Čo sú ľudské práva? What Are Human Rights? What are human rights? No je pravda, že nie všetci starí rodičia sú takí mobilní. True, not all grandparents are so mobile. But it is true that not all grandparents are so mobile. Musíme snívať, 1 / 10 Naplnení radosťou vo svete bez radosti, 15 / 1 1 / 1 Is There Life After Death? 10 / 15 Jehovah's Witnesses, 1 / 1 Modlia sa o to, aby Ježiš Kristus konal v poslušnosti príkazu jeho Otca a zbavil zem všetkej skazenosti! - Žalm 110: 1, 2; Príslovia 2: 21, 22; Daniel 2: 44; Matúš 6: 9, 10. They are praying for Jesus Christ to act in obedience to his Father's command to rid the earth of all wickedness! - Psalm 110: 1, 2; Proverbs 2: 21, 22; Daniel 2: 44; Matthew 6: 9, 10. They pray for Jesus Christ to act in obedience to his Father's command and to rid the earth of all wickedness! - Psalm 110: 1, 2; Proverbs 2: 21, 22; Daniel 2: 44; Matthew 6: 9, 10. Kresťania si, samozrejme, tieto modly nekupovali. - 1. Jána 5: 21. Christians, of course, would not buy these idols. - 1 John 5: 21. Of course, Christians did not buy these idols. - 1 John 5: 21. Praví kresťania bez váhania uznávajú, že je potrebné rešpektovať riadne ustanovenú autoritu. True Christians are foremost in acknowledging that respect for duly appointed authority is essential. True Christians readily acknowledge the need to respect properly appointed authority. " Hoci aerolínie hovoria, že nemôžu nájsť majiteľov vecí posielaných do Scottsboro, tamojší úradníci hovoria, že strávia hodiny odlepovaním a zoškrabávaním menoviek z tovaru, kým ho dajú do predaja, "uvádza časopis. " While the airlines say they can't find the owners of items sent to Scottsboro, clerks there say they spend hours peeling and scraping names and addresses from merchandise before putting it up for sale, " the Journal states. " Although airlines say they can't find owners of things sent to Scottsboro, officials there say they spend hours peeling off and scraping off labels from goods before they put them on sale, " says the magazine. Ovciam totiž narastie len osem zubov, každý rok dva. You see, sheep grow only eight teeth, two per year. The sheep only grow eight teeth each year, two. Nikto nedokáže mať jazyk úplne pod kontrolou. No one has complete control of the tongue. No one can control the tongue completely. Na seminároch a v bulletinoch sú ľudia poučovaní, ako sa údajne môžu skontaktovať s týmito nebeskými bytosťami. Seminars and newsletters supposedly teach people how to contact these celestial beings. Seminars and newsletters teach people how they are said to be able to contact these heavenly creatures. Obnovenie Restoration Renewal No podľa náuky o Trojici je "Bohom" Otec i Syn. That Jehovah is greater than Jesus, Jesus himself taught when he said: "My Father is greater than I. " However, according to the Trinity doctrine, "God " is both the Father and the Son. Poslanie Spoločnosti je odlišné. The Society's commission is different. The mission of the Society is different. • Ako zdvorilosť pomáha zapôsobiť na väčší počet ľudí? • How does being courteous contribute to a productive ministry? • How does courtesy help to impress more people? Preto neprekvapuje, že podľa súčasných poznatkov neexistuje už žiaden z pôvodných biblických spisov; pravdepodobne sa už dávno rozpadli. So it is not surprising that none of the originals are known to exist; they probably disintegrated long ago. It is not surprising, then, that according to current knowledge, there is no longer any of the original Bible writings; they probably fell apart long ago. Omša svätého Gilesa (detail) The Mass of St. Giles (detail) St. Giles' Mass (detail) " Deväť percent Poliakov spí každú noc menej ako päť hodín, "uvádza sa vo varšavskom týždenníku Wprost. " Nine percent of Poles sleep less than five hours per night, " reports the Warsaw weekly Wprost. " Nine percent of Poles sleep less than five hours each night, " says the Warsaw weekly Wprost. Priznal sa, že za obdobie piatich rokov prepašoval 3000 kusov týchto zvierat a zarobil tak pol milióna mariek (300 000 amerických dolárov). He confessed to smuggling 3,000 such animals within a five - year period, earning half a million marks ($300,000, U.S.). He admitted that over a period of five years, he smuggled 3,000 of these animals and made about half a million marks ($300,000). Všimnite si v tabuľke na strane 9 nadpis "Nevyhnutné?" Notice the heading "Essential? " on the form on page 9. Note, in the chart on page 9, the heading "Is It Necessary? " Jedna zmluva bola podpísaná medzi cisárom Ferdinandom III. a Švédskom a iná zas medzi cisárom a Francúzskom. One agreement was signed in Osnabrück between Emperor Ferdinand III and Sweden, another in Münster between the emperor and France. One covenant was signed between Emperor Ferdinand III and Sweden and another between Emperor and France. Keby sme preukazovali neprimeranú priazeň bohatým alebo tým, ktorí majú významné postavenie, mohla by sa otupiť naša citlivosť voči " žalostnému kriku poníženého ." Showing undue favor to the materially rich or to those having prominence can make us less sensitive to "the complaining cry of the lowly one. " If we show undue favor to the rich or to those with prominence, our sensitivity to "the pitiful cry of the lowly one " might become dull. Impozantná prístavná brána na konci ulice bola bránou do sveta - a tu sa naša prehliadka niekoľkých z najveľkolepejších zrúcanín na svete chýli ku koncu. The impressive harbor gate at the bottom of the street was the gateway to the world, and here our short tour through some of the world's most fascinating ruins comes to an end. The impressive port gate at the end of the street was the gateway to the world - and here our tour of some of the most magnificent ruins in the world is coming to an end. Rovnako aj múdry človek starostlivo rozanalyzuje záležitosť, skôr ako urobí nejaké rozhodnutie, namiesto toho, aby dôveroval svojmu inštinktu či svojim pocitom. Likewise, the wise man analyzes a matter carefully before making a decision instead of trusting his instinct or his feelings. Similarly, a wise person carefully analyzes the matter before making a decision rather than trusting his instincts or feelings. To ma podnietilo, aby som s nimi začala tráviť viac času a vytvorila si k nim blízky vzťah. That fact motivated me to begin spending time with them and to cultivate a proper love for them. This moved me to start spending more time with them and to develop a close relationship with them. Smrť asi 50 ľudí, ktorí boli na palube, vyvolala ďalšie zdesenie. The death of about 50 people on board caused further consternation. The death of some 50 people on board caused further dismay. Vynikal som v napodobňovaní podpisov a pracoval som aj na falšovaní nemeckých pečiatok. I excelled in copying signatures and also worked at faking German rubber stamps. I excelled in copying signatures and also worked on forgery of German stamps. Táto otázka je pri spoločenských stretnutiach v Brazílii bežná. That question is commonly asked at social gatherings in Brazil. This issue is common in social gatherings in Brazil. Ale aj keď prejedanie sa a silné pitie u niekoho ešte nedosiahlo až takú mieru, môže ho to urobiť ospalým, ba aj lenivým a nedbalým, pokiaľ ide o konanie Božej vôle. Even if overeating and heavy drinking have not reached that point, however, they can make a person drowsy, even lazy and negligent about doing God's will. But even if binge eating and heavy drinking have not reached such a degree, it can make him sleepy, even lazy, and careless when it comes to doing God's will. Čomu veria?, ktorú vydali Jehovovi svedkovia. What Do They Believe? published by Jehovah's Witnesses. What do they believe? published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Apoštol Peter v súvislosti s videním Ježišovho premenenia napísal: "Preto máme prorocké slovo ešte istejšie; a konáte dobre, keď naň dávate pozor ako na lampu svietiacu na tmavom mieste, kým sa nerozvidnie a nevyjde dennica, vo vašom srdci." Referring to the transfiguration, the apostle Peter wrote: "Consequently we have the prophetic word made more sure; and you are doing well in paying attention to it as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until day dawns and a daystar rises, in your hearts. " In connection with the vision of Jesus ' transfiguration, the apostle Peter wrote: "Therefore we have the prophetic word even more sure; and you do well to pay attention to it as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until a diary is seen and there is come out, in your heart. " Tridsaťsedem ľudí bolo spôsobilých začať kázať a 32 ľudí oddalo svoj život Jehovovi a symbolizovalo to krstom vo vode. Thirty - seven had qualified to begin preaching, and 32 had dedicated their lives to Jehovah, symbolizing this by water baptism. Thirty - seven people were qualified to start preaching, and 32 people dedicated their lives to Jehovah and symbolized it by water baptism. Od keňského dopisovateľa Prebuďte sa! By Awake! correspondent in Kenya By Awake! Z tohto počtu asi 25 miliónov tašiek skončí len tak voľne pohodených v prírode. Of these, an estimated 25 million plastic bags end up as litter. Of this number, about 25 million bags will end up being left alone in nature. Čo ak by nás alebo druhú stranu postihla nehoda? What if we or the other party were to have an accident? What if an accident hits us or the other side? PROBLÉM: Hybnou silou korupcie je chamtivosť a sebectvo. THE PROBLEM: The driving forces behind corruption are greed and self - interest. PROBLEM: Greed and selfishness are the driving force behind corruption. Preto sa v modlitbe budeme vyhýbať takým výrokom ako: "Dobrý deň, Jehova," "Posielame ti s láskou pozdravy" alebo "Želáme ti pekný deň." So when praying we would avoid such statements as, "Good morning, Jehovah, "" We send you our love, " or, "Have a nice day. " Therefore, in prayer, we will avoid such sayings as: "Hello, Jehovah, "" We send you greetings with love, " or "We wish you a good day. " Náhle sa z neho stáva despota, ktorý znepríjemňuje život svojim údajným podriadeným! Suddenly, he becomes a despot who makes life miserable for his supposed inferiors! Suddenly, he becomes a despot that makes life miserable for his supposed subordinates! Vojaci sa pred ním triasli. The soldiers cowered. Soldiers trembled in front of him. Myslím si, že Boh používa Vaše publikácie na pomoc ľuďom, ako som ja. I feel that God is working through your publications to help people like me. I think God uses your publications to help people like me. Meranie počasia Measuring the Weather Weather measurement Sue, ktorej otec bol chorý, mala v žalúdku "chorobný pocit prázdnoty," keď si napokon uvedomila, že jej otec zomiera na rakovinu. Sue, whose father was ill, felt "a sick, hollow feeling " in her stomach when she finally realized that her father was dying of cancer. Sue, whose father was sick, had a "sick feeling of emptiness " in her stomach when she finally realized that her father was dying of cancer. Viac než 15 000 sa zúčastňuje na zvláštnej priekopníckej službe a vyše 15 000 slúži v Bételi. More than 15,000 engage in special pioneer work, and upwards of 15,000 are in Bethel service. More than 15,000 share in the special pioneer service, and more than 15,000 serve at Bethel. Tento opovážlivý vtáčik je dokonca známy tým, že sleduje stopu ryjúceho krtka a skúma novovyryté kopčeky zeme. This cheeky bird has even been known to follow the track of a mole to explore its newly excavated mounds. This presumptuous bird is even known for following the trail of an engraving mole and examining the newly engraved hills of the earth. Keďže otec nemohol pracovať, matka prežívala ťažké časy, lebo musela zabezpečovať naše finančné potreby. Since Father could not work, Mother had a rough time caring for our financial needs. Since Father was unable to work, Mother was experiencing difficult times because she had to provide for our financial needs. Stručne povedané, biblické modlitby nám môžu pomôcť obohatiť naše vlastné modlitby. Moreover, we will discover new expressions of praise and thanksgiving and will find fresh words for our petitions and supplications. In short, Bible prayers can help us to enrich our own prayers. Frank Donovan v knihe Dealing With Anger - Self - Help Solutions for Men (Ovládnutie hnevu - ako si môžu muži pomôcť) odporúča: "Uniknúť hnevu - alebo konkrétnejšie situácii a iným ľuďom v návale hnevu - je stratégia, ktorá má mimoriadny význam a cenu pri vystupňovanom hneve." Frank Donovan, in his book Dealing With Anger - Self - Help Solutions for Men, recommends: "Escaping anger - or, more specifically, escaping the scene and other people in your angry episode - is a strategy which has special importance and value at the higher levels of anger. " Frank Donovan, in his book Dealing With Anger - Self - Help Solutions for Men, recommends: "Escape anger - or a more specific situation and other people in a rush - is a strategy of extraordinary importance and value in escalated anger. " Nikdy som nezažila nič podobné ako Liza Davenportová, ale nejaký čas som bola hlboko deprimovaná a občas som sa cítila tak, že by som radšej zomrela. I have never experienced anything like what Lisa Davenport went through, but having been depressed for some time, I have at times felt that I wanted to die. I've never experienced anything like Liza Davenport, but for some time I was deeply depressed, and sometimes I felt like I'd rather die. Pre kresťanov platí príkaz: "Nedajte sa nerovne spriahnuť s neveriacimi." Christians are commanded: "Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. " Christians are commanded: "Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. " Ale slovo "duch" zahŕňa oveľa viac než len dýchanie. But the word "spirit " implies much more than the act of breathing. But the word "spirit " involves much more than breathing. Prečo je nebezpečné riadiť sa náhlymi impulzmi? Why is it dangerous to follow an impulse? Why is it dangerous to follow sudden impulses? V júli 1732 prišiel Serafim v okovách do východnej časti Sibíri a bol uvrhnutý do neslávne známej ochotskej väznice. In July 1732, Seraphim arrived in eastern Siberia bound in irons and was thrown into the infamous Okhotsk prison. In July 1732 Seraphim came in chains to the eastern part of Siberia and was thrown into an infamous ochota prison. Pavol podáva pomocnú ruku Paul Lends a Hand Paul Gives a Helping Hand Napríklad neobsahuje podrobné pravidlá, ako by sa mali kresťania obliekať. For example, the Scriptures do not contain detailed rules regarding what kind of clothing is appropriate attire for Christians. For example, it does not contain detailed rules on how Christians should dress. Získaj útechu - poskytuj útechu, 15 / 3 3 / 1 Require Comfort - Give Comfort, 3 / 1 □ Čo dokazuje, že Ježiš bol skutočnou historickou postavou? □ What proof is there that Jesus was an actual person in history? □ What proves that Jesus was a true historical figure? Slobodný stav, hoci je to obeť, je nádherný dar, ak ho dobre využívate. " Singleness, though it is a sacrifice, is an amazing gift if you take advantage of it. " Singleness, though a sacrifice, is a wonderful gift if you make good use of it. " Inými slovami, politikom by sa malo dovoliť, aby vydávali zákony, ktoré obmedzujú náboženskú slobodu. In other words, politicians should be allowed to make laws that limit religious freedom. In other words, politicians should be allowed to enact laws that restrict religious freedom. PIESNE: 122, 104 SONGS TO BE USED: 122, 104 SONGS TO BE USED: 122, 104 Prečo židovskí kresťania, ktorí kedysi dodržiavali Zákon, nemali žiaden dôvod spochybňovať Jehovovu spravodlivosť? Why did Jewish Christians, who formerly held to the Law, have no reason to question Jehovah's righteousness? Why did Jewish Christians who once kept the Law have no reason to question Jehovah's righteousness? Boh Pavla inšpiroval napísať list Efezanom, v ktorom bola dôležitou témou jednota. God inspired Paul to write a letter to the Ephesians in which unity was a theme. God inspired Paul to write a letter to the Ephesians, in which unity was an important theme. Ponižuje ich, ponižuje ich po zem; dáva im dotýkať sa prachu. He abases it, he abases it to the earth; he brings it in touch with the dust. He humbles them, humiliates them to the earth; he gives them to touch the dust. Aj farba môže skresliť údaje, pretože tmavý povrch pohlcuje viac tepla. Color may also contribute to different readings, since dark surfaces absorb more heat. Even the color can distort the data because the dark surface absorbs more heat. [ Rámček na strane 8] [ Box on page 8] [ Box on page 8] Alebo možno táto navonok krásna kráľovná nebola ochotná podriadiť sa svojmu manželovi ako autorite, a tak dávala iným manželkám v Perzskej ríši zlý príklad. - 1. marca, strana 9. Or maybe this physically attractive queen was really not submissive, thus setting a bad example for other wives in the Persian Empire. - 3 / 1, page 9. Or perhaps this outwardly beautiful queen was unwilling to submit to her husband as authority, thus setting a bad example for other wives in the Persian Empire. - 3 / 1, page 9. Neskôr začali byť stretnutia lepšie organizované. Later, meetings became more organized. Later, meetings were better organized. Obraciaš sa v nej na " Boha každej útechy, ktorý nás teší vo všetkom našom súžení ." In prayer, you are appealing to "the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation. " - 2 Corinthians 1: 3, 4. In it you turn to "the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation. " [ Obrázok na strane 12] [ Picture on page 12] [ Picture on page 12] Mojím mottom na každý deň je: "Na všetko mám silu prostredníctvom toho, ktorý mi ju prepožičiava." My motto for each day is: "For all things I have the strength through the one who gives me power. " My motto for every day is: "For all things I have the strength by virtue of him who imparts power to me. " Dnes je tu asi sto svedkov, ktorí sa stretávajú na zhromaždeniach v štyroch sálach Kráľovstva. Today, there are about a hundred Witnesses who gather for their meetings in four Kingdom Halls on the islands. Today, there are about a hundred Witnesses who meet at meetings at four Kingdom Halls. Kataríny v Egypte podaril nevšedný objav. Catherine in Egypt. Catherine's discovery in Egypt proved remarkable. Ale čo môžu manželia urobiť, ak sa nedokážu dohodnúť? What, though, if mates cannot come to an agreement? But what can husbands do if they cannot agree? Taká skazenosť, odpadnutie od čistého uctievania, bola predpovedaná. Such corruption, a falling away from pure worship, had been foretold. Such wickedness, apostasy from pure worship, was foretold. Na vrchole Karmela Eliáš upozornil na malý obláčik, ktorý priniesol veľký lejak, a tak zázračne ukončil sucho v Izraeli. Also, it was from the top of Carmel that Elijah called attention to the small cloud that became a great downpour, thus miraculously ending the drought on Israel. At the top of Carmel, Elijah drew attention to a small cloud that brought about a large downpour and miraculously ended the drought in Israel. Apoštol Pavol pri opise tohto mimoriadneho prejavu Božej lásky uviedol: "Kristus zomrel v ustanovený čas za bezbožných ľudí, kým sme ešte boli slabí. Referring to this superlative expression of God's love, the apostle Paul wrote: "Christ died for ungodly men at the appointed time. In describing this special expression of God's love, the apostle Paul stated: "Christ died at the appointed time for ungodly people while we were yet weak. Niektoré matky majú pocit, že za ich usilovnú prácu sa im nedostáva dostatočného uznania. Some mothers feel that they do not receive sufficient recognition for their hard work. Some mothers feel that they do not receive sufficient recognition for their hard work. Hovorí: "Pozval som ho dovnútra a vychrlil som naňho všetko to rozhorčenie, ktoré som cítil voči Bohu, Biblii a náboženstvu." He says: "I let him in and began to vent my indignation concerning God, the Bible, and religion. " He says: "I invited him in and sprang out on him all the resentment I felt toward God, the Bible, and religion. " Ako pätnásťročný vstúpil do kláštora. At the age of 15, he entered a monastery. At the age of 15, he entered a convent. Rovnako aj my oceňujeme, keď iní v zbore chápu, že pokiaľ ide o množstvo času, ktorý od nás žiadajú, nemali by byť priveľmi nároční. Likewise, we appreciate it when others in the congregation understand that they should not be demanding when it comes to asking us for our time. Similarly, we appreciate that others in the congregation understand that when it comes to the amount of time they ask of us, they should not be too demanding. Osobne boli pozvaní dodávatelia a úradníci. Personal invitations were issued to suppliers and officials. Suppliers and officials were personally invited. Vôbec netušila, ako hrozne so mnou celé tie roky zaobchádzali, a bola z toho zhrozená. She hadn't realized how terribly I had been mistreated all those years and was devastated. She had no idea how horrible they've treated me all these years, and she was terrified of it. Dovtedy sme dostávali výtlačky aj v moldavčine. Up till then, we had also received copies in Moldavian. In the meantime, we also received copies in Moldovan. Nastane celosvetové bratstvo. A worldwide brotherhood will prevail! There will be a worldwide brotherhood. Pretože Božie pochabé je múdrejšie ako ľudia a Božie slabé je silnejšie ako ľudia. " Because a foolish thing of God is wiser than men, and a weak thing of God is stronger than men. " Because God's foolishness is wiser than men, and God's weak is stronger than men. " Jehova videl našu túžbu slúžiť tam, kde je to viac potrebné, a tak nám otvoril "nebeské stavidlá." Jehovah saw our desire to expand our ministry, and he opened "the floodgates of the heavens " to us. Jehovah saw our desire to serve where it is needed, opening "the floodgates of the heavens. " " Vrátili sa teda s člnmi k brehu a všetko opustili a nasledovali ho. " " They brought the boats back to land, and abandoned everything and followed him. " " So they went back to the shore with their boats, and they left all things and followed him. " Ale nedávno som sa dozvedel, že opäť sa budú rozvádzať. Recently, I found out that they are getting another divorce. But I recently learned that they were getting a divorce again. Ocenenie pre Jehovove vlastnosti nám pomáha, aby sme boli lojálni. Appreciation of Jehovah's qualities helps us to be loyal. Appreciation for Jehovah's qualities helps us to be loyal. A tak som podnikol cestu na juh, aby som získal informácie od nejakého právnika. So I took a trip south to get information about a lawyer. So I made my way south to get information from a lawyer. Toto je opis podvodníka. This description is that of a deceiver. This is a description of the cheater. Aj my sa dnes musíme báť Jehovu a pridržiavať sa jeho ciest. Similarly today, we need to do our part, fearing Jehovah and sticking to his ways. Today, we too must fear Jehovah and stick to his ways. Krátko po pamätnom zjazde v Bombaji v roku 1956 som bola pokrstená. I was baptized shortly after the memorable Bombay convention in 1956. Shortly after a memorial convention in Mumbai in 1956, I was baptized. Pre túto štandardizáciu môže ľudstvo stratiť v nadchádzajúcich desaťročiach 40 000 druhov zeleniny, varuje E. Because of such standardization, mankind may lose 40,000 kinds of vegetables in the coming decades, Saouma warns. For this standardisation, mankind may lose 40,000 vegetable species in the coming decades, warns E. Aký bude koniec tvojich ciest? What Will Be the "End Afterward "? What will be the end of your journeys? Mohli čítať: "Toto dobré posolstvo o kráľovstve sa bude zvestovať po celej obývanej zemi na svedectvo všetkým národom; a potom príde koniec." They read: "This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. " They could read: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. " Písma opisujú takýchto vzkriesených k nebeskému životu ako kňazov Boha a ako tých, ktorí vládnu ako králi s Kristom Ježišom. The Scriptures describe those thus resurrected to heavenly life as being priests of God and as ruling as kings with Christ Jesus. The Scriptures describe such resurrected ones to heavenly life as priests of God and as those who rule as kings with Christ Jesus. Vieme však, že dnes naši odporcovia podobne " ostria svoj jazyk " a používajú reč ako útočnú zbraň proti nám. But we know that today, opposers similarly " sharpen their tongue, ' using speech as a weapon of war. However, we know that today our opposers similarly " sharpen their tongue ' and use speech as an attack weapon against us. 7, 8. a) Ako by sme mohli reagovať za takých okolností, o akých sa hovorí v Lukášovi 7: 36 - 38? 7, 8. (a) How might we have responded under such circumstances as those reported at Luke 7: 36 - 38? 7, 8. (a) How might we react under the circumstances mentioned at Luke 7: 36 - 38? Georgiadis išiel do Nafplionského výcvikového tábora 20. januára a ihneď bol uvrhnutý do táborovej väzenskej cely. Georgiadis went to the Nafplion Training Camp on January 20 and was immediately put in the disciplinary cell of the camp. Georgiadis went to the Nafplion training camp on January 20, and immediately was thrown into a camp prison cell. Existujú však dôvody veriť, že Boh sa osobne zaujíma o obyčajných ľudí. Yet, there are reasons to believe that God is personally interested in ordinary people. However, there are reasons to believe that God is personally interested in ordinary people. Detoxikáciou sa môžu drogovo závislí najprv zbaviť drogy a potom aj zlepšiť si telesné zdravie. Detoxification may first get addicts off drugs and then improve their physical health. By detoxification, drug addicts can first get rid of drugs and then improve their physical health. Ešte som ani svoju modlitbu nedokončila, keď zrazu niekto zaklopal na dvere. No sooner had I finished than there was a knock on the door. I didn't even finish my prayer when suddenly someone knocked on the door. Čítame: "Tí, ktorí boli rozptýlení, prechádzali krajinou a oznamovali dobré posolstvo slova." We read: "Those who had been scattered went through the land declaring the good news of the word. " We read: "Those who were scattered went through the land declaring the good news of the word. " Nebeské Kráľovstvo A Heavenly Kingdom The Kingdom of Heaven Biblia napríklad nabáda matky, "aby milovali svoje deti." For example, the Bible urges mothers "to love their children. " For example, the Bible urges mothers "to love their children. " S Andrém sme neskôr slúžili ako priekopníci v meste Surabaja na ostrove Jáva a tiež na ostrove Bangka pri juhovýchodnom pobreží Sumatry. André and I later pioneered in Surabaya, on the island of Java, and on Bangka, an island off southeast Sumatra. André and I later pioneered in Surabay, on the island of Java, as well as on the island of Bangka, off the southeastern coast of Sumatra. No hoci ľudia môžu byť skutočne veľmi zamestnaní, len málo sa ich zaoberá skutkami, ktoré sú naozaj plodné či produktívne. However, while people may indeed be busy, few are engaged in works that are truly fruitful or productive. However, although people can really be very busy, few are concerned with actions that are really fruitful or productive. V knihe sa ďalej píše: "Katolíci a protestanti prejavovali voči Jehovovým svedkom vo všeobecnosti skôr nepriateľstvo ako súcit a zastávali skôr Hitlerove nemilosrdné zásady než pacifistické hodnoty svedkov." The book further states: "Catholics and Protestants in general showed more hostility than sympathy for Jehovah's Witnesses, and they shared Hitler's harsh values more than the Witnesses ' pacifist ones. " The book goes on to say: "Catholics and Protestants generally showed hostility toward Jehovah's Witnesses rather than compassion and upheld Hitler's ruthless principles than the pacifist values of the Witnesses. " Postupne vnášajú do rozhovorov sexuálny podtón, čím sa snažia docieliť, aby deti časom stratili zábrany. " These individuals attempt to lower children's inhibitions gradually by slowly introducing sexual context and content into their conversations. " Gradually, they bring sexual overtones into conversation, trying to get the children to lose their inhibitions over time. " Spojené štáty a India sú v poradí spotrebiteľov na druhom a treťom mieste a vykazujú vzrast 27 a 50 percent. The United States and India maintained the number two and three consumer spots and showed increases of 27 percent and 50 percent respectively. The United States and India are second and third in the order of consumers and show an increase of 27 and 50 percent. Keď to budeš robiť, tvojou odmenou bude radosť a uspokojenie, pretože budeš napodobňovať Ježiša, ktorý je naším veľkým vzorom v robení učeníkov. As you do so, you will be rewarded with joy and satisfaction because you are imitating the Great Disciple Maker. Doing so will be your reward of joy and satisfaction, for you will imitate Jesus, who is our great model in disciple - making. Čo "duch pravdy" urobil pre pomazaných kresťanov a ich spoločníkov a ako budú zvlášť zjednotení večer 28. marca? What has "the spirit of the truth " done for the anointed and their companions, and how will they be especially united on the evening of March 28? What has "the spirit of the truth " done for anointed Christians and their companions, and how will they be especially united on March 28? □ Prečo je výsadou konať to, čo od nás Jehova žiada? □ Why is it a privilege to do what Jehovah asks of us? □ Why is it a privilege to do what Jehovah asks of us? Obrovské, no usporiadané zoskupenie stanov, v ktorých bývali možno tri milióny alebo viac ľudí, v skupinách po troch kmeňoch na severe, na juhu, na východe a na západe. A vast, but orderly, array of tents housing possibly three million or more people, grouped according to three - tribe divisions to the north, south, east, and west. A huge but arranged group of tents that may have accommodated three million or more people, in groups of three tribes in the north, in the south, in the east, and in the west. Nevymenil by som to za nič na svete. I would not trade it for anything. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Novodobý "otrok" už vyše sto rokov verne slúži ako "strážca." For over a hundred years, the modern - day "slave " has faithfully served as a" watchman. " For over a hundred years, the modern - day "slave " has faithfully served as" guard. " Povedal, že keby vo vyprahnutej pustatine našiel kameň, mohol by logicky usúdiť, že je tam ako výsledok pôsobenia prírodných síl. He stated that if while crossing a heath, he were to find a stone lying on the ground, he might reasonably conclude that natural processes had put it there. He said that if he found a stone in the arid wilderness, he could logically conclude that it was there as a result of the action of natural forces. [ Prameň ilustrácie] [ Credit Line] [ Credit Line] Všimnite si, že Ježiš nepovedal, kde ten raj bude. Note that Jesus did not say where that Paradise would be. Notice that Jesus did not say where that paradise would be. Môžu mať sklon byť kritickí voči ostatným, azda tým, že dávajú najavo pocity rozmrzenosti. They may be inclined to be critical of others, perhaps indicating feelings of resentment. They may tend to be critical of others, perhaps by expressing feelings of agitation. Ježiš sa zmienil o výsledku tejto pozoruhodnej činnosti, keď povedal: "Poučte sa od poľných ľalií, ako rastú; nelopotia sa ani nepradú; ale hovorím vám, že ani Šalamún v celej svojej sláve nebol odiaty ako jedna z nich." - Matúš 6: 25, 28, 29. Commenting on the result of that remarkable activity, Jesus said: "Take a lesson from the lilies of the field, how they are growing; they do not toil, nor do they spin; but I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory was arrayed as one of these. " - Matthew 6: 25, 28, 29. Jesus referred to the outcome of this remarkable activity when he said: "Train from the lilies of the field as they grow; they do not toil nor brag; but I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed as one of them. " - Matthew 6: 25, 28, 29. Uvádzame niekoľko príkladov anglických prekladov, v ktorých je v Novom zákone použité Božie meno: Below are some examples of English translations that have used God's name in the New Testament: Here are some examples of English translations using God's name in the New Testament: Iní si myslia, že sedemročný cyklus sa týka strachu z hladu a sucha. Others think that the seven - year cycle relates to fear of famine and drought. Others feel that the seven - year cycle involves fear of hunger and drought. Aj kráľa sa zmocnila bázeň. The king too was struck with godly fear. Fear took hold of the king too. Celého nervózneho a vzrušeného ma okamžite poslali do frontovej línie v provincii Quang Tri. Nervous and excited, I was immediately taken to the front lines in the province of Quang Tri. All nervous and excited, I was immediately sent to the front line in Quang Tri Province. Medzitým si už kúpili farmu. By this time they had bought a farm. In the meantime, they've already bought a farm. To neznamená, že žena má na kresťanských zhromaždeniach vždy mlčať. This does not mean that a woman is to be completely silent at a meeting of the Christian congregation. This does not mean that a woman should always remain silent at Christian meetings. Keď sa zrelé olivy drvia, uvoľňuje sa z nich zlatožltá tekutina, ktorá má už celé tisícročia čestné miesto na stoloch domácností v Stredozemí. When crushed, ripe olives release a golden liquid, one that has graced the tables of Mediterranean households for thousands of years. When ripe olives are crushed, they release a golden - yellow liquid that has had a place of honor on the tables of homes in the Mediterranean for thousands of years. Ak napodobňujeme jeho príklad, budeme pripravení vyrovnať sa s ich nedokonalosťou. If we imitate his example, we will be prepared to put up with their imperfections. If we imitate his example, we will be ready to cope with their imperfections. Na Novom Zélande vedci vyvinuli zariadenie na pestovanie plaku známe aj pod názvom umelé ústa. In New Zealand, scientists have developed plaque - growth stations, also known as artificial mouths. In New Zealand, scientists have developed a plaque - growing facility known as the artificial mouth. L. L. L. Zdrojom nádeje však nie je iba večná budúcnosť. There is more than the eternal future that offers hope. However, the source of hope is not just an eternal future. 15 / 1 1 / 1 1 / 1 Opísal som aj svoje osobné dojmy z výstavy " Zabudnuté obete " a pripojil som ilustrácie a fotografie. I also described my personal impressions of the " Forgotten Victims ' exhibition. I also described my personal impressions from the " Forgotten Victims ' exhibition and added illustrations and photographs. Raz pozorovali alku s úlovkom viac ako 60 rybiek! One was observed with a catch of more than 60! Once, more than 60 fish were observed! Niektorí rodičia dúfajú, že ich potomok odštartuje kariéru ako zázračné dieťa vo svete športu, hudby alebo filmu. Some parents hope that their young children might launch careers as athletic, musical, or acting prodigies. Some parents hope that their offspring will start their career as a miraculous child in the world of sports, music, or film. V septembri 1942 sme sa prvýkrát zúčastnili veľkého zjazdu. Bol to teokratický zjazd Nový svet v Clevelande v štáte Ohio. We had attended our first major convention, the September 1942 New World Theocratic Assembly in Cleveland, Ohio. In September 1942, we attended a large convention for the first time, the Theocratic New World Convention in Cleveland, Ohio. Čítame v ňom: "Nebuď medzi silnými pijanmi vína, medzi tými, ktorí nenásytne jedia mäso. It states: "Do not come to be among heavy drinkers of wine, among those who are gluttonous eaters of flesh. We read: "Do not be among the strong drinkers of wine, among those who insatiably eat flesh. Počet ľudí, ktorí sa rozhodli, že nebudú časťou organizovaného náboženstva, dnes prudko rastie. In fact, the number of people who are choosing not to be affiliated with organized religions is mushrooming. Today, the number of people who have decided not to be part of organized religion is growing sharply. Frénes znamená určitý druh inštinktívnej múdrosti, ktorú prejavujú aj iné zvieratá. - Porovnaj Príslovia 30: 24. Phreʹnes here means a kind of instinctive wisdom that other animals also manifest. - Compare Proverbs 30: 24. Frénes means some kind of instinctive wisdom that other animals display. - Compare Proverbs 30: 24. Úmyselní hriešnici nemajú žiadnu obeť za hriech. Unlike them, willful sinners no longer have any sacrifice for sins. Intentional sinners have no sin offering. Ľudia, ktorí žijú pri rieke, vedia, čo je táto voda schopná urobiť. People living on the river know what all that water can do. The people who live by the river know what this water is capable of doing. [ Rámček / obrázok na strane 11] [ Box / Picture on page 11] [ Box / Picture on page 11] Článok však poznamenal, že "najväčší vplyv na pravidelnú účasť detí na bohoslužbách má náboženská príslušnosť... However, the article pointed out that "religious affiliation accounted for the largest differences in children's regular participation in religious services.... However, the article noted that "the greatest influence on the regular participation of children in religious services is religious.... Lepšie porozumieť náboženskému zmýšľaniu ľudí tých čias nám pomôžu diela Tatiana, významného spisovateľa žijúceho v druhom storočí. Shedding light on the climate of that period are the works of Tatian, a notable writer of the second century. A better understanding of the religious thinking of the people of that time will help us to understand the works of Tatiana, a prominent second - century writer. Obrovské množstvo piesku sa nachádza v morskej vode, ale aj na vyprahnutých púšťach. Having two cutting sides A huge amount of sand is found in seawater, but also in arid deserts. Ako Jehovovi proroci zdôrazňujú, že treba stále bdieť? Vast amounts of it are suspended in seawater, but it also abounds in bone - dry deserts. How do Jehovah's prophets emphasize the need to keep on the watch? Ako vieme, že Ježiš bol v každom ohľade človekom, keď žil na zemi? How do Jehovah's prophets stress the need to keep awake? How do we know that Jesus was human in every way when he lived on earth? Keď bol Ježiš na zemi, mnohých liečil - vracal slepým zrak, hluchým sluch, postihnutým silu. How do we know that Jesus was fully human when he lived on earth? While on earth, Jesus cured many - he gave back blind eyesight, deaf hearing, and stricken strength. Z biblických príkladov i zo skúseností dnešných Božích služobníkov vidíme, že bázeň pred Bohom zohráva v živote pravých Jehovových služobníkov pozitívnu úlohu. When Jesus was on earth, he cured many - returning sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, vigor to the disabled. Bible examples and experiences of God's servants today show that fear of God plays a positive role in the lives of true servants of Jehovah. Ale predtým, než by som navštívil jeho sálu Kráľovstva, chcel som, aby mi zodpovedal niektoré základné otázky. From Biblical examples and modern - day experiences, we see that the proper fear of God plays a positive role in the life of true servants of Jehovah. But before visiting his Kingdom Hall, I wanted him to answer some basic questions. Namiesto vreckového kalendára môžeš použiť aj: But I wanted him to answer some basic questions before I would visit his Kingdom Hall. You can also use: A čo je ešte horšie, môžu zatajovať negatívne alebo nebezpečné stránky svojich výrobkov, čím prejavujú vážny nedostatok záujmu o dobro druhých. To všetko v mene konkurencie. Bound for Botany Bay (Australia), 2 / 8 Worse still, they may conceal the negative or dangerous aspects of their products, thereby showing a serious lack of interest in the good of others, all in the name of competition. Po skončení strednej školy sa stal zvestovateľom celým časom. On the other hand, perhaps one of the following alternatives below would work for you. After graduating from high school, he became a full - time evangelizer. Našťastie sú tieto ťažké časy znamením, že Boh čoskoro zasiahne a vytvorí "novú zem." Tam budú tragické situácie, ktoré postihujú mnohé rodiny dnes, už iba vecou minulosti. Worse, they may conceal negative or dangerous aspects of their product, thereby showing a serious lack of concern for the welfare of others - all in the name of economic competition. Happily, these difficult times are a sign that God will soon intervene and create a "new earth. " There will be tragic situations that afflict many families today, just a thing of the past. Kohútí zápas sa skončil. He became a full - time evangelizer after graduating from high (secondary) school. Rooster game's over. Ježiš mal vyrovnaný, realistický pohľad na svojich učeníkov. Fortunately, these difficult times are a sign that God will soon intervene and create "a new earth " in which the tragic situations that afflict so many families today will be things of the past. Jesus had a balanced, realistic view of his disciples. Motor, ktorý poháňa vrták, nie je umiestnený na zemskom povrchu, ale "dolu v diere." The cockfight is over. The engine that drives the drill is not placed on the earth's surface, but "down in the hole." Keďže tieto zhromaždenia kresťanov v prvom storočí boli bez rituálov a okázalosti, vyznačovali sa krásnou jednoduchosťou. Jesus had a balanced, realistic view of his disciples. Since these first - century Christian meetings were without rituals and pompousness, they were characterized by beautiful simplicity. A viem, že jeho prikázanie znamená večný život. " - Ján 12: 44 - 50. The motor that drives the drill is located "down hole, " not at the surface. And I know that his commandment means everlasting life. " - John 12: 44 - 50. A v tomto čase konca Boh dáva nádej na večný život na rajskej zemi miliónom ľudí. Free of ritualism and pomp, those first - century Christian meetings had a beautiful simplicity. And in this time of the end, God gives the hope of everlasting life on a paradise earth to millions of people. Káže iným nepočujúcim, zúčastnil sa krajského zjazdu a teší sa na krst. " " Also, I know that his commandment means everlasting life. " - John 12: 44 - 50. He preaches to other deaf people, attends a circuit assembly, and looks forward to baptism. ' " Smutné správy na ceste domov Once again, in this time of the end, God is granting millions the hope of everlasting life on a paradise earth. Sad news on the way home Môžete sa s ním stretnúť aj vo vašom misionárskom pridelení. " He is preaching to other deaf persons, has attended an assembly, and is looking forward to baptism. ' " You can also meet him in your missionary assignment. " Pripojený recept vám pomôže pri pečení kysnutého chleba, ktorý je obľúbený v západných krajinách. Sorrows on the Way Home The attached recipe will help you to bake sour bread, which is popular in Western countries. Vtáky existujú už veľmi dlho. It can also face you in your missionary assignment. " Birds have existed for a long time. Ale mne sa to naozaj stalo. The accompanying recipe will help you make a yeast - raised bread popular in Western lands. But it really happened to me. V čom sa odlišuje Jehova od ľudských vládcov, pokiaľ ide o pravdu? The birds of heaven have been in existence for a long time. How does Jehovah differ from human rulers when it comes to truth? Mier a bezpečie nemôže existovať, kým sú tu vojny, chudoba, zločinnosť a korupcia. Yet it really happened to me. Peace and security cannot exist while there are wars, poverty, crime, and corruption. Ako rodina robia veci spoločne a nájdu si čas aj na spoločný oddych. With regard to truth, what contrast is there between Jehovah and human leaders? As a family, they do things together and take time to relax together. Teraz máme s Karlou už viac ako 70 rokov a už neslúžim ako cestujúci dozorca. Peace and security cannot exist as long as there are war, poverty, crime, and corruption. Karla and I are now over 70 years old, and I no longer serve as a traveling overseer. Ak má brat naďalej ťažkosti vo svojom pridelení, možno si bude dobre počínať v inom. As a family, they do things together and set aside time for recreation. If a brother continues to have difficulties in his assignment, he may well act in another way. Podľa diela The World Book Encyclopedia je Biblia "najrozšírenejšia kniha v dejinách. Karla and I are now in our 70 ' s, and we are no longer in the traveling work. According to The World Book Encyclopedia, the Bible is "the most widely distributed book in history. A predsa, len pred niekoľkými rokmi jasne zažiarila vidina mierového sveta. If the brother continues to have difficulties handling his assignment, perhaps he would do well in another assignment. Yet, just a few years ago, the vision of the peace world shone brightly. Preto nebolo pre nich ťažké rozoznať, že sú pomazaní duchom a že majú prijímať zo symbolov na Pamätnej slávnosti. Ale v dnešnej dobe je to inak. The Bible is "the most widely distributed book in history, " says The World Book Encyclopedia. As a result, they did not find it difficult to discern that they were spirit - anointed and that they were to partake of the Memorial emblems, but today it is different. Strážna veža č. 2 z roku 1976 uviedla, že "súženie" tu znamená to súženie, ktoré vyvrcholilo v roku 70 n. l. Yet, the vision of a peaceful world burned brightly just a few years ago. The Watchtower of 1976 stated that "tribulation " here means tribulation that culminated in 70 C.E. 16, 17. a) Kde môžeš nájsť niektoré kľúčové myšlienky, ktoré Ježiš učil? Therefore, it would not have been difficult for such individuals to know that they were spirit - anointed and should partake of the Memorial emblems. 16, 17. (a) Where can you find some of the key points Jesus taught? Zahŕňal tiež pokyny, ako sa zbaviť rôznej nečistoty. The Watchtower of May 1, 1975, suggested that here "the tribulation " meant the one that climaxed back in 70 C.E. It also included instructions on how to get rid of various impurities. Jacques Lefèvre d'Étaples a titulná strana jeho vydania Biblie z roku 1530 vytlačeného v Antverpách 16, 17. (a) Where can you find some of Jesus ' key teachings? Jacques Lefèvre d'Étaples and the cover page of his 1530 edition of the Bible printed in Antwerp Pavol podobne dychtivo očakával splnenie Božieho sľubu pre verných pomazaných kresťanov. It also gave instructions on how impurities could be removed. Paul similarly eagerly awaited the fulfillment of God's promise to faithful anointed Christians. Na druhý deň ráno sme sa s Dickom vrátili do mesta zobrať niektoré veci, ktoré sme tam nechali. Jacques Lefèvre d'Étaples and the title page of his Bible edition of 1530, printed in Antwerp The next morning, Dick and I went back to town to get some of the stuff we left behind. Noviny Asahi Evening News napísali, že spoločnosť uverejnila ospravedlnenie za svoju neznalosť islamu a vysvetlila, že dezén navrhol počítač pre maximálne bezpečnú jazdu. Paul likewise keenly anticipated the fulfillment of God's promise for faithful anointed Christians. Asahi Evening News reported that the company had published an apology for its ignorance of Islam and explained that the tread was designed by the computer for maximum safe driving. Iné postihnutia sa však neprejavujú žiadnymi vonkajšími znakmi. Next morning Dick and I returned to the city to collect some things we had left behind. However, other disabilities do not show any external features. S malými zmenami opakuje Žalm 40: 13 - 17 (40: 14 - 18, RP). Asahi Evening News said that the company has issued an apology for its lack of knowledge of Islam and explained that a computer designed the tread for maximum driving safety. With minor changes, he repeats Psalm 40: 13 - 17 (40: 14 - 18, RP). b) Prečo je v tejto súvislosti zaujímavý Ján 3: 30? But other types of disabilities have no overt indicators. (b) Why is John 3: 30 interesting in this regard? Apoštol Ján nabádal: "Milovaní, neverte každému inšpirovanému výroku, ale skúšajte inšpirované výroky, aby ste videli, či pochádzajú od Boha." With slight changes, it repeats Psalm 40: 13 - 17. The apostle John urged: "Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired saying, but test the inspired sayings to see whether they originate with God. " To bude ročný text na rok 1997. (b) Why is John 3: 30 of interest here? That will be the yeartext for 1997. V skutočnosti japonský zákon hazardné hry v zásade zakazuje, ale verejné hazardné hry existujú ako "zadná ulička ekonomiky," hovorí výskumník Hiroši Takeuči. The apostle John urged: "Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired expression, but test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God. " In fact, Japanese law prohibits gambling in principle, but public gambling exists as "the back alley of the economy, " says researcher Hiroshi Takeuchi. Pápežský úrad - založil ho Kristus? That will be the yeartext for 1997. The Pope's Office - Was It Founded by Christ? ROZPRÁVA sa príbeh o malom dievčatku, ktoré sa spýtalo svojej matky: "Prečo je stará mamka z drevenej misky a my ostatní z krásnych tanierov?" Actually, Japanese law prohibits gambling in principle, but public gambling exists as a "back alley economy, " says researcher Hiroshi Takeuchi. THE story of a little girl who asked her mother: "Why is Grandma made of a wooden bowl and the rest of us made of beautiful plates? " Jeden slovník definuje to, čo je "nemravné," ako "protikladné k vžitej morálke." The Papacy - Founded by Christ? One dictionary defines what is "immoral " as" contrary to inhabited morality. " Kudu je plaché zviera, je stále v strehu, pripravené utiecť do úkrytu. THE story is told about a little girl who asked her mother: "Why does Grandma eat out of the wooden bowl but the rest of us eat out of our beautiful dishes? " Kudu's a shy animal, he's still on guard, ready to escape into hiding. Niektoré preklady tu naznačujú, že ten, kto sa dotýka Božieho ľudu, dotýka sa nie Božieho, ale Izraelovho oka, alebo dokonca svojho vlastného oka. A dictionary defines "immoral " as" contrary to established morality. " Some translations indicate that the one touching God's people is touching, not God's eye, but Israel's eye, or even his own eye. Ako Jehova prejavuje tieto krásne vlastnosti? The kudu is a shy animal, always on the alert and ready to run for cover. How does Jehovah display these beautiful qualities? Volt je jednotka elektrického napätia. Some translations imply here that the one touching God's people is touching, not God's, but Israel's eye or even his own. Volt is an electric voltage unit. Videli, ako sa vody Červeného mora zázračne rozdelili a oni mohli po suchom dne prejsť na druhú stranu a uniknúť egyptskej armáde. How does Jehovah display those beautiful qualities? They saw the waters of the Red Sea miraculously divided, and they could walk on the dry bottom to the other side and escape the Egyptian army. * Volts indicate the force of the current. * Žiaľ, títo Tutsiovia boli napokon odhalení a zabití. They saw the waters of the Red Sea miraculously divide, allowing them to cross on dry ground and escape the Egyptian army. Sadly, these Tutsi were eventually exposed and killed. Našťastie zranení boli len niekoľkí cestujúci, aj to iba ľahko. * Happily, only a few passengers were injured, even easily. To viedlo k mnohým priateľským rozhovorom o Biblii. Sadly, the Tutsi family were eventually discovered and killed. This led to many friendly discussions about the Bible. Aký mala názov? Fortunately, only a few of the passengers were injured, and that only slightly. What was her name? Rozumiem, čomu ľudia z oboch skupín veria a ako uvažujú. " This led to many friendly Scriptural conversations. I understand what people in both groups believe and how they think. " Rusi toto mesto považujú za malé - hoci má 250 000 obyvateľov - a jeho obyvatelia si nás pamätali a pamätali si aj podrobnosti o nás! Its title? The Russians considered this city small - although it has a population of 250,000 - and its inhabitants remembered us and remembered the details of us! Z paralelnej správy je zjavné, že týmito slovami odsudzoval "učenie" farizejov. I understand people from both ways of life - what they believe and what their attitudes are. " It is evident from the parallel account that he condemned the "teaching " of the Pharisees in these words. Rodičovská výchova sa dá prirovnať k práci záhradníka, ktorý sa stará o stromček. While the city is considered small by Russians - despite its population of 250,000 - its people remembered us and details about us! Parental education can be compared to the work of a gardener who takes care of the tree. No poskytne vám aj príležitosť vypestovať si cenné vlastnosti. A parallel account of Jesus ' words makes it clear that he was condemning "the teaching " of the Pharisees. - Matt. 16: 12. But it will also give you the opportunity to develop valuable qualities. Samozrejme, jednotu v názoroch nemožno dosiahnuť nanucovaním. Parental discipline may be likened to gardening. Of course, unity in opinions cannot be achieved by coercion. Manželka krajského dozorcu, ktorá bola s nami, sa ho ujala a zaviedla ho do oddelenia strát a nálezov na štadióne. However, it will also give you the opportunity to develop valuable qualities. The circuit overseer's wife, who was with us, took him in and introduced him to the stadium's loss and find department. A nepožehnal Jehova tvoje rozhodnutie? - Porovnaj Hebrejom 11: 25. Of course, unity of belief cannot be achieved by coercion. And did Jehovah not bless your decision? - Compare Hebrews 11: 25. Kedysi lekári odporúčali znížiť príjem vápnika, no nedávny výskum naopak ukazuje, že zvýšenie vápnika v potrave vedie k poklesu tendencie tvorby kameňov. A circuit overseer's wife who was with us gently took the girl to the Lost and Found Department at the stadium. Once, doctors have recommended reducing calcium intake, but recent research has shown that the increase in calcium in food leads to a decrease in the tendency of stone formation. Odvtedy už nepracoval toľko ako predtým a znížil výdavky. Has not Jehovah blessed your decision? - Compare Hebrews 11: 25. Since then, he hasn't worked as much as before and reduced spending. © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Doctors also once recommended reducing calcium intake, but recent research indicates instead that an increase of dietary calcium tends to decrease the tendency to form stones. © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Priekopníci zažívajú veľkú radosť z robenia učeníkov From then on, he cut back his work and his expenses. Pioneers experience great joy in making disciples Keď sa diagnostikuje včas, dá sa úplne vyliečiť. Table of Contents When diagnosed in time, it can be completely cured. Hudba, ktorú sme hrali, bola satanistická a texty piesní boli dosť oplzlé a oslavovali násilie. Pioneers get great joy from disciple making The music we played was satanic, and the song lyrics were quite obscene and celebrated violence. Myslel som si, že masturbácia mi pomôže schladiť plamene sexuálnej túžby, ale iba to zhoršila. If diagnosed early, leprosy is fully treatable. I thought masturbation would help me cool down the flames of sexual desire, but it only made it worse. 10 Zubor a jeho únik pred záhubou The music we played was satanic and obscene. It glorified violence. 10 The Zubor and His Escape From Doom Sú pred nami lepšie časy? 1 / 8 I thought masturbating would help me cool the flames of sexual desire, but it only makes it worse. Jehovah's Witnesses, 8 / 15 Väzenský dokument o J. 10 European Bison - Rescued From Oblivion Prison document about J. Keďže boli Božím stvorením, boli bezhriešni čiže dokonalí. Not Afraid - Jehovah Was With Us (E. Because they were God's creation, they were sinless, or perfect. [ Obrázok na strane 29] J. [ Picture on page 29] Miestni Židia začali o necelých sto rokov - pravdepodobne za vlády Ptolemaia II. Filadelfa (285 - 246 pred n. l.) - prekladať Hebrejské písma do gréčtiny, a tak vznikla Septuaginta. Being God's creation, they were sinless, or perfect. Less than a hundred years later, the local Jews - likely under Ptolemy II. Philadelphia (285 - 246 B.C.E.) - began translating the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek, thus forming the Septuagint. Geological Survey; všetky ostatné lastúrniky: © Rob and Ann Simpson / Visuals Unlimited; Cryptosporidium: H.D.A. [ Picture on page 29] Geological Survey; all other bivalve molluscs: © Rob and Ann Simpson / Visuals Unlimited; Cryptosporidium: H.D.A. Preto ak máte príležitosť cestovať, pripravte sa na svoj výlet. Less than a hundred years later, resident Jews - probably during the reign of Ptolemy II Philadelphus (285 - 246 B.C.E.) - began translating the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek to produce the Septuagint. So if you have the opportunity to travel, prepare for your trip. , 15. Geological Survey; all other mussels: © Rob and Ann Simpson / Visuals Unlimited; Cryptosporidium: H.D.A. 14, 15. Za akých okolností bratia z Ríma posilnili apoštola Pavla? So if you have occasion to travel, prepare for your trip. Under what circumstances did the brothers in Rome strengthen the apostle Paul? PRENIKNI HLBŠIE. Fine Works Glorify God (Italy), 1 / 15 DIG DEEPER. Blednutie spôsobuje aj ultrafialové svetlo a pri kombinácii týchto dvoch faktorov je blednutie koralov najintenzívnejšie. " 14, 15. Pale also causes ultraviolet light, and when combined with these two factors, the pallor of corals is most intense. " Ale v kráse Toleda sa môže návštevník najlepšie pokochať pri prechádzke jeho úzkymi uličkami. Under what circumstances was the apostle Paul strengthened by brothers from Rome? But in the beauty of Toledo, the visitor can best enjoy walking through his narrow streets. Ak teda máte nejaké želanie v súvislosti s tým, ako by mal prebiehať váš pohreb, bolo by od vás múdre vyhotoviť o tom písomný dokument a dať si ho podpísať svedkami. 2 DIG DEEPER. So if you have any wish about how your funeral should take place, it would be wise for you to make a written document about it and have it signed by the Witnesses. Návštevnosť kresťanských zjazdov, ktoré prebiehajú po celej krajine vo viacerých jazykoch, prevyšuje dvojnásobok počtu Jehovových svedkov v Ugande. Ultraviolet light also causes bleaching, and the combination of the two gives you the worst bleaching response. " The attendance of Christian conventions throughout the country in several languages exceeds twice the number of Jehovah's Witnesses in Uganda. Podľa správy agentúry Population Action International veľa krajín už vyčerpáva zásoby spodnej vody a mnohé krajiny nedokážu pri svojom dlhodobom plánovaní rozlíšiť, ktorá voda sa nahradí a ktorá nie. However, the charm of Toledo can best be savored by wandering through its narrow streets. According to a report by Population Action International, many countries are already draining their groundwater reserves and many countries are unable to distinguish, in their long-term planning, which water will replace and which will not. Preto ich ukryla na streche a teraz kráľovým poslom hovorí: "Áno, tí muži ku mne naozaj prišli... If you have any wishes about how your funeral is to be conducted, you will be wise to put them down in writing and have the document witnessed. So she hid them on the roof, and now she tells the king's messenger: "Yes, those men have actually come to me.... Takéto úsilie môže byť naozaj uspokojujúce! Furthermore, Christian assemblies held in various languages throughout the country have had excellent attendances, more than twice the number of Jehovah's Witnesses. How satisfying such efforts can be! Podľa sociológa Roberta Ciprianiho iba každý štvrtý občan Ríma presne dodržiava príkazy cirkvi, čo sa týka názorov a správania. According to a report from Population Action International, many countries are already depleting groundwater supplies, and a number are failing to distinguish between nonrenewable and renewable water in their long - term planning. According to sociologist Robert Cipriani, only 1 in 4 citizens of Rome adheres precisely to the church's commands in terms of opinion and conduct. MNOHÝCH ľudí, ktorí sa hlásia ku kresťanstvu, učili, že Konštantín Veľký bol jedným z najvýznamnejších dobrodincov kresťanstva. So she hid them on the roof, and now she tells the king's messengers: "Yes, the men did come to me... MANY professed Christians taught that Constantine the Great was one of Christendom's greatest benefactors. Formuje náš celkový pohľad na život. How satisfying these efforts can be! It shapes our overall view of life. Tak to robí väčšina z nás, a preto sa do poštového toku dostáva záplava poštových zásielok ku koncu dňa. According to sociologist Roberto Cipriani, only 1 out of every 4 Romans follows closely the dictates of the church regarding attitudes and behavior. That is what most of us do, and that is why a flood of mail arrives in the postal stream at the end of the day. Čo môžu zbory robiť pre to, aby viac rozširovali časopisy? MANY professing Christians have been taught that Constantine the Great was one of Christianity's most prominent benefactors. What can congregations do to increase the distribution of magazines? Útechu môžeme čerpať tiež z poznania, že nie sme jediní, kto čelí skúškam a nebezpečenstvám. It molds our very outlook on life. We can also draw comfort from the knowledge that we are not the only ones facing trials and dangers. Stvoriteľ vesmíru by nás určite nenechal v tomto smere bez vedenia. Since this is the routine for most of us, a flood of mail enters the postal stream in the latter part of the day. The Creator of the universe would certainly not leave us in this direction without guidance. Predseda židovských obcí v Taliansku povedal, že "bude zaujímavé vidieť, čo sa teraz stane, teda či budú za slovami nasledovať konkrétne skutky a skutočná zmena." What can congregations do to increase magazine distribution? The president of the Jewish communities in Italy said that "it will be interesting to see what will happen now, that is, whether the words will be followed by concrete deeds and real change. " Mnohí vstupujú do manželstva veľmi mladí, niektorí nemajú ešte ani 20 rokov. We can also draw comfort from the knowledge that we are not alone in facing trials and dangers. Many marry very young, some not even 20 years old. Preto keď bola po druhej svetovej vojne zriadená Organizácia Spojených národov, menší dôraz sa kládol na odzbrojenie a väčší na medzinárodnú spoluprácu s cieľom zabrániť agresii. Surely, the Creator of the universe would not leave us without direction in this regard. Thus, when the United Nations was established after World War II, less emphasis was placed on disarmament and greater on international cooperation to prevent aggression. (Religion in the Soviet Union, Náboženstvo v Sovietskom zväze, od Waltra Kolarza) Po vojne sa cirkevní vodcovia snažili udržať si toto priateľstvo napriek ateistickej politike tejto mocnosti, ktorá sa teraz stala kráľom severu. The president of the Italian Jewish Communities said that "it will be good to see what happens now, that is, if concrete actions and real change follow words. " (Religion in the Soviet Union, Religion in the Soviet Union, by Waltra Kolarz) After the war, church leaders tried to maintain this friendship despite the atheistic policy of this power, which has now become king of the north. Berte svojho partnera ako člena tímu, nie ako protivníka. Some are worried about me, as I am 18 years old and do not have a boyfriend. Think of your partner as a team member, not as an opponent. Aby sme ich mohli uvidieť, musíme si nájsť vhodné stanovište ihneď po východe slnka alebo niekoľko hodín pred západom slnka. So when the United Nations was established after World War II, the emphasis was less on disarmament and more on international cooperation to prevent aggression. To see them, we need to find a suitable location immediately after sunrise or a few hours before sunset. Komu podľa Pavla v skutočnosti slúži duchovenstvo? (Religion in the Soviet Union, by Walter Kolarz) After the war, church leaders tried to maintain that friendship despite the atheistic policy of the power that was now king of the north. To whom, according to Paul, does the clergy really serve? □ Prečo Jeremiáš povedal: "Je dobré pre telesne schopného muža, aby počas svojej mladosti nosil jarmo"? So to see them, we will have to be in a suitable location soon after sunrise or some hours before sunset. □ Why did Jeremiah say: "It is good for an able - bodied man to carry a yoke during his youth "? Vynikajúce pravidlo je: "Stvoriteľ je pred stvorením." Whom did Paul say the clergy were actually serving? An excellent rule is: "The Creator is before creation. " Keď apoštol Peter písal o úlohe, ktorú v Božom predsavzatí zohral Ježiš, napísal: "On [Ježiš] bol vopred známy pred založením sveta, ale sa stal zjavným na konci časov kvôli vám." □ Why did Jeremiah say: "Good it is for an able - bodied man that he should carry the yoke during his youth "? When the apostle Peter wrote of the role Jesus played in God's purpose, he wrote: "He [Jesus] was known in advance before the founding of the world, but he became manifest at the end of the times because of you. " Záhadná choroba - je uznaná An excellent rule is, "The Creator before the created. " Mystery Disease - It Is Recognized Aj katolícky preklad Nového zákona od Štefana Porúbčana hovorí v 4. kapitole 1. listu Timotejovi v 1. a 3. verši: "Duch výslovne hovorí, že v posledných časoch niektorí odpadnú od viery... Speaking about the role that Jesus played in God's purpose, the apostle Peter wrote: "He [Jesus] was foreknown before the founding of the world, but he was made manifest at the end of the times for the sake of you. " Also, a Catholic translation of the New Testament by Stephen the Porubite says in chapter 4 of 1 Timothy verses 1 and 3: "The Spirit specifically says that in recent times some will fall away from the faith.... C. A Mysterious Illness Receives Recognition C. A nemožno prehliadnuť ani vplyv vzdelaných laikov a znalcov Písma. Even the Catholic Jerusalem Bible states at 1 Timothy 4, verses 1 and 3: "The Spirit has explicitly said that during the last times there will be some who will desert the faith... And the influence of educated laymen and scribes cannot be overlooked. Je pozoruhodné, že všetci šiesti misionári z ostrova Belau sú tam už aspoň 12 rokov. C. Remarkably, all six missionaries from Belau have been there for at least 12 years. Hľa, istotne tam prikážem žene, vdove, aby ťa zásobovala potravou. " And not to be overlooked were the educated laymen and scribes. Look! I will certainly command there a woman, a widow, to supply you with food. " O tejto nádeji dôkladne svedčia Sväté Písma. Notably, all six on the island of Belau have been there at least 12 years. This hope is well borne out by the Holy Scriptures. Lebo očakávali, že po nich príde vesmírna loď mimozemšťanov, ktorá sa údajne ukrývala za kométou. Look! I will command a widow there to supply you with food. " - 1 Ki. Because they expected an alien spaceship to come after them, supposedly hiding behind a comet. Nakoniec stanovovali prehnane vysoké kaucie, a tak som trávievala stále viac času vo väzení, kým sa nám podarilo získať potrebné peniaze. This hope is well attested to in the Holy Scriptures. Eventually, they set out excessive bail, so I spent more and more time in prison until we got the money we needed. Ale skutočnosť, že pot pôsobí proti chorobám, môže vysvetľovať, prečo sú ľudia, ktorí sa príliš často umývajú, náchylnejší na kožné infekcie a ekzémy. Because they expected that an alien spacecraft, supposedly hiding behind the comet, was coming to pick them up. But the fact that sweat works against diseases can explain why people who wash too often are more prone to skin infections and eczema. Pokračuje: "Keďže som vtedy nemal ešte ani 30 rokov, bál som sa, že nemám potrebnú rozlišovaciu schopnosť a múdrosť, aby som dokázal dobre pásť zbor." Eventually, the bond was raised to exorbitant levels, and I would spend more and more time in jail until we could raise the needed money. He continues: "Since I was not even 30 years old at the time, I was afraid that I did not have the necessary discernment and wisdom to shepherd the congregation well. " A Pavol si jeho službu veľmi cenil. But the fact that perspiration helps ward off disease might explain why people who wash excessively are more prone to skin infections and eczema. And Paul greatly appreciated his ministry. Sú ľudia, ktorí pracujú preto, aby žili, a sú ľudia, ktorí žijú preto, aby pracovali; ďalší v práci alebo pre prácu zomierajú. " Since I was only in my late 20 ' s when I was appointed, " Nick continues, "I worried that I would lack the needed skills - the discernment and wisdom - to shepherd the congregation effectively. " There are people who work to live, and there are people who live to work; others at work or for work die. Skôr je to prispôsobivosť, ktorá je podstatnou súčasťou tejto viery. " 1: 18. Rather, it is an adaptability that is an essential part of that faith. " Názov je odvodený z čínskych znakov, ktoré znamenajú "teplé žľaby." There are those who work to live and those who live to work; others die at or because of their work. The name is derived from Chinese characters that mean "warm troughs." Aby nám Jehova pomohol pochopiť svoje požiadavky, komunikuje s nami prostredníctvom svojho Slova, Biblie. Rather, it is the flexibility built into the faith. " To help us understand his requirements, Jehovah communicates with us through his Word, the Bible. Naposledy sa Písma zmieňujú o Apollovi, ako cestuje na Krétu a možno i ďalej. The name is derived from Chinese characters meaning "warm hollows. " Last time, the Scriptures refer to Apollos traveling to Crete and perhaps beyond. (Prečítajte Ezechiela 38: 2, 15, 16.) To help us discern his requirements, Jehovah has communicated with us through his Word, the Bible. (Read Ezekiel 38: 2, 15, 16.) V dokumente sa píše: "Zdravotnícky pracovník by sa mal podrobiť testu na HIV v čase, keď je vystavený vírusu, a potom znova o šesť týždňov, o dvanásť týždňov a o šesť mesiacov. The last time Apollos is mentioned in the Scriptures, he was journeying to Crete and perhaps beyond. The document says: "A medical worker should undergo an HIV test at the time he is exposed to the virus, and then again in six weeks, twelve weeks, and six months. b) Čo nás Biblia učí o Jehovovom súcite na príklade citov, ktoré má matka k dieťaťu? (Read Ezekiel 38: 2, 15, 16.) (b) What does the Bible teach us about Jehovah's compassion for a mother's feelings for her child? Keď som mal 28 rokov, oženil som sa. Says the document: "The health care worker should be tested for HIV at the time of exposure, and again at 6 weeks, 12 weeks and 6 months. When I was 28, I got married. Stvoriteľ muža a ženy je Pôvodcom manželstva a rodiny a pozná naše potreby lepšie než ktokoľvek iný. (b) How does the Bible use the feelings that a mother has for her baby to teach us about Jehovah's compassion? The Creator of man and woman is the Originator of marriage and family and knows our needs better than anyone else. Naše oblečenie by však vždy malo byť upravené, čisté, cudné, primerané situácii a prijateľné pre ľudí v našom okolí. At 28, I got married. However, our clothing should always be adapted, clean, chaste, appropriate to the situation and acceptable to the people around us. Hoci záujem o akúkoľvek časť Božieho stvorenia je chvályhodný, pomoc ľuďom na záchranu ich života je našou najdôležitejšou úlohou. The Creator of man and woman is the Originator of marriage and the family, and he knows our needs better than anyone else does. While interest in any part of God's creation is commendable, helping people to save their lives is our most important task. No nie je to tak. " But our clothes should always be neat, clean, modest, appropriate to the occasion, and acceptable locally. But this is not the case. " Iba Jób mohol vyvrátiť toto obvinenie a dostal na to aj príležitosť. Although concern for any part of God's creation is laudable, helping to save the lives of people is our most important task. Only Job could disprove this accusation, and he was given the opportunity to do so. Jehova prikázal svojmu ľudu: "Nespriazniš sa s nimi sobášom. But one would be wrong. " Jehovah commanded his people: "Do not be happy with them by marriage. Keď to budeš robiť, pomôže ti to, aby sa Boh stal pre teba skutočnosťou. Only Job could answer that charge, and he was given the opportunity to do so. Doing so will help you to make God a reality for you. V roku 1994 spoločnosť Watch Tower vyslala do Singapuru 75 - ročného právnika W. Jehovah instructed his people: "You must form no marriage alliance with them. In 1994, the Watch Tower Society sent 75 - year - old lawyer W. Keď Adam úmyselne neposlúchol Boha, zhrešil, a preto prišiel o dokonalosť. Doing this will help to make God real to you. When Adam deliberately disobeyed God, he sinned and therefore lost perfection. O ňom čítame: "Setovi sa tiež narodil syn a dal mu meno Enoš. In 1994 the Watch Tower Society dispatched to Singapore 75 - year - old W. Regarding him, we read: "The son was born to him also, and he gave him the name Enosh. Zabávali ho najlepší speváci a hudobníci a tešil sa zo spoločnosti najkrajších žien krajiny. - Kazateľ 2: 8. When Adam deliberately disobeyed God, he sinned, and the result was the loss of a perfect human life - Adam's life. He was entertained by the best singers and musicians and enjoyed the company of the country's most beautiful women. - Ecclesiastes 2: 8. Tá veľká myseľ, ktorej prislúcha zásluha za všetko stvorené, patrí osobe Boha. Of him, we read: "To Seth also there was born a son and he proceeded to call his name Enosh. The great mind worthy of all creation belongs to the person of God. Alebo mal Konštruktéra? He was entertained by the best singers and musicians, and he enjoyed the companionship of the most beautiful women of the land. - Ecclesiastes 2: 8. Or did he have a Designer? Hebrejské slovo pre syn (Porovnaj 1. The great mind responsible for all creation belongs to the person of God. The Hebrew word for a son (Compare 1 Timothy 3: 8.) Budeš tam aj ty? Or was it designed? Will you be there? Pochopila som, že Boh neschvaľuje pri uctievaní používanie ikon, že rôzne cirkevné tradície - napríklad uctievanie kríža - majú nekresťanský pôvod, a že ak sa chce človek páčiť Bohu, musí ho uctievať "duchom a pravdou." A place for sheltering travelers and their goods I learned that God does not approve of the use of icons in worship, that various church traditions - such as cross worship - are of unchristian origin, and that if a person wants to please God, he must worship him "with spirit and truth. " Po veľkolepom vojenskom víťazstve sa niektorí bojovníci z kmeňa Efraim urazili, pretože si mysleli, že sa im nedostalo cti zúčastniť sa v boji. Will you be there? After a grand military victory, some Ephraimi warriors were offended because they thought that they were not honored to participate in the fight. Jehu dômyselne " vyhladzuje uctievanie Baala z Izraela ." I realized that God does not accept worship through icons, that various religious traditions - such as the veneration of the cross - are not of Christian origin, and that one has to worship God "with spirit and truth " in order to please him. Jehu ingeniously " exterminates Baal worship from Israel. ' Opäť odporúča pozitívne kroky, áno, ujať sa iniciatívy. After a great military victory, some soldiers from the tribe of Ephraim were offended because they felt that they had not been given a chance to share in the glory of battle. Again, it recommends positive action, yes, taking the initiative. Takéto osobné rozhodnutie urobilo viac ako šesť miliónov Jehovových svedkov, bez ohľadu na to, či boli vychovávaní v kresťanských rodinách, alebo nie, či sú mladí, alebo starí. Jehu skillfully " annihilates Baal worship out of Israel. ' More than six million of Jehovah's Witnesses made such a personal decision, regardless of whether they were raised in Christian families or not, whether they were young or old. Dôkazy proti evolúcii Again he recommends positive action, yes, taking the initiative. Evidence Against Evolution Tancujúce koníky v morských vodách, 22 / 12 Whether brought up in a Christian household or not, the more than six million Witnesses of Jehovah, both young and old, have made such a decision. Jehovah's Witnesses, 12 / 8 Po vojne sa úrady mylne pozerali na svedkov ako na hrozbu a mnohí z nich boli uväznení. Evidence Against Evolution After the war, the authorities mistakenly viewed the Witnesses as a threat, and many of them were imprisoned. Čo sa počas zberu deje na kakaovníkových plantážach? Why View Marriage as Sacred? 5 / 8 WORLD AFFAIRS AND CONDITIONS What happens on cocoa plantations during the harvest? Mladí, môžete si v skúške zachovať rýdzosť! After the war, the authorities mistakenly viewed the Witnesses as a threat, and many were imprisoned. Youths, You Can Maintain Integrity Under Test! BEZ ŠVA What happens on cacao plantations at harvesttime? WITHOUT SWITZERLAND Ale títo jednotlivci boli "čisto umytí," čo znamená, že vo svojom živote urobili zmeny potrebné na to, aby ich Boh mohol schvaľovať. Youths can keep integrity when under test But these individuals were "washed clean, " meaning that they made the changes needed in their lives to be approved by God. Keď Šalamún premýšľal o všetkom, o čo sa snažil - vrátane bohatstva, stavebných projektov, hudobných záujmov a romantickej lásky - uvedomil si toto: "Všetko bolo vypočuté a záver vecí je: Boj sa pravého Boha a dodržuj jeho prikázania. HANAN Reflecting on all his efforts - including wealth, construction projects, musical interests, and romantic love - Solomon realized: "All things have been heard, and the conclusion of the things is: Fear the true God and keep his commandments. V súčasnosti slúži v zbore ako služobný pomocník. Yet, such individuals have been "washed clean, " indicating that they have made the changes in their life needed to please God. He is now serving as a ministerial servant in the congregation. Upadla som do hlbokej depresie a mala som pocit, že už ďalej nedokážem žiť. After reflecting on all that he had pursued - including wealth, building projects, musical interests, and romantic love - Solomon came to this realization: "The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the true God and keep his commandments. I fell into deep depression and felt that I could no longer live. Iba prostredníctvom vykupujúcej krvi Ježiša Krista máme nádej na zmenu tohto stavu. - Efezanom 1: 7. He presently serves as a ministerial servant in his congregation. Only through the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ do we have the hope of changing this condition. - Ephesians 1: 7. Kultúra a peniaze však nemôžu zaistiť trvalé šťastie. I fell into severe depression and felt that I could no longer go on. Culture and money, however, cannot ensure lasting happiness. Žalm 33: 11 nás uisťuje: "Jehovova rada, tá obstojí na neurčitý čas; myšlienky jeho srdca sú z pokolenia na pokolenie." It is only through the ransoming blood of Jesus Christ that we have any hope of reversing that situation. - Ephesians 1: 7. Psalm 33: 11 assures us: "The counsel of Jehovah will stand to time indefinite; the thoughts of his heart are from generation to generation. " Mojžišovej 23: 2: "Nebudeš nasledovať zástup za zlým účelom." Yet, money and culture cannot assure lasting happiness. At Deuteronomy 23: 2: "You must not follow after the crowd for an evil purpose. " " Priblížte sa k Bohu, a on sa priblíži k vám, "hovorí učeník Jakub. " The decisions of Jehovah will stand forever; the thoughts of his heart are from generation to generation, " says Psalm 33: 11. " Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you, " says the disciple James. rozprávajú sa... The command given at Exodus 23: 2 serves as a good principle: "You must not follow after the crowd for evil ends. " They're talking... ○ Nantes " Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you, " writes the disciple James. ♦ Nantes AIDS talk together... AIDS " Celé Písmo je inšpirované Bohom. " ○ Nantes " All Scripture is inspired of God. " Neskôr ukázal, že zlé skutky pramenia zo zlých myšlienok v srdci čiže vo vnútornom človeku. AIDS He later showed that bad works stem from bad thoughts in the heart, or inner man. A tak väčšinu vnútorných židovských záležitostí spravoval Sanhedrin. " All Scripture is inspired of God. " Thus, most internal Jewish affairs were administered by the Sanhedrin. Túto situáciu možno prirovnať k situácii tehotnej ženy. Later he showed that wicked actions spring from wicked thoughts in the heart, or inner person. This situation can be compared to that of a pregnant woman. A, prosím, nevykrikujte. The Sanhedrin thus ran most internal Jewish affairs. And please don't shout. Dávid sa previnil vážnymi hriechmi. The situation might be compared to that of an expectant mother. David was guilty of serious sins. V posledných rokoch vlády vydávajú varovania v súvislosti s takými výrobkami, ako sú hračky a bižutéria. Please don't cry out. In recent years, governments have issued warnings regarding such products as toys and jewelry. Do akej miery by sme sa mali riadiť touto zásadou? David is guilty of serious sins. To what extent should we follow this principle? A ako sa môžeme čo najlepšie pripraviť na túto dôležitú udalosť, aby sme mohli plne chápať jej význam? In recent years governments have issued emergency recalls of such consumer products as toys and jewelry. And how can we best prepare for this important event so that we can fully understand its meaning? Pôvodcom ľudského utrpenia určite nie je Boh. However, how far would we take that principle? Surely, God is not the Source of human suffering. Prečo je voľné správanie hlúpe a ako sa naň budeme pozerať, ak máme rozlišovaciu schopnosť? And how can you make sure that you are fully prepared to understand the significance of this important occasion? Why is loose conduct stupid, and how will we view it if we have discernment? Jehova miluje a odmeňuje ľudí, ktorí s radosťou dávajú. But in no way did God originate human suffering. Jehovah loves and rewards those who gladly give. Pavol nechcel panovať nad vierou svojich bratov ani ovládať ich spôsob života. Why is loose conduct stupid, and how will we view it if we have discernment? Paul did not want to rule over the faith of his brothers or control their way of life. Nech sa do toho nikto nestará. " " Jehovah loves and rewards those who give cheerfully. Let no one take care of it. ' " Tento príbeh sa začal v roku 2001, keď Jehovovi svedkovia z Tui potrebovali novú sálu Kráľovstva. Paul did not wish to control the faith and way of life of his brothers. This story began in 2001, when Jehovah's Witnesses in Tui needed a new Kingdom Hall. Podobne ako ich Pán, aj oni boli pripravovaní na vznešenú úlohu s čo najväčším súcitom pomáhať v tom, aby nedokonalé ľudstvo mohlo naplno pocítiť úžitok z Kristovej výkupnej obete. - Zjavenie 5: 9, 10; 22: 1 - 5. We don't want other people interfering. ' " Like their Lord, they were prepared for a grand assignment with the utmost compassion to help imperfect mankind to fully benefit from Christ's ransom sacrifice. - Revelation 5: 9, 10; 22: 1 - 5. Jed, ktorý vstrekujú mnohé bunky nazývané nematocysty, sa rýchlo vstrebáva. This story began in 2001, when the Witnesses in Tui found themselves in need of a new Kingdom Hall. The poison, which injects many cells called nematocysts, is rapidly absorbed. Zozačiatku som na svojom starom, ale robustnom aute išiel po dobrej Panamerickej diaľnici. In the footsteps of their Lord, they were being prepared for their lofty role of helping to administer with the greatest compassion the benefits of Christ's ransom sacrifice to ailing humankind. - Revelation 5: 9, 10; 22: 1 - 5. At first, I was on my old but sturdy car on a good Pan-American highway. NARODILA som sa v roku 1932 v Sydney v Austrálii. The venom is injected by many cells called nematocysts and is absorbed speedily. I WAS born in 1932 in Sydney, Australia. O čo viac by sme teda mali chváliť Stvoriteľa podivuhodných foriem života na zemi! I set off at dawn, driving my old but sturdy truck along the smooth Pan - American Highway. How much more, then, should we praise the Creator of wonderful forms of life on earth! Všimnite si, že Ježiš nepovedal, že morové nákazy samy budú dôkazom, že koniec je blízko. I WAS born in Sydney, Australia, in 1932, to parents who believed in God but did not attend church. Note that Jesus did not say that pestilences alone would prove that the end was near. " Chodíme vierou, nie videním. " - 2. KORINŤANOM 5: 7. How much more, then, should we praise the Creator of earth's living wonders! " We walk by faith, not by sight. " - 2 CORINTHIANS 5: 7. Podobne dnes je Boží ľud požehnaný prostredníctvom zmluvy - lepšej zmluvy, a tou je nová zmluva. Notice that Jesus did not say that pestilences alone would show that the end was near. Likewise today, God's people are blessed by means of a covenant - a better covenant, and that is the new covenant. " Nie je ďaleko od nikoho z nás ," 1 / 7 " We are walking by faith, not by sight. " - 2 CORINTHIANS 5: 7. " Is Not Far From None of Us, " 7 / 15 Ako boli absolventi prijímaní vo svojich nových prideleniach? Similarly, God's people today are blessed through a covenant - a better one, the new covenant. How were the graduates accepted in their new assignments? Tak sa im to javilo. She Wanted to Help, 6 / 1 That's what they thought. Zdá sa, akoby veľké fondy nevyplatených peňazí boli bez dna. How have the graduates been received in their new assignments? It seems that large funds of unpaid money are bottomless. Je to jasný príklad Jehovovej tvorivej brilantnosti. It appeared that way to them. This is a clear example of Jehovah's creative brilliantness. Kónkán je pruh pevniny tiahnuci sa pozdĺž západného pobrežia Indie medzi Arabským morom a pohorím Sahjadri s najväčšou šírkou asi 75 kilometrov. There seems to be no end of money available for the jackpots. Konkán is a strip of land stretching along the west coast of India between the Arabian Sea and the Sahjadri Mountain of about 75 kilometers [75 km] wide. Tieto pocity môžu vyústiť do extrému a k záveru, že si nanič, že máš slabú vôľu a nezaslúžiš si nič dobré. Indeed, it is a striking example of Jehovah's creative brilliance. These feelings may result in extremes and the conclusion that you are useless, that you have weak will and deserve nothing good. Zvlášť rád spomínam na zjazd, ktorý sa konal v Bordeaux v roku 1966. The Konkan is a strip of land, about 47 miles [75 km] at its widest, on the west coast of India, between the Arabian Sea and the Sahyadri mountain range. I especially like to remember the convention held in Bordeaux in 1966. Ako by si odpovedal? You might carry these feelings to an extreme by concluding that you are no good, that you are of weak character and do not deserve anything good. How Would You Answer? Zdalo sa mi, že tých päť minút trvá večnosť. I especially have fond memories of one held in 1966, in Bordeaux. Those five minutes seemed to last forever. R. How Would You Answer? R. Lekári vo všeobecnosti označujú človeka za obézneho vtedy, keď váži o 20 percent viac, než je jeho ideálna hmotnosť. Those five minutes on the clock seemed an eternity. Doctors generally call a person obese when he weighs 20 percent more than his ideal weight. Netrvajte na dokonalom tvare písmen. R. Do not insist on the perfect shape of the letters. Každý sa môže učiť štedrosti tým, že sa o jedlo podelí a nebude trvať na tom, že chce ten najlepší kúsok. Doctors generally define a person as obese if he weighs 20 percent more than his ideal weight. Everyone can learn generosity by sharing food and not insisting on wanting the best piece. Monitorovacie zariadenia: Do not insist on perfectly formed letters. Monitoring devices, as follows: Babylonský kráľ Nabuchodonozor zhromaždil úradníkov svojej ríše na zasvätenie veľkého zlatého obrazu, ktorý postavil. Learn generosity by sharing food and not insisting on getting the best portion. Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar gathered the officers of his empire to dedicate the great golden image he had built. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Monitoring Devices: . . . . . Žena si jej návštevy cenila, ale mala pocit, že Claudete nikdy nedokáže úplne pochopiť jej bolesť. To inaugurate a great golden image that he had set up, Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar assembled officials of his empire. The woman appreciated her visits, but she felt that Claudete could never fully understand her pain. Spočiatku sa chlapec bál odovzdať Élimu posolstvo od Jehovu, lebo to bolo konečné vyhlásenie o tom, že proroctvo vyslovené proti Éliho rodine sa onedlho splní. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ At first, the boy was afraid to convey the message from Jehovah to Eli, for it was a final declaration that the prophecy pronounced against Eli's family would soon be fulfilled. Aký je dôvod na to, čo bolo nazvané "viac - menej uvoľnenou orientáciou na evolucionizmus" u katolíckych vodcov? The woman enjoyed the visits, but she felt that Claudete would never fully comprehend her pain. What is the reason for what was called "more - less - relaxed orientation toward evolutionism " among Catholic leaders? Bola to jednoducho záležitosť toho, kedy a kde sme sa narodili. " - Porovnaj Filipanom 3: 4 - 6. At first, the boy was afraid to deliver Jehovah's message to Eli, for it was a final pronouncement that the prophecy against that family was soon to come true. It was simply a matter of when and where we were born. " - Compare Philippians 3: 4 - 6. Aká bežná látka sa stala symbolom stability a trvácnosti? What is the reason for what has been called "this more or less condescending orientation toward evolutionism " on the part of Catholic leaders? What common substance has become a symbol of stability and durability? V prvom storočí n. l. to naozaj bolo tajomstvo, lebo malo byť odhalené dlho po smrti apoštolov. It has simply been a matter of where we were born and when. " - Compare Philippians 3: 4 - 6. In the first century C.E., this was indeed a secret, for it was to be revealed long after the death of the apostles. NEWFOUNDLAND The seventh angel poured out his bowl of God's anger upon this NEWFUNDLAND Okrem iných nebezpečenstiev zažil stroskotanie lode, čelil nebezpečenstvám na riekach, nebezpečenstvám pred lupičmi i na pustatine a nebezpečenstvám na mori. It was a mystery in the first century C.E. because it would not be unveiled until long after the apostles ' death. Among other dangers, he experienced shipwreck, facing dangers on rivers, threats to robbers, and the wilderness, and dangers at sea. Udržiavajte si doklady v poriadku. NEWFOUNDLAND Keep your papers in order. Napríklad namiesto toho, aby ste povedali: "Ja mať tvoje problémy!," povedzte: "Vidím, že ťa to veľmi znepokojuje." Among the various perils he faced were shipwreck, dangers from rivers and from highwaymen, dangers in the wilderness, and dangers at sea. For example, instead of saying, "I have your problems! " Zničením svojich vešteckých kníh dali títo kresťania príklad všetkým ľuďom, ktorí chcú odolávať zlým duchom v súčasnosti. " Keep tidy records. By destroying their divination books, these Christians set an example for all those who want to resist wicked spirits today. Akým úžasným darom od Jehovu je výkupné! For example, instead of saying, "That's nothing to worry about! " What a wonderful gift from Jehovah is the ransom! Žiaden pozemský vládca nemôže tvrdiť, že mu bola daná nesmrteľnosť, ale Ježiš áno. By destroying their books on divination, those new Christians set an example for all who wish to resist wicked spirits today. No earthly ruler can claim immortality to him, but Jesus did. V bételi brooklynského ústredia a vo viacerých odbočkách Spoločnosti sa o niekoľkých zostarnutých bratov a sestry denne starajú školení členovia rodiny, ktorí to majú pridelené ako svoju úlohu. What a marvelous gift from Jehovah the ransom is! At Brooklyn headquarters and at several branches of the Society, a number of elderly brothers and sisters are cared for daily by trained family members assigned to do so. " Som na prízemí, keď sa začnú biť, "sťažuje sa Joy. No earthly rulers can claim to have been granted immortality, but Jesus can. " I'm on the ground floor when they start fighting, " complains Joy. Je zákonité, že čím viac sa človek nechá ovládať duchom sveta, tým viac sa podobá Satanovi. At Bethel headquarters in Brooklyn and at a number of the Society's branches, several aged brothers and sisters get daily attention from trained family members assigned to this duty. It is lawful that the more man lets himself be controlled by the spirit of the world, the more like Satan. Odhad rozsahu škôd a opravy " I'll be downstairs when they start fighting, " complains Joy. Estimation of extent of damage and repair Z nášho archívu Inevitably, the more a person allows himself to be influenced by the spirit of the world, the more like Satan he becomes. From Our Archives Ktorí ľudia si zaslúžia úctu a prečo? Assessing the Damage and Making Repairs Which people deserve respect, and why? V tomto väzení vykonávali väzni rôzne práce. From Our Archives In this prison, prisoners carried out various work. Jána 5: 3. Jednoducho povedané, ľudia by mali Boha milovať a rešpektovať, mali by poslúchať jeho prikázania, konať čestne, byť ku každému láskaví a vyvarovať sa pýchy. What humans are deserving of honor, and why? Simply put, people should love and respect God, obey his commandments, act honestly, be kind to everyone, and avoid pride. Ak veríte Biblii, musíte veriť, že Satan je skutočnosťou. In this prison, inmates worked at various tasks and trades. If you believe the Bible, you must believe that Satan is a reality. Rozumné rady Ďakujem Vám za to, že poskytujete taký hojný a poučný materiál na čítanie. Simply expressed, humans should love and respect God, obey his commands, act fairly, be kind to all, and avoid pride. Reasonable Counsel Thank you for providing such abundant and informative reading material. Organizovaný zločin bol spojený ako s legálnou, tak aj s ilegálnou hráčskou aktivitou. If you believe in the Bible, you have to believe that Satan is real. Organized crime was linked to both legal and illegal gambling activity. Nie zo škôl, kde to, čo pedagógovia vyučujú, odráža premenlivé hodnoty a meradlá tohto nemravného sveta. Sound Advice Thank you for providing such rich and informative reading material. Not from schools where what educators teach reflects the variable values and standards of this immoral world. Náš záujem o druhých nás podnieti, aby sme " hovorili z Písma ." Organized crime has been linked with both legal and illegal gambling activities. Our concern for others will move us to "speak from the Scriptures. " Každý rok Jehovovi svedkovia vo viac ako 235 krajinách venujú vyše miliardy hodín tomu, aby pomáhali ľuďom získať životodarné poznanie z Biblie. Not from the schools, where what teachers teach reflects the changing values and standards of this immoral world. Each year, in more than 235 lands, Jehovah's Witnesses spend over a billion hours helping people to gain life - giving knowledge from the Bible. A čo ty? Our interest in others will motivate us to " reason from the Scriptures. ' What about you? Netráp sám seba ani tým, že sa budeš s niekým neprimerane porovnávať. Each year, Jehovah's Witnesses in more than 235 lands are spending over one billion hours in helping people to take in life - giving knowledge of the Bible. Don't worry about yourself or being disproportionately compared with someone else. STRANA 15 What About You? PAGE 15 Prečo sme tu? At the same time, don't torment yourself by making unfair comparisons with others. Why are we here? Podľa Dr. PAGE 15 According to Dr. Znie to logicky? Why are we here? Does that sound logical? To odmietnutie ma znepokojovalo. According to Dr. I was concerned about the rejection. Okrem toho nesmú byť opovážliví pri plnení si svojich zodpovedností. Does that sound logical? Moreover, they must not be presumptuous in fulfilling their responsibilities. Možno by bolo užitočné vypísať si na papier krátkodobé i dlhodobé následky, ktoré z daného rozhodnutia vyplynú. That refusal haunted me. Perhaps it would be helpful to write down on paper the short - and long - term consequences of the decision. Asi 95 percent azbestu z toho, čo sa vyťaží na celom svete, je práve tohto druhu. Responsible servants of Jehovah today must comply with divine requirements. About 95 percent of asbestos from what is extracted worldwide is of this kind. Doručenie pošty loďou z New Yorku do San Franciska (Kalifornia) trvalo asi mesiac, alebo i viac, a ešte dlhšie to trvalo dostavníkom. It may be helpful to put down on paper what the short - term and the long - term consequences will be. Shipping by ship from New York to San Francisco, California, took about a month or more, and it took even longer for the stagekeepers. [ Obrázok na strane 14] Some 95 percent of the asbestos produced around the world is of this chrysotile variety. [ Picture on page 14] A Jehu mal byť hlavným vykonávateľom Jehovovho slova. Delivery of mail to San Francisco, California, from New York City took about a month or more by ship and much longer by stagecoach. And Jehu would be the chief executor of Jehovah's word. Nemohlo to byť zatmenie Slnka. [ Picture on page 14] It couldn't have been the solar eclipse. Nevieme, ako dlho sa ešte bude predkladať Jehovovo láskyplné pozvanie, ale keď naň reagujeme tým, že hovoríme "príď!," sme Božími spolupracovníkmi. Jehu was to spearhead that action. We do not know how long Jehovah's loving invitation will continue to be presented, but when we respond by saying "Come! " we are God's fellow workers. Život a služba Ježiša It could not have been a solar eclipse. Jesus ' Life and Ministry " Nevzdám sa svojich peňazí bez boja! ," trúfalo sa ozývajú niektorí. We do not know how long Jehovah's loving invitation will continue to be extended, but our responding to it by saying, "Come! " makes us God's fellow workers. " I will not give up my money without fear! " Amazoňany belasokrídle Jesus ' Life and Ministry Blue-winged parrots Namiesto toho, aby sa Joáš kajal, dal Zechariáša ukameňovať. " I won't give up my money without a fight! ' some daringly exclaim. Instead of repenting, Jehoash had Zechariah stoned. Slovo furošiki doslovne znamená "prestieradlo do kúpeľa" a názov sa stal populárny v 17. storočí. Puerto Rican parrots The word furoshiki literally means "bath cover " and the name became popular in the 17th century. " Marta, Marta, "povedal," si úzkostlivá a znepokojuješ sa mnohými vecami. Rather than repent, Jehoash had Zechariah stoned to death. " Marta, Martha, " he said, "you are anxious and concerned about many things. Svedkovia v celej bývalej NDR venujú teraz kázaniu viac času než kedykoľvek predtým. The word furoshiki literally means "bath spread, " a name that became popular in the 17th century. Witnesses throughout the former GDR now spend more time preaching than ever before. Vec svedomia (otázka krvi), 22 / 8 " Martha, Martha, " he said, "you are anxious and disturbed about many things. Religion, 8 / 8 No kým bol Zákon nahradený, priniesol veľa dobrého. All over the former G.D.R., Witnesses are devoting more time to preaching than ever before. Yet, by the time the Law was replaced, it brought much good. Z ľudského pohľadu sa bude zdať, že nemáme žiadnu nádej na prežitie. Languages - Bridges and Walls, 8 / 8 From a human perspective, we will seem to have no hope of survival. " Povedzme, že ste mladý a začnete fajčiť dnes a fajčíte 50 rokov - za predpokladu, že vás to nezabije skôr, "hovorí Wellness Letter. Before the Law was replaced, however, it accomplished much. " Let's say you're young and start smoking today and smoking for 50 years - assuming it doesn't kill you sooner, " says Wellness Letter. Pozri rámček s názvom "Prétoriánska garda za dní Nera." With our physical eyes, it will appear that we have no chance of survival. See the box entitled "Prétorian Guard of the Days of Nero. " " Ohnivá kométa, "povedala ďalšia. " Say you are young and start smoking today and continue for 50 years, assuming it doesn't kill you first, " says the Wellness Letter. " A comet of fire, " said another. A napokon pouvažuj nad biblickým záznamom o žene menom Abigail. See the box entitled "The Praetorian Guard in Nero's Day. " Finally, consider the Bible record of a woman named Abigail. Ako uvádza The Globe, tieto mikróby "môžu byť nebezpečné pre pacientov s oslabenou imunitou, ako sú slabí starší ľudia alebo ľudia s HIV (aidsom) ." " A fiery comet, " said another. According to The Globe, these microbes "can be dangerous for immunocompromised patients, such as poor elderly people or people with HIV (aids). " Práve tieto negatívne trendy podnietili pápeža, aby počas návštevy Francúzska v roku 1980 položil otázku: "Francúzsko, ako si plníš sľuby, ktoré si dalo pri krste?" Finally, consider the Bible's account of a woman named Abigail. It was these negative trends that prompted the pope to ask during his visit to France in 1980: "France, how do you keep your baptismal promises? " Najmä o kom boli Ježišove prvé dve znázornenia v Lukášovi v 15. kapitole, a akú hlavnú myšlienku vyzdvihujú? These germs, says The Globe, "can be dangerous to immune - compromised patients such as the frail elderly or people with HIV - AIDS. " Who in particular were Jesus ' first two illustrations in Luke chapter 15, and what point do they highlight? Zbieraj a uč sa Such negative trends are what prompted the pope to ask during his visit to France in 1980: "France, what have you done with the promises of your baptism? " Collect and Learn Hoci byť kresťanom bolo naďalej hrdelným zločinom, Ježišovi praví nasledovníci ani nepomysleli na kompromis. Jesus ' first two illustrations in Luke 15 were primarily about whom, and what central point did they make? Although being a Christian continued to be a capital crime, Jesus ' true followers did not even think of a compromise. Opäť bola poskytnutá pomoc aj susedom a rodinám, ktoré to naliehavo potrebovali. Collect and Learn Again, assistance was provided to neighbors and families who needed it urgently. Pozri Strážnu vežu z 1. decembra 1960, strany 735 - 736, angl. Though being a Christian remained a capital offense, Jesus ' true followers had no thought of compromise. See The Watchtower, December 1, 1960, pages 735 - 6. Lama nie je taká silná ako osol ani taká rýchla ako kôň. Again, neighbors and families with dire need were also helped. Lama is not as strong as a donkey or as fast as a horse. V snahe zosúladiť tieto vlastnosti s modelom správania zvierat niektorí poukazujú na evolučnú psychológiu, akýsi konglomerát evolučnej teórie, psychológie a sociológie. See The Watchtower, December 1, 1960, pages 735 - 6. In order to reconcile these characteristics with the model of animal behavior, some point to evolutionary psychology, a sort of conglomerate of evolutionary theory, psychology, and sociology. Giovanni De Cecca, taliansky brat, ktorý slúžil v newyorskom ústredí (nazývanom Bétel) v Brooklyne, usporadúval zhromaždenia v neďalekom štáte New Jersey, kde sme bývali. It is neither as strong as an ass nor as fast as a horse. Giovanni De Cecca, an Italian brother who served at New York's headquarters (called Bethel) in Brooklyn, held meetings in the nearby state of New Jersey where we lived. Preto lieh prestal predávať, hoci je živiteľom veľkej rodiny. God Recommends His Love to Us, 6 / 15 Thus, he stopped selling alcohol, even though he is the breadwinner of a large family. Škrupina poskytuje pekné zlatisté vlákna, ktoré sa používajú pri výrobe podlahových rohoží, predložiek, kobercov, kief, metiel, ba aj ako výplň do matracov. In an attempt to reconcile these traits with the animal mold, some point to evolutionary psychology, which is an amalgam of evolution, psychology, and social science. The shell provides nice golden fibers that are used in the manufacture of floor mats, mats, rugs, brushes, brooms, and even as a mattress filling. Tvoja nádej nie je nepodložená. Giovanni De Cecca, an Italian brother serving at the Brooklyn, New York, headquarters (called Bethel), held meetings where we lived, in nearby New Jersey. Your hope is not unfounded. Musíme si ho však školiť. Robíme to tak, že pravidelne a do hĺbky študujeme Božie Slovo, rozjímame o ňom a snažíme sa podľa neho žiť. Although he had a large family to support, he stopped selling alcohol. However, we do so by regularly and deeply studying, meditating on, and endeavoring to live by God's Word. Potom v júni 1910 redaktor denníka L'Auto Alphonse Steinès poslal z Pyrenejí telegram Desgrangeovi, v ktorom mu oznamoval, že cesty cez horské priesmyky sú úplne zjazdné. The husk yields a beautiful golden fiber, which can be used for making floor mats, rugs, carpets, brushes, brooms, and even stuffing for mattresses. Then, in June 1910 the editor of the daily L'Auto Alphonse Steinès sent a telegram from the Pyrenees to Desgrange, telling him that the roads through the mountain passes were completely elusive. David Bellamy. Your hope is not baseless. David Bellamy. Po noci strávenej vo väzení istý spolusvedok obyčajne dosiahol, že sme boli prepustení na kauciu. By regularly immersing ourselves in God's Word, meditating on what we find, and striving to put it into practice, we train our conscience. After spending the night in prison, a fellow Witness usually made bail. Skutočne, tak ako uvádzajú Príslovia 18: 14: "Duch muža sa dokáže vyrovnať so svojím ochorením, ale kto môže uniesť skrúšeného ducha?" Then, in June 1910, Alphonse Steinès, a journalist for L'Auto, sent a telegram from the Pyrenees to Desgrange saying that the mountain - pass roads were entirely practicable. Indeed, as Proverbs 18: 14 states: "The spirit of a man can cope with his disease, but who can bear the broken spirit? " V roku 1872 niekoľko presvedčivých fotografií malebnej prírody od Williama Henryho Jacksona podnietilo americký Kongres, aby Yellowstone vyhlásil za prvý národný park na svete. David Bellamy. In 1872, several convincing pictures of the picturesque nature by William Henry Jackson moved the U.S. Congress to declare Yellowstone the first national park in the world. Svoj postreh podložil správou OSN o životnej úrovni žien v porovnaní s mužmi z vyše 160 krajín. After spending a night in jail, a fellow Witness usually bailed us out. He supported his observation by a UN report on the standard of living of women, compared with men from more than 160 countries. © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Indeed, Proverbs 18: 14 states: "The spirit of a man can put up with his malady; but as for a stricken spirit, who can bear it? " © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Výkupné - prejav lásky Congress in 1872 to make Yellowstone the world's first national park. Ransom - An Expression of Love [ Poznámky pod čiarou] The observation is prompted by a United Nations report on the quality of life for women in comparison with men in more than 160 lands. [ Footnotes] Neoneskorí sa. " © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania It will not be late. " Keby bol Jehova tajomným Bohom, ktorého nemožno spoznať, nikdy by sme nemohli mať k nemu blízky vzťah. The Ransom - An Expression of Love If Jehovah were a mysterious God beyond our knowledge, we could never have a close relationship with him. Aj v tomto svete plnom problémov môžete dosiahnuť šťastie na základe presného biblického poznania o Bohu, jeho Kráľovstve a obdivuhodnom zámere, ktorý má s ľudstvom. [ Footnotes] Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. Zem potrebuje ochranu pred ustavičným bombardovaním škodlivými slnečnými lúčmi. It will not be late. " - Hab. Earth needs protection from continuous bombing by harmful sun rays. " Rozsudok potvrdzuje, že iba pacient má právo voľby týkajúce sa jeho vlastného tela a jeho osudu. " If Jehovah were a hidden, unknowable God, we could never be close to him. " The judgment confirms that only a patient has the right to make choices regarding his own body and his destiny. " Preto je v Nórsku miernejšie podnebie, ako by sa vzhľadom na stupeň zemepisnej šírky dalo očakávať, a tak nórske prístavy takmer vôbec nezamŕzajú - ani v zime. Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. Therefore, there is a milder climate in Norway than could be expected in terms of latitude, so Norwegian ports are hardly freezing at all - even in winter. Naša istota dnes The earth needs protection from the constant bombardment of harmful rays from the sun. Our Security Today Odkiaľ mal Ježiš túto "vodu"? " The judgment states that only the patient has the right of choice concerning his own body and his own destiny. " Where did Jesus get this "water " from? Teda autorom Biblie je Boh. (Prečítajte si 2. Both of these moderate Norway's climate, making it milder than the high latitude would suggest. Indeed, Norway's ports are virtually ice - free, even in winter. Thus, God is the author of the Bible. Ale tento stav je len dočasný. Security Now But this condition is only temporary. Sedím v prvom rade, druhá zľava From where did Jesus get this "water "? I'm sitting in the front row, second from the left. Lucia, o ktorej sme sa už zmienili, je vďačná za vynikajúcu lekársku starostlivosť, ktorej sa jej dostalo. But the Bible writers wrote God's thoughts and not their own. Lucia, mentioned earlier, is grateful for the excellent medical care she received. [ Prameň ilustrácie na strane 24] But this situation is temporary. [ Picture Credit Line on page 24] Tieto tvrdenia a ďalšie skutočnosti súvisiace s fínskou saunou a zimným plávaním sú v súčasnosti objektom vedeckého výskumu. - Poslané. I am in the first row, second from the left These claims and other facts related to Finnish sauna and winter swimming are currently the object of scientific research. - Contributed. opýtal som sa. Lucia, mentioned previously in this series of articles, is grateful for the excellent medical care she has received. I asked. Pripojí sa jurumí k ostatným vymretým vzácnym druhom zvierat? [ Picture Credit Line on page 24] Will yurumí join other extinct rare species? Hanba za čo? These claims and other issues related to the Finnish sauna and the practice of winter swimming are presently under scientific investigation. - Contributed. Shame for what? Používajú svedkovia podvodné a neetické postupy na získavanie členov? I asked. Do Witnesses use fraudulent and unethical procedures to recruit members? Pri toľkom pozeraní je ľahké zabudnúť opýtať sa na históriu tohto pozoruhodného terénu. Will the yurumí join other rare creatures in extinction? With so much viewing, it is easy to forget to ask about the history of this remarkable terrain. Cobá Shame at what? Cobá ↑ do Laerdalu Are the Witnesses using deceptive and unethical techniques to recruit members? ↑ to Laerdal Položte si otázku: Spôsobí dlh ťažkosti mojej rodine? With so much to see, it is easy to forget to ask about the history of this remarkable landscape. Ask yourself, Will a debt cause trouble for my family? Ochraňuj si ju, lebo ona sama je tvojím životom. " Cobá Protect her, for she herself is your life. " Budeme i my verne slúžiť Jehovovi aj v prípade, že prídeme o majetok? ↑ To Laerdal Will we also serve Jehovah faithfully even if we lose our belongings? Napríklad Strážna veža v jazyku rarotonga čiže jazyku Maorov z Cookových ostrovov vychádza dvakrát mesačne. Ask yourself: Will my going into debt cause hardship for my family? For example, The Watchtower in the language of rarotonga, or Maori, of the Cook Islands is published twice a month. Ako sme rozoberali v predchádzajúcom článku, stáročia predtým dal Boh Židom nádej na vzkriesenie a večný život na zemi. Safeguard it, for it itself is your life. " As discussed in the preceding article, centuries earlier God had given the Jews the hope of a resurrection and everlasting life on earth. (8. februára 1993) Posledných desať rokov môjho 22 - ročného manželstva som musela znášať domáce násilie. To remain faithful, will we be willing to experience material loss? (February 8, 1993) I have suffered domestic violence for the last ten years of my 22 - year marriage. Ale Festus skúmal oprávnenosť obvinení vznesených proti Pavlovi. For example, the Rarotongan, or Cook Island Maori, Watchtower is published semimonthly. But Festus examined the legitimacy of the accusations made against Paul. Okrem toho mnoho hebrejských osobných mien, ktoré sa nachádzajú vo všetkých troch zbierkach, obsahujú skrátenú formu mena Jehova. As we discussed in the preceding article, centuries earlier God had given the Jews the hope of a resurrection and everlasting life on earth. In addition, many of the Hebrew personal names found in all three collections contain a shortened form of the name Jehovah. Sestra milovala Jehovu, ale milovala aj svojho syna, a bolo pre ňu mimoriadne náročné uplatniť biblický príkaz, aby sa vyhýbala spoločenstvu s ním. (February 8, 1993) For the last 10 years of my 22 - year marriage, I put up with domestic violence. The sister loved Jehovah, but she also loved her son, and it was especially difficult for her to apply the Bible's command to avoid associating with him. Jehovovo meno je "v ňom" v tom zmysle, že Ježiš je hlavnou osobou, ktorá obhajuje a posväcuje Otcovo meno. But Festus questioned the validity of the charges against Paul. Jehovah's name is "in him " in the sense that Jesus is the principal person defending and sanctifying the Father's name. Dopustila sa však tragického porušenia Božieho zákona. Moreover, many Hebrew personal names found in all three collections contain the abbreviated form of the name Jehovah. However, she committed a tragic violation of God's law. " Pravý evanjelizmus sa musí vzťahovať aj na Židov ," hlásal titulok v novinách Church Times. Our sister loved Jehovah, but she also loved her son and found it extremely difficult to apply the Scriptural command to avoid associating with him. " True evangelism must also apply to Jews, " proclaimed the headline in the Church Times. Ak by ste chceli vedieť, prečo to Boh takto zariadil, môžeme sa o tom porozprávať nabudúce. Jehovah's name is "within him " in that Jesus is the principal one who upholds and sanctifies his Father's name. If you would like to know why God arranged this, we can talk about it next time. Zahŕňajú naše prianie páčiť sa mu vo všetkom. Tragically, though, she went ahead and broke God's law. They include our desire to please him in everything. a) Prečo nemá cenu usilovať sa o veci sveta? " True Evangelism Must Include the Jews, " headlined the Church Times. (a) Why is it not worth pursuing the things of the world? Preto sa niet čo diviť, že v zápale získavania peňazí často dochádzalo k sprenevere a k vydieraniu. Maybe we can talk about that on another visit. It is no wonder, then, that fraud and extortion often took place in the heat of obtaining money. Pod titulkom "Mladí prijímajú " zábavnú bohoslužbu "" sa v nemeckých novinách Nassauische Neue Presse písalo o prvom náboženskom festivale mládeže, ktorý organizovala protestantská cirkev v Hesensku a Nassau. They include our wanting to please him in all things. Under the heading "Young People Accept " Entertainment Service ', " the German newspaper Nassauische Neue Presse reported on the first youth religious festival organized by the Protestant Church in Hessen and Nassau. No ešte väčší dôvod na radosť máme z toho, že sa o nás stará Jehova a Ježiš Kristus. (a) Why is it futile to pursue the things of the world? Yet, we have even greater reason for joy because Jehovah and Jesus Christ care for us. Prečo práve tam? Not surprisingly, then, the fervor to raise money often led to misappropriation and extortion. Why there? Hoci veľká časť tejto "ľudskej činnosti" sa údajne vykonáva v mene ekonomického pokroku, v skutočnosti je za ňou duch sebectva a chamtivosti, ktorým je presiaknutý celý svet. Under the heading "Youths Said Yes to " Fun Church, ' " the German newspaper Nassauische Neue Presse reported on the first Church Youth Day festival organized by the Protestant church in Hesse and Nassau. Although much of this "human activity " is said to be carried out in the name of economic progress, it is actually followed by a spirit of selfishness and greed that overwhelms the whole world. Dávaj si pozor na to, aby si nezatrpkol. A greater cause for gladness is that Jehovah and Jesus Christ really care for God's people. Be careful not to get bitter. Čoskoro obaja začali študovať Bibliu a navštevovať zhromaždenia. Why there? Soon both began studying the Bible and attending meetings. Kresťania sú miesto toho nabádaní, aby sa stali "napodobňovateľmi Boha" a aby " sa podriaďovali Bohu, a vzopreli sa Diablovi ." - Efezanom 5: 1; Jakub 4: 7. Though much of this "human activity " is said to be for economic progress, it is in reality the work of the selfish and greedy spirit that permeates the world. Instead, Christians are urged to become "imitators of God " and" submit to God and oppose the Devil. " - Ephesians 5: 1; James 4: 7. Jeho náboženstvo bolo spôsobom života. Guard against becoming bitter. His religion was a way of life. Ale polož si otázky: " Vedia moji kamaráti na čete, aký v skutočnosti som? Soon both began studying the Bible and attending meetings. But ask yourself: " Do my friends know what I really am? Na výrobu jedného litra tequily je potrebných sedem kilogramov piña. Instead, Christians are counseled to "become imitators of God " and to" subject [themselves]... to God; but oppose the Devil. " - Ephesians 5: 1; James 4: 7. It takes seven pounds [7 kg] of piña to make one litre of tequila. Preto náboženskí vodcovia vyčítali Ježišovým učeníkom, že trhali obilné klasy na jedenie, keď prechádzali cez obilné polia. His religion was a way of life. Hence, religious leaders blamed Jesus ' disciples for tearing grain ears to eat as they passed through the grain fields. Jelene sika However, ask yourself: " Do my online associates know who I really am? Deer Manžel Aiko je kresťanským starším v zbore. About 15 pounds (7 kg) of agave piñas are needed to produce one quart (1 L) of tequila. Aiko's husband is a Christian elder in the congregation. Pochvala buduje dôveru, ktorá zase podnieti pracovať na prekonávaní slabostí. Thus, religious leaders reproached his disciples for having plucked heads of grain to eat as they were passing through grainfields. Commendation builds confidence, which in turn stimulates work to overcome weaknesses. " Kto miluje striebro, nenasýti sa striebrom, ani nikto, kto miluje bohatstvo, príjmom. " Spotted deer " He that loves silver will not be satisfied with silver, neither anyone that loves riches with income. " Prichádzajúce "veľké súženie" spôsobí Boh, "aby bola privedená skaza na tých, ktorí kazia zem." Aiko's husband is a Christian elder in the congregation. The coming "great tribulation " will cause God" to bring to ruin those ruining the earth. " * Hoci už sama táto myšlienka sa môže zdať odpudzujúca, ten, kto má bulímiu, sa na to tak nepozerá. Commendation builds confidence that, in turn, provides incentive to work on weaknesses. * Although the thought itself may seem repulsive, the bulimia does not view it that way. J. " A mere lover of silver will not be satisfied with silver, neither any lover of wealth with income. " J. To, či budeš zachránený, závisí od viacerých činiteľov. Jeden veľmi dôležitý vyzdvihol apoštol Pavol slovami: "Bez viery nie je možné páčiť sa [Bohu]." Rather, the coming tribulation is an act of God to "bring to ruin those ruining the earth. " " Without faith it is impossible to please [God] well without faith, " emphasized the apostle Paul. " Nikdy som nevynechával vyučovanie, "vysvetľuje," a podporoval som činnosti, ktoré nie sú v rozpore s mojím svedomím. * While the very idea of this might seem repulsive, the experienced bulimic does not view it that way. " I never missed teaching, " he explains, "and I supported activities that were not contrary to my conscience. Možno sa ti už páčili viacerí. J. Maybe you liked a lot of them already. Máš nejakého člena rodiny alebo niekoho blízkeho, kto by mohol byť medzi nimi? Of course, surviving involves several factors, but one very important requirement is highlighted by the apostle Paul: "Without faith it is impossible to please God well. " Do you have a family member or someone close to you who might be among them? Vogt a Ray Hyman to zhrnuli v diele Water Witching U.S.A (Magické hľadanie vody v USA): "Preto prichádzame k záveru, že hľadanie vody nesporne súvisí s magickým veštením." " I never dodged classes, " he explains, "and I supported activities that did not violate my conscience. Vogt and Ray Hyman summed it up in Water Witching U.S.A.: "Therefore we conclude that the search for water is unquestionably related to magical divination. " Nová osobnosť podnecuje k úcte k majetku iných, čo vylučuje kresliť po stenách ako spôsob vyjadrovania, ako nevinnú zábavu či alternatívnu formu umenia. You may have felt drawn to more than one boy. The new personality stimulates respect for the property of others, which precludes drawing on walls as a way of expressing themselves, as an innocent entertainment or an alternative form of art. Iba pred štyrmi rokmi bol Berlín ešte rozdelený zdanlivo nepriepustným múrom; existoval komunistický Sovietsky zväz a studená vojna. Do you have a family member or a loved one who might be among these? Only four years ago, Berlin was still divided by a seemingly impervious wall; there was a Communist Soviet Union and a cold war. " Preskúmaj ma, ó, Bože " Vogt and Ray Hyman summed up in Water Witching U.S.A.: "We therefore conclude that water witching is a clear - cut case of magical divination. " " Examine Me, O God " Plodiny, ktoré sú roztokom postriekané, sa najmenej 4 dni po postreku nesmú zberať a pred jedením by sa mali dôkladne umyť vodou. " By promoting respect for the property of others, it rules out using graffiti as a way of expression, as innocent fun, or as an alternative art form. Crops that are sprayed with the solution must not be harvested for at least 4 days after spraying and should be washed thoroughly with water before eating. " Vďaka tomu, že Noach dobre poznal Boha, získal vieru a múdrosť, a tak nedovolil, aby prišiel o svoj vzťah k nemu. Only four years ago, an apparently unbreachable wall divided the city of Berlin; there was a Communist Soviet Union and a Cold War. Because Noah knew God well, he gained faith and wisdom and thus did not allow him to lose his relationship with him. Rozširujeme svoju službu " Search Through Me, O God " Widening Our Ministry Stalo sa niečo také medzi tebou a niektorým spoluveriacim? Crops sprayed with it should not be harvested for at least 4 days after spraying and should be washed thoroughly with clean water before eating. " Did something like this happen between you and a fellow believer? Dokážeš "ďalej pozorovať, aká je Jehovova vôľa," aj keď si v pokušení urobiť niečo iné? Accurate knowledge gave Noah faith and godly wisdom, which protected him from harm, especially spiritual harm. Can you "keep on observing the will of Jehovah, " even if you are tempted to do otherwise? [ Poznámky pod čiarou] Expanding Our Service [ Footnotes] Jednako, 21. novembra 1964 pápež Pavol VI. vydal Dekrét o ekumenizme. Has this happened between you and a fellow believer? Yet, on November 21, 1964, Pope Paul VI published the Decree on Ecumenism. Dnes Wiktor vo svojom zbore horlivo slúži Jehovovi. Are you able to "keep perceiving what the will of Jehovah is " even when God's will conflicts with what you are tempted to do? - Eph. 5: 17. Today, Wiktor zealously serves Jehovah in his congregation. Tvrdil, že tieto výrobky "sú v rozpore s prírodnými zákonmi na úkor osobnej dôstojnosti." [ Footnotes] He claimed that these products "are contrary to natural laws to the detriment of personal dignity. " Aj my žijeme v období, keď tma zahaľuje zem a národy sú v hustej temnote. Yet, the Decree on Ecumenism was promulgated by Pope Paul VI on November 21, 1964. We too live in a time when darkness envelops the earth, and nations are in dense darkness. A istý profesor práva hovorí: "Celý tento súdny proces bol presiaknutý takým hrubým porušovaním práva a takou evidentnou, do očí bijúcou neregulárnosťou, že výsledok sa nedá považovať za nič iné než za justičnú vraždu." Today, Wiktor is serving Jehovah zealously in his congregation. And a law professor says: "All this trial has been soaked in such a gross violation and so obvious, so obvious, incorruptible that the outcome cannot be regarded as anything but a judicial murder. " " Septuaginta "pomáhala v prvom storočí šíriť poznanie o Jehovovi He claimed that these products "contravene natural laws to the detriment of a person's dignity. " " The Septuagint " Helped to Spread the Knowledge of Jehovah in the First Century Na druhej strane odstraňovať už zanedbanú špinu a neporiadok môže byť nákladné. We too live at a time when darkness envelops the earth and the nations are in thick gloom. On the other hand, removing already neglected dirt and disorder can be costly. V dnešných dňoch sa však niektorí šikovní mladí ľudia nesnažia dosahovať dobré výsledky, pretože sa boja výsmechu. A professor of law says: "The whole procedure was permeated with such gross illegality and such flagrant irregularities that the result can be considered nothing short of judicial murder. " However, in today's day some clever young people do not try to achieve good results because they are afraid of ridicule. Program sa končí piesňou a niektorý člen zboru je poverený, aby vyjadril záverečnú modlitbu. The "Septuagint " helped transmit knowledge of Jehovah in the first century The program ends with a song, and a member of the congregation is assigned to express a final prayer. Zároveň ho sklamanie viedlo k tomu, že volal k Jehovovi: "Stal si sa voči mne podobný niečomu klamnému, podobný vodám, ktoré sa ukázali ako nedôveryhodné," ako vody potoka, ktoré ľahko vyschnú. On the other hand, dirty and unkempt homes may prove to be costly to repair. At the same time, his disappointment led him to cry out to Jehovah: "You have become like something deceptive, like waters that have proved untrustworthy, " like waters of a brook that are easily dried up. (Úplný, upravený text - pozri publikáciu) Nowadays, however, some capable young people would rather not do well at school for fear of being ridiculed. (For fully formatted text, see publication) Preto sa stále snaž mať na seba a na svoje nedostatky vyrovnaný pohľad. The program concludes with a song, and a congregation member is assigned to offer a final prayer. So keep trying to have a balanced view of yourself and your shortcomings. (2. Petra 3: 3) Noviny, rozhlasové a televízne spravodajstvo, časopisy, knihy a filmy pohŕdavo odmietajú Bibliu, nahrádzajú ju svojou voľnomyšlienkárskou propagandou a hovoria to, čo predpovedal Peter: "Kde je tá jeho sľúbená prítomnosť? At the same time, frustration led him to cry out to Jehovah: "You positively became to me like something deceitful, like waters that have proved untrustworthy, " as those of a brook that easily dry up. (2 Peter 3: 3) Newspapers, radio and television coverage, magazines, books, and movies despise the Bible, replace it with free - thought propaganda, and say what Peter foretold: "Where is his promised presence? Napríklad v jeho Zákone bol stanovený systém obetí, a to povinných i dobrovoľných. (For fully formatted text, see publication) For example, his Law provided for a system of sacrifices, both compulsory and voluntary. Aby sme sa stali plne dospelými kresťanmi, musíme sa učiť, ako uplatňovať biblické zásady vo všetkých oblastiach nášho života. Yes, keep a positive view of yourself and a balanced view of your imperfections. To become full - grown Christians, we need to learn how to apply Bible principles in all aspects of our lives. Oblasti, kde sa v súčasnosti vyskytuje horúčka dengue (2 Peter 3: 3) Newspapers, newscasts, magazines, books, and movies scornfully dismiss the Bible and replace it with their own freethinking propaganda, saying, as Peter foretold: "Where is this promised presence of his? Areas where dengue fever is currently present A naozaj, lososov bolo tak veľa, že Indiáni ich sušili a používali ich ako palivo! Jehovah provided his people with opportunities to live up to the national dedication. Indeed, the salmon were so many that the Indians dried them and used them as fuel! Božie Slovo nás nabáda, aby sme "žili uprostred tohto terajšieho systému vecí so zdravou mysľou." In order to become full - grown Christians, we must learn to apply Bible principles in all aspects of life. God's Word urges us to "live in the midst of this present system of things with soundness of mind. " Ordinovaným náboženským služobníkom sa stal, keď bol pokrstený Areas with recent dengue activity He became an ordinarily minister when he was baptized Lloyd zaistil, aby som sa mohla stretnúť s jeho mamičkou, oteckom a sestrami na zjazde vo Wellingtone a neskôr u nich doma v meste Christchurch. Indeed, salmon were so plentiful that the Indians dried them for use as firewood! Lloyd made sure that I could meet his mother, father, and sisters at the Wellington convention and later at their home in Christchurch. Pán žatvy, Jehova Boh, nám dá večnú odmenu za našu " prácu a za lásku, ktorú sme prejavovali jeho menu ." God's Word admonishes us "to live with soundness of mind... amid this present system of things. " The Master of the harvest, Jehovah God, will give us everlasting rewards for our "work and for the love we showed for his name. ' Aj v nich je duchovný pokrm od "verného a rozvážneho otroka." - Mat. He became an ordained minister when he was baptized In them too, spiritual food is from "the faithful and discreet slave. " - Matt. Tak žalmista v obraznom zmysle hovorí, že ľudstvo by malo stáť v bázni pred Jehovom, Pánom a Univerzálnym Panovníkom celej zeme. Lloyd made sure that I met his mum and dad and sisters at the convention in Wellington and later at their home in Christchurch. Thus, the psalmist figuratively states that mankind should stand in fear of Jehovah, the Lord, and Universal Ruler of all the earth. Robili sme pekný pokrok, preštudovali sme knihu Žiť navždy a na jednom z dvojdňových zjazdov sme sa chceli dať pokrstiť. The Master of the harvest, Jehovah God, will reward us eternally for " our work and the love we show for his name. ' - Heb. We made good progress, studied the book Live Forever, and at one of the two - day conventions, we wanted to get baptized. Zmenou druhov vlákien a matrice je možné vyrobiť enormne veľký rozsah produktov. They too contain spiritual food from "the faithful and discreet slave. " - Matt. By changing the types of fibers and matrices it is possible to produce an enormously large range of products. Sebaovládaniu sa môžu učiť už batoľatá. In a figurative way, the psalmist thus indicates that mankind should stand in awe of Jehovah, the Lord and Universal Ruler of all the earth. Toddlers can learn self - control. Dr. We made fine progress, finished the Live Forever book, and wanted to get baptized at one of the two - day assemblies. Dr. Ospravedlnila sa, že vyrušuje, a odišla. " If the kinds of fibers and the matrix are varied, an enormously broad range of products can be made. She apologized for interrupting, and she left. " A ako ju využívame? Even toddlers can start learning self - control. And how do we use it? UNIKLI PRED ZNIČENÍM JERUZALEMA Dr. UNIKLI BEFORE THE DENECTION OF JERUSALEM Ohromený som sa modlil: "Jehova, nemyslím, že to dokážem. She apologized for bothering me and left. ' I prayed astounded: "Jehovah, I don't think I can do this. Sme veľmi šťastní, že sme sa ho držali! And how do we make use of it? How happy we are to hold onto it! Čo by sme mali hlavne chcieť, aby naše deti vedeli a verili o krvi? ESCAPING JERUSALEM'S DESTRUCTION What should we especially want our children to know and believe about blood? Počas môjho šťastného života, keď som slúžil druhým, som mal veľa nezabudnuteľných zážitkov. Overwhelmed, I prayed: "Jehovah, I do not feel that I am able to do it. During my happy life as I served others, I had many unforgettable experiences. Každoročne navštívi Paríž vyše 20 miliónov turistov. How glad we are that we have stuck to it! More than 20 million tourists visit Paris each year. Aký sľub sme dali a ako môžeme prejaviť vieru? What should we primarily want our children to know and to believe about blood? What promise did we make, and how can we exercise faith? Jenner sa tak stal, podobne ako aj novátori pred ním, terčom kritiky a odporu. We Lived by Jehovah's Strength (E. Jenner thus became, like the innovators before him, the target of criticism and resistance. Títo bratia by mohli svoj čas a sily využívať na riešenie problémov tohto sveta. Ale nerobia to. During my happy life serving others, I have had many memorable experiences. These brothers could use their time and strength to solve the world's problems, but they do not. Ďalšie príležitosti na vydávanie svedectva Over 20 million tourists visit Paris each year. Other Opportunities for Witnessing No tieto deti nechodia cez noc pracovať. What vow have many of us made, and how can we prove faithful? But these kids don't go to work overnight. NOBUAKI bol vyčerpaný. Like other innovators before him, Jenner was criticized and opposed. NOBUAKI was exhausted. Samozrejme, to nie je nič nové. There are many activities or causes in the world today that could vie for the attention of those taking the lead among us. Of course, that's nothing new. Na ten čas mám mnoho milých spomienok. Other Opportunities to Witness I have many nice memories for that time. Preto každé dieťa potrebuje osobitnú pozornosť! But these youngsters are not going to work on the night shift. That is why every child needs special attention! [ Rámček na strane 9] NOBUAKI was exhausted. [ Box on page 9] Áno, Pavol bol milovaný a prístupný. This is nothing new, of course. Yes, Paul was loved and approachable. Napísal: "Ak sme trestaní, museli sme spáchať niečo zlé. I have many fond memories of that time. He wrote: "If we were punished, we had to do something wrong. Zoberme si ako príklad len prácu na stavbe múru, ktorý obklopuje pozemok. Indeed, all children need specialized attention! Take, for example, the work of building a wall that surrounds the land. Konečne som mohol komunikovať s inými deťmi! [ Box on page 9] Finally, I was able to communicate with other children! Eséni, o ktorých sa predpokladá, že boli židovskou sektou mníchov, hlásali, že sa na konci obdobia 490 rokov objavia dvaja Mesiáši. No nemožno s istotou tvrdiť, že eséni zakladali svoje výpočty na Danielovom proroctve. No, he was beloved and approachable. The Essenes, who were supposed to be a Jewish sect of monks, proclaimed that two Messiahs would appear at the end of the 490 - year period, but it cannot be said with certainty that the Essenes based their calculations on Daniel's prophecy. Tento brat mohol vďaka podpore svojej manželky prijať mnohé duchovné výsady a slúžiť ako starší, priekopník, zástupca krajského dozorcu i ako člen výboru pre styk s nemocnicami. He wrote: "If we are being punished then wrong must have been committed. As a result of his wife's support, the brother was able to accept many spiritual privileges and serve as an elder, a pioneer, a representative of the circuit overseer, and a member of the Hospital Liaison Committee. Podľa štúdie, ktorú viedol Dr. Consider, for example, just the work involved in building the wall that surrounds the site. According to a study conducted by Dr. Ak sa teda skutočne chcete tešiť zo života v tomto novom svete, venujte pozornosť Ježišovým slovám: "Nepracujte pre pominuteľný pokrm, ale pre pokrm zostávajúci pre večný život." - Ján 6: 27. At last, I was able to communicate with other children. So if you really want to enjoy life in this new world, pay attention to Jesus ' words: "Work, not for food that is passing away, but for food that is remaining for everlasting life. " - John 6: 27. " Usilujme sa o to, čo slúži pokoju. " The Essenes, widely thought to have been a Jewish monastic sect, taught that two Messiahs would appear toward the end of 490 years, but we cannot be certain that the Essenes based their calculations on Daniel's prophecy. " Let us pursue the things that serve peace. " Chcete zostať bystrí do vysokého veku? With his wife's support, this husband has been able to accept a number of spiritual privileges, including serving as an elder, pioneer, substitute circuit overseer, and Hospital Liaison Committee member. Do you want to stay sharp until you're old? Ako vtedy pomohol Etiópčanovi porozumieť Božiemu Slovu Filip, tak dnes pomáhajú ľuďom porozumieť Biblii Jehovovi svedkovia. According to a study that Dr. As he helped the Ethiopian to understand God's Word, Philip helps people today to understand the Bible, Jehovah's Witnesses. Spevák sa musí naučiť dýchať tak, aby mal dostatočnú zásobu vzduchu. Therefore, if you really want to enjoy life in that new world, heed Jesus ' words: "Work, not for the food that perishes, but for the food that remains for life everlasting. " - John 6: 27. The singer must learn to breathe so that he has a sufficient supply of air. Filipania aj desať rokov po prijatí kresťanstva prejavovali rovnako štedrého ducha. " Pursue the things making for peace. " - Romans 14: 19. Ten years after Christendom's adoption, the Philippians displayed the same generous spirit. Prišli tam za mnou mestskí úradníci a ja som im mohla vysvetliť, čomu verím. Want to maintain your wits well into your senior years? City officials came to see me, and I could explain what I believed. • Prečo apoštol Pavol kresťanom v Korinte povedal, aby sa " rozšírili "? (2. Just as Philip helped that Ethiopian to understand God's Word long ago, Jehovah's Witnesses help people to understand the Bible today. • Why did the apostle Paul tell Christians in Corinth to "widen out "? Takéto myšlienky možno prichádzajú na myseľ niektorým apoštolom, ktorí sú teraz s Ježišom v Perei (na druhej strane Jordánu) a budú ho sprevádzať na jeho poslednej ceste do Jeruzalema. The singer needs to learn how to breathe in order to have an adequate air supply. Such thoughts may come to mind by some of the apostles who are now with Jesus in Perea (the other side of the Jordan) and will accompany him on his final journey to Jerusalem. Timotejovi 4: 16.) Yet, he wrote: "They... kept begging us with much entreaty for the privilege of kindly giving. " - 2 Cor. (Read 1 Timothy 4: 16.) Ako nedorozumenie vplýva na ľudí, ktorých sa týka? City administrators visited me, and I shared my beliefs with them. How does the misunderstanding affect the people involved? Ocenenie a úcta, ktoré si deti rozvinú k Jehovovmu stvoreniu, im môžu zostať po celý život. • Why did the apostle Paul tell Corinthian Christians to "widen out "? Appreciation and respect that children develop for Jehovah's creation can stay with them for life. " Jehova, váš Boh, je totiž Boh bohov a Pán pánov, veľký Boh, silný a bázeň vzbudzujúci, ktorý voči nikomu nie je predpojatý ani neprijíma úplatok, vykonáva súd chlapcovi bez otca a vdove. " - 5. We can imagine such thoughts coming to the mind of some who were with Jesus in Perea (across the Jordan) on his final trip to Jerusalem. " Jehovah your God is the God of gods and the Lord of lords, the great God, strong and fear - inspiring, who is neither partial nor accepting bribes to anyone, executes judgment to a fatherless boy and to a widow. " - 5 Corinthians 5: 8. Ty máš slová večného života. " - JÁN 6: 68. (Read 1 Timothy 4: 16.) You have the words of everlasting life. " - JOHN 6: 68. Kde bol Daniel počas skúšky pred zlatou sochou?, 1 / 8 How do they affect the individuals involved? Jehovah's Witnesses, 8 / 15 To je ďalší silný dôvod, prečo venovať pozornosť dennému štúdiu Biblie - chceme svoju myseľ vyčistiť od sebeckých, telesných myšlienok. - 2. Korinťanom 10: 5. The awe and respect that they develop for Jehovah's creation can stay with them throughout life. This is another powerful reason to pay attention to daily Bible study - we want to clear our minds from selfish, fleshly thoughts. - 2 Corinthians 10: 5. Podľa Biblie bol Tattenaj "miestodržiteľ za Riekou." If you should afflict him at all, then if he cries out to me at all, I shall unfailingly hear his outcry; and my anger will indeed blaze, and I shall certainly kill you with the sword, and your wives must become widows and your sons fatherless boys. " According to the Bible, Tattenai was "the governor behind the River. " James P. You have sayings of everlasting life. " - JOHN 6: 68. James P. Človek miernej povahy bude mať pravdepodobne dobrých priateľov. " Learn From Me, " 12 / 15 A mild - tempered person will likely have good friends. Požiadal som svoju prvú manželku Janet, aby sa vrátila domov. This is all the more reason for us to pay attention to daily Bible study, as we want to flush out selfish, fleshly thoughts from our mind. - 2 Corinthians 10: 5. I asked my first wife Janet to come home. Preklad nového sveta povzbudzuje milióny čitateľov, aby používali toto meno! The Bible calls him "the governor of the region Beyond the River. " - Ezra 5: 3 - 7. The New World Translation encourages millions of readers to use that name! Vôbec nie. Disaster expert James P. Not at all. 3. Kresťanské cirkvi - kam smerujú? A mild - tempered person is likely to have good friends. 3. Christian Churches - Where Are They Heading? JAEL I invited my senior wife, Janet, to come back home. JAEL Onedlho sa budú všetci k sebe správať ako praví bratia a sestry The New World Translation has encouraged millions of readers to use his name! Before long, all will act like true brothers and sisters to each other Stále udržiavaj kontakt Not at all. Keep in touch Siahajú korene jazykov k "babylonskej veži"? 1 / 9 URIM Jehovah's Witnesses, 9 / 15 Tak ako sa z poctivého človeka môže stať zlodej tým, že začne kradnúť, tak sa aj z jedného dokonalého duchovného Božieho syna stal Satan Diabol, keď začal konať podľa svojej nesprávnej túžby. Soon all will treat one another as true brothers and sisters Just as an honest person can become a thief by starting to steal, so a perfect spiritual son of God became Satan the Devil when he began to act in harmony with his wrong desire. Zvyšuje energiu a pomáha udržiavať nižšiu hmotnosť. Keeping in Touch It boosts energy and helps to maintain lower weight. Keď chápu, že starší majú na starosti vlastné rodiny, nebudú si robiť nerozumné nároky na ich čas a pozornosť. Just as a formerly honest man makes himself a thief by stealing, one of the perfect spirit sons of God acted upon an improper desire and made himself Satan the Devil. When they understand that the elders are in charge of their own families, they will not make unreasonable demands on their time and attention. Miesto toho si zachovali vieru v Božie prorocké slovo. It increases energy and helps keep weight off. Instead, they kept faith in God's prophetic word. 15 / 9 Understanding that elders have their own families to care for, others will not make unreasonable demands on the elders ' time and attention. 9 / 1 Všimli ste si podobné zmeny u svojho dieťaťa? Instead, they maintained faith in God's prophetic word. Have you noticed similar changes in your child? V roku 1995 som sa dal pokrstiť ako Jehovov svedok. Treasure Elderly, 9 / 1 In 1995, I was baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. • Prečo sa Jehova v Micheášových dňoch rozhodol zasiahnuť proti Judsku a Izraelu? Have you observed something similar in your adolescent? • Why did Jehovah decide to intervene against Judah and Israel in Micah's day? Niektorí pacienti trpia nežiaducimi vedľajšími účinkami liekov, napríklad úzkosťou a ďalšími emocionálnymi problémami. In 1995, I was baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Some patients suffer from adverse drug side effects, such as anxiety and other emotional problems. Šimron • In Micah's day, why did Jehovah decide to take action against Judah and Israel? Shimron Stále viac mladých ľudí žije na ulici Some experience undesirable side effects from medication, including anxiety and certain other emotional problems. More and more young people live on the street Takto príjemne spracovaný námet bolo potešením čítať, ako i ponúkať v kazateľskej službe. Shimron This pleasantly processed subject was a pleasure to read as well as to offer in the preaching work. Výsledkom bolo to, že správa Towersu naliehala na Jehovových svedkov, aby hotel kúpili. More Youths Living on the Streets As a result, the Towers report urged Jehovah's Witnesses to buy the hotel. Boží služobníci sa tak mohli rozprávať s ľuďmi z rôznych končín ríše, čo prispievalo k šíreniu dobrého posolstva. This agreeable presentation was a pleasure both to read and to offer in our preaching activity. Thus, God's servants could talk to people from different parts of the empire, contributing to the spread of the good news. Láska môže naozaj pozdvihnúť náladu. " The upshot was that the Towers management urged Jehovah's Witnesses to buy the hotel. Love can really lift the mood. " Chamtivosť teda zodpovedá odvráteniu sa od Boha. Thus, God's servants could communicate with all kinds of people, and this contributed to the spread of the good news. Greed therefore corresponds to turning away from God. 3, 4. Affection is a real mood lifter. " 3, 4. zvolá. Greed, then, amounts to a turning away from God. he exclaims. " Či múdrosť nevolá, či rozumnosť nevydáva svoj hlas? 3, 4. " Is wisdom not calling, or does reasonableness not utter its voice? Ježiš Kristus i apoštol Peter sa zmieňujú o dvoch takýchto udalostiach - o "Noachových dňoch" a o "Lótových dňoch." he exclaims. Both Jesus Christ and the apostle Peter refer to two such events - "the days of Noah " and" the days of Lot. " Samozrejme, keď mienite plávať v zime alebo vo vode, ktorá je príliš studená na bežné plávanie, budete pravdepodobne potrebovať mokrý izolačný oblek, čím sa výdavky značne zvýšia. " Is not wisdom calling out? Is not discernment raising its voice? Of course, if you intend to swim in winter or in water that is too cold for normal swimming, you will probably need a wet insulating suit, which will significantly increase your expenses. Z úvodných veršov Druhého listu Timotejovi vidno, že list napísal Timotejovi apoštol Pavol. Both Jesus Christ and the apostle Peter refer to two such events - "the days of Noah " and" the days of Lot. " The opening verses of Timothy's second letter show that the letter was written to Timothy by the apostle Paul. Tá ako nejaký závoj zahaľuje mysle a srdcia týchto láskavých a pokojných ľudí. - Porovnaj 2. Korinťanom 3: 15, 16. Of course, if you plan to snorkel in the wintertime or in water too cold for normal swimming, you will probably require a wet suit, and this will increase expenses considerably. Like a veil, it covers the minds and hearts of these kind and peaceful people. - Compare 2 Corinthians 3: 15, 16. Lebo od teba je to všetko a z tvojej ruky dali sme tebe. " - 1. Paralipomenon 29: 11, 14, RP. The opening verses of Second Timothy 1: 1, 2 indicate that the book is a letter written by the apostle Paul to Timothy. For from you this is all, and out of your hand we have given to you. " - 1 Chronicles 29: 11, 14, RP. Keď vysielal svojich učeníkov zvestovať, povedal im: "Uzdravujte chorých, krieste mŕtvych, očisťujte malomocných, vyháňajte démonov. Like a veil, it envelops the minds and hearts of these kind and peaceful people. - Compare 2 Corinthians 3: 15, 16. When sending forth his disciples to preach, he told them: "Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, expel the demons. Pri potoku nabrala vodu do vedra, dala doň šaty a namydlila ich. For everything is from you, and out of your own hand we have given to you. " - 1 Chronicles 29: 11, 14. At the brook, she took water into a bucket, put her clothes in it, and soaped them. " Owalla... chobot HORE a NOHA! " When Jesus sent his disciples out to preach, he told them: "Cure sick people, raise up dead persons, make lepers clean, expel demons. " Owalla... the trunk of the mountain and the foot! " a) Ako Ježiš varoval pred ospalosťou? At the stream, she would fill the pail with water, put the clothes in, and rub soap into them. (a) How did Jesus warn against drowsiness? Opustiť Božiu organizáciu? " Owalla... Trunk UP and FOOT! ' Forsake God's Organization? " Dokonca sme si ešte bližšie ako predtým, "hovorí Lacey. (a) How did Jesus warn about the natural tendency toward drowsiness? " We're even closer than before, " says Lacey. " Hľadajte ma, a zostaňte nažive. " - ÁMOS 5: 4. Leave God's organization? " Search for me, and stay alive. " - AMOS 5: 4. Keďže chcel lepšie porozumieť Biblii, súhlasil, aby s ním Jehovovi svedkovia pravidelne viedli rozhovory. " We have bonded even more than before, " says Lacey. Since he wanted to understand the Bible better, he agreed to have regular discussions with Jehovah's Witnesses. Veľmi by som chcela mať opäť nejaké biblické štúdiá, ale pri svojom zdravotnom stave už nemôžem chodiť do služby a hľadať ich. " Search for me, and keep living. " - AMOS 5: 4. I would very much like to have some Bible studies again, but in my health, I can no longer go out in the ministry and look for them. Láska nie je žiarlivá, nevystatuje sa, nenadúva sa, nespráva sa neslušne, nevyhľadáva svoje vlastné záujmy, nenechá sa popudiť. Wanting to have a better understanding of the Bible, he agreed to have regular discussions with Jehovah's Witnesses. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, does not get puffed up, does not behave indecently, does not seek its own interests, does not become provoked. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ I would love to have some Bible studies again, but with my health the way it is, I can no longer go out and find them. . . . . . No zjazdovú sálu v Riobambe zaplnilo 1421 ľudí a prišli aj takí, ktorí neboli svedkami! " Love is not jealous, it does not brag, does not get puffed up, does not behave indecently, does not look for its own interests, does not become provoked. But 1,421 people filled the Assembly Hall in Riobamba, and those who were not Witnesses also arrived! že nemôžu byť Božími priateľmi, pretože sú hriešni a nedokonalí. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ that they cannot be God's friends because they are sinful and imperfect. Potom sa ich opýtali, koľko času strávia spoločným rozhovorom. Yet, a crowd of 1,421, which included some non - Witness neighbors, filled the Riobamba Assembly Hall! Then they asked them how much time they spent talking to each other. Ak chceme zostať vo svetle, musíme neustále prejavovať pokoru a miernosť. that they cannot be God's friend because they feel unclean or sinful. To remain in the light, we must constantly display humility and mildness. Za čo vďačí "veľký zástup" Bohu a Baránkovi? They were then asked how much time they spent in conversation together. What do the "great crowd " owe to God and the Lamb? Tým sa ukáže, že výsada uctievať Jehovu v spoločenstve s jeho svätým ľudom, prevyšuje náš hlavný dôvod na plesanie ." To remain in the light, we must continue to manifest humility and meekness. This will show that the privilege of worshiping Jehovah in association with his holy people " surpasses our primary cause for rejoicing. ' Hoci dnes nežiadame o zázračné uzdravenie, môžeme Boha prosiť, aby im pomohol chorobu statočne znášať a aby im dal duchovnú silu na zvládnutie takýchto ťažkých období. The second of Asher's four sons Although we do not ask for miraculous healing today, we can ask God to help them to endure the illness bravely and to give them spiritual strength to cope with such difficult times. Duchovný rast na Balkáne This will show that the privilege of worshiping Jehovah in association with his holy people " ascends above our chief cause for rejoicing. ' Spiritual Growth in the Balkans No keď sa budeme pevne zastávať toho, čo je správne - či už v škole, v zamestnaní, alebo v akýchkoľvek iných situáciách - , Jehova nebude brať našu lojálnu lásku ako samozrejmosť. While not requesting miraculous cures today, we can ask that God grant them fortitude to bear their malady and the spiritual strength needed to endure such periods of weakness. However, when we stand firm for what is right - whether at school, at work, or in any other situation, Jehovah will not take our loyal love for granted. Keď sa opiješ, môže sa ti ľahko stať niečo zlé. Spiritual Growth in the Balkans When you get drunk, something bad can easily happen to you. Pohľad do vesmíru Yet, when we stand firm for what is right - whether in school, at our place of employment, or in any other situation - Jehovah does not take our loyal love for granted. Space view Aké poučenie z toho vyplýva? If you become drunk, you may be vulnerable to mistreatment. What lesson does this teach us? [ Mapy na strane 18] Peering Into the Universe [ Maps on page 18] Vzhľadom na svoju veľkosť sú najsilnejšie zo všetkých konských plemien. Do you see the point? Due to their size, they are the strongest of all horse breeds. 6 Prečo sme sa rozhodli nepodstúpiť potrat [ Maps on page 18] 6 Why We decided not to have an abortion " Teraz, keď sme si konečne uvedomili, aké obrovské škody sme na životnom prostredí spôsobili, "píše britská etologička Jane Goodallová," využívame všetku svoju vynachádzavosť, aby sme našli technické riešenie. " In fact, for their size they are the strongest of all horse breeds. " Now that we have finally realized the enormous damage we have done to the environment, " writes British etologist Jane Goodall, "we use all our ingenuity to find a technical solution. " Zišlo sa 62 zástupcov všetkých týchto zariadení. 6 Why We Did Not Have an Abortion 62 representatives of all these facilities were gathered. A Jehova požehnal Jozefa, ktorý si získal dôveru a vážnosť, tak ako to bolo v Putifárovom dome. " Now that we have finally faced up to the terrible damage we have inflicted on our environment, " writes British ethologist Jane Goodall, "our ingenuity is working overtime to find technological solutions. " And Jehovah blessed Joseph, who gained confidence and seriousness, just as it was in Potiphar's house. Ako by si odpovedal? Members from all these facilities attended, making a total of 62. How Would You Answer? Napríklad v Latinskej Amerike zomiera na srdcové choroby dva až tri razy viac ľudí než na infekčné choroby. With Jehovah's blessing, Joseph gained trust and respect, just as he had in Potiphar's household. In Latin America, for example, two to three times more people die from heart disease than from infectious diseases. Potom sa opýtal: "Ale ako budú vzývať toho, v koho neuverili? How Would You Answer? Then he asked: "But how will they call on him in whom they have not put faith? Ak budú obhajovať záujmy národnej ekonomiky, bude to na úkor životného prostredia. In Latin America, for example, two to three times more people will die from heart disease than from infectious diseases. If they defend the interests of the national economy, it will be at the expense of the environment. Ktovie? Then he asked: "How will they call on him in whom they have not put faith? Who knows? Všimla som si aj to, že sú vzdelanejší, než by sa dalo očakávať podľa ich zamestnania. If they protect their nations ' economic interests, the environment suffers. I also noticed that they were more educated than they could expect from their employment. Grécke slovo blasfémia nevyjadruje len neúctivú reč o veciach považovaných za sväté. Who knows? The Greek word blasphemy does not merely express disrespectful speech about matters considered sacred. A keď sa jeho učeníci zišli, aby spoločne uctievali Boha, vyjadrili spoločnú modlitbu. I also noticed that they were better educated than one would expect from the occupation they had. And when his disciples gathered to worship God together, they prayed together. Toto dievčatko dalo nádherný príklad mladým, ktorí sa spoliehajú na to, že Jehova im dá odvahu vydávať svedectvo učiteľom, spolužiakom a ďalším ľuďom. The Greek word bla·sphe·miʹa conveys more than the idea of irreverent speech against things held sacred. This little girl set a wonderful example for youths who rely on Jehovah to give them the courage to witness to teachers, schoolmates, and others. Jehova nám vo svojom Slove veľmi otvorene hovorí, ako sa na to pozerá. And when his disciples assembled for worship, they prayed together. In his Word, Jehovah tells us very openly how he views it. Konečne začali prichádzať svedkovia a na tvári mali široký úsmev. What a fine example that girl is for youngsters who rely on Jehovah for the courage to witness to teachers, schoolmates, and others! Finally, the Witnesses began to come, and they had a broad smile on their faces. " Zostaňte bdelí, lebo nepoznáte deň ani hodinu. " - MATÚŠ 25: 13. Jehovah's own priceless Book is very clear about this. " Keep on the watch, because you do not know the day or the hour. " - MATTHEW 25: 13. Prečo Boh odsudzuje modlárstvo vrátane uctievania hadov? Finally, Witnesses began to trickle in with big smiles on their faces. Why does God condemn idolatry, including snake worship? Chce to čas, kým sa navzájom zladíte a vytvoríte si taký systém hospodárenia, ktorý bude vyhovovať obom. " Keep on the watch, therefore, because you know neither the day nor the hour. " - MATTHEW 25: 13. It takes time to reconcile with each other and to create a management system that suits both of them. Mojžiša a Jóba motivovalo ešte niečo, a to by malo motivovať i nás. Why does God reject idolatry, including snake worship? Moses and Job were motivated by something else, and that should motivate us too. Ozónová diera, ktorá sa vytvorí každý rok nad Antarktídou, dosiahla v septembri 1998 doteraz najväčšiu veľkosť, uvádza časopis UNESCO Courier. It takes time for a couple to adjust and develop an agreed - upon method of handling money. The ozone hole that is created every year over Antarctica reached its highest size in September 1998, reports UNESCO Courier. Mnohí mladí nadšene potvrdzujú, že áno: There was an additional factor that motivated both Moses and Job, a factor that should also motivate us. Many youths are thrilled to confirm that they do: Ak Lin - Lin odmietne vyhovieť želaniu svojho zamestnávateľa, môže ju zbiť alebo mučiť. In September 1998, the hole that forms each year in the ozone layer over Antarctica reached an all - time record size, reports The UNESCO Courier. If Lin - Lin refuses to grant his employer's wishes, he can beat her or torture her. Mladí ľudia sa pýtajú... Many youths enthusiastically affirm that they do: Young People Ask... [ Mapa] If Lin - Lin refuses to comply with her employer's wishes, she might be beaten or tortured. [ Map] Hovorila som si: " Prečo by ma mali trápiť problémy mojich rodičov, keď ich netrápia moje problémy? " Young People Ask... I said to myself, " Why should my parents ' problems bother me if they don't worry about my problems? ' Zbožná múdrosť - ako sa prejavuje? [ Map] Godly Wisdom - How Does It Exercise? Z toho, že sa v súvislosti so Saulovým prenasledovaním opakovane spomínajú ženy, vidieť, že v prvom storočí hrali v rozširovaní kresťanstva veľkú úlohu. I would say to myself, " Why should I worry about my parents ' problems when they don't worry about mine? ' Women's repeated mention of Saul's persecution shows that they played a major role in the expansion of Christianity in the first century. V nemeckých novinách Main - Echo Aschaffenburg sa o nich písalo: "Po prepustení sa o väzenkyne starajú tri až päť mesiacov a povzbudzujú ich, aby si našli zmysel života... Godly Wisdom - How Is It Manifested? The German newspaper Main - Echo Aschaffenburg said of them: "After being released, they take care of the prisoner for three to five months and encourage them to find a purpose in life.... Ako píše časopis Popular Science, zdalo sa, že vedci majú dômyselné riešenie tohto problému: použili citlivý infračervený film, domnievajúc sa, že ľahko objaví telesné teplo, ktoré tieto veľké tvory vyžarujú. The repeated reference to women also being the object of Saul's persecution shows that they played a large part in the spread of Christianity in the first century, just as they do today. - Ps. According to Popular Science magazine, scientists seemed to have an ingenious solution to the problem: they used a sensitive infrared film, suggesting that it was easy to discover the body heat emitted by these large creatures. Ako dávajú muži, ktorí sa ujímajú vedenia v zbore, najavo, že sa podriaďujú Kristovmu vedeniu? A German newspaper, Main - Echo Aschaffenburg, reports about them: "They look after prisoners for three to five months after their release, encouraging them to find a purpose in life.... How do men taking the lead in the congregation show their submission to Christ's guidance? Možno však uvažujete: " Je rozumné veriť v Stvoriteľa? " According to Popular Science, scientists had what seemed a clever solution to that problem: they used sensitive infrared film, reasoning that it would easily detect the body heat emanating from these massive creatures. However, you may wonder, " Is it reasonable to believe in a Creator? ' Keď delegáti prišli do domova Bétel, na privítanie dostali kytice z mečíkov, ruží, jazmínu a žltých i červených sedmokrások, ktoré jeden brat vypestoval špeciálne na túto príležitosť. How do those taking the lead in the congregation show that they submit to Christ's leadership? When the delegates arrived at the Bethel home, to welcome them, they received bouquets of swords, roses, jasmine, and yellow and red daisies, specially cultivated by one brother for this occasion. Myslel Ježiš týmito slovami, že Ján Krstiteľ bol reinkarnovaným prorokom Eliášom? But you may wonder, " Is it rational to believe in a Creator? ' Did Jesus thus mean that John the Baptist was a reincarnated prophet Elijah? Pamätajme, že Jehova má pre nás pochopenie. When the delegates arrived at the Bethel Home, they were greeted with bouquets of gladioluses, roses, jasmine, and yellow and red daisies, grown by a brother especially for this occasion. Remember that Jehovah has insight for us. Podľa Medzinárodného fondu pre poľnohospodársky rozvoj za posledných 30 rokov ubudlo z poľnohospodárskej pôdy takmer 20 percent ornice zväčša pre nedostatok peňazí a techniky potrebných na uskutočnenie ochranárskych opatrení. In saying this, did Jesus mean that John the Baptizer was a reincarnation of the prophet Elijah? According to the International Agricultural Development Fund, in the last 30 years, almost 20 percent of the topsoil has been lost from agricultural land, largely due to the lack of money and techniques needed to carry out conservation measures. Rešpektujte právo pacienta na informované rozhodnutie. Remember that Jehovah is understanding. Respect the patient's right to an informed decision. Oba druhy cukru sú chemicky identické. According to the International Fund for Agricultural Development, during the past 30 years, almost 20 percent of the world's topsoil from croplands has been lost, mostly because of a lack of both the money and the technology needed to carry out conservation measures. Both types of sugar are chemically identical. (The Age of Wars of Religion, 1000 - 1650 - An Encyclopedia of Global Warfare and Civilization [Obdobie náboženských vojen (1000 - 1650) - encyklopédia svetových vojen a civilizácií]) Respect the patient's right to make informed medical decisions. (The Age of Wars of Religion, 1000-1650 - An Encyclopedia of Global Warfare and Civilization) Vlády, ktoré vládli počas ľudských dejín, sa v mnohých ohľadoch nedokázali postarať o svojich občanov - hlavne o chudobných. The sugars are chemically identical. In many ways, governments that ruled human history have failed to care for their citizens - especially the poor. Pečenie chleba sa presunulo z domácností do pekární, kde sa piekol vo veľkom. The hoary cry that " the gods are on our side ' was among the earliest and most potent of incitements to battle. " - The Age of Wars of Religion, 1000 - 1650 - An Encyclopedia of Global Warfare and Civilization. Baking bread moved from homes to bakeries, where it was baked in large quantities. V apríli 2003 sa spolu s Jenny stal členom rodiny Bétel v Spojených štátoch a začal pracovať v oddelení prekladateľských služieb. Throughout history, governments have failed in many ways to care for their subjects, especially the poor. In April 2003, Jenny and I became members of the United States Bethel family and began working in the translation services department. Tento bývalý malomocný chválil Boha, a len čo našiel Ježiša, padol mu k nohám a ďakoval mu. Bread making was moving out of the home and into factories for mass production. The former leper praised God, and as soon as he found Jesus, he fell at his feet and thanked him. Život počas zákazu In April 2003, he and Jenny became part of the United States Bethel family and began to work in the Translation Services Department. Life Under Ban Ježišovi raní učeníci - ktorí najlepšie vedeli, čo sa naozaj stalo - odvážne oznamovali, že Ježiš bol vzkriesený. This former leper praised God, and upon finding Jesus, he fell at his feet, thanking him. Jesus ' early disciples - who knew best what had really happened - courageously announced that Jesus had been resurrected. Ale ako to môžu apoštoli robiť? Living Under Ban But how can the apostles do so? Často je pre nich ťažké nájsť si potrebnú svetskú prácu na čiastočný úväzok. Jesus ' early disciples - who were in a unique position to know what really happened - boldly proclaimed that Jesus was resurrected. Often, they find it difficult to find the necessary part - time secular work. Molekuly pachových látok sú potom vytlačené nahor vírmi, ktoré sa vytvárajú, keď prúd vzduchu krúži okolo troch kostených špirálovitých výčnelkov, nazývaných nosové mušle (2). Yet, how can his apostles do so? The scent molecules are then pushed up by the viruses formed when the flow of air circling around three skeletal spiral protrusions called nasal shells (2). " Je verný ten, ktorý dal sľub. " - HEBREJOM 10: 23. Often it is difficult to obtain the part - time secular work they need. " He that has made a promise is faithful. " - HEBREWS 10: 23. Tým, čo hrešia, no prejavujú pokánie, Boh odpúšťa "vo veľkej miere." Next, odorous molecules are pushed upward by eddies that form when air currents swirl around three bony, scroll - like protrusions called turbinates (2). By sinful but repentant, God forgives "in a large way. " Nech vládne akokoľvek múdry a vysoko zásadový panovník, nakoniec zomrie, a vládu často preberú iní, menej schopní a menej zásadoví ľudia " He is faithful that promised. " - HEBREWS 10: 23. No matter how wise and highly principled the ruler reigns, he eventually dies, and the government is often taken over by other, less capable and less principled people Chceli by ste patriť k tým, ktorí sa z nej budú tešiť? Those who sin but manifest repentance God forgives "in a large way. " Would you like to be among those who will enjoy it? Fyzická námaha - či už pri práci s kladivom, alebo pri kosení trávnika - môže prispievať k tvojmu dobrému zdraviu. However wise and highly principled a ruler may be, eventually he dies and often others less capable and less principled take over Physical effort - whether working with a hammer or mowing a lawn - can contribute to your good health. Do roku 2000 dosiahne počet španielsky hovoriacich obyvateľov iba v Spojených štátoch 35 miliónov. Would you like to be among them? By 2000, the Spanish - speaking population will reach 35 million in the United States alone. Ale keď teplota v hornej časti oceánu - "bojlera" klimatického zariadenia - prekročí 27 ° C, tropické búrky môžu nahromadiť dostatok energie, aby sa z nich stali cyklóny, hurikány alebo tajfúny, čo sú názvy pre ten istý jav v rôznych častiach sveta. Exerting yourself in physical work - whether by swinging a hammer or mowing a lawn - can promote good health. But when the temperature in the upper ocean - the "bottler " of a climatic device - exceeds 27 ° C, tropical storms can accumulate enough energy to become cyclones, hurricanes, or typhoons, which are the names for the same phenomenon in different parts of the world. Informácia uvedená na každom lístku na splnomocnenie by mala byť v tejto veci konečná, pretože podľa toho sa bude vedieť, kto bude osobne prítomný. By the year 2000, the number of Hispanics in the United States alone will reach the 35 million mark. The information given on each proxy should be definitive on this point, since it will be known accordingly who will be personally present. The World Book Encyclopedia ho definuje ako "vieru, že udalosti sú určené silami, ktoré ľudské bytosti nemôžu ovládať." But when the temperature in the upper level of the ocean - the "boiler room " of the climate machine - exceeds about 80 degrees Fahrenheit [27 ° C], tropical storms may acquire enough energy to become cyclones, hurricanes, or typhoons - regional names for essentially the same phenomena. The World Book Encyclopedia defines it as "the belief that events are determined by forces that human beings cannot control. " Predstav si zostarnutého Abraháma, ako s námahou stúpa horským svahom. The information given on each proxy should be definite on this point, since it will be relied upon in determining who will be personally present. Imagine the aged Abraham climbing the mountain slope with effort. V každom prípade hrozí, že sa uňho vyvinie sklon zameriavať sa hlavne na seba. The World Book Encyclopedia defines it as "the belief that events are determined by forces that human beings cannot control. " In any case, he risks developing a tendency to focus primarily on himself. Dotýkame sa zelenkavého plodu - je ako zamat. At any rate, he is running the risk of developing a me - first attitude. We touch the green fetus - it's like velvet. Prečo tak odpovedáš? We touch the greenish fruit, and it feels like velvet. Why do you answer that? " Každý, s kým som sa rozprával, si ju rád zobral. " Why, or why not? " Everyone I talked to likes to marry her. " Zakrátko bolo z krátera jazierko. " Everyone I met was happy to receive it. " Soon there was a pond from the crater. Tábor bol opustený. The crater started filling with water, and before long there was a large pool. The camp was abandoned. Mojím prvým priekopníckym pridelením bol Južný Wales, kde som sa pripojil k Cyrilovi Stentifordovi. The whole camp had been abandoned. My first pioneer assignment was South Wales, where I joined Cyril Stentiford. V skutočnosti sa stáva ochranou " pred zlou cestou, pred ľuďmi hovoriacimi zvrátenosti ." - Príslovia 2: 10 - 15. My first pioneer assignment was in South Wales where I joined Cyril Stentiford. In fact, it becomes a protection "from the bad way, from people speaking perverse things. " - Proverbs 2: 10 - 15. V ten večer ma v izbe čakala veľká obálka. In fact, it becomes a safeguard and a protection " from the bad way and from those speaking perverse things. ' - Proverbs 2: 10 - 15. There was a big envelope waiting in my room that night. M., námorník amerického vojenského námorníctva, napísal: "Jedného dňa som stretol dámu, ktorá sa spýtala: " Chcete náboženskú knihu? " That night, there was a large envelope waiting for me in my room. M., a U.S. Navy sailor, wrote: "One day I met a lady who asked, " Do you want a religious book? ' Timotejovi 1: 7, 8.) M., a sailor in the U.S. Navy wrote: "I met a lady one day who said, " Do you want a spiritual book? ' (Read 1 Timothy 1: 7, 8.) Ako uvádza The Encyclopedia of Talmudic Sages, učenec rabín Meir, ktorý žil v druhom storočí, učil: "Keď muž vydá dcéru za [niekoho z] am ha'arec, je to, akoby ju zviazal a predložil levovi, ktorý si ju ako svoju obeť najskôr prišliapne a potom zožerie." Moreover, he looks to God for the courage and strength needed to face any situation or to fulfill any assignment successfully. - Read 2 Timothy 1: 7, 8. According to The Encyclopedia of Talmudic Sages, second - century scholar rabbi Meir, he taught: "When a man gives up a daughter for [someone from] ha'arec, it is as if he bind her up and present her to a lion, who first arrives as his sacrifice and then eats her. " Až potom, keď voda vyschla, dal mu Jehova ďalšie pokyny. According to The Encyclopedia of Talmudic Sages, second - century scholar Rabbi Meir taught: "When a man marries his daughter to an am ha'aretz it is as if he bound her and placed her in front of a lion who steps on his victim before devouring her. " Only after the water dried up did Jehovah give him further instructions. Ježiš označil Diabla za " vládcu sveta " a povedal: "Nemá nado mnou moc." It was not until the stream was dry that Jehovah gave him his next set of instructions. Jesus called the Devil "the ruler of the world, " saying:" He has no power over me. " Väčšina druhov lastúrnikov denne nasaje do svojho tela niekoľko litrov vody, z ktorej cedí nielen potravu a kyslík, ale aj nečistoty, ako sú škodlivé baktérie a jedovaté chemikálie. Your Role in Your Prayers, 9 / 8 Most species of bivalve molluscs soak several litres of water a day in their bodies, from which they cedate not only food and oxygen but also impurities, such as harmful bacteria and toxic chemicals. Jeho objav na jar 1818 znamenal začiatok prosperujúceho cestovného ruchu v tejto oblasti. Jesus called the Devil "the ruler of the world " and said:" He has no hold on me. " His discovery in the spring of 1818 marked the beginning of thriving tourism in this area. Takým konaním zachránime seba i tých, ktorí nás počúvajú. - 1. Timotejovi 4: 16. In most species each mussel daily draws several liters of water into its body and strains out not only food and oxygen but also pollutants like harmful bacteria and toxic chemicals. By doing so, we will save ourselves and those who listen to us. - 1 Timothy 4: 16. Napríklad v akých ohľadoch je kresťanstvo nadradené uctievaniu pod Zákonom? This discovery in the spring of 1818 marked the beginning of what is now a flourishing tourist industry. In what ways, for example, is Christianity superior to worship under the Law? Jehova potrestá Júdu pre túto duchovnú nečistotu. By doing so, we will save both ourselves and those who listen to us. - 1 Timothy 4: 16. Jehovah will punish Judah for this spiritual uncleanness. Vaša strava - môže vás zabiť? What are some ways in which Christianity is superior to worship under the Law? Your Diet - Can It Kill You? Pilát nechcel vedieť odpoveď na túto otázku. Jehovah would punish Judah for this spiritual uncleanness. Pilate did not want to know the answer to that question. Dodáva im to silu, aby aj napriek veľkým skúškam boli pripravení na Kristov návrat a zostali činní. Your Diet - Can It Kill You? This gives them the strength to be ready for Christ's return and to remain active despite great trials. Prináša Bohu Biblie česť, alebo sa spreneverila kresťanskému učeniu? Pilate, of course, was not really seeking the truth. Does the Bible honor God or embezzle Christian teachings? Čo sa v dnešných dňoch deje s pomermi vo svete? Thus strengthened, they too prove themselves ready for Christ's return, staying active even under serious trial. What is happening today with world conditions? Apologéti, 1 / 6 Has it honored the God of the Bible, or has it played false to Christian teachings? Jehovah's Witnesses, 6 / 15 Ale bolo by to azda inak, keby obaja účastníci takej obchodnej transakcie boli pravými Božími ctiteľmi? What has happened to world conditions in our time? But would it be different if both participants in such a business transaction were true worshipers of God? Aj pomazaní kresťania v prvom storočí boli povzbudzovaní, aby " pamätali na predošlé dni " a na to, v čom už vytrvali. Archangel Michael? First - century anointed Christians were also encouraged to " remember the former days ' and the things they had endured. Je to možné preto, lebo pohlavie mláďaťa aligátora je určené teplotou hniezda, a tak môžu byť všetky mláďatá samce, samice alebo aj rôzneho pohlavia. Would it be different, though, when the two having such a business dealing were both true worshipers? This is possible because the sex of an alligator calf is determined by the nest temperature, so all young males, females or even different sexes can be present. Mal by som sa pridať k parte? ," ktorý vyšiel v časopise Prebuďte sa! Anointed Christians in the first century were also encouraged to "keep on remembering the former days " and what they had endured. Should I join a gang? " Žalmista Dávid nás uisťuje: "Jehova je blízko tých, ktorí majú zlomené srdcia, a tých, ktorí sú zdrvení na duchu, zachraňuje." - Žalm 34: 18. This is possible because the sex of a baby alligator is determined by the temperature of the nest and so can be all male, all female, or a mix. The psalmist David assures us: "Jehovah is near to those that are broken at heart, and those who are crushed in spirit he saves. " - Psalm 34: 18. " Kto hovorí sám od seba, hľadá vlastnú slávu, kto však hľadá slávu toho, ktorý ho poslal, ten je pravý. " - JÁN 7: 18. Should I Join a Gang? " " He that speaks of himself is seeking his own glory, but he that is seeking the glory of him that sent him is the one that is true. " - JOHN 7: 18. Keďže súhlasil, že pôjde s Abramom, presťahovanie rodiny do Háranu sa pripisuje jemu. The psalmist David assures us: "Jehovah is near to those that are broken at heart; and those who are crushed in spirit he saves. " - Psalm 34: 18. Since he agreed to go with Abram, the family move to Haran is attributed to him. Mojžišova 12: 1 - 15 " He that speaks of his own originality is seeking his own glory; but he that seeks the glory of him that sent him, this one is true. " - JOHN 7: 18. Deuteronomy 12: 1 - 15 Žiadna generácia nemôže tvrdiť, že len ona zažila takéto hanebné skutky. He agreed to go with Abram and thus was credited with moving the family to Haran. No generation can claim that she alone has experienced such shameful acts. O Ježišovi Kristovi je prorocky povedané, že má úžitok z Jehovovho poučovania každé ráno: " [Jehova] prebúdza ráno čo ráno; prebúdza moje ucho, aby som počul ako tí učení. " Numbers 12: 1 - 15 Regarding Jesus Christ, it is prophetically said that he benefits from Jehovah's instruction every morning: " [Jehovah] awakens morning after morning; he awakens my ear, that I may hear like these teachings. ' K čomu by nás mala podnecovať viera? No single generation can lay exclusive claim to these shameful acts. Faith should move us to do what? Som šťastná, že môžem naďalej povzbudzovať iných. Jesus Christ is prophetically spoken of as benefiting from Jehovah's instructions each morning: " He [Jehovah] awakens morning by morning; he awakens my ear to hear like the taught ones. ' I am happy to continue to encourage others. Pohromou tejto polopúšte, kde sa teplota niekedy vyšplhá na 43 stupňov Celzia, je spaľujúce slnko, ako aj to, že sú tu obmedzené zrážky. In what ways should we exercise our faith? The plague of this half - desert, where the temperature sometimes rises to 40 degrees Fahrenheit [43 ° C.], is the burning sun, as well as the limited rainfall. Takíto odvážlivci by sa však mali mať na pozore. I am happy that I can continue to encourage others. Such courageous ones, however, should be on guard. Expresný rozvod Scorching sun and limited rainfall are the bane of this semidesert, where temperatures reach up to 110 degrees Fahrenheit [43 ° C]. Express divorce Zubní lekári vám môžu pomôcť predísť bolesti zuba alebo jeho strate. For those adventurers, there is a word of caution. Dentists can help you prevent tooth pain or loss. V kresťanskom zbore môžeme byť požiadaní, aby sme sa kvôli zachovaniu pokoja vzdali nejakého práva. Express Divorce In the Christian congregation, we may be asked to give up some justice in order to maintain peace. So slzami v očiach som prosil pravého Boha, Jehovu, aby obmäkčil otcovo srdce, no otec bol neoblomný. Dentists can help to prevent the torment of toothache and tooth loss. With tears in my eyes, I begged the true God, Jehovah, to soften my father's heart, but his father was adamant. Pod Zákonom mali Izraelitky značnú mieru slobody a prístup k vzdelaniu. Within the Christian congregation, we may be called upon to relinquish a right in order to maintain peace. Under the Law, the Israelites had considerable freedom and access to education. To dobré bolo "voči Jehovovi," a tak sa to možno týkalo uctievania Jehovu. With tears, I supplicated Jehovah, the true God, to soften Father's heart, but he remained unmoved. The good was "in the face of Jehovah, " so it may have been about Jehovah's worship. Scott je presvedčený, že za chladným zovňajškom leoparda je možno priateľská povaha. Israelite women enjoyed considerable freedom, and they had access to education. Scott believes that behind the cold appearance of the leopard may be a friendly nature. Rada starších povzbudila svedkov, ktorí v ten deň kázali v štvrti, kde učiteľ býva, aby si s ním o veci pohovorili. This goodness was "toward Jehovah, " perhaps involving His worship. The body of elders encouraged the Witnesses who preached that day in the neighborhood where the teacher lived to talk to him about the matter. Cirkevní hodnostári, dychtiví po tom, aby sa páčili, sa angažovali pri udeľovaní legitimity koloniálnemu systému. Scott believes that behind the leopard's cold exterior lies a potentially warm nature. Church dignitaries, eager to please, engaged in granting legitimacy to the colonial system. Nakoľko nebezpečná môže byť televízia? The Witnesses who had worked in the teacher's neighborhood that day were encouraged by the body of elders to go and talk to the teacher about the matter. How Dangerous Can Television Be? Kedy vznikli synagógy? Church officials, eager to please, moved in to confer legitimacy on the colonial system. When did the synagogues begin? Po troch úvodných kapitolách je táto kniha rozdelená na štyri časti s názvom "Silný v moci," "Miluje právo," "V srdci je múdry" a "Boh je láska." When did the synagogue come into use? After three opening chapters, the book is divided into four parts, entitled "Strong in Power, "" Loves Justice, " "Wise in Hearts, " and" God Is Love. " Moji priatelia vďaka nemu lepšie rozumejú poruche, ktorou trpím. Following its three introductory chapters, the book is divided into four sections entitled "Vigorous in Power, "" A Lover of Justice, " "Wise in Heart, " and" God Is Love. " Thanks to him, my friends better understand the disorder I suffer. 7, 8. a) Čo je múdrosť a odkiaľ mal Ježiš takú veľkú múdrosť? As a result, my friends better understand my condition. 7, 8. (a) What is wisdom, and from where did Jesus have such great wisdom? A tieto problémy môžu vzniknúť aj v prípade, že zaplatil pokutu, ktorú mu uložil súd, a už nikdy viac nekradol. 7, 8. (a) What is wisdom, and why did Jesus possess it so abundantly? And these problems may arise even if he paid the fine imposed on him by a court and never stole again. Myslím, že polovicu svojho raného detstva som strávila alebo za dverami, alebo na lavici hanby. And these problems can arise even though he has paid the penalty imposed by the court and never steals again. I think I spent half my early childhood or at the door or on the table of shame. " Nie ," odpovedal nevinne," ja som si ju nekúpil. " I think I must have spent half my early years either standing in the hall or sitting in the naughty chair. " No, " he answered innocently, "I did not buy it. " Daniel zostáva pevný " No, " he answered innocently. " I didn't buy it. " Daniel Remains Firm Čo je pravda o Jehovových svedkoch dnes, takisto ako to bolo v prípade raných kresťanov? Daniel Remains Steadfast What is the truth about Jehovah's Witnesses today, as was the case with the early Christians? Teraz ma poznajú ako človeka, ktorý usilovne pracuje, a dokonca som im mohol finančne pomôcť. As was true of the early Christians, what is true of Jehovah's Witnesses today? Now they know me as a hardworking person, and I could even help them financially. No môj život má predsa zmysel, lebo slúžim druhým. Now they know me as an industrious worker, and I have even been able to help them out financially. Yet, my life has meaning because I serve others. Chlapec vysvetlil, že túto knihu, ktorá je plná obrázkov zobrazujúcich ľudí a udalosti zaznamenané v Biblii, práve dočítal. " But my life is worthwhile because it is devoted to serving others. The boy explained that he had just finished reading this book, which is full of pictures of people and events recorded in the Bible. Alebo ako napísal filozof Francis Bacon, "právo spočíva v tom, že každý človek dostane to, čo si zaslúži." The youth explained that he had just finished reading the book, which is filled with pictures that feature people and events in the Bible. Or as philosopher Francis Bacon wrote, "the law is that every man receives what he deserves. " Ale skutočnosti dokazujú, že sa im nepodarilo týchto pokrstených naučiť " zachovávať všetko, čo Ježiš prikázal ." - Matúš 28: 19, 20. Or as philosopher Francis Bacon wrote, "justice consists in giving every man what he deserves. " But the facts prove that they failed to teach these baptized ones "to observe all the things that Jesus commanded. " - Matthew 28: 19, 20. Na základe vhodných biblických textov im môžeš vysvetliť, že Boh ponúka pomoc, ale mnohí ju neprijímajú. - Izaiáš 48: 17, 18. But the facts show that these missionaries have failed to teach these baptized ones " to observe all the things Jesus has commanded. ' - Matthew 28: 19, 20. Based on appropriate scriptures, you can explain that God offers help, but many do not accept it. - Isaiah 48: 17, 18. Čo môžete robiť. You might reason on appropriate scriptures to help them to realize that God has provided help but many have not accepted it. - Isaiah 48: 17, 18. What you can do. Jehovovi svedkovia na celom svete - Kolumbia What you can do. Jehovah's Witnesses Around the World - Colombia Môžu byť do toho zapojené silné city. Jehovah's Witnesses Around the World - Colombia Strong feelings may be involved. Potom sa jeho rodina začala dostávať do finančných ťažkostí. Strong feelings may be involved. Then his family began to get into financial trouble. Vychovávali ma od útleho detstva láskavo a pevne, ale nie priveľmi úzkostlivo. Then his family began experiencing financial difficulties. They raised me from infancy kindly and firmly, but not too anxiously. Zamysli sa aj nad tým, čo môžu urobiť veľké dávky alkoholu s tvojím telom, keďže postupne poškodzujú životne dôležité orgány. My training from infancy was kind and firm, yet not overly protective. Consider, too, what large doses of alcohol can do with your body, as they gradually damage vital organs. Ktorý národ Jehova zorganizoval, aby bol jeho svedkom, ale prečo dovolil, aby bol odvedený do vyhnanstva? Consider, too, what large doses of alcohol can do to your body, gradually poisoning your vital organs. What nation did Jehovah organize to be his Witness, but why did he allow him to be exiled? Je však isté, že žeriavy rady tancujú v pároch a ich tanec je súčasťou rituálu dvorenia. What nation did Jehovah organize to be his witness, but why did he allow it to go into exile? It is certain, however, that cranes like to dance in pairs, and their dancing is part of the courtship ritual. ČASOVÁ OS - ABRAHÁMOVO SEMENO A EXODUS IZRAELITOV Certainly, cranes like to dance in pairs, and dancing forms a part of their courtship ritual. TIME AXIS - ABRAHAM SEMEN AND EXODUS ISRAELITS V publiku bol aj vládny tajomník a jeden z vládnych poradcov. Aj anglikánsky biskup poslal list so želaním všetkého dobrého. TIME LINE OF ABRAHAM'S SEED AND ISRAEL'S EXODUS A government secretary and one of the government's advisors were also in the audience, and the Anglican bishop also sent a letter wishing for all the good. Celá sa stane rajom. Included in the audience were the government secretary and one of the counselors, and the Anglican bishop also sent a message wishing them well. It will become a paradise. Vzkriesil Ježiša z mŕtvych, nie ako smrteľného človeka z mäsa a krvi, ale ako slávneho duchovného tvora, ktorý "zostáva navždy živý." Rather, it will become a global paradise. - Psalm 104: 5; Luke 23: 43. He raised Jesus from the dead, not as a mortal man of flesh and blood, but as a glorious spirit creature that "continues alive forever. " A to ho oddeľovalo od sveta. He raised Jesus from the dead, not as a mortal human of flesh and blood, but as a glorious spirit creature "continuing alive forever. " And that separated him from the world. Potáplice majú pestrý repertoár volaní. And this set him apart from the world. Divers have a varied repertoire of calls. Napríklad takmer polovica z týchto lesov, ochraňujúcich močiare v Ekvádore, bola odstránená, najmä pre nádrže na chov garnátov, a plánuje sa, že takýmto spôsobom bude premenená ešte približne taká istá plocha zostávajúcich mangrovových porastov. Loons have some impressive vocalizations. For example, almost half of these forests, protected by swamps in Ecuador, have been removed, especially for shrimp tanks, and it is planned that this will change the same area of the remaining mangroves. Teším sa na to, že budem môcť vyskúšať ponuku, ktorú som si pripravil. " Nearly half of these protective swamp forests in Ecuador, for example, have been cleared, mostly for shrimp ponds, and plans call for the conversion of a like proportion of the remaining areas. I look forward to experiencing the offer I have made. " Prinášajú potešenie ušiam vnímavých mužov a žien! It makes me want to give my presentation. " They bring pleasure to the ears of sentient men and women! Prvou svetovou vojnou sa zjavne začala éra ťažkostí, ktorá trvá až dodnes. They bring pleasure to the ears of appreciative men and women! Evidently, World War I has begun an era of hardship that continues to this day. Keby sa niekto snažil určovať, kde si človek má alebo nemá sadnúť, mohlo by to v závislosti od okolností viesť k rôznym problémom. Clearly, the first world war triggered a time of affliction that has not abated. Trying to determine where a person should or should not sit down could, depending on the circumstances, lead to various problems. Pred niekoľkými rokmi brat Jamet rozprával o úžasných požehnaniach od Jehovu. Restricting where a person sits could give rise to various problems, depending on the circumstances. Some years ago Brother Jamet spoke of wonderful blessings from Jehovah. Denise Kendricková z Lekárskej fakulty Nottinghamskej univerzity v Británii hovorí: "Detské chodúľky nie sú bezpečné. A couple of years ago, Brother Jamet was able to recount the marvelous blessings from Jehovah. Denise Kendrick, of the University of Nottingham Medical School in Britain, says: "Child walkers are not safe. Dokonca aj v mnohých takzvaných kresťanských krajinách je tento "náboženský aspekt" často sotva poznateľný. Denise Kendrick, of Britain's Nottingham University Medical School, states: "Baby walkers are unsafe. Even in many so - called Christian lands, this "religious aspect " is often barely noticeable. Li z Taiwanu si v 16 rokoch dala unáhlene urobiť tetovanie. Even in many so - called Christian countries, this "religious aspect " is often hard to detect. At 16 years of age, Li from Taiwan hastily made a tattoo. BOŽIE Slovo upriamuje našu pozornosť na dva protichodné myšlienkové postoje. On a whim, Li, a woman in Taiwan, got a tattoo at age 16. GOD'S Word draws our attention to two conflicting mental attitudes. Čo si zvolil Mojžiš a prečo? AMONG the mental dispositions that God's Word brings to our attention are two opposites. What did Moses choose, and why? Hyde Park Barracks, väznica, ktorú navrhli a postavili trestanci What choice did Moses make, and why? Hyde Park Barracks, a prison designed and built by convicts Krátko po návrate do Betoka II boli štyria moji súrodenci spôsobilí zapojiť sa do zvestovateľského diela Jehovových svedkov a zanedlho sa dali pokrstiť. Hyde Park Barracks, a prison designed and built by convicts Shortly after returning to Betoko II, four of my siblings were qualified to participate in the preaching work of Jehovah's Witnesses and were soon baptized. Povedal, že " zmyslom jeho návštevy bolo prekonať staré predsudky a dosiahnuť plnšie poznanie spoločného duchovného dedičstva židov a kresťanov ." Shortly after I returned to Betoko II, four of my fleshly brothers and sisters qualified to share in the ministry as Jehovah's Witnesses, and soon afterward they were baptized. He said that "the purpose of his visit was to overcome old prejudices and to gain a fuller knowledge of the common spiritual heritage of Jews and Christians. ' Táto sopka, ktorej vrchol sa nachádza takmer presne na rovníku, sa nám javila ako vhodný symbol rozlúčky s touto fascinujúcou krajinou, ktorú sme navštívili. He said that his " visit was meant to overcome old prejudices and to secure fuller recognition of the common spiritual heritage that exists between Jews and Christians. ' This volcano, whose peak is almost exactly on the equator, seemed to be a fitting symbol of the farewell to this fascinating land we visited. Jej láska k Jehovovi postupne rástla a jej horlivosť pre službu Bohu ju podnecovala hľadať spôsoby, ako mu slúžiť. This volcano, whose peak lies almost exactly on the equator, seemed to be a fitting farewell symbol of the fascinating country we had visited. Her love for Jehovah gradually grew, and her zeal for serving God moved her to look for ways to serve him. Hoci to nie je vždy ľahké, na manželstvo to môže mať blahodarný vplyv. Gradually, her love for Jehovah grew, and her zeal for his service prompted her to seek ways to serve him. While this is not always easy, it can have a beneficial effect on marriage. Peniaze - v čom je skutočný problém? This may be challenging, but think of the possible reward. Money - What Is the Real Problem? 12 Vianočný stromček a jeho predkresťanský pôvod Money - What Is the Real Problem? 12 The Christmas Tree and Its Pre - Christian Origin Náš nasledujúci článok sa ich pokúsi zodpovedať. 12 The Christmas Tree - Its Pre - Christian Origin Our next article will try to answer them. Verejná prednáška, ktorá bude v posledný deň zjazdu, rozoberie námet "Vyučovanie, ktoré je užitočné v našich kritických časoch." Our next article endeavors to provide answers. The public talk on the final day of the convention will discuss the subject "Teaching That Is Beneficial in Our Critical Times. " Potomok neposlušného anjela On the final day of the convention, the public discourse will feature the subject "Helpful Teaching for Our Critical Times. " A descendant of a disobedient angel Preto si možno položíš otázku:, Prečo v posledných desaťročiach v meste s týmto menom vládne taký nepokoj? " Original human home [3 words] So you may ask yourself, " Why have there been such unrest in the city in recent decades? ' Mlieko, mäso a obilie mali pre chudobných veľkú hodnotu. You may therefore wonder, " Why in recent decades has a city with this name had such a lack of peace? ' Milk, meat, and grain were of great value to the poor. Všetci hovorili dobrou angličtinou a boli viac ako zdvorilí, keď odpovedali na otázku, ktorú som ja, či hocikto iný, žiadal zodpovedať. Milk, meat, and grain had great value to the poor. They all spoke good English and were more than polite when they answered a question that I, or anyone else, asked to answer. Ale zistila som, že to funguje! " All spoke good English and were more than polite in answering any question that I or anyone else cared to ask. But I found it working! " " Nechcem jesť na raňajky vajíčka, ani nosiť kožené veci, "vyhlásil jeden z nich. But I've learned that it works! " " I don't want to eat eggs for breakfast or wear leather things, " one of them declared. Skôr či neskôr sa všetci Jehovovi služobníci dostanú do situácie, v ktorej si budú chcieť zachovať dobré svedomie pred Jehovom a odlíšiť sa od svojho okolia - od svojich kolegov, spolužiakov, susedov, príbuzných a od iných. " I will not eat eggs for breakfast or wear leather goods, " voiced one. Sooner or later, all of Jehovah's servants will face a situation in which they will want to maintain a good conscience before Jehovah and to distinguish themselves from their surroundings - their colleagues, schoolmates, neighbors, relatives, and others. Požiare v malom rozsahu zapálené bleskom znižujú stav prízemnej vegetácie. Sooner or later, all of Jehovah's servants will find themselves in situations in which their conscience obliges them to stand out as different from those around them - whether colleagues, classmates, neighbors, relatives, or others. Lightning-inflamed fires on a small scale reduce the condition of ground vegetation. Tým dvom, ktorí medzitým usilovne pracovali, Pán pri svojom príchode povedal: "Dobre si urobil, dobrý a verný otrok!" Fires that are started by lightning reduce ground cover in low - temperature fires. In the meantime, the Lord told those two who worked hard at the time of his arrival: "You have done well, a good and faithful slave! " Hľa, vyhlasujeme za šťastných tých, ktorí vytrvali. " - Jakub 5: 10, 11. The two who kept busy while waiting for their master were told upon his arrival: "Well done, good and faithful slave! " Look! We pronounce happy those who have endured. " - James 5: 10, 11. Na nejaký čas som prestala chodiť na zhromaždenia. Look! We pronounce happy those who have endured. " - James 5: 10, 11. I stopped attending meetings for a while. Sprievodcovia nám teraz naznačujú, že už je čas ísť. For a while I stopped attending meetings. The guides are now telling us it's time to go. Podľa slov Zjavenia 17: 16 - 18 Boh vloží do srdca politickej zložky podnet, aby zaútočila na túto symbolickú neviestku. The guides now signal us to get ready to leave. According to Revelation 17: 16 - 18, God will put an incentive into the heart of a political component to attack this symbolic harlot. Prečo neprestávame byť nasledovníkmi Ježiša Krista tým, že sa nazývame Jehovovi svedkovia? According to the words of Revelation 17: 16 - 18, God will put it into the heart of the political element to attack this symbolic harlot. Why do we not stop being followers of Jesus Christ by calling ourselves Jehovah's Witnesses? Puopolo; O. By taking the name Jehovah's Witnesses, why do we not cease to be followers of Jesus Christ? ; Puopolo, J. Čas, ktorý ste spolu strávili, bol príjemný, nevšedný. ; Puopolo, D. The time you spent together was pleasant, unusual. Očitý svedok prezentácie tohto vynálezu napísal: "O hodinu boli všetky obchody s optikou plné, ale nemali dostatok prístrojov, aby mohli uspokojiť nával prichádzajúcich ľudí, ktorí túžili stať sa dagerotypistami. O niekoľko dní bolo vidieť na všetkých námestiach Paríža pred kostolmi a palácmi vztýčené trojnohé tmavé skrinky. Time you spent with them was enjoyable, special. An eyewitness to the presentation of this invention wrote: "In an hour all the optics stores were full, but they did not have enough equipment to satisfy the rush of incoming people who desired to become dagerotypists. A few days later, three-legged, dark boxes were seen in all the squares of Paris in front of the churches and palaces. Navštívte www.jw.org An eyewitness to the public release wrote: "An hour later, all the opticians ' shops were besieged, but could not rake together enough instruments to satisfy the onrushing army of would - be daguerreotypists; a few days later you could see in all the squares of Paris three - legged dark - boxes planted in front of churches and palaces. Visit www.jw.org ("Prečo máš taký pocit?" Visit www.jw.org ("Why do you feel that way? " Odpovedať na kritiku? ("What makes you feel that way? " Replying to criticism? No v pôde, ktorú vzali z trávnatých prstencov, sa tráve darilo dobre, čo svedčí o odlišnom zložení pôdy. Respond to Criticism? However, the soil they took from grass rings thrived well, suggesting a different soil composition. b) Aké poverenie dostal Jehu? But it grew well in soil taken from the grassy rings, confirming that there is a difference between the soil in the two areas. (b) What commission did Jehu receive? [ Obrázok na strane 7] (b) What commission was Jehu given? [ Picture on page 7] Môže sa snažiť priviesť nás k tomu, aby sme napodobňovali svetské výstrelky v obliekaní a úprave zovňajšku alebo aby sme sa zapojili do pochybnej zábavy. [ Picture on page 7] He may try to get us to imitate worldly fiction in dress and grooming or engage in questionable entertainment. Verné kresťanské ženy v mnohých zboroch ochotne prinášajú takéto obete, aby sa ich manželia mohli starať o Jehovove ovce. - Porovnaj 2. Korinťanom 12: 15. He may try to induce us to imitate worldly fads in dress and grooming or to engage in questionable entertainment. Faithful Christian women in many congregations willingly make such sacrifices so that their husbands can care for Jehovah's sheep. - Compare 2 Corinthians 12: 15. Čo prispelo k tomu, že štíty sú také rozoklané? In many congregations faithful Christian women are willingly making such sacrifices so that their husbands can care for Jehovah's sheep. - Compare 2 Corinthians 12: 15. What helped the shields to become so rugged? Prežil som haváriu letu 801 What could account for the jaggedness of those peaks? I survived the flight 801 crash. Pokračujeme smerom na sever, plavíme sa cez kanál Chacao a dostávame sa na pevninu. I Survived Flight 801 We're going north, we're sailing through the Chacao Canal, and we're getting to the mainland. Kusserowovci zostali počas nacistického režimu pevní vo svojej viere ako Jehovovi svedkovia. Continuing north, we cross the Chacao channel and reach the mainland. During the Nazi regime, the Kusserows remained firm in their faith as Jehovah's Witnesses. Niektorí si to mysleli. The Kusserows stood firm in their beliefs as Jehovah's Witnesses during the Nazi regime. Some thought so. Profesor univerzity Nôtre Dame Richard McBrien hovorí: "Tu robia príkaz - ľudský príkaz - dôležitejší ako oltárnu sviatosť." Some thought so. University professor Nôtre Dame Richard McBrien says: "Here they do the command - the human command - more important than the altar sacrament. " Je potrebné, aby sme boli pružní a rozprávali sa s ľuďmi o veciach, ktoré sa ich naozaj dotýkajú, napríklad o nezamestnanosti, zdraví, zločinnosti, neznášanlivosti, životnom prostredí a hrozbe vojny. Says Notre Dame University professor Richard McBrien: "Here they are making a rule - a man - made rule - more important than the Eucharist. " We need to be flexible and talk to people about things that really affect them, such as unemployment, health, crime, intolerance, the environment and the threat of war. Jeho význam v skutočnosti zahŕňa akúkoľvek škodlivú a utŕhačnú reč, ktorá poškodzuje iného človeka. We need to be flexible, talking to people about matters that do affect them, such as unemployment, health, crime, intolerance, the environment, and the threat of war. In fact, its meaning involves any harmful and abusive speech that harms another person. Jehovovo slovo je živé Indeed, its meaning embraces any injurious and defamatory speech that damages another person. Jehovah's Word Is Alive Ale prvá národná teokracia pod vedením Jehovu Boha bola zriadená v sinajskej pustatine v 16. storočí pred n. l. Jehovah's Word Is Alive But the first national theocracy under Jehovah God was established in the wilderness of Sinai in the 16th century B.C.E. Ale ak sme zameraní duchovne, neustále si uvedomujeme, že hoci Jehova nie je Bohom, ktorý vyhľadáva chyby, vie, kedy konáme na základe zlých myšlienok a túžob. However, the first national theocracy under Jehovah God was established in the wilderness of Sinai in the 16th century B.C.E. But if we are spiritually focused, we constantly realize that although Jehovah is not a fault - seeking God, he knows when we are acting on the basis of bad thoughts and desires. Pápež vyhlasuje, že " Jahve " je jediný Boh If we are spiritually - minded, however, we will constantly be aware that although Jehovah is not a fault - finding God, he does know when we act on bad thoughts and desires. The Pope declares that " Yahweh ' is the only God Lukáš vo svojej správe o podrobnostiach mlčí a jednoducho píše: "Porodila syna, prvorodeného." Pope Declares "Yahweh " to Be the Only God In his account of details, Luke silences and simply writes: "She gave birth to a son, the firstborn. " Členovia rodiny sa potom zamerajú na také dieťa (alebo deti) ako na identifikovaný " problém " a to odvedie ich pozornosť od vlastných nepríjemných pocitov a problémov. " Luke's account draws a discreet curtain of privacy around the scene, saying simply: "She gave birth to her son, the firstborn. " Family members then focus on such a child (or children) as an identified " problem ' and this distracts them from their own unpleasant feelings and problems. " Prichádzali k nemu slepí, hluchí, chromí a inak chorí a on ich všetkých uzdravoval. Members of the family then focus on that child (or children) as the identified " problem ' and are distracted from their own uncomfortable feelings and problems. " The blind, the deaf, the lame, and the sick came to him, and he healed them all. Ak máte záujem o ďalšie informácie alebo si želáte, aby Vás niekto navštívil a viedol s Vami bezplatné domáce biblické štúdium, napíšte láskavo na adresu: P. O. Box 17, 810 00 Bratislava 1, alebo na niektorú z adries uvedených na strane 2. The blind, the deaf, the lame, and the diseased all came to Jesus, and he healed them. If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. Boh musel riešiť aj ďalšie sporné otázky, ktoré vznikli satanovou vzburou, a to otázky oveľa väčšieho významu, ako bola kritická situácia ľudstva. If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. God also had to address other issues raised by Satan's rebellion, matters far more important than mankind's critical situation. Boh od nás očakáva, že budeme milovať jeho i svojich blížnych. God also had to settle other issues raised by Satan's rebellion, issues of far greater significance than the human predicament. God expects us to love him and our neighbors. Mnohí sa chopili príležitosti, aby slúžili ako dobrovoľníci na stavebných projektoch našej organizácie. God expects us to love him and to love our neighbor. Many have taken the opportunity to volunteer for our organization's construction projects. Obsah Nonetheless, many seize the opportunity to volunteer in theocratic construction projects around the world. Table of Contents Androgynické (rovnaké pre mužov i pre ženy) štýly v obliekaní a úprave zovňajšku sa stali módou. Table of Contents Androgynic (same for both men and women) styles in dress and grooming have become fashion. □ Od najslabšieho šepotu až po hromové burácanie štartujúceho prúdového lietadla zvládnu naše uši 10 000 000 000 000 - násobné rozdiely v hlasitosti. Androgynous (unisex) styles of dress and grooming have become chic. □ From the weakest whisper to the thunderstorming of the starting jet, our ears can handle 10,000,000,000,000 - fold differences in volume. V roku 1934 boli všetci kolportéri, ktorí boli v severnom Walese, vyzvaní, aby išli do mesta Wrexham pomôcť s rozširovaním brožúrky Spravodlivý panovník. □ From the softest whisper to the thunderous roar of a jet plane taking off, our ears can cope with a 10,000,000,000,000 - fold difference in loudness. In 1934, all colporteurs in North Wales were invited to go to the city of Wrexham to help with the distribution of the booklet The Righteous Ruler. Uvažujte aj o ľuďoch starovekého Izraela, ktorých si Boh vyvolil, aby boli jeho zvláštnym vlastníctvom. In 1934 all colporteurs close to North Wales were invited to go to the town of Wrexham to help with the distribution of the booklet Righteous Ruler. Consider, too, the people of ancient Israel chosen by God to be his special possession. Znamená to nijaký nátlak podstúpiť potrat, ktorý sa podľa učenia Biblie rovná odňatiu života. Consider also the people of ancient Israel, whom God had chosen to be his special property. This means no pressure to undergo abortion, which according to the Bible's teachings is equal to the withdrawal of life. Kedy kresťania vykonávajú svoju činnosť v tajnosti a čí príklad tým nasledujú? It means no pressure toward abortions, which the Bible teaches are the equivalent of taking life. When do Christians carry out their activities in secret, and whose example do they follow? Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, by exchange with the Worcester Art Museum, photography by Del Bogart When do Christians carry on activities in secret, thereby following whose example? Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, by exchange with the Worcester Art Museum, photography by Del Bogart (Prečítajte Žalm 2: 11, 12.) Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, by exchange with the Worcester Art Museum, photography by Del Bogart (Read Psalm 2: 11, 12.) V desiaty deň desiateho lunárneho mesiaca v roku 609 pred n. l. ho Boh inšpiráciou informoval o tom, že Babylončania začali obliehať Jeruzalem. (Read Psalm 2: 11, 12.) On the tenth day of the tenth lunar month in 609 B.C.E., God inspired him to inform him that the Babylonians had begun to besiege Jerusalem. Objavením týchto dokumentov sa dostala do centra pozornosti teória, že v štvrtom storočí n. l. katolícka cirkev sprisahanecky ukryla pravdu o Ježišovi, že niektoré správy z jeho života, ktoré sa nachádzajú v apokryfných spisoch, boli utajené a že štyri evanjeliá, ktoré obsahuje dnešná Biblia, boli pozmenené. On the tenth day of the tenth lunar month of 609 B.C.E., he was notified by divine inspiration of the beginning of the siege of Jerusalem by the Babylonians. The discovery of these documents brought to the center of the theory that in the fourth century C.E., the Catholic Church conspiratedly hid the truth about Jesus, that some of the accounts of his life contained in the apocryphal writings were hidden, and that the four Gospels contained in today's Bible were altered. Lebo Boh stvoril ľudí na svoj obraz, a preto dokážeme tak ako on prejavovať rôzne krásne vlastnosti. The discovery of these documents has popularized the theory that in the fourth century C.E., the Catholic Church conspired to cover up the truth about Jesus, that some accounts of his life presented in the Apocryphal writings were suppressed, and that the four Gospels found in modern Bibles were altered. Because God created humans in his image, so we can display different beautiful qualities as he did. O vedcoch sa vie, že keď získajú informácie, ktoré nič nehovoria alebo sú rozporuplné, použijú ich na podporu vlastných názorov. Because Jehovah created humans in his image and thus made it possible for us to reflect his beautiful qualities. - Gen. 1: 26, 27; Eph. 5: 1. Scientists are aware that when they receive information that says nothing or is contradictory, they will use it to promote their own views. To sa pravdepodobne stalo preto, lebo Pelatjah bol najvýznamnejším a najvplyvnejším kniežaťom a najpoprednejším modlárom. Scientists have been known to promote their own thinking when the data are inconclusive or contradictory. This probably happened because Pelatjah was the most prominent and influential prince and the foremost idolatrous. Viditeľnosť zhoršovala aj hmla a dážď, a tak nebolo vidieť nebezpečné miesta. This probably happened because Pelatiah was the most prominent and influential prince and the foremost idolater. Visibility also worsened fog and rain, so that dangerous places could not be seen. " Ucho, ktoré počúva karhanie života, prebýva priamo medzi múdrymi, "hovorí príslovie. Mist and rain also decreased visibility and hid potential hazards. " The ear that listens to the reproof of life resides directly among the wise ones, " says the proverb. Vyžaduje to naozaj skutočnú silu byť jednak opravdivo láskavý a vyhnúť sa pritom nesprávne chápanej láskavosti. " The ear that is listening to the reproof of life lodges right in among wise people, " says the proverb. It really requires real strength to be genuinely kind while avoiding misunderstood kindness. Korupciu je možné odstrániť len vtedy, ak sa ľudia naučia prekonávať zlé pohnútky, ako je sebectvo a chamtivosť. Actually, it takes real strength both to be truly kind and to avoid mistaken kindness. Corruption can only be eliminated if people learn to overcome bad motives, such as selfishness and greed. Ježiš predpovedal: "Prídu na teba dni, keď tvoji nepriatelia postavia okolo teba opevnenie z ostrých kolov a obkľúčia ťa a zo všetkých strán ťa budú tiesniť; teba a tvoje deti uprostred teba zrazia k zemi a nenechajú v tebe kameň na kameni." To eliminate corruption, then, people must be taught how to overcome entrenched motives such as greed and selfishness. Jesus foretold: "The days will come upon you when your enemies will build around you a fortification of sharp stakes, and they will encircle you, and on all sides they will distress you; you and your children in the midst of you will strike the ground, and they will not leave a stone upon a stone in you. " Zdá sa, že štatistiky to potvrdzujú. Jesus had foretold: "The days will come upon you when your enemies will build around you a fortification with pointed stakes and will encircle you and distress you from every side, and they will dash you and your children within you to the ground, and they will not leave a stone upon a stone in you. " The statistics seem to confirm this. Kniha s najväčším vplyvom Statistics seem to bear that out. A Book With the Greatest Influence Nato bývalý misionár Michael Burnett, ktorý bol nedávno vymenovaný za inštruktora Gileádu, predniesol prejav s názvom "Noste to ako pásku na čele medzi očami." The Most Influential Book Then former missionary Michael Burnett, recently appointed Gilead instructor, gave a talk entitled "Wear it as a headband. " Nevie sa, či tieto osoby mali v úmysle predať nukleárne prvky teroristickým skupinám alebo vládam štátov. Next, Michael Burnett, a former missionary recently assigned as a Gilead instructor, presented the talk entitled "Wear It as a Frontlet Band Between Your Eyes. " It is not known whether these persons intended to sell nuclear elements to terrorist groups or governments. Namiesto toho, aby sa ľudia učili vzájomnej znášanlivosti a úcte, učia sa nedôvere a nenávisti od rodičov, v školách a od spoločnosti ako celku. Whether these individuals were intent on selling to terrorist groups or to national governments is unknown. Instead of learning mutual tolerance and respect, people learn distrust and hatred from parents, schools, and society as a whole. Keďže výroba hodvábu bola monopolná, neprekvapuje, že jeho cena bola vysoká. Instead of learning mutual tolerance and respect, people have learned distrust and hatred from their parents, from their schools, and from society at large. Since silk production was monopolistic, it is not surprising that its price was high. Ktoré biblické zásady vám môžu pomôcť prekonať zármutok a nájsť istú mieru radosti a uspokojenia, ak práve smútite, lebo ste v duchovnom ohľade stratili niekoho blízkeho? Not surprisingly, this monopoly on manufacturing made silk quite expensive. What Bible principles can help you to overcome grief and find a measure of joy and satisfaction if you are mourning because you have lost someone close to you spiritually? Všetky naše deti zdedili románsku citovosť po mne a praktického germánskeho ducha po svojej matke. If you are presently sorrowing over the spiritual loss of a loved one, what Bible principles can help you endure the grief and find a measure of joy and contentment? All our children inherited romance from me and the practical Germanic spirit from their mother. Keď zmeníte svoje náboženstvo, druhí sa na to pozerajú tak, že ste zavrhli všetko, k čomu ste boli vedení, a že si nevážite svoju rodinu. " All our children inherited a Latin sentimentality from me and a practical Germanic spirit from their mother. When you change your religion, others view it as rejecting everything you have been led to and disrespecting your family. " Práve sme si balili veci na cestu, keď mi zavolali rodičia a povedali mi, že nemôžem vziať svoje auto mimo štátu Kalifornia. To change your religion is viewed as rejecting your identity and disrespecting your family. " We were just packing things for the road when my parents called and told me I couldn't take my car outside the state of California. 30 Od našich čitateľov We were packing our things to leave when my parents called to tell me I would not be able to take my car out of the state of California. 30 From Our Readers " Nebudú stavať a niekto iný obývať. " 30 From Our Readers " They will not build and someone else will inhabit. " Celá krajina bola rozdelená iba na sedem krajov. " They will not build and someone else have occupancy. " The whole country was divided into only seven counties. Pán Varga: Tak prečo potom ľudia hovoria, že neveríte v Ježiša? The entire country was divided into just seven circuits. Varga: Then why do people say that you do not believe in Jesus? [ Obrázok na strane 10] Tim: So, then, why do people say that you don't believe in Jesus? [ Picture on page 10] Tento "zázrak" sa začal v prvej knihe Biblie. [ Picture on page 10] This "miracle " began in the first book of the Bible. Sú na nej k dispozícii publikácie, v ktorých je toto posolstvo vysvetlené vo vyše 700 jazykoch. This "miracle " began in the first book of the Bible. There are publications explaining this message in over 700 languages. Encyclopaedia Judaica preto poukazuje na tento rozpor: "Skutočný Izrael je hriešny a služobník [v Izaiášovi v 53. kapitole] je bez hriechu." The site features literature explaining that message in over 700 languages. The Encyclopaedia Judaica thus points to this contradiction: "Real Israel is sinful, and the servant [in Isaiah chapter 53] is sinless. " Pred ďalšou úpravou mäso krídlatca najprv vyklepte. The Encyclopaedia Judaica thus draws this contrast: "The real Israel is sinful and the Servant [of Isaiah 53], free of sin. " Before further treatment, tap the conch's meat first. Za predmet svojho referátu si Philip vybral miestny zbor Jehovových svedkov, do ktorého patrí tak on, ako aj celá jeho rodina. When cooking conch, first tenderize it with a mallet. Philip chose the local congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, which he and his entire family belong to. Verní bratia v Etiópii Philip chose to report on the local congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, of which he and his family are members. Faithful Brothers in Ethiopia Alebo je výsledkom projektu? Faithful Brothers in Ethiopia Or was it designed? Spomaľte. Or was it designed? Slow down. Čo Biblia hovorí o "daroch uzdravovania," ktoré dostali niektorí raní kresťania? 5 Slow down. What does the Bible say about "gifts of healing " received by some early Christians? Odolávajme korozívnemu účinku pýchy. What do we know about the "gifts of healing " that some early Christians had? Let us resist the corrosive effect of pride. Ich návšteva zhromaždení je veľkým povzbudením pre zbor. Resist the corrosive effect of pride. Their meeting attendance is a great encouragement to the congregation. Zisťujem, že ich čítaním si dopĺňam vzdelanie. Their attending such meetings is of great encouragement to the congregation. I find that reading them complements my education. Preto potrebujeme prejavovať trpezlivosť. Nemali by sme byť frustrovaní, ak ihneď nevidíme zlepšenie. I really find reading them very uplifting. Therefore, we need to be patient, and we should not be frustrated if we do not immediately see improvement. Dokonca aj takzvané demokratické režimy sa snažili prekážať kázaniu dobrého posolstva. So there is a need for patience, and we should not become frustrated if we do not notice immediate improvement. Even so - called democratic regimes tried to hinder the preaching of the good news. " [Boh] pôsobí, aby prestali vojny až do najvzdialenejšej končiny zeme. " Even so - called democracies have tried to impede the preaching of the good news. " [God] is making wars to cease to the extremity of the earth. " Daniel sa chcel podeliť so svojimi rodičmi o niektoré z duchovných klenotov, ktoré spoznával, a tak do listov, ktoré im písal, začal postupne vkladať vždy niekoľko biblických myšlienok. " [God] is bringing an end to wars throughout the earth. " Daniel wanted to share some of the spiritual gems he had learned with his parents, so he gradually began to put some Bible ideas into the letters he wrote to them. No v Biblii sa píše: "Pavol nepovažoval za vhodné brať ho so sebou, lebo sa v Pamfýlii od nich odlúčil a nešiel s nimi pracovať." Wanting to share with his parents some of the spiritual gems he was learning, Daniel gradually began to slip a few Biblical thoughts into his letters to them. However, the Bible says: "Paul did not consider it appropriate to take him with him, because in Pamphylia he separated himself from them and did not go to work with them. " U.S.News & World Report uvádza, že takéto žaloby stáli cirkev už 400 000 000 dolárov, sumu, ktorá by mohla do roku 2000 stúpnuť na jednu miliardu dolárov. However, the Bible says: "Paul did not think it proper to be taking this one along with them, seeing that he had departed from them from Pamphylia and had not gone with them to the work. " U.S.News & World Report states that such claims have already cost the church $400,000,000, an amount that could rise to one billion dollars by the year 2000. Na znázornenie: Pokús sa " vidieť a počuť " správu zaznamenanú v Sudcoch 7: 15 - 23. U.S.News & World Report says that such suits have already cost the church $400,000,000, a figure that could surge to $1 billion by the year 2000. To illustrate: Try to "see and hear ' the account recorded at Judges 7: 15 - 23. Aj my z neho môžeme mať úžitok, ak podobne ako Peter zostávame lojálni Pánovi, ktorého nad nami dosadil Jehova, ak sa od neho učíme, nechávame sa ním usmerňovať a naprávať a pokorne ho deň čo deň nasledujeme. To illustrate: Try to " see and hear ' the account recorded at Judges 7: 15 - 23. Look! Like Peter, we can benefit from him if we remain loyal to the Lord whom Jehovah has appointed over us if we learn from him, be disciplined, and disciplined, and humbly follow him day after day. Potom ho nezruš, keď sa ti naskytne zdanlivo lepšia ponuka. It can do the same for us if, like Peter, we remain loyal to the Master whom Jehovah has appointed over us, learning from him, accepting his discipline and correction, and humbly following him day by day. Then don't cancel it when you get a seemingly better offer. Ako sa takým nástrahám vyhnúť? Then do not cancel it if a seemingly better invitation is made by someone else. How can such pitfalls be avoided? Rozkladá oheň v piecke na drevo, zapaľuje malý plynový ohrievač, aby vyhnal chlad z miestnosti, a hneď trieli späť do tepla svojej postele. What can help us to avoid such pitfalls? Lays a fire in the wood stove, ignites a small gas heater to drive the cold out of the room, and immediately rubbed back into the warmth of his bed. No ako môže taká stará kniha, akou je Biblia, vrhnúť svetlo na súčasnú tendenciu urýchľovať detstvo? He kindles the wood stove, lights the small gas heater to take the chill out of the room, and then heads back to the warmth of his bed. How, though, can such an old book as the Bible shed light on the current tendency to speed up childhood? Žiaľ, vlhkosť poškodila umelecké práce na chodbách, takže na obtiahnutie panelov sa vybral jadeitovozelený čínsky brokát. How, though, can a book as old as the Bible shed light on the modern tendency to rush children through childhood? Sadly, moisture damaged the works of art in the hallways, so a jade carouseled Chinese brocade was selected to cover the panels. Cítim sa ako misionárka, hoci som vo vlastnej krajine. " Unfortunately, humidity had damaged the art work in the hallways, so a jade - green Chinese brocade was chosen to cover the panels. I feel like a missionary, although I am in my own country. " " Je to zábavné, "vyhlásilo dievča menom Connie, ktoré vyzýva k žiadostivým pohľadom tým, že sa provokatívne oblieka. I feel like a missionary in my own country. " " It's funny, " declared a girl named Connie, who calls for lustful glances by wearing provocative clothes. Nedaj sa premôcť zlom, ale stále premáhaj zlo dobrom. " " It's fun, " declared a girl named Connie who encourages lustful stares by dressing provocatively. Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good. " Prečo je mier medzi človekom a zvieratami taký príťažlivý? Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good. " Why is peace between man and animals so appealing? V Japonsku však nie je veľmi známa. Why is peace between man and beast so appealing? However, she is not very well - known in Japan. * But it is not well - known in Japan. * Je to naozaj na vzájomný úžitok, ak členovia rodiny preukazujú jeden druhému česť. * Indeed, it is for mutual benefit if family members honor each other. Neskôr sa systém nádoby ťahanej lanom, ktorý sa používal na vyťahovanie trusu, stal prvým výťahom na premiestňovanie turistov do jaskyne a z nej. Truly, it is mutually beneficial for members of a family to accord honor to one another. Later, the rope - drawn vessel system used to extract faeces became the first elevator to move tourists into and out of the cave. Na čo Boh pamätá a na čo zabúda Later, a bucket - and - cable system that was used to remove the guano became the first elevator to take tourists into and out of the caverns. What God Remembers and What He Forgets " Jimmy! " What God Remembers and What He Forgets " Jimmy! " Keďže máme tieto schopnosti, môžeme rozoznať akýkoľvek zlý sklon, ktorý azda máme, a podniknúť potrebné kroky na nápravu. " Jimmy! " Having these abilities, we can discern any bad inclination we may have and take the necessary steps to correct it. Čím sa odlišujú jeden od druhého? Thus equipped, we can recognize any bad tendencies we may have and take the necessary corrective steps. What makes them different from each other? A aká bola odpoveď? How do they differ one from the other? And what was the answer? Áno, Dávid aj Ježiš si uvedomovali, že v Božích očiach je nesprávne brať na seba zbytočné riziko, ktoré by mohlo ohroziť ľudský život. The reply? Yes, both David and Jesus realized that it was wrong in God's eyes to take unnecessary risks that could endanger human life. V starej dobe bola " ohavnosť stojaca na svätom mieste " spojená s rímskym útokom v roku 66 n. l. pod velením vojvodcu Galla. Yes, both David and Jesus recognized that it was wrong in God's eyes to take unnecessary risks that could endanger human life. In ancient times, the " disgusting thing standing in a holy place ' was associated with a Roman attack in 66 C.E. under the command of General Gallo. Svojím ramenom zozbiera jahňatá; a ponesie ich v náručí. In the ancient pattern, " the disgusting thing standing in a holy place ' was linked to the Roman attack under General Gallus in 66 C.E. With his arm he shall gather the lambs; and he shall carry them in his bosom. Jedna 20 - ročná kresťanka našla dobrý spôsob, ako sa s týmto nátlakom vyrovnať. With his arm he will collect together the lambs; and in his bosom he will carry them. A 20 - year - old Christian found a good way to cope with this pressure. Brunost - nórska syrová delikatesa, 8 / 7 A 20 - year - old Christian discovered a good way to cope with this pressure. Brunost, 7 / 22 Čo však znamená to, že z " neplodnej ženy bude radostná matka "? Bored With Work? 12 / 22 What, though, does it mean that "a barren woman will be a joyful mother '? 31 Stáva sa z obezity globálna epidémia? What about " making the barren woman a joyful mother '? 31 Does Obesity Become a Global Epidemic? Dielce tlačového stroja, vážiace mnoho ton, boli nadnášané na tenkom vzduchovom vankúši 31 Obesity - Becoming a Global Epidemic? Parts of a printing machine, weighing many tons, were carried on a thin air cushion Mala veľký kôš na kolieskach, v ktorom boli posteľné prikrývky, a každý z nás mal plecniak s nevyhnutnými vecami. Units of the printing press weighing many tons were supported on a thin cushion of air She had a big basket on her wheels with bedspreads, and each of us had a backpack with necessities. " LIEKY na recept som začala užívať ako 14 - ročná, "opisuje svoj príbeh Lena. She had a big wheeled basket containing bedding, and each of us had a knapsack filled with what we needed. " I started taking MEDICINAL PRODUCTS for the recipe at 14 years of age, " explains Lena's story. Pred istou smrťou ich zachránia iba laná z popínavých rastlín. " I STARTED taking prescription drugs when I was 14 years old, " said a woman named Lena. Only strings of climbing plants save them from certain deaths. Ty sám dobre vieš - i keď to nevie nikto iný - , ako to vyzerá s tvojím duchovným sýtením. Only long vines tied to their ankles save them from certain death. You yourself know - even if no one else knows - what it looks like with your spiritual feeding. Tento časopis už v roku 1879 poukazoval na rok 1914 ako na významný. You know - even if no one else does - the true extent of your personal spiritual feeding. As early as 1879, this magazine pointed to the year 1914 as significant. Najskôr prestal piť na niekoľko dní. Potom abstinoval týždeň alebo aj viac. In fact, as early as 1879, that publication pointed to 1914 as a significant date. First, he stopped drinking for a few days, then he withdrew for a week or more. Ako riešiť problémy, 1 / 5 Then his periods of abstinence lasted for a week or more. How to Solve Problems, 5 / 15 " Keď som začala chápať, akou osobou je v skutočnosti Jehova, priblížilo ma to k nemu " " Once I began to understand what sort of person Jehovah really is, I drew closer to him " " When I began to understand what kind of person Jehovah really was, it drew me closer to him " A tak jedna obrázková príručka uvádza: "Celá krajina sa pustila pomáhať pri stavbe moskovského metra." Thus, a photo guide notes: "The entire land pitched in to help build the Moscow Metro. " Thus, a pictorial book states: "The whole country has embarked on helping to build the Moscow subway. " Samozrejme, vystavené jedlo nelákalo len ľudí, ale aj zvieratá a muchy. Of course, the displays attracted not only people but also animals and flies. Of course, exposed food attracted not only humans but also animals and flies. Keď sa všetky tieto elementy spoja, vytvárajú mocnú silu, ktorá môže stimulovať alebo upokojovať naše emócie. When combined, all these elements create powerful forces that can stimulate or soothe our emotions. When all these elements come together, they create a powerful force that can stimulate or soothe our emotions. Takí skúsení a empatickí muži môžu byť osviežujúcou pomocou, keď je manželstvo ohrozené. - Izaiáš 32: 1, 2. Such experienced and empathetic men can be a refreshing aid when marital peace is threatened. - Isaiah 32: 1, 2. Such experienced and empathetic men can be refreshing help when marriage is in jeopardy. - Isaiah 32: 1, 2. □ Lukáš 22: 14 - 38 □ Luke 22: 14 - 38 □ Luke 22: 14 - 38 Hrad Castle Castle Pri zmiešanej ekonomike štát riadi väčšiu časť priemyslu a služieb, pričom umožňuje aj existenciu súkromného podnikania. A mixed economy is one in which the State controls a greater part of the industries and services, while giving opportunity for private enterprise to exist. In a mixed economy, the state controls most of the industry and services, while also allowing for the existence of entrepreneurship. Cení si Jehova našu snahu slúžiť mu? Does he value our efforts to serve him? Does Jehovah appreciate our efforts to serve him? " Toto je tá cesta. " This is the way. " This is the way. Prečítajte si, aké kroky už mnohým ľuďom pomohli vymaniť sa spod jej vplyvu. Consider some steps that have helped many to break free. Learn what steps have helped many to break free from its influence. Ďalší členovia zboru mi pomáhali s domácimi prácami a časom sa so súhlasom miestneho úradu sociálnej starostlivosti stali piati z nich našimi opatrovateľmi. Other Witnesses assisted me with home chores, and eventually, local social services appointed five of them as our official home caregivers. Other members of the congregation helped me with household chores, and in time five of them became our caregivers, with the approval of the local welfare office. Znamená to byť spravodlivý, nebyť predpojatý ani nikomu nenadŕžať. Rescue From Killer Storm (Hurricane Mitch), 6 / 8 It means being righteous, not being biased, not persevering to anyone. Ježiš vzal pohár červeného vína. It involves being fair, free from having or showing bias or favoritism. Jesus took a cup of red wine. 6: 8. What Jesus took in hand was a cup of red wine. 6: 8. Aké to boli otázky a ako na ne Ježiš odpovedal? 6: 8. What were these questions, and how did Jesus answer them? Niektoré lode sa v búrke zrazili a potopili. What were these questions, and how did Jesus answer? Some ships collided in the storm and sunk. Spočiatku bola Kristie trochu vyľakaná, ale potom, keď delfíny pochopila, strach sa zmenil na vzrušenie. Some ships collided in storms and tragically sank. At first, Kristie was a little scared, but then, when the dolphins understood, fear turned into excitement. " Kresťanstvo "so svojimi rozdeľujúcimi náboženstvami rozhodne nežiari ako zdroj svetla. At first, Kristie was a little frightened, but then her fear turned into excitement as she interacted with the dolphins. " Christianity " with its divisive religions certainly does not shine as a source of light. Povedala som mu, ako veľmi mi pomohli. Christendom, with her divisive religions, certainly is not shining as an illuminator. I told him how much they helped me. (Prečítajte Lukáša 11: 9 - 13.) That disorder has left her paralyzed and with a serious speech impediment. (Read Luke 11: 9 - 13.) Mŕtve more sa zmenšuje rýchlosťou približne jeden meter za rok. I told him how much they had helped me. The dead sea is shrinking at a rate of about 1 meter per year. Predné sedadlá boli vyhradené pre senátorov. (Read Luke 11: 9 - 13.) Front seats were reserved for senators. Spoľahli sa na Jehovu. The Dead Sea is shrinking at the rate of about three feet (1 m) per year. They relied on Jehovah. POMÔCKA: Prečítajte si Skutky 6: 7 - 11; 7: 54 - 60. The front seats were reserved for the senators. CLUE: Read Acts 6: 7 - 11; 7: 54 - 60. Vytrvať musíme až do konca, nielen určitý čas. They put their trust in Jehovah. We must endure to the end, not just for a certain time. Na zhromaždeniach Jehovových svedkov často počujeme pripomienku, aby sme denne čítali Božie Slovo. CLUE: Read Acts 6: 7 - 9; 7: 54 - 60. At meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses, we often hear reminders that we read God's Word daily. Keď sa vracia do Antiochie v Sýrii, končí sa jeho druhá misionárska cesta. - 17: 1 - 18: 22. We must endure, not for a time, but to the end. When he returns to Antioch, Syria, his second missionary journey ends. - 17: 1 - 18: 22. V Zjavení 17: 5 sú vhodne opísané ako "Veľký Babylon, matka smilníc a ohavností zeme." At meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses, we are often reminded to read God's Word daily. They are appropriately described at Revelation 17: 5 as "Babylon the Great, the mother of the harlots and of the abominations of the earth. " [ Obrázok na strane 10] When he returns to Syrian Antioch, his second missionary tour has ended. - 17: 1 - 18: 22. [ Picture on page 10] Prejavovali sa u mňa počiatočné štádiá bulímie. Appropriately, they are described at Revelation 17: 5 as "Babylon the Great, the mother of the harlots and of the disgusting things of the earth. " I had the early stages of bulimia. Po západe slnka 10. apríla 1990 budú Jehovovi svedkovia sláviť slávnosť na pamiatku Kristovej smrti. [ Picture on page 10] After sundown, on April 10, 1990, Jehovah's Witnesses will celebrate the Memorial of Christ's death. Zistili, že keď sa človek ako malé dieťa učí súčasne dva jazyky, obidva jazyky sa ukladajú v tej istej časti Brocovho centra. I was suffering from the early stages of bulimia. They found that when a person, as a young child, learns two languages at the same time, both languages are stored in the same part of Broco's Center. Tieto zázraky sa teda neudiali potajme, mimo zraku verejnosti. After sundown on April 10, 1990, Jehovah's Witnesses will celebrate the Memorial of Christ's death. So these miracles did not take place secretly, outside the sight of the public. Dážďovka zaborí štetinky do zeme, potiahne sa a potom ich vytiahne. They discovered that when a person learns two languages simultaneously as a young child, both are stored in the same part of Broca's area. The earthworm burys the bristles in the ground, stretches and then pulls them out. Jozef a jeho bratia patrili k rôznym vekovým kategóriám, ale isté obdobie žili súčasne. The miracles were marked by simplicity. Joseph and his brothers were among the different ages, but they lived at the same time for a time. Timotejovi 4: 8. The worm plunges them into the soil, pulls itself along, and then retracts them. Jehovah's Witnesses, 2 Timothy 4: 8. Aké bolestivé to muselo byť pre Slovo, vidieť Evu a potom aj Adama neuposlúchnuť svojho Stvoriteľa! Joseph and his brothers varied in age, but they shared a common experience during the same time period. How painful it must have been for the Word to see Eve and then disobey Adam! Zároveň je to veľmi dojímavý príbeh, ktorý dodnes pôsobí na naše srdce. Thus, true godly devotion safeguards us from idolatry. - 1 Timothy 4: 8. At the same time, it is a very moving story that still affects our heart. Navyše šport poskytuje miliónom ľudí rozptýlenie po činnostiach, ktoré mnohí považujú za jednotvárnosť života. How it must have pained the Word to see Eve and then Adam disobey their Creator! Moreover, sports provide a distraction for millions of people after activities that many view as a monotony of life. Ale mal som obavy, lebo mladých svedkov v našej škole vysmievali a niekedy aj trestali za to, že sa nezúčastnili na rannej bohoslužbe. And the facts are also very touching. But I was concerned because young Witnesses at our school were taunted and sometimes punished for not attending the morning service. Ale nemohol zostať ticho. Moreover, sports offer a diversion for millions from what may be to them a humdrum life. But he couldn't keep quiet. S., Francúzsko But I was apprehensive because Witness youths in my school were ridiculed and sometimes punished for not joining our morning worship. S., France Áno, bezstarostná hra je nevyhnutná pre intelektuálny, emocionálny a sociálny vývin dieťaťa. But he could not keep quiet. Yes, carefree play is essential to the child's intellectual, emotional, and social development. Niektorí tvrdia, že tučniaky sa riadia slnkom a používajú pri tom zabudované biologické hodiny, ktoré kompenzujú zmenu polohy slnka na oblohe. S., France Some claim that penguins follow the sun and use built - in biological clocks to compensate for the change in the sun's position in the sky. Jehova najprv pripravil pre ľudí nádherný domov, našu zem. Yes, carefree play is essential to a child's developing intellectual, emotional, and social skills. First, Jehovah prepared a beautiful home for humans, our earth. Veľmi dôležité je mať pneumatiky správne nahustené. Some claim that penguins navigate by the sun, using a built - in biological clock that compensates for the sun's movement across the sky. It is very important to have the tyres properly inflated. Výsledkom je, že mnohí ľudia, ktorí sa domnievali, že vylúčili kofeín zo svojej stravy, môžu za určitých okolností ďalej trpieť abstinenčnými príznakmi, napríklad keď sú hospitalizovaní. There was no need for anything more. As a result, many people who thought they had excluded caffeine from their diet may continue to suffer withdrawal symptoms under certain circumstances, such as when hospitalized. V prvom i v druhom liste Tesaloničanom nachádzame časové výstrahy, ktoré nám v tom môžu pomôcť. Maintaining the correct tire pressure is very important. In both the first and second letters to the Thessalonians, we find timely warnings that can help us to do so. A Boh chce, aby sme na jeho lásku reagovali tak, že si aj my budeme rozvíjať vrúcnu lásku k nemu. - Matúš 22: 35 - 38. As a result, many people who feel they have eliminated caffeine from their diets may still experience withdrawal symptoms under certain circumstances, for example when they are hospitalized. And God wants us to respond to his love by cultivating a warm love for him. - Matthew 22: 35 - 38. Takto môžu aj deti " rásť pri Jehovovi ." - 1. Samuelova 2: 20, 21. In the books of First and Second Thessalonians, we find timely warnings for us. In this way children can also " grow up with Jehovah. " - 1 Samuel 2: 20, 21. Zbory boli roztratené po obrovskej vidieckej oblasti a niekam sa dalo dostať iba nákladným autom. In return, God wants us to develop heartfelt love for him. - Matthew 22: 35 - 38. The congregations were scattered across a vast rural area, and only a truck could be reached somewhere. ZAPISUJTE SI, AKO VYUŽÍVATE ČAS. In this way children too can " grow up with Jehovah. ' - 1 Samuel 2: 20, 21. Write down how you use the time. Útechu som hľadala v modlitbe: "Nebeský Otče, prosím ťa, poteš ma svojím Slovom." Congregations were scattered over a vast rural area, and some could be reached only by truck. I looked for comfort in prayer: "The heavenly Father, please comfort me with your Word. " No starovekí moreplavci z Marshallových ostrovov sa vedeli na svojich kanoe s bočným plavákom dostať z ostrovčeka na ostrovček a boli schopní orientovať sa pri plavbe Pacifikom v oblasti veľkej asi 2 000 000 štvorcových kilometrov. 7 KEEP A TIME LOG. However, the ancient sailors of the Marshall Islands were able to get from the island to the island on their side float canoe, and they were able to navigate the Pacific in an area of about 2,000,000 square miles [2,000 sq km]. Ako sa pozeral na túto úlohu? Seeking comfort, I had prayed: "Heavenly Father, please comfort me through your Word. " How did he view this assignment? Ovocie Božieho ducha nepodlieha žiadnemu zákonu, ktorý by obmedzoval jeho rast. Yet, ancient Marshallese seafarers in their outrigger canoes were able to navigate from tiny island to tiny island, finding their way in some three quarters of a million square miles [2 million sq km] of the Pacific Ocean. The fruitage of God's spirit is not subject to any law that restricts its growth. (Nikdy sme žiadne z týchto stretnutí nevyhrali.) How did Jesus view his assignment? (We never won any of these meetings.) Je však pravdepodobné, že i Kain a Ábel použili na predloženie svojich obetí oltár. - 15. februára, strana 28. The fruitage of God's spirit is not restricted by any law that can limit its growth. It is likely, however, that Cain and Abel also used the altar to present their sacrifices. - 2 / 15, page 28. Aj my musíme slúžiť Bohu celým srdcom. (We never won any of those games.) We too must serve God with a complete heart. (Napríklad: se - ba - o - vlá - da - nie.) Potom slabiky znova pospájajte a vyslovte slovo ako celok. Likely, however, Cain and Abel used altars in making their offerings. - 2 / 15, page 28. (For example: se - ba - o - bad - da - no.) Then connect the syllables again and say the word as a whole. Pozeraj sa dopredu We too need to serve God with a complete heart. Look forward " Ty ju predsa nebudeš prijímať ústami, "namietali. (Example: pro - nun - ci - a - tion) Then put the word back together and pronounce it as a whole. " You will not receive it with your mouth, " they argued. V Biblii sa píše: "Ja som Jehova. To je moje meno; a nikomu inému nedám svoju slávu. " Looking Ahead The Bible says: "I am Jehovah; this is my name; and to no one else will I give my glory. " Bolo pre nich ťažké odísť z ostrova. " But you are not going to take it through your mouth, " they pleaded. It was hard for them to leave the island. Jehovova organizácia zabezpečuje nielen preklad a distribúciu Biblií, ale aj to, aby mali vlastnú Bibliu všetci členovia rodiny, ako aj každý, kto má vážny záujem o pravdu. The Bible says: "May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth. " Jehovah's organization provides not only translation and distribution of the Bible but also that all members of the family have their own Bible, as well as anyone who has a serious interest in the truth. Ako už bolo uvedené, keď veriaci dávajú Boha na prvé miesto, snažia sa zostať so svojimi neveriacimi partnermi a často im môžu pomôcť v tom, aby sa stali vhodnými na záchranu. Leaving the island was hard. As noted earlier, when putting God first, believers try to stay with their unbelieving partners and can often help them to become suitable for salvation. Pod vplyvom náboženských vodcov sa Židia začali povýšenecky strániť ostatných a udržiavali si od nich prísny odstup. - Porovnaj Jána 4: 9. For years, in such lands as Congo, Madagascar, and Rwanda, brothers often had to choose between having food for their families and having copies of the Bible, which sometimes cost the equivalent of a weekly or a monthly wage. Under the influence of religious leaders, the Jews became haughty and kept their distance from others. - Compare John 4: 9. Vydali Jehovovi svedkovia. As noted before, when believers put God first, they seek to remain with their unbelieving mates and are often able to help them come into line for salvation. Published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Slovo "zázraky" sa v tomto článku používa v súlade s definíciou, ktorú uvádza jeden biblický slovník: "Úkazy v hmotnom svete, ktoré sa vymykajú všetkým známym ľudským alebo prírodným silám, a preto sú pripisované nadprirodzenému pôsobeniu." Through the influence of their leaders, the Jews developed an aloofness and a rigid exclusiveness. - Compare John 4: 9. The word "miracles " is used in this article in accordance with the definition given by one Bible dictionary:" Evidence in a material world that is beyond all known human or natural forces and therefore attributed to supernatural action. " List, ktorý poslal, prišiel o týždne, či dokonca o mesiace neskôr, ako očakával, poštovné príliš rýchlo stúpa alebo človeka rozčuľujú dlhé rady na poštovom úrade. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. The letter he sent arrived weeks later, or even months later, as he expected, postage is rising too quickly, or long lines at the post office upset a person. Zmenili nedávne objavy týchto planétok pohľad na vnútornú slnečnú sústavu? The word "miracles " as used in this article is as defined in a Bible dictionary:" Effects in the physical world that surpass all known human or natural powers and are therefore attributed to supernatural agency. " Have the recent discoveries of these planets changed the view of the inner solar system? Kain túto radu danú z lásky odmietol a zavraždil svojho brata. The letter he mailed arrived weeks or even months later than expected, postage rates are rising too fast, or the line at the post office is exasperating. Cain rejected that counsel out of love and murdered his brother. Okrem toho, keď budeme pamätať, že všetci sme členmi Jehovovej domácnosti a že on sa zaviazal, že bude nad nami bdieť, pomôže nám to zachovať si vyrovnanosť. Have the recent discoveries of these small planets changed the way the inner solar system is viewed? Furthermore, remembering that we are all members of Jehovah's household and that he has made a commitment to watch over us will help us to maintain balance. " Nie, kôra je príliš vlhká od vody, ktorú obsahuje. Cain rejected this loving counsel and murdered his brother. " No, the bark is too moist from the water it contains. 1 / 10 Additionally, remembering that we are all members of Jehovah's household and that he has obligated himself to watch over us will help us to maintain our balance. 10 / 15 Jehovovi svedkovia majú neotrasiteľnú dôveru, že Boh je schopný priviesť ich späť k životu. " No, the bark is too moist from the water stored in it. Jehovah's Witnesses have unshakable confidence that God is able to bring them back to life. Bol som vychovávaný tak, aby som si cenil biblickú pravdu a biblickú nádej na večný život na zemi pod Božím nebeským Kráľovstvom. Will You Praise Jehovah? I was raised to appreciate Bible truth and the Bible's hope of everlasting life on earth under God's heavenly Kingdom. Ako som ležala na tráve pri rieke s lesom v pozadí, pozrela som sa na oblohu a povedala som: "Bože, viem, že si tam; ale nepáči sa mi ani jedno z tých náboženstiev. Well, Jehovah's Witnesses have unshakable confidence in God's ability to restore them to life. As I lay on the grass by the river with the forest in the background, I looked at the sky and said: "God, I know you're there; but I don't like any of those religions. Stáročia bola Európa v rukách dvoch mocných inštitúcií: Svätej rímskej ríše a rímskokatolíckej cirkvi. I was growing in appreciation of Bible truths and the Bible - based hope of living forever on earth under God's heavenly Kingdom. For centuries, Europe has been in the hands of two powerful institutions: the Holy Roman Empire and the Roman Catholic Church. Gomer, Hozeášova manželka, sa opakovane dopúšťala cudzoložstva. As I lay on the grass beside a river, with a forest in the background, I looked into the sky and said: "God, I know you're there; but I don't like any of these religions. Gomer, Hosea's wife, has repeatedly committed adultery. Zložený dôkaz Ježišovho prvého príchodu ako Mesiáša For centuries, Europe had been in the hands of two powerful institutions: the Holy Roman Empire and the Roman Catholic Church. Complete Evidence of Jesus ' First Coming as the Messiah " V ten deň, keď z neho zjete, "sľuboval Satan," celkom istotne sa vám otvoria oči a celkom istotne budete ako Boh a budete poznať dobré a zlé. " Gomer, Hosea's wife, committed repeated acts of adultery. " The day you eat of it, " Satan promised, "your eyes will certainly be opened to you, and you will certainly be like God, knowing good and bad. " Výsledky má slabé a skúšku nezloží. Composite Proof for Jesus ' First Coming as Messiah The results are poor and will not pass the test. Čo znázorňuje podobenstvo o márnotratnom synovi? " In the very day of your eating from it, " the Devil promised, "your eyes are bound to be opened and you are bound to be like God, knowing good and bad. " What does the illustration of the prodigal son illustrate? Prečítajte Žalm 45: 8, 9. Her test score is poor, and she fails the course. Read Psalm 45: 8, 9. Určite prídeš k záveru, že kradnutie nie je vôbec dobrým nápadom. What does the parable of the prodigal son illustrate? I'm sure you'll come to the conclusion that stealing isn't a good idea at all. Hoci má priemer menší než jeden milimeter, jej povrch musí byť vytvorený s presnosťou na jednu tisícinu milimetra. Read Psalm 45: 8, 9. Although its diameter is less than one millimeter, its surface must be created to the nearest one thousandth of a millimeter. Ale čo "iné ovce," ktoré majú nádej na večný život na zemi? You will surely conclude that stealing is not such a good idea after all. But what about the "other sheep " who have the hope of everlasting life on earth? Siahnete po fľaške na stole, ale tá sa vám vyšmykne z ruky, spadne na zem a rozbije sa. Although only four hundredths of an inch [one millimeter] or less in diameter, its surfaces must be accurate to four hundred - thousandths of an inch [one thousandth of a millimeter]. You reach for the bottle on the table, but it slips out of your hand, falls to the ground and breaks. Pozri článok "Kde je legendárny Vinland?" But what about those who have an earthly hope? See the article "Where Is the Legendary Vinland? " Podľa výsledkov výskumu uverejnených v talianskom denníku La Repubblica je až 90,8 percenta opýtaných mladých žien vo veku od 15 do 24 rokov presvedčených, že "ženy musia mať zaistené používanie antikoncepčných prostriedkov," pričom 66,7 percenta obhajovalo "právo na potrat pri " neželanom tehotenstve "." You reach for a bottle on the table, but it slips from your grasp, falls to the floor, and breaks. According to research published in the Italian daily newspaper La Repubblica, as many as 90.8 percent of young women aged 15 to 24 are convinced that "women must be assured of the use of contraception, " with 66.7 percent defending" the right to abortion in " unwanted pregnancy. ' " Kde sa získava? See the article "Where Is the Legendary Vinland? " Where does it come from? A ak sa o tieto utešujúce biblické sľuby budete deliť s ďalšími ľuďmi, môžete do života tých, ktorí v tomto bezcitnom svete bez lásky volajú o pomoc, vniesť veľkú radosť. In fact, according to the results of research published by the Italian daily newspaper La Repubblica, as many as 90.8 percent of young women between the ages of 15 and 24 who were interviewed believed that "use of contraceptives must be guaranteed to women, " while 66.7 percent defended" the right to interrupt " an unwanted pregnancy. ' " And if you share these comforting Bible promises with others, you can bring great joy to those who cry out for help in this heartless, loving world. V ten letný deň roku 1 209 boli obyvatelia Béziers v južnom Francúzsku vyvraždení. What is the source of natural gas? On that summer day in 1,209, the inhabitants of Beziers in southern France were murdered. Či sú trpaslíkmi, alebo obrami, môžu byť také nádherné, že sa to nedá ani opísať. And if you share these comforting Scriptural promises with others, you may bring great happiness into the lives of those who cry for help in this unfeeling, loveless world. Whether they are midgets or giants, they can be so beautiful that it cannot be described. □ Akými troma spôsobmi môžeme uplatňovať právo? On that summer day of 1209, the population of Béziers, in southern France, was massacred. □ In what three ways can we exercise justice? Tu vám možno napadne otázka: " Bol pri zázračnom úlovku opísanom v Lukášovi 5: 1 - 7 použitý rovnaký druh sietí? " Dwarfs and giants alike, they can be so beautiful that they defy description. Here you might wonder, " Was the same type of net used for the miraculous catch described at Luke 5: 1 - 7? ' Potom si lístky vymeňte. □ What are three ways in which we can exercise justice? Then change your tickets. Pomazaní kresťania sa chopili tejto príležitosti a vďaka tomu boli zhromaždené ďalšie tisíce pomazaných, ktorí mali vyhliadku na to, že sa stanú spoludedičmi s Kristom. You wonder, " Did the miraculous catch described at Luke 5: 1 - 7 involve the use of a trammel net? ' Anointed Christians took the opportunity to gather thousands more anointed ones who had the prospect of becoming joint heirs with Christ. Zbožná podriadenosť je často vecou toho, že sa nechávame disciplinovať tými, ktorí slúžia ako dozorcovia. Have your mate do the same. Godly subjection is often a matter of discipline for those who serve as overseers. Pre tohto chlapca bolo príliš riskantné, aby vzal knihu so sebou. Anointed Christians seized this opportunity to witness, resulting in thousands more anointed ones being gathered to become Christ's joint heirs. It was too risky for this boy to take the book with him. Tak či onak, o tejto záležitosti budú učenci naďalej diskutovať. - VYD. Godly subjection is often a matter of accepting discipline from those serving as overseers. Either way, scholars will continue to discuss this matter. - ED. Bol som prekvapený, keď som zistil, že učia rovnaké náuky, aké som počul u baptistov a o ktorých som už vedel, že sa nezakladajú na Biblii. It was too risky for the boy to take the book with him. I was surprised to find out that they taught the same teachings that I had heard in the Baptists and that I already knew they were not based on the Bible. India Today píše: "Na bohov to zjavne nezapôsobilo... Whatever the case, this is a matter that will continue to be debated among scholars. - ED. India Today writes: "Gods were clearly not impressed.... Khoudir je jedným z prežijúcich, ktorí pracovali v továrni. To my surprise, I found they taught the same things I had heard in the Baptist Church, which I already knew were not based on the Bible. Khoudir is one of the survivors who worked in the factory. Je tvrdou realitou, že i v prípade, keď existujú oprávnené dôvody na rozvod, dôsledky môžu byť bolestné a dlhotrvajúce. India Today reports: "The gods were obviously not impressed.... It is a hard reality that even if there are legitimate grounds for divorce, the consequences can be painful and lasting. Potenciálnemu kupcovi opísal tak všetky dobré stránky auta, ako aj nedostatky vrátane tých, ktoré nebolo vidieť. Khoudir is one of the survivors who worked in the chemical plant. He described to the potential buyer both all the good aspects of the car and the shortcomings, including those that could not be seen. Najstrmšia ulica? The hard truth is, even when there are legitimate grounds for divorce, its consequences can be painful and long lasting. The steepest street? Ak má byť uctievanie Bohu prijateľné, musí vychádzať zo srdca. - 5. Attempting to sell a car to a prospective buyer, he described all its good points as well as its faults, including those that could not be seen. If worship is to be acceptable to God, it must come out of the heart. - 5 Timothy 3: 8. Pre vás - skupinku niekoľkých desiatok buniek, ktorá je veľká ako špendlíková hlavička a nazýva sa blastocysta - sa to mohlo zdať rozľahlou jaskyňou. The "Steepest Street "? For you - a group of several dozen cells that is as large as a pin head and called a blastocyst - it may have seemed a vast cave. Pod vodou začali z "driemajúcich" semien klíčiť rastliny a vrátili sa i vtáky, napríklad lysky a labute. If there were, conversion would be meaningless. Underwater, plants began to sprout from "dreaming " seeds, and birds, such as skies and swans, also returned. sliznica To you - a pinhead - sized cluster of a few dozen cells called a blastocyst - it might have seemed like a sprawling cavern. Mucosal Tieto slová plné citov odhaľujú pocity zúfalstva a osamelosti. Other plants then germinated underwater from dormant seeds, and birds, such as coots and swans, returned. Those emotional words reveal feelings of despair and loneliness. Keď Pavol písal o svojom " ostni v tele ," vyjadril sa, že Kristova moc je nad ním "ako stan." Mucosa When Paul wrote about his "thorn in the flesh, " he said that Christ's power was over him" like a tent. " V prvom dome sme stretli mladú ženu, ktorá povedala: "Tak ste tu, dievčatá, už na vás čakám." Those emotion - filled words reveal feelings of desperation and loneliness. In the first house, we met a young woman who said, "You're here, girls, I'm waiting for you." A. When writing about his "thorn in the flesh, " Paul observed that the power of the Christ was" like a tent " over him. A. Dve štrnásťročné dievčatá z Pennsylvánie, Nicole DiSalvová a Gwen Naglaková, ktoré nie sú Jehovovými svedkyňami, si ako tému vybrali dva prípady, ktoré súviseli s odmietnutím zdravenia zástavy a týkali sa Jehovových svedkov v štyridsiatych rokoch. At the first house, we met a young woman who said, "Here you girls are, just as I expected. " Two 14 - year - old girls from Pennsylvania, Nicole DiSalva, and Gwen Naglak, who are not Jehovah's Witnesses, chose as their theme two cases related to the rejection of flag salute and related to Jehovah's Witnesses in the 1940 ' s. Na to, aby konali podľa Jozuovho nabádania, však potrebovali okrem udatnosti v boji aj iný druh odvahy. A. However, in order to act in harmony with Joshua's admonition, they needed another kind of courage in battle. Vyhýbajme sa preto nevhodnému svetskému sklonu upútavať na seba pozornosť, aby sme neprovokovali druhých k závisti, pretože láska sa nevystatuje. Two 14 - year - old girls from Pennsylvania, Nicole DiSalvo and Gwen Naglak, who are not Jehovah's Witnesses, chose two flag - salute cases that involved the Witnesses in the 1940 ' s. In their research, they spoke with those involved in the Minersville School District v. Let us, therefore, avoid an inappropriate worldly tendency to draw attention to ourselves so that we do not provoke others to envy because love does not brag. Môžete si napríklad pripraviť jedlo z niekoľkých vajec so zemiakmi, zeleninou alebo fazuľou. In addition to valor in battle, however, they needed what might be called quiet courage to do what Joshua urged them to do. For example, you can prepare a meal of several eggs with potatoes, vegetables, or beans. Môže byť veda a náboženstvo v súlade? 8 / 6 So let us avoid the unseemly, worldly tendency to call attention to ourselves, lest we provoke envy in others, for love does not brag. How Can Science and Religion Align? 6 / 22 Za pomoci modernej techniky a počítačových programov astronómovia a špecialisti na úpravu obrazu poskladajú výsledný obraz tak, aby farby čo najvernejšie zodpovedali ich predstavám toho, ako vesmírne objekty skutočne vyzerajú. For example, you might prepare a dish using just a few eggs combined with potatoes, vegetables, or beans. With the help of modern technology and computer programs, astronomers and image modification specialists put together the resulting image so that the colors correspond as faithfully as possible to their ideas of how space objects really look. Kresťanské rodiny, " zostaňte bdelé ," 15 / 5 Astronomers and imaging specialists use modern technology and software to compose the final images, at times to reproduce as closely as possible what they believe to be the natural colors of heavenly objects. " Keep on the Watch, " 5 / 15 [ Poznámka pod čiarou] [ Footnote] [ Footnote] Pri audiencii pápež dokonca navrhol námet, ktorý by mohla obsahovať. After this apparent indication of open - mindedness by the pope, Galileo went to work. In the audience, the pope even suggested a subject that it might contain. Keď to Izraeliti po prvý raz uvideli, pýtali sa: "Čo je to?" " What is it? " the Israelites asked the first time they saw it. When the Israelites first saw it, they asked: "What is it? " ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ moje názory ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ my viewpoints . . . . . my views Jedným z dôvodov tohto neúspechu bolo zapojenie kresťanstva do obchodu s otrokmi. One reason for this failure was Christendom's involvement with the slave trade. One reason for this failure was the involvement of Christianity in the slave trade. Je zaujímavé, že slovo "škola" pochádza z gréckeho slova scholé, ktoré pôvodne znamenalo "voľný čas" alebo využívanie voľného času na nejakú závažnú činnosť, napríklad na učenie. Interestingly, the word "school " comes from the Greek word skho·leʹ, which originally meant" leisure " or the use of leisure time for some serious activity, such as learning. Interestingly, the word "school " comes from the Greek word scholé, which originally meant "free time " or the use of free time for some serious activity, such as teaching. Podľa Nemeckého združenia pre osoby bez stáleho bydliska je v Spolkovej republike Nemecko bez domova vyše milióna ľudí. Over a million people in the Federal Republic of Germany are homeless, according to the German Association for Persons of No Fixed Abode. According to the German Association for Persons without Permanent Residence, there are over a million homeless people in the Federal Republic of Germany. Niektorí si myslia, že po smrti žijeme ďalej - v nebi, pekle alebo očistci. Some envision life in a Hereafter - heaven, hell, purgatory, or Limbo. Some think that after death we continue to live - in heaven, hell, or purgatory. V iných prípadoch sa možno situácia nezmení, kým nepríde Jehovov nový svet. In other cases, things may not change until Jehovah's new world is here. In other cases, the situation may not change until Jehovah's new world arrives. Do vodopádov Kalambo, najvyšších v Zambii, priteká voda z vysoko položenej náhornej plošiny a odteká do Veľkej priekopovej prepadliny. Kalambo Falls, the highest in Zambia, flows off the high plateau and down into Africa's Great Rift Valley. Into the Kalambo Falls, the tallest in Zambia, the water flows from a high plateau and flows into the Great Pioneer Basin. Slávka jedlá Blue mussel Blue mussel Ako posledný nepriateľ má byť zničená smrť. " As the last enemy, death is to be brought to nothing. " As the last enemy, death is to be brought to nothing. " Na úsvite sú bledoružové, napoludnie dostávajú nádych vyblednutej slonoviny a zapadajúce slnko ich sfarbí do zlatookrova. At dawn they are a pale pink. By midday they take on the color of bleached ivory, and the setting sun turns them a golden ocher. At dawn, they are pale - pink, receive at noon a breath of faded ivory, and the setting sun colors them in the golden oatmeal. Preto hovorím, že sa Kristus v záujme Božej pravdivosti skutočne stal služobníkom tých, ktorí sú obrezaní, aby potvrdil sľuby, ktoré [Boh] dal ich predkom, a aby národy oslavovali Boha za jeho milosrdenstvo, ako je písané [v Žalme 18: 49]: " Preto ťa budem otvorene uznávať medzi národmi a tvojmu menu budem hrať melódie. " For I say that Christ actually became a minister of those who are circumcised in behalf of God's truthfulness, so as to verify the promises He made to their forefathers, and that the nations might glorify God for his mercy. Just as it is written [at Psalm 18: 49]: " That is why I will openly acknowledge you among the nations and to your name I will make melody. ' Therefore, I say that in the interests of God's truth, Christ actually became a minister of those who are circumcised to confirm the promises [God] made to their forefathers, and that the nations should glorify God for his mercy, as it is written [Psalm 18: 49]: " Therefore I will openly acknowledge you among the nations, and to your name I will play melodies. ' Medzi Jehovovými svedkami je mnoho chlapcov a dievčat, ktorí využívajú svoj čas, energiu a prostriedky na to, aby slúžili iným. Among Jehovah's Witnesses, many young men and women use their time, energy, and resources to serve others. Among Jehovah's Witnesses are many boys and girls who use their time, energy, and resources to serve others. No kým Satan nebude odstránený, musíme " stáť pevne ," aby sme jeho útokom nepodľahli. Until Satan is removed, however, we have to "stand firm " so that his attacks do not overwhelm us. The apostle Peter also emphasized the need to stand firm against Satan. However, until Satan is removed, we must "stand firm ' so that we do not succumb to his attacks. Do redakčných rád hlavných novín, časopisov a knižných vydavateľstiev dosadili svojich ľudí. They placed their own men on editorial boards of major newspapers, magazines, and book publishers. They put their people in the editorial boards of major newspapers, magazines, and book publishers. La Navidad, pôvodná kolónia na Hispaniole, bola zdecimovaná nechutnými bojmi medzi samotnými Španielmi, a potom bola takmer vyhladená ostrovanmi rozhnevanými nad chamtivosťou a nemorálnosťou kolonizátorov. La Navidad, the original colony in Hispaniola, had been decimated by bitter feuding among the Spaniards themselves, and then it was almost wiped out by the islanders, incensed at the greed and immorality of the colonizers. La Navidad, the original colony of Hispaniola, was decimated by the disgusting battles between the Spaniards themselves, and was then nearly wiped out by the islanders angry at the greed and immorality of the colonizers. " Na tejto ulici, "píše Paul Bahn," sa nachádzajú niektoré z najvýznamnejších architektonických pamiatok na svete. " " Along this street, " writes Bahn, quoted earlier, "are some of the greatest architectural monuments in the world. " " On this street, " writes Paul Bahn, "there are some of the most important architectural monuments in the world. " Nasledujúci rok sa moji rodičia rozviedli, ale zmenená rodinná situácia neutlmila naše duchovné zmýšľanie. The following year my parents divorced, but the changed family situation didn't dampen our spirituality. The following year my parents divorced, but the changed family situation did not dampen our spirituality. Jeho učiteľ nám dovolil, aby sme toto video ukázali celej triede. His teacher allowed us to show the video to his entire class. His teacher let us show this video to the whole class. Preto musíme hľadať Božie vedenie a modliť sa, aby nám ukázal, ako máme konať. - Žalm 25: 4, 5; 143: 8, 10. Hence, we need to seek God's direction, praying that he indicate the way he wants us to act. - Psalm 25: 4, 5; 143: 8, 10. Therefore, we must seek God's guidance and pray to show us how to act. - Psalm 25: 4, 5; 143: 8, 10. O božské meno by sa mala zaujímať celá ľudská rodina. The divine name should be a matter of interest to the entire human family. The whole human family should be interested in the divine name. Na stenách mali tiež obrazy svojich predkov a iných slávnych ľudí. They also used to hang up pictures of their ancestors and other famous people. They also had pictures of their ancestors and other famous people on their walls. Vo všeobecnosti majú všetci dospelí, ktorí vyznávajú islam, povinnosť postiť sa v mesiaci ramadán. For adults in general practicing Islam, fasting is obligatory during the month of Ramadan. In general, all adults who profess Islam have an obligation to fast in the month of Ramadan. ANGÉLICA žila s desaťčlennou rodinou v malom vidieckom meste v štáte Oaxaca v Mexiku. ANGÉLICA and her family of ten lived in a small rural town in the state of Oaxaca, in Mexico. ANGELICA lived with a family of ten in a small rural town in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico. Mária využila príležitosť počúvať vzácne slová pravdy priamo z úst Veľkého Učiteľa. " Posadila sa pri Pánových nohách a počúvala jeho slová. " Mary seizes the opportunity to take in knowledge from the mouth of the Great Teacher and sits down "at the feet of the Lord..., listening to what he was saying. " Mary took the opportunity to listen to the precious words of the truth directly from the mouth of the Great Teacher. " She sat down at the feet of the Lord and listened to his words. " Áno, Boh ti môže poskytnúť silu potrebnú na to, aby si sa vzoprel tlaku svojich vrstovníkov. - Filipanom 4: 13. Yes, God can supply you the strength needed to stand up to your peers. - Philippians 4: 13. Yes, God can give you the strength needed to resist the pressure of your peers. - Philippians 4: 13. Aj na Havajských ostrovoch sa vynaložilo úsilie, aby boli zastihnutí ľudia, ktorých nebolo možné nájsť doma. In Hawaii too efforts have been made to reach those who cannot be found at home. Efforts were also made in Hawaii to reach people who could not be found at home. Povedala som o sebe, že som čierna deva. I describe myself as a black girl. I said about myself, I'm a black girl. Preto by sme nikdy nemali povedať ani urobiť niečo, čo by vyvolalo dojem, že jedna skupina ľudí je nadradená druhej. We have to admit that some among us are still struggling to deal with similar issues. Therefore, we should never say or do anything that would give the impression that one group of people is superior to another. Pevne sa držte biblických zásad, snažte sa prejavovať Jehovove vlastnosti, ako sú láska, zmysel pre právo a múdrosť, a pritom sa modlite k Jehovovi o pomoc. Firmly stick to Bible principles, and try to reflect Jehovah's qualities of love, justice, and wisdom while you pray to him for his help. Stick to Bible principles, endeavor to display Jehovah's qualities, such as love, a sense of justice, and wisdom, while praying for Jehovah's help. Zápasíte aj vy s takýmito problémami? Have you faced such challenges? Do you struggle with such problems? Vedci zistili, že keď boli testy zopakované, plody si zvykli a už nereagovali na impulzy, čo naznačuje, že si impulz zapamätali. The scientists found that when the tests were repeated, the fetuses became acclimated and no longer responded to the stimulus, indicating that they remembered the stimuli. Scientists have found that when the tests were repeated, the fruits got used to and no longer responded to impulses, suggesting that they remembered the impulse. Pavol poukázal ešte na inú pomoc vo vytrvalosti, keď povedal, "aby sme sa pevne držali svojej nádeje prostredníctvom trpezlivej vytrvalosti a povzbudenia z Písem." Paul pointed to another aid in endurance when he said that "through patient endurance, and through the encouragement drawn from the Scriptures, we might hold fast to our hope. " Paul pointed to another help in endurance when he said "that we should hold fast to our hope through patient endurance and encouragement from the Scriptures. " Zamyslime sa teraz nad tým, aký je význam Božieho mena. To nám pomôže, aby sme si ešte viac vážili výsadu nosiť toto meno. To enhance our appreciation for the honor of bearing God's name, it is good for us to meditate on its meaning. Let us now consider the meaning of God's name, which will help us to appreciate even more the privilege of bearing that name. V priebehu stáročí veľké množstvo ľudí, ktorí milovali Bibliu, a takisto mnohí odvážni prekladatelia Biblie veľa riskovali a veľmi trpeli pre Božie Slovo. Over the centuries, multitudes of Bible lovers and many courageous translators have risked much and suffered greatly for the sake of God's Word. Over the centuries, a large number of people who loved the Bible, as well as many courageous Bible translators, have risked a lot and suffered greatly because of God's Word. Článok pokračoval: "Obrat v budúcnosti modernej medicíny je dobrou správou pre približne 10 000 Jehovových svedkov v Colorade. The article continued: "The change in modern medicine's perspective is welcome news to the estimated 10,000 Jehovah's Witnesses in Colorado. The article continued: "The turn of modern medicine is good news for about 10,000 of Jehovah's Witnesses in Colorado. M. M. M. Ježiš svojich nasledovníkov učil, aby sa modlili k Bohu: "Otče, nech sa posvätí tvoje meno." In fact, Jesus taught fellow worshippers to pray to God saying: "Father, let your name be sanctified. " Jesus taught his followers to pray to God: "Father, let your name be sanctified. " To, čo Biblia odsudzuje, je nadmerné pitie a opilstvo. The Bible condemns heavy drinking and drunkenness. What the Bible condemns is overdrinking and drunkenness. Táto ochrana sa jasne vzťahuje na nehnuteľnosti organizácie a na budovy Marousi [kanceláriu odbočky Jehovových svedkov ako] na posvätné a zasvätené miesto vyhradené na uctievanie Boha. This protection clearly extends to the organization premises and facilities of Marousi [the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses as] a sacred and consecrated place, dedicated to the worship of God. This protection clearly covers the properties of the organization and the buildings of Marousi [the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses] to the sacred and dedicated place reserved for worship of God. Čo si myslíte o tomto porovnaní? What do you think of that comparison? What do you think of this comparison? V knihe Príslovia sa píše, že máme "pátrať" po porozumení. * It's good that you are putting forth effort like that. The book of Proverbs says that we should "find " understanding. Dnes sú ľudia podobne takí zamestnaní každodennými záležitosťami, že nevidia dôkazy blížiaceho sa konca tohto bezbožného sveta. - Lukáš 17: 30. Today, people in general are likewise so caught up in daily affairs that they fail to see the evidence that the end of this ungodly world is near. - Luke 17: 30. Today, people are likewise so busy with everyday matters that they do not see evidence of the impending end of this ungodly world. - Luke 17: 30. Skutočnosťou je, že nemôžeme urobiť vo svojej viere kompromis, a predsa zostať kresťanmi. The fact is that we cannot compromise our faith and yet remain Christians. The fact is that we cannot compromise our faith and yet remain Christians. Úplne operené kuriatko si hneď po vyliahnutí razí cestu na povrch a samo uteká preč. Upon hatching, the fully feathered chick digs its way to the surface and runs away on its own. A fully feathered chick strikes its way to the surface as soon as it hatches and runs away on its own. Neubehlo veľa času odvtedy, čo som sa začal učiť kováčskemu remeslu, a od mladých mužov v Maďarsku sa vyžadovala účasť na vojenskom výcviku. It was not long after I began my blacksmith apprenticeship that young men in Hungary were required to participate in military training. Not much time had passed since I began learning the blacksmith trade, and young men in Hungary were required to take part in military training. " Je to iba naša kultúra, "mohli by sme namietať. " It is just our culture, " we could argue. " It's just our culture, " we might object. Všetko, čo som mal, bol jeden oblek a jedny nohavice - oblek mi bol priveľký a nohavice prikrátke! All I had was one suit and a pair of pants - the suit too big, the pants too short! Everything I had was one suit and one pants - my suit was too big and my pants were too short! Biblická správa nám hovorí, že "nezhrešil, ani nepripísal Bohu nič nesprávne." We are told that he "did not sin or ascribe anything improper to God. " The Bible account tells us that "he has not sinned or attributed anything wrong to God. " Ak je to potrebné, nebojte sa povedať svojim deťom nie. Do not be afraid to say no to your children's requests if need be! If necessary, do not be afraid to say no to your children. Spomínaš si? Do You Remember? Do You Recall? Deťom postavil plochu na korčuľovanie na kolieskových korčuliach, chudobným postavil slušné domy a zamestnal deti ulice. He built skating rinks for children and decent houses for the poor, and he gave jobs to street kids. He built an area for children to skate on roller skates, built decent houses for the poor, and employed street children. Ak bývaš v izbe so súrodencom, skúste vypracovať spoločný návrh. If you share a room with a sibling, try making it a joint project. If you live in a sibling's room, try working out a joint proposal. Jej odkaz znel ako zúfalá prosba o pomoc. Her message sounded like a desperate plea for attention. Her message sounded like a desperate request for help. [ Poznámky pod čiarou] [ Footnotes] [ Footnotes] Som ukrátený o pohľad na jediného syna, ako vyrastá, začína chodiť, a premeškal som aj všetko ostatné. I missed seeing my only son grow up from a baby, walking and things like that. I'm tired of seeing the only son growing up, starting to walk, and I missed everything else. Peter Peter Peter je predzvesťou obdobia, ktoré Ježiš nazval "veľké súženie." is a precursor of the period Jesus called the "great tribulation. " is a foretaste of the period that Jesus called "the great tribulation. " Svojím znázornením sa snažil dosiahnuť, aby sa u Dávida tieto zbožné vlastnosti prejavili. With his illustration, the prophet appealed to these godly qualities. By his illustration, he sought to show these godly qualities to David. Väčšina zločineckých syndikátov, bez ohľadu na národnosť, buduje svoje organizácie na takýchto falošných rodinných zväzkoch. Most criminal syndicates, regardless of nationality, build their organizations on such mock family relationships. Most criminal syndicates, regardless of nationality, build their organizations on such false family ties. Vtedy som dostala motiváciu učiť sa po anglicky. It was then that I was motivated to learn English. That was when I was motivated to learn English. Ezechiel 33: 7 - 9 ukazuje, že človek, ktorý spoznal Božie prikázania a pokyny, má zodpovednosť plniť ich. Ezekiel 33: 7 - 9 shows that a person who is told God's commandments and instructions is responsible to carry them out. Ezekiel 33: 7 - 9 shows that a person who has come to know God's commandments and instructions has a responsibility to fulfill them. Kto vytvoril zákony vesmíru? Who Made the Laws That Govern Our Universe? Who created the laws of the universe? Keď cestujúci obchodník našiel perlu veľkej hodnoty, "išiel a ihneď predal všetko, čo mal, a kúpil ju." When the traveling merchant found a pearl of high value, "away he went and promptly sold all the things he had and bought it. " When a traveling merchant found a pearl of great value, "he went and immediately sold everything he had and bought it. " Niektoré tekutiny, ktoré sú teraz testované, môžu prenášať kyslík. Some fluids now being tested can transport oxygen. Some fluids that are now tested may carry oxygen. Práca v austrálskom vnútrozemí bola skutočne náročná. Working in Australia's outback was a real challenge. Working in the Australian outback was really hard. My do tohto odpočinku " vchádzame " tak, že upúšťame od skutkov, ktorými by sme sa sami snažili dosiahnuť spravodlivosť, a tak, že prijímame to, čo Boh urobil na našu záchranu. We "enter into that rest " by desisting from doing works of self - justification and by accepting God's provision for our salvation. We " enter into this rest " by abandoning acts in which we ourselves would seek righteousness and by accepting what God has done for our salvation. Víťazoslávne kričte k Bohu zvukom radostného volania. Shout in triumph to God with the sound of a joyful cry. Cry out victoriously to God with the sound of a joyful call. Pamätajte, že už nebudete mať druhú možnosť tento prvý dojem napraviť. Remember, there are no second chances to rectify first impressions. Remember, you will no longer have a second chance to correct this first impression. Boli tu tiež obvinenia z predsudkov - štatistika naznačuje, že vrahovia sú častejšie potrestaní trestom smrti, ak bol obeťou beloch, než keď bol obeťou černoch. There have also been charges of prejudice - as statistics suggest that a murderer is more likely to receive a death sentence if the victim was white than if the victim was black. There were also accusations of prejudice - statistics indicate that murderers are more often punished with the death penalty if he was a victim of a white man than when he was a victim of a black man. A Boh už nepotrebuje ani zaisťovať a ochraňovať rodovú líniu Mesiáša, ani chrániť národ, z ktorého mal tento Záchranca vzísť. Nor does God any longer need to protect and ensure the lineage of the Messiah or to shield the nation in which that Savior would be born. And God no longer needs to provide and protect the Messiah's family line, nor to protect the nation from which that Savior would come. V Grécku sa narodeninám venuje veľká pozornosť. In Greece much attention is given to birthdays. A great deal of attention is being paid to birthdays in Greece. (Prečítajte Júdu 9.) (Read Jude 9.) (Read Jude 9.) To odzrkadľuje aj miera, v akej sa ovocie Božieho ducha prejavuje v celej našej činnosti. This is reflected in the degree to which the fruitage of God's spirit is manifest in all our activities. This reflects the extent to which the fruitage of God's spirit is manifested in all our activity. Ich "hlboká chudoba" im nezabránila, aby prosili o výsadu pomôcť svojim bratom. They were in "deep poverty, " yet they begged for the privilege of helping with the project at hand. Their "deep poverty " did not prevent them from asking for the privilege of helping their brothers. Mnohým priekopníkom, ktorí prišli na tento zjazd z iných krajín, bola poslaná prihláška do Gileádu, biblickej školy Watchtower, ktorá bola neďaleko South Lansingu (New York). Many pioneers who would come to that convention from overseas were sent an application to attend the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead, located near South Lansing, New York. For many pioneers who came to the convention from other countries, an application was sent to the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead, near South Lansing, New York. Ich posolstvo je nepravdivé a nebezpečné. Such a message is false and dangerous. Their message is false and dangerous. Násilníkmi nie sú vždy iba zvrátení jedinci, ktorí pod rúškom tmy sledujú neznáme obete; podľa tejto správy 4 z 10 znásilnených osôb sú znásilnené vo vlastných domovoch svojimi otcami, nevlastnými otcami alebo inými príbuznými. Rapists are not always just degenerates who stalk anonymous victims under cover of darkness; according to this report, 4 of every 10 persons raped are violated in their own homes by their own fathers, stepfathers, or other relatives. The rapists are not always just perverted individuals who follow unknown victims under cover of darkness; according to this report, 4 out of 10 raped persons are raped in their own homes by their fathers, stepfathers, or other relatives. Tento nápis očividne súvisí so stavbou a slávnostným otvorením Kolosea v roku 80 n. l. The inscription evidently has to do with the building and inauguration of the Colosseum in 80 C.E. This inscription evidently relates to the construction and ceremonial opening of the Colosseum in 80 C.E. Toto proroctvo sa splní v čase, keď na Jehovových služobníkov zaútočí novodobý "Asýrčan." This would be at a time when the very existence of Jehovah's servants would be threatened by a modern - day "Assyrian. " This prophecy will be fulfilled at a time when Jehovah's servants will be attacked by the modern - day "Assyrian. " Moábsky kameň potvrdzuje, že moábsky kráľ Méša hovoril hanlivé slová proti starovekému Izraelu The Moabite Stone confirms that Moab's King Mesha spoke reproachful words against ancient Israel Moabite stone confirms that Moabite king Mesha spoke defamatory words against ancient Israel Čím si môžeme byť istí? Of what can we be confident? What can we be sure of? Zo svojho nadhľadu riadi udalosti tak, aby prispievali k večnému blahu každého jednotlivca, ktorý ho miluje alebo sa k nemu približuje. From his superior vantage point, he maneuvers events for the everlasting welfare of each individual who loves him or comes to him. From his perspective, he directs events to contribute to the eternal well - being of any individual who loves him or approaches him. Gallo pinto sa môže podávať na raňajky, na obed aj na večeru. Gallo pinto can be served at breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Gallo pinto can be served for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Skladateľ 73. žalmu závidel zlým, ktorí žili bezstarostným životom v blahobyte. The composer of Psalm 73 felt envious of the wicked who enjoyed a problem - free life of luxury. The composer of Psalm 73 envied wicked ones who lived a carefree life of prosperity. Fitzgeraldová píše, že následkom toho "množstvo tehotenských testov pravdepodobne vzrastie, a tým aj množstvo selektívnych potratov." Fitzgerald writes that as a consequence, "the number of pre - natal tests is likely to increase and, therefore, the number of selective abortions. " Fitzgerald writes that as a result, "a number of pregnancy tests are likely to increase, and thus a number of selective abortions. " Dal by nám Boh knihu, ktorú by nebolo možné pochopiť alebo ktorej by mohli porozumieť iba vysokovzdelaní ľudia? Would God provide a book that is impossible to comprehend or that is understandable only to highly educated people? Would God give us a book that could not be understood or understood only by highly educated people? Ježiš, ustanovený Kráľ tohto Kráľovstva, "oslobodí chudobného, volajúceho o pomoc, tiež strápeného a každého, kto nemá pomocníka. Jesus, the appointed King of that Kingdom, "will deliver the poor one crying for help, also the afflicted one and whoever has no helper. Jesus, the appointed King of that Kingdom, "will deliver the poor one crying for help, also the afflicted one and whoever has no helper. Nie je tento cieľ hoden akéhokoľvek úsilia? Is that goal not worth our every effort? Is this goal not worthy of any effort? Najväčším prekvapením bol Saturn, keď kamery Voyageru objavili spletené kruhy, skáčuce mesiace a vyše 1 000 krúžkov... Saturn provided the biggest surprises when Voyager's cameras revealed braided rings, leapfrogging moons and more than 1,000 ringlets.... The biggest surprise was Saturn, when Voyager's cameras discovered tangled circles, jumping moons, and over 1,000 rings... Joziáš sa stal kráľom, keď mal ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ rokov a vládol ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ rokov. Josiah became king at age ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ and ruled for ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ years. Josiah became king when he was . . . . . years old and ruled . . . . . years. Praví nasledovníci Krista očakávajú odpor Christ's True Followers Expect Opposition True Followers of Christ Expect Opposition Vyrastal bez rodičovského vedenia a vypestoval si osobnosť, ktorá mu prinášala vážne problémy. He grew up without parental guidance and developed severe personality problems. He grew up without parental guidance and developed a personality that brought him serious problems. Práve keď sa Východ a Západ radovali, že sa studená vojna končí, niekde inde sa začali objavovať hrozivé mraky. Even as East and West rejoiced that the Cold War was coming to an end, threatening clouds were making their appearance elsewhere. Just as East and West rejoiced that the Cold War would end, frightening clouds began to appear elsewhere. Existujú aj krúžkované perly, ktoré majú dookola po obvode zreteľné prstence či ryhy. There are also circle pearls, those with distinct rings or grooves encircling them. There are also ringed pearls that have clear rings or grooves around the perimeter. Takýto vzťah sa môže rozvinúť napríklad v zamestnaní. An improper romantic relationship could develop at your place of employment. Such a relationship can develop in employment, for example. Svieže ostrovy Mikronézie sú ako malé zelené drahokamy roztrúsené na modrom pozadí Pacifiku. The lush islands of Micronesia are scattered like small green jewels across the blue backdrop of the Pacific. The fresh islands of Micronesia are like small green gemstones scattered on the Pacific's blue background. Jedna administratívna asistentka o ňom povedala: "Bol to typ človeka, ktorého ste si zapamätali hneď na prvý raz." An administrative assistant said of Jesse: "He was the type of person who, even if you only met him once, you remembered him. " One administrative assistant said of him: "It was the type of person you remembered for the first time. " Čo robia ľudia podobní ovciam, keď prichádzajú k svetlu? What will sheeplike people do when they come to the light? What do sheeplike ones do when they come to the light? Mal takú silnú lásku k spravodlivosti, že sa podrobil tej najhanebnejšej nespravodlivosti, aká bola kedy spáchaná. So great was his love for justice that he submitted to the most blatant injustice ever perpetrated. He had such a strong love for righteousness that he subjected himself to the most shameful injustice ever committed. Nemusíte ich počúvať, ak nechcete, ale nebuďte k nim hrubí. " You don't have to listen if you don't want to, but don't be violent with them. " You do not have to listen to them if you do not want to, but do not be thick with them. " Ak na ňom boli nejaké chyby, nahrávanie bolo treba zopakovať a sústruhom vyryť ďalšiu platňu. If there were any defects, the recording session had to be repeated and another lathe cut made. If there were any errors on it, the recording needed to be repeated and another record engraved with the lathe. Mary študovala Bibliu s Jehovovými svedkami, no ešte nebola pokrstená. David recognized his dependence on Jehovah to teach him how to carry on warfare, though in his time that included literal fighting against Israel's enemies. Mary studied the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses but was not yet baptized. Dávid uznával svoju závislosť od spôsobu, akým ho Jehova vyučoval viesť boj, hoci v jeho dobe to znamenalo aj doslovný boj proti nepriateľom Izraela. Jehovah your God is with you. " David recognized his dependence on the way Jehovah taught him to fight, even though in his day it also meant a literal battle against Israel's enemies. Jehova, tvoj Boh, je s tebou. " Since we are united as "members belonging to one another, " we certainly should not be devious or deliberately try to mislead our fellow worshippers, for that is the same as lying to them. Jehovah your God is with you. " Keďže sme zjednotení ako " údy, ktoré patria k sebe ," určite nemôžeme byť nečestní ani sa nesmieme snažiť zavádzať spoluctiteľov, lebo by to bolo to isté, akoby sme im klamali. An outstanding reason for praising Jehovah is that he is the Creator. Since we are united as " members belonging to one another, " we certainly cannot be dishonest or try to mislead fellow worshipers, for it would be the same as lying to them. Jedným významným dôvodom, prečo chváliť Jehovu, je skutočnosť, že Jehova je náš Stvoriteľ. An act of adultery called for the death sentence. One significant reason to praise Jehovah is that Jehovah is our Creator. Smilstvo malo byť potrestané rozsudkom smrti. And how David appreciated God as Ruler! Fornication was to be punished by a death sentence. Dávid si veľmi vážil Jehovu ako Vládcu! " It is not that rare an occurrence, " Dirk admitted. David greatly respected Jehovah as Ruler! " Nie je to zriedkavý jav, "pripustil Dirk. Jesus said: "Happy are you when people reproach you and persecute you and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against you for my sake. " It's not a rare phenomenon, " Dirk admitted. Ježiš povedal: "Šťastní ste, keď vás hania a prenasledujú a luhajúc hovoria proti vám všetko zlé kvôli mne. But I did not permit this to be a spiritual setback. Jesus said: "Happy are you when people reproach you and persecute you and lyingly say all bad things against you for my sake. No nedovolil som, aby sa to stalo aj duchovnou porážkou. WE HAVE "need of endurance, " if we are to receive" the fulfillment of the promise. " However, I did not allow this to happen through spiritual defeat. " POTREBUJEME vytrvalosť ," ak máme prijať " splnenie sľubu ." During his term in the camp, he learned of our Bible study classes and decided to attend. " WE NEED endurance " if we are to accept " the fulfillment of the promise. " Počas výkonu trestu v tomto tábore sa dozvedel o našich kurzoch štúdia Biblie a rozhodol sa prísť. What really motivated me to make these changes was what I learned about the Bible character Job. During his sentence in that camp, he learned about our Bible study courses and decided to come. K týmto zmenám ma podnietilo to, čo som sa dozvedel o biblickej postave menom Jób. In what sense, though, do they "look down on lordship " and speak" abusively of glorious ones "? Those changes moved me to learn about a Bible character named Job. V akom zmysle sa však "pohŕdavo pozerajú na panstvá" a "hovoria utŕhačne o slávnych"? [ Picture on page 20] In what sense, though, do they "see the rulerships with contempt " and" speak abusively of the glorious ones "? [ Obrázok na strane 20] He also denounced the worship of "the god of Good Luck " and" the god of Destiny. " [ Picture on page 20] Odsúdil tiež uctievanie "boha Šťastia" a "boha Osudu." The Secret of Family Happiness, * a practical family guide, is helping many people around the world to build happy marriages and avoid marital unfaithfulness. He also condemned the worship of "the god of Happiness " and" the god of Destiny. " Mnohým ľuďom na celom svete pomáha budovať šťastné manželstvo a vyvarovať sa manželskej nevery praktická rodinná príručka Rodinné šťastie - aké je jeho tajomstvo? Unemployment: In the 1997 national election, British churches united to urge all political parties to put full employment high on their agendas. Many worldwide are helped to build a happy marriage and avoid marital infidelity by the practical family guide Family Happiness - what is its secret? Nezamestnanosť: V národných voľbách v roku 1997 britské cirkvi jednotne naliehali na všetky politické strany, aby medzi hlavné body svojho programu zaradili úplnú zamestnanosť. " Noah obeyed Jehovah and loved his family, and they all survived the Flood because all the family went into the ark. " Unemployment: In the 1997 national elections, the British churches consistently urged all political parties to include full employment among the main points of their agenda. Všetci členovia rodiny prežili potopu, lebo vošli do korábu. " TO JE jedna z mojich prvých spomienok na otca. BY AWAKE! All members of the family survived the Flood because they entered the ark. " IT IS one of my first memories of my father. OD DOPISOVATEĽA PREBUĎTE SA! However, I did not find satisfying explanations. BY AWAKE! Uspokojujúce odpovede som však nenašla. The speaker showed that acquiring understanding brings joy. However, I did not find satisfying answers. Rečník ukázal, že získavanie porozumenia prináša radosť. In calling for a UN resolution on using force in the Persian Gulf, he reminded his colleagues that the 1936 Ethiopian "appeal to the League of Nations fell ultimately upon deaf ears. The speaker showed that gaining understanding brings joy. Keď požadoval prijatie rezolúcie OSN o použití sily v Perzskom zálive, pripomenul svojim kolegom, že v roku 1936 etiópska "výzva k Spoločnosti národov narazila na hluché uši. One Christian has the habit of reading the Bible for 20 to 30 minutes before retiring for the night. When demanding the adoption of the UN resolution on the use of force in the Persian Gulf, he reminded his colleagues that in 1936 the Ethiopian "call to the League of Nations came upon deaf ears. Jeden kresťan má zvyk čítať si z Biblie 20 až 30 minút pred spaním. But there is more. One Christian has the custom of reading from the Bible 20 to 30 minutes before bedtime. Ale z tejto správy sa môžeme naučiť niečo viac. The next morning, at 11 o'clock, two of Jehovah's Witnesses knocked at their door. But we can learn more from this account. Na druhý deň dopoludnia o 11. hodine zaklopali na ich dvere dvaja Jehovovi svedkovia. Or it can occur with any degree of hyperactivity - from barely noticeable, through rather annoying, to highly disabling. " The next morning at 11: 00 a.m., two of Jehovah's Witnesses knocked on their door. Alebo sa môže objaviť s akýmkoľvek stupňom hyperaktivity - od sotva pozorovateľnej formy cez značne znepokojivú až po veľmi vážnu. " He had difficulty making decisions, even about what to eat for lunch. Or it can occur with any degree of hyperactivity - from barely observable form to extremely disturbing to very serious. " Mal problémy rozhodovať sa, nech sa to týkalo čohokoľvek, dokonca aj toho, čo bude jesť na obed. How, though, would all these new disciples from such diverse economic, cultural, linguistic, and religious backgrounds come together in a truly united "one faith, " as the apostle Paul called it? He had trouble deciding whatever it was about, even what he would eat for lunch. Ako však mohli byť noví učeníci zjednotení a mať podľa slov apoštola Pavla "jednu vieru," keď pochádzali z takých rôznych ekonomických podmienok a z rôzneho kultúrneho, jazykového a náboženského prostredia? Job losses have numbered into the tens of millions in recent years. How, though, could the new disciples be united and have "one faith, " according to the apostle Paul, when they came from such different economic conditions and from different cultural, linguistic, and religious backgrounds? Počet ľudí, ktorí za posledné roky stratili prácu, sa ráta na desiatky miliónov. After the body is washed and dressed, it is covered with a white sheet, and a knife is placed on the chest to ward off evil spirits. The number of people who have lost their jobs in recent years counts on tens of millions. Telo najskôr umyjú a oblečú; potom ho prikryjú bielou plachtou a na hruď mŕtveho položia nôž na odháňanie zlých duchov. God's Name in Russian Music They first wash the body and clothe it; then they cover it with a white sheet, and put a knife on the dead man's chest to chase away evil spirits. Božie meno v ruskej klasickej hudbe In this regard Jesus imitated his Father, for he made friends with his disciples and shared secrets with them. God's Name in Russian Classical Music Ježiš v tomto ohľade napodobňoval svojho Otca, lebo urobil svojich učeníkov svojimi priateľmi a delil sa s nimi o tajomstvá. " We're not dating. Jesus imitated his Father in this regard because he made his disciples his friends and shared secrets with them. " My spolu nechodíme. " Become holy yourselves in all your conduct. " - 1 PET. " We don't date. " Staňte sa aj vy sami svätými v celom svojom správaní. " We had just witnessed the raw speed of the amazing cheetah. " Become also holy yourselves in all your conduct. " Práve sme boli svedkami úžasného behu obdivuhodného geparda. * More than 70 German translations use it in footnotes or commentaries. We have just witnessed an amazing run by an admirable cheetah. * Vyše 70 nemeckých prekladov ho používa v poznámkach pod čiarou alebo v komentároch. " Death in a Drawer " * More than 70 German translations use it in footnotes or comments. " Smrť v zásuvke " More than 20,000,000 produced. " Death in a Drawer " Vyrobených ich bolo viac ako 20 000 000. 6 Temptation: No. Over 20,000,000 were produced. Rybár dlhochvostý: č. □ Why should Christians be alert not to be misled by persuasive arguments concerning health and means of diagnosis? Long-tailed fisherman: No. □ Prečo by mali byť kresťania bdelí, aby neboli zvedení výrečnými argumentmi, pokiaľ ide o zdravie a diagnostické prostriedky? Stones for building a fireplace were selected from the surrounding area. □ Why should Christians be alert so that they are not misled by eloquent arguments regarding health and diagnostics? Kamene na ohnisko sa nazbierali v okolí. Historian Věra Olivová says that they "bathed in glory and enjoyed immense popularity. " Focalstones were collected in the area. Historička Věra Olivová hovorí, že sa "kúpali v sláve a tešili sa nesmiernej popularite." [ Credit Line] Historian Věra Olive says that "they bathed in glory and enjoyed immense popularity." [ Prameň ilustrácie] Learning to Benefit Ourselves [ Credit Line] Učiť sa na svoj úžitok And their cancer often goes undetected until it reaches a dangerous stage. Learning for Your Benefit A často to ani nezistia, kým rakovina nedospeje do nebezpečného štádia. Prospective members of the United Nations were "to unite [their] strength to maintain international peace and security. " And they often don't even find out until cancer reaches a dangerous stage. Budúci členovia Organizácie Spojených národov mali "zjednotiť svoje sily pre zachovanie medzinárodného mieru a bezpečnosti." For the wealthy, there is also the ongoing temptation to use what they have primarily for pleasurable activities or personal pursuits. Future members of the United Nations were to "unify their forces to preserve international peace and security. " Bohatým tiež stále hrozí, že budú v pokušení používať to, čo majú, hlavne na zábavu alebo na svoje osobné ciele. During Jesus ' ministry his cousin John the Baptist, who had been imprisoned, sent messengers to confirm reports about Jesus. Wealthy ones are also still in danger of being tempted to use what they have, especially for entertainment or personal pursuits. Počas Ježišovej služby poslal jeho bratranec Ján Krstiteľ, ktorý bol vtedy uväznený, poslov, aby potvrdili správy o Ježišovi. Today, he does so before age 13. During Jesus ' ministry, his cousin John the Baptist, who was then imprisoned, sent messengers to confirm the accounts of Jesus. Dnes pijú alkohol mladší ako trinásťroční. Why Religious Leaders Have Failed Today, they drink alcohol younger than 13 years old. Prečo náboženskí vodcovia zlyhali (b) How widespread is this practice? Why Religious Leaders Failed b) Nakoľko je takýto prístup rozšírený? Because it had saved his marriage. (b) How widespread is such an approach? Pretože mu tento časopis zachránil manželstvo. New homes continue to be built Because this magazine saved his marriage. Naďalej sa budujú nové domy Although they did not understand the yelling, the woman told them that the neighbors were shouting insults and were making clear that they did not want to be visited by the Witnesses. New Houses Continue to Be Built I keď nerozumeli kriku, žena im povedala, že susedia vykrikujú nadávky, čím dávajú jednoznačne najavo, že si neželajú návštevu svedkov. Remember, though, prayer is not merely a formal religious exercise. Although they did not understand the screams, the woman told them that neighbors were shouting profanity, making it clear that they did not want to visit the Witnesses. Pamätajte, že modlitba nie je len formálnym náboženským úkonom. What kind of treasures should we store up, and why? Remember, prayer is not just a formal religious act. Aké poklady by sme si mali hromadiť a prečo? Why not? What treasures should we accumulate, and why? Prečo o tom nehovorila? They were held there until the end of the war, in 1945. Why didn't she talk about it? Držali ich tam až do konca vojny v roku 1945. Something More Precious Than Life Now (M. They were held there until the end of the war in 1945. 4 / 11 Sociálne siete, 7 / 11, 8 / 11 Jehovah is the Source of dynamic energy. Jehovah's Witnesses, 11 / 22 Jehova je Zdrojom dynamickej energie. The adjectives most often used by researchers studying the puma are "secretive, elusive and wary. " Jehovah is the Source of dynamic energy. Najčastejšie prívlastky, ktorými pumu častujú výskumníci zaoberajúci sa skúmaním jej života, sú "tajomná, nedolapiteľná a ostražitá." Writing to fellow Christians, he said: "We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you. " The most common attributes involved in the puma are "mysterious, unreachable, and vigilant. " Napísal: "Vždy ďakujeme Bohu, Otcovi nášho Pána Ježiša Krista, keď sa za vás modlíme." Words sounded... as though the people around me spoke a foreign tongue. He wrote: "We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you. " Zvieratá, ktorých počet si nemali izraelskí králi zväčšovať The tallest, Temple IV, the towering Temple of the Double - Headed Serpent, is 212 feet [65 m] high. Animals whose numbers were not to be increased by the kings of Israel Slová mi zneli tak... akoby ľudia okolo mňa hovorili cudzím jazykom. For instance, could you include some spiritually - minded brothers and sisters from the congregation in your family's recreational activities? The words sounded to me... as if the people around me were speaking a foreign language. Najvyšší z nich, chrám č. IV, obrovský Chrám dvojhlavého hada, je vysoký 64 metrov. So while children have the obligation to be obedient to their parents in everything, parents must also be obedient in everything Jehovah requires of them. The tallest of them, Temple IV, the giant Temple of the Two - Headed Snake, is 64 metres tall. Nemohli by ste napríklad k oddychovým činnostiam rodiny prizvať niektorých duchovne zameraných bratov a sestry zo zboru? " As a wife has treacherously gone from her companion, " Jehovah said, "so you, O house of Israel, have dealt treacherously with me. " For example, could you not invite some spiritually - minded brothers and sisters in the congregation to share in family recreation? Takže zatiaľ čo deti sú povinné poslúchať svojich rodičov vo všetkom, aj rodičia musia byť poslušní vo všetkom, čo od nich vyžaduje Jehova. Being known by Jehovah is undeniably a precious privilege that brings satisfaction to our life now, and it holds out wonderful blessings for the future. - Ps. 37: 18. So while children are obliged to obey their parents in everything, parents must also be obedient in all that Jehovah requires of them. " Ako manželka zradne odišla od svojho druha, "povedal Jehova," tak ste si vy, dom Izraela, počínali zradne voči mne. " For instance, what if an adjustment were made to the force that keeps electrons moving around the nucleus of an atom? " As a wife treacherously left her companion, " said Jehovah, "so you, the house of Israel, acted treacherously toward me. " To, že nás Jehova pozná, je nesporne vzácna výsada, ktorá nám prináša uspokojenie už dnes a pripravuje nás na úžasné požehnania v budúcnosti. They can help reinforce your resolve to say no. Jehovah's knowledge of us is undoubtedly a precious privilege that brings us satisfaction today and prepares us for the marvelous blessings of the future. Napríklad čo keby sa zmenila sila, ktorá udržiava elektróny v pohybe okolo jadra atómu? Frequently, they do not. For example, how about changing the force that keeps electrons moving around the nucleus of an atom? Môžu ti pomôcť, aby si posilnil svoje rozhodnutie povedať nie. What two possible outcomes will there be for the resurrected ones? They can help you to strengthen your decision to say no. Náhle križuje oblohu veľmi zvláštne vyzerajúce okrídlené stvorenie. Are such Christians overreacting? Suddenly, it crosses the sky with a very strange looking winged creature. Často to však nerobia. Living for Today or for an Eternal Future? However, they often do not do so. K akým dvom konečným výsledkom môže viesť vzkriesenie? In concluding the preface, he wrote: "While you are all reading this divine and holy Gospel in your own tongue, appropriate the profit derived from its reading,... and may God ever lighten your way to that which is good. " - Proverbs 4: 18. What two final results can result from the resurrection? Sú takéto reakcie kresťanov prehnané? We can be happy that our Creator, Jehovah God, has made provision to usher in a new world of righteousness. Are such reactions exaggerated? Žiť pre dnešok, alebo pre večnú budúcnosť? However, I was able to return there only during school vacations. Live for today or for an eternal future? V závere tohto predhovoru napísal: "Pri čítaní tohto božského a svätého evanjelia vo vlastnom jazyku prijmite úžitok, ktorý z jeho čítania pramení... a kiež Boh stále osvetľuje vašu cestu k tomu, čo je dobré." - Príslovia 4: 18. The technological advances in our century have been astounding. In conclusion, he wrote: "Reading this divine and holy gospel in your own language, take the benefit of reading it..., and may God keep illuminating your way to what is good. " - Proverbs 4: 18. Môžeme byť šťastní, že náš Stvoriteľ, Jehova Boh, urobil opatrenie, aby nastolil nový svet spravodlivosti. Rather than being suspicious of our brother, we would do well to consider why we are critical of him. We can be happy that our Creator, Jehovah God, made provision to bring about a new world of righteousness. No za svojou rodinou som mohla ísť len cez školské prázdniny. That night, we took two trucks to the warehouse and emptied it of the literature. But I could only go to my family during school holidays. V našom storočí bol dosiahnutý ohromujúci technický pokrok. But as thousands of distressed ones have already found, you too can find meaningful help in the Christian congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. Stupendous technical progress has been made in our century. Nepodozrievajme svojho brata, radšej sa zamyslime, prečo sa naňho pozeráme krivým okom. You will be able to get an idea of what their life was like here during that time. " Let us not suspect our brother, rather think about why we look at him with a crooked eye. V ten večer sme prišli do skladu dvoma nákladnými autami a všetku literatúru sme zobrali. Have you noticed that frequently it is the mother who picks up the dirty clothing or personal items that her children leave out in their rooms? That night, we arrived at the warehouse with two trucks, and we took all the literature. Ale ako zistili už tisícky skľúčených ľudí, aj ty môžeš nájsť hodnotnú pomoc v kresťanskom zbore Jehovových svedkov. Another visitor observed: "We had a wrong impression of what was being done here. But as thousands of depressed people have discovered, you too can find valuable help in the Christian congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. Cuzco - starobylé hlavné mesto Inkov, 8 / 9 He took me to his office and asked the usual questions as to why I had been imprisoned. Cuzco - An Ancient Capital of the Incas, 8 / 8 Budete si môcť predstaviť, ako tu žili. " That was an angelic call heard by the apostle John in the first century C.E. You will be able to imagine how they lived here. " Všimli ste si, že je to často matka, kto zbiera špinavé oblečenie alebo osobné veci, ktoré deti nechali vo svojich izbách rozhádzané? Back at that time, people were familiar with the Valley of Hinnom, an area used as a garbage dump where bodies of executed criminals who were deemed unworthy of a proper burial were deposited. Have you noticed that it is often the mother who collects dirty clothes or personal items that the children left in their rooms torn apart? Iný návštevník sa vyjadril: "Mali sme nesprávnu predstavu o tom, čo sa tu robí. Pets Cloned to Order Another visitor said: "We had the wrong idea of what was being done here. Vzal ma k sebe do kancelárie a kládol mi zvyčajné otázky, napríklad prečo ma uväznili. What reasons do you have to tell others about the Messiah? He took me to his office and asked me the usual questions, such as why I was imprisoned. Túto anjelskú výzvu počul apoštol Ján v prvom storočí n. l. BY AWAKE! This angelic challenge was heard by the apostle John in the first century C.E. Ľudia v tom čase dobre poznali údolie Hinnom, kam sa hádzal odpad a tiež telá popravených zločincov, ktorí neboli považovaní za hodných náležitého pohrebu. (b) When and how should we make confession of our faith? At that time, people knew the valley of Hinnom well, where garbage was thrown, as well as the bodies of executed criminals who were not considered worthy of proper burial. Zákazkové klonovanie domácich miláčikov A land that incurred Jehovah's displeasure, resulting in a pronouncement of doom Custom Pet Cloning Aké dôvody máš na to, aby si ľuďom hovoril o Mesiášovi? Faithful Youths in Bible Times What reasons do you have for telling people about the Messiah? OD DOPISOVATEĽA PREBUĎTE SA! © 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania BY AWAKE! b) Kedy a ako by sme mali vyznávať svoju vieru? There is a throng of such women who are happily devoted to expanding their knowledge and understanding of the Bible and are teaching others its worthwhile values. - Psalm 68: 11. (b) When and how should we confess our faith? Ktorá rastlina patrí spolu s olivovníkom a viničom k najvýznamnejším rastlinám v Biblii? And you may naturally resent not having them to care for you. Which plant, along with the olive tree and the vine, is one of the most important plants in the Bible? Verní mladí ľudia v biblických dobách Some older fellow believers have carried heavy loads of responsibility and have endured persecution for the sake of the good news. Faithful Young People in Bible Times © 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Around their fists, contestants wore strips of stiff leather studded with devastating metal inserts. © 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Je množstvo takých žien, ktoré sa šťastne venujú tomu, aby si rozširovali poznanie a porozumenie Biblie, a o jej hodnotných zásadách učia iných. - Žalm 68: 11. Page Two There are many women who happily pursue the knowledge and understanding of the Bible and teach others about its valuable principles. - Psalm 68: 11. A je len prirodzené, že budeš možno rozhorčený, že nie sú pri tebe, aby sa o teba starali. Another resident, a scientist, reported seeing his pet cat "fly " as far as 15 feet [5 m] in the wind - always landing on its feet, of course. And it's only natural that you might be indignant that they're not there to take care of you. Niektorí naši starší spoluveriaci niesli veľkú zodpovednosť a znášali prenasledovanie pre dobré posolstvo. If the said temples be well built, it is needful that they be altered from the worshipping of devils into the service of the true God. " Some of our older fellow believers bore great responsibility and endured persecution for the good news. Boxeri mali okolo pästí omotané remence z tvrdej kože, do ktorých boli vložené kovové drviace vložky. A representative of the Caucasian Institute for Peace and Democracy tried to protect the petition, but the invaders assaulted her. Boxers had a hard leather strap wrapped around their fists, in which metal inserts were inserted. Strana dva We may find it difficult to define the word precisely, but we certainly know that we never seem to have enough time. Page Two " Experiment zlyhal " (globálna ekonomika), 8 / 11 The Bible says that "the heart of the righteous one meditates before answering " and that" the heart of the wise one gives his mouth insight and adds persuasiveness to his speech. " Jehovah's Witnesses, 11 / 22 Iný obyvateľ týchto ostrovov, vedec, uviedol, že videl svoju mačku vo vetre "letieť" až do vzdialenosti 5 metrov - prirodzene, vždy pristála nohami na zemi. To deal with her situation, this sister tried to learn as much as she could about cancer. Another islander, a scientist, said that he saw his cat in the wind "fly " up to a distance of 5 meters - naturally, it always landed with its feet on the ground. Gregor tieto pokyny: "Chrámy zasvätené modlám v krajine, o ktorej hovoríme, nemajú byť zničené; len modly, ktoré v nich azda sú... " Look! Gregor's instructions: "The temples dedicated to idols in the land we are talking about should not be destroyed; only the idols that may be in them... Zástupkyňa Kaukazského inštitútu za pokoj a demokraciu sa pokúšala petíciu chrániť, ale votrelci ju napadli. I felt extremely sad when my grandmother died and when my brother died before he was even a year old. The representative of the Caucasus Institute for Peace and Democracy tried to protect the petition, but the invaders attacked it. Možno by sme nevedeli toto slovo presne definovať, ale určite vieme, že ho nikdy nemáme dostatok. She must gather her family into her home, where they must remain for protection. We may not be able to define this word precisely, but we certainly know that we never have enough. Biblia hovorí, že "srdce spravodlivého uvažuje, čo odpovedať" a "srdce múdreho pôsobí, že jeho ústa prejavujú pochopenie, a jeho perám to pridáva presvedčivosti." (October 2006) After reading this article, I felt depressed. The Bible says that "the heart of the righteous one meditates on what to answer " and" the heart of the wise one makes his mouth show insight, and it adds persuasiveness to his lips. " Aby sa sestra vyrovnala so svojou situáciou, snažila sa dozvedieť o rakovine čo najviac. He wrote: "This book is yet another new and vital addition to the essential " riches ' of Tuvalu. To cope with her situation, the sister tried to learn as much as possible about cancer. Bola som veľmi, veľmi smutná, keď zomrela moja babička a brat, ktorý nemal ešte ani rok. They have experienced a foretaste of what it will be like to live and work together in the future, extending Paradise to the ends of the earth. I was very, very sad when my grandmother died and my brother, who was not even a year old. Musí zhromaždiť svoju rodinu do svojho domu, kde musia zostať, aby boli chránení. [ Credit Lines] He must gather his family to his home, where they must stay in order to be protected. (Október 2006) Keď som si prečítala tento článok, bola som skľúčená. Why Denial Is Deadly (October 2006) When I read this article, I was depressed. Uviedol: "Táto kniha je ďalším novým a dôležitým príspevkom k " bohatstvu " Tuvalu. Not surprisingly, then, the Scriptures repeatedly exhort Christians to extend hospitality to others. He stated: "This book is another new and important contribution to the " wealth ' of Tuvalu. Zažili predzvesť toho, ako sa bude v budúcnosti spoločne žiť a pracovať na rozširovaní raja až do končín zeme. (a) How might we imitate Nehemiah when opposers falsely accuse us? They had the foregleam of living together in the future and working to expand Paradise to the ends of the earth. [ Pramene ilustrácií] Thus, even though the words "of God " are not found in the Greek text, a number of modern translators have inserted them at Romans 12: 19. [ Credit Lines] Prečo popieranie vedie k smrti So, then, survivors of the great tribulation will have to maintain a good conscience by staying in the antitypical refuge city until the end of Christ's Thousand Year Reign. Why Denial Leads to Death Preto neprekvapuje, že Biblia opakovane nabáda kresťanov, aby boli k iným pohostinní. Therefore, give him plenty to drink. Not surprisingly, the Bible repeatedly urges Christians to be hospitable to others. a) Ako môžeme napodobniť Nehemiáša, keď nás odporcovia falošne obviňujú? Regarding husband and wife, Jesus said: "They are no longer two, but one flesh. " (a) How can we imitate Nehemiah when opposers falsely accuse us? A tak hoci sa slovo "Boží" v gréckom texte nenachádza, viacerí novodobí prekladatelia ho do textu v Rimanom 12: 19 vložili. Gerald, a father of two, has done similarly. Thus, although the word "God " is not found in the Greek text, several modern - day translators put it into Romans 12: 19. A tak tí, čo prežijú veľké súženie, si budú musieť udržiavať čisté svedomie tým, že budú zotrvávať v protiobraznom útočištnom meste do konca Kristovej tisícročnej vlády. A kind Christian does not want to provoke the householder into a battle of words. So those who survive the great tribulation will have to maintain a clean conscience by remaining in the antitypical city of refuge until the end of Christ's Thousand Year Reign. Preto mu podajte dostatočné množstvo tekutiny. Injustices will not disappear from the earth until God's Kingdom comes and carries out God's will earth wide. Therefore, give him a sufficient amount of liquid. Ježiš o manželovi a manželke povedal: "Už nie sú dve, ale jedno telo." Why do many feel as they do about living forever? Regarding his husband and wife, Jesus said: "There are no more two but one flesh. " Gerald, otec dvoch detí, má podobný prístup. The largest island in the lake is the centrally located Ometepe Island. Gerald, the father of two children, has a similar approach. Láskavý kresťan sa vyhýba slovným súbojom. © Frederick D. A loving Christian avoids verbal battles. Nespravodlivosť nezmizne zo sveta, kým nepríde Božie Kráľovstvo a nevykoná Božiu vôľu na celej zemi. How does Timothy's example show that Jehovah is willing to entrust young people with responsibilities? Unrighteousness will not disappear from the world until God's Kingdom arrives and does not accomplish God's will earth wide. Prečo majú mnohí negatívny názor na večný život? Ancient Wisdom for Modern Living Why do many have a negative view of everlasting life? Najväčší na jazere je ostrov Ometepe, ktorý je uprostred neho. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ The largest on the lake is the island of Ometepe, which is in the middle of it. © Frederick D. Material Prosperity - Key to Happy World? 12 / 8 © Frederick D. Ako z Timotejovho príkladu vidno, že Jehova ochotne poveruje mladých ľudí úlohami? The eagle's face was a symbol of farsighted wisdom. How did Timothy's example show that Jehovah willingly entrusts young people with responsibilities? Starodávna múdrosť pre moderný život Such plants depend on the environment the trees create, growing in their shade and absorbing moisture that the forest provides. Ancient Wisdom for Modern Life ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Or what if memories of abuses suffered continue to be painful? . . . . . Tvár orla bola symbolom prezieravej múdrosti. He goes "throughout the whole of Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the good news of the kingdom and curing every sort of disease and every sort of infirmity among the people. " The face of an eagle was a symbol of prudent wisdom. Tieto rastliny sú závislé od prostredia, ktoré stromy vytvárajú; rastú v ich tieni a vstrebávajú vlhkosť lesa. The religions of Christendom generally claim to believe the Bible. These plants depend on the environment that trees produce; they grow in their shade and absorb the moisture of the forest. Alebo čo ak sú spomienky na zneužívanie v minulosti stále bolestné? Nurturing creativity and social skills in children takes time, determination, and self - discipline. Or what if the memories of abuse in the past are still painful? Prechádza " celou Galileou, učí v ich synagógach a zvestuje dobré posolstvo o kráľovstve a uzdravuje všetky druhy chorôb a všetky druhy neduhov medzi ľuďmi ." Rather, out of his graciousness and his willingness not to be exacting or demanding - expressions of mildness - Jehovah provided the means through which sinful mankind can come to him and gain his favor. He is going through "all Galileo, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing all sorts of sickness and all kinds of infirmities among men. " Náboženstvá takzvaného kresťanstva tvrdia, že veria Biblii. Yet, to get to meetings on time, I often had to jump into a waiting taxi immediately after the show finished instead of relaxing with the other performers as was the custom. Christendom's religions claim to believe in the Bible. Rozvíjať tvorivosť detí a učiť ich dobre vychádzať s druhými si od rodičov vyžaduje čas, odhodlanie a sebadisciplínu. Nonsuch Island is the largest of nine small islands that make up the reserve. Developing the creativity of children and teaching them to get along well with others requires time, determination, and self - discipline from parents. Naopak, keďže Jehova je milostivý a nepožaduje príliš veľa - čo sú prejavy miernosti - , zaobstaral prostriedok, aby sa hriešne ľudstvo mohlo k nemu priblížiť a získať jeho priazeň. More suffering is being inflicted on children in other ways. On the contrary, since Jehovah is gracious and does not require too much - manifestations of mildness - he provided a means for sinful mankind to approach him and gain his favor. Aby som sa ale dostala na zhromaždenia načas, často som musela naskočiť do čakajúceho taxíka ihneď po skončení predstavenia namiesto toho, aby som oddychovala s ostatnými umelcami, ako bolo zvykom. " So far so good, ' thought the student. However, to get to the meetings on time, I often had to jump into a waiting taxi immediately after the performance ended, instead of resting with other artists, as was the custom. Ostrov Nonsuch je najväčší z deviatich malých ostrovčekov, ktoré tvoria rezerváciu. 10 / 15 Constantine the Great, 3 / 15 The island of Nonsuch is the largest of the nine small islets that make up the reservation. Anglické noviny Manchester Guardian Weekly citovali informácie, ktoré poskytol Detský fond OSN (UNICEF) na konci roku 1995. Building a new house - for him, the second time around - at his age is not a welcome prospect. The English newspaper Manchester Guardian Weekly quoted information provided by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) at the end of 1995. " Zatiaľ je to v poriadku, " pomyslel si študent. [ Pictures on page 26] " So far it's okay, ' the student thought. Budúcnosť napísaná vopred? Yet, he was firm when I needed discipline. A future written in advance? Stavba nového domu - v jeho prípade už po druhý raz - nie je v jeho veku radostnou vyhliadkou. [ Footnotes] Construction of a new house - in his case for the second time - is not a joyful prospect in his age. [ Obrázky na strane 26] Early Background [ Pictures on page 26] No keď som potreboval disciplinovanie, vtedy bol pevný. I have learned that a good overseer is one who can draw valuable information from others. But when I needed discipline, he was firm at the time. [ Poznámky pod čiarou] Rosewood from Brazil is usually the first choice of the luthier for the back and sides because of its beautiful grain patterns, variety of colors, and sound - producing characteristics. [ Footnotes] Podmienky v minulosti The Bible tells us about someone who attempted to get help from the dead. Past conditions Naučil som sa, že dobrým dozorcom je ten, kto vie získať cenné informácie od iných. " The person who answered the first door we knocked on was not interested. I learned that a good overseer is one who can obtain valuable information from others. Na spodnú dosku a luby sa používa hlavne brazílska dalbergia pre svoju peknú kresbu dreva, rozmanitosť farieb a vlastnosti podporujúce kvalitu zvuku. Black - and - white cranes with ear tufts Brazilian dalbergia is mainly used for its fine wood drawing, color diversity and characteristics that promote sound quality. Hovorí nám o jednom človeku, ktorý sa pokúsil získať pomoc od mŕtveho. But there was no getting around it; Jesus had told them in a parable that "the field is the world. " He's telling us about a man who tried to get help from a dead man. Prvý človek, ktorému sme zaklopali na dvere, neprejavil záujem o posolstvo. Some have tried very hard to satisfy the needs of the people. The first person we knocked on the door showed no interest in the message. Žeriavy "Grus virgo" s chocholom Now every time I get a chance to do something, I'm too tired to. Cranes "Grus virgo" with a catch Ale neexistovala nijaká iná možnosť; Ježiš im v podobenstve povedal, že "pole je svet." However, when the disciples surrounded him, he rose up and entered into the city. But there was no other option; in the parable, Jesus told them that "the field is the world. " Niektoré sa veľmi snažili uspokojiť potreby ľudí. ; Kitamura, U. Some have tried hard to satisfy people's needs. Teraz, kedykoľvek dostanem príležitosť niečo urobiť, nemám na to síl. Or the practice session may deal with real - life temptations. Now, whenever I get the chance to do something, I don't have the strength to do it. A títo kameňovali Pavla a vyvliekli ho z mesta [z Lystry] von, lebo si mysleli, že je mŕtvy. If the offer was made on a subway car, the person would generally begin reading immediately. And these stoned Paul, and dragged him out of the city [of Lystra], because they thought he was dead. Howitt; U. The Galileans tended to be warmhearted, humble, and straightforward by nature, while the Judeans tended to be haughty, rich, and highly educated, especially in Jerusalem. ; Howitt, J. Alebo sa pri praktickom vyučovaní môžete zaoberať pokušeniami zo skutočného života. [ Picture on page 7] Or practical teaching can deal with real - life temptations. Ak to bolo vo vozni metra, oslovený spravidla začal okamžite čítať. Work that normally would have taken homeowners a week to complete was finished within a matter of hours. If it was in a subway car, approached as a rule began to read immediately. Galilejčania boli povahou skôr vrúcni, pokorní a priami, zatiaľ čo Judejci boli väčšinou povýšeneckí, bohatí a vysoko vzdelaní, a to najmä v Jeruzaleme. The first - century governing body sent an important letter to the congregations. Rather, the Galileans were by nature warm, humble, and upright, whereas the Judeans were mostly haughty, wealthy, and highly educated, especially in Jerusalem. [ Obrázok na strane 7] My mother drank and treated me abusively almost every day. [ Picture on page 7] Práca, ktorá by bola domácim trvala týždeň, bola hotová v priebehu niekoľkých hodín. Jesus said: "You must pray, then, this way:... The work that would take a week for the landlord was done within a few hours. Vedúci zbor v prvom storočí poslal zborom dôležitý list. In most cases, the car drivers ignored the gates and flashing lights indicating the oncoming train. The first - century governing body sent an important letter to the congregations. Moja matka pila a takmer denne so mnou zle zaobchádzala. It is "like a dam protecting mankind from famine. " My mother drank and treated me badly almost daily. Ježiš povedal: "Budete sa teda modliť takto:... 45: 5. What were the "great things " that Baruch kept seeking? Jesus said: "You must pray, then, this way:... Vo väčšine prípadov si vodiči nevšimli závory a blikajúce svetlo oznamujúce príchod vlaku. Thus, it can be said of God's "Faithful and True " Warrior at Har - Magedon, Christ Jesus, that" he judges and carries on war in righteousness. " - Revelation 19: 11; 2 Corinthians 4: 4. In most cases, drivers have not noticed bars and flashing lights indicating the arrival of the train. Je "akoby hrádzou, ktorá chráni ľudstvo pred hladomorom." These beautiful specimens are among those given to me by fisherman friends, who caught them in their nets or lobster traps. It is "like a dam that protects mankind from famine. " Aké "veľké veci" Báruch hľadal? Because of his willingness to work hard with his hands, he was able to provide for a family that eventually numbered five sons and at least two daughters. What "great things " did Baruch seek? Preto možno povedať o Božom "Vernom a Pravdivom" bojovníkovi v Har - magedone, Ježišovi Kristovi, že "súdi a vedie vojnu v spravodlivosti." - Zjavenie 19: 11; 2. Korinťanom 4: 4. An interested person introduced us to others, and soon we had meetings going almost in the shadow of the bishop's house. Hence, God's "faithful and true " warrior at Har - Magedon, Jesus Christ, can be said to" judge and wage war in righteousness. " - Revelation 19: 11; 2 Corinthians 4: 4. Tieto krásne exempláre mi dali priatelia rybári, ktorí ich chytili do sietí alebo do pascí na homáre. 9 / 1 These beautiful specimens were given to me by friends of fishermen who caught them in nets or in lobster traps. Keďže bol ochotný usilovne manuálne pracovať, dokázal sa postarať o potreby rodiny, v ktorej bolo napokon päť synov a najmenej dve dcéry. It is, though, a lesson worth learning. Since he was willing to work hard manually, he was able to care for the needs of a family of five sons and at least two daughters. Jeden záujemca nás predstavil iným a čoskoro sme mali zhromaždenia takmer v tieni biskupovho domu. We worked Northumberland County and then moved on to Fulton and Franklin counties in Pennsylvania. One interested person introduced us to others, and soon we had meetings near the shadow of the bishop's house. 15 / 4 I was born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, the last of four children. 4 / 1 No rozhodne to stojí za námahu. In many cases the rapists were the very men who brutally killed the women's husbands and relatives. Well, it's definitely worth the effort. Prepracovali sme okres Northumberland a potom sme odišli do pensylvánskych okresov Fulton a Franklin. " It Will Last to Time Indefinite " We reworked Northumberland County and then went to the Pennsylvania Fulton and Franklin districts. Narodil som sa v Santo Domingu v Dominikánskej republike ako najmladšie zo štyroch detí. Looking at her reminds me of all the sleepless nights but also fills me with happiness. " I was born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, the youngest of four children. V mnohých prípadoch boli ženy znásilnené práve tými mužmi, ktorí brutálne zavraždili ich manželov a príbuzných. Movie lots, revue theaters, and recording studios were familiar places to my brother, Carlos, and me because my father would frequently take us with him to work and on working tours; that is how he kept the family united. In many cases, women were raped by the very men who brutally murdered their husbands and relatives. " Potrvá na neurčitý čas " The prodigal "came to his senses. " " It Will Endure to Time indefinite " Keď sa na ňu pozriem, pripomenie mi to všetky tie bezsenné noci, ale tiež ma to naplní šťastím. " By means of the Kingdom - preaching work, people throughout the earth would have an opportunity to learn about the ransom and become subjects of God's Kingdom. When I look at her, it reminds me of all those sleepless nights, but it also fills me with happiness. " Filmové a nahrávacie štúdiá i kabarety boli pre mňa a pre môjho brata Carlosa dôverne známe miesta, pretože otec nás často brával so sebou do práce a na turné. Tak držal rodinu pokope. Yes. Movie and recording studios and cabarets were familiar places for me and my brother Carlos because my father often took us to work and tours, so he held the family together. Márnotratný syn "sa spamätal." Serving Wherever Needed (J. The prodigal son "remembered." Vďaka zvestovateľskej činnosti sa všetci ľudia môžu dozvedieť o výkupnom a stať sa poddanými Božieho Kráľovstva. Jesus discerned that she was repentant, and he knew how heartbroken she would be if he dismissed her unkindly. Thanks to their preaching activity, all people can learn about the ransom and become subjects of God's Kingdom. Určite! Over eight million teens (37 percent) reported that they knew someone who had been shot! Absolutely! Kedysi vlkmi - teraz ovce! 1 / 9 I am determined to use all my vital force in honoring and praising the great God Jehovah. Jehovah's Witnesses, 9 / 15 Uvedomoval si, že keby k nej bol neláskavý, veľmi by ju to ranilo. Many large cities in the developing world, such as Dhaka, Freetown, Guatemala City, Lagos, and La Paz, already face poverty rates of 50 percent or more. He realized that if he was unkind to her, she would be very hurt. Viac ako osem miliónov tínedžerov (37 percent) uviedlo, že poznali niekoho, na koho už niekto vystrelil! According to the Bible record, only a minority of the offspring of Adam and Eve walked in Jehovah's way. More than eight million teenagers (37 percent) said they knew someone who had already been fired at! Som odhodlaný používať všetku svoju životnú silu na česť a chválu veľkého Boha Jehovu. Then, eight armed men with hoods over their heads suddenly came out of the woods. I am determined to use all my life's strength to honor and praise Jehovah the great God. V mnohých veľkých mestách, ako napríklad Dháka, Freetown, Guatemala, Lagos a La Paz, ktoré sa nachádzajú v rozvojových krajinách, už teraz žije v chudobe 50 a viac percent obyvateľov. It is nestled in the European Alps, with Austria to the north, Italy to the west, Croatia to the south, and Hungary to the east. In many large cities, such as Dhaka, Freetown, Guatemala, Lagos, and La Paz, located in developing countries, 50 percent or more of the population are already living in poverty. Podľa biblického záznamu kráčala po Jehovovej ceste iba menšina potomkov Adama a Evy. Did this come as a surprise to Jephthah? According to the Bible record, only a minority of descendants of Adam and Eve walked in Jehovah's way. Vtom vyšlo z lesa osem ozbrojených mužov s kapucňami na hlavách. He somehow got a Bible Student publication, wholeheartedly embraced Kingdom truth, and laid down his weapons. Then eight armed men came out of the forest with hoods on their heads. Nachádza sa v Alpách a hraničí na severe s Rakúskom, na západe s Talianskom, na juhu s Chorvátskom a na východe s Maďarskom. Can You Answer? It is located in the Alps and bordered in the north with Austria, in the west with Italy, in the south with Croatia and in the east with Hungary. Prekvapilo ho to? What can you do to protect your children from being misled? Did that surprise him? Dostala sa mu do rúk publikácia Bádateľov Biblie a on celým srdcom prijal pravdu o Kráľovstve. © Martin Dohrn, The National Audubon Society Collection / PR The Bible Students ' publication came into his hands, and he wholeheartedly accepted the Kingdom truth. Vedel by si odpovedať? Is there any way to avoid the painful feelings of failure? Can You Answer? Ako môžete chrániť svoje deti, aby neboli oklamané? ▪ Providing Care for the Elderly How can you protect your children from being deceived? © Martin Dohrn, The National Audubon Society Collection / PR Despite the burdens of the work, Paul prized his ministry so highly that he endured much and earnestly tried not to bring any reproach on it. - 2 Corinthians 6: 3, 4, 9. © Martin Dobrn, The National Audubon Society Collection / PR Dá sa nejako vyhnúť bolestivým pocitom zo zlyhania? How long the present testing of our faith will continue we cannot say. Is there any way to avoid painful feelings of failure? ▪ Keď rodičia potrebujú opateru Confess and abandon secret sins. ▪ When Parents Need Care Korinťanom 6: 3, 4, 9. Indeed, the principal aim is to develop a scientific collection best suited to local conditions. The Bible says: "What is it? " - 1 Corinthians 6: 3, 4, 9. Ako dlho bude súčasné skúšanie našej viery pokračovať, to nemôžeme povedať. The boastful "superfine apostles " among the Corinthians could never match Paul's record of endurance as a minister of Christ. As long as the present trial of our faith continues, we cannot say that. Priznaj tajné hriechy a neopakuj ich. 1880 ' s Admit secret sins and don't repeat them. Jeho hlavným cieľom je vypestovať prírodovedeckú zbierku, ktorá by sa najlepšie hodila do miestnych podmienok. Hydroelectricity. Its main objective is to develop a science collection that is best suited to local conditions. Chváliaci sa "najvynikajúcejší apoštoli" medzi Korinťanmi sa nemohli nikdy vyrovnať Pavlovi vo vytrvalosti, ktorú prejavil ako Kristov služobník. OLD TESTAMENT OR HEBREW SCRIPTURES? The boasters of "the most excellent apostles " among the Corinthians could never cope with Paul's endurance as Christ's minister. roky 19. storočia They were said to be contemporaries of some of the apostles. 19th - century years Hydroelektrická energia. He was very respectful and for about an hour after the show asked a lot of questions about our work. Hydroelectric power. STARÝ ZÁKON ALEBO HEBREJSKÉ PÍSMA? There was a Bible in solitary. THE OLD LAW OR HEBREWS? Hovorí sa o nich, že boli súčasníkmi niektorých apoštolov. With the blessing of the people, Boaz takes Ruth as his wife. They are said to be contemporaries of some of the apostles. Bol veľmi zdvorilý a po programe nám asi hodinu kládol mnoho otázok o našom diele. According to An American Translation, this proverb says: "Stern discipline awaits the man who leaves the right way; he who hates admonition will die. " He was very polite and asked us many questions about our work for about an hour after the program. Na samotke bola Biblia. 5, 6. There was a Bible in solitary. Boáz si s požehnaním ľudu berie Rút za manželku. A Brief Review With the blessing of the people, Boaz takes Ruth as his wife. An American Translation uvádza toto príslovie takto: "Prísna kázeň čaká toho, kto opúšťa správnu cestu; ten, kto nenávidí napomínanie, zomrie." The following week the traveling overseer served the congregation in the area where Hamunyari lived. An American Translation states this proverb: "Punctual discipline awaits the one leaving the right way; the one hating admonition will die. " 5, 6. Before long, I was attending Christian meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses and longing to be a full - time proclaimer of the Bible's message. 5, 6. Jána 2: 17. He also received a promotion. 1 John 2: 17. Nasledujúci týždeň tento cestujúci dozorca slúžil v zbore v oblasti, kde bývala Hamuňari. 4 / 22 The following week, the traveling overseer served in the congregation in the area where Hamunari lived. Onedlho som začala navštevovať kresťanské zhromaždenia Jehovových svedkov a túžila som byť zvestovateľkou biblického posolstva celým časom. This person felt that Jesus ' teachings and lofty moral standards would be as unpopular today as they were 2,000 years ago. Soon I began attending Christian meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses and longed to be a publisher of the Bible's full - time message. Bol dokonca povýšený. The messages appeared for only a fraction of a second, too briefly to make an impression on the conscious mind. He was even promoted. 4. □ Please contact me concerning a free home Bible study. 4. Tento človek videl, že Ježišovo učenie a vznešené mravné normy by dnes boli rovnako nepopulárne ako pred 2000 rokmi. Why must Christians expect to have problems, yet how is it possible for them to continue rejoicing? He saw that Jesus ' teachings and noble moral standards would be as unpopular today as they were 2,000 years ago. Reklamy sa objavili iba na zlomok sekundy, čo bolo príliš krátko na to, aby ovplyvnili vedomú myseľ. Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) should not be given to children who have the flu. Advertising appeared only for a fraction of a second, which was too short to affect the conscious mind. □ Mám záujem o návštevu a o domáce biblické štúdium. How did the British treat the Aborigines? □ Please contact me concerning a home Bible study. Prečo musia kresťania očakávať, že budú mať problémy, a ako je napriek tomu možné, aby sa naďalej radovali? What a change from life in the country! Why must Christians expect to have problems, and how is it nevertheless possible for them to continue to rejoice? Deti by nemali užívať aspirín (kyselinu acetylsalicylovú). Evidence of this is the prevalence of rape, kidnapping, murder, and other brutal crimes. Children should not take aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid). Ako Briti zaobchádzali s domorodcami? Under these circumstances it was not surprising that casualties mounted rapidly, until as many as six dead per day - mainly from malaria and tropical ulcers - became commonplace. How did the British treat the natives? Pre mňa to bola oproti životu na vidieku obrovská zmena! What new understanding of "religion " was given in 1951, and how is this explained in the 1975 Yearbook? To me, it was a huge change compared to rural life! Rozšírené prípady znásilnenia, únosov detí, vrážd a ďalších brutálnych zločinov sú toho dôkazom. It's your opportune time to do your best for your children. The widespread cases of rape, child abduction, murder and other brutal crimes are evidence of this. Za týchto okolností neprekvapovalo, že počet mŕtvych rýchlo rástol. Bežne zomieralo až šesť mužov denne - väčšinou na maláriu a tropické vredy. " Atom - Bombed Out Of Prison " (T. Under these circumstances, it was not surprising that the number of deaths grew rapidly, with a common death rate of up to six men a day - mostly malaria and tropical ulcers. Aké nové porozumenie pojmu "náboženstvo" bolo dané v roku 1951 a ako je to vysvetlené v Ročenke 1975? To survive in the desert, which generally receives about half an inch [1 cm] of rainfall annually, the beetles collect drinking water from the dense fog that blows inland off the Atlantic Ocean. What new understanding of the term "religion " was given in 1951, and how is this explained in the 1975 Yearbook? Je to čas, keď máte príležitosť urobiť pre svoje deti najviac. NUMBER OF CONGREGATIONS: 312 It is a time when you have the opportunity to do the most for your children. Splnil sa veľký sen! The apostle Paul mentions "the ark of the covenant..., in which were the golden jar having the manna and the rod of Aaron that budded and the tablets of the covenant. " - Hebrews 9: 4. A great dream has come true! Aby tieto chrobáky prežili na púšti, kde zvyčajne spadne asi 10 milimetrov zrážok ročne, získavajú pitnú vodu z hustej hmly, ktorá smeruje od pobrežia Atlantického oceánu do vnútrozemia. Adolf Hitler had vowed to destroy Jehovah's Witnesses in Germany, but 107,000 of them filled his former parade grounds in Nuremberg during a convention in 1955. In order to survive in the desert, where it usually falls about six inches [10 mm] of rain a year, these beetles extract drinking water from a dense mist that runs inland from the Atlantic coast. POČET ZBOROV: 312 * The depth of impression and the comprehension that result are far more important than how many paragraphs we cover. " NUMBER OF CONGREGATIONS: 312 Apoštol Pavol spomína, že v " truhle zmluvy bol zlatý krčah s mannou a Áronov prút, ktorý vypučal, a tabuľky zmluvy ." - Hebrejom 9: 4. Still, they were content to know that we all were happily serving our God, Jehovah. The apostle Paul recalls that in "the ark of the covenant there was a golden jug with manna and Aaron's rod that broke out and the tables of the covenant. " - Hebrews 9: 4. Adolf Hitler sa zaprisahal, že zničí Jehovových svedkov v Nemecku, no v roku 1955 sa v Norimbergu konal oblastný zjazd na mieste, kde predtým Hitler usporadúval vojenské prehliadky, a zúčastnilo sa ho 107 000 delegátov. Assembling the station is an unprecedented task, turning space into an ever - changing construction site. Adolf Hitler swore to destroy Jehovah's Witnesses in Germany, but in 1955 a district convention was held in Nuremberg where Hitler had previously held military inspections and 107,000 delegates attended. * Oveľa dôležitejšie než množstvo odsekov, ktoré preberieme, je to, ako hlboko látka na deti zapôsobí a ako ju pochopia. " International travel and the world's growing urban population have increased the likelihood that disease outbreaks will spread rapidly. * More important than the number of paragraphs we discuss, it is how deeply the substance will affect and understand children. " No vedeli, že všetci šťastne slúžime nášmu Bohu, Jehovovi, a tak boli spokojní. * Yet, they knew that we were all happily serving our God, Jehovah, and they were content. Kompletizovanie tejto stanice je úlohou, ktorá nemá obdobu a ktorá premení vesmír na neustále sa meniace stavenisko. We enjoyed our pioneer service together for some years. Completing this station is an unparalleled task that will transform the universe into an ever-changing construction site. Cestovanie po celom svete, ako aj to, že stále viac ľudí žije v mestách, zvyšuje pravdepodobnosť, že choroby sa po vypuknutí budú mimoriadne rýchlo šíriť. Yes, we do not worship an ungrateful God. Traveling around the world, as well as more and more people living in cities, increases the likelihood that diseases will spread extremely quickly after an outbreak. * Hence it is urgent that we heed the inspired command: "Put on the complete suit of armor from God that you may be able to stand firm against the crafty acts of the Devil. " * Zo spoločnej priekopníckej služby sme sa tešili niekoľko rokov. Such a difference in treatment is discriminatory. " We enjoyed pioneering together for several years. Boh, ktorého uctievame, nie je nevďačný. 28 Watching the World The God we worship is not ungrateful. Preto je naliehavé, aby sme dbali na inšpirovaný príkaz: "Oblečte si úplnú výzbroj od Boha, aby ste boli schopní pevne stáť proti Diablovým ľstivým metódam." It is the extras that generally create the problem. It is therefore urgent that we heed the inspired command: "Put on the complete suit of armor from God, that you may be able to stand firm against the crafty methods of the Devil. " Takáto zaujatosť pri prerokúvaní prípadu je prejavom diskriminácie. " " The following Monday, I asked my professor if I could talk to him for just a minute. Such bias when dealing with a case is an expression of discrimination. " 28 Pozorujeme svet How rewarding your personal Bible study becomes when done in such a thorough manner! 28 Watching the World Všeobecne nám robia problém nepotrebné veci. But afterward I felt bad because, in effect, that was agreeing to accept blood. Generally, unnecessary things make us a problem. Hneď v pondelok som sa spýtala profesora, či by som s ním mohla chvíľočku hovoriť. The moon is a witness that reminds us of that Kingdom and the blessings it will bestow upon mankind. On Monday, I asked the professor if I could talk to him for a second. Keď budeš postupovať dôkladne, osobné biblické štúdium ti prinesie veľkú odmenu. Never will false teachings be allowed to despoil "the pattern of healthful words, " preserved for us as a fine trust within the Bible's pages. - 2 Timothy 1: 13, 14. Following a thorough course will bring you great rewards in your personal Bible study. Ale potom som mala zlý pocit, pretože som v skutočnosti súhlasila s tým, že prijmem krv. Yet, he is humble - more than willing to deal with lowly, imperfect humans. But then I felt bad because I actually agreed to accept blood. Mesiac je svedok, ktorý nám stále pripomína toto Kráľovstvo a požehnania, ktoré toto Kráľovstvo prinesie ľudstvu. " Because of a Nine - Year - Old Boy " The moon is a Witness who keeps reminding us of this Kingdom and the blessings that it will bring to mankind. Nikdy nebude dovolené, aby falošné učenie skazilo " vzor zdravých slov ," ktorý bol pre nás uchovaný na stránkach Biblie ako znamenitý zverený majetok. - 2. APPLY WHAT YOU LEARNED. It will never be permitted for false teachings to corrupt "the pattern of healthful words " that has been preserved for us in the pages of the Bible as a fine entrusted property. - 2 Timothy 3: 8. A napriek tomu je pokorný - teda viac než len ochotný zaoberať sa nízko postavenými, nedokonalými ľuďmi. In another locality the Witnesses reported: "We were surprised that the relief supplies arrived so quickly. Yet, he is humble - more than willing to deal with lowly, imperfect humans. " Kvôli deväťročnému chlapcovi " Jehovah's loving - kindness, or loyal love, is displayed in various ways. " Because of a nine - year - old boy " UPLATNI, ČO SI SA NAUČIL. There were some exceptionally high baptism figures at many conventions, particularly those attended by Witnesses from Eastern Europe. APPLY WHAT YOU LEARNED. Svedkovia z inej oblasti podali správu: "Boli sme prekvapení, že zásoby núdzovej pomoci prišli tak rýchlo. Cain did not listen. Then sin overwhelmed him. Witnesses from another area reported: "We were surprised that relief supplies had arrived so quickly. Jehovova milujúca láskavosť alebo verná láska sa prejavuje rôznymi spôsobmi. My aunt, in turn, talked to Mother about the resurrection hope. Jehovah's loving - kindness or loyal love is manifested in various ways. Na mnohých zjazdoch boli výnimočne vysoké počty pokrstených, najmä na zjazdoch s účasťou svedkov z východnej Európy. Prayers, 6 / 22, 7 / 22 At many conventions, the number of baptized ones was exceptionally high, especially at conventions attended by Witnesses from Eastern Europe. Kain však nepočúval a hriech ho premohol. Yet, she was not wealthy. However, Cain did not listen, and sin overwhelmed him. Teta potom povedala o nádeji na vzkriesenie mojej matke. The Bible points out: "None of them can ever redeem a brother or give to God a ransom for him... My aunt then told me about the resurrection hope of my mother. Vojna nezastavila naše kázanie (L. Only a relatively few, mainly from the lowly class, heard Jesus ' message of truth, responded, and stuck with him. - Luke 22: 28 - 30; John 7: 47 - 49. Jehovah's Witnesses, 2 / 15 Ale Mária nebola v hmotnom ohľade bohatá. Most important, Christian weddings that are joyful and dignified honor the Originator of marriage, Jehovah God. But Mary was not rich materially. A ako nedokonalí ľudia nedokážeme zabrániť tomu, aby sme zomierali. Jewish Antiquities, Book 18, chapter 3, paragraph 5. And as imperfect humans, we cannot prevent us from dying. Len relatívne málo Židov, hlavne Židia z nižších tried, počúvalo Ježišovo posolstvo pravdy, reagovalo naň a pridŕžalo sa Ježiša. - Lukáš 22: 28 - 30; Ján 7: 47 - 49. Moreover, the courageous deeds of Jehoiada and his wife preserved the royal line from David to the Messiah. Only relatively few Jews, especially the lower - class Jews, listened to Jesus ' message of truth, responded to it, and held to Jesus. - Luke 22: 28 - 30; John 7: 47 - 49. A čo je ešte dôležitejšie, radostné a dôstojné kresťanské svadby ctia Pôvodcu manželstva, Jehovu Boha. 1 Discern the Real Situation. More important, joyful and dignified Christian weddings honor the Originator of marriage, Jehovah God. Jewish Antiquities, 18. kniha, 3. kapitola, 5. odsek. So the Thessalonians were to remain spiritually awake, protected by the breastplate of faith and love and by the hope of salvation as a helmet. Jewish Antiquities, Book 18, Chapter 3, paragraph 5. Jeho odvážne skutky okrem toho prispeli k zachovaniu Dávidovej kráľovskej línie vedúcej k Mesiášovi. Now Peter goes to the other extreme! His courageous acts also contributed to the preservation of David's royal line leading to the Messiah. Dobre sa oboznám so situáciou. COVER SUBJECT | WHEN A LOVED ONE DIES Be well acquainted with the situation. má prísť náhle zničenie. Preto mali Tesaloničania zostať duchovne bdelí, chránení pancierom viery a lásky a prilbou nádeje na záchranu. If the stock is traded on a traditional trading floor, the brokerage office directs one of its floor brokers to buy or sell stock for the investor. Then the Thessalonians were to remain spiritually awake, protected by the breastplate of faith and love, and by the helmet of the hope of salvation. Teraz Peter zachádza do ďalšieho extrému! [ Footnote] Now Peter goes to another extreme! Z TITULNEJ STRANY | KEĎ NÁM ZOMRIE NIEKTO BLÍZKY I could not travel more than two miles [3 km] from home. COVER SUBJECT " WHEN SOMEONE MIDDLE DEADS US Ak sa s cenným papierom obchoduje na tradičnom burzovom parkete, maklérske kancelárie určia svojho makléra, aby za investora nakupoval alebo predával cenné papiere. An eight - month study involving "182 sedentary overweight men and women, ages 40 - 65 years, " confirmed" that there was a clear relationship between the amount of physical activity and amount of weight loss. " If a security is traded on a traditional stock market, brokers shall designate their broker to buy or sell securities as an investor. [ Poznámka pod čiarou] They may provide pollinators with a warm resting place in the sun. [ Footnote] Nemohol som cestovať ďalej než do vzdialenosti troch kilometrov od domu. " A single [rhino] horn can fetch $25,000, " reports an African newspaper, The Star. I couldn't travel any further than three miles from home. Osemmesačné pozorovanie, do ktorého bolo zapojených "182 mužov a žien vo veku 40 až 65 rokov, ktorí mali nadváhu a viedli sedavý spôsob života," potvrdilo, "že medzi množstvom telesnej aktivity a mierou schudnutia je jasná súvislosť." These sessions may last several hours and are held frequently - many men indulge in the practice daily. An eight - month observation involving "182 men and women aged 40 to 65 who were overweight and led a sedentary life - style " confirmed" there is a clear link between physical activity and weight loss. " Napríklad tak, že im ponúkajú teplé slnečné miesto na oddych. On the other hand, cooperating as best you can may help you to maintain at least some semblance of peace and calm in your relationship with your parent. - Colossians 3: 20. For example, by offering them a warm sunny place to relax. " Jediný roh [nosorožca] môže priniesť zisk až 25 000 dolárov, "oznamujú africké noviny The Star. Just learning to recognize and identify the names of even a small number of the underwater sea creatures makes snorkeling a challenge for those so inclined. " A single horn [of the rhinoceros] can make a profit of up to $25,000, " reports The Star of Africa. Tieto stretnutia možno trvajú niekoľko hodín a konajú sa často - mnohí muži sa tomuto zvyku oddávajú denne. Everyday Life These meetings may take several hours and often take place - many men dedicate themselves to this practice daily. Na druhej strane spolupráca podľa tvojich najlepších schopností ti vo vzťahu k rodičovi môže pomôcť zachovať prinajmenšom určitú vonkajšiu podobu pokoja. - Kolosanom 3: 20. But I draw comfort from knowing that in God's promised new world, bad memories "will not be called to mind. " On the other hand, cooperating to the best of your ability can help you to maintain at least a certain outward form of peace in your relationship with your parent. - Colossians 3: 20. Už iba pre to, že sa naučia rozoznávať čo len malý počet podmorských živočíchov, je ponáranie sa podnetné pre tých, ktorí v ňom majú záľubu. Without the ransom, each of us would drown, as it were, in sin and death. Just because they learn to recognize even a small number of underwater animals, divination is stimulating for those who love it. Každodenný život As a nation, they had received the Law covenant through Moses about 1,500 years earlier. Daily Life Ale čerpám útechu z vedomia, že v novom svete, ktorý sľúbil Boh, sa už smutné spomienky nebudú nikomu vynárať. He adds: "This means that you're regularly saying how much you appreciate the help you get or other acts of thoughtfulness... But I draw comfort from knowing that in the new world promised by God, sad memories will no longer come to anyone. Bez výkupného by sa každý z nás akoby utopil - v hriechu a smrti. It is also a challenge when children fully understand their rights before they are aware of their responsibilities. Without the ransom, all of us would drown - in sin and death. Ako národ dostali prostredníctvom Mojžiša približne 1500 rokov predtým zmluvu Zákona. FROM THIS ISSUE As a nation, they received the Law covenant through Moses some 1,500 years earlier. Dodal: "To znamená, že im pravidelne budete hovoriť, ako si vážite pomoc alebo iný prejav pozornosti... Next we explain why Jehovah allows disease to afflict people, and we point to his promise of a paradise earth where no one will be sick. - Isaiah 33: 24. He added: "This means that you will regularly tell them how much you appreciate help or other attention.... Pre učiteľov je náročné aj to, že deti dobre poznajú svoje práva skôr, ako sú oboznámené so svojimi povinnosťami. This basically stopped the release of hormones that stimulate ovarian function and put me into a pseudo menopause. Teachers also find it difficult that children know their rights well before they are familiar with their duties. Z TOHTO ČÍSLA [ Pictures on page 24] FROM THIS ISSUE Potom vysvetlíme, prečo Jehova pripúšťa, aby ľudí postihovali choroby, a poukážeme na jeho sľub o rajskej zemi, kde nikto nebude chorý. - Izaiáš 33: 24. In some lands, beliefs regarding supposed souls of the dead are a curious blend of local tradition and nominal Christianity. Then we will explain why Jehovah allows sickness to befall people, and we will refer to his promise about a paradise earth where no one will be sick. - Isaiah 33: 24. ALMONDIBLATAIME Thus, in his second letter to the Corinthians, Paul stated: "Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. " - 2 Corinthians 6: 14 - 18. ALMONDIBLATAIME To v podstate zastavilo sekréciu hormónov, ktoré stimulujú funkciu vaječníkov, a dostala som sa tak do pseudomenopauzy. I did not stay at college after that. It basically stopped the secretion of hormones that stimulate ovarian function, and I got into pseudomenopause. [ Obrázky na strane 24] For example, when a girl about 12 years old died, "people were all weeping and beating themselves in grief for her. " [ Pictures on page 24] V niektorých krajinách sa v predstavách o osude predpokladaných duší zomrelých čudne miešajú miestne tradície s takzvaným kresťanstvom. Workingwomen are also sending out distress signals. In some lands, the notions of the fate of the supposed souls of the dead strangely mix local traditions with so - called Christianity. Preto v druhom liste Korinťanom Pavol napísal: "Nedajte sa nerovne spriahnuť s neveriacimi." - 2. Korinťanom 6: 14 - 18. To be balanced in seeking solitude, we must recognize the dangers of isolation. Thus, in his second letter to the Corinthians, Paul wrote: "Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. " - 2 Corinthians 6: 14 - 18. Po tomto som už na vysokej škole nezostal. Ain Jalut's Aftermath After this, I didn't stay in college anymore. Keď napríklad zomrelo jedno dvanásťročné dievčatko, "všetci [ľudia] plakali a bili sa pre ňu v zármutku." That will be our joyous privilege if we search for Jehovah, the Examiner of hearts. For example, when a 12 - year - old girl died, "all [people] wept and fought in grief for her. " Aj u zamestnaných žien možno pozorovať známky vyčerpanosti. Once again, I lost all contact with Jehovah's Witnesses. There are also signs of burnout in employed women. Ak chceme byť vyrovnaní vo vyhľadávaní samoty, musíme si uvedomovať nebezpečenstvá izolovania sa. How do you know if you're ready for that? To be balanced in seeking solitude, we need to be aware of the dangers of isolation. Dôsledky bitky pri Ajn Džalúte " Terrorism... is fueled by hatred, " stated Louis J. The Consequences of the Battle of Ain Jalute Túto radostnú výsadu získajú všetci, ktorí hľadajú Jehovu - toho, ktorý skúma srdce. We too are courageous as we preach "this good news of the kingdom " despite mockery, opposition, and persecution. All who seek Jehovah - the one who examines the heart - will receive this joyful privilege. Znovu som stratila kontakt s Jehovovými svedkami. This more economical design not only protected aqueducts against erosion but also minimized their impact on fields and neighborhoods. Again, I lost contact with Jehovah's Witnesses. Ako zistíš, či si na to pripravený? Beginning in 36 C.E., many Gentiles became believers. How do you know if you're ready for this? " Terorizmus... je poháňaný nenávisťou, "poznamenal Louis J. Son preference is present in other parts of the world as well. " Terrorism... is driven by hatred, " noted Louis J. Aj my odvážne zvestujeme "toto dobré posolstvo o kráľovstve" napriek posmechu, odporu či prenasledovaniu. Many feel that the primary purpose of life is to gain wealth or fame and thus achieve happiness. We too courageously preach "this good news of the kingdom " despite ridicule, opposition, and persecution. Bolo to úspornejšie riešenie, ktoré chránilo akvadukt pred zvetrávaním a pomohlo zachovať ráz okolitej krajiny - polí i osídlených území, ktorými by inak stavba prechádzala. Why Do They Do It? It was a more economical solution that protected the aqueduct from weathering and helped to preserve the surrounding landscapes - fields and populated areas that would otherwise be undergoing construction. Počnúc rokom 36 n. l. sa mnoho pohanov stalo veriacimi. Slaves tied together and huddled in groups waited to be herded onto dhows. Starting in 36 C.E., many Gentiles became believers. Uprednostňovanie synov pred dcérami možno pozorovať aj v iných častiach sveta. It is difficult, however, to put our heart and soul into our service to God if we do not have a feeling of urgency deep within ourselves or if the sense of urgency we once had has now become dull - perhaps lost altogether. Children's preference over daughters can also be observed in other parts of the world. Mnohí si myslia, že hlavným zmyslom života je dosiahnuť bohatstvo či slávu, a tak získať šťastie. The perfume of a flower is an extraordinary blend of many chemical constituents. Many feel that the primary purpose of life is to attain wealth or fame and thus gain happiness. Prečo to robia? Consequently, we are not surprised or discouraged when we meet up with opposition. Why are they doing this? Dokopy zviazaní otroci sa v skupinách krčili a čakali, kým ich naženú na plachetnice dhau. 16, 17. Slaves slammed together in groups and waited for them to be chased onto the dhau sailboats. Je však ťažké vkladať celé svoje srdce a celú dušu do služby Bohu, ak hlboko v sebe necítime naliehavosť alebo ak vedomie naliehavosti, ktoré sme kedysi mali, teraz otupelo alebo sa možno úplne stratilo. But what of the life "which is to come "? However, it is difficult to put all our hearts and souls into God's service if we do not feel the urgency deep inside us or if the sense of urgency we once had has become dull or perhaps completely lost. Vôňu kvetov tvorí neobyčajná zmes mnohých chemických látok. Refuse to keep a secret from the parents. The smell of flowers is an extraordinary mixture of many chemicals. Preto nás neprekvapuje ani neodrádza, keď sa stretávame s odporom. They cannot help but wonder, " Will this person come to love and serve Jehovah - and remain faithful? ' Therefore, we are neither surprised nor discouraged when faced with opposition. 16, 17. What should we do when the Witnesses come to our door? " 16, 17. Ale čo život, "ktorý má prísť"? The Greek word translated "is " or" means " is e·stinʹ. But what about life, "which is to come"? Odmietnuť niečo pred rodičmi zatajiť. The source of the prophecy concerning the 30 pieces of silver is Zechariah, not Jeremiah. - Zechariah 11: 12, 13. To refuse to hide something from your parents. Nemôžu sa vyhnúť otázke:, Bude tento človek milovať Jehovu a slúžiť mu - a zostane verný? " Do you believe what Jesus said about God's Kingdom? They cannot avoid the question, " Will this man love Jehovah and serve him - and will he remain faithful? ' Čo by sme mali robiť, keď prídu svedkovia k našim dverám? " " The key to encouraging the growth is keeping the mind active, " says The Times. What should we do when the Witnesses come to our door? " Grécke slovo prekladané výrazom "je" alebo "znamená" je estin. The number of couples choosing to live together rather than marry climbed 80 percent [in the United States] between 1980 and 1991. " The Greek word translated "is " or" means " is estin. Proroctvo o 30 kúskoch striebra však napísal Zechariáš, nie Jeremiáš. Use in Agriculture The prophecy of 30 pieces of silver, however, was written by Zechariah, not Jeremiah. Veríte tomu, čo o Božom kráľovstve povedal Ježiš? • In what ways might Satan use frontal attacks? Do you believe what Jesus said about God's Kingdom? " Kľúčom na podnietenie rastu [buniek] je udržiavanie mysle v aktivite, "píšu The Times. Do You Appreciate What God Has Done? " The key to stimulating growth [cells] is keeping the mind active, " says The Times. Počet dvojíc, ktoré si volia radšej spolužitie bez manželstva než manželstvo, [v Spojených štátoch] v rokoch 1980 až 1991 vzrástol o 80 percent. " In China nearly 10,000 wheat varieties were in use in 1949. The number of couples choosing marriageless rather than marriage [in the United States] increased by 80 percent between 1980 and 1991. " Použitie v poľnohospodárstve The rhyming elements are usually the last words on a line. Use in agriculture • Akými spôsobmi môže Satan používať frontálne útoky? One was Eunice Colin. • In what ways can Satan use frontal attacks? Moábsky kameň... Ignorance is no excuse, for a very pointed message is proclaimed in public places. Moabite stone... V Číne používali v roku 1949 takmer 10 000 odrôd pšenice. Mother, along with other Witnesses in the Omaha Congregation, gave me much - needed encouragement. In China, nearly 10,000 varieties of wheat were used in 1949. Časti, ktoré sa rýmujú, sú zvyčajne posledné slová na konci riadkov. Special vehicles regularly travel the bridge to care for needs that might arise, including combating fires and towing. The parts that rhyme are usually the last words at the end of the lines. Bola medzi nimi aj Eunice Colinová. And he got to spend more time with Dad working on the car. Among them was Eunice Colin. Nevedomosť nie je ospravedlnením, lebo na verejnosti sa oznamuje veľmi jasné posolstvo. ▪ Contact and meeting place information for your household, as well as a regional map Ignorance is no excuse, for a very clear message is being made public. Zdrojom povzbudenia mi bola najmä mama a členovia zboru Omaha. AHARAH My main source of encouragement was my mother and members of the Omaha Congregation. Po moste pravidelne prechádzajú špeciálne vozidlá, aby sa postarali o akékoľvek potreby, ktoré môžu vzniknúť, vrátane hasenia požiarov a odtiahnutia auta. As we look around us, whether at school, at work, or in the territory where we carry out our ministry, do we not observe that most people live in utter darkness regarding these glorious truths? Special vehicles regularly cross the bridge to take care of any needs that may arise, including fire fighting and car rescue. A keď robil s ockom niečo okolo auta, mohol s ním tráviť viac času. We were thrilled to see God's name in its Hebrew form so prominently displayed. And when he was doing something around the car with Dad, he could spend more time with him. ▪ kontaktné údaje a informácie o mieste, kde sa s členmi rodiny stretnete, ako aj mapa okolia Our very salvation depends on our "walking in the truth " - adhering to it and standing firm against" the father of the lie. " - 3 John 3, 4, 8. ▪ contact details and information about where you meet family members, as well as a map of the surroundings Keď sa pozeráme na ľudí okolo seba, či už v škole, v práci, alebo v obvode, kde zvestujeme, vidíme, že pre väčšinu z nich sú tieto žiarivé pravdy zahalené úplnou tmou. Certain parties in the Roman Senate, motivated by commercial considerations, were pressing for intervention in Sicily. When we look at people around us, whether at school, at work, or in the territory where we preach, we see that for most of them these bright truths are shrouded in total darkness. Bolo veľmi vzrušujúce vidieť Božie meno v hebrejskom tvare zobrazené tak viditeľne. told of the church campaign to influence the government to cancel the international convention scheduled for Bucharest in July 1996. It was very exciting to see God's name in the Hebrew form displayed so visibly. Naša záchrana závisí od toho, či " chodíme v pravde " - či sa jej držíme a či stojíme pevne proti " otcovi lži ." - 3. Jána 3, 4, 8. Do you avoid entertainment featuring violence? Our salvation depends on whether we "walk in the truth " - whether we hold fast to it and stand firm against" the father of the lie. " - 3 John 3, 4, 8. Určité skupiny senátorov v rímskom senáte, poháňané finančnými motívmi, naliehali, aby sa zasiahlo na Sicílii. As a consequence, the Jews in Damascus wanted to kill him. Certain groups of senators in the Roman Senate, driven by financial motives, insisted that it intervene in Sicily. z 22. februára 1997 sa písalo o cirkevnej kampani s cieľom ovplyvniť vládu, aby zrušila medzinárodný zjazd, ktorý sa mal konať v júli 1996 v Bukurešti. Dwell on What Jehovah Has Done for You The February 22, 1997, issue of a church campaign to influence the government to cancel the international convention to be held in Bucharest in July 1996. Vyhýbaš sa zábave, ktorej súčasťou je násilie? Would more social programs to provide food, housing, and education stop the abuse and the running? Do you avoid having fun that involves violence? Židia v Damasku ho preto chceli zabiť. From the days of our forefathers we have been in great guiltiness until this day... That's why the Jews in Damascus wanted to kill him. Uvažuj nad tým, čo pre teba Jehova urobil (b) What do we learn from the way that Jehovah dealt with Aaron? Consider what Jehovah has done for you Pomohlo by viac sociálnych programov zabezpečujúcich jedlo, ubytovanie a vzdelávanie, aby sa zastavilo zneužívanie a úteky z domova? Yes, Jehovah is "vigorous in power, " and he is the Source of the" dynamic energy " used to bring the entire universe into existence. Would more social programs providing food, accommodation and education help to stop abuse and escape from home? Odo dní našich predkov sme boli vo veľkej vine až do tohto dňa... Having a waiting attitude, or patience, helps us to avoid feeling disappointed that Jehovah's day has not yet come. From the days of our ancestors, we were at great guilt until this day... b) Čo sa učíme z toho, ako Jehova zaobchádzal s Áronom? What happens to spoiled children when they grow up? (b) What do we learn from Jehovah's dealings with Aaron? Áno, Jehova je "silný v moci" a je Zdrojom "dynamickej energie" použitej na stvorenie celého vesmíru. ROCKING BUILDINGS Yes, Jehovah is "strong in power " and is the Source of" the dynamic energy " used to create the entire universe. Keď čakáme na Boha, čiže prejavujeme trpezlivosť, pomáha nám to nepociťovať sklamanie, že Jehovov deň ešte neprišiel. A reliable and accurate account of the events of Noah's day can prove to be an invaluable treasure. Waiting for God, or patience, helps us not to feel disappointed that Jehovah's day has not yet arrived. Čo vyrastie z takýchto rozmaznaných detí? Also Britain's divorce rate was the highest. What will grow up to be such spoiled children? Kníšuce sa budovy If you are an older person, have you had such painful feelings? Dreaming Buildings Izraeliti však neposlúchli, a tak mnohí z nich začali konať podobne ako Kanaančania. William Henry Fox Talbot, an English physicist, believed that he had invented photography and was thus taken aback by the announcement of Daguerre's invention. The Israelites, however, disobeyed, so many of them began to act in the same way that the Canaanites did. Spoľahlivá a presná správa o udalostiach za Noachových dní má teda pre nás veľkú hodnotu. This seeming paradox was solved by a single, spectacular miracle. A reliable and accurate account of the events of Noah's day is thus of great value to us. Aj percento rozvodov bolo v Británii najvyššie. But why were they treated so cruelly? The percentage of divorces was also the highest in Britain. Patríš aj ty k vekovo starším a trápia ťa niekedy také pocity? If so, why not learn more about how you can cultivate and demonstrate the kind of faith that Jehovah will richly reward? Are you an elder, and do you sometimes feel that way? Keď Daguerre predstavil svoj vynález, anglický fyzik William Henry Fox Talbot bol zaskočený, pretože bol presvedčený, že to bol on, kto vynašiel fotografovanie. " The very One sitting in the heavens will laugh; Jehovah himself will hold them in derision. When Daguerre introduced his invention, English physicist William Fox Talbot was surprised because he was convinced he was the one who invented the photography. Tento zdanlivý paradox bol vyriešený jediným veľkolepým zázrakom. You will find them doing so in city high - rise apartment towers, in remote tundra communities, in airport terminals, on the streets and other public places, and on the telephone. This seeming paradox was solved by a single grand miracle. Ale prečo s nimi tak kruto zaobchádzali? Their heritage teaches them that one of their greatest duties is to harmonize with the community. But why did they treat them so cruelly? Ak áno, povzbudzujeme vás, aby ste sa snažili dozvedieť viac o tom, ako si môžete vypestovať a potom prejavovať takú vieru, akú Jehova bohato odmení. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES are unique in ever so many ways. If so, we encourage you to try to learn more about how you can cultivate and then exercise the kind of faith that Jehovah will richly reward. " Ten - ten, ktorý sedí na nebesiach, sa bude smiať; samotnému Jehovovi budú na posmech. Eagle: © Brian K. " The one sitting in the heavens will laugh; to Jehovah himself they will be ridiculed. Môžete ich vidieť, ako to robia vo výškových obytných budovách, vo vzdialených komunitách v tundre, na termináloch letísk, na uliciach a na iných verejných miestach, ako aj telefónom. LUXURY AND SPEED - India Has Them! You can see them doing so in tall residential buildings, remote communities in tundra, airport terminals, streets and other public places, as well as by telephone. Tradícia ich učí, že jednou z ich najväčších povinností je prispôsobiť sa spoločnosti, v ktorej žijú. To this day, I cannot sing this song without weeping. Tradition teaches them that one of their greatest responsibilities is to adapt to the society in which they live. JEHOVOVI SVEDKOVIA sú jedineční v mnohých ohľadoch. [ Picture on page 5] JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES are unique in many ways. Orol: © Brian K. Paradoxically, at a time when, thanks to the invention of the printing press, Bibles were proliferating in Europe, in Spain they were becoming a rarity. Eagle: © Brian K. LUXUS A RÝCHLOSŤ - India to má! By that time I was expecting my second child. LUXUS AND SPEAK - India has it! Až dodnes túto pieseň spievam so slzami v očiach. Let us now consider four basic objectives of a balanced education and how each of these can be used to praise Jehovah. Until today, I sing this song with tears in my eyes. [ Obrázok na strane 5] The Bible does speak about "a time to love, " and it may be that in time you will meet someone who returns your affections. [ Picture on page 5] Je paradoxné, že v čase, keď sa vďaka vynálezu tlačiarenského lisu Biblie rýchlo šírili po Európe, v Španielsku sa stávali zriedkavosťou. Business Executives Impressed Paradoxically, at a time when the invention of the Bible printing press quickly spread across Europe, Spain became rare. V tom čase som čakala druhé dieťa. Everyone enjoyed the spiritual program and appreciated the hard work of the volunteers I was expecting a second child at the time. Pouvažujme teraz o štyroch základných cieľoch vyváženého vzdelávania a o tom, ako sa každý z nich dá využiť na chválu Jehovu. A., Ghana Let us now consider the four basic goals of balanced education and how each one can be used to praise Jehovah. V Biblii sa píše o tom, že je "čas milovať," a je možné, že časom stretneš niekoho, kto bude opätovať tvoju náklonnosť. During the session it started to rain, and I was worried that the kimono might get wet. The Bible says that there is "a time to love, " and it is possible that in time you will meet someone who will reciprocate your affection. Vedúci pracovníci žasli Collect and Learn Managers were amazed Všetci mali veľký úžitok z duchovného programu a oceňovali tvrdú prácu dobrovoľníkov But it also stresses how important it is for Christian elders to give Jehovah's flock proper and loving attention. All benefited greatly from the spiritual program and appreciated the hard work of volunteers A., Ghana A molecule of hemoglobin consists of 574 amino acids arranged in four chains. A., Ghana Počas zjazdu začalo pršať a bála som sa, že kimono zmokne. Jewels of the African Sky During the convention, it began to rain, and I was afraid that the kimono would get wet. Zbieraj a uč sa Do Christ's qualities move you to serve him loyally? Collect and Learn Preto je dôležité, aby sa kresťanskí starší o Jehovovo stádo s láskou starali. How can we imitate Jesus in demonstrating humility? Therefore, it is important for Christian elders to care lovingly for Jehovah's flock. Keď už nikto nebude chudobný, 1 / 5 Taffel, quoted earlier, laments: "Our kids are making friends at school and in cyberspace - and, as a result, spending time with children whom we often don't get to meet. " When No One Will Be Poor, 5 / 15 Molekula hemoglobínu sa skladá z 574 aminokyselín usporiadaných v štyroch reťazcoch. " People pay a lot of money for their mineral water, which they take with them in designer bottles, " says the article. The hemoglobin molecule consists of 574 amino acids arranged in four chains. Klenoty africkej oblohy Brazil, 7 / 15 The Jewels of the African Sky Podnecujú ťa Kristove vlastnosti, aby si mu lojálne slúžil? Even explaining your beliefs may not work. Do Christ's qualities move you to serve him loyally? Ako môžeme napodobňovať Ježišovu pokoru? You will be glad that you made good use of your opportunity to give a witness. " - 1 Peter 3: 15. How can we imitate Jesus ' humility? Taffel, ktorého sme už citovali, s ľútosťou hovorí: "Naše deti si nachádzajú priateľov v škole a v počítačovej sieti, a tak trávia čas s deťmi, s ktorými často nemáme ani príležitosť stretnúť sa." All religious institutions would need to be concerned. " Taffel, quoted earlier, regrets: "Our children make friends at school and in a computer network, spending time with children who we often do not even have the opportunity to meet. " " Ľudia platia za minerálnu vodu v značkových fľašiach ťažké peniaze, "píše sa v článku. You must act in harmony with your prayers. " People pay heavy money for mineral water in branded bottles, " says the article. Kresťanskí svedkovia s nebeským občianstvom, 1 / 7 They will love their pleasures more than their God. " - 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 4, The Revised English Bible. Christian Witnesses With Heavenly Citizenship, 7 / 15 Niekedy nepomôže, ani keď vysvetlíš, čomu veríš. [ Footnotes] Sometimes it doesn't help to explain what you believe. A ty budeš mať radosť, že si dobre využil príležitosť na vydanie svedectva. " - 1. Petra 3: 15. [ Box / Picture on page 8] And you will be delighted that you have made good use of the opportunity to give a witness. " - 1 Peter 3: 15. Všetky náboženské inštitúcie by mali byť znepokojené. " In spite of his changed circumstances, Barzillai did what he could to support Jehovah's appointed king. All religious institutions should be concerned. " Musíte konať v súlade so svojimi modlitbami. Adam and Eve chose to follow Satan; so they likewise rejected Jehovah's sovereignty and, in effect, asserted that man can decide for himself what is good and what is bad. You must act in harmony with your prayers. Timotejovi 3: 1 - 4, Evanjelický preklad. God also requires that we "ask according to his will " - for things he approves of. Read 1 Timothy 3: 1 - 4, the Gospel translation. [ Poznámky pod čiarou] For more information on why the Christian Scriptures were written in Greek, see the article "Did You Know? " [ Footnotes] [ Rámček / obrázky na strane 8] It seemed as if even nature went to war, for that was by far the coldest winter I can recall. [ Box / Pictures on page 8] Napriek zmeneným okolnostiam Barzillai podľa svojich možností podporoval kráľa, ktorého dosadil Jehova. Roads are not the only places where cellular telephone usage may contribute to accidents. Despite his changed circumstances, Barzillai supported the king whom Jehovah had appointed. Adam s Evou sa rozhodli nasledovať Satana, a tak aj oni odmietli Jehovu ako Zvrchovaného Panovníka a v podstate tvrdili, že človek môže sám rozhodovať o tom, čo je dobré a čo zlé. Some practitioners looked for meaning in such things as the entrails of animals and humans or the way a rooster pecks at its grain. Adam and Eve decided to follow Satan, so they rejected Jehovah as the Sovereign and basically claimed that man can decide what is good and what is bad. Boh tiež požaduje, aby sme ho prosili "podľa jeho vôle," čiže aby sme sa modlili o veci, ktoré on pokladá za dobré a správne. [ Box on page 7] God also requires that we ask him "according to his will, " that is, to pray for things that he considers to be good and right. Viac informácií o tom, prečo boli Kresťanské Písma napísané v gréčtine, nájdete v rubrike "Vedeli ste?" They simply recognize the profound difference in social class between those sitting in judgment and the apostles. " For more information on why the Christian Scriptures were written in Greek, see "Did You Know? " Zdalo sa, akoby aj príroda išla do vojny, pretože to bola výrazne najstudenšia zima, na akú si pamätám. They have knowledge of the Scriptures and are experienced in applying Bible principles. Nature seemed to go to war, as it was the coldest coldest winter I could remember. Cesty nie sú jediným miestom, kde používanie mobilného telefónu môže prispieť k nehodám. Grieving may be accompanied by confusing emotions. Roads are not the only place where using a mobile phone can contribute to accidents. Niektorí veštci hľadali znamenia napríklad vo vnútornostiach zvierat či ľudí alebo v tom, akým spôsobom zobal kohút zrno. Truly I say to you, They are having their reward in full. " Some oracles have sought signs, for example, in the bowels of animals or humans or in the way the rooster took the grain. [ Rámček na strane 7] He wants his people to know that he is with them - as if by their side - ever ready to support them. [ Box on page 7] [ Vládcovia a starší] si jednoducho uvedomili priepastný rozdiel v spoločenskom postavení medzi tými, ktorí sedeli na mieste sudcov, a apoštolmi. " Peter Preaches at Pentecost, 9 / 15 [ The rulers and the elders] simply realized the gap in social status between those sitting in the seat of the judges and the apostles. " Majú poznanie Písiem a tiež skúsenosti s uplatňovaním biblických zásad. After the convention, Julie and I resumed our traveling ministry. They have knowledge of the Scriptures and also experience in applying Bible principles. Žiaľ môže byť spojený s citovým zmätkom. The blind yearn to see again, the chronically ill yearn for restored health, the depressed yearn for a bright outlook, and the bereaved yearn to see their dead loved ones again. Sadly, he may be associated with emotional confusion. Pravdu vám hovorím, tí majú svoju plnú odmenu. " Was Abigail wrong in acting contrary to the will of her husband? Truly I say to you, they have their full reward. " Chce, aby vedeli, že je s nimi - akoby po ich boku - , vždy pripravený podoprieť ich. Many others followed them. He wants them to know that he is with them - as if by their side - always ready to support them. Už nebudú predsudky! 1 / 6 What is worse than any pain that may result from discipline? Jehovah's Witnesses, 6 / 15 Po zjazde sme s Julie pokračovali v krajskej službe. True, it takes self - control and determination to " get possession of one's own vessel ' and abstain from premarital sex. After the convention, Julie and I continued in the circuit work. Slepí túžia po tom, aby opäť videli, tí, čo sú stále chorí, túžia po tom, aby sa im obnovilo zdravie, skľúčení túžia po jasnej vyhliadke a trúchliaci pozostalí túžia opäť vidieť svojich milovaných zosnulých. " Medical opinion suggests that one in six people have serious foot problems, which can often be linked to shoes, " reports The Toronto Star. Blind ones long to see again, those who are still sick yearn to restore their health, those who are discouraged yearn for a clear prospect, and mourning survivors long to see their loved ones again. Konala Abigail nesprávne, keď urobila to, čo bolo v rozpore s vôľou jej manžela? O Jehovah of armies, happy is the man that is trusting in you. " Was Abigail wrong to do what was contrary to her husband's will? Po nich nasledovali mnohí ďalší. 16, 17. Many others followed. Čo by nám mohlo spôsobiť ešte väčšiu bolesť než naprávanie? According to The Times of London, at a promotional presentation of Platinum 1990, an annual review of the industry, a bridal gown made of platinum was unveiled to the public. What could cause us even more pain than correction? Je pravda, že si to vyžaduje sebaovládanie a odhodlanie "ujať sa vlády nad svojou nádobou" a zdržiavať sa predmanželského sexu. However, concerning humans, 19th - century English writer Charles Lamb candidly wrote: "I am, in plainer words, a bundle of prejudices - made up of likings and dislikings. " True, it requires self - control and determination "to take control of your vessel " and to refrain from premarital sex. " Podľa mienky lekárov jeden zo šiestich ľudí má s nohami vážne ťažkosti, čo je často spojené s topánkami, "informujú noviny The Toronto Star. How can Jehovah's guidance benefit us in both our ministry and our personal life? " According to doctors, one in six people have severe problems with their feet, often associated with shoes, " reports The Toronto Star. Ó, Jehova vojsk, šťastný je človek, ktorý ti dôveruje. " " Of the approximately 375,000 species of plants known to man, no other plant has succeeded in creating so much botanical interest as has Welwitschia; nor has any other plant so defied man's habit of categorizing, " writes Chris Bornman in his book Welwitschia - Paradox of a Parched Paradise. O Jehovah of armies, happy is the man that trusts in you. " 16, 17. " My dear fellow, nobody who goes to Nigeria ever lives long enough to be retired. ' " 16, 17. Ako uvádzajú londýnske The Times, na propagačnej výstave Platinum 1990, čo bol celoročný prehľad priemyslu v tejto oblasti, boli verejnosti predvedené šaty pre nevestu vyrobené z platiny. Would You Welcome a Visit? According to The Times of London, the Platinum 1990 promotional exhibition, which was a year - round survey of industry in this area, showed public dress for a bride made of platinum. Ale pokiaľ ide o ľudí, anglický spisovateľ 19. storočia Charles Lamb otvorene napísal: "Som, úprimne povedané, uzlík predsudkov - sformovaný zo sympatií a antipatií." Help for Children Who Grieve But when it comes to people, 19th - century English writer Charles Lamb frankly wrote: "I am, frankly, a node of prejudice - shaped by sympathy and antipathy. " Aký úžitok môžeme mať z Jehovovho vedenia v našej službe i v našom osobnom živote? Mary hastens to a city in the mountainous region of Judah. How can we benefit from Jehovah's guidance in our ministry and in our personal life? " Z približne 375 000 známych druhov rastlín žiadna nevyvolala taký záujem botanikov ako velvíčia; ani žiadna iná sa tak nebránila tomu, aby ju ľudia zatriedili, "píše Chris Bornman v knihe Welwitschia - Paradox of a Parched Paradise (Velvíčia - paradox vyprahnutého raja). You must make "your mind over " and prove to yourself" the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. " " Of some 375,000 known plant species, none of them attracted the interest of botanists such as the Welwitschia - Paradox of a Parched Paradise, " writes Chris Bornman of the book Welwitschia - Paradox of a Parched Paradise. " Môj drahý priateľ, nikto, kto ide do Nigérie, nežije tak dlho, aby mohol ísť do dôchodku. " " SEVENTEEN - YEAR - OLD Daniel was given an assignment at his high school in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A., to prepare information on an Asian religion. " My dear friend, anyone going to Nigeria, does not live long enough to retire. ' " Uvítali by ste návštevu? Did God's angel protect them? Would You Welcome a Visit? Ako pomôcť smútiacemu dieťaťu Understandably, if he has been unfaithful to your mother, he is not likely to talk to you about it. How to Help a Grieving Child Mária sa ponáhľa do mesta v hornatom judskom kraji. * Sam Roberson, assistant overseer of the Theocratic Schools Department, encouraged the graduates always to look for the good in others. Mary rushes to the city in the mountainous region of Judah. Musíte " obnoviť svoju myseľ " a presvedčiť sa, "aká je dobrá a prijateľná a dokonalá Božia vôľa." Making wreaths of holly or other evergreens is another popular Christmas tradition. You must "renew your mind ' and see how" God's will is good and acceptable and perfect. " SEDEMNÁSŤROČNÝ Daniel, ktorý navštevuje strednú školu v Bostone (Massachusetts, USA), dostal za domácu úlohu pripraviť si informácie o niektorom ázijskom náboženstve. Survivors of this great cleanup will constitute "a great crowd... out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues. " SEVEN - YEAR - old Daniel, who attends high school in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A., was given homework to prepare information about an Asian religion. Chránil ich Boží anjel? The article noted that one way to reduce the risk of divorce by 50 percent is to work in the same office with your spouse. Did God's angel protect them? Je pochopiteľné, že ak bol tvojej mame neverný, nebude sa mu chcieť o tom rozprávať. Hence, the small remnant would not be needed for this work, and God may choose to take them to heaven for "the marriage of the Lamb " after the executing of the religious harlot," Babylon the Great. " - 8 / 15, page 31. Understandably, if he was unfaithful to your mother, he would not want to talk about it. * Pomocník dozorcu oddelenia teokratických škôl Sam Roberson povzbudil absolventov, aby sa vždy zameriavali na dobré vlastnosti ľudí. In directing the apostle Peter to this God - fearing man, Jehovah indicated that Jesus ' command to "make disciples of people of all the nations " was not limited to Jews in various lands. * Helping the overseer of the Theocratic School Department, Sam Roberson encouraged the graduates to always focus on the good qualities of people. Robenie vencov z cezmíny alebo z iných vždyzelených rastlín je ďalšou populárnou vianočnou tradíciou. And also Ruth the Moabitess, the wife of Mahlon, I do buy for myself as a wife to cause the name of the dead man to rise upon his inheritance... Making wreaths from emeralds or other evergreen plants is another popular Christmas tradition. Prežijúci tohto veľkého očistenia budú tvoriť "veľký zástup... zo všetkých národov a kmeňov a ľudí a jazykov." Thanks for the naked truth in your articles on divorce. Survivors of this great cleansing will form "a great crowd... out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues. " V článku sa píše, že jedným zo spôsobov, ako znížiť riziko rozvodu o 50 percent, je pracovať na rovnakom pracovisku s manželským partnerom. EGYPT The article says that one way to reduce the risk of divorce by 50 percent is to work in the same workplace with a spouse. Teda malý ostatok by nebol potrebný pre túto prácu a Boh ich možno bude chcieť vziať do neba na "svadbu s Baránkom," keď vykoná rozsudok nad náboženskou pobehlicou "Veľkým Babylonom." - 15. augusta, strana 31. From the time of Abel up to the time of the patriarchs, a number of faithful individuals worshipped Jehovah and obeyed his commands. Thus, a small remnant would not be needed for this work, and God may want to take them to heaven for a "marriage with the Lamb " when he executes judgment on the religious whore" Babylon the Great. " - 8 / 15, page 31. Keď Jehova viedol apoštola Petra k tomuto bohabojnému mužovi, ukázal tým, že Ježišov príkaz " robiť učeníkov z ľudí všetkých národov " sa nevzťahoval iba na Židov žijúcich v rôznych krajinách. When Jesus invited them to follow him and become fishers of men, the Bible states: "At once abandoning the nets, they followed him. " When leading the apostle Peter to this God - fearing man, Jehovah showed that Jesus ' command to "make disciples of people of all the nations " was not limited to Jews living in various lands. A ja kupujem pre seba za manželku aj Moábčanku Rút, manželku Machlónovu, aby meno mŕtveho muža bolo vyzdvihnuté nad jeho dedičstvom... CATALYTIC CRACKER And I buy for myself the Moabite Ruth, the wife of Machlon, as my wife, so that the name of the dead man may be lifted up above his inheritance.... Ďakujem vám za neprikrášlenú pravdu vo vašich článkoch o rozvode. ; Hart, B. Thank you for the unbeared truth in your articles on divorce. EGYPT How did the words of Jesus found at Luke 6: 38 prove true for Tabitha? EGYPT Od čias Ábela do konca obdobia patriarchov veľa verných ľudí uctievalo Jehovu a poslúchalo jeho prikázania. For instance, an estimated 2 million children in the United States are being cared for by their grandparents, with 1.2 million of them living in their grandparents ' home. From the time of Abel to the end of the patriarchal period, many faithful ones worshiped Jehovah and obeyed his commandments. Biblia uvádza, ako zareagovali, keď ich Ježiš vyzval, aby ho nasledovali a stali sa rybármi ľudí: "Ihneď zanechali siete a nasledovali ho." [ Credit Line] The Bible explains how they responded when Jesus called on them to follow him and become fishers of men: "They immediately left their nets and followed him. " KATALYTICKÉ KRAKOVANIE In that new world of God's making, no more will mankind be plagued with problems of housing, food, water, health, and neglect. CATALYTIC SCREAMING Singhová; B. 14, 15. ; Singh, J. Ako sa v prípade Tabity potvrdili Ježišove slová, ktoré nachádzame v Lukášovi 6: 38? By the spring of 1945, after I had slaved more than three years as a prisoner of war, the Japanese in that area surrendered. How was Jesus ' words found at Luke 6: 38 confirmed in the case of Tabitha? Napríklad asi o 2 milióny detí v Spojených štátoch sa starajú ich starí rodičia a 1,2 milióna týchto detí žije v dome svojich starých rodičov. As you read about David, do you find yourself wishing that your own confidence in Jehovah were stronger? For example, about 2 million children in the United States are cared for by their grandparents, and 1.2 million of these children live in the home of their grandparents. [ Prameň ilustrácie] What has aided them in doing this? [ Credit Line] V novom svete, ktorý vytvorí Boh, nebudú už ľudstvo sužovať problémy s bývaním, potravou, vodou, zdravím a zanedbanosťou. What about enduring life's inevitable problems? In the new world created by God, mankind will no longer suffer from housing, food, water, health, and neglect. 14, 15. " My mate does not live up to his (or her) obligations. " 14, 15. Na jar 1945 sa Japonci v tejto oblasti vzdali. Vyše tri roky som otročil ako vojnový zajatec. Why should we cultivate humility? In the spring of 1945, the Japanese surrendered in this area, enslaving me as a prisoner of war for more than three years. Keď čítaš o Dávidovi, chcel by si, aby aj tvoja dôvera v Jehovu bola silnejšia? In time, he redefined his priorities. When you read about David, would you want your trust in Jehovah to be stronger? Čo im v tom pomáhalo? [ Box / Pictures on page 7] What helped them to do so? A ako je to so znášaním nevyhnutných životných ťažkostí? The apostle Paul urged "holy ones " in Corinth to settle differences within the congregation. What about putting up with the necessities of life? " Môj manželský partner nerobí to, čo by mal. " Jesus himself told Pontius Pilate that his main purpose in coming to earth was to communicate the truth to mankind: "For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. " " My mate does not do what he should. " Prečo by sme si mali rozvíjať pokoru? How do those leaving the road to life view reproof, and what awaits them? Why should we cultivate humility? Časom prehodnotil svoje priority. 7, 8. (a) What is the primary purpose of our congregation meetings? In time, he reviewed his priorities. [ Rámček / obrázky na strane 7] He is quite sure, he says, that "Japanese albatross don't land on ships. " [ Box / Pictures on page 7] Apoštol Pavol nabádal "svätých" v Korinte, aby si urovnali spory v rámci zboru. THE water of Grindon Lake - tucked in among the rolling Northumbrian hills, not far from the border between England and Scotland - reflected the russets and browns of the surrounding bracken - clad hills. The apostle Paul urged "saints " in Corinth to settle disputes within the congregation. Sám Ježiš povedal Pontskému Pilátovi, že jeho hlavným zámerom pri príchode na zem bolo oznamovať ľudstvu pravdu: "Preto som sa narodil a preto som prišiel do sveta, aby som svedčil o pravde." 12 / 09 Jesus himself told Pontius Pilate that his primary purpose in coming to earth was to declare the truth to mankind: "For this I was born, and for this I came into the world, that I might bear witness to the truth. " Ako sa ľudia, ktorí opúšťajú cestu života, pozerajú na karhanie a čo ich čaká? Although the worst abuses were later corrected, selfish motives and ruthless methods continued to dictate policy. How do people who leave the way of life view reproof, and what awaits them? , 8. a) Predovšetkým z akého dôvodu chodíme na zhromaždenia? Cultivating each of the fruits of the spirit. 7, 8. (a) Above all, for what reason do we attend meetings? Hovorí, že si je celkom istý, že "japonské albatrosy na lodiach nepristávajú." For example, millions have flocked to the pure worship of Jehovah, as was prophesied would occur in "the final part of the days. " He says that he is quite certain that "Japanese albatrosses do not land on ships. " VODY Grindonského jazera - ukrytého medzi zvlnenými northumbrijskými kopcami neďaleko hraníc medzi Anglickom a Škótskom - odrážali červenohnedé a hnedé odtiene okolitých kopcov pokrytých orličníkom. However, all of us can benefit from spiritual counsel and discipline, and it is comforting to know that Jehovah disciplines those for whom he has love. The waters of Lake Grindon - hidden between the rolling Northumbria hills near the border between England and Scotland - reflected the red - brown and brown shades of the surrounding eagle - covered hills. Depresia, 7 / 09 At the inauguration of the temple in 1026 B.C.E., and in harmony with the promise Jehovah made to Abraham, Solomon observed that people of all nations would join in praising Jehovah. Jehovah's Witnesses, 7 / 09 Hoci najhoršie zneužívanie bolo neskôr zmiernené, sebecké pohnútky a nemilosrdné metódy naďalej diktovali koloniálnu politiku. If a baby is not given proper stimulus at the right time, the part of his brain that makes him empathic may not develop, suggests Dr. Although the worst abuse was later alleviated, selfish motives and ruthless methods continued to dictate colonial politics. Pestovať každé z ovocia svätého ducha. How can we show love for those who persecute us? Cultivate each of the fruits of holy spirit. Sme napríklad svedkami toho, ako sa spĺňa proroctvo, že "v konečnej časti dní" budú k čistému uctievaniu Jehovu zhromaždené milióny ľudí. For instance, he should be punctual. For example, we are witnessing the fulfillment of the prophecy that "in the final part of the days, " millions of people will be gathered together for the pure worship of Jehovah. Každý z nás však môže mať úžitok z duchovnej rady a z napomenutia, a je útechou vedieť, že Jehova vedie k disciplíne tých, ktorých miluje. If you put Kingdom interests first in your life, Jehovah promises to "empty out upon you a blessing until there is no more want. " - Malachi 3: 10. However, each of us can benefit from spiritual counsel and admonition, and it is comforting to know that Jehovah disciplines those whom he loves. Pri zasvätení Jehovovho chrámu v roku 1026 pred n. l. Šalamún v súlade s Jehovovým sľubom spomenul, že Jehovu budú chváliť ľudia zo všetkých národov. High percentages of the bingers suffered the effects one might expect - they had hangovers, engaged in unplanned sex, missed classes, suffered injuries, damaged property, and so forth. At the dedication of Jehovah's temple in 1026 B.C.E., Solomon, in harmony with Jehovah's promise, mentioned that Jehovah would be praised by people of all nations. Ak dieťa nedostane správne podnety v správnom čase, nemusí sa uňho vyvinúť tá časť mozgu, ktorá robí človeka súcitným, hovorí Dr. But Jehovah rejected such hypocritical devotion. If a child does not get the right incentives at the right time, he may not develop the part of the brain that makes a person compassionate, says Dr. Ako môžeme prejaviť lásku tým, ktorí nás prenasledujú? Unhealthy and hazardous life - styles. How can we show love to those who persecute us? Mal by byť napríklad presný. This may partly explain why bad news sells so well! It should be accurate, for example. Ak kladieš záujmy Kráľovstva vo svojom živote na prvé miesto, Jehova sľubuje, že " vyleje na teba požehnania viac ako dosť ." - Malachiáš 3: 10, Katolícky preklad. The Basis for Divine Judgment If you put Kingdom interests first in your life, Jehovah promises to "pour out blessings upon you more than enough. ' - Malachi 3: 10, Catholic translation. Vysoké percento týchto študentov trpelo následkami, ktoré bolo možné očakávať - mávali "opicu," zaplietli sa do náhodného sexuálneho vzťahu, vymeškávali vyučovacie hodiny, utrpeli zranenia, spôsobovali škody na majetku a tak ďalej. At Judges 16: 30 we read: "And Samson proceeded to say: " Let my soul die with the Philistines. ' " A high percentage of these students suffered the consequences that could be expected - waving "the monkey, " engaging in an accidental sexual relationship, skipping lessons, suffering injuries, damage to property, and so on. Ale Jehova odmietol takú pokryteckú oddanosť. After the war the growth of Kingdom proclaimers in Britain was marvelous! But Jehovah rejected such hypocritical devotion. Nezdravý a riskantný spôsob života. (Compare Joh 20 verse 24.) An unhealthy and risky way of life. To azda sčasti vysvetľuje, prečo sa zlé správy tak dobre predávajú! [ Footnote] This may partly explain why bad news is sold so well! Podklad pre Boží súd (a) How did Jesus show that "getting the sense of " the Kingdom brings both blessings and responsibility? Background to God's Judgment V knihe Sudcov 16: 30, RP, čítame: "A Samson povedal: " Nech teda zomrie moja duša s Filištínmi! "" RUSSIA At Judges 16: 30, we read: "And Samson said: " So let my soul die with the Philistines! ' " Vzrast počtu hlásateľov Kráľovstva, ktorý nastal po vojne v Británii, bol úžasný! Of course, even if you see the reasonableness of these points, you may still feel discouraged at times. The increase in the number of Kingdom proclaimers that occurred after the war in Britain was amazing! (Porovnaj 24. verš.) We have sound reasons to keep on learning from Jesus. (Compare verse 24.) [ Poznámka pod čiarou] Danger! Sleepy Drivers [ Footnote] a) Ako Ježiš ukázal, že " pochopenie zmyslu " Kráľovstva prináša požehnania i zodpovednosť? When I accused him, he would shout at me, "Jealous, you're just jealous. " (a) How did Jesus show that " understanding the meaning " of the Kingdom brings both blessings and responsibility? RUSKO Every night, when they were very young - the time a child absorbs like a sponge all that he is taught - Clara read a Bible story to them and prayed with each one. RUSSIA Samozrejme, aj keď vieš, že tieto argumenty sú rozumné, niekedy sa predsa môžeš cítiť skleslý. Weathering the "Sect Scare " Storm Of course, even if you know that these arguments are reasonable, you may sometimes feel downhearted. Máme opodstatnené dôvody ďalej sa učiť od Ježiša. Bear in mind that it is "through use " that we can have our perceptive powers trained to distinguish both right and wrong. We have good reasons to continue learning from Jesus. Pozor, ospalí vodiči! Indeed, there are fine lessons to be learned by meditating upon the record of events that took place about the time of Jesus ' birth. Attention, sleepy drivers! Keď som ho obviňovala, kričal na mňa: "Žiarlivá, si jednoducho žiarlivá." You might feel that such questioning represents a step backward in your adolescent's faith. When I blamed him, he yelled at me: "The jealous, you're just jealous. " Keď boli ešte malé - v čase, keď dieťa vstrebáva ako špongia všetko, čo ho učíte - Clara im každý večer čítala nejaký biblický príbeh a s každým sa modlila. For example, you might try rising early in the morning in order to have some private time to pray. When they were still young - at a time when the child absorbed as a sponge everything you taught him - Clara read them a Bible story every evening and prayed with everyone. Obstáť v búrke strachu zo siekt Something similar can happen to your reputation on a social network. Standing in a storm of fear of sects Majme však na pamäti, že práve "používaním" môžeme cvičiť svoju vnímavosť, aby sme rozlišovali medzi správnym a nesprávnym. That said, for a time certain critics did question the existence of Pontius Pilate and Lysanias. But the critics spoke too soon. Bear in mind, though, that it is by "use " that we can train our perceptive powers to distinguish between right and wrong. Rozjímaním nad zaznamenanými udalosťami, ktoré sa odohrali v čase Ježišovho narodenia, môžeme načerpať vynikajúce poučenie. Modesty involves knowing your limitations. By meditating on the recorded events that took place at the time of Jesus ' birth, we can draw fine lessons. Možno máte pocit, že takéto pochybnosti sú v duchovnom raste vášho dieťaťa krokom späť. How can modesty help us to cope with unfair criticism? You may feel that such doubts are a step backwards in your child's spiritual growth. Mohol by si sa napríklad pokúsiť vstávať zavčas rána, aby si v súkromí venoval určitý čas modlitbe. The Bible also says: "The earth endures for ever. " - Ecclesiastes 1: 4, The New English Bible. For example, you might try to get up early in the morning to spend some time in private prayer. Niečo podobné sa môže stať aj s tvojou povesťou, keď si na sociálnej sieti. How are the nations being " rocked, ' with what result, and what is yet to occur? Something similar can happen to your reputation when you're on a social network. Kritici síce nejaký čas spochybňovali, či Pontský Pilát a Lysaniáš naozaj existovali, no ich závery boli unáhlené. Why can't we listen to ours? " Critics for some time questioned whether Pontius Pilate and Lysanias really existed, but their conclusions were hasty. K skromnosti patrí poznať svoje obmedzenia. Perhaps you would have no hesitation in answering: " Paul, the "apostle to the nations. " ' Modesty involves knowing your limitations. Ako nám skromnosť pomáha vyrovnať sa s nespravodlivou kritikou? Sri Lanka, for example, where malaria was thought to have been virtually wiped out in 1963, experienced just five years later an epidemic affecting millions. How does modesty help us to cope with unjust criticism? Nachádzame v nej aj tieto slová: "Zem stojí naveky." This could help circulate oxygen in the small amount of blood left in my body. It also says: "The earth is standing forever. " Ako teraz Boh " trasie " národmi, k čomu to vedie a čo sa ešte má odohrať? MAKING AN EXCEPTION How does God now " tremble " with the nations, with what result, and with what yet to take place? Prečo my nemôžeme počúvať našu? " It may sound petty, but their leaving these things really helped me to feel that my home had not completely disappeared. Why can't we listen to ours? " Asi by si bez váhania odpovedal: " Pavol, "apoštol pre národy." " In the future, when " the holy city, New Jerusalem [consisting of 144,000] comes down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband, ' what will those who have listened to the voice of the slave experience? Perhaps you would answer without hesitation: " Paul, "an apostle to the nations. ' " Napríklad Srí Lanka, kde sa roku 1963 malária považovala za skutočne vyhladenú, zažila už po piatich rokoch epidémiu, ktorou boli postihnuté milióny. " Do I have to wear a sack? ' For example, Sri Lanka, where malaria was considered to be truly exterminated in 1963, experienced an epidemic that affected millions after just five years. To malo uľahčiť obeh kyslíka v malom množstve krvi, ktoré mi zostalo. [ Map] This was to facilitate the circulation of oxygen in the small amount of blood I had left. Výnimka " Rather than say, " I can't do that, ' " says Josué, "I enjoy thinking of practical ways to help people with their daily needs. Derogation Možno to znie smiešne, ale tieto veci mi pomohli udržať si pocit, že niečo z môjho domova ešte zostalo. (November 22, 1999) moved me very much. It may sound ridiculous, but these things have helped me to keep the feeling that there is something left of my home. V budúcnosti " sväté mesto, Nový Jeruzalem [ktorý pozostáva zo 144 000], zostúpi od Boha z neba pripravený ako nevesta ozdobená pre svojho manžela ." Čo v tom čase zažijú ľudia, ktorí počúvali hlas otroka? True, there are many sad events for which the causes are not clearly evident. In the future, "the holy city, New Jerusalem [which consists of 144,000], will descend from heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. ' What will people who listened to the voice of the slave at that time experience? " To mám chodiť vo vreci? " But how? " Should I walk in a bag? " [ Mapa] However, they appreciated that they were still alive and able to serve God. [ Map] Hovorí: "Netrápim sa tým, čo nedokážem robiť, ale radšej premýšľam, ako by som mohol druhým prakticky pomôcť s bežnými vecami. In one neighborhood, the local authorities sent Witness volunteers from door to door to assess people's needs. He says: "I don't worry about what I can't do, but I prefer to think about how I can practically help others with common things. (22. novembra 1999) na mňa veľmi zapôsobil. I have recently started to cultivate cycads. (November 22, 1999) I was very impressed. Je pravda, že sú mnohé smutné udalosti, ktorých príčiny nie sú úplne zrejmé. Those accepting the ransom sacrifice of Christ will receive eternal life on earth. True, there are many sad events whose causes are not entirely obvious. Čo pre to treba urobiť? And Daniel? What is needed to do this? No boli radi, že zostali nažive a môžu slúžiť Bohu. A man is marked out as God's enemy if he chooses to be the world's friend. " Yet, they were happy to remain alive and to serve God. V jednej štvrti miestne úrady poslali svedkov od dverí k dverám, aby zistili, čo všetko ľudia potrebujú. As the days passed, our fellow Christians telephoned us and sent cards and electronic messages. In one neighborhood, local authorities sent Witnesses from door to door to find out what people needed. Nedávno som začal pestovať cykasy. Lucie and Timothée decided to turn that land into a flourishing garden. I recently started growing cycads. Tí, ktorí prijmú Kristovu výkupnú obeť, dostanú večný život na zemi. In that orchestra, we had a group of fine musicians who were also loving brothers and sisters. Those who accept Christ's ransom sacrifice will receive everlasting life on earth. A čo náš Daniel? The quake struck about 50 miles (80 km) northwest of the capital, Kathmandu. What about our Daniel? Kto chce byť priateľom sveta, stáva sa nepriateľom Božím. " One Bible account tells us that he "set out on a tour of all the cities and villages. " He that wants to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. " Dni plynuli a naši spolukresťania nám telefonovali, posielali nám pohľadnice a e - maily. I liked living far from my parents and doing whatever I wanted. The days went by, and our fellow Christians telephoned us, sending us postcards and e - mails. Lucie a Timothée sa rozhodli, že túto zem premenia na krásnu záhradu. When I asked her if she was one of Jehovah's Witnesses, she said that she was. Lucie and Timothée decided to turn this land into a beautiful garden. Tento orchester bol skupinou vynikajúcich hudobníkov, ktorí boli zároveň milujúcimi bratmi a sestrami. Everybody is entitled to some privacy! This orchestra was a group of fine musicians who were also loving brothers and sisters. Postihlo oblasť asi 80 kilometrov severozápadne od hlavného mesta Káthmandu. Since Jesus did not define exactly what is Caesar's and what is God's, there are borderline cases that must be decided according to the context or according to our understanding of the entire Bible. It affected an area about 50 miles [80 km] northwest of the capital, Kathmandu. V jednej biblickej správe čítame, že sa "vydal na cestu po všetkých mestách a dedinách." The "new earth " refers to a new society of people. In a Bible account, we read that he "went on a journey in all the cities and villages. " Páčilo sa mi, že žijem ďaleko od rodičov a môžem si robiť, čo chcem. Prayer always seemed to help. I liked living away from my parents, and I could do whatever I wanted. Keď som sa jej opýtala, či je Jehovova svedkyňa, povedala mi, že áno. In pursuing his life course. When I asked her if she was one of Jehovah's Witnesses, she told me she was. Každý má právo na nejaké súkromie! (b) What reasons do we have for joy when viewing the overall report of our preaching activity? Everyone has a right to some privacy! Keďže Ježiš presne nedefinoval, čo je cézarovo a čo Božie, existujú medzné prípady, v ktorých je nutné rozhodnúť sa podľa okolností alebo podľa nášho porozumenia celej Biblie. Could she successfully help bring up her son "in the discipline and admonition of Jehovah " over the Internet? - Eph. Since Jesus did not define accurately what is Caesar's and what is God's, there are limited cases in which we need to make decisions according to the circumstances or our understanding of the entire Bible. Výraz "nová zem" sa vzťahuje na novú ľudskú spoločnosť. If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Jehovah's Witnesses, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. The term "new earth " refers to a new human society. Zdalo sa, že modlitba vždy pomáha. Yet, surely he did not mean that "every kind " of person, the fine and the unsuitable, or wicked, will be in the Kingdom. Prayer always seemed to help. Na čo sa v živote zameral. FESTIVAL DOUBLE - EDGED Solutions Down ASHVATH What he's focused on in his life. b) Prečo je pre nás radostné pozrieť si celosvetovú správu o našej kazateľskej činnosti? Sara, for example, was in the throes of what she calls self - abusive perfectionism. (b) Why is it joyful for us to see the worldwide account of our preaching activity? Dá sa úspešne vychovávať dieťa "v kázni a v Jehovovom myšlienkovom usmerňovaní" cez internet? Anger and Anxiety Can a child be successfully raised "in the discipline and mental - regulating of Jehovah " online? Ak máte záujem o ďalšie informácie alebo si želáte, aby Vás niekto navštívil a viedol s Vami bezplatné domáce biblické štúdium, napíšte láskavo na adresu: P. O. Box 17, 810 00 Bratislava 1, alebo na niektorú z adries uvedených na strane 2. He adds: "That was the environment in which Jesus worked. " If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. Určite tým však nemyslel, že v Kráľovstve budú ľudia "každého druhu" - znamenití i nevhodní čiže zlí. This challenging project was undertaken by the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, U.S.A., in 1921, and it was completed 90 years later, in 2011. He certainly did not mean, though, that in the Kingdom people would be "of all sorts " - both fine and inappropriate, or wicked. Aby mohli na pustatine sláviť sviatok Jehovovi From Our Readers To Celebrate the Festival to Jehovah in the wilderness Napríklad Sara povedala, že zápasila so sebatrýznivým perfekcionizmom. Cain and Abel must have been aware of Jehovah's words to the serpent: "I shall put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed. Sara, for example, said that she struggled with self - tormenting perfectionism. Hnev a úzkosť [ Credit Line] Anger and Anxiety A dodal: "V takomto prostredí pôsobil Ježiš." Since our visit, six Witnesses have been to the community, staying for three weeks. He added: "In such an environment Jesus worked. " Na tento náročný projekt sa v roku 1921 podujal Orientálny inštitút Chicagskej univerzity v Spojených štátoch. Práca bola dokončená o 90 rokov v roku 2011. He continually sought Jehovah's direction by consulting God's Law. This demanding project was undertaken in 1921 by the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago in the United States. The work was completed 90 years later in 2011. Od našich čitateľov Though penned many centuries ago, God's Word is dynamic. From Our Readers Kain a Ábel museli poznať Jehovove slová adresované hadovi: "Položím nepriateľstvo medzi teba a ženu a medzi tvoje semeno a jej semeno. The compass contains concentric circles, which are divided by lines. Cain and Abel had to know Jehovah's words to the serpent: "I shall put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed. [ Prameň ilustrácie] IN ITS September 26, 1945, issue, Consolation noted that future attempts might be made to revise history and deny what had happened. [ Credit Line] Po našej návšteve prišlo do Los Arenales šesť Jehovových svedkov, ktorí tam strávili tri týždne. According to its charter, the Society strives to fill the greatest need of all the people, the need for spiritual things. After our visit, six of Jehovah's Witnesses arrived at Los Arenales, who spent three weeks there. Vždy sa nechal viesť Jehovom a stále hľadal rady v Božom Zákone. At the time, Mozambique was under the Portuguese colonial regime, which had banned Jehovah's Witnesses in Portugal and all of its colonies. He was always guided by Jehovah and kept seeking counsel in God's Law. Hoci Božie Slovo bolo napísané pred mnohými storočiami, stále má rovnakú silu. Awake! Although God's Word was written many centuries ago, it still has the same strength. Kompas má koncentrické kružnice, ktoré sú rozdelené čiarami. Yes, we are confident that no weapon can defeat God's purpose. The compass has concentric circles that are divided by lines. VO VYDANÍ časopisu Útecha z 26. septembra 1945 sa spomenulo, že v budúcnosti sa môžu objaviť pokusy upraviť históriu a zaprieť, čo sa stalo. One historian writes that Sixtus may have wanted to make the papal office a family business. IN THE September 26, 1945, issue of Comfort, it was mentioned that attempts to adjust history and deny what had happened might appear in the future. Spoločnosť sa podľa svojich stanov usiluje uspokojiť najväčšiu potrebu všetkých ľudí, potrebu duchovných vecí. Another team has found that only 36 million adult Americans - 19 percent - regularly practice their religion and that nearly a third of Americans over 18 have a totally secular outlook. According to its statutes, society strives to satisfy the greatest need of all humans, the need for spiritual things. Mozambik bol v tom čase pod portugalskou koloniálnou nadvládou a tento režim zakázal Jehovových svedkov v Portugalsku a vo všetkých jeho kolóniách. We can learn much about him by considering the things that he has made. - Ps. 19: 1; Isa. 40: 26. Mozambique was under Portuguese colonial control at the time, and this regime banned Jehovah's Witnesses in Portugal and all its colonies. Prebuďte sa! Benefit Now From God's Tolerance Awake! Áno, sme presvedčení, že žiadna zbraň nezmarí Božie predsavzatie. Some claim that violence is inherent in people. Yes, we believe that no weapon will thwart God's purpose. Jeden historik píše, že z pápežského úradu chcel možno urobiť rodinný podnik. RHODES One historian writes that he may have wanted to make a family business out of the papal office. Ďalší tím zistil, že len 36 miliónov dospelých Američanov - 19 percent - je pravidelne aktívnych vo svojom náboženstve a takmer tretina Američanov nad 18 rokov má úplne svetské názory. Jews being taken to Germany from the camp in Westerbork Another team found that only 36 million American adults - 19 percent - are regularly active in their religion, and nearly a third of Americans over 18 have completely secular views. Keď budeme uvažovať o tom, čo vytvoril, môžeme sa o ňom veľa naučiť. For well over a week before the disaster, an advisory to evacuate the area had been given. As we consider what he has created, we can learn a lot about him. Úžitok z Božej trpezlivosti dnes Surely, any reduction in those fearsome numbers is a step forward. The Benefits of God's Patience Today Niektorí tvrdia, že človek má vrodené sklony k násiliu. Take, for example, Jeremiah. Some claim that man has innate tendencies toward violence. RODOS These are "critical times hard to deal with, " or as the Revised Standard Version renders 2 Timothy 3: 1," times of stress. " RODOS Židia odvádzaní do Nemecka z tábora vo Westerborku The Love of Money - Is It Really Harmful? Jews taken to Germany from the camp in Westerbork Viac ako týždeň pred katastrofou bol daný pokyn na evakuáciu oblasti. Kiwifruit Ice Salad: More than a week before the disaster, instructions were given to evacuate the area. Prirodzene, každé zníženie týchto hrozných čísel je krokom vpred. True, that glowing hope does not take all the tragedy out of death. Of course, any reduction in these terrible numbers is a step forward. Všimni si napríklad Jeremiáša. Bottom: View through an ancient doorway at Machu Picchu Note, for example, Jeremiah. Timotejovi 3: 1 podáva Revidovaný štandardný preklad - "časy úzkosti." Her work has been published in scientific journals. Timothy 3: 1 gives the revised standard translation - "times of anxiety. " Láska k peniazom - naozaj spôsobuje škody? 13, 14. Love of Money - Does It Really Cause Damage? Ľadový šalát z kivi: Developed regions, such as the European Union, Japan, and the United States, would cut emissions by an average of 5.2 percent by 2012. Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid: Je pravda, že táto žiarivá nádej úplne neodstráni tragédiu smrti. Perhaps you have not always resolved your problems with relatives and friends as quickly as you should. True, this bright hope will not completely eliminate the tragedy of death. Dole: Pohľad cez staroveký vchod v Machu Picchu Beatrice Jones (left) demonstrates how she and others formed a chain to pass through the floodwaters Below: View through the ancient entrance of Machu Picchu Výsledky jej práce boli publikované v rôznych vedeckých časopisoch. It was informative, factual, educational. The results of her work were published in various scientific journals. , 14. What about creative imagination? 13, 14. Rozvinuté krajiny, ako sú krajiny Európskej únie, Japonsko a Spojené štáty, by mali do roku 2012 znížiť množstvo emisií škodlivých plynov v priemere o 5,2 percenta. " And finally, it is agreed by everyone who has worked with the white gators, they are more feisty and temperamental than normal alligators. Developed countries such as the European Union, Japan and the United States should reduce emissions of harmful gases by an average of 5.2 percent by 2012. Možno si svoje problémy s príbuznými a priateľmi neriešil vždy tak rýchlo, ako si mal. Let not them be confounded, through me, that seek Thee, O God of Israel. " Perhaps you have not always solved your problems with relatives and friends as quickly as you should have. Beatrice Jonesová (vľavo) ukazuje, ako spolu s ďalšími vytvorili reťaz, aby prešli cez vody záplavy That is almost the size of Europe, excluding what was formerly the Soviet Union. Beatrice Jones (left) shows how she and others formed a chain to pass through the floodwaters Bolo také poučné, vecné, výchovné. Much of what we know about the Maya is learned from stone inscriptions and reliefs. It was so informative, factual, educational. A čo tvorivá predstavivosť? That amounts to nearly one stadium of children dying each day! What about creative imagination? A napokon, každý, kto pracoval pri bielych aligátoroch, bude súhlasiť, že sú prudšej a temperamentnejšej povahy ako obyčajné aligátory. The case is heard again at Caesarea, and to prevent a transfer of the trial to Jerusalem, Paul states: "I am standing before the judgment seat of Caesar... Finally, anyone who worked with white alligators will agree to be more violent and temperamental than ordinary alligators. Nech nie sú pre mňa zatratení tí, ktorí Ťa hľadajú, ó, Bože Izraela. " Very likely God spoke to Adam and Eve through "the Word. " - Genesis 1: 26 - 28; 2: 16; 3: 8 - 13. Let not those seeking you be damned to me, O God of Israel. " Táto plocha predstavuje takmer rozlohu Európy, ak do toho nepočítame územie bývalého Sovietskeho zväzu. God gave his only - begotten Son This area represents almost the size of Europe, unless we count the territory of the former Soviet Union. Veľa z toho, čo o Mayoch vieme, sa zistilo z nápisov vyrytých do kameňa a z reliéfov. Motivated by Love Much of what we know about the Maya came from inscriptions engraved in stone and reliefs. To znamená, že takmer jeden taký štadión detí zomiera každý deň! The brothers gave her needed support, so that she was able to resist the intense pressure. That means that almost one such stadium of children dies every day! Prípad je predložený opäť v Cézarei, a aby nebol postúpený súdu v Jeruzaleme, Pavol vyhlasuje: "Stojím pred cézarovou sudcovskou stolicou... Not knowing how to find the Bible Students, she asked Daddy to baptize her in the little creek on the farm, even though it was the cold month of March 1916. The case is presented again in Caesarea, and in order not to be passed on to judgment in Jerusalem, Paul declares: "I am standing before the judgment seat of Caesar.... Je veľmi pravdepodobné, že Boh hovoril s Adamom a Evou prostredníctvom tohto "Slova." - 1. Mojžišova 1: 26 - 28; 2: 16; 3: 8 - 13. If there is very good reason to believe that such a practice is followed in the hospital where a Christian will give birth, it would be proper simply to direct the physician that the placenta and the umbilical cord should be disposed of, not used in any way. Very likely, God spoke to Adam and Eve through this "word. " - Genesis 1: 26 - 28; 2: 16; 3: 8 - 13. Boh dal svojho jednosplodeného Syna Each issue from 1879 until December 15, 1938, carried on its front cover the words "" Watchman, What of the Night? ' - Isaiah 21: 11. " God gave his only - begotten Son Pohnútkou je láska Yet, in time, it became clear to me that I had to learn to be self - sufficient. Love Is a Motivation Bratia ju podporili, takže mohla tomuto silnému nátlaku odolať. " Money is for a protection, " says the Bible. She was supported by the brothers so that she could resist this intense pressure. Keďže nevedela, kde nájsť Bádateľov Biblie, poprosila otca, aby ju pokrstil v potoku na farme, hoci bol chladný marec roku 1916. [ Picture on page 6] Since she did not know where to find the Bible Students, she asked her father to baptize her in the brook on the farm, although it was cold March 1916. Ale ak existujú vážne dôvody, aby sa kresťan domnieval, že nemocnica, v ktorej sa uskutoční pôrod, to tak robí, bolo by správne, keby jednoducho informoval lekára, že si praje, aby placentu a pupočnú šnúru zlikvidovali a aby nebola použitá na žiadne iné účely. Geological Survey World Petroleum Assessment 2000. " But if there are serious reasons for a Christian to believe that the hospital where the birth takes place does so, it would be right if he simply informed the doctor that he wished the placenta and umbilical cord to be destroyed and not to be used for any other purpose. Každé číslo od roku 1879 do 15. decembra 1938 malo na titulnej strane slová "" Strážca, ako je to s nocou? " - Izaiáš 21: 11." His arguments were futile. Each issue from 1879 to 15 December 1938 had the words "" Guardian, what about the night? " - Isaiah 21: 11. " No časom mi bolo jasné, že sa musím naučiť byť sebestačná. C. In time, though, it became clear to me that I had to learn to be self - sufficient. " Peniaze sú na ochranu, "hovorí Biblia. Who will be among those resurrected? " Money is for protection, " says the Bible. [ Obrázok na strane 6] In supermarkets in Japan, as many as ten million Korean - made kimchi minicups were sold over a three - year period. [ Picture on page 6] Geological Survey World Petroleum Assessment 2000 ." As we have learned, worldwide safety standards are highly variable, and treatments with blood are riskier than many assume. Geological Survey World Petroleum Assessment 2000 ." Jeho argumenty boli zbytočné. " Read this, " she said. His arguments were pointless. C. But only a superhuman mind could write the code of life. C. Kto bude medzi vzkriesenými? The Babylonians approximated pi as 3 1 / 8 (3.125), and the Egyptians, slightly less accurately, as about 3.16. Who Will Be Among the Resurrected? V japonských supermarketoch bolo počas troch rokov predaných približne 10 miliónov malých nádob s kimči vyrobeným v Kórei. Of course, children rarely perform tasks with an adult's competence. For three years, some 10 million small kimchi containers made in Korea were sold in Japanese supermarkets. Svetskí známi nie sú Božími priateľmi a spoločenské styky s nimi nám nevyhnutne musia uškodiť. (November 2007) I thought that as long as I didn't commit immorality, there was nothing wrong with dating. Worldly acquaintances are not God's friends, and social relations with them must inevitably harm us. Ako sme sa dozvedeli, bezpečnostné normy sa vo svete veľmi líšia a liečba krvou je nebezpečnejšia, než sa mnohí nazdávajú. Why, their hearts are in spiritual darkness! As we have learned, safety standards vary greatly in the world, and blood treatment is more dangerous than many think. " Prečítaj si to, "povedala. Women can also be affected. " Read it, " she said. Ale kód života dokáže napísať iba nadľudská myseľ. Research in Toronto, Canada, suggests that drivers using a car phone while driving are four times more likely to have an accident. But the code of life can only be written by a superhuman mind. Babylončania odhadovali hodnotu pí na 3 1 / 8 (3,125) a Egypťania o niečo nepresnejšie, asi na 3,16. Despite our limitations, what assurance do we have? The Babylonians estimated the value of pi 3, 1 / 8 (3,125) and the Egyptians a little more imprecise, at about 3.16. Prirodzene, deti zriedkakedy vykonajú úlohy tak ako dospelý. The erroneous teachings of Catholicism had been deeply entrenched in her. Of course, children rarely perform tasks as an adult does. Veľa ulíc bolo zaplavených a nánosy bahna a kameňov siahali až do výšky 15 metrov. What should you do when opportunities arise to converse with the young man? Many streets were flooded, and mud and stone deposits reached to a height of 15 metres. (November 2007) Myslela som si, že pokiaľ sa nedopustím nemravnosti, nie je nič zlé na tom, že mám chlapca. This is done to reflect different shades of meaning that are expressed by the Greek word pi·steuʹo. (November 2007) I thought that if I didn't commit immorality, there was nothing wrong with having a boy. Nuž, sú v duchovnej tme! In the court records, "Gobitas " was misspelled. Well, they're in spiritual darkness! Aj ženy môžu byť ovplyvnené. What a mistake it would be to view God's friends as our enemies! - Psalm 141: 5. Women can also be affected. Prieskum v kanadskom Toronte ukazuje, že u vodičov používajúcich za jazdy mobilný telefón je štyri razy vyššia pravdepodobnosť, že budú mať nehodu. Highlights From the Letters to Titus, to Philemon, and to the Hebrews A survey in Toronto, Canada, shows that drivers using a mobile phone are four times more likely to have an accident. Čím si môžeme byť istí bez ohľadu na to, aké máme obmedzenia? She was in her 60 ' s and until then had always been a happy, robust woman with a positive word for everybody. What can we be sure of, regardless of our limitations? Falošné náuky katolicizmu boli v nej hlboko zakorenené. In what sense are the "great crowd " already redeemed, and what will they experience in the future? The false teachings of Catholicism were deeply rooted in it. Čo by si mala urobiť, keď sa ti naskytne príležitosť porozprávať sa s tým mladým mužom? " Do not try to stop them, for the kingdom of God belongs to suchlike ones. " What should you do when you get an opportunity to talk to that young man? Prekladá to tak preto, aby vystihol rozdielne významové odtiene, ktoré sú gréckym slovom pisteuo vyjadrené. I am 44, and I am thrilled when I read these accounts. It translates this to describe the different shades of meaning expressed in the Greek word pisteuo. V súdnych záznamoch bolo omylom uvedené "Gobitis." How to Cultivate Jesus ' View of Right and Wrong In court records, "Gobitis" was mistakenly mentioned. Bolo by obrovskou chybou pozerať sa na Božích priateľov ako na svojich nepriateľov. We should be slow to conclude that personal difficulties are a sign of spiritual weakness. It would be a huge mistake to view God's friends as enemies. Hlavné myšlienky z listov Títovi, Filémonovi a Hebrejom E. Highlights From the Letters to Titus, Philemon, and the Hebrews Mala vyše 60 rokov a predtým to bola vždy šťastná, zdravá žena, ktorá mala pre každého slovo povzbudenia. Mental Disorders, 9 / 8 She was over 60 years old, and before that she was always a happy, healthy woman who had a word of encouragement for everyone. V akom zmysle je "veľký zástup" už vykúpený a čo zažije v budúcnosti? HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? In what sense is the "great crowd " already redeemed, and what will he experience in the future? " Nepokúšajte sa ich zadržať, lebo takým patrí Božie kráľovstvo. " Every stone is different - a unique creation squeezed out of carbon by millions of years of volcanic pressure. " Do not try to hold them back, for the kingdom of God belongs to such ones. " Mám 44 rokov a som dojatá, keď čítam tieto správy. What should we be determined to do, and why? I am 44 years old and am touched when I read these reports. Ako si rozvíjať Ježišov pohľad na to, čo je dobré a zlé They will have the opportunity to live in harmony with God's will and receive everlasting life on earth. How to Develop Jesus ' View of Good and Bad Nemali by sme rýchlo usudzovať, že ak má niekto ťažkosti, je duchovne slabý. The stream of people fed into the slave trade at its point of origin were mainly captives. " We should not quickly conclude that if a person is in trouble, he is spiritually weak. E. Thus they promote growth in knowledge and understanding. E. AKO BY SI ODPOVEDAL? Paulo says: "A remedy that becomes a fad, just like a new hairstyle, is, to say the least, strange. " HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? Každý kameň je iný - jedinečný výtvor, ktorý bol sopečným tlakom milióny rokov vytváraný z uhlíka. In fact, the way we use our conscience reveals the depth of our spirituality, the quality of our heart, and the intensity of our desire to please Jehovah. Each stone is different - a unique creation that has been made of carbon by volcanic pressure for millions of years. Aký cieľ by sme mali mať a prečo? Our need to be merciful. What should be our goal, and why? Budú mať príležitosť žiť v súlade s Božou vôľou a získať večný život na zemi. According to recent geological research, some of the rainwater that falls on nearby mountain slopes seeps into the ground and passes through countless fissures in the granite. They will have the opportunity to live in harmony with God's will and to gain everlasting life on earth. Prísun ľudí pre obchod s otrokmi pochádzal hlavne zo zajatcov. " In harmony with this, the psalmist sang: "Bless Jehovah, O you angels of his, mighty in power, carrying out his word, by listening to the voice of his word. The rise of people for the slave trade came mainly from captives. " Tak podporujú lepšie poznanie a porozumenie. With Fred having always taken the lead, I never thought that I would ever be able to go ahead and do things on my own. They thus promote better knowledge and understanding. Paulo po opise "pobláznenosti za módnym liekom Prozac" uviedol: "Liek, ktorý sa stane prechodne populárnym, práve tak ako nejaký nový účes, je prinajmenšom pochybný." In time, the government ordered me and a number of other young Witnesses to report for military service. Paulo, after describing "freaking out behind the fashionable drug Prozac, " said:" A medicine that becomes temporarily popular, just like a new hairstyle, is at least questionable. " To, ako ho používame, svedčí o našej duchovnosti, o stave nášho obrazného srdca a o tom, do akej miery sa chceme páčiť Bohu. Finding satisfying answers to those questions is fundamental to your gaining lasting contentment. The way we use it testifies to our spirituality, to the state of our figurative heart, and to the extent that we want to please God. o tom, že by sme mali byť milosrdní. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. That we should be merciful. Podľa nedávneho geologického prieskumu určitá časť dažďovej vody vsakuje do pôdy okolitých vrchov a preteká nespočetnými puklinami v žulových skalách. And since their church may have mothered these twins for centuries, they may feel that texts that speak of destruction actually mean eternal torture. According to a recent geological survey, a portion of the rainwater drains into the soil of the surrounding mountains and flows through countless cracks in granite rocks. V súlade s tým žalmista spieval: "Žehnajte Jehovu, jeho anjeli, mocní v sile, vykonávajúci jeho slovo, tým, že počúvate hlas jeho slova. By Awake! In harmony with this, the psalmist sang: "Bless Jehovah his angels, mighty in strength, carrying out his word, by listening to the voice of his word. Keďže vždy všetko riadil Fred, nikdy som si nemyslela, že niekedy budem schopná ísť ďalej a že budem robiť všetko sama. " Know this, " says the Bible, "in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. " - 2 Timothy 3: 1. Since Fred always ran everything, I never thought I'd ever be able to move on and do everything by myself. Neskôr som spolu s ďalšími mladými svedkami dostal od vlády povolávací rozkaz. When a young sooty tern leaves its nest, it heads out to sea and stays in constant flight for the next few years! Later, along with other young Witnesses, I received a call from the government. Áron a jeho synovia boli tiež pomazaní týmto olejom, a tak posvätení ako kňazi pre Jehovu. ON THE vast grassy plains of Africa, a baby is born. Aaron and his sons were also anointed with this oil and thus sanctified as priests to Jehovah. Nájsť uspokojujúce odpovede na takéto otázky je nevyhnutné, ak chcete pociťovať trvalú spokojnosť. Our brother's fine example encouraged us to go to the meetings that the Witnesses were holding in a neighboring village. Finding satisfying answers to such questions is essential if you want to experience lasting satisfaction. A kráľovstvo nebude prenesené na nijaký iný ľud. The Romans erected at least 30 lighthouses, from the Black Sea to the Atlantic. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. A pretože ich cirkev možno živila tieto dve náuky počas celých storočí, môžu zastávať názor, že texty, ktoré hovoria o zničení, v skutočnosti znamenajú večné muky. Chapters 28 to 31 of the book Questions Young People Ask - Answers That Work, published by Jehovah's Witnesses, can help you determine if someone might be a suitable marriage mate. And since their church may have nurtured these two doctrines throughout the centuries, they may be of the opinion that the texts that speak of destruction actually mean eternal torment. Od dopisovateľa Prebuďte sa! " All in attendance at this convention who favor the adoption of this resolution, please say AYE! " By Awake! Biblia hovorí: "Vedz, že v posledných dňoch nastanú kritické časy, s ktorými sa bude dať ťažko vyrovnať." - 2. Timotejovi 3: 1. Customs and Traditions of Israel observes: "The celebration of birthdays has been borrowed from the practices of other nations, as no mention is made of this custom among Jews either in The Bible, Talmud, or writings of the later Sages. The Bible says: "Know that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. " - 2 Timothy 3: 1. Keď mladý rybár opustí hniezdo, zamieri nad more a lieta bez prestania niekoľko nasledujúcich rokov! In recent years Rapa Nui has had a mixed population of about 2,100. When a young fisherman leaves the nest, he will head over the sea and fly without letup for the next few years! NA ROZĽAHLÝCH trávnatých pláňach Afriky sa narodilo mláďa. * IN THE wild grassy plains of Africa, a cub was born. Jeho znamenitý príklad nás povzbudil, aby sme začali chodiť na zhromaždenia svedkov, ktoré sa konali v susednej dedine. The first case involved a resident of Greece, Minos Kokkinakis. His fine example encouraged us to attend the meetings of the Witnesses held in the neighboring village. Rimania postavili najmenej 30 majákov od Čierneho mora až po Atlantik. How can we enhance our love for Bible truth? The Romans built at least 30 lighthouses from the Black Sea to the Atlantic. Pri rozhodovaní, či je niekto vhodným manželským partnerom, ti môže byť pomocou 28. až 31. kapitola knihy Mladí ľudia sa pýtajú - praktické odpovede, ktorú vydali Jehovovi svedkovia. Yes, coming into contact with "the whole association of brothers " is a source of happiness. You can benefit from chapters 28 to 31 of the book Questions Young People Ask - Answers That Work, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Všetci prítomní na tomto zjazde, ktorí si prajete prijať túto rezolúciu, prosím, povedzte: ÁNO! " Wherever there were people, Jesus made opportunities to preach about peace and the Kingdom of God. - Matthew 4: 18, 19; 5: 1, 2; 9: 9; 26: 55; Mark 6: 34; Luke 19: 1 - 10; John 4: 5 - 26. All those present at this convention who wish to accept this resolution, please say yes! " Kniha Customs and Traditions of Israel (Izraelské zvyky a tradície) uvádza: "Oslavy narodenín sú prevzaté zo zvykov iných národov, pretože ani Biblia, ani Talmud, ani spisy neskorších mudrcov sa nezmieňujú o tom, že by bol tento zvyk medzi Židmi. The friendly atmosphere and the kind welcome that I received impressed me. " Birthday celebrations are taken from the customs of other nations, " states the book Customs and Traditions of Israel, "because neither the Bible nor the Talmud nor the writings of later wise men mention that this custom would be among the Jews. V posledných rokoch má Rapa Nui zmiešanú populáciu v počte asi 2100 obyvateľov. Are We Searching in the Right Places? In recent years, Rapa Nui has a mixed population of about 2100 inhabitants. * Can the Bible really meet the needs of individuals today? * Prvý prípad sa týkal Gréka Minosa Kokkinakisa. Whatever personal decisions Jehovah's Witnesses make in the face of different situations, they take care to preserve their Christian neutrality and freeness of speech. The first case concerned Greek Minos Kokkinakis. Akým ďalším spôsobom si môžeme prehlbovať lásku k biblickej pravde? Consider the value of what you have now. In what other way can we deepen our love for Bible truth? Áno, kontakt s " celým spoločenstvom bratov " je zdrojom šťastia. Our assignment was to contact some Christian brothers who had become inactive in the small town of Árgos Orestikón. Yes, contact with "the whole association of brothers " is a source of happiness. Ježiš využíval príležitosti kázať o pokoji a o Božom Kráľovstve všade, kde boli ľudia. - Matúš 4: 18, 19; 5: 1, 2; 9: 9; 26: 55; Marek 6: 34; Lukáš 19: 1 - 10; Ján 4: 5 - 26. I had been bored, and since the Bible was given to me as a present, I now had an excuse to read it openly. Jesus took advantage of opportunities to preach about peace and God's Kingdom wherever men were. - Matthew 4: 18, 19; 5: 1, 2; 9: 9; 26: 55; Mark 6: 34; Luke 19: 1 - 10; John 4: 5 - 26. Priateľská atmosféra a láskavé privítanie, ktorého sa mi dostalo, na mňa urobili dobrý dojem. When he set out on the long journey from Greece to Jerusalem, he was accompanied by several men, one of whom apparently was Tychicus. The friendly atmosphere and the kind welcome I received made a good impression on me. Hľadáme na správnom mieste? After being freed from slavery in Egypt, the Israelites were given the great honor of entering into a covenant relationship with Jehovah. Are we looking in the right place? Môže dnes Biblia naozaj pomôcť uspokojiť potreby ľudí? The entire religious policy of this emperor was directed to this end, and resulted in the Catholic Faith becoming the one legal religion of the Romans. " Can the Bible really help to satisfy people's needs today? Nech urobia Jehovovi svedkovia v rôznych situáciách, pred ktorými stoja, akékoľvek osobné rozhodnutie, snažia sa zachovať si kresťanskú neutralitu a voľnosť reči. Nabonidus Whatever personal decision Jehovah's Witnesses make in the various situations they face, they strive to maintain Christian neutrality and freedom of speech. Uvažuj nad hodnotou toho, čo máš teraz. I felt that only true Christians would show such self - sacrifice. Consider the value of what you have now. Naším poverením bolo skontaktovať sa s niektorými kresťanskými bratmi v malom meste Árgos Orestikón, ktorí sa stali nečinnými. About 50 men - boys, really - were responsible for maintaining the communications systems for the military compound. Our assignment was to contact some Christian brothers in the small town of Argos Oresticón, who had become inactive. Nudil som sa, a pretože som dostal Bibliu ako dar, mal som teraz dobrú zámienku, aby som ju otvorene čítal. WRITER IN GREECE I was bored, and because I received the Bible as a gift, I now had a good excuse to read it openly. Keď sa Pavol vydal na dlhú cestu z Grécka do Jeruzalema, sprevádzalo ho niekoľko mužov, z ktorých jedným bol očividne Tychikus. The Bible urges Christians: "Deaden, therefore, your body members that are upon the earth as respects fornication, uncleanness, sexual appetite, hurtful desire, and covetousness. " When Paul took a long journey from Greece to Jerusalem, he was accompanied by a number of men, one of whom was evidently Tychicus. Keď boli Izraeliti oslobodení z otroctva v Egypte, boli vysoko poctení možnosťou vstúpiť do zmluvného vzťahu s Jehovom. → Nerve cell (could treat Alzheimer's and Parkinson's and repair spinal cord injuries) When the Israelites were freed from slavery in Egypt, they were highly honored with the possibility of entering into a covenant relationship with Jehovah. Celá náboženská politika tohto cisára smerovala k tomuto cieľu a jej výsledkom bolo, že katolícka viera sa stala jediným zákonným náboženstvom Rimanov. " All of us have an inborn tendency to do wrong. This emperor's entire religious policy toward that goal resulted in Catholic faith becoming the only legal religion of the Romans. " Nabonid The British Library in London holds the second - largest number of books, more than 18 million of them. Nabonide Bol som presvedčený, že takí obetaví môžu byť len praví kresťania. At the same time, my husband and I try to provide them with good entertainment. I was convinced that only true Christians could be so self - sacrificing. Asi 50 mužov - v skutočnosti chlapcov - bolo zodpovedných za udržiavanie komunikačného systému pre vojenský tábor. It was then that I remembered what those two Witnesses had told us about the hypocrisy of the churches. About 50 men - in fact boys - were responsible for maintaining the communication system for military camp. z 8. septembra 1990, strany 25 - 27. Even before we could start our tour, we remembered that we had been warned to dress warmly - it was cold inside! of September 8, 1990, pages 25 - 7. V GRÉCKU IT STOOD at one of the crossroads of the ancient world - the place where caravan routes that ran from the Mediterranean to China and from Egypt to Anatolia once met. CORRESPONDENT IN GREECE Biblia nabáda kresťanov: "Umŕtvujte preto svoje telesné údy, ktoré sú na zemi, čo sa týka smilstva, nečistoty, pohlavných vášní, škodlivej žiadosti a žiadostivosti." How we now rejoice to have legal status! The Bible admonishes Christians: "Deaden, therefore, your body members that are upon the earth as regards fornication, uncleanness, sexual appetite, hurtful desire, and covetousness. " → Nervová bunka (mohla by liečiť Alzheimerovu a Parkinsonovu chorobu a napraviť poškodenie miechy) Isaiah 32: 2 foretold: "Each one must prove to be like a hiding place from the wind and a place of concealment from the rainstorm, like streams of water in a waterless country, like the shadow of a heavy crag in an exhausted land. " → Nervous cell (it could treat Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease and repair spinal cord damage) Všetci máme vrodený sklon konať nesprávne. A Growing Need for Forgiveness We all have an innate tendency to do wrong. Druhú najväčšiu zbierku má Britská knižnica v Londýne - viac ako 18 miliónov kníh. Consequently, he has no rightful claim to universal rulership. The second largest collection is the British Library in London - over 18 million books. Spolu s manželom sa im zároveň snažíme poskytnúť dobrú zábavu. On June 24, 1985, Dr. At the same time, my husband and I try to give them good entertainment. Práve vtedy som si spomenul na to, čo nám povedali tí dvaja svedkovia o pokrytectve cirkví. What has helped them to succeed and stay happy? It was then that I remembered what those two Witnesses told us about the hypocrisy of the churches. Ešte skôr ako sme začali s prehliadkou výstavy, spomenuli sme si na upozornenie, aby sme sa teplo obliekli - vnútri bolo naozaj zima! Jesus went to John to get baptized, then became God's Anointed One, or Messiah. Even before we started the exhibition, we remembered the warning to dress warmly - it was really cold inside! NACHÁDZALA sa na jednej z križovatiek starovekého sveta - na mieste, kde sa stretávali karavánové cesty, ktoré viedli zo Stredomoria do Číny a z Egypta do Anatólie. The Bettmann Archive IT HAPPENED on one of the intersections of the ancient world - a place where caravan roads that led from the Mediterranean to China and Egypt to Anatolia met. Ako sa teraz tešíme, že sme legalizovaní! For example, at the beginning of Jeremiah's ministry when he expressed doubts about his qualifications, Jehovah told him: "Do not be afraid because of their faces, for " I am with you to deliver you ' is the utterance of Jehovah. " How glad we are now to be legalized! Izaiáš 32: 2 predpovedal: "Každý sa prejaví ako úkryt pred vetrom a ako skrýša pred lejakom, ako prúdy vody v bezvodnej krajine, ako tieň mohutného skalného útesu vo vyčerpanej krajine." In commemoration of the 60th anniversary of Emperor Hirohito's reign, Japan minted a special gold coin four years ago. Isaiah 32: 2 foretold: "Everyone will prove to be a hiding place from the wind and a hiding place from the rainstorm, like streams of water in a waterless land, like a shadow of a mighty crag in an exhausted land. " Stále väčšia potreba odpustenia Since Greece is a member - state of the Council of Europe, it is obliged to conform to the Articles of the European Convention on Human Rights. An Increasing Need for Forgiveness Preto nemá žiadne právo vládnuť. Rutherford's discourses on the gramophone. That's why he has no right to rule. Dňa 24. júna 1985 ma dr. Insects or other small creatures unfortunate enough to be caught in the resin eventually become totally immersed in it. On June 24, 1985, Dr. Čo im pomáha, aby to zvládli a udržali si radosť? ; Vanegas, C. What helps them to cope and to maintain their joy? Ježiš odchádza za Jánom a dáva sa pokrstiť, čím sa stáva Božím pomazaným, čiže Mesiášom. Why is it that even some scientifically - minded people have trouble accepting evolution as the origin of life? Jesus goes to John and is baptized, thus becoming God's anointed one, or Messiah. The Bettmann Archive Unless there is additional supporting evidence confirming his conclusions, such calculations may not be a source of reliable chronological information. The Bettmann Archive Napríklad keď na začiatku služby vyjadril Jeremiáš pochybnosti o svojej spôsobilosti, Jehova mu povedal: "Neboj sa ich tvárí, veď " som s tebou, aby som ťa oslobodil, " je Jehovov výrok." Whatever you call it, it took its revenge on those who had squeezed it tight in a corset of dikes and levees, robbing it of its wetlands. For example, when Jeremiah expressed doubts about his ability at the beginning of his ministry, Jehovah told him: "Do not be afraid of their faces, for " I am with you to deliver you, ' is the utterance of Jehovah. " Vzhľadom k veľkému nedostatku manuálnych pracovníkov v Južnej Kórei použil jeden roľník neďaleko Soulu na zbieranie orechov na svojom majetku opice. We also walk in love when we are patient, kind, and forgiving. Because of the great shortage of manual workers in South Korea, a farmer near Seoul used a monkey to collect nuts on his property. Keďže Grécko je členským štátom Rady Európy, má záväzok dodržiavať Európsku dohodu o ľudských právach. [ Pictures on page 22] Since Greece is a Member State of the Council of Europe, it has a commitment to comply with the European Agreement on Human Rights. Rutherforda v centre Vlorë. While acknowledging its benefits, he warns: "Someone can start with something that's a fact or a misstatement, and suddenly thousands of people are potentially privy to it. " Rutherford downtown Vlorë. Hmyz alebo iné malé tvory, ktoré nešťastne uviaznu v živici, sú ňou nakoniec celkom zaplavené. Many Christians have in good conscience concluded that Bible principles do not rule out appearing, even as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego complied with the directive of the Babylonian government to appear on the plain of Dura and as Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem at the direction of the Roman authorities. Insects or other small creatures that are unhappyly stranded in the resin are eventually completely flooded with it. Snapová; C. In December 1966, I was appointed branch overseer and spent much time on legal matters. ; Snape, C. Prečo aj niektorí vedecky založení ľudia odmietajú prijať evolúciu ako vysvetlenie vzniku života? There is nothing wrong with praying to God about our daily, practical needs. Why do some science - based people refuse to accept evolution as an explanation for the origin of life? Bez ďalších podporných dôkazov, ktoré by potvrdzovali jeho závery, sa takéto výpočty nedajú považovať za zdroj spoľahlivých chronologických informácií. According to the World Health Organization, UV levels are increasing because the ozone layer is decreasing. Without further supporting evidence confirming its conclusions, such calculations cannot be considered as a source of reliable chronological information. Nech už túto rieku nazývate akokoľvek, mstila sa ľuďom, ktorí ju natesno zošnurovali do korzetu z hrádzí a ochranných násypov, a tak ju olúpili o jej mokrade. What are some barriers to good communication? Whatever you call this river, it was avenged by people who laced it tightly into the corset of dams and protective mouthpieces, so they robbed it of its wetlands. Láska nás vedie aj k tomu, že sme trpezliví, láskaví a ochotne odpúšťame. The headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses in Estonia is situated in Tallinn. " Love also leads us to be patient, kind, and forgiving. [ Obrázky na strane 22] (Read Hebrews 11: 17 - 19.) [ Pictures on page 22] Uznáva síce jeho užitočné stránky, no upozorňuje: "Niekto môže napísať niečo, čo môže byť skutočnosť alebo aj chybný údaj, a zrazu je do toho potenciálne zapojených tisíce ľudí." It says that the soul can be killed or destroyed, totally ceasing to exist. While acknowledging its beneficial aspects, he warns: "Some may write something that may be a fact or even a faulty figure, and suddenly thousands of people are potentially involved. " Mnohí kresťania prišli s dobrým svedomím k záveru, že biblické zásady im nebránia, aby sa do takejto služby dostavili, práve tak ako Sadrach, Mézach a Abednego vyhoveli príkazu babylonskej vlády, aby sa dostavili na nížinu Dúra, a ako Jozef s Máriou išli na príkaz rímskej vrchnosti do Betlehema. Tulips Helped Them Survive Many Christians have come to the conclusion with good conscience that Bible principles do not prevent them from attending such service, just as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego had complied with the command of the Babylonian government to appear on the plain of Dura, and as Joseph and Mary had gone to Bethlehem on the command of the Roman authorities. V decembri 1966 som sa stal dozorcom pobočky a veľa času som venoval právnym záležitostiam. What is it? In December 1966, I became a branch overseer, and I devoted much time to legal matters. Nie je nesprávne prosiť Boha, aby nám dal to, čo na každý deň potrebujeme. What a contrast that is with life today! It is not wrong to ask God to give us what we need for each day. Podľa Svetovej zdravotníckej organizácie úroveň UV žiarenia stúpa, pretože ozónová vrstva sa stenčuje. He wanted them to rely on the Source of lasting riches - Jehovah. According to the World Health Organization, the level of UV radiation is rising because the ozone layer is becoming thinner. Čo môže brániť dobrej komunikácii? Another group of experts has estimated that the "costs of repairs, litigation, and lost business could total as much as $4 trillion. " What can hinder good communication? Ústredie Jehovových svedkov v Estónsku je v Talline. " H., Honduras The headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses in Estonia is in Tallinn. " (Prečítajte Hebrejom 11: 17 - 19.) Mummy Found to Have Prosthetic Toe (Read Hebrews 11: 17 - 19.) Hovorí, že duša môže byť zabitá alebo zničená, pričom úplne prestane existovať. Gerrit Lösch, a member of the Governing Body, spoke to the students on this thought - provoking theme. He says that the soul can be killed or destroyed and completely ceases to exist. Tulipány im pomohli prežiť But wait! The Tulips Helped Them Survive Ktorá je to potreba? They do not want to be like the scribes and the Pharisees, whom Jesus condemned for religious hypocrisy. - Matthew 23: 1 - 36. What's the need? To je naozaj obrovský rozdiel v porovnaní so svetom, v ktorom žijeme dnes! It takes time and effort to teach children and to shape their attitude and behavior so that they will be pleasing to God. That is really a huge difference compared to the world in which we live today! Chcel, aby sa spoliehali na skutočné bohatstvo, ktorého Zdrojom je Jehova. " You are one big " WHY '! " He wanted them to rely on the real riches that Jehovah is the Source of. Iná skupina odborníkov odhaduje, že "náklady na opravy, vedenie sporov a uniknuté zisky môžu dosiahnuť až 4 bilióny amerických dolárov." Christians preached the same message that Jesus did. He said: "I must declare the good news of the kingdom of God. " Another group of experts estimates that "the cost of repairs, litigation, and escaped profits can reach up to $4 trillion. " H., Honduras Provocative Dancing H., Honduras Múmia s protézou prsta Debates, arguments, and wrangling are the norm among those who look at life in a fleshly way. A mummy with a finger prosthesis Na túto zaujímavú tému sa študentom prihovoril Gerrit Lösch, člen vedúceho zboru. On March 22, 1992, I was baptized at the first assembly of Jehovah's Witnesses in Bulgaria, which was held in the city of Plovdiv. Gerrit Lösch, a member of the Governing Body, spoke to the students on this interesting subject. Ale počkať, niečo tu nesedí! 1: 7; 9: 10 - In what way is the fear of Jehovah "the beginning of knowledge " and" the start of wisdom "? But wait, something's not right! Nechcú byť ako znalci Písma a farizeji, ktorých Ježiš odsúdil za náboženské pokrytectvo. - Matúš 23: 1 - 36. ● Find the best type of friends? They do not want to be like the scribes and Pharisees whom Jesus condemned for religious hypocrisy. - Matthew 23: 1 - 36. Áno, vyžaduje si to čas a úsilie, ak majú rodičia poučovať deti a formovať ich postoje a správanie tak, aby sa páčili Bohu. However, the book of Acts mentions that some Jews or proselytes from Pontus were among those in Jerusalem who heard the good news at Pentecost 33 C.E. Yes, it takes time and effort for parents to instruct their children and shape their attitudes and conduct in a way that pleases God. " Ty si samé " PREČO "! " He sleeps on a straw mat. " You Are Alone " WHY '! " Kresťania hlásali rovnaké posolstvo ako Ježiš, ktorý povedal: "Musím oznamovať dobré posolstvo o Božom kráľovstve." Clearly, material progress does not diminish anxiety and stress; if anything, it heightens them. Christians preached the same message as Jesus said: "I must declare the good news of the kingdom of God. " Vyzývavý tanec In English, the word "limes " as used here is pronounced as if it were spelled" limees. " A Challenged Dance Hádky a škriepky sa považujú za normálne medzi ľuďmi, ktorí sa na život pozerajú z telesného hľadiska. Changing global thinking is, however, far more difficult than naming a decade, for "decision makers, " states UNESCO Environment and Development Briefs," tend to focus on relief to the exclusion of prevention. " Controversies and quarrels are considered normal among those who view life physically. Dňa 22. marca 1992 som bol pokrstený na prvom zjazde Jehovových svedkov v Bulharsku, ktorý sa konal v meste Plovdiv. They felt that she was turning her back on her family. On March 22, 1992, I was baptized at the first convention of Jehovah's Witnesses in Bulgaria, held in Plovdiv. 1: 7; 9: 10 - V akom zmysle je bázeň pred Jehovom "počiatkom poznania" a "počiatkom múdrosti"? Let each of us, then, determine what is truly important in our life. 1: 7; 9: 10 - In what sense is the fear of Jehovah "the beginning of knowledge " and" the beginning of wisdom "? ● nájsť tých najlepších priateľov? What can you do? ● Find the best friends? No biblická kniha Skutky sa zmieňuje o tom, že medzi tými, ktorí si vypočuli dobré posolstvo v Jeruzaleme na Letnice 33 n. l., boli aj židia alebo prozelyti z Pontu. L., France However, the Bible book of Acts mentions that Jews or proselytes from Pontus were among those who heard the good news in Jerusalem at Pentecost 33 C.E. John spáva na slamenej rohoži. Furthermore, the price was exorbitant. John sleeps on a sleazy mat. Je jasné, že materiálna prosperita neznižuje úzkosť a stres, skôr naopak. Thereafter, God's people distributed printed copies of these by the millions. Clearly, material prosperity does not reduce anxiety and stress, rather the opposite. Zmeniť celosvetové myslenie je však oveľa ťažšie, než pomenovať desaťročie, pretože "tí, ktorí robia rozhodnutia, majú sklon sústreďovať sa na následnú pomoc na úkor prevencie," uvádza publikácia UNESCO Environment and Development Briefs. Regarding Christian neutrality, the New Catholic Encyclopedia asserts: "Conscientious objection is morally indefensible. " However, changing global thinking is much more difficult than naming a decade because "those who make decisions tend to focus on subsequent assistance to the detriment of prevention, " says UNESCO Environment and Development Briefs. Mali pocit, že sa im Alice obrátila chrbtom. Add to that the stress of being suddenly thrust into new surroundings. They felt that Alice had turned her back on them. Kiež sa teda každý z nás rozhodne pre to, čo je v živote skutočne dôležité. To the south, access to the Black Sea was blocked by the Ottoman Empire. May each of us, then, decide what is really important in life. Čo môžete urobiť? [ Pictures on page 19] What can you do? L., Francúzsko When I was six years old, my father's work took us abroad - first to Brazil and then to Ecuador. L., France Okrem toho bola premrštená aj jej cena. Indeed, he has! In addition, its price has been squandered. Boží ľud potom rozšíril milióny výtlačkov týchto obvinení. So with love for the Master and for the sheep, the slave class happily cares for the spiritual needs of the great crowd. God's people then spread millions of copies of these accusations. Čo sa týka kresťanskej neutrality, New Catholic Encyclopedia tvrdí: "Odopieranie [vojenskej služby] z dôvodu svedomia je morálne neprijateľné." The Bible book of Acts shows that they went on to set an outstanding example in keeping watchful. Regarding Christian neutrality, the New Catholic Encyclopedia claims: "The conscientious denial of [military service] is morally unacceptable. " Pridaj k tomu stres z toho, že sa náhle ocitli v novom prostredí. " The other day a cow and a calf were attacked by a jaguar, " says veterinarian Ronnie Kranenburg. Add to that the stress of suddenly finding themselves in a new environment. Na juhu hatila prístup k Čiernemu moru Osmanská ríša. The scare, however, made me think about my purpose in life and the need to serve our Creator. In the south, the Ottoman Empire shattered access to the Black Sea. [ Obrázky na strane 19] Church theologians who try to downplay Christian doctrine by arguing that the Mosaic covenant is still valid or that there are " diverse paths to God ' find themselves in an embarrassing predicament. [ Pictures on page 19] Keď som mal šesť rokov, otec dostal prácu v zahraničí, a tak sme sa presťahovali - najprv do Brazílie a potom do Ekvádoru. " It wouldn't be so bad if we were all poor, " complains a 17 - year - old African youth named Zanele. When I was six years old, my father got a job abroad, so we moved - first to Brazil and then to Ecuador. Rozhodne áno! Thus, even when we feel that our fellow humans do not understand us, we can be sure that God understands. Absolutely! A tak s láskou k Pánovi a k ovciam sa trieda otroka s radosťou stará o duchovné potreby veľkého zástupu. □ INSURANCE: The Watch Tower Society may be named as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy or in a retirement / pension plan. So with love for the Lord and the sheep, the slave class gladly cares for the spiritual needs of the great crowd. Podľa biblickej knihy Skutky dali neskôr vynikajúci príklad v tom, ako môžeme zostať duchovne bdelí. From the time he was anointed as Israel's future king, he had allowed God's spirit to direct him and strengthen him in all he did. According to the Bible book of Acts, they later set a fine example of how we can stay spiritually awake. " Jedného dňa jaguár napadol kravu s teliatkom ," povedal veterinár Ronnie Kranenburg. So I decided to let them in with the intention of demolishing their arguments. " One day a jaguar attacked a cow with a calf, " said vet Ronnie Kranenburg. Zľakol som sa a to ma podnietilo rozmýšľať o zmysle môjho života a o potrebe slúžiť nášmu Stvoriteľovi. Moses and David I got scared, and this moved me to think about the purpose of my life and the need to serve our Creator. Cirkevní teológovia, ktorí sa snažia bagatelizovať kresťanskú náuku tvrdením, že mojžišovská zmluva je stále platná alebo že sú " rôzne cesty k Bohu ," sa nachádzajú v trápnej situácii. Why? Church theologians who try to minimize Christian doctrine by claiming that the Mosaic covenant is still valid or that there are "different ways to God " are in an awkward situation. " Nebolo by to také zlé, keby sme všetci boli chudobní, "sťažuje sa 17 - ročný Afričan Zanele. " Romans were bred to warfare, " explained Moses Hadas in the book Imperial Rome. " It wouldn't be so bad if we were all poor, " complains 17 - year - old African Zanele. A tak aj keby sme mali pocit, že iní ľudia nás nechápu, môžeme mať istotu, že Boh nám rozumie. But you may be able to prevent migraine attacks from being triggered. So even if we feel that other people do not understand us, we can be sure that God understands us. □ POISTENIE: Spoločnosti Watch Tower možno odkázať niektorý druh životného poistenia alebo dôchodku. For one thing, the Bible shows that man does not have a separate soul that could inhabit an animal. □ INSURANCE: The Watch Tower Society may be referred to a type of life insurance or pension. Odvtedy, ako bol pomazaný za budúceho izraelského kráľa, sa nechal viesť a posilňovať Božím duchom vo všetkom, čo robil. By Friday my blood count had dropped to 4.7, and I was losing strength. Since being anointed as a future king of Israel, he has been guided and strengthened by God's spirit in all that he has done. Rozhodla som sa pozvať ich dnu, aby som im vyvrátila ich argumenty. Walk as Instructed by Jehovah, 6 / 15 I decided to invite them in to disprove their arguments. Mojžiš a Dávid They embalm any encapsulated insects and plants. Moses and David Prečo? He did all of this while he was waiting for someone to visit him. Why? " Rimania boli vedení k boju, "hovorí Moses Hadas v knihe Imperial Rome. Indeed, the trend in recent decades is moving toward more abortions, not fewer. " The Romans were led to battle, " says Moses Hadas in the book Imperial Rome. No môžete predchádzať vzniku migrenóznych záchvatov. [ Picture on page 17] However, you may be able to prevent migraine seizures. V prvom rade Biblia ukazuje, že človek nemá samostatnú dušu, ktorá by mohla prebývať vo zvierati. It requires that we come to know Jehovah as a person and have full confidence in him. First of all, the Bible shows that man does not have an independent soul that could dwell in an animal. V piatok sa mi zhoršil krvný obraz na 4,7 a strácala som silu. Jesus called them hypocrites because they advertised their charitable donations "in the synagogues and in the streets. " On Friday, my blood count deteriorated to 4.7, and I was losing strength. 15. the boy said with a maniacal sneer, taunting the character on the screen. 15. Zakonzervujú akýkoľvek hmyz či rastliny, ktoré sú v nich uzavreté. I am not deaf! They preserve any insects or plants that are enclosed in them. To všetko prečítal, kým čakal na niekoho, kto ho navštívi. Asia's Child - Sex Trade He read all this while waiting for someone to visit him. Skutočne, trend v posledných desaťročiach smeruje k väčšiemu počtu potratov, nie k menšiemu. Pioneers of Astronomy Indeed, the trend in recent decades has been towards more abortions, not less. [ Obrázok na strane 17] Politicians were quick to jump on the bandwagon, and scientific rigor was eclipsed by nationalistic fervor. [ Picture on page 17] Taká viera si vyžaduje spoznať Jehovu ako osobu a plne mu dôverovať. According to school headmaster Timothy Wright, quoted in Australia's Sydney Morning Herald, "modern technology means that the careless word, the slanderous comment, the inappropriate photograph or the revealing of someone's private details is on the permanent record and freely available to anyone who has access. " Such faith requires getting to know Jehovah as a person and fully trusting in him. Ježiš ich nazval pokrytcami, lebo oznamovali svoje milodary "v synagógach a na uliciach." A Time to Fight? Jesus called them hypocrites because they declared their gifts "in synagogues and in the streets. " povedal chlapec s nepríčetným úškľabkom, posmievajúc sa postavičke na obrazovke. Make it clear that your Christian integrity is not negotiable. said the boy with a deranged grin, mocking the character on the screen. Nie som nemý! For what? I'm not mute! Ázijský obchod s detskou prostitúciou SONGS: 142, 92 Asian Child Prostitution Trade Priekopníci v oblasti astronómie M., Peru Pioneers in Astronomy Politici rýchle podporia populárne tendencie a vedecká presnosť je zatienená nacionalistickým zápalom. Are You Truly Tolerant? Politicians quickly support popular tendencies and scientific accuracy is overshadowed by nationalist inflammation. Timothy Wright, ktorý je riaditeľom školy, povedal pre austrálske noviny Sydney Morning Herald: "Moderné technológie umožňujú, že každé ľahkovážne slovo, uštipačná poznámka, nevhodná fotografia alebo zverejnená osobná informácia sa natrvalo zaznamená a je voľne dostupná každému, kto má zriadený prístup." More and more merchants worldwide are accepting the yen, and some even prefer it. Timothy Wright, head of the school, said to the Australian newspaper Sydney Morning Herald: "Modern technology allows any reckless word, stinging note, inappropriate photograph, or published personal information to be permanently recorded and freely available to anyone with established access. " Čas bojovať? Jesus referred to a misuse of free will when he said of the Devil: "He did not stand fast in the truth. " Time to fight? Jasne ukáž, že nie si ochotný vzdať sa svojej kresťanskej rýdzosti. No, there is nothing wrong with accurate knowledge. Show clearly that you are not willing to give up your Christian integrity. O čo? We are going to execute you. " About what? PIESNE: 142, 92 [ Picture on page 23] SONGS TO BE USED: 142, 92 M., Peru The Christian congregation there was split over the issue of circumcision. M., Peru Si naozaj tolerantný? His name was Pierre. Are you really tolerant? Stále viac obchodníkov na celom svete prijíma jen ako platidlo, a niektorí ho dokonca uprednostňujú. Children also feel the emotional and physical drain. More and more traders around the world accept yen as tender, and some even prefer it. Ježiš hovoril o tom, že Diabol zneužil svoju slobodnú vôľu, keď o ňom povedal: "Nestál pevne v pravde." As soon as the shark neared the electrodes, it viciously attacked them. Jesus spoke of the Devil's misuse of his free will when he said of him: "He did not stand fast in the truth. " Nie, na presnom poznaní nie je nič zlé. The great prophet Jesus Christ once told a Samaritan woman: "You worship what you do not know. " No, there's nothing wrong with accurate knowledge. Ideme ťa popraviť. " Cooke), 1 / 1 We are going to execute you. " [ Obrázok na strane 23] ; Johnsson, K. [ Picture on page 23] Členov tamojšieho zboru rozdelili odlišné názory na obriezku. LATVIA The members of the congregation there were divided by different views on circumcision. Volal sa Pierre. But, Honey, did you know that Daddy is not coming back? " His name was Pierre. Aj deti pociťujú citovú a fyzickú vyčerpanosť. This was no doubt strengthened by the way Jehovah had delivered him earlier. Children too feel emotional and physical exhaustion. Len čo sa žralok priblížil k elektródam, zúrivo na ne zaútočil. After Jehovah liberated the people of Israel from slavery in Egypt, they at times ignored his wise counsel. As soon as the shark approached the electrodes, he ragingly attacked them. Veľký prorok Ježiš Kristus raz povedal jednej samaritánskej žene: "Uctievate, čo nepoznáte." Hedgehogs have very few natural enemies apart from foxes and badgers. The great prophet Jesus Christ once told a Samaritan woman: "You worship what you do not know. " Gilová; K. Developing a closer relationship with Jehovah is a lifetime pursuit (See paragraphs 16, 17) ; Miles, K. LOTYŠSKO Once again, your resolute no turns into an exasperated, reluctant yes. LATVIA Ale, zlatko, vieš, že ocko sa už nevráti? " At the 2009 convention of Jehovah's Witnesses in Helsinki. But, honey, do you know Dad's not coming back? " Tento vzťah bol nepochybne posilňovaný tým, ako Jehova už predtým Dávida oslobodzoval. The one who is walking faultlessly, practicing what is right and speaking the truth in his heart. " - Psalm 15: 1, 2. This relationship was undoubtedly strengthened by the way Jehovah had already delivered David. Po tom, čo Jehova vyslobodil izraelský ľud z otroctva v Egypte, Izraeliti opakovane prehliadali jeho múdre rady. [ Picture on page 28] After Jehovah delivered the people of Israel from slavery in Egypt, the Israelites repeatedly ignored his wise counsel. Okrem líšok a jazvecov ježkovia prakticky nemajú iných prirodzených nepriateľov. Can they see that conviction in you, in your conversations and decisions? Besides foxes and badgers, hedgehogs virtually have no other natural enemies. Blízky vzťah k Jehovovi si budeme môcť rozvíjať po celú večnosť (Pozri 16. a 17. odsek.) Similarly, in September 1992, when the Ouvèze River in southeastern France flooded and devastated Vaison - la - Romaine and 15 surrounding communities, the Witnesses responded quickly. We will be able to cultivate a close relationship with Jehovah forever (See paragraphs 16, 17) Nakoniec, keď si už neviete dať rady a ste na konci s nervami, rezignovane ustúpite. So I founded a reform action group called "His Name Made Known Amongst All the Nations. " After all, when you can't get advice and you're at the end of your nerves, you're resigned. V Helsinkách v roku 2009 na zjazde Jehovových svedkov. They are often wise as well as smart. " In Helsinki, 2009 at a convention of Jehovah's Witnesses. Ten, kto chodí bezúhonne a koná spravodlivosť a hovorí pravdu vo svojom srdci. " Still, she did not forget the vow she had made to God. He that is walking faultlessly and practicing righteousness and speaking the truth in his heart. " [ Obrázok na strane 28] This well - founded hope will protect us as a helmet protects the head. [ Picture on page 28] Na niektorom rodinnom uctievaní môžete rozobrať správu zapísanú v 2. The world also noted first - century Kingdom - preaching activities and persecuted proclaimers of the good news. In some family worship, you can discuss the account recorded at 2 Timothy 3: 3. V septembri 1992, keď rieka Ouvèze v juhovýchodnom Francúzsku zaplavila a spustošila Vaison - la - Romaine a 15 okolitých obcí, svedkovia podobne rýchlo zareagovali. After describing that shameful and tragic event, God's Word cautions: "Let the one who thinks he is standing beware that he does not fall. " In September 1992, when the Ouvèze River in southeastern France flooded and devastated Vaison - la - Romaine and the 15 surrounding villages, the Witnesses responded similarly quickly. Preto som založil reformnú akčnú skupinu pod názvom "Oznamovať jeho meno medzi všetkými národmi." " Whether they kill me or set me free, I will remain faithful to Jehovah. " That is why I have set up a reform action group called 'Declaring his name among all the nations'. Často sú nielenže múdri, ale aj bystrí v úsudku. " However, Gregory was unable to produce the promised sum, so Anthimus of Adrianople purchased the office, only to resign later. They are often not only wise but also discerning in judgment. " Na svoj sľub, ktorý dala Bohu, však nezabudla. Abhor what is wicked, cling to what is good. " - Psalm 34: 14; 97: 10; Romans 12: 9. However, she did not forget her promise to God. Táto opodstatnená nádej nás bude chrániť, ako prilba chráni hlavu. Against this backdrop of fierce opposition and earnest yearning for Bible knowledge, there emerged a prominent figure who would play a key role in the translation of the Bible into modern Greek. This legitimate hope will protect us as the helmet protects our head. Svet si aj v prvom storočí všimol kázanie o Kráľovstve a prenasledoval hlásateľov dobrého posolstva. Most proteins have more than 100 Even in the first century, the world noticed Kingdom preaching and persecuted proclaimers of the good news. V Božom Slove nachádzame po zmienke o tejto tragickej udalosti túto výstrahu: "Ten, kto si myslí, že stojí, nech si dá pozor, aby nepadol." Why Treat Me So Badly? After mentioning this tragic event, God's Word warns us: "Let him that thinks he is standing beware that he does not fall. " " Či ma zabijú, alebo prepustia, zostanem Jehovovi verný. " In a report launching a five - year campaign to help the world's poor, Oxfam found that one fifth of the world's population reside in the 50 poorest nations. " Whether they kill me or release me, I will remain faithful to Jehovah. " No Gregor nedokázal sľúbenú sumu zabezpečiť, a tak úrad kúpil Anthimus Adrianopoliský, ktorý však neskôr odstúpil. Jesus Christ's course of humility and obedience on earth culminated in his death on a torture stake. Gregor, however, could not secure the promised amount, so Anthimus Adrianopoliský bought the office, which later resigned. Sprotivte si to, čo je zlé, lipnite k tomu, čo je dobré. " - Žalm 34: 14; 97: 10; Rimanom 12: 9. " André, " he said, "don't look to the left or to the right. Abhor what is bad, cling to what is good. " - Psalm 34: 14; 97: 10; Romans 12: 9. V tejto atmosfére prudkého odporu i vrúcnej túžby po biblickom poznaní sa na scéne objavila významná osobnosť, ktorá mala zohrať kľúčovú úlohu v prekladaní Biblie do modernej gréčtiny. I did not understand anything. In this atmosphere of intense opposition and fervent desire for Bible knowledge, an important personality appeared on the scene to play a key role in translating the Bible into modern Greek. Väčšina bielkovín ich má vyše 100 Some botanists believe that it originated in central Asia, from there spreading all over the globe. Most proteins have over 100 Krömer), 22 / 6 Hardly. 6 / 8 V správe vydanej na začiatku päťročnej kampane na pomoc chudobným sveta Oxfam uvádza, že pätina svetovej populácie býva v 50 najchudobnejších krajinách. Yet, the situation in the Roman Empire, which was considered highly civilized, was similar. In a report issued at the beginning of the five - year campaign to help the poor world, Oxfam states that one fifth of the world's population lives in the 50 poorest countries. Najväčším dôkazom Ježišovej pokory a poslušnosti počas jeho života na zemi bola jeho smrť na mučeníckom kole. It is like the dew of Hermon that is descending upon the mountains of Zion. The greatest evidence of Jesus ' humility and obedience during his earthly life was his death on a torture stake. " André, "povedal," nehľaď napravo ani naľavo. Also, at this time I was trying to find out the meaning of life by investigating the Eastern religions. " André, " he said, "do not look to the right or to the left. Ničomu som nerozumel. God's Word calls death an enemy and promises that it "is to be brought to nothing. " - 1 Corinthians 15: 26. I didn't understand anything. Niektorí botanici sú presvedčení, že cesnak pochádza zo strednej Ázie, odkiaľ sa rozšíril do celého sveta. Parting Words of Admonition Some botanists believe that garlic comes from Central Asia, where it has spread throughout the world. Nie. Why then are so many people afflicted by money problems? No. Podobná situácia bola aj v Rímskej ríši, ktorá sa považovala za vysoko civilizovanú. In what sense did first - century Christians prophesy? A similar situation was found in the Roman Empire, which was considered highly civilized. Je to ako rosa Hermona, ktorá zostupuje na vrchy Siona. Once a criminal does not mean always a criminal. It's like the dew of Hermon coming down the mountains of Zion. Vtedy som sa tiež snažil nájsť zmysel života skúmaním východných náboženstiev. You could also examine Job chapters 40 and 41, where Jehovah again asked Job to respond to questions about two particular creatures. At that time, I also tried to find a purpose in life by examining the Eastern religions. V Božom Slove je smrť označená za nepriateľa a nachádzame v ňom sľub, že bude zničená. The first - the superiority of the Christian system of worship - pervades the letter to the Hebrews. In God's Word, death is identified as an enemy, and it promises to be destroyed. Slová nabádania Most of us do! Words of exhortation Prečo potom prinášajú mnohým ľuďom problémy? Under such circumstances, it is especially important for them to seek the aid of mature Christians. Why, then, do many people face problems? V akom zmysle kresťania v prvom storočí prorokovali? SATAN In what sense did first - century Christians prophesy? To, že človek je zločincom, neznamená, že ním musí zostať navždy. Was it very difficult to quarry and carve? Just because a person is a criminal does not mean that he must remain a criminal forever. Mohli by ste preskúmať aj 40. a 41. kapitolu Jóbovej knihy, kde Jehova opäť vyzýva Jóba, aby mu odpovedal na otázky o dvoch zvláštnych tvoroch. [ Picture on page 10] You could also examine Job chapters 40 and 41, where Jehovah again invites Job to answer questions about two strange creatures. Prvý dôvod - nadradenosť kresťanského systému uctievania - sa prelína celým listom Hebrejom. A number of experienced pioneers have had the pleasure of attending the school a second time. The first reason - the superiority of the Christian system of worship - overlaps with the entire letter to the Hebrews. Väčšina z nás áno. However, since he was very shy, he had not entered the meeting place. Most of us do. Za takýchto okolností je zvlášť dôležité, aby hľadal podporu u zrelých kresťanov. Therefore, it is normal for spouses to have differences in one or more of the following areas: Under such circumstances, it is especially important that he seek support from mature Christians. KARMEL From Our Readers CARMEL Bolo veľmi ťažké vydolovať ju a opracovať? By 1572, Potosí was larger than any city in Spain. Was it very difficult to mine it and work it? [ Obrázok na strane 10] The Catholic Church itself has recognized its record of intolerance. [ Picture on page 10] Viacero skúsených priekopníkov sa potešilo z toho, že túto školu mohli absolvovať aj druhý raz. Still, they did plant and they did water - diligently. Several experienced pioneers were delighted to attend the school for the second time. No keďže bol veľmi plachý, nevošiel na miesto zhromaždenia. It was not until the early 19th century that Peru and Bolivia gained their independence from Spain. Since he was very shy, however, he did not enter the meeting place. Je normálne, ak sú manželia rozdielni v jednej či vo viacerých z nasledujúcich oblastí: A young couple, desiring to make a success of their marriage, decided to make an in - depth study of the fruitage of the spirit. It is normal if the spouses are different in one or more of the following areas: Od našich čitateľov [ Footnotes] From Our Readers Do roku 1572 bolo Potosí väčšie než ktorékoľvek mesto v Španielsku. And after he said this he blew upon them and said to them: " Receive holy spirit. By 1572, Potosí was larger than any city in Spain. Katolícka cirkev sama uznala svoju históriu intolerancie. Yet, this ideal is far from being achieved. The Catholic Church itself acknowledged its history of intolerance. Napriek tomu usilovne sadili a polievali. Raising a Family Yet, they planted and watered diligently. Až začiatkom 19. storočia získalo Peru a Bolívia nezávislosť od Španielska. [ Box / Picture on page 20, 21] It was not until the early 19th century that Peru and Bolivia gained independence from Spain. Mladý manželský pár, ktorý túžil, aby ich manželstvo bolo úspešné, sa rozhodol, že si do hĺbky preštuduje ovocie ducha. Is such a hope mere wishful thinking? A young couple who longed for their marriage to succeed decided to study in depth the fruitage of the spirit. [ Poznámka pod čiarou] □ What will happen to those who "keep on the watch " and to those who do not? [ Footnote] A keď to dopovedal, dýchol na nich a povedal im: " Prijmite svätého ducha. Whether we are young or old, have just begun walking in the truth or have walked in it for years, we can promote the spiritual welfare of fellow believers - and they do need us. And when he had finished saying this, he breathed on them and said to them: " Receive holy spirit. Ľudstvo sa však ani zďaleka nepribližuje dosiahnutiu tohto ideálu. They called it Wakónda (mysterious power) or Eáwawonaka (causer of our being). " Yet, mankind is far from reaching this ideal. Apostolidis), 1 / 2 If shopping seems to be a common snare for women, getting more money is one for countless men. Jehovah's Witnesses, 2 / 15 Starostlivosť o rodinu Similar confidence can be placed in the text of the Christian Greek Scriptures. Family Care [ Rámček / obrázok na stranách 20, 21] He wrote: "So that I do not become satisfied and deny you and say, " Who is Jehovah? ' " [ Box / Picture on page 20, 21] Je takáto nádej iba akýmsi zbožným želaním? Even when its original members were no longer in Jerusalem, a governing body continued to operate there Is such hope merely a wishful thinking? □ Čo sa stane s ľuďmi, ktorí " zostanú bdelí ," a s tými, ktorí nezostanú bdelí? Does that not tell us how God feels about the many Christmas celebrations today? □ What will happen to those who "keep on the watch " and those who do not stay on the watch? Či už sme mladí, alebo starí, či sme práve začali kráčať v pravde, alebo v nej chodíme už celé roky, môžeme prispievať k duchovnému blahu spoluveriacich - a oni nás naozaj potrebujú. About the fourth century B.C.E., they put up a temple on Mount Gerizim, in competition with God's temple in Jerusalem. Whether we are young or old, whether we have just started walking in the truth or have been walking in it for years, we can contribute to the spiritual well - being of fellow believers - and they really need us. Nazývali ju Wakónda (tajomná sila) alebo Eáwawonaka (ten, kto spôsobil naše bytie). " He felt their pain and shared their loss. They called it Wakónda (the mysterious force) or Eáwawonaka (the one who caused our being). " Zdá sa, že zatiaľ čo nakupovanie je bežnejším osídlom pre ženy, pre mnohých mužov je osídlom nadobúdanie peňazí. Pollen grains are so tiny that we can hardly see them with the unaided eye; however, they become apparent under a microscope. While shopping seems to be a more common snare for women, it is a snare for many men to acquire money. Podobnú dôveru môžeme mať aj v súvislosti s textom Kresťanských gréckych Písiem. Cecil John Cadoux, historian of Christianity, noted that "the gradual and steady growth throughout the Church of a certain moral laxity " had the" attention of Christian leaders as early as... 140 A.D. " We can have similar confidence in the text of the Christian Greek Scriptures. Napísal: "Aby som sa nenasýtil, nezaprel ťa a nepovedal: " Kto je Jehova? "" No wonder many viewed the early Christians as haters of mankind or considered them to be atheists. He wrote: "In order that I may not be satisfied, he did not disown you and say: " Who is Jehovah? ' " Vedúci zbor ďalej pôsobil v Jeruzaleme, aj keď tam už jeho pôvodní členovia neboli MISCELLANEOUS All Religions Please God? 9 / 15 The Governing Body continued to operate in Jerusalem, although its original members were no longer there Nie je z toho zrejmé, ako sa dnes Boh pozerá na vianočné oslavy? This Child of Krakatoa (Anak Krakatau) continued to erupt and grow as the years went by. Is it not clear how God views Christmas celebrations today? Asi v štvrtom storočí pred n. l. si na vrchu Gerizim postavili chrám, čo bolo súperením s Božím chrámom v Jeruzaleme. certain ones later ask. About the fourth century B.C.E., they built a temple on Mount Gerizim, a rival of God's temple in Jerusalem. Prežíval s týmito ľuďmi ich bolesť a stratu. Fearing to slight the occult powers, others in that land place a religious emblem or text on the wall of their home. He lived with these people their pain and loss. Zrnká peľu sú také maličké, že je takmer nemožné vidieť ich voľným okom; dajú sa však pozorovať pod mikroskopom. This does not mean that we can rightly show disregard for the sanctity of our present life. The pollen grains are so tiny that it is almost impossible to see them with their naked eye; however, they can be seen under a microscope. Cecil John Cadoux, historik kresťanstva, poznamenal, že "postupný a stály rast určitej morálnej ľahostajnosti v celej cirkvi" pútal "pozornosť kresťanských vodcov už... v roku 140 po Kr." (For fully formatted text, see publication) Cecil John Cadoux, Christendom's historian, noted that "the progressive and steady growth of a certain moral indifference throughout the church " attracted" the attention of Christian leaders as early as... in 140 after Kr. " Nie div, že mnohí mali taký názor, že raní kresťania nenávidia ľudí alebo že sú to ateisti. King Solomon wrote: "The plans of the diligent one surely make for advantage. " No wonder many felt that early Christians hated people or that they were atheists. Je bohatstvo kráľa Šalamúna nadsadené? Hence, as in times past, Jehovah is slow to "cast them away from before his face. " - 2 Kings 13: 23. Is King Solomon's wealth overwhelmed? Toto Dieťa Krakatoy (Anak Krakatau) v priebehu rokov ďalej vybuchovalo a rástlo. Also available at www.jw.org This child Krakatoy (Anak Krakatau) continued to explode and grow over the years. pýtajú sa neskôr. Almendinger, a high - ranking officer from Hitler's headquarters in Berlin, arrived in the camp. they ask later. Ďalší v tejto krajine si dávajú na steny svojho domu nejaký náboženský symbol alebo text z obavy, aby neurazili okultné sily. True to his infallible word, Jehovah passed the sentence of death on Adam and Eve. Others in this country put a religious symbol or text on the walls of their home for fear of offending the occult forces. To neznamená, že môžeme oprávnene prejavovať neúctu k svätosti nášho terajšieho života. Kudu, 2 / 22 This does not mean that we can rightly show disrespect for the holiness of our present life. (Úplný, upravený text - pozri publikáciu) However, the faith of many wavered when they saw Pharaoh's army close behind them at the Red Sea. (For fully formatted text, see publication) Kráľ Šalamún napísal: "Plány usilovného vedú určite k výhode." And as a young girl, I also went with older Witnesses to call on people to help them learn about the Bible's hope of eternal life on a paradise earth under the rule of God's Kingdom. King Solomon wrote: "The plans of the diligent one certainly lead to an advantage. " A preto, tak ako v minulosti, Jehova sa neponáhľa " zavrhnúť ich od svojej tváre ." - 2. And why should a recent marriage prevent one from accepting such an important invitation? That is why, as in the past, Jehovah is not in haste to " throw them away from his face. ' - 2 Pet. K dispozícii aj na www.jw.org Our attitude can be affected by how people react to the Kingdom - preaching work. Also available at www.jw.org Almendinger, vysoký dôstojník z Hitlerovho ústredného štábu v Berlíne. Eventually, nothing the elder does will be right in our eyes, and we too may begin to complain about him. Almendinger, Senior Officer at Hitler Central Headquarters, Berlin. Jehova v súlade s tým, že jeho slovo sa musí vždy splniť, vyniesol nad Adamom a Evou rozsudok smrti. Feelings of tribal superiority disappeared as loyalty to the Kingdom brought unity among Jehovah's people. In harmony with the fact that his word must always be fulfilled, Jehovah pronounced a death sentence upon Adam and Eve. Alkohol, 8 / 11 The growth and influence of technology increases the pressures in the field of nursing. Jehovah's Witnesses, 11 / 22 No mnohí zakolísali vo viere, keď pri Červenom mori videli tesne za sebou faraónovo vojsko. Although there is no excuse for marital unfaithfulness, a lack of tenderness could contribute to a spouse's seeking affection and intimacy from someone else. Yet, many wavered in faith when they saw Pharaoh's army just behind them at the Red Sea. Už ako malé dievčatko som so staršími svedkami navštevovala ľudí, aby sme im pomohli spoznať biblickú nádej na večný život v pozemskom raji pod panstvom Božieho Kráľovstva. You have caused many to stumble in the law. As a young girl, I visited people with older Witnesses to help them learn the Bible's hope of everlasting life in an earthly paradise under the rule of God's Kingdom. A prečo by malo nedávno uzavreté manželstvo niekomu brániť prijať také dôležité pozvanie? But if I am not loyal to Jehovah, then I may prevent my family from coming to know him, and that would be a real act of disloyalty. " And why should a recent marriage prevent someone from accepting such an important invitation? Náš postoj môže byť ovplyvnený tým, ako ľudia reagujú na dielo kázania o Kráľovstve. By Awake! Our attitude can be influenced by how people respond to the Kingdom - preaching work. Napokon už nič, čo ten starší urobí, nebude v našich očiach dobré a aj my sami sa začneme naňho sťažovať. It would be a mistake to conclude that adults are better equipped than children to view pornography. Eventually, nothing the elder will do will be good in our eyes, and we ourselves will begin to complain about him. Pocit kmeňovej nadradenosti sa stratil, len čo lojálnosť Kráľovstvu viedla k jednote medzi Jehovovým ľudom. It comforts us to know that the dead are asleep in the grave and are not suffering. The feeling of tribal superiority was lost as soon as loyalty to the Kingdom led to unity among Jehovah's people. Rozvoj a vplyv technológie zvyšuje tlak v oblasti ošetrovateľstva. A Classical Pianist Explains His Faith The development and impact of technology increases nursing pressure. Hoci manželská nevera sa nedá ničím ospravedlniť, manžel i manželka by si mali uvedomovať, že nedostatok nežnosti medzi nimi by mohol viesť k tomu, že začnú hľadať lásku a intímny vzťah niekde inde. This is our Kingdom Hall, and we do not want to abandon it now. " While there is no excuse for marital infidelity, husband and wife should realize that a lack of tenderness among them could lead them to seek love and an intimate relationship elsewhere. Spôsobili ste, že sa mnohí potkli v zákone. Gladstone You caused many to stumble in the law. Keby som však nebola lojálna Jehovovi, mohla by som svojej rodine zabrániť spoznať ho, a to už by bol ozajstný prejav nelojálnosti. " Explain how Hosea 11: 1 was fulfilled in Jesus. If I had not been loyal to Jehovah, however, I could have prevented my family from getting to know him, and that would have been a real manifestation of disloyalty. " Od dopisovateľa Prebuďte sa! What quality of Jehovah comes to the fore in his dealings with Israel and with Nineveh? By Awake! Bolo by chybné myslieť si, že dospelí sú lepšie pripravení na pozeranie pornografie ako deti. (Read Proverbs 3: 31 - 35.) It would be wrong to think that adults are better prepared to view pornography than children. * Z toho je zrejmé, že Ježišovi raní učeníci jasne chápali pravú podstatu smrti. The Messiah would seem forsaken by God. * Clearly, Jesus ' early disciples clearly understood the true nature of death. Klavirista hovorí o svojej viere Shortly after Pentecost 33 C.E., "the number of the disciples kept multiplying in Jerusalem very much; and a great crowd of priests began to be obedient to the faith. " A Pianist Talks About His Faith Je to naša sála Kráľovstva a my ju nechceme nechať tak. " • How can elders follow Christ's lead in exercising their God - given authority? It is our Kingdom Hall, and we do not want to let it go. " Gladstone Nevertheless, Jehovah's Witnesses strongly urge you to spend some of your precious time to learn about God's requirements for gaining everlasting life under the rule of his Kingdom. Gladstone Vysvetli, ako sa na Ježišovi splnili slová z Hozeáša 11: 1. Regardless of your situation, you have the ability to act in harmony with this vitally important Bible principle - Jehovah is the Sovereign Lord. Explain how the words of Hosea 11: 1 were fulfilled in Jesus. Čo sa o Jehovovi učíme z toho, ako zaobchádzal s Izraelom a ako s Ninive? I can't have any friends at all! ' What do we learn about Jehovah from his dealings with Israel and with Nineveh? (Prečítajte Príslovia 3: 31 - 35.) If my spouse asked me to limit my contact with an associate of the opposite sex, how would I react? (Read Proverbs 3: 31 - 35.) Bude sa zdať, že Boh opustil Mesiáša. THE Bible book of Ezra picks up where Second Chronicles leaves off. God will seem to have left the Messiah. Krátko po Letniciach roku 33 n. l. sa v Jeruzaleme "veľmi zvyšoval počet učeníkov. Aj veľký zástup kňazov poslúchal vieru. " May manifestations of divine justice and righteousness also move us to cry out joyfully. Shortly after Pentecost 33 C.E., "the number of disciples increased greatly in Jerusalem, and a great crowd of priests also obeyed the faith. " • Ako môžu starší napodobňovať Kristov spôsob vedenia v tom, ako uplatňujú autoritu, ktorú majú od Boha? Some of the apostles ' teaching was permanently recorded in the inspired books that are now part of the Christian Greek Scriptures. • How can elders imitate Christ's way of guiding their God - given authority? No Jehovovi svedkovia vás veľmi povzbudzujú, aby ste venovali niečo zo svojho vzácneho času spoznávaniu Božích požiadaviek na získanie večného života pod vládou jeho Kráľovstva. He had no sin and would never have died or become sick. However, Jehovah's Witnesses strongly encourage you to devote some of your precious time to learning God's requirements for everlasting life under his Kingdom rule. Bez ohľadu na okolnosti dokážete konať v súlade s touto životne dôležitou biblickou zásadou - Jehova je Zvrchovaný Pán. Why not ask the young ones how they feel about the congregation? Whatever the circumstances, you can act in harmony with this vital Bible principle - Jehovah is the Sovereign Lord. Nemôžem mať žiadnych priateľov! " The army of the king of Syria, even though backed up by unfaithful angels, the demons, was outnumbered by Jehovah's heavenly armies! - Psalm 34: 7; 91: 11. I can't have any friends! " Ako by som reagoval, ak by ma môj manželský partner požiadal, aby som obmedzil kontakt s niekým opačného pohlavia? Most auroras are green in color, with some areas of red and violet. How would I react if my mate asked me to limit contact with someone of the opposite sex? BIBLICKÁ kniha Ezdráš sa začína tam, kde sa končí Druhá kniha Paralipomenon. Some can even fly through the rain without getting wet - yes, actually dodging the raindrops! THE Bible book of Ezra begins where the second book of Chronicles ends. Aj prejavy božského práva a spravodlivosti nás podnecujú k " radostnému volaniu ." In this way, God provided time and opportunity for the falsity of Satan's challenge to be demonstrated. - Genesis 3: 15 - 19. The manifestations of divine justice and righteousness also move us to "joyful cry. " Niečo z toho, čo apoštoli učili, bolo natrvalo zaznamenané do inšpirovaných kníh, ktoré dnes patria do Kresťanských gréckych Písiem. Her positive and determined spirit, despite persistent health problems that she has endured since 1978, has helped keep me going. Some of what the apostles taught was permanently recorded in inspired books that now belong to the Christian Greek Scriptures. Ale stratil dokonalosť, keď neposlúchol Boha. " Thou Shall Not Tempt the Lord " But he lost perfection when he disobeyed God. Čo keby ste sa mladých opýtali, ako sa v zbore cítia? Fathers continued to serve as family heads. Why not ask youths how they feel in the congregation? Hoci vojsko sýrskeho kráľa podporovali neverní anjeli, démoni, Jehovove nebeské vojská boli početnejšie! - Žalm 34: 7; 91: 11. Pioneers who do not own automobiles may be able to team up with those who do and share in covering the transportation costs. Although the Syrian king's army was supported by unfaithful angels, demons, Jehovah's heavenly armies were more numerous! - Psalm 34: 7; 91: 11. Väčšinou je polárna žiara zelená, v niektorých miestach červená a fialová. Who Is God? Mostly, the polar glow is green, in some places red and purple. Medzi príznaky infekcie patrí bolesť a opuch sleziny a pečene; v niektorých prípadoch to vedie k smrti. With Robert Wallen, Charles Molohan, and Don Adams Signs of infection include pain and swelling of the spleen and liver; in some cases, this leads to death. Niektoré dokonca lietajú za dažďa bez toho, že by zmokli - áno, skutočne lietajú pomedzi kvapky! We must endure if we are to prove our love for Jehovah and develop the qualities needed for salvation. Some even fly in the rain without getting wet - yes, they actually fly through the drops! Boh tým poskytol čas a príležitosť, aby sa prejavila falošnosť Satanovej výzvy. - 1. Mojžišova 3: 15 - 19. [ Picture Credit Lines on page 21] This gave God time and opportunity to manifest the falseness of Satan's challenge. - Genesis 3: 15 - 19. Aj napriek pretrvávajúcim zdravotným problémom, ktoré musela znášať od roku 1978, stále prejavovala pozitívneho ducha a odhodlanosť a to mi pomáhalo vytrvávať. Piracy, writes UN Chronicle magazine, "threatens to become a worldwide problem. " Despite the continuing health problems she had endured since 1978, she continued to show a positive spirit and determination, helping me to endure. " Nebudeš pokúšať Pána " We were back where we started - just the two of us. " You Must Not Tempt the Lord " Otcovia naďalej slúžili ako hlavy rodín. That would hardly help your daughter learn humility. Fathers continued to serve as family heads. Priekopníci, ktorí nemajú auto, sa môžu pripojiť k tým, ktorí ho majú, a prispieť im na úhradu nákladov na dopravu. Hence, in 607 B.C.E., the armies of Babylon, led by King Nebuchadnezzar, destroyed Jerusalem and its temple and carried most of the Jews off into exile in Babylon. Pioneers who do not have a car can join those who have one and contribute to their transport costs. Kto je Boh? Why squander your precious life on the fantasy world of Satan's system? Who Is God? S Robertom Wallenom, Charlesom Molohanom a Donom Adamsom He had tumors on his head, on his kidneys, and even deep inside his bones. With Robert Wallen, Charles Molohan and Don Adams Musíme vytrvávať, ak chceme dokázať, že máme lásku k Jehovovi, a ak si chceme rozvinúť vlastnosti potrebné na záchranu. No, for things to grow, effort is required in watering and protecting the plants. - Compare Proverbs 6: 10, 11. We must endure to prove that we have love for Jehovah and to develop the qualities needed for salvation. [ Pramene ilustrácií na strane 21] Its beauty, however rugged, continues to give silent praise to its Creator, Jehovah God. - Psalm 148: 9, 13. [ Picture Credit Lines on page 21] Ako píše časopis UN Chronicle, "hrozí, že [pirátstvo] sa stane celosvetovým problémom." Yet Jehovah agreed to save Sodom if 50 righteous men were there. According to UN Chronicle magazine, "there is a risk of [piracy] becoming a global problem. " Boli sme tam, kde na začiatku - opäť sami dvaja. In the light of this understanding, we can grasp the sense of the apostle John's words found at Revelation 14: 12, 13. We were there at the beginning - alone again. Radšej mu povedzte, čo môže urobiť, aby to nabudúce bolo lepšie. Each day evidently involved a considerable length of time. You better tell him what he can do to make it better next time. Preto v roku 607 pred n. l. vojská Babylona, vedené kráľom Nabuchodonozorom, zničili Jeruzalem a jeho chrám a väčšinu Židov odviedli do vyhnanstva v Babylone. These people had come to fear God or to worship him because they had gained some knowledge of him from the Septuagint. Thus, in 607 B.C.E., the armies of Babylon, led by King Nebuchadnezzar, destroyed Jerusalem and its temple, and led most Jews into exile in Babylon. Prečo by si mal premrhať vzácny život stavbou vzdušných zámkov v Satanovom svete? One elder observed: "Most publishers thoroughly enjoy reading a scripture or discussing a particular Bible character. Why should you waste your precious life building air locks in Satan's world? Mal nádory v hlave, v obličkách a dokonca aj v kostiach. In fact, the Hebrew word used in the Bible for "soul " can be translated" a breather. " He had tumors in his head, kidneys, and even bones. Naopak, aby rastliny rástli, je potrebné úsilie pri ich polievaní a ochrane. - Porovnaj Príslovia 6: 10, 11. * Since none of Christ's anointed brothers are spoken of as accompanying Jesus in the battle with the dragon and its angels, the war in heaven and the ousting of Satan and his demons would have been completed by the time the resurrection of Christ's brothers got under way. On the contrary, efforts are needed to grow plants in watering and protecting them. - Compare Proverbs 6: 10, 11. A hoci je jej krása drsná, aj tak ňou ďalej mlčky chváli svojho Stvoriteľa, Jehovu Boha. - Žalm 148: 9, 13. Of course, I would probably say the same thing to him if I visited the United States. Even though her beauty is harsh, she continues to silently praise her Creator, Jehovah God. - Psalm 148: 9, 13. Jehova však súhlasil, že Sodomu zachráni, ak sa tam nájde päťdesiat spravodlivých. In the aftermath of this catastrophe, Xerxes mustered his remaining ships and set out for home. However, Jehovah agreed to save Sodom if fifty righteous ones were found there. Vo svetle tohto porozumenia môžeme pochopiť zmysel slov apoštola Jána v Zjavení 14: 12, 13. Marilyn also wanted to help their extended family and to save up for the future. In the light of this understanding, we can understand the meaning of the apostle John's words at Revelation 14: 12, 13. Každý deň trval zrejme veľmi dlho. North America's devastating ice storm and how people coped. Each day seemed to last a long time. Títo ľudia mali bázeň pred Bohom a uctievali ho, pretože získali určité poznanie o ňom zo Septuaginty. Jehovah foretold the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians. These people were fearful of God and worshipped him because they gained some knowledge of him from the Septuagint. Jeden starší sa vyjadril: "Väčšina zvestovateľov má veľmi rada, keď sa číta nejaký biblický text alebo sa rozpráva o konkrétnej biblickej postave. He asked permission to say a prayer, and permission was granted. One elder commented: "Most publishers love reading a scripture or discussing a specific Bible character. Ten článok prišiel práve včas pre mňa i pre mojich priateľov. From there Paul wanted to send him to Colossae. The article came just in time for me and my friends. Hebrejské slovo, ktoré je v Biblii preložené ako "duša," možno preložiť aj ako "tvor, ktorý dýcha." Jesus miraculously provided a large amount of fine wine, enough for a sizable group. The Hebrew word rendered "soul " in the Bible can also be rendered" the creature that breathes. " * Keďže sa nespomína, že by Ježiša v bitke proti drakovi a jeho anjelom sprevádzal niektorý jeho pomazaný brat, vojna v nebi a vyhnanie Satana a jeho démonov museli prebehnúť ešte predtým, ako sa začalo kriesenie Kristových bratov. Encouraged by that example, some 20 members of her family have embraced the way of the truth. * Since it is not mentioned that Jesus was accompanied by an anointed brother in battle against the dragon and his angels, the war in heaven and the expulsion of Satan and his demons had to take place before the resurrection of Christ's brothers began. Samozrejme, ja by som asi to isté povedala jemu, keby som navštívila Spojené štáty. If a person gives way to rage, he or she is likely to say or do things that will hurt everyone involved. Of course, I would probably say the same thing to him if I visited the United States. Ihneď po tejto katastrofe Xerxes zhromaždil zostávajúce lode a vydal sa na cestu domov. Soon after that the war ended, and I went back to Tokyo. Immediately after this disaster, Xerxes gathered the remaining ships and set out on his way home. Marilyn chcela pomôcť i ďalším príbuzným a myslieť aj na budúcnosť. Sometimes changes were made to address other issues, such as dealing with plague victims. Marilyn wanted to help other relatives and think about the future. Pustošivá ľadová búrka v Severnej Amerike; ako ju obyvatelia prekonávali. Lesotho is well - known for paintings by Bushmen, which are found in numerous caves and on rocks throughout the country. The devastating ice storm in North America; how it was overcome by the inhabitants. Jehova predpovedal, že Jeruzalem bude spustošený Babylončanmi. Through all the trials that have come our way, there are several good lessons that we have learned: Jehovah foretold that Jerusalem would be devastated by the Babylonians. Požiadal, aby mu dovolili pomodliť sa, a vyhoveli mu. Chilean Drama, 1 / 8 He asked to be allowed to pray and accommodated. Odtiaľ ho chcel Pavol poslať do Kolos. Very early on, this teaching was distorted by Justin, who like a philosopher played on the two possible meanings of the Greek word logos: "word " and" reason. " From there, Paul wanted to send him to Colossae. Ježiš sa zázračne postaral o to, aby bolo dosť kvalitného vína pre všetkých. Trying to be independent from him, people would devise social, economic, political, and religious systems that would conflict with one another, and " man would dominate man to his injury. ' - Ecclesiastes 8: 9. Jesus miraculously made sure that there was enough quality wine for all. Dvadsať členov jej rodiny bolo povzbudených týmto príkladom a nastúpili cestu pravdy. On nearly the same latitude as the British Isles, Kamchatka has a cool climate. Twenty members of her family were encouraged by this example and took the course of truth. Ak sa niekto nechá uniesť hnevom, je väčšia pravdepodobnosť, že povie alebo urobí niečo, čo druhých zraní. A "paludier " in Noirmoutier If someone gets carried away by anger, he is more likely to say or do something that will hurt others. Krátko nato sa skončila druhá svetová vojna a ja som sa vrátila späť do Tokia. Should we be surprised, then, to see children becoming "disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection "? - 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 3. Shortly thereafter, World War II ended, and I returned to Tokyo. Niekedy boli urobené zmeny, ktoré riešili nové problémy, napríklad zaobchádzanie s obeťami epidémie. Does it not reveal that there is but one road, or way, leading to life and that it will require careful attention on our part to avoid straying from that way to life? Sometimes changes have been made to address new problems, such as the treatment of the victims of the epidemic. Lesotho je dobre známe vďaka maľbám Krovákov, ktoré sa nachádzajú v mnohých jaskyniach a na skalách v celej krajine. " If they don't die of something else first, " says Dr. Lesotho is well known for its paintings of Krovákov, which are found in many caves and rocks throughout the country. Zo skúšok, ktoré sme prežili, sme sa naučili niekoľko dobrých vecí: CONFUSED, frightened, tearful, a 15 - year - old girl watches her boyfriend walk away in disgust. We have learned some good things from the trials we have experienced: 1. Pestrosť je korením života v Mexiku, 8. The magazine reported on a youth baseball game in Florida, in the United States. Jehovah's Witnesses, 2 / 22 Netrvalo dlho a Justín toto učenie prekrútil, keď ako filozof využil fakt, že slovo logos má v gréčtine dva významy: "slovo" a "rozum." This is because of the Pygmies ' migratory way of life - moving from place to place every couple of months or so. It did not take long for Justin to twist that teaching when, as a philosopher, he used the fact that the word logo has two meanings in Greek: "word " and" understanding. " Ľudia v túžbe po nezávislosti od Boha vytvárali spoločenské, ekonomické, politické a náboženské systémy, ktoré si navzájom odporovali, a " človek panoval nad človekom na jeho škodu ." - Kazateľ 8: 9. Yes, Japanese smokers experience the same symptoms as smokers elsewhere - nausea, shortness of breath, nagging cough, stomachache, loss of appetite, susceptibility to colds, and perhaps, in time, a premature death due to lung cancer, heart disease, or other problems. In desiring independence from God, people created social, economic, political, and religious systems that opposed one another, and "man has dominated man to his injury. ' - Ecclesiastes 8: 9. Hoci sa Kamčatka nachádza približne v rovnakej zemepisnej šírke ako Britské ostrovy, má chladné podnebie. I would run away and get recaptured. Although located approximately the same latitude as the British Islands, Kamchatka has a cold climate. " Paludier "na Noirmoutier How can we increase our joy in theocratic activities? " Paludier " to Noirmoutier Malo by nás teda prekvapovať, keď vidíme, ako sa deti stávajú " neposlušnými rodičom, nevďačnými, nevernými, bez prirodzenej náklonnosti "? - 2. Timotejovi 3: 1 - 3. Since so many are second - guessing the value of Jehovah's laws, we need to fortify our conviction that divine standards are for our benefit. Should it surprise us to see children become " disobedient parents, ungrateful, unfaithful, having no natural affection "? - 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 3. Vari neodhaľuje, že je len jedna cesta vedúca do života a že musíme byť veľmi pozorní, aby sme z nej neodbočili? Compulsive gambling has been called "the hidden disease, the addiction of the ' 90s. " Does it not reveal that there is only one road leading to life and that we must be very careful not to turn aside from it? Dr. Later, association with clean - living people at meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses helped me to continue in this course. " Dr. ZMÄTENÉ, vyľakané, uplakané 15 - ročné dievča pozerá, ako jej priateľ znechutene odchádza. Woodward was successfully duped, and until his death five years before the exposure of the fake, he remained convinced that Piltdown man was genuine. A MIDDLE, frightened, weeping 15 - year - old girl watches her boyfriend leave disgusted. Časopis priniesol reportáž z baseballového zápasu dorastencov na Floride v USA. In times past, small collections of books were made available to the more isolated light stations in the United States. The magazine brought a report from a baseball match for teenagers in Florida, U.S.A. Je to tak preto, lebo Pygmejovia vedú kočovný spôsob života - každých niekoľko mesiacov sa sťahujú z miesta na miesto. So we involved ourselves in many political efforts. This is because the Pygmies lead a nomadic way of life - moving from place to place every few months. Áno, japonskí fajčiari trpia rovnakými príznakmi ako fajčiari kdekoľvek inde - nevoľnosťou, dýchavičnosťou, ustavičným kašľom, bolesťami žalúdka, stratou chuti do jedla, náchylnosťou na prechladnutie a časom azda predčasnou smrťou, ktorá je následkom rakoviny pľúc, srdcových chorôb alebo iných ťažkostí. What did Adam and Eve do? Yes, Japanese smokers suffer from the same symptoms as smokers elsewhere - nausea, shortness of breath, constant cough, stomach pain, loss of appetite, a tendency to catch a cold, and perhaps premature death over time as a result of lung cancer, heart disease, or other problems. Často som ušiel, ale vždy ma znovu chytili. I think that one of the greatest things about being one of Jehovah's Witnesses is that we have a hope for the future and a purpose in life. I ran away a lot, but I was always caught again. Ako môžeme mať z duchovných činností väčšiu radosť? Like David and Thomas, mentioned at the outset, you may have till now failed to make the Bible's truths your own. How can we enjoy spiritual activities more? Vzhľadom na to, že toľkí ľudia spochybňujú hodnotu Jehovových zákonov, potrebujeme si posilniť presvedčenie, že božské normy sú nám na úžitok. Jesus identified the best one when he taught his followers to pray: "Our Father in the heavens. " Since so many question the value of Jehovah's laws, we need to strengthen our conviction that divine standards benefit us. Náruživé hranie bolo nazvané "skrytá choroba, narkománia 90. rokov." Another factor would be the brother's ability to repay. Difficult gambling was called "a hidden disease, a drug addiction of the 1990 ' s. " Neskôr mi spoločenstvo s ľuďmi, ktorí žijú čistým spôsobom života, na zhromaždeniach Jehovových svedkov pomohlo pokračovať v nastúpenej ceste. " BY AWAKE! Later, associating with people who live a clean life helped me to continue my journey at the meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses. " Woodward sa dal nachytať a až do svojej smrti - zomrel päť rokov pred odhalením podvodu - bol presvedčený, že piltdownský človek je pravý. No Way Out? Woodward got caught, and until his death - he died five years before the fraud was discovered - he was convinced that the Piltdown man was genuine. V minulosti boli v Spojených štátoch na osamelých majákoch strážcom k dispozícii malé zbierky kníh. Then "the earth will be filled with the knowing of the glory of Jehovah as the waters themselves cover over the sea. " In the past, small collections of books were available to guards in lonely lighthouses in the United States. Preto sme sa zapojili do mnohých politických aktivít. By charging, the animal is telling you, " You're trespassing - you're interfering with my privacy, and you had better go away. ' That is why we have been involved in many political activities. Ako zareagovali Adam s Evou? " Gout is a disorder of the metabolism of uric acid, " says the book Arthritis. How did Adam and Eve react? Myslím, že jedným z najväčších plusov toho, že sme Jehovovými svedkami, je, že máme nádej do budúcnosti a zmysel života. This proves that Jehovah is true to his word. I think one of the greatest additions to being Jehovah's Witnesses is that we have hope for the future and a purpose in life. Podobne ako Dávidovi a Tomášovi, ktorých sme spomenuli na začiatku, možno sa ti ešte nepodarilo prijať biblickú pravdu za svoju. Indeed, "better is a dish of vegetables where there is love than a manger - fed bull and hatred along with it. " Like David and Thomas, mentioned at the outset, you may not have succeeded in accepting Bible truth as your own. Na ten najlepší príklad poukázal Ježiš, keď učil svojich nasledovníkov modliť sa: "Náš Otče v nebesiach." In one area all students in the Theocratic Ministry School had to wear suits and button up their jackets when delivering a talk. Jesus set the best example by teaching his followers to pray: "Our Father in the heavens. " Iným faktorom bude schopnosť brata splatiť pôžičku. For one thing because, to quote Napoleon, "Jesus Christ has influenced and commanded His subjects without His visible bodily presence. " Another factor will be the ability of the brother to repay the loan. OD DOPISOVATEĽA PREBUĎTE SA! Reports like this from areas where people harbor long - held hatreds raise the question, Will there ever be a world without war? BY AWAKE! Nijaké východisko? Even when marriage mates do not seem well - matched, what may help? No way out? " Zem bude [potom] naplnená poznaním Jehovovej slávy, ako vody pokrývajú more. " Who would not like to glide silently through the water? " The earth will be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah's glory, as the waters are covering the sea. " Útokom vám zviera akoby hovorí: " Vstupuješ na moje teritórium, rušíš moje súkromie, a tak choď radšej preč. " W., United States By attacking an animal, it seems to you that he says: " You are entering my territory, breaking my privacy, and so go away instead. ' " Dna je porucha metabolizmu kyseliny močovej, "píše sa v knihe Arthritis. For one thing, no one is born under the law of the Christ. " Gout is a disorder of uric acid metabolism, " says the book Arthritis. To dokazuje, že Jehovovo slovo sa vždy splní. With her husband in 1955 This proves that Jehovah's word always comes true. Skutočne, "lepšie je jedlo zo zeleniny tam, kde je láska, ako býk chovaný pri válove, a s ním nenávisť." is absolutely breathtaking in its clarity and simplicity! Indeed, "better is vegetable food where there is love than a bull raised by a rambling, and hatred with it. " Na istom mieste museli mať všetci bratia v škole teokratickej služby pri prejave oblek a zapnuté sako. Why do those having the joy of Jehovah possess God - given freedom from overwhelming anxiety? At one point, all the brothers at the Theocratic Ministry School had to wear a suit and a jacket on. Predovšetkým preto, lebo ako vyhlásil aj Napoleon, "Ježiš Kristus ovplyvňuje a riadi svojich poddaných bez toho, aby bol viditeľne prítomný v tele." BY AWAKE! Above all, because, as Napoleon also declared, "Jesus Christ influences and controls his subjects without being visibly present in the flesh. " Podobné správy z oblastí, kde ľudia k sebe navzájom dlhý čas živia nenávisť, vyvolávajú otázku: Bude niekedy svet bez vojen? I felt that I couldn't be moody or even get sick the way other kids did. Similar reports from areas where people have long nurtured hatred for one another raise the question: Will there ever be a world without war? Čo môže pomôcť, keď sa manželom zdá, že sa k sebe celkom nehodia? Job is described as a man who "proved to be blameless and upright, and fearing God and turning aside from bad. " What can help when husbands seem to be quite unsuited to each other? Kto by sa nechcel ticho kĺzať po vodnej hladine? Why? Who wouldn't want to slip quietly on the surface of the water? W., Spojené štáty I was especially moved by the article "Preserving the Patient's Dignity. " W., United States Napríklad pod Kristovým zákonom sa nikto nenarodil. Foods from plants, on the other hand, are free of cholesterol. For example, under Christ's law, no one was born. S manželom v roku 1955 Some even called the pope the "spokesman of all Christendom. " With my husband in 1955 svojou zrozumiteľnosťou a jednoduchosťou až vyráža dych! The English attacks had badly damaged many of the ships, and few were seaworthy. With its clarity and simplicity, it's breathtaking! Petra 5: 6, 7. Prečo sú tí, čo majú Jehovovu radosť, oslobodení Bohom od zdrvujúcej úzkosti? One sister who traveled to Kakuma had recently been bereaved of three close family members. Why are those who have Jehovah's joy freed from crushing anxiety by God? OD DOPISOVATEĽA PREBUĎTE SA! " Keep holding men of that sort dear, " and thank Jehovah that he has provided so many qualified elders to uphold theocracy in these "last days. " - Philippians 2: 29; 2 Timothy 3: 1. BY AWAKE! Mala som pocit, že nikdy nesmiem mať zlú náladu ani nemôžem ochorieť ako iné deti. The historical happenings recorded in it are confirmed by secular history. I felt like I could never get in a bad mood or get sick like other kids. Bol opísaný ako muž, ktorý je " bezúhonný a priamy a Boha sa bojí a zlého sa stráni ." [ Box / Picture on page 22] He has been described as a man who is " blameless and upright, and God is afraid and is turning aside from bad. " Prečo? The man's response showed that he was somewhat confused: "I see men, because I observe what seem to be trees, but they are walking about. " Why? Zvlášť na mňa zapôsobil článok "Chrániť pacientovu dôstojnosť." Whom will Jehovah send forth to fight in his name, and what will he thus show all the nations today? I was particularly impressed by the article "Protecting a Patient's Dignity. " Naproti tomu jedlá z rastlín cholesterol neobsahujú. Can you find these pictures in this issue? On the other hand, food from plants does not contain cholesterol. Niektorí dokonca nazvali pápeža "hovorcom celého kresťanstva." Ever since that time, humans have invented various forms of belief and have searched for exotic excuses that would exonerate them from any real accountability for their actions. Some even called the Pope "the spokesman of all Christianity. " Angličania vážne poškodili mnoho lodí, a preto väčšina nebola schopná plavby. After years of living that way, he still could not put the Bible out of his mind, so he went to a Kingdom Hall - but was too frightened to enter. Many ships were seriously damaged by the English, so most were unable to sail. Jedna sestra, ktorá prišla na zjazd do Kakumy, prednedávnom prišla o troch blízkych členov rodiny. A special portion of the earthquake's fury, however, was reserved for the river town of New Madrid. A sister who came to the convention in Kakuma recently lost three close family members. " Vážte si takých mužov "a ďakujte Jehovovi, že na podporu teokracie v týchto" posledných dňoch "zabezpečil toľko spôsobilých starších. - Filipanom 2: 29; 2. Timotejovi 3: 1. Here the original - language text uses the Greek word pa·rou·siʹan, which literally means "being alongside. " " Appreciate such men " and thank Jehovah that he has provided so many qualified elders to support theocracy in these "last days. " - Philippians 2: 29; 2 Timothy 3: 1. Dejinné udalosti, ktoré sú v nej zaznamenané, potvrdzuje svetská história. We need to nourish our mind and heart regularly with good spiritual food, keeping our focus on the good news of God's Kingdom. The historical events recorded in it confirm secular history. [ Rámček / obrázok na strane 22] In order to make the text available in other languages, tireless efforts have been made by sincere translators. [ Box / Picture on page 22] Z mužovej odpovede bolo zrejmé, že bol trochu zmätený: "Vidím ľudí, lebo pozorujem niečo, čo vyzerá ako stromy, ale chodia." Many mountain communities benefit from this influx of tourists, although uncontrolled tourism can threaten the fragile ecosystems. The man's answer showed that he was a little confused: "I see people because I observe something that looks like trees but walks. " Koho vyšle Jehova, aby bojoval v jeho mene a čo tým dokáže dnešným národom? Clearly, the early Christians had to maintain a careful balance between obedience to God and proper submission to human authorities. Whom will Jehovah send out to fight in his name, and what will he do to the nations today? Nájdite v časopise tieto obrázky. Jehovah invited Cain to "turn to doing good, " but He did not force him to change. Can you find these pictures in this issue? Od tej doby si ľudia stále vymýšľali rôzne formy viery a hľadali neobvyklé ospravedlnenia, ktoré by ich zbavili skutočnej zodpovednosti za ich skutky. With bills to pay and a family to support, he kept working. Since then, people have always made up different forms of faith and sought out unusual excuses that would deprive them of their real responsibility for their actions. Po rokoch takéhoto života však stále nedokázal vymazať Bibliu zo svojej mysle, a tak šiel do sály Kráľovstva - mal však príliš veľký strach na to, aby vstúpil dnu. As Christians, we do well to ask ourselves, " Will I use any degree of charisma that I might have to bring glory to Jehovah, the Giver of "every good gift and every perfect present "? After years of such a life, however, he still could not erase the Bible from his mind, so he went to the Kingdom Hall - but he was too afraid to enter. Toto besniace zemetrasenie sa však najviac vybúrilo na New Madride. Her teacher was impressed and gave Anna the award for the most persuasive essay. However, this raging earthquake erupted most in New Madrid. V tomto texte je v pôvodnom jazyku použité grécke slovo parousian, čo doslovne znamená "byť pri." According to the Bible, discipline includes loving guidance, training, correction, and sometimes punishment - but never in anger. In this text, the Greek word parousian is used in the original language, literally meaning "to be there. " Potrebujeme pravidelne živiť svoju myseľ a srdce kvalitným duchovným pokrmom a zameriavať sa na dobré posolstvo o Božom Kráľovstve. Names to describe the syndrome were Iceland disease, Akureyri disease, Royal Free disease, and others. We need to sustain our mind and heart regularly with quality spiritual food and focus on the good news of God's Kingdom. Preto mnoho prekladateľov neúnavne pracovalo na tom, aby mohla byť dostupná aj v iných jazykoch. He must discern the feelings and issues that lie beneath a mate's surface behavior. - Proverbs 20: 5. Thus, many translators worked tirelessly to make it available in other languages. Z tohto prívalu turistov profitujú mnohí obyvatelia hôr, no nekontrolovaný turizmus môže tieto krehké ekosystémy ohroziť. Why not the Waldenses, an independent religious group devoted to preaching the Bible? Many mountain dwellers benefit from this influx of tourists, but uncontrolled tourism can threaten these fragile ecosystems. Je zrejmé, že raní kresťania si museli zachovávať dôslednú vyrovnanosť medzi poslušnosťou Bohu a vhodnou podriadenosťou ľudským autoritám. Of course, the act of ripping one's clothing was of no value in God's eyes unless the person's grief was genuine. Clearly, the early Christians had to maintain a consistent balance between obedience to God and appropriate subjection to human authorities. Jehova vyzval Kaina, aby sa " obrátil a konal dobre ," ale nenútil ho, aby sa zmenil. Yet, only Jehovah should be worshipped, not his creations. Jehovah invited Cain to "turn back and do good, ' but he did not force him to change. Keďže musel platiť účty a starať sa o rodinu, pracoval rovnakým tempom ďalej. If a person had been good, it is said that his soul would be reborn as a person of higher station. Since he had to pay bills and care for his family, he continued to work at the same pace. Ako kresťania urobíme dobre, keď si položíme otázku: " Budem využívať akúkoľvek mieru charizmy, ktorú azda mám, na prinášanie slávy Jehovovi, Darcovi "všetkého dobrého, čo dostávame, a každého dokonalého daru"? This is where, in the eyes of carpenters, an old - fashioned, rustic style of furniture making has considerable advantages over the more conventional manufacturing techniques. How do Christians do well to ask ourselves, " Will I use whatever measure of charisma I may have, to bring glory to Jehovah, the Giver of "all the good that we receive, and every perfect gift "? Na učiteľku to veľmi zapôsobilo a ohodnotila Anninu úvahu ako najpresvedčivejšiu. But before the end of the century, it would recur at least four times. The teacher was very impressed and viewed Anna's reasoning as the most convincing. V jednej encyklopédii sa píše: "Za Ježišových čias sa slovo " abbā " v bežnej reči používalo hlavne na vyjadrenie dôverného vzťahu a zároveň úcty dieťaťa k otcovi." For example, at one time Jehovah God gave Christians the power to perform miracles, but now he does not. One encyclopedia says: "In Jesus ' day, the word " abbā ' in common speech was used primarily to express a child's intimacy and respect for his father. " Tento syndróm nazývali islandskou chorobou, chorobou Akureyri, chorobou royal free a inak. PORTRAITS FROM THE PAST This syndrome was called Icelandic disease, Akureyri disease, royalty free disease, and so on. Musí rozlišovať pocity a problémy, ktoré sa skrývajú za správaním partnera. - Príslovia 20: 5. In the beginning of January 1981, I had the necessary catheter implanted in my lower right side. He must discern feelings and problems behind a mate's conduct. - Proverbs 20: 5. Farel sa rozhodol požiadať o pomoc valdéncov, nezávislú náboženskú skupinu, ktorá bola oddaná kázaniu Biblie. ▪ Have you become so absorbed in work that spiritual matters are being pushed aside? Farel decided to request the help of the Waldenses, an independent religious group dedicated to the preaching of the Bible. Pravda je taká, že ak si niekto roztrhol svoje šaty, ale jeho zármutok nebol úprimný, v Jehovových očiach nemal takýto skutok žiadnu cenu. when a group of youngsters surrounded me. The truth is that if someone tore up his dress but his grief was not sincere, such an act was of no value in Jehovah's eyes. Satan naviedol Adama a Evu, aby sa usilovali o nezávislosť od Jehovu, akoby vďaka nej mohli byť "ako Boh a poznať dobré a zlé." - 1. " In one month four persons started to study the Bible with the Witnesses as a result of the literature they received from us and because of the questions we were able to answer from the Bible. Satan urged Adam and Eve to seek independence from Jehovah, as if they could be "like God and know good and bad. " - 1 Timothy 3: 8. Ak bol niekto dobrý, hovorí sa, že sa znova narodí ako človek vo vyššom postavení. A man takes this honor, not of his own accord, but only when he is called by God. " - Hebrews 5: 1, 4. If anyone was good, it is said that he will be born again as a man in a superior position. Pri tomto má podľa názoru stolárov tradičný vidiecky spôsob zhotovovania nábytku značné výhody pred bežnejšími výrobnými technikami. MANY ancient cities were protected by massive walls. In this, in the opinion of carpenters, the traditional rural way of making furniture has significant advantages over more common production techniques. No pred koncom storočia sa vrátila najmenej štyrikrát. Religion, although not, for the most part, the mainstream churches, seemed to make a comeback. But she returned at least four times before the end of the century. Napríklad kedysi Jehova Boh dal kresťanom moc robiť zázraky, ale dnes už takú moc nedáva. She apparently made nice clothes for widows, that is, women whose husbands had died. For example, Jehovah God once gave Christians the power to perform miracles, but today he no longer gives such power. OKNO DO MINULOSTI However, it may be asked, Would you be able to support yourself in the pioneer ministry? PORTRAITS FROM THE PAST Začiatkom januára 1981 som si dal implantovať do dolnej časti pravej strany brucha potrebný katéter. • Who was Tertullian, and for what is he noted? Early January 1981, I had the necessary catheter implanted into the lower right side of my abdomen. ▪ Zamestnáva ťa práca natoľko, že vytlačila tvoje duchovné záujmy? What I can tell the speaker that I enjoyed about his presentation: ▪ Is your work so busy that it has pushed out your spiritual interests? Raz, keď som mal osem rokov a stál som na ulici s časopismi Strážna veža a Prebuďte sa!, obstúpila ma skupina mladíkov. Members of the congregation were distressed that some of their number were "sleeping in death. " Once when I was eight years old and stood on the street with the Watchtower and Awake! magazines, I was surrounded by a group of youths. " V jednom mesiaci začali štyria študovať Bibliu so svedkami - a bolo to preto, že si od nás vzali literatúru, a tiež preto, že sme im vedeli z Biblie odpovedať na otázky. Dead Help the Living? " In one month they began studying the Bible with the Witnesses - and it was because they took literature from us and because we were able to answer questions from the Bible. Nikto si však neberie túto česť sám od seba, ale len keď ho povolá Boh. " - Hebrejom 5: 1, 4. Why did Protestant churches also keep silent? However, no one takes this honor of his own accord, but only when God calls him. " - Hebrews 5: 1, 4. V STAROVEKU boli mnohé mestá chránené silnými hradbami. Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath; for it is written: " Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says Jehovah. ' " IN AGE, many cities were protected by strong walls. Zdalo sa, že náboženstvo sa opäť vracia, i keď väčšinou to neboli tradičné cirkvi. The "New World Translation " renders it literally, as do both" The NIV Interlinear Hebrew - English Old Testament " and "The Interlinear Hebrew / Greek English Bible. " Religion seemed to return, though most were not traditional churches. Vyrábala pekné odevy pre vdovy - ženy, ktorým zomrel manžel. Following Jesus ' example, I would make every effort to be kind, loving, thoughtful, and considerate. " She made nice clothes for widows - women whose husband died. Možno sa však spýtať: Dokázal by si sa popri priekopníckej službe uživiť? This is hardly surprising, for the Bible foretold: "In the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. However, one might ask: Could you support yourself in the pioneer service? • Kto bol Tertulián a čím je známy? The Bible confirms such logic, for in the Bible, God assures us: "My ways are higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. " • Who was Tertullian, and of what is he known? Za čo chcem rečníka pochváliť: Jehovah told Christians to administer it "in righteousness. " For what I would like to commend the speaker: Členovia zboru boli skľúčení z toho, že niektorí z nich " spia v smrti ." ▪ Does she honor her parents? - Exodus 20: 12. Members of the congregation were discouraged because some of them were "sleeping in death. " Oplatí sa v škole podvádzať? Build Up Your Family With "Delightful Words " Is it worth cheating at school? Prečo mlčali aj protestantské cirkvi? O if only you would actually pay attention to my commandments! Why were Protestant churches silent? Sami sa nepomstite, milovaní, ale nechajte miesto hnevu; lebo je napísané: " Moja je pomsta; ja odplatím, hovorí Jehova. " " Despite the many troubles that Paul experienced, including "dangers from robbers, " he lived by his words, never putting personal security above Scriptural principles. Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath; for it is written: " Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says Jehovah. ' " " Preklad nového sveta "ho uvádza doslovne, ako aj" The NIV Interlinear Hebrew - English Old Testament "i" The Interlinear Hebrew / Greek English Bible ." Few would deny that religion has caused much suffering. " The New World Translation " states it literally as well as "The NIV Interlinear Hebrew - English Old Testament " i" The Interlinear Hebrew / Greek English Bible. " " Podľa Ježišovho vzoru by som sa snažil byť čo najláskavejší, čo najpozornejší a čo najohľaduplnejší. " This led to a serious mistake. " According to Jesus ' pattern, I would try to be as kind as possible, as attentive as possible, and as considerate as possible. " To však príliš neprekvapuje, lebo Biblia predpovedala, že "v posledných dňoch nastanú kritické časy, s ktorými sa bude dať ťažko vyrovnať. " My husband also volunteered to do construction work at Brooklyn Bethel for two weeks and applied for the International Program. This is not surprising, however, because the Bible foretold that "in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. Biblia nielenže potvrdzuje, že takéto uvažovanie je logické, ale dokonca sú v nej zapísané tieto Božie slová: "Moje cesty [sú] vyššie než vaše cesty a moje myšlienky než vaše myšlienky." Adam is proud of his spiritual heritage. The Bible not only confirms that such reasoning is logical but even includes these words of God: "My ways [are] higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. " Jehova si praje, aby to kresťania robili "v spravodlivosti." • In what ways did Jesus show consideration for others? Jehovah wants Christians to do so "in righteousness. " ▪ Váži si rodičov? - 2. Mojžišova 20: 12. For example, a man once entered a Kingdom Hall in Zurich, Switzerland, and said that he wanted to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses. ▪ Does he appreciate his parents? - Exodus 20: 12. Budujte svoju rodinu " pôvabnými slovami " But Bible study, prayer, and meditation helped him to gain a better understanding of how God views sinners. Build Your Family Up With "Lovely Words " Ó, keby si len bol venoval pozornosť mojim prikázaniam! How could Jesus Christ - now a glorious immortal spirit creature in heaven - rise in these small human organs? O if only you would pay attention to my commandments! Pavol bol často v rôznych ťažkostiach, napríklad "v nebezpečenstvách pred lupičmi," ale aj tak žil v súlade s citovanými slovami. Much of what he said had primary meaning for the apostles. Paul was often in various difficulties, such as "in danger from robbers, " but he still lived in harmony with the words quoted above. Len málokto by popieral, že náboženstvo zapríčinilo veľa utrpenia. magazines. Few would deny that religion caused much suffering. To viedlo k vážnej chybe. First, the harvesters beat the trees ' branches with rods to make the olives fall to the ground, where they are gathered. This led to a serious mistake. Okrem toho sa môj manžel ako dobrovoľník zúčastnil dvojtýždňových stavebných prác v brooklynskom bételi a prihlásil sa do medzinárodného stavebného programu. Still others he misleads by such philosophies as patriotism, evolution, and false religion. In addition, my husband volunteered for two weeks of construction work at Brooklyn Bethel and applied to the international construction program. Adam je hrdý na svoje duchovné dedičstvo. " Agents have seized scores of bogus jet engine components, brake assemblies, poor quality bolts and fasteners, defective fuel and flight systems parts, unapproved cockpit instruments and flight computer components that are critical to flight safety, " reported the Flight Safety Digest. Adam is proud of his spiritual heritage. • Ako Ježiš prejavoval voči druhým ohľaduplnosť? She warned: "Based on my experience, they lie. " • How did Jesus show consideration for others? Raz napríklad prišiel do sály kráľovstva v Zürichu vo Švajčiarsku jeden muž a povedal, že sa chce stať Jehovovým svedkom. Jehovah is a manly person of war. For example, a man came to the Kingdom Hall in Zurich, Switzerland, and said that he wanted to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Ale pomocou štúdia Biblie, modlitby a rozjímania lepšie porozumel tomu, ako sa Boh pozerá na hriešnikov. " We've known for decades that smoking is bad for you, but this report shows that it's even worse than we knew, " Carmona says. But through his study of the Bible, prayer, and meditation, he understood better how God views sinners. Ako by mohol Ježiš Kristus - ktorý je teraz slávnym nesmrteľným duchovným tvorom v nebesiach - vychádzať v týchto malých ľudských orgánoch? Daniel also received two visions that provide remarkable details both about the nature of this empire and about its most prominent ruler. How could Jesus Christ - now a glorious immortal spirit creature in heaven - come out in these small human organs? Veľa z toho, čo povedal, sa v prvom rade týkalo apoštolov. The Beautiful Moldavite Much of what he said primarily concerned the apostles. Vás nehľadáme, vieme, že vy neklamete. " [ Picture on page 15] We are not looking for you, we know you are not lying. " Najprv zberači zľahka udierajú palicami po konároch, aby olivy popadali na zem, kde ich zozbierajú. 5, 6. (a) To which temple did Jehovah come for judgment? First, the collectors gently hit the branches with sticks so that the olives fall to the ground where they collect them. Ďalších zvádza takými filozofiami, ako je vlastenectvo, evolúcia a falošné náboženstvo. They "burned them up before everybody. " Others are seduced by such patriotism, evolution, and false religion. Agenti zhabali desiatky sfalšovaných dielov prúdového motora, brzdových zariadení, skrutiek a spojovacích súčiastok veľmi nízkej kvality, chybných súčiastok palivových sústav a prístrojov na kontrolu letu, neodsúhlasených navigačných prístrojov v kabíne pilota a zložiek riadiacich prístrojov, ktoré sú rozhodujúce pre bezpečnosť letu, "napísal časopis Flight Safety Digest. R., United States Agents seized dozens of counterfeit parts of the jet engine, brake equipment, screws and fasteners of very low quality, faulty parts of the fuel systems and flight control equipment, unapproved navigational devices in the pilot's cabin, and flight safety components, " wrote Flight Safety Digest. Varuje: "Z vlastnej skúsenosti viem, že klamú." The upright man Nehemiah of the fifth century B.C.E. prayed and acted in faith. He warns: "I know from experience that they are lying. " Jehova je mužný bojovník. God's spirit may even open up a way to change the situation that distresses you. - Psalm 55: 22; 65: 2; 1 John 5: 14, 15. Jehovah is a manly warrior. " Už desaťročia vieme, že fajčenie je škodlivé, ale z tejto správy vidno, že je ešte škodlivejšie, ako sme si mysleli, "uvádza Richard Carmona. Wrapped around seeds, the white, sticky pulp is sweet - sour and perfumed. " For decades we have known that smoking is harmful, but this report shows that it is even more harmful than we thought, " says Richard Carmona. Okrem toho mal Daniel dve videnia, z ktorých sa dozvedáme pozoruhodné detaily nielen o tejto ríši, ale aj o jej najvýznačnejšom panovníkovi. But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth, and they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.... Daniel also had two visions, from which we learn remarkable details not only about this empire but also about its most outstanding ruler. Nádherný vltavín ■ Avoid places and situations where you will be tempted to smoke. Gorgeous Vltavine [ Obrázok na strane 15] For the joy that was set before him, " Jesus endured in wholehearted service, never losing sight of the reward. [ Picture on page 15] 5, 6. a) K akému chrámu prišiel Jehova súdiť? (b) What does the book of Hebrews say about the sacred service performed at both the tabernacle and the temple? 5, 6. (a) What temple did Jehovah come to judge? " Pred všetkými ich spálili. " An adult beaver can reach about four feet [1.3 m] in length and weigh upwards of 60 pounds [27 kg]. " They burned them all in front of them. " R., Spojené štáty In retrospect, I can attest that the dreadful experiences I was forced to endure did not embitter me. R., United States Priamy muž Nehemiáš, ktorý žil v piatom storočí pred n. l., sa tiež modlil a konal s vierou. 6 3. The upright man Nehemiah, who lived in the fifth century B.C.E., also prayed and acted with faith. Boží duch vám dokonca môže otvoriť cestu k zmene situácie, ktorá vás ubíja. - Žalm 55: 22; 65: 2; 1. Jána 5: 14, 15. NATURAL disasters, deadly diseases, corruption in high places, terrorist attacks, wars, crime. God's spirit can even open the way for you to change the situation that is killing you. - Psalm 55: 22; 65: 2; 1 John 5: 14, 15. Biela lepkavá dužina okolo semien má sladkokyslú chuť a príjemnú vôňu. It will take place after "the tribulation " mentioned at Matthew 24: 29, 30 breaks out and the Son of man " arrives in his glory. ' The white sticky flesh around the seeds has a sweet, sour taste and a pleasant aroma. Ale mierni, tí budú vlastniť zem a naozaj nájdu svoje najväčšie potešenie v hojnosti pokoja... In 1997 he was demobilized. But the meek will possess the earth, and they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace... ■ Vyhnite sa miestam a situáciám, ktoré by vás priviedli do pokušenia fajčiť. Our first parents, Adam and Eve, chose independence from their Creator. ■ Avoid places and situations that lead you to the temptation to smoke. Pre radosť, ktorá mu bola predložená ," Ježiš vytrval v službe celým srdcom a nikdy nestratil z očí odmenu. And then, suddenly, the killer made its move. For the joy that was set before him, " Jesus endured in full - heart service and never lost sight of the reward. b) Čo hovorí list Hebrejom o svätej službe vykonávanej tak v svätostánku, ako aj v chráme? Beggars in Sheep's Clothing (b) What does the letter to the Hebrews say about sacred service performed both at the tabernacle and at the temple? Dospelý bobor dorastá do veľkosti asi 1,3 metra a váži až 27 kilogramov. Like a fruitless tree, a deceiver bears no genuine Christian fruitage. The adult beaver grows about three feet [1.3 m] in size and weighs up to six pounds [27 kg]. Pri spätnom pohľade môžem potvrdiť, že napriek strašným skúsenostiam, ktoré som prežil, som nezatrpkol. 3, 4. In retrospect, I can confirm that despite the terrible experiences I have experienced, I have not become bitter. 6 3. For with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone. " 6 3. PRÍRODNÉ katastrofy, smrteľné choroby, korupcia medzi ľuďmi vo vysokom postavení, teroristické útoky, vojny, zločinnosť. The author, an expert on the subject, fears that the art of tracking animals will die out. NATURAL Disasters, fatal diseases, corruption among high-level people, terrorist attacks, wars, crime. Stane sa to po tom, čo vypukne "súženie" uvedené v Matúšovi 24: 29, 30 a Syn človeka " príde v svojej sláve ." Similar schemes elsewhere have proved successful. This will occur after the "tribulation " mentioned at Matthew 24: 29, 30 and the Son of man" will come in his glory. " V roku 1997 bol prepustený z vojenskej služby. In fact, when Jesus himself was put under oath by the high priest, he did not object to it but responded truthfully to the Jewish Sanhedrin. In 1997 he was released from military service. Naši prarodičia, Adam a Eva, sa rozhodli pre nezávislosť od svojho Stvoriteľa. Two months later, I enrolled in the pioneer service, and I have striven to maintain the pioneer spirit ever since. Our first parents, Adam and Eve, chose to be independent of their Creator. A potom sa tento zabijak odrazu pohol. 18, 19. (a) What do we need in order to survive into God's new world? And then this killer suddenly moved. Žobráci v ovčom rúchu A brief letter stating that such is an outright gift should accompany these contributions. Beggars in Sheep's Clothes Podvodník ako neplodný strom neprináša pravé kresťanské ovocie. Because of its refusal to breed in captivity, the cheetah has been pursued to the very ends of its domain to supply this demand. As a barren tree, a cheater does not produce true Christian fruitage. 3, 4. They need help. 3, 4. Veď Boha nemožno pokúšať zlými vecami, ani sám nikoho nepokúša. " 10, 11. (a) The Millennium will afford what opportunities to all on earth? For with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone. " Autor, odborník v stopovaní, sa obáva, že umenie vystopovať zvieratá vymrie. Would you not agree that a conscientious homeowner should safeguard the health and well - being of his family by exterminating the pests? The author, an expert in tracking, fears that the art of tracking animals will die out. Aj inde boli podobné akcie úspešné. In 48 C.E., they return to Antioch, "where they had been entrusted to the undeserved kindness of God. " - Acts 14: 26. In other places, similar events have been successful. Ani Ježiš, keď ho židovský Sanhedrin zaviazal prísahou, nenamietal, ale pravdivo odpovedal. (a) Who should take the lead in showing honor? When the Jewish Sanhedrin made an oath, Jesus did not object, but answered truthfully. O dva mesiace nato som vstúpil do priekopníckej služby a odvtedy som sa vždy usiloval zachovať si priekopníckeho ducha. More than 2,900 brothers and sisters - married and single, many in their 20 ' s and 30 ' s - have moved to serve in regions of Mexico where there is still a great need for Kingdom preachers. Two months later, I entered the pioneer service, and since then I have always tried to maintain my pioneer spirit. , 19. a) Čo musíme robiť, aby sme prežili do Božieho nového sveta? Thus, Jesus taught his disciples to pray to God: "Let your kingdom come. 18, 19. (a) What must we do to survive into God's new world? Tieto dary by mal sprevádzať krátky list, v ktorom sa hovorí, že ide o nepodmienený dar. Examine the amazing creations seen in this famous park. These gifts should be accompanied by a brief letter stating that they are an outright gift. Keďže gepard sa v zajatí odmieta rozmnožovať, bol prenasledovaný až do najvzdialenejších končín svojho revíru, aby bol tento dopyt uspokojený. Recognize the hazard before it arrives, and make room for it. Since the cheetah refuses to reproduce in captivity, he was persecuted to the farthest ends of his territory in order to satisfy that demand. Potrebujú pomoc. Even those who are not expert mountaineers can see the central part of the massif close - up, using the cable car that came into operation in 1958. They need help. 10, 11. a) Akú príležitosť budú mať všetci ľudia počas Milénia? Pasta is often served as a first course, followed by meat or fish with vegetables. 10, 11. (a) What opportunity will all humans have during the Millennium? Nesúhlasili by ste s tým, že svedomitý majiteľ by mal vyhubiť škodcov, aby ochránil zdravie a blaho svojej rodiny? So let us have faith that Jehovah will help us to view our trials properly and endure them. Would you not agree that a conscientious owner should exterminate pests in order to protect the health and well - being of his family? V roku 48 n. l. sa vracajú do Antiochie, "kde boli predtým zverení Božej nezaslúženej láskavosti." - Sk. 14: 26. □ Why is discernment called for in connection with the Memorial celebration? In 48 C.E., they return to Antioch "where God's undeserved kindness was previously entrusted. " - Acts 14: 26. a) Kto by mal prejavovať úctu ako prvý? Jehovah extends an invitation to any who may have turned aside from his righteous ways, saying: "Return to me, and I will return to you. " (a) Who should be the first to show honor? Na tie miesta v Mexiku, kde sú stále veľmi potrební zvestovatelia Kráľovstva, sa presťahovalo už vyše 2 900 bratov a sestier. Niektorí z nich sú v manželstve a iní slobodní, pričom mnohí sú vo veku od 20 do 40 rokov. " I never realized how much money I wasted on tobacco. " - Gyanu, Nepal. Over 2,900 brothers and sisters have already moved to those places in Mexico where there is still a great need for Kingdom publishers, some of whom are married and others single, many between the ages of 20 and 40. Preto Ježiš učil svojich učeníkov, aby sa k Bohu modlili: "Nech príde tvoje kráľovstvo. Without the assistance of insulin, the glucose molecules cannot enter into the cells Hence, Jesus taught his disciples to pray to God: "Let your kingdom come. Nahliadnite do úžasných zákutí tohto známeho parku. So when you next take a walk along a beach, search carefully among the seaweed and driftwood. Look into the amazing corners of this famous park. Rozoznajte agresívneho vodiča skôr, ako sa priblíži, a uvoľnite mu cestu. I work with computers and because of my schedule, my sleep habits have been irregular. Recognize the aggressive driver before he approaches and make his way. Bezprostredným pohľadom na stred masívu sa môžu kochať aj tí, ktorí nie sú profesionálnymi horolezcami, a to vďaka lanovke, ktorá bola uvedená do prevádzky v roku 1958. Rather, he is of a spiritual, or nonphysical, nature. An immediate view of the centre of the massif can also be enjoyed by those who are not professional climbers, thanks to the cable car that was put into service in 1958. Ako prvý chod sa často podávajú cestoviny a po nich mäso alebo ryby so zeleninou. In the case of the Dhiakoptón - Kalávrita Rack Railway, the maximum inclination is 1 in 7 (an incline of 1 foot [one meter] vertical for 7 feet [seven meters] horizontal), and this exists at three different places on the route. The first course is often served pasta, followed by meat or fish with vegetables. Majme teda vieru, že Jehova nám pomôže správne sa pozerať na skúšky a vytrvať v nich. Moreover, we can recommend ourselves as ministers of God by accepting guidance by his spirit, displaying "love free from hypocrisy, " speaking truthfully, and relying on him for power to carry out the ministry. So let us have faith that Jehovah will help us to view and endure trials properly. □ Prečo treba uplatniť rozlišovaciu schopnosť v súvislosti s Pamätnou slávnosťou? The Bible contains true - life accounts that demonstrate the disastrous outcome of giving in to wrong desires. □ Why should discernment be applied in connection with the Memorial? Všetkých, ktorí sa možno odvrátili od Božích spravodlivých ciest, Jehova vyzýva slovami: "Vráťte sa ku mne, a ja sa vrátim k vám." He said: " I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. ' " All who may have turned away from God's righteous ways are urged by Jehovah: "Return to me, and I will return to you. " " Nikdy som si neuvedomovala, koľko peňazí som vyhodila za tabak. " (Gjanu, Nepál) As the sun rises farther, the light beam progresses downward and creates a brilliant glow on the face of an image entitled "God the Father. " " I never realized how much money I had spent on tobacco. " - Gjanu, Nepal. Bez pomoci inzulínu sa molekuly glukózy nedostanú do buniek The ark that Noah built was gigantic - longer than a football field and as high as a three - story building. Without insulin, glucose molecules do not enter cells Keď sa teda nabudúce budete prechádzať po pláži, pozorne sa pozerajte medzi riasy a naplavené drevo. I didn't know what was going on. So the next time you walk on the beach, look carefully between algae and flooded wood. Pracujem s počítačmi a pre môj pracovný rozvrh nemám pravidelný spánok. " All the things that were written aforetime were written for our instruction, that through our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope. " I work with computers and I don't have regular sleep for my work schedule. Je duchovnej, čiže nehmotnej podstaty. By this time, the construction workers were smarting from their encounter with the famous "man eaters of Tsavo, " two lions that had killed many of the men's colleagues, and the crew was facing the formidable terrain of the Great Rift Valley. It is a spiritual, or intangible, nature. V prípade ozubnicovej železnice Diakopton - Kalavryta je maximálny sklon 1 k 7 (sklon 1 meter vertikálne na 7 metrov horizontálne), a taký sklon je na troch miestach tejto trate. " The child is still too young to understand why the mother is not there. " In the case of the Diakopton - Kalavryta cog railway, the maximum slope is 1 to 7 (slope 1 meter vertically to 7 meters horizontally), and such a slope is in three places of this line. Okrem toho sa môžeme odporúčať ako Boží služobníci tým, že prijímame vedenie jeho ducha, prejavujeme "lásku bez pokrytectva," sme pravdovravní a spoliehame sa na Boha, že nám dá silu na vykonanie služby. For some reason the thinking of those committing senseless crimes is not normal. Moreover, we can recommend ourselves as God's servants by accepting his spirit's guidance, showing "love without hypocrisy, " being truthful, and relying on God to give us the strength to carry out our ministry. Biblia obsahuje skutočné životné príbehy, ktoré ukazujú, k akým katastrofálnym následkom to vedie, keď sa človek poddá nesprávnym túžbam. Imperfect humans simply cannot form perfect governments. The Bible contains real life stories that show the disastrous consequences of giving in to wrong desires. A povedal: " Som Ježiš, ktorého prenasleduješ. " " He was also our friend, and we didn't want to let him down. " And he said: " I am Jesus, whom you persecute. ' " Ako slnko stúpa vyššie, svetelný lúč sa posúva nižšie a trblietavým jasom osvetľuje tvár na obraze s názvom "Boh Otec." They feel that the richer member nations are not sharing enough of their wealth with them. As the sun rises higher, the beam of light moves lower, and with a glittering brightness, it illuminates the face of the image called "God the Father. " Koráb, ktorý postavil Noach, bol obrovský - bol dlhší ako futbalové ihrisko a vysoký ako trojpodlažná budova. [ Footnote] The ark built by Noah was huge - longer than the football field and taller than the three - story building. Nevedela som, čo sa dialo potom. However, if within a few days, appliances such as refrigerators and boilers are disassembled by qualified electricians and then thoroughly cleaned, dried, and reassembled, in most cases they will continue to function. I didn't know what happened next. " Všetko, čo bolo napísané predtým, bolo napísané na naše poučenie, aby sme svojou vytrvalosťou a útechou z Písiem mali nádej. " With the passing of time, you will likely be better able to manage your feelings. " All the things that were written aforetime were written for our instruction, that through our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope. " Robotníci, ktorí tu v tom čase pracovali, sa desili stretnutia s neslávne známymi "ľudožrútmi z Tsava," dvoma levmi, ktoré zabili mnohých ich spolupracovníkov. Museli tiež prekonávať neľahký terén Východoafrickej priekopovej prepadliny. I started reading the series "Bullying - What Can You Do About It? " The workers who worked here at that time were terrified by encounters with the infamous "Human Eaters of Tsava, " two lions who killed many of their fellow workers, and they also had to overcome the difficult terrain of the East African ditch. " Dieťa je ešte príliš malé na to, aby pochopilo, prečo pri ňom matka nie je. " Usually, it was food that they carried, and I often overlooked it and let them go. " The child is too small to understand why the mother is not with him. " Uvažovanie ľudí, ktorí páchajú nezmyselné zločiny, je z nejakého dôvodu nenormálne. Jesus ' words showed that what had occurred proved " that the desolating of Jerusalem was near. ' For some reason, considering people who commit senseless crimes is out of the question. Nedokonalí ľudia jednoducho nemôžu vytvoriť dokonalé vlády. Why might you mistakenly conclude that you have been a victim of injustice or that someone else has been? Imperfect humans simply cannot create perfect governments. Bol naším priateľom a my sme ho nechceli sklamať. " However, in spite of pressure from family, friends, and fellow clansmen, many Native Americans are responding to the Bible educational work of Jehovah's Witnesses. He was our friend, and we did not want to disappoint him. " Zdá sa im, že bohatšie členské krajiny sa s nimi dostatočne nedelia o svoje bohatstvo. Below, describe a situation that typically provokes your anger. It seems to them that the richer Member States do not share their wealth sufficiently with them. [ Poznámka pod čiarou] When they suspect that point is near, they take the money and run. [ Footnote] Ale ak odborníci v priebehu niekoľkých dní také zariadenia ako chladničky alebo kotly rozoberú, dôkladne vyčistia, vysušia a znovu zložia, vo väčšine prípadov sú zariadenia ďalej funkčné. Money lovers are bound to suffer unhappiness and disillusionment, in effect, " stabbing themselves all over with many pains. ' But if experts dismantle such equipment as refrigerators or boilers within a few days, thoroughly clean, dry, and fold again, in most cases the equipment continues to function. Ako bude plynúť čas, pravdepodobne sa budete vedieť lepšie vyrovnávať so svojimi pocitmi. Photos: IDRC As time passes, you will likely be able to cope better with your feelings. Hneď nato som si začala čítať sériu "Šikanovanie - čo môžete robiť?" " How sad! How unfair! ' Right afterward, I began reading the series "Trouble - What Can You Do? " Zvyčajne nosili potraviny a ja som ich často nechala prejsť. What did she do to prepare herself? They usually wore groceries, and I often let them pass. Ježišove slová ukazovali, že to, čo sa stalo, je dôkazom, že, sa priblížilo spustošenie Jeruzalema ." Furthermore, we know that the universe at one time did not exist. Jesus ' words showed that what had happened was proof that " the desolation of Jerusalem had drawn near. ' Prečo by si mohol dôjsť k mylnému záveru, že si sa stal obeťou nespravodlivosti alebo že sa ňou stal niekto iný? It is not hard to see which one is more likely to set the congregation ablaze through her speech. Why might you mistakenly conclude that you have been a victim of injustice or that someone else has become a victim? No napriek nátlaku rodiny, priateľov a členov vlastného klanu mnohí domorodí Američania priaznivo reagujú na biblické vzdelávacie dielo Jehovových svedkov. Would You Welcome a Visit? Yet, despite pressure from family, friends, and members of their own clan, many Native Americans respond favorably to the Bible educational work of Jehovah's Witnesses. V akej situácii sa zvyčajne rozhneváš? Little wonder that Alberti, in the closing line of his poem quoted earlier, described these graceful animals as "horses dancing in the wind. " What kind of situation do you usually get angry at? Keď si myslia, že sa ten moment priblížil, zoberú peniaze a vytratia sa. One young Christian girl says: "When I feel like hitting my eight - year - old sister, I say a prayer, and that helps me control my temper. " When they think the moment is near, they take the money and disappear. Ľudia, ktorí milujú peniaze, budú zákonite nešťastní a zažijú sklamanie, takže sa " celí prebodajú mnohými bolesťami ." Even with its pleasant moments, our existence is just as the ancient patriarch Job described it when he said: "Man... is short - lived and glutted with agitation. " - Job 14: 1. Those who love money will inevitably be unhappy and frustrated, so that they " stab themselves all over with many pains. ' Fotografie: IDRC Sometimes I imagined that I was at my Christian meetings, and I mentally participated in them. Photos: IDRC Aké nespravodlivé! " And though conditions in the camps are primitive, " the cleanest part is where our brothers live. ' How unrighteous! " Ako prekonala svoje obavy? The Bridge That Kept Coming Back How did she overcome her fears? Navyše vieme, že vesmír kedysi nejestvoval. In a way, though, their journeys differed. Moreover, we know that the universe once did not exist. Nie je ťažké rozoznať, ktorá môže svojimi slovami založiť v zbore požiar. [ Footnotes] It is not difficult to discern which, in his words, can set fire in the congregation. Uvítali by ste návštevu? The Huguenots ' flight from France and their welcome in host countries was known as the Refuge. Would You Welcome a Visit? Nie div, že Alberti v poslednom riadku svojej básne uvedenej v úvode ospevuje tieto elegantné tvory ako "kone tancujúce v povetrí." What about Jesus - how did he maintain his joy? No wonder Alberti, in the last line of his poem mentioned at the outset, glorifies these elegant creatures as "horses dancing in the air. " Jedno kresťanské dievča hovorí: "Keď mám chuť udrieť svoju osemročnú sestru, pomodlím sa, a to mi pomôže ovládnuť sa." Especially in the last few decades, these journals have carried timely Scriptural articles on social, family, and emotional challenges that even some of God's people encounter. One Christian girl says: "When I want to hit my eight - year - old sister, I pray, and this will help me to control myself. " Aj keď zažívame príjemné chvíle, náš život je presne taký, ako ho opísal staroveký patriarcha Jób: "Človek... má krátky život a je presýtený nepokojom." - Jób 14: 1. Thus Jesus guaranteed that Jehovah's purpose to turn this earth into an Edenlike paradise will come true. Even if we experience pleasant moments, our life is just as the ancient patriarch Job described it: "Man... has a short life and is saturated with restlessness. " - Job 14: 1. Niekedy som si predstavovala, že som na kresťanských zhromaždeniach, a v duchu som sa do nich zapájala. For example, some historians estimate that in World War II alone, the dead totaled from some 50 million to 60 million, the majority of whom were civilians - innocent men, women, and children. Sometimes I imagined that I was at Christian meetings, and I took part in them in a spiritful way. A hoci podmienky v táboroch sú primitívne, " najčistejšia je tá časť, kde bývajú naši bratia ." In the Loire Valley of France, cave living became fashionable among a number of wealthy families. And although the conditions in the camps are primitive, " the purest part is the part where our brothers dwell. ' Most, ktorý viackrát ležal v troskách Naaman turned away from Elisha's house in a rage. A bridge that lay in ruins several times V niečom sa však ich púť líši. The congregation gave them a warm reception and told Roald and Elsebeth that they would love it if their family could move there to help with the Kingdom work. However, their pilgrimage differs in something. [ Poznámky pod čiarou] TERRORISM! [ Footnotes] Útek hugenotov z Francúzska a ich privítanie v hostiteľských krajinách boli známe ako Záchrana. In your own words, how would you describe the prophecy recorded at Micah 4: 1 - 4? The escape of the Huguenots from France and their welcome to the host countries were known as Rescue. A čo Ježiš, ako si on zachoval radosť? Circuit work meant traversing the country while lugging a typewriter, cartons of literature, suitcases, and briefcases. What about Jesus, how did he maintain his joy? Najmä v niekoľkých posledných desaťročiach tieto časopisy prinášali aktuálne biblické články o spoločenských, rodinných a citových problémoch, s ktorými sa stretávajú aj niektorí z Božieho ľudu. For months, he had no success in finding employment. Especially in the last few decades, these magazines have brought timely Bible articles on social, family, and emotional problems that some of God's people face. Tak Ježiš zabezpečil, aby sa Jehovovo predsavzatie premeniť túto zem na raj podobný Edenu splnilo. He wanted to please the God of peace. Thus, Jesus ensured that Jehovah's purpose to turn this earth into an Edenlike paradise would be fulfilled. Niektorí historici odhadujú, že len v druhej svetovej vojne zomrelo celkovo 50 až 60 miliónov ľudí, zväčša civilistov - nevinných mužov, žien a detí. May we likewise encourage those among us who are emotionally troubled. Some historians estimate that a total of 50 to 60 million people, mostly civilians - innocent men, women, and children, died in World War II alone. V údolí rieky Loiry vo Francúzsku sa bývanie vo vyhĺbených jaskyniach stalo pre mnohé bohaté rodiny módou. ◇ Place your ladder on a level, solid surface. In the Valley of the Loire River in France, housing in excavated caves has become fashionable for many rich families. Naaman sa v zúrivom hneve odobral preč od Elizeovho domu. You see an exhausted old woman, who journeyed from the other end of the country, struggling to keep her tired feet going. Naaman, in rage, took himself away from Elisha's house. V zbore ich bratia a sestry veľmi vrúcne privítali a hovorili im, že by sa veľmi tešili, keby sa prisťahovali a pomohli im so zvestovaním. Similarly, Jehovah, who "sees what the heart is, " kindly showed me the way, and because of his mercy, I have been able to start a new life. - 1 Samuel 16: 7. In the congregation, their brothers and sisters warmly welcomed them and told them that they would enjoy moving in and helping them in the preaching work. TERORIZMUS! One evening I read Matthew chapter 10, which shows that Jesus ' disciples would be hated and persecuted by men. TERORIZM! Ako by si vlastnými slovami vyjadril, čo hovorí proroctvo v Micheášovi 4: 1 - 4? (Articles appearing in every issue.) In your own words, how would you express what the prophecy says at Micah 4: 1 - 4? K práci krajského dozorcu patrilo prechádzať krajinou a ťahať pritom so sebou písací stroj, škatule s literatúrou, cestovné tašky a aktovky. Highlights From Mark, 2 / 15 The work of the circuit overseer included going through the country and carrying a typewriter, boxes of literature, travel bags, and briefcases. Celé mesiace si hľadal prácu, no bezvýsledne. BY AWAKE! You've been looking for a job for months, but without results. Chcel sa páčiť Bohu pokoja. Yet, both of them listed him as suspicious. He wanted to please the God of peace. Kiež aj my podobne povzbudzujeme tých z nás, ktorí majú citové problémy. Remember, too, the power of prayer. May we likewise encourage those of us who have emotional problems. ◇ Postav rebrík na rovnú, pevnú plochu. However, they did have a measure of divine attributes and the capacity to make moral decisions. ♦ Build a ladder on a flat, solid surface. Vidíte vyčerpanú starenku, ktorá pricestovala z opačného konca krajiny, ako sa usiluje kráčať ďalej na svojich unavených nohách. With what result? You see an extinct old woman who has arrived from the opposite end of the country trying to walk on her tired feet. Podobne Jehova, ktorý "vidí, aké je srdce," mi láskavo ukázal cestu a vďaka jeho milosrdenstvu som mohla začať nový život. - 1. Samuelova 16: 7. Did you notice, though, that the World Population Conference statement said that couples should decide "responsibly the number and spacing of their children "? Similarly, Jehovah, who "sees what the heart is, " kindly showed me the way, and thanks to his mercy, I was able to start a new life. - 1 Samuel 16: 7. V jeden večer som si čítal 10. kapitolu Matúša, ktorá poukazuje na to, že Ježišových učeníkov budú ľudia nenávidieť a prenasledovať. If we follow him as our Exemplar, we too can endure sufferings and do what Jehovah asks of us. - Hebrews 12: 1 - 3. One evening I read Matthew chapter 10, which shows that Jesus ' disciples would be hated and persecuted. 17 Údolie Éla, kde Dávid zabil obra 7 However, having fish as "livestock " presents a number of challenges. 17 The Valley of Elah, where David killed the giant 7 OD DOPISOVATEĽA PREBUĎTE SA! Isaac likely had specific things to think about, such as his future, the loss of his mother, or who his wife was to be. BY AWAKE! Avšak u oboch bol na zozname podozrivých. How does Jehovah watch us like a caring parent? But he was on the suspect list for both of them. Nezabudni tiež na silu modlitby. However, God dealt with the latter with the future ransom provision in view. Remember, too, the power of prayer. Mali však určitú mieru božských vlastností a schopnosť robiť mravné rozhodnutia. As human society around us crumbles into a state of lovelessness, greed, self - gratification, and ungodliness, do we not realize that Jehovah's day for executing his judgments on this wicked world system is fast approaching? However, they had a measure of divine qualities and the ability to make moral decisions. K čomu to povedie? But he also accompanied his cousin Barnabas, who helped Saul by introducing him to Peter some three years after Jesus had appeared to Saul in a vision. What will be the result? Všimli ste si, že vyhlásenie svetovej konferencie o populácii znelo, že dvojice sa majú "zodpovedne rozhodnúť o počte a vekovom odstupe svojich detí"? Nevertheless, by her participation Christendom shares responsibility for the terrible suffering that was inflicted upon millions of African slaves. Have you noticed that the announcement of the World Conference on Population sounded that couples should "choose responsibly the number and ages of their children "? Ak ho napodobňujeme ako náš Vzor, aj my môžeme zniesť utrpenie a robiť to, čo od nás Jehova žiada. - Hebrejom 12: 1 - 3. But they disobeyed. If we imitate him as our Exemplar, we too can endure suffering and do what Jehovah asks of us. - Hebrews 12: 1 - 3. Avšak držať ryby ako "chovné zvieratá" predstavuje niekoľko problémov. Finally, it must be realized that many unpleasant experiences are simply the result of "time and unforeseen occurrence. " However, keeping fish as "breeding animals " presents several problems. Izák mal skôr konkrétne veci, o ktorých chcel premýšľať, napríklad o svojej budúcnosti, o strate svojej matky alebo o tom, aká bude jeho manželka. At any rate, she was willing to make a difficult sacrifice. Rather, Isaac had specific things to think about, such as his future, his mother's loss, or his wife's. V čom sa Jehovov prístup k nám podobá prístupu starostlivého rodiča? The Bible says: "Do not put your trust in nobles, nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs. How does Jehovah's approach to us resemble that of a caring parent? No s týmito predkresťanskými ctiteľmi Boh zaobchádzal na základe budúceho zamýšľaného opatrenia výkupného. Jehovah withdrew his blessing. However, God dealt with these pre - Christian worshipers on the basis of a future intended ransom provision. Vari si spolu s rozpadom ľudskej spoločnosti okolo nás, ktorý sa vyznačuje nedostatkom lásky, chamtivosťou, sebauspokojovaním a bezbožnosťou, neuvedomujeme, že Jehovov deň na vykonanie rozsudku nad týmto skazeným svetovým systémom sa rýchlo približuje? " I have a good driving record, so I don't need to worry about having an automobile accident. " Do we not realize, along with the decay of human society around us, which is marked by a lack of love, greed, self - satisfaction, and ungodlyness, that Jehovah's day to execute judgment on this wicked world system is rapidly approaching? Sprevádzal tiež svojho bratranca Barnabáša, ktorý pomohol Saulovi, keď ho asi tri roky po tom, čo sa Saulovi vo videní zjavil Ježiš, zoznámil s Petrom. For all these dropped in gifts out of their surplus, but this woman out of her want dropped in all the means of living she had. " - Luke 21: 1 - 4. He also accompanied his cousin Barnabas, who helped Saul when he met Peter about three years after Jesus appeared to Saul in a vision. Svojou účasťou však kresťanstvo má podiel na zodpovednosti za strašné utrpenie miliónov afrických otrokov. Rejoice Over the Marriage of the Lamb! By participating, however, Christendom shares responsibility for the terrible suffering of millions of African slaves. Ale oni neposlúchali. How can concealed sins affect a person, yet how can forgiveness and relief be obtained? But they didn't listen. Nesmieme zabudnúť ani na to, že za mnohé zlé okolnosti môže "čas a nepredvídaná udalosť." " ʼAbbāʼ as a form of address to God is extremely uncommon in Jewish literature of the Greco - Roman period, doubtless because it would have appeared irreverent to address God with this familiar term, " continues the above - mentioned reference work. We must not forget either that under many bad circumstances, he can "time and unforeseen occurrence. " V každom prípade bola ochotná priniesť aj takúto veľkú obeť. Yet, all of that changed when Paul realized that Jehovah was no longer blessing the Jews as a nation. In any case, she was willing to make such a great sacrifice. Biblia hovorí: "Nevkladajte dôveru v urodzených ani v syna pozemského človeka, ktorému nepatrí záchrana. Its Ruler will really take care of people. - Read Isaiah 11: 4; Daniel 2: 44. The Bible says: "Do not put your trust in nobles, nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs. Jehova ich nepožehnával. It helps when I talk to Jehovah. Jehovah did not bless them. " Jazdím bez nehody, preto si nemusím robiť starosti, že budem mať autonehodu. " The deplorable condition of mankind after thousands of years of applying human guidance proves the irrefutable truthfulness of this statement. " I drive without accident, so I don't have to worry about having a car accident. " Lebo všetci vhodili dary zo svojho prebytku, ale táto žena vhodila zo svojho nedostatku všetky prostriedky na živobytie, ktoré mala. " - Lukáš 21: 1 - 4. Yet, the apocryphal book of Judith, not being inspired by God, is hardly a criterion for determining the meaning of Mark's writings. For they all threw in gifts out of their surplus, but this woman threw in out of her want all the means of living that she had. " - Luke 21: 1 - 4. Radujme sa zo svadby Baránka! For instance, tax collectors were notorious for their corrupt practices. This was despite God's explicit law: "You are not to accept a bribe, for the bribe blinds clear - sighted men and can distort the words of righteous men. " Let us rejoice in the marriage of the Lamb! Aký vplyv môžu mať na človeka utajené hriechy, avšak ako možno získať odpustenie a úľavu? " Secret " Learned From Sacred Service (O. How can secret sins affect a person, but how can forgiveness and relief be obtained? " Abba ako oslovenie Boha je v židovskej literatúre z grécko - rímskeho obdobia nanajvýš nezvyčajné, nepochybne preto, že by sa považovalo za neúctivé oslovovať Boha týmto familiárnym výrazom, "uvádza sa ďalej v spomenutom diele. [ Picture on page 4] " Abba, as an address to God, is most unusual in Jewish literature from the Greek - Roman period, no doubt because it would be considered disrespectful to address God with this familial expression, " says the above - mentioned work. No to všetko sa zmenilo, keď si uvedomil, že Jehova už Židom ako národu nežehná. It helps the student to develop an appreciation for what he is learning and for the organization that Jehovah is using. Yet, all of this changed when he realized that Jehovah was no longer blessing the Jews as a nation. Jej vládca sa bude skutočne starať o svojich poddaných. (Prečítajte si Izaiáša 11: 4 a Daniela 2: 44.) magazine on "What Hope for Today's Youths? " Indeed, her ruler will care for his subjects. - Read Isaiah 11: 4 and Daniel 2: 44. Pomáha mi, keď sa rozprávam s Jehovom. Christians are not bound by the Mosaic Law. But all of us, whether anointed or not, are subject to "the law of the Christ. " It helps me to speak to Jehovah. Žalostný stav ľudstva po tisícročiach uplatňovania ľudského vedenia dokazuje nevyvrátiteľnú pravdivosť tohto výroku. Still, Christians who hunt or fish need to consider several Scriptural principles. Mankind's pitiful state after thousands of years of application of human guidance proves the irrefutable truthfulness of that statement. Apokryfná kniha Judit, ktorá nie je inšpirovaná Bohom, však rozhodne nie je kritériom určovania významu Markových spisov. EXPLAIN THE PARABLE However, the Apocryphal book Judit, which is not inspired of God, is certainly not a criterion for determining the meaning of Mark's writings. Napríklad vyberači daní boli známi svojimi korupčnými praktikami, ktoré boli v rozpore s jasne vyjadreným Božím zákonom: "Nemáš prijať úplatok, lebo úplatok zaslepuje jasnozrivých a môže prekrútiť slová spravodlivých." He and his apostles had a common fund from which they gave to needy Israelites. For example, tax collectors were known for their corrupt practices that were contrary to God's law clearly stated: "You must not accept a bribe, because the bribe blinds the bright - looking ones and can twist the words of the righteous ones. " Je viera v Boha iba barličkou? [ Picture on page 15] Is faith in God just a crutch? [ Obrázok na strane 4] It would not be surprising if the ziggurats of Babylon as well as the religion practiced there were the prototypes for the mysterious and impressive pyramids of Mexico. [ Picture on page 4] Pomáha študujúcemu rozvíjať si ocenenie pre to, čo sa učí, a pre organizáciu, ktorú Jehova používa. How can we be sure? It helps the student to cultivate appreciation for what he is learning and for the organization that Jehovah uses. s témou "Akú nádej majú dnes mladí ľudia?" Such deep rumblings carry well, and elephants can recognize them from a mile [1.5 km] away. with the theme "What Hope for Young People Today? " Hoci kresťania nie sú pod mojžišovským Zákonom, musia poslúchať "Kristov zákon," či už sú pomazaní, alebo nie. [ Picture on page 21] Though not under the Mosaic Law, Christians must obey "the law of the Christ, " whether they are anointed or not. Napriek tomu je potrebné, aby kresťania, ktorí chodia na poľovačku alebo na ryby, vzali do úvahy viacero biblických zásad. The last utterance by Jesus before he expired Nevertheless, a number of Bible principles need to be taken into account by Christians who go hunting or fishing. VYSVETLITE PODOBENSTVO What was the significance of this event? EXPLANATORY NOTE Ježiš a jeho apoštoli mali spoločné peniaze, z ktorých dávali núdznym Izraelitom. Though his health was not the best, he went preaching nearly every weekend, zealously putting Kingdom interests first. Jesus and his apostles shared the money from which they gave to needy Israelites. [ Obrázok na strane 15] U.S. [ Picture on page 15] Neprekvapovalo by teda, keby babylonské zikkuraty, ako aj náboženstvo, ktoré sa tu praktizovalo, boli prototypmi záhadných a pôsobivých mexických pyramíd. Your siblings likely have qualities that you admire. It would not be surprising, then, if the Babylonian ziccurates, as well as the religion practiced here, were prototypes of mysterious and impressive Mexican pyramids. Ako to vieme? The Government That Will End Crime How do we know that? Takéto hlboké zvuky sa dobre šíria a slony ich zachytia zo vzdialenosti 1,5 kilometra. Your memory will become stronger through use. Such deep sounds spread well, and elephants catch them from a distance of 1,500 miles [1.5 km]. [ Obrázok na strane 21] And all too often, many who inflicted the evils were not called to account. [ Picture on page 21] Každý, kto koná nezákonnosť,... YOU might wonder: " Is it really possible to imitate Jesus ' example of watchfulness? Anyone who acts lawlessness... Aký význam mala táto udalosť? Exploring Magnificent Waterfalls What was the significance of this event? Hoci jeho zdravie nebolo práve najlepšie, chodieval kázať takmer každý víkend, čím horlivo kládol záujmy Kráľovstva na prvé miesto. 16, 17. Although his health was not the best, he went to preach almost every weekend, zealously putting Kingdom interests first. U.S. Both of our sons married fine Christian women and are now raising their own families in the truth. U.S. Tvoji súrodenci pravdepodobne majú vlastnosti, ktoré sa ti páčia. Jesus ' Position in Heaven Your siblings probably have qualities that you like. Vláda, ktorá odstráni zločinnosť [ Picture on page 13] A Government That Eliminates Crime Vaša pamäť sa používaním zlepší. There are at least 200 million slash - and - burn farmers like Victoria and her family! Your memory will be improved by using it. A príliš často tí, ktorí to zlo spôsobovali, neboli volaní na zodpovednosť. God's spirit gave him great strength. Too often, those who caused evil were not called to account. MOŽNO si povieš: " Dá sa vôbec napodobňovať Ježišov príklad bdelosti? " SUCCESS " - an eye - catching word! YOU may wonder, " Can Jesus ' example of watchfulness even be imitated? Putovanie za majestátnymi vodopádmi It also shows how we can imitate him in displaying his qualities. - 1 / 15, pages 23 - 4. Travelling for majestic waterfalls , 17. Some families have moved to the cities, exposing youths to the influence of imported music and foreign videos. 16, 17. Obaja naši synovia sa oženili so znamenitými kresťankami a teraz vychovávajú v pravde aj svoje deti. Jesus referred to the holy spirit as a "helper " at John 14: 26. Both our sons married fine Christians and now raise their children in the truth. Ježišovo postavenie v nebi " You're going to get bedbugs, " says one U.S. hotel manager. " Dealing with them is the cost of doing business these days. " Jesus ' Position in Heaven [ Obrázok na strane 13] " Shrewd is the one that has seen the calamity and proceeds to conceal himself, " states a wise proverb. [ Picture on page 13] Na svete je najmenej 200 miliónov roľníkov živiacich sa rúbaním a vypaľovaním pralesa podobne ako Victoria a jej rodina! How can a parent help his child to get the proper view of sexual relations? Like Victoria and her family, there are at least 200 million farmers in the world who feed on cutting and burning the forest! Boží duch mu dal veľkú silu. SONGS TO BE USED: 191, 177 God's spirit gave him great strength. " ÚSPECH. " Aké príťažlivé slovo! Consider the occasion when Jesus was tempted by the Devil. " SUCCESS. " What an appealing word! Ukazuje aj to, ako ho môžeme v týchto vlastnostiach napodobňovať. - 15. januára, strany 23, 24. Crossword Solutions Page 27 It also shows how we can imitate him in these qualities. - 1 / 15, pages 23, 24. Niektoré rodiny sa presťahovali do miest, čo vystavuje mladých vplyvu hudby prichádzajúcej zvonka a vplyvu zahraničných videofilmov. You may even start thinking that what they are doing is right. " Some families have moved to cities, exposing youths to the influence of music coming from outside and the influence of foreign videos. Ježiš sa zmienil o svätom duchu ako o "pomocníkovi" v Jánovi 14: 26. This attitude is reflected in our conduct with regard to fellow humans. Jesus referred to the holy spirit as "a helper " at John 14: 26. Istý manažér hotela zo Spojených štátov o plošticiach hovorí, že "s výdavkami na ich likvidáciu dnes musí podnikateľ počítať." How might you benefit from sports? A hotel manager in the United States says about bedbugs that "an entrepreneur must count on spending on their disposal today. " " Rozumný je ten, kto uvidel nešťastie a ide sa skryť, "znie jedno múdre príslovie. These specious arguments failed to convince. " Reasonable is the one that has seen the calamity and proceeds to conceal himself, " says a wise proverb. Ako môže rodič pomôcť dieťaťu získať správny názor na sexuálne vzťahy? The English word "umbrella " comes from the Latin umbra, meaning" shade " or "shadow, " and the expression" parasol " comes from words meaning "to shield " and" sun. " How can a parent help a child to get a proper view of sexual relations? PIESNE: 191, 177 This overview of education in Bible times has shown that Jehovah is the Grand Instructor of his people. SONGS TO BE USED: 191, 177 Zamyslite sa nad situáciou, keď Diabol pokúšal Ježiša. In part, the article stated: "The faithful remnant class join [the Most High] in the gracious invitation and say, " Come. ' Consider the situation when the Devil tried Jesus. Ktorú časť obetovaných zvierat zakazoval jesť mojžišovský Zákon? But he said that the Devil would put them to the test and that they would be rewarded "individually according to [their] deeds. " - Revelation 2: 2, 10, 19, 23. What part of the sacrificed animals was prohibited from eating the Mosaic Law? Môžeš si dokonca začať myslieť, že to, čo robia, je správne. " [ Footnote] You may even begin to think that what they are doing is right. " Takýto postoj sa prejavuje v našom správaní k blížnym. Cover: Rwandan refugees return to their country Such an attitude is manifested in our dealings with our neighbors. Aký úžitok môžete mať zo športu? Son of Man. - Matthew 8: 20. How can you benefit from sports? Tieto zdanlivo prijateľné argumenty neboli presvedčivé. In recognition of this victory, Clovis was granted an honorary consulship by the emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire, Anastasius. These seemingly acceptable arguments were not convincing. Akýsi dáždnik vznikol vtedy, keď Číňanky alebo možno ženy v starom Ríme začali svoje papierové tienidlá voskovať a olejovať, aby ich mohli používať na ochranu pred dažďom. In other words, the parable points to the future when the Son of man will come in his glory. An umbrella arose when Chinese women, or perhaps women in ancient Rome, began waxing and oiling their paper shades in order to use it to protect them from the rain. Tento prehľad vzdelávania v biblických časoch ukazuje, že Jehova je Vznešeným Učiteľom svojho ľudu. " Next, the end, when he hands over the kingdom to his God and Father, when he has brought to nothing all government and all authority and power. This review of education in Bible times shows that Jehovah is the Grand Instructor of his people. Okrem iného sa v ňom písalo: "Verná trieda ostatku sa pripojuje k láskavému pozvaniu [Najvyššieho] a hovorí: " Príď! " In 840 C.E., however, they broke with tradition and wintered in their plundering grounds. Among other things, it said: "The faithful class of the remnant joins in the kind invitation [of the Most High] and says: " Come! ' Ale povedal, že Diabol ich vyskúša a že budú odmenení " každý jeden podľa svojich skutkov ." - Zjavenie 2: 2, 10, 19, 23. Johnson of the Service Department. But he said that the Devil would test them and that they would be rewarded "each one according to his works. " - Revelation 2: 2, 10, 19, 23. [ Poznámka pod čiarou] Similarly, the cities of refuge in ancient Israel provided protection for the unintentional manslayer only if he first fled to such a city and then remained inside it until the death of the high priest. [ Footnote] Obálka: Rwandskí utečenci sa vracajú do svojej krajiny If possible, arrange for a Witness who speaks their language to visit them. Cover: Rwandan refugees returning to their country Syn človeka. - Matúš 8: 20. BECHER Son of man. - Matthew 8: 20. Cisár Východorímskej ríše Anastasius mu ako prejav uznania jeho víťazstva udelil titul honorárneho konzula. Epaphroditus, then, was an example of a person who had the "mental attitude " that Paul encouraged the Philippians to have. The Emperor of the Eastern Empire Anastasius granted him the title of Honorary Consul as an expression of recognition of his victory. Inak povedané, podobenstvo poukazuje na budúcnosť, keď Syn človeka príde vo svojej sláve. All those pursuing an upright course as God's dedicated servants can draw comfort from the apostle Peter's words: "Jehovah knows how to deliver people of godly devotion out of trial, but to reserve unrighteous people for the day of judgment to be cut off. " In other words, the parable points to the future when the Son of man comes in his glory. " Potom koniec, keď odovzdá kráľovstvo svojmu Bohu a Otcovi, keď zničí každú vládu a každú vrchnosť a moc. As this pastry is eaten, somebody will find in his piece a little doll representing the baby Jesus. " Then the end, when he hands over the kingdom to his God and Father, will destroy every government and every authority and power. V roku 840 n. l. však porušili svoju tradíciu a prezimovali na vyplienených územiach. Moses ' final words would understandably have a profound effect on the people. In 840 C.E., however, they violated their tradition and wintered in plundered territories. Johnson zo služobného oddelenia. The host feels compelled to serve food for his guest but has "nothing to set before him. " Johnson from the Service Department. Podobne to bolo aj s útočištnými mestami v starovekom Izraeli. Niekomu, kto neúmyselne zabil, poskytovali ochranu len v tom prípade, že do niektorého z nich ušiel a zostal v ňom až do smrti veľkňaza. ▪ While it is common for children of all ages to act out their pain, adolescents are more likely to do so in dangerous ways, including delinquency, alcohol abuse, and drug abuse. Similarly, the cities of refuge in ancient Israel provided protection for someone who unintentionally killed only if he fled to one of them and remained in him until the death of the high priest. Ak je to možné, zariaď, aby ich navštívil svedok, ktorý ovláda ich jazyk. Brother Gangas showed by his actions that he indeed loved life, and he eagerly shared his "knowledge of Christ Jesus " with others. If possible, arrange for a Witness who speaks their language to visit them. URI Clay doll: Erich Lessing / Art Resource, NY; top: Réunion des Musées Nationaux / Art Resource, NY; corn husk doll: Art Resource, NY URI Bol teda príkladom človeka, ktorý mal také "zmýšľanie," k akému Pavol povzbudzoval Filipanov. All, including slaves and animals, were to benefit from the weekly Sabbath of rest. So he was an example of a person who had such "thinking " as Paul encouraged the Philippians to do. Všetci tí, čo sa usilujú kráčať cestou priamosti ako Boží oddaní služobníci, môžu čerpať útechu zo slov apoštola Petra: "Jehova vie, ako oslobodiť zo skúšky ľudí zbožnej oddanosti, ale nespravodlivých ľudí zachovať pre deň súdu, aby boli odrezaní." She may have had a teraphim because her heart was not complete toward God. All those who strive to follow the course of uprightness as God's dedicated servants can draw comfort from the apostle Peter's words: "Jehovah knows how to deliver people of godly devotion out of trial, but to keep unrighteous people for the day of judgment to be cut off. " Pri jedení tohto múčnika niekto nájde vo svojom kúsku bábiku, ktorá predstavuje malého Ježiša. 8, 9. When eating this dessert, someone will find a doll in his piece that represents the little Jesus. Najprv im pripomenul Desať prikázaní a iné predpisy od Jehovu a potom urobil pamätné vyhlásenie, ktoré čítame v 5. We are motivated to get started. First, he reminded them of the Ten Commandments and other regulations of Jehovah, and then he made the memorial declaration that we read in 5. Tento hostiteľ cíti povinnosť ponúknuť svojmu hosťovi jedlo, ale nemá " nič, čo by mu predložil ." • Why is living for material things unrealistic? This host feels obliged to offer food to his guest, but he has "nothing to offer him. " ▪ Hoci všetky deti dávajú nejakým spôsobom najavo, že ich niečo trápi, u dospievajúcich je väčšia pravdepodobnosť, že sa to prejaví niečím nebezpečným, napríklad delikventným správaním, zneužívaním alkoholu a užívaním drog. (January 22, 2005) Thank you for conveying so clearly the feelings that doctors experience. ▪ Although all children show in some way that something is troubling them, teenagers are more likely to be affected by something dangerous, such as delinquent behavior, alcohol abuse, and drug use. Brat Gangas prejavoval svojimi skutkami, že naozaj miluje život, a horlivo sa delil o "poznanie Krista Ježiša" s inými. Joseph showed his loving - kindness without outside prodding. Brother Gangas showed by his works that he truly loved life, and he zealously shared "the knowledge of Christ Jesus " with others. Hlinená bábika: Erich Lessing / Art Resource, NY; vĺčik: Réunion des Musées Nationaux / Art Resource, NY; šúpoľová bábika: Art Resource, NY For my underground political activities against the Soviet occupation, I was sentenced to 25 years in prison, as well as another 5 in exile. Clay doll: Erich Lessing / Art Resource, NY; wolf: Réunion des Musées Nationaux / Art Resource, NY; peach doll: Art Resource, NY Všetci, vrátane otrokov a zvierat, mali mať úžitok z každotýždenného sabatu odpočinku. What is goodness, and how is it seen in a Christian? All, including slaves and animals, were to benefit from the weekly Sabbath of rest. Míchal možno vlastnila terafim preto, že jej srdce nebolo celé voči Bohu. Jesus also proved that a perfect man could maintain perfect integrity to Jehovah despite the severest of trials. Michal may have owned a teraphim because her heart was not complete toward God. 8, 9. This publication is not for sale. 8, 9. Získavame motiváciu začať. Especially in tropical lands with poor sanitary conditions, breast - feeding is best. We're gaining motivation to begin. • Prečo život zameraný na hmotné veci nevedie k pravému šťastiu? Sometimes individuals demonstrate extraordinary self - sacrifice in reaching out to victims. • Why does material - oriented life not lead to true happiness? (22. januára 2005) Ďakujem Vám, že ste tak jasne opísali pocity lekárov. But the marriage was to take place in heaven at some unspecified time in the future. (January 22, 2005) Thank you for describing the feelings of doctors so clearly. Jozef prejavil milujúcu láskavosť bez vonkajšieho popudu. After serving almost four years in prison, I was finally released on probation in 1952. Joseph showed loving - kindness without external impulse. Za moju tajnú politickú činnosť proti sovietskej okupácii som bola odsúdená na 25 rokov väzenia a ešte päť rokov vyhnanstva. He did not graduate from high school. For my secret political action against Soviet occupation, I was sentenced to 25 years in prison and five years in exile. Čo je dobrota a ako ju možno vidieť na kresťanovi? True Christians say a resolute no to all such entertainment. What is goodness, and how can it be seen in a Christian? Dokázal tiež, že dokonalý človek môže zostať Jehovovi dokonale verný aj v tej najťažšej skúške. ; Stainton, L. He also proved that a perfect person can remain perfectly faithful to Jehovah even under the most difficult test. Táto publikácia nie je určená na predaj. [ Maps on page 18] This publication is not for sale. Dojčenie je najvýhodnejšie najmä v tropických krajinách s nedostatočnými hygienickými podmienkami. According to Scripture, Jesus had a prehuman existence. Breast - feeding is especially beneficial in tropical countries with poor hygiene conditions. Jednotlivci často mimoriadne obetavo pomáhajú obetiam zemetrasenia. But, as you well know, rap is much more than music. Individuals are often extremely self - sacrificing in helping victims of earthquakes. Ale manželstvo v nebi malo byť uzavreté v bližšie neurčenej budúcnosti. The New World Translation Goes Multilingual But a marriage in heaven was to be concluded in an undestined future. Po takmer štyroch rokoch väzenia ma nakoniec v roku 1952 prepustili na podmienku. Tim: In the name of Jesus. After nearly four years in prison, I was finally released on parole in 1952. Neabsolvoval strednú školu. A prayer is said, and we return to our cars. He didn't graduate from high school. Takú zábavu praví kresťania rozhodne odmietajú. The next day we travel by canoe on the Hana River. Such entertainment is certainly rejected by true Christians. Woodsová; L. To think that I had been praying for advice on how to open up to others! ; Woods, J. [ Mapy na strane 18] For centuries people have on occasion found themselves involuntarily without work. [ Maps on page 18] Ježiš mal podľa Písiem predľudskú existenciu. My name is Sharon and I'm 13 years old. According to the Scriptures, Jesus had a prehuman existence. No ako sám dobre vieš, rap je oveľa viac než iba hudba. It is not unusual for these drawers to be unlabeled. But as you know, rap is much more than music. Preklad nového sveta vychádza v mnohých jazykoch Moving, 2 / 22, 3 / 8 The New World Translation is published in many languages Pán Varga: V mene Ježiša Krista. But if an argument erupts, is their relationship at risk as well? Varga: In the name of Jesus Christ. Po modlitbe sa vraciame k autám. The speaker announced the release of a new video - United by Divine Teaching. After prayer, we return to the cars. Nasledujúci deň sa plavíme na kanoe po rieke Hana. What can be done? The next day, we sail on the canoe on the Hana River. Predstavte si, že prišli akurát v čase, keď som sa modlila o radu, ako sa iným otvoriť! She dips water from a pail and pours it into a smoke - blackened aluminum pot. Imagine that they came just at a time when I prayed for advice on how to open up to others! Celé stáročia boli ľudia občas nedobrovoľne bez práce. " [They] are constructed in exactly the same way that reinforced concrete is constructed, " states the institute. For centuries, people have at times been involuntarily out of work. volám sa Sharon a mám trinásť rokov. (Read Romans 7: 21 - 25.) My name is Sharon, and I'm 13 years old. Nie je nezvyčajné, keď sú tieto zásuvky neoznačené. If you turn to doing good, will there not be an exaltation? It's not unusual for these drawers to be unmarked. 3. They serve together as one flock under one Shepherd, Jesus Christ. 3. Ale keď vypukne hádka, je ohrozený aj ich vzťah? G., France But when an argument breaks out, is their relationship threatened? Rečník oznámil vydanie novej videopásky - Zjednotení božským vyučovaním. While a number of his contemporaries have now completed their earthly course, many of those remaining still show a spirit of whole - souled devotion to our heavenly Father. The speaker announced the release of a new videotape - United by Divine Teaching. Čo možno urobiť? He was so concerned that he wept over the calamity to come upon them. What can be done? Naberá z vedra vodu a leje ju do začadeného hliníkového kotlíka. Africa Resources Trust, based in Zimbabwe, states: "Elephants are regarded with fear, suspicion and hostility by most rural Africans. It takes water out of the bucket and pours it into an established aluminum kettle. " Sú skonštruované presne tak ako železobetón, "uvádza spomínaný inštitút. I was wounded. " They are constructed just like reinforced concrete, " says the institute. (Prečítajte Rimanom 7: 21 - 25.) Explain. (Read Romans 7: 21 - 25.) Ak sa obrátiš robiť dobre, či nebude vyvýšenie? The couple later left for England, but the discussions continued by electronic mail. If you turn to doing good, will there not be an exaltation? Spoločne slúžia ako jedno stádo pod vedením jedného Pastiera, Ježiša Krista. Rugged mountains surround us - Mount Timpanogos rising to some 12,000 feet [3,600 m] behind us and the one we are climbing, Cascade Mountain, in front. Together, they serve as one flock under the direction of one Shepherd, Jesus Christ. G., Francúzsko Establish beforehand what your duties will involve. G., France Veľa jeho vrstovníkov už dokončilo svoj pozemský beh, ale mnohí z tých, ktorí zostali, stále prejavujú celým srdcom ducha oddanosti nášmu nebeskému Otcovi. Weighing spiritual benefits against a higher income, the brother turned down the other job. Many of his peers have completed their earthly course, but many of those who remain still show wholehearted devotion to our heavenly Father. Bol taký znepokojený, že plakal nad nešťastím, ktoré ich malo postihnúť. In a footnote, Keil quotes historian Jacob Perizonius as writing: "I would believe that this man [Nimrod], as a ferocious hunter and surrounded by a band of comrades, in order to incite the rest to rebellion, always had in his mouth and geminated that word " nimrod, nimrod, ' that is, " Let us rebel! He was so concerned that he cried over the calamity to befall them. Nadácia Africa Resources Trust so sídlom v Zimbabwe uviedla: "Afričania z vidieckych oblastí hľadia na slony so strachom, nedôverou a nepriateľstvom. By following this good counsel, many pioneers have been able to remain in full - time service for years, and Jehovah has blessed their efforts to obtain " bread for each day. ' - Matthew 6: 11. Africa Resources Trust, based in Zimbabwe, said: "Africans from rural areas are looking at elephants with fear, distrust, and hostility. Bol som zranený. And nowadays, in many European towns, platforms are erected on roofs to encourage this friendly bird to nest on them. I was hurt. Vysvetli to. With their knowledge of these rugged mountains and winding paths, they guide their surefooted animals, loaded with sacks of selected stones, to the valley below. Explain. Inokedy sa Gloria prihovorila Saron, študentke z Washingtonu, D. Sergius Paulus was proconsul when Paul preached there. - Acts 13: 7. Another time Gloria spoke to Saron, a student in Washington, D.C. Okolo nás sú rozoklané vrchy - za nami je Mount Timpanogos, ktorý čnie do výšky asi 3600 metrov, a pred nami je ten, na ktorý vystupujeme, Cascade Mountain. Various theories as to why Ötzi found himself at an elevation of more than 10,500 feet [3,200 meters] have been suggested, but each one of them is contradicted by some other detail. Around us are the rugged mountains - behind us is Mount Timpanogos, which is about 3600 metres high, and in front of us is the one we are climbing, Cascade Mountain. Vopred sa dohodni o svojich povinnostiach Another, having gone outside to see the spectacle, said: "The wind increased, and we had scarcely reached the house when it began, as we thought, to rain heavily. Agree in advance on your responsibilities Nebral pri tom do úvahy len to, ako viac zarobiť, ale aj to, ako sa môže on i jeho rodina viac priblížiť k Jehovovi. Preto ponuku odmietol. The most famous specimen of this tree is located eight miles east of the city of Oaxaca, Mexico, in the town of Santa María del Tule. He took into account not only how to earn more but also how he and his family could draw closer to Jehovah, so he rejected the offer. V poznámke pod čiarou profesor Keil cituje historika Jacoba Perizonia, ktorý napísal: "Veril by som, že tento muž [Nimród] ako divoký poľovník, ktorý bol obklopený tlupou svojich druhov, mal vždy na jazyku a opakoval slovo " nimród, nimród ," čo znamená " Vzbúrme sa! According to that same poll, "one out of five respondents said he had switched religions as an adult. " In a footnote, Professor Keil quotes historian Jacob Perzoni, who wrote: "I would believe that this man [Nimrod] as a wild hunter surrounded by a troop of his companions always had the word " nimrod, nimrod, ' which means " Let's rebel! Mnohí priekopníci, ktorí sa držia tejto dobrej rady, boli schopní zostať v službe celým časom roky a Jehova požehnal ich úsilie zaobstarať si " chlieb na každý deň ." - Matúš 6: 11. The precious gift of holy spirit, coupled with our earnest efforts to keep "a tight grip on the word of life, " will allow us to" keep working out [our] own salvation with fear and trembling. " - Phil. 2: 12, 13, 16. Many pioneers who followed this good counsel were able to stay in full - time service for years, and Jehovah blessed their efforts to obtain " bread for each day. " - Matthew 6: 11. A dnes v mnohých európskych mestách stavajú na strechách vyvýšené plošiny, ktoré pozývajú týchto priateľských vtákov, aby sa na nich uhniezdili. The apostle John wrote: "Little children, guard yourselves from idols. " And today, in many European cities, elevated platforms are being built on the rooftops, inviting these friendly birds to nest on them. Dobre poznajú tieto rozoklané vrchy a kľukaté chodníky a svoje zvieratá, kráčajúce istým krokom aj pod váhou vriec s vybranými kameňmi, vedú dole do údolia. Work is an honorable way to care for our responsibilities. They are well acquainted with these rugged mountains, and winding paths, and their animals, walking by a certain step, even under the weight of sacks with their chosen stones, lead down to the valley. Keď na ostrove kázal Pavol, bol tam prokonzulom Sergius Paulus. - Skutky 13: 7. * But now, on July 26, 1990, blacks, whites, yellows - a united people from 64 national groups, 44,532 in all - are assembled here for the "Pure Language " District Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses. When Paul preached on the island, he was there proconsul Sergius Paulus. - Acts 13: 7. O tom, prečo sa Ötzi ocitol vo výške viac ako 3200 metrov, boli predložené rôzne teórie, ale každej z nich protirečí nejaký iný detail. There we meet an overseer of the Rurrenabaque Congregation, and he shows us where to preach. Various theories were put forward about why Ötzi found himself at a height of more than 3,200 metres, but each one contradicts some other detail. Ďalší očitý svedok, ktorý vyšiel von, aby si pozrel toto divadlo, povedal: "Vietor silnel a sotva sme sa stačili vrátiť do domu, spustil sa - ako sme sa domnievali - silný dážď. For example, Jehovah trusts his servants to fulfill their obligations responsibly. Another eyewitness who went out to see the theater said: "The wind grew strong and we barely had to go back to the house, and - as we thought - the heavy rain. Najznámejší exemplár tohto stromu sa nachádza asi 13 kilometrov východne od mesta Oaxaca (Mexiko), v mestečku Santa María del Tule. [ Box / Picture on page 10] The most famous specimen of this tree is located some 13 miles [13 km] east of Oaxaca, Mexico, in Santa María del Tule. Podľa toho istého prieskumu "každý piaty respondent povedal, že v dospelosti zmenil náboženstvo." Naturally, remembering Jehovah involves more than merely calling him to mind. According to the same survey, "one in five respondents said that he had changed religion in adulthood. " Vďaka drahocennému daru svätého ducha a našej úprimnej snahe " pevným zovretím držať slovo života " budeme môcť " stále pracovať na svojej záchrane s bázňou a chvením ." The pilgrims excelled at teaching and using charts, models, or whatever they had at hand to make their subject come alive. Thanks to the precious gift of holy spirit and our sincere efforts to " hold fast the word of life " we will be able to" keep working out our salvation with fear and trembling. " Apoštol Ján napísal: "Dieťatká, chráňte sa pred modlami." PORTRAITS FROM THE PAST The apostle John wrote: "Children, guard yourselves from idols. " Práca je ctihodný spôsob, akým si plníme zodpovednosť postarať sa o seba. Job had nothing to do with this and had not walked about in the watery deep to take inventory of its treasures. Work is an honorable way of fulfilling our responsibility to take care of ourselves. * Lenže teraz, 26. júla 1990, sa tu zhromaždili čierni, bieli i žltí - zjednotený ľud zo 64 národnostných skupín, celkove 44 532 ľudí - na oblastnom zjazde Jehovových svedkov "Čistý jazyk." " The 102nd class of Gilead - trained missionaries now has the grand privilege of having a large share in the glorious work of giving as many as possible the opportunity to learn that sacred name, " stated Brother Barber. * But now, July 26, 1990, black, white, and yellow gathered here - a united people from 64 national groups, a total of 44,532 people - at the "Pure Language " District Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses. Tam sa stretávame s jedným dozorcom zboru v Rurrenabaque, ktorý nám ukazuje, kam máme ísť zvestovať. Roasting (5) the coffee beans is in itself quite an art, requiring not only good quality equipment but also considerable personal skill. There we meet a congregation overseer in Rurrenabaque, who shows us where to go to preach. Jehova napríklad dôveruje svojim služobníkom, že si budú plniť svoje povinnosti zodpovedne. 8, 9. (a) What two lessons may we learn from the accounts about Adam, Eve, and the rebellious angels? For example, Jehovah trusts his servants to carry out their duties responsibly. TIMOTEJOVI 4: 5, poznámka pod čiarou v Preklade nového sveta Svätých písiem s odkazmi (angl.). Yet, according to Angela Conway, spokeswoman for the Australian Family Association, "divorce rarely solves long - term problems or brings the peace and happiness that people think it will. " TIMOTHY 4: 5, footnote, in the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures with References (English). [ Rámček / obrázok na strane 10] I remember one morning placing 40 magazines with people seated at The Plaza in San Diego, California. [ Box / Picture on page 10] Pochopiteľne, pamätať na Jehovu neznamená len myslieť naňho. Economic hardships make it difficult to eke out a living. Of course, remembering Jehovah does not just mean thinking about him. Pútnici boli mimoriadne zruční vo vyučovaní a často pritom používali obrázky, modely alebo čokoľvek, čo bolo po ruke a čím mohli svoju prednášku oživiť. By being baptized, many symbolized their dedication to God Pilgrims were particularly skilled in teaching, often using pictures, models, or anything at hand to revive their talk. OKNO DO MINULOSTI Man's helplessness in preventing such epidemics dramatically underscores Jesus ' prediction that "pestilences " would mark these" last days. " - Luke 21: 11; 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 5. PORTRAITS FROM THE PAST Jób k tomu nijako neprispel a ani neputoval vodnou hlbinou, aby spísal jej poklady. Another criterion of a language would be the use of a structured vocabulary accepted by a community. Job did not contribute in any way, nor did he travel in the water deep to write down her treasures. " Stodruhá trieda misionárov vyškolených v Gileáde má teraz veľkolepú výsadu mať veľký podiel na slávnom diele poskytovania príležitosti čo najväčšiemu počtu ľudí, aby mohli spoznať toto sväté meno, "povedal brat Barber. Jehovah Saves the Upright " The second class of Gilead - trained missionaries now has the grand privilege of having a large share in the glorious work of providing opportunities for as many as possible to get to know this holy name, " said Brother Barber. Praženie kávových zŕn (5) je samo osebe umením, ktoré si vyžaduje nielen kvalitné zariadenie, ale aj veľké skúsenosti. This spiritually - minded older man took a fatherly interest in Ruth. - Ruth 2: 4 - 7. The roasting of coffee beans (5) is in itself an art that requires not only quality equipment but also great experience. , 9. a) Aké dve veci sa učíme zo správ o Adamovi, Eve a neposlušných anjeloch? (b) What actions will engender peace and spiritual prosperity? 8, 9. (a) What two things do we learn from the accounts of Adam, Eve, and the disobedient angels? Ale ako sa vyjadruje Angela Conwayová, hovorkyňa austrálskej Asociácie pre rodinu, "rozvod zriedka vyrieši dlhodobé problémy či vnesie do života vytúžený pokoj a šťastie." You surely know, too, that Jehovah is pleased when you obey your parents. But as Angela Conway, a spokeswoman for the Australian Family Association, says, "divorce rarely solves long - term problems or brings desired peace and happiness into life. " Spomínam si, že raz ráno som rozšírila 40 časopisov medzi ľuďmi, ktorí sedeli na námestí v San Diegu, v Kalifornii. Don Adams, who came to Bethel in 1943, explained that the Coordinators ' Committee is composed of the coordinators of the five other committees, which ensures that all five work together smoothly. I remember one morning distributing 40 magazines to people sitting in San Diego, California. Ekonomické problémy spôsobujú, že je ťažké uživiť sa. It's a cheerful time. " Economic problems make it difficult to feed. Mnohí symbolizovali svoju oddanosť Bohu krstom Individual needs are neglected. " Many symbolized their dedication to God by baptism Ľudská bezmocnosť predchádzať takým epidémiám dramaticky vyzdvihuje Ježišovo proroctvo, že "morové nákazy" budú označovať tieto "posledné dni." - Lukáš 21: 11; 2. Timotejovi 3: 1 - 5. Exodus 19: 2, 3 says that "Israel went camping there in front of the mountain. Human helplessness to prevent such epidemics dramatically highlights Jesus ' prophecy that "the pestilences " will mark these" last days. " - Luke 21: 11; 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 5. Ďalším kritériom jazyka je používanie vetnej stavby prijateľnej pre komunitu. Traps and Trapdoors Another criterion for language is the use of a branch building acceptable to the community. Jehova zachraňuje priamych When death strikes, a happy family may be overwhelmed with sadness. Jehovah Saves the Righteous Tento duchovne zmýšľajúci postarší muž prejavil o Rút otcovský záujem. According to The Washington Post, this year 200 tribes have 220 gambling operations in 24 states. This spiritually - minded elderly man showed fatherly interest in Ruth. b) Aké konanie prispieva k pokoju a duchovnému rastu? Since the Industrial Revolution, the voracious appetite for raw materials in the West has meant that drilling technology has progressed rapidly. (b) What actions contribute to peace and spiritual growth? Určite tiež viete, že keď poslúchate rodičov, robíte radosť Jehovovi. At morning rush hour, there was a separate car for women, so at least some could escape those indignities. " You also know that obeying your parents brings joy to Jehovah. Don Adams, ktorý prišiel do Bételu v roku 1943, povedal, že výbor koordinátorov pozostáva z koordinátorov ostatných piatich výborov, čo zaisťuje hladkú spoluprácu týchto piatich výborov. [ Picture on page 18] Don Adams, who arrived at Bethel in 1943, said that the coordinator committee consists of coordinators of the other five committees, which ensures the smooth cooperation of the five committees. Je to čas radosti. " It was no error or injustice that no apostles came from what is now South America or Africa or the Far East. It is a time of joy. " Potreby jednotlivcov sú zanedbávané. " These words require us, among other things, to obey traffic laws and to be conscientious as to the paying of taxes and tributes, as the apostle Paul notes at Romans 13: 7. The needs of individuals are neglected. " V 2. Mojžišovej 19: 2, 3 sa hovorí, že "Izrael tam táboril pred vrchom. Unlike them, he could point to proof of his apostleship - to imprisonment, beatings, perilous journeys, other dangers, hunger, thirst, and sleepless nights, as well as deep concern for fellow believers. Exodus 19: 2, 3 says that "Israel camped there before the mountain. Sklápacie pasce If we "widen out, " our circle of friends will grow, intensifying the love that unites us in true worship. Tipping traps Šťastná rodina môže byť zdrvená žiaľom, keď niektorý z jej členov zomrie. I had arrived home in Chojnice, Poland, only two days before. A happy family may be heartbroken by grief when one of its members dies. Podľa novín The Washington Post v tomto roku má 200 kmeňov 220 herní v 24 štátoch. He usually gave me some candy and something to read as I walked home. According to The Washington Post, 200 tribes of 220 gambling houses in 24 states this year. Od čias priemyselnej revolúcie dychtivá túžba po surovinách na Západe spôsobila, že technológia vŕtania zaznamenala veľký pokrok. According to Josephus, after assisting in the construction of the altar, Isaac said that "" he was not worthy to be born at first, if he should reject the determination of God and of his father '... Since the industrial revolution, the eager desire for raw materials in the West has made great progress in drilling technology. V rannej dopravnej špičke bol jeden vozeň vyhradený pre ženy, a tak aspoň niektoré mohli uniknúť tomuto nedôstojnému zaobchádzaniu. " In the final analysis, however, your worth, or value, as a person is not determined by whether or not you are married. In the morning rush hour, one car was reserved for women, so at least some could escape this undignified treatment. " [ Obrázok na strane 18] You may walk through a miniature equatorial forest and spot some of the animals and birds that live in that habitat. [ Picture on page 18] Nebolo žiadnou chybou ani nespravodlivosťou, že žiaden apoštol nepochádzal z území, ktoré sú dnes známe ako Južná Amerika, Afrika alebo Ďaleký východ. The other man suffered very severe health problems. It was no mistake or injustice that no apostle came from territories known today as South America, Africa, or the Far East. Tieto slová od nás okrem iného vyžadujú, aby sme poslúchali dopravné predpisy a boli svedomití v platení daní a poplatkov, ako na to upozorňuje apoštol Pavol v Rimanom 13: 7. Words to and From the Wise These words require, among other things, that we obey traffic laws and be conscientious in paying taxes and taxes, as the apostle Paul warns at Romans 13: 7. Na rozdiel od nich mohol podať dôkaz svojho apoštolstva - väznenie, bitie, nebezpečné cesty, iné nebezpečenstvá, hlad, smäd, bezsenné noci, ako aj hlboký záujem o spoluveriacich. (Prečítajte 2. According to one reference work, modesty also means "keeping within bounds. " Unlike them, he could give evidence of his apostleship - imprisonment, beatings, dangerous roads, other dangers, hunger, thirst, sleepless nights, as well as deep concern for fellow believers. Ak " sa rozšírime ," okruh našich priateľov sa zväčší, čo posilní lásku, ktorá nás zjednocuje v pravom uctievaní. Afterward, the teacher and students had so many questions that the boys were in front of the class for an additional 20 minutes. If we "widen out, " our circle of friends will grow, strengthening the love that unites us in true worship. Iba pred dvoma dňami som prišiel domov do Chojníc (Poľsko). Now, as I see the thousands of dedicated Witnesses of Jehovah in Brazil, I feel deep joy knowing that I was used by Him to help many of them to come to a knowledge of the truth or to deepen their appreciation of it. Just two days ago, I came home to Chojnice, Poland. Zvyčajne mi dal nejaké sladkosti a niečo na čítanie po ceste domov. What qualifies a person to teach God's truth to others? He usually gave me some candy and something to read on his way home. Podľa Josepha, keď Izák pomohol postaviť oltár, povedal, že "" by nebol hoden, aby sa predtým narodil, keby mal odmietnuť to, čo pre neho určil Boh a jeho otec ..." The adulterer is primarily thinking of his or her own pleasure and advantage. According to Joseph, when Isaac helped build the altar, he said that "" he would not be worthy to be born before, if he had to reject what God and his father had appointed for him. '... V konečnom dôsledku však tvoja cena čiže hodnota ako človeka nie je určená tým, či si alebo nie si v manželstve. THE PROSECUTION FALTERS In the end, though, your value, or value as a person, is not determined by whether or not you are married. Môžete sa prejsť cez malý dažďový les a zahliadnuť niektoré zvieratá a vtáky, pre ktoré je takéto prostredie domovom. The picture covers a full two - page spread in a Sunday newspaper - almost as far as the eye can see, a giant warehouse converted into a bingo parlor, thousands of square feet of it, is alive with gaming patrons of all ages and colors. You can walk through a small rain forest and see some animals and birds for which such an environment is home. Druhý muž trpel veľmi vážnymi zdravotnými problémami. What changes in the atmosphere bring about an El Niño? The other man suffered very serious health problems. Rozumná reč To fellow Christians, the apostle Paul wrote: "When you received God's word, which you heard from us, you accepted it, not as the word of men, but, just as it truthfully is, as the word of God. " Reasonable Speech Podľa jedného slovníka skromnosť tiež znamená "rešpektovať hranice." Naomi said: "May Jehovah make a gift to you, and do you find a resting - place each one in the house of her husband. " According to one dictionary, modesty also means "respecting boundaries. " Učiteľ i študenti mali toľko otázok, že chlapci stáli pred tabuľou ďalších 20 minút. Does that mean that a Christian woman must never speak during a congregation meeting? The teacher and the students had so many questions that the boys stood in front of the board for another 20 minutes. Teraz, keď vidím v Brazílii tisícky oddaných svedkov Jehovu, cítim hlbokú radosť z vedomia, že ma Boh použil na to, aby som pomohol mnohým z nich prísť k poznaniu pravdy alebo k prehĺbeniu si ocenenia pre ňu. Three palm - nut vultures sitting in a palm tree above us! Now that I see thousands of dedicated Witnesses of Jehovah in Brazil, I feel the deep joy of knowing that God used me to help many of them come to know the truth or to deepen their appreciation for it. Ako sa môže človek stať spôsobilým vyučovať Božiu pravdu iných ľudí? But what of Mormon beliefs? How can a person become qualified to teach God's truth to other people? Ten, kto cudzoloží, myslí v prvom rade na svoje vlastné potešenie a na svoju výhodu. The 9th chapter, a stimulating conclusion to the proverbs discussed up to that point, is presented as an exciting illustration that motivates us to pursue wisdom. He who commits adultery is primarily thinking of his own pleasure and advantage. ŽALUJÚCA STRANA STRÁCA PEVNÚ PÔDU POD NOHAMI The reader's observations about Awake! are in keeping with its stated purpose appearing on page 4 of every issue, namely: "It always stays politically neutral and does not exalt one race above another. " A WONDERING PAGE LEARNS FIXED LAND UNDER THE FEED Fotografia zaberá celú dvojstranu nedeľných novín - kde len oko dovidí, obrovský obchodný dom je zmenený na herňu binga, tisíce metrov štvorcových sú plné hráčov každého veku a farby pleti. They can smell the refreshing aroma of the spring blossoms of the orchards, taste the variety of mouth - watering fruit, and see the delicate touch of our Creator in the rich, vibrant colors of a host of summer flowers, well watered by the mighty falls. The photograph occupies the entire two-page Sunday newspaper - where only the eye can see, the huge department store is transformed into a bingo game room, thousands of square meters are full of players of all ages and skin colors. Aké zmeny v atmosfére spôsobuje El Niño? Because Peter's fear was temporary, a brief lapse in a life marked by outstanding courage and faith. What changes in the atmosphere does El Niño cause? Apoštol Pavol spolukresťanom napísal: "Keď ste dostali Božie slovo, ktoré ste počuli od nás, neprijali ste ho ako ľudské slovo, ale ako to, čím je naozaj, ako Božie slovo." 8 The Bible's Viewpoint The apostle Paul wrote to fellow Christians: "When you received the word of God that you heard from us, you received it, not as the word of men, but as what it really is, as the word of God. " Noema povedala: "Kiež vám dá Jehova dar a nájdete každá miesto odpočinku v dome svojho manžela." Their father, Jacob, "ripped his garments apart " when he assumed that Joseph had been devoured by a wild animal. Naomi said: "May Jehovah give you a gift and find every resting place in your husband's house. " Znamená to, že kresťanka na zborových zhromaždeniach nikdy nesmie hovoriť? [ Credit Line] Does this mean that a Christian at congregation meetings must never speak? Troch orlosupov strakatých, ako sedia na palme priamo nad nami! * Three pussy-faced eagles sitting on a palm tree right above us! Ale ako je to s mormónskym učením? He had to flee Egypt and live in the land of Midian for 40 years, working as a shepherd, out of the limelight. But what about Mormon teachings? V deviatej kapitole, ktorá je podnetným záverom uvedených prísloví, je vykreslený pôsobivý obraz, ktorý nás motivuje, aby sme sa usilovali o múdrosť. Similarly, contemplation is useful when it helps us to imitate Jehovah. The ninth chapter, which is the inspiring conclusion of the proverbs mentioned above, portrays an impressive picture that motivates us to pursue wisdom. Čitateľov postreh, pokiaľ ide o Prebuďte sa!, je v súlade so zámerom tohto časopisu, ktorý je uvedený na 4. strane každého výtlačku, kde sa píše: "Je vždy politicky neutrálny a nevyvyšuje jednu rasu nad druhú." It "is a protection against cardiovascular disease, the number one cause of death and premature death in the UK, " observes transport consultant Adrian Davis. The readers ' observation regarding Awake! is in harmony with the purpose of this magazine, which is shown on page 4 of each issue, which says: "It is always politically neutral and does not exalt one race above another. " Môžu vdychovať osviežujúcu vôňu kvitnúcich jarných sadov; môžu vychutnávať rôzne druhy šťavnatého ovocia a pozorovať jemné dotyky nášho Stvoriteľa v bohatých, živých farbách množstva letných kvetov, ktoré sú výdatne zavlažované mohutnými vodopádmi. YOUNG Kazuna was stunned when her teacher suggested that she enter an English speech contest. They can inhale the refreshing scent of flowering spring orchards; they can enjoy various kinds of juicy fruit and observe the gentle touch of our Creator in the rich, vivid colors of many summer flowers that are abundantly irrigated by mighty waterfalls. Lebo Petrov strach bol len dočasný, bolo to chvíľkové zlyhanie v živote vyznačujúcom sa výnimočnou odvahou a vierou. Upon returning home, he noticed that his clothes as well as the dog's fur were covered with burs. Because Peter's fear was only temporary, it was a momentary failure in a life characterized by extraordinary courage and faith. 8 Čo o tom hovorí biblia? If we have an earthly hope, our hunger and thirst for righteousness will be fully satisfied when we enjoy everlasting life under righteous conditions on earth. 8 The Bible's Viewpoint Ich otec Jakob si "roztrhol plášte," keď dospel k záveru, že Jozefa muselo zožrať divé zviera. Lion and hedgehog: Erich Lessing / Art Resource, NY Their father, Jacob, "tore apart his coats, " concluding that Joseph had to be eaten by a wild animal. [ Prameň ilustrácie] [ Box / Picture on page 8] [ Credit Line] * [ Credit Lines] * Musel utiecť z Egypta, kde mal vysoké postavenie, a 40 rokov žiť v madianskej krajine a pracovať ako pastier. For this which is corruptible must put on incorruption, and this which is mortal must put on immortality. " He had to flee Egypt, where he had a high position, and for 40 years he lived in the land of Midian and worked as a shepherd. Ale môže nám aj uškodiť, ak ju používame na to, aby sme v sebe živili nemravné túžby. Young lions are born totally helpless. But it can also hurt us to use it to nurture immoral desires. Je "ochranou pred kardiovaskulárnymi chorobami, ktoré sú prvoradou príčinou smrti i predčasnej smrti vo Veľkej Británii," poznamenáva dopravný poradca Adrian Davis. My feet are his feet! " It is "a protection against cardiovascular diseases, which are the primary cause of death and premature death in the United Kingdom, " notes traffic adviser Adrian Davis. MLADÁ Kazuna bola prekvapená, keď jej učiteľ navrhol, aby sa zúčastnila rečníckej súťaže v anglickom jazyku. " This is what God wills,... that you abstain from fornication; that each one of you should know how to get possession of his own vessel in sanctification and honor, not in covetous sexual appetite such as also those nations have which do not know God; that no one go to the point of harming and encroach upon the rights of his brother in this matter. " - 1 Thessalonians 4: 3 - 6. YOUNG Kazuna was surprised when her teacher suggested that she take part in the English - language rhetorical competition. Keď sa vrátil domov, všimol si, že jeho oblečenie, ako aj srsť jeho psa je pokrytá malými bodliakmi. Never! When he returned home, he noticed that his clothes, as well as his dog's hair, were covered with small goblins. Ak máme pozemskú nádej, náš hlad a smäd po spravodlivosti bude dokonale uspokojený, keď dostaneme večný život na zemi pod spravodlivou Božou vládou. " She has been a zealous and fearless little minister, " her mother says. If we have an earthly hope, our hunger and thirst for righteousness will be perfectly satisfied when we receive everlasting life on earth under God's righteous rule. Lev a ježko: Erich Lessing / Art Resource, NY I quarreled constantly with my relatives. Lion and hedgehog: Erich Lessing / Art Resource, NY [ Rámček / obrázok na strane 8] Why has the Bible been able to help these and many others to overcome deep - seated hatred and prejudice? [ Box / Picture on page 8] [ Pramene ilustrácií] And don't forget your family responsibilities, chores and, of course, homework. [ Credit Lines] Lebo to, čo je porušiteľné, musí obliecť neporušiteľnosť, a čo je smrteľné, musí obliecť nesmrteľnosť. " (Pediatrics, March 1990, page 380) Going a step further, Dr. For what is corruptible must put on incorruption, and what is mortal must put on immortality. " Levíčatá sa rodia úplne bezmocné. There was another lifelong habit that we maintained. Lions are born completely helpless. Moje nohy sú aj jeho nohami! " On September 11, 1978, about one year after I started studying the Bible, I was baptized in the bathtub in my apartment. My feet are also his feet! " " To, čo chce Boh, je... aby ste sa zdržiavali smilstva, aby každý z vás vedel, ako sa ujať vlády nad svojou nádobou v posvätení a cti, nie v žiadostivých pohlavných chúťkach, aké majú tie národy, ktoré nepoznajú Boha. Nech nikto nejde tak ďaleko, aby škodil svojmu bratovi a zasahoval v tomto do jeho práv. " - 1. Thus, the intriguing question, Why do we age? " What God wants is... that you abstain from fornication, that each one of you may know how to take over his vessel in sanctification and honor, not in covetous sexual appetites like those nations that do not know God. To je nemysliteľné! It did not prohibit their right to have peaceful meetings. " It's unthinkable! " Je to horlivá a nebojácna malá zvestovateľka, "hovorí jej matka. The barbarian wars of centuries past were alley fights in comparison. " " She is a zealous and fearless little publisher, " says her mother. Ustavične som sa hádala s príbuznými. Surely we would not want to imply by our actions that we esteem the sacrifice of Jesus as of ordinary value. - Hebrews 10: 29. I kept arguing with my relatives. Ale ani takéto nepriateľské ovzdušie nezabránilo bratom konať láskavé skutky. We have reached the Pitch Lake. Yet, even such hostile air did not prevent brothers from doing kind acts. Ako je možné, že Biblia dokázala pomôcť týmto i mnohým ďalším ľuďom prekonať hlboko zakorenené predsudky a nenávisť? Are you moved to give God glory? How can the Bible help these and many others to overcome deep - rooted prejudices and hatred? A nezabudni na svoje povinnosti a pomoc v domácnosti a, samozrejme, na domáce úlohy. " Roots That Cannot Be Dislodged " And don't forget your responsibilities and home help and, of course, your homework. (Pediatrics, marec 1990, strana 380) Dr. It was the most important part of the day. (Pediatrics, March 1990, page 380) Dr. Zachovali sme si aj ďalší celoživotný zvyk. Most are now gone. We also maintained another habit of life. Dňa 11. septembra 1978, asi rok odvtedy, čo som začala študovať Bibliu, som bola pokrstená v mojom byte vo vani. Patients are often afraid that their doctor will feel insulted if they want to get a second opinion. On September 11, 1978, about a year after I started studying the Bible, I was baptized in my apartment in a bathtub. Preto vzniká zaujímavá otázka: Prečo potom starneme? CORRESPONDENT IN KENYA So an interesting question arises: Why are we getting older? Nezakazuje im uplatňovať právo na pokojné zhromaždenia. " [ Pictures] It does not forbid them from exercising their right to peaceful meetings. " Barbarské vojny minulých storočí boli v porovnaní s tým len bezvýznamnými šarvátkami. " Safeguard you from what? The barbaric wars of the past centuries were merely trivial quarrels compared to that. " Určite by sme nechceli svojimi skutkami naznačiť, že Ježišovu obeť považujeme za niečo bežnej hodnoty. - Hebrejom 10: 29. True, some islanders have taken a stand against their work and try to pressure others to reject the Kingdom message. Surely we would not want to imply by our actions that we consider Jesus ' sacrifice to be of common value. - Hebrews 10: 29. Prichádzame k asfaltovému jazeru Pitch Lake. " Dr. Livingstone, I Presume? " We're coming to the asphalt lake of Pitch Lake. Cítiš aj ty potrebu vzdávať Bohu slávu? The chairs are bounced around. Do you feel the need to give glory to God? " Korene, ktoré sa nedajú uvoľniť " They recognized that their work as ministers was supported by "power of holy spirit. " " Roots That Cannot Be Released " To bola najdôležitejšia časť dňa. Some ten years later, he wrote to the brothers in Philippi: "I thank my God always upon every remembrance of you. " - Phil. That was the most important part of the day. Väčšina z nich tu teraz už nie je. K. Most of them aren't here now. Pacienti sa často boja, že ich lekár sa urazí, ak sa budú chcieť spýtať na názor iného lekára. On the other hand, if it was set up as "a sacred pillar " or as" a showpiece, " it became a stumbling block to Jehovah's people. Patients are often afraid that their doctor will be offended if they want to ask another doctor's opinion. V KENI This sets off a wave of electrical activity that excites the whole muscle cell, causing the cell's membrane to release electrically charged calcium ions, which spark the mechanical process of contraction. WRITER IN KENYA [ Obrázky] Soon our small meeting place was becoming crowded, and we were in need of a larger hall. [ Pictures] Pred čím ťa bude ochraňovať? September 1, 2008 What's he gonna protect you from? Pravda, niektorí ostrovania sa postavili proti ich dielu a snažia sa vyvíjať nátlak na ďalších, aby odmietli posolstvo o Kráľovstve. Suggestion: As a personal study project, do research and meditate on the following scriptures: Luke 12: 6, 7; John 6: 44; Hebrews 4: 16; 6: 10; 2 Peter 3: 9. True, some islanders oppose their work and try to pressure others to reject the Kingdom message. Čo musia rodičia robiť, ak chcú venovať svojim deťom pozornosť? Never reuse the grounds, and always wash the coffeepot, filter holder, and other utensils with water immediately after use. What must parents do to pay attention to their children? Stoličky poposúvajú a nechajú tak. Any feelings of jealousy on his part must therefore be for mankind's good. The chairs are moved and left behind. Uvedomovali si, že ich zvestovateľská činnosť je podporovaná "mocou svätého ducha." From our own experience, do we not appreciate Jehovah's goodness as exemplified in these fine attributes? They realized that their preaching activity was supported by "the power of the holy spirit. " Asi o desať rokov bratom vo Filipi napísal: "Ďakujem vždy svojmu Bohu, kedykoľvek si na vás spomeniem." Jesus will judge people of all nations as sheep or goats when he comes during the great tribulation. About ten years later, he wrote to the brothers in Philippi: "I always thank my God whenever I remember you. " K. A jailer in Philippi set a table before Paul and Silas. K. Ale ak bol postavený ako "posvätný stĺp" alebo "kameň," pred ktorým sa mali ľudia klaňať, stal sa pre Boží ľud kameňom potknutia. But the principle also holds good with regard to the ever - changing fads and fashions of the world - styles, entertainment, foods, health or exercise routines, and so on. But if it was built as a "sacred pillar " or" stone " before which men would worship, it became a stumbling block for God's people. Tým sa spúšťa vlna elektrickej aktivity, ktorá sa šíri po celej svalovej bunke, vďaka čomu bunková membrána uvoľňuje elektricky nabité ióny vápnika, ktoré spúšťajú samotnú mechanickú kontrakciu. Catholic theologians find themselves on the horns of a theological dilemma on this issue. This triggers a wave of electrical activity that spreads throughout the muscle cell, allowing the cell membrane to release electrically charged calcium ions that trigger the mechanical contraction itself. Naše malé miesto na zhromaždenia začalo byť čoskoro preplnené, a tak sme potrebovali väčšiu sálu. It is because of this link between thoughts and actions that the Bible warns us: "Keep your minds fixed on the things above, not on the things upon the earth. " Soon our small meeting place became crowded, so we needed a larger hall. septembra 2008 Note these inspired words that the psalmist addressed to Jehovah: "Your people will offer themselves willingly on the day of your military force. 30 September 2008 Petra 5: 7. Vyskúšaj: V rámci osobného štúdia si sprav výskum k nasledujúcim textom a uvažuj o nich: Lukáš 12: 6, 7; Ján 6: 44; Hebrejom 4: 16; 6: 10; 2. Seeing the king's sullen mood, Queen Jezebel arranged a mock trial, accusing Naboth of blasphemy. Examine: As part of your personal study, study for and consider the following: Luke 12: 6, 7; John 6: 44; Hebrews 4: 16; 6: 10; 2 Peter 5: 7. Nikdy nepoužívajte kávovú usadeninu viackrát a kanvicu, držiak na filter a ďalší riad hneď po použití umyte. This was made clear when the psalmist sang: "Shout in triumph to Jehovah, all you people of the earth. Never use coffee deposits several times and wash the kettle, filter holder and other dishes immediately after use. Preto akékoľvek jeho city žiarlivosti musia byť na dobro ľudstva. It involves faith and obedience, the doing of Jehovah's will. Therefore, any feelings of jealousy must be for the good of mankind. Neceníme si vari z vlastnej skúsenosti Jehovovu dobrotu, ako ju dokladajú tieto vynikajúce prívlastky? Forbes magazine puts it this way: "Malls can gussy up their look and bring in snazzier tenants. Do we not appreciate from our own experience the goodness of Jehovah as evidenced by these fine attributes? Ježiš posúdi ľudí zo všetkých národov buď ako ovce, alebo ako capov, keď príde vo veľkom súžení. * Jesus will judge people of all nations either as sheep or as goats when he arrives in the great tribulation. Žalárnik vo Filipi pre Pavla a Sílasa prestrel stôl. Draw a line from the picture to the correct date. The jailer in Philippi for Paul and Silas put through the table. Ale v zásade to platí aj na svetské, stále sa meniace módne novinky a módne smery - v obliekaní, zábave, jedle, metódach udržiavania zdravia a kondície a tak ďalej. What was that? But basically it also applies to worldly, ever-changing fashion novelties and fashion directions - dress, entertainment, food, methods of maintaining health and fitness, and so on. Táto otázka predstavuje pre katolíckych teológov chúlostivú teologickú dilemu. If your adolescent is already demonstrating maturity in a number of the above areas, why not think of some ways you can extend further trust? This question presents a delicate theological dilemma for Catholic theologians. Pre toto spojenie medzi myšlienkami a konaním nás Biblia varuje: "Upierajte svoju myseľ na veci hore, nie na veci na zemi." Jesus set matters straight by stating: "Not what enters into his mouth defiles a man; but it is what proceeds out of his mouth that defiles a man. " Because of this connection between thoughts and actions, the Bible warns us: "Keep your mind on the things above, not on the things on the earth. " Všimni si tieto inšpirované slová, ktoré žalmista adresoval Jehovovi: "Tvoj ľud sa ochotne ponúkne v deň tvojej vojenskej sily. How should you be measured - seated or standing? Note these inspired words that the psalmist addressed to Jehovah: "Your people will offer themselves willingly on the day of your military strength. Kráľovná Jezábel videla, že kráľ je namrzený, preto zinscenovala súdny proces, v ktorom bol Nábot obvinený z rúhania. Our viewpoint can affect our emotions. Queen Jezebel saw that the king was upset, so she staged a trial in which Naboth was accused of blasphemy. Jasne to vidno zo slov žalmistu, ktorý spieval: "Víťazoslávne kričte k Jehovovi, všetci ľudia zeme. Tom Simon, an official for the Canine Control Office explains that not all pit bulls are necessarily dangerous. This is clearly evident from the words of the psalmist who sang: "Scream victoriously to Jehovah, all you people of the earth. Zahŕňa vieru a poslušnosť a konanie Jehovovej vôle. Do you believe in the Grand Creator, Jehovah God? It involves faith and obedience and doing Jehovah's will. Časopis Forbes to vyjadruje takto: "Nákupné centrá si môžu skrášliť vzhľad a pritiahnuť lepších nájomcov. But, as the anesthetist said to Una: "Few gynecologic disorders erupt suddenly. " Forbes magazine puts it this way: "Shopping malls can beautify their appearance and attract better tenants. * But he survived and later served at Bethel in Wiesbaden, Germany. * Čiarou spojte obrázok so správnym rokom. Of City I, Time says: "Once seen romantically by the West as the drowsy, dreamy capital of old Siam, a " Venice of the East, ' today's quicksilver city of angels and golden temples is Asia's latest boomtown. " Draw a line connecting the picture to the right year. Čo? But as for Judah, it came to the watchtower of the wilderness. What? Ak sa vaše dospievajúce dieťa už správa zodpovedne vo viacerých z týchto oblastí, možno by ste mu mohli dať viac voľnosti. For years, scientists have pointed an accusing finger at sulfur dioxide as the main culprit responsible for the air pollution that causes acid rain. If your adolescent is already acting responsibly in several of these areas, perhaps you could give him more freedom. Ježiš ich opravil slovami: "Človeka nepoškvrňuje to, čo vchádza do jeho úst, ale to, čo vychádza z jeho úst, to poškvrňuje človeka." The price of a purchase can be deducted from this by a participating vendor. Jesus corrected them by saying: "Man does not defile what enters into his mouth, but what goes out of his mouth it defiles man. " Ako je lepšie merať nohy? V sede alebo v stoji? The Gilead students too will face problems and challenges, though not necessarily the ones they expect! How is it better to measure legs, sitting or standing? Od nášho pohľadu na veci sa zväčša odvíjajú naše pocity. How Can You Protect Your Loved Ones? Our view of things largely unfolds our feelings. Tom Simon, predstaviteľ Úradu pre kontrolu psov, vysvetľuje, že nie všetky bulteriéry musia byť nevyhnutne nebezpečné. Often I have been asked how we received and then duplicated Bible literature while in Soviet camps and prisons despite efforts to prevent us from doing so. Tom Simon, a dog control officer, explains that not all bull Terriers must necessarily be dangerous. Veríte vo Vznešeného Stvoriteľa, Jehovu Boha? For example, nowhere do the Scriptures indicate that they can read the mind or heart of an individual. Do you believe in the Grand Creator, Jehovah God? Ale je to práve tak, ako anestéziológ povedal Une: "Iba málo gynekologických porúch sa objaví náhle." " In Argentina, ever fewer women want to be nuns, " reported the Buenos Aires newspaper Clarín in 2004. But it is just as the anesthetist said to Una: "Only a few gynaecological disorders appear suddenly. " Ale prežil a neskôr slúžil v Bételi vo Wiesbadene v Nemecku. (b) Explain some of the progressive refinements. But he survived and later served at Bethel, Wiesbaden, Germany. O meste I časopis Time hovorí: "Dnešné nevyspytateľné mesto anjelov a zlatých chrámov, ktoré Západ kedysi romanticky považoval za ospalé, zasnené hlavné mesto bývalého Siamu, za, Benátky východu ," je najnovším ázijským mestom s búrlivým rozvojom." Zhihao continues: "Because my parents are Witnesses, we discuss the daily text every morning. Regarding the city of I, Time magazine says: "Today's erratic city of angels and gold temples, once romantically considered by the West to be the sleepy, dream capital of former Siam, " Venice of the East, ' is the latest Asian city with turbulent development. " Ale Júda, ten prišiel ku strážnej veži pustatiny. Perhaps the most important factors in promoting safety are public awareness and education. But Judah, he came to the watchtower of the wilderness. Po mnohé roky vedci poukazovali na oxid síričitý ako na hlavného vinníka zodpovedného za znečistenie ovzdušia, ktoré má za následok kyslé dažde. The world is in the desperate straits foretold at Isaiah 60: 2: "Look! darkness itself will cover the earth, and thick gloom the national groups. " For many years, scientists have pointed to sulphur dioxide as the main culprit responsible for air pollution resulting in acid rain. Prítomný predavač môže odpočítať z tejto sumy cenu nákupu. 30 From Our Readers The seller present may deduct the purchase price from this amount. Aj absolventi Gileádu sa budú stretávať s ťažkosťami a náročnými situáciami a možno to nebudú len tie, ktoré očakávajú! Granted, the effects are not always so dramatic or so tragic. Gilead graduates too will face challenges and challenges, perhaps not just those they expect! Ako môžete chrániť svojich blízkych? The five meetings are: How can you protect your loved ones? Často dostávam otázku, ako sa do sovietskych táborov a väzníc dostávala biblická literatúra a ako sme ju potom rozmnožovali napriek snahám zabrániť nám v tom. Who does not find some delight in the feats of a skilled athlete, the fluid grace of a ballerina, the edge - of - the - seat suspense of a good, wholesome adventure movie, or the lilting melody that lingers in the mind long after the music stops? I often wonder how Bible literature got into Soviet camps and prisons and how we then reproduced it despite efforts to prevent us from doing so. Napríklad v Biblii sa o Jehovovi a Ježišovi píše, že majú schopnosť čítať naše myšlienky a vidieť nám do srdca. The first talk set out the purpose of our gathering together at the convention: to be further taught about the best possible way of life, God's way of life. For example, the Bible describes Jehovah and Jesus as having the ability to read our thoughts and to see our hearts. " V Argentíne stále klesá počet žien, ktoré chcú byť mníškami, "písalo sa v buenosaireských novinách Clarín v roku 2004. 1, 2. (a) Why do workers need tools? " In Argentina, the number of women who want to be nuns is steadily falling, " says the Buenosaire newspaper Clarín in 2004. b) Objasni niektoré postupné zlepšenia. How can this be done? b) Clarify some gradual improvements. Č'chao pokračuje: "Moji rodičia sú svedkami, a tak každé ráno rozoberáme denný text. It is obvious that such violent crimes have become quite pervasive. Č'chao continues: "My parents are Witnesses, so every morning we discuss the daily text. Azda najdôležitejšími faktormi bezpečnosti je uvedomelosť verejnosti a osveta. Interestingly, many of the cobra stories can be recognized as distorted myths built around actual historical happenings. Perhaps the most important safety factors are public awareness and awareness. Svet zažíva zúfalé ťažkosti, ako je predpovedané v Izaiášovi 60: 2: "Hľa, tma pokryje zem a hustá temnota národnostné skupiny." Keep in mind, though, that Jehovah did not originate this practice. The world is experiencing desperate difficulties, as foretold at Isaiah 60: 2: "Look! Darkness itself will cover the earth and thick darkness the national groups. " 30 Od našich čitateľov Referring to such reasoning, Paul rightly concluded that "Jews as well as Greeks are all under sin. " - Rom. 30 From Our Readers Je pravda, že dôsledky nie sú vždy také dramatické a tragické. While eating a meal in the home of a ruler of the Pharisees, Jesus gave an illustration about a grand evening meal. True, the consequences are not always so dramatic and tragic. Sú to tieto zhromaždenia: Abraham could have learned firsthand from Shem what it was like to survive the global Flood. These are the following meetings: Kto nemá určité potešenie zo sledovania výkonu dobrého atléta, jemného pôvabu baletky, napínavého, a pritom slušného dobrodružného filmu, či peknej melódie, ktorá zostáva v mysli dlho potom, čo hudba doznie? " I myself well know the thoughts that I am thinking toward you,... thoughts of peace, and not of calamity, to give you a future and a hope. " - JEREMIAH 29: 11. Who does not enjoy watching the performance of a good athlete, gentle glamour of ballet, thrilling, yet decent adventurous film, or nice melody that remains in mind long after the music comes to light? Prvý prejav vysvetlil, prečo sme sa zhromaždili na tomto zjazde: aby sme boli ďalej poučovaní o najlepšej možnej ceste života, o Božej ceste života. What is the most important benefit of giving proper honor to those to whom it is due? The first talk explained why we gathered at this convention: to continue to be instructed on the best possible way of life, God's way of life. 1, 2. a) Prečo remeselníci potrebujú nástroje? The first visit of Nathan H. 1, 2. (a) Why do craftsmen need tools? Ako to môže robiť? Does this mean that the parents are abdicating, or giving up, their authority? How can he do that? Je zrejmé, že takéto násilné zločiny začínajú byť veľmi rozšírené. In 1970 the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty took effect; it was later ratified by some 140 nations. Clearly, such violent crimes are becoming widespread. Je zaujímavé, že mnohé príbehy o kobrách možno rozpoznať ako prekrútené mýty vytvorené na základe skutočných historických udalostí. After all, the various beliefs concerning Christmas, and the sites connected with these beliefs, are founded on fact. Interestingly, many cobra stories can be identified as twisted myths created on the basis of real historical events. Pamätajme však, že Jehova polygamiu nezaviedol. Concerning Christian martyrdom, he asked: "For who that contemplates it, is not excited to inquire what is at the bottom of it? Remember, though, that Jehovah did not introduce polygamy. Pavol, odvolávajúc sa na túto argumentáciu, prišiel k správnemu záveru, že "tak Židia, ako aj Gréci, sú pod hriechom." André Feingold. Referring to this argument, Paul rightly concluded that "both Jews and Greeks are under sin. " Keď Ježiš jedol v dome jedného predáka farizejov, vyrozprával podobenstvo o veľkej večeri. The greed and selfishness of the sinful priests in ancient Jerusalem may well remind us that, according to God's Word, greedy individuals will not inherit God's Kingdom. When Jesus ate in the house of a foreman of the Pharisees, he related the illustration of the great evening. Ako ho to mohlo ovplyvniť? When the fermentation process goes too far, the soybeans fully dissolve and a sharp ammonialike odor develops. How could this affect him? " Dobre poznám myšlienky, ktoré zamýšľam voči vám... myšlienky o pokoji, a nie o nešťastí, aby som vám dal budúcnosť a nádej. " - JEREMIÁŠ 29: 11. This knowledge should motivate us to make adjustments in our personality. " I well know the thoughts that I am thinking toward you... the thoughts of peace, and not of calamity, that I may give you a future and a hope. " - JEREMIAH 29: 11. Akú odmenu nám to prináša, keď preukazujeme česť tým, ktorým patrí? This is the first of four occurrences in the book of Proverbs where scales and weights are used to denote that Jehovah desires his worshipers to be honest in their business dealings. - Proverbs 16: 11; 20: 10, 23. What rewards come from showing honor to those to whom it belongs? Boli to bratia Nathan H. Don't fight with your ex - spouse - over the phone or in person - in front of the children. They were Brothers Nathan H. Znamená to, že sa tým zriekajú svojej autority? There were only 1,000 Witnesses in all of Korea back then. Does this mean that they abandon their authority? V roku 1970 nadobudla platnosť Dohoda o nešírení nukleárnych zbraní, ktorú neskôr ratifikovalo asi 140 štátov. Would you like to receive help to put on the new Christian personality? In 1970 the Nuclear Non-proliferation Agreement entered into force, which was later ratified by some 140 states. Veď rôzne názory o Vianociach a miestach spojených s týmito názormi sú založené na faktoch. Millstones crush the whole olives After all, different views about Christmas and the places associated with it are based on facts. V súvislosti s kresťanským mučeníctvom sa opýtal: "Lebo ktorý človek, ktorý o tom premýšľa, necíti podnet preskúmať, aká je za tým pohnútka? Her husband may take good care of her physical needs, but this is not enough. Regarding Christian martyrdom, he asked: "For which man who thinks about it does not feel the incentive to examine the motive behind it? André Feingold. But beauty is much more than the sum of those electrochemical impulses, which merely tell us what is going on around us. André Feingold. Chamtivosť a sebectvo hriešnych kňazov v starovekom Jeruzaleme nám môže pripomenúť, že podľa Božieho Slova chamtivci nezdedia Božie Kráľovstvo. Another great help has been the Theocratic Ministry School. Greed and selfishness of sinful priests in ancient Jerusalem can remind us that according to God's Word, greedy ones will not inherit God's Kingdom. Keď proces kvasenia trvá príliš dlho, sója sa úplne rozpustí a začne mať ostrý amoniakový zápach. 19, 20. When the fermentation process lasts too long, soy dissolves completely and begins to have a sharp ammonia odour. Toto poznanie by nás malo motivovať robiť úpravy svojej osobnosti. When Jehovah glorifies his name, he will remember his faithful servants. - Malachi 3: 16. This knowledge should motivate us to make adjustments to our personality. To je v knihe Príslovia prvý zo štyroch výskytov, kde sa závažia a váhy používajú na vyjadrenie Jehovovho priania, aby boli jeho ctitelia vo svojich obchodných transakciách poctiví. - Príslovia 16: 11; 20: 10, 23. Here it passes through a series of screens that sift out rags, rocks, paper, and plastic. This is the first of four instances in the book of Proverbs where weights and scales are used to express Jehovah's desire for his worshipers to be honest in their commercial transactions. - Proverbs 16: 11; 20: 10, 23. Nehádajte sa so svojím bývalým manželským partnerom - ani telefonicky, ani osobne - v prítomnosti detí. " GUARD WHAT IS LAID UP IN TRUST WITH YOU " Do not argue with your former spouse - either by phone or in person - in the presence of children. Nedokázali sme zadržať slzy radosti. V celej Kórei bolo vtedy len 1 000 svedkov. Consider an example - the vision found at Daniel 8: 1 - 7, recorded toward the end of the Babylonian Empire. We could not hold back tears of joy, and there were only 1,000 Witnesses throughout Korea. Chceli by ste si aj vy obliecť novú kresťanskú osobnosť? Meanwhile, the new owner combed and trimmed the horse's hair, dramatically altering its appearance. Would you like to wear a new Christian personality? Kamene drvia celé olivy Similarly, God's spirit sons, created prior to humans, were given different assignments and responsibilities. Stones crush whole olives Manžel sa azda dobre stará o jej telesné potreby, ale to nestačí. Malachi, after 443 B.C.E. A husband may well care for her physical needs, but that is not enough. Ale krása je niečo oveľa viac ako len súhrn týchto elektrochemických impulzov, ktoré nám iba povedia, čo sa deje okolo nás. Such good habits will help make a Christian spiritually strong, mature, and effective in the ministry. But beauty is more than just a summary of these electrochemical impulses that just tell us what's going on around us. Ďalšou veľkou pomocou je teokratická škola kazateľskej služby. In chapter 4, dealing with the moral effect of tobacco use, Dr. Another great help is the Theocratic Ministry School. , 20. Yes, parents easily forget the pains and anxieties they themselves experienced while growing up. 19, 20. Keď Jehova oslávi svoje meno, bude pamätať na svojich verných služobníkov. Last September the results of a scientific report that reevaluated the tragedy were released. When Jehovah glorifies his name, he will remember his faithful servants. Tu prechádza niekoľkými sitami, ktoré zachytávajú handry, skaly, papier a plasty. Besides, we had a farm and livestock for which to care. Here he passes through a few sieves that capture rags, rocks, paper, and plastics. " CHRÁŇ, ČO TI JE S DÔVEROU ZVERENÉ " © CORBIS " PROTECT WHAT IS PROTECTED TO YOU IN CONTEXT " Uveďme si jeden príklad - videnie z Daniela 8: 1 - 7, ktoré bolo zaznamenané krátko pred pádom Babylonskej ríše. " Simon, are you sleeping? " Consider an example - the vision at Daniel 8: 1 - 7, recorded shortly before the fall of the Babylonian Empire. Medzitým nový majiteľ očesal a upravil hrivu koňa, čím výrazne zmenil jeho výzor. " I was discussing with a classmate of mine what I wanted to do when I got out of high school. Meanwhile, the new owner brushed and adjusted the mane of the horse, thus significantly changing its appearance. Aj Boží duchovní synovia, vytvorení skôr ako ľudia, dostali rôzne úlohy a rôznu zodpovednosť. Because we heed the words of the apostle Paul: "I do not want you to become sharers with demons. God's spiritual sons, made before humans, also received various assignments and responsibilities. Malachiáš, po roku 443 pred n. l. Sometimes it is worse when I get no news and start imagining things. " Malachi, after 443 B.C.E. Takéto dobré zvyky kresťanovi pomôžu stať sa duchovne silným, zrelým a účinným v službe. • What is God's decree against the nations? Such good habits will help a Christian to become spiritually strong, mature, and effective in his ministry. V 4. kapitole, ktorá sa zaoberá mravným účinkom používania tabaku, Dr. She says: "I am deeply motivated, and I stick to my reading schedule come what may! " In chapter 4, dealing with the moral effect of tobacco use, Dr. Áno, rodičia ľahko zabudnú na bolesti a úzkosti, ktoré prežívali, keď vyrastali. How can we be so sure? Yes, parents easily forget the pain and anxieties they experienced when they grew up. V septembri minulého roku boli zverejnené výsledky jednej vedeckej štúdie, ktorá prehodnocovala túto tragédiu. Loyalty requires that we avoid deliberately violating Bible commands, whether others see us or not. In September last year, the results of a scientific study re-evaluating this tragedy were published. Okrem toho sme mali hospodárstvo a dobytok, o ktorý sa bolo treba starať. Some 17 million people around the world were said to be infected, 3 million more than the preceding year. In addition, we had a farm and cattle that had to be cared for. © CORBIS How do we react if a fellow believer is competitive, easily offended, or slow to respond to counsel from the elders or "the faithful and discreet slave "? © CORBIS " Šimon, spíš? " However, Hezekiah knew that Jehovah is not deceptive. " Simon, are you sleeping? " " Rozprávala som sa so svojou spolužiačkou o tom, čo by som chcela robiť, keď skončím strednú školu. 13, 14. (a) What situations can work against unity in a marriage? " I talked to my classmate about what I wanted to do when I graduated from high school. Pretože dbáme na slová apoštola Pavla: "Nechcem, aby ste boli spoločníkmi zlých duchov. While it is wise to retreat whenever possible in order to avoid a fight, it is proper to take steps to protect ourselves and to seek the help of the police if we are a victim of a crime. Because we heed the apostle Paul's words: "I do not want you to be companions of wicked spirits. Niekedy je horšie, keď nedostanem žiadne správy a začnem si niečo predstavovať. " What events led up to this massacre? Sometimes it's worse if I don't get any messages and start imagining something. " • Aké je "Jehovovo ustanovenie" proti národom? 3: 20. • What is "the decree of Jehovah " against the nations? Hovorí: "Mám veľkú motiváciu a svojho rozvrhu čítania sa držím stoj čo stoj!" How does the heavenly organization fit into all of this? " I have a lot of motivation, " she says, "and I'm holding on to my reading schedule for what it takes! " Ako si tým môžeme byť istí? The words are based on Psalm 127: 1 in the Bible, and they contain a profound truth: Any endeavor that does not have Jehovah's blessing will ultimately be in vain. How can we be sure of that? Lojálnosť si vyžaduje, aby sme sa vyhýbali úmyselnému porušovaniu biblických príkazov, či už nás iní vidia, alebo nie. This forerunner of modern sled dog racing prepared those mushers for yet another race - not to win a prize of gold but to save lives. Loyalty requires that we avoid deliberately violating Bible commands, whether others see us or not. Na celom svete je údajne asi 17 miliónov nakazených ľudí, o tri milióny viac než v predchádzajúcom roku. Without question, Jehovah will use these new missionaries to accomplish great good. Worldwide, some 17 million people are reportedly infected, three million more than in the previous year. Ako reagujeme, keď niektorý spoluveriaci prejavuje ducha súperenia, je urážlivý alebo ťažko prijíma rady od starších či od "verného a rozvážneho otroka"? And all of this by blind chance? How do we react when a fellow believer shows a competitive spirit, is it offensive or difficult to accept counsel from elders, or from "the faithful and discreet slave "? Ale Ezechiáš vedel, že Jehova ho nikdy nesklame. The latter is what many people think. But Hezekiah knew that Jehovah would never disappoint him. , 14. a) Aké situácie môžu ohrozovať manželskú jednotu? As a good rule of thumb, never allow your clothes to enter the room first, to overwhelm others. 13, 14. (a) What situations may threaten marital unity? Pokiaľ je to možné, je rozumné vzdialiť sa, aby sme sa nedostali do nejakej potýčky. This process is called weathering. As far as possible, it is wise to distance ourselves from getting into a fight. Čo viedlo k tejto masakre? The world had changed dramatically. What led to this massacre? 3: 20 Jehova, "Najvyšší nad celou zemou," má také vyvýšené postavenie, že sa znižuje, aby "sa pozrel na nebo a zem." " Going to the meetings after a hospital stay can be a little challenging, but that is where I belong. 3: 20. Jehovah, "the Most High over all the earth, " has such an elevated position that it is being reduced to" look upon heaven and earth. " Akú úlohu v tom všetkom zohráva nebeská organizácia? One of the most outstanding friendships described in the Bible is that of David and Jonathan. What role does the heavenly organization play in all of this? Jeho slová sú založené na biblickom Žalme 127: 1 a je v nich obsiahnutá hlboká pravda: Akékoľvek snaženie, ktoré nemá Jehovovo požehnanie, bude nakoniec márne. With increased Protestant participation, however, African missionary activity gained momentum. His words are based on Bible Psalm 127: 1 and contain deep truth: Any effort that does not have Jehovah's blessing will eventually be in vain. Tento predchodca moderných pretekov pripravil musherov ešte na iné preteky - nie o zlatú medailu, ale o záchranu životov. * "I wanted to lighten his load and to help buy our son, Jimmy, some of the nice things his schoolmates enjoyed. " This forerunner of modern races has prepared mushers for other races - not for a gold medal, but for saving lives. Jehova nepochybne použije týchto nových misionárov, aby vykonali veľa dobrého. They stir up one's thinking processes and make it easier to grasp new thoughts. No doubt Jehovah will use these new missionaries to accomplish much good. A to všetko by sa dialo slepou náhodou? In the sixth century B.C.E., he saw a stirring vision, the fulfillment of which stretches into our day. And all of this would happen blind by chance? Mnohí ľudia sa prikláňajú k tej druhej možnosti. Why does it appeal to so many different people? Many people lean towards the other option. Dobrou a praktickou zásadou je nikdy nedovoliť, aby vaše šaty vstúpili do miestnosti ako prvé, aby ste tak druhých ohromili. About 25 percent of it has been ravaged. A good and practical principle is never to allow your clothes to enter the room first in order to impress others. Tento proces sa nazýva zvetrávanie. What a thrilling experience to be with them! This process is called weathering. Svet sa dramaticky zmenil. Tomasz, an expert horse breeder, explains: "For centuries Bedouin tribes cultivated and preserved the purity of the Arabian horse. The world has changed dramatically. " Chodiť na zhromaždenia po hospitalizácii býva niekedy náročné, ale to je miesto, kam patrím. In other words, the hull is asymmetrical - the right side is narrower than the left by 9 inches [24 cm]. As a result, the gondola floats with its right flank lower in the water than its left. " Sometimes attending meetings after hospitalization is difficult, but this is where I belong. Medzi najpôsobivejšie príklady priateľstva opísané v Biblii patrí priateľstvo Dávida a Jonatána. Five Common Fallacies - Don't Be Fooled by Them! Among the most impressive examples of friendship described in the Bible are the friendships of David and Jonathan. Ale s rastúcou účasťou protestantov sa misionárska činnosť v Afrike dala do pohybu. Your eyes saw even the embryo of me, and in your book all its parts were down in writing, as regards the days when they were formed. " - Ps. But with the increasing participation of Protestants, missionary activity in Africa has set in motion. * "Chcela som mu to uľahčiť a tiež dopriať nášmu synovi Jimmymu veci, ktoré si užívajú jeho spolužiaci." If the rotation period were substantially longer, the side of the earth facing the sun would bake while the other froze. * "I wanted to make it easier for him and also give our son Jimmy the things his classmates enjoy. " Podnecujú myšlienkové pochody a uľahčujú pochopenie nových myšlienok. For example, the sexual exploitation of children has reached epidemic proportions. They stimulate mental processes and facilitate understanding of new ideas. V šiestom storočí pred n. l. mal Daniel vzrušujúce videnie, ktorého splnenie siaha až do našich dní. Circuit work was not easy in those days. In the sixth century B.C.E., Daniel had an exciting vision that dates back to our day. Prečo priťahuje toľko rôznych ľudí? Peter's body was ever recovered from the executioners for burial by the Christian community. Why attract so many different people? Asi 25 percent mesta je zničených. Our Creator, Jehovah God, cares deeply about the things that are taking place on earth. About 25 percent of the city is destroyed. Byť s nimi bol nesmierne vzrušujúci zážitok! Beltane is the most commonly accepted English version of the Celtic word. Being with them was an extremely exciting experience! Šľachtiteľ koní Tomasz z Poľska objasňuje: "Beduínske kmene celé stáročia zušľachťovali arabského koňa a chránili jeho čistotu. " The box " Are You Thinking of Getting Baptized? ' A nobleman of horses, Tomasz, from Poland, explains: "For centuries the Beduin tribes refined the Arab horse and protected its purity. Inými slovami, je nesúmerná - pravá strana je o 24 cm užšia ako ľavá, a preto je pravý bok gondoly ponorený hlbšie ako ľavý. Summer Fruits In other words, it is incoherent - the right side is 24 cm narrower than the left side, so the right side of the gondola is immersed deeper than the left side. Nedaj sa oklamať piatimi bežnými klamstvami! About 50 of us set out for a small lake near Ferlach. Don't be fooled by five common lies! Tvoje oči videli i môj zárodok a v tvojej knihe boli zapísané všetky jeho časti, čo sa týka dní, keď boli tvorené. " Paul wrote of them: "You have been washed clean,... you have been declared righteous in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. " Your eyes also saw my embryo, and in your book all its parts were written in regard to the days when they were made. " Keby sa Zem otáčala podstatne pomalšie, strana privrátená k Slnku by horela, zatiaľ čo tá odvrátená by mrzla. Determined to Serve Jehovah! If the earth turned much slower, the side turned toward the sun would burn, while the averted one would freeze. Napríklad sexuálne zneužívanie detí dosiahlo epidemické rozmery. The honesty, as well as the Kingdom preaching, of two Christians in the South Pacific kingdom of Tonga is giving a powerful witness. For example, child sexual abuse has reached epidemic proportions. Krajská služba nebola v tých dňoch ľahká. " Jehovah would raise up judges, and they would save them out of the hand of their pillagers. " - Judges 2: 16 The circuit work was not easy in those days. Petra, aby ho pochovala. Each illustration has a teaching point to make that further clarifies the religion under discussion. Peter to bury him. Náš Stvoriteľ, Jehova Boh, sa hlboko zaujíma o veci, ktoré sa odohrávajú na zemi. [ Box on page 18] Our Creator, Jehovah God, is deeply interested in things that are happening on earth. Beltane je najrozšírenejšia forma príslušného keltského slova. In an attempt to overcome seeming inadequacies of modern technology, some are seeking the services of an ancient woodworking tool - the adz. Beltane is the most widely used form of the Celtic word in question. (Katrina) " Rámček " Uvažuješ o krste? " This device tracks the movements of his iris so that he can activate icons on the screen. (Katrina) " Box " Are You considering Baptism? ' letné ovocie Many use divination to try to find out about the future. Summer fruit Asi päťdesiati sme sa vydali k malému jazeru neďaleko Ferlachu. (Compare Psalm 110: 5; Isaiah 41: 10, 13.) About 50 of us went to a small lake near Ferlach. Pavol im napísal: "Boli [ste] čisto umytí... boli [ste] vyhlásení za spravodlivých v mene nášho Pána Ježiša Krista." What attitude did many Jews have toward the fledgling Christian congregation? Paul wrote: "You were washed clean..., you were declared righteous in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. " HLÁSATELIA KRÁĽOVSTVA ROZPRÁVAJÚ 1., 1. 2., 1. 3., 1. Stung by Jesus ' earlier exposure of their wickedness, some members of a prominent and influential Jewish sect called the Pharisees were desperate to find evidence of trickery on Jesus ' part. THE BIBLE'S VIEWPOINT Poctivosť dvoch kresťanov z Tonžského kráľovstva v južnom Tichomorí, ako aj ich kázanie o Kráľovstve sú mocným svedectvom. The Giver of life had a purpose in creating mankind The honesty of two Christians from the Kingdom of Tongue in the South Pacific, as well as their Kingdom preaching, is a powerful witness. " Jehova vzbudzoval sudcov, a tí ich zachraňovali z ruky ich plieniteľov. " - Sudcovia 2: 16 But he did change with help from "the spirit of our God. " " Jehovah raised up judges, and they saved them out of the hand of their plunderers. " - Judges 2: 16 Každá ilustrácia má náučný význam a ďalej objasňuje dané náboženstvo. An identifying mark of true Christianity is to look after such a one (See James 1: 27.) Each illustration has an educational significance and further clarifies the religion. [ Rámček na strane 18] We also have a vestibular sense, or sense of balance, which is located in our inner ear. [ Box on page 18] V snahe prekonať zdanlivé nedostatky modernej technológie sa niektorí ľudia vracajú k používaniu starodávneho nástroja na opracovanie dreva - k tešlici. We read there that after the destruction of "Babylon the Great, " the Lamb will conquer the nations. In an effort to overcome the seeming flaws of modern technology, some people are returning to the use of an ancient woodworking tool - the carpenter. Toto zariadenie sníma pohyb jeho dúhovky. Fashion, 9 / 8 This device senses the movement of his iris. Mnohí chcú poznať budúcnosť, a preto používajú veštenie. But the Arabs gave as well as took. Many want to know the future, so they use divination. (Porovnaj Žalm 110: 5; Izaiáš 41: 10, 13.) For instance, consider Jonah's contrite prayer from the belly of a huge fish. (Compare Psalm 110: 5; Isaiah 41: 10, 13.) Aký postoj malo mnoho Židov voči mladému kresťanskému zboru? " One Leaf Might Pierce the Darkness Like a Star ' What attitude did many Jews have toward the young Christian congregation? Niektorí členovia významnej a vplyvnej židovskej sekty farizejov, ktorí boli podráždení Ježišovým predchádzajúcim odhalením ich skazenosti, sa zúfalo pokúšali nájsť dôkaz, že to bol z Ježišovej strany podvod. How did this changeover from a Saturday to a Sunday sabbath come about? Some members of the prominent and influential Jewish sect of the Pharisees, who were irritated by Jesus ' previous discovery of their wickedness, desperately tried to find evidence that this was a deception on Jesus ' part. Darca života stvoril ľudstvo s určitým zámerom Albatross raise only one chick every other year. The Giver of life created mankind for a purpose Ale s pomocou " ducha nášho Boha " sa zmenil. Shortly after that I got a job as a messenger boy. But with the help of "the spirit of our God, " he changed. Dcéra Jakoba a Ley Questions From Readers Daughter of Jakob and Ley Okrem toho máme zmysel pre rovnováhu, ktorého centrum je v našom vnútornom uchu. " The wife should have deep respect for her husband. " - Ephesians 5: 33. In addition, we have a sense of balance, the center of which is in our inner ear. Tam čítame, že po zničení "Veľkého Babylona" Baránok zvíťazí nad národmi. A common merchant might first figure out the market value of the pearl so as to determine how much he would pay for it in order to make a profit. There we read that after the destruction of "Babylon the Great, " the Lamb will conquer the nations. 22 / 11 Although rain forests cover only an estimated 7 percent of the planet's land surface, they are home to four fifths of the world's terrestrial vegetation. 11 / 8 No Arabi vedomosti nielen prijímali, ale ich aj odovzdávali. How do mountains and trees benefit mankind? But not only did the Arabs accept knowledge but they also passed it on. Zamysli sa napríklad nad Jonášovou kajúcnou modlitbou v bruchu veľkej ryby. With the benefit of hindsight, what advice does the family have? Consider, for example, Jonah's repentant prayer in the belly of a large fish. " Jediný list by mohol preniknúť tmou ako hviezda " Songs were sung during the opening "Praise Service, " after which Joseph F. " A single leaf could penetrate the darkness like a star " Ako došlo k tomuto presunutiu sabatu zo soboty na nedeľu? Jehovah "supplies endurance " to those who are willing to reflect his glory. How did this Sabbath move from Saturday to Sunday? Albatros vychová len jedno mláďa každý druhý rok. Certainly, the elders ' first concern should be to provide a source of relief and refreshment, thus promoting peace, tranquillity, and security among Jehovah's people. - Isaiah 32: 1, 2. Albatross raises only one chick every other year. Krátko nato som získal prácu ako poslíček. They can, for example, use role - playing games with their children to demonstrate how to project a sense of confidence. Shortly afterward, I got a job as a messenger. Otázky čitateľov They say there is a "glass ceiling " that impedes their upward mobility in many jobs. Questions From Readers " Manželka nech má hlbokú úctu k svojmu manželovi. " Life here is so much simpler, and I can give more time to Jehovah's work. " Let the wife have deep respect for her husband. " Bežný kupec si zrejme najprv vypočítal trhovú hodnotu perly, a tak vedel, koľko za ňu môže zaplatiť, aby ju predal so ziskom. SONGS TO BE USED: 23, 91 The average buyer probably first calculated the market value of the pearl, so he knew how much he could pay for it to sell it with profit. Hoci dažďové pralesy pokrývajú približne iba 7 percent povrchu súše našej planéty, sú domovom až štyroch pätín svetovej suchozemskej vegetácie. That means your friend shares your spiritual, moral, and ethical convictions. Although the rain forests cover only about 7 percent of the land surface of our planet, they are home to as many as four fifths of the world's terrestrial vegetation. Aký úžitok prinášajú ľuďom vrchy a stromy? S.E. How do mountains and trees benefit people? Čo radí táto rodina s odstupom času? Throughout history there seems to have been no limit to the injustice and pain that men and women have been willing to inflict on one another. What does this family advise with time apart? V úvodnej časti programu prítomní zaspievali piesne na Božiu chválu. Potom sa za rečnícky pult postavil Joseph F. On my release from Lewes, I took the train to Cardiff, Wales, where my father was then serving as principal officer at the prison. In the opening part of the program, the audience sang songs of God's praise, and Joseph F. Jehova "poskytuje vytrvalosť" tým, ktorí ochotne odrážajú jeho slávu. E. Jehovah "provides endurance " to those who willingly reflect his glory. Prvoradou starosťou starších by iste malo byť poskytovať útechu a občerstvenie, a tak podporovať pokoj a bezpečnosť medzi Jehovovým ľudom. - Izaiáš 32: 1, 2. E. Surely the primary concern of elders should be to provide comfort and refreshment, thus promoting peace and security among Jehovah's people. - Isaiah 32: 1, 2. Môžu si napríklad s deťmi zahrať rôzne situácie, v ktorých sa deti budú učiť dávať najavo zdravú sebadôveru. The Scriptures tell us: "For the joy that was set before him he endured a torture stake. " - Hebrews 12: 2. For example, they can play with their children a variety of situations in which children will learn to show sound self - confidence. Tvrdia, že existuje "sklenený strop," ktorý bráni ženám dosiahnuť vyššie vedúce postavenie. [ Picture on page 8] They claim that there is a "glass ceiling" which prevents women from achieving higher leadership. Život je tu omnoho jednoduchší, a preto sa môžem viac venovať službe. Trongsa Dzong, Bhutan Life is much easier here, which is why I can devote more time to the ministry. PIESNE: 23, 91 This government will usher in an unprecedented era of peace, prosperity, and well - being for all obedient mankind. SONGS TO BE USED: 23, 91 To znamená, že priateľ má rovnaké duchovné, morálne a etické zásady. 3: 1. Marek gives this warning for those who might consider traveling abroad in search of a better - paying job: "When abroad, it is very easy to fall into the traps of this wicked world. This means that a friend has the same spiritual, moral, and ethical principles. - 8. In effect, what people are saying out loud may be what you often say to yourself. - 8. Zdá sa, že počas celej histórie muži i ženy bez akýchkoľvek zábran páchali nespravodlivosť a spôsobovali jeden druhému bolesť. Drink plenty of water. Throughout history, men and women seem to have done unbiased acts of injustice and pain to each other. Po prepustení z Lewes som nasadol na vlak do Cardiffu vo Walese, kde otec v tom čase zastával úrad hlavného dozorcu väznice. When I showed her some literature, she pointed to one book and said: "I have that one. After my release from Lewes, I boarded a train to Cardiff, Wales, where my father held the prison chief overseer's office at that time. E. Recently, Japan has seen a marked increase in the number of babies at the "crawling stage " swallowing poisons, the Health and Welfare Ministry reports. E. E. Why is that so difficult? E. Písma nám hovoria: "Pre radosť, ktorá mu bola predložená, zniesol mučenícky kôl." - Hebrejom 12: 2. Who were Eliashib and Tobiah, and why might Eliashib have been associating with Tobiah? The Scriptures tell us: "For the joy that was set before him he endured a torture stake. " - Hebrews 12: 2. [ Obrázok na strane 8] But by the same word the heavens and the earth that are now are stored up for fire and are being reserved to the day of judgment and of destruction of the ungodly men. " - 2 Peter 3: 3 - 7. [ Picture on page 8] Tóngsá Džong (Bhután) In April 2001, the 50th anniversary of this historic event was marked in Moscow with the release of a video that documents the decades - long oppression of Jehovah's Witnesses in the former Soviet Union. Tóngsá Jong (Bhutan) Táto vláda nastolí nebývalú éru pokoja, blahobytu a pohody pre celé poslušné ľudstvo. First, the comet fragments, speeding at some 120,000 miles per hour [200,000 kph], produced huge blasts that only the most extreme predictions had indicated. This government will establish an unprecedented era of peace, prosperity, and well - being for all obedient mankind. Všetkým, ktorí možno uvažujú, že si v zahraničí nájdu lepšie platenú prácu, dáva Marek takéto varovanie: "V zahraničí je veľmi jednoduché padnúť do pascí tohto zlého sveta. And you can be assured that "God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name. " - Hebrews 6: 10. To those who may be thinking of finding a better paid job abroad, Mark warns: "It is very easy to fall into the traps of this wicked world abroad. V podstate ľudia často len nahlas vyslovia to, čo si sám myslíš. But how can we do this? Basically, people often just say out loud what you think. Pite veľa vody. Some individuals come from abusive families in which parents have shown no natural affection for their offspring. Drink a lot of water. Keď som jej ponúkal literatúru, ukázala na jednu knihu a povedala: "Túto mám. He has done much to help me deal with such problems as peer pressure. When I offered her literature, she pointed to a book and said: "This is what I have. Japonské Ministerstvo zdravotníctva a sociálnej starostlivosti oznamuje, že nedávno výrazne stúpol počet batoliat, ktoré prehltli nejaký jed. However, such politically motivated ferocity will not last indefinitely. The Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare reports that recently the number of toddlers who have swallowed some poison has increased significantly. Prečo je to také ťažké? A pregnant woman should avoid contact with anyone who suffers from a viral infection, such as rubella, also called German measles. Why is it so hard? Kto boli Eliašib a Tobjah a aký dôvod mohol mať Eliašib, že sa stýkal s Tobjahom? She adds: "To me, it has been a modern - day miracle to experience firsthand how Jehovah through the years provided me with food, clothing, and shelter. " Who were Eliashib and Tobiah, and what reason could Eliashib have for associating with Tobiah? Tým istým slovom sú však terajšie nebesia a zem zachované pre oheň a sú zachované na deň súdu a zničenia bezbožných. " - 2. Petra 3: 3 - 7. Efficient note - taking can speed up your understanding and recall of the information. By the same word, however, the heavens and the earth now are preserved for fire and are preserved for the day of judgment and of destruction of the ungodly ones. " - 2 Peter 3: 3 - 7. V apríli 2001 bol v Moskve v rámci 50. výročia tejto udalosti uvedený videofilm, ktorý dokumentuje desaťročia útlaku Jehovových svedkov v bývalom Sovietskom zväze. When I had it put there, I thought it was to stand for my name John, but now I'm sure it's for the name of God, Jehovah! ' In April 2001, as part of the 50th anniversary of the event, a video was presented in Moscow, documenting decades of oppression of Jehovah's Witnesses in the former Soviet Union. Predovšetkým, úlomky kométy, ktoré sa pohybovali rýchlosťou asi 200 000 kilometrov za hodinu, spôsobili také obrovské výbuchy, aké naznačovali iba tie najodvážnejšie predpovede. Maimonides ' solution was to edit this information, highlighting the practical decisions, and to organize it into one orderly system of 14 books, divided according to subject matter. First of all, comet fragments at a speed of about 200,000 miles [200,000 km] per hour caused such huge explosions as were suggested only by the bravest predictions. A môžeš si byť istý, že " Boh nie je nespravodlivý, aby zabudol na tvoju prácu a na lásku, ktorú si prejavoval jeho menu ." - Hebrejom 6: 10. Another potential time waster is multitasking - working on a computer while watching TV and talking on the phone, or toggling between, say, e - mail and other programs. And you can be sure that " God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name. ' - Hebrews 6: 10. Ako to môžeme urobiť? By personal example, parents can teach their children that it is possible to be in the world but to be no part of it. - John 17: 15, 16. How can we do that? Niektorí vyrastali v drsnom rodinnom prostredí, kde nebolo vo zvyku prejavovať deťom prirodzenú náklonnosť. Mike Ackerman, an expert on kidnappings, explained: "As we make crimes against property more difficult in all societies, it forces crimes against people. " Some grew up in a harsh family environment where it was not customary to show natural affection for their children. Veľmi mi pomohol zvládnuť také problémy, ako bol tlak vrstovníkov. [ Picture Credit Line on page 2] He helped me to cope with problems like peer pressure. Takáto politicky motivovaná krutosť však nebude trvať neobmedzene. Communication - A Stress Reliever However, such politically motivated cruelty will not last indefinitely. Tehotná žena by sa mala vyhýbať kontaktu s kýmkoľvek, kto trpí vírusovou infekčnou chorobou, ako je napríklad rubeola, nazývaná aj ružienka. I received commando - style training, which included handling all sorts of weapons and explosives. A pregnant woman should avoid contact with anyone suffering from a viral infectious disease, such as rubella, also called rubella. Dodáva: "Na vlastnej koži som zažila, ako sa mi Jehova za tie roky staral o jedlo, oblečenie a bývanie. Jesus will then present them to God for a final, eternally decisive test of their integrity by the loosing of Satan and his demons for a little while. She adds: "On my own, I have experienced Jehovah's care for food, clothing, and housing over the years. Robenie výstižných poznámok umožňuje rýchlejšie pochopiť a zapamätať si informácie. Anticipate situations that will challenge your honesty, and plan how you will respond. Making accurate notes allows you to understand and memorize information more quickly. Keď som ho tam dal, myslel som, že bude symbolizovať moje meno Ján, ale teraz som presvedčený, že má symbolizovať Božie meno, Jehova! " By Evolution or by Creation? When I put it there, I thought it would symbolize my name, John, but now I am convinced that it should symbolize God's name, Jehovah! " Maimonidovo riešenie spočívalo v tom, že tieto informácie spracoval, vyzdvihol praktické rozhodnutia a zostavil z toho usporiadaný systém 14 kníh, do ktorých bola látka zoradená tematicky. But have people ever heard him speak? Maimonid's solution was to process this information, to highlight practical decisions, and to make it a structured system of 14 books in which the substance was arranged thematically. Iným potenciálnym zlodejom času je vykonávanie viacerých úloh naraz - práca na počítači popri pozeraní televízie a telefonovaní alebo "prepínanie" povedzme medzi e - mailom a inými programami. KNOXVILLE, TN, Thompson - Boling Assembly Center, 1600 Stadium Dr. Another potential thief of time is performing multiple tasks at the same time - working on a computer in addition to watching television and making phone calls or "switching" between e - mail and other programs. Osobným príkladom môžu rodičia učiť svoje deti, že je možné žiť vo svete a zároveň nebyť jeho časťou. - Ján 17: 15, 16. " You get what you want, then you can walk away. " By personal example, parents can teach their children that it is possible to live in the world and not be part of it. - John 17: 15, 16. Mike Ackerman, odborník na otázku únosov, povedal: "To, že na všetkých úrovniach spoločnosti sťažujeme páchanie zločinov na majetku, napomáha rýchlejší rast zločinov na ľuďoch." In fact, such things have caused the breakup of many marriages. Mike Ackerman, a kidnapping expert, said: "We are making crimes against property more difficult at all levels of society, helping to increase crimes against people more quickly. " [ Prameň ilustrácie na strane 2] We got on well. [ Picture Credit Line on page 2] Komunikácia zmierňuje stres AWAKE! Communication Relieves Stress Absolvoval som výcvik pre príslušníkov špeciálneho komanda, na ktorom som sa učil narábať so všemožnými zbraňami a výbušninami. When the hull is complete (see photo 5), the men add a keel, steering oars, double masts (each in the form of a narrow inverted V that straddles the two hulls), boom sails, and usually gunwales, which are also made of reeds. I have received training for special commando officers, where I have learned how to handle all kinds of weapons and explosives. Vtedy ich Ježiš odovzdá Bohu na konečnú a navždy rozhodujúcu skúšku ich rýdzosti tým, že Satan a jeho démoni budú na malú chvíľu uvoľnení. Jehovah's Glorious Splendor and Dignity Then Jesus will pass them on to God for a final and forever decisive test of their integrity by releasing Satan and his demons for a little while. Predstavte si, aké situácie by mohli preveriť vašu čestnosť, a premyslite si, ako by ste zareagovali. But what about people's material aspirations? Imagine what situations might check your honesty, and think of how you would react. Evolúciou alebo stvorením? Preaching the Good News By Evolution or by Creation? Ale počuli ľudia niekedy Jehovu rozprávať? Bianca But have people ever heard Jehovah speak? " Dostaneš, čo chceš, a ideš si po svojom. " N. " You get what you want, and you walk in your own way. " To spôsobilo rozpad mnohých manželstiev. How did Matthew deal with that opposition? This has caused many marriages to break up. Rozumeli sme si. No doubt the most memorable lessons you learned were those in which you had to face the consequences of your actions. We understand each other. ČASOPIS Prebuďte sa! (b) What is involved in a marriage? A COUPLE OF Awake! Keď je trup hotový (pozri fotografiu č. 5), muži pridávajú kýl, kormidlové veslá, dvojité sťažne (každý má tvar úzkeho obráteného V, ktoré stojí rozkročmo na oboch častiach trupu), rahnové plachty a obyčajne aj obruby, ktoré sú tiež z trstiny. Many people the world over are seeing the futility of trying to solve life's problems on their own, and they are turning to Jehovah God. When the hull is finished (see photograph No 5), men add keels, helm oars, double masts (each has the shape of a narrow inverted V, which stands wide on both parts of the hull), ear sails and usually also rims, which are also made of cane. Jehovova slávna nádhera a dôstojnosť Day after day, she tried to seduce him. Jehovah's Glory and Dignity Ale čo ľudská túžba po hmotných veciach? Living in Israel some 3000 years ago, when the judges ruled, Ruth had acquired a name for excellence. But what about the human desire for material things? Kázanie dobrého posolstva Others, Herbert Senior among them, were sent back to civil, not military, prisons. Preaching the Good News Bianca In July 1982, we had to pull up stakes and leave Bangladesh. Bianca N. Some mothers worry that they will not produce enough milk to keep their babies healthy. N. Ako to Matthew zvládal? It is where they learn the first and most important lessons of life. How did Matthew handle it? Určite ste sa najviac naučili vtedy, keď ste museli niesť následky svojho konania. Then your pulse rate slows precipitously and blood vessels to your legs dilate, or widen. Surely, you learned the most when you had to bear the consequences of your actions. b) Čo všetko znamená manželstvo? Even back in 1911, the Encyclopædia Britannica said: "Science has so explained many of the processes of outer nature and of the inner life of man as to leave no room for Satanic agency. " (b) What does marriage mean? Veľa ľudí na celom svete vidí márnosť v riešení problémov po svojom a obracajú sa k Bohu Jehovovi. In mid - September, about two weeks before the traveling overseer visited the Wŏnju Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, the arsonist beat his wife until she was unconscious. Many worldwide see futility in solving problems their own way and turn to Jehovah God. Keď bol v práci, deň čo deň sa ho pokúšala zviesť. Once these babies have their fill, they crowd around you, lean on you, even wrap their trunk around your leg to claim your attention. When he was at work, she tried to seduce him day after day. Žila v Izraeli za vlády sudcov asi pred 3000 rokmi a získala si povesť znamenitej ženy. After a member of the 131st class read a letter that beautifully expressed the appreciation of the students, Brother Lett concluded the program by encouraging the graduates to act wisely. She lived in Israel under the rule of judges some 3,000 years ago and gained the reputation of a fine woman. Ostatných, medziiným aj Herberta Seniora, poslali do väznice, nie však už do vojenskej. Closely related to the fear of Jehovah is the hating of bad. Others, including Herbert Senior, were sent to prison, but not to military. V júli 1982 sme museli odísť z Bangladéša. IT WAS a beautiful summer morning in northern Queensland, Australia - a perfect day to bathe in balmy waters and escape the heat. In July 1982, we had to leave Bangladesh. Niektoré matky sa obávajú, že nebudú mať dosť mlieka na to, aby ich deti mohli byť zdravé. That is significant because it helps us to understand what Jehovah is like. Some mothers fear that they will not have enough milk to allow their children to be healthy. V nej deti dostávajú prvé a najdôležitejšie poučenia o živote. So I'm glad this article came out. In it, children receive the first and most important lessons in life. Potom sa vám prudko zníži pulz a krvné cievy v nohách sa rozšíria. It appears that our cheating hearts are meant to be that way. " Then your pulse goes down sharply, and the blood vessels in your legs expand. Encyclopædia Britannica už v roku 1911 uviedla: "Veda natoľko vysvetlila mnohé z procesov prírody okolo nás, ako aj vnútorného života človeka, že nenechala priestor pre satanskú činnosť." 11, 12. As early as 1911 the Encyclopædia Britannica stated: "Science has so explained many of the processes of nature around us as well as the inner life of man that it has not left room for satanic activity. " V polovici septembra, asi dva týždne pred návštevou cestujúceho dozorcu v zbore Jehovových svedkov vo Wŏnju, podpaľač zbil svoju manželku do bezvedomia. It's great to know the duties that come along with being one of Jehovah's Witnesses. In mid - September, about two weeks before visiting a traveling overseer in a congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, the arsonist beat his wife unconscious. Keď sa mláďatá zasýtia, obklopia vás, opierajú sa o vás, dokonca si ovíjajú chobot okolo vašej nohy a dožadujú sa vašej pozornosti. If you are reading with children, the dash provides a reminder to stop and direct the question to them. When the cubs are fed, they surround you, lean on you, even roll the trunk around your leg, and they demand your attention. Keď jeden z absolventov 131. triedy prečítal list, v ktorom študenti nádherne vyjadrili svoje ocenenie, brat Lett ukončil program tým, že ich povzbudil, aby konali múdro. Both the employed and the unemployed protest more and more frequently about job - related problems. When one of the graduates of the 131st class read a letter in which the students beautifully expressed their appreciation, Brother Lett ended the program by encouraging them to act wisely. S bázňou pred Jehovom je úzko spojená nenávisť k zlému. Representatives of the local congregation volunteered to relocate the hospital building and offered no payment. Hatred of evil is closely associated with the fear of Jehovah. BOLO jedno prekrásne letné ráno na severe Queenslandu v Austrálii - bol to ideálny deň na to, aby sa človek okúpal v príjemnej vode, a tak unikol pred horúčavou. When he and his wife prepare for the meeting with their children, they use a method Jens learned from his parents. IT WAS one beautiful summer morning in northern Queensland, Australia - an ideal day to bathe in pleasant water and thus escape the heat. Táto myšlienka je pre nás dôležitá, lebo nám pomáha bližšie spoznať Jehovovu osobnosť. If European countries do not have much to fear in the short term, thanks to the boost provided by German reunification, they cannot expect to escape completely.... This idea is important to us because it helps us to get to know Jehovah's personality. Preto som rada, že tento článok vyšiel. Carnations take 23 days at a temperature of between 15 and 25 degrees Celsius (59 ° to 77 ° F.), with no light at night. That's why I'm glad this article came out. Zdá sa, že je určené, aby naše neverné srdcia boli takými. " On the other hand, fear can also be a positive force. It seems to be designed for our unfaithful hearts to be like that. " , 12. As we approached the workshop entrance, a man inquired if he could help us. 11, 12. Je dobré vedieť, čo všetko sa očakáva od človeka, keď sa stane Jehovovým svedkom. The first is that they "have spoken the word of God " to us. It is good to know what is expected of a person when he becomes one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Ak si článok čítate s deťmi, vlnovka slúži ako pripomienka, aby ste urobili prestávku a povzbudili deti, aby sa vyjadrili. There they will learn the Inca language, the rules of Inca religion, and law. If you are reading with children, the dash serves as a reminder to take a break and encourage children to express themselves. Tak zamestnaní, ako aj nezamestnaní sa stále častejšie ohradzujú proti problémom súvisiacim s prácou. We have proved beyond doubt that our faith and devotion are strong. Both employed and unemployed are increasingly being defended against work-related problems. Zástupcovia miestneho zboru sa ponúkli, že budovu nemocnice premiestnia, a nepožadovali za to žiadne peniaze. But as good an explanation as any is found in Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, which says that art is "the conscious use of skill and creative imagination esp [ecially] in the production of aesthetic objects. " Representatives of the local congregation offered to move the hospital building and did not ask for any money for it. Keď sa on a jeho manželka pripravujú s deťmi na zhromaždenie, používajú spôsob, ktorý sa Jens naučil od svojich rodičov. Others may have let their identity be shaped by the entertainment world, mass media, and the current ungodly outlook on life. When he and his wife prepare for a meeting with their children, they use the way Jens learned from his parents. Ak si európske krajiny ešte v blízkej budúcnosti nemusia robiť starosti, je to vďaka pomoci, ktorú zaistilo zjednotenie Nemecka, ale nemôžu očakávať, že uniknú úplne... Priest Admits Witnesses ' Virtues If European countries do not yet have to worry in the near future, it is thanks to the aid provided by the unification of Germany, but they cannot expect to escape completely... Klinčekom to trvá 23 dní pri teplote 15 až 25 ° C bez nočného osvetlenia. For the year 2003, over 720 balloons were entered. Balloon teams came from many U.S. states and from some 20 other countries. It takes 23 days for cloves at 15 to 25 ° C without night lighting. Ale na druhej strane, strach môže byť aj konštruktívnou silou. The clarinet came to handle the higher register with relative ease, while the trumpet now occupied the middle range. On the other hand, fear can also be a constructive force. Keď sme sa priblížili ku vchodu do dielne, jeden muž sa nás spýtal, čo môže pre nás urobiť. Rejoices with the truth As we approached the entrance to the workshop, a man asked us what he could do for us. Prvý je ten, že nám "hovorili [a hovoria] Božie slovo." The objective was to acquaint readers with Scriptural truths that had been recorded in the Bible. The first is that they "speak to us the word of God. " Tam sa naučia reč Inkov, náboženské zásady a zákon. A surprising 70 percent of adults in the United States do not have a will! There they learn the language of the Incas, religious principles, and law. A určite sa snažíme, aby naša viera zostala silná. (b) What remarkable crowd did John see? And we certainly try to keep our faith strong. Ale jedno z dobrých vysvetlení sa nachádza napríklad v slovníku Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, ktorý hovorí, že umenie je "vedomé využívanie zručnosti a tvorivej predstavivosti najmä na vytvorenie estetických predmetov." And the overseer of another prison said of his prisoners: "Ninety - nine out of a hundred are very desirous of going. " But one good explanation is found, for example, in the Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, which says that art is "the conscious use of skills and creative imagination, especially to create aesthetic objects. " Ďalší dovolili, aby ich totožnosť formoval svet zábavy, masmédiá a súčasný bezbožný názor na život. He said to those who had been exploited by Satan's system: "Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you. Others allowed their identity to be shaped by the world of entertainment, the media, and the present ungodly view of life. Kňaz uznáva cnosti svedkov I have a crush on a boy in my class. The Priest Recognizes Witness Virtues V roku 2003 bolo na slávnosti viac ako 720 balónov a balónové tímy prišli z celých Spojených štátov a asi z 20 krajín. Consider the case of the apostle Paul. In 2003, there were more than 720 balloons at the festival, and balloon teams came from all over the United States and some 20 countries. Vyšší register ovládol s relatívnou ľahkosťou klarinet, kým trúbka teraz pokrývala stredný tónový rozsah. What is one rewarding way in which many have demonstrated their love for God and loyalty to his Kingdom? The higher register dominated with relative ease clarinet, while the trumpet now covered the medium tone range. Raduje sa z pravdy Tucked inside are her Bible and the Bible literature that she will use to spread hope to others. Rejoices in the Truth Ich účelom bolo zoznámiť čitateľov s duchovnými pravdami zaznamenanými v Biblii. Or some circumstances may require that we become like Abraham, who repeatedly appealed to Jehovah in behalf of Lot and any other righteous people who might be in Sodom. Their purpose was to acquaint readers with the spiritual truths recorded in the Bible. Je prekvapujúce, že 70 percent dospelých v Spojených štátoch nemá závet! The medal was accorded to Jehovah's Witnesses at the Rosendahl Hotel in Tampere, Finland, at an event attended by 400 professionals and businessmen. Surprisingly, 70 percent of adults in the United States have no will! b) Aký pozoruhodný zástup videl Ján? When Jehovah ordered Jonah to Nineveh the second time, the prophet obediently headed east on this long journey. (b) What remarkable crowd did John see? A dozorca iného väzenia o svojich väzňoch povedal: "Deväťdesiatdeväť zo sto veľmi túži ísť." Then came the moment when I could stand it no longer, and I just stopped talking to my husband until my frustration would pass. " And another prison overseer said of his prisoners: "Ninety - nine out of a hundred are eager to go. " Tým, ktorí boli vykorisťovaní Satanovým systémom, povedal: "Poďte ku mne všetci, ktorí sa lopotíte a ste preťažení, a ja vás občerstvím. How? He told those who were exploited by Satan's system: "Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you. Šialene som sa zaľúbila do jedného chlapca z našej triedy. " The shrewd one considers his steps, " says Proverbs 14: 15. I fell madly in love with a boy in our class. Zamyslime sa nad príkladom apoštola Pavla. During the aeons that God was creating the universe, Jesus worked alongside him and became "the one he was especially fond of. " Consider the example of the apostle Paul. Akým pekným spôsobom dávajú mnohí najavo svoju lásku k Bohu a vernosť jeho Kráľovstvu? Love for your brother can help you to restore your balance. In what fine way do many show their love for God and their loyalty to his Kingdom? Má v nej Bibliu a biblickú literatúru, ktorou chce pomôcť ľuďom získať nádej. The word "inculcate " means" to teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitions: urge on or fix in the mind. " It has a Bible and Bible literature that helps people to gain hope. Alebo niektoré okolnosti si môžu vyžadovať, aby sme sa stali podobnými Abrahámovi, ktorý opakovane prosil Jehovu za Lóta, ako aj za ďalších spravodlivých, ktorí by sa azda našli v Sodome. Has this been the case with the Bible? Or some circumstances may require that we become like Abraham, who repeatedly begged Jehovah for Lot, as well as other righteous ones who might be found in Sodom. Medailu Jehovovým svedkom odovzdali v hoteli Rosendahl v Tampere za účasti 400 odborníkov a podnikateľov. As a result, I was very closely watched by the police. The medal was handed over to Jehovah's Witnesses at the Rosendahl Hotel in Tampere with the participation of 400 experts and entrepreneurs. Keď Jehova poslal Jonáša do Ninive druhýkrát, tento prorok sa poslušne vydal na dlhú cestu na východ. CORRESPONDENT IN SWEDEN When Jehovah sent Jonah to Nineveh for the second time, the prophet obediently took a long journey eastward. Potom nastal okamih, keď som to už nedokázala zniesť a jednoducho som sa s manželom prestala rozprávať a trvalo to dovtedy, kým moja frustrácia nepominula. " Richard soon learned that he could assist in filling that need in a most unusual way. Then came the moment when I could no longer bear it, and I simply stopped talking to my husband, and it took until my frustration had passed. " Ako? Persecution eased, and prison sentences were replaced by fines. How? " Bystrý uvažuje o svojich krokoch, "uvádzajú Príslovia 14: 15. The Bible reveals that wicked spirits cannot possibly be the spirits of the dead. " The shrewd one considers his steps, " states Proverbs 14: 15. Ježiš s ním spolupracoval a stal sa "tým, čo mal zvlášť rád." After all, we appreciate it when people are straightforward yet tactful when approaching us. Jesus worked with him and became "a loved one. " Láska k tvojmu bratovi ti môže pomôcť opäť nadobudnúť rovnováhu. One of the most dangerous periods of an eagle's life is when it learns to fly. Love for your brother can help you to regain balance. Slovo preložené ako "vštepovať" znamená "učiť a ovplyvňovať častým opakovaním a napomínaním: vtláčať alebo vrývať do pamäti." With this enlightenment, those exercising faith are also able to discern the ongoing fulfillment of many other Bible prophecies. The word translated "inculcate " means" to teach and influence by frequent repetition and admonition: to push or plunge into memory. " Je to tak v prípade Biblie? The book Philosophy - An Outline - History summarized one of Nietzsche's beliefs: "The strong, brave, domineering, proud, fit best the society that is to be. " Is that the case with the Bible? Následkom toho som bola pod prísnym dohľadom polície. " I used to feel it was OK to neck and pet, that it was only a way of expressing my deep feelings and love. As a result, I was closely supervised by the police. VO ŠVÉDSKU The officer replied: "Everything is fine; 5,000 people are here and no violations. CORRESPONDENT IN SWEDEN Richard sa čoskoro dozvedel, že by mohol byť jedným z tých, ktorí budú pomáhať pri zabezpečovaní literatúry. But through it all, we learned the truth of the psalmist's words: "Jehovah himself will sustain him [anyone who acts with consideration toward the lowly one] upon a divan of illness. " - Psalm 41: 3. Richard soon learned that he might be one of those who would help to provide literature. Prenasledovanie poľavilo a väzenské tresty boli nahradené pokutami. As a dedicated servant of Jehovah, always look to him and to his organization for direction. Persecution eased, and prison sentences were replaced by fines. Biblia odhaľuje, že zlí duchovia nemôžu byť duchmi mŕtvych. I knew then that he was serious about his Bible study because this was his only day off. The Bible reveals that wicked spirits cannot be the spirits of the dead. Ako by sme mohli rovnakú zdvorilosť prejavovať ľuďom, keď sme v službe? [ Picture on page 27] How might we show the same courtesy when we are in the ministry? Jedno z najnebezpečnejších období v živote orla je čas, keď sa učí lietať. " When you lie down ": Pray with your children each evening. One of the most dangerous times in the life of an eagle is the time when it learns to fly. Na základe tohto poučenia sú tí, ktorí prejavujú vieru, takisto schopní rozlíšiť pokračujúce spĺňanie mnohých ďalších biblických proroctiev. AP Photo / Pier Paolo Cito On the basis of this instruction, those exercising faith are also able to discern the continued fulfillment of many other Bible prophecies. Jeden z Nietzscheho názorov zhrnula kniha Philosophy - An Outline - History: "Do budúcej spoločnosti sa najviac hodia silní, odvážni, diktátorskí a pyšní jedinci." M. One of Nietzsche's views summarized the book Philosophy - An Outline - History: "The most suitable for future society are the strong, courageous, dictatorial, and proud individuals. " " Mávala som pocit, že maznanie je OK, že to je iba spôsob, ktorým vyjadrujem svoje hlboké city a svoju lásku. The Bible says that "anyone inexperienced puts faith in every word, but the shrewd one considers his steps. " - Proverbs 14: 15. " I felt that cuddling was OK, that it was only the way I expressed my deep feelings and my love. Policajt mu odpovedal: "Všetko je v poriadku. Je tu päťtisíc ľudí a žiadne výtržnosti. Cheese may also be used as a stuffing. The policeman replied: "Everything is fine. There are five thousand people and no riots. Ale z toho všetkého sme sa poučili o pravdivosti žalmistových slov: "Sám Jehova ho bude podporovať [každého, kto si počína ohľaduplne voči poníženému] na lôžku v jeho chorobe." - Žalm 41: 3. I need your support to get rid of them. " But all of this taught us the truth of the psalmist's words: "Jehovah himself will sustain him [anyone acting considerately toward the lowly one] upon a bed in his sickness. " - Psalm 41: 3. Ako oddaný Jehovov služobník sa vždy daj viesť Jehovom a jeho organizáciou. Such discipline is to be administered with love, for Paul wrote: "Fathers, do not be irritating your children, but go on bringing them up in the discipline and mental - regulating of Jehovah. " - Ephesians 6: 4. As a dedicated servant of Jehovah, always be guided by Jehovah and his organization. Bolo mi jasné, že George svoje biblické štúdium berie vážne, pretože nedeľa bola jediným dňom, keď mal voľno. With gratitude the authors later stated: "In all our reading on this subject, we have never seen such a concise, complete list of strategies to avoid homologous blood transfusion. " It became clear to me that George took his Bible study seriously because Sunday was the only day he was free. [ Obrázok na strane 27] (See photo 1.) [ Picture on page 27] " Keď budeš líhať ": Modlite sa s deťmi každý večer. Considering such questions, members of the Mormon faith do well to reflect seriously on the words of Mormon Rex E. " When You Lie Down ": Pray with your children every evening. AP Photo / Pier Paolo Cito There I pioneered and assisted in depot work in Rangoon (now Yangon). AP Photo / Pier Paolo Cito M. " Breast - feeding is very advantageous to the child even in Western, affluent societies. " M. Biblia uvádza, že "ak je niekto neskúsený, uverí každému slovu, ale bystrý uvažuje o svojich krokoch." - Príslovia 14: 15. Promptly he withdrew his life's savings of a thousand dollars and bought into the inventor's company, ignoring the sneers of experts who insisted that this odd device would never be very popular. The Bible states that "if anyone is inexperienced he will believe every word, but the shrewd one considers his steps. " - Proverbs 14: 15. Ako plnku možno použiť i syr. The story of the conquest of the Native North Americans (Indians) by Europeans raises questions. Cheese may also be used as a filling. Potrebujem vašu pomoc, aby sme sa ich zbavili. " Accountable for Our Ministry I need your help to get rid of them. " Takáto disciplína by sa mala poskytovať s láskou, lebo Pavol napísal: "Otcovia, nedráždite svoje deti, ale ich vychovávajte v kázni a v Jehovovom myšlienkovom usmerňovaní." - Efezanom 6: 4. As they did to servants of God in times past, these words will apply: "You will not need to fight in this instance. Such discipline should be provided with love, for Paul wrote: "Fathers, do not be irritating your children, but bring them up in the discipline and mental - regulating of Jehovah. " - Ephesians 6: 4. Títo autori neskôr s vďačnosťou napísali: "Dosiaľ sme pri čítaní materiálu na túto tému ešte nikdy nevideli taký stručný, a pritom úplný zoznam stratégií, ako sa vyhnúť homologickej transfúzii krvi." Often I would spend more than 200 hours a month preaching. These authors later wrote with gratitude: "Never before have we seen such a brief list of strategies to avoid homologous blood transfusions when reading material on this subject. " (Pozri fotografiu č. 1.) S (See photo 1.) Vzhľadom na takéto otázky urobia členovia mormónskej viery dobre, ak budú vážne uvažovať o slovách mormóna Rexa E. • strengthen us to do God's will? In view of such questions, Mormon members will do well to consider seriously the words of Mormon Rex E. Tu som slúžil ako priekopník a pomáhal som pri práci v sklade v Rangúne (teraz Yangon). A coworker has a son living in Russia, so I told her about the article "A Visit to " Russia's Oldest City. ' " Here I pioneered and helped work at a warehouse in Rangoon, now Yangon. " Dojčenie je pre dieťa veľmi prospešné dokonca i v západnej, bohatej spoločnosti. " ; Berktold, A. " Breast - feeding is very beneficial even in Western, rich society. " Okamžite si vybral svoje celoživotné úspory - tisíc dolárov - a investoval ich do spoločnosti vynálezcu, nevšímajúc si posmešky odborníkov, ktorí boli presvedčení, že tento čudný vynález sa nikdy nestane príliš populárny. Charismatic leaders have got people to do the "unthinkable " by tempting them with some supposed benefit. He immediately chose his life savings - a thousand dollars - and invested them in the inventor's company, ignoring the ridicules of experts who believed that this strange invention would never become too popular. Príbeh podrobenia si domorodých Severoameričanov (Indiánov) Európanmi vyvoláva otázky. If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. The story of subjecting Native North Americans (Indians) to Europeans raises questions. Zodpovednosť za našu službu Shortly after his visit, I was returned to a more comfortable cell. Responsibility for Our Service Ako na Božích služobníkoch v minulosti, aj na nich sa splnia tieto slová: "V tomto prípade nebudete musieť bojovať. Logging company employees generally eat more meat than do local villagers. As with God's servants in the past, these words will be fulfilled: "In this case you will not have to fight. Často som trávil kázaním mesačne vyše 200 hodín. One day while the study was in progress, an elderly man approached and offered the Witness a poem that the residents had composed as a token of their gratitude. I often spent more than 200 hours preaching a month. J The teacher made copies for the whole class! J • posilniť človeka, aby konal Božiu vôľu? How was the foretold rulership of the Messiah fulfilled? • to strengthen a person to do God's will? Jedna spolupracovníčka má syna, ktorý žije v Rusku, a preto som jej povedala o článku "Návšteva " najstaršieho mesta Ruska "." ; Miller, J. One coworker has a son who lives in Russia, so I told her about the article "Visiting " Russia's Oldest City. ' " Hosoiová; A. Jesus provides the answer later when he explains to his disciples: "The sower of the fine seed is the Son of man. " ; Hosoi, A. Charizmatickí vodcovia podnecujú ľudí robiť "nemysliteľné" veci tým, že im sľubujú nejaké údajné výhody. You could hardly hear yourself shout. Charismatic leaders motivate people to do "unthinkable " things by promising them some supposed advantages. Ak máte záujem o ďalšie informácie alebo si želáte, aby Vás niekto navštívil a viedol s Vami bezplatné biblické štúdium, napíšte láskavo na adresu: P. O. Box 17, 810 00 Bratislava 1 alebo na niektorú z adries uvedených na strane 2. August 8, 2004 If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. Krátko po jeho návšteve ma dali opäť do pohodlnejšej cely. By doing so, we will be acting in harmony with Paul's words: "You need endurance. " Shortly after his visit, they put me back in a more comfortable cell. Prerážajú si cestu hustou vegetáciou, čím natoľko utlačia tenkú vrchnú vrstvu pôdy, že ju znehodnotia. Dressed in colorful red, green, or blue garments, they can be seen working on their chacras, or small farms. They pierce their way through dense vegetation, so that they repress the thin upper layer of soil that they destroy it. Raz počas štúdia prišiel za bratom, ktorý s Eulogiom študuje, jeden starý muž a dal mu báseň, ktorú z vďačnosti zložili obyvatelia domova. In his first letter to the Corinthians, Paul asked: "If, like men, I have fought with wild beasts at Ephesus, of what good is it to me? " One time during his studies, an old man came to see a brother who studied with Eulogio and gave him a poem that the residents of the home wrote out of gratitude. Učiteľka urobila z tohto článku kópie pre celú triedu! When the Irish potato crop failed in the 1840 ' s, the town and its surroundings were among the worst - affected areas. The teacher made this article a copy for the whole class! Ako sa splnilo proroctvo o panovaní Mesiáša? The settlements have many of the services you would find in any small town. How was the prophecy about the rule of the Messiah fulfilled? ; Miller J. Lack of mildness may lead to anger that can raise blood pressure or cause digestive troubles, asthma, eye afflictions, and other problems. ; Miller, J. Ježiš na to odpovedal neskôr, keď svojim učeníkom vysvetlil: "Rozsievač znamenitého semena je Syn človeka." You may request a copy of this 256 - page, beautifully illustrated book, which has the same page size as this magazine. Jesus later replied by explaining to his disciples: "The sower of the fine seed is the Son of man. " Ledva počujete svoj krik. [ Pictures on pages 4, 5] You can barely hear your screams. augusta 2004 God's promised new world is near, and our salvation is nearer than we may think. August 22, 2004 Keď to budeme robiť, budeme konať v súlade s Pavlovými slovami: "Potrebujete vytrvalosť." When the yakuza saw how easy it was to borrow and make money during the 80 ' s, they formed companies and plunged into real - estate and stock speculation. By doing so, we will act in harmony with Paul's words: "You need endurance. " Je možné vidieť, ako pracujú na svojich chacras, čiže malých farmách, oblečení vo farebných červených, zelených alebo modrých odevoch. [ 1.6 by 1.2 km] Its orbit is about 60 miles [100 km] from the center of asteroid Ida, which measures 35 miles by 13 miles [56 by 21 km]. They can be seen working on their chacras, or small farms, dressed in colorful red, green, or blue clothes. Vo svojom prvom liste Korinťanom sa pýtal: "Ak som ako ľudia bojoval s divokými zvieratami v Efeze, na čo mi je to dobré?" LVOV In his first letter to the Corinthians, he asked: "If I have fought as men with wild animals in Ephesus, what good is it to me? " Kristus - Božia moc, 15 / 6 Interestingly, apples have properties that are said to be beneficial for cleansing the digestive system. Jehovah's Witnesses, 6 / 1 Keď v 40. rokoch 19. storočia postihla Írsko neúroda zemiakov, toto mesto a jeho okolie bolo jednou z najviac postihnutých oblastí. Remember that feelings are not necessarily your enemies. When the potato crop failure struck Ireland in the 1940 ' s, the city and its surroundings were one of the most affected areas. Vybavenosť kolónie je na takej úrovni, že v mnohom sa vyrovná vybavenosti hociktorého malého mesta. Vital Communication The facilities of the colony are on such a level that in many ways the facilities of any small city are balanced. Nedostatok miernosti môže viesť k hnevu, ktorý môže zvýšiť krvný tlak alebo spôsobiť zažívacie ťažkosti, astmu, očné choroby a iné problémy. Jehovah appreciates prayers directed to him - but not as the Pharisees prayed. Lack of mildness can lead to anger that can increase blood pressure or cause indigestion, asthma, eye diseases, and other problems. O túto nádherne ilustrovanú 256 - stranovú knihu rovnakého formátu, ako je tento časopis, môžete požiadať aj vy. But more important, they contributed to the continuation of the royal line of David, which would lead to the Messiah. - 2 Kings 11: 4 - 21. You can ask for this beautifully illustrated 256 - page book of the same format as this magazine. [ Obrázky na stranách 4, 5] (a) What is revealed by the answer of the Master, Jesus? [ Pictures on page 4, 5] Boží sľúbený nový svet je blízko a naša záchrana je bližšie, ako si možno myslíme. The Jewish day began in the evening. God's promised new world is near, and our salvation is closer than we may think. Keď si v osemdesiatych rokoch jakuzovia uvedomili, aké jednoduché je požičať si peniaze a zarobiť, založili obchodné spoločnosti a vrhli sa na špekulácie s nehnuteľnosťami a s akciami. He stated regretfully: "Mr. Engleitner, I cannot undo the wrong, but I do want to apologize. When the Yakuza realized in the 1980 ' s how easy it was to borrow money and earn money, they set up trading companies and plunged into speculation on real estate and shares. Jeho obežná dráha je asi 100 kilometrov od centra asteroidu Ida, ktorý má rozmery 56 krát 21 kilometrov. Young and old, male and female, they joyfully respond to the Bible's exhortation: "Preach the word, be at it urgently in favorable season, in troublesome season. " Its orbit is about 100 miles [100 km] from the center of the asteroid Ida, which is 56 times [21 km] in size. ĽVOV How were certain women of ancient times exemplary in faith and courage? LIVES Pre zaujímavosť, jablká majú vlastnosti, ktoré prispievajú k čisteniu tráviaceho systému. In summary, he exhorted: "Whether it comes to accepting discipline, fulfilling your missionary commitments, or handling misunderstandings, taking it with love will enable you to endure in your assignment. For the sake of interest, apples have properties that contribute to the purification of the digestive system. Pamätajte na to, že pocity nie sú nevyhnutne nepriateľmi človeka. It is located on the same parallel as the famous wine - producing province of Burgundy in France and enjoys a temperate climate that warms its fertile soil. Remember, feelings are not necessarily an enemy of man. Komunikácia je veľmi dôležitá Eagles have flown at speeds of over 80 miles per hour [130 km / hr]. Communication is very important Jehova si cení modlitby, ktoré smerujú k nemu - ale nie také, aké sa modlili farizeji. Within the paua's shell, alternating layers of protein and calcium build up and refract iridescent colors much the way opals do. Jehovah appreciates the prayers to him - but not those of the Pharisees. Ale čo je dôležitejšie, prispeli k pokračovaniu Dávidovej kráľovskej línie, ktorá mala nakoniec viesť k Mesiášovi. - 2. " LIKE your name, O God, so your praise is to the borders of the earth. " More important, however, they contributed to the continuation of David's royal line, which was eventually to lead to the Messiah. - 2 Timothy 3: 8. a) Čo je zrejmé z Ježišovej odpovede? Three boys, ages six, seven, and nine, sexually assaulted a six - year - old girl. (a) What is evident from Jesus ' reply? Židovský deň sa začínal večer. Two Indian Witnesses, however, did find employment in Nepal at different times, spending several years in Kathmandu and helping to build up the newly formed congregation. The Jewish day began in the evening. S ľútosťou povedal: "Pán Engleitner, nemôžem odčiniť to, čo sa stalo, ale chcem sa ospravedlniť. As offspring of that first human pair, we have inherited their sin and imperfection. He regretted: "Mr. Engleitner, I cannot undo what has happened, but I want to apologize. Mladí i vekom starší, muži i ženy s radosťou reagujú na nabádanie Biblie: "Zvestuj slovo, bezodkladne sa toho drž v priaznivom i v obťažnom období." Earlier, in 1930, tragedy hit our family. Young and old, men and women are happy to respond to the Bible's admonition: "Preach the word, hold fast to it both in favorable seasons and in difficult seasons. " Ako niektoré ženy v staroveku prejavili výnimočnú vieru a odvahu? Not only has the consumption of alcohol in Germany tripled since 1950 but as the center further estimates, some 2.5 million persons are in need of treatment for alcohol abuse. How have some women of ancient times shown outstanding faith and courage? Na záver pripomenul: "Či už budeš prijímať disciplínu, spĺňať si misionárske záväzky, alebo riešiť nedorozumenia, ak to budeš robiť s láskou, umožní ti to vytrvať v tvojom pridelení. I silently thanked Jehovah, and La and I recommenced our study. He concluded: "Whether you accept discipline, fulfill missionary obligations, or resolve misunderstandings, doing so lovingly, it will enable you to endure in your assignment. Nachádza sa v tej istej zemepisnej šírke ako preslávená francúzska vinárska provincia Burgundsko a mierne podnebie poskytuje jej úrodnej pôde dostatok tepla. (b) When we are choosing entertainment, how can we know what is pleasing to Jehovah? It is located in the same geographical area as the famous French wine province of Burgundy and the mild climate gives its fertile land plenty of heat. Niektoré orly dosiahli rýchlosť až 130 kilometrov za hodinu. What will I think of myself? ' - Bible principle: Galatians 6: 7. Some eagles reached speeds of up to 300 miles per hour [130 km / hr]. V ulite sa striedavo vrstvia bielkoviny a vápnik, ktoré potom pod rôznym lomom svetla hrajú dúhovými farbami ako opály. That partial revelation of the glorified Jesus was enough to blind Saul. In the shell, they alternately layer proteins and calcium, which then play rainbow colors like opals under a different quarry of light. " AKÉ je tvoje meno, ó, Bože, taká je tvoja chvála k okrajom zeme. " IN ancient times individuals and marauding bands on horseback were not uncommon. " WHAT your name is, O God, so is your praise to the edges of the earth. " Traja chlapci, šesť -, sedem - a deväťročný, znásilnili šesťročné dievčatko. How is the calcium withdrawal made? Three boys, six -, seven - and nine - year - olds, raped a six - year - old girl. Dvaja indickí svedkovia si však v rôznom čase našli v Nepále zamestnanie, strávili v Káthmándú niekoľko rokov a pomáhali posilňovať novovytvorený zbor. ALL crimes are evil. However, two Indian Witnesses found employment in Nepal at different times, spent several years in Kathmandu, and helped to strengthen the newly formed congregation. Keďže sme potomstvom tohto prvého nedokonalého páru, zdedili sme po ňom hriech a nedokonalosť. If you chose to step aside from shepherding the flock of God, it would be good to consider why you did so. Since we are the offspring of this first imperfect couple, we inherited sin and imperfection from him. Nejaký čas predtým, v roku 1930, postihla našu rodinu tragédia. When I see the beauty of Jehovah's creation, I do not have words to describe how I feel. Some time earlier, in 1930, tragedy struck our family. Konzumácia alkoholu od roku 1950 nielenže trojnásobne stúpla, ale ako centrum ďalej odhaduje, asi 2,5 milióna osôb potrebuje protialkoholickú liečbu. 25, 26. Alcohol consumption has increased not only three times since 1950, but as the center further estimates, about 2.5 million people need alcoholic treatment. V duchu som poďakoval Jehovovi a spolu s La sme obnovili štúdium. Reasonable parents are also mindful that children are not miniature adults. I thanked Jehovah in spirit, and La and I resumed our study. b) Ako môžeme zistiť, čo sa páči Jehovovi, keď si vyberáme zábavu? Their stay in the hospital will usually be longer than that of other patients. (b) How can we determine what pleases Jehovah when we choose entertainment? Biblická zásada: Galaťanom 6: 7 Mary already bore a heavy load; did she dread this transition? Bible principle: Galatians 6: 7 Toto čiastočné zjavenie osláveného Ježiša stačilo Pavla oslepiť. In that respect, his anxiety proved to be an asset, for it moved him to extend needed help. This partial revelation of the glorified Jesus was enough to blind Paul. V DÁVNYCH časoch neboli jednotlivci ani lupičské bandy na koňoch ničím neobvyklým. (October 22, 2004) These articles so impressed me that I decided to write. IN EARLY times, neither individuals nor robberies on horses were anything unusual. Ako prebieha odčerpávanie vápnika? I was the victim of infidelity. How does the draining of calcium take place? KAŽDÝ zločin je strašný a ťažko pochopiteľný. Jehovah's Witnesses can use this publication to study the Bible with you. EVERY crime is terrible and hard to understand. ● Pozorne počúvajte. The group grows during the vacation period when some mothers return to the island. ● Listen carefully. Ak si sa sám rozhodol, že prestaneš pásť Božie stádo, skús sa zamyslieť, prečo si to urobil. When is the best time of the day to take outdoor photographs? If you have chosen to stop shepherding God's flock, try to think about why you did it. Slovami nedokážem opísať, čo cítim pri pohľade na tú nádheru, ktorú Jehova vytvoril. The experts suggest many recipes for fighting unemployment. In words, I cannot describe how I feel when I look at the beauty that Jehovah has created. 25, 26. How can you shepherd them and help them to see that serving Jehovah really is the best way of life and will contribute to their lasting happiness? 25, 26. Rozumní rodičia si tiež uvedomujú, že deti nie sú malí dospelí. Though many old buildings reminiscent of British colonial days line Yangon's wide, tree - lined avenues, the city skyline now includes modern high - rise hotels and office buildings. Reasonable parents also realize that children are not small adults. Obyčajne musia zostať v nemocnici dlhšie ako ostatní pacienti. 5, 6. Usually they have to stay in the hospital longer than other patients. Hrozí sa Mária toho, čo bude, keď Ježiš odíde? Solutions Down Does Mary threaten what will happen when Jesus leaves? Jeho starostlivosť bola užitočná, lebo ho podnietila, aby bratom pomohol. You may wonder, " Why would God create us with the potential to enjoy the vigor of youth only to have us end up dreading the effects of old age? ' His care was beneficial because it moved him to help his brothers. (22. októbra 2004) Tieto články na mňa tak zapôsobili, že som sa rozhodla napísať Vám. - - - - (October 22, 2004) I was so impressed by these articles that I decided to write to you. Zažila som neveru. Why the dilemma? I've experienced infidelity. Jehovovi svedkovia používajú knihu Čo učí Biblia?, keď ľuďom pomáhajú spoznať Bibliu. According to anthropologist Ashley Montagu, many people believe that "physical and mental traits are linked, that the physical differences are associated with rather pronounced differences in mental capacities, and that these differences are measurable by IQ tests and the cultural achievements of these populations. " Jehovah's Witnesses use the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? to help people get to know the Bible. V období prázdnin, keď sa niektoré matky vracajú na ostrov, skupina sa rozrastie. The colleague gladly accepted and brought along a friend. During the holiday season, when some mothers return to the island, the group grows. Ktorý čas je najlepší na fotografovanie vonku? The natural inclination of an infant is to satisfy its own wants and needs, oblivious of the interests of even its caregivers. Which time is best for outdoor photography? Odborníci navrhujú mnoho spôsobov boja s nezamestnanosťou. Jehovah has, in effect, offered to guide us through the vast desert of the present wicked world. Experts suggest many ways to combat unemployment. Keď tvoje deti pochybujú o pravde, buď trpezlivý a ďalej sa usiluj ich viesť. Pomáhaj im pochopiť, že slúžiť Jehovovi je ten najlepší spôsob života, ktorý im prinesie pravé šťastie. Broken Vows When your children doubt the truth, be patient and keep trying to guide them, helping them to see that serving Jehovah is the best way of life that will bring them true happiness. Hoci yangonské široké bulváre so stromoradím lemujú mnohé staré budovy pripomínajúce britské koloniálne časy, k panoráme mesta dnes patria moderné výškové hotely a kancelárske budovy. Abdominal pain, aggressiveness, anemia, attention problems, constipation, fatigue, headaches, irritability, loss of developmental skills, low appetite and energy, slow growth. - MEDLINE PLUS MEDICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA. Although yangon's wide boulevards with tree rows lined up many old buildings reminiscent of British colonial times, the city's panorama today includes modern high - altitude hotels and office buildings. , 6. • What should marriage partners do when difficulties arise? 5, 6. ROZUMEJ NUNA We decided that we would do everything possible to raise our children to love Jehovah. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Možno uvažujete: " Prečo Boh vytvoril ľudí so schopnosťou tešiť sa zo sily mladosti a zároveň dovolil, aby sa desili účinkov staroby? " Barry admits: "My self - confidence suffered, since I felt I could never live up to their standards in the preaching work or be as good as they are at public speaking. You may wonder, " Why did God create people with the ability to enjoy the power of youth while allowing them to fear the effects of old age? ' - - - - C. - - - - Prečo táto dilema? Nicholas Anapausas Why this dilemma? Ako sa vyjadril antropológ Ashley Montagu, mnohí ľudia veria, že "telesné a duševné črty vzájomne súvisia, že telesné rozdiely sú spojené s údajnými rozdielmi v duševných schopnostiach a že tieto rozdiely sú merateľné inteligenčnými testami a tým, čo tieto populácie dosiahli v oblasti kultúry." Yes, the happiness of the holy angels comes from serving Jehovah faithfully. As anthropologist Ashley Montagu put it, many believe that "body and mental traits are linked, that physical differences are linked to supposed differences in mental ability, and that these differences are measurable by intelligent tests and what these populations have achieved in the field of culture. " Kolega pozvanie s radosťou prijal a priviedol i priateľku. Perhaps the book was at first kept with official Persian records before it was taken back to Jerusalem. My colleague gladly accepted the invitation and brought a friend. Dojča má prirodzený sklon uspokojiť svoje túžby a potreby a neberie pri tom ohľad ani na tých, ktorí sa oň starajú. Electrocautery The infant has a natural tendency to satisfy her desires and needs, and neither does she respect those who care for her. Jehova sa ponúkol, že nás prevedie rozľahlou púšťou dnešného skazeného sveta. They estimate the work will take them three days. " Jehovah has offered to guide us through the vast desert of today's wicked world. Nedodržané sľuby [ Picture on page 6] Unreached Promises Bolesť brucha, agresivita, anémia, problémy so sústredením, zápcha, únava, bolesti hlavy, podráždenosť, duševné zaostávanie, nechuť do jedla, nedostatok energie, pomalý rast. (MEDLINE PLUS MEDICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA) At night the Gothic shells sparkle at their best under the lights of the opera house. Abdominal pain, aggression, anaemia, difficulty concentrating, constipation, tiredness, headache, irritability, mental lethargy, lack of energy, slow growth. (MEDLINE PLUS MEDICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA) • Čo by mali manželia robiť, keď vzniknú ťažkosti? It may live up to 200 years, with a trunk two and a half feet [0.8 m] in diameter, be 50 feet [15 m] tall, and weigh ten tons - four fifths of which is water. • What should husbands do when difficulties arise? Rozhodli sme sa, že urobíme všetko, čo môžeme, aby sme vychovali naše deti tak, aby milovali Jehovu. The apostle Paul counseled fellow believers to "render to all their dues,... to him who calls for honor, such honor. " We have decided to do everything we can to raise our children to love Jehovah. Barry pripúšťa: "Chýbala mi sebadôvera, lebo som si myslel, že nikdy nebudem vedieť tak zvestovať ako oni ani nebudem takým dobrým rečníkom. The Bible reveals that Satan "has blinded the minds of the unbelievers. " Barry admits: "I missed my confidence because I thought I would never be able to preach as well as they did, nor would I be such a good speaker. C. The love of money is indeed the root of many evil things. C. Nicholasa Anapausa Knowledge of Jehovah's mighty acts moved Isaiah to laud Jehovah's name Nicholas Anapaus Šťastie svätých anjelov vyplýva z toho, že verne slúžia Jehovovi. To seek the cooperation of medical and legal personnel when a hospital patient is one of Jehovah's Witnesses and cannot accept a blood transfusion. - Acts 15: 29. The happiness of the holy angels results from their faithful service to Jehovah. Možno sa spočiatku nachádzala medzi perzskými úradnými záznamami a až neskôr bola prenesená do Jeruzalema. The disciple Stephen displayed tranquillity when enduring a severe test of his faith. Perhaps at first it was among the Persian official records and later it was transferred to Jerusalem. Elektrokauter These treatments have usually involved transplantation of bone marrow, which is rich in blood - forming stem cells, but now doctors prefer to harvest stem cells taken from circulating blood. Elektrokauter Odhadujú, že práca im potrvá tri dni. " One kind of flatworm grows to over a foot in length and eats fish. They estimate that their work will last three days. " [ Obrázok na strane 6] (b) Why is it sometimes beneficial to share our feelings with an elder? [ Picture on page 6] Večer, keď svietia svetlá v opere, jej gotické strešné mušle krásne žiaria. The title of the film was questionable. In the evening, when the lights shine in the opera, her gothic roof shells shine beautifully. Tento kaktus sa môže dožiť až 200 rokov. Kmeň má priemer asi 80 centimetrov a výšku 15 metrov s hmotnosťou až 10 ton, pričom štyri pätiny tvorí voda. The report states that "95 per cent of children aged 10 and 11 say their parents encourage them to do well at school all or most of the time " and that 87 percent of parents" read with their children every day during Grades 1 to 3. " This cactus can last up to 200 years. The trunk has a diameter of about 80 centimeters and a height of 15 meters, weighing up to 10 tons, four fifths of which is water. Apoštol Pavol radil spolukresťanom, aby " dávali každému, čo komu patrí: česť tomu, kto vyžaduje takú česť ." As the Hallel Psalms show, Jehovah deserves eternal praise. The apostle Paul counseled fellow Christians to "give to all those to whom it belongs: honor to him who calls for such honor. " Biblia odhaľuje, že Satan "zaslepil mysle neveriacich." The census results held two surprises. The Bible reveals that Satan "blinded the minds of unbelievers. " Láska k peniazom je skutočne koreňom mnohého zla. In addition, the analysis was augmented by the comprehensive freeware program Cartes du Ciel / Sky Charts (CDC) and a date converter provided by the U.S. Naval Observatory. The love of money is indeed the root of much evil. Poznanie Jehovových mocných skutkov podnietilo Izaiáša, aby chválil Jehovovo meno Needless to say, these involve risks to health. Knowing Jehovah's powerful works moved Isaiah to praise Jehovah's name Snažili sa o spoluprácu s lekármi a sudcami, keď je v nemocnici pacientom niekto z Jehovových svedkov a neprijíma transfúziu krvi. - Skutky 15: 29. Paul added: "Ponder over these things; be absorbed in them, that your advancement may be manifest to all persons. " They tried to cooperate with doctors and judges when one of Jehovah's Witnesses is in the hospital and does not accept blood transfusions. - Acts 15: 29. Učeník Štefan bol pokojný, keď čelil vážnej skúške svojej viery. Happily, this knowledge is not reserved for just a chosen few - as is the case with religious mysteries in certain religions - but is to be proclaimed to as many people as possible without distinction. - Ephesians 6: 19, 20. The disciple Stephen was calm when faced with a serious test of his faith. K tejto liečbe zvyčajne patrila transplantácia kostnej drene, ktorá je bohatá na krvotvorné kmeňové bunky, ale v súčasnosti lekári radšej získavajú kmeňové bunky z odobratej krvi. When we reflect on the abundance of creation, it is obvious that eternity is the only time measure that can do justice to life's possibilities. This treatment usually included a bone marrow transplant that is rich in haematopoietic stem cells, but now doctors prefer to extract stem cells from the collected blood. Jeden druh ploskule dorastá do dĺžky 30 centimetrov a požiera ryby. Cycad Security One species grows to a length of three inches [30 cm] and eats fish. b) Prečo je niekedy užitočné povedať staršiemu o svojich pocitoch? What was the power source for the wheels? (b) Why is it sometimes helpful to tell an elder about his feelings? Názov filmu bol sporný. © D. The title of the film was questionable. Správa uvádza, že "95 percent detí vo veku 10 a 11 rokov uviedlo, že rodičia ich neustále alebo takmer stále povzbudzujú k snahe o dobré výsledky v škole," a že 87 percent rodičov "si so svojimi deťmi číta každý deň od prvého po tretí ročník." The commission to preach the good news of God's Kingdom and to make disciples is now being carried out by well over 5,000,000 Witnesses of Jehovah worldwide. The report states that "95 percent of children aged 10 and 11 reported that parents constantly or almost constantly encourage them to pursue good results at school, " and that 87 percent of parents "read with their children every day from first year to third year. " Ako to ukazujú žalmy Hallel, Jehova si zasluhuje večnú chválu. The Catholic work A History of the Christian Councils explains: "Many Christians,... under the pagan emperors, had religious scruples with regard to military service, and positively refused to take arms, or else deserted. As the psalms of Hallel show, Jehovah deserves eternal praise. Schvaľoval Boh obchodovanie s otrokmi? " □ What might cause us to fail to apply counsel on the danger of pursuing riches? Did God approve of the slave trade? " Výsledky sčítania priniesli dve prekvapenia. Elders are appointed to serve, not to rule. The results of the census brought two surprises. Bol pri nej použitý aj obsiahly program Cartes du Ciel / Sky Charts (CDC), ktorý je k dispozícii na stiahnutie zdarma, a dátumový prevodník, ktorý poskytlo Námorné observatórium USA. We rented cottages at a camping site, and every day we made calls at scattered farms in the glorious mountains. It also used the extensive Cartes du Ciel / Sky Charts (CDC), which is available for free download, and the date converter provided by the U.S. Marine Observatory. Netreba ani hovoriť, že to predstavuje zdravotné riziko. • Evolution says that this original cell evolved into all the living creatures on earth. There is no need to say that this poses a health risk. A dodal: "Uvažuj o týchto veciach; zahĺb sa do nich, aby bol tvoj pokrok zjavný všetkým." (Compare Acts 14: 11, 12.) He added: "Think of these things; be absorbed in them, that your advancement may be manifest to all. " Toto porozumenie našťastie nie je vyhradené iba pre niekoľkých vyvolených - ako je to s náboženskými tajomstvami v určitých náboženstvách - ale má sa oznamovať bez rozdielu toľkým ľuďom, koľkým je len možné. - Efezanom 6: 19, 20. Daniel Sydlik of the Governing Body spoke rousingly on the theme "All Things Are Possible With God. " Fortunately, this understanding is not reserved for just a few chosen ones - as is the case with religious secrets in certain religions - but is to be made known without distinction to as many people as possible. - Ephesians 6: 19, 20. Keď uvažujeme o hojnosti stvoriteľských diel, je zrejmé, že len večnosť poskytuje primerané množstvo času, aby sme mohli skutočne využiť možnosti, ktoré nám život ponúka. Millions today who imitate Jesus in putting God's Kingdom first and in submitting to God's will also enjoy a wonderful gift - the privilege of being earthly subjects of God's Kingdom. When we consider the abundance of creative works, it is evident that only eternity provides an adequate amount of time to really take advantage of the opportunities that life offers us. Bezpečnostné opatrenia na ochranu rastliny What is more, many epigraphists are of the opinion that the inscription could even mean "Peter is not here. " Safety measures for the protection of the plant Aký bol zdroj sily kolies? It will soon "come " against all earthly opposers of God's sovereignty, removing them from the scene. What was the power source of the wheels? © D. With the worldwide expansion of the Kingdom - preaching work continuing apace, more and more brothers are "reaching out " and shouldering the responsibilities associated with" an office of overseer. " © D. Poverenie kázať dobré posolstvo o Božom Kráľovstve a robiť učeníkov uskutočňuje teraz na celom svete hodne nad 5 000 000 Jehovových svedkov. Habakkuk's reaction indicates how dire our predicament will seem to be when Gog's hordes come storming against us. The commission to preach the good news of God's Kingdom and make disciples is now being carried out worldwide well above 5,000,000 of Jehovah's Witnesses. Katolícka publikácia A History of the Christian Councils (Dejiny kresťanských koncilov) vysvetľuje: "Mnohí kresťania... za vlády pohanských cisárov mali náboženské zábrany, čo sa týka vojenskej služby, a rozhodne odmietali chopiť sa zbrane, alebo dezertovali. When the leak was stopped, the man looked at me with gratitude and said: "I think that you probably came for another reason. The Catholic publication A History of the Christian Councils explains: "Many Christians... under the reign of pagan emperors had religious inhibitions as far as military service was concerned, and they certainly refused to take up arms or deserted. □ Čo by mohlo spôsobiť, že by sme neuplatnili rady o nebezpečí úsilia zbohatnúť? If you catch your puppy in the act of eliminating in the house, scold it, and take it outside immediately. □ What could cause us not to apply counsel about the danger of trying to become rich? Starší sú ustanovení, aby slúžili, nie aby vládli. And it is traumatic when someone falls victim to disability in adulthood. Elders are appointed to serve, not to rule. Prenajali sme si chatky v kempingu a každý deň sme navštevovali roztrúsené farmy v nádherných vrchoch. If the snow is deep and soft, some birds simply dive straight in on the wing, like a seabird plunging into water. We rented cottages at the campsite, and every day we visited scattered farms in beautiful mountains. • Evolúcia tvrdí, že z tejto pôvodnej bunky sa vyvinulo všetko živé na zemi. The invisible electricity may perform various functions, depending on the type of equipment it powers. • Evolution claims that all life on earth has evolved from this original cell. (Porovnaj Skutky 14: 11, 12.) To Abraham, the stars are a visible reminder of Jehovah's promise. They are also a guarantee. (Compare Acts 14: 11, 12.) Daniel Sydlik z vedúceho zboru burcujúco hovoril na námet "U Boha je všetko možné." Our brother and dear friend is survived by his wife and six children, as well as grandchildren and great - grandchildren. Daniel Sydlik of the Governing Body spoke stirringly on the subject "All Things Are Possible With God. " Milióny ľudí, ktorí dnes napodobňujú Ježiša v tom, že kladú záujmy Božieho Kráľovstva na prvé miesto v živote a že sa podriaďujú Božej vôli, budú sa tiež tešiť z úžasného daru - z výsady byť pozemskými poddanými Božieho Kráľovstva. In what ways? Millions today who imitate Jesus in putting God's Kingdom interests first in life and submitting to God's will will will also enjoy a wonderful gift - the privilege of being earthly subjects of God's Kingdom. Ba čo viac, mnohí odborníci v epigrafii sa domnievajú, že nápis by mohol dokonca znamenať "Tu nie je Peter." They guide the fly and keep it in balance as it darts about. What is more, many epigraphists believe that the inscription could even mean "Here is not Peter. " Kráľovstvo čoskoro "príde" proti všetkým pozemským odporcom Božej zvrchovanosti a odstráni ich zo scény. Golf, 7 / 8 The Kingdom will soon "come " against all earthly opposers of God's sovereignty and remove them from the scene. Ako celosvetový rozmach diela zvestovania o Kráľovstve rýchlo napreduje, stále viac bratov sa "usiluje" a ujíma zodpovedností spojených s " úradom dozorcu ." [ Picture on page 28, 29] As the worldwide expansion of the Kingdom - preaching work progresses rapidly, more and more brothers "pursue " and assume the responsibilities associated with" the office of overseer. " Z Habakukovej reakcie vidieť, aká desivá sa bude zdať naša situácia, keď sa na nás vyrútia Gógove hordy. She set up a small ice - cream parlor but gradually ran out of funds and had to close the shop. Habakkuk's reaction shows how frightening our situation will seem when Gog's hordes burst out on us. Keď voda konečne prestala tiecť, muž sa na mňa s vďakou pozrel a povedal: "Ale vy ste zrejme prišli z iného dôvodu. Average number of land mines per square mile [2.5 sq km] in the nine most densely mined countries When the water finally stopped flowing, the man looked at me with gratitude and said: "But you probably came for another reason. Keď pristihnete svoje šteňa, ako sa vyšpinilo v dome, vyhrešte ho a okamžite ho zoberte von. As far as fertility is concerned, female bluefins have a lot to offer the fish farmer - they release up to 15 million eggs in one spawning season! When you catch your puppy getting dirty in the house, scold him and take him out immediately. Väčší otras to môže byť pre toho, kto sa stane neschopným v dospelosti. she asked. Greater concussion can be for someone who becomes incapable of adulthood. Keď je sneh hlboký a mäkký, niektoré vtáky jednoducho doň zapikujú tak ako morské vtáky do vody počas lovu. 10 / 15 When the snow is deep and soft, some birds simply sprinkle into it like seabirds do while hunting. Neviditeľný elektrický prúd môže vykonávať rôzne funkcie v závislosti od typu zariadenia, ktoré poháňa. Robinson Crusoe Island, 6 / 15 Invisible electric current can perform different functions depending on the type of device that drives. Pre Abraháma sú hviezdy viditeľnou pripomienkou a zároveň zárukou Jehovovho sľubu. The Court stressed that "the right to freedom of religion as guaranteed under the Convention excludes any discretion on the part of the State to determine whether religious beliefs or the means used to express such beliefs are legitimate. " To Abraham, the stars are both a visible reminder and a guarantee of Jehovah's promise. Spolukresťania aj po rokoch spomínajú na jeho pohostinnosť, priateľstvo a na to, keď ich povzbudzoval z Písma. The publishers swung into action, approaching the workers with English - language publications. Years later, fellow Christians remember his hospitality, friendship, and encouragement from the Scriptures. V akom ohľade? Describing what will happen to those separated to the favored side, Jesus says: "Then the king will say to those on his right, " Come, you who have been blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world. ' " In what way? Usmerňujú let a udržiavajú rovnováhu, keď hmyz poletuje sem a tam. When God's heavenly Kingdom rules completely, never again will humans control the earth. They guide the flight and maintain balance when insects fly here and there. 7. (Read Romans 8: 5.) 7. [ Obrázok na stranách 28, 29] " When [Jesus] found himself in fashion as a man, " wrote Paul, "he humbled himself and became obedient as far as death, yes, death on a torture stake. " [ Picture on page 28, 29] Preto si otvorila malý stánok so zmrzlinou, ale po čase sa jej minuli všetky peniaze a musela stánok zatvoriť. Revelation 21: 4 says that at his appointed time, God "will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. " That's why you opened a little ice cream stand, but in time, all the money was spent and she had to close the stand. Priemerný počet pozemných mín na 2,5 štvorcového kilometra v deviatich najhustejšie zamínovaných krajinách 4,700 years Average number of land mines per 2.5 square kilometers in nine most densely mined countries A čo sa týka výnosnosti, samička tuniaka môže priniesť farmárovi veľký úžitok - nakladie až 15 miliónov ikier za jednu sezónu. (b) What prevents us from finding complete peace at this time? And in terms of yield, a female tuna can bring great benefits to a farmer - up to 15 million eggs per season. opýtala sa. The imperfect flesh, with its wayward leanings and faulty memory, needs all the help it can get. she asked. 15 / 3 Many, both young and old, extol the importance of an academic education. 3 / 1 Ako si ťa bude pamätať? 1 / 2 That would reasonably exclude him from being that same God. How Will He Remember You? 2 / 15 Súd zdôraznil, že "právo na slobodu náboženstva, ako ju zaručuje Dohovor, vylučuje právo štátu rozhodovať o tom, či je zákonné určité náboženské presvedčenie alebo spôsob jeho prejavu." The report noted the urgent need to seal up hundreds of broken windows in order to protect the residents from the cold. The Court stressed that "the right to freedom of religion, as guaranteed by the Convention, excludes the right of the State to decide whether certain religious beliefs are lawful or the way in which it is expressed. " Zvestovatelia sa dali do práce: pristupovali k nim s anglickými publikáciami. We need to listen to our Bible - trained conscience instead of letting our selfish inclinations overwhelm it. The publishers got to work: they approached them with English publications. Ježiš vysvetľuje, čo sa stane s tými, ktorí boli oddelení na stranu priazne: "Vtedy povie kráľ tým po svojej pravici: " Poďte vy, požehnaní od môjho Otca, dedične sa ujmite kráľovstva pripraveného pre vás od založenia sveta. "" Gift Annuity: A gift annuity is an arrangement whereby one transfers money or securities to the Watchtower Society. Jesus explains what will happen to those who have been separated to the side of favor: "Then the king will say to those at his right hand: " Come, you who have been blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world. ' " Keď sa Božie nebeské Kráľovstvo v plnom rozsahu ujme vlády, nebudú už nad zemou nikdy vládnuť ľudia. While miracles helped to demonstrate that God was supporting the disciples, the truth was still not plain to most. When God's heavenly Kingdom takes full control, humans will never rule the earth again. (Prečítajte Rimanom 8: 5.) " But I did nothing about this belief until two of Jehovah's Witnesses called on me. (Read Romans 8: 5.) " Keď sa [Ježiš] nachádzal v stave ako človek, "napísal Pavol," pokoril sa a stal sa poslušným až po smrť na mučeníckom kole. " " After hearing how she broke off the relationship, " Jessica says, "I knew what I had to do. " " When [Jesus] found himself in a state like a man, " wrote Paul, "he humbled himself and became obedient to death on a torture stake. " V prvom storočí sa názvom Pontus označovala oblasť v severovýchodnej časti súčasného Turecka pri hraniciach s Gruzínskom. How can we endure? In the first century, the name Pontus marked the area in the northeastern part of present-day Turkey at the border with Georgia. V Zjavení 21: 4 sa píše, že Boh v stanovenom čase ľuďom "zotrie každú slzu z očí a smrti už viac nebude a nebude už viac ani smútku, ani kriku, ani bolesti." Why Are Christians Baptized? 4 / 1 Revelation 21: 4 says that at the appointed time, God "will wipe out every tear from the eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. " 4700 rokov Train With No Wheels, 11 / 08 4700 years b) Prečo sa ešte nemôžeme tešiť z úplného pokoja? Paul may have become acquainted with this family on his first visit to the area a couple of years earlier. (b) Why can we not yet enjoy complete peace? Nedokonalý človek so svojimi nestálymi sklonmi a slabou pamäťou potrebuje každú dostupnú pomoc. Appreciating Why the Messiah Was to Come Imperfect man, with his unstable inclinations and weak memory, needs every available help. Mnohí ľudia, mladí i starí, vyzdvihujú dôležitosť vysokoškolského vzdelania. When there were none, he relied on Witnesses who lovingly tried to help by writing notes about what was being said from the platform. Many people, young and old, highlight the importance of higher education. To by dostatočne vylúčilo možnosť, aby bolo tým istým Bohom. Burning pieces rained all around me. This would sufficiently rule out the possibility of being the same God. V správe sa hovorilo o naliehavej potrebe zakryť niečím rozbité okná, aby boli obyvatelia chránení pred chladom. Muscle spasm The report referred to the urgent need to cover up broken windows in order to protect the inhabitants from the cold. Je potrebné, aby sme svoje biblicky školené svedomie počúvali a nedovolili, aby nad ním zvíťazili naše sebecké sklony. He is the epitome of truth, for "it is impossible for God to lie. " We need to listen to our Bible - trained conscience and not allow our selfish tendencies to prevail over it. Akcie a dlhopisy: Ako nepodmienený dar možno Náboženskej spoločnosti Jehovovi svedkovia darovať aj akcie a dlhopisy. " He will act effectively against the most fortified strongholds, along with a foreign god. Stocks and Bonds: As an outright gift, Jehovah's Witnesses can also donate shares and bonds to the Religious Society. Hoci zázraky, ktoré konali, dokazovali, že ich podporuje Boh, mnohým nebolo jasné, že majú pravdu. Why is it reassuring to know that our Creator and his firstborn Son have power over natural forces? Although the miracles they performed proved that they were supported by God, it was not clear to many that they were right. " Ale táto viera pre mňa veľa neznamenala, kým ma nenavštívili dvaja Jehovovi svedkovia. While there, he published his first major work, Cosmographic Mystery. " But this faith did not mean much to me until two of Jehovah's Witnesses visited me. " Keď som sa dozvedela, že vzťah ukončila, "hovorí Jessica," bolo mi jasné, čo mám urobiť. " Will our loyalty extend to our closest relative - our marriage mate? " When I learned that she had ended her relationship, " says Jessica, "I was clear on what to do. " Ako môžeme vytrvať? Will you take hold of that blessing? How can we endure? Láskavosť prekonáva zatrpknutosť, 15 / 6 As servants of Jehovah and disciples of Christ, we can find in the Bible descriptions of who we are. Jehovah's Witnesses, 6 / 1 Obávať sa budúcnosti? 5 / 08 Rather, it is deeply rooted in Bible principles. Worried About the Future? 5 / 08 Pavol sa s touto rodinou možno zoznámil už pri svojej prvej návšteve tej oblasti niekoľko rokov predtým. in the April 1, 1998, issue of The Watchtower. Paul may have met this family a few years earlier on his first visit to the area. Vážme si dôvod príchodu Mesiáša 1980: SODEPAX was dissolved. Appreciate the Reason for the Messiah Keď nemal tlmočníka, využíval láskavú pomoc spolukresťanov, ktorí mu zapisovali, čo práve hovorí rečník. Revelation 4: 11 gives the main reason: "You are worthy, Jehovah, even our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they existed and were created. " When he did not have an interpreter, he benefited from the kind help of fellow Christians who wrote down what the speaker was saying. Horiace kusy padali vôkol mňa. Paul did not say, " I forgive that man's sins ' or even, " I know that the man has been forgiven in heaven, so accept him back. ' Burning pieces fell all around me. svalové napätie Seeing that the congregation was firmly established, we asked the Society for an assignment in France as special pioneers. Muscle tension Je zosobnením pravdy, lebo "je nemožné, aby Boh luhal." God's holy spirit could supply the power that Paul lacked. He is the personification of the truth, for "it is impossible for God to lie. " " Bude konať účinne proti najopevnenejším pevnostiam, spolu s cudzozemským bohom. " He loved them, " Ellen says, "and he has been reading Awake! now for two years. " " He will act effectively against the most fortified fortresses, along with the foreign god. Prečo je utešujúce vedieť, že náš Stvoriteľ a jeho prvorodený Syn majú moc nad prírodnými silami? ; Clayton, C. Why is it comforting to know that our Creator and his firstborn Son have power over the forces of nature? Kým bol v Grazi, vydal svoje prvé veľké dielo, Tajomstvo sveta. To Foretell Is Not to Predestine While in Graz, he published his first great work, the secret of the world. Prejavíme lojálnosť nášmu najbližšiemu príbuznému - nášmu manželskému partnerovi? If you were in Stephen's position, how would you have reacted, and why? Do we show loyalty to our closest relative - our mate? Budeš sa usilovať o toto požehnanie? " Draw Close to God, and He Will Draw Close to You " Will you pursue this blessing? Ako Jehovovi služobníci a Kristovi učeníci môžeme v Biblii nájsť opisy toho, kým sme. Rightly did Jesus Christ state the two greatest commandments: "The first is,... As Jehovah's servants and Christ's disciples, we can find descriptions of who we are in the Bible. Je to vlastnosť, ktorá je hlboko zakorenená v biblických zásadách. 20 Man Does Not Live on Bread Alone - How I Survived Nazi Prison Camps It is a quality that is deeply rooted in Bible principles. v Strážnej veži z 1. apríla 1998. How can we "be aglow with the spirit "? in the April 1, 1998, issue of The Watchtower. 1980: SODEPAX zanikol. On page 24, Hajime, a husband in Japan, relates how he and his daughters pulled together to help his wife, Noriko, after she was diagnosed with a devastating illness. 1980: SODEPAX is extinct. Hlavný dôvod nachádzame v Zjavení 4: 11: "Hoden si, Jehova, náš Bože, prijať slávu a česť a moc, lebo ty si stvoril všetky veci a pre tvoju vôľu sú tu a boli stvorené." CULTIVATING love for God is not an academic exercise. The primary reason is found at Revelation 4: 11: "You are worthy, Jehovah our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they are here and were created. " Pavol nepovedal: " Odpúšťam hriechy toho muža, " a nepovedal ani: " Viem, že tomu mužovi bolo odpustené v nebi, a preto ho prijmite späť. " In addition, according to that magazine, 66 of them have reached their 110th birthday, becoming supercentenarians. Paul did not say: " I forgive the sins of that man, ' nor did he say: " I know that this man has been forgiven in heaven, and therefore take him back. ' Keď sme videli, že náš zbor je už pevne založený, požiadali sme Spoločnosť o pridelenie do zvláštnej priekopníckej služby vo Francúzsku. " Vanda " When we saw that our congregation was already firmly established, we asked the Society to be assigned to special pioneer service in France. Vedel, že Boží duch mu môže dodať silu, ktorá mu chýba. By learning to see things as Jehovah does, they have been able mentally and emotionally to break down national barriers. He knew that God's spirit could give him the strength he lacked. " Veľmi sa mu páčili, "hovorí Ellen," a teraz je už dva roky čitateľom Prebuďte sa! " Many of these names give clear evidence of the influence of the Orthodox religion. " He really liked them, " says Ellen, "and now he has been a reader of Awake! " Reillyová; C. They had come from 5 countries, but their assignments were taking them to 17 lands, including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Mozambique, and parts of Eastern Europe. ; Reilly, C. Predpovedať neznamená predurčiť For example, slaves were commonly traded in antiquity. Predicting Does Not Predetermine Ako by ste zareagovali vy, keby ste boli na Štefanovom mieste, a prečo? [ Picture Credit Line on page 2] How would you react if you were in Stephen's place, and why? " Priblížte sa k Bohu, a on sa priblíži k vám " During this time, contenders for the high priesthood were often corrupt. " Draw Close to God, and He Will Draw Close to You " Ježiš Kristus oprávnene uviedol tieto dve najväčšie prikázania: "Prvé je:... The Creator says: "Raise your eyes high up and see. Jesus Christ rightly stated these two greatest commandments: "The first is:... 20 Človek nežije len zo samého chleba - ako som prežil nacistické väzenské tábory A classmate saw the magazine, took it, and refused to return it to me. 20 Man Lives Not Only on Bread - How I Survived Nazi Prison Camps Ako môžeme byť "zanietení duchom"? Regarding Adam's descendants, of what was Jehovah confident, and what message of hope did he give with that in mind? How can we be "intrigued by the spirit "? Na 24. strane Hadžime z Japonska opisuje, ako jeho rodina spojila sily, aby pomáhala jeho manželke Noriko, ktorú postihla ochromujúca choroba. • How do Christians reflect the glory of God? On page 24, Hadjim, from Japan, describes how his family joined forces to help his wife, Noriko, who was afflicted by a crippling illness. ROZVÍJAŤ si lásku k Bohu nie je len vecou zhromažďovania poznatkov. Anyone who does not follow the way of the truth falls, knowingly or unknowingly, into the hands of Satan because "the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. " - 1 John 5: 19; Matthew 7: 13, 14. ENCOURAGING love for God is not just a matter of gathering knowledge. Podľa tohto časopisu 66 z nich dokonca dosiahlo vek 110 rokov. We were thrilled. According to this magazine, 66 of them even reached the age of 110. " Vanda " They also consider the feelings of others and thus earn admiration, respect and, above all, God's favor. " Wanda " Naučili sa pozerať na veci tak ako Jehova a podarilo sa im vo svojom zmýšľaní i cítení prekonať národnostné rozdiely. Félix regularly attends the meetings even though he has to walk for an hour and a half to do so, and he is now baptized. They learned to view things as Jehovah did, and they managed to overcome national differences in their thinking and feelings. Z mnohých týchto mien jasne vidno vplyv ortodoxnej cirkvi. Loyalty requires what has well been described as "obedience to the unenforceable. " Many of these names clearly show the influence of the Orthodox Church. Pochádzali z piatich krajín, ale dostali pridelenia do sedemnástich krajín vrátane Hongkongu, Tchaj - wanu, Mozambiku a krajín východnej Európy. Why do some Christians remain single? They came from five countries, but were assigned to 17 countries, including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Mozambique, and Eastern Europe. V staroveku sa napríklad bežne obchodovalo s otrokmi. At other times, a child may fail to apply what you say. In ancient times, for example, slaves were commonly traded. [ Prameň ilustrácie na strane 2] [ Pictures on page 24, 25] [ Picture Credit Line on page 2] V tomto období boli uchádzači o úrad veľkňaza často skazení. This was a wonderful opportunity to get a glimpse into their hearts. During this period, the high priest's office was often corrupted. Stvoriteľ hovorí: "Zodvihnite vysoko oči a hľaďte. This was blamed on fears that a vaccine would not bring in profits, since most of it would be marketed in less - developed countries. The Creator says: "Raise your eyes high up and see. Po prečítaní povedala, že sa rozhodla prestať fajčiť. " Do these chaplains use the Bible to help the students find God's answers to such profound questions? After reading, she said that she had decided to quit smoking. " V čo dôveroval Jehova v súvislosti s Adamovými potomkami a aké posolstvo nádeje v tejto dôvere vyslovil? A "spiritual need " - how else could one explain all those religious edifices and artifacts, all those countless hours spent in prayer? What confidence did Jehovah have regarding Adam's descendants, and what message of hope did he express in this confidence? • Ako kresťania odrážajú Božiu slávu? Reject Worldly Thinking, Nov. • How do Christians reflect God's glory? Jána 5: 19; Matúš 7: 13, 14. Foto Hofer, Bad Ischl, Austria John 5: 19; Matthew 7: 13, 14. Boli sme nadšení. Daniel was a man of prayer. We were thrilled. Okrem toho berú do úvahy pocity druhých, a tak si získavajú ich úctu a uznanie. A predovšetkým majú Božiu priazeň. The Law given to Israel imposed strict sanctions on anyone who deceived another person. - Leviticus 19: 11, 12. In addition, they take into account the feelings of others and thus gain their respect and appreciation, and above all, they have God's favor. Hoci Félix musí chodiť na zhromaždenia peši jeden a pol hodiny, chodí na ne pravidelne a teraz je už pokrstený. Warfare, oppression, disease, and death continue to plague mankind. Although Felix must walk for one and a half hours to attend the meetings, he regularly attends them and is now baptized. Lojálnosť si vyžaduje to, čo bolo vhodne opísané ako "poslušnosť tomu, čo je nevynútiteľné." The article helped me to realize that I need a closer relationship with God. Loyalty requires what has been appropriately described as "obedience to what is unenforceable. " Prečo niektorí kresťania zostávajú slobodní? Elders can provide spiritual help in various ways. Why do some Christians remain single? V takom prípade urob to, čo by urobil Ježiš. We have the Bible's assurance: "No temptation has taken you except what is common to men. In that case, do what Jesus would have done. [ Obrázky na stranách 24, 25] Since the living cease to exist at death, the critical question is the one that Job raised when he went on to ask: "If an able - bodied man dies can he live again? " [ Pictures on page 24, 25] Bola to jedinečná príležitosť nahliadnuť do ich srdiečka. I can't understand it. It was a unique opportunity to look into their hearts. Pripisuje sa to na vrub strachu z toho, že vakcína by nepriniesla zisky, keďže väčšinou by putovala do menej rozvinutých krajín. There they are trained as preachers of the good news of God's Kingdom. This is attributed to fear that the vaccine would not generate profits, as it would mostly travel to less developed countries. Používajú títo kapláni Bibliu, aby študentom pomohli nájsť Božie odpovede na také vážne otázky? Another wrote of Bible writers: "Men spoke from God as they were borne along by holy spirit. " - 2 Peter 1: 21. Do these chaplains use the Bible to help students find God's answers to such serious questions? Čo iné ako "duchovné potreby" by mohlo vysvetľovať všetky tie náboženské budovy a predmety, všetky tie nekonečné hodiny strávené modlitbami? The Bible notes that "where there is no wood the fire goes out. " What other than "spiritual needs " could explain all those religious buildings and objects, all those endless hours spent in prayer? Prejavuj vieru a rozhoduj sa múdro, mar. For example, during an exhausting preaching trip, Jesus and his apostles had no free time even to eat a meal. Exercise faith and make wise decisions, Mar. Foto Hofer, Bad Ischl, Austria Their sacrifices were offensive to Jehovah God. Foto Hofer, Bad Ischl, Austria Daniel bol mužom modlitby. Well, I couldn't stop reading it. Daniel was a man of prayer. Podľa Zákona, ktorý dal Boh Izraelu, mal byť prísne potrestaný každý, kto niekoho podviedol. Echoing the instruction of his father, the king of Israel next says: "Hear, my son, and accept my sayings. Under the Law that God gave Israel, anyone who cheated on someone was to be severely punished. Ľudstvo naďalej sužujú vojny, útlak, choroby a smrť. A Killer Held at Bay War, oppression, sickness, and death continue to plague mankind. Tento článok mi pomohol uvedomiť si, že potrebujem bližší vzťah k Bohu. Both ends were squared off to ensure full storage capacity for the large cargoes of whale oil that would be carried back to Spain. This article helped me to realize that I needed a closer relationship with God. Starší môžu poskytnúť duchovnú pomoc rôznymi spôsobmi. So he asked, as recorded in The Christian Century: "Can anyone seriously conceive of Jesus hurling hand grenades at his enemies, using a machine gun, manipulating a flamethrower, dropping nuclear bombs or launching an ICBM which would kill or cripple thousands of mothers and children? " Elders can provide spiritual help in various ways. Máme biblické uistenie: "Žiadne pokušenie vás nepostihlo, len to, ktoré je bežné u ľudí. Think of a time, for example, when you held out your arm to an elderly person who was in need of help. We have the Bible's assurance: "No temptation has taken you except what is common to men. Keďže živí prestávajú pri smrti existovať, kľúčovou otázkou je to, čo sa Jób opýtal ďalej: "Keď zomrie telesne schopný muž, môže znovu ožiť?" The Bible says that love "hopes all things. " Since the living cease to exist at death, the key question is what Job asked next: "When an able - bodied man dies can he live again? " Nechápem to. By his own admission, he had acquired his wealth by means of extortion - a practice that certainly hurt others. I don't get it. Tam sú školení ako kazatelia dobrého posolstva o Božom Kráľovstve. The following day he donated more water - a considerable amount. There they are trained as preachers of the good news of God's Kingdom. Iný o pisateľoch Biblie napísal: "Ľudia hovorili z Boha, ako boli unášaní svätým duchom." - 2. Petra 1: 21. Determining the weekend is also difficult. Regarding Bible writers, another wrote: "People spoke from God as they were borne along by holy spirit. " - 2 Peter 1: 21. Biblia poznamenáva, že "kde nie je drevo, hasne oheň." If fugu puffs its way into your menu, it should be prepared by a licensed chef. The Bible notes that "where there is no wood fire will go out. " Napríklad počas jednej náročnej zvestovateľskej cesty nemal so svojimi učeníkmi čas ani len na jedlo. The apostle Paul said: "[God's] invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world's creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship. " For example, during a difficult preaching trip, he did not even have time for food with his disciples. Svojimi obeťami Jehovu Boha len urážali! The Jews knew well that only a sacrifice, a death, could make atonement for error. - Leviticus 17: 11; compare Hebrews 9: 22. They were only insulting their victims of Jehovah God! Ale nemohla som s čítaním prestať. People may feel that there is no need to be involved with neighbors or to be obligated to them in any way. But I couldn't stop reading. Izraelský kráľ ďalej opakuje poučovanie, ktoré dostával od svojho otca: "Počúvaj, syn môj, a prijmi moje výroky. Goat willow The king of Israel continues to repeat the instruction he received from his father: "Listen, my son, and accept my sayings. Zabijak držaný v šachu What if you are taking a test or listening to a Bible lecture? A killer held in chess Oba konce lode boli hranaté, aby sa naplno využil priestor lode na prevoz obrovského nákladu veľrybieho oleja do Španielska. YOU can't see, smell, taste, or touch it. Both ends of the ship were square in order to make full use of the ship's space to transport huge cargo of whale oil to Spain. A tak, ako bolo uvedené v časopise The Christian Century, sa opýtal: "Naozaj si niekto dokáže predstaviť Ježiša, ako vrhá ručné granáty na svojich nepriateľov, ako strieľa z guľometu, manipuluje s plameňometom, zhadzuje nukleárne bomby alebo ako odpaľuje interkontinentálne balistické strely, ktoré by zabili či zmrzačili tisíce matiek a detí?" appearing in our June 8, 1992, issue. And as reported in The Christian Century, he asked: "Can anyone imagine Jesus throwing hand grenades at his enemies, shooting with a machine gun, manipulating a flamethrower, dropping nuclear bombs, or firing intercontinental ballistic missiles that would kill or maim thousands of mothers and children? " Spomeň si napríklad na to, keď si podopieral pri chôdzi staršieho spolukresťana. Then the foretold words will come true: "Death is swallowed up forever. Remember, for example, when you supported an older fellow Christian walking. Biblia hovorí, že láska "vo všetko dúfa." Prolonged misuse of alcohol can also lead to cancer, diabetes, and some diseases of the heart and the stomach. The Bible says that love "hopes all things. " Ako sám priznal, bohatstvo získal vydieraním, teda nespravodlivým konaním, ktorým ubližoval iným ľuďom. Then I was transferred to a prison in a nearby town, where I worked in a cobbler's shop. As he admitted, he gained wealth by extortion, or unjust conduct, that hurt other people. A nasledujúci deň opäť daroval značné množstvo vody. A girl may be told, " You remind me of your mother. ' And the next day, he again donated a considerable amount of water. Ťažké je určiť aj víkendové dni. Catherine Parr outlived Henry and finally married Thomas Seymour. Even weekend days are difficult to determine. Apoštol Pavol povedal: "[Božie] neviditeľné vlastnosti vidno zreteľne od stvorenia sveta, lebo ich možno vnímať z vytvorených vecí, dokonca jeho večnú moc a Božstvo." Which Parent Will I Be? The apostle Paul said: "[God's] invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world's creation onward, for they can be perceived from the things made, even his eternal power and Godship. " Židia dobre vedeli, že len obeť, nejaká smrť, mohla vykonať zmierenie za previnenie. - 3. Mojžišova 17: 11; porovnaj Hebrejom 9: 22. Yes, for good reason the Bible cautions: "More than all else that is to be guarded, safeguard your heart, for out of it are the sources of life. " The Jews well knew that only a sacrifice, a death, could make atonement for error. - Leviticus 17: 11; compare Hebrews 9: 22. Azda sa domnievajú, že nemajú dôvod stýkať sa so susedmi ani byť im nejakým spôsobom zaviazaní. The answer Jesus gave has tremendous importance for us today. They may feel that they have no reason to associate or be indebted to neighbors in any way. Vŕba rakyta They mold you into their thinking. Crayfish willow Čo ak skladáš skúšku alebo počúvaš biblickú prednášku? The Americans called the Japanese "sneaky Japs " and found it easy to fan the flames of hatred and revenge with the words" Remember Pearl Harbor! " What if you pass a test or listen to a Bible talk? NEMÔŽETE ho vidieť, ovoňať, ochutnať ani sa ho dotknúť. When we are singing, notes another reference, our entire body resounds and vibrates. YOU CAN'T see it, smell it, taste it, or touch it. v čísle z 8. júna 1992. A little later, my uncle and aunt were arrested for refusing to heil Hitler, but they were released. in the June 8, 1992, issue. Obdivuhodný vytrvalec (velvíčia), 8 / 3 God's things to God. " - MATT. 22: 21. Jehovah's Witnesses, 3 / 22 Vtedy sa splní predpoveď: "Smrť je pohltená navždy. Louis, Missouri, when the morning session opened, 15,000 children - between 5 and 18 years of age - were assembled in the main arena directly in front of the platform.... Then the prediction will be fulfilled: "Death is swallowed up forever. Dlhotrvajúce zneužívanie alkoholu môže tiež viesť k rakovine, cukrovke a niektorým ochoreniam srdca a žalúdka. Sometimes they were external insignia of dignity, marks of power, or a showy display of material prosperity. Prolonged alcohol abuse can also lead to cancer, diabetes, and some diseases of the heart and stomach. Neskôr ma premiestnili do väzenia v neďalekom meste, kde som pracoval v obuvníckej dielni. T., Italy Later, I was transferred to a prison in a nearby town where I worked in a shoe shop. Alebo dievčaťu: " Pripomínaš mi tvoju mamu. " Nothing worked. Or a girl: " You remind me of your mother. ' Katarína Parrová Henricha prežila a napokon sa vydala za Thomasa Seymoura. The year is 59 C.E. Catherine Parr, Henry, survived and eventually married Thomas Seymour. Akým rodičom budem? Jehovah's only - begotten Son tells us: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. " What kind of parent will I be? Je namieste, že Biblia nabáda: "Nadovšetko, čo treba chrániť, chráň svoje srdce, lebo z neho sú zdroje života." Yes, we can have confidence that Jehovah will instruct all those seeking to walk in his ways. It is fitting that the Bible urges: "More than all else that is to be guarded safeguard your heart, for out of it are the sources of life. " Ježišova odpoveď má pre nás dnes nesmierny význam. Happily, she received help from her parents and the Christian elders before things got too serious. Jesus ' answer is of immense importance to us today. Formujú ťa tak, aby si zmýšľal ako oni. They listened to an informed Christian rather than to those who spoke against Christianity. They make you think like them. Američania nazývali Japoncov "zákerní Japončíci" a dokázali ľahko rozdúchať oheň nenávisti a odplaty slovami "Pamätajte na Pearl Harbor!" ▪ Condemns Pharisees The Americans called the Japanese "insidious Japanese " and were able to easily fan the fire of hatred and retribution with the words" Remember Pearl Harbor! " Ako uvádza jedno dielo, keď spievame, rezonuje nám celé telo. 4, 5. (a) How does Paul's illustration of a potter show God's endurance and his mercy? As one work states, when we sing, our whole body resonates. O niečo neskôr boli strýc a teta zatknutí, lebo odmietali zdraviť "Heil Hitler," ale prepustili ich. [ Picture on page 17] A little later, Uncle and Aunt were arrested for refusing to greet "Heil Hitler, " but they were released. Božie veci Bohu. " She had the strength and conviction to stop smoking, a fault that I still cannot overcome. God's things to God. " Louis (Missouri), na začiatku dopoludňajšieho programu sa 15 000 detí - vo veku od 5 do 18 rokov - zhromaždilo na ploche priamo pred pódiom... 6: 19; Rev. Louis (Missouri), at the beginning of the morning program, 15,000 children - aged 5 to 18 - gathered on an area right in front of the stage... Niekedy boli vonkajším znakom hodnosti, znamením moci alebo okázalým vystavovaním materiálnej prosperity. Significantly, the life course of all three men showed that they had developed good habits. At times, they were an external sign of rank, a sign of power, or a showy display of material prosperity. T., Taliansko Yet, for many, satisfying this basic need for friendship is difficult. T., Italy Nič nepomáhalo. Like many of the Maya, Caridad practiced Catholicism combined with spiritism. Nothing helped. Píše sa rok 59 n. l. 22, 23. The year 59 C.E. is written. Jehovov jednosplodený Syn nám hovorí: "To znamená večný život, že prijímajú poznanie o tebe, jedinom pravom Bohu, a o tom, ktorého si vyslal, o Ježišovi Kristovi." Is there a remedy for death? Jehovah's only - begotten Son tells us: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. " Áno, môžeme mať istotu, že Jehova bude vyučovať všetkých tých, čo sa snažia chodiť po jeho cestách. (See box, page 24.) Yes, we can be sure that Jehovah will teach all those who try to walk in his ways. Našťastie skôr ako sa situácia stala príliš vážnou, Keiko dostala pomoc od svojich rodičov a od kresťanských starších. If we are to enjoy the blessing of continued freedom from religious error, what must we do? Happily, before the situation became too serious, Keiko received help from her parents and Christian elders. Radšej si vypočuli informovaného kresťana, a nie tých, čo hovorili proti kresťanstvu. Although there was police surveillance, the drugs got through. Rather, they listened to an informed Christian, not those who spoke against Christianity. ▪ Odsudzuje farizejov [ Footnote] ▪ Condemns the Pharisees 4, 5. a) Ako ukazuje Pavlovo znázornenie o hrnčiarovi Božiu vytrvalosť a milosrdenstvo? " Another difficulty was getting Martha to the meetings. 4, 5. (a) How does Paul's illustration of the potter show God's endurance and mercy? [ Obrázok na strane 17] Parents do well to help their children to cultivate compassion, since this is what will move them to act tactfully. [ Picture on page 17] Získala silu i presvedčenie potrebné na to, aby prestala fajčiť, kým ja som tento zlozvyk ešte stále nedokázal prekonať. COUNTRY PROFILE She gained the strength and conviction needed to quit while I still could not overcome the habit. 6: 19; Zjav. Prague (Czech Republic), 11 / 8 6: 19; Rev. Je zaujímavé, že spôsob života týchto troch mužov ukázal, že mali vypestované dobré zvyky. It brings out all the highlights of God's Word, providing a beautiful understanding of how the Bible and science agree. Interestingly, the way of life of the three men showed that good habits had been cultivated. Ale pre mnohých je ťažké uspokojiť túto základnú potrebu. The characteristics of music are often referred to as "musical elements. " But many find it difficult to meet this basic need. Podobne ako mnohí ďalší Mayovia, aj Caridad praktizoval katolícku vieru spojenú so špiritizmom. The references to Greece in this article are to ancient Greece before the first century and do not relate to any modern - day national boundaries. Like many other Maya, Caridad practiced Catholic faith associated with spiritism. , 23. This Christian brother, in Rome at the time of Paul's last imprisonment, sent his greetings to Timothy 23, 23. Existuje nejaký prostriedok proti smrti? Pharynx Is there any means against death? (Pozri rámček na 24. strane.) More and more people want to know about our worldwide brotherhood. (See box on page 24.) Čo musíme robiť, ak sa chceme tešiť z požehnaní trvalého oslobodenia od náboženských omylov? Again turning his attention to animal creation, God asked Job about Behemoth, generally identified as the hippopotamus. To enjoy the blessings of lasting deliverance from religious errors, what must we do? Hoci polícia vykonávala kontroly, drogy sme do krajiny dostali. When I gave the magazine to my uncle who abused his wife verbally, he read it several times. Although the police carried out checks, we got drugs into the country. [ Poznámka pod čiarou] Thus the concept of a messiah has a powerful appeal. [ Footnote] Ďalším problémom bolo priviesť Martu k tomu, aby začala chodiť na zhromaždenia. * Another problem was to get Martha to start attending meetings. Rodičia urobia dobre, keď budú deti učiť súcitu, lebo táto vlastnosť ich bude podnecovať k taktnému správaniu. A 15 - year - old brother in Australia wrote: "Dad often talks with me about my faith and helps me to reason. Parents do well to teach their children compassion, for this quality will motivate them to behave tactfully. PREHĽAD O KRAJINE Some 1,000 years later, Ezra was inspired to write: "It was Phinehas the son of Eleazar that happened to be leader over them in the past. COUNTRY OVERVIEW Detstvo, 22 / 4 (June 22, 2001) was very informative. Jehovah's Witnesses, 4 / 8 Píše sa v nej, ako bola Biblia prekladaná, aby si ju mohli čítať všetci ľudia, a tiež ako prežila. " Any who had lingered were trapped! It says how the Bible was translated so that all humans could read it and how it survived. " Charakteristické vlastnosti hudby často označujeme ako "hudobné elementy." Have the churches of Christendom heeded it? The characteristics of music are often referred to as "the musical elements. " Keď sa v tomto článku píše o Grécku, myslí sa tým staroveké Grécko z obdobia pred prvým storočím n. l. a netýka sa to súčasných hraníc medzi krajinami. The near - zero gravity will play an important role in the research conducted on the ISS, where gravitational force equals only one millionth of the strength of that force exercised on earth. When this article refers to Greece, it refers to ancient Greece from before the first century C.E., and it does not refer to current borders between countries. Jeden z Dávidových úradníkov označený ako kňaz Results One of David's officials called a priest hltan " As a consequence, I have lost 62 pounds [28 kg] over the past 15 months, although I still need to lose more, as I want to get down to 225 pounds [102 kg]. Pharyngol Stále viac ľudí chce vedieť o našom celosvetovom bratstve. And with the passing of the decades, it becomes very evident that God's people enjoy a spiritual paradise, which Paul foresaw in that vision. More and more people want to know about our worldwide brotherhood. Boh opäť obracia pozornosť na ríšu zvierat, keď Jóbovi kladie otázky týkajúce sa Behemota, ktorý je vo všeobecnosti stotožňovaný s hrochom. Is the doctrine of reincarnation supported by any Bible texts? God again draws attention to the animal realm when he asks Job questions about Behemoth, who is generally identified with the hippopotamus. Keď som ten časopis dala svojmu strýkovi, ktorý slovne napádal svoju manželku, niekoľko ráz si ho prečítal. Researchers also ran comparative stress tests on real shells and on simple hemispheres and cones (produced on a 3 - D printer) that mimicked shells ' shapes and composition. When I gave the magazine to my uncle, who verbally attacked his wife, he read it several times. Preto má predstava o mesiášovi silnú príťažlivosť. On a dry weight basis, they are packed with 60 percent protein and 10 percent fat and contain calcium and phosphorus. Hence, the idea of the messiah has a strong appeal. * Here is a little of our history. * Jeden 15 - ročný brat z Austrálie napísal: "Otec so mnou často hovorí o tom, čomu verím, a pomáha mi, aby som o tom premýšľal. Demonstrating their faith in Jesus ' prophetic warning, the Christians flee from Jerusalem to Pella, a neutral city located in the mountains across the Jordan River. A 15 - year - old brother in Australia wrote: "My father often talks to me about what I believe and helps me to think about it. Asi o 1 000 rokov bol Ezdráš inšpirovaný napísať: "V minulosti býval nad nimi vodcom Eleazárov syn Pinchas. John clearly knew that it was possible for a servant of Jehovah to feel condemned at heart. About 1,000 years later, Ezra was inspired to write: "In the past the leader of Eleazar the son of Phinehas lived over them. (22. júna 2001) bola veľmi poučná. From the West, Venetian and foreign merchants brought arms, horses, amber, furs, timber, wool, honey, wax, and slaves. (June 22, 2001) was very informative. Každý, kto predtým váhal, bol v pasci! 6 / 15 Anyone who was hesitant before was trapped! Dbajú naň cirkvi kresťanstva? For example, we have found that the Bible teaches that Jesus is the Son of God; he is not part of a Trinity. Are Christendom's churches heeding it? Takmer nulová gravitácia zohrá dôležitú úlohu vo výskume, ktorý bude prebiehať na ISS, kde sa gravitačné pôsobenie rovná len jednej milióntine gravitačnej sily pôsobiacej na Zemi. Having drawn bitter conclusions, I have been seized with the desire to become a free man and to find myself a subject of God's Kingdom. Nearly zero gravity will play an important role in the research that will take place on the ISS, where gravity is equivalent to just one millionth of the Earth's gravitational force. Výsledky Treating others with respect, dignity, and kindness encourages them to treat you the same way. Results Takto sa mi podarilo schudnúť 28 kilogramov v priebehu 15 mesiacov. Ešte stále potrebujem schudnúť, pretože sa chcem dostať na 100 kilogramov. As you get older and your advancement becomes obvious to everyone, your parents will begin to view you differently. This is how I managed to lose 30 pounds [28 kg] in 15 months, and I still need to lose weight because I want to get to 100 kilograms. Po desaťročiach je úplne zjavné, že Boží ľud sa teší z duchovného raja, ktorý Pavol videl vo videní. As mentioned, laws governing the amount of schooling a student must have differ from place to place. After decades, it is evident that God's people enjoy the spiritual paradise that Paul saw in vision. Podporujú niektoré biblické texty reinkarnáciu? and "Young People Ask... Do some Bible texts promote reincarnation? Vedci uskutočnili porovnávacie tlakové testy na schránkach morských mäkkýšov a na hladkých pologuliach a kužeľoch (vytvorených na 3D tlačiarni), ktoré mali podobný tvar ako tieto schránky. If you are the parent of an adolescent, how can you help your child to get the most out of this publication? Scientists carried out comparative pressure tests on shells of marine shellfish and smooth hemispheres and cones (made on a 3D printer) in a form similar to those of these boxes. Dážďovky obsahujú rovnaké užitočné aminokyseliny ako hovädzie mäso. V sušenom stave obsahujú 60 percent proteínov a 10 percent tuku. Obsahujú tiež vápnik a fosfor. Believing that it is simply common courtesy rooted in social etiquette, you may have given little thought to why people say this. The earthworms contain the same useful amino acids as beef. In the dried state they contain 60 percent protein and 10 percent fat. They also contain calcium and phosphorus. Môžem vám o tom niečo porozprávať. Though scientists may know when a volcanic eruption is imminent, they cannot tell precisely when it will occur. I can tell you something about it. Kresťania dávajú najavo vieru v Ježišovo prorocké varovanie a utekajú z Jeruzalema do Pelly, neutrálneho mesta ležiaceho vo vrchoch na druhej strane rieky Jordán. Perhaps. Christians show faith in Jesus ' prophetic warning and flee Jerusalem to Pella, a neutral city lying in the mountains on the other side of the Jordan River. Ján zjavne vedel, že služobník Jehovu môže mať pocit, že ho odsudzuje vlastné srdce. Some youths when reading the Bible or a Bible - based publication during recess have been approached by other youths who have asked questions Clearly, John knew that a servant of Jehovah may feel that he was condemned by his own heart. Zo Západu benátski i cudzokrajní kupci privážali zbrane, kone, jantár, kožušiny, drevo, vlnu, med, vosk a otrokov. Again we prayed about the situation. Both Venetian and foreign merchants brought weapons, horses, amber, furs, wood, wool, honey, wax, and slaves from the West. Kľúč k úspechu, 1 / 2 From Ashes to Snow Jehovah's Witnesses, 2 / 15 Napríklad na základe Biblie veríme, že Ježiš je Boží Syn, nie časť Trojice. Such counsel may be general in nature so as to allow each one to make a personal application. For example, on the basis of the Bible, we believe that Jesus is God's Son, not a part of the Trinity. Dospel som k trpkému záveru, a preto som naplnený silnou túžbou stať sa slobodným človekom a byť poddaným Božieho Kráľovstva. Tell your attacker in no uncertain terms that you will not submit to his wishes. I have come to a bitter conclusion, so I am filled with a strong desire to become a free man and to be a subject of God's Kingdom. Keď zaobchádzaš s druhými s úctou, dôstojne a láskavo, povzbudzuje ich to, aby s tebou zaobchádzali rovnakým spôsobom. Thanks to these translations, an interest in the vernacular Bible was aroused. Treating others with respect, dignity, and kindness encourages them to treat you in the same way. Keď budeš o niečo starší a keď sa tvoj pokrok stane zjavný všetkým, rodičia sa začnú na teba pozerať inak. For instance, Matthew 14: 14 states: "He [Jesus] saw a great crowd; and he felt pity for them, and he cured their sick ones. " When you get older and when your progress becomes evident to all, your parents will look at you differently. Ako sme videli, zákony týkajúce sa dĺžky vzdelávania, sa od miesta k miestu líšia. " It is unthinkable, on my part,... to thrust my hand out against the anointed of Jehovah! " As we have seen, the laws on the length of education vary from place to place. z marca 2009, a v článku "Mladí ľudia sa pýtajú... Variety also applies to Costa Rica's hospitable people. in the March 2009 article "Young People Ask... Ako môžeš svojmu dospievajúcemu dieťaťu, ak také máš, pomôcť vyťažiť zo spomenutej publikácie čo najviac? Thus, they never doubted my loyalty. How can you help your adolescent, if you have one, to make the most of the above - mentioned publication? S presvedčením, že je to len bežná zdvorilosť zakorenená v spoločenskej etikete, ste sa možno príliš nezamýšľali nad tým, prečo to ľudia hovoria. Ilango Ponnuswami, professor and head of the Department of Social Work at the Bharathidasan University in India, reached a similar conclusion. With the conviction that this is just a common courtesy rooted in social labelling, you may not have given too much thought to why people say that. Hoci vedci môžu vedieť, kedy bezprostredne hrozí sopečná erupcia, nemôžu presne povedať, kedy sa to stane. About 2,000 died, more than 250 of them by execution. Although scientists may know when a volcanic eruption is imminent, they cannot say exactly when it will happen. Možno áno. [ Picture on page 16] Maybe so. Niektorí si cez prestávku čítali Bibliu alebo biblické publikácie, čo vzbudilo zvedavosť spolužiakov Right: Colorful arils - but poisonous seeds Some have read the Bible or Bible - based publications during the break that aroused the curiosity of schoolmates Opäť sme sa veľmi modlili. He was to be interested in one thing, doing God's will to help people to stand on His side. Again, we prayed very much. Zo spáleniska do snehu No wonder French National Assembly deputy Jean - François Mattei warned: "We're producing a generation of deaf people. " ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Poskytované rady sú zväčša všeobecné, aby ich každý mohol uplatniť na seba. does not endorse any particular diet or exercise routine. The advice provided is generally general, so that everyone can apply it to himself. Povedzte útočníkovi rozhodným spôsobom, že sa nepodriadite jeho želaniam. Isaac Tell the attacker in a decisive way that you will not comply with his wishes. Vďaka týmto prekladom bol vzbudený záujem o Bibliu v národnom jazyku. They are neutral in military and political matters, and they observe Bible principles, respecting the sanctity of life and keeping to a high moral code. Thanks to these translations, interest in the Bible in the national language was aroused. Napríklad Matúš 14: 14 uvádza: "[Ježiš] videl veľký zástup; a bolo mu ich ľúto, a uzdravoval ich chorých." But Jesus miraculously restored the ear to its place and said: "All those who take the sword will perish by the sword. For example, Matthew 14: 14 states: "[Jesus] saw a great crowd; and he felt pity for them, and he healed their sick. " " Je nemysliteľné, aby som ja vystrel ruku proti Jehovovmu pomazanému! " [ Picture on page 29] " It is unthinkable that I should put my hand out against Jehovah's anointed one! " Rozmanitosť sa vzťahuje aj na kostarický pohostinný ľud. Have you engaged in any volunteer work? Diversity also applies to the Costa Rican hospitable people. A tak nikdy nepochybovali o mojej lojálnosti. Dr. So they never doubted my loyalty. Ilango Ponnuswami, ktorý je profesorom a vedúcim katedry sociálnej práce na Bharathidasanovej univerzite v Indii, dospel k podobnému záveru. By contrast, the human life span is much shorter. Ilango Pontuswami, professor and director of the Department of Social Work at Bharathidasan University in India, came to a similar conclusion. Asi 2000 svedkov zomrelo, z nich viac ako 250 bolo popravených. (b) Why do Christians strive to maintain their marriage? About 2,000 Witnesses died, of whom more than 250 were executed. [ Obrázok na strane 16] Even young children were not spared when efforts were made to extract evidence against their parents. [ Picture on page 16] Vpravo: Farebné arily - ale jedovaté semená Honest self - scrutiny, combined with a sensible approach, can help. Right: Colorful arils - but poisonous seeds Mal sa zaujímať o jednu vec - mal konať Božiu vôľu, čiže pomáhať ľuďom postaviť sa na Božiu stranu. (8) If there is a Watch Tower publication that provides a commentary on a Bible book or a portion of it, consult it frequently while you are reading that part of the Bible. He should have been interested in one thing - doing God's will, or helping people to stand on God's side. Nie div, že poslanec Národného zhromaždenia Francúzska Jean - François Mattei varoval: "Vytvárame generáciu hluchých ľudí." How does such disobedience make God feel? No wonder a member of the National Assembly of France, Jean - François Mattei, warned: "We are creating a generation of deaf people. " neodporúča nijakú konkrétnu diétu ani cvičenie. These laws were particularly warped on matters pertaining to sex. does not recommend any particular diet or exercise. Isaac Cummins, a director of emergency cardiac care. Isaac Zachovávajú si neutralitu vo vojenských a politických záležitostiach a dodržiavajú biblické zásady týkajúce sa svätosti života a vysokých mravných noriem. " A simple message reaches young people from all sides: everything is for sale, " says psychologist Jacek Kurzępa of the University of Zielona Góra. They maintain neutrality in military and political matters and adhere to Bible principles regarding the holiness of life and high moral standards. Ale Ježiš ucho zázračne vrátil na miesto a povedal: "Všetci, ktorí berú meč, mečom zahynú. They were so friendly that I suspected that they were just trying to make an impression on me. But Jesus miraculously returned his ear to the place and said: "All those who take the sword will perish by the sword. [ Obrázok na strane 29] There are no trails, no roads, no signposts. [ Picture on page 29] Zapájali ste sa do nejakej dobrovoľníckej práce? In addition, they will have to follow new beneficial instructions that will be revealed in "the scrolls " outlining Jehovah's requirements for living in the new system of things. Have you been involved in any volunteer work? Dr. Consider the clues. Dr. Niektoré druhy korytnačiek sa dožívajú až 150 rokov a niektoré stromy dokonca 3 000 rokov. He evidently caused earth's crust to buckle and move. Some species of turtles live to 150 years, and some trees even 3,000 years. b) Prečo sa kresťania snažia udržať manželstvo? He asked for a Bible study and made rapid progress in learning the truth. (b) Why do Christians try to maintain marriage? Keď išlo o to, vymôcť dôkazy proti rodičom, ušetrené neboli ani malé deti. Bear in mind Paul's inspired words to the congregation in Corinth concerning the miraculous gifts of the spirit in his day: "Now there are varieties of gifts, but there is the same spirit; and there are varieties of ministries, and yet there is the same Lord; and there are varieties of operations, and yet it is the same God who performs all the operations in all persons. " When it came to getting evidence against parents, even young children were not spared. Pomocou môže byť poctivé sebaskúmanie a citlivý prístup k tejto veci. Heartfelt comments by young ones are often encouraging to older ones. An honest self - examination and a sensitive approach to the matter can be used. Ak jestvuje nejaká publikácia Watch Tower, ktorá k biblickej knihe alebo k jej časti podáva komentár, často ju pri čítaní tej časti Biblie používaj. Young People Ask If there is a Watch Tower publication commenting on a Bible book or part of it, often use it to read that part of the Bible. Aké pocity vyvoláva tvoja neposlušnosť v Bohu? Help your adolescent develop "practical wisdom and thinking ability. " How do you feel about your disobedience in God? Tieto zákony boli mimoriadne zvrátené v otázkach pohlavného života. Find healthy alternatives to eating - especially if you have been in the habit of eating whenever you are bored, tense, lonely, or depressed. These laws have been extremely perverted in matters of sexual life. Cummins, ktorý je riaditeľom pohotovostnej koronárnej jednotky. 5 / 07 Cummins, director of the coronary emergency unit. " Mladí sú zo všetkých strán bombardovaní jednoduchým heslom " všetko je na predaj ," "hovorí psychológ Jacek Kurzępa zo Zielonogórskej univerzity. It was difficult to live without a father, but Grandpa was a real support for me. " Young people are bombarded on all sides with a simple slogan " everything is for sale, ' " says psychologist Jacek Kurzępa of the University of Zielonogogór. Boli natoľko priateľskí, že som ich podozrievala zo snahy urobiť na mňa len dojem. But should a married Christian feel as free to concentrate on his service of Jehovah as when he or she was single? They were so friendly that I suspected of trying to impress me. Nie sú tam žiadne cesty ani vyšliapané chodníky a ani žiadne orientačné značky. Bring it near, please, to your governor. There are no roads or footpaths and no signposts. Okrem toho sa budú musieť riadiť novými pokynmi "vo zvitkoch," ktoré budú obsahovať Jehovove požiadavky pre život v novom svete. Paul and Silas were able to give a fine witness to the jailer and his family. In addition, they will have to follow the new instructions "in scrolls " that will contain Jehovah's requirements for life in the new world. Zamyslite sa nad pomôckou. It identifies our era as "the last days " and describes people as " lovers of themselves, lovers of money, disobedient to parents, disloyal, having no natural affection, without self - control, fierce, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God. ' Consider the clues. Zjavne spôsobil vrásnenie zemskej kôry a uviedol do pohybu litosférické dosky. Something else that helps me is remembering that any suffering in this system is " momentary and light. ' Evidently, it caused the earth's crust to wrinkle and set the lithospheric plates in motion. Požiadal o biblické štúdium a robil rýchle pokroky v poznávaní pravdy. Should not appreciation for the ransom move a person to avoid becoming "forgetful of his cleansing from his sins of long ago "? He asked for a Bible study and made rapid progress in learning the truth. Pamätajme na Pavlove inšpirované slová adresované korintskému zboru. V súvislosti so zázračnými darmi ducha, ktoré v tých dňoch kresťania dostali, povedal: "Sú rozličné dary, ale duch je ten istý; a sú rozličné služby, a predsa je ten istý Pán; a sú rozličné pôsobenia, a predsa je to ten istý Boh, ktorý spôsobuje všetko vo všetkých." Let them know that you are proud of them when they decide to put Jehovah first instead of seeking prestige or riches - for themselves or for you. Remember Paul's inspired words addressed to the Corinthian congregation. With regard to the miraculous gifts of the spirit that Christians received in those days, he said: "There are different gifts, but the spirit is the same; and there are different services, and yet the Lord is the same; and there are different works, and yet it is the same God that does all things in all. " Úprimné komentáre mladých často povzbudzujú tých, čo sú starší vekom. Jehovah is our "Grand Instructor. " Sincere comments from youths often encourage older ones. Mladí ľudia sa pýtajú Such a notion would surely have struck Aristotle as preposterous. Young People Ask Pomôžte svojmu dieťaťu rozvíjať si "praktickú múdrosť a schopnosť premýšľať." After Ruth's birth, Ferdinand was able to stay with us for three days, but then he had to leave, and that was the last we saw of him for a long time. Help your child develop "practical wisdom and thinking ability. " Nájdi si zdravé alternatívy namiesto jedenia - najmä ak si mal vo zvyku jesť vždy, keď pociťuješ nudu, napätie, osamelosť alebo depresiu. God abandoned Jesus to his enemies by taking away His protection so that Christ's integrity might be fully tested. Find healthy alternatives instead of eating - especially if you have a habit of eating every time you feel bored, tense, lonely, or depressed. 1 / 07 Jehovah takes into consideration what is in the best interests of all humankind. Jehovah's Witnesses, 11 Bolo náročné žiť bez otca, ale dedko mi bol naozajstnou oporou. They think, perhaps, that the Bible endorses or condones such behavior. It was difficult to live without my father, but my grandfather was a real supporter. Ale mal by kresťan v manželstve cítiť rovnakú slobodu na zameriavanie sa na službu Jehovovi, ako keď bol slobodný? Analyzing the condition of the needy ones, a writer for World Health, the magazine of the World Health Organization, declared: "The poor in the cities are not real citizens of their own countries, for they have no political, social, or economic rights. But should a married Christian feel the same freedom to focus on Jehovah's service as when he was single? Prines to, prosím, svojmu miestodržiteľovi. If you spend it all in one place, you won't have enough left when you need it Please bring it to your governor. Máme všetky dôvody veriť, že počet pomazaných sa bude ďalej zmenšovať, keď sa pre pokročilý vek a nepredvídané okolnosti bude končiť ich pozemský život. Therefore, he viewed each day of life as a precious resource. We have every reason to believe that the number of anointed ones will continue to shrink as their earthly life ends because of advanced age and unforeseen circumstances. Pavol so Sílasom potom vydali tomuto dozorcovi a jeho rodine svedectvo. " Righteous Ones Will Shine as Brightly as the Sun, " 3 / 15 Paul and Silas then witnessed to the overseer and his family. Toto proroctvo označuje našu dobu ako "posledné dni" a opisuje ľudí, ktorí " milujú sami seba, milujú peniaze, sú neposlušní rodičom, neverní, bez prirodzenej náklonnosti, bez sebaovládania, divokí, nadutí pýchou a viac milujúci rozkoše ako Boha ." ; Byrge, J. This prophecy refers to our time as "the last days " and describes those who" love themselves, love money, are disobedient to parents, disloyal, have no natural affection, without self - control, fierce, puffed up with pride, and lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God. " A pomáha mi ešte niečo: vedomie, že každé súženie v tomto systéme " je chvíľkové a ľahké ." If asked how he can possibly speak of a friend in the way he does, he will say that his criticisms have the friend's best interests at heart. " And there is something that helps me: knowing that every tribulation in this system is "timely and light. ' Nemalo by ocenenie pre výkupné viesť človeka k tomu, aby sa nestalo, že "zabudol na očistenie od svojich dávnych hriechov"? Proverbs 17: 4 says: "The evildoer is paying attention to the lip of hurtfulness. Should not appreciation for the ransom move a person to avoid "forgetting the cleansing of his ancient sins "? Povedzte im, že ste na ne hrdí, keď sa rozhodnú uprednostniť Jehovu a neusilujú sa o slávu ani o peniaze - či už pre seba, alebo pre vás. Chemists in Switzerland have found that rain samples taken during the first minutes of a storm frequently contain higher levels of pesticides than those considered acceptable by either the European Union or Switzerland. Tell them that you are proud of them when they choose to give priority to Jehovah and do not seek glory or money - whether for themselves or for you. Jehova je náš "Vznešený učiteľ." That choice is in harmony with other translations. Jehovah is our "Grand Instructor. " Takýto názor by Aristotelovi určite pripadal absurdný. Some shelters offer services aimed at helping people to break out of the homeless life. Such an opinion would certainly seem absurd to Aristotle. Po jej narodení mohol Ferdinand zostať s nami tri dni, ale potom musel odísť. Some of the press will stop short of nothing to sell their newspapers. After her birth, Ferdinand could have stayed with us for three days, but then he had to leave. Boh nechal Ježiša v rukách nepriateľov tým, že mu odňal svoju ochranu, aby mohla byť Kristova rýdzosť naplno vyskúšaná. Abortion is thus the choice of nearly half a million girls each year in the United States alone. God left Jesus in the hands of his enemies by withdrawing his protection so that Christ's integrity could be fully tested. Jehova berie do úvahy to, čo je v najlepšom záujme celého ľudstva. Surely not! Jehovah takes into account what is in the best interests of all mankind. Možno si myslia, že Biblia schvaľuje alebo ospravedlňuje takéto konanie. We have been privileged to teach the Bible to hundreds of people. They may think that the Bible approves or excuses such action. Pisateľ článku uverejneného vo World Health, časopise Svetovej zdravotníckej organizácie, ktorý rozoberal situáciu ľudí trpiacich núdzu vyhlásil: "Chudobní ľudia v mestách nie sú riadnymi občanmi svojej krajiny, lebo nemajú nijaké politické, sociálne ani hospodárske práva. Why should we engage in earnest prayer? The writer of an article published in World Health, a magazine of the World Health Organization that discussed the situation of people suffering from poverty, stated: "The poor in cities are not proper citizens of their country because they have no political, social, or economic rights. Ak si ho minieš naraz, nebudeš ho mať, keď ho budeš potrebovať There are clear indications that Matthew and Luke wrote their Gospels before 70 C.E. If you spend it all at once, you won't have it when you need it. Preto považoval každý deň života za vzácny dar. 14: 12. Both baptized and unbaptized worshippers are accountable to God. Hence, he viewed each day of life as a precious gift. Získajte požehnania od Kráľa vedeného Božím duchom! How Did Church Leaders Justify This? Get Blessings From God's Spirit - Guided King! Byrge. This goal was set early on by the example of my parents, immigrants from Italy, who settled in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A., in 1921. Byrge. Ak sa ho opýtajú, ako vôbec môže tak hovoriť o priateľovi, povie, že svojou kritikou má na srdci priateľove najlepšie záujmy. The apostle Paul made this plain when he urged fellow Christians: "You have need of endurance, in order that, after you have done the will of God, you may receive the fulfillment of the promise. " If they ask him how he can talk about a friend like that at all, he will say that by his criticism he has the best interests at heart of a friend. Príslovia 17: 4 hovoria: "Zločinec venuje pozornosť pere, ktorá ubližuje. One man in Japan needed such strong motivation. Proverbs 17: 4 says: "A criminal pays attention to a pen that is hurting. Chemici vo Švajčiarsku zistili, že vzorky dažďa, ktoré vzali počas prvých minút búrky, často obsahujú viac pesticídov, ako považuje za prípustné či už Európska únia, alebo Švajčiarsko. I had never seen this before. " Chemists in Switzerland have found that rain samples taken during the first minutes of storms often contain more pesticides than the European Union or Switzerland considers admissible. Táto voľba zodpovedá iným prekladom. Those who are hoping in Jehovah will regain power. " This choice corresponds to other translations. Niektoré útulky ponúkajú služby, ktorých cieľom je pomôcť ľuďom skoncovať so životom na ulici. Still, it is recommended that natto be kept in a refrigerator and consumed within a week or so because its taste will gradually change. Some shelters offer services designed to help people end street life. Ako zvládať stres, 6 / 10 I immediately wrote to request the Light books, and also to ask that Bible Students in India be sent to preach in Burma. How to Cope With Stress, 6 / 10 Niektorí novinári sa nezastavia pred ničím, len aby sa ich noviny predávali. " I'm a 15 - year - old guy who's skinny and constantly teased, " complains young Mark. Some journalists stop at nothing to sell their newspapers. Preto skoro pol milióna dievčat ročne len v Spojených štátoch volí potrat. Hence, references to time were approximate. Thus, nearly half a million girls a year vote for abortion in the United States alone. Určite nie! Workers beat the branches to harvest the crop Absolutely not! Mali sme tú česť študovať Bibliu so stovkami ľudí. Attending meetings nurtures appreciation for our Creator. We had the privilege of studying the Bible with hundreds of people. Prečo by sme sa mali úprimne modliť? However, before astronauts can strap lab equipment to the walls of the ISS, it must be put together piece by piece, and all of this must be done in space! Why should we pray sincerely? Existujú podklady, na základe ktorých je jasné, že Matúš a Lukáš napísali svoje evanjeliá pred rokom 70 n. l. " Make no mistake, " says 1 Corinthians 15: 33, "bad company is the ruin of a good character. " There are evidence from which it is clear that Matthew and Luke wrote their Gospels before 70 C.E. Pred Bohom nesú zodpovednosť všetci ctitelia, či sú pokrstení, alebo nie. We too may face stressful situations that could rob us of our good judgment. All worshipers are accountable to God whether they are baptized or not. Ako to ospravedlňovali cirkevní vodcovia? (a) What promise did Jesus make to the Philadelphian Christians? How did church leaders justify this? V detstve mi tento cieľ dali svojím príkladom moji rodičia, ktorí sa v roku 1921 prisťahovali z Talianska a usadili v Clevelande v štáte Ohio v USA. Ralph felt poorly, walked to the back of the hall, and had an attendant bring me a note saying that he was going home. As a child, my parents set an example for me, who moved from Italy in 1921 and settled in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. Apoštol Pavol to objasnil, keď povzbudzoval spolukresťanov: "Potrebujete vytrvalosť, aby ste prijali splnenie toho sľubu, keď vykonáte Božiu vôľu." They regard the Bible as their only source of belief and rule of conduct... The apostle Paul made this clear when he encouraged fellow Christians: "You need endurance to accept the fulfillment of the promise when you do the will of God. " Jeden muž v Japonsku potreboval takú silnú motiváciu. Read 1 Corinthians 15: 33. One man in Japan needed such strong motivation. Nikdy predtým som nič také nevidel. " A salient characteristic of the Celtic religious world was the divine triad. I've never seen anything like it before. " Tí, ktorí dúfajú v Jehovu, znovu získajú silu. " " My favorite teacher was really strict, but everyone respected him. Those hoping in Jehovah will regain strength. " Napriek trvanlivosti natta je dobré skladovať ho v chladničke a skonzumovať ho približne do týždňa, pretože jeho chuť sa postupne mení. He thus avoided close association with learned men who put forward their own hypotheses and took sides on issues. Despite the durability of natta, it is good to keep it in the refrigerator and consume it within about a week, as its taste gradually changes. Ihneď som požiadal o knihu Svetlo, ako aj o to, aby boli do Barmy poslaní kázať bádatelia Biblie z Indie. God loves and trusts his servants. I immediately asked for the book Light and for the Bible students from India to be sent to Burma to preach. " Mám 15 rokov, som kosť a koža a stále som terčom posmeškov, "sťažuje sa mladý Mark. Clearly, Satan has no compassion for the needy or for victims of calamity. " I'm 15 years old, I'm bone and skin, and I'm still a taunter, " complains young Mark. Teda informácia o čase bola iba orientačná. What events in Joshua's time show that we should fear Jehovah rather than man? Time information, then, was merely indicative. Zberači obíjajú vetvy " I thank Jehovah that I never actually killed anyone during my years as a terrorist, " says Pedro. Collectors Tighten Twigs Návšteva zhromaždení v nás pestuje ocenenie pre nášho Stvoriteľa. PAW Visiting meetings in us cultivates appreciation for our Creator. Avšak predtým než astronauti pripevnia laboratórne zariadenie na steny ISS, musia ju najprv kus po kuse pospájať a to všetko musia urobiť vo vesmíre! On the other hand, it is love that brings forth such qualities as kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, and self - control. However, before the astronauts attach laboratory equipment to the walls of the ISS, they must first connect it piece by piece, and they must do all that in space! Korinťanom 15: 33. Imagine the joy of the publishers when in 2015, six need - greaters from Germany and the Netherlands moved in to support them! Jehovah's Witnesses do not want to do so. - 1 Corinthians 15: 33. Aj my sa môžeme ocitnúť v stresujúcich situáciách, v ktorých môžeme stratiť dobrý úsudok. What developed after the death of the apostles? We too may find ourselves in stressful situations in which we may lose good judgment. a) Čo Ježiš sľúbil kresťanom vo Filadelfii? Many months passed before I recovered. (a) What did Jesus promise Christians in Philadelphia? Ralph sa cítil zle, a preto odišiel do zadnej časti sály a poslal za mnou jedného usporiadateľa s odkazom, že ide domov. On the other hand, you may reason that the Bible does not insist on divorce. Ralph felt bad, so he went to the back of the hall and sent one organizer to me with a message that he was going home. Bibliu považujú za jediný zdroj viery a pravidiel správania... But Jehovah's Witnesses arrived there some 70 years ago to help people spiritually. They view the Bible as the only source of faith and conduct rules.... Korinťanom 15: 33. As cities grow, so do the numbers of vehicles. Jehovah's Witnesses do not want to do so. - 1 Corinthians 15: 33. Charakteristickým znakom keltského náboženského sveta bola božská triáda. Part 4 - "We the People " The characteristic mark of the Celtic religious world was the divine triad. " Môj najobľúbenejší učiteľ bol fakt prísny a každý ho rešpektoval. " Overall, 58.8% of people in the [United Kingdom] said they felt that their family would benefit from having technology - free time where all communications are switched off.... " My favorite teacher was really strict and respected by everyone. Tak sa vyhol blízkemu spoločenstvu s učenými mužmi, ktorí propagovali vlastné hypotézy a stavali sa v sporných otázkach na niektorú stranu. If so, are you yielding to their influence? He thus avoided close association with the learned men, who promoted their own hypotheses and put themselves on one side of the issues at issue. Boh miluje svojich služobníkov a dôveruje im. The study of such principles is called cybernetics. God loves and trusts his servants. Z toho je zjavné, že nemá zľutovanie s núdznymi ani s obeťami nešťastia. You may request a copy of this 256 - page, beautifully illustrated book, which has the same page size as this magazine. Clearly, he has no mercy for the needy or for the victims of calamity. Ktoré udalosti z Jozuovej doby ukazujú, že sa máme skôr báť Jehovu ako ľudí? The report also suggests that "more visitors would be inclined to " go see grandma ' if she was living on a cruise ship. " What events in Joshua's day show that we should fear Jehovah rather than humans? To, čo sa dozvedal o Jehovovi Bohu, ho podnietilo urobiť veľké zmeny vo svojich postojoch a pohľade na život. No, but he apparently was deeply concerned about the possibility of dishonoring his dearly beloved Father by dying on a torture stake as a cursed blasphemer. What he learned about Jehovah God moved him to make great changes in his attitudes and outlook on life. OPRALI Does the Bible Condone Slavery? THEY WERE Na druhej strane je to práve láska, ktorá prináša také vlastnosti, ako je láskavosť, dobrota, viera, miernosť a sebaovládanie. The Marquesas Islands are located some 900 miles [1,400 km] northeast of Tahiti. On the other hand, it is love that brings such qualities as kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, and self - control. Miestni bratia a sestry sa preto veľmi potešili, keď sa tam v roku 2015 presťahovalo šesť zvestovateľov z Nemecka a Holandska. H., United States Thus, the local brothers and sisters were delighted when six publishers from Germany and the Netherlands moved there in 2015. Čo sa rozvinulo po smrti apoštolov? It calls this record "one of the greatest contributions of the Chinese to the history of the civilization of all mankind. " What developed after the death of the apostles? Trvalo mesiace, kým som vyzdravela. Jesus knew that they likely acquired this attitude from the society in which they had grown up. It took months to get better. Na druhej strane si však možno uvedomujete, že Biblia rozvod nevyžaduje. 6 / 08 On the other hand, you may realize that the Bible does not require divorce. Ale Jehovovi svedkovia sem prišli asi pred 70 rokmi, aby pomáhali ľuďom duchovne. Restak tells us what it becomes by pregnancy's end: "But from that inauspicious beginning will develop the most marvelous organ in the known universe. " But some 70 years ago, Jehovah's Witnesses came here to help people spiritually. A ako sa rozrastajú mestá, rastie aj počet vozidiel. The arrangement served to protect the Israelites from using all their time and energy in material pursuits. And as cities grow, so do the number of vehicles. časť: "My ľud" Their efforts to proclaim the Kingdom resulted in intense persecution. Part 2: "We're the people" V prieskume sa "58,8 percenta obyvateľov [Spojeného kráľovstva] vyjadrilo, že by ich rodine prospelo mať určité obdobie bez techniky, počas ktorého by všetky prostriedky elektronickej komunikácie boli vypnuté... Prove that you mean it. In the survey, "58.8 percent of the population of [the United Kingdom] said that their family would benefit from a period without technology during which all means of electronic communication would be turned off.... Ak áno, podriaďuješ sa ich autorite? Compared with more elaborate gardens in public areas, Japanese family gardens have a less formal and more intimate atmosphere. If so, do you submit to their authority? Štúdium týchto princípov sa nazýva kybernetika. [ Box on page 22] The study of these principles is called cybernetics. O túto nádherne ilustrovanú 256 - stranovú knihu rovnakého formátu, ako je tento časopis, môžete požiadať aj vy. He is now 81, and his deterioration is thankfully very slow... You can ask for this beautifully illustrated 256 - page book of the same format as this magazine. V správe je aj myšlienka, že "" starú mamu " bude chcieť navštíviť viac návštevníkov, keď bude bývať na výletnej lodi." Jessie, who is both a husband and a father, wrote: "Marital faithfulness has contributed greatly to my strong relationship with my wife and to our happiness. The message is that "" grandmother ' will want to visit more visitors when she lives on a cruise ship. " Nie, ale bol zrejme hlboko znepokojený možnosťou, že jeho Otec, ktorého vrúcne miloval, bude zneuctený tým, že on zomrie na mučeníckom kole ako prekliaty rúhač. The hardest part, I think, was having to adapt at a moment's notice. No, but he was apparently deeply concerned about the possibility that his Father, whom he dearly loved, would be dishonored by his death on a torture stake as a cursed blasphemer. Ospravedlňuje Biblia otrokárstvo? When we understand why Jehovah is patient, we are helped to wait patiently for the salvation he will bring, never concluding that he is slow in fulfilling his promises. Does the Bible justify slavery? Súostrovie Markézy leží asi 1400 kilometrov severovýchodne od Tahiti. Branches report that the fine training received by the students is reflected in their evangelizing, shepherding, and teaching activities. The Marqueza archipelago lies some 1,400 miles [1,400 km] northeast of Tahiti. H., Spojené štáty May we never forget that, although we are the ones who plant and water the seeds, it is Jehovah who makes them grow. H., United States Kniha nazýva tento písomný záznam "jedným z najvýznamnejších príspevkov Číňanov k histórii civilizácie celého ľudstva." Regardless of wrong expectations any of us may have had, we must guard against falling asleep as to our Christian duties. The book calls this written record "one of the Chinese's most significant contributions to the history of civilization of all mankind. " Ježiš vedel, že tento postoj si pravdepodobne osvojili v spoločnosti, v ktorej vyrastali. Botany: Some wrongly conclude that the Bible is inaccurate because Jesus Christ spoke of "a mustard grain " as" the tiniest of all the seeds. " Jesus knew that they likely adopted this attitude in the society in which they grew up. 8 / 08 But I say to you that everyone that keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. " Religion, 8 / 08 Restak nám hovorí, čo sa udeje do konca tehotenstva: "Ale z tohto málo sľubného začiatku sa vyvinie najúžasnejší orgán v známom vesmíre." The next week, the Witness brought him another edition of the Almeida version. Restak tells us what will happen until the end of pregnancy: "But this little promising beginning will develop into the most amazing organ in the known universe. " Toto opatrenie slúžilo Izraelitom na ochranu, aby nevenovali všetok svoj čas a silu sledovaniu hmotných záujmov. (Read Numbers 14: 2 - 4.) This arrangement served to protect the Israelites from giving all their time and strength to pursue material interests. Ich horlivá snaha oznamovať Kráľovstvo vyvolala silný odpor zo strany nepriateľov. Also, many people take advantage of opportunities to buy low - priced counterfeit imitations of brand - name products, such as clothing, watches, perfume, cosmetics, and handbags. Their zealous efforts to proclaim the Kingdom have provoked strong opposition from enemies. Ospravedlnenie musí byť úprimné. What fulfillment will there be of Jesus ' words: "As these things start to occur, raise yourselves erect and lift your heads up, because your deliverance is getting near "? The apology must be honest. V porovnaní s komplikovanejšími záhradami na verejných priestranstvách je atmosféra japonských rodinných záhrad neformálnejšia a intímnejšia. That is the very opposite of the viewpoint of people in today's world. Compared to more complicated gardens in public areas, the atmosphere of Japanese family gardens is more informal and intimate. [ Rámček na strane 22] In the Kruger Park, we try to maintain the elephant population at about 7,500, which, according to our present knowledge, is what the Kruger can carry. " [ Box on page 22] Teraz má 81 rokov a jeho stav sa našťastie zhoršuje veľmi pomaly... Brought to Glory Now he's 81 years old, and luckily his condition is getting worse very slowly... Jessie, ktorý je manželom a otcom, napísal: "Vernosť veľmi prispieva k tomu, že máme s manželkou pevný vzťah a že naše manželstvo je šťastné. Over 300 leading experts on influenza recently gathered at the World Health Organization (WHO) headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, to discuss how to combat the deadly disease. Jessie, a husband and father, wrote: "Fidelity greatly contributes to having a strong relationship with our wife and that our marriage is happy. Myslím, že najťažšie bolo, že sme sa museli okamžite prispôsobiť. He was a married man, with several wives as permitted by the Law. I think the hardest part was that we had to adapt immediately. Keď chápeme, prečo je Jehova trpezlivý, pomáha nám to, aby sme trpezlivo čakali na záchranu od neho a nikdy neusudzovali, že je pomalý v spĺňaní svojich sľubov. The Bible account states: "They came, everyone whose heart impelled him, and they brought, everyone whose spirit incited him, Jehovah's contribution for the work of the tent of meeting and for all its service and for the holy garments. Understanding why Jehovah is patient helps us to wait patiently for salvation from him and never conclude that he is slow to fulfill his promises. Školenie ich pripravuje na to, aby lepšie používali Bibliu v kazateľskej službe. Place a petal or a small flower in each compartment of your ice - cube tray before pouring in bottled or filtered water. Training prepares them to make better use of the Bible in the preaching work. Kiež nikdy nezabudneme, že hoci semená sadíme a polievame, je to Jehova, kto dáva vzrast. Does it not rather show that the object was put to a wrong use? May we never forget that although we plant and water the seeds, it is Jehovah who makes them grow. Bez ohľadu na mylné nádeje, ktoré sme azda mali, musíme dávať pozor, aby sme nezaspali pri vykonávaní našich kresťanských povinností. If we truly love God and do our best to obey his Word, he will bless our efforts and will supply us with the strength needed to follow his inspired direction. Regardless of the mistaken hopes we may have had, we must be careful not to fall asleep in our Christian responsibilities. Botanika: Niektorí nesprávne usudzujú, že Biblia je nepresná, pretože Ježiš Kristus hovoril o "horčičnom zrne" ako o "najdrobnejšom zo všetkých semien." FROM childhood, Swiss naturalist Horace - Bénédict de Saussure (1740 - 1799) had been fascinated by the imposing massif now known as Mont Blanc, the giant of the Alps. Botany: Some misjudge that the Bible is inaccurate because Jesus Christ spoke of "the mustard grain " as" the tiniest of all the seeds. " Ale ja vám hovorím, že každý, kto sa stále pozerá na nejakú ženu tak, aby k nej vzplanul vášňou, už s ňou vo svojom srdci scudzoložil. " MANY people know that Jesus had 12 apostles. But I tell you that everyone that keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. " Nasledujúci týždeň mu svedok priniesol iné vydanie prekladu Almeida. Little interest in eating and drinking. The following week, the Witness brought him another edition of the Almeida translation. Mojžišovu 14: 2 - 4.) In response, Jesus said to his mother: "What have I to do with you, woman? (Read Genesis 14: 2 - 4.) Okrem toho mnoho ľudí si kupuje lacné napodobeniny značkových výrobkov, napríklad oblečenie, hodinky, parfumy, kozmetiku a kabelky. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ In addition, many people buy cheap imitations of branded products, such as clothing, watches, perfumes, cosmetics, and handbags. Ako sa splnia Ježišove slová: "Keď sa to začne diať, vzpriamte sa a zodvihnite hlavy, lebo sa približuje vaše vyslobodenie"? After relating his illustration of the vine, Jesus said that as Kingdom preachers, we will experience joy. How will Jesus ' words: "When this takes place, raise yourselves upright and lift your heads up, because your deliverance is drawing near "? Taký postoj je úplne odlišný od postoja ľudí vo svete. Likewise, after receiving her copy of the complete New World Translation, an Albanian sister commented: "How beautiful God's Word sounds in Albanian! Such an attitude is quite different from that of the world's people. V Krugerovom parku sa snažíme udržiavať slony v počte asi 7500 kusov, čo podľa našich súčasných vedomostí môže Krugerov park uživiť. " Reflect briefly on how the fruitage of the spirit will help you. In Kruger Park, we try to keep elephants in the number of about 7,500, which according to our current knowledge can feed Kruger Park. " Privádzaní k sláve Unfailing love enabled our brothers and sisters in Malawi to endure trials Bringing to Glory Viac ako 300 popredných odborníkov na chrípku sa nedávno zhromaždilo v ústredí Svetovej zdravotníckej organizácie (WHO) v Ženeve vo Švajčiarsku, aby diskutovali o tom, ako vyhrať boj s týmto smrteľným ochorením. (1) Like unwary sheep, some Christians stray from the flock of God because they are enticed by seemingly innocent and pleasurable attractions. More than 300 leading flu experts have recently gathered at the headquarters of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, Switzerland to discuss how to win the fight against this deadly disease. Bol to ženatý muž a mal niekoľko manželiek, ako pripúšťal Zákon. The traveling overseer described how his own fragile emotions had overwhelmed him. He was a married man and had several wives, as permitted by the Law. A stále prichádzali, muži spolu so ženami, každý ochotného srdca. " - 2. Maybe we would choose a heavy object and then see which one of us was able to lift it. And they kept coming, men along with women, every willing in heart. " - 2 Timothy 3: 8. Skôr ako do formy na ľad nalejete pitnú vodu, do každého dielika formy vložte jeden lupienok alebo malý kvietok. Adelaide Before pouring drinking water into the ice mold, put one petal or a small flower in each piece of the mold. Nie je to skôr tak, že ten predmet bol zneužitý? D. Isn't it more like the object was abused? Ak Boha naozaj milujeme a zo všetkých síl sa snažíme poslúchať jeho Slovo, on naše snahy požehná a dá nám silu potrebnú na to, aby sme sa dokázali riadiť jeho inšpirovanými pokynmi. How might a man pray if he is uneasy about reaching out? If we truly love God and do our best to obey his Word, he will bless our efforts and give us the strength needed to follow his inspired direction. ŠVAJČIARSKEHO prírodovedca Horaceho - Bénédicta de Saussura (1740 - 1799) už od detstva fascinoval nebotyčný masív, ktorý je dnes známy ako Mont Blanc. But the Kingdom was not established at that time. Since childhood, the Swiss naturalist Horace - Bénédict de Saussura (1740 - 1799) has been fascinated by the unattended massif, now known as Mont Blanc. MNOHÍ ľudia vedia, že Ježiš mal 12 apoštolov. 16, 17. MANY people know that Jesus had 12 apostles. Nemá chuť jesť ani piť. Matthew 24: 14; Worldwide proclamation by Jehovah's He doesn't want to eat or drink. Ježiš jej na to povedal: "Žena, čo mám s tebou? At such times our peace is evident even to outsiders. Jesus said to her: "Woman, what have I to do with you? ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Traveling representatives of Jehovah's Witnesses visited Grandmother's home and encouraged us, but I was not yet determined to serve God. . . . . . Keď Ježiš vyrozprával podobenstvo o viniči, povedal, že zvestovatelia Kráľovstva budú zažívať radosť. " Show yourselves thankful. " After telling the parable of the vine, Jesus said that Kingdom publishers would experience joy. A keď jedna sestra z Albánska dostala úplný Preklad nového sveta vo svojom jazyku, zvolala: "Ako krásne znie Božie Slovo v albánčine! These relatively small cases, worn on the forehead or on the arm, contain four portions of the Law: Exodus 13: 1 - 10, 11 - 16; and Deuteronomy 6: 4 - 9; 11: 13 - 21. And when a sister in Albania received the complete New World Translation in her language, she exclaimed: "How beautiful the Word of God sounds in Albanian! Teraz sa krátko zamyslime nad tým, ako nám tieto vlastnosti môžu pomôcť. " Today, years later, I still feel drawn to heavy metal and rap. Now let us briefly consider how these qualities can help us. Nezlyhávajúca láska pomohla našim bratom a sestrám v Malawi vytrvať v čase skúšok Ruben presently serves as a congregation elder in Milton, Ontario, Canada, where we have lived since 2002. Unfailing love helped our brothers and sisters in Malawi to endure trials Podobne ako neopatrné ovce, niektorí kresťania sa zatúlajú od Božieho stáda, pretože sú zlákaní niečím, čo vyzerá nevinne a príjemne. Part of what Paul wrote was to have prime application in our day. Like the careless sheep, some Christians stray from God's flock because they are lured by something that looks innocent and pleasant. Opísal Alexovi, ako naňho doľahli negatívne pocity. I remained in that position for days, unable to straighten up. He described Alex as being overwhelmed by negative feelings. Možno by mohli skúsiť zdvihnúť nejaký ťažký predmet a ten, kto ho zdvihne, je logicky silnejší. The disciple James urged all Christians: "Become doers of the word, and not hearers only. " Perhaps they could try to lift a heavy object, and the one who picks it up is logically stronger. Adelaide Many families have been well pleased with the progress of their child while he is on Ritalin or other activity - modifying drugs. Adelaide D. They also worked and played together as a family. D. Ako by sa mohol modliť muž, ktorý si nie je istý, či sa má usilovať? The answer was to learn to be persistently interested in a matter but not excitedly intense. How could a man who is not sure whether to strive pray? V tom čase však Kráľovstvo zriadené nebolo. I prayed to Jehovah to make it clear to me which way I should go. At that time, however, the Kingdom was not established. , 17. [ Credit Line] 16, 17. Matúš 24: 14; Po celom svete Jehovovi svedkovia The army officer in charge at the execution gives glory to God. Matthew 24: 14; Worldwide, Jehovah's Witnesses Vtedy je náš pokoj zjavný aj ľuďom mimo zboru. The next day, the sister visited her neighbor with her "magic. " At that time, our peace is also evident to those outside the congregation. U starej mamy nás navštívili cestujúci zástupcovia Jehovových svedkov a povzbudzovali nás, no vtedy som ešte nebol odhodlaný slúžiť Bohu. " You Do Not Know What Your Life Will Be Tomorrow " discussed coping with bipolar disorder. - The Watchtower, December 1, 2000. Grandmother's traveling representatives of Jehovah's Witnesses visited us and encouraged us, but I was not yet determined to serve God. " Buďte vďační. " The Scriptures say that Zechariah and Elizabeth "both were righteous before God because of walking blamelessly in accord with all the commandments and legal requirements of Jehovah. " " Be grateful. " Mojžišovu 6: 4 - 9; 11: 13 - 21. What help does Jehovah provide? Read Genesis 6: 4 - 9; 11: 13 - 21. Aj dnes, po rokoch, ma heavymetalová a rapová hudba stále priťahuje. The translator scratched his head and said that he could not recall the Nama word for "perfect. " Even today, years later, heavy metal and rap music still attracts me. Ruben v súčasnosti slúži ako zborový starší v Miltone v Ontáriu, kde bývame od roku 2002. To obtain a good conscience, we must exercise faith in Jesus ' sacrifice, repent of our sins, and change our course. Ruben now serves as a congregation elder in Milton, Ontario, where we have been living since 2002. Naše otroctvo je dobrovoľné a vyviera z našej lásky k Pánovi. Instead, she acted in faith, trusted in Jehovah, and fed Elijah first. Our slavery is voluntary and stems from our love for the Lord. Časť z toho, čo Pavol napísal, malo mať hlavné uplatnenie v našich dňoch. Jesus ' teachings can have a fine influence on your life Part of what Paul wrote was to have the principal application in our day. V tejto polohe som zostala celé dni a nemohla som sa vystrieť. My friendship with Jehovah has grown deeper and stronger. " I stayed in this position for days and couldn't stretch out. Učeník Jakub nabádal všetkých kresťanov: "Staňte sa tými, ktorí uplatňujú slovo, a nie iba poslucháčmi." Similar positive effects spring from a joyful heart. The disciple James urged all Christians: "Become doers of the word, and not hearers only. " Mnohé rodiny boli veľmi spokojné s pokrokom svojho dieťaťa, keď užívalo Ritalin alebo iné lieky upravujúce správanie. We seek comfort from the Scriptures. Many families were very satisfied with their child's progress when taking Ritalin or other behavioral drugs. Spoločne ako rodina oddychovali i pracovali. So if you would like to live forever or just want to see if it is reasonable to believe that you could, what should you do? Together as a family, they rested and worked. Musel som sa teda naučiť zaujímať sa o veci vytrvalo, ale nevzrušiť sa priveľmi. Readily Responding So I had to learn to take an interest in things persistently, but don't get too upset. Modlila som sa k Jehovovi, aby mi ukázal, ktorou cestou mám ísť. Imitate them! I prayed to Jehovah to show me which way to go. [ Prameň ilustrácie] Helping Youths Escape the "Death Culture " [ Credit Line] Vojenský veliteľ, ktorý dozerá na popravu, vzdáva slávu Bohu. 23 A Milestone in Malawi - 1,000 Kingdom Halls! A military commander overseeing the execution gives glory to God. Nasledujúci deň sestra navštívila susedku so svojím "kúzlom." Here was Moses ' advice: "I have put life and death before you... You must choose life in order that you may keep alive, you and your offspring, by loving Jehovah your God, by listening to his voice and by sticking to him. " The next day, the sister visited a neighbor with her "magic. " " Neviete, aký bude váš život zajtra " - o úsilí vyrovnať sa s bipolárnou afektívnou poruchou. - Strážna veža z 1. decembra 2000. Gabriel and Daniel are now good friends, united in a spiritual brotherhood as baptized Witnesses of Jehovah. " You do not know what your life will be tomorrow " - an effort to cope with bipolar affective disorder. - The Watchtower of December 1, 2000. V Písmach sa hovorí, že obaja, Zechariáš i Alžbeta, "boli pred Bohom spravodliví, lebo chodili bezúhonne v zhode so všetkými Jehovovými prikázaniami a zákonnými požiadavkami." Yes, all of us must work hard to make the best of our circumstances and put forth effort to give Jehovah something to bless. The Scriptures say that both Zechariah and Elizabeth "were righteous before God because they walked faultlessly in accord with all the commandments and legal requirements of Jehovah. " Akú pomoc nám v tomto ohľade poskytuje Jehova? Instead of thinking, " How can I win? ' What help does Jehovah provide in this regard? Prekladateľ sa poškrabal za uchom a povedal, že si nemôže spomenúť na slovo, ktoré by v jazyku nama zodpovedalo slovu "dokonalý." One of the conclusions was that "strong families give kids an edge in school. " The translator scratched his ear and said that he could not remember a word that would match the word "perfect " in our language. Aby sme mohli dosiahnuť čisté svedomie, musíme prejavovať vieru v Ježišovu obeť, robiť pokánie zo svojich hriechov a zmeniť svoj spôsob života. In Germany, where the law made no provision for exemption because of conscientious objection, more than 20 Bible Students refused to have any involvement with the military. To reach a clean conscience, we must exercise faith in Jesus ' sacrifice, repent of our sins, and change our way of life. Ona však konala vo viere, spoľahla sa na Jehovu a dala najesť najprv Eliášovi. COVER: Jet: USAF photo; Aircraft carrier: U.S. However, she acted in the faith, relied on Jehovah, and ate first to Elijah. Ježišovo učenie môže mať na váš život dobrý vplyv Arms of this type, radioactive dispersion devices, are known as dirty nukes or dirty bombs. Jesus ' Teaching Can Affect Your Life Moje priateľstvo s Jehovom sa prehĺbilo a je silnejšie. " " Become Imitators of God, " 10 / 1 My friendship with Jehovah has deepened and is stronger. " Podobné pozitívne účinky má radostné srdce. In faith, Abraham left the country of his birth, confident that Jehovah would keep His promise to show him a different land. A joyful heart has similar positive effects. Hľadáme útechu z Písiem. Moreover, it was empty - even more unusual! We seek comfort from the Scriptures. Čo by ste teda mali robiť, ak by ste chceli žiť večne, alebo ak by ste len chceli vedieť, či je rozumné tomu vôbec veriť? The Spanish Armada then dropped anchor near Calais with orders to pick up troops for its planned invasion of England. What, then, should you do if you want to live forever, or if you just want to know whether it is reasonable to believe it at all? Pohotovo sa dávajú k dispozícii Is she a spiritual woman? They are readily available Napodobňuj ich! You may have a compelling reason to access a chat room - for example, as part of a required school project. Imitate them! Pomáhať mládeži uniknúť "kultúre smrti" A native of Thyatira, Lydia was probably a Jewish proselyte, but there may have been few Jews and no synagogue in Philippi. Helping Youth to Escape "Death Culture " 23 Malawi dosahuje míľnik - 1 000 sál Kráľovstva! In fact, 78 percent of those surveyed by a supermarket chain said they do something special for Christmas. 23 Malawi has reached a milestone - 1,000 Kingdom Halls! Mojžišova rada znela: "Predložil [som ti] život a smrť... vyvolíš si život, aby si zostal nažive ty a tvoje potomstvo, tým, že budeš milovať Jehovu, svojho Boha, tým, že budeš počúvať jeho hlas, a tým, že sa ho budeš pridržiavať." How precious such women are to their husbands, to fellow Christians, and above all, to Jehovah! - Proverbs 31: 28, 30. Moses ' counsel was: "I have put life and death before you,... you will choose life to keep alive you and your offspring, by loving Jehovah your God, by listening to his voice and by sticking to him. " Gabriel a Daniel sú teraz dobrými priateľmi a sú zjednotení v duchovnom bratstve ako pokrstení Jehovovi svedkovia. Yemen - A Country Full of Surprises Gabriel and Daniel are now good friends and united in the spiritual brotherhood as baptized Witnesses of Jehovah. Áno, každý z nás sa musí snažiť čo najlepšie využiť svoje okolnosti a konať tak, aby ho Jehova mohol požehnať. Continuing to draw contrasts, Solomon makes a dramatic point regarding diligence and slothfulness. Yes, each of us must try to make the best of our circumstances and act in such a way that Jehovah can bless him. Neuvažujte: "Ako môžem vyhrať?," ale: "Ako môžeme vyhrať?" I was privileged to teach the school, and Junko prepared meals for the students. Do not think, "How can I win? " but, "How can we win? " Jedným zo záverov bolo, že "pevné rodiny poskytujú deťom výhodu v škole." Their view of God may be obscured by false teachings. One conclusion was that "solid families give children an advantage in school. " V Nemecku, kde zákon neumožňoval oslobodenie od vojenskej služby z dôvodu svedomia, vyše 20 Bádateľov Biblie nechcelo mať nič do činenia s vojnou. Niektorých posúdili ako duševne chorých. In the words of the prophet Isaiah, we are given a foreglimpse of what is to come: In Germany, where the law did not allow freedom from conscientious military service, more than 20 Bible Students wanted nothing to do with war. OBÁLKA: Prúdové lietadlo: USAF photo; Lietadlová loď: U.S. What milestone of spiritual understanding was reached in 1935? COVER: Current aircraft: USAF photo; Aircraft ship: U.S. Zbrane tohto typu - zariadenia na rozptýlenie rádioaktívneho materiálu - sú známe ako špinavé jadrové bomby. Although we look forward to surviving the end of this system, we serve Jehovah because we love him, not merely to get life. Weapons of this type - equipment to disperse radioactive material - are known as dirty nuclear bombs. Vo viere odišiel zo svojej rodnej krajiny s istotou, že Jehova dodrží svoj sľub a ukáže mu inú krajinu. Tick (actual size) In faith, he left his homeland with confidence that Jehovah would keep his promise to show him another land. Okrem toho bol prázdny, čo bolo ešte nezvyčajnejšie! Will the training that is required put you in unreasonable debt? Moreover, it was empty, which was even more unusual! Španielska Armada sa potom stiahla do francúzskeho prístavu Calais. King Solomon warned that "anyone inexperienced puts faith in every word, but the shrewd one considers his steps. " The Spanish Armada then withdrew to the French port of Calais. Je to duchovne zmýšľajúca žena? In some studies, even people who did not seem depressed were much more likely to be suicidal if they had no hope for the future. Is she a spiritually - minded woman? Možno máš vážny dôvod, aby si vstúpil na četovú stránku - napríklad v rámci povinného školského projektu. How unsearchable his judgments are and past tracing out his ways are! " - Romans 11: 25, 26, 33; Galatians 6: 15, 16. You may have a serious reason to enter the chat room - for example, as part of a compulsory school project. Lýdia, rodáčka z Tyatíry, bola pravdepodobne židovskou prozelytkou, ale vo Filipi bolo možno málo Židov a možno tam nebola ani synagóga. Jesus gave two illustrations about "the kingdom of God. " Lydia, a native of Thyatira, was probably a Jewish proselyte, but there may have been few Jews in Philippi, and perhaps there was no synagogue. V prieskume, ktorý organizovalo združenie obchodných domov, 78 percent opýtaných povedalo, že na Vianoce chystá niečo osobitné. A few days earlier, he had urged his followers to pray, saying: "Keep awake, then, all the time making supplication that you may succeed in escaping all these things that are destined to occur, and in standing before the Son of man. " In a survey organized by a department store association, 78 percent of those surveyed said that there was something special going on for Christmas. Aké drahocenné sú takéto ženy pre svojich manželov, pre spolukresťanov, a čo je najdôležitejšie, pre Jehovu! - Príslovia 31: 28, 30. I really appreciated all the brothers and sisters with whom I had the privilege to work. How precious such women are to their husbands, to fellow Christians, and most important, to Jehovah! - Proverbs 31: 28, 30. Jemen - krajina plná prekvapení Take, for example, the seemingly simple task of making a humanoid robot that can walk. Yemen - A Country Full of Surprises Šalamún uvádza ďalší protiklad, keď poukazuje na závažnú myšlienku v súvislosti s usilovnosťou a lenivosťou. Even before you climb into the basket, some preliminary steps have to be taken. Solomon cites another contrast when he points to a serious idea of diligence and laziness. Mal som výsadu vyučovať v tejto škole a Džunko pripravovala pre študentov jedlo. [ Pictures on page 7] I had the privilege of teaching at this school, and Junko prepared food for the students. Ich pohľad na Boha môže byť zastretý falošnými náukami. For example, she read John 17: 3, which states: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. " Their view of God can be covered with false teachings. V slovách proroka Izaiáša dostávame možnosť nazrieť vopred do budúcnosti: In fact, the picture shows Assyrian King Esar - haddon. In the words of the prophet Isaiah, we are given the opportunity to look ahead to the future: Aký míľnik v duchovnom porozumení sa dosiahol v roku 1935? For truly by one spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink one spirit. " - 1 Corinthians 12: 12, 13; Romans 12: 5; Ephesians 1: 22, 23; 3: 6. What milestone in spiritual understanding was reached in 1935? Hoci sa tešíme na prežitie do nového sveta, Jehovovi slúžime preto, lebo ho milujeme, a nie len preto, aby sme získali život. " WHEN 13 - year - old Cord moved to the midwestern United States, he quickly discovered that he was missing a standard piece of eighth - grade male equipment: a can of snuff, a type of smokeless tobacco. Although we look forward to survival into the new world, we serve Jehovah because we love him and not just to gain life. Kliešť (v skutočnej veľkosti) Some researchers say that exposure to pornography can also affect the natural development of a child's brain. Click (in real size) Nemohlo by sa ti stať, že by si sa štúdiom príliš zadlžil? They abstain from involvement in politics and participation in warfare. Couldn't you be in too much debt by studying? Kráľ Šalamún upozornil, že "ak je niekto neskúsený, uverí každému slovu, ale bystrý uvažuje o svojich krokoch." So how appropriate it is that during 1998, Jehovah's Witnesses throughout the world have repeatedly been reminded, by the words of their yeartext, that "everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved "! King Solomon warned that "if anyone is inexperienced he will believe every word, but the shrewd one considers his steps. " V niektorých štúdiách sa ukázalo, že aj u ľudí, u ktorých sa neprejavovala depresia, bola pravdepodobnosť samovražedných sklonov väčšia, ak nemali nádej do budúcnosti. The consistency of each layer is different, and each layer must dry thoroughly before the next one is applied. Some studies have shown that even people who did not show depression were more likely to be suicidal if they had no hope for the future. Aké nevyskúmateľné sú jeho súdy a ako je nemožné vystopovať jeho cesty! " - Rimanom 11: 25, 26, 33; Galaťanom 6: 15, 16. Fulcher, director of the Institute for the Education and Treatment of Compulsive Gamblers, 85 percent of the thousands of identified compulsive gamblers admitted to stealing from their employers. How unsearchable his judgments are and how impossible it is to trace his ways! " - Romans 11: 25, 26, 33; Galatians 6: 15, 16. Ježiš povedal dve podobenstvá o "Božom kráľovstve." Throughout its history, the bank had been a privately owned company. Jesus gave two illustrations of "the kingdom of God. " Niekoľko dní predtým nabádal svojich nasledovníkov, aby sa modlili, keď povedal: "Zostaňte bdelí a v každom čase pokorne proste, aby sa vám podarilo uniknúť všetkému, čo sa má stať, a stáť pred Synom človeka." The Bible describes him as "the Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfort. " A few days earlier, he urged his followers to pray when he said: "Keep on the watch and, at all times, ask humbly that you may succeed in escaping all that is to occur and stand before the Son of man. " Veľmi som si vážil všetkých bratov a sestry, s ktorými som mal výsadu spolupracovať. What outstanding display of goodness has Jehovah shown toward repentant sinners? I greatly appreciated all the brothers and sisters I had the privilege of working with. Ako príklad si uveďme zdanlivo ľahkú úlohu - zhotoviť humanoidného robota, ktorý by dokázal chodiť. Cyril and Kitty Johnson were typical of self - sacrificing new pioneers. Take, for example, the seemingly easy task of making a humanoid robot that can walk. Ešte skôr ako sa vyškriabete do koša, musia sa urobiť niektoré predbežné kroky. If you face surgery or a treatment that might involve a blood product, ask: Even before you scratch into the trash, some preliminary steps must be taken. [ Obrázky na strane 7] Some might feel that laughter is inappropriate in the face of serious illness. [ Pictures on page 7] Napríklad si prečítala Jána 17: 3, kde sa píše: "To znamená večný život, že prijímajú poznanie o tebe, jedinom pravom Bohu, a o tom, ktorého si vyslal, o Ježišovi Kristovi." ▪ A view of the family as a mutual - support system and problem - solving unit For example, she read John 17: 3, which says: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. " Ale v skutočnosti je na obrázku asýrsky kráľ Esar - chaddon. Then all those present petitioned God for help in speaking his word with boldness. But in fact, there is a picture of Assyrian King Esar - Chaddon. Lebo všetci sme boli pokrstení jedným duchom v jedno telo, či Židia alebo Gréci, či otroci alebo slobodní, a všetci sme dostali piť jedného ducha. " - 1. Korinťanom 12: 12, 13; Rimanom 12: 5; Efezanom 1: 22, 23; 3: 6. " The faithful partner needs to recognise that there comes a time when they have to move on, " advises one reference work. For we have all been baptized with one spirit in one flesh, whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free, and we have all been given to drink one spirit. " - 1 Corinthians 12: 12, 13; Romans 12: 5; Ephesians 1: 22, 23; 3: 6. " KEĎ sa 13 - ročný Cord presťahoval na stredozápad Spojených štátov, rýchle zistil, že mu chýba bežná súčasť vybavenia ôsmaka: plechovka s tabakom, ktorý sa nefajčí. Granted, it is not cuddly or appealing. " WHEN the 13 - year - old Cord moved to the Midwest of the United States, he quickly found that he was missing a common part of eighth - grade equipment: a can of tobacco that was not smoked. Niektorí výskumníci hovoria, že pozeranie pornografie môže tiež ovplyvniť prirodzený duševný vývin dieťaťa. Bipolar Disorder Some researchers say that viewing pornography can also affect a child's natural mental development. Nezapájajú sa do politiky ani sa nezúčastňujú vojen. Vandalism Can Be Eliminated They do not engage in politics or take part in wars. Aké je preto vhodné, že Jehovovým svedkom na celom svete je počas roku 1998 slovami ich ročného textu pripomínané, že "každý, kto vzýva Jehovovo meno, bude zachránený"! Gilgal How fitting, then, that Jehovah's Witnesses around the world are reminded throughout 1998 that "everyone calling on the name of Jehovah will be saved "! Zloženie každej vrstvy je iné a každá vrstva musí dôkladne vyschnúť, kým sa nanesie ďalšia. What will be done? The composition of each layer is different and each layer must be thoroughly dried until another layer is applied. Fulchera, riaditeľa Inštitútu pre vzdelávanie a liečbu náruživých hráčov, 85 percent z tisícov zistených hráčov narkomanov priznalo, že okrádajú svojich zamestnávateľov. The interpretation does not come miraculously through any humans. Fulcher, director of the Institute for the Education and Treatment of Influential Players, 85 percent of thousands of identified addicts admitted to robbing their employers. Banka bola počas svojej existencie spoločnosťou v súkromnom vlastníctve. Wisely, the reader may check different sources for verification. The Bank was a privately owned company during its existence. Je jasné, že "Boh každej útechy" nedovolí, aby Diabol žil čo len trochu dlhšie, ako je nevyhnutné. ● Avoid using vague, abstract phrases - for instance, saying that the deceased "left us " or" went away. " Clearly, "the God of all comfort " will not allow the Devil to live as long as is necessary. Akým vynikajúcim spôsobom prejavuje Jehova dobrotu kajúcnym hriešnikom? □ What will enable us to reach the haven of God's promised new world? In what fine way does Jehovah show goodness to repentant sinners? Medzi novými obetavými priekopníkmi boli aj Cyril a Kitty Johnsonovci. Mike Clements, program manager with the Canadian Coast Guard in St. Among the new self - sacrificing pioneers were Cyril and Kitty Johnson. Ak ťa čaká operácia alebo liečba, pri ktorej by mohol byť použitý nejaký prípravok z krvi, opýtaj sa: Some of our friends and loved ones may have served God for decades and are well along in years. If you have an operation or a treatment in which some blood medicine could be used, ask: Niektorí majú možno pocit, že smiech nie je pri vážnej chorobe vhodný. We too have a battle against fleshly weaknesses. Some may feel that laughter is inappropriate in a serious illness. ▪ Považovať rodinu za zdroj vzájomnej podpory a pomoci pri riešení problémov I had learned that allegiance is due only to Jehovah, and toasting was much more than simply showing respect. ▪ Treat family as a source of mutual support and help to solve problems Potom všetci prítomní prosili Boha o pomoc hovoriť jeho slovo s odvahou. My blood pressure remained high, and my hemoglobin stayed between 5 and 6 grams per deciliter. Then all in attendance begged God for help to speak his word with courage. " Verný partner potrebuje uznať, že je čas, keď musia začať odznova, "radí jedno odborné dielo. Quietly, Elisha sent his attendant to anoint Israel's army chief, Jehu, as the new king. " A faithful mate needs to acknowledge that there is a time when they have to start over, " advises one reference work. Iste, neláka pomaznať sa s ňou. * - Philemon 1, 2. Likewise today, God's people do not need ornate religious edifices but places that are comfortable and able to accommodate all who attend. Sure, he doesn't want to cuddle with her. Bipolárna porucha Who were the Epicureans? Bipolar disorder Vandalizmus - môže byť odstránený In defiance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, powerful rulers have built arsenals of frightful weapons - but in vain! Vandalism - Can Be Eliminate Gilgal The dogs could reputedly guide the spirits of the dead in their journey through the underworld. Gilgal A čo sa urobí? Of those, seven were later baptized, and after returning to the United States, four of the men became congregation elders. And what will be done? POMÔCKA: Prečítajte si 2. " Judah and Israel were many, like the grains of sand that are by the sea for multitude, eating and drinking and rejoicing. " - 1 Kings 4: 20. CLUE: Read 2. K výkladu sa nedochádza zázračne prostredníctvom nejakých ľudí. For the annual Passover, Joseph may have needed two weeks to make the journey of about 70 miles (112.65 km), observe the occasion, and then return. The interpretation does not miraculously occur through some people. Čitateľ urobí múdro, ak si overí správu z rôznych zdrojov. Some researchers hold that poverty and inequality trigger violence. The reader is wise to check the message from various sources. ● Vyhýbajte sa nejasným, abstraktným pojmom, napríklad nehovorte, že mŕtvy "nás opustil" alebo "odišiel preč." Bone - A Marvel of Strength ● Avoid vague, abstract notions, such as not saying that the dead "has left us " or" has gone away. " □ Čo nám umožní dostať sa do prístavu Božieho sľúbeného nového sveta? From earliest times, humans have observed the precise movements of the heavenly bodies across the night sky and the seasonal changes of their locations in the firmament. □ What will enable us to reach the port of God's promised new world? Mike Clements, programový manažér Kanadskej pobrežnej stráže v St. It also prohibits all forms of substance abuse and the intake of blood, which defile the body. - Acts 15: 20; 2 Corinthians 7: 1. Mike Clements, Canada Coast Guard Programme Manager, St. Niektorí naši priatelia a blízki príbuzní azda slúžia Bohu už celé desaťročia a sú už pokročilého veku. And the value of Jesus ' sacrifice does not stop at paying for our past sins. Some of our friends and close relatives may have been serving God for decades and old. Aj my bojujeme proti telesným slabostiam. Today, Satan may incite family members, schoolmates, or even dictatorial governments to persecute God's servants in some way. We too fight against fleshly weaknesses. Naučila som sa, že vernosť patrí iba Jehovovi, a prípitok znamenal oveľa viac než len prejav úcty. People yearn for crime to be eliminated, not just reduced. I learned that loyalty belongs only to Jehovah, and a toast meant much more than a show of respect. Krvný tlak zostával vysoký a koncentrácia hemoglobínu sa udržiavala medzi 5 a 6 gramov na deciliter. The diameter of Omega Centauri is about 150 light - years; it would take approximately 150 years for light to travel from the bottom of the photograph to the top! Blood pressure remained high and haemoglobin concentration was maintained between 5 and 6 grams per deciliter. Elizeus tajne poslal svojho slúžiaceho, aby pomazal za nového kráľa Jehua, hlavného veliteľa izraelského vojska. Miscellaneous Tidbits From Parents Elisha secretly sent his attendant to anoint the new king Jehu, chief commander of the army of Israel. Ani dnes Boží ľud nepotrebuje na uctievanie vyzdobené náboženské budovy, ale také, ktoré sú príjemné a kde je dostatok miesta pre všetkých prítomných. (June 22, 2002) It was exciting to read about Sigismund, who defended the anti - Trinitarians in their debates, and about how legal recognition was given to the Unitarian Church. Today, God's people do not need decorated religious buildings to worship, but ones that are pleasant and where there is room for all in attendance. Kto boli epikurovci? In 1973, a special effort called Project Tiger was launched in Corbett National Park, in northern India. Who were the Epicureans? V odpore proti Zvrchovanému Pánu Jehovovi vybudovali mocní vládcovia arzenály hrozných zbraní - ale márne! By law, the Society is a nonprofit corporation. In opposition to the Sovereign Lord, Jehovah was built by powerful rulers of the arsenal of terrible weapons - but in vain! Aztékovia verili, že psíky môžu sprevádzať dušu mŕtvych na ich ceste podsvetím. Any income from part - time employment was put into the expense fund to maintain our home and the three automobiles needed to cover our scattered territory. The Aztecs believed that dogs could accompany the soul of the dead on their journey through the underworld. Siedmi z nich boli neskôr pokrstení a štyria muži sa po návrate do Spojených štátov stali zborovými staršími. He told Joseph of a dream about a vine with three twigs that bore clusters of grapes. Seven of them were later baptized, and four men became congregation elders when they returned to the United States. " Júdu a Izraela bolo mnoho ako zrniek piesku, ktorých je množstvo pri mori; jedli a pili a radovali sa. " - 1. Kráľov 4: 20. You may likewise have what appears to be an immovable obstacle standing in the way of your progress. " Judah and Israel were many like the grains of sand, the multitude of which is by the sea; they ate and drank and rejoiced. " - 1 Kings 4: 20. Na každoročný sviatok Pesach si museli vyhradiť možno aj dva týždne, keď vezmeme do úvahy, že do Jeruzalema mali vyše 100 kilometrov. He too paid with his life as he tried to save others. They had to set aside maybe two weeks for the annual Passover, considering that they were over 100 miles [100 km] into Jerusalem. Niektorí odborníci tvrdia, že k násiliu vedie chudoba a nerovnoprávnosť. Jehovah gives it only to those who are willing to search his Word with honesty and humility. Some experts claim that poverty and inequality lead to violence. Kosť - jedinečná svojou pevnosťou Smoking mothers may also harm their unborn babies. Bone - Unique With Its Fortress Ľudia už od nepamäti pozorovali presné pohyby nebeských telies na nočnej oblohe a zmeny ich polohy na nebeskej klenbe v závislosti od ročného obdobia. Throughout Palestine, archaeologists have found jugs equipped with strainer spouts. Since time immemorial, humans have observed accurate movements of heavenly bodies in the night sky and changes in their position on the arch of the heavens, depending on the season. Zakazuje tiež prijímanie krvi a všetky formy zneužívania návykových látok, ktoré poškvrňujú telo. - Skutky 15: 20; 2. Korinťanom 7: 1. Suddenly, a trumpet sounded from the heights of the island of Salamis, and the Greek vessels surged forward in orderly ranks. It also forbids the taking of blood and all forms of abuse of addictive substances that defile the body. - Acts 15: 20; 2 Corinthians 7: 1. A hodnota jeho obete sa nevzťahuje iba na zaplatenie našich minulých hriechov. Jesus was standing before Pilate as a condemned criminal. And the value of his sacrifice is not limited to the payment of our past sins. V dnešnej dobe môže Satan podnietiť členov rodiny, spolužiakov či dokonca diktátorské vlády, aby nejakým spôsobom prenasledovali Božích služobníkov. John recorded these visions in the Bible book of Revelation. Today, Satan can move family members, schoolmates, or even dictatorial governments to persecute God's servants in some way. Ľudia túžia po tom, aby bola zločinnosť odstránená, a nie iba zredukovaná. Indeed, since waiting is an inevitable part of life, knowing how to wait patiently when necessary is a mark of a mature person. People long for crime to be eradicated rather than just reduced. Priemer hviezdokopy Omega Centauri je približne 150 svetelných rokov, to znamená, že svetlu by trvalo asi 150 rokov, kým by prešlo z oblasti na spodnej časti fotografie do oblasti na vrchnej časti! This in spite of God's command to his servants: "Turn away, turn away, get out of there, touch nothing unclean..., you who are carrying the utensils of Jehovah. " - Isaiah 52: 11; 2 Corinthians 6: 14 - 18. The diameter of the Omega Centauri star cluster is about 150 light years, that is, the light would take about 150 years to pass from the area to the bottom of the photo to the area on the top! Ďalšie rôzne postrehy rodičov The Israelites were to inculcate Jehovah's words in their sons ' hearts even when they walked on this Other Differences in Parents ' Viewpoint (22. júna 2002) Bolo vzrušujúce čítať o Žigmundovi, ktorý obhajoval antitrinitárov pri ich dišputách, a o tom, ako bolo unitárskej cirkvi poskytnuté zákonné uznanie. Still, must Christians be present at a specific location or building in order for their worship to be acceptable to God? (June 22, 2002) It was thrilling to read about Sigismund, who advocated anti - trinitarians in their discourses, and how legal recognition was given to the Unitarian Church. V roku 1973 sa v národnom parku Corbett v severnej Indii začal špeciálny program nazvaný Projekt tiger. Stephen points to another aspect of forming friendships. In 1973, a special program called Project Tiger was launched in Corbett National Park, northern India. Spoločnosť je podľa zákona nezárobková organizácia. In the long run, procrastination increases rather than reduces stress. The company is by law a non-profit organization. Všetky príjmy zo zamestnania na čiastočný úväzok sa dávali do fondu výdavkov na udržiavanie domácnosti a troch áut potrebných na opracovávanie nášho rozsiahleho obvodu. What does true worship involve, and why can it be said that Jehovah's Witnesses are truly religious people? All income from part - time employment was placed in a fund of expenditure on maintaining the household and three cars needed to work our vast territory. Snívalo sa mu o troch prútoch viniča, na ktorých vypučali a dozreli strapce hrozna. Imagine how wonderful life will be when everyone we know is clothed to perfection with the new personality! He dreamed of three vine rods, on which the bunches of grapes sprout and ripen. Podobne aj ty môžeš mať niečo, čo sa zdá ako neprekonateľná prekážka, ktorá ti bráni v pokroku. We have often thought of the words we heard at Gilead: "Make your foreign assignment your home. " Similarly, you may have something that seems to be an insurmountable obstacle to your progress. Keď sa zrútila južná veža, bol na jej desiatom podlaží. I was devastated. When the south tower collapsed, he was on her tenth floor. Jehova ho dáva iba tým, ktorí sú ochotní skúmať jeho Slovo čestne a s pokorou. What would you do? Jehovah only gives it to those willing to examine his Word honestly and humbly. Tehotné ženy, ktoré fajčia, môžu ublížiť aj svojmu nenarodenému dieťaťu. It influences one's personality and nurtures godly qualities, such as "love, joy, peace, long - suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self - control. " Pregnant women who smoke can also harm their unborn child. Na mnohých miestach Palestíny našli archeológovia džbány, ktoré mali v pyšteku cedidlo. □ Who are deserving of honor in our day? In many places, the archaeologists of Palestine found jars that had a cedder in their pies. Náhle z výšin ostrova Salamis zaznel zvuk trúbky a grécke koráby usporiadane vyrazili vpred. But because of intervening dust, the star can only be detected with infrared detectors. Suddenly, the sound of the trumpet sounded from the heights of the island of Salamis, and the Greek ark moved forward in an orderly fashion. Ježiš stál pred Pilátom ako odsúdený zločinec. Meissen is now the home of some 130 Kingdom publishers. Jesus stood before Pilate as a convicted criminal. Ján zaznamenal tieto videnia v biblickej knihe Zjavenie. I applied to emigrate to Australia, hoping that this would be a stepping - stone to serving as a missionary in Papua New Guinea or on some other Pacific island. John recorded these visions in the Bible book of Revelation. Keďže čakanie je neoddeliteľnou súčasťou života, vedieť trpezlivo čakať, keď je to potrebné, je známkou zrelého človeka. Small fish, worms, insects, and crustaceans are also on hammerkop's menu. Since waiting is an integral part of life, being able to wait patiently when necessary is a sign of a mature person. A robí to aj napriek príkazu, ktorý dal Boh svojim služobníkom: "Odvráťte sa, odvráťte sa, vyjdite odtiaľ, nedotýkajte sa ničoho nečistého... vy, ktorí nosíte Jehovovo náčinie." - Izaiáš 52: 11; 2. Korinťanom 6: 14 - 18. We may all dream of better things for ourselves and our loved ones. And he does so despite God's command to his servants: "Turn back, turn back, get out of there, do not touch anything unclean..., you who are carrying the utensils of Jehovah. " - Isaiah 52: 11; 2 Corinthians 6: 14 - 18. Kráľom ktorej mocnej ríše bol Salmanazar? In fact, many of David's psalms - including Psalm 139 - are essentially prayers set to music. The king of which powerful empire was Salmanazar? A musia kresťania navštevovať určité miesta alebo budovy, aby bolo ich uctievanie prijateľné Bohu? When we carefully observe Jehovah's handiwork, we obtain a better understanding of his personality, and he thus becomes more real to us. And must Christians visit certain places or buildings in order to be acceptable to God? Stephen poukázal na ďalší aspekt pri vytváraní priateľstva. How Israel's newfound freedom contrasted with their situation in Egypt! Stephen pointed to another aspect in making a friendship. V konečnom dôsledku také odďaľovanie skôr zvyšuje, než znižuje stres. Why Do We Grow Old and Die? Ultimately, such delay increases rather than reduces stress. Čo zahŕňa pravé uctievanie a prečo možno povedať, že Jehovovi svedkovia sú skutočne nábožensky založení ľudia? All the names in the two lists represent real people, and Adam was the original real person on each list. What is involved in true worship, and why can it be said that Jehovah's Witnesses are truly religious people? Predstavme si, aký nádherný bude život, keď všetci ľudia okolo nás budú mať novú osobnosť a budú dokonale prejavovať také krásne vlastnosti, aké má Jehova! When I was about 16, I started going to cocktail bars, where my friends and I would dance and listen to live music. Imagine how wonderful life will be when all the people around us have a new personality and perfectly display such beautiful qualities as Jehovah's! Často uvažujeme o slovách, ktoré sme počuli v škole Gileád: "Urobte miesto svojho zahraničného pridelenia svojím domovom." 28 Beware of Lead Poisoning! We often reflect on the words we heard at Gilead School: "Make your foreign assignment your home. " Bola som zdrvená. Pointing ahead to the year 1914 C.E., Daniel 2: 44 said of the ruling political powers, or "kingdoms ":" In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. I was devastated. Čo by ste urobili? My body was bruised, my dress muddy, my hair a mess, my face dirty and disfigured by tape marks. What would you do? Ovplyvňuje našu osobnosť a pestuje v nás božské vlastnosti, ako je "láska, radosť, pokoj, zhovievavosť, láskavosť, dobrota, viera, miernosť, sebaovládanie." It is a marvel. It affects our personality and cultivates divine qualities in us, such as "love, joy, peace, long - suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self - control. " □ Kto si zaslúži úctu v našich dňoch? From where it drops us off, we walk another third of a mile [half kilometer] to get a second bus. □ Who deserve respect in our day? Ibaže túto hviezdu zacláňa prach, a preto je možné ju objaviť len detektormi na infračervené žiarenie. Alen and Ann Marie Gokavi said: "He pointed out that it is a measure of Christian maturity to extend mercy to our fellow missionaries and those with whom we share the good news. Only this star is encircled by dust, so it can only be discovered by infrared detectors. Meissen je teraz domovom asi 130 zvestovateľov Kráľovstva. Just as the presence of "the man of lawlessness " would be over a period of time, Jesus ' presence would extend for some time and would climax in the destruction of that lawless" son of destruction. " - 2 Thessalonians 2: 8. Meissen is now home to some 130 Kingdom publishers. Požiadal som o emigráciu do Austrálie a dúfal som, že to bude odrazový mostík, aby som mohol slúžiť ako misionár na Papue - Novej Guinei alebo na niektorom inom tichomorskom ostrove. When that happens and a conversation starts going in the wrong direction, what can you do? I asked for emigration to Australia, hoping that it would be a stepping - stone so that I could serve as a missionary in Papua New Guinea or some other Pacific island. Do jedálneho lístka takatry patria aj malé ryby, červy, hmyz a kôrovce. A covetous person allows the object of his desire to dominate his thinking and actions to such an extent that it in essence becomes his god. The menu includes small fish, worms, insects, and crustaceans. Azda všetci snívame o niečom lepšom pre seba a pre našich milovaných. (See opening image.) (b) What loyalties do many people display, but in what might that result? Perhaps we all dream of something better for ourselves and for our loved ones. Veď aj mnohé Dávidove žalmy - vrátane 139. žalmu - sú vlastne zhudobnené modlitby. What joy, after more than 28 years of confinement, to be a free man! After all, many of David's psalms - including Psalm 139 - are actually musical prayers. Keď dôkladne pozorujeme diela Jehovových rúk, získavame lepšie pochopenie jeho osobnosti, a tým sa pre nás stáva skutočnejším. Pansy By carefully observing the works of Jehovah's hands, we gain a better understanding of his personality and thus become more real to us. Akým kontrastom bola novozískaná sloboda Izraela oproti ich situácii v Egypte! Antonio, who is 32, notes: "I am moved every time I see Jairo expressing his faith. " What a contrast Israel's freedom over their situation in Egypt was newly acquired! Prečo starneme a zomierame? In the meantime, is it possible to find a form of worship untainted by the bloodguilt, the murderous intolerance, and the other crimes that Christendom's churches are apologizing for? Why do we grow old and die? Všetky mená v týchto dvoch zoznamoch predstavujú skutočných ľudí a v každom z nich je Adam tou prvou skutočnou osobou. A genuine smile is the most attractive thing you can wear and, explains body - language expert Roger E. All the names in these two lists represent real people, and in each of them Adam is the first real person. Keď som mala asi šestnásť rokov, začala som s priateľmi chodiť do koktailových barov, kde sme tancovali a počúvali živú hudbu. However, it was not until 1988 that a federal - provincial agreement created Grasslands National Park. When I was about 16 years old, I started going to cocktail bars with my friends, where we danced and listened to live music. 28 Pozor na otravu olovom! In the beginning of this article, we raised three "when " questions. 28 Beware of Lead Poisoning! Daniel 2: 44 poukazoval dopredu na rok 1914 n. l., keď hovoril o vládnucich politických mocnostiach, čiže "kráľovstvách": "Za dní tých kráľov zriadi nebeský Boh kráľovstvo, ktoré nebude nikdy zničené. Do you, however, exercise the same care when it comes to remaining "healthy in faith "? Daniel 2: 44 pointed forward to 1914 C.E. when he spoke of ruling political powers, or "kings: "In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. Telo som mala pokryté podliatinami, šaty zablatené, vlasy rozcuchané, tvár špinavú a poznamenanú stopami pásky. " This study is saying that if you are overweight by your mid - 30 ' s to mid - 40 ' s, even if you lose some weight later on, you still carry a higher risk of dying, " said Dr. My body was covered in bruises, my clothes were muddy, my hair was sniffed out, my face was dirty and marked by the footprints of the tape. Kniha je obdivuhodná. John wrote: "By inspiration I came to be in the Lord's day, and I heard behind me a strong voice like that of a trumpet, saying: " What you see write in a scroll. ' " - Revelation 1: 10, 11. The book is admirable. Z miesta, kde nás tento autobus vysadí, ideme ďalšieho pol kilometra na druhý autobus. • Why should a person be cautious about drinking alcoholic beverages, even if he avoids doing so to the point of being visibly drunk? From where this bus drops us off, we're going to take the next half mile to the second bus. Alen a Ann Marie Gokaviovci hovoria: "Poukázal na to, že prejavovanie milosrdenstva našim spolumisionárom i tým, s ktorými sa delíme o dobré posolstvo, odráža stupeň našej kresťanskej zrelosti. Why is priestly celibacy unscriptural? Alen and Ann Marie Gokavi say: "He pointed out that showing mercy to our fellow missionaries and those with whom we share the good news reflects the degree of our Christian maturity. Práve tak ako prítomnosť "človeka nezákonnosti" bude trvať isté časové obdobie, aj Ježišova prítomnosť bude trvať nejaký čas a vyvrcholí zničením toho nezákonného "syna zničenia." - 2. Tesaloničanom 2: 8. Alojzy Prostak, a traveling overseer from Kraków, was so brutally treated during interrogation that he had to be taken to the prison hospital. Just as the presence of "the man of lawlessness " will take a period of time, so it will take time for Jesus ' presence to culminate in the destruction of the lawless" son of destruction. " - 2 Thessalonians 2: 8. Čo môžeš urobiť, keď sa to stane a rozhovor sa začne uberať nesprávnym smerom? Further Opportunities to Witness What can you do when this happens and the conversation starts in the wrong direction? Taký človek dovoľuje svojej túžbe, aby ovládla jeho uvažovanie a konanie do takej miery, že sa preňho v podstate stane bohom. Soon they qualified to be publishers of the good news. Such a person allows his desire to control his thinking and actions to such an extent that he will, in effect, become a god to him. (Pozri obrázok v úvode článku.) b) Čomu sú mnohí ľudia lojálni a aké následky to môže mať? What proof can I offer to substantiate my beliefs? (See opening image.) (b) What are many loyal, and what can be the consequences? Aká to bola radosť, byť po viac ako 28 rokoch uväznenia slobodným človekom! 20: 17. To "see the salvation of Jehovah, " we need to" take [our] position " in active support of God's Kingdom. What a joy it was to be imprisoned by a free man after more than 28 years! Sirôtka Herbal Remedies - Can They Help You? Orphans Okrem toho tí, čo považujú iné ovce za kresťanov z Nežidov, ktorí budú odmenení nebeským životom, neberú do úvahy jednu dôležitú stránku Božieho predsavzatia. On the contrary, Jehovah maneuvered his chariot with lightninglike swiftness. Moreover, those who view other sheep as non - Jews who will be rewarded with heavenly life do not take into account one important aspect of God's purpose. (Antonio, 32 rokov) Whether she has an outside job or not, it is still the woman who has to "take on the weight of family organization, " dedicating - if she has children - an average of 7 hours and 18 minutes to housework, compared with the 1 hour and 48 minutes of her partner. (Antonio, 32 years old) Dá sa však dovtedy nájsť spôsob uctievania, ktorý nie je poškvrnený krvnou vinou, vražednou neznášanlivosťou a inými zločinmi, za ktoré sa ospravedlňujú cirkvi kresťanstva? What is the first consideration in making employment decisions? In the meantime, though, is it possible to find a form of worship that is not defiled by bloodguilt, murderous intolerance, and other crimes for which Christendom's churches apologize? A podľa slov odborníka na reč tela Rogera E. STUDY ARTICLE 3 PAGES 16 - 20 And according to Roger E. No až v roku 1988 bola podpísaná federálno - provinčná zmluva o založení Národného parku Grasslands. Jehovah promises to wipe away the tears of sorrow that such terrible losses cause. However, it was not until 1988 that the Federal - Provincial Treaty establishing the Grasslands National Park was signed. Na začiatku článku sme položili tri otázky začínajúce sa slovom "kedy." My parents did not go, but I did. At the beginning of the article, we asked three questions, starting with the word "when. " Si však rovnako pozorný, pokiaľ ide o to, aby si zostal " zdravý vo viere "? Now I am serving as a regular pioneer in a sign - language congregation, and I am learning to reach out to all kinds of people. " But are you just as attentive to being "healthy in the faith "? " Z tohto výskumu vyplýva, že ak má človek asi od 35. do 45. roku života nadváhu, je vystavený väčšiemu riziku, že umrie skôr, aj keby svoju hmotnosť potom o niečo znížil, "povedal riaditeľ istej kliniky na pomoc pri chudnutí Dr. For engaging in sports, a water - resistant watch is advisable. " This research shows that if a person is overweight from about 35 to 45 years of age, he is at greater risk of dying earlier, even if his weight is reduced by something, " said Dr. Ján napísal: "Inšpiráciou som sa dostal do Pánovho dňa a počul som za sebou silný hlas, ako hlas trúbky, ktorý hovoril: " Čo vidíš, napíš do zvitku. "" - Zjavenie 1: 10, 11. Also, talk to others who have run similar businesses. John wrote: "By inspiration I got into the Lord's day and heard behind me a loud voice, like the voice of the trumpet, saying: " What you see, write in the scroll. ' " - Revelation 1: 10, 11. • Prečo si človek musí dávať pozor na alkoholické nápoje, aj keď nepije toľko, že by na ňom druhí videli známky opitosti? A number of them happily accepted Bible - based literature, and arrangements were made for a Witness who knows sign language to visit them. • Why does one need to be careful about alcoholic beverages, even if he does not drink so much that others see signs of drunkenness in it? Prečo je kňazský celibát nebiblický? [ Picture on page 21] Why is priestly celibacy unscriptural? S Alojzym Prostakom, cestujúcim dozorcom z Krakova, pri výsluchu tak brutálne zaobchádzali, že musel byť hospitalizovaný vo väzenskej nemocnici. One disturbing U.S. survey showed that among victims of sexual harassment, 75 percent admitted that they themselves had harassed others. Alojzy Prostak, a traveling overseer from Krakow, was treated so brutally when questioned that he had to be hospitalized in a prison hospital. Ďalšie príležitosti na vydávanie svedectva Why could Joshua say this? - Josh. Other Opportunities for Witnessing Čoskoro sa stali spôsobilými ako zvestovatelia dobrého posolstva. However, Jehovah later told Joshua that "the wall of the city must fall down flat. " Soon they became qualified as preachers of the good news. Aké dôkazy môžem predložiť na doloženie svojho presvedčenia? Thereafter, Matthew obtained a university degree in music. What evidence can I provide to support my beliefs? 20: 17 Ak chceme " vidieť záchranu od Jehovu ," musíme " zaujať svoje postavenie " v aktívnej podpore Božieho Kráľovstva. Hispanic magazine reports that in the United States, nearly one million Hispanics have left the Catholic Church during the past 15 years. 20: 17. To "see salvation from Jehovah, " we must " take our place ' in active support of God's Kingdom. Môžu vám bylinné prípravky pomôcť? In fact, the gondola is perhaps the city's most important symbol. Can herbal preparations help you? Naopak, Jehova svojím vozom manévroval rýchlosťou blesku. Eduardo Bertotti, a government official, noted that while in other countries it is unthinkable to disregard a red traffic light, in Argentina "it is not only a frequent occurrence but there are those who even take pride in doing it. " On the contrary, Jehovah maneuvered his chariots at the speed of lightning. Či už má žena zamestnanie mimo domácnosti alebo nie, je to stále ona, kto musí "niesť bremeno organizácie v rodine," pričom - keď má deti - venuje domácim prácam priemerne 7 hodín a 18 minút v porovnaní s 1 hodinou a 48 minútami svojho partnera. Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. Whether a woman has a job outside the home or not, she is still the one who has to " bear the burden of the organization in the family, " while - when she has children - she spends an average of 7 hours and 18 minutes on housework compared to 1 hour and 48 minutes on her partner. Čo by sme mali zvážiť ako prvé, keď si vyberáme zamestnanie? That morning I started a Bible study, and from it, there are now six people in the truth. " - Compare 3 John 4. When choosing a job, what should we first consider? ŠTUDIJNÝ ČLÁNOK STRANY 16 - 20 Unknown to people in general, everyone today is faced with making a decision between life and death. STUDY ARTICLE 3 PAGES 16 - 20 Jehova sľubuje, že v budúcnosti zotrie všetky slzy spôsobené takouto hroznou stratou. Pygmies, 11 / 8 Jehovah promises to wipe out all tears caused by such a terrible loss in the future. Moji rodičia nechceli ísť, ale ja som šiel. She has her heart set on the future when Jehovah will take away illness and other problems from mankind. My parents didn't want to go, but I did. Teraz slúžim ako pravidelná priekopníčka v zbore posunkového jazyka a snažím sa bez predsudkov pomáhať všetkým ľuďom. " Because for centuries they had abused their authority. I now serve as a regular pioneer in the sign - language congregation, and I try to help all people without prejudice. " Ak radi športujete, potom by boli pre vás najlepšie hodinky odolné proti vode. Our missionary assignment was the city of Campos, where there are now 15 congregations. If you like sports, then the best watch would be waterproof for you. Porozprávaj sa aj s inými, ktorí tiež podnikajú. Receding ice has also brought about a sharp increase in vegetation. Talk to others who also do business. Niekoľkí z nich radi prijali biblickú literatúru a zariadilo sa, aby ich navštívil svedok, ktorý ovláda posunkovú reč. Reminiscing, he says: "I had wasted almost 50 years of my life, and I wanted to make improvements. Several of them gladly accepted Bible literature and arranged to be visited by a Witness who controls sign language. [ Obrázok na strane 21] The people of the region thought that all of them were fools. [ Picture on page 21] Jeden znepokojivý americký prieskum ukázal, že 75 percent obetí sexuálneho obťažovania priznalo, že aj ony samy obťažovali iných. No. Nothing in the Bible suggests that after they are resurrected on earth, such God - fearing people as Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah, Joseph, Moses, and David will ever partake of these emblems. A disturbing American survey showed that 75 percent of victims of sexual harassment admitted that they themselves harassed others. Prečo to mohol povedať? - Joz. It is impossible for a person to be a true Christian and at the same time be a part of this world, of which Satan is the god. Why would he say that? Jehova však neskôr Jozuovi povedal, že "mestský múr spadne." What hypocrisy! Jehovah later told Joshua that "the city wall would fall. " Matthew neskôr získal univerzitné hudobné vzdelanie. (February 22, 1992) While I was glad to read of the happy outcome for Gerd Fechner, do we need to learn about man's inhumanity to man in such depth? Matthew later received a university musical education. Časopis Hispanic oznamuje, že v USA opustilo za posledných 15 rokov takmer milión obyvateľov španielskeho pôvodu katolícku cirkev. □ What was made manifest by God's accomplishments at the Red Sea? Hispanic magazine reports that in the United States, the Catholic Church has left almost a million inhabitants of Spanish origin in the last 15 years. Gondola je možno jedným z najdôležitejších symbolov mesta. [ Picture on page 12, 13] Gondola may be one of the most important symbols of the city. Vládny úradník Eduardo Bertotti uviedol, že zatiaľ čo v iných krajinách je nemysliteľné nedbať na červené svetlo, v Argentíne "je to nielen častý prípad, ale sú aj takí, ktorí sú na to hrdí." Instead, he urged them as "sons of light " to " stay awake and keep their senses. ' A government official, Eduardo Bertotti, stated that while in other lands it is unthinkable to ignore red light, in Argentina "this is not only a frequent case, but there are also those who are proud of it. " Aj v tomto svete plnom problémov môžete dosiahnuť šťastie na základe presného biblického poznania o Bohu, jeho Kráľovstve a obdivuhodnom zámere, ktorý má s ľudstvom. I had some savings and decided to quit and start in the full - time ministry. Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. Vtedy ráno som zaviedol biblické štúdium a dnes je v jeho dôsledku šesť ľudí v pravde. " - Porovnaj 3. This often leads to inflation. That morning I started a Bible study, and today six people are in the truth. " - Compare 3. Hoci väčšina ľudí si to neuvedomuje, každý človek dnes stojí pred rozhodnutím, ktoré je otázkou života a smrti. If you ask an unreliable person to do a job, he may simply fail to carry it out. Although most people do not realize this, each person today faces a decision that is a matter of life and death. Maria sa v srdci zameriava na budúcnosť, keď Jehova oslobodí ľudstvo od chorôb a iných problémov. Some individuals work in medical, social, economic, or other fields to improve the lot of fellow humans, and such efforts are commendable. Maria focuses on the future in her heart when Jehovah frees mankind from sickness and other problems. Pretože počas celých storočí zneužívali svoju moc. When a valid "cry of complaint " went up to Jehovah concerning Sodom and Gomorrah, he took steps to deal with the disgraceful situation in those decadent cities. Because throughout the centuries, they have abused their power. Bratia nás ako misionárov poslali do mesta Campos. Dnes je tam už 15 zborov, no keď sme prišli, bola tam iba jedna izolovaná skupinka a misionársky domov, kde bývali štyri sestry: Esther Tracyová, Ramona Bauerová, Luiza Schwarzová a Lorraine Brookesová (dnes Wallenová). To protect dwindling rhino populations, some countries have resorted to sawing off the horns of these creatures. Today there are 15 congregations, but when we arrived, there was only one isolated group and missionary home, where there were four sisters: Esther Tracy, Ramona Bauer, Luiza Schwarz, and Lorraine Brookes (now Wallen). Ústup ľadovca viedol aj k prudkému vzrastu vegetácie. In that parable, Christ clearly showed that the salvation of the other sheep is closely linked to their conduct toward the anointed, whom he called "my brothers. " The decline of the glacier also led to a sharp increase in vegetation. V spomienkach sa vracia do minulosti a hovorí: "Premárnil som takmer 50 rokov života, a tak som sa chcel zmeniť k lepšiemu. He found comfort in knowing that Jehovah would always be there to sustain His people through trials. In his memories, he goes back to the past and says: "I wasted almost 50 years of my life, so I wanted to change for the better. Okolie považovalo Noacha a jeho rodinu za bláznov. It is only Jehovah's Witnesses who are known for their neutrality. The neighborhood considered Noah and his family crazy. Nie, v Biblii nič nenaznačuje, že by takí bohabojní ľudia ako Noach, Abrahám, Sára, Izák, Rebeka, Jozef, Mojžiš a Dávid mali po vzkriesení k životu na zemi niekedy prijímať z týchto symbolov. For example, among the lyrics are the following: No, there is no indication in the Bible that such God - fearing people as Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah, Joseph, Moses, and David should ever receive such symbols after their resurrection to life on earth. Je nemožné, aby bol nejaký človek pravým kresťanom a zároveň bol časťou tohto sveta, ktorého bohom je Satan. AP Photo / Efrem Lukatsky It is impossible for a person to be a true Christian and at the same time to be part of this world, the god of which is Satan. Aké pokrytectvo! Yet, even before the death camps were set up, a voice was proclaiming the dangers of Nazism, through Awake!, the magazine you hold in your hands. What hypocrisy! (22. februára 1992) No hoci som bola rada, že to s Gerdom Fechnerom tak dobre dopadlo, potrebujeme sa dozvedať do takých podrobností o neľudskosti človeka k človeku? World population is increasing steadily, and demands on limited resources are multiplying. (February 22, 1992) But although I was glad that Gerd Fechner and I had worked so well, do we need to learn such details about man's inhumanity to man? □ Čo jasne ukázali Božie činy pri Červenom mori? Young as I was, that showing left vivid impressions on my mind. □ What did God's actions at the Red Sea clearly show? [ Obrázok na stranách 12, 13] For example, the Bible does not teach that humans have an immortal soul or that there is a fiery hell of torment. [ Picture on page 12, 13] Preto ich ako "synov svetla" vyzýval, aby zostali "bdelí a triezvi." (Prečítajte 1. I said to my wife: "This booklet was printed in 1942. Hence, as "sons of light, " he urged them to remain" vigilant and sober. " Mala som nasporených trochu peňazí, a tak som sa rozhodla odísť a začať slúžiť celým časom. Through personal research and careful interviewing, it was found that "more than 85% of the tongue - speakers had experienced a clearly defined anxiety crisis preceding their speaking in tongues. " I had a little money saved, so I decided to leave and start the full - time ministry. To často vedie k inflácii. Muller is "convinced all the globe's students must be taught a core set of facts and values about the planet, humanity and non - violence. " This often leads to inflation. Ak o vykonanie určitej práce požiadaš nespoľahlivého človeka, dá sa očakávať, že ju nevykoná. But never should we put our allegiance to them ahead of our loyalty to Jehovah! If you ask an unreliable person to do a certain job, you can expect him not to do it. Niektorí ľudia pracujú v zdravotníctve, ekonomike, v sociálnej alebo v inej oblasti, aby zlepšili údel iných ľudí, a také úsilie je chvályhodné. Thousands of topics are cited, with many articles to help someone seeking advice. Some people work in health, economic, social, or other fields to improve the lot of others, and such efforts are commendable. Keď oprávnený "krik sťažnosti" na Sodomu a Gomoru vystúpil k Jehovovi, Jehova podnikol kroky a zaoberal sa hanebným stavom v týchto skazených mestách. In the coming Paradise, however, people will enjoy their work and will see good results from it. When the legitimate "scream of complaint " against Sodom and Gomorrah ascended to Jehovah, Jehovah took steps to deal with the shameful state of these wicked cities. Na ochranu zmenšujúcej sa populácie nosorožcov sa niektoré krajiny uchýlili k odpíleniu rohov týmto tvorom. Breaking the thermometer does not change the fact that the patient has a high fever. To protect the shrinking rhino population, some countries resorted to cutting the horns off these creatures. V tomto podobenstve Kristus jasne ukázal, že záchrana iných oviec úzko súvisí s tým, ako sa budú správať k pomazaným, ktorých nazýva svojimi bratmi. Life in Exile In this parable, Christ made it clear that saving the other sheep is closely related to their dealings with the anointed, whom he calls his brothers. Nachádzal útechu v tom, že Jehova je svojmu ľudu vždy nablízku, aby mu pomáhal v skúškach. Who Would Be Abraham's Heir? He found comfort in the fact that Jehovah is always close to his people to help him through trials. Len Jehovovi svedkovia sú známi svojou neutralitou. Could God solve this problem in such a way as to ensure Adam's continued happiness and welfare? Only Jehovah's Witnesses are known for their neutrality. V texte sú napríklad tieto slová: " When he was being reviled, he did not go reviling in return. The text, for example, contains the following words: Dcéra beží v ústrety otcovi, ktorý dosiahol v boji veľké víťazstvo a teraz sa vracia domov živý a zdravý. © M.P. The daughter runs towards her father, who has won a great victory in the fight and now returns home alive and well. AP Photo / Efrem Lukatsky 20: 4 - 6; 34: 12 - 16. (a) The Law covenant opened up what opportunity for Israel? AP Photo / Efrem Lukatsky Avšak ešte predtým než boli tábory smrti založené, sa hlas oznamujúci nebezpečenstvá nacizmu ozýval prostredníctvom Prebuďte sa!, časopisu, ktorý držíte v rukách. The students promptly appealed the case to the Osaka High Court. However, even before the death camps were established, the voice of proclaiming the dangers of Nazism echoed through Awake!, the magazine you hold in your hands. Svetová populácia neustále rastie a nároky na obmedzené zdroje sa znásobujú. How Much Longer Will They Be Tolerated? The world's population is constantly growing and demands for scarce resources are multiplying. Hoci som bol mladý, toto predstavenie zanechalo v mojej mysli živý obraz. When this letter was finished, Tertius and Paul had written thousands of words, using several sheets of papyrus. Although I was young, this performance left a vivid picture in my mind. Napríklad Biblia nevyučuje, že ľudia majú nesmrteľnú dušu alebo že existuje ohnivé peklo. Corruption, greed, economic disparities, racial prejudice, and war will cease. For example, the Bible does not teach that humans have an immortal soul or that there is a fiery hell. Povedal som manželke: "Táto brožúrka bola vytlačená v roku 1942. Another ten minutes brought the impact sites into the sunlight. I told my wife: "This brochure was printed in 1942. Osobným výskumom a podrobnými rozhovormi sa zistilo, že "viac ako 85 percent tých, ktorí hovoria jazykmi, prežilo jasne rozpoznateľnú krízu spojenú s úzkosťou, ktorá predchádzala ich hovoreniu jazykmi." They must have felt disheartened, and therefore they wept. Personal research and detailed discussions found that "more than 85 percent of those speaking in tongues experienced a clearly discernible crisis of anxiety that preceded their speaking in tongues. " Muller "presvedčený, že všetci študenti na svete sa musia naučiť základné fakty a hodnoty týkajúce sa planéty, ľudskosti a nenásilia." She was surprised by the suddenness of my decision but was fully supportive. Muller "convinced that all the students in the world must learn basic facts and values regarding the planet, humanity and nonviolence. " Ale nikdy by sme svoju oddanosť členom rodiny nemali dávať pred svoju lojálnosť voči Jehovovi! (Porovnaj 1. Someone might recall that Jesus once said: "I am the living bread which has come down from heaven.... But we should never put our dedication to family members before our loyalty to Jehovah! Ten, kto chce niekomu poradiť, sa môže dostať k tisíckam námetov a k článkom, ktoré sa nimi zaoberajú. Daydreaming has impaired my performance at work and when driving. A counselor may reach thousands of subjects and articles dealing with them. Ale v Raji, ktorý prichádza, sa ľudia budú tešiť zo svojej práce a uvidia jej dobré výsledky. Scientists cannot answer another question posed to Job: "Where, now, is the way by which the light distributes itself? " But in the Paradise that is coming, people will enjoy their work and see its good results. Skutočnosť, že pacient má vysokú horúčku, sa nezmení rozbitím teplomera. True, we should be thorough in our preaching work. The fact that the patient has a high fever does not change by breaking the thermometer. Život v exile However, he strictly avoided getting too friendly with them. Exile Life Kto bude Abrahámovým dedičom? In fact, without accurate knowledge it is impossible to cultivate godly devotion. Who will be Abraham's heir? Mohol Boh vyriešiť tento problém takým spôsobom, že by naďalej zaistil Adamovi šťastie a blaho? People tend to forget that once they post something online, it is in the public domain. Could God solve the problem in such a way that he would continue to ensure Adam's happiness and well - being? " Keď mu nadávali, neodpovedal nadávkami. " Some time after I stopped cutting myself, I told my mom. " When he was being reviled, he did not go reviling. © M.P. • arthritis © M.P. a) Akú príležitosť dostal izraelský národ na základe zmluvy Zákona? I made it known to him that as a family, we wanted to serve him fully. (a) What opportunity did the nation of Israel receive under the Law covenant? Študenti sa ihneď odvolali na Vyšší súd v Ósake. See the article "Why Have the Miraculous Gifts of the Spirit Ceased? " Students immediately appealed to the Osaka High Court. Ako dlho budú ešte trpení? The Shema excludes the trinity of the Christian creed as a violation of the Unity of God. " How long will they continue to suffer? Tercius s Pavlom napísali tisíce slov, kým tento list dokončili, a použili niekoľko listov papyrusu. Interestingly, a drought in 1985 / 86 lowered the water level in the Sea of Galilee, exposing stretches of the lake bed. Tertius and Paul wrote thousands of words before this letter was completed, using several leaves of papyrus. Korupcia, chamtivosť, ekonomické rozdiely, rasové predsudky a vojny sa navždy skončia. Your teen's abstract thinking skills are like muscles that need to be developed. Corruption, greed, economic differences, racial prejudices, and wars will end forever. Za ďalších desať minút sa dostali miesta zrážky do slnečného svetla. In 1611, Galileo traveled to Rome, where he met high - ranking clergymen. In the next ten minutes, collision sites reached sunlight. Istotne boli skľúčení, a preto plakali. One Christian elder involved in the relief work found that his Kingdom Hall was soon stocked with more supplies than could be used. They must have been depressed, so they wept. Moje rýchle rozhodnutie ju prekvapilo, ale plne ma podporila. [ Box / Picture on page 17] My quick decision surprised her, but she fully supported me. Niektorí si azda spomenú, že Ježiš raz povedal: "Ja som živý chlieb, ktorý zostúpil z neba... We also realized that no matter how bad we felt about our own losses, there were many who had lost more - some even their lives. Some may recall that Jesus once said: "I am the living bread that has descended from heaven.... Snívanie znižovalo moju výkonnosť pri práci i pri riadení auta. It is only in this way that the Kingdom message is being proclaimed with marvelous success worldwide. - Psalm 28: 7, 8; Zechariah 4: 6. Dreams have reduced my performance in both work and driving. Vedci nedokážu odpovedať ani na ďalšiu otázku, ktorú dostal Jób: "Kdeže je cesta, na ktorej sa rozdeľuje svetlo?" Nonetheless, they were quickly picked up by others. Scientists cannot answer another question Job received: "Where is the way in which light is dividing? " Je pravda, že sa usilujeme dôkladne prepracovať naše obvody. Why should that be of concern to us? It is true that we are working hard to rework our circuits. No dával pozor, aby medzi nimi nevzniklo príliš blízke priateľstvo. AS SOON AS my son Gary was born in 1958, I sensed that something was wrong. Yet, he was careful not to draw too close friendships between them. Áno, bez presného poznania nie je možné pestovať zbožnú oddanosť. These are valuable assets in our troubled times. Yes, without accurate knowledge, godly devotion cannot be cultivated. Ľudia často zabúdajú, že keď už niečo dajú na web, stane sa to verejne prístupným. Within a short time, however, I saw that people in the city were not any happier than those back home. People often forget that when they put something on the web, it becomes publicly accessible. " Nejaký čas potom, ako som sa prestala rezať, som to povedala mame. The New Catholic Encyclopedia says: "In the West... a general silence seems to have prevailed with regard to Constantinople I and its creed. " " Some time after I stopped cutting, I told my mother. • artritída 10 A Government to Uphold Godly Values • arthritis Povedal som mu, že ako rodina mu chceme naplno slúžiť. Jehovah extends to all the invitation to live under the Kingdom. I told him that as a family, we wanted to serve him fully. Pozri článok "Prečo prestali zázračné dary ducha?" More articles from the "Young People Ask... " series can be found at the Web site www.watchtower.org / ype See the article "Why Have the Miracle Gifts of the Spirit Stopped? " Šema vylučuje trojicu kresťanského kréda ako porušenie Božej jednoty. " Coping With Terrorist Attack (Spain), 11 / 8 Shema excludes the Trinity of Christian creed as a violation of God's unity. " Je zaujímavé, že sucho v rokoch 1985 / 86 spôsobilo pokles vodnej hladiny v Galilejskom mori, pričom boli odkryté časti dna jazera. My teacher praised my work! Interestingly, the drought of 1985 / 86 caused a decline in the water level in the Sea of Galilee, revealing parts of the lake's bottom. Čo má nasledovať za božským ukončením súčasného systému vecí? So two grafted tree - plants were placed near the monument. " What should follow after the divine end of the present system of things? Schopnosť uvažovať abstraktne je ako svalstvo, ktoré treba trénovať. On that occasion, Tertullus, "a public speaker " who presented the Jews ' case against Paul, accused him of being the leader of a sect and guilty of sedition. The ability to think abstractly is like a muscle to train. V roku 1611 Galileo pricestoval do Ríma, kde sa stretol s vysokopostavenými duchovnými. Clearly, those words do not mean that the first humans were exact replicas of God. In 1611 Galileo arrived in Rome, where he met high - ranking clergymen. Istý kresťanský starší, ktorý sa podieľal na tejto pomoci, zistil, že jeho sála Kráľovstva sa zakrátko zaplnila väčšími zásobami, ako bolo možné použiť. It showed me that I am not a loser. A Christian elder involved in this assistance found that his Kingdom Hall soon became filled with more supplies than could be used. [ Rámček / obrázok na strane 17] The apostle Paul wrote: "His invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world's creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship. " [ Box / Picture on page 17] Uvedomovali sme si tiež, že aj keď sme prišli o veľa, mnohí ľudia prišli o viac, niektorí dokonca o život. Mankind can scarcely begin to repair the hopelessly divided global human family, let alone the countless divided families that make it up. We also realized that even when we lost a lot, many people lost more, some even their lives. Len tak bolo možné, aby sa posolstvo o Kráľovstve hlásalo s takým úspechom po celom svete. - Žalm 28: 7, 8; Zachariáš 4: 6. The Spread of War Only in this way was it possible for the Kingdom message to be preached with such success worldwide. - Psalm 28: 7, 8; Zechariah 4: 6. Napriek tomu ich rýchle prijali iní. Do the roots of Fascism - Darwinian evolution, racism, militarism, and nationalism - form a sound foundation upon which to base good government? Still, they were quickly received by others. Prečo by nás to malo zaujímať? BY AWAKE! Why should we care? HNEĎ po narodení syna Garyho v roku 1958 som si všimla, že s ním niečo nie je v poriadku. Alpine Marmot, 10 / 10 EARLY after Gary's son was born in 1958, I noticed that there was something wrong with him. To je v našich ťažkých časoch veľmi cenné! At home, I gave Esther Bible education, and because she could not attend school, I taught her reading and writing and other skills. How valuable that is in our difficult times! Zakrátko som však videla, že ľudia v meste nie sú o nič šťastnejší ako ľudia u nás doma. Such a dedication is a personal vow. Soon, though, I saw that the people of the city were no happier than the people of our home. New Catholic Encyclopedia hovorí: "Na západe... zdá sa, že vzhľadom na prvý konstantinopolský koncil a jeho vyznanie viery, prevládalo všeobecné mlčanie." Then please read on. The New Catholic Encyclopedia says: "In the west..., general silence seems to prevail in view of the first Council of Constantinople and its creed. " 10 Vláda, ktorá sa zastáva Božích hodnôt How can they teach their children beliefs that help them to love others? 10 A Government That Defends God's Values Jehova všetkých pozýva žiť pod týmto Kráľovstvom. In recent years Kingdom publishers in various lands have asked for just such a publication. Jehovah invites all to live under that Kingdom. Ďalšie články z rubriky "Mladí ľudia sa pýtajú..." nájdeš na webovej stránke www.watchtower.org / ypb (čes.) What Tracy Does for Me More articles from the "Young People Ask... " series can be found at the Web site www.watchtower.org / ype 22 / 11 You yourself may have had little schooling, but that doesn't mean that you cannot educate yourself. 11 / 8 Učiteľ ma za prácu pochválil! To be sure, Jesus and his heavenly Father, Jehovah God, want us to feel secure under their loving care. The teacher commended me for my work! A tak boli pri pamätníku zasadené dva štepené mladé stromčeky. " Jehovah teaches them to love as no one else can. So two grafted young trees were planted at the memorial. " " Verejný rečník "Tertullus objasnil Félixovi, z čoho Židia obviňujú Pavla. Označil Pavla za vodcu sekty a obvinil ho, že vyvoláva vzbury. However, during the 17th and 18th centuries, the fresh waters of Cocos Island served as an ocean oasis for sailors who were able to find the island. The "public speaker " of Tertullus explained to Felix, accusing the Jews of Paul, calling Paul the leader of the sect and accusing him of inciting rebellion. Samozrejme, tieto slová neznamenajú, že prví ľudia boli presnými kópiami Boha. Three walked away from this crash landing (inset) Of course, these words do not mean that the first humans were accurate copies of God. Ukázal mi, že nezlyhávam. Kids - Get Moving! He showed me I'm not failing. Apoštol Pavol napísal: "Jeho neviditeľné vlastnosti vidno zreteľne od stvorenia sveta, lebo ich možno vnímať z vytvorených vecí, dokonca jeho večnú moc a Božstvo." Having a realistic schedule is another way to make better use of your time. The apostle Paul wrote: "His invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world's creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship. " Ľudstvo sotva začne naprávať beznádejne rozdelenú celosvetovú rodinu, a nieto ešte nespočetné rozdelené rodiny, z ktorých sa skladá. Jesus was a man of deep feelings Mankind will hardly begin to correct the hopelessly divided worldwide family, let alone the countless divided families that make up it. Rozšírenie vojny Because it so easily leads to fornication. The Expansion of War Tvoria korene fašizmu - Darwinova evolúcia, rasizmus, militarizmus a nacionalizmus - zdravý základ, na ktorom by bolo možné založiť dobrú vládu? Of course, Jehovah's servants realize that people, not buildings, are what are truly desirable from God's point of view. Do the roots of Fascism - Darwinian evolution, racism, militarism, and nationalism - form a sound basis on which to base good government? V DÁNSKU 1075: Gregory VII declares that "pope " is an exclusive title for the bishop of Rome; his Dictatus Papae (Papal Dictates) makes the papacy" appear as a replacement for Christ, " according to one historian WRITER IN DENMARK Je Boh osoba? But the book has helped me to be good to my sister. Is God a Person? Doma som jej poskytovala biblické školenie, a keďže nemohla chodiť do školy, učila som ju aj čítať, písať a iné veci. Jesus commended the lawyer and told him: "You answered correctly; " keep on doing this and you will get life. ' " I gave her Bible training at home, and because she couldn't go to school, I also taught her to read, write, and other things. Táto oddanosť je osobným sľubom. The Bettmann Archive This devotion is a personal promise. Potom prosím čítajte ďalej. In this regard, Solomon states: "A false word is what the righteous hates, but the wicked ones act shamefully and cause disgrace for themselves. " Then please read on. Ako môžu vštepiť deťom názory, ktoré im pomôžu milovať druhých? Recently a new ten - story building, donated to Jehovah's Witnesses, was renovated and put to use as a branch office. How can they instill in their children opinions that will help them to love others? V posledných rokoch zvestovatelia Kráľovstva v rôznych krajinách žiadali práve o takúto publikáciu. " I concluded, " Hafeni said, "that it is people themselves who are responsible for tribalism, nationalism, and racial prejudices. In recent years, Kingdom publishers in various lands have asked for such a publication. Čo pre mňa Tracy robí Pictorial Archive (Near Eastern History) Est. What Tracy's doing for me Možno aj vy máte nedostatočné vzdelanie, ale to neznamená, že sa nemôžete vzdelávať sama. When he came home, I let him know how I felt. You too may have a lack of education, but that does not mean that you cannot educate yourself. Môžeme si byť istí, že Ježiš a jeho nebeský Otec, Boh Jehova, si prajú, aby sme pociťovali ich láskyplnú starostlivosť a cítili sa bezpečne. Termites are eaten sun dried, roasted with salt, and spiced with hot pepper, or they may be boiled in stews or dumplings. We can be sure that Jesus and his heavenly Father, Jehovah God, want us to feel their loving care and to feel secure. (Prečítajte 1. Everything he has taught us, everything he has asked of us, everything he has given to us has been only for our welfare and benefit. - Isa. 48: 17. (Read 1 Corinthians 5: 8.) No v 17. a 18. storočí slúžili sladké vody Kokosového ostrova námorníkom, ktorí dokázali ostrov nájsť, ako oáza v oceáne. So today, we must recognize Jehovah as the true God and decisively turn to feeding only at his table if we have not already done so. However, in the 17th and 18th centuries, the sweet waters of the Cocos Island served sailors who could find the island as an oasis in the ocean. Traja odišli z miesta havárie (vložené) For many people the prospect of being subjected to any kind of judgment is unwelcome. Three left the crash site (inset) Deti, pohybujte sa! They are really doubly self - defeating. Kids, move it! Mať realistický plán je ďalší spôsob, ako lepšie využívať čas. Yet, when Jesus of Nazareth came, most Jews ultimately rejected him as Messiah. Having a realistic plan is another way to make better use of time. Ježiš bol mužom hlbokých citov Improvement in the situation for Jehovah's Witnesses can also be seen in the growing number of physicians willing to cooperate with them in this matter, from about 5,000 five years ago to more than 30,000 now in 65 lands. Jesus was a man of deep feelings Lebo flirtovanie môže veľmi ľahko viesť k smilstvu. According to the decree, from now on this practice will no longer be permitted, unless the donators give their explicit consent. Because flirting can easily lead to fornication. Prirodzene, Jehovovi služobníci si uvedomujú, že z Božieho hľadiska sú v skutočnosti žiaduci ľudia, nie budovy. They will not endorse or promote the interests of human governments in general or any one form in particular. Of course, Jehovah's servants realize that from God's point of view, in fact, there are desirable people, not buildings. 1075 Gregor VII. vyhlasuje, že "pápež" je titul patriaci výlučne rímskemu biskupovi; historik Klaus Schatz sa vyjadril, že v Gregorovom pápežskom dekréte (Dictatus Papae) sa pápežstvo "javí ako náhrada za Krista" He describes a marriage feast arranged by a king - Jehovah - whose invited guests (the Jews) selfishly excuse themselves from attending. 1075 Gregor VII declares that "the pope " is a title belonging exclusively to the bishop of Rome; historian Klaus Schatz stated that in Gregor's pope's decree (Dictatus Papae), the pope" appears to be a substitute for Christ " Ale kniha mi pomohla, aby som bol dobrý k sestre. Yet, what of unbelieving Jews who remained in Jerusalem and Judea? But the book helped me to be good to my sister. Ježiš tohto právnika pochválil a povedal mu: "Správne si odpovedal; stále to rob a získaš život." Likely, a sudden downpour of rain caused the chariots to get bogged down because of the overflowing Kishon River. Jesus commended the lawyer and said: "You answered correctly; keep doing this and you will gain life. " Bettmannov archív Ours is small in comparison with the grand total, but it does not go unnoticed by Jehovah. Bettmann Archives V súvislosti s tým Šalamún napísal: "Spravodlivý nenávidí falošné slovo, ale skazení konajú hanebne a spôsobujú si potupu." I even traveled to northern Greece and visited Mount Athos, which is considered to be the most holy mountain in the Orthodox Christian world. In connection with this, Solomon wrote: "The righteous one hates a false word, but the wicked ones act shamefully and dishonor themselves. " Nedávno bola upravená nová desaťpodlažná budova, ktorá bola darovaná Jehovovým svedkom, a začala sa používať ako kancelária odbočky. Jehovah does not want mechanical obedience impelled by threats and coercion. Recently, a new ten - story building that was donated to Jehovah's Witnesses was modified and was used as a branch office. " Usúdil som, že za tribalizmus, nacionalizmus a rasové predsudky si môžu ľudia sami, "povedal. Nanobes " I considered that tribalism, nationalism, and racial prejudice could be self - centered, " he said. Pictorial Archive (Near Eastern History) Est. A "Tongue of the Taught Ones " Pictorial Archive (Near Eastern History) Est. Keď sa vrátil, dala som mu najavo, ako sa cítim. " Woe to the city of bloodshed " - Nineveh. When he returned, I showed him how I felt. Termity vysušené na slnku sa posolia a upečú a potom sa ochutia štipľavou paprikou. ▪ "Every hour of every day, the world spends more than $100 million on soldiers, weapons, and ammunition. " - VITAL SIGNS 2005, WORLDWATCH INSTITUTE. The sun - dried termites are salted and baked and then seasoned with spicy paprika. Všetko, čo nás učí, všetko, čo od nás žiada, a všetko, čo nám dáva, je len na naše dobro a na náš úžitok. Addiction to over - the - counter medicines is on the increase in Northern Ireland, reports The Irish Times. Everything he teaches us, everything he asks of us, and everything he gives us is for our good and for our benefit. Preto dnes musíme uznať Jehovu ako pravého Boha a rozhodne sa obrátiť o sýtenie len k jeho stolu, pokiaľ sme to ešte neurobili. At the end of the convention, there was yet another downpour. Today, therefore, we must recognize Jehovah as the true God and decide to turn to his table for feeding only if we have not yet done so. Pre mnohých je predstava akéhokoľvek súdu nepríjemná. Set your heart on doing Jehovah's will, and never turn aside from that course. Many find the idea of any court unpleasant. Skutočne, dvojnásobne maria jeho vlastné zámery. I myself joined the Ulster Defense Regiment of the British army at 19 years of age. Indeed, they double-defeated his own intentions. No keď Ježiš Nazaretský prišiel, väčšina Židov ho nakoniec odmietla uznať ako Mesiáša. Yes, the Kingdom government in the hands of Jesus Christ and his associate rulers is the agency God will use to bring lasting peace not just in the heavens but also on the earth. When Jesus of Nazareth arrived, however, most Jews eventually refused to recognize him as the Messiah. Zlepšenie situácie Jehovových svedkov možno vidieť aj v tom, že rastie počet lekárov ochotných spolupracovať s nimi v tejto záležitosti. Počet týchto lekárov sa zvýšil z 5000 pred piatimi rokmi na vyše 30 000 v 65 krajinách v súčasnosti. Of course, there are many other ways that Satan uses to sift us, as it were. An improvement in the situation of Jehovah's Witnesses can also be seen in the growing number of doctors willing to work with them on this matter, increasing from 5,000 five years ago to over 30,000 in 65 countries today. Podľa tohto výnosu takéto praktiky nebudú odteraz dovolené, ak na to darcovia výslovne nedajú súhlas. The little flock are unerringly being led to their heavenly reward. According to this decree, such practices will now not be allowed unless the donors expressly consent. Nebudú sa zastávať ani podporovať záujmy ľudských vlád všeobecne, ani niektorej z ich foriem. [ Picture on page 24] They will not uphold or promote the interests of human governments in general or in any of their forms. Opisuje svadobnú hostinu usporiadanú kráľom - Jehovom, ktorého pozvaní hostia (Židia) sa sebecky ospravedlňujú, že nemôžu prísť. Is there any reason to believe that this age - old enemy will be brought to nothing? It describes a wedding feast arranged by the king - Jehovah, whose invited guests (Jews) are selfishly apologizing that they cannot come. No ako to bolo s neveriacimi Židmi, ktorí zostali v Jeruzaleme a v Judei? ● But what about unbelieving Jews who remained in Jerusalem and Judea? Pravdepodobne náhly lejak spôsobil, že rieka Kišon sa vyliala z brehov a bojové vozy sa začali zabárať. Yes, all bad news will have ended and will not be heard again. Probably a sudden downpour caused the river Kishon to pour out of the shores and the war chariots to become entangled. Náš podiel je v porovnaní s celosvetovou správou malý, ale u Jehovu nie je nepovšimnutý. After my liberation and return to Amsterdam, I reported directly to the branch office for an assignment. Our share is small compared to global administration, but Jehovah is not unnoticed. Cestoval som až na sever Grécka a navštívil som vrch Athos, ktorý je považovaný za najsvätejší vrch v ortodoxnom kresťanskom svete. Childbirth would cause a woman to be unclean for a specified period of time. I traveled to the north of Greece and visited Mount Athos, which is considered the most holy mountain in the Orthodox Christian world. Jehova nechce, aby sme ho poslúchali mechanicky, pod nejakou hrozbou alebo z donútenia. The Bible does not disclose the results of Barnabas ' second journey. Jehovah does not want us to obey him mechanically, under any threat or under compulsion. Nanóby Another Look at the Drama Nanobes Tesaloničanom 3: 9. " Jazyk učených " We too have choices and decisions to make. " The Language of the Taught Ones " " Beda mestu krviprelievania " - mestu Ninive. SOME experts say that women are more likely to be killed by their male partners than by all other types of perpetrators combined. " Woe to the City of Bloodshed " - the City of Nineveh. ▪ "Každú hodinu sa vo svete vynaloží vyše 100 miliónov dolárov na vojakov, zbrane a muníciu." - VITAL SIGNS 2005, WORLDWATCH INSTITUTE. When applied, the counsel from the Scriptures not only improves the quality of our life but also helps us to avoid snares that endanger it. ▪ "Every hour the world spends over $100 million on soldiers, weapons, and ammunition. " - VITAL SIGNNS 2005, WORLDWATCH INSTITUTE. Závislosť od voľne dostupných liekov je v Severnom Írsku na vzostupe, prinášajú správu noviny The Irish Times. Thus, in keeping with Christ's command to love one another, Jehovah's Witnesses refuse to hate or kill their brothers, even though these may be members of another race or nationality. Drug addiction is on the increase in Northern Ireland, reports The Irish Times. Na konci zjazdu sa prihnala ďalšia prietrž mračien. The official asked Philip, an experienced Christian who was well - versed in the Scriptures: "About whom does the prophet say this? At the end of the convention, another storm of clouds rushed in. Zamerajte svoje srdce na konanie Jehovovej vôle a nikdy od tohto cieľa neodbočujte. For example, once when he commissioned the prophet Ezekiel to act out a prophetic drama, Jehovah's instructions included a directive that Ezekiel cook his food on a fire fueled with human dung. Focus your heart on doing Jehovah's will and never turn aside from that goal. Ja osobne som v 19 rokoch vstúpil do Ulsterského obranného pluku britskej armády. But experts say that many people with anxiety problems do not breathe properly. Personally, at 19 years of age, I entered the Ulster Defence Regiment of the British Army. Áno, prostriedkom, ktorý Boh použije na nastolenie trvalého mieru nielen v nebesiach, ale aj na zemi, je vláda Kráľovstva v rukách Ježiša Krista a jeho spoluvládcov. [ Picture on page 13] Yes, the means that God will use to bring lasting peace, not only in heaven but also on earth, is Kingdom rule in the hands of Jesus Christ and his corulers. Samozrejme, je aj veľa iných spôsobov, ktoré Satan používa, aby nás, obrazne povedané, preosial. Before long, a desperate feeling of uneasiness began to stir deep inside her. Of course, there are many other ways Satan uses to sift us, figuratively speaking. Malé stádo je neomylne vedené k svojej nebeskej odmene. Holy spirit also helps us to endure temptations and trials. The little flock is infallibly guided to its heavenly reward. [ Obrázok na strane 24] Turning Trash Into Gold [ Picture on page 24] Existuje nejaký dôvod veriť, že tento odveký nepriateľ človeka bude raz zničený? Mexican blue fan palm Is there any reason to believe that this ancient enemy of man will ever be destroyed? ● But it did not stop the Witnesses. ● Áno, všetkým zlým správam bude koniec a žiadne také správy už nebude počuť. They steal the force and effect of what the Bible really says. Yes, all bad news will be over, and no such news will be heard. Po mojom oslobodení a návrate do Amsterdamu som sa prihlásil priamo v kancelárii odbočky, aby som dostal nejaké pridelenie. Take, for example, this Bible principle: "There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. " After my deliverance and return to Amsterdam, I applied directly to the branch office to receive an assignment. Žena po pôrode bola istý čas nečistá. The question found at Job 38: 6 leads us to think about what? After giving birth, the woman was unclean for a time. Biblia neodhaľuje výsledky Barnabášovej druhej cesty. Fernando recalls: "When I saw him admit his mistake in front of all those elders, it impressed me greatly. The Bible does not reveal the results of Barnabas ' second course. Bližší pohľad na túto drámu Millions of people, including many trained in the sciences, have had their lives enriched by such an examination. A Closer Look at This Drama Aj my často stojíme pred rozhodnutiami. Jonah told of his disobedience and the bad attitude he initially had when God showed mercy to repentant sinners. We too often face decisions. NIEKTORÍ odborníci hovoria, že je väčšia pravdepodobnosť, že ženu zabije jej partner než akíkoľvek iní možní páchatelia dohromady. Admitting mistakes and making sincere apologies will also help Christian elders to work together harmoniously and " show honor to one another. ' SOME experts say that the woman is more likely to be killed by her partner than by any other possible perpetrators combined. Keď uplatňujeme rady z Písma, nielenže sa tým zlepšuje kvalita nášho života, ale pomáha nám to aj vyhýbať sa osídlam, ktoré náš život ohrozujú. According to one educational journal, "marketers are pummeling kids at every turn with a formidable arsenal of techniques and a panoply [an array] of products. " Applying the Scriptures not only improves the quality of our lives but also helps us to avoid the snares that threaten our lives. Preto v súlade s Kristovým príkazom milovať sa navzájom Jehovovi svedkovia odmietajú nenávidieť alebo zabíjať svojich bratov, aj keď patria k inej rase alebo národnosti. In what ways did David prove to be like soft clay, and how can we imitate him? Thus, in harmony with Christ's command to love one another, Jehovah's Witnesses refuse to hate or kill their brothers, even if they belong to another race or nationality. Tento úradník sa Filipa, skúseného kresťanského služobníka, ktorý bol zbehlý v Písmach, opýtal: "Prosím ťa, o kom to hovorí prorok? While 69 percent of Brazilians believe in heaven, only 32 percent expect to go there. This official asked Philip, an experienced Christian minister who was versed in the Scriptures: "Who does the prophet speak of? Medzi jednotlivými sezónami je prestávka dva až štyri roky. I dreamed of being thrown into a fiery place and would wake up screaming. There is a break between seasons of two and four years. Napríklad, keď poveril proroka Ezechiela, aby zahral prorockú drámu, Jehovove pokyny obsahovali príkaz, aby si Ezechiel varil jedlo na ohni udržiavanom ľudskými výkalmi. An ambitious prince concocts a devious scheme to usurp his father's throne. For example, when he commissioned the prophet Ezekiel to play prophetic drama, Jehovah's instructions included the command that Ezekiel cook food on a fire maintained by human feces. Ale odborníci hovoria, že mnohí ľudia s úzkostnými poruchami nedýchajú správne. Since liver transplants often involve excessive bleeding, doctors usually administer blood transfusions during the operation. But experts say that many people with anxiety disorders do not breathe properly. [ Obrázok na strane 13] At such times, the sails were taken in. [ Picture on page 13] Zakrátko sa jej začína zmocňovať zúfalý pocit tiesne. I admire your religion and your courageous stand both outside and here in the school. " Soon a desperate feeling of distress begins to take hold of her. Svätý duch nám tiež pomáha odolávať pokušeniam a vytrvávať v skúškach. Even more important, what can we do to keep ourselves separate from unclean rites and practices that can damage our relationship with Jehovah? Holy spirit also helps us to resist temptations and endure trials. Z odpadu zlato Yes, they act on his direction, being alert to whatever Jehovah indicates through "the faithful and discreet slave. " - Matthew 24: 45 - 47. Of waste gold Mexická Brahea armata In this way, all will benefit fully from what has been done to help the reader visualize the lessons that are found in God's Word. Mexican Brahea armata Ale svedkov to nezastavilo. Protecting Wildlife I am president of a local environmental foundation. But it didn't stop the Witnesses. Kradnú silu a účinok toho, čo Biblia skutočne hovorí. TRUE worship has all but disappeared from the northern ten - tribe kingdom of Israel. They steal the strength and effect of what the Bible actually says. Pouvažujme napríklad o biblickej zásade: "Viac šťastia je v dávaní ako v prijímaní." Cover that cough Consider, for example, the Bible principle: "There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. " K úvahe o čom nás vedie otázka v Jóbovi 38: 6? " He became an example of self - control and restraint, " Yelena says. What does the question at Job 38: 6 lead us to consider? Fernando si spomína: "Keď som videl, ako si priznal chybu pred toľkými staršími, veľmi to na mňa zapôsobilo. A Rewarding Life Fernando recalls: "When I saw you admitting a mistake to so many elders, I was very impressed. Milióny ľudí vrátane mnohých vzdelaných vedcov si obohacujú život takýmto skúmaním. Twice Luke's Gospel shows us that Mary paid careful attention to words that had deep spiritual meaning, and later she made time to meditate on what she had heard. Millions of people, including many educated scientists, enrich their lives by doing so. Jonáš hovoril o svojej neposlušnosti a zlom postoji, ktorý spočiatku mal, keď Boh prejavil milosrdenstvo kajúcnym hriešnikom. [ Box on page 6] Jonah spoke of his disobedience and bad attitude at first when God showed mercy to repentant sinners. Priznať si chybu a úprimne sa ospravedlniť pomáha aj kresťanským starším, aby mohli harmonicky spolupracovať a " navzájom si prejavovať úctu ." So, yes, koalas can be tamed, but it is now illegal in Australia to keep them as pets. Admitting a mistake and sincerely apologizing helps Christian elders to work together harmoniously and to " show honor to one another. " Podľa jedného vzdelávacieho časopisu "obchodníci sústavne bombardujú deti obrovským arzenálom metód a záľahou výrobkov." In Acts, however, the growth was conversion growth, for the church was just beginning its work. " According to one educational magazine, "traders constantly bomb children with a huge arsenal of methods and products. " V čom bol Dávid ako mäkká hlina a ako ho môžeme napodobňovať? A large disorderly crowd How was David like soft clay, and how can we imitate him? Zatiaľ čo 69 percent Brazílčanov verí v nebo, len 32 percent očakáva, že sa tam dostane. " I don't remember a day when [my mother] didn't tell me she wished I'd never been born, " says Jason. While 69 percent of Brazilians believe in heaven, only 32 percent expect to get there. Budila som sa s výkrikmi hrôzy. In 1991, the activity of Jehovah's Witnesses was given legal recognition. I woke up with the screams of horror. Inšpirované výstrahy dané v prvom storočí majú preto stále väčší význam. Here at the branch, it is always a source of great joy for us to see again brothers and sisters whom we met during the civil war and at other times and who are still serving Jehovah faithfully. Thus, the inspired warnings given in the first century are of increasing importance. Ctižiadostivý princ zosnuje zákerný plán, ako sa zmocniť trónu svojho otca. Did we not, in effect, promise that we would do such things? It is a matter of obedience. The demanding prince plots a vicious plan to seize his father's throne. Keďže transplantáciu pečene často sprevádza silné krvácanie, lekári počas operácie obyčajne podávajú pacientom transfúziu krvi. But as the above report from southern Africa shows, disastrous consequences can also result. Since liver transplantation is often accompanied by severe bleeding, doctors usually transfuse patients with blood during surgery. Vtedy sme museli mať stiahnuté plachty. For example, in our witnessing work, we may encounter a person who disagrees on some point but who is willing to discuss it further. That's when we had to keep our sheets down. Obdivujem tvoje náboženstvo a odvážny postoj v škole i mimo nej. " Question: How can you tell if your friends fit that profile? I admire your religion and your courageous attitude at school and beyond. " A čo je ešte dôležitejšie, ako môžeme zostať oddelení od nečistých obradov a praktík, ktoré môžu narušiť náš vzťah k Jehovovi? After we had discussed matters for about 30 minutes, he said he wanted us to map out some sort of dialogue where Christians and traditionalists can sit down to exchange ideas and clear up misunderstandings. " More important, how can we remain separate from unclean ceremonies and practices that can disrupt our relationship with Jehovah? Áno, koná podľa jeho vedenia a pozorne sleduje všetko, čo Jehova naznačuje prostredníctvom "verného a rozvážneho otroka." - Matúš 24: 45 - 47. " This is the right house, " he said, "but the previous tenant, the man you are looking for, has moved out, and I do not know where he has gone. " Yes, he acts in harmony with his direction, carefully observing all that Jehovah indicates by means of "the faithful and discreet slave. " - Matthew 24: 45 - 47. Tak budú mať z pripravených ilustrácií všetci veľký úžitok a látka z Božieho Slova bude môcť v ich mysli ožiť. Therefore, you have a right to feel angry, upset, confused, and even demeaned when you are harassed! Thus, all of them will benefit greatly from the illustrations prepared, and the material from God's Word will be able to come to life in their minds. Ochrana zveri Som predsedom miestnej nadácie pre životné prostredie. I noticed that on its back was a small image of a mask fashioned from leather, goat horn, and small "good luck " shells. I am the chairman of the local environmental foundation. ZO SEVERNÉHO izraelského kráľovstva pravé uctievanie prakticky vymizlo. The reality of death, however, forces us to think about it sooner or later. FROM THE NORTHERN Kingdom of Israel, true worship virtually disappeared. Pri kašli si zakryte ústa [ Box / Pictures on page 9] Cover your mouth while coughing " Stal sa príkladom v sebaovládaní, "hovorí Jelena. Indeed, if the animal is traumatized, its entire racing career could be endangered. " He has become an example in self - control, " says Jelena. Odmeňujúci život We have no regrets about what we have done in Jehovah's service, and we are convinced that the choices we made early in life were the very best. A Rewarding Life Lukáš vo svojom evanjeliu opisuje dve situácie, keď Mária venovala starostlivú pozornosť vyjadreniam, ktoré mali hlboký duchovný význam. Potom si urobila čas na to, aby o nich rozjímala. However, he is able to work your crossword puzzles. Luke describes two situations in his Gospel when Mary paid careful attention to expressions that had a profound spiritual meaning, and then she took the time to meditate on them. [ Rámček na strane 6] Then ominous silence. [ Box on page 6] Áno, koaly možno skrotiť, ale v Austrálii je teraz zakázané chovať si ich ako domácich miláčikov. We were mentally and physically devastated. Yes, koalas can be tamed, but Australia is now forbidden to keep them as pets. Ale v Skutkoch je opísaný vzrast, ktorý bol výsledkom aktívneho obrátenia, pretože cirkev ešte len začínala svoju činnosť. " This almond rod was kept inside the ark of the covenant for a while as a sign to the nation that they should never again murmur against Jehovah's appointed representatives. - Numbers 16: 1 - 3, 10; 17: 1 - 10; Hebrews 9: 4. But in Acts there is an increase that was the result of active conversion, since the church was just beginning its activity. " Časť hranice Kanaanu 9 / 15 Kanaan border part " Nepamätám si ani deň, keď by mi [matka] nepovedala, že by bola radšej, keby som sa nikdy nenarodil, "hovorí Jason. A prophecy in the Bible book of Revelation provides the answer. " I don't remember a day when she wouldn't have told me that she would have preferred me had I never been born, " says Jason. V roku 1991 štátne orgány oficiálne uznali činnosť Jehovových svedkov. We should not assume that this privilege presented no fears, no hardships. In 1991 the public authorities officially recognized the activities of Jehovah's Witnesses. Tu v Bételi sa vždy tešíme, keď sa opäť môžeme stretnúť s bratmi a sestrami, ktorých sme spoznali počas občianskej vojny, ako aj pri iných príležitostiach a ktorí stále verne slúžia Jehovovi. Weiss continues: "The German Methodist church... agreed with Bishop Dibelius that Hitler had saved Germany from an imminent Bolshevik revolution, bringing peace and stability... Here at Bethel, we always look forward to seeing again the brothers and sisters we met during the civil war as well as on other occasions who still serve Jehovah faithfully. V určitom zmysle sme to všetko sľúbili Jehovovi, a keby sme to nerobili, neboli by sme poslušní. It is in accord with accurate science, and its books are harmonious. In a sense, we promised Jehovah all of this, and if we did not, we would not be obedient. No ako ukazuje vyššie uvedená správa z južnej Afriky, môže to mať aj katastrofálne následky. When one of my old friends saw how much I had changed, he started to study the Bible. However, as the South African report above shows, there can also be disastrous consequences. Jefta nebol iba udatným bojovníkom, ale aj usilovným študentom. One day, a bright young girl smiled at me as she passed out advertisements for a fruit stand. Jephthah was not only a valiant warrior but also a diligent student. Pri našej svedeckej činnosti sa môžeme napríklad stretnúť s niekým, kto s niečím nesúhlasí, ale je ochotný ďalej diskutovať. * You might talk with some who have spent many years in the full - time service. For example, in our witnessing work, we can meet someone who disagrees with something but is willing to discuss it further. Otázka: Z čoho môžeš usúdiť, že to platí aj o tvojich priateľoch? Today chicken is by far the most popular poultry meat. Question: "How can you conclude that this is true of your friends?" Asi po 30 - minútovom rozhovore povedal, že chce, aby sme sa dohodli na nejakých rozhovoroch, pri ktorých sa budú môcť kresťania a prívrženci tradičného náboženstva spolu posadiť, vymeniť si názory a objasniť si nedorozumenia. " His name was Charalambos. After a 30 - minute discussion, he said that he wanted us to arrange some conversations in which Christians and followers of traditional religion can sit together, exchange views, and clarify misunderstandings. " " Toto je správny dom, "povedal," ale bývalý nájomník, ktorého hľadáte, sa odsťahoval a ja neviem kam. " Though afflicted themselves, they readily contributed to help their brothers. " This is the right house, " he said, "but the former tenant you're looking for moved away, and I don't know where. " Teda oprávnene cítiš hnev, rozhorčenie, zmätok a dokonca poníženie, keď ťa niekto obťažuje! A United Nations Children's Fund report shows that in spite of the efforts being made, 43.8 percent of the children in India suffer from moderate protein energy malnutrition. So you rightly feel anger, resentment, confusion, and even humiliation when you are molested! Všimol som si, že na jeho spodnej časti je malý obraz masky, urobený z kože, kozieho rohu a malých mušlí "pre šťastie." (February 8, 1991) Needless to say, it changed my whole outlook. I noticed that at its bottom there is a small picture of the mask, made of leather, goat's horn and small shells "for good luck." Prítomnosť smrti nás však skôr či neskôr prinúti, aby sme sa nad ňou zamysleli. As a result, they do what they want, without regard for the will of God. The presence of death, however, will make us think about it sooner or later. [ Rámček / obrázky na strane 9] However, Verner's second wife, Marjorie, and Harold's wife, Elizabeth, are also still active in Jehovah's service. [ Box / Pictures on page 9] Ak je totiž zviera traumatizované, celá jeho budúca kariéra dostihového koňa môže byť ohrozená. 9 / 22 Challenges of United Germany, 3 / 8 If the animal is traumatized, his entire future career as a racehorse may be compromised. Neľutujeme nič, čo sme urobili v službe pre Jehovu, a sme presvedčení, že rozhodnutia, ktoré sme urobili v mladosti, boli tými najlepšími rozhodnutiami, aké sme mohli urobiť. It should be clear that time and again the Bible has proved to be a book of accurate prophecy. We do not regret anything we have done in Jehovah's service, and we believe that the decisions we made in our youth were the best decisions we could make. No dokáže vyplniť Vaše krížovky. If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. But he can fill your crossword puzzles. Vtedy všetko stíchne. Have your say in your heart, upon your bed, and keep silent. " That's when everything shuts down. Boli sme psychicky i fyzicky úplne vyčerpaní. Bible - Authentic History? We were physically and mentally exhausted. Tento prút mandľovníka bol potom istý čas uložený v truhle zmluvy ako znamenie pre národ, aby už nikdy znova nereptal proti Jehovovým ustanoveným zástupcom. - 4. Mojžišova 16: 1 - 3, 10; 17: 1 - 10; Hebrejom 9: 4. It can, in the sense of commendation, approval, or a favorable judgment. This almond rod was then stored for a time in the ark of the covenant as a sign to the nation that he should never recompense against Jehovah's appointed representatives again. - Numbers 16: 1 - 3, 10; 17: 1 - 10; Hebrews 9: 4. 3 Jehova nás dobre pozná 2 / 8 You may want to make a photo album or scrapbook to preserve your memories. Jehovah's Witnesses - "Administration of God " (Administration), 8 / 22 Odpoveď dáva proroctvo v biblickej knihe Zjavenie. TOCHEN The prophecy in the Bible book of Revelation gives the answer. Nemali by sme si myslieť, že táto výsada nebola spojená so žiadnymi obavami či ťažkosťami. That remarkable expression singles out Enoch as a godly man in a godless world. We should not think that this privilege was not associated with any fear or difficulty. Weiss pokračuje: "Nemecká metodistická cirkev... súhlasila s biskupom Dibeliom, že Hitler Nemecko zachránil pred hroziacou boľševickou revolúciou, lebo priniesol mier a stabilitu... But be careful! Weiss continues: "The German Methodist Church... agreed with Bishop Dibelio that Hitler Germany saved from the impending Bolshevik Revolution because it brought peace and stability.... A láska k manželskému partnerovi posilňuje naše vzájomné puto a umožňuje nám znášať "súženie v tele," ktoré zažívajú aj šťastné dvojice. Once inside, the caterpillar is treated as a guest of honor and lives safely and comfortably through autumn, winter, and spring in an all - you - can - eat environment. And love for our mate strengthens our bond with one another and enables us to endure "tribulation in the flesh, " which even happy couples experience. Je v súlade s vedeckými poznatkami a jej jednotlivé časti si vzájomne neprotirečia. Now I had to find a legitimate line of work. It is in harmony with scientific knowledge, and its parts do not contradict each other. Keď jeden z mojich bývalých priateľov videl, ako som sa zmenil, aj on začal študovať Bibliu. " Who Is Wise and Understanding Among You? " When one of my former friends saw how I had changed, he too began to study the Bible. Raz mi jedno mladé usmiate dievča podalo leták s reklamou na stánok s ovocím. In a farewell letter to his family, he wrote: "Above all we must love God, as our Leader Jesus Christ commanded. One day a young smiling girl handed me a pamphlet with an ad on the fruit stand. * Môžeš sa aj porozprávať s niekým, kto slúži celým časom už dlhé roky. They also worry about the health issues that may confront them as they grow older. * You can also talk to someone who has been a full - time minister for many years. V dnešnej dobe je kurča najobľúbenejším hydinovým mäsom. Of course, the main residents here are the slithering type - cobras, pythons, and vipers. Nowadays chicken is the most popular poultry meat. Volal sa Charalambos. We had driven nearly 3,000 miles [5,000 km] in five days, traveling from New York to Wyoming. His name was Charalambos. Jehovovo požehnanie obohacuje môj život (M. How realistic is it to hope for a world without armies? Jehovah's Blessing Enriches My Life (M. Hoci sami boli postihnutí, ochotne prispeli na pomoc svojim bratom. Ascribe to Jehovah the glory belonging to his name. " Although they themselves were afflicted, they willingly contributed to their brothers ' help. Správa Detského fondu OSN ukazuje, že napriek vynaloženému úsiliu trpí v Indii 43,8 percenta detí miernou podvýživou z nedostatku bielkovinovej energie. A heart that is obedient will be a protection for us when we are tempted to do wrong. The United Nations Children's Fund report shows that despite efforts made, 43.8 percent of children suffer from mild malnutrition from a lack of protein energy. (8. februára 1991) A samozrejme, že to zmenilo celý môj pohľad na vec. Jehovah's Continuing Care (February 8, 1991) And of course that changed my whole point of view. Prejavuje sa to tak, že si robia, čo chcú, bez ohľadu na Božiu vôľu. A few of the Canaanites, like Rahab and the Gibeonites, were saved because of their attitude and actions, but for the most part, they had reached an extreme level of uncleanness, as is revealed by modern archaeological excavations. It is manifested by doing what they want, regardless of God's will. Ale Vernerova druhá manželka, Marjorie, a Haroldova manželka Elizabeth sú stále činné v službe Jehovovi. God Answer Your Prayers? But Verner's second wife, Marjorie, and Harold's wife, Elizabeth, are still active in Jehovah's service. Neznáme vietnamské zvieratá, 22 / 10 The remaining casualties must have come from other parts of the empire. Religion, 10 / 8 Malo by nám byť jasné, že Biblia sa opäť dokázala ako kniha presných proroctiev. [ Picture on page 7] It should be clear to us that the Bible again proved to be a book of accurate prophecies. Ak máte záujem o ďalšie informácie alebo si želáte, aby Vás niekto navštívil a viedol s Vami bezplatné domáce biblické štúdium, napíšte láskavo na adresu: P. O. Box 17, 810 00 Bratislava 1, alebo na niektorú z adries uvedených na strane 2. They were two humpback whales rising from the briny depths, their baleen - lined mouths agape. If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. Vyrozprávajte sa vo svojom srdci, na lôžku, a mlčte. " [ Footnote] Speak in your heart, on your bed, and keep silent. " Aorta - konštrukčný zázrak, 22 / 3 Of course, millions of parents are doing their best to make sure that their children know that they are wanted and loved. Aorta - A Marvel of Design, 3 / 8 Možno to robiť v zmysle pochvaly, schválenia alebo priaznivého posúdenia. RAHAB This may be done in the light of commendation, approval or favourable assessment. Možno si budeš chcieť urobiť album s fotografiami alebo zošit s výstrižkami, a tak si uchovať spomienky. We need to act in harmony with our prayers by engaging in regular personal study and by applying God's Word. You may want to make a photo album or a staple book, so you can keep your memories. ÍVER Again let us examine the Biblical account. EARTH Toto pozoruhodné vyjadrenie vyzdvihuje Enocha ako výnimočného bohabojného muža v bezbožnom svete. The obvious, time - honored solutions are fraught with problems. This remarkable expression highlights Enoch as a special God - fearing man in an ungodly world. Ale buď opatrný! While Saul was on his way to Damascus, Jesus confronted him, and Saul was blinded by a miraculous light. But be careful! Keď sa húsenica dostane dnu, mravce s ňou zaobchádzajú ako s čestným hosťom a v tomto bezpečnom a pohodlnom prostredí, kde môže jesť, koľko len vládze, žije celú jeseň, zimu a jar. With over 9,600 species of birds worldwide, bird - watching can be a thrilling and educational experience. When the caterpillar gets in, the ants treat it as a guest of honor and in this safe and comfortable environment where it can eat as much as it can, it lives all autumn, winter, and spring. Začal som si hľadať poctivú prácu. A well - watered region is found to be dry and exhausted! I started looking for honest work. Firma túto zmluvu naplní tým, že dokončí stavbu, nie tým, že zničí zmluvu. OR 607 B.C.E.? The company will complete this contract by completing the construction, not by destroying the contract. " Kto je múdry a má porozumenie medzi vami? " What he requires are sincerity of heart and obedience based on faith, love, and a wholesome fear of displeasing him. " Who is wise and understanding among you? " Jeho život i život ďalších ľudí závisí od toho, či bude kedykoľvek pripravený vykonávať veliteľove rozkazy. The special tract sums up their resolve: "Repression will never succeed. His life and the lives of others depend on his being ready to carry out the commands of the commander at any time. V liste na rozlúčku so svojou rodinou napísal: "Predovšetkým musíme milovať Boha, ako prikázal náš Vodca, Ježiš Kristus. How can we avoid suffering shipwreck of our faith? In his farewell letter to his family, he wrote: "In particular, we must love God, as our Leader, Jesus Christ, commanded. Obávajú sa tiež zdravotných ťažkostí, ktoré so sebou vyšší vek prináša. Susie's parents had the same unselfish attitude. They are also concerned about the health problems of old age. Samozrejme, hlavnými obyvateľmi parku sú plaziace sa tvory - kobry, pytóny a zmije. The earliest recorded year in Chinese history has long been thought to be 841 B.C.E., the first year of the Gong He era of the Western Zhou dynasty. Of course, the main inhabitants of the park are creeping creatures - cobras, pythons, and vipers. Za päť dní sme z New Yorku do Wyomingu prešli autom takmer 5000 kilometrov. What modern - day pursuits can damage our spirituality? In five days, we drove nearly 5,000 miles [5,000 km] from New York to Wyoming. Nakoľko realistické je dúfať vo svet bez armád? This included a verse - by - verse discussion of Paul's stirring description of love, recorded at 1 Corinthians 13: 4 - 8. How realistic is it to hope for a world without armies? Pripisujte Jehovovi slávu patriacu jeho menu. " Stated a neuroscientist at the University of Washington in Seattle, U.S.A.: "We now know that neural connections are formed very early in life and that the infant's brain is literally waiting for experiences to determine how connections are made. Ascribe to Jehovah the glory belonging to his name. " Srdce, ktoré je poslušné, nám bude ochranou, keď budeme pokúšaní robiť to, čo je nesprávne. Will we? A heart that is obedient will be a protection when we try to do what is wrong. Jehova sa o nás stále stará The facts show that it is spreading throughout the earth. Jehovah Always Cares for Us Niekoľkí Kanaančania, napríklad Rachab a Gibeončania, boli zachránení pre svoj postoj a skutky, ale väčšina z nich dosiahla krajnú hranicu skazenosti, ako to ukazujú súčasné archeologické vykopávky. God's sure promises helped Moses to remain watchful Several Canaanites, such as Rahab and Gibeonites, were saved because of their attitude and actions, but most of them reached the extreme limit of wickedness, as the modern archaeological excavations show. Názor Biblie na mier a bezpečie, 1. When Dalva came in, I introduced him to her as "a priest of some religion of the Bible. " The Bible's View of Peace and Security, 1 / 15 Ostatní určite prišli z iných častí ríše. José, who was baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in 1992, lives alone. The others must have come from other parts of the empire. [ Obrázok na strane 7] ADOLESCENCE PAGES 16 - 23 [ Picture on page 7] Boli to dva vráskavce dlhoplutvé, ktoré sa vynárali z morských hlbín a doširoka otvárali ústa lemované kosticami. Even in Bible times, however, miraculous deliverance was the exception rather than the rule. They were two long - finned blue whales that emerged from the sea depths and wide open their mouths lined with bones. [ Poznámka pod čiarou] A portion of Beach's original tunnel later became part of the present City Hall Station, in downtown Manhattan. [ Footnote] Samozrejme, milióny rodičov robia, čo môžu, aby ich deti cítili istotu, že sú chcené a milované. One of Jesus ' disciples warned that ungodly men were "turning the undeserved kindness of our God into an excuse for loose conduct and proving false to our only Owner and Lord, Jesus Christ. " Of course, millions of parents do their best to make sure that their children are wanted and loved. Rachab In the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, this verse reads: "If anyone thinks he is a prophet or gifted with the spirit, let him acknowledge the things I am writing to you, because they are the Lord's commandment. " - 1 Corinthians 14: 37. Rahab Zároveň musíme konať v súlade so svojimi modlitbami, k čomu patrí mať pravidelné osobné štúdium a uplatňovať to, čo sa dozvieme z Božieho Slova. He said: "Your own servant has been warned by them; in the keeping of them there is a large reward. At the same time, we must act in harmony with our prayers, including regular personal study and applying what we learn from God's Word. Opäť preskúmajme biblickú správu. These keys can help you too! Let us examine the Bible's account again. Známe, tradičné riešenia so sebou prinášajú problémy. Thus, it cannot be viable while being formed by slow, gradual changes induced by evolution. Known, traditional solutions bring problems. Na ceste do Damasku sa mu zjavil Ježiš a nadprirodzené svetlo ho oslepilo. Christians are told to "become imitators of God. " On the way to Damascus, Jesus appeared to him, and the supernatural light blinded him. Keďže na svete žije vyše 9600 druhov vtákov, ich pozorovanie môže byť vzrušujúcim a poučným zážitkom. " Discerning What We Are ' - At Memorial Time Since over 9,600 species of birds live in the world, observing them can be an exciting and informative experience. Dobre zavlažovaná oblasť je suchá a vyprahnutá! So De Souza, perhaps while in prison, conspired with the king's brother, and together they ousted the ruler in 1818. Well irrigated area is dry and parched! ALEBO 607 PRED N. Why are Christians not required to give a literal tenth of their income? OR 607 B.C.E. To, čo vyžaduje, je úprimnosť srdca a poslušnosť založená na viere, láske a zdravom strachu z toho, že by sme sa mu znepáčili. Irritated by the apostles ' preaching, Jewish religious leaders arrested the apostles, threatened them, and flogged them. What he requires is heartfeltness and obedience based on faith, love, and wholesome fear of displeasing him. Ich odhodlanie je v tomto mimoriadnom traktáte vyjadrené slovami: "Represie nebudú úspešné. " He will teach the meek ones his way. " Their determination is expressed in this extraordinary tract: "Repressions will not succeed. Ako sa môžeme vyhnúť stroskotaniu svojej viery? The real is a former Spanish monetary unit. How can we avoid shipwrecking our faith? Rodičia Susie mali rovnaký nesebecký postoj. Our speech, our eating and drinking habits, our dress and grooming, our work ethic - everything we do - should tell onlookers that we are exclusively devoted to Jehovah. - Read 1 Corinthians 10: 31, 32. Susie's parents had the same unselfish attitude. Za najranejší zaznamenaný rok čínskej histórie bol dlho považovaný rok 841 pred n. l., prvý rok éry Gong He západnej dynastie Čou. When I think of Konstantin, I feel that I should never complain. The earliest recorded year of Chinese history was long considered the year 841 B.C.E., the first year of the era of the Gong He Western Dynasty of Chou. Aké činnosti môžu oslabiť našu duchovnosť? Those who have pursued a righteous course as Jehovah's servants will be resurrected. What activities can weaken our spirituality? V tomto prejave bol verš za veršom rozoberaný Pavlov burcujúci opis lásky zaznamenaný v 1. Korinťanom 13: 4 - 8. Others have said that mathematically, there should be fewer than one - even we shouldn't be here! In that talk, the verse behind Paul's verse discussed a stirring description of love recorded at 1 Corinthians 13: 4 - 8. Vedecká pracovníčka v oblasti neurológie z Washingtonskej univerzity v Seattle (USA) uviedla: "Teraz vieme, že nervové spojenia sa vytvárajú vo veľmi skorom štádiu života a že mozog dojčaťa doslova čaká na zážitky, aby mohol určiť, ako budú spojenia vytvorené. Heeding the warning will help us not only to avoid the bad consequences of the wrong action but also to preserve the proper operation of our conscience. A neurologistic scientist at the University of Washington, Seattle, U.S.A., said: "Now we know that neural connections are formed at a very early stage of life and that the infant's brain is literally waiting for experiences to determine how connections will be made. Vezmeme si toto poučenie k srdcu aj my? According to Marc J. Will we take this lesson to heart? Fakty ukazujú, že sa šíri po celej zemi. But it is a sad commentary on our times that the foregoing could apply to dozens of countries. The facts show that it is spreading all over the earth. Isté sľuby od Boha pomohli Mojžišovi, aby zostal ostražitý As they pondered the evidence, God's will became clear. Certain promises from God helped Moses to remain alert Keď Dalva vošla, predstavil som jej ho ako "kňaza akéhosi náboženstva Biblie." The university had a large library, which continued to grow, thanks to the local printing press. When Dalva entered, I introduced her as "a priest of a kind of Bible religion. " José, ktorý bol pokrstený ako Jehovov svedok v roku 1992, žije sám. They are conducting 75 home Bible studies and are busily bringing in "the desirable things " that were once held captive by false religion. José, who was baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in 1992, lives alone. ADOLESCENT STRANY 16 - 23 But the Bible still condemns displays of unrighteous anger. ADOLESCENT PAGES 16 - 23 Ale zázračná záchrana bola aj v biblických časoch skôr výnimkou než pravidlom. Satellite view of Belize showing the 185 - mile reef But miraculous salvation was an exception rather than a rule in Bible times. Jedna časť Beachovho pôvodného tunela sa neskôr stala súčasťou dnešnej stanice City Hall v centre Manhattanu. The EDA guide advises parents not to ignore these signs and to be open about what they have observed. One part of Beach's original tunnel later became part of today's City Hall station in the center of Manhattan. Jeden z Ježišových učeníkov varoval, že bezbožní ľudia "obracajú nezaslúženú láskavosť nášho Boha na ospravedlnenie voľného správania a prejavujú sa ako falošní voči nášmu jedinému Majiteľovi a Pánovi, Ježišovi Kristovi." Who Is Their Leader? One of Jesus ' disciples warned that ungodly people "turn the undeserved kindness of our God to justify loose conduct and prove false to our only Owner and Lord, Jesus Christ. " V Preklade nového sveta Svätých písiem sa v tomto verši hovorí: "Ak si niekto myslí, že je prorok alebo obdarovaný duchom, nech uzná to, čo vám píšem, pretože to je Pánovo prikázanie." - 1. Korinťanom 14: 37. This culture gap can be like a moat that separates youths from their parents. The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures states: "If anyone thinks that he is a prophet or is endowed with spirit, let him acknowledge what I am writing to you, because this is the commandment of the Lord. " - 1 Corinthians 14: 37. Povedal: "Tvoj sluha je nimi varovaný; v ich dodržiavaní je veľká odmena. * By means of them, I began to comprehend better the nature of this illness and to learn more effective techniques for coping with it. He said: "Your servant is warned by them; in their keeping there is a great reward. Tieto rady môžu pomôcť aj vám. What Does the Bible Really Teach? These suggestions can help you too. Je teda nemožné, aby bola bunka schopná života a zároveň prekonávala pomalé, postupné evolučné zmeny. Is that true of you? Thus, it is impossible for a cell to be able to live and, at the same time, to overcome slow, gradual evolutionary changes. Kresťania sa majú " stať napodobňovateľmi Boha ." Deuteronomy 18: 10 - 12 states: "There should not be found in you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, anyone who employs divination, a practicer of magic or anyone who looks for omens or a sorcerer, or one who binds others with a spell or anyone who consults a spirit medium or a professional foreteller of events or anyone who inquires of the dead. Christians are to "become imitators of God. " " Rozlíšiť čo sme " v čase Pamätnej slávnosti So as long as you maintain a complete heart toward Jehovah, he will never give up on you. - 1 Chron. 28: 9. " Discern What We Are " During the Memorial Takto sa začal vzájomne výhodný vzťah medzi de Souzom, ktorý dostal na starosť obchod s otrokmi, a novým kráľom Ghezom. God's warning at the beginning, regarding the forbidden tree, " In the day that you eat of it you shall die, ' was addressed to man as a corporeal - spiritual creature - should he eat of it, it was as such that he would die. Thus began a mutually beneficial relationship between de Souza, who was in charge of the slave trade, and the new king, Ghez. Prečo sa od kresťanov nevyžaduje, aby dávali doslovnú desatinu zo svojho príjmu? You may have heard some frustrated individual ask this question. Why are Christians not required to give a literal tenth of their income? A robili to napriek tomu, že ich židovskí vodcovia, ktorí boli podráždení ich kázaním, zatkli, vyhrážali sa im a zbičovali ich. ● A 19 - year - old girl from the southern United States wrote: "I was raised in a churchgoing family and personally know Christ as my Savior. And they did so, even though their Jewish leaders, who were irritated by their preaching, arrested them, threatened them, and flogged them. " Miernych bude vyučovať svojej ceste. " Quite unexpectedly my own wife began to oppose my taking such an interest in the Bible. " He will teach the meek ones his way. " Reál je peňažná jednotka, ktorú kedysi používali Španieli. The Bible describes "obscene jesting " as unacceptable and immoral. Real is a monetary unit once used by the Spaniards. Z našej reči, našich návykov v jedení a pití, nášho obliekania a úpravy zovňajšku a našej pracovnej morálky, jednoducho zo všetkého, čo robíme, by malo byť ľuďom v našom okolí zjavné, že sme oddaní výlučne Jehovovi. (Prečítajte 1. Korinťanom 10: 31, 32.) No! From our speech, our habits in eating and drinking, our dress and grooming, and our work morals, simply from everything we do, it should be evident to those around us that we are dedicated exclusively to Jehovah. - Read 1 Corinthians 10: 31, 32. Keď si pomyslím na Konstantina, uvedomujem si, že sa nemám čo ponosovať. Inherited sin exerts a negative influence on the way we think about and speak to one another. When I think of Constantine, I realize I have nothing to complain about. Tí, ktorí žili spravodlivým životom ako Jehovovi služobníci, budú vzkriesení. Because a similar spirit was shown by the Christians in Thyatira, the glorified Jesus Christ told them: "I know your deeds, and your love and faith and ministry and endurance, and that your deeds of late are more than those formerly. " - Rev. 2: 19. Those who have lived a righteous life as Jehovah's servants will be resurrected. Ďalší dokonca hovoria, že matematicky vzaté by mala existovať menej než jedna - teda nemali by sme tu byť ani my! Over time, heavy rains scoured rock fragments from these mountains and washed them into rivers and out to sea. Others even say that mathematically speaking there should be less than one - so neither should we! Ak budeme dbať na varovania, nielenže nám to pomôže vyhnúť sa nepríjemným následkom nesprávneho konania, ale ochránime tak i naše svedomie, aby správne fungovalo. The custom of being called by more than one name is common in many cultures. Heeding warnings will not only help us to avoid the unpleasant consequences of wrongdoing but also protect our conscience from working properly. Podľa Marca J. What help God's Word is in enabling us to recognize our problems! According to Marco J. Ale je smutné v našich časoch konštatovať, že predchádzajúce fakty sa môžu vzťahovať na desiatky krajín. Xerxes marched into Attica, pillaging and burning as he progressed. But it is sad to say in our time that the previous facts may apply to dozens of countries. Keď uvažovali o týchto dokladoch, jasne uvideli, aká je Božia vôľa. On the other hand, my uncle was up before daylight - by four in the morning - and he would have the sheep under his care out in a good pasture by sunrise. When they considered these documents, they clearly saw what God's will was. Univerzita mala veľkú knižnicu, ktorá sa vďaka miestnej tlačiarni ďalej rozširovala. Why, that miraculous stream flowing through the inner courtyard! The university had a large library that continued to expand thanks to local printers. Vedú 75 domácich biblických štúdií a horlivo privádzajú "žiaduce veci," ktoré boli kedysi držané v zajatí falošného náboženstva. What hope did Job express, as recorded at Job 14: 13 - 15, and how can this comfort bereaved ones today? They conduct 75 home Bible studies and zealously bring in "the desirable things " that were once held captive by false religion. No Biblia napriek tomu odsudzuje prejavy nespravodlivého hnevu. [ Picture on page 6] Nevertheless, the Bible condemns acts of unrighteous anger. Satelitná snímka Belize, na ktorej vidno 300 - kilometrový útes Father would provide the music on his accordion. A satellite image of Belize showing a 300 - mile [300 km] cliff Príručka radí rodičom, aby neprehliadali tieto príznaky a aby otvorene hovorili o tom, čo si všimli. This interference comes from computers, microwave ovens, cellular telephones, television and radio broadcasts, military radar, air traffic control chatter, and satellite systems. The guide advises parents not to ignore these symptoms and to speak openly about what they have noticed. Kto je ich vodcom? In its basic concept, home schooling is not as radical as it may seem. Who's their leader? Táto priepasť medzi kultúrami môže mladých a rodičov oddeľovať ako nejaká vodná priekopa. Jehovah holds appointed shepherds accountable for the way they treat the flock. This divide between cultures can separate youths and parents as a moat. * Pomocou nich som začal lepšie chápať podstatu tejto choroby a dozvedel som sa o účinnejších spôsoboch, ako sa s ňou vyrovnávať. The water in these marshes can be diluted quickly during a thunderstorm or can reach saturated salt concentration when the extreme desert heat evaporates the water. * With them, I began to understand the nature of the disease better, and I learned more effective ways to deal with it. Kniha Čo učí Biblia? All laws for the "new earth " will come from the" new heavens. " Faithful men on earth will see that these instructions are carried out. The book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Platí to aj o vás? The "new name " evidently signifies the privilege of being united with Jesus as joint - heirs in the heavenly Kingdom. Is that true of you? Tu tvoj otec a ja sme ťa úzkostlivo hľadali. " That courageous decision is an outstanding demonstration of faith. Here your father and I have been anxiously looking for you. " Mojžišovej 18: 10 - 12 sa píše: "Nemá sa nájsť v tebe nikto, kto nechá prejsť ohňom svojho syna alebo svoju dcéru, nikto, kto používa veštenie, kto pestuje mágiu, ani nikto, kto hľadá znamenie, ani čarodejník, ani ten, kto spútava iných zaklínaním, ani nikto, kto sa radí so špiritistickým médiom alebo s tým, kto z povolania predpovedá udalosti, ani nikto, kto sa vypytuje mŕtvych. What, though, do the facts indicate? Genesis 18: 10 - 12 states: "There should not be found in you anyone who lets his son or his daughter pass through the fire, anyone who uses divination, one who cultivates magic, nor anyone who seeks a sign, nor a sorcerer, nor anyone who binds others by enchantment, nor anyone who consults a spirit medium or a professional foretells events, nor anyone who inquires of the dead. Preto kým bude celé tvoje srdce s Jehovom, nikdy nad tebou nezlomí palicu v presvedčení, že ti už niet pomoci. Before it was cooked, the meat was soaked in water for a few hours to soften it. Therefore, as long as your whole heart is with Jehovah, he will never break a stick over you in the belief that you are no longer helped. Božia výstraha na začiatku, týkajúca sa zakázaného stromu: " V deň, keď z neho zješ, určite zomrieš ," bola adresovaná človeku ako telesno - duchovnému tvorovi - ako takáto bytosť mal zomrieť, keby z neho jedol. The Bible warns that those who marry "will have tribulation in their flesh. " At the outset, God's warning regarding the forbidden tree: " The day you eat from it you will certainly die ' was directed to man as a fleshly - spirit creature - how such a creature would die if he ate from it. Možno ste už počuli, ako niekto sklamaný kladie túto otázku. Because he and his Witness friends were well - dressed and were wearing convention badges, the couple asked them if they had come from a graduation or another special occasion. Perhaps you have heard someone who is disappointed ask this question. ● Isté 19 - ročné dievča z juhu Spojených štátov napísalo: "Vyrastala som v rodine, ktorá pravidelne chodila do kostola a osobne poznala Krista ako svojho Spasiteľa. 7: 28. ● A 19 - year - old girl in the south of the United States wrote: "I grew up in a family that regularly went to church and knew Christ personally as her Savior. Celkom nečakane začala môjmu veľkému záujmu o Bibliu klásť odpor moja manželka. As a result, many celebrities resort to the use of drugs and alcohol, often shortening their life. My wife began to resist my great interest in the Bible quite unexpectedly. Podľa Biblie je "oplzlé žartovanie" niečím neprijateľným a nemorálnym. This inborn sense of right and wrong influences most of us to act within the bounds of human decency. According to the Bible, "an obscene joke " is something unacceptable and immoral. Vôbec nie! No, he was in the privacy of his own bedroom and was one of an increasing number of homeowners who embellish their residences with stained - glass windows, perhaps crafted by the homeowner himself. Not at all! Zdedený hriech negatívne ovplyvňuje to, ako o tom druhom zmýšľame a ako s ním hovoríme. What is the Christian view of immoral entertainment? Inherited sin negatively affects the way we think and speak to the other. Keďže podobného ducha prejavoval aj kresťanský zbor v Tyatíre, oslávený Ježiš Kristus mu povedal: "Poznám tvoje skutky a tvoju lásku a vieru a službu a vytrvalosť a že tvojich posledných skutkov je viac ako tých skorších." By his death, Christ " released those under law. ' Since the Christian congregation in Thyatira showed a similar spirit, the glorified Jesus Christ told him: "I know your works and your love and faith and service and endurance, and that your last works are more than the former ones. " Intenzívne dažde časom vymleli z týchto vrchov úlomky skál a splavili ich do riek a do mora. • What spirit have Jehovah's watchman class and their companions shown? Intense rains over time ejected rock fragments from these mountains and rafted them into rivers and the sea. V mnohých kultúrach je bežné, že ľudia majú viac než jedno meno. Marriage mates should also strive to strengthen their partner's love for God. - Prov. In many cultures, it is common for people to have more than one name. Ako veľmi nám Božie Slovo pomáha spoznať naše nedostatky! If you want others to open up to you, open up to them. How God's Word helps us to know our shortcomings! Xerxes vpochodoval do Atiky, kde plienil a pálil všetko, čo mu prišlo do cesty. " THE word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two - edged sword... and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart. " Xerxes marched into Attica, plundering and burning everything in his path. Ale môj strýko býval na nohách už pred východom slnka, okolo štvrtej ráno, a za svitania si jeho ovce už pochutnávali na šťavnatej pastve. Although some dislike the idea of studying anything, others are eager to study whatever they believe will help them in life. But my uncle lived on his feet before sunrise, around 4:00 in the morning, and at dawn, his sheep were already enjoying a juicy pasture. Predsa tú zázračnú bystrinu tečúcu vnútorným nádvorím! The nail grows from a small area of living tissue at the base of the nail plate, called the matrix. The magical torrent flowing through the inner courtyard! Akú nádej vyjadril Jób, ako je to zaznamenané v Jóbovi 14: 13 - 15, a ako môže táto nádej utešiť smútiacich dnes? According to such sources, modern - day angels want us to know how beautiful and radiant we are. What hope did Job express, as recorded at Job 14: 13 - 15, and how can this hope comfort mourners today? [ Obrázok na strane 6] " It seemed as if my brain would send out a command, and my limbs would receive it a week later! [ Picture on page 6] Otec nám hral na harmonike. A Unique Firing Process Dad played the harmonica for us. Zdrojom tohto rušenia sú počítače, mikrovlnné rúry, mobilné telefóny, televízne a rozhlasové vysielanie, vojenské radary, komunikácia riadiacich veží s lietadlami a satelitné systémy. Donna was at an impasse. The sources of this interference are computers, microwaves, mobile phones, television and radio broadcasting, military radars, communication of towers with aircraft and satellite systems. Domáce vyučovanie nie je v zásade niečím tak radikálnym, ako sa to možno zdá. Partly because of its lively, happy character. Home schooling is basically not as radical as it may seem. Jehova berie vymenovaných starších na zodpovednosť za to, ako zaobchádzajú so stádom. Titus ' objective was threefold - to prevent the Jews from fleeing, to encourage their surrender, and to starve the inhabitants into submission. Jehovah holds appointed elders accountable for their dealings with the flock. Vo vode týchto mokradí sa môže po búrke rýchlo zmierniť slanosť alebo sa môže vytvoriť nasýtený soľný roztok, keď sa pri mimoriadnom teple na tejto pustatine voda odparí. Two years later Tello and another associate discovered an enormous burial ground, which they named Paracas Necropolis. In the water of these wetlands, salinity may be reduced rapidly after the storm or a saturated salt solution may be formed when the water evaporates on this wasteland when it is extremely warm. Všetky zákony pre " novú zem " budú prichádzať z " nových nebies " a verní muži na zemi budú dohliadať na to, aby sa uplatňovali. ● "It is the lip of truth that will be firmly established forever, but the tongue of falsehood will be only as long as a moment. " - Proverbs 12: 19. All laws for the "new earth " will come from" the new heavens, " and faithful men on earth will see to it that they are applied. " Nové meno "zjavne symbolizuje to, že pomazaní budú mať výsadu byť Ježišovými spoludedičmi nebeského Kráľovstva. Though many doctors today fail to diagnose or properly treat this disorder, it is not new. The "new name " evidently symbolizes that the anointed will have the privilege of being Jesus ' joint heirs to the heavenly Kingdom. Toto odvážne rozhodnutie je výnimočným prejavom viery. More articles from the "Young People Ask " series can be found at the Web site www.watchtower.org / ype This courageous decision is an outstanding expression of faith. Čo však hovoria fakty? Jehovah's Witnesses, however, believe that those doctrines not only contradict the Bible but also promote a distorted view of God. - See pages 4 - 7 of this magazine. What, though, do the facts say? Pred varením sa na niekoľko hodín namočilo do vody, aby zmäklo. Since we came to a knowledge of the light, what changes have we seen in ourselves? Before cooking, it was soaked in water for a few hours to soften. Biblia nás upozorňuje, že tí, ktorí vstúpia do manželstva, "budú mať súženie v tele." Currently a small amount of albumin is also used in injections of the synthetic hormone EPO (erythropoietin). The Bible warns us that those who marry "will have tribulation in their flesh. " Všimli si, že všetci sú slušne oblečení a majú zjazdové menovky, a tak sa ich opýtali, či boli na promócii alebo na nejakom inom významnom podujatí. Unfortunately, there appear to have been just as many wars to nullify them. They noticed that they were all politely dressed and wearing convention labels, so they asked if they were at graduation or at any other important event. Korinťanom 13: 4, 7.) S. (Read 1 Corinthians 13: 4, 7.) To vedie k tomu, že mnohé slávne osobnosti sa uchyľujú k drogám či alkoholu, následkom čoho často predčasne zomierajú. Female genital mutilation used to be called female circumcision. As a result, many famous personalities resort to drugs or alcohol, with the result that they often die prematurely. Tento vrodený zmysel pre to, čo je správne a čo nesprávne, vedie väčšinu z nás k tomu, že neprekračujeme hranice prijateľného správania. (a) After the first part of the great tribulation, what will be evident? This innate sense of right and wrong leads most of us to go beyond acceptable behavior. Nie, bol v súkromí vlastnej spálne a bol jedným zo vzrastajúceho počtu majiteľov domov, ktorí si skrášľujú svoje obydlia oknami z farebného skla, čo si možno majiteľ domu sám zhotovil. " LIKE A GOD PACING ACROSS THE HEAVENS " No, he was in the privacy of his own bedroom, and he was one of the increasing number of homeowners who beautify their dwellings with windows made of coloured glass, which may have been made by the householder himself. Ako sa kresťania pozerajú na nemravnú zábavu? Reverential fear of Jehovah will motivate you to reject any wayward course. How do Christians view immoral entertainment? Kristus svojou smrťou " oslobodil tých, ktorí boli pod zákonom ." Muscles, 4 / 8 By his death, Christ " delivered those who were under the law. ' • Akého ducha prejavujú členovia triedy Jehovovho strážcu a ich spoločníci? Historical Developments • What spirit do Jehovah's watchman class and their companions display? A každý z partnerov by sa mal tiež snažiť posilňovať lásku k Bohu u toho druhého. - Prísl. Thus, we read: "I, Jehovah, am your God, the One teaching you to benefit yourself, the One causing you to tread in the way in which you should walk. " And each partner should also strive to strengthen his love for God with the other. - Prov. Možno vám to všetci hneď neopätujú, ale niektorí časom áno. To our atmosphere? Maybe they don't all get back to you right away, but some of them do in time. " BOŽIE slovo je živé a vykonáva moc a je ostrejšie než akýkoľvek dvojsečný meč... a je schopné rozoznávať myšlienky a úmysly srdca. " In Jehovah's strength, he became a most powerful ruler. " THE word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two - edged sword... and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart. " Zatiaľ čo niektorým ľuďom sa predstava, že by mali niečo študovať, nepáči, iní si veľmi želajú študovať čokoľvek, o čom sa domnievajú, že im to v živote pomôže. Such events impressed on us the need to rely heavily upon Jehovah. While some people do not like the idea that they should study, others are eager to study anything that they feel will help them in life. Necht vyrastá z malej časti živého tkaniva pri koreni nechtovej platničky, ktorá sa nazýva lôžko (matrix). What needs to be done then? The nail grows from a small part of the living tissue at the root of the nail plate called a bed (a matrix). Podľa týchto zdrojov novodobí anjeli chcú, aby sme vedeli, akí sme krásni a oslňujúci. Isaiah's prophecy had a first fulfillment when the Jews returned from Babylonian captivity in 537 B.C.E. According to these sources, modern - day angels want us to know how beautiful and dazzling we are. " Zdalo sa, akoby môj mozog vyslal príkaz, a moje končatiny ho dostali až o týždeň! In her country, young drivers pay high premiums for car insurance, and those premiums go up after each accident. " My brain seemed to send out a command, and my limbs didn't get it until a week later! Jedinečný spôsob vypaľovania A 1969 census found that some 14,000 hippopotamuses, 14,500 elephants, and 26,500 buffalo lived in the park. A Unique Method of Burning Donna sa ocitla v slepej uličke. The Hindenburg was built for comfort, not speed. Donna was in a dead end. Čiastočne pre svoj živý, veselý charakter. Soon diseases spread and prisoners started to die. Partly for his lively, cheerful character. Titus postavil toto opevnenie jednak preto, aby Židia nemohli uniknúť, a jednak preto, aby ich vyhladoval, a tak ich donútil vzdať sa. Because that is his obligation! ' Titus built this fortification so that the Jews could not escape and, on the other hand, starve them, forcing them to surrender. O dva roky neskôr Tello s ďalšou pomocníčkou objavili obrovské pohrebisko, ktoré nazvali Paracas Necropolis. Every now and then, I woke up to see flashes of rugged yet beautiful countryside appearing beyond the stone - walled narrow lanes. Two years later, Tello and another helper discovered a huge burial ground called Paracas Necropolis. ● "Pera pravdy, tá bude pevne založená navždy, ale falošný jazyk bude iba na chvíľku." For instance, some use excess weight as a scapegoat for personal disappointments. ● "Pera of truth, it will be firmly established forever, but for a moment the false tongue will be. " Hoci mnohí lekári dnes túto poruchu nedokážu diagnostikovať ani správne liečiť, nie je nová. These represent proclamations of Jehovah's judgments that have been publicized by Jehovah's people throughout the time of the end starting notably with the Cedar Point convention of 1922. - See Revelation - Its Grand Climax At Hand!, chapters 21 to 23 and chapter 26. Although many doctors today are unable to diagnose or treat the disorder properly, it is not new. Ďalšie články z rubriky "Mladí ľudia sa pýtajú" nájdeš na webovej stránke www.watchtower.org / ypb (čes.) The ants, attracted to her desk by crumbs from her lunch, were traced back to a potted plant. More articles from the "Young People Ask " series can be found at the Web site www.watchtower.org / ype No Jehovovi svedkovia sú presvedčení, že tieto náuky nielenže protirečia Biblii, ale podporujú tiež skreslený pohľad na Boha. (Pozri 4. - 7. stranu tohto časopisu.) [ Picture on page 8] However, Jehovah's Witnesses believe that these teachings not only contradict the Bible but also promote a distorted view of God. - See pages 4 - 7. of this magazine. Aké zmeny na sebe pozorujeme, odkedy sme spoznali svetlo? My greatest blessing, though, is being united in serving Jehovah along with my faithful, loving wife and our beautiful children. What changes have we seen since we came to know the light? V súčasnej dobe sa malé množstvo albumínu používa aj v injekciách syntetického hormónu EPO (erytropoetín). The correct positioning of the baby at the breast is also important. Currently, a small amount of albumin is also used for injections of the synthetic hormone EPO (erythropoietin). Žiaľ, zdá sa, že tu bolo práve toľko vojen, aby ich anulovali. T. Sadly, it seems that there were just enough wars to nullify them. S. One group of U.S. teenagers were tested in this regard and asked how they would handle situations that commonly arise during baby - sitting. S. Mrzačenie ženských pohlavných orgánov sa bežne nazýva ženská obriezka. This Delta Plan, as the project was called, eventually resulted in a further shortening of the country's coastline to some 380 miles [622 km]. Female genital mutilation is commonly called female circumcision. a) Čo bude zjavné po prvej časti veľkého súženia? With whom? (a) What will be evident after the first part of the great tribulation? " AKO BOH KRÁČAJÚCI NEBESAMI " I was happy to gain real friends. " LIKE GOD KING THE JEHOVAH " Zbožná bázeň pred Jehovom ťa podnieti zavrhnúť akékoľvek nesprávne konanie. For decades, terrorism has taken thousands of lives. Godly fear of Jehovah will move you to reject any wrongdoing. Historický vývoj What is involved in listening to Jesus and imitating him? Historical development Čítame: "Ja, Jehova, som tvoj Boh, Ten, čo ťa vyučuje na tvoj úžitok, Ten, kto ťa nechal kráčať po ceste, po ktorej máš chodiť." They fit so nicely into a man's wallet or a woman's purse. We read: "I, Jehovah, am your God, the One teaching you to benefit yourself, the One causing you to tread in the way in which you should walk. " O našej atmosfére? • Why is "trembling at men " a deadly trap? About our atmosphere? So silou od Jehovu sa z neho stal jeden z najmocnejších vládcov. 7, 8. (a) How did many Israelites fall into gross idolatry in connection with Baal of Peor? With Jehovah's strength, he became one of the most powerful rulers. Takéto udalosti nám zdôraznili potrebu úplne sa spoliehať na Jehovu. Yes, they undertook a nighttime raid into the stronghold of the enemy. Such events emphasized the need to rely fully on Jehovah. Čo je teda potrebné urobiť? Today, that knowledge is indeed faith - strengthening to Jehovah's people, who are rendering sacred service to him in 235 lands. What, then, is needed? Izaiášovo proroctvo malo prvé splnenie, keď sa Židia vrátili z babylonského zajatia v roku 537 pred n. l. Historical Pictures Service Isaiah's prophecy had its first fulfillment when the Jews returned from Babylonian captivity in 537 B.C.E. V krajine, kde Lisa žije, platia mladí vodiči za poistenie vozidla vysoké sumy a po každej nehode výška poistného rastie. So she may have engaged in producing linen and possibly knew the art of dyeing. In the country where Lisa lives, young drivers pay high sums for car insurance, and after each accident, insurance premiums are rising. V roku 1969, keď sa uskutočnilo sčítanie zvierat, sa zistilo, že v parku žilo asi 14 000 hrochov, 14 500 slonov a 26 500 byvolov. Everybody should know that many children disappear in Rome and are used in satanic rites. " In 1969, when the animals were counted, it was found that there were some 14,000 hippopotamus, 14,500 elephants, and 26,500 buffaloes in the park. Hindenburg bol postavený pre komfort, nie pre rýchlosť. As the sun was setting, we arrived home - tired and hungry but very happy. Hindenburg was built for comfort, not for speed. Onedlho sa začali šíriť choroby a väzni začali zomierať. The faithful and discreet slave class has courageously responded in The Watchtower and Awake! Soon the disease began to spread, and the prisoners began to die. Pretože je to jeho povinnosť. " Feathered Masters of Song Because it is his duty. " Z času na čas som sa zobudila, aby som sa pozrela na tú drsnú, ale nádhernú krajinu, ktorá sa vynárala spoza kamenných múrikov lemujúcich úzke cesty. An older Christian brother turned to me and said: "Éva, you never need to fear. From time to time, I woke up to look at that rough, but beautiful land that came out of the stone walls bordering the narrow roads. Niektorí ľudia napríklad robia z nadváhy obetného baránka v prípade osobných sklamaní. In doing so, we praise Jehovah publicly, demonstrate our faith, and strengthen the faith of others. For example, some people turn overweight into a scapegoat in case of personal disappointment. Predstavujú ohlásenie Jehovových súdov, ktoré boli zverejňované Jehovovým ľudom v priebehu času konca. Pozoruhodne to začalo na zjazde v Cedar Point roku 1922. - Pozri Zjavenie - jeho veľkolepé vyvrcholenie je blízko, kapitoly 21 až 23 a 26. " That Day and Hour " They represent the proclamation of Jehovah's judgments, which were made public to Jehovah's people during the time of the end, and this remarkably began at the convention at Cedar Point in 1922. - See Revelation - Its Grand Climax At Hand, chapters 21 to 23 and 26. Omrvinky z jej obeda privábili mravce, ktoré sa potom vrátili späť do kvetináča. No such athlete would be halfhearted, taking it easy. The crumbs from her lunch attracted the ants, which then returned to the flowerpot. [ Obrázok na strane 8] He Was the Messiah's Forerunner (John the Baptizer), 5 / 15 [ Picture on page 8] Najväčším požehnaním je však pre mňa to, že môžem slúžiť Jehovovi spolu s mojou vernou, milujúcou manželkou a našimi drahými deťmi. Little wonder that more and more developing nations are striving to promote family planning. The greatest blessing, though, is that I can serve Jehovah along with my faithful, loving wife and our dear children. Dôležitá je aj správna poloha dieťaťa pri dojčení. " But rather let him do hard work, doing with his hands what is good work. " - 4: 28. The correct position of the baby when breast-feeding is also important. T. Caring for Aged Parents T. V USA testovali v tomto ohľade jednu skupinu mladistvých a pýtali sa, ako by zvládli situácie, ktoré sa bežne vyskytujú počas dohliadania na deti. So the sufferer resorts to food to block out inner frustration. In the United States, they tested a group of teenagers in this regard and asked how they would cope with situations that are common during child supervision. Uskutočnenie Plánu delta, ako bol tento projekt nazvaný, viedlo k ďalšiemu skráteniu morského pobrežia krajiny asi na 622 kilometrov. What, then, accounts for the apparent increase in such disasters? The implementation of the Delta Plan, as this project has been called, has led to a further reduction of the land's coastline to some 622 miles [622 km]. S kým? " You have heard that antichrist is coming, " wrote the inspired apostle long ago. Who? Bola som šťastná, že som získala skutočných priateľov. About 1: 00 a.m. on Wednesday, the doctors came to operate on my broken hip. I was happy to have real friends. Za uplynulé desaťročia si terorizmus vyžiadal tisíce životov. In the Bible are found prophecies regarding the appearance and identity of the Messiah and "the conclusion of the system of things, " as well as judgment messages from God. - Matthew 24: 3; Daniel 9: 25. Over the past decades, terrorism has claimed thousands of lives. Čo znamená počúvať Ježiša a napodobňovať ho? The truth is, however, that God is not to blame for the problems that plague humankind. What does it mean to listen to Jesus and imitate him? Bez problémov sa vojdú do mužskej náprsnej tašky alebo do dámskej kabelky. It is he that has made us, and not we ourselves. They enter a male wallet or a ladies purse without a problem. • Prečo je strach z ľudí smrtonosným osídlom? Other • Why is fear of humans a deadly snare? 7, 8. a) Ako mnohí Izraeliti upadli do hrubého modlárstva v spojitosti s Baalom z Peoru? But what kind of confidence is involved, and how can we come by it? 7, 8. (a) How have many Israelites fallen into gross idolatry in connection with Baal of Peor? Áno, podnikli nočný vpád do pevnosti nepriateľa. The color purple - basically a combination of blue and red - includes several hues, from violet to a dark red. Yes, they made the night break into the enemy's fortress. To dnes veľmi posilňuje vieru Jehovovho ľudu, ktorý preukazuje posvätnú službu Jehovovi v 235 krajinách. All could see that Jehovah was making his people spiritually rich. This today greatly strengthens the faith of Jehovah's people, who render sacred service to Jehovah in 235 lands. Historical Pictures Service There is "a time to laugh, " and perhaps showing that you have a sense of humor, laughing it off would be the best way to extinguish the rumor. - Ecclesiastes 3: 4. Historical Pictures Service Možnože sa venovala výrobe plátna a hádam sa vyznala aj vo farbení. It had been nearly two years since I had first heard about Jehovah's Witnesses, and I decided to become more involved in my Bible study. Maybe she was in the production of canvas, and I'm guessing she confessed to coloring. Každý by mal vedieť, že v Ríme mizne veľa detí a používajú ich pri satanských obradoch. " Apart from spiritual decadence, social causes are another important factor contributing to religious indifference. Everyone should know that many children disappear in Rome and use them in satanic ceremonies. " Keď slnko zapadalo, prišli sme domov - unavení a hladní, ale veľmi šťastní. And instead of having a human driver, it is fitted with technology that constantly monitors its exact position and radios the data to a central control station. When the sun set, we came home - tired and hungry, but very happy. Operení speváci He could be relied upon to represent the governing body's directives faithfully. Surgery singers Jeden starší kresťanský brat sa ku mne obrátil a povedal mi: "Éva, nikdy sa nemusíš báť. Because of official restrictions on our ministry, we had to be resourceful. An older Christian brother turned to me and said to me: "Eva, you never have to worry. Tým verejne chválime Jehovu, dávame najavo svoju vieru a posilňujeme vieru iných. So in 1960, I went there, since a major exhibition to introduce Japanese art to France was being held. By doing so, we publicly praise Jehovah, demonstrate our faith, and strengthen the faith of others. " Ten deň a tá hodina " She was overwhelmed. Now she could address God by name in her prayers! " That Day and the Hour " Žiaden taký atlét by nebol polovičatý ani by to nebral na ľahkú váhu. Who are they? No such athlete would be halfhearted or take it lightly. Bol Mesiášovým predchodcom (Ján Krstiteľ), 15 / 5 These articles include information presented at a seminar held at the U.S. Jehovah's Witnesses, 5 / 1 Nie div, že stále viac rozvojových krajín sa usiluje presadiť plánované rodičovstvo. Ships from Europe generally followed a triangular route. No wonder more and more developing countries are trying to promote family planning. " Ale radšej nech tvrdo pracuje a svojimi rukami koná dobrú prácu. " In fact, we will seek their advantage, not our own, and will joyfully perform humble tasks in their behalf. " But let him rather work hard and do good work with his hands. " Starostlivosť o zostarnutých rodičov How did the findings of one scientist and astronomer manage to arouse the wrath of the Catholic Church? Caring for Older Parents Preto sa postihnutý utieka k jedlu, aby si nepripomínal vnútorné sklamanie. Was It Designed? Hence, the sufferer runs to his meals so that he does not remind himself of the inner disappointment. Čo je teda príčinou očividného nárastu takýchto pohrôm? Despite fierce opposition, Paul and his associates concentrated on helping meek ones to embrace Christianity. What, then, is the cause of the evident increase in such disasters? " Počuli ste, že prichádza antikrist, "napísal už dávno pod inšpiráciou apoštol Ján. Indeed, if we take steps to draw close to God, he will respond to our efforts. " You have heard the antichrist coming, " wrote the apostle John long ago under inspiration. V stredu asi o jednej hodine v noci mi lekári prišli operovať zlomenú bedrovú kosť. I was baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses on July 27, 1973. At about one o'clock on Wednesday night, the doctors came to operate on a broken lumbar bone. V Biblii nachádzame proroctvá o príchode a totožnosti Mesiáša, o "závere systému vecí," ako aj Božie posolstvá súdu. You would rightly be skeptical. The Bible contains prophecies about the Messiah's coming and identity, "the conclusion of the system of things, " as well as God's messages of judgment. Pravda je však taká, že Boh nie je zodpovedný za problémy, ktoré sužujú ľudstvo. [ Picture on page 31] The truth is, though, that God is not responsible for the problems that plague mankind. To on nás urobil, a nie my sami. In a recent four - month period, 132,474 vehicles passed through the tunnel. He's the one who made us, not ourselves. iná The paper quotes counselor Rosemarie Breindl as saying: "There are hardly any models who show by example how to solve conflicts. " Other Ale aký ďalší druh dôvery je potrebný a ako túto dôveru môžeme získať? To strengthen our faith, we must pay attention to the prophetic word. But what other kind of trust is needed, and how can we gain that trust? Purpur - v podstate zmes modrej a červenej farby - má niekoľko odtieňov od fialovej po tmavočervenú. But where is that valley, and what is it like? Purpur - basically a mixture of blue and red - has several shades from purple to dark red. Každý mohol vidieť, že Jehova robí svoj ľud duchovne bohatým. However, it cannot be said exactly when he suffered these injuries - before or after death. Everyone could see that Jehovah makes his people spiritually rich. Je "čas na smiech" a možno, ak prejavíte zmysel pre humor a zasmejete sa, bude to hádam najlepší spôsob ako umlčať táranie. - Kazateľ 3: 4. [ Footnote] It is "a time for laughter, " and perhaps if you show a sense of humor and laugh, it will perhaps be the best way to silence gossip. - Ecclesiastes 3: 4. Bolo to už pomaly dva roky, čo som po prvý raz počul o Jehovových svedkoch, a rozhodol som sa viac sústrediť na štúdium Biblie. • Why Do I Get So Depressed? It was slowly two years since I first heard about Jehovah's Witnesses, and I decided to focus more on studying the Bible. Ďalším významným faktorom, ktorý prispieva k náboženskej ľahostajnosti, sú okrem duchovného úpadku aj sociálne príčiny. I had always believed that the Book of Mormon and the Bible complemented each other. In addition to spiritual decline, social causes are another important factor that contributes to religious indifference. Nemá rušňovodiča, ale je vybavený technikou, ktorá sústavne monitoruje jeho pozíciu a pomocou rádiového spojenia vysiela signály do ústrednej kontrolnej stanice. Second, consider the audience Jesus was addressing when he spoke the words found at Luke 17: 21. It does not have a driver, but it is equipped with a technique that continuously monitors his position and sends signals to the central control station by radio. Vedúci zbor sa naňho mohol spoľahnúť, že pokyny odovzdá verne. Neurotransmitters The Governing Body could have relied on him to give the instructions faithfully. V krajine bola naša služba úradne obmedzená, a tak sme museli byť vynachádzaví. During the coming destruction of this wicked world, God will save them completely by preserving them through that tribulation. - Revelation 7: 9, 14. Our ministry was officially restricted in the country, so we had to be resourceful. Keďže sa v Paríži konala veľká výstava, ktorá mala uviesť japonské umenie vo Francúzsku, išla som tam v roku 1960. In the oldest and most widely distributed sacred text, the Bible. Since a great exhibition was held in Paris to feature Japanese art in France, I went there in 1960. Bola hlboko dojatá, lebo konečne mohla v modlitbách oslovovať Boha menom! A Bible study was started, and with loving help from the congregation and in Jehovah's strength, he was able to overcome his vices. She was deeply moved because she was finally able to address God by name in prayer! Kto je to? Can a coregent, though, be considered a king? Who's that? Lode z Európy sa všeobecne držali trojuholníkovej trasy. Storing up "treasures in heaven " is the most secure investment you can make and the only one with everlasting benefits. Ships from Europe generally followed a triangular route. Budeme hľadať ich výhodu, nie svoju vlastnú, a s radosťou a pokorou budeme robiť skutky v ich prospech. This inscription reads in part: "May Yahweh [Jehovah] concern himself with your well - being " We will seek their advantage, not our own, and with joy and humility we will do deeds in their behalf. Prečo objavy jedného vedca a astronóma vzbudili hnev katolíckej cirkvi? Mingling with fellow students from 16 different countries broadened my view. Why did the discovery of a scientist and astronomer stir up the wrath of the Catholic Church? Výsledok projektu? After that the 11 faithful apostles "went into Galilee. " Was It Designed? Opätovne navštívili Lystru a Ikónium, hoci v týchto mestách sa ho odporcovia predtým pokúšali zabiť. - Sk. Does it frequently center on the contents of "great books, " including the Bible and Bible - based literature discussing our service to God or matters relating to God's creation? They visited Lystra and Iconium again, although in these cities opposers had previously tried to kill him. - Sk. Áno, ak urobíme kroky na to, aby sme sa k Bohu priblížili, on bude na našu snahu reagovať. Many brothers and sisters have found that one way to accomplish that is to focus part of their family worship on the ministry. Yes, if we take steps to draw close to God, he will respond to our efforts. Ako Jehovov svedok som bol pokrstený 27. júla 1973. A special feature Sunday afternoon is a full - costume drama set in the first century. As one of Jehovah's Witnesses, I was baptized on July 27, 1973. Právom by ste o tom mohli pochybovať. He carefully carried out what Jehovah asked of him. You might be right to doubt that. [ Obrázok na strane 31] I have come to appreciate that we are really at the start of a great teaching program that will continue into Jehovah's new world and on for a thousand years. [ Picture on page 31] Nedávno ním prešlo za štyri mesiace 132 474 dopravných prostriedkov. This is just one example of human tragedy. It was recently passed in four months by 132 474 means of transport. Noviny citujú poradkyňu Rosemarie Breindlovú, ktorá povedala: "Neexistujú takmer žiadne vzorové príklady, ktoré by názorne ukázali, ako riešiť konflikty." In the meantime, it is clear that, to borrow a phrase from Mark Twain, the reports of paper's death may have been greatly exaggerated. The newspaper quotes counselor Rosemarie Breindle, who said: "There are almost no exemplary examples to illustrate how to resolve conflicts. " Aby sme si posilnili vieru, musíme venovať pozornosť prorockému slovu. Rather than enjoying what he has, a person who is caught up in attaining possessions can find himself always wanting more, regardless of the cost to his well - being. To strengthen our faith, we must pay attention to the prophetic word. Ale kde je toto údolie a ako vyzerá? Take Sufficient Time But where is this valley and what does it look like? Avšak nedá sa presne určiť, kedy tieto zranenia utrpel - či pred smrťou, alebo po nej. Coaches often encourage such a disposition. However, it is not possible to determine exactly when these injuries were sustained - either before or after death. [ Poznámka pod čiarou] Does it really make sense to you that life got here simply by chance, or blind force? [ Footnote] • Prečo som taký skľúčený? They placed our work under ban on August 31, 1950, and closed the Magdeburg Bethel. • Why am I so depressed? Vždy som si myslel, že Kniha Mormonova a Biblia sa vzájomne dopĺňajú. Seeing the bad fruit of the world's "great " religions, and even of the sects and cults that have sprung up, many sincere people are coming to view them all as " rotten trees, ' simply not good enough. I always thought the Book of Mormon and the Bible were complementary. Po druhé, všimnite si, komu Ježiš adresoval svoje slová, ktoré sú zaznamenané v Lukášovi 17: 21. So when talk about someone gets out of hand, you may have to show some courage and say, " Let's change the subject. ' Second, note to whom Jesus addressed his words recorded at Luke 17: 21. Neurotransmitery It is not without reason, therefore, that Jehovah's inspired Word likens human government to a "wild beast. " Neurotransmitters Boh ich počas prichádzajúceho zničenia tohto zlého sveta zachráni úplne tak, že ich v tomto súžení ochráni. - Zjavenie 7: 9, 14. We have yet to deal with the bewildering array of illicit drugs used for "recreational " purposes. During the coming destruction of this wicked world, God will save them completely by protecting them in this tribulation. - Revelation 7: 9, 14. V najstarších a najrozšírenejších svätých spisoch, v Biblii. □ Why can we be certain that God will fulfill his original purpose? In the oldest and most widely distributed holy writings, in the Bible. Začalo sa biblické štúdium a s láskyplnou pomocou zboru a s Jehovovou silou dokázal prekonať svoje neresti. Red Bay A Bible study was started and with the loving help of the congregation and Jehovah's strength, he was able to overcome his vices. Môže byť však regent považovaný za kráľa? Some Bible translations say that God took Enoch to heaven. But can the regent be considered king? Ukladať si "poklady v nebi" je tá najbezpečnejšia investícia a je jediná, ktorá prináša večný úžitok. The circuit overseer and my husband were not able to fix it. Saving "treasures in heaven " is the safest investment, and it is the only one that brings everlasting benefits. Časť tohto nápisu znie: "Kiež sa sám Jahve [Jehova] zaoberá tvojím blahom" For instance, some employers consult an applicant's blog when considering whether to hire that person. Part of this inscription reads: "May Yahweh [Jehovah] himself concern himself with your welfare " Veľmi ma obohatilo, že som sa pohyboval v kruhu spolužiakov zo 16 krajín. You may even feel that you are rushing through life without experiencing it. I was greatly enriched by my moving in a circle of classmates from 16 countries. Potom jedenásť verných apoštolov "išlo do Galiley." What are some factors that limit human freedom? Then 11 faithful apostles "goed to Galilee. " Zameriava sa rozhovor často na myšlienky z "dobrých kníh" vrátane Biblie a biblickej literatúry, ktorá sa zaoberá našou službou Bohu alebo záležitosťami Božieho stvorenia? Consider first what Jesus said about Jerusalem and its temple. Does the discussion often focus on thoughts from "good books, " including the Bible and Bible literature that deals with our service to God or with matters of God's creation? Mnohí bratia a sestry zisťujú, že jeden spôsob, ako to robiť, je venovať časť rodinného uctievania príprave do služby. The outer cell layer becomes the placenta; the inner cell mass, the human embryo. Many brothers and sisters find that one way to do so is to devote part of family worship to preparing for the ministry. Zvláštnym bodom programu v nedeľu odpoludnia je pôsobivá dráma, ktorej dej sa odohráva v prvom storočí n. l. TODAY, many believe that they have the ability to know good from bad and that they have the right to do whatever they want. A special feature of the Sunday afternoon program is the impressive drama that takes place in the first century C.E. Tieto pokyny poslúchol do najmenších podrobností. [ Picture on page 12] He listened to these instructions in the smallest detail. Veľmi si cením, že sme skutočne na začiatku veľkého vyučovacieho programu, ktorý bude pokračovať až do Jehovovho nového sveta a potom tisíc rokov. How do you feel now about the Bible book of Leviticus? I really appreciate that we are at the beginning of a great teaching program that will continue to Jehovah's new world and then a thousand years. To je len jeden príklad ľudskej tragédie. • How can we show self - sacrificing love for our brothers? That's just one example of human tragedy. Medzitým je jasné, že - ak si vypožičiame vyjadrenie Marka Twaina - správy o smrti papiera boli značne zveličené. Then he called me and told me that he was going to kill himself because of the breakup. In the meantime, it is clear that - if we borrow Mark Twain's comment - the news of the death of the paper has been greatly exaggerated. Človek, ktorý sa začne hnať za bohatstvom, sa už nevie tešiť z toho, čo má, ale chce stále viac - bez ohľadu na to, akú daň bude musieť za to v osobnom živote zaplatiť. That is true of many who do not worship Jehovah, but among his name worshippers, peace and unity should prevail. A person who starts to chase wealth can no longer enjoy what he has, but he wants more and more - no matter what tax he has to pay for it in his personal life. Uviedli sme na nej svoje postrehy i niektoré zaujímavosti z miestnych zdrojov. Hippopotamus, 5 / 8 We mentioned our observations and some of the attractions from local sources. Nerozhodujte sa unáhlene Is integrity a quality that Jehovah esteems just for his own satisfaction? Do not make hasty decisions Tréneri často povzbudzujú k takémuto postoju. Because Jehovah's Witnesses do this, they are backed by "the holy spirit, which God has given to those obeying him as ruler. " Trainers often encourage such attitudes. Zdá sa vám logické veriť, že by život vznikol len slepou náhodou? It is good to divide your time into sections. Does it seem logical to believe that life would arise only by blind chance? Komunisti 31. augusta 1950 zakázali našu činnosť a Bétel v Magdeburgu zatvorili. By the light of the morning they proceed to do it, because it is in the power of their hand. On August 31, 1950, the Communists banned our activities and shut down Bethel in Magdeburg. Keď mnohí úprimní ľudia vidia zlé ovocie "veľkých" náboženstiev sveta, a dokonca aj siekt a kultov, ktoré vznikli, začínajú sa na ne pozerať ako na " zlé stromy ," ktoré sú nevyhovujúce. And such features do not always camouflage the animal in nature. When many sincere people see the bad fruitage of "the great " religions of the world, and even the sects and cults that have arisen, they begin to view them as" bad trees " that are substandard. Teda ak sa rozhovor o niekom stáva nerozvážnym, možno by ste mali prejaviť istú odvahu a povedať " zmeňme tému ." Upon their faithfulness to death, each one will have proved to be everlastingly loyal to the Universal Sovereign, Jehovah God. So if the conversation about someone becomes unreasonable, perhaps you should show some courage and say, " Let's change the subject. ' Nie je teda bezdôvodné, že Jehovovo inšpirované Slovo pripodobňuje ľudské vlády k "divokým zvieratám." I pray Jehovah will forgive me for being involved in this disgusting practice. So it is not without reason that Jehovah's inspired Word likens human governments to "wild animals. " Musíme spomenúť aj zarážajúce množstvo zakázaných drog užívaných z "rekreačných" dôvodov. The next article will consider two additional traps, or snares, of Satan. We must also mention the striking amount of banned drugs used for "recreational" reasons. □ Prečo si môžeme byť istí, že Boh splní svoje pôvodné predsavzatie? In seeking the sense of this verse, we should not ignore the context. □ Why can we be sure that God will fulfill his original purpose? Red Bay However, after the battle was over, Ephraim turned on Gideon and complained bitterly that he had not called on them at the outset of the fighting. Red Bay Čo Pavol myslel slovami, že bol "prenesený, aby nevidel smrť"? While there, I had another operation to remove a metal rod that had been put in my leg. What did Paul mean by the words that he was "transmitted in order that he might not see death "? Krajský dozorca s manželom neboli schopní ho opraviť. For centuries, God's servants also lived in expectation of the fulfillment of prophecies concerning the Messiah, or Christ. - Luke 3: 15; 1 Pet. 1: 10 - 12. The circuit overseer and his husband were unable to repair it. Napríklad niektorí zamestnávatelia si pri výbere uchádzačov o zamestnanie pozrú ich blog. As Proverbs 11: 19 declares: "The one firmly standing for righteousness is in line for life. " For example, some employers look at their blog when choosing jobseekers. Môžete mať dokonca pocit, že sa vždy za niečím ženiete a nemáte čas tešiť sa zo života. How would you describe the dream and visions that Daniel had in the first year of Belshazzar's reign? You may even feel that you are always pursuing something and do not have time to enjoy life. Ktoré činitele obmedzujú ľudskú slobodu? For one thing, you can imitate the example and method of capable teachers mentioned in God's Word. What factors restrict human freedom? Pouvažujme najprv o tom, čo povedal Ježiš o Jeruzaleme a jeho chráme. EVERY city has foundations, so if one is described as having real foundations, it must be of a very permanent nature indeed. Let us first consider what Jesus said about Jerusalem and its temple. Z vonkajšej vrstvy buniek sa stáva placenta; z vnútornej bunkovej hmoty ľudské embryo. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ From the outer layer of cells becomes the placenta; from the inner cell mass the human embryo. MNOHÍ si dnes myslia, že vedia rozlíšiť dobré od zlého a že majú právo robiť to, čo sa im páči. Jesus ' death was, effectively, a sacrifice in our behalf, opening the way for us to regain the eternal life that Adam and Eve lost. MANY today think that they can distinguish good from bad and that they have the right to do what they like. [ Obrázok na strane 12] Employment also improved. [ Picture on page 12] Ako sa na 3. Mojžišovu pozeráš teraz? Should I go or should I stay? ' " How do you view Leviticus now? • Ako môžeme bratom prejavovať obetavú lásku? Perhaps a letter can say in writing what you would normally say in person. • How can we show self - sacrificing love for our brothers? Potom mi zavolal a povedal mi, že sa pre náš rozchod zabije. " I NEVER thought it would be possible in Malawi, " exclaimed Augustine. Then he called me and told me he was gonna kill himself for our breakup. Tak sa bežne správajú ľudia, ktorí neuctievajú Jehovu. Ale medzi Jehovovými služobníkmi prevláda pokoj a jednota. STUDY ARTICLES 1, 2 PAGES 8 - 16 This is how people who do not worship Jehovah normally behave, but peace and unity prevail among Jehovah's servants. Je rýdzosť vlastnosť, ktorú si Jehova váži len pre svoje uspokojenie? Not tithing is a clear violation of God's commandments. Is integrity a quality that Jehovah values only for his satisfaction? Pretože to Jehovovi svedkovia robia, podporuje ich svätý duch, "ktorého dal Boh tým, ktorí ho poslúchajú ako panovníka." The Ordeal of the Early Sailor Because Jehovah's Witnesses do so, they are supported by their holy spirit, "which God has given to those who obey him as ruler. " Je dobré, ak si čas rozdelíte na úseky. Thus, whether we pray to Jehovah to thank, praise, or petition him, prayer is always an occasion for self - examination. It's good to split the time into stretches. Za ranného svetla to potom robia, pretože je to v moci ich ruky. We are confident that this publication will move all of us to examine ourselves and ask: " Am I really following Jesus? In the morning light, they do it because it's in the power of their hands. A okrem toho v prirodzenom prostredí tieto prvky nie vždy slúžia na maskovanie živočícha. This can be difficult. Moreover, in the natural environment, these elements do not always serve to mask the animal. Každý z nich svojou vernosťou až do smrti dokáže, že je natrvalo lojálny Univerzálnemu Zvrchovanému Panovníkovi, Jehovovi Bohu. The lady said that she had begun to pray to the true God, Jehovah. By their faithfulness to death, each of them will prove to be permanently loyal to the Universal Sovereign, Jehovah God. Modlím sa k Jehovovi, aby mi odpustil, že som sa venoval takej odpornej praktike. * Thus the Gospel writers thoroughly document their claim that Jesus was an heir of David, both in a legal and in a natural sense. I pray to Jehovah that he forgives me for engaging in such a detestable practice. V ďalšom článku budeme uvažovať o iných dvoch Satanových nástrahách. Their laws and ordinances, their census lists, etc., were written down in these paintings, all with much order and accord. " In the next article, we will consider two other pitfalls of Satan. Pri hľadaní významu tohto verša by sme nemali prehliadať kontext. • How can we show that we share Jehovah's view of people who have not yet heard the good news? In seeking the meaning of this verse, we should not overlook the context. No po skončení bitky sa členovia kmeňa Efraim obrátili na Gedeona a rozhorčene sa sťažovali, že ich do boja nezavolal už na začiatku. In addition, whether we are able to participate personally in construction or relief work or not, all of us have a heartfelt desire to support true worship with our material means, just as Nehemiah so generously did in his day. - See box "Characteristics of Voluntary Giving. " However, at the end of the battle, Ephraim's members turned to Gideon, complaining bitterly that he had not called them into battle at the beginning. Tam som podstúpil ďalšiu operáciu, aby mi z nohy vybrali kovový prút, ktorý mi tam dali predtým. Other instruments measured radiation and magnetic fields around Jupiter. There I underwent another operation to get a metal rod out of my leg that I had been given before. Povedal: "Ja budem stále vyhliadať Jehovu." A Boží služobníci celé stáročia očakávali splnenie proroctiev o Mesiášovi, čiže Kristovi. There was another major reason why people viewed the future with confidence, and why many still do. He said: "I will keep on looking out for Jehovah, " and for centuries God's servants have been awaiting the fulfillment of prophecies about the Messiah, or Christ. Podľa vyhlásenia v Prísloviach 11: 19: "Kto sa pevne zastáva spravodlivosti, má vyhliadku na život." You can do the same. According to Proverbs 11: 19: "He that stands firm for righteousness has the prospect of life. " Ako by si opísal sen a videnia, ktoré mal Daniel v prvom roku Balsazárovej vlády? 13, 14. How would you describe the dream and visions Daniel had in the first year of Belshazzar's reign? Jedna možnosť je napodobňovať príklad a spôsoby schopných učiteľov, o ktorých sa zmieňuje Božie Slovo. Besides the Eubalaena australis in the Southern Hemisphere, there are the Eubalaena glacialis and the Eubalaena japonica in the Northern Hemisphere. One option is to imitate the example and manners of capable teachers mentioned in God's Word. KAŽDÉ mesto má základy. Ak sa teda o nejakom meste hovorí, že má skutočné základy, musí byť vskutku veľmi trvácne. Four trumpets herald plagues on the earth, the sea, freshwater sources, and the sun, moon, and stars. EVERY city has its foundations, so if a city is said to have real foundations, it must indeed be very durable. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ 82 . . . . . Ježišova smrť bola v skutočnosti obeťou na náš úžitok. Otvorila nám cestu k opätovnému získaniu večného života, ktorý stratili Adam a Eva. We read: "Solomon began standing before the altar of Jehovah... and he now spread his palms out to the heavens; and he went on to say: " O Jehovah the God of Israel, there is no God like you... and may you yourself hear at the place of your dwelling, in the heavens, and you must hear and forgive. ' " In fact, Jesus ' death was a sacrifice for our benefit, opening the way for us to regain the everlasting life lost by Adam and Eve. Zvýšila sa aj zamestnanosť. [ Footnotes] Employment has also increased. Mala by som ísť, alebo zostať? " " (a) What sort of fear is bad, and what kind is desirable? Should I go or stay? ' " List azda môže písomne vyjadriť to, čo by si za normálnych okolností povedal osobne. His example is still alive and vibrant. - 1 / 1, page 12. Perhaps the letter can express in writing what you would normally say in person. zvolal Augustine. The Bible says that God is the Source of all life. exclaimed Augustine. a 2. ŠTUDIJNÝ ČLÁNOK STRANY 8 - 16 A Time for Decisive Action STUDY ARTICLES 1, 2 PAGES 8 - 16 Neodvádzanie desiatkov je jasným porušením Božích prikázaní. Jesus ' patience perfectly mirrored that of his Father. Doing so is a clear violation of God's commandments. Útrapy prvých námorníkov Why is an ambitious spirit dangerous? The Worms of the First Seafarers A tak, či sa modlíme k Jehovovi, aby sme mu ďakovali, vzdávali chválu alebo ho prosili, modlitba je vždy príležitosťou na sebaskúmanie. She was anxiously waiting for her little sister to come back home. So whether we pray to Jehovah to thank him, to give praise, or to ask him, prayer is always an opportunity for self - examination. Sme presvedčení, že táto kniha nás všetkých podnieti preskúmať sa a položiť si otázky: " Skutočne nasledujem Ježiša? Nevertheless, caution is needed if some in the congregation engage in questionable conduct or display a bitter or complaining spirit. We are convinced that this book will move us all to examine ourselves and ask ourselves: " Am I really following Jesus? To môže byť ťažké. " Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice. " - PROVERBS 27: 11. That can be hard. Pani povedala, že sa už začala modliť k pravému Bohu, Jehovovi. (b) What will we consider? The lady said that she had already begun to pray to the true God, Jehovah. * Takto pisatelia evanjelií dôsledne dokumentujú svoje tvrdenie, že Ježiš bol dedičom Dávida, a to v právnom a v pokrvnom zmysle. Other translations soon followed: Eastern Arctic Inuit (1871); Dakota, or Eastern Sioux (1880); and Gwich'in, a subarctic American language (1898). * Thus, the Gospel writers consistently document their claim that Jesus was the heir of David, in a legal and bloodlike sense. Zákony a nariadenia, súpis obyvateľstva atď. zaznamenali vo forme pekne usporiadaných a zladených kresieb. " Some revisionists today claim that the Tophet was simply the funeral site of children who were stillborn or died too young to be interred in the necropolis. Laws and regulations, population inventory, etc. recorded in the form of finely arranged and aligned drawings. " • Ako môžeme dať najavo, že máme na ľudí, ktorí ešte nepočuli dobré posolstvo, rovnaký pohľad ako Jehova? Over 74,000 attended this one in Prague in 1991 • How can we show that we share Jehovah's view of those who have not yet heard the good news? 1 / 7 Ako starovekí stavitelia lodí impregnovali plavidlá? 1 / 7 They chant that no calamity faces Christendom because she has God's peace. How did ancient shipbuilders impregnate vessels? 7 / 15 Navyše, či sa môžeme osobne zúčastňovať na výstavbe alebo na núdzovej pomoci, alebo nie, všetci z celého srdca túžime podporovať pravé uctievanie svojimi hmotnými prostriedkami, práve tak, ako to veľmi štedro robil Nehemiáš vo svojich dňoch. - Pozri rámček "Charakteristika dobrovoľného dávania." Of course! Moreover, whether we can personally share in construction or in relief or not, all of us wholeheartedly desire to promote true worship by our material means, just as Nehemiah very generously did in his day. - See the box "The Characteristics of Voluntary Giving. " Jej ďalšie prístroje merali v okolí Jupitera radiáciu a magnetické polia. Making a Defense Her other instruments measured radiation and magnetic fields around Jupiter. A bol tu aj ďalší závažný dôvod, prečo sa ľudia pozerali - a mnohí sa ešte stále pozerajú - do budúcnosti s dôverou. Promised Rewards Give Us Hope And there was another compelling reason why people were looking - and many are still looking - into the future with confidence. Môžeš robiť to isté. One purpose of these meetings is to "consider one another so as to incite to love and fine works. " You can do the same. 13, 14. Wilken writes: "Christians not only refused [Roman] military service but they would not accept public office nor assume any responsibility for the governing of the cities. " 13, 14. Okrem veľryby južnej (Eubalaena australis), ktorá žije na južnej pologuli, tam patrí veľryba čierna (Eubalaena glacialis) a veľryba severná (Eubalaena japonica), ktoré žijú na severnej pologuli. That is how 32 - year - old Sergei, the father of three children, described the reaction of his friends when he showed them the book Life - How Did It Get Here? In addition to the southern whale (Eubalaena australis), which lives in the southern hemisphere, there include the black whale (Eubalaena glacialis) and the northern whale (Eubalaena japonica), which live in the northern hemisphere. Štyri trúbky ohlasujú rany na zem, more, zdroje sladkej vody, a na slnko, mesiac a hviezdy. Yes, those who rid their heart of hypocrisy are happier, and they put themselves in line to enjoy perfect happiness in the future. Four trumpets proclaim blows to the earth, the sea, the sources of fresh water, and the sun, the moon, and the stars. 82 On my first day, my companion handed me some literature, pointed to a house, and simply said, "Go and see if they want this. " 82 Čítame: "Šalamún sa postavil pred Jehovov oltár... a roztvoril dlane k nebesiam; a ďalej povedal: " Ó, Jehova, Bože Izraela... nie je žiaden Boh ako ty... a kiež sám počuješ na mieste svojho bývania, v nebesiach, a kiež počuješ a odpustíš. "" In Africa masks are not simply hung on the wall; they are used in ritual and dance. We read: "Shalamun stood before Jehovah's altar... and opened his palms to the heavens; and he went on to say: " O Jehovah the God of Israel... there is no God like you..., and may you yourself hear in the place of your dwelling, in the heavens, and may you hear and forgive. ' " [ Poznámky pod čiarou] A human family without death. [ Footnotes] a) Aký druh strachu je zlý a aký druh strachu je žiaduci? When an angel told Jesus ' adoptive father, Joseph, that what had been conceived in Mary was by holy spirit, the angel added: "She will give birth to a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins. " (a) What kind of fear is bad, and what kind of fear is desirable? Dodnes je pre nás živým vzorom. When I finally came upon them, they were surprised, yet happy, to see me. To this day, he is a living role model for us. V Biblii sa píše, že Boh je Zdrojom života. [ Pictures on page 24] The Bible says that God is the Source of life. Čas na rozhodné konanie On such occasions I helped with translating, and Caroline worked in the kitchen. Time for Decisive Action Ježiš dokonale odzrkadľoval trpezlivosť svojho Otca. " As for the one sown upon the fine soil, " explained Jesus, "this is the one hearing the word and getting the sense of it, who really does bear fruit and produces, this one a hundredfold, that one sixty, the other thirty. " Jesus perfectly reflected his Father's patience. Prečo je ctižiadostivosť nebezpečná? Nevertheless, our work is on an industrial scale. Why is ambition dangerous? Dychtivo čakala, kedy sa jej sestrička vráti domov. In the old days (the ' 70s), the dance floor was for foreplay and the bathrooms were for sex and drugs. She eagerly waited for her sister to return home. Napriek tomu je potrebná opatrnosť, keď má niekto v zbore sporné správanie alebo prejavuje ducha horkosti či sťažovania. ● Find relief from worry Nevertheless, caution is needed when a person in the congregation has contentious conduct or manifests a spirit of bitterness or complaining. " Buď múdry, syn môj, a rozradostňuj moje srdce. " - PRÍSLOVIA 27: 11. " You see yourself as fatter than you are, " the magazine says. " Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice. " - PROVERBS 27: 11. b) Nad čím sa zamyslíme v tomto článku? Just as he lays the foundation, someone comes along and destroys what has been laid. (b) What will we consider in this article? Krátko nato nasledovali ďalšie preklady: v jazyku východných polárnych Inuitov (1871); v jazyku dakota čiže vo východnom siuxe (1880); v subarktickom jazyku Kučinov (1898). With the parade of supermodels and muscle - bound actors you see on TV and in magazines, it's no wonder that you may feel insecure and inadequate! Shortly thereafter, other translations followed: in the language of the Eastern Polar Inuit (1871); in the language of the Dakota, or in the eastern siuxe (1880); in the sub-arktic language of the Kučinov (1898). Niektorí dnešní revizionistickí historici vyhlasujú, že Tofet bol jednoducho pohrebiskom detí, ktoré zomreli pri narodení alebo zomreli príliš malé na to, aby boli pochované v nekropole. They focus on more important matters, which have an impact on our life now and in the future. Some today's revisionist historians claim that Tofet was simply a burial ground for children who died at birth or died too small to be buried in a necropolis. Na tomto zjazde v Prahe v roku 1991 bolo vyše 74 000 prítomných Who can guarantee that what was bad will not be replaced by something even worse? At that convention in Prague in 1991, over 74,000 attended Odriekavajú, že takzvanému kresťanstvu nehrozí žiadna pohroma, lebo má Boží pokoj. After he left we could not sleep all night, talking about the possibility of going to Ecuador. They recite that Christendom is not in danger of any calamity because it has God's peace. Bezpochyby! Worldwide, there are thousands of such strong family units. No doubt! Pripravení na obhajobu Adam and Eve, created in God's image, enjoyed perfect life in a paradise. Ready to defend Sľúbená odmena nám dáva nádej For what reasons should we take our singing of Kingdom songs seriously? The Promised Reward Gives Us Hope Účelom zhromaždení je okrem iného to, "aby sme sa podnecovali k láske a k znamenitým skutkom." Imagine: The materials you need are spread out before you, and the tools are at hand. Among other things, the purpose of the meetings is "to incite to love and fine works. " Wiken napísal: "Kresťania nielen že odmietali [rímsku] vojenskú službu, ale neprijímali verejný úrad ani žiadnu zodpovednosť za správu miest." Jacques Bradwejn, chairman of the psychiatry department of the University of Ottawa, believes that although genetic and biologic factors may produce the disorder, attacks "can be triggered by stressful life events. " Wiken wrote: "The Christians not only refused [Roman] military service but did not accept any responsibility for the administration of the cities. " Takto opísal 32 - ročný Sergej, otec troch detí, reakciu svojich priateľov, keď im ukázal knihu Ako vznikol život? What, then, is "the day of Jehovah " foretold at Joel 3: 14? This is how Sergey, a 32 - year - old father of three, described the reaction of his friends when he showed them the book Life - How Did It Get Here? Tí, ktorí odstránia zo svojho srdca pokrytectvo, sú šťastní už dnes a môžu sa tešiť na dokonalé šťastie v budúcnosti. Is it your ardent desire to fight the fine fight of the faith to the finish, just as Paul did? Those who remove hypocrisy from their heart are happy today and can look forward to perfect happiness in the future. V prvý deň mi moja spoločníčka dala do rúk nejakú literatúru, ukázala na dom a povedala mi: "Choď zistiť, či by to chceli." " You see something new for a change. " On the first day, my companion put some literature in my hands, pointed to the house, and said: "Go see if they want it. " V Afrike sa masky nevešajú jednoducho na stenu; používajú sa pri rituáloch a tancoch. When World War II broke out in Europe, they were invited to serve at the Australia Bethel, located in an inner suburb of Sydney. In Africa, masks are not simply hung on the wall; they are used in rituals and dances. V ľudskej rodine, kde by neexistovala smrť. Giuliano, who teaches in Italy, laments: "Children are affected by the spirit of rebellion, insubordination, and disobedience that permeates the whole of society. " In a human family where there was no death. Keď anjel oznámil Ježišovmu adoptívnemu otcovi Jozefovi, že Mária počala pôsobením svätého ducha, dodal: "Porodí syna a ty mu dáš meno Ježiš, lebo on zachráni svoj ľud od jeho hriechov." Before us is the thrilling prospect of never becoming bored, of always discovering something new. When the angel told Jesus ' adoptive father, Joseph, that Mary had conceived by means of holy spirit, he added: "He will give birth to a son, and you will give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins. " Keď som ich konečne našiel, boli prekvapení, ale šťastní, že ma vidia. But do not forget that in the apostles ' day, it was said: "As regards this sect it is known to us that everywhere it is spoken against. " When I finally found them, they were surprised, but happy to see me. [ Obrázky na strane 24] What fine opportunities there are to speak the pure language at Christian meetings! [ Pictures on page 24] Pri takých príležitostiach som pomáhal pri prekladaní a Caroline pracovala v kuchyni. " Let your way of life be free of the love of money. " - HEBREWS 13: 5. On such occasions, I helped with the translation, and Caroline worked in the kitchen. " Ten, čo bol zasiaty do znamenitej pôdy, "vysvetlil Ježiš," to je ten, ktorý počuje slovo a pochopí jeho zmysel a ktorý skutočne prináša úrodu a vynáša, tento stonásobne, tamten šesťdesiatnásobne, iný tridsaťnásobne. " His activities ranged from the islands of the Pacific to Southeast Asia, and even into China. " He that has been sown in fine soil, " Jesus explained, "is the one that hears the word and understands its meaning, and he that actually produces fruit and produces, this one hundredfold, that one sixtyfold, another thirtyfold. " Avšak pracujeme na určitej priemyselnej úrovni. What about us today? However, we are working at a certain industrial level. Za starých čias [v 70 - tych rokoch] slúžil tanečný parket na predohru a toaleta na sex a drogy. Were the copies accurate? In the old days [in the 70 ' s], the dance floor served foreplay and the sex and drug toilets. ● Nájsť úľavu v starostiach What has motivated efforts to promote peace in modern times, and what conclusion have many people reached? ● Finding comfort in anxieties " Vidíš sa tučnejšia, než si, "píše časopis. Speaking to the Sadducees, who did not believe in the resurrection, Jesus said: "As regards the resurrection of the dead, did you not read what was spoken to you by God, saying, " I am the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob '? " You see yourself fatter than you are, " says the magazine. Hneď ako položí základy, niekto príde a zničí všetko, čo urobil. Then there are the many dialects of some of the languages. As soon as he lays the foundations, someone comes and destroys everything he's done. A pri tom množstve supermodeliek a svalnatých hercov, ktorých vídavaš v televízii a v časopisoch, nie div, že sa cítiš neistý a nedostatočný! Of course, it will not help to use expressions such as: "Stop feeling sorry for yourself, "" A lot of people are worse off than you are " or, "All of us have a bad day now and then. " And with the number of supermodels and muscular actors you see on TV and in magazines, no wonder you feel insecure and inadequate! Tieto posolstvá sa zameriavajú skôr na dôležitejšie veci týkajúce sa nášho života teraz i v budúcnosti. Birds will be called on to cleanse the earth (See paragraph 18) Rather, these messages focus on the more important things about our life now and in the future. Kto môže zaručiť, že to, čo bolo zlé, nebude nahradené ešte niečím horším? As Mark's comments reveal, the greatest joy in life comes from giving, and a full life in sacred service offers many opportunities for giving to others. Who can guarantee that what was bad will not be replaced by something worse? Keď odišiel, celú noc sme nemohli spať a rozprávali sme sa o možnosti ísť do Ekvádoru. A brother may have lost his job, and we cannot give him another one. When he left, we couldn't sleep all night talking about the possibility of going to Ecuador. Na celom svete sú tisíce takých silných rodinných jednotiek. The fruitage of that spirit in the lives of individuals was also an important factor in identifying those who truly were Jesus ' disciples. There are thousands of such strong family units worldwide. Aj Adam a Eva, stvorení na Boží obraz, sa tešili z dokonalého života v raji. Science - fiction clubs and conventions have proliferated. Adam and Eve, created in God's image, also enjoyed perfect life in Paradise. Prečo by sme spievanie piesní Kráľovstva mali brať vážne? Did you realize that nearly 2,000 years ago, the Bible foretold these dangerous times? Why should we take the singing of Kingdom songs seriously? Skús si to predstaviť: Materiál, ktorý potrebuješ na prácu, leží pred tebou a vedľa sú položené nástroje. We put everything that we used in the ministry - literature, portable phonographs, recorded Bible lectures, and so forth - into a large tin trunk. Try to imagine: The material you need to work lies in front of you, and the tools next door are laid. Jacques Bradwejn, ktorý je vedúcim Katedry psychiatrie na Ottawskej univerzite, je presvedčený, že i keď príčinou samotnej poruchy môžu byť genetické a biologické faktory, atak "môžu spustiť stresové životné situácie," uvádza sa v správe. Information was also obtained from Kisangani, situated over 600 miles [1,000 km] west of Goma. Jacques Bradwejn, head of the Department of Psychiatry at Ottawa University, believes that although genetic and biological factors may be the cause of the disorder itself, "it can trigger stressful life situations, " says the report. Čo je teda "Jehovov deň" predpovedaný v Joelovi 3: 14? Do not be like the "foolish man " whom Jesus described as" hearing " his sayings and not "doing them. " What, then, is "the day of Jehovah " foretold at Joel 3: 14? Je aj tvojou vrúcnou túžbou bojovať znamenitý boj viery až do konca tak ako Pavol? But their mode of delivery remains the same. Is your heartfelt desire to fight the fine fight of faith to the end, as Paul did? " Vidíš pre zmenu niečo nové. " Jehovah's Witnesses reached out to pilgrims who toured the city of Sydney " You see something new for a change. " Ale oni mi pomohli vidieť, že učiť ľudí z Biblie je oveľa uspokojujúcejšie než učiť matematiku. Grief in Jesus ' Time But they helped me see that teaching people from the Bible is far more satisfying than teaching math. Giuliano, ktorý učí v Taliansku, bedáka: "Deti sú ovplyvnené duchom vzbury, nepoddajnosti a neposlušnosti, ktorý preniká celou spoločnosťou." They laid the cables across stone pillars and then stretched them across the river. Giuliano, who teaches in Italy, laments: "Children are influenced by the spirit of rebellion, rebellion, and disobedience that penetrates all society. " Je pred nami vzrušujúca vyhliadka na život, v ktorom sa nikdy nebudeme nudiť a stále budeme mať čo objavovať. The carnitas tacos are a must to try. There is a thrilling prospect of a life in which we will never get bored and still have something to discover. Nezabúdajme však, že v časoch apoštolov bolo povedané: "O tejto sekte je nám naozaj známe, že sa všade hovorí proti nej." ▪ Answers on page 22 Let us not forget, though, that in the times of the apostles it was said: "We really know about this sect that everywhere it is spoken against. " Aké znamenité príležitosti hovoriť čistým jazykom máme na kresťanských zhromaždeniach! It seems, however, that not all who have been called to a heavenly hope since the 1930 ' s are replacements for ones who have fallen away. What fine opportunities we have at Christian meetings to speak the pure language! " Nech je váš spôsob života bez lásky k peniazom. " How Can I Keep Music in Its Place? " Let your way of life be without the love of money. " Jeho činnosť siahala od tichomorských ostrovov až po juhovýchodnú Áziu, a dokonca až do Číny. I started to ask myself, " Are there any good and worthwhile people? ' Its activities range from Pacific islands to Southeast Asia, and even to China. Napriek bolesti prináša z dlhodobého hľadiska dobré výsledky. Their costumes were designed, and the color schemes for each scene were decided upon. Despite the pain, it produces good results in the long run. A ako je to s nami? Let us examine two examples, both involving the apostle Peter. What about us? Boli tieto opisy presné? You may also be anxious about the future and wonder, " Will I have enough income after I retire? ' Were these descriptions accurate? Čím sú dnes motivované snahy na podporu mieru a pokoja a k akému záveru prichádzajú mnohí ľudia? M.R.C., United States How are efforts to promote peace and peace motivated today, and what conclusion do many come to? Keď sa Ježiš rozprával so saducejmi, ktorí neverili vo vzkriesenie, povedal im: "O vzkriesení mŕtvych, či ste nečítali, čo vám Boh hovoril, keď povedal: " Ja som Boh Abrahámov a Boh Izákov a Boh Jakobov "? When he had collected a list of some two thousand words, he paid one of his converts a dollar for every one hundred new words he could add to the list. Speaking with Sadducees who did not believe in the resurrection, Jesus told them: "About the resurrection of the dead, have you not read what God said to you when he said: " I am the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob '? Ďalší problém je v tom, že niektoré jazyky majú mnoho dialektov. When wrong, it only reflects the imperfections of the humans who programmed or configured it. Another problem is that some languages have many dialects. Je pochopiteľné, že nepomôžu také vyjadrenia ako: "Prestaň sa ľutovať," "Veľa ľudí je na tom horšie ako ty" alebo "Každý z nás má občas zlý deň." Illustrate how a Christian could take a positive view of a trying situation and what the result might be. Understandably, such expressions as: "Stop feeling sorry for yourself, "" A lot of people are worse off than you, " or "Every one of us has a bad day at times. " Vtáctvo bude pomáhať očisťovať zem (Pozri 18. odsek.) When Jehovah accepted that sacrifice, Jesus, in effect, purchased the human race out of slavery to sin and death. Birds will help cleanse the earth (See paragraph 18) Ako to ukazujú Markove slová, najväčšia radosť pramení z dávania a život naplnený posvätnou službou ponúka mnoho príležitostí dávať druhým. Even though Ryan's mother was often busy and tired from work, this did not prevent her from taking a loving interest in her children. As Mark's words show, the greatest joy comes from giving, and life filled with sacred service offers many opportunities to give to others. Niektorý brat azda stratil prácu a my mu inú nemôžeme dať. However, you can get good prints from them. A brother may have lost his job, and we cannot give him another. Ovocie ducha, ktoré sa prejavovalo v živote jednotlivcov, bolo tiež dôležitým ukazovateľom toho, kto sú praví Ježišovi učeníci. Why do we need to safeguard our heart? The fruitage of the spirit manifested in the lives of individuals was also an important indicator of who the true disciples of Jesus were. Množia sa kluby a zjazdy nadšencov sci - fi. For they are life to those finding them and health to all their flesh. " Clubs and conventions of science fiction enthusiasts breed. Vedeli ste, že Biblia predpovedala tieto nebezpečné časy už takmer pred 2000 rokmi? Fooling the bee wolf is another matter. Did you know that the Bible foretold these dangerous times nearly 2,000 years ago? Všetko, čo sme používali v službe - literatúru, prenosné gramofóny, nahrávky s biblickými prednáškami a ostatné veci - sme uložili do veľkého plechového kufra. They already are unbaptized publishers, and the whole family hope to get baptized soon. " Everything we used in the ministry - literature, portable phonographs, recordings of Bible discourses, and other things - we stored in a large metal trunk. Informácie boli získané aj z Kisangani, ktoré sa nachádza asi 1000 kilometrov západne od Gomy. These special cars proved practical in witnessing in the wide - open spaces of the Canadian prairies. The information was also obtained from Kisangani, some 1,000 miles [1,000 km] west of Goma. Nebuďte ako "pochabý muž," ku ktorému Ježiš prirovnal ľudí, ktorí " počujú " jeho slová, ale " nekonajú podľa nich ." True - Life Experiences Do not be like "the foolish man " to whom Jesus likened men who" hear " his words but " do not act after them. " No spôsob donášky zostáva nezmenený. " One day I became aware that the state governor would be visiting the territory to which my wife and I are assigned. However, the method of delivery remains unchanged. Jehovovi svedkovia oslovovali pútnikov prechádzajúcich sa mestom Imagine our joy - and anxiety - when we received an answer: "Your recommendation to be a circuit overseer has been approved "! Jehovah's Witnesses addressed pilgrims walking through the city Žiaľ v Ježišovej dobe This article helped me to appreciate how vital it is that I choose a marriage mate wisely and lead a morally clean life. Grief in Jesus ' Time Tieto laná uchytili na kamenné piliere a potom ich napli naprieč cez rieku. Jehovah created humans in his image, giving them the spiritual capacity to sense and to respond to his love and care. These ropes were caught on the stone pillars and then crossed across the river. Taco carnitas musíte jednoducho ochutnať. That includes good people. You just have to taste Taco carnitas. ▪ Odpovede sú na 22. strane Still, we should have confidence like that of the apostle Paul, who said: "For this very cause I am also suffering these things, but I am not ashamed. ▪ Answers on page 22 Zdá sa však, že nie všetci, ktorí boli povolaní k nebeskej nádeji od 30. rokov 20. storočia, mali nahradiť tých, ktorí odpadli od viery. Speaking from his own rich experience in serving God, David begins: "Solomon my son, know the God of your father. " However, it seems that not all who had been called to the heavenly hope since the 1930 ' s were to replace those who had fallen away from the faith. Ako si môžem v hudbe zachovať vyrovnanosť? An editor for National Geographic, William S. How Can I Maintain Balance in Music? Začal som premýšľať: " Sú tu ešte nejakí dobrí a poriadni ľudia? " She relates: "I remember my husband talking with me and explaining all the different ways that I was helping out, whereas I had thought that my actions amounted to absolutely nothing. I began to wonder, " Are there any other good and decent people? ' Výtvarníci navrhli kostýmy a dohodli sa na farebných skicách každej scény. One source states that the museum "should be of particular interest to Americans and foreign visitors of the Jewish and Jehovah's Witness religions that were targeted for genocide by the Hitler regime. " The artists designed costumes and agreed on the color sketches of each scene. Preskúmajme teraz dva príklady, v ktorých zohral úlohu apoštol Peter. In trying to reach the unbeliever with the message of the truth, though, a certain caution is in order, as the following experiences bear out. Let us examine two examples of the apostle Peter's role. Môžeš si robiť starosti o budúcnosť a uvažovať: " Budem mať z čoho žiť, keď odídem do dôchodku? " The SS office at Ravensbrück You can worry about the future and wonder, " Will I have something to live on when I retire? ' C., Spojené štáty The radiant smile on his face reveals no trace of bitterness. C., United States Keď sa mu podarilo zostaviť zoznam asi 2 000 slov, začal platiť jednému zo svojich konvertitov dolár za každých sto nových slov, ktoré pridal k zoznamu. Apologizing in Marriage, 9 / 15 When he managed to draw up a list of some 2,000 words, he started paying one of his converts a dollar for every hundred new words he added to the list. Keď urobí niečo chybne, je to len odraz nedokonalosti ľudí, ktorí ho naprogramovali či zostavili. It meant adjusting to a new congregation and preaching in a new territory, perhaps even in another language. When he does something wrong, it's just a reflection of the imperfections of the people who programmed or assembled him. Uveď príklad, ako by sa mohol kresťan začať pozerať pozitívne na nejakú ťažkú situáciu a aký by mohol byť výsledok. Principles of hygiene taught in the Mosaic Law can help prevent disease Give an example of how a Christian might take a positive view of a difficult situation and what the outcome might be. Keď Jehova prijal túto obeť, Ježiš Kristus vlastne vykúpil ľudský rod z otroctva hriechu a smrti. The Levite Samuel remembered his Creator not only in his childhood but throughout his life. When Jehovah accepted this sacrifice, Jesus Christ actually redeemed the human race from slavery to sin and death. Hoci bola Ryanova matka často veľmi zaneprázdnená a unavená z práce, nezabránilo jej to s láskou sa zaujímať o svoje deti. How do some view the human body, and what question merits consideration? Although Ryan's mother was often very busy and tired of working, it did not prevent her from lovingly caring for her children. Možno z nich však urobiť dobré fotografie. Following the confusion of the languages at Babel, mankind spread over all the surface of the earth. However, good photographs can be made of them. Prečo si musíme strážiť srdce? Yes, all of us should endeavor to look out for the interests of others, offering a "consolation of love, "" spiritual fellowship, " and "tender affection and compassion " to encourage our brothers and sisters. Why do we have to watch our hearts? Lebo sú životom tým, ktorí ich nachádzajú, a zdravím celému ich telu. " Once shown these basic skills, most people are equipped to go out and tackle the terrain. For they are life to those finding them and health to all their flesh. " Zmiasť kutavku - to je už iná vec. You might ask yourself the following questions: " If, in fact, there is nothing we can do to change our destiny, if God or fate has already determined the outcome of a matter, what is the point of praying? To confuse the kutava - that's another thing. Teraz sú už nepokrstenými zvestovateľmi, a celá rodina dúfa, že budú čoskoro pokrstení. " Lalinec, who works with children and families, also notes that "when we prevent children from experiencing the consequences of their actions, we also prevent much of their learning. " Now they are unbaptized publishers, and the whole family hopes to be baptized soon. " Ukázalo sa, že tieto špeciálne autá sú veľmi praktické pri vydávaní svedectva na rozľahlých otvorených priestranstvách kanadských prérií. Since "those who do not know God " and" those who do not obey the good news " will not qualify to live in the disaster - free world to come, it is clear that one must now learn about God and support his arrangement for rulership of the earth. These special cars proved to be very practical in witnessing to the vast open spaces of Canadian prairies. Skutočné príbehy A rope is tautly stretched across the top of these vertical poles, and a large tarpaulin is draped over it to form a roof, or top. Real Stories " Jedného dňa sme sa dozvedeli, že oblasť, do ktorej sme s manželkou pridelení, má navštíviť štátny guvernér. 11 / 22 " One day we learned that the district where my wife and I were assigned was to be visited by the state governor. Predstavte si našu radosť - a úzkosť - keď sme dostali odpoveď: "Bolo schválené tvoje odporúčanie, aby si sa stal krajským dozorcom."! If you reject his headship, you reveal how you feel not only about your husband but also about God and his requirements. - Colossians 3: 18. Imagine our joy - and anxiety - when we received the answer: "Your recommendation was approved to become a circuit overseer. " Tieto články mi pomohli pochopiť, aké dôležité je múdro si vybrať manželského partnera a viesť morálne čistý život. However, Jehovah's Witnesses remember Jesus ' feelings for the humble Jews of his day. These articles helped me to see the importance of choosing a marriage mate wisely and leading a morally clean life. Jehova vytvoril človeka na svoj obraz a dal mu schopnosť vnímať jeho lásku a starostlivosť a reagovať na ňu. Jehovah was there uncovering the sin of Achan. Jehovah created man in his image and gave him the ability to perceive and respond to his love and care. A zastihuje aj dobrých ľudí. How true this is of imperfect humans! And it catches up with good people. Mali by sme však mať podobnú dôveru ako apoštol Pavol, ktorý povedal: "Práve preto znášam tieto veci, ale nie som zahanbený. Looking at me across a table in a dimly lit café, he said: "You realize, Hans, that if you accept this assignment, you and your wife will get only a one - way ticket? " However, we should have similar confidence to that of the apostle Paul, who said: "This is why I am putting up with these things, but I am not ashamed. Dávid, ktorý toho v službe Bohu prežil veľmi veľa, začína slovami: "Šalamún, syn môj, poznaj Boha svojho otca." If so, why? David, who survived a great deal in his service to God, begins by saying: "Shalamun my son, know the God of your father. " Redaktor časopisu National Geographic William S. Outside, police sharpshooters were aiming their guns at where I was being held. Editor of National Geographic magazine William S. Hovorí: "Pamätám sa, ako sa so mnou rozprával môj manžel a poukazoval mi na to, v akých rôznych ohľadoch som pomocou, kým ja som si myslela, že to, čo robím, nemá absolútne žiadnu cenu. What is the main purpose of education, and how can parents be supportive of their children in this regard? He says: "I remember my husband talking to me and pointing out the different ways in which I was helping, while I thought that what I was doing was absolutely worthless. Jeden zdroj uvádza, že toto múzeum "by malo byť zvlášť zaujímavé pre Američanov a zahraničných turistov židovského náboženstva a náboženstva Jehovových svedkov, ktorých Hitlerov režim odsúdil na genocídu." How can we show that we have "the full assurance of faith "? One source states that the museum "should be of particular interest to Americans and foreign tourists of the Jewish religion and religion of Jehovah's Witnesses who were condemned by the Hitler regime to genocide. " Keď však chce, aby jeho partnera oslovilo posolstvo pravdy, mal by byť opatrný. So they did. However, when he wants his mate to address the message of truth, he should be careful. Kancelária jednotiek SS v Ravensbrücku He will bruise you in the head and you will bruise him in the heel. " SS units office in Ravensbrück V žiarivom úsmeve na jeho tvári nie je ani stopa trpkosti. ↓ There's no sign of bitterness in a shining smile on his face. Museli si tiež zvyknúť na nový zbor, na zvestovanie v odlišnom obvode a možno sa museli naučiť aj nový jazyk. " So long as the 1,560 - mile [2,500 km] long Ganges ran deep, its swift currents carried away hundreds of decomposing bodies. They also had to get used to the new congregation, to preaching in a different territory, and maybe they had to learn a new language. Zásady hygieny obsiahnuté v mojžišovskom Zákone pomáhajú predchádzať chorobám Often a mature Christian woman is the best person to provide such help. The principles of hygiene contained in the Mosaic Law help to prevent disease Lévita Samuel pamätal na svojho Stvoriteľa nielen v detstve, ale po celý svoj život. □ "AIDS will have a devastating toll in human lives in the 15 countries with the highest prevalence rates for HIV, " warns Populi, the magazine of the United Nations Population Fund. The Levite Samuel remembered his Creator not only in his childhood but throughout his life. Ako sa niektorí pozerajú na ľudské telo a aká otázka si zasluhuje pozornosť? Don't let your home get out of control. How do some view the human body, and what question merit attention? Po zmätení jazykov v Bábeli sa ľudstvo rozšírilo po celom zemskom povrchu. As a result, whaling around the islands finally ground to a halt. After the confusion of Babel's languages, mankind spread throughout the earth's surface. Každý z nás by mal hľadať spôsoby, ako bratov a sestry povzbudiť. Môžeme to robiť tak, že sa o nich osobne zaujímame, láskavo ich utešujeme a prejavujeme im nežnú náklonnosť a súcit. Čo môže byť zdrojom povzbudenia? What reasons do we have for trusting Jehovah's reminders? Each of us should look for ways to encourage our brothers and sisters, and what can be a source of encouragement? Väčšine ľudí stačí, aby sa raz oboznámili s týmito základmi, a už sú vybavení na zápas s terénom. I really look forward to discovering many more of such gems on Tuesday nights! " Most people just need to get acquainted with these basics, and they're already equipped to wrestle with the terrain. Zamyslite sa nad nasledujúcimi otázkami: " Ak naozaj nemôžeme urobiť nič pre to, aby sme zmenili svoj údel, ak osud alebo Boh vopred určil, ako sa skončí každá záležitosť, načo sa modliť? These new ones are flocking to Jehovah's worship "just like a cloud, " as foretold at Isaiah chapter 60, verse 8. Consider the following questions: " If there is really nothing we can do to change our lot, if fate or God has foreordained how every matter ends, why pray? Psychologička Lalinecová, ktorá pracuje s deťmi a rodinami, poznamenáva aj to, že "ak zabránime deťom, aby zakúsili následky svojho konania, zabránime im, aby sa mnohému naučili." What possibility remains open for one excluded from the congregation? Psychologist Lalinec, who works with children and families, also notes that "if we prevent children from experiencing the consequences of their actions, we will prevent them from learning much. " Keďže tí, "čo nepoznajú Boha," a tí, "ktorí neposlúchajú dobré posolstvo," nebudú môcť žiť v prichádzajúcom svete bez katastrof, je jasné, že ak tam chce človek žiť, musí sa učiť o Bohu a musí podporovať jeho vládny systém nad zemou. The anointed remnant must do this if they are to share in the fulfillment of Romans 16: 20. Since those "who do not know God " and those" who do not obey the good news " will not be able to live in a coming world without disaster, it is clear that if a person wants to live there, he must learn about God and support his ruling system over the earth. Medzi tieto vertikálne žrde sa navrchu pevne natiahne lano a ponad to sa prehodí veľké nepremokavé plátno, čo vytvorí strechu. The world is full of them. A rope is stretched firmly between these vertical poles, and a large waterproof canvas is thrown over it, forming a roof. Včeláriky (vtáky), 8 / 11 Why should we accept Solomon's wise counsel? Beekeepers (Birds), 11 / 22 Ak sa odmietate podriadiť vedeniu svojho manžela, dávate tým najavo, čo si myslíte nielen o ňom, ale aj o Bohu a jeho požiadavkách. Do they do so out of love for ritual? If you refuse to submit to the direction of your husband, you show what you think not only of him but also of God and his requirements. No Jehovovi svedkovia pamätajú na to, čo cítil Ježiš k pokorným Židom svojich čias. COVER SUBJECT | WHO ARE JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES? However, Jehovah's Witnesses remember how Jesus felt about the humble Jews of his day. Jehova tu odhaľoval Achanov hriech. The emperor moved his residence from the palace in Kyoto to the Edo castle, which was later converted into the new Imperial Palace. Here Jehovah exposed Achan's sin. Aký výstižný opis nedokonalých ľudí! Under God's righteous government, people will enjoy life without any germs that cause harm What a fitting description of imperfect humans! Hľadiac na mňa ponad stôl v tlmene osvetlenej kaviarni, povedal: "Uvedomuješ si, Hans, že ak prijmeš toto poverenie, dostanete s manželkou lístok iba na cestu tam?" April 22, 2003, pages 18 - 21; and January 22, 1995, pages 11 - 15. Looking over the table in a dimly lit café, he said: "Do you realize, Hans, that if you accept this commission, you and your wife will receive a ticket only for the journey there? " Ak áno, prečo? True, his description of the universe was refined and improved by later scientists, such as Galileo, Kepler, and Newton. If so, why? Vonku policajní odstreľovači mierili puškami na miesto, kde ma držal. Refusal to correct this mistake can have bad effects. Outside, police snipers were pointing their rifles at the place where he held me. Čo je hlavným cieľom vzdelávania a ako môžu byť rodičia v tomto ohľade svojim deťom oporou? That does not mean that you will no longer cry or will forget your loved one. What is the primary goal of education, and how can parents support their children in this regard? Ako môžeme ukázať, že máme, plnú istotu viery "? Some may think that Jehovah God was asking too much of Abraham. How can we show that we have "the full assurance of faith "? A tak ho predali. LAMU And so they sold it. Ono ti rozmliaždi hlavu a ty mu rozmliaždiš pätu. " He explains: "I feel blessed because we go out in the ministry together, study together, and worship together. He will bruise you in the head, and you will bruise him in the heel. " ↓ How? ↓ " Pokiaľ bola 2500 kilometrov dlhá Ganga hlboká, jej rýchly prúd odnášal stovky rozkladajúcich sa tiel. How does David's advanced age add meaning to the words recorded at Psalm 37: 23 - 25? " As long as the 2,500 - mile [2,500 km] long Ganga was deep, its rapid current carried hundreds of decomposing bodies away. Zrelá kresťanka je často tým najvhodnejším človekom, ktorý im môže takú pomoc poskytnúť. [ Blurb on page 4] A mature Christian woman is often the most appropriate person to provide such help. □ "V pätnástich krajinách sveta s najvyšším výskytom HIV si aids vyberie ničivú daň na ľudských životoch," upozorňuje Populi, časopis Fondu OSN pre populáciu. One opportunity that is open to all is that of offering comments in response to questions posed to the audience at congregation meetings. □ "In the 15 countries of the world with the highest HIV prevalence, AIDS will take a devastating toll on human lives, " warns Populi, a magazine of the United Nations Population Fund. Nedovoľte, aby sa vám domácnosť vymkla z rúk. International servants travel to other lands to aid in the construction of Kingdom Halls and branch facilities. Do not let your household get out of hand. Preto lov veľrýb v okolí ostrovov postupne zanikol. " Never be anxious about the next day, " Jesus said, "for the next day will have its own anxieties. As a result, whale fishing around the islands gradually ceased to exist. Aké máme dôvody na to, aby sme Jehovovým pripomienkam dôverovali? However, Hamilton suggests that "it is a major problem. " What reasons do we have for trusting in Jehovah's reminders? Veľmi sa teším, že v utorky večer objavím ešte mnoho takých klenotov! " Sadly, his own disciples have been affected by this desire for prominence. I look forward to discovering many such jewels on Tuesday night! " Podľa predpovede v Izaiášovi v 60. kapitole 8. verši sa títo noví zoskupujú k Jehovovmu uctievaniu "ako oblak." Does it seem to you that such youths are guided by godly standards - or are they guided by the rules set by "the god of this system of things, " Satan the Devil? As foretold at Isaiah chapter 60, verse 8, these new ones group together for Jehovah's worship "like a cloud. " Aká možnosť zostáva otvorená pre človeka vylúčeného zo zboru? Vitalized by this "power beyond what is normal, " we will soar rather than get bogged down by our problems. What option remains open to a disfellowshipped person? Členovia pomazaného ostatku to musia robiť, ak sa chcú zúčastniť na splnení slov z Rimanom 16: 20. Satan did not contest Jehovah's supremacy or his Creatorship. The anointed remnant must do so if they want to participate in the fulfillment of Romans 16: 20. Svet je nimi preplnený. Do you think you will ever get bored with learning new things about your Creator? The world is crowded with them. Prečo by sme mali prijať Šalamúnove múdre rady? Animal blood could be used in a sacrificial way on the altar, but it was not to be eaten. Why should we accept Solomon's wise counsel? Robia to preto, že sa im páčia obrady? What are the basic steps in the process of growth? Are they doing this because they like ceremonies? Z TITULNEJ STRANY | KTO SÚ JEHOVOVI SVEDKOVIA? If so, how likely is it to have a wholesome atmosphere? COVER SUBJECT " WHO ARE JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES? Cisár sa presťahoval z paláca v Kjóte do zámku v Ede, z ktorého sa neskôr stal nový cisársky palác. Explains one Bible scholar: "Hospitality in the East was a sacred duty... The emperor moved from the palace in Kyoto to the castle in Edo, which later became a new imperial palace. Pod Božou spravodlivou vládou sa budú ľudia tešiť zo života bez škodlivého vplyvu mikróbov At that time people will be throwing their money into the streets as "an abhorrent thing, " according to the Bible. Under God's righteous rule, humans will enjoy life without the harmful influence of microbes z 22. apríla 2003, strany 18 - 21, a z 22. januára 1995, strany 11 - 15. How is love for God and neighbor demonstrated by our preaching and teaching activity? of April 22, 2003, pages 18 - 21, and January 22, 1995, pages 11 - 15. Je pravda, že jeho predstavu vesmíru neskôr spresnili a zdokonalili ďalší vedci, ako Galileo, Kepler a Newton. Luther considered himself unworthy of God's favor and was at times driven to despair by a guilty conscience. True, his vision of the universe was later refined and improved by other scientists, such as Galileo, Kepler, and Newton. Odmietnuť napraviť túto chybu môže mať zlé následky. Good - looking men were more likely to be invited to job interviews when they attached a photo to their résumé; attractive women were less likely. Refusing to correct this error can have bad consequences. To neznamená, že už nebudete plakať alebo že zabudnete na svojho milovaného. On the other hand, you may already have certain beliefs concerning your future. This does not mean that you will not cry or forget your loved one. Niektorí si možno myslia, že Jehova Boh žiadal od Abraháma priveľa. Yet, millions of youths, like Jerome, are being led astray by alcohol. Some may think that Jehovah God asked too much of Abraham. LAMU Some researchers contend that a woman may be viewed as a less - than - ideal worker or decision maker if she manifests symptoms related to her menstruation. LAMU A vysvetľuje prečo: "Vnímam to ako požehnanie, lebo spolu chodíme do služby, spolu študujeme a spolu uctievame Jehovu. Sasidharan, acquired his skills from his grandfather. And he explains why: "I see it as a blessing because we share in the ministry, study together, and worship Jehovah together. Ale ako? This great diversity of bird life is due mainly to migratory routes along the eastern seaboard, but skilled management has also played its part. But how? Prečo možno povedať, že Dávidov pokročilý vek dodáva váhu slovám zaznamenaným v Žalme 37: 23 - 25? Of all these millions, only 8,683, who profess to be the remaining ones on earth of the new creation, partook of the Memorial emblems. Why can it be said that David's advanced age adds weight to the words recorded at Psalm 37: 23 - 25? [ Zvýraznený text na strane 4] Jehovah commanded Barak to move from the secure heights of Tabor into the valley plain, luring Sisera's troops into battle. [ Blurb on page 4] Túto príležitosť máme všetci na zborových zhromaždeniach, na ktorých môžeme odpovedať na kladené otázky. Then, with lightning speed, his sharp - clawed paw scoops out his finny prey. We all have this opportunity at congregation meetings, where we can answer the questions asked. Medzinárodní služobníci cestujú po krajinách a pomáhajú s výstavbou sál Kráľovstva a odbočiek. Is this a Bible teaching? International servants travel in lands and help build Kingdom Halls and branch offices. Ježiš povedal: "Nikdy nebuďte úzkostliví o nasledujúci deň, lebo nasledujúci deň bude mať svoje vlastné starosti. Who dwell there? Jesus said: "Never be anxious about the next day, for the next day will have its own worries. Prezrádza však, že "je to veľký problém." AS TOLD BY ROBERT HATZFELD However, he reveals that "this is a big problem. " Je smutné, že i na jeho učeníkov zapôsobila túžba po vynikajúcom postavení. Interestingly, in the third year of his reign, Jehoshaphat sent for five princes, nine Levites, and two priests. Sadly, his disciples too were impressed by the desire for a fine position. Myslíš si, že títo mladí sa riadia Božími požiadavkami, alebo sú vedení zásadami stanovenými "bohom tohto systému vecí," Satanom Diablom? His attitude was: "Instruct me, O Jehovah, in your way, and lead me in the path of uprightness. " Do you think that these youths follow God's requirements or are guided by the principles set forth by "the god of this system of things, " Satan the Devil? Oživení touto " mocou, ktorá je nad to, čo je prirodzené ," budeme sa vznášať, namiesto toho, aby sme uviazli vo svojich problémoch. Most people prefer to go along with the crowd, so to speak, to avoid confrontation or conflict. Resurrected by this "power beyond what is normal, " we will float instead of getting caught up in our problems. Satan nič nenamietal proti Jehovovej zvrchovanosti ani proti jeho postaveniu ako Stvoriteľa. The Bible here presented a wonderful prospect - that of someone paying a ransom to effect a release from the process of aging! Satan did not object to Jehovah's sovereignty or to his position as Creator. Myslíte si, že vás niekedy začne nudiť dozvedať sa nové veci o svojom Stvoriteľovi? French Faith on the Wane Do you think that you will ever become bored to learn new things about your Creator? Krv zvierat sa mohla používať obetným spôsobom na oltári, ale nemala sa jesť. Even if no human sees your humble and willing service, Jehovah does! Animal blood could be used in a sacrificial way on the altar, but it should not be eaten. Ktoré sú základné kroky v procese rastu? He realized that this mode of communication could convey Bible truth in a way that the printed page alone could not. What are the basic steps in the process of growth? Ak áno, aká je pravdepodobnosť, že tam bude zdravé ovzdušie? James 1: 13: "When under trial, let no one say: " I am being tried by God. ' If so, what are the chances that there will be healthy air? Istý biblický učenec vysvetľuje: "Pohostinnosť bola na Východe svätou povinnosťou... Scarification and cicatrization, though not limited to Africa, have a long history on the continent. A Bible scholar explains: "Hospitality was a sacred duty in the East.... Podľa Biblie budú ľudia v tom čase vyhadzovať svoje peniaze na ulice ako " niečo protivné ." Where does it go when it migrates? According to the Bible, people at that time will throw their money on the streets as "a vile thing. " Ako sa naša láska k Bohu a k blížnym prejavuje v diele kázania a robenia učeníkov? Another translation of Proverbs 19: 3 says: "A man's ignorance muddles his affairs and he flies out against Jehovah. " How is our love for God and for fellow humans reflected in the preaching and disciple - making work? Luther sa považoval za nehodného Božej priazne a zlé svedomie ho občas privádzalo do zúfalstva. Would a Christian youth want to be involved in this type of dancing? Luther was viewed as unworthy of God's favor, and a bad conscience at times led him to despair. Dobre vyzerajúci muži mali väčšiu šancu, že budú pozvaní na pracovný pohovor, ak k životopisu pripojili svoju fotografiu, zatiaľ čo u žien to bolo naopak. The corrupt misuse of the temple in Jerusalem must have made loyalty a challenge. Well-looking men had a better chance of being invited to a job interview if they added their photograph to the CV, while women did the opposite. Na druhej strane, možno už o budúcnosti máte vlastné presvedčenie. The stage is set so perfectly that you can almost hear the lilting strains of Strauss waltzes in the air. On the other hand, you may already have your own convictions about the future. Avšak milióny mladých, tak ako Jeroma, alkohol zlákal. For example, we live at a time when more and more people are "lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self - assuming, " and" without love of goodness. " However, millions of youths, like Jeroma, have been tempted by alcohol. Niektorí výskumníci tvrdia, že ženu možno považovať za menej žiaduceho pracovníka či osobu, ktorá o niečom rozhoduje, keď sa u nej prejavujú príznaky súvisiace s menštruáciou. 4 The Challenge of Feeding the Cities Some researchers claim that a woman can be considered a less desirable worker or a decision maker when she shows menstrual symptoms. Sasidharan a tomuto umeniu sa naučil od svojho starého otca. Thank you again for the help. " Sasidharan learned this art from his grandfather. Táto veľká rozmanitosť vtákov je tu hlavne vďaka ťahovým cestám, ktoré vedú pozdĺž východného pobrežia, no svoju úlohu zohralo aj odborné spravovanie rezervácie. At a diplomatic function, Herod clothed himself "with royal raiment. " This great variety of birds is mainly due to the roadways that run along the east coast, but the professional management of the reservation has also played its role. Zo všetkých týchto miliónov prijímalo zo symbolov Pamätnej slávnosti iba 8 683 tých, ktorí vyznávajú, že sú tu na zemi zostávajúcimi z nového stvorenia. The usual time for bringing sacrificial offerings was during the three seasonal festivals - Passover, Pentecost, and Booths. - Deuteronomy 16: 16, 17. Of all these millions, only 8,683 who profess to be the remaining ones of the new creation on earth received from the Memorial emblems. Jehova prikázal Barákovi, aby sa presunul z bezpečných výšin Tábora do údolnej roviny, a tak vylákal Siserove oddiely do bitky. So it was hard for us to leave. Jehovah commanded Barak to move from the safe heights of Tabor to the valley plain to lure Sisera's troops into battle. Zrazu, rýchlosťou blesku jeho laba s ostrými pazúrmi uloví rybu. Psalm 74: 16 says of Jehovah: "You... prepared the luminary, even the sun. " Suddenly, the lightning speed of his paw with its sharp claws will catch a fish. Je toto učenie biblické? Literacy is, indeed, a precious asset that opens up a world of learning. Is this Bible teaching? Kto v nej žije? GREENWICH MEAN TIME Who lives in it? ROZPRÁVA ROBERT HATZFELD And God himself will be with them. AS TOLD BY ROBERT HATZFELD Je zaujímavé, že Jehošafat v treťom roku svojej vlády vyslal päť kniežat, deväť Lévitov a dvoch kňazov, aby prešli všetky mestá a vyučovali ľud Jehovove zákony. Explains sleep researcher Wilse B. Interestingly, in the third year of his reign Jehoshaphat sent out five princes, nine Levites, and two priests to cross all the cities and teach the people Jehovah's laws. Jeho postoj bol: "Poučuj ma, ó, Jehova, o svojej ceste a veď ma chodníkom priamosti." In these articles, we will discuss several Bible characters. His attitude was: "Instruct me, O Jehovah, about your way, and lead me in the path of uprightness. " Väčšina ľudí ide radšej takpovediac s davom, aby sa vyhli konfrontácii alebo konfliktu. Dunn Most people prefer to go with the crowd, so to speak, to avoid confrontation or conflict. Biblia tu hovorila o nádhernej vyhliadke - že niekto zaplatí výkupné, aby priniesol oslobodenie od starnutia! And the cars are mobile advertisements that often appear on television. Here the Bible spoke of a wonderful prospect - that someone would pay the ransom to bring deliverance from aging! Viera vo Francúzsku sa vytráca Some charities have high administrative or fund - raising costs, leaving only a small portion of the collected money for the intended purpose. Faith Disappears in France Aj keď si žiadny človek nevšimne tvoju prácu, Jehova áno! " For the first time in history, Europe will become one, " declared Romano Prodi, president of the European Commission. Even if no man notices your work, Jehovah will! " Fotodráma "trvala osem hodín a obvykle sa premietala v štyroch častiach. Sometimes discipline involves having a heart - to - heart talk and at other times taking away a child's privileges. " - Ogbiti, Nigeria. The "photodrama " lasted eight hours and was usually shown in four parts. Jakub 1: 13: "Keď je niekto v skúške, nech nehovorí: " Pokúša ma Boh. " Following are some comments of appreciation that were received: James 1: 13: "When under trial, let no one say: " I am being tried by God. ' Narezávanie a zjazvovanie kože má v Afrike dlhú históriu, hoci nie je známe len na tomto kontinente. Then move on to the next one or two habits on each of your lists. Cutting and scarring of the skin has a long history in Africa, although it is not known only on this continent. Kam až sa pri migrácii dostane? Hannah had also conceived a son with God's help, more than 1,000 years earlier. How far does it go on migration? Iný preklad textu z Prísloví 19: 3 znie takto: "Hlúposť kazí človeku život a on sa za to hnevá na Jahveho." Note this detail: They did not just pray, they sang. Another translation of Proverbs 19: 3 reads: "Stupidity is ruining a man's life, and he is angry at Yahweh for it. " Chcel by kresťan tancovať tento druh tanca? Others thanked me personally when we met at assemblies. Would a Christian want to dance this kind of dance? Skazené zneužívanie chrámu v Jeruzaleme muselo mať za následok to, že lojálnosť bola náročnou úlohou. Why do so many quit? The corrupt abuse of the temple in Jerusalem must have resulted in loyalty being a challenge. Scenéria je taká typická, že vo vzduchu môžete takmer počuť rytmické tóny Straussovho valčíka. Their eyes glued to the monitor, they occasionally copy the signs they see and nod in appreciation. The scenery is so typical that in the air you can almost hear the rhythmic tones of Strauss' waltz. Napríklad dnes žijeme v čase, keď čoraz viac ľudí " miluje samých seba, miluje peniaze, je sebaistých " a "bez lásky k dobru." I WAS born into a family of nine children - four boys and five girls - on October 11, 1922. For example, today we live at a time when more and more people are "lovers of themselves, lovers of money, confident " and" without love of goodness. " 4 Sýtenie miest - náročná úloha How heartening to know that the prayers of Jehovah's dedicated Witnesses ascend to such a loving Father through his Son! 4 Feeding Cities - A Challenge Ešte raz vám ďakujeme za pomoc. " God's Word shows that "even though [Jehovah] is long - suffering, " he will quickly execute justice when the time is ripe. Thank you again for your help. " Pri jednej slávnostnej príležitosti sa Herodes "odial kráľovským rúchom." He killed Nanett and her three - year - old. On one festive occasion, Herod "did out with royal robes. " Obetné dary sa obyčajne prinášali počas troch výročných sviatkov - Pesachu, Letníc a Sviatku prístreškov. - 5. Mojžišova 16: 16, 17. Was It Designed? Sacrifice gifts were usually made during three annual festivals - Passover, Pentecost, and Festival of Booths. - Deuteronomy 16: 16, 17. Preto bolo pre nás ťažké odísť. Granted, there may be times when we feel lonely or frustrated. That made it difficult for us to leave. Žalm 74: 16 o Jehovovi hovorí: "Pripravil [si] svetelné teleso, áno, slnko." She admits: "It became a source of relief and comfort for me when I could speak with understanding friends. " Regarding Jehovah, Psalm 74: 16 says: "You have prepared a light body, even the sun. " Schopnosť čítať a písať je pre človeka veľkým prínosom, ktorý mu otvára dvere k ďalšiemu vzdelaniu. Esther Manrique, a full - time minister of Jehovah's Witnesses living in Subic, Zambales, about 20 miles [30 km] from Mount Pinatubo, gives her account of what it was like to live through the days when it rained sand. The ability to read and write is a great asset to a person that opens the door to further education. GREENWICHSKÝ STREDNÝ ČAS Selecting Tires GREENWICH MEDITERRANEAN TIME A sám Boh bude s nimi. This principle applies when considering whether to ask a brother for a loan. And God himself will be with them. Výskumník spánku Wilse B. THE greatest good that any human can do is to bring glory to Jehovah. Sleep Researcher Wilse B. V týchto článkoch budeme uvažovať o viacerých biblických postavách. Whether we are baptized Christians or are individuals just beginning to learn about God and his purposes, we can find great comfort in the written Word of God. In these articles, we will consider a number of Bible characters. Dunn Because of those articles, I now have some Bible - based suggestions for cultivating that relationship. Dunn Autá sa tak stávajú mobilnými reklamami, ktoré sa často objavujú na obrazovke. The Cause of FMS Cars thus become mobile advertisements, which often appear on the screen. Niektoré charitatívne organizácie majú vysoké náklady na administratívu alebo na reklamu a zo zozbieraných peňazí zostáva len málo na účel, na ktorý boli vyzbierané. How did God's love prompt Jesus to act? Some charities have high administrative or advertising costs and little remains of the money collected for the purpose for which it was collected. " Prvý raz v histórii sa Európa zjednotí, "vyhlásil Romano Prodi, prezident Európskej komisie. If we walk with Jehovah, as Noah did, we follow the life course outlined by our Grand Instructor. " For the first time in history, Europe will unite, " said Romano Prodi, President of the European Commission. Treba sa prispôsobiť okolnostiam. Niekedy stačí dieťaťu prehovoriť do duše, inokedy treba zaviesť nejaké obmedzenia. " (Ogbiti, Nigéria) What about the religious leaders? Sometimes it is enough to talk to a child into a soul; at other times, restrictions need to be imposed. " - Ogbiti, Nigeria. Nasledujú niektoré vyjadrenia ocenenia, ktoré sme dostali: Imagine how difficult this would be when the sections represent the slender tendrils of a vine! The following are some expressions of appreciation that we received: Potom sa zamerajte na ďalší jeden či dva zvyky z každého zoznamu. " I wondered and prayed over what I could say to the members of the Rotary Club, who are business and community leaders, such as bankers, lawyers, and doctors. Then focus on another one or two habits on each list. Mohlo to byť tak, že Mária rozjímala o tejto modlitbe, pretože odzrkadľovala jej vlastné pocity? - 1. Mt. Could it have been that Mary meditated on this prayer because she reflected her own feelings? - 1 Timothy 3: 8. Všimnite si tento detail: Oni sa nielen modlili, oni aj spievali. The apostle Paul was not like that. Note this detail: They not only prayed, they also sang. Iní mi ďakovali osobne, keď sme sa stretli na zjazde. An example might be the request in Jesus ' model prayer: "Do not bring us into temptation. " Others thanked me personally when we met at the convention. Prečo toľkí odchádzajú? Instead of a chronic state of alertness and helplessness, there will be an unending state of peace and happiness. Why are so many leaving? Oči neodtrhnú od monitora, sem - tam opakujú posunky, ktoré vidia, a s ocenením prikyvujú. Give your garden such a treat, and it will reward you with a bountiful harvest of beauty for your eyes and taste delights for your palate. The eyes don't tear away from the monitor, they repeat the signs they see, and they nod with appreciation. NARODIL som sa 11. októbra 1922 do rodiny s deviatimi deťmi - štyrmi chlapcami a piatimi dievčatami. Behind the Name I WAS born on October 11, 1922, into a family of nine children - four boys and five girls. Je naozaj povzbudzujúce vedieť, že modlitby Jehovových oddaných svedkov vystupujú k takémuto milujúcemu Otcovi skrze jeho Syna. It was like a shot in the arm that turned me from a rag doll to a supportive mother. - Judith Leibensperger. It is truly encouraging to know that the prayers of Jehovah's dedicated Witnesses go up to such a loving Father through his Son. Božie Slovo ukazuje, že " hoci je Jehova zhovievavý ," rýchlo vykoná právo, keď na to dozreje čas. The teachings of the Waldenses sharply contrasted with the non - Christian dualistic teachings of the Cathari, with whom they are often confused. God's Word shows that " although Jehovah is long - suffering, ' he will quickly execute justice when the time is ripe. Zabil Nanett a jej trojročnú dcérku. It is through the collective body of anointed, "the faithful and discreet slave, " that the other sheep have had opened to them an understanding of the precious promises contained in God's Word. He killed Nanett and her three-year-old daughter. Mala konštruktéra? What purpose is served by God's temporary permission of wickedness? Was It Designed? Je pravda, že občas sa môžeme cítiť osamelí alebo sklamaní. For answers to these questions, let us consider one of the four Biblical Gospels, the Gospel of John. True, at times we may feel lonely or disappointed. Pripúšťa: "Zdrojom úľavy a útechy pre mňa bolo, keď som sa mohla porozprávať so súcitnými priateľmi." [ Picture on page 23] He admits: "The source of relief and comfort to me was when I could talk to compassionate friends. " Esther Manriqueová, Jehovova svedkyňa, ktorá slúži ako zvestovateľka celým časom a žije v Subicu (Zambales), asi 30 kilometrov od sopky Pinatubo, rozpráva, ako to vyzeralo v dňoch, keď pršal piesok. The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia explains: "Women did not eat with male guests, and men were discouraged from talking with women.... Esther Manrique, one of Jehovah's Witnesses, who serves as a full - time evangelizer and lives in Subicu, Zambales, some 30 miles [30 km] from Pinatubo, tells what it looked like on the days when the sand rained. Výber pneumatík Virus That Should Concern Women (papillomavirus), 6 / 22 Selection of tyres Táto zásada platí, aj keď uvažujeme o tom, či požiadať brata o pôžičku. At that point, the account tells us, the Devil has great anger, "knowing he has a short period of time. " This principle applies even when we consider whether to ask a brother for a loan. TO NAJLEPŠIE, čo ľudia môžu robiť, je prinášať slávu Jehovovi. Wives of Traveling Overseers THE BEST thing people can do is bring glory to Jehovah. Či sme pokrstení kresťania, alebo sa len začíname učiť o Bohu a jeho predsavzatiach, veľkú útechu môžeme čerpať z Božieho Slova. Initially our backs and ribs ached because we slept on the ground, but during the night we got used to it. Whether we are baptized Christians or are only beginning to learn about God and his purposes, we can draw great comfort from God's Word. Vďaka týmto článkom mám teraz biblicky podložené podnety rozvíjať si k nim vzťah. A PERSON may hear the sounds of someone speaking to him. He may even note the tone of voice. Thanks to these articles, I now have Bible - based suggestions to cultivate a relationship with them. Príčina fibromyalgie God has revealed these details in advance. Cause of fibromyalgia Ako viedla Božia láska Ježiša ku konaniu? What was to determine whether the Israelites received blessings or maledictions? How did God's love lead Jesus to act? Ak chodíme s Jehovom ako Noach, sledujeme tým cestu života, ktorú nám vyznačil náš Vznešený Učiteľ. Like the prodigal's father, Jehovah treats with dignity those who do return, accepting them back as full - fledged members of the family. Walking with Jehovah as Noah, we follow the course of life outlined by our Grand Instructor. A čo urobia náboženskí vodcovia? Palmira agreed to study the Bible, and she attended Christian meetings for a year. And what will religious leaders do? Predstavte si, aké náročné musí byť vytvoriť napríklad jemné úponky viniča! If you ever happen to be where cloudberries are growing, pick them and enjoy tasting them fresh, preferably dotted with castor sugar, with a big dollop of whipped cream on top. Imagine how difficult it must be to create, for example, fine tendrils of vine! " Premýšľal som o tom, čo by som mohol povedať členom Rotaryklubu, ktorý tvoria obchodní a spoločenskí vodcovia, ako sú bankári, právnici a lekári, a modlil som sa o to. God Is Impartial " I wondered what I could say to the members of the Rotary Club, which is made up of business and social leaders, such as bankers, lawyers, and doctors, and I prayed for it. STRANY A good method for cooking meat well and retaining its moistness is to stew or braise it. PARTIES Apoštol Pavol taký nebol. Stay away from areas that are commonly viewed as dangerous. The apostle Paul was not like that. Príkladom môže byť prosba v Ježišovej vzorovej modlitbe: "Nepriveď nás do pokušenia." H., United States An example may be the request in Jesus ' model prayer: "Do not bring us into temptation. " Namiesto trvalého stavu zvýšenej pohotovosti a bezmocnosti tu bude trvalý stav pokoja a šťastia. One French couple, for example, had a six - hour wait at an airport on their way to Gilead School. Instead of a permanent state of increased alertness and helplessness, there will be a permanent state of peace and happiness. Doprajte svojej záhrade tento sviatok a odmení vás bohatou úrodou, ktorá bude potešením pre oči a pochúťkou pre žalúdok. Peter uses the Greek word ste·riʹzo, here translated "are firmly set " but rendered" strengthen " in Jesus ' earlier admonition to Peter: "Strengthen your brothers. " Give your garden this holiday and reward you with a rich harvest that will be a delight for your eyes and a delicacy for your stomach. Pôvod názvu He meant the Bible Students in particular. Origin of the name Bolo to ako injekcia, ktorá ma premenila z handrovej bábiky na starostlivú matku, ktorá môže byť oporou. - Judith Leibenspergerová. No! It was like an injection that turned me from a rag doll into a caring mother that could be supportive. - Judith Leibensperger. Učenie valdencov bolo v ostrom kontraste s nekresťanským dualistickým učením katarov, s ktorými si ich často mýlia. From now on you will be catching men alive. " The Waldenses ' teachings were in stark contrast to the unchristian dualistic teachings of cataracts with which they are often mistaken. Práve prostredníctvom zboru pomazaných, "verného a rozvážneho otroka," bolo iným ovciam sprístupnené porozumenie drahocenných sľubov obsiahnutých v Božom Slove. And the twelve were with him. " It was through the congregation of anointed ones, "the faithful and discreet slave, " that the understanding of the precious promises contained in God's Word was made available to other sheep. Prečo Boh dočasne pripustil zlo? And every winter for the next ten years, these two intrepid scholars returned to Egypt to increase their collection. Why did God temporarily allow evil? Pri hľadaní odpovedí na tieto otázky pouvažujme o jednom zo štyroch biblických evanjelií, o Evanjeliu podľa Jána. So Jesus "started to teach them many things. " In seeking answers to these questions, let us consider one of the four Bible Gospels, the Gospel of John. [ Obrázok na strane 23] They took turns cooking meals and cleaning. [ Picture on page 23] The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia vysvetľuje: "Ženy nejedávali s hosťami mužského rodu a muži boli odrádzaní od toho, aby sa rozprávali so ženami... □ What are four important responsibilities that "gifts in men " can fulfill? The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia explains: "Women did not eat with male guests, and men were discouraged from talking to women.... Bass Rock, kde sa zhromažďujú suly (Škótsko), 22 / 12 As children are brought face - to - face with the pressures of the real world, they often begin to see their parents in a new light. Jehovah's Witnesses (Scotland), 12 / 8 Na tomto mieste v proroctve čítame, že Diabol má veľký hnev, "vediac, že má krátky čas." We were delighted! At this point in the prophecy, we read that the Devil has great anger, "knowing that he has a short period of time. " Manželky cestujúcich dozorcov They make known his name and serve him "shoulder to shoulder, " or with one consent. Wives of traveling overseers Z ležania na tvrdej zemi nás spočiatku bolel celý chrbát, ale v noci nás to už tak netrápilo. Jesus will not pass other food items to them, but he will have much more to tell his faithful followers on this momentous night. At first, lying on hard ground hurt our backs, but at night it didn't bother us so much. KEĎ nám niekto niečo povie, obvykle ho počujeme, ba vieme rozoznať aj tón jeho hlasu. It was not easy to write on this surface. WHEN someone tells us something, we usually hear it, and we can even discern the tone of his voice. Boh zjavil tieto veci vopred. This intervention is what Isaiah referred to as the day of vengeance. God revealed these things in advance. Čo malo rozhodnúť o tom, či Izraeliti dostanú požehnania, alebo zlorečenia? Such meditation can stir your heart, helping you draw ever closer to Jehovah. - Psalm 19: 14. What would determine whether the Israelites would receive blessings or maledictions? A tak ako otec márnotratného syna, Jehova dôstojne zaobchádza s tými, ktorí sa vrátia, a prijíma ich ako plnoprávnych členov rodiny. " At times I say things that everyone is probably thinking but that shouldn't be said out loud... And like the father of the prodigal son, Jehovah treats those who return with dignity and accepts them as full members of the family. Palmira prijala ponuku biblického štúdia a rok navštevovala kresťanské zhromaždenia. But we do have the mind of Christ. " - 1 COR. Palmira accepted a Bible study, and she attended Christian meetings for a year. Ak sa niekedy ocitnete v oblasti, kde rastú morušky, nazbierajte si ich a ochutnajte ich čerstvé, najlepšie posypané cukrom a s veľkým kopčekom šľahačky navrchu. One feature of Jesus ' composite sign is: "Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. " If you ever find yourself in an area where the mulberry grows, collect them and taste them fresh, preferably sprinkled with sugar and a large scoop of whipped cream on top. Boh je nestranný There are no young ones. God Is Impartial Dobrý spôsob, ako dôkladne uvariť mäso tak, aby zostalo šťavnaté, je variť ho pri nižšej teplote alebo dusiť ho. It will involve celestial phenomena that may be unimaginable. A good way to thoroughly cook the meat so that it remains juicy is to cook it at a lower temperature or to choke it. Vyhýbajte sa miestam, ktoré sú všeobecne známe ako nebezpečné. Yes, a poor man has to work hard. Avoid places that are commonly known as dangerous. H., Spojené štáty How the Planes Are Kept Airworthy H., United States Napríklad jedni manželia z Francúzska museli cestou do školy Gileád čakať šesť hodín na letisku. Responding to this desire, world leaders have begun speaking about creating such a world. For example, one couple from France had to wait six hours at the airport on their way to Gilead School. Peter používa grécke slovo stérizó, ktoré je tu preložené ako "ste upevnení," ale v Ježišovom skoršom nabádaní Petra je preložené ako "posilňuj": "Posilňuj svojich bratov." IRELAND Peter uses the Greek word steri·siʹo, which is translated "strengthened " here, but in Jesus ' earlier exhortation to Peter, it is translated" strengthen: "Strengthen your brothers. " Pritom mal na mysli Bádateľov Biblie. This article considers how the teachings of Jesus and the example he set while on earth can help all of us to enjoy good relationships with family members. In doing so, he meant the Bible Students. Vôbec nie! The influence that this sermon has on many peoples and cultures eloquently testifies to the existence of "the great teacher. " Not at all! Odteraz budeš loviť živých ľudí. " But do not let attraction lead to "addiction. " From now on you will be hunting the living men. " A dvanásti boli s ním. " Those charges could lead to his being sentenced to death. And the twelve were with him. " A počas nasledujúcich desiatich rokov sa každú zimu títo odvážni bádatelia vracali do Egypta, aby svoju zbierku rozšírili. How do we know that Christendom has given a false witness about God? And during the next ten years, each winter, these courageous explorers returned to Egypt to expand their collection. Preto ich Ježiš "začal učiť mnohé veci." Kings developed a cheap and convenient way to rule by delegating authority to prominent landholders. Hence, Jesus "started teaching them many things. " Striedali sa v upratovaní a varení. The Pope Visits Cuba They took turns cleaning and cooking. □ Aké štyri dôležité zodpovedné úlohy môžu spĺňať "dary v podobe ľudí"? Because it could not be approached by an enemy without the inhabitants knowing it. □ What four important responsibilities can be fulfilled by "gifts in men "? Keď sa deti priamo stretávajú s tlakom reálneho sveta, často začínajú vidieť svojich rodičov v novom svetle. Whatever the cost, we must flee. When children face the pressures of the real world directly, they often begin to see their parents in a new light. Boli sme nadšení! They also realize that the word "anyone " in this verse includes family members not living under their roof. We were thrilled! Oznamujú jeho meno a slúžia mu "plece pri pleci" čiže v súlade. In countries where doctors are scarce, trained midwives can mean the difference between life and death. They proclaim his name and serve him "shoulder to shoulder, " or in harmony. V tú pamätnú noc má svojim verným nasledovníkom ešte veľa čo povedať. Greek philosophy had taught them that life was repeated in endless cycles. On that memorable night, he has much to say to his faithful followers. Nebolo ľahké písať na takýto povrch. " That, however, was not a sincere step, " he confesses. It was not easy to write on such a surface. Práve o tomto zásahu sa zmienil Izaiáš ako o dni pomsty. Jesus ' ransom sacrifice is a wonderful provision! - Gal. 3: 13; Heb. It was this intervention that Isaiah referred to as a day of vengeance. Takéto rozjímanie ti pomôže stále viac sa približovať k Jehovovi. - Žalm 19: 14. writer in Mexico Such meditation will help you to draw ever closer to Jehovah. - Psalm 19: 14. " Niekedy poviem niečo, čo si zrejme myslí každý, len by sa to nemalo povedať nahlas... Be that as it may, the task that the two men undertook was not trivial. " Sometimes I say something that everyone seems to think, but it shouldn't be said out loud... Ale my máme skutočne Kristovu myseľ. " His works include the merciful provision for the salvation of sinful mankind. But we do have the mind of Christ. " Jednou z čŕt Ježišovho zloženého znamenia je: "Povstane národ proti národu a kráľovstvo proti kráľovstvu." As in every government, only a limited number govern. One of the features of Jesus ' composite sign is: "Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. " Nie sú tu nijaké mladé mníšky. But as The Bible in Wales puts it: "Parry's Bible deprived the Welsh people of some of the advantages of Morgan's scholarship. " There are no young nuns. Jeho súčasťou budú nebeské úkazy, ktoré si zrejme nevieme ani predstaviť. The "many " who would benefit from Jesus ' ransom were not to be limited to repentant Jews. It will include celestial phenomena that we may not have imagined. Áno, chudobný človek musí ťažko pracovať. This, however, did not dampen my desire to attend the Christian meetings held near Chemnitz by a small group of Witnesses. Yes, a poor person has to work hard. Ako sa zabezpečuje schopnosť letu lietadiel A mother who answered the survey said: " The sad thing is that the only way to protect our children is to lock them up in a room and never let them go out in the world. ' How aircraft flight capability is ensured Vedúce osobnosti sveta odpovedali na túto túžbu tak, že začali hovoriť o vytváraní takéhoto sveta. As a result, obesity and addiction to sweets make some Barbary macaques "lose interest in mating and fight over food. " The world's leaders responded to this desire by talking about creating such a world. ÍRSKO (1) They lock moisture into the whiskers, (2) they keep them erect, and (3) they lubricate the skin so that the razor slides over it more easily. IRELAND V tomto článku sa rozoberá, ako nám všetkým Ježišovo vyučovanie i príklad, ktorý dal, keď bol na zemi, pomôže mať dobré vzťahy s členmi rodiny. Tuesday, May 2, 1995, was the day my daughter was born and my wife died. This article discusses how Jesus ' teaching and the example he set when he was on earth will help us all to have good relations with family members. Vplyv, aký mala táto kázeň na mnohých ľudí a na mnohé kultúry, jasne svedčí o existencii "veľkého učiteľa." Take, for example, the pin fad that broke out among French youths a few years ago. The effect this sermon had on many people and on many cultures clearly testifies to the existence of a "great teacher. " No nedovoľte, aby si vás digitálne technológie podmanili natoľko, že sa stanete od nich závislými. And even the cemetery is getting crowded. But do not let digital technology subdue you so much that you become addicted to them. Tieto obvinenia boli také vážne, že Pavlovi hrozil trest smrti. I also saw God's name, Jehovah, in the Bible for the first time. - Ex. These accusations were so serious that Paul was threatened with the death penalty. Ako vieme, že takzvané kresťanstvo vydalo falošné svedectvo o Bohu? The following articles will address these questions. How do we know that Christendom gave a false witness about God? Králi vybudovali lacný a pohodlný spôsob panovania tým, že udeľovali právomoc popredným majiteľom pôdy - statkárom. One doctor, the chief of pediatrics, Dr. Kings built a cheap and comfortable way of ruling by giving authority to prominent landowners - landowners. Pápežova návšteva na Kube Can you picture that attendant holding his arm outstretched and using his palm to gauge the size of one little cloud coming up over the horizon of the Great Sea? Pope's Visit to Cuba Pretože nepriateľ sa k nemu nemohol dostať bez toho, že by o tom obyvatelia vedeli. It is my goal to please God in all things, so that he remains my refuge and strength forever. Because the enemy couldn't get to him without the people knowing. Musíme "utiecť" - za každú cenu! How did the congregations benefit from following the direction of the governing body? We must "flee " - at all costs! Uvedomujú si tiež, že slovo "kýmkoľvek" v tomto verši zahŕňa aj členov rodiny, ktorí s nimi nežijú v jednej domácnosti. He wants to use the futility of life in this world to discourage us and make us give up. They also realize that the word "anyone " in this verse includes family members who do not live with them in one household. V krajinách, kde je málo lekárov, môžu školené pôrodné asistentky zachrániť život rodičky. CORRESPONDENT IN GERMANY In countries where there are few doctors, trained midwives can save the life of a parent. Z gréckej filozofie sa naučili, že život sa v nekonečných cykloch opakuje. " Parents need to be alert to the start of bad conduct. They learned from Greek philosophy that life is repeated in endless cycles. " Nebol to však úprimný krok, "priznáva. Some mechanisms can trigger the destruction process within seconds if need be. " However, it was not an honest step, " he admits. Ježišova výkupná obeť je výnimočný dar! She remained there until she was freed in 1945. Jesus ' ransom sacrifice is an exceptional gift! v Mexiku Inside the red cell, the hemoglobin molecule begins to change its shape. correspondent in Mexico Všetci, ktorí sa dostali do kontaktu s mŕtvym telom, boli sedem dní obradne nečistí a všetko, čoho sa dotkli, sa považovalo za nečisté. How Does Jehovah Guide Us? All who came into contact with the dead body for seven days were ceremonially unclean, and everything they touched was considered unclean. Medzi jeho diela patrí to, čo milosrdne urobil, aby zachránil hriešne ľudstvo. Well, consider, has one ever ended before? His works include what he mercifully did to save sinful mankind. Každá vláda má len určitý počet členov. (b) What have some political leaders acknowledged? Each government has only a certain number of members. V knihe The Bible in Wales sa však píše: "Parryho Biblia pripravila waleský ľud o niektoré výsledky Morganovho bádania." This situation is not unique to just one country. However, the book The Bible in Wales says: "The Parry Bible has deprived the Welsh people of some of the results of Morgan's research. " Medzi tých "mnohých," ktorí mali mať úžitok z Ježišovej výkupnej obete, nemali patriť len kajúcni Židia. Beware of Decoy Lights! Those "many " who were to benefit from Jesus ' ransom sacrifice were not to be just repentant Jews. To však neudusilo moju túžbu navštevovať kresťanské zhromaždenia, ktoré blízko Chemnitzu usporadúvala malá skupina svedkov. The treaty's objective is "to ensure, in the interest of all mankind, that Antarctica shall continue forever to be used exclusively for peaceful purposes and shall not become the scene or object of international discord. " However, this did not choke my desire to attend Christian meetings held near Chemnitz by a small group of Witnesses. Jedna matka, ktorá sa zúčastnila na prieskume, povedala: " Žiaľ, jediný spôsob, ako chrániť deti, je zamknúť ich v izbe a vôbec ich nepúšťať von. " There was always room for one more chair at our dining - room table. One mother who took part in the survey said: " Unfortunately, the only way to protect children is to lock them in the room and not let them out at all. ' Výsledkom je obezita a návyk na sladkosti, čo spôsobilo, že niektoré makaky "stratili záujem o párenie a boj o potravu." What are we to conclude from these verses? The result is obesity and a candy habit, causing some macaques to "lost interest in mating and fighting for food. " (1) Viažu vo fúzoch vlhkosť, (2) udržiavajú ich vzpriamené a (3) premazávajú pokožku, aby sa po nej holiaci strojček ľahšie kĺzal. These are planned trips or excursions, say to a zoo, a museum, an exhibition, or a place in the country. (1) The binding in the beards is moisture, (2) it keeps them upright and (3) it lubricates the skin so that the shaver slides more easily. mája 1995 bol dňom, keď sa mi narodila dcéra a zomrela mi manželka. * May 5, 1995, was the day my daughter was born and my wife died. Vezmi si napríklad špendlíkovú mániu, ktorá pred niekoľkými rokmi prepukla medzi francúzskou mládežou. Later, he even began to help me get the children ready to go to the Kingdom Hall. Take, for example, a pin - shaped mania that broke out among French youths a few years ago. A dokonca aj tento cintorín sa zapĺňa. Why were the Ten Commandments of great importance? And even this cemetery is filling up. A prvýkrát som videla v Biblii Božie meno, Jehova. But we are beyond a hazy view. And for the first time, I saw God's name, Jehovah, in the Bible. V nasledujúcich článkoch sa budú tieto otázky rozoberať. Luke 23: 32 - 43 The following articles will discuss these questions. Jeden lekár, prednosta pediatrie, Dr. The important thing, however, as Paul put it, is that we gradually do away with the traits of a babe and grow up. One doctor, chief pediatrician, Dr. Viete si predstaviť, ako slúžiaci s vystretou rukou meria svojou dlaňou veľkosť obláčika, ktorý na obzore vystupuje nad Veľkým morom? Jehovah's People Have Reasons to Rejoice Can you imagine serving with an outstretched hand measuring the size of a cloud that rises on the horizon over the Great Sea? Mojím cieľom je páčiť sa Jehovovi vo všetkom, aby navždy zostal mojím útočišťom a mojou silou. Perhaps they had heard one of the individuals slander the other, or maybe those taken along had been witnesses to a written agreement about which the two parties now disagree. My goal is to please Jehovah in all things so that he will remain my refuge and strength forever. Aký úžitok mali kresťania z toho, keď sa riadili týmito pokynmi? Rabbis drew stale water from closed cisterns; Jesus brought up springs of fresh water that slaked an inner thirst. How did Christians benefit from following these instructions? Chce využiť márnosť života v tomto svete na to, aby nás odradil a dosiahol, aby sme sa vzdali. Living a life of street crime, Adrian became intimidating and extremely violent. He wants to use the futility of life in this world to discourage us and get us to surrender. v Nemecku Hence, the Bible encourages parents to set wholesome guidelines for their children, as well as a good example. correspondent in Germany Rodičia musia byť bdelí, aby postrehli začiatok nejakého zlého správania. But is that what the Bible supports? Parents need to be vigilant to see the beginning of some bad conduct. Niektoré z týchto mechanizmov dokážu v prípade potreby naštartovať deštrukčný proces v priebehu niekoľkých sekúnd. The brothers sent us food for several days. Some of these mechanisms can start the destruction process in seconds if necessary. Zostala tam, až kým nebola v roku 1945 oslobodená. However, if we begin to lose our compassion for those whom we meet in the ministry, we may also begin to lose our zeal and effectiveness. She stayed there until she was freed in 1945. Molekula hemoglobínu v červenej krvinke začne meniť tvar. Are You Safe? The hemoglobin molecule in the red blood cell begins to change shape. Ako nás Jehova vedie? Only the compassionate Creator can supply the answers and design a means of restoring permanently that which was lost. How does Jehovah guide us? Nuž, zamyslite sa: Skončil sa už niekedy svet? Sick or dead trees form their staple food, and thus mushrooms play an important role in the cleaning of forests. Well, consider: Has the world ever ended? b) Čo niekedy uznajú politickí predstavitelia? They are like a chemical bulletin board that other animals "read " with great interest. (b) What do political leaders sometimes recognize? Táto situácia nie je charakteristická iba pre jednu krajinu. 5, 6. (a) Why did Korah rebel against Moses and Aaron? This situation is not specific to only one country. Pozor na falošné svetlá! The children will likely learn the local language at school and in their environment. Watch out for the fake lights! Cieľom zmluvy je "v záujme celého ľudstva zabezpečiť, aby Antarktída bola vždy využívaná výlučne na mierové účely a aby sa nestala dejiskom alebo predmetom nejakého medzinárodného sporu." It is therefore caught with nets, and not with hook and line. " The purpose of the Treaty is "to ensure, in the interests of all mankind, that Antarctica is always used exclusively for peaceful purposes and does not become a venue or subject to any international dispute. " Pri našom jedálenskom stole sa vždy našlo miesto pre ďalšiu stoličku. [ Picture on page 23] There was always room for another chair at our dining table. Čo z týchto veršov vyplýva? " Preaching in a territory where you meet individuals who are so eager to learn the truth that they want to study the Bible with you every day is such a joy, " says Stephanie. What do these verses show? Sú to plánované výlety alebo vychádzky, povedzme, do zoologickej záhrady, do múzea, na výstavu alebo niekde na vidiek. Who had heard of AIDS 15 years ago? These are planned trips or walks to, say, a zoo, a museum, an exhibition, or somewhere in the countryside. * Some of my friends ended up in prison for theft and murder. * Neskôr mi dokonca začal pomáhať vychystať deti do sály Kráľovstva. " A vast mixed company " of non - Israelites left Egypt with Israel and were present when the Law was given. Later, he even began to help me get my children ready for the Kingdom Hall. Prečo malo Desať prikázaní veľký význam? Why is the peace of God's people different from any man - made peace? Why was the Ten Commandments of great importance? Ale náš pohľad už nie je hmlistý. He added: "Promising too much can be as cruel as caring too little. " But our gaze is no longer hazy. Lukáš 23: 32 - 43 But none of the over 23,000 people present at Locomotive Stadium on Friday, July 23, had to fear him, for he was now one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Luke 23: 32 - 43 No je dôležité, ako povedal Pavol, aby sme postupne odkladali rysy dieťaťa a rástli. [ Picture on page 31] However, it is important, as Paul said, that we gradually put off the traits of a child and grow. Jehovov ľud má dôvody na radosť AN APPEAL TO CAESAR: As a Roman citizen from birth, Paul had the right to appeal to Caesar and be tried in Rome. Jehovah's People Have Reasons for Joy Možno tí, ktorých vzal so sebou, počuli dotyčného, ako toho druhého ohováral, alebo boli svedkami písomnej dohody, ktorá je teraz predmetom sporu. " I feel like a war is going on inside me. Perhaps the ones he took with him heard the one who slandered the other or witnessed a written agreement that is now under dispute. Rabíni čerpali skazenú vodu zo zavretých cisterien, Ježiš vyvádzal pramene čerstvej vody, ktorá hasila vnútorný smäd. Helen is a shy lady who was born in Shanghai and went to school in Hong Kong. The rabbis drew corrupt water from closed cisterns, Jesus exploding springs of fresh water that extinguished internal thirst. Život pouličného zločinca urobil z Adriana mimoriadne násilníckeho a obávaného človeka. If your camera has a film - speed selector, it is very important to set it to the correct ISO or ASA number. The life of a street criminal made Adrian an extremely violent and fearful man. Preto Biblia nabáda rodičov, aby deťom dávali rozumné smernice, ako i dobrý príklad. GLOBAL WARMING has been described as the greatest threat facing humanity. Therefore, the Bible encourages parents to set reasonable guidelines as well as a good example for their children. Má to však oporu v Biblii? If this pesticide heritage is not removed, comments Our Planet, "disasters can be expected. " But does this have the support of the Bible? Bratia nám poslali jedlo na niekoľko dní. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite. " - Daniel 2: 44. The brothers sent us food for a few days. Keby sme s ľuďmi prestali súcitiť, už by sme neboli v službe takí horliví a efektívni. What do you think? If we stopped feeling compassion for people, we would no longer be so zealous and effective in our ministry. Ste vy v dobrom stave? Then there are all those jobs around the house that you never seem to have the time for. Are you in good shape? Iba súcitný Stvoriteľ môže na tieto otázky poskytnúť odpovede a určiť spôsob trvalej obnovy toho, o čo ľudia prišli. When meetings in Maya began to be held, she decided to invite him. Only a compassionate Creator can answer these questions and determine a way of restoring permanently what people have lost. Zostaňte blízko pri stáde Will the future bring relief from war, crime, famine, and sickness? Stay Close to the Flock Keďže aj choré alebo mŕtve stromy predstavujú pre ne zdroj potravy, huby zohrávajú dôležitú úlohu pri čistení lesa. Although everyone who joins in the race wants to win, only those who are wholly resolved to win have any prospect of doing so. Since sick or dead trees are also a source of food for them, mushrooms play an important role in cleaning the forest. Sú aj akoby chemickými oznamovacími tabuľami, ktoré iné zvieratá "čítajú" s veľkým záujmom. To attain their objectives, such men may resort to a selective use of evidence, emotionally loaded language, misleading half - truths, devious innuendo, and even outright lies. They are also chemical notification boards that other animals "read " with great interest. 5, 6. a) Prečo sa Kórach vzbúril proti Mojžišovi a Áronovi? (The Jerome Biblical Commentary) The symbolism at Isaiah 66: 24 clearly is not that of people being tortured; it speaks of carcasses. 5, 6. (a) Why did Korah rebel against Moses and Aaron? Deti sa pravdepodobne naučia miestny jazyk v škole a od druhých. • How does a human learn to love? Children are likely to learn the local language at school and from others. Teda je nepravdepodobné, že by bola kandidátkou na "rybu sv. During the summer, there is a continuous parade of billowing rain clouds across the western sky. Thus, she is unlikely to be a candidate for "St. [ Obrázok na strane 23] Some may wrongly partake of the Memorial emblems because they really do not acknowledge that anointing "depends, not upon the one wishing nor upon the one running, but upon God. " [ Picture on page 23] Stephanie odpovedá: "Je to obrovská radosť zvestovať v obvode, kde žijú ľudia, ktorí tak túžia spoznať pravdu, že chcú študovať Bibliu každý deň. Near it are holes through the floor, which have been used to gain access to what lies beneath. Stephanie answers: "It is a great joy to preach in a territory where people who are so eager to learn the truth that they want to study the Bible every day. Kto pred 15 rokmi počul o aidse? Georgia's Public Defender, or Ombudsman, who is elected by parliament, therefore commented: "Human rights are violated by the very people who are obliged, by virtue of their jobs, to protect those rights. Who heard of AIDS 15 years ago? Niektorí moji priatelia skončili vo väzení pre krádež alebo vraždu. Would You Welcome a Visit? Some of my friends ended up in prison for theft or murder. " Veľká zmiešaná spoločnosť "Neizraelitov opustila Egypt spolu s Izraelom a bola pri tom, keď bol odovzdaný Zákon. My heart was divided. The "great mixed company " of the non - Israelites left Egypt along with Israel and was there when the Law was passed on. Prečo sa pokoj Božieho ľudu odlišuje od akéhokoľvek pokoja, ktorý dosiahli ľudia? Jehovah has really blessed me. " Why is the peace of God's people different from any peace reached by humans? Dodal: "Priveľké sľuby môžu byť rovnako kruté ako primalá starostlivosť." So when people brought little ones to see him, Jesus ' disciples, perhaps in an effort to protect Jesus from further stress, tried to turn the children away. He added: "Too great promises can be as cruel as too little care. " Ale nik z tých viac ako 23 000 ľudí prítomných v piatok 23. júla na štadióne Lokomotívy sa ho nemusel báť, lebo teraz už bol jedným z Jehovových svedkov. According to Dr. But none of the more than 23,000 people present at Locomotive Stadium on Friday, July 23, had to fear him, for he was now one of Jehovah's Witnesses. [ Obrázok na strane 31] On my justness I have laid hold, and I shall not let it go; my heart will not taunt me for any of my days. " - Job 27: 5, 6. [ Picture on page 31] ODVOLANIE NA CÉZARA: Pavol bol od narodenia rímskym občanom, a preto mal právo odvolať sa na cézara a byť vypočutý v Ríme. I have not become one of Jehovah's Witnesses, but I started studying the Bible with them, and I attend their meetings as often as I can. " RESPONSE TO CEZAR: Paul was a Roman citizen from birth, so he had the right to appeal to Caesar and to be heard in Rome. " Cítim, ako vo mne prebieha boj. • How did Jesus set an example in opposing Satan? " I feel the battle going on in me. Helen je plachá dáma, ktorá sa narodila v Šanghaji a do školy chodila v Hongkongu. Elders must be keenly alert to exercise self - control when it comes to their dealings with those of the opposite sex. Helen is a shy lady who was born in Shanghai and went to school in Hong Kong. Ak máte na fotoaparáte volič citlivosti filmu, je veľmi dôležité nastaviť ho na správnu hodnotu ISO alebo ASA. Mylene's interest was further piqued when I told her about the hope of everlasting life in Paradise on earth. If you have a film sensitivity selector on your camera, it is very important to set it to the correct ISO or ASA value. GLOBÁLNE OTEPĽOVANIE bolo označené za najväčšiu hrozbu, ktorej dnes ľudstvo čelí. If a medical examination suggests an underactive thyroid, tests for antibodies that attack the gland are usually ordered. GLOBAL DETECTION has been identified as the greatest threat facing mankind today. Ak nebudú tieto zostávajúce pesticídy odstránené, píše sa v časopise Our Planet, "možno očakávať katastrofu." In the past five years, more than 9,000 Kingdom Halls have been built under this arrangement, an average of more than 5 new halls each day! If these remaining pesticides are not removed, says Our Planet magazine, "a disaster can be expected. " Rozdrví a ukončí všetky tieto kráľovstvá a ono samo bude stáť až na neurčité časy. " - Daniel 2: 44. Yes, David made serious mistakes, but he was loyal to God. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite. " - Daniel 2: 44. Čo si myslíš? It was an invitation for me to attend the 16th class of the missionary school of Gilead. What do you think? Napokon, okolo domu sú všelijaké práce, na ktoré ste zjavne nikdy nemali čas. " The Upright Will Reside in the Earth ' After all, there are all sorts of chores around the house that you obviously never had time for. Keď sa začali konať zhromaždenia v mayčine, rozhodla sa, že ho pozve na zhromaždenie. " We must obey God as ruler rather than men, " they declared. When the Maya meetings began, she decided to invite him to the meeting. Budú niekedy odstránené vojny, zločinnosť, hlad a choroby? Rather, the carbon dioxide buildup in the blood produced by the muscle activity seems to be a key factor in making you breathe more. Will war, crime, famine, and sickness ever be eliminated? Hoci každý, kto sa zapája do pretekov, chce vyhrať, vyhliadku na výhru majú len tí, ktorí sú pevne rozhodnutí vyhrať. Gold torque; Although everyone involved in the race wants to win, only those who are determined to win have the prospect of winning. Aby takíto ľudia dosiahli svoje ciele, uchyľujú sa k tomu, že hovoria iba to, čo sa im hodí, používajú reč pôsobiacu na city, zavádzajúce polopravdy, špekulatívne narážky a dokonca otvorené lži. Tragic Effects To achieve their goals, such ones resort to saying only what suits them, using emotional speech, misleading half - truths, speculative insinuations, and even open lies. (The Jerome Biblical Commentary) Symbolické vyjadrenie v Izaiášovi 66: 24 určite neopisuje mučenie ľudí; hovorí sa tam o mŕtvolách. Chemical Sensitivity I am 17 years old, and I would like to thank you for the series "Everyday Chemicals - Are They Making You Sick? " (The Jerome Biblical Commentary) The symbolic expression at Isaiah 66: 24 certainly does not describe the torture of people; it speaks of corpses. • Ako sa človek učí prejavovať lásku? THE Greek historian Diodorus Siculus lived 2,000 years ago. • How does one learn to show love? V lete tu možno pozorovať nekonečné prehliadky dažďových mračien, ktoré plávajú západnou oblohou. But how did plastic food become so popular in restaurants in Japan? In summer, there are endless sightseeings of rain clouds floating through the western sky. Niektorí môžu nesprávne prijímať zo symbolov, pretože v skutočnosti neuznávajú to, že pomazanie "nezáleží na tom, kto si praje, ani na tom, kto beží, ale na Bohu." (See the box "Protect Yourself! ") Some may wrongly accept from the emblems because they actually acknowledge that the anointing "does not matter who wants or who runs but God. " Vedľa neho vedú do zeme diery, ktoré boli použité na získanie prístupu k tomu, čo leží dolu. From this we learn an important point: Uncontrolled anger is a sign not of strength but of weakness. Next to him, they lead holes into the ground that have been used to gain access to what lies down. Gruzínska verejná obhajkyňa, čiže ombudsman, ktorého volí parlament, preto povedala: "Ľudské práva porušujú práve tí ľudia, ktorých už charakter zamestnania zaväzuje tieto práva chrániť. ▪ Aggressive, rebellious attitude toward authority figures * Therefore, Georgia's public defender, the Ombudsman elected by Parliament, said: "People's rights are being violated by people who are already committed to protecting these rights by the nature of their employment. Uvítali by ste návštevu? Clearly, the important thing is that we make sure that we accurately understand what the good news of the Kingdom really is and then act in harmony with it. - Matthew 7: 24, 25. Would You Welcome a Visit? Bol som rozpoltený. Many youths resent having their comings and goings monitored by their parents. I was split. Jehova ma naozaj veľmi požehnal. " IMAGINE that you suffer from a disease that will surely claim your life unless you have surgery. Jehovah has indeed blessed me greatly. " Preto keď mu ľudia prinášali malé deti, jeho učeníci, zrejme v snahe ochrániť ho pred ďalším stresom, chceli poslať deti preč. This is a good opportunity for the government to reexamine its policy and put a stop to this senseless discrimination, which serves no purpose whatsoever in this day and age. " So when people brought him young children, his disciples, apparently in an effort to protect him from further stress, wanted to send the children away. Podľa Dr. They ate better and were better clothed. According to Dr. Pevne som sa chytil svojej spravodlivosti a nepustím sa jej; moje srdce sa mi nebude vysmievať pre žiaden z mojich dní. " - Jób 27: 5, 6. Everything, from the artwork to the introduction, was beautiful! I have taken a firm hold on my righteousness and I will not let go of it; my heart will not mock me for any of my days. " - Job 27: 5, 6. Nestala som sa Jehovovým svedkom, ale začala som so svedkami študovať Bibliu a vždy, keď je to možné, navštevujem ich zhromaždenia. " To help his people recall why they were freed from Babylon in the first place, God sent his prophet Zechariah in 520 B.C.E. I did not become one of Jehovah's Witnesses, but I began to study the Bible with the Witnesses, and whenever possible, I attend their meetings. " • Čo sa učíme z toho, ako sa Ježiš vzoprel Satanovi? A few months earlier, our family doctor had told me about a new type of dialysis that does not involve needles and that cleanses the blood inside the body. • What do we learn from Jesus ' opposition to Satan? Starší si musia veľmi dávať pozor, aby prejavovali sebaovládanie, keď sa stane, že majú niečo do činenia s opačným pohlavím. Members of our Bible study group joined me in preaching from house to house. Elders must be very careful to exercise self - control when they have something to do with the opposite sex. Záujem Mylene ešte vzrástol, keď som jej povedal o nádeji na večný život v raji na zemi. Perhaps 79 from 1,993 would be somewhat easier. Mylene's interest increased when I told her about the hope of everlasting life in Paradise on earth. Ak z lekárskych testov vyplynie, že štítna žľaza funguje nedostatočne, zvyčajne sa urobia ešte skúšky na protilátky, ktoré napádajú žľazu. Immersing ourselves in other theocratic activities, such as Christian meetings, programs for building places of worship, efforts to help those in need, and the like, can deepen our sense of identity as Christians. - Galatians 6: 9, 10; Hebrews 10: 23, 24. If medical tests indicate that the thyroid is functioning poorly, tests for antibodies that attack the gland are usually still carried out. Za posledných päť rokov bolo takto postavených vyše 9000 sál Kráľovstva, čo je priemerne viac ako päť nových sál každý deň! No. Over the past five years, over 9000 Kingdom Halls have been built in this way, an average of more than five new halls each day! Napriek tomu, že v živote urobil viacero vážnych chýb, zostal verný Bohu. Eugenia was a stalwart Witness who had been sentenced to death in 1950 for her preaching activity. Despite making a number of serious mistakes in his life, he remained faithful to God. Bola to pozvánka do 16. triedy misionárskej školy Gileád. Using the day's text, Psalm 139: 16, Brother Swingle acknowledged that, as new missionaries, they would encounter problems in their assignments and that Jehovah knows the solutions. It was an invitation to the 16th class of Gilead missionary school. " Priami budú bývať na zemi " Fellow pioneers and I covered the territory of Schneifel. " The upright themselves will reside in the earth " Vyhlásili: "Ako vládcu musíme viac poslúchať Boha ako ľudí." How useful the Psalms are to Jehovah's worshipers! They declared: "We must obey God as ruler rather than men. " Kľúčovým faktorom je skôr nahromadenie oxidu uhličitého v krvi následkom činnosti svalov. I spend more time with my husband, and we have become closer. Rather, a key factor is the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the blood as a result of muscle activity. Zlatý náhrdelník; Such selfless Christian conduct made the message of these two ministers even more appealing. - Matthew 5: 16. Gold necklace; Tragické následky Love also "hopes all things " recorded in the Scriptures, such as truths regarding God's Kingdom. Tragic Consequences Precitlivenosť na chemické látky Mám 17 rokov a chcela by som Vám poďakovať za sériu článkov "Bežné chemikálie - znepríjemňujú vám život?" Collect and Learn Chemical Hypersensitivity I am 17 years old, and I would like to thank you for the series "Long Chemicals - Do Your Life Discomfort? " GRÉCKY historik Diodoros Sicílsky žil pred 2000 rokmi. Over the years, she has been a wonderful pioneer partner, and one of the secrets of our success in some 60 years of full - time service has been her ability to be satisfied with a little and make it seem like a lot. THE Greek historian Diodoros of Sicily lived 2,000 years ago. Ale ako sa plastové jedlo stalo takým populárnym v japonských reštauráciách? But what about the thumb? But how did plastic food become so popular in Japanese restaurants? (Pozri rámček "Chráňte sa!") It was one and three quarters inches [4.5 cm] across and about three eighths of an inch [1 cm] deep, constructed in such a way that as the bumblebee - size babies grew, their cozy home would expand to accommodate them. (See the box "Guard Yourself! ") Z toho vyplýva dôležité poučenie: Neovládaný hnev nie je znakom sily, ale slabosti. Receiving Holy Spirit Through the Congregation This teaches an important lesson: Uncontrolled anger is not a sign of strength but of weakness. ▪ Agresívny, buričský postoj voči autorite * " The essential purpose of pilgrimage to Rome is to meet Peter's successor and to receive his blessing, " states a Catholic guide, "because Peter came to Rome and was buried there. " ▪ Aggressive, rebellious attitude toward authority * Očividne je dôležité uistiť sa, že presne chápeme, čo je v skutočnosti to dobré posolstvo o Kráľovstve, a potom konať v súlade s ním. - Matúš 7: 24, 25. In 1994, this area became Death Valley National Park - the largest national park in the continental United States. Clearly, it is important to make sure that we understand exactly what the Kingdom good news really is and then act in harmony with it. - Matthew 7: 24, 25. Mnohí mladí neznášajú, keď rodičia kontrolujú ich príchody a odchody. Later Mark was even inspired to write one of the four Gospels! Many youths hate it when parents control their arrivals and departures. PREDSTAV si, že trpíš chorobou, na ktorú by si zomrel, keby si nepodstúpil operáciu. Several warnings of icebergs were sent by other ships, but some of these were overlooked or apparently not received. IMAGINE that you are suffering from a disease that you would have died of if you hadn't had surgery. Je to dobrá príležitosť, aby vláda prehodnotila svoj postup a ukončila túto nezmyselnú diskrimináciu, ktorá v dnešnej dobe nemá vôbec zmysel. " His motives are pure and clean, prompted by the desire to keep his people from spiritual and moral corruption. It is a good opportunity for the government to reconsider its procedure and put an end to this senseless discrimination, which today makes no sense at all. " Lepšie sa stravovali a obliekali. In what kind of obedience does God find delight? They were better fed and dressed. Všetko, ilustrácie aj obsah, bolo krásne! Often it is a matter of how we listen and not so much what we listen to. Everything, illustrations and content, was beautiful! V roku 520 pred n. l. poslal Boh za Židmi svojho proroka Zechariáša, aby im pripomenul hlavný dôvod ich prepustenia z Babylona. 10: 22. If you have been sharing in the preaching and teaching work for some time now, you too have no doubt had opportunities to taste and see that Jehovah is good. In 520 B.C.E., God sent his prophet Zechariah to the Jews to remind them of the primary reason for their release from Babylon. Niekoľko mesiacov predtým mi náš rodinný lekár povedal o novom spôsobe dialýzy bez použitia ihiel, pričom sa krv čistí vnútri tela. The Catholic Church in Spain - The Abuse of Power A few months earlier, our family doctor told me about a new way of dialysis without needles, while the blood is being cleaned inside the body. Členovia našej biblickej študijnej skupiny ma sprevádzali v kázaní z domu do domu. Each of the 144,000 has the singular experience of being born again as a spiritual son of God and anointed with holy spirit. Members of our Bible study group accompanied me in my house - to - house preaching work. 1 993 mínus 79 bude azda o niečo jednoduchšie. Because of my layers of fat, volume for volume, I'm only slightly heavier than water. 1,993 - 79 may be a little easier. Ak sme zamestnaní aj ďalšími teokratickými činnosťami, napríklad zhromaždeniami, výstavbou miest uctievania, pomocou ľuďom v núdzi a podobne, prehlbuje to naše vedomie kresťanskej totožnosti. - Galaťanom 6: 9, 10; Hebrejom 10: 23, 24. I tried to lift my head to breathe, but my neck muscles did not respond. If we are also engaged in other theocratic activities, such as meetings, building places of worship, helping people in need, and the like, this deepens our sense of Christian identity. - Galatians 6: 9, 10; Hebrews 10: 23, 24. Nie. I steadfastly refused, upon which the official became furious, sprang to his feet, and issued a warrant for me to be placed in detention. No. Jevgenija bola odvážna svedkyňa, ktorá bola v roku 1950 odsúdená na trest smrti za kazateľskú činnosť. Jehovah's Witnesses, who are actively preaching in 234 lands and territories of the earth, are remarkably optimistic. Yevgeniya was a courageous Witness who was sentenced in 1950 to death for preaching. Na základe denného textu zo Žalmu 139: 16 brat Swingle ukázal, že absolventi ako noví misionári sa budú vo svojom pridelení stretávať s problémami a že Jehova vie, ako tieto problémy riešiť. At other times physical violence was applied. On the basis of the daily text at Psalm 139: 16, Brother Swingle showed that the graduates as new missionaries would face problems in their assignment and that Jehovah knew how to deal with these problems. Spolu s ďalšími priekopníkmi sme prepracúvali oblasť Schneifel. published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. Together with other pioneers, we reworked the area of Schneifel. Žalmy sú pre Jehovových ctiteľov veľmi užitočné. Like that unnamed disciple, we too want to be taught how to pray so that our prayers will draw us closer to Jehovah. Psalms are very beneficial to Jehovah's worshipers. S manželom sme viac spolu a sme si ešte bližší. Gambling in all its aspects appeals to one of the worst qualities in humans, the desire to get something for nothing, or, more bluntly put, greed. My husband and I are more together, and we are even closer. Takéto nesebecké kresťanské správanie robilo posolstvo týchto dvoch služobníkov ešte príťažlivejším. - Matúš 5: 16. • How does the Bible equip us for the preaching work? Such unselfish Christian conduct made the message of the two servants even more appealing. - Matthew 5: 16. Láska tiež "dúfa vo všetko," čo je zaznamenané v Písmach, napríklad v pravdy o Božom Kráľovstve. 17, 18. (a) In what ministry do Christians engage? Love also "hopes in all things, " as recorded in the Scriptures, such as the truth about God's Kingdom. Zbieraj a uč sa By the end of the day, Mary, like many others who live in the States, has used over 100 gallons [350 L.] of water, enough to fill a bathtub two and a half times. Collect and Learn Celé roky mi bola úžasnou partnerkou v priekopníckej službe a jedným z tajomstiev nášho úspechu v takmer 60 - ročnej službe celým časom bola jej schopnosť uspokojiť sa s málom a urobiť z toho mála veľa. I was young, healthy, and unencumbered. For years, she has been a wonderful pioneer partner to me, and one of the secrets of our success in the nearly 60 - year full - time ministry was her ability to settle for little and to make a little of it. Ako je to však s palcom? Knowing how seeds respond to long - term storage and understanding how to germinate them later are key areas of research. What, though, about the thumb? Naprieč meralo štyri a pol centimetra, hĺbku malo jeden centimeter a tento útulný domov bol skonštruovaný tak, aby sa podľa toho, ako mláďatá veľkosti čmeliaka rastú, mohol prispôsobovať ich veľkosti. By then, 59 out of every 100 children will live in "blended families " (families with a stepparent) before they reach 18 years of age. It was three and a half inches [four and a half cm] across, one inch [1 cm] deep, and this cozy home was designed to adapt to their size, depending on the size of the bumblebee. Prostredníctvom zboru dostávame svätého ducha This emigration has been called a veritable diaspora. Through the congregation, we receive holy spirit " Hlavným cieľom putovania do Ríma je stretnúť sa s Petrovým nástupcom a dostať jeho požehnanie, "hovorí sa v jednom katolíckom sprievodcovi," lebo Peter prišiel do Ríma a tam bol pochovaný. " Even while you are standing or sitting, your muscles make slight adjustments to help maintain your posture or to keep you from falling off your chair. " The main goal of traveling to Rome is to meet Peter's successor and receive his blessing, " says a Catholic guide, "because Peter came to Rome and was buried there. " V roku 1994 sa Dolina smrti stala národným parkom - najväčším v kontinentálnych Spojených štátoch. A family that applies these principles will be happy and will enjoy godly peace. In 1994, Death Valley became the national park - the largest in the continental United States. Neskôr bol Marek dokonca inšpirovaný, aby napísal jedno zo štyroch evanjelií! [ Picture on page 9] Later, Mark was even inspired to write one of the four Gospels! Pred zrážkou dostal Titanic od iných lodí niekoľko varovaní pred ľadovcami, no niektoré zjavne neboli kapitánovi doručené, ďalšie ostali nepovšimnuté. Jehovah's Witnesses were the only ones who rushed to the site, handling one thing after another. " Prior to the collision, Titanic received several warnings from other ships against glaciers, but some apparently were not delivered to the captain, others remained unnoticed. Jeho pohnútky sú rýdze a čisté, je podnecovaný túžbou chrániť svoj ľud pred duchovnou a mravnou skazenosťou. Has that happened to you? His motives are intimacy and clean, motivated by a desire to protect his people from spiritual and moral corruption. Z akej poslušnosti sa Boh teší? [ Footnotes] What obedience does God enjoy? Často sa to týka skôr toho, ako počúvame, než toho, čo počúvame. Ways in Which Some Choose to Give This often involves how we listen rather than what we hear. Ak sa už nejaký čas zapájaš do zvestovania a vyučovania, aj ty si určite mal možnosť okúsiť a vidieť, že Jehova je dobrý. It will help you to speak with conviction and to be a more effective teacher as you explain God's purposes to others. " If you have been involved in preaching and teaching for some time, surely you too have had the opportunity to taste and see that Jehovah is good. Katolícka cirkev v Španielsku - Zneužívanie moci Approximately 943 million of those smokers live in developing countries. " The Catholic Church in Spain - Abuse of Power Každý zo 144 000 raz zažije znovuzrodenie ako Boží duchovný syn a je pomazaný svätým duchom. Dad was in the intensive care unit, reassuring me. Each of the 144,000 will once experience the rebirth as God's spiritual son and is anointed with holy spirit. Ak zoberiete rovnaký objem, som vďaka svojmu tuku iba o niečo ťažší ako voda. Would you like to learn more about him? If you take the same volume, I'm just a little heavier than water because of my fat. Snažil som sa zodvihnúť hlavu a nadýchnuť sa, ale krčné svaly nereagovali. Since it has no woody structure, as trees and shrubs have, botanists classify it as an herb. I tried to lift my head and breathe, but the neck muscles didn't respond. Rezolútne som to odmietla, na čo sa prítomný úradník rozzúril, vyskočil zo stoličky a vydal na mňa zatykač. If it gets cut down, it will even sprout again, and its own twig will not cease to be. " I resolutely refused what the official here was furious about, jumped out of the chair, and issued an arrest warrant for me. Jehovovi svedkovia, ktorí zvestujú v 234 krajinách po celej zemi, sú prekvapujúco optimistickí. " What further impressed us were the suggestions they came up with as acceptable alternatives to this activity. Jehovah's Witnesses, who preach in 234 lands around the globe, are surprisingly optimistic. Inokedy zasa používali fyzické násilie. Wild boars, normally shy forest dwellers, have discovered that cities provide not only plenty of food but also refuge from hunters, says the German weekly Die Woche. At other times, they used physical violence. vydanej Newyorskou biblickou a traktátnou spoločnosťou Strážna veža. And although their ride has signaled calamity on earth, it can also mean good news for you and your family. published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York. Podobne ako nemenovaný učeník, i my sa chceme naučiť modliť tak, aby nás naše modlitby približovali k Jehovovi. Absentee Parents Like the unnamed disciple, we want to learn to pray in such a way that our prayers draw us closer to Jehovah. Hazardné hry so všetkými svojimi stránkami pôsobia na jednu z najhorších ľudských vlastností, na túžbu dostať niečo zadarmo, alebo, otvorenejšie povedané, na chamtivosť. However, the time is rapidly approaching when we will see those blessings with our own eyes, yes, and enjoy them forever. Gambling with all its aspects affects one of the worst human traits, the desire to get something free, or, more openly, greed. • Ako nás Biblia vyzbrojuje pre kazateľské dielo? In my school you can sign up for parties, dances, and other activities. • How does the Bible equip us for the preaching work? 17, 18. a) Akou službou sa zamestnávajú kresťania? 1984 - today Chrysler Minivan 17, 18. (a) What service do Christians employ? Kým sa deň skončí, Mary, podobne ako veľa iných Američanov, spotrebuje vyše 350 litrov vody; dosť na to, aby sa vaňa naplnila dvaapolkrát. Another man describes his life of drugs and immorality as the pit of despair. Before the day is over, Mary, like many other Americans, consumes over 350 liters of water; enough to fill the tub two and a half times. Bol som mladý, zdravý a bez záväzkov. New studies suggest that forests help the atmosphere maintain the right balance of ammonia. I was young, healthy, and without commitment. Hlavnými oblasťami výskumu je zistiť, ako semená reagujú na dlhodobé uskladnenie, a prísť na to, ako ich neskôr nechať vyklíčiť. Thus Babylon became the third of these world powers, aptly referred to in this case as "the head of gold. " The main areas of research are to find out how the seeds react to long-term storage, and to figure out how to let them germinate later. Dovtedy bude 59 zo 100 detí do 18 rokov žiť v "zmiešaných rodinách" (v rodinách s nevlastným rodičom). When specially shaped and placed in a suitable electronic circuit, a piece of quartz vibrates at a constant frequency, acting like a rapidly swinging pendulum. In the meantime, 59 out of 100 children under 18 will be living in "mixed families " (in stepparent families). Táto emigrácia bola nazvaná pravá diaspóra. I really had a distorted view, thinking that people born in wealthier countries were superior. This emigration was called a true diaspora. Dokonca aj keď stojíte alebo sedíte, vaše svaly robia jemné úpravy, ktoré vám pomáhajú udržiavať si určitú polohu alebo vám zabraňujú spadnúť zo stoličky. SCIENTISTS are hard at work to try to find genetic causes for alcoholism, homosexuality, promiscuity, violence, other aberrant behavior, and even for death itself. Even when you are standing or sitting, your muscles make gentle adjustments that help you maintain a certain position or prevent you from falling off the chair. Rodina, ktorá uplatňuje tieto zásady, bude šťastná a bude sa tešiť z božského pokoja. The gale - force winds of tribulation that we may experience at times should be considered opportunities to prove that our ship of faith is sound and stable. The family that applies these principles will be happy and will enjoy divine peace. [ Obrázok na strane 9] Commenting on the effects of these "heat islands, " Dr. [ Picture on page 9] Jehovovi svedkovia boli jediní, kto sa ponáhľal na to miesto, pričom zvládali jednu vec za druhou. " His whole family had embraced the truth, and he himself was making good progress. Jehovah's Witnesses were the only ones who rushed to that place, handling one thing after another. " Stalo sa to aj tebe? The problem was not with the Gospel writers ' recall, assert the scholars, but with their interpretation. Did that happen to you? [ Poznámky pod čiarou] It is the subject of a worldwide educational work that helps truth - hungry people to learn about Jehovah's ways. [ Footnotes] Ako sa niektorí rozhodli dávať The neighborly Samaritan exemplified Jehovah's justice How Some Choose to Give Pomôže vám to hovoriť s presvedčením a byť účinnejšími učiteľmi, keď vysvetľujete Božie predsavzatia iným. " What is required for families to live with godly devotion? It will help you to speak with conviction and to be more effective teachers when you explain God's purposes to others. " Približne 943 miliónov týchto fajčiarov žije v rozvojových krajinách. " Yet, Jesus did not entertain his disciples with stories about Satan's activities, nor did he provide details about what the Devil could and could not do. Some 943 million of these smokers live in developing countries. " Môj otec bol pri mne na resuscitačnom oddelení a upokojoval ma. Why? My father was in the resuscitation department with me and calmed me down. Chceli by ste sa o ňom dozvedieť viac? Military officials of many nations have seen to it that their troops were provided with women, either by capture or as paid prostitutes. Would you like to learn more about him? Keďže nemá zdrevnatenú stonku ako stromy a kry, botanici ju klasifikujú ako bylinu. (a) If overseers use figures in their talks, why do they need discernment and good balance? Since it has no wooded stem like trees and shrubs, botanists classify it as herb. Lebo ak ho zotnú, on znovu vypučí a jeho výhonok nezanikne. " " If I had married him, " says Karen, "I might be coming to Christian meetings alone. " For if they cut him down, he will sprout again, and his sprout will not perish. " Zapôsobili na nás aj ich prijateľné návrhy, čo by sa dalo robiť miesto toho. (b) What questions will the next article discuss? We were also impressed by their acceptable suggestions, which could be done instead. Divé svine, bežne plaché obyvateľky lesa, zistili, že mestá poskytujú nielen množstvo potravy, ale aj útočisko pred poľovníkmi, píše sa v nemeckom týždenníku Die Woche. Dark wood used with ivory in inlay Wild pigs, commonly shy forest dwellers, have found that cities provide not only plenty of food but also shelter from hunters, says the German weekly Die Woche. A hoci ich jazda je znamením, že zem postihne nešťastie, pre vás a vašu rodinu môže byť aj dobrou správou. Why do bad things happen to good people? And while their ride is a sign that the earth will suffer calamity, it can also be good news for you and your family. Neprítomnosť rodičov Solomon very effectively showed how important it is to remember our Grand Creator. Absence of Parents No rýchlo sa približuje čas, keď tieto požehnania na vlastné oči uvidíme, áno, a budeme sa z nich tešiť navždy. [ Credit Line] But the time is fast approaching when we will see these blessings with our own eyes, yes, and we will enjoy them forever. V našej škole sa môžu žiaci prihlásiť na rôzne večierky, plesy a podobne. I was put in a tiny cell with three other prisoners, so I was able to share Bible truth with men who could not otherwise have been reached. At our school, students can sign up for various parties, proms, and so on. 1984 až dodnes Chrysler Minivan Examining the book of Revelation in the light of other parts of the Bible can help us determine the timing of this crucial battle. 1984 until today Chrysler Minivan Potom sa pozrite, ako ďaleko od seba bývame. If so, you will find it interesting to recall the following: Then look how far apart we live. A iný muž hovorí, ako ho drogy a nemravnosť priviedli na samé dno. In the book of Revelation, the apostle John hears heavenly creatures applying this scripture as they praise the resurrected Jesus: "You were slaughtered and with your blood you bought persons for God out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth. " And another man tells how drugs and immorality brought him to the bottom. Z nových štúdií vyplýva, že lesy pomáhajú udržiavať správne množstvo amoniaku v atmosfére. " Eighty percent of the children who attempt or commit suicide announce it verbally or in writing days or months in advance, " reports the newspaper Milenio of Mexico City. New studies show that forests help maintain the right amount of ammonia in the atmosphere. Takto sa Babylon stal treťou svetovou veľmocou, o ktorej sa v tomto prípade priliehavo hovorilo ako o "hlave zo zlata." If Jehovah were to reverse the death process without the payment of a ransom, he would be untrue to his word. Babylon thus became the third world power, which in this case was scrupulously referred to as "the head of gold. " Keď sa takýto kryštál špeciálneho tvaru umiestni do vhodného elektronického obvodu, kmitá na určitej stálej frekvencii, čím pôsobí ako rýchlo kmitajúce kyvadlo. The nation to which the Kingdom was given is "the Israel of God, " spiritual Israel, made up of 144,000 spirit - begotten followers of Jesus Christ. When such a special-shaped crystal is placed in a suitable electronic circuit, it oscillates at a certain constant frequency, acting as a fast-moving pendulum. Mala som skutočne prekrútený názor, lebo som si myslela, že ľudia narodení v bohatých krajinách sú niečo viac. Many tourists have visited a site in Jerusalem known as the Pool of Siloam, believing that it is the actual pool mentioned at John 9: 7. I had a really twisted view because I thought that people born in rich lands were more than that. PRÍČINU alkoholizmu, homosexuality, promiskuity, násilného konania, ako aj ďalšieho nenormálneho správania, ba samej smrti vedci usilovne hľadajú v genetike. Experts at the seminar also warned that such hate groups as the neo - Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan are using occult trappings to attract members and gain more control over them. THE cause of alcoholism, homosexuality, promiscuity, acts of violence, as well as other abnormal behaviors, even death itself, are being sought hard by scientists in genetics. Víchricu súženia, ktorú možno občas zažívame, by sme mali považovať za príležitosť dokázať, že naša loď viery je v poriadku a je pevná. 6: 19, 20, 24. How may a simple life make it easier to serve God? The storm of tribulation that we may experience from time to time should be seen as an opportunity to prove that our ship of faith is in order and solid. V komentári o účinkoch týchto "ostrovov tepla" Dr. What efforts did many ancient Israelites have to make to attend the festivals in Jerusalem? Commenting on the effects of these "heat islands, " Dr. Celá jeho rodina prijala pravdu a aj on sám urobil znamenitý pokrok. In the second century C.E., the pagan Celsus claimed that Christianity appealed only to the dregs of human society. His whole family accepted the truth, and he himself made fine progress. Problém nebol v slabej pamäti pisateľov evanjelií, tvrdia učenci, ale v ich vlastnom výklade. In her book A Tribe Apart, writer Patricia Hersch says that "young people have built their own community.... The problem was not in the poor memory of the Gospel writers, the scholars claim, but in their own interpretation. Ono je náplňou celosvetového vzdelávacieho diela, ktoré pomáha ľuďom, ktorí sú hladní po pravde, aby sa učili o Jehovových cestách. That might be illustrated by a man who has within his chest a weak heart. It is part of a worldwide educational work that helps those who are hungry for the truth to learn about Jehovah's ways. Na príklade priateľského Samaritána bola ukázaná Jehovova spravodlivosť What a heartwarming message was there presented to lovers of truth! The example of a friendly Samaritan showed Jehovah's righteousness Čo si to vyžaduje od rodín, ak majú žiť so zbožnou oddanosťou? He would use a square (2) to lay out his work and a plumb (3) to line up vertical surfaces. What does it take for families to live with godly devotion? Boli vyvrheľmi, buričmi nenávidiacimi to, čo je sväté, a Božími nepriateľmi. Golden Rule Tarnished They were outcasts, rebels hating what was holy, and enemies of God. Prečo? Surely, this detail alone should make a person wonder whether the spirit is really equal to the Father and the Son. Why? Dôstojníci armád mnohých národov svojim vojskám zaobstarávali ženy, či už ako zajatkyne, alebo platené prostitútky. So if you're not social networking, you are nothing. " - Katrina, 18. The officers of the armies of many nations provided their armies with women, both captives and paid prostitutes. a) Prečo dozorcovia potrebujú schopnosť rozlišovať a dobrú vyrovnanosť, ak používajú vo svojich prejavoch číselné údaje? An example of righteous jealousy is what occurred after the Israelites received the Law at Mount Sinai. (a) Why do overseers need discernment and good balance if they use figures in their talks? " Keby som sa zaňho bola vydala, "hovorí Karen," možno by som teraz chodila na kresťanské zhromaždenia sama. " O., Poland " If I had married him, " says Karen, "I may now be attending Christian meetings alone. " b) Akými otázkami sa bude zaoberať nasledujúci článok? We desire to do all we can to find those who are "rightly disposed for everlasting life. " (b) What questions will the next article consider? Ktoré tmavé drevo sa často používa spolu so slonovinou ako obklad? When the policeman threatened to detain her, Erika told him that she would rather die than give names. What dark wood is often used together with ivory as paneling? Prečo sa dobrým ľuďom stávajú zlé veci? [ Picture on page 9] Why do bad things happen to good people? Šalamún veľmi účinne ukázal, aké dôležité je pamätať na nášho Vznešeného Stvoriteľa. We have several types of moles; all kinds of hot sauces to put on top of the food; Mexican appetizers, such as tostadas, enchiladas, sopes, quesadillas, and tlacoyos. Very effectively, Solomon showed the importance of remembering our Grand Creator. [ Prameň ilustrácie] That is why we prefer freedom rather than enslavement by oppressive rulers. [ Credit Line] Dali ma do malej cely s tromi ďalšími väzňami, a tak som sa mohol podeliť o biblickú pravdu s ľuďmi, ku ktorým by sa pravda inak nedostala. Is there any sense at all in playing a game, however seductive it might be, where the odds are fixed to guarantee that you will virtually always lose more than you win? I was put in a small cell with three other prisoners, so I was able to share Bible truth with people whom the truth would not otherwise reach. Čas tejto rozhodujúcej bitky zistíme, keď preskúmame knihu Zjavenie vo svetle iných častí Biblie. (a) Since 1935, what has been accomplished in fulfillment of Jesus ' prophecy at Matthew 24: 14? The time of this decisive battle will be determined by examining the book of Revelation in the light of other parts of the Bible. Ak áno, potom zistíš, že je zaujímavé pripomenúť si nasledujúce myšlienky: But New Agers call it channeling. If so, you will find it interesting to recall the following points: V knihe Zjavenie apoštol Ján počuje nebeských tvorov, ako používajú tento text, keď chvália vzkrieseného Ježiša: "Bol [si] zabitý a svojou krvou si kúpil Bohu osoby z každého kmeňa a jazyka a ľudu a národa, a urobil si z nich kráľovstvo a kňazov nášmu Bohu, a budú vládnuť ako králi nad zemou." (a) Early parental training is bringing what joyful result? In the book of Revelation, the apostle John hears the heavenly creatures using this text when they praise the resurrected Jesus: "You were killed, and with your blood he bought to God persons out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and you made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they will rule as kings over the earth. " " Osemdesiat percent detí, ktoré sa pokúsia spáchať samovraždu alebo ju spáchajú, to oznamuje slovne alebo písomne niekoľko dní či mesiacov dopredu, "uvádzajú mexické noviny Milenio. It was the culmination of a long criminal career that had taken him repeatedly to prison. " Eighty percent of children who attempt or commit suicide report this verbally or in writing several days or months in advance, " reports the Mexican newspaper Milenio. Keby bol Jehova zvrátil proces zomierania bez toho, aby bolo zaplatené výkupné, nesplnilo by sa jeho slovo. His boldness helped me to grow in confidence. If Jehovah had reversed the process of dying without paying the ransom, his word would not have been fulfilled. Národ, ktorému bolo dané Kráľovstvo, je "Boží Izrael," duchovný Izrael, vytvorený zo 144 000 nasledovníkov Ježiša Krista splodených duchom. Such education wastes valuable youthful years that could best be used in Jehovah's service. The nation to which the Kingdom was given is "the Israel of God, " spiritual Israel, made up of the 144,000 spirit - begotten followers of Jesus Christ. Mnohí turisti navštívili v Jeruzaleme miesto známe ako rybník Siloám v presvedčení, že je to skutočne rybník spomenutý v Jánovi 9: 7. Brother Henschel drew his theme from the yeartext for 1943: "More than conquerors through him that loved us. " Many tourists in Jerusalem visited a place known as the Siloam pond, convinced that it was indeed a pond mentioned at John 9: 7. Odborníci na seminári tiež varovali, že také neznášanlivé skupiny, ako sú neonacisti a Ku - klux - klan, používajú okultné praktiky, ktorými lákajú členov a získavajú nad nimi väčší vplyv. Business tycoon Charles Schwab could remember the names of 8,000 employees. Experts at the seminar also warned that such intolerance groups as neo-Nazis and the Ku - clux - clan use occult practices that lure members and gain greater influence over them. Čo zistili mnohí Jehovovi služobníci, keď si zjednodušili život? (June 22, 1998) I learned a lot. What have many of Jehovah's servants learned by simplifying their lives? Aké úsilie museli mnohí Izraeliti v staroveku vynaložiť, aby sa mohli zúčastniť sviatkov v Jeruzaleme? As we continue our tour, Noel explains that different mushroom varieties require different growing conditions. What efforts did many Israelites in ancient times have to make to attend festivals in Jerusalem? V druhom storočí n. l. pohan Celsus tvrdil, že kresťanstvo priťahuje iba spodinu ľudskej spoločnosti. After the first world war, Christendom, along with the rest of Babylon the Great, experienced a fall. In the second century C.E., pagan Celsus claimed that Christianity attracted only the scum of human society. Patricia Herschová v knihe A Tribe Apart (Oddelená spoločnosť) píše, že "mladí ľudia si vytvárajú vlastnú uzavretú spoločnosť... Thus we are also continually reminded of our need for the ransom and the merit of Jesus ' shed blood. - 1 John 2: 1, 2; Revelation 7: 9, 14. Patricia Hersch, in her book A Tribe Apart, writes that "young people create their own closed society.... Možno to znázorniť na človeku, ktorý má slabé srdce. Avoid sighing, drooping your shoulders, or rolling your eyes. This may be illustrated by a person with a weak heart. Aké povzbudzujúce posolstvo bolo predložené tým, ktorí milujú pravdu! " Loving the Alien Resident " What a heartwarming message has been given to lovers of truth! Používal aj uholník (2) na dosiahnutie presnosti a olovnicu (3) na určenie zvislého smeru. So laments an article in Science News. He also used a rectangle (2) to achieve precision and lead (3) to determine the vertical direction. Zájdené Zlaté pravidlo The daily weather forecast, with maps and visual aids, is something most people with a TV now take for granted. The Golden Rule Found Už len táto podrobnosť by mala človeka viesť k premýšľaniu o tom, či svätý duch je naozaj rovný Otcovi a Synovi. We have so much to learn from them. This detail alone should lead a person to reflect on whether the holy spirit is truly equal to the Father and the Son. (Katrina, 18) Big Island (Hawaii), 3 / 08 (Katrina, 18) Príkladom spravodlivej žiarlivosti je udalosť, ktorá sa odohrala po tom, čo Izraeliti dostali Zákon pri vrchu Sinaj. Few Galician homesteads are without one. An example of righteous jealousy is the event that took place after the Israelites received the Law at Mount Sinai. O., Poľsko The abundance of God's past mercies gave the repentant king a basis for faith that his Maker would wipe out his transgressions. O., Poland Túžime robiť všetko, čo je v našich silách, aby sme našli ľudí, ktorí sú "správne naklonení k večnému životu." The apostle Paul said: "I have learned, in whatever circumstances I am, to be self - sufficient. " - Philippians 4: 11. We desire to do all we can to find those who are "rightly disposed for everlasting life. " Keď sa jej policajt vyhrážal, že ju zatkne, povedala mu, že radšej zomrie, než by povedala mená. In fact, "a great crowd " of people" out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues " will survive "the great tribulation, " which will destroy the present wicked world. When a cop threatened to arrest her, she told him she'd rather die than say names. [ Obrázok na strane 9] The fact that for the first time in history mankind's survival is endangered reminds us that God's patience with human rule must be rapidly nearing its end. [ Picture on page 9] Máme niekoľko druhov moles; všetky druhy štipľavých omáčok na poliatie pokrmov; mexické pochúťky, napríklad tostadas, enchiladas, sopes, quesadillas a tlacoyos. When King Cyrus liberated the exiled Israelites, how must they have felt, and why? We have several species of moles; all kinds of spicy sauces for pouring food; Mexican delicacies such as tostadas, enchiladas, sopes, quesadillas and tlacoyos. To je dôvod, prečo uprednostňujeme slobodu pred zotročením utláčajúcimi vládcami. Brothers and sisters dressed as hikers carried literature over the Giant Mountains into Germany That is why we prefer freedom to enslave oppressive rulers. Má však nejaký zmysel hrať hru, akokoľvek lákavú, ak je z hľadiska pravdepodobnosti možnosť výhry taká, že prakticky vždy prehráš viac než vyhráš? Our memory is not always reliable. But does it make any sense to play a game, however tempting, if, in terms of probability, the chance of winning is such that you virtually always lose more than you win? a) Čo sa dosiahlo od roku 1935 v súlade so spĺňaním Ježišovho proroctva v Matúšovi 24: 14? " Above all, " he explains, "I find that working hard to fortify my relationship with Jehovah gives me the greatest strength to cope with emotional difficulties. (a) What has been accomplished since 1935 in harmony with the fulfillment of Jesus ' prophecy at Matthew 24: 14? Ale stúpenci New Age to nazývajú channeling (sprostredkovávanie spojenia). However, when it comments on the starry heavens, what it says is amazingly accurate and often far ahead of its time. But New Age followers call it channeling. a) Aký radostný výsledok prináša včasná rodičovská výchova? This would include making provision for wholesome relaxation. - Proverbs 24: 27. (a) What joyful result comes from early parenting? Bolo to vyvrcholenie jeho dlhej cesty zločinca, ktorá ho vždy znova priviedla do väzenia. So it is worthwhile to look into the Bible to find out about the Father who gave us life and supplied a delightful home in which to enjoy that life. It was the culmination of his long journey of a criminal who always brought him back to prison. Jeho smelosť mi pomohla získať väčšiu istotu. The Losing Battle Against Crime His boldness helped me to gain more certainty. Takým štúdiom človek premrhá cenné roky mladosti, ktoré by sa najlepšie dali využiť v službe Jehovovi. Valerie, you stayed in the marriage. Why? Such a study will waste valuable years of youth that can best be used in Jehovah's service. Brat Henschel postavil svoju tému na texte na rok 1943: "Viac než víťazi skrze toho, ktorý nás miloval." You likely know, however, that today many marriages do not meet this standard. Brother Henschel built his theme on the 1943 text: "More than the winners through the one who loved us. " Obchodný magnát Charles Schwab si dokázal zapamätať mená 8 000 zamestnancov. For Young People The business tycoon Charles Schwab was able to remember the names of 8,000 employees. (22. júna 1998) Veľa som sa z neho dozvedela. Imagine being scared, panicking because you feel imprisoned in a foreign body, and you don't know when or even if it all will end. " - September 3, 1991. (June 22, 1998) I learned a lot from it. Noel nám počas našej návštevy vysvetľuje, že každý druh potrebuje iné podmienky. ; Pozzobon, L. During our visit, Noel explains that each species needs different conditions. Po prvej svetovej vojne takzvané kresťanstvo i ostatná časť Veľkého Babylona zakúsili pád. Of course, even in a group you still have to be careful about showing too much attention to one person. After World War I, Christendom and the rest of Babylon the Great experienced a fall. Jána 2: 1, 2; Zjavenie 7: 9, 14. 5: 37. What did Jesus say about sworn oaths? John 2: 1, 2; Revelation 7: 9, 14. Nevzdychajte, nemykajte plecami a neprevracajte oči. Or to live the principles contained in the Ten Commandments? Do not sigh, do not lock your shoulders, and do not invert your eyes. " Milovať cudzieho usadlíka " Why Do Diamonds Cost So Much? " Loving a Alien Resident " To s poľutovaním konštatuje jeden článok v Science News. However, if there is a pretense of occult magic, would a Christian ever want to give the impression of possessing some supernatural, unexplainable power? This is regretted by an article in Science News. Každodennú predpoveď počasia doplnenú mapami a vizuálnymi pomôckami považuje dnes väčšina ľudí, ktorí majú televízor, za samozrejmosť. (John 8: 32) The daily weather forecast, supplemented with maps and visual aids, is now taken for granted by most people who have televisions. Máme sa od nich toľko čo učiť! The Bible is not urging us to renounce material enjoyment and to live the life of a hermit. We have so much to learn from them! " Cez deň nastala noc " (Afrika), 3 / 08 It takes 40 to 50 years for a tree to reach full growth - normally a height of from six to ten feet [2 - 3 m]. " A Night During the Day " (Africa), 3 / 08 Chýba len máloktorému galícijskému gazdovstvu. May we, like Enoch, walk with God, although we live in turbulent times. Few Galician housekeepers are missing. Hojnosť Božích milosrdenstiev v minulosti poskytla tomuto kajúcnemu kráľovi základ pre vieru, že jeho Tvorca vymaže jeho priestupky. Malachi 3: 6 says: "I am Jehovah; I do not change. " The abundance of God's mercies in the past provided this repentant king with the basis for believing that his Maker would erase his transgressions. Apoštol Pavol povedal: "Naučil [som sa] byť sebestačným v akýchkoľvek okolnostiach." Who is not captivated by the aroma of bread as it is taken hot from the oven? The apostle Paul said: "I have learned to be self - sufficient in all circumstances. " " Veľké súženie ," ktoré zničí súčasný zlý svet, prežije" veľký zástup "ľudí" zo všetkých národov a kmeňov a ľudí a jazykov ." During the time that I was in Brooklyn, I received a letter from my wife every week. The "great tribulation " that will destroy the present wicked world will survive" a great crowd " of people " out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues. " Fakt, že prvýkrát v dejinách je ohrozené prežitie ľudstva, nám pripomína, že Božia trpezlivosť s ľudským panovaním sa musí rýchlo približovať ku koncu. Surely you can think of other grave threats to our survival. The fact that mankind's survival is threatened for the first time in history reminds us that God's patience with human rule must quickly come to an end. Ako sa Izraeliti cítili, keď ich Cýrus vyslobodil zo zajatia, a prečo? Though the youths did not get a personal reply, the school soon received direction not to force anyone to share in such a contest. How did the Israelites feel when Cyrus rescued them from captivity, and why? Bratia a sestry oblečení ako turisti prenášali literatúru cez Krkonoše do Nemecka Eucalypti "produce some of the heaviest, hardest and most durable woods known " Brothers and sisters dressed as tourists carried literature through Giant Mountains to Germany Na našu pamäť sa nedá vždy spoľahnúť. In the restored Paradise under God's Kingdom, we will no longer feel threatened by time and unforeseen occurrence. We can't always rely on our memory. Vysvetľuje: "Zistil som, že najdôležitejšie je posilňovať si vzťah k Jehovovi, pretože to dáva najviac sily. God's power is more than enough to help us through our trials. He explains: "I found that the most important thing is to strengthen my relationship with Jehovah, for it gives the most strength. Keď sa však zmieňuje o hviezdnej oblohe, to, čo hovorí, je úžasne presné a mnohé fakty, ktoré uvádza, ľudia pochopili až o tisíce rokov neskôr. That made it easier for me to decide to stay there. However, when it refers to the starry sky, what it says is amazingly accurate, and many of the facts it states are not understood until thousands of years later. K tomu patrí aj postarať sa o zdravú rekreáciu. - Príslovia 24: 27. Children cherish them. This includes taking care of healthy recreation. - Proverbs 24: 27. Preto je užitočné pozrieť sa do Biblie a dozvedieť sa niečo o Otcovi, ktorý nám dal život a poskytol nám príjemný domov, v ktorom sa môžeme zo života tešiť. In many parts of the earth, Jehovah's Witnesses have had to endure decades of cruel oppression and persecution. So it is beneficial to look into the Bible and learn something about the Father, who gave us life and gave us a pleasant home in which we can enjoy life. Prehry v boji proti zločinnosti Doing that work wholeheartedly is a fine way to show that we love our heavenly Father and that we are truly dedicated to him. - 1 John 5: 3. Losing in the Fight Against Crime Valerie, prečo ste od manžela neodišli? Even abandoned industrial sites have become settlements for some. Valerie, why didn't you leave your husband? Pravdepodobne však viete, že mnoho dnešných manželstiev nespĺňa túto požiadavku. Many families enjoy preparing their weekly Watchtower lesson together. You probably know, though, that many marriages today do not meet this requirement. Pre mladých Without taking sides, they can help family members talk matters out in a calm, peaceful, and productive way. - James 3: 18. For Young People Predstavte si, akí ste vydesení, ako vás zachvacuje panika, lebo ste uväznení v akomsi cudzom tele a neviete, kedy a či sa to všetko vôbec skončí. " - The Medical Post, 3. septembra 1991. Unlike the desire for sex and food, the mania for money can be constant and unending. Imagine how terrified you are, as panic strikes you, because you are trapped in a strange body and do not know when and whether it will all be over at all. " - The Medical Post, September 3, 1991. Schampová; L. Learning that "whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted " made me aware of the sort of person that Jehovah looks for. ; Schamp, J. Samozrejme, aj v skupine musíš byť opatrný, aby si nepreukazoval prílišnú pozornosť jednej osobe. Eventually, we rented a modest room for a Kingdom Hall, and the nucleus of a small congregation was organized. Of course, even in the group, you need to be careful not to show too much attention to one person. Čo Ježiš povedal o robení prísažných vyhlásení? The researchers said that these individuals visit X - rated Web sites more than 11 hours a week. What did Jesus say about making sworn statements? Alebo žiť podľa zásad obsiahnutých v desiatich prikázaniach? " Listen, my son, to the discipline of your father, " says God's Word, "and do not forsake the law of your mother. " Or live by the principles contained in the Ten Commandments? Prečo sú diamanty také drahé? K. Why are diamonds so expensive? Ak je to však predstieranie okultnej mágie, mal by kresťan vzbudzovať čo len dojem, že má nejakú nadprirodzenú, nevysvetliteľnú moc? In November 1857, Hiram Bingham II, a 26 - year - old missionary, arrived with his wife in the Gilbert Islands (now called Kiribati). However, if it is a pretense of occult magic, should a Christian give the impression that he has some supernatural, inexplicable power? (Ján 8: 32) At the same time, though, we rejoiced to see an increase in the number of Kingdom publishers in Cyprus. (John 8: 32) Biblia nás nenúti, aby sme sa zriekli materiálneho potešenia a žili životom pustovníka. These are the ones of whom Isaiah said: "Look!... Messengers of peace will weep bitterly. " The Bible does not force us to forgo material pleasure and live the life of a hermit. Kým strom dosiahne plný vzrast - čo je obyčajne výška 2 - 3 metre - , trvá to 40 až 50 rokov. The very break required to join it gave to its adherents a conviction which constituted a source of strength against persecution and of zeal in winning converts. " It takes between 40 and 50 years for the tree to grow fully - usually 2 - 3 feet [2 - 3 m] high. Tak ako Enoch kráčajme s Bohom, hoci žijeme v nepokojných časoch. United States 1993 2,334,000 1,187,000 Like Enoch, let us walk with God, even though we live in troubled times. V Malachiášovi 3: 6 čítame: "Ja som Jehova, nezmenil som sa." To determine whether judicial action is warranted, they must carefully look at what happened and the extent to which it was done. At Malachi 3: 6, we read: "I am Jehovah, I have not changed. " Koho by neprivábila vôňa horúceho chleba práve vytiahnutého z pece? They wanted to boast in outward appearances instead of helping fellow believers to develop good hearts before God. Who would not be attracted by the smell of hot bread just pulled out of the oven? Kým som bol v Brooklyne, manželka mi písala každý týždeň. 10 / 15 While I was in Brooklyn, my wife wrote to me every week. Možno vám napadnú aj iné vážne nebezpečenstvá, ktoré ohrozujú prežitie ľudstva. How? You may think of other serious dangers that threaten the survival of mankind. Hoci osobne nedostali odpoveď, škola zakrátko dostala nariadenie, aby nikoho nenútila do takýchto súťaží. [ Credit Line] Although they did not receive a reply in person, the school soon received a decree not to force anyone into such competitions. Eukalyptus "produkuje jeden z najťažších, najtvrdších a najtrvácnejších známych druhov dreva" The passing of time should not cause us to lose hope that Kingdom blessings will be realized. Eucalyptus "produces one of the hardest, hardest and most persistent known types of wood " V obnovenom raji pod Božím kráľovstvom sa už viac nebudeme cítiť ohrození časom a nepredvídanou udalosťou. That differs from what Jesus directed his disciples to do. In the restored Paradise under God's Kingdom, we will no longer feel threatened by time and unforeseen occurrence. Božia moc je viac ako dostatočná na to, aby nám pomohla prekonať skúšky. [ Footnote] From ericius, the Latin word for "hedgehog. " God's power is more than sufficient to help us overcome trials. Prispelo to k tomu, že som sa tam rozhodol zostať. Obviously, love and respect for grandparents must be manifest continually, not just on special occasions. It contributed to my decision to stay there. Deti ich s láskou opatrujú. I am coming to you. " The children lovingly care for them. V mnohých častiach zeme museli Jehovovi svedkovia celé desaťročia znášať krutý útlak a prenasledovanie. Barber, the graduates - and all in attendance - listened carefully to a series of short talks. In many parts of the earth, Jehovah's Witnesses have endured severe oppression and persecution for decades. Horlivé konanie tohto diela je vynikajúci spôsob, ako môžeme dať najavo, že milujeme nášho nebeského Otca a že sme mu naozaj oddaní. - 1. The children weren't lying, though; other studies have confirmed the verdict of Wallerstein and Kelly. The zealous conduct of this work is an excellent way to show that we love our heavenly Father and that we are truly dedicated to him. - 1 Timothy 3: 8. Niektorí sa dokonca usadili v opustených továrňach. Is Anyone to Be Trusted? Some even settled in abandoned factories. Mnohé rodiny sa tešia zo spoločnej prípravy na týždenné štúdium Strážnej veže. Arsenic, bismuth, and antimony were identified by alchemists during the Middle Ages, and later during the 1700 ' s, many more elements were found. Many families enjoy preparing together for the weekly Watchtower Study. Bez toho, že by sa postavili na niektorú stranu, môžu pomôcť členom rodiny porozprávať sa o veciach pokojne a s dobrým výsledkom. - Jakub 3: 18. If the star had been an actual star, it would have been as visible as a beacon to the public in general. Without taking sides, they can help family members to discuss matters calmly and with good results. - James 3: 18. Na rozdiel od túžby po sexuálnom uspokojení a jedle môže byť vášnivá túžba zhromažďovať peniaze stála a nekonečná. This can be adjusted to fit local legal requirements and personal circumstances. Unlike the desire for sexual satisfaction and food, a passionate desire to collect money can be permanent and endless. Z Matúša 23: 12 som sa zase dozvedela, že "ktokoľvek sa povyšuje, bude ponížený, a ktokoľvek sa ponižuje, bude povýšený." Vďaka tomu som si uvedomila, akí ľudia sa Jehovovi páčia. This would be in conflict with known scientific facts. At Matthew 23: 12, I learned that "whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted, " I realized how pleasing Jehovah is. Nakoniec sme si prenajali jednu skromnú miestnosť na sálu Kráľovstva a bolo zorganizované jadro malého zboru. He cultivates patient endurance whether he is presently appointed or not. Finally, we rented a modest room for the Kingdom Hall, and the core of the small congregation was organized. Výskumníci povedali, že títo jednotlivci navštevujú mládeži neprístupné webové stránky viac ako 11 hodín v týždni. Child laborers in this brick factory earn about 50 cents a day Researchers have said that these individuals visit young people inaccessible websites for more than 11 hours a week. " Počúvaj, syn môj, kázeň svojho otca, "uvádza sa v Božom Slove," a neopúšťaj zákon svojej matky. " Though the congregation had its faults - a "Jezebel " influence was being tolerated - it was doing well in other respects, and Jesus wanted those brothers and sisters to know that their zealous activity had not gone unnoticed. " Listen, my son, to the discipline of your father, " states God's Word, "and do not forsake the law of your mother. " K. In 1955 there was a peak of 366 publishers in a land of some 28 million people. K. V novembri 1857 prišiel Hiram Bingham II., 26 - ročný misionár, s manželkou na Gilbertove ostrovy (teraz nazývané Kiribati). Describe the striking vision that Jehovah showed Jeremiah. In November 1857 Hiram Bingham II, a 26 - year - old missionary, came with his wife to the Gilbert Islands (now called Kiribati). V tom období sme však mali na Cypre veľkú radosť, lebo stúpal počet zvestovateľov Kráľovstva. Instead of appealing to Jehovah for help against Syria, Ahaz turned to the king of Assyria, bribing him with gold and silver, including that from the temple treasury. At that time, however, we were very happy in Cyprus because the number of Kingdom publishers was increasing. To sú tí, o ktorých Izaiáš povedal: "Hľa... poslovia pokoja budú horko plakať." And more important, in what ways must we exercise our faith? These are those of whom Isaiah said: "Look!... the messengers of peace will weep bitterly. " Rozchod [so svetom], ktorý sa požadoval, aby bolo možné pripojiť sa k nemu, poskytoval jeho stúpencom presvedčenie, ktoré bolo zdrojom sily na [znášanie] prenasledovania a zdrojom horlivosti pri získavaní konvertitov. " Rain Forests - Can They Be Saved? The breakup [with the world] that was required to be able to join him provided his followers with conviction, which was a source of strength for [hovering] persecution and a source of zeal for the acquisition of converts. " Spojené štáty 1993 2 334 000 1 187 000 The procedure is called vacuum aspiration. United States 1993 2 334 000 1 187 000 Pri takých rozhodnutiach potrebujú starší rozlišovaciu schopnosť. Keď zvažujú začatie právneho konania, musia dôkladne preskúmať, čo sa stalo a v akom rozsahu. DNA I loved the article "" Junk ' DNA? " When making such decisions, elders need discernment, and when considering initiating legal proceedings, they need to examine carefully what has happened and to what extent. Chceli sa chváliť vonkajším vzhľadom, a nie pomáhať spoluveriacim vypestovať si dobré srdce pred Bohom. [ Footnotes] They wanted to boast of outward appearance rather than help fellow believers to develop a good heart before God. " Odpor, ktorý si zasluhuje úctu " (nacistické Nemecko), 1 / 10 Yet, if you value having a relationship with God, you need to get the answers to them. Jehovah's Witnesses, 10 / 15 Ako? Who are they? How? [ Prameň ilustrácie] BY AWAKE! [ Credit Line] Nemali by sme strácať nádej, že sľuby o Kráľovstve sa splnia, aj keď na to čakáme už dlhé roky. Jehovah supplies help to enable the faithful ones to endure. We should not lose hope that the Kingdom promises will come true, even though we have been waiting for this for many years. Ježiš však prikázal svojim učeníkom niečo iné. If they are not taken correctly or if the medication routine is interrupted, this could lead to the development of drug - resistant strains of HIV. Jesus commanded his disciples, however, something else. Za to budem nášmu Stvoriteľovi, Jehovovi Bohu, vždy vďačný. □ What shows that The Watchtower and Awake! For this, I will always be grateful to our Creator, Jehovah God. Je pochopiteľné, že láska a úcta k starým rodičom sa musí prejavovať neustále, nielen pri zvláštnych príležitostiach. " Am I my brother's guardian? " - Genesis 4: 8, 9. Understandably, love and respect for grandparents must be manifested constantly, not just on special occasions. Prídem k vám. " Alhazen's writings on the properties of lenses thus laid essential groundwork for European eyeglass makers who, by holding lenses one in front of another, invented the telescope and the microscope. I will come to you. " Barbera, sa absolventi školy i všetci prítomní pozorne započúvali do série krátkych prejavov. The bodyguards surrounded Jehoash to protect him. Barbera, school graduates and all present listened carefully to a series of short talks. Lenže deti neklamali; ďalšie štúdie potvrdili názor Wallersteinovej a Kellyovej. Picture the faithful Levites who were present at that meeting, tears of joy streaming down their faces as they heard their king declare: "You are the ones whom Jehovah has chosen to stand before him to minister to him. " But the children weren't lying; other studies confirmed Wallerstein's and Kelly's opinion. Dá sa niekomu dôverovať? " There are obvious gaps between the Ministry of Education, teachers, and parents on how to handle AIDS education, " reports the Japanese newspaper Mainichi Shimbun. Can anyone be trusted? Arzén, bizmut a antimón identifikovali alchymisti v stredoveku a neskôr v 18. storočí boli objavené mnohé ďalšie prvky. As explained in the preceding article, they are appointed by holy spirit in harmony with Scriptural requirements. Arsenic, bismuth, and antimony identified alchemists in the Middle Ages, and many other elements were discovered later in the 18th century. Keby to bola naozajstná hviezda, jej žiara by neunikla pozornosti ostatných ľudí. Not surprisingly, the Complutensian Polyglot has been acclaimed as a "monument to typographical art and to Scriptural science. " If she was a real star, her glow wouldn't escape the attention of other people. Možno ho prispôsobiť miestnym zákonným požiadavkám a osobným okolnostiam. Certainly, Christians are not light bearers with any personal, selfish motive. It can be adapted to local legal requirements and personal circumstances. To by bolo v rozpore so známymi vedeckými faktmi. How Would You Answer? That would be contrary to known scientific facts. Prejavuje trpezlivosť a vytrvalosť bez ohľadu na to, či je vymenovaný, alebo nie. It would be wise for two spiritually qualified brothers to visit the sister together. He shows patience and endurance regardless of whether he is appointed or not. Deti, ktoré pracujú v tejto tehelni, zarobia asi 0,40 eura za deň True, disrespect for fellow humans is not new, but only in "the last days " would that spirit reach such extremes that the era could rightly be described as" critical times hard to deal with. " Children working in this brickworks earn about EUR 0.40 per day Hoci zbor mal svoje chyby - toleroval napríklad vplyv "Jezábel" - v iných ohľadoch si počínal dobre a Ježiš chcel, aby títo bratia a sestry vedeli, že ich horlivá činnosť nezostáva bez povšimnutia. But the patience of this brother and his perseverance in assisting me bore fruit. Although the congregation had its faults - for example, it tolerated the influence of "Jzebel " - in other ways he did well, and Jesus wanted these brothers and sisters to know that their zealous activities did not go unnoticed. V krajine, v ktorej žilo asi 28 miliónov obyvateľov, bol v roku 1955 vrcholný počet 366 zvestovateľov. ▪ In 2004, Jehovah's Witnesses released another video for youths. In a country with a population of some 28 million, 366 publishers peaked in 1955. Opíš nezvyčajné videnie, ktoré Jehova ukázal Jeremiášovi. WHO AM I? Describe the unusual vision that Jehovah showed Jeremiah. Namiesto toho, aby prosil Jehovu o pomoc v boji proti Sýrii, obrátil sa ku kráľovi Asýrie a podplatil ho zlatom a striebrom, ktoré zobral okrem iného i z chrámovej pokladnice. Not at all. Instead of asking Jehovah for help in the fight against Syria, he turned to King Assyria and bribed him with gold and silver, which he took from the temple treasury, among other things. A čo je ešte dôležitejšie, v akých ohľadoch musíme prejavovať vieru? How can the meaning of God's name strengthen your faith? More important, in what ways do we need to exercise faith? Možno zachrániť dažďové lesy? Would my old personality take over? Can Rain Forests Be Saved? Tento zákrok sa nazýva miniinterrupcia. Why should all of us reexamine our entertainment as to time? This procedure is called mini-interruption. DNA Veľmi sa mi páčil článok "" Odpadová " DNA?" Rutherford happened to be visiting Chicago at the time. DNA I really liked the article "" Waste " DNA? " Po zborovom štúdiu Biblie nasleduje teokratická škola kazateľskej služby. She reports: "Shortly before our 15th wedding anniversary, my husband told me that he was having a relationship with another woman. The congregation's study of the Bible is followed by the Theocratic Ministry School. [ Poznámky pod čiarou] [ Picture on page 21] [ Footnotes] No ak je pre vás cenné mať dobrý vzťah k Bohu, musíte ich mať zodpovedané. Cigarettes, however, do more than pollute one with nicotine; a lighted cigarette is a veritable poison factory, spewing out some 4,000 different chemical compounds. However, if it is valuable for you to have a good relationship with God, you must have them answered. O kom hovoríme? Keep the way open by imitating Joseph. Who are we talking about? OD DOPISOVATEĽA PREBUĎTE SA! Little wonder that The Encyclopedia Americana says of the soul in the Hebrew Scriptures: "The Old Testament concept of man is that of a unity, not a union of soul and body. " BY AWAKE! Jehova poskytuje pomoc, aby verným umožnil vytrvať. In the seventeenth century, the Dutch East India Company did not publish documents which could give its competitors information. " Jehovah provides help to enable faithful ones to endure. Ak ich človek neberie správne alebo ak je liečba prerušovaná, môže to viesť k vzniku nových foriem HIV odolných proti liekom. How grateful we are that our path "is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter "! If you do not take them properly or if treatment is interrupted, this can lead to new forms of drug-resistant HIV. □ Čo ukazuje, že Strážna veža a Prebuďte sa! View at Divisadero □ What shows that The Watchtower and Awake! " Či som strážcom svojho brata? " - 1. Mojžišova 4: 8, 9. Before long, Stella found herself witnessing to her next - door neighbor. " Am I my brother's guardian? " - Genesis 4: 8, 9. Na základe jeho spisov o vlastnostiach šošoviek európski výrobcovia okuliarov vynašli teleskop a mikroskop, keď umiestnili šošovky jednu za druhou. Many of them have won reputations in the field of sports. Based on his files on the characteristics of the lenses, European eyeglass manufacturers invented a telescope and a microscope when they placed the lenses one by one. Keď Ataliah počula radostné volanie, vybehla von a začala kričať, že došlo k sprisahaniu. Because treasure on earth was more important to him than treasure in heaven. - Matthew 19: 16 - 22. When Ataliah heard the joyful call, she ran out and started screaming that there was a conspiracy. Po tvári im stekajú slzy radosti, keď počúvajú kráľove slová: "Jehova si vás vyvolil, aby ste stáli pred ním, aby ste mu slúžili." (b) What do the prophets and apostles indicate we must do for salvation, and what could this mean today for multitudes? Tears of joy stream down on their faces when they hear the king's words: "Jehovah has chosen you to stand before him, that you may serve him. " " Medzi Ministerstvom školstva, učiteľmi a rodičmi sú očividné rozpory v otázke, ako viesť vzdelávanie o aidse, "píšu japonské noviny Mainichi Shimbun. She is a special blessing to me. " There are obvious contradictions between the Ministry of Education, teachers, and parents about how to conduct AIDS education, " says the Japanese newspaper Mainichi Shimbun. Ako bolo vysvetlené v predchádzajúcom článku, sú vymenovaní svätým duchom v súlade s biblickými požiadavkami. About half a year went by before they succeeded in conducting their first home Bible study. As explained in the preceding article, they are appointed by holy spirit in harmony with Bible requirements. Neprekvapuje, že Komplutenská polyglota bola označená za "významné dielo typografického umenia a biblickej vedy." What made Jesus happy, and what choices will make you happy? Not surprisingly, the Complutensian Polyglot was called "a significant work of typographical art and Bible science. " Kresťania samozrejme nie sú nositeľmi svetla z nejakej osobnej, sebeckej pohnútky. She was helped spiritually through correspondence with a missionary sister at the branch [in Chile]. Of course, Christians are not the light bearers of some personal, selfish motive. Ako by si odpovedal? The quest for bloodless surgery was "spurred both by concerns over the future supply of donated blood - and by many patients ' fears of getting a disease virus from a transfusion. " How Would You Answer? Bolo by múdre, aby sestru navštívili spoločne dvaja duchovne spôsobilí bratia. The next article will discuss this important question. It would be wise for two spiritually qualified brothers to visit the sister together. Pravdaže, neúcta k iným nie je ničím novým, no v posledných dňoch mala prerásť do takých obludných rozmerov, že toto obdobie možno oprávnene opísať ako "kritické časy, s ktorými sa bude dať ťažko vyrovnať." (Read Ephesians 4: 1 - 6, 15, 16.) Of course, disrespect for others is nothing new, but in the last days it should have grown to such a monstrous extent that this period can rightly be described as "critical times hard to deal with. " Ale trpezlivosť tohto brata a jeho vytrvalá pomoc priniesli ovocie. Since my parents always treated her as if the problems she caused were of no consequence, her condition got out of control. But this brother's patience and his persistent help brought fruitage. ▪ V roku 2004 sa mohli mladí tešiť z ďalšieho filmu, ktorý pre nich natočili Jehovovi svedkovia. A person who does good is virtuous and performs upright deeds that benefit others. ▪ In 2004, youths enjoyed another film that Jehovah's Witnesses had made for them. KTO SOM? Significantly, the Bible describes God's chosen Ruler, Jesus Christ, as the "Prince of Peace. " WHO AM I? To určite nie. But as an arthritis sufferer, I felt that it did not fully depict the devastation this disease can cause through its various effects: stress, pain, fatigue, sleep disorders, and depression. I don't think so. Ako môže význam Božieho mena posilniť tvoju vieru? in The Watchtower, September 1, 1995, pages 27 - 30. How can the meaning of God's name strengthen your faith? Ovládla by ma moja stará osobnosť? In effect, molehills become mountains. Would my old personality take over? Prečo by sme mali všetci znovu preskúmať, koľko času venujeme rozptýleniu? This navigation system proved so successful that at over 6,000 yards [6,000 m], the bottom of the hole deviates only 26 feet [8 m] from perpendicular. Why should we all review how much time we devote to distraction? Rutherford bol práve vtedy na návšteve v Chicagu. " A person may have ability, but circumstances, and maybe even favoritism, can hinder promotion " Rutherford was visiting Chicago just then. Verónica hovorí: "Krátko pred 15. výročím našej svadby mi manžel oznámil, že má vzťah s inou ženou. But that really didn't distinguish us very well, since there were Bible students affiliated with various other religious groups. Says Verónica: "A short time before the 15th anniversary of our wedding, my husband told me that he was in a relationship with another woman. [ Obrázok na strane 21] [ Credit Lines] [ Picture on page 21] Cigarety však neznečisťujú telo len nikotínom. Zapálená cigareta je skutočnou továrňou na jedy; chrlí asi 4 000 rôznych chemických zlúčenín. 1661: The Bank of Stockholm, an offshoot of the Bank of Amsterdam, began issuing bank notes (promises by the bank to pay the bearer), a practice the English later perfected. Cigarettes, however, do not pollute the body with nicotine alone; a cigarette ignited is a real poison plant, spouting about 4,000 different chemical compounds. Napodobni Jozefa, aby to bolo možné aj v tvojom prípade. Does that not sound like the kind of man whose life had meaning? Imitate Joseph so that this may be possible in your case. Nie div, že The Encyclopedia Americana hovorí o duši v Hebrejských Písmach toto: "Starý Zákon poníma človeka ako jednotný celok, nie ako zväzok duše a tela." It added: "One can locate some 30 or 40 spectacular sales of churches in Germany within the last few years. " No wonder The Encyclopedia Americana speaks of the soul in the Hebrew Scriptures: "The Old Testament views man as a united whole, not as a union of soul and body. " V sedemnástom storočí Holandská východoindická spoločnosť nezverejnila dokumenty, ktoré by mohli poskytnúť informácie konkurentom. " From their example, we can learn the importance of preaching in an organized way in order to have the support of Jehovah's spirit. In the 17th century, the Dutch East India Company did not disclose documents that could provide information to competitors. " Akí sme vďační, že náš chodník "je ako jasné svetlo, ktoré svieti stále viac"! It also provided an opportunity for family and friends to get together to reflect on Jehovah's deeds and to have joyous association. How grateful we are that our path "is like a bright light that is getting lighter and lighter "! Výhľad z Divisadera Suddenly we hear the leaves rustling high above us. View from Divisader Onedlho Stella vydala svedectvo svojej najbližšej susede. Eventually, all the faithful ones of old died - not because of spells or curses but because of inherited imperfection. Soon Stella witnessed to her nearest neighbor. Mnohí z nich sa stali známymi na športovom poli. I explained to my clients and my traffickers that I was studying the Bible and had abandoned the drug trade. Many of them became known in the sports field. Pretože poklad na zemi bol preňho dôležitejší než poklad v nebi. - Matúš 19: 16 - 22. (Read Proverbs 4: 23; James 1: 14, 15.) Because the treasure on earth was more important to him than the treasure in heaven. - Matthew 19: 16 - 22. b) Čo podľa prorokov a apoštolov musíme robiť na záchranu a čo by to v dnešnej dobe mohlo znamenať pre veľké množstvo ľudí? Instead, he replied: "No, rather, Happy are those hearing the word of God and keeping it! " - Luke 11: 27, 28. (b) According to the prophets and apostles, what must we do for salvation, and what might this mean for a large number of people today? Je pre mňa mimoriadnym požehnaním. But the two do not, as critics claim, contradict each other. He is a special blessing to me. Prešlo asi pol roka, kým dokázali viesť prvé domáce biblické štúdium. Let us look at common situations and see what some people tend to do. It was about six months before they were able to conduct their first home Bible study. Prečo bol Ježiš šťastným človekom a kedy budeš šťastný ty? What example of restraint did William of Orange provide, and with what beneficial results? Why was Jesus a happy person, and when will you be happy? Duchovne ju podporovala formou listov jedna misionárka z odbočky [v Chile]. Christians with an earthly hope are also subjects of God's Kingdom, so it is inappropriate for them to take sides in this world's disputes. She was spiritually supported by a missionary at the branch office [in Chile]. Pátranie po bezkrvnej chirurgii bolo "podnietené starosťou o budúce dodávky darovanej krvi a obavami mnohých pacientov, že by sa transfúziou mohli nakaziť vírusom nejakej choroby." Supreme Cybernetician The search for bloodless surgery was "encouraged by the care of future supplies of donated blood and the fears of many patients that transfusions could infect a disease virus. " Touto dôležitou otázkou sa bude zaoberať ďalší článok. Therefore, people who regularly study the words of wisdom found in the Bible and who apply them will be among those who will understand God's will and purpose and, in effect, have a lighted path that guides their daily lives through today's moral quagmire. This important issue will be dealt with in the next article. (Prečítajte Efezanom 4: 1 - 6, 15, 16.) I believe that Jehovah found me in this wicked world and helped me find the way out of spiritual darkness. (Read Ephesians 4: 1 - 6, 15, 16.) Keďže rodičia s ňou vždy zaobchádzali tak, akoby problémy, ktoré spôsobovala, neviedli k žiadnym následkom, jej stav sa vymkol spod kontroly. As an engineer, I was able to provide guidance so that the operation could be carried out in safety. Since parents always treated her as if the problems she caused did not lead to any consequences, her condition became out of control. Človek, ktorý koná dobro, je cnostný a koná priame skutky, z ktorých druhí majú úžitok. During those years a few missionaries had to leave the country for such reasons as health issues, but the rest of us remained, and we are glad we did. A person who does good is virtuous and acts in direct ways that benefit others. Stojí za povšimnutie, že Biblia označuje Božieho ustanoveného Vládcu, Ježiša Krista, za "Knieža pokoja." He also spoke to Sue of the possibility of my divorcing her because of her face. It is noteworthy that the Bible calls God's appointed Ruler, Jesus Christ, "the Prince of Peace. " Keďže však trpím artritídou, myslím si, že článok dostatočne nevystihuje ničivé účinky, ktoré môže táto choroba zapríčiňovať svojimi rôznymi prejavmi: stresom, bolesťami, nevoľnosťou, poruchami spánku a depresiami. A new disciple learns valuable lessons from the example set by others However, since I suffer from arthritis, I think that the article does not adequately reflect the devastating effects that this disease can cause by its various manifestations: stress, pain, nausea, sleep disorders, and depression. v Strážnej veži z 1. septembra 1995, strany 27 - 30. After years in the wilderness, the Israelites could be thankful for the fertile Promised Land in The Watchtower of September 1, 1995, pages 27 - 30. Nepodstatné veci sa dramatizujú. He once said to a clergyman who opposed him: " If God spare my life, ere many years I will cause a boy who drives the plough to know more of the Scriptures than you do. ' Irrelevant things are being dramatized. Tento riadiaci systém sa preukázal taký úspešný, že po viac ako 6000 metroch sa dno vrtu odchyľovalo od kolmice iba o 8 metrov. For Jehovah to bless your efforts to serve him more fully, you first have to make those efforts. This control system has proved so successful that after more than 6000 metres, the well bottom deviated from the perpendicular by only 8 metres. " Človek azda má schopnosti, ale okolnosti, ba možno aj protekcionárstvo môžu brániť povýšeniu " But this time I was determined to attain the peace of mind that the Bible promises. " Man may have abilities, but circumstances, perhaps even protection, can hinder promotion " Ale v skutočnosti nás nevedeli dobre rozlíšiť, lebo bádatelia Biblie boli spojení s rôznymi inými náboženskými skupinami. Recently, Sirley's volunteer work was featured in the Brazilian newspaper Jornal do Sudoeste. But in reality, they could not distinguish us well because Bible students were associated with various other religious groups. [ Pramene ilustrácií] In 1987 his widow, along with directors of the nonprofit foundation, decided to concentrate on Crazy Horse's face. [ Credit Lines] 1661: Štokholmská banka, pobočka Amsterdamskej banky, začala vydávať bankovky (prísľub banky o výplate držiteľovi); Angličania neskôr túto praktiku zdokonalili. Did two authors collaborate to write that one verse? 1661: The Stockholm Bank, a branch of the Amsterdam Bank, began issuing banknotes (the bank's promise of payment to the holder); the English later improved this practice. Nie je z jeho vyjadrenia zjavné, že to bol človek, ktorý mal zmysel života? Using research materials at your disposal, find out more about the phrase "I shall prove to be what I shall prove to be. " Is it not evident from his statement that he was a person who had a purpose in life? Dodali: "V priebehu posledných niekoľko rokov bolo možné vidieť asi 30 alebo 40 pozoruhodných predajov kostolov v Nemecku." How pleased we were when this was granted! They added: "It has been possible to see some 30 or 40 remarkable church sales in Germany over the last few years. " Z ich príkladu sa učíme, že ak chceme mať podporu Jehovovho ducha, je dôležité vykonávať službu organizovane. The elder always commended me and offered tactful suggestions for improvement. Their example teaches us that in order to have the support of Jehovah's spirit, it is important to carry out our ministry in an organized way. Bola to tiež príležitosť, aby sa rodina a priatelia mohli zísť, rozjímať o Jehovových skutkoch a potešiť sa zo vzájomnej spoločnosti. The narrative was likely written by the prophet Samuel in 1090 B.C.E. It was also an opportunity for family and friends to come together, meditate on Jehovah's works, and enjoy fellowship. Náhle začujeme nad nami šuchot lístia. What can we learn from the example of Nicodemus? Suddenly we hear the rustle of leaves over us. Napokon, všetci verní muži a ženy v staroveku zomreli - nie pre nejaké čary alebo kliatby, ale pre zdedenú nedokonalosť. The Encyclopædia Britannica explains: "Originally such rites were intended to ensure fertility to the crops, and by extension to cattle and human beings, but in most cases this significance was gradually lost, and the practices survived merely as popular festivities. " After all, all faithful men and women in ancient times died - not because of magic or curses, but because of inherited imperfection. Vysvetľoval som zákazníkom i mojim pašerákom, že študujem Bibliu a že som zanechal obchod s drogami. [ Picture on page 24] I explained to my customers and smugglers that I was studying the Bible and that I had left the drug trade. (Prečítajte Príslovia 4: 23; Jakuba 1: 14, 15.) Bible Principles at Work (Read Proverbs 4: 23; James 1: 14, 15.) No on namiesto toho povedal: "Nie, skôr sú šťastní tí, čo počujú Božie slovo a dodržiavajú ho!" 8 / 1 Instead, he said: "No, rather, happy are those hearing the word of God and keeping it! " No na rozdiel od toho, čo tvrdia kritici, tieto správy si neprotirečia. Satisfying curiosity. Contrary to what critics say, however, these reports do not contradict one another. Pozrime sa na bežné situácie a všimnime si, k akému konaniu majú niektorí ľudia sklon. Second, we see the effects of the ouster of Satan and his demons from heaven, in fulfillment of Revelation 12: 9. Let us look at common situations and see what some people tend to do. Aký príklad sebaovládania poskytol Viliam Oranžský a aký prospech z toho vyplynul? They went back home to their day - to - day lives, likely thinking that Jesus ' illustrations were no more than good stories with moral themes. What example of self - control was provided by William the Orange, and what benefit came from this? Medzi tých, ktorí zachovávajú vernosť Božiemu Kráľovstvu, patria aj kresťania s nádejou na život na zemi. Ani oni by sa nemali zapájať do konfliktov tohto sveta. A doctor may be able to recommend other treatments. Those who maintain faithfulness to God's Kingdom include Christians with the hope of life on earth, who should not be involved in this world's conflicts. Najvyšší Kybernetik Moreover, just as a natural olive tree needs extensive roots to survive a period of drought, we need to fortify our spiritual roots in order to endure trials and persecution. - Matthew 13: 21; Colossians 2: 6, 7. The Supreme Cybernetician Preto ľudia, ktorí pravidelne študujú slová múdrosti, ktoré sa nachádzajú v Biblii, a uplatňujú ich, budú medzi tými, čo porozumejú Božej vôli a zámeru. Tak budú mať osvetlenú cestu, ktorá ich v každodennom živote bezpečne povedie v dnešnej morálnej kríze. When instructions are given, it is vital that passengers move quickly and forget about their belongings. Therefore, those who regularly study and apply the words of wisdom found in the Bible will be among those who understand God's will and purpose, so they will have an illuminated path that will lead them safely in everyday life in today's moral crisis. Som presvedčený, že Jehova ma v tomto skazenom svete našiel a pomohol mi nájsť cestu z duchovnej temnoty. By any measure, for the year 1914, the "Photo - Drama " was truly a remarkable presentation. I am convinced that Jehovah has found me in this wicked world and has helped me to find a way out of spiritual darkness. Ako technik som sa mohol ujať vedenia, aby práce prebiehali bezpečne. In fulfillment of this prophetic picture, the man Jesus kept absolute integrity to Jehovah God before offering his life as the one lasting sacrifice for our sins. As a technician, I was able to take the lead in order to carry out the work safely. Počas tých rokov niekoľko misionárov muselo z Kórey odísť, napríklad zo zdravotných dôvodov. Ale my ostatní sme radi, že sme zostali. The idea of attaching jewelry to the body is hardly new. During those years, a number of missionaries had to leave Korea, for example for health reasons, but the rest of us are glad that we stayed. Rozprával tiež Sue o možnosti, že sa s ňou kvôli jej tvári rozvediem. A Christian home should be filled with " friends of peace. ' He also talked to Sue about the possibility of me divorcing her because of her face. Nový učeník sa môže veľa naučiť z príkladu druhých First Chronicles 12: 1, 2 tells of Benjamite "mighty men, the helpers in the warfare, armed with the bow, using the right hand and using the left hand with stones or with arrows in the bow. " A new disciple can learn much from others ' example Po rokoch strávených v pustatine mohli byť Izraeliti vďační za úrodnú Zasľúbenú krajinu List adapted from the book Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy, by Dr. After years in the wilderness, the Israelites could be grateful for the fertile Promised Land Raz povedal jednému duchovnému, ktorý mu odporoval: " Ak ma nechá Boh nažive, o pár rokov dokážem, že chlapec, ktorý chodí za pluhom, bude vedieť z Písiem viac než vy. " [ Maps on page 16, 17] He once told a clergyman who opposed him: " If God lets me live, a few years later I will prove that a boy who walks by plow will know more from the Scriptures than you do. ' Ak má Jehova požehnať tvoje úsilie rozšíriť službu, najskôr musíš to úsilie vynaložiť. It includes the reassuring truth that our heavenly Father, Jehovah, loves us. If Jehovah is to bless your efforts to expand the ministry, you must first put forth effort to do so. Dal som si za cieľ prestať vulgárne rozprávať a naučiť sa ovládať. He continued: "This is really God's only organization. " I made it my goal to stop talking vulgarly and learn to control myself. Nedávno bola Sirleina dobrovoľnícka práca predstavená v brazílskych novinách Jornal do Sudoeste. Though it loses its flowers and leaves during the dry season, the tree stores a supply of water. Recently, Sirle's volunteer work was presented in the Brazilian newspaper Jornal do Sudoeste. V roku 1987 sa jeho ovdovená manželka spolu s vedúcimi pracovníkmi neziskovej nadácie rozhodli, že sa zamerajú na tvár Divokého koňa. He has to be gentle when he corrects people who dispute what he says. " In 1987, his widowed wife, along with the executives of the nonprofit foundation, decided to focus on the face of the Wild Horse. Spolupracovali na písaní tohto jedného verša dvaja pisatelia? I ran to my room and prayed: " Jehovah, don't let this happen. Did two writers cooperate in writing this one verse? Pomocou materiálu, ktorý máš k dispozícii, skús zistiť niečo bližšie o vyjadrení "dokážem, že som tým, čím dokážem, že som." Some years after Jesus ' death, Paul and Silas were thrown into prison in Philippi. Using the material at your disposal, try to find out a little bit more about the expression "I can prove myself to be what I can prove to be. " Ako nás potešilo, keď sme ho dostali! It is ironic that this now famous community, which multitudes of tourists visit in motorboats, was once a place of hiding. How pleased we were when we got him! Starší ma vždy pochválil a dal mi taktné návrhy na zlepšenie. BY AWAKE! The elder always commended me and gave me tactful suggestions for improvement. Tento príbeh zapísal pravdepodobne prorok Samuel v roku 1090 pred n. l. But the experiences of God's servants also confirm the truth of God's Word that Jehovah comforts and sustains his people in their time of need and also guarantees a fine future in his new world, where such calamities will be a thing of the past. This story was likely written by the prophet Samuel in 1090 B.C.E. Aké poučenie si môžeme vziať zo skúsenosti Nikodéma? In fact, in the early 1800 ' s, lumps of spruce resin came to be the first commercial chewing gum marketed in the United States. What lesson can we learn from the experience of Nicodemus? Encyclopædia Britannica vysvetľuje: "Pôvodne bolo cieľom týchto rituálov zaistiť hojnosť úrody a v širšom zmysle aj plodnosť dobytka a ľudí. Vo väčšine prípadov však tieto sviatky postupne stratili takýto význam a prežili len ako ľudové slávnosti. " That was in the village of Namkumba, near the city of Lilongwe, in the country that is now Malawi. The Encyclopædia Britannica explains: "The goal of these rituals was to ensure the abundance of crops and, in a broad sense, the fertility of cattle and humans, but in most cases these festivals gradually lost such meaning and survived only as folk festivals. " [ Obrázok na strane 24] He is calling Elijah. " [ Picture on page 24] Niektoré praktické biblické zásady But should we not handle such matters in a more responsible way? Some Practical Bible Principles " Nepracujte pre pominuteľný pokrm " (D. 16, 17. (a) What forms did corruption take in Christendom? " Do Not Work for Passover Food " (D. Uspokojenie zvedavosti. I am so grateful that those two weeks have stretched to more than 50 years and that Jehovah God guided my steps to such a purposeful way of life. Satisfying curiosity. Po druhé, vidíme následky zvrhnutia Satana a jeho démonov z neba, čím sa spĺňa Zjavenie 12: 9. To whom do parents look for help in raising their children, and what have been the results for many? Second, we see the consequences of the overthrow of Satan and his demons from heaven, fulfilling Revelation 12: 9. Vrátili sa domov k svojmu každodennému životu a pravdepodobne si mysleli, že Ježišove podobenstvá sú iba peknými príbehmi na mravoučné témy. An entirely new world soon They returned home to their daily lives and likely thought that Jesus ' illustrations were merely fine stories for moral subjects. Astma je zložité ochorenie. Of course, being truthful does not mean that we are obligated to divulge all information to anyone who asks it of us. Asthma is a complex disease. Navyše, tak ako doslovný olivovník potrebuje rozsiahly koreňový systém, aby prežil obdobie sucha, my potrebujeme posilniť naše duchovné korene, aby sme vytrvali v skúškach a prenasledovaní. - Matúš 13: 21; Kolosanom 2: 6, 7. " On the weekend it seems as though everyone in the entire world is having fun except me. " - Renee. Moreover, just as a literal olive tree needs an extensive root system to survive the dry season, we need to strengthen our spiritual roots to endure trials and persecution. - Matthew 13: 21; Colossians 2: 6, 7. Keď sú dávané pokyny, je životne dôležité, aby cestujúci konali rýchlo a zabudli na svoje hmotné veci. Yes, "Jehovah... would do no unrighteousness. When instructions are given, it is vital that passengers act quickly and forget their material things. " Fotodráma "bola nepochybne tým najlepším majstrovským dielom, ktoré uzrelo svetlo sveta v roku 1914. What encourages us to be active now in Jehovah's service? The "photodrama " was undoubtedly the best masterpiece to see the light of the world in 1914. Človek Ježiš naplnil tento prorocký obraz, keď si zachoval úplnú rýdzosť pred Jehovom Bohom, skôr než obetoval svoj život ako jednu trvalú obeť za naše hriechy. One is the cardiac muscle, which pumps the heart. Man Jesus fulfilled this prophetic image by keeping complete integrity to Jehovah God before sacrificing his life as one permanent sacrifice for our sins. Myšlienka pripevňovania šperkov na telo vôbec nie je nová. The U.S. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe wrote President Shevardnadze concerning the attacks on Jehovah's Witnesses: "The latest events are genuinely alarming and raise fears that the situation in Georgia is getting out of hand. The idea of attaching jewelry to the body is not new at all. Kresťanský dom by mal byť plný, priateľov pokoja ." After a few months, the grower removes the seedlings from the flask and places them close together in a community pot. The Christian house should be full of " friends of peace. ' Prvá kniha Paralipomenon 12: 1, 2 o Benjamincoch hovorí, že boli "mocnými mužmi, pomocníkmi vo vedení vojny, ozbrojení lukom, používajúci pravicu a používajúci ľavicu s kameňmi alebo šípmi na luku." Everywhere, all manners would be impeccable! The first book of Chronicles 12: 1, 2 says of the Benjaminites that they were "powerful men, helpers in the conduct of war, armed with the bow, using the right hand and using the left with stones or arrows upon the bow. " Zoznam bol spracovaný podľa knihy Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy od Dr. Why, the Lamb, Jesus Christ, is worthy to do so! The list was compiled according to the book Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy by Dr. [ Mapy na stranách 16, 17] As God's Agent, he will fulfill the promise: "[God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. [ Maps on page 16, 17] Hovoríme utešujúcu pravdu o tom, že náš nebeský Otec, Jehova, nás miluje. In addition, the Bible can help you to cultivate good habits. We speak the comforting truth that our heavenly Father, Jehovah, loves us. A dodal: "Toto je nazaj jediná Božia organizácia." For a consideration of their plight, please see the series of articles entitled "Refugees - Will They Ever Find a Home? " He added: "This is really the only organization of God. " Oxana spomína: "Keď sme si pozreli tú mapu, ešte viac sme si uvedomili, ako naliehavo sú tam potrební zvestovatelia Kráľovstva. JEHOVAH has established the orderly sequence that the apostle Paul mentioned when he wrote that "the head of every man is the Christ " and" the head of the Christ is God. " Oxana recalls: "When we looked at the map, we became even more aware of the urgent need for Kingdom publishers there. Hoci v období sucha stráca kvety a listy, uchováva si zásobu vody. At last, the Revelation vision of the Christian apostle John started to become a reality, and the announcement could be made: "The kingdom of the world did become the kingdom of our Lord [Jehovah] and of his Christ, and he [Jehovah] will rule as king forever and ever. " Although it loses flowers and leaves during the dry season, it retains its water supply. Tých, čo odporujú, má mierne karhať. " What flies without wings, hits without hands, and sees without eyes? - A riddle about white dragons told since the Middle Ages. Those who oppose should be gently reproved. " Ja som utekala do svojej izby a modlila som sa: " Jehova, nedovoľ, aby sa to stalo. Paul says that they should start by examining their attitude. I ran into my room and prayed: " Jehovah, do not let this happen. Niekoľko rokov po Ježišovej smrti boli Pavol a Sílas uvrhnutí do väznice vo Filipi. When you ask their permission to do something, they ask themselves if they can grant the request and then live with the consequences. Some years after Jesus ' death, Paul and Silas were thrown into a prison in Philippi. Je iróniou, že táto dnes vychýrená dedina, ktorú navštevuje množstvo turistov na motorových člnoch, bola kedysi úkrytom. [ Pictures on page 17] Ironically, this well - known village, visited by many tourists on motorboats, was once a hiding place. OD DOPISOVATEĽA PREBUĎTE SA! It is here that the holy spirit can intercede for us. BY AWAKE! Ale skúsenosti Božích služobníkov tiež potvrdzujú pravdu Božieho slova, že Jehova utešuje a podporuje svoj ľud v čase núdze a zaručuje tiež radostnú budúcnosť v novom svete, kde takéto nešťastia budú minulosťou. Far from being just ancient history, Jerusalem's tribulation foreshadowed aspects of a greater tribulation soon to engulf the entire world. But the experience of God's servants also confirms the truth of God's Word that Jehovah comforts and supports his people in times of need and also guarantees a happy future in a new world where such calamities will be a thing of the past. Na začiatku 19. storočia sa smreková živica stala prvou komerčnou žuvačkou predávanou v Spojených štátoch. Then dishonor will come; but wisdom is with the modest ones. " At the beginning of the 19th century, spruce gum became the first commercial chewing gum sold in the United States. Členovia mojej rodiny už v tom čase slúžili Jehovovi. They obviously react to the traditional music that forms an integral part of the show, and they seem to react to the applause of the public. " Members of my family were already serving Jehovah at that time. Volá Eliáša. " [ 2] (paragraph 9) Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education, pp. 62 - 64, has excellent suggestions on how to converse with people in the field ministry. It calls for Elijah. " Ale nemali by sme k tejto veci pristupovať zodpovednejšie? Moreover, the joy of the Master as newly enthroned King of God's Kingdom surpasses our imagination. But should we not approach this matter more responsibly? 17. a) Aké formy nadobudla skazenosť v takzvanom kresťanstve? Paul explained this clearly in one of his inspired letters: "Reckon yourselves to be dead indeed with reference to sin but living with reference to God by Christ Jesus. " 17. (a) What forms did wickedness take in Christendom? Som taká vďačná, že tie dva týždne sa predĺžili na vyše 50 rokov a že Jehova Boh viedol moje kroky k takému zmysluplnému spôsobu života. The history of the thousand years following King Solomon's reign is silent about Tadmor. I am so grateful that those two weeks have extended to over 50 years and that Jehovah God has led my steps to such a meaningful way of life. Na koho sa rodičia obracajú o pomoc pri výchove svojich detí a k čomu to u mnohých vedie? They will tell you that God's name is Jehovah and that "the church " is not a stone building but is made up of people. To whom do parents turn for help in raising their children, and with what result in many? Onedlho tu bude celkom nový svet Supporting this conclusion, Aboriginal journalist Galarrwuy Yunupingu stated: "Very few white people have ever tried to learn our language, and English is incapable of describing our relationship to the land of our ancestors. " Soon there will be a whole new world Samozrejme, byť pravdovravný neznamená, že sme povinní rozhlásiť každú informáciu komukoľvek, kto nás o ňu požiada. Organizing the Preaching Work Of course, being truthful does not mean that we are obliged to disclose any information to anyone who asks for it. " Zdá sa mi, akoby sa cez víkend bavil celý svet okrem mňa. " - Renee. His grief will not be boundless. " It seems to me like the whole world is having fun this weekend except for me. " - Renee. Nie, "Jehova... nekonal žiadnu nespravodlivosť. " We had believed that about one in four smokers are killed by their habit, " said Dr. No, "Jehovah... did not practice any injustice. Čo nás povzbudzuje, aby sme boli teraz činní v Jehovovej službe? This will keep us from putting our trust in the things the world hopes in. - Proverbs 20: 22; 1 Timothy 6: 17. What encourages us to be active in Jehovah's service now? Prvým je srdcový sval, ktorý zaisťuje sťahy srdca. He even violated his father's concubines. The first is the heart muscle, which ensures the contractions of the heart. V súvislosti s útokmi na Jehovových svedkov napísala Americká komisia pre bezpečnosť a spoluprácu v Európe prezidentovi Ševardnadzemu: "Nedávne udalosti sú skutočne alarmujúce a vzbudzujú obavy, že situácia v Gruzínsku sa vymyká spod kontroly. Along with their traditional art of flower arrangement and tea ceremony, kimono dressing is said to embody the qualities of beauty, love, courtesy, and harmony in everyday life. In connection with the attacks on Jehovah's Witnesses, the U.S. Commission for Security and Cooperation in Europe wrote President Shevardnadzem: "Recent events are really alarming and cause concern that the situation in Georgia is out of control. O akých väzňoch hovoríme? When dealing with family members, instead of speaking harshly or engaging in derogatory name - calling, we can endeavor to express our feelings calmly. What prisoners are we talking about? Po niekoľkých mesiacoch pestovateľ vyberie semenáčiky z fľaše a zasadí ich do kvetináča, tesne vedľa seba. How can we apply this counsel? After a few months, the grower removes the seedlings from the bottle and plants them in a flowerpot, next to each other. Každé správanie by bolo všade bezchybné. Because the slave began serving spiritual food back in the first century, and according to Jesus, the slave would still be doing so when the Master arrived in 1914. Any behavior would be flawless everywhere. Baránok, Ježiš Kristus, je hoden to urobiť! Hence, may none of us be "the sort that shrink back to destruction. " The Lamb, Jesus Christ, is worthy to do this! Ako Boží Sprostredkovateľ splní sľub: " Boh im zotrie každú slzu z očí a smrti už viac nebude a nebude už viac ani smútku, ani kriku, ani bolesti. This heavenly Kingdom, or government, will soon take action to bring about global peace under righteous rule. - 2 Peter 3: 13. As God's Mediator, he will fulfill the promise: " God will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. Okrem toho, Biblia vám môže pomôcť rozvíjať si dobré zvyky. Jeshua in Ezra and other Bible books. Moreover, the Bible can help you to develop good habits. O ich zúfalej situácii sa píše v sérii článkov s názvom "Utečenci - nájdu niekedy domov?," ktorá vyšla v Prebuďte sa! Again and again, meetings of world leaders have focused on the subject. Their distressed situation is mentioned in the series "The Refugees - Will They Ever Find a Home?, " published in Awake! JEHOVA usporiadal vzťahy tak, ako to uviedol apoštol Pavol, keď napísal, že "hlavou každého muža je Kristus" a "hlavou Krista je zase Boh." Our heavenly Father is the God of peace, and we are given the assurance: "Jehovah himself will bless his people with peace. " JEHOVAH arranged relationships, as the apostle Paul stated, when he wrote that "the head of every man is the Christ, " and" the head of the Christ is God. " Videnie zo Zjavenia, ktoré mal kresťanský apoštol Ján, sa konečne začalo uskutočňovať a mohlo sa oznámiť: "Kráľovstvo sveta sa stalo kráľovstvom nášho Pána [Jehovu] a jeho Krista a [Jehova] bude vládnuť ako kráľ po celú večnosť." Recombivax - HB The vision of Revelation, held by the Christian apostle John, finally began and could be announced: "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord [Jehovah] and of his Christ, and [Jehovah] will rule as king forever and ever. " Nemá krídla a lieta to, nemá ruky a udiera to, nemá oči a vidí to. Čo je to? - Hádanka o bielych drakoch známa od stredoveku. Many others, though, were good examples. It doesn't have wings and it flies, it doesn't have arms and it hits, it doesn't have eyes and it sees it. Pavol hovorí, že by mali najskôr preskúmať svoj postoj. Yet, we can have absolute trust in what the Bible teaches about God. Paul says that they should first examine their attitude. Keď sa ich pýtaš, či môžeš niečo robiť, v prvom rade kladú sami sebe otázku, či ti môžu vyhovieť a či potom dokážu žiť s následkami toho, čo to prinesie. Says industrial engineer Barbara León, who spearheaded the project: "The most important thing is that no artificial tanner such as chromium is ever used. When you ask them if you can do something, they ask themselves first whether they can please you and then whether they can live with the consequences of what it will bring. [ Obrázky na strane 17] Similarly, no longer would there be a Christmas tree. It would be a New Year's tree! [ Pictures on page 17] V takom prípade sa za nás môže prihovárať svätý duch. The priest said: "They were all so stupid that they gave the same answer: " The good news of the Kingdom. ' " In such a case, holy spirit can intercede for us. Súženie Jeruzalema nie je len starovekou históriou, ale je predobrazom väčšieho súženia, ktoré onedlho zachváti celú zem. What aspect of the new personality greatly contributes to our unity? Jerusalem's tribulation is not just an ancient history but a foreshadow of the greater tribulation that will soon sweep the entire earth. Potom príde potupa; ale múdrosť je u skromných. " Either the miracle of the resurrection of Jesus was true or it was not! Then dishonor will come; but wisdom is with the modest ones. " Zjavne reagujú na tradičnú hudbu, ktorá neodmysliteľne patrí k predstaveniu, a zdá sa, že reagujú aj na potlesk publika. " I dried my eyes, and never were they able to get me to shed tears again. Evidently, they respond to traditional music, which is inherent in the performance, and they seem to respond to the applause of the audience. " [ 2] (odsek 9) Kniha Maj úžitok z teokratickej školy kazateľskej služby obsahuje na stranách 62 - 64 vynikajúce rady, ako sa rozprávať s ľuďmi v službe. THOSE words come down to us from antiquity, centuries before the time of Christ. [ 2] (paragraph 9) The book Benefit From the Theocratic Ministry School contains fine counsel on how to talk to people in the ministry on pages 62 - 64. Túto radosť Pána, ktorý krátko predtým zasadol na kráľovský trón v Božom Kráľovstve, si nedokážeme ani predstaviť. Love moves us to be kind, compassionate, forgiving, long - suffering and not jealous, boastful, arrogant, or selfish. This joy of the Lord, who had recently sat on the royal throne in God's Kingdom, cannot be imagined. Pavol to jasne vysvetlil v jednom zo svojich inšpirovaných listov: "Považujte sa za mŕtvych pre hriech, ale za živých pre Boha prostredníctvom Krista Ježiša." Some 200 countries support regulations of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species that make it illegal to hunt jaguars for commercial purposes. Paul made this clear in one of his inspired letters: "Consider yourselves dead because of sin, but as alive because of God through Christ Jesus. " Po skončení vlády kráľa Šalamúna dejiny o meste Tadmor tisíc rokov mlčia. On the other hand, I might switch back to my amazingly cheerful self, as if nothing had ever happened. " After King Solomon's reign, his history of Tadmor has been silent for a thousand years. Povedia vám, že Božie meno je Jehova a že "cirkev" nie je kostol postavený z kameňa, ale tvoria ju ľudia. This very question is the title of a 32 - page brochure that provides powerful evidence that such a world will be realized. They will tell you that God's name is Jehovah and that the "church " is not a church made of stone, but is made up of men. Domorodý novinár Galarrwuy Yunupingu podporil tento záver vyhlásením: "Iba veľmi málo belochov sa pokúsilo naučiť sa náš jazyk a angličtina nedokáže opísať náš vzťah ku krajine našich predkov." Should this not encourage us to move ahead in our ministry, not getting sidetracked by everyday concerns? A native journalist, Galarrwuy Yunuping, supported this conclusion by saying: "Only very few white people have tried to learn our language, and English cannot describe our relationship with the country of our ancestors. " Organizovanie kazateľského diela Dog. Organizing the Preaching Work Jeho žiaľ nebude neohraničený. Be Guided by the Spirit His grief will not be unlimited. " Domnievali sme sa, že zvyk fajčiť zabíja asi každého štvrtého fajčiara, "povedal Dr. As astronomer Otto Wöhrbach wrote in the German newspaper Nürnberger Nachrichten: "There is hardly a natural scientist who would not say yes if asked if there was extraterrestrial life. " " We thought the habit of smoking killed about one in four smokers, " said Dr. To nám zabráni vkladať dôveru v to, v čo dúfa svet. - Príslovia 20: 22; 1. Timotejovi 6: 17. " The Most Beautiful Forest Dweller " This will prevent us from putting our trust in what the world hopes. - Proverbs 20: 22; 1 Timothy 6: 17. Dokonca zneuctil otcove konkubíny. Today, there are countless experts and specialists ready to offer advice on relationships, love, family life, conflict resolution, happiness, and even the very meaning of life. He even dishonored his father's concubines. Spolu s tradičným umením aranžovania kvetov a čajovou ceremóniou oblečenie kimona vyjadruje hodnoty ako je krása, láska, zdvorilosť a harmónia každodenného života. What is more, the wind that makes the turbine spin tends to mask the noise. Along with the traditional art of flower arrangement and tea ceremony, kimono clothes express values such as beauty, love, courtesy and harmony of everyday life. Pri zaobchádzaní s členmi rodiny by sme sa nemali vyjadrovať drsne a ani by sme nemali používať znevažujúce nadávky. Namiesto toho by sme sa mali usilovať vyjadrovať svoje pocity pokojným spôsobom. King David of ancient Israel composed the 103rd Psalm 103. We should not express ourselves harshly when dealing with family members, nor should we use disparaging swearing; instead, we should strive to express our feelings in a calm manner. Ako môžeme uplatniť túto radu? Cheetahs How can we apply this counsel? Lebo otrok začal podávať duchovný pokrm v prvom storočí a podľa Ježiša v tom mal pokračovať ešte aj pri Pánovom príchode v roku 1914. Circumcision was not among the "necessary things, " which include" abstaining from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication. " Because the slave began serving spiritual food in the first century, and according to Jesus, he would continue to do so at the Lord's coming in 1914. Preto kiež nikto z nás nie je, taký, čo sa odťahuje na zničenie ." B., Italy Therefore, may none of us be "the one drawing away to destruction. " Toto nebeské Kráľovstvo je spravodlivá vláda, ktorá čoskoro zasiahne, aby nastolila celosvetový mier. - 2. Petra 3: 13. Today, both spirit - anointed ones and those of the "other sheep " feed together spiritually, assimilating these same truths. This heavenly Kingdom is a righteous government that will soon intervene to bring about global peace. - 2 Peter 3: 13. V Ezdrášovi a v iných biblických knihách sa nazýva Ješua. I had learned the value of speaking honestly and openly to Jehovah in prayer. Ezra and other Bible books call it Jeshua. Opakovane bola témou stretnutí svetových vodcov. Though there may be legitimate uses for this medium, are there any dangers? It has repeatedly been the subject of meetings of world leaders. Náš nebeský Otec je Bohom pokoja a my dostávame uistenie, že "sám Jehova požehná svoj ľud pokojom." The next day, the king demanded the resignation of Archbishop Prokopios, and two days later the whole Cabinet stepped down. Our heavenly Father is a God of peace, and we are assured that "Jehovah himself will bless his people with peace. " Recombivax - HB Miraculously, in time Jehovah richly rewarded them with the birth of a son in their old age. - Luke 1: 8 - 14. Recombivax - HB Mnohí iní však dali dobrý príklad. The area was affluent, and crime was uncommon. Many others, however, set a good example. Môžeme však úplne dôverovať tomu, čo o Bohu učí Biblia. You will make your parents happy, and Jehovah will love you too. However, we can fully trust what the Bible teaches about God. Priemyselná inžinierka Barbara Leónová, ktorá razí cestu tomuto projektu, hovorí: "Najdôležitejšie je nikdy nepoužiť žiadne umelé činidlo, ako napríklad chróm. Jesus recognized his heavenly Father as "the only true God, " and Jehovah himself clearly told his worshippers that they should" not have any other gods " besides him. " The most important thing is never to use any artificial agent, such as chromium, " says industrial engineer Barbara León. Rovnako to malo byť aj so stromčekom - už to nemal byť vianočný, ale novoročný stromček! Until recently, even many health professionals believed that TB had been conquered in the developed world. It should have been the same with a tree - no longer a Christmas tree, but a New Year's tree! Kňaz povedal: "Všetci boli takí hlúpi, že odpovedali rovnako:, Dobré posolstvo o Kráľovstve. "" Happy is the able - bodied man that has filled his quiver with them. " - Psalm 127: 3 - 5. The priest said: "They were all so stupid that they answered the same way: " The good news of the Kingdom. ' " Ktorá stránka novej osobnosti veľmi prispieva k tomu, že sme jednotní? After this we were called to a meeting where we met the oba, or paramount chief, along with other prominent people of the town. What aspect of the new personality contributes greatly to being united? Buď Ježiš bol zázračne vzkriesený, alebo nie! Place your hope and confidence in God's new world so near at hand. Either Jesus was miraculously resurrected or not! Utrela som si oči a už ma nikdy viac nevideli prelievať slzy. Timothy became well - known to the Christian elders in his own congregation and to those in Iconium, some 20 miles [30 km] away. I wiped my eyes and never saw me shed tears again. TIE slová sa nám dochovali zo staroveku, z čias stáročia pred Kristom. If so, do not hesitate to ask one of Jehovah's Witnesses. THE words were preserved from ancient times, centuries before Christ. Láska nás vedie k tomu, aby sme boli láskaví, súcitní, zhovievaví a ochotní odpustiť a nie aby sme boli žiarliví, vystatovační, arogantní či sebeckí. Jehovah lovingly warns us about negative influences that could cause us to veer off the road that leads to everlasting life. Love moves us to be kind, compassionate, long - suffering, and forgiving rather than jealous, boastful, arrogant, or selfish. Asi 200 krajín súhlasilo s obmedzeniami Dohovoru o medzinárodnom obchode s ohrozenými druhmi, ktorý postavil mimo zákona lov jaguára na komerčné účely. Counterfeits That Can Kill About 200 countries agreed to the limitations of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, which outlawed the hunting of a jaguar for commercial purposes. No niekedy som sa zrazu opäť zmenila na tú veselú a energickú osobu ako predtým, akoby sa nič nebolo stalo. " And history backs you up in thinking so. But sometimes I suddenly turned again into that cheerful and energetic person as before, as if nothing had happened. " Práve táto otázka je v názve 32 - stranovej brožúry, ktorá poskytuje silné dôkazy, že taký svet nastane. Sufficient for each day is its own badness. " This very question is in the title of the 32 - page brochure, which provides strong evidence that such a world will occur. Nemalo by nás to povzbudzovať, aby sme ďalej vykonávali svoju službu a nedali sa od nej odviesť každodennými starosťami? Once a man and woman promise to marry each other, they are considered engaged. Should this not encourage us to carry on our ministry and not be distracted from it by day - to - day concerns? Pes. The area is magnificent, and we get to see the animals in their natural habitat and get to meet Aka Pygmies, * who still lead a traditional life. Dog. Buďte vedení duchom If Lent is in imitation of Jesus ' fasting in the wilderness after his baptism, why is it observed during the weeks leading up to Easter - supposedly the time of his resurrection? Be Guided by the Spirit Astronóm Otto Wöhrbach napísal do časopisu Nürnberger Nachrichten: "Sotva sa nájde prírodovedec, ktorý by nepovedal áno na otázku, či existuje mimozemský život." Jesus also accepted the ministration of women as he traveled through the land. Astronomer Otto Wöhrbach wrote in Nürnberger Nachrichten: "There is hardly a naturalist who would not say yes to the question of whether there is an extraterrestrial life. " " Najkrajšia obyvateľka lesa " 68: 11. The women declaring the good news truly are "a large army " (See paragraphs 18, 19) " The Most Beautiful Forest Resident " Dnes je nespočetné množstvo odborníkov a špecialistov ochotných poradiť nám v otázke vzťahov, lásky, rodinného života, riešenia problémov či v tom, ako byť šťastný a dokonca ako nájsť zmysel života. Rather, it merely says that he was taken into Jerusalem. Today, countless experts and specialists are willing to advise us on relationships, love, family life, problem solving, or how to be happy and even how to find a purpose in life. Ba čo viac, vietor, ktorý turbínu roztáča, má tendenciu prekryť tento hluk. Barbara's] father is said to have shut her up in a tower and then to have killed her for being a Christian. What's more, the wind that spins the turbine tends to mask this noise. Stotretí žalm zložil Dávid, kráľ starovekého Izraela. Because sexual daydreams are generally so arousing, we probably remember them more often than other daydreams. " The centennial psalm was composed by David, King of ancient Israel. Gepardy Yes, unlike the animal creation, humans need more than material sustenance. Gepards Obriezka nebola spomenutá medzi " nevyhnutným ," k čomu patrilo, aby sa "zdržiavali obetovaného modlám, krvi, zaduseného a smilstva." The circumcision was not mentioned among "the necessities, " which included" abstaining from sacrificing idols, blood, asphyxiated, and fornication. " B., Taliansko B., Italy Dnes sa kresťania pomazaní duchom a "iné ovce" spoločne duchovne sýtia a prijímajú tie isté pravdy. Today, spirit - anointed Christians and the "other sheep " feed together spiritually and accept the same truths. Potvrdilo sa mi, aké dôležité je hovoriť s Jehovom v modlitbe čestne a otvorene. I was confirmed how important it was to speak honestly and openly to Jehovah in prayer. Hoci sú opodstatnené dôvody na používanie tohto média, existujú nejaké nebezpečenstvá? Although there are valid reasons for using this medium, are there any dangers? Nasledujúci deň kráľ požiadal arcibiskupa Prokopiosa, aby sa vzdal úradu, a o dva dni celá vláda odstúpila. The next day, the king asked Archbishop Prokopios to resign, and two days later the entire government resigned. Časom ich Jehova bohato odmenil, keď zázračne spôsobil, aby sa im v starobe narodil syn. In time, Jehovah richly rewarded them when he miraculously caused them to have a son born in their old age. Moji rodičia boli katolíci a aj mňa viedli k tomuto náboženstvu. My parents were Catholics, and they led me to that religion. Ak budeš poslušný a verný Jehovovi tak ako Jeftova dcéra, budeš mať aj ty dobrých priateľov. Like Jephthah's daughter, you will have good friends if you are obedient and faithful to Jehovah. Ježiš o svojom nebeskom Otcovi hovoril ako o "jedinom pravom Bohu" a sám Jehova jasne povedal svojim ctiteľom, že okrem neho " nebudú mať nijakých bohov ." Jesus spoke of his heavenly Father as "the only true God, " and Jehovah himself made it clear to his worshipers that they would" have no gods " besides him. Veď ešte donedávna aj mnohí zdravotnícki odborníci verili, že tbc už v rozvinutom svete premohli. Until recently, many medical experts believed that TB had already conquered the developed world. Šťastný je ten telesne schopný muž, ktorý nimi naplnil tulec. " - Žalm 127: 3 - 5. Happy is the able - bodied man that filled the quiver with them. " - Psalm 127: 3 - 5. Potom sme boli predvolaní na schôdzku, kde sme sa stretli s obom čiže s najvyšším náčelníkom spolu s ďalšími významnými ľuďmi mesta. Then we were summoned to a meeting, where we met both of us, or the chieftain, along with other prominent people in the city. Vložte svoju nádej a dôveru do Božieho nového sveta, ktorý je tak blízko. Put your hope and trust in God's new world that is so near. Timoteja dobre poznali kresťanskí starší v jeho zbore i v zbore v Ikóniu vzdialenom asi 30 kilometrov. Timothy was well - known to Christian elders in his congregation and in the congregation in Iconium, some 30 miles [30 km] away. Ak je to tak, neváhajte sa na to opýtať ktoréhokoľvek Jehovovho svedka. If so, do not hesitate to ask any of Jehovah's Witnesses. Jehova nás láskavo varuje pred negatívnymi vplyvmi, ktoré by nás mohli odviesť z cesty vedúcej k večnému životu. Jehovah kindly warns us of negative influences that could lead us off the road to everlasting life. Falšovanie, ktoré môže usmrtiť Counterfeiting That Can Kill A história to len potvrdzuje. And history only confirms that. Každý deň má dosť svojho vlastného zla. " Each day has enough of its own evil. " Keď si muž a žena sľúbia, že uzavrú manželstvo, sú považovaní za zasnúbených. When a man and a woman promise to marry, they are considered engaged. Videli sme tu zvieratá v ich prirodzenom prostredí a spoznali sme Pygmejov Aka *, ktorí dodnes vedú tradičný spôsob života. We have seen animals in their natural habitat and we have come to know the Pygmies of Aka *, who are still leading the traditional way of life. Ak má byť Veľký pôst napodobnením Ježišovho pôstu na pustatine po jeho krste, prečo sa potom dodržiava v týždňoch pred Veľkou nocou - teda pred údajným časom jeho vzkriesenia? If the Great Fast is to be an imitation of Jesus ' fasting in the wilderness after his baptism, then why is it observed in the weeks before Easter - that is, before the supposed time of his resurrection? Ježiš prijímal tiež službu od žien, keď cestoval po krajine. Jesus also accepted the ministry from women as he traveled the country. Žien zvestujúcich dobré posolstvo je naozaj "veľké vojsko" (Pozri 18. a 19. odsek.) Indeed, the women preaching the good news are "a great army " (See paragraphs 18, 19) Jednoducho sa v nej uvádza, že Ježiš bol vzatý do Jeruzalema. It simply states that Jesus was taken to Jerusalem. Zasiahol ho blesk a pre túto analógiu sa svätá Barbora stala patrónkou výrobcov a používateľov strelných zbraní a výbušnín. " He was struck by lightning, and because of this analogy, Saint Barbora became the patron saint of manufacturers and users of firearms and explosives. " Keďže sexuálne sny sú všeobecne vzrušujúce, pravdepodobne si ich častejšie zapamätáme ako ostatné sny. " Since sexual dreams are generally exciting, we are likely to remember them more often than other dreams. " Áno, na rozdiel od živočíšneho tvorstva človek potrebuje viac ako len telesný pokrm. Yes, unlike animal creation, man needs more than physical food.