatevedzeri vaMwari " Since we did not have a Bible, I wondered whether the scriptures cited had been misapplied to suit the purpose of the writers. 15 Draw Close to God - "Become imitators of God " Kamwe kamwe, ndakanzwa kugadzikana ndokutanga kuona mamiriro acho ezvinhu zvine chinangwa. See the article "Uncovering the Roots of Abusive Speech, " in our October 22, 1996, issue. Suddenly, I felt calm and began to see the situation more meaningful. ● "Cherekedza basa raMwari, nokuti ndiani ungaruramisa chaakakombamisa iye? " - Muparidzi 7: 13. Regardless of how others act, we will apply the counsel: "If possible, as far as it depends upon you, be peaceable with all men. " - Romans 12: 18. ● "Keep proving the work of God, for who can make sure what he has made crooked? " - Ecclesiastes 7: 13. Israeri rwaiva rudzi rwakatsaurirwa, asi muzuva raZefania vanhu veJudha vakanga vasiri kurarama maererano nokutsaurirwa ikoko. During the Second Vatican Council, there was an uproar about this "magic. " Israel was a dedicated nation, but in Zephaniah's day the people of Judah were not living up to that dedication. Mwari ndiye nzvimbo yedu yokupotera. " Soon it was five o'clock in the morning, and two detectives took me to my cell. God is our refuge. " ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ That is how many people feel about membership in a church or in any religious organization. . . . . . Muchato wechiKristu mukana wakanaka wokuratidza nawo kuti hatisi "venyika. " It pleases us very much to see them serving in that wonderful country. A Christian marriage is a fine opportunity to show that we are "no part of the world. " Iyi mienzaniso yeBhaibheri inoratidza kuti kubvuma zvikanganiso zvedu kunotibetsera kuchengeta ukama hwakanaka naMwari naizvozvo ndokuva nekariro youpenyu husingaperi. - 11 / 15, mapeji 29 - 30. Think of those turning to books about coping with stress or some new disease. These Bible examples show that admiting our mistakes helps us to maintain a good relationship with God and therefore have the prospect of everlasting life. - 11 / 15, pages 29 - 30. Maonde Akanaka Echiono We are today slaves; and as for the land that you gave to our forefathers to eat its fruitage and its good things, look! Good Figs of the Revelation Zvimwe unoda kuchinja asi hauzivi kuti wotangira papi. 15 Draw Close to God - "Become Imitators of God " Perhaps you want to change but don't know where to start. Pane kudikanwa kwenyika iyo iri itsva chaizvoizvo. Suddenly, I felt a peace come over me, and I began to see the situation objectively. There is a need for a world that is really new. Ndichauya pamberi pake nezvibayiro zvinopiswa, nemhuru dzakaita gore rimwe here? ● "See the work of the true God, for who is able to make straight what he has made crooked? " - Ecclesiastes 7: 13. Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves a year old? Uri Kuita Unani Hwako Here? Israel was a dedicated nation, but in Zephaniah's day the people of Judah were not living up to that dedication. Are You Doing Your Best? Chicago, American Medical Association, 1973, p 24. God is a refuge for us. " Chicago, American Medical Association, 1973, p 24. 12 / 8 ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ 12 / 8 Kunze kwekushandisa mishonga kurapa zvirwere zvakadai semusoro, hypertension, uye mudumbu, vakawanda vanotendeukira kumishonga kuti vabate nefunganyo, kutya, uye kusurikirwa. A Christian wedding is a good opportunity to show that we are "no part of the world. " Besides taking medication to treat such illnesses as head, hydrogen, and the stomach, many turn to medicine to cope with anxiety, fear, and loneliness. Rwendo rwedu rwokuona quetzal zvechokwadi rwava rwakanaka zvikuru. These Bible examples show that admitting our mistakes helps us to maintain a good relationship with God and therefore to have the prospect of everlasting life. - 11 / 15, pages 29 - 30. Our trip to see quetzal has indeed turned out to be very good. Paaida kunyengedzwa nomudzimai waPotifari, Josefa akaita chitsoka ndibereke kutiza. Visionary Good Figs When he wanted to be deceived by Potiphar's wife, Joseph turned his back and gave birth to fleeing. Sezvakafanotaurwa naJesu Kristu, vadzidzi vake chaivo vakanga vasingaoneki apo vaKristu venhema vaibudirira. Perhaps you want to change that but are not sure where to start. As Jesus Christ foretold, his real disciples were invisible when false Christians succeeded. (Verenga 2 Timoti 3: 16, 17.) There is need of a world that is really new. (Read 2 Timothy 3: 16, 17.) Kuramba tichi "rerwa nemashoko okutenda uye edzidziso yakanaka kwazvo ya [t] akanyatsotevera. " - 1 Timoti 4: 6. Shall I confront him with whole burnt offerings, with calves a year old? We continue "to be brought up with the words of faith and of the fine teaching that [we] have followed closely. " - 1 Timothy 4: 6. VaFarisi vaiva mhandu dzaJesu. Are You Doing Your Utmost? The Pharisees were enemies of Jesus. Izvo Jesu akataura hazvina kureva kuti murume wacho akawana upenyu husingagumi pakarepo. Chicago, American Medical Association, 1973, p 24. What Jesus said did not mean that the man gained eternal life right away. Kupota pasi, vabatiri vaMwari vanonzwa uye vanoona zvinhu zvinopupurira kuti avo vanopinda mazviri havatyi Mwari mumwoyo yavo. Quit Smoking, 12 / 8 Around the earth, God's servants hear and see things that testify that those who enter into them do not fear God in their hearts. Vaduku vangada kuzvipira kuvabetsera nokutenga kana kuti namamwe mabasa. Besides using medication to treat such illnesses as headaches, hypertension, and upset stomach, many resort to medication to cope with anxiety, fear, and loneliness. Young ones may need commitment to help out with shopping or other jobs. Pfungwa dzakasiyana - siyana dzorudzidziso dzinodavirwa navagari vemo vayo vanyoro, vanoshanda nesimba vanopfuura 57 000 000. Our journey to view the quetzal has truly been rewarding. Various religious ideas are believed by its meek, hardworking inhabitants of over 57,000,000. * When Potiphar's wife tried to seduce Joseph, he literally fled from her. * [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 10] As predicted by Jesus Christ, his genuine disciples were hidden from sight as counterfeit Christians flourished. [ Picture on page 10] Anofanira kuona kuti zvinhu zviri kufamba sei achipa mazano panenge pakakodzera. (Read 2 Timothy 3: 16, 17.) He needs to determine how things are going with necessary advice. Zvechokwadi vanhu vachawana makomborero akazonaka! To continue being "nourished with the words of the faith and of the fine teaching which [we] have followed closely. " - 1 Timothy 4: 6. What wonderful blessings mankind will enjoy! Madhemoni anonyengedza nokutyisidzira vanhu kupfurikidza nezviono, zviroto, uye masvikiro The Pharisees were Jesus ' enemies. The demons deceive and intimidate people by visions, dreams, and spirit mediums Leon Rosenberg wapaJohns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A., akati: "Pakuzosvika panguva apo mwana anenge ava namakore 9, vabereki vanofanira kuve vave vachikwanisa kugara pasi ndokuva nekurukurirano ine udzame huzere pamusoro poudzame hwevatano netsika. What Jesus said did not mean that the man got eternal life on the spot. Leon Rosenberg of Johns Hopkins University, Baltmore, Maryland, U.S.A., said: "By the time the child is 9 years old, parents must have been able to sit down and have a detailed discussion about sexual and moral details. Imbofungidzira kuunyana kwakaita chiso chaHamani paakaziva kuti munhu aifanira kukudzwa uyu ndiModhekai! Around the world, servants of God hear and see things that give evidence that those who indulge in them have no fear of God in their hearts. Imagine Haman's face when he learned that this honor was Mordecai's! Asina chokwadi pamusoro pokuti vaHebheru vaizoita sei kutsamba yake, Pauro akati: "Asi ndinokurairai, hama dzangu, kuti mutende neshoko rokuraira [kuteerera kuMwanakomana waMwari, kwete vaiti vavaJudha], nokuti ndakakunyorerai mashoko mashoma [achirangarira zviri mukati mayo zvinokosha]. Younger ones may wish to volunteer to help them with shopping or with other chores. In doubt about how the Hebrews would react to his letter, Paul said: "I exhort you, brothers, believe that you are faithful to the word of exhortation [to listen to the Son of God, not to the rulers of the Jews], because I wrote you a few words [considering the contents of it important]. Somuenzaniso, pana Eksodho 34: 6, 7, Bhaibheri rinotsanangura Jehovha sa "Mwari ane ngoni nenyasha, anononoka kutsamwa uye azere nomutsa worudo, nechokwadi, anochengetera vane zviuru mutsa worudo, anoregerera kukanganisa, kudarika uye chivi. " Various religious ideas are held by its more than 57,000,000 gentle, hardworking inhabitants. For example, at Exodus 34: 6, 7, the Bible describes Jehovah as "a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving - kindness and truth, preserving loving - kindness for thousands, pardoning error and transgression and sin. " 32 " Magazini Inofanira Kuzeyewa ' * 28 Watching the World 30 From Our Readers Bernhard akanyora achikumbira mamwe mabhuku uye akava munhu wekuNamibia wekutanga kutsigira chokwadi. [ Picture on page 10] Bernhard wrote to ask for more literature and became the first member of Namibia to take a stand for the truth. Isa 35 Ndima 10 inoti: "Vakasunungurwa vaJehovha vachadzoka, vachasvika Zioni vachiimba; mufaro usingaperi uchava pamisoro yavo; vachawana mufaro nomwoyo muchena, kuchema nokusuwa kuchatiza. " He needs to monitor progress and give advice as needed. Isa 35 Verse 10 says: "The very ones redeemed by Jehovah will return and certainly come to Zion with a joyful cry; and rejoicing to time indefinite will be upon their head. To exultation and rejoicing they will attain, and grief and sighing must flee away. " Kunyange zvazvo ungave zvino usiri mubasa renguva yakazara, unogona kukudza Jehovha mukuwirirana nemigariro yako. What blessings mankind will then experience! Though you may now not be in full - time service, you can honor Jehovah according to your circumstances. Mumurangariro wakati, naizvozvo, uku kukundikana kwave kuri mhosva dzedu, kana kuti misengwa kuna Mwari, sezvo takatanga " kurarama nokufamba nomudzimu. ' By means of visions, dreams, and spirit mediums, the demons deceive and frighten people In a sense, therefore, this failure has been our debts, or obligations to God, since we have started " living and walking by spirit. ' Zviri kuitika zvinoratidza kuti mashoko aya ndeechokwadi. Leon Rosenberg of Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A., said: "By the time a child is 9, parents should have been able to sit down and have a full detailed discussion about the details of sex and morality. The facts confirm the truthfulness of these words. Kuzodzwa kwavo hakuna kumboziviswa vanhu. Imagine the expression on Haman's face when he learned that the man to be honored was Mordecai! Their anointing was never revealed to the people. Nei zvichinzi tinofanira kutanga kuzvidzidzisa? Uncertain about how the Hebrews would react to his letter, Paul said: "Now I exhort you, brothers, to bear with this word of encouragement [to listen to God's Son, not Judaizers], for I have, indeed, composed a letter to you in few words [considering its weighty content]. Why is it said that we should first teach ourselves? Mibvunzo Inobva Kuvaravi For example, at Exodus 34: 6, 7, the Bible describes Jehovah as "a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving - kindness and truth, preserving loving - kindness for thousands, pardoning error and transgression and sin. " I found comfort in learning that Jehovah is a compassionate and forgiving God Questions From Readers PASHURE pechidyo chechirangaridzo, Jesu ave achikurudzira vaapostora vake nokutaura kwoushamwari. 32 " A Magazine to Be Digested ' AFTER the memorial meal, Jesus has been encouraging his apostles with warm expressions. Ndichitarira shure, ndinodavira kuti kwaiva nezvinhu zvinoverengeka muupenyu hwangu izvo zvakandidzivisa kuneta. Bernhard wrote for more literature and became the first Namibian to take a stand for the truth. Looking back, I believe there were several things in my life that prevented me from giving up. Shamhu yechirango chiratidziro chechii, uye chii chinoratidzwa nokushandiswa kwayo kwakafanira mukupesana namadiro? Isa 35 Verse 10 says: "The very ones redeemed by Jehovah will return and certainly come to Zion with a joyful cry; and rejoicing to time indefinite will be upon their head. To exultation and rejoicing they will attain, and grief and sighing must flee away. " The rod of discipline is a symbol of what, and what is shown by its proper use in contrast with the permissive? Migwagwa yeRoma Mienzaniso Youinjiniya Hwekare Even though you may not now be in full - time service, you can honor Jehovah according to your circumstances. Roman Roads Are Examples of an Ancient engineer Chichivakirwa pakunzwa kumwe cheteko kuchiHebheru chikuru, chimiro chomunhurume chechiito muPisarema 68: 11 chinorumbidza kurava kwokuti: "Vakadzi vakaparidza shoko vaiva vazhinji - zhinji. " In a sense, therefore, these shortcomings have been our debts, or obligations to God, since we started " living and walking by spirit. ' Based on the same feeling to the principal Hebrew, the male form of the verb at Psalm 68: 11 recommends the reading: "The women who preached the word were many. " Chinhu chipi nechipi chingagona kusimbisa zvakajeka zvikuru kusakwana nokusaruramisira kwamasangano ezvamatongerwe enyika avanhu neemari here? How true these words have proved to be! Could anything clearly stress the imperfections and injustices of human political and economic elements? Izvi zvinoreva kufa uchiri kushanda nesimba pabasa rako. What do anointed Christians not expect, and why? That means dying while you are still working hard at your job. VaAhmadis muPakistan nava [Bahai] muEgypt, Iran, nemuMalaysia mimwe mienzaniso sezvakaita Zvapupu zvaJehovha munyika dzinoverengeka dzeEastern Europe, muGreece neSingapore. " Why is it said that we must first teach ourselves? The Ahmadis in Pakistan and the [Behais] in Egypt, Iran, and Malaysia are other examples as did Jehovah's Witnesses in several Eastern European countries, in Greece and Singapore. " Tarisa zvekare pabhokisi riri munyaya ino rinoti "Dzidziso Dzokukubatsira. " Questions From Readers Look again at the box in this article entitled "Teachers to Help You. " " Enda, Undoprofita " FOLLOWING the memorial meal, Jesus has been encouraging his apostles with an informal heart - to - heart talk. " Go, prophesy " Pave paya, vachazovidza muto wacho kusvikira waita semanyuchi wozonotengeswa kuguta. Looking back, I believe there were several factors in my life that prevented me from giving up. Later, they will make up the soup until it is like bees and then sell to the city. Kana uchida kuona zvakawanda nezvedzidziso iyi, ona mapeji 27 - 29 ebhurocha rinonzi The Origin of Life - Five Questions Worth Asking, rakabudiswa neZvapupu zvaJehovha. Of what is the rod of discipline a symbol, and what is shown by its proper use in contrast with permissiveness? For more information, see pages 27 - 29 of the brochure The Origin of Life - Five Questions Worth Asking, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Chinodiwa kurerutsa mutoro wacho zvoita kuti mwoyo ufare ishoko rakanaka rokukurudzira rinotaurwa nomunhu anonzwisisa. Roman Roads - Monuments to Ancient Engineering What is needed to lighten the load and make the heart rejoice is a positive word of encouragement expressed by an understanding person. Naizvozvo munguva pfupi yasara mutsika ino iripo, mumwe nomumwe wedu ngaasarudze kuti "asunganidzwe murudo. " Based on the same sensitivity to the underlying Hebrew, the feminine gender of a verb in Psalm 68: 11 recommends the reading: "The women telling the good news are a large army. " So in the short time remaining in this present system, let each of us resolve to "be gathered together in love. " Ndakashamiswa paakandibvunza kuti, "Uri piyona here? " Could anything more graphically point up the imperfection and injustice of human political and economic systems? I was surprised when he asked me, "Are you a pioneer? " Izvi zvinonyanya kukosha kana dziri nhamba dzemakadhi okutenga nezvikwereti uye akaundi dzokubhangi. This means to die while still actively engaged in one's work. This is especially important when they are numbers of credit cards and bank accounts. Pakatsaurirwa temberi, mumhanzi uye kuimba zvaiva chikamu chinokosha. The Ahmadis in Pakistan and the [Baha'is] in Egypt, Iran, and Malaysia are some examples as are the Jehovah's Witnesses in several countries of Eastern Europe, in Greece and Singapore. " At the dedication of the temple, music and singing were an important part. Ikoku kunobatanidza zvakawanda zvikuru kupfuura chishuvo chedu munziyo. Look again at the accompanying box, "Teachings to Help You. " This involves much more than our desire in music. Mushumo wacho muSunday Times yeJohannesburg, South Africa, wakataura nezveiyi nhoro semhuka yakasimba inorema makirogiramu 300 uye yakaitwa nomukore. " Go, Prophesy " The report in the Sunday Times of Johannesburg, South Africa, spoke of this bag as a strong animal weighing 300 pounds [300 kg] and made out of a wheelchair. Saka munhu wose achafambirana nomuitisi paChidzidzo cheNharireyomurindi. Later, they will boil the juice until it becomes dark molasses that can be sold in town. So everyone will keep pace with the conductor during the Watchtower Study. Saka kukopa kuti upe mumwe munhu purogiramu yacho kutyora chibvumirano uye zvinenge zvisiri pamutemo. For a consideration of such claims, see pages 27 - 29 of the brochure The Origin of Life - Five Questions Worth Asking, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. So copying to give someone else the program a violation of an agreement and an illegal one. • Kuchema nokugedageda kwemazino What is needed to lighten the burden and make the heart rejoice is a good word of encouragement from an understanding person. • weeping and gnashing of teeth Bhaibheri rine pfungwa dzaMwari, saka tinotoda kubatsirwa naye kuti tirinzwisise. So in the short remaining time in the present system, let each of us be determined to "be harmoniously joined together in love. " The Bible contains God's thoughts, so we need his help to understand them. Asi havana kurega kufarira nyaya yokudzorerwa. Shortly after meeting him, I was surprised when he asked me, "Are you a pioneer? " But they did not give up on the matter of restoration. Zvinhu zvadzo zvatorwa, dzinopiwa mabhemba. This is especially so for credit card numbers and bank account information. Their goods are taken away, and they are given to the washbands. Munyika itsva yaMwari, vanhu vachakwanisa kurarama vasingacharwarizve kana kufa. At the inauguration of the temple, music and singing played a prominent role. In God's new world, people will be able to live without sickness or death. (Enzanisa naJeremia 5: 30, 31; 23: 14.) This involves much more than our taste in music. (Compare Jeremiah 5: 30, 31; 23: 14.) Kana tikangopandukira vaya vaakapa basa rokutarisira, tinenge tatopandukira iye! The report in the Sunday Times of Johannesburg, South Africa, spoke of this kudu as a superbuck weighing 660 pounds [300 kg] and made of bronze. If we were to rebel against those whom he entrusted with the responsibility of oversight, we would have rebelled against him! Wana Shamwari Dzakanaka Mundangariro Nomudzimu Thus, all can follow along in either edition and participate at the Watchtower Study. Find Good Friends in Mind and Spirit Kwaiva kurumbidzwa kwakanaka kwazvo! In that case, copying the software for someone else breaks the licensing agreement and is illegal. What a fine commendation! Mwari anoziva zvatinoda. • The weeping and gnashing of teeth God knows what we need. Nhoroondo dziri muBhaibheri dzingatibatsira sei? The Bible contains God's thoughts, so it is not surprising that we need his help to understand it. How can Bible accounts help us? Apo ndakanga ndine makore mashanu, ndakavamba kupinda chikoro cheGiriki, asi kudzidza kwangu kwakadzongonyedzwa apo mauto eItaly akavhozhokera Albania mukati meHondo Yenyika I. But they did not lose interest in the subject of restoration. When I was five, I began attending a Greek school, but my schooling was interrupted when Italian troops invaded Albania during World War I. 18, 19. After their belongings are taken, they are handed machetes. 18, 19. " Zvipo " zvakafanana zvinosimbisa kubatana kweZvapupu zvaJehovha nhasi. In God's new world, people will be able to live without getting sick again or dying. Similar "gifts " strengthen the unity of Jehovah's Witnesses today. Somuenzaniso, avo vanogara vachitsenga kana kuti kuhwira vanogona kuva nemiromo yakatsemuka, mazino akatindivara, kunhuwa mukanwa, uye matadza ane maronda - hapana chinhu chinosetsa. (Compare Jeremiah 5: 30, 31; 23: 14.) For example, those who regularly chew or drink can have broken lips, teeth that go through, smells, and gums that have wounds - no sense of humor. Ndakadokusiya ungano pane imwe nguva, ndichinzwa kuti Jehovha haasati aizotongoda munhu anonyangadza kudaro kusvipisa ungano yake. " If we were ever to rebel against those he has put in positions of authority, we would be rebelling against him! I almost left the congregation at one time, feeling that Jehovah would never want such a disgusting person to defile his congregation. " Nemhaka yokuti vana vakawanda kudaro vanofa vachiri vaduku, zvinganzi zvakanaka here kuuraya mwana asati asvitsa gore? Acquire Healthy Associates Because so many children die while they are still young, can it be said that it is best to kill a child before reaching the age line? Nemhaka yokuti tiri kurutivi rwaJehovha. What a recommendation! Because we are on Jehovah's side. Ngirozi dzakatendeka dzine hanya nesu: chokwadi. God knows our needs. Faithful angels care about us: Of course. Zivisa hofisi yebazi romunyika yako usati wanyora gwaro repamutemo rokupa chivako kana nzvimbo ipi neipi. What effect can Bible narratives have on us? Contact the branch office in your country before deeding any real estate. Ndakabva ndatanga kupayona uye ndakaita basa iri kwemakore mashanu. When I was five, I began attending a Greek school, but my schooling was interrupted when Italian forces invaded Albania during World War I. I immediately began pioneering, and I served in that service for five years. Asi akanga achitaura kuti vakanga vane mukana wokuva vadzidzi vake vechokwadi - chero bedzi vairamba vari mushoko rake, kana vaizotsungirira. 18, 19. Rather, he was saying that they had the opportunity to become his true disciples - as long as they remained in his word, if they would endure. Vakaroorana vazhinji havazivi kugadzirisa kwavangaita misiyano iyoyi. Similar "gifts " strengthen the unity of Jehovah's Witnesses today. Many couples do not know how to resolve these differences. Uyewo, ndakashamiswa nokureva nhema kwaiita Toru. For example, those who regularly chew or dip can get cracked lips, stained teeth, bad breath, and sore gums - nothing to smile about. Also, I was amazed at Toru's lying. " Rumbidza Ishe! " I nearly left the congregation at one point, feeling that Jehovah would never want a person so disgusting to defile his congregation. " " Praise Jehovah! " " Kazhinji vakadzi vanorwiswa nokuurawa nevanhu vanoti vanovada. " But just because so many die prematurely, would it be acceptable to kill a child under the age of one? " Women are often attacked and killed by people who claim to love them. " Asi pakatowanikwa mazana ezvisimbiso zvevhu zvaishandiswa kusimbisa magwaro. Because we are on Jehovah's side. But hundreds of clay seals were even found to confirm scriptures. Naizvozvo panzvimbo pokufungidzira pamusoro pokudiwa, shandira kuzviita umene anodikanwa. - Ona nyaya inoti "Vechiduku Vanobvunza Kuti... Faithful angels care about us: fact. So instead of imagining about love, work to make yourself needed. - See the article "Young People Ask... Betsero Nokuda Kwavarombo Contact the branch office in your country before deeding any real estate. Help for the Poor Udhakwa chivi kuna Mwari. Thereafter, I was able to spend five years in the pioneer service. Being drunk is a sin against God. Pane zvakawanda zviri kuitwa zvatisingaoni pakutsigira zvinangwa zvaJehovha. Rather, he was pointing out that they had before them the opportunity to become his true disciples - provided that they remained in his word, that they showed endurance. Many things are being done that we do not see in support of Jehovah's purposes. Ipapo, risingasviki gore gare gare, baba vangu vaiva vakwegura vakavatawo murufu. Many couples do not know how to reconcile those differences. Then, less than a year later, my aged father also fell asleep in death. Vana vakawanda vakaitwa kuti vave varwi. Also, I was shocked at how Toru would stretch the truth. Many children were set up as soldiers. Jesu akasimbisa kuti chii chaizounza zororo, uye vamwe vakaita sei? " Praise the Lord! " What did Jesus emphasize would bring refreshment, and how did others respond? Nyaya yacho yakakurukura chingave chakaitika mukati me "maminiti matatu okutanga, " sezvakatsanangurwa naDr. " Women are most often attacked and murdered by the people who say they love them. " The article discussed what may have happened during "the first three minutes, " as Dr. " Zvinhu zvokutanga zvapfuura. " - Zvakazarurwa 21: 4. In fact, hundreds of clay seals that were used to seal documents have been found. " The former things have passed away. " - Revelation 21: 4. Zvaiita sechishamiso kuti hatina kuurayiwawo. So instead of dreaming about being liked, work at making yourself likable. - See the article "Young People Ask... It was like a miracle that we were not killed either. wokutanga wevaIsraeri Help for the Poor Israel's first Anoda kuti tibudirire mukudzivisa muedzo wokuita zvisina kururama mumeso ake. Drunkenness is a sin against God. He wants us to succeed in resisting the temptation to do what is wrong in his eyes. " Kuredza Vanhu ' muArctic, 7 / 15 There is much more going on in support of Jehovah's purposes than what we can see. 7 / 1 Munenge mugore ra96 C.E., Jesu akavapa zano rinotevera: "Handifari nechinhu ichi kwauri, kuti wakasiya rudo rwako rwokutanga. " Then, less than a year later, my elderly father also fell asleep in death. About the year 96 C.E., Jesus gave them the following advice: "I take this against you, that you have left your first love. " Tinoziva izvozvo nokuti pana 2 VaKorinde 1: 15, 16 panoti: "Nechivimbo ichi, ndaimboda kuuya kwamuri, kuti muve nenguva yokufara kechipiri, uye pashure pokugara nemi kwenguva duku ndaizoenda kuMakedhoniya, ndozodzoka kwamuri ndichibva kuMakedhoniya mozondiperekedza zvishoma kuJudhiya. " A growing number of children have been turned into soldiers. We know this because at 2 Corinthians 1: 15, 16, we read: "Through this confidence I used to come to you, that you might have a period of rejoicing a second time, and after a little while I would go into Macedonia with you and return to you from Macedonia and conduct me a little in Judea. " Vanoti, "Mutore, uende, kuti ave mukadzi wake, sezvakarehwa naJehovha. " What did Jesus highlight that would bring refreshment, and how did some respond? " Take her and go, " they say, "that she may become his wife, just as Jehovah has said. " Havakurudziri vamwe vanhu kuti vatange kuona sokuti naivowo vakazodzwa uye kuti vanofanira kutanga kudya, asi vanozvininipisa vachiziva kuti Jehovha ndiye anosarudza. The article discussed what may have happened during "the first three minutes, " as explained by Dr. They do not encourage others to start thinking that they too are anointed and should start eating, but they are humble, recognizing that Jehovah is the one who chooses. Uye, haiwa, vanhu vakaita zvose zvavanogona vachiedza kugutsa chishuvo chikuru choupenyu husingaperi! " The former things have passed away. " - Revelation 21: 4. And, yes, people have done their best in trying to satisfy the basic desire for everlasting life! Mune mapepa akaungana kana zvimwe zvinhu zvinobvira here? It seemed a miracle that we were spared. Do you have a collection of paper or other possible items? Nomudzimu wakafanana wokuzvininipisa, vakazodzwa vave vachitotambanudza ropafadzo dzakawedzerwa kuvarume vakakwaniriswa vanobva pakati pamamwe makwai. He wants us to succeed in actively resisting temptation to do what is wrong in his sight. With a spirit of humility, the anointed have already extended added privileges to qualified men from among the other sheep. Rakabudiswa muReggio Calabria, Italy, muna 1475. 2 Corinthians 12: 8, 9, 11 / 15 Published in Reggio Calabria, Italy, in 1475. Ramangwana Rakanaka Kwazvo! About the year 96 C.E., Jesus gave them the following counsel: "I hold this against you, that you have left the love you had at first. " What a wonderful Future! Pachibayiro chokugoverana, ropa uye mafuta emhuka zvaipiwa Jehovha, asi zvikamu zvenyama zvaidyiwa nevapristi uye nomunhu wacho ainge apa. This is clear from 2 Corinthians 1: 15, 16, where we read: "With this confidence, I was intending to come first to you, so that you might have a second occasion for joy; for I intended to visit you on my way to Macedonia, to return to you from Macedonia, and then to have you send me off to Judea. " At the communion sacrifice, blood and animal oil were offered to Jehovah, but portions of meat were eaten by priests and by the donor. Vapristi nevaRevhi vakawanda vaigara muJeriko pavainge vasingashandi patemberi, nokuti Jeriko raingova makiromita 23 chete kubva kuJerusarema. " Take her and go, " they say, "and let her become a wife to the son of your master, just as Jehovah has spoken. " Many priests and Levites lived in Jericho when they did not work at the temple, for Jericho was only 23 miles [23 km] from Jerusalem. Nyika yanhasi inyika yaSatani. They would also never suggest to others that these too have been anointed and should start partaking; rather, they would humbly acknowledge that it is Jehovah who does the calling of anointed ones. Today's world is Satan's world. Zvisinei, Jesu aiva netsitsiwo nokuda kwamapofu mumudzimu uye vasina betsero avo vakanga "vaneta, varashwa, samakwai asina mufudzi. " - Mateo 9: 36. And, oh, the lengths people have gone to in an effort to satisfy that basic desire for everlasting life! However, Jesus was also compassionate for the spiritually blind and helpless who "were skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd. " - Matthew 9: 36. Sezviri pachena, Jesu Kristu akapupurirawo kuti zviitiko zvomurenje zvakaitika. - Johani 3: 14. Are there accumulations of paper or other flammable materials? Clearly, Jesus Christ also witnessed that events in the wilderness occurred. - John 3: 14. Dhanieri aiziva kuti Mwari "anobvisa madzimambo, nokugadza madzimambo. " Joys Beyond Compare! Daniel knew that God "takes kings away and sets up kings. " " Akagadzirira Kuzvidzivirira " With a similar humble spirit, the anointed have already been extending increased privileges to qualified men from among the other sheep. " Ready to Protect Yourself " [ Kwazvakatorwa] It was published in Reggio Calabria, Italy, in 1475. [ Credit Line] Kunyange vaya vane maonero akasiyana kakawanda kacho vachashanda pamwe chete. A Wonderful Future! Even those with different views will often work together. Magwaro, nepo achibvuma ukoshi hwemari, anonongedzera kuchimwe chinhu chinokosha zvikuru: "Uchenjeri chitaviridzo, asi mariwo chitaviridzo; asi kunakisa kwezivo ndiko, kuti uchenjeri hunochengeta upenyu hwaiye unahwo. " - Muparidzi 7: 12. In the communion sacrifice, the blood and the fat of the animal were offered to Jehovah, while portions of the meat were consumed by the priests and the offerer. The Scriptures, while acknowledging the value of money, point to something very important: "Wisdom is for a protection the same as money is for a protection; but the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom itself preserves alive its owners. " - Ecclesiastes 7: 12. Haambokariri kuti tiite zvakawanda kupfuura zvatinogona kunyatsoita. - Pisarema 103: 13, 14. Many priests and Levites resided in Jericho when they were not working at the temple, for Jericho was only 14 miles [23 km] from Jerusalem. He never expects more of us than we can reasonably do. - Psalm 103: 13, 14. Mumwe mudetembi wokuScotland anonzi Robert Burns akafananidza dambudziko redu nezvakaitika paakaparadza asingadi mashe ekambeva nomuromo wegejo. Today's world is Satan's world. Scotland's poet Robert Burns compared our problem to what happened when he did not want saws of grain with the mouth of a plow. Napoleon akamboti: "Hurumende dzinochengeta zvadzinovimbisa padzinongomanikidzirwa kuita kudaro chete, kana kuti pazvinenge zvichidzibatsira idzo. " However, Jesus had compassion also for the spiritually blind and helpless people who were "skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd. " - Matthew 9: 36. Napoleon once said: "The governments keep their promises when they are forced to do just that, or when they are in their best interests. " Zvinoitika zvinokurudzira zvinorondedzerwa nehofisi yebazu yeWatch Tower Society. Significantly, Jesus Christ also testified that the wilderness events took place. - John 3: 14. encouraging experiences are related by the branch office of the Watch Tower Society. PaPendekosti ya33 C.E., pashure pokunge Kristu afa, amutswa, uye akwira kudenga, Mwari "akaita kuti iye ave musoro wezvinhu zvose kuungano. " Daniel knew that God is "removing kings and setting up kings. " At Pentecost 33 C.E., after Christ's death, resurrection, and ascension to heaven, God "made him head over all things to the congregation. " Uye apo vana vanobvumidzwa kuita zvisarudzo zvavo vamene, kazhinji kazhinji vachaita mhosho. " Ready to Make a Defense " And when children are permitted to make their own decisions, they will often make mistakes. Akati pane imwe nguva paikurukurirana mauto nevapanduki, mauto akapomera vapanduki kuti vakanga vari kuuraya vasungwa vakanga vasiri kuvatsigira. [ Credit Lines] He said that at one time during a military conversation with the rebels, the military accused the rebels that they were killing prisoners who were not supporting them. Vabudisi vemagazini ino vachafara kukupa mamwezve mashoko. Even those with opposing views will often work together. The publishers of this magazine will be happy to provide you with further information. Muprofita Mika akati: "Marudzi ose, achafamba rumwe norumwe nezita ramwari warwo; asi isu, tichafamba nezita raJehovha Mwari wedu nokusingagumi, kunyange nokusingaperi. " The Scriptures, while acknowledging the value of money, point to something far more important: "Wisdom is for a protection the same as money is for a protection; but the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom itself preserves alive its owners. " - Ecclesiastes 7: 12. The prophet Micah said: "All the peoples, for their part, will walk each one in the name of its god; but we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever. " Ngwavaira yavanhu yakatoipisisa. He never expects more of us than we can reasonably do. - Psalm 103: 13, 14. Human disaster is even worse. Fungidzira zvinotevera zvichiitika kwauri. Scottish poet Robert Burns likened our plight to that of a tiny field mouse whose nest Burns inadvertently destroyed with the blade of his plow. Imagine the following experience. [ Mifananidzo iri papeji 26] Napoleon once observed: "Governments keep their promises only when they are forced to do so, or when it will be to their advantage. " [ Pictures on page 26] Mwanakomana akaremara wamakore 13 okukura wechimwe chapupu, apo akanzwa nezvengwavaira iyi, akapira mari yose yaakanga achengeta inoita $160, U.S., kuhofisi yebazu yeSosaiti kuti igoshandiswa nokuda kwenunuro. Encouraging experiences are related by the Watch Tower Society's branch office. A 13 - year - old disabled son of another Witness, when he heard of this tragedy, contributed all the money he had saved that cost $1, U.S., to the Society's branch office for deliverance. Kungava kunobvira kuti iwe utenge nguva duku mangwanani mamwe namamwe nokuda kwefundo yomunhu oga here? At Pentecost 33 C.E., after Christ's death, resurrection, and ascension to heaven, God "made him head over all things to the congregation. " Would it be possible for you to buy a short time each morning for personal study? Sezvakanyorwa pana 1 VaKorinde 12: 2 - 26, muapostora Pauro akaenzanisa ungano yevaKristu vakazodzwa nomuviri une "nhengo zhinji. " And when children are allowed to make their own decisions, they will often make mistakes. As recorded at 1 Corinthians 12: 2 - 26, the apostle Paul compared the anointed Christian congregation to a body with "many members. " [ Mifananidzo iri papeji 24] He said that during one of the negotiation sessions between the military and the rebels, the military accused the rebels of killing prisoners who did not support them. [ Pictures on page 24] Anosakurira rudo mukubata kwake navamwe. The publishers of this magazine will be happy to provide further information. He cultivates love in his dealings with others. Kusiyana nemaonero uye maitiro evakawanda, pane zvikonzero zvakanaka nei vaKristu vachifanira kubvuma mafungiro evamwe. The prophet Micah said: "All the peoples, for their part, will walk each one in the name of its god; but we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever. " Contrary to the attitudes and behavior of many, there are good reasons why Christians should be yielding. International Herald Tribune inoti gore rapera imwe nhepfenyuro yeredhiyo muSri Lanka yakaita makwikwi e "resipi dzeHalloween dzakaipisisa uye kuzhamba kunonyanya kutyisa. " The human tragedy has even worsened. The International Herald Tribune reports that last year a radio station in Sri Lanka made a competition for "the worst Halloween courses and the most frightening screaming. " Vakafunga Kuti Ndakanga Ndafa Imagine yourself in the following situation. They Think That I Was Dead Julie, achiva atora iri danho roushingi amene, anorumbidza, kuti: "Ndakaedza " kuzviranga ndimene ' uye ndakafunga kunyange kuti kwakashanda kusvika kutambanuko yakati. [ Pictures on page 26] Julie, having taken this bold step herself, recommends: "I tried to " discipline myself ' and thought even it worked to some extent. Jesu akaudza vadzidzi vake, kuti: "Zvokwadi ichakusunungurai. " A 13 - year - old handicapped son of a Witness, upon hearing of the disaster, donated his entire savings of $160, U.S., to the branch office of the Society to be used for relief. Jesus told his disciples: "The truth will set you free. " Vakadaro vanova vashandi vanokosheswa nevanovimbwa uye kashoma kuti vapererwe nebasa ravo. Would it be possible for you to buy out a little time each morning for personal study? Such ones become valued and trusted workers and are less likely to lose their job. Uye mudzidzi Jakobho akasimbisa kuti kutenda kwechokwadi kunofambirana nemabasa akanaka. As recorded at 1 Corinthians 12: 2 - 26, the apostle Paul compared the congregation of anointed Christians to a body with "many members. " And the disciple James emphasized that true faith is related to good works. 3, 4. [ Pictures on page 8] 3, 4. Kusiyana nehurumende dzevanhu dzinotonga kwenguva pfupi, kusanganisira masimba enyika manomwe, Umambo hwaMwari " hahuzomboparadzwi. ' He cultivates love in his dealings with others. Unlike the temporary human governments, including the seven world powers, God's Kingdom "will never be brought to ruin. " 4, 5. (a) Isaya anoenzanisira sei nenzira yakajeka mugariro wakaipa wavatungamiriri vorudzidziso vomuzuva rake? Contrary to the view and attitudes of many, there are good reasons why Christians should work at being yielding. 4, 5. (a) How does Isaiah clearly illustrate the plight of the religious leaders of his day? Vakawanda vakaroorana nevaKristu uye vanofara kugara navo. The International Herald Tribune reports that last year a radio station in Sri Lanka held a competition for "the weirdest Halloween recipes and the most bloodcurdling death screams. " Many married Christians and enjoy living with them. Basa riya rokuprofita rakabva rangopererawo ipapo! - 1 Madz. They Thought I Was Dead That prophetic work came to an end! - 1 Ki. Zvakaoma zvikuru kupikisa vaya vatinoda uye vatinovimba navo. Julie, having taken this courageous step herself, recommends: "I tried " reproving myself ' and even thought it worked to an extent. It is very difficult to oppose those whom we love and trust. Nomwoyo wake wose, akatsigira urongwa hwacho nokusiyira Soromoni mapurani echivako chacho aakanga apiwa naJehovha. Jesus told his disciples: "The truth will set you free. " With all his heart, he supported the arrangement by leaving with Solomon the plans for the building that Jehovah had given him. Uye nguva iri kupera. Such ones become valued and trusted employees and therefore are less likely to lose their job. And time is running out. Zuva roga roga pane kudiwa kwokuti vaKristu varatidzirane hanya zvikuru uye kuti va "danan [e] zvikuru. " And the disciple James emphasized that true faith is accompanied by good deeds. Each day there is a need for Christians to manifest deep concern for one another and to "love one another intensely. " Munhu ari mumwe weZvapupu zvaJehovha achawana nhungamiro dzinobetsera muNharireyomurindi yaMay 1, 1983 yechiNgezi, mapeji 8 - 11. 3, 4. A person who is one of Jehovah's Witnesses will find helpful guidelines in The Watchtower of May 1, 1983, pages 8 - 11. 44: 5 - Chaizvoizvo Josefa aishandisa kapu kushopera here? Unlike transitory human governments, including the seven world powers, God's Kingdom "will never be brought to ruin. " 44: 5 - Did Joseph really use a cup to divination? Achitungamirirwa naMwari, Jakobho akaita kuti mhuka dzakasimba dzine ruvara rwaaida dziberekane. 4, 5. (a) How does Isaiah graphically illustrate the uncomfortable situation of religious leaders of his day? Under God's direction, Jacob gave birth to powerful animals whose color he wanted them to produce. Vakamushora uye vakapangana navavengi vake mose muri muviri muMecca nomuMedina. Many have Christian mates and are happy to stay with them. They opposed him and cried out to his enemies both in Mecca and in Medina. Saka ungabvumirei kushamwaridzana nemunhu wose wose anoti anoda kuva shamwari yako paIndaneti? What a tragic end to his prophetic career! - 1 Ki. So why allow yourself to associate with anyone who claims to be your friend online? Munhu anonyengera anoramba achibudisa kukakavara, uye munhu anochera vamwe anoparadzanisa vaya vanoshamwaridzana. " - Zvirevo 16: 27, 28. It is so difficult to contradict those we have liked and trusted. The man of deception keeps sending forth contention, and the man of slander separates those familiar with one another. " - Proverbs 16: 27, 28. Nguva yedu yenhamo yenyika isingaenzaniswi ingava chiratidzo chokuti nyika itsva yaMwari yava pedyo here? He wholeheartedly supported the project by passing on to Solomon the architectural plans that he had received from Jehovah. Would our time of unprecedented world distress be a sign that God's new world is near? Anoomerera pane zvapakuvamba anopwiswa zvakasimba kuti akarurama uye vamwe havana kururama. And time is running out. The politician is firmly convinced that he is righteous and others are wrong. Ndakamukumbira mamwe mabhuku achibva andipa. There is a need every day for Christians to show more concern for one another and to "have intense love for one another. " I asked for more literature and gave it to me. Wematumba 15 - 21 vaigara kwevakazodzwa A person who is one of Jehovah's Witnesses will find helpful guidelines in The Watchtower, May 1, 1983, pages 8 - 11. 1 - 21 Those who lived among the anointed Nei? 44: 5 - Did Joseph actually use a cup to read omens? Why? Nezvenyaya iyi, Jesu akati: "Ndinokurumbidzai pachena, Baba, Ishe wedenga nenyika, nokuti makavanzira zvinhu izvi vakachenjera nevakangwara mukazvizarurira vacheche. " Under divine guidance, Jacob bred sturdy animals of the desired coloration. In this regard, Jesus said: "I publicly praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from wise and intellectual ones and have revealed them to babes. " Pangavawo nemiuyo yenguva refu. They opposed him and plotted with his enemies both in Mecca and in Medina. There may also be long - term consequences. " Asi vabereki vangu vaigara vachitaura kuti basa rokuita vadzidzi ndiro basa rakanaka kupfuura mamwe ose. Why, then, accept as an online friend someone you don't know? " But my parents always said that the disciple - making work was the best job of all. Chokwadi Bhaibheri iri riri nyore kuverenga, asi rakarurama here? A man of intrigues keeps sending forth contention, and a slanderer is separating those familiar with one another. " - Proverbs 16: 27, 28. This Bible certainly is easy to read, but is it accurate? Iye zvino Daniel ane hana yakachena uye munguva ichangopfuura akagadzwa kuva mushumiri anoshumira. Could our time of unprecedented world distress be a sign that God's new world is at hand? Daniel now has a clean conscience and has recently been appointed as a ministerial servant. Akandikurudzira kutaura kuvabereki vangu. A fundamentalist is strongly convinced that he is right and others are wrong. He encouraged me to talk to my parents. Sezvo vanhu vasina kukwana, vanachiremba nemishonga zvinongogona bedzi kuita zvakati. I talked to him, and he gave me some books to read. Since humans are imperfect, doctors and medicines can only do some. Pana Nisani 11, anodzidzisa ari mutemberi, anotuka vanyori nevaFarisi, zvadaro anoudza vadzidzi vake "chiratidzo chokuvapo [kwake] nechokuguma kwemamiriro ezvinhu epanguva yacho. " Tishri 15 - 21 On Nisan 11, he teaches from the temple, speaks abusively of the scribes and Pharisees, then tells his disciples "the sign of [his] presence and of the conclusion of the system of things. " Ramba Uine Pfungwa Yokuti Nguva Yapera, 3 / 15 Why? Jehovah's Day Is Near, 3 / 1 (b) Chinoitika chaJona chinofanira kutibetsera sei? In this regard, Jesus said: "I publicly praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and intellectual ones and have revealed them to babes. " (b) How should Jonah's experience help us? Shamwari. There may also be long - term consequences. Friends. uye bhurocha rinonzi A Book for All People. " But my parents always presented the disciple - making work as the most desirable career. and the brochure A Book for All People. * - 2 Madzimambo 20: 4 - 7. It is easy to read, yes, but is it accurate? * - 2 Kings 20: 4 - 7. Uyewo hatingamboda kunyange kunzwa vana vedu vachitaura, sezvakaita mumwe munhu muduku kuti: "Ndakakumbanira gen'a nemhaka yokuti ndaida mhuri. " Today, Daniel has a clean conscience, and he was recently appointed as a ministerial servant. Nor would we want even to hear our children say, as did another young person: "I joined a gang because I loved the family. " 20, 21. (a) VaKristu vane basai rinokosha rokuita? She encouraged me to talk to my parents. 20, 21. (a) What important work do Christians have to do? Makore anopfuura chiuru akanga adarika, mitemo yaMwari yakapiwa kuvaIsraeri kuburikidza naMosesi yaiti vapristi vaiva nebasa " rokudzidzisa vana vaIsraeri mirayiro yose yakanga yataurwa naJehovha. ' Since humans are imperfect, doctors and medicines can do only so much. Over a thousand years earlier, God's laws were given to Israel through Moses that the priests had the responsibility "to teach the sons of Israel all the commandments that Jehovah had spoken. " Ndiwe woga mudzidzi mukirasi menyu kana kuti mushandi bedzi kubasa kwenyu anoomerera kumitemo yeBhaibheri here? On Nisan 11, he teaches in the temple, denounces the scribes and the Pharisees, and thereafter gives his disciples "the sign of [his] presence and of the conclusion of the system of things. " Do you have only a student in your class or only an employee at your workplace who adheres to Bible standards? Kuti vave nomufaro unopiwa naMwari, chokwadika, vanhu vanofanira kuita kuda kwoumwari. Tax Collectors (first century), 3 / 1 To have God - given joy, of course, humans must do the divine will. Vakadzi vakabatsirwa nokuverengwa kwakadaro kwoMutemo. (b) How should Jonah's experience benefit us? Women benefited from such reading of the Law. October 25 - 31, 2010 Social pressure. October 25 - 31, 2010 Kupfurikidza nokuti mumwe nomumwe ave asingakurukuri here? and the brochure A Book for All People. By the fact that each has not been discussing? Kukukatyamadzwa kwangu, ndakanga ndiri wokutanga wavasungwa vane 5 000 akabvumirwa kuenda norusununguko. * - 2 Kings 20: 4 - 7. To my surprise, I was the first of 5,000 prisoners allowed to go free. Zvinhu Zvakashata Hazvibvi Kuna Mwari Nor would we ever want to hear our children say, as one young person did: "I joined the gang because I needed a family. " Bad Things Not From God Pamusoro pomutsivi waJudhasi Iskarioti, nongedzero ipapo inoitwa ku "basa rake rokutarisira " uye ku" ushumiri ihwohwu nokuva muapostora. " 20, 21. (a) Christians have what important work to do? Regarding the successor of Judas Iscariot, reference is then made to "his office of oversight " and to" this ministry and to being an apostle. " Mamiriyoni evanhu munyika yose vakaongorora chokwadi uye vakagutsikana kuti Zvapupu zvaJehovha chete ndizvo zvine chitendero chechokwadi. More than a thousand years earlier, God's laws that were given to Israel through Moses said that the priests had the duty "to teach the sons of Israel all the regulations that Jehovah [had] spoken. " Millions of people around the world have examined the truth and have been convinced that only Jehovah's Witnesses have the true religion. Dzidzirai nziyo pakunamata kwemhuri (Ona ndima 18) Are you the only student in your class or the only worker at your place of employment who adheres to Bible principles? Share music in family worship (See paragraph 18) 9 Usavhiringidzwa Namashoko Anoparadzirwa! To have God - given joy, of course, people must do the divine will. 9 Do Not Be Infected by the Words! Ndiani aizosarudza? Women benefited from such reading of the Law. Who would choose? Ndakakumbira kirasi kuronga iyoyi munhevedzano yavaifunga kuti yaikosha zvikurusa. " October 25 - 31, 2010 I asked the class to organize this in a series they thought was most important. " Dhavhidhi, atsamwiswa nokusaonga kwaNabhari, akanga agadzirira kumuuraya. By each one withdrawing into a shell? David, upset by Nabal's lack of appreciation, was ready to kill him. Sezvaunoverenga Bhaibheri, uchakwanisa kuona kuti rine uchenjeri hwakakura zvikuru. To my astonishment, I was the first one of the some 5,000 prisoners allowed to go free. As you read the Bible, you will be able to see how much wisdom it contains. Somuenzaniso onawo Mateu 13: 38; 27: 46; Ruka 8: 11; VaGaratiya 4: 24 semashandurirwo aakaitwa muBhaibheri Dzvene. Bad Things Do Not Come From God For example, see also Matthew 13: 38; 27: 46; Luke 8: 11; Galatians 4: 24 as it was rendered in the Holy Bible. Bhaibheri rine "mashoko akanaka... kumarudzi ose nemadzinza nendimi nevanhu. " - Zvakazarurwa 14: 6. In connection with a replacement for Judas Iscariot, reference is there made to "his office of oversight " and to" this ministry and apostleship. " The Bible contains "good news... to every nation and tribe and tongue and people. " - Revelation 14: 6. Nuland, chiremba anovhiya, akataura mumakore apfuura kuti: "Kuwanda kwemashoko... akaunganidzwa nezveHIV uye nezvokufambira mberi kwokugadzira zvinodzivirira kukuvadza kwayo kunoshamisa zvikuru. " Millions of people throughout the world have evaluated the facts and have become convinced that Jehovah's Witnesses alone are practicing the true religion. Nuland, a surgeon, stated over the years: "The growth of information... has been gathered on HIV and on the progress of its amazing self - destruction. " Vakawanda vakavamba kuita kudaro pakuvamba sapazera ramakore 14. Practice the songs during family worship (See paragraph 18) Many began to do so as early as age 14. Chaizvoizvo, vakanga vari rutivi rwerudzi rwairangarirwa kuva tyisidziro kuna Israeri. 18 When Cows Go on Vacation! In effect, they were part of a nation considered to be a threat to Israel. Kubiridzira kwose hakungotangi sokubiridzira. Who would decide? All frauds do not start out as cheating. Zvine musoro kwauri here? I asked the class to rank these in the order they felt was most important. " Does it make sense to you? Chokwadi, vamwe vangaedzwa nokugarika kwavanoona kunze kweungano, vachifunga kuti avo vari munyika vakasununguka zvikuru kupfuura zvatiri. David, outraged at Nabal's ingratitude, was out for blood. True, some may be tempted by the stability they see outside the congregation, thinking that those in the world are freer than we are. Zvakadiniko nokushandisa kwomukadzi wechiKristu mafuta, akadai seripisitiki, kuzora dama, kana kuti kuzora mumaziso? As its message unfolds before your eyes, you will be able to see that the Bible is a source of higher wisdom. What about the Christian woman's use of oil, such as makeup, cheeking, or chimping in her eyes? Pakasvika 1972 takanga tave tiri murambidzo kwamakore 22, uye Jehovha akanga atitungamirira norudo uye nouchenjeri. See, for example, Matthew 13: 38; 27: 46; Luke 8: 11; Galatians 4: 24 as they are rendered in The New English Bible. By 1972 we had been under ban for 22 years, and Jehovah had lovingly and wisely guided us. Ini naCarmen tave tichipayona kwemakore anopfuura 60 kana abatanidzwa, uye takawana ropafadzo isingaenzaniswi yokubatsira vanhu vanopfuura zana kuti vabhabhatidzwe. The Bible has "good news " for" every nation and tribe and tongue and people. " - Revelation 14: 6. Carmen and I have been pioneering for over 60 years after being united, and we have enjoyed the incomparable privilege of helping over a hundred persons to get baptized. Asi haana kubvuma kunzi "Akanaka " paakanzi" Mudzidzisi Akanaka. " Nuland, a surgeon, commented some years ago: "The amount of information that has... been gathered about the human immunodeficiency virus and the progress made in mounting a defense against its onslaughts are nothing less than an astonishment. " Yet, he did not accept the term "Good Teacher " when he was referred to as" Good Teacher. " Mumwe purofesa wepsychology anonzi William McDougall, akanyora kuti, "Kuti tirambe tichirarama uye tiine utano hwakanaka, tinofanira kuziva kuti tinoraramirei. " Many started doing so as early as age 14. William McDougall, a professor of psychology, wrote, "To live and be healthy, we must know what life is all about. " Iyi inongova imwe yenyaya dzakawanda dzomuBhaibheri dzinoratidza chokwadi chinofadza chokuti: Jehovha haana rusaruro pavashumiri vake vose. - 1 Sam. Actually, they were part of a nation that was considered a threat to Israel. This is just one of many Bible accounts that illustrate the heartwarming truth: Jehovah is impartial in all his servants. - 1 Sam. Zvechokwadi, shoko raJehovha riri kuwedzera mu "Nyika yeGondo " kuti Jehovha arumbidzwe. Not all fraud starts out as fraud. Indeed, Jehovah's word is growing in "the Land of the Sword " to Jehovah's praise. Mumwe mumishinari akakumbirwa neimwe hama kuti aiperekedze kunoshanyazve. Does that make sense to you? A missionary was asked by a brother to accompany him on return visits. Uye musi wa25 December, vanhu vekuRome vaipemberera kuzvarwa kweravaiti Zuva Risingakundwi. True, some may be tempted by the laxness they see outside the congregation, thinking that those in the world are freer than we are. And on December 25, the Romans celebrated the birth of what is called the Unconquered Sun. Munogona kukurukura kuti resipi yacho "yakanyorwa " mumhodzi asi pachishandiswa mutauro wakaoma kunzwisisa kupfuura mashoko ari mubhuku remaresipi. What about a Christian woman's using cosmetics, such as lipstick, cheek coloring, or eye shadow and eyeliner? You might reason that the tape is "written " in the seed but using a language that is more complex than the words in a manual. Anoti, "Izvi zvinoita kuti ndigare ndichifunga zvinhu zvakanaka. By 1972 we had been under ban for 22 years, and Jehovah had guided us lovingly and wisely. " This allows me to dwell on positive thoughts, " she says. Kana munhu achangobva kufarira Shoko raMwari kana kuti ave akarovedzana naro kwenguva yakati, kana aine bedzi kunzwisisa kusina kukwana kweizvo Bhaibheri rinotaura, mucheche womudzimu uye anoda zvokudya zvinovaka muviri zviri nyore kugaya - "mukaka " womudzimu. Combined, Carmen and I have pioneered for over 60 years, and we have enjoyed the incomparable privilege of helping over a hundred people to baptism. If a person has recently been interested in God's Word or has been acquainted with it for some time, if he has only an incomplete understanding of what the Bible says, a spiritual infant and needs an easy - to - digesting diet - a spiritual "food. " Akaita zvose zvaaigona kuti hanzvadzi yake isaramba ichirwadziwa asi kuti inaye. Yet, he would not accept "Good " as a title when he was called" Good Teacher. " She did her best not to keep her brother in pain but to heal him. Kufungisisa ukama hwedu naMwari uye nevamwe kungatibatsira sei kukudziridza maonero akanaka oukuru? " To keep alive and mentally healthy we need something to live for, " wrote William McDougall, a professor of psychology. How can meditating on our relationship with God and with others help us to cultivate a balanced view of greatness? Jesu akati: "Musambozvidya mwoyo pamusoro pezuva rinotevera, nokuti zuva rinotevera richava nokuzvidya mwoyo kwaro. " This is just one of many Bible accounts that illustrate this heartwarming truth: Jehovah treats all of his servants with impartiality. - 1 Sam. Jesus said: "Never be anxious about the next day, for the next day will have its own anxieties. " Munhevedzano iyi chinhu chokutanga icho mudzidzi anodzidzira kupenyesa. Indeed, Jehovah's word soars in "the Land of the Eagle " to Jehovah's praise. In short this is the first thing a student learns to shine. " Bvisai zvose pamuri zvinoti, hasha, kutsamwa, zvinhu zvakaipa, kutuka. " - VaKorose 3: 8. A missionary was asked by a brother to accompany him on a return visit. " Put them all away from you, wrath, anger, badness, abusive speech. " - Colossians 3: 8. Kuti uwedzere mikana yako yokuwana basa, unofanira kuenderana nezviripo. And on December 25, the Romans celebrated the birth of the Invincible Sun. To increase your chances of finding work, you need to keep pace with it. Maita basa chaizvo. You could discuss that the recipe was "written " in the seed but in a language far more complex than the words in a recipe book. Thank you very much. Chinangwa chaPauro paakatsanangura "zvinhu zvokufananidzira " izvi chaiva chokuratidza kukosha kwesungano itsva pane sungano yoMutemo yairevererwa naMosesi. " This keeps my thoughts positive, " he says. Paul's objective when he described these " figure of speech " was to show the importance of the new covenant rather than the Law covenant that Moses made possible. Ndizvowo zvinoitwa naDanilo. Whether a person is newly interested in God's Word or has been acquainted with it for some time, if he has no more than a rudimentary understanding of what the Bible says, he is a spiritual babe and needs easy - to - digest nourishment - spiritual "milk. " Something similar can be said of Danielo. Vhiki imwe neimwe, ivo vaironga vashandi vanovambira pa 15 kusvikira ku 25 nokuda kweshanyo kutozosvikira vashandi vose vane 1 300 vagona kucherechedza kushanda zvakanaka kwakadaro kwesangano. She did everything in her power to soothe his discomfort and help him get better. Each week, they organized from 15 to 25 workers for the visit until all 1,300 workers could observe such organizational efficiency. Pictorial Archive (Near Eastern History) Est. How can meditating on our relationship with God and with our fellowman help us to cultivate the proper view of greatness? Pictorial Archive (Near Eastern History) Est. Kana ndava kunzwa ndava kuneta uye kuzvidya mwoyo, ndinobva ndaziva kuti ndinoda nguva yakanyarara ndiri ndoga yokuti ndiverenge uye ndizorore. " Jesus said: "Never be anxious about the next day, for the next day will have its own anxieties. " When I feel tired and anxious, I realize that I need quiet time alone to read and rest. " Shoko rakashandurwa kuti "akangwara " rakabva pashoko rechiGiriki rokuti phroʹni·mos. In this order the first thing the apprentice learns is polishing. The word translated "wise " is derived from the Greek word phoʹni·mos. Jesu akatungamirira sei kuparadzirwa kwemashoko akanaka oUmambo? " Put them all away from you: wrath, anger, badness, abusive speech. " - Colossians 3: 8. How did Jesus direct the spread of the Kingdom good news? Jehovha Ndiye Mugove Wangu To increase your chances of finding work, you must be adaptable. Jehovah Is My Share (b) Jehovha akaratidza sei maonero ake? Thank you very much. (b) How did Jehovah express his view? Pfuurira kuvabetsera. - 6 / 1, mapeji 13, 14. Paul's purpose in explaining this "symbolic drama " was to illustrate the superiority of the new covenant over the Law covenant mediated by Moses. Continue to help them. - 6 / 1, pages 13, 14. Mauto eMongolia akadzokera kuSyria uye kuPalestine kakati wandei asi havana kuzombobvira vadenhazve Egypt. Danilo follows the same principle. The Mongols returned to Syria and Palestine a number of times but never again attacked Egypt. Makaaita ose ["nouchenjeri, " NW]; pasi pazere nepfuma yenyu. " Each week, they would schedule from 15 to 25 employees for tours until the whole work force of 1,300 could observe such organizational efficiency. All of them in wisdom you have made; the earth is full of your productions. " Kunyange zvazvo Jesu aiziva kuti chikumbiro ichi chaizopindurwa, akanga asingazivi kuti zvaizoitika rini chaizvoizvo. Pictorial Archive (Near Eastern History) Est. Although Jesus knew when this request would be answered, he did not know exactly when. Zvinhu zvipi zvitanhatu zvingaitwa nemunhu kuti akwegure zvakanaka? The more I feel the stress and fatigue building up, the more urgently I need moments of calm solitude when I can read and rest. " What six things can a person do to age well? Mukadzi wacho akasunga sikavha yemumusoro sezvavanoita kunyika kwavo " Discreet " translates the Greek word phroʹni·mos. The woman dressed as they do in her own country Vasati varoorana, Mary aiziva kuti kutamira kunzvimbo itsva kwaizokonzera zvimwe zvinetso - sezvo ari munhu anonyara chaizvo. How did Christ direct matters with regard to spreading the good news of the Kingdom? Before they got married, Mary knew that moving to a new location would lead to more problems - since she is a very shy person. Kelly, ava nemakore 27, akatanga nokuronga achiri muduku. Jehovah Is My Share Kelly, now 27 years old, began making plans at an early age. Pandinenge ndakaora mwoyo, ndinoenda kunobatsira vamwe. (b) How did Jehovah make his feelings known? When I'm depressed, I go to help others. " " Munoziva here iyi rezinesi yomuchairi? ' Continue to help them. - 6 / 1, pages 13, 14. " " Do you know this driver's license? ' Atambudzwa nemhaka, akada kufa. The Mongols returned to the area of Syria and Palestine a number of times, but never again could they threaten Egypt. Having been tortured, he wanted to die. ▫ Imhinganidzoi nhatu kukuva kwedu vanonzwira tsitsi? All of them in wisdom you have made. The earth is full of your productions. " ▫ What are three obstacles to our being compassionate? Murayiro waPauro wokuti " kuramba vakanyarara ' unoonekwa katatu muchitsauko 14 cha1 VaKorinde. Though Jesus knew that this request would be answered, he did not know the precise timing of matters. Paul's command to "keep silent " appears three times in 1 Corinthians chapter 14. Hosha dzinouraya dzaimbofungwa kuva dzave kudzoreka dzakaonekazve, dzave kuuraya kupfuura nakare kose uye dzaoma zvikuru kurapa nemirimo. What are six things that can help someone to age gracefully? Death - dealing diseases once thought to be in control have become more apparent, more lethal than ever and more difficult to treat with drugs. Mafashamo paakauya, Noa aiva nemakore 600, uye akararama makore 950. She wears a traditional head scarf When the Flood came, Noah was 600 years old, and he lived 950 years. Uyewo, kana Adhamu naEvha vaiudza Kaini zvavaifungira izvozvo paaikura, vakatoita kuti kuzvikudza kwake kuzomuipira. Before getting married, Mary realized that moving to a new area would present challenges - especially since she is timid by nature. On the other hand, if Adam and Eve told Cain about such fantasies as he was growing up, they let his pride turn out to be bad for him. Nzira Dzokunaya Nadzo Kelly, now 27, started with a plan early in life. Ways to Heal Panguva yakadaro, ipa Baba vako vokudenga nguva kuti vakuratidze zvavanoda kuti uite. When I'm depressed, I get out there and help others. At such times, give your heavenly Father time to show you what he wants you to do. Bhaibheri rinoti: "Simbi inorodza simbi, saizvozvowo munhu anorodza chiso chemumwe. " " " Do you recognize this driver's license? ' The Bible says: "By iron, iron itself is sharpened. So one man sharpens the face of another. " Unoonei paunotarira vamwe? Afflicted with guilt, she wanted to die. What do you see when you look at others? ✔ Taura uchiratidza kuti uri kutaura nomubereki - usavaderedza kana kuvazvidza. ▫ What are three obstacles to our becoming compassionate? ✔ Speak in a way that you are talking to a parent - neither minimize nor despise them. Zvinhu Zvitanhatu Zvinoita Kuti Munhu Abudirire Paul's instruction to "keep silent " appears three times in 1 Corinthians chapter 14. Six Secrets of Success Ufakazii huripo hwokuti Mutemo waisabvumira kuregeredza sepembedzo nokuda kwokunzwirwa ngoni apo mumwe munhu ainge aurawa? Killer diseases once thought to be under control have surfaced again, more deadly than ever and more difficult to treat with drugs. What evidence is there that the Law did not allow neglect as an excuse for mercy when someone had been killed? " Zvinobatanidza uropi zvinorukwa nokukurumidza zvinoshamisa pamakore okutanga - tanga, sezvo uropi hwacho hunochinjwa nezvinoitika nguva dzose zvinobva kuvabereki uye mumakuriro ake, " inodaro magazini inonzi Nation. Noah was 600 years old when the Flood came, and he lived to be 950. " It involves the brain's amazing speed of speed in the early years, as the brain is changed by regular experiences from parents and in its development, " says the journal Nation. Kuona zvinotaura Bhuku rakafuridzirwa iri nguva dzose kuchabatsira kuchengetedza rugare rwaKristu mumwoyo yedu. What is more, if she and Adam fed Cain such ideas as he grew up, they surely did his imperfect human pride no good. Seeing what this inspired book says always will help preserve the peace of Christ in our hearts. Mufaro wakarasika unogona kuwanikwazve. Ways to Recover Lost joy can be found again. Munyaya yakapfuura takataura nezvomutambo wokufananidzira uri muzvitsauko 1 kusvikira ku5 zvaHosiya. At such times, give your heavenly Father time to show you what his will is for you. In the preceding article, we mentioned the symbolic drama in Hosea chapters 1 through 5. Zvinhu zvipfumbamwe zvakanzi naJesu zvinopa mufaro zvichiri kutibatsira sezvazvaingoita panguva yake The Bible says: "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens his friend. " The nine happiness - giving factors that Jesus mentioned still benefit us, just as they did in his day Kenza ichakonzera 40 muzana yenzufu idzi, hosha dzemwoyo dzichikonzera imwe 30 muzana... What do you see when you look at others? Cancer will cause 40 percent of these deaths, some 30 percent of heart attacks... Piotr Choduń, mumwe mukuru mukuru wetorongo ave achibetserana neZvapupu zvaJehovha, akati: "Takasarudza kuti nyaya iyi iratidzwe pose panoonekwa nevanhu mutorongo redu. ✔ Speak at the level of the parent - do not condescend or patronize. Piott Chosi, a prison official who has been helpful to Jehovah's Witnesses, said: "We have decided that this matter be shown wherever people appear in our prison. " NDAKANZWA, sezvo ndakateerera kwaari achinyengetera mundimi, sokunge kwakanga kune magetsi mumhepo, " akadaro Bill pashure pokunge iye navamwe vatanhatu vakanga vaungana pamberi pomuparidzi pedyo neatari yechechi. Six Keys to Personal Success " I never heard, since I listened to him praying in tongues, as if there were electricity in the air, " said Bill after he and six others had gathered before a publisher near the church altar. Onawo Dhanieri 2: 44; Mateu 6: 9, 10. What evidence is there that the Law did not allow for negligence as a claim for mercy when someone was killed? See also Daniel 2: 44; Matthew 6: 9, 10. Dr. Scientists believe that the majority of these connections, called synapses, are made in the first few years of life. Dr. • Chirangaridzo chinofanira kuchengetwa kakawanda sei? Regularly consulting that inspired Book will help to preserve the peace of the Christ in our hearts. • How often should the Memorial be observed? Kunyange zvakadaro, yeuka kuti vanhu vaiva vasingazivi pamusoro peutachiona huduku - duku ihwohwo nguva dzose. Lost joy can be retrieved. Remember, though, that people did not always know about that tiny virus. Iwo akagumbuka mukuti akatambudzwa ndokutambura zvakakomba, mamwe kunyange kuurawa. The preceding article discussed the symbolic drama found in Hosea chapters 1 to 5. They were offended in that they were tortured and suffered severely, some even killed. Zvavakanga vari rudzi, vakanga vagamuchira sungano yoMutemo nokuna Mosesi anenge makore 1 500 akanga apfuura. The nine happinesses that Jesus highlighted are as beneficial today as they were then Being a nation, they had accepted the Law covenant through Moses some 1,500 years earlier. Asi, nhoroondo pfupi iri mubhuku raDhanieri inoratidza Dhariusi somutongi ane pfungwa yekusasarura nekururamisira. Cancer will account for some 40% of these deaths, cardiovascular diseases for another 30%... Yet, the brief account in the book of Daniel shows Darius as a ruler with a sense of impartiality and justice. Jesu aiziva kuti Dhavhidhi paakanyora mapisarema ake, aitungamirirwa nomudzimu mutsvene. Piotr Choduń, a prison official who has cooperated closely with Jehovah's Witnesses, said: "We decided to have this article displayed in all the showcases in our penitentiary. Jesus knew that when David wrote his psalms, he was guided by holy spirit. Kupfurikidza nefundo yemhuri, kupfurikidza nokuenda navo kumisangano nomuushumiri hwomumunda kuvambira paucheche hwavo, kupfurikidza nokuitira zvinhu pamwe chete, kupfurikidza nokuva nechokwadi chokuti vaiva nesonganiro dzakanaka, kupfurikidza nokuvapa chirango chakasimba, uye kupfurikidza nokugadza muenzaniso wakanaka isu timene. " I FELT, as I listened to him praying in tongues, as if there were an electrifying charge in the air, " said Bill after he and six others had gathered before the preacher near the church altar. Through family study, by taking them to meetings and in the field ministry from their infancy, by doing things together, by making sure that they had good association, by giving them firm discipline, and by setting a good example ourselves. Zvino, vakaziva kuti vanofanira kubatira kwenguva refu seinoda Jehovha. See also Daniel 2: 44; Matthew 6: 9, 10. Now, they have realized that they must serve for as long as they love Jehovah. Mugore ra1654. " Dr. In the year 1654. " (b) Chii chiri betsero yemharidzo pfupi, yakananga pakugovera magazini? • How often should the Memorial be observed? (b) What is the benefit of a brief, direct presentation when offering magazines? Mune dzimwe nyika vakadzi havatombobvumirwi kukurukura nhau dzekurara kwavo nevarume, kuzoti kutaurirana nezvemiitiro yokurara pamwe isina ngozi. Remember, though, that humankind did not always know about these tiny pathogens. In some lands women are never allowed to discuss sexual matters with men, to talk to us about safe sexual practices. Kuwana mhinduro dzinogutsa dzemibvunzo yangu kwakachinja upenyu hwangu. They stumbled in that they were persecuted and suffered intensely, some even being killed. Finding satisfying answers to my questions changed my life. Ipapo muna 1999, mwanakomana wedu, Štěpán, mushumiri anoshumira, akaroora Blanka, anoita basa renguva yakazara. As a nation, they had received the Law covenant through Moses about 1,500 years earlier. Then, in 1999, our son, happilyt Howeverpán, a ministerial servant, married Blanka, does full - time service. Ipapo, pashure pokusaswa ne "mvura tsvene, " varanda vaiudzwa, kuti:" Tarirai imi vanhu matova vana vaMwari; muri kuenda kunyika yavaSpain kwamuchadzidza zvinhu zvoKutenda. Yet, the brief account in the book of Daniel portrays Darius as a ruler with a sense of fairness and justice. Then, after being sprinkled with "holy water, " the slaves were told:" Look! You men are already God's children; you are going to a land of Spain, where you will learn the things of faith. Akakumbirawo rubatsiro rwevakuru vechiKristu vaiva muungano yaaipinda nayo. Jesus knew that when David wrote his psalms, he was guided by holy spirit. He also sought the help of Christian elders in his local congregation. Kusaonga kwazova rutivi "rwomweya, " mudzimu woudyire uyo unodzora vanhu venyika ino. By family study, by taking them with us to meetings and in the field ministry from their infancy, by doing things together, by making sure they had good associations, by giving them firm discipline, and by setting a good example ourselves. Lack of appreciation has become part of "the spirit, " the selfish spirit that governs this world's people. Chokwadi, iyo inogona kuumbwa uye inoita chishongo chinokwezva muchimiro chemhete kana kuti koza. Now, they realized that they must serve for as long as Jehovah wishes. True, it can be molded and makes attractive ornaments in the form of a hammer or a cane. Jesu akatsanangura kuti, "Mwanakomana haagoni kuita chinhu chimwe chete chaanozvitangira oga, asi chaanoona Baba vachiita chete. In the year 1654. " " The Son cannot do a single thing of his own initiative, " Jesus explained, "but only what he beholds the Father doing. Zvevechiduku (b) What is the advantage of a short, to - the - point presentation when offering the magazines? For Young People Zviverengero zvisingaverengeki zvavana vakaurawa, vakakuvadzwa, vakasiiwa, vakaitwa nherera, kana kuti kupambwa sorubatso. In some lands women are not even permitted to discuss sex with men, much less to negotiate safer sex practices. Countless numbers of children have been killed, injured, abandoned, orphans, or robbed as a spoil. Nepo miitiro yechinguvana yezvipfeko ingagona kushivirirwa pazvakanakisisa uye kugumbura pane zvakashatisisa, mimwe miitiro yechinguvana yakakurumbira inoratidzika kuva inoputsa mitemo yose yechisarudzo chakanaka. Finding satisfying answers to my questions changed my life. While short - term styles of clothing could be tolerated on the best and offensive over the worst, some popular fads seem to violate all rules of good judgment. Kutanga Rwendo Rwedu Then in 1999, our son, Štěpán, a ministerial servant, married Blanka, who shares in the full - time ministry. Starting Our Journey Uyezve, sezvo Mwari akanga asingadi zviito zvakadaro, zvaizova zvakakodzera here kuti vaJudha vatumire mibvunzo yakawanda kudare revadzidzisi vavo kuti vazive zvokuita pamubvunzo mumwe nomumwe? Then, after being sprinkled with "holy water, " the slaves were told:" Look you people are already children of God; you are going to the land of the Spaniards where you will learn things of the Faith. Moreover, since God did not approve of such acts, would it be appropriate for the Jews to send more questions to their teachers ' court to learn what to do about each question? Kunenge kuti rusarura ndirwo rwakanga rwamutsa ruvengo irworwo. She also asked for help from qualified Christian elders in the local congregation. It seems that prejudice had triggered that hatred. VaIsraeri vakarairwa, kuti: "Usagamuchira fufuro, nokuti fufuro inopofumadza meso avakangwara, nokuminamisa mashoko avakarurama. " Unthankfulness has become part of "the air, " the selfish spirit that dominates people of this world. The Israelites were commanded: "You must not take a bribe, because a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise ones and makes the words of the righteous ones shine. " Zvingava zvakanaka kuti uchengete magwaro anonyanya kukukurudzira pari nyore kuawana. True, it is malleable and makes an attractive adornment in the form of a ring or a bracelet. It would be good for you to keep scriptures that are particularly encouraging to find them. Nemhaka yei? " The Son cannot do a single thing of his own initiative, but only what he beholds the Father doing, " Jesus explained. Why? [ Mifananidzo iri papeji 7] For Young People [ Pictures on page 7] Kuti uwane mashoko akawanda nezvenyaya iyi, ona peji 195 - 197 mubhuku rinonzi Bhaibheri Rinombodzidzisei Chaizvo? Countless numbers of children have been killed, wounded, abandoned, orphaned, or taken hostage. For more information on this subject, see pages 195 - 197 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Ndini Jehovha, hakuna mumwe; kunze kwangu hakuna mumwe Mwari. While clothing fads may be tolerable at best and offensive at worst, some popular fads seem to violate all rules of common sense. I am the LORD, and there is none else; beside me there is no God. (a) Ruzhinji rwevanhu vanogara pasi runonamata chii, uye chii chinofananidzirwa nechiratidzo chiri pahuma yavo kana kuti paruoko rwavo? Starting Out on Our Journey (a) What does the majority of earth's inhabitants worship, and what is pictured by the sign on their forehead or on their arm? Mutongi Akapfuma Anotadza Kusarudza Furthermore, since God did not require such reactions, would it be best for Jews to send a multitude of questions to a council of rabbis to get a ruling on each one? A Rich Judge Cannot Choose Asi handirarami mubhuku iroro. It seems likely that prejudice had kindled their animosity. But I do not live in that book. Mwari akabva achinja zvinhu achiti: "Ini ndinotora vaRevhi... panzvimbo pematangwe ose pakati pevanakomana vaIsraeri. " The Israelites were commanded: "You must not... accept a bribe, for the bribe blinds the eyes of wise ones and distorts the words of righteous ones. " God then changed matters: "I am taking the Levites... instead of all the firstborn among the sons of Israel. " Ivo vakataura kuna baba vangu, avo vakavaudza, kuti: "Onai mwanakomana wangu. Why not keep handy a list of scriptures that are particularly comforting to you? He spoke to my father, who told him: "See my son. Iwe mubereki, usakurumidze kuzvishora, mumwe wako kana kuti mwana wako achiri kuyaruka Why? You parent, do not be quick to blame yourself, your spouse, or your adolescent child Zvinokosha kuti munyatsobatsira vana venyu kuti vaone kushanda kwemazano eBhaibheri. [ Pictures on page 7] It is vital that you help your children to see the practical value of Bible principles. Nemhaka yokuti anoisa magamuchidzanwa orudzidziso, uzivi hwenyika, uye kuvimbika kwezvamatongerwe enyika pamusoro peShoko raMwari. For more information on this subject, see pages 195 - 197 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Because they put religious traditions, worldly philosophies, and political loyalty to God's Word. Uku kwaiva kuchinja kubva kujeri reDannemora raichengetedza vasungwa zvakanyanya. I am Jehovah, and there is no one else. This was a change from the prison at Dannemora, a high - security center. Pavaifamba, Hama Russell vakaona ngarava mbiri dzakakura chaizvo dzaigadzirwa. Imwe yacho ingarava yakazonyura yainzi Titanic uye imwe yacho yainzi Olympic. (a) What do the majority of earth's inhabitants worship, and what is symbolized by the mark on their forehead or on their hand? During their travels, Brother Russell saw two huge shipships, one of whom was later called the Titicic, and the other Olympic. Akangaidzwa nokuvhiringidzwa nebasa rake amene rezuva, Susan anopinda napakati pemotokari achishamisika kuti akambokwanisa sei kuwana mwana akadai. A Rich Ruler Makes a Poor Choice He was frustrated and frustrated by his own day's work, Susan goes through the center of a car wondering how she was ever able to find such a child. Kupote nyika, Mutumbi Unodzora unomirirwa naMatare aMapazu, vatariri vanofambira, uye vakuru veungano. But I don't live in that book. Around the world, the Governing Body is represented by Branch Committees, traveling overseers, and congregation elders. Vana vachabayiwa mwoyo kana vakaona kuti baba vavo vari kuedza zvechokwadi kuratidza muenzaniso. Then God made this significant adjustment: "I do take the Levites... in place of all the firstborn among the sons of Israel. " Children will be touched if they see that their father is truly trying to set an example. Patrick anowedzera, kuti: "Ipapo kwakaoma kuchengeta mwero wakakwirira woukoshi noweizvo munhu anogona kuita. " They talked to my father, who told them: "You'd better see my son. Patrick adds: "It is then difficult to maintain a high level of value and what one can do. " Tagara hatifaniri kunaya vanhu nemibvunzo. As a parent, do not be too hasty to blame yourself, your mate, or your teen We do not always have to rain people with questions. Dhavhidhi akatiwo: "Hapachina mufaro pamafupa angu nokuda kwechivi changu. It is particularly important that you impress on your children the value of Bible principles. David also said: "There has been no joy in my bones because of my sin. Ndizvo zvinofadza pabasa rokuita kuti vanhu vave vadzidzi. Because they place religious traditions, worldly philosophies, and political loyalties above God's Word. That is good news about the disciple - making work. Zvisinei, Mwari haana kukanganwa sungano yaakaita naDhavhidhi. This was a change from the maximum security prison at Dannemora. However, God did not forget the covenant he made with David. Kupanduka kwaSatani kwakaita kuti vanhu vasava nechokwadi kana uchangamire hwaMwari hwakanga hwakarurama. Looming before Brother Russell were two massive ocean liners under construction, the ill - fated Titanic and her sister ship Olympic. Satan's rebellion caused mankind to question the righteousness of God's sovereignty. Bhaibheri rinokurudzira vabereki vechiKristu kupedza nguva navana vavo ndokupinza nheyo dzoumwari mavari. Flustered and frazzled from her own day's work, Susan weaves through traffic wondering how she ever managed to acquire such a child. The Bible urges Christian parents to spend time with their children and to instill godly principles in them. Ukama hwangu naJehovha huri kungoramba huchisimba zuva rimwe nerimwe. Around the world, the Governing Body is represented by Branch Committees, traveling overseers, and congregation elders. My relationship with Jehovah continues to grow each day. © Sven Torfinn / Panos Pictures The hearts of children will likely be touched when they see their father really trying. © Sven Torfinn / Panos Pictures Nakidzwa Noupenyu Uchitya Jehovha, 3 / 1 Patrick adds: "Then it is difficult to maintain a high level of quality and output. " Jehovah's Day Is Near, 3 / 15 Kana mumwe wavo akawa, mumwe wacho anogona kusimudza mumwe wake. " - Muparidzi 4: 9, 10. Naturally, we should not overwhelm people with questions. If one of them should fall, the other one can raise his partner up. " - Ecclesiastes 4: 9, 10. ARI patembere, Jesu ave achitambudzika pamusoro porufu urwo anofanira kukurumidza kutarisana narwo. David also said: "There is no peace in my bones on account of my sin. WHILE at the temple, Jesus has been distressed over the death that he must soon face. NYANZVI yezvenyeredzi yaiva nemakore 70 yakanga yava kuda kufa, ichiita zvokutamburira kuverenga. That is the joy of making disciples. THE 70 - year - old astronomer was about to die, struggling to read. Omerera pane zvaunenge wasarudza. However, God did not forsake his covenant with David. Be thankful for your decision. [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 21] Satan's rebellion raised a question regarding the rightness of God's sovereignty. [ Picture on page 21] 6, 7. The Bible encourages Christian parents to spend time with their children and inculcate godly principles in them. 6, 7. Ngwarira kuzvikudza - kungaratidzwa nokusateerera kana kuti kudada. - Zvirevo 11: 2. I am coming to feel ever closer to Jehovah. Guard against haughtiness - whether expressed by disobedience or pride. - Proverbs 11: 2. Muguta racho muchine matongo ezvivako izvi anoonekwa nevanenge vashanya. © Sven Torfinn / Panos Pictures In the city, the ruins of these buildings are visible to visitors. Pashure pokunge tapinda muHaiti takaona ungwanda - ngwanda hwakakonzerwa nokudengenyeka. Have a Spiritual Mentor? 12 / 15 After entering Haiti, we saw an earthquake in the air. Neiko pane musiano? If one of them should fall, the other one can raise his partner up. " - Ecclesiastes 4: 9, 10. Why the difference? [ Mashoko Omuzasi] WHILE at the temple, Jesus has been agonizing over the death that he soon must face. [ Footnote] Kunyanguvezvo, mukuita kudaro iye akasimbisawo kuti Noa nemhuri yake vakateerera Jehovha Mwari, vakapinda muareka, uye vakapukunyuka Mafashamo makuru. THE 70 - year - old astronomer was on his deathbed, struggling to read. Nevertheless, in doing so he also emphasized that Noah and his family obeyed Jehovah God, entered the ark, and survived the great Flood. Murume wacho akakurumidza kufambira mberi. Stick to your resolve. The man made rapid progress. Zvimwe ari kurwara zvakakomba. [ Picture on page 21] Perhaps he is seriously ill. Vaverengi Vanobvunza Kuti... 6, 7. Our Readers Ask... 20, 21. Be on guard against presumptuousness - whether expressed through disobedient acts or a proud attitude. - Proverbs 11: 2. 20, 21. Chenjerai kuti musataure zvimwe zvinhu pamberi pake zvamusingadi kuti anzwe. Ruins of some are still standing for tourists to see. Be careful not to say things before him that you do not want him to hear. Aiwa, zvamazvirokwazvo, nokuti "apo Jesu akanga apedza kupa miraidzo kuvadzidzi vake vane gumi navaviri, akatangira ipapo kudzidzisa nokuparidzira mumaguta avo. " - Mateo 11: 1, NW. After crossing the border into Haiti, we saw the devastation. No, indeed, for "when Jesus had finished giving instructions to his twelve disciples, he started there to teach and preach in their cities. " - Matthew 11: 1. Musi mumwe unotaurira mumwe musi, uye usiku humwe hunopupurira humwe usiku njere. " Why different? One day after another day causes speech to be heard, and one night after another night shows forth knowledge. " 10, 11. [ Footnote] 10, 11. Mazuva ano, zvingashamisa kuti munhu akumbire izvozvo, asi kare zvanga zvakajairika kuti murume anogona kutora mumwe mukadzi kuti abereke mugari wenhaka. Nevertheless, in doing so he also confirmed that Noah and his family obeyed Jehovah God, entered the ark, and survived the great Flood. Today, it may be surprising for a person to ask for that, but long ago it was common for a man to take another woman to produce an heir. Maud: Zvamazvirokwazvo, basa refundo dzeBhaibheri rakanga riri chinhu chikuru. The man made rapid progress. Maud: Indeed, the work of Bible studies was a major factor. Zvechokwadi, Jehovha ane zvinhu zvinoshamisa zvaakachengetera avo vanotenda maari. Maybe a serious health problem exists. Indeed, Jehovah has wonderful things in store for those who exercise faith in him. Zviitiko zvemakore 1 966 apfuura zvingakutapura sei zvino pakuvamba kwezana ramakore rechi21? Our Readers Ask... How might events of the past 1,966 years affect you now at the beginning of the 21st century? Zvainge zvakati omei kuenda kunoparidza zuva nezuva tichibuda mumba memufundisi. 20, 21. It was not easy to go preaching daily out of the minister's house. Jesu ane "simba rokuponesa kwazvo kwazvo avo vanoswedera kuna Mwari naye, zvaanorarama nokusingaperi kuti avareverere. " - VaHebheru 7: 25. Be careful not to say anything in front of him that you do not want him to hear. Jesus has "the power to save completely those who are approaching God through him, because he lives forever to plead for them. " - Hebrews 7: 25. Unodzidza kuna Mwari noMwanakomana wake kuti uite zvinhu wakatendeseka, kutaura nomutsa, uye kurarama wakavimbika. No, indeed, for "when Jesus had finished giving instructions to his twelve disciples, he set out from there to teach and preach in their cities. " - Matthew 11: 1. You learn from God and his Son to be honest, kind, and trustworthy. Vamwe vangafunga kuti chinyakare kuva nemaonero akadaro okudanana nokuroorana. One day after another day causes speech to bubble forth, and one night after another night shows forth knowledge. " Some may feel that it is old - fashioned to have such a romantic attitude toward marriage. Hatifaniriwo kutsigira zvematongerwo enyika kunyange mumwoyo medu. 10, 11. We also do not have to take sides in politics or even in our heart. Ichokwadi kuti muviri womunhu hausi muchina. It may seem a strange request to us today, but it was not unusual in those times for a man to take a secondary wife, or concubine, in order to produce an heir. Of course, the human body is not a machine. Kana uchitya, ungaitei? - Unogona kutsvaka munhu mukuru uye akasimba kukupfuura. Maud: Indeed, the Bible study work was the big thing. If you are afraid, what can you do? - You can look for someone older and stronger than you. Nokuti muri mhute inooneka nguva duku yobva yanyangarika. " - Jakobho 4: 14. Indeed, Jehovah has wonderful things in store for those who exercise faith in him. For you are a mist appearing for a little while and then disappearing. " - James 4: 14. Somuenzaniso, imwe nyika yokuAsia iri kushuma kuti vanhu 40 000 vanobatwa nechirwere chorurindi gore roga roga. How can events of 1,966 years ago affect you now at the threshold of the 21st century? For example, one Asian country reports that 40,000 people are diagnosed with tuberculosis each year. Mhanyai saizvozvo kuti muuwane. " - 1 VaKorinte 9: 24. It seemed strange to walk out of the clergyman's house each day to go preaching. Run in such a way that you may attain it. " - 1 Corinthians 9: 24. " Izvi hazvina kureva kuti vaparidzi vasina kubhabhatidzwa ava vakanga vasingakwanisi kutsigira Jehovha, " anodaro Helena, mumwe weZvapupu izvozvo zvekare. Jesus is "able also to save completely those who are approaching God through him, because he is always alive to plead for them. " - Hebrews 7: 25. " This did not mean that these unbaptized publishers were unable to take sides with Jehovah, " says Helena, one of those Witnesses too. Uri mumwe wevachawana nhaka chaiyoiyo here? You learn from God and from his Son about acting honestly, speaking kindly, and living responsibly. Are you one of those who will receive a real inheritance? Chisingazivi vakawanda ndechokuti Lucia anochinja - chinja, dzimwe nguva anomboora mwoyo kwazvo uye pamwe anofara zvokudarikidza. Some may feel that it is old - fashioned to take such a view of dating and marriage. What many do not know is that Lucia changes, at times she is extremely depressed and perhaps is happier than she is. Tichifunga nezvezano iri, ngatikurukurei mibvunzo inotevera: Nei tichifanira kufunga nezveminyengetero yedu? Of course, the human body is not a machine. In view of this counsel, let us consider the following questions: Why should we consider our prayers? " Somugumisiro, ndakaramba ndichinetseka pamusoro pechitarisiko changu, kusvikira kumwero wokuti zvinokosha zvangu zvomudzimu zvakavamba kuva nenzvimbo yechipiri muupenyu hwangu. When you are afraid, what can you do? - You can turn to someone who is bigger and stronger than you. " As a result, I kept worrying about my appearance, to the extent that my spiritual values began to occupy a secondary place in my life. Asi musa "neta nokupera simba pamweya yenyu. " For you are a mist appearing for a little while and then disappearing. " - James 4: 14. But do not "be tired and give out in your souls. " Chiedza chakapenyawo pautsvene hweropa. For instance, one Asian country is presently reporting 40,000 new tuberculosis cases every year. Light also shone on the sanctity of blood. Vamwe vaivava, kupfurikidza nokudenha chaiko kana kuti zvimwe, kazhinji kazhinji zvikuru, kupfurikidza nechibhende, vanoedza kusvibisa mukurumbira weZvapupu zvaJehovha ndokumutsa fungira mano yakaipa pazviri. Run in such a way that you may attain it. " - 1 Corinthians 9: 24. Some of these, either by physical attack or, more often, by contrast, try to spoil the reputation of Jehovah's Witnesses and arouse prejudice against them. (a) Nderipi rakanga riri basa raPauro mubasa rechiKristu rokuvaka? " This did not mean that these unbaptized publishers were not able to take their stand for Jehovah, " says Helena, one of those early Witnesses. (a) What was Paul's role in the Christian building work? Akaita sei? Are you in line for a real inheritance? How did she react? Kusashivirira kunogona kutungamirira kuchii, asi nzwisiso inogona sei kutibetsera muna ikoku? What most do not realize is that Lucia alternates between extremes of depression and mania. To what can intolerance lead, but how can discernment help us in this regard? Nemhaka yei kurwisana neTB kusiri kubudirira? In view of this counsel, let us consider the following questions: Why should we pay attention to our prayers? Why is the fight against TB not successful? Pakuyaruka, musikana anoita anenge masere muzana amafuta omuviri - avhareji inogoveranwa navakomana navasikana muupwere - kusvikira kuinenge 22 muzana yamafuta omuviri. " As a consequence, I became more and more obsessed with my appearance, to the extent that spiritual values began to take second place in my life. At puberty, a girl makes about eight percent of body fat - an average shared by boys and girls in childhood - to about 22 percent of body fat. Bhabhironi rekare rakanga rakazadzwa norudzidziso rwokuziva chokwadi nenzira yakavanzika, magamuchidzanwa akashata, kunamata zvidhori, mashiripiti, unyanzvi hwenyeredzi, uye kutenda mashura - zvose zvinoshorwa neShoko raJehovha. But do not "get tired and give out in your souls. " Ancient Babylon was filled with a religion of secret knowledge of truth, false traditions, idolatry, magic, astrology, and superstition - all opposed to Jehovah's Word. Ipapo vakandirova nzeve zvinorwadza, vachishevedzera, kuti: "Ndichakubhapatidza! " Light also shone on the sanctity of blood. Then they beat me with a sharp ear, shouting: "I will baptize you! " Chii icho Dhavhidhi anotaura pamusoro pokuva mambo kwaJehovha? Some of these, either by outright attack or, more often, by innuendo, try to sully the reputation of Jehovah's Witnesses and arouse prejudice against them. What does David say about Jehovah's kingship? POSE paaitaura naNikodhimo, Jesu akasimbisa nyaya yokuti kuberekwa patsva kana kuti kuberekwazve kunokosha zvikuru. (a) What was Paul's role in the Christian building work? WHEN speaking to Nicodemus, Jesus highlighted the importance of the new birth or reincarnation. Kuti tiwane, ngatitangei kunzvera marudzi eminyengetero iri kupiwa. What is he like? To find out, let us first examine the forms of prayers being offered. Zvechokwadi, zvikonzero zvokuonga zvakapiwa mumishumo mishanu yakabva munyika yose. Being impatient can lead to what, but how can discernment help us in this regard? Indeed, reasons for thankfulness were presented in five reports from around the world. Zvino mashoko akanaka ndeokuti, matoyi akanakisisa angangodaro ari aya asinganyanyi kudhura. Why is the fight against TB turning into a losing battle? Now the good news is, the best toys are likely one of the least expensive. Vose Michael naSimon vanokarira kutonga kwoUmambo apo Kristu "ucharwira mushayiwi kana achidanidzira " uye hapana achazoti," Ndinorwara. " At puberty, a girl goes from having about eight percent body fat - an average shared by both sexes in childhood - to about 22 percent body fat. All Michael and Simon look forward to Kingdom rule when Christ "will deliver the poor one crying for help " and no one will say," I am sick. " MuSouth America, vanotengesa mirimo zvisiri pamutemo veColombia vave vachigadzira mari yekunyepedzera yeAmerica kwemakore kuti vawedzere mari yavo isiri pamutemo. Ancient Babylon was permeated with mystic religion, debased traditions, idol worship, magic, astrology, and superstition - all of which are condemned by Jehovah's Word. In South America, Colombian drug dealers have been producing American counterfeit money for years to increase their illegal income. Inzwa manzwi acho. Then he gave me a stinging box on the ear, yelling: "I will baptize you! " Hear the voices. Kuwana Mhinduro What does David say about Jehovah's kingship? Finding Answers [ Mashoko okukwezva vaverengi ari papeji 17] Build Happy Marriage, 7 / 06 [ Blurb on page 17] Kuchenesa Muranda Wake Wepasi Pano THROUGHOUT his conversation with Nicodemus, Jesus emphasized that undergoing a new birth, or being born again, is of great importance. Cleaning His Earthly Slave " Mwari, Nei Makabvumira Izvi? ' To find out, let us first examine the kinds of prayers being offered. " God, Why Did You Allow This? ' Vabereki nhasi kazhinji kazhinji vanowanzonzwa vakarukutika uye vakaneta kuti vabate nezvinetso zvavana vavo Indeed, reasons for thankfulness were provided in five reports from around the world. Parents today often feel tired and tired to deal with their children's problems Nezvenzvimbo dzakafanana, kunoshumwa, kuti: "Dzimwe nzvimbo dzinoera dzaiita kuti matsotsi awedzere uye kwaiwanzova kuri madikanwa kuganhurira nhamba yenzvimbo dzechengeteko. Well, the good news is that the best toys may be the ones that are the least expensive. Of similar places, it is reported: "Some sacred sites made criminals increase and were often necessary to limit the number of security sites. Mamiriyoni anotaura mitauro iyi anobatsirwa nokuva neShoko raMwari mururimi rwavo. Both Michael and Simon look forward to the time under Kingdom rule when Christ "will deliver the poor one crying for help " and nobody will say," I am sick. " Millions who speak these languages benefit from having God's Word in their own tongue. Muna 1867, goho rezvirimwa rakawanikwa kumusoro uye nechepakati peEurope rakanga riri duku. In South America, Colombian drug cartels have been counterfeiting American currency for years to augment their illegal income. In 167, the crop harvest was found on top and in central Europe was small. Neiko tisingagoni kuganza pamusoro pezvakaitwa? Hear the voices. Why can we not boast about what was done? Kuonga iyi ratidzirwo yorudo rwaMwari kunofanira kutisunda kumubatira nomwoyo wose. Finding the Answers Appreciation for this expression of God's love should move us to serve him whole - souled. Munguva yekare, Mambo Dhavhidhi akanyora kuti " ukuru hwaJehovha hahugoni kuongororwa. ' [ Blurb on page 27] In ancient times, King David wrote that "Jehovah's greatness cannot be searched out. " Rudo rwakadaro ndirwo urwo mumwe nomumwe wedu anoda kuti tipukunyuke Armagedhoni ndokupfuura muedzo wokupedzisira pachaguma Kutonga kwaKristu Kwemakore Ane Chiuru. Cleansing His Earthly Slave Such love is what each of us wants us to survive Armageddon and pass the final test at the end of Christ's Thousand Year Reign. Muzvitsauko zvokutanga zvaZvakazarurwa, ungano dzechiKristu dzinofananidzwa nezvigadziko zvemarambi. " God, Why Did You Allow This? ' In the opening chapters of Revelation, Christian congregations are likened to candlesticks. Mibato yawo yakaipa inotapura tose zvedu ndokuita kuti upenyu huve hunodhura zvikuru. Parents today often feel too stressed and tired to deal with their children's problems Their bad activities affect all of us and make life more expensive. 37: 25. Concerning similar places, it is reported: "Some shrines were nurseries of criminals; and it often became necessary to limit the number of asylums. 37: 25. VaAmerica vakamhara muNorth Africa pedyo nomugumo wa 1942. Millions who speak these languages benefit by having God's Word in their vernacular. Americans landed in North Africa near the end of 1942. Kana tikateerera zvinhu zvavanodzidzisa, zvishoma nezvishoma tinogona kubva pana Jehovha uye rudo rwedu rungatonhora. - VaH. In 1867, the crop harvest in northern and central Europe was poor. If we pay attention to what they teach, we can gradually draw away both from Jehovah and from our love for him. - Heb. Kuti tinyatsova vadzidzisi vanobudirira tinofanira kuda Mwari, kuda chokwadi, uye kuda vanhu. Why can we not boast of what has been accomplished? To be more effective teachers, we must love God, love the truth, and love people. Chaunofanira kungoita kushama woimba. Gratitude for this expression of God's love should move us to serve him wholeheartedly. All you have to do is sing and sing. Mamwe Mashoko In ancient times, King David wrote that Jehovah's "greatness is unsearchable. " Notes Usapfugamira izvozvo, kana kuzvishumira; nokuti ini Jehovha, Mwari wako, ndiri Mwari une godo. " - Eksodho 20: 4, 5. Such love is what each of us needs in order to survive Armageddon and pass the final test at the end of Christ's Millennial Reign. You must not bow down to them nor be induced to serve them, because I Jehovah your God am a jealous God. " - Exodus 20: 4, 5. Izvi zvingaguma nokuputswa kwezvematongerwe enyika uye kurwisana kusingadzivisiki. In the opening chapters of Revelation, Christian congregations are likened to lampstands. This may result in political violations and in inevitable conflicts. Uchadaro here? Their evil activities affect all of us and make life more expensive. Will you? tide vatinodzidzisa? 37: 25. love for those whom we teach? Mumwe mushandi akawana mari yerwendo urwu nokutengesa motokari yake. The Americans landed in North Africa near the end of 1942. One worker got the money for the trip by selling his car. Iye akarega norupo idzi gadziriro dziripo kunyange pashure pokunge Adhama naEvha vapanduka. If we give ear to such teachings, we could drift away from Jehovah, and our love could grow cold. - Heb. He has generously given up these provisions available even after Adam and Eve rebelled. Asi nhoroondo iri muBhaibheri inoti rwizi rwacho rwakachinja rukava ropa, kwete kuti ivhu ndiro raiva dzvuku. Yes, to be truly effective teachers, we need a threefold love - love for God, love of the truth, and love for people. Yet, the Bible account says that the river changed into blood, not as red clay. 18, 19. (a) Muenzaniso waDhavhidhi unoratidza sei kuti munhu anogona kuvazve akaperera? All you have to do is open your mouth and sing. 18, 19. (a) How does David's example show that integrity can be restored? Asi Hama Poetzinger akabatirira kukutenda kwechokwadi. Further Help But Brother Poetzinger held to the true faith. Kirechi - Kusarudza Yakanakisisa Nokuda Kwomwana Wako! You must not bow down to them nor be induced to serve them, because I Jehovah your God am a God exacting exclusive devotion. " - Exodus 20: 4, 5. Day Care - The Best Choice for Your Child! Kutya Mwari kunoreva kumuremekedza, kumukudza uye kuvimba naye, tichidzivisa chero chinhu chisingamufadzi. This would result in political fragmentation and inevitable conflict. Fearing God means respecting him, honoring him and trusting in him, avoiding anything that displeases him. Kana tikaratidza kuti tiri vateveri chaivo vaKristu, tichanzwirwa nyasha naMwari, uye ramangwana redu richange rakanaka, sezvinonzi rakavakirwa padombo! Will you? If we prove ourselves to be Christ's real followers, we will gain God's favor, and our future will be bright, as if built on rock! Mabara epfuti zvaaivhiririka pedyo neni, ndakasimudza hengechepfu chena zvishoma nezvishoma. love for those whom we teach? As the guns were rolling near me, I slowly raised the white poison. Nechikomborero chaJehovha ndiri kufara kudzidzisa vanhu, kuvaka Dzimba dzoUmambo, uye kuwana shamwari itsva. " Another worker paid for his trip by selling his car. With Jehovah's blessing I am happy to teach people, to build Kingdom Halls, and to find new friends. " Akati: "Ndakarangarira kuti ndaisagonazve kufara nemhaka yokuti ndaifunga kuti miniti yandaidaro, chimwe chinhu chakashata chaizoitika. " He generously let these provisions remain even after Adam and Eve rebelled. He said: "I felt I could no longer rejoice because I thought that the minute I did, something bad would happen. " Takava nekurukurirano yakakomba, yamaawa mana. However, the Bible account says that the river was turned into blood, not red mud. We had a serious, four - hour discussion. Imwe nzira yokushandisa nayo nheyo yourwu rugwaro yaizova yokunzvera panhambo nenhambo rudungwe rwako rwomunhu oga namararamire. 18, 19. (a) How does David's example show that integrity can be regained? One way to apply the principle of this scripture would be to analyze occasionally your personal schedule and life - style. Pashure pacho, akakumbira mwenga wake akanga akafuka vhoiri, asingambofungi kuti Rabhani akanga achimunyengedza. But Brother Poetzinger clung to the true faith. Afterward, he asked his bride dressed in a heel, which is unthinkable that Laban was deceiving her. Kufambira Mberi Mukudhinda maBhaibheri Emitauro yomuAfrica Day Care - Choosing the Best for Your Child! Progress in the Making of African - Language Bibles Nhasi, kurovedza kunopfuurira kuchabudisa varume vazhinji vanokwanisa, "zvipo muvarume, " avo vanogona kugoverana mukufudza boka kuitira kuti vakuru veungano vagorega kuneta. - VaEfeso 4: 8, 16. To fear God means to respect, honor, and trust him, avoiding anything that displeases him. Today, ongoing training will produce many capable men, "gifts in men, " who can share in shepherding the flock so that the congregation elders may not tire out. - Ephesians 4: 8, 16. Somuenzaniso, imwe hanzvadzi yava nemakore anopfuura 60 inoshanda paBheteri yakaenda kunzvimbo dziri kure kakawanda ichizvipira kunobatsira vanenge vari mumatambudziko. Yes, if we prove to be real followers of Christ, we will receive God's favor, and our future will be secure, as if founded on rock! For example, a sister who has been serving at Bethel for over 60 years has often made sacrifices to help those in need. Maererano nemashoko iwayo, vakawanda vakaona kuti kusaroora kunoita kuti vakwanise kushumira Mwari pasina chinovakanganisa sezvinoita vanhu vakaroora. As bullets whizzed around me, I slowly raised a white handkerchief. According to those words, many have found that singleness enables them to serve God without any harm that a married person does. Saka zviri pachena kuti muKristu akakura pakunamata anoda kuva nezivo "yakarurama pamusoro poMwanakomana waMwari. " Thanks to Jehovah's blessing, I am so happy making disciples, building Kingdom Halls, and making new friends. " Clearly, then, a mature Christian needs to have knowledge that is "righteous respecting the Son of God. " Maererano negamuchidzanwa revaJudha, Manase akaita kuti Isaya achekwe. He said: "I felt that I couldn't have fun anymore because I thought that the minute I did, something bad would happen. " According to Jewish tradition, Manasseh had Isaiah dug. " Ndakanzvera mwoyo wangu,... kusvikira ndaona kuti zvakanaka ndezvipi zvingaitwa navanakomana vavanhu... mazuva ose oupenyu hwavo. " - MUPARIDZI 2: 3. We had an intensive, four - hour discussion. " I have searched my heart,... until I may see what is good for the sons of men... all the days of their life. " - ECCLESIASTES 2: 3. Collier's Encyclopedia inotsanangura kuti pfungwa yakanga iri "yokuti munyika munofanira kuva nomusoro mumwe wezvamatongerwe enyika, unoshanda mutsinhirano neChechi yenyika yose, imwe neimwe ino rutivi rwayo nechiremera zvinowanwa kuna Mwari. " One way to apply the principle of this text would be periodically to examine your personal routine and life - style. Collier's Encyclopedia explains that the idea was "that in the world there must be one political theme, working in harmony with the universal Church, each of which is part and authority obtained from God. " Vatungamiriri vakanyatsonaka varipo. Thereafter, he claimed his veiled bride, little suspecting Laban's treachery. Well - meaning leaders exist. Kana Jehovha ari munhu chaiye kwatiri, izvozvo zvicharatidzwa sei muzvisarudzo zvatinoita? Milestones in the Production of African - Language Bibles If Jehovah is real to us, how will that be reflected in the decisions we make? Chinyorwa chacho chakawanikwa pedyo neAshdhodhi uye chinogona kunge chakanyorwa nemunhu aimiririra mushandi wemumunda anonzi ainge atadza kukohwa zvaienderana nezvaaitarisirwa. Today, continual training will produce many capable men, "gifts in men, " who can share in shepherding the flock so that congregation elders do not wear out. - Ephesians 4: 8, 16. The document was found near Ahasuerus and may have been written by a representative of a field worker who was said to have been unable to harvest according to his expectations. Achidzokorora zvakambotaurwa mumagazini yeThe Golden Age Arthur Willis akati: "Hapana nzira isingafambiki kana yakarebesa kuvashumiri vake. " For instance, one sister in her 60 ' s who serves at Bethel traveled long distances on several occasions to volunteer as a relief worker. Quoting what was mentioned in The Golden Age Arthur Willis magazine, he said: "There is no way out if it extends to his servants. " Izvi zvakaitika kumuapostora Pauro. True to those words, many have found that singleness allows them to serve God without the distraction common to married life. This happened to the apostle Paul. Chegumi chomuzuva razvino uno hachifaniri kuva chete chechigumi. Clearly, a mature Christian wants to have "accurate knowledge of the Son of God. " The modern - day tithe should not be just the tenth. Naizvozvo nepo kukanganisa kwomubereki wako kungakuparira kusuruvara kukuru namarwadzo, haufaniri kutya kuti warasikirwa nenyasha dzaMwari kana kuti chikomborero. Jewish tradition has it that Manasseh responded by having Isaiah sawn apart. So while your parent's error may cause you deep sorrow and pain, you need not fear that you have lost God's favor or blessing. Ndakaramba ndichiverenga zvaakanga andinyorera nezvouchirikadzi. " I was leading my heart with wisdom... until I could see what good there was to the sons of mankind... for the number of the days of their life. " - ECCLESIASTES 2: 3. I kept reading what she had written to me about widows. □ "Zvinhu zvose zvamunoda kuti vanhu vakuitirei, muvaitire nemiwo saizvozvo. " - Mateo 7: 12. Collier's Encyclopedia explains that the idea was "that there should be a single political head in the world, working in harmony with the universal Church, each with its own sphere and authority derived from God. " □ "All things... that you want men to do to you, you also must likewise do to them. " - Matthew 7: 12. Hanzvadzi yacho yechiKristu yakavimbisa kutevera kufarira kwacho nokushandisa runhare, uye yakatanga fundo yeBhaibheri nenzira iyoyo. Leadership of the highest quality is available. The Christian sister promised to follow the interest by using the telephone, and she started a Bible study that way. Paunenge une zvinetso neimwe yehama dzako, teerera zano rapaMagwaro rakadai serinowanika pana VaKorose 3: 13, rinoti: "Muitirane mwoyo murefu, muchikanganwirana, kana munhu ane mhosva nomumwe; Ishe sezvaakakukanganwirai, muite saizvozvo nemiwo. " If Jehovah is real to us, how will that be reflected in the personal decisions that we make? When you have problems with one of your brothers, heed such Scriptural counsel as that found at Colossians 3: 13: "Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. Even as Jehovah freely forgave you, so do you also. " Kuchengeta uku kunokosha kuchabatsira vanhu vose kunzwisisa chinangwa choupenyu hwaJesu norufu rwake. The record of a plea in such a case dated to the seventh century B.C.E. It was found near Ashdod. This vital observance will help all humans to understand the purpose of Jesus ' life and death. 5: 1 - 3. Arthur Willis, in paraphrasing a statement once made in The Golden Age magazine, later declared: "No road too rough or too long for His witnesses. " 5: 1 - 3. Vana vokurera vabva zera vanogona kunge vachityira kuti mubereki wavo anogona kupedzisira asisavadi. That happened to the apostle Paul. Parents who have reached adulthood may fear that their parent might end up having no love for them. 3, 4. (a) Kutanga naVaRoma chitsauko 12, Pauro anokurukurei, uye kushandisa kwaanoita shoko rokuti "naizvozvo " kunorevei? The modern - day tithe does not have to be just a tenth. 3, 4. (a) Starting with Romans chapter 12, what does Paul discuss, and what does his use of the word "so " mean? (Enzanisa naZvakazarurwa 1: 5, 6.) So while your parent's deflection may cause you much grief and pain, you need not fear that you have lost God's favor or blessing. (Compare Revelation 1: 5, 6.) Vamwe vanoriita basa ravo renguva yakazara; vamwe vanoita nepavanogona napo pavanenge vawanira mukana. I kept reading what he had written me about dealing with widowhood. Some make it their full - time service; others do their best when they have opportunity. Pashure pokunge vanhu vabvumirana neizvi nokuzvidira, Jehovha akabva avapa Mutemo wake - chimwe chinhu chaakanga asina kuita kune vamwe vanhu. - Pisarema 147: 19, 20. □ "All things, therefore, that you want men to do to you, you also must likewise do to them. " - Matthew 7: 12. After the people willingly agreed with this, Jehovah immediately gave them his Law - something he had not done to other humans. - Psalm 147: 19, 20. Vakava neroparadzo yokuita basa rokuvaka munyika dzakasiyana - siyana. The Christian sister promised to follow up the interest by using the telephone, and she did start a Bible study in that way. They have enjoyed training for the construction work in various lands. Asi ngatimbodzokerai kune zvakaitika muIjipiti. When having difficulties with one of your brothers, heed such Scriptural counsel as that found at Colossians 3: 13: "Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. Even as Jehovah freely forgave you, so do you also. " But let us go back to what happened in Egypt. Akanyevera kuti vaya vaiedza kufadza Mwari nemimwe midzimu " vaiita kuti Jehovha ave negodo. ' This important observance will help all to appreciate the purpose of Jesus ' life and death. He warned that those trying to please God and other spirits " made Jehovah jealous. ' Anoimba kuti: "Asi imi, haiwa Jehovha, muri nhoo kumativi angu ose, kukudzwa kwangu uye Iye anosimudza musoro wangu. " 5: 1 - 3. He sings: "As for you, O Jehovah, you are a shield all around me, my glory and the One lifting up my head. " Hungu, muKristu akashongedzerwa ku "mira nesimba mukurwisana namazano aDhiabhorosi. " - VaEfeso 6: 11 - 13, NW. Adult stepchildren may fear losing their parent's affection. Yes, a Christian is equipped to "stand firm against the machinations of the Devil. " - Ephesians 6: 11 - 13. Ipapo vanhu vachaziva kuti iye ndiye Changamire Ishe Jehovha. 3, 4. (a) Beginning with Romans chapter 12, what does Paul discuss, and what is the significance of his use of the word "consequently "? Then people will know that he is the Sovereign Lord Jehovah. Shoko raMwari rinovimbisa kuti mukutonga kwaMwari kwakadaro, "Hakuna ugeremo, uchati: Ndinorwara. " (Compare Revelation 1: 5, 6.) God's Word promises that under such divine rule, "no resident will say: " I am sick. ' " Ngatikurukurei zvimwe zvitatu zvinoshandiswa naSatani kutitsausa. Some make it their full - time occupation; others do as much as they can part - time. Let us consider three of Satan's temptations. Hazvirambike kuti panguva yake Jesu Kristu aizivikanwa somunhu we "mabasa esimba. " After the people voluntarily and unanimously agreed to this, Jehovah proceeded to give them his Law - something he had not done to any other people. - Psalm 147: 19, 20. It does not deny that at his time Jesus Christ was known as one of "the powerful works. " " Nhamo nokuda kwepasi negungwa, " inodaro Zvakazarurwa 12: 12, "nokuti Dhiyabhorosi aburukira kwamuri, akatsamwa kwazvo, achiziva kuti ane nguva pfupi. " Together, they have had the privilege of working on several international building projects. " Woe for the earth and for the sea, " says Revelation 12: 12, "because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time. " Mumwe munhu akanyora pamusoro penhau dzakadaro akanga ari Mambo Soromoni waIsraeri wekare. But let us go back to the occasion in Egypt. Someone who wrote about such matters was King Solomon of ancient Israel. Kana tisingangwariri, tinogona kuvamba kufunga kuti tinofanira kuravira mifarwa inorambidzwa tisati tanyanyokwegura zvokusagona kuifarikanya kana kuti tisati tafa. He warned that those who tried to please both God and other spirits would be "inciting Jehovah to jealousy. " If we are not careful, we can begin to think that we should taste forbidden pleasures before we are too old to enjoy them or before we die. " KUBVIRA mangwana, ndicharishandisa mubasa rokuparidza, nokuti zvibvumikiso zvarinazvo zvakasimba chaizvoizvo uye zvinopwisa, " akanyora kudaro mumwe weZvapupu zvaJehovha wekuFrance. He sings: "Yet you, O Jehovah, are a shield about me, my glory and the One lifting up my head. " " FROM tomorrow, I will use it in the preaching work, for the arguments it has are really strong and convincing, " wrote one of Jehovah's Witnesses from France. Pauro akazvipira. Yes, the Christian is equipped to "stand firm against the machinations of the Devil. " - Ephesians 6: 11 - 13. Paul volunteered. " Musatsauswa, " akanyevera kudaro muapostora Pauro. Then people will know that he is the Sovereign Lord Jehovah. " Do not be misled, " warned the apostle Paul. Mumwe wacho aiva muzivi anonzi Seneca, akadzidzisawo Nero kuti ave nenjere. God's Word promises that under such divine rule, "no resident will say: " I am sick. ' " One of them was philosopher Seneca, who also taught Nero wisdom. Tinofanira kushandisa mikana yatinowana yekuti tirumbidze vamwe nekuti kuita izvozvo " kunovaka. ' Let us now discuss three more of Satan's negative influences. We should take advantage of opportunities to commend others because doing so "is upbuilding. " Vamwe vanotaura nomufaro nezve "pai mudenga apo unofa. " Unquestionably, Jesus Christ became known to his contemporaries "through powerful works. " Others speak joyfully of "what is there in heaven when it dies. " Ngatimboonai kuti zvipo zvenyu zvave zvichishandiswa munzira dzipi. " Woe for the earth and for the sea, " says Revelation 12: 12, "because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time. " Let us consider some of the ways in which your gifts have been used. Vasikana vaitanga vasefa zviyo kuti vabvise marara (4), vobva vakuya zviyo vachishandisa guyo nehuyo kuti zvive furawa isina kunyatsotsetseka (5). One person who wrote about such matters was King Solomon of ancient Israel. The girls would first boil grain to remove garbage (4), then grinding the grain with the mill and the upper stone into fine flour (5). Ndava nemakore ekuma20, pane mumwe murume weimwe timu yebaseball akati ndiende kunotambira timu yavo yaibhadhara yaiva kuNicaragua. If we are not careful, we can begin to think that we should taste some forbidden pleasures before we get too old to enjoy them or before we die. When I was in my 20 ' s, a baseball team officer asked me to play with their hired team in Nicaragua. Uto raKoreshi rakashandisa unyanzvi hunoshamisa hwekutsausa mumwe wemigero yemvura yemuBhabhironi, zvikaita kuti nzizi dziome. " STARTING tomorrow, I am going to use it in the preaching work, for the arguments it contains are really strong and convincing, " wrote one of Jehovah's Witnesses from France. Cyrus ' army used the amazing art of misleading one of Babylon's water tunnels, making rivers dry. Nepo, kare mugore ra33 C.E., Jesu akanga afanotaura nezvengwavaira yeguta reJerusarema. Paul gave of himself. Yet, back in the year 33 C.E., Jesus had foretold the calamity of the city of Jerusalem. Pakapera dutu racho, imba yedu yaiva muBay St. " Do not be misled, " warned the apostle Paul. At the end of the storm, our house was in Bay St. Panzvimbo pezvo, apo ane maperembudzi akakumbira Jesu achiti, "Ishe, kana muchida, munogona kundinatsa, " Akakudza ane maperembudzi kupfurikidza nokuti," Ndinoda. " The other was the philosopher Seneca, who developed Nero's intellect. Instead, when the leper begged Jesus, "Lord, if you just want to, you can make me clean, " He honored the leper by saying," I want to. " Chii chinoita kuti sangano raMwari rive risina chimwe chinhu charinoenzana nacho? We should seize opportunities to commend one another because such expressions are "good for building up. " What makes God's organization unique? Jehovha Anotonga - Kupfurikidza Noubati Ushe hwaMwari, 1 / 15 Some lightheartedly speak of "pie in the sky when you die. " 1 / 1 Vafundisi vanoti vashumiri (kubva pashoko rokuti mushumiri, shanduro yechiLatin yeshoko rokuti di·aʹko·nos, "mushandi "). Let us take note of some of the ways your contributions have been used. The clergy call ministers (from the word minister, a Latin translation of the word di·aʹko·nos, "a servant "). Jesu akati: "Haasi munhu wose anoti kwandiri, " Ishe, Ishe, ' achapinda muumambo hwokumatenga, asi uya anoita kuda kwaBaba vangu vari kumatenga. " The girls would first sift the grain to remove impurities (4) and then grind the grain to a coarse flour, using a stone hand mill (5). Jesus said: "Not everyone saying to me, " Lord, Lord, ' will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will. " Apo mumwe ane makore gumi anodonhedza bhora raakandirwa nomumwe wake, murayiridzi wake anomudonhedza, achityora maoko ake ose. However, because my mother had poor health at the time and I was looking after her, I did not want to live in Nicaragua. When a ten - year - old drops down a ball with his partner, his instructor drops him down, breaking all his hands. " Shamhu, " kunyange ingareva kuranga chaikoiko, inoratidza simba rakapiwa mubereki rokutungamirira zvakasimba uye inoratidza zvakakodzera kuti ane hanya noupenyu hweramangwana revana vake. - VaHebheru 12: 7 - 11. Cyrus ' army employed the tremendous engineering feat of diverting one of Babylon's waterways - in effect, drying up rivers. " The rod, " even though it may refer to literal punishment, indicates the parental authority to take the firm lead and appropriately shows that he cares about the future life of his children. - Hebrews 12: 7 - 11. Kakawanda, Mwari aiisa zvaaida kuti zvinyorwe mupfungwa dzemunyori uye omubvumira kuti ashandise mashoko ake. - Verenga Zvakazarurwa 1: 1; 21: 3 - 5. Yet, back in the year 33 C.E., Jesus had foretold catastrophe for the city of Jerusalem. Often, God put what he wanted in the mind of the writer and allowed him to apply his words. - Read Revelation 1: 1; 21: 3 - 5. Pasina mubvunzo, kuedza kwako kushandisa Bhaibheri kuchaita kuti Jehovha Mwari - Muvambi wokuroorana - afare. - Zvirevo 15: 20. When the storm was over, our house in Bay St. Without a doubt, your efforts to apply the Bible will cause Jehovah God - the Originator of marriage - to be happy. - Proverbs 15: 20. Uyewo, edzai kuvaverengera nguva dzose uye panguva imwe chete zuva roga roga. Rather, when the leper begged Jesus, "Lord, if you just want to, you can make me clean, " He dignified the leper by saying," I want to. " Also, try reading to them regularly and at the same time each day. Chii chinodiwa kuti mhuri irambe yakamuka pakunamata? What makes God's organization something without equal? What is needed to keep the family spiritually awake? Nokudaro, vasingazivi, vanozadzika rugwaro runoti: "Vakagovana nguvo dzangu pakati pavo, vakakanda mijenya pamusoro pechokufuka changu. " The clergy claim to be ministers (from minister, a Latin translation of di·aʹko·nos, "servant "). Thus, without realizing it, they fulfill the scripture: "They have divided my garments among themselves and cast lots for my clothing. " Ipapo ita kuti mudziyo wacho ugare pazuva kwemazuva maviri usati washandisa mvura yacho. " Not everyone saying to me, " Lord, Lord, ' will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, " said Jesus, "but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will. " Then let the container stay on the day for two days before using the water. Vangabatsirawo nokuzivisa vana chero zvinhu zvinenge zvichida kugadziriswa zvakadai setsamba dzinenge dzisina kuvhurwa kana kuti mishonga isiri kunwiwa zvakanaka. When a ten - year - old player drops a pass, his coach throws him to the ground, breaking both of his arms. They may also help by revealing to the children whatever adjustments need to be made, such as the letters that are not opened or the medicines that are not used properly. Ndakazhamba, Mubati Chibharo Akatiza The "rod, " though at times literal, represents parental authority that is administered firmly but lovingly and appropriately out of concern for the children's eternal welfare. - Hebrews 12: 7 - 11. I Swired, The Rapator Turned Away Ichokwadi kuti zvinodzivisa kushandisa zvombo chaizvo. Usually, God put his idea into the mind of the writer and allowed him to select the words he would use to express God's message. - Read Revelation 1: 1; 21: 3 - 5. It is true that they avoid using literal weapons. Ikoku kunobatanidza chinyorwa chakaitwa ne'gore guru rezvapupu ' munguva dzakatangira chiKristu. Certainly, your efforts in this regard will make Jehovah God, the Creator of marriage, rejoice. - Proverbs 15: 20. This includes a record made by the " great cloud of witnesses ' in pre - Christian times. Zvakaitwawo Nevamwe Also, try to keep the reading regular and at the same time each day. What Others Have Done Tinonyaradzwa nokuziva kuti zvinhu zvinotitambudza zviri kuratidza kuti tava pedyo nokununurwa. What is required if a family is to succeed in staying awake spiritually? We find comfort in knowing that the things we suffer are proving that we are close to deliverance. Nguva refu isati yapera, hatitongogoni kuvambirana nezvinogoverwa. Thus, unwittingly, they fulfill the scripture that says: "They apportioned my outer garments among themselves, and upon my apparel they cast lots. " Before long, we can never keep up with what is provided. Chikoro chaMapiona muCentral African Republic Then let the container stand exposed to sunlight for two days before using the water. Pioneer School in the Central African Republic Zvinoita Kuti Jehovha Ashivirire They may also observe situations - such as unopened bills or mismanaged medication - that they can bring to the attention of adult children. Why Jehovah Is Long - Suffering Asi, chikatyamadzo chaichoicho ndechokuti magurukotera anorangarira kuti kuzhinjisa kwaikoku kunogona kusatana kudziviswa. I Screamed, the Rapist Fled Yet, the real shock is that the experts feel that most of this can easily be avoided. Pauro, nyange zvazvo aiva nesimba rokuva muapostora, akaudza vaKorinte nokuzvininipisa kuti: "Kwete kuti tiri vanatenzi vokutenda kwenyu, asi tiri vashandi pamwe nemi kuti mufare, nokuti makamira nokutenda kwenyu. " - 2 VaKorinte 1: 24, NW. Of course, they refrain from using physical weapons. Paul, though having authority to become an apostle, humbly told the Corinthians: "Not that we are the masters over your faith, but we are fellow workers for your joy, for it is by your faith that you are standing. " - 2 Corinthians 1: 24. Ndakafara chaizvo nokuti handina kumbofungidzira kuti Bhaibheri ringabudiswa mumutauro wangu. This includes the record made by the " great cloud of witnesses ' in pre - Christian times. I was so happy because I never imagined that the Bible could be published in my language. Bhaibheri haridzidzisi kuti pane chinosara chiri chipenyu munhu paanofa. How Some Have Coped The Bible does not teach that death is a part of life. Ona "All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial, " mapeji 340 - 1. We take comfort in the knowledge that distressing events point to the nearness of our deliverance. See "All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial, " pages 340 - 1. Barr, avo vakazoshumira muDare Rinotungamirira. Before long, we can hardly keep up with the placements. Barr, who later served on the Governing Body. Ndakawedzera kuda kwandinoita mhuri yangu, uye ndinoita zvinhu zvinoita kuti ifare. Pioneer School in Central African Republic I have increased my love for my family, and I do things that contribute to happiness. Gare gare, kutambanuko huru, vaPhoenicia vakatsiva kushava kwapanyika nokutengeserana nenzendo dzapagungwa. Why Jehovah Is Patient Later, to a large extent, the Phoencias replaced the land's bloodshed with trade and sea trips. " Bvisai hunhu hwekare nemiitiro yahwo " - kutsamwa, hasha, uipi, kutuka, kutaura kwakaipa, uye kureva nhema. - VaKorose 3: 8, 9, NW Yet, the real irony is that experts feel that much of this is easily preventable. " Put away the old personality with its practices " - anger, anger, badness, abusive speech, and lying. - Colossians 3: 8, 9. " Tende raMwari riri pakati pevanhu, iye achagara navo, uye ivo vachava vanhu vake. Paul, although having apostolic authority, humbly told the Corinthians: "Not that we are the masters over your faith, but we are fellow workers for your joy, for it is by your faith that you are standing. " " The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. Unogona sei kubetserekana neiyi zivo pamusoro pezvokudya zvakamhazhika? The release of this Bible in my own language was a dream come true! How can you benefit from this knowledge about the variety of foods? Nhasi, tinosangana nokushorwa kwakafanana. The Bible does not teach that any part of a human survives death. Today, we face similar opposition. Mumwe muporofita waMwari akambotsanangura kuna mambo weJudhea, kuti: "Jehovha anemi chero bedzi mukabvumikisa kuva naye; uye kana mukamutsvaka, iye achazviita amene anowanikwa nemi, asi kana mukamusiya iye achakusiyai. " See "All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial, " pages 340 - 1. A prophet of God once explained to the king of Judea: "Jehovah is with you as long as you prove to be with him; and if you search for him, he will let himself be found by you, but if you leave him he will leave you. " Yakapfuurira, kuti: "Fungu racho riri kuva rakapararira nenzira inowedzera, richikumbanirwa nokurasikirwa noupenyu nezvinhu. " Barr, who later served on the Governing Body. It continued: "The release is becoming increasingly widespread, accompanied by loss of life and possessions. " [ Mashoko Omuzasi] I appreciate my family more and enjoy doing things to make them happy. [ Footnote] Nokuda kwavamwe vazhinji kuchava nokushaikwa kwamabasa neparapatiko. Later, to a great extent, the Phoenicians replaced land trade with commerce by sea routes. For many others there will be a lack of jobs and services. Purofesa Nkandu Luo, akanga ari gurukota rezvoutano muZambia panguva iyoyo, akati mamiriro ezvinhu muAfrica uye mune dzimwe nyika dzichiri kusimukira "aipa zvikuru, " achiwedzera kuti zviri" kumisa " uye kunyange kudzorera shure kumwe kufambira mberi kwakaitwa muutano uye muzvimwe zvinhu zvamagariro evanhu uye zvoupfumi. " LIFE STORIES Professor Nkadu Luo, who was a health minister in Zambia at that time, noted that the situation in Africa and in some developing countries is "very bad, " adding that it is" stopping " and even restoring some of the advances made in health and social and economic factors. " (Genesi 2: 1 - 3) " Strip off the old personality with its practices " - wrath, anger, badness, abusive speech, obscene talk, and lying. - Colossians 3: 8, 9 (Genesis 2: 1 - 3) Vakapinda mumba, vakatanga kutsvaka mabhuku. " The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. They entered the house, and they began searching for literature. Dheuteronomio 6: 6, 7 inoratidzira kuti vabereki vanofanira kuva rudzii rwavadzidzisi, kuchidei? How can you benefit from this knowledge about fiber? Deuteronomy 6: 6, 7 indicates that parents should be what kind of teachers, requiring what? Mwari Anotsigira Vanamati Vake Nhasi Today, we face the same challenge. God Supports His Believers Today Makwikwi, vazhinji vanodavira zvakasimba, ndiwo anokosha kubudiriro. A prophet of God once explained to a Judean king: "Jehovah is with you as long as you prove to be with him; and if you search for him, he will let himself be found by you, but if you leave him he will leave you. " Caught up, many firmly believe, is the key to success. Simoni Petro akamupindura akati: " Ishe, tichaenda kuna ani? ' " It continued: "The wave is becoming increasingly widespread, accompanied by the loss of lives and properties. " Simon Peter answered him and said: " Lord, whom shall we go away to? ' " Funganyo yenhamo mugumisiro wenhamo huru, yakadai sekubatwa chibharo, tsaona, kana kuti ngwavaira yomusikirwo. [ Footnotes] Stress of grief is the result of great distress, such as rape, accidents, or natural disaster. Timothy: Maererano na1 VaKorinde 10: 13, Jehovha haatiregi tichiedzwa kupfuura zvatinogona kutsungirira. For many others there will be unemployment and a struggle. Timothy: According to 1 Corinthians 10: 13, Jehovah does not let us be tempted beyond what we can bear. " Vanobhururuka Segore " Professor Nkandu Luo, then the Zambian minister of health, said that the situation in Africa and in other parts of the developing world is "extremely serious, " adding that it is" arresting and even reversing some of the significant gains made in health and in other social and economic spheres. " " Rooming as a Year " Jehovha zvino anotaura. (Genesis 2: 1 - 3) Jehovah now speaks. " Kanda kuzvidya mwoyo kwako kwose pana Mwari, nokuti iye ane hanya newe. ' They entered the house and searched it. " Throw all your anxiety upon [God], because he cares for you. " Kuda kukosheswa nevamwe kunogona sei kunyanyisa? What kind of teachers does Deuteronomy 6: 6, 7 indicate parents should be, calling for what? How can a desire to be appreciated by others become excessive? Kuvabatanidza mufundo yenyu yemhuri kungabvumikisa kuva kunobetsera kana izvozvo zvichigamuchirwa navabereki vavo. God Supports His Servants Today Getting them involved in your family study may prove helpful if that is accepted by their parents. Zvisinei, izvozvo zvinogona kuguma nemararamiro akaderera. Competition, many firmly believe, is the key to success. That, however, can result in a low standard of living. 8, 9. (a) Tinoziva sei kuti Jehovha haavimbisi kuti achabva atidzivirira patinenge tichida kukuvadzwa kana kuurayiwa? Simon Peter answered him: " Lord, whom shall we go away to? ' " 8, 9. (a) How do we know that Jehovah does not promise protection when we need to be hurt or killed? Asi Jesu amene akati, "unotsungirira kusvikira pakuguma, uchaponeswa. " - Mateo 24: 13. Traumatic stress is the impact of an overwhelming tragedy, such as rape, accident, or natural disaster. But Jesus himself said, "he that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved. " - Matthew 24: 13. 1976 Ebola hemorrhagic fever Zaire Timothy: According to 1 Corinthians 10: 13, Jehovah won't let us go through more than we can bear. 1976 Ebola hemorhagic fever Zaire Asi mukuremekedza mutsigiri wenhetembo nemimhanzi, Apollo, chainyanya kusimbiswa apa kuimba nokutamba. They "Come Flying Just Like a Cloud " But in respecting the poet of poetry and music, Atolo, it was especially emphasized in this way in music and dancing. Akati: "Kukohwa kukuru, asi vashandi vashoma. Jehovah now speaks. He said: "The harvest is great, but the workers are few. VaKristu vemunzvimbo yacho vaifanira kuita sei? " Throw all your anxiety on [God], because he cares for you. " What were local Christians to do? Uyezve, mamiriyoni evanhu varombo, vachingova nezvokudya, pokugara, zvokupfeka, uye mishonga zvokungoti vararamewo zvavo. How can the desire to be appreciated become distorted? Moreover, millions of people are poor, with only food, shelter, clothing, and medicine to survive. Amai vakasiyiwa voga pamba. Including them in your family study may prove beneficial if that is acceptable to their parents. Mother was left alone at home. Mumakore ose iwayo tiri mubasa rokufambira, ave achinditsigira zvikuru. However, that can result in a lower standard of living. During all those years in the traveling work, he has been a great support to me. Kuterama mumiedzo kunotiita kuti titenderwe naJehovha. 8, 9. (a) How do we know that our immediate physical protection is not guaranteed? Keeping calm under trials moves us to have Jehovah's approval. Hunotsigira uprofita hweBhaibheri hwokuti kunyange zvazvo "vakasara " vevaIsraeri vakadzokera kuJudhiya vachibva kuAsiriya nokuBhabhironi, vakawanda havana kudzokera. - Isa. But as Jesus himself said, "he that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved. " - Matthew 24: 13. It supports Bible prophecy that although "the remnant " of Israel returned to Judea from Assyria and Babylon, many did not return. - Isa. Digest ya1468, iyo yakanyorwa naMambo Justinian, ndeimwe yezvinyorwa zvakawanda zvinonyatsotaura nezvenyaya dzemitemo munguva dzekare 1976 Ebola hemorrhagic fever Zaire Dagest of 1468, by Emperor Justinian, is one of the many well - based documents on principles in ancient times Vamwe pavakatiudza kuti zvokushusha zvinhu zvinoitika, hatina kuona kubatsira kwacho. " - Susan, Kenya. But in honor of the patron of poetry and music, Apollo, the emphasis was on song and dance. When others told us that bullying occurs, we didn't see the benefits. " - Susan, Kenya. Tapota ona bhokisi rinoti "Baba, Muchauyazve Rini? " He said: "The harvest is great, but the workers are few. Please see the box "Father, When Will You Come Again? " Erihu akakurudzira Jobho - nesu - nenzira yokuchenjera kufunga nezvemabasa anoshamisa aJehovha Mwari. How were the Christians there to act in that environment? Elihu encouraged Job - and us - wisely reflect on the wonderful works of Jehovah God. Chimboyeuka zvakaitika pakaparara ngarava yaiva nomuapostora Pauro nevamwe vake 275 paMarita, pedyo neSisiri. In addition, millions of people are impoverished, existing with minimal food, shelter, clothing, and medical care. Recall what happened when the ship that the apostle Paul and his companion, 275, perished at Malta, near Sissi. Ikoku kwakapa ufakazi hwokuti Mwari pakupedzisira aizoshandisa Jesu kumutsa vose avo vari mumakuva echirangaridzo. - Johane 11: 17 - 44; 5: 28, 29. Mother was left at home alone. This gave evidence that God would eventually use Jesus to resurrect all those in the memorial tombs. - John 11: 17 - 44; 5: 28, 29. Sue, uyo baba vake vakanga vachirwara, akanzwa "achirwara, achisvotwa " mudumbu make apo akaziva pakupedzisira kuti baba vake vakanga vachifa nekenza. Through all those years in the traveling work, she has been a great support to me. Sue, whose father was ill, felt "be sick and frustrated " in her womb when she finally realized that her father was dying of cancer. (4) Ehrman, D. Steadfastness under trials brings us Jehovah's approval. (4) Ehrman, D. Apo akaona shambadziro yehurukuro ine musoro unoti, "Mamiriyoni Anorarama Zvino Haasati Achizotongofa, " iye nokukurumidza akakumbira mabhuku ayakanga ichishambadzira. It corroborates the Bible's prophetic statement that while a "remnant " of Israelites returned to Judea from exile in Assyria and Babylon, many did not. - Isa. When he saw the advertising of a talk entitled " million Now Living Will Never Die, " he immediately asked for literature he was selling. Asi zvirokwazvo aifanirwa nayo, sezvo kwakanga kusiri kwechienzi kuti iye agovere mabhuku ari pakati pe 1 500 ne 3 000 mwedzi mumwe nomumwe. This 1468 copy of the Digest by Emperor Justinian is one of many records that provide details about legal issues in ancient times But surely he deserved it, since it was not unusual for him to place between 1,500 and 3,000 books each month. Kana tava kuda kudzidza Magwaro, tinofanira kutanga tanyengeterera mudzimu mutsvene kuti utitungamirire. It didn't help when others told us that this kind of behavior should be expected. " - Susan, Kenya. If we are about to study the Scriptures, we must first pray for holy spirit to guide us. Jesu akataura kuvateveri vake achirangarira kuiswa muuranda kworudzi rwomunhu kuchivi norufu kuti: "Chokwadi chichakusunungurai. " Please see the box "Daddy, When Will You Come Again? " Jesus said to his followers in view of mankind's being enslaved to sin and death: "The truth will set you free. " Mazuva mashanu ari kutevera iye acha "pa mweya wake sorudzikinuro mukutsinhana nevakawanda. " Elihu wisely urged Job - and us - to be attentive to the wonderful works of Jehovah God. Five days later he will "give his soul a ransom in exchange for many. " Zvishoma zvinofanira kukarirwa nezvake muino nguva yomugumo here? Recall, too, the experience of the apostle Paul and 275 others shipwrecked at Malta, near Sicily. Should little be expected of him in this time of the end? Pane zvikonzero zvakanaka zvokuti tivimbe naye here? This gave evidence that God would eventually use Jesus to resurrect all those in the memorial tombs. - John 11: 17 - 44; 5: 28, 29. Are there good reasons to trust him? Saka nguva yakawanda yaunopedza uri paIndaneti kana inopedzwawo nevamwe inoita kuti vazhinji vakwanise kuona zviri kushambadzirwa. Sue, whose father was ill, felt "a sick, hollow feeling " in her stomach when she finally realized that her father was dying of cancer. So the amount of time you spend on the Internet or spent with others enables many to see what is being advertised. MHINDURO (4) Ehrman, D. ANSWERS Zvakadini, zvisinei, kana vakaratidza mirangariro yaunoziva kuva isina kururama? When he saw a flier for a talk entitled "Millions Now Living Will Never Die, " he wasted no time in sending away for the literature it advertised. What, though, if they show the feelings you know to be wrong? [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 25] But he surely deserved it, since it was not unusual for him to place between 1,500 and 3,000 pieces of literature each month. [ Picture on page 25] (a) Nei "kupupurira kwamasanga " riri shoko riri nani kupfuura" kupupurira kwechivhundumukira "? When we are about to consider Scriptural material, we should first ask in prayer for holy spirit to guide us. (a) Why is "an informal witness " a better word than" a bold witness "? Kudai kusingaiti dova, zvirimwa zvaizooma, zvofa. It was with mankind's enslavement to sin and death in mind that Jesus said to his followers: "The truth will set you free. " If it did not become dew, the crops would wither and die. Bhaibheri rinokutaura neiyi nzira: "Ko munhu ungaisa mwoto muchipfuva chake, nguvo dzake dzikasatsva here? " - Zvirevo 6: 27. Five days more and he will "give his soul a ransom in exchange for many. " The Bible puts it this way: "Can a man rake together fire into his bosom and yet his very garments not be burned? " - Proverbs 6: 27. " Munogona kundibvunza kuti: Saka iwe pachako nei usiri mumwe weZvapupu zvaJehovha? Should any less be expected of him in this time of the end? " You might ask: So why are you not one of Jehovah's Witnesses? Purogiramu yamagwanani ichasimbisa hurukuro yokusiirana ine musoro unoti "Kuita Kuti Chiedza Chenyu Chipenye. " Is such trust well - founded? The morning program will feature the symposium entitled "Make Your Light reflect. " Mashoko aya akaita kuti ndiudze shamwari dzangu kuti ndaidzidza neZvapupu. After all, the more time you or anyone spends networking, the more ads will be viewed. Those words moved me to tell my friends that I was studying with the Witnesses. Haana mavambo kana mugumo, uye ndowemasimbaose. ANSWERS He has neither beginning nor end, and he is almighty. Uye chokwadi vashumiri vaMwari vose vakazvitsaurira vanoda kuva vakatendeka kwaari. What, though, if they reveal feelings that you know to be wrong? And surely all dedicated servants of God want to be faithful to him. Kana nhamba dzaFreedman dzikabvumikisa kuva dzechokwadi, nyeredzi huru idzodzo dzichabvumikisa kuva huru zvikuru kupfuura big bang imene! [ Picture on page 25] If Freedman's figures prove true, those giant stars will prove to be much larger than the big bang itself! Izvozvo hazviitwi nokucheka nebanga, asi kuramba zvido zvakaipa uye pfungwa dzokudada, dzakadai sokufunga kuti kudzingiswa panyama kunoita kuti munhu ave nani pane vamwe. (a) Why is "informal witnessing " a better term than" incidental witnessing "? That is not done by cutting a knife, but rejecting wrong desires and feelings of pride, such as the belief that physical circumcision makes one superior to others. Uyezve, tinogona kushandisa zvipo zvedu, simba redu, uye zvinhu zvedu kuti tiitewo basa rokuponesa upenyu riri kuitwa neungano. Without the moisture provided by dew, plants wither and die. Moreover, we can use our talents, energy, and resources to share in the lifesaving work that the congregation is accomplishing. Tinoita zvose zvatinokwanisa kuderedza kuvhiringidzwa kwemhuka. The Bible puts it this way: "Can a man rake together fire into his bosom and yet his very garments not be burned? " - Proverbs 6: 27. We do all we can to reduce the impact of animals. Mumigariro yakadaro, ivo vangagumisa kuti vari kuita zvakanaka zvikuru mubasa raJehovha. " You may well ask me: So why aren't you yourself one of Jehovah's Witnesses? Under such circumstances, they may conclude that they are doing quite well in Jehovah's service. (Verenga 1 Timoti 5: 4, 8.) The morning's program will feature a symposium entitled "Letting Your Light Shine. " (Read 1 Timothy 5: 4, 8.) VaBitsaxis vakataurawo kuti "VaKokkinakis vakashurikidzwa kwete " nokuda kwechimwe chinhu chavakaita ' asi [nokuda] " kweicho vari. ' " That statement prompted me to tell my associates that I was studying with the Witnesses. The Bitsaxis also claimed that "The Kokkinakiss were condemned not " for something they did ' but [for] what they are ". ' " " Ndimumwe wavane gumi navaviri, unoisa ruoko neni mundiro, " Jesu anopindura kudaro. He is without beginning or end, and he is almighty. " He that puts his hand with me in a dish, " Jesus answers. Mwana unomwa, uchatamba pamwena wenyoka, uye mwana akarumurwa uchapinza ruoko rwake mubako remvumbi. And surely all dedicated servants of God want to be faithful to him. And the nursing child shall play upon the hole of the serpent, and the weaned child shall put his hand into the cave of the potter. Pane zvimwe here zvinokutadzisa kuita basa iri? If Freedman's numbers hold up, those elderly stars would turn out to be older than the big bang itself! Do you have anything else that prevents you from doing this work? Kuda kunoita Jehovha vanhu kwakafanana nekuda kunoita vabereki vana vavo. That is done, not by cutting with a knife, but by rejecting wrong desires and prideful thoughts, such as the belief that being circumcised in the flesh makes one superior to others. Jehovah's love for humans is like that of parents for their children. Vatsvene vakaratidzwa Dhanieri ndivanaani? In addition, we can use our talents, energies, and resources to share in the life - saving work that the congregation carries out. Who were the holy ones shown to Daniel? 12 Zvakaitika Kare We make every effort to reduce the disturbance to wild animals. 12 History Achiperekedzwa neuto reMedhia, mutongi wePersia Koreshi II panguva iyoyo akakurira Bhabhironi ndokuuraya mutongi waro wechiKadhea, Bershazari. Under such circumstances, they might conclude that they are doing quite well in Jehovah's service. accompanied by the Medo - battle force, Persian ruler Cyrus II then conquered Babylon and killed its Chaldeans ' ruler, Belshazzar. 30 Dhiyabhorosi - Munhu Akaipa Aripo Here? (Read 1 Timothy 5: 4, 8.) 30 Watching the World 30 From Our Readers Mukati Meimba Yemamongi Bitsaxis also argued that "Mr. Kokkinakis was condemned not " for something he did ' but [for] " what he is. ' " Within the monastery Kunyange zvazvo ndaiita zvokuimba, mwoyo wangu waiva pakutamba mafirimu. " It is one of the twelve, who is dipping with me into the common bowl, " Jesus answers. Although I was a musician, my heart was involved in playing movies. [ Mifananidzo iri papeji 10] And the sucking child will certainly play upon the hole of the cobra; and upon the light aperture of a poisonous snake will a weaned child actually put his own hand. [ Pictures on page 10] Zviitiko izvi zvakaitika zvishoma nezvishoma. Is your ability to do this limited? These events took place gradually. Zvinokosha kuti uitewo saizvozvo " mumazuva ano okupedzisira. ' Jehovah's love for mankind is like that of loving parents for their children. It is vital that you do the same thing during these "last days. " Kana ukaona sokuti vamwe havana kukunzwisisa kana kuti hauna kuitirwa zvakanaka, haufaniri kuramba uine chigumbu. Who are the holy ones in Daniel's vision? If you feel misunderstood or unfair, you need not harbor resentment. 4 Lesotho 23.5 12 Portraits From the Past 4 Catholic 23.5 . . . . . . . . Ndaapi ari maidi acho? Accompanied by the army of Media, the Persian ruler Cyrus II then conquered Babylon and executed its Chaldean ruler, Belshazzar. What are the facts? " Imwe nguva gare gare, patakanga tiri pazororo muUnited States, ndakagara naGloria, hanzvadzi iri piyona. 30 From Our Readers " Some time later, while we were on vacation in the United States, I stayed with Gloria, a pioneer sister. Ngatimboonai zvishoma zvacho. Inside the Monastery Let us consider a few of them. Zvakawanda zvoupenyu hwomuruwa urwu zvinozivikanwa kubva mune zvakanyorerwa Mutongi wokuRoma ainzi Trajan naPliny Muduku aiva mumwe wevakuru vakuru vacho. My main goal still was to become an actress. Much of this country's life is known from what was written for the Roman Emperor Trajan and Pliny the Younger. 17 [ Pictures on page 10] 17 Chifungawo nezvevana vakawanda vasina mhosva vanourayiwa nokubvisa pamuviri. These events happened gradually. Consider, too, the lives of many innocent children who are killed by abortion. Mambo Soromoni, uyo akashanda nesimba uye akawana upfumi hwose nezvimwe zvinhu zvakanaka zviri muupenyu, akagumisa achiti: "Itya Mwari, uchengete mirayiro yake; nokuti ndizvo zvakafanira vanhu vose. " - Muparidzi 12: 13. It is equally important for you to do that during these "last days. " King Solomon, who worked hard and acquired all the wealth and other good things in life, concluded: "Fear the true God and keep his commandments. For this is the whole obligation of man. " - Ecclesiastes 12: 13. Kuyeuka mararamiro avaiita vasati vafa nokuvamutsa hazvinetsi Musiki, uyo ane uchenjeri nesimba zvisingagumi. If you feel that you are the victim of a misunderstanding or an injustice, do not allow resentment to dominate your thoughts. Remembering how they lived before their death and resurrecting them does not concern the Creator, who has infinite wisdom and power. Mushonga unorumbidzwa navanachiremba nguva dzose nokuda kwevhiringidziko mukufunda. 4 Lesotho 23.5 The medicine recommended by doctors is always for confusion in study. Ngatitsungei kusambofa tashungurudza mudzimu asi nguva dzose utitungamirire kuti zita raJehovha dzvene rikudzwe. What are the facts? May we never grieve the spirit but always lead us to the glory of Jehovah's holy name. (b) Kuuya kutembere kwakaitika rini, ndiani akabatanidzwa, uye chii chakava muuyo nokuda kwaIsraeri? " Some time later, while on vacation in the United States, I stayed with Gloria, a pioneer sister. (b) When did the coming to the temple take place, who was involved, and what resulted for Israel? Green. Let us consider a few examples of such incomprehensible things. Green. Kunzwisisa kuchabatsira sei vabereki nevana vavo vakaroora kuti vave noukama hwakanaka? Much is known about daily life in this province from what Pliny the Younger, one of its officials, wrote to the Roman Emperor Trajan. How will reasonableness help parents and their married children to have a good relationship? Makore mashomanene apfuura, Hama Jamet vakakwanisa kurondedzera zvikomborero zvinofadza zvinobva kuna Jehovha. 17 A few years ago, Brother Jamet was able to describe the wonderful blessings from Jehovah. Rugare rweNyika Yose Kunongova Kurota Here? Then, too, consider the many innocents who are killed by abortions. Is Global Peace Just a Dream? Hongu, " ita kuti ndangariro yako ifunge zvinhu zvomudzimu, ' uye rega kuita kuti ifunge zvimwe zvinhu. - VaRoma 8: 5. King Solomon, who worked hard and enjoyed all the riches and comforts that life had to offer, came to this conclusion: "Fear the true God and keep his commandments. For this is the whole obligation of man. " - Ecclesiastes 12: 13. Yes, " set your mind on the things of the spirit, ' and do not cause them to think about other things. - Romans 8: 5. Asi, tichaponeswa nokuti tinoziva zita raMwari uye tinodana pariri mukutenda. Remembering the life patterns of dead ones and resurrecting them is not a problem for the Creator, who is infinite in wisdom and power. Yet, we will be saved because we know God's name and call upon it in faith. Isu " tinodiridza ' kupfurikidza nokudzokera kuavo vanoratidza fariro kuti tivadzidzise kubva muBhaibheri, seizvo Jesu akati tinofanira. Medication is routinely prescribed for learning disorders. We " water ' by returning to those who show interest to teach them from the Bible, as Jesus said we should. Vanhu vane unhu hwakadaro vanowanzofunga kuti vari nani pane vamwe nemhaka yezvavanogona kuita, chimiro chavo, upfumi kana kuti chinzvimbo. May it be our determination never to grieve the spirit but always to be led by it to the honor of Jehovah's holy name. People with such qualities often feel that they are superior to others because of their abilities, standing, wealth, or position. Mumakore ake ari muNazareta, Jesu akadzidza basa rokuveza, zvimwe kuna baba vake vokurera, Josefa. (b) When was there a coming to the temple, who was involved, and what was the result for Israel? During his years in Nazareth, Jesus learned the trade as a carpenter, perhaps from his adoptive father, Joseph. [ Mashoko okukwezva vaverengi ari papeji 22] Green. [ Blurb on page 22] Naizvozvo rudzi irworwo rwechiJudha rwakanga rwusati rwuchirizve mudzimai wokufananidzira kwaari, uyewo akanga asati achiri Baba noMudzidzisi wevanakomana vake vakarasika. How will being yielding contribute to good relations between parents and married children? So that Jewish nation was no longer a figurative wife to her, nor was she the Father and Teacher of his lost sons. Jesu Kristu akatsanangura kuti rudo ndiro vara guru raisunda vadzidzi vake. A couple of years ago, Brother Jamet was able to recount the marvelous blessings from Jehovah. Jesus Christ explained that love is the dominant quality that motivated his disciples. Patinosvika, tinomisa chikepe chedu nechekumahombekombe, vamwe vedu vashoma vane hama dziri paWarraber vopinda muigwa, uye tinonoona mukuru mukuru wepachitsuwa ichocho kuti tipiwe mvumo yokuparidza. Is World Peace Just a Dream? When we arrive, we stop our ship along the coast, a few of us with relatives at Warraber aboard the boat, and we see an officer on that island for permission to preach. Unhu huviri hupi hwaJehovha hwatinogona kuwedzera kukoshesa? Yes, " set your mind on the things of the spirit, ' and refuse to let it wander. - Romans 8: 5. What two qualities of Jehovah can we appreciate even more? Ikoko, ari kure nemhuri yake uye asingaonwi naavo vaimuziva, Josefa akabvumikisa perero yake. Rather, we will be saved because we know the divine name and call upon it in faith. There, away from his family and not to those who knew him, Joseph proved his integrity. Nyaya ino inoratidza kuti isu pamwe chete nevaya vari kuchema tingawana sei nyaradzo. We " water ' by returning to those who show interest to teach them from the Bible, as Jesus said we should. This article shows how we, along with those who are grieving, can find comfort. Magazini ino yagara ichibudiswa kubvira muna 1879 uye haisi yezvematongerwo enyika. People with such traits crave to be admired and adored. This magazine has been published continuously since 1879 and is not political. Somuenzaniso, munguva yaAbrahama vaKanani vakabvumirwa kurambira munyika yeKanani. During his years in Nazareth, Jesus learned the carpentry trade, likely from his adoptive father, Joseph. For example, in Abraham's time the Canaanites were allowed to remain in the land of Canaan. [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 4] [ Blurb on page 22] [ Picture on page 4] Zvinogona kuitika here kuti tirasikirwe netariro yakanaka zvakadaro? So no longer was that Jewish nation a figurative wife to him, nor was he the Father and Teacher of her wayward sons. Is it possible for us to lose such a good hope? Iyoyo haisiriyo nzira yokugutsikana nayo. LANDS AND PEOPLES That is not the way to be content. Paisvika mukuru - mukuru wemabharaki ndokuona boka redu richiimba nziyo, aitimisa. Jesus Christ explained that love is the principal quality motivating his disciples. When the chief of the barracks arrived and saw a group of us singing a song, he stopped us. Takatanga kutumirwa kuguta rakakurumbira reAurangabad riri makiromita anenge 400 kumabvazuva kweBombay. On arrival, we anchor offshore, load the dinghy with a few of our crew who have relatives on Warraber, and meet with the island's councillor to gain permission to preach. Our first assignment was the famous city of Audabad, about 250 miles [400 km] east of Bombay. Mauto aKoreshi paakatsausa Rwizi rwaYufratesi akabva apinda nepamagedhi akanga akavhurika pasina zvipingamupinyi zvakakura. What are two of Jehovah's qualities for which we can deepen our appreciation? When Cyrus ' troops misled the Euphrates River, they entered through open gates with no serious obstacles. Nei Jesu akanga asiri kutaura nezvokuchinjanisa majoko? There, far from his family and out of sight of those who knew him, Joseph proved his integrity. Why was Jesus not speaking of exchange yokes? Mweya inopisa yedzimba dzamagirazi munokudzwa miti dziri kupisa mhepo yakapoteredza pasi. This article will show us how to gain comfort, both for ourselves and for others who are grieving. The hot air of glass houses is enlarged with trees burning the atmosphere. " Mhandara " idzi dzakazvitsaurira kuna Jehovha uye dzakaratidza kuti dzakatendeka kuMuroori. This magazine has been published continuously since 1879 and is nonpolitical. These "womans " dedicated themselves to Jehovah and proved faithful to the Bridegroom. Vakazvibvumira kuwira mumusungo waSatani unokwezva. For example, in Abraham's time the Canaanites were allowed to remain in the land of Canaan. They allowed themselves to fall into Satan's deceptive trap. Nei? [ Picture on page 4] Why? Kim anoti: "Pane kuramba ndakatsamwa, ndakadzidza kuti zviri nani kutanga ini kuita kuti zvinhu zvifambe. Once having received this wonderful hope, could we possibly lose it? Kim says: " instead of feeling angry, I've learned that it's better to start getting things done. Kune vaya vaida kuteerera, Jehovha aidzidzisa nokujekesa. That is no way to attain contentment. To those who were willing to listen, Jehovah taught and made clear. Nguva dzose, mudzimu waJehovha, uchishanda mumhinduro kumunyengetero kana kuti kupfurikidza neShoko rake, ungabetsera kutsiva mugariro wokuora mwoyo wendangariro nounofadza zvikuru. When the commandant of the barracks would come in and find a group of us singing a song, he would order us to stop. Always, Jehovah's spirit, working in answer to prayer or through his Word, may help to replace a depressed and very happy state. Nyanzvi dzoMutemo dzinosungirwa nomutemo kutsanangura Shoko raMwari kuvanhu, kukiinura revo yaro. Our first assignment was to the historic city of Aurangabad, nearly 250 miles (400 km) east of Bombay. Law scholars are bound by law to explain God's Word to humans, to clarify its meaning. Kunyanguvezvo, kubvira kwougandanga hwenyukireya kuri kukura. Having diverted the Euphrates River, Cyrus ' armies entered the city through open gates along the river, encountering little resistance. Nevertheless, the possibility of nuclear terrorism is on the rise. Pandakamubvunza, akanyatsonditarisa ndokuti: "Mubvunzo wamandibvunza wakaoma. Why was Jesus not simply suggesting a trading of yokes? When I asked him, he looked at me and said: "The question is hard. Rinoti: "Rega kutsamwa, urashe hasha; usava neshungu, zvinongotadzisa munhu. " Greenhouse gases are heating up the atmosphere. It says: "Let anger alone and leave rage; do not show yourself heated up only to do evil. " Rudo rwaJehovha runopinda sei murutongeso rwake? These "virgin companions " of the bride have dedicated themselves to Jehovah and have proved themselves to be faithful subjects of the Bridegroom - King. How does Jehovah's love come into his judgment? Kunyengeterera hama dzedu dzose kunotibatsira kuti tive nemafungiro akafanana neaKristu. They have allowed themselves to fall into Satan's alluring trap. Praying for all our brothers helps us to cultivate Christlike thinking. Kuva nechokwadi chokuti nhaka yerudzi yaisazopfuudzwa kune rumwe rudzi apo vanasikana vakaroorwa, ivo vaidikanwira kuroorwa bedzi mu "rudzi rweimba yababa vavo. " - Numeri 36: 5 - 12. Why? To ensure that the nation's inheritance would not be passed on to another nation when daughters married, they were required to marry only in "the tribe of the house of their father. " - Numbers 36: 5 - 12. POSITIVISM: Murangariro wokuti pfungwa dzose dzorudzidziso zvinhu zvisina maturo zvisingabvumisiki uye kuti vavariro youzivi ndeyokubatanidza zivo yakanaka kuti iumbe chakazara. " Rather than remain upset, " says Kim, "I've learned that it is best to take the initiative in trying to make peace. POSIITISM: The view that all religious ideas are meaningless and that the purpose of philosophy is to include sound knowledge to form fully. " Taisada kurasikirwa nemukana iwoyo. " To those who were willing to listen, Jehovah provided education and enlightenment. " We didn't want to miss that opportunity. " Chokwadi, Jehovha anofarira kutendeka kwevashumiri vake. Invariably, Jehovah's spirit, operating in response to prayer or through his Word, would help to replace the depressed state of mind with a happier one. Yes, Jehovah is interested in the faithfulness of his servants. MIBVUNZO The experts on the Law are duty - bound to explain God's Word to the people, unlocking its meaning. QUESTIONS Ndinonyatsoonawo kusiyana kukuru kwakaita kushandira hurumende dzoudzvinyiriri dzakadai seyaHitler, nokushumira Jehovha. Nevertheless, the possibility of nuclear terrorism is growing. I also see the big difference between serving such oppressive governments as Hitler and serving Jehovah. Avo vanofunda Bhaibheri neZvapupu zvaJehovha vakabetserwa nokuona vhidhiyo yacho. When I asked the question, she looked at me very seriously and said: "That is a hard question. Those who study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses have benefited from watching the video. Asi iwe waizoita sei kudai imwe yehama dzako dzokunyama ikadzingwa? It says: "Let anger alone and leave rage; do not show yourself heated up only to do evil. " But how would you react if one of your relatives were disfellowshipped? " Kuitira kuti vaparadze zita rangu uye vandinyadzise, " akadaro Nehemia. How does Jehovah's love enter into his judgment? " In order to destroy my name and to bring shame upon me, " said Nehemiah. Mashoko aya akafemerwa akajeka. Praying for all our Christian associates helps us to develop a Christlike spirit. These inspired words are clear. Kazhinji kacho vabereki vakadzidza kutaura nemasaini, nokudaro zvakaita kuti vakwanise kunyatsokurukura nevana vavo. To ensure that the tribal inheritance not be passed on to another tribe when the daughters got married, they were required to marry only in "the family of the tribe of their fathers. " - Numbers 36: 5 - 12. Often parents have learned to sign language, thus enabling them to communicate more effectively with their children. Nei Naamani akambotanga aramba kuita zvaidiwa naJehovha? POSITIVISM: The view that all ideas of a religious nature are unverifiable nonsense and that the object of philosophy is to unite the positive sciences to form a whole. Why did Naaman first refuse to do Jehovah's will? NOA anombotwasanudza musana uye nyama dzake dzava kurwadza. " We were not about to pass that opportunity up for anything! " NAAILS with her back and her flesh is in pain. " Murumbidzei [Mwari] muchiridza hwamanda. Yes, Jehovah takes delight in the faithfulness of his servants. " Praise [God] with the trumpet blast. Magwaro anotaura kazhinji sei kuti Mwari "anononoka kutsamwa, ane tsitsi huru "! QUESTIONS How often the Scriptures say that God is "slow to anger and abundant in loving - kindness "! Zvine musoro kuti utarisire muviri wako nokuurovedza zvakakodzera uye kudya zvinovaka muviri. Those who study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses have benefited by viewing the video. It is reasonable to take good care of your body by exercising proper exercise and nutrition. Nokufamba kwenguva, vangadai vakazova vabereki vemhuri yose yevanhu yakakwana inorarama muparadhiso yepasi. But how would you act if one of your relatives was disfellowshipped? In time, they could have become parents of the entire perfect human family living on a paradise earth. Rugwaro rwavaMasorete Rwakaitwa " So that they could ruin my reputation and humiliate me, " said Nehemiah. The Masoretic text Made Baba vangu vakavakumbira kuti vandiwane voita kuti ndichinje pfungwa dzangu, pasinei zvapo nemutoo wavaishandisa. There is nothing ambiguous about that inspired counsel. My father asked them to find me and let me change my mind, no matter how you used it. Tinogona sei kuziva kunamata kwechokwadi kunogamuchirwa naMwari? - Pisarema 119: 105. Often, parents learned to sign and could thus communicate better with their children. How can we identify true worship that is acceptable to God? - Psalm 119: 105. Bhaibheri, kunyanguvezvo, rakaudza vanhu vaMwari munguva dzekare, kuti: "Apo unoona nzombe kana kuti gwai romunhu biyako richirasika, usarifuratira asi ridzorere kwaari. Why did Naaman at first refuse to do what Jehovah asked? The Bible, though, told God's people in ancient times: "When you see a bull or a sheep of your fellowman lost, do not turn it back but return to him. Chindingoveni ichi chinokurudzirwa muvana uye chinopfuurira munharaunda dzakawanda dzoupenyu hwevakura. NOAH straightened his back and stretched his aching muscles. This self - style is encouraged in children and continues in many areas of adult life. Rimwe bhuku rinotaura nezvechiGiriki chomuBhaibheri rinoti pamusoro peiri shoko: "Rinorondedzera chimiro chendangariro chinovapo patinogoverana mirangariro yevamwe sokunonzi ndeyedu. " " Praise [God] with the blowing of the horn. One book on Biblical Greek says regarding this word: "It describes the attitude that results when we share the feelings of others as ours. " Asi ini ndainakidzwa. How often the Scriptures say that God is "slow to anger and abundant in loving - kindness "! But I enjoyed it. Zvisinei, zvakadiniko kana pashure pokunge waita zvaunogona nenzira ine mufungo kururamisa mhosho, kunzwa kwako kwokuva nemhaka kana kuti kwokusava namaturo kuchiri kwakaomerera kwauri, zvimwe kuchipfuurira kwenguva refu pashure pakwo? It only makes sense to take care of your body through moderate exercise and a balanced diet. However, what if after you reasonably did what you could to correct a mistake, your feelings of guilt or worthlessness still stuck to you, perhaps continuing long thereafter? VaWinnebago vanewo ngano yechisiko iyo inobatanidza "Mugadziri wepasi. " In time, they would have been the parents of an entire perfect, happy human family living on a paradise earth. Mr. Winnebago also has a myth of nature that includes "the Designer of the Earth. " Vabereki vanoramba zvinhu zvakadaro vachiti zviri kungoitika "kuvarombo " chete kana kuti kune mamwe mapoka emadzinza vanowanzozozvidemba chaizvo. Masoretic Text Prepared Parents who reject such practices as "the poor " or other ethnic groups often regret it very much. Zvinokosha kuziva kuti upenyu hwaJesu hahuna kutanga paakaberekwa semunhu wenyama. My father asked them to find me and make me change my mind, no matter what methods they used. It is noteworthy that Jesus ' life did not begin when he was born as a human. Kupfuura izvozvo, chipikirwa chiri mundima iyi hachifadzi here? How can we identify the true worship acceptable to God? - Psalm 119: 105. More than that, is not the promise in this verse heartwarming? Ngoni anokuwana kwakaoma kuzivisa kutya kwake, kusachengeteka, uye marwadzo kumudzimai wake. The Bible, though, told God's people in ancient times: "When you see a fellow - countryman's ox or sheep straying, do not ignore it but take it back to him. Jerry finds it difficult to reveal his fears, insecurity, and pain to his wife. Vanoita zvinopfuura kurava mashoko; vanofungisisa paari. This self - centered spirit is promoted in children and continues in many areas of adult life. They do more than read information; they meditate on it. Varume vacho vaiva varwa muHondo Yenyika II uye vaifungira Zvapupu zvaJehovha nokuti munguva yehondo zvakanga zvisingatsigiri zvematongerwo enyika. One authority on Biblical Greek says of this word: "It describes that state of mind which exists when we enter into the feelings of others as if they were our own. " The men had fought during World War II and were suspicious of Jehovah's Witnesses because during the war they did not take sides in politics. Shiri nezvikara zvichadya mitumbi isina kuvigwa yeboka raGogi. I, however, enjoyed it. The birds and the wild beasts will eat the unburied bodies of Gog's flock. Zvisinei, magazini yeTime yomusi mumwe chetewo yakashuma kuti United States ichakangotondeka Moscow nezvombo zvinokandwa zvenyukireya 120, chimwe nechimwe chazvo chingaparadza chose chose guta iroro. However, what if after you do what you reasonably can to correct a mistake, your feelings of guilt or worthlessness still cling to you, perhaps persisting for a long time afterward? However, Time magazine of the same day reported that the United States is still holding Moscow with 120 nuclear missiles, each of which may completely destroy that city. Chibayiro chaAbheri chakagamuchirwa, asi chaKaini hachina. The Winnebago also have a creation myth that involves "Earthmaker. " Abel's sacrifice was accepted, but Cain's was not. Pasina rupfidzo rwechokwadi, zvibairo hazvina maturo. Parents who dismiss such things as happening only among "the poor " or certain ethnic groups often prove to be sadly mistaken. Without true repentance, sacrifices are futile. Havana kuda kundinyadzisa, asi vakatondisiira bhuku rairatidza kuti vanhu vakaita zvokusikwa here kana kuti vakatanga vari mhuka. It is important to note that the human birth of Jesus was not the beginning of his life. They did not want to shame me, but they even left me a book showing whether humans were created or created as animals. Panguva dzakadaro, vairatidza kuti vanoziva nzvimbo yavo nokufukidza musoro. Moreover, is not the promise in this verse exhilarating? At such times, they showed that they recognized their position by covering the head. Mosesi aiziva kuti Jehovha anotaura chokwadi uye akaratidza kutenda zvainge zvataurwa naJehovha kuti aizoparadza matangwe evaIjipiti. Jerry finds it difficult to reveal his fears, insecurities, and pains to his wife. Moses knew that Jehovah is truthful and expressed faith in Jehovah's promise to destroy Egypt's firstborn. Somuenzaniso, wakambonzwa here mumwe munhu achiti: "Hapana chakanaka chokuona paTV! " They do more than read the material; they meditate on it. For example, have you ever heard someone say: "It's not good to watch TV! " " Nyika itsva "?, 5 / 1 Tsauriro Imhiko Here?, 4 / 15 The men were World War II veterans and were prejudiced against the Witnesses because of their neutral stand during the war. 5 / 1 Vakandiudza nezvengozi yezvinodhaka, uye vakandiratidza rudo rwavo nekuva nehanya. Birds and beasts will gorge themselves on the unburied bodies of Gog's crowd. They told me about the dangers of drugs, and they showed me their love and concern. Hapana chikonzero chokutya chokwadi. However, Time magazine of the same date reported that the United States still targets Moscow with 120 nuclear warheads, any one of which would totally devastate that city. There is no reason to fear the truth. Nekuti kana paine chimwe chinhu chinoramba chichirarama kana tafa, zvinoreva kuti Mwari akanyepa paakati chivi ndicho chinokonzera rufu. Abel's offering was accepted, whereas Cain's was not. Because if something goes on living after death, God lied that sin is the cause of death. Tinofanirawo " kuramba tichigogodza ' kuti tipinde muUmambo, tiwane zvikomborero zvahwo, uye tibatsirwe. Without heartfelt repentance, sacrifices are valueless. We must also "keep knocking " to enter the Kingdom, receive its blessings, and benefit. Mumwe Mukana Webasa But they were very kind and left me a book about whether life originated by means of creation or evolution. Another Event of Service Chokutanga, Jesu akanga asingatarisiri pasi varombo asi aivanzwira tsitsi. On such occasions, they acknowledged their position by wearing a head covering. First, Jesus did not look down on the poor but felt compassion for them. Zvichitaurwa zviri nyore, kuti uve neshamwari, iwewo unofanira kuva noushamwari. Moses knew that Jehovah is trustworthy, and he exercised faith in Jehovah's promise to execute the firstborn sons in Egypt. Simply put, to have friends, you too must be friendly. * Vamwe vaGnostic vaidavira kuti nyikadzimu yakanaka kupfuura nyika yatinogara yavakafananidza nejeri. For example, have you ever heard someone say: "There's nothing good to watch on TV! " * Some martyrs believed that the spirit world is better than the land in which we live, which they likened to a prison. Unonyatsovaziva zvakadini? God's Wisdom - Can You See It? 4 / 15 How well do you know them? Marco: "Munhu akatidzidzisa Bhaibheri aishandisa Magwaro pakupindura mibvunzo yose yataibvunza nemudzimai wangu. They told me about the dangers of drugs, and they assured me of their love and concern. Marco: "The Bible teacher used the Scriptures to answer every question my wife and me raised. 8, 9. There is no reason to fear the truth. 8, 9. Mitezo yeCorporation inofanira kuzivisa Hofisi yoMunyori zvino nezvechinjo ipi neipi mukero dzayo dzokuposita mukati megore rapfuura kuitira kuti tsamba dzenguva dzose dzeziviso namagwaro anopa mumwe munhu chiremera chokukuvhotera dzigogona kusvika nokukurumidza pashure paAugust 1. Because if a part of us moves on to live in some other realm after we die, then death would not be the penalty for sin, as God stated. The members of the Inquisition should inform the Secretary's Office now of any change in their mailing addresses during the past year so that the regular letters of notice and proxies can arrive shortly after August 1. Jesu akafanotaura kuti "vose vari mumahwiro vachanzwa inzwi rake, vachabuda. " It is also necessary for us to "keep on knocking " to gain access to the Kingdom and enjoy its blessings, benefits, and rewards. Jesus foretold that "all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out. " Shandisa Rurimi Zvakarurama! Another Door of Activity Opens Use the Right Language! Kuti adzivirire ukama hwavo naMwari, Pauro akavakurudzira achiti: "Pfungwa dzenyu ngadzirambe dziri pazvinhu zviri kumusoro, kwete pazvinhu zviri panyika. " First, Jesus did not overlook lowly ones but treated them with tender compassion. To protect their relationship with God, Paul urged them: "Keep your minds fixed on the things above, not on the things on the earth. " Uyewo, sokuratidzira kunoita zvinoitika zvinonyadzisa zveWall Street, kutengeserana kunogona kushandiswa zvisiri pamutemo, zvimwe kupfurikidza nokuita shavo mukati, muitiro uri kuwedzera. Simply put, to have a friend, you need to be one. Also, as the embarrassing experiences of Wall Street show, commerce can be illegal, perhaps by making merchandise inside, an increasing trend. Mashoko mashomanene ekurudziro anogona kukupa betsero yokupfuurira apo unenge wakaneta zvikuru kana kuti wakaodzwa mwoyo. " * Some of those Gnostics believed that the physical world was a prison. A few words of encouragement can give you help to carry on when you are very tired or discouraged. " Zvii Zvatinoziva Pamusoro paMwari? How well do you know God? What Do We Know About God? Mazuva ano paunoona vanhu " vachibatwa zvisina kunaka uye vakapararira kufanana nemakwai asina mufudzi, ' haunzwi here chido chokuvaudza mashoko anonyaradza oUmambo hwaMwari? - Mat. Marco: "Our Bible teacher used the Scriptures to answer every question my wife and I had. Are you not moved to share the comforting message of God's Kingdom with people today who are "in want and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd "? - Matt. Nokushandisa ngano, pfungwa dzezvemidzimu uye uzivi kuti vatsanangure chiKristu, varume ava vakaita kuti dzidziso dzenhema dziwedzere. 8, 9. By using legends, spiritistic ideas, and philosophies to explain Christianity, these men added to false teachings. Ndiko kutenda kwatinofanira kuva nako kana tichida kufamba naMwari. The members of the Corporation should inform the Secretary's Office now of any change in their mailing addresses during the past year so that the regular letters of notice and proxies can reach them shortly after August 1. That is the kind of faith we need to have if we want to walk with God. Utano Husina Kutsarukana Jesus foretold that "all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out. " Poor Health Zvinotevera ndizvimwe zvezvinhu zviri kuitika mose muri muviri munzvimbo dzamaguta dzinogara vanhu vazhinjisa nomumasabhabhu - zvinhu izvo vana venyu vaduku vanofanira kudzivirirwa pazviri kubvira paucheche zvichienda mberi. Use the Tongue Aright! The following are some of the things taking place both in urban areas where most people live and in homes - things that your young children must be protected from from from from from from infancy onward. Pauro akanyora, kuti: "Uzive chinhu ichi, kuti namazuva okupedzisira nguva dzokutambudzika dzichasvika. In order to help them safeguard their precious relationship with God, Paul admonished them: "Keep your minds fixed on the things above, not on the things on the earth. " Paul wrote: "Know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. Marapiro aya anowanzonzi kurapa nemakwenzi uye kurapa kusiri kwokuchipatara. Also, as recent Wall Street scandals demonstrate, the market can be illegally manipulated, possibly by means of insider trading, a practice that is on the increase. These treatments are commonly referred to as herbs treatment and non - medical treatment. Panheyo yakafanana, kana zvinetso zvikamuka mugadziriro yokukwereta, mukweretesi angasarudza kuita chiito chetsitsi. Just a few words of encouragement can give you a boost to carry on when you are very tired or depressed. " On a similar foundation, if problems arise in a loan system, the lender may choose to take an act of compassion. Pauro akaita maererano nezvaangave akakumbira zvokuti pave nevashandi vakawanda achiita izvi nokuva mushandi anoshingaira. When you see people being "skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd " today, do you not feel a desire to bring them the comforting news of God's Kingdom? - Matt. Paul acted in harmony with what he may have requested to have more workers doing this by being a diligent worker. JEHOVHA akasika vanhu vaine zvipo zvinoshamisa. By resorting to myth, mystic ideas, and philosophy to explain the Christian faith, these men opened the way for a tide of error. JEHOVAH created humans with wonderful gifts. Ndinogara ndichifunga nezvavo, kunyanya ambuya vangu Elisabeth. That is the kind of faith we need if we are to walk with God. I always think about them, especially my grandmother Elizabeth. Sezviri pachena, vaurayi vakadavira kuti Munyori Woumwari waMagwaro echiHebheru aizokomborera kumukira kwavaRoma. Poor Health Apparently, murderers believed that the Divine Author of the Hebrew Scriptures would bless the Roman revolt. " Tinogutswa, mumhaka yazvino, kuti kutandaniswa kwavana vatatu pachikoro nokuda kwechikonzero chokuti nemhaka yokutenda kwavo kwokutungamirirwa nehana kworudzidziso, ivo havakumbaniri kuimbwa kworwiyo rworudzi mukuungana kwamangwanani kunyange zvazvo vachimira nenzira yokuremekedza apo rwiyo runoimbwa, kuputswa kwamaruramiro avo makuru " kurusununguko rwehana uye kutaura, kushandisa uye kuparadzira norusununguko rudzidziso rwavo. ' " Following are some of the things that are happening both in the inner cities and in the suburbs - things your young children should be insulated against from infancy onward. " We are satisfied, in the present case, that the singing of three children at school for the reason that because of their conscientious religious faith, they do not join the singing of the national anthem in morning assembly even though they stand respectfully while the song is sung, the violation of their basic rights " to freedom of conscience and speech, to use and spread their religion. ' " Imwe chirikadzi inogona kunge ichida kubatsirwa kugadziridza zvimwe zvinhu pamba payo. Paul wrote: "Know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. A widow may need help to make adjustments in her home. Muna 303 C.E., mambo weRoma Diocletian akarayira kuti nzvimbo dzokunamatira dzevaKristu dziputswe uye Magwaro avo apiswe. These are generally known as traditional medicine and alternative medicine. In 303 C.E., the Roman emperor Diocletian ordered that the places of worship of Christians be broken and their Scriptures burned. Asi dzimwe nguva vanoita mamwe mabasa okuwedzera epaBheteri anogona kuvatadzisa kuva pamwe chete neungano. In a similar spirit, when difficulties arise in a borrowing arrangement, the lender may choose to act mercifully. At times, though, they engage in additional Bethel assignments that could hinder their association with the congregation. " Mutsa wenyu worudo, haiwa Jehovha, wazadza nyika, " akaimba kudaro munyori wepisarema. Paul acted in harmony with any request he might have made for more workers by becoming a zealous worker. " Your loving - kindness, O Jehovah, has filled the earth, " sang the psalmist. VANYAKUROORANA vari kubva paHoro yoUmambo. JEHOVAH created humans with remarkable abilities. THEY are leaving the Kingdom Hall. [ Bhokisi riri papeji 9] I remember them fondly - especially my grandmother Elisabeth. [ Box on page 9] Hama dzakaita sei nomutongo wacho? Evidently, the dagger men believed that the Divine Author of the Hebrew Scriptures would bless their uprising against Rome. How did the brothers react to the sentence? Zvisinei, pamwe unotoziva kuti nhasi vanhu vakawanda vakaroorana havakwanisi kuita izvi. " We are satisfied, in the present case, that the expulsion of the three children from the school for the reason that because of their conscientiously held religious faith, they do not join the singing of the national anthem in the morning assembly though they do stand up respectfully when the anthem is sung, is a violation of their fundamental right " to freedom of conscience and freely to profess, practice and propagate religion. ' " You likely know, though, that many married couples today are not able to do this. Chii Chinoumba Murangariro Wako Wezvinwiwa Zvinodhaka? A widow may need help with some repairs on her home. What Affects Your View of Alcohol? [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 4] Roman Emperor Diocletian's decree to demolish the meeting places of the Christians and to burn their Scriptures was issued in 303 C.E. [ Picture on page 4] Ehe unogona. Periodically, however, Bethelites may have extra duties. Yes, you can. Sezvakapikirwa naMwari, Jakobho akatungamirirwa uye akadzivirirwa naMwari, achiva muvambi worudzi rukuru uye tateguru waMesiya. - Mateu 1: 2, 16. " Your loving - kindness, O Jehovah, " sang the psalmist, "has filled the earth. " As God promised, Jacob was guided and protected by God, becoming the founder of a great nation and ancestor of the Messiah. - Matthew 1: 2, 16. Shongai nhumbi dzose dzokuzvidzivirira nadzo dzinobva kuna Mwari kuti mukwanise kumira makasimba pakurwisana nemanomano aDhiyabhorosi. " A COUPLE is leaving the Kingdom Hall. Put on the complete suit of armor from God that you may be able to stand firm against the machinations of the Devil. " Vimba Nomudzimu waMwari Mukuchinja Kunoitika Muupenyu [ Box on page 9] Trust in God's Spirit in Changes in Life Vanachiremba vaitumira varwere veTB kuzvipatara zvokuzororera nokunaya. How did the brothers react to the ban? Doctors sent TB patients to hospitals for rest and recovery. Hatigoni kubvumira chinhu chipi nechipi kutora nzvimbo iyo tsauriro kuna Jehovha inofanira kuva nayo mumwoyo yedu. You likely know, however, that today many marriages do not meet this standard. We cannot allow anything to take over the place where dedication to Jehovah must have in our hearts. Mukupesana, iye anopa ngwariro yapedyo kuavo vanomutya. What Shapes Your View of Alcohol? On the contrary, he gives close attention to those fearing him. Saka zvine musoro kutaura kuti Jehovha akarongawo vashumiri vake vari panyika. [ Picture on page 4] So it is reasonable to say that Jehovah has also organized his servants on earth. • Jesu akaratidza sei kuti Umambo hunokosha? Yes, you can. • How did Jesus show that the Kingdom is important? Unoratidza ushamwari hwechokwadi zvikurukuru nokunyaradza uye kubatsira munhu anenge achida kubatsirwa. As God promised, Jacob received divine guidance and protection, becoming the progenitor of a great nation and the forefather of the Messiah. - Matthew 1: 2, 16. You display genuine friendship primarily by comforting and helping someone in need. Anoita kudaro " nokutishongedza nezvinhu zvose zvakanaka kuti tiite kuda kwake. ' Put on the complete suit of armor from God that you may be able to stand firm against the machinations of the Devil. " He does so by " adorning us with every good thing to do his will. ' Nzvero dzakaratidza kuti vhitamini E, beta - carotene, uye vhitamini C anogona kuderedza atherosclerosis mumhuka. Rely on God's Spirit in Dealing With Life's Changes Studies have shown that vitamin E, beta - carotene, and vitamin C can lower aposclerosis in animals. Mari ingachengeteswa Watch Tower kuti ishandiswe. Physicians sent TB patients to sanatoriums. Money may be placed in trust with Watch Tower for use. Zvaitomurwadza kufungidzira achiita zvaidiwa nemukadzi iyeye. We cannot allow anything to take the place that dedication to Jehovah should occupy in our hearts. It was even painful for her to imagine herself doing what that woman wanted her to do. Boka rimwe nerimwe revanhu ava vakazvipira vanofara rinofamba munzvimbo nenzvimbo munyika iyi richitungamirira mabasa okuvaka. In contrast, he pays close attention to those in fear of him. Each group of these happy volunteers travels from place to place in this country to direct construction projects. BHAIBHERI rinokosha here nhasi? Therefore, it is logical to conclude that Jehovah would organize his servants on earth. IS THE Bible relevant today? Akanyora kuti: "Mumwe mufananidzo waiva nemhumhi negwayana, mbudzana neingwe, mhuru neshumba, zvese zviri murugare zvichitungamirirwa nemukomana mudiki.... • How did Jesus highlight the importance of the Kingdom? He wrote: "A certain parable had a wolf and a lamb, a kid and a leopard, a calf and a lion, all of which are at peace under the guidance of a young boy.... Magwaro anoratidza kuti izvi zvinogona kuita kuti tiore mwoyo uye tishungurudzike. You show true friendship especially by giving emotional and practical support to a person in need. The Scriptures show that this can lead to disappointment and grief. [ Bhokisi / Mifananidzo iri papeji 22, 23] He does so by " equipping us with every good thing to do his will. ' [ Box / Pictures on page 22, 23] Chikoro chenhepfenyuro chatakapinda chakanga chiri muNew York City, naizvozvo ndaiyambuka rwizi ndichienda kuBrooklyn nokuda kwemisangano yaVadzidzi veBhaibheri, yaiitirwa muhoro yairendwa yeMasonic Temple yekare. Studies have shown that vitamin E, beta - carotene, and vitamin C can slow down atherosclerosis in animals. The radio school we attended was located in New York City, so I would cross the river to Brooklyn for meetings of the Bible Students, held in the rented hall of the old Manic Temple. Izvi ndizvo zvakaitwa naKoreshi, uyo akapa nhapwa dzaidzokera midziyo yendarama neyesirivha yakanga yatorwa naNebhukadhinezari mutemberi yaJehovha. Money may be placed in trust for the benefit of Watch Tower. This was the case with Cyrus, who offered the exiles returning the gold and silver vessels that Nebuchadnezzar had taken from Jehovah's temple. Mitambo yavo yaivhenganisa rudzidziso rwechiBuddha, chiKaturike, uye tsika dzeShinto. It hurt him even to contemplate the deed she wanted him to commit. Their festivals included Buddhist religion, Catholicism, and Shinto customs. Bhaibheri rinobatsira sei? This happy band of volunteers moves from one area to another within the country to take the lead in the building projects. How does the Bible help? 1, 2. (a) Mamiriro edu ezvinhu mazuva ano anofanana sei neevaKristu vekare vaiva muEfeso? IS THE Bible relevant today? 1, 2. (a) How do our present - day situation compare with that of the early Christians in Ephesus? Apo mumwe wavo anoburuka kumupata uri pasi uye mumwe wacho anotevera muenzaniso wake, zvisinei, vanogona kukurukurirana nenzira iri nyore. " One picture, " he wrote, "showed the wolf and the lamb, the kid and the leopard, the calf and the lion - all in peace, being led by a little boy.... When one of them comes down to the low plain and the other follows his example, however, they can communicate easily. Kana ukaita izvi uchanyatsova nechivimbo chekuti Jehovha ishamwari yako. The Scriptures indicate that such anxiety can lead to discouragement and even depression. By doing so, you will become more confident that Jehovah is your friend. Yakataurwa naNelly Lenz [ Box / Pictures on page 22, 23] As told by Nelly Lezz Nenzira inofadza, mamwe aawa maprotein nenzira yomuzvarirwo anobva muropa romukadzi ane pamuviri achienda kugadziriro yeropa yakasiana yomwana wake achangobva kunambwa. - 6 / 1, peji 30, 31. The radio school we attended was in New York City, so I traveled across the river to Brooklyn for meetings of the Bible Students, which were held in the rented auditorium of the old Masonic Temple. Interestingly, some of these proteins naturally come from the blood of a pregnant woman to the unique blood system of her fetus. - 6 / 1, page 30, 31. Akakwanisa kubatsira vanhu vana kuti vazvitsaurire uye vabhabhatidzwe mumakore ake mashomanana aakatanga kupayona. This proved true in the case of Cyrus, who gave the returning exiles the gold and silver utensils that Nebuchadnezzar had looted from Jehovah's temple. He was able to help four persons to dedicate themselves and get baptized during his first few years of pioneering. Zvisinei, pavanokuendesai kumatare, musazvidya mwoyo pamusoro pematauriro amuchaita kana zvamuchataura; nokuti muchapiwa zvamuchataura muawa iyoyo; nokuti hamusi imi moga munenge muchitaura, asi mudzimu waBaba venyu ndiwo uchange uchitaura uchikushandisai. " Their festivals mixed Buddhism, Catholicism, and folk religion. However, when they deliver you up to court, do not be anxious about how or what you will speak; for what you will speak in that hour will be given you; for it is not you alone who speak, but it is the spirit of your Father that speaks by you. " Sezvo vanhu vaine maonero akasiyana - siyana panyaya yegehena, ungandiudzawo here zvaunotenda panyaya iyi? What assistance does the Bible offer? Since people have different views about hellfire, can you share your beliefs with them? Zvinofadza kuti, nepo vaKristu vakazodzwa pamwe vachirondedzerwa se "mwenga " waKristu, mufananidzo wacho hautauri nezvomwenga. 1, 2. (a) How does our situation today compare to that of ancient Christians in Ephesus? Interestingly, while anointed Christians together are described as "the bride " of Christ, the parable does not speak of the bride. Chimwe Chinhu Chiri Nani Pane Mukurumbira (C. When one of them descends to the valley below and the other follows his example, however, they can converse easily. " God's Way of Life " Conventions, 2 / 15 Pasina nguva, vaya vose vasingateereri kana kuti vanopandukira Jehovha vachamanikidzwa kumuziva. Applying yourself in those aspects will boost your confidence in your privilege of having a friendship with Jehovah. Soon all those who disobey or rebel against Jehovah will be forced to get to know him. □ Ndoupi uri musoro wokuparidza evhangeri kweBhaibheri kwomuzuva razvino uno? As told by Nelly Lenz □ What is the theme of modern - day Bible evangelizing? ; Goller, C. Interestingly, some of these proteins naturally pass from the bloodstream of a pregnant woman to the separate blood system of her fetus. - 6 / 1, pages 30, 31. ; Goller, C. Kusema chose chose nzira inonyadzisa yenyika ino kuchabetsera vabatiri vaMwari kupinda munyika itsva yokururama He was able to help four people to dedication and baptism during his first few years of pioneering. A total disregard for this world's shameful course will help God's servants into a new world of righteousness Hakushamisi kuti Pauro akaraira maKristu biyake ku "taura nenzira inonyaradza kumweya yakaora mwoyo, kutsigira vakaneta, kuva nomwoyo murefu kuna vose "! - 1 VaTesaronika 5: 14, NW. However, when they deliver you up, do not become anxious about how or what you are to speak; for what you are to speak will be given you in that hour; for the ones speaking are not just you, but it is the spirit of your Father that speaks by you. " No wonder Paul admonished fellow Christians to "speak consolingly to the depressed souls, support the weak, be long - suffering toward all "! - 1 Thessalonians 5: 14. JESU AKAITA KUTI MAPOFU AONE. - MATEU 9: 27 - 31; MAKO 8: 22 - 26. Since people have a lot of different ideas about hellfire, may I ask how you would explain what you believe about it? JESUS CHRIST'S WITNESSES. - MATTHEW 9: 27 - 31; MARK 8: 22 - 26. Vamwe vakanga vabva kuPuerto Rico, Argentina, Canada, uye Hong Kong, vasara vachiva vakabva murutivi rwokumabvazuva rweUnited States. Interestingly, while anointed Christians are elsewhere described as the "bride " of Christ, the parable does not mention a bride. Some had come from Puerto Rico, Argentina, Canada, and Hong Kong, the rest having come from the eastern part of the United States. Iva nezvinangwa zvakadai sekuvandudza maitiro aunoita basa rako kana kuti kukurumidza kuripedza nguva yauri kutarisirwa isati yakwana. " Once Stricken, Twice Afflicted " (polio), 7 / 22 Set such goals as improving the way you handle your work or quickly spending time in your care. Chii chinoratidza kuti havasi vose vachagamuchira gadziriro dzaMwari dzoupenyu, uye ndoupi uchava mugumo wevakadaro? Soon all who ignore or defy Jehovah will be forced to recognize him. What shows that not all will accept God's provisions for life, and what will be the end of such ones? Yeuka kuti Habhakuki ainyora achifuridzirwa naMwari. □ What is the theme of modern - day Biblical evangelism? Recall that Habakkuk was writing under divine inspiration. ABHERI akatarisa boka rake remakwai aifura chinyararire padivi pechikomo. ; Goller, C. THE father watched over his flock of sheep quietly feeding beside a hill. Munguva dzenhamo kana kuti mumwe munhu paanenge achishayiwa, hatizenguriri " kuitira zvakanaka ' vavakidzani vedu kana kuti hama dzedu dzechiKristu. Detesting utterly this world's disgraceful course will help servants of God gain entry into the new world of righteousness In times of distress or when someone is in need, we do not hesitate to "work what is good " to our neighbors or fellow Christians. Kuva Nechinangwa Muupenyu No wonder Paul exhorted fellow Christians to "speak consolingly to the depressed souls, support the weak, be long - suffering toward all "! - 1 Thessalonians 5: 14. A Purpose in Life Asi ndakaodzwa mwoyo nechechi yacho, kunyanya nekubatanidzwa kwayo muHondo yeVietnam. JESUS RESTORED SIGHT TO THE BLIND. - MATTHEW 9: 27 - 31; MARK 8: 22 - 26. But I was disappointed with the church, especially with its involvement in the Vietnam War. ZANA ramakore rechi20 rakaona kufambira mberi kunoshamisa musayenzi yezvokurapa. Some had come from Puerto Rico, Argentina, Canada, and Hong Kong, the rest being from the eastern part of the United States. THE 20th century saw remarkable progress in medical science. kana kukura kwezivo here? Set personal goals; challenge yourself to do your work better or faster than expected. or the growth of knowledge? Zvino Richard, uyo iye amene ava namakore 70 ezera, anobetsera Myrtle kuita chinhu chiri chose. What shows that not everyone will accept God's provisions for life, and what is the end result for such ones? Now Richard, who is himself 70 years of age, helps Myrtle to do everything. Rudado rwakadaro harudiwi mumaonero aMwari. - Muparidzi 4: 4; 5: 15; 8: 9. Remember that Habakkuk was writing under divine inspiration. Such pride is not desirable from God's standpoint. - Ecclesiastes 4: 4; 5: 15; 8: 9. " Ndaigona kuona pachine nguva mberi kuti mamiriro ezvinhu anobatanidza chinwiwa chinodhakisa nevatano zvaizoedza chaizvoizvo hana yangu. ABEL looked at his flock of sheep grazing peacefully on the hillside. " I could see ahead of time that the situation involving alcohol and sex would really test my conscience. " Ndichiri kunzwa ndiine mhaka nokuda kwehanzvadzi yomudzimai wako, Stepan. In times of crisis or when someone is in need, we do not hesitate to "work what is good " to our neighbors or our Christian brothers. " I still feel guilty for your wife's sister, Stepan. Karusvingo aka kaizobatsira kuti vasadonha nemhaka yokuti vanhu vaiwanzogara pamatenga edzimba dzavo. Having a Purpose in Life This wall would help prevent them from falling because people often sat on the roofs of their houses. Iye zvino ndava kufara chaizvo nemhuri yangu nokuti ndava noukama hwepedyo zvikuru nevana vangu. But I became disillusioned with the church, particularly with its involvement in the Vietnam War. Now I am very happy with my family because I have developed a very close relationship with my children. Utachiona hwacho huri nyore kuchengeta uye hwakaoma kuhudzivisa kushanda kwahwo. THE 20th century has seen marvelous advances in medical science. The virus is easy to keep and difficult to prevent its operation. Ugwinyi hwomuviri hungabetsera kugarikano yendangariro nepfungwa yomunhu uyewo kuderedza tapuro dzokukwegura. depth of knowledge? Physical weakness may contribute to the mental and emotional well - being of the individual and also minimize the effects of old age. Vakatanga kurwisa Pauro pakutanga vaive vafunga kuti ndiye akanga apinza mumwe weMarudzi ainzi Tirofimo muchivanze chainzi ndechevaJudha chete. Now Richard, who himself is 70 years of age, helps Myrtle do everything. The first ones to fight against Paul had thought that he was the one who had taken a Gentile named Theophilus into the courtyard that was considered to be limited to the Jews. Baba vaisada kuti amai vandiudze zvavaidzidza. Such pride is very undesirable from God's viewpoint. - Ecclesiastes 4: 4; 5: 15; 8: 9. Father did not want Mother to tell me what she was learning. Gare gare, mugadziriro yechiKristu, kuteerera mitemo iyi sezvairi kwakanga kusingachadiwi nokuda kwokubatira Jehovha, kunyange nokuda kwavaJudha vokunyama. " I could see in advance that situations involving alcohol and sex would really put my conscience to the test. Later, under the Christian arrangement, obedience to these laws as they are was no longer needed for serving Jehovah, even for natural Jews. Uyewo tinofanira kufumura nokungwarira nhema dzezvitendero dzinozvidza Musiki wedu, dzakadai sedzidziso yokuti vanhu vachanotsva kuhero, iyo inotoita kuti Mwari wedu ane rudo anzi ane utsinye hwaDhiyabhorosi. - Jer. " I still feel guilty about your wife's brother, Stepan. At the same time, we must tactfully expose the lies of religions that dishonor our Creator, such as the doctrine of hellfire, which actually makes our loving God a cruel person of the Devil. - Jer. Ndivanaani Vamwe Vomumhuri yaJesu? Because people were often up on the flat roofs of their homes, the parapets kept them from falling off. Who Are Parts of Jesus ' Family? Asi chinoitika chacho nomurume iyeyo akavhundutswa neasingakwanisi kunyaradzwa uyo aida rusununguko chakadzamisa rudo rwangu nokuda kwaJehovha. My relationship with my children has become much closer, and I now enjoy a genuinely happy family life. But the experience with that man was shocked and unable to be comforted who wanted relief that deepened my love for Jehovah. Asi zvinodawo kuva "nepfungwa dzakanaka, " kureva kuti kungwarira. The bacterium is easy to cultivate and is highly resistant. On the other hand, there is also the need to "be sound in mind, " that is, to be cautious. Vakanga vane mizinda yemasvikiro yakawanda, yakadai seyeDelphi, Delos, neDodona, kwavaienda kunobvunza vanamwari vavo maererano nezvaiitika zvematongerwe enyika kana kuti zvehondo pamwe chete nezvinhu zvomunhu oga zvakadai sekufamba, kuroora kana kuroorwa, uye vana. Physical fitness may contribute to one's mental and emotional well - being as well as slow down the effects of aging. They had many oracles, such as adsion, Delos, and Dodona, where they went to inquire of their gods regarding political or military affairs along with such personal affairs as travel, marriage, and children. MuColombia changuve chiri rudzidziso rwapamutemo rweHurumende. Paul's original assailants imagined that he had led the Gentile named Trophimus into the courtyard reserved for Jews only. In Colombia it has long been the official State religion. Vanhu vakawanda vanonyengetera kuna Mwari vachishandisa mazita ekuremekedza, akadai sekuti Ishe, Asingagumi, Allah, kana kungoti Mwari. My father did not want my mother to talk to me about what she was learning. Many people pray to God with titles, such as the Lord, the Eternal, Allah, or simply God. Aiva pakati peapakuvamba zvikurusa eaya masangano epachivande akanga ari masekete akavanzika aiwanwa muEgypt, Greece, uye Rome. Later, under the Christian arrangement, obedience to these laws as such was no longer a requirement for serving Jehovah, not even for fleshly Jews. Among the earliest of these secret organizations were secret sects found in Egypt, Greece, and Rome. Yamuro yechitatu kutenda muna Jehovha Mwari. Also, we should tactfully expose religious falsehoods that malign our Creator, such as the doctrine of hellfire, which in reality attributes to the God of love the cruel traits of the Devil. - Jer. A third aid is faith in Jehovah God. Jehovha anovarwira kunyange panguva iyoyo here? Who Is Part of Jesus ' Family Tree? Does Jehovah fight for them even at that time? Asi zvikamu zviviri muzvitatu zve45 000 sq km zvesango izvo makambani ematanda anoshandisa gore rimwe nerimwe zvinotemwa zvakakomba kwazvo zvokuti muti mumwe chete bedzi pamishanu unosara usina kukuvadzwa. But the experience with that terrified and inconsolable man who yearned for freedom deepened my love for Jehovah. But two thirds of 45,000 square miles [45 km] of forest that wood companies use each year are cut so seriously that only one tree in the villages remains intact. Takazova nemwanakomana wedu wokutanga Beniamino, pashure pemakore matanhatu taroorana. However, "soundness of mind " is essential. We later had our first son, Beniano, after six years of marriage. Ipapo kutsvoderei kana kuti kuita chinhu chipi nechipi munzira iyo yaizokunyandurira kuvatano? They had scores of sacred oracles, such as those of Delphi, Delos, and Dodona, where they would go to inquire of their gods with regard to political or military developments as well as such private affairs as travel, marriage, and children. Then why kiss or do anything in a way that would incite you to sex? Jesu airemekedza rusununguko rwake rwokusarudza zvaaida kutenda, asi akamuudzawo kuti: "Imi munonamata chamusingazivi. " In Colombia it has long been the official State religion. Jesus respected his freedom to choose what he wanted to believe, but he also told him: "You worship what you do not know. " Asi mamwe mazuva ose ndaienda kumapati, ndichidhakwa nemadhiragi, uye ndaiita unzenza. Millions of people address God using respectful titles, such as Lord, the Eternal, Allah, or simply God. But one day I went to parties, got drunk with drugs, and engaged in immorality. © 2013 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Among the earliest of these secret societies were the mystery cults found in Egypt, Greece, and Rome. © 2013 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Asi nenzira yakajeka, hapana chikonzero chokupa Mwari mhaka. A third aid is faith in Jehovah God. But clearly, there is no reason to blame God. Iva Nounhu Hungakubatsira Kudzidzisa Vanhu, 11 / 15 Does Jehovah provide a way of escape for them even then? 11 / 1 Nyanga yechipembere iri muchimiro chemvura kana kuti upfu inowanika nyore nyore mumaguta mazhinji eAsia. But two thirds of the 17,000 square miles [45,000 sq km] of forest that timber companies annually exploit are so heavily logged that only 1 in 5 of the forest's trees emerges unscathed. The black horn in the form of water or flour is readily available in many cities of Asia. " Urudzi kuchikoro kwangu hwanyanya, " yakadaro imwe pwere inonzi Natasha. When we had been married for six years, Beniamino, our first son, was born. " There's a lot of racism at my school, " said a youth named Natasha. [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 18] Then why kiss or do anything in a way that would arouse you sexually? [ Picture on page 18] Mashoko orumuko rwacho akapararira kusvikira kuJudhiya iri nechokumaodzanyemba uye muruwa rwakapoteredza. In Search of Gold, Found Home (Australia), 2 / 11 The message of the resurrection spread to Judea in the south and in the surrounding region. ZVII ZVIRI MUNYAYA IYI YOMUBHAIBHERI ZVANYANYA KUKUBATSIRA, UYE NEI? Jesus respected her freedom to choose what she wanted to believe, but he also pointed out to her: "You worship what you do not know. " WHAT ABOUT THIS ACCOUNT IS MOST MEANINGFUL TO YOU, AND WHY? Kana munhu akaita zvaanoshuva maererano nokuda kwaMwari, zvinoguma nomufaro wechokwadi. During the rest of the week, I lived to party, abuse drugs, and commit sexual immorality. If one does what he desires according to God's will, it results in true happiness. Anoshandisa mamwe mazuva kuti agadzirire misangano yeungano. © 2013 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. He uses other days to prepare for congregation meetings. Vanhu vakadaro vanowanzova nezvinonakidza zvavakasangana zvavangakuudzai. But clearly, there is no reason to blame God. Such individuals often have interesting experiences that they could tell you. Patinodaro, zvechokwadi ticharamba tichibvumirana nemunyori wepisarema akaimba kuti: "Asi ini, kuswedera pedyo naMwari kwakandinakira. " - Pis. Our Treasure Hunt Yielded Lasting Riches (D. When we do so, we will surely continue to agree with the psalmist who sang: "As for me, the drawing near to God is good for me. " - Ps. Kutanga, baba vangu vakaiswa mujeri. Rhino horn in liquid or powder form is easily available in many Asian cities. First, my father was imprisoned. Chokwadika, vakuru vechiKristu vakadaro, pamwe chete nemimwe mitezo yemhuri neshamwari, havasati vachizokudzivirira pamiuyo yezviito zvako umene. " The racial tension at my school is pretty bad, " said a youth named Natasha. Of course, such Christian elders, as well as other family members and friends, will not protect you from the consequences of your own actions. " Kupisa nomudzimu ' kunowedzera ushingi hwedu patinoparidza paimba neimba uye patinopupurira zvisina kurongwa. - VaR. [ Picture on page 18] " The heat of the spirit " increases our courage when we preach from house to house and witness informally. - Rom. Kuda kwenyu ngakuitike, somudenga, pasi panowo. " News of the resurrection spread southward into Judea and the surrounding district. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth. " (b) Chibvumikisoi chiripo chokuti Bhaibheri chaizvoizvo iShoko raMwari? WHAT ASPECTS OF THIS BIBLE ACCOUNT DID YOU FIND MOST MEANINGFUL, AND WHY? (b) What proof is there that the Bible really is God's Word? Asi, nokudzidziswa kwandakaitwa pamisangano yeZvapupu zvaJehovha, ndava kugona kutaura nevamwe. When desires are fulfilled within the limits of God's will, the result is genuine happiness. Yet, with the training I received at the meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses, I can communicate with others. " Ini nomwanasikana wangu takagara tiine ukama hwakanaka, " anodaro, "saka ainzwa kuti aigona kutaura neni akasununguka. " He uses other times of the week to prepare for congregation meetings. " My daughter and I always had a good relationship, " she says, "so she felt that she could speak freely to me. " Vamwe havana. No doubt such visitors will have interesting experiences to relate. Some did not. Ndairarama nokusona. As we do so, we will undoubtedly come to agree more and more with the psalmist who sang: "As for me, the drawing near to God is good for me. " - Ps. I lived by sewing. " NDIHWO upenyu hwakanaka zvikuru, " akadaro Muriel ane makore 101. First, my father was thrown into prison. " IT WAS a very good life, " said 101 - year - old Youel. [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 3] Of course, such Christian elders, along with other family members and friends, will not shield you from the consequences of your own actions. [ Picture on page 3] Zvinorevei kuva akavimbika uye anokanganwira? By being "on fire with the Spirit, " we can demonstrate increased boldness in our house - to - house ministry and when witnessing informally. - Rom. What does it mean to be loyal and forgiving? Mwari akasiya Jesu ari mumaoko evavengi vake asingamudziviriri kuitira kuti kuperera kwaKristu kunyatsoedzwa. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth. " God left Jesus in the hands of his enemies without protecting him so that Christ's integrity would be put to the test. " Zvisinei, kusiyanisa rudo sorwuya rwunoratidzwa nomurume nomukadzi norudo rwoushamwari kungava kwakaoma zvikuru, " inonyevera kudaro magazini inonzi Psychology Today. (b) What proof is there that the Bible is in reality God's Word? " However, to distinguish between love as that shown by a man and a woman and warm love may be very difficult, " warns the journal Psychology Today. Bhaibheri rinewo muenzaniso wakanaka waMambo Dhavhidhi. Yet, through the training provided at meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses, I have learned how to express myself. The Bible also contains the fine example of King David. Maererano naMabasa 15: 16, 17, rugwaro rwacho rwunoti: "Ndichadzoka, ndivakezve dumba raDhavhidhi rakawa; uye ndichavakazve matongo aro ndirimisezve, kuti vaya vanosara pane vanhu ava vatsvake Jehovha nomwoyo wose, pamwe chete nevanhu vemamwe marudzi ose, vanhu vanoshevedzwa nezita rangu, ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha. " " My daughter and I always had a good relationship, " he says, "so she felt that she could speak freely to me. " According to Acts 15: 16, 17, the scripture says: "I will return and rebuild the house of David that is fallen; and I will rebuild its ruins and establish it again, in order that those who remain of this people may earnestly seek Jehovah, along with people of all the nations, people who are called by my name, says Jehovah. " Uchapupu hunoratidzwa nehwendefa recuneiform: Rimwe hwendefa revhu rainyorwa zvenyeredzi nevaBhabhironi (BM 33066) rinosimbisa kuti Koreshi akafa muna 530 B.C.E. Others have not. Evidence of cuneiform tablet: A clay tablet with a Babylonian inscription (BM 333066) confirms that Cyrus died in 530 B.C.E. Zvisinei, mukuru wemapurisa akaudza vafundisi ava kuti vange vapedza zvavaiita muimba iyoyo panozouya Zvapupu. I also did dressmaking for a living. However, the chief of police told the clergy that they had completed their activities in the hall when the Witnesses arrived. Imwe nzira inodzidziswa nayo vokuGiriyedhi ndeyokuitawo basa rokuparidza neungano dzeZvapupu zvaJehovha dzavanenge vachipinda nadzo. " THE best life possible, " said 101 - year - old Muriel. One way Gilead is by sharing in the preaching work with the local congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses. Morrish akanyora kuti, "Nzira dzokutsiura nadzo vana dziri kuramba dzichichinja. [ Picture on page 3] " The methods of disciplining children are constantly changing, " Omh wrote. Uchirarama munguva yedu, zvichida unokarira kuti nyika ichavandudzika nemhaka youzivi hwakati hwezvamatongerwe enyika kana kuti somuuyo wokuziva zvinhu zvipenyu nemhoteredzo yazvo kwomuzuva razvino uno. What does it mean to be loyal and forgiving? Living in our time, perhaps you hope that the world will improve because of some political philosophy or as a result of modern - day ecological awareness. Mumusha medu, mukomana ainzi murume chete kana aigona kurwa uye achigona kurova vamwe vakomana. God abandoned Jesus to his enemies by taking away His protection so that Christ's integrity might be fully tested. In our home, a boy was called a man only if he could fight and strike other boys. 1, 2. (a) Tariro yevaKristu vechokwadi yakasiyana sei netariro yevanhu vari munyika yaSatani? " Distinguishing between romantic, sexual and friendly feelings, however, can be exceedingly difficult, " cautions Psychology Today magazine. 1, 2. (a) How does the hope of true Christians differ from the hope of people in Satan's world? IShoko raMwari Here? 2 / 1 The Bible offers a notable example in King David. 2 / 15 7: 21, 22. As quoted at Acts 15: 16, 17, it reads: "I shall return and rebuild the booth of David that is fallen down; and I shall rebuild its ruins and erect it again, in order that those who remain of the men may earnestly seek Jehovah, together with people of all the nations, people who are called by my name, says Jehovah. " 7: 21, 22. Kunyange zvazvo akanga ava nemakore 86 panguva iyoyo, akanyatsovimba naJehovha. Confirmation by a cuneiform tablet: A Babylonian astronomical clay tablet (BM 33066) confirms the date of Cyrus ' death in 530 B.C.E. Although 86 years of age at the time, he really trusted in Jehovah. Nyengetera kuna Jehovha, umukumbire kuti akubatsire kuratidza kutenda. The chief of police, however, ordered the church officials to make the hall available for the Witnesses by that time. Pray to Jehovah, and ask him to help you show faith. Hungu, kupfurikidza nokuramba takavimbika tinoratidza kuti tinorangarira Jehovha saChangamire weChisiko chose. As part of their training, Gilead students join local congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses in the public preaching work. Yes, by remaining loyal we show that we view Jehovah as the Universal Sovereign. uye kuti nokukurumidza pashure paikoko Mwari acha "paradza avo vanoparadza pasi. " Morrish. and that soon thereafter God will "bring to ruin those ruining the earth. " " Kasiri kare zvikuru, ndaisagona kuona chinangwa chokuramba ndichirarama. Living in our time, perhaps you hope that the world will improve thanks to some political ideology or as a result of modern - day ecological awareness. " Not long ago, I couldn't see the purpose of continuing to live. Hurumende yoUmambo hwaMwari ichatonga pamusoro penyika itsva yakapikirwa. In my village, a boy was considered manly only if he was a good fighter and could beat up other boys. God's Kingdom government will rule over the promised new world. Vanomira votaura nesu, vachitibvunza zvatafambira. 1, 2. (a) How does the cherished hope of true Christians differ from the hope of people in Satan's world? They stop and talk to us, asking what we have done. Hama yacho yakaroora hanzvadzi inotaura Chirungu. How Written, 2 / 1 The brother married an English - speaking sister. Apo vanhu vanoshanda zvakaoma, panofanira kuva nedonzo rakasimba. 7: 21, 22. When people work hard, there must be a strong purpose. Paunenge wava kunopedza, dzokorora muchidimbu zvawadzidza. Even though she was then 86 years of age, she trusted fully in Jehovah. As you finish, briefly review what you have learned. Kuvadziko dzendangariro dzingatova chaidzoidzo zvikuru kupfuura uye sokurwadza kunoita maronda omuviri. Pray to Jehovah, and ask him for help to display such faith. Emotional wounds may even be more real than and as painful physical wounds. Jesu akaita zvose. Yes, by remaining loyal we show that we view Jehovah as Universal Sovereign. Jesus did everything. Nhoroondo yacho inoti: "Zvino mafashamo akapfuurira kwemazuva makumi mana panyika... and that shortly thereafter God will "bring to ruin those ruining the earth. " The account says: "Now the flood continued for forty days upon the earth... " Iye zvino, " anodaro, "kana tapedza kudya tinoenda kumakamuri edu tiine [maserura] edu. " " Not so long ago, I could not see the point of going on living. " Now, " he says, "when we have finished eating, we go to our rooms with our cell phones. " Iwe ndipo pawakagogodza dhoo rangu. God's Kingdom government will rule over the promised new world. That was when you knocked on my door. Idi nderokuti mwedzi yakati chete pashure poKubuda, vanhu vakanga vatanga kunyunyuta pamsoro pokushaika kwemvura. They stop to talk with us, asking us what we are doing. The fact is that just months after the Exodus, people had started complaining about the lack of water. Tarisa mipendero yomukati meshangu dzako. He married an English - speaking sister! Look at the inner edges of your shoes. Kupfurikidza nokurovedza muviri unogona kuchinja makemikoro omuviri wako. When people work hard, there must be strong motivation. By exercise you can change your body's chemicals. Maererano nomumwe munyori wezvakaitika kare, Diodorus, "mvura iyi yakazara guta racho rose uye yakaputsa chikamu chikuru chemasvingo aro. " Near the end of your study period, briefly review what you have covered. According to historian Diodorus, "this water filled the entire city and broke down most of its walls. " Vamwe vanochaira zvine ngozi vari mumashure chaimo meimwe motokari - kutevera vari pedyo zvikuru - motokari dzinofamba nesipidhi huru inobvumirwa nomutemo. Emotional wounds can be even more real than and as painful as physical wounds. Others take dangerous driving right behind a car - to follow in close quarters - cars moving at high speed authorized by law. Mukati mamakore mana, kuonga kuna Jehovha, 38 vaavo ndakafunda navo vakabhapatidzwa. Jesus did both. Within four years, thanks to Jehovah, 38 of those with whom I studied were baptized. Ndinogona kutaura nechivimbo kuti handina kubvira ndamboshaya chinhu. The historical document reads: "The deluge went on for forty days upon the earth... I can say with confidence that I have never lacked anything. (Akukho zinkunzi zahlala ndawonye.) " Now, " she says, "after we have our meal we go back to our rooms with our own [mobile phones]. " (Akukho zahlala.) Yaiyoyi, 207 yaida kugadzira kuduku, asi 54 yakanga yaparadzwa zvakakomba, uye 19 yakaparadzwa chose chose. Then you knocked at my door. These, 207 needed little repair, but 54 had been severely destroyed, and 19 were completely destroyed. Izvozvo zvinogona kukubatsira kuona paunofanira kugadzirisa. The fact is that just months after the Exodus, the people had first complained over lack of water. That may help you to see where you need to make some adjustments. Handina kuziva kuti babamunini vakanga vachangoonana neZvapupu zvaJehovha uye kuti vaida chaizvo kundiudzawo zvinhu zvitsva zvavakanga vadzidza muBhaibheri. Look inside the shoe at the lining. Little did I know that my uncle had recently met Jehovah's Witnesses and that he was eager to share with me the new things he had learned from the Bible. Bhaibheri rinopa zano rokuti, "Edzai kunzwisisana. " - 1 Petro 3: 8, New Century Version. Through exercise you can alter your body chemistry. The Bible advises, "Be reasonable with one another. " - 1 Peter 3: 8, New Century Version. [ Mashoko Omuzasi] According to historian Diodorus, this "both inundated a portion of the city and broke down the walls for a distance. " [ Footnote] Kuti aite izvi, akatanga kuunganidza mabhuku ezvinonyorwa etsinhiro dzemashoko akati nendima zvaaifunga kuti zvaizonetsa muravi. Others tailgate - follow too closely - cars going the speed limit. To do this, he began to gather books on certain words and verses that he thought would trouble the reader. Jesu aireva here kuti Petro ndiye aiva dombo guru paizovakirwa ungano naJesu? Within four years, thanks to Jehovah, 38 of those I studied with were baptized. Did Jesus mean that Peter was the main stone where Jesus would build the congregation? KUKOKWA kupi? I can confidently say that I have never been left in want. WHAT IS IT? Kusiyana nezvinowanzoratidzwa muzvinobudisa nhau, ngirozi hadzitongi vanhu. (Akukho zinkunzi zahlala ndawonye.) Contrary to what is commonly shown in the media, angels do not judge humans. Ona zvichaitirwa vanhu naJehovha. Of these, 207 required minor repairs, but 54 were severely damaged, and 19 were totally destroyed. Note what Jehovah will do for mankind. Sinou inotanga kudonha uye hatichanyatsooni kwatiri kuenda. That may help you to identify areas needing attention. The snow begins to fall, and we no longer see where we are going. NHOROONDO YOUPENYU: KUSHUNGURUDZWA ACHIRI MUDIKI I did not know that my uncle had recently come in contact with Jehovah's Witnesses and was eager to share his newfound Bible knowledge. HISTORY: IMMPECT Rinoitawo kuti tikwanise kurarama nematambudziko oupenyu. " Try to understand each other, " advises the Bible. - 1 Peter 3: 8, New Century Version. It also enables us to cope with life's problems. Munzvimbo iri kumaodzanyemba kwegomo rinoputika, muruwa rweMorelos, kune maguta nemadhorobha anoverengeka ane hwerengedzo yevagari vanenge 40 000 vangagonawo kuva mungozi yakakomba. [ Footnotes] In the southern part of the volcano, in the state of Morelos, there are several cities and towns with a total of about 40,000 inhabitants who could also be in serious danger. Nguva dzose ndakanga ndichifamba nevhorovhoro mubhandi rangu, asi pandakaenda kumusangano, ndakasiya pfuti yacho kumusha. To accomplish this, he began to collect notebooks of comments on specific words and verses that he felt would present difficulty to the reader. I was always walking with a bag in my belt, but when I went to the meeting, I left the gun at home. Vaizotaura kuti: "[Jehovha] achatirayiridza nezvenzira dzake, uye isu tichafamba mumakwara ake. " Did Jesus mean that Peter was the rock - mass upon which Jesus would build his congregation? They would say: "[Jehovah] will instruct us about his ways, and we will walk in his paths. " Pashure pokununurwa kwavo muEgipita, Mosesi akatungamirira vaIsraeri kuGomo reSinai, uko Jehovha akaita sungano navo ndokuvapa Mutemo wake. AN OPEN invitation to what? After their deliverance from Egypt, Moses led the Israelites to Mount Sinai, where Jehovah made a covenant with them and gave them his Law. Naizvozvo kana tichirarama uye kana tichifa, tiri vaJehovha. " Contrary to what is often portrayed in the media, angels do not judge people. So both if we live and if we die, we belong to Jehovah. " Anotinyevera kuti tisaita zvingakanganisa utano hwedu uye zvingaita kuti tisazofara. Consider what Jehovah will do for mankind. He warns us not to compromise our health and cause us to lose our joy. Kukurukura Nemuvakidzani - Jesu ndiMwari Here? Now it's starting to snow, making it difficult for us to see where we are going. A Conversation With a Neighbor - Is Jesus God? Asi izvi zvakapera nguva yacho yava kuda kusvika. HISTORY: TRAGIC CHILDHOOD But that was just before the end of the period. Nemhaka yokuti mukuita ikoku, iye haana kuteerera mutemo wakajeka waMwari, unoti: "Pakati pako hapafaniri kuwanikwa... unobvunza masvikiro, kana muuki, kana unobvunza vakafa. It also enables us to deal with life's distresses. Because in doing this, he did not obey God's clear law: "There should not be found in you... anyone who consults a spirit medium or a professional fortune - teller or anyone who inquires of the dead. Kupfuurirazve, avo vanorangarira mamwe makwai savaKristu Vamarudzi vachatuswa noupenyu hwokudenga vari kukundikana kurangarira rutivi runokosha rwechinangwa chaMwari. In the area south of the volcano, in the state of Morelos, there are several cities and towns with a total population of about 40,000 that could also be in serious danger. Furthermore, those who view the other sheep as Gentile Christians who will be rewarded with heavenly life are failing to consider an important part of God's purpose. " Bvudzi Romusoro Wenyu Chairo Rakaverengwa Rose " I had always carried a revolver in my belt, but when I went to the meeting, I left the gun at home. " The Very Head of Your Head Is All to Read " Shoko raMwari rinoti: "Zvinodzvara munhu, ndizvo zvaanochekazve. " They would say: "[Jehovah] will instruct us about his ways, and we will walk in his paths. " God's Word says: "Whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap. " 11, 12. (a) Izanoi rakapa muapostora Pauro kumaKristu omuKorinte? After their deliverance from Egypt, Moses led the Israelites to Mount Sinai, where Jehovah concluded a covenant with them and gave them his Law. 11, 12. (a) What counsel did the apostle Paul give to Christians in Corinth? Patairongonora ungwanda - ngwanda, ndakaona chimwe chinhu chandaida kuchengetedza. Therefore both if we live and if we die, we belong to Jehovah. " When we got out of bed, I noticed something I needed to protect. David, asati aroora: "Kunyange zvazvo ndichifarira kugara ndiri ndega, ndinovavarira kuti ndive munhu anotaurika naye. " He warns us against ways of life that threaten our health and happiness. David, single: "Although I love being alone, I strive to be approachable. " CHIRONGWA CHOKUPA UCHIZOGONA KUDZORERWA A Conversation With a Neighbor - Is Jesus God? ways in which each of us may be able to live in harmony with the good news that is provided by Jehovah's Witnesses. Muedzo mumwe nomumwe unonangana nomunhu muupenyu hwake chiyeuchidzo chokuti kunokosha sei kuva nokutenda kwakasimba. But there too the view cleared just in time. Each trial that faces a person in his life is a reminder of how important it is to have strong faith. Kusakendenga kunowedzera kuri kukudza muganhu uri pakati peChechi neHurumende. Because in doing this, he disobeyed God's explicit law: "There should not be found in you... anyone who consults a spirit medium or a professional foreteller of events or anyone who inquires of the dead. An increasing apathy is magnifying the border between Church and State. kupera kusvikira nenguva dzinenge dza3: 00, panofa Jesu; Furthermore, those who view the other sheep as Gentile Christians who will be rewarded with heavenly life are failing to take into account an important aspect of God's purpose. Until about three o'clock, when Jesus died; Kufunda zvinyorwa zveWatch Tower, zvikurukuru bhuku raSalvation, rakabudiswa muna 1939, kwakapesvedzerawo zvikuru upenyu hwangu hwapakuvamba. " The Very Hairs of Your Head Are All Numbered " Studying Watch Tower publications, particularly the book Salvation, published in 1939, also deeply influenced my early life. Pamusoro pouyu mubato, bhuku rinonzi Dynamic Religious Movements, rinoti: "Kungava kwakaoma kuwana mitezo yerimwe boka ripi neripi rinoshanda zvakaoma zvakafanana parudzidziso rwavo sezvinoita Zvapupu. " God's Word declares: "Whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap. " Regarding this activity, the book Dynic Religious Movements says: "It may be difficult to find members of any other group working similarly hard on their religion as the Witnesses do. " PEJI 8 11, 12. (a) What counsel did the apostle Paul give to the Christians in Corinth? PAGE 8 Mumwe munyori wenhau weTV akatsinhira kuti: "Hwerengedzo yacho misungo inenge mamiriyoni maviri yamarudzi ose gore riri rose, kana kuti zvinenge zviuru zvishanu kusvika kuzvitanhatu pazuva. " While poking around in the debris, I spotted something I wanted to save. One TV journalist commented: "The total is about two million snares of every sort every year, or about five to six thousand a day. " VaKristu vomuKorinde vaifanira kubvisa zvakaipa muungano uye ndizvo zvinofanira kuitwawo mazuva ano kuitira kuti ungano irambe iine mafungiro akanaka. David, single: "Although by nature I enjoy solitude, I have made a point of opening up to others. " Christians in Corinth needed to remove wrongdoing from the congregation, and the same is true today in order to maintain a positive spirit in the congregation. Tsanangura. CONDITIONAL - DONATION TRUST ARRANGEMENT Explain. Ini ndakazoberekwa musi waDecember 2, 1925, uye ndiri gotwe pavana vanomwe. Each trial a person faces in his life is a reminder of how important it is to have strong faith. I was born on December 2, 1925, the youngest of seven children. Paiva nokubatana kwakati munguva yoUmambo hweRoma, tevere mukutonga kwaCharlemagne, uye gare gare mukutonga kwaNapoléon I. The growing apathy is forcing a rift between Church and State. There was considerable unity in the time of the Roman Empire, next in the reign of Charlemgne, and later in the reign of Napoléon I. Zvibayiro zvavo zvakawanda zvakatadza kuvawanisa nyasha dzaMwari. to midafter - from noon until about three o'clock, Their many sacrifices failed to bring them God's favor. Taitanga nokuimba nziyo imwe chete kana kupfuura. Studying the Watch Tower publications, especially the book Salvation, published in 1939, also greatly influenced my early life. We started by singing one or more songs. Mamwe manyuko okushatisa zvirasiro zvamakemikoro. Regarding this activity, the book Dynamic Religious Movements says: "It would be difficult to find members of any other group who work as hard at their religion as do the Witnesses. " Another source of pollution is chemical waste dumps. Kurera vana zvinobudirira ibasa rakaoma. PAGE 8 Successful parenting is a challenge. Asafi akaronga mapisarema ayo akashandiswa mukunamata kwapachena. One TV journalist commented: "The total is about two million traps of all kinds every year, or something like five to six thousand a day. " Asaph composed psalms that were used in public worship. MUSWEDEN Just as the early Christians in Corinth had to clear out badness, so today any corrupting influence must be kept out of the congregation in order to preserve its healthy, positive spirit. CORRESPONDENT IN SWEDEN Dzimwe nguva, Bhaibheri rinoshandisa shoko rokuti "ungano " mupfungwa isina kunyanya kujeka kana kuti yakajeka, risingashandisi shoko racho kuboka rose revaya vakazodzwa vane 144 000 vanoumba" ungano yaMwari. " Explain. At times, the Bible uses the term "congregation " in a less clear or clear sense, not using the term to an entire group of 144,000 anointed ones who make up" the congregation of God. " Vashandi pavainyemwerera "vachiratidza kusununguka, kuva nerudo uye kunzwira tsitsi, " varwere vaibvawo vafara uye utano hwavo hwaibva hwatowedzera kuita nani. I was born on December 2, 1925 - the last of seven children. As workers smiled "in a spirit of freedom, love and compassion, " their patients were happier and their health improved. Ndiyo yakaita kuti vanhu vari munyika dziri kumadokero vawane mashoko anokosha ari muMagwaro echiHebheru. There was a measure of unity during the time of the Roman Empire, then under the rule of Charlemagne, and later under Napoléon I. That is why people in western lands received valuable information from the Hebrew Scriptures. Mosesi paaifungisisa zvainge zvavimbiswa naJehovha kuti aizoitira vaIsraeri, kutenda kwake uye kuda kwaaiita Mwari kwaiwedzera. Their many sacrifices failed to win them God's favor. As Moses meditated on Jehovah's promise to Israel, his faith and love for God grew. Jehovha anopikira kuti ichasvika nguva apo vanhu vachange vasingachatambudzwi nehondo, utsotsi, kusurukirwa, kana kuti kunyange rufu. We began by singing a song or two or three. Jehovah promises that there will be a time when people will no longer be plagued by war, crime, loneliness, or even death. VaIsraeri vakaita chipatapata vachitsigira basa racho. Another source of pollution is chemical dumps. The Israelites were quick to support the work. United States of America Successful parenting is a demanding job. United States of America Chokwadika, tose zvedu tinogona uye tinofanira kungwarira zvinodikanwa zvavatendi biyedu. - 1 Petro 2: 17. Asaph composed psalms that were used in public worship. Of course, all of us can and should be on guard against the needs of fellow believers. - 1 Peter 2: 17. Kutanga, chinhu chinofanira kusarudzwa. CORRESPONDENT IN SWEDEN First of all, it is something to be chosen. Tichaonawo kuti vabereki vechiKristu vangaitei kuti vana vavo vave nekutenda muna Mwari uye muShoko rake. At times, the Bible uses the term "congregation " in a more limited or defined sense, not applying it to the entire group of 144,000 anointed ones making up" the congregation of God. " We will also see how Christian parents can build faith in God and in his Word. Pashure paikoko, iye akaenzanisa ruparadziko urwo vanhu vakatambura muBoporodzi ne "zuva [riri kuuya] rorutongeso neroruparadziko rwavanhu vasingadi Mwari. " When the caregivers ' facial expressions "were perceived as more warm, caring, concerned, and empathetic, " said the researchers, the patients felt more satisfied and their physical and mental well - being improved. Thereafter, he compared the destruction that people suffered under the Deluge with "the coming day of judgment and of destruction of the ungodly men. " Chinoshamisa ndechokuti mashoko ari ipapo anobvumirana nemashoko emimwe mipumburu yakanga yanyorwa kare. It was the key that opened the treasures of the Hebrew Scriptures to Western civilization. Amazingly, the text there agrees with the words of some ancient scrolls. Vasati vaziva zvokwadi yechiKristu, vazhinji vairarama upenyu husingadzoreki, hwemifarwa, hweudyire. As Moses thought deeply about what Jehovah had promised to do for the Israelites, his faith and his love for God grew. Before coming to know Christian truth, many led an unruly, self - centered, selfish life. Ngoro yaJehovha nechigaro choumambo zvakapoteredzwa nechiedza namavara akaisvonaka. Jehovah promises that a time will soon come when mankind will no longer be plagued by wars, crime, sorrow, or even death. Jehovah's chariot and throne are surrounded by light and beautiful qualities. Akawedzera kuti vanachiremba vanofanira kuda varwere uye kunzwisisa zvavanotenda. The Israelites sprang into action. He added that doctors should love patients and understand their beliefs. Zvino tinorarama muzera risisina nhetembo nengano zvekare. U.S.A. Now we live in an age that no previous legends and legends have anymore. Akatsidza kuti: "Ndakaita sungano nemaziso angu. Of course, all of us can and should be attentive to the needs of our fellow believers. - 1 Peter 2: 17. He vowed: "A covenant I have concluded with my eyes. 7 / 8 First, the subject has to be selected. 7 / 8 Mutsa wevanhu ava wakandibaya mwoyo kunyange zvazvo ndaivabata neseri kweruoko. We will also see how Christian parents can make it more interesting for their children to develop faith in God and in his Word. The kindness of these people touched me, even though I was dealing with them in the back of my hand. Naizvozvo, vaKristu vane ruzivo vanofanira kuedza kusimbisa ungano. Thereafter, he compared the destruction that people suffered in the Deluge with the coming "day of judgment and of destruction of the ungodly men. " Therefore, mature Christians should strive to strengthen the congregation. Kungofanana navabereki venyu vakapesvedzera upenyu hwenyu kupfurikidza nenzira yavairarama nayo, naizvozvo muenzaniso wenyu unotapura zvakasimba upenyu hwavana venyu. The amazing thing is that the text of the fragment agrees nearly exactly with that in later manuscripts. Just as your parents influenced your life by the way they lived, so your example strongly affects the lives of your children. Kana ukanzwa kuora mwoyo, shinga! Before knowing Christian truth, many lived dissolute, hedonistic, self - centered lives. If you feel discouraged, take courage! Kuvapo kwomushushi uyu kungadai kwakamutsa zvakanga zvirere hazvo. Jehovah's chariot and throne are surrounded by light and beautiful colors. This bully's presence would have raised their own spirits. Kana kuda kwako Mwari kuchida kumutsidzirwa, tora matanho akafanira kuti uite kudaro, sezvadudzwa pamusoro apa. Doctors, he felt, should take the whole patient into account, including his or her beliefs and values. If your love for God needs to be renewed, take appropriate steps to do so, as mentioned above. Chii Chakaitika Kwaari? Now we live in an age bereft of the old poetry and legend. What Has Happened to Him? Nesimba raJehovha, Ndakava Noupenyu Hunogutsa He declared: "A covenant I have concluded with my eyes. In Jehovah's Strength, I Have Had a Satisfying Life Zvapupu zvacho zvaisanganisira Eduard Varter, uyo akabhabhatidzwa ari kuGermany muna 1924. Battle for a Tunnel, 7 / 8 The Witnesses included Timard Valter, who was baptized in Germany in 1924. Takanga tisingadi kuti kubudirira kwebhizimisi redu kukanganise zvinangwa zvedu pakunamata. " The kindness of those people - the very people toward whom I had been so insolent - affected me deeply. We didn't want our business success to interfere with our spiritual goals. " Vamonk vakatambudzwa nenzira youtsinye. Mature Christians should therefore strive to be a force for stability. The monks were cruelly persecuted. Pana December 30, 1992, Hama Milton G. Just as your parents influenced your life by the way they lived, so your example powerfully affects the lives of your children. On December 30, 1992, Brother Milton G. Akamboudza Petro, aiva mubati wehove kuti: "Enda pakadzika, uye imi varume mudzikise utava hwenyu kuti mubate. " If you feel discouraged, take heart! He once told Peter, who was a fisherman: "Go down into the deep, and you men let down your nets for a catch. " Pakupedzisira, takadzokera kuBristol uko taramba tiri mubasa renguva yakazara. The former persecutor's presence was potentially explosive. Finally, we returned to Bristol, where we remained in full - time service. Mashoko akadaro haabatsiri zvachose kungofanana neaya akataurwa nevanyaradzi venhema vaJobho. If your love for God needs to be rekindled, take appropriate steps to do so, as outlined above. Like Job's false comforters, such words are of no value at all. MuMagwaro echiKristu echiGiriki, shoko rokuti "ungano " rinoshandurwa kubva mushoko rechiGiriki ek·kle·siʹa, rinoreva kuti boka revanhu vakaungana pamwe chete. With Jehovah's Power, a Full Life In the Christian Greek Scriptures, the word "congregation " is translated from the Greek word ek·kle·siʹa, meaning" group of people gathered together. " (Ona bhokisi riri papeji 24.) They included Eduard Varter, an exile who had been baptized in Germany in 1924. (See box on page 24.) Asiwo, kana ukava nezvinangwa wozvizadzisa, unonyatsonzwa kuti pane zvauri kuita. We were determined not to allow our success in the business world to push aside spiritual goals. " On the other hand, when you set and reach goals, you feel a sense of accomplishment. Iye zvino ndava nemakore 67 anoyemurika zvikuru ndiri paBheteri. Monks were cruelly persecuted. I have now been a most admirable 67 years of Bethel service. The Flint Journal yeMichigan yakashuma pana December 1, 1993, kuti: "Fraser akati Cleveland Clinic nedzimwe nzvimbo dzokurapa dziri kuva nyanzvi zvikuru pakuita kuvhiya kuzhinji - kubatanidza kuisira mutezo womumwe - pasina kuisira murwere ropa ravamwe vanhu. On December 30, 1992, Brother Milton G. The Flint Journal of Michigan reported on December 1, 1993: "The majority of the medical centers are becoming more skilled when performing many operations - including transfusion - without administering the patient the blood of other people. Uyezve, dzimwe nguva magaba nezvokushandisa, zvikaregwa zvichiungana zvisina kurongeka kunze kwemba, kuchivanze chemberi kana kuti chokuseri, izvi zvinogona kuzova pokuvanda petupukanana. He once told Peter, who was a fisherman: "Pull out to where it is deep, and you men let down your nets for a catch. " In addition, in some cases the cans and equipment have been left to gather informally outside the house, either in the front or behind, this can become a place of concealment. Saka, vamwe vapfumbamwe vari kupi? " Eventually, we returned to Bristol where we have remained in full - time service. Where, then, are the other nine? " Nhoroondo iri pana Mabasa 17: 2 - 4 inoti: "Nokudaro maererano netsika yaPauro akapinda mavaiva, uye kwemasabata matatu akataurirana navo achishandisa Magwaro, achitsanangura uye achitendisa nezvakanyorwa kuti zvakanga zvakafanira kuti Kristu atambure uye kuti amuke kubva kuvakafa... Such remarks would be no more helpful than those offered by Job's false comforters. The account at Acts 17: 2 - 4 says: "For that matter, according to Paul's custom he entered into them, and for three Sabbaths he reasoned with them from the Scriptures, explaining and proving by references that it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead... Chokwadi kuchenjera kuti munhu achinje mafungiro ake obva afarirwa naMwari. In the Christian Greek Scriptures, the word "congregation " is translated from the Greek term ek·kle·siʹa, which means a group of people called together. Surely it is wise to change one's mind and gain God's approval. * Ko kuhero kwakaendwa kunyange naJesu kwaiva kupi? (See box on page 24.) * Where was hell taken even by Jesus? Zvimwe Zvaikonzera Kufara muSwitzerland On the other hand, when you set and reach goals, you feel a sense of accomplishment. Other Causes of Happiness in Switzerland Ndaiva nematambudziko akawanda. I have now had over 67 wonderful years at Bethel. I had many problems. Misodzi ichiti mokoto, akabva adzokera mumba. The Flint Journal of Michigan reported on December 1, 1993: "Fraser said the Cleveland Clinic and other medical centers are becoming adept at performing many surgeries - including transplants - without the infusion into the patient of other people's blood. With tears in her eyes, she returned to the house. Nepo Zvapupu zvaJehovha zvine chikonzero chetariro, mashoko iwayo akafuridzirwa ndokuiswa muBhaibheri nokuda kwebetserwo yedu. Also, cans, tools, and other items are sometimes allowed to accumulate untidily outside a house, and these can become a hiding place for pests. While Jehovah's Witnesses have reason for optimism, those inspired words are put into the Bible for our benefit. • Sei murume nomudzimai vachifanira kukudzana? Where, then, are the other nine? " • Why should a husband and wife honor each other? Keanu akabva averenga mhinduro yacho mumashoko okuwedzera ari pamusoro unoti "Tinofanira Kupemberera Mazororo Here? " The account at Acts 17: 2 - 4 says: "According to Paul's custom he went inside to them, and for three sabbaths he reasoned with them from the Scriptures, explaining and proving by references that it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead... Keanu then read the answer in the additional words on the theme "Do We Need to Keep Rest? " Pane dzimwe nguva, unganyengedzwa kubatwa somunhu akura. It is certainly wiser to change one's way of thinking and thereby gain God's approval. At times, you may be deceived into being treated as an adult. Nhamba Dzinodzora Upenyu Hwako Here? * Where was the hell to which even Jesus went? Do Statistics Control Your Life? Jesu akagamuchira sei kudzidzisa kwaBaba vake? New Joys in Switzerland How did Jesus respond to his Father's teaching? Nokukurumidza, vachafarikanya paradhiso iyi yakaisvonaka. I had many problems. Soon, they will enjoy this beautiful paradise. Tevedzera zano rakapiwa Timoti. Bursting into tears, she ran back into the house. Follow the counsel given to Timothy. Nei mafuta ainhuhwirira akashandiswa naMariya aidhura zvikuru? While Jehovah's Witnesses have reason for hope, those words were inspired and put in the Bible for our benefit. Why was the perfumed oil used by Mary so expensive? John: Mambotaura nezvekuti mudzimu mutsvene "mubatsiri. " • Why should marriage mates honor each other? Scott: The speaker refers to the holy spirit as "a helper. " Vamwe vave vachitamburira kwamakore kuva vadzimai vakanaka nepo vachisvitsa zvinodikanwa zvavabatiri vakavimbika vaJehovha. Keanu read the answer right from the appendix topic "Should We Celebrate Holidays? " Some have been striving for years to be good wives while meeting the needs of Jehovah's loyal servants. Kuti tide chokwadi chatinodzidzisa vamwe, tinofanira kuda kudzidza chokwadi chakadaro isu pachedu. At times, you may be flattered to be treated like a grown - up. To love the truth that we teach others, we must be willing to learn such truths ourselves. Somuenzaniso, vaFarise vemuzuva raJesu sezvinobvira vaifunga kuti vakanga vakavimbika zvinoshamisa. Numbers and You For example, the Pharisees of Jesus ' day likely thought that they were exceptionally loyal. maberekerwe awakaitwa (genes) How did Jesus respond to his Father's teaching? How you were born (genes) Vari ikoko, zvinhu zvakavafambira sei? Soon, they will enjoy this marvelous paradise. While there, how did things turn out for them? 9 Muupenyu hwezuva nezuva, kazhinji kazhinji tinofanira kutenga - zvokudya, zvipfeko, uye zvinhu zvomusha. Follow the advice given to the young man Timothy. In daily life, we often have to buy - food, clothing, and household items. Umambo Hwechigarire Why was the perfumed oil used by Mary so expensive? A Lasting Kingdom Asi mirira wacho, pakupedzisira, akabvumikisa nguva dzose kuva anotusa nokuda kwavabatiri ivavo vakatendeka. Scott: Earlier, though, you mentioned that expression "helper. " But wait, in the long run, always proved rewarding for those faithful servants. Pandaitarisana nenhamo, ndaidavira kuti Jehovha Mwari aiva neni, " achindibata ruoko rwangu uye achindibatsira kuitira kuti ndisatya. ' Some have been struggling for years to be good wives while meeting the requirements for loyal servants of Jehovah. When faced with adversity, I believed that Jehovah God was with me, " holding hold my hand and helping me so that I would not be afraid. ' Department of State unoti: "Mukati megore rake rokutanga muhofisi, Purezidhendi Buyoya akaita chinjo huru mumiitiro yeBurundi kurudzidziso rwakarongwa, achichinja kudzvinyirirwa kwokuratidzirwa kworudzidziso pasi pehurumende [yakapfuura]. To love the truths that we teach others, we must love learning such truths ourselves. Department of State states: "During his first year in the office, President Bevoya made major changes in Burundi's practices toward organized religion, changing the oppression of religious expression under [the previous] government. Asi kusiyana nezvavakanga vaudzwa zvakajeka, Sauro nevanhu vake vakanga varega Mambo Agagi ari mupenyu ne "makwai nemombe zvakanaka kwazvo nezvakakora nemakondohwe nezvose zvakanga zvakanaka. " For example, the Pharisees of Jesus ' day probably thought of themselves as eminently loyal. But contrary to what they had clearly been told, Saul and his men had let King Agrippa live with "the best of sheep and cattle and the fat and the rams and all the good things. " Sezvo dudziro itsva zvikuru yekufunga kwemhindumupindu inopararira, "ichatapura zvikuru pfungwa yetsika zvisingadzivisiki, " rinodaro bhuku rinonzi The Moral Animal. your genes As a relatively new interpretation of evolution's thinking spreads, "it will greatly affect an inevitable moral sense, " says the book The Moral Animal. Uye ikoku kwaigona kuitei chakanaka? How did that move turn out? And what could this do good? Asi zvakanga zviri madikanwa kuti tishande nokuti avo vaisagona vaipfurwa. In daily life, we often have to make purchases - food, clothing, and items for the home. But it was necessary for us to work because those who could not be shot. Hurukuro inoti "Ndiani Uchatonga Nyika? " Permanent Rulership The talk "Who Will Rule the World? " Izvi zvichaita kuti mugutsikane nokuti munenge muchitsigira chokwadi cheShoko raMwari. But the wait, in the end, always proved to be a rewarding one for those faithful servants. As a result, you will be content to uphold the truth of God's Word. Zvatinofunga nezverunako zvinogona kuita kuti tigare tichifara kana kuti tichinetseka. When I faced tragedies, I believed that Jehovah God was there, " grasping me by the hand and helping me so that I did not feel afraid. ' Our thoughts about goodness can contribute to our peace of mind and heart. PARAGUAY Department of State says: "During his first year in office, President Buyoya made sweeping changes in Burundi's policies toward organized religion, reversing the repression of religious expression under the [previous] regime. PARUUY Taura muenzaniso. Yet, contrary to the clear instructions they had received, Saul and his people kept alive King Agag and "the best of the flock and the herd and the fat ones and... the rams and... all that was good. " Illustrate. [ Mifananidzo iri papeji 18] As the newer version of evolutionary thinking spreads, it "will inevitably affect moral thought deeply, " says the book The Moral Animal. [ Pictures on page 18] Vanhu vakawanda vanofunga kuti Mwari Wemasimbaose ndiye mutongi wenyika ino, ari kudzora zvinhu zvose. And what good could this accomplish? Many people think that Almighty God is the ruler of this world, controlling everything. Inosanganisira Chii? But it was necessary that we work because those who could not were executed. What Does It involve? Zvinogona kunge zvichinetsa kugadzirisa - chinhu chokufunga nezvacho kana munhu achitenga zvinhu. The talk "Who Shall Rule the World? " It may be difficult to resolve - it's something to think about when a person buys things. Usiku ihwohwo humene vaAsiria 185 000 vakaurawa nengirozi yaMwari! Then you will find satisfaction in knowing that you have upheld the truth of God's Word. That very night 185,000 Assyrians were killed by God's angel! Unoyeuka Here? A healthy attitude toward physical beauty can mean the difference between happiness and unhappiness. Do You Recall? Vanoti: "Kare - kare, Mwari akasika nyika nezvose zviri mairi, uye akasika zuva, mwedzi, nenyeredzi. " Give an example. They say: "In the past, God created the earth and all that is in it, and he created the sun, the moon, and the stars. " Mashoko aya, anonzi akataurwa nomuzivi weRoma womuzana ramakore rokutanga Lucius Annaeus Seneca, anosimbisa zvokwadi yakazivikanwa kare: Kuti upenyu huve nenhungamiro, nharidzano dzinokosha. [ Pictures on page 18] These words, attributed to first - century Roman philosopher Luius Annaeus Sneca, confirm a long - known truth: For life to have guidance, important goals. Mabasa 9: 36 - 43 Go to the Prom? Acts 9: 36 - 43 Nyanzvi Dzakarurama Nguva Dzose Here? Many people think of Almighty God as the ruler of this world, the one who is in direct control of everything. Are Experts Always Right? ▪ Nyengetera zvakare. What Does It Include? ▪ Pray again. Isa "rekodhi " rakasiana, chairoiro. They may be difficult to repair - a point to keep in mind when making purchases. Set up a different, literal "dud. " Ndinoonga Jehovha nokuda kwokundipa simba romudzimu randaida pandakanga ndiri muduku. That very night 185,000 Assyrians were struck down by means of God's angel! I thank Jehovah for giving me the spiritual strength I needed when I was young. Muapostora Pauro akabatsirwa naMwari kuti akunde kuzvitutumadza uye kudada kwaaimboita. Do You Recall? The apostle Paul was helped by God to overcome his former haughtiness and pride. Asi zvakamirira Jesu hazvingadziviswi. He says, "Long, long ago, God made the earth and everything in it, and he made the sun, the moon, and the stars. " But what Jesus waited for cannot be avoided. Ahazi akaratidzei nokuenda kune vanamwari veSiria? These words, attributed to first - century Roman philosopher Lucius Annaeus Seneca, bear out a long - recognized truth: For life to have direction, goals are essential. What did Ahaz demonstrate by going to the gods of Syria? By Evolution or by Creation? Acts 9: 36 - 43 By Evolution or by Creation? Samantha: Ndizvo zvandinotendawo izvozvo. Are Experts Always Right? Samantha: That's what I believe. Asi muzana remakore rechipiri B.C.E., mhuri yokwaHasmoneus yakabvuta chigaro choupristi hukuru. ▪ Pray again. But in the second century B.C.E., the Byzantine family seized the high priesthood. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Put a different "record " on, a positive one. . . . . . Vakarohwa, vakakumurwa mbatya, vakanzi vaizobatwa chibharo nemhomho yevanhu kana vaisazotenga makadhi ebato. I am thankful to Jehovah for giving me the needed spiritual strength when I was young. They were beaten, stripped, and raped if they would not buy party cards. Bhaibheri rinotiudza kuti: "Zvichenjererei pazvidhori. " - 1 Johani 5: 21. With God's help, the apostle Paul was able to overcome the arrogance and pride that he formerly had. The Bible tells us: "Pay attention to idols. " - 1 John 5: 21. Taifanirawo kunochera mvura kutsime. But what awaits Jesus cannot be avoided. We also had to fetch water from a well. Mukadzi, nechokumucheto kurudyi: FAO photo / B. What did Ahaz show by turning to Syria's gods? Woman, far right: Mom photo / B. Pasina nguva unotozoona wava neshamwari dzepaIndaneti 50. By Evolution or by Creation? Soon you will find yourself with 50 close friends. Achitsanangura nhamo yaakaona mugungwa, muapostora Pauro akanyora kuti: "Ndakaputsikirwa nengarava katatu, ndakapedza usiku humwe nezuva rimwe ndiri mugungwa. " Samantha: I believe that too. Describing the anguish he witnessed at sea, the apostle Paul wrote: "I was struck three times by ship, and I spent a night a day in the sea. " Anokiya musuo wemba yake uye, achinyatsonyemwerera, anobva angonanga mumugwagwa. But in the second century B.C.E., the Hasmonaeans usurped the high priesthood. He shuts the door to his house and, with a warm smile, makes his way straight down the road. Aishanda somubatsiri wachiremba uye akabatana nemhuri yake mukunamata vanamwari vakawanda vachitungamirirwa nomukuru wavo wavakasarudza. Keep Children Safe (sexual abuse), 10 / 07 He served as a medical assistant and joined his family in worshipping a multitude of gods under the leadership of their chosen chief. Danho rokuva netsika yakanaka yokudzidza nderokugara uchironga nguva yokudzidza Bhaibheri. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ A step toward maintaining good study habits is to schedule regular time for Bible study. Runotsvaka zvakanaka zvinoitwa nevamwe. In an effort to get them to buy political party cards, a violent mob beat, stripped, and threatened to rape them. It looks for the good in others. Zvichange zvichizorodza zvikuru kana vanhu vava kurarama vasisakanganiswi naSatani nemadhimoni ake! The Bible urges us: "Guard yourselves from idols. " - 1 John 5: 21. What a relief it will be when people live apart from the influence of Satan and his demons! Rakabudiswa neZvapupu zvaJehovha asi hakachadhindwi. We also had to collect water from a well. Published by Jehovah's Witnesses but now out of print. Asi ipapo ndakataura kuvabereki vangu. " Woman, far right: FAO photo / B. But then I talked to my parents. " Sezvo tsika yaSatani ichipfuurira kunyura kwayo yakananga kukuparadzwa, zvinetso zvitsva zvine chokwadi chokutarisana nesu. Before you know it, you have 50 online friends. As Satan's system continues to sink toward destruction, new problems are sure to come face - to - face with us. Saka tinonzwa tichida kuva pedyo naJehovha, Mwari ane tsitsi anorwadziwawo patinorwadziwa uye anonzwisisa kuti nei tichisvimha misodzi! - Pisarema 56: 8. Describing his trials at sea, the apostle Paul wrote: "Three times I experienced shipwreck, a night and a day I have spent in the deep. " How we long to draw close to Jehovah, the merciful God who feels hurt when we are hurt and understands why we shed tears! - Psalm 56: 8. Pauro ari pamberi paGavhuna Ferikisi, akataura zvakajeka nezvetariro yorumuko She locks the door and, with a broad smile on her face, turns onto the street. Paul, before Governor Felix, clearly spoke about the resurrection hope Anotizve: "Mune imwe nyika, gumi vedu isu vazvipiri taigara muchivako chisina kicheni uye chaingova nedzimba mbiri dzokugezera. He worked as a doctor's assistant and joined his own family in the worship of various deities under the guidance of their chosen guru. He adds: "In another country, ten of us volunteers lived in a kitchen - free building and had only two bathrooms. Tinofanira kupfidza zvivi zvedu totsvaka kukanganwirwa pachikonzero chechibayiro chaJesu. A step toward good study habits is regularly to set aside time for Bible study. We should repent of our sins and seek forgiveness on the basis of Jesus ' sacrifice. MuBhaibheri kuwana zivo yaMwari kunofananidzwa nokudya. It looks for the good in others. In the Bible gaining knowledge of God is likened to eating. Urwu rwiyo rwokudetemba rwakanyorwa makore 3 000 apfuura runosimbisa kuti kukwegura idambudziko ragara riripo kwemakore akawanda. What a relief it will be to live in a world free from the influence of Satan and the wicked spirits! This poetic song composed 3,000 years ago confirms that aging is a long - standing problem. Ramba kudzorera chakaipa nechakaipa. Published by Jehovah's Witnesses but no longer in print. Resist the urge to return evil for evil. Pirato angave aitaura zvokutsvinya paakati: "Chokwadi chii? " But then I talked to my parents. " Pilate may have been critical when he said: "What is truth? " Mumwe mudzimai anonzi Karen * akati: "Pandakaziva kuti Mark aifonerana kakawanda pazuva nomumwe mukadzi pachivande, ndakarwadziwa zvokuti. 2 / 15 " Sailed Away to Cyprus, " 7 / 1 A wife named Karen * admits: "When I learned that Mark called each day in secret, I was devastated. Unofanira. As Satan's system continues its plunge toward destruction, new challenges are sure to face us. You should. Vakawanda vanochengeta kana kuronga mari yavanozoisa mumabhokisi ezvipo akanzi "Mipiro Yebasa Romunyika Yose - Mateu 24: 14. " How much more we are drawn to Jehovah, a compassionate God who feels our pain and understands the reason for our tears! - Psalm 56: 8. Many set aside, or budget, an amount that they place in the contribution boxes labeled "Help for the Worldwide Work - Matthew 24: 14. " Hama Morris vakakurudzira vadzidzi vacho kuti: "Sezvamucharamba muchidzidza muri moga, fungisisai kuti mungatevedzera sei kunzwira tsitsi kworudo kwaKristu " monyatsopfeka Ishe Jesu Kristu. ' " Paul, appearing before Governor Felix, proclaimed with conviction the resurrection hope Brother Morris urged the students: "As you continue to study on your own, meditate on how you can imitate Christ's loving compassion and " fully put on the Lord Jesus Christ. ' " Chii chakasakisa kuti vanyori navaFarise varasikirwe nechiono chamawanirwe etendero yaMwari, uye inheyoi, yakaratidzwa gare gare naPauro, yavakafuratira? She adds: "In one country, ten of us volunteers shared an apartment without a kitchen and with only two bathrooms. What caused the scribes and Pharisees to lose sight of how to gain God's approval, and what principle, set out later by Paul, that they ignored? VAPRISTI VATSVENE VANOTANGA We need to repent of our sins and seek forgiveness on the basis of Jesus ' sacrifice. THE PLIRCENTS OF THE FILINE Bvunza Zvapupu zvaJehovha nokuda kwemashoko akawanda. Taking in knowledge of God is likened in the Bible to eating. Ask Jehovah's Witnesses for more information. Kukanganwirwa Kwezvivi This 3,000 - year - old poetic song confirms that old age is an age - old challenge. Forgiveness of Sins Gloria, mubereki ari oga akarambana nomurume anoshanda muEngland uyo ataurwa munyaya yokutanga, akarera vanakomana vaviri nomwanasikana. Refuse to return evil for evil. Gloria, a single parent who divorced a man who works in England, mentioned in the opening article, raised two sons and a daughter. Mumazuva ano kakupenya chaiko kechiedza kakatanga kuonekwa mumakore 25 okupedzisira ezana ramakore rechi19 sezvo boka revarume nevakadzi vechiKristu rakatanga kudzidza Magwaro nomwoyo wose. Pilate may well have been responding cynically when he said: "What is truth? " In these days a special flash of light was first seen during the last 25th century, as a group of Christian men and women began to study the Scriptures diligently. Akaziva kuti akanga ava neHIV muna 1985, pakaberekwa mwana wake, asi haana kurwara kutozosvikira makore masere gare gare. A wife named Karen * said: "When I discovered that Mark was secretly talking on the phone several times a day with another woman, my heart was broken. She realized that she had contracted HIV in 1985, when her baby was born, but she did not get sick until eight years later. Ikoko vamwe amai vakandikumbira kuti ndidzidze Bhaibheri nevanasikana vavo matsi vaiva mapatya. Vasikana vacho vaiva Jean naJoan Rothenberger, uye vaiva pachikoro chematsi pandakadzidza. You should. There a mother asked me to study the Bible with her deaf daughters, Jean and Joan Rothenberger, and she was in a school for deaf people when I studied. Asi zvakadiniko kana kusabvumirana kukangooneka nemhaka yokusakwana? Many set aside, or budget, an amount that they place in the contribution boxes labeled "Contributions for the Worldwide Work - Matthew 24: 14. " But what if disagreements still appear because of imperfection? Wati wawana mhinduro dzipi nedzipi dzinogutsa here? Brother Morris urged the students: "As you continue doing your personal study, reflect on how you can imitate the loving compassion of Christ and really " put on the Lord Jesus Christ. ' " Have you found any satisfying answers? Nokuti richawira vose vagere panyika yose. " What caused the scribes and Pharisees to lose sight of how to gain God's approval, and what principle, later expressed by Paul, did they overlook? For it will come in upon all those dwelling upon the face of all the earth. " Wessel akati: "Nei musinganditungamiriri kuna Kristu, anokoka nomutsa vose vakaremerwa kuuya kwaari? " HOLY PRIESTHOOD IS SET FORTH Wessel said: "Why don't you lead me to Christ, who kindly invites all who are loaded down to come to him? " Dzimwe pwere dzinototera kudzvinyiriro yavezera radzo ndokupa deredzerwo isingabvumirwi - kana kuti kunyange kubira - shamwari. Ask Jehovah's Witnesses for more information. Some youths even give in to peer pressure and give illegal reduce - or even steal - to friends. Nyengedzo, kuba, uye kukwira kwemitengo zvinosimbisawo zvokwadi yamashoko akafuridzirwa, anoti: "Usazvinetsa kuwana fuma; rega uchenjeri hwako. Forgiveness of Sins Hate, stealing, and inflation also confirm the truth of the inspired words: "Do not toil to gain riches. Do not let your wisdom rest. Iropafadzoi, pakuvamba dzakanga dzakaganhurirwa kuVakristu vakazodzwa, dzakapiwa kumamwe makwai? Gloria, a divorced, single working mother in England, who was mentioned in the first article, raised two sons and a daughter. What privileges, originally limited to anointed Christians, were given to the other sheep? Ndepana Genesi 8: 20, pachitaura nezveatari yakavakwa naNoa paakabuda muareka pashure peBoporodzi. In modern times the first real glimmer of light began to appear in the last quarter of the 19th century as a group of Christian men and women began an earnest study of the Scriptures. It is at Genesis 8: 20, referring to an altar built by Noah when he came out of the ark after the Deluge. Bva, iye akataura kuti iye akapa zvakawanda kupfuura vamwe vose, nokuti ivo vakapa zvinobva muzvomuraudzo zvavo, nepo " mukushaiwa kwake, iye akadonhedzamo yokurarama nayo yose yake. ' She learned that she had HIV in 1985, when her baby was born, but she did not become ill until eight years later. Yet, he said that he gave more than all others, for they gave from their surpluss, while " in his want, he dropped in all his living. ' Munyori wenhau Durant akatsvaka kuongorora nhoroondo dzeEvhangeri asina kwaakarerekera zvachose - samagwaro enhau. There I met a mother who asked me to study the Bible with her deaf twin daughters, Jean and Joan Rothenberger, who were students at the same school for the deaf that I once attended. The historian Durant sought to examine the Gospel accounts that are totally neutral - as historical texts. Kukwikwidzana neterevhizheni kwakamanikidza vagadziri vemafirimu kuita zvinenge zvose zvavanogona kuti vakwezve vanhu kuti vapinde muimba yokuonera mabhaisikopo. But what if disagreements still surface because of imperfection? The competition with television has forced filmmakers to do almost all they can to lure people into the theater. Munyori wezvakaitika kare Arnold Toynbee akanyora nezvazvo kuti: "Kubvira pakaguma Hondo Yenyika II urudzi hwakapeta nekaviri nhamba yenyika dzakazvimirira... Have you found any satisfying answers? Historian Arnold Toynbee wrote: "Since the end of World War II nationalism has doubled the number of countries independent... Somuenzaniso, mune dzimwe nyika, upfumi huri kuwedzera zvokuti uye zviri nyore kutsauswa wongova nepfungwa yokutsvaka upfumi. For it will come in upon all those dwelling upon the face of all the earth. " In some parts of the world, for example, wealth is increasing to such an extent that it is easy to be distracted and simply to pursue wealth. Zvinosuruvarisa kuti vamwe vaIsraeri muzuva raMaraki vakanga vasingakoshesi ushamwari naMwari. Wessel reacted by saying: "Why do you not lead me to Christ, who kindly invites all who are loaded down to come to him? " Sadly, some Israelites in Malachi's day lacked appreciation for God's friendship. Mumwe munhu anoona maKristu ari muushumiri hwomumunda, kana kuti anopinda misangano yedu, anofanira kuororwa zvakanaka. Some youths even bow to peer pressure and give unauthorized discounts to - or even steal for - friends. Someone who sees Christians in the field ministry, or attends our meetings, should be well impressed. Kudai isiri... Fraud, theft, and inflation also underscore the truth of the inspired words: "Do not toil to gain riches. Cease from your own understanding. If it weren't... Muapostora Pauro nenzira yakafanana akakurudzira Timotio ku "shingairira " - kufungisisa - mufambiro wake, ushumiri, uye kudzidzisa. What privileges, originally limited to anointed Christians, have been given to other sheep? The apostle Paul likewise urged Timothy to "be zealous " - to meditate - his conduct, ministry, and teaching. Zviri pachena kuti zvakawanda zvinoitwa panguva yezororo racho hazvifadzi Mwari. It is at Genesis 8: 20, referring to the altar that Noah built when he left the ark after the Deluge. Clearly, many aspects of the holiday season do not please God. Mari, Mukurumbira, kana kuti Mirimo - Ndechipi? Yet, he said that she gave more than all the others, for they contributed out of their surplus, whereas " out of her want, she dropped in her whole living. ' Money, fame, or Drugs - Which? Kwete kuvanhuwo zvavo vasina kukwana. Historian Durant sought to examine the Gospel accounts from a purely objective standpoint - as historical documents. Not to imperfect humans in general. (a) Chii chiri musoro weMharidzo yapaGomo? Competition with television has forced filmmakers to go to virtually any length to lure people into the movie theater. (a) What is the theme of the Sermon on the Mount? Chii chichanyatsoitika " pazuva ' racho? Zuva Rokutongwa Nei Richidiwa? In this regard, historian Arnold Toynbee wrote: "Since the end of World War II nationalism has doubled the number of local sovereign independent states... What exactly will happen on the "day "? Unogona Sei Kuriwana? For example, in some lands, economies are booming and it is easy to get sidetracked into a single - minded pursuit of wealth. How Can You Find It? Pandakauya paBheteri kekutanga ndiri hama yechidiki isina kuroora, munyika yacho yese maiva nevaparidzi vanenge 10 000. Sadly, some Israelites in Malachi's day took friendship with God for granted. When I first came to Bethel as a young single brother, there were about 10,000 publishers in the entire country. Kunyatsoongorora VaRoma chitsauko 13 uye Magwaro akaita saTito 3: 1, 2; uye 1 Petro 2: 13, 17 kwakajekesa kuti mashoko okuti "vane masimba makuru " haarevi Jehovha Mwari naJesu Kristu, asi anoreva vanhu vane zviremera muhurumende. Someone who sees Christians in the field ministry, or who attends our meetings, should be favorably impressed. A careful examination of Romans chapter 13 and of such scriptures as Titus 3: 1, 2; and 1 Peter 2: 13, 17 made it clear that the expression "the superior authorities " does not refer to Jehovah God and Jesus Christ, but refers to governmental authorities. Pakupedzisira, Mwari akataura chinangwa chake pamusoro pemhuri yavanhu napasi mumashoko aya ouporofita: "Berekai, muwande, muzadze nyika, mubate ushe pairi; muve nesimba pamusoro pehove dzegungwa, napamusoro peshiri dzedenga, napamusoro pezvipenyu zvose zvinokambaira panyika. " - Genesi 1: 28, 31; 2: 8. If it weren't for... Finally, God stated his purpose regarding the human family and the earth in these prophetic words: "Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving upon the earth. " - Genesis 1: 28, 31; 2: 8. Kunyange zvakadaro, akazonyora kuti: "Imi makanzwa nezvomufambiro wangu wekare muchiJudha, kuti ndakaramba ndichitambudza ungano yaMwari zvakanyanya uye ndichiiparadza. " The apostle Paul similarly urged Timothy to "ponder over " - meditate on - his conduct, ministry, and teaching. Still, he later wrote: "You heard of my former course in Judaism, that I continued to persecute the congregation of God more and more and to destroy it. " * Vanhu vakawanda munguva yekare neyazvino vanotenda kuti mashiripiti anoitwa nevaroyi anoitirwa kukuvadza vamwe. Clearly, much ungodly conduct accompanies the holiday season. * Many people in ancient and modern times believe that the magic practiced by witches is designed to harm others. Unogona here kufungidzira zvaiitika paitengeswa Josefa nevakoma vake kuvaIshmaeri? Money, Fame, or Drugs - Which? Can you imagine what happened when Joseph and his brothers were sold to Ishmael? Pepanhau rinonzi USA Today rinoti: "Kuongorora kwazvino kwevaduku vanoda kusvika 600 vari kurapwa pamusana pokushandisa zvinodhaka muNew York, Texas, Florida nokuCalifornia kwakaratidza kuti 20% vakashandisa zvimwe zvinodhaka zvisiri doro vari pamwe chete nevabereki vavo, uye vanenge 5% pavaduku vacho vakatanga kupiwa zvinodhaka - zvikurukuru mbanje - navanaamai kana kuti navanababa vavo. " Not to mere imperfect humans. The newspaper USA Today reports: "A recent survey of nearly 600 youths being treated for drug abuse in New York, Texas, Florida and California revealed that 20% took advantage of alcohol - free drugs along with their parents, and about 5% of the youngsters were introduced to drugs - mainly marijuana - with mothers or with their fathers. " Ndiponesei, haiwa Mwari wangu! (a) What is the theme of the Sermon on the Mount? Save me, O my God! Zvimwe vangashushikana kuti havachakwanisi kuita zvavanga vakaronga, zvakadai sokushanya, kuva nevana, kuona vazukuru vachikura kana kuti kuwedzera kushumira Mwari. What will actually occur during that "day "? Perhaps they worry that they could no longer fulfill their plans, such as visiting, having children, seeing grandchildren grow up or serve God more. Pashure pokumirira kusvikira kwasviba, ndakadzokera ndaneta kuLower Buchanan. How Can You Find It? After waiting till late in the dark, I returned tired to Lumpan. 16, 17. (a) Pisarema 1: 2, 3 rinorondedzera sei mibayiro yokuverenga mutemo waMwari? When I first came to Bethel as a young, single brother, there were about 10,000 publishers in the whole country. 16, 17. (a) How does Psalm 1: 2, 3 describe the rewards of reading God's law? Somuenzaniso, pamusangano wakaitwa mumutauro wokuVietnam, mumwe murume akwegura akasimuka ndokukumbira mvumo yokuti ataure. An in - depth study of the 13th chapter of Romans and Scriptural texts such as Titus 3: 1, 2 and 1 Peter 2: 13, 17 made it clear that the expression "superior authorities " refers, not to Jehovah God and Jesus Christ, but to human governmental authorities. For example, at a meeting held in Vietnam, an elderly man stood up and asked for permission to speak. Rwuri pashure kupfuura zvaunofunga here? Finally, God pronounced his purpose regarding the human family and the earth in these prophetic words: "Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving upon the earth. " - Genesis 1: 28, 31; 2: 8. Is it later than you think? Zvisinei, mudzimai akaora mwoyo angasagamuchira kuyerwa kwakadaro, sezvo iye anganzwa saakakundikana nemhaka yokusakwanisa kutarisira mabasa emhuri zvakanaka sezvaanofunga kuti anofanira. Even so, he later wrote of himself: "You, of course, heard about my conduct formerly in Judaism, that to the point of excess I kept on persecuting the congregation of God and devastating it. " However, a depressed wife may not accept such a comparison, since she may feel like a failure because of being unable to care for family duties as well as she feels she should. Vamwe vari muungano yechiKristu vanogonawo kubetsera mukupa vakura. * Many people in both ancient and modern times believe that the magic practiced by witches is performed to bring harm to others. Some in the Christian congregation can also help in giving older ones. Kukwanisa kuteerera unyanzvi chaihwo. Can you, for example, picture the scene as Joseph's brothers sell him to the Ishmaelites? The ability to listen to special skills. Mumakore achangobva kupfuura takabudisa zvinhu zvakawanda zvevechidiki. Reports USA Today: "A new survey of nearly 600 teens in drug treatment in New York, Texas, Florida and California indicated that 20% have shared drugs other than alcohol with their parents, and that about 5% of the teens actually were introduced to drugs - usually marijuana - by their moms or dads. " In recent years we have produced much of the material for young people. Dzakakurumidza kutanga kuparidzira paimba neimba. Save me, O my God! They soon started preaching from house to house. " Vanofara Ndivo Vane Rugare " Perhaps they feel frustrated because personal goals, such as traveling, having a family, seeing grandchildren grow up, or serving God to a fuller extent, are now beyond their reach. " Happy Are the peaceable " Jehovha anoziva mamiriro ako ezvinhu uye anogovera chinodikanwa chimwe nechimwe pachichava chakakunakira zvikuru. After waiting till dusk, I wearily made my way back to Lower Buchanan. Jehovah is aware of your situation and provides each need when it will be very good for you. Zvaicherechedzeka kuti vaKristu vakatendeka vakanga vasingashandi mabasa omumahofisi evoruzhinji kana kutora zvinzvimbo zvokutungamirira. 16, 17. (a) How does Psalm 1: 2, 3 describe the rewards of reading God's law? It was noteworthy that faithful Christians did not serve in public offices or assume positions of oversight. Nokuratidza zvibereko zvomudzimu kusvikira kumwero wakazara uye nokuparadzira shoko roUmambo hwaMwari sezvatinokwanisa nemano edu. For instance, during a meeting held in Vietnamese, an elderly man stood up and asked for permission to speak. By manifesting the fruitage of the spirit to the full extent and spreading the message of God's Kingdom as we are able by our abilities. Manheru, takanga tine rusununguko rwakati rwokufamba famba. Is it later than you think? In the evening, we had some freedom to travel. Pavanhu vachamutswa, pachava nevakawanda "vasina kururama. " Still, a depressed wife may not accept such an assessment, since she may feel like a failure because of being unable to care for household tasks as well as she thinks she should. Among resurrected ones, there will be many "righteous people. " YAKATAURWA NAMANUEL DE JESUS ALMEIDA Others in the Christian congregation can also help in giving to older ones. AS TOLD BYMANUEL DE JESUS ALMIDA Zvekare, hero inzvimbo ine moto yokutambudzwa here kana kuti yokuparadzwa? Listening really is an art. Again, is hell a fiery place of torment or destruction? Zvadaro, vanhu vanozopfuura napo vanotaura nezvokuyevedza kweimba yacho. In recent years, much of our literature has been published for young people. Next, passersby speak of the beauty of the hall. Panzvimbo pekuvimba nevanhu, tinofanira kuvimba neMusiki wedu, uyo ane simba rekuzadzisa zvaanenge avimbisa. They immediately started preaching from house to house. Instead of trusting in humans, we should rely on our Creator, who has the power to fulfill his promises. Somuenzaniso, kana munhu akakanganisira hama yake kana kuti akaputsa mumwe wemitemo yaMwari, aifanira kureurura kumupristi werudzi rwevaRevhi akagadzwa, uyo aizoita kuti ayananisirwe nokupa chibayiro kuna Mwari kuti akanganwirwe chivi. - Revhitiko 5: 1 - 6. " Happy Are the Peaceable " For example, if a person sinned against his brother or broke one of God's laws, he had to confess to the appointed priest of the tribe of Levi, who would make atonement for him by offering a sacrifice to God for forgiveness of sin. - Leviticus 5: 1 - 6. Zvimwe zviitiko zviviri paLichtenburg hazvikanganwiki. Jehovah knows your situation and provides for each need when it will do you the most good. Two other events at Lichtenburg are unforgettable. Naizvozvo Jesu akavaudza kuti nepo vaigona kuona nameso avo okunyama, vakanga vari mapofu mumudzimu. - Johane 9: 30 - 41. It was noticeable that faithful Christians did not get involved in holding public office or administrative positions. So Jesus told them that while they could see with their physical eyes, they were spiritually blind. - John 9: 30 - 41. Pane chinhu chavari kutengesa here kana kuti chavari kutsigira? ' By manifesting the fruitage of the spirit to a fuller extent and by spreading the message of God's Kingdom to the best of our abilities. Is there something that they are selling or that they are promoting? ' ▪ Marariya (mamiriyoni ari pakati pe80 ne120) Muhafu yokutanga yezana remakore rechi20, nzufu dzaikonzerwa nemarariya dzakaramba dziri mamiriyoni anenge maviri pagore. In the evening, we had a certain amount of freedom to move around. ▪ Malaria (about 80 million and 20 million) During the first half of the 20th century, malaria deaths remained about two million annually. Asi kana uchiita zvakaipa, chitya; nokuti iye haabati munondo pasina; nokuti ndiye mushumiri waMwari, mutsivi wokutsamwa kune unoita zvakaipa. " - VaRoma 13: 1 - 4. Most resurrected ones will be "the unrighteous, " who lived and died without learning the truth about Jehovah God and his Son. But if you are doing what is bad, be in fear; for it is not without purpose that it bears the sword; for it is God's minister, an avenger to express wrath upon the one practicing what is bad. " - Romans 13: 1 - 4. [ Mashoko okukwezva vaverengi ari papeji 30] AS TOLD BY MANUEL DE JESUS ALMEIDA [ Blurb on page 30] Kunotibatsirawo kunyatsonzwisisa mabatiro anoita Mwari nevanhu - kwete bedzi kuti vabatsirwe kwenguva pfupi asi kwenguva refu yakanakira vose vanoda upenyu. Again, is hell a fiery place of eternal torment or of annihilation? It also helps us to understand more fully how God deals with humans - not only for short - term benefits but for the long - term benefit of all who want life. Vakavimbika Thereafter, passersby comment on what a delightful home it is. Loyal Ones ; Alatsis, I. Instead of trusting in human efforts to save us, we are wise to trust in our Creator, who has the power to fulfill all his promises. ; Alatsis, I. Mwana uyu anogona kunge ari iye "Emanueri " akataurwa naIsaya. For example, when a person sinned against a fellow man or broke one of God's laws, he would have to confess to an appointed priest of the tribe of Levi, who would then make atonement in his behalf by offering a sacrifice to God for forgiveness of sin. - Leviticus 5: 1 - 6. This child may be the "Emanuel " mentioned by Isaiah. Waizogadzirira sei zvokutaura? Two other incidents at Lichtenburg have stuck in my memory. How would you prepare to speak? Jehovha achamurinda omuchengetedza ari mupenyu. So Jesus told them that while they could see with their physical eyes, they were spiritually blind. - John 9: 30 - 41. Jehovah will guard him and preserve him alive. Chimbofunga nezvemapiyona anogara kuGlendale, California, U.S.A. Is it trying to sell or support something? ' Consider the pioneers living in Galdale, California, U.S.A. Bhaibheri rine mienzaniso yakawanda yevanhu vakanyengetera kuna Mwari pamusoro pezvaivanetsa. ▪ Malaria (between 80 million and 120 million) For the first half of the 20th century, the death toll from malaria hovered at about two million a year. The Bible contains many examples of individuals who prayed to God about their concerns. MuEngland murau weparamende wakagadzwa wairayira kuti "ani naani anoverenga Magwaro muchiRungu anofanira kurasikirwa neivhu, zvinhu, pfuma, uye upenyu... uye kuti, kana akaramba akaomesa musoro, kana akadzokororazve amboregererwa, anofanira kutanga kusungirirwa nokuda kwokumukira mambo, ozopiswa nokuda kwokuramba chokwadi chaMwari. " But if you are doing what is bad, be in fear: for it is not without purpose that it bears the sword; for it is God's minister, an avenger to express wrath upon the one practicing what is bad. " - Romans 13: 1 - 4. In England the set rule of reasoned required that "everyone who reads the Scriptures in English must lose earth, goods, riches, and life... and that, if ever he remains stubborn, if ever forgiven, he must first be hanged for rebellion against the king and be burned up for rejecting the truth of God. " Ndokupi kuri kududzwa kwokutanga kwehondo muBhaibheri, uye nei kwakanga kuri bedzi mavambo eHondo dzorukundo dzaJehovha? [ Blurb on page 30] What is the first mention of war in the Bible, and why was it only the beginning of Jehovah's victorious Wars? Sezvo "bhodhoro " riri kutaurwa pano richisiyana munzvimbo nenzvimbo, uwandu hwealcohol inenge iri mubhodhoro racho hucharatidza mwero unoshandiswa munzvimbo yacho uye hunofanira kufungwa nezvawo munhu asati anwa. It also helps us to appreciate exactly how Jehovah deals with mankind - not only for short - term benefits but especially for the long - term good of all who are rightly disposed. Since the " bottle " mentioned here varies from place to place, the amount of alcohol in the bottle will reveal the level used locally and should be considered before drinking. Munhu wose anokosha kwaari uye akakodzera kufungwa nezvake. Loyal Ones Everyone is precious to him and worthy of his attention. Mukai! ; Alatsis, I. Awake! Rinodiwa, 6 / 1 One possibility is that this child was the "Immanuel " referred to by Isaiah. Gilead Graduations, 6 / 15 VaSamariya vaivakira kunamata kwavo pai? How would you prepare your presentation? Where did the Samaritans base their worship? Kurambwa: Pisarema 27: 10; Maraki 2: 13 - 16; VaRoma 8: 35 - 39. Jehovah himself will guard him and preserve him alive. Rejectation: Psalm 27: 10; Malachi 2: 13 - 16; Romans 8: 35 - 39. Nyaya yokutanga ine mienzaniso yomuBhaibheri inotikurudzira kuti tive norugare nevamwe. Consider the pioneers living in Glendale, California, U.S.A. The first article contains Bible examples that encourage us to be peaceable. Ndipo panotanga kuwanikwa mashoko okuti "mutsa une rudo " muBhaibheri. The Bible contains many examples of those who took their concerns to God. That is when the expression "loving - kindness " appears first in the Bible. [ Kwazvakatorwa] In England a parliamentary statute was enacted, which ordered that "whoever read the Scriptures in English should forfeit land, chattels, goods, and life... and that, if they continued obstinate, or relapsed after being pardoned, they should first be hanged for treason against the king, and then burned for heresy against God. " [ Credit Line] Anotaura zvakananga kuti haana " kungosikira nyika pasina ' asi "akaiumba kuti igarwe. " What is the first mention of warfare in the Bible, and why was it just a beginning of Jehovah's victorious wars? He specifically states that he did "not create the earth simply for nothing " but" formed it even to be inhabited. " Ungapindura Sei? Since what is termed a "drink " varies from place to place, the amount of alcohol in a glass will reflect local standard servings and should be considered before consumption. How Would You Answer? Muzviitiko zvakawanda zvinotungamirira kukukurumidza kufa. To him each person is precious and worthy of attention. In many cases it leads to premature death. Rimwe zuva mumwe murume nomudzimai wake vatainge takamirira havana kuuya. Awake! One day a couple whom we were waiting did not come. Bva, chikamu chiduku ichocho chinoguma nesimba hombe rebhiza 240 000 000 000 000! Loved, 6 / 1 Yet, that small fraction results in a huge force of 240,000,000 horses! Ihwohwu hufakazi hwakasimba huna mashoko ose oudzame hunoratidzira kuti marudzidziso ose anhasi akava nemviromviro yakafanana. On what did the Samaritans base their worship? This is powerful evidence with all the details indicating that all religions of today have had a similar origin. Sezvinooneka, akanga ave achiteerera fundo dzavo. Rejection: Psalm 27: 10; Malachi 2: 13 - 16; Romans 8: 35 - 39. Obviously, he had been listening to their studies. Apo mapiona akashandisa iyi tepi muushumiri hwavo hwapaimba neimba, yakatangisa chaizvoizvo vanhu kutaura nokubvunza mibvunzo yakawanda zvikuru, zvikurukuru pamusoro pokusachengeta kwedu Krisimisa nokusabhapatidza vacheche. The first article highlights Bible examples that encourage us to be peacemakers. When pioneers used this tape in their house - to - house ministry, it actually started people to talk and ask too many questions, especially about our not celebrating Christmas and not baptizing infants. Jesu akanga ari munhu aipa zano rakanaka mumazuva iwayo. This is the first time the expression "loving - kindness " appears in the Bible. Jesus was a man of good counsel in those days. Hakusati kuri kutengeswa kwevatano bedzi asi matepi evhidhiyo ane mifananidzo youtere namabhuku amakomiki anoratidza miviri yavanhukadzi sezvinhu zvinotengeswa zvinoshatisa pfungwa dzavanhu nemwoyo. [ Credit Line] Not only does sex trade but video tapes contain immoral pictures and Spanish literature that depict female bodies as commercial products that corrupt people's minds and hearts. Rose akaora mwoyo kwazvo zvokuti akarangarira kutora upenyu hwavana vake vatatu uye ipapo kuzviuraya. He expressly states that he did not create the earth "simply for nothing " but" formed it even to be inhabited. " Rose became so depressed that she considered taking the life of her three children and then killing herself. Zvirokwazvo mhiko yeroorano inobatanidza ruvimbiko nechitsidzo zvokuda nokutarisira, munguva dzose dzakanaka nedzakashata. How Would You Answer? Surely the marriage vow includes loyalty and loving support, both in good times and in bad. Munhu ari wose ari paBheteri haana kukwana, naizvozvo songaniro inoda mufungo wokungwarira. In many cases they lead to a premature death. Everyone at Bethel is not perfect, so association requires careful thought. Nyama yenguruve yakagochwa, huku, hove dzakakangwa, crayfish, uye chirimwa chomunzvimbomo chine midzi inodyiwa, taro, zvinoiswa pamberi pedu. One night a couple whom we were waiting for did not show up. The roasted sow meat, the chicken, the roasted fish, the cray fish, and the local plant that has roots eaten, the taro, are placed in front of us. • Nei tichifanira kutevedzera muenzaniso waJehovha worunako? Jehovah has saved us! " • Why should we imitate Jehovah's example of goodness? Bhaibheri rinoti: "Akabva avhura pfungwa dzavo kwazvo kuti vanzwisise zvaireva Magwaro. " - Ruka 24: 45. Yet, that fraction amounts each minute to a colossal 240,000,000,000,000 horsepower! The Bible says: "He opened up their minds fully to grasp the meaning of the Scriptures. " - Luke 24: 45. 29: 23. This is strong circumstantial evidence indicating that all of today's religions had a common origin. 29: 23. Ngatiyeukei mashoko omudzidzi Jakobho anoti: "Mumwe nomumwe anoedzwa nokutorwa mwoyo onyengerwa nokuchiva kwake. Seemingly, he had been listening in on their studies. Let us bear in mind the words of the disciple James: "Each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire. Naizvozvo, kune vamwe vanyengeri vari muzvitendero, Jesu akashandisa mashoko aMwari anoti: "Vanoramba vachindinamata pasina, nokuti vanodzidzisa mirayiro yevanhu sedzidziso. " - Mateu 15: 9. When the pioneers used this tape in their house - to - house ministry, it really got people talking and asking a great many questions, especially about our not celebrating Christmas and not baptizing babies. Therefore, to some religious hypocrites, Jesus applied God's words: "It is in vain that they keep worshiping me, because they teach commands of men as doctrines. " - Matthew 15: 9. [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 16] Jesus was one who offered sound counsel in those days. [ Picture on page 16] Asi yeuka kuti Jakobho aida kuti nguo yacho ive chiratidzo chokuti Josefa aidiwa. Not just the merchandising of sex but pornographic videotapes and comic books that depict female bodies as commodities pervert human senses and hearts. Remember, though, that Jacob wanted the garment to be a sign of Joseph's love. Mugore rimwe chete kana kuti kupfuura, iye akarasikirwa nokutenda kwake chose chose ndokutaura kuva anoti hapana chinhu chinogona kuzivikanwa pamusoro paMwari. Rose became so depressed that she contemplated taking the life of her three children and then committing suicide. In just one year or so, he lost his faith completely and claimed to be saying that nothing can be known about God. Saka nei vana vachifa? Surely the marriage vow involves trust and a promise to love and cherish, through thick and thin, through good times and bad. Why, then, do children die? Nemhaka yokuti Jesu akati: "Muzviitire shamwari nePfuma isakarurama [" pfuma yenyika, " New International Version], kuti, kana yapera, vakugamuchirei mudzimba dzisingaperi. " Everyone at Bethel is imperfect, so association needs careful thought. Because Jesus said: "Make friends for yourselves by means of the unrighteous riches [" worldly riches, " New International Version], that, when they are past, they may receive you into everlasting houses. " Kana uchidawo kuti Mwari akudzivirire unofanira kurasa matumwa, mazango, tambo dzinosungirirwa mumaoko kana muchiuno kana zvimwewo zvakarerekera kuchidhimoni. Roast pork, chicken, fried fish, crayfish, and the local root crop, taro, are spread before us. If you too want God to protect you, you need to get rid of amulets, amulets, and cords that are tied in your arms or waists or other forms of spiritism. Zvingoro uye matafura zvinopfuura 180 000 zvakatengwa pachishandiswa hofisi yebazi yokuHong Kong zvikatumirwa kunyika dzakawanda • Why should we imitate Jehovah's example of goodness? More than 180,000 chariots and tables were purchased by the branch office in Hong Kong and sent to many countries Pashure pokukomba kwamazuva 47, nhare yaJosephus paJotapata yakakundwa. We are told: "He opened up their minds fully to grasp the meaning of the Scriptures. " - Luke 24: 45. After 47 days of siege, Josephus ' fortress at Jotata was defeated. Zvirokwazvo, patakamushanyira, akanga ane ushamwari zvikuru, uye akagamuchira mabhuku anoverengeka. 29: 23. Indeed, when we visited her, she was very friendly, and she accepted several books. Zvisinei, vaya vakateerera shoko raJehovha vakasimbiswa kuti vadzivise kuramba kutenda kwemazuva iwayo. Let us also remember these words of the disciple James: "Each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire. However, those who heeded Jehovah's word were strengthened to avoid apostasy during those days. Matanho okutanga okurapa (OSAS) anosanganisira kuderedza uremu, kurega zvinwiwa zvinodhaka, uye kurega zvinodhaka zvinoita kuti tsandanyama dziregedzere. Therefore, to some religious hypocrites, Jesus applied the words of God that say: "It is in vain that they keep worshiping me, because they teach commands of men as doctrines. " - Matthew 15: 9. The first stages of treatment (OSSAS) include weight loss, abstinence from alcoholic beverages, and abstinence from alcohol to muscle abuse. * Abrahama akanga asina kufanoziva kuti vakanga vane shoko rake kana kuti kana vakanga vachingopfuurawo zvavo. [ Picture on page 16] * Abraham had not foresaw that they had his word or if they were passing along. KANA mumwe asingazivi kuti chii, chimwe chinhu; asi kana mumwe achiziva kuti chii, ipapo hachizi chinhu. Remember, though, that Jacob wanted the robe to be a sign of favor and love. IF ONE doesn't know what, something; but if one knows what it's, then it's nothing. Vachicherekedza kuti mufundisi akanga asina VCR bedzi asiwo jenareta remagetsi, hama dzakashinga kubvunza kana dzaigona kukumbira zvinhu zvake. In just a year or so, he lost his faith completely and claimed to be an agnostic. Noting that the missionary had not only VCR but also an electric screen, the brothers determined to ask if they could ask for his goods. Apedza zuva rake rokutanga ari mubasa rokuparidzira, akanzwa achida chaizvo kuita basa iri muupenyu hwake hwose. So why do children die? After spending his first day in the preaching work, he felt a burning desire to share in this work throughout his life. Vabatiri vaJehovha Vanoita Chiito Because Jesus said: "Make friends for yourselves by means of the unrighteous riches [" worldly wealth, " New International Version], so that, when such fail, they may receive you into the everlasting dwelling places. " Jehovah's Servants Act Jehoshafati aisafanira kukanganwa kuti maziso aJehovha anotarira vaya vane mwoyo wakakwana kwaari. Similarly, to have God's protection, you must dispose of charms, amulets, fetishes, magic books, "protective " strings, and anything else connected with demonistic practices. Jehoshaphat should not forget that Jehovah's eyes are upon those whose heart is complete toward him. Bhuku racho rinowedzera kuti "zvirwere izvi zvinoita kuti vanhu vatadze kudya zvakanaka uye vashaye mufaro pamusana pokurwadziwa. " Literature display carts, stands, tables, and kiosks have been acquired through the Hong Kong branch office and distributed worldwide The book adds that "these diseases make it impossible for people to eat well and be unhappy because of the pain. " Munhu wokutanga akanga ari munhu. After a 47 - day siege, Josephus ' stronghold at Jotapata was conquered. The first man was man. Pauro akati " nokuashandisa. ' Sure enough, when we visited him, he was extremely friendly, and he accepted a number of books. Paul said "through use. " Makore akazotevera, mashoko oUmambo akanga ava kutepfenyurwa paredhiyo uye mamwe mamiriyoni evanhu pasi rose akaanzwa. However, those who listened to Jehovah's word were strengthened to resist the apostasy of those days. Years later, the Kingdom message was being broadcast on radio, and millions of others around the world heard it. Pamwe Erikana haasi kuziva nezvokushusha kwaPenina, uye zvingangodaro kuti Hana anosarudza kutambura chinyararire pane kuti anyunyute. Initial steps in treating OSAS include weight loss, avoidance of alcoholic beverages, and avoidance of muscle - relaxant drugs. It may be that Elkanah is unaware of Petnina's bullying, and it is likely that Hannah chooses to suffer in silence rather than complain. □ Kushaikwa kwokutsvaka zano kwakaringana pakati pavakwanyina * Abraham did not know beforehand if they had a message for him or if they were just passing through. □ Lack of adequate advice among spouses Kunyange hanzvadzi dzedu dzechiIndia dzakatora rutivi, uko kuri kunoshamisa nemhaka yetsika dzomunzvimbomo. WHEN one does not know what it is, then it is something; but when one knows what it is, then it is nothing. Even our Indian sisters participated, which is remarkable because of local customs. Asi Satani akanga apokana zita raJehovha here? Noticing that the pastor owned not only a VCR but also an electric generator, the brothers plucked up the courage to ask if they could borrow his equipment. But had Satan signed Jehovah's name? Taipananawo mabasa okuita akadai sokugadzira chinhu chakafanana neareka yaNoa kana kuti kuronga makore akaitika zviitiko zvomuBhaibheri. After spending his first day in the preaching work, he felt a deep desire to do this work for the rest of his life. We also shared in such activities as the construction of an object like Noah's ark or the planning of years for Bible events. Tinofanira kunzwa kuti Jehovha akatiponesa mumatope enyika ino yakaipa inotongwa naSatani. Jehovah's Servants Take Action We need to feel that Jehovah has saved us from the mire of this wicked world under Satan's control. [ Mifananidzo iri papeji 29] Jehoshaphat should have borne in mind that Jehovah's eyes look for those whose heart is complete toward him. [ Pictures on page 29] Mashoko aya akaataura achifunga zvakaitika muupenyu hwake. It adds that the impact of oral disease "on individuals and communities in terms of pain and suffering, impairment of function and reduced quality of life, is considerable. " Those words made him think about what happened in his life. Saka kana ukaona sekuti mumwe munhu akubata zvisina kunaka unofanira kutanga wazvibvunza kuti: " Handigoni here kungosiyana nenyaya yacho? The first man was a man. " So if you feel that someone has treated you badly, you first need to ask yourself: " Can't I just overlook the matter? Bhaibheri rinofananidza munhu akadaro neingwe isingakwanisi kuchinja mavara ayo. " Through use, " said Paul. The Bible likens such a person to a leopard that cannot change its colors. Mazuva Okupedzisira - Rini? Later, the Kingdom message was broadcast over public radio and was heard by millions more throughout the earth. The Last Days - When? Vanhu vari muungano vangaremekedza sei vakwegura vari pakati pavo? Perhaps Elkanah is not aware of Peninnah's unkindness, and Hannah may prefer to suffer in silence rather than complain. How can members of the congregation show respect for the elderly among them? Zvisinei, izvozvo zvisati zvaitika, chitendero chenhema chinoshora Mwari chinofanira kutanga chabviswa pasi pano. □ Lack of adequate consultation between the spouses Before that happens, however, false religion that dishonors God must first be removed from the earth. Kunosanganisira zvinhu zvakadai sokuda kupfuma, kuda kuva nomukurumbira, kunzwa kuda kuita unzenza, uye kuchiva kunorondedzerwa se "shanje " uye" kuchochora. " - VaKorose 3: 5; 1 Timoti 6: 4, 9; 1 Johani 2: 15, 16. Even our Indian sisters took part, which is remarkable in view of local customs. It involves such things as a desire for wealth, a desire for prominence, a desire for sexual immorality, and a tendency to envy that is defined as "a envy " and" covetousness. " - Colossians 3: 5; 1 Timothy 6: 4, 9; 1 John 2: 15, 16. Pfungwa yekuti Mwari anogara asarudza miedzo yatichasangana nayo inoreva kuti anofanira kuziva zvose zvine chekuita neramangwana redu. But had Satan called Jehovah's name into question? The fact that God chooses our trials ahead means that he must know everything about our future. Huzhinji hwakabatanidzwa navanzveri. Then there were projects, such as building a model of Noah's ark or creating a time line of Bible events. Much has been involved with researchers. Kuzvidzivirira kunoita kuti irwise zvakasimba vavengi. We have to feel that Jehovah has saved us from the mire of this wicked world under Satan's rule. Self - defense enables him to put up a hard fight against enemies. Ukuwo, vazhinji vakabvuma basa rokukohwa uye vakazivisawo mashoko aMwari. [ Pictures on page 29] On the other hand, many have responded to the harvest work and have also proclaimed God's message. Chimbofunga nezvomuenzaniso mumwe chete uyu: Munguva yehondo, vechechi yeRoma vakauraya vamwe vavo, vechechi dzakabva muchechi yeRoma vakaurayawo vamwe vavo - mativi ose achikumbira Mwari kuti akunde! He thus made a general statement based on his own experience. Consider one example: During the war, Catholics who killed fellow Catholics, Protestants, killed fellow Catholics - all of them asking God for victory! Mhinduro inowanzova: "Aiwa, nyangwe! " So the first thing to ask yourself when somebody treats you in a way that could seem unkind or disrespectful is: " Can I overlook this? The answer often: "No, not at all! " 11 Mishumo yewedzero muminda ichangobva kuzarurwa inoshamisa. The Bible compares such a person to a leopard that cannot change its spots. Reports of increase in newly opened fields are amazing. Ungano imwe iyoyo zvino yakura kusvikira kuungano dzinopfuura 510 muSão Paulo huru, navanopfuura vaparidzi voUmambo 50 000. The Last Days - When? That one congregation has now grown to over 510 congregations in large São Paulo, with over 50,000 Kingdom publishers. Shoko raMwari rinosimbisa kudikanwa kwokudzidza teerero. How can congregations honor the aged among them? God's Word emphasizes the need to learn obedience. Naizvozvo akafuratira kupomera kwavo, achiramba kudzongonyedza kunyarara kwake kwaiva nechinangwa. - Isaya 53: 7. Before that happens, though, the earth must be rid of God - dishonoring false religion. So he ignored their accusations, refusing to interfere with his purposeful silence. - Isaiah 53: 7. Evelinda akakwazisa murume wacho nomukadzi wacho mumutauro wavo ndokutsanangura tariro yapaMagwaro nokuda kwenguva yemberi achishandisa bhurocha rine mifananidzo raFarikanya Upenyu Pasi Pano Nokusingaperi! These include such things as the desire to be rich, the desire for prominence, immoral sexual desires, and the desires described as "envy " and" covetousness. " - Colossians 3: 5; 1 Timothy 6: 4, 9; 1 John 2: 15, 16. Evelinda greeted the man and the woman in their language and explained the Scriptural hope for the future by using the illustrated brochure Enjoy Life on Earth Forever! Uye ungadaro uri kutaura chokwadi. The idea that God chooses beforehand which trials we will face implies that he must know everything about our future. And you may be telling the truth. ZVINOTAURWA NEBHAIBHERI: "Unoona munhu ane unyanzvi pabasa rake here? Many have been implicated by researchers. BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "Do you see a man skillful in his work? Vakasungwa necheni maoko netsoka, Baba vakaiswa pamberi pavo. Defending the ever - diminishing territory leads to serious fights between opponents. They were bound with chains and feet, and Father was set before them. " Songaniro Dzakaipa " - Kupi? On the other hand, many have responded favorably to the harvest work and have shared in declaring God's messages. " Bad Associations " - Where? Pane zvaakaratidzwa, Isaya akaona vanhu vanobva kumarudzi ose vachiita zvokudirana kuzonamata nenzira yechokwadi. Consider one example: In times of war, Catholics have killed Catholics, Protestants have killed Protestants - with both sides imploring God for victory! In vision, Isaiah saw people from all nations streaming to true worship. [ Bhokisi riri papeji 24] The answer is generally: "No, definitely not! " [ Box on page 24] Chinokosha chaizvoizvo runako rwomukati runogara kwenguva refu runoratidza unhu hunodiwa naMwari. Reports of expansion in newly opened fields are nothing short of phenomenal. What really counts is long - lasting inner beauty that reflects godly qualities. (1) Munaretto, R. That one congregation has now grown to more than 510 congregations in greater São Paulo, with over 50,000 Kingdom publishers. (1) Inretto, R. Taura muenzaniso. God's Word emphasizes the need to learn obedience. Illustrate. Kugara tichiita basa raJehovha kunogona kutibatsira kuti tirambe takaisa pfungwa panyaya inokosha. So he ignored their charge, refusing to break his purposeful silence. - Isaiah 53: 7. Having a regular share in Jehovah's service can help us to keep our focus on the important issue. Boka rose rinouya kumisangano yatinoita vhiki nevhiki uye vatatu vacho vakabatana nemhuri inowanikwa pasi rose kuburikidza nokubhabhatidzwa senhengo dzeungano yechiKristu. Evelinda greeted the man and the woman in their language and explained the Scriptural hope for the future using the illustrated brochure Enjoy Life on Earth Forever! The rest of the group come to our weekly meetings, and the three are united with a worldwide family by getting baptized as members of the Christian congregation. Vanogona sei kuita ikoko? And you are probably right. How can they do that? Sangano zvino riri kuita izvozvo rakaumbwa neZvapupu zvaJehovha, izvo zvinoparidzira mashoko akanaka oUmambo hwaMwari nekurumidziro munyika nendima 210. BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "Have you seen a man skillful at his work? The organization is now doing that consisting of Jehovah's Witnesses, who preach the good news of God's Kingdom with urgency in lands and territories 210. Saka, zvigayo izvi zvaingoshanda nesimba revanhu chete. Chained hand and foot, Father was led before him. Thus, these mills worked only with human strength. Nei tiine "rugare rukuru "? " Bad Associations " - Where? Why do we have "an abundance of peace "? Mashoko aJobho anotidzidzisa chimwe chidzidzo chinoratidza rudo runa Jehovha chokuti: Anoda chaizvo vanhu vakadai saJobho avo vanozviisa mumaoko ake vachimubvumira kuti avaumbe kuva vanhu vaanoda. Isaiah saw in vision people from all the nations streaming to true worship. Job's words teach us another lesson of Jehovah's love: He deeply loves people, such as Job, who allow him to mold them into a people he loves. Sezvo zuva rokutsamwa kwaJehovha rava pedyo uye ruponeso ruchitsamira pakudzidza nokushandisa mutauro wakachena, zvino yava nguva yokubatanidzwa zvikuru mukuudzidza nokuutaura. [ Box on page 8] Since the day of Jehovah's anger is near and salvation depends on learning and using the pure language, it is now time to become deeply involved in learning and speaking it. Avo vanomutswa vachabatanidzawo vanhu vakatendeka vakafanana naJohane Mubhapatidzi, uyo akafa rufu rwaJesu rusati rwazarura nzira yokuupenyu hwokudenga. What really counts is the inward beauty of enduring godly qualities. Those resurrected will also include faithful ones like John the Baptizer, who died before Jesus ' death opened the way to heavenly life. Isiri nguva refu, Baba vakanga vava kuparidza mune dzimwe nyika dzeSouth America. (1) Munaretto, R. Not long ago, Father was preaching in other South American countries. PEJI 17 • NZIYO: 88, 24 Give an example. PAGE 17 • SONGS: 88, 24 Verenga Isaya 53: 3. Continuing to have a regular share in Jehovah's work can help us to stay focused on the big issue. Read Isaiah 53: 3. MuKristu angatoshamisika chikonzero nei achifanira kukudza "mambo, " sezvo" nyika yose igere musimba rowakaipa. " The entire group attends weekly meetings, and three individuals have joined our spiritual "family " as baptized members of the Christian congregation. A Christian may even wonder why he should honor "the king, " since" the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. " Vanhu vakafanana naJohn vakawanda. How can they do that? People like John are many. Tingaitawo sei kuti imba yaJehovha isava neuipi? The organization now doing that is made up of Jehovah's Witnesses, who preach the good news of God's Kingdom with urgency in 210 countries and territories. How can we also keep Jehovah's house free of wickedness? Vangakurukura kana zvichiita kuti vabereki vabatsirwe vachigara havo pamba pavo. Hence, these mills had to rely on human muscle power. They may discuss whether it is possible for parents to help live in their home. Paulo rinoshuma, kuti: "World Health Organization inofungidzira kuti gore negore mamiriyoni 5 evakadzi vane mamiriyoni 13 avo vanova napamuviri muBrazil vanobvisa pamuviri pacho nenzira yepachivande. " Why do we have "abundant peace "? Paulo reports: "The World Health Organization estimates that annually 5 million of 13 million women who become pregnant in Brazil are secretly abortion. " Ndakakurira munzvimbo yainetsa kuwana basa muguta reMontreal. Job's words teach us a tender lesson about Jehovah: He has special attachment to those who, like Job, place themselves in his hands, allowing him to mold and shape them into people who are desirable in his eyes. I grew up in a place where employment was difficult to find in the city of Montreal. Zvekare, yakanga isiri tsika yaJesu kuzvizivisa saMesiya. Since the day of Jehovah's anger is near and salvation depends on learning and using the pure language, now is the time to be deeply involved in studying and speaking it. Again, it was not Jesus ' custom to identify himself as the Messiah. Imevbore Those resurrected will also include faithful people like John the Baptizer, who died before Jesus ' death opened the way to heavenly life. Imevbore Saka tinofanira kuitei nazvo? Before long, Father was preaching in other South American countries. What should we do, then? (7) Pierluissi, F. PAGE 17 • SONGS: 88, 24 (7) Pierlusisisi, F. (b) Tingaratidza sei kuti tinonyatsoda kuteerera Shiro? Read Isaiah 53: 3. (b) How can we show that we truly want to listen to Shiloh? Dzimwe nguva zvakaoma kuti tirambe takavimbika kuvanhu vese vemumhuri medu. A Christian may even wonder why he should honor "the king, " since" the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. " Sometimes it is a challenge to remain loyal to all members of our family. Ikoku, pamwe chete netariro yatinayo, kunoumba simba rakasimba romufarwa wokufara. Individuals like John are not uncommon. This, along with the hope we have, constitutes a strong force for joyful happiness. Jehovha anobatsira vashumiri vake kuita ushumiri hwavo pasinei nokurwiswa vasingafungiri kana kushorwa zvakananga How can we do our part in keeping wickedness out of Jehovah's house? Jehovah helps his servants to carry out their ministry despite unexpected attacks or outright opposition Kupindwa muropa uye kuva nehavi yezvinhu zvakadai sedoro, madhiragi, kubheja, kuita zvebonde, nezvimwewo, zvakakuvadza "vanhu vanoremekedzwa " vakawanda uye zvakaita kuti mhuri dzavo, shamwari nevamwewo vatambure. They might discuss whether with additional help the parents can safely remain in their own home. Sexual addiction and the lack of alcohol, drugs, gambling, sexual relations, and so on, have damaged many "people of respect " and have caused suffering for their families, friends, and others. Zvechokwadi unobvuma kuti pasinei nokuti tapinda misangano kwemakore akawanda sei, hatineti kunakidzwa nemhinduro dzinopiwa nehama dzedu nehanzvadzi. Paulo reports: "The World Health Organization estimates that annually 5 million of the 13 million women who get pregnant in Brazil interrupt the pregnancy clandestinely. " You surely agree that no matter how many years we attend meetings, we do not want to enjoy the comments of our brothers and sisters. Saka kugunun'una kwaiva chiratidzo chokusaonga zvakakodzera zvinhu zvavaipiwa naJehovha. I grew up in a depressed area in the city of Montreal. Murmuring was thus a sign of proper lack of appreciation for Jehovah's provisions. Ungatsanangura Here? It was also not Jesus ' custom to advertise himself as the Messiah. Can You Explain? Ichokwadi kuti Bhaibheri rinodzidzisa kuti vaKristu vanofanira kubhabhatidzwa. Imevbore Of course, the Bible teaches that baptism is a requirement for Christians. Naizvozvo mubato wake hautsigiri dzidziso isiri yapamagwaro yokuporesa kwokutenda. How should we respond? So his activity does not support the unscriptural doctrine of faith healing. Mashoko akanyorwapo kana ashandurwa anoti: "Mugore ra1715. (7) Pierluissi, F. An inscription is translated: "In the year 1715. Zvisinei, mwanakomana anopambadza aizoshamisika. (b) How can we show that we truly want to obey Shiloh? However, the prodigal son would be surprised. Paakanzwa zvakataurwa naMefibhosheti, Dhavhidhi anofanira kunge akaona kuti akakanganisa paakangobvuma zvakanga zvataurwa naZibha asina kumbofunga. Dealing with conflicting family loyalties can be challenging. Upon hearing Mephibosheth's words, David must have found that he made a mistake when he readily accepted Ziba's offer. Nokuti iye unoziva chatakaitwa nacho, unorangarira kuti tiri guruva. " - Pisarema 103: 8 - 14. This, along with the hope we have, constitutes a strong force for joyous happiness. For he himself well knows the formation of us, remembering that we are dust. " - Psalm 103: 8 - 14. Mudzidzi Ruka akarumbidza noushamwari vanhu veBherea, achivadana kuti "vakanaka. " Jehovah helps his servants to perform their ministry despite unexpected attacks and open opposition The disciple Luke warmly commended the Beroeans, calling them "good - looking. " Kutambudzwa kwakadaro kungaita kuti vashomanana vasiye Jehovha. Cravings and addictions of all kinds - alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, and so on - have ruined many "respectable citizens " and have brought suffering to their family, friends, and others. Such persecution may cause a few to abandon Jehovah. Wakanangana navavengi, sezvakaita Eria here? - 1 Madzimambo 18: 36, 37. Surely you will agree that no matter how many years we may have been attending meetings, it remains a true pleasure to listen to the comments made by our brothers and sisters. Are you confronted with enemies, as Elijah did? - 1 Kings 18: 36, 37. Kushandisa zano raPauro kungasanotiita vane rupo zvikuru navanobetsera. Murmuring was thus an expression of lack of proper appreciation for Jehovah's provisions. Applying Paul's counsel may very well make us more generous and helpful. [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 21] Can You Explain? [ Picture on page 21] Gamuchira tariro yacho nomwoyo wose kuti ukunde kuora mwoyo. The Bible does teach that Christians should be baptized. Accept the hope from the heart to overcome discouragement. Zvisinei, zvisungo zvemhuri hazvisati zvambova zvisina kusimba zvikuru kupfuura muzana rino ramakore rechi20. So his activity gives no support to the unscriptural doctrine of faith healing. However, family ties have never been stronger than in this 20th century. Rima Romudzimu - Kwarinobva The translation of the inscription is: "In the year 1715. Spiritual Darkness - Where It Comes From Kushingaira kwavo kwakaratidzirwa zvikuru mukati morutivi rwapakuvamba rwa1997 pashure pokunge nyaya yomuUshumiri Hwedu hwoUmambo yakurudzira vakawanda sevanobvira kuti vagoverane mubasa roupiyona hwebetsero. However, the prodigal was in for a surprise. Their zeal was especially demonstrated during the early part of 1997 after an article in Our Kingdom Ministry encouraged as many as possible to share in the auxiliary pioneer service. Zvimwe unoronga kupinda muushumiri hwenguva yakazara sapiyona. Upon hearing Mephibosheth, David must have realized that he erred when he took Ziba's words at face value. Perhaps you plan to enter the full - time ministry as a pioneer. " Mufaro Nokufarisisa " For he himself well knows the formation of us, remembering that we are dust. " - Psalm 103: 8 - 14. " Joy and Joy " Pedyo nokuguma kwenguva yakareba yokusanaya kwemvura neyenzara, zvokudya zvechirikadzi yacho zvakanga zvava kupera. The disciple Luke warmly commended people of Beroea, calling them "more noble - minded. " Near the long end of the drought and famine, the widow's food was running out. Etsuko Kotani anobva kuTokyo, Japan, mukuru wavanamukoti agara pabasa kwemakore 38, akati: "Pandakanga ndichiri kuchikoro, baba vangu vakapunzika ndokurasikirwa neropa rakawanda kwazvo. Such lionlike attacks may cause a few to stumble. Etsuko Kotani from Tokyo, Japan, director of 38 years ' work nurses, said: "When I was still in school, my father collapsed and lost a lot of blood. Runhare: 332137 / 8 Are you confronted with opponents, as was Elijah? - 1 Kings 18: 36, 37. Telephone: (82137 / 8 Zvichida murume anofarira kugara zvake pamba panguva yokufaranuka achiverenga. Applying Paul's counsel may well make us more generous and helpful. Perhaps a man enjoys sitting at home during a leisure time reading. Jehovha ari kugovera dziviriro chaiyo kune vamwe vaKristu nepo achisiya vamwe here? [ Picture on page 24] Is Jehovah providing special protection for other Christians while he leaves others? Chibviro cheapo akavhiyiwa zvakakomba, iye anotambudzika nyore nyore. Embrace the hope heartily to fight against despair. Since major surgery, he is easily distressed. (b) Vaya vaipa zvinopiwa zvokuzvidira vaizviwanira chii? However, family bonds have never been weaker than in this 20th century. (b) What were the benefits of those making voluntary offerings? Aishayiwa zvake chishuvo uye sundo zvaidikanwa here? Spiritual Darkness - The Source Was he simply lacking the desire and the motivation needed? Vamwe vanogara mudzimba umo mudzimu wenyika wakatekeshera. Their zeal was especially evidenced during the early part of 1997 after an article in Our Kingdom Ministry encouraged as many as possible to share in the auxiliary pioneer service. Some live in homes where the spirit of the world prevails. Somuenzaniso, pashure pokunge "Mutongi wenyika yose " ayera ufakazi pamusoro pouipi hweSodhoma neGomora, iye akaita zvose zviri zviviri kutonga kuti vagari vaifanirwa nokuparadzwa uye akaita rutongeso irworwo rwakarurama. Perhaps you plan to enter the full - time ministry as a pioneer. For example, after "the Judge of all the earth " measured the evidence about the wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah, he both carried out judgment that the inhabitants deserved destruction and executed that righteous judgment. Vanoshandura, vanodhinda uye vanoparadzira mabhuku anotsanangura Bhaibheri mumitauro inopfuura 500 kuti vabatsire vanhu munyika yose. " An Exultation and a Rejoicing " They translate, print, and distribute Bible literature in over 500 languages to help people worldwide. Zvapupu zvaJehovha bedzi ndizvo zvakaramba zvakatendeka kwaari pasinei zvapo nemiedzo uye nhamo. " Near the end of a long period of drought and famine, the widow's food supply was running out. Only Jehovah's Witnesses have remained faithful to him despite trials and hardships. " Neiko? Etsuko Kotani from Tokyo, Japan, a head nurse with 38 years of nursing experience, said: "When I was still in school, my father collapsed and lost a lot of blood. Why? " Uye somunyika ipi neipi yezvokutengeserana, mutengi anodzinyirirwa kuti apedze mari, apinzwe mumukoto, achajwe zvinopfuura mwero kana kuti anyengedzwe nomutengesi asina tsika. Telephone: (914) 306 - 1000 " And as in any commercial country, a shopper is called on to spend money, put in a channel, which will be overdold or lured by an immoral merchant. National Archaeological Museum of Athens Perhaps the husband likes to stay quietly at home during leisure time and read a book. National Archaeological Museum of Athens 20 Vechiduku Vanobvunza Kuti Kuita Zvepabonde Kuchaita Kuti Tinyanye Kudanana Here? Is Jehovah providing special protection to some Christians while forsaking others? 28 Watching the World 30 From Our Readers Satani akati hapana munhu achatsigira uchangamire hwaMwari, uye akati hapana achashumira Jehovha pasina chaanowana. Ever since she had a serious operation, she gets distressed easily. Satan claimed that no human will uphold God's sovereignty, and he said that no one will serve Jehovah without success. Rugare rwakawanda ruchafarikanywa navagari venyika itsva iyeyo runotambanukira kunyange kumhuka: "Bere richagara negwaiana, ingwe ichavata pasi nembudzana, nemhuru nomwana weshumba nechipfuwo chakakora pamwe chete; uye mwana muduku uchadzitungamirira.... (b) What did those who made voluntary offerings gain for themselves? The abundance of peace that will be enjoyed by inhabitants of that new world extends even to animals: "The wolf will actually reside for a while with the male lamb, and with the kid the leopard itself will lie down, and the calf and the maned young lion and the well - fed animal all together; and a mere little boy will be leader over them.... Kana baba vako vari mumwe weZvapupu zvaJehovha, sezvinobvira vangatofanira kurega dzimwe dzeropafadzo dzavo dzeungano. Did he simply lack the ambition and drive needed? If your father is one of Jehovah's Witnesses, likely he may have to sacrifice some of his congregation privileges. Jesu aiva nehanya chaizvo nerudzi rutsva urwu. Some live in households where the worldly spirit prevails. Jesus was deeply concerned about this new nation. Chiverengero chenyika dzakagoverwa kwadziri: 11 For example, after "the Judge of all the earth " had weighed the evidence about the wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah, he both judged that the inhabitants merited destruction and enforced that righteous judgment. Number of countries assigned to: 11 Kwemakore, boka remuranda akatendeka rave richitiyambira nezvenzvimbo dzakadaro. In order to help people everywhere, they translate, print, and distribute Bible study material in over 500 languages. For years, the faithful slave class has been warning us about such places. Murangariro Wakadzikama Wevatano Neroorano Only Jehovah's Witnesses remained faithful to him despite the trials and hardships. " A Balanced View of Sex and Marriage Idzowo dzinobetserwa nomudzimu wangu wokuzvibaira here? Why? Do they too benefit from my self - sacrificing spirit? Mumakore achangopfuura muranda akatendeka akakurudzira kuti vhiki yega yega tive nemanheru oKunamata Kwemhuri. " And as in any commercial realm, the buyer risks getting hustled, bamboozled, overcharged or shortchanged by an unethical seller. In recent years the faithful slave has recommended a weekly Family Worship evening. Kusafanana naSauro, tinozviisa pasi zvizere pokutonga kwaMwari. National Archaeological Museum of Athens Unlike Saul, we fully submit to God's rule. Vachiva vakanangana nemimwe yemigariro yezvinetso yakafanana neyaunotarisana nayo zvino, vanogona kuita zvakawanda kukubetsera kudzivisa nhamo. 20 The Quest to Solve the "Longitude Problem " Having faced some of the same challenges now, they can do much to help you avoid grief. (a) Hama dzakabhabhatidzwa dzingava sei neushingi? Satan has in essence claimed that no human will stand up for God's sovereignty, that no one will serve Jehovah out of unselfish love. (a) How can baptized brothers be courageous? [ Kwazvakatorwa] The exquisite peace the inhabitants of that new world will enjoy extends even to the animal realm: "The wolf will actually reside for a while with the male lamb, and with the kid the leopard itself will lie down, and the calf and the maned young lion and the well - fed animal all together; and a mere little boy will be leader over them.... [ Credit Line] Huyo yaigona kuva huru kwazvo zvokuti simba remhuka raiwanzodikanwa kuitenderedza, uye hakuna munhu aikandirwa mugungwa nouremu hwakadaro mumutsipa make aigona kupukunyuka. If your father is one of Jehovah's Witnesses, he may possibly have to relinquish some of his congregation privileges. The upper stone could be so large that animal strength was often needed to surround it, and no one thrown into the sea with such weight in his neck could escape. " NDAVE ndichinetseka nepfungwa dzokuti ndakatadzira mudzimu mutsvene. " Jesus was deeply concerned about the welfare of this new spiritual nation. " I HAVE been troubled by the thought that I have sinned against the holy spirit. " Vamwe, vane motokari, vanofara kuuya vachinditakura mumwedzi yechando inotonhora. Number of countries assigned to: 11 Others, with cars, are happy to come and carry me through the cold winter months. TV inova mushonga wokukurumidza. For decades, the faithful slave class has warned us about such sites. TV becomes an early medicine. Jehovha Mwari akaudza murume wokutanga, Adhama, kuti kudya muchero womumuti wezivo yechakanaka nechakashata kwaizoguma norufu. A Balanced View of Sex and Marriage Jehovah God told the first man, Adam, that eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and bad would result in death. Nyanzvi dzinokarakadza kuti, maererano nemaonerwe ezera munguva dzakare, "jaya " zvimwe zvaireva makore ari pakati pe24 ne40, nepo" mutana " angatangira pamakore 50 kusvika ku56. Do they too benefit from my self - sacrificing spirit? Experts suggest that, according to a view of age in ancient times, "a young man " probably meant between 24 and 40 years, whereas" an old man " may be from 50 to 56 years. Nokudaro, kufambidzana muchiri vaduku kunoisa pangozi dzakakomba. In recent years the faithful slave has particularly promoted the weekly Family Worship evening. Thus, dating when you are young puts serious risks. 14, 15. (a) Tingaratidza sei kuti tine kutenda patinosangana nematambudziko muupenyu hwedu? Unlike Saul, we submit totally to God's rule. 14, 15. (a) How can we demonstrate faith when we face trials in our life? Kana kuchitonhora, unopfeka jasi neheti. Having confronted some of the same situations you now face, they can do much to help steer you away from trouble. If you are cold, you put on a robe and a ring. " Kutaura Uku Kunoshamisa Kwazvo " (a) How can baptized brothers be courageous? " This Saying Is Very Wonderful " Kuvadziko dzako dzinogona kuporeswa. [ Credit Lines] Your injuries can be healed. Vanoda kuziva tsika dzakanaka, uye vanobatsirwa zvikuru neuchenjeri hwandinovaudza hunobva muBhaibheri. An upper millstone could be so large that an animal's strength was normally needed to turn it, and nobody cast into the sea with such a weight around his neck could survive. They want to know good manners, and they greatly benefit from the wisdom I give them from the Bible. " Fambai nokuchenjera kuna vari kunze. " - VAKOROSE 4: 5. " I HAVE been obsessed with the thought that I have sinned against the holy spirit. " " Walk in wisdom toward those on the outside. " - COLOSSIANS 4: 5. Idzi hama dzinodiwa dzinoshanda nemwoyo wose uye zvipo zvavo zvinova pachena. Others, who have cars, gladly come and pick me up during the cold winter months. These dear brothers work whole - souled and their gifts become evident. Vanoti kudai goridhe raingowanika pose pose, ringadai risinganyanyi kukosha. TV becomes a quick fix. If only gold were available everywhere, they reason, it would have been of little value. Mukoma wangu akaita mbiri mune zvemitambo, uye baba vaindikurudzira kumutevedzera. Jehovah God told the first man, Adam, that eating fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and bad would result in death. My brother glorified sports, and my father encouraged me to imitate him. Saizvozvowo, Jesu Kristu, Dhavhidhi Mukuru, akafara kurumbidza Jehovha pachena - musinagogi romunyika iyoyo, pamitambo yaiitirwa patemberi yaMwari muJerusarema, uye pamwe nevateveri vake. Scholars suggest that, according to the ancient reckoning of ages, "young " likely meant an age between 24 and 40, whereas" an aged man " would be from 50 to 56 years old. Similarly, Jesus Christ, the Greater David, rejoiced to praise Jehovah publicly - in the local synagogue, at the festivals at God's temple in Jerusalem, and along with his followers. 11: 25; Joh. 5: 19. Early dating thus poses some serious dangers. 11: 25; John 5: 19. Umambo hwacho hahuzopfuudzwi kune vamwe vanhu. 14, 15. (a) How can we show faith in our daily lives? And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. Ngwaririra nzira yaunozvibata nayo umene navashandi biyako. If it is cold, you reach for a coat and a hat. Be careful how you conduct yourself with workmates. Pakutanga, kuita izvi kungaratidza sokunotyisa, uye pfungwa yacho ingaita kuti unzwe kakutya. " This Speech Is Shocking " At first, doing this may seem frightening, and the thought may give you a measure of fear. HONDO yeAmagedhoni yava kuda kurwiwa. Your wounds can be healed. THE battle of Armageddon is about to be fought. Wezvenhau Michelangelo Cagiano de Azevedo anoonesa kuti mumigwagwa yeRoma, "makanga mune mamansione, hotera dzakanaka, dzine zvokudya, zvitevere, uye dzimba dzevashandi vavo; pakati pemamansione maviri akatevedzana, pakanga pane mamutatione akati, kana kuti nzvimbo dzokumira, idzo munhu aigona kuchinja mabhiza kana kuti zvifambiso ndokuwana migove. " They need clear values and standards, and the wisdom that I share from the Bible is invaluable to them. Historian Michelangelo Cagiano de Azevedo points out that on the streets of Rome, "there were mansones, good restaurants, foody, after them, and houses of their workers; between two successive mans, there were certain instruments, or standing places, which one could change horses or transportation and obtain supplies. " Asi kushunguridzika ikoko kungakupa shungu dzokuti utsungirire. " Go on walking in wisdom toward those on the outside. " - COLOSSIANS 4: 5. Yet, such grief can give you the motivation to endure. Anofanira kunge aidziongorora kwenguva yakareba asati adzinyengera kuti dzimutsigire. These dear ones put their heart into the work, and their talents come out. He must have been examining them for a long time before deceiving them to support him. Mazuva ano, vanhu vaMwari vangatarisanawo nevashori kunyange nemhirizhonga pavanenge vachiita ushumiri hwavo. If gold could be found everywhere, they point out, its value would be diminished. Today, God's people may likewise face opposers and even violence as they carry out their ministry. Dzimwe nguva, mupfumi anogona kubhadhara rudzikinuro kuti iye kana nhengo yemhuri yake isaurayiwa. My older brother had realized achievements in sports, and Father often held him up to me as an example. At times, a rich man can pay a ransom so that neither he nor his family member will be killed. Mushumo Wavazivisi voUmambo Similarly, Jesus Christ, the Greater David, took delight in praising Jehovah publicly - at the local synagogue, at festivals at God's temple in Jerusalem, and in company with his followers. Kingdom Proclaimers Report Asi, akavaudza kuti: "Hamusi venyika. " 11: 25; John 5: 19. Yet, he told them: "You are no part of the world. " Anoramba ari kure navo here, achiona sokuti havana kukodzera kudiwa kana kunzwiwa naye? And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. Does he stay away from them, feeling unworthy of being loved or heard by him? Somudzimai, uno "chengeta imba " uye ungafarikanya rusununguko rwakati rwemirangariro muna ikoku. Watch how you conduct yourself with workmates. As a wife, you "keep the house " and may enjoy some emotional freedom in this regard. Zvadaro ndakatanga basa rakaoma rokurikwesha nemaoko kuti rive girazi rakati dzikirei nechepakati. At first, doing this may seem daunting, and the very idea might cause a bit of fear. Then I began the hard task of whisling it into a rather narrow glass in the middle. VaKenani vaipemberera mwaka uyu vachiita mitambo younzenza husingadzorwi. THE stage is now set for the war of Armageddon. The Canaanites celebrated this season with immoral festivals. Kunonzwika sokwakarovedzeka here? Historian Michelangelo Cagiano de Azevedo points out that along the Roman roads, "there were mansiones, full - fledged hotels, with stores, stables, and accommodations for their staff; between two successive mansiones, there were a number of mutationes, or stopover points, where one could change horses or vehicles and find supplies. " Does it sound familiar? ; Bell, D. But that very frustration can motivate you to persevere. ; Bell, D. Kunze kwevaapostora 11 ndivanaani vamwe vaizobatsirwawo noUmambo? He must have studied them for a considerable time before luring them into taking sides with him. Who besides the 11 apostles would benefit from the Kingdom? Ndezvipi zvimwe zvinoitika kana vanhu varambana? Today, God's people may also face opposers and even riots as they carry on their ministry. What are some of the consequences of divorce? Kuvakawanda vavo, yakanga iri nguva yokutanga kuonana nezvimwe Zvapupu zvaibva kune dzimwe nyika. At times, a rich man can pay a ransom to buy back his life or that of a family member. For many of them, it was the first time they met other Witnesses from other countries. Vamwe vaitova nhengo dzeparamende. Kingdom Proclaimers Report In fact, some were members of one kind or another. Mutoro wokuiparidzira kumunhu ari wose ndowedu. On the contrary, he told them: "You are no part of the world. " The responsibility to preach to everyone is ours. KANA iwe uri pakati pamamirioni mazhinji avanhu vakatanga kufema chifemo choupenyu kunenge kumavambo ezana rino ramakore, ungasanoziva kuti nduramo yako yapfuura zvikurusa kariro dzavabereki vako nachiremba kana kuti muchingi akakusunungusa. I am making all things new. ' IF YOU are among the many millions of people who have started to breathe the breath of life about the beginning of this century, you may well know that your life span has passed the prospects of your parents and a doctor or in suicide has relieved you. Zvibvunze kuti: " Izvi zvinokosha pabasa rangu kana kuti muupenyu hwangu here? Does he keep distant from them, feeling that they are unworthy of his love and attention? Ask yourself: " Is this important to my work or in my life? Izvozvo hazvinyaradzi here? As wife, you "manage a household " and may enjoy considerable latitude in this regard. Is that not comforting? Gore rino chichachengetwa musi weChina, March 28, zuva ranyura. Then I began the laborious task of grinding it by hand to make it into a concave mirror. This year it will be celebrated on Thursday, March 28, after sundown. Mubhuku rake rinonzi Highlights of the Book of Revelation, nyanzvi yeBhaibheri George Beasley - Murray yakanyora kuti: "Nemhaka yokupesvedzera kukuru kwaAugustine uyewo kudavira makore ane chiuru kwamamwe mapoka echitendero, vaKaturike nevaPurotesitendi vakabatana mukuiramba. The Canaanites celebrated this season with unrestrained orgies. In his book High Standard of the Book of Revelation, Bible scholar George Beasley - Norray wrote: "Because of Augustine's great influence as well as belief in a thousand other religious groups, Catholics and Protestants joined in rejecting it. Tiri kure muBheteri yeJapan, takashevedzera nomufaro mutsinhirano nehama dzedu muAmerica. Sound familiar? From a distance in Japan's Bethel, we joyfully cried out in harmony with our brothers in America. Chii chichiri kufanira kuitwa? ; Bell, D. What must yet be done? Asi pashure pekunyatsoongorora zvisikwa zvinoshamisa zvaMwari, Jobho akataura kuti: "Ndakanzwa nezvenyu norunyerekupe, asi zvino ziso rangu rinokuonai. " - Jobho 42: 5. Who besides the 11 apostles would also eventually benefit from the Kingdom? But after carefully examining God's wonderful creation, Job said: "In a whisper I have heard about you, but now my own eye does see you. " - Job 42: 5. Aifanirawo kuva nemutsa kuna mbuya vake. What is involved in this common outcome? She also had to be kind to her grandmother. Apo " Rufu Runenge Rwusisipo ' For many of them, it was the first time to meet fellow Witnesses from other lands. When " Death Is No More ' 16, 17. (a) Nyaya yerusununguko rwekusarudza yakava sei hombe muungano yeKorinde? Some were even members of parliament. 16, 17. (a) How did the matter of free will become major in the Corinthian congregation? Asi ngatitii imwe yenzombe dzacho yakatsiviwa nembongoro. The responsibility to preach it to everyone is ours. But suppose one of the bulls was replaced by an ass. Mwari anoita kuti vanhu vazive zvakawanda nezvake achishandisa Bhaibheri. IF YOU are among the many millions of persons who first breathed the breath of life toward the beginning of this century, you may well know that your longevity has far exceeded the expectations of your parents and the doctor or midwife who delivered you. By means of the Bible, God enables people to know more about him. Kusava nomutungamiriri wavaiona nemaziso kwakaita kuti vakurirwe nomuedzo. Ask yourself: " Is this necessary for my work or my life? Having no human leader has led them to temptation. Kunyange zvazvo vakanga vari kutiza Mambo Sauro, Dhavhidhi aiva nechivimbo chokuti Jehovha aizoramba achivapa zvinokosha zvavaida. Is that not a comforting thought? Though fleeing from King Saul, David was confident that Jehovah would continue to give them what they needed. Izvi ndizvo zvainge zvakaita zvematongerwo enyika pakatanga ushumiri hwaJesu. - Ruka 3: 1. This year the date for this observance is Thursday, March 28, after sundown. This was the case with politics when Jesus ' ministry began. - Luke 3: 1. Ndichibatsirwa naJehovha, ndava kuwirirana naamai vangu zvakare. In his book Highlights of the Book of Revelation, Bible scholar George Beasley - Murray wrote: "Largely owing to the immense influence of Augustine on the one hand and the espousal of millenarianism by the sects on the other, Catholics and Protestants have united in rejecting it. With Jehovah's help, I am reunited with my mother again. Vamwe vanhu vanoganza pamusoro pokuita zvinhu nenzira yavo, kana kuti vanoti: "Ruzivo rwokuzviwanira mudzidzisi akanakisisa. " Far away in the Japan Bethel, we raised a shout of joy in harmony with our brothers in America. Some people boast about doing things their way, or they say: "The experience is the best teacher. " Pane rumwe rutivi, mudzimai angapa ngwariro huru kuudzame ndokukombamira kunetsa murume wake. What remains to be done? On the other hand, a wife may pay more attention to details and tend to trouble her husband. Imwe nhume inoudza Dhavhidhi kuti: "Mwoyo yevarume vaIsraeri yava kutevera Absaromu. " But after carefully considering God's marvels of creation, Job was moved to say: "My ears have heard about you, but now I do see you with my eyes. " - Job 42: 5. One messenger tells David: "The heart of the men of Israel is following Absalom. " Runofanira kuita vanhu vari nani. He would also need to deal kindly with his grandmother. It should make people better. Aya mashoko anobva mubhuku raIsaya 65: 18 akanga ari musoro wezuva rechitatu rekokorodzano. When "Death Will Be No More " These words from the book of Isaiah 65: 18 were the theme of the convention's third day. " Kutiza muzvinhambwe kunobvumira makwayana uye mhuka dzakaneta kupfuurira. 16, 17. (a) How did freedom of choice become an issue in Corinth? " Fleeing from the distance allows lambs and weary animals to continue. Vaapostora vaiita sei basa rokuparidzira mumazuva apashure pePentekosta ya 33 N.V.? But suppose one of the bulls was replaced by a donkey. How did the apostles carry out the preaching work in the days following Pentecost 33 C.E.? Muapostora Pauro akaita izvozvo kuburikidza nekunyatsoita basa rekuparidza. In the Bible, God reveals many things about himself. The apostle Paul did so by having a full share in the preaching work. APO madzimambo, mapurezidhendi, uye maprime minister vanotanga kushanda, vanoda kutaura nezveruramisiro. The absence of their visible leader meant that temptation was unchecked. WHEN kings, presidents, and museums take the initiative, they want to talk about justice. Iye akati: "Pavanenge vari kutaura nezvorugare nechengeteko, kamwe kamwe ngwavaira inovasvikira. " Although they were on the run from King Saul, David was confident that Jehovah would continue supplying their basic needs. He said: "When they are talking about peace and security, suddenly calamity overtakes them. " Kuva nemwero This was the political situation at the start of Jesus ' ministry. - Luke 3: 1. Modesty Chisarudzo chaJehovha ndicho chinokosha. Thanks to Jehovah, Mom and I are once again good friends. Jehovah's choice is what counts. 2: 23. Some people brag about doing things their way, or they say: "Experience is the best teacher. " 2: 23. Philadelphia (Rabbah) On the other hand, a wife may fuss over details and be prone to nag her husband. Philadelphia (Rabbah) Ungagona kuve wakadzidzei mairi pamusoro pebasa raJesu mudonzo raMwari? " The heart of the men of Israel has come to be behind Absalom, " says a messenger. What could you have learned from it about Jesus ' role in God's purpose? Pano muna Zvakazarurwa munooneka shoko rechiGiriki rokuti di·aʹbo·los, rakashandurwa kuti "Dhiabhorosi. " It must produce better people. Here in Revelation there appears the Greek word di·aʹbo·los, translated "the Devil. " Ndezvipi zvinoitwa nevanhu ava zvakafanana? These words from Isaiah 65: 18 were the theme of the convention's third day. What common feature do these people have? Jesu asati akwira kudenga akaudza vadzidzi vake kuti: "Muchagamuchira simba kana mudzimu mutsvene wasvika pamuri, uye muchava zvapupu zvangu... kusvikira kurutivi ruri kure kwazvo rwenyika. " " Fleeing in stages allows lambs and weaker animals to keep up. Before ascending to heaven, Jesus told his disciples: "You will receive power when the holy spirit arrives upon you, and you will be witnesses of me... to the most distant part of the earth. " Vakatanga yamuro yokutanga yokurapa uye vakange vachinyaradza. How were the apostles carrying out the preaching work in the days following Pentecost of 33 C.E.? They started an initial medical aid and were comforting. Nhasi, Zvapupu zvaJehovha zvinotora nenzira yakakomba mutoro wazvo wokuita kuti " chiedza chazvo chipenye pamberi pevanhu, ' sezvakarayirwa naJesu. The apostle Paul did that by giving a thorough witness. Today, Jehovah's Witnesses take seriously their responsibility to let their " light shine before men, ' as Jesus commanded. Nenzira iyoyo mushumiri anoshumira anowana ruzivo mubasa rokufudza. WHEN kings, presidents, and prime ministers take office, they are wont to talk of justice. In that way a ministerial servant acquires experience in shepherding work. Dzivisa Guhwa! He said: "While they are talking of peace and security, all at once calamity is upon them. " Avoid Skilling! [ Mashoko Omuzasi] Be moderate in habits [ Footnote] Kana vose vanopa mativi papurogiramu yomusangano vakangwarira kuratidzira " zvibereko zvomudzimu waMwari, ' zvakadai somufaro, mwoyo murefu, uye kutenda, ipapo vose vanenge varipo vachanzwa vavakwa zvirokwazvo. - VaGaratia 5: 22, 23. Jehovah's choice is what counts. If all who give parts on the meeting program are careful to display " the fruitage of God's spirit, ' such as joy, long - suffering, and faith, then all present will truly feel built up. - Galatians 5: 22, 23. " Mhou nebere zvichachera, " "shumba ichadya uswa senzombe, " uye" mwana muduku uchadzitungamirira. " 2: 23. " The cow and the bear themselves will feed, " "the lion will eat straw just like the bull, " and" a mere little boy will be leader over them. " namamwe mabhuku, kuungano munyika yacho mose. Philadelphia (Rabbah) and other publications, to congregations throughout the country. Angasaziva iye pachake munhu akarayira basa racho. What could you have learned from it about Jesus ' role in God's purpose? He may not personally know the one who commanded the work. VAPARIDZI Here in Revelation appears the Greek word di·aʹbo·los, translated "Devil. " PUBLISHERS Isaya akavimbisa mambo nezvetsigiro yaJehovha mumugove wake, asi Ahazi akangokundikana kuMuvimba. What do the people making such efforts have in common? Isaiah assured the king of Jehovah's support in his assignment, but Ahaz still failed to trust in Him. Zvakadini nevanhu vanogara munyika mavasingagoni kuwana mirimo yekurapa nayo? Before his ascension to heaven, Jesus told his disciples: "You will receive power when the holy spirit arrives upon you, and you will be witnesses of me... to the most distant part of the earth. " What about people living in countries where medical drugs cannot be found? Asi tinofanira " kuramba tichizviedza ' kuti tive nechokwadi chokuti tiri kufamba muchokwadi. He started first aid and was very reassuring. But we need to "keep testing " that we be sure that we are walking in the truth. Saka kana wakafuta kana kuti wakafutisa, chii chaungaita nezvazvo? Today, Jehovah's Witnesses also take seriously their responsibility to " let their light shine before men, ' as Jesus commanded. So if you are overweight or overweight, what can you do about it? Saka tinogona kuva nechokwadi chekuti chinangwa chaJehovha chichazadzika panguva chaiyo yaakaronga. In this way the ministerial servants gain experience in the shepherding work. So we can be sure that Jehovah's purpose will be fulfilled right on time. Pauro akataura chimwe chinhu chakanakira kuteerera paakanyora kuti: "" Kudza baba vako naamai vako '; unova ndiwo murayiro wokutanga une chipikirwa: " Kuti zvikufambire zvakanaka uye ugare pasi pano kwenguva refu. ' " Guard Against Harmful Gossip! Paul mentioned something positive when he wrote: "" Honor your father and your mother '; it is the first command with a promise: " That it may go well with you and you may endure a long time on the earth. ' " Tichadzidzawo kuti kuva nechido chekuregerera vamwe patinoona kusaruramisira kunoitika muungano kunogona kuratidza sei kuti tinoona kururamisira sezvakunoitwa naJehovha. [ Footnotes] We will also learn how being willing to forgive when we see injustices in the congregation can reflect Jehovah's view of justice. Hurukuro inoita kuti ufunge ine musoro unoti "Chokwadi Chii? " If all who present parts on a meeting program are conscious of reflecting " the fruitage of God's spirit, ' such as joy, long - suffering, and faith, then all in attendance will surely feel built up. - Galatians 5: 22, 23. The thought - provoking talk entitled "What Is Truth? " KuRussia imwe hanzvadzi yaiva mubhazi yakabudisa magazini ichida kupa mumwe mukadzi aivemo. " The cow and the bear themselves will feed, " "the lion will eat straw just like the bull, " and" a mere little boy will be leader over them. " In Russia a sister on a bus published a magazine to offer a woman there. Funga zvakaitika kare Jehovha paaipa vatongi simba rekununura vaIsraeri kubva kuvadzvinyiriri. magazines and other literature, to congregations throughout the country. Consider what happened in the past when Jehovah empowered judges to deliver Israel from oppressors. Ipapo, rangarira murairo wechigumi wechienzi, unorambidza kuchiva. He may not personally know the one who commissioned the work. Then, consider the tenth commandment, which forbids covetousness. Dzinongova kudzokororwa kwendima 48. PUBLISHERS They are simply a review of verse 48. VAJUDHA vaiva muDhamasiko vaisagona kuzvinzwisisa. Isaiah assured the king of Jehovah's backing in his assignment, but Ahaz still failed to trust in Him. THE disciples in Damascus could not understand. Anonyora, kuti: "Hama dzangu, muti mufaro bedzi kana muchiwira mumiidzo mizhinji; muchiziva kuti kuidzwa kwokutenda kwenyu kunobereka kutsungirira. What about infected people living in countries where they cannot obtain drugs for treatment? He writes: "Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you meet with various trials, knowing as you do that this tested quality of your faith works out endurance. Nokusimbisa "zvinhu zvinokosha kupfuura zvimwe. " Instead, we need to "keep testing " ourselves to make sure that we are truly walking in the way of the truth. By strengthening "the more important things. " Uyewo, ndinoshandisa ruoko rworudyi, asi ruoko rwangu rworudyi rwose uye minwe yangu miviri yokuruboshwe zvakanga zvakaoma. So if you are overweight or obese, what can you do about it? Also, I use the right hand, but my right hand and my left fingers were difficult. Johani akaramba achitevera tsoka dzaJesu kwemakore anodarika 60. - Zvak. Therefore, we can be certain that Jehovah's original purpose will be fulfilled exactly on time! John continued to follow in Jesus ' footsteps for over 60 years. - Rev. Tora, somuenzaniso, kuparidza Umambo. Paul pointed to another merit of obedience when he wrote: "" Honor your father and your mother '; which is the first command with a promise: " That it may go well with you and you may endure a long time on the earth. ' " Take, for example, the Kingdom preaching. Asika kutengeserana kwamakaro kwaizodisa kutapudza mhindu yakwo kuti idzivise kushatiswa kwemhepo, tsaona, uye kuminyana uko zera renzvimbo dzamabasa okugadzirwa kwezvinhu raizounza here? We will also learn how a willingness to forgive when we observe injustices in the congregation can reflect Jehovah's view of justice. But would greedy commerce be willing to reduce its profits to prevent pollution of air, accidents, and trades where industrial age would bring? Zuva racho rakasvika mugumo unofadza nokuziviswa kwebhuku idzva The Bible - God's Word or Man's?, rakabudiswa muchiverengero chakati chemitauro. The intriguing talk entitled "What Is Truth? " The day reached a happy climax with the proclamation of the new book The Bible - God's Word or Man's?, published in a number of languages. Vaizochembera zvishoma nezvishoma kusvikira vafa. In Russia a sister traveling by bus offered a magazine to a fellow passenger. They would grow old gradually until they died. Kuona vamwe vachitambura nemhaka yechivi chaAdhamu, kunoita kuti tivaratidze tsitsi. Consider, for example, the three centuries during which Jehovah was raising up and empowering judges to deliver the nation of Israel from their oppressors. Seeing others suffer as a result of Adam's sin moves us to show them compassion. Mudzimu mutsvene unozivisa kuna Simeoni kuti iri ndiro zuva rakamirirwa kwenguva refu. Then, consider the unique tenth commandment, forbidding covetousness. Holy spirit reveals to Simeon that this is the long - awaited day. Tinofanira kuita rutivi rwedu kuti tibetsere chimiro chendangariro ichi. They are a mere repetition of verse 48. We must do our part to help this attitude. Mamiriro api ezvinhu akaita kuti Pauro naBharnabhasi vataure vasingatyi muIkonio? THE Jews in Damascus could not understand it. What circumstances led Paul and Barnabas to speak boldly in Iconium? Sezvakataura Jesu mumufananidzo wake womukushi, avo vanobereka chibereko vanogamuchira shoko rezvokwadi mu'mwoyo yakaisvonaka neyakanaka. ' He writes: "Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you meet with various trials, knowing as you do that this tested quality of your faith works out endurance. As Jesus said in his illustration of the sower, those bearing fruit respond to the word of truth in " a fine and good heart. ' Zvinosuruvarisa kuti vamwe vaKristu vomuzana remakore rokutanga vakaratidza kuva negodo nokukakavara - izvo zvinonyatsopesana norugare. By focusing on "the more important things. " Sadly, some first - century Christians displayed jealousy and strife - the very opposite of peace. Zvichida. Also, I'm right - handed, but my entire right hand and two fingers of my left hand were paralyzed. Perhaps. Tinorava muuprofita hwaIsaya kuti: "Vanoziya unovapa simba; unoshayiwa simba unomuwedzera simba rake.... John faithfully followed in Jesus ' footsteps for more than 60 years. - Rev. We read in Isaiah's prophecy: "He is giving to the tired one power; and to the one without dynamic energy he makes full might abound.... Vabereki vakachenjera vanobatsira vana vavo kuti vasafunga kuti zvinhu zvose zvakanaka zvavanopiwa vanenge vachifanira kuzviwana. Take, for example, Kingdom preaching. Wise parents help their children to avoid thinking that all the good things they receive should be found. Bhetrehema But would greedy commerce be willing to reduce its profits in order to prevent the pollution, the accidents, and the congestion that an industrial age would bring? Bethlehem Pane rumwe rutivi, chiono muEurope yokuMadokero chinoratidzirwa nokwaanodana kuti "kusadavira muna Mwari kunoshanda. " The day reached a delightful climax with the announcement of the new book The Bible - God's Word or Man's?, released in a number of languages. On the other hand, a scene in Western Europe is indicated by what he calls "a belief in God that works. " Makombiyuta "Anozivisa " Chiratidzo They would deteriorate until death overtook them. Uses "Criil " of the Sign Zvakanaka kuzvibvunza kuti, " Zvinhu zvandinoona pakombiyuta ndezviya zvokuti ndinonyara kuti zvionekwe newandakaroorana naye, vabereki, kana hama dzechiKristu here? ' When we see others experiencing the effects of Adamic sin, we are rightly moved to show compassion. It would be wise to ask yourself, " Is what I see on the computer enough for me to feel ashamed to be seen by my mate, parents, or Christian relatives? ' (Verenga 2 Samueri 9: 6; Jobho 33: 1; Ruka 19: 5.) Holy spirit reveals to Simeon that this is the long - awaited day. (Read 2 Samuel 9: 6; Job 33: 1; Luke 19: 5.) Petro achitaura nezvezvipo zvatakapiwa, anotizve: "Maererano nokugamuchira chipo kwakaita mumwe nomumwe, chishandisei. " We must do our part to contribute to this spirit. Regarding the gifts we have received, Peter adds: "In proportion as each one has received a gift, use it. " " Ndiratidzei mari yomutero, " Jesu anopindura kudaro. What were the circumstances that moved Paul and Barnabas to speak with boldness in Iconium? " Show me the tax money, " Jesus answers. Uku kwakanga kuri kwechienzi zvikuru muSouth Africa. As Jesus noted in his parable of the sower, those bringing forth fruit receive the word of truth into " fine and good hearts. ' This was quite unusual in South Africa. Kare, Zekariya 4: 6 yairevei? Sadly, some first - century Christians gave evidence of a spirit of jealousy and contentiousness - the very opposite of peace. What did Zechariah 4: 6 mean in ancient times? Mungaita maganhuro iwaya neni zvakare here, imwe panguva, kuitira kuti ndicherekedze tsananguro dzamagwaro nemienzaniso, uye ipapo ndinogona kuzvishandisa apo ndinoenda kufundo yangu? ' Perhaps. Would you make these chapters with me again, one at a time, so that I would take note of Scriptural explanations and examples, and then I can apply them when I go to my study? ' Dzimwe nyika dzinobvumira vanasadombo kana kuti vanoyananisa kubetsera vakaroorana kushanda pamwe chete kuti vasvike pakubvumirana zvinogamuchirika nezvine rugare, izvo zvinozosimbiswa nedare remitemo. We read in Isaiah's prophecy: "He is giving to the tired one power; and to the one without dynamic energy he makes full might abound.... Some countries allow rock or reconciliation to help married couples work together to come to an acceptable and peaceful agreement, which is later emphasized by the court of laws. Zvavanoita Kuti Vapinde Wise parents help their children to avoid feeling that all the good things they receive are somehow owed to them. What They Do to Enter Akataura kuti yakanga yabudirira nechikonzero chokuti Chapupu chechiduku ichi chinoda kurava. On the other hand, the scene in Western Europe is marked by what he calls a "practical atheism. " He said that he had succeeded because this young Witness needs to read. Somuenzaniso, mamwe makambani anopa zvinhu zvoumbozha kuti vashandi vawo vabatsirwe. Computers "Reveal " the Code For example, some companies offer luxury items for the benefit of their employees. Pauro akataura kuti vaIsraeri pavaiva murenje, vakanga vatsamwisa Jehovha kakawanda. We are wise to ask ourselves, " Is what I see on the screen something I would quickly hide from my mate, my parents, or my Christian brothers if they entered the room? ' Paul pointed out that when the Israelites were in the wilderness, they had offended Jehovah many times. Kunze kwenzungu dzinonzi pecan nemacadamia, kunewo miriwo yakawanda. (Read 2 Samuel 9: 6; Job 33: 1; Luke 19: 5.) Besides cans and calories, there are also plenty of vegetables. " Pane mudzimu waJehovha, pane rusununguko, " akadaro muapostora Pauro. Regarding gifts we have received, Peter also states: "In proportion as each one has received a gift, use it. " " Where the spirit of Jehovah is, there is freedom, " said the apostle Paul. Tinofanira kuyeuka kuti Jehovha anotida uye angatoziva kuti pari zvino hatigoni kutakura kurema kwomutoro wakati woubati ushe hwaMwari. " Show me the head tax coin, " Jesus retorts. We should remember that Jehovah loves us and may already know that at present we cannot bear the weight of some theocratic responsibility. Ndima huru yakava sei inowanika nokuda kwokuparidza mashoko akanaka? This was very unusual in South Africa. How did a large territory become available for preaching the good news? Uprofita 1: "Ndakapa varovi musana wangu. " - Isaya 50: 6. In its ancient context, what does Zechariah 4: 6 mean? Prophecy 1: "I have given to the strikers my back. " - Isaiah 50: 6. Ngwariro PazvikwanirisoZvavakuru Could you please do these chapters with me again, one at a time, so that I can take note of the explanations of the scriptures and illustrations, and then I can use them when I go to my study? ' Attention on the qualifications of Elders Chokwadi, nhengo dzemhuri nevamwe vanamati vanogona kuita zvakawanda kutsigira zvinenge zvichiedza kuitwa nevabereki vanenge vari voga, asi mutoro wose unobva kuna Mwari unenge uri wevabereki vemwana wacho. Some countries allow mediators or conciliators to help couples cooperate to reach mutually acceptable and peaceful agreements, which are then ratified by a court of law. Of course, family members and fellow worshipers can do much to support the efforts of single parents, but every responsibility from God is for the child's parents. Mubhadharo Wakanyanyokura Efforts to Attend Too Much Price Kutaura chokwadi, ndizvo zvinoita kuti vakawanda vade kuchengeta Chidyo. She attributed its success to the fact that this young teenage Witness likes to read. In fact, that is what motivates many to observe the priesthood. Patakakurukura navo nhungamiro dzeMagwaro dzinotaura nezvenyaya iyi, vakaita shungu dzokunyoresa muchato wavo, izvo zvaizovaita kuti vanzi Zvapupu zvakabhabhatidzwa. Some companies, for example, offer remarkable luxuries for the benefit of their workers. When we discussed Scriptural principles on this subject, they were moved to register their marriage, which would make them called baptized Witnesses. Nhasi, makore 50 pashure peHondo Yenyika II, mashoko aNiemöller anogovera chokufunga kuvanhu vanoda rugare. Paul pointed out that while the Israelites were in the wilderness, they had repeatedly aroused Jehovah's anger. Today, 50 years after World War II, Naemöller's words provide an idea of peace - loving people. 11, 12. Besides such nuts as pecan and macadamia, there is also a bountiful supply of vegetables. 11, 12. Ipapoka pane nzvimbo huru yemibato umo nheyo dzapaMagwaro dzisingabatanidzwi zvakananga, kubatanidza tsika dzakati dzomunzvimbomo. " Where the spirit of Jehovah is, there is freedom, " said the apostle Paul. There is then much room for activities in which Scriptural principles are not directly involved, including certain local customs. Zvingava zvichikonzerwa nei? We should remember that Jehovah loves us and may even know that at present we cannot carry the weight of a certain theocratic responsibility. What may be the reason for this? Kitchen inofungidzira kuti dzinenge nhokwe dzose dzokuIjipiti dzakanyorwa vaGiriki nevaRoma vasati vava kutonga dzakaparara. How has a large field become available for preaching the good news? Kitchen estimates that nearly all Egyptian papyrus written before the Roman occupations came to an end. Maawa okuzorora anozadzwa nezvimiro zvizhinji zvevaraidzo. Prophecy 1: "My back I gave to the strikers. " - Isaiah 50: 6. Rest hours are filled with many forms of entertainment. Haafarire kuti titambure nemhaka yekuita zvisarudzo zvisina uchenjeri uye haadi kuti tife "tiri vana vokuitirwa hasha, " sezvatakaberekwa tiri kubva kuna Adhamu. - VaEf. Focus on Elders ' Qualifications He takes no delight in suffering because of making unwise decisions and does not want us to die "as children of wrath, " as we were born from Adam. - Eph. Paakaona mabhuku aive mubhegi rangu, mukuru mukuru wacho akazhamba mumutauro weGerman achiti: "Rutherford! True, family members and fellow worshipers can offer much to support the efforts of single parents, but the ultimate God - given responsibility rests with a child's parents. When he saw the literature in my bag, the officer shouted in German: "Rtherford! " Marudzi ose avanhu anofamba, rumwe norumwe nezita ramwari warwo; " akadaro muprofita akatendeka Mika, "asi isu tichafamba nezita raJehovha Mwari wedu nokusingaperi - peri. " - Mika 4: 5. Too High a Price " All the peoples, for their part, will walk each one in the name of its god, " said the faithful prophet Micah, "but we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever. " - Micah 4: 5. Ndakarega chikoro muna 1941 uye pakokorodzano yokuLeicester ndakakumbanira Douglas mumubato wokuparidza nguva yakazara. Frankly, that is what appeals to many about celebrating the Eucharist. I left school in 1941 and at the acknowledged convention joined Douglas in the full - time preaching activity. Uko vakanga vakawanda kupfuura vaKaturike, vakaparadza zvidhori, michinjikwa, uye atari muchechi dzeKaturike, uye vakatouraya. As we discussed with them the Scriptural principles involved, they determined to legalize their union, which would put them in position to become baptized Witnesses. Where they were more than Catholics, they destroyed idols, Crosses, and altars in Catholic churches, and even killed them. [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 6] Today, some 50 years after World War II, Niemöller's words provide peace - loving people with food for thought. [ Picture on page 6] Rangarira nzira iyo mumwe musikana muduku akapedza nayo zvinetso zvake kupfurikidza nokutevera mutemo waJehovha. 11, 12. Consider how one young girl solved her problems by following Jehovah's law. Ndichiri kuenda kuchikoro chepuraimari. Then there is a wide field of activities where Scriptural principles are not directly involved, including certain local customs. I still attend primary school. Kitchen akanyora kuti, "Tinofanira kutaura nezvekupinda munyika yeKenani uye kugaramo kwakaitwa nevaIsraeri. " Why might that be the case? " We must talk about the entry of the land of Canaan and the inhabitants of Israel, " writes Kitchen. Kana uri mubereki, funga nezverugwaro urwu: "Imi vanababa, musatsamwisa vana venyu, asi rambai muchivarera mukuranga nokutungamirira pfungwa kunoitwa naJehovha. " Kitchen estimated, for example, that nearly all Egyptian papyri written before Greco - Roman times have perished. If you are a parent, consider this scripture: "You fathers, do not be irritating your children, but go on bringing them up in the discipline and mental - regulating of Jehovah. " Unovimba naani kana uine zviri kukushungurudza, uchida kuita zvisarudzo zvinokosha kana kuti uchida kukunda miedzo? Leisure hours are filled with more and more forms of entertainment. To whom do you trust when you are grieving, wanting to make important decisions, or wanting to resist temptation? " Kutenda Kwako Kuripi? " He takes no pleasure in our suffering; nor does he want us to die as "children of wrath, " which is the prospect inherited from Adam. - Eph. " Where Is Your Faith? " KUCHINJWA KWANDAKAITWA NEBHAIBHERI: Pandakatanga kusangana nemumwe weZvapupu zvaJehovha, mukadzi wacho akandiverengera ndima kubva muPisarema 37 uye akabva andiudza kuti bhuku remuBhaibheri reZvakazarurwa rine zvimwe zvinhu zvarakavimbisa zvinoshamisa nezveremangwana. At seeing the literature in my bag, the official screamed in German: "Rutherford! HOW THE BIBLE CHANGED MY LIFE: When I first met one of Jehovah's Witnesses, the woman read a paragraph to me from Psalm 37 and then told me that the Bible book of Revelation contains wonderful promises for the future. NZIYO DZICHAIMBWA: 51, 49 " All the peoples, for their part, will walk each one in the name of its god, " declared the faithful prophet Micah, "but we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever. " - Micah 4: 5. SONGS TO BE USED: 51, 49 Vamwe vakawedzera sei chibayiro chavo chokurumbidza Jehovha? I left school in 1941 and at the Leicester convention joined Douglas in the full - time preaching activity. How have some added to their sacrifice of praise to Jehovah? Saka, kutya Mwari kunodzora zvinhu zviviri zvinokosha muupenyu hwedu zvinoti: maonero atinoita Mwari uye maonero atinoita mufambiro waanovenga. Where they outnumbered Catholics, they destroyed statues, crucifixes, and altars in Catholic churches, and even killed. Thus, fear of God governs two important aspects of our lives: how we view God and how we view the conduct he hates. Kushandiswa kwako kunototaurwa muBhaibheri. [ Picture on page 6] In fact, your use of it is recorded in the Bible. Doug Oman, munyori mukuru wokuongorora kwacho uye mudzidzisi wepaUC Berkeley's School of Public Health, akati: "Takawana musiyano uyu kunyange pashure pokuongorora zvinhu zvakadai seshamwari uye kuzvitarisira kunoita munhu, kusanganisira kusvuta uye kurovedza muviri. " Consider how a little girl worked out her problems by following the law of Jehovah. Doug Oman, secretary - general of the survey and teacher at UC Berkeley's School of Public Health, noted: "We have found this difference even after examining such factors as friends and personal care, including smoking and exercise. " Akanga achangobva kutaura kuti "neshoko raMwari, " nyika yaivapo Mafashamo asati aitika" yakabudiswa mumvura, yakaitwa nemvura. " I still go to primary school. He had just said that "with the word of God, " the pre - Flood world was" out of water and out of water. " Makwai ose nenzombe, nemhuka dzesango; neshiri dzokudenga, nehove dzegungwa. " Kitchen, professor emeritus of Egyptology. Every sheep and cattle and wild beast of the field, and the flying creatures of the heavens and the fish of the sea. " Kunzwisisa Matambudziko Ezvinyamusi If you are a parent, reflect on this contrast: "You, fathers, do not be irritating your children, but go on bringing them up in the discipline and mental - regulating of Jehovah. " Understanding day - to - Day Problems Kana kuri kuda kwaMwari, ndinoda kusangana nevaya vandaiziva vakafira muhondo vachamutswa. Whom do you lean upon when facing distressing situations, making important decisions, or resisting temptations? As for God's will, I want to meet those whom I know who died in war who will be resurrected. Izvi zvinoitika zvakabva Italy zvinongova hazvo muenzaniso wokuti "zvinhu zvakanaka " zviri kusiya sei tsika ino yakaipa yamasimba masimba nokuuya kusangano rakachena, rine rugare raJehovha iye asati azunungusa pakupedzisira tsika yezvamatongerwe enyika yaSatani muruparadziko paArmagedhoni. " Where Is Your Faith? " These experiences from Italy are simply an example of how "good things " are leaving this wicked system of violence and coming to a clean, peaceful organization of Jehovah before he finally shakes Satan's political system into destruction at Armageddon. Papa weRoma Ndiye "Mutsivi woMusande Petro " Here? HOW THE BIBLE CHANGED MY LIFE: When I first met one of Jehovah's Witnesses, the woman read to me verses from Psalm 37 and then told me that the Bible book of Revelation held other wonderful promises for the future. Is the Roman Pope "Saint Peter's Successor "? Urema ihwohwu huri mumunhu zvino hunogovera banza rokuti Jesu aratidzire mabasa aMwari. SONGS TO BE USED: 51, 49 This disability in man now provides an opportunity for Jesus to display God's works. MuOttawa, vakakurukura nyaya yaiti "Kuenda Kuhero Nokudzoka. " In what ways have some increased their sacrifice of praise to Jehovah? In Ottawa, they discussed the subject "To Hell and Back. " Kutenga Nokuchenjera Thus, fear of God influences two important aspects of our lives: our attitude toward God and our attitude toward conduct that he hates. It Is Wise to Buy Zvinongoonekwa kuti mhinduro ndeyokuti: hapana. Its use is even reported on in the Bible. The answer, of course, is no one. 7, 8. (a) Chii chakaitika kuna Dhavhidhi apo akaedza kuvanza zvivi zvake? Doug Oman, lead author of the study and a lecturer at UC Berkeley's School of Public Health, said: "We found this difference even after adjusting for factors such as social connections and health behaviors, including smoking and exercising. " 7, 8. (a) What happened to David when he tried to hide his sins? 4: 24. He had just said that "by the word of God, " the pre - Flood earth stood" out of water and in the midst of water. " 4: 24. Murangariro weBhaibheri God made it clear that animals could be properly used and killed by man. The Bible's Viewpoint Nokudaro, mumamwe mativi eAfrica, vanhu vanodzivisa kufamba muzuva pamasikati makuru nemhaka yokuti "vangapenga. " Children - What They Need From Parents Thus, in some parts of Africa, people avoid walking in the sun at noon because "they may go mad. " Muna 267 C.E., basa rake parakanga rakurumbira, Odaenathus nemudyi wenhaka yake vakaurayiwa, zvinofungidzirwa kuti nomuzukuru aida zvokutsiva. If it is God's will, I would like to meet those I knew who died in the war who will be resurrected. In 267 C.E., when his work had become popular, Odaenthus and his heir were executed, it is estimated that a grandson wanted revenge. Ndaifunga kuti ndinozviziva zvose, asi VaCook pavatanga kutsanangura nezvehero, mweya, chinangwa chaMwari nokuda kwapasi, uye kuti Umambo hwaMwari huchazviita sei, ndatanga kunzwa kuti handina chaizvoizvo zvandinoziva nezveBhaibheri! " These experiences from Italy are but a sample of how "the desirable things " are abandoning this wicked, violent system and coming to Jehovah's clean, peaceful organization before he finally rocks Satan's political system into destruction at Armageddon. I thought I knew it all, but when Mr. Cook first explained hell, the soul, God's purpose for the earth, and how God's Kingdom will accomplish it, I began to feel that I really do not know what the Bible really is! " Vanyori veMukai! Is the Pope "Saint Peter's Successor "? Awake! Kusvika panguva iyoyo, iropafadzo yedu kutsigira kutonga kwaMwari nokuteerera mitemo yake nenhungamiro zviri muBhaibheri. This defect in the man now furnishes an opportunity for Jesus to make manifest the works of God. Until then, it is our privilege to uphold God's rulership by obeying his laws and principles set out in the Bible. Kakawanda, apo Zvapupu zvaJehovha zvakapomerwa zvenhema mudare, vatongi vakatsigira rusununguko rwokunamata, uye tinoonga izvozvo. In Ottawa, he spoke on the subject "To Hell and Back. " Often, when Jehovah's Witnesses were falsely accused in court, judges upheld religious freedom, and we appreciate that. (b) Pauro akaudza Timoti zvinhu zvipi zvitatu zvine chekuita nekudzidza? Smart Shopping (b) What three aspects of study did Paul give Timothy? SUO RAMADURUNHURU AMADOTA The implied answer is: no one. SUO MARADALA Pakutaura nomukadzi weSamaria, Jesu akaratidza kuti kuti mumwe munhu afadze Mwari, iye anofanira kuMunamata "nomudzimu nezvokwadi. " 7, 8. (a) What happened to David when he tried to conceal his sins? When speaking to a Samaritan woman, Jesus showed that in order for someone to please God, he must worship Him "with spirit and truth. " Rimwe zuva, ini nedzimwe hama mbiri takanzi tironge maturusi mumabhokisi. 4: 24. One day, two other brothers and I were assigned to organize tools in boxes. Kana kuti tinokurumidza muminyengetero yedu, padzimwe nguva kunyange kuva vakabatikana zvikuru zvokusagona kunyengetera here? The Bible's Viewpoint Or do we be quick in our prayers, at times even being too busy to pray? Chii Chiri Mubereki Anobudirira? Thus, in some parts of Africa, people avoid walking in the sun at noontime because they "may become insane. " What Is a Successful Parent? Sei? In 267 C.E., at the height of his career, Odaenathus and his heir were assassinated, supposedly by a vengeful nephew. How? Bva iye anopfuurira kuti: "Wakandituma ndowazvokwadi; izvo zvandakanzwa kwaari, ndizvo zvindinoudza nyika. " I thought I knew it all, but when Mr. Cook started to explain about hell, the soul, God's purpose concerning the earth, and how God's Kingdom will bring it about, I began to feel that I actually knew nothing about the Bible! " Yet he goes on to say: "He that sent me, that which I heard from him, that I speak to the world. " rakabudiswa neZvapupu zvaJehovha. Awake! published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Asi Bhaibheri rinewo mienzaniso yevanhu vakarega kuvimba naMwari vakazopedzisira vava kutambura zvakakomba. Until then, it is our privilege to support God's rulership by obeying his laws and principles as found in the Bible. But the Bible also contains examples of individuals who lost their trust in God and later suffered greatly. Mhinduro yako ngaibvume ikoku. Often, when Jehovah's Witnesses have been falsely accused in court, judges have upheld freedom of worship, and we appreciate that. May your answer acknowledge this. Hazvina kuipa kuti tive nemari yekurarama nayo. (b) Paul admonished Timothy about what three aspects of learning? It is not wrong to make ends meet. Pausiku hwokushambadzwa kwake, akanyengetera kudzorerwa kuna Baba vake vokudenga, ku'mbiri yaakanga anayo pamwe chete naJehovha nyika isati yavapo. ' GATE OF THE ASH - HEAPS On the night of his betrayal, he prayed for a restoration to his heavenly Father, to " the glory that he had alongside Jehovah before the world was. ' Kana chete tikazvigadzirira kuburikidza nokuva nechivimbo chisingazununguki muna Jehovha, sezvakaitwa naHezekiya, tichava takagadzirira chinhu chipi nechipi chingaitika. When speaking with a Samaritan woman, Jesus showed that in order for someone to please God, he must worship Him "with spirit and truth. " Only if we prepare ourselves by developing unshakable trust in Jehovah, as Hezekiah did, will we be ready for anything that might happen. Tinogona kutaura pakwakatangira chaipo here? One day, two brothers and I were ordered to pack tools into crates. Can we say just when it started? Makungwa angangokwirira kwazvo muzana rino remakore. Or do we hurry through our prayers, at times even being too busy to pray? The scales are more likely to rise in this century. Uyewo, munhau yerusununguko rwerudzidziso, hazvina kuvavarira kurega kuparidza kwazvo pachena. - Mateo 24: 14; 28: 19, 20. What Is a Successful Parent? Also, in the matter of religious freedom, they did not strive to stop preaching publicly. - Matthew 24: 14; 28: 19, 20. Chechitatu, Satani achashandisa "kuchiva kwemaziso " nepaanogona napo kuti aedze kutitsausa. How? Third, Satan will use "the desire of the eyes " to try to mislead us. Kana amai vevana varipo usanyanyoratidza kufarira vana vacho. Yet he goes on to say: "He that sent me is true, and the very things I heard from him I am speaking in the world. " If the mother of the children is present, do not show special interest in the children. 4: 15. Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania 4: 15. Kunyange zvakadaro, vamwe vaduku vanoedza kubva mumumvuri wevabereki wavo nokupanduka. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Even so, some youths try to draw away from their parents ' shadow by rebellion. Kunyange zvakadaro, hauoni here kuti zvinokosha kutanga wafunga "nezvokuguma " kwezvaunenge wasarudza? On the other hand, the Bible also includes examples of people who lost their trust in God and suffered serious consequences. Do you not see, though, that it is important first to consider "the conclusion " of your decision? Kurudziro nebetsero zvinogoverwa netsamba dzingawanwa nokukurumidza zvikuru muraibhurari yako umene kana kuti iyo iri kuHoro yoUmambo kupfurikidza nokunzvera misoro inoti DEPRESSION uye MENTAL ILLNESS muIndex. Let your response acknowledge this. The encouragement and assistance provided by letters may be obtained more quickly in your own library or that is at the Kingdom Hall by examining the subjects DEPRESION and MENTAL ISLNES in the Index. Ndava kunakidzwa nokutaura naye nyaya idzi. It is normal to want a measure of financial security. Now I enjoy talking to her about these subjects. Mubhuku rake Address to the Greeks, anotaura nezvaMwari so "Mudzimu " obva ati:" Iye oga haana mavambo, uye Iye Pachake ndiye mavambo ezvinhu zvose. " On the night of his betrayal, he prayed to be restored to his heavenly Father, to " the glory that he had alongside Jehovah before the world was. ' In his book According to the Greeks, he speaks of God as "the Spirit " and says:" He alone has no beginning, and He Himself is the beginning of all things. " Munyaya ino, tichashandisa shoko racho mupfungwa yaro imene yakafara zvikurusa, kubatanidza kwete bedzi kufungidzira kwokusaziva asiwo kwamaune zvikuru. Only if we, like Hezekiah, prepare ourselves by cultivating an unshakable trust in Jehovah will we be ready for anything that might happen. In this article, we will use the word in its own widest sense, including not only the unconscious but also the more willful. Zvirokwazvo, tinogona kukumbanira wezvamapisarema mukuti: "Haiwa Jehovha, mabasa enyu mazhinji sei! Can we be more precise? Truly, we can join the psalmist in saying: "How many your works are, O Jehovah! Vakapindura kuti aiwa ndokuti vakanga vari vafudzi venhatu dzechechi dzeEvangelical dzomutaundi. Sea levels could rise significantly in this century. They answered no. Achangoita sezvaakaita kuna Mosesi. Moreover, in the exercise of religious freedom, they did not intend to stop their public preaching. - Matthew 24: 14; 28: 19, 20. He will do just as he did to Moses. Ngamera, North Africa uye Peninsula yeArabia Third, Satan will exploit "the desire of the eyes " as much as he can in his attempt to lead us astray. Embara, North Africa, and Arabia's Peninsula Vakawanda vakawana hurukuro yaitevera yaiti, "Kurarama No'munzwa Munyama, ' " ichizorodza nokukurudzira. Limit displays of affection with the children in their mother's presence. Many found the next talk, " Living With " A thorn in the Flesh, ' " refreshing and encouraging. Aya mashoko anowanzonokorwa anobata chinodikanwa chomunhu icho vazhinji vakarasikirwa nechiono chacho nhasi. 4: 15. These often quoted words touch the human need that many have lost sight of today. Avo vane kunzwisisa kwomudzimu vachamirira Jehovha kuti aruramise zvinhu uye kuti ape chirango chipi nechipi chingadiwa munguva yake pachake nenzira yaanoda. - 2 Timoti 3: 16; VaHebheru 12: 7 - 11. Still, some youths try to come out from under their parents ' shadow by rebelling. Those with spiritual discernment will wait on Jehovah to set matters straight and to administer whatever discipline may be needed in his own time and way. - 2 Timothy 3: 16; Hebrews 12: 7 - 11. Chamupupuri chine simba chakauraya vanhu vasere kumaodzanyemba kweChina ndokuunza mvura yakasimba kwazvo nechepakati peChina. Even so, can you not see the value of first considering what the "end afterward " of your choice might be? A powerful storm killed eight people in southern China and brought the strongest rain between China. Zvisinei, nokufamba kwenguva, pashure pokunge tanyatsoongorora Magwaro, takazonzwisisa kuti chingwa chinomirira muviri waJesu wenyama waakanga agadzirirwa. The reassurance and help provided by mail may more quickly be found in your own library or the one at a local Kingdom Hall by checking the headings DEPRESSION and MENTAL ILLNESS in the Index. In time, however, after careful examination of the Scriptures, we came to understand that the bread represents Jesus ' fleshly body, which had been prepared for him. Ndichinzwa kunyara, ndainyengetera kuna Jehovha, asi ndaingoramba ndisingafari. I enjoy talking about these topics with her. Feeling ashamed, I prayed to Jehovah, but I remained unhappy. (b) Tinodzidzei pakugadzirisa kwakaita Abrahamu dambudziko rakanga ramuka? In Address to the Greeks, he refers to God as "a Spirit " and says:" He alone is without beginning, and He Himself is the beginning of all things. " (b) What do we learn from Abraham's solution to the problem that arose? " Batanidzai mwoyo wangu kuti nditye zita renyu. " In this article, we will use the term in its very broadest sense, including not only involuntary flights of the imagination but also more deliberate ones. " Gather my heart to fear your name. " Kunyange zvakadaro, uchawana kuti pwere dzomuenzanisiro pakati peZvapupu zvaJehovha hadzipindi mukunwa kusiri pamutemo. Surely, we can join the psalmist in exclaiming: "How many your works are, O Jehovah! All of them in wisdom you have made. You will find, though, that youths of illustration among Jehovah's Witnesses do not engage in illegal drinking. Achiziva chakanakisisa nokuda kwavo, iye anopa chinodikanwa panguva yakanaka zvikurusa. They answered no and said that they were the pastors of three of the town's evangelical churches. Knowing best for them, he gives what is needed at the best time. Apo muporofita waMwari Mosesi akanga ava kusvika pedyo nomugumo woupenyu hwake, Jehovha akagovera Joshua kuva mutungamiriri wavaIsraeri. In the same ways that he helped Moses. When God's prophet Moses was nearing the end of his life, Jehovah assigned Joshua to be leader of Israel. Vakawanda vanoona kuti nguva yavo yakanakisisa yokudzidza mangwanani - ngwanani pavanenge vakachangamuka zvikuru. Camels, North Africa and Arabian Peninsula Many find that their best time to study early in the morning is when they are very alert. Muchibatsirwa neBhaibheri, imiwo munogona kuwana izvo Kristu akavimbisa vateveri vake - upenyu hunofadza uye ramangwana risingagumi. " Many found the next talk, "Coping With " a Thorn in the Flesh, ' " very comforting and uplifting. With the help of the Bible, you too can find out what Christ promised his followers - happy life and eternal future. " Nei? These oft - quoted words touch upon a human need that many have lost sight of today. Why? Zuva nezuva zviyo zvainge zvakohwewa zvaikuyiwa zvoshandiswa kubika chingwa chemhuri yose. Those having spiritual discernment will wait on Jehovah to set things straight and administer whatever discipline may be needed in his own time and way. - 2 Timothy 3: 16; Hebrews 12: 7 - 11. Daily the grain harvest was cut down and used to prepare bread for the entire family. Apo, ari munhambo yenhamo huru, akazviwana akagara mugomba rakanga rizere namarara, akanyengetera, achinyengetera kuna "baba vaJesu Kristu, " sezvaakanga asina chokwadi pamusoro pezita raMwari. A typhoon killed eight people in southern China and brought heavy rainfall to central China. When, in a period of great trouble, he found himself sitting in a pit full of refuse, praying, praying to "the father of Jesus Christ, " as he had doubts about God's name. Vadzidzi vacho 70 pavakadzoka, vakanga vachifarira kubudirira kwebasa ravo. In time, however, it was appreciated that both reason and Scripture indicate that the bread represents Jesus ' human body, which had been prepared for him. When the 70 disciples returned, they were interested in the success of their work. Mararamire ako ose angave akaratidzika kuva akaderera nemhaka yechatanuro inorwadza. In shame, I would pray to Jehovah, but I still felt bad. All your life - styles may have seemed lowly because of painful divorce. Rinoti kune mazana emamiriyoni ezvisikwa zvomudzimu zvinogara ikoko. (b) What can we learn from the way Abraham handled a problem? It says that there are hundreds of millions of spirit creatures living there. Zvisinei, zvose izvi hazvina kuziviswa pakarepo. " Unify my heart to fear your name. " However, all of this was not revealed right away. Jesu paakabvunzwa kuti ndoupi murayiro mukuru muMutemo, akati: "" Ida Jehovha Mwari wako nomwoyo wako wose nomweya wako wose nepfungwa dzako dzose. ' You will find, though, that exemplary youths among Jehovah's Witnesses do not engage in illegal drinking. When asked which is the greatest commandment in the Law, Jesus said: "" You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. ' Iye akagumisa nezvinoitika zvakawanda zvinokurudzira izvo zvakafadza vateereri vazhinji. Knowing what is best for them, he grants what is needed at the most favorable time. He concluded with many encouraging experiences that impressed many listeners. MUUNGANO dzeZvapupu zvaJehovha munyika yose, muri kudiwa nokukurumidza varume vanogona kushanda sevatariri. When God's prophet Moses was nearing the end of his life, Jehovah assigned Joshua to be the leader of the Israelites. IN THE congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses around the world, there is a urgent need for men who can serve as overseers. Ramba Uchikumbira Mudzimu Mutsvene Many find that their best time for study is first thing in the morning when they are normally most alert. Keep On Asking for Holy Spirit Ndiina Eunice muna 1960 uye muna 1989 With help from the Bible, you too can enjoy what Christ has promised his followers - a happy life and an eternal future. " With Eunice in 1960 and 1989 VAMWE vanhu vane chipo chenzwi rakaisvonaka rokuimba. Why? SOME people have a beautiful voice of music. Bhaibheri rinonyevera, kuti: "Unozviparadzanisa navamwe, unongotsvaka kuda kwake, unorwa nouchenjeri hwose kwahwo. " - Zvirevo 18: 1. Every day, harvested grain was ground into flour at home and then baked into bread for the family. The Bible warns: "One isolating himself will seek his own selfish longing; against all practical wisdom he will break forth. " - Proverbs 18: 1. Zvakaguma nei? When, in a moment of great anguish, he found himself sitting in a pit full of garbage, he prayed, offering his prayer to "the father of Jesus Christ, " since he was not sure about God's name. The result? Chii chakaitika kuvapanduki Jehovha paakaparadza achishandisa Mafashamo makuru? When the 70 returned, they were rejoicing over the success of their mission. What happened to the rebels when Jehovah destroyed the great Flood? " Nechanza chine simba, " Jehovha akanunura vaIsraeri kubva muIjipiti. Your whole way of life may seem to have disintegrated in a heartbreaking divorce. " With a mighty hand, " Jehovah delivered the Israelites from Egypt. Kusvika kwake murume wacho kwokungwarira kwakaunza mhinduro yokuti aida nziyo dzake kuti " dzimuise mumurangariro wakanaka webasa rake. ' It mentions hundreds of millions of faithful spirit creatures who live there. His tactful approach to the man brought the answer that he wanted his music to " put him in the right perspective of his work. ' Migwagwa yomumakomo ine ngozi, zvikurukuru mainopota. All of this, however, was not revealed immediately. The mountain streets are dangerous, especially where they are around. Ndaikurumidza kushatirwa. When asked which was the greatest commandment in the Law, Jesus stated: "" You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. ' I was quick to become angry. Nenzira yomuzvarirwo, mamwe aiwaya aizova navana sezvaikarirwa. He concluded with many encouraging experiences that delighted the vast audience. Naturally, some of these would have children as expected. (b) VaKristu vakazodzwa vanoziva nezvei? IN CONGREGATIONS of Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide, there is an urgent need for men who can serve in positions of oversight. (b) Of what are anointed Christians aware? Manuel akapindura kuti iyi yakanga iri dhepo yamabhuku eBhaibheri. Keep Asking for Holy Spirit Manuel replied that this was the record of Bible literature. Zano reBhaibheri pamusoro pokuchengeta chiono chakadzikama chokuwana pfuma rakaratidzwa sei kuva rakarurama? With Eunice in 1960 and in 1989 How has the Bible's counsel on maintaining a balanced view of gaining riches been shown to be correct? " Chiyero chinonyengedzera chinonyangadza... SOME people are gifted with a fine singing voice. " A false pair of scales is something detestable... Sezvo takanga tisisanyatsokwani pazvivako zvebazi redu, bazi idzva rakatanga kuvakwa kunze kweJohannesburg. The Bible cautions: "One isolating himself will seek his own selfish longing; against all practical wisdom he will break forth. " - Proverbs 18: 1. Since we could no longer afford our branch facilities, a new branch was established outside Johannesburg. Pavaizoona chiitiko ichocho, vaya vaiva "muJudhiya [vaizofanira] kutizira kumakomo. " The result? On seeing that event, those "in Judea [would] flee to the mountains. " Hungu, shanyo yokufudza inopfuura shanyowo zvayo youshamwari iyo upi kana upi zvake ari muungano angaita. How were the rebels affected when Jehovah brought about destruction by means of the great Flood? Yes, a shepherding call goes beyond a mere friendly visit any in the congregation might make. Kushamisiko yangu yokushatirwa, iye akanga andiendesa nomutsa kuchimbudzi! With "a strong hand, " he rescued the Israelites out of Egypt. To my shock, he had kindly taken me to the toilet! Sezvineiwo, mukuru mukuru wekambani aivatarisira akapfuura nepo. Her tactful approach to the man brought the reply that he needed his music to " put him in a good mood for his work. ' Fortunately, the director of the company who cared for them passed by. Kupararira Nokukurumidza kweAIDS Mune Dzimwe Nyika The curves of the mountain roads are especially dangerous. The Early spread of AIDS in Other Lands Kutaura kwakadaro kunoita kuti Mwari anzi akaipa uye hakuratidzi unhu hwake uye zvaari. I was quick - tempered by nature, and it did not take much to make me angry. Such speech calls God wicked and does not reflect his personality and personality. (b) Chionoi icho Johane akaona icho chakabatanidzawo Jesu saMambo achangobva kupfekedzwa korona? Naturally, some of these would have children as a matter of course. (b) What vision did John see that also included Jesus as the newly crowned King? Kana Jehovha ari iye Mwari wechokwadi, muteverei; asi kana ari Bhaari [mwari wevaKenani], muteverei. " - Joshua 24: 15, 16; 1 Madzimambo 18: 21. (b) Of what are anointed Christians aware? If Jehovah is the true God, go following him; but if Baal [the Canaanite god] is, go following him. " - Joshua 24: 15, 16; 1 Kings 18: 21. Vangatsvikinyidza sei nguva inokosha yokuti vave nemhuri yavo? Manuel replied that this was a depot for Bible literature. How can they crowd out the precious time to spend with their family? Nenzira isingadzivisiki, ipapoka, tose zvedu tinotarisana nedzvinyiriro dzokunze idzo dzinoedza mano edu okukanganwira vamwe. How has the Bible's counsel about keeping a balanced view of acquiring wealth been shown to be correct? Inevitably, then, all of us face external pressures that test our ability to forgive others. Kutaura zvazviri, hatizowanikwi chaizvoizvo kwavanowanzova - munzvimbo dzevaraidzo dzounzenza kana kuti dzine mukurumbira wakaipa. " A cheating pair of scales is something detestable... In fact, we will not really be found where they are often - in places of immoral or infamous entertainment. Nziyo dzokutsiva dzazova dzinobata mirangariro, dzichitaura zvakananga nhau dzisina kupedzwa dzokusiyiwa uye kusaruramisira. " Since our branch facilities had become very cramped, construction of a large new branch was begun outside Johannesburg. Successal songs have become emotional, speaking directly on issues that have not been resolved for neglect and injustice. " " KUDENGENYEKA kwepasi kuri pakati pezvinhu zvinoparadza uye zvine simba zvikuru zvakasikwa, " inodaro The World Book Encyclopedia. Upon observing that development, "those in Judea [were to] begin fleeing to the mountains. " " THE earth's population is among the most destructive and powerful elements of nature, " says The World Book Encyclopedia. Pane here nzira yatingagadzirira nayo mwoyo yedu? Yes, a shepherding call is more than simply a friendly visit that anyone in the congregation might make. Is there any way we can prepare our hearts? Usazvinyengera Nokufunga Kwenhema To my indignant surprise, she had courteously taken me to the toilet! Do Not Deceive Yourself With False Thinking Usiku ihwohwo Kalle neni takataura kusvikira mumaawa amangwanani - ngwanani. By coincidence, the company executive in charge of the trainees came by. That night Kalle and I spoke up into the early hours of the morning. Kutaura zvazviri, muna 1996 ndakaroorwa nomumwe wadzo ainzi Will, murume munyoro, aiva nomutsa uye aizvininipisa, uyo akava chikomborero chaicho chaibva kuna Jehovha. Davison), 6 / 1 In fact, in 1996 I married one of them named Will, a mild, kind, humble man, who proved to be a real blessing from Jehovah. Nokuti rudo rwakadaro runobva kuna Jehovha. AIDS Onslaught in Other Countries Because such love comes from Jehovah. Pauro akaratidza sei kuti aiva nounyanzvi paaitaura nevateereri vakasiyana - siyana? Such a statement casts God in a bad light and does not reflect his personality and behavior. How did Paul show skill in speaking to different listeners? Munzira imwe cheteyo iyo inoita mufananidzo wakaisvonaka ungaunzira rumbidzo kumunyori wemifananidzo akauita. (b) What vision did John see that also involved Jesus as a newly crowned King? In the same way that he makes a beautiful picture may bring praise to the artist who made it. Nyevero Dzisingatetekerwi If Jehovah is the true God, go following him; but if Baal [a Canaanite god] is, go following him. " - Joshua 24: 15, 16; 1 Kings 18: 21. Unrevised Warnings Mako akanga abatsirwa nokurangwa kwacho here? How can they squeeze out precious time to be with their family? Had Mark benefited from the punishment? Kana zvakadaro, nei? Inevitably, then, all of us face external forces that test our ability to forgive others. If so, why? Baba pavainge vasipo, mhamha vaisara vachiudza ini nehanzvadzi yangu zvavaidzidza. In fact, we literally will not be found where they often are - in places of immoral entertainment or of ill repute. When Father was away, my mother would tell my sister and me what she was learning. Akataura kuti, "Nokuti ndakaitira shanje vanozvirumbidza, pandaiona rugare rwevanhu vakaipa. " Alternative music has become an emotional sound track, speaking directly to unresolved issues of abandonment and unfairness. " " I became envious of the self - assuming ones, " he said, "when I saw the peace of wicked people. " Hapana panoratidza kuti mhuri yavo yakanga yatorara paakapedza kucherera ngamera mvura, kana kuti pane munhu akauya kutsime kwacho kuzoona kuti nei akanga anonoka kudzoka. " EARTHQUAKES are among the most destructive and powerful forces in nature, " notes The World Book Encyclopedia. There is no indication that their family had already fallen asleep after fetching water for the camel, or someone came to the well to see why he was late. Kuverenga Bhaibheri (M. Is there some way that we can prepare our heart? Bible Reading (M. Anovenga kureva nhema dzemarudzi ose. Do Not Deceive Yourself With False Reasoning He hates to tell all kinds of lies. Achinyatsofunga nezvemashoko akataurwa nababa vake, Soromoni haana kurega zera rake uye kusava neruzivo rwakawanda zvichimutadzisa kuita basa. That night Kalle and I talked into the wee hours of the morning. With his father's words in mind, Solomon did not allow his age and limited experience to interfere with his work. Zvisinei, yeuka kuti kana tikagumburwa, Jehovha ane mwoyo murefu chaizvo. In fact, in 1996, I married one of them - Will - a soft - spoken, kind, and humble man, who was a true blessing from Jehovah. Remember, though, that if we stumble, Jehovah is very patient. Kuchitaurwa nomutoo wakapfava, mitemo inodzora kutengeserana yakaratidzira chimiro chendangariro choudyire, makaro izvo nyika yokutengeserana yakachengeta kubvira pamavambo payo pamene, mudzimu uyo uchiripo. Because such love originates with Jehovah. Simply put, trade laws reflected a selfish, greedy attitude that the world of commerce has maintained from its very beginning, a spirit that still exists. Pasina mubvunzo ungabvuma kuti kuchema uye kuridza mhere zvichaderera nokubviswa kworufu, kuchembera, uye hosha. How did Paul demonstrate resourcefulness when dealing with different audiences? No doubt you would agree that mourning and outcry will slow down with the removal of death, old age, and disease. Vanofanirawo kunzwa vakasununguka kubvunza mibvunzo. In the same way that a beautiful painting may bring praise to the artist who produced it. They should also feel free to ask questions. Mafungiro akadaro anobva pachipikirwa cheBhaibheri chinokurudzira, chokuti: "Isa nzira yako kuna Jehovha; vimbawo naye, iye uchazviita. " Unheeded Warnings Such an attitude is based on the Bible's reassuring promise: " trust in Jehovah your way, and rely upon him, and he himself will act. " Asi Pauro akaita sezvaaigona. Had Mark benefited from needed discipline? But Paul did what he could. Zvinoreva Kuti Wava Mutengesi Here? If so, why? Does It Mean to Be a Manner? Saka vanoronga kuti varume vanenge 40 vamuvandire munzira vomuuraya. While Dad was out, she shared what she learned with my sister and me. So he arranges for about 40 men to take him along the road and kill him. Munguva dzeBhaibheri, mhuri dzakabatana dzainamata pamwe chete dzaifarikanya chikomborero chaJehovha. " I became envious of the boasters, when I would see the very peace of wicked people, " he wrote. In Bible times, united families worshiping together enjoyed Jehovah's blessing. Airevei? It does not imply that her family was asleep by the time she finished or that anyone came to see why her errand was taking so long. What did he mean? Mukadzi anoita izvozvo nemwoyo wose "ikorona " chaiyo kumurume wake. - Zvir. Who Rules World? A woman who does so wholeheartedly is "a crown " to her husband. - Prov. Sezvatakaona munyaya yakatangira ino, vakawanda vanodavira kuti rugare rwenyika yose rwunogona kuvapo chete nehurumende yenyika yose, hurumende yaizomiririra vanhu vose venyika isingasaruri. He detests lying in all its forms. As we saw in the preceding article, many believe that global peace could exist only under a global government, a government that would represent all the people of the world without partiality. (b) Ndedzipi dzimwe dzenyika dzine vapindi veChirangaridzo vakakwirira zvisiri zvenguva dzose? With his father's words impressed on his mind and heart, Solomon did not allow his youth and inexperience to become an obstacle. (b) What are some lands with unusual Memorial attendances? 3 Bhaibheri rinopindura kuti: "Kana munhu achiidzwa, ngaarege kuti ndinoidzwa naMwari; nokuti Mwari haangaidzwi nezvakaipa, naiye amene haangaidzi munhu. " Remember, though, if we have stumbled, Jehovah is very patient. The Bible answers: "When under trial, let no one say: " I am being tried by God. ' For with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone. " Musi weSvondo wakatevera wacho, Baba vakatanga kuitawo basa racho. Simply put, mercantilism mirrored the self - centered, greedy attitude that the world of commerce has fostered from its very start, a spirit that still exists. On the following Sunday, Father began to share in the work. Kumisangano manheru iwayo, takatsanangura kuti nei tainge tauya nembatya dzakasviba - tainge tarasikirwa nezvinhu zvose. You would no doubt agree that mourning and outcry would decrease with the removal of death, old age, and disease. During the meetings that evening, we explained why we had brought dark clothes - we had lost everything. Mumwe munyori weBhaibheri akataura kuti icho munhu anoda kuti afare ndiko "kunamata Mwari pamwe chete nokutenda nezvatinazvo ndizvo zvinofumisa kwazvo; nokuti hatina - kuuya nechinhu panyika, hatigonivo kubuda tine chinhu; asi kana tine zvokudya nezvokufuka, tichatenda nazvo. " - 1 Timotio 6: 6 - 10. She should also freely ask questions. One Bible writer said that what a person wants to be happy is "the form of godly devotion along with the faith and what we have is very rich; for we have not produced anything in the world, neither can we carry anything out. So, having sustenance and covering, we shall be content with these things. " - 1 Timothy 6: 6 - 10. Patinoteterera Jehovha, tinofanira kushivirira. Such sentiments are based on the Bible's reassuring promise: "Roll upon Jehovah your way, and rely upon him, and he himself will act. " When we beseech Jehovah, we need to be patient. Uye mumwe wezvokushingaira wemhuka akabvuma, kuti: "Kwaichimbova hunenge ushingi kushandisa uye kusafunga chinhu chipi nechipi pamusoro pakwo. But Paul did what he could. And one animal professional admitted: "It was once almost courageous to use and not think anything about it. Nyika Yakapikirwa yakare yakanga ichifadza meso. Are You Being a Snitch? The ancient Promised Land was a delight to the eyes. Sezvo kwakanga kusina munhu pakati pavo aitsigira kururama, Mwari aizovaparadzanya nomwoto wokutsamwa kwake. - Ezekieri 22: 23 - 31. King Jeroboam set up Bethel as a center for calf worship, the calf supposedly representing Jehovah. Since no one among them supported righteousness, God would annihilate them with the fire of his anger. - Ezekiel 22: 23 - 31. Gadziriro yaMwari yamaguta outiziro yaibetsera munzirai? So they plan for some 40 men to lie in wait along the way to kill Paul. In what ways was God's arrangement for cities of refuge beneficial? Iye akabata nenyoka iyoyo seyakanga yave iri chishandiso mukunyengerwa kwomukadzi kupinda mukudarikira Iye, Mwari wake noMusiki. In Bible times, united families that worshiped together enjoyed Jehovah's blessing. He dealt with that serpent as having been an instrument in a woman's betrayal into transgression against Him, his God and Creator. Ini naSakina taigara pedyo nepedyo pataive tusikana tuduku. What did he mean? Sachna and I lived close by each other when we were little girls. Amai vacho vakashevedza murume wavo ndokuti, "Uyai munzwe munyengetero wevana venyu. " A Christian wife who willingly cooperates with that arrangement is truly "a crown " to her husband. - Prov. The mother called her husband and said, "Come, listen to your children's prayer. " Ndokupi kwaiva kurasikirwa navanhu kuavo vakanga vafuratira nyevero yaJesu? As we saw in the preceding article, many believe that global peace can come only through world government, a government that would impartially represent all the peoples of earth. What was the loss of people to those who had ignored Jesus ' warning? ● DZIDZA MAZANO OKUCHENGETA NGUVA. (b) Which are some of the countries with unusually high Memorial attendances? ● HELP FOR THE TIME. Musiki anopa munhu upenyu, uye hapana anofanira kugumisa upenyu ihwohwo, hunomiririrwa neropa. The Bible answers: "When under trial, let no one say: " I am being tried by God. ' For with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone. " The Creator gives man life, and no one should end that life, represented by blood. Kunyange zvakadaro, tinoramba tichidziyirwa (zvakananga kana kuti zvisina) nechiedza chezuva, kunyange zvazvo pasati pava nomunhu anokwanisa kutsanangura zvizere mabasa aMwari panyaya iyi. The following Sunday, Father began sharing in that work. Even so, we are kept warm (good or bad) by sunlight, even though no one can fully explain God's works in this regard. Paunotaurwa muBhaibheri, mwoyo wokufananidzira unoreva zvakaita munhu nechomukati, panobva zvaanofunga, unhu hwake, uye manzwiro aanoita. At the meeting that night, we had to explain why we were there in dirty clothes - we had lost everything else. In Bible times, the figurative heart refers to a person's inner self, his thoughts, his personality, and his feelings. Gidheoni akaratidza sei kungwarira pakuita basa rake raakapiwa? For we have brought nothing into the world, and neither can we carry anything out. So, having sustenance and covering, we shall be content with these things. " - 1 Timothy 6: 6 - 10. How did Gideon show discretion in carrying out his assignment? (b) Dhanieri akakomborerwa sei nekuti akaratidza ushingi ndokuramba akavimbika kuna Mwari? We should not grow impatient when we petition Jehovah. (b) How was Daniel blessed for being courageous and loyal to God? Ndinobva ndanzwa kuti ndava nesimba. " - Pisarema 145: 18. And one animal activist admitted: "It used to be almost macho to use animals and not think anything about it. Then I feel stronger. " - Psalm 145: 18. Kwakasiana zvikuru kwazvo nekariro dzoudyire kuumwari hwaAlexander Mukuru, uyo Collier's Encyclopedia inotaura nezvake, kuti: "Muupenyu hwake hwose, uhwo akadzokorora adzokororazve kuisa pangozi, hapana ufakazi hwokuti akambofunga mubvunzo wechaizoitika kuvanhu vake pashure porufu rwake. " The ancient Promised Land was inviting to the eye. It is far different from the selfish prospects of Alexander the Great, of whom Collier's Encyclopedia says: "Throughout his life, which he repeatedly risked, there is no evidence that he ever thought a question of what would happen to his people after his death. " Ganda rakawunyana here? Since not a man among them stood for righteousness, God would exterminate them with the fire of his fury. - Ezekiel 22: 23 - 31. A fallen skin? Zvingaita Kuti Madzimai Adiwe In what ways was God's arrangement for refuge cities advantageous? How Wives Can Be Loved Jesu anoziva kuti vavengi vake vezvechitendero vari kuvavarira kuti aurawe. He dealt with that serpent as having been an instrument in the deceiving of the woman into transgressing against Him, her God and Creator. Jesus knows that his religious enemies are striving to have him killed. Farai musvetuke nomufaro, nokuti mubayiro wenyu mukuru kumatenga; nokuti vakatambudza vaprofita vakakutangirai saizvozvo. " - Mat. When Sakina and I were little girls, we were neighbors. Rejoice and leap for joy, since your reward is great in the heavens; for in that way they persecuted the prophets prior to you. " - Matt. Asi musi iwoyo mubatanidzwa wemauto airwisa Germany wakasvika, uye SS yakatiza, nhamo yedu ichibva yapera. The wife called her husband, "Come and listen to your children's prayer. " But that day a combination of German armies arrived, and the SS fled, and our plight was over. Inyikai iri nani yawaizokarira yokusaziva kwakadaro? " What was the human cost to those who had ignored Jesus ' warning? What better world would you expect of such ignorance? " Akagamuchira uchapupu hwakapiwa naPetro ndokuva muKristu. ● LEARN TIME - MANAGEMENT SKILLS. He accepted the witness given by Peter and became a Christian. Vamwe amai vane vanasikana vatatu vanonzi Stephanie, vanoti: "Kubvira vana vangu pavaiva vadiki diki, ndaifanira kugara ndichizvibvunza kuti, " Ndinotaura here nevana vangu nezvekuti nei ndiine chokwadi chekuti Jehovha ariko, ane rudo, uye nzira dzake dzakarurama? The Creator gives the person life, and no one should take that life, represented by blood. " Ever since my children were young, " says Stephanie, a mother of three daughters, "I had to ask myself, " Do I talk to my children about why I am convinced that Jehovah exists, love, and his righteous ways? André akabva asvikoitwa maneja. Still, we keep on being warmed (directly and indirectly) by sunlight, even if no man is yet able to explain fully God's works in this regard. André became the manager's manager. Jesu akaitazve kuti tifunge nezvezvinhu zvakasikwa naJehovha. When referred to in the Bible, the figurative heart means the inner person, the source of a person's thoughts, attitudes, and feelings. Jesus again drew attention to Jehovah's creative works. [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 10] How did Gideon show discretion in carrying out his assignment? [ Picture on page 10] Pashure pacho, Bhatishebha akava mudzimai waDhavhidhi ndokumuberekera mwana akazofa. - 2 Samueri 11: 1 - 27. (b) How was Daniel blessed for his courageous loyalty to God? Afterward, Bath - sheba became David's wife and bore him a child who died. - 2 Samuel 11: 1 - 27. Kaini angadai akaratidza kuzvininipisa uye akadzidza kumunun'una wake. Then I feel that I can carry on. " - Psalm 145: 18. Cain could have shown humility and learned from his brother. Imwe nzira yakanakisisa yatingaratidza nayo kuonga rudzikinuro ndeyokupinda Chirangaridzo chorufu rwaKristu, icho chichaitwa musi wa1 April gore rino. How different from the self - centered aspirations to godship of Alexander the Great, of whom Collier's Encyclopedia says: "Throughout his life, which he repeatedly risked, there is no evidence that he ever gave a thought to the question of what was to happen to his people after his death. " One of the best ways we can show our appreciation for the ransom is by attending the Memorial of Christ's death, which will be held on April 1, this year. MACEDONIA Wrinkled skin? MACEDIA Vavengi vaMwari vaizokwanisa kumisa kufambira mberi kwokunamata kwechokwadi here? How Wives Can Win Favor Would God's enemies be able to stop the progress of true worship? Muenzaniso waSamueri muduku unoratidza sei zvinobatanidzwa mu "kupinza zivo " yaMwari? Jesus knows that his religious enemies are intent on having him killed. How does the example of young Samuel show what is involved in God's "take in knowledge "? Pakupedzwa kwayo, kokorodzano dzeruwa dzegore negore, pamwe chete namamwe magungano, zvakatanga kuitirwa imomo nguva dzose. Rejoice and be overjoyed, since your reward is great in the heavens, for in that way they persecuted the prophets prior to you. " - Matt. At its completion, annual district conventions, as well as other assemblies, were held first there regularly. Ramba zvachose kuteerera makuhwa uye usaaparadzire. But that day the Allies arrived, the SS fled, and our ordeal was over. Resist the urge to listen to harmful gossip and to spread it. Sezvo Jona akaona kuti vanhu vaMwari havana kunyatsomuteerera, ko kuzoti vahedheni? What better world would you expect of such ignorance? " Since Jonah saw that God's people did not really obey him, what about pagans? " Jehovha haangarashi vanhu vake. " He accepted the witness given by Peter and became a Christian. " Jehovah will not forsake his people. " " Mune nhamo imi nyika... nokuti Dhiyabhorosi aburuka kwamuri. " - Zvakazarurwa 12: 12. Stephanie, the mother of three daughters, says: "Ever since my children were very young, I have had to ask myself, " Do I talk to my children about why I am convinced of Jehovah's existence, his love, and the rightness of his ways? " Woe for the earth... because the Devil has come down to you. " - Revelation 12: 12. (b) Chidzidzoi chakafunda vazhinji nhasi, uye ivo vanonzwa sei pamusoro penzira yavo youpenyu? André was promoted to manager. (b) What lesson have many learned today, and how do they feel about their way of life? Ikoku kunotsanangura chikonzero nei zvikanganiso zvichiri kuitika. Jesus again turns our attention to Jehovah's handiwork. This explains why mistakes still occur. Muparidzi akawedzera kuti: "Ipapo guruva rinodzokera kuvhu sezvarakanga rakaita chaizvo uye mudzimu pachawo unodzokera kuna Mwari wechokwadi wakaupa. " [ Picture on page 10] The publisher added: "Then the dust returns to the ground just as it was and the spirit itself returns to the true God who gave it. " Pamusangano wedare rinodzora wakaitwa muna 49 C.E., mudzidzi Jakobho akati: "Simiyone [Petro] akarondedzera kwazvo kuti Mwari kwenguva yokutanga akafunga nezvemamwe marudzi kuti atore maari vanhu vezita rake. " Thereafter, Bath - sheba became David's wife and bore him a child who died. - 2 Samuel 11: 1 - 27. At a meeting of the governing body held in 49 C.E., the disciple James said: "As with [Peter] he thoroughly described that God for the first time turned his attention to the nations to take out of them a people for his name. " [ Mashoko Omuzasi] Cain could have shown some humility and learned from his brother. [ Footnote] Asi, kune nzira imwe yokukurukura inodarika dzose pane idzi, sezvatichaona iye zvino. One of the finest ways we can show appreciation for the ransom is by attending the Memorial of Christ's death, which this year will be held on April 1. Yet, there is one way to communicate better than any of these, as we shall now see. * Zororo rakaringanira nomubato wakadzikama zvingabetsera. MACEDONIA * A sufficient rest and balanced activity may help. VANHU vokuCuba vari kukwegura vane nzira yavowo yokuita kuti vave noupenyu hwakanaka: zvikwata zvakabatana zveshamwari dzomunharaunda, kana kuti zvikwata zvavanambuya navanasekuru, sokudana kwavanozviita. Would God's enemies be able to stop the advancement of true worship? THE people of aging Cuba have their own way of life: united groups of local friends, or grandparents, as they call them. Sydney, Australia How does the example of young Samuel illustrate what is involved in "taking in knowledge " of God? Sydney, Australia Zvakaguma zvaitika ndezvokuti kwapera makore 1 600, Philip Yancey akanyora kuti, "pavaKristu, ruzivo rweTestamende Yekare rwuri kukurumidza kutsakatika uye mune dzimwe nzanga dzemazuva ano hamutorina zvachose vanoziva nezvayo. " With its completion, the annual district conventions, as well as other assemblies, began to be held there regularly. As a result, some 1,600 years later, Philip Yancey wrote, "for Christians, the knowledge of the Old Testament is rapidly being lost and in some modern societies it is virtually out of reach. " Ivo (1) vaidzidzisa nokuda kwomubhadharo; (2) vaiita mibato yakaderera namabasa; (3) vaigamuchira mutsa nemipiro yokuzvidira; (4) vaizvibatanidza vamene navatsigiri vakapfuma, kazhinji kazhinji savadzidzisi; uye (5) vaikumbira. Be determined not to listen to harmful gossip and not to spread it. They (1) taught for wages; (2) engaged in humble activities and services; (3) received hospitality and voluntary contributions; (4) associated themselves with wealthy supporters, often as teachers; and (5) asked for them. Anoita kuti tive pedyo noMwanakomana wake somunhu mumwe nomumwe achiita izvi nebasa rokuparidza uye kutibatsira kunzwisisa uye kushandisa chokwadi chiri muBhaibheri kuburikidza nomudzimu wake mutsvene. If Jonah had seen little response among God's own people, what could he hope to see among those pagans? He draws us closer to his Son individually by means of the preaching work and by helping us to understand and apply Bible truth through his holy spirit. Sezvo nhasi pasina munhu anorapa sezvaiita Jesu, hatibetserwi here? " Jehovah will not forsake his people. " Since no one today cures as Jesus did, do we not benefit from it? Ratidza Kuti Uri Muteveri Chaiye waKristu, 1 / 15 " Woe for the earth... because the Devil has come down to you. " - Revelation 12: 12. 1 / 1 " Asi handizivi kana uchakwanirisa nokuda kworugwaro. " (b) What lesson have many learned today, and how do they feel about their life course? " But I don't know if you'll qualify for a scripture. " Rugare rwakakwana kudaro nokuchengeteka pasi pano ndizvo izvo Jesu akadzidzisa vateveri vake kuti vakarire uye vanyengeterere muunowanzodanwa kuti Munyengetero waBaba Vedu, kana kuti waShe, achiti: "Ushe hwenyu ngahuuye, kuda kwenyu ngakuitwe panyika sezvakunoitwa kudenga. " - Mateo 6: 9, 10. This explains why mishaps still occur. Such complete peace and security on earth is what Jesus taught his followers to be silent and to pray in what is often called the Our Father's Prayer, or Lord's, saying: "Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth. " - Matthew 6: 9, 10. Basa rokucheka kwomudzimu muTaiwan rakapfuurira kuvambira pamavambo iwayo maduku, zvokuti nhasi chitsuwa chacho chazova munda unobereka zvibereko. The congregator added: "Then the dust returns to the earth just as it happened to be and the spirit itself returns to the true God who gave it. " The spiritual harvest work in Taiwan has continued from that small beginning, so that today the island has become a fruitful field. (b) Nedzipi dziri dzimwe dzenzira umo vabereki vanogona kuronga nokuda kwenhandaro yemhuri yavo? At a meeting of the governing body of first - century Christians held in 49 C.E., the disciple James stated: "Symeon [Peter] has related thoroughly how God for the first time turned his attention to the nations to take out of them a people for his name. " (b) What are some ways in which parents can arrange for their family's recreation? Zvisinei, chinotova cherevo huru zvikuru ndeicho Bhaibheri rakaporofita kare kare, kuti: "Yeuka izvi! [ Footnote] Even greater meaning, however, is what the Bible long ago prophesied: "Remember this! Iye zvino kwapera makore, uye Anne asimbazve pakunamata, ava kushumira Jehovha nehana yakachena. Yet, there is one particular form of communication that towers above all of these, as we will now see. Years later, Anne regained her spiritual balance, now serving Jehovah with a clean conscience. Sechirango chokuramba kuti, "Rukundo rweHondo yoUmambo yeJapan, " Oma nemwanasikana wake ana makore mashanu okukura vakamanikidzwa kumira vakatwasuka uye vasingazununguki kwamaawa masere muzuva rinopisa zvikuru romumativi apasi anopisa pakanga pasina mumvuri, pasina mvura, pasina kugara, pasina kukotamira mberi. * Adequate rest and balanced activity may help. As a punishment for refusing to say, "The burden of the Japanese Kingdom War, " Oma and his five - year - old daughter were forced to stand straight and unwavering for eight hours in a hot tropical sun where there was no shade, no rain, no sitting down, without bowing down to the front. Ndiani aizotungamirira kudzokororwa kweBhaibheri rechiManchu raivapo uye kupedzisa zvakanga zvasara kushandurwa? AGING Cubans have a novel way of promoting well - being: neighborhood networks, or círculos de abuelos (grandparents ' groups), as they call them. Who would lead the repetition of the Manchu Bible and the completion of what remained to be translated? Uku ndiko kurondedzerwa muchidimbu kwakaitwa Chester Beatty Library iri muDublin, kuIreland neaimbova mutarisiri wayo, R. Sydney, Australia This is a brief description of the Worldwatch Library in Dublin, Ireland, with its former supervisor, R. Kazhinji vana vanowanzoteerera kana vachinge vakabatanidzwawo pakugadza mitemo yacho. As a result, over 1,600 years later, writes Philip Yancey, "knowledge of the Old Testament is fading fast among Christians and has virtually vanished in popular culture. " Often, children listen if they are involved in setting rules. Iye zvino anobatanidzwa pachiitiko cheuprofita kuti akurudzire vaya vari kuvakazve temberi yaMwari. They (1) taught for hire; (2) took up employment doing menial tasks and trades; (3) accepted hospitality and free - will donations; (4) attached themselves to wealthy patrons, often as pedagogues; and (5) begged. Now they are involved in a prophetic event to encourage those rebuilding God's temple. Saka zvakadini kana paine chinhu chipi nechipi chachinja muukama hwako naJehovha? He draws us to his Son by reaching us individually through the preaching work and by helping us to grasp and apply spiritual truths by means of His holy spirit. What, then, if anything has changed in your relationship with Jehovah? Kusunungurwa Pakuita Zvemashiripiti Since no one today performs cures as Jesus did, are we at a disadvantage? Set Free From Spiritism Mungakurukura ndima shoma pavhiki, muchitora mavhiki akati kuti muchidzidza chinhu chimwe chete. Aaron Not Punished for Making Golden Calf, 5 / 15 You might discuss a few verses a week, taking several weeks for a study. Muna June, pandakange ndichiitisa Fundo yeNharireyomurindi, musangano wedu wakavhiringidzwa nemapurisa evarwi. " But I don't know if you will qualify for a diploma. " In June, while I was conducting the Watchtower Study, our meeting was interrupted by the military police. Akaratidza ushingi hwakakura paakarwisa zirume raiva nyanzvi yehondo. Such complete peace and security on earth is what Jesus taught his followers to expect and to pray for in what is commonly called the Our Father, or Lord's Prayer, saying: "Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth. " - Matthew 6: 9, 10. He showed great courage in fighting a man who was an expert at war. " Muvezi " The spiritual harvest work in Taiwan has gone on from that small beginning, so that today the island has become a productive field. " The carpenter " Rudo rukuruwo zvikuru kupfuura chibereko chomudzimu chorugare. (b) What are some ways in which parents can arrange for recreation for their family? Love is also greater than the spirit's fruit of peace. Chokutanga ndechokuti misha yavo haina kotsekano, ine ngozi. However, of even greater significance is what the Bible prophesied long ago: "Remember this! First of all, their homes are safe, dangerous. Asi, anonzwisisa, anogona kuchinja, uye ane ngoni. Some years have passed, and with renewed strength Anne is again zealously serving Jehovah with a good conscience. Yet, he understands, can change, and is merciful. Ikoko rudo uye kuva nehanya kwaRute navamwene vake kwakashamisa vavakidzani, zvokuti vakamuti ai "pfuura vanakomana vanomwe [kuna Naomi]. " As punishment for refusing to say, "Victory for the Imperial Japanese Army, " Oma and her five - year - old daughter were forced to stand straight and at attention for eight hours under the blazing tropical sun. No shade, no water, no sitting, no slouching forward. There Ruth's love and concern for her mother - in - law amazed the neighbors, so that they said that she was "more than seven sons [to Naomi]. " Somuenzaniso, apo mutendi biyedu anorasikirwa nomudikani murufu, zvakanaka zvakawanda zvinogona kuitwa kupfurikidza nezviito zvomutsa zvoushamwari hwechokwadi. Who could coordinate the revision of the existing Manchu Bible and complete the rest of the translation? For example, when a fellow believer loses a loved one in death, much good can be accomplished through acts of genuine friendship. 4 Zvipingamupinyi Zvokuva Amai That is how former curator R. 4 The Challenges of Motherhood IZUVA rechinomwe romwedzi wechiJudha Nisani mugore ra33 C.E. Teenagers are far more likely to comply with rules that they have had a hand in formulating. IT IS the seventh day of the Jewish month Nisan in the year 33 C.E. Ndakanzi ndinoshandira kuSierra Leone, kuWest Africa Now he participates in a prophetic act as an encouragement to those who are restoring God's temple. I was assigned to Sierra Leone, West Africa Mumwe mudzidzisi akati: "Kufunga pasina chinobatsira ndicho chimwe chezvinhu zvakaomesesa pazvose zvinoitwa nevanhu. " So what, if anything, might have changed in your relationship with Jehovah? One teacher observed: "Vicious thinking is one of the hardest things that people do. " Jerusarema Rakaparadzwa Rini? Breaking Free From Occult Practices When Was Jerusalem Lost? Tsamba yakatumirwa nedare rinotungamirira yakaita kuti ungano yevaKristu vepakutanga inzwe sei? You might consider just a few paragraphs per week, spending several weeks on each aspect. What effect did a letter sent by the governing body have on the early Christian congregation? Ndashatirwa. In June, while I was conducting the Watchtower Study, our meeting was broken up by the military police. I'm upset. Kudai ukashanyira Jerusarema, uye ukabvunza mumwe munhu kukupangidza Gomo reZioni, sezvingabvira zvikurusa waizotumirwa kumukwingwiziri, kana kuti gomo, iro rinoenda kumaodzanyemba kweGuta reKare. He displayed tremendous courage when he confronted a battle - hardened giant. If you visited Jerusalem, and asked someone to hold Mount Zion to you, you would most likely be sent to a mountain, or mountain, that goes south of the ancient City. Ndinofanira kubvuma kuti apo vana vepachikoro chandaidzidza vaiuya kwandiri, ndaishuva kuti dai pasi randimedza zvaro. " The Carpenter " I must admit that when the children from my school came to me, I wished the ground would swallow me up. Jehovha akachinja nzira padzimwe nhambo - kunyange pamusoro penhau duku zvikuru. Love is also greater than the spirit's fruit of peace. Jehovah has changed ways on occasion - even over very minor matters. Kudai pasi raitenderera zuva rakaita denderedzwa chairo, taizobvuraudzwa kana kutonhorwa zvakanyanya. The first is that their homes are not merely uncomfortable, they are hazardous. If the earth circled around the sun in a special circle, we would be wiped out or very cold. (Ona mufananidzo uri panotangira nyaya ino.) (b) Chii chatinofanira kuziva nezvemufananidzo wemakwai nembudzi? On the contrary, he is reasonable, adaptable, and merciful. (See opening image.) (b) What do we need to know about the parable of the sheep and the goats? • Jesu aitaura nezve "chizvarwa " chipi mumashoko ake ari pana Mateu 24: 34? There Ruth's love and care for her mother - in - law impressed the neighbors, so much so that they considered her to be "better to [Naomi] than seven sons. " • What "generation " did Jesus refer to in his words recorded at Matthew 24: 34? (b) Mukuru anganzi chipo rini? For example, when a fellow believer loses a loved one in death, much good can be accomplished through kind acts of genuine friendship. (b) When can an elder be called a gift? Mashoko aya anonyatsoenderana nezvaidavirwa naJesu nevateveri vake here? 4 The Hurdle Race of Motherhood Do these words really harmonize with what Jesus and his followers believed? Wakabatsirwa nokushandisa Shoko raMwari muupenyu hwako munzira dzipi? IT IS the seventh day of the Jewish month Nisan in the year 33 C.E. In what ways have you benefited from applying God's Word in your life? Igadziriroi itsva yakaitirwa mapiyona, uye chii chakaitika? I was assigned to Sierra Leone, West Africa What new arrangement was made for pioneers, and what happened? [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 6] One educator noted: "The ability to think abstractly is one of the most difficult of human accomplishments. " [ Picture on page 6] " Haangamboteveri mueni asi achamutiza, nokuti haazivi inzwi revaeni. " - Johani 10: 5. Zamora's Quest for Accuracy, 12 / 1 " He will by no means follow a stranger but will flee from him, because he does not know the voice of strangers. " - John 10: 5. Hadhasa (kureva Mukute), Modhekai - Esteri 2: 7. What effect did the letter sent by the governing body have on the early Christian congregation? Hadassa (meaning in Ate), Mordecai - Esther 2: 7. Kubvira pakupera kwemakore ekuma1500, pave paine kupikisana kusingaiti kwevaya vanoti mashoko aya ndeaJosephus nevanoti haasiye akaanyora. I am angry. Since the end of the 16th century, there has been a general conflict between those who believe that these words belong to Josephus and those who believe that he did not write them. Nharireyomurindi yaOctober 15, 1995, yakaratidza chikonzero nei idzi ndima dzichishanda pashure pokunge dambudziko guru ravamba. If you were to visit Jerusalem, and you asked someone to direct you to Mount Zion, most likely you would be sent to a ridge, or hill, that extends south of the Old City. The Watchtower of October 15, 1995, showed why these verses apply after the great tribulation began. Zvisinei, izvi hazvirevi kuti pamusi uyu makore 2 000 chaiwo achave apera kubva pakaberekwa Jesu, sezvinoratidzwa nenyaya ino. I have to admit that when children with whom I went to school approached me, I wished the earth would swallow me up. This does not mean, however, that on this date exactly 2,000 years will have passed since Jesus ' birth, as this article shows. [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 12] Jehovah has changed course on other occasions - even over relatively minor matters. [ Picture on page 12] Vakawanda vanochengeta vakwegura vanopedzisira vava kunetseka, kuzvidya mwoyo, kunzwa sokuti vane mhosva kana kutogumbuka. If the orbit were more elliptic, we would suffer unbearable extremes of temperature. Many caregivers end up feeling anxious, anxious, guilty, or even angry. Zano raPauro rokupfuurira kufamba naKristu chimwe chinhu icho mumwe nomumwe wedu anofanira kurangarira zvikuru. (See opening image.) (b) What do we need to know about the illustration of the sheep and the goats? Paul's counsel to continue walking with Christ is something that each of us should bear in mind. SavaKristu vakazvitsaurira vanofarikanya rusununguko urwo Kristu akavasunungura narwo, vanorega mudzimu waMwari neShoko rake zvichidzora upenyu hwavo sezvavanoshanda vakabatana nehama dzavo muungano yaMwari. • To what "generation " did Jesus refer in his words recorded at Matthew 24: 34? As dedicated Christians who enjoy the freedom Christ has set them free, they let God's spirit and his Word govern their lives as they work unitedly with their brothers in God's congregation. Asi neiko mari ichireva zvakawanda zvikuru kwaari? (b) When can an elder be considered a gift? But why does money mean so much to him? Vakawanda avo vanocherechedza kuti vezvematongerwe enyika, mapurisa, uye vatongi vanoita sevanorega uori kana kuti kutohuita ivo pachavo vanongotevedzera muenzaniso wavo. Does that really fit in with what Jesus and his followers believed? Many who observe that politicians, police, and judges seem to tolerate corruption or even follow their own example. 22: 23 - 27. In what ways have you benefited physically because of applying God's Word in your life? 22: 23 - 27. " PamaIndia ane mamiriyoni maviri ayo akanga achigara muBrazil apo vaRungu vakatanga kusvika, zvimwe ane zviuru zvine mazana maviri mapenyu pari zvino. " What new arrangement was made for pioneers, and what response was there? " Of the two million Indians who were living in Brazil when the English first arrived, two hundred thousand are currently alive. " (b) Tichakurukura mibvunzo ipi uye chitsauko chipi cheBhaibheri? [ Picture on page 6] (b) What questions and what Bible chapter will we consider? Jesu Kristu akanga ari uyu Mubati ushe, uye kwakanga kwakafanira kuti apfuurire kurarama panzvimbo pokungova bedzi anoraviwa mumabhuku enhau. " A stranger they will by no means follow but will flee from him, because they do not know the voice of strangers. " - JOHN 10: 5. Jesus Christ was this Ruler, and it was proper for him to continue living rather than just be read in history books. Vakaita samakwai vari kuwanwa. Since the end of the 16th century, a heated debate has raged between those who believe that this text is authentic and those who doubt that Josephus wrote it. Sheeplike ones are being found. Zita rokuti Jehovha rinoreva chaizvoizvo kuti "Anosakisa Kuva. " The Watchtower of October 15, 1995, showed why these verses apply after the great tribulation begins. The name Jehovah literally means "He Causes to Become. " Vanofanirawo kudzidzisa vamwe zita raMwari nounhu hwake. That does not mean, however, that on that date exactly 2,000 years will have elapsed from the date of Jesus ' birth, as this article shows. They must also teach God's name and personality to others. Mukuwedzera, zvichishandisa kosi inopfuurira yokutaura pamberi pavanhu, Zvapupu zvaJehovha zvakadzidzisa mazana ezviuru zvavanhu kuva vakurukuri vanokwanisa, vanogona kutaura vasingandandami pamberi pavanhu. [ Picture on page 12] In addition, using a continuous speech course before people, Jehovah's Witnesses have taught hundreds of thousands of people to be capable speakers, able to speak informally before people. Maererano nemashoko aJesu, muapostora Johani akanyora kuti: "Ichi ndicho chivimbo chatiinacho kwaari [Mwari], kuti, zvisinei nokuti chii chatinokumbira maererano nezvaanoda, iye anotinzwa. " - 1 Joh. 5: 14. Many caregivers experience some sadness, anxiety, frustration, anger, guilt, even resentment. In harmony with Jesus ' words, the apostle John wrote: "This is the confidence that we have toward [God], that, no matter what it is that we ask according to his will, he hears us. " - 1 John 5: 14. Magwaro anobva muShanduro yeNyika Itsva yeMagwaro Matsvene, kunze kwokunge pataurwa kuti pane pamwe paatorwa. Paul's counsel to continue walking with Christ is something each of us should want to take to heart. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Magazini ino haitengeswi. As dedicated Christians enjoying the freedom for which Christ set them free, they let God's spirit and his Word govern their lives as they serve unitedly with their brothers in the congregation of God. This publication is not for sale. Hansen muna 1873. And why does money mean so much to him? Hansen in 1833. Achishandisa Jesu Kristu nengirozi dzine simba, munguva pfupi Jehovha achaita kuti "vaya vasingazivi Mwari nevaya vasingateereri mashoko akanaka pamusoro paShe wedu Jesu " vazvidavirire. Many who observe that politicians, policemen, and judges seem to ignore corruption or even practice it themselves merely follow their example. Through Jesus Christ and powerful angels, Jehovah will soon bring an account to "those who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus. " Amboedza kuramba, gavhuna anoratidza kuti haadi kutakura mutoro wake uye anoita zvavataura. 22: 23 - 27. After trying to resist, the governor shows that he does not want to shoulder his responsibility and does what they say. Nyaya Youpenyu " Of the two million Indians who were living in Brazil when the white men first arrived, perhaps two hundred thousand now survive. " Life Story Zvinotaura Bhaibheri (b) What questions and which Bible chapter will we consider? The Bible's Viewpoint Mashoko aMwari akanyandura kwazvo mirangariro yomukati - kati yaEzekieri zvokuti kuazivisa pachena kwakanga kuri mufaro kwaari. Jesus Christ was this Ruler, and he was destined to live on in more than just the dusty pages of history books. God's words so stirred up Ezekiel's innermost feelings that publicly revealing them was a joy to him. Kana rudo ruchiita kuti tiitire nyasha vakaderera nevarombo, Mwari anoona kupa kwakadaro kuva chikwereti chaanozobhadhara nezvikomborero. Sheeplike ones are being found. If love moves us to favor the lowly and the poor, God considers such giving to be a debt that he will repay with blessings. Kunyange zvakadaro, The New Encyclopædia Britannica inotsinhira, kuti: "Rudzi rwomunhu rwuri kushandisa zvisina kufanira mhoteredzo yemhepo yakapoteredza pasi zvikuru kupfuura kunzwisisa kwarwuri kuiita. " The name Jehovah literally means "He Causes to Become. " Nevertheless, The New Encyclopædia Britannica comments: "The human race is taking advantage of the atmosphere more of the atmosphere than of its understanding of it. " Panzvimbo pezvo, Jesu akafarira kuzviisa amene pasi pokuda kwoumwari. They also need to teach others about God's name and qualities. Rather, Jesus took delight in submitting himself to the divine will. Ikoku kwakaenzanisirwa apo mwanasikana wangu neni takaenda paimba neimba muMadras makore mazhinji gare gare. In addition, by means of a progressive course in public speaking, Jehovah's Witnesses have trained hundreds of thousands of people to become qualified speakers, able to express themselves fluently in public. This was illustrated when my daughter and I went from house to house in Medras many years later. Vakapedza kudzidza pamwe chete nevamwe vaiva vakateerera vakabayiwa mwoyo chaizvo nemazano anokurudzira avakawana zuva iroro raifadza. In keeping with Jesus ' words, the apostle John wrote: "This is the confidence that we have toward [God], that, no matter what it is that we ask according to his will, he hears us. " - 1 John 5: 14. The graduates and others in attendance were deeply moved by the encouraging counsel they received that happy day. Izvi zvichaguma noku "sunungurwa [kwavanhu] muuranda hwokuora " uye pakupedzisira kupinda mu" rusununguko rune mbiri rwevana vaMwari. " Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. This will result in mankind's being "set free from enslavement to corruption " and finally into" the glorious freedom of the children of God. " Igadziriroi dzomudzimu idzo Jehovha akaita nokuda kwaavo vanodzidzisa zvokwadi yake inoyera? This publication is not for sale. What spiritual provisions has Jehovah made for those who teach his sacred truth? Munyori wepisarema akati nenzira yakarurama: "Munotadzanura ruoko rwenyu, ndokugutisa [zvakakodzera] zvipenyu zvose. " Hansen in 1873. The psalmist rightly stated: "You are opening your hand and satisfying the desire of every living thing. " Tinogona kudzidza chimwe chinhu muna ikoku here? By means of Jesus Christ and powerful angels, Jehovah will soon call to account those "who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus. " Can we learn something from this? Dhavhidhi anoronga mabasa evaRevhi, ayo anodonongodzwa mubhuku rino kupfuura mune mamwe ose ari muMagwaro. After putting forth some resistance, the governor proves reluctant to carry his load of responsibility and gives in to pressure. David lists the duties of the Levites, which are recorded in this book above all others in the Scriptures. " Chirwere cheshuga chisina kurapwa chinopedzisira chava mota, kuungana kweurwa, kunovapo nemhaka yekugwamba kwemafuta muropa; izvi zvinoteverwa nekugwamba kwemunyu unovava segavakava muropa nekufufutirwa uye kurutsa. Life Story " Untreated diabetes eventually becomes a car, an opening together, which results from the development of fat in the blood; this is followed by the clot of salt that becomes like clots in the blood and vomiting and vomiting. " Baba,... kudzai mwanakomana wenyu, kuti mwanakomana wenyu akukudzei. " - JOH. The Bible's Viewpoint " Father,... glorify your son, that your son may glorify you. " - JOHN. 19, 20. (a) Vaapostora vaJesu vakava nedambudziko rei, uye Jesu akarigadzirisa sei? God's words so stirred Ezekiel's inmost feelings that declaring them in public was a delight for him. 19, 20. (a) What problem did Jesus ' apostles face, and how did Jesus resolve it? Yakaparadza upenyu hunopfuura 13 000 000 navarwi vakakuvadzwa vanopfuura 21 000 000. If love prompts us to show favor to the lowly and the poor, God considers such giving to be a loan that he repays with blessings. It ruined more than 13,000,000 lives with over 21,000,000 wounded soldiers. Mukuwirirana naMateo 26: 26 muNew World Translation, Jesu, pakutanga chengetwo yeChirairo chaShe, anoti nezvechingwa icho iye anopfuudza kuvadzidzi vake: "Ichochi chinoreva muviri wangu. " Nevertheless, The New Encyclopædia Britannica observes: "Humankind is abusing the atmospheric environment faster than it is understanding it. " According to Matthew 26: 26 in the New World Translation, Jesus, at first the celebration of the Lord's Evening Meal, says of the bread that he passes on to his disciples: "This means my body. " Tinogona kuti, Jehovha akagara ariko "mukusingagumi kwose kwakapfuura. " - Judha 25. Rather, Jesus took pleasure in submitting himself to the divine will. We can say that Jehovah has existed "in all eternity that has passed away. " - Jude 25. Akauya kuUnited States muna 1996, uye gore rakatevera racho akaroora Flora, uyo anobva kuAzerbaijan. This was illustrated when my daughter and I went from house to house in Madras many years later. He came to the United States in 1996, and the following year he married Cera, who comes from Azerbaijan. Bhaibheri rinoti: "Munhu anoita kuti nzeve yake irege kunzwa mutemo - kunyange munyengetero wake chinhu chinosemesa. " - Zvirevo 28: 9. The hearts of the graduates and all the others in attendance were deeply touched by the motivating counsel they received on that delightful day. The Bible says: "He that is turning his ear away from hearing the law - even his prayer is something detestable. " - Proverbs 28: 9. Zvichida iwewo unoshamiswa neicho Jesu akareva. This will result in mankind's being "set free from enslavement to corruption " and eventually entering into" the glorious freedom of the children of God. " Perhaps you too marvel at what Jesus meant. Kwaireva kuti mutsara wedzinza waizopfuurira uye kuti nhaka yenyika yaizoramba iri mumhuri. What spiritual provisions has Jehovah made for those who teach others his sacred truth? It meant that the line of descent would continue and that the land inheritance would remain in the family. Ma1930 ava kunopera, ini naBill takaenda kuchikoro, kwataimbozorodzwa chitsvuku chataioneswa kumba. The psalmist rightly said: "You are opening your hand and satisfying the [proper] desire of every living thing. " In the late 1930 ' s, Bill and I went to school, where we had been put to great relief at home. Zano reBhaibheri rinowirirana nomusi. Can we learn something from this? The Bible's counsel is up - to - date. Haana chaanoenzaniswa nacho, akasiana, haaenzaniswi, haana akaenzana naye munzira dzakawanda. David organizes Levitical services, described here in greater detail than anywhere else in the Scriptures. He has no equal, unique, incomparable, equal in many ways. [ Mashoko Omuzasi] " Untreated diabetes leads to ketosis, the accumulation of ketones, products of fat breakdown in the blood; this is followed by acidosis (accumulation of acid in the blood) with nausea and vomiting. [ Footnote] [ Mifananidzo iri papeji 10] 19, 20. (a) What problem developed among Jesus ' apostles, and how did Jesus address it? [ Pictures on page 10] Somuenzaniso, mitemo iyi yaitaura mitengo yedoro, uye kungoiputsa kwaiva nechirango chorufu. It cost over 13,000,000 lives with more than 21,000,000 wounded soldiers. These laws, for example, mentioned the cost of alcohol, and merely breaking it had capital punishment. Mambo weBhabhironi atanga kukomba Jerusarema kokupedzisira. According to Matthew 26: 26 in the New World Translation, Jesus, when instituting the celebration of the Lord's Evening Meal, says of the bread that he passes to his disciples: "This means my body. " The king of Babylon began his final siege of Jerusalem. Hatidi kuchembera, kurwara, uye kufa. In other words, Jehovah existed "before all time. " - Jude 25, footnote. We do not want to grow old, get sick, and die. Chii chinodzidzisa Bhaibheri pamusoro pomudzimu mutsvene? He came to the United States in 1996, and the following year he married Flora, who was originally from Azerbaijan. What does the Bible teach about holy spirit? Hama dzake dzose dzainge dzafa, uye zvifananidzo zvaimiririra vanamwari vake zvainge zvaparadzwa. The Bible says: "He that is turning his ear away from hearing the law - even his prayer is something detestable. " - Proverbs 28: 9. All his relatives had died, and images representing his gods had been destroyed. Hazvisizvo here kuti takagadzirwa nokusikwa neMuiti ane simba rose, akangwara kuitira kuti tigorarama nokusingaperi? Perhaps you also wonder what Jesus meant. Is it not because we are made from the creation of an all - powerful, intelligent Maker so that we can live forever? Chokwadi, kunongova naMwari mumwe chete, handizvo here? ' It meant that the line of descent would continue and that the inheritance of land would remain in the family. Of course, there is only one God, isn't it? ' Bill, zvino ari kumakore ake okuvamba okuma20, akaita izvozvo chaizvoizvo apo akarasikirwa neshamwari yake yaaidisisa. In the late 1930 ' s, Bill and I attended middle school, where we could escape the turmoil at home. Bill, now in his early 20 ' s, did just that when he lost his dear friend. Akaita zvairatidza kuti aiva nokutenda, uye aiziva kuti aida kuva munhu waani. The Bible's advice is thus up - to - date. He acted in faith, and he knew who he wanted to be. Zvinoshamisa kuti kunyange Petro akanga atoratidza kuti akashinga uye kuti anoshingaira, kungoerekana ataura kwaakaita apa kwakaratidza chimwe chinetso chikuru mumafungiro ake. He is matchless, unique, incomparable, peerless in many ways. Interestingly, even after Peter had shown courage and zeal, the sudden comment of Peter indicated another major problem in his thinking. Rudo Rwakamusunda Kununura Hama Dzake [ Footnote] Love Moved Him to Deliver His Brothers Tinoratidza kuda kwedu Jehovha nokushandisa mano edu ose okufunga mukubatsira vamwe kuti vasvikewo pakuda Jehovha uye nokuwedzera unyanzvi hwedu hwokudzidzisa. [ Pictures on page 10] We demonstrate our love for Jehovah by using all our thinking ability in helping others to come to love Jehovah and to increase our teaching skills. Wokutanga anotokura zvakasiana nowapashure. These standards defined, for example, the price of beer, and any breach of them was punishable by death. The first even grows differently from the latter. Kunze kuchakasviba, uye tinogona kunzwa mvura yave ichinaya usiku hwose. The Babylonian king has begun his final siege of Jerusalem. Outside it is still dark, and we can feel the rain that has been raining all night long. Muzana rino ramakore rechi 20, mamirioni enhapwa akashandiswa zvakaoma kusvikira kurufu kana kuti kuurawa mumisasa yechibharo yeNazi senhau yomuitiro wehurumende. We do not want to grow old, get sick, and die. In this 20th century, millions of exiles have been used hard to death or have been killed in Nazi concentration camps as a matter of state policy. (Verenga Pisarema 1: 1 - 3.) What does the Bible teach regarding the holy spirit? (Read Psalm 1: 1 - 3.) Pamwe unotoziva munyengetero iwoyo, unowanwa muBhaibheri pana Mateo 6: 9, 10. All her relatives were dead, and images representing her gods were destroyed. Perhaps you already know that prayer, found in the Bible at Matthew 6: 9, 10. Nokufamba kwenguva, ndakatangazve kuora mwoyo. Is it not that we were designed and created by an all - powerful, intelligent Maker so that we could live forever? In time, I again became depressed. Dzimwe nguva ndaibhejera mari yose yandainge ndatambira uye ndaisara ndisina mari yokubhadhara rendi kana yokuriritira mhuri. After all, there is only one God, is there not? ' Sometimes I was gambling all the money I had earned and was left with no money to pay rent or to care for the family. Udzame hwoupenyu hwake oga ihwohwo hunooneka mubhuku rinonzi Munhu Mukurusa Ati Amborarama, rakabudiswa neWatchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. Bill, now in his early 20 ' s, did just that when he lost his best friend. The details of that personal life are seen in the book The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived, published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. Nechepakati peTamil Nadu, India She acted on her faith and knew to whom she wanted to belong. In the heart of Tamil Nasu, India Zvisinei hazvo, raisatarisirwa uye harina kuunzwa pamwero wakakwirira mumwe chetewo wokurima uyo wakaratidzira bindu reEdheni. Surprisingly, as bold and zealous as Peter had shown himself to be, his rash response on this occasion revealed a critical flaw in his thinking. At any rate, it was not cared for and was not brought to the same high level of agriculture that marked the garden of Eden. Vaya vasingazivi chinangwa choupenyu kana kuti vanoramba vachidzokorora chinhu chimwe zuva nezuva vanogona kuguma vafinhwa. Love Moved Him to Rescue His Brothers Those who do not know the purpose of life or who continue to repeat something daily can end up bored. [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 26] We express our love to Jehovah by using all our mental resources in helping others come to love Jehovah too and by improving our art of teaching. [ Picture on page 26] Pfungwa yakanaka ingatibatsira sei kutanga fundo dzeBhaibheri? The former even grows differently from the latter. How can a good sense help us to start Bible studies? Kunyange zvazvo Tenneh akarohwa nebara rakapotsa, nomutoo unowedzera vana havasi vanyajambwa vetsaona asi zvipfuro. It is still dark outside, and we can hear the rain that has been falling all night long. Although Tenneh was hit with a pit that missed, increasingly children are not victims of accidents but targets. Misangano yeDare Rinodzora inoitwa vhiki nevhiki, kazhinji musi weChitatu. In this 20th century, millions of captives were worked to death or killed in Nazi concentration camps as a matter of government policy. Meetings of the Governing Body are held weekly, usually on Wednesday. Akanyatsonditeerera pandaimuudza zvese.Achishandisa mavhesi emuBhaibheri, akandiratidza kuti ndingakunda sei dambudziko iri, uye akandikurudzira kuramba ndichinyengetera, ndichikumbira Jehovha kuti andibatsire. - Pisarema 119: 37. (Read Psalm 1: 1 - 3.) She listened carefully to me, applied Bible verses, showed me how to deal with this challenge, and encouraged me to persevere in prayer, asking Jehovah to help me. - Psalm 119: 37. Mune nhamo imi nyika negungwa, nokuti mweya wakaipa wakaburukira kwamuri, akatsamwa kwazvo, nokuti unoziva kuti uchine nguva duku. " Possibly you are familiar with that prayer, found in the Bible at Matthew 6: 9, 10. Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time. " Mwari akafemera varume vakatendeka kuti vanyore mabhuku aya uye vakatora makore anenge 1 100 kubvira muna 1513 B.C.E. kusvikira gore ra443 B.C.E richangoti pfuurei. In time, however, I again became discouraged. God inspired faithful men to write these books and from 1513 B.C.E. until the year 443 B.C.E. Hazvishamisi here? " I sometimes gambled away my whole paycheck and had nothing left with which to pay the mortgage or feed the family. Isn't it? " Musangano wacho wakapa mutongo, wakanyorwa kuti April 11, 1841, uchirayira Makarios "kuti ashande mavhiki matatu kusvika kumatanhatu pamusha wabhishopi muTomsk kuitira kuti achenese hana yake kupfurikidza nomunyengetero uye kupfugama. " Details of that solitary life appear in the book The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived, published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. The conference issued a sentence, written April 11, 181, ordering Makarios "to work three to six weeks at the bishop's home in Tomsk so as to cleanse his conscience by prayer and knees. " Kunyange zvakadaro, pane here chikonzero chipi nechipi chokudavira kuti tichagamuchira kurukurirano kana kuti mirayiridzo chaiyo zvakananga kubva kuna Mwari kupfurikidza navatauriri vavanhu vomuchadenga? Central Tamil Nadu, India Is there any reason, though, to believe that we will receive communication or specific instructions directly from God through human astronomers? Jehovha anoda kuti vanamati vake vanzwisise uye vabatsirwe neuprofita huri muMagwaro. At least, it was not cared for and was not brought to the same high level of cultivation that marked the garden of Eden. Jehovah wants his worshippers to understand and benefit from Scriptural prophecies. Kuunganidzwa kweZvapupu zvaMwari Wechokwadi Those who see no purpose in life or who tire of their daily routine might succumb to boredom. Gathering of Witnesses of the True God Nguva dzose ndinoudza vanhu vaduku kuyeuka 1914 - ndiko kuti, Pisarema 19: 14, iro rinoti: "Mashoko omuromo wangu nokurangarira kwomwoyo wangu ngazvifadze pamberi penyu, imi Jehovha, dombo rangu, nomudzikunuri wangu. " [ Picture on page 26] I regularly tell young people to remember 1914 - that is, Psalm 19: 14, which says: "Let the sayings of my mouth and the meditation of my heart become pleasurable before you, O Jehovah my Rock and my Provider. " Apo rinoumbwa, vakuru vakakwaniriswa zvakanakisisa vanofanira kusarudzwa nokuda kwenhau yacho. How can a positive attitude help us to start Bible studies? When it is formed, qualified elders must best be selected for the matter. Saka ngatishandisei zvakanaka chipo chatakapiwa naMwari kuti tifungidzire tariro yatinayo uye totevedzera Jehovha pakuratidza rudo, mutsa, uchenjeri uye mufaro. - VaR. Although Tenneh was hit by a stray bullet, increasingly children are not accidental victims but are targets. So let us make good use of God's gift to imagine our hope and imitate Jehovah's love, kindness, wisdom, and happiness. - Rom. Masayendisiti anokurumidza kuita mhedziso apo anokarakadza kuti nzvero yemavara okugara nhaka inogona kubetsera kutsanangura mifambiro yavanhu. " Governing Body meetings are held each week, usually on Wednesday. Scientists quickly draw conclusions when they suggest that genetic research can help explain human behavior. " [ Kwazvakatorwa] He patiently listened as I poured out my heart. Using specific Bible texts, he showed me how to confront my addiction, and he encouraged me to seek Jehovah's help through persistent prayer. - Psalm 119: 37. [ Credit Line] Taifamba nechitima kana kuti zvimwe mumarori. Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time. " We either traveled by train or in trucks. Mushumo wacho unoti: "Vakuru vakuru navarume vakaororwa zvikurusa nezivo yomurume wacho, uye kupfuura izvozvo, nouchokwadi hwake huri pachena, zvikurukuru paakati, " Uye kudai ndikasangana naanonzi magandanga api naapi, ndaizoparidzira chinhu chimwe chetechi kwaariwo. ' " God inspired faithful men to write these books over a long period of time - about 1,100 years from 1513 B.C.E. to sometime after 443 B.C.E. The report says: "The officers and the men were most impressed with the man's knowledge, and more than that, with his obvious sincerity, especially when he said, " And if I met any so - called terrorists, I would preach this same thing to him too. ' " Dzingapfuurira kuvimbisa kuenzana nekururamisira. Isn't it marvelous? " They may continue to promise equality and justice. Jehovha Mwari naJesu Kristu vakatiitira zvakatokura kupfuura izvi. The synod issued a ruling, dated April 11, 1841, ordering Makarios "to serve a three - to - six - week penance at the home of a bishop in Tomsk so as to clean his conscience through prayer and genuflections. " Jehovah God and Jesus Christ have done more for us than this. Aiwa Nevertheless, is there any reason to believe that we would receive communication or special instructions directly from God through an extraterrestrial spokesman? No Muhurukuro yaiti "Kuchava Norumuko Rwavakarurama, " mukurukuri akamutsa mubvunzo unofadza, waiti:" Mukati meZuva Rorutongeso iroro ramakore ane chiuru, ndirini apo avo vakafa vakatendeka muaya makore okupedzisira etsika yezvinhu yaSatani vachamutswa? " Jehovah wants his worshippers to understand Scriptural prophecies and benefit from them. In the talk "There Will Be a Resurrection of the Righteous, " the speaker raised the intriguing question:" During that thousand - year Judgment Day, when will those who have died faithful in these final years of Satan's system of things be resurrected? " Muno muAfrica vanhu vakawanda zvikurusa vanodavira kuti zvinhu zvose zvinobva kuna Mwari. Ingathering of Witnesses for the True God Here in Africa most people believe that all things come from God. Tinoziva kuti Mwari akapa Jesu basa rekuparidza uye kuti Jesu akapawo vadzidzi vake basa iri. I always tell young people to remember 1914 - that is, Psalm 19: 14, which says: "Let the sayings of my mouth and the meditation of my heart become pleasurable before you, O Jehovah my Rock and my Redeemer. " We know that God assigned Jesus to preach and that Jesus also assigned this commission to his disciples. 9, 10. When one is formed, the best qualified elders should be selected for the particular case. 9, 10. • 1 Timoti 1: 3, 4 Let us therefore make good use of our God - given ability to imagine the hope ahead and imitate Jehovah's love, kindness, wisdom, and happiness. - Rom. • 1 Timothy 1: 3, 4 Achirwisana naani? Scientists make a further leap when they suggest that genetic research can help to explain human behaviors. " Against whom? Mumugove mukuru muno mune mugariro wokunze une mwero, matenga ebhuruu, michindwi inovheya, miferefere inozorodza, uye mhenderekedzo dzegungwa dzine jecha - zvinhu izvo vazhinji vangarangarira kuva zveparadhiso. [ Credit Line] In a large assignment here is a modest climate, blue roofs, smoking palmes, refreshing breezes, and sand beaches - things that many may consider paradise. Izvi zvisati zvaitika, mudzimu mutsvene wakanga waita kuti vadzidzi vaparidze vasingatyi. We traveled either by train or in an open truck. Earlier, holy spirit had enabled the disciples to preach with boldness. Kupfurikidza nokugumisa ukama hunoparadza kuvadziko isingarapiki isati yaitika. The report states: "The officers and the men were most impressed by the man's erudition, and more than that, by his obvious sincerity, particularly when he said, " And if I were to meet any so - called terrorists, I would preach this same thing to them too. ' " By ending the destructive relationship before the long - term damage occurs. Asi Zvakazarurwa 11: 7 - 12 inotaura nezvekumutswazve pane zvekunamata kweboka duku rehama dzakazodzwa dzaizotungamirira pashure pekunge dzambomiswa kuita basa kwenguva pfupi. They may continue to promise equality and fairness. However, Revelation 11: 7 - 12 speaks of a spiritual resurrection of a small group of anointed brothers who would take the lead after they had been cut off for a short period of time. Vakaverenga katsamba kaya, vakati taifanira kuenda kumba kuya sezvakanga zvarayirwa, vachifungidzira kuti hama dzakanga dzaronga kundiendesa kuSwitzerland. We owe Jehovah God and Jesus Christ much more. He read a note, said that we had to go to that village as ordered, imagining that the brothers had arranged to take me to Switzerland. Uye tingaratidza sei kuti tinobvuma utungamiriri hwake? No And how can we show that we accept his leadership? [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 26] In the talk "There Will Be a Resurrection of the Righteous, " the speaker raised an interesting question:" During that thousand - year Judgment Day, when will those who died faithful in these final years of Satan's system of things be resurrected? " [ Picture on page 26] Kana tikakudziridza maonero anoita Jehovha, tichanzwa tichida kuratidza rudo kuvamwe nokukanganwira kutitadzira kwavo. Here in Africa most people believe that all things come from God. If we cultivate Jehovah's view, we will be moved to show love to others by forgiving their sins against us. Papfuura makore, muapostora Pauro akatsanangura kuti iye nevamwe vake vainyengetera sei. As disciples of Jesus, we are well - acquainted with our God - given commission. Years later, the apostle Paul explained how he and his companions prayed. Kubva kumavambo iwayo maduku, nhamba yedu yakura zvokudarika 1 200. 9, 10. From those small beginnings, our number has grown to over 1,200. Vakuru vechiKristu vanotibatsira kutevera utungamiriri hwaKristu • 1 Timothy 1: 3, 4 Christian elders help us to follow Christ's leadership Nei isingagoni? Battling against whom? Why can't it? Vaya vakakomborerwa kurarama munyika itsva yaMwari vachagara vari vaduku kana zvichienzaniswa noupenyu husingaperi hwavachararama. In abundant supply here are a temperate climate, blue skies, swaying palm trees, refreshing breezes, and sandy beaches - elements that many might consider paradisaic. Those blessed with life in God's new world will stay young compared with the everlasting life that they will enjoy. Obhadhiya anoti nezvaEdhomu: "Uchafukidzwa nokunyara nokuda kwechisimba chawakaitira munun'una wako Jakobho, uye uchaparadzwa nokusingagumi. " Earlier, the holy spirit had moved the disciples to preach with boldness. Obadiah says of Edom: "You will be clothed with shame because of the violence you have committed against your brother Jacob, and to time indefinite you will be destroyed. " Shamhu chiratidzo chechiremera. By ending destructive relationships before irreparable damage was done. It is a symbol of authority. Jeriko - Guta Rimwe Kana Maviri? On the other hand, the prophecy in Revelation refers to the spiritual rebirth of a small group of anointed brothers who have taken the lead after a relatively short period of forced inactivity. Jericho - One or two City? [ Vakatipa Mufananidzo uri papeji 2] She read the note and thought that we should go to the home as instructed, surmising that the brothers had arranged to take me to Switzerland. [ Picture Credit Line on page 2] Hatifaniri kungoratidzira unhu uhwu zvinooneka asiwo kuhunyora " pahwendefa remwoyo yedu, ' tichihuita rutivi rwunokosha rweunhu hwedu. And how can we show that we accept this leadership? We should not only manifest this visible quality but also write it on "the tablet of our hearts, " making it an important part of our personality. Mumwe munyori wenhoroondo dzomuBhaibheri anonzi Ruka akati: "Maiva muAndiyoki umo vadzidzi vakatanga kutumidzwa kuti vaKristu nokutungamirira kwaMwari. " [ Picture on page 26] A Bible historian named Luke said: "It was in Antioch that the disciples were first called Christians by God's direction. " Kuti tikwanise kusarudza mashoko akakodzera tinofanirawo kutanga tanyatsoongorora zvatinoda kutaura. If we cultivate Jehovah's view, we will be disposed to love others and forgive their offenses against us. To choose the appropriate words, we also need to take a closer look at what we want to say. Saka, kupemberera Chirangaridzo kunyange kamwe chete pagore kunoreva kuti chave chichipembererwa kakawanda kubvira muna 33 C.E. Years later, the apostle Paul described the manner in which he and his associates prayed. Hence, observing the Memorial even once a year means that it has been celebrated many times since 33 C.E. Ichokwadi kuti vanhu ndivo vanokonzera nhamo dzakawanda dzavainadzo. From those small beginnings, our numbers have grown to over 1,200. Of course, people are responsible for much of their misery. Kunenge kuti vapikisi vaJesu pavaimuti " mwanakomana womuvezi ' vakanga vari kumushora. Christian elders help us to follow Christ's leadership It is likely that Jesus ' opposers who called him "the carpenter's son ' were opposing him. Waiita kuti vaJudha vazive kudarika kwavo uye kuti vaida chibayiro chinopfuura chaipiwa nemupristi wavo mukuru. Why not? It made known to the Jews their transgressions and their need for sacrifice beyond what their high priest offered. Tapiwa zano nehama dzaitungamirira, takashandisa Isaya 61: 1, 2 kuti tizvidzivirire. Those who are blessed to live in God's new world will always be young in comparison with the eternity yet to be experienced. With counsel from the brothers taking the lead, we used Isaiah 61: 1, 2 to protect ourselves. Chokwadi, mainjiniya ari kuramba achigadzira mamwe matai anoshanda mumamiriro ezvinhu akasiyana - siyana. Regarding Edom, Obadiah says: "Because of the violence to your brother Jacob, shame will cover you, and you will have to be cut off to time indefinite. " In fact, engineers continue to make more tires that work under different conditions. Asi kubva muufakazi, kunoratidzika kuva kungabvira zvikuru kuti mazhinji akaiswamo navaJudha vaitiza kusvika kwavaRoma paJudhea mugore ra 68 N.V., pamberi poruparadziko rwokupedzisira rweJerusarema makore maviri gare gare. A rod is a symbol of authority. But from evidence, it seems more likely that many were put there by Jews fleeing from Judea in the year 68 C.E., prior to Jerusalem's final destruction two years later. Usarega Munhangemutange Youpenyu! [ Picture Credit Lines on page 2] Do Not Give Up in the Race for Life! Vakuru vaifanira kutanga vaziva zvakaitika zvacho. We need not only to display these qualities outwardly but also to engrave them " on the tablet of our heart, ' making them an intrinsic part of our personality. The elders first needed to know what happened. Unoyeuka Here? The Bible historian Luke reported: "It was first in Antioch that the disciples were by divine providence called Christians. " Do You Recall? Kazhinji kazhinji masvingo eguta aikoromorwa kuti vanomuforera vapfuure, uye mifananidzo yaimiswa murukudzo rwake. Selecting the proper words also involves mental effort and good judgment. Often the city walls were broken to pass over him, and images were set up in his honor. Tuvana twedindingwe utwu twakanzwisisa kuti nei Amai vacho vakanga vatuunzira mhuka mhenyu. Therefore, celebrating the Memorial even once a year means that it has been celebrated often since 33 C.E. The young children understood why Mother had brought us a living animal. " Haatombonyori chinhu chisinganakidzi. " True, much of the responsibility for mankind's woes rests with humans themselves. " He never makes a bad thing. " Munozadza mihoronga yapo kwazvo; munoenzanisa mipanje yapo; munopanyorovesa nemvura inopfunha; munoropafadza zvinomera zvapo.... Jesus ' opposers might disparagingly have referred to him as "the carpenter's son. " You are filling its pens to the full; you are comparing its clefts; you are refreshing them with the overflowing rain; you bless the vegetation.... Zvisinei, dzimwe nguva zvingaguma nedambudziko renguva pfupi. It made the Jews aware of their transgressions and of the need for a sacrifice greater than their high priest could offer. Sometimes, though, the result may be a temporary problem. Jesu akafanotaura kuti vakaramba kutenda, kufanana nemasora ari mugorosi, vaizoverevedza muungano yechiKristu votsausa vakawanda. On the advice of the responsible brothers, we used Isaiah 61: 1, 2 to defend our stand. Jesus foretold that apostates, like weeds in wheat, would sneak out of the Christian congregation and mislead many. VAKRISTU vane zvose zviri zviviri mutoro neropafadzo yokuratidza rudo kuhama dzavo nehanzvadzi dzinoshayiwa. Indeed, engineers are designing tires for an ever - widening range of operating conditions. Christians have both a responsibility and the privilege of showing love to their needy brothers and sisters. Zvakadini kana kurangwa neungano yeChikristu kwakakuita kuti urasikirwe neropafadzo dzaikosheswa uye kuremekedzwa nevamwe? But from the evidence, it seems quite likely that many were put there by Jews fleeing the Roman advance on Judea in the year 68 C.E., before the final destruction of Jerusalem two years later. What if discipline from the Christian congregation cost you special privileges and respect for others? Uyewo, mvumo yakapiwa yokuti ivo vaende kuKakata, uye murindiri akashongedzwa nezvombo akagoverwa kuvatungamirira zvakakotsekana munzvimbo dzokunzvera dzakanga dzasara. Do Not Give Up in the Race for Life! Also, permission was given for them to go to Kakata, and an armed guard was assigned to guide them safely in the remaining research facilities. Kuneta ndiro rimwe dambudziko. First, the elders needed to establish the facts. Being tired is another challenge. Baba vane tsitsi havazobvuti mwana kubva kuvabereki vake nokuti vanenge vachida kuti mhuri yavo ikure. Do You Recall? A compassionate father will not give up on his parents because he wants his family to grow. Mwari anotarisira kuti tirarame maererano nezvisarudzo izvozvo. Often city walls were torn down for his procession to pass through, and statues were erected in his honor. God expects us to live up to those choices. Zvidzidzo zvipi zvinogona kudzidzwa kubva mukuona zvisingagoni kuonekwa neziso riri roga? These young cheetahs understood why Mother had brought a live animal to them. What lessons can be learned from a situation that cannot be seen by a single eye? Kuramba achifema utsi hwelead kungaderedza nezvinenge "zvibodzwa zvina panjere " yemwanawo zvake, unodaro mumwe mushumo wakabva kuCairo, Egypt. " He is incapable of being dull. " The repeated breathing of lead smoke may reduce with at least "the four bits of understanding " on the part of the average child, says a report from Munich, Egypt. Chikonzero chechipiri nei tichifanira kubvuma kutonga kwaMwari ndechokuti kusiyana nevanhu, Mwari anoona zviri mumwoyo. There is a drenching of its furrows, a leveling off of its clods; with copious showers you soften it; you bless its very sprouts.... A second reason why we must accept God's judgment is that unlike humans, God sees what is in the heart. Nyaya inotevera ichakurukura mubvunzo uyu. At times, though, the short - term effect may bring adversity. The following article will address this question. Wessel akafa muna 1489. Jesus foretold that apostates, like weeds sown among wheat, would infiltrate the Christian congregation and lead many astray. Wessel died in 149. Bhaibheri - Nyaya Inoshamisa Yokupona Kwarakaita BHAIBHERI ndiro bhuku rave richiparadzirwa zvikuru kwose kwose mumakore apfuura. CHRISTIANS have both the obligation and the privilege to show love to their brothers and sisters in need. The Bible - A Wonderful Story of Bible Survivals is the most widely distributed book in recent years. Kurangwa kwavaiti vezvakaipa vechaunga hakuna chokwadi uye hakukurumidzi. What if discipline by the Christian congregation has cost you cherished privileges and the respect of others? The punishment of society's wrongdoers is uncertain and slow. AKANGA ari manheru aNisani 14, 33 C.E., apo Jesu akavamba Chirangaridzo. Also, a permit was issued for them to go to Kakata, and an armed guard was assigned to conduct them safely through the remaining checkpoints. IT WAS the evening of Nisan 14, 33 C.E., that Jesus instituted the Memorial. Kubviswa kwaSatani, madhimoni ake, nenyika yakaipa kwava pedyo. Fatigue is another challenge. The removal of Satan, his demons, and the wicked world is near. Jehovha akarayira vanhu vaviri vokutanga, Adhama naEvha, kurera vana, kurima pasi, uye kudzora mhuka. A compassionate father would not snatch a child away from its parents just so that he could enlarge his own family. Jehovah commanded the first human pair, Adam and Eve, to raise children, to cultivate the earth, and to control animals. • Kudyarwa kwembeu God expects us to live up to such decisions. • The sowing of seed G. What lessons can be learned from seeing what the unaided eye cannot? G. Miriyoni imwe yenaira (inenge US $10,000; Z $550 000) yakatumirwa nebazi, pamwe nemirayiridzo yokuumba dare rokubatsira kuti ripe ruyamuro. Exposure to leaded emissions may shave up to "four points from the I.Q. " of the average child, says one report from Cairo, Egypt. One of the naira (about $1, U.S.), was sent by the branch, along with instructions to form a relief committee to provide relief. VAKAITA SUNGANO YACHO: Jehovha nevaIsraeri A second reason to accept God's judgments is that unlike humans, God can read hearts. HISTORY: Jehovah and Israel Sezvo bhuku idzva iri rakabudiswa, pava nokukurukurwa kunoenderana nenguva kwendima imwe neimwe iri mubhuku raIsaya. The next article will discuss that question. Since this new publication has been published, a timely discussion of each verse in the book of Isaiah has been given. Uchenjeri hwavanotaura hwakavakirwa zvakasimba paShoko raMwari. Wessel died in 1489. The wisdom they speak is solidly based on God's Word. Ropa rinobuda, uye uropi hunoyerera pose pose. THE Bible is the most widely distributed book in history - an estimated 4.8 billion copies have already been circulated. Blood rises, and the brain flows everywhere. Perth Punishment of society's wrongdoers is neither sure nor swift. regarded by Jehovah's Witnesses Burrus anofanira kunge akaberekerwa muVaison - la - Romaine, taundi riri kumaodzanyemba kweFrance, kwakawanikwa dombo rakanyorwa zita rake muna 1884 C.E. IT WAS on the evening of Nisan 14, 33 C.E., that Jesus instituted the Memorial. Burrus was likely born in Vaison - la - Romaine, a town in southern France, where his name was found in 184 C.E. Ungapindura Sei? The removal of Satan, his demons, and the wicked world is near. How Would You Answer? 10: 18 - Jesu akanga achirevei paakaudza vadzidzi 70 kuti: "Ndatotanga kuona Satani atowa semheni achibva kudenga "? Jehovah instructed the first human pair, Adam and Eve, to rear children, subdue the earth, and have animal life in subjection. 10: 18 - What was Jesus ' point when he told 70 disciples: "I began to see Satan already fallen like lightning from heaven "? Magazini inonzi India Today inotaura kuti kufunganya kunokonzerwa nokuremerwa nezvidzidzo uye kusatsigirwa nemhuri kunofungidzirwa kuti ndiko kunonyanya kukonzera kuzviuraya kwevari kuyaruka kwakawedzera kakapetwa katatu muIndia mumakore 25 apfuura. • The sowing of the seed India Today reports that stress caused by pressures and family support is thought to be the leading cause of teenage suicide in India three times during the past 25 years. Kana iri motokari, tinoronga kwatichaenda tobatanidza nzendo dzacho kuitira kuti tichengetedze mafuta. " G. If it's a car, we plan where we will go and include the trips in order to save fuel. " " Handizodaro, " ndakavavimbisa kudaro. One million naira (about $10,000 U.S.) was sent by the branch, along with instructions to form a relief committee to administer aid. " I will not, " I promised them. Kana. PARTIES: Jehovah and natural Israel Hardly. Zvapupu zvaJehovha zvinobudisa magazini ino, zvinotenda kuti mazano ari muBhaibheri anogona kubatsira varume vanorova madzimai avo kuti vasiye tsika yavo. With the release of this new publication, there is now available an up - to - date discussion of nearly every verse in the book of Isaiah. Jehovah's Witnesses, who publish this magazine, believe that Bible principles can help husbands who beat their wives to break their habit. Bhaibheri rinokurudzira kushandiswa kwamano okurangarira omunhu zvakazara asi pasina kusava neganhuriro yose. The wisdom that they speak is based solidly on the Word of God. The Bible encourages the use of one's reasoning abilities to the full but without having all restrictions. Ita seuri kuona Sara achitarisa uko nekoko achiyevedzwa nekunaka kwakaita nzvimbo iyi. Blood spurts out, and brain tissue spatters all over. Picture Sarah looking here and there in awe of the beauty of the area. Zvino nemhaka yokuti anopedza nguva shoma achiita zvenziyo, anonzwa sei? Perth Now that he spends little time on music, how does he feel? Patakanga tava kuzivana, takaronga kuti taizoroorana. Burrus was probably born in Vaison - la - Romaine, now in southern France, where an inscription bearing his name was found in 1884 C.E. When we got to know each other, we planned to get married. Mukuru wechiKristu anofanira kutungamirira imba yake nomutoo wakaisvonaka How Would You Answer? A Christian elder should preside over his household in a fine manner • Norma naLily vane makore 70 uye vave vari chirikadzi kwemakore akawanda. 10: 18 - What was Jesus referring to when he told the 70 disciples: "I began to behold Satan already fallen like lightning from heaven "? • Normama and Lily are 70 years old and have been a widow for many years. Mumwe mukadzi wechiKristu wokuAustralia anonzi Emma anoti, "Ndichifunga nezvezvikanganiso zvandakaita ndichiri muduku ndinoti kungoziva zvinodiwa naMwari hakurevi kuti unobvumirana nazvo. The magazine India Today notes that anxiety resulting from academic pressure and a lack of family support is considered to be a key factor in the threefold increase in India's teen suicide rates over the past 25 years. " Reflecting on my past mistakes while I was still young, " says a Christian woman in Australia named Emma, "I think that just knowing what God requires doesn't mean that you agree. Eya, kutanga, anopikira kubvisa mupasi avo vanoshatisa nokuparadza mhoteredzo. As for the car, we plan where we are going and combine errands in order to save on fuel. " Well, for one thing, he promises to rid the earth of those who pollute and destroy the environment. Pave paya, Naamani akachinja maonero ake uye akaporeswa. " I won't, " I assured him. Later, Naaman changed his attitude and was healed. Pasina nhungamiro yakadaro, zvingaomera zvikuru sei munhu muduku kuti asvike pakukura! Quite the contrary. Without such guidance, how much harder it would be for a young person to reach adulthood! IVA nechokwadi chokuti kunetseka kwauri kuita kwakakodzera. Jehovah's Witnesses, the publishers of this magazine, believe that the Bible's practical advice can help violent spouses change their behavior. Make sure that your concerns are appropriate. Aigara oga, nokuti mudzimai wake akanga afa uye mwanasikana wake akaroorwa aiva nomusha wakewo. The Bible encourages the use of one's mental faculties to the full but not without all restraint. He lived alone, for his wife had died and his married daughter had her own home. Vakawanda nhasi havambozivi zita raBaba vake, Jehovha. Would you be like Esau and say: " Quick! Many today do not even know his Father's name, Jehovah. Asi kunyange pavanokurukura vachibudirana pachena, dzimwe nyaya hadzitaurwi zvachose. Picture Sarah turning to look this way and that, taken by the beauty, the variety, and the pleasant climate of the land. Yet, even when they are open and open with each other, some matters are not stated at all. Unoona uchapupu hwokuti zuva rokutsamwa kwaJehovha rava pedyo here? Now that she spends only a limited time performing music, how does she feel? Do you see evidence that the day of Jehovah's anger is near? Kana! After getting to know each other, we decided that we would get married. Not at all! Pandaikura, muUsakos, guta rataigara muNamibia maingova nevaparidzi vashomanana vaigara kure nokure. A Christian elder must preside over his household in a fine manner As I grew up, the town where I lived in Namibia consisted of only a few publishers living far away. Gandhi, The Message of Jesus Christ. • Norma and Lily are both over 70 years of age and have been widows for many years. Gandhi, The Messiah of Jesus Christ. Apa Rabhisheki aiti Jehovha aisazomborwira vanhu vake nokuti ainge asina kufadzwa navo. " Reflecting on the mistakes of my youth, " says a Christian woman in Australia named Emma, "I can say that just knowing God's standards doesn't mean you agree with them. At this, Rabshakeh said that Jehovah would not act in behalf of his people because of his displeasure. Uyezve, mashoko eBhaibheri ari pana 1 VaKorinde 7: 10 - 16, nepo achikurudzira murume nomudzimai kugara pamwe chete, anobvumira kuparadzana. Well, for one thing, he promises to rid the earth of those who pollute and destroy the environment. In addition, the Bible's words at 1 Corinthians 7: 10 - 16, while encouraging husband and wife to live together, allow for separation. Pashure peizvi, tichanakidzwa nezvinotevera: Later, Naaman changed his attitude and was healed. After that, we will enjoy the following: Pashure peparapatiko refu neyakaoma, Patrick akakwanisa kukurira kupindwa muropa kwake nefodya kwasimba zvikuru. Without such guidance, how much more difficult it is for a young person to reach maturity! After a long and difficult struggle, Patrick managed to overcome his deeply rooted addiction to tobacco. Pat anotipa mhinduro: "Zvakanga zvakandiomera. BE ASSURED that the rush of feelings you are probably experiencing is valid. Pat gives us the answer: "It was hard for me. Kuvhurwa kwakaitwa hofisi yebazi muMexico City muna 1929 kwakaita kuti pave netariro yekuti ungano dzaizowedzera. He lived alone, for his wife had passed away and his married daughter had her own home. The opening of the branch office in Mexico City in 1929 gave rise to the hope that congregations would increase. Zvakanga zvakaoma pasina munhu anotikurudzira. Many today do not even know the name of his Father, Jehovah. It was hard without someone to encourage us. Sei muchifunga kuti zvinokosha kuti musangogumira pakupa mwana wenyu mabhuku kuti averenge oga? Even when conversation may otherwise be frank and open, why are some topics avoided entirely? Why do you feel that it is important to limit the amount of literature to your child's personal reading? Izvozvo zvaiita kuti zvidzidzo zvacho zvinakidze chaizvo. " Do you see the evidence that the day of Jehovah's anger is near? That made the lessons very interesting. " 9, 10. By no means! 9, 10. Matambudziko anongozviitikira oga, urombo, urwere, uye rufu zvinoita kuti vanhu varwadziwe chaizvo. During my childhood, only a few isolated publishers lived in my hometown of Usakos, Namibia. Natural disasters, poverty, sickness, and death cause much pain. Ngationei upenyu hwevarume vaviri vanotaurwa muBhaibheri. Gandhi, The Message of Jesus Christ. Let us see the life course of two men mentioned in the Bible. Bva, avo vakasungwa muna February vakanangwa nemhaka bedzi yokuti vaiva Zvapupu zvaJehovha zvaisangana pamwe chete kuti zvifunde Bhaibheri ndokugoverana ruwadzano rwechiKristu. Thus Rabshakeh argued that Jehovah would not fight for His people because He was displeased with them. Yet, those arrested in February were impressed just because they were Jehovah's Witnesses meeting together to study the Bible and share Christian fellowship. NYAYA IRI PAKAVHA | UNGADA HERE KUDZIDZA BHAIBHERI? In addition, the Bible's words at 1 Corinthians 7: 10 - 16, while encouraging marriage mates to stay together, allow for separation. COVER SUBJECT CAN YOU HAY THE BIBLE? Shoko rokuti "kudza " rinowanzoshandiswa muBhaibheri kuratidza kuremekedza, kukoshesa, nokufunga kwatinofanira kuita vamwe. We will then enjoy The word "honor " is often used in the Bible to show respect, esteem, and consideration for others. Ndakabva ndaudza vakuru vakuru vacho kuti ndakanga ndisiri kuzova musoja. After a long and hard struggle, Patrick was able to overcome his deeply rooted tobacco addiction. Then I told the officials that I was not going to become a soldier. • Rinoita kuti murwere asarudze marapirwo aanoda pane kuti mhuri imusarudzire Pat gives us a clue: "It was hard for me. • It motivates the patient to choose treatment rather than the family to decide for him Nguva yeVatongi vacho inoguma naSamsoni, uya anorwisa vaFiristiya. The opening of a branch office in Mexico City in 1929 seemed promising. The period of the Judges ends with Samson, who attacks the Philistines. " Panguva yezororo, " anoyeuka kudaro Pum, "mhuri yose yaiwanzobuda mubasa rokuparidza mangwanani uye yaitandara pamwe masikati. " It was not easy having no one to encourage us. " During vacation time, " recalls Pum, "the whole family often went out in the morning preaching work and enjoyed lunch together. " Panzvimbo pekuderedza, marudzi akawanda zvikurusa ari kugadzira magasi egreenhouse akawanda zvisati zvamboitika! Why, do you think, is it important to do more than simply give your child material to read? Instead of reducing, most species are producing more greenhouse gases than ever before! Pashure peratidzirwo imwe neimwe yepindiro yaJehovha, vaIsraeri vaizadzwa nokuonga. That made classes more enjoyable. " After each display of Jehovah's intervention, the Israelites were filled with gratitude. Ndakafadzwa nokuziva kuti iye haasati ari Mwari anotyisa asi ane rudo, nguva dzose anotirinda, kwete kuranga, asi kubetsera. 9, 10. I was thrilled to know that he is not an awesome but loving God, always guarding us, not punishing, but helping. Mambo Sapor nokuzvikudza akarayira kuti zvipo zvacho zvikandirwe muna Yufratesi ndokurayira kuti Odaenathus amire pamberi pake somusungwa anoteterera. Natural disasters, poverty, sickness, and death cause much distress. King Sapor presumptuously ordered that the gifts be sent into the Euphrates and demand that Odaenthus stand before him as a petitioning prisoner. Kunyange zvazvo paine zvinhu zvakasiyana - siyana zvingakanganisa manzwiro atinoita nezvedu, maonerwo uye mabatirwo atinoitwa nevamwe ndiwo anonyanya kukosha papfungwa yedu yokuzviremekedza muupenyu hwezuva nezuva. To that end, consider the lives of two men mentioned in the Bible. While there are various factors that can affect how we feel about ourselves, it is our attitude and way of dealing with others that are central to our sense of self - respect in everyday life. PEJI 21 Yet, those arrested in February were targeted solely because they were Jehovah's Witnesses meeting together to study the Bible and share Christian fellowship. PAGE 21 Chipi kana chipi chachiri, munhu anosvika panguva haadikanirwi kumhanya noupengo achibva kuchinhu chimwe achienda kuchimwe, kunonoka nokuda kwechinhu chiri chose. COVER SUBJECT | WOULD YOU LIKE TO STUDY THE BIBLE? Whatever it is, a punctual person need not run wildly from one thing to another, slow for everything. Kana vakamuwana ari mupenyu vangaabvisazve zvikuru paari; asi kana [iye] afa, vanomusiya. " - Tractate Yoma 8: 7, The Mishnah, rakashandurwa naHerbert Danby. The word "honor " is often used in the Bible to indicate the respect, esteem, and consideration that we should show to others. If they find him alive, they will carry him away much more from him; but if [he] dies, they leave him. " - Tracte Yoma 8: 7, The Mishnah, translated by Herbert Danby. Ndakavamba kupinda misangano yaVadzidzi veBhaibheri, pasinei zvapo nokusatendera kukuru kwaamai vangu. I also told the officials that I would not become a soldier. I began attending meetings of the Bible Students, despite the great disapproval of my mother. Ndaiimba rwiyo runonzi "Chengeta Meso Ako ari paMubairo! " • Relieve the family of the decision - making process I sang the song "Keep Your Eyes on the Prize! " Muzvimwe zviitiko dzimwe nyanzvi dzaipa dzimwe mhinduro uye gakava guru raitanga. " The period of the Judges ends with Samson, who fights against the Philistines. In some cases some scholars gave an answer and a great dispute began. " Kutaura kuri muchiGiriki kwakashandurwa kuti "paimba neimba " ndikat ' oiʹkon. " During vacation time, " recalls Pum, "the entire family customarily went out in the preaching work in the morning and enjoyed relaxation together in the afternoon. " The Greek expression has been translated "from house to house " and I amt ' oiʹkov. Vangoita kudaro, vaigona kubhapatidzwa. Instead of cutting back, most nations are producing more greenhouse gases than ever! Once they did, they could get baptized. Varume sa "varidzi ": Chimwe chiitiko muupenyu hwaAbrahama naSara munenge muna 1918 B.C.E. chinoratidza kuti pakasvika nguva yavo nenzira yakajeka wakanga wava muitiro kurangarira murume akaroora so" muridzi " (chiHebheru, baʹʽal) uye mukadzi akaroorwa so'womuridzi ' (chiHebheru, beʽu·lahʹ). After each manifestation of Jehovah's intervention, the Israelites were filled with thankfulness. Men as "owners ": An event in the life of Abraham and Sarah about 1918 B.C.E. shows that by their time it was clearly customary to view a married man as" owner " (Hebrew, baʹbal) and a married woman as " owner ' (Hebrew, belyu·lahʹ). Utano husisisina kunaka kana kuti kukwegura zvava kuganhurira zvatinogona kuita mubasa raMwari here? I was thrilled to know that he is not a fearsome God but a loving one, always watching over us, not to punish, but to help. Is health lost or advanced age limited what we can do in God's service? Kuno rumwe rutivi, vazhinji havadi kubatanidzwa nechiratidzo che "Nhambo Itsva " nemhaka bedzi yokuti vanodavira mumimwe yemirangariro inogamuchirwa neboka reNhambo Itsva kana kuti kufarikanya zvimwe zvezvinonzi mifananidzo yeNhambo Itsva kana kuti nziyo. King Sapor haughtily commanded that the presents be thrown into the Euphrates and demanded that Odaenathus appear before him in the role of captive suppliant. On the other hand, many do not want to be associated with the "New Age " sign simply because they believe in some of the views adopted by the New Age movement or to enjoy some of the so - called New Age art or music. Nei oiri ichikosha kwazvo muupenyu hwemazuva ano? While there are a variety of factors that can affect our feelings about ourselves, the way others view or treat us plays a large role in our sense of personal value in day - to - day life. Why is oil so important in modern life? [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 23] PAGE 21 [ Picture on page 23] Kurwira mari kwaizova chisakiso chikuru. Whatever it is, the punctual person does not need to dash frantically from one thing to another, late for everything. The fight for money would be a major factor. Kuramba kwaakaita kuzviisa pasi poutongi hwaMwari hwakarurama kwakaita kuti aite chivi. If they find him alive they may clear it away still more from above him; but if [he is] dead, they leave him. " - Tractate Yoma 8: 7, The Mishnah, translated by Herbert Danby. By refusing to submit to God's righteous rule, he sinned. Nokudaro, Mwari akatuma Mwanakomana wake kubva kudenga nokuda kwechinangwa ichocho. I began to attend the Bible Students ' meetings, in spite of my mother's great disapproval. Thus, God sent his Son from heaven for that purpose. Chinongodiwa chete kuva nenguva nemhuri yako uye kuipa rudo rwakakodzera. - VaKorose 3: 18 - 21. I sang the song "Keep Your Eyes on the Prize! " All that is needed is a time and time for your family and for the right kind of love. - Colossians 3: 18 - 21. Kuisa mapombi anoita kuti vanhu vawane mvura yakachena, kuDurban, South Africa In other cases other scholars would offer alternative solutions and a large - scale debate would ensue. " Using taps that provide access to clean water, Durban, South Africa Nokuda kwezvimwe zvikarakadzo pamusoro pokubata nokusekwa, ona Ganhuro 19 rebhuku raMibvunzo Inobvunza Vechiduku - Mhinduro Dzinoshanda, rakabudiswa neWatchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. The expression in the Greek translated "from house to house " is kat ' oiʹkon. For further suggestions on dealing with ridicule, see Chapter 19 of the book Questions Young People Ask - Answers That Work, published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. Vose vakauya musi uyu vaiva "varume vanenge zviuru zvishanu, vakadzi nevana vaduku vasingabatanidzwi. " Once they did so, they could be baptized. All who came on that day were "about five thousand men, besides women and little children. " Sezvo zvimwe zviratidzo zvinoita nokukamuranisa mashoko, izvo zvinoparira mirangariro yakati, yeuko, mifungo, kana kuti gadziriro izvo zvinotungamirira kuchisarudzo. Husbands as "owners ": An incident in the life of Abraham and Sarah about 1918 B.C.E. indicates that by their time it had evidently become customary to view a married man as the" owner " (Hebrew, baʹʽal) and a married woman as the " owned one ' (Hebrew, beʽu·lahʹ). As other symptoms make and analyze information, they create certain emotions, memories, thoughts, or plans that lead to judgment. Chifo choupwere hwake, iye akanga ararama upenyu hwakaipa, achibatanidzwa mumirimo, utere, uye umbavha. Has failing health or advanced age placed some limits on what we can do in God's service? Since his youth, he had led a wicked life, getting involved in drugs, immorality, and theft. Semunhu aiva asingatani kuita zvinhu, Marita akangoti kwanyanu asina kuudza Mariya ndokunanga kunochingura Jesu, pasinei nokuti akanga achiri kushungurudzika. - Johani 11: 20. On the other hand, many resent being tagged with the "New Age " label simply because they believe in some of the concepts embraced by the New Age movement or enjoy some of the so - called New Age art or music. As an experienced man, Martha did not open her eyes to Mary and headed for meeting Jesus, even though she was still grieving. - John 11: 20. Sokuziva kunongoita mubereki wose, vana vanokombamisa zvinhu, vanozvirovera pasi, vanozvizunguza, uye vanozviputsa - kazhinji vachifara zvikuru - vachitsvaka kunzwisisa uye kuziva zvakavapoteredza. Why is oil so vital to modern life? As every parent knows, children get things around, throw themselves down, shake themselves, and break them down - often happier - in search of understanding and awareness of what is around them. Ndakaedza nokukurumidza kuita gadziriro dzokufamba uye pakupedzisira ndakawana nzvimbo mungarava yamauto yaibva kuMarseilles ichienda kuNew York. [ Picture on page 23] I immediately tried to make travel arrangements and eventually found a place on a military ship from Marseilles to New York. Kunyange zvazvo ndaingova namakore 24 bedzi, ndakapinda mumusha wechembere, mandakagara kusvikira pamugumo pehondo. Battling over money would be the main cause. Although I was only 24 years old, I entered an old man's home, where I lived until the end of the war. Hapana munhu anoitira hanya. " Failure to submit to God's perfect rule resulted in sin and imperfection. Nobody cares. " Akafadzwa Nechinangwa Chayo, 3 / 8 Thus, God sent his Son from heaven for that purpose. 3 / 22 Akanga akatarira achibvumirana nazvo vaJudha pavaitema Stefani nematombo. That only comes from spending time with your family and giving them adequate love and attention. - Colossians 3: 18 - 21. He was watching in agreement with the Jews when handing down Stephen with stones. Mwari Anoitira Hanya! Installing pipes for access to clean water, Durban, South Africa God Cares! Zvido Zvenhaka: Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania ingasiyirwa zvinhu sechido chenhaka chepamutemo. For further suggestions on dealing with teasing, see Chapter 19 of the book Questions Young People Ask - Answers That Work, published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. Wills and Trusts: Property may be bequeathed to Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania by means of a legally executed will. Mumusha, pabasa, muchikoro, uye muvaraidzo, tinotarisana netsika yamasimba masimba. Those who came that day numbered "about five thousand men, besides women and young children. " In the home, at work, in school, and in entertainment, we face a violent habit. Bhaari akanga ari mwari akakurumbira chaizvo wevaKenani, uye Ashtoreti aiva mwarikadzi ainzi aiva mudzimai waBhaari. As other signals process and analyze information, they produce certain emotions, memories, thoughts, or plans which lead to a decision. Baal was the most famous Canaanite god, and Ashbeth was the goddess who was considered to be Baal's wife. Kunyange nhasi kune mukaha wakafara pakati pavafundisi vazvino uno pamusoro pokushandiswa kwemifananidzo mukunamata. Since his youth, he had led a debauched way of life, being involved in drugs, immorality, and thievery. Even today there is a wide gap between modern theologians about the use of images in worship. [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 6] Ever the woman of action, even in this grim hour, Martha got up and without telling Mary, rushed out to meet Jesus. - John 11: 20. [ Picture on page 6] Abhigairi paakanzwa izvi, akatora zvokudya nezvokunwa akanopa Dhavhidhi nevarume vake uye Dhavhidhi haana kuzovauraya. As every parent knows, babies will bend, bash, shake, and break things - often with glee - in their quest to understand and experience their environment. When Abigail heard of this, she took food and drink and gave David and his men, and David did not kill them. Usiku tainzwa mhumhi dzichiungudza asi isu taifara zvedu nokuti takanga tiri kushumira Jehovha pamwe chete kwaidiwa vashumiri vechiKristu zvikuru. I immediately tried to make travel arrangements and finally got a berth on a troopship sailing from Marseilles to New York. At night we heard wolves wailing, but we were happy because we were serving Jehovah together when there was a great need for Christian ministers. Iye airangarira kutaura kweBhaibheri kunorava, kuti: "Zvino ndiro shoko rechibharo chakarairwa naMambo Soromoni, kuzovaka imba yaJehovha... norusvingo rweJerusarema, neHazori, neMegidho, neGezeri. " Although only 24, I ended up in an old people's home, where I stayed until the end of the war. He had in mind the Bible's statement that reads: "This is the word of the tribute that King Solomon commanded to build the house of Jehovah... the wall of Jerusalem and Hazor and Megiddo and Gezer. " [ Kwazvakatorwa] Nobody cares. " [ Credit Line] Kumativi matatu kwaiva nemabhenji eungano akanga akatarisa kuchikuva (6). Bible - Authentic History? 3 / 8 On three sides were hangings for the congregation looking toward the platform (6). Bhaibheri rakazara nemienzaniso inoratidza simba raJehovha rokusika nokudzikinura, kuponesa vanhu vake nokuparadza vavengi vake. He watched with approval as some Jews stoned Stephen. The Bible abounds with examples showing Jehovah's creative power and ransoming, saving his people and destroying his enemies. Munhoroondo yose iri muna Mabasa ganhuro 8 (NW), muEtiopia anonongedzerwa kwaari se "ngomwa. " God Does Care! Throughout the account in Acts chapter 8, the Ethiopian is referred to as "a drunkard. " Dzimwe shanyo dzakanga dzichifadza zvakafanana, uye Thomas naFrances vakatanga fundo yeBhaibheri yapamusha yenguva dzose naye. Wills and Trusts: Property or money may be bequeathed to Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania by means of a legally executed will, or Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania may be named as beneficiary of a trust agreement. Other visits were just as interesting, and Thomas and France started a regular home Bible study with him. Ipapowo, mashoko aMwari anotaurwa kuva akatendeka, ndiko kuti, akavimbika. In the home, on the job, in school, and in entertainment, we face a violent culture. Then, too, God's words are said to be faithful, that is, trustworthy. Kwete hazvo. Baal was the most prominent god of the Canaanites, and Ashtoreth was a goddess who was considered to be the wife of Baal. Not necessarily. Zvisinei, enzanisa mashoko aJesu nendima yokupedzisira youprofita hwaIsaya. Even today there is a wide schism among modern theologians regarding the use of images in worship. However, compare Jesus ' words with the final verse of Isaiah's prophecy. Nyanzvi Dzinotaura Pachena Mafungiro Adzo [ Picture on page 6] Experts Who Speak Up Their Attitudes Richimonereka, dandemutande rinoruka mumadenderedzwa kusvikira dandadzi rapera. Hearing about this, Abigail took food and drink to David and his men, thereby preventing bloodshed. In the wind, the web spins in circles until the web is over. Kuita kuti Mwari arambe ari mumba menyu kunounza zvikomborero zvipi? We listened to the wolves at night and felt so fortunate to have each other and to be serving Jehovah together where the need for Christian ministers was greater. What blessings result from keeping God in marriage? 17, 18. He had in mind a Biblical statement that reads: "This is the account of those conscripted for forced labor that King Solomon levied to build the house of Jehovah and... the wall of Jerusalem and Hazor and Megiddo and Gezer. " 17, 18. Ngatinzwei kuti rinotii panyaya iyi yechechi imwe yechokwadi. [ Credit Line] Let's hear what it has to say on this subject of one true church. Kuora mwoyo kuduku kungavapo kwezuva rimwe kana maviri kwozopera. Facing the platform on three sides were benches for the congregation (6). Minor depression may exist for one or two days before it ends. Nzira dzokuita nadzo mabasa oupristi patemberi yaJehovha dzakapfuudzwawo kubva kuna baba kuenda kumwana. The Bible abounds with examples that testify to Jehovah's power to create and redeem, to save his people and destroy his enemies. Ways to fulfill priestly duties at Jehovah's temple were also passed from father to child. Guva ndiro rinounganidza vanenge vaurayiwa vacho. Throughout the account in Acts chapter 8, the Ethiopian is referred to as a "eunuch. " The grave gathers the victims. Vakawanda zvavanofanira kupedza nguva yakawanda vari kubasa kana kuchikoro vane vaya vasingatendiwo zvavanotenda, kusonganira kwechiKristu kwenguva dzose kunonyatsoponesa upenyu. magazines. Further calls were just as pleasant, and Thomas and Frances started a regular home Bible study with her. Many who have to spend more time at work or at school with those who do not share their beliefs, regular Christian association that is truly lifesaving. Munguva inotaurwa muBhaibheri uye nhasi, michindwe inobereka madate inonakisa Nile Valley yokuEgypt, uye inopa mimvuri yakanaka munzvimbo dzakasvibira dzeNegeb Desert. Then, too, God's words are said to be faithful, that is, dependable. In Bible times and today, palm trees make it more attractive to Egypt's Nile Valley, and they provide beautiful shade in the green regions of the Negeb Desert. Zvakanga zvisingaiti kuti ndidzidzire kufamba. Not necessarily. It was impossible for me to learn how to walk. Mumwe chiremba anotarisira vanhu vane zvirwere zvisingarapiki anotsanangura kuti kuedza kuvanza chokwadi "kunoita kuti musiye nyaya inokosha, yokutaura nomurwere nezvechirwere chacho uye kutora zvinhu sezvazviri. " However, compare Jesus ' words with the final verse of Isaiah's prophecy. A doctor who cares for chronically ill people explains that trying to hide the truth "makes you leave the important issue, talk to the patient about the illness, and take things seriously. " Mifungo pana ikoku inosiana. Experts Speak Out The thoughts on this vary. Hapana mubvunzo kuti Jesu paaiva mwana, dzimwe nguva aitamba mitambo, kunyange sezvinotaura Bhaibheri kuti kare ndizvo zvaiitwa nevana. Round and round the spider weaves in circles until the web is complete. As a child, Jesus sometimes played games, even as the Bible says he did in the past. VaJudha vachiziva kuti nhema dzavaimupomera dzokuti akanga amhura dzakanga dzisina musoro kuna Pirato, vakaedza kuita kuti Pirato atonge mhosva yaJesu asina kumboongorora zvavainge vataura. What blessings come from keeping God in one's marriage? With the Jews in mind that the lie they accused him of blasphemy was unreasonable for Pilate, they tried to get Pilate to judge Jesus without examining what they had said. Dzidzisa Nechido! 17, 18. Teach With a Willing Spirit! Nzvimbo yokuunganira yakanaka mumadekwana yakanga iri Red Square hombe yeMoscow, kunze chaiko kworusvingo rweKremlin. Let us consider what it has to say on this subject of one true church. A comfortable meeting place in the evening was the large Moscow Red Square, just outside the Kremlin wall. Kushaya zvokudya zvakakwana kunonetesa kukwanisa kwomuviri kudzivisa marariya, zvirwere zvemanyoka, uye zvinetso zvomudumbu. A mild bout of discouragement may last for a day or two and then subside. Lack of sufficient food undermines the body's ability to prevent malaria, diarrhea diseases, and stomach problems. 13: 7. Methods of caring for the priestly duties at Jehovah's temple were also conveyed from father to son. 13: 7. Maererano neThe New York Times, "kwakanga kwakapararira zvikuru kwaiva kushandiswa kwatwo zvokuti [twumichina twokushevedzesa twomuhomwe] twakava chiratidzo chetsika yemirimo. " The Grave gathers up the victims. According to The New York Times, "what was so widespread was the use of too much so much so that [the pocket - call machines] became a symbol of the drug habit. " Makumi maviri nomumwe vakapinda! Since many have to spend a lot of time at work or in school in company with those who do not share their faith, regular Christian association is literally lifesaving. Twenty - one attended! Mukurukurirano yenguva dzose, munhu anongoda kuramba achingotaura oga haakurudziri kurukurirano. In Bible times and today, date palms beautify Egypt's Nile Valley, and they provide refreshing shade around oases of the Negeb Desert. In regular conversation, a person who simply wants to keep on speaking on his own does not encourage communication. Ndiyo "chimwe chezvinhu zvinotyisa zvikuru chegore ra1914, " anodaro Roberts," kuti munyika imwe neimwe nhamba huru yevanhu, vemapato ose, zvitendero uye rudzi, zvinoshamisa, kuti vakaenda kuhondo vachida uye vachifara. " Learning to walk was out of the question. It is "one of the most terrible things of the year 1914, " says Roberts," that in each country a large number of people, of all parties, religions and nations, are remarkable, to go to war willingly and happily. " " Asati apedza kutaura, Rebheka, wakaberekerwa Bhetueri, mwanakomana waMirka, mukadzi waNahori, munun'una waAbrahama, wakasvika ane chirongo papfudzi rake. One doctor who deals with terminally ill patients explains that the effort required to hide the truth "diverts energy from the more significant process of relating to others and facing up to the illness. " " Before he finished speaking, Rebekah, born to Bethuel the son of Miriam, the wife of Nahor, Abraham's brother, came with a water jar upon her shoulder. Nenzira yakafanana, munyengetero unotibatsira kuswedera pedyo naJehovha. Opinions on this vary. Similarly, prayer helps us to draw close to Jehovah. Mumazuva aMambo Sauro, madzinza aiva kumabvazuva kwaJodhani akakunda vaHagri kunyange zvazvo vaHagri vakanga vakawanda kudarika madzinza aya kakapetwa kaviri. No doubt, when Jesus was a child, he sometimes played games, even as the Bible says children did in early times. In the days of King Saul, the tribes east of the Jordan conquered the Hagris, although the Hagris were twice as numerous as those tribes. Nyaya dzakawanda dzinoti "Vechiduku Vanobvunza Kuti... " dzinogona kuwanika paIndaneti pakero iyi: www.watchtower.org / ype Knowing that their trumped - up charge of blasphemy meant nothing to Pilate, the Jews tried to get him to condemn Jesus without investigation. More articles from the "Young People Ask... " series can be found at the Web site www.watchtower.org / advice Ikoku kunoratidzira utera hukuru hwemunhu - kuda kwedu kuita zvakashata, uko kunobva mu'mwoyo unonyengera. ' Teach With Enthusiasm! This reflects man's deep weaknesses - our inclination to do what is bad, which results from " the treacherous heart. ' Izvi zvinoita kuti rive nyore zvikuru kushandura kupfuura kudai rakanga rakanyorwa nemashoko asinganzwisisiki eruzivo. A favorite gathering spot in the evenings was Moscow's huge Red Square, right outside the walls of the Kremlin. This makes it easier to translate than if it were written in incomprehensible terms of philosophy. (b) Tingatevedzera uye tingabatsirwa sei nomuenzaniso wavo wokutenda? Malnutrition weakens the body's ability to ward off malaria, diarrheic diseases, and gastric problems. (b) How can we imitate and benefit from their example of faith? Ndaishanda pahofisi yeposvo yekwandaigara kuti ndiwane chokurarama nacho. 13: 7. I worked at the local post office to support myself financially. VaKristu vanofanira kushivirira, kuva nerudo, uye kunyengetera According to The New York Times, "so widespread was their use that [pocket pagers] became a symbol of the drug culture. " Christians need patience, love, and prayer Chakasanobatanidzwa chinhu chechina icho chinogona kutibetsera kuramba takamuka. Twenty - one attended! Well involved is a fourth thing that can help us to stay awake. Anovimbisa kupindura minyengetero yemwoyo wose inopindirana nezvaanoda. In ordinary conversation, a person who monopolizes a discussion discourages communication. He promises to answer sincere prayers that are in harmony with his will. " Kuti urege kuisa mhosva yeropa paimba yako nokuti mumwe munhu angawa achibva pariri. " It is "one of the paradoxes of 1914, " says Roberts," that in every country huge numbers of people, of all parties, creeds and blood, seem, surprisingly, to have gone willingly and happily to war. " " That you may not place bloodguilt upon your house because someone may fall from it. " Vabereki vechiKristu vangaratidza sei kuti vakavimbika kuna Mwari? " Before he had finished speaking, why, here coming out was Rebekah, who had been born to Bethuel the son of Milcah the wife of Nahor, Abraham's brother, and her water jar was upon her shoulder. How can Christian parents show loyalty to God? Pamusana pechikonzero ichocho, Zvapupu hazvibhadharisi mabhuku azvo, kana mabasa azvinoitira vanhu, akadai sekubhabhatidza, michato kana kuti mariro. In a similar way, prayer helps us draw close to Jehovah. For that reason, the Witnesses do not charge their literature or their public services, such as baptism, weddings, or funerals. Nenzira inoshamisa, kusavapo kwenguva refu kwacho kungagumawo nechinhu chimene chakwaifungidzirwa kudzivisa - nhamo yemari. In the days of King Saul, the tribes east of the Jordan defeated the Hagrites even though these tribes were outnumbered more than 2 to 1. Surprisingly, the long absence may also result in the very thing it was supposed to avoid - economic hardship. Ichisimbisa ikoku, Zvakazarurwa 15: 4 inoti: "Ndianiko ungarega kutya nokukudza zita renyu, Ishe? More articles from the "Young People Ask... " series can be found at the Web site www.watchtower.org / ype Stressing this, Revelation 15: 4 says: "Who will not really fear you, Lord, and glorify your name? Iye akatsanangura, zvisinei, kuti akanga asisiri murwi asi mumwe weZvapupu zvaJehovha. This illustrates a basic human weakness - our inclination toward wrongdoing, which results from a " treacherous heart. ' He explained, however, that he was no longer a soldier but one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Asi zvinoita sokuti ndiri kuverenga zvinhu zvandisina kumbobvira ndaona. This makes it easier to translate than if it were written in the abstract terms of philosophy. But it seems that I'm reading things I've never seen before. Ongawo unhu hwakanaka hwevamwe vana. (b) How can we imitate and benefit from their example of faith? Appreciate the good qualities of other children. Unofungei? To support myself, I worked at the local post office. What do you think? Jesu akasimbisa chokwadi cheBhaibheri chokuti vakafa "havana chavanoziva, " kuti vakarara, sokunge zvakadaro. Christians need to be patient, loving, prayerful Jesus emphasized the Bible truth that the dead "are conscious of nothing at all, " that they are asleep, as it were. Asi Jobho akanga asingafaniri kuzvikudza nokuda kwekunyadziswa kwavo. Closely connected is a fourth thing that can help us to keep awake. But Job was not to boast over their dishonor. (NW) Zvichida iye anoreva kuti, Wakabatanidzwa zvikuru nebasa rokuredza kupfuura basa iro ndakakugadzirira kuita here? He promises to respond to heartfelt prayers that are in harmony with his will. Perhaps he means, Are you more involved with the fishing work than with the work I prepared you to do? Asi, mbiri chete pangirozi idzi ndidzo dzinotaurwa nemazita. " That you may not place bloodguilt upon your house because someone falling might fall from it. " Yet, only two of these angels are named. Mhinduro ndeyekuti Bhaibheri rinoshandisa shoko rokuti "nyika " (chiGiriki, koʹsmos) munzira dzakasiyana - siyana. How can Christian parents show loyalty to God? The answer is that the Bible uses the word "world " (Greek, koʹsmos) in various ways. Mutongi Gidhiyoni akakunda vaMidhiyani munzvimbo iyoyo. Accordingly, the Witnesses do not charge for their literature or religious services, such as for performing baptisms, weddings, or funerals. Judge Gideon conquered the Midianites in that area. Nenzira isingarambwi! - VaGaratia 1: 19; Judhasi 1. Ironically, the long absence may also result in the very thing it was supposed to prevent - financial hardship. Unquestionably! - Galatians 1: 19; Jude 1. Izvozvi hazvifaniri kushamisa, nokuti kunyange mumwe wevateveri vaJesu vapedyo zvikurusa, muapostora Judhasi, akatsauka. Confirming this, Revelation 15: 4 states: "Who will not really fear you, Jehovah, and glorify your name, because you alone are loyal? This should not surprise, for even one of Jesus ' closest followers, the apostle Jude, strayed. 14, 15. (a) Dhanieri akaitei kuti pasava nokupesana munyaya yokuteerera? He explained, however, that he was no longer a soldier but one of Jehovah's Witnesses. 14, 15. (a) What did Daniel do to prevent divisions in the matter of obedience? Murwi apona, asi zvinetso zvake achinazvo. But it seems that I am reading things I never saw before. A soldier has a battle, but his problems do have. Kusvika pari zvino, shoko raEzekieri raari kuudza nhapwa dziri muBhabhironi rave richinyanya kutaura nezvokukundwa uye kuparadzwa kweguta ravo ravanoda, Jerusarema. Appreciate your siblings ' good qualities. So far, Ezekiel's message to the exiles in Babylon has focused on the overthrow and destruction of their beloved city, Jerusalem. Bva iye anoti: " Songanirano yangu navo haina kutongomira asi yakawedzera. What do you think? Yet he says: " My association with them never stopped but increased. Kurambwa chose chose kwokuita kwomukadzi sokwemirangariro, kuchinzi kunoparirwa no "kuenda kumwedzi " kunotsamwisa vakadzi vakawanda. Jesus affirmed the Biblical truth that the dead "are conscious of nothing at all, " that they are asleep, as it were. The total rejection of a woman's emotional reaction, said to be caused by "the menstruation " that irritates many women. Zuva iroro rinoguma nehondo iri kukurumidza kuuya yezuva guru raMwari Wemasimba Ose, paAmagedhoni. But Job was not to gloat over their humiliation. That day ends with the rapidly approaching war of the great day of God the Almighty, at Armageddon. Nei unyoro hwechiKristu husingarevi kushaya simba? Perhaps he means, Are you more attached to the fishing business than to the work that I have prepared you to do? Why does Christian mildness not imply weakness? Ziva Zvinhu Zvaunogona Kuita Yet, only two of these spirit creatures are mentioned by name. Know the Things You Can Do Zvechokwadi, UN inoshuma kuti dzimwe nyika dzichiri kubudirira dzine urombo hwakanyanyisa dzinoshandisa mumauto mari inenge inopeta kaviri yadzinoshandisira zvinhu zvoutano nedzidzo. The answer is that the Bible uses the word "world " (Greek, koʹsmos) in different ways. Indeed, the UN reports that some extremely poor developing countries spend almost twice as much money in the military as they spend on health and education. Ipapo Lidia akarwara nechirwere chemwoyo. In that vicinity Judge Gideon routed the Midianites. Then Linia became ill with a heart attack. Kuchingamidza Nyika Itsva yaMwari Yorusununguko Undeniably! - Galatians 1: 19; Jude 1. Welcomeing God's New World of Freedom Betsero yakaisvonaka yokushandisa kudzidzisa kwoumwari ndeyokuti kunotiratidza nzira yokufamba nayo naMwari. This should not be surprising, for even one of Jesus ' closest followers, the apostle Judas, turned away. The fine help of applying divine teaching is that it shows us how to walk with God. Saka, vaKristu vechokwadi havayeresi nzvimbo tsvene. 14, 15. (a) In what way was Daniel able to avoid a conflict in the matter of obedience? Thus, true Christians do not measure the sanctuary. Nechekare, vadzidzi vechokwadi vanopfuura mamiriyoni mashanu vari kugoverana muiri basa, uye vamwezve vari kuunganidzwa. The soldier has survived, but his problems are far from over. Already, over five million true disciples are sharing in this work, and still others are being gathered. Patinongofunga nezvemashoko pamusoro pekuti mufambiro wedu ungapa uchapupu sei tisingambozvizivi, ndinofunga nezvemhuri yenyu. So far, Ezekiel's message to the exiles in Babylon has centered on one theme: the fall and destruction of their beloved city, Jerusalem. When we take into consideration information about how our conduct can bear witness without even knowing it, I think of your family. (b) Nhau yacho inodeya kufananidzirei? Yet she says: " My association with them never stopped but increased. (b) What does the account foretell? Somuenzaniso, kubvisa zvimbambaira zvose zviri muCambodia, kwaizoda kuti munhu wose ari munyika iyoyo ape mari yake yose yaanotambira kubasa iri kwemakore anoverengeka anotevera. The blanket dismissal of a woman's reactions as being emotional, attributing them to "the time of the month " irritates many women. To clear away all the land mines in Cambodia, for example, would require that everyone in that country give all his wages for this project for the next several years. Izvi zvinoshandawo mukunamata. That day concludes with the rapidly approaching war of the great day of God the Almighty, at Armageddon. The same is true in worship. Kuti tipindure mubvunzo iwoyo, tinofanira kuyeuka chinangwa chezuva rechinomwe. Why does Christian mildness not imply weakness? To answer that question, we need to keep in mind the purpose of the seventh day. Vakuru vanogona kuitei kuti vabetsere uyo anonzwa asina kufanira kuti anyengetere? Look for Things That You Can Do What can elders do to help one who feels unworthy to pray? Unoziva zita nekero zvomumwe nomumwe wavaparidzi vakwegura vanogara mundima iyo unoparidzira here? Indeed, the UN reports that some of the world's poorest developing countries spend about twice as much on the military as they do on health and education. Do you know the name and address of each of the older publishers who live in the territory that you preach? Kana uchigamuchira mushonga wacho inhau yokuti iwe nevabereki vako musarudze pashure pokurangarira ukombi hwechinetso chacho, kuvadziko dzapashure dzinobvira, uye nezvimwe zvinhu. Then Lidia became ill with heart trouble. If you accept the medication is a matter for you and your parents to decide after considering the seriousness of the problem, possible side effects, and other factors. Mwanakomana wangu haachandikumbiri kuti tiende nokukurumidza pashure pemisangano. Hailing God's New World of Freedom My son no longer asks me to leave immediately after the meetings. Sezvo avo vane nzvimbo dzomutoro vakagadzwa nokushanda kwomudzimu mutsvene uye vanovakira zano ravo nepangiro paShoko raMwari, tinogona kuva nechokwadi chokuti kuteerera chiremera chakagadzwa nenzira yakafanira muungano yechiKristu kwakafanira. A fine benefit of applying divine teaching is that it shows us how to walk with God. Since those with positions of responsibility are appointed by the operation of holy spirit and base their counsel and counsel on God's Word, we can be sure that obeying properly appointed authority in the Christian congregation is proper. Chokwadi, tinokohwa chatinodyara. Thus, true Christians do not venerate holy sites. Yes, we reap what we sow. Akazviitirei? Already, over five million true disciples are sharing in this work, and still others are being gathered. Why? * Whenever we consider information about how our conduct can give a witness without our even being aware of it, I think of your family. * Mukati mamaawa anokosha anotevera, chikepe chakaguma pasi, kuchibvumidza vose kusvika panyika zvakakotsekana. (b) What does the account foreshadow? During the next crucial hours, the ship ended on the ground, allowing all to arrive safely on land. Nokuti upenyu hwake hunobviswa panyika. " - Mabasa 8: 32, 33; Isaya 53: 7, 8. To clear all the mines in Cambodia, for example, would require that everyone in that country devote his entire income to this task for the next several years. For his life is taken away from the earth. " - Acts 8: 32, 33; Isaiah 53: 7, 8. Mavambo edambudziko guru anouya sei, uye ikurumidziroi inosimbiswa pana Zvakazarurwa 18: 4, 5? In the matter of worship, this is also true. How does the start of the great tribulation come, and what urgency is highlighted at Revelation 18: 4, 5? 0 Handimbotsimwairi In order to answer that question, we must remember the purpose of the seventh day. 0 I'm Never sure Zvisinei, akanga asina kuparidzira muKapadhokiya kana kuti Bhitiniya. What can the elders do to help one who feels unworthy to pray? However, he had not preached in Cappadocia or Bithynia. Kare ikoku kusati kwaitika, nyevero yakapiwa vaIsraeri kupfurikidza nomuporofita waJehovha Isaya: "Tarirai! Do you know the name and address of each older publisher living in the territory where you preach? Long before this, a warning was given to the Israelites through Jehovah's prophet Isaiah: "Look! Rinobetsera munhu kufarikanya ukama huri nani navanhu biyake uye rinounza tendero yaJehovha Mwari. - Mika 6: 8; 2 VaKorinte 10: 18. Whether you accept drug treatment is a matter for you and your parents to decide after taking into consideration the severity of the problem, possible side effects, and other factors. It helps one to enjoy better relations with fellow humans and brings Jehovah God's approval. - Micah 6: 8; 2 Corinthians 10: 18. Aiwa, iroro harisati riri pfundo renyevero yaJesu, iyo inorava, kuti: "Mukoma uchaisa munun'una parufu, nababa mwana wavo; vana vachamukira vabereki vavo nokuvauraya. " - Mateo 10: 21. No longer does my son beg me to leave immediately after meetings. No, that is not the point of Jesus ' warning, which reads: "A brother will deliver up brother to death and a father his child, and children will rise up against parents and will kill them. " - Matthew 10: 21. Inotevera irondedzero yaSergej ane makore masere, inova ndiyo yakazoiswa pabhodhi rechikoro kuti vose varave. Since those in responsible positions are appointed by the operation of the holy spirit and they base their counsel and admonition on the Word of God, we can be sure that obeying duly appointed authority in the Christian congregation is appropriate. The following is the description of eight - year - old Sergej, which was then placed on the school board for all to read. Wezvamapisarema anojekesa nhungamiro panhau iyi pana Pisarema 139: 21, 22: "Ko ini handivengi avo vanokuvengai here, Jehovha? Indeed, we reap what we sow. The psalmist makes clear the direction on this matter at Psalm 139: 21, 22: "Do I not hate those hating you, O Jehovah, and do I not feel a hatred for those revolting against you? Mhuri yangu ndeyedzinza revaIxil, rudzi rwechiMaya. But why? My family belongs to the Ixil tribe, the Maya tribe. Zano raEriya raakapa vanhu ivavo rinogona kubatsira mudzidzi weBhaibheri asiri kufambira mberi pakunamata nemhosva yokuomerwa nokusarudza zvokuita. * Elijah's counsel to those people can help a Bible student who is not making spiritual progress because of a difficult decision. Zvisingafadzi kutaura, mwanakomana wedu, David, haana kupfuurira kubatira Jehovha paakakura, uye mumwe mwanasikana wedu, Linda, akafa mumamiriro ezvinhu ane ngozi muhondo. During the next decisive hours, the ship grounded, permitting all to make it safely to land. Sad to say, our son, David, did not continue serving Jehovah when he grew up, and our other daughter, Linda, died in dangerous situations in the war. Mwari wechokwadi ane hanya nevarwere vanoramba vachimushumira, uye anokomborera munhu anoratidza kufarira vakadaro. Because his life is taken away from the earth. " - Acts 8: 32, 33; Isaiah 53: 7, 8. The true God cares about patients who continue to serve him, and he blesses a person who shows such interest. Naizvozvo takasarudza kuonana navanhu panze chaipo uye sezvinobvira kuwana kokero yokuvashanyira mukati. How does the opening salvo of the great tribulation come, and what urgency is emphasized at Revelation 18: 4, 5? So we decided to contact people right outside and possibly get an invitation to visit them inside. ; Merkling, J. 0 Would never doze ; Merkling, J. Jehovha Ane Mufungo! He had not, however, penetrated Cappadocia or Bithynia. Jehovah Is reasonable! Hungu, unogona nokuti Shoko raMwari nderechokwadi nguva dzose. Long before this happened, the warning was given to the Israelites by Jehovah's prophet Isaiah: "Look! Yes, you can because God's Word is always true. Zvinokosha kuti iye zvino 25 muzana yokurapa inotengeswa muzvitoro inobva mumakemikari anotorwa mumiti. It helps one to enjoy better relationships with fellow humans and brings the approval of Jehovah God. - Micah 6: 8; 2 Corinthians 10: 18. Significantly, now 25 percent of the treatment sold in stores comes from chemicals derived from plants. Kuti tiite basa redu rokuita kuti vanhu vave vadzidzi, tinogara tichitsvaka nzira dzokuvandudza nadzo unyanzvi hwedu hwokudzidzisa. No, that is not the point of Jesus ' warning, which reads: "Further, brother will deliver up brother to death, and a father his child, and children will rise up against parents and will have them put to death. " - Matthew 10: 21. To fulfill our commission to make disciples, we regularly look for ways to improve our teaching skills. " Vakasara vaJakobho vachava pakati pamarudzi mazhinji avanhu sedova rinobva kuna Jehovha... risingamiriri munhu. ' - MIKA 5: 7. The following is the essay of eight - year - old Sergej, whose composition was later posted at the school for all to read. " The remaining ones of Jacob will be in the midst of many peoples like dew from Jehovah... that does not represent man. " - PSALM 5: 7. Kufamba The psalmist sheds some light on this issue at Psalm 139: 21, 22: "Do I not hate those who are intensely hating you, O Jehovah, and do I not feel a loathing for those revolting against you? Travel Ipapo, sachigaro, Carey Barber woMutumbi Unodzora, akachingamidza vose kupurogiramu yokupedza kufunda ndokuti: "Hakuna kutongova nedikanwo huru zvikuru yavafundisi veGilead kupfuura nhasi. " My family belongs to the Ixil people, an ethnic group of Maya descent. Then, the chairman, Carey Barber of the Governing Body, welcomed all to the graduation program and said: "There has never been a greater need for Gilead missionaries than today. " Munyika ipi kana ipi mavanogara, vanoramba vasingatori rutivi zvikuru uye vanoshandisa nheyo inobatanidzwa muaya mashoko aIsaya 2: 4: "Vachapfura minondo yavo vachiiita mapadza, namapfumo avo vachiaita mapanga okuchekerera miti; rumwe rudzi harungazosimudziri rumwe rudzi munondo, havangazodzidzi kurwa. " Elijah's counsel to those people could help an indecisive Bible student who is holding back from making spiritual progress. In whatever land they live, they remain strictly neutral and apply the principle involved in these words of Isaiah 2: 4: "They will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war anymore. " Vaya vanodzidzisa dzidziso iyi vangatiyeuchidza nezvevamwe vanhu vakararama panguva yevaKristu vepakutanga vaishingairira kushumira Mwari asi kwete "maererano nezivo yakarurama. " Sad to say, our son, David, did not continue serving Jehovah when he grew up, and our other daughter, Linda, died under tragic circumstances during the war. Those who teach this teaching may remind us of some first - century people who were zealous for serving God but not "according to accurate knowledge. " Saka tingati, munhu anoita zvokubheja anoda kuwana zvinhu pasina chaaita. The true God takes a particular interest in his loyal servants who are suffering illness, and he blesses the one who shows them favor. In a sense, then, a gambler wants to get what he does not do. Zvinotofadza zvikuru, vadzidzi vakawanda muchiKristudhomu vanotevedzera uyu muitiro wamagamuchidzanwa echiJudha kana vachishandura Bhaibheri. So we decided to contact people just outside and possibly get an invitation to visit them on the inside. Even more interesting, many students in Christendom follow this practice of Jewish traditions if they translate the Bible. Kushingaira kudzidza Bhaibheri kunogona kutikurudzira kuti tizivise mashoko akanaka nguva dzose ; Merkling, J. A diligent study of the Bible can motivate us to declare the good news regularly Mipiro inobviswa, kwete zvokuonererwa kana kuti nevavariro dzoudyire, asi nemafungiro akanaka uye kufambisira mberi kunamata kwechokwadi, inounza mufaro pamwe chete nechikomborero chaMwari. Jehovah Is Reasonable! Gifts that are removed, not by outward appearances or selfish motives, but by a positive attitude and the advancement of true worship, bring joy along with God's blessing. Aida kushandisa shanduro yeKaturike yake amene yeBhaibheri. Yes, you can because God's Word always comes true. He wanted to use his own Catholic translation of the Bible. Rudo Rwenyu Sehama Ngarwurambe Rwuchiwedzera Significantly, some 25 percent of pharmaceutical drugs now used are derived either in part or entirely from chemicals occurring naturally in plants. Maintain Your Brotherly Love NOAA In order to fulfill our commission to make disciples, we constantly seek to improve our ability to teach. NOAA M. " The remaining ones of Jacob must become in the midst of many peoples like dew from Jehovah... that does not hope for man. " - MICAH 5: 7. M. Uyu akaratidza ruremekedzo. On the Road This showed respect. Reed anotaura kuti kudzongonyedzwa kwezvakatipoteredza uku, kuri kuisawo utano mungozi munyika yose. Then, the chairman, Carey Barber of the Governing Body, welcomed all to the graduation program and said: "There has never been a greater need for Gilead missionaries than today. " Reed says that this pollution of the environment, in turn, is putting global health risks. Simon naMark, zvino vave vechiduku, vakawana kuti pavakanga vakati dukupei, vaifarikanya chaizvoizvo kufunda bhuku raMunhu Mukurusa Ati Amborarama navabereki vavo. In whatever land they live, they maintain strict neutrality and apply the principle embodied in these words of Isaiah 2: 4: "They will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war anymore. " Simon and Mark, now young, found that when they were rather young, they really enjoyed studying the book The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived with their parents. Rutivi rwechivako chehofisi yebazu muRussia Individuals who promote such views might remind us of some in the first century who had a zeal for God "but not according to accurate knowledge. " Part of the branch office building in Russia Beroea In short, a gambler seeks to get something for nothing. Beroea Jesu aiziva kuti zvatinoona nemaziso edu zvinogona kukanganisa mwoyo wedu. Interestingly, many scholars in Christendom follow the spirit of this Jewish tradition when translating the Bible. Jesus knew that what we see with our eyes can affect our heart. Maererano neThe New Encyclopædia Britannica, "December 25, zuva rokuberekwa kwaMithra, mwari weIran wechiedza uye... zuva rakatsaurirwa kuzuva risingakundwi, pamwe chete nezuva rapashure peSaturnalia, rakagamuchirwa nechechi seKrisimisi, kuberekwa kwaKristu, kukurira migumisiro yeiyi mitambo. " Diligent Bible study can motivate us to declare the good news on every occasion According to The New Encyclopædia Britannica, "in December 25, the birthday of Mithra, the Iran god of light and... the sun dedicated to the invincible sun, as well as the day after the replied of the Epicureans, was adopted by the church as Christmas, the birth of Christ, to overcome the effects of these festivals. " Ungano yechiKristu payakaumbwa, kuungana kwainge kuchiri kukosha, uye kuchiri kukosha chaizvo pakunamata kwedu. Contributions given, not for show or for other selfish motives, but with the proper attitude and to advance true worship, bring joy and with it God's blessing. When the Christian congregation was formed, gatherings were still necessary, and they are still very important in our worship. Asi baba vangu vakatirambidza kuteerera kudzinoda kuva nziyo dzose! He wanted to use his own Catholic version of the Bible. But my father prevented us from listening to all the music! Kunyange zvakadaro, Lee akatanga kudzidza Bhaibheri nomumwe waaishanda naye uye akasvika pakuziva Jehovha Mwari nokumuda. Keep Growing in Brotherly Love PAGE 20 Still, Lee began to study the Bible with a fellow worker and came to know and love Jehovah God. Kuti vapedze chinetso ichi, vanhu "vakakanda mijenyawo kuti mumwe pagumi rimwe nerimwe agare Jerusarema, iro guta dzvene. " NOAA To solve this problem, the people "have also cast lots for one out of ten to dwell in Jerusalem, the holy city. " [ Mufananidzo] M. [ Picture] " Masvingo nemaattractors zvichangobva kuwanwa zvinokombesa chakavanzika chenzira iyo gadziriro huru kwazvo yaigona kuve yakaumbika mukati mezera ramakore ane mabhiriyoni 15 echisiko chose, " inobvuma kudaro Scientific American - chinetso chinongoipa zvikuru sezvo Freedman nevamwe vanowedzera kuderedzazve zera rechisiko chose rinofungidzirwa. This man showed respect. " The newly discovered walls and sattractors blind the mystery of how an enormous system could have been formed during the 15 billion - year age of the universe, " admits Scientific American - a problem that is only worse as Freedomman and others further reduced the estimated age of the universe. Muna 1975 takadzokera kuUnited States kunotarisira vairwara vomumhuri. Reed says that this environmental disruption, in turn, is contributing to health threats worldwide. In 1975 we returned to the United States to care for family members. Zvinonyatsoshanda here kuvimba naJehovha paunorwara zvikuru? Simon and Mark, now teenagers, found that when they were younger, they really enjoyed studying the book The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived with their parents. Is it really worth trusting in Jehovah when you are very sick? Dr. Part of the branch office complex in Russia Dr. Mashoko akanaka anofanira kuziviswa zvikuru sei, uye nei? Beroea How extensive is the good news to be proclaimed, and why? Samueri akanga akundikana kuona Eriabhi sokuonekwa kwaaiitwa naJehovha. Jesus knew that what we take in through our eyes can affect our heart. Samuel had failed to see Eliab as Jehovah saw him. Nyangwe napaduku pose. According to The New Encyclopædia Britannica, "December 25, the birthday of Mithra, the Iranian god of light and... the day devoted to the invincible sun, as well as the day after the Saturnalia, was adopted by the church as Christmas, the nativity of Christ, to counteract the effects of these festivals. " Not at all. Pakudzoka kumusha, takanzwa kuti usiku hwapfuura mhuri yokwaKądziela yakanga yarohwa zvakakomba, naizvozvo Baba vangu vakanga vaenda kundotarisira hama nehanzvadzi dzakakuvadzwa. This emphasis on meeting together continued with the formation of the Christian congregation, and it is still a major part of our worship. Upon returning home, we heard that the night before the Kidziela family had been severely beaten, so my father had gone to care for damaged brothers and sisters. MUNYIKA mune kusaruramisira kwakawanda. But my father has forbidden us to listen to just about any music at all! IN THE world there is much injustice. Muenzaniso wavo unoratidza kuti apo inorondwa nokuda kwevavariro dzisina kururama, dzidzo inogona kuita kuti munhu adade kana kuti kumuparira kudisa mari. Nevertheless, Lee started to study the Bible with a workmate and came to know and love Jehovah God. Their example shows that when pursued for wrong motives, education can make one proud or cause him to love money. Kutanga, tinofanira kuchenjerera kuva savaJudha vomuzuva raZefania avo vakarega kutevera Jehovha nemhaka yokuti vaipanikira kuva pedyo kwezuva raJehovha. To solve this problem, the people "cast lots to bring in one out of every ten to dwell in Jerusalem the holy city. " For one thing, we must be careful to be like the Jews of Zephaniah's day who stopped following Jehovah because they doubted the nearness of Jehovah's day. Imwe hanzvadzi yepaBheteri kuUnited States iyo yakabhabhatidzwa makore anodarika 40 apfuura yakati dzimwe nguva inobatsirwa kunyatsonzwisisa zvimwe zvinhu nemagazini iyi. Gutsulyak), 3 / 1 A sister in the United States who was baptized more than 40 years ago said that she is sometimes helped to get a better understanding of this magazine. Ndinombozviwana ndiri pakati pavo. " [ Picture] I sometimes find myself among them. " Bhaibheri Rinochinja Upenyu 14 " The latest crop of walls and attractors intensifies the mystery of how so much structure could have formed within the 15 - billion - year age of the universe, " admits Scientific American - a problem that only gets worse as Freedman and others roll back the estimated age of the cosmos still more. The Bible Changes Lives 14 Asi vabereki vane hanya vanofanira kuva nechokwadi chekuti havasi vana vavo vari kuregwa. In 1975 we returned to the United States to assist family members who were ill. However, caring parents need to make sure that their children are not being abandoned. Apa Bhaibheri riri kutsanangura nezvekukoswa kwaiitwa pachishandiswa tumiti tuviri, kamwe kekumonera shinda uye kamwe kokugadzirisa shinda. Is it realistic to trust in Jehovah in the face of serious illness? This is described in the Bible as being used by two small wooden sticks, one to cut wool, and another to repair the wool. ▫ Minyengetero inofanira kunangidzirwa kuna Jesu here? Dr. ▫ Should prayers be directed to Jesus? Zvisinei, rimwe bhuku rinoti "ava havafaniri kuonekwa sevarwi vaya vaiva nounyanzvi vakanga vadzidzira basa iri rokurwa nezvombo, vachiwana mari yakawanda zvikuru, uye vakanga vasiri matsotsi akanga atongerwa rufu. " How extensively must the good news be proclaimed, and why? However, one reference work says that "these should not be viewed as professional soldiers who had trained this trade for armed combat, made a lot of money, and were not criminals who had been sentenced to death. " Pasinei zvapo nefambiro mberi dzesayenzi, chinoda kusvika chikamu chimwe chezvina chenyika chine nzara nhasi. Samuel had failed to see Eliab as Jehovah saw him. Despite scientific advances, nearly a quarter of the world is hungry today. Pasimba. Not at all. Strong. Iwe nemhuri yako muri kuisa pokutanga kunamata kwemhuri, kupinda misangano, uye ushumiri hwomumunda here? Upon returning home, we learned that the previous night the Kądziela family had been savagely beaten, so my father had gone to take care of severely wounded brothers and sisters. Are you and your family putting first family worship, meeting attendance, and the field ministry? Kubika kwakadaro kungave kwaiva tsika yechihedheni yaiitirwa kuti mvura inaye. THERE is much injustice in the world. Such cooking may have been a pagan ritual that was designed to produce rain. Ndinoda kudzidza Bhaibheri. " Their example shows that when pursued for wrong motives, education can make a person proud or lead to his being a lover of money. I want to study the Bible. " Muna 2005 vaparidzi takapfuura 50 000, uye paidiwa zvakare kuwedzera zvivako zvebazi. First, we should beware of becoming like the Jews in Zephaniah's day who drew back from following Jehovah because they entertained doubts about the nearness of Jehovah's day. In 2005 the number of publishers was over 50,000, and yet another need was to expand the branch facilities. " Ndinofunga mungakuda kuno, " akadaro. A Bethel sister in the United States who was baptized over 40 years ago said that the simplified edition has at times provided her with new insight. " I think you would like it here, " he said. Anoti: "Ndakanakidzwa nomugove wangu zvokuti ndakakumbira vakuru vaiva muungano yacho kuti vanditendere kugara muungano yacho kusvikira pane imwe nguva. I've found myself in the middle of them. " She says: "I enjoyed my assignment so much that I asked the elders in the congregation to allow me to stay in the congregation until another time. Kana musikana wechiduku akabata pamuviri, anozviisa iye nomwana wake asati aberekwa paimwe njodzi. The Bible Changes Lives 14 If a young girl becomes pregnant, she submits herself and her unborn child to another danger. Pachazombova nezuva ratichasvika pakuziva zvinhu zvose here? But caring parents need to make sure that it is not their children who are sacrificed. Will there ever be a day when we will come to know all things? Zvisinei, kwakanga kune boka ramaKristu chaiwoiwo raiedza zvakaoma kutevera nheyo dzoumwari uyewo kudzidzisa kuvapi navapi vaizoteerera munyika inopenga nehondo. This is a description of the spinning process, using the distaff and the spindle, basically two simple sticks. However, there was a group of real Christians who tried hard to follow godly principles and also to teach to any who would listen in a war - mad world. Chokwadi, vanhu vakaita zvinhu zvinoshamisa - vakavaka dzimba dzakaisvonaka, vakagadzira zvinhu zvokushandisa zvoungwaru, kunyange kuenda kumwedzi - asi havagoni kuzvitonga pachavo pasina kutungamirirwa naMwari. ▫ Should prayers be directed to Jesus? Of course, humans have done wonderful things - built beautiful houses, designed tools of intelligence, even menstruation - but cannot rule themselves without divine guidance. Akajekesa kuti iri dare rokukwirira rakanga risingabvumirani nechisarudzo chedare rakatonga nhau yacho - chokuti murapi akanga ane kodzero yokufuratira zvishuvo zvomurwere, achiita sokuti aizozviteerera asi nechomukati achiziva kuti aida kuita chimwe chinhu chakasiyana. However, states one source, "they should not be confused with the group of skilled gladiators who fought with weapons, who earned considerable fortunes, and who were under no life sentence. " He made it clear that this appeal court did not agree with the court's decision that judged the case - that the physician had the right to ignore the patient's wishes, as if he would listen to them but inside knowing that he wanted to do something different. Kuvadzidzi vake, Jesu akati: "Kana munhu achida kuuya shure kwangu, ngaazvirambe, asimudze muchinjikwa wake, anditevere. " Despite scientific advancements, nearly a quarter of the world is hungry today. To his disciples, Jesus said: "If anyone wants to come after me, let him disown himself and pick up his torture stake and continually follow me. " Kudzidza nezveunhu hwaMwari kunobatsira sei Zvapupu? Upon force. How does learning about God's qualities affect the Witnesses? Somuenzaniso, panguva yaivakwa tebhenekeri, Jehovha akarayira Mosesi kuti atore hafu yeshekeri resirivha kubva kumuIsraeri mumwe nomumwe anenge anyoreswa. Mari iyi yaipiwa se "mupiro kuna Jehovha. " - Eksodho 30: 12 - 16. Are you and your loved ones giving family worship, meeting attendance, and the field ministry first place in your lives? For example, at the time of the construction of the tabernacle, Jehovah commanded Moses to take half a shekel of silver from each one of Israel registered, which was given as "a contribution to Jehovah. " - Exodus 30: 12 - 16. Uporofita hwaJoere hune tapuroi pakunzwisisa kwedu Mateo 24: 29? Such boiling may have been a pagan ritual performed to produce rain. What effect does Joel's prophecy have on our understanding of Matthew 24: 29? Kunyange vamwe vaKristu vakazodzwa vakava "vasina simba, vanorwara. " I want a Bible study. " Even some anointed Christians have become "in a weak and ailing state. " Kodhekisi iyi yaiva nemashoko akarurama here epakutanga? In 2005 we passed the 50,000 publisher mark, and further branch expansion was necessary. Did this codex contain accurate information at the outset? Iye akanyevera Israeri: "Regai kuzviita mumene vasina kuchena kupfurikidza noupi noupi weiyi [miitiro youtere], nemhaka yokuti marudzi andiri kubudisa pamberi penyu akazviita amene asina kuchena nezvinhu izvozvi zvose. " I think you'd like it here, " he said. He warned Israel: "Do not make yourselves unclean by any of these [ immoral practices], because the nations whom I am sending out from before you have made themselves unclean by all these things. Dzimwe nguva vashanduri vemaBhaibheri akasiyana - siyana havabvumirani kuti ndedzipi ndima dzakanyorwa senhetembo nokuti musiyano uri pakati penhetembo nekumwe kungonyorawo zvako hausi nyore kuona muchiHebheru. She relates: "I enjoyed my assignment so much that I asked the elders in the congregation to let me stay indefinitely. At times, translators of various Bibles disagree as to which passages were written as poetry because the difference between poetry and mere writing is not an easy one to see in Hebrew. Iye nevaaidzidza navo vaiwanzorangwa kakawanda nokuda kwokushandisa masaini, kunyange pavaisagona kunzwisisa kutaura kwavadzidzisi vavo. If a young girl becomes pregnant, she places herself and her unborn child at further risk. He and his classmates were often punished many times for using signs, even when they could not understand their teachers ' statements. Haazotisiyi sezvatiri kukwegura. Will the day ever come when we know everything? He will not abandon us as we age. Gare gare, kwaedza, takaona varwi vachibudisa vakanga vafa mumusasa wacho. However, there was a group of real Christians trying hard to follow godly principles and also teaching them to any who would listen in the war - mad world. Later, when it came to day, we saw soldiers taking out those dead in the camp. Kurwiswa zvakananga kwakafanana nechamupupuri chine simba chinongoerekana chaparadza imba yako. True, humans have done remarkable things - they have built marvelous residences, made ingenious gadgets, even traveled to the moon - yet they are incapable of governing themselves without divine guidance. The direct attack is like a violent storm that suddenly destroys your house. Tinogonawo kupa rubatsiro runoshanda kuvaKristu vakwegura vatinonamata navo, chirikadzi, uye nherera uye " kutaura nemweya yakaora mwoyo nenzira inonyaradza. ' He made it clear that the appeal court did not agree with the finding of the lower court - that a physician had the right to ignore the patient's wishes, acting as if he was going to comply but being secretly determined to do something else. We can also provide practical assistance for elderly Christians, widows, and orphans and "speak consolingly to the depressed souls. " Akira, anogarawo ikoko, akanyora kuti, "kuti waparadzirwa zvakawanda sei kunoenderana nemaonero omunhu kwete kuti chii chaparara. To his disciples, Jesus said: "If anyone wants to come after me, let him disown himself and pick up his torture stake and continually follow me. " After his fall, who also lives there, he wrote, "How much of the distribution depends, not on what is lost, but on what is lost. Nokuda kwamashoko pamusoro peChikoro Choushumiri Choubati Ushe hwaMwari, ona nyaya inoti "Misangano yechiKristu Inogona Sei Kundibetsera? " muna Mukai! How does learning about God's personality help the Witnesses? For information on the Theocratic Ministry School, see the article "How Can Christian Meetings Help Me? " in Awake! * - Isaya 53: 5. For example, at the time of the construction of the tabernacle, Jehovah instructed Moses to collect half a silver shekel from every registered Israelite, as a "contribution to Jehovah. " - Exodus 30: 12 - 16. * - Isaiah 53: 5. Kana kuti pane chimwewo chinhu chakaitika here? What bearing does Joel's prophecy have on our understanding of Matthew 24: 29? Or something else? Jehovha anoita sei paanotarisana nezvinhu zvinorwadza? Even some anointed Christians became "weak and sickly. " How does Jehovah respond to painful circumstances? Kuchenjera here ikoko? Was the codex an accurate rendering of the original text? Is that wise? Vamwe vanotsvakurudza vanototi kofi yakanakira utano. He warned Israel: "Do not make yourselves unclean by any of these [immoral practices], because by all these things the nations whom I am sending out from before you have made themselves unclean. Some researchers even say that coffee is good for health. Ungazviziva sei somubereki kana chirango chako chiri kubudirira? He and his classmates were often disciplined for using signs, even when they could not understand the speech of their teachers. How can you identify yourself as a parent if your discipline is successful? " Ndizvo zvauri, " mukuru mukuru wehondo akadaro, "asi imi munoda kupfuura nemo? " He will not abandon us as we grow older. " You yourself are, " the general said, "but you want to pass through it, do you? " Nhasi zvinopfuura mamirioni mana muungano dzinopfuura 66 000 munyika yose. - Isaya 43: 10 - 12; Mabasa 2: 21. Later, in the morning light, we saw soldiers carrying the dead out of the camp. Today over four million are in more than 66,000 congregations worldwide. - Isaiah 43: 10 - 12; Acts 2: 21. Vakawanda vaiona zvivako vakashanyira Kunoitwa Mifananidzo, Dhipatimendi Rekunyora Mifananidzo, Dhipatimendi reMashoko, rinodzidzisa kushandisa makombiyuta nekuagadzira, Dhipatimendi reBasa, rinotarisira basa reungano 11 242 uye vatariri vanofambira 572, neDhipatimendi reKunyora tsamba, uko mibvunzo inosvika 14 000 inopindurwa gore negore. Frontal attacks are like a tornado that blows into town and destroys your house instantly. Many of the visitors to the Photo Department, the Photo Department, the News Department, teaches the use and preparation of computers, the Service Department, which oversees the work of 11,242 congregations and 572 traveling overseers, and the Writing Department, where some 11,000 questions are answered each year. Nemutoo wakafanana, vamwe vakaramba kutaura neZvapupu nokuti vakaudzwa kuti Zvapupu zvaJehovha hazvidaviri Jesu Kristu. We can also offer practical help to older fellow Christians, widows, and orphans and "speak consolingly to the depressed souls. " Similarly, some have refused to speak with the Witnesses because they were told that Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in Jesus Christ. SaBaba vake, Jesu aionawo munhu womukati chaiye. Akira, who lives in the same area, wrote that "the real degree of damage depends, not on the material loss, but on one's viewpoint. As his Father, Jesus also took note of the real inner person. Chii chatinofanira kuita kuti tizivikanwe naJehovha? For information on the Theocratic Ministry School, see the article "How Can Christian Meetings Help Me? " What must we do to be known by Jehovah? Chokwadi, Bhaibheri harisi bhuku routano, uye haritauri zvakananga nyaya iyi yokurarisa munhu asi achikwanisa kuona kana kunzwa. * - Isaiah 53: 5. Of course, the Bible is not a health textbook, nor does it directly comment on the subject of sleep without being able to see or hear. Kushushikana kwavanoita noutano hwako, zvaunofunga, zvaunonzwa, uye manamatiro ako zvinoramba zviripo kunyange kana wakura. Or did something else happen? The stress they experience about your health, thoughts, feelings, and spirituality remains even when you are grown up. Jona akadana ari mudumbu reSheori, uye Jehovha Akanzwa inzwi rake. ' How does God face distressing situations? Out of the belly of Sheol did Jonah cry out, and Jehovah himself heard his voice. ' Kunyengedza kwakadai kungashungurudza zvikuru munhu waanoitira izvozvo. Is this wise? Such deceptions can be very distressing to the person to whom they do so. Payaiva pwere, naiyowo ya "ida kusununguka chaizvo. " Some researchers even report that coffee is healthful. When he was a youth, he too "was very free. " Wells akataura kuti "tsika dzakatanga kunyatsorerutswa " pashure pokugamuchirwa kwedzidziso yokuti vanhu vakabva kumhuka. How can you as a parent determine whether your discipline is effective? Wells pointed out that "the customs [were] completely cut short " after the adoption of the theory of evolution. Muapostora Johani akatii nezvaJesu noushumiri hwake? " That's the way it is, " the general said, "and yet you want to go through? " What did the apostle John say about Jesus and his ministry? Tinorava kuti: "Vanhu pavakaona zviratidzo zvaakaita, vakatanga kuti: " Uyu chokwadi ndiye muprofita akanga achizouya munyika. ' Today they number more than four million in more than 66,000 congregations all over the world. - Isaiah 43: 10 - 12; Acts 2: 21. We read: "When the people saw the signs he performed, they began to say: " This is indeed the prophet that was to come into the world. ' [ VaIjipiti] vakavapa izvozvo zvavakakumbira. " Many who took the tour went to the Photo Lab, the Art Department, Information Services, which provides computer training and support, the Service Department, which supervises the activity of 11,242 congregations and 572 traveling overseers, and Writing Correspondence, where some 14,000 inquiries are handled each year. And the Egyptians gave to them according to their request. " Vanhu vanoshandisa shoko rokuti "chipembenene, (insect) " kusanganisira kwete zvipembenene chaizvo zvoga - zvisikwa zvine makumbo matanhatu senhunzi, nhata, umhutu, inda, nezvinyamututa - asiwo tupuka tune makumbo masere sezvishambwe nezvikwekwe. Likewise, some have refused to speak with the Witnesses because they have been told that Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in Jesus Christ. Humans use the word "bugs, " including not only the literal insects - the six - wheeled creatures like flies, the cane, the mosquito, and the dung - but also the eight - footed insects like the hens. UNONAMATA Mwari worudzii? God's prophet Daniel foretold: "In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. WHAT kind of God do you worship? Nemhaka yokuti ikoko kungareva kuti kuora mwoyo kwavo kuri kuparirwa nokusaita kwavo zvakakwana. Like his Father, Jesus also discerned the real inner person. Because that may mean that their depression is due to their not doing enough. Pakati pa1993, Joan Ray akaenda kune chimwe chipatara muUnited States nokuda kwokuvhiyiwawo zvako kwomuitiro. What is necessary for us to be known by Jehovah? Between 1993, Joan Ray went to another hospital in the United States for mere formal surgery. Asi mune dzimwewo, vabereki havadi kuti vana vavo vaite zvakawanda, uye vana vacho vanotozvifarira. Of course, the Bible is not a health textbook, and it does not comment directly on the subject of hypnotism. In others, however, parents do not want their children to do more, and the children like it. Patakasvika, akanyemwerera uye akati: "Ndangokutakurai nechido changu. Their concern for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual welfare continues even after you grow older. When we arrived, he smiled and said: "I just carried you with my will. Jakobho aiziva kuti vana vake vaisava vaduku vanogona kuita zvinoitwa nevakuru. Out of the belly of Sheol, Jonah cried for help, and Jehovah heard his voice. ' James knew that his children were not young enough to behave as elders do. Bva, chiiko chinotengwa norudzikinuro? This kind of deception can become a source of much mental distress to his victim. Yet, what is purchased by the ransom? [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 23] As a youth, he too "wanted more freedom. " [ Picture on page 23] Taigona kutora urwu rudzi rwomutoro here? Wells noted that it was following the acceptance of the evolution theory that "a real de - moralization ensued. " Could we take this kind of responsibility? Yakataurwa naG. What did the apostle John say about Jesus and His ministry? As told by G. Murugwaro rwechiGiriki, chii chiri pamberi pokuoneka kwokutanga kwezita rokuti the·osʹ (mwari) pana Johane 1: 1, iyo inoratidza kuti nongedzero yacho iri kuna Mwari Wamasimba ose? We read: "When the men saw the signs he performed, they began to say: " This is for a certainty the prophet that was to come into the world. ' In the Greek text, what lies before the initial appearance of the name the·osʹ (god) at John 1: 1, which shows that the reference is to Almighty God? [ Mashoko Omuzasi] [ The Egyptians] granted them what was asked. " [ Footnote] 12, 13. People commonly use the term "insect " to include not only true insects - six - legged creatures such as flies, fleas, mosquitoes, lice, and beetles - but also eight - legged creatures such as mites and ticks. 12, 13. Akanyora kuti: "Munhu anoda sirivha haazogutswi nesirivha, uyewo munhu anoda pfuma haazogutswi nemari inowanikwa. " WHAT kind of God do you worship? He wrote: "A mere lover of silver will not be satisfied with silver, neither any lover of wealth with income. " ▪ Kudzokorora zvinonzwika Kudzokorora zvinonzwika zvaunoda kuyeuka (zvakadai seshoko kana kuti mashoko omumwe mutauro) kunoita kuti maneuron achengete mashoko acho. Because that may imply that their depression is due to their not doing enough. ▪ A review of the sounds you need to remember (such as a word or phrase in another language) allows a dictionary to retain the message. Kana uchida wokuroorana naye, ziva kuti haumbofi wakawana akakwana. In mid - 1993, Joan Ray went to a hospital in the United States for a routine operation. If you want a marriage mate, realize that you will never find enough. Peji Yepiri In other families, parents have lowered their expectations, and children - happy to oblige - have lowered their performance. Page Two Kana kusina kubva muchiKristu chomuzana remakore rokutanga, kushandisa mifananidzo yokunamata kwakabva kupi? Upon arrival, he smiled and said: "This is on me. If not from first - century Christianity, where did the use of images of worship come from? VaRevhi vanopiwa maguta 48, uye 6 awo anofanira kuva maguta outiziro. Jacob knew that his children were not little adults. The Levites are given 48 cities, and 6 of them must be cities of refuge. Rusununguko Rworudzidziso, 2 / 1 Yet, what is bought with the ransom? 2 / 15 Vakawanda vavo vakanga vakadzidza chaizvo. [ Picture on page 23] Most of them were well educated. Munyori wenhoroondo dzekare, Will Durant akataura nezvazvo achiti: "Mutadziwo zvake angaedza sei kunyengetera kumunhu ari pachigaro chinotyisa uye chiri kure zvakadaro? " Could we take on this kind of responsibility? Historian Will Durant put it this way: "How could a mere sinner try to pray to someone on such a frightening and distant throne? " Vakanyora tsamba dzacho vachikarira kugutsa chishuvo chomwoyo wavo, ingave toyi ye "Graphic Computer " yamayeni 18 000 ($680, Z.) kana kuti mutambo wevhidhio unogona kutakurwa wemayeni 12 500 ($475, Z.). As told by G. They wrote the letters in hopes of satisfying their heart's desire, whether it be the toy of the "Grapic Compuc Compuler " of 11,000 yen ($80, Z.) or the video game that can carry 12,500 yens ($475, Z.). Agripa naFesto havana kuona chinhu chaiita kuti Pauro afanirwe nokufa kana kuti kuiswa mujeri. In the Greek text, what precedes the first occurrence of the noun the·osʹ (god) at John 1: 1, which shows that the reference is to almighty God? Agrippa and Festus saw no basis for Paul's death or imprisonment. Akanga achitsvakwa neFBI achinzi akanga aramba kuenda kuhondo, nokudaro kwenguva yakati kuti akanga ari kushandisa mamwe mazita kuti asabatwa. [ Footnote] He was being sought out by the FBI as one who refused to go to war, so for a time he was using other names to avoid being caught. Vakabvanganyura zvinhu zvose zvaiva mukati, vachitsvaka chimwe chinhu chine chokuita nokupandukira. 12, 13. They went through everything inside, seeking something to do with rebellion. Zvirokwazvo, kuva mukufora kworukundo kwaMwari pamwe chete naKristu iropafadzo isingaenzaniswi inofarikanywa kwete bedzi namaKristu akazodzwa asiwo ne "boka guru " ra" mamwe makwai " kunyange zvino, nokuti rukundo rwoUmambo rwava pedyo. He wrote: "A mere lover of silver will not be satisfied with silver, neither any lover of wealth with income. This too is vanity. " Truly, being in God's victory procession along with Christ is an incomparable privilege enjoyed not only by anointed Christians but also by the "great crowd " of" other sheep " even now, for the Kingdom victory is near. Ndicho chikonzero nei Mwari, Mwari wako, akakuzodza namafuta omufaro. " ▪ Recitation, or verbalization Repeating aloud what you want to remember (a foreign - language word or phrase, for example) will strengthen the neural connections. That is why God, your God, anointed you with the oil of exultation. " Ndainetseka nokusabvumirana kwaiita dzidziso dzacho neBhaibheri uye kukwidziridza kwavaiita nyika yavo. If you want to get married, know that you will never find a perfect mate. I was troubled by the disagreement between her teachings and the Bible and her superiority of her country. Funga izvi: Tisati tadya zvokudya zvatisati tambodya, tingada kutanga taziva kuti zvakabikwa nei. Page Two Consider: Before eating food we have never eaten, we may need to know why it was prepared. 30: 2. If not from first - century Christianity, from where did the use of religious icons originate? 30: 2. Hagari akabva ati kuna Jehovha: "Muri Mwari anoona. " - Genesisi 16: 4 - 13. Levites are assigned 48 cities, and 6 of these are to serve as cities of refuge. Hagar then said to Jehovah: "You are the God who sees. " - Genesis 16: 4 - 13. Panzvimbo pezvo, zvichatsiviwa ne "denga idzva nenyika itsva, munogara kururama mazviri. " - 2 Petro 3: 13. Patiently Waiting on Jehovah From My Youth On (R. Graichen), 8 / 1 Rather, it will be replaced by "new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness is to dwell. " - 2 Peter 3: 13. Naizvozvo, "chimari " chaibva kumushanyi mumwe nomumwe sezvingabvira chaipfuura chipo chiduku. Many among them were highly educated. Therefore, "a little " from each visitor was likely more than a small gift. Vanhu vakatarira vari pasi pamaberere, ayo akabuda murutivi menzira uye akanga akatsigirwa namapango. Historian Will Durant put it this way: "How could a simple sinner dare to take his prayer to so awful and distant a throne? " People looked under shoulders, which came out along the road and were backed up by poles. ZVATICHAITIRWA: They wrote the letters in hopes of gratifying their heart's desire, be it an 18,000 - yen ($136, U.S.) toy "Graphic Computer " or a 12,500 - yen ($95, U.S.) portable video game. FOR US: (a) "Kuberekwazve " kunoshanda kuna ani chaizvoizvo? Agrippa and Festus saw nothing in Paul deserving of death or imprisonment. (a) To whom does "born again " really apply? Kutaura chokwadi, pandairamba ndichiongorora nyaya dzokuti vanhu vakatanga vari mhuka, ndaibva ndatoona kuti dzidziso iyi haina uchapupu hwechokwadi. He was wanted by the FBI for draft evasion, so for a few years he used aliases to escape detection. In fact, the more I studied the theory of evolution, the more I realized that this teaching had no real evidence. Zadziko Yokudenga They proceeded to ransack everything inside, looking for something subversive. Heavenly Fulfillment ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Truly, being in God's triumphal procession in company with the Christ is an incomparable privilege enjoyed by not only the anointed Christians but also the "great crowd " of" other sheep " even now, for the Kingdom's triumph is at hand. . . . . . Bhuku rinonzi People, Plants, and Patents rinoti: "Kugona kuwana mhatsa huru yemavara okugara nhaka ndiko kuchava chinhu chinokosha kukurarama kwemunhu. That is why God, your God, anointed you with the oil of exultation. " Says the book People, Plants, and Attens: "To acquire a wide variety of genes will be the key to human survival. Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary rinorondedzera Krisimisi sa "mabiko echiKristu pana December 25... ayo anorangaridza kuberekwa kwaKristu. " In addition to doctrinal discrepancies, I was troubled by the nationalistic ideas taught by the Mormons. Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary defines Christmas as "the Christian feast on December 25. " Kuzvinyora paganda netsono dzisina kuchena kwave kuchinzi kune chokuita nokuparadzirwa kwechirwere chechiropa uye HIV. Think of this: Before eating a new dish, we would first want to find out what its main ingredients are. Writing them on the skin with unclean needles has been linked to the spread of liver disease and HIV. Anowedzera kuti: "Sezvo ndaiva ndajaira kutaura nevabereki vangu panguva yokudya, zvakanga zvisingandiomeri kutaura navo pandaida kubatsirwa panyaya dzinokosha. " 30: 2. She adds: "Since I was used to talking to my parents during the meal, I didn't find it difficult to talk to them when I needed help on important matters. " Vamwe vakandiudza kuroora, asi ndaiva neshamwari dzakanga dzakaroora, uye dzaisaratidzika kuva dzinofara zvikuru. Hagar then said to Jehovah: "You are a God of sight. " - Genesis 16: 4 - 13. Some told me to marry, but I had friends who were married, and they didn't seem so happy. Pano pana Dhanieri 12: 8, anoti: "Zvino ini ndakazvinzwa, asi handina kuzvinzwisisa. " Rather, they will be replaced by "new heavens and a new earth that we are awaiting according to his promise, and in these righteousness is to dwell. " - 2 Peter 3: 13. Here Daniel 12: 8 says: "I myself heard, but I did not understand. " Vabatiri vaJehovha vomuzuva ranhasi vanogona kudzidzei munhoroondo iyi? Therefore, "a piece of money " from each visitor was likely more than a token gift. What can Jehovah's present - day servants learn from this account? Anoziva zvirimo. People stared from under the eaves, which projected over the sidewalks and were supported by posts. He knows where it is. Asi imi muchanzi vaprista vaJehovha, vanhu vachakutumidzai vashumiri vaMwari wedu. " MEANING FOR US: And as for you, the priests of Jehovah you will be called; and as for you, the ministers of our God you will be called. " Kumbomira wofunga "nezvokuguma " kwacho kungakubatsira kuti urege kufamba nenzira inopedzisira yakupinza mungozi. (a) To whom does being "born again " really apply? A pause and reflect on the "end afterward " may help you to avoid going on a path that eventually puts you in danger. • Neiko Vabereki Vangu Vasingandinzwisisi? Indeed, the more I examined evolution, the more I became convinced that the theory is more bluster than fact. • Why Do My Parents Not Understand Me? Josia akanga achingova nemakore matanhatu chete apo Amoni akava mambo weJudha. A Heavenly Fulfillment Josiah was just six years old when Amon became king of Judah. Chidzitiro Chechifuva uye Ngowani: Achikurudzira kumuka kwomudzimu, Pauro akanyora, kuti: "Ngatisvinuke takapfeka chidzitiro chechifuva chokutenda norudo, nengowani ive tariro yoruponeso. " ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ " Let us keep our senses in the breastplate of faith and love, " wrote Paul, adding to the resurrection of the spirit, "and let us keep our senses and have the breastplate of faith and helmet as the hope of salvation. " Mumwe mufundisi muimwe nyika yeAsia anotsanangura, kuti: "Kuramba uchikanganisa apo unenge uchisekwa nguva dzose nokuda kwezvikanganiso zvako kunogona kuva muedzo. Says the book People, Plants, and Patents: "Access to abundant genetic diversity will be the key to human survival. A missionary in one Asian land explains: "Keeping going while you are constantly being ridiculed for your mistakes can be a test. Somuenzaniso, iye anoti: "Usatya, nokuti ndinewe; usavhunduka [murutyo], nokuti ndiri Mwari wako; ndichakusimbisa, zvirokwazvo, ndichakubatsira. " Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary defines Christmas as "a Christian feast on December 25... that commemorates the birth of Christ. " For example, he says: "Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Do not gaze about [in fear], for I am your God. I will fortify you. I will really help you. " Vachava nenhamo vane mimba navanomwisa namazuva iwayo; nyengeterai kuti kutiza kwenyu kurege kuva pachando kana nesabata. Tattooing with unsanitary needles has been associated with the spread of hepatitis and HIV. Woe to those who are with child and to those who nurse in those days! Pray that your flight be not in the winter, nor in the Sabbath. Pakudii? He adds: "Being accustomed to talking with my parents at mealtimes also helped me to feel comfortable talking with them when I needed help with more serious matters. " In what way? Akamukurudzira kuti asateerera kuda kwaMwari uye kuti azvimiririre, achiti: " Zvechokwadi hamungafi. Some told me to get married, but I had friends who were married, and they did not seem very happy. He urged him to disobey God's will and represent himself, saying: "You positively will not die. " Akanga aona mbavha yacho ichiba chikwama chake ndokudanidzira. Here at Daniel 12: 8, he says: "Now as for me, I heard, but I could not understand. " " He had seen the thief steal his purse and cry out. Pane kutaura usati wafunga, tevera zano romunyori weBhaibheri, Jakobho, " rokukurumidza kunzwa, wononoka kutaura, wononoka kuva nehasha. ' - Jakobho 1: 19. What can Jehovah's present - day servants learn from this account? Rather than speak before you think, follow the counsel of the Bible writer James, "to be swift about hearing, slow about speaking, slow about wrath. " - James 1: 19. Mukuvamba kwezana rino remakore, motokari yaiva chinhu chokuzvivaraidza nacho chevapfumi munyika shomanana, asi zvino yava kushandiswa semudziyo wekufambisa nevakawanda muinenge nyika yose. What's in those bags is no mystery. In the early part of this century, the car was a source of entertainment for the wealthy in a few countries, but it is now used as a public transportation instrument throughout the world. Mamwe masangano akaritsiva. And as for you, the priests of Jehovah you will be called; the ministers of our God you will be said to be. " Some organizations have replaced it. Kana anenge achiteerera akazvifarira, Jairo anobaya zvakare, kombiyuta yake yobva yati, "Unoda kuti ndikubatsire kudzidza Bhaibheri here? " Just pausing to contemplate the potential "end afterward " may suffice to prevent you from taking a course that can have serious consequences. When listening to him, Jairo again pierces, and his computer says, "Do you want me to help you to study the Bible? " MUREVHI ane shanje anotungamirira mhomho inopandukira kurwisa zviremera zvaJehovha zvakagadzwa. • Why Don't My Parents Understand Me? A envious father leads a rebellious mob against Jehovah's appointed authorities. Bhuku racho rinoita kuti zvikwanisike kutanga kudzidza Bhaibheri nevanhu pasuo ravo chaipo. " Josiah was only six years old when Amon became king of Judah. The book makes it possible to start Bible studies right at their door. " Cristina, amai vevanasikana vaduku vaviri, vanobvuma vachiti: "Kutaura chokwadi, zvakaoma chaizvo kuenda kubasa uku uchifanira kutarisira mhuri, kunyanya kana uine vana vaduku. Breastplate and Helmet: Urging spiritual wakefulness, Paul wrote: "Let us keep our senses and have on the breastplate of faith and love and as a helmet the hope of salvation. " Cristina, a mother of two young daughters, admits: "To be honest, it is very difficult to go to work while caring for a family, especially if you have young children. [ Vakatipa Mufananidzo uri papeji 3] A missionary in an Asian country explains: "To keep on blundering away while constantly being laughed at for your mistakes can be a test. [ Picture Credit Line on page 3] Chinodokuva chinhu chipi nechipi chatinoita mukutevedzerwa kwoMwanakomana wake, Jesu Kristu. For example, he says: "Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Do not gaze about [in fear], for I am your God. I will fortify you. I will really help you. " Almost anything we do in imitation of his Son, Jesus Christ. Pane imwe hama yakaroora yakava nherera payakanga iri kakomana. Let the man on the housetop not come down to take the goods out of his house; and let the man in the field not return to the house to pick up his outer garment. A married brother grew fatherless when he was a boy. The Influence of Greek Ideas on Christianity, rakanyorwa naEdwin Hatch, 1957, peji 252. In what way? The Ideas on Christianity, bywin Hatch, 1957, page 252. " Takabva tangoiswa mutiroko raitakuriswa mhuka. He urged her to ignore God's will and to become morally independent, stating: "You positively will not die.... " Soon we were put into an animal car. " Musaneta Kuita Zvakarurama " " She had seen the thief lift his wallet and yelled. " Do Not Give Up in Doing What Is Right " Jehovha anotiitira hanya zvikuru uye anoziva kutambura kwedu. Rather than impulsively reacting, follow the Bible writer James ' admonition to be "swift about hearing, slow about speaking, slow about wrath. " - James 1: 19. Jehovah cares deeply for us and knows our suffering. Uye kana amai vomwana wacho vakaroorwa, baba vechiduku vangatofanira kungotarisa sezvo mumwe murume anotora basa rokurera mwana wavo. At the turn of the century, the horseless carriage was a toy of the wealthy in just a few lands, but it is now the means of transport for the common man in much of the world. And if the child's mother is married, a young father may have to look at it as a man takes on the job of raising his child. Ivo mitezo yeChaunga chaMarudzi Ose Chokuzviziva kuti uri muKrishna, chimiro choufundisi chokunamata kwokuzvipira kwechiHindu. Other organizations have taken its place. They are members of the International Nations Knowing that you are in Kishna, a missionary form of Hindu devotion. Kuhama dzakaungana, Pauro akapa mushumo pamusoro pebasa rake rokuparidzira pakati pavanhu vamarudzi, uye iye gare gare akanyora, kuti: "NaTito, waiva neni, ari muGiriki, haana kurovererwa kuti adzingiswe. " If the listener shows interest, another click causes his computer to say, "Would you like to study the Bible with me? " To the assembled brothers, Paul gave a report about his preaching work among the people of the nations, and he later wrote: "To Titus, who was with me, a Greek, was not impaled for circumcision. " Shoko raJehovha Ibenyu AN ENVIOUS Levite leads a rebellious mob against Jehovah's appointed authorities. Jehovah's Word Is Alive ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ This book makes it possible to start Bible studies with people right at their doorstep. " . . . . . Kurohwa nokutyisidzirwa zvakava zvinhu zvenguva dzose. " Frankly, balancing work and family responsibilities is very hard, especially when you have young children, " admits Cristina, a mother of two young girls. The beatings and threats became normal. Vanogara vachiziva mutemo weBhaibheri wokuti: "Kutonga hakungavi nengoni kune usina kuitira vamwe ngoni; ngoni dzinozvirumbidza dzichikunda kutonga. " - Jakobho 2: 13; Zvirevo 19: 17; Mateo 5: 7. [ Picture Credit Line on page 3] They are ever aware of the Bible's command: "There will be no mercy in anyone who has not shown mercy; on the one hand there will be loving - kindness. " - James 2: 13; Proverbs 19: 17; Matthew 5: 7. Ari kuita kuti vafare vari mu "imba [yake] yokunyengeterera, " temberi yake yezvokunamata," imba yokunyengeterera yemarudzi ose. " Virtually anything we do in imitation of his Son, Jesus Christ. He is making them rejoice in his "house of prayer, " his spiritual temple," a house of prayer for all the nations. " Panyaya dzine chokuita nehana, anokurudzira vaKristu kuti " varege kutongana. ' - VaR. There is a married brother who was orphaned when a little boy. When it comes to matters of conscience, he urges Christians "not to be judging one another. " - Rom. 10: 34 - 36. The Influence of Greek Ideas on Christianity, by Edwin Hatch, 1957, page 252. 10: 34 - 36. Kudzivisa Dhiyabhorosi kwakadaro pamwe chete noupenyu hwakatsaurirwa kufadza Mwari zvinokosha kwazvo mukurwisa kwedu Satani. " We were thrown into an animal boxcar. Such resistance to the Devil as well as a life dedicated to pleasing God are vitally important in our fight against Satan. □ Bhabhironi rakava chiratidzo chechii? " Do Not Give Up in Doing Right " □ Of what did Babylon become a symbol? Voruzhinji vavagari vayo mamiriyoni 20 vaHindu. Jehovah is deeply concerned about us and is aware of our suffering. The majority of its 20 million inhabitants are Hindus. Ava vapuroserite vakanga vasati vari Vamarudzi vaiitira havo tsitsi vaJudha kana kuti kunyange avo vakatendeuka ndokudzingiswa. And if the mother of the child ever gets married, a young father may have to look on helplessly as another man takes over the job of raising his child. These Gentile proselytes were necessarily sympathetic to the Jews or even to those who converted and circumcised. " Sayenzi yekare inotaura kuti inokwanisa kuwana hunhu hwomunhu nomufambiro uye kudeya kutaura miitiro yenguva yemberi nezvinoitika kubva muchimiro chenyeredzi dzomudenga.... They are members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, a missionary form of devotional Hinduism. " Ancient science claims that it is capable of acquiring human nature and behavior and of predicting future processes and events from the form of the stars of the universe.... Bhuku raZvakazarurwa rinotaura nezve "guta guru rine umambo pamusoro pemadzimambo apasi. " To the assembled brothers, Paul delivered a report on his preaching work among the people of the nations, and he later wrote: "Not even Titus, who was with me, was compelled to be circumcised, although he was a Greek. " The book of Revelation speaks of "a great city having a kingdom over the kings of the earth. " Kambani yacho yakazopinza zvimwe Zvapupu basa yaona kuti Roberto munhu akazvibata. Jehovah's Word Is Alive The company then hired fellow Witnesses to find that Roberto was a well - behaved man. Hove dzinodirana dzichienda kunodya masanzu ari kuora. Beatings and intimidation became the order of the day. Fish flock to feed on decaying mornings. Hungu, tinoonga sei Jehovha Mwari, Musiki, nokuda kwegadziriro dzake dzose dzorudo dzaanotiitira uye nokuda kwokuva akatisika vanhurume navanhukadzi! They are ever aware of the Bible principle: "The one that does not practice mercy will have his judgment without mercy. Mercy exults triumphantly over judgment. " - James 2: 13; Proverbs 19: 17; Matthew 5: 7. Yes, how grateful we are to Jehovah God, the Creator, for all his loving provisions for us and for having created us male and female! Tinoita zvinhu zviviri. He is making them rejoice inside his "house of prayer, " his spiritual temple, which is" a house of prayer for all the nations. " We do two things. Rudzi rwomunhu rwakatendeka mumabhirioni arwo rwuchava mhuri imwe huru, yakabatanidzwa, yakasimudzirwa kupenyu husingaperi papasi rakashandurwa kuva paradhiso. In matters pertaining to conscience, he encourages Christians " not to be judging one another. ' - Rom. Faithful mankind in its billions will be one large, united family, promoted to everlasting life on an earth transformed into a paradise. " Chiedza Chikuru ' 10: 34 - 36. " A Great Light ' Zvechokwadi, chikomborero chikuru apo vabereki vanoona kuti muenzaniso wavo wakanaka waita kuti vana vavo vade Jehovha nomwoyo wose! - Zvirevo 23: 24, 25. Such opposition to the Devil in combination with a life dedicated to pleasing God is invaluable in our fight against Satan. What a blessing it is when parents see that their good example has moved their children to love Jehovah wholeheartedly! - Proverbs 23: 24, 25. Gare gare akandisiya. □ Of what did Babylon become the symbol? Later he left me. [ Mufananidzo uri papeji 21] The majority of its 20 million inhabitants are Hindus. [ Picture on page 21] Akaenda naSamueri kuna Eri, Mupristi Mukuru, kutebhenekeri yaiva muShiro ndokuti: "Ndakanyengetera pamusoro pomukomana uyu [uye Jehovha akandipa] chikumbiro changu chandakamukumbira. These proselytes were not Gentiles who were simply sympathetic toward the Jews or even those who converted and were circumcised. He took Samuel to Eli, the High Priest, to the tabernacle in Shiloh and said: "I prayed about this boy [and Jehovah gave me my petition that I asked of him. yaJuly 2012. " A proto - science which claims to be able to assess individual personality and behaviour and to foretell future trends and events from the aspects of the heavens.... of July 2012. Rehobhoamu anofanira kunge akaomerwa chaizvo. The book of Revelation speaks of "the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth. " How difficult it must have been for Rehoboam! Bhaibheri rinonongedzera kuna ikoku so "kumuka kwokutanga, " kwokutanga munguva nomunzvimbo. As a result of Roberto's fine conduct, the company hired additional Witnesses. The Bible refers to this as "the first resurrection, " the first one in time and place. Saka, nenzira isina kunanga, Henry akakwanisa kupa uchapupu hwakanaka kwazvo. The fish swarm to feed on the decomposing branches. Thus, indirectly, Henry was able to give a fine witness. Pakupedzisira kwakanga kuchibvira kugadzirira kutsikirira nziyo inoravika zviri nyore yaunoona yakaratidzirwa papeji rino. Yes, how grateful we are to Jehovah God, the Creator, for all of his loving provisions in our behalf and for having created us male and female! Finally it was possible to prepare to print the simple music you see displayed on this page. Kudhanza kwacho kunowanzoitwa vachitamba nziyo dzerap dzine mashoko anotaura zvinhu zvepabonde. Our reaction is twofold. The dancing is usually used to play rap music with sexual lyrics. Pane kufunga zvavanonzi naMwari vaite uye kubvuma rubatsiro rwaakapa, vanongoda kuisa "pfungwa dzavo pazvinhu zvenyama. " Faithful mankind in its billions will become one large, united family, uplifted to everlasting life on an earth transformed into a paradise. Rather than focusing on what God asks of them and accepting his help, they simply want to "put their minds on the things of the flesh. " Zvisinei, Jesu akayeuchidza vadzidzi vake kuti kunyange mamwe matambudziko angaita sokuti kuti igomo chairo, "zvinhu zvose zvinobvira kuna Mwari. " - Mateu 19: 25, 26. A " Great Luminary ' However, Jesus reminded his disciples that even some hardships might seem to be a literal mountain, "all things are possible with God. " - Matthew 19: 25, 26. MuMoabi akanga anzwa kuti "Jehovha wakarangarira vanhu vake, akavapa zvokudya. " What a blessing it is when parents see that their good example has produced in their children wholehearted love for Jehovah! - Proverbs 23: 24, 25. In Jacob he had heard that "Jehovah remembered his people and gave them food. " Nemhaka yaizvozvo, tinofanira kubvunza kuti, Tiri kuona kudengenyeka kwapasi, madutu, mafashamo, kusanaya kwemvura, uye nzara zvine ngwavaira zvikuru kupfuura zvakaita zvizvarwa zvomunguva yakapfuura here? Later he did. In view of that, we should ask, Are we seeing earthquakes, storms, floods, droughts, and famines more tragic than did generations of the past? Kunyange vanhu vanoda zvechisimba, vane udyire, vane unzenza, uye vasingateereri Mwari vari kukokwa kuti " vayananiswe naMwari. ' - 2 VaKorinde 5: 20. [ Picture on page 21] Even lovers of violence, selfishness, immorality, and disobedience to God are being invited to "be reconciled to God. " - 2 Corinthians 5: 20. Vakabudisa mabhaisikopo emifananidzo yaibuda iine mashoko aienderana nayo kunyange zvazvo vanhu vaiita mabhaisikopo enyika vakanga vasati vava kukwanisa kuita izvi. She took Samuel to High Priest Eli at the tabernacle in Shiloh and said: "It was for this boy that I prayed, and Jehovah granted my petition that I asked of him. They produced motion pictures, even though the world's movie stars had not yet been able to do so. Mwana wako anotsutsumwa achiti, "Muri kundibata semwana muduku! " See the July 2012 issue of Awake! Your child complains, "You're treating me like a little child! " Kutanga paPentekosta ya 33 N.V., mudzimu waMwari wakasunda vateveri vaJesu kuendesa mvura dzinopa upenyu kuvanhu mupasi rose. Rehoboam may have felt trapped! Starting at Pentecost 33 C.E., God's spirit moved Jesus ' followers to take life - giving water to people earth wide. Uyewo, akatora kapu uye, aonga, akaipa kwavari, achiti: " Inwai, imi mose; nokuti iyi inoreva "ropa rangu resungano, " richadururirwa vakawanda nokuda kwokukanganwirwa kwezvivi. ' " The Bible refers to this as "the first resurrection, " first in time and in rank. Also, he took a cup and, after giving thanks, he gave it to them, saying: " Drink out of it, all of you; for this means my "blood of the covenant, " which is to be poured out in behalf of many for forgiveness of sins. ' " Muprofita Dhanieri akarambawo achinyengetera kuna Mwari kunyange zvazvo aiziva kuti kunyengetera ikoko kwaizoita kuti akandwe mugomba reshumba. So in an indirect way, Henry was able to give a fine witness. The prophet Daniel also kept praying to God even though he knew that such prayers would lead to his being thrown into the lions ' pit. Ichokwadi kuti dzimwe nguva zvatinosarudza tichishandisa Bhaibheri zvingaita kuti tisafarirwe nevamwe. At last it was possible to prepare for printing the easily readable music you see reproduced on this page. Of course, at times our decisions based on the Bible may cause us to lose the favor of others. [ Mashoko Omuzasi] Typically the dance is done to hip - hop music with its sexually explicit lyrics. [ Footnote] Ndinotenda chaizvo kuti ndava kuziva Jehovha. Instead of considering what God requires of them and accepting the help he has provided, they are inclined to "set their minds on the things of the flesh. " I am so grateful that I have come to know Jehovah. Tsika dzedu dzingaratidza kuti zvimwe zvinhu zvakarurama mumamiriro ezvinhu akasiyana - siyana asi izvi hazvibvi zvareva kuti Jehovha anozvitendera. However, Jesus reminded his disciples that even though some obstacles seem insurmountable to men, "with God all things are possible. " - Matthew 19: 25, 26. Our manners may reveal that some things are right under various circumstances but that this does not mean that Jehovah approves of them. Uye zvinoshanda. In Moab she had heard that "Jehovah had turned his attention to his people by giving them bread. " And it works. ; Nuñez, A. In view of that, we must ask, Are we seeing more catastrophic earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, droughts, and famines than did generations past? ; Nuñez, A. Kukwegura kunotambudza zvikurukuru avo vakakundikana " kuyeuka Musiki wavo Mukuru ' muupwere hwavo. Even people who are violent, selfish, immoral, and disobedient to God are being invited to "become reconciled to God. " - 2 Corinthians 5: 20. Old age is particularly distressing to those who have failed to " remember their Grand Creator ' in their youth. Kunyanguvezvo, hatitongofaniri kunzwa kuti nhamburiko dzedu dzokuparidzira hadzina maturo! They produced and used moving pictures with synchronized sound recordings, even before the movie industry released motion pictures for the public that incorporated sound. Never, though, should we feel that our preaching efforts are futile! Saúl akabatsirwa zvikuru nokumuda uye kumurovedza kwataiita. Your adolescent whines, "You're treating me like a child! " Saúl benefited greatly from our love for him and training him. Zvokudya zvinoda kugadzirwa, mabasa epamba anoda kuitwa, uye basa rechikoro rinoitirwa kumba rinoda kupedzwa. Beginning at Pentecost 33 C.E., God's spirit impelled Jesus ' followers to take life - giving waters to people earth wide. Food needs to be prepared, household chores need to be done, and homework needs to be done. Vaya vari kutsvaka wokudanana naye vanofanira kufunga mibvunzo ipi, uye mazano api anobatsira aripo? Also, he took a cup and, having given thanks, he gave it to them, saying: " Drink out of it, all of you; for this means my "blood of the covenant, " which is to be poured out in behalf of many for forgiveness of sins. ' " Those seeking a romantic relationship should consider what questions, and what practical advice is there? [ Mashoko Omuzasi] Later, the prophet Daniel persevered in prayer, despite the threat of being thrown into the lions ' pit. [ Footnote] Zvakawanwa zvinoratidza kuti kazhinji vatyairi vanozvinyengera kufunga kuti vakamuka zvikuru kupfuura zvavanenge vari chaizvo. Of course, our Bible - based decisions may at times make us unpopular. Studies indicate that drivers often deceive themselves into thinking that they are more awake than they really are. Ko Sabata Rave Ririko Nguva Dzose Here? [ Footnote] Has the Sabbath Always Been There? Bhaibheri rinoti: "Rudo rwemari ndirwo chisakiso chamarudzi ose ezvinhu zvinokuvadza, uye kupfurikidza nokusvasvavirira urwu rudo vamwe... vakazvibaya vamene pose pose namarwadzo mazhinji. " I am so thankful to know Jehovah! The Bible says: "The love of money is a cause for all sorts of injurious things, and by reaching out for this love some have... stabbed themselves all over with many pains. " Kuenzanisira: Pana October 31, 1992, Pope John Paul II akabvuma kuti Bvunzurudzo yakanga yaita "nokukanganisa " makore 360 akapfuura mukuranga Galileo nokuda kwokutaura kuti pasi harisati riri nzvimbo yapakati yechisiko chapose pose. Our culture might dictate that certain actions are right under various circumstances, but this does not necessarily mean that Jehovah agrees. To illustrate: On October 31, 1992, Pope John Paul II admitted that the Inquisition had acted "in error " 336 years ago in punishing Galileo for saying that the earth is not the center of the universe. Tanga kukurukura uye batanidzwa mukukurukurirana! And it works. Take the initiative to communicate and get involved in conversation! Ichokwadi kuti vamwe vanhu vasiri vomuAfrica vanodavirawo mashura. ; Nuñez, A. Granted, some non - African people are also superstitious. rakabudiswa mumitauro 219 yacho. Old age is particularly calamitous for those who have failed to " remember their Grand Creator ' during their youth. published in 219 languages. Vamwe vakarava tsinhiro iyoyo vangave vakarangarira kuva mhanza zvayo yokuti Zvapupu zvaJehovha zvakaramba kuisirwa ropa kare kare kusati kwazivikanwa zvikurukuru kuti ikoku kunogona kuva kune ngozi sei, kunyange kunouraya. Exemplary Man Accepted Correction (Job), 3 / 15 Some who have read that comment may have considered it mere chance that Jehovah's Witnesses refused blood transfusions long before it was especially known how dangerous this can be, even fatal. Ndakawana mhinduro dzezvinetso nokurava magazini iyi. Never, though, should we feel that our preaching efforts are in vain! I found answers to the problems by reading this magazine. Cochlaeus nokukurumidza akashuma zvaakanga awana kushamwari yapedyo yaHenry VIII iyo nokukurumidza yakawana kurambidzwa kwokudhinda kwaQuentell shanduro yaTyndale. Saúl responded well to our love and training. Cichlaus immediately reported what he had experienced from Henry VIII's close friend who soon discovered the ban on Queenell's printing translation. Asi Tom akaramba achiteerera. There is a meal to prepare, chores to do, homework to complete. But Tom remained obedient. Takaona mazana evechiduku vachikura, vachifambira mberi pakunamata uye vachizvitsaurira kuna Jehovha, vachiisa Umambo pokutanga muupenyu hwavo. Read about the past and present of one of the most brilliant early American civilizations. We have seen hundreds of young people grow up, make spiritual progress and dedicate themselves to Jehovah, putting Kingdom interests first in their lives. □ Ndedzipi dziri nharaunda ina umo tinogona kuratidza rukudzo kuvamwe vanhu? What questions should those contemplating courtship consider, and what helpful advice is available to them? □ What are four areas in which we can show honor to other humans? Zuva raJehovha zvarava pedyo, kuchenjera kuswedera pedyo naMwari uye kuramba takaparadzana nenyika yakaipa nevanhu vayo vanofurira. [ Footnotes] With Jehovah's day at hand, it is wise to draw close to God and keep separate from the wicked world and its influential people. Modhekai anorayira kuti Mutambo wePurimu uitwe gore negore kupemberera kununurwa uku kukuru. Studies suggest that drivers often mislead themselves into thinking that they are more awake than they actually are. Mordecai orders that the Festival of Picture be held annually to celebrate this great deliverance. Iye akayeuchidza vadzidzi kuti Abrahama naSara vakanga vaseka kariro yairatidzika kuva isingabviri yokuva nomwanakomana muukweguru hwavo. Has the Sabbath Always Existed? He reminded the students that Abraham and Sarah had laughed at the seemingly impossible prospect of having a son in their old age. Munyika yose zvayo munotaurwa ngano dzevanhu vakaita hafu munhu hafu mwari, dzehofori nedzemafashamo. The Bible says: "The love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things, and by reaching out for this love some have... stabbed themselves all over with many pains. " Throughout the world, legends about half a man's making gods, giant and flood. Nenzira iyoyo, mashoko anowanikwa pana Pisarema 37: 18 achava echokwadi anoti: "Jehovha unoziva mazuva avane mwoyo yakarurama; nhaka yavo ndeyokusingaperi. " To illustrate: On October 31, 1992, Pope John Paul II admitted that the Inquisition had acted "mistakenly " 360 years ago in punishing Galileo for asserting that the earth is not the center of the universe. In that way, the words found at Psalm 37: 18 will prove true: "Jehovah himself well knows the days of the upright ones; their very inheritance is to time indefinite. " MuChina, zvirongwa zvokudzivirira "zvakabudirira zvinoshamisa, " nokurapa kunosvika 94 muzana. Take the initiative and join conversations! In China, security programs are "wonderfully successful, " with 94 percent of treatment. Mhuri Huru Dzakabatana Mubasa raMwari Superstitions, of course, persist outside of Africa as well. Large Families United in God's Service Magwaro echiHebheru ane uprofita hwakawanda hunotaura nezvekurarama kwaMesiya pasi pano, hunosanganisira kuberekwa kwake nerufu rwake. has been published in 219 of these. The Hebrew Scriptures contain numerous prophecies about the Messiah's existence on earth, including his birth and his death. Louis. Some who read that comment might have felt it a mere fluke that Jehovah's Witnesses refused blood transfusions long before it became generally known how dangerous, even lethal, these can be. Louis. Asi sezvo Baba vakativimbisa, Jehovha aizogovera zvinodikanwa zvedu, uye Iye akadaro. I have found solutions to problems by reading this magazine. But since Father assured us, Jehovah would provide for our needs, and He did. Asi vanozivawo kuti shamwari, dzingava dziri kure kana dziri pedyo, dzinobatsira vanoda Jehovha kutsungirira dambudziko rimwe nerimwe ravangasangana naro. Cochlaeus immediately reported his findings to a close friend of Henry VIII who promptly obtained a prohibition against Quentell's printing of Tyndale's translation. But they also realize that friends, whether far away or near, help those who love Jehovah to cope with each challenge they may face. Zvisinei, rudo rwakadaro runogona sei kushanda pamwe chete nokutya? But Tom kept on listening. How, though, can such love cooperate with fear? Ndave ndiine ropafadzo yokuva muchatisi kwemakore 34. We have seen hundreds of youngsters grow to physical and spiritual maturity and dedicate themselves to Jehovah, putting Kingdom interests first in their lives. I have had the privilege of being a nurse for 34 years. Ndakabva ndaona kuti ichi ndicho chitendero chechokwadi. □ What are four areas in which we can show honor to other people? I realized that this was the true religion. 2 / 1 As Jehovah's day nears, it is the course of wisdom to draw close to God and keep ourselves separate from the wicked world and its corrupting associations. 2 / 15 Somugumisiro, vaviri ivavo vakanyadziswa nokunzi vaiti vezvakaipa pane vanhu, kubvarurirwa nguo dzavo dzokunze, uye kurohwa neshamhu mumusika. - Mabasa 16: 12, 16 - 22. Mordecai decrees that the Festival of Purim be held each year to commemorate this great deliverance. As a result, those two were humiliated by being called evildoers in public, stripped of their outer garments, and beaten with rod in the marketplace. - Acts 16: 12, 16 - 22. Ungave uine chinetso chakakomba choutano chinokutadzisa kuita zvaungakwanisa kuita muushumiri, kana kuti ungave uri kunetseka nokunzwa usingaremekedzeki. He reminded the students that Abraham and Sarah had laughed at the seemingly impossible prospect of having a son in their old age. You may have a serious health problem that prevents you from doing what you can in the ministry, or you may be struggling with feelings of disrespect. Dhavhidhi anozorondedzerawo chimwe chishamiso chezvakasikwa naJehovha, achiti: "Wakagadzirira zuva tende mukati mazvo [matenga anooneka]. Iro rakafanana nechikomba chinobuda mumba macho, rinofara semhare kumhanya nenzira yaro. Stories about demigods, giants, and a cataclysmic flood are found in ancient mythologies worldwide. David next describes another miracle of Jehovah's creation, saying: "He has prepared a tent in the midst of them [the physical heavens], like a bridegroom coming out of the house and exulting as a mighty man to run his course. Ndiani anoda kukurudzirwa, asi nei kuri kushoma mazuva ano? In that way, the words found at Psalm 37: 18 will come true: "Jehovah is aware of the days of the faultless ones, and their very inheritance will continue even to time indefinite. " Who needs encouragement, but why is it rare today? Chokwadi, tose tichatarisana nemigumisiro yakanaka kana yakaipa yezvatinosarudza. - VaGaratiya 6: 7 - 10. In China, pilot projects were "a stunning success, " with a cure rate of 94 percent. Of course, all of us will face the good or the bad consequences of our decisions. - Galatians 6: 7 - 10. Asi iyi yaiva imwe nzvimbo yaiva pedyo neKadheshi, pedyo nemuganhu weNyika Yakapikirwa. Large Families United in God's Service But this was another area near Kadesh, near the border of the Promised Land. Makwai aJesu paanoteerera inzwi rake, anova "boka rimwe chete " raanotungamirira. The Hebrew Scriptures contain dozens of prophecies about the Messiah's life on earth, including details about his birth and death. When Jesus ' sheep listen to his voice, he becomes "one flock " under his leadership. Mukadzi haane simba pamusoro pomuviri wake, asi murume; saizvozvowo murume haane simba pamusoro pomuviri wake, asi mukadzi. Louis. The wife doesn't exercise authority over her own body, but the husband. Likewise the husband doesn't exercise authority over his own body, but the wife. 3 Zvinonyadzisira Zvava Kuwanika paInternet But as Dad assured us, Jehovah would provide for our needs, and He did. 3 Pornography on the Internet NZIYO DZICHAIMBWA: 108, 30 But they also know from experience that friends - both near and far - help lovers of Jehovah to cope successfully with each and every challenge. SONGS TO BE USED: 108, 30 Chii chinoratidza kuti munhu akura? How, though, is such love compatible with godly fear? What shows that a person is an adult? Chii chichakurukurwa munyaya ino? For 34 years I have also had the privilege of being registered to perform marriages. What will be considered in this article? Kufanana naPauro paaiva pamberi paAgiripa, kubvira pasumo kusvikira pamhedziso yemharidzo dzedu dzeshoko roUmambo, ngatikurukurei zvinosvika pamwoyo. I knew that this must be the true religion. Like Paul when before Agrippa, from the introduction to the conclusion of our Kingdom sermons, let us consider what reaches the heart. 28: 19, 20. 7 / 15 28: 19, 20. Asi munhu anenge atsidza mumwoyo make kuti haasi kuzomboreva nhema anogona kunyengera vamwe. As a result, those two underwent the indignity of being presented in public as evildoers, having their outer garments torn off them, and being beaten with rods in the marketplace. - Acts 16: 12, 16 - 22. But a person who has resolved in his heart that he will never lie can deceive others. Ivo vanobvunza, kuti: "Munhu aigona sei kuva akanzwiwa ne'boka guru ' pasina betsero yorudzi rwakati rwegudzanzwi? You may have a serious health problem that limits what you can do in the ministry, or you may be struggling with low self - respect. They ask: "How could one have been heard by the " great crowd ' without the advantage of some kind of sound equipment? Pakaumbwa dare rokufeya - feya kupomerwa kwacho. David next describes another wonder of Jehovah's creation: "In them [the visible heavens] he has set a tent for the sun, and it is like a bridegroom when coming out of his nuptial chamber; it exults as a mighty man does to run in a path. A trial of investigation was set up. Kuita izvi kwainzi kuzvidavirira pazvivi zvevaya vakanga vapa chibayiro chacho. Who needs encouragement, but why is it scarce today? Doing this was considered an account for the sins of those who had offered the sacrifice. Jehovha aizobvumira ikoku kwose kupfuurira here? Of course, all of us will face the good or bad consequences of our own choices. - Galatians 6: 7 - 10. Would Jehovah allow all of this to continue? Neiko? But this was a different site, one near Kadesh, close to the border of the Promised Land. Why? Mupambadzi iyeye akadzidza nemisodzi pamatama kuti kurarama asiri pamba pababa vake kwakanga kusina chimuko uye kuchirwadza. As Jesus ' sheep listen to his voice, they become "one flock " under his leadership. That householder learned with tears that living away from his father's home was worthless and painful. TOM NALINDA VARI MUNZIRA IRI KURE, INONANGA KUSHUAR NZANGA YEINDIA The wife does not exercise authority over her own body, but her husband does; likewise, also, the husband does not exercise authority over his own body, but his wife does. POSILINE IN THE FEECTS TO BE A SUMPER, SERILILILIL Vanhu vari kugomera, vari kurwadziwa, uye vari kufa. 3 Pornography Goes On - Line People are groaning, suffering, and dying. SONGS TO BE USED: 108, 30 What does it mean to be mature? What will be discussed in this article? Like Paul before Agrippa, from the introduction to the conclusion of our presentation of the Kingdom message, let us make an appeal to the heart. 28: 19, 20. Sadly, a person who makes it a point never to tell outright lies might still resort to deceiving others, dealing falsely with them. They ask: "How could one have been heard by " a great multitude ' without the benefit of some sort of voice amplification? A committee was formed to investigate the charges. Doing so was considered to be answering for the sins of those who made the sacrifice. Would Jehovah allow all of this to continue? Why? The prodigal son learned the hard way that life outside his father's home was empty and heartless. TOM AND LINDA ON A REMOTE TRAIL, HEADING TO A SHUAR INDIAN COMMUNITY